Redshift drift in a universe with structure II: Light rays propagated through a Newtonian N-body simulation
[ "S. M. Koksbang" ]
[ "astro-ph.CO" ]
koksbang@cp3.sdu.dk CP^3-Origins, University of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark The redshift drift is computed along light rays propagating through a simulated universe based on the Newtonian N-body simulation code GADGET-2 combined with a perturbed Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker metric in the Newtonian gauge. It is found that the mean redshift drift is equal to the drift of the mean redshift to the precision of the numerical computations and that this is due to a high degree of cancellation between two dominant components of the redshift drift. This result is contrary to earlier findings based on inhomogeneous cosmological models exhibiting cosmic backreaction. For simplicity, the results neglect contributions from optical drift. Based on a study of the redshift drift in a Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi model, the optical drift effects are estimated to be at most of order 10% of the redshift drift signal. In addition, it is found that the redshift drift contribution from peculiar acceleration of the emitter is negligible in the simulation setup. However, it is expected that the contribution from peculiar acceleration of the emitter is suppressed in the setup due to low resolution of structures and it is hence expected that this contribution will be larger for real observations. Redshift drift in a universe with structure II: Light rays propagated through a Newtonian N-body simulation Sofie Marie Koksbang March 30, 2023 =========================================================================================================== § INTRODUCTION Obtaining new observational data is key for understanding the reason(s) behind the discrepancies between the standard ΛCDM model and various observational data sets, discussed in e.g. <cit.>. Such new data should not only include more of the same types of data that we already have, but also new types of observations. A prime example of a “new” type of observable is the redshift drift, i.e. the change of a source's redshift in time. Redshift drift measurements were envisioned already in 1962 in <cit.>. In the former of these, it was concluded that it would require at the order of 10^7 years of observation time for the signal to be large enough for detection. With today's technology, it is instead estimated that the measurements may be feasible within only a few decades <cit.>, although it will not be an easy achievement. The possibility of actually measuring the redshift drift within our lifetime has spurred a significant amount of research into redshift drift in recent years. The redshift drift has for instance been studied in various homogeneous and isotropic cosmological models such as in <cit.> but also in less standard scenarios with e.g. modified gravity theories <cit.> and with a varying speed of light <cit.>. In addition, the redshift drift has been considered in a variety of different inhomogeneous and/or anisotropic models such as in Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi <cit.>, Szekeres <cit.>, Stephani <cit.>, Bianchi I <cit.>, perturbative, <cit.> and Einstein-Strauss models <cit.>, and has been utilized to develop different cosmological tests <cit.> (see e.g. <cit.> regarding a correction of the first of these). The redshift drift is a particularly interesting observable because it within the Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) cosmologies is given by δ z = δ t_0[(1+z)H_0-H(z) ] = (1+z)[a_,t(t_0) - a_,t(t_e) ] , where δ t_0 is the time interval and t_e is the emission time. Clearly, if H_0 is known by other means, the redshift drift yields a direct measurement of the expansion rate of the FLRW universe. A direct measurement of H(z) is important in its own right since today's observables only indirectly teach us about the expansion rate of the Universe. However, the importance of measuring the redshift drift becomes even more clear when noticing that the sign of the redshift drift can become positive only if the expansion rate has accelerating periods. This is clear for the FLRW models as seen by equation <ref> but an important follow-up question is to what extent this extrapolates to other cosmological models. It was in <cit.> shown that the redshift drift in a model universe with average accelerated expansion generated by cosmic backreaction <cit.> was negative. In other words, it was shown that the observed redshift drift in the model was negative despite structures leading to apparent accelerated expansion and based on that it was in <cit.> conjectured that the redshift drift in a statistically homogeneous and isotropic universe will be positive only if the Universe is undergoing local accelerated expansion due to dark energy – a conjecture that has later been supported by e.g. <cit.>. On the other hand, within the ambitious and quite complex inhomogeneous cosmological model known as timescape cosmology, the redshift drift can still be positive at low redshift <cit.> without local accelerated expansion induced by dark energy. With the expectation that redshift drift measurements are about to become feasible it is necessary to understand possible sources of measurement errors that need to be taken into account when determining the precision of the measurements. One important question in this regard is how big the structure-induced fluctuations of redshift drift signals are, assuming a standard cosmological scenario where structures are well described by e.g. Newtonian N-body simulations. The objective with the work presented here is therefore to compute the redshift drift along light rays in such a simulation to quantify the fluctuations in the measurements around the values expected based on equation <ref>. This complements earlier studies such as <cit.> which indicate that the peculiar velocities of sources have only a small impact on the observed redshift drift signal. The examples of <cit.> show that the drift of the mean redshift will not in general be equal to the mean drift of the redshift. On the other hand, the results of <cit.> show that the mean redshift drift does follow the drift of the mean redshift in LTB Swiss cheese models. These results hint towards an important question, namely whether or not we can expect the mean redshift drift to equal the drift of the mean redshift in our universe. While the answer to this question seems to e.g. depend on whether or not there is significant cosmic backreaction in the real universe, the standard cosmological description of the inhomogeneous universe is based on Newtonian N-body simulations (which are inherently backreaction free). An important step towards answering the question is therefore to study the mean redshift drift versus the drift of the mean redshift in a model universe based on a Newtonian N-body simulation. The results of such a study will also be presented here. Section <ref> below introduces the theoretical framework for computing the redshift drift in a Newtonian N-body simulation and discusses the importance of the optical drift. Numerical results from computing the redshift drift along light rays propagated through the N-body model are presented in section <ref> while section <ref> provides a summary and concluding remarks. § REDSHIFT DRIFT IN AN INHOMOGENEOUS UNIVERSE Several formalisms for computing the redshift drift in inhomogeneous cosmological models have been proposed within the previous few years <cit.>. The redshift drift will here be computed using the formalism presented in <cit.>, i.e. using the decomposition δ z = δτ_0 E_e ∫_λ_e^λ_0 d λ( -κ^μκ_μ +Σ^ O + e^μΣ^ e_μ + e^μ e^νΣ^ ee_μν + e^μκ^νΣ^ eκ_μν) , with Σ^ O := - 1/3 u^μ u^ν R_μν + 1/3D_μ a^μ + 1/3 a^μ a_μ Σ^ e_μ := - 1/3θ a_μ - a^νσ_μν + 3 a^νω_μν - h^ν_μȧ_ν Σ^ ee_μν := a_μa_ν + D_μ a_ν - u^ρ u^σ C_ρμσν - 1/2 h^α_ μ h^β_ ν R_αβ Σ^ eκμν :=2(σ_μν-ω_μν) κ^μ = h^μ_νė^ν. Quantities are defined in the usual manner with R_μν the Ricci tensor, C_ρμσν the Weyl tensor, D_μ the 3D spatial covariant derivative, h_μν projecting onto spatial hypersurfaces orthogonal to the velocity field u^μ with a corresponding acceleration a^μ. The velocity field is associated with an expansion scalar θ, vorticity ω_μν and shear σ_μν. The 4-vector e^μ is the spatial direction vector of the light ray as seen by the observer with velocity u^μ. Triangular brackets indicate the trace-free symmetric part of the spatial projection. The convention c=1 is used throughout. §.§ Comment on optical drift As discussed in <cit.>, computations of the redshift drift simplify tremendously if the optical drift (quantified by κ^μ) can be neglected (see e.g. <cit.> for a discussion on the optical drift and <cit.> for related considerations). The optical drift will therefore be neglected for the computations of the redshift drift along light rays through the N-body simulation studied here. To justify this, note that it was in <cit.> found that for Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) models <cit.> with a central void surrounded by an overdensity and with the observer placed in the FLRW region outside the double structure, the optical drift could be neglected to a relative precision of 10^-3 when computing the redshift drift. However, the observers in a Newtonian N-body simulation will in general be placed in an inhomogeneous patch of spacetime and not in an FLRW background. Thus, to further judge the significance of neglecting the optical drift, the redshift drift in the LTB model used in <cit.> is here studied with observers placed at different positions inside the void to verify that the optical drift still represents a subdominant contribution to the redshift drift. Four non-radial light rays have been studied with 3 different observers with non-radial lines of sight. Figure <ref> shows the present-day density profile of the LTB model with stars marking the positions of the observers. Two different lines of sight have been considered for the observer represented by the middle star. The density fields along the light rays are shown in figure <ref>, and in figure <ref>, the different contributions to the redshift drift are shown. Note that Σ^ eκ_μν is identically zero in the LTB spacetime and therefore not included in the plots. The figures show that even for an observer in the inhomogeneous LTB region, the terms involving the optical drift are clearly subdominant. However, for one particular observer and line of sight, the optical drift becomes as large as roughly of order 10 % based on an overall estimate along the light ray. This indicates that the optical drift cannot be expected to be entirely negligible for the simulation data. This must be kept in mind when considering the results presented further below regarding the redshift drift in the simulated model universe. It must also be kept in mind that the study presented in this section is not a thorough systematic study, but merely an initial study tentatively suggesting that the optical drift represents a sub-dominant contribution to the redshift drift along most lines of sight even if the observer is placed inside a structure. Details regarding the LTB computations and a remark on the stabilization of the effect of the optical drift around 10% can be found in appendix <ref> together with a discussion of emitter velocity. §.§ Formalism for computing the redshift drift in a Newtonian N-body simulation To apply the above formalism to simulation data from GADGET-2 <cit.>, snapshots from the simulation must be combined with a spacetime metric. According to <cit.> this can be done by introducing the perturbed line element ds^2 = -(1+2ψ)dt^2 + a^2(1-2ψ)( dx^2+dy^2+dz^2) , where ∇^2 ψ = 4π Ga^2(ρ-ρ_ bg) with ρ_ bg the background matter density of the simulation and ρ the actual local matter density. The densities are obtained by TSC (triangular shaped cloud) interpolation of the particle masses in each snapshot. The metric function ψ is then found using FFTW3[http://www.fftw.org]. Using this line element, the geodesic equation can be solved for light rays propagating through the simulation box. Quadri-linear interpolation is used to interpolate within and between snapshots. With the line element as given above, we can compute the integrand components in equation <ref>. For simplicity, the optical drift is neglected. In addition, the shear, vorticity and acceleration all vanish at background order so to first order in these quantities the integrand components reduce to Σ^O≡ - 1/3 u^μ u^ν R_μν Σ^e_μ≡ - 1/3θ a_μ Σ^ee_μν≡ - u^ρ u^σ C_ρμσν . In the last line it was also utilized that 1/2 h^α_ μ h^β_ ν R_αβ vanishes identically. The total expression for the redshift drift is thus given by the integral over just 3 terms: The projections of the Ricci tensor, R_μν, and the Weyl tensor, C_ρμσν, along the light path as well as the projection of the acceleration scaled by the expansion rate, i.e. δ z ≈ E_eδτ_0∫_t_e^t_0dt(1+2ψ)/E^(n)[-1/3u^μu^νR_μν- 1/3θ a_μ e^μ-u^ρu^σe^μe^νC_ρμσν]. Note that the energy E^(n) under the integral is computed using the velocity field normal to the spatial hypersurfaces i.e. n^μ = -(1+2ψ)∂_μt = (-(1+2ψ),0,0,0) and not the fluid velocity field[This was pointed out by Asta Heinesen.]. In practice, the difference between these two is of course very small and at first order, it only affects the background part of the Ricci term of the integrand (see e.g. <cit.> for details regarding the choice of velocity field and energy computations when integrating over the affine parameter versus over the time coordinate). This integral is computed as a finite sum on-the-fly while solving the geodesic equation for the given spacetime, observer and emitter[The issue regarding emitter velocity discussed in <cit.> is neglected here. See appendix <ref> for a justification and discussion.]. With the line element given above, the three considered terms contributing to the redshift drift are at lowest order in ψ and its derivatives given by -1/3u^μu^νR_μν = -4π G/3ρ, -θ a_μe^μ = 3H( ∂_t δ u^i + Hδ u^jδ_j^i )e_i, and -u^ρu^σe^μe^νC_ρμσν = -e^i e^j( ∂_i ∂_j ψ + Γ^γ( bg)_ijψ_,γ -4π G a^2/3( ρ-ρ_ bg)δ_ij) , where the superscripted “(bg)” on the Christoffel symbol indicates that only the background values are used. The 4-vector e^μ:=u^μ - k^μ/E is the spatial projection of the null geodesic tangent vector as seen by an observer comoving with the fluid and is to be understood as given at background order everywhere except for in the last term. δ u^μ represents the perturbation to the velocity field of the fluid which is obtained by TSC interpolation of the velocity field, v^i, from the snapshot. The full 4-velocity field is given by u^μ∝(1,v^i), with normalization according to u^μu_μ = -1. §.§ Simulation setup The simulation data was obtained by running GADGET-2 <cit.> with initial conditions generated with N-GenIC[https://wwwmpa.mpa-garching.mpg.de/gadget]. The Einstein-de Sitter (EdS) model with a reduced Hubble parameter of 0.7 was chosen as the simulation background. This choice will give slightly enhanced quantitative results compared to a ΛCDM model where only 30% of the energy content is inhomogeneous. The simulation was run with 512^3 particles in a box with side lengths 512 Mph/h and 24 snapshots in the interval roughly corresponding to z∈ [0,1] were produced. § NUMERICAL RESULTS 189 light rays were considered, all with random lines of sight and observers placed at random spatial positions (all at present time). Observation time, δ t_0, was set to 30 years. The main results are shown in figure <ref> which shows the redshift drift along the light rays compared to the redshift drift in the EdS model. The relative deviation between the mean redshift drift and the redshift drift of the EdS model (which represents the drift of the mean redshift) is of order 10^-4. Considering that the redshift drift itself is of order 10^-9, this means that the deviation is of absolute order 10^-13 which is roughly around the expected precision of the computations. Figure <ref> shows the mean and fluctuations of the individual components of the redshift drift. The acceleration term is too small to be clearly visible and is therefore shown independently in figure <ref> where it is seen that the fluctuations in the acceleration term is of order 10^-8. The mean of this term is of order 10^-10 which is several orders of magnitude below the other two terms. In relation to this, it should be noted that earlier studies <cit.> show that the full non-linear peculiar acceleration contribution to the redshift drift signal can be larger than the cosmic signal along individual light rays but that the signal should average out when considering many rays in different directions. The small contribution from the acceleration found here is presumably due to the peculiar acceleration being suppressed since it was computed from a smoothed velocity field representing large scale structures. Thus, the current study cannot meaningfully contribute to the quantification of effects from peculiar acceleration. Figure <ref> shows that the mean of the contribution from the two dominant (i.e. non-acceleration) perturbative terms cancel each other almost exactly in the mean computation, leaving only the contribution representing the background redshift drift. A similar symmetry is seen in the contours of the shaded and hatched areas indicating the fluctuations of the two components. Figure <ref> shows the redshift drift along a random light ray and supports this symmetry: It is clearly seen that the two dominant perturbative contributions cancel each other to high precision at all points along the light ray, indicating that the dominant term in equation <ref> is the term proportional to the density fluctuation. This is reminiscent of the cancellations between the shear and expansion rate fluctuations in the redshift discussed in <cit.>. Indeed, in <cit.> one can see that the redshift along light rays in the studied N-body simulation is always very close to the background redshift with a deviation of at most of order 10^-5. It is therefore not surprising that the redshift drift is also close to the background value everywhere along the light rays. However, in agreement with earlier studies <cit.>, it was in <cit.> found that the redshift along individual light rays in Swiss-cheese models based on LTB structures was also everywhere close to the background redshift, with deviations of order 10^-3. But the results of <cit.> are not that the redshift drift is always close to the background redshift drift in LTB models. To establish the relationship between these cancellation relations along light rays and their possible relation to cancellations of e.g. the terms of the kinematical backreaction <cit.>, it could be interesting to consider models of averaging along light cones such as the setups presented in <cit.>. In addition, one intriguing point with the results discussed above is the significance of the Weyl tensor and the question of under what conditions its redshift drift contribution (nearly) cancels with the contribution from the fluctuation in the Ricci tensor – more specifically, if there is a connection between the electric part of the Weyl tensor being dominated by the Ricci curvature, and other aspects of a spacetime. It may be interesting to study this more thoroughly, e.g. with inspiration from the analysis of the “quiet” spacetime presented in <cit.>. § SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The redshift drift was computed along 189 light rays through a simulated spacetime obtained with the Newtonian N-body simulation code GADGET-2 run with an Einstein-de Sitter background. It was found that the two main non-background contributions to the redshift drift cancel almost exactly along the light rays and therefore the mean redshift drift equals the drift of the mean redshift to high precision. This is contrary to earlier results based on inhomogeneous cosmological models. Specifically, it was in <cit.> found for specific models that exhibit significant cosmic backreaction that the mean redshift drift in these models deviates significantly from the drift of the mean redshift. These combined results support the work presented in <cit.> where an observational signal of cosmic backreaction was devised based on the notion that the mean redshift drift deviates from the drift of the mean redshift in a spatially statistically homogeneous and isotropic universe only if there is significant cosmic backreaction. The cancellation further means that the local fluctuations in the redshift drift along individual light rays are very modest. The results presented here thus indicate that future redshift drift measurements only will contain a small bias/error due to fluctuations from structures. While this is good news, such a conclusion is too strong based on the limits of the considered N-body simulation; the density and velocity fields of the simulation are smoothed to represent large scale structures and therefore the importance of e.g. peculiar acceleration of the emitter cannot be realistically determined from the simulation. Indeed, while the contribution to the redshift drift from peculiar acceleration was here found to be several orders of magnitude smaller than the other contributions, earlier work <cit.> indicates that the peculiar acceleration may (for some types of sources) be even larger than the cosmological contribution to the redshift drift. Presumably, this does not spoil the ambition to measure the cosmic redshift drift since the contribution from the peculiar acceleration according to these studies should become negligible upon averaging over several points of observation. It is lastly noted that the results presented here are based on inhomogeneous cosmological models with EdS backgrounds and thus the small fluctuations found here should be expected to correspond to even smaller fluctuations in the redshift drift in similar models with a ΛCDM background. The author is funded by the Carlsberg Foundation. The author thanks Asta Heinesen for pointing out an error in the original expression for the redshift drift. Some of the computations done for this project were performed on the UCloud interactive HPC system managed by the eScience Center at the University of Southern Denmark. § REDSHIFT DRIFT COMPUTATIONS IN AN LTB MODEL This appendix serves to give details regarding the LTB model studied in section <ref>. The line element of the LTB model can be written as ds^2 = -dt^2 + A_,r^2(t,r)/1-k(r)dr^2+A^2(t,r)dΩ^2. To specify the model used in <cit.> and the main text here, it is required that the LTB model has a homogeneous big bang which is most naturally ensured by setting A(t=0, r) = 0. The model is then further specified by setting k(r) = -1.3 × 10^-7 r^2( ( r/r_b)^6 - 1 )^6 , if r < r_b 0 , else . As in <cit.> r_b is chosen to be 40Mpc. Outside the region defined by r≤ r_b the model reduces to the background FLRW model which is here chosen to be the EdS model with reduced Hubble parameter of 0.7. To ensure this, A(t=t_i, r) = a_ir is fixed for an initial time t_i representing the time at which the scale factor of the EdS model is equal to a_i = 1/1100. This sets up the initial conditions used for solving the dynamical equation for A which is given by A_,t^2 = 2M/A-k, where M=M(r) is fixed by the conditions described above through the considerations presented in <cit.>. For studying light rays in the LTB model it is necessary to simultaneously solve the geodesic equations and propagation equations for the partial derivatives of the tangent vector, k^μ, d/dλ(g_αβk^β) = 1/2g_μν,αk^μk^ν d/dλk^μ_,ν = ∂/∂ x^νdk^μ/dλ - k^β_,νk^μ_,β, where the latter set of equations were presented in <cit.>. Naturally, initial conditions are needed in order to solve the above set of equations along light rays. When setting these, the expressions for the components of κ^μ will be used and are therefore shown here. By defining R:=A_,r^2/(1-k), the components can be written as κ^t = 0 κ^r = -1/k^t[ ( 1-R( k^r) ^2/( k^t) ^2)(k^r_,t +R_,t/2Rk^r ) -k^rk^θ/( k^t) ^2A^2( k^θ_,t + A_,t/Ak^θ) -k^rk^ϕ/( k^t) ^2A^2sin^2(θ)(k^ϕ_,t +A_,t/Ak^ϕ) ] κ^θ = -1/k^t[ -k^θ k^r/(k^t)^2R(k^r_,t + R_,t/2Rk^r ) + (1-(k^θ)^2/(k^t)^2A^2 )(k^θ_,t + A_,t/Ak^θ) -k^θk^ϕ/(k^t)^2A^2sin^2(θ)(k^ϕ_,t + A_,t/Ak^ϕ) ] κ^ϕ = -1/k^t[ -k^ϕ k^r/(k^t)^2R( k^r_,t +R_,t/2R) -k^ϕ k^θ/(k^t)^2A^2( k^θ_,t +A_,t/Ak^θ) +(1-( k^ϕ) ^2/(k^t)^2A^2sin^2(θ) )(k^ϕ_,t + A_,t/Ak^ϕ) ] . Utilizing the spherical symmetry of the LTB models, we can set k^ϕ and its partial derivatives to zero. This trivially means that κ^ϕ = 0 initially. In addition, initial conditions are also set to fulfill κ^r, κ^θ = 0 initially. This implies that there is no optical drift at the position of the observer which seems a reasonable choice. To further specify initial conditions, the partial derivatives of the null condition as well as the definition dk^ν/dλ:=k^μ∂_μk^ν must also be fulfilled. As shown in figure <ref>, these initial conditions lead to a subdominant optical drift contribution to the redshift drift. However, to judge the significance of this result it must be considered what the corresponding peculiar velocity field of the emitters along the light rays are. As discussed in <cit.>, the choice of initial conditions for k^μ_,ν fixes the possible peculiar velocities of the emitter. In principle, this means that the redshift drift must be computed with a new set of initial conditions for each point along a light ray in order to ensure that the peculiar velocity field of the emitter is as desired. However, for the light rays considered in <cit.>, it was found that the actual emitter velocity field corresponding to a single set of initial conditions could be chosen to be very close to the comoving velocity field (which was the desired velocity field). In figure <ref> the same is shown for the four light rays considered in the main text. Specifically, figure <ref> shows that the comoving velocity field projected orthogonally to the light ray tangent vector and an actually possible velocity field of the emitter is small – of order 10^-8-10^-7. The four light rays were generated using the initial conditions k^ϕ = 0, k^t = -1, k^θ=0.001,0.005 and k^r obtained from the null condition. The observers were placed according to r_b-r = 5,10,20Mpc. The observer placed at r = r_b-10Mpc is the observer with 2 lines of sight. For the other 2 observers, only initial conditions with k^θ = 0.005 were considered. In all cases, the observation time was set to δ t_0 = 30 years. A fifth light ray with initial r= r_b-10Mpc and k^θ = 0.01 has also been studied but the results are similar (of same order of magnitude) as for the light ray with initial r = r_b-10Mpc and k^θ = 0.005 so the results for the former light ray are not shown. The fact that the effect of the optical drift is of same order of magnitude for these two light rays is taken to tentatively indicate a stabilization of the optical drift effect at about 10% in this type of model. tensions1 W. Handley, Curvature tension: evidence for a closed universe, Phys. Rev. D 103, L041301 (2021), arXiv:1908.09139 tensions2 E. Di Valentino, A. Melchiorri and J. Silk, Planck evidence for a closed Universe and a possible crisis for cosmology, Nature Astron. 4 196–203 (2020), arXiv:1911.02087 tensions3 E. Di Valentino, A. Melchiorri and J. Silk Cosmic Discordance: Planck and luminosity distance data exclude LCDM, arXiv:2003.04935 tensions4 L. Perivolaropoulos, F. 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Generation-based Code Review Automation: How Far Are We?
[ "Xin Zhou", "Kisub Kim", "Bowen Xu", "DongGyun Han", "Junda He", "David Lo" ]
[ "cs.SE" ]
Generation-based Code Review Automation: How Far Are We? Xin Zhou Singapore Management University Singapore xinzhou.2020@phdcs.smu.edu.sg Kisub Kim**Corresponding author. Email: kisubkim@smu.edu.sg Singapore Management University Singapore kisubkim@smu.edu.sg Bowen Xu Singapore Management University Singapore bowenxu@smu.edu.sg DongGyun Han Royal Holloway, University of London UK donggyun.han@rhul.ac.uk Junda He Singapore Management University Singapore jundahe@smu.edu.sg David Lo Singapore Management University Singapore davidlo@smu.edu.sg March 30, 2023 ====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== Code review is an effective software quality assurance activity; however, it is labor-intensive and time-consuming. Thus, a number of generation-based automatic code review (ACR) approaches have been proposed recently, which leverage deep learning techniques to automate various activities in the code review process (e.g., code revision generation and review comment generation). We find the previous works carry three main limitations. First, the ACR approaches have been shown to be beneficial in each work, but those methods are not comprehensively compared with each other to show their superiority over their peer ACR approaches. Second, general-purpose pre-trained models such as CodeT5 are proven to be effective in a wide range of Software Engineering (SE) tasks. However, no prior work has investigated the effectiveness of these models in ACR tasks yet. Third, prior works heavily rely on the Exact Match (EM) metric which only focuses on the perfect predictions and ignores the positive progress made by incomplete answers. To fill such a research gap, we conduct a comprehensive study by comparing the effectiveness of recent ACR tools as well as the general-purpose pre-trained models. The results show that a general-purpose pre-trained model CodeT5 can outperform other models in most cases. Specifically, CodeT5 outperforms the prior state-of-the-art by 13.4%–38.9% in two code revision generation tasks. In addition, we introduce a new metric namely Edit Progress (EP) to quantify the partial progress made by ACR tools. The results show that the rankings of models for each task could be changed according to whether EM or EP is being utilized. Lastly, we derive several insightful lessons from the experimental results and reveal future research directions for generation-based code review automation. § INTRODUCTION Modern software development involves numerous software quality assurance activities, such as defect management <cit.>, testing <cit.>, and code review <cit.>, to ensure the quality of software. Code review specifically requires reviewers to assess whether the source code written by authors satisfies both functional (e.g., compilation and testing) and non-functional (e.g., code readability) requirements. Many studies <cit.> have shown the outstanding effectiveness of the code review process in removing defects and improving maintainability and readability. In addition, code review also helps to share programming knowledge among developers <cit.>. The benefits of code reviews have been broadly recognized and it is widely adopted in both proprietary and open-source software projects. However, the benefits come with extensive manual costs in reviewing. In the modern software development process, a large number of code changes are required to be reviewed per month. For example, Microsoft Bing and Linux projects require 3,000 and 500 reviews, respectively, per month <cit.>. In addition, studies <cit.> show that program comprehension (one of the major work for code reviewers) takes up as much as half of a developer’s time, especially when the code quality is low <cit.>. To reduce the developers' burden, researchers have created techniques <cit.> to automate code review activities by leveraging deep learning algorithms. Particularly, they focus on revising the submitted code to address the possible flaws in the code (i.e., Code Revision Before Review) <cit.>, writing review comments based on the submitted code (i.e., Review Comment Generation) <cit.>, and revising the submitted code based on the comments written by reviewers (i.e., Code Revision After Review) <cit.>. Recent approaches <cit.> targeting the above code review tasks push code review automation to new heights. Tufano et al. <cit.> proposed an approach namely Trans-Review based on Transformer <cit.> to complete the code revision generation tasks. They first abstracted the source code by adopting the src2abs tool <cit.> to reduce the vocabulary size. Then they trained a sequence-to-sequence Transformer on the abstracted code. Thongtanunam et al. <cit.> proposed AutoTransform, which leverages the Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE) <cit.> tokenizer and a sequence-to-sequence Transformer to complete the code revision generation task. They highlighted the problem that the revised version of the code might have new identifiers/literals (i.e., new tokens), and it is challenging to generate those new tokens. The BPE approach could help to mitigate such a problem. Tufano et al. <cit.> leveraged the Text-To-Text Transfer Transformer (T5) architecture <cit.> to develop a pre-trained model for code review (i.e., T5-Review) based on 1.4 million code snippets and texts from Stack Overflow[https://stackoverflow.com/] and CodeSearchNet <cit.>. The results showed that the pre-trained T5-Review led to a significant improvement over the non-pre-trained Transformer models in three generation-based code review tasks. Although ACR methods have been proven to be beneficial, these methods are not compared against each other which may confuse the practitioners about which one is suitable for a specific task. In addition, general-purpose pre-trained models for code like CodeBERT <cit.>, GraphCodeBERT <cit.>, and CodeT5 <cit.> have been proven to be effective in a wide range of downstream tasks <cit.> in the field of software engineering such as code search and code summarization. However, the performance of these models on ACR remains unknown. Existing ACR works heavily rely on a strict evaluation metric called Exact Match (EM): a revised code is considered as correct only if it is identical to the ground truth code. Although Exact Match is useful, it is very strict and only focuses on the number of perfect predictions. Prior studies <cit.> indicated that the developers did not blindly trust automated tools and their recommendations. For instance, Winter et al. <cit.> surveyed 386 software developers about their attitudes toward automatic program repairs (APR) tools which are similar to ACR tools. 47.0% of responses highlighted that human decisions are needed when applying recommendations from automated tools and 23.0% of responses do not trust automatic tools at all. In addition, the perfect prediction ratios of ACR tools are still low (i.e., 1.2%–23.2%). Thus, we believe that the current ACR tools are targeting to provide high-quality drafts for code reviewers rather than fully replacing them. In this sense, instead of only focusing on the number of perfect predictions (EM), we need to care more about the improvements made in the predictions compared to the initial submitted code on the average level. Figure <ref> shows an example that CodeT5 generates a better draft code based on the submitted code by removing “’’. Though the generated code cannot meet all requirements of reviewers, it still makes positive progress, which should be taken into account when evaluating the effectiveness of a model. To quantify the progress made in predictions, we introduce a new evaluation metric namely Edit Progress (EP), which measures the reduction ratio of edits needed from the submitted code to the ground truth. To fill the gaps, we conduct a large-scale comprehensive experiment by comparing the effectiveness of recent ACR tools as well as the general-purpose pre-trained models on a unified benchmark. Our goal is to figure out how far we have reached in generation-based code review tasks and highlight the challenges and potential research directions for better code review automation. In summary, our study covers three state-of-the-art ACR tools (i.e., Trans-Review <cit.>, AutoTransform  <cit.>, and T5-Review <cit.>) and three general-purpose pre-trained models (i.e., CodeBERT <cit.>, GraphCodeBERT <cit.>, and CodeT5 <cit.>) on three code review downstream tasks: Code Revision Before Review (i.e., revising the submitted code to address the possible flaws), Code Revision After Review (i.e., revising the submitted code based on the comments written by reviewers), and Review Comment Generation (i.e., writing review comments pointing out problems in the submitted code). Our experimental results reveal the following key findings: * A pre-trained encoder-decoder model, CodeT5, achieves state-of-the-art performance and outperforms all existing ACR techniques in most cases. We carry out a comprehensive evaluation and discover that 1) T5-Review is the best model among existing ACR approaches in terms of the Exact Match metric; 2) CodeT5 can outperform all existing ACR approaches by a large margin for most cases. * Stack Overflow data is helpful to the Review Comment Generation task. As more pre-training corpus written in natural language are provided in Stack Overflow data, T5-Review which is pre-trained on Stack Overflow data has significantly outperformed all other methods by a large margin. * Partial progress also matters. We observe that a model that can generate the most perfect predictions may not able to generate the most close-to-perfect predictions, indicating that there may exist much noise on the failure cases of the approaches that can generate many perfect predictions. In addition, the rankings of approaches in EM and EP can be different. This indicates that we may miss tools that can contribute the most positive progress if it ranks not very high in EM. Thus, measuring partial progress is also important for a comprehensive understanding of the ACR tools' effectiveness. Overall, our empirical investigation sheds light on the strength and weaknesses of each ACR approach as well as the future research directions for generation-based code review automation. We summarize our contributions as follows: * We conduct a comprehensive investigation on the effectiveness of existing ACR models as well as pre-trained models for code in three downstream code review tasks. * We introduce a novel evaluation metric to quantify the progress made by ACR tools in generating revised code. * We derive several insightful lessons from the experimental results and reveal the future direction of the technical design for code review tasks. § BACKGROUND In this section, we introduce the code review processes and formulate the three automatic code review tasks. Then we briefly summarize the automatic code review tools and general-purpose pre-trained code models under investigation. §.§ Code Review Processes Figure <ref> briefly shows how code reviews are performed in software development. Code authors first check the correctness of the code by themselves and then submit the code for review. Code reviewers check the submitted code and decide whether to accept/reject to merge the code into the main repository. If the submitted code is rejected, reviewers write comments explaining what and how to improve the code. Then the code authors address those comments and re-submit for review again. §.§ Generation-based Code Review Tasks In this subsection, we describe the generation-based code review downstream tasks. The considered tasks in our study are all proposed to automate the subset of activities in code review processes. We follow the prior studies <cit.> to formulate each of those tasks. Code Revision Before Review (CRB) mainly aims to help the code authors who make the code changes to improve and commit them to the repositories. It could help the code authors to address some simple flaws and thus improve the quality of the code before submitting it for review. It automates the code review activity 1 in Figure <ref>. At the same time, it also reduces the burden of reviewers on pointing out simple and repeated flaws. This task is formulated as a sequence-to-sequence task: f(Code) Revised Code where f is the DL model and “Revised Code” is the ground truth (i.e., the revised code that is accepted by code reviewers). Code Revision After Review (CRA) aims at supporting code authors by addressing review comments which automate the code review activity 2 in Figure <ref>). The techniques belonging to this task can boost the speed of the revision process as they generate the initial version. This task is formulated as a sequence-to-sequence task: f(Code, Comment) Revised Code where f is the DL model and “Revised Code” is the ground truth code accepted by reviewers. For this task, there have two inputs (i.e., the submitted code and the comments) and a single output (i.e., the revised code). Review Comment Generation (RCG) is designed for the reviewers. The models in this task draft the initial review comments such that reviewers can save time by revising the written draft, which automates the code review activity 3 in Figure <ref>. Review Comment Generation is also formulated as a sequence-to-sequence task: f(Code) Comment where f is the DL model. §.§ Automatic Code Review Tools All considered tools are built based on a popular Deep Learning model architecture called Transformer <cit.>, which mitigates the long-distance dependency issue of CNN-based models <cit.> and the long-time computation issue of RNN-based models <cit.>. A Transformer model typically has two parts: an encoder to understand the semantics of the input data and a decoder to generate the final results (e.g., description, translation, revision, etc.) All studied models adopt the Transformer model (both the encoder and decoder). We highlight the novel designs of each studied model in the following. Trans-Review <cit.> are proposed to complete the Code Revision Before Review task (CRB) and the Code Revision After Review (CRA). A large vocabulary size will hinder the learning process and lead to inaccurate generation <cit.>. To reduce the vocabulary size, Trans-Review abstracted the source code by adopting the src2abs <cit.>, which replaces actual identifiers/literals in code with reusable IDs. Specifically, for both the submitted and revised versions of code, it replaces identifiers (e.g., types and names of source code elements) and literals (e.g., string values) with an ID that is allowed to be reused across different code snippets. For instance, as shown in Figure <ref>, the first variable appearing in each code will always be replaced with an ID of “1” and a string “VAR” to indicate it is a variable (i.e., VAR1). AutoTransform <cit.> is only designed to complete the Code Revision Before Review task (CRB). Unlike Trans-Review, it applies a Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE) <cit.> approach to reduce the size of the vocabulary. BPE is a tokenization approach that splits a code token into a sequence of frequently occurring subtokens. For instance, a code token “buyOrders" in Figure <ref> will be split into several subtokens “buy”, “Ord”, and “ers”. This strategy brings benefits to efficiency as subtokens are not only occurred more frequently than the regular code tokens, but they also allow to reduce the size of the vocabulary. Empirical evidence showed that BPE could effectively address the large vocabulary size problem <cit.>. T5-Review <cit.> leveraged the Text-To-Text Transfer Transformer (T5) architecture <cit.>. T5 is a pre-training paradigm that corrupts the input data (e.g., randomly masking/dropping/inserting tokens) before feeding into the Transformer encoder and reconstructing the original input data at the Transformer decoder. Those pre-training tasks are called denoising objectives. Tufano et al. pre-trained a code review version of T5 (denoted T5-Review) on 1.4 million code snippets and texts from Stack Overflow and the CodeSearchNet dataset <cit.>. T5-Review consists of a 6-layer Transformer encoder and a 6-layer Transformer decoder. To reduce the vocabulary size, T5-Review leverages BPE tokenization <cit.>. §.§ General-purpose Pre-trained Models for Code The following techniques are the popular pre-trained models that are trained on source code and texts. CodeBERT <cit.> is a SE knowledge-enriched bi-modal pre-trained model, which is capable of modeling both natural languages (NL) and programming languages (PL). CodeBERT leverages a 12-layer Transformer encoder as the model and pre-trained the encoder with the NL-PL data pairs from the CodeSearchNet dataset <cit.>. It adopts two pre-training objectives jointly: Masked Language Modeling (MLM) <cit.> and Replaced Token Detection (RTD) <cit.>. The eventual loss function for CodeBERT is formulated below: θmin( ℒ_MLM(θ)+ℒ_RTD(θ)) where θ denotes the model parameters of the 12-layer Transformer encoder. CodeBERT has shown great effectiveness in a range of SE downstream tasks such as code search and code summarization <cit.>. GraphCodeBERT <cit.> brings the inherent structure of code into consideration during source code modeling. To learn source code representation, GraphCodeBERT leverages three input components, which are Programming Language, Natural Language, and Data Flow Graph. GraphCodeBERT introduces two structure-aware pre-training tasks (i.e., Edge Prediction and Node Alignment) aside from the MLM prediction task. CodeT5 <cit.> is another pre-trained model whose Transformer encoder and decoder are both pre-trained. CodeT5 is capable of establishing complex mappings from sequence to sequence, which is suitable for generation-based tasks. CodeT5 is developed based on the general T5 architecture and is pre-trained not only with the original pre-training tasks (i.e., the denoising objectives) of T5 but also a set of newly proposed pre-training tasks (e.g., Masked Identifier Prediction and Identifier Tagging). Specifically, CodeT5 is enhanced by making it aware of the type information of identifiers. § EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN In this section, we introduce our research questions and describe the corresponding experimental settings. §.§ Research Questions RQ1. Which is the best-performing ACR tool for each targeted code review activity? Recent ACR tools have been demonstrated to be effective in code review tasks. However, a comparative study is missing, which makes it confusing to rank the existing techniques. Addressing this research question may support practitioners in selecting the most suitable technique for each downstream task, and the revealed state-of-the-art that can be considered for the baseline of future research. In this RQ, we conduct a revisiting evaluation of existing ACR tools on the same set of available datasets. RQ2. Can popular pre-trained models outperform the existing ACR models? General-purpose pre-trained code models have shown significant generalizability and demonstrated promising performance in a broad range of SE tasks <cit.> with datasets of varying sizes and properties. However, prior ACR tools have not considered these models either as baselines or building blocks of the ACR tools. We believe that discovering the effectiveness of such models on code review tasks would contribute to the research community, and they can also be the baseline for future works. The subject models are listed as follows: (1) CodeBERT <cit.>, GraphCodeBERT <cit.>, and CodeT5 <cit.>. To answer this research question, we take popular pre-trained models into consideration and compare them with existing ACR models. RQ3. Comparing the generated code with the human-written code, how far apart are they? The prior ACR works only use a strict evaluation metric (i.e., Exact Match) to analyze the effectiveness of their models: a revised code is considered as a correct generation only if it is identical to the ground truth. Otherwise, no matter if the difference is just a single token or they are different, the generated code is equally considered wrong. Thus, we may miss suggestions that are very close to ground truths that are still partially useful (as shown in the example in Figure <ref>). It may be interesting to have an overall idea of how close those generated codes are compared to the ground truths because the current automation of the code review process does not only aim to replace the practitioners but also provide suggestions/drafts for developers to work on <cit.>. To answer this research question, we introduce a new evaluation metric, Edit Progress, which quantifies the progress achieved by the generated code from the problematic code toward the ground truth. Edit Progress is firstly used in the text editing task to measure the progress <cit.>. Note that this metric can only be applied in code revision generation tasks because Edit Progress needs an initial input and the revised version to compute whether the revised one improves or degrades the initial one. However, in the Review Comment Generation task, there is no initial comment. §.§ Experimental Settings §.§.§ Datasets We include three different datasets used in evaluating the latest ACR tools, namely Trans-Review_data, AutoTransform_data, and T5-Review_data. Tufano et al. <cit.> collected the Trans-Review_data from projects in Gerrit and GitHub. They filtered out noisy comments and comments that are longer than 100 tokens. Besides, they removed the review data where the revised code has new tokens not shown in the initial submitted code. Thongtanunam et al. <cit.> used the AutoTransform_data that is collected from three Gerrit code review repositories: Android[<https://android-review.googlesource.com/.>], Google[<https://gerrit-review. googlesource.com/>], and Ovirt[<https://gerrit.ovirt.org/>]. Please note that AutoTransform_data only has the submitted codes and the revised codes but does not have the corresponding review comments. Tufano et al <cit.> collected T5-Review_data from Java open-source projects from GitHub which have at least 50 pull requests, 10 contributors, 10 stars, and are not forks. They filtered out noisy comments, non-English comments, and duplicate comments. In this paper, for the Code Revision Before Review (CRB), we employ Trans-Review_data, AutoTransform_data, and T5-Review_data. For the Code Revision After Review (CRA) and Review Comment Generation (RCG), we leverage Trans-Review_data and T5-Review_data. We do not use AutoTransform_data because it does not contain the reviewers' comments given to submitted codes. The statistics of the used datasets are summarized in Table <ref>. §.§.§ Evaluation Metrics Following previous literature <cit.>, we report the performance of each investigated model using the Exact Match metric (RQ1 and RQ2). We additionally report Edit Progress to measure how close generated codes are compared to the ground truths (RQ3). Exact Match (EM) is a strict metric. Specifically, for each input-output pair, if the tokens of the model's prediction (generated by the model given the input) exactly match the tokens of the ground truth (output), EM = 1; otherwise, EM = 0. With just a single token difference between the generated code and the ground truth, the EM score of the generated code is 0. Edit Progress (EP) is a novel metric to measure the progress made by the generated code on the path from the erroneous code to the clean code. Recently, Dibia et al. <cit.> highlighted the significance of measuring the effort to correct the generated code. They suggested that an edit distance-based metric <cit.> could serve as an important proxy for estimating the effort required to edit and fix generated code. As an edit distance-based metric, the EP metric may offer a better estimation of the user effort needed to edit code generations in ACR tasks than EM. In automatic code review tasks, each data instance in the test set contains an initial submitted code C and a ground truth code C̅ that is revised by developers and accepted by code reviewers. Given the initial submitted code C, each ACR model generates a revised code Ĉ. The Exact Match (EM) is a strict metric as EM = 1 only when Ĉ is identical to C̅. While useful, Exact Match also has limitations. It only expects models to be able to fully correct/revise an erroneous code into the correct code. While in some cases, models are still able to make progress by reducing the number of errors in the submitted code, even though the generated code revisions Ĉ are not identical to the ground truth code revisions C̅. To measure the progress made on the path from the erroneous code to the clean code, we adopt the Edit Progress <cit.> metric in this work. Specifically, for a data instance ⟨C, C̅⟩, the Edit Progress (EP) scores of ACR models are computed as the relative edit reduction between the initial code C and the ground truth code C̅ by predicting a revision Ĉ. The metric is formulated in the following equation: Progress = |D_CC̅| - |D_ĈC̅|/|D_CC̅| where D is the edit distance <cit.> (i.e., the minimum number of operations required to transform one sequence into the other). |D_A B| refers to the edit distance between a string A to a string B. An example of how to calculate the EP score is shown in Figure <ref>. In the example, to turn the submitted code C into the corresponding ground truth code C̅, there are four token-level edit actions: 1) replace “hypot” with “cosh”; 2) delete “,”; 3) delete “double”; 4) delete “y”. If a model generates a prediction like the first prediction in Figure <ref>, there are three deletions left. Thus, the prediction makes 25% progress on the way from the submitted code to the ground truth revised code. Similarly, the second prediction in Figure <ref> makes 75% progress (reduce 75% edits needed from the submitted code to the ground truth code). A perfect prediction Ĉ that can fully correct all errors in the submitted code C would achieve a 100% Edit Progress score. A model prediction Ĉ can have negative progress if it generates more errors than correct edits. We calculate and report the average EP on all test data instances for each model. Previous studies <cit.> also consider the edit distance-based similarity metric namely Normalized Edit Distance to measure the similarity between the generated code and ground truth. This metric is the character-level edit distance and can be represented as: Edit Distance (x, y) = Levenshtein Distance (x, y)/max(len(x), len(y) ) where x and y are strings of the generated code and ground truth, respectively; len(.) is the number of characters in the string; and Levenshtein Distance (x, y) is the number of single-character edits needed to transform one string (x) to another (y). The proposed EP is a novel metric compared to the existing “Normalized Edit Distance” metric: * EP uses token-level edit distance while Normalized Edit Distance only takes into account single-character edits and may not consider the semantics of code tokens. Furthermore, single-character edits may not be suitable for pre-trained models such as CodeT5, which build their vocabularies on the token or sub-token levels and cannot directly perform single-character edits <cit.>. EP uses token-level edits, which preserve the meaning of tokens and are feasible for pre-trained models. * EP compares the generated code with the input code to measure the generation quality of an ACR tool. In ACR tasks, the tools generate revised code, given the input. While the Normalized Edit Distance measures the similarity between the generated code and the ground truth, EP considers not only the similarity but also the improvement of the generated code compared to the input code. This makes EP more suitable than Normalized Edit Distance in situations where the input code is already very similar to the ground truth and needs to be improved further through the generated code. BLEU score is a widely used metric to measure the similarity of two natural language texts. For review comment generation, the model generates comments written in natural language. We follow the prior work <cit.> to adopt the commonly-used metric (i.e., the BLEU score <cit.>) to measure the quality of generated texts. BLEU scores measure how well a generated text matches the ground truth text by counting the percentage of overlaps. Please note that BLEU scores are different from Edit Progress scores: BLEU scores measure the similarity between predictions and ground truths, while Edit Progress scores measure the progress the predictions made toward generating the ground truths. §.§.§ Implementation Details For existing ACR tools, we adopt the original replication packages of Trans-Review[<https://github.com/RosaliaTufano/code_review>], AutoTransform[<https://github.com/awsm-research/AutoTransform-Replication>], and T5-Review[ <https://github.com/RosaliaTufano/code_review_automation>]. By following the standard setting of fine-tuning pre-trained models <cit.>, we set the maximum accepted input sequence as 512, learning rate as 5e-5, and the optimizer as AdamW <cit.>. For validation, we select the best-performing model checkpoint on the validation set. The best-performing checkpoint is used for testing. We feed the test sets into each approach and get the predictions. Then, we calculate the evaluation metrics based on the predictions and the ground truths. Both CodeBERT and GraphCodeBERT only have pre-trained encoders. Thus, when applying to a generation-based task where decoders are needed, we follow the original implementations provided by CodeBERT[ <https://github.com/microsoft/CodeBERT/tree/master/CodeBERT/code2nl>] and GraphCodeBERT[ <https://github.com/microsoft/CodeBERT/tree/master/GraphCodeBERT/translation>] in generation-based tasks to initialize a non-pre-trained decoder. To make the size of the decoder the same as the size of the encoder, we initialize a 12-layer Transformer decoder for CodeBERT and GraphCodeBERT to complete three generation-based code review tasks. We directly adopt the original CodeT5 since it has the pre-trained encode and decoder. Note that when generating the predictions, we allow each ACR model/pre-trained model to generate a single prediction (the Top 1 prediction) given the input data, which is widely used in prior studies <cit.>. § EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS This section describes the experimental results and answers the research questions. The experimental results are summarized in Tables <ref>, <ref>, and <ref>, respectively. Note that tools in the light grey are the existing ACR tools and the others are general-purpose pre-trained models. Regarding the performance metrics, we adopt the EM by following prior studies to investigate the effectiveness of the existing ACR tools as well as pre-trained code models in RQ1 and RQ2. We analyze our novel metric, EP, in RQ3 with its comprehensive rationale. §.§ RQ1: Which is the best-performing ACR tool for each targeted code review activity? For Code Revision Before Review (Table <ref>), T5-Review achieves a performance of 7.4%, 13.9%, and 3.3% in terms of Exact Match (EM) on the three datasets, respectively. Among the existing ACR tools, T5-Review shows the best performance. For Code Revision After Review (Table <ref>), the results show that T5-Review performs the best with 24.4% and 9.0% EM scores in Trans-Review_data and T5-Review_data respectively while Trans-Review achieves 13.5% and 0.3% for the same datasets. For Review Comment Generation (Table <ref>), among ACR tools, only T5-Review is designed for this task. Thus, we only investigate its performance which achieves 2.0% and 2.3% for EM and BLEU scores on average, respectively. Overall, we observe that T5-Review shows the best performance among state-of-the-art ACR tools on the studied downstream tasks. The major difference is that T5-Review is pre-trained on external large-scale data while Trans-Review and AutoTransform are not pre-trained. The results indicate that such pre-training is an effective solution to improve performance in most ACR tasks. We present further in-depth investigation on sub-findings (e.g., why Trans-Review struggles) in Section <ref>. Answer to RQ1: Among the existing ACR methods, T5-Review shows the best performance in the targeted downstream tasks, outperforming the second-best ACR tool by a large margin. It implies that practitioners should consider using T5-Review for ACR tasks. §.§ RQ2: Can popular pre-trained models outperform the existing ACR models? As we observed that pre-training may bring significant improvement in the case of T5-Review, we investigate further pre-trained code models. Although pre-training a model is usually computationally expensive <cit.>, several general-purpose pre-trained code models (i.e., CodeBERT, GraphCodeBERT, and CodeT5) are publicly released. In this RQ, we study the effectiveness of these pre-trained models under ACR tasks by comparing them against state-of-the-art ACR tools. We also present the results of the general-purpose pre-trained code models in Table <ref>,  <ref>, and <ref>. As the observation illustrates that the pre-trained models generally outperform non-pre-trained ACR tools, we focus on the comparison between pre-trained code models and T5-Review (i.e., the best existing ACR tool). For the Code Revision Before Review (Table <ref>), on the one hand, CodeBERT and GraphCodeBERT fail to outperform the best ACR approach T5-Review identified in RQ1 for most cases. Specifically, CodeBERT only outperforms T5-Review in Trans-Review_data by 12.2% while achieving 61.6% and 200% lower EM scores than T5-Review in the other two datasets. GraphCodeBERT consistently achieves lower EM scores than T5-Review. On the other hand, CodeT5 is able to achieve higher/comparable EM scores of T5-Review. CodeT5 has significantly outperformed T5-Review in Trans-Review_data and T5-Review_data datasets by relative improvements of 18.9% (8.8-7.4/7.4) and 63.6% (5.4-3.3/3.3). However, for the AutoTransform_data dataset, CodeT5 achieves a comparable (slightly lower) EM score than T5-Review. For the Code Revision After Review (Table <ref>), CodeT5 still outperforms the best ACR tool, T5-Review, in most cases. Particularly, CodeT5 pushes forward the performances to new heights on EM scores of 30.2% and 16.1%, which are 23.8% (30.2-24.4/24.4) and 78.9% (16.1-9.0/9.0) over T5-Review improvements. Moreover, CodeBERT and GraphCodeBERT get EM scores of 20.2% and 19.2% for the Trans-Review_data, 11.3% and 11.8% for the T5-Review_data, which are slightly worse than T5-Review on average. For the Review Comment Generation (Table <ref>), CodeT5, however, is no longer the best-performing model, as T5-Review shows the best performance. In particular, CodeT5 only achieves 1.1% and 1.6% in EM and BLEU on average, which are crucially lower than T5-Review (i.e., 2.0% and 2.3% in EM and BLEU) on average. Besides, both CodeBERT and GraphCodeBERT struggle with this task obtaining lower scores. Overall, the results imply that CodeT5 is the most suitable model for Code Revision Before Review (CRB) and Code Revision After Review (CRA), while practitioners can leverage T5-Review for the Review Comment Generation. Further in-depth analysis is provided in Section <ref>. Answer to RQ2: CodeT5 has impressive performance for two of our target code review tasks (i.e., Code Revision Before Review and Code Revision After Review) by surpassing the best state-of-the-art ACR tool, T5-Review. On the other hand, T5-Review is still the best on a task (i.e., Review Comment Generation). We find that pre-trained models are generally effective for code review tasks. §.§ RQ3: Comparing the generated code with the human-written code, how far apart are they? In this research question, we adopt the Edit Progress (EP) metric to measure the progress made by each approach on the path from the erroneous code to the golden code. The EP score indicates the percentage of progress made. If EP equals 100%, it means that the generated code has mitigated all the differences between the erroneous code and the ground truth. For the Code Revision Before Review task, as shown in Table <ref>, a model that can generate the most perfect predictions (i.e., EM) may not able to generate the close-to-perfect predictions (i.e., EP). For the Trans-Review_data dataset, the best-performing model in EP is GraphCodeBERT, achieving an EP score of 50.6% while CodeT5 only achieves 41.8%. For the AutoTransform_data dataset, AutoTransform shows the best performance with 29.9% in EP. Although CodeT5 performs much better than AutoTransform in EM, CodeT5 achieves much worse performance (i.e., -67.8%) than AutoTransform. This indicates that CodeT5 generates the most perfect predictions but may generate many noisy failure cases at the same time. While AutoTransform is more conservative: it does not generate many perfect predictions but ensures that most of its revisions bring positive contributions. For T5-Review_data dataset, the best model in EP is CodeT5 with a 25.6% EP. This indicates that we need to carefully select an approach for the CRB task when having different needs: either the one that can generate the most perfect predictions (i.e. in terms of EM) or the one that can make the most average positive contributions (i.e., in terms of EP). Compellingly, Table <ref> reports that CodeT5 consistently outperforms all the other approaches for the Code Revision After Review task. It obtains EP scores of 66.8% and 41.9% in both datasets while T5-Review shows comparable results (i.e., 65.6% and 38.4%). Overall, the results suggest that CodeT5 is still the best model in EP for Code Revision After Review, while AutoTransform generates better code for Code Revision Before Review. Appealingly, AutoTransform achieves a 29.8% EP score on average for Code Revision Before Review, while other approaches show negative progress, which indicates that after their revisions, the generated codes are even worse than the originally submitted code by authors on average. We further verify the research value of EP in Section <ref>. Answer to RQ3: In summary, the EP metric can change the rank of the approaches for different code review tasks. For instance, in the Code Revision Before Review task, the best model in EP (i.e., AutoTransform) is not even in the top 3 in EM. This also implies there may exist much noise on the failure cases of the approaches that can generate many perfect predictions. CodeT5 can be the best candidate for Code Revision After Review according to the EP metric, while AutoTransform interestingly shows good performance in Code Revision Before Review for the partial progressive aspect. § DISCUSSION This section presents the lessons learned from our experimental results and the threats to validity. §.§ Lessons Learned BPE can significantly improve model performances on CRB and CRA tasks if there are new tokens introduced in ground truth codes. Prior ACR tools (as well as pre-trained code models) adopt either BPE or abstraction to reduce the size of vocabulary for the ACR datasets. Trans-Review, the only ACR tool using abstraction, performs poorly (close to zero) on AutoTransform_data and T5-Review_data that contain new tokens (not shown in the submitted code) in ground truth code. The abstraction technique replaces actual identifiers/literals in the submitted code with reusable IDs to form the vocabulary. However, if there are any new identifiers/literals (have not appeared in the submitted code) in the ground truth revised code, the built vocabulary does not contain the IDs for new identifiers/literals. Thus, it is challenging for a DL model to generate new tokens beyond the vocabulary. While by using Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE), all other ACR tools (e.g., CodeT5, T5-Review, and AutoTransform) show good performance on datasets with new tokens, outperforming Trans-Review by at least 700% in EM. The pre-trained encoder-decoder framework significantly outperforms the pre-trained encoder framework by 17.0%–102.2%. Firstly, we find that pre-trained models perform better than not pre-trained models in most cases. For instance, pre-trained T5-Review and CodeT5 consistently show better performance than Trans-Review and AutoTransform in terms of Exact Match. Secondly, we find that within pre-trained models, pre-trained encoder-decoder models (e.g., CodeT5) perform significantly better (17.0%–102.2%) than pre-trained encoder-only models (e.g., CodeBERT and GraphCodeBERT) in generation-based code review tasks. The possible reason may be: when applying to generation-based tasks, pre-trained encoder-only models have to initialize a non-pre-trained decoder. This non-pre-trained decoder will lead to a worse performance <cit.>. Lastly, within pre-trained encoder-decoder models, general-purpose pre-trained model CodeT5 shows better performance than task-specific pre-trained model T5-Review in most cases. In particular, CodeT5 could outperform T5-Review by 13.4% to 38.9% in terms of EM for two code revision tasks. Stack Overflow data is helpful to the Review Comment Generation task, especially for comments written in interrogative sentences (250.0% improvements). CodeT5 fails to outperform T5-Review for the Review Comment Generation task. To explain why CodeT5 is inferior to T5-Review in this task, we further investigate the pre-training and downstream task datasets: Firstly, we find that many comments in the Review Comment Generation datasets are interrogative sentences (e.g., “why is there a newArrayList?”). Then we investigate the ratios of interrogative sentences in pre-training data by a simple rule-based method: if a comment contains a question word such as “which", “where", “what", “which", “does", we assume this comment as an interrogative sentence. As shown in Table <ref>, CodeT5 is mainly pre-trained on the CodeSearchNet dataset, which contains 33.8% interrogative sentences while T5-Review is also pre-trained on the Stack Overflow data[Because both CodeT5 and T5-Review are pre-trained on the CodeSearchNet, to study the differences between them, we focus on analyzing Stack Overflow data for T5-Review.] with a higher ratio of interrogative sentences (i.e. 69.7% ). Table <ref> also presents the performances on subsets with/without interrogative sentences, using the T5-Review_data as an example. We observe that with a higher ratio of interrogative sentences in the Stack Overflow data, T5-Review can outperform CodeT5 by 250.0% on the subset with interrogative sentences. While T5-Review only outperforms CodeT5 by 88.3% on the subset without interrogative sentences. The fewer interrogative sentences (comments with sentiments) in the CodeSearchNet dataset may hinder CodeT5 in generating interrogative sentences (or comments with sentiment words) given the submitted code. Overall, we find that Stack Overflow data is helpful to the review comment generation task (improving both with and without interrogative sentence subsets) possibly because it provides more pre-training corpus written in natural language. In particular, it can significantly improve the model's ability to generate interrogative sentences that frequently appear in human-written review comments. This motivates future studies to consider building a large and more suitable pre-training dataset based on Stack Overflow and perform further pre-training if they aim to improve the review comment generation task. We advocate future work to adopt Edit Progress to measure the partial progress achieved by ACR tools. The performances of code revision approaches have mostly been measured with a specific metric named Exact Match (EM). EM is very strict as it completely ignores progressive contributions (i.e., non-perfect results) of generated code by an approach. To measure the partial progressive aspect, we introduced Edit Progress (EP) and evaluated the approaches with such a metric. The overall results demonstrated that the rankings of models for each task could be changed according to which metric is being utilized. We study and verify the research value of such a metric here. Figure <ref> shows the EP scores of each test instance of CodeT5 and AutoTransform in the CRB task using Trans-Review_data. We choose these two approaches as they are the best-performing approaches for each metric on average in the CRB task. The vertical lines show the average EP scores of each approach. Note that we omit the instances whose EP scores are less than -50% for better visualization. As shown in Figure <ref>, CodeT5 has a better EM score because it has more generated perfect code predictions with 100% Edit Progress scores (identical to ground truths). From these vertical lines (i.e., the average EP scores), we confirm that AutoTransform, which is generally inferior to CodeT5 in EM, retrieves better EP scores. On the one hand, AutoTransform's positive effects on the improvement of partial progress are demonstrated by the more orange-colored bars in the high EP range (e.g., 80-99%). On the other hand, it generates much less noise than CodeT5, as we can verify with the figure (i.e., there are much fewer orange-colored bars under 0% EP). This phenomenon indicates that EP can evaluate the model performances in a more comprehensive way: not only focusing on those correct predictions but also taking the failure cases into account. EP can also evaluate the practical usability of ACR tools to some extent as users do not know which prediction is correct in advance and may expect all predictions have reasonably good qualities (e.g., at least making positive contributions). §.§ Threats to Validity General purpose pre-trained models diverge depending on different aspects, such as the characteristics of pre-training tasks, characteristics of downstream tasks, and the size of datasets. Our study may have a selection bias by considering several pre-trained models. We believe that employing three of the most popular pre-trained code models (i.e., CodeBERT, GraphCodeBERT, and CodeT5) can mitigate the threat. Another threat to validity regards the dataset selection, as it may deliver bias in the experimental results. In our work, we have minimized this threat by using multiple datasets, i.e., Trans-Review_data <cit.>, AutoTransform_data <cit.>, and T5-Review_data <cit.>. Furthermore, we publicly share the replication package[Replication Package. <https://github.com/soarsmu/Generated_Review_How_Far>] including datasets for future comparisons by the research community. The evaluation metrics used may also bring a selection bias. To reduce it, we reuse the same evaluation metric (i.e., Exact Match) with existing ACR tools <cit.> and the widely used metric for texts (i.e., BLEU <cit.>). Besides, to study the partial progress achieved by ACR tools, we follow prior work in text editing <cit.> to adopt the Edit Progress metric. § RELATED WORK In this section, we review the research work that relates to our work: approaches to automating code review activities and pre-trained models for SE. Automating Code Review Activities. We focus on three generation-based code review automation tasks: Code Revision Before Review <cit.>, Code Revision After Review <cit.>, and Review Comment Generation <cit.>. Other studies focus on similar code review activities in different manners. Hellendoorn et al. <cit.> aimed to predict the locations of code change hunks that possibly need review and revision. They showed that locating a suitable hunk is a challenging task. Siow et al. <cit.> proposed CORE, a multi-level embedding approach to represent the semantics of code changes and reviews, which recommends code reviews in a retrieval-based way. Hong et al. <cit.> proposed a retrieval-based approach to recommend code review comments. Li et al. <cit.> developed CodeReviewer, a pre-trained model for code review. They evaluated it on three tasks using new datasets, aiming to improve code review. In contrast, we aimed to compare existing ACR tools and identify future directions. In addition, there are other tasks to automate other code review activities to support software developers, such as reviewer recommendation <cit.>, review prioritization <cit.> and defect-proneness prediction in submitted code <cit.>. For instance, Thongtanunam et al. <cit.> found 4% to 30% of reviews in open-source projects could not find suitable reviewers (i.e., reviewer recommendation). Rahman et al. <cit.> proposed CORRECT which utilizes external library similarity and technology expertise similarity of reviewers to recommend reviewers. Al-Zubaidi et al. <cit.> did not only focus on reviewer experience but also take into account the review workload when recommending reviewers. § CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK In this paper, we empirically study the existing generation-based automatic code review (ACR) techniques and the general-purpose pre-trained code models. We evaluate the effectiveness of these tools on three representative generation-based code review tasks. Our experimental results show that CodeT5 is the best performer in most cases, outperforming the best existing ACR tool T5-Review by 13.4%–38.9% in Code Revision Before/After Review tasks. However, in Review Comment Generation, T5-Review outperforms all other methods by a large margin. Our work also has revealed several interesting findings that can motivate future work. In the future, we plan to design a new ACR tool that can perform well both in Exact Match and Edit Progress metrics. Acknowledgement. This research / project is supported by the National Research Foundation, Singapore, under its Industry Alignment Fund – Pre-positioning (IAF-PP) Funding Initiative. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not reflect the views of National Research Foundation, Singapore. IEEEtran
A Logistics Provider's Profit Maximization Facility Location Problem with Random Utility Maximizing Followers
[ "David Pinzon", "Emma Frejinger", "Bernard Gendron" ]
[ "math.OC", "90-10 (Primary), 90-05 (Secondary)" ]
Conceptual Modeling and Artificial Intelligence: A Systematic Mapping Study Ben Roelens March 30, 2023 =========================================================================== We introduce a strategic decision-making problem faced by logistics providers (LPs) seeking facility location decisions that lead to profitable operations. The profitability depends on the revenue generated through agreements with shippers, and the costs arising when satisfying those agreements. The latter depend in turn on service levels and on characteristics of the shippers' customers. However, at a strategic level, LP has imperfect information thereof. We propose a stochastic bilevel formulation where a given LP (leader) anticipates the decisions of shippers (followers) arising from a random utility maximization model. Using a sample average approximation and properties of the associated optimal solutions, we introduce a non-conventional single-level mixed integer linear programming formulation that can be solved by a general-purpose solver. We can quickly identify situations that lead to zero expected profit for the LP. Experimental results show that optimal expected profit is highly dependent on shippers' price sensitivity. Underestimating it can lead to an overestimation of expected profits. § INTRODUCTION Growth in online shopping and omni-channel distribution leads to logistical challenges, and outsourcing of logistics operations is a widely used strategy <cit.>. We focus on transportation services offered by a logistics provider (LP) – a carrier or third-party logistic provider – to its clients, shippers. The market environment for LPs is challenging. It is highly competitive and demand patterns change over time. There is also a need to reduce negative environmental footprint which requires changes in infrastructure and fleet composition (e.g., by electrification). LPs therefore face important planning problems where it is key to consider profitability at all stages. This work deals with the problem of a given LP seeking to make strategic facility location decisions that lead to profitable operations. The profitability depends on the revenue generated through agreements with shippers – demand for offered service levels and associated prices – and the cost arising when satisfying those agreements. The latter depends in turn on service levels and customer characteristics, such as their location. Focusing on a given LP, we introduce a profit maximizing facility location problem where the decisions, in addition to locations, pertain to service levels and prices. It is challenging to solve because of the interdependence between different actors. Namely, LP makes agreements with shippers but the cost of operations largely depends on characteristics of the shippers' customers. At a strategic planning level, the LP has imperfect information thereof. Our strategic profit maximization facility location problem has similarities with facility location and pricing problems. Closest to our work are studies that deal with both facility location and pricing decisions formulated as bilevel programs <cit.>. These are hierarchical decision-making problems where a leader first takes decisions, anticipating the follower's reactions (lower-level problem). In our problem, a given LP is the leader, and shippers are the followers. Unlike existing work, a challenging aspect of our problem is the endogenous uncertainty associated with the LP's cost (leader objective function) that arises because of unknown characteristics of shippers and their customers. Our work is complementary to studies on tactical transportation service procurement problems <cit.>, as the strategic facility location decisions we focus on are made before any procurement process takes place. This paper offers four main contributions. First, we consider a problem of high practical relevance to LPs in general, and to our industrial partner, Purolator, in particular. We offer a first attempt to address this problem that, to the best of our knowledge, has not been studied before. Second, the problem can be naturally modeled with a stochastic bilevel formulation where shippers make decisions according to a random utility maximization model. Noteworthy are the intrinsic and endogenous uncertainty in the LP's costs due to imperfect knowledge of the shippers' reactions and their customers' characteristics. Third, using a simulation-based model approximation and properties of the associated optimal solutions, we propose a non-conventional single-level mixed-integer linear programming reformulation. Fourth, we report an experimental study where we analyze the impact of model parameters on solutions and computing times. For most settings, we can solve instances of sizes relevant in practice within a reasonable computing time. Optimal expected profit displays important variations depending on price sensitivity and the level of uncertainty associated with shipper and customer reactions. Notably, we can identify situations where there is no profitable solution quickly (i.e., expected costs exceed expected revenue). The occurrence of the latter depends on the level of price sensitivity. Moreover, the expected optimal profit increases with increasing level of uncertainty. Underestimating price sensitivity can hence lead to an overestimation of optimal expected profits. The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section <ref> offers a detailed description of the problem, and Section <ref> reviews related work. Section <ref> exposes the mathematical programming formulation. Section <ref> supplies an illustrative example and Section <ref> reports detailed experimental results. Section <ref> concludes. § PROBLEM DESCRIPTION This section provides a detailed description of the problem and introduces the relevant notation. Tables <ref> and <ref> in Appendix <ref> summarize the latter. We start by describing the actors – LP, shippers and customers – and related concepts. We then outline the decision-making problem of the LP and its link to shippers and customers. We consider an LP that offers logistics operations services to its clients, a set of shippers N. In turn, each shipper n ∈ N needs to satisfy the demand d_j of its customers j ∈ J^'_n. The customers with same profile and preferences are grouped into categories k ∈ K_n according to known characteristics. We denote by J_k the set of customers who belong to the same category k ∈ K_n. They can be end-consumers or businesses depending on the type of business the LP deals with – business-to-consumer (B2C) or business-to-business (B2B). The LP seeks to make strategic facility location decisions that will lead to profitable operations in the future. The profitability depends, on the one hand, on revenue-generating agreements with shippers that fix price and service levels and, on the other hand, on the cost of serving the shippers' customers. The strategic facility location decisions take place before procurement processes that fix the agreements, and consequently before the operational planning of service to customers. The LP therefore has to take into account the agreements and the link to the cost of serving customers at a high level and under imperfect information. We note that we adopt a highly abstract perspective on the complex organization of this industry. Shippers are also profit maximizing actors in the market. They are purchasing services from the LP and reselling them to their customers. However, we do not explicitly represent this problem because of lack of information of individual shippers. Instead, we consider shipper preferences and price sensitivity as implicitly dominated by the preferences of their customers. Agreements with shippers fix the price and service levels. In this context, the LP defines a set of offered service levels m ∈ M_nk for each shipper and customer category (denoted by binary variables z_nk^m) as well as the associated prices t_n^m. Note that it is not indexed by k as the LP does not control the pricing to customers. The cost of allocating customer demand d_j j∈ J to facility i∈ I at a variable cost c_ij^m depends on the service level m∈ M and the geographical location of the demand and the facility. Associated with each facility is a fixed opening cost f_i and capacity u_i. We denote by w_ij^m and r_i the binary decision variables related to assignment of customers to facilities and the opened facilities, respectively. Note that the service levels may lead to different capacity usage of the facilities. For example, a higher service level may require more resources. Each shipper decides to accept or reject the price and service level assignments offered by the LP. If the shipper accepts, then the demands from the corresponding customers are included in the agreement. Shippers can also opt to drop some of their customers from the agreement if, given the LP's offer, they prefer insourcing their own logistics operations or outsourcing them to other LPs. This is henceforth referred to as opt-out. Consequently, having chosen a given shipper, the customers are captive to the shipper's decisions and face the service levels and prices fixed in the agreement. Customer preferences determine their choice of shipper and choice of service levels. Shippers therefore need to take their customers' preferences into account when concluding agreements with LPs. Hence, the decisions of accepting or rejecting offers made by the LP, denoted by binary variables x_nk^m, depend on the shippers as well as on their customers' preferences. Note that at this strategic decision level, the LP has imperfect information about such preferences but can have knowledge about certain customer attributes. Moreover, the LP makes facility location decisions before shipper and customer preferences are revealed. In summary, we consider a strategic decision-making problem faced by an LP seeking to open facilities that lead to profitable operations. Therefore, when making such decisions, it takes into account the expected revenue generated by agreements with shippers, and the costs arising when satisfying those agreements (i.e., serving the shippers' customers). Given the conflicting objectives between the profit maximizing LP and cost minimizing shippers' and customers, the problem naturally lends it self to a bilevel formulation that we delineate in Section <ref>. To the best of our knowledge, this problem has not been studied in the literature before. However, as we discuss in the following section, it shares similarities with facility location and pricing problems, as well as transportation service procurement problems. § RELATED WORK In this section, we discuss related work in the literature on facility location and pricing problems, and transportation service procurement problems. We focus the discussion on similarities and contrasts with our problem. There is an extensive literature studying facility location and pricing problems separately. Works treating the joint problem is relatively scarce. We therefore distinguish facility location problems in which customers show preferences for facilities but without considering pricing <cit.>, from those that include pricing in the problem <cit.>. Only a few of the latter <cit.> consider followers that show preferences towards price levels in addition to the characteristics of the facilities. Most studies consider objectives of cost minimization <cit.>, revenue maximization <cit.> or captured-demand maximization <cit.>. To the best of our knowledge, the literature on profit maximization is scarce <cit.> and in these cases, the cost is easy to incorporate. We address a facility location and pricing problem where the objective is to maximize profit. However, unlike in existing work, the cost in the leader problem depends on follower reactions which are not perfectly known. In other words, there is endogenous uncertainty around costs (they depend on leader decisions) which constitutes a key challenge. Our strategic decision-making problem has similarities with transportation service procurement problems arising at the tactical level. This literature focuses on different mechanisms to define short- or long-term agreements between shippers and carriers (in our case LPs). Noteworthy are combinatorial auctions for transportation procurement <cit.>. Typically the focus lies on single-level formulations and first-price auctions assumptions <cit.>. However, there are also bilevel formulations where the leader is a carrier and shippers are the followers <cit.>. We are not aware of any work that considers facility location decisions. Our work is complementary to the literature on procurement as we focus on strategic facility location decisions and only take pricing into account at a high level. § MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING FORMULATION This section expounds the mathematical formulation of our problem. Its underlying assumptions and a compact form of the formulation are outlined in Section <ref>. The latter clearly shows the stochastic bilevel structure of our problem. In Section <ref>, we present the detailed constraints and a simulation-based version of the formulation. Then, we show that this version can be reformulated into a single-level mixed integer linear program (MILP) that we can solve effectively with a general purpose solver. We present the results that lead to the MILP formulation in Section <ref>. §.§ Preliminaries We introduce the assumptions and the compact formulation on which we build our subsequent developments. In our strategic setting, we consider the pricing problem at a high-level and therefore assume the existence of a finite set of prices and service levels based on which the LP's defines its offers to the shippers and their customers. assumptionAssumption The LP decides among a finite set of discrete price levels {q^p: p ∈ P}, where q^1 < q^2 < ⋯ < q^|P|. For each shipper n ∈ N, and each service level m ∈ M_n, there is a subset of possible price levels {q_n^mp: p ∈ P_n^m ⊆ P}. Based on this assumption, the price t_n^m charged for service level m to shipper n can only take discrete values. We introduce the binary decision variables y_n^mp taking value 1 if price q_n^mp is selected, and 0 otherwise. Hence, we have t_n^m=∑_p ∈ P_n^m q_n^mp y_n^mp. Each service level m has a capacity usage proportional to a scale factor γ^m ≥ 1. A minimum demand level l_n^mp is required from shipper n to have access to service level m at price level q_n^mp. Alternatives from competitors are grouped into one unique alternative service level, called opt-out, denoted by 0. P_n^0=∅, that is, there is no price available for opt-out alternative m=0. Based on Assumption <ref>, customers in category k of a given shipper n can choose an alternative from the set m ∈ M_nk∪ 0. We now introduce assumptions that allow us to model shipper and customer preferences with random utility maximization (RUM) models <cit.>. The preference of shipper n for a service level m is modeled by an utility U_n^m, which can be expressed as the sum of the corresponding utilities U_nk^m of each of their customer categories, that is, U_n^m=∑_k ∈ K_n U_nk^m. The deterministic utility U_nk^m for a given price level is U_nk^m=α t_n^m+L_nk^m, where α is the parameter capturing price sensitivity and L_nk^m, is an exogenous variable that captures the preference of the customers to the service level. Using (<ref>), we can write utility U_nk^m as U_nk^m(𝐲) =α( ∑_p ∈ P_n^m q_n^mpy_n^mp)+L_nk^m. Based on Assumption <ref>, the utility of the opt-out alternative is U_nk^0=L_nk^0 since ∑_p ∈ P_n^0 q_n^0py_n^0p=0. Whereas the utility depends on decision variables y_n^mp. In order to simplify the mathematical expressions, we use a shorthand notation to designate vectors made up of individually indexed variables. Thus, 𝐲 stands for the vector made up of y_n^mp, ∀ n, m, p. Similarly, ε, 𝐳, 𝐱, 𝐫, 𝐰 respectively stand for ε_nk^m, z_nk^m, x_nk^m, ∀ m,n,k; r_i, ∀ i ∈ I; w_ij^m, ∀ i, j, m. Given our strategic setting and the inherited uncertainty surrounding the demand distribution, we assume that utilities are not perfectly known. Adopting the additive RUM theory, we assume that utilities include additive noise. U_nk^m(𝐲;ε_nk^m) = α( ∑_p ∈ P_n^m q_n^mpy_n^mp)+L_nk^m +ε_nk^m, where ε_nk^m is a continuous random variable with support Ξ. Finally, we make an assumption about the assignment of customers to facilities aligned with the practice that multiple facilities can service a same customer. The assignment of customers to facilities is not strict, that is, 0 ≤ w_ij^m ≤ 1. Our problem can naturally be formalized as a bilevel program where the LP and the shippers respectively play the roles of the leader and the followers. To clearly show the structure of our problem, we introduce a compact form max 𝐄_ε[G(𝐲,𝐳,𝐫,𝐱,𝐰) : (𝐲,𝐳,𝐫, 𝐰) ∈ H(𝐱); 𝐱∈ F(𝐲,𝐳;ε)]. Although we have not provided any details about the RUM yet, stochasticity is implicit. The LP's objective function G(·) and constraints H(·) depend on the follower's decision variables 𝐱. In turn, shippers' reaction depend on the LP's decision variables 𝐲 and 𝐳 as well as random variables ε. The objective function G(·) as well as the set H(𝐱) are implicitly affected by the random variables ε through decision variables 𝐱. This is one of the challenging aspects that we focus on in subsequent sections. The set of optimal solutions of the shippers is F(𝐲,𝐳;ε) =argmax [∑_n ∈ N∑_k ∈ K_n∑_m ∈ M_nk^0U_nk^m(𝐲,ε_nk^m)x_nk^m: x_nk^m∈ R(𝐳); n ∈ N, k ∈ K_n, m ∈ M_nk]. The feasible set of shippers solutions for given LP's decisions is R(𝐳) = {∑_m ∈ M_nk^0x_nk^m = 1, ∀ n ∈ N, k ∈ K_n ; x_nk^m≤ z_nk^m, n ∈ N, k ∈ K_n, m ∈ M_nk}. The first set of constraints states that the shipper can choose exactly one of the service levels proposed by the LP, or the opt-out alternative. The second set of constraints indicates that the shipper can choose the service level only if it was offered to the shipper and the customer category. The random variables ε affect the objective function of the shippers but not the set R(𝐳). The shipper's objective is to maximize utility U_nk^m(𝐲,ε), and, assuming a negative perception of price (α < 0), this objective is conflicting with the profit maximizing objective of the LP. The demand allocation decisions 𝐰 do not affect the set of optimal decisions F(𝐲,𝐳;ε) as they do not impact the service perceived by the shippers. Notice that the shipper's problem can be decomposed: The set F(𝐲,𝐳;ε) can be partitioned as F(𝐲,𝐳;ε) = ⋃_n ∈ N, k ∈ K_n F_nk(𝐲,𝐳;ε) where F_nk(𝐲,𝐳;ε) represents the set of optimal solutions for each shipper n and customer category k. §.§ Simulation-based Model Formulation This section presents a formulation based on the compact form (<ref>) describing the constraints and the RUM model in details. Choice probabilities of RUM models are non-linear in the decision variables. This is one of the challenges associated with their use in mathematical programming formulations. This has essentially been dealt with in two different ways in the literature: either through linearization of, e.g, the well-known logit model <cit.>, or by using simulated linear utilities as opposed to probabilities and relying on sample average approximation (SAA) <cit.>. We adopt the latter as it allows to use any RUM model as long as it is possible to simulate utilities. Accordingly, in this section we introduce the SAA corresponding to (<ref>). Since the shippers' preferences are revealed only after the LP's strategic decisions, we use a two-stage stochastic bilevel structure. Our first-stage decision variables are the prices y_n^mp, the service level assignments z_nk^m and the facility location decisions r_i. Since the LP can only allocate demand to facilities once shippers accept to include those customers in the agreements, the second-stage decision variables are shippers' binary decisions to accept or reject service level offers, x_nk^m, and the LP's demand allocation decisions, w_ij^m. Our first-stage problem is max -∑_i ∈ If_ir_i+Q(𝐫,𝐳,𝐲) s.t. ∑_p ∈ P_n^my_n^mp≤ 1, n ∈ N, m ∈ M_n, ∑_m ∈ M_n∑_p ∈ P_n^m y_n^mp≤ |K_n|, n ∈ N, ∑_m ∈ M_nkz_nk^m ≤ 1 , n ∈ N, k ∈ K_n, z_nk^m≤∑_p ∈ P_n^my_n^mp, n ∈ N, k ∈ K_n, m ∈ M_n, r_i∈{0,1}, i ∈ I, y_n^mp∈{0,1}, n ∈ N, m ∈ M_n, p ∈ P_n^m, z_nk^m∈{0,1}, n ∈ N, k ∈ K_n, m ∈ M_n. The objective function in (<ref>) is the expected profit. Its first term captures the fixed cost of opening facilities and the second term is equal to the expected value of the second-stage problem Q(𝐫,𝐳,𝐲)=𝐄_ε[ϕ(𝐫,𝐳,𝐲;ε)]. Constraints (<ref>) state that the LP can choose at most one price for each shipper and service level. Constraints (<ref>) ensure that the maximum number of price and service level combinations assigned to a shipper does not exceed the number of its customer categories. Constraints (<ref>) impose that the LP can choose at most one service level for each shipper and customer category. Constraints (<ref>) ensure that a customer category can be assigned to a service level only if the service level has been associated to a price level. Next, we turn our attention to the second-stage problem which is a bilevel program. Using the approach proposed in <cit.>, we estimate Q(𝐫,𝐳,𝐲) with an SAA approximation Q̅(𝐫,𝐳,𝐲)=1/|S|∑_s ∈ Sϕ_s(𝐫,𝐳,𝐲;ε_s), where ε_s is a realization of ε for s∈ S and S is the set of scenarios drawn independently at random. For a given s, our second-stage problem is ϕ_s(𝐫,𝐳,𝐲;ε_𝐬) = max∑_n ∈ N∑_k ∈ K_n∑_m ∈ M_k∑_p ∈ P_n^md_kq_n^mpx_nks^my_n^mp-∑_i ∈ I∑_j ∈ J∑_m ∈ M_jc_ij^mw_ijs^m s.t. ∑_j ∈ J∑_m ∈ M_jw_ijs^mγ^md_j≤ u_ir_i, i ∈ I, ∑_m ∈ M_jw_ijs^m≤ r_i, i ∈ I, j ∈ J_i, ∑_i ∈ Iw_ijs^m = x_nks^m, n ∈ N, k ∈ K_n, j ∈ J_k, m ∈ M_j, ∑_k∈ K_nd_kx_nks^m≥∑_p ∈ P_n^ml_n^mpy_n^mp, n ∈ N, m ∈ M_n, x_nks^m∈ F_nks(𝐲, 𝐳;ε_s), n ∈ N, k ∈ K_n, m ∈ M_n, 0 ≤ w_ijs^m≤ 1, i ∈ I, j ∈ J, m ∈ M_j. The first term in the objective function in (<ref>) corresponds to the revenue generated in this scenario, and the second term to the variable costs. Note that the latter depends on the assignment of specific customers to facilities. Constraints (<ref>) ensure that the demands assigned to facilities do not exceed the respective capacities. Constraints (<ref>) impose that customers are assigned to open facilities only. Constraints (<ref>) indicate that only the demand of customers included in the agreements is allocated to any facility. Constraints (<ref>) ensure that the required minimum demand level for price p and service level m is respected. Constraints (<ref>) refer to the domain of the decision variables w_ijs^m. In Constraints (<ref>), the set of optimal solutions for the follower problem, corresponding to a shipper and customer category, is F_nks(𝐲,𝐳; ε_s)= argmax [∑_m ∈ M_nk^0U_nks^m(𝐲;ε_nks^m)x_nks^m: ∑_m ∈ M_nk^0x_nks^m = 1;x_nks^m≤ z_nk^m; x_nks^m∈{0,1}]. Note that the simulated utility U_nks^m(𝐲;ε_nks^m) = α( ∑_p ∈ P_n^m q_n^mpy_n^mp)+L_nk^m +ε_nks^m is linear in decision variables whereas the objective function is bilinear (<ref>). Moreover, when α<0 utility is decreasing as price increases, in contrast to (<ref>) which increases with price. This two-stage stochastic bilevel formulation cannot be solved with a general purpose MILP solver. In the following section we introduce a reformulation that can. §.§ Reformulation In this section we introduce a single-level MILP reformulation. It is based on insights about the nature of the optimal solutions. First, in Section <ref>, we show that we can compute optimal solutions to the follower's problem (<ref>) by solving a continuous unconstrained relaxation. Second, in Section <ref>, we establish a condition for trivial solutions, i.e., those for which the LP will not offer any agreement. Based on these results and model reduction, we finally introduce the resulting MILP reformulation in Section <ref>. §.§.§ Continuous Relaxation of the Follower Problem PropProposition Optimal solutions to the follower's problem (<ref>) can be computed by solving a continuous relaxation max[ (U_nks^m'(𝐲;ε_nks^m)-U_nks^0(ε_nks^0) )x_nks^m': x_nks^m'∈ [0,1] ]. By replacing x_nks^0=1- ∑_m ∈ M_nkx_nks^m in (<ref>) and rearranging the corresponding terms x_nks^m, m ∈ M_nk, we obtain argmax[ ∑_m ∈ M_nk(U_nks^m(𝐲;ε_nks^m)-U_nks^0(ε_nks^0) )x_nks^m: x_nks^m≤ z_nk^m; x_nks^m∈{0,1}, m ∈ M_nk]. Recall that (<ref>) is solved for fixed z_nk^m and y_n^mp. Due to Constraints (<ref>), either z_nk^m=0, ∀ m ∈ M_nk and as a consequence x_nks^m=0, or we solve the problem for a given m' where z_nk^m'=1. That is, argmax[ (U_nks^m'(𝐲;ε_nks^m)-U_nks^0(ε_nks^0) )x_nks^m': x_nks^m'≤ 1; x_nks^m'∈{0,1}]. Note that even if we relax the binary constraint in (<ref>), that is 0 ≤ x_nks^m'≤ 1, three cases can be distinguished in regard to the objective function in (<ref>). First, U_nks^m'(𝐲;ε_nks^m')-U_nks^0(ε_nks^0)>0, in which case x_nks^m'=1 is optimal. Second, U_nks^m'(𝐲;ε_nks^m')-U_nks^0(ε_nks^0)<0, in which case x_nks^m'=0 is optimal. Third, U_nks^m'(𝐲;ε_nks^m')-U_nks^0(ε_nks^0)=0, the probability that this case happens is zero as the samples are drawn from continuous distributions. Hence, solving (<ref>) yields the optimal solution of (<ref>). §.§.§ Condition for Trivial Second-Stage Solutions It is useful to identify conditions for which first-stage decisions do not lead to an agreement. In other words, second-stage decision variables are zero. Those solutions are henceforth referred to as trivial solutions. Recall that the second-stage problem (<ref>)-(<ref>) consists in deciding the assignment of the customer's demand to the open facilities, but only for customers where U_nks^m(𝐲;ε_nks^m)>U_nks^0(ε_nks^0). Proposition <ref> states that if U_nks^m(𝐲;ε_nks^m)<U_nks^0(ε_nks^0), then customers in category k of shipper n are not considered in the assignment and hence, their impact on ϕ_s(𝐫,𝐳,𝐲,ε_s) is zero. This is addressed in the following proposition. For given s ∈Ω, and for the assignments z_nk^m and y_n^mp that lead to U_nks^m(𝐲;ε_nks^m)< U_nks^0(ε_nks^0) we have (U_nks^m(𝐲;ε_nks^m)-U_nks^0(ε_nks^0)) x_nks^m =0, d_k q_n^mp x_nks^m y_n^mp- ∑_i ∈ I∑_j ∈ J^'_n ∩ J_kc_ij^m w_ijs^m =0. If U_nks^m(𝐲;ε_nks^m)< U_nks^0(ε_nks^0) then, as explained in the proof of Proposition <ref>, x_nks^m=0. Therefore, due to Constraints (<ref>), w_ijs^m=0, ∀ j ∈ J^'_n ∩ J_k, i ∈ I. §.§.§ Single-level and Reduced Formulation This section extends the discussion to the set of all scenarios Ω and derives a single-level MILP. First, let us consider a specific assignment y_n^mp and z_nk^m for shipper n and customer category k. In such case, note that the LP and shipper n are open to conclude an agreement only in the scenarios s ∈ S where U_nk^m(𝐲;ε_nks^m)> U_nks^0(ε_nks^0). In the rest of scenarios, as seen in Propositions <ref> and <ref>, shipper n is not willing to include customers in category k into the agreements and hence the LP will get zero profit from such customers. Therefore, we can anticipate the reaction of shippers in a single-level formulation through the condition U_nk^m(𝐲;ε_nks^m)> U_nks^0(ε_nks^0) in each scenario s. We define a partition of the set of scenarios S, for each n and k as follows: S_nk^m = {s ∈ S:U_nks^m(𝐲;ε_nks^m)-U_nks^0(ε_nks^0)≥ 0}, and (S_nk^m)^c = {s ∈ S : U_nks^m(𝐲;ε_nks^m)-U_nks^0(ε_nks^0)<0}. Accordingly, for each z_nk^m and y_n^mp assignment, shipper n accepts the offer for customers in category k, x_nks^m=1, in a share |S_nk^m|/|S| of the scenarios. Hence, we can define |S_nk^m|/|S| as the SAA of the probability that the utility of a price-service level alternative is greater than the opt-out alternative's utility for a shipper n and customer category k. This probability is defined as ρ_nk^mp=P(U_nk^m(y_n^mp=1;ε_nk^m) ≥ U_nk^0(ε_nk^0) | z_nk^m=1 )=P(α q_n^mp+L_nk^m+ε_nk^m ≥ L_nk^0+ε_nk^0). For a specific assignment z_nk^m=1 and y_n^mp=1, we have lim _|S|→∞|S_nk^m|/|S|→ρ_nk^mp. The latter can be computed using the scenarios s∈ S, or through a closed-form, if it exists. Importantly, we can compute ρ_nk^mp in a preprocessing phase hence avoiding the explicit use of scenarios in the formulation. This leads to a significant reduction in model size. Next, we introduce ρ_nk^mp in the objective functions of the leader and the second-stage problem. In brief, the problem then consists in finding the combinations of prices and service levels with a ρ_nk^mp>0 that provides the maximum profit to the LP. The reformulation is relatively straightforward, especially for the revenue term in the objective, whereas the cost term requires a change of variables. Note that if we multiply each c_ij^m w_ij^m by ∑_p ∈ Py_n^mp for each j ∈ J^'_n, n ∈ N, m ∈ M_j and i ∈ I, we do not alter the solutions: ∑_p ∈ Py_n^mp=0 ⟹ w_ij^m=0; ∀ i ∈ I, j ∈ J^'_n ∴∑_j ∈ J^'_n c_ij^m w_ij^m(∑_p ∈ Py_n^mp)=0, ∑_p ∈ Py_n^mp=1 ⟹∑_j ∈ J^'_nc_ij^mw_ij^m. Accordingly, we can replace Q̅(𝐫,𝐳,𝐲) with max ∑_n ∈ N∑_k ∈ K_n∑_m ∈ M_k∑_p ∈ P_n^mρ_nk^mpd_kq_n^mpz_nk^my_n^mp -∑_i ∈ I∑_j ∈ J∑_m ∈ M_j∑_p ∈ P_n_j^mρ_n_jk_j^mpc_ij^mw_ij^my_n_j^mp s.t. ∑_j ∈ J∑_m ∈ M_jw_ij^mγ^md_j≤ u_ir_i, i ∈ I, ∑_m ∈ M_jw_ij^m≤ r_i, i ∈ I, j ∈ J_i, ∑_i ∈ Iw_ij^m = z_nk^m, n ∈ N, k ∈ K_n, j ∈ J_k, m ∈ M_j, ∑_k∈ K_nd_kz_nk^m≥∑_p ∈ P_n^ml_n^mpy_n^mp, n ∈ N, m ∈ M_n, 0 ≤ w_ij^m≤ 1, i ∈ I, j ∈ J, m ∈ M_j. We note the presence of bilinear terms in the objective function. We linearize them by introducing a new set of variables π_nks^mp≡ y_n^mpz_nk^m, ν_nk^m ≡ w_ij^my_n^mp: π_nk^mp≤ z_nk^m, n ∈ N, k ∈ K_n, m ∈ M_nk, p ∈ P_n^m, π_nk^mp≤ y_n^mp, n ∈ N, k ∈ K_n, m ∈ M_nk, p ∈ P_n^m, π_nk^mp≥ z_nk^m-1+y_n^mp, n ∈ N, k ∈ K_n, m ∈ M_nk, p ∈ P_n^m, π_nk^mp≥ 0, n ∈ N, k ∈ K_n, m ∈ M_nk, p ∈ P_n^m, ν_ij^mp≤ w_ij^m, n ∈ N, j ∈ J_n^', i ∈ I, m ∈ M_j, ν_ij^mp≤ y_n^mp, n ∈ N, j ∈ J_n^', i ∈ I, m ∈ M_j, ν_ij^mp≥ w_ij^m+y_n^mp-1, n ∈ N, j ∈ J_n^', i ∈ I, m ∈ M_j, ν_ij^mp≥ 0, n ∈ N, j ∈ J_n^', i ∈ I, m ∈ M_j. Finally we obtain the single-level MILP reformulation max -∑_i ∈ If_ir_i+∑_n ∈ N∑_k ∈ K_n∑_m ∈ M_k∑_p ∈ P_n^mρ_nk^mpd_kq_n^mpπ_nk^mp -∑_i ∈ I∑_j ∈ J∑_m ∈ M_j∑_p ∈ P_n_j^mρ_n_jk_j^mpc_ij^mν_ij^mp s.t. (<ref>)- (<ref>), (<ref>)- (<ref>). § ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE This section introduces a small example to illustrate the impact of the RUM model. To this aim, we analyze three cases: First, a particular specification of the RUM model yields the probability of selecting an offered alternative, or the opt-out. Second, the LP assumes perfect information and that the opt-out is never selected. Third, the LP assumes no information (uniform distribution) and the opt-out is equally likely to select the opt-out as one of the offered alternatives. Before summarizing the findings for each of these cases, we describe the setting of the example. There are two shippers, N={0,1}, each having a set of two customers: J_0^'={0,1} and J_1^'={2,3}. The demand levels for each customer of Shipper 0 are 50 and 100, whereas they are 20 both customers of Shipper 1. Hence, the total demand from Shipper 0 is 150, and it is 40 for Shipper 1. The LP has the option to open two facilities, I={A,B} with a capacity of 150 and 50, respectively. The fixed cost of opening facility A is 250, and that of facility B is 140. We depict the structure of the facility location part of the problem in Figure <ref>(a). We show the corresponding values (u_i,f_i, γ_m) below a facility node. Note that we illustrate the two facilities – A and B – twice to show that the assignment costs c_ij^m are affected by the service levels. We use sub-indexes when denoting the facilities to identify the corresponding service level. We also report the demand of each customer above the corresponding node. The LP offers the same two service levels to both shippers, M={0,1}, with capacity usage rate of γ^1=1 and γ^2=1.15. Furthermore, they are both offered with the same price levels, P^0 = {6.0, 6.5} and P^1 = {6.3, 7.0} for services 0 and 1, respectively. However, the lower prices are only available if a minimum demand level is satisfied, 40 and 50 unites for levels 0 and 1, respectively (i.e., l_0^0,6.0=l_1^0,6.0=40 and l_0^1,6.3=l_1^1,6.3=50). Since the total demand for Shipper 1 is 40, it means that it cannot have access to the cheaper price for service level 1. The probabilities, shown next to the arcs in Figure <ref>(b), are fixed such that they are higher for lower prices than for higher prices. Moreover, it is likelier to select the opt-out for the higher prices, compared to the lower. Note that the sum of the probabilities of selecting an alternative, and the opt-out (not shown in the figure) equals one. In this setting (probabilities as in Figure <ref>(b)), the optimal solution with an expected profit of 125 consists in opening Facility A and serve all demand from Shipper 0 at Service level 0 and at price 6.0. Indeed, Shipper 0 then meets the minimum demand level. It is not optimal to serve Shipper 1. In this case Facility B would be required, but it would not be profitable as the expected revenue is less than the fixed cost of opening that facility. Note that only Service level 0 can be assigned to customers of Shipper 0. In case Service level 1 would be chosen, the capacity of Facility A would be exceeded (1.5x150>150). We now turn to the case where we do not assume that the probabilities are given by a RUM model. Assuming perfect information and that the opt-out is never selected gives an upper bound on the expected profit. In this example it is 324, almost 3 times larger than the one discussed previously. On the contrary, considering a uniform distribution (third case), (ρ_nk^mp=0.5; ∀ n,k,m,p), yields a zero expected profit. Under such high uncertainty, it is not worth opening any of the facilities. This small example illustrates that assumptions on shipper and customer preferences can have an important impact on expected profits and should therefore be taking into account when making strategic facility location decisions. In the following section we report computational results and analyze a variety of instances and parameter settings. § COMPUTATIONAL RESULTS In this section we aim to analyze the impact of key parameters on optimal expected profit and computation time, as well as assess how large instances we can solve to optimality. With this in mind, we divide the computational results into three parts. First, we analyze how profit varies in response to changes in the RUM model parameters (Section <ref>). For the sake of interpretability, we base this analysis on one example instance. Second, in Section <ref>, we focus on the capacitated facility location problem (CFLP) structure of our problem and generate multiple instances with varying characteristics. Third, we assess how computation time scales with increasing problem size (Section <ref>). More precisely, we fix demand model parameters to values that lead to relatively hard instances to solve, and we generate instances with increasing sizes (number of facility locations, customers and price levels). The following section provides more details on the experimental setup. §.§ Experimental Setup Since we introduce a new problem, we do not have access to existing benchmark instances, and we are unaware of an existing exact solution approach that we could use as baseline. However, we can use the CFLP structure of our problem to generate instances that are close to those in the literature. More precisely, we base our instance generation on the generator proposed by <cit.> and whose test instances where used in <cit.> and <cit.>. In the following we outline the setup with respect to a number of main characteristics. Logistics provider. In Sections <ref> and <ref> we fix the numbers of facility locations |I|=4, service levels |M|=3 and price levels |P|=5. We use 15 and 23 as lower and upper bounds for price levels, and equal price steps are given by 23 -15/|P|-1 . For |P|=5, we therefore set P={15,17,19,21,23}. In the last section, we vary |I| and |P|. We use |P|={3,4,5}, and generate the corresponding price level sets as before. For the sake of simplicity, we assume that the service levels do not impact the capacity utilization (γ^m=γ=1, ∀ m∈ M) in all of the results. However, we fix the relative costs of assigning customers to facilities for the three different service levels to be c_ij^1=c_ij, c_ij^2=1.05c_ij and c_ij^3=1.1c_ij. We note that c_ij, along with facilities' capacities u_i, fixed opening costs f_i, and customer demands d_j are fixed by the CFLP instance generator, as we detail next. CFLP generator. We use the instance generator of <cit.> with a seed equal to 963490972. The values of c_ij, u_i, f_i and d_j are generated such that they satisfy a ratio of ∑_i ∈ Iu_i/∑_j ∈ Jd_j relating the capacity of the facilities and the total demand of the customers. In Section <ref>, we fix this ratio to 2, whereas we vary this value in Section <ref>. Finally, in the last section, we fix it to 1. Shippers and customers. In Sections <ref> and <ref>, we fix the numbers of shippers |N|=2, customers |J|=48 and customer categories |K|=3. In the last section, we vary |J|. RUM model. In all of the experiments, we consider a logit model, i.e., ε follow an Extreme Value type I distribution with scale parameter β. For the sake of simplicity, we assume that all shippers and customer categories share a common utility specification U_nk^mp=U^mp =α_n^m q^p+L_nk^m+ε=-0.1q^p+4.5+ε and that the utility of the opt-out alternative is U^m_0=3. It has been fixed so that the deterministic part of the utility for the opt-out and that of price q^0=15 are equal. The value of parameter α represents the customers' price sensitivity. In Section <ref>, we vary the value of α and β whereas they are fixed to α=-0.1 and β=1 in the subsequent sections. Infrastructure and computing time budget. We perform computations on the Linux version of ILOG CPLEX 12.10 running on an Intel Core i7-7800X CPU at 3.50 GHz. Given the strategic nature of our problem, we consider a 10 hour computing time budget reasonable. For the smaller instances in Sections <ref> and <ref>, we impose a 2 hour time limit which allows us to solve all instances to optimality. In Section <ref>, we impose the 10 hour time limit. §.§ Interpreting the Impact of the Demand Model Parameters In this section we first analyze the impact of the price sensitivity parameter values α on the optimal expected profit, followed by a similar analysis of the impact of the level of uncertainty as captured by the scale parameter β. We also report the computing times. For ease of interpretation, we focus on a single instance. Hence, the results are for illustrative purposes. Appendix <ref> reports details about the choice of parameter values. In Figure <ref>, we show the optimal expected profit for α values ranging from highly price sensitive customers (α=-0.453) to price insensitive (α=0). Note that β is fixed to 1. As expected, profit increases with decreasing price sensitivity. For highly price sensitive customers (in these results α≤ -0.226), the optimal expected profit is zero. For this case, LP does not tender any service offer as the expected costs exceed the expected revenue. These illustrative results highlight the importance of modeling price sensitivity as it can have a major impact on the expected profit. Underestimating its value may lead to an overestimation of the expected profit, and in turn, to strategic facility location decisions that do not lead to profitable operations. In Figure <ref>, we display a similar plot but for the computing time. We observe that a peak occurs for α close to -0.1. In this case, the problem becomes harder to solve due to a symmetry issue that arises when ρ_nk^mpq^p d_j in the objective function is similar for all price levels p. We focus the analysis of the computing time for larger instances in Section <ref> on instances displaying such symmetry issues. We now turn our attention to the impact of uncertainty. For this purpose we vary the scale parameter of the Extreme Value type I distributed random terms. In Figure <ref>, we report the optimal expected profit for different values. These range from β=0.031, representing a close to degenerate distribution, to β=8. Note that we keep α fixed to -0.1. As uncertainty increases, we see a similar effect as that of decreasing price sensitivity, namely an increase in optimal expected profit. At the extreme, for large enough values of β, the distribution is close to uniform. It is then equally likely to choose the opt-out option (i.e., it does not depend on price). In other words, the deterministic part of the utility does not have an impact. We conclude that there is a trade-off between the magnitude of the deterministic part of the utility and the scale of the random term. We illustrate this in Figure <ref> where we show how the optimal expected profit varies for different values of α and two alternatives about β. When β=32, there is very little variation in optimal expected profit for all values of α (we note a slight decline as the magnitude of α increases). On the contrary, when β=1, the price sensitivity impacts the expected profit, albeit less severely than in the degenerate (deterministic) case. Finally, in Figure <ref>, we show how computing time varies as a function of β values. We note a peak for β=1. For the same reason that we explained in the analysis of α values, this is due to symmetry issues arising around this value. The preceding illustrative results highlight that the optimal expected profit can display important variations depending on shippers's price sensitivity and on uncertainty in utilities. It is therefore important to take such considerations into account when making strategic location decisions. The formulation we propose can model different settings ranging from full information (deterministic) to no information (uniform distribution). These settings also impinge on computing times and tractability. The following sections focus on computational aspects, starting with the impact of the CFLP parameters. §.§ Impact of CFLP Parameters In this section, we vary the ratio parameter defined by <cit.> and relating the total capacity of the facilities and the total demand of the customers. Whereas it was fixed to 2 in the previous section, we now let it vary from a highly constraining capacity (ratio equals 0.5, meaning that total capacity is 50% of total demand) to a high excess capacity (ratio equals 5). We note that <cit.> and <cit.> also used some of the values in this range in their numerical results. In our experiments we treat total demand as fixed and only let the capacity vary. For each value of the ratio, we generate 20 instances. We report the results in Figures <ref> and <ref>. We see that the average optimal expected profit increases with the ratio. When the ratio increases, less facilities are required which affects the profits given the high impact of fixed costs. However, we should expect a decrease in profits beyond some given ratio value. In this case, a single (the cheapest) facility captures all demand and subsequent increases in the ratio value only make the cost of this single facility increase. In Figure <ref>, we observe that the model is harder to solve and shows more variable computing times when the total potential capacity is 1.5 times the total demand. Instances with very loose or very constrained capacities are easily solved. We note that instances with with ratio <1 are frequently the easiest to solve by leading to trivial solutions where the LP earns zero expected profits. Our problem features similarities with CFLP and we observe for certain parameter settings patterns in computing times that are similar to those reported about CFLP. However, the profit maximization objective and the inner structure of our problem make it quite distinct from CFLP. For instance, capacity / demand ratios less than one are not considered in CFLP since there is typically a demand satisfaction constraint. We also note that certain settings lead to trivial solutions requiring negligible computing times. Consider for example instances where I and J have similar cardinalities. If a tight ratio between total capacity and total demand holds, we always obtain a trivial solution in our problem, while this is not the case for results reported about CFLP. §.§ Impact of Problem Size This section examines the computing times yielded by our model by testing it against multiple sets of 20 random instances. Instances essentially differ between these sets with respect to numbers of customers, facilities and price levels. The instance generator given in <cit.> updates the capacity of the facilities in order to maintain the value of the ratio parameter relating total capacity and total demand. We only report results for instances that do not lead to trivial solutions, as those instances require almost negligible computing time. As in Section <ref>, all calculations are performed on an identically configured computer. We enforce a time limit of 10 hours, assuming that this is a reasonable time budget for a strategic planning problem. We use the same seed=963490972 to generate each group of 20 instances. Values α=-0.1, β=1 and a value of 1 for the ratio of capacity to demand are used throughout. Table <ref> reports statistics about the performance of our formulation for each set of instances. We show the minimum, average and maximum computing times (in seconds) over the 20 instances in columns Min., Avg. and Max., respectively. The number of cases out of 20 reaching an optimal solutions within the allocated time is reported in column # Opt. As expected, computing time increases with the size of the problems measured by the number of customers and facilities. It does so linearly. On the contrary, computing time increases exponentially with the number of price levels. This is most likely to be caused by the escalation in the symmetry issues identified in Section <ref> as the number of price levels increases. In view of the intended strategic use of the model and the high-level representation of the pricing problem, the number of price levels is bound to remain limited and we do not expect this situation to cause prohibitive difficulties. We cannot solve three out of 20 of the largest instances to optimality within the time limit. For those three instances, the average gap was 11.2%. However, recall that α and β are set to values (-0.1 and one) that yielded the largest computing time in Section <ref>. If the experiments are repeated with different RUM parameters from Section <ref>, for instance α=-0.136, and β=2, every instance can be solved to optimality within the time limit. In addition, considering only the instances solved to optimality, the average computing time is then 63% of what it was with α=-0.1 and β=1. § CONCLUSION AND PERSPECTIVES We addressed a strategic decision-making problem for an LP seeking facility location decisions that lead to profitable operations. In this context, we model at a high level the decisions related to price and service levels, in addition to facility locations. In this strategic setting, the LP has imperfect knowledge of the preferences of the shippers and their customers that impact its profit. Offering a first attempt to address this problem that, to the best of our knowledge, has not been studied before, we proposed a non-conventional single-level MILP reformulation for a bilevel stochastic formulation. We grounded this reformulation in a simulation-based model and three key results arised from the analysis of the structure of the optimal solutions: First, we found that the problem of the follower can be formulated as a continuous unconstrained optimization model. Second, we defined conditions to discover trivial solutions. Third, we significantly reduced the size of the problem by including a parameter that condenses the information of all scenarios. We can easily compute this parameter outside of the model. This resulted in a model that can be solved by a general purpose solver for instances of sizes that are relevant in practice. In addition to optimizing facility location decisions, our methodology allows the LP to anticipate the impact of its decisions about price and quality of service. For instance, solutions can prepare an LP for a transportation procurement process by providing tailored prices and service levels depending on the shippers' profiles. Our results showed that some facility location decisions lead to zero expected profits for the LP, as the resulting costs would exceed revenues. We also observed that the optimal expected profit is highly dependent on the demand model parameters. Finally, achieved computing times were relatively large for some parameter configurations due to symmetry issues. Such issues worsen when the number of price levels increases. We envisage pursuing research along three directions. The first direction concerns extensions to our model. Instead of setting a service level and a price for each shipper independently, the LP's policy might address the aggregated demand of several shippers. Also, service levels could be more finely defined. Thus, given a set of attributes and the preferences of the customers towards them, a decision would be made on the optimal level of each attribute in a service level offered to a shipper. The second direction pertains to the estimation of the demand model. In view of the high dependency of the solutions on the latter (in our case a RUM model), parameter estimation might gainfully account for partial availability of data, as important attributes may be latent. This would also make it possible to test the methodology on real data. Finally, additional work should be dedicated to improving the algorithmic performance. Some parameter configurations can lead to symmetry issues and a column generation approach would seem appropriate in these circumstances. We should also pursue research on enhancements to the model that include symmetry breaking inequalities. § AUTHOR CONTRIBUTION : Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Validation, Investigation, Formal analysis, Writing – Original Draft. : Conceptualization, Supervision, Funding acquisition. : Supervision, Conceptualization, Resources, Validation, Writing – Review & Editing, Funding acquisition. § ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We gratefully acknowledge that the first author receives financial support from the Ecuadorian Secretaría de Educación Superior , Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovacion (SENESCYT) under its international scholarships program and from University Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Ecuador. The research is funded by Data Intelligence for Logistics Research Chair at Université de Montréal thanks to support from Purolator and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (grant CRDPJ 538506 – 19). We express our deep gratitude to Eric Larsen who helped us improve the exposition of the paper. The first author received a scholarship from EURO-IFORS to attend the EURO Summer Institute in Location Science, held in Edinburgh in June 11-22, 2022, where this work was presented. Finally, this research would not have happened without the support, passion and ideas of the second author, Bernard Gendron, who left this world far too early. He will be with us forever in our hearts. § DISCLOSURE STATEMENT The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper. § NOTATION § PARAMETERS IN EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Here we describe the procedure we use to compute some of the parameter values we use in the computational experiments. As seen in Section <ref> values must be assigned to parameters α and β. For the case of parameter α, we seek for a value that leads to a very low probability ρ_nk^mp for the first service level (m=1) and lowest price level (p=0,q^0=15). We set ρ_nk^10=0.005 to compute the initial value of α. Therefore, we obtain the first value α=-0.45289 by solving: 1/1+e^(U^0-U^10)=1/1+e^(3- 15α -4.5) = 0.005 The other 10 values taken by α are equally spaced between the first one and 0. The 11 resulting values for α are reported in Table  <ref>. To determine values for parameter β, we use the exponential expression 2^l over the set l={-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3}. Low values of l correspond to low values for the scale parameter β. Table  <ref> reports values for β that are used in Section  <ref>.
SDF-3DGAN: A 3D Object Generative Method Based on Implicit Signed Distance Function
[ "Lutao Jiang", "Ruyi Ji", "Libo Zhang" ]
[ "cs.CV" ]
Journal of Class Files, Vol. 14, No. 8, August 2021 Shell et al.: A Sample Article Using IEEEtran.cls for IEEE Journals SDF-3DGAN: A 3D Object Generative Method Based on Implicit Signed Distance Function Lutao Jiang^*, Ruyi Ji^*, Libo Zhang^† *The two authors contributed equally to this work †Corresponding author: Libo Zhang Lutao Jiang and Ruyi Ji is with the State Key Laboratory of Computer Science, Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China, and also with the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 101400, China (e-mail: lutao2021@iscas.ac.cn; ruyi2017@iscas.ac.cn).Libo Zhang is with the State Key Laboratory of Computer Science, Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China (e-mail: libo@iscas.ac.cn). This paper was produced by the IEEE Publication Technology Group. They are in Piscataway, NJ. Manuscript received April 19, 2021; revised August 16, 2021. ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ In this paper, we develop a new method, termed SDF-3DGAN, for 3D object generation and 3D-Aware image synthesis tasks, which introduce implicit Signed Distance Function (SDF) as the 3D object representation method in the generative field. We apply SDF for higher quality representation of 3D object in space and design a new SDF neural renderer, which has higher efficiency and higher accuracy. To train only on 2D images, we first generate the objects, which are represented by SDF, from Gaussian distribution. Then we render them to 2D images and use them to apply GAN training method together with 2D images in the dataset. In the new rendering method, we relieve all the potential of SDF mathematical property to alleviate computation pressure in the previous SDF neural renderer. In specific, our new SDF neural renderer can solve the problem of sampling ambiguity when the number of sampling point is not enough, use the less points to finish higher quality sampling task in the rendering pipeline. And in this rendering pipeline, we can locate the surface easily. Therefore, we apply normal loss on it to control the smoothness of generated object surface, which can make our method enjoy the much higher generation quality. Quantitative and qualitative experiments conducted on public benchmarks demonstrate favorable performance against the state-of-the-art methods in 3D object generation task and 3D-Aware image synthesis task. Our codes will be released at https://github.com/lutao2021/SDF-3DGAN. 3D object generation, Mesh generation, 3D-aware image synthesis, Generative adversarial networks (GAN), Signed distance function (SDF), Implicit neural representation, Neural rendering § INRODUCTION 3D object generation has arguably emerged as one of the most intriguing research hotspots. This task is different from the reconstruction task. It requires the creation of an object that do not exist in the world from a random vector. With the advent of GAN <cit.>, diverse follow-up architectures have popularized a variety of 2D image generation tasks <cit.>. GAN endows neural networks with the capability of creation, , generating the fake samples resembling real samples. However, its potential in 3D object generation task has yet to be further explored. As such, we observe that all existing methods for this task remain a extremely low level due to the limitations such as computation overhead, representation method, . 3D-GAN <cit.> is one representative of early methods. It generates a voxel model directly, but its spatial resolution is heavily restricted by the expensive memory consumption and low accuracy of voxel representation method. Recently, NeRF <cit.> has gained momentum in 3D representation domain. The main idea of NeRF is to utilize a simple Multi-Layer Perception (MLP) network to encode the implicit representation of a scene. To be specific, given the position coordinate and viewing direction of any point in space, MLP network predicts the volume density and RGB color of this point. After that, the color of ray can be accumulated by the volume rendering <cit.> algorithm. With the advance of NeRF, numerous NeRF-based generators have been proposed, such as GRAF <cit.>, PI-GAN <cit.> and GOF <cit.>. Theoretically, these methods enjoy unlimited spatial resolution and can generate information of arbitrary point. Nevertheless, the existing NeRF-based generators individually predict the volume density or opacity of each point in space, neglecting the rich relationship between points. Such a schema easily incurs discontinuity defects on the real 3D model, and even some chaotic performance, as shown in Fig. <ref> (the 1^st row). Inspired by success of implicit Signed Distance Function (SDF)<cit.>, we propose SDF-3DGAN, a method that introduce implicit Signed Distance Function (SDF) as the 3D object representation method for the 3D object generation and 3D-Aware image synthesis task. Different from the previous methods, which generates the voxel or the NeRF representation, we present to utilize SDF to represent the shape of an object. In general, SDF-3DGAN leverages an implicit SDF to represent an object and can render 2D RGB images from arbitrary angles. It is worth noting that the implicit SDF representation can be converted into other formats of 3D models, such as mesh. Compared to the voxel representation, the SDF representation can overcome its low representation accuracy due to its discrete nature in space. And the most important reason why our results are significantly better than previous NeRF-based methods (Fig. <ref>) is that the implicit SDF allows every point in space to perceive the presence of the surface and guarantees a stronger correlation between spatial points. SDF is a function of the shortest distance from a point to the surface in space. The signed distance of a point outside the surface is defined as a positive value, while a point inside the surface is defined as a negative value. The zero-level set of a signed distance function is the surface of an object. In our design, we adopt a simple MLP network as the implicit signed distance function. Its input is the coordinate of a point and the output is signed shortest distance to the object surface. And we explicitly constrain its gradient's norm at every point to approach 1, which turns this simple MLP network to be a implicit SDF. In the training stage, our overall training pipeline consists of two steps. Using the 2D car dataset as an example, we generate a 3D car model by giving the neural network a restricted random vector. To supervise its ability to convert arbitrary random vectors into different cars, we need to render them as 2D images at various angles by the rendering methods we have designed. The discriminator of GAN is then used to determine whether the generated image is similar to the 2D car images in the dataset. By achieving the goal of making the generated SDF look like a car at all angles, our generator can convert arbitrary random vectors into different 3D models of cars. However, to render a 2D image with the resolution of H × W, common neural volume rendering algorithms require to sample H × W rays, along with N points on each ray. Considering a 2D image with H=W=N=128, we need to query the MLP network 2,097,152 times to render such an image, resulting in the prohibitive calculation cost. To alleviate the computation burden, we design a new SDF rendering pipeline which takes full advantage of excellent mathematical properties of SDF to improve the sampling efficiency. And this rendering method is also can be applied in other SDF tasks. Surprisingly, we notice concurrent method StyleSDF <cit.> shares the similar idea with us. Even though both leverage SDF as the representation method of an object, the focus of our two papers is significantly different. StyleSDF focuses on high-resolution (1024 × 1024) face generation by training an overly complicated model similar to StyleGAN <cit.>, which requires more computation resource to upsample the face resolution in the second stage, while its first stage is just amenable for low-resolution (64 × 64) feature map generation. And two stages are optimized separately, which breaks the multi-view consistency in 3D-aware image synthesis. In contrast, we pay more attention to generate more realistic 3D objects and high-quality 3D-aware images simultaneously. Moreover, we propose to utilize the mathematical properties of SDF to reduce computation burden when rendering an image. And we can readily find the points and normal vectors of the surface. Therefore, we introduce normal loss to regularize the smoothness of surface, which allows our method for more realistic representation. In addition, with our improved rendering algorithms, which solves the problem of sampling error when the number of sampling points is too small (in the section IV.B.3), we can support the training of 360° datasets, not just forward-facing small-angle face datasets (StyleSDF only use these datasets). We validate the effectiveness of our method on a full angle dataset CARLA <cit.>, beyond the face domain. Moreover, our method produces higher quality and higher resolution feature maps than the first stage of StyleSDF. I believe that replacing its first stage generator with ours would yield better results if computational resources were available. To sum up, the main contributions of this work can be summarized into five folds. * We present a novel method for 3D object generation, named SDF-3DGAN, which introduce implicit SDF as the representation method of 3D object in the generative field. * We design a new SDF neural renderer for implicit SDF representation method, which can render the generated object to 2D RGB images more efficiently and accurately than previous SDF neural renderer. And this rendering method is also can be applied in other SDF tasks. * The proposed rendering pipeline takes full advantage of mathematical properties of SDF to reduce computation cost and significantly improves the sampling efficiency. Besides, we avoid the dilemma that it is prone to locate the wrong surface position even cannot find surface when the sampling points are insufficient. * Thanks to the fact that we can readily find the desirable surface, we can constrain the variation of the surface normal vector, , the surface SDF gradient, which greatly smooths the surface of the generated object. * Quantitative and qualitative experiments conducted on the challenging benchmarks, including CARLA <cit.>, CelebA <cit.>, BFM <cit.>, show favorable performance against the state-of-the-art methods, validating effectiveness of our proposed pipeline and optimization algorithms. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section <ref> briefly reviews significant works relevant to our method. In Section <ref>, we have briefly introduced some of the key concepts. In Section <ref>, we describe the proposed pipeline and method in detail. In Section <ref>, the extensive experimental results are reported and analyzed, including the comparison between the proposed method and existing cutting-edge methods, validation of generation ability, and the comprehensive analysis of the ablation study. Finally, Section <ref> draws the conclusions of the proposed method and summarizes several potential directions for the future research. § RELATED WORK In this section, we briefly review three major research directions closely related to our method, , 3D generative model, implicit signed distance function, and generative adversarial networks. §.§ 3D Generative Model As one of seminal methods, 3D-GAN <cit.> proposes to use GAN for the task of 3D object generation, where it relies on the generator to produce a voxel of a 3D object. VON <cit.> proposes to disentangle object representation. Concretely, it first generates a 3D model by 3D-GAN, then computes a perspective-specific 2.5D sketch by differentiable projection, and finally generates a 2D image by texture network. However, both 3D-GAN and VON require 3D supervision, and the memory-sensitive drawback dramatically limits their spatial resolution. HoloGAN <cit.> proposes a method only requiring 2D unlabeled images to generate 3D-aware images. Unfortunately, it cannot explicitly generate a 3D model in space. The arrival of NeRF <cit.> has revolutionized the paradigm of retrieving the volume density and RGB color of any point in space via a neural network. For example, GRAF <cit.> is the first method to introduce NeRF into the 3D object generation task. It leverages a NeRF-like MLP structure to generate 3D object. PI-GAN <cit.> designs a mapping network similar to StyleGAN <cit.>, and introduces FiLM <cit.> and SIREN <cit.> activation functions. The follow-up method GOF <cit.> changes the volume density of PI-GAN to occupancy, and proposes an algorithm to allow model aware of the surface of the object. ShadeGAN <cit.> attaches the illumination model to PI-GAN and designs a surface tracking CNN-based network to improve sampling efficiency. Likewise, there exist some two-stage methods <cit.> that utilize volume rendering algorithms to produce low-resolution features which are then upsampled to a high resolution image. It is worthy to note that all these implicit representation methods can be converted to other 3D representation methods such like mesh. §.§ Implicit Signed Distance Function With the development of implicit neural representations (INR), ever-increasing research attention is shifted to adopt deep neural networks as implicit signed distance functions. Considering that a deep neural network can serve as a continuous function, DeepSDF <cit.> pioneers to introduce deep neural network into 3D model representation and reconstruction. To get free from 3D supervision in single-view or multi-view 3D reconstruction task, SDFDiff <cit.> proposes to use a differentiable method to render 3D shapes represented by signed distance functions. SAL <cit.> designs a novel method based on implicit shape representation for surface reconstruction tasks from an un-oriented point cloud. IDR <cit.> introduces a neural network architecture to disentangle geometry and appearance, allowing model to encode more complex lighting conditions and materials. NeuS <cit.> proposes a new SDF-based volume rendering method, which maps signed distance to its proposed s-density and generalize to the volume rendering algorithm. §.§ Generative Adversarial Networks Ian GoodFellow <cit.> propose generative adversarial networks, which consist of a generator and a discriminator. Given a random noise, the generator network can convert it to fake data which tries to resemble real data as far as possible. The discriminator network is tasked with distinguishing whether the input data comes from real data or fake data. The two parts evolve together in an adversarial manner, ending up with a generator network capable to produce high quality data. GAN has been applied to a variety of tasks, particularly in the field of 2D images, such as image generation <cit.>, inpainting <cit.>, dehazing <cit.>, . Specifically, progressive GAN <cit.> proposes a gradual transition training scheme from low-resolution to high-resolution. Following a coarse-to-fine paradigm, the training process starts by learning coarse-grained features and then pays more attention to the fine-grained features. The StyleGAN series <cit.> not only significantly improve the quality of generated images, but also spark significant improvements in image reconstruction and editability. INR-GAN <cit.> proposes to leverage a continuous function which can generate an image by querying the coordinates of each pixel. § PRELIMINARIES To better understand the proposed method, we first briefly introduce a few important concepts, , the representative neural rendering method, NeRF, the conventional sampling strategy on the ray, hierarchical sampling, and Signed Distance Function (SDF). If you are already familiar with these concepts, we recommend skipping this section. §.§ NeRF (Neural Radiance Field) NeRF readily represents a 3D object or a scene through a simple neural network. It predicts the volume density and RGB color values for each point in a scene, then the volume rendering algorithm is used to render the observed image at the given viewpoint. Given the coordinate x of a point and the observation direction d(θ,ϕ) (θ and ϕ are the pitch and yaw respectively), NeRF queries the volume density σ and the RGB color c of a point through MLP. To render an RGB image, we first set view-dependent rays, then sample points along these rays and query their volume density σ and RGB color c respectively. Finally, the classic volume rendering technique <cit.> is utilized to calculate the color of each ray. Each ray corresponds to a pixel in the 2D image, as shown in Fig. <ref>. The specific calculation of each ray is mathematically reformulated as follows: Ĉ(r)=∑_i=1^N T_i(1-exp(-σ(x_i) δ_i)) c(x_i, d), where T_i=exp(-∑_j=1^i-1σ(x_j) δ_j) where σ(x_i) stands for the volume density of the point x_i, c(x_i, d) is the RGB color of point x_i conditioned on observing direction d, δ_i is the distance between the two points of x_i and x_i+1, and r is the ray which is represented r(t)=o+td, x_i=r(t_i). §.§ Hierarchical Sample To calculate the color of each ray via the classical rendering algorithms, there is a requirement to sample points along the ray. NeRF offers a hierarchical sampling strategy. That is, in the first round, the sampling points along a ray are drawn from a uniform distribution. After that, we calculate the weight of i-th sampling point through the formula T_i(1-exp(-σ(x_i) δ_i)) on each ray. Formulating above-acquired weights as the probability density, the second round sampling is performed along this ray. Finally, all points sampled in the above two rounds contribute to the calculation of color belonging to this ray in Equ. (<ref>). §.§ SDF (Signed Distance Function) SDF refers to a function of the shortest distance from a point to the surface in space. Following the common practice, the signed distance of points outside the surface are positive and negative for those inside the surface. The zero-level set of a signed distance function is the surface of an object. Theoretically, if a function is with gradient's norm 1 at every point in space, then it can serve as the SDF of an object. Likewise, if we explicitly constrain the gradient's norm of network's output to be 1 with respect to the input points, such a neural network turns to be an implicit SDF. Obviously, the gradient of SDF of a point on the surface is its normal vector. Taking a ball of radius 1 whose center is located at the origin of coordinate system as an example, its SDF can be mathematically formulated as f(x,y,z) = √(x^2+y^2+z^2)-1. Its surface is the zero-level set of SDF, which is written as {(x,y,z)|f(x,y,z) = √(x^2+y^2+z^2)-1=0}. § METHOD As in Fig. <ref>, our overall training process is divided into two stages. First, given shape code z_s, which is a random vector, we can generate an object represented by SDF(x;z_s). And this SDF is a conditioned network. Second, given color code z_c, which is also a random vector, we can determine the surface color of this object. Then, we can render this object to a 2D image at any angle by our new designed rendering algorithm. Through training, we leave the discriminator without the ability to distinguish the difference between the generated arbitrary-angle images and the images in the dataset, the generated images are close enough to the images of the given dataset. The object generated in space thus satisfies the shape we want to generate. Considering there are large number of symbols in the next paper, we have therefore summarised a symbol table in Table <ref>. §.§ Generate Object We first generate an object in space, which is represented by the SDF neural network. As shown in Fig. <ref>, we use a simple MLP network as the SDF. This neural network can be expressed as the following equation V =ℱ(x;z_s) s =ℱ_1(V) c =ℱ_2(V,d;z_c) where ℱ, ℱ_1 and ℱ_2 are some linear layers in the Fig. <ref>, x∈ℝ^3 is the 3D space coordinate, z_s∈ℝ^128 is the shape code, V∈ℝ^256 is the intermediate feature vector, s is the signed distance, d∈ℝ^3 is the observation direction of the point, z_c∈ℝ^128 is the color code and c∈ℝ^3 is the RGB color of point. And in the training stage, both z_s and z_c obey standard Gaussian distribution. Through fixing the input z_s to the neural network ℱ_1(ℱ(·)), this neural network can be seen as the function SDF(x;z_s), where x is the argument of this function. Different z_s represent different objects. Taking the car dataset as an example, after training is completed, changing different z_s will change the shape of the car. For training, we need to render the object to 2D RGB images at arbitrary angle. Therefore, we attach a color branch to the network to achieve this goal. We input the position feature vector, observation direction and color code to this branch to obtain the RGB value of the point. Similarly, different z_c can change the color of the object. §.§ Render the Generated Object to 2D RGB Image §.§.§ The Proposed SDF Neural Renderer The overall flow-chart of the proposed SDF neural renderer is illustrated in Fig. <ref>. To render an image, we first sample the camera position in space. For convenience, we sample the camera position on a sphere of radius 1 which is located at the origin of the coordinate system. Similar to PI-GAN <cit.>, we then turn the camera direction towards the origin of coordinates and emit H × W rays (each ray corresponds to one pixel). After that, we sample points along the ray for subsequent integration calculation. Next, the position coordinate together with observation direction are fed into the well-designed SDF neural network to compute the according signed distance and RGB color. To adapt to the classical volume rendering formula, we project the signed distance to opacity. Finally, we leverage the volume rendering formula to calculate the color of each ray, which is equivalent to rendering the entire picture. Next, we will introduce the color calculation method and point sampling method in detail. §.§.§ Map Signed Distance to Opacity and Calculate Color As discussed above, to adapt to the classical volume rendering formula, we explicitly map signed distance to opacity α∈(0,1] and calculate the color of each ray via Equ. (<ref>). Ĉ(r; z_s, z_c)=∑_i=1^Nα(x_i; z_s) ∏_j<i(1-α(x_j; z_s)) c(x_i, d; z_s, z_c) where r is a ray, and N x_i are the points on the ray, which are arranged from near to far from the position of the ray origin. α(x_i;z_s) means the opacity of point x_i conditioned on shape code z_s, c(x_i, d;z_s,z_c) is the color of point x_i with observation direction d conditioned on color code z_c. Intuitively, the opacity of a point should be larger when it approaches to the surface of an object. When far from the surface, its opacity should approach to 0. To satisfy the above characteristics, we design a mapping function ℳ(·), which is tasked with converting signed distance of a point to its opacity. Formally, a desirable mapping function should be with following three characteristics: * ℳ(s)=ℳ(-s) * Monotonically increasing at (-∞,0) and monotonically decreasing at (0,+∞) * Approach to 0 when the signed distance is far from 0 and equal to 1 when the signed distance is 0. Empirically, we observe that the derivative function of sigmoid satisfies the above conditions well. Since such a function varies in the range of (0,0.25], we regularize it by a scale factor of four. Thereby, the mapping function can be given as Equ. (<ref>), where β is a learnable parameter increasing with the progress of training, which ensures the function ℳ(s) to shrink towards s=0 , as shown in Fig. <ref>. ℳ(s ; β)=4 ·sigmoid(β·s) · (1-sigmoid(β·s)) §.§.§ Sampling Method and Accurate Sampling Strategy Assuming a ray r(t)=o+td, where o refers to source point, d represents the ray direction and t is a ray depth scalar, we sample points along the ray to proceed volume rendering via Equ. (<ref>). More specifically, we need to sample N points,  ray depth scalar t, within an interval for subsequent calculation on the ray. Upon the shortest distance to surface acquired by SDF, we leverage ray marching algorithm to search the approximate position of the surface. Mathematically, we apply the Equ. (<ref>) to iteratively search the surface location. t_i+1 = t_i + SDF(o+t_id) Obviously, for a point, marching forward with the shortest distance to surface on the ray will never cross the surface. It reaches the surface only if the direction of the ray coincides with that of the shortest distance. Fig. <ref> presents a typical example for better understanding. After numerous rounds of computation, we figure out the approximate ray depth t_d is within the acceptable error range. And we set this depth value t_d to be the center of sampling interval. Then, we uniformly sample points in the [t_d-δ,t_d+δ]. δ refers to a hyper-parameter, which decreases as training proceeds. As β in Equ. (<ref>) increases in the training process, the α curve near the surface gets narrower gradually (refer to Fig. <ref>). As a result, only points very close to the surface have an opacity far from 0. Therefore, when the sampling points are insufficient in the first round, it would be troublesome to find a correct surface or cannot find any surface, as illustrated in Fig. <ref>. As a result, when we calculate colors through Equ. (<ref>), there exists two possible problems, (1) all points tend to be with a weight of 0, (2) points close to the second surface would have larger weights. As a result, the generated image would be with discontinuous points, which in turn poses challenges for the stable training (please refer to the first two rows of Fig. <ref>). To solve the above issues, we propose an accurate sampling strategy to ensure the sampling efficiency and accuracy. Concretely, on a ray r(t)=o+td, we first locate the two points which are the first pair of signed distance values varied from positive to negative in the previous uniform sampling procedure after ray marching. We denote such two points as (t_1,s_1), (t_2,s_2) respectively, where s_1 and s_2 indicate the signed distance values at positions t_1 and t_2, s_1>0, s_2<0. We project these two points in the coordinate system to compute the primary root of the line through Equ. (<ref>). t_s=-t_2-t_1/s_2-s_1 s_1 + t_1 where t_s is the accurate surface that we locate. We provide an example for better understanding in Fig. <ref>. Empirically, such simple strategy not only solves the above two issues, but also serves as an alternative high-efficiency choice in hierarchical sampling (refer to section <ref>-B). The ablation study in section <ref> demonstrates the superiority over its existing counterparts. §.§ Training Strategy When we render the object to 2D images, we can change the number of sampling rays, , the number of pixels. One ray can be seen as one pixel. Therefore, we can render images at any resolutions theoretically. But more pixels means that we need to sample more rays and points to calculate the RGB values of each ray. Restricted by hardware, we only render the 2D images at 32 × 32 to 128 × 128 resolution. Enjoying ability to render an image at any resolution, we borrow an off-the-shelf progressive discriminator used by PI-GAN <cit.> to first learn the coarse-grained content at a low resolution, and then gradually increase the resolution to learn more details. The training procedure is divided into three stages, which consist of 32 × 32, 64 × 64 and 128 × 128 resolutions. And as the rendered image resolution gradually increases, we shrink the range of sampling interval and reduce the number of sampling points to relieve the computation cost. §.§ Loss Function GAN Loss Let the generator be G_θ_1(z_s,z_c, ξ), where θ_1 is the learnable parameter and ξ is the camera pose. As such, the discriminator is D_θ_2(·), where θ_2 refers to the learnable parameter. The input of discriminator is either a real image ℐ from dataset or a generated image from G_θ_1(z_s,z_c, ξ). We adopt non-saturating GAN loss with R1 regularization <cit.> as follows: ℒ_GAN=𝔼_z_s∼ p_z_s, z_c∼ p_z_c, ξ∼ p_ξ[f(D_θ_2(G_θ_1(z_s,z_c, ξ)))] +𝔼_I ∼ p_𝒟[f(-D_θ_2(ℐ))+λ|∇ D_θ_2(ℐ)|^2] where f(u)=-log (1+exp (-u)) Eikonal Loss The Eikonal Loss in Equ. (<ref>) is utilized to ensure network learns a meaningful SDF. In another word, we make efforts to ensure that the norm of the gradient vector at each point in space converge to 1. ℒ_Eikonal=𝔼_x(∇_x f(x ; z_s)-1)^2 Normal Loss Further, we leverage the ℓ_2 Normal Loss in Equ. (<ref>) to smooth generated 3D model. ℒ_Normal=1/N∑_x_s∈𝒮∇_x_s(x_s, z_s)-∇_x_s(x_s+ϵ, z_s) where N is the number of points involved in the calculation, 𝒮 denotes the set of points on the surface and ϵ indicates the micro-disturbances. Concretely, the ℓ_2 normal loss constraint is imposed on the normal vector variation of the surface. Exactly, the gradient of SDF at a point is the normal vector of this point. In summary, the final loss function is: ℒ=ℒ_GAN + λ_Eikonalℒ_Eikonal + λ_Normalℒ_Normal where λ_Eikonal and λ_Normal are two hyper-parameters to balance the above loss items. § EXPERIMENTS In this section, we conduct extensive experiments to verify the effectiveness of our proposed method. Specifically, we first describe the three challenging datasets involved in this paper. Then, we introduce the implementation details of our experiments. Next, the comparisons between the proposed method and existing works are reported and analyzed qualitatively. Finally, comprehensive ablation studies are performed to help understand the proposed method better. §.§ Datasets To evaluate the effectiveness and generation ability of our method and for fair comparison to other methods, we conduct extensive experiments on three widely used and challenging datasets, including CARLA <cit.>, CelebA <cit.>, BFM <cit.>. These three datasets are used widely by most SOTA methods. The CARLA dataset is derived from GRAF <cit.> where the Carla Driving simulator <cit.> is used to render 10,000 images of 18 car models and each image has a diverse appearance. The cars are all in the center of image and the background is white. The camera position of the rendered image is sampled on an upper hemisphere uniformly, which ranges from 0°-360° and 0°-85° for azimuth and polar angle, respectively. CelebA contains over 200,000 real-world images of faces without camera parameters. It contains images of face at various forward angles, but does not contain any pitch and yaw angle information. Following the common practice in prior works, we only use the head part patches cropped from original images in our experiments. With regard to BFM dataset, it is a collection of 200,000 face images generated by unsup3d <cit.> using the Basel Face Model <cit.>. Different form CelebA, it is a simulation dataset, therefore, it lacks a lot of information on facial detail. Notably, during the training, we only use the original RGB color information and do not rely on any extra information of the above datasets. §.§ Implementation Details We leverage in PyTorch <cit.> to implement the proposed method. All the experiments are trained for 60-80 hours on a server with four NVIDIA RTX3090 GPUs. We utilize the Adam <cit.> optimizer to train the model. In Table <ref>, we list the specific experiment details of the different training stages. For CARLA and CelebA datasets, the training process is consisted of three phases, a 32 × 32 resolution phase, a 64× 64 resolution phase and a 128 × 128 resolution phase. In terms of the BFM dataset, training process only include the first two phases in the above datasets. Our sampling strategy of camera positions during training is adaptive to the datasets. For CARLA, we use the real distribution as described above. Since CelebA is a collection dataset of real camera data without camera parameters, it is impossible to obtain the real distribution of camera poses. For a fair comparison, we therefore use an estimated normal distribution used in PI-GAN, with a vertical standard deviation of 0.155 radians and a horizontal standard deviation of 0.3 radians. And for BFM, we use the same camera pose distribution as CelebA. §.§ Main Results and Qualitative Analysis We choose to use the visual results of the generated 3D model to finish the comparison of 3D object generation quality. It is worth noting that we have not carefully selected the generated 3D models. The 3D models generated by our method are all the smooth and realistic high quality models we present. And the 3D models generated by the other methods suffer from spatial clutter or unevenness of the model surface. As for the quality of 3D-Aware image synthesis, we use the Fréchet Inception Distance (FID) <cit.> and Kernel Inception Distance (KID) <cit.> metrics, which are widely used in the field of image synthesis, to evaluate. The FID and KID measure the distance between the distribution of the generated data and the training data. And we use frames per second (FPS) to measure the speed of generating 3D-Aware images. We compared our method with three mainstream approaches, including GRAF <cit.>, PI-GAN <cit.> and GOF <cit.>. In Fig. <ref>, we show a visual comparison between our method and the state-of-the-art in terms of 2D image, depth map and 3D mesh on the CARLA dataset. As can be seen from Fig. <ref>, for the depth map and 3D mesh, there is much mess in the bottom of car yielded by these three methods. Besides, the bodywork of car is hardly generated smoothly and shows a severe ripple-like effect (zoom in for a better view). We believe it is because previous methods directly output the volume density or opacity of a point, making it difficult to obtain a effective supervision of chaotic area. By contrast, our method allows for the direct representation of a continuous surface of an object in space by the zero-level set of the SDF, which is equal to place a numerical constraint on the position away from the surface of the object and enhances the relationships between points and surface in space. Therefore, we avoid the mess around the car effectively. To further validate the effectiveness of the proposed method, in the top four rows of Fig. <ref>, we demonstrate the full angles rotation of one of the generated mesh models on the CARLA dataset. It can be seen that our method shows obvious advantages over existing methods in generation quality. In Fig. <ref>, we visually compare our method with existing cutting-edge methods on the CelebA dataset. One can see that although the previous methods can generate continuous 3D-aware images, the corresponding spatial accuracy is inferior to our method. In terms of mesh performance GRAF exported, there are many small lumpy patches and incorrect depressions, resulting in undesirable quality. Although the mesh results yielded by PI-GAN are significantly improved, there are still many abnormal stripes. GOF proposes the Opacity Regularization Loss, which encourages all output of neural network to be zero or one. It is advisable to forces only points very close to the surface to be with non-zero weights when calculating the color. However, such a constraint makes network output near the surface vary drastically with the micro-variation of the input, posing more challenges on fitting the relationships in the space. Unlike GOF, our proposed method fits the SDF of an object, which enables output of neural network to vary in a smooth form as the input changes, while preserving the principal advantage of GOF. As evidenced in the bottom four rows of Fig. <ref>, we demonstrate the full angles rotation of the generated mesh model on the CelebA dataset. We can see that the mesh generated by our model is more realistic and natural, while enjoying smooth and spotless merits. The other methods, however, are challenged by clutters spread the space due to the lack of explicit constraints in space. Fig. <ref> presents a similar visual trend on BFM dataset. Table <ref> summarizes quantitative comparisons between the proposed method and current SOTA methods in terms of Fréchet Inception Distance (FID) <cit.> and Kernel Inception Distance (KID) <cit.> on the datasets (CARLA, CelebA and BFM). For a fair comparison, we generate images at 128 × 128 resolution to calculate the metrics of FID and KID. Without bells and whistles, the quantitative performance shows that our method significantly performs better than the previous method. And performance in terms of frames per second (FPS) further proves the computation efficiency of our proposed new rendering pipeline. In Fig. <ref>, we also show the effect of changing z_c for a given fixed z_s, , the 3D model is the same, but the appearance color of the model is constantly changed. §.§ Ablation Studies §.§.§ Accurate Sampling To verify the effect of our proposed sampling strategy, we perform experiments to make comparisons with the sampling method adopted by the original NeRF and PI-GAN. We choose a model, which is trained for the first stage on CARLA dataset at 32 × 32 resolution using coarse-to-fine sampling, as the baseline. The explanation for this is that a rudiment of SDF is just responsible for shape. And we observe that as the β in Equ. (<ref>) rises, the problems depicted in Fig. <ref> start to emerge. In Fig. <ref>, we show the comparisons of “Only Coarse” sampling, “Coarse+Fine” sampling and our “Coarse+Accurate” sampling. As can be seen, the manners using coarse sampling and two rounds of “Coarse+Fine” sampling (first two lines in Fig. <ref>) show numerous small dots spread the surface, resulting in the discontinuous surface of an object. Differently, our method (last line in Fig. <ref>) not only solves the sampling ambiguity problem (shown in Fig. <ref>), but also significantly improves the sampling efficiency with less computation. Assuming that coarse sampling requires N points and fine sampling requires M points, our method succeeds to reduce the sampling number from N+M to N+1, which is ascribed to the fact that SDF serves as intermediate representations in 3D space and significantly reduce computational burden. §.§.§ Speed Comparison of Different Renderer To verify the effectiveness of our proposed rendering pipeline, we use an already trained SDF generator to compare the speed of rendering a 128 × 128 image when two methods achieving similar generated image quality. Therein, one is the volume rendering method that most of the traditional methods used. And another is our method, which is optimized by the SDF mathematical property. In Table <ref>, the results show that our designed rendering method can significantly reduce the required rendering time, which in turn saves training time. This improvement is due to the fact that our renderer can use fewer points to locate the surface of objects more accurately, while the previous methods must use the enough points. §.§.§ Eikonal Loss Weight Eikonal Loss is the key to ensuring that our network can be seen as an implicit SDF. It is obviously that the gradient of the SDF function with respect to the input coordinates should be 1 everywhere. Therefore, if the Eikonal Loss is too large, the network cannot be seen as an implicit SDF. We conduct some experiments on CARLA dataset with different λ_Eikonal. In Table <ref>, too small the λ_Eikonal will result in too large the Eikonal Loss, which prevents the neural network from acting as an implicit SDF. When λ_Eikonal is too large, it will make the network pay too little attention to the quality of the generated image, leading to a decrease in the quality of the generated 3D-aware image. Therefore, we choose 0.5 as the weight for Eikonal Loss. §.§.§ Normal Loss Weight As we described earlier, we can manipulate the smoothness of the generated 3D model by ℓ_2 Normal Loss, thanks to the fact that our model explicitly perceives surface of the generated 3D model. Different datasets require different coefficients, but the general trend is the same. We have therefore chosen the CARLA dataset as an example. Fig. <ref> illustrates the smoothness of SDF after conversion to mesh conditioned on different Normal Loss coefficients. It is quite obvious that the larger factor is, the smoother the surface is. And when this loss item is removed, we can see that the surface of the model degrades dramatically. In the Table <ref>, we find the generation quality of 3D-Aware images decreases as λ_Normal rises. Considering the visual results are good enough with a setting of 1.0, so we set it to 1.0 on balance. § CONCLUSION To improve 3D object generation task, we deliver a new method termed SDF-3DGAN, which introduce implicit Signed Distance Function (SDF) as the representation method of 3D object in the generative field. We apply SDF for higher quality representation of a 3D object in space and design a new SDF neural renderer. In the training process, we first generate the objects represented by implicit SDF. Then, we use our new rendering pipeline to render them to 2D images at arbitrary angles to apply GAN training method with 2D images in the dataset. We utilize the mathematical property of SDF solves the problems of sampling ambiguity when the number of sampling points is too small. Therefore, we can use the less points to finish higher quality rendering, which saves our training time. At the same time, our renderer can locate the surface point easily, which make us can apply normal loss to control the normal vector variation to make our generated object surface smoother and more realistic. Finally, quantitative and qualitative experiments conducted on public benchmarks demonstrate favorable performance against the state-of-the-art methods in 3D object generation task and 3D-Aware image synthesis task. The limitation of our method is that in training stage, the resolution of rendered 3D-aware images is still not high enough. This will affect the generation quality of more surface details. Therefore, in the future research, we will shift focus on exploring the implicit representation generator on the higher resolution. IEEEtran
Sensing Wellbeing in the Workplace, Why and For Whom? Envisioning Impacts with Organizational Stakeholders
[ "Anna Kawakami", "Shreya Chowdhary", "Shamsi T. Iqbal", "Q. Vera Liao", "Alexandra Olteanu", "Jina Suh", "Koustuv Saha" ]
[ "cs.HC" ]
Sensing Wellbeing in the Workplace, Why and For Whom?]Sensing Wellbeing in the Workplace, Why and For Whom? Envisioning Impacts with Organizational Stakeholders This author was affiliated with Microsoft Research while this work was conducted. Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh PA USA akawakam@andrew.cmu.edu Microsoft Research Montreal QC Canada chowdhary.shreya@gmail.com Microsoft Research Redmond WA USA shamsi@microsoft.com Microsoft Research Montreal QC Canada veraliao@microsoft.com Microsoft Research Montreal QC Canada alexandra.olteanu@microsoft.com Microsoft Research Redmond WA USA jinsuh@microsoft.com Microsoft Research Montreal QC Canada koustuv.saha@gmail.com With the heightened digitization of the workplace, alongside the rise of remote and hybrid work prompted by the pandemic, there is growing corporate interest in using passive sensing technologies for workplace wellbeing. Existing research on these technologies often focus on understanding or improving interactions between an individual user and the technology. Workplace settings can, however, introduce a range of complexities that challenge the potential impact and in-practice desirability of wellbeing sensing technologies. Today, there is an inadequate empirical understanding of how everyday workers—including those who are impacted by, and impact the deployment of workplace technologies–envision its broader socio-ecological impacts. In this study, we conduct storyboard-driven interviews with 33 participants across three stakeholder groups: organizational governors, AI builders, and worker data subjects. Overall, our findings describe how workers envisioned wellbeing sensing technologies may lead to cascading impacts on their broader organizational culture, interpersonal relationships with colleagues, and individual day-to-day lives. Participants anticipated harms arising from ambiguity and misalignment around scaled notions of “worker wellbeing”, underlying technical limitations to workplace-situated sensing, and assumptions regarding how social structures and relationships may shape the impacts and use of these technologies. Based on our findings, we discuss implications for designing worker-centered data-driven wellbeing technologies. [ Koustuv Saha March 30, 2023 ================== § INTRODUCTION With rapid transitions into a digital workplace, data-driven worker tracking technologies are increasingly considered “commonplace” across companies <cit.>. Further motivated by the rise of remote and hybrid work prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations are beginning to explore the use of new data-driven technologies that aim to measure workers' wellbeing <cit.>. One form of worker wellbeing technologies growing in prominence includes the use of passive sensing methods <cit.>. Passive sensing methods are designed for unobtrusive collection and analysis of behavioral and contextual data from individuals in situ, for example, through mobile devices such as smartphones, wearables, and online and digital interactions <cit.>. Recent research has leveraged these technologies to infer a variety of physiological, psychological, and social wellbeing constructs <cit.>, including workplace-specific measures <cit.>. Such approaches aim to address the limitations of traditional survey-based wellbeing measurements, which are comparatively harder to scale, may overlook temporal dynamics, and are susceptible to recall biases <cit.>. Much empirical research and development efforts of workplace wellbeing technologies have been dedicated to understanding or improving interactions between an individual user and the technology. Workplace settings, however, introduce a range of complexities that may challenge the potential impact and desirability of such technologies. Indeed, a growing body of academic literature and industry reports have raised concerns around how profit-maximizing incentives and power dynamics could impact workers' use of workplace-governed technologies <cit.>. When deployed in a workplace setting, data-driven wellbeing technologies, in particular, may also risk lending themselves to heightened surveillance and privacy concerns from increasing workers' digital visibility, issues about social desirability <cit.>, amplified worker burdens around power asymmetries <cit.>, coercive control <cit.>, marginalization and biases <cit.> and lack of explicit consent <cit.>—factors that also contribute to an ongoing problematic cultural shift towards commodified workers <cit.>. However, in the human-computer interaction (HCI), ubiquitous computing (UbiComp), and computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW) literature, where much of these sensing innovations are blossoming on the technical front <cit.>, there is an inadequate empirical understanding of how everyday workers envision passive sensing-based wellbeing technologies may live within a broader socio-ecological context. Like most other technologies, workplace wellbeing sensing technologies are often designed top-down (e.g., the notion of “worker wellbeing” is conceptualized and operationalized primarily through the decisions made by researchers and product teams <cit.>). With growing corporate interest in adopting these technologies into the real-world, it becomes critical to center worker perceptions around the in-practice desirability and anticipated (mis)use of these technologies <cit.>. Without centering the voices of workers, the majority of whom typically have little to no decision latitude for deploying these technologies, the technologies might eventually fail post-deployment, producing individual and societal harms along the way <cit.>. Progressing a more holistic understanding of the broader socio-ecological impacts that workers envision—including perceptions around why certain harms may be more likely to arise in workplace settings, and how could they be addressed and mitigated, if at all—could help more proactively inform growing trends in the corporate adoption of data-driven worker wellbeing technologies. Workers who are subject to these technologies, and who often do not have a say in informing their design or deployment, are at the highest risk of being impacted in undesirable ways. At the same time, it is just as critical to understand the potential motivations and envisioned impacts of technology builders and organizational governors who may drive decisions surrounding their deployment. Workplace technologies implicate a broad range of stakeholders, each varying in the position and power they hold within an organization. Such differences among stakeholders may give rise to differing incentives, and therefore, diverse perceptions of the benefits and harms of these technologies. In this study, our goal is to develop a systematic understanding of multiple stakeholder perspectives on the envisioned beneficial and harmful impacts of wellbeing sensing technologies deployed in the workplace. We specifically focus on how the stakeholders perceive wellbeing technologies may interface with the complex organizational structures, interpersonal dynamics, and individual preferences and needs surrounding the workplace setting. Towards meeting this goal, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 33 participants from three broad stakeholder groups, 1) organizational governors—those who may impact decisions to deploy these technologies, 2) AI builders—those who are involved with the design, research, and development of these technologies, and 3) worker data subjects—those who would primarily be impacted by these technologies. Through the lens of how power might operate within an organization, we studied up <cit.> the organizational governors, alongside the AI builders and worker data subjects on the ground. To guide our interviews, we sketched and used four storyboards inspired by prior work (e.g.,  <cit.>) to depict different worker wellbeing sensing innovations and settings and to elicit participants' reactions towards different ways wellbeing sensing technologies may be used in the workplace. Participants' concerns surface ambiguity and misalignment around the definition of worker wellbeing, technical limitations, and assumptions about how social structures and relationships may shape the impacts and use of these technologies. We highlight the cascading impacts that participants envisioned in their broader organizational culture, relationships with colleagues, and individual day-to-day lives. Moreover, we discuss participants' desires for potential technical, organizational, and policy interventions for improving the design and deployment of these technologies. We end by discussing the implications for designing worker-centered data-driven wellbeing technologies within complex, socio-organizational settings. § BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORK §.§ Measuring Workplace Wellbeing Research notes that the wellbeing of individuals at the workplace also translates to individual, collective, and organizational success <cit.>. A rich body of literature in organizational psychology and organizational behaviors has extensively studied the causes and correlates of improving wellbeing and performance at workplaces <cit.>. Research postulates that workplace wellbeing is associated with the interaction between individual characteristics and those of the working and organizational environment <cit.>. A body of research has emphasized and studied the challenges of workplace stress — stress that arises if the demands of an individual's role and responsibilities exceed their capacity and capability to cope <cit.>. To understand workplace stress better,  proposed the importance of considering subjective wellbeing in the workplace as a coarse construct that leads to objective benefits across the major life domains of 1) health and longevity, 2) income, productivity, and organizational benefits, and 3) individual and social behaviors <cit.>. While wellbeing measurements are most validated and are conducted through survey methods, research also cautions that survey questions may be responded to “carelessly” <cit.>, and—because of their underlying parsimonious design—survey questions may not be interpreted the same way across individuals, and the responses are often reliant on an individual's retrospective recall; which may bias survey results <cit.>. Surveys are also challenging to do at the population-level scale and are often not able to capture high-granular temporal phenomena like wellbeing <cit.>. Further, Pew survey estimates that survey response rates tend to be very low (9% in the U.S.) <cit.>. To mitigate some of the confounds of static long-form surveys, research has proposed ecological momentary assessments (EMAs) (also dubbed experience sampling) <cit.>, where participants are prompted to respond to short survey items in-the-moment <cit.>. HCI and UbiComp research has extensively studied and used EMAs (or active sensing, when integrated with mobile-sensing technologies), including in the workplace settings <cit.>. However, these methods do require active engagement and induce a response bias on participants through disruptions <cit.>. This entails the requirement to balance between the construct validity of distributing short survey items with participant compliance <cit.>, and excessive use of EMAs can be challenging in longitudinal and robust data collection <cit.>. Consequently, more passive and unobtrusive sensing have been emerging to collect and infer wellbeing constructs <cit.>. The ubiquity and widespread use of smartphones and wearables have enabled the collection of longitudinal and dense human behavioral cues at scale <cit.>. Within the context of workplace settings, prior work has studied the use of wearables in understanding aspects of job satisfaction <cit.>.  studied how email interactions associate with workplace stress and productivity <cit.>. Another work <cit.> leveraged digital activities of information workers to understand work patterns and attentional states <cit.>. In addition, prior research has used multimodal sensing through smartphone, wearable, bluetooth, and wireless sensors to try to infer job performance <cit.>, mood and cognition <cit.>, social interactions <cit.>, organizational personas <cit.>, organizational fit <cit.>. Further, with the widespread use of online and social media technologies, prior research has argued that such data can serve as longitudinal, historical, and verbal passive sensors <cit.>. A series of research with IBM's Beehive platforms have studied how people's social interactions associate with various workplace dynamics <cit.>. Other prior research has used such online and social media data in studying various dimensions and correlates of workplace wellbeing, such as engagement <cit.>, mood and affect <cit.>, organizational relationships <cit.>, organizational culture <cit.>, and job satisfaction <cit.>. Together, this body of research has highlighted the promise of passive sensing technologies in measuring and understanding the workplace wellbeing dynamics of individuals. Despite the promise, these measurements have primarily been evaluated in research and observational settings, where subjects are removed from the multiplex, incentive structures, and dynamics in real-world workplace settings. There is a lack of understanding of the in-practice utility and ecological validity of these approaches. Research has revealed other limitations of these sensing-based data-driven wellbeing measurements, including how poor proxies could lead to fairness and bias issues <cit.>. There are possible mismatches in people's self-perceived versus passively sensed and automatically inferred wellbeing <cit.>.  found that the misalignments were associated with the lack of workplace activity and context data that the sensing technology might not comprehensively include, and the authors questioned the construct validity of the measurements <cit.>.  noted that “those claiming to detect emotion use oversimplified, questionable taxonomies; incorrectly assume universality across cultures and contexts.” The research critically questions the applicability of digital technologies to automatically infer wellbeing <cit.>. In parallel, the multiple transitions of workplaces in recent years, including the growth of remote work and hybrid work settings <cit.>, also amplified by the pandemic, have seen passive sensing technologies be increasingly embedded in the workplace <cit.>. There is growing excitement among organizations about adopting these passive technologies to support wellbeing <cit.>. But, are we there yet? Our work draws motivation from  in contributing empirical insights about filling the gap between translating research to practice with respect to worker wellbeing sensing technologies. Drawing on the social-ecological model <cit.>, that an individual worker is situated within their social ecology, we study the impacts of worker wellbeing technologies at individual, interpersonal, and organizational levels. We conduct our study through storyboard-design-based interviews, where our storyboards are theoretically driven from the literature <cit.>, and we examine the participants' perceptions of such hypothetical technologies in the workplace. §.§ Data-Driven Worker Activity Technologies in Organizational Settings The deployment and use of workplace technologies are situated amidst the complexities introduced by the very nature of workplace settings and socio-organizational factors. Individual workers often have limited power within organizations, and rely on organizations for not only their livelihoods but also for health insurance and other essential benefits. Several scholars have raised concerns about the harms workers can face due to their powerlessness, especially when AI-based technologies are introduced in the workplace <cit.>. A major area of concern with AI- and sensing-based technologies is workplace surveillance and intrusions into workers' privacy <cit.>. Prior work highlights that electronic surveillance in the workplace can have multiple justifications including surveillance as coercive control and surveillance as caring <cit.>.   found that workers expected explicit boundaries that employers should not cross with respect to surveillance <cit.>. Further, with the rise of new web and social media technologies,  noted that employer surveillance shares a competing relationship with a worker's subjective expectation of privacy, and can influence a worker's use of these platforms <cit.>. Critical legal and computing scholars have situated these technologies within the history of workplace surveillance as advances that enable “limitless worker surveillance” <cit.>. These technologies have facilitated easier and more extensive means of workplace surveillance and lower costs <cit.>. Surveillance-related concerns are further exacerbated by the “black box” nature of workplace technologies — the lack of transparency further encroaches on workers' autonomy and personhood and stymies their agency and ability to resist <cit.>. This lack of transparency and the resulting effects are especially concerning given the invasive and intimate nature of the data that is often collected by sensing technologies <cit.>. The intimate nature of the collected data, as facilitated by sensing technologies, introduces another concern with these technologies: the potential for punishment or discrimination. Critical scholars argue that the primary focus of these technologies is to “capture and control attention” <cit.> and, by conflating health with productivity, these could be another mechanism for organizations to exert what has been dubbed as bio-power over workers <cit.>. In an early work,  conceptualized “disciplinary” power, as the power “watchers” have to observe, scrutinize, and control the behavior of individuals within the institutions they control. Bio-power is an extension of “disciplinary” power where the omnipresence of the “watchers” leads the “watched” to begin to internalize and self-enforce the existing rules and norms (in this case, ideals of productivity that became codified into these technologies), and start behaving in the required manner without coercion <cit.>. Recent research has emphasized that the design of these technologies, especially the passive and constantly-present nature, and individualistic focus, can further amplify bio-power <cit.>. Such power could cause disproportionate impacts on workers from disadvantaged populations <cit.>. In the area of supporting worker wellbeing, a recent interview study with workers across diverse, purposely sampled, progressive corporations, revealed that companies “often viewed keeping employees healthy primarily as a means to profitability rather than an end in itself and rationalized stressful workplaces as necessary and non-changeable” <cit.>. These profit-motivated incentives are also seen in the motivations behind corporate wellness programs <cit.>, which may also include passive sensing technologies <cit.>. The imbalance in whose interests are often served by these technologies reflects what describes as one of the key challenges with implementing passive sensors in the workplace: the colonization of the private domain by the professional domain, by turning employees into resources to be extracted <cit.>. Given the complexities surrounding power imbalances and resulting harms, research has discussed the ethics of designing and deploying workplace technologies <cit.>. Prior work proposed participatory, value-sensitive, and worker-centered design methodologies to mitigate the resulting harms by these technologies <cit.>. adopted a participatory approach to co-design checklists of organizational challenges in AI ethics <cit.>, and  proposed Value Sensitive Algorithm Design <cit.> in early stages of algorithm creation to avoid compromising stakeholder values <cit.>. Given the socio-organizational situatedness of these technologies, research recognizes the detrimental effect of a techno-centric view on AI technologies <cit.>. If individuals do not realize the values or use of these systems, there is a lower likelihood about their acceptability into the individual and organizational workflows <cit.>. Building on this body of research, our work aims at shedding light into the perceived needs, concerns, and desires of workers about wellbeing sensing technologies in the workplace. Adopting a worker-centered research design, our work helps to uncover previously understudied aspects of how different system actors, including more powerful system actors who have the ability to shape the systems and whose interests drive the development of these systems. Our work is inspired by the anthropological concept of “studying up” <cit.>, or the process of examining the most powerful in order to understand how a system truly works and all of the ways it disadvantages the less powerful. Our work contributes to and bears implications in accounting for multi-stakeholder voices in designing, deploying, and decision-making with respect to worker wellbeing technologies in the workplace. §.§ Foreseeing Harms of AI and Sensing-Based Technologies While AI and computing has proliferated significantly in the last few decades, and been more and more embedded in our lives they have also caused harms at both individual and societal levels <cit.>.  noted that data-driven technologies that leverage the vividly available digital data of individuals can reinforce the troubling perception of these technologies as “Big Brother, enabling invasions of privacy, decreased civil freedoms, and increased state and corporate control” <cit.>. Recently,  highlighted how AI systems that are being deployed often do not work as intended <cit.>. Although anticipating all unintended uses and consequences of AI has proven difficult <cit.>, there have been growing efforts to map and taxonomize possible failures, risks, and harms, often in an attempt to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the issues that could arise within and across different AI deployment and use settings <cit.>. These include, taxonomy of AI failures <cit.>, guidelines for designing human-AI interaction technologies <cit.>, taxonomy of ethical tensions between AI and practitioners <cit.>, taxonomies of roles of AI consumers <cit.>, question-bank of explainable AI <cit.>, and guidelines for minimizing risks with automated emotion recognition technologies <cit.>. Relatedly, recent research has seen datasheets for datasets <cit.>, explainability fact sheets <cit.>, and model cards <cit.> towards building responsible and ethical AI technologies. Further, there is a growing recognition that the priorities of different stakeholders are shaped by their backgrounds and personal experiences <cit.>, and that more participatory approaches are required to understand the range of needs and concerns of different stakeholders and practitioners <cit.>. Relatedly, research has investigated algorithmic impacts in different workplace settings and worker populations, including ridesharing <cit.>.  adopted participatory design to study how worker wellbeing can be incorporated into algorithmic management so that the workplace can be better optimized for workers <cit.>.  proposed a framework for worker wellbeing in an AI-integrated workplace, including six pillars of worker wellbeing across 1) human rights, 2) physical safety and health, 3) financial wellbeing, 4) intellectual wellbeing, 5) emotional wellbeing, and 6) purpose and meaning <cit.>. Recently, <cit.> studied designing fair worker-centered AI for Human Resource Management <cit.>, and  studied the tensions between how to better measure workplace wellbeing and how these technologies remake the boundaries of information flows between worker and workplace <cit.>. Our work draws inspiration from and contributes to the literature on investigating the ethical challenges and concerns about possible adverse impacts that the use of AI technologies can give rise to <cit.>. Our problem is situated in this space of deploying sensing technologies for worker wellbeing, which is envisioned and believed to be theoretically backed, however, there are currently only a few recent attempts at large-scale real-world deployments. Therefore, we consider time-critical to empirically study and surface the potential concerns and needs of workers. Our work motivates us to revisit and re-imagine the very existence and design of these technologies, and what factors and mitigation strategies to consider with respect to these technologies. § STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS To examine different organizational stakeholders' concerns and desires of using sensing-based wellbeing technologies in the workplace, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 33 participants across three stakeholder groups, broadly construed as: organizational governors, AI builders, and workers (i.e. data subjects and/or target users of wellbeing sensing technologies). Participants were recruited to represent a broad range of stakeholders who would impact or be impacted by the design and deployment of workplace wellbeing technologies. Before conducting the interviews, we sketched four storyboards, each depicting different ways in which a hypothetical wellbeing sensing technology can be used in a workplace setting. During the interviews, we used the storyboards as a provocative tool to elicit participants’ reactions toward integrating wellbeing sensing technologies into a workplace context. In the following, we describe the recruitment process and participant groupings, the design of the study protocol and storyboards, and our analysis method. §.§ Participants and Recruitment We aimed to recruit participants across a range of roles with varying positions and power around implementing and using wellbeing sensing technologies in the workplace. Our study is scoped to focus on information workers <cit.>. Information workers process and work with information rather than physical objects and do so typically using computing technologies nowadays. We recruited participants from 12 organizations of varying sizes, types (technology, consulting, research-based, non-profit, etc.), and four global locations (U.S., U.K., Canada, and India). Our recruitment was carried out in three weeks in June and July 2022. We adopted a snowballing strategy by posting on organizational email lists and directly contacting information workers in different roles through LinkedIn direct messaging and emails. Interested respondents were asked to complete an interest form that asked for information on their role, workplace tenure, organizational size, familiarity with AI, ML, or data science, and if they have served in a leadership or managerial position. Out of the 198 responses that we received, we invited a subset of participants to maximize diversity and balance across answers to the above questions. This led to a final subset of 33 participants that consented to participate in the study, and we interviewed. Each participant was compensated with Amazon gift vouchers of $50 USD (or equivalent amounts in local currencies). We group these participants into three stakeholder groups, 1) Organizational Governors (): individuals in leadership, human resources, policy-making, and corporate legal and governance roles, who are primarily responsible for decision-making surrounding the development, deployment, and use of worker technologies, 2) Builders (): individuals associated with building AI and sensing technologies, in the roles of design, engineering, research, and product management, 3) Worker Data Subjects (): workers who would be subjected to the use of workplace wellbeing technologies, including people serving both management (people, product, general, etc.) and rank-and-file roles. Our participant pool included an equal number (11) of participants from each group of stakeholders. <ref> and <ref> provide descriptive summaries about our participant pool. We note that individuals in the first two groups would likely serve multiple roles in an organization (e.g., a builder is also a worker data subject). We accounted for this in our study protocol by clarifying that participants can switch hats anytime when discussing the storyboards. §.§ Study Design With the rise of media coverage on workplace tracking technologies <cit.>, the idea of collecting worker data to measure wellbeing may prompt participants to imagine very different technologies. Additionally, passive sensing may be an unfamiliar method to a participant. Therefore, asking participants about their concerns or desires towards envisioned wellbeing sensing technologies may lead to responses that are not grounded in realistic scenarios. To establish common ground across participants, we leveraged pre-defined storyboards to elicit stakeholder perspectives. Storyboards are used to solicit people's immediate reactions and underlying needs towards a wide range of hypothetical scenarios depicted in storyboard sketches <cit.>. We leverage storyboards to surface participants' boundaries and latent needs towards different forms of wellbeing sensing technologies. Using storyboards also allows the introduction of other organizational stakeholders into the storyboard images. This creates an opportunity for stakeholders to react honestly to how they would feel about their colleagues or managers using these technologies on or with them. Such an honest reaction would be challenging to elicit in an actual workplace involving multiple stakeholders amidst possible power dynamics influencing participant responses. We designed and incorporated four storyboards in our study that cover a range of wellbeing sensing technologies proposed in the research literature. For each storyboard, we aimed to go more in-depth into understanding the underlying why behind participants' immediate reactions. We first describe how we incorporate storyboards in our interview protocol, followed by how we constructed the storyboards. §.§.§ Storyboard-driven semi-structured interview protocol For each interview, we first gave participants an overview of the study goals and structure. We then sent them a copy of a slide deck that included images of the four storyboards. We conducted  60-minute video interviews over Microsoft Teams which included a screen-sharing session with the same slide deck and was audio/video recorded with the participant's consent. Participants were informed that the study's goal was to understand how their unique position within their company shapes their attitudes toward these technologies. For each storyboard, we asked if the storyboard was relatable to them and what were their immediate reactions. Then, we asked if they had any concerns about the technology and its use depicted in the storyboard. Since our goal was to build a holistic understanding of different stakeholders' concerns, if participants could not think about any concerns, we showed them a list of potential harms from the storyboard. The harms were used as a way to help scaffold thinking around potential concerns, and we clarified that the harms may or may not actually happen in practice. For participants who were Organizational governors or AI builders, we additionally asked them to “switch hats” to a worker role during parts of the interview protocol to uncover a broader range of potential concerns. After understanding their reasons for the concerns that they raised, we prompted participants to think about potential mitigation strategies or solutions that could address these concerns. For worker data subjects, we asked what they would like to change in the storyboard to help them feel less concerned. For AI builders, we asked them to imagine a scenario in which they were assigned the role of designing this technology, to engage them in thinking about choosing now to build it or how they would change it. For organizational governors, we asked them to imagine that a product team pitched the idea to them, and they were asked to provide feedback. We additionally asked about what improvements or mitigation they might recommend that cannot be addressed by a product team (e.g., policy-related mitigation). We randomized the order in which we showed the four storyboards to avoid ordering effects. After showing all four storyboards, we asked questions to help debrief on the storyboard-driven section of the protocol. This included questions about whether participants were interested in seeing the technology in their workplace, their broader reflections of the depicted storyboards, and if they had prior experiences using data-driven wellbeing technologies. We prioritized using the interview time to go through all four storyboards and only asked the post-storyboard questions if there was remaining time. We kept the overall structure and nature of questions consistent for all participants. The study protocol and materials were refined through a pilot study with three participants (1 HR and 2 builders). §.§.§ Storyboard construction We designed the storyboards using an iterative process that involved collecting and reading research papers across UbiComp, HCI, and CSCW that propose or study wellbeing sensing technologies and sketching use case scenarios inspired by those papers. In total, we reviewed 31 research papers and selected 19 papers that represented a diverse set of wellbeing problems and methodologies (<ref>). We outlined and organized the use case scenarios from these 19 papers into four topical categories in a bottom-up manner: 1) Work Patterns and Scheduling () <cit.>, 2) Notifications and Focus Work () <cit.>, 3) Emotions and Social Interactions () <cit.>, and 4) Productivity and Job Fit () <cit.>.  <ref> shows images of all four storyboards. Each storyboard follows the general pattern of having four panels—the first panel shows the wellbeing problem that the technology attempts to address, the second panel shows the data collection and sensing, the third panel shows the intervention the sensing technology provides, and the fourth panel shows a positive, real-world downstream course of action that resulted from that sensing technology. For participants who were data subjects, we changed the name of the worker in the storyboard to their actual name prior to the interview. The scenarios depicted in the storyboards all led to a positive outcome for the storyboard character because the stories are inspired by prior literature innovating on the technology. Our storyboards were also intentionally designed to omit certain details (e.g., the accuracy of sensing overtime work), and these ambiguities gave participants an opportunity to question or respond to these gaps. §.§ Analysis Drawing on practices in reflexive thematic analyses (e.g., in <cit.>), we qualitatively analyzed over 33 hours of transcribed interview recordings. All the interview transcripts were first open-coded by at least one of the researchers, while referring to the research questions and protocol topics. For most interviews, we ensured that the coder was the researcher who conducted the interview. Otherwise, the researcher who conducted the interview looked over the coding to reconcile any misconceptions. During the process, the research team met frequently to discuss the codebook and resolved disagreements such as the granularity of codes. After the open-coding step, we iteratively refined and grouped all the codes into successively higher-level themes. In the end, this resulted in four levels of themes. The highest level of themes is organized into the three subsections of findings presented in the <ref>. Our initial coding and grouping were agnostic of participants' roles and specific storyboards to avoid interpretation biases, while the codes were tagged with such information. Using these tags, after the first round of analysis, we looked for differences across the following two dimensions: 1) Stakeholder group and 2) Storyboard topic. We adopted inductive thematic analysis with the researchers in the team to identify themes of different stakeholders' needs, concerns, and desires with respect to these technologies. We noted which themes and sub-themes were unique to specific stakeholder groups and included that in the findings whenever applicable. We did not find any notable difference across storyboards, so the sub-themes presented in the Results (<ref>) pertain to all four storyboards. §.§ Privacy, Ethics, and Positionality Our study concerns the desirability and functionality of technologies that would be situated in workplaces by soliciting perspectives from participants employed at those workplaces. Therefore, our participants may not be comfortable fully expressing concerns or critiques during the study. Throughout the recruitment and the interviews, we assured the participants that their participation was completely voluntary, all questions were optional, their responses would be anonymous, and they may ask us to remove any recorded content from the study data after the interview session (no participants asked us to remove recorded content). To avoid identifiability and traceability of our participants, we analyzed the data in a de-identified fashion, and in this paper, we paraphrase their individual quotes and present demographics at an aggregated level, without disclosing organizations and specific roles of individuals. Our research team comprises researchers holding diverse gender, racial, and cultural backgrounds, including people of color and immigrants, and hold interdisciplinary research expertise in the areas of HCI, UbiComp, CSCW, and critical computing. This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at our research institution. § RESULTS Our findings surface the harms and benefits that organizational governors, developers, and end-user workers envisioned from the potential uses of data-driven workplace wellbeing technologies. We organize our findings into three sections, split into three layers cross-cutting the workplace context (<ref>). At a high level, we first describe how participants envisioned how these technologies may be mediated by their existing organizational culture and workplace incentives (<ref>). Next, we discuss participants' perceptions around how their relationships with their managers and colleagues may be enhanced or harmed, depending on their interpersonal relationships and team culture (<ref>). Finally, we discuss how participants perceived they, as individuals, may feel supported by or at conflict with wellbeing technologies deployed in their workplace (<ref>). We note that these layers are all intertwined (e.g., concerns at the organization-level cascade down to impact individual-level behaviors and needs, while individual and interpersonal interactions with wellbeing technologies also shape broader organizational uses and culture). <ref> includes an overview of our findings. §.§ Organization-Level Impacts §.§.§ Enabling Improved Company-Wide Wellbeing Practices and Policies through Wellbeing Data Some participants envisioned that the data from wellbeing technologies, even when intended for individual employees, could additionally be used by leadership to understand how the organization can support its employees' wellbeing through other resources. For example, some organizational governors described how anonymized wellbeing data aggregated across all employees could inform the design of organizational policies that target structural challenges impacting their employees' wellness. As one organizational governor (G11) put it, “[Human Resources] can take all of this information from all of the people in the company and see if there's a pathology in the organization that can be fixed because of some patterns they're seeing across multiple peoples, and that is going to be applied to improve the life of everybody.” Other participants envisioned that wellbeing apps could support managers in communicating to leadership any need for additional resources to support their employees' wellbeing. For example, one participant described that collecting data on wellbeing proxies in the workplace (e.g., amount of overtime work) to identify and mitigate sources of team-level challenges: “if everyone's doing a lot of overtime work, that probably means that you might need to ask for another spot on your team to allow more collaboration or [understand if] it's saying, `why is everyone working so hard?”' (W07). Another participant (A7) envisioned that the wellbeing app's data could also be used by the organization to monitor managerial practices, for example, to ensure that individual employees are treated fairly by their managers. This participant described how organizational leaders could track whether managers were distributing employee rewards that were commensurate with different workers' productivity, as inferred by data collected in the wellbeing app. §.§.§ Concerns of Organizational Incentives for Misusing Wellbeing Technologies Some participants expressed skepticism towards the wellbeing sensing scenarios described in the storyboards, believing that the implementation would benefit the employer more than the individual worker themselves. Participants felt that organizations are incentivized to “maximize profit [..] to get more out of workers” (A7, G6), making it likely that wellbeing apps—even when deployed with a stated intention to improve individual wellbeing—may be another workplace tool to increase the organizations' profits. Participants also perceived irony in having profit-maximizing organizations collect their employees' data and claim “for employees' welfare” (A12). One organizational governor (G7) perceived the wellbeing apps as “palliative care to make people feel better about the situation, [..] putting band-aids instead of looking at the systemic issues that might be the root cause of many of these.” Other participants expressed skepticism that organizations may collect employees' wellbeing data to boost their public image (A5) by providing data that allows them to publicly claim their employees were benefiting from positive mental health (A9). Participants envisioned a range of ways the organization may re-purpose employees' wellbeing data for reasons beyond supporting their wellbeing, like enabling new forms of corporate regulation. For example, one AI builder was concerned that organizations might use data from employees' working hours (Storyboard ) to identify those who are using their work devices for personal reasons, risking individual workers' employment. Other participants noted the sensitive nature of wellbeing data, making it susceptible to misinterpretation that is harmfully biased towards different groups of workers, even when seen in aggregate. For example, one organizational governor cautioned that wellbeing data could be used to make biased causal inferences: “women might feel particularly dispassionate or unproductive. Let's say, if they're experiencing their periods [..] And so then you'll see these patterns where ohh, women are less productive than men and women are less passionate about their jobs than men. Yeah, because women have a few days a month where, you know, they're feeling like dying, but they're working anyway.” (G7, Storyboard ). Further, participants envisioned that workers might begin altering their workplace behavior to protect themselves against unwanted data collection. For example, one participant described that workers may feel an increased “level of consciousness [.. because] they know their messages are being analyzed, or you know, peeped in.” (W4). Another participant similarly described how undesirable data sharing, even for the intended purpose of improving one's wellbeing, could “constrain someone's communication pathways” (G4), introducing new barriers to supporting open communication with managers. This aligns with the paradoxes of behavioral visibility in organizations as identified in <cit.>. §.§.§ Reliance on Organizational Culture as a Regulatory Force Without effective regulations in place, organizational governors and AI builders described how the organization's culture — for example, its “ethics and code of values” (A10, Storyboard ) — could serve as a compass to signal what forms of wellbeing apps may be appropriate. For example, one organizational governor described that deciding whether to deploy a given wellbeing technology should consider a “creepiness factor” — where creepiness arises at the point in which “we cross the threshold from being someone's employer to being more than that” (G4). Importantly, organizational governors noted that companies might be more likely to rely on culture alignment-based assessments (e.g., like the “creepiness factor”) when there are no existing regulations. For example, when discussing the factors that determine whether a given wellbeing technology could get deployed or not, one organizational governor described how considerations might differ across countries. Comparing the U.S. to Europe, where there is stricter legislation, the participant described: “In Europe, this should probably be a no-go. In the U.S., I think for some employers, it would probably depend on the corporate culture and tone that they want to set.” While some organizational governors described assessing for “creepiness” (e.g., as in <cit.>) to understand what forms of data-driven wellbeing technology may be appropriate given the existing culture within their organization, worker data subjects similarly centered their own understanding of their organization's values to inform their judgments of wellbeing technology: “I am not a supporter of this technology [...] My company has a great value of privacy, and this would be a complete breach of its values” (W4). However, other participants described the risks of relying solely on organizational culture as a compass for understanding what forms of technology may or may not be appropriate to deploy. For example, organizational governors described the fluid and often volatile nature of organizational culture, given workplace norms can shift quickly with leadership changes. Another organizational governor (G5) described that existing norms in the workplace might not be favorable towards workers, with practices differing based on how “traditional” a company is: “The more modern enterprises, I would keep [Human Resources] out [of employees' wellbeing data]. The more traditional enterprises are more structured. There's a processed way of doing everything: [… Human Resources] is instrumenting everything. They are pretty much in the loop and [in] the know-how on every career decision that is being made about the employee, employer, and manager” (G5). Another AI builder (A7) also expressed concerns that, without appropriate regulations, harms to the workplace culture and workers themselves may be less visible: “There are power structures in the company that could lead to this being used to the detriment of the employees, fairly easily without anyone even noticing.” As an example, they told us how individual employees currently have no effective ways to raise concerns about their managers to higher-ups, creating risks of managers misusing these apps without others knowing. While participants generally acknowledged the importance of having company-wide policies to govern the use of wellbeing technologies, they also warned that company-level policies may still unfairly disadvantage workers. For example, one organizational governor (G7) admitted, “It's very difficult to have an employee-employer policy that is fair to both parties. [It's] most likely to be unfair to the employee and fairer to the employer, because they have the power they have – they'll be the ones or making the policies for the company itself.” Instead, one organizational governor with a legal background voiced a need for new legislative policies, specifically for the worker wellbeing domain: “[There are] differences between a labor question or a data protection question [..] should definitely be combined into something that is for employee wellbeing and employee data. [Labor laws and data protection laws] are two different areas of law and policy. [..] And it's challenging to enforce it to have some rights for the worker.” (G6) §.§ Interpersonal-Level Impacts §.§.§ Enhancing Manager-Worker Relations Many worker data subjects expressed excitement about using the wellbeing sensing app to enhance their communications with their manager because they resonated with the challenges faced by the character in the storyboard. A participant approached the storyboard with light-hearted curiosity or humor, saying that they would find it “cute and hilarious” if their manager discussed their work patterns with them based on the wellbeing app (W7). Looking past the light-heartedness, participants imagined ways the portrayed sensing app could improve day-to-day work, especially in equipping managers to support them in being more reflective and proactive about their wellbeing. For example, participants envisioned that having an app share their work hours with their manager could open opportunities to discuss strategies to improve their wellbeing. In some cases, participants imagined that the wellbeing app could help them share concerns with their manager around sensitive topics that are currently challenging to express by themselves. For example, one participant described that their cultural background imbibes shame in bringing up wellbeing-related challenges with their manager. This participant envisioned that a wellbeing app that documents and shares working hours could help nudge her towards having this conversation: “I think half the battle is bringing up the issue. This app that actually has the data and brings it up to your manager, prompting you to talk to you [..] So it's helpful in that sense.” (W10, storyboard WPS). §.§.§ Concerns Around Using Wellbeing Data for Team Management Participants in our study imagined ways workplace actors of the same position could leverage the same wellbeing app to either harm or help workers' wellbeing. Participants particularly viewed managers as holding a dual responsibility: bearing services towards their organization to evaluate their reportees' performance and—in tension with it–service towards their reportees to support their wellbeing. Moreover, with the workplace context ambiguating what it means to have “positive wellbeing” versus “good productivity”, workers were concerned that efforts towards improving their wellbeing could easily be misguided into evaluating their wellbeing as a proxy for productivity. Because of this, they feared that wellbeing data would lead to undesirable or unfair treatment from their managers. Worker data subjects described how even well-intended managers might unknowingly use the wellbeing app against employees' best interests. As one worker data subject (W10) described: “it doesn't matter how great your relationship with your manager is, it's very difficult to overcome your own perception of what is what constitutes a good worker.” Another worker data subject also described that managers and employees may have misaligned notions of what preferable levels of “work-life balance” should look like: “it's good that the manager has this information, but if there was, say, a new project, I really wanted to work on. The manager might be like, `Oh, well you've got too much on your plate, and I don't wanna give it to you.”' (W8) Other participants were concerned that tracking work hours, even for wellbeing-related purposes, could trickle into setting potentially harmful blanket standards for working hours amongst their team members. For example, worker data subject (W3) described how the wellbeing app might amplify existing tensions amongst colleagues who may feel pitted against each other at their workplace: “[collecting working hours] may not pan well, in places where there's pressure to work more hours and compare against other employees” (W3, Storyboard WP). Moreover, participants expressed concerns that wellbeing apps used to manage their team could pose risks to setting boundaries with their colleagues. Given that the wellbeing app may sense more personal attributes related to their emotional wellness (e.g., in Storyboard ), one worker described that any data sharing or data leakage could undermine the professional image workers may want to uphold in front of their colleagues: “[I would be] very concerned if this gets shared with others since in the workplace [..] if [a worker] wants to convey a certain image of how she feels about her work. This could impact whether she gets promoted” (W10). Participants additionally felt concerned that managers might misunderstand workers' wellbeing or productivity, by overlooking critical factors not captured by the wellbeing app. For example, one participant described that a wellbeing app that uses the number of hours worked by an employee would shift the manager's attention towards the quantity of work hours, rather than the quality of the work or circumstances influencing the working hours. As one worker described: “when a manager doesn't get to see their folks directly, and now has to differentiate three employees who are all great, but then thinks: `Because I have this [wellbeing app] and it tells me [this worker] is working lot harder – longer hours than if he needs to, so he deserves a better bonus.' [The manager could make this decision] without taking into consideration, `why is he working longer hours? Is he being productive those hours or is he just connected and chatting with his friends on Facebook?”' (W6) Participants stressed that the wellbeing app should collect a worker's unique circumstances and richer contextual data. For example, a participant mentioned the importance of supplementing any data with more context: “If somebody's not engaging in a particular task, it could be for a number of reasons, right? [..] There [could be] some personality personnel issues or it could be, something in their life that's intruding on that particular thing. Or maybe there's something [with] different time zones. [..] It's just you never see any of that context with this technology. So I think context needs to be provided somewhere.” (W2, Storyboard ) To collect contextual data, participants suggested data collection through active means, not just passive sensing, could serve as a complementary source of information. For example, one data subject (W2) was open to inputting their wellbeing data manually in conjunction with the passive data collection: “It could ask what is your current feeling right now, it could use [that with passive sensing] to say maybe something is up. I think that kind of makes good sense” (W2). Overall, participants from all three stakeholder groups also stressed the importance of having policies that required managers to undergo training processes to support them in appropriately using the wellbeing app. For example, participants described that managers should learn what data is and isn't captured by the sensing inferences, so they could more accurately interpret the data insights before making decisions aided by them. §.§ Individual-Level Impacts §.§.§ Enabling Positive Workplace Behaviors Some participants described that the wellbeing app could help identify and prevent working patterns that might detriment their wellbeing. For example, reflecting on their earlier months of employment, one worker envisioned having a similar wellbeing app could have helped them mitigate over-work and burnout: “I was a computer engineer by degree, but I joined management, so I had to prove to people that I could do it, as a lot of questions were being raised by people around me. So I took up projects that weren't normal. I took on so many projects that I gradually started burning out to the extent that I was ill with typhoid, but was still working. I got some escalations through senior leadership, and then I had to deal with them [..] I think if technology could have helped me [..], wouldn't have been in that worst place in the 1st place” (W04, Storyboard WPS). To support such positive behaviors, one participant advocated for designing wellbeing technologies that empower individual workers to enforce their own desired workplace norms: “It's like humans are adapting to the norms of the systems versus the other way around. And so, how do we help the users build those boundaries? And the technology adapts to that versus the other way around.” (A11). §.§.§ Concerns about the Prescriptive Nature of Recommendations Participants were concerned that their individual needs could be overlooked by the recommendations provided by the wellbeing app. They pointed out that wellbeing recommendations may fit an overly simplified notion of wellbeing in a workplace context, causing discomfort to the worker who receives the recommendation. In particular, they described how their “workplace wellbeing” may be impacted by personal challenges unrelated to their work and workplace-specific incentives. Yet, wellbeing recommendations may not disambiguate these factors, causing discomfort or other harms to the individual worker. Some workers were concerned that wellbeing-related recommendations might provide suggestions that overlook, or cause tensions with, career-related incentives that may not help with their work performance. For example, A6 described that a recommendation to take a break might be harmful to an employee if their goal is to get promoted; however, it could be valuable if they want to receive help forming a more sustainable working pattern. Without understanding the worker's preference in a given moment, the recommendation in the wellbeing app appeared to assume a preferred tradeoff between their goals for wellbeing versus career progression. Moreover, participants were worried that recommendations might be superficial or ineffective because the wellbeing app cannot delineate whether their problems are caused by workplace-specific versus personal factors. A10 was concerned that in Storyboard , the app might recommend an individual to go back home after work hours when they purposely work overtime as they do not have a happy domestic life at home, exacerbating their domestic life further. This participant contextualized this case with women in India, “women are 35% of our workforce, [..] one of the primary reasons women work in the workplace is to avoid their family issues at home.” Relatedly, workers described feelings of discomfort with a wellbeing app that suggests workplace-specific tips for improvement because sensed patterns of lower wellbeing may also be signs of broader or more personal challenges the worker is facing: “So you're jumping to a solution without knowing the root cause. I might be tired because I'm physically sick, or because my work bores me, or because I have a small baby that's teething, right? It's just could be so many things so. Energizing tips are unlikely to meet the root cause of the problem.” (W6, Storyboard ). §.§.§ Harm from Misalignment between Workers' Perceived Wellbeing and Sensed Wellbeing Participants across all the stakeholder groups expressed concerns about seeing wellbeing recommendations that infer an emotional state that misaligns with their own understanding of their wellbeing. For example, participants imagined workers may feel emotional distress from receiving a recommendation similar to that described in Storyboard . Because the wellbeing recommendation pertained to employment-related concerns, W8 described this could cause “panic.” An AI builder similarly described how it might lead to feelings of “gaslighting” from the app: “[..] If I'm doing well in my job, I would not want an AI to tell me: `Hey, based on your number of completed tasks, [..] you may be struggling with some aspects of your work.' Excuse me, I know I'm doing a good job, and it feels like I'm being gaslit by this technology.” (A2, Storyboard ). Similarly, another participant described that receiving wellbeing recommendations in a workplace context risks feeling “patronizing” (A5, Storyboard ), given they or other workers may feel capable of identifying their own needs for wellbeing. To mitigate these concerns around providing inappropriate wellbeing recommendations, some participants in all three stakeholder groups suggested that the wellbeing app instead connect them to human-based support so the worker may receive help more collaboratively improving their wellbeing, rather than attempting to give a recommendation itself. § DISCUSSION Amidst multiple transitions in the workplace, including remote and hybrid work, organizations are increasingly implementing data-driven technologies that track workers' behaviors and actions. In parallel, this is growing corporate interest in adopting technologies that target the improvement of employees' wellbeing. A recent survey estimates worker wellbeing in the US costs to be ∼20.4 Billion USD in 2021, which is forecasted to grow four-fold in the next five years <cit.>. Existing research and development on wellbeing technologies that use passive sensing have often focused on interactions between the individual user and the technology. However, growing corporate interest in adopting sensing-based wellbeing technologies for the workplace raises new questions about how such technologies may interface with complex organizational structures, interpersonal dynamics, and individual preferences. While there is an emerging line of work shedding light on data subjects' concerns and desires towards various forms of wellbeing-related workplace technologies (e.g., on Emotion AI <cit.>), we lack an in-depth understanding of how various organizational stakeholders envision these technologies may harm or benefit their workplace and selves. In this study, we form a systematic understanding of the beneficial and harmful impacts that stakeholders envision at the organizational, interpersonal, and individual levels. To do so, we include participants across multiple roles—from organizational governors who benefit from a higher-level perspective on the governance needs and organizational goals of such technologies to worker data subjects who are often most directly impacted by the deployment of such technologies (yet have the least say in influencing the introduction of emergent technologies). Overall, our findings surface multiple concerns targeting ambiguities and misalignments around 1) the core definition of workplace wellbeing, 2) underlying technical limitations in how well sensing-based technologies can scale to meet individual workplace wellbeing preferences, and 3) inadequate policies and reliance on organizational culture for governing the appropriate use of such technologies. Across all three layers of organizational, interpersonal, and individual impacts, our findings provide empirical evidence that what constitutes a “workplace wellbeing problem” is not easily definable within an organization, between workers with interpersonal relations, and across individual workers. In our work, participants had varying perspectives on whether certain behaviors and goals (e.g., feeling higher levels of satisfaction while working) were related to what they would define as “workplace wellbeing.” These perspectives may not necessarily be moderated by their role in the workplace; rather, they may be more manifested by individual differences in underlying traits, life experiences, and perceptions. Prior work noted how these data-driven algorithms may not be sensitive to people's life events and may cause harms <cit.>, and <cit.> discussed in the context of digital wellbeing measurement, notions of wellbeing are not easily generalizable and scalable. Likewise, our study suggests assuming certain notions or factors contributing to “workplace wellbeing” through the design of the technology may be undesirable or, worse, harmful to workers who use them. Defining organizational wellbeing targets that do not align with workers' wellbeing goals may also produce misleading outcomes and decisions on how to better support workers. Yet, many existing workplace wellbeing technologies justify their reliance on passive-sensing and algorithmic inference approaches due to their perceived “objectiveness” and scalability, along with their convenience and unobtrusiveness <cit.>. As such, workplace wellbeing sensing technology research has often focused narrowly on a specific wellbeing problem (e.g., sedentary behavior at work, working overtime). However, our findings strongly suggest that the effectiveness of sensing wellbeing is subjective upon an individual's context-specific needs and desires for supporting their wellbeing. Therefore, proxy measures for wellbeing (e.g., relating productivity-related measures) may be socially contestable, failing to meet all individual wellbeing targets if deployed at scale. Relatedly, participants in this study also surfaced the importance of understanding the context surrounding their workplace behaviors and wellbeing needs. This was especially pertinent when considering how their managers may use this information to inform team decisions. Moreover, rather than relying solely on passive sensing technologies for identifying patterns in workers' wellbeing, participants expressed a desire to explore how active participation can support the design of improved wellbeing technologies. On the one hand, there is an opportunity to explore how workers may be empowered through self-reported, qualitative wellbeing documentation. These methods can simultaneously be unobtrusive and relevant while providing workers with additional agency and control over algorithmic inferences. At the same time, however, such technologies should be governed with considerations around how they may increase risks of privacy and anonymity breaches in the workplace. Moreover, prior literature on the privacy paradox <cit.> and empowering resignation <cit.> suggest that enabling greater customizability and control over data collection may in fact lead to increased resignation over data sharing decisions. Future research should explore whether and how personalized wellbeing technologies, combining active and passive mechanisms, could, if at all, help mitigate some worker burdens without exacerbating others. Participants' concerns in our study surfaced a critical lack of–and need for–regulations that help govern the responsible implementation and use of workplace wellbeing technologies. Even if wellbeing technologies are designed to meet the individual needs and desires of workers, they may be irresponsibly used by those in higher positions of power (e.g., leaders, managers), after deployment. In our study, participants described concerns about how organization-level policies could further disadvantage workers and prioritize organizational needs (e.g., ensuring workers cannot begin lawsuits against the company). Participants also described that workers subjected to these technologies may not always have the leverage within their organization to meaningfully communicate and report when they believe their data is being used unfairly. Our findings suggest that to design truly worker-centered wellbeing technologies, it is not enough to understand workers' needs and concerns towards wellbeing technologies. Rather, it is critical to understand how these technologies may live within a broader socio-ecological context over time. Beyond exploring how worker-centered wellbeing technology could be co-designed with workers, future work should also explore how to engage workers in ideating, designing, and advocating for worker-centered policies and regulations that help ensure deployed technologies are responsibly used and maintained. §.§ Design Implications We provide design implications based on our findings, for organizations interested in developing wellbeing technologies and researchers designing or studying these technologies. However, we note that our findings suggest designing truly worker-centered workplace wellbeing technologies governed by organizations may be a wicked problem <cit.>—a goal that is difficult or impossible to solve, in this setting, due to organizational incentive structures and power differentials that may vary widely from workplace-to-workplace. Therefore, we caution that these implications are only appropriate to understand whether and when there is good reason to believe data-driven wellbeing technologies may bring more benefit than harm to workers, in practice. We additionally include implications for how non-technical worker wellbeing support may complement or replace workplace wellbeing technologies. * Deliberate with impacted stakeholders what notions of “workplace wellbeing” they feel are appropriate and desirable to target through the use of technology, before deciding to move forward with designing. Begin by understanding their workplace boundaries and needs, to form a design space for collaboratively ideating on both potential technical and non-technical solutions. Avoid design ideation driven by the availability of technical capabilities alone. * Consider carefully how the design of workplace wellbeing technology may shift responsibility for wellbeing challenges across individuals and the organization. Certain design decisions (e.g., about the types of wellbeing inferences or recommendations) may risk placing unwarranted blame and responsibility on individual workers, as voiced by participants in Sections <ref>, <ref>, <ref>. * Ensure that wellbeing technologies are not deployed as a ploy to promote “workplace problem washing,” by considering carefully whether the root problems of workplace wellbeing challenges may be addressable through technology, or should be complemented or replaced by other forms of non-technical, care-based human support. * Provide individual workers with the power to decide  whether, when, and  with whom they would like to share any collected wellbeing data. Given that social relations with colleagues, managers, and the organization differ for each individual, workers may have different desires for (not) sharing certain data. Also find ways to ensure that workers have an opportunity to consent and take back consent, using methods that minimize the influences of potential external incentives and pressures (e.g., placed by workers' managers or leadership, as described in Section <ref>). * Rather than relying solely on quantitative and passive data collection, consider how qualitative and actively collected data could provide complementary insights to workers while being less prone to causing harms. Qualitative documentation of their wellbeing and related practices may help workers better understand the context surrounding trends in their overall wellbeing, as well as aid the interpretation of data-driven wellbeing inferences. * Involve impacted stakeholders, not just in the design of the wellbeing technology, but in informing the policies and regulations that govern the use of the technology. Even if wellbeing technologies are designed to support workers, once deployed in practice, they could still be used in harmful ways if governance mechanisms disadvantage workers (as described in <ref>). Ensure there are infrastructural mechanisms in place that provide workers with opportunities for recourse to potential inappropriate corporate or managerial uses of the technology (e.g., by developing worker unions). §.§ Limitations and Future Directions Our work has limitations, which also suggest interesting future directions. Our work studies and gathers perspectives from information workers, and we cannot make generalized claims about the impact of and perceptions towards sensing technologies for other kinds of work and workplaces. In addition, the design of our study protocol included explaining to participants the objectives of the study, including being transparent about our motives to understand their perspectives on hypothetical and envisioned technologies in the workplace. It is possible that some participants may have had an unconscious bias about implicitly interpreting that the study was about a “product-testing.” This may have led to responses that were over-optimistic about the use of the depicted technologies. Furthermore, the ordering in which the storyboards were shown may have played a role in influencing participants' perceptions (e.g., participants sometimes gave relative responses such as “This storyboard is better than the previous one”). While we shuffled the order of storyboards shown to each participant to help mitigate this risk, that does not eliminate potential problems with relative perception bias. §.§.§ Worker-centered problem space * ... §.§.§ Inference process §.§.§ Regulation and organizational culture * ... § CONCLUSION Workplace settings surface new complexities that may complicate the in-practice desirability and responsible use of these technologies. Moreover, these technologies implicate a broad range of stakeholders—including those who are impacted by and impact the deployment of, these technologies. In our study, we conducted storyboard-driven interviews with 33 stakeholders across three participant groups: organizational governors, AI builders, and worker data subjects. Grounded by storyboards inspired by prior research literature proposing various wellbeing sensing technologies, we elicited stakeholders' envisioned harmful and beneficial impacts of wellbeing support in the workplace. We focused our study on understanding why the workplace settings—with their complex organizational and social structures—surface unique concerns for workers, and how the design of wellbeing technologies may interface with these challenges. Further, we engaged stakeholders in envisioning organizational, social, and technical mitigation strategies to address these concerns. ACM-Reference-Format
Large Language Models in the Workplace: A Case Study on Prompt Engineering for Job Type Classification
[ "Benjamin Clavié", "Alexandru Ciceu", "Frederick Naylor", "Guillaume Soulié", "Thomas Brightwell" ]
[ "cs.CL" ]
Prompt Engineering for Job Classification B. Clavié et al. Bright Network, Edinburgh, UK {ben.clavie, firstname.lastname}@brightnetwork.co.uk Silicon Grove, Edinburgh, UK alex@silicongrove.co Large Language Models in the Workplace: A Case Study on Prompt Engineering for Job Type Classification Benjamin Clavié1 Alexandru Ciceu2 Frederick Naylor1 Guillaume Soulié1 Thomas Brightwell1 March 30, 2023 ====================================================================================================== This case study investigates the task of job classification in a real-world setting, where the goal is to determine whether an English-language is appropriate for a graduate or entry-level position. We explore multiple approaches to text classification, including supervised approaches such as traditional models like Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and state-of-the-art deep learning methods such as DeBERTa. We compare them with Large Language Models (LLMs) used in both few-shot and zero-shot classification settings. To accomplish this task, we employ prompt engineering, a technique that involves designing prompts to guide the LLMs towards the desired output. Specifically, we evaluate the performance of two commercially available state-of-the-art GPT-3.5-based language models, text-davinci-003 and gpt-3.5-turbo. We also conduct a detailed analysis of the impact of different aspects of prompt engineering on the model's performance. Our results show that, with a well-designed prompt, a zero-shot gpt-3.5-turboclassifier outperforms all other models, achieving a 6% increase in Precision@95% Recall compared to the best supervised approach. Furthermore, we observe that the wording of the prompt is a critical factor in eliciting the appropriate "reasoning" in the model, and that seemingly minor aspects of the prompt significantly affect the model's performance. § INTRODUCTION The combination of broadened access to higher education and rapid technological advancement with the mass-adoption of computing has resulted in a number of phenomena. The need for computational tools to support the delivery of quality education at scale has been frequently highlighted, even allowing for the development of an active academic subfield<cit.>. At the other end of the pipeline, technological advances have caused massive changes in the skills required for a large amount of jobs<cit.>, with some researchers also highlighting a potential mismatch between these required sets of skills and the skills possessed by the workforce<cit.>. These issues lead to a phenomenon known as the "education-job mismatch", which can lead to negative effects on lifetime income<cit.>. Due in part to these factors, the modern employment landscape can be difficult to enter for recent graduates, with recent LinkedIn surveys showing that over a third of "entry-level" positions require multiple years of experience, and more than half of such positions requiring 3 years experience in certain fields or extremely specific skills<cit.>. As a result, it has been noted that entering the job market is an increasingly difficult task, now demanding considerable time and effort<cit.>. While computational advances are now commonly used to support education and to assist workers in their everyday work, there is a lack of similarly mature technological solutions to alleviate the issues presented by exiting education to enter the workplace. We believe that the rapid development of machine learning presents a powerful opportunity to help ease this transition. The case study at the core of this paper focuses on one of the important tasks to build towards this objective: Graduate Job Classification. Given a job posting containing its title and description, our aim is to be able to automatically identify whether or not the job is a position fit for a recent graduate or not, either because it requires considerable experience or because it doesn't require a higher education qualification. In light of the information presented above, as well as the sheer volume of job postings created everyday, this classification offers an important curation. This would allow graduates to focus their efforts on relevant positions, rather than spending a considerable amount of time filtering through large volumes of jobs, which is non-trivial due to often obfuscated requirements.<cit.> As a point of reference, the number of total job postings in the United Kingdom alone in the July-September 2022 period exceeded 1.2 million<cit.>. This task contains a variety of challenges, the key one being the extreme importance of minimising false negatives, as any false negative would remove a potentially suitable job from a job-seeker's consideration when the list is presented to them. On the other hand, with such large volumes of posting, too many false positives would lead to the curated list being too noisy to provide useful assistance. A second major challenge is the reliance of the task on subtle language understanding, as the signals of a job's suitability can be very weak. In this paper, we will evaluate a variety of text classification approaches applied to the English-language Graduate Job Classification task. In doing so, we will (i) show that the most recent Large Language Models (LLMs), based on Instruction-Tuned GPT-3<cit.>, can leverage the vast wealth of information acquired during their training to outperform state-of-the-art supervised classification approaches on this task and that (ii) proper prompt engineering has an enormous impact on LLM downstream performance on this task, contributing a real-world application to the very active research on the topic of prompt engineering<cit.>. § BACKGROUND Since the introduction of the Transformer architecture<cit.> and the rise of transfer learning to leverage language models on downstream tasks<cit.>, the field of NLP has undergone rapid changes. Large pre-trained models such as BERT<cit.> and later improvements, like DeBERTa<cit.>, have resulted in significant performance improvements, surpassing prior word representation methods such as word vectors<cit.>. The development libraries such HuggingFace Transformers<cit.> has further contributed to making these models ubiquitous in NLP applications. These advances resulted in a paradigm shift in NLP, focusing on the use or fine-tuning of extremely large, generalist, so-called "foundation models" rather than the training of task-specfic models<cit.>. This resulted in the frequent occurence of paradigm shift, where researchers focused on ways to reframe complex tasks into a format that could fit into tasks where such models are known to be strong, such as question-answering or text classification<cit.>. In parallel to these fine-tuning approaches, there has been considerable work spent on the development of generative Large Language Models (LLMs), whose training focuses on causal generation: the task of predicting the next token given a context<cit.>. The release of GPT-3 showed that these models, on top of their ability to generate believable text, are also few-shot learners: given few examples, they are capable of performing a variety of tasks, such as question answering<cit.>. Going further, very recent developments have shown that LLMs can reach noticeably better performance on downstream applications through instruction-tuning: being fine-tuned to specifically follow natural language instructions to reach state-of-the-art performance on many language understanding tasks.<cit.>. LLMs, being trained on billions of tokens, have been shown to be able to leverage the vast amount of knowledge found in their training data on various tasks, with performance increasing via both an increase in model and training data size, following complicated scaling laws<cit.>. This has paved the way for the appearance of a new approach to NLP applications, focusing on exploring ways to optimally use this large amassed knowledge: prompt engineering<cit.>. Prompt Engineering represents a new way of interacting with models, through natural language queries. It has gathered considerable research attention in the last year. Certain ways of prompting LLMs, such as Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting, have been shown to be able to prompt reasoning which considerably improve the models' downstream performance<cit.>. Additional research has showcased ways to bypass certain model weaknesses. Notably, while LLMs are prone to mathematical errors, they are able to generate executable Python code to compute the requested results through specific prompting<cit.>. Other efforts have showcased reasoning improvements by relying on a model self-verifying its own reasoning in a subsequent prompt improves performance<cit.>. All these approaches have shown that LLMs can match or outperform state-of-the-art results on certain tasks, while requiring little to no fine-tuning. § EXPERIMENTAL SETUP §.§ Data and Evaluation Data Our target task is Graduate Job Classification. It is a binary classification, where, given a job posting containing both the job title and its description, the model must identify whether or not the job is a position fit for a recent graduate or not, either because it requires more experience or doesn't require higher education. In practice, over 25 000 jobs are received on a daily basis, with fewer than 5% of those appropriate for graduates. Our data is gathered from a large selection of UK-based jobs over a period of two years. These jobs were manually filtered into "Graduate" and "Non-Graduate" categories by human annotators. The gold standard dataset used in this study is a subset of the original data, containing job postings whose original label was manually reviewed. Only jobs where inter-annotator agreement was reached were kept, until reaching a data size of 10000. We use the label GRAD for jobs suitable for graduates and NON_GRAD for all other jobs. In total, the data 3082 (30.8%) GRAD and 6918 (69.2%) NON_GRAD examples. Evaluation We use the Precision at 95% Recall (P@95%R) for the GRAD label as our main metric. We chose this metric as the classifier cannot be deployed in production with a low recall, as it is extremely damaging to remove suitable jobs from graduates' consideration. Our goal is to ensure that Recall remains above a specific threshold while achieving the best possible precision at this threshold and help process the tens of thousands of jobs received daily. We also report the P@85%R, to give a better overview of the models' performance. To facilitate LLM evaluation, we split our data into a 7000 examples training set and 3000 examples test set rather than using cross-validation. §.§ Baselines Keyword We report the results for a simple, keyword and regular expression approaches to the task. We, along with our annotators, built a list of common phrases indicating that a job is suitable for a recent graduate. We then perform a simple look-up within the postings, which give us a lower bound for performance. SVM We present the results of a non-deep learning baseline method, which involves using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier with a tf-idf text representation, which have been shown to produce robust baseline results, even reaching state-of-the-art results in some domain-specific tasks<cit.>. §.§ Supervised Classifiers ULMFiT We report the results for ULMFiT, an RNN-based approach to training a small language model before fine-tuning it for classification<cit.>. We pre-train the ULMFiT language model on an unlabeled dataset of 50000 job postings, before fine-tuning the classifier on the data described above. DeBERTa-V3 We fine-tune a DeBERTa-V3-Base model, a refined version of DeBERTa<cit.> and which achieves state-of-the-art performance on a variety of text classification tasks<cit.>. We follow the method used in the paper introducing the model, with a maximum sequence length of 512. For any longer document, we report results using the first 100 tokens and the trailing 412 tokens of the document. This approach yielding the best results is likely due to most job descriptions frequently outlining the position's requirements towards the end. §.§ Large Language Models We use a temperature of 0 for all language models. GPT-3.5 (text-davinci-002&text-davinci-003)We report our results on two variants of GPT-3<cit.>[These models are accessed through OpenAI's API.]. These models are LLMs further trained to improve their ability to follow natural language instructions<cit.>. GPT-3.5-turbo (gpt-3.5-turbo-0301) We evaluate GPT-3.5-turbo[This model is also accessed through OpenAI's API.], a model optimised for chat-like interactions<cit.>. To do so, we modified all our prompts to fit the conversation-like inputs expected by the model. GPT-3.5-turbo is the focus of our prompt engineering exploration. § OVERALL RESULTS In Table <ref>, we report the the P@95% P85% for all models evaluated. We report a score of 0 for those if the model is unable to reach the recall threshold. For all approaches for which we do not have a way to target a specific Recall value, we also provide their Recall metric. Overall, we notice that SVMs, as often, are a strong baseline, although they are outperformed by both supervised deep learning approaches. However, they're outperformed by both of our supervised approaches. DeBERTaV3 achieves the highest P@85%R of all the models, but is beaten by both davinci-003 and GPT-3.5 on the P@95%R metric, which is key to high quality job curation. We notice overall strong performance from the most powerful LLMs evaluated, although davinci-002, fails to reach our 95% Recall threshold, and trails behind both ULMFiT and DeBERTaV3 at a 85% recall threshold. On the other hand, davinci-003 outperforms DeBERTaV3, while GPT3-5 is by far the best-performing model on the P@95%R metric, with a 7.2 percentage point increase. Overall, these results show that while our best performing supervised approach obtains better metrics at lower recall thresholds, it falls noticeably behind LLMs behind when aiming for a very low false negative rate. § LLMS & PROMPT ENGINEERING In this section, we will discuss the prompt engineering steps taken to reach the best-performing version of gpt-3.5. We will largely focus on its chat-like input, although similar steps were used for other language models, minus the conversational format. Apart from the use of system messages, we noticed no major differences in prompt impact between models. For each modification, we will provide an explanation of the changes, or, where relevant, a snippet highlighting the modification. An overview of all prompt modifications used is presented in Table <ref>. §.§ Eliciting Reasoning Zero-Shot Prompting We set our baseline by simply prompting the model with our question with no further attempt to induce reasoning ('Baseline'): [breaklines,breakanywhere,bgcolor=lightgray]text For the given job: job_posting ——— Is this job (A) a job fit for a recent graduate, or (B) a job requiring more professional experience. Answer: Few-shot CoT We then experiment with few-shot chain-of-thought prompting<cit.>, by providing the model with successful classification examples. We do so using the gpt-3.5 chat format, mocking a conversation between the user, and the assistant, who elaborates on his reasoning before answering with (A) or (B). We prepend our query by providing the model with two examples[Due to the long token length of job postings, providing it with more than two examples required us to truncate the postings, which resulted in a degradation in performance] ('CoT'). Zero-shot CoT We then attempt to elicit reasoning without providing the model any example, through Zero-shot Chain-of-Thought<cit.> ('Zero-CoT'). We expect that this approach will perform well, as job postings are found in large quantity in data used to train the model, and identifying whether a job is fit for a graduate does not require expert domain knowledge. We attempt to elicit reasoning by prompting the model think step-by-step, as follows: [breaklines,breakanywhere,bgcolor=lightgray, escapeinside=||]text For the given job: job_posting ——— Is this job (A) a job fit for a recent graduate, or (B) a job requiring more professional experience. Answer: |Let's think step by step,| §.§ Initial Instructions We then explore the impact of providing the model with instructions describing both its role and task. A notable difference between textscdavinci-003 and the gpt-3.5 chat format is that the latter introduces a new aspect to prompt engineering, which was not found in previous ways to interact with language models: the ability to provide a system message to the system. We explore multiple ways of providing instructions using this system message. Giving Instructions We provide information to the model about its role role as well as a description of its task: [breaklines,breakanywhere,bgcolor=lightgray, escapeinside=||]text |role| = """You are an AI expert in career advice. You are tasked with sorting through jobs by analysing their content and deciding whether they would be a good fit for a recent graduate or not.""" |task| = """A job is fit for a graduate if it's a junior-level position that does not require extensive prior professional experience. I will give you a job posting and you will analyse it, to know whether or not it describes a position fit for a graduate.""" Instructions as a user or system message There is no clear optimal way to use the system prompt, as opposed to passing instructions as a user query. The 'rawinst' approach, explained above, passes the whole instructions to the model as a user query. We evaluate the impact of passing the whole instructions as a system query ('sysinst'), as well as splitting them in two, with the model's role definition passed as a system query and the task as a user query (bothinst). Mocked-exchange instructions We attempt to further take advantage of the LLM's fine-tuned ability to follow a conversational format by breaking down our instructions further ('mock'). We iterate on the bothinst instruction format, by adding an extra confirmation message from the model: [breaklines,breakanywhere,bgcolor=lightgray, escapeinside=||]text user_message_1 = """A job is fit for a graduate [...] |Got it?"""| |assistant_message_1 = "Yes, I understand. I am ready to analyse your job posting."| Re-iterating instructions We further modify the instructions by introducing a practice commonly informally discussed but with little basis: re-iterating certain instructions ('reit'). In our case, this is done by appending a reminder to the system message, to reinforce the perceived expertise of the model in its role description, as well as reinforcing the importance of thinking step-by-step in the task description: [breaklines,breakanywhere,bgcolor=lightgray, escapeinside=||]text |system_prompt| ="""You are an AI expert in career advice. You are tasked with sorting through jobs by analysing their content and deciding whether they would be a good fit for a recent graduate or not. |Remember, you're the best AI careers expert and will use your expertise to provide the best possible analysis|""" |user_message_1| = """[...] I will give you a job posting and you will analyse it, |step-by-step|, to know whether [...]""" §.§ Wording the prompt Answer template We experiment with asking the model to answer by following specific templates, either requiring that the final answer ('loose'), or the full reasoning ('strict') must adhere to a specific template. We experiment with different wordings for the template, with the best-performing ones as follows: [breaklines,breakanywhere,bgcolor=lightgray, escapeinside=||]text |loose| = """[...]|Your answer must end with:| |Final Answer: This is a| (A) job fit for a recent graduate or a student OR (B) a job requiring more professional experience. Answer: Let's think step-by-step,""" |strict| = """[...]|You will answer following this template:| |Reasoning step 1:||Reasoning step 2:||Reasoning step 3:||Final Answer: This is a| (A) job fit for a recent graduate or a student OR (B) a job requiring more professional experience. Answer: |Reasoning Step 1:|""" The right conclusion We evaluate another small modification to the prompt to provide further positive re-inforcement to the model: we ask it reason in order to reach the right conclusion, by slightly modifying our final query: [breaklines,breakanywhere,bgcolor=lightgray, escapeinside=||]text Answer: Let's think step-by-step |to reach the right conclusion,| Addressing reasoning gaps While analysing our early results, we noticed that the model can misinterpret instructions given to it, and produce flawed reasoning as a result. This manifested in attempts to over-generalise: This job requires experience, but states that it can have been acquired through internships. However, not all graduates will have undergone internships. Therefore, (B) this job is not fit for all graduates. We attempt to alleviate this by providing additional information in the model's instruction: [breaklines,breakanywhere,bgcolor=lightgray, escapeinside=||]text task = "A job is fit for a graduate if it's a junior-level position that does not require extensive prior professional experience. |When analysing the experience required, take into account that requiring internships is still fit for a graduate|. I will give you a job [...] §.§ The importance of subtle tweaks Naming the Assistant A somewhat common practice, as shown by Microsoft code-naming its Bing chatbot "Sydney" [As demonstrated by the widely circulated prompt https://simonwillison.net/2023/Feb/15/bing/], is to give LLMs a nickname by which they can be referred to. We modified our initial system prompt, as well as the user mocked-instructions, to refer to our model as Frederick ('name'), as follows: [breaklines,breakanywhere,bgcolor=lightgray,escapeinside=||]text |system_prompt| = "|You are Frederick,| an AI expert in career advice. [...]" [...] |first_assistant_response| = "Yes, I understand. |I am Frederick,| and I will analyse your job posting." Positive Feedback It has been anecdotally noted that giving positive reinforcement to gpt-3.5 can lead to better performance on some tasks [As reported by OpenAI, a partnered developer found that positive reinforcement resulted in increased accuracy.]. We thus prepend our main prompt with a positive reaction to the model's mocked acknowledgement of our instructions ('pos'): [breaklines,breakanywhere,bgcolor=lightgray,escapeinside=||]text |Great! Let's begin then :)| For the given job: [...] § PROMPT ENGINEERING RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The evaluation metrics (calculated against the GRAD label), as well as Template Stickiness, for all the modifications detailed above are presented in Table <ref>. We provide these metrics rather than the more task-appropriate P@95%R used above to make it easier to compare the various impacts of prompt changes. Any modification below 95% Recall is presented in italic. We notice that the impact of prompt-engineering on classification results is high. Simply asking the model to answer the question using its knowledge, only reaches an F1-score of 65.6, with a Recall of 70.6, considerably short of our target, while our final prompt reaches an F1-score of 91.7 with 97% recall. Interestingly, few-shot CoT prompting the model with examples performs noticeably worse than a zero-shot approach. We speculate that this is due to the examples biasing the model reasoning too much while the knowledge it already contains is sufficient for most classifications. Any attempt at providing more thorough reasoning for either label resulted in increased recall and decreased precision for the label. Despite multiple attempts, we found no scenario where providing examples performed better than zero-shot classification. Providing instructions to the model, with a role description as its system message and an initial user message describing the text, yielded the single biggest increase in performance (+5.9F1). Additionally, we highlight the impact of small changes to guide the model's reasoning. Mocking an acknowledgement of the instruction allows the model to hit the 95% Recall threshold (+1.3F1). Small additions, such as naming the model or providing it with positive reinforcement upon its acknowledgement of the instructions, also resulted in increased performance. We found that gpt-3.5.turbo struggles with Template Stickiness, which we did not observe with text-davinci-003. Its answers often required additional parsing, as it would frequently discard the (A)/(B) answering format asked of it. Requesting that it follows either a strict reasoning template or a loose answer template yielded considerably higher template stickiness but resulted in performance decreases, no matter the template wording. Overall, we find that these results highlights just how prompt-sensitive downstream results are, and we showcase a good overview of common techniques that can result in large performance improvements. § CONCLUSION In this work, we have presented the task of Graduate Job Classification, by highlighting its importance. We have then evaluated a series of classifiers on a real-world dataset, attempting to find which approach allows for the best filtering of non-graduate joba while still meeting a sufficiently high recall threshold to not remove a large amount of legitimate graduate jobs in our curation efforts. In doing so, we showcased that the best-performing approach on this task is the use of Large Language Models (LLMs), in particular OpenAI's gpt-3.5-turbo. Using language models for downstream tasks require a different paradigm, where time is not spent on fine-tuning the model itself but on improving the prompt, a natural language query. We present our evaluation of various prompt modifications, and present the fast improvement in performance that can be obtained by proper prompt engineering to allow the language model to leverage its vast amounts of amassed knowledge. We believe our work, presenting a real-world case study of the strong performance of LLMs on text classification tasks, provides good insight into prompt engineering and the specific prompt-tuning necessary to accomplish certain tasks. We provide our full results, the resulting prompt being currently used to filter thousands of jobs on a daily basis, to help support future applications in this area. splncs04
On Batching Acknowledgements in C-V2X Services
[ "Mahdi Zaman", "Md Saifuddin", "Mahdi Razzaghpour", "Yaser Fallah", "Jayanthi Rao" ]
[ "cs.NI" ]
On Batching Acknowledgements in C-V2X Services This work is in part supported by Ford Motor Company Mahdi Zaman, Md Saifuddin, Mahdi Razzaghpour University of Central Florida {mahdizaman, md.saif, razzaghpour.mahdi}@knights.ucf.edu Yaser Fallah University of Central Florida yaser.fallah@ucf.edu Jayanthi Rao Ford Motor Company jrao1@ford.com March 2023 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) is a frontier in the evolution of distributed communication introduced in 3GPP release 14 to advanced use cases. While research efforts continue to optimize the accessible bandwidth for transportation ecosystem, a bottom up analysis from the application layer perspective is necessary prior to deployment, as it can expose potential issues that can emerge in a dynamic road environment. This emphasizes on assessing the network using application-oriented metrics to evaluate its capacity of providing advanced vehicular services with stringent latency and throughput requirements. C-V2X enables advanced applications like autonomous driving and on-the-go transaction services where consecutive exchange of messages is required. For such services, the network level metrics fails to capture the edge case service quality as they express an average measure of performance. In this paper, we present an application-oriented analysis of a transaction service built on C-V2X protocol. We analyze different design choices that affects quality of service both from network-oriented and user-centric metrics and we highlight the issues regarding packet dissemination from infrastructures for vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) based service applications. We also present our study on the impact of batching in disseminating acknowledgement packets (ACK) and its consequence on both the service reliability and network congestion. Our results show that time-sensitive and mission-sensitive vehicular applications should aim for a balance between achieving the mission utility in shortest duration possible, while keeping minimal impact on the system-wide stability. Batching, Cellular-V2X, Infrastructure-assisted tolling, intelligent transportation, service, transaction, V2I, queue management § INTRODUCTION Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication is expected to connect the road-user entities in the larger Internet-of-Things (IoT) network to ensure safe and seamless service for the users. Research and testing activities have shown the efficiency of Cellular V2X (C-V2X) in maintaining high reliability & low latency communication in vehicular environment. Any entity equipped with C-V2X User Equipment (UE) can utilize connectivity via C-V2X protocol. This enables vehicular user units to communicate with other vehicles (V2V), pedestrians (V2P), networks (V2N) and infrastructures (V2I). The early design choices for V2X-based services primarily aimed to ensure robust and efficient communication between mobile entities. C-V2X, with the underlying support of Long Term Evolution (LTE) constructs the core of such communication to facilitate its participants with the capability of broadcasting a snapshot of their dynamic state information to the neighboring circle. Alongside, its perceived robustness and scalability to host large number of moving users with or without infrastructural support makes connectivity an indisputable component for the envisioned autonomy in transportation. While under network coverage, C-V2X conducts physical layer assessment and resource allocation via centralized authority, ie the eNodeB accesses information about the participants within its cell and allocates resources. In contrast, C-V2X generally assumes the same functionalities under no network coverage. In this mode, resource allocation is performed independently by the entities in a distributed fashion with limited information based on individual receptions. This distributed mode of operation, also known as mode-4, was initiated in 3GPP release 14 which C-V2X utilizes for broadcasting Basic Safety Messages (BSM). Periodic transmission and reception of BSMs functionally allow vehicles to perceive longer range of surroundings and thus enhance safety at high mobility. However, the scalability analyses on C-V2X <cit.> as well as the additional resource allowance <cit.> strengthens C-V2X to accommodate advanced safety applications namely cooperative platooning, teleoperated driving etc. This does not only pave the way for autonomous driving, but also provides a way to remodel the traditional traffic services with more efficient and cost-effective deployment. For research objectives, this brings a change to the way network performance is trivially analyzed. Safety services can rely on periodic BSM transmissions often aided by a congestion control method <cit.> at heavy traffic. BSM consists state information about a vehicle. But it is often more appropriate to conduct the advanced applications through context-aware messages. The set of advanced use cases laid out by 5GAA <cit.> such as awareness confirmation, vehicle decision assist, coordinated cooperative driving manoeuvre <cit.>, HD map sharing<cit.> and so forth describes scenarios where context-specific messages can achieve the mission with higher accuracy, replacing the need for BSM transmission for such purposes. While interoperability between these services require standardization, the specific application and method design are still under research and development. From the resource allocation perspective, the application-specific messages can differ from BSM in several ways. Firstly, unlike BSMs, these messages can be aperiodic. Secondly, the mission of these messages are to initiate and confirm a particular usage, hence multiple message exchange can be required between two specific entities (a host and remote vehicle pair, or an RSU and a remote vehicle). Thirdly, these messages are expected to be assigned a lower priority so that the reception of BSMs are never affected. To ensure the stringent QoS requirement <cit.> for the advanced application services under distributed mode, aperiodic varying priority messages need to efficiently utilize the C-V2X resource management architecture. Using a reference scenario introduced in <cit.>, we study a vehicular service where multiple messages are exchanged in sequence to complete a service utility. Under similar context of communication, the reference can be stretched for any two C-V2X equipped entities where one entity acts as the service manager. Our contributions in this paper is threefold: we identify batchsize as a crucial design factor in both the vehicular service performance as well as on the resource consumption, we show that application services require usage of adaptive batchsize to maintain scalable and reliable service performance keeping safety as the prime objective, and we present the performance analysis results in terms of application-centric metrics to explain the limitations of C-V2X architecture in providing aperiodic communication that captures the edge case performance as well as the holistic measure. § RELATED WORKS Utilizing communication systems for efficient traffic management has been of interest from researchers since long. Early works by Schulz et al. <cit.> discusses the features, benefits and drawbacks of the concurrent communication technologies for this purpose. This work sheds light on the radio data system, GSM, Short Messaging Service (SMS), general packet radio service (GPRS) for traffic management. Although these protocols proved the potential for providing autonomous in-car navigation, it was not sufficiently scalable for high density traffic. Among early works, Djahel et al <cit.> discusses a protocol-agnostic adaptive traffic management architecture for emergency vehicles with ability to adjust per driving policies, driver behavioral change and essential security control. As communication protocols evolved, DSRC and later LTE grounded the longstanding expectations of achieving a scalable and reliable vehicular communication. Using the dedicated ITS bandwidth of 75MHz, Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) first enabled direct vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication via distributed mode of operation <cit.>. While DSRC primarily aims to provide low latency in safety applications, LTE-V2X emerged with a promise of longer range and higher interoperability <cit.>. Subsequent standard releases by 3GPP enabled C-V2X to be the major contender of the spectrum while the design focus remained on ensuring low latency and high reliability in safety applications. In addition, 3GPP <cit.> laid out advanced sets of use cases that would enable the perceptual needs for connected automated vehicles via sensor sharing; network-assisted teleoperated driving, V2P-enabled pedestrian safety, V2I-assisted toll collection to name a few. Besides the advancement on mobility support, the envisioned applications have been explored by some works that shows the feasibility of the concurrent state of C-V2X Vehicular User Equipments (VUE) in terms of deployment. In advanced V2X applications like cooperative driving and sensor-data sharing, entities exchange messages (V2V or V2I) for arbitration, whereas fee-collection services involve message exchange (V2I) for transaction; both type requiring consecutive message exchange between two entities. Since each sequence of message have one specific mission to achieve, these are generally aperiodic packets where each message in the sequence In <cit.>, the authors show the limitations of the current C-V2X protocol in handling aperiodic packets, specially when the traffic arrival rate is high or the aperiodic packets are large, which can be the case to meet the data needs for advanced applications. Hence the advanced use cases require defining new message set dictionary <cit.>. For instance, Fine-tuning of the channel parameters may be required to accommodate both periodic and aperiodic packets in the same channel. It is evident that C-V2X needs a application-oriented evaluation to address the afresh concerns. Authors in <cit.> suggests amendments in the mode-4 application layer for resource selection scheme and emphasizes on the need for application-oriented evaluation to maintain efficient cooperative awareness. The authors provides insight on the limited performance of Semi Persistent Scheduling (SPS) mechanism when resources are reused in concurrent iteration of selection. In presence of aperiodic packets in the channel, it can threaten the SPS efficiency due to similar event as reuse of resources. To utilize C-V2X links for service applications, it is important to address these potential threats for robust and safe driving maneuver. In previous work <cit.>, we present an infrastructure-based service protocol that provides generalized transaction services over C-V2X RAN. We experiment with different design parameters of the protocol to present an optimized set of procedures that ensures both safety and quality of service for the users. In this work, we elaborate the analysis of the protocol keeping the focus on the scalability issues for such services; such as acknowledge packet (ACK) management from the infrastructure entity. We experiment with different batching policies and discuss the potential impact under different traffic flow. As a whole, the goal is to design the transaction protocol towards a deployable format with deterministic decisions on the parameters. To the best of authors' knowledge, no past analyses presents the scalability issues on the advanced service set where C-V2X accommodates both periodic and aperiodic packets of varying priority on the latest standardized architecture. As different services offer different utility and thus different QoS requirement, a predictive QoS approach <cit.> can benefit interoperability between these services. In light of the service structure presented in this paper, we hypothesize that an adaptive scheme to adjust queue length as a function of concurrent traffic flow may ensure reduced wait time for service users as well as reduced resource consumption in realistic driving conditions, thus offering higher predictability in the quality of service. § SYSTEM MODEL As a reference application, we utilize a V2I-based transaction service. Figure <ref> demonstrates the exchange of service messages on a timeline; as outlined in the following portion. We assume a freeway where an RSU acts as the service provider, which broadcasts a 700 byte Service Advertisement Packet (SAM). SAM consists necessary information for subscribed users to respond to based on their eligibility. A subscribed VUE can respond to the advertisement by broadcasting a usage request (SUM) to the RSU when they cross a virtual trigger line. Our previous work shows the optimal trigger distance to be 0m <cit.>, which is the value we have used for the simulation results presented in this paper. Upon checking the VUE's eligibility of usage, subcription status, user authentication etc, the RSU then broadcasts a response packet (ACK) with necessary information to declare the usage as complete for the specific set of vehicles. Upon reception of ACK, a VUE considers the service as completed, and ends the relevant procedures. Until a VUE receives an ACK, it continues to transmit SUM periodically every 600ms. Depending on ACK batchsize (b), one ACK can be broadcast to address a single VUE or a group of VUEs that has interacted within a preceding duration. On the RSU side, all SUM receptions are treated with equal opportunity, making packet loss the primary source of randomness in reception. However, as mentioned before, the V2I packets carry a lower priority tag than BSMs <cit.> which affects the transmission queue if a BSM and a SUM is concurrently in it. This can occur only on the VUE's side (because BSM concerns safety broadcasts and hence is not a concern for a stationary RSU), and the V2I packet in the concurrent queue is transmitted in the next available transmission opportunity so we assume the impact of this event to be minimal. To further strengthen the reception probabilities, V2I packets adopt hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ) similar to BSM transmissions, which enables a packet scheduled at t to be retransmitted at a randomly chosen subframe within [t-15, t+15] window. At each step of these message exchanges, a series of authentication subroutines (management, verification and approval) are involved. However, in this article, we only focus on the network-level analyses, and so these subroutines are estimated as time headroom between successive packet exchanges alongside the intra-layer transmission delay. It is important to mention that unlike mode-3 where an RSU can provide functionalities as an eNodeB, our tests assume mode-4 communication with distributed resource selection mechanism. Hence the prototype RSU is only responsible for management of the service. It is assumed that the RSU carries out the front-end functions of specific services following 3GPP specifications <cit.>, whereas the back-end computations for secure handling of private data can be executed on-device or offloaded to edge nodes. § EXPERIMENT SETUP §.§ Scenario Description We deployed the service prototype in a link-level network simulator equipped with C-V2X protocol layers. The hi-fidelity system level simulator has been developed over several years and validated with real-world data with specific focus on scalability <cit.>. The base framework to emulate Device-to-device communication is founded on ns3 equipped with D2D modules <cit.> and enhanced to fit the modifications that allow C-V2X system simulation as per 3GPP rel 14. We designed a 3km, 16 lanes bidirectional freeway with an RSU situated in the middle of the stretch. The RSU functions as the service provider for traffic along both directions. For testing the protocol performance under different traffic conditions, we distribute varying number of moving vehicles uniformly over the 3km road. All vehicles are equipped with C-V2X vehicular user equipment (VUE), who are capable of exchanging BSM (among themselves) and service packets (with the RSU). For the purpose of this study, we characterize traffic density in terms of traffic flow rate across the trigger line in units of vehicle per second. Since every eligible VUE transmits a SUM at the time of crossing trigger line, this quantity tracks the rate of base SUM transmission every second. However, the total number of SUM transmission per second can be higher due to the repeated SUM attempts, which is elaborated in the following subsection. 2|c| Traffic Flow Rate Vehicle Per Second Category 1 very low 5 low 10 low-medium 15 medium 20 high 30 very high §.§ Performance Metrics §.§.§ Service Completion Time The key performance metric for the service performance is Service Completion Time (SCT). It is defined as the interval between a vehicle's SUM transmission, and an ACK reception from the RSU. SCT is measured from the VUE end to ensure a user-centric assessment. Each vehicle and the RSU in our scenario logs its own timestamps relevant for the V2I packet transmission and reception. Hence this incorporates the scheduling delay on both transmission ends. In C-V2X the scheduling delay is the delay induced by Medium Access Control (MAC) layer when a packet generation request has arrived from the service layer and a suitable resource is being located via SPS procedure at the MAC layer. This resource allocation procedure takes on the range of [4 100] ms on each end. Since SCT measures the end-to-end duration of at least two packets, two unit of propagation delay adds up to the net total SCT. Hence for one complete SCT computation cycle starting with transmitting a request and ending with an ACK reception, a VUE can be subject to at least the sum of the two scheduling delays, i.e. in the range of [8 200] ms. Considering HARQ-supported worst case reception, this sum can reach upto [8 230] ms. §.§.§ Attempt Count We tracked the number of SUM attempts required by individual VUEs under different scenarios and refer to it as Attempt Count (AC). We acknowledge that AC gauges SCT in a quantized fashion where, due to the protocol design, each additional attempt accrues 600ms delay in SCT. Hence reducing the number of attempts required to complete the transaction is desirable. Although it is difficult to selectively facilitate V2I receptions to strengthen service performance, specific attention on AC can be worthwhile, as maximizing the reception at early attempts can reduce following cascade of losses. §.§.§ Packet Error Rate We observed Packet Error Rate (PER) for BSMs to measure the impact of the V2I service on the overall network performance so that safety is retained. PER is measured in trivial ways as the ratio of percentage of successfully received packets and the percentage of all transmitted packets within a certain vicinity. It provides an average measure of the channel condition to identify potential causes and impact. The V2I packets are largely outnumbered by BSM in terms of packet throughput. Because of this, the holistic measure that PER captures does not suit well for measuring service performance. We utilize PER to understand the impact of the service on the situational awareness within the network. § ANALYSIS & RESULTS In this section we explore the experiment findings to measure the efficiency of the protocol in providing service, its scalability across different traffic flow rate, and its impact on the network quality for safety packet usage. We consider the instantaneous ACK response configuration (i.e. b=1) settings as the baseline for performance comparison. In figure <ref>, we present the SCT for very low, low, and low-medium traffic flow with baseline settings. We observe that for very low and low-medium traffic, 99% vehicles are able to complete the procedure within 200ms. For low-medium scenario, some vehicles required an additional attempt to complete the procedure, causing a long SCT tail. This can happen due to packet loss for either of the two packets in the first attempt (SUM or ACK). However, at low density traffic (5veh/s), 80% vehicles enjoy similar SCT as the very low and low-medium scenario from baseline settings, while 20% suffers with a longer SCT tail. This plunge can be explained once we observe Channel Busy Ratio (CBR) in these scenarios, presented in figure <ref>. CBR indicates a relative measure of the channel status. At any subframe t, a VUE seeking a future transmission opportunity monitors the [t, t-100] ms window in its reception history, and computes CBR based on the following equation: C B R(%)=100 ×N_R S S I> CBIThresh /N_total Here, N_RSSI>CBRThresh∈ℕ is the number of resources within the specified window, that have a Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP) higher than a predefined CBR threshold. These resources are perceived as occupied by the receiver. A ratio of this quantity to the total number of resources available within the 100 subframes yields the relative measure of channel business. We emphasize on observing the CBR mainly for two reasons: * CBR works as the channel quality indicator at any given time of operation, * It is measured using locally available information at medium access control layer during onboard operations of a VUE, hence this can be closely tied to SCT. During on-board operation of a VUE, CBR is utilized in Rate Control (RC) algorithm to minimize congestion in distributed mode. We adopted the Rate Control (RC) algorithm specified in SAE J3161/1 <cit.> for our experiments. When traffic flow is high, RC allows a VUE to sense the channel status and adjust it's BSM periodicity accordingly. Channel status signifies the traffic density in the VUE's surrounding vicinity, which is effectively estimated from CBR. When high CBR is sensed, it decreases the BSM transmission rate, thereby increases the Inter-Transmitting Time (ITT). Mean ITT for the tested scenarios is presented in figure <ref>, which heavily correlates with the CBR at corresponding densities. At very low traffic (1veh/s), 35% CBR (figure <ref>) causes RC to remain dormant, resulting in VUEs transmitting BSMs with  100ms ITT (figure <ref>). But a slight increase of traffic flow (5veh/s) vastly increases the CBR to  90%. This change is not reflected comparably at ITT, which barely increases to  110ms. This low sensitivity of RC algorithm at low traffic flow appears from the algorithm originally being optimized for the older DSRC technology, which follows a different abstraction of physical layer bandwidth than C-V2X. The shortcomings of standard RC algorithm on C-V2X has been explored in <cit.>, which is highly suggested for readers interested in congestion control approaches in C-V2X. Further increase in density (10 veh/s) causes gradual increase in ITT. With higher ITT, larger volume of resources are available within a unit time-frame due to less frequent transmission by the VUEs. As a result, CBR comparably decreases and the now-accessible resources are utilized by the service application, making SCT at 10veh/s better than 5veh/s (figure <ref>). At high CBR, SPS resource allocation procedure is more aggressive in resource shortlisting and selection. When a VUE transmitting in a high density traffic scenario increases its SPS RSRP threshold while shortlisting a resource for its own transmission, one implication of this occurrence is that the VUE can likely select a resource with low RSRP for its upcoming transmission. A resource with low RSRP is likely to be a resource that is currently being used by a vehicle situated far from the transmitter. However, when the transmitter utilizes that selected resource, the packet decodability is higher for the nearer transmitter's packet than the far one. This causes a receiver to decode the nearer packet and discard the far packet. As traffic density increases, free available resource grows more and more scarce, thus the chance of overlapping selection between a far transmitter (low RSRP) and a near transmitter (high RSRP) increases. Consequently, the effective range for a receiver VUE shortens as traffic density increases. While SPS is the de facto resource allocation procedure for C-V2X, such events benefit V2I packet receptions over BSM. V2I links for the service occurs between entities at small distance (RSU and VUE), whereas BSM links can be established between any two pair of entities within network coverage (function of density, road topology etc). When SPS aids reception of closer packet through the abovementioned events, V2I packets are the prime beneficiary who enjoys higher successful reception. This V2I-specific benefit and the reduction of range works counteractively in the low-medium to high traffic flow span, causing superior SCT at high traffic flow. At very high (30veh/s) traffic flow however, RC algorithm reaches its upper limit of ITT at 600ms, and the scope of more available resources due to range reduction diminishes, causing drastic impact on SCT. At the same time, the V2I packets themselves can pose detrimental effect on the V2I transmissions due to the following reasons: * High traffic flow rate inadvertently generates high volume of SUM and ACK. Since all the SUM and ACK communications take place nearby RSU within a short distance, their perceived channel state have similar profile, resulting in similar shortlisted resources. These SUM transmissions are triggered in their individual first opportunity after crossing the trigger line, which makes it difficult to sense each other within their individual resource allocation procedure. This can increase the chance of collision between SUMs. Collision with ACK are equally likely as well since the RSU schedules ACK responses following similar resource allocation procedure. * All C-V2X entities (VUE, RSU alike) suffer from half-duplex problem, which is even more challenging to tackle under distributed mode of operation (i.e. mode-4 sidelink operation). For V2I, half-duplex can mean UEs losing an ACK while transmitting SUM, for RSUs this can mean losing SUMs while transmitting a SAM or ACK. Missing either a SUM or an ACK will cause the failing VUE to re-transmit a SUM and keep on repeating until completion. At high density, these losses can initiate a spiraling increase in V2I transmissions. * RSUs have limited capability in transmitting multiple consequent ACK within short duration. Whether this poses an additional delay in service depends on the relative differences in traffic flow rate and service rate. If the traffic flow rate is higher than the RSU's service rate, the received SUMs form a request queue at the lower layers of RSU consisting of ACKs awaiting for transmission. Under batched ACK settings, due to the nature of batched ACK, two additional factors come into play for a SUM-ACK cycle to be successful. * In each batch, the first member is subject to longer SCT than its latter members, as it transmitted earlier but has to wait until the last SUM is received by the RSU to fill up the last spot in that batch. To put it into comparison, only the last member in each batch enjoys a SCT comparable with its equivalent baseline scenario, while all the previous members in the same batch suffers with a slightly longer delay. The earlier the SUM is, the longer the SCT is compared to baseline for that particular VUE. * Secondly, since each ACK contains b number of responses, a loss of one ACK due to any of the reasons discussed above means b number of VUE will repeat their SUM attempts. This means the channel can be congested with b number of new messages. The actual number of increased message count could be higher since in a high traffic flow scenario, this can potentially worsen the spiraling effect and cause the loss of even more packets. While the baseline settings can provide the VUEs fast service at low traffic flow, it is certainly not true at high traffic flow. On the other hand, batched ACK can reduce the number of packets exchanged but it risks causing higher number of repeated attempts. We observed that b=2 settings can fuse the benefits from both notion. Figure <ref> shows that while scenarios in the very low to low-medium span suffers with additional delay in SCT, medium to very high scenario span thrives under the same settings. Figure <ref> tracks the individual attempts by the same VUEs and their corresponding success in service completion. It shows that most VUE were able to complete the service with the second attempt, with a minor percentage requiring the third attempt in case of very high traffic. For the medium, high, and very high traffic flow scenarios, we investigated larger batchsizes seeking optimality (figure <ref>). However, b=2 appears to remain the most optimal settings even in those scenarios. In larger batchsize, all batch members except the last one has relatively higher SCT than corresponding b=2 cases. The accumulation of these delays worsens the resulting SCT, causing a rightward shift. The b=16 settings produces a linearly increasing SCT line in all scenarios as this batchsize is much larger than the actual max number of incoming VUEs within each ACK transmission interval at any of the traffic flow rates under test. We observed the impact of batchsize on the reception of BSMs as the advanced safety services are expected to leave basic safety communication unharmed. In figure <ref>, PER shows minor influence resulting from different batchsize settings. § CONCLUDING REMARKS AND FUTURE OUTLOOK Infrastructure-based communication services are among the fundamental blocks for the next generation traffic system. To enable seamless relay between mobile traffic and stationary infrastructure entities, we explored multiple acknowledgement strategies that can be used in advanced safety and automated driving services. Resulting service performance and reception status show that the deployments should avoid static batching policy for acknowledgement packets, rather a scheme that adjusts in accordance with traffic condition can ensure quality of service. In addition, this paper indicates the issues regarding medium access for aperiodic packets and coexistence of multi-priority packets, that should be further investigated while C-V2X advances as the de facto VANET protocol. ieeetr
Twin Contrastive Learning with Noisy Labels
[ "Zhizhong Huang", "Junping Zhang", "Hongming Shan" ]
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
Twin Contrastive Learning with Noisy Labels Zhizhong Huang^1 Junping Zhang^1 Hongming Shan^2,3Corresponding author ^1 Shanghai Key Lab of Intelligent Information Processing, School of Computer Science, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China ^2 Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-inspired Intelligence and MOE Frontiers Center for Brain Science, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China ^3 Shanghai Center for Brain Science and Brain-inspired Technology, Shanghai 200031, China {zzhuang19, jpzhang, hmshan}@fudan.edu.cn March 30, 2023 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== Learning from noisy data is a challenging task that significantly degenerates the model performance. In this paper, we present , a novel twin contrastive learning model to learn robust representations and handle noisy labels for classification. Specifically, we construct a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) over the representations by injecting the supervised model predictions into GMM to link label-free latent variables in GMM with label-noisy annotations. Then, detects the examples with wrong labels as the out-of-distribution examples by another two-component GMM, taking into account the data distribution. We further propose a cross-supervision with an entropy regularization loss that bootstraps the true targets from model predictions to handle the noisy labels. As a result, can learn discriminative representations aligned with estimated labels through mixup and contrastive learning. Extensive experimental results on several standard benchmarks and real-world datasets demonstrate the superior performance of . In particular, achieves 7.5% improvements on CIFAR-10 with 90% noisy label—an extremely noisy scenario. The source code is available at <https://github.com/Hzzone/TCL>. § INTRODUCTION Deep neural networks have shown exciting performance for classification tasks <cit.>. Their success largely results from the large-scale curated datasets with clean human annotations, such as CIFAR-10 <cit.> and ImageNet <cit.>, in which the annotation process, however, is tedious and cumbersome. In contrast, one can easily obtain datasets with some noisy annotations—from online shopping websites <cit.>, crowdsourcing <cit.>, or Wikipedia <cit.>—for training a classification neural network. Unfortunately, the mislabelled data are prone to significantly degrade the performance of deep neural networks. Therefore, there is considerable interest in training noise-robust classification networks in recent years <cit.>. To mitigate the influence of noisy labels, most of the methods in literature propose the robust loss functions <cit.>, reduce the weights of noisy labels <cit.>, or correct the noisy labels <cit.>. In particular, label correction methods have shown great potential for better performance on the dataset with a high noise ratio. Typically, they correct the labels by using the combination of noisy labels and model predictions <cit.>, which usually require an essential iterative sample selection process <cit.>. For example, Arazo  <cit.> uses the small-loss trick to carry out sample selection and correct labels via the weighted combination. In recent years, contrastive learning has shown promising results in handling noisy labels <cit.>. They usually leverage contrastive learning to learn discriminative representations, and then clean the labels <cit.> or construct the positive pairs by introducing the information of nearest neighbors in the embedding space. However, using the nearest neighbors only considers the label noise within a small neighborhood, which is sub-optimal and cannot handle extreme label noise scenarios, as the neighboring examples may also be mislabeled at the same time. To address this issue, this paper presents , a novel twin contrastive learning model that explores the label-free unsupervised representations and label-noisy annotations for learning from noisy labels. Specifically, we leverage contrastive learning to learn discriminative image representations in an unsupervised manner and construct a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) over its representations. Unlike unsupervised GMM, links the label-free GMM and label-noisy annotations by replacing the latent variable of GMM with the model predictions for updating the parameters of GMM. Then, benefitting from the learned data distribution, we propose to formulate label noise detection as an out-of-distribution (OOD) problem, utilizing another two-component GMM to model the samples with clean and wrong labels. The merit of the proposed OOD label noise detection is to take the full data distribution into account, which is robust to the neighborhood with strong label noise. Furthermore, we propose a bootstrap cross-supervision with an entropy regulation loss to reduce the impact of wrong labels, in which the true labels of the samples with wrong labels are estimated from another data augmentation. Last, to further learn robust representations, we leverage contrastive learning and Mixup techniques to inject the structural knowledge of classes into the embedding space, which helps align the representations with estimated labels. The contributions are summarized as follows: * We present , a novel twin contrastive learning model that explores the label-free GMM for unsupervised representations and label-noisy annotations for learning from noisy labels. * We propose a novel OOD label noise detection method by modeling the data distribution, which excels at handling extremely noisy scenarios. * We propose an effective cross-supervision, which can bootstrap the true targets with an entropy loss to regularize the model. * Experimental results on several benchmark datasets and real-world datasets demonstrate that our method outperforms the existing state-of-the-art methods by a significant margin. In particular, we achieve 7.5% improvements in extremely noisy scenarios. § RELATED WORK Contrastive learning. Contrastive learning methods <cit.> have shown promising results for both representation learning and downstream tasks. The popular loss function is InfoNCE loss <cit.>, which can pull together the data augmentations from the same example and push away the other negative examples. MoCo <cit.> uses a memory queue to store the consistent representations. SimCLR <cit.> optimizes InfoNCE within mini-batch and has found some effective training tricks, , data augmentation. However, as unsupervised learning, they mainly focus on inducing transferable representations for the downstream tasks instead of training with noisy annotations. Although supervised contrastive learning <cit.> can improve the representations by human labels, it harms the performance when label noise exists <cit.>. Learning with noisy labels. Most of the methods in literature mitigate the label noise by robust loss functions <cit.>, noise transition matrix <cit.>, sample selection <cit.>, and label correction <cit.>. In particular, label correction methods have shown promising results than other methods. Arazo  <cit.> applied a mixture model to the losses of each sample to distinguish the noisy and clean labels, inspired by the fact that the noisy samples have a higher loss during the early epochs of training. Similarly, DivideMix <cit.> employs two networks to perform the sample selection for each other and applies the semi-supervised learning technique where the targets are computed from the average predictions of different data augmentations. Due to the success of contrastive learning, many attempts have been made to improve the robustness of classification tasks by combining the advantages of contrastive learning. Zheltonozhskii  <cit.> used contrastive learning to pre-train the classification model. MOIT <cit.> quantifies this agreement between feature representation and original label to identify mislabeled samples by utilizing a k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) search. RRL <cit.> performs label cleaning by two thresholds on the soft label, which is calculated from the predictions of previous epochs and its nearest neighbors. Sel-CL <cit.> leverages the nearest neighbors to select confident pairs for supervised contrastive learning <cit.>. Unlike existing methods <cit.> that detect the wrong labels within the neighborhood, formulates the wrong labels as the out-of-distribution examples by modeling the data distribution of representations learned by contrastive learning. In addition, we propose a cross-supervision with entropy regularization to better estimate the true labels and handle the noisy labels. § THE PROPOSED Each image in dataset 𝒟={x_i}_i=1^N associates with an annotation y∈{1, 2,…, K}. In practice, some examples may be mislabeled. We aim to train a classification network, p_θ(y|x) = g(x;θ) ∈ℝ^K, that is resistant to the noisy labels in training data, and generalizes well on the clean testing data. Fig. <ref> illustrates the framework of our proposed . Overview. In the context of our framework, f(·) and g(·) share the same backbone and have additional individual heads to output representations and class predictions from two random and one mixup data augmentations. Afterward, there are four components in , including (i) modeling the data distribution via a GMM in Sec. <ref> from the model predictions and representations; (ii) detecting the examples with wrong labels as out-of-distribution samples in Sec. <ref>; (iii) cross-supervision by bootstrapping the true targets in Sec. <ref>; and (iv) learning robust representations through contrastive learning and mixup in Sec. <ref>. §.§ Modeling Data Distribution Given the image dataset consisting of N images, we opt to model the distribution of x over its representation v = f(x) via a spherical Gaussian mixture model (GMM). After introducing discrete latent variables z∈{1, 2,…, K} that determine the assignment of observations to mixture components, the unsupervised GMM can be defined as p(v ) = ∑_k=1^K p(v, z=k) =∑_k=1^K p(z=k) 𝒩(v | μ_k, σ_k). where μ_k is the mean and σ_k a scalar deviation. If we assume that the latent variables z are uniform distributed, that is, p(z=k) = 1/K, we can define the posterior probability that assigns x_i to k-th cluster: γ_ik=p(z_i=k|x_i)∝𝒩(x_i|μ_k,σ_k). In an ideal scenario where all the samples have clean labels y∈{1, 2,…, K}, the discrete latent variables z would be identical to the annotation y, and the parameters μ_k, σ_k and latent variable z can be solved through a standard Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm <cit.>. However, in practice, the labels are often noisy and the latent variable z, estimated in an unsupervised manner, has nothing to do with the label y. Therefore, we are interested in connecting latent variable z, estimated in an unsupervised fashion ( label-free), and the available annotations y, label-noisy, for the task of learning from noisy labels. To link them together, we propose to inject the model predictions p_θ(y_i = k|x_i), learned from noisy labels, into the latent variables z. Specifically, we propose to replace the unsupervised assignment p(z_i=k|x_i) with noisy-supervised assignment p_θ(y_i=k|x_i). As a result, we can connect the latent variable z with the label y, and thus use the noisy supervision to guide the update of the parameters of GMM. In particular, the update of the GMM parameters becomes μ_k = norm(∑_i p_θ(y_i = k|x_i) v_i/∑_i p_θ(y_i = k|x_i)), σ_k = ∑_i p_θ(y_i = k|x_i) (v_i - μ_k)(v_i - μ_k)/∑_i p_θ(y_i = k|x_i), where norm(·) is ℓ_2-normalization such that μ_k_2=1. §.§ Out-Of-Distribution Label Noise Detection Previous works <cit.> typically detect the wrong labels within the neighborhood, that is, using the information from nearest neighbors. It is limited as the neighboring examples are usually mislabeled at the same time. To address this issue, we propose to formulate label noise detection as to detect the out-of-distribution examples. After building the connection between the latent variables z and labels y, we are able to detect the sample with wrong labels through the posterior probability in Eq. (<ref>). We implement it as a normalized version to take into account the intra-cluster distance, which allows for detecting the samples with likely wrong labels: γ_ik=exp(- (v_i-μ_k)(v_i-μ_k) / 2σ_k)/∑_k exp(- (v_i-μ_k)(v_i-μ_k) / 2σ_k). Since ℓ_2-normalization has been applied to both embeddings v and the cluster centers μ_k, yielding (v-μ_k)(v-μ_k)=2-2vμ_k. Therefore, we can re-write Eq. (<ref>) as: γ_ik =p(z_i=k|x_i) =exp(v_iμ_k / σ_k) / ∑_k exp(v_iμ_k/σ_k). Once built the GMM over the distribution of representations, we propose to formulate the conventional noisy label detection problem as out-of-distribution sample detection problem. Our idea is that the samples with clean labels should have the same cluster indices after linking the cluster index and class label. Specifically, given one particular class y=k, the samples within this class can be divided into two types: in-distribution samples with clean labels, and out-of-distribution samples with wrong labels. Therefore, we define the following conditional probability to measure the probability of one sample with clean label: γ_y=z|i =p(y_i=z_i|x_i) =exp(v_iμ_z_i / σ_z_i) / ∑_k exp(v_iμ_k/σ_k). Although Eqs. (<ref>) and (<ref>) share similar calculations, they have different meanings. Eq. (<ref>) calculates the probability of one example belonging to k-th cluster while Eq. (<ref>) the probability of one example having clean label—that is, y_i=z_i. Therefore, the probability of one example having the wrong label can be written as γ_y≠ z|i= p(y_i≠ z_i|x_i) = 1 - p(y_i=z_i|x_i). Furthermore, instead of setting a human-tuned threshold for γ_y=z|i, we opt to employ another two-component GMM following <cit.> to automatically estimate the clean probability γ_y=z|i for each example. Similar to the definition of GMM in Eq. (<ref>), this two-components GMM is defined as follows: p(γ_y=z|i)=∑_c=0^1p(γ_y=z|i, c) = ∑_c=0^1 p(c)p(γ_y=z|i| c), where c is the new introduced latent variable: c=1 indicates the cluster of clean labels with higher mean value and vice versus c=0. After modeling the GMM over the probability of one example having clean labels, γ_y=z|i, we are able to infer the posterior probability of one example having clean labels through the two-component GMM. §.§ Cross-supervision with Entropy Regularization After the label noise detection, the next important step is to estimate the true targets by correcting the wrong label to reduce its impact, called label correction. Previous works usually perform label correction using the temporal ensembling <cit.> or from the model predictions <cit.> before mixup augmentation without back-propagation. leverages a similar idea to bootstrap the targets through the convex combination of its noisy labels and the predictions from the model itself: t^(1)_i = w_i y_i + (1 - w_i) g(x^(1)_i) t^(2)_i = w_i y_i + (1 - w_i) g(x^(2)_i) , where g(x^(1)_i) and g(x^(2)_i) are the predictions of two augmentations, y_i the noisy one-hot label, and w_i∈[0, 1] represents the posterior probability as p(c=1|γ_y=z|i) from the two-component GMM defined in Eq. (<ref>). When computing Eq. (<ref>), we stop the gradient from g to avoid the model predictions collapsed into a constant, inspired by <cit.>. Guided by the corrected labels t_i, we swap two augmentations to compute the classification loss twice, leading to the bootstrap cross supervision, formulated as: ℒ_cross = ℓ(g(x_i^(1)), t^(2)_i) + ℓ(g(x_i^(2)), t^(1)_i), where ℓ is the cross-entropy loss. This loss makes the predictions of the model from two data augmentations close to corrected labels from each other. In a sense, if w_i=0, the model is encouraged for consistent class predictions between different data augmentations, otherwise w_i=1 it is supervised by the clean labels. In addition, we leverage an additional entropy regularization loss on the predictions within a mini-batch ℬ: ℒ_reg = - ℍ(1/|ℬ|∑_x∈ℬ g(x)) +1/|ℬ|∑_x∈ℬℍ(g(x)), where ℍ(·) is the entropy of predictions <cit.>. The first term can avoid the predictions collapsing into a single class by maximizing the entropy of average predictions. The second term is the minimum entropy regularization to encourage the model to have high confidence for predictions, which was previously studied in semi-supervised learning literature <cit.>. Although both using the model predictions, we would emphasize that the cross-supervision in is different to <cit.> in three aspects: (i) both x^(1)_i and x^(2)_i are involved in back-propagation; (ii) the strong augmentation <cit.> used to estimate the true targets can prevent the overfitting of estimated targets; and (iii) employs two entropy regularization terms to avoid the model collapse to one class. The final classification loss is given as follows: ℒ_cls = ℒ_cross + ℒ_reg. §.§ Learning Robust Representations To model the data distribution that is robust to noisy labels, we leverage contrastive learning to learn the representations of images. Specifically, contrastive learning performs instance-wise discrimination <cit.> using the InfoNCE loss <cit.> to enforce the model outputting similar embeddings for the images with semantic preserving perturbations. Formally, the contrastive loss is defined as follows: ℒ_ctr = -logexp( f(x^(1)) f(x^(2)) / τ)/∑_x∈𝒮exp(f(x^(1)) f(x) / τ), where τ is the temperature and 𝒮 is the ℬ except x^(1). x^(1) and x^(2) are two augmentations of x. Intuitively, InfoNCE loss aims to pull together the positive pair (x^(1), x^(2)) from two different augmentations of the same instance, and push them away from negative examples of other instances. Consequently, it can encourage discriminative representations in a pure unsupervised, or label-free manner. Although beneficial in modeling latent representations, contrastive learning cannot introduce compact classes without using the true labels. Since the label y is noisy, we leverage Mixup <cit.> to improve within-class compactness, which has been shown its effectiveness against label noise in literature <cit.>. Specifically, a mixup training pair (x^(m)_i, t̅^(m)_i) is linearly interpolated between (x_i, t̅_i) and (x_j, t̅_j) under a control coefficient λ∼Beta(α,α): x^(m)_i = λx_i + (1 - λ) x_j, t̅^(m)_i = λt̅_i + (1 - λ) t̅_j, where x_j is randomly selected within a mini-batch, and t̅_i=(t^(1)_i+t^(2)_i)/2 is the average of estimated true labels of two data augmentations. Intuitively, we can inject the structural knowledge of classes into the embedding space learned by contrastive learning. This loss can be written as: ℒ_align = ℓ(g(x^(m)_i), t̅^(m)_i) + ℓ(p(z|x^(m)_i), t̅^(m)_i), where the second term can align the representations with estimated labels. In a sense, ℒ_align regularizes classification network g and encourages f to learn compact and well-separated representations. Furthermore, we would point out two differences between and <cit.>, although both using mixup to boost the representations. First, <cit.> does not explicitly model the data distribution p(z|x^(m)_i) like . Second, has leveraged the full training dataset via the corrected label t̅^(m)_i instead of a subset of clean examples in <cit.>, which leads to stronger robustness of over <cit.> on extreme high label noise ratios. §.§ Training and inference The overall training objective is to minimize the sum of all losses: ℒ = ℒ_cls + ℒ_ctr + ℒ_align. We find that a simple summation of all losses works well for all datasets and noise levels, which indicates the strong generalization of the proposed method. During inference, the data augmentations are disabled and the class predictions are obtained by argmax_k p_θ(k |𝐱). The training algorithm of the proposed method is shown in Alg. <ref>. In a sense, the architecture of our method leads to an EM-like algorithm: (1) the E-step updates {(μ_k, σ_k)}_k=1^K for , and {w_i}_i=1^N for each sample in 𝒟 to form the true targets with the predictions from another data augmentations, and (2) the M-step optimizes the model parameters by Eq. (<ref>) to better fit those estimated targets. Therefore, the convergence of can be theoretically guaranteed, following the standard EM algorithm. § EXPERIMENTS In this section, we conduct experiments on multiple benchmark datasets with simulated and real-world label noises. We strictly follow the experimental settings in previous literature <cit.> for fair comparisons. §.§ Experiments on simulated datasets Datasets. Following <cit.>, we validate our method on CIFAR-10/100 <cit.>, which contains 50K and 10K images with size 32× 32 for training and testing, respectively. We leave 5K images from the training set as the validation set for hyperparameter tuning, then train the model on the full training set for fair comparisons. Two types of label noise are simulated: symmetric and asymmetric label noise. Symmetric noise randomly assigns the labels of the training set to random labels with predefined percentages, a.k.a, noise ratio, which includes 20%, 50%, 80%, and 90% on two datasets in this paper. Asymmetric noise takes into account the class semantic information, and the labels are only changed to similar classes (, truck → automobile). Here, only experiments on the CIFAR-10 dataset with 40% noise ratio for asymmetric noise are conducted; otherwise, the classes with above 50% label noise cannot be distinguished. Training details. Same as previous works <cit.>, we use a PreAct ResNet-18 <cit.> as the encoder. We adopt SGD optimizer to train our model with a momentum of 0.9, a weight decay of 0.001, and a batch size of 256 for 200 epochs. The learning rate are linearly warmed up to 0.03 for 20 epochs and decayed with the cosine schedule. The data augmentations of <cit.> are applied to two views (ResizedCrop, ColorJitter, and etc). Only crop and horizontal flip are employed for mixup. Both projection and classification heads are a two-layer MLP with the dimension 128 and the number of classes. The temperature τ of contrastive loss and the α of mixup are 0.25 and 1. The settings are shared for all experiments, which are significantly different from <cit.> that adopt specific configurations for different datasets and even for different noise ratios/types. Quantitative results. Table <ref> presents the the comparisons with existing state-of-the-art methods. Our method yields competitive performance on low noise ratios, but promising improvements over recent methods on extreme noise ratios and the most challenging CIFAR-100 dataset with 100 classes. In particular, with 90% label noise, there are 7.5% and 5.7% improvements on for CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100, respectively. We stress that the hyperparameters are consistent for different noise ratios/types. In practical scenarios, the noise ratio for a particular dataset is unknown, so it is hard to tune the hyper-parameters for better performance. Therefore, these results indicate the strong generalization ability of our method regardless of noise ratios/types. For fair comparisons, following <cit.>, we performed extra experiments on fine-tuning the classification network for 70 epochs with the detected clean samples and mixup augmentation, termed TCL+. Table <ref> shows that under low label noise (below 50%), TCL+ achieves significant improvements over TCL and outperforms the recent state-of-the-art methods. The benefits from the detected clean subset and longer training, which can fully utilize the useful supervision signals from labeled examples. In Appendix <ref>, we also perform the k-NN classification over the learned representations, which indicates that our method has maintained meaningful representations better than the pure unsupervised learning model. In Appendix <ref>, we provide more experimental results and analysis on asymmetric label noise and imbalance data. Qualitative results. Figs. <ref>(a) and (b) visualize the learned representations with extremely high noise ratio, demonstrating that our method can produce distinct structures of learned representations with meaningful semantic information. Especially, Fig. <ref>(b) presents the samples with noisy labels in the embedding space, in which the label noise can be accurately detected by our proposed method. In addition, by visualizing the histogram of p(y=z|x) for the training set in Fig. <ref>(c), we confirm that the proposed method can effectively distinguish the samples noisy and clean labels. We visualize the validation accuracy across training in Fig. <ref>(d). As expected, performs stable even with the extreme 90% label noise. §.§ Ablation study We conduct ablation studies to validate our motivation and design with the following baselines, and the results are shown in Table <ref>. * Baseline. We start the baseline method by removing the proposed noisy label detection and bootstrap cross-supervision, where the model is directly guided by noisy labels. As expected, the performance significantly degrades for the extremely high noise ratio (, 90%). * Label Noise Detection. We assess the effectiveness of different detection methods including the cross-entropy loss <cit.>, k-NN search <cit.>, and our out-of-distribution (OOD) detection. For fair comparisons, the predictions from the images before mixup are employed as the true labels in Eq. (<ref>). Obviously, the label noise detection has alleviated the degeneration to some degree (Exp. <ref>), where our method consistently outperforms other baselines. Fig. <ref> visualizes their AUCs across training. The proposed OOD detection is better at distinguishing clean and wrong labels. Thanks to the representations learned by contrastive learning, k-NN search performs better than cross-entropy loss. However, it is limited due to the use of the original labels to detect noisy ones, while our method constructs a GMM using the model predictions. * Target Estimation. Another key component is the cross-supervision that bootstraps the true targets from the predictions of another data augmentation. We replace it with the temporal ensembling <cit.>, where the hyperparameters are set as suggested by <cit.>. Furthermore, Exp. <ref> estimates true targets from the images before mixup <cit.>. The results suggest that our bootstrap cross-supervision has shown strong robustness on 90% label noise. * Without ℒ_reg. We remove ℒ_reg and the results indicate that it plays an important role, especially on extremely high label noise. Removing each term in ℒ_reg obtains similar results. We argue that ℒ_reg works in two aspects: 1) it can avoid the model collapse which outputs single classes, and 2) it can encourage the model to have high confidence for the predictions, which has shown its effectiveness for unlabeled data in semi-supervised learning. * Without ℒ_align. We remove ℒ_align and the performance has decreased, as expected, but is still more promising than other baselines. ℒ_align has leveraged mixup augmentation to regularize both classification and representation learning. Appendix <ref> shows the evaluation of k-NN classification, demonstrating that ℒ_align can also greatly improve the learned representations. * Contrastive Framework. We implement into another contrastive framework for representation learning, , MoCo <cit.>. Based on the MoCo framework, our method has achieved more improvements in various experiments, which benefits from a large number of negative examples in the memory queue and a moving-averaged encoder (we set the queue size and the factor of moving-average to 4,096 and 0.99, respectively). Hyperparameters. We evaluate the most essential hyperparameters to our design, including the temperature τ for contrastive loss and update frequency for on CIFAR-10 with 90% symmetric noise. Here, the update frequency denotes how may epochs that we update the parameters of , {(μ_k, σ_k)}_k=1^K and {w_i}_i=1^N. Fig. <ref> shows that our method is robust to different choices of hyperparameters. Even though updates for every 32 epochs, our method has still performed well, which indicates that the computational cost can be significantly reduced. §.§ Results on real-world datasets Datasets and training details. We validate our method on two real-word noisy datasets: WebVision <cit.> and Clothing1M <cit.>. Webvision contains millions of noisily-labeled images collected from the web using the keywords of ImageNet ILSVRC12 <cit.>. Following the convension <cit.>, we conducted experiments on the first 50 classes of the Google image subset, termed WebVision (mini) and evaluated on both WebVision and ImageNet validation set. Clothing1M consists of 14 kinds of images collected from online shopping websites. Only the noisy training set is used in our experiments. We used a batch size of 256 on 4 GPUs, and trained a ResNet-50 for 40 epochs (without warm-up) on Clothing1M and a ResNet-18 for 130 epochs (warm-up 10 epochs) on WebVision, respectively. Following <cit.>, for Clothing1M, the encoder is initialized with ImageNet pre-trained weights, the initial learning rate is 0.01, and 256 mini-batches are sampled as one epoch. Other hyper-parameters are kept to be the same without further tuning. Quantitative results. Tables <ref> and <ref> present the results on WebVision and Clothing1M datasets. Our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods on both datasets, demonstrating its superior performance in handling real-world noisy datasets. We note that after checking the Clothing1M dataset, there are still lots of mislabeled images in the testing set. Therefore, the results on Clothing1M may not be such reliable as other datasets to evaluate the true performance of different methods. § CONCLUSION In this paper, we introduced , a novel twin contrastive learning model for learning from noisy labels. By connecting the label-free latent variables and label-noisy annotations, can effectively detect the label noise and accurately estimate the true labels. Extensive experiments on both simulated and real-world datasets have demonstrated the superior performance of than existing state-of-the-art methods. 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For comparisons, we removed all proposed components and reported the performance on the representations learned in a pure unsupervised manner. The clean labels are involved in testing but excluded in the training phase. The results are shown in Tables <ref> and <ref>. The representations learned by our method have consistently outperformed the unsupervised learning, regardless of label noise with different ratios. These results indicate that our method has maintained meaningful representations better than the pure unsupervised learning model. § ASYMMETRIC LABEL NOISE Table <ref> shows the results of TCL and TCL+ for CIFAR-10/100 under different asymmetric ratios following <cit.>, where our method has consistently outperformed the competitors. We note that, unlike symmetric label noise, the classes with above 50% asymmetric label noise cannot be distinguished, which makes 40% becomes the most extreme scenario. In addition, we found that the asymmetric label noise would make the dataset imbalance, where the assumption of uniform distribution in Sec. <ref> does not hold. Here, we employ the class imbalance ratio r=max({N_z}_z=1^K)/min({N_z}_z=1^K) used in long-tailed learning to measure whether the label distribution is uniform, where K and N_z are the numbers of classes and samples in z-th class, respectively. The lower r is, the more uniform the distribution becomes. For CIFAR-10 under the extreme high asymmetric label noise (40%), r=2.40; that is, the asymmetric label noise makes the dataset non-uniform. However, TCL can still achieve pleasing performance on non-uniform datasets, which suggests that TCL can effectively detect those mislabeled samples to form a uniform distribution. Specifically, for those clean samples (clean probability w_i>0.5), r=1.37, which is much more balanced over noisy labels.
Some good quaternary additive codes outperform linear counterparts
[ "Chaofeng Guan", "Ruihu Li", "Yiting Liu", "Zhi Ma" ]
[ "cs.IT", "math.IT" ]
Some good quaternary additive codes outperform linear counterparts Chaofeng Guan, Ruihu Li, Yiting Liu, Zhi Ma  March 30, 2023 ================================================================== It is well known that additive codes may have better parameters than linear codes. However, it is still a challenging problem to efficiently construct additive codes that outperform linear codes, especially those with greater distance than linear codes of the same length and dimension. To advance this problem, this paper focuses on constructing additive codes that outperform linear codes using quasi-cyclic codes and combinatorial methods. Firstly, we propose a lower bound on the minimum symplectic distance of 1-generator quasi-cyclic codes of index even. Further, we get many binary quasi-cyclic codes with large symplectic distances utilizing computer-supported combination and search methods, all corresponding to good quaternary additive codes. Notably, 15 additive codes have greater distances than best-known quaternary linear codes in Grassl's code table (bounds on the minimum distance of quaternary linear codes http://www.codetables.de) for the same lengths and dimensions. Moreover, employing a combinatorial approach, we partially determine the parameters of optimal quaternary additive 3.5-dimensional codes with lengths from 28 to 254. Finally, as an extension, we also construct some good additive complementary dual codes with larger distances than best-known quaternary linear complementary dual codes in the literature. quasi-cyclic codes, symplectic bound, additive codes, optimal, additive complementary dual codes. § INTRODUCTION One of the most significant problems in coding theory is constructing good error-correcting codes. After decades of efforts, scholars have constructed a large number of linear codes with suitable parameters, Grassl et al. summarized those results and established an online code table <cit.> of best-known linear codes over small finite fields 𝔽_q, q≤ 9. Unlike linear codes, additive codes are closed under vector addition but not necessarily closed under scalar multiplication. All linear codes can be considered as also additive codes, but additive codes are not necessarily linear. Therefore, theoretically, additive codes may have better parameters than additive codes. In addition, additive codes also have critical applications in quantum information <cit.>, computer memory systems <cit.>, deep space communication <cit.>, and secret sharing <cit.>. Thus, it is crucial to construct good additive codes, especially ones with better performance than best linear codes. Quaternary additive codes were the first to receive scholarly attention, given the links to communications, electronic devices, computers, etc. In <cit.>, Blokhuis and Brouwer determined the parameters of optimal quaternary additive codes of lengths not more than 12, some of which have higher information rates than optimal linear cases. Afterward, much work has been done on quaternary additive codes with small lengths <cit.> or low dimensions <cit.>, resulting in a general determination of the parameters of quaternary additive codes of lengths up to 15 and a complete determination of the parameters of 2.5-dimensional optimal quaternary additive codes. Meanwhile, additive complementary dual codes[In this paper, all additive complementary dual codes are respected to trace Hermitian inner product, which can be simplified to Hermitian inner products, in linear case <cit.>. All linear complementary dual codes (LCD codes) are respected to Hermitian inner product.] (ACD codes) have also attracted a great deal of scholars' attention owing to their utility in constructing maximal-entanglement entanglement-assisted quantum codes <cit.>, and their application in resisting side-channel attacks <cit.>. Quasi-cyclic codes are an interesting class of linear codes that exhibit good performance in constructing new or recorded linear codes in <cit.>. With appropriate mappings established, quasi-cyclic code can be used to construct good additive codes <cit.>. However, there is still a lack of practical approaches to constructing additive codes using quasi-cyclic codes, which makes it challenging to construct good additive codes with quasi-cyclic codes. This paper proposes a lower bound on the minimum symplectic distance of 1-generator quasi-cyclic codes of index even and several methods for the combinatorial construction of additive codes. Further, we construct many good quaternary additive codes and ACD codes, which perform better than linear counterparts in Grassl's code table <cit.> or best-known LCD codes in <cit.>. This paper is structured as follows. In the next section, we give some of the foundations used in this paper. In Sec. <ref>, we propose a lower bound on the minimum symplectic distance of 1-generator quasi-cyclic codes of index even. In Sec. <ref>, we give some combinations, enhancements and derivations of additive codes, and construct a large number of good additive codes. In Sec. <ref>, we discuss the construction of ACD codes, and obtain 20 ACD codes that are better than the quaternary LCD codes in the literature. Finally, in Sec. <ref>, we discuss our main results and future research directions. The parameters of linear or additive codes in this paper are computed by algebra software Magma <cit.>. § PRELIMINARIES This section presents the fundamentals of additive codes and quasi-cyclic codes to advance the development of this paper. For more details, we refer the reader to standard textbooks <cit.>. §.§ Additive codes Let p be a prime, and 𝔽_q is the finite field of order q, where q = p^r for some positive integer r. For u⃗=(u_0,…, u_n-1)∈𝔽_q^n, the Hamming weight of u⃗ is w_H(u⃗)=#{i | u_i≠0, 0 ≤ i ≤ n-1}. Let u⃗_1,u⃗_2∈𝔽_q^n, then Euclidean inner product of them is ⟨u⃗_1, u⃗_2⟩_e=∑_i=0^n-1 u_1,i u_2,i. For v⃗=(v_0,…, v_2n-1) ∈𝔽_q^2n, symplectic weight of v⃗ is w_s(v⃗)=#{i | (v_i, v_n+i) ≠(0,0), 0 ≤ i ≤ n-1 }. Let v⃗_1,v⃗_2∈𝔽_q^2n, then symplectic inner product of them is ⟨v⃗_1,v⃗_2⟩_s=∑_i=0^n-1(v_1,i v_2,n+i-v_1,n+i v_2,i). A code 𝒞_l is said to be linear over 𝔽_q if it is a linear subspace of 𝔽_q^n. If 𝒞_l have dimension k, minimum Hamming distance (weight) d_H, then 𝒞_l can be denoted as [n,k,d_H]_q. Linear codes of even lengths can also be considered as symplectic codes 𝒞_s. If 𝒞_s is a [2n,k]_q symplectic code of minimum symplectic distance d_s, then 𝒞_s can be denoted as [2n,k,d_s]^s_q. A code 𝒞_a is said to be an additive code over 𝔽_q^2 if it is a subgroup of 𝔽^n_q^2, this means that scalar multiples of the codewords do not necessarily belong to the code. If 𝒞_a have dimension k_a/2, minimum Hamming distance d_H, then 𝒞_a can be denoted as (n,k_a/2,d_H)_q^2. The Euclidean dual of 𝒞_l of 𝒞_s is 𝒞_l^⊥_e={c⃗_1 ∈𝔽_q^n|⟨c⃗_1, c⃗_2⟩_e=0, ∀c⃗_2∈𝒞_l}. Symplectic dual of 𝒞_s is 𝒞_s^⊥_s= {c⃗_1 ∈𝔽_q^2n|⟨c⃗_1, c⃗_2⟩_s=0, ∀c⃗_2∈𝒞_s}. 𝒞_l is an Euclidean LCD code if and only if 𝒞_l ∩𝒞_l^⊥_e ={0}. 𝒞_s is a symplectic LCD code if and only if 𝒞_s ∩𝒞_s^⊥_s ={0}. To establish the connection between 𝔽^2n_q and 𝔽^n_q^2. We define two maps, ϕ and Φ, as follows. For x,y∈𝔽_q, then ϕ(x,y)=x+wy, where w is primitive of 𝔽_q^2. For v⃗=(v_0,…, v_2n-1) ∈𝔽_q^2n, Φ(v⃗)=(ϕ(v_0,v_n),ϕ(v_1,v_n+1),⋯,ϕ(v_n-1,v_2n-1)). Clearly, mapping Φ is a one-to-one mapping, and there is w_H(Φ(v⃗))=w_s(v⃗). Let G_s denote generator matrix of 𝒞_s, then Φ(G_s) can generate additive code 𝒞_a have parameters (n,k/2,d_s)_q^2. Similarly, Φ^-1(𝒞_a)=𝒞_s. Therefore, a symplectic code 𝒞_s with parameters [2n,k,d_s]^s_q is equivalent to an additive code (n,k/2 ,d_s)_q^2. Notably, Calderbank et al. <cit.> also proved that the symplectic inner product and trace Hermitian inner product are equivalent. Therefore, a symplectic LCD [2n,k,d_s]_q^s code is also an ACD code with parameters (n,k/2 ,d_s)_q^2. In general, for an additive (n,k/2 ,d_s)_q^2 code, k is even, if the best linear code is [n, k/2 ,< d_s]_q^2, then we regard (n,k/2 ,d_s)_q^2 as better than linear counterpart in a strong sense. When k is odd, for specific n and d_s, if best linear code is [n, ⌊k/2⌋ ,d_s]_q^2, we can also regard (n,k/2 ,d_s)_q^2 have better than linear, with higher information rate. However, there is also a particular case in which the corresponding best linear codes are [n, ⌊k/2⌋,d_1]_q^2 and [n, ⌈k/2⌉,d_2]_q^2, and d_2 < d_s < d_1. In this case, we can consider that (n,k/2,d_s)_q^2 fills the distance gap of best linear codes. §.§ Cyclic codes and quasi-cyclic codes Let 𝒞 be an [n,k]_q code over 𝔽_q, 𝒞 is cyclic provided that for all 𝐜=(c_0, c_1, ⋯, c_n-1) ∈𝒞, the cyclic shift 𝐜^'=(c_n-1, c_0, ⋯, c_n-2) ∈𝒞. Considering each codeword 𝐜 as a coefficients vector of polynomial 𝐜(x)= ∑_i=0^n-1 c_i x^i-1 in 𝔽_q[x], then 𝒞 corresponds to a principal ideal in the quotient ring ℝ_q,n=𝔽_q[x] /⟨ x^n-1⟩, which is generated by a unique monic non-zero polynomial g(x) of degree n-k. We call g(x) the generator polynomial of cyclic code 𝒞, and 𝒞 also can be denoted as ⟨ g(x) ⟩. The parity check polynomial of 𝒞 is h(x)=(x^n-1) / g(x). The Euclidean dual code 𝒞^⊥_e of 𝒞 is also a cyclic code with generator polynomial g^⊥_e(x)=h̃(x)=x^(h(x)) h(x^-1). A linear code 𝒞 of length nℓ over 𝔽_q is called a quasi-cyclic code of index ℓ if 𝐜=(c_0, c_1, …, c_nℓ-1) is a codeword of 𝒞, then 𝐜^'=(c_n-1,c_0, …, c_n-2, c_2n-1, c_n, …, c_2n-2, …, c_nℓ-1, c_(n-1)ℓ, …, c_nℓ-2) is also a codeword. Circulant matrices are basic components in the generator matrix for quasi-cyclic codes. An n× n circulant matrix M is defined as M=([ m_0 m_1 m_2 … m_n-1; m_n-1 m_0 m_1 … m_n-2; ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮; m_1 m_2 m_3 … m_0 ]). If the first row of M is mapped onto polynomial m(x), then circulant matrix M is isomorphic to polynomial m(x)=m_0+m_1 x+⋯+m_n-1 x^n-1∈ℝ_q,n. So M can be determined by polynomial m(x). Generator matrix of h-generator quasi-cyclic code with index ℓ has the following form: G=([ M_1,0 M_1,1 ⋯ M_1, ℓ-1; M_2,0 M_2,1 ⋯ M_2, ℓ-1; ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮; M_h, 0 M_h, 1 ⋯ M_h, ℓ-1 ]), where M_i, j are circulant matrices generated by the polynomials m_i, j(x)∈ℝ_q,n, where 1 ≤ i ≤ h and 0 ≤ j ≤ℓ-1. § BOUND ON SYMPLECTIC WEIGHT OF 1-GENERATOR QUASI-CYCLIC CODES OF INDEX EVEN For narrative convenience, and throughout this paper, we fix ℓ as an even number and m=ℓ/2. Let [s, t] (s≤ t) denote set {s,s+1,⋯,t}. For g(x)=g_0+g_1 x+g_2 x+⋯+ g_n-1 x^n-1∈ℝ_q,n, [g(x)] denote vector generated by coefficients of g(x) in 𝔽_q^n, i.e., [g(x)]=[g_0,g_1,g_2,⋯ ,g_n-1]. Before providing the symplectic distance of 1-generator quasi-cyclic codes, we introduce the relationship between symplectic and Hamming weights as shown in Lemma <ref>. (<cit.>) If x⃗, y⃗ be two vectors in 𝔽_q^n, then there is q·w_s(x⃗|y⃗) =w_H(x⃗)+w_H(y⃗)+∑_α∈𝔽_q^*w_H(x⃗+αy⃗). Let g(x) and f_j(x) are polynomials in ℝ_q,n, g(x)|(x^n-1), where j∈[0,n-1]. If 𝒞 is a quasi-cyclic code generated by ([g(x)f_0(x)], [g(x)f_1(x)], ⋯, [g(x)f_ℓ -1(x)]), then 𝒞 is called 1-generator quasi-cyclic code with index ℓ. The generator matrix G of 𝒞 have the following form: G=(G_0, G_1, ⋯, G_ℓ-1) , where G_ j are n× n circulant matrices generated by [g (x) f_j (x) ]. As a special class of quasi-cyclic codes, 1-generator quasi-cyclic codes can be regarded as linear codes generated by juxtaposing multiple cyclic codes. The following theorem determines a lower bound on the symplectic distance of 1-generator quasi-cyclic codes with even index. Suppose 𝒞 is a 1-generator quasi-cyclic code in Definition <ref> of index ℓ. If gcd(f_j(x)+α f_j+m(x),x^n-1/g(x))=1, and deg(f_j(x)f_j+m(x))≥ 1, α∈𝔽_q, i∈[0,ℓ-1], j∈[0,m-1], then the following equation holds. d_s(𝒞)≥ m·⌈q+1/q d(g(x))⌉, where d_s(𝒞) is the minimum symplectic distance of 𝒞, d(g(x)) is the minimum Hamming distance of cyclic code ⟨ g(x) ⟩. Given that a(x) is any polynomial in ℝ_q,n, then any codeword of 𝒞 can be denoted as 𝐜=([a(x) f_0(x) g(x)],[a(x) f_1(x) g(x)], ⋯, [a(x) f_ℓ-1(x) g(x)]). Let 𝐜_1= ([a(x) f_0(x) g(x)], [a(x) f_1(x) g(x)], ⋯, [a(x) f_m-1(x) g(x)]), 𝐜_2= ([a(x) f_m(x) g(x)], [a(x) f_m+1(x) g(x)], ⋯, [a(x) f_ℓ-1(x) g(x)]), and 𝐜_3=𝐜_1+α𝐜_2= ([a(x)g(x)(f_0(x)+α f_m(x))], [a(x) g(x)(f_1(x)+α f_m+1(x))], ⋯, [a(x) g(x)(f_m-1(x)+α f_ℓ-1(x)) ]), respectively. By Lemma <ref>, symplectic weight of 𝐜 is [ w_s(𝐜) =(w_H(𝐜_1)+w_H(𝐜_2)+∑_α∈𝔽_q^*w_H(𝐜_3))/q; = (w_H(𝐜_1)+w_H(𝐜_2))/q; + ∑_i=0^m∑_α∈𝔽_q^*w_H([a(x) g(x)(f_i(x)+α f_m+i(x))]) /q. ] For the reason that gcd(f_i(x),x^n-1/g(x) )=1, i∈[0, ℓ-1], there are w_H(𝐜_1)≥ m· d(g(x)) and w_H(𝐜_2)≥ m· d(g(x)). In addition, it is easy to verify that when gcd(f_j(x)+α f_j+m(x),x^n-1/g(x))=1, there is w_H([a(x) g(x)(f_i(x)+α f_m+i(x))])≥ d(g(x)). Therefore, the following formula holds. [ w_s(𝐜)≥ 2m· d(g(x))/q+ (q-1)m· d(g(x))/q; ≥ m·⌈q+1/q d(g(x))⌉. ] Let gcd(n,q)=1, g(x)|(x^n-1), and f(x) are polynomials in ℝ_q,n. If f(x)| g(x), then there is gcd(f(x)+α,x^n-1/g(x))=1, α∈𝔽_q. For gcd(n,q)=1, x^n-1 has no repeated irreducible factors over split field, so if f(x)| g(x), then gcd(f(x),x^n-1/g(x) )=1. In addition, as f(x)+α is not a factor of x^n-1/g(x), gcd(f(x)+α,x^n-1/g(x))=1. For gcd(n,q)=1, if there exsits a cyclic code over 𝔽_q of parameters [n,k,d]_q, k<n/2 then there also exsit additive codes over 𝔽_q^2 of parameters (mn,k/2,≥ m·⌈q+1/q d⌉)_q^2. It is easy to conclude that Corollary <ref> holds by combining Theorem <ref> and Lemma <ref>. The following lemma will help to determine the optimality of low-dimensional additive codes. Let 𝒞_a be an quaternary additive (n,k,d)_4 code, with k≥1. Then, 3n ≥∑_i=0^2k-1⌈d/2^i-1⌉. The concatenated code of quaternary additive (n, k, d)_4 code and binary linear [3,2,2]_2 is [3n,2k,2d]_2. By the Griesmer bound, there is Equation (<ref>), so this lemma holds. Let q=2, n=31, taking generator polynomial g(x)=x^26 + x^24 + x^22 + x^21 + x^20 + x^18 + x^17 + x^13 + x^12 + x^11 + x^10 + x^9 + x^6 + x^5 + x^3 + 1 from Chen's Database <cit.>, this will generate a binary cyclic code 𝒞 of parameters [31,5,16]_2. Through Theorem <ref> and Lemma <ref>, choosing f_j(x)=x+1 and f_j+m(x)=1, we can obtain quaternary additive codes with parameters (31m,2.5,≥ 24m)_4. By virtue of Lemma <ref>, (31m,2.5, 24m)_4 is optimal additive code, which also has better performance than optimal quaternary linear codes [31m,2, 24m]_4. It should be noted that similar results were also obtained by Bierbrauer et al. <cit.>. However, the approach in this paper is more concise, and our codes have a cyclic (or quasi-cyclic) structure, which makes ours easier to encode and decode. If 𝒞 is a 1-generator quasi-cyclic code with parameters [t n,k,d]_q of index t; Set polynomials f_l(x),f_r(x) satisfy gcd(f_l(x)+α f_r(x),x^n-1/g(x))=1, α∈𝔽_q, and deg(f_l(x)f_r(x))≥ 1; then, there also exists an additive code have parameters (t n,k/2, ≥⌈q+1/q d ⌉)_q^2. Suppose generator of 𝒞 is 𝐠(𝐱)=([g(x)f_0(x)], [g(x)f_1(x)], ⋯, [g(x)f_t -1(x)]). Set 𝒞^' is a 1-generator quasi-cyclic code with generator 𝐠^'(𝐱)=(𝐠(𝐱)f_l(x)|𝐠(𝐱)f_r(x)). Let a(x) be any polynomial in ℝ_q,n, then any codeword in 𝒞^' can be denoted as 𝐜^'= (a(x)𝐠(𝐱)f_l(x)| a(x)𝐠(𝐱)f_r(x)). Let 𝐜_1^'=(a(x)𝐠(𝐱)f_l(x)), 𝐜_2^'=(a(x)𝐠(𝐱)f_r(x)), and 𝐜_3^'=𝐜_1^'+ α𝐜_2^', respectively. With the help of Lemma <ref>, symplectic weight of 𝐜^' is given by the following equation. [ w_s(𝐜^') =(w_H(𝐜_1^')+w_H(𝐜_2^')+∑_α∈𝔽_q^*w_H(𝐜_3^'))/q.; ] Since, 𝐜_1^', 𝐜_2^'∈𝒞, there are w_H(𝐜_1^') ≥ d, and w_H(𝐜_2^') ≥ d. In addition, for the reason that ∀α∈𝔽_q, gcd(f_l(x)+α f_r(x),x^n-1/g(x))=1, and 𝐜_3^'=a(x)(f_l(x)+α f_r(x))(𝐠(𝐱)); hence, ∑_α∈𝔽_q^*w_H(𝐜_3^') ≥ (q-1)d. Therefore, the following formula holds. [ w_s(𝐜^')≥ 2 d/q+ (q-1) d/q; ≥ ⌈q+1/q d⌉. ] Then it is clear that 𝒞^' is an symplectic code have parameters [2t n,k,≥⌈q+1/q d⌉]_q^s, which corresponds to an additive (t n,k/2, ≥⌈q+1/q d ⌉)_q^2 code. Let q=2, n=127, taking generator polynomial g(x)=x^120 + x^119 + x^117 + x^115 + x^114 + x^113 + x^111 + x^108 + x^106 + x^104+ x^102 + x^101 + x^99 + x^98 + x^97 + x^94 + x^89 + x^85 + x^82 + x^79 + x^78 +x^77 + x^76 + x^74 + x^72 + x^66 + x^64 + x^63 + x^62 + x^61 + x^58 + x^57 + x^56 + x^54 + x^53 + x^52 + x^51 + x^50 + x^49 + x^48 + x^46 + x^45 + x^42 + x^40 + x^39 + x^35 + x^34 + x^31 + x^30 + x^28 + x^27 + x^25 + x^21 + x^20 + x^19 + x^18 + x^17 + x^12 + x^11 + x^10 + x^6 + x^4 + x + 1, this will generate an optimal binary cyclic code 𝒞 of parameters [127,7,64]_2. Through Lemma <ref>, choosing f_0(x)=x+1 and f_1(x)=1; then ([g(x)f_0(x)],[g(x)f_1(x)]) can generate a quasi-cyclic code 𝒞_l with parameters [254,7,128]_2. By Theorem <ref> and Lemma <ref>, Φ(𝒞_l) is an optimal quaternary (127,3.5, 96)_4[This code is also obtained by Guo et al. in <cit.>, but our construction is simpler and has a cyclic structure.], which has better performance than optimal quaternary linear codes [127,3, 96]_4 in <cit.>. In addition, with Theorem <ref>, taking f_l(x)=f_0(x), f_r(x)=1; then, ([g(x)f_0(x)f_l(x)], [g(x)f_1(x)f_l(x)], [g(x)f_0(x)f_r(x)], [g(x)f_1(x)f_r(x)]) will generate a [508,7,≥ 192]_2^s symplectic code. So, by Lemma <ref>, there exist optimal (254,3.5,192)_4 additive code, which also outperform optimal quaternary linear codes [254,3, 192]_4. Lemma <ref> gives only one way to select f_i(x) that satisfies Theorem <ref> and <ref>. This ensures that the distance of the resulting additive code is greater than or equal to the lower bound but is not necessarily the best. For additive codes of dimension greater than 3.5, a computational search would be an efficient way to construct additive codes with suitable parameters. An efficient search approach is to choose the generator polynomial of best cyclic code as g(x). It is more probable to find codes with considerable distance even if the lower bound of the distance derived from Theorem <ref> and <ref> is not large. Similar to the ASR algorithm, proposed by Aydin, Siap and Ray-Chaudhuri in <cit.>, this can help us search for good additive codes. § GOOD QUATERNARY ADDITIVE CODES OUTPERFORM BEST-KNOWN LINEAR CODES This section focuses on constructing good additive codes. We construct many additive codes superior to linear counterparts, specifically, some of which perform better than best-known quaternary linear codes in <cit.>. Moreover, employing a combinatorial approach, we partially determine the parameters of optimal quaternary additive 3.5-dimensional codes with lengths from 28 to 254. Consider the finite field of order 2 by 𝔽_2 and the finite field of order 4 by 𝔽_4 = {0, 1, w, w^2}, where w^2 +w + 1 = 0. In addition, 1_𝐧, 𝐰_𝐧, 𝐰^2_𝐧 denote all 1, w and w^2 vectors of length n, respectively. Before starting construction, we introduce additive codes' basic derivation and augmentation. If 𝒞_a is an additive code of parameters (n,k,d)_q^2, then the following additive codes also exist:(1) For i≥ 1, (n+i,k,≥ d)_q^2 (Additive Extend); (2) For i≤ d, (n-i,k,≥ d-i)_q^2 (Additive Puncture); (3) For i ≤ k, (n-i,k-i,≥ d)_q^2 (Additive Shorten); The difference between generator matrix of additive and linear codes is that the number of rows of additive codes is 2k. For the reason that puncture and extension can be considered extensions and deletions of the codewords. Therefore, the extent and puncture of additive and linear codes have similar properties, so (1) and (2) hold. Since the proof of Theorem 1.5.7 (i) in <cit.> is also valid for additive codes, the puncture of 𝒞_a is equivalent to the shorten of 𝒞_a^⊥. By puncturing 𝒞_a^⊥, one can get an additive code (n-1,k)_q^2, which satisfies that at least any d-1 columns are linearly independent. Hence, there exist (n-i,k-i,≥ d)_q^2 additive codes. Therefore, (3) also holds. (Additive Augmentation) If 𝒞_a is an additive code of parameters (n,k,d)_q^2, and no codeword with weight n in 𝒞_a, then there also exist the following additive codes.(1) (n,k+0.5,≤ d)_q^2.(2) (n,k+1,≤ d)_q^2. For 𝔽_q^2^n, there are three special vectors of weight n, 1_𝐧, 𝐰_𝐧, 𝐰^2_𝐧, which can be expressed in two bases 1_𝐧 and 𝐰_𝐧. Since, there is no codeword in 𝒞_a of weight n, then 1_𝐧 and 𝐰_𝐧 both cannot denoted by bases of 𝒞_a. Therefore, adding 1_𝐧, one can get an (n,k+0.5)_q^2 additive code; adding 1_𝐧 and 𝐰_𝐧 to 𝒞_a, one can get an (n,k+1)_q^2 additive code, both of them have minimum distances no more than d. Let q=2, n=63. Taking g(x)=x^53 + x^52 + x^51 + x^50 + x^48 + x^47 + x^45 + x^43 + x^42 + x^40 + x^39 +x^38 + x^31 + x^28 + x^25 + x^24 + x^21 + x^20 + x^19 + x^17 + x^14 + x^13 + x^9 + x^8 + x^5 + x + 1, ⟨ g(x) ⟩ can generator a [63,10,27]_2 cyclic code, selecting f_0(x)=x^61 + x^59 + x^58 + x^54 + x^52 + x^50 + x^45 + x^44 + x^43 + x^41 + x^39 + x^33 + x^32 + x^31 + x^26 + x^24 + x^23 + x^22 + x^20 + x^18 + x^13 + x^12 + x^11 + x^10 + x^9 + x^6 + x^4 + x^2 + x, and f_1(x)=1; Since gcd(f_0(x)+ f_1(x),x^n-1/g(x))=1, and deg(f_0(x)f_1(x))≥ 1, ([g(x)f_0(x)],[g(x)]) will generate a symplectic [126,10,≥ 41]_2^s code 𝒞_s. Using Magma <cit.>, the real distance of 𝒞_a=Φ(𝒞_s) can be calculated as 45. Therefore, we can get an additive code of parameters (63,5,45)_4, which have a larger minimum distance compared with best-known linear code [63,5,44]_4 in <cit.>. In addition, augment (63,5,45)_4, we can get (63,5.5,45)_4; extend (63,5,45)_4, we can get (64,5,46)_4. Extend (63,5.5,45)_4, we can get (64,5.5,46)_4. Best-known linear codes in <cit.> are [63,5,44]_4, [64,5,45]_4, so (63,5.5,45)_4, (64,5,46)_4 and (64,5.5,46)_4 all outperform best-known linear counterparts. (Additive Construction X) If there are two additive codes 𝒞_a2⊂𝒞_a1, with parameters (n,k_2,d_2)_q^2⊂ (n,k_1,d_1)_q^2, where d_2 > d_1. Let 𝒞_a3 be an additive code have parameters (l,k_1-k_2,δ )_q^2, then there exists (n+l,k_1,min{δ+d_1,d_2} )_q^2 additive code. First, noting the generator matrices of 𝒞_a1, 𝒞_a2 and 𝒞_a3 as G_a1, G_a2 and G_a3, respectively. Since, 𝒞_a2⊂𝒞_a1, there is G_a1=[ G_a2; G_ax ]. Then, constructing Gx=[ G_ax G_a3; G_a2 0 ], which can generate an additive code have parameters (n+l,k_1,min{δ+d_1,d_2} )_q^2. Let q=2, n=35. Taking g(x)=x^28+ x^25+ x^24+ x^21+ x^20+ x^19+ x^18+ x^17+ x^15+ x^13+ x^12+ x^11+ x^9+ x^8+ x^6+ x^2+ x+ 1, f_0(x)=x^34+ x^33+ x^30+ x^28+ x^27+ x^25+ x^23+ x^22+ x^18+ x^17+ x^16+ x^11+ x^8+ x^7+ x^6+ x^5+ x^4, f_1(x)=x^34+ x^27+ x^23+ x^21+ x^20+ x^19+ x^18+ x^16+ x^15+ x^13+ x^11+ x^10+ x^5+ x^4+ x. Then, ([g(x)f_0(x)],[g(x)f_1(x)]) will generate a symplectic [70,7,26]_2^s code, which corresponds to an additive code of parameters (35,3.5,26)_4. Further, we can get a subcode with parameters (35,1.5,30)_4 by taking out codewords of weight 30 from (35,3.5,26)_4. Generator matrix of additive (35,1.5,30)_4 code is as follows. G_sub= ( [ 1 w 1 w^2 w^2 w 0 1 w 1 w^2 w^2 w 0 1 w 1 w^2 w^2 w 0 1 w 1 w^2 w^2 w 0 1 w 1 w^2 w^2 w 0; w 0 1 w 1 w^2 w^2 w 0 1 w 1 w^2 w^2 w 0 1 w 1 w^2 w^2 w 0 1 w 1 w^2 w^2 w 0 1 w 1 w^2 w^2; 0 1 w 1 w^2 w^2 w 0 1 w 1 w^2 w^2 w 0 1 w 1 w^2 w^2 w 0 1 w 1 w^2 w^2 w 0 1 w 1 w^2 w^2 w ]). According to Lemma <ref>, selecting (5,2,4)_4 as auxiliary code leads to an optimal additive code with parameters (40,3.5,30)_4. This code performs better than optimal linear code [40,3,30]_4 in <cit.>. It should be noted that Theorem <ref> also has implications for constructing good additive codes via symplectic multiply generator quasi-cyclic codes. Let q=2, n=47. Selecting g_1(x)=x^23 + x^19 + x^18 + x^14 + x^13 + x^12 + x^10 + x^9 + x^7 + x^6 + x^5 + x^3 + x^2 + x + 1 and g_2(x)=x + 1, which can generate two optimal binary cyclic codes with parameters [47,24,11]_2 and [47,46,2]_2, respectively; By computer search, we find f(x)=x^45 + x^44 + x^43 + x^42 + x^41 + x^39 + x^38 + x^37 + x^33 + x^32 + x^15 + x^14 + x^10 + x^9 + x^8 + x^6 + x^5 + x^4 + x^3 + x^2 such that the parameters of the 2-generator quasi-cyclic code with ([g_1(x)f(x),g_1(x)]) and ([g_2(x),g_2(x)f(x)]) as generators are (47,35,7)_4. This result surpasses best-known quaternary linear code [47,35,6]_4 in Grassl's code table <cit.>. Let q=2, n=55. Selecting g_1(x)=x^35 + x^34 + x^32 + x^31 + x^30 + x^28 + x^27 + x^26 + x^24 + x^23 + x^20 +x^18 + x^14 + x^13 + x^11 + x^10 + x^8 + x^7 + x^6 + x^5 + x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + 1 and g_2(x)=x^n-1/x+1, which can generate two optimal binary cyclic codes with parameters [55,20,16]_2 and [55,1,55]_2, respectively. By computer search, we find f_0(x)=x^50 + x^49 + x^47 + x^43 + x^42 + x^41 + x^39 + x^38 + x^37 + x^36 + x^35 + x^34 + x^33 + x^31 + x^29 + x^25 + x^24 + x^21 + x^20 + x^16 + x^15 + x^13 + x^12 + x^10 + x^9 + x^8 + x^5 + x^2 + x; f_1(x)=x^53 + x^52 + x^51 + x^50 + x^49 + x^47 + x^46 + x^45 + x^44 + x^40 + x^39 +x^37 + x^36 + x^33 + x^30 + x^29 + x^27 + x^26 + x^25 + x^24 + x^22 + x^21 + x^20 + x^18 + x^17 + x^16 + x^15 + x^14 + x^13 + x^9 + x^7 + x^5 + x^4; such that the parameters of the 2-generator quasi-cyclic code with ([g_1(x)f_0(x),g_1(x)f_1(x)]) and ([g_2(x)f_1(x),g_2(x)f_0(x)]) as generators are (55,10.5,29)_4. Extending (55,10.5,29)_4, we can get (56,10.5,30)_4, which fill the gap of [56,10,32]_4 and [56,11,29]_4. In addition, augmenting (56,10.5,30)_4, one can get an additive code have parameters (56,11,30)_4. This result is surpassing best-known quaternary linear code [56,11,29]_4 in Grassl's code table <cit.>. According to Lemma <ref>, by augmenting the additive codes (31,2.5,24)_4 and (127,3.5,96)_4 in Example 1 and Example 2 twice, we can obtain (31,3.5,23)_4 and (127,4.5,95)_4. Further, extending (31,3.5,23)_4 and (127,4.5,95)_4, we can also get (32,3.5,24)_4 and (128,4.5,96)_4. In particular, (31,3.5,23)_4, (127,4.5,95)_4 and (32,3.5,24)_4 all perform better than the best linear codes (31,3,23)_4, (127,4,95)_4 and (32,3,24)_4 in <cit.>. (128,4.5,96)_4 fills the distance gap between (128,4,96)_4 and (128,5,92)_4 in <cit.>. In addition, due to the extension of additive codes obeying even-like principle, so there exists (32,1,32)_4⊂ (32,3.5,24)_4, selecting (11,2.5,8)_4 as auxiliary code 𝒞_aux. Generator matrix 𝒞_aux is given here. G_aux= ( [ 1 0 w 1 1 w 0 w 1 w 0; w 0 w 1 w 0 w 1 w 0 w; 0 1 0 1 w^2 0 w^2 1 w^2 w^2 1; 0 w w 0 1 w^2 w^2 1 0 w w; 0 0 w^2 w 1 1 w 0 w w w^2 ]). Then, with Lemma <ref>, we can get an additive (43,3.5,32)_4 code. Similarly, there also has (128,1,128)_4⊂ (128,4.5,96)_4, so separately selecting additive codes (32,3.5,24)_4, (35,3.5,26)_4, (40,3.5,30)_4 and (43,3.5,32)_4 as auxiliary codes 𝒞_aux^'; then, with Lemma <ref>, we can get optimal additive codes with parameters (160,4.5,120)_4, (163,4.5,122)_4, (168,4.5,126)_4, (171,4.5,128)_4. By virtue of Lemma <ref>, (43,3.5,32)_4, (160,4.5,120)_4, (163,4.5,122)_4, (168,4.5,126)_4, (171,4.5,128)_4 are all optimal additive codes and have better performance than optimal linear codes in <cit.>. A combination method can obtain more optimal 3.5-dimensional additive codes ranging from 28 to 254, as shown in Table 1. For clarity of presentation, we make 𝒞_t denote quaternary additive (n,3.5,n-t)_4 code. (𝒞_t_1|𝒞_t_2) denotes the juxtaposition code of 𝒞_t_1 and 𝒞_t_2. Moreover, when 𝒞_t_1 and 𝒞_t_2 are combined, we default them both to the maximum length. The fourth column of Table <ref> shows the range of the optimal additive codes derived with Lemma <ref>. In addition, most perform better than the optimal 3-dimensional linear codes in <cit.>, but we will not list them here due to space limitations. Furthermore, we also construct a number of good additive codes, all of which are better than their linear counterparts in <cit.>. We give their specific constructions in Table <ref> in Appendix and compare their parameters with best-known linear codes in <cit.> in Tables <ref> and <ref> to illustrate the effectiveness of the methods in this paper. In particular, Table <ref> is a comparison done for same length n and dimension k. Our additive codes have a greater distance. Listed in Table <ref> are additive codes with higher information rates than best-known linear codes, i.e., they have twice as many codewords as the corresponding linear codes for the same code length n and distance d. In particular, some of the additive codes in Tables <ref>, <ref>, <ref>, <ref> and <ref> are derived codes and are marked with abbreviations to save space, as follows. * P: Puncture Code; * Ex: Extend Code; * S: Shorten Code; * D: Dual Code; * Au: Augment Code (Add 1_𝐧); * DoubleAu: Augment Twice Code (Add 1_𝐧 and 𝐰_𝐧); * X: Additive Construction X. § SOME QUATERNARY ACD CODES HAVE LARGER DISTANCE THAN LCD CODES This section focuses on constructing good ACD codes with greater distance than best-known quaternary LCD codes in <cit.>. In <cit.>, the authors identify sufficient and necessary conditions for the quasi-cyclic codes to be symplectic LCD, as shown in Lemma <ref>. (<cit.>) Let 𝒞 be a 1-generator quasi-cyclic code in Definition <ref> of index ℓ. Taking Λ =∑_j=0^m-1(f_j(x)f̅_m+j(x)-f_m+j(x)f̅_j(x)), then 𝒞 is symplectic LCD code if and only if the following equations hold. [ g(x)=g̃(x),; gcd(Λ,x^n-1/g(x))=1. ] Let 𝒞 be a 1-generator quasi-cyclic code in Definition <ref> of index ℓ. If generator of 𝒞 satisfying Theorem <ref> and Lemma <ref>, then there exists a symplectic LCD code with the following parameters: [ℓ n,n-deg(g(x)),≥ m·⌈q+1/q d(g(x))⌉]_q^s. Symplectic LCD codes are equivalent to ACD codes, so corollary <ref> also reveal the existence of ACD codes with parameters (m n,(n-Degree(g(x)))/2,≥ m·⌈q+1/q d(g(x))⌉)_q^2. Let q=2, n=13. Taking g(x)=x + 1, which can generate an optimal binary LCD code with parameters [13, 12, 2]_2. Selecting f_1(x)=x^12 + x^9 + x^8 + x^7 + x^6 + x^5 + x^4 + x^3, f_2(x)=x^12 + x^9 + x^8 + x^6 + x, and f_3(x)=x^10 + x^9 + x^8 + x^7 + x^6 + x^3 + x^2 + x + 1; Then, ([g(x)],[g(x)f_1(x)],[g(x)f_2(x)],[g(x)f_3(x)]) will generate a symplectic [52,12,≥ 6]_2^s LCD code. Using Magma <cit.>, one can compute the real symplectic distance of this code as 15. Therefore, we can get an ACD code of parameters (26,6,15)_4, which have a larger minimum distance compared with best-known LCD code [26,6,14]_4 in <cit.>. The following lemma will be helpful in constructing new ACD codes by combining trace Hermitian self-orthogonal codes and ACD codes. If there exist (n_1,k,d_1)_q^2 ACD code 𝒞_a1 and (n_2,k,d_2)_q^2 additive trace Hermitian self-orthogonal code 𝒞_a2, respectively. Then, there also exist (n_1+n_2,k,≥(d_1+d_2))_q^2 ACD code. Denoting generator matrices of 𝒞_a1 and 𝒞_a2 as G_a1 and G_a2, respectively. Then, let Φ^-1(G_a1)=(A| B), Φ^-1(G_a2)=(C| D), and G_a=(A,C, B, D), then there is G_a[ 0 I_n_1+n_2; -I_n_1+n_2 0 ]G_a^T=[ -B,-D ,A,C; ][ A^T; B^T; C^T; D^T; ]=(-BA^T+AB^T)+(-DC^T+CD^T). Since, 𝒞_a1 is ACD code and 𝒞_a2 is trace Hermitian self-orthogonal code, there are Rank(-BA^T+AB^T)=2k and -DC^T+CD^T=0. Therefore, Φ(Ga) can generate an ACD code with parameters (n_1+n_2,k,≥(d_1+d_2))_q^2. Let q=2, n_1=12, n_2=17. Taking g_1(x)=x^4 + 1, f_1,0(x)=x^11 + x^8 + x^6 + x^5 + x^4 + 1 , f_1,1(x)=x^11 + x^8 + x^4 and g_2(x)=x^9 + x^8 + x^6 + x^3 + x + 1, f_2,0(x)=x^16 + x^14 + x^13 + x^12 + x^10 + x^8 + x^7 + x^5 + x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + x, f_2,1(x)=x^16 + x^12 + x^5 + x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + x. Then, ([g_1(x)f_1,0],[g_1(x)f_1,1]) and ([g_2(x)f_2,0],[g_2(x)f_2,1]) will generate [24,8,7]^s_2 symplectic LCD code 𝒞_s1 and symplectic self-orthogonal [34,8,12]^s_2 code 𝒞_s2, respectively. Therefore, Φ(𝒞_s1) is (12,4,7)_4 ACD code and Φ(𝒞_s2) is additive (17,4,12)_4 trace Hermitian self-orthogonal code. In accordance with Lemma <ref>, (Φ(𝒞_s1)|Φ(𝒞_s2)) is an ACD code with parameters (29,4,≥ 19)_4, which outperforms [29,4,18]_4 LCD code in <cit.>. Further, choosing g_3(x)=x^2 + 1, f_3,0(x)=x^7 + x^6 + x^5 + x^2, and f_3,1=x^9 + x^6 + x^5 + x^3 + 1; then, ([g_3(x)f_3,0],[g_3(x)f_3,1]) can also generate an symplectic LCD [20,8,6]^s_2 code 𝒞_s3. By Lemma <ref>, (Φ(𝒞_s2)|Φ(𝒞_s3)) is an (27,4,≥ 18)_4 ACD code, which is also performing better than LCD code [27,4,17]_4 in the literature <cit.>. (Construction X of ACD code) If there are two ACD codes 𝒞_a2⊂𝒞_a1, with parameters (n,k_2,d_2)_q^2⊂ (n,k_1,d_1)_q^2, where d_2 > d_1. Let 𝒞_a3 be an additive trace Hermitian self-orthogonal code have parameters (l,k_1-k_2,δ )_q^2, then there exists (n+l,k_1,min{δ+d_1,d_2} )_q^2 ACD code. First, noting the generator matrices of 𝒞_a1, 𝒞_a2 and 𝒞_a3 as G_a1, G_a2 and G_a3, respectively. Since, 𝒞_a2⊂𝒞_a1, there is G_a1=[ G_a2; G_ax ]. Then, construct Gx=[ G_ax G_a3; G_a2 0 ]. By Lemma <ref>, Gx can generate an additive code have parameters (n+l,k_1,min{δ+d_1,d_2} )_q^2. Let q=2, n=12. Taking g(x)=x^4 + 1, and select f_1(x)=x^7 + x^6 + x^5 + x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + x + 1, f_2(x)=x^9 + x^8 + x^5, f_3(x)=x^10 + x^9 + x^6 + x^5 + x^4 + x^3 + x^2. Then, ([g(x)],[g(x)f_1(x)],[g(x)f_2(x)],[g(x)f_3(x)]) will generate a symplectic LCD [42,8,16]_2^s code, which corresponds to an ACD code of parameters (24,4,16)_4. Using Magma <cit.>, one can easily get a subcode with parameter (24,1,22)_4 by taking out two codewords of weight 22 from (24,4,16)_4. Generator matrix of additive code (24,1,22)_4 is as follows. G_sub= ( [ 1 w w^2 w w 0 1 w w^2 w w 0 w^2 w^2 1 1 w w w^2 w^2 1 1 w w; w 0 1 w w^2 w w 0 1 w w^2 w w w w^2 w^2 1 1 w w w^2 w^2 1 1; ]). According to Lemma <ref>, selecting trace Hermitian self-dual (6,3,4)_4 [This code can be derived from the [[6,0,4]]_2 quantum code in <cit.>.] as auxiliary code leads to an ACD code with parameters (30,4,20)_4, which has a larger minimum distance than (30,4,19)_4 in <cit.>. If 𝒞_a is an ACD code of parameters (n,k,d)_q^2, then the following ACD codes also exist:(1) For i≥ 1, (n+i,k,≥ d)_q^2 (ACD Extend);(2) For i ≤ k, (n-i,k-i,≥ d)_q^2 (ACD Shorten);(3) For i≤ d, (n-i,k,≥ d-i)_q^2 (ACD Puncture). For (1), it is sufficient to directly juxtapose the all-zero column with 𝒞_a, or an additive self-orthogonal code. For (2), let G_a denote generator matrix of 𝒞_a. Deleting the first row and column of G_a yields G_a^'. Since the dimensionality of ACD codes must be of integer dimensions, the generator matrix of all ACD codes is of even rows. Therefore, G_a^' will generate an additive code 𝒞_a^' with 0.5-dimension hull ℋ. Then, removing ℋ from 𝒞_a^' and noting the resulting ACD code as 𝒞_a^''. As the two-step operation from 𝒞_a to 𝒞_a^'' is equivalent to shorten, the parameter of 𝒞_a^'' is (n-1,k-1,≥ d)_q^2. Repeating this process will yield ACD codes with parameters (n-i,k-i,≥ d)_q^2. Finally, since shorten for 𝒞_a is equivalent to puncture for 𝒞_a^⊥, (3) also holds. With a computer-aided search method, we also construct some good ACD codes of lengths ranging from 22 to 30. We give their generators in Table <ref> in Appendix. Further, we compare them with the best quaternary LCD codes in <cit.> in Table <ref>. The results show that our ACD codes have greater distances for the same length and dimension. Specifically, symbols in Tables <ref> and <ref> are labeled the same as in Tables <ref> and <ref>. § CONCLUSION In this work, we determine a lower bound on the symplectic distance of 1-generator quasi-cyclic codes with index even and give several combinations and derivations of additive codes. To verify the applicability of our methods, with the help of Magma <cit.>, we construct many good additive codes and ACD codes that are better than best-known linear codes in <cit.> and best LCD codes in <cit.>, respectively. Our results show that additive codes can improve linear codes for the same length and dimension when not optimal. Notably, most of the additive codes in this paper can also be considered additive cyclic codes. Therefore, it will be a fascinating problem to study the construction of additive codes using additive cyclic codes <cit.> in the future. § APPENDIX In order to save space, we give generators of quasi-cyclic codes in abbreviated form in Table <ref> and <ref>, presenting the coefficient polynomials in ascending order, with the indexes of the elements representing successive elements of the same number. For example, polynomial 1 + x^2 + x^3 + x^4 over 𝔽_2 is denoted as 101^3. § ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank the previous discussion with Markus Grassl for greatly inspiring thoughts about additive codes. IEEEtran
Quantifying the Effects of Magnetic Field Line Curvature Scattering on Radiation Belt and Ring Current Particles
[ "Bin Cai", "Hanlin Li", "Yifan Wu", "Xin Tao" ]
[ "physics.space-ph" ]
UTF8gbsn Bin Cai1,2,3, Hanlin Li1,2,3, Yifan Wu1,2,3, and Xin Tao1,2,3 1CAS Key Laboratory of Geospace Environment, Department of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China 2CAS Center for Excellence in Comparative Planetology, Hefei, China 3Anhui Mengcheng Geophysics National Observation and Research Station, Mengcheng, China X. Taoxtao@ustc.edu.cn * The effects of filed line curvature scattering on particles are investigated by test particle simulations and compared with the analytic model results. * The global diffusion coefficients and decay time distribution of electrons and protons are calculated in a realistic magnetic model under different geomagnetic activity conditions. * The apparent influence region by curvature scattering outside about 7Re for electrons and reaching 5Re for protons whose decay time is less than 10 hours at midnight at Kp above 4. Magnetic field line curvature scattering(FLCS) happens when particle gyro-radius is comparable to magnetic field line curvature radius, and the conservation of the first adiabatic invariant is broken. As a collision-less particle scattering mechanism, FLCS plays a vital role in affecting the distribution of energetic electrons in the radiation belt, precipitation of ring current ions, and the formation of proton isotropic boundary(IB). In recent years, it has been increasingly used in research on particle dynamics. Previous studies focused on quantifying the effects of curvature scattering in a single case. This paper uses the analytic model to calculate the spatial distribution of diffusion coefficients induced by FLCS in a real magnetic field model. Various energy particles are used to analyze the coverage of curvature scattering in radial and MLT directions, as well as the influence of Kp index. The decay time of particles due to curvature scattering is estimated based on diffusion coefficients which suggest that the time scale of curvature scattering is too long to explain the rapid loss of electrons in the radiation belt and the ring current with the energy of MeV or below MeV. However, the decay time of ring current protons is on the order of hours or even minutes which can be used to explain the ring current decay during the recovery phase of magnetic storm. Finally, the effects of resonant wave-particle scattering and FLCS in the vicinity of the midnight equator are briefly compared. It is found that the influence of FLCS on hundred-keV protons in the ring current region is comparable to or even greater than that of EMIC wave scattering. Our results suggest the non-negligible effects of the FLCS and should be considered in radiation belt and ring current modeling. § INTRODUCTION The basic process of energetic particles motion play essential roles in determining the formation and dynamics of the radiation belts and ring current in the Earth's inner magnetosphere. Assuming charged particles are controlled by dipole magnetic field, there are three adiabatic invariants satisfy conservation laws. These three adiabatic invariants are called the first adiabatic invariant(magnetic moment, μ), the second adiabatic invariant(longitudinal invariant, J), and the third adiabatic invariant(magnetic flux, Φ ) corresponding to the particle gyro-rotation around magnetic filed, bounce along the magnetic field and azimuthal drift around the Earth respectively. However, the condition for conserving adiabatic invariants may not be satisfied in a realistic plasma environment. For example, in terms of the magnetic moment of a charged particle, the conservation requires the ratio of the time scale of charged particle gyro-rotation and magnetic field variation, in addition to the ratio of spatial scale of the charged particle gyro-radius(ρ) and magnetic field inhomogeneity both are much less than one. In a realistic plasma environment without electromagnetic waves, the latter ratio is more critical in deciding whether the conservation of magnetic moment is broken. During disturbed geomagnetic conditions, the night-side magnetosphere tends to have weaker magnetic field strength in the equatorial plane. And in this region, the magnetic field inhomogeneity or, say, the radius of magnetic field line curvature(R_c) becomes much smaller because the field line is stretched to a great extent. Therefore, the changes of the magnetic moment are determined by the parameter ρ / R_c, also called adiabatic parameter ε <cit.>. In general, when the value of the radius of magnetic field line curvature is comparable to the gyro-radius of charged particles, the violation of the magnetic moment happens. The violation of adiabatic invariants, the so-called non-adiabatic behavior of charge particle, leads to a jump of magnetic moment Δμ when the charged particles are across the magnetic equatorial plane(i.e., where the magnetic field strength is a minimum). Various analytic models have been derived to predict the degree of magnetic moment change during one single equator cross between two mirror points. Hastie1969 derived a theoretical expression for non-adiabatic jumps using the trajectory deformation technique in the complex plane for the first time. Due to the thin thickness of the current sheet during the disturbed times, the magnetic field lines on both sides of the current sheet are significantly distorted, and the magnetic field lines appear to have a small radius of curvature at the magnetic equator. Based on the current sheet model, Gray1982,Wagner1979 and Il'In1978,Anderson1997 investigated the trajectories and the jump of the magnetic moment of charged particles passing through the equator in the terrestrial magnetotail and radiation belt region, respectively. These analytic models quantitatively analyzed the non-adiabatic behavior of charged particles and indicated which parameters play a role in it. The quantity δμ/μ is defined as the relative changes of the magnetic moment when a particle is across the magnetic equator once. The value of the adiabatic parameter(ε) controls the degree of violation of the non-adiabatic behavior. The δμ/μ vary exponentially with ε and have sinusoidal dependence on the particle's equatorial gyro-phase angle Φ_eq. The maximum value of δμ/μ depends on the pitch angle of a charged particle. That is, the maximum changing in μ occurs for a pitch angle value between 0-90 degrees<cit.>. Furthermore, considering the cumulative effect of ensemble random slight changing of μ at the magnetic equator, the diffusion approximation<cit.> can be used. Under this approximation, the magnetic moment change of charged particles during several bounce periods can be viewed as the pitch angle scattering event called field line curvature scattering(FLCS). As a collisionless particle scattering mechanism in the absence of plasma waves, the FLCS contributes to the ring current decay and inner radiation belt proton loss because the ions pitch angle distribution tends to be more uniform, which leads to ions precipitation loss into the upper atmosphere. Ilin1986 and Chirikov1987 deduced that the FLCS effects become significant when the value of ε equals about 0.2, assuming the background field is static. For the current sheet magnetic model, when ε is great than 0.125, the FLCS effects must be considered in the charged particle dynamics<cit.>. The exact value of ε not only determines the degree of individual changes in magnetic moment caused by field line curvature but also affects the rate of pitch angle scattering by FLCS when applicable to trapped charged particles where a large number of scattering events may occur. Birmingham1984 derived an analytic formula for the individual change of magnetic moment and deduced the diffusion coefficients by taking into account the phase space density satisfies the diffusion equation averaged over several bounce periods. To accurate the diffusion coefficients,Young2002,Young2008 developed the empirical model of magnetic moment scattering by adding two parameters related to equatorial magnetic field configuration. Due to the inaccurate estimate of protons loss by assuming a single value cutoff of ε, Tu2014 developed a new empirical ε-onset model to predict the proton loss caused by FLCS in dipole and T89c model. Also, to improve the inaccurate estimate of ring current ions loss, Eshetu2021 proposed another empirical model about the e-folding lifetime of midnight ion as a function of particle energy, pitch angle, L-value, and Kp index in T89c model. Besides, the FLCS process can explain the formation of the proton isotropic boundary(IB). The boundary between strong and weak proton scattering by FLCS in the magnetosphere is believed to coincide with the proton IB<cit.>. Although the electron has a much smaller gyro-radius than the ion at the same energy, the scattering effect of the magnetic field curvature of the electron is still not negligible, especially in the night-side magnetosphere during disturbed times. Artemyev2013 demonstrated that the effects of FLCS are more critical than the scattering by resonant wave-particle interaction for high-energy(≥ 1 MeV) electrons in the night-side inner magnetosphere based on the current sheet magnetic field model. Eshetu2018 demonstrated that FLCS in the weak magnetic strength region adjacent to the BBFs in the global MHD simulations could scatter energetic electrons whose energy is above a few keV. By simulating the 17 March 2013 storm event, Yu2020 shows that the precipitation proton flux of tens keV due to FLCS is comparable to that of electrons on the night side. Previous studies investigated the mechanism of field line curvature scattering according to analytical models and numerical simulations. However, only some studies test the accuracy of the analytical formula in the realistic magnetic field configuration and give the global charged particle diffusion coefficients, including electrons and ions, under different geomagnetic activity conditions. In this study, we demonstrate the accuracy of Birmingham1984 analytical model in the current sheet configuration and quantify the filed line curvature scattering rate at different MLT, L-shell, and Kp-index in the T89c magnetic field. Furthermore, we calculate the particle lifetime and compare the results with the scattering by waves at the midnight magnetosphere to understand the role of field line scattering in the radiation belt and ring current dynamics. The remaining part of the paper is organized as follows. Section <ref> describes the methodology, that is, the test particle simulation we implement to study the non-adiabatic behavior of the charged particle. Details of the analytic model validation by comparison with simulation are described in Section <ref>. Then, Section <ref> shows the global distribution of particle's diffusion coefficients and decay time by FLCS aimed at electrons and protons. The comparisons between curvature scattering and wave-induced scattering are also investigated. Finally, our results are summarized in Section <ref>. § TEST PARTICLE SIMULATIONS To thoroughly investigate the influence of FLCS on charged particles in the radiation belt and ring current region, we first carry out the test particle simulations, which trace the entire trajectories of particles by solving the fully relativistic Lorentz motion equation using the Boris algorithm<cit.>. Due to its excellent long-term accuracy, this algorithm is widely used in the radiation belt modeling community<cit.>. From the trajectory of a single particle to the vast number of particle's ensemble behavior during several bounce periods, we can obtain the degree of FLCS on the energetic particles quantitatively. The background magnetic field model we chose is the thin current sheet magnetic field, representing one kind of realistic magnetic field configuration often observed during disturbed geomagnetic conditions<cit.>. The background magnetic field in the vicinity of the equator can be represented by B_z = σ B_0x , B_y = 0 B_x = B_0xtanh(z/L_CS). There is no electric field because a special Lorentz transformation to a moving frame of reference is used<cit.>. Here B_0x is the value of magnetic field strength at the boundary of the considered region, σ is a constant parameter representing the strength of magnetic field perturbation, L_CS is the thickness of the current sheet. The x-axis is defined along with the radial direction, and the z-axis is defined along the normal to the equatorial plane in the GSM(Geocentric Solar Magnetic) coordinate we chose. The radius of curvature radius R_c(z) can readily obtain from equation (<ref>), and at the middle of the current sheet, that is for z=0, we get R_c(z=0) = σ L_CS. Note that the condition for adiabatic behavior of charged particles is the value of adiabatic parameters satisfy ε≪ 1 or R_c(z=0) ≫ρ. By changing the value of the parameter L_CS, we can study the non-adiabatic behavior characteristic of given energy(1.5 MeV) and equatorial pitch angle(30^∘) electron under the different thickness of the current sheet respective ly. We assume B_0x=100nT and σ=0.15, which is a typical value for the outer radiation belt in the magnetic storm period<cit.>. The time step is 0.02 T_gyro. Here T_gyro is the equatorial gyro-motion period of the electron. Here we show electron trajectories during one bounce period from relativistic test particle code as the benchmark simulation.Two kinds of magnetic field configuration are used by set L_CS = 5 Re and 2Re, which correspond to the adiabatic parameter ε = 0.09 and 0.22, respectively. The trajectories of one electron for one bounce period are traced in which energy E equals 1.5 MeV, and equatorial pitch angle α_eq equals 30^∘. The particle trajectories are obtained in Figure <ref>. Figure <ref>(a) and <ref>(c) are the projection of trajectories in the x-z plane, and Figure <ref>(b) and <ref>(d) is the projection in the y-z plane. In the ε=0.09, the electron's motion is approximately field-aligned, and the trajectories are symmetric concerning the z=0 plane. A characteristic `folded figure eight' trajectory is shown in the y-z plane, which implies the drift in the z direction around the equator is dominated by field curvature instead of field intensity gradient. These results reveal the strongly adiabatic behavior of electron under ε=0.09. Another magnetic field configuration of ε=0.22 is considered. Several characters indicate FLCS occurs at the equatorial plane, where the minimum value of curvature radius and the weakest magnetic field magnitude(B-minimum) exists. However, the trajectories are not symmetric about the z=0 plane, and the equatorial pitch angle is changed obviously so that the bounce altitude differs a lot before and after the electron crosses the equatorial plane. § VALIDATION OF ANALYTIC FLCS COEFFICIENTS To compare the cumulative FLCS scattering results of test particle simulation with predictions from analytic models, firstly, we further increase the simulation time to 500 equatorial gyro-motion period(T_gyro) and record the magnetic moment at each time by adding two magnetic field configuration L_CS= 3Re and 1Re which adiabatic parameter are ε = 0.15 and 0.45 respectively. Magnetic moment can be written by μ = p^2_⊥/(2m_0 B), where p_⊥ is the particle momentum perpendicular to the magnetic field direction and m_0 is the rest mass of a particle. In this paper we use the normalized magnetic moment μ^* via normalizing μ by p^2/(m_0 B_eq) so that the μ^* can be written as μ^* = sin^2α_eq / 2 at the equatorial plane. The same equatorial pitch angle α_eq = 30^∘ is chosen under different filed configuration situations. Therefore, the initial normalized magnetic moment is 0.125. The results are shown in Figure <ref>. The four figures demonstrate the transition from the adiabatic to non-adiabatic behavior of the particle. In the situation of ε=0.09 as shown in Figure <ref>(a), the particle behaves strictly adiabatically also as shown as the trajectories of Figure <ref>(a) and <ref>(c). The magnetic moment remains constant as the particle passes the equatorial plane, although the apparent rapid oscillating of the magnetic moment occurs at the equatorial plane. Figure <ref>(b) and <ref>(c) show two different degrees of non-adiabatic by FLCS, the thinner current sheet thickness(ε=0.22 corresponding to L_CS=2Re) lead to the more significant change of μ which is consistent with the understanding of FLCS. Besides, Figure <ref>(d) shows magnetic moment behaves large change by several times of initial value and maintains the low value till the end of the simulation. The thickness of the current sheet in Figure <ref>(d) is so thin(L_CS=1Re) that the change in μ is large enough when the electron passes through the equatorial plane and the electron enter into the loss cone after several bounce periods. Though the FLCS effects cause the non-adiabatic behavior of a single particle, as we mentioned, the accurate definition of scattering is based on the ensemble cumulative effects of random slight changing of μ during several bounce periods under diffusion approximation. Therefore, besides studying the single particle μ jump events, we further investigate energetic electrons' pitch angle scattering events and calculate the test particle diffusion rates. The test particle diffusion coefficient of normalized magnetic moment (D^TP_μ^* μ^*) is calculated from D^TP_μ^* μ^*≡⟨Δμ^*2⟩ / 2 Δ t. Here ⟨…⟩ means averaging over all electrons, and Δμ^* ≡μ^* - ⟨μ^* ⟩<cit.>. Then the equatorial pitch angle diffusion coefficient can be obtained by the relationship D_αα = D_μ^*μ^*/(sin^2α_eqcos^2α_eq). To obtain test particle diffusion coefficients, we trace 8000 electrons whose equatorial pitch angle is between 30^∘ and 70^∘ uniformly distributed, and the pitch angle step is 1^∘. Still, identical initial energy (1.5MeV) is used. The initial gyro-phase of electrons is randomly distributed between 0 and 2π, and the initial z position of electrons takes place in the north mirror point. Figure <ref>(a) shows the variation in μ of five randomly selected electrons with initial equatorial pitch angle α_eq = 37 ^∘. Variation of μ by FLCS can be viewed as the diffusion process. Furthermore, to calculate the test particle pitch angle diffusion coefficients, a linear fit to ⟨Δμ^*2⟩ as a function of time are plotted as shown by Figure <ref>(b). The ⟨Δμ^*2⟩ gradually deviates from a linear function of t after ∼ 100T_gyro, which is due to the pitch angle of scattering electrons deviates from the initial α_eq gradually. Therefore, when performing a linear fitting of ⟨Δμ^*2⟩, specific time range t from 0 to 100T_gyro is used as indicated by the orange line in Figure <ref>(b). The solid line in Figure <ref> is the prediction results from the Birmingham1984 analytic model under three different ε situations. The Birmingham1984 model not only derives the change of Δμ^* during charged particle single across the equator but also gives us the diffusion coefficients using the standard quasi-linear analysis<cit.>. The multi μ scattering process can be described as the random walk process so that the formula D_μ^*μ^* = ⟨Δμ^*2/Δ t⟩ /2 is considered, where Δ t = τ_b/2 is the time interval between two crossing the equator and τ_b is the bounce period of particle. The diffusion coefficient using Birmingham1984 analytic model is given by the following: D_μ^*μ^* = μ^*/4^5/4τ_bπ/Γ(9/8)^21/ε^1/4exp -2F(μ^*)/ε which the function F is given by polynomial approximation in Birmingham1984 or Equation (10) in Anderson1997. Figure <ref> shows the comparison of test particle simulation and Birmingham model pitch angle diffusion coefficients under three configurations of the magnetic field L_CS= 1.5, 2, 2.5Re corresponding to ε are 0.3, 0.22, 0.18 respectively at equatorial pitch angle 30-70^∘. Birmingham1984 model agrees well with test particle simulations for ε = 0.3 and 0.22 at 30-70^∘ and for ε = 0.18 the agreement occurs at about 30-55^∘. The ε = 0.18 related to thicker current sheet configuration and at larger equatorial pitch angle(> 55^∘ ) the change of particle μ^* is so slow with time(like shown by Figure <ref>(b)), moreover, the μ changes dramatically at the equator that leads to the error in calculating ⟨Δμ^*2⟩. The result of calculation error overestimates the increase rate of ⟨Δμ^*2⟩, and the pitch angle diffusion coefficient by simulation has a larger value compared with the model consequently. In general, the predictions of Birmingham1984 analytic model are in good agreement with test particle simulations, especially when the medium value of equatorial pitch angle is chosen. § FLCS DIFFUSION RATE OF ENERGETIC PARTICLES §.§ Calculation in T89c field To study the effects of curvature scattering on radiation belt and ring current particles, that is, relativistic electrons and energetic protons in a more realistic magnetic field environment, we use the T89c magnetic field as the background field model<cit.>. As the T89c field has the advantages of broadly applicable conditions and simple parameter setting, it is convenient for us to use it to investigate the global distribution of curvature scattering diffusion rate. We employ the SM(Solar Magnetic) coordinates to describe the magnetic configuration below work. In SM coordinates, the z-axis is chosen parallel to the north magnetic pole and the y-axis perpendicular to the Earth-Sun line towards dusk. Correspondingly, the z=0 plane is approximately the magnetic equatorial plane. We aim to obtain the 2-D global distribution of diffusion coefficients at z=0 plane in the T89c field by the Birmingham1984 analytic formula. The results will help us to understand the influence of curvature scattering under different particle kinds between electron and proton, energy, L-shell, MLT, and geomagnetic activity index(Kp). The calculation process details: (1) In the z=0 circular plane of SM coordinates, 50 grids in the radial distance of 0-10 Re and 100 grids in the azimuthal direction of 0-2π are divided uniformly we used. Therefore, we calculate the diffusion coefficients of 5000 positions for given particle energy and Kp index. (2) By tracing the magnetic field line connecting the two ends of Earth from the point on the z=0 plane at each position, it can calculate the magnetic field magnitude and curvature radius of B-minimum, which is used to obtain the adiabatic parameter ε. (3) To calculate the bounce period(τ_b) of the particle with a given equatorial pitch angle, we integrate the parallel velocity of the particle along each segment filed line distance by assuming the conservation of magnetic moment satisfied. In calculation, we use the assumption of undisturbed trajectories theory<cit.>. (4) The pitch angle diffusion coefficients by Birmingham1984 model can be calculated as follows as Equation (<ref>). We choose the initial equatorial pitch angle α_eq=30^∘ because of the accurate estimation of Birmingham1984 model at medium pitch angle value as shown in Section <ref>. The pitch angle diffusion coefficients of electrons are shown in Figure <ref>, in which three energy E = 0.5, 1 and 4MeV are chosen to correspond to outer radiation belt electrons in three columns under different geomagnetic activity index Kp from 1-7 in seven rows. In general, with increasing energy of the electron and more dramatic geomagnetic activity, the region of FLCS covers a wider L-MLT range. The FLCS region mainly happens on the night side of the inner magnetosphere, which can hardly inward penetrate the geostationary orbit(L ∼ 7) except for high electron energy under extremely dramatic geomagnetic conditions. The regional distribution of our calculation is not surprising. Because the stretched field line mainly occurs in the night-side inner magnetosphere, leading to a smaller curvature radius and the gyro-radius of higher energy electrons is much larger, the adiabatic parameters tend to be larger than the results of the day-side magnetosphere or lower electron energy. However, although the curvature scattering hardly happens within the geostationary orbit and is limited at night-side, the coverage of scattering can extend to dusk and downside of the inner magnetosphere even across the L ∼ 7 when energy is 4 MeV with Kp index above 5, which is consistent with Dubyagin2020 observation results. At first column in Figure <ref> which represents E=0.5MeV electrons, the diffusion coefficients D_α_0α_0 can reach 10^-2s^-1 at 9Re midnight with Kp=5. The same diffusion coefficients occur at nearer 8 Re midnight with Kp=5 when electron energy is 1MeV as shown by the second column. These results indicate that curvature scattering could be a candidate mechanism to influence the radiation belt outer boundary, as shown by the observation by Sivadas2019. Assuming the D_α_0α_0 > 10^-6s^-1 is the condition to allow electrons to precipitate into the upper atmosphere, we notice that electrons of three kinds of energy can precipitate by FLCS but the different region. For example, at midnight above Kp=4, precipitation region is 8-10 Re for 0.5MeV , 7.5-10 Re for 1MeV and 6-10 Re for 4MeV electrons. From the definition of the adiabatic parameter, we know that the ε depends not only on the magnitude of the magnetic field and curvature radius but also on the proportion of charge-to-mass radio. Therefore, the proton is more likely to be diffused due to FLCS. Many kinds of research of field line scattering focus on the major ions such as H^+,O^+ and He^+ of ring current in recent years<cit.>. Three proton energy E = 50keV, 100keV, and 1MeV are chosen, in which 50 keV and 100 keV represent the ring current protons, and 1 MeV represents protons of the outer radiation belt. The calculation results are shown in Figure <ref> under different geomagnetic activity Kp index from 1 to 7. Not surprisingly, the region of proton field line scattering happens is much wider than electron even in the day-side magnetosphere when proton energy reaches 1 MeV. For 50 keV and 100 keV protons, which are often observed in the ring current<cit.>, the coverage of line curvature scattering is comparable with the 4 MeV electrons on MLT direction and the inner boundary of D_αα>10^-4 of midnight is at ∼ 8Re when Kp ≤ 3 while at ∼ 6Re when Kp>3. It's worth noting that Yu2020 found the inner boundary of D_αα > 10^-4 of midnight is about at 5Re during their event with Kp = 5 - 6. This difference may be due to the electric field included in the RAM-SCB model they used. The convective electric field helps to enhance the influence of curvature scattering as demonstrated by Engel2015. For the 1 MeV proton, the region of FLCS completely covers all MLT directions. The inner boundary extends inwardly to ∼ 4 Re, which means the protons will always be affected by the curvature scattering when they drift around the Earth in ∼ 4 Re. Although the coverage of FLCS is much wider with the increase of geomagnetic activity index no matter whether electron or proton, the value of diffusion coefficients does not increase monotonically with Kp at the midnight position where curvature scattering occurs most likely. For instance, as shown obviously in Figure <ref>, D_αα of 1 MeV protons at 9 Re midnight when Kp = 7 is smaller than that of when Kp = 4 - 6. It can be explained. As the geomagnetic activity index increases, the magnetic field line is much more stretched, which leads to the increasing influence of curvature scattering. However, once the geomagnetic activity exceeds a certain limit, the magnetic reconnection event may occur at a certain midnight location, resulting in the reappearance of dipole-like magnetic configuration and decreasing the influence of line curvature scattering. §.§ Decay time estimation It is essential to determine a physics mechanism's time and space scale. Regarding our work, the time scale of particle loss into the upper atmosphere due to field line scattering needed to be given. There are many studies focus on the particle decay time of the diffusion process<cit.>, here we use the method proposed by Shprits2006a who demonstrated that the decay time of electrons is most sensitive to the value of pitch angle scattering rate near the edge of the loss cone. Note that the decay time refers to the time it takes for the total number of particles to decay to 1/e of the original. In detail, by setting altitude 1000 km as the loss altitude or the magnetic mirror point, we calculate the angle of the loss cone by conservation of magnetic moment. Then, we use the angle of the loss cone(α_L) as the initial pitch angle of electrons at the magnetic equatorial plane to calculate the diffusion coefficients (D_α_Lα_L) as the same method as section <ref>. At last, using the value of 1/D_α_Lα_L to roughly estimate the particle's decay time, we get the time scale of the particle's loss of electrons and protons. Figure <ref> and <ref> represent the decay time distribution of electrons and protons by filed line curvature scattering in the T89c field, respectively. It is meaningless for the scattering process with a decay time greater than 100 days, so we ignore it by setting that region blank. The days of 10^-1-10^-2, 10^-3-10^-4 and 10^-5-10^-6 correspond to the diffusion process on the order of the hours, the minutes and the seconds. In terms of electron decay time, for 500keV and 1MeV energy, the loss time can be considered independent of curvature scattering within 6Re. The apparent loss occurs on the order of the hours outside 8Re under dramatic geomagnetic activity Kp>5. For energy 4MeV electrons, the decay time can reach the order of the seconds outside 7Re under condition Kp>4. However, such high energy flux is not often observed by satellites at that distance, as shown as Zhao2018. As for the decay time of protons, for energy 50keV, the order of hours of loss rate appears around 6Re night-side under Kp>5, which is comparable with the time scale of ring current decay during recover phase of the storm. The decay time of 100keV protons is < 10 hours at > 5Re when Kp>5, which is very consistent with the simulation results of Eshetu2021. For the protons with energy 1MeV, the decay time is within one day in the whole drift shell with > 5Re and can be reduced to the order of minutes on the night side. §.§ Comparison with wave-particle resonant scattering As a primary collision-less mechanism responsible for non-adiabatic effects, researchers have always been widely concerned with the wave-particle resonant interaction to study the dynamic variability of the radiation belt electrons and ring current ions in the space physics community. For example, whistler mode chorus waves can cause both the local acceleration and the precipitation of electrons into the atmosphere by pitch angle and energy scattering<cit.>. Electromagnetic ion cyclotron(EMIC) waves not only lead to rapid electron loss of several MeV energy but also cause ion precipitation with energy above tens of keV<cit.>. Comparing the relative contribution of the particle diffusion process between FLCS with wave-particle resonant scattering is needed, which helps us better understand the inner magnetosphere particle dynamics. Because many studies focus on resonant scattering by waves, even though the parameters they used are similar to our work, we select two kinds of research to compare the results of diffusion coefficients. Orlova2012 calculated the electron's bounce-averaged diffusion coefficients by whistler mode chorus waves in the T01s field for magnetic storm conditions. In Figure 6(g) and 6(j) of their paper(not plotted here), the D_αα of electron energy 1MeV and 2MeV are calculated in midnight 7Re location under geomagnetic condition Kp=6. Our results of electron D_αα by curvature scattering are shown in Figure <ref>(a) using the method described in Section <ref>. The same electron energy, locations, and Kp index are chosen to compare. As the results of the comparison, the diffusion coefficients by curvature scattering are much smaller than by wave resonant scattering no matter whether electron energy is 1MeV or 2MeV at equatorial pitch angle 5^∘-85^∘. That indicates the curvature scattering is far less than resonant scattering by chorus waves on the relative contribution of electrons diffusion with 2MeV and below energy. Notice that with increasing energy from 1MeV to 2MeV, the electron diffusion coefficients by wave-particle resonant scattering dropped by an order of magnitude. However, the diffusion coefficients by FLCS increase with growing energy, as shown by Figure <ref>(a). It can be inferred that the importance of FLCS might be more significant for ultra-relativistic(∼ 2-8 MeV) electrons. Another research we chose for comparison is the study of resonant interaction between parallel propagating H^+ band EMIC waves and ring current protons by Cao2019, which calculate the diffusion coefficients for 100keV and 500keV in the dipole field at L=6 Re location. Due to the excitation of EMIC waves was often accompanied by dramatic geomagnetic activity, we assume Kp=6 to calculate the D_αα by curvature scattering at midnight 6Re location under the same proton energy with Cao2019. The comparison results are shown in Figure <ref>(b). For 100keV energy protons, the influence of curvature scattering is comparable with resonant interaction scattering when α_eq<50^∘ on the contribution for loss of ring current proton. In contrast, resonant interaction is more significant when α_eq>50^∘. As for protons energy 500keV, the values of D_αα by curvature scattering at most equatorial pitch angle are more significant than it by resonant scattering of EMIC waves except α_eq near 90^∘. In general, the importance of FLCS on ring current protons is no less than wave resonant scattering, which might be the primary mechanism of controlling high-energy protons precipitation. § SUMMARY Due to magnetic field line curvature scattering(FLCS), charged particle scattering is essential to non-adiabatic particle dynamics. Moreover, it might be responsible for the loss of energetic particles into the upper atmosphere. In this work, we investigated the effects of field line curvature scattering on radiation belt and ring current particles quantitatively in a realistic magnetic field. Fully relativistic test particle simulations were performed to test the accuracy of the analytic model from Birmingham1984, and the global diffusion coefficients and decay time distribution of field line curvature scattering are calculated by the analytical model for both electrons and protons. Furthermore, the relative importance of the loss of particles between resonant scattering by waves and curvature scattering is compared. The main conclusions are listed as follows: * Electrons with the energy of 1 MeV and below could be effect by curvature scattering at a large distance(R > 8Re) and at midnight during the active period(Kp > 6). However, the decay time of sub-MeV electrons is too long(> 1day) to explain the fast loss of relativistic electrons. On the other hand, for the ultra-relativistic electron(4 MeV), the curvature scattering region drifts toward the earth(R > 7 Re) and covers wider at night-side compared with sub-MeV electrons. Estimation of 4MeV decay time shows that they could be loss at the rate of the order of minutes to hours. * Compared with electrons, curvature scattering is more effective for protons. Ring current energy protons(50-100keV) could be affected by curvature scattering at R > 6Re during the active period(Kp > 4). They can be lost on the order of hours, which is close to the time scale ring current decay during the recovery phase of the magnetic storm. Therefore, the curvature scattering could act as an effective mechanism to precipitate ring current protons. * The relative contribution of curvature scattering is far less than chorus waves for MeV electron in the region of R < 7 Re. While, for ring current protons(100, 500keV) at R = 6 midnight with Kp =6, the influence of curvature scattering is comparable to or even more significant than EMIC waves. This result further implies that curvature scattering plays a vital role in the loss of ring current protons.
Stochastic Real-Time Second-Order Green's Function Theory for Neutral Excitations in Molecules and Nanostructures
[ "Leopoldo Mejía", "Jia Yin", "David R. Reichman", "Roi Baer", "Chao Yang", "Eran Rabani" ]
[ "physics.chem-ph" ]
leopoldo.mejia@berkeley.edu Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA Materials Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720, USA jiayin@lbl.gov Applied Mathematics and Computational Research Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720, USA drr2103@columbia.edu Department of Chemistry, Columbia University, New York, New York 10027, USA roi.baer@huji.ac.il Fritz Haber Center for Molecular Dynamics, Institute of Chemistry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904, Israel cyang@lbl.gov Applied Mathematics and Computational Research Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720, USA eran.rabani@berkeley.edu Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA Materials Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720, USA The Raymond and Beverly Sackler Center of Computational Molecular and Materials Science, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel We present a real-time second-order Green's function (GF) method for computing excited states in molecules and nanostructures, with a computational scaling of O(N_ e^3), where N_ e is the number of electrons. The cubic scaling is achieved by adopting the stochastic resolution of the identity to decouple the 4-index electron repulsion integrals (ERI). To improve the time-propagation and the spectral resolution, we adopt the dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) technique and assess the accuracy and efficiency of the combined approach for a chain of hydrogen dimer molecules of different lengths. We find that the stochastic implementation accurately reproduces the deterministic results for the electronic dynamics and excitation energies. Furthermore, we provide a detailed analysis of the statistical errors, bias, and long-time extrapolation. Overall, the approach offers an efficient route to investigate excited states in extended systems with open or closed boundary conditions. Stochastic Real-Time Second-Order Green's Function Theory for Neutral Excitations in Molecules and Nanostructures Eran Rabani Received: date / Accepted: date ================================================================================================================= § INTRODUCTION The computation of excited state properties is a very active field in the molecular and materials sciences.<cit.> The importance of such calculations is accentuated by the wide range of technological applications that are derived from a deeper understanding of excited state properties, as well as the fundamental physics and chemistry that can be learned from the development of methods to compute them. In molecular systems, time-dependent density functional theory <cit.> (TDDFT) or wave function-based methods, such as time-dependent Hartree-Fock <cit.> (TDHF) and coupled cluster within the equation of motion formalism (EOM-CC),<cit.> are commonly used to compute excited state energies. However, it is challenging to find a balance between accuracy and efficiency. While methods such as TDDFT and TDHF can handle the computation of the excited state properties of systems containing hundreds of electrons, their accuracy highly depends on the system or system-functional combination, in the case of TDDFT. By contrast, while wave-function-based methods that include electron correlation beyond the level of Hartree-Fock (e.g. EOM-CC) are usually more accurate, their inherent steep computational cost restricts computations to systems with a few atoms only.<cit.> Alternative methods traditionally used in condensed matter theory, such as many-body perturbation theory (MBPT) within the Green's function (GF) formalism,<cit.> have also proven to be useful to describe excited states. Two of the most popular approximations are the GW method <cit.>, a first-order approximation to the self-energy in the screened Coulomb interaction (W) and the GF2 method,<cit.> in which the self-energy is approximated to second-order in the bare Coulomb interaction, allowing for the inclusion of dynamical exchange correlations. The GW and the GF2 closures have been successfully used to compute charged excitations (quasiparticle energies) in molecules and bulk systems <cit.> and have been extended to describe neutral excitations using time-dependent approaches.<cit.> Attaccalite et al. <cit.> showed that the time-dependent GW approach is equivalent to the well-known Bethe-Salpeter equation (BSE) in the adiabatic, linear response limit. Similarly, Dou et al.<cit.> derived a Bethe-Salpeter-like equation with a second-order kernel (GF2-BSE) and tested the approach for a set of molecules, with encouraging results for low-lying excited states, particularly for charge transfer excitations.<cit.> However, the O(N_ e^6) scaling with system size (or O(N_ e^5) in real-time), where N is the number of electrons, of both GW and GF2 approaches limit their applications to relatively small systems or basis set sizes. Here, we develop a stochastic real-time approach to obtain neutral excitations within the second-order Born approximation (GF2), reducing the computational scaling from O_ e^6) to O(N_ e^3). This is achieved using the range-separated <cit.> stochastic resolution of the identity <cit.> to decouple the 4-index electron repulsion integrals appearing in the Kadanoff-Baym (KB) equations.<cit.> Furthermore, we adopt the dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) technique <cit.> to solve the nonlinear Kadanoff-Baym equations within the adiabatic approximation. The DMD method is a data-driven model order reduction procedure used to predict the long-time nonlinear dynamics of high-dimensional systems and has been used previously with the time-dependent GW approach.<cit.> We assess the accuracy of the stochastic, real-time GF2 approach with respect to the number of stochastic orbitals, the propagation time, and the system size for hydrogen dimer chains of varying lengths. The manuscript is organized as follows. In Sec. <ref> and Sec. <ref>, we summarize the GF2-BSE method and introduce the stochastic approaches to its real-time implementation, respectively. In Sec. <ref>, we compare the real-time stochastic and deterministic algorithms, analyze the statistical error in the computations, and evaluate the quality of the DMD extrapolation. Finally, in Sec. <ref> we discuss the significance and perspectives of this work. § TIME-DEPENDENT GF2 In this section, we provide a summary of the time-dependent GF2 approach for computing neutral excitations.<cit.> We begin by defining the electronic Hamiltonian in second quantization. Next, we summarize the Kadanoff-Baym equations (KBEs) for the two-time GF on the Keldysh contour and introduce the second-order Born approximation. Finally, we describe the adiabatic limit to the KBEs. §.§ Hamiltonian We consider the electronic Hamiltonian of a finite system interacting with an explicit electric field. In second quantization the Hamiltonian is given by Ĥ = ∑_ij h_ijâ^†_i â_j + 1/2∑_ijklv_ijklâ^†_i â^†_k â_l â_j + ∑_ijΔ_ij(t) â^†_i â_j , where i, j, k, and l denote indexes of a general basis, â^†_i (â_i) is the creation (annihilation) operator for an electron in orbital χ_i, and h_ij and v_ijkl are the matrix elements of the one-body and two-body interactions, respectively. The two-body terms are given by the 4-index electron repulsion integral (ERI): v_ijkl = (i j | kl ) = ∬χ_i ( r_1)χ_j ( r_1)χ_k ( r_2)χ_l ( r_2)/| r_1- r_2| d r_1 d r_2, where we have assumed that the basis set is real. We use atomic units throughout the manuscript, where the electron charge e=1, the electron mass m_e=1, ħ=1, the Bohr radius a_0=1, and 4πϵ_0=1. The last term in Eq. (<ref>) is a time-dependent perturbation. Here, to describe neutral excitation, we couple the system to an external electric field, E(t), within the dipole approximation, where Δ_ij(t)=E(t) ·μ_ij and μ_ij=∫χ_i( r) rχ_j( r) d r. We choose to explicitly include this term in the Hamiltonian (rather than introducing a linear-response perturbation in the initial wave function) because we make no assumption that the field is weak. §.§ Kadanoff-Baym Equations Following Ref. doutime2022, the equations of motion for the single-particle lesser Green's function, G^<(t_1,t_2), are given by the KB equations: i∂_t_1 G^<(t_1,t_2) = F[ρ(t_1)] G^<(t_1,t_2) + I^<_α(t_1,t_2) and -i∂_t_2 G^<(t_1,t_2) = G^<(t_1,t_2) F[ρ(t_2)] + I^<_β(t_1,t_2) , where t_1 and t_2 are projections onto the real-time branch, ρ(t)=-i G^<(t, t) is the time-dependent density matrix, and F[ρ(t)] is the Fock operator, with matrix elements given by F_ij[ρ(t)] = h_ij + v^H_ij[ρ(t)] + v_ij^x [ρ(t)] + Δ_ij(t). In the above, the Hartree and exchange potentials are given by v^H_ij[ρ]=∑_klv_ijklρ_kl and v_ij^x [ρ]=∑_klv_ikjlρ_kl, respectively. The last terms in Eqs. (<ref>) and (<ref>) are the collision integrals, given by<cit.> I^<_α(t_1,t_2) = ∫_0^t_1Σ^R(t_1,t_3) G^<(t_3,t_1)dt_3 + ∫_0^t_2Σ^<(t_1,t_3) G^A(t_3,t_1)dt_3 and I^<_β(t_1,t_2) = ∫_0^t_1 G^R(t_1,t_3)Σ^<(t_3,t_2)dt_3 + ∫_0^t_2 G^<(t_1,t_3)Σ^A(t_3,t_2)dt_3 , respectively. In the above equations, Σ is the self-energy (which encodes all many-body interactions) and the superscript "R / A" denotes retarded/advanced components. §.§ Second-Order Born Approximation to the Self-Energy To obtain an approximate expression for the self-energies, we use the second-order Born approximation, where the self-energy is expanded to second-order in the Coulomb interaction. The resulting retarded component can be written in terms of the retarded and greater screened Coulomb integrals (δ W^R/>)<cit.> Σ^R_ij(t_1, t_2 ) = ∑_mn i G^<_mn(t_1, t_2 ) δ W^R_imjn(t_1, t_2 ) +i G^R_mn(t_1, t_2 )δ W^>_imjn(t_1, t_2 ) , where δ W ^R_imjn(t_1, t_2 ) = -i ∑_klqp ( G^<_kl(t_1, t_2 ) G^A_qp(t_2, t_1 ) + G^R_kl(t_1, t_2 ) G^<_qp(t_2, t_1 ) )v_impk (2 v_jnql - v_jlqn ) and δ W ^>_imjn(t_1, t_2 ) = -i ∑_klqp G^>_kl(t_1, t_2 ) G^<_qp(t_2, t_1 ) v_impk (2 v_jnql - v_jlqn ). A particular feature of the self-energy in Eq. (<ref>) is the inclusion of dynamical exchange as diagrammatically illustrated in Fig. <ref>. §.§ The Adiabatic Approximation The equations of motion (<ref>) and (<ref>) for the GFs together with the expression for the self-energy (Eq. (<ref>)) form a close set of equations, but depend on two times, t_1 and t_2. To further simplify the time evolution of the GF, we assume that the retarded self-energy responds instantaneously to the application of external driving forces (e.g. the adiabatic limit)<cit.> Σ^R(t_1,t_2) ≈Σ̃^ ad[(t_1+t_2)/2]δ(t_1-t_2) , while the lesser self-energy is assumed to be negligible<cit.> Σ^<(t_1,t_2) ≈ 0 . In the above, Σ̃^ ad[t] is the so-called adiabatic GF2 self-energy with matrix elements<cit.> Σ̃^ ad_ij(t) = -∑_mnδW̃^R_imjnρ_mn(t) +1/2∑_mnδW̃^R_imjnδ_mn , where δW̃^R_imjn =lim_ω→ 0{-1/2∑_kqf(ε_k)-f(ε_q)/ε_k-ω-ε_q-iη v_imqk(2v_jnqk-v_jkqn)} is the Fourier transform of the screened Coulomb interaction, f(ε) is the Fermi-Dirac distribution, η is a small positive regularization parameter, and ε_k are the quasiparticle energies obtained using a stochastic GF2 for charge excitations (see Ref. dou2019stochastic for more information on how to calculate the quasiparticle energies using GF2). Using Eqs. (<ref>) and (<ref>) for the self-energy, the time evolution of the GFs given by Eqs. (<ref>) and (<ref>) can be reduced to a simpler form for the equal time (t_1 = t_2≡ t) GF (we assume an orthogonal basis from now on)<cit.> id/dtρ(t) = [ F[ρ(t)],ρ(t)] + Σ̃^ad(t)ρ(t) - ρ(t)Σ̃^ad†(t), where, as before, ρ(t)=-i G^<(t,t) and [A,B] = AB-BA. Excitation energies obtained using Eq. (<ref>) will be referred to as TD-GF2 (or TD-G0F2 when the quasi-particle energies are corrected using a single-shot, non-self-consistent GF2 <cit.>). In TD-GF2, the computational limiting step is the calculation of the self-energy at time t, Σ̃^ad(t). The formal computational cost scales as O(N_e^5) with system size, limiting the application of TD-GF2 to small system sizes. To reduce the number of self-energy evaluations, we adopt the dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) method to describe the long-time limit of the density matrix, ρ(t), as described in the next subsection. In addition, we develop a stochastic approach that reduces the scaling of computing the self-energy to O(N_e^3) at the account of introducing a controlled statistical error. This is described in the next section. §.§ Dynamic Mode Decomposition The dynamic mode decomposition method allows the extrapolation of the density matrix dynamics to long times without the need to further solve the equation of motion. As developed in Ref. yin2023analyzing, the DMD method is a data-driven model order reduction procedure used to predict the long-time nonlinear dynamics of high-dimensional systems. The method is based on Koopman's theory <cit.> for reduced order modeling. The general strategy is to find a few (r) modes ϕ_ℓ^ij with associated frequencies ω^ℓ_ij to approximate the density matrix dynamics as ρ_ij(t) = ∑_l=1^rλ_ij ^ℓϕ^ℓ_ij e^iω^ℓ_ij t with coefficients λ^ℓ_ij. This model is constructed from the short-time nonlinear dynamics of the density matrix and can be seen as a finite-dimensional linear approximation to the dynamics. § STOCHASTIC REAL-TIME GF2 APPROACH In this section, we adopt the stochastic resolution of the identity <cit.> to calculate the adiabatic self-energy appearing in Eq. (<ref>) and combine it with the equation of motion for the density matrix (cf., Eq. (<ref>)). §.§ Stochastic Vectors and the Resolution of the Identity We define a stochastic orbital θ as a vector in the Hilbert space of the system with random elements ± 1. The average of the outer product of the stochastic vectors θ⊗θ^T_N_s→∞ = [ 1 0 ⋯ 0; 0 1 ⋯ 0; ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮; 0 0 ⋯ 1 ] = I represents the identity matrix, referred to as the stochastic resolution of the identity.<cit.> Here, θ⊗θ^T_N_s≡1/N_s∑_ξ=1^N_sθ_ξ⊗θ_ξ^T is an average over the set {θ_ξ} of uncorrelated stochastic orbitals θ_ξ, with ξ=1,2,…,N_s. Analogous to the deterministic resolution of the identity (also known as density fitting), in which 3-index (ij|A) and 2-index V_AB=(A|B) ERIs are used to approximate the 4-index ERI as v_ijkl≈∑_AB^N_aux(ij|A)V_AB^-1(B|kl) , where A(B) is an auxiliary basis of dimension N_aux, the stochastic resolution of the identity can be used as a resolution basis to approximate the 4-index ERIs as <cit.> v_ijkl≈R_ijR_kl_N_s , where R_αβ=∑_A^N_aux(αβ|A) ∑_B^N_auxV_AB^-1/2θ_B. One advantage of using this approximation is that the indexes ij and kl are decoupled, allowing to perform tensor contractions and reduce the computational scaling.<cit.> The use of the stochastic resolution of the identity to approximate the ERIs introduces a controllable statistical error that can be tuned by changing the number of stochastic orbitals, with a convergence rate proportional to 1/√(N_s). An alternative for controlling the error is to use the range-separated stochastic resolution of the identity in which the largest contributions to the ERIs are treated deterministically, while the remaining terms are treated stochastically. Specifically, as proposed in Ref. dou2020range, we first identify large contributions (denoted by the superscript L) to the 3-index ERIs with respect to a preset threshold, (ij|A)^L = (ij|A) if |(ij|A)|≥ε'/N_ e{ |(ij|A)| }^max_j 0 otherwise, where ε' is a parameter in the range [0,N_ e]. The factor ε'/N guarantees that the total non-vanishing elements in (ij|A)^L scales as O_ e^2). Then, we define the large K-tensors [K_ij^Q]^L = ∑_A^N_aux(ij|A)^L V_AQ^-1/2 and keep only their larger elements, according to a second threshold [K_ij^Q]^L = [K_ij^Q]^L if |[K_ij^Q]^L|≥ε{ |[K_ij^Q]^L| }^max 0 otherwise, in which ε is a parameter in the range [0,1]. We then define large and small (denoted by the superscript S) R-tensors as R_ij^L = ∑_Q^N_aux[K_ij^Q]^Lθ_Q and R_ij^S = R_ij - R_ij^L , where R_ij is defined as in Eq. (<ref>). Using these expressions, a range-separated 4-index ERI can be written as v_pqrs≈ ∑_Q^N_aux[K_pq^Q]^L [K_rs^Q]^L + R_pq^L R_rs^S_N_s + R_pq^S R_rs^L_N_s + R_pq^S R_rs^S_N_s . §.§ Stochastic Self-Energy To derive a stochastic expression for the self-energy we insert Eq. (<ref>) (or Eq. (<ref>) for range-separated computations) into Eqs. (<ref>) and (<ref>), to yield Σ^ ad_ij[δρ(t)] ≈ -1/2⟨∑_kqmnf(ε_k)-f(ε_q)/ε_k-ω-ε_q-iη R_imR_qk (2R'_jnR'_qk-R'_jkR'_qn)δρ_mn(t)⟩_N_s, where δρ(t)=ρ(t)-ρ(t_0). In the above equation, the "prime" superscript denotes that a different set of stochastic orbitals is used to construct the R'-tensors. Next, we rearrange the equation of motion for the density matrix (cf., Eq. (<ref>)) as: i d/dtρ(t) = [ F[ρ(t_0)] + Δ H+ v^H[δρ(t)] +v^x[δρ(t)],ρ(t)] + Σ^ ad[δρ(t)]ρ(t) - ρ(t)Σ^ ad†[δρ(t)] , where Δ H=Σ(t_0) is the GF2 (or G0F2) quasiparticle energy correction. Excitation energies obtained using Eq. (<ref>) in combination with Eq. (<ref>) will be referred to as sTD-GF2 (or sTD-G0F2). § RESULTS To assess the accuracy of the real-time stochastic TD-GF2 formalism, we restrict the applications below to systems interacting with weak electric fields and compare the stochastic results to the linear-response GF2-BSE frequency-domain approach.<cit.> In the weak coupling limit, the absorption spectrum (photoabsorption cross-section) is computed by taking the imaginary part of the Fourier transform of the induced time-dependent dipole, averaged over the three spatial directions: σ(ω) ∝1/3∑_d=x,y,zω∫ dt e^-iω t(ind. μ_d(t)) , where the induced dipole is given by: ind. μ_d(t) = 1/γTr[(ρ(t)-ρ(t_0))μ_d] , with d=x,y,z for the spatial components of the dipole moment. In the above equations, the matrix elements of the dipole operator are given by Eq. (<ref>), ρ(t) is computed using TD-GF2 or sTD-GF2, and γ≪ 1 is a dimensionless parameter that scales the amplitude of the external electric field. §.§ Comparison between Deterministic and Stochastic Dynamics Fig. <ref> shows the stochastic (sTD-G0F2) and deterministic (TD-G0F2) induced dipole dynamics of a hydrogen dimer chain (H_20, containing ten H_2 dimers with bond length of 0.74 Å  and intermolecular distance of 1.26 Å, align along the z-axis). The equations of motion for the density matrix were propagated using Eq. (<ref>) with stochastic (Eq. (<ref>)) and deterministic (Eq. (<ref>)) self energies, respectively. In both cases, a Gaussian-pulse centered at t_0=1 fs, was used to represent the electric field, with an amplitude γ E_0=0.02 V/Å and a variance of 0.005 fs; the regularization parameter appearing in Eq. (<ref>) η=0.01 and the inverse temperature is set to β=50 in all computations. For the stochastic approach, averages were computed using N_s=80 stochastic orbitals. In all cases, the minimal basis set STO-3G was used. Fig. <ref>(a) exemplifies how the stochastic approach reproduces the deterministic dynamics, by comparing the TD-G0F2 and sTD-G0F2 induced dipole dynamics for the H_20 chain. The shaded region in red is the standard deviation (SD) obtained from 6 independent runs. The statistical error can be reduced by increasing the number of stochastic orbitals (with a convergence rate proportional to 1/√(N_s)) or by changing the range separation parameters ε and ε', as is further discussed in Sec. <ref> below. We find that for a fixed number of stochastic orbitals and for fixed values of ε and ε', the statistical error increases with the propagation time, as shown in Fig. <ref>(b). This is consistent with our previous finding for the stochastic time-dependent density functional theory <cit.> and for the stochastic BSE approach.<cit.> Since the induced dipole decays rather rapidly in time, the increase in the statistical error at long times does not affect the absorption spectrum in any significant way. Nonetheless, to mitigate the divergence of the dynamics at long times, we have multiplied the induced dipole by a damping function e^-10t/t_max, where t_max corresponds to the total propagation time and plays a similar role as the regularization parameter, η. The long-time dynamics of the density matrix and the resultant time-dependent induced dipole were obtained using the DMD technique outlined above. Fig. <ref>(c) shows a comparison between the extrapolated DMD dynamics and the dynamics obtained by solving Eq. (<ref>) for both the deterministic and stochastic methods. The shaded region (first 6 fs in Fig. <ref>(c)) indicates the portion of the dynamics that was used to train the reduced DMD model (defined as DMD window), while the remaining 34 fs (of which 14 fs are shown in Fig. <ref>(c)) corresponds to the extrapolated dynamics. We find that the DMD technique accurately captures the main dynamical features, even for the noisy stochastic data. Naturally, the time scale of the events that can be captured by the reduced DMD model depends on the DMD window length. Below, we analyze the accuracy of the DMD approach in reproducing the absorption spectra. §.§ Comparison between Deterministic and Stochastic Absorption Spectra In Fig. <ref> panels (a) and (b) we compare the absorption spectra obtained from the stochastic and deterministic real-time dynamics and the reference deterministic frequency-domain linear-response approach (G0F2-BSE), for two representative hydrogen dimer chains. The absorption spectra obtained from the three different approaches (vertically shifted for clarity) are numerically identical, demonstrating that the real-time implementations are consistent with the frequency domain reference methods (in the weak coupling-linear response limit) and, in particular, that the stochastic approach can reproduce the benchmark results with only 80 stochastic orbitals. The frequency resolution of the absorption spectra can be improved by propagating the density matrix dynamics to longer times using the DMD technique. Fig. <ref> panels (c) and (d) show the corresponding absorption spectra for a 40 fs extrapolated trajectory (sTD-G0F2+DMD) considering three different DMD window lengths. Even a short (2fs) window length provides a reasonable description of the low-excitation features (main absorption peak at ∼15 eV), but the quality of the spectra improves with increasing DMD windows lengths, especially for the higher-excitation peaks. Specifically, for the sTD-G0F2+DMD method, we observed that the average DMD spectral error is proportional to 1/√(t_DMD), with t_DMD being the DMD window length. §.§ Error analysis and scaling The variation of the range-separated threshold parameters, ε and ε' (see Eqs. (<ref>) and (<ref>)), allows us to control the ratio of deterministic to stochastic Coulomb tensor elements. As ε' → N or ε→ 1 the approach reduces to the fully stochastic limit. By contrast, when ε'→ 0 or ε→ 0 the approach is fully deterministic. Fig. <ref>(a) shows the dependence of the statistical error on ε' and ε for H_20. The average error was estimated using n=6 independent stochastic runs as Error = 1/N_ω∑_ω^N_ω1/n√(∑_i^n(σ_i(ω)-σ(ω))^2) , where N_ω is the number of frequencies used in the range E=10-30 eV. As ε increases the statistical error increases and approaches the fully stochastic limit (dotted line in Fig. <ref>(a)). For the case with the lowest statistical error in Fig. <ref>(a) (ε'=0.002, ε=0.001), the amount of ERI elements computed deterministically corresponds to ≈ 10% for H_20, resulting in an error reduction of almost 2 orders of magnitude compared to the fully stochastic limit. The main advantage of using the stochastic formulation of GF2 in the real-time domain is the reduction in the computational complexity and scaling. Formally, GF2 in the frequency-domain scales as O(N_ e^6) with the system size (N) while the real-time deterministic implementation scales as O_ e^5). By contrast, when the stochastic resolution of identity is used in the time-domain, the computational scaling is further reduced to O_ e^3), as long as the number of stochastic orbitals does not increase with system size to achieve a similar statistical error (which is the case for the systems studied here). The computational limiting step in the sTD-GF2 method is the computation of the self-energy (Eq. (<ref>)), with a formal scaling of O(N_s N_ e^3) when appropriate tensor contractions are used. Figure <ref>(b) shows the computational cost associated with the stochastic and deterministic real-time methods and the equivalent frequency-domain linear-response implementation for hydrogen dimer chains with varying lengths. The lowest scaling corresponds to the stochastic real-time implementation, sTD-GF2, which exhibits an O_ e^3) behavior, with a large pre-factor. For the current target statistical error, the stochastic approach is computationally more efficient than the deterministic approach for system sizes that exceed N ≈ 200 basis functions. § CONCLUSIONS We presented a stochastic real-time approach to compute excited state energies in extended systems based on the adiabatic approximation to the Kadanoff-Baym equations using the second-order Born approximation to the self-energy (referred to as sTD-GF2). We showed that the sTD-GF2 approach reproduces the benchmark linear-response results from analogous deterministic methods, namely TD-GF2 and GF2-BSE,<cit.> but at a much milder computational cost that scales as O(N_ e^3) with system size, in contrast to the formal O(N_ e^5) and O(N_ e^6) of TD-GF2 and GF2-BSE, respectively. The reduction in scaling is achieved by introducing a statistical error that can be controlled by varying the number of stochastic orbitals or by tuning the fraction of ERIs that are computed deterministically using the range-separated resolution of the identity. Within the adiabatic approximation, the Kadanoff-Baym equations can be reduced to a single-time integro-differential equation, which is efficiently solved using the dynamic mode decomposition method. We assessed the performance of the DMD method for a chain of hydrogen dimers of various lengths and found that it is sufficient to train the systems for times as short as 2 fs (independent of the system size) to greatly improve the resolution of the absorption spectra. The method presented in this work offers the possibility to study neutral excitations in systems with hundreds to thousands of electrons at the GF2 closure. This complements the growing manifold of stochastic methods capable of elucidating the electronic structure of the ground and excited states in extended systems with open or closed boundary conditions. Further directions include the development of stochastic techniques that allow the efficient propagation of the two-time Kadanoff-Baym equations (Eq. (<ref>) and <ref>), opening the possibility to describe strongly driven system beyond the adiabatic limit. CY, DRR, and ER are grateful for support from the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research, Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC) program, under Award No. DE-SC0022088. Some of the methods used in this work were provided by the Center for Computational Study of Excited State Phenomena in Energy Materials (C2SEPEM), which is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences, Materials Sciences and Engineering Division, via Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231 as part of the Computational Materials Sciences program. Resources of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility operated under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231 are also acknowledged. RB and ER acknowledge support from the US-Israel Binational Science Foundation BSF-201836.
A generative model to synthetize spatio-temporal dynamics of biomolecules in cells
[ "Lisa Balsollier", "Frédéric Lavancier", "Jean Salamero", "Charles Kervrann" ]
[ "q-bio.SC", "stat.AP" ]
#1 1 1,2,3]Lisa Balsollier 1]Frédéric Lavancier 2,3]Jean Salamero 2,3]Charles Kervrann [1]LMJL, UMR 6629 CNRS, Nantes Université, F-44322 Nantes, France [2]SERPICO Project-Team, Centre Inria de l’Université de Rennes, F-35042 Rennes Cedex, France [3]Institut Curie, UMR CNRS 144, PSL Research University, Sorbonne Universités, F-75005 Paris, France A generative model to synthetize spatio-temporal dynamics of biomolecules in cells [ =================================================================================== Generators of space-time dynamics in bioimaging have become essential to build ground truth datasets for image processing algorithm evaluation such as biomolecule detectors and trackers, as well as to generate training datasets for deep learning algorithms. In this contribution, we leverage a stochastic model, called birth-death-move (BDM) point process, in order to generate joint dynamics of biomolecules in cells. This approach is very flexible and allows us to model a system of particles in motion, possibly in interaction, that can each possibly switch from a motion regime (e.g. Brownian) to another (e.g. a directed motion), along with the appearance over time of new trajectories and their death after some lifetime, all of these features possibly depending on the current spatial configuration of all existing particles. We explain how to specify all characteristics of a BDM model, with many practical examples that are relevant for bioimaging applications. Based on real fluorescence microscopy datasets, we finally calibrate our model to mimic the joint dynamics of Langerin and Rab11 proteins near the plasma membrane. We show that the resulting synthetic sequences exhibit comparable features as those observed in real microscopy image sequences. Keywords: Simulation and Image Synthesis, Intracellular dynamics and Molecular Motion, Fluorescence Microscopy, Birth-death-move process, Spatial Statistics. § INTRODUCTION A long-term goal in fundamental biology is to decipher the spatio-temporal dynamic coordination and organization of interacting molecules within molecular complexes at the single cell level. This includes the characterization of intracellular dynamics, which is essential to a better understanding of fundamental mechanisms like membrane transport. To that end, dedicated image analysis methods have been developed to process challenging temporal series of 2D-3D images acquired by fluorescence microscopy, see for instance <cit.>. In this context, mathematical and biophysical models are indispensable to decode the traffic flows of biomolecules. They constitue crucial prior motion models in most particle tracking procedures <cit.>, and they are needed to carry out simulations in order to, for instance, evaluate the performance of image analysis algorithms and train complex models like supervised deep neural networks <cit.>. In past years, stochastic models for individual trajectories of particles have been introduced, allowing for Brownian, confined or directed motions with variable velocities within the cell <cit.>, and possibly supported along a cytoskeleton network <cit.>. However, these modelling approaches hardly represent the collective motion of particles and global biomolecule trafficking. The latter should ideally include possible interactions between biomolecules, in particular between different types of proteins, giving raise to the colocalisation phenomena observed in several applications <cit.>. It should also be able to generate the lifetime of each trajectory, its spatial distribution and its starting time during the simulated image sequences. We propose in this contribution to leverage a tailored stochastic model introduced in <cit.>, which is able to generate the aforementioned features. This so-called birth-death-move (BDM) spatial point process is a flexible model for the dynamics of a system of particles (here a group of biomolecules), that move over time, while some new particles may appear in the cell and some existing particles may disappear. We further add the possibility for each particle to be marked by a given label, e.g. among different possible labeled proteins and/or different types of motion regimes, and this mark may change over time, e.g. a particle may switch from one regime (e.g. Brownian) to another (e.g. subdiffusive). This switch of a mark is sometimes called a “mutation” in the literature, but we prefer here to use the term “transformation” to avoid misunderstanding with a genuine biological mutation. Moreover the trajectories can be driven by any continuous Markov diffusion model, that includes all models for individual trajectories previously considered in the literature, and some interactions may be introduced so that colocalization phenomena can be generated. The intensity of births, that govern the waiting time before the next appearance of a new particle, may depend on the current configuration of particles, and similarly for the intensity of deaths. For instance, we may design that the more biomolecules in the cell there are, the higher the death intensity is, implying a rapid disappearance. Some spatial effects may also be taken into account, in order to create distinct motion regimes in some regions of the cell, or to encourage some spatial regions for the appearance of a new particle, e.g. nearby some existing particles due to colocalization. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section <ref>, we give the precise definition of our stochastic process, and we in particular list all ingredients needed to fully specify the model. An iterative construction is presented in Section <ref>, clarifying how the dynamics proceeds, and an effective simulation algorithm is formally detailed in the appendix and made available online. In Section <ref>, we provide numerous examples for the specifications of the model, that we think are relevant for many real biomolecules dynamics. In Section <ref>, we demonstrate the potential of our generator by focusing on the joint dynamics of Langerin and Rab11 proteins being involved in membrane trafficking. Our approach starts by the inspection of a real dataset in order to choose and calibrate judiciously the different parameters of the BDM model. This dataset consists of a sequence of images acquired by 3D multi-angle TIRF (total internal reflection fluorescence) microscopy technique <cit.>, depicting the locations of Langerin and Rab11 proteins close to the plasma membrane of the cell, specifically over a distance of 1 μm in the z-axis. After some post-processing, the sequence shows a set of trajectories for both type of proteins, that follow different motion regimes, are spatially distributed within the cell in a specific way, and occur at different periods during the sequence, which is in perfect line with the dynamics of a BDM process. The observed trajectories for the Langerin channel are depicted on the leftmost plot of Figure <ref>. We compute a set of descriptors from this dataset in order to calibrate the parameters of our stochastic process, but also to create some benchmark features for the assessment of our synthetic sequences. Finally, in Section <ref>, we generate several simulated sequences and show that they exhibit comparable features as those observed in the real sequence. An example of generated trajectories is displayed in the rightmost plot of Figure <ref>. Supplementary materials, including the Python code for simulation, the raw data and some further simulated sequences, are available in our online GitHub repository at <https://github.com/balsollier-lisa/BDM-generator-for-bioimaging>. § THE MATHEMATICAL MODEL §.§ Heuristic and notations In order to mimic the dynamics of biomolecules, we consider a multitype birth-death-move process with mutations, denoted by (_t)_t≥0.This process is a generalisation of birth-death-move processes, as introduced in <cit.>. In the following, to avoid misunderstanding we rather use the term “transformation” instead of “mutation”, as explained in Section <ref>. This section describes the spatio-temporal dynamics of (_t)_t≥0 and introduces some notation. At each time t, _t is a collection of particles located in a bounded set Λ of ^d. Each particle is assigned a mark that represents a certain feature. We denote by the collection of possible marks. Through time, the particles move (possibly depending on their associated mark and in interaction with each other) and three sudden changes may occur, that we call “jumps”: * a “birth”: a new particle, assigned with a mark, may appear; * a “death”: an existing particle may disappear; * a “transformation”: the mark of an existing particle may change. Example: In our biological application treated in Section <ref>, Λ represents a cell in dimension d=2 or d=3. We observe inside this cell two types of particles, associated to Langerin and Rab11 proteins, and each of them moves according to three different possible regimes: Brownian, superdiffusive or subdiffusive. For this example, each particle is therefore marked out of 6 possibilities, whether it is associated to Langerin (L) or Rab11 (R), and depending on its motion regime (1 to 3), so that ={ (L,1),(L,2),(L,3), (R,1),(R,2),(R,3)}. Through time, each particle moves independently of the others according to its motion regime and eventually a new particle may appear, an existing one may disappear, and the motion regime of some particles may change. We denote by n(_t) the number of particles at time t. Each particle x_i∈_t, for i=1,…,n(_t), is decomposed as x_i=(z_i,m_i) where z_i∈Λ stands for its position while m_i∈ denotes its mark. Accordingly we have _t∈ (Λ×)^n(_t). (Strictly speaking the ordering of particles in _t does not matter, because any permutation of particles leads to the same collection of particles. We choose in this paper to bypass this nuance and use the same notation as if _t was a vector a particles, even it is actually a set of particles.) Since the number of particles changes over time, the stochastic process (_t)_t≥0 takes its values in the space E=⋃_n∈ (Λ×)^n. To stress the fact that _t is not a simple value but encodes the positions and marks of a system of particles, we will say that this system at time t is in configuration _t. To fully specify the dynamics of (_t)_t≥ 0, we need the following ingredients: * A system of equations (Move) that rules the way each particle of _t moves continuously between two jumps. We will typically consider a system of stochastic differential equations acting on the position of each particle, possibly depending on their associated mark and in interaction with the other particles; * Three continuous bounded functions β, δ and τ from E to [0,∞), called birth, death and transformation intensity functions respectively, that govern the waiting times before a new birth, a new death and a new transformation. At each time t, we may interpret β(_t)dt as the probability that a birth occurs in the interval [t, t+dt], given that the system of particles is in the configuration _t, and similarly for δ and τ. * Three transition probability functions that indicate how each jump occurs: * p^β((z,m)|): probability density function that the birth occurs at the position z with the mark m, given that there is a birth and that the system of particles is in configuration at the birth time; * p^δ(x_i|), for x_i∈: probability that the death concerns the particle x_i in , given that there is a death and that the system of particles is in configuration at the death time; * p^τ((z_i,m_i),m|), for (z_i,m_i)∈: probability that the particle x_i=(z_i,m_i) in changes its mark and that this transformation leads to the new mark m≠ m_i, given that there is a transformation and that the system of particles is in configuration at the transformation time. We provide in Section <ref> some examples for the choice of these characteristics. Finally, we will denote by T_1,T_2,… the jump times of the process and we agree that T_0=0. §.§ Algorithmic construction Assume we are given the characteristics of the process (_t)_t≥ 0 as introduced in the previous section, that are the system of equations (Move), the intensity functions β, δ, τ, and the transition probability functions p^β, p^δ, p^τ. Then, starting from an initial configuration _0 at time T_0=0, we construct iteratively the process in the time interval [0,T] as follows. Here we set α=β+δ+τ to be the total intensity of jumps. * Generate n(_0) continuous trajectories as solutions of (Move) in the interval [0,T-T_0], given the initial conditions _0. Denote (_t)_t∈[0,T-T_0] these trajectories. * By flipping a coin, test whether the jump time T_1 occurs after T (this is with probability p) or before T (this is with probability 1-p), where p=exp(-∫_0^T-T_0α(_u)d u). * If T_1>T, then _t= _t-T_0 for all t∈ [T_0,T], which completes the simulation. * Otherwise, we continue by generating T_1 in [T_0,T] and the associated jump as in the following. * Generate T_1-T_0, given that T_1<T, according to the probability distribution (T_1-T_0<t| T_1<T)=1/1-p(1-exp(-∫_0^t α(_u)d u)), 0<t<T-T_0. The process until the time T_1 is then given by the generated trajectories, i.e. (_t)_T_0≤ t< T_1=(_t-T_0)_T_0≤ t< T_1. * Draw which kind of jump occurs at T_1 (we denote by _T_1^- the configuration of the process just before the jump, which is _T_1-T_0 by continuity of (_t)): * this is a birth with probability β(_T_1^-)/ α(_T_1^-); * this is a death with probability δ(_T_1^-)/ α(_T_1^-); * this is a transformation with probability τ(_T_1^-)/ α(_T_1^-). * Generate the jump at t=T_1 to get _T_1 as follows: * if this is a birth, generate the new particle x=(z,m) according to the probability density function p^β((z,m)|_T_1^-). Then set _T_1=_T_1^-∪ (z,m); * if this is a death, draw which particle x_i∈_T_1^- to delete according to the probability p^δ(x_i|_T_1^-), for i=1,…,n(_T_1^-). Then set _T_1=_T_1^-∖ x_i; * if this is a transformation, draw which particle x_i=(z_i,m_i)∈_T_1^- is transformed and generate its transformation according to p^τ((z_i,m_i),m|_T_1^-), for i=1,…,n(_T_1^-). Then set _T_1=(_T_1^-∖ (z_i,m_i)) ∪ (z_i,m). * Back to step 1 with T_0← T_1 and _0←_T_1 in order to generate the new trajectories starting from _T_1 and the next jump time T_2, and so on. In the first step of the above construction, the trajectories are generated up to the final time T. It is however very likely that the next jump occurs much before T so that it would be sufficient and computationally more efficient to generate these trajectories on a shorter time interval. We provide in Appendix a formal algorithm of simulation of _t for t∈[0,T], following the above construction and including the latter idea. This algorithm has been implemented in Python and is available in our GitHub repository. From a theoretical side, note that the specific exponential form of the probability distribution of the inter-jump waiting time in step 3 is necessary to imply the interpretation of β, δ and τ explained in the previous section. This exponential form also implies that (_t)_t≥ 0 is a Markov process, meaning that its future dynamics only depends on its present configuration. We refer to <cit.> for more details about these theoretical aspects. §.§ Exemplified specifications of the model §.§.§ The inter-jumps motion Recall that during an inter-jump period, the process (_t) has a constant cardinality n=n(_t) and the marks of all its particles remain constant. We denote by (_t) a system of n such particles (z_i,t,m_i), for i=1,…,n, where z_i,t∈Λ represents the position of the i-th particle at time t and m_i∈ is its constant mark, that is _t=((z_1,t,m_1),⋯,(z_n,t,m_n)). In agreement with the construction of the previous section, the inter-jump trajectory of each particle of (_t) will coincide with the n trajectories of (_t) during this period. As a general example, we assume that (_t) follows the following system of stochastic differential equation, starting at t=0 at the configuration 𝐲_0∈ (Λ×)^n, (Move): {[ d z_i,t=v_i(t,_t)d t +σ_i(t,_t)d B_i,t, t≥ 0, i=1,…,n,; _0=𝐲_0, ]. where the drift functions v_i take their values in ^d, the diffusion σ_i are non-negative functions, and (B_i,t), i=1,…,n, are n independent standard Brownian motions in ^d. Here, 𝐲_0, v_i and σ_i are free parameters to be chosen. Some conditions on the drift and diffusion functions are necessary to ensure the existence and unicity of the solution of (Move). This holds for instance if these functions are Lipschitz <cit.>, a condition met for the following examples. In addition, since each particle is supposed to evolve in the bounded set Λ of ^d, we need in practice to force the trajectories of (Move) to stay in Λ. This may be achieved by reflecting the trajectories at the boundary of Λ. In its general form, (Move) allows the motion of each particle to depend on its mark, but also on the position and mark of the other particles (that are part of _t). We detail several examples below, that may be realistic for biological applications. brownian Example <ref>(Brownian motions): If v_i(t,_t)=0 and σ_i(t,_t)=σ (for σ>0) is constant, then each particle follows a Brownian motion with the same diffusion coefficient σ, independently of the other particles. spatial diffusion Example <ref>(spatially varying diffusion coefficients): If v_i(t,_t)=0 and σ_i(t,_t)=σ_m_i(z_i,t), where σ_m_i is a positive fonction defined on Λ, then each particle follows an independent diffusive motion, where the diffusive coefficient depends on the associated mark and may vary in space. For instance, assume that Λ=Λ_1∪Λ_2 with Λ_1∩Λ_2=∅ and that for m∈, σ_m(z)=σ_1,m if z∈Λ_1, σ_2,m if z∈Λ_2, where σ_1,m>0, σ_2,m>0. Then each particle with mark m follows locally in Λ_1 a Brownian motion with diffusion coefficient σ_1,m and locally in Λ_2 a Brownian motion with diffusion coefficient σ_2,m. Note that as such, σ_m is not Lipschitz and it needs to be smooth so as to fit the theoretical setting. This may be achieved by taking the convolution of σ_m by a bump function. super sub Example <ref>(superdiffusive and subdiffusive motions): If v_i(t,_t)=v_m_i(z_i,t) and σ_i(t,_t)=σ_m_i, where v_m_i is defined on Λ and σ_m_i>0, then each particle evolves independently of each other with a drift and a diffusion coefficient that depend on its mark. This example includes the superdiffusive case considered in <cit.> when v_m_i(z)=v_m_i is a constant drift. It also includes the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck dynamics, also considered in <cit.>, when v_m_i(z_i,t)= -λ_m_i(z_i,t-z_i,0), where λ_m_i>0 can be interpreted as a force of attraction towards the initial position z_i,0, leading to a confined trajectory. interacting Example <ref>(interacting particles): In this example, we show how we can include interactions between the particles through a Langevin dynamics. To do so, we introduce, for m,m'∈, pairwise interaction functions Φ_m,m', as considered in statistical physics: For r>0, Φ_m,m'(r) represents the pairwise interaction between a particle with mark m and a particle with mark m' at a distance r apart. If Φ_m,m'(r)=0, there is no interaction, if Φ_m,m'(r)>0 there is inhibition between the two particles at distance r, and if Φ_m,m'(r)<0 there is attraction. Examples of inhibitive interaction functions can be found in <cit.>. The (overdamped) Langevin dynamics associated to these interactions reads as (Move) with σ_i(t,_t)=σ_m_i, σ_m_i>0, and v_i(t,_t)=-∑_j≠ i∇Φ_m_i,m_j(z_i,t-z_j,t), where ∇ denotes the Gradient operator. Accordingly, each particle moves in a direction that tend to decrease the value of the pairwise interaction function with the other particles. coloc move Example <ref>(colocalized particles): Assume that some particles, say with mark m, are thought to be colocalized with particles having the mark m̃. This means that we expect the former to be localised nearby the latter and to follow approximately the same motion. Specifically, to let the particle i with mark m be colocalized with the particle j with mark m̃, we may simply define z_i,t=z_j,t+σ_i B_i,t, t>0, where B_i,t is a standard Brownian motion in ^d representing the deviation of the trajectory i around the trajectory j, and σ_i>0 quantifies the strength of this deviation. Here z_j,t may be defined as in the previous examples, for instance as the typical trajectory of a particle with mark m̃. §.§.§ The intensity functions Recall that the intensity functions β, δ and τ rule the waiting times until the next birth, death and transformation, respectively. Heuristically, the probability that a birth occurs in the time interval [t,t+dt] given that the particles are in configuration _t is β(_t)dt, and similarly for δ and τ. As a consequence these probabilities may evolve over time according to the configuration of particles, making for instance a death more likely to happen when there are many particles or a high concentration of them in some region, due to competition. We provide some natural examples below. For each example, any of β, δ or τ can be set similarly, even if we focus only on one of them. constant intensity Example <ref>(constant intensities): The simplest situation is when the intensity functions are constant, for instance β(_t)=β with β>0. Then births appear at a constant rate and we can expect that in average β×(s-t) new particles appear during the interval [s,t]. cardinality intensity Example <ref>(intensities depending on the cardinality): If δ(_t)=δ n(_t), with δ>0, then the more particles there are, the more deaths we observe. This is a natural situation when each particle is thought to have a constant death rate δ, so that the total death intensity for the system of particles at time t is just the sum of them, that is δ n(_t). spatial intensity Example <ref>(spatially varying intensities): Assume that the mark of a particle (say its motion regime) has more chance to change in some region of Λ than another, then the transformation intensity τ may reflect this dependency. Let for instance Λ=Λ_1∪Λ_2 with Λ_1∩Λ_2=∅ and define τ(_t)=τ_1 n_1(_t) + τ_2 n_2(_t) where τ_1<τ_2 and n_1(_t) (resp. n_2(_t)) denotes the number of particles in Λ_1 (resp. in Λ_2). Then for a given cardinality n(_t), the more proportion of particles in Λ_2, the more transformations happen. Note that in order to be rigorous, we should consider a continuous version of τ, which can be achieved by convolution with a bump function. coloc intensity Example <ref>(transformation due to colocalization): Assume that some m-particles (that are the particles with mark m) can be colocalized with some m̃-particles. Assume in addition that the particles are assigned a second mark that encodes their motion regime (e.g. diffuse, subdiffusive or superdiffusive). Eventually, during the dynamics of particles, a non-colocolized m-particle may become colocolized with a m̃-particle, meaning that it becomes D-close to a m̃-particle, where D is some prescribed colocalization distance. If so, we may expect that the motion regime of the m-particle becomes similar as the m̃-particle, so that a transformation must occur. Let n_D,m,m̃(_t) be the number of D-close pairs of particles with marks m and m̃, whose motion regimes are different. Then we may define τ(_t)=τ n_D,m,m̃(_t), for some τ>0, so that a transformation (of motion regime here) is very likely to occur when the aforementioned situation happen. Note that if τ is large, such transformation will quickly happen as soon as n_D,m,m̃(_t)=1, and so n_D,m,m̃(_t)>1 will be unlikely to be observed. Here again a smooth version of τ can be introduced by convolution to ensure its continuity. §.§.§ The transition probability functions We detail examples for the three possible transitions, in order below: births, deaths and transformations. For the births, remember that p^β((z,m)|) denotes the probability density function (pdf) that a particle appears at the position z with the mark m, given that the system of particles are in configuration . To set this probability, two approaches are possible: * First drawing the mark m of the new particle with respect to some probability p^β(m|), then the position of the new particle given its mark according to some pdf p^β(z|,m). This leads to the decomposition p^β((z,m)|)=p^β(m|)p^β(z|,m). * First generating the position of the new particle with respect to some pdf p^β(z|), then its mark m given the position with probability p^β(m|,z). This leads to the decomposition p^β((z,m)|)=p^β(z|)p^β(m|,z). unif births Example <ref>(uniform births): This is the simple example where the births do not depend on the environment, are uniform in space and the marks are drawn with respect to some prescribed probabilities p_m, where ∑_m∈ p_m=1. The two above approaches then coincide with p^β(m|)=p^β(m|,z)=p_m and p^β(z|,m)= p^β(z|) = 1/|Λ| for z∈Λ. coloc births Example <ref>(colocalized births): We adopt here the first approach above. We first draw the marks independently of the environment by setting p^β(m|)=p_m with ∑_m∈ p_m=1, as in the previous example. Second, in order to generate the position of a new m-particle, thought to be colocalized with the m̃-particles, we may use a mixture of isotropic normal distribution, centered at each m̃-particle, with deviation σ>0. Denoting by ñ() the number of m̃-particles in and z̃_i their positions (i=1,…,ñ()), this means that p^β(z|,m)= 1/ñ()∑_i=1^ñ()1/(σ√(2π))^dexp(-z-z̃_i/2σ^2). Note that to be rigorous p^β(z|,m) should be restricted to Λ with a proper normalisation, otherwise some particles might be generated outside Λ. We omit these details. spatial births Example <ref>(spatially dependent new marks): We may adopt the second approach by first generating a uniform position for the new particle, i.e. p^β(z|)= 1/|Λ| for z∈Λ, and second by drawing the mark according to the generated position. Let for instance Λ=Λ_1∪Λ_2 with Λ_1∩Λ_2=∅ and set p^β(m|,z)= p_1,m if z∈Λ_1, p_2,m if z∈Λ_2, where ∑_m∈ p_1,m=∑_m∈ p_2,m=1. Then depending on the position, the distribution of the marks may be different. We now focus on the death transition, namely the probability p^δ(x_i|), for x_i∈, that the particle x_i in disappears when there is a death. unif deaths Example <ref>(uniform deaths): The simplest example is when a death occurs uniformly over the existing particles, that is p^δ(x_i|)=1/n() for i=1,…,n(). competition deaths Example <ref>(deaths due to competition): We may imagine that, due to competition, a particle is more likely to disappear if there are too many neighbours around it. Let n_D(x_i) be the number of neighbouring particles around x_i within distance D>0. To take into account the competition at distance D>0, we may define p^δ(x_i|)=n_D(x_i)/∑_j=1^n() n_D(x_j). Similarly, if relevant, we may count the number of neighbours of a certain mark only. Finally, we focus on p^τ((z_i,m_i),m|), for (z_i,m_i)∈, which is the probability that the particle x_i=(z_i,m_i) in changes its mark from m_i to m≠ m_i, when a transformation happens. Similarly as for the birth transition probability, it is natural to decompose this probability as p^τ((z_i,m_i),m|)=p^τ((z_i,m_i)|)p^τ(m|,(z_i,m_i)), where p^τ((z_i,m_i)|) represents the probability to choose the particle (z_i,m_i) in the configuration , in order to change its mark, and p^τ(m|,(z_i,m_i)) is the probability to choose the new mark m given that the transformed particle is located at z_i with mark m_i. indep transfo Example <ref>(transformations independent on the environment): A typical situation is when the particle to transform is drawn uniformly over the existing particles, that is p^τ((z_i,m_i)|)=1/n(), and the transformation is carried out independently on the environment, according to a transition matrix with entries p_m,m'≥ 0, m,m'∈, representing the probability to be transformed from mark m to mark m'. Here, for all m∈, we assume p_m,m=0 in order to ensure a genuine transformation, and of course ∑_m'∈p_m,m'=1. With this formalism, we thus have p^τ(m|,(z_i,m_i))=p_m_i,m. spatial transfo Example <ref>(spatially dependent transformations): To make the previous example spatially dependent, introduce p_m(z), a pdf in Λ representing the locations in Λ where a particle with mark m is more or less likely to be transformed. Then we may set p^τ((z_i,m_i)|)=n_i()/n()p_m_i(z_i)/∑_j=1^n_i() p_m_i(z_j^(m_i)) , where n_i() denotes the number of particles with marks m_i in and z_j^(m_i), j=1,…,n_i(), their positions. In this expression n_i()/n() is a weight accounting for the prevalence of mark m_i in and the sum in the denominator is a normalisation so that the probabilities sum to 1. Note that if p_m(z) is the uniform pdf on Λ, then we recover the uniform distribution p^τ((z_i,m_i)|)=1/n(). Furthermore, once the particle is chosen as above, we may apply a spatially dependent transformation as follows. Let Λ=Λ_1∪Λ_2 with Λ_1∩Λ_2=∅ and let two different transition matrices with respective entries p^(1)_m,m' and p^(2)_m,m', for m,m'∈. Then we may set p^τ(m|,(z_i,m_i))= p^(1)_m_i,m if z_i∈Λ_1, p^(2)_m_i,m if z_i∈Λ_2. Accordingly, the transformation does not follow the same distribution, whether the chosen particle to be transformed is located in Λ_1 or Λ_2. coloc transfo Example <ref>(transformation due to colocalization): Assume that we are in the same situation as in Example <ref> where m-particles can be colocalized to m̃-particles. We assume like in this example that a transformation occurs if n_D,m,m̃(_t)≥ 1, where n_D,m,m̃(_t) denotes the number of D-close pairs of particles with marks m and m̃, whose motion regimes are different. Then, when a transformation happens, we may choose the m-particle to be transformed uniformly over those m-particles that are D-close to a m̃-particle with a different motion regime. Then the transformation makes the motion regime of the selected m-particle similar as the motion regime of its closest m̃-particle. § APPLICATION TO THE JOINT DYNAMICS OF LANGERIN/RAB11 PROTEINS §.§ Description of the dataset The dataset we consider comes from the observation by a 3D multi-angle TIRF (total internal reflection fluorescence) microscopy technique of the intracellular trafficking of m-Cherry Langerin and GFP Rab11 proteins in a RPE1 living cell <cit.>, specifically projected along the z-axis onto the 2D plane close to the plasma membrane. This provides a 2D image sequence of 1199 frames, each lasting 140 ms and showing the simultaneous locations of the two types of proteins. The two images at the top of Figure <ref> depict the first frame of the raw sequence for the Langerin fluorescent channel and the Rab11 fluorescent channel, respectively, recorded simultaneously using a dual-view optical device. Note that the cell adheres on a fibronectin micropattern, which constrains intracellular constituents such as cytoskeleton elements and gives a reproducible shape, explaining the “umbrella” shape of the cell. These raw sequences are post-processed following <cit.>, then each bright spot is represented by a single point, and we apply the U-track algorithm <cit.> to estimate particle trajectories. The bottom images of Figure <ref> show the resulting trajectories for the Langerin channel and the Rab11 channel, respectively. These trajectories have been further analysed by the method developed in <cit.> to classify them into three diffusion regimes: Brownian, superdiffusive and subdiffusive, which corresponds to the blue, red and green colors, respectively, in Figure <ref>. To be more specific in the analysis of all trajectories, we fit three parametric models to each of them, following <cit.>, depending on their regime: * For a Brownian regime (in blue): a Brownian motion, * for a superdiffusive regime (in red): a Brownian motion with constant drift, * for a subdiffusive regime (in green): an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. Each trajectory has its individual parameters (see Examples <ref> and <ref>), estimated by maximum likelihood. Furthermore, some trajectories may change from one regime to another, which corresponds to a “transformation” in the BDM model that will be specified in the next section. Figure <ref> summarises different features of the obtained trajectories for the Langerin sequence (the same characteristics have been analysed for the Rab11 sequence, but are not detailed here). The histograms at the bottom display the duration of all trajectories (in frames), according to their regime. We can observe that the (blue) Brownian and (red) superdiffusive trajectories have quite a short lifetime in average, in comparison with the subdiffusive trajectories (in green). The top-right boxplots represent the distribution of the number of particles per frame, according to their regime: there is a majority of Brownian motions, followed by subdiffusive motions and a minority of superdiffusive motions. Finally, the top-left circular histogram aims at depicting the orientation of the drift vectors for the superdiffusive (red) trajectories. Specifically, for this plot, we have recorded the deviation of the drift angle (in degrees) with respect to the direction towards the center of the cell. For instance this deviation is 0^∘ if the drift goes towards the center, and 180^∘ if it goes in the opposite direction. It appears from this plot that most deviation angles are around 0^∘ or 180^∘, meaning that the red trajectories mainly move in a radial direction going to (or starting from) the center of the cell. The above descriptors will be helpful to calibrate the parameters of the BDM model in the next section and they will also serve as benchmarks to evaluate the quality of our simulations. However it is important to keep in mind that they come with some approximations and errors induced by imperfect tracking algorithms. In particular, no trajectory can last less than 10 frames in the data, which is a minimal length of detection for our tracking method. It is also clear in the bottom plots of Figure <ref>, that some directed (superdiffusive) trajectories appear wrongly in blue, which can be explained by the multiple testing procedure of <cit.> that aims at minimizing the number of false positives (that are bad green or bad red trajectories) to the detriment of possibly too many false negatives (that are wrong blue trajectories). Concerning the births and deaths of trajectories, we summarize in Table <ref> their total numbers observed in the real-dataset, according to the type of proteins and motion regime. The number of regime transformations is in turn given in Table <ref> for the Langerin proteins. For the Rab11 proteins, only one switching from a Brownian motion to a subdiffusive motion was observed during the sequence. To address in detail these jumps dynamics, we leverage the study carried out for the same dataset in <cit.>, where it has been concluded that for each type of proteins and motion regimes, the birth intensity is constant, like in Example <ref>, while the death intensity is proportional to the number of existing particles, like in Example <ref>. Given the small number of observed motion regime transformations, its intensity can also be considered as constant. Concerning the transition probability functions, the deaths occur uniformly over all existing particles, like in Example <ref>. As to the birth transition, there is no reason to choose another density than the uniform distribution over the cell for the Rab11 proteins (Example <ref>). But due to colocalization (as observed for this dataset in <cit.>), the birth density for the Langerin positive structures can be approximated by a mixture between a uniform distribution, for 93% of the Langerin births, and a colocalized density around the existing Rab11 vesicles, like in Example <ref>, for 7% of the Langerin births. These proportions, along with the other parameters, have been estimated by maximum likelihood. §.§ Simulation of synthetic sequences §.§.§ Model parameters setting Based on the data analysis of the previous section, we are now in position to specify all characteristics of the BDM process with transformations presented in Section <ref>, so as to mimic the joint dynamics of Langerin/Rab11 proteins within a cell. To make the connection with the theoretical notation, the region of interest Λ represents the cell in dimension d=2. Each particle in Λ will be marked by a label from the set ={ (L,1),(L,2),(L,3), (R,1),(R,2),(R,3)}, where L stands for the Langerin proteins, R for the Rab11 proteins, and the number 1,2 or 3 indicates the motion regime of the particle: Brownian, superdiffusive or subdiffusive, respectively. Concerning the motion of each trajectory, it follows the regime indicated by its mark and is in agreement with the observed trajectories from the real-dataset detailed in the previous section, see also Examples <ref> and <ref>: * For a Brownian motion, we draw the diffusion coefficient according to the empirical distribution of the diffusion coefficients estimated from the Brownian motions of the real-dataset, for the same type of proteins (L or R); * For a superdiffusive motion, we generate a Brownian motion with constant drift, with the same strategy for the choice of the diffusion coefficient, and where the drift vector is chosen as follows: it is by default oriented towards the center of the cell, this orientation being subjected to a deviation drawn from the empirical distribution depicted in the top-left circular histogram of Figure <ref>. In addition, its norm is drawn from the empirical distribution of the drift norms observed from the real-dataset. Here again, each set of parameters is distinct for the Langerin and Rab11 proteins; * For a subdiffusive motion, we generate an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with diffusion coefficient 0.4 for all particles (which is the average from the real-dataset), and parameter λ=5.96 for the Langerin proteins, and λ=7.41 for the Rab11 proteins. In these values, the unit is pixels, and one pixel is 160× 160 nm^2 in our images. Concerning the intensity functions, we set the birth intensity and the transformation intensity to constant values, as concluded from the real-data analysis. In agreement with Table <ref>, the total birth intensity can be estimated by β()=1248/167.86=7.43, whatever the configuration of particles is, because 1248 is the total number of observed births and 167.86 is the total time length of the sequence (in seconds). Similarly we set τ()=16/167.86=0.095 since 16 transformations have been observed in the real sequence. For the death intensity, for each mark m∈, we let it proportional to the number of particles, that is δ_m n_m(), where n_m() is the number of particles with mark m in the configuration and δ_m has been estimated from the real-dataset as follows: δ_m = 0.17 if m=(L,1), δ_m =0.14 if m=(L,2), δ_m =0.07 if m=(L,3), δ_m =0.21 if m=(R,1), δ_m =0.25 if m=(R,2), and δ_m =0.08 if m=(R,3). The total death intensity for the configuration of particles is then δ()=∑_m∈δ_m n_m(). Finally we set the transition probability functions as follows. For the death transition, the probability to kill the particle x_i=(z_i,m_i) in the configuration is set to p^δ((z_i,m_i)|)=δ_m_i/δ(), which means that we first draw the mark m with probability δ_m n_m() /δ() and then the particle uniformly among all existing particles with mark m. For the transformation transition, we first select the type of proteins to transform with probability 15/16 for Langerin and 1/16 for Rab11, in line with the transformations rates observed in the real-sequence, second we choose a particle uniformly among all existing particles of this type, and third, as in Example <ref>, we apply a regime transformation with respect to the following transition matrix (from the regime in rows to the regime in columns): 1 2 3 1 0 1/4 3/4 2 1/2 0 1/2 3 1 0 0 . This matrix is in agreement with Table <ref> concerning the Langerin proteins, where we have added some possible transitions from regime 1 to 2, and from regime 2 to 1, that appear to us likely to occur, even if they were not observed in the (quite rare) transformations in the real-sequence. The same transition matrix has been set for the Rab11 proteins, since there is not enough observed transformations in the real-sequence (only one) to design a finer choice. It remains to set the birth transition probability. First, we select the type of protein to create with probability 747/1248 for the Langerin proteins and 501/1248 for the Rab11 proteins, following Table <ref>. If the selected type is Rab11, then it is generated uniformly in the cell with regime 1 with probability 0.784, 2 with probability 0.048 and 3 with probability 0.168, which corresponds to the relative proportion of births of each regime over all births for the real Rab11 sequence. If the selected type is Langerin, then we flip a coin for colocalization with probability p=0.07. If there is no colocalization, then the new Langerin protein is generated uniformly in the cell with regime 1 with probability 0.807, 2 with probability 0.104 and 3 with probability 0.088 (the observed relative proportions of births). If there is colocalization, then the new Langerin protein is generated around an existing Rab11 protein according to the density (<ref>) in Example <ref>, where by maximum likelihood estimation σ=1.1. In this case, the regime of the new Langerin protein and its drift vector for a superdiffusive motion are similar as the those of its colocalized Rab11 protein. §.§.§ Analysis of resulting simulations We have generated 100 sequences following the model of the previous section, during the same time length as the real-sequence of Section <ref>, that is 167.86s for 1199 frames. Some descriptors concerning the generated Langerin trajectories coming from two simulated sequences are depicted in Figures <ref> and <ref>, that are to be compared with the similar outputs of the real-data in Figures <ref> and <ref>. The results for other simulated sequences can be seen in our GitHub repository. We have also summarized the mean number of births and deaths over the 100 simulated sequences in Table <ref>, to be compared with Table <ref>. Both graphical and quantitative results demonstrate that our generator is able to create a joint dynamics with comparable features as those observed in the real-data sequence. § CONCLUSION AND PERSPECTIVES We have leveraged an original stochastic model, namely a multitype birth-death-move process with transformations, in order to generate realistic image sequences of biomolecules dynamics within a cell. This stochastic process not only models the individual trajectory of particles, but it is also able to generate the appearance (i.e., birth), disappearance (i.e., death) and regime switching (i.e., transformation) of each trajectory over time, the occurence of which possibly depending on the configuration of the existing particles (e.g. their numbers). The model is very flexible and is specified thanks to three sets of parameters: 1) a system describing the set of trajectories (typically a system of stochastic differential equations); 2) the intensity functions, ruling the waiting time before a new appearance, a disappearance or a switching; 3) the transition probability functions, driving where a new particle appears when there is a birth, which particle disappears when there is a death, and which particle switches its regime (and how) when there is a transformation. Numerous examples of these model specifications have been detailed. We demonstrated the relevance of this approach by generating realistic image sequences of the joint dynamics of Langerin/Rab11 proteins within a cell, based on a preliminary data-based analysis in order to finely calibrate the model. Since the model is very flexible, an important step is the choice of model characteristics and parameters. In order to improve our approach, a deeper empirical study based from many image sequences might help calibrating robustly the model. Once the parameters are fitted, the generation of an image sequence is quite fast: about one minute on an regular laptop for the generation of 2000 frames containing each about 70 trajectories in interaction. In an effort to generate even more realistic image sequences, we may consider to blur the system of generated particles using the point spread function, and to add some noise and background. In relation, additional features could be computed from both the real-image sequence and the synthetic ones in order to strengthen the quality assessment of the generator. § APPENDIX: ALGORITHM FOR SIMULATION We provide in this appendix a formal algorithm to simulate a birth-death-move process with mutations (or transformations), following the construction of Section <ref>. It is a refinement of the algorithm introduced in <cit.> for a birth-death-move process (without transformations). The idea is to generate the inter-jump move on a small time length Δ, then to test whether a jump has occurred during this period (this is with probability p in the following Algorithm <ref>). If so, we generate the jump time and the jump. If not, we continue the simulation of the inter-jump move on a further time length Δ, test whether a jump has occurred, and so on. The algorithm is valid whatever Δ>0 is, but an efficient choice is to set a small value for Δ. Its implementation is available in our GitHub repository. We let as in Section <ref> α=β+δ+τ and T_0=0. We denote in Algorithm <ref> _T_j^- the configuration just before the jump time T_j. In order to run Algorithms <ref> and <ref>, we need the following inputs: * T>0: final time of simulation; * _0∈ E: initial configuration of particles; * Δ>0: small time length for piecewise simulation; * β, δ, τ: intensity functions of births, deaths and transformations; * p^β, p^δ, p^τ: transition probability for a birth, a death and a transformation; * Algo.Move(𝐲_0,Δ): algorithm that returns, for 𝐲_0∈ E and Δ>0, n(𝐲_0) trajectories on [0,Δ] following the system of SDEs (Move) with initial configuration 𝐲_0. acm
Distributed Non-Bayesian Learning for Games with Incomplete Information
[ "Shijie Huang", "Jinlong Lei", "Yiguang Hong" ]
[ "math.OC" ]
Parallel Vertex Diffusion for Unified Visual Grounding Zesen Cheng^1 Corresponding Author. Kehan Li^1 Peng Jin^1 Xiangyang Ji^3 Li Yuan^1,2 Chang Liu^3  Jie Chen^1,2 ^1 School of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Peking University ^2 Peng Cheng Laboratory ^3 Tsinghua University March 30, 2023 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ We consider distributed learning problem in games with an unknown cost-relevant parameter, and aim to find the Nash equilibrium while learning the true parameter. Inspired by the social learning literature, we propose a distributed non-Bayesian rule to learn the parameter (each agent maintains a belief on the parameter and updates the belief according to the received noisy cost), combined with best response dynamics for strategy update. The difficulty of the analysis lies mainly in the fact that the parameter learning process and strategy update process are coupled. We first prove that agents' beliefs converge to a common belief and the strategy profiles converge to a Nash equilibrium under this common belief. On this basis, we further show that the beliefs eventually concentrate on the true parameter. § INTRODUCTION Game model has attracted much research attention due to its wide applications in smart grid <cit.>, wireless communication network <cit.>, traffic control <cit.> and machine learning <cit.>. Equilibrium learning is a promising topic in game theory because it provides a rational way for agents to make decisions. Particularly, in some complex situations, agents usually need to make decisions when faced with an unknown environment. For example, the true value of a stock is unknown in a stock market <cit.>; the delay of each route is unknown in a traffic routing problem <cit.>; the location of target is unknown in a robotic target covering problem <cit.>. Therefore, developing learning algorithms in such game models with incomplete information is crutial and has gained increasing popularity in recent years. The common framework of learning dynamics in games with an unknown cost-relevant environment (parameter) consists of two processes: parameter learning and strategy update. In the parameter learning process, agents update the estimates of the parameter according to received historical information. In the strategy update process, agents make decision given the current estimates of the parameter. Distinct from the learning dynamics for misspecified game model <cit.>, parameter learning and strategy update are coupled in this framework, which brings additional difficulty to the convergence analysis. Inspired by the social learning in networks <cit.>, the authors in <cit.> studied the limit behaviour of rational learning process in linear games with an unknown parameter. Along another line of research, <cit.> and <cit.> designed learning dynamics for stochastic routing games with unknown latency function and stochastic network aggregative games with unknown network parameter, respectively, by utilizing the least-squares estimation technique. The aforementioned works assume that the unknown parameter influences the cost function in a special structure (such as a linear structure). Learning dynamics for game models with general parameter structure are rare in the literature. To the best of our knowledge, there are two works devoted to this kind of problem. On the premise that the parameter learning process converges at a rate faster than O(log t/t), <cit.> designed a distributed fictitious play dynamics for finite potential games with incomplete information. More recently, <cit.> proposed a Bayesian learning dynamics that does not depend on the structure of parameter affecting the cost. The learning process in <cit.> assumes the existence of an information system for centrally updating the belief about the parameter. However, such an information system may not exsit in some industries. This may be the case, for example, using a central system to collect information from all traders in the stock market may be impossible. A more rational way is that traders estimate the true value of the stock distributedly based on local information. This paper addresses distributed learning problem in games with incomplete information, where each agent updates the belief about the parameter according to private signals. In the absence of a central system, it is computationally expensive for each agent to deduce other agents' information in a fully Bayesian fashion. In contrast, non-Bayesian learning rules are usually more effective when dealing with learning problmes in large-scale networks because of its low computational burden <cit.>. Following up on the seminal work of Ali Jadbabaie et al. <cit.> on distributed learning, various non-Bayesian learning rules have been developed in social learning or distributed parameter estimation literature. This type of learning rules share a common framework, where each agent first performs a Bayesian update based on the private information and then incorporates the neighbors' beliefs in a simple way. For example, <cit.> designed a non-Bayesian update rule for distributed hypothesis testing by averaging the neighbors' log-beliefs and analyzed the convergence rate. To reduce the communication burden, <cit.> developed a switching learning rule between Bayesian and non-Bayesian regimes. Furthermore, <cit.> studied the performance of non-Bayesian rule proposed by <cit.> in random digraphs. <cit.> and <cit.> proposed adaptive non-Bayesian rules to deal with social learning problems with disparate hypotheses and variable true hypotheses, respectively. In addition, <cit.> considered the scenerio where the agents might have incosistent hypotheses from an optimization point of view and proposed an effective non-Bayesian learning rule for time-varying communication graphs. In this paper, we design learning dynamics for game models with incomplete information by leveraging the idea of non-Bayesian learning. In our learning process, each agent first performs a local tempered Bayesian update to form a posterior belief according to received noisy cost. Then, agents exchange the posterior belief through a communication network and geometrically average the neighbors' beliefs to achieve belief consensus. Based on the current belief, agents select best response strategies for minimizing the expected cost function. Our contributions are as follows: * We propose a novel distributed non-Bayesian learning dynamics for NE seeking in games with incomplete information, which generalizes the learning rule for social learning considered in <cit.>. Moreover, our dynamics does not require an information system to collect the noisy costs of all agents as in <cit.>. * We prove that agents' beliefs about the parameter converge to a common belief and that the strategy profiles converge to a Nash equilibrium under this common belief. Compared with <cit.>, the beliefs do not necessarily converge to the common belief faster than O(log t/t) in our algorithm. * We overcome the difficulty of coupling parameter learning and strategy update by combining the strong law of large numbers and Toeplitz' lemma, thus futher showing that the beliefs about the parameter converge to the true parameter. Notations. Denote by ℝ^n the n-dimensional real Euclidean space and 1_n the n-dimensional vector of all ones. For a matrix A, A(i,j) denotes the element in the ith row and jth column. Δ(S) denotes the set of probability distributions on a set S. For a random variable x with probability distribution μ, denote by 𝔼_μ[x] the expectation of x. Denote by D_KL(μ_1μ_2) the Kullback-Leibler divergence between two probability distributions μ_1 and μ_2. An undirected graph is characterized by the 2-tuple 𝒢 = (𝒱,ℰ), where 𝒱 = {1,…,n} is the set of nodes and ℰ⊂𝒱×𝒱 is the set of edges. A path from i_1 to i_p is an alternating sequence i_1e_1⋯ i_p-1e_p-1i_p such that e_r = (i_r,i_r+1)∈ℰ (r = 1,…,p-1). An undirected graph is connected if there is a path between any pair of distinct nodes. § PROBLEM FORMULATION Consider a group of N agents that repeatedly play a stage game G = (𝒩,{𝒳_i},{u_i},Θ) with incomplete information. In game G, the strategy variable of each player i∈𝒩:={1,…,N} is denoted by x_i belonging to a convex and compact set 𝒳_i. Define x := col{x_1,…,x_N}∈𝒳:=∏_i=1^N𝒳_i and x_-i:=col{x_1,…,x_i-1,x_i+1,…,x_N}∈∏_j≠ i𝒳_j, respectively, as the strategy profile and the strategies of all agents except i. The important feature of this game is that the cost function of each agent u_i:𝒳×Θ→ℝ depends not only on a strategy profile, but also on an unknown parameter θ in a finite set Θ:={θ_1,…,θ_M}. Assume that the costs are realized with noises given a strategy profile x and a parameter θ. Specifically, let the realized cost of agent i be y_i = u_i(x,θ) + ϵ_i(x,θ), where ϵ_i(x,θ) is the noise term with zero mean. Denote by f_i(y_i|x,θ) the likelihood function of y_i. We make the following assumption on the likelihood function. There exists a positive constant L such that max_imax_θ',θ”∈Θmax_x∈𝒳sup_y_i|logf_i(y_i|x, θ')/f_i(y_i|x,θ”)|≤ L. In addition, for each i∈𝒩, f_i(y_i|x,θ) is continuous in x for all θ∈Θ. Assumption <ref> requires that every realized cost has bounded information content, which is a standard assumption for the convergence of the beliefs in the social learning literature <cit.>. Also, the continuity assumption is crutial to ensure the convergence of the strategies in the game setting <cit.>. Moreover, we denote the true parameter by θ^∗∈Θ. Then, the associated Nash equilibrium is defined by a strategy profile x^∗ such that no agent can benefit from deviating unilaterally, i.e., for i∈𝒩, u_i(x_i^∗,x_-i^∗,θ^∗)≤ u_i(x_i,x_-i^∗,θ^∗), for all x_i∈𝒳_i. To measure the explanatory quality of the parameters in the set Θ, we consider the Kullback–Leibler (KL) divergence between the distribution of the realized costs conditioned over the strategies and parameters. Recall that the KL divergence between any two probability distributions P and P' is defined by D_KL(PP'):= 𝔼_P[logP/P'], which equals to 0 if and only if P = P' with probability 1. Inspired by <cit.>, for each agent i∈𝒩 and a given strategy profile x∈𝒳, we define a set of cost-equivalent parameters Θ̅_i(x):= {θ∈Θ: D_KL(f_i(y_i|x,θ^∗)f_i(y_i|x,θ)) = 0}. In other words, given a strategy profile x, the parameters in the set Θ̅_i(x) are locally indistinguishable to agent i. To learn the true parameter, we generalize the global identifiability assumption in the social learning literature <cit.> to the game setting. For every θ≠θ^∗, there is at least one agent i∈𝒩 for which the KL divergence D_KL(f_i(y_i|x,θ^∗)f_i(y_i|x,θ)) is strictly positive for all x∈𝒳. Assumption <ref> guarantees that for all x∈𝒳, Θ̅_1(x)∩Θ̅_2(x)∩⋯∩Θ̅_N(x) = {θ^∗}. Therefore, although a single agent may not distinguish θ^∗ from all other parameters, the true parameter is globally identifiable from the standpoint of the global game model. The problem to be addressed in this paper is how agents learn the Nash equilibrium distributedly when the true parameter is unknown. Each agent forms its own belief on the parameter and can exchange information with other agents through a communication network. Agents attempts to learn the true parameter θ^∗ by combining their local knowledge (realized costs) with the information received from the network. We model the communication network via an undirected graph 𝒢(𝒩,ℰ), where 𝒩 is the node set and ℰ is the edge set. Denote by 𝒩_i:={j∈𝒩: (j,i)∈ℰ} the set of neighbors of agent i. Each agent can receive information from its neighbors. Moreover, we let W = [w_ij]∈ℝ^N× N denote the associated adjacency matrix, which defines the weights that each agent assigns to neighbors' information such that w_ij > 0 if and only if j∈𝒩_i. We require the following assumptions which have been previously used in distributed optimization <cit.> and game theory <cit.>. The undirected communication graph 𝒢(𝒩,ℰ) is connected and W is doubly stochastic, i.e., ∑_j=1^Nw_ij = ∑_i=1^Nw_ij = 1. The following lemma <cit.> provides a mixing rate of the adjacency matrix and plays an important role in the convergence analysis. Denote by λ_i(W) the i-largest eigenvalue of the mixing matrix. Under Assumption <ref>, W satisfies |W^t(i,j) - 1/N|≤λ_max(W)^t, where λ_max(W)≜max{|λ_N(W)|,|λ_2(W)|}∈ (0,1). § ALGORITHM DESIGN Our learning process consists of two parts: the evolution of agents' beliefs about the unknown parameter and the update of agents' strategies. At each time step t, each agent i maintains a private belief μ_i^(t)∈Δ(Θ) and takes action x_i^(t). The cost y_i^(t) realized according to f_i(y_i^(t)|x^(t),θ) when the parameter is θ and each agent forms a posterior belief b_i^(t) based on the cost. Then, agents exchange the posterior beliefs with their neighbors and updates the private beliefs using a non-Bayesian rule. Given the current private belief μ_i^(t+1), agent i evaluates its expected cost by u_i(x,μ_i^(t+1)):= ∑_θ∈Θμ_i^(t+1)(θ)u_i(x,θ). Further, assuming that the rivals' strategies are fixed as x_-i^(t), the best-response mapping of agent i is defined by BR_i(x_-i^(t),μ_i^(t+1)):=min_x_i∈𝒳_iu_i(x_i,x_-i^(t),μ_i^(t+1)). We thoroughly describe our learning process in Algorithm <ref>. Note that the update rule (<ref>) of posterior belief is different from the traditional Bayes rule. Such a generalized posterior is called tempered posterior distribution, which is easier to theoretical analysis <cit.> and more robust to model misspecification <cit.>. Tempered posterior has also been used in social learning <cit.> and stochastic bandit problem <cit.>. Compared to the non-Bayesian learning algorithm for social learning <cit.>, in a game setting, the likelihood functions of the realized costs {y_i^(t)}_t≥ 0 depends not only on the unknown parameter, but also on the strategy profile x^(t). And hence, the costs are not independent and identically distributed with respect to time t. In addition, different from the learning algorithm in <cit.> that requires an information system to centrally perform Bayesian update, agents employ a non-Bayesian rule to distributedly learn the unknown parameter in our algorithm. § MAIN RESULTS In this section, we present the convergence of agents' beliefs to the true parameter and the convergence of the strategy profile to the Nash equilibrium. §.§ Belief Convergence In this part, we show that agents' beliefs reach consensus to a common belief μ. Before presenting the proof, we make the following assumption on the step-size sequence. The step-size sequence {α^(t)} satisfies 0<α^(t)<1, ∑_t=0^∞α^(t) = ∞, and ∑_t=0^∞(α^(t))^2 < ∞. First, we prove the convergence of the average belief ratio 1/N∑_i=1^Nμ_i^(t)(θ)/μ_i^(t)(θ^∗). Let ℱ_t:=σ{μ_i^(0),x_i^(s),y_i^(s),0≤ s≤ t-1, i∈𝒩} denote the σ-field containing the past information about all agents. Let Assumption <ref> hold. Then, the sequence 1/N∑_i=1^Nμ_i^(t)(θ_k)/μ_i^(t)(θ^∗) converges with probability 1 to some non-negative random variable ν_k for all θ_k∈Θ. By the belief update rules (<ref>) and (<ref>), μ_i^(t+1)(θ_k)/μ_i^(t+1)(θ^∗) =exp( ∑_j=1^Nw_ijlogb_j^(t)(θ_k)/b_j^(t)(θ^∗)) ≤∑_j=1^Nw_ijf_j(y_j^(t)|x^(t),θ_k)^α^(t)μ_j^(t)(θ_k)/f_j(y_j^(t)|x^(t),θ^∗)^α^(t)μ_j^(t)(θ^∗), where the inequality is followed by ∑_j=1^Nw_ij = 1 and the Jensen's inequality. Furthermore, using ∑_i=1^Nw_ij = 1, we get ∑_i=1^Nμ_i^(t+1)(θ_k)/μ_i^(t+1)(θ^∗)≤∑_i=1^Nf_j(y_i^(t)|x^(t),θ_k)^α^(t)μ_i^(t)(θ_k)/f_i(y_i^(t)|x^(t),θ^∗)^α^(t)μ_i^(t)(θ^∗). Thus, by taking conditional expectation and noting that μ_i^(t)(θ) is ℱ_t-measurable for all θ∈Θ, we derive 𝔼[∑_i=1^Nμ_i^(t+1)(θ_k)/μ_i^(t+1)(θ^∗)|ℱ_t] ≤∑_i=1^Nμ_i^(t)(θ_k)/μ_i^(t)(θ^∗)𝔼[(f_i(y_i^(t)|x^(t),θ_k)/f_i(y_i^(t)|x^(t),θ^∗))^α^(t)|ℱ_t], where the expectation is taken on the probability distribution ∏_j=1^Nf_j(y_j|x,θ^∗). Since x^α is a concave function when 0<α<1, Jensen's inequality implies that 𝔼[∑_i=1^Nμ_i^(t+1)(θ_k)/μ_i^(t+1)(θ^∗)|ℱ_t] ≤∑_i=1^Nμ_i^(t)(θ_k)/μ_i^(t)(θ^∗)𝔼[f_i(y_i^(t)|x^(t),θ_k)/f_i(y_i^(t)|x^(t),θ^∗)|ℱ_t]^α^(t) = ∑_i=1^Nμ_i^(t)(θ_k)/μ_i^(t)(θ^∗)(∫_y_i^(t)f_i(y_i^(t)|x^(t),θ^∗)f_i(y_i^(t)|x^(t),θ_k)/f_i(y_i^(t)|x^(t),θ^∗)dy_i^(t))^α^(t) = ∑_i=1^Nμ_i^(t)(θ_k)/μ_i^(t)(θ^∗), where the first equality follows from that conditioned on the current action profile x^(t), f_i(y_i^(t)|x^(t),θ_k)/f_i(y_i^(t)|x^(t),θ^∗) is independent of ℱ_t. Therefore, ∑_i=1^Nμ_i^(t)(θ_k)/μ_i^(t)(θ^∗) is a positive supermartingale. By the supermartingale convergence theorem <cit.>, we conclude that 1/N∑_i=1^Nμ_i^(t)(θ)/μ_i^(t)(θ^∗) converges with probability 1. Next, we establish the consensus of the log-belief ratio logμ_i^(t)(θ)/μ_i^(t)(θ^∗). Let Assumptions <ref>,<ref>,<ref> hold. Then the agents' log-belief ratios reach consensus, i.e., for all θ_k∈Θ, |logμ_i^(t)(θ_k)/μ_i^(t)(θ^∗) - 1/N∑_i=1^Nlogμ_i^(t)(θ_k)/μ_i^(t)(θ^∗)|→ 0. Again, by the belief update rules (<ref>) and (<ref>), we derive logμ_i^(t+1)(θ_k)/μ_i^(t+1)(θ^∗) = ∑_j=1^Nw_ijlogb_j^(t)(θ_k)/b_j^(t)(θ^∗) = ∑_j=1^Nw_ijlogμ_j^(t)(θ_k)/μ_j^(t)(θ^∗) + α^(t)∑_j=1^Nw_ijlogf_j(y_j^(t)|x^(t),θ_k)/f_j(y_j^(t)|x^(t),θ^∗) = ∑_j=1^N∑_τ=1^tW^τ(i,j)α^(t-τ +1)logf_j(y_j^(t-τ+1)|x^(t-τ +1),θ_k)/f_j(y_j^(t-τ+1)|x^(t-τ +1),θ^∗) + ∑_j=1^NW^t+1(i,j)logμ_j^(0)(θ_k)/μ_j^(0)(θ^∗) = ∑_j=1^N∑_τ=1^tW^τ(i,j)α^(t-τ +1)logf_j(y_j^(t-τ+1)|x^(t-τ +1),θ_k)/f_j(y_j^(t-τ+1)|x^(t-τ +1),θ^∗), where the last equality follows from μ_i^(0) = 1/M1_M. By the double stochasticity of W, 1/N∑_i=1^Nlogμ_i^(t+1)(θ_k)/μ_i^(t+1)(θ^∗) = 1/N∑_i=1^N∑_τ=1^tα^(t-τ +1)logf_i(y_i^(t-τ+1)|x^(t-τ +1),θ_k)/f_i(y_i^(t-τ+1)|x^(t-τ +1),θ^∗), As a result, |logμ_i^(t+1)(θ_k)/μ_i^(t+1)(θ^∗) - 1/N∑_i=1^Nlogμ_i^(t+1)(θ_k)/μ_i^(t+1)(θ^∗)| ≤∑_j=1^N∑_τ=1^tα^(t-τ+1)|W^τ(i,j) - 1/N||logf_j(y_j^(t-τ+1)|x^(t-τ+1),θ_k)/f_j(y_j^(t-τ+1)|x^(t-τ+1),θ^∗)|. By the connectivity of the communication graph, |W^τ(i,j) - 1/N|≤λ_max(W)^τ. Thus, by Assumption <ref>, |logμ_i^(t+1)(θ_k)/μ_i^(t+1)(θ^∗) - 1/N∑_i=1^Nlogμ_i^(t+1)(θ_k)/μ_i^(t+1)(θ^∗)|≤ NL∑_τ = 1^tα^(t-τ+1)λ_max(W)^τ, which converges to 0 by Lemma 7[Let 0<β<1 and let {γ_k} be a positive scalar sequence. Assume that lim_k→∞γ_k = 0. Then lim_k→∞∑_l=0^kβ^k-lγ_l = 0.] of <cit.>. Lemma 3 provides the reason why we consider a tempered posterior distribution in Algorithm <ref>. Based on Lemma 2 and Lemma 3, we now present our first main result in the following theorem. Let Assumptions <ref>, <ref>, <ref> hold. The belief sequence {μ_i^(t)}_t≥ 0 of each agent generated by Algorithm <ref> converges almost surely to a common belief μ with the form μ(θ_k) = ν_k/∑_k=1^Mν_k, for k = 1,…,M where ν_k is defined in Lemma 2. Performing an exponential operation on Lemma 3 yields μ_i^(t+1)(θ_k)/μ_i^(t+1)(θ^∗)·1/exp(1/N∑_i=1^Nlogμ_i^(t+1)(θ_k)/μ_i^(t+1)(θ^∗))→ 1. Taking the average, we get 1/N∑_i=1^Nμ_i^(t+1)(θ_k)/μ_i^(t+1)(θ^∗)·1/exp(1/N∑_i=1^Nlogμ_i^(t+1)(θ_k)/μ_i^(t+1)(θ^∗))→ 1. Furthermore, taking the logarithm of both sides, we obtain log(1/N∑_i=1^Nμ_i^(t+1)(θ_k)/μ_i^(t+1)(θ^∗)) - 1/N∑_i=1^Nlogμ_i^(t+1)(θ_k)/μ_i^(t+1)(θ^∗)→ 0. Thus, by Lemma 2, 1/N∑_i=1^Nlogμ_i^(t+1)(θ_k)/μ_i^(t+1)(θ^∗)→logν_k, a.s. Using Lemma 3 again, we get logμ_i^(t+1)(θ_k)/μ_i^(t+1)(θ^∗)→logν_k, a.s. On the other hand, by the belief update rules, μ_i^(t+1)(θ^∗) (<ref>)=exp(∑_j=1^Nw_ijlog b_j^(t)(θ^∗))/∑_θ∈Θexp(∑_j=1^Nw_ijlog b_j^(t)(θ)) = (1 + ∑_θ≠θ^∗exp(∑_j=1^Nw_ijlogb_j^(t)(θ)/b_j^(t)(θ^∗)))^-1 (<ref>)=(1 + ∑_θ≠θ^∗exp(∑_j=1^Nw_ijα^(t)logf_j(y_j^(t)|x^(t),θ)/f_j(y_j^(t)|x^(t),θ^∗) + ∑_j=1^Nw_ijlogμ_j^(t)(θ)/μ_j^(t)(θ^∗)))^-1 Without loss of generality, we let θ^∗ = θ_1. By Assumption <ref> and Assumption <ref>, logf_j(y_j^(t)|x^(t),θ)/f_j(y_j^(t)|x^(t),θ^∗) is bounded and α^(t)→ 0. Thus, for all θ∈Θ, exp(∑_j=1^Nw_ijα^(t)logf_j(y_j^(t)|x^(t),θ)/f_j(y_j^(t)|x^(t),θ^∗))→ 1. And by (<ref>), exp(∑_j=1^Nw_ijlogμ_j^(t)(θ_k)/μ_j^(t)(θ^∗))→ν_k, a.s. Substituting (<ref>) and (<ref>) into (<ref>), we obtain μ_i^t+1(θ^∗)→ (1 + ∑_k=2^Mν_k)^-1, a.s. Further, applying (<ref>) yields μ_i^t+1(θ_k)→ν_k/1 + ∑_k=2^Mν_k, a.s. The assertion follows by noting that ν_1 = 1 when θ^∗ = θ_1. Theorem <ref> shows that agents' beliefs converge to a common belief, which is not necessarily the true belief. Distinct from the centralized Bayesian update in <cit.> whose belief convergence is directly obtained through the martingale convergence theorem, we also need to prove that the beliefs of different agents reach consensus. §.§ Strategy Convergence Similar to (<ref>), we define the Nash equilibrium of the game with a common belief μ by a strategy profile x^∗(μ) satisfying u_i(x_i^∗(μ),x_-i^∗(μ),μ)≤ u_i(x_i,x_-i^∗(μ),μ), for all x_i∈𝒳_i where the expected cost is defined by (<ref>). Moreover, we consider an auxiliary trajectory x̅(t) generated by the following continuous-time best-response dynamics under the common belief μ dx̅_i(t)/dt∈BR_i(x̅_-i(t),μ) - x̅_i(t), x̅_i(0) = x_i^(0). To study the strategy convergence of Algorithm <ref>, we require the following assumption on the cost function. The cost function u_i(x_i,x_-i,θ) is continuous in x and strictly convex in x_i for any θ∈Θ. Assumption <ref> guarantees that there exists a unique Nash equilibrium for the game with a common belief <cit.> and for any μ'∈Δ(Θ) and any x_-i∈𝒳_-i, the best response mapping BR_i(x_-i,μ') is single-valued. Further, from Berge's maximum theorem <cit.>, BR_i(x_-i,μ') is continuous in both x_-i and μ'. In addition, inspired by <cit.>, we impose the following assumption on the best-response dynamics (<ref>), which holds for potential games and dominance solvable games <cit.>. For any x^(0)∈𝒳, the solution of (<ref>) converges to the Nash equilibrium of the game with the common belief μ, i.e., lim_t→∞x̅(t) = x^∗(μ). Our next main result is based on the following stochstic approximation conclusion <cit.>. Consider a stochstic approximation scheme z_n+1 = z_n + γ_n(h(z_n) + ξ_n), where {ξ_n} is a bounded random sequence with ξ_n→ 0 almost surely. Assume that h is Lipschitz continuous and the step-size sequence γ_n satisfies ∑_nγ_n = ∞ and ∑_nγ_n^2<∞. If sup_nz_n<∞ almost surely, then the sequence {z_n} converges almost surely to the set of asymptotically stable equilibria of the dynamics dz(t)/dt = h(z(t)). We proceed to derive the convergence of the strategy profiles {x^(t)}_t=1^∞. Let Assumptions <ref>, <ref>-<ref> hold. Then, the strategy profile x^(t) generated by Algorithm <ref> converges almost surely to x^∗(μ). By (<ref>), we get x_i^(t+1) = (1 - α^(t))x_i^(t) + α^(t)BR_i(x_-i^(t),μ_i^(t+1)) =x_i^(t) + α^(t)(BR_i(x_-i^(t),μ_i^(t+1)) - x_i^(t)) = x_i^(t) + α^(t)(BR_i(x_-i^(t),μ) - x_i^(t) + BR_i(x_-i^(t),μ_i^(t+1)) - BR_i(x_-i^(t),μ)) Note by Theorem 1 that μ_i^(t+1)→μ almost surely. Thus, using the continuity of BR_i, we obtain BR_i(x_-i^(t),μ_i^(t+1)) - BR_i(x_-i^(t),μ)→ 0, a.s. The conlusion is followed by applying Assumption <ref> and Assumption <ref> to Lemma 4. The strategy update rule (<ref>) is similar to the best-response strategy considered in <cit.>, except that each agent uses its own belief in our algorithm. In fact, the equilibrium strategy and the corresponding convergence result in <cit.> are also applicable since we have obtained μ_i^(t)→μ, a.s.. §.§ Convergence to the True Parameter In this part, we further prove that agents' beliefs converge to the true belief by combining Theorem 1 and Theorem 2. In general, the strong law of large numbers and McDiarmid’s inequality are employed in the social learning literature <cit.> to show the convergence of agents' beliefs to the true parameter. However, all these results rely on an assumption that the private signals (realized costs in our setting) are independent and identically distributed across the time t. And hence, these techniques cannot be directly applied to the game setting as the realized costs are not i.i.d due to the influence of the strategies. We instead use the following Toeplitz's lemma <cit.> to develop a similar convergence result. Let {A_nk,1≤ k≤ k_n}_n≥ 1 be a double array of positive numbers such that for fixed k, A_nk→ 0 when n→∞. Let {Y_n}_n≥ 1 be a sequence of real numbers. If Y_n→ y and ∑_k=1^k_nA_nk→ 1 when n→∞, then lim_n→∞∑_k=1^k_nA_nkY_k = y. Now we state our final main result in the following theorem. Suppose that Assumptions <ref>-<ref> hold. Let {μ_i^(t)}_t≥ 0 be the belief sequence generated by Algorithm <ref>. Then, for each agent i∈𝒩, it holds that lim_T→∞1/∑_t=1^Tα^(t)logμ_i^(T+1)(θ^∗)/μ_i^(T+1)(θ_k) = Z(θ^∗,θ_k) a.s. where Z(θ^∗,θ_k)=1/N∑_j=1^ND_KL(f_j(y_j|x^∗(μ),θ^∗)f_j(y_j|x^∗(μ),θ_k)) is the network divergence and x^∗(μ) is defined in Assumption <ref>. In particular, we have μ_i^(t)(θ^∗)→ 1 almost surely. Similar to (<ref>), we get lim_T→∞1/∑_t=1^Tα^(t)logμ_i^(T+1)(θ^∗)/μ_i^(T+1)(θ_k) = lim_T→∞1/∑_t=1^Tα^(t)∑_j=1^N∑_t=1^TW^t(i,j)α^(T-t+1)logf_j(y_j^(T-t+1)|x^(T-t+1),θ^∗)/f_j(y_j^T-t+1|x^(T-t+1),θ_k) = lim_T→∞1/∑_t=1^Tα^(t)∑_j=1^N∑_t=1^Tα^(T-t+1)(W^t(i,j) - 1/N)logf_j(y_j^(T-t+1)|x^(T-t+1),θ^∗)/f_j(y_j^(T-t+1)|x^(T-t +1),θ_k) + lim_T→∞1/∑_t=1^Tα^(t)1/N∑_j=1^N∑_t=1^Tα^(T-t+1)logf_j(y_j^(T-t+1)|x^(T-t+1),θ^∗)/f_j(y_j^(T-t+1)|x^(T-t +1),θ_k). Note by (<ref>) and (<ref>) that lim_T→∞1/∑_t=1^Tα^(t)∑_j=1^N∑_t=1^Tα^(T-t+1)(W^t(i,j) - 1/N)logf_j(y_j^(T-t+1)|x^(T-t+1),θ^∗)/f_j(y_j^(T-t+1)|x^(T-t +1),θ_k) = lim_T→∞1/∑_t=1^Tα^(t)(logμ_i^(T+1)(θ^∗)/μ_i^(T+1)(θ_k) - 1/N∑_i=1^Nlogμ_i^(T+1)(θ^∗)/μ_i^(T+1)(θ_k)) = 0, where the last equality follows from Lemma 3 and Assumption <ref>. As a result, combining the above two relations and denoting by z_j^(t)(θ^∗,θ_k) = logf_j(y_j^(t)|x^(t),θ^∗)/f_j(y_j^(t)|x^(t),θ_k) and s^(T) = ∑_t=1^Tα^(t), we further derive lim_T→∞1/∑_t=1^Tα^(t)logμ_i^(T+1)(θ^∗)/μ_i^(T+1)(θ_k) = lim_T→∞1/∑_t=1^Tα^(t)1/N∑_j=1^N∑_t=1^Tα^(T-t+1)logf_j(y_j^(T-t+1)|x^(T-t+1),θ^∗)/f_j(y_j^(T-t+1)|x^(T-t +1),θ_k) = 1/N∑_j=1^Nlim_T→∞1/s^(T)∑_t=1^Tα^(t)z_j^(t)(θ^∗,θ_k) To consider the convergence of the weighted average of the random variables z_j^(t)(θ^∗,θ_k), we first study the convergence of 1/T∑_t=1^Tz_j^(t)(θ^∗,θ_k). By Theorem 2, x^(t)→ x^∗(μ) almost surely. We define the following cumulative distribution functions F_j^(t)(z)≜ P{z_j^(t)(θ^∗,θ_k)≤ z}, F_j^∗(z)≜ P{logf_j(y_j|x^∗(μ),θ^∗)/f_j(y_j|x^∗(μ),θ_k)≤ z}. We establish the relationship between F_j^(t)(z) and F_j^∗(z) in two steps. Step 1: From F_j^(t)(z) to uniform distribution on [0,1] Define Δ_j^(t)≜ F_j^(t)(z_j^(t)(θ^∗,θ_k)). Then, Δ_j^(t)∈[0,1] and for any δ∈[0,1], P{Δ_j^(t)≤δ} = P{z_j^(t)(θ^∗,θ_k)≤ (F_j^(t))^-1(δ)} = F_j^(t)(F_j^(t))^-1(δ) = δ. Thus, Δ_j^(t) has a uniform distribution on [0,1] for all t. Step 2: From uniform distribution on [0,1] to F_j^∗(z) Define η_j^(t)≜ (F_j^∗)^-1(Δ_j^(t)). Since Δ_j^(t) has a uniform distribution, we get P{η_j^(t)≤ z} = P{Δ_j^(t)≤ F_j^∗(z)} = F_j^∗(z). Note that conditioned on the action profiles, the sequence {z_j^(t)(θ^∗,θ_k)} is independent over t. Therefore, the sequence {η_j^(t)}_t≥ 1 is independent and identically distributed over t and has the cumulative distribution function F_j^∗(z). Furthermore, by the strong law of large numbers, lim_T→∞1/T∑_t=1^Tη_j^(t) = 𝔼[logf_j(y_j|x^∗(μ),θ^∗)/f_j(y_j|x^∗(μ),θ_k)] a.s. On the other hand, since x^(t)→ x^∗(μ) a.s., we get by the continuity of the likelihood function (Assumption 1) that z_j^(t)(θ^∗,θ_k)→logf_j(y_j|x^∗(μ),θ^∗)/f_j(y_j|x^∗(μ),θ_k), a.s. Thus, the convergence also holds in distribution, i.e., for all z∈ℝ, lim_t→∞F_j^(t)(z) = lim_t→∞F_j^∗(z). Moreover, since the set of discontinuous points of a monotone function is at most countable <cit.>, we get lim_t→∞(z_j^(t)(θ^∗,θ_k) - η_j^(t)) = lim_t→∞(z_j^(t)(θ^∗,θ_k) - (F_j^∗)^-1F_j^(t)(z_j^(t)(θ^∗,θ_k))) = 0 a.s. By (<ref>)-(<ref>) and using Toeplitz's lemma (Lemma 4) with A_Tt = 1/T (t = 1,…,T) and Y_t = z_j^(t)(θ^∗,θ_k) - η_j^(t), we obtain lim_T→∞1/T∑_t=1^Tz_j^(t)(θ^∗,θ_k) = 𝔼[logf_j(y_j|x^∗(μ),θ^∗)/f_j(y_j|x^∗(μ),θ_k)] a.s. Next, we associate the weighted sum (<ref>) with lim_T→∞1/T∑_t=1^Tz_j^(t)(θ^∗,θ_k). From (<ref>), we further derive lim_T→∞1/∑_t=1^Tα^(t)logμ_i^(T+1)(θ^∗)/μ_i^(T+1)(θ_k) = 1/N∑_j=1^Nlim_T→∞1/s^(T)(Tα^(T)·1/T∑_t=1^Tz_j^(t)(θ^∗,θ_k) + ∑_t=1^T-1t(α^(t) - α^(t+1))·1/t∑_τ=1^tz_j^(τ)(θ^∗,θ_k)). Notice that Tα^(T) + ∑_t=1^T-1t(α^(t) - α^(t+1)) = s^(T). As a result, by s^(T)→∞ (T→∞), applying Toeplitz's lemma again with A_Tt = t(α^(t) - α^(t+1))/s^(T) (t = 1,…,T-1), A_TT = Tα^(T)/s^(T), and Y_t = 1/t∑_τ=1^tz_j^(τ)(θ^∗,θ_k) yields lim_T→∞1/∑_t=1^Tα^(t)logμ_i^(T+1)(θ^∗)/μ_i^(T+1)(θ_k) = 1/N∑_j=1^Nlim_T→∞1/T∑_t=1^Tz_j^(t)(θ^∗,θ_k) = 𝔼[1/N∑_j=1^Nlogf_j(y_j|x^∗(μ),θ^∗)/f_j(y_j|x^∗(μ),θ_k)] a.s. Recall that Z(θ^∗,θ_k)≜1/N∑_j=1^ND_KL(f_j(y_j|x^∗(μ),θ^∗)f_j(y_j|x^∗(μ),θ_k)). From the definition (<ref>) of KL divergence, Z(θ^∗,θ_k) = 𝔼[1/N∑_j=1^Nlogf_j(y_j|x^∗(μ),θ^∗)/f_j(y_j|x^∗(μ),θ_k)]. By Assumption <ref>, Z(θ^∗,θ_k) is strictly positive. Additionally, from (<ref>), for all ϵ > 0, there exists T' such that for all T≥ T', |1/s^(T)logμ_i^(T+1)(θ^∗)/μ_i^(T+1)(θ_k) - Z(θ^∗,θ_k)|≤ϵ a.s. Therefore, μ_i^(T+1)(θ_k)/μ_i^(T+1)(θ^∗)≤exp(-s^(T)(Z(θ^∗,θ_k) - ϵ)) a.s. Using ∑_k=1^Mμ_i^(T+1)(θ_k) = 1, we get 1/μ_i^(T+1)(θ^∗) - 1≤∑_θ_k≠θ^∗exp(-s^(T)(Z(θ^∗,θ_k) - ϵ)) a.s. Furthermore, we derive 1/1 + ∑_θ_k≠θ^∗exp(-s^(T)(Z(θ^∗,θ_k) - ϵ))≤μ_i^(T+1)(θ^∗)≤ 1 a.s. Hence we have that μ_i^(t)(θ^∗)→ 1 a.s., and the assertion is proved. Theorem 3 establishes the convergence of the beliefs to the true parameter and the rate is given by (<ref>). Combining Theorem 3 and Theorem 2, we further obtain that the strategy profile converges to the true Nash equilibrium. The equation (<ref>) shows that the convergence rate depends on the step-size sequence {α^(t)}. Combined with Theorem 1 in <cit.>, we know that if we choose an appropriate sequence {α^(t)} such that μ_i^(t) converges to μ at a rate faster than O(log t/t), agents may replace the best response strategies with a distributed fictitious play scheme. § CONCLUSION In this paper, we studied a Nash equilibrium seeking problem in games with a cost-relevant parameter. In order to learn the true parameter while finding the Nash equilibrium, we introduced a diminishing step-size sequence on the basis of the traditional non-Bayesian learning rule to ensure that the beliefs of agents on the parameter reach consensus. Then we combined the best response dynamics to update the strategies, and thus, proposed a novel distributed non-Bayesian rule. Using the strong law of large numbers and Toeplitz's lemma, we showed that agents' beliefs concentrate on the true parameter and the strategy profile converges to the true Nash equilibrium. IEEEtran
$hp$-Multigrid preconditioner for a divergence-conforming HDG scheme for the incompressible flow problems
[ "Guosheng Fu", "Wenzheng Kuang" ]
[ "math.NA", "cs.NA", "65N30, 65N12, 65N55, 76D07" ]
hp-MG for H(div)-HDG]hp-multigrid preconditioner for a divergence-conforming HDG scheme for the incompressible flow problems Department of Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics, University of Notre Dame, USA. gfu@nd.edu We gratefully acknowledge the partial support of this work by the U.S. National Science Foundation through grant DMS-2012031. Department of Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics, University of Notre Dame, USA. wkuang1@nd.edu 65N30, 65N12, 65N55, 76D07 In this study, we present an hp-multigrid preconditioner for a divergence-conforming HDG scheme for the generalized Stokes and the Navier-Stokes equations using an augmented Lagrangian formulation. Our method relies on conforming simplicial meshes in two- and three-dimensions. The hp-multigrid algorithm is a multiplicative auxiliary space preconditioner that employs the lowest-order space as the auxiliary space, and we developed a geometric multigrid method as the auxiliary space solver. For the generalized Stokes problem, the crucial ingredient of the geometric multigrid method is the equivalence between the condensed lowest-order divergence-conforming HDG scheme and a Crouzeix-Raviart discretization with a pressure-robust treatment as introduced in <cit.>, which allows for the direct application of geometric multigrid theory on the Crouzeix-Raviart discretization. The numerical experiments demonstrate the robustness of the proposed hp-multigrid preconditioner with respect to mesh size and augmented Lagrangian parameter, with iteration counts insensitivity to polynomial order increase. Inspired by the works by Benzi and Olshanskii <cit.> and Farrell et al. <cit.>, we further test the proposed preconditioner on the divergence-conforming HDG scheme for the Navier-Stokes equations. Numerical experiments show a mild increase in the iteration counts of the preconditioned GMRes solver with the rise in Reynolds number up to 10^3. [ Wenzheng Kuang March 30, 2023 ================== § INTRODUCTION The development of pressure-robust numerical schemes for incompressible flow problems has emerged as an active research topic in recent years. In the continuous setting, when the source term of the Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations is changed by a gradient field, only the pressure solution is affected, while the velocity solution remains unchanged. The key objective of pressure-robust numerical schemes is to maintain this invariance, so that the obtained numerical velocity solution is exactly divergence-free and its error estimation is independent of the regularity of the pressure solution of the incompressible flow problems. We refer to <cit.> for a comprehensive review of the pressure-robust finite element methods. Among the developed pressure-robust numerical schemes, divergence-conforming hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin (H(div)-HDG) methods are an efficient variant of the divergence-conforming discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods. By leveraging the hybridization technique, coupling between the degrees of freedom (DOFs) of the H(div)-HDG is reduced. Additionally, the H(div)-HDG schemes can be statically condensed into a global system where only DOFs on the mesh skeleton remain, resulting in a much smaller matrix to be solved. At the same time, the HDG schemes retain attractive features of DG schemes, such as hp-adaptivity, stable upwind discretization of the convection term, and the ability to handle unstructured meshes with hanging nodes. The grad-velocity-pressure formulation for the H(div)-HDG was first introduced by Cockburn and Sayas in <cit.> for the Stokes flow, and later generalized to the Brinkman equation in <cit.>. Lehrenfeld and Schöberl <cit.> proposed and analyzed a symmetric interior penalty formulation for the H(div)-HDG scheme for the Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations. Different from the aforementioned methods, Rhebergen and Wells <cit.> constructed H(div)-HDG scheme with facet unknowns for the pressure as Lagrange multipliers to ensure the numerical velocity solution is exactly divergence-free, and this scheme is then extended to the Navier-Stokes equations in <cit.>. However, constructing efficient solvers and preconditioners for large-scale simulations for the statically condensed systems of high-order HDG schemes remains a challenge and has attracted interest in recent years. For the H(div)-HDG scheme for the incompressible flow problems, most solvers are focused on block preconditioner for the saddle-point structure of the condensed H(div)-HDG for the Stokes flow <cit.>, seeking a robust approximation of the Schur complement. In this study, we propose a robust hp-geometric multigrid preconditioner for the the H(div)-HDG scheme for both the generalized Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations. Constructing geometric multigrid algorithms for the condensed HDG schemes poses a challenge in designing a stable intergrid transfer operator between different mesh levels. This difficulty arises because the global DOFs of the condensed systems exist only on the mesh skeleton, and the finite element spaces of these global unknowns on different mesh levels are non-nested. In <cit.>, some intuitive choices of the intergrid transfer operators were tested for Poisson's equation but proved to be unstable and not optimal by numerical expriments. To tackle this problem, Cockburn et al. <cit.> first introduced a “two-level" V-cycle multigrid for the HDG scheme for Poisson's equation in the spirit of the auxiliary space preconditioning (ASP) technique, where they employed a continuous piece-wise linear finite element space on the same mesh as the auxiliary space. The residual of the condensed HDG system is projected onto the auxiliary space and there is no coarse-grid facet unknown space. However, adopting such an approach for the H(div)-HDG scheme problems for incompressible flow problems could be challenging. A stable projection operator on to an inf-sup stable pair of auxiliary spaces is needed, and moreover there is no natural correspondent for the upwind HDG discretization of the convection term in the continuous finite element spaces. Lu et al. <cit.> have recently proposed an approach that keeps the HDG discretization on the coarse grid and constructs a novel prolongation operator, where hierarchical continuous finite element spaces are used to link facet variable spaces on different mesh levels. Lu et al. proved that the standard V-cycle algorithm exhibits h-robust convergence for the local HDG scheme (LDG-H) for Poisson's equation, and extended their findings to the single-face hybridizable (SFH), hybrid Raviart-Thomas (RT-H), and hybrid Brezzi-Douglas-Marini (BDM-H) schemes for the Stokes equation in a more recent study <cit.>. To solve the saddle-point structure of the HDG scheme, they employed an augmented Lagrangian with parameter Δ t and iteratively solved it (outer iteration), with the standard V-cycle used as the solver of the condensed SPD system (inner iteration). However, while the fast convergence of the outer iteration requires a large Δ t, the V-cycle of the inner iteration is not robust with Δ t and may result in a large total iteration count. In this study, we propose an hp-multigrid preconditioner for the condensed global systems of the grad-velocity-pressure formulation for the H(div)-HDG scheme for the generalized Stokes and the Navier-Stokes equations on conforming simplicial meshes. The augmented Lagrangian Uzawa iteration method is used to solve the condensed H(div)-HDG schemes, and we aim to accelerate Krylov space solvers by the hp-multigrid preconditioner for the primal operator on global velocity spaces. Our hp-multigrid is essentially a multiplicative ASP, with lowest-order global velocity spaces as the auxiliary space and geometric h-multigrid method as the auxiliary space solver. For the generalized Stokes equation, the key to the geometric multigrid algorithm is the establishment of the equivalence between the condensed lowest order H(div)-HDG scheme and the nonconforming Crouzeix-Raviart (CR) discretization with a pressure-robust treatment, with both methods introduced in <cit.> as approaches to satisfy the exact divergence-free constraint in incompressible flow problems. We note that the equivalence between the CR discretization and the lowest-order Raviart-Thomas (RT) mixed method is well-known for Poisson's equation <cit.>. Motivated by this, we proved in our previous work <cit.> the equivalence between the condensed lowest-order HDG scheme (HDG-P0) and a (scaled) CR discretization for the generalized Stokes equation. In this work, we extend and prove the equivalence between the condensed lowest-order H(div)-HDG scheme and a pressure-robust treated CR discretization. Fig.<ref> demonstrates the DOFs of the condensed HDG-P0, condensed lowest-order H(div)-HDG and CR discretization. Such equivalence allows us to directly employ the rich geometric multigrid theory for CR discretization. Then we use the geometric multigrid as the building block of the hp-multigrid for the condensed higher-order H(div)-HDG schemes. Numerical experiments support the robustness of the preconditioner with respect to mesh size and the augmented Lagrangian parameter, with iteration counts insensitivity to polynomial order increase. Inspired by the works by Benzi and Olshanskii <cit.>, and Farrell et al. <cit.>, we further test the developed hp-preconditioenr on the condensed H(div)-HDG scheme for the linearized Naiver-Stokes equation by Picard and Newton's method. Our numerical experiments demonstrate that the proposed preconditioner still works well, with a mild increase of the iteration counts of the preconditioned GMRes solver for Reynolds number as large as 10^3. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Basic notations and the finite element spaces to be used in the H(div)-HDG schemes are introduced in Section <ref>. In Section <ref>, we present the grad-velocity-pressure formulation of the H(div)-HDG scheme for the generalized Stokes equation and propose the augmented Lagrangian Uzawa iteration for the condensed system. We first focus on the lowest order case, prove the equivalence to the CR discretization and present the geometric multigrid algorithm, then we use it as the building block for the hp-multigrid preconditioner for higher-order cases. In Section <ref>, we present the H(div)-HDG scheme for the Navier-Stokes equations. We use Picard linearization to search for a close enough initial guess and then use Newton's method to accelerate convergence. Two- and three-dimensional numerical experiments are performed in Section <ref> and we conclude in Section <ref>. § PRELIMINARIES AND NOTATIONS We assume a bounded polygonal/polyhedral domain Ω∈ℝ^d, d∈{2, 3}, with boundary ∂Ω. We denote as a conforming, shape-regular and quasi-uniform simplicial triangulation of the domain Ω, and as the set of facets of . is also referred to as mesh skeleton. We split into the boundary part ^∂ := {F∈ | F⊂∂Ω} and the interior part ^o:=\^∂. For each element K∈ with element boundary ∂ K, we denote |K| as the measure of K, (·, ·)_K as the L^2-inner product over K, ⟨·, ·⟩_∂ K as the L^2-inner product over ∂ K. We further define (·, ·)_:= ∑_K∈(·, ·)_K as the discrete L^2 inner product over the domain, and ⟨·, ·⟩_∂:= ∑_K∈⟨·, ·⟩_∂ K as the discrete L^2 inner product over all element boundaries. Furthermore, we denote n_K as the unit normal vector on ∂ K pointing outward, 𝗍𝗇𝗀(w) := w-(w·n_K)n_K as the tangential component and 𝗇𝗋𝗆(w) := (w·n_K)n_K as the normal component on ∂ K of a vector field w. As usual, we denote ·_p,S and |·|_p,S as the norm and semi-norm of the Sobolev spaces H^p(S) for the domain S⊂ℝ^d, with p omitted when p=2, and S omitted when S=Ω is the whole domain. For the finite element spaces, we denote ^k(S) and ^k(S) as the polynomial and homogeneous polynomial of order k over a simplex S. The following spaces are used to construct the H(div)-conforming HDG scheme and the multigrid method: W_h^k := { q_h ∈L_2(Ω): q_h|_K ∈^k(K), ∀K∈𝒯_h }, W_h,0^k := { q_h ∈W_h^k: ∫_Ωq_hdx = 0}, V_h^k := { v_h ∈H(div;Ω): v_h|_K ∈[^k(K)]^d ⊕x ^k(K), ∀K∈𝒯_h}, V_h,0^k := { v_h ∈V_h^k: v_h·n|_F = 0, ∀F⊂∂Ω}, V_h,k := { v_h ∈L_2(ℰ_h): v_h|_F ∈^k(F) and v_h·n|_F = 0, ∀F∈ℰ_h}, V_h,0^k := { v_h ∈V_h^k: 𝗍𝗇𝗀(v_h)|_F = 0, ∀F⊂∂Ω}, V_h^ := {v_h ∈L^2(Ω): v_h|_K ∈^1(K), ∀K∈𝒯_h, and v_h is continuous at the barycenter m_F of F, ∀ F∈^o }, V_h,0^ := {v_h ∈V_h^: v_h(m_F) = 0, ∀ F∈^∂}. V_h^k is the k-th order RT space <cit.> and V_h^ is the first-order nonconforming CR space <cit.>. In this work, we use underline to denote the vector version of the finite element spaces, and double underline line to denote the matrix version, e.g., V_h^ := [V_h^]^d and W_h^k := [W_h^k]^d× d. Next, to facilitate our analysis of static condensation of the H(div)-conforming HDG scheme, we perform a hierarchical basis splitting for the RT space V_h^k following <cit.>. We first divide V_h^k into global subspace V_h^k,∂ and local subspace V_h^k,o, i.e. V_h^k= V_h^k,∂⊕V_h^k,o. For the global subspace V_h^k,∂, we have V_h^k,∂ := ⊕_F∈span{ϕ^0_F} ⊕⊕_c F∈ i=1,…,n_F^kspan{ϕ_F^i}, and ∇·v_h^∂|_K ∈^0(K), (v_h^∂·n_K)|_F ∈^k(F), ∀ F∈∂ K, K∈, ∀v_h^∂∈V_h^k,∂, where ϕ_F^0 is the basis of the lowest-order Raviart-Thomas (RT0) space on the facet F, and ϕ_F^i is the higher-order basis of the divergence-free facet bubbles with normal component only supported on the facet F. For the local subspace V_h^k,o, we have V_h^k,o:= ⊕_c K∈ i=1,…,n_K^k,1span{ϕ_K^i} ⊕⊕_c K∈ i=1,…,n_K^k+1,2span{ψ_K^i}, and ∇·v_h^o|_K ∈^k(K)\ℝ, (v_h^o·n_K)|_F = 0, ∀ F∈∂ K, K∈, ∀v_h^o∈V_h^k,o, where ϕ_K^i, i=1,…,n_K^k,1, is the higher order basis of the divergence-free bubbles on the element K with zero normal components on ; and ψ_K^i, i=1,… n_K^k+1,2, is the higher order basis on the element K with zero normal components on and nonzero divergence. Here the integers n_F^k,n_K^k,1,n_K^k,2 are denoted as the number of basis functions of each corresponding group per facet/element. We also split W_h^k into element-wise constant space and its complement, i.e. W_h^k = W_h^∂⊕ W_h^k,o, where W_h^∂ := W_h^0, W_h^k,o := {q∈ W_h^k: (q, 1)_K=0, ∀ K∈}. Thus by the definition of the subspaces, we have ∇·V_h^k,∂ = W_h^∂, ∇·V_h^k,o = W_h^k,o. When k=0, there is no high-order local components in V_h^0 and W_h^0. We refer readers to<cit.> for more details of the basis functions of RT space. For two positive constants a and b, we denote a≲ b if there exists a positive constant C independent of mesh size and model parameters such that a≤ Cb. We denote a ≃ b when a≲ b and b≲ a. § GENERALIZED STOKES EQUATION §.§ Model problem Let f∈ L^2(Ω) be the source term and assume homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition for simplicity. The model problem is to find (u, p) satisfying - ∇·(ν∇u) + βu + ∇p = f, in Ω, ∇·u = 0, in Ω, u= 0, on ∂Ω, where u is the velocity, p is the pressure, ν > 0 is a constant representing the fluid viscosity, and the lower-order term coefficient 0≤β_0≤β≤β_1. To present the H(div)-HDG scheme for the generalized Stokes equation, we introduce the tensor L:= - ν∇u as a new variable and rewrite (<ref>) into a first-order system: ν^-1L + ∇u = 0, in Ω, ∇·L + βu + ∇p = f, in Ω, ∇·u = 0, in Ω, u = 0, on ∂Ω. Both the superconvergence property of the H(div)-HDG scheme used in this study and the geometric multigrid analysis for the lowest-order case require the following full elliptic regularity result for the solution (L, u, p) ∈H^1(Ω)×(H^2(Ω)∩H^1_0(Ω)× (H^1(Ω)\ℝ) to the model problem (<ref>): L_1 + u_2 + p_1 ≲f_0, which holds in convex domain Ω. §.§ The H(div)-HDG scheme The H(div)-HDG scheme used in this study for the system (<ref>) is to find (L_h, u_h, u_h, p_h) ∈W_h^k ×V_h,0^k ×V_h,0^k× W_h,0^k, k ≥ 0, such that (ν^-1L_h, G_h)_𝒯_h + (∇u_h, G_h)_𝒯_h - ⟨𝗍𝗇𝗀(u_h - u_h), G_hn_K⟩_∂𝒯_h = 0, -( L_h, ∇v_h )_𝒯_h + ⟨L_hn_K, 𝗍𝗇𝗀(v_h - v_h) ⟩_∂ + (βu_h, v_h)_𝒯_h - (p, ∇·v_h)_ = (f, v_h)_𝒯_h, (∇·u_h, q_h)_𝒯_h = 0, for all (G_h, v_h, v_h, q_h)∈W_h^k ×V_h,0^k ×V_h,0^k× W_h,0^k. The above H(div)-HDG scheme has been studied in <cit.> for the Brinkman equations. Besides the superconvergence property for post-processed velocity when k≥ 1, the numerical solution (L_h, u_h, u_h, p_h) to the H(div)-HDG scheme (<ref>) has optimal a priori error analysis results when k≥ 0 that are parameter-robust with respect to the ratio ν / β. Since ∇·V_h^k=W_h^k, the velocity error estimates are pressure-robust. We refer readers to <cit.> for more details. Note that no extra facet-based HDG stabilization is introduced in the scheme (<ref>), hence, it is technically a hybrid-mixed method. Here we follow the convention in <cit.>, and still call it an HDG method. Based on the subspace splitting in Section <ref>, we split the numerical solution (L_h, u_h, u_h, p_h) to (<ref>) into local variables (L_h, u_h^o, p_h^o)∈W_h^k ×V_h^k,o× W_h^k,o and global variables (u_h^∂, u_h, p_h^∂)∈V_h,0^k,∂×V_h,0^k× W_h,0^∂, where u_h = u_h^o + u_h^∂, p_h = p_h^o + p_h^∂. When implementing the H(div)-HDG scheme (<ref>), we first eliminate the local variables to arrive at the condensed global system composed of the global variables. After solving (u_h^∂, u_h, p_h^∂) from the condensed global system, which is the most computationally costly part, we recover the local variables in an element-by-element manner. To simplify notation, we denote 𝕧_h:=(v_h, v_h), 𝕧_h^∂:=(v_h^∂, v_h), 𝕍_h^k:=V_h^k×V_h^k, and 𝕍_h^k,∂:=V_h^k,∂×V_h^k from now on. We introduce an L^2-like inner-product on 𝕍_h^k,∂: (𝕦_h^∂, 𝕧_h^∂)_0, h := ∑_K∈|K|/d+1(⟨𝗇𝗋𝗆(u_h), 𝗇𝗋𝗆(v_h) ⟩_∂ + ⟨𝗍𝗇𝗀(u_h), 𝗍𝗇𝗀(v_h) ⟩_∂) for all 𝕦_h^∂,𝕧_h^∂∈𝕍_h^k, ∂, with the induced norm ·_0, h. The constant global pressure space W_h^∂ is equipped with standard L^2 norm denoted as [p_h^∂, q_h^∂]_0,h := (p_h^∂, q_h^∂)_, ∀ p_h^∂, q_h^∂∈ W_h^∂. The characterization of the condensed system of (<ref>) has been studied in <cit.> and the operator form is to find (𝕦_h^∂, p_h^∂)∈𝕍_h,0^k,∂× W_h,0^∂ satisfying A_k,h𝕦_h^∂ + B_k,h^∗ p_h^∂ = F_k,h B_k,h𝕦_h^∂ = 0, for all 𝕦_h^∂, 𝕧_h^∂∈𝕍_h,0^k,∂ and q_h^∂∈ W_h,0^∂, where (A_k,h𝕦_h^∂, 𝕧_h^∂)_0,h:= (νℒ(𝕦_h^∂), ℒ(𝕧_h^∂))_ + (βu_h^∂, v_h^∂)_, [B_k,h𝕦_h^∂, q_h^∂]_0,h:= -(∇·u_h^∂, q_h^∂)_, and ℒ:𝕍_h,0^k,∂→W_h^k is a mapping defined by the local solvers of the H(div)-HDG scheme, and B_k,h^∗:W_h,0^∂→𝕍_h,0^k,∂ is the transpose of B_k,h:𝕍_h,0^k,∂→ W_h,0^∂ with respect to L^2 inner product: (B_k,h^∗ p_h^∂, 𝕧_h^∂)_0,h = [p_h^∂, B_k,h𝕧_h^∂]_0,h, ∀ p_h^∂∈ W_h,0^∂, 𝕧_h^∂∈𝕍_h,0^k,∂ It is clear to see that A_k,h:𝕍_h,0^k,∂→𝕍_h,0^k,∂ is a symmetric positive definite (SPD) operator, and we denote ·_A_k,h as the induced norm on 𝕍_h,0^k,∂, i.e. ·_A_k,h := √((A_k,h·, ·)_0,h) §.§ Augmented Lagrangian Uzawa iteration for the condensed H(div)-HDG To avoid solving saddle-point system, we apply the augmented Lagrangian Uzawa iteration method <cit.>. . The saddle-point system is first transformed into an equivalent augmented Lagrangian formulation: find (𝕦_h^∂, p_h^∂)∈𝕍_h,0^k,∂× W_h,0^∂ satisfying (A_k,h+ ϵ^-1B_k,h^∗B_k,h)_A_k,h^ϵ𝕦_h^∂ + B_k,h^∗ p_h^∂ = F_k, h, B_k,h𝕦_h^∂ = 0, where ϵ is a small augmented Lagrangian parameter, which is also referred to as the penalty parameter. The operator form of ϵ^-1B_k,h^∗B_k,h is expressed as (ϵ^-1B_k,h^∗B_k,h𝕦_h^∂, 𝕧_h^∂)_0,h = ϵ^-1(∇·u_h^∂, ∇·v_h^∂)_, ∀𝕦_h^∂, 𝕧_h^∂∈𝕍_h,0^k,∂. The Uzawa iteration method with ϵ^-1≫ 1 is to start with p_h^∂ (0)=0, and iteratively find (𝕦_h^∂ (n),p_h^∂ (n))∈𝕍_h,0^k,∂× W_h,0^∂ such that A_k,h^ϵ𝕦_h^∂ (n) = F_k,h - B_k,h^∗ p_h^∂ (n-1), p_h^∂ (n) = p_h^∂ (n-1)- ϵ^-1B_k,h𝕦_h^∂ (n), The convergence property of the Augmented Lagrangian Uzawa iteration method (<ref>) has been studied in <cit.>, and we quote it here for completeness. Let (𝕦_h^∂, p_h^∂)∈𝕍_h,0^k,∂× W_h,0^∂ be the solution of (<ref>) and (𝕦_h^∂ (n), p_h^∂ (n)) be the n-th Uzawa iteration solution to (<ref>). Then the following estimate holds: 𝕦_h^∂ (n) - 𝕦_h^∂_A_k,h≲ √(ϵ)p_h^∂ (n) - p_h^∂_0 ≲ √(ϵ)(ϵ/ϵ+μ_0)^np_h^∂_0, where μ_0 is the minimal eigenvalue of the Schur complement S_k,h=B_k,hA_k,h^-1B^∗_k,h. The discontinuous piecewise constant nature of the global pressure space W_h,0^∂ results in trivial computation in equation (<ref>). As a consequence, the major computational cost of a Uzawa iteration is associated with solving the global velocity equation (<ref>). Here we use the preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) method to iteratively solve it. Specifically, we refer to the augmented Uzawa iteration method as the outer iteration, and the CG method for solving equation (<ref>) as the inner iteration. The subsequent subsections are devoted to designing an hp-multigrid algorithm to precondition the operator A_k,h^ϵ for the PCG method. We are aware of the extensive body of literature on solving saddle-point problems, including the problem presented in equation (<ref>). For a comprehensive review, we refer the reader to <cit.>. In this work, we adopt the augmented Lagrangian Uzawa iteration method for two primary reasons. Firstly, by locally eliminating p_h^∂, the final matrix size is further reduced. Secondly, the resulting global velocity operator A_k,h^ϵ is SPD on the space 𝕍_h,0^k,∂, allowing us to use the CG method, for which the eigenvalues of the preconditioned linear operator are sufficient to characterize the convergence rate of the method. A good preconditioner for A_k,h^ϵ can also serve in block preconditioners as an approximate inverse of the primal (1,1)-block of the augmented Lagrangian transformed saddle-point structure as in (<ref>). However, there are two potential drawbacks to this approach. Firstly, the term ϵ^-1B_k,h^∗B_k,h in A_k,h^ϵ poses challenges for preconditioning when ϵ^-1≫ 1. Secondly, setting ϵ to an extremely small value leads to round-off issues. This is because the non-zero entries in the matrix A_k,h are of order 𝒪(1), whereas the entries in ϵ^-1B_k,h^∗B_k,h are of order 𝒪(ϵ^-1). Hence, log(ϵ^-1) digits loss is expected in a practical implementation. In our numerical experiments, we use double digit calculation with machine precision of 10^-16, set ϵ=10^-6, and perform two Uzawa iterations. Here the round-off error is of order 𝒪(10^-16/ϵ)=𝒪(10^-10). §.§ Geometric h-multigrid for the lowest-order scheme We first focus on the lowest order case when k=0 and prove the equivalence between the condensed H(div)-HDG scheme (<ref>) and a CR discretization after a pressure-robust treatment. Then we propose for the lowest-order scheme a geometric h-multigrid method robust with the mesh size and the penalty parameter ϵ. §.§.§ Equivalence to a CR discretization To explain the pressure-robust treatment of the CR discretization, we introduce an interpolation operator from vector CR space to the RT0 space Π^RT:V_h^→V_h^0 satisfying ∫_F (Π^RTv_h^CR)·n_K ds = ∫_F v_h^CRn_K ds, ∀ F∈∂ K, K∈, ∀v_h^CR∈V_h^. To establish the link between the lowest-order H(div)-HDG and the CR discretization, we define an interpolation operator from the lowest order RT0 and tangential facet finite element space to the vector CR space Π^: 𝕍_h^0 →V_h^: Π^𝕧_h (m_F) ·n_K = v_h(m_F)·n_K, 𝗍𝗇𝗀(Π^𝕧_h(m_F)) = 𝗍𝗇𝗀(v_h(m_F)), for all F ∈∂ K, K∈, where m_F is the barycenter of facet F. By counting the DOFs of the spaces, it is clear that Π^ is an isomorphic mapping between 𝕍_h^0 and V_h^. Then we have the following property for the above interpolation operators: For all 𝕧_h∈𝕍_h^0, we have: Π^RTΠ^CR𝕧_h = v_h, ∇·Π^CR𝕧_h = ∇·v_h. With the definition of the interpolation operators in (<ref>)-(<ref>), we have ∫_F (Π^RTΠ^CR𝕧_h)·n_K ds = ∫_F (Π^CR𝕧_h)·n_K ds = ∫_F v_h·n_K ds, for all 𝕧_h∈𝕍_h^0, F∈∂ K and K∈. The result (<ref>) then immediately follows. Similarly, by the divergence theorem, we have for all 𝕧_h∈𝕍_h^0, ∫_K∇·Π^CR𝕧_h dx = ∫_∂ K(Π^CR𝕧_h)·n_Kds = ∫_∂ Kv_h·n_K ds = ∫_K∇·v_hdx, and the divergence invariance (<ref>) follows from the fact that (∇·Π^CR𝕧_h)|_K, (∇·v_h)|_K ∈^0(K), ∀ K∈. Now we are ready to present our main result below. Let (u_h^CR, p_h^CR) ∈V_h,0^CR× W_h,0^0 be the solution to the following nonconforming scheme: ν(∇u_h^CR, ∇v_h^CR)_ +β(Π^RTu_h^CR, Π^RTv_h^CR)_ - (p_h^CR, ∇·v_h^CR)_ = (f, Π^RTv_h^CR)_, (∇·u_h^CR, q_h^CR)_ = 0, for all (v_h^CR, q_h^CR) ∈V_h,0^CR× W_h,0^0. Then the solution (L_h, 𝕦_h, p_h) ∈W_h^0×𝕍_h,0^0 × W_h,0^0 to the lowest-order H(div)-HDG scheme for the generalized Stokes equation (<ref>) satisfies L_h = -ν∇u_h^CR, Π^CR𝕦_h = u_h^CR, p_h = p_h^CR. By integration by parts and the definition of Π^CR, we have (∇u_h, G_h)_𝒯_h - ⟨𝗍𝗇𝗀(u_h - u_h), G_hn_K⟩_∂𝒯_h = ⟨ (𝗇𝗋𝗆(u_h) + 𝗍𝗇𝗀(u_h), G_hn_K⟩_∂𝒯_h - (u_h, ∇·G_h)_𝒯_h_≡ 0 = ⟨Π^CR𝕦_h, G_hn_K⟩_∂𝒯_h = (∇Π^CR𝕦_h, G_h)_𝒯_h + ( Π^CR𝕦_h, ∇·G_h)_𝒯_h_≡ 0, for all 𝕦_h∈𝕍_h,0^0 and G_h∈W_h^0, where we used the fact that G_h|_K∈^0(K). By plugging (<ref>) into (<ref>), we immediately get L_h = -ν∇Π^CR𝕦_h. Next, with the same arguments as in proving (<ref>), for all 𝕧_h∈𝕍_h,0^0 and L_h∈W_h^0 we have -( L_h, ∇v_h )_𝒯_h + ⟨L_hn_K, 𝗍𝗇𝗀(v_h - v_h) ⟩_∂ = (∇·L_h, v_h)__≡ 0 - ⟨L_hn_K, 𝗇𝗋𝗆(u_h) + 𝗍𝗇𝗀(v_h) ⟩_∂ = -⟨L_hn_K, Π^CR𝕧_h⟩_∂ = -(∇·L_h, Π^CR𝕧_h)__≡ 0 - (L_h, ∇Π^CR𝕧_h)_ = ν(∇Π^CR𝕦_h, ∇Π^CR𝕧_h)_, where we plug in the equivalence (<ref>) at the final step. Finally, by plugging (<ref>) into the lowest order H(div)-HDG scheme (<ref>) and results in Lemma <ref>, the lowest order H(div)-HDG scheme (<ref>) becomes finding (𝕦_h, p_h)∈𝕍_h,0^0× W_h,0^0 satisfying ν(∇Π^CR𝕦_h, ∇Π^CR𝕧_h)_ +β(Π^RTΠ^CR𝕦_h, Π^RTΠ^CR𝕧_h)_𝒯_h -(p_h, ∇·Π^CR𝕧_h)_ = (f, Π^RTΠ^CR𝕧_h)_𝒯_h (∇·Π^CR𝕦_h, q_h)_𝒯_h = 0, for all (𝕧_h, q_h)∈𝕍_h,0^0× W_h,0^0, and the equivalence results (<ref>) follows from the well-posedness of the CR discretization (<ref>). The modified CR discretization (<ref>) was firstly introduced in <cit.> for the incompressible Stokes equation, i.e. β=0 in (<ref>). The original mixed CR discretization for the incompressible Stokes equation, though inf-sup stable, has poor mass conservation property and not pressure-robust velocity error estimates. To address this issue, the test function on the right hand side was reconstructed using Π^RT, which maps discretely divergence-free test functions onto exactly divergence-free test functions and reconstructs the L^2-orthogonality between discretely divergence-free and irrotational vector fields in the mixed method, while the left hand side remains unchanged. Despite introducing extra inconsistency error into the scheme, optimal and pressure-robust discrete H^1 norm error estimates of velocity were obtained, and optimal and pressure-robust L^2 norm convergence rates were supported by numerical experiments. Later this pressure-robust treatment of CR discretization was extended to the incompressible generalized Stokes equation <cit.>, i.e. β≠ 0 in (<ref>), where both the trial function and the test function in the mass term were further reconstructed onto RT0 space. It is worth mentioning that a skew-symmetric pressure-robust treatment for the convection term was also introduced in <cit.> for the CR discretization of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. In practical implementation of the lowest-order H(div)-HDG scheme (<ref>), we first locally eliminate L_h and arrive at the condensed global system (<ref>) composed of (𝕦_h, p_h) where there is no higher-order local velocity and pressure components. Thus theorem <ref> implies the equivalence between the condensed lowest-order H(div)-HDG scheme (<ref>) and the modified CR discretization (<ref>). In other words, when k=0, the condensed H(div)-HDG scheme is equivalent to find (𝕦_h,p_h)∈𝕍_h,0^0× W_h,0^0 satisfying A_0,h𝕦_h + B_0,h^∗ p_h = F_0,h, B_0,h𝕦_h = 0, where for all 𝕦_h, 𝕧_h ∈𝕍_h,0^0 and q_h∈ W_h,0^0, (A_0,h𝕦_h, 𝕧_h)_0,h≡ ν(∇Π^CR𝕦_h, ∇Π^CR𝕧_h)_ +β(Π^RTΠ^CR𝕦_h, Π^RTΠ^CR𝕧_h)_𝒯_h, [B_0,h𝕦_h, q_h]_0,h≡ -(∇·Π^CR𝕦_h, q_h)_𝒯_h, and the augmented Lagrangian Uzawa iteration (<ref>) is equivalent to find (𝕦_h^(n),p_h^(n))∈V_h,0^0× W_h,0^0 satisfying A_0,h^ϵ𝕦_h^(n) = F_0,h - B_0,h^∗ p_h^(n-1), p_h^(n) = p_h^(n-1)- ϵ^-1B_0,h𝕦_h^(n). where for all 𝕦_h, 𝕧_h ∈𝕍_h,0^0, (A_0,h^ϵ𝕦_h, 𝕧_h)_0,h≡ ν(∇Π^CR𝕦_h, ∇Π^CR𝕧_h)_ +β(Π^RTΠ^CR𝕦_h, Π^RTΠ^CR𝕧_h)_𝒯_h + (∇·Π^CR𝕦_h, ∇·Π^CR𝕧_h)_𝒯_h This result is inspired by the equivalence of the lowest order Raviart-Thomas mixed method and the nonconforming CR method for Poisson's equation <cit.>. Such equivalence allows for the direct application of the rich multigrid theory on the CR discretization to solve the condensed lowest-order H(div)-HDG scheme. In this study, we adopt Schöberl's geometric multigrid theory <cit.> to the SPD primal operator A_0,h^ϵ to get geometric multigrid methods robust concerning both mesh size and the penalty parameter ϵ. There are other two approaches in the literature to construct geometric multigrid algorithms for the CR scheme (<ref>) which is equivalent to the condensed system (<ref>). The first approach <cit.> exploits the cell-wise divergence-free subspace of the CR element and implements multigrid algorithms for the positive definite system on the divergence-free kernel space. However, this method is limited to two dimensions and the extension to three dimensions is exceedingly challenging due to the need for constructing complex intergrid transfer operators between the divergence-free subspaces. The second approach, proposed by Brenner <cit.>, directly deals with the saddle point system (with a penalty term) to avoid the divergence kernel, and proved convergence results for nested W-cycle multigrid method with large enough smoothing steps. Schöberl's approach works with the resulting positive definite primal operator from the saddle point system with a penalty term, the same as the A_0,h^ϵ in our study. This approach is more feasible in three dimensions as the intergrid transfer operator is considerably easier to implement in practice than the first approach. Originally introduced for the P^2-P^0 discretization on triangles, Schöberl's approach has been successfully applied by other researchers to other finite element schemes in two- and three-dimensions, as documented in <cit.>. §.§.§ Geometric multigrid algorithm In this subsection, we present detailed geometric multigrid algorithm to solve (<ref>) based on the parameter-robust multigrid theory of Schöberl <cit.>. We consider a hierarchical mesh sequence for the geometric h-multigrid algorithm, beginning with the coarsest simplicial triangulation 𝒯_1. The finest mesh is denoted as 𝒯_J=𝒯_h and is obtained through a sequence of mesh refinements for l=2,…, J. On each mesh level, the mesh skeleton is denoted as ℰ_l and the maximum mesh size of 𝒯_l is denoted by h_l. We assume that on each level the triangulation 𝒯_l is conforming, shape-regular, and quasi-uniform over the domain Ω, and that the difference in mesh size between two adjacent mesh levels is bounded by h_l≲ h_l+1. The corresponding finite element spaces on 𝒯_l are denoted as W_l^0, V_l^0, V_h^0, and V_l^CR. The corresponding L^2 inner product on global spaces 𝕍_l^0 and W_l^0 are denoted as (·, ·)_0,l and [·, ·]_0,l, and the corresponding linear operators in (<ref>) are denoted as A_0,l^ϵ, B_0,l^∗ and B_0,l. The main components in <cit.> are (i) a robust intergrid transfer operator that transfer coarse-grid divergence-free functions to fine-grid (nearly) divergence-free functions, and (ii) a robust block-smoother capable of capturing the divergence-free basis functions. For the intergrid transfer operator, we first define the following averaging operator I_l-1^l:𝕍_l-1,0^0→𝕍_l,0^0 in light of the one used in multigrid methods for the CR discretization for Poisson's equation <cit.>: Let (v_l', v_l') = I_l-1^l𝕧_l-1, then we have 𝗇𝗋𝗆(v_l'(m_F)):= { [ 𝗇𝗋𝗆( (Π^_l-1𝕧_l-1)(m_F)), if F∈ℰ_l^0 lies inside 𝒯_l-1,; 𝗇𝗋𝗆(1/2((Π^_l-1𝕧_l-1)^+(m_F) + (Π_l-1^𝕧_l-1)^-(m_F))), if F∈ℰ_l^0 lies on ℰ_l-1^o, ]. 𝗍𝗇𝗀(v_l'(m_F)):= { [ 𝗍𝗇𝗀( (Π^_l-1𝕧_l-1)(m_F)), if F∈ℰ_l^0 lies inside 𝒯_l-1,; 𝗍𝗇𝗀(1/2((Π^_l-1𝕧_l-1)^+(m_F) + (Π_l-1^𝕧_l-1)^-(m_F))), if F∈ℰ_l^0 lies on ℰ_l-1^o, ]. where (Π^_l-1𝕧_l-1)^+ and (Π^_l-1𝕧_l-1)^- are the values of Π^_l-1𝕧_l-1 on two adjacent elements K^+, K^-∈𝒯_l-1 that share the facet F. On the finer l-th mesh level, we denote V_l,0^0,T and V_l,0^0,T as the local subspaces of V_l,0^0 and V_l,0^0 respectively, with DOFs of these subspaces vanishing on the mesh skeleton ℰ_l-1 of the coarser (l-1)-th mesh level. Due to the components of 𝕧_l' in 𝕍_l,0^0,T, the energy norm 𝕧_l-1_A_0,l-1^ϵ can not be bounded by 𝕧_l'_A_0,l^ϵ independent of ϵ^-1 after performing only averaging operator, thus we stabilize this averaging operator with a local correction using discrete harmonic extensions <cit.>. The integer grid transfer operator ℐ_l-1^l : 𝕍_l-1,0^0→𝕍_l,0^0 is defined as follows: ℐ_l-1^l:=(id - P^T_A_0,l^ϵ)I_l-1^l, where id is the identity operator and the local projection P_A_0,l^ϵ^T: V_l,0^0→𝕍_l,0^0,T satisfies (A_0,l^ϵP_A_0,l^ϵ^T𝕦_l, 𝕧_l^T)_0,l = (A_0,l^ϵ𝕦_l, 𝕧_l^T)_0,l, ∀𝕦_l∈𝕍_l,0^0, 𝕧_l^T∈𝕍_l,0^0,T, which is locally solved on coarse mesh elements of 𝒯_l-1. We further define the restriction operator ℐ_l^l-1: 𝕍_l,0^0→𝕍_l-1,0^0 as the transpose of I_l-1^l with respect to (·, ·)_0,l satisfying (ℐ_l^l-1𝕦_l, 𝕧_l-1)_0,l-1 = (𝕦_l, ℐ_l-1^l𝕧_l)_0,l, ∀𝕦_l∈𝕍_l,0^0, 𝕧_l-1∈𝕍_l-1,0^0. For the smoother for (<ref>), we employ the classical block smoother for H(div)-elliptic problems proposed by Arnold, Falk, and Winther <cit.> to address the discretely divergence-free kernel space of the operator A_0,l^ϵ. Specifically, we utilize the vertex-patched damped block Jacobi or block Gauss-Seidel smoother. It is worth noting that in three dimensions, edge-patch block smoothers can also be utilized to reduce memory usage <cit.>. For completeness, we present the formulation of the vertex-patch damped block Jacobi smoother here. We define S_l as the set of vertices in the triangulation 𝒯_l, and we further denote 𝒯_l^s as the subset of mesh elements and ℰ_l^s as the subset of mesh skeletons meeting at the vertex s∈S_l respectively, i.e. 𝒯_l^s:= ⋃_K∈𝒯_l, s∈ K K, ℰ_l^s:= ⋃_F∈ℰ_l, s∈ F F. The lowest-order compound finite element space 𝕍_l,0^0 is then decomposed into overlapping subspaces with support on 𝒯_l^s and ℰ_l^s as follows: 𝕍_l,0^0 = ∑_s∈S_l𝕍_l, 0^0, s := ∑_s∈S_l{ (v_l^s, v_l^s)∈𝕍_l,0^0: supp v_l^s⊂interior(𝒯_l^s), supp v_l^s⊂ℰ_l^s }. Furthermore, we define P_A_0,l^ϵ^s: 𝕍_l,0^0→𝕍_l,0^0,s as the local projection onto the subspace 𝕍_l,0^0,s with respect to the operator A_0,l^ϵ that satisfies: (A_0,l^ϵP_A_0,l^ϵ^s𝕦_l, 𝕧_l^s)_0,l = (A_0,l^ϵ𝕦_l, 𝕧_l^s)_0,l, ∀𝕦_l ∈𝕍_l,0^0, 𝕧_l^s∈𝕍_l,0^0,s, ∀ s∈S_l. The damped block Jacobi smoother is then expressed as: R_l:= ς∑_s∈S_lP_A_0,l^ϵ^s (A_0,l^ϵ)^-1, where the damping parameter ς > 0 is small enough to ensure that the operator (id - R_lA_0,l^ϵ) is a positive definite contraction, and only depends on the bounded number of overlapping blocks <cit.>. We further define R_l^T as the transpose of R_l with respect to the inner product (·, ·)_0,l. Now we are ready to present the W-cycle and variable V-cycle multigrid algorithms for the linear system A_0,l^ϵ𝕦_l = 𝕘_l∈𝕍_l,0^0 as in Algorithm <ref>. Schöberl's multigrid theory <cit.>, originally introduced for the P^2-P^0 discretization on triangles, can be applied to the CR discretization in two- and three-dimensions and requires full elliptic regularity results in (<ref>). The proof procedures for the optimality of W-cycle and variable V-cycle multigrid for the CR discretization with pressure-robust treatment (<ref>) are essentially the same as in our previous work <cit.>, where we used Schöberl's theory for the CR discretization without pressure-robust treatment, and we refer to <cit.> for more details. We note that the only difference of the left-hand-side operator before and after the pressure-robust treatment lies in the mass term. The L^2 norm of Π^RTv_h^CR is bounded by v_h^CR_0 for any v_h^CR∈V_h^CR. Here we quote the optimality result from <cit.>, from which we have, for the lowest-order case, W-cycle multigrid is a convergent iteration method when the smoothing steps are large enough, and V-cycle multigrid is a preconditioner, with both methods robust concerning the mesh size and the penalty parameter ϵ. The geometric h-multigrid procedure defined in Algorithm <ref> has the following properties: * The W-cycle multigrid algorithm is a robust convergent method. Specifically, there exist positive constants m_∗ and C, independent of the mesh size h_l and the penalty parameter ϵ, such that with q = 2 and m(1)= ⋯=m(l) = m in Algorithm <ref>, we have 𝔼_l,m𝕧_l_A_0,l^ϵ≤ C m^-1/4𝕧_l_A_0,l^ϵ, ∀𝕧_l∈𝕍_l,0^0, l≥ 1, m≥ m_∗, where 𝔼_l,m: 𝕍_l,0^0→𝕍_l,0^0 is the operator relating the initial error and the final error of the W-cycle multigrid algorithm, i.e., 𝔼_l,m(𝕦_l-𝕦_l^(0)) := 𝕦_l - MG_h(l, 𝕘_l, 𝕦_l^(0), m, 2). * The variable V-cycle algorithm is a robust preconditioner. Specifically, with q=1 and γ_0 m(l) ≤ m(l-1) ≤γ_1 m(l) in Algorithm <ref> (1<γ_0<γ_1), there exists a positive constant C independent of the mesh size h_l and the penalty parameter ϵ such that κ(𝔹_l,m(l)A_0,l^ϵ) ≤ 1 + C m(l)^-1/4 , where κ is the condition number, and 𝔹_l,m(l): 𝕍_l,0^0→𝕍_l,0^0 is the preconditioning operator relating the residual to the correction of the variable V-cycle multigrid algorithm with a zero initial guess, i.e., 𝔹_l,m(l)𝕧_l:= MG_h(l, 𝕧_l, 0, m(l),1), ∀𝕧_l∈𝕍_l,0^0. §.§ hp-Multigrid algorithm for the higher-order scheme We now consider the augmented Lagrangian Uzawa iteration (<ref>) for the condensed higher-order H(div)-HDG scheme with k≥ 1. We present an hp-multigrid algorithm to precondition the primal operator A_k,h^ϵ on the finest mesh =𝒯_J. Specifically, we define a "two-level" nested ASP for the system A_k,h^ϵ𝕦_h^∂=𝕘_h^∂∈𝕍_h,0^k,∂, where we use the lowest-order velocity space 𝕍_h,0^0 as the auxiliary space and MG_h in Algorithm <ref> as the inexact auxiliary space solver. Two components are needed to finish constructing the multiplicative ASP: (i) a prolongation operator to transfer functions from the lowest-order velocity space 𝕍_h,0^0 to the higher-order global velocity space 𝕍_h,0^k,∂, and (ii) a relaxation method to reduce the errors in the high-order spaces. For the prolongation operator, we use the natural inclusion operator denoted by Π_0^k. The transpose of this operator with respect to (·, ·)_0,h is the L^2-projection operator Π_k^0. For the relaxation method, we again need to take care of the divergence-free kernels in 𝕍_h,0^k,∂ and we use vertex-patched block Jacobi/Gauss-Seidel method. With slight abuse of notation, for any vertex s∈S_h=S_J, we denote 𝕍_h,0^k,∂,s as the subspace of 𝕍_h,0^k,∂ with support on the vertex-patched mesh elements 𝒯_h^s and vertex-patched mesh skeletons ℰ_h^s, and P^s_A_k,h^ϵ:𝕍_h,0^k,∂→𝕍_h,0^k,∂,s as the A_k,h^ϵ-orthogonal projection onto vertex-patched subspace 𝕍_h,0^k,∂,s. We define R_h^∂ as the corresponding damped block Jacobi smoother R_h^∂ := ς'∑_s∈𝒮_hP_A_k,h^ϵ^s (A_k,h^ϵ)^-1, where ς'>0 is the damping parameter, and R_h^∂, T as the transpose of R_h^∂ with respect to the inner product (·, ·)_0,h. Now we present the hp-multigrid method for A_k,h^ϵ𝕦_h^∂=𝕘_h^∂ in Algorithm <ref>. Our goal is to achieve a mild increase or robustness in iteration counts of the Krylov space solver preconditioned by the hp-multigrid method as the polynomial order increases. Our hp-multigrid algorithm can be seen as a Schwarz-type method <cit.>, utilizing a space decomposition given by 𝕍_h,0^k,∂ = 𝕍_h,0^0 + ∑_s∈𝒮_h𝕍_h,0^k,∂,s. Based on the same subspace decomposition (lowest-order space + vertex-patched subspaces), Pavarino <cit.> introduced and proved a p-robust additive Schwarz preconditioner for the continuous finite element space for Poisson's equation, and Brubeck and Farrell <cit.> further scale this p-robust preconditioner to very high polynomial degrees. For a nearly-singular system such as in (<ref>) where ϵ approaches 0, Lee et al. <cit.> presented a general framework and proved that the method of subsequent subspace correction (MSSC) is convergent provided that the exact/inexact solver on each subspace is a robust contraction and that the kernel of the divergence operator can be decomposed into sum of elements of the subspaces, and the convergence rate is robust with respect to mesh size and parameter ϵ. Our numerical experiments show that the hp-multigrid in Algorithm <ref> is robust with respect to mesh size and parameter ϵ, and the preconditioned Krylov space solver has only a very mild increase in iteration counts as the polynomial order increases. We acknowledge that our current hp-multigrid method is multiplicative and subsequent between the lowest order spaced 𝕍_h,0^0 and the vertex-patched subspaces ∑_s∈𝒮_h𝕍_h,0^k,∂,s, whereas ASP introduced in <cit.> is additive and parallel. However, we observed drastic increases in iteration counts when ϵ→ 0 and the polynomial order increases when an additive version of the hp-multigrid is used as the preconditioner in our numerical experiments. Therefore, a parallel and robust hp-multigrid for the operator A_k,h^ϵ along with its theoretical proof is worth pursuing and will be the focus of our future research. § NAVIER-STOKES EQUATION §.§ Model problem and the H(div)-HDG scheme The model problem is to find (u, p) satisfying βu - ∇·(ν∇u) + u·∇u + ∇p = f, in Ω, ∇·u = 0, in Ω, u= 0, on ∂Ω, with notations the same as in (<ref>). We introduce the tensor L:= - ν∇u as a new variable and rewrite (<ref>) into a first-order system: ν^-1L + ∇u = 0, in Ω, βu + ∇·L + u·∇u + ∇p = f, in Ω, ∇·u = 0, in Ω, u = 0, on ∂Ω. For the nonlinear convection term u·∇u in the Navier-Stokes equations, we use the natural upwind discretization which needs no additional stabilization and leads to minimal numerical dissipation <cit.>. The trilinear form for the H(div)-HDG discretization for the convection term is defined as 𝒞_h(w_h; 𝕦_h, 𝕧_h):= - (w_h ⊗u_h, ∇v_h)_ +⟨ (w_h·n_K)u_h^up, 𝗍𝗇𝗀(v_h - v_h)⟩_∂, for all w_h∈V_h,0^k and 𝕦_h,𝕧_h∈𝕍_h,0^k, where u_h^up:= 𝗇𝗋𝗆(u_h) + { [ 𝗍𝗇𝗀(u_h), if u_h·n_K > 0,; 𝗍𝗇𝗀(u_h), if u_h·n_K < 0. ]. §.§ Linearization and iterative solving procedure We linearize the convection term by Picard or Newton's method and then iteratively solve the resulting linearized H(div)-HDG scheme. Given 𝕦_h^(n-1)∈𝕍_h,0^k at the previous step, when Picard iteration is used, the linearized convection term at the n-th step is 𝒞_h^l(u_h^(n-1); 𝕦_h^(n), 𝕧_h):= 𝒞_h(u_h^(n-1); 𝕦_h^(n), 𝕧_h), where 𝕦_h^(n)∈𝕍_h,0^k is the velocity solution to be found at the n-th step, and when Newton iteration is used, the linearized convection term at n-th step becomes 𝒞_h^l(u_h^(n-1); δ𝕦_h^(n), 𝕧_h) := 𝒞_h(u_h^(n-1); δ𝕦_h^(n), 𝕧_h) + 𝒞_h(δu_h^(n); 𝕦_h^(n-1), 𝕧_h), where δ𝕦_h^(n)∈𝕍_h,0^k is the change to the velocity at the n-th step. Then given solution (L_h^(n-1), 𝕦_h^(n-1), p_h^(n-1)) at the previous step, the linearized H(div)-HDG scheme is to find (L_h, 𝕦_h, p_h) ∈W_h^k ×𝕍_h,0^k × W_h,0^k, k ≥ 0, such that (ν^-1L_h, G_h)_𝒯_h + (∇u_h, G_h)_𝒯_h - ⟨𝗍𝗇𝗀(u_h - u_h), G_hn_K⟩_∂𝒯_h = 0, (βu_h, v_h)_𝒯_h -( L_h, ∇v_h )_𝒯_h + ⟨L_hn_K, 𝗍𝗇𝗀(v_h - v_h) ⟩_∂ + 𝒞_h^l(u_h^(n-1); 𝕦_h, 𝕧_h) - (p_h, ∇·v_h)_ = (f', v_h)_𝒯_h (∇·u_h, q_h)_𝒯_h = 0. for all (G_h, 𝕧_h, q_h) ∈W_h^k ×𝕍_h,0^k × W_h,0^k, where for the Picard method, (f', v_h)_𝒯_h := (f, v_h)_𝒯_h, and for the Newton's method, (f', v_h)_𝒯_h := (f, v_h)_𝒯_h -(ν^-1L_h^(n-1), G_h)_𝒯_h -(∇u_h^(n-1), G_h)_𝒯_h + ⟨𝗍𝗇𝗀(u_h^(n-1) - u_h^(n-1)), G_hn_K⟩_∂𝒯_h -(βu_h^(n-1), v_h)_𝒯_h +( L_h^(n-1), ∇v_h )_𝒯_h - ⟨L_h^(n-1)n_K, 𝗍𝗇𝗀(v_h - v_h) ⟩_∂ - 𝒞_h^l(u_h^(n-1); 𝕦_h^(n-1), 𝕧_h) + (p_h^(n-1), ∇·v_h)_. We denote the operator form of the condensed global system of the linearized H(div)-HDG scheme (<ref>) as to find (𝕦_h^∂, p_h^∂)∈𝕍_h,0^k,∂× W_h,0^∂ satisfying: A_k,h^c𝕦_h^∂ + B_k,h^∗ p_h^∂ = F_k,h^c, B_k,h𝕦_h^∂ = 0, where the operators B_k,h and B_k,h^∗ are identical to those in (<ref>). The operator A_k,h^c is obtained by augmenting A_k,h with a condensed operator from the linearized convection term 𝒞_h^l. To solve the resulting saddle-point system, we employ an augmented Lagrangian Uzawa iteration, similar to the approach used for the generalized Stokes equation: With p_h^∂ (0) = 0, iteratively find solution (𝕦_h^∂(n),p_h^∂(n))∈𝕍_h,0^k,∂× W_h,0^∂ that satisfies A_k,h^c, ϵ𝕦_h^∂ (n) = F_k,h^c - B_k,h^∗ p_h^∂ (n-1), p_h^∂ (n) = p_h^∂ (n-1)- ϵ^-1B_k,h𝕦_h^∂ (n), where A_k,h^c, ϵ:= A_k,h^c + ϵ^-1B_k,h^∗B_k,h, with the penalty parameter ϵ^-1≫ 1. When the viscosity ν approaches zero, the convection term in the Navier-Stokes equations dominates over the diffusion term, and this dominance causes the linear system to become more ill-conditioned, making it challenging to find a robust preconditioner for Krylov subspace solvers such as GMRes <cit.>. Moreover, the non-symmetry of the H(div)-HDG scheme further complicates the analysis of the preconditioner's robustness. However, in a study by Benzi and Olshanskii <cit.>, Schöberl's geometric multigrid method <cit.> was applied to precondition the primal operator of the augmented Lagrangian formulation of the two-dimensional Oseen problem discretized by isoP^2-P^0 and isoP^2-P^1 elements with streamline-upwind Petrov-Galerkin (SUPG) stabilization. Numerical experiments demonstrate that this approach is essentially robust with respect to the Reynolds number. Subsequently, Farrell et al. <cit.> extended this approach to the three-dimensional Newton linearized Navier-Stokes equations, which is discretized by a P^1-P^0 pair with velocity space enriched by facet bubbles and with SUPG stabilization. Numerical experiments support the preconditioner's robustness with respect to the Reynolds number. Motivated by these results, we adapt the hp-multigrid algorithm developed for the generalized Stokes equation in Algorithm <ref> to precondition the operator A_k,h^c, ϵ of the linearized Navier-Stokes equations in (<ref>). We employ the same block relaxation method, block smoothing method, and intergrid transfer operators with discrete harmonic extensions. It is important to note that the Newton iteration solver has quadratic convergence, but it requires a sufficiently accurate initial guess. To address this and test the performance of the proposed hp-multigrid for both the Picard and the Newton linearization, the Picard iteration method is firstly utilized in this study to solve the Navier-Stokes equations until the L^2 norm of the difference between the velocities of two consecutive steps becomes smaller than a predefined tolerance ϵ_picard. Subsequently, the Newton iteration method is employed, using the solution of the last Picard iteration as the initial guess for the Newton iteration. The algorithm is described in Algorithm <ref>. In both the Picard and Newton iteration, the result of the previous iteration is used as the initial guess of the current iteration. Fig. <ref> provides a graphical illustration of the overall solving procedure. § NUMERICAL EXPERIMENTS This section presents the numerical experiments carried out to validate the optimal convergence rates of the H(div)-HDG scheme and the robustness of the proposed hp-multigrid method. We conduct experiments for both the generalized Stokes equation and the Navier-Stokes equations. For the latter, we solve the steady cases with β = 0. To solve the condensed H(div)-HDG scheme, we use two-step augmented Lagrangian Uzawa iteration method with (νϵ)^-1=10^6 for both set of equations. In updating global velocity in each step of Uzawa iteration, the preconditioned conjugate gradient solver (PCG) is adopted for the generalized Stokes equation, while the preconditioned GMRes solver (PGM) is adopted for the linearized Navier-Stokes equations. The proposed hp-multigrid method is employed as the preconditioner for both solvers, and the stopping criterion is a relative tolerance of 10^-8 and an absolute tolerance of 10^-10. In Algorithm <ref>, we set ε_picard to 10^-4, and the Newton iteration stops with a relative tolerance of 10^-8 and an absolute tolerance of 10^-10. In all cases, we use block Gauss-Seidel method for both the relaxation and smoothing to avoid the damping parameter in Jacobi method. We further set the relaxation steps to be the same as the smoothing steps, i.e. m_h = m_p = m in the hp-multigrid in Algorithm <ref>. All results are obtained by using the NGSolve <cit.> and ParaView <cit.>. Source code for the numerical experiments is available at <https://github.com/WZKuang/MG4HdivHDG>. §.§ Convergence rate check We first verify the optimal convergence rates of the H(div)-HDG scheme solved with the proposed hp-multigrid method for the generalized Stokes equation and the Navier-Stokes equations with manufactured solutions. We set the exact solution . [ u_x = x^2 (x - 1)^2 2y(1 - y)(2y - 1); u_y = y^2 (y - 1)^2 2 x(x - 1)(2x - 1); p = x(1 - x)(1 - y) - 1/12 ]} when d = 2, and . [ u_x = x^2(x - 1)^2 (2 y - 6y^2 + 4 y^3)(2 z - 6z^2 + 4 z^3); u_y = y^2 (y - 1)^2 (2x - 6x^2 + 4x^3) (2z - 6z^2 + 4z^3); u_z = -2 z^2 (z - 1)^2 (2x - 6x^2 + 4x^3) (2y - 6y^2 + 4y^3); p = x(1 - x)(1 - y)(1 - z) - 1/24 ]} when d = 3. The source term f is obtained by plugging the exact solution into the model problem. §.§.§ Generalized Stokes equation We set the domain as a unit square/cube Ω=[0, 1]^d with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions on all sides. The coarsest mesh is a triangulation of Ω with the maximum element diameter 1/h=2 in 2D or 1/h=3 in 3D, followed by uniform refinement by connecting the midpoints of the element boundaries. After solving (L_h,u_h, p_h) from the H(div)-HDG scheme (<ref>), a post-processed velocity approximation u_h^∗∈W_h^k+1 is obtained element-wise by solving (∇u_h^∗, ∇v_h)_K = (L_h, ∇v_h)_K, ∀v_h ∈^k+1(K), (u_h^∗, w_h)_K = (u_h, w_h)_K, ∀w_h∈^0(K), and the superconvergence property of such post-processed u_h^∗ when k≥ 1 has been proved in <cit.>. We set the viscosity ν = 1, and Table <ref> reports the estimated order of convergence (EOC) of the L_2 norms of e_u:=u-u_h, e_L:=L-L_h, and e_u^∗:=u-u_h^∗ in both two-dimensional and three-dimensional cases, together with the L_2 norm of the divergence error ∇·u_h, for different β and polynomial orders k of the finite element spaces. As observed, the optimal (k+1)-th convergence rate is obtained for both the velocity u_h and the flux L_h when k≥ 0, with the globally divergence-free constraint satisfied. When k≥ 1, the (k+2)-th convergence rate is obtained for u_h^∗. We note that the deterioration of the convergence rates when e_u_0 and e_u^∗_0 approach 𝒪(10^-10) is due to the round-off error caused by ϵ^-1, as mentioned in Remark <ref>. [ht]|c|c|cc|cc|cc|c|cc| Estimated convergence rates of the H(div)-HDG scheme for the generalized Stokes equation in Example <ref>. 2*k 2*1/h 2c|DOF 2*e_u_0 2*EOC 2*e_L_0 2*EOC 2*∇·u_h_0 2*e_u^∗_0 2*EOC N_total N_global 11|c|d = 2 7c|β=0 4*0 32 3.5e3 1.5e3 1.2e-3 1.2 1.5e-2 1.0 1.3e-13 9.2e-4 1.4 64 1.4e4 6.0e3 5.8e-4 1.1 7.5e-3 1.0 1.3e-13 4.0e-4 1.2 128 5.7e4 2.4e4 2.9e-4 1.0 3.7e-3 1.0 1.3e-13 1.9e-4 1.1 256 2.3e5 9.8e4 1.4e-4 1.0 1.9e-3 1.0 1.3e-13 9.6e-5 1.0 4*1 32 1.0e4 3.0e3 8.4e-5 2.0 6.3e-4 2.0 1.4e-13 5.3e-6 3.0 64 4.1e4 1.2e4 2.1e-5 2.0 1.6e-4 2.0 1.4e-13 6.7e-7 3.0 128 1.6e5 4.9e4 5.3e-6 2.0 4.0e-5 2.0 1.3e-13 8.5e-8 3.0 256 6.5e5 2.0e5 1.3e-6 2.0 1.0e-5 2.0 1.2e-13 1.1e-8 3.0 4*2 32 2.0e4 4.4e3 3.9e-6 3.0 2.4e-5 3.0 1.4e-13 1.4e-7 3.9 64 8.0e4 1.8e4 4.9e-7 3.0 3.1e-6 3.0 1.4e-13 8.8e-9 4.0 128 3.2e5 7.3e4 6.1e-8 3.0 3.8e-7 3.0 1.3e-13 8.2e-10 3.4 256 1.3e6 2.9e5 8.0e-9 2.9 5.1e-8 2.9 1.3e-13 2.4e-9 -1.6 4*3 32 3.3e4 6.0e3 1.1e-7 4.0 4.8e-7 3.9 1.4e-13 5.9e-9 5.0 64 1.3e5 2.4e4 6.8e-9 4.0 3.1e-8 4.0 1.4e-13 2.2e-10 4.8 128 5.2e5 9.7e4 6.4e-10 3.4 4.3e-9 2.8 1.4e-13 4.8e-10 -1.1 256 2.1e6 3.9e5 1.9e-9 -1.6 1.5e-8 -1.8 1.4e-13 1.9e-9 -2.0 7c|β=1e3 4*0 32 3.5e3 1.5e3 1.1e-3 1.0 1.4e-2 0.9 5.2e-12 7.9e-4 1.1 64 1.4e4 6.0e3 5.7e-4 1.0 7.3e-3 0.9 5.2e-12 3.9e-4 1.0 128 5.7e4 2.4e4 2.8e-4 1.0 3.7e-3 1.0 5.3e-12 1.9e-4 1.0 256 2.3e5 9.8e4 1.4e-4 1.0 1.9e-3 1.0 5.3e-12 9.6e-5 1.0 4*1 32 1.0e4 3.0e3 8.4e-5 2.0 6.1e-4 1.9 5.3e-12 4.9e-6 2.9 64 4.1e4 1.2e4 2.1e-5 2.0 1.6e-4 2.0 5.3e-12 6.5e-7 2.9 128 1.6e5 4.9e4 5.3e-6 2.0 4.0e-5 2.0 5.3e-12 8.4e-8 3.0 256 6.5e5 2.0e5 1.3e-6 2.0 1.0e-5 2.0 5.3e-12 1.1e-8 3.0 4*2 32 2.0e4 4.4e3 3.8e-6 2.9 2.7e-5 3.1 5.3e-12 1.5e-7 4.1 64 8.0e4 1.8e4 4.8e-7 3.0 3.2e-6 3.1 5.3e-12 9.0e-9 4.1 128 3.2e5 7.3e4 6.1e-8 3.0 3.9e-7 3.0 5.3e-12 5.6e-10 4.0 256 1.3e6 2.9e5 7.6e-9 3.0 4.8e-8 3.0 5.3e-12 1.1e-10 2.3 4*3 32 3.3e4 6.0e3 1.0e-7 3.9 6.2e-7 4.3 5.3e-12 6.2e-9 5.1 64 1.3e5 2.4e4 6.7e-9 4.0 3.3e-8 4.2 5.3e-12 1.9e-10 5.1 128 5.2e5 9.7e4 4.2e-10 4.0 2.8e-9 3.6 5.3e-12 1.0e-11 4.2 256 2.1e6 3.9e5 1.5e-10 1.5 2.1e-9 0.4 5.3e-12 1.5e-10 -3.9 11|c|d = 3 7c|β=0 4*0 12 5.4e3 2.0e3 1.9e-3 1.8 1.8e-2 1.0 1.1e-13 1.9e-3 2.0 24 4.5e4 1.7e4 7.1e-4 1.4 9.2e-3 1.0 1.5e-13 6.1e-4 1.7 48 3.6e5 1.4e5 3.2e-4 1.2 4.7e-3 1.0 1.7e-13 2.3e-4 1.4 96 2.9e6 1.2e6 1.5e-4 1.1 2.4e-3 1.0 1.8e-13 1.0e-4 1.2 4*1 12 2.1e4 6.0e3 3.9e-4 1.6 3.9e-3 1.3 1.8e-13 1.2e-4 2.2 24 1.7e5 5.2e4 1.1e-4 1.9 1.1e-3 1.8 1.8e-13 1.7e-5 2.8 48 1.4e6 4.3e5 2.7e-5 2.0 3.0e-4 1.9 1.9e-13 2.3e-6 2.9 96 1.1e7 3.5e6 6.7e-6 2.0 7.5e-5 2.0 1.9e-13 2.9e-7 3.0 4*2 6 6.2e3 1.2e3 4.2e-4 1.4 3.6e-3 1.4 1.8e-13 1.8e-4 2.3 12 5.1e4 1.2e4 7.2e-5 2.6 7.0e-4 2.4 1.8e-13 2.1e-5 3.2 24 4.2e5 1.0e5 1.0e-5 2.8 9.8e-5 2.8 1.9e-13 1.5e-6 3.8 48 3.3e6 8.6e5 1.3e-6 3.0 1.3e-5 2.9 1.9e-13 9.6e-8 4.0 4*3 6 1.2e4 2.2e3 1.3e-4 2.6 1.4e-3 2.2 1.8e-13 9.5e-5 2.9 12 1.0e5 2.0e4 1.4e-5 3.3 1.2e-4 3.5 1.8e-13 4.0e-6 4.6 24 8.2e5 1.7e5 9.6e-7 3.8 8.5e-6 3.8 1.9e-13 1.4e-7 4.9 48 6.6e6 1.4e6 6.1e-8 4.0 5.5e-7 4.0 1.9e-13 4.4e-9 5.0 7c|β=1e3 4*0 12 5.4e3 2.0e3 1.0e-3 0.6 1.3e-2 0.3 3.6e-12 8.6e-4 0.9 24 4.5e4 1.7e4 5.6e-4 0.9 8.6e-3 0.6 3.8e-12 3.9e-4 1.1 48 3.6e5 1.4e5 2.9e-4 1.0 4.7e-3 0.9 3.9e-12 1.8e-4 1.1 96 2.9e6 1.2e6 1.5e-4 1.0 2.4e-3 1.0 4.0e-12 9.2e-5 1.0 4*1 12 2.1e4 6.0e3 3.5e-4 1.5 3.7e-3 1.3 3.9e-12 1.1e-4 2.1 24 1.7e5 5.2e4 1.0e-4 1.8 1.1e-3 1.7 4.0e-12 1.8e-5 2.6 48 1.4e6 4.3e5 2.6e-5 1.9 3.0e-4 1.9 4.0e-12 2.4e-6 2.9 96 1.1e7 3.5e6 6.7e-6 2.0 7.6e-5 2.0 4.1e-12 2.9e-7 3.0 4*2 6 6.2e3 1.2e3 3.5e-4 1.6 3.4e-3 1.4 3.9e-12 2.0e-4 2.1 12 5.1e4 1.2e4 6.4e-5 2.5 7.7e-4 2.2 4.1e-12 2.2e-5 3.2 24 4.2e5 1.0e5 9.4e-6 2.8 1.1e-4 2.8 4.1e-12 1.6e-6 3.8 48 3.3e6 8.6e5 1.3e-6 2.9 1.4e-5 3.0 4.1e-12 1.0e-7 4.0 4*3 6 1.2e4 2.2e3 1.3e-4 2.6 1.5e-3 2.0 4.0e-12 9.1e-5 2.8 12 1.0e5 2.0e4 1.4e-5 3.2 1.5e-4 3.3 4.0e-12 4.5e-6 4.3 24 8.2e5 1.7e5 9.6e-7 3.8 9.7e-6 3.9 4.1e-12 1.5e-7 4.9 48 6.6e6 1.4e6 6.1e-8 4.0 5.8e-7 4.1 4.1e-12 4.6e-9 5.1 §.§.§ Stationary Navier-Stokes equations We consider the same exact solution and settings as in Example <ref>. Upon solving (L_h, u_h, p_h) using the H(div)-HDG scheme (<ref>), we locally post-process u_h as in (<ref>) to achieve superconvergence. Table <ref> presents the estimated order of convergence (EOC) of the L_2 norms of e_u, e_L, and e_u^∗ in two-dimensional and three-dimensional cases, along with the L_2 norm of the divergence error ∇·u_h for different values of viscosity ν and polynomial order k of the finite element spaces. The observed optimal convergence rates of e_u_0, e_u^∗_0, e_L_0, and the exact divergence-free results are similar to those obtained in the generalized Stokes equation. It is noteworthy that the convergence rates deteriorate as e_u_0 and e_u^∗0 approach 𝒪(10^-8), which is due to the fact that ϵ_newton in <ref> is of order 𝒪(10^-8) in this example. |c|c|cc|cc|cc|c|cc| Estimated convergence rates of the H(div)-HDG scheme for the Navier-Stokes equations in Example <ref>. 2*k 2*1/h 2c|DOF 2*e_u_0 2*EOC 2*e_L_0 2*EOC 2*∇·u_h_0 2*e_u^∗_0 2*EOC N_total N_global 11|c|d = 2 7c|ν=1 4*0 16 8.6e2 3.5e2 2.8e-3 1.4 2.9e-2 0.9 6.3e-11 2.1e-3 1.6 32 3.5e3 1.5e3 1.2e-3 1.2 1.5e-2 1.0 9.8e-12 8.0e-4 1.4 64 1.4e4 6.0e3 5.8e-4 1.1 7.4e-3 1.0 4.1e-12 3.6e-4 1.1 128 5.7e4 2.4e4 2.9e-4 1.0 3.7e-3 1.0 7.1e-12 1.7e-4 1.1 4*1 16 2.5e3 7.0e2 3.3e-4 1.9 2.4e-3 1.9 7.9e-12 4.2e-5 2.9 32 1.0e4 3.0e3 8.4e-5 2.0 6.3e-4 2.0 1.0e-11 5.3e-6 3.0 64 4.1e4 1.2e4 2.1e-5 2.0 1.6e-4 2.0 2.4e-11 6.7e-7 3.0 128 1.6e5 4.9e4 5.3e-6 2.0 4.0e-5 2.0 1.6e-11 8.5e-8 3.0 4*2 16 4.9e3 1.1e3 3.0e-5 2.9 1.9e-4 2.8 6.8e-12 2.1e-6 3.8 32 2.0e4 4.4e3 3.9e-6 3.0 2.4e-5 2.9 2.3e-11 1.4e-7 3.9 64 8.0e4 1.8e4 4.9e-7 3.0 3.1e-6 3.0 8.1e-12 8.8e-9 4.0 128 3.2e5 7.3e4 6.1e-8 3.0 3.9e-7 3.0 2.1e-11 3.4e-9 1.4 4*3 16 8.1e3 1.4e3 1.7e-6 3.9 7.4e-6 3.9 8.0e-12 1.9e-7 4.9 32 3.3e4 6.0e3 1.1e-7 4.0 4.8e-7 3.9 2.4e-11 5.9e-9 5.0 64 1.3e5 2.4e4 6.8e-9 4.0 3.4e-8 3.8 1.3e-11 6.3e-10 3.2 128 5.2e5 9.7e4 3.0e-9 1.2 6.0e-8 -0.8 2.0e-11 3.0e-9 -2.3 7c|ν=1e-3 4*0 16 8.6e2 3.5e2 2.4e-3 1.0 2.7e-2 0.7 1.7e-10 1.8e-3 1.0 32 3.5e3 1.5e3 1.2e-3 1.0 1.5e-2 0.9 2.0e-10 8.6e-4 1.1 64 1.4e4 6.0e3 6.1e-4 1.0 7.8e-3 0.9 2.0e-10 4.3e-4 1.0 128 5.7e4 2.4e4 3.1e-4 1.0 4.0e-3 1.0 2.0e-10 2.2e-4 1.0 4*1 16 2.5e3 7.0e2 3.3e-4 1.9 2.7e-3 1.9 1.9e-12 6.2e-5 2.8 32 1.0e4 3.0e3 8.4e-5 2.0 7.0e-4 2.0 2.0e-10 8.1e-6 2.9 64 4.1e4 1.2e4 2.1e-5 2.0 1.8e-4 2.0 2.0e-10 1.0e-6 3.0 128 1.6e5 4.9e4 5.3e-6 2.0 4.5e-5 2.0 2.0e-10 1.3e-7 3.0 4*2 16 4.9e3 1.1e3 3.0e-5 2.9 2.3e-4 2.9 1.9e-10 2.8e-6 3.9 32 2.0e4 4.4e3 3.8e-6 3.0 2.9e-5 3.0 2.0e-10 1.8e-7 4.0 64 8.0e4 1.8e4 4.8e-7 3.0 3.7e-6 3.0 2.0e-10 1.1e-8 4.0 128 3.2e5 7.3e4 6.1e-8 3.0 4.6e-7 3.0 2.1e-10 6.0e-9 0.9 4*3 16 8.1e3 1.4e3 1.6e-6 3.8 1.3e-5 3.9 2.0e-10 2.1e-7 4.9 32 3.3e4 6.0e3 1.1e-7 3.9 8.6e-7 3.9 2.0e-10 6.7e-9 5.0 64 1.3e5 2.4e4 7.1e-9 3.9 5.9e-8 3.9 2.0e-10 2.2e-9 1.6 128 5.2e5 9.7e4 4.6e-10 0.6 5.8e-8 0.0 2.0e-10 4.6e-9 -1.1 11|c|d = 3 7c|ν=1 4*0 12 5.4e3 2.0e3 1.9e-3 1.8 1.8e-2 1.0 9.5e-12 2.0e-3 2.0 24 4.5e4 1.7e4 7.1e-4 1.4 9.2e-3 1.0 4.2e-12 6.1e-4 1.7 48 3.6e5 1.4e5 3.2e-4 1.2 4.7e-3 1.0 1.3e-12 2.2e-4 1.4 96 2.9e6 1.2e6 1.5e-4 1.1 2.4e-3 1.0 5.0e-12 1.0e-4 1.2 4*1 12 2.1e4 6.0e3 3.9e-4 1.6 3.9e-3 1.3 2.0e-12 1.2e-4 2.2 24 1.7e5 5.2e4 1.1e-4 1.9 1.1e-3 1.8 7.4e-12 1.7e-5 2.8 48 1.4e6 4.3e5 2.7e-5 2.0 3.0e-4 1.9 1.3e-12 2.3e-6 2.9 96 1.1e7 3.5e6 6.7e-6 2.0 7.5e-5 2.0 2.7e-12 2.9e-7 3.0 4*2 6 6.2e3 1.2e3 4.2e-4 1.4 3.6e-3 1.4 4.4e-13 1.8e-4 2.3 12 5.1e4 1.2e4 7.2e-5 2.6 7.0e-4 2.4 5.2e-12 2.1e-5 3.2 24 4.2e5 1.0e5 1.0e-5 2.8 9.8e-5 2.8 3.9e-12 1.5e-6 3.8 48 3.3e6 8.6e5 1.3e-6 3.0 1.3e-5 2.9 1.5e-12 9.6e-8 3.9 4*3 6 1.2e4 2.2e3 1.3e-4 2.6 1.4e-3 2.2 5.1e-13 9.5e-5 2.8 12 1.0e5 2.0e4 1.4e-5 3.3 1.2e-4 3.5 1.3e-12 4.0e-6 4.6 24 8.2e5 1.7e5 9.6e-7 3.8 8.5e-6 3.8 4.7e-13 1.4e-7 4.9 48 6.6e6 1.4e6 6.1e-8 4.0 5.5e-7 3.9 2.2e-13 4.4e-9 5.0 7c|ν=1e-3 4*0 12 5.4e3 2.0e3 5.1e-3 1.9 4.3e-2 1.4 1.4e-10 5.4e-3 2.0 24 4.5e4 1.7e4 1.1e-3 2.2 1.3e-2 1.8 1.6e-10 1.1e-3 2.4 48 3.6e5 1.4e5 3.6e-4 1.6 5.0e-3 1.3 1.7e-10 2.8e-4 1.9 96 2.9e6 1.2e6 1.6e-4 1.2 2.4e-3 1.1 1.8e-10 1.1e-4 1.4 4*1 12 2.1e4 6.0e3 3.8e-4 1.5 3.9e-3 1.3 1.8e-10 1.2e-4 2.2 24 1.7e5 5.2e4 1.0e-4 1.9 1.1e-3 1.8 1.8e-10 1.8e-5 2.7 48 1.4e6 4.3e5 2.7e-5 2.0 3.0e-4 1.9 1.9e-10 2.4e-6 2.9 96 1.1e7 3.5e6 6.7e-6 2.0 7.6e-5 2.0 1.9e-10 3.0e-7 3.0 4*2 6 6.2e3 1.2e3 4.0e-4 1.5 3.6e-3 1.4 1.8e-10 1.8e-4 2.3 12 5.1e4 1.2e4 7.0e-5 2.5 7.0e-4 2.4 1.9e-10 2.1e-5 3.1 24 4.2e5 1.0e5 9.9e-6 2.8 9.9e-5 2.8 1.8e-10 1.5e-6 3.8 48 3.3e6 8.6e5 1.3e-6 2.9 1.3e-5 2.9 1.9e-10 9.7e-8 3.9 4*3 6 1.2e4 2.2e3 1.3e-4 2.6 1.4e-3 2.2 1.8e-10 9.5e-5 2.8 12 1.0e5 2.0e4 1.4e-5 3.3 1.2e-4 3.5 1.9e-10 4.0e-6 4.6 24 8.2e5 1.7e5 9.6e-7 3.8 8.6e-6 3.8 1.9e-10 1.4e-7 4.9 48 6.6e6 1.4e6 6.2e-8 4.0 5.6e-7 3.9 1.9e-10 4.4e-9 5.0 §.§ Lid-driven cavity problem In this example, we investigate the robustness of the proposed hp-multigrid preconditioners for the lid-driven cavity problem. The computational domain is a unit square/cube Ω=[0,1]^d. We assume an inhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition u=[4x(1-x), 0]^ when d=2 or u=[16x(1-x)y(1-y), 0, 0]^ when d=3 on the top side, and no-slip boundary conditions on the remaining domain boundaries. The source term f=0. The coarsest mesh is a triangulation of Ω with the maximum element diameter 1/h=2 in 2D or 1/h=3 in 3D. We refine the mesh uniformly by connecting the midpoints of the element boundaries in two dimensions, whereas in three dimensions, we apply one-step bisection refinement and split each coarse-grid tetrahedron into two due to computational capacity limitations. Vertex-patched block smoothing and relaxation method are used when d=2, while edge-patched block smoothing and relaxation method are used when d=3 to save memory usage. §.§.§ Generalized Stokes equation We conducted tests on the PCG method preconditioned by both the variable V-cycle multigrid and W-cycle multigrid to solve the primal variable operator of the augmented Lagrangian Uzawa iteration for the condensed H(div) HDG scheme for the generalized Stokes equation. Table <ref> reports the obtained PCG iteration counts with varying mesh levels, lower-order term coefficient β, finite element space polynomial order k, and smoothing steps m_p = m_h = m. The iteration counts remain almost unchanged as β increases from 0 to 10^3. We noticed a slight increase in iteration counts as the polynomial order k increases, particularly in three-dimensional cases. However, increasing the smoothing steps effectively decreases the PCG iteration counts. Other results verify the robustness of the hp-multigrid preconditioner with respect to mesh size. §.§.§ Stationary Navier-Stokes equations We use PGM method preconditioned by the variable V-cycle method to solve the primal variable operator of the augmented Lagrangian Uzawa iteration method for the condensed H(div)-HDG method for the linearized Navier-Stokes equations as in Algorithm <ref>. Table <ref> and Table <ref> report the obtained average PGM iteration counts during the Picard iteration and Newton iteration procedures in Algorithm <ref>, with different mesh levels, viscosity ν, finite element space polynomial order k, and smoothing steps m_p = m_h = m. Fig. <ref> demonstrates the magnitude and the streamlines of the obtained numerical velocity solution with ν=10^-3 (left panel) and ν=10^-4 (right panel). In Table <ref>, for the two-dimensional cases where ν≥ 10^-3, the proposed hp-multigrid method demonstrates satisfactory performance under both Picard and Newton linearization methods, despite some mild increases in the iteration count of the PGM solver with increasing polynomial order k and Reynolds number 𝑅𝑒. However, when 𝑅𝑒=10^4 and k ≥ 1, the performance of the hp-multigrid method deteriorates significantly, although it remains satisfactory when k=0. This highlights the need for an efficient p-robust relaxation method to handle the convection-dominated case in the H(div)-HDG scheme, which requires further investigation. In Table <ref>, the hp-multigrid method exhibits similarly good performance when ν≥ 10^-2 for the three-dimensional cases. However, when ν≤ 10^-3, the solution of the Picard linearization oscillates and cannot provide a sufficiently close initial guess for the Newton iteration. To address this issue, we employed the pseudo-time integration method to obtain the steady state, using a simple implicit backward-Euler discretization with the pseudo-time step size δ t^∗. The results in Table <ref> show that 1/δ t^∗=0.1 is good enough when ν=10^-3, and the extra mass term in the primal operator A_k,h^c,ϵ in (<ref>) makes it easier to be solved by PGM. In the extreme case where 𝑅𝑒=10^4, the solution to the Picard iteration oscillates even more severely, and we omit this case to keep our discussion simple. All other results verify the robustness of our hp-multigrid with respect to the mesh size. In addition to Algorithm <ref>, we are aware of other techniques to solve the stationary Navier-Stokes equations, such as continuation on Reynolds number and pseudo-time integration with implicit-explicit (IMEX) methods. Our numerical experiments demonstrate that the proposed hp-multigrid method is a promising preconditioner for these techniques. §.§ Backward-facing step flow problem Finally, we test the proposed hp-multigrid preconditioners for the backward-facing step flow problem, with the domain Ω=([0.5,4]×[0,0.5])∪([0,4]×[0.5,1]) when d=2, or Ω=(([0.5,4]×[0,0.5])∪([0,4]×[0.5,1]))×[0,1] when d=3. We assume an inhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition u=[16(1-y)(y-0.5), 0]^ when d=2, or u=[64(1-y)(y-0.5)z(1-z), 0, 0]^ when d=3 for the inlet flow on {x=0}, with do-nothing boundary condition on {x=4} and no-slip boundary conditions on the remaining sides. We note that when the edge-patched block relaxation method is used in our hp-multigrid, an evident increase in the iteration count of preconditioned Krylov subspace solvers with the increase of the polynomial degree is observed when the length of the domain is increased. Thus in the numerical experiments for the backward-facing step flow problems, we use vertex-patched relaxation and edge-patched smoothing in the hp-multigrid. Other settings are the same as in the lid-driven cavity problem. §.§.§ Generalized Stokes equation Table <ref> reports the obtained PCG iteration counts. Similar optimal results are observed as in the lid-driven cavity problem. We note that when d=2, β=10^3 and m=1, or when d=3 and m=2, the PCG solver preconditioned by the W-cycle multigrid fails, which is due to the fact that the smoothing steps on each mesh level of the W-cycle multigrid are not large enough to make the preconditioned operator definite and robust with respect to mesh size <cit.>. Meanwhile, the variable V-cycle with m=1 remains a robust and positive definite preconditioner. §.§.§ Stationary Navier-Stokes equations We apply the PGM method preconditioned by the variable V-cycle method to solve the augmented Lagrangian Uzawa iteration (<ref>) for the condensed H(div)-HDG method for the linearized Navier-Stokes equations. Here we limit ourselves to cases with two-dimensional domain and with Reynolds number up to 10^3. All other settings are identical to those in Example <ref> for the generalized Stokes equation. The resulting average PGM iteration counts during the Picard and Newton iteration procedures in Algorithm are reported in Table <ref> for different mesh levels, viscosity ν, finite element space polynomial order k, and smoothing steps m_p = m_h = m, and similar results as for the lid-driven cavity problem in Example <ref> are observed. § CONCLUSION In this study, we developed an hp-multigrid preconditioner for the H(div)-HDG scheme for both the generalized Stokes and the Navier-Stokes equations. The condensed H(div)-HDG system is solved by the augmented Lagrangian Uzawa iteration, and the hp-multigrid is used to precondition the nearly-singular primal operator on the global velocity spaces. The proposed hp-multigrid is essentially a multiplicative ASP, with the lowest global velocity space as the auxiliary space and a robust geometric multigrid algorithm as the auxiliary space solver. For the generalized Stokes equation, we prove that the condensed lowest-order H(div)-HDG discretization is equivalent to the CR discretization with a pressure-robust treatment, which allows for the application of the rich geometric multigrid theory for the CR discretization. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the proposed hp-multigrid is robust to mesh size and the augmented Lagrangian parameter, while a very mild increase in iteration counts of the preconditioned Krylov space solvers with respect to the increase of polynomial order is observed. We further test the proposed hp-multigrid preconditioner on the H(div)-HDG scheme for the linearized Naiver-Stokes equation by Picard or Newton's method, and the iteration counts grow mildly with respect to the increase of the Reynolds number as large as 10^3. An efficient parallel implementation of an additive hp-multigrid algorithm and the proof of its robustness for the generalized Stokes equation will be our forthcoming research. siam
A generalization of the Hawking black hole area theorem
[ "Eleni-Alexandra Kontou", "Veronica Sacchi" ]
[ "gr-qc" ]
theoremTheorem[section] corollary[theorem]Corollary lemma[theorem]Lemma prop[theorem]Proposition definition definitionDefinition[section] remark *remarkRemark ℓ_UV
DEHRFormer: Real-time Transformer for Depth Estimation and Haze Removal from Varicolored Haze Scenes
[ "Sixiang Chen", "Tian Ye", "Jun Shi", "Yun Liu", "JingXia Jiang", "Erkang Chen", "Peng Chen" ]
[ "cs.CV" ]
Effects of Nb Doping on the Charge-Density Wave and Electronic Correlations in the Kagome Metal Cs(V_1-xNb_x)_3Sb_5 Hai-Hu Wen March 30, 2023 =================================================================================================================== Varicolored haze caused by chromatic casts poses haze removal and depth estimation challenges. Recent learning-based depth estimation methods are mainly targeted at dehazing first and estimating depth subsequently from haze-free scenes. This way, the inner connections between colored haze and scene depth are lost. In this paper, we propose a real-time transformer for simultaneous single image Depth Estimation and Haze Removal (DEHRFormer). DEHRFormer consists of a single encoder and two task-specific decoders. The transformer decoders with learnable queries are designed to decode coupling features from the task-agnostic encoder and project them into clean image and depth map, respectively. In addition, we introduce a novel learning paradigm that utilizes contrastive learning and domain consistency learning to tackle weak-generalization problem for real-world dehazing, while predicting the same depth map from the same scene with varicolored haze. Experiments demonstrate that DEHRFormer achieves significant performance improvement across diverse varicolored haze scenes over previous depth estimation networks and dehazing approaches. § INTRODUCTION With the development of deep learning technology, the computer vision community has entered a prosperous era <cit.>. Low-level vision tasks are further developed as deep learning advances <cit.>. Haze, as a common weather phenomenon, would result in severe visibility degradation, which also seriously harms high-level vision tasks, such as object detection, depth estimation, etc. Therefore, single image dehazing, as a long-standing low-level vision task, the haze effect can be formulated by the following well-known atmosphere scattering model mathematically: 𝐈(𝐱)=𝐉(𝐱) t(𝐱)+𝐀(𝐱)(1-t(𝐱)), where 𝐈(𝐱) is the observed hazy image, 𝐉(𝐱) is the clean one, t(𝐱) is the transmission map and 𝐀(𝐱) stands for the global atmospheric light. Single image dehazing is a classical ill-posed problem, due to uncertain parameters: t(𝐱) and A(𝐱), while the transmission map t(𝐱) is a parameter associated with depth: t(𝐱) = e^-β d(x), where β is the scattering coefficient of the atmosphere and d(x) is the depth map. As previously mentioned, due to the influence of the scattering particles in the atmosphere, existing widely-employed depth sensors, like LiDAR or Kinect, etc, are not reliable and robust in haze scenes. Varicolored haze, as a more challenge ill-posed problem, offers diverse hazy conditions with vary colors. To the best of our knowledge, the varicolored haze removal is a less-touched topic in the vision community, but it is worth exploring for many applications. In this work, we present a new task: jointly perform depth estimation and haze removal from varicolored haze scenes. To handle this new task, we present a novel end-to-end transformer, namely DEHRFormer, perform Depth Estimation and Haze Removal by a unified model. Our DEHRFormer aims to tackle several long-standing but less-touch problems as follows: (i) Varicolored haze scenes. Compared with common haze scenes, varicolored haze is a larger collection of haze conditions with more challenging degradations. However, most existing dehazing manners often meet difficulties when trying to handle it <cit.> (ii) Domain gap problem for varicolored dehazing. The domain gap between real and synthetic varicolored haze domains makes networks only supervised by synthetic data hard to generalize well for the real varicolored haze images. Previous arts usually utilize complex image translation paradigm <cit.> or unsupervised learning based on hand-craft priors to bridge it <cit.>, which are inefficient and unstable when training. (iii) Domain consistency problem for varicolored image depth estimation. Estimating depth maps from haze scenes is an existing topic, but previous manners <cit.> ignore the domain consistency between clean and hazy domains, which means different depth maps may be produced from the same scene with or without haze. For challenging varicolored haze scenes, we introduce haze type queries in the transformer-based dehazing decoder to learn diverse varicolored haze degradations, which employ multiple head self-attention mechanism to match learnable haze queries with sample-wise degraded features, to project degraded features into the clean feature space. In depth decoder, we further employ learnable queries as the medium to effectively capture depth information from clean features. For domain consistency problem, we present domain consistency learning to maintain the consistency of depth maps over haze and clean scenes. For domain gap problem, we introduce a novel semi-supervised contrastive learning paradigm, which explicitly exploits the knowledge from real-negative samples to boost generalization of DEHRFormer on real varicolored scenes. Moreover, we propose the first varicolored haze scene depth estimation dataset, which consists of 8000 paired data for varicolored haze removal and depth estimation tasks. We summarize the contributions as follows: * This work focuses on a novel and practical tasks: varicolored image dehazing and depth estimation. Compared with prior arts which only consider common haze removal (grayish haze scenes) or depth estimation from clean scenes, we are the first to joint consider dehazing and estimating depth maps from varicolored haze scenes in a unified way. * We propose a real-time transformer for depth estimation and haze removal, which unifies the challenging varicolored haze removal and depth estimation to a sequence-to-sequence translation task with learnable queries, significantly easing the task pipeline. * A semi-supervised learning paradigm is proposed to boost the generalization of DEHRFormer in the real haze domain. Furthermore, we considered the domain consistency of depth estimation over the haze and clean domains. § METHOD §.§ Coupling Learning Encoder In our architecture, we first offer a Coupling Learning Encoder to capture features from degraded images. Different from previous approaches <cit.>, in the encoder, we apply a CNNs-based encoder to extract coupling features of dehazing and depth estimation, which is the basis for achieving real-time efficiency for inference due to its O(N) complexity compared to O(N^2) computational complexity of self-attention. Inspired from NAFNet <cit.>, the high-dimension space is crucial for extracting features. Nevertheless, it only adopts the simple 3×3 depth-wise convolution to perform modeling. To enhance the coupling learning ability of features for the encoder, we propose Multi-scale Feature Modeling block (MSFM), in which multi-scale convolution is presented in high-dimension space to boost the performance of excavating coupling features of haze removal and depth estimation. As shown in Fig.<ref>, given an input feature X_i^e, our Coupling Learning Encoder can be expressed as: X_i+1^e=MSFM^N(X_i^e ∈ℝ^μ/2^i×w/2^i× C_i↓), where the e denotes the encoder, X_i indicates the feature of i-th layer encoder. H and W mean the height and width of input image. ↓ is the down-sampling operation, we perform overlapped patch merging as follows <cit.>. There are four stages in our coupling encoder. §.§ Task-specific Decoder For Features Decoupling Motivated by DETR<cit.>, we attempt to use learnable queries to decode coupling features via a unified task-specific decoder. The decoding can be seen as sequence-to-sequence translation, which exploits learnable queries to translate the features from the coupling encoder. For the dehazing decoder, we aim to utilize the learnable haze queries Q_h as prototypes to study varicolored degradations. Specifically, the degradation-wise type queries Q_h are used to adaptively decode the varicolored information from encoder via a sequence-to-sequence manner. Given the coupling feature X_4^e∈ℝ^H/16×W/16× C_4, we feed it into our Task-specific Decoder of dehazing and reshape it into 3d sequence X_4^s∈ℝ^N × C_4, where N=H/16×W/16. We employ the linear layer to project X_4^s into Key (K) and Value (V). Therefore, the decoupling can be expressed as follows self-attention: X_h^' =Softmax(𝐐_𝐡 𝐊^T/√(C_4)) 𝐕, where X_h^' denotes the dehazing feature decoupled from the encoder. For the decoupling feature, we then use up-sampling layer to go back to the original resolution. We add Residual Block <cit.> in each stage and have skip connections across each stage. For the depth decoder, we devise the decoder to decouple the features into depth estimation space. The learnable depth queries X_d in this decoder are leveraged to decode the depth information for various scenes. Unlike the dehazing decoder, we utilize X_d to decouple the depth feature from the dehazing feature X_h^' instead of encoder feature X_4^e. This can promote the network to process depth estimation from the clean feature to some extent. Therefore, our unified Task-specific decoder is serial. The overall self-attention and recover original feature size are consistent with the method of dehazing decoder. §.§ Semi-supervised Contrastive Learning For image restoration, conventional contrastive learning paradigm usually only exploit synthetic negative samples to boost model performance. However, real degraded samples are accessible for us, these manners ignore this point and only focus on how to boost the model performance of synthetic domain. For bridging the gap between synthetic and real domain, we introduce the semi-supervised contrastive learning: !0.7cm𝒞(v, v^+, v^-)= -log[exp(δ(v) ·δ(v^+) )/exp(δ(v) ·δ(v^+) / )+∑_n=1^N exp(δ(v) ·δ(v_r^-))] where δ(v),δ(v)_+,δ(v)_- denote the anchor sample, positive sample, and negative sample, respectively. δ(·) is the feature extraction operation by the VGG-19 network. And N denotes the total number of negative samples. Our contrastive learning loss is defined as: ℒ_CR=𝒞(J_syn, J_g t,{Î_n}_n=1^N) where J_gt is the ground truth of the input image, J_syn is the output result of DEHRFormer and N is the total number of real-world varicolored haze images in a single batch. In our semi-supervised paradigm, we exploit real-world hazy samples as negative samples, and predicated results as anchor samples. Different from previous contrastive learning manners, we leverage the set of real hazy images by all varicolored types as the negative samples. The positive sample guides our DEHRFormer to mine clean knowledge by the feature space, while real-negative samples enhance the discriminative knowledge of our network for diverse varicolored haze images. Our semi-supervised learning paradigm provides a lower bound to limit the output of DEHRFormer away from real-world negative samples, which enhances the generalization of our model on the real domain. §.§ Domain Consistency Learning Popular depth estimation networks that only learn from the clean domain usually meet failures in haze scenes. Vice versa, the model that only learns knowledge from the haze domain would meet the generalization decline problem in the clean domain, which is not obviously neglectable. To achieve the generalization consistency between both domains, we present an additional constraint, which enforces our DEHRFormer to predict the same depth maps from the same scenes with or without hazy degradations. Let's denote J_gt^d and J_clean^d as the ground-truth depth map and the depth map predicted from the clean scene by our network. The constraint to perform domain consistency learning can be introduced as follows: ℒ_DC = D(J_gt^d,J_clean^d) where D(·) denotes the Norm-based function to measure distance. §.§ Loss Functions We use Charbonnied loss <cit.> as our reconstruction loss: ℒ_char =1/N∑_i=1^N √(X^i-Y^i^2+ϵ^2), where X^i and Y^i denote the predicted results and corresponding ground-truth. The constant ϵ is empirically set to 1e^-3 for all experiments. Our overall loss functions can be formulated as follows: ℒ = λ_1ℒ_char(J^d_gt,J_syn^d)+λ_2ℒ_char(J_gt^h,J_syn^h) + λ_3ℒ_CR + λ_4ℒ_DC, where J^{d,h}_syn and J^{d,h}_gt are the estimated depth map and dehazing image, and ground-truth of depth map and haze image, respectively. λ_1,λ_2, λ_3 and λ_4 are set to 1, 1, 0.5 and 1 in our all experiments. § EXPERIMENTS Implementation Details. We implement our framework using PyTorch with a RTX3090 GPU. We train our model 200 epoch with the patch size of 256×256. We adopt Adam optimizer, its initial learning rate is set to 2× 10^-4, and we employ CyclicLR to adjust the learning rate. The initial momentum is set to 0.9 and 0.999. For data augmentation, we apply horizontal flipping and randomly rotate the image to 0,90,180,270 degrees. Datasets. To facilitate the development of this task, we propose the first varicolored haze scene depth estimation dataset, which includes 8000 paired data, named varicolored haze removal and depth estimation (VHRDE) dataset. We utilize 6,000 paired haze image from VHRDE for training and 2,000 paired data from VHRDE for testing. For real-world varicolored hazy samples, we utilize 2,000 real hazy images from the URHI (Unannotated Real Hazy Images) dataset <cit.> for semi-supervised training and 1,000 real hazy samples for testing by No-reference image quality assessment. Compared with SOTA Methods. We conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate the superiority of our algorithm compared to previous SOTA dehazing methods and depth estimation methods. For varicolored haze removal, we compared with DCP <cit.>, GDCP <cit.>, PSD <cit.>, SDDE<cit.>, PMNet <cit.> and NAFNet <cit.>. We retrain the DL-based model on our proposed varicolored haze training set and perform inference to ensure a fair comparison. We use PSNR and SSIM to compare the performance of dehazing quantitatively. We can observe that the proposed DEHRFormer achieves the best results on PSNR and SSIM metrics in Table.<ref>. Compared to the second best approach NAFNet <cit.>, we exceed the 0.41dB and 0.1 on PSNR and SSIM. We also present the visual comparison with previous SOTA methods in Fig.<ref>. It can be seen that our method can remove the varicolored haze thoroughly, while the previous methods still have various residual haze. Also, as shown in Table. <ref>, we employ the well-known no-reference image quality assessment indicator to highlight our merits in real-domain, i.e., NIMA <cit.>, which predicts aesthetic qualities of images. Fig.<ref> presents the different dehazing results in real-world images, our method obtains the best results of removing all varicolored haze compared to other algorithms. For the depth estimation, We use the most common depth estimation metrics <cit.> to quantitatively measure the performance of our model in depth estimation, including root mean square error (RMSE), Abs relative error, and accuracy δ_1, δ_2, δ_3 <cit.>. For a fairer and more diverse comparison, for the dehazing algorithms  <cit.> <cit.> <cit.> <cit.> <cit.>, we first perform the dehazing manner and then use the depth estimation model <cit.> to acquire the depth map. For SDDE <cit.> and our DEHRFormer, the depth map is directly obtained from the haze map. The quantitative metrics are presented in Table.<ref>. We found that our framework achieves the best results on five metrics. It is worth mentioning that the paradigm of dehazing first and then depth estimation does not perform well, due to the gap between the dehazing image and the clean image. This has a significant impact on clean-to-depth networks. Our method can explicitly extract the relationship between haze and depth and facilitate depth estimation directly from haze images. The visual comparison is presented in Fig.<ref>. It can be seen from Fig.<ref> that the predicted depth map better reflects the real structure scene, and the transition of details is smoother than the SOTA approaches. We show the inference time cost[Worth noting that we compare DEHRFormer with other Dehazing-DepthEstimation pipelines and single-stage manner, (i.e, SDDE) for a fair comparison. And the time reported in the table corresponds to the time taken by each model or pipeline feed forward an image of dimension 512×512 during the inference stage. We perform all inference testing on an RTX3090 GPU for a fair comparison. Notably, we utilize the torch.cuda.synchronize() API function to get accurate feed forward run-time.] in Table.<ref>. It can be seen that DEHRFormer attracts real-time performance in the inference stage and surpass the previous SDDE method or dehazing-to-depth approaches. § ABLATION STUDY For ablation studies, we follow the basic settings presented above and conduct experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of the components of our proposed comprehensive manner. Next, we analyse the influence of each element individually. Improvements of Learnable Queries. This part aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of proposed learnable queries in the Task-specific Decoder. We present the results in Table.<ref>. We observe that learnable queries can facilitate the decoder adaptively decouples the information we need from the coupling encoder via sequence-to-sequence. In addition, we notice that the number of learnable queries also affects the performance of the decoupling decoder. Benefits of Semi-supervised Contrastive Learning. To boost the generalization of our model in the real-domain, we propose Semi-supervised Contrastive Learning. We tend to verify the gains of Contrastive Learning in this part. We found that real-domain negative samples can enhance the generalization of our model. It is worth mentioning that although synthetic samples can slightly improve our metrics on synthetic datasets, the generalization ability on real-world datasets drops significantly. We also explored the effect of the ratio of positive and negative samples on model performance. We found that more negative samples can facilitate the model to exploit negative information, we only choose the 1:1 ratio to conduct the experiments due to the best trade-off between performance and graphics memory. Effectiveness of Domain Consistency Learning. To demonstrate the gain of proposed Domain Consistency Learning (DCL), we remove the domain consistency learning and observe the effect on estimating clean image depth maps directly from haze maps. From Table.<ref>, We believe that Domain Consistency Learning can maintain the consistency between the depth maps of haze and clean scenes. § CONCLUSIONS In this work, we propose a novel real-time transformer to tackle a new task: depth estimation and haze removal from varicolored haze scenes. Moreover, we present a semi-supervised contrastive learning paradigm for the domain gap problem to achieve domain adaptation in real-world haze scenes. To maintain depth estimation performance in clean scenes, we propose domain consistency learning to simultaneously enforce network learns from hazy and clean domains. Extensive experiments on synthetic and natural varicolored haze data demonstrate the superiority of our DEHRFormer. IEEEbib
Towards practical mass spectrometry with nanomechanical pillar resonators by surface acoustic wave transduction
[ "Hendrik Kähler", "Robert Winkler", "Holger Arthaber", "Harald Plank", "Silvan Schmid" ]
[ "physics.app-ph" ]
Institute of Sensor and Actuator Systems, TU Wien, Gusshausstrasse 27–29, 1040 Vienna, Austria. Christian Doppler Laboratory for Direct-Write Fabrication of 3D Nanoprobes (DEFINE), Institute of Electron Microscopy and Nanoanalysis, Graz University of Technology, Steyrergasse 17, 8010 Graz, Austria. Institute of Electrodynamics, Microwave and Circuit Engineering, TU Wien, Gusshausstrasse 25, 1040 Vienna, Austria. Christian Doppler Laboratory for Direct-Write Fabrication of 3D Nanoprobes (DEFINE), Institute of Electron Microscopy and Nanoanalysis, Graz University of Technology, Steyrergasse 17, 8010 Graz, Austria. Institute of Electron Microscopy and Nanoanalysis, Graz University of Technology, Steyrergasse 17, 8010 Graz, Austria. Graz Centre for Electron Microscopy, Steyrergasse 17, 8010 Graz, Austria. Institute of Sensor and Actuator Systems, TU Wien, Gusshausstrasse 27–29, 1040 Vienna, Austria. silvan.schmid@tuwien.ac.at Nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) have proven outstanding performance in the detection of small masses down to single proton sensitivity. To obtain a high enough throughput for the application in practical mass spectrometry, NEMS resonators have to be arranged in two-dimensional (2D) arrays. However, all state-of-the-art electromechanical transduction methods rely on electrical lines placed close to the mechanical resonators, which drastically restricts the density of 2D resonator arrays. An exception is the transduction by surface acoustic waves (SAWs), which has so far only been shown for the transduction of single nanomechanical pillar resonators. Here, we demonstrate the transduction of pillar pairs by surface acoustic waves. The pillars have a diameter of 700 and show a mass responsivity of -588±98^-1. The distances between the pillar pairs are 70 and 14.3. SAW transduction enabled us to measure both pillars of each pair with electrical lines no closer than 300, illustrating the potential of SAWs to transduce dense arrays of pillar resonators, a crucial step towards practical mass spectrometry with NEMS. Towards practical mass spectrometry with nanomechanical pillar resonators by surface acoustic wave transduction Silvan Schmid March 30, 2023 =============================================================================================================== § INTRODUCTION Mass spectrometry is a key tool for life sciences and, in particular, for proteomics, the large-scale study of proteins <cit.>. Proteins are essential for organisms and control mechanisms, such as signaling and metabolism <cit.>. One of the most important properties of mass spectrometers is their sensitivity, which determines the minimal amount of a protein species needed to be detected. The sensitivity of conventional mass spectrometers is thousands of molecules <cit.>. In comparison, NEMS-based mass spectrometers are able to detect a single molecule <cit.>. However, nanomechanical resonators have an extremely low capture efficiency, so that it takes many molecules until one lands on the resonator for detection. To exploit the full potential of NEMS-based mass spectrometers, it is essential to reduce the sample loss. Besides an improved focusing of the molecular beam <cit.>, this can be done by the arrangement of multiple resonators in a 2D array <cit.>. The issue is that the standard electromechancial transduction methods do not allow the formation of dense arrays since electrical lines must be placed close to the resonators <cit.>. An exception is the transduction by surface acoustic waves (SAWs), which was recently demonstrated for the transduction of single mechanical pillar resonators <cit.>. The method is based on scattering of surface acoustic waves, which are launched and detected by interdigital transducers, distanced hundreds of micrometers away from the pillars. Pillar resonators are well-suited for the sensing of masses and have two main advantages regarding mass spectrometry in comparison to horizontal mechanical structures: pillar resonators can be arranged in dense arrays due to their vertical structure and offer a defined landing position on the tip for the particles to be measured <cit.>. The latter enables a single mode operation of the pillars, instead of the 2-mode operation necessary for horizontal structures <cit.>. Here, we demonstrate on the one hand the transduction of pillar pairs with very small separation distances of 70 by SAWs. On the other hand, we show the SAW transduction of pillar pairs with a large separation distance of 14.3. Together, these results show the potential of SAWs to transduce dense arrays of pillar resonators, since in such arrays pillars can be closely and far separated. We measured the transmission scattering parameters of the overall devices as a function of frequency and modeled the results by a cascade of two port networks. In addition, we determine the response of the pillars to an added mass. § SAW TRANSDUCTION AND PILLAR FABRICATION A scanning electron microscope image (SEM) of a device used in this study is shown in Fig. <ref>(a). The substrate is 128^∘ Y-cut lithium niobate (LiNbO_3), which is piezoelectric. The piezoelectric effect is exploited to generate and detect SAWs by using interdigital transducers (IDTs). The IDTs are fabricated by photolithography and designed to focus Rayleigh-type SAWs. They have a central frequency of 280, a bandwidth of around 110, and each IDT covers an angle of 35^∘. In the focal point of the IDTs, we positioned either a single pillar resonator or a pair of pillars. The pillars are fabricated by Focused Electron Beam Induced Deposition (FEBID) using a platinum metal-organic precursor (MeCpPt^IVMe_3). The dimensions of the pillars were chosen so that their first compression mode falls within the frequency range of the IDTs <cit.>. All pillars had a diameter of 700 and defined heights between 2.3 to 2.9. However, the shape and material properties of different pillars can vary slighty, since FEBID is a very complex process. It involves a large number of independent variables, some of which are dynamically change during fabrication <cit.>. For this reason, we fabricated the two pillars of a pair simultaneously and not one pillar first and then the other. The pillars are transduced by resonant scattering of SAWs, as illustrated in Fig. <ref>(a). One of the IDTs emits a SAW and the other IDT measures the SAWs generated by the vibration of the pillars at resonance. We performed all measurements with a network analyzer and used on-wafer calibration. Further details to the device fabrication, the SAW transduction scheme and the experimental setup can be found in Ref. <cit.>. § EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT MODEL It has been shown that the SAW transduction can be modelled by a cascade of two port networks described by scattering parameters, as illustrated in Fig. <ref>(b) <cit.>. Since the IDTs are designed equivalently, the transmission scattering parameter of the whole device is given by S_21(f) = C S_IDT^2(f) S_P(f) , where f is the frequency of the applied input signal, C is a constant, and S_IDT and S_P are the transmission scattering parameters of one of the IDTs and the pillar, respectively. In case of the transduction of a single pillar, the scattering parameter S_P is given by <cit.> S_P(f) = S_eff f^2/f_0^2-f^2+i f f_0/Q_0 , where S_eff is an effective scattering parameter, f is the frequency of the incident SAW, and f_0 and Q_0 are the eigenfrequency and the total quality factor of the resonator, respectively. If multiple pillars are to be measured, they can not be placed all in the center. The consequences are additional phase differences between the measured signals of each pillar. First, the total distance traveled by the SAWs from one IDT to the other can differ for different pillar positions. Second, the average phase velocity of the SAWs traveled from one IDT to the other depends on the pillar position if the substrate material is anisotropic. For our devices, the phase velocities along the symmetry axes of the IDTs differ less than 10 % <cit.>. Hence, we assume that the additional phase differences between the pillars of our pillar pairs are small taking into account the orientation of the pillar pairs to the IDTs, as illustrated in Fig. <ref>(a). If we assume that the additional phase differences between the signals of multiple pillars are small and the pillars do not couple, the transmision scattering parameter of the pillars S_P is approximately given by S_P(f) ≈∑_n=1^N S_eff,n f^2/f_n^2-f^2+i f f_n/Q_n , where N is the number of pillars or generally the number of uncoupled eigenmodes. Inserting Eq. (<ref>) into Eq. (<ref>) result in S_21(f) = C S_IDT^2(f) ∑_n=1^N S_eff,n f^2/f_n^2-f^2+i f f_n/Q_n . § PILLAR PAIRS We measured the frequency response of two pairs of pillars and a device without any pillar as a reference. The pillar pairs were separated by 70 and 14.3. The results of the measurements are shown in Fig. <ref> as well as SEM images of the pillar pairs. The pillars of each pair differed in height to distinguish them from one another. Two resonances are clearly visible for each pair. The resonances are well separated in frequency so that it can be assumed that the modes are not coupled <cit.>. To analyse the frequency response of the pairs, we first determined S_IDT^2 by measuring two focused IDTs facing each other (see Appendix) and then fitted Eq. (<ref>) to the data for N=2 assuming that both pillars of a pair have the same quality factor Q_0. We fitted |S_21| instead of |S_21|/|S^2_IDT|, since the normalization drastically increases the noise outside the IDTs' frequency range. The fit of the model including the measured frequency response of the two IDTs is shown in Fig. <ref> and is in excellent agreement with the measured data of both pairs. In Table <ref> the determined eigenfrequencies and quality factors of the pillars are listed. It can be seen that the ratios of the pillars' heights h_2/h_1 are equivalent to the inverse ratios of the their eigenfrequencies f_1/f_2. This indicates that we measured the first order compression mode of each pillar of a pair and not different eigenmodes of one of the pillars, since the eigenfrequency of a pillar's compression mode is inversely proportional to its height <cit.>. § FREQUENCY RESPONSE TO MASS We tested the platinum-carbon pillars for mass sensing applications and estimated the responsivity of the pillars to added mass. Previous studies have shown that the platinum-carbon material alters over time in ambient air <cit.>. For this reason, we not only added a mass to a single pillar, but used a second pillar as reference, which was always kept close to the sensing pillar. Both pillars had similar dimensions and are depicted in Fig. <ref>. It shows the frequency responses of the two pillars shortly after fabrication, after 160 days, and after the addition of an extra mass to one of the pillars (178 days). The sensing and the reference pillar had an eigenfrequency of 298 and 308 shortly after fabrication at 0 days, respectively, which we calculated by fitting Eq. (<ref>) to the data for N=1. After 160 days, the eigenfrequency of both pillars decreased by a similar amount: -9 and -8. Between 160 days and 178 days we added a mass to the sensing pillar, as shown in Fig. <ref>(c), which resulted in a frequency decrease of -21. The reference pillar only showed a decrease by -3 in the same time period. If we assume that the sensing pillar shows the same frequency drift over time as the refererence pillar, as it was nearly the case after 160 days, the added mass induced a frequency shift of roughly Δ f_0 = -18±2. The added mass was deposited by FEBID using the same precursor as for the pillars. The deposited material is a mixture of platinum and carbon and has a density of around 4.0±0.3 ^-3 <cit.>. The added mass had a diameter and height of 250 and 540±50, respectively, which gives a total mass of m_add = 106±13. In comparison, the sensing pillar itself had a mass of m_0 = 3.7±0.3. The fractional change of the eigenfrequency per added unit mass, which is called mass responsivity, is defined by <cit.> R_exp = Δ f_0/m_add 1/f_0 . We measured a responsivity for the sensing pillar of R_exp = -588±98^-1 for f_0 = 289. For a pillar vibrating in the first compression mode with a mass added at the top, the theoretical responsivity is given by <cit.> R_theo≈ -2/m_0 , which result in R_theo = -541±44^-1. It can be seen that the measured responsivity is in good agreement with the theoretical expected responsivity. From Eq. (<ref>) it is clear that the responsivity can be improved by reducing the dimensions of the pillars. § CONCLUSION We demonstrated the transduction of two pairs of pillars by surface acoustic waves. The pillar pairs were separated by 70 and 14.3. We could actuate and detect the first compression mode of each pillar separately, which illustrates the potential of SAWs to transduce dense arrays of pillar resonators for mass spectrometry. After this successful proof of concept, the next step is to increase the number of pillar resonators, where coupling of the pillars becomes relevant due to the limited bandwidth of the IDTs. Coupling of the pillars complicates the interpretation of their frequency response, but also promises higher mass-sensitivity than individual resonators <cit.>. Additionally, coupling of the pillars can also be used specifically to modify the quality factor of the pillars when it is dominated by radiation losses <cit.>. On our device, we can not place much more than four platinum-carbon pillars without a relevant coupling of the pillars. To increase the number of uncoupled resonators, we could increase the IDTs' bandwidth. However, a strong increase in the IDTs bandwidth result in a reduced transmission scattering parameter of the IDTs <cit.>. A more promising approach is to improve the resonators quality factor. Previous results suggest that the pillars' quality factor is dominated by intrinsic losses, since it seems to be independent of the pillars' dimensions or vibrational mode <cit.>. Hence, the quality factor of the pillars can be improved by using materials with lower intrinsic losses. In addition to the transduction of the pillar pairs, we measured the mass responsivity of the pillars. However, our devices were not optimized for mass sensing applications. We operated at a central frequency of 280, This is far away from the frequency limit of SAW devices, which is around several GHz. A modification of our devices to higher frequencies would allow us to transduce smaller pillars with higher responsivities, since the responsivity of the pillars is inversely proportional to their mass, as we discussed above. We thank M. Buchholz for the fabrication of the IDT structures and R.G. West for many fruitful discussions. This work is supported by the European Research Council under the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (Grant Agreement-716087-PLASMECS). The financial support by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs and the National Foundation for Research, Technology and Development is gratefully acknowledged (Christian Doppler Laboratory DEFINE). § CONTRIBUTIONS H.K. designed the samples, performed the electrical measurements, analysed the data, and wrote the original draft. R.W. fabricated the pillar resonators under the supervision of H.P. and supported the data analysis. H.A. supervised the electrical measurements and their analysis. H.K. wrote the paper with input from all authors. S.S. helped conceptualize and supervised the project. All authors reviewed and edited the manuscript. § APPENDIX: TRANSMISSION SCATTERING PARAMETER OF THE IDTS We determined the transmission scattering parameter of the IDTs S_IDT^2 by measuring two focused IDTs facing each other. The IDTs were designed equivalently to the orthogonally arranged IDTs shown in Fig. <ref>(a) and were placed along the crystallographic X-axis of the LiNbO_3 substrate. The result of the measurement is shown in Fig. <ref>.
AdaptiveNet: Post-deployment Neural Architecture Adaptation for Diverse Edge Environments
[ "Hao Wen", "Yuanchun Li", "Zunshuai Zhang", "Shiqi Jiang", "Xiaozhou Ye", "Ye Ouyang", "Ya-Qin Zhang", "Yunxin Liu" ]
[ "cs.LG", "cs.DC" ]
Deep learning models are increasingly deployed to edge devices for real-time applications. To ensure stable service quality across diverse edge environments, it is highly desirable to generate tailored model architectures for different conditions. However, conventional pre-deployment model generation approaches are not satisfactory due to the difficulty of handling the diversity of edge environments and the demand for edge information. In this paper, we propose to adapt the model architecture after deployment in the target environment, where the model quality can be precisely measured and private edge data can be retained. To achieve efficient and effective edge model generation, we introduce a pretraining-assisted on-cloud model elastification method and an edge-friendly on-device architecture search method. Model elastification generates a high-quality search space of model architectures with the guidance of a developer-specified oracle model. Each subnet in the space is a valid model with different environment affinity, and each device efficiently finds and maintains the most suitable subnet based on a series of edge-tailored optimizations. Extensive experiments on various edge devices demonstrate that our approach is able to achieve significantly better accuracy-latency tradeoffs (e.g. 46.74% higher on average accuracy with a 60% latency budget) than strong baselines with minimal overhead (13 GPU hours in the cloud and 2 minutes on the edge server). : Post-deployment Neural Architecture Adaptation for Diverse Edge Environments M. Kuich^1e-mail: mkuich@fuw.edu.pl, M. Ćwiok^1, W. Dominik^1, A. Fijałkowska^1, M. Fila^1, A. Giska^1, Z. Janas^1, A. Kalinowski^1, K. Kierzkowski^1, C. Mazzocchi^1, W. Okliński^1, M. Zaremba^1, D. Grządziel^2, J. Lekki^2, W. Królas^2, A. Kulińska^2, A. Kurowski^2, W. Janik^2, T. Pieprzyca^2, Z. Szklarz^2, M. Scholz^2, M. Turzański^2, U. Wiącek^2, U. Woźnicka^2, A. Caciolli^3, M. Campostrini^4, V. Rigato^4, M. Gai^5, H. O. U. Fynbo^6 ^1Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland ^2Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow, Poland ^3University of Padova and INFN-PD, Padova, Italy ^4Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Legnaro, Italy ^5University of Connecticut, CT, USA ^6Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark March 30, 2023 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= § INTRODUCTION Deep learning has enabled and enhanced many intelligent applications at the edge, such as driving assistance <cit.>, face authentication <cit.>, video surveillance <cit.>, speech recognition <cit.>, etc. Due to latency and privacy considerations, it is an increasingly common practice to deploy the models to edge devices <cit.>, so that the models can be invoked directly without transmitting data to the server. The diversity of execution environments is a unique characteristic of edge devices as compared with the cloud. For example, a video app may deploy a super-resolution model on millions of smartphones, ranging from low-end devices to high-end ones, and their computational capacity may differ by up to 20 times. Generating a model for each type of device to guarantee the user experience is very time-consuming; an object detection model may run on different kinds of driving assistance systems, and the computational power may range from 20 to 1000 TOPS. To guarantee safety, the model inference usually has a strict latency budget. Even on the same type of devices, the model execution environments may also vary across instances and change over time due to different hardware states and concurrent processes. To provide a good and uniform user experience, developers are usually required to generate tailored models for diverse edge environments. There are many techniques proposed to automatically generate tailored models according to the target environments. Most of them are cloud-based approaches, in which the models are determined on the cloud side before distributing to edge devices. We call them “pre-deployment approaches” in this paper. Neural Architecture Search (NAS) <cit.> is the most popular technique of this type due to its superior flexibility to change network architectures. It typically requires collecting information (about computational resources, runtime conditions, data distribution, etc.) from the target environments to guide the model architecture search and training processes in the cloud. Despite the effectiveness to find optimal model architecture based on the target environment, NAS approaches are less practical in many edge/mobile scenarios where the model execution environments may be very diverse and dynamic. Searching and maintaining the optimal model architecture in the cloud for each edge would be very compute- and labor-intensive. Thus, a more economic and ideal solution is to let the model self-adapt to the target environment after deployment, which we call “post-deployment approach” to distinguish with the conventional methods, as illustrated in Figure <ref>. Doing so brings several other benefits - the quality of model architectures can be more precisely measured in the target environment, and user privacy can be better protected because there is no need to collect edge information. The idea of adapting the model to the target device has been explored in both the mobile computing community <cit.> and the machine learning community <cit.>. The mobile community is mainly focused on model scaling, adjusting the model complexity to fulfill certain latency requirements, while ML research mainly aims to deal with different data distributions or hard/easy samples. Model scaling approaches share a similar goal as ours, but prior work only shrinks the model size through pruning or quantization instead of changing the model architecture, which limits the opportunity to achieve optimal accuracy-latency tradeoffs. To this end, we introduce , an end-to-end system to generate models for diverse edge environments through post-deployment on-device neural architecture adaptation. We focus on two related challenges in . First, generating the search space of model architectures is non-trivial since the space must contain enough high-quality candidates that are suitable for different edge conditions. Second, directly searching the optimal model architecture at the edge may be time-consuming due to the limited on-device resources. addresses the above challenges by training a supernet once and letting the edge devices choose the satisfactory subnet on their own. The method can be divided into two stages, the on-cloud elastification and on-device search. In the first stage, we design an on-cloud model elastification method to generate a high-quality search space for edge devices. Specifically, the elastification takes an arbitrary pretrained model as the input and converts it to a multi-path supernet by adding branches into the pretrained model, ensuring each path in the supernet is a valid and useful model. We introduce block-wise knowledge distillation to train the newly added branches, which consequently improves the quality of the subnets. Our supernet offers millions of model variations with different structures, and the edge side only needs to find the best structure iteratively without additional training. In the second stage, to improve the efficiency of architecture search and update at the edge, we systematically optimize the search process according to edge characteristics. We first build a performance model on the device by profiling each block in the supernet, which guides the candidate selection during the search, therefore reducing the number of iterations needed to find the optimal model architecture. Then we introduce a reuse-based model evaluation method, which caches intermediate features across model candidates to reduce the time required to evaluate the models in each iteration. To evaluate our approach, we conduct experiments with various popular tasks (image classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation) and models (ResNet <cit.>, MobileNetV2 <cit.>, EfficientNetV2 <cit.>, etc.) on three edge devices including Jetson Nano, Android smartphone (Xiaomi 12), and edge server (NVIDIA 2080 Ti GPU). We compare with several strong baselines including LegoDNN <cit.>, FlexDNN <cit.>, SkipNet <cit.>, and Slimmable Neural Networks <cit.>. The results have shown that our method can achieve significantly better accuracy-latency tradeoffs than state-of-the-art baselines. For example, our method can generate models that have 46.74% higher accuracy than those produced by other methods with a latency budget of 60%. Meanwhile, the overhead of our method is minimal which only takes 13 GPU hours for elastification in the cloud and 2 minutes for adaptation on the edge server. Our work makes the following technical contributions: * We propose and develop the concept of on-device post-deployment neural architecture adaptation, and implement it with an end-to-end system. * We introduce a pretraining-assisted model elastification method that can effectively and flexibly generate a model search space, as well as edge-tailored strategies to search the optimal model from the space and maintain it at runtime. * Our method achieves significantly better accuracy-latency tradeoffs than SOTA baselines according to experiments on various edge devices and common tasks. The tool and models will be open-sourced for edge AI developers to use. § BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION §.§ Current Practice and Related Work for Edge Model Generation Deploying deep neural networks (DNNs) at the edge is increasingly popular due to latency requirements and privacy concerns. Since DNN models are mostly computationally heavy, deploying them to the edge usually has to consider two characteristics of edge devices. First, edge devices are mostly resource-constrained. As a result, there are already a lot of efforts on improving the performance of DNN models on edge devices, including optimizing the DNN inference framework on heterogeneous edge devices <cit.>, designing lightweight model backbones <cit.> and compressing the models to be deployed <cit.>. Besides the resource limitation, another major challenge of edge environments is the diversity - model developers usually need to deploy a certain model to thousands even millions of devices that are different from each other. The deployed models are usually expected to meet a certain budget of latency while achieving higher accuracy, or achieve certain expected accuracy while minimizing the latency. Thus, customizing the model for different target devices becomes a necessity. The current practices to handle edge environment diversity are mostly cloud-based pre-deployment approaches, the central server generates models for different edge devices before distributing them for deployment. Since manually designing models for diverse edge environments is cumbersome, the common practice is to use automated model generation techniques. NAS <cit.> is the most representative and widely-used model generation method, which searches for the optimal network architecture in a well-designed search space. Most NAS methods require training the architectures during searching <cit.>, which is very time-consuming (10,000+ GPU hours) when generating models for a large number of devices. One-shot NAS <cit.> is proposed to greatly reduce the training cost by allowing the candidate networks to share a common over-parameterized supernet. Among them, several approaches also mention the concept of directly searching the architecture for target data and devices <cit.>. However, they require to collect much information from the edge devices to build accuracy and latency predictors, which are used to guide the search process in the cloud. There are also several approaches proposed to scale models at the edge to provide a wider range of resource-accuracy trade-offs. Most of them apply structured pruning (or similar techniques) to generate various descendent models <cit.>, which can adjust the size of each network module without changing the architecture. However, they have limited abilities to generate optimal models for diverse edge environments due to the restricted model space. Dynamic Neural Networks <cit.> are a type of DNN that support flexible inference based on the difficulty of input. When the input is easy, Dynamic Neural Networks can reduce the computation by skipping a set of blocks <cit.> or exiting from the middle layers <cit.>. However, this kind of work only considers dynamically adjusting the depth of DNN models, and they are not completely suitable for situations where latency budgets are strict. §.§ Limitations of Current Practice We conduct several motivational studies to understand the limitations of the conventional model generation method. We argue that the cloud-based pre-deployment model generation approaches underestimate the diversity of edge environments. We identify three types of diversity: * Inter-device diversity. Edge devices are equipped with various types and grades of processors for DL inference, such as CPU, GPU, and AI accelerators. Even for devices with the same type of hardware, their conditions can be different. We measure the inference latency of two popular DNN models on four different mobile devices. As shown in Table <ref>, the inference latency of a model varies a lot on different devices. * Intra-device diversity. Even on the same device, the inference latency of a model may also be affected by various factors, including background processes, software versions, hardware aging, ambient temperature, etc. Table <ref> shows the non-neglectable impact of varying conditions on inference latency. * Data distribution diversity. NAS approaches need to search for the optimal architecture over a given dataset. However, edge devices are usually used in different locations and by different users, dealing with different data distributions <cit.>. For example, some smart cameras are deployed in outdoor scenarios while some are indoor, and the common classes of objects in the scene may be different across devices. Such complex and ubiquitous diversity poses several difficulties for cloud-based model generation. First, tailoring models for diverse edge environments is a heavy task. To generate optimal model architecture for each edge environment, the current practice requires repeating the search process for all types of environments and maintaining them in the cloud. The required manual and computational effort are determined by the granularity of edge environment diversity to consider, which might be burdensome if the developers want to achieve optimal latency-accuracy tradeoffs on more devices. Meanwhile, handling the dynamicity of the edge environment is even more difficult since it requires frequent communications with each edge device and rapid reactive model updating in the cloud. Second, modeling the edge environment may also be difficult. A necessary step in the cloud-based model generation is to estimate the performance of the candidate model, such that the model architecture can be optimized according to the target hardware and data. For example, existing NAS methods are usually based on accuracy and latency predictors <cit.>. Building the predictors requires collecting intensive edge information, which is not easy, especially for the accuracy predictor that depends on the potentially private edge data. The compromise solution is to use a unified accuracy predictor for different edge devices <cit.>. However, the unified accuracy predictor may not perform well for edge devices with data distribution shifts. As shown in Figure <ref>, the accuracy values and rankings of candidate models predicted by the once-for-all accuracy predictor <cit.> are both different from the ground truth, which indicates that the predictors can be unreliable on edge distributions, leading to sub-optimal model generation. §.§ Post-deployment Neural Architecture Generation: Goal and Challenges The limitations of existing edge model generation methods motivate us to think, can we directly search for the optimal neural architecture on the edge device after deployment? Doing so brings several key advantages. Unlike traditional on-cloud NAS which has to estimate the performance of subnets, edge devices can directly evaluate the performance of a given model architecture natively, which is more precise. Besides, searching on the device is a plug-and-play process and does not need to collect edge information to the cloud, bringing the benefits of protecting user privacy and reducing the computation overhead of the cloud. On the other hand, finding the optimal model architecture directly at the edge is challenging. First, generating the model search space for edge devices is difficult. The search space should be flexibly and easily customizable to support diverse edge applications and different ranges of target devices. Meanwhile, since the training abilities of edge devices are usually weak, the search space should contain high-quality candidate models that can be used in different edge environments with minimal (or even no) further tuning. Second, the model search process can be time-consuming at the edge. Existing architecture search methods require either training a lot of candidate models or repeatedly evaluating the performance of the candidates. Both are very heavy for the edge devices because of the limited computing resources and tight deadline of model initialization. Dynamically updating the model according to environment changes is even more time-sensitive. § OVERVIEW To solve the aforementioned challenges and realize the vision of post-deployment model generation, we introduce , an on-device neural architecture adaptation approach for diverse edge environments. To the best of our knowledge, is the first end-to-end system to enable on-device architecture adaptation. The main idea of is to generate high-quality model search spaces based on developer-specified pretrained networks through modular expansion and distillation, and efficiently search for the optimal architecture on the target device guided by performance modeling. Figure <ref> illustrates the architecture of , which includes an on-cloud model elastification and an on-device subnet search. Our model elastification is efficient by leveraging the guidance of a developer-specified pretrained model. It mainly consists of a granularity-aware graph expansion step and a distillation-based training step. Given an arbitrary pretrained network, we first discover the repeating basic blocks and determine the replaceable paths in the computational graph. Then we add optional branches to the model to extend it into a supernet. The added branches include layers that can replace multiple original layers, or structured-pruned layers that reduce the computational cost of individual layers. Each path from the input to the output in the graph is a valid subnet, which consists of both original and newly added modules. The supernet obtained by graph expansion contains a large variety of architectures with different levels of computational complexity. We then further improve the quality of each candidate architecture in the supernet through training, so that on-device training can be avoided to save computation cost. Since our supernet is generated from a pretrained model, we use branch-wise distillation to efficiently train the newly-added branches to mimic the original branches. The distillation is followed by a whole-graph fine-tuning to further improve the overall accuracy of the subnets. With all these techniques, the supernet would contain high-quality subnets that can fit in different edge environments, and it is deployed to the edge devices for further adaptation. The on-device subnet search stage aims to find the most appropriate subnet (that can achieve the highest accuracy within the latency budget) on resource-limited edge devices. We first build a latency model by profiling the blocks in the supernet to precisely estimate the latency of subnets in the native environment. Based on the latency model, we design a search strategy that initializes a set of promising candidate models and iteratively mutates the candidates around the latency budget. The search efficiency is further improved by reusing the common intermediate features during candidate model evaluation. The optimal model is also adaptively updated by the runtime monitor to handle environment dynamicity. § ELASTIFICATION ON CLOUD The input of the model elastification stage is a developer-specified pretrained model, similar to the common scenarios in edge AI deployment. The pretrained model is determined as the best-performing model that can fulfill (or slightly exceed) the latency budget on the highest-end target device. The goal of elastification is to convert the given pretrained model into a supernet, by expanding alternative basic blocks, making connections between them, and letting each path in the supernet (namely subnet) behave correctly. In this way, the supernet is granted with the elasticity: each subnet has the discriminative performance characteristics in terms of inference latency and accuracy. The supernet is then deployed onto the edge, where the particular edge device can search for the most suitable subnet according to its own hardware capacities and data distribution. There are two main problems to solve in elastification. The first is how to generate the supernet architecture. Although prior work <cit.> has discussed hand-crafted supernets for certain models, it is still an open question to automatically generate supernets based on an arbitrary pretrained model, especially considering the diversity of DNNs. Another problem is how to train the subnets in the supernet to improve their quality. A supernet typically contains millions of subnets, thus training them separately is time-consuming. We propose two techniques to address these problems accordingly. §.§ Granularity-aware Graph Expansion Let 𝒩 denote the pretrained model we want to elasticize. The first step is to analyze the computational graph of 𝒩 to determine how it can be expanded. We call the smallest unit in the graph that be replaced as a basic block, and the block partitioning is determined by the following principles. First, the size of blocks determines the subnet search space size and the granularity of how the latency can be controlled. Thus, we limit the block parameter size to no more than γ· P_0 where γ is a parameter to control the granularity and P_0 is the parameter size of the original model N. Second, the blocks should not span fusion layers. For example, Conv and ReLU can be fused in most inference frameworks <cit.>. Third, each basic block should be single-input and single-output in the original model graph. Following these principles, we can represent the supernet as a set of connected basic blocks 𝒩 = graph {ℬ^(0), C}, where ℬ^(0) is the set of blocks and C denotes the connections between them. Next, we generate the supernet graph 𝒮 by expanding the graph of the pretrained model 𝒩 through adding alternative blocks and connections. Particularly, we consider two expanding strategies including merging and shrinking, as shown in Figure <ref>. First, we add merged blocks B_i^(j) that can replace multiple basic blocks (j>0 represents the number of reduced blocks in the replacement). Suppose { B_i^(0), B_i+1^(0), ..., B_i+j^(0)} are the basic blocks in 𝒩 that can be replaced by B_i^(j), The input shape of B_i^(j) is the same as B_i^(0), and output shape is the same as B_i+j^(0). The parameter size of B_i^(j) is determined by the largest among the replaced blocks. Second, like traditional model scaling approaches <cit.>, we also add different levels of shrunk blocks ℬ_i^(-1), ℬ_i^(-2), ... for each basic block ℬ_i^(0)∈ℬ^(0) by reducing its size with structured pruning and network slimming techniques <cit.>. The granularity of merged blocks and pruned blocks can be balanced to control the size of subnet search space. Compared to the existing model scaling methods <cit.>, our supernet has higher elasticity because it allows the subnets to have different architectures, rather than just different sizes of the same architecture. This is also the reason why NAS outperforms other model generation techniques on the server side <cit.>. §.§ Distillation-based Supernet Training Next, we need to train the generated supernet to improve the quality of its subnets, so that the subnet can be directly used at the edge without further training. We achieve efficient and effective training by fully utilizing the supernet. The whole training process includes a branch distillation phase and a whole-model tuning phase. Branch-wise distillation. In this phase, we first freeze the weights of B_i^0 so that the accuracy of the original pretrained model is preserved. Then we adopt feature-based knowledge distillation <cit.> to let the added blocks imitate their corresponding original blocks. As illustrated in Figure <ref>, in each iteration, we randomly sample a subnet from the supernet and use 𝒩 as the teacher model to train the new branches in the subnet. Specifically, let S_i denote the output feature map of a newly added block B_i^(j) and T_i denotes the output feature map of the last block that B_i^(j) replaces, we use the L2 distance as the distillation loss. The loss function is ℒ_distillation=1/M∑_i=1^M T_i-S_i _2 ^2, where M denote the number of new blocks in the sampled subnet. With enough iterations applied, all new blocks in the supernet will be trained multiple times to improve their individual quality. Since we only train the new blocks and use the feature maps of the pretrained model as strong supervision, the distillation process is efficient and easy to converge. Further tuning. We further train the supernet using labelled data to improve the end-to-end quality of the subnets. In each step of tuning, we randomly sample a subnet B_i^(j), forward a batch of samples, compute the Cross-Entropy <cit.> loss between the subnet outputs and the labels, and update the parameters of the added blocks in B_i^(j) via gradient descent. The performance of the supernet is measured by sampling a new set of random subnets and testing each of them on validation data. We use the latency-range accuracy as the training progress indicator, which records the average accuracy achieved by subnets in each latency range. This phase starts from the distilled supernet, and thus the learning rates are relatively small and the convergence is fast. Notes on design rationale. Each phase in our design is indispensable to ensure training efficiency and effectiveness. Using distillation only will lead to suboptimal final accuracy, and direct training will significantly slow down the convergence. Merging the two phases together is also not desirable since it will make the loss design and training more difficult. The experimental comparison can be found in Section <ref>. We also note that our method does not modify the parameters of the pretrained model, so it guarantees that the latency-accuracy tradeoffs will be better than or at least equal to the pretrained model. § ADAPTATION ON EDGE The supernet generated by model elastification is uniformly deployed to different edge devices, but it is not directly usable since each edge device has different characteristics and requirements. Thus, we further introduce the on-device adaptation stage to obtain the optimal architecture adaptively in the target environment by searching the subnet space. Such a search process is similar to traditional on-cloud NAS but has a higher requirement for efficiency. According to our analysis, using a normal search method as in NAS can cost more than 10 hours on edge devices. Most of the searching time is spent on evaluating the subnets. This is because we have to perform model inference hundreds of times to get the accuracy of candidate models in each search iteration and use the accuracy results to guide the next search iteration. To reduce the searching overhead, we introduce a latency model-guided search strategy and a reuse-based model evaluation method. §.§ Model-guided Search Strategy We first optimize the search strategy to find the optimal model architecture (the architecture that can achieve the highest accuracy within the latency budget) with fewer iterations. The core idea of the optimization is to prune the search with the guidance of a natively-built latency model. Formally, suppose T_budget denotes the latency budget in the target environment and D_edge is the edge dataset. Our goal is to find a subnet 𝒩' = { B_i_1^(j_1), B_i_2^(j_2), ..., B_i_n^(j_n)} from the supernet 𝒮 whose latency T(𝒩') ≤ T_budget and accuracy Acc(𝒩', D_edge) is optimal. During the search, the accuracy of the candidate model is directly measured on the edge dataset D_edge, and the latency is computed with a latency model. The latency model is a table 𝒯={T_i^(j)} where T_i^(j) is the latency of basic block B_i^(j) in the supernet. The block latency is precisely measured on the device through profiling after deployment. Note that this process is quick (within seconds) because the number of basic blocks is small (much smaller than the number of subnets). Our supernet generation strategy (Section <ref>) ensures that the basic blocks will not be fused, thus the latency of a chosen subnet is the sum of all its blocks, T(𝒩') =∑_k=0^n T_i_k^(j_k). Note that we use the latency model to compute the latency rather than directly measure it because end-to-end latency measurement under the actual model operating condition is time-consuming. The subnet search process contains two main steps, including candidate initialization and candidate mutation, where the initialization step produces a set of seed subnets and each mutation step changes the subnets iteratively to better fit the target environment. Both the initialization and mutation are customized with the latency model in our approach. Our experiments show that the optimal subnets are often near the latency budget. Therefore, the initialization and mutation are designed to keep the search of candidates near the budget. Specifically, we design two supporting functions NearbyInit and NearbyMutate. NearbyInit generates the initial candidate subnets by randomly sampling a group of subnets whose latencies lie in the range of [T_budget - Δ T, T_budget + Δ T]. The models with latency higher than T_budget are unlikely to be useful at the current moment, but they may be used later to handle dynamic environment change (see Section <ref>). Next, when we change the candidate subnets in each iteration, we first randomly mutate a subnet by replacing a branch in it. If the latency of the subnet after mutation is out of [T_budget - Δ T, T_budget + Δ T], we iterate the rest branches in the supernet and find the best alternative branches that can reduce the latency change. Both the initialization and mutation strategies are graph operations that do not involve heavy computation, but they can significantly reduce the evaluation overhead by improving search efficiency. Meanwhile, the model-guided initialization and mutation can be integrated into most standard search algorithms including evolutionary search <cit.> and simulated annealing <cit.>. Algorithm <ref> shows the subnet search strategy based on evolutionary search. §.§ Reuse-based Model Evaluation While the model-guided search strategy reduces the required iterations, the model evaluation overhead in each iteration is still high. In each iteration, we usually need to evaluate hundreds of candidate subnets with the edge data to find the most accurate ones. The candidate subnets usually share common prefix substructures, so we have the opportunity to save time by reusing common intermediate features across subnets. For example, let 𝒩'_1 = G_prefix∪ G_1 and 𝒩'_2 = G_prefix∪ G_2 denote two different subnets and 𝒩'_1 is evaluated before 𝒩'_2, during the evaluation of 𝒩'_1, the output feature of G_prefix(D_edge) can be saved and reused when evaluating S_2, which saves the inference cost of computing G_prefix(D). However, saving all the common features during model evaluation is infeasible because it will take too much memory. Thus, we can only save part of the common features and improve the reuse ratio as much as possible. In order to achieve this, we introduce a tree-based feature cache to schedule the evaluation. The leaf nodes and non-leaf nodes in the tree represent subnets and common prefix substructures respectively. The leaf nodes (subnets) sharing the same parent node have the same prefix substructure represented by the parent node. And two non-leaf nodes with the same parent node have the same smaller prefix substructure. After building the feature cache tree, we evaluate all the subnets in the depth-first order. When we traverse to node N, we cache the output feature of that node in memory. Then, when evaluating the descendant leaf nodes (subnets) of N, we can reuse the cached feature. After evaluating all descendant leaf nodes (subnets) of N, we can release the feature from memory since it won't be reused by later subnets. As a result, the number of saved features is no more than the depth of the tree, and we can adjust the depth of the tree to control the size of the feature cache. Another problem of model evaluation is that testing the models one by one may lead to too frequent data I/O operations. Thus, we adopt batch-wise model group evaluation, loading a batch of data and evaluating all candidate subnets using the batch. The performance of the subnets is the average of them on all batches. §.§ Dynamic Model Update The optimal subnet found by search is used in the target environment for serving. However, the subnet may become suboptimal at runtime upon environment change. deals with environment change by dynamically paging in and paging out alternative blocks. In order to provide subnets of different latency-accuracy trade-offs, we maintain a subnet pool during searching (Section <ref>) and save the [arch, latency, accuracy] tuples of all the searched subnets, where arch denotes the encoded architecture of the subnet. After searching, we save the subnet architectures that achieved the highest accuracy at different levels of latency (within the latency range [T_budget - Δ T, T_budget + Δ T]). For each of these subnet architectures, we save the relative latency as compared with the current optimal subnet. At runtime, a latency monitor runs to detect the latency change of the running model. When the inference latency exceeds the budget, the latency monitor reports the latency scaling ratio r = actual latency/estimated latency, and searches in the subnet pool to find the subnet that achieves the highest accuracy within the scaled latency budget T_budget/r. Similarly, when the actual latency is smaller than the largest relative latency in the subnet pool, the monitor also replaces the running model with a better one. If the environment change is too significant and no subnet in the pool can fulfill the latency budget, we restart the search process to obtain the new optimal subnet and subnet pool. § IMPLEMENTATION We implement our method using Python and Java. The on-cloud elastification part and on-device searching part are developed with PyTorch and PyTorch Mobile <cit.>. Handing two-stage models. Some deep learning applications such as object detection and semantic segmentation often require two-stage training, pretraining the backbone on ImageNet <cit.> and fine-tuning on the smaller task dataset. When a DNN model needs to be trained on two datasets, uses a two-stage elastification strategy. Let 𝒩 denote the DNN model well-trained on two datasets {D_1, D_2} in order. We first elasticize the backbone of 𝒩 and train the newly added branches on D_1 based on feature-based distillation (Section 4.2.1) method. After distillation, we connect the elasticized backbone to the head of 𝒩 to make it a supernet, and further train it on D_2 (Section 4.2.2). Devices with limited memory. The supernet generated by our method is about 2×-5× larger than the pretrained model, which may not fit in the memory of some low-end devices. We use block-wise loading and inference to reduce the memory overhead. Specifically, only the blocks required by the current subnet are loaded into the memory during searching, and others are retained in the disk. Therefore, requires no more memory in the on-edge stage than that required by the optimal subnet. § EVALUATION We conduct experiments to answer the following research questions: (1) Is able to generate models with better latency-accuracy tradeoffs? (<ref>, <ref>) (2) Can utilize the edge data distribution? (<ref>) (3) What's the efficiency of in both on-cloud and on-edge stages? (<ref>, <ref>) §.§ Experimental Setup Edge environments. We use three edge devices including an Android Smartphone (Xiaomi 12) with Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 CPU and 8 GB memory, a Jetson Nano with 4 GB memory, and an edge server with NVIDIA 3090 Ti with 24 GB GPU memory. The batch sizes are set to 1, 1, and 32 on the three devices to simulate real workloads. We use different latency budgets to simulate intra-device hardware diversity. The data distribution diversity is not considered in most experiments to fairly compare with the baselines. In Section <ref>, we use Dirichlet distribution to generate edge data, the same setting used in most Federated Learning research <cit.>. Baselines. LegoDNN <cit.> and NestDNN <cit.> are the most relevant baselines of our work. LegoDNN <cit.> is a pruning-based, block-grained technique for model scaling. NestDNN <cit.> generates multi-capacity DNN models using filter pruning and recovering methods. Since the source code of NestDNN is unavailable and it underperforms LegoDNN <cit.>, we conduct a detailed comparison with LegoDNN. We also include three methods that can be used for on-device model generation, including Slimmable Networks <cit.>, FlexDNN <cit.> and SkipNet <cit.>. Slimmable Networks <cit.> design models whose widths can be flexibly changed without retraining, FlexDNN <cit.> is an input-adaptive method that supports early exits, and SkipNet <cit.> is a representative dynamic neural network that can dynamically switch different routes for different inputs. We adapt SkipNet <cit.> by letting it search for an optimal fixed route on the target device as the generated model. And we adapt FlexDNN <cit.> by specifying an early exit layer for each latency budget. We also compare with the EfficientNetV2 series <cit.>, which are examples of state-of-the-art models generated by on-cloud NAS. Tasks, Models, and Datasets. We evaluate the performance of on three common vision tasks. * Image classification aims to recognize the category of an image. We select three popular classification models, MobileNetV2 <cit.>, ResNet50 <cit.>, and ResNet101 <cit.> to represent small, middle, and large models. The dataset used in this task is ImageNet2012 <cit.>. * Object detection aims to detect objects in an image, predicting the object bounding boxes and categories. We choose EfficientDet <cit.> with ResNet50 <cit.> backbone as the detection model, which is one of the top-performing detection models, and COCO2017 <cit.> as the dataset. The performance of detection models is measured by mean average precision over Intersection over Union threshold 0.5 (mAP@0.5). * Semantic segmentation aims to predict the class label of each pixel in an image. We choose FPN <cit.> model with ResNet50 <cit.> encoder pretrained on ImageNet2012 <cit.>. The dataset is CamVid <cit.>, a road scene understanding dataset. The performance is measured by Mean Intersection over Union (mIoU). §.§ General Model Scaling Performance We first evaluate the quality of models generated by our method and the baselines. Specifically, we elasticize MobileNetV2, ResNet50, and ResNet101 which represent small, medium, and large models respectively. For small models, we elasticize them into supernets containing five types of replaceable blocks {B_i^(1), B_i^(2), B_i^(0), B_i^(-1), B_i^(-2)}. The pruning rate of B_i^(-1), B_i^(-2) are 0.5 and 0.25 respectively. For medium and large models such as ResNet50 and ResNet101, we elasticize them into supernets that only contain original and merging optional blocks {B_i^(1), B_i^(2), B_i^(0)}. After elasticizing, the supernets contain 2.58×10^8, 1.06×10^5, 2.57×10^17 subnets, respectively. To make a fair comparison, we divide the validation set into two subsets, one smaller subset (3000 images) to search for the optimal subnet under 10 latency budgets, and the rest to evaluate the optimal subnet. The result is displayed in Figure <ref>, AdaptiveNet achieves higher accuracy than baseline approaches at almost every latency budget, and increases accuracy by 10.44% and 28.03% on average compared to LegoDNN with 90% and 70% latency budget respectively. This is because our elastification creates better search space of subnets and the two-stage training technique allows subnets to learn from both the original pretrained model and the labels. Thus, AdaptiveNet can outperform LegoDNN which only trains the descendent blocks to mimic the original blocks. Besides, we observe that AdaptiveNet outperforms the baseline models more at a lower latency budget. At the 60% and 80% latency budget, AdaptiveNet achieves 42.53% and 29.16% higher accuracy on average respectively. This is because our approach includes merging two or more blocks into one replacement block compared to pruning-based model scaling techniques. Such block merging can save more latency with a smaller loss of accuracy than high-ratio pruning. We also notice that the gap between and Slimmable Networks is small on smartphones and 3090 Ti. The main reason is that slimmed networks can better utilize the computational resources on such devices. However, because the slimmable models are based on custom backbones, they cannot support SOTA pretrained models and are not flexible for normal developers to use. Further, can be used with multiple pretrained models to achieve more wide-range and fine-grained trade-offs. Figure <ref>(a) shows the performance of models generated from two oracle EfficientNetV2 models, where provides over 20 meaningful latency-accuracy trade-offs between the oracle models. Thus, developers can use as an effective supplement to manually-created or cloud-generated models to offer more choices for the edge with little overhead (dozens of hours). §.§ Performance on Other Tasks We also test AdaptiveNet on object detection and semantic segmentation to evaluate its generalizability and performance on complex two-stage tasks (pretrained on ImageNet2012 <cit.>, fine-tuned on COCO2017 <cit.> and CamVid <cit.>). Our object detection model, EfficientDet <cit.>, consists of a backbone, neck, and head, among which the backbone takes up most of the inference latency (more than 90% according to our measurements), thus we only elasticize the backbones. For the same reason, we only elasticize the encoder of FPN <cit.>. Since the official code of our baseline LegoDNN <cit.> on object detection and semantic segmentation cannot run properly, we implement the training process of LegoDNN <cit.> on both tasks. To make fair comparisons, and LegoDNN <cit.> start from the same pretrained model and train for the same GPU hours. After training, we randomly sample the same number (500) of subnets for both tasks and evaluate them on the test set. The results are shown in Figure <ref>. Similar to the classification tasks, achieves reasonable scaling performance and outperforms the baseline. Some of the FPN subnets can even achieve better tradeoffs than the original pretrained model, which is because the original model is over-fitted. Our subnets generated by merging some original blocks together can reduce the parameter size of the original model, which reduces over-fitting and improves accuracy. §.§ Impact of Edge Data Distribution Shift Since generates the model directly on the target device, it can utilize edge data as compared with on-cloud NAS. We examine the quality of models generated by on different edge datasets simulated with Dirichlet distributions. The results are shown in Figure <ref>. We notice that can outperform the EfficientNetV2 models that are generated by extensive on-cloud NAS <cit.> on unbalanced edge data distributions. Some of the subnets may improve the top-1 accuracy by 1.07% while saving 7.71% latency at the same time, which is a hard-won improvement since the original model has achieved excellent performance (with 86.99% top-1 accuracy and 5.03ms latency). We also observe that the advantage of increases when the data distribution is more unbalanced. Given the fact that the edge data distributions are usually different from training ones <cit.>, we believe the post-deployment model generation mechanism of is a more promising direction to seek in edge AI scenarios. §.§ On-cloud Training Performance We examine the efficiency and effectiveness of our on-cloud elastification stage. We compare our supernet training method with a supervised training baseline (our method without distillation) and a distillation-only baseline (our model without whole-model tuning) and plot the progressive top-1 accuracy on ImageNet in Figure <ref>. Although all of the training methods can converge after 50 epochs, our two-step training technique is 7.15% and 7.84% higher than using supervised training only and distillation only. Our supernet training also converges faster than the baselines with only 60 epochs (about 13 hours), which is also significantly faster than on-cloud NAS (>1200 GPU hours <cit.>). §.§ On-device Adaptation Efficiency In this section, we evaluate the performance of the on-device search in . Most of the subnet search methods in conventional NAS are too heavy for edge devices (reinforcement learning <cit.> and gradient-based methods <cit.>). So we choose normal evolutionary search <cit.> and simulated annealing <cit.> as our baselines. To examine the effectiveness of our method, we conduct two ablation experiments and one end-to-end experiment. All the experiments use the same 500 images for searching. Figure <ref> shows the acceleration percentage of our reuse-based model evaluation method (Section <ref>). We compare the time spent to evaluate 50, 100, and 200 subnets respectively. Our method saves up to 56.7% and 36.2% of search overhead compared to normal evaluation pipeline, and consumes 100-500MB of memory. It is notable that the memory cost of our method is controllable by adjusting the depth of the subnet tree. If there is no space for feature maps, we can set the depth to 0, which will reduce the GPU memory overhead to zero with some sacrifice of search efficiency. Figure <ref> shows the benefits of our model-guided search strategy. To achieve the same average accuracy, , evolutionary algorithm, and simulated annealing need to try 800, 3100, and 1800 subnets respectively. Figure <ref> shows the end-to-end search efficiency comparison between and baselines on NVIDIA 2080 Ti. We conduct three individual experiments with a population size of 50, 100, and 200, respectively, and show the best results for each strategy. , simulated annealing algorithm, and evolutionary algorithm to find optimal subnet in 117.6, 765.6, and 1656.9 seconds respectively, indicating that our method can improve search efficiency by more than 80%. Network transmission overhead. Table <ref> shows the size of and pretrained models. Although increases the size of models, we believe it can actually save network overhead. only needs to transmit the supernet to edge devices once, which is 1.32×-2.72× larger than the original pre-trained model. However, to achieve similar performance, conventional model deployment approaches have to collect device information and re-transmit the model when the edge environment changes, which is n× larger than the original model, where n is the time of changes. Real-time Model Update Efficiency. We further test the performance of our dynamic model update module and present the result in Figure <ref>. We choose ResNet50 <cit.> as our pretrained model and the experiment is conducted on NVIDIA 2080 Ti. We adjust the GPU usage by running and killing MobileNetV2 inference processes. Our dynamic model update is fast and responsive. After the latency budget is exceeded or under-utilized, can find the optimal model and recover the latency within 1 second. Specifically, we obtain a pool of optimal subnets for a range of latency budgets during the on-device search. The runtime update module only needs to switch to the proper model, instead of searching from scratch. Thus, it should be easy for our method to catch up with the workload dynamics. Besides, if the real workload is very dynamic, we can control the update frequency to avoid overreaction. § DISCUSSION An issue that may be a concern in the on-device model generation is the need for labeled edge data, which might be difficult if the data is not auto-labeled (like in many unsupervised tasks <cit.>). Such a dataset can be generated by querying an oracle model with unlabelled edge data. Letting the cloud send public data to the edge is also an option, although the edge data characteristics will not be utilized in this way. Although AdaptiveNet is mainly evaluated on vision tasks, it should be able to generalize to other tasks such as NLP. Transformer models <cit.> are also composed of repeated blocks such as encoders and decoders, so we should be able to elasticize them into supernets and choose the optimal subnet from them at edge devices. We also want to discuss the relationship between AdaptiveNet and on-device training, which can be used to improve model quality after deployment. First, on-device training typically requires heavy computation and sufficient training data to be effective, which does not require. Besides, on devices with good training conditions, a better architecture found by can also be beneficial. § CONCLUSION This paper proposes a novel approach for on-device, post-deployment, and environment-aware model architecture generation. The approach is implemented as an end-to-end system equipped with on-cloud model elastification and on-device model adaptation techniques. Experiments have demonstrated the remarkable model quality and model generation efficiency of our method. Developers can scale their AI applications to diverse and dynamic edge environments with our system by simply specifying a pretrained model. § ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work is supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (No.2022YFF0604501) and NSFC (No.62272261). ACM-Reference-Format
AdS Witten Diagrams to Carrollian Correlators
[ "Arjun Bagchi", "Prateksh Dhivakar", "Sudipta Dutta" ]
[ "hep-th" ]
Effects of the transversely nonuniform plasma density in a blowout regime of a plasma wakefield accelerator
[ "S. S. Baturin" ]
[ "physics.acc-ph", "physics.plasm-ph" ]
s.s.baturin@gmail.com School of Physics and Engineering, ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia 197101 We present an analytical study on the effects of the transverse plasma gradient in the blowout regime of a plasma wakefield accelerator (PWA). The analysis departs from a simple ballistic model of plasma electrons that allows us to derive a complete analytic solution for the pseudopotential and, consequently, for the wakefield. We demonstrate that the transverse plasma gradient modifies the bubble shape and affects the wakefield. Namely, the dipole plasma gradient results in a dipole component of the wakefield. Analysis suggests that, despite the asymmetry, the instability due to the fixed transverse plasma gradient is unlikely, as the total wakefield has a single stable point inside the bubble. The only effect that occurs is the shift of the electromagnetic center. We point out that random fluctuation of the transverse plasma gradient could become an issue. Effects of the transversely nonuniform plasma density in a blowout regime of a plasma wakefield accelerator S. S. Baturin March 30, 2023 =========================================================================================================== § INTRODUCTION Beam breakup (BBU) and emittance degradation are one of the main challenges on the way to the high luminosity collider based on a wakefield accelerator technology. <cit.>. Among others, <cit.> plasma-based wakefield accelerators (PWA) are considered the most promising candidate for the particle accelerators of the future <cit.> as it possesses intrinsic focusing mechanism provided by the ions and extreme accelerating gradients at the same time <cit.>. In particular, in a so-called bubble regime, when plasma electrons are expelled, due to the high intensity of either laser or electron driver longitudinal (accelerating) electric field could be ∼ 50 GV/m <cit.>. Accelerating gradient is tightly connected with the transverse wakefield by the means of the Panofsky-Wenzel theorem <cit.>. When the longitudinal wake is axisymmetric, the transverse wake is zero, but even a tiny asymmetry is enough to seed the instability, that is caused by the transverse wake. The latter is connected with the fact that projected transverse beam emittance grows exponentially due to the BBU <cit.>. Moreover, even a short noise (a small random force or random asymmetry in the beam distribution) triggers the BBU. Despite such a strong limitation, it tums out that BBU could still be controlled. Many mechanisms and approaches, including ion motion <cit.>, BNS damping <cit.>, and other methods of instability suppression have been investigated extensively. It was demonstrated that BBU is not just suppressed but eliminated in a certain parameter range. In the present study, we investigate how the local transverse asymmetry of the plasma gradient affects the wake and analyze these results from a beam dynamics perspective. The analysis is based on the ballistic model of the plasma electrons introduced in Ref.<cit.>. To an extent, present calculations echo the analysis of the Ref.<cit.>, where a flat bubble formation was investigated. In contrast to the Ref.<cit.>, where it was demonstrated that the wakefield is insensitive to the transverse plasma gradient, we show that in a commonly considered round bubble, transverse plasma gradient results in a transverse wake. Within the considered approximation we analyze plasma flow, derive an analytic expression for the pseudopotential, and provide a discussion of the possible consequences. The paper is organized as follows. In Sec.<ref>, for the sake of convenience, we reproduce basic formulas and equations provided in Refs.<cit.> that we will use throughout the paper. In Sec.<ref> we derive the expression for the electromagnetic shock wave produced by the driver, and in Sec.<ref> we present an expression that describes the bubble shape within ballistic approximation. In Sec.<ref> plasma electron density is derived, and the outcome of this section is then used in Sec.<ref> to get to the main result of the paper - the expression for the pseudopotential. § BASIC EQUATIONS We start from the set of equations derived in Ref.<cit.>. We use the same convention as the Ref.<cit.> and we use dimensionless variables: time is normalized to ω_p^-1, length to k_p^-1, velocities to the speed of light c, and momenta to mc. We also normalize fields to mcω_p/e, forces to mcω_p, potentials to mc^2/e, the charge density to n_0 e, the plasma density to n_0, and the current density to en_0c. With e being the elementary charge, e>0. The equation of motion for the plasma electrons could be written as d𝐩/dt=∇ψ-𝐯𝐁, d𝐫/dt=𝐩/γ. Here 𝐩 is the momentum of the plasma electrons, γ=√(1+p^2) is the relativistic gamma factor of the plasma electrons, 𝐯=𝐩/γ is the velocity and ψ=ϕ-A_z is the pseudopotential that defines the wake field as E_z=∂ψ/∂ξ,    𝐅_⊥=-∇_⊥ψ, and ∇=(∂_x,∂_y,-∂_ξ). Here 𝐅_⊥ is the transverse part of the Lorentz force per unit charge of the test particle and ξ=t-z. Eqs.(<ref>) have the following integral of motion γ-p_z-ψ=1, as a consequence we have 1-v_z=1+ψ/γ. In a quasi-static picture, it is convenient to replace the derivative by time t with the derivative by ξ. We use the fact that dξ/dt=1-v_z, consequently for an arbitrary function f(ξ) we have. df/dt=df/dξdξ/dt=(1-v_z)df/dξ=1+ψ/γdf/dξ. Since in the quasi-static picture momentum of the plasma electron is a function of ξ Eqs.(<ref>) with Eq.(<ref>) are reduced to d𝐩_⊥/dξ=γ/1+ψ[∇_⊥ψ+ẑ𝐁_⊥]-B_z/1+ψ𝐩_⊥ẑ. Equation for the pseudopotential reads Δ_⊥ψ=(1-v_z)n_e-n_i(x), here n_e is the plasma electron density and n_i(x) is the ion density that depends on x. In what follows, we will assume that n_i(x) = 1+gx, with g≪ 1. Equations for the magnetic field are Δ_⊥ B_z=ẑ·(∇_⊥ n_e𝐯_⊥), Δ_⊥𝐁_⊥=-ẑ∇_⊥ n_e v_z-ẑ∂_ξ n_e 𝐯_⊥. The continuity equation reads _ξ[n_e(1-v_z)] + ∇_⊥· n_ev⃗_⊥ = 0 . § SHOCK WAVE To calculate the field distribution that is produced by the point driver that travels through plasma, we follow Refs.<cit.>. Namely, we assume that driver fields are localized in an infinitesimally thin layer, i.e. have a delta-function discontinuity 𝐄_⊥ =𝐃δ(ξ), 𝐁_⊥ =ẑ×𝐃δ(ξ). The transverse profile of these fields is defined by the 2D vector 𝐃. To solve for the shock wave at ξ=0, we assume that the plasma density in front of the moving driver has a linear gradient n_0 = 1 + gx , where the uniform part of the density is 1, g is a constant, and x is the transverse coordinate. We assume a small gradient, g≪ 1 , and use the perturbation theory. We consider equation for the vector D⃗ that according to Ref.<cit.> reads Δ_⊥D⃗ =n_0/γ_0D⃗. If we split D⃗ into r and ϕ component then Eq.(<ref>) could be written in expanded form as Δ_⊥ D_r-D_r/r^2-2/r^2∂ D_ϕ/∂ϕ =n_0/γ_0 D_r, Δ_⊥ D_ϕ-D_ϕ/r^2+2/r^2∂ D_r/∂ϕ =n_0/γ_0 D_ϕ, with the Laplace operator given by Δ_⊥=1/r∂/∂ r[r ∂/∂ r]+1/r^2∂^2 /∂ϕ^2. If we assume that n_0 is a constant then due to the axial symmetry we have D⃗=D_r(r)r⃗ and D_ϕ=0. This immediately results in the equation for D(r) in a form 1/r∂/∂ r[r ∂ D_r/∂ r]-1/r^2D_r =n_0/γ_0 D_r. With the unmodified plasma density, initial gamma set to unity (n_0=1, γ_0=1) and boundary conditions D_r(∞)=0, D_r(r→ 0)=2ν/r we have D_r(r,ϕ)=2ν K_1(r). Next, we consider n_0 as given by Eq.(<ref>). We apply perturbation theory and seek a solution of the Eq.(<ref>) in a form D_r=D_r^(0)+D_r^(1), D_ϕ=D_ϕ^(0)+D_ϕ^(1). With the D_r^(0)=2ν K_1(r), D_ϕ^(0)=0 and D_r,ϕ^(1)∼ g - small corrections. Substituting Eqs.(<ref>) and Eq.(<ref>) into the Eqs.(<ref>), equating terms of the same order and accounting for x=rcos(ϕ) we arrive at a set of equations for corrections in the form Δ_⊥ D^(1)_r-D^(1)_r/r^2-2/r^2∂ D^(1)_ϕ/∂ϕ =D_r^(1)+2ν g K_1(r)rcos(ϕ), Δ_⊥ D^(1)_ϕ-D^(1)_ϕ/r^2+2/r^2∂ D^(1)_r/∂ϕ =D^(1)_ϕ. Next we decompose D_r^(1) and D_ϕ^(1) in a Fourier series D_r^(1)(r,ϕ)=∑D̃^r_n (r) cos(n ϕ), D_ϕ^(1)(r,ϕ)=∑D̃^ϕ_n (r) sin(n ϕ), and substitute this decomposition into Eqs.(<ref>). Equating amplitudes of corresponding cosines and sines we have 1/r∂/∂ r[r ∂ D^r_1/∂ r]-2/r^2 D^r_1-2/r^2D^ϕ_1=D^r_1+2ν g K_1(r)r, 1/r∂/∂ r[r ∂ D^ϕ_1/∂ r]-2/r^2D^ϕ_1-2/r^2 D^r_1 =D^ϕ_1. Next we introduce new functions Ψ=D_1^r+D_1^ϕ and Φ=D_1^r-D_1^ϕ. Adding and subtracting Eqs.(<ref>) we get 1/r∂/∂ r[r ∂Ψ/∂ r]-4/r^2Ψ=Ψ+2ν g K_1(r)r, 1/r∂/∂ r[r ∂Φ/∂ r]=Φ+2ν g K_1(r)r. A general solution to the equations above is zero as none of the functions fulfill boundary conditions Ψ(∞)→ 0, Φ(∞→ 0) and Ψ(0)<∞, Φ(0)<∞. A specific solution on the other hand does not vanish and could be found via Hankel transformation. Forward and inverse Hankel transformation of the order n of some function f(r) are given by f̂(k)=ℋ_n[f(r)]≡∫_0^∞r f(r) J_n(k r) dr, f(r)=ℋ_n^-1[f̂(k)]≡∫_0^∞k f̂(k) J_n(k r) dk. Here J_n(k r) is the Bessel function of the fist kind of the order n. We apply ℋ_2 to the fist equation and ℋ_0 to the second equation and get Ψ̃=-4ν gk^2/(1+k^2)^2, Φ̃=-4ν g1/(1+k^2)^2. Inverse Hankel transform gives Ψ=-4ν gℋ_2^-1[k^2/(1+k^2)^3]=-ν g/2r^2K_0(r), Φ=-4ν gℋ_0^-1[1/(1+k^2)^3]=-ν g/2r^2 K_2(r). D^r_1 and D^ϕ_1 are recovered as D^r_1=Ψ+Φ/2, D^ϕ_1=Ψ-Φ/2, and reads D^r_1=-ν g/4r^2[K_0(r)+K_2(r) ], D^ϕ_1=-ν g/4r^2[K_0(r)-K_2(r)]. Finally, first order corrections could be written as D_r^(1)=-ν g/4r^2[K_0(r)+K_2(r) ] cos(ϕ), D_ϕ^(1)=-ν g/4r^2[K_0(r)-K_2(r)] sin(ϕ). § SHAPE MODIFICATION OF THE PLASMA BUBBLE We neglect the effect of the plasma self-fields on the trajectories of the plasma electrons. This is a “ballistic” regime of plasma motion introduced in Ref.<cit.>; it assumes that the plasma electrons are moving with constant velocities. We assume plasma electrons to be non-relativistic and v_z0≈1 and ν≪ 1 as well as ν≪ r < 1. With help of Eq.(<ref>) and Eq.(<ref>) we may write equations of motion for the plasma electrons as dx/dξ≈2ν/r_0cos(ϕ_0)-gν/2, dy/dξ≈2ν/r_0sin(ϕ_0). Solution to the equations above gives electron trajectories x=r_0cosϕ_0+2νξ[cos(ϕ_0)/r_0-g/4], y=r_0sinϕ_0+2νξsin(ϕ_0)/r_0. From Eqs.(<ref>) one can deduce (see Appendix <ref>) an equation of an envelope surface that defines the boundary of the bubble in the ballistic approximation in a form ( x+1/2νξ g )^2 + y^2 = 8νξ . It could be seen from the equation above that the circular cross sections of the bubble in x,y plane are shifted in the x direction by the distance νξ g/2 that is linearly increasing with ξ. We introduce the coordinates x̃ = x+gνξ /2, ỹ=y and r̃ = √(x̃^2+ỹ^2) and the angle ϕ̃ = arccosx̃/ r̃. Then Eqs.(<ref>) can be written as r̃ = r_0 + 2νξ/r_0, ϕ̃ = ϕ_0 . Condition d r̃/ d r_0=0 gives equation for the bubble boundary r̃_b(ξ)= 2√(2νξ), in full agreement with Ref.<cit.>. Switching back to the (x,y) we arrive at the final expression for the bubble boundary in the form r_b(ξ,ϕ)=2√(2νξ)-gνξ/2cos( ϕ). § AXIAL SYMMETRY OF THE CONTINUITY EQUATION IN THE BALLISTIC APPROXIMATION First, we refer to the continuity equation (<ref>) that in the ballistics approximation takes the form _ξ n_e +∇_⊥· n_ev⃗_⊥ = 0. Here as before v⃗_⊥ is the vector of the transverse velocity of the plasma electrons that according to the Eq.(<ref>) reads v⃗_⊥=(2ν/r_0cos(ϕ_0)-gν/2,2ν/r_0sin(ϕ_0) )^T. We notice that ∂/∂x̃=∂/∂ x, ∂/∂ỹ=∂/∂ y. Next, if we assume that n=n(x̃,ỹ,ξ) then Eq.(<ref>) should be modified as _ξ n_e+gν/2_x̃ n_e+v_x_x̃n_e+v_y_ỹn_e +n_e_x̃v_x+n_e_ỹv_y = 0. Introducing ṽ_⊥=(2ν/r_0cos(ϕ_0),2ν/r_0sin(ϕ_0) )^T, ∇̃_⊥=(_x̃,_ỹ) and noting that _x̃v_x=_x̃ṽ_x, we have _ξ n_e +∇̃_⊥· n_eṽ_⊥ = 0. We notice that in the new coordinates the plasma flow (in particular velocity field) has a cylindrical symmetry and thus continuity equation has a cylindrical symmetry as well and could be written as _ξ n_e +1/r̃∂/∂r̃r̃ n_e ṽ_⊥ = 0. with ṽ_⊥=2ν/r_0. § PLASMA DENSITY IN THE BALLISTIC APPROXIMATION Immediately behind the driver, at ξ=0^+, the plasma density n_0 is given by Eq.(<ref>). If we assume that electron trajectories are known then from the continuity of the plasma flow we conclude that n(x,y,ξ) dS = n_0(x_0,y_0) dS_0, from which it follows that n(x,y,ξ) = n_0(x_0,y_0) dS_0/dS. the ration dS/dS_0 is calculated though the Jacobian dS/dS_0=| [ ∂ x/∂ x_0 ∂ x/∂ y_0; ∂ y/∂ x_0 ∂ y/∂ y_0; ]|. Near the bubble boundary, as far as maximum bubble radius r_bm∼√(ν) and ν≪ 1, we can use electron trajectories as defined by Eq.(<ref>). Accounting for the cylindrical symmetry in the (x̃, ỹ) coordinates we get n(r̃,ϕ̃,ξ) = n_0(r_0,ϕ_0)r_0dr_0/r̃d r̃= n_0(r_0,ϕ_0) r_0^3/r̃|r_0^2-2νξ| , where we have used Eq.(<ref>) to calculate dr̃/dr_0. The initial radius r_0 in this equation should be expressed through r and ξ from Eq. (<ref>): r_0^± = 1/2r̃±√(1/4r̃^2 - 2νξ) = 1/2r̃( 1 ±√( 1 - t )) , where t = 8νξ/r̃^2 = r̃_b^2/r̃^2 <1 , with r̃_b≡ 2√(2νξ) as given by Eq.(<ref>). Two solutions correspond to two trajectories that arrive from different initial radii r_0,ϕ_0 to a given point r̃,ϕ̃,ξ. One of these trajectories arrives before and the other one after it touches the envelope. Correspondingly, at a given ξ,r̃,ϕ̃, we need to sum the two densities for both trajectories. Substituting (<ref>) into (<ref>) we obtain n_±(r̃,ϕ̃,ξ) = 1/2( 1 ±√( 1 - t ))^3 /| ( 1 ±√( 1 - t ))^2 -t| (1+gr_0^±cosϕ_0) , where we have used Eq. (<ref>) for n_0. In this formula we have to express r_0 through r̃ using Eq. (<ref>) and also use ϕ̃ = ϕ_0. For the total density, after some simplifications, we find n(r̃,ϕ̃,ξ) = n_+(r̃,ϕ̃,ξ)+n_-(r̃,ϕ̃,ξ) = 1/22-t/√(1-t) + gr̃4-3t/4√(1-t)cosϕ̃ = 2r̃^2-r̃_b^2/2r̃√(r̃^2-r̃_b^2) + g 4r̃^2-3r̃_b^2/4√(r̃^2-r̃_b^2)cosϕ̃ . As a consequence of the singularity in the shock wave, plasma density has a square root singularity at the boundary of the bubble. We switch back to the initial coordinates r,ϕ,ξ and keep only terms of the order g: n(r,ϕ,ξ)=2r^2-r̃_b^2/2r√(r^2-r̃_b^2) +g cosϕ/4 (r^2-r̃_b^2 )^3/2[(4 r^2-3 r̃_b^2 )(r^2-r̃_b^2 )-r̃_b^6/8 r^2]. As expected the first term in Eq.(<ref>) coincides with the electron density in the uniform case given in Ref.<cit.> while the second term provides correction that accounts for the initial transverse plasma gradient. § PSEUDOPOTENTIAL Equation for the pseudopotential under the assumption of the non-relativistic plasma flow (v_z≪ 1) reads Δ_⊥ψ=n_e-n_i, here n_e is the plasma electron density and n_i is the ion density that depends on x. In what follows, we will assume that n_i(x) = 1+gx. We assume r_0≪ 1 and r≪ 1 switch to x̃ = x+gνξ /2, ỹ=y and r̃ = √(x̃^2+ỹ^2) and the angle ϕ̃ = arccosx̃/ r̃, account for the Eq.(<ref>) and Eq.(<ref>) and rewrite Eq.(<ref>) in the extended form 1/r̃∂/∂r̃[r̃∂ψ/∂r̃] +1/r̃^2∂^2 ψ/∂ϕ̃^2= 2r̃^2-r̃_b^2/2r̃√(r̃^2-r̃_b^2)θ(r̃ -r̃_b)-1 +gr̃cosϕ̃( 4r̃^2-3r̃_b^2/4r̃√(r̃^2-r̃_b^2)θ(r̃ -r̃_b)-1) , Next we decompose ψ in in a Fourier series ψ(r̃,ϕ̃)=∑ψ̃_n (r̃) cos(n ϕ̃). Consequently we have 1/r̃∂/∂r̃[r̃∂ψ̃_0/∂r̃]=2r̃^2-r̃_b^2/2r̃√(r̃^2-r̃_b^2)θ(r̃ -r̃_b)-1, and 1/r̃∂/∂r̃[r̃∂ψ̃_1/∂r̃] -ψ̃_1/r̃^2= gr̃( 4r̃^2-3r̃_b^2/4r̃√(r̃^2-r̃_b^2)θ(r̃ -r̃_b)-1). We introduce new normalized radius κ=r̃/r̃_b and rewrite Eq.(<ref>) and Eq.(<ref>) in the universal form 1/κ∂/∂κ[κ∂ψ̃_0/∂κ]=r̃_b^2[2κ^2-1/2κ√(κ^2-1)θ(κ -1)-1], and 1/κ∂/∂κ[κ∂ψ̃_1/∂κ]- ψ̃_1/κ^2= r̃_b^3 gκ[ 4κ^2-3/4κ√(κ^2-1)θ(κ -1)-1]. Equations above could be integrated and the solutions read ψ̃_0(κ)={[ a_1+a_2 logκ-1/4r̃_b^2κ^2  κ<1; a_3+a_4 logκ+1/4r̃_b^2κ(√(κ^2-1)-κ)-1/4r̃_b^2 log(κ+√(κ^2-1))  1<κ≪∞; ]., and ψ̃_1(κ)={[ b_1κ+b_2/κ-1/8g r̃_b^3κ^3  κ<1; b_3κ+b_4/κ-1/16r̃_b^3 g κ{2κ^2-2κ√(κ^2-1)+log[κ+√(κ^2-1)/κ-√(κ^2-1)] }  1<κ≪∞; ]. . Here a_i and b_i are constants that could be found from the condition ψ(r=0)<∞ for ξ≠ 0 and continuity of the pseudopotential and its derivative at the bubble boundary. First, we consider the monopole part ψ̃_0 ( r̃/r̃_b) Eq.(<ref>). Condition ψ̃_0(r̃=0)<∞ for ξ≠ 0 leads to a_2=0, continuity of the potential gives a_3=a_1 and continuity of the derivative requires a_4=0. Consequently we arrive at ψ̃_0( r̃/r̃_b)={[ a_1-r̃^2/4  r̃<r̃_b; a_1+r̃/4(√(r̃^2-r̃_b^2)-r̃)-r̃_b^2/4log(r̃/r̃_b+√((r̃/r̃_b)^2-1))  r̃_b<r̃≪∞; ].. Next, we consider the dipole part ψ̃_1 ( r̃/r̃_b) Eq.(<ref>). Condition ψ̃_1(r̃=0)<∞ for ξ≠ 0 leads to b_2=0 continuity of the potential gives b_1=b_3+b_4 and continuity of the derivative requires b_1=b_3-b_4. Consequently b_4=0, b_3=b_1 and we arrive at ψ̃_1 ( r̃/r̃_b)= {[ b_1r̃/r̃_b-1/8gr̃^3  r̃<r̃_b; b_1r̃/r̃_b-1/16 g r̃{2r̃^2-2r̃√(r̃^2-r̃_b^2)+log[r̃+√(r̃^2-r̃_b)/r̃-√(r̃^2-r̃_b)] }  r̃_b<r̃≪∞; ].. We note that at large r̃≫r̃_b particular solution for the ψ̃_0 diverges as ∼ -r̃_b^2/4logr̃ and particular solution for the ψ̃_1 diverges ∼ -r̃_b^2 g/8r̃logr̃ (See Appendix <ref> for the details). This is connected with the fact that we neglected screening effects in the considered approximation. We switch back to the original coordinates r and ϕ. Noticing that cosϕ = cosϕ̃+𝒪[g] and accounting for the fact that ψ̃(κ) ∼𝒪[g] one may write ψ(r,ϕ,ξ)= ψ̃_0 ( r/r̃_b)+gr̃_b/16ψ̃^'_0 ( r/r̃_b) cosϕ + ψ̃_1 (r/r̃_b) cosϕ +𝒪[g^2]. We observe that, as expected, pseudopotential consists of two parts: monopole - that corresponds to the term ψ̃_0 ( r/r̃_b) and dipole - that is a combination of the total derivative by κ of the monopole term ψ̃^'_0 ( κ) and a correction ψ̃_1 (r/r̃_b). At distances, r ∼ 1 plasma density should be unperturbed, and plasma electrons screen the field that arises from the bubble. This, in turn, results in the vanishing of the pseudopotential. To account for this and estimate the remaining unknown constants a_1 and b_1 we request pseudopotential to be zero at r =1. Fist, we notice that at r ≫r̃_b expressions for the ψ̃_0 and ψ̃_1 reduces to ψ̃_0 ( r/r̃_b) = a_1-r̃_b^2/8 - r̃_b^2/4log( 2 r/r̃_b)+𝒪[r̃_b/r], ψ̃_1 ( r/r̃_b) = b_1 r/r̃_b -g r̃_b^2/16r- g r̃_b^2/8r log( 2 r/r̃_b)+𝒪[r̃_b/r]. Next, keeping only divergent terms and setting r=1 we arrive at a_1 ≈r̃_b^2/4log(2/r̃_b), b_1 ≈g r̃_b^3/8log(2/r̃_b). Following Eqs.(<ref>) and (<ref>) with Eq.(<ref>) and Eq.(<ref>) we arrive at the final expression for the pseudopotential inside the bubble in the form ψ(r,ϕ,ξ)≈ r̃_b^2/4log(2/r̃_b)-r^2/4 -gr̃_b^2 cosϕ/8{ r/4- r log( 2/r̃_b)+r^3/r̃_b^2}. For the analysis it is convenient to normalize pseudopotential to 1/r̃_b^2. We recall the definition of r̃_b given by Eq.(<ref>) and write the expression for the normalised pseudopotential ψ/r̃^2_b=-1/8log(2νξ)-x_n^2+y_n^2/4 -g√(2νξ)/4 x_n{1/4+ 1/2log(2νξ)+x_n^2+y_n^2 }, with x_n=x/r_b and y_n=y/r_b. § ANALYSIS With the help of the Eq.(<ref>) and Eq.(<ref>) transverse part of the Lorentz force per unit charge of the negatively charged test particle could be evaluated as F_x=-x/2-gr̃_b^2 /8[1/4-log(2/r̃_b)+3x^2+y^2/r̃_b^2], F_y=-y/2-gxy/4. It is convenient to normalize it to 1/r̃_b and present in terms of x_n=x/r̃_b and y_n=y/r̃_b F_x/r̃_b=-x_n/2-g√(2 νξ)/4[1/4+1/2log(2νξ)+3x_n^2+y_n^2 ], F_y/r̃_b=-y_n/2-g√(2 νξ)x_n y_n/2. We note that pseudopotential has a cubic term in x_n that naturally leads to two fixed points of the vector field (one stable and one unstable). By setting F_x=0 and F_y=0 one may find fixed points of the transverse wakefield by solving the corresponding algebraic system that follows from Eq.(<ref>): y_n^F=0, x_n^S=-g√(νξ)/4√(2)[1+2log(2 νξ) ], x_n^uS=-√(2)/3g √(νξ)+g√(νξ)/4√(2)[1+2log(2 νξ) ]. To simplify the final formula, we kept only terms of the order g, i.e. we disregarded terms of the order 𝒪[g^2 ] in Taylor decomposition. In Fig.<ref> we show level sets of the pseudopotential given by Eq.(<ref>), transverse wakefield vector field Eq.(<ref>) and fixed points of the vector field Eq.(<ref>) for three different values of the longitudinal coordinate ξ. We chose extreme (and probably unreachable in practice) parameters of g=0.8 and ν=1 to emphasize the effect. We observe that at small values of ξ, where the model is directly applicable, only one stable fixed point exists within the bubble cross-section. Transverse gradient shifts the electromagnetic origin towards the higher densities of the ion column, but the net effect remains focusing albeit asymmetric. Further increase in ξ does not change the picture. The asymmetry in the focusing grows, but the structure of the wake remains the same. Interestingly, if we speculate and go beyond the formal applicability of the considered model. We may observe the situation when both stable and unstable fixed points are located inside the bubble cross-section. We point out, that despite the complex structure of the pseudopotential, the stable region (the region where the beam is attracted to the stable fixed point) occupies more than half of the bubble cross-section even in this unrealistic scenario. The latter indicates that most likely fixed transverse plasma gradient (a transverse plasma gradient that does not change in z) should not affect the driver dynamics (at least within considered approximation) and only results in some asymmetric distortion of the bubble shape and wake. It is worth mentioning that the plasma gradient may fluctuate randomly due to the random fluctuations of the plasma density. Such random fluctuation will result in a random kick. It is well known (see Refs.<cit.>) that random kicks may lead to emittance growth and potentially may lead to driver instability. Indeed, in 1D emittance growth (see for instance Ref.<cit.>) due to the random kick reads δε/δ s=⟨ x^2⟩⟨ F_x^2⟩/ε. Here ε is the beam emittance and τ is the characteristic time of the fluctuation. Following Eq.(<ref>) we can write ⟨ F_x^2⟩∼⟨ g^2⟩∼⟨ n^2⟩-n_0^2. Consequently, the dispersion of the density fluctuation sets the growth rate for the emittance. This observation motivates further studies in more realistic scenarios by either applying Lu model <cit.> or proper extension of a numerical simulation <cit.>. § CONCLUSIONS We have presented a detailed analysis of the wakefield in the presence of the transverse plasma gradient. A simple ballistic model from Refs.<cit.> was updated to account for the linear transverse inhomogeneity in plasma. As a result, we provide final analytic expressions for the pseudopotential and the transverse wakefield. We note that as in the flat bubble regime considered previously in Ref.<cit.>, the bubble shape in the present study shows similar distortion. Namely, a small perturbation to the plasma density results in the “bending” of the bubble toward a lower plasma gradient. However, in contrast to the flat bubble regime, in the round bubble transverse wake does not vanish. We point out that random fluctuation of the plasma density, which naturally occurs, may lead to emittance growth and potentially become a challenge. Consequently, further developments in this direction are in order. We note that the numerical examples provided in the paper are synthetic, and we choose parameters for these examples to emphasize corresponding effects. In reality, the parameter g— a transverse plasma gradient should be on the order of 1% or less as well as ζ≪ 1. We emphasize that the whole analysis is applicable only when plasma electrons are nonrelativistic. Despite the restrictions outlined above, the model presented is still useful, as it is complementary to the Lu model of the plasma bubble <cit.>. The model presented could be "merged" with the Lu model such that the results of the ballistic model may serve as an initial condition for the Lu equation. A combined model will be free of the empiric parameters and cover the whole range of the driver beam intensities. The equation derived in the present paper could be used as a crude estimate for the transverse emittance growth due to the random fluctuations of the plasma density. § ENVELOPE SURFACES FOR THE BALLISTIC TRAJECTORIES First, we notice that if g=0, then as was shown in Ref. <cit.>, for a given ξ, the map Eq.(<ref>) when r_0 varies from 0 to ∞ and ϕ_0 varies from 0 to 2π leaves and empty circle of radius 2√(2νξ) centered at x=y=0. With a nonzero g, we can move the term -νξ g/2 from the right to the left-hand side. We then see that this empty circle is shifted by -νξ g/2 along x, and hence its equation is Eq. (<ref>). Another approach is to consider an arbitrary ballistic trajectory as given by Eq.(<ref>). This trajectory could be represented in a vector form in xyξ space as r=(x,y,ξ)^T with x and y given by Eq.(<ref>). Next we consider a transformation of the xyξ space along ξ axis given by a rotation matrix R_ξ=( [ cosϕ_0 sinϕ_0 0; -sinϕ_0 cosϕ_0 0; 0 0 1; ]) and apply to Eq.(<ref>). With Eq.(<ref>) we have R_ξ r = ( r_0+2ξν/r_0-ξ g ν/2cosϕ_0,ξ g ν/2sinϕ_0,ξ)^T. Next we consider rotation along x axis R_x=( [ 1 0 0; 0 cosθ -sinθ; 0 sinθ cosθ; ]) such that tan(θ)=ν g/2sin (ϕ_0). Combining Eq.(<ref>) with Eq.(<ref>) we get R_xR_ξ r = ( r_0+2ξν/r_0-ξ g ν/2cosϕ_0,0,ξ√( 1+[g ν/2sinϕ_0]^2))^T. It follows from Eq.(<ref>) that xyξ space could be rotated with the help of R_xR_ξ transformation such that after the combiner rotation any given trajectory will always lay in the Oxξ plane. Combiner rotation R_xR_ξ depends only on the initial polar angle ϕ_0 of the trajectory starting point and is independent of r_0. Consequently, we conclude that all trajectories with starting points with the same initial angle ϕ_0 are transformed by the rotation R_xR_ξ to the Oxξ plane as well. It is worth reiterating that all trajectories that start at the same initial angle ϕ_0 will stay in the same plane and, with the help of two rotations R_ξ and R_x, could be always translated into Oxξ plane. As far as the transformation R_x R_ξ is not degenerate and has only one stationary point (0,0,0) trajectories that start from different angles ϕ_0 never cross as different ϕ_0 defines different rotations of the xyξ space. This, in turn, effectively reduces the initial problem of finding an envelope surface for all trajectories to a problem of finding an envelope curve for families of the trajectories with the same angle ϕ_0 transformed to the Oxξ plane with the help of R_xR_ξ rotation. If x̃≡ r_0+2ξν/r_0-ξ g ν/2cos(ϕ_0) then an envelope curve for each family according to Eq.(<ref>) could be written as x̃_e=2√(2νξ)-ξ g ν/2cos(ϕ_0). Thus, points on an envelope curve in a transformed plane have the coordinates r̃_e = ( 2√(2νξ)-ξ g ν/2cosϕ_0,0,ξ√( 1+[g ν/2sinϕ_0]^2))^T. Inverse transformation R^-1_ξ R_x^-1 applied to the Eq.(<ref>) gives a set of points that resemble envelope curve that results from the trajectories that have fixed polar angle ϕ_0 for the starting points. R^-1_ξ R_x^-1r̃_e= ( 2√(2νξ)cosϕ_0-ξ g ν/2,2√(2νξ)sinϕ_0,ξ)^T. If now x≡ 2√(2νξ)cosϕ_0-ξ g ν/2 and y≡2√(2νξ)sinϕ_0 then one can arrive at the Eq.(<ref>). The analysis presented above has another important consequence. As far as each ϕ_0 family of the trajectories forms a separate and independent of others envelope line, plasma density that results from electron blowout could be derived exactly the same way for each family in the transformed plane. § DIVERGENCE OF THE UNSCREENED PSEUDOPOTENTIAL FOR THE LARGE VALUES OF KAPPA We consider an asymptotic at κ≫1 of the right hand side of the Eq.(<ref>) r_b^3 gκ [ 4κ^2-3/4κ√(κ^2-1)θ(κ -1)-1]≈ r_b^3 gκ[ θ(κ -1)-1-θ(κ-1)/4κ^2]. With this for κ>1 Eq.(<ref>) reduces to 1/κ∂/∂κ[κ∂ψ̃_1/∂κ]-ψ̃_1/κ^2≈-r_b^3 g/4κ. Particular solution has the form ψ̃_1≈r_b^3 gκ/16(1-2logκ) accounting for the logκ≫1 we get ψ̃_1≈ -r_b^3 g/8κlogκ. The author is grateful to G. Stupakov for fruitful discussions. The work was supported by the "BASIS" foundation grant #22-1-2-47-17 and ITMO Fellowship and Professorship program. unsrt
STM observation of the hinge-states of bismuth nanocrystals
[ "Tianzhen Zhang", "Valeria Sheina", "Sergio Vlaic", "Stéphane Pons", "Dimitri Roditchev", "Christophe David", "Guillemin Rodary", "Jean-Christophe Girard", "Hervé Aubin" ]
[ "cond-mat.mes-hall", "cond-mat.str-el" ]
APS/123-QED LPEM, ESPCI Paris, PSL Research University, CNRS, Sorbonne Université, 75005 Paris, France Universités Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies, 91120, Palaiseau, France LPEM, ESPCI Paris, PSL Research University, CNRS, Sorbonne Université, 75005 Paris, France LPEM, ESPCI Paris, PSL Research University, CNRS, Sorbonne Université, 75005 Paris, France LPEM, ESPCI Paris, PSL Research University, CNRS, Sorbonne Université, 75005 Paris, France Universités Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies, 91120, Palaiseau, France Universités Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies, 91120, Palaiseau, France Universités Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies, 91120, Palaiseau, France Universités Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies, 91120, Palaiseau, France Herve.Aubin@universite-paris-saclay.fr The recent application of topological quantum chemistry to rhombohedral bismuth established the non-trivial band structure of this material. This is a 2^ndorder topological insulator characterized by the presence of topology-imposed hinge-states. The spatial distribution of hinge-states and the possible presence of additional symmetry-protected surface-states is expected to depend on the crystal shape and symmetries. To explore this issue, we have grown bismuth nanocrystals in the tens of nanometers on the (110) surface of InAs. By scanning tunneling spectroscopy, we mapped the local density of states on all facets and identified the presence of the hinge-states at the intersection of all facets. Our study confirm the classification of bulk bismuth as a 2^ndorder topological insulator. We propose that the ubiquitous presence of the hinge-states result from their tunnel-coupling across the nanometer-sized facets. STM observation of the hinge-states of bismuth nanocrystals Hervé Aubin March 30, 2023 =========================================================== § INTRODUCTION Solids with filled electronic bands and no interactions may seem quite mundane, yet, band structures can have interesting non-trivial topological properties, which can be inferred from their symmetries. To analyse the symmetry properties of an atom located on a lattice site, it is usual to employ the representation theory <cit.> of point-groups to obtain the decomposition of the atomic orbitals as a direct sum of irreducible representations of the atomic site point-group symmetry. By analogy, to analyse the symmetry properties of the Bloch states arising from these orbitals, band representations theory, a representation theory of space groups <cit.>, can be employed to obtain the decomposition of the band structure as a direct sum of irreducible band representations. While band representation theory was barely used for decades, it have recently attracted intense interest with the demonstration that one band that cannot be decomposed into any linear combination of physical elementary band representation must have non-trivial topological properties. This gave birth to topological quantum chemistry <cit.> and enabled the identification and calculation of symmetry indicators for the 230 space groups <cit.>, which are related to topological indexes, and facilitated large-scale search across databases to identify topological materials <cit.>. This has greatly expanded the topological classification of band insulators beyond the Z_2 topological insulators <cit.> and revealed the existence of numerous symmetry-indicated topological phases such as mirror-symmetry-protected topological crystalline insulators (TCIs) <cit.>, rotational-symmetry–protected TCIs <cit.> and higher-order topological insulators (HOTIs) <cit.>. Although the lowest-symmetry HOTI models exhibit gapped two-dimensional (2D) surfaces-states and gapless one-dimensional (1D) hinge-states <cit.>, typical solid-state HOTIs have additional crystal symmetries that can protect gapless surface-states; thus, a HOTI can coexist with a TCI. Depending on the sample termination, the same crystal may exhibit either 2D surface-states or gapped facets separated by topological hinge-states. The application of topological quantum chemistry to rhombohedral bismuth (Bi), with space-group R3̅m (#166) and point-group D3d has shown that its valence and conduction bands result from a split elementary band representation<cit.>, which implies non-trivial topological properties. These topological properties result from a double band inversion <cit.> at the same time-reversal-invariant momenta (TRIM) points. The topological phase can be described as two superposed copies of a TCI protected by time reversal T, threefold rotation C_3[111] about the [111] direction and inversion I symmetries <cit.>, characterized by the Z_4 = 2 topological index <cit.>. The fourfold Dirac surface-states of this topological phase are unstable<cit.> and it has been shown that a crystal with an inversion-symmetric shape, such as a rod of hexagonal section oriented along the [111] direction, the mass of the Dirac states is of opposite sign on surfaces with inversion - related Miller indices, resulting in helical hinge modes encircling the crystal <cit.>. Experimentally, on hexagonal cavities in the (111) surface of bulk Bi <cit.>, scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and spectroscopy (STS) identified edge-states on every two edges of the cavity. Because two-dimensional bismuth was predicted theoretically to be a two-dimensional quantum spin Hall insulator (QSHI) with Kane-Mele index Z_2 = 1 <cit.>, the edge-states were identified with the topological states of a QSHI altered by the coupling to the bulk<cit.>. While later STM works indeed confirmed the presence of topological edge-states on thin bismuth films<cit.> and bismuthene<cit.>, those observed on bulk Bi cavities were later reinterpreted as the signature of the hinge-states of a HOTI<cit.>. Interestingly, the edge-states in bismuthene and hinge-states in Bi are related as it was shown that the stacking of multiple 2D QSHI leads either to a weak 3D topological insulator, as for example Pt2HgSe30 <cit.> or a HOTI, as Bi<cit.>, WTe2<cit.> and Bi4Br4 <cit.>. Finally, the presence of the hinge-states was also inferred from SQUID-like supercurrent oscillations observed with Josephson circuits fabricated on Bi<cit.> and WTe2 <cit.>. In addition to the HOTI phase protected by the C_3[111] symmetry, it has been shown<cit.> that Bi is also host of a first-order TCI state protected by a twofold rotational symmetry C_2[11̅0] about the [11̅0] direction, resulting in a pair of topological Dirac surface-states on its (11̅0) surface, coexsisting with the hinge-states of the HOTI phase. On (110) oriented Bi films, recent STM/STS measurements<cit.> have identified hinge-states that could be described by a HOTI protected by time-reversal symmetry and bulk two-fold rotation C_2[11̅0]<cit.>. The surface-states were not observed though, because of the broken translation symmetry on the (11̅0) facets. These recent theoretical and experimental works suggest that the distribution of surface- and hinge-states on a Bi crystal depends on its shape and transformation properties under C_3[111], C_2[11̅0] and inversion symmetries. To explore the relationship between surface-states, hinge-states and the crystal shape, we have grown Bi nanocrystals (NCs) on the (110) surface of InAs and characterized its electronic properties by STM/STS. Thanks to the small size of the NCs and using very sharp STM-tips, we have been able to perform the STM/STS characterization of multiple facets and hinges of the NCs. We clearly identified hinge-states, confirming qualitatively the classification of Bi as a HOTI. However, we found that the spatial distribution of the density of states due to hinge-states could not be reproduced easily by a simple model with hinge-states appearing at the intersection of facets with Dirac masses of opposite signs<cit.>. Instead we found hinge-states at the intersection of all facets, provided they are sufficiently extended. We suggest that the ubiquitous presence of hinge-states is the consequence of their tunnel-coupling across the nanometer-sized facets. § NANOCRYSTAL GROWTH The Bi NCs have been grown on the (110) surface of n-doped InAs, which substrate has been cleaved in ultra-high vacuum at base pressure P≈ 10^-10 mbar. The (110)-surface of InAs substrates has also been employed previously for the growth of superconducting Pb NCs <cit.> and Bi nanolines<cit.>. By thermal evaporation, we deposited a nominal quantity of three monolayers of Bi at a temperature of 500 K. This is the optimum temperature for the growth of nanolines<cit.>, where we checked their formation by low energy electron diffraction (LEED). A topographic STM image is shown in Fig. <ref>a, where Bi NCs are visible as well as nanolines in the zoom insert. To accentuate the facets and edges, a Laplacian filter Δ_xyz(x,y) is applied to all topographic images. Fig. <ref>b show topographic images zoomed on five selected Bi nanocrysals, labelled I to V. The lateral size of NCs is between 10 nm and 40 nm, the height is between 5 nm and 15 nm. To obtain such topographic images free from artifacts resulting from the shape of the tip, a tip-shaping procedure has been employed where the tip is approached into contact with the InAs surface, then, a large current of 1 μ A is injected and the tip is slowly retracted. This tip-elongation procedure is repeated until no effects of the shape of the tip is visible on the topography of the NCs. Using the crystallographic software VESTA^@ and employing the crystal structure of Bi, we model the shape of all NCs and show the results below the corresponding NCs in Fig. <ref>b. From these Wulf constructions, the crystallographic planes (111), (110) and (100) can be clearly identified for each NC. On the hexagonal cavity studied on the (111) surface of bulk Bi <cit.>, two type of edges were identified with edge A (B) corresponding to the edge with last Bi atom pointing up (down). We use the same notation. As shown by the atomic model in Fig. <ref>c, the location of edges A and B can be identified on NCs, which was not possible on the cavity. Edge A (B) is located at the intersection, i.e. hinge, between the (111) and the (100) ( (110) ) facets. § SCANNING TUNNELING SPECTROSCOPY On these 3D NCs, it is possible to perform STS on multiple facets. We will now detail the results obtained on two selected NCs. The results for NC I, which has large (111) and (110) facets, are shown in Fig. <ref>. The results for NC IV, which has large (111) and (100) facets, are shown in Fig. <ref>. Additional STS results for the NCs II, III and V are shown in Fig. <ref>. For all NCs, a small Coulomb gap about 25 meV is visible at zero bias, as highlighted in Fig. <ref>c and Fig. <ref>c. As described in the previous work on Pb NCs<cit.>, when a NC is grown atop a 2D electron gas of Fermi wavelength larger than the NC lateral sizes, a quantum constriction effect occurs, similar to what observed in quantum-point contacts, reducing the transmission to values smaller than one quantum of conductance. In this situation, the NC is only weakly coupled to the substrate and so Coulomb blockade occurs. In our system, the Bi nanowires and NCs have expected Fermi wavelengths in the 10 - 30 nm range <cit.>, comparable to NCs lateral sizes, explaining the observation of Coulomb blockade and implying that the Bi NCs are only weakly coupled to the substrate. Fig. <ref>c and Fig. <ref>c show the differential conductance (DC) IV(V) spectra measured on NC I and NC IV, respectively, at positions indicated by colors symbols on corresponding panels ab. In the middle of the (111) facets (red hexagon symbols), the DCs present conductance peaks at = 0.23 V. This is a consequence of the saddle point in the higher-energy relation dispersion of (111) surface-states (HESS)<cit.>, shown in Fig. <ref>g, along the Γ̅ - 𝐌̅ direction of the Brillouin zone shown in Fig. <ref>e. The corresponding energy range is indicated as green zones in Fig. <ref>cdgh and Fig. <ref>cd. The DCs also show a sharp increase near = -0.01 V, which is a consequence of the saddle point in the lower-energy relation dispersion of (111) surface-states, followed by a maxima about = -0.07 V, identified as low-energy surface-states (LESS) where the corresponding energy range is indicated as blue zones in Fig. <ref>cdgh and Fig. <ref>cd. On the edges of the (111) facets, the conductance peak at = 0.23 V due to HESS is missing, instead, peaks in the DCs are observed at lower energy. For NC I, conductance peaks are observed at = 0.125 V on all type-B edges (red symbols). On the two type-A edges measured (due to STM drift, the third one has not been measured), one large conductance peak is visible at = 0.14 V on the edge (pink right triangle) where the (100) facet is well defined but only a very small conductance peak (= 0.17 V) is visible on the second one (pink disk); we suggest this is due to the absence of the (100) facet for this edge where the (111) facet is reaching the InAs surface. For NC IV, on the type-B edges, the conductance peak at = 0.125 V is well defined only on the longest edge (red star symbol) but not on the two other short edges (red left- and up-triangles). On the type-A edges, the conductance peak at = 0.14 V is visible on two edges (pink right- and up-triangles), where the (100) facet is well defined, but not on the third one (pink disk symbol) where the (100) facet is absent and the (111) facet is reaching the InAs surface. These conductance peaks on both type of edges are identified as the one-dimensional van Hove singularities (vHS) of hinge-states. Their energy range is indicated as pink zones in Fig. <ref>cdgh and Fig. <ref>cd. Thus, in contrast to the observation on cavities in the (111) surface of bulk Bi crystal<cit.>, we find that the hinge-states vHs conductance peaks are visible on both type of edges. As is also seen on the other NCs, Fig. <ref>, the conductance peaks are visible only when the two facets making the hinge are extended and well defined. In the middle of the (110) facet (orange square symbols), the DCs feature broad maxima at = 0.18 V, consistent with the observation of Ref. <cit.>. This maxima in the density of states is due to (110) surface-states<cit.>, whose dispersion relation is shown Fig. <ref>h along the 𝐗̅_1 - Γ̅ - 𝐗̅_2 direction of the Brillouin zone shown in Fig. <ref>f. In the middle of the (100) facets (green down-triangle symbols), mostly visible in Fig. <ref>c of NC IV, the DCs feature broad maxima at = 0.24 V, which is likely due to (111) surface-states<cit.>. Finally, on the hinges between the (110) and (100) facets (light green symbols), the DCs feature conductance peaks at ≈ 0.1 V that indicates the presence of hinge-states. This is remarkable as they do not involve the (111) facet, which confirms the classification of Bi as a HOTI. Two comments are in order. First, we note that the energy of the vHs slightly changes from one hinge to the other; in particular, they have energies ≈ 0.125 eV for type-B edges and ≈ 0.14 eV for type-A edges. This changes of energy could be explained by the tunnel-coupling between hinge-states. Second, on all edges, the vHs conductance peaks appear concomitantly with the disappearance of the conductance peaks due to surface-states on all three facets. Such an anti-correlation between the HESS conductance peak on the (111) surface and the hinge-states vHs conductance peaks was also observed previously<cit.>. To see this more clearly, we acquired full conductance maps, typically on a spatial grid of 64 pixels × 64 pixels and 512 voltage points. Fig. <ref>d shows an histogram of the energies of the conductance peaks identified in the 4096 DC spectra measured on the NC I. This histogram shows that the LESS, HESS and hinge-states are at the origin of all conductance peaks observed in the energy range [-0.25 eV, 0.25 eV]. There is no other major spectral feature of interest in this energy range on the whole NC. To obtain maps of the local density of states, we remove the effects of changing tip-height and tunnel barrier energy by normalizing the DC spectra assuming that the total density of states is conserved on the energy range [-0.5 V, 0.5 V] measured. That is, the DC IV(V) spectra are normalized by their integrated values ∫_-0.5^0.5IVdV. Then, the normalized spectra are integrated on the three energy ranges corresponding to HESS [0.19 V, 0.27 V], LESS [-0.1 V, -0.04 V] and hinge-states [0.07 V, 0.15 V], to give ρ_HESS, ρ_LESS and ρ_HS, respectively, shown Fig. <ref>ijk and Fig. <ref>fgh for NC I and NC IV, respectively. At the energy of HESS, Fig. <ref>k and Fig. <ref>h, a large density of states is visible on all facets except on the edges. In contrast, at the energy of hinge-states vHs, Fig. <ref>j and Fig. <ref>g, a large density of states is observed on almost all hinges, between the (111) facet and (110), (100) facets as well as between the (110) facets and the (100) facets. Note that a large density of hinge-states is also observed in the middle of the largest (110) facet of NC I, seemingly as a consequence of the defect observed in the topography, Fig. <ref>a. Note also that the density of states due to LESS is mostly visible on the (111) and (100) facets and not on the (110) facets. Looking at the conductance maps Fig. <ref>jk and Fig. <ref>gh for both NC I and NC IV, respectively, the anti-correlation between the density of surface-states, ρ_HESS, and the density of hinge-states in the vHs, ρ_HS, is obvious. This suggests that a map of hinge-states can be obtained by calculating the ratio ρ_HS/ρ_HESS, which is shown Fig. <ref>b and Fig. <ref>b for both NC I and NC IV, respectively. In addition, Fig. <ref> show the topography, ratio ρ_HS/ρ_HESS and DC spectra for the three additional NCs : II, III and V. For all NCs, the map ρ_HS/ρ_HESS show that the topological states are clearly visible only at the hinges where two distinct Bi facets are well defined. See how the conductance peaks due to hinge-states disappear where the (111) facet reaches the InAs surface. This suggests that the hinge-states indeed arise from the interaction between surface-states as expected theoretically. More precisely, the theoretical model proposed in Ref. <cit.> implies the existence of two sets of surface-states resulting from two copies of the 3D Z_2 topological insulator. The off-diagonal coupling between the two sets opens a gap for the surface-states, leaving only in-gap hinge-states at the edges of the facets. Thus, our STM/STS study of NCs confirm the existence of hinge-states and so the classification of Bi as a HOTI. § DISCUSSION Despite global consistency of the STS data with a HOTI model, there are two features that remain be understood theoretically. First, as mentioned above, the spectral weight associated with the hinge-states in the vHs appears concomitantly with the disappearance of the spectral weight associated with the HESS. To highlight this anti-correlation between HESS and hinge-states, Fig. <ref>efkl show the DC maps as function of sample voltage and distance along profiles drawn on the topographic images Fig. <ref>a(g) and ratio maps Fig. <ref>b(h) for NC I (IV). These maps show that the hinge-states appear at the expense of the surface-states on all facets. In the model of Ref. <cit.>, this is not expected, the gap should remain constant on the whole surface of the NC, including the hinges, and so should the spectral weight due to surface-states. Second, according to this model applied to a rod of hexagonal section<cit.>, the hinge-states should not exist on all hinges but only on those separating facets with Dirac masses of opposite signs. Instead, we observe topological states on all hinges except where the facet reaches the InAs substrate. We suggest that this ubiquitous presence result from the coupling between hinge-states on opposite sides of the facets. Indeed, it is well established that the tunnel coupling between the edge-states at opposite edges (surfaces) of a 2D (3D) topological insulator leads to a gap opening in the relation dispersion of the edge-states Dirac spectrum <cit.>. This is also true for the tunnel-coupling between edge-states of a second-order topological insulator as shown recently for the corner-states of a 2D second-order topological insulator <cit.>. In this last theoretical work, it has been shown that for well localized corner-states, the corresponding density of states is large on only some of the corners and not on others, however, when the wavefunctions of corner-states overlap, the corresponding density of states become equally distributed on all corners. In our small NCs, significant coupling between hinge-states is to be expected and could explain their presence on all hinges as well as the slightly different energy position of the vHs observed for different hinges. Furthermore, at hinges where several atomic steps exists, individual hinge-states separated in space by terraces should exist and for an even number of such states, they can hybridize and gap out. Note also that the observation of a vHS conductance peak does not imply that the hinge-state is topological. It is possible that only some of the hinge-states are gapless, while others are gapped, however, on the background of all the conducting states such a gap is hard to observe by STM. § CONCLUSION To summarize, we have shown that Bi NCs could be grown on the (110) InAs surface. Their size in the tens of nanometer make them suitable for STM/STS studies on all facets of the tri-dimensional NC. We identified the hinge-states vHs at all hinges between the three facets (111), (110) and (100), however, on edges where the facet ends on the InAs substrate, no vHs is observed. These observations are consistent with the classification of Bi as a HOTI. The ubiquitous observation of the vHs on all hinges suggests that the hinge-states are tunnel-coupled because of the small size of the NCs. We acknowledge financial support from ANR MECHASPIN Grant No. ANR-17-CE24-0024-02 and ANR FRONTAL Grant No. ANR-19-CE09-0017-02. We thank S. Guéron, H. Bouchiat, T. Neupert and M. Denner for discussions, reading of the manuscript and suggestions.
Thermoelectric signatures of order-parameter symmetries in iron-based superconducting tunnel junctions
[ "Claudio Guarcello", "Alessandro Braggio", "Francesco Giazotto", "Roberta Citro" ]
[ "cond-mat.supr-con", "cond-mat.mes-hall" ]
Corresponding author: cguarcello@unisa.it Dipartimento di Fisica “E.R. Caianiello”, Università di Salerno, Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132, I-84084 Fisciano (SA), Italy INFN, Sezione di Napoli Gruppo Collegato di Salerno, Complesso Universitario di Monte S. Angelo, I-80126 Napoli, Italy alessandro.braggio@nano.cnr.it NEST, Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR and Scuola Normale Superiore, Piazza San Silvestro 12, I-56127 Pisa, Italy francesco.giazotto@nano.cnr.it NEST, Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR and Scuola Normale Superiore, Piazza San Silvestro 12, I-56127 Pisa, Italy rocitro@unisa.it Dipartimento di Fisica “E.R. Caianiello”, Università di Salerno, Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132, I-84084 Fisciano (SA), Italy INFN, Sezione di Napoli Gruppo Collegato di Salerno, Complesso Universitario di Monte S. Angelo, I-80126 Napoli, Italy CNR-SPIN c/o Universitá degli Studi di Salerno, I-84084 Fisciano (Sa), Italy Thermoelectrical properties are frequently used to characterize the materials and endow the free energy from wasted heat for useful purposes. Here, we show that linear thermoelectric effects in tunnel junctions (TJs) with Fe-based superconductors, not only address the dominance between particle and hole states, but even provide information about the superconducting order parameter symmetry. In particular, we observe that nodal order parameters present a maximal thermoelectric effect at lower temperatures than for nodeless cases. Finally, we show that superconducting TJs between iron-based and BCS superconductors could provide a thermoelectric efficiency ZT exceeding 6 with a linear Seebeck coefficient around S≈ 800 μV/K at a few Kelvin. These results pave the way to novel thermoelectric machines based on multi-band superconductors. Thermoelectric signatures of order-parameter symmetries in iron-based superconducting tunnel junctions Roberta Citro 0000-0002-3896-4759 March 30, 2023 ====================================================================================================== Introduction - Physical systems based on hybrid superconducting junctions have demonstrated a great potential for energy management issues <cit.>. Recently, they also attracted interest for their unexpectedly good thermoelectric (TE) performance <cit.>, finding also a role in different quantum technology applications <cit.>. In a two-terminal system, a necessary condition for thermoelectricity in the linear regime, i.e., for a small voltage δ V and a small temperature bias δ T, is breaking of the particle-hole (PH) symmetry. A sizable linear TE effect, much larger than that commonly found in metallic structures, has been recently reported in SC-ferromagnet tunnel junctions (TJs) <cit.>, due to the spin-dependent effective breaking of PH symmetry. Here, we show a robust linear TE effect in hybrid superconducting junctions with a multiband SC, namely, an iron-based SC (FeSC). Our results, beyond proving a linear TE effect with unconventional SCs, establish TE phenomena as a potential probe of the superconducting order parameter symmetries. In fact, one of the central problems for unconventional SCs is the nature of the pairing mechanism, which is tightly connected to the order parameter symmetries <cit.>. Pairing symmetry is known to be d-wave in cuprates, but is still unresolved for the FeSCs. They are unique among unconventional SCs, since different ordering phenomena are present in a multi-orbital scenario <cit.>. It was first theoretically predicted that FeAs-based high-temperature SCs have a sign change of the order parameter on the Fermi surface <cit.>. Experimental evidence for FeSC seems to be favourable to s_± pairing, implying that the electron- and hole-like bands both develop an s-wave superconducting state with opposite sign in order parameter <cit.>. Point contact Andreev reflection spectroscopy was also been applied to FeSCs to probe the order parameter symmetry <cit.>. However, the results of these studies are not completely conclusive due to the complexity of the Andreev reflection spectra of a normal metal/ multiband-SC interface. Notably, bulk thermoelectrical measurements of FeSC have been reported for the normal state <cit.>, although the analysis is quite intricate due to the competition of different mechanisms, such as phonon- <cit.> and magnon-drag phenomena <cit.>, in a multiband setting. The linear TE properties of a TJ between a FeSC and a normal metal allow identifying the strong intrinsic PH asymmetry in the FeSC density of states (DoS) in a quite direct way, also for the superconducting phase. We will also potentially discriminate between different order parameter symmetries. Furthermore, if the normal-metal is replaced by a Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer (BCS) SC, we observe also astounding TE figures of merit, which may be relevant for energy harvesting applications and quantum technologies <cit.>. Thermoelectrical transport - In order to address the physics of the FeSC, we focus on the linear TE properties of a TJ between FeSC and a normal metal (or a SC), see Fig. <ref>(a). The linear-response coefficients of charge (I) and heat (Q̇) currents can be expressed in terms of the Onsager matrix <cit.> [ I; Q̇ ]=[ σ α; α κ T; ][ δ V; δ T/T ], where we assumed time reversal symmetry satisfied and a small voltage (temperature) bias δ V (δ T). Here, α is the TE coefficient, while σ and κ are the electric and thermal conductances, respectively. At the lowest order of tunneling, it is easy to express those linear coefficients as [ σ; α; κ ]=G_T/e_-∞^∞[ e; ε; ε^2/eT ]𝒩_L ( ε )𝒩_R ( ε )dε/4k_BTcosh^2 ( ε/2k_BT ) in terms of the lead DoS, 𝒩_j ( ϵ ) with j=L,R, where G_T is the normal-state conductance of the junction, -e is the electron charge, and k_B is the Boltzmann constant. In our analysis, we take into account two different cases, i.e., a junction formed between a FeSC tunnel coupled with a normal lead, i.e., with 𝒩_R(ϵ)=1 being the energy-independent normalized DoS in Eq. (<ref>), or alternatively with an s-wave SC, with 𝒩_R ( ϵ )= | Re [ ϵ +iΓ/√((ϵ +iΓ) ^2-Δ^2 ( T )) ] |, where Γ=γΔ_0 is the phenomenological Dynes parameter <cit.>, Δ_0=1.764 k_BT_c, and T_c is the critical temperature of the BCS SC. In this model, it is also implicitly assumed that the Josephson coupling <cit.> between the two superconducting leads is strongly suppressed <cit.>. To calculate the DoS of FeSC we rely on the two-orbital, four-band tight-binding approach by Raghu et. al <cit.>, which is the minimal model <cit.>. The diagonalization of this tight-binding Hamiltonian model leads to eigenvalues that can be written in a compact form as ε_𝐤±^d=√((ε_𝐤±^0)^2+|d⃗_𝐤,g|^2). Here ε_𝐤±^0=ξ_𝐤+-μ±√(ξ^2_𝐤xy+ξ^2_𝐤-), μ is the chemical potential, and d⃗_𝐤,g= ( 0,0,s_x^2y^2 ), where s_x^2y^2≡ s_±=Δ_0^FeSCcos k_xcos k_y, Δ_0^FeSC is the gap size, and |d⃗_𝐤|^2 represents the effective amplitude of the pairing interactions <cit.>. For the explicit expressions of ξ_𝐤± and ξ_𝐤xy we refer the reader to SM. We adopted the s_±-wave state which is the mostly accepted FeSC pairing state <cit.>. However, the multiband character of FeSCs offers also chances for more exotic pairing states <cit.>, and thus we will also discuss TE properties with other order parameter symmetries in the following. Hereafter, we took the interorbital hopping parameter | t_1 | as a standard unit of energy, and temperature will be measured in units of | t_1 |/k_B <cit.> Finally, the FeSC total DoS turns out to be the sum of an electron-like [+, blue curve in Fig. <ref>(b)] and a hole-like [-, red curve in Fig. <ref>(b)] band contribution <cit.>, 𝒩_FeSC ( ε )=𝒩_FeSC^+ ( ε )+𝒩_FeSC^- ( ε ), where 𝒩_FeSC^± ( ε )=∑_𝐤ε + ε_𝐤±^0/2 ε_𝐤±^d{δ [ ε_𝐤±^d-ε ]-δ [ ε_𝐤±^d+ε ] }. Note also that the superconducting instability opens the gap symmetrically around the chemical potential, as illustrated in the inset of Fig. <ref>(b) (see also SM). Figures of merit - In order to quantify the TE performance, it is usual to consider the Seebeck coefficient S=-α/(σ T) and thermodynamic efficiency with the dimensionless figure of merit ZT=S^2σ T/ [ κ-α^2/(σ T) ]. A large value of ZT means better thermodynamic efficiency and if it tends to infinity, the efficiency of the device tends to the Carnot limit. In the following, we show how S and ZT of an FeSC-insulator-normal metal (FeSC-I-N) junction depend on the temperature, considering possible different values of Δ_0^FeSC <cit.>. and changing the doping level, μ <cit.>. Figures <ref>(a) and (b) collect the S(T,Δ_0^FeSC) and ZT(T,Δ_0^FeSC) maps at the half-filling condition μ= 1.54. For a given Δ_0^FeSC, both the Seebeck coefficient and the TE efficiency behave non-monotonically, with a clear maximum that shifts towards gradually higher temperatures as Δ_0^FeSC increases. Indeed, Δ_0^FeSC is the energy scale which mainly influences the optimal temperature that maximizes the TE effect. Furthermore, by increasing Δ_0^FeSC the subgap states reduce, correspondingly requiring higher energies to achieve the same TE effect. The use of FeSCs is a further advantage over conventional SC configurations, since it allows operation at higher temperatures that provide a larger Seebeck coefficient. Figures <ref>(c) and (d) show what happens when changing the doping level, keeping fixed Δ_0^FeSC=0.1 <cit.>. The FeSC DoS dependence on μ is illustrated in SM. The S(T,μ) map still reveals single-peaked profiles, but modifying the doping we observe the inversion of the Seebeck coefficient sign around μ∼0.75, below (above) which S>0 (S<0) for the hole (electron) DoS contribution dominates. We note that the point at which the Seebeck coefficient changes sign differs from the half-filling condition. The reason of that is the lack of symmetry between particle-like and hole-like bands for an FeSC in the energy window determined by the working temperatures. In the cases discussed so far, we achieve Seebeck coefficients up to | S |∼ 150 μV/K reaching also TE efficiencies of ZT∼ 0.5. In the case of an undoped FeSC, μ=1.54, with Δ_0^FeSC=0.1, i.e., the red dashed lines in Fig. <ref>(a-d), the highest TE efficiency is reached at T≃1.6×10^-3, which may be a temperature around 2.8 K. We remark that the maximum Seebeck coefficient we obtain is several orders of magnitude larger than that usually found in metallic structures at the same temperatures. However, the thermoelectricity of the FeSC-I-N junction outperforms magnetic TJs <cit.> and is quite well comparable with hybrid SCs-ferromagnets TJs <cit.>. It is noteworthy to show that, if we replace the normal metal with a BCS SC with a gap Δ_0, the linear thermoelectricity can be further enhanced. This effect can be ascribed to the additional contribution of the conventional DoS peaks intertwined with the multi-band character of the FeSC. Thus, in Fig. <ref>(e) and (f) we present the S(T,Δ_0) and ZT(T,Δ_0) maps of a FeSC-insulator-SC (FeSC-I-S) TJ. In this case, we assume a specific FeSC with a given gap Δ_0^FeSC=0.1 and we explore the TE response at different values of the BCS superconducting gap Δ_0. A region of the (T,Δ_0) parameter space emerges in which both Seebeck coefficient and TE efficiency increase significantly, even reaching the values | S |∼ 870 μV/K and ZT∼6.5 at (T,Δ_0)_max≃(0.63,5.3)×10^-3. In natural units, these quantities correspond to T≃1.8 K for a BCS SC with T_c≃5.2 K <cit.>. Order parameter symmetry detection - We show here that TE figures of merit are also a powerful tool for addressing order-parameter symmetry (OPS). We compare the temperature dependence of S and ZT of an FeSC-I-N TJ, with μ=1.54 and Δ_0^FeSC=0.1, taking into account different OPSs: we cover the three possible s-wave symmetries, i.e., the constant-gap case s_0, s_x^2y^2=Δ_0^FeSCcos k_xcos k_y, and s_x^2+y^2=Δ_0^FeSC(cos k_x+cos k_y)/2, and the two d-wave symmetries, i.e., d_xy=Δ_0^FeSCsin k_xsin k_y and d_x^2-y^2=Δ_0^FeSC(cos k_x-cos k_y)/2 <cit.>. Since it will be useful later on, we recall that the d_x^2-y^2, d_xy, and s_x^2+y^2 OPSs are nodal, while the others are nodeless <cit.>. Figure <ref> demonstrates that the TE figures of merit can provide valuable clues for determining the OPS of the system. Starting from the top of this figure, panel (a) takes a closer look at the different DoSs in play, with the inset serving to highlight the low-energy region. Figures <ref>(b)-(c) illustrate the Seebeck coefficient S(T) and the TE efficiency ZT(T), both showing, in a semilog scale, bell-shaped, single-peaked profiles for each symmetry considered. It immediately stands out that the “position” of these peaks depends strongly on the OPS: indeed, for the s_0 and s_x^2y^2 cases, both S and ZT are peaked roughly around T^ peak∼10^-3, while the other symmetries give S and ZT peaks centred on temperatures an order of magnitude lower. To give realistic numbers (here the subscript distinguishes symmetries), the S peak for nodeless OPS is located at T_x^2y^2^ peak≃3.3 K(blue), T_0^ peak≃1.4 K(violet), whereas for nodal cases one finds T_xy^ peak≃0.13 K(yellow), T_x^2+y^2^ peak≃0.12 K(green), and T_x^2-y^2^ peak≃0.10 K(red). To grasp this result, we recall that the energy window relevant for calculating the TE coefficients scales with temperature, i.e., | ε|∼ T (see SM for more details). For instance, the energies considered in the inset of Fig. <ref>(a) are essentially those where one should focus if T∼10^-4. Here, it is evident that only the d_xy, s_x^2+y^2 and d_x^2-y^2 DoSs (i.e., those showing ZTs peaked at these temperatures) are clearly non-zero. We see that nodeless FeSC pairings present maximal thermoelectricity (absolute value of the Seebeck coefficient) at relatively high temperatures. Instead, for the nodal cases, due to the presence of low energy states in the gap, the maximal thermoelectricity is observed at much lower temperature regimes. This result is quite robust against variations of the gap amplitude and hopping parameter values, as discussed in SM. Furthermore, we also see that the first two DoSs, i.e., the yellow and green curves, are unbalanced toward the hole side (ε<0), unlike the third, i.e., the red curve, which appears to be slightly unbalanced toward particle side (ε>0). This is directly reflected in the sign of S, which immediately tells us the PH asymmetry of the FeSC DoS and, therefore, S>0 (S<0) in the former (latter) case. This is clearly confirmed also by looking the PH asymmetry of the DoSs on the larger energy scale considered in Fig. <ref>(a). It is evident, for instance, that the s_0 and s_x^2y^2 OPSs, i.e., the violet and blue curves, respectively, are unbalanced to the right, i.e., the particle contribution dominates, thereby making S negative. We emphasize that, in principle, the measurement of the PH asymmetry could be addressed by directly measuring the tunneling differential conductance. However, a systematic experimental asymmetry in the bias polarization of the junction cannot be easily excluded loosing sensitivity for small PH asymmetry. The linear thermoelectricity much safely returns this information in an independent way. Yet, we stress that the thermoelectrical signatures discussed in this Letter, being associated with the quasiparticle tunneling in the junction, are not affected by any phonon- or magnon-drag effects, which instead usually influence the bulk TE properties in the normal phase <cit.>. Conclusions - To summarize, we have demonstrated that an FeSC tunnel junction can show sizable TE efficiency, and that both the TE figure of merit and the Seebeck coefficient are found to be non-monotonic, single-peaked functions of temperature. Moreover, they can provide details on the underlying symmetry of the order parameter addressing the PH asymmetry of the DoS. In particular, the position of both the ZT and S peaks allows us to clearly distinguish nodal from nodeless symmetries. Furthermore, the sign of S provides further information on the asymmetry of PH, distinguishing cases where the TE efficiency is not discriminating, such as for the two d-waves symmetries. Our results also establish the relevance of multiband SCs for a novel generation of TE devices. As a closing remark, we observe that the proposed approach may be used for studying other quantum materials <cit.>. Multi-orbital pairing approaches have been widely used also to shed light in other multiband SCs, such as ruthenates and nickelates, and insights about Hund-metal. Therefore, the TE-based investigation of tunneling junctions presented in this Letter complements the actual experimental techniques, finding a fertile ground for the study of novel quantum materials. F.G. acknowledges PNRR MUR project PE0000023-NQSTI for partial financial support. F.G and A.B. acknowledge the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No. 964398 (SUPERGATE) and No. 101057977 (SPECTRUM) for partial financial support. A.B. acknowledges the Royal Society through the International Exchanges between the UK and Italy (Grants No. IEC R2 212041). apsrev4-1 56 fxundefined [1] ifx#1 fnum [1] #1firstoftwo secondoftwo fx [1] #1firstoftwo secondoftwo noop [0]secondoftwo ref[1]@startlink#1@href href[1]#1@endlink anitize@url [0]` 12`$12`&12`#12`1̂2`_12`%12 startlink[1] endlink[0] rl [1]href #1 @bib@innerbibempty [Fornieri and Giazotto(2017)]For17 author author A. Fornieri and author F. Giazotto, title title Towards phase-coherent caloritronics in superconducting circuits, 10.1038/nnano.2017.204 journal journal Nat. Nanotechnol. volume 12, pages 944 (year 2017)NoStop [Hwang and Sothmann(2020)]Hwa20 author author S.-Y. Hwang and author B. Sothmann, title title Phase-coherent caloritronics with ordinary and topological Josephson junctions, 10.1140/epjst/e2019-900094-y journal journal Eur. Phys. J. Spec. 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The coefficients t_1 and t_2 are the intraorbital nearest-neighbor hopping amplitudes, while t_3 and t_4 are the intraorbital and interorbital next-nearest-neighbor hopping amplitudes, respectively <cit.>. Different sets of hopping parameters correspond to different Fe-based superconductors (FeSC) (as in the manuscript, energies and temperatures are in units of | t_1 | and | t_1 |/k_B, respectively), i.e., (t_1,t_2,t_3,t_4) = (-1,1.3,-0.85-0.85) for iron pnictdes <cit.>, or (t_1,t_2,t_3,t_4) = (-1,1.5,-1.2-0.95) for iron selenides <cit.>. In this article, we focus primarily on iron pnictdes, although, as we show in the following, the main claims about the capability of thermoelectric (TE) measurements to resolve the pairing symmetry remain valid even using the hopping parameter values for selenides (even if for this kind of FeSC more sophisticated modelling has proven to be more effective <cit.>). §.§ Density of states of a FeSC For the sake of convenience, we rewrite the FeSC density of states (DoS) presented in the main text as 𝒩_FeSC^± ( ε )=η/π^3∬_0^πdk_xdk_yε + ε_𝐤±^0/2 ε_𝐤±^d [ 1/ (ε - ε_𝐤±^d )^2+η^2 -1/ (ε + ε_𝐤±^d )^2+η^2 ], assuming a Lorentzian energy broadening like i.e., δ ( ε -ε_𝐤±^d )=η/ {π [ ( ε -ε_𝐤±^d )^2+η^2 ] } <cit.> (we set η=0.01 in line with Ref. <cit.>). The behavior of the DoS, 𝒩_FeSC ( ε ), at different values of μ∈[0-2.5] and Δ_0^FeSC=0.1 is shown in Fig. <ref>. We clearly observe that by changing the doping level the DoS shifts, but leaving the gap opening around ε=0. Moreover, as the doping increases, the DoSs gradually change from fully gap to gapless behaviour, as expected according to Ref. <cit.> (see insets in Fig. <ref> where a zoom is reported); in fact, for a large enough doping one finds a fully gapped hole-like Fermi surface, giving a gap in the DoS at low energies, and a partially gapped electron-like Fermi surface, giving a DOS growing quasilinearly around ε=0. In order to illustrate this behavior, we include in the insets of Fig. <ref> the DoSs 𝒩_FeSC ( ε ) (solid line), 𝒩^+_FeSC ( ε ) (dashed line), and 𝒩^+_FeSC ( ε ) (dot-dashed line) within the energy range |ε|≲ 2 Δ_0^FeSC. It is evident that for μ=0, and 0.5, see Fig. <ref>(a-b), the electron-like contribution does not enter in play at low energies, and in fact the hole DoS contribution dominates (as discussed in the main text) the TE response of the system. For μ=1, see Fig. <ref>(c), the electronic component starts to play a role and for μ=1.5, see Fig. <ref>(d), both the electrons and holes contributions effectively partake in the overall DoS and appear clearly gapped. The last two panels, for μ=2 and 2.5, demonstrate that the quasi-linear behaviour at low energies of the DoS is entirely ascribable to the electronic component, the hole being still gapped. The sign of the TE coefficient roughly reconcile with this behaviour since for hole-dominated case it is typically positive where for electron-dominated is more negative. It is also interesting to look at the behaviour of the quantity N^±(μ)=±∫_0^±∞𝒩_FeSC ( ε ,μ )dε; in particular, in Fig. <ref>(a) we focus on the difference N^-(μ)-N^+(μ) as a function of μ. We recall that the undoped compound, having the half-filled, two electrons per site configuration, requires μ= 1.54, namely, the value largely used in the manuscript, at which N^--N^+=0. For μ lower (higher) than the half-filling value, the positive (negative) energy portion of DoS predominates, being N^--N^+<0 (N^--N^+>0). A change of slope is evident for the threshold value μ^th∼1.15; this is due to the fact that, increasing the doping level, the electron-like band starts to be strongly occupied (e.g., see right panels of Fig. <ref>). This mechanism explains why for μ∼μ^th there is a strong change in the "movement" of the TE peak with respect to the doping illustrated in Figs. 2(c) and (d) of the main text. In particular, we see that for μ≳μ^th (μ≲μ^th) the TE peak shifts towards lower (higher) temperatures increasing the electron doping. At lowest doping the thermoelectricity changes sign since it is hole dominated and electronic-like band is almost completely depleted. §.§ TE coefficients of a tunneling barrier It is useful to express the TE coefficient, α, and the electric and the thermal conductances, σ and κ, [ σ; α; κ ]=G_T/e_-∞^∞[ e; ε; ε^2/eT ]𝒩_L ( ε )𝒩_R ( ε )dε/4k_BTcosh^2 ( ε/2k_BT ), in such a way as to group all terms excluding DoSs into "weight functions", that is x=G_T/e∫_-∞^∞W_x(ε,T)𝒩_L ( ε)𝒩_R ( ε)dε with x=(σ,α,κ). The behavior of the weight functions, W_x ( ε, T ) with x=(σ,α,κ), normalised to their maximum value, is shown in Fig. <ref>(b). We immediately note that all three functions quickly go to zero for | ε|≳ 10 T, thus limiting the temperature range relevant for the calculation of linear TE coefficients. We also observe that σ and κ are even functions of energy, unlike α, which is odd; from this characteristic derives the dependence of the sign of the Seebeck coefficient, S=-α/(σ T), on the predominant particle/hole contribution. In Fig. <ref> we show how TE coefficient, α, and the electric and the thermal conductances, σ and κ, vary in the case discussed in Fig. 2 of the main text (note, in Fig. <ref> we are showing dimensionless normalised quantities). In particular: panels (a), (b), and (c) show α(T,Δ_0^FeSC), σ(T,Δ_0^FeSC), and κ(T,Δ_0^FeSC) at μ=1.54, while panels (d), (e), and (f) show α(T,μ), σ(T,μ), and κ(T,μ) at Δ_0^FeSC=0.1, in the case of a FeSC-I-N junction. Instead, panels (g), (h), and (i) α(T,Δ_0), σ(T,Δ_0), and κ(T,Δ_0) at μ=1.54 and Δ_0^FeSC=0.1, in the case of a FeSC-I-S junction. This figure allows us to definitively state that, taken individually, these quantities are unable to provide the information that instead emerges clearly when they are recombined to form the Seebeck coefficient, S, and figure of merit, ZT, as shown in Fig. 2 of the article. Finally, we observe also that the black region in Fig. <ref>(d) indicates negative α values, giving S>0. §.§ TE effect and other FeSC order parameter symmetries For the sake of completeness, we also show how the Seebeck coefficient and TE efficiency behave considering a d_xy pairing symmetry. As can be seen from Fig. <ref>, the main characteristics discussed in the manuscript for s_±-symmetry are also evident here, with a clear shift towards lower temperatures, in line with what was discussed in Fig. 3 in the main text for a nodal case. Another quite evident difference is that the sign of S is reversed from what is shown in Fig. 2 of the main article, see Figs. <ref>(a)-(c)-(e): this indicates that where hole contributions for s_±-symmetry is predominant, particle contributions now prevail (and vice versa). In the case of an FeSC-I-N junction, we also note that the threshold doping value around which the sign of S changes is somewhat higher than in the case shown in the article (the switch occurs roughly at μ∼1.25), see Fig. <ref>(b). Finally, we observe that the maximum values obtained for S and ZT in this case are practically the same as those obtained in the case of s_± pairing symmetry. However, considering an FeSC-I-S junction, the region of the parameter space where these maxima are reached is different, being the ZT peak in Fig. <ref>(f) located at (T,Δ_0)_max≃(0.23,2.1)×10^-4; in other words, in this case the maximum TE efficiency would be attainable for a superconducting tunnel junction at T≃40 mK formed between a FeSC and a SC with T_c≃210 mK. Finally, Fig. <ref> show that the TE of a tunnel junction resolves better between nodal and nodeless cases increasing the gap value, see panels (a) and (b) for Δ_0^FeSC=0.05 and 0.2, respectively. 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Scene Graph Generation from Hierarchical Relationship Reasoning
[ "Bowen Jiang", "Camillo J. Taylor" ]
[ "cs.CV" ]
Scene Graph Generation from Hierarchical Relationship Reasoning Bowen Jiang, Camillo J. Taylor University of Pennsylvania {bwjiang, cjtaylor}@seas.upenn.edu Received: date / Accepted: date ============================================================================================================== empty This paper describes a novel approach to deducing relationships between objects in a visual scene. It explicitly exploits an informative hierarchical structure that can be imposed to divide the object and relationship categories into disjoint super-categories. Specifically, our proposed scheme implements a Bayes prediction head to jointly predict the super-category or type of relationship between the two objects, along with the detailed relationship within that super-category. This design reduces the impact of class imbalance problems. We present experimental results on the Visual Genome and OpenImage V6 datasets showing that this factorized approach allows a relatively simple model to achieve competitive performance, especially on predicate classification and zero-shot tasks. § INTRODUCTION This work considers the Scene Graph Generation problem proposed by Johnson et al. in  <cit.>. In this framing, the system's goal is to deduce the objects in a given image and the relationships between them. Standard object detection <cit.> or segmentation <cit.> algorithms focus on identifying each object instance in an image separately. Scene graph generation algorithms, in contrast, represent the whole scene as a directed graph. They regard each object instance as a node in the graph and capture possible relationships between each pair of instances as an edge. Triplets of a subject, a relationship, and an object, like <person, wear, skirt> and <car, on, road>, form essential components of scene graphs, and such regularly appearing structures in images are also called motifs <cit.>. The rich knowledge encoded in scene graphs can be used for various downstream tasks, including image retrieval <cit.> and visual scene understanding <cit.>. Zeller et al. <cit.> observe that the categories associated with the subject and object instances in an image are strongly predictive of the relationship between them. For example, the relationship between a “man" and a “shirt" is likely to be “wears". The authors go further and show that when the objects in a dataset are divided into super-categories such as “Animal", “Vehicle", and “Furniture", and the relationships between objects are similarly divided into super-categories such as “Geometric", “Possessive", and “Semantic", the object categories and super-categories become strongly predictive of the relationship super-categories. For example, the relationship between a person and an article of clothing is likely to be possessive in nature. Based on this observation, the authors strongly argue for approaches that condition relationship predictions on the subject and object categories. We build on this idea by proposing a new approach to scene graph construction, which directly exploits an informative hierarchical structure that can be imposed to divide the object and relationship categories into disjoint super-categories. We show that a relatively straightforward network that exploits this hierarchical structure can outperform state-of-the-art methods. Specifically, we propose a network that considers each subject-object pair in an image and produces several outputs, including a scalar value indicating whether two objects are connected by a relationship, the probability that the relationship, if it exists, belongs to each relationship super-category, and the conditional probability that the relationship has a specific class given the relationship super-category. The resulting network effectively captures a structure from the Bayes' rule where the probabilities associated with the super-categories serve to steer the attention of the network to the most profitable lines of interpretation. Numerical experiments demonstrate that our method HierMotif significantly improves performance, especially on the predicate classification tasks, by this form of hierarchical relationship reasoning. The structure of this manuscript is as follows. Section <ref> discusses some related work. Section <ref> discusses details of our model, including the local Bayes predictor and an optional transformer encoder that can be used to refine the local results. Finally, Section <ref> presents the experiments. To summarize our contributions: * We show that a simple scene graph generation model can achieve superior performance by leveraging object and relationship hierarchies. * We propose a novel classification scheme inspired by Bayes' rule that jointly predicts the relationship super-category probabilities and the conditional probabilities of the relationships within each super-category. * We propose a direction-aware multiplicative masking scheme for our classifier, and a dynamic batch sizing algorithm for efficient batch-wise training. § RELATED WORK Our work considers the scene graph generation problems proposed in <cit.> and <cit.>. Many authors have approached the problem from the graphical neural networks perspective <cit.>. IMP <cit.> uses iterative message passing to update node and edge features in a bipartite graph. Graph-RCNN <cit.> prunes unlikely relationships and uses an attentional graph convolution network <cit.> to integrate global contexts and update nodes and edges. Recurrent neural networks <cit.> have also played important roles in scene graph generation as a means for integrating global context information across the image. For example, node and edge features in <cit.> are represented by two GRUs <cit.>, which take incoming messages and produce new hidden states. Neural Motifs <cit.> investigates the repeated motif structures in scene graphs and captures global contexts with bidirectional LSTMs <cit.>. In their work on Neural Motifs, Zellers et al. <cit.> analyze scene graphs in the Visual Genome <cit.> dataset and divide the 150 most frequently encountered object categories into 17 super-categories and the 50 most frequently encountered relationship categories into 3 relationship super-categories: geometric, possessive, and semantic, as illustrated in Table <ref>. However, their proposed algorithm does not explicitly exploit the super-categories they identify. Our work follows their super-category classifications and fully utilizes this hierarchy information. We discover that the median relative frequency of a relationship label is only 0.17%, but when we divide them into super-categories, this median frequency increases to 0.79% (geometric), 1.4% (possessive), and 2.3% (semantic), respectively. In recent years, BGT-Net <cit.> utilizes a bidirectional GRU for instance-level communications, an object transformer encoder to predict instance categories, and another edge transformer encoder to generate edge information for every instance. HC-Net <cit.> works on scene graph generation with hierarchical contexts, rather than the hierarchies of objects and relationships we exploit. GPS-Net <cit.> focuses on recovering the direction of the relationship edges and understanding the relative priority of the nodes in the graph within a novel message-passing scheme. RTN <cit.> presents a relation transformer network with a node-to-node encoder and a node-to-edge decoder. RelTR <cit.> also employs a Detection Transformer (DETR) <cit.> backbone, but it proposes a complicated triplet decoder network with three sub-modules and takes subject and object queries as input tokens. <cit.> establishes a unified conditional random field to model the distribution of objects and relationships jointly. Besides, <cit.> offers an energy-based framework instead of cross-entropy loss to incorporate the structure of the scene graph. § METHOD §.§ Notation A scene graph G={V, E} is a graphical representation of a given image I. The set of vertices V consists of n object instances, including their bounding boxes {b_i |b_i ∈ℝ^4}, the object categories {c_i | c_i ∈ℕ}, and the object super-categories {sc_i | sc_i ∈ℕ} for each c_i. We sometimes use the word “instances" to cover “subjects" and “objects". The set of edges, E, consists of relationships {r_ij| r_ij∈ℕ} between each pair of instances, and the associated relationship super-category {sr_i | sr_i ∈ℕ}. Both i and j ranges from 1 to n, so the total number of possible r_ij is n^2. For every possible edge we predict a connectivity score {e_ij| e_ij∈ [0, 1]} which models whether a particular subject and object are connected. §.§ Scene Graph Construction Our basic scene understanding system in Figure <ref> constructs a scene graph by considering each pair of object instances in turn and predicting whether or not they are related and, if so, what kind of relationship pertains. We refer to this as a local prediction system to distinguish it from other approaches that consider more global scene information. Object detection backbone We follow the most common two-stage model design <cit.> to first predict object bounding boxes and labels by a pre-trained object detection backbone, and then predict relationships between objects. We adopt the DETR <cit.> object detection module as the front end for our scene graph generation system. DETR has a ResNet-101 feature extraction backbone <cit.>, followed by a transformer encoder <cit.>. Next, a transformer decoder and a feed-forward head <cit.> predict the final set of object predictions in parallel. Once DETR outputs instance categories, we associate them with their super-categories. Finally, MiDaS <cit.> single-image depth estimation network is applied to the input image. Direction-aware multiplicative masking After we have extracted the image features, we consider each pair of object instances as shown in Figure <ref>. Considering every permutation of instance pairs allows the system to cover all options. For every subject-object pair, we construct a combined feature tensor by converting the bounding boxes associated with the subject and object into binary masks, and then multiplying them elementwise with the image features to produce two feature tensors, one for the subject and one for the object, which is concatenated and passed on to the next stage. Note that the order of the two feature tensors is crucially important since motifs such as <bike, has, wheel> and <wheel, of, bike> hinge on which instance is considered the subject and which the object. Given two object proposals i and j, we do two separate passes through our relationship network, one with i as the subject and j as the object, and the other with j as the subject and i as the object. We avoid using a simple union mask of each subject-object pair, since the two bounding boxes may have significant overlap and the edge direction information would be lost. Some works crop instances by their regions of interest and resize them to a uniform size to form the object feature vectors <cit.>. Our direction-aware multiplicative masking strategy maintains the instance size information, the spatial locations of each instance in the image, and the relative locations between each subject-object pair. Our ablation studies show that this approach significantly improves performance. The subject-object feature tensors are passed to a network with 2 convolutional layers and 2 linear layers which produces a 512-dimensional hidden state vector X_ij as shown in Figure <ref>. This hidden state vector is passed to the Bayes prediction head along with 4 one-hot vectors that encode the categories and super-categories associated with the subject and object. Bayes prediction head The Bayes prediction head is structured to produce several interpretable quantities, inspired by the Bayes' rule. The first output e_ij∈ [0, 1] is a scalar connectivity score, indicating the likelihood that object instances i and j are related. The network also produces three scalar values [p(g), p(p), p(s)], representing the probabilities that the relationship, if it exists, belongs to the geometric, possessive or semantic super-categories respectively. Finally, the network produces three vectors that are interpreted as conditional probability distributions: p(r̃_ij^g|g) ∈^15 denotes the probability that the relationship should be labeled as each of the 15 categories under the geometric relationship super-category, conditioned on the relationship belonging to that super-category. Similarly, p(r̃_ij^p|p) ∈^11 and p(r̃_ij^s|s) ∈^24 denote the conditional probabilities associated with the possessive and semantic super-categories respectively. Figure <ref> and Equations <ref>-<ref> show how these quantities are combined to produce final classification results trainable via back-propagation. The output score vectors associated with each relationship category, r_ij^g∈^15, r_ij^p∈^11, and r_ij^s∈^15, are simply the conditional probability vectors multiplied by the associated super-class probabilities. e_ij = Sigmoid{X_ij^⊤W^conn} [p(g), p(p), p(s)] = Softmax{X_ij^⊤ W^sc} r_ij^g := p(r̃_ij^g|g) * p(g) = Softmax{X_ij^⊤ W^g} * p(g) r_ij^p := p(r̃_ij^p|p) * p(p) = Softmax{X_ij^⊤ W^p} * p(p) r_ij^s := p(r̃_ij^s|s) * p(s) = Softmax{X_ij^⊤ W^s} * p(s) The Ws in these equations are the learnable linear layer parameter tensors. The local prediction network finally outputs three relationship predictions, one for each super-category, by simply considering the maximum entry in each of the vectors r_ij^g, r_ij^p and r_ij^s.The associated maximum entries are multiplied by the connectivity score, e_ij, to produce a final score for each relationship hypothesis. These scores are used to rank order the relationship hypotheses from all subject-object pairs, and this ordering is used to suggest the most likely relationships in the scene. Note that in this structure, the super-category probabilities act to focus the network's attention on the appropriate conditional output heads. Equation <ref>-<ref> can be summarized as follows: [r_ij^g, r_ij^p, r_ij^s, e_ij] = BayesHead{X_ij}. Dynamic batch sizing One challenge in training our local prediction module efficiently stems from the fact that the images in the dataset typically contain different numbers of object instances and, therefore, contribute different numbers of ground-truth relationships to the training process. This can be a problem when we want to parallelize the training process with batch-wise operations. To handle this problem, we propose a dynamic batch sizing scheme that can be effectively parallelized across multiple images in a training batch. The dynamic batching process is described in Algorithm <ref>, where max_index denotes the maximum number of objects detected in any image in the current batch. §.§ Global context via motif-level attention The local prediction scheme described in the previous sections constructs a scene graph by considering each pair of objects in the scene in turn and in isolation. We propose an optional third stage with a transformer encoder <cit.> to extract global context information, which can be used to refine the local prediction outputs. Since most scene graphs are sparse, we select a small subset S of hidden states {X_ij| X_ij∈ S} associated with the most highly scored relationship predictions, so that the model can focus its computational effort on the most informative relationship predictions. Values V, keys K, queries Q <cit.> for all X_ij in S and the associated self-attention weights can be calculated from: V = X, K = X^⊤ W^K, Q = X^⊤ W^Q, Attention(Q, K, V)=SoftMax(Q K^⊤/√(d)) V, where X is matrix constructed by concatenating all the {X_ij| X_ij∈ S}. W^V and W^K are two learnable matrices, and the scale factor d is used to stabilize the gradients <cit.>. The dot-product Q K^⊤ between each pair of key and query produces the attention scores, representing how much attention each motif should pay to any other motifs. We also follow <cit.>'s suggestion on multi-head attention and add-and-norm layers. The resulting block is repeated several times to form the entire transformer encoder network. The transformer encoder outputs a set of new embedding vectors {Y_ij| X_ij∈ S}. And these vectors are added to the corresponding X_ij as a residual connection to refine the relationship predictions. More specifically, for every relationship in S, the refined relationship is computed from: [r̂_ij^g, r̂_ij^p, r̂_ij^s, e_ij] = BayesHead{X_ij + Y_ij}. § EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS §.§ Dataset Visual Genome We perform comprehensive experiments on the Visual Genome dataset <cit.>, following the same pre-processing procedure used in <cit.> to clean up object annotations. We consider the most frequent 150 object categories and 50 relationship predicates in the dataset. These are divided into 17 object super-categories and 3 relationship super-categories as defined in <cit.>. The dataset contains around 75.7k training images and 32.4k testing images. On average, each image in the dataset contains 11.5 object instances and 6.2 relationships. OpenImage V6 We follow the same data pre-processing provided by <cit.> to obtain a subset of the OpenImage V6 dataset <cit.> with relationship annotations. It has 601 object categories, 30 relationship categories, about 53.9k training images, and around 3.2k testing images. §.§ Evaluation metrics Visual Genome We employ the Recall@k (R@k) <cit.> and mean Recall@k (mR@k) <cit.> evaluation metrics that are widely used for this dataset. R@k measures the fraction of the ground-truth predicates that appear in the top k most confident predictions per image, the mR@k metric averages the recall score over all 50 relationship categories and, thus, provides an idea of how well the method performs across all of the relationship categories. A ground truth predicate matches a hypothesized relationship if the predicted relationship is correct, the subject and object labels match, and the bounding boxes associated with the subject and object both have IOU≥ 0.5 with the ground-truth boxes. In our hierarchical relationship scheme, each edge has three predictions per direction under three disjoint super-categories. Therefore, each directed edge outputs three individual candidates to be ranked in the top k most confident predictions instead of one, as shown in Figure <ref>. Note that allowing three candidates per edge does not make the ranking problem easier, because the total number of candidates will be three times larger, and it is still challenging to put correct predicates in the top k ranking. We also provide two more evaluation metrics, R@k^* and mR@k^*, which offer more insight into the accuracy of the prediction heads associated with each relationship super-category. For these metrics, if any of the three super-category output heads, r_ij^g, r_ij^p or r_ij^s, correctly predicts the relationship, we score it as a match. We contrast this with the NG-R@k described in  <cit.>, where “NG" represents “no graph constraint". This score significantly surpasses R@k, but it loosely defines a “match" as long as any of the 50 predicates with non-zero scores match with the target without further restrictions. In contrast, our R@k^* is still quite strict, since predicates within the same super-category remain exclusive. In other words, each relationship hypothesis would have at most three chances to be marked correct. Zero-shot recall (zsR@k) <cit.> estimates the model's ability to generalize its performance to unseen data. It calculates the R@k score for those <subject, relationship, object> triplets that only appear in test data, but not in the training dataset. OpenImage V6 On this challenge we consider the standard evaluation metrics: Recall@50 (R@50), weighted mean average prevision of relationships (wmAP_rel), weighted mean average prevision of phrases (wmAP_phr), and the final score=0.2 × R@50+ 0.4 ×wmAP_rel + 0.4 ×wmAP_phr. The weighted AP addresses the predicate class imbalance <cit.>. wmAP_rel counts a match if both the subject and the object bounding boxes have IOU≥ 0.5 with their ground-truths, and the <subject, relationship, and object> labels match with the target. Same for wmAP_phr except it considers the union bounding box of the subject and object. §.§ Evaluation modes Predicate classification Predicate classification (PredCLS) separates the relationship prediction task from other procedures. Given a ground-truth set of object instances labels and bounding boxes, the model predicts relationships. Scene graph classification In this task the model predicts subject, object, and relationship categories, given ground-truth subject and object bounding boxes. In our experiment, the DETR detection backbone outputs object bounding boxes and labels simultaneously without a separate region proposal network <cit.>, so we match each ground-truth bounding box with the predicted bounding box with the largest IOU and use the predicted object label. Scene graph detection Scene graph detection (SGDET) requires the model to predict instance bounding boxes, object labels, and relationships. SGDET requires additional adaptations to the detection backbone because the predicted bounding boxes and labels are noisy and can degrade the model's performance. For example, we add per-class NMS post-processing to avoid many unnecessary relationship predictions and dramatically reduce computation time. We also dismiss all subject-object pairs whose bounding boxes have no overlap <cit.>. Predicted instance categories are often inaccurate. The prediction will be regarded as wrong if the subject or object category is wrong, regardless of the relationships. To combat this, we duplicate the predicted bounding boxes twice in each image and consider the top two most confident object categories to improve the likelihood of detecting the correct relationships. Furthermore, we account for the fact that some object categories are ambiguous. For example, if the dataset annotates an instance as “apple", but the detector predicts it as “fruit", the result should still be accepted. §.§ Training details All models are trained on 4 NVIDIA V100 GPUs. The time to run inference on a typical image is around 1.5s. We leverage the pretrained DETR backbone provided by <cit.> under object detection tasks. The relationship prediction network is trained with a batch size of 32 for 3 epochs on Visual Genome, or 1 epoch on OpenImage V6, by the SGD optimizer with a learning rate of 0.002 and a step scheduler. We freeze the parameters of the DETR object detector while training the local predictor module. The optional transformer encoder is trained with the same batch size for 3 more epochs by the AdamW <cit.> optimizer with a learning rate of 0.005 and warmup steps  <cit.>, having other module parameters being frozen. §.§ Results Visual Genome Table <ref> compares our results on Visual Genome to other state-of-the-art methods. Our model, HierMotif, significantly outperforms previous methods on R@50 and R@100 for the PredCLS task by 6 and 9 percent, respectively. The penultimate row of each sub-table reports our R@k^* and mR@k^* that highlight the strong performance of the super-category prediction subsystems. These results show that the individual Bayes prediction heads have successfully learned how to predict the relationships within each super-category. The strong mR@k scores indicate improved performance across all relationship categories. Furthermore, it suggests that the scheme allows the specialized prediction heads to concentrate more effectively on discriminating within their relationship super-categories. Figure <ref> shows some generated scene graphs for the PredCLS task on Visual Genome. The model generates a diverse set of predicates with high confidence to describe the visual scenes. We note that existing evaluation metrics may severely underestimate the model's actual capabilities due to insufficient ground-truth annotations in the dataset. The model produces many reasonable predictions that align with human intuition but are not annotated in the dataset. They are marked with blue arrows in the figure. We believe generating a rich set of reasonable predicates is helpful in practical scene understanding. The model sometimes gets confused on repeated instances of the same type. For example, it sometimes connects one cow to another nearby cow's tail. We have also noticed cases in the dataset where the relationship between a subject and an object may be ambiguous; for example, a particular relationship may be annotated as <tail, of, cow> or <tail, on, cow>. Typically the two contending relationships belong to different super-categories, which our model handles quite naturally by reporting that two super-categories have likely predictions for an edge. Table <ref> shows the strong zero-shot performance of our model on Visual Genome. The bottom row shows an ablation study where we do not use the Bayes prediction head and observe an inferior performance. OpenImage V6 Table <ref> demonstrates the experimental results on the OpenImage V6 dataset. It has an outstanding recall score, similar to the results on Visual Genome. Our model makes predictions on all subject-object pairs and outputs the top 20 most confident predictions for each image, so its precision wmAP_rel still has space to improve, but wmAP_phr and the final score are already competitive. Ablation studies We provide ablation studies on Visual Genome in Table <ref> to validate our key design decisions. Firstly, we investigate how our system would fare if we simply used a flat relationship categorization, instead of the hierarchical organization into three relationship super-categories with the Bayes prediction head. The performance is shown on the second row of the table, and it is much worse than the hierarchical baseline. Suggests that our hierarchical organization is improving performance, allowing our on-purposely simple relationship prediction scheme to perform competitively to other methods. The third row shows the results if we ignore the super-categories associated with the object instances. It shows that object super-categories are useful, but not as critical as the relationship super-categories. Nevertheless, the decreases in mR@k suggest that the object super-category information helps share information across related classes and thus improves the performance, especially when the object categories are less frequently seen. The fourth row indicates that the image depth maps also help with the predictions. In the fifth row, we examine the performance of a variant that does not use the direction-aware multiplicative masking scheme to extract subject and object features, but instead uses union bounding boxes. This variant does not perform as well as our baseline, indicating that the direction-aware scheme is beneficial. The fifth and sixth rows investigate the value of adding the optional transformer structure with two slightly different parameter settings to refine the relationship predictions. These results indicate that this additional structure improves mR@k and mR@k^* but sacrifices a small amount of performance on the R@k and R@k^*. We conclude that our standard local prediction system is already strong and hypothesize that the DETR object detection backbone may already provide some global context via its transformer network. The final several rows of the table show results obtained by varying various hyperparameters related to the SGDET task, specifically by changing the number of times we duplicate each predicted bounding box, as explained in Section <ref>. We also show the result of varying the amount of non-maximal suppression applied to the bounding boxes produced by the DETR system during object detection. § CONCLUDING REMARKS We present a simple but powerful scene graph generation algorithm that exploits a hierarchical categorical structure imposed on the relationship and object labels. The resulting system has a Bayesian structure with separate heads that predict the likelihood of a relationship between a pair of objects, the super-category of that relationship if it exists, and the specific relationship within each super-category. This representation effectively factorizes the final probability distribution over the relationship categories. Our results show that the hierarchical organization significantly outperforms a baseline that predicts a flat softmax over all relationship types. Our scheme performs competitively with state-of-the-art algorithms, especially in predicate classification and zero-shot learning. We hypothesize that this structure allows related labels to more effectively share the information common to each super-category. We note that the proposed hierarchical approach could also be applied to other classification tasks and we plan to explore this possibility in future work. ieee_fullname
Mechanism of femtosecond laser ablation revealed by THz emission spectroscopy
[ "Shuntaro Tani", "Yohei Kobayashi" ]
[ "physics.optics" ]
[e-mail:]stani@issp.u-tokyo.ac.jp 1Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa-no-ha 5-1-5, Kashiwa, Chiba, 277-8581, Japan We investigated femtosecond laser ablation dynamics using THz time-domain spectroscopy. To clarify the breakdown dynamics of materials, we focused on the motion of charged particles and measured the terahertz waves emitted during laser ablation. We revealed that the Coulomb force dominated the ablation process. Furthermore, comparisons of the experimental results with theoretical models showed that material breakdown occurs within a few hundred femtoseconds. Our experimental results indicate that electrostatic ablation is the most likely ablation mechanism for metals. Mechanism of femtosecond laser ablation revealed by THz emission spectroscopy Yohei Kobayashi March 30, 2023 ============================================================================= When an intense femtosecond laser pulse irradiates a material, the laser field drives the electrons in the material strongly into highly energetic states, which leads to large-scale atomic motions and material ejection. This material removal process is called femtosecond laser ablation and provides a foundation for laser-based machining processes with minimal thermal degradation <cit.>. Extensive research has been conducted into this process for more than three decades, both experimentally and theoretically <cit.>, to clarify the irreversible processes that cause solids to break down into atoms under application of intense laser fields. Various ablation mechanisms have been proposed and are still subject to debate. These mechanisms include evaporation <cit.>, spallation caused by a laser-induced shock wave <cit.>, explosive boiling <cit.>, phonon instability <cit.>, electrostatic force <cit.>, and Coulomb explosion <cit.>. As a result, the time required for bond to break varies widely depending on the theoretical model used. For example, ab initio molecular dynamics calculations predicted bond breaking times of less than 100 fs <cit.>. In contrast, molecular dynamics and hydrodynamics-based calculations predicted bond-breaking times of tens of picoseconds or more <cit.>. Time-resolved spectroscopic studies have revealed the ultrafast dynamics that occur in materials after instantaneous optical excitation. For example, optical pump-probe measurements have revealed the occurrence of changes in both electronic band structures <cit.> and the states of matter <cit.>. Additionally, electron beam and X-ray diffraction measurements have shown the energy transfer processes that occur from electronic systems to phonon systems <cit.>. However, direct observation of the atomic-level fracture that occurs at several nanometers beneath the surface remains challenging. One process that will inevitably occur when a solid is broken apart into atoms is the acceleration of the motion of the electrons and ions. These accelerated motions of the charged particles cause emission of electromagnetic waves and these emissions can be measured with subpicosecond time resolution using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) <cit.>. In particular, measurement of the charged particle motions triggered by laser irradiation, which is called THz emission spectroscopy, has been used for a variety of systems <cit.>. However, although terahertz emission has been reported to occur during laser ablation, the actual ablation mechanism has not yet been revealed <cit.>. In this study, we investigated the ablation mechanism of copper near the material's ablation threshold. We used broadband THz emission spectroscopy to measure the dynamics of the charged particles on a subpicosecond scale. Our vectorial THz-TDS system determined the direction of the charged-particle motion successfully. Furthermore, the charge displacements were estimated from the THz waveforms and compared to theoretical models. As a result, we clarified that ablation occurs within a few hundred femtoseconds and that the electrostatic ablation model is the most plausible of the existing models. The experimental setup used for the THz-TDS of the laser ablation process is shown in Fig. 1(b). A Ti-sapphire regenerative amplifier delivered 80-fs pulses that were used as excitation pulses for the ablation process and as sampling pulses for electro-optic detection <cit.>. The laser pulses for ablation were focused perpendicularly onto a target material with a 1/e^2 spot size of 60 μ m. Electromagnetic emissions generated during laser ablation were collected using a pair of off-axis parabolic mirrors on a 310-μ m (110) GaP crystal. Electro-optic sampling with this thin GaP crystal enabled broadband THz measurements to be taken <cit.>. The parabolic mirror used to for accumulating the THz emissions was placed at an angle of 70^∘ to the normal of the target surface. Two black polypropylene films were inserted between the parabolic mirrors to cut out any scattered excitation light while also allowing the THz waves to pass through. Copper plates were used as the target materials. THz-TDS was performed while the sample was moved horizontally on a motorized stage, thus eliminating optical path length variations caused by the ablation process. Figure 2 shows the electric waveforms measured by the THz-TDS under both linearly and circularly polarized excitation. The field strengths exclude the contribution of Fresnel losses at the black polypropylene films and at the GaP crystal surface. The ablation thresholds for the two polarizations above were 0.2 and 0.3 respectively. Below these thresholds, the electric fields are weak and have a cosine-shaped waveforms. Above these thresholds, the electric fields become much stronger and begin to show a sine-type component. Additionally, a significant polarization dependence is observed at low excitation fluences, whereas this polarization dependence disappears at high excitation fluences. We confirmed that the observed THz waves originated from the motion of charged particles, based on the dependence of the THz wave polarization on the excitation polarization. We determined the vectorial directions of the THz fields by rotating the nonlinear crystal used to perform the electro-optic sampling <cit.>. If the THz wave generation is caused by optical rectification at the target surface, it should be strongly dependent on the excitation polarization <cit.>. However, the resulting vectorial waveform was linearly polarized along the horizontal plane irrespective of the direction of excitation polarization. We thus conclude that the electromagnetic radiation from the laser ablation process was due to the acceleration or deceleration of charged particles, namely electrons and ions. We can estimate the ultrafast charge motion during laser ablation from the temporal waveform of the THz pulses. The following processes were considered for the estimation: the conversion of transient current to radiation, free-space propagation via the parabolic mirrors, and detection in the electro-optic crystal. Putting all together, we obtained the relationship between the motion of charges and the detected electric field E_det (V/cm) <cit.>: E_det(t)=-8.0×10^-10qN(t)d^2/dt^2v(t), where q is the sign of the charge, N(t) is the number of charged particles, and v(t) (nm/ps) is their average velocity. Namely, the detected electric field waveform is the second-order derivative of the transient current. Here we consider one-way and round-trip motions of the charges. We took a Gaussian and its first-order derivative as the time profile of each component, as shown in Figs.3(a). Under this assumption and Eq. (<ref>), the electric field waveform was fitted with the following waveform: E(t)=E_2 H_2(t-t_0/τ_2)e^-(t-t_0)^2/τ_2^2+E_3 H_3(t-t_0/τ_3)e^-(t-t_0)^2/τ_3^2, where H_n is the nth-order Hermite polynomial, E_n and τ_n are fitting parameters representing the amplitudes and timescales, and t_0 is the time delay of both components. This fitting well reproduces the experimental results for all excitation fluences and polarizations, as shown in Fig. 2. The values of τ_2 and τ_3 are approximately 0.22 ps and 0.28 ps, respectively, and are nearly constant irrespective of excitation fluence and polarization. Figure 3(b) shows the excitation fluence dependence of the peak values of the one-way and round-trip transient currents. For both currents, there is a large polarization dependence at fluences below 1.0 . In contrast, above 1.5 the polarization dependence almost disappears. The one-way currents increase according to a power law, with an exponent of 2 at the low fluence side and 0.6 on the high fluence side. Figure 3(c) shows the fluence dependence of the common time delay. It decreases monotonically as fluence increases and becomes almost constant above 1.0 . The time origin was determined by the sum frequency generation of the sampling pulse and the scattered light at the sample surface of the excitation pulse. The optical path length difference due to the black polypropylene films and the temporal walk-off in the nonlinear crystal were compensated. In this letter, we focused on the displacement of charges by integrating the motion. The displacement of charge density per unit area δ is: δ = ∫[n_e(t)v_e(t) - n_i(t)v_i(t)]dt, where n(t) is charge density, and v(t) is the average velocity of the particles. The subscripts e and i represent electrons and ions, respectively. The results are shown in Fig. 3(d). The product n(t)v(t) corresponds to the sum of the one-way and round-trip motions, as per Fig. 3(a). Note that the integral of the round-trip motion is zero, and the magnitude of the final displacement does not depend on a way of decomposing the charge motions. Let us first assume that the observed motions are only due to electrons. The one-way motion results in the electrons resting on a finite displacement from the surface. A force is needed to slow down the emitted electrons and keep them outside the material. This force can only be the Coulomb force between the electrons and the mirror charges on the metal surface. Two opposite scenarios can cause such displacement: continuous thermionic emission and impulsive photoemission. In the thermionic emission scenario, the electron system heated by a laser pulse continues to emit thermal electrons, as per Fig. 4(a). In this situation, thermionic emission and the Coulomb force balance and create outward displacement. We derived the electron distribution ρ_e(z) in a self-consistent manner, assuming thermionic electron emission by the Richardson-Dushman formula <cit.> and an exponential spread of the emitted electrons. The distribution is as follows: ρ_e(z) = ρ_s e^-β z (z > 0), ρ_s = m_e k_B T_e/2π^2ħ^3√(π m_e k_B T_e/2)e^-W/k_B T_e, β = √(e^2 ρ_s/ϵ_0 k_B T_e), where ρ_0 is the density of the spreading electrons, β is the inverse of the spreading length, T_e is the electronic temperature at the material surface, m_e is the electron mass, k_B is the Boltzmann constant, ħ is the Plank constant, W is the work function of copper, e is the elementary charge, and ϵ_0 is the vacuum permittivity. Then, the charge displacement density δ equals 2ρ_0/β^2. Note that 1/β is equal to the Debye length. As a result, we found the following relationship: T_e = e^2/2ϵ_0 k_Bδ. Namely, the electron temperature increase at the surface can be directly estimated by integrating the THz waveform three times with respect to time. Figure 4(c) shows the fluence dependence of the electron temperature at the surface calculated from the THz waveform. The estimated temperature is much higher than the electron temperature estimated from the laser fluence, indicating that this scenario is not valid. As for the other scenario, let us consider a packet of electrons ejected ballistically by impulsive photoemission processes <cit.>, as per Fig. 4(b). The Coulomb interaction with the mirror charge slows down and spreads the packet of electrons. Assuming an infinitely thin electron slab of area density σ_imp ejected at velocity v_imp as the electron packet, we obtain an analytical expression for the electron displacement: δ(t) = {[ σ_imp v_imp t - e^2 σ_imp^2/4 ϵ_0 m_et^2 (0 ≤ t < t_ret); ϵ_0 m_e v_imp^2/e^2 (t ≥ t_ret) ]., where t_ret = 2 ϵ_0 m_e v_imp/e^2 σ_imp represents the time required for a portion of the emitted electrons to return to the surface. After t_ret, the charge displacement is constant irrespective of t and independent of the emitted electron density σ_imp. Thus, this scenario also produces finite outward displacement, and the averaged kinetic energy E_kin of the emitted electrons can be calculated directly from the charge displacement: E_kin = e^2/2ϵ_0δ. Interestingly, although they are based on completely different assumptions, Eqs. (<ref>) and (<ref>) have the relationship k_B T_e = E_kin. Figure 4(d) shows the kinetic energy E_king as a function of fluence. The high kinetic energy cannot be explained by multiphoton photoemission or photoassisted thermionic emission <cit.>. While electron emission with kinetic energies of a few tens of eV is possible due to above-threshold ionization, an electric field of more than 100 V/nm should be generated on the surface considering the yield of electrons <cit.>. An electric field that strong should extract ions and such an ablation mechanism is called electrostatic ablation <cit.>, as shown in Fig. 5(a). Either scenario requires unreasonably high energy electron emission to overcome the strong Coulomb force. Accordingly, our initial assumption that only electrons move on ultrafast timescales must be corrected; if ions move on a subpicosecond time scale, the Coulomb force is suppressed, allowing large displacements to be achieved. Here, we assume the impulsive model and consider an effective particle mixture of electrons and ions. Assuming a mixing ratio of 1/2+f to 1/2-f, the charge displacement yields δ = ϵ_0 E_kin/2f^2e^2. Assuming that the energy of the incident laser pulse is distributed among electrons and ions, the imbalance f can be estimated as shown in Fig. 5(b). Such a small fraction of ionization has also been reported in time-of-flight measurements on GaAs and silicon excited by femtosecond pulses near the ablation threshold <cit.>. Our experimental observation revealed that the breakup of solids into atoms should occur on a subpicosecond timescale. This time scale is much faster than the commonly accepted time scales in spallation and evaporation models <cit.>, which range from several picoseconds to a few nanoseconds. This is because electron-phonon coupling is suppressed inside the solid due to Coulomb shielding, but electrons ejected from the surface pull atoms with bare Coulomb. Gamaly et al. estimated the time scale of breakup by electrostatic ablation to be as fast as tens of femtoseconds <cit.>, which is consistent with our experiments. Furthermore, the ultrafast breakdown is reasonable to explain the excitation polarization dependence observed in this study and the gentle ablation where the optical penetration length determines the ablation depth <cit.>. Finally, Figure 5(c) plots transient current as a function of the number of atoms removed by laser ablation. The number of ablated atoms was obtained by measuring a depth profile of the grooves created by the ablation using a three-dimensional microscope. Remarkably, the round-trip current is proportional to the number of ablated atoms over two orders of magnitude. The proportionality coefficient is approximately 0.05 e·nm/ps, irrespective of the excitation polarization. This relationship suggests that round-trip current is closely related to laser ablation. In conclusion, we measured the motion of charged particles during laser ablation in the vicinity of the ablation threshold. The calculated charge displacements reveal that the motion of the ions must occur on a time scale of a few hundred femtoseconds. Our result clarifies the ablation mechanism and its timescale, a matter of long-standing controversy. Moreover, a round-trip current has been found that is proportional to the number of ablated atoms over two orders of magnitude. Precise measurement of ultrafast charge transfer will open the physics of irreversible processes driven by ultrashort laser pulses. 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Incentives and co-evolution: Steering linear dynamical systems with noncooperative agents
[ "Filippo Fabiani", "Andrea Simonetto" ]
[ "eess.SY", "cs.SY", "math.OC" ]
tmp figures/ 101064 procalg[1][htb]
Joint Behavior and Common Belief
[ "Meir Friedenberg", "Joseph Y. Halpern" ]
[ "cs.MA", "cs.AI", "cs.LO" ]
Audio-based Roughness Sensing and Tactile Feedback for Haptic Perception in Telepresence Bastian Pätzold, Andre Rochow, Michael Schreiber, Raphael Memmesheimer, Christian Lenz, Max Schwarz, and Sven Behnke Autonomous Intelligent Systems University of Bonn, Germany March 30, 2023 ========================================================================================================================================================================================= For over 25 years, common belief has been widely viewed as necessary for joint behavior. But this is not quite correct. We show by example that what can naturally be thought of as joint behavior can occur without common belief. We then present two variants of common belief that can lead to joint behavior, even without standard common belief ever being achieved, and show that one of them, action-stamped common belief, is in a sense necessary and sufficient for joint behavior. These observations are significant because, as is well known, common belief is quite difficult to achieve in practice, whereas these variants are more easily achievable. § INTRODUCTION The past few years have seen an uptick of interest in studying cooperative AI, that is, AI systems that are designed to be effective at cooperating. Indeed, a number of influential researchers recently argued that “[w]e need to build a science of cooperative AI … progress towards socially valuable AI will be stunted unless we put the problem of cooperation at the centre of our research”  <cit.>. One type of cooperative behavior is what we might call joint behavior, that is, collaboration scenarios where the success of the joint action is dependent on all agents doing their parts; one agent deviating can cause the efforts of others to be ineffective. The notion of joint behavior has been studied (in much detail) under various names such as “acting together”, “teamwork”, “collaborative plans”, and “shared plans”, and highly influential models of it were developed (see, e.g.,  <cit.>). Efforts were also made to engineer some of these theories into real-world joint planning systems <cit.>. Examples of the types of scenarios these works considered include drivers in a caravan, where if any agent deviates it might lead the entire caravan to get derailed, and a company of military helicopters, where deviation on the part of some agents can lead to the remaining agents being stranded or put in unnecessarily high-risk scenarios. One conclusion arrived at by all of these efforts was the importance of beliefs for this type of cooperation. In particular, because each agent would do her part only if she believed that all of the other agents would do their part as well, they determined that common belief (often called mutual belief) of how the agents would behave was necessary. That is to say, not only did everyone have to believe all of the agents would act as desired, but everyone had to believe everyone believed it, and everyone had to believe that everyone believed everyone believed it, etc. This, they argued, followed from the fact that everyone acts only if they believe everyone else will. (See, e.g., <cit.> for examples of this claim.) As we show in this paper, this conclusion is not quite right. We do not need common belief for joint behavior; weaker variants suffice. Indeed, we provide a variant of common belief that we call action-stamped common belief that we show is, in a sense, necessary and sufficient for joint behavior. The key insight is that agents do not have to act simultaneously for there to be joint behavior. If agent 2 acts after agent 1, agent 1 does not have to believe, when he acts, that agent 2 currently believes that all agents will carry out their part of the joint behavior. Indeed, at the point that agent 1 acts, agent 2 might not even be aware of the joint action. It suffices that agent 2 believes at the point that she carries out her part of the joint behavior that all the other agents will believe at the points where they are carrying out their parts of the joint behavior … that everyone will act as desired at the appropriate time. If actions must occur simultaneously, then common belief is necessary; the fact that we do not require simultaneous actions is what allows us to consider weaker variants of common belief. Why does this matter? Common belief may be hard to obtain (see <cit.>); it may be possible to obtain action-stamped common belief in circumstances where common belief cannot be obtained. Thus, if we assume that we need common belief for joint behavior, we may end up mistakenly giving up on cooperative behavior when it is in fact quite feasible. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we provide the background for the formal (Kripke-structure based) framework that we use throughout the paper. In Section <ref>, we give our first example showing that agents can have joint behavior without common belief, and define a variant of common belief that we call time-stamped common belief which enables it to happen. In Section <ref>, we give a modified version of the example where time-stamped common belief does not suffice for joint behavior, but action-stamped common belief, which is yet more general, does. In general, the group of agents involved in a joint behavior need not be static; it may change over time. For example, we would like to view the firefighters at the scene of a fire as acting jointly, but this group might change over time as additional firefighters arrive and some firefighters leave. In Section <ref>, we show how action-stamped (and time-stamped) common belief can be extended to deal with the group of agents changing over time. In Section <ref>, we go into more detail regarding the significance of these results. In Section <ref>, we show that there is a sense in which action-stamped common belief is necessary and sufficient for joint behavior. Finally, in Section <ref>, we conclude. § BACKGROUND To make our claims precise, we need to be able to talk formally about beliefs and time. To do so, we draw on standard ideas from modal logics and the runs-and-systems framework of Fagin et al. FHMV. Our models have the form M=(R, Φ, π, _1, …, _n). R is a system, which, by definition, is a set of runs, each of which describes a way the system might develop over time. Given a run r ∈ R and a time n ∈ℕ_≥ 0 (for simplicity, we assume that time ranges over the natural numbers), we call (r,n) a point in the model; that is, it describes a point in time in one way the system might develop. Φ is the set of variables. In general, we will denote variables in Φ with uppercase letters (e.g., P) and values of those variables with lowercase ones (e.g., p). π is an interpretation that maps each point in the model and each variable P ∈Φ to a value, denoting the value of P at that point. (Thus, the analogue of a primitive proposition for us is a formula of the form P=p: variable P takes on value p.) Finally, for each agent i, there is a binary relation _i over the points in the model. Two points (r_1, n_1) and (r_2, n_2) are related by _i (i.e., (r_1,n_1),(r_2,n_2)) ∈_i) if the two points are indistinguishable to agent i; that is, if, at the point (r_1,n_1), agent i cannot tell if the true point is (r_1,n_1) or (r_2,n_2). We assume throughout that the _i relations satisfy the standard properties of a belief relation: specifically, they are serial (for all points (r,n), there exists a point (r',n') such that ((r,n),(r',n')) ∈_i), Euclidean (if ((r_1,n_1),(r_2,n_2)) and ((r_1,n_1),(r_3,n_3)) are in _i, then so is ((r_2,n_2),(r_3,n_3))), and transitive. These assumptions ensure that the standard axioms for belief hold; see <cit.> for further discussion of these issues. Syntactically, we can talk about these models using a language generated by the following context-free grammar: φ := P=p | ψ | ψ_1 ∧ψ_2 | B_iψ | E_Gψ | C_Gψ, where P is a variable in Φ, p is a possible value of P, and G is a non-empty subset of the agents. The intended reading of B_i ψ is that agent i believes ψ; for E_Gψ it is that ψ is believed by everyone in the group G; and for C_Gψ it is that ψ is common belief among the group G. We can inductively give semantics to formulas in this language relative to points in the above models. The propositional operators and ∧ have the standard propositional semantics. The other operators are given semantics as follows: * (M,r,n) P=p if π((r,n),P) = p, * (M,r,n) B_i ψ if (M,r',n') ψ for all points (r', n') such that ((r,n), (r', n')) ∈_i, * (M,r,n) E_G ψ if (M,r,n) B_i ψ for all i ∈ G * (M,r,n) C_G ψ if (M,r,n) E^k_G ψ for all k ≥ 1, where E^1_G ψ := E_G ψ and E^k+1_G ψ := E_G(E^k_G ψ). There are a number of axioms that are valid in these models. Since they are not relevant for the points we want to make here, we refer the reader to <cit.> for a discussion of them. § TIME-STAMPED COMMON BELIEF We now give our first example showing that joint behavior does not require common belief. We do not define joint behavior here; indeed, as we said, there are a number of competing definitions in the literature <cit.>. But we hope the reader will agree that, however we define it, the example gives an instance of it. General Y and her forces are standing on the top of a hill. Below them in the valley, the enemy is encamped. General Y knows that her forces are not single-handedly strong enough to defeat the enemy. But she also knows that General Z and his troops are expected to arrive on the hill on the opposite side the next day at noon, though she and her troops must move on before then. Thankfully, all generals are trained for how to deal with this situation. Just as her training recommends, General Y sets up traps that will delay the enemy's retreat, and leaves one soldier behind to go to the opposite hill and inform General Z of the traps upon his arrival. At 11:30 the next morning, General Y receives a (false) message informing her that General Z and his troops have been captured, and thus (incorrectly) surmises that the enemy will live to fight another day. What in fact happens is that General Z's troops arrive at noon and attack the enemy, the enemy attempts to retreat and is stopped by General Y's traps, and the enemy is successfully defeated. Clearly, Generals Y and Z jointly defeated the enemy. Yet they never achieved common belief of what they were doing. Before noon, General Z didn't even think that the enemy was there, and from 11:30 on, General Y thought that General Z would never arrive. It follows that there was no point at which they could have had common belief. So what is going on here? What this example suggests is that there are times when a type of time-stamped common belief (cf., <cit.>) suffices to enable joint behavior. Intuitively, on the first day, General Y believed that at noon on the second day General Z would act, attacking the enemy. Similarly, at noon on the second day, General Z believed that General Y had acted the day before, setting up the necessary traps. They also hold higher-order beliefs; for example, at the time she set the traps, general Y believed that at noon the next day general Z would believe that she had set the traps, otherwise she wouldn't have wasted the resources to set them, and so on. Much as in the usual case of common belief, these nested beliefs extend to arbitrary depths. What sets this example apart from those considered by earlier work is that, whereas in the earlier work agents needed to believe others would act as desired at the same point, here the agents need to believe only that others will act as desired at the points where they're supposed to act for the joint behavior. This suggests that time-stamped common belief can suffice for joint behavior. Our notion of time-stamped common belief can be viewed as a generalization of the notion of time-stamped common knowledge developed by Halpern and Moses FHMV,HM90 for scenarios where agents have internal clocks that may not be synchronized. We discuss the exact relationship between these notions at the end of the section. Formally, we can capture this type of time-stamped common belief with the following additions to the logic and semantic models above. Syntactically, we add two more operators to the language, E^t_Gψ and C^t_Gψ, where G is a set of agents. We then add to the semantic model a function t that maps each agent and run to a non-negative integer. The intended reading of these is “each agent i ∈ G believes at the time t(i,r) that ψ” and “it is time-stamped-by-t common belief among the agents in G that ψ”, respectively. We give semantics to these operators as follows: * (M,r,n) E^t_Gψ if (M,r,t(i,r)) B_iψ for all i ∈ G * (M,r,n) C^t_Gψ if (M,r,n) E^t,k_G ψ for all k ≥ 1, where E^t,1_G ψ := E^t_G ψ and E^t,k+1_G ψ := E^t_G(E^t,k_G ψ). These definitions are clearly very similar to the (standard) definitions given above for E_Gψ and C_Gψ, except that the beliefs of each agent i ∈ G in run r is considered at the time t(i,r). It follows from the semantic definitions that E^t_G ψ and C^t_G ψ hold at either all points in a run or none of them. In the example above, this notion of time-stamped common belief is achieved if we take t(Y,r) to be the time in run r that Y laid the traps (which may be different times in different runs) and take t(Z,r) to be the time that Z arrived in run r (which was noon in the actual run, but again, may be different times in different runs), provided that it is (time-stamped) common belief that both Y and Z will follow their training. That is, when Y lays the traps, Y must believe that Z will believe when he arrives that Y laid the traps, Z will believe when he arrives that Y believed when she laid the traps that he would believe when he arrived that Y laid the traps, and so on. The key point here is that time-stamped common belief can sometimes suffice for achieving cooperative behavior, even without standard common knowledge. As we suggested above, our notion of time-stamped common belief is a generalization of (and was inspired by) Halpern and Moses' notion of (time-T) time-stamped common knowledge. Roughly speaking, for them, time-T time-stamped common knowledge of ϕ holds among the agents in a group G if every agent i in G knows ϕ at time T on her clock, all agents in G know at time T on their clock that all agents in G know ϕ at time T on their clock, and so on (where T is a fixed, specific time). If it is common knowledge that clocks are synchronized, then time-stamped common knowledge reduces to common knowledge. If we take t(i,r) to be the time in run r that i's clock reads time T (and assume that it is commonly believed that each agent's clock reads time T at some point in every run), then their notion of time-stamped common knowledge becomes a special case of our time-stamped common belief. But note that with time-stamped common belief, we have the flexibility of referring to different times for different agents, and the time does not have to be a clock reading; it can be, for example, the time that an event like laying traps occurs. § ACTION-STAMPED COMMON BELIEF There is an even more general variant of common belief that can suffice for joint behavior. What really mattered in the previous example is that everyone had the requisite beliefs at the times that they were acting. But there need not necessarily be only one such point per agent per run; an agent might act multiple times as part of the plan, as the following modified version of the story illustrates: General Y and her forces are standing on the top of a hill. Below them in the valley, the enemy is encamped. General Y knows that her forces are not single-handedly strong enough to defeat the enemy. But she also knows that General Z and his troops are expected to arrive on the hill on the opposite side at some time in the near future, although she and her troops must move on before then. Thankfully, all generals are trained for how to deal with this situation. Just as her training recommends, General Y sets up traps that will delay the enemy's retreat, and leaves one soldier behind to go to the opposite hill and inform General Z of the traps upon his arrival. The next morning, General Y receives a (false) message informing her that General Z and his troops have been captured, and thus (incorrectly) surmises that the enemy will live to fight another day. What in fact happens, though, is that General Z's troops arrive later that day and are informed by the remaining soldier that at some point not too long ago General Y's troops set traps. They attack the enemy, the enemy attempts to retreat and is stopped by General Y's traps, and the enemy is successfully defeated. General Y and her forces arrive to the south of the town where the enemy forces are encamped. General Y knows that her forces are not single-handedly strong enough to defeat the enemy. But she also knows that General Z and his troops are expected to arrive to the north of the city some time in the near future, though she and her troops must move on before then. The swiftly-coursing river prevents the enemy from escaping to the east. But unfortunately, they can still escape inland to the west. Thankfully, all generals are trained for how to deal with this situation as well. Just as her training recommends, General Y sets up traps that will delay the enemy's southward retreat and then, as she heads inland, also sets up traps to the west, finally leaving one soldier behind to go north and inform General Z of the traps upon his arrival. The next morning, General Y receives a (false) message informing her that General Z and his troops have been captured, and thus (incorrectly) surmises that the enemy will live to fight another day. What in fact happens is that General Z's troops arrive later that day and are informed by the remaining soldier that, not too long ago, General Y's troops set traps to the south and west. They attack the enemy, the enemy attempts to retreat and is stopped by General Y's traps, and the enemy is successfully defeated. Again, Generals Y and Z jointly and collaboratively defeated the enemy, but time-stamped common belief doesn't suffice for this version of the story, because we cannot specify a single time for General Y's actions. Instead, what really matters is that when they are acting as part of a joint plan they hold the requisite (common) beliefs. The joint plan need not be known upfront; General Z does not know what he will need to do to achieve the common goal until he arrives at the scene. To capture this new requirement, we define a notion of action-stamped common belief. We begin by adding a special Boolean variable ACTING_i, G for any group G and agent i ∈ G. This variable is true (i.e., takes value 1, as opposed to 0) at a point (r,n) if the agent i is acting towards the group plan of G at (r,n) and false otherwise. So for the generals, ACTING_Y, G = 1 would be true when she lays the traps, ACTING_Z, G = 1 would be true at the point when he attacks, and they'd both be false otherwise (where G = { Y, Z }). We often write ACTING_i,G and ACTING_i,G instead of ACTING_i,G = 1 and ACTING_i,G = 0, and similarly for other Boolean variables. By using ACTING_i,G, we can abstract away from what actions are performed; we just care that some action is performed by agent i towards the group plan, without worrying about what that action is. As in the case of time-stamped common belief, we add two modal operators to the language (in addition to the variables ACTING_i,G). Let G be a set of agents. E^𝐚_Gψ then expresses that, for each agent i ∈ G, whenever ACTING_i,G holds (it may hold several times in a run, or never), i believes ψ. C^𝐚_Gψ then defines the corresponding notion of common belief for the points at which agents act at part of the group. We give semantics to these modal operators as follows: * (M,r,n) E^𝐚_Gψ if for all n' and all i ∈ G such that (M,r,n') ACTING_i,G = 1, it is also the case that (M,r,n') B_iψ. * (M,r,n) C^𝐚_Gψ if (M,r,n) E^𝐚,k_G ψ for all k ≥ 1, where E^𝐚,1_G ψ := E^𝐚_G ψ and E^𝐚,k+1_G ψ := E^𝐚_G(E^𝐚,k_G ψ). Formally, we give semantics to each of these as follows: * (M,r,n) E^𝐚⃗_Gψ if for all 1 ≤ i ≤ len(G) there exists an n' ≥ 0 such that (M,r,n') A_G_i = a' for some a' ∈𝐚⃗_⃗i⃗ and (M,r,n') B_iψ. * (M,r,n) C^𝐚⃗_Gψ if (M,r,n) E^𝐚⃗,k_G ψ for all k ≥ 1, where E^𝐚⃗,1_G ψ := E^𝐚⃗_G ψ and E^𝐚⃗,k+1_G ψ := E^𝐚⃗_G(E^𝐚⃗,k_G ψ). (Actually, I'm not quite sure if this is the right way to define it. It seems at least plausible that this leaves open the possibility, that different levels of the Es could in fact be at different points where actions in those sets are taken – i.e. the base level beliefs might hold while taking one action while the higher level beliefs might hold while taking a different action. I can't quite tell for sure whether we want to allow that, but my inclination is probably not. If that's the case then we can avoid the problem by defining C in terms of if there exist times where those actions are taken such that time-stamped common belief holds.) Returning to the example, although the agents do not have time-stamped common belief at all the points when they act, they do have action-stamped common belief. General Z acted believing that General Y had acted as expected, and also believing that General Y acted believing that he would act as expected, and so on. It is easy to see that time-stamped common belief can be viewed as a special case of action-stamped common belief: Given a time-stamping function t, we simply take ACTING_i,G to be true at those points (r,n) such that t(i,r) holds. It is worth noting that, in both this and the previous section, the agents having a protocol in advance for how to deal with the situation is not really necessary for them to succeed. In the examples, consider a scenario where generals are in fact not trained for how to handle the situation, but instead General Y has the brilliant idea to lay traps and send a messenger to meet General Z upon arrival. As long as message delivery is reliable, action-stamped common belief can be achieved and they can successfully defeat the enemy. § JOINT BEHAVIORS AMONG CHANGING GROUPS In practice, the members of groups change over time. For example, a group of firefighters may work together to safely clear a burning building, but (thankfully!) they don't need to wait until all the firefighters are on the scene, or even until it is known which firefighters are coming, in order for the first firefighters to begin. Instead, structures and guidelines allow the set of firefighters who are on the scene to act cooperatively, even without each firefighter knowing who else will show up. The formalisms of the two previous sections assumed a fixed group G, so cannot capture this kind of scenario. But the changes necessary to do so are not complicated. Rather than considering (some variant of) common belief with respect to a fixed set G of agents, we consider it with respect to an indexical set S, one whose interpretation depends on the point. More precisely, an indexical set S is a function from points to sets of agents; intuitively, S(r,n) denotes the members of the indexical group S at the point (r,n). We assume that a model is extended so as to provide the interpretation of S as a function. Our semantics for action-stamped common belief with indexical sets are now a straightforward generalization of the semantics for rigid (non-indexical) sets: * (M,r,n) E^𝐚_Sψ if for all n' and all i ∈ S(r,n') such that (M,r,n') ACTING_i,S, it is also the case that (M,r,n') B_iψ. * (M,r,n) C^𝐚_Sψ if (M,r,n) E^𝐚,k_S ψ for all k ≥ 1, where E^𝐚,1_S ψ := E^𝐚_S ψ and E^𝐚,k+1_S ψ := E^𝐚_G(E^𝐚,k_S ψ). The only change here is that in the semantics of E^𝐚_S, we need to check the agents in S(r,n) for each point. Of course, we can also allow indexical sets in time-stamped common belief in essentially the same way. Whereas in the semantics of E_G^tψ, we required that (M,r,n) E_G^tψ if, for all i ∈ G, (M,r,t(i,r)) B_iψ, now we require that (M,r,n) E_S^tψ if, for all agents i, if i ∈ S(r,t(i,r)), then (M,r,t(i,r)) B_iψ. We care about what agent i believes at (M,r,t(i,r)) only if i is actually in group S at the point (r,t(i,r)). While we think of the action-stamped version of common belief as more interesting and important for cooperation, it is worth noting that we can make a similar extension of time-stamped common belief to allow for dynamic groups. To start though, we extend our time-stamped definition in a different manner, allowing t to be a function of both runs and agents. Letting t depending on the run allows for agents to have uncertainty regarding the plan, and brings it closer to what can be captured in the action-stamped setting, where an agent acting as part of the cooperative plan at time n in one run may not be doing so in some other run. (We could of course have allowed t to depend on runs from the start in Section <ref>, but chose to start with the simplified version for ease of understanding.) In the dynamic setting, the intuition for t is slightly different, saying only that agent i will act with the requisite beliefs at point (r, t(r, G_i)) if she is in the group G at (r, t(r, G_i)). Formally the semantics then become the following: * (M,r,n) E^t_Gψ if for all n' and all G_i ∈π((r,n'),G), if t(r, G_i) = n' then (M,r,n') B_G_iψ. * (M,r,n) C^t_Gψ if (M,r,n) E^t,k_G ψ for all k ≥ 1, where E^t,1_G ψ := E^t_G ψ and E^t,k+1_G ψ := E^t_G(E^t,k_G ψ). In essence, for E^t_Gψ, at every point all agent's who are in the group and whose time it is must believe ψ. Note that the semantics laid out here look much more similar in structure to those we gave for action-stamped common belief than our original definition of time-stamped common belief. Of course, it would have been possible to give a definition for fixed groups that uses this structure and is equivalent to our original definition, but we chose to give that definition above to ease the reader in. Though we haven't emphasized it until now, it is worth noting that all of our definitions specify run properties; that is, for any of the above notions, they hold true at a point in a run if and only if they hold at all points in the run. This is intentional. Time-stamped and action-stamped common belief are both properties of whole runs, specifying that agents hold certain beliefs at all the times when they're supposed to act / points when they do act, rather than properties of particular points. t then must also be a variable, as the set being assigned to times will change between points. We can now make the following changes to account for changing groups: For “everyone believes” we get * (M,r,n) E^t_Gψ if, for all G_i ∈π((r,n),G), it is the case that G_i ∈π((r,t^n_G_i),G) and (M,r,t^n_G_i) B_G_iψ , where t^n_G_i is π((r,n),t)(G_i). What this says is that for everyone in the group at time n, they are each still in the group at the time that was assigned to them at time n (that is, t^n_G_i), and they believe ψ at that time. In essence, E^t_G is a statement about the members of the group at time n and their group-membership and beliefs at the times designated for each of them. We also introduce a simple temporal operator to the language, . * (M,r,n) ψ if (M,r,n') ψ for all n'. (Is there a standard symbol for this...? It seems like something that must be standard, but I'm not sure I've seen it.) Note that this is not quite the standard operator; is usually that ψ is true for all times from n and on, whereas we're using here to mean it is true for all times, including those before n. E^t_Gψ, for example, then means something along the lines of “for all times n, the group members at (r,n) each believe ψ at the time they're assigned at (r,n).” Finally, time stamped common belief then becomes * (M,r,n) C^t_Gψ if (M,r,n) ( E^t_G)^k ψ for all k ≥ 1, where ( E^t_G)^1 ψ := E^t_G ψ and ( E^t_G)^k+1ψ := E^t_G(( E^t_G)^k ψ). We note two important aspects of these definitions. The first is that -formulas express run properties rather than point properties; that is, if (M,r,n) φ then φ must in fact be true at all points in the run r. Though we didn't emphasize it before, our definitions of time-stamped common belief in Section <ref> and action-stamped common belief in Section <ref> are in fact run properties; because G and t are fixed, if C^t_G was satisfied at any point in a run then it was satisfied at every point in that run. For our definitions in this section, in the case of dynamic groups, had we defined C^t_G in the obvious way simply by nesting E^t_G it would in fact not have been a run property. E^t_G at point (r,n) is always a statement about the beliefs of the particular agents who are in the group at (r,n), but intuitively we don't want the current group members to have this “special role” in the determination of time-stamped common belief – time-stamped common belief ought to be a run property, dependent on the beliefs of the different group members over time, not just the beliefs of those in the group at (r,n) about the beliefs of others. There are at least three natural-seeming ways to go from our notion of “time-stamped everyone believes” to a notion of time-stamped common belief that is a run property. The first is what we have specified above, by repeated nesting of E^t_G. The second is by prepending to repeated nesting of E^t_G, giving semantics in terms of (E^t,k_G) for all k ≥ 1. The third option would be to define time-stamped common belief and everyone believes relative to a fixed time-stamp t that maps a set of agents G^* to times, such that G^*_i ∈ G at (r, t(G^*_i)) for each G^*_i ∈ G^* and all runs r. All three of these options seem natural, and we saw no definitive reason to use any one of them. That said, we decided not to use the third option because it seemed to preclude the type of “dynamic plans” scenarios that dynamic groups intuitively ought to help us be able to model. Between the first two options, we decided to use the first one because it seemed to more directly parallel the earlier definitions of common belief and its variants, defining it solely in terms of repeated nesting of the exact same operator (here E^t_G). The second important thing to note about these definitions is that getting the modeling right, and in particular specifying the right G, is very important. Let's return to the example we started this section with, of firefighters showing up to a scene over time. If you specified G to be the set “firefighters at that building” then there very well might not be time-stamped common belief, because there might be a firefighter who had been at the scene two years earlier to buy a coffee and who at the time had no beliefs about any future fires that might occur there. On the other hand, if you specified G to be “the set of firefighters present at the scene to fight that fire”, time-stamped common belief might well be achieved. This actually seems correct to us — the set of all firefighters at the building during the course of the run did not have time-stamped cooperative behavior, but those present to fight that fire did. Our point is only that the modeling choices are important, as they often are in these types of frameworks. Lastly, we can of course define a notion of action-stamped common belief for dynamic groups, much the same way we have done here for time-stamped common belief. § SIGNIFICANCE In Sections <ref>-<ref> we showed that action-stamped common belief can suffice to enable joint behavior, whereas the prior work on the topic had assumed common belief was necessary. So what? Why does this matter? We argue that it is important for two reasons: 1) because misunderstanding the type of belief necessary can lead to mis-evaluation of cooperative capabilities, and 2) because requiring common belief can unnecessarily make cooperation impossible in scenarios where it is in fact possible and could be quite beneficial. As part of the recent push for more research on cooperative AI, some have argued that we should “construct more unified theory and vocabulary related to problems of cooperation” <cit.>. One important step in this program is (in our opinion) formalizing the requirements for various types of cooperation, including joint behavior. This, in turn, requires understanding the level and type of (common) belief needed for joint behavior. As our examples have shown, full-blown common belief is not necessary; weaker variants that are often easier to achieve can suffice. Relatedly, there has been a push to develop methods for evaluating the cooperative capabilities of agents, as a way of developing targets and guideposts for the community <cit.>. Again, this will require understanding (among other things) what type of beliefs are necessary for cooperation. Incorrect assumptions about the types of beliefs necessary can lead to incorrect conclusions about the feasibility of cooperation. For example, if an evaluation system takes as given the assumption that it is impossible for agents that cannot achieve common belief to behave cooperatively, it may in fact lead to effective cooperative agents being scored badly, leading to misdirected research. A second reason that it is important to clarify the types of beliefs necessary for joint behavior is that misunderstanding them can lead to systems unnecessarily aborting important cooperative tasks. As is well known, achieving true common knowledge can be remarkably difficult in real-world systems, often requiring either a communication system that guarantees truly synchronous delivery or guaranteed bounded delivery time together with truly synchronized clocks <cit.>. Action-stamped common belief can sometimes be achieved when common belief cannot. To demonstrate the importance of this, we consider an example from the domain of urban search and rescue, a domain where 1) the use of multi-agent systems consisting of humans and AI agents has long been considered and advocated for, 2) the types of teamwork necessary can be complex, and 3) there is some evidence of potential adoption, having been used, for example, at a small scale in the aftermath of September 11th <cit.>. Though the example we give is a simple, stylized case, the domain is sufficiently complex that we would expect these types of issues to arise in practice if systems were deployed at scale. An earthquake occurs, causing a large building to collapse. The nearest search and rescue team arrives on scene, and the incident commander has to decide how to proceed. After evaluating the scene, the incident commander determines that there are two reasonable options: * Wait for a heavy piece of machinery that will certainly be able to safely lift the roof of the collapsed building on its own and allow rescuers safe access to the building, but because there are only a few of them it will take a week for the machine to be available and brought to the scene. * Take a joint-behavior-based approach: While sizing up the situation, the team has determined that the structure is stable and will not collapse, and so is safe to enter. However, attempting to exit the building may disrupt the structure and cause harm. This allows for a team to safely enter the building and restabilize parts of the roof. The restabilization would not be enough to make it safe to exit—in fact, it would require adjusting the structure in ways that would make an attempt to exit even more risky—but it would be enough that a more easily accessible robotic system would be able to safely remove the roof piece by piece, allowing the rescuers and anyone trapped inside to safely escape. Out of concern for the safety of anyone trapped inside, the incident commander decides it is best not to wait, and so takes the joint-behavior-based approach. He sends the team of rescuers in to begin the necessary process, and tells them to do the one part that is visible from the outside last, so that when the robot arrives it is possible to tell from the outside that the team of rescuers has finished restabilizing the roof and it is safe to proceed. He also tells them the full plan for the robot to come and lift the roof piece by piece, and that he expects it will be 2-3 hours before the robot arrives on scene. The group enters the wreckage and secures it in the necessary ways, completing the part that is visible from the outside last, as planned. But it turns out that the earthquake affected many buildings, so the robot is in high demand. It ends up taking close to 8 hours for the robot to arrive on scene. For safety reasons, the robot is designed so that, before it undertakes a task, it automatically assesses whether the plan is safe, and will not proceed unless it determines that it is. Because these types of plans are sometimes necessary in search and rescue, the robot has a built-in joint-plan module with a theory of joint behavior. When the robot arrives, the incident commander can therefore easily enter the information for the robot to start assessing and undertaking the specified joint behavior. If the robot's model of joint behavior requires common belief, a problem will arise. At no point is there ever common belief of the joint behavior. Before the robot arrives, the robot certainly has no belief about the joint behavior. And when the robot arrives, it must consider the possibility that, because of the delay, the rescuers have given up hope of the robot arriving and concluded that they may have to wait a full week until the larger piece of machinery is available. Even if this isn't actually the case, the robot will consider it possible that they are in a run where it is the case, and so common belief will not be achieved. And because its theory of joint behavior assumes common belief, the robot will determine that the joint behavior cannot be carried out. Thus, everyone will have to wait a week for the heavier machinery, risking the lives of anyone trapped inside with the six extra days of delay. If, on the other hand, the robot's theory of joint behavior is based on action-stamped common belief, the task will be able to be properly and safely carried out. When the rescuers perform their part, they believe that the robot will arrive soon and perform its part of the task. Similarly, the robot, seeing the part of the work that is visible from the outside, believes that the rescuers held those beliefs when acting (and therefore performed the required adjustments). The rescuers believed that the robot would hold these beliefs when it arrived, the robot believed they would, and so on. The fact that the robot arrived later than expected and the rescuers may have started to have uncertainty about the plan doesn't affect the requisite beliefs because all that matters are the beliefs of the agents at the points where they act. Having the theory of joint behavior require action-stamped common belief instead of common belief allows the rescuers and the robot to carry out their joint task in a safe manner, as they clearly ought to, saving anyone trapped far earlier than might otherwise be possible. This example highlights the value of getting the types of beliefs necessary right; getting the theory right, and basing it on action-stamped common belief instead of standard common-belief, can enable cooperation in a range of important scenarios where standard common belief is impossible or difficult to achieve, whereas action-stamped common belief may be easily attainable. § SHARED PLANS AND JOINT INTENTIONS So if standard common belief isn't strictly necessary for achieving cooperative behavior, why was it used in all the previous work? The answer seem to us to be, simply, that they weren't trying to define cooperative behavior. Instead, they were trying to engineer collaborative or cooperative behavior. And to do that, they tried to come up with mental states that could be used to ensure agents would behavior cooperatively, with one group for example focusing on the notion of joint intentions as a way to ensure cooperative behavior and another developing a framework of SharedPlans. And indeed, had we been formalizing these notions we too would likely have formalized them using common belief. For both of them, after all, it seems natural to ask “when did it happen?” “When did the agents have a joint intent?” “When did the agents have a shared plan?” And in order to have a specific point in time when it occurred, neither of the notions we developed in this paper would suffice. However, when addressing the question “when did the agents behave cooperatively?” the answer may well be “this one did his part at time t and this one did hers at time t'”. And similarly, it needn't inherently be the case that agents collectively have some sort of atomic mental state that is necessary for cooperation and occurs at a single time. From an engineering perspective, the prior work may well have been right, that common belief is an important component for effectively ensuring cooperation. But as we more and more frequently consider what it means for AI systems to cooperate with humans and how we can assess how cooperative an agent is, it seems important to recognize that standard common belief need not necessarily be a component. § ON THE NECESSITY AND SUFFICIENCY OF ACTION-STAMPED COMMON BELIEF FOR JOINT BEHAVIOR We've argued in this paper that the prior work was incorrect in asserting that common belief was necessary for joint behavior, and shown by example that action-stamped common belief can suffice. We now argue that an even stronger statement is true: there is a sense in which action-stamped common belief is necessary and sufficient for joint behavior. We say “in a sense” here, because much depends on the conception of joint behavior being considered. So what we do in this section is give a property that we would argue is one that we would want to hold of joint behavior, and then show that action-stamped common belief is necessary and sufficient for this property to hold. What does it take to go from a collection of individual behaviors to a joint behavior? The following example may help illuminate some of the relevant issues. Jasper and Horace are both crooks, though neither is an evil genius by any stretch of the imagination. Having never met each other, they both happen to decide to rob the Great Bank of London on exactly the same day. As it turns out, neither of them did a good job preparing, and they each knew about only half of the bank's security systems, and so made plans to bypass only that half. By sheer dumb luck, between them they know about all the bank's security systems. So when each bypasses the part that they know about (at roughly the same time), the bank's security systems go down. They each make it in, steal a small fortune, and escape, none the wiser as to the other's behavior or that their plan was doomed to fail on its own. Is Jasper and Horace robbing the bank an instance of joint behavior? We think not. One critical component that distinguishes this from a joint behavior is the beliefs of the agents. Joint behaviors are collective actions where people do their part because they believe that everyone else will do their part as well. Here, Jasper and Horace have no inkling that the other will help disable the system. We now want to capture these intuitions more formally. We start by adding another special Boolean variable SHOULD_ACT_i,s for each agent i and indexical group S, specifying the points in each run where agent i is supposed to act towards the plan of group S. We then add a special formula χ_S to the language: [As long as the set of agents is finite (which we implicitly assume it is), we can express χ_S in a language that includes a standard modal operator ⊡, where ⊡φ is true at a point (r,n) iff φ is true at all points (r,n') in the run. For ease of exposition, we do not introduce the richer modal logic here.] * (M,r,n) χ_S if for all n' and all agents i ∈ S(r,n'), (M,r,n') SHOULD_ACT_i,s→ ACTING_i,S The formula χ_S is thus true at a point (r,n) if, at all points in run r, each agent i in the indexical group S plays its part in the group plan whenever it is supposed to. If we think of ACTING_i,S as “i is taking part in the joint behavior of the group S”, then the property COOP_S that we now specify essentially says that to have truly joint behavior, each agent in S must believe when she acts that all of the members of the (indexical) group S will do what they're supposed to; if they don't all have that belief, then it's not really cooperative behavior. Formally, COOP_S is a property of an indexical group S in a model M: [COOP_S:] For all points (r,n) and agents i ∈ S(r,n), (M,r,n) ACTING_i,S→ B_i χ_S. Requiring COOP_S for joint behavior makes action-stamped common belief of χ_S necessary for joint behavior. If COOP_S holds in a model M, then (M,r,n) C^a_S χ_S for all points (r,n). We begin by defining a notion of a-reachability: A point (r',n') is S-a-reachable from (r,n) in k steps if there exists a sequence (r_0, n_0), …, (r_k, n_k) of points such that (r_0, n_0) = (r,n), (r_k, n_k) = (r', n'), and for all 0 ≤ l < k, there exists a point (r_l, n'_l) and an agent i ∈ S(r_l,n'_l) such that (M, r_l, n'_l) ACTING_i,S and ((r_l, n'_l),(r_l+1, n_l+1)) ∈_i. By the semantics of C^a_G, C^a_G χ_S holds at (r,n) iff χ_S holds at every point (r', n') that is S-a-reachable from (r,n) in 1 or more steps. Consider any such point (r', n'). Then, by the definition of reachability, there exists some point (r”, n”) and some agent i ∈ S(r”,n”) such that (M, r”, n”) ACTING_i,S and ((r”, n”), (r', n')) ∈_i. Because (M, r”, n”) ACTING_i,S, we get by COOP_S that (M, r”, n”) B_i χ_S. Then by the semantics of B_i and the fact that ((r”, n”), (r', n')) ∈_i we get that (M, r', n') χ_S. But (r',n') was an arbitrary point S-a-reachable from (r,n) in 1 or more steps, so χ_S holds at all such points, and we have that (M,r,n) C^a_S χ_S. But (r,n) was also arbitrary, so C^a_S χ_S holds at all points. Consider an arbitrary n. Our proof proceeds by induction to show that M,r,n E^a,k_Gχ for all k. For the base case, note simply that property <ref> holds at all points and so it immediately follows that at all points where GROUP_ACTING_i holds for an agent i it is also the case that B_i χ, so we have that M,r,n E^a,1_Gχ. For the inductive case, we'll assume that M,r,n E^a,k_Gχ, and show that M,r,n E^a,k+1_Gχ. This is equivalent to assuming χ is true at every point that is G-a-reachable from (r,n) in k steps and showing that it is true at every point that is G-a-reachable from (r,n) in k+1 steps. Assume for the sake of contradiction that there is a point G-a-reachable from (r,n) in k+1 steps where χ isn't true, that is, there is an agent i, a point (r_k+1, n_k+1), and a point (r_k, n_k) that is G-a-reachable from (r,n) in k steps such that (M, r_k, n'_k) GROUP_ACTING_i, ((r_k, n'_k),(r_k+1, n_k+1)) ∈_i, and (M, r_k+1, n_k+1) ⊭χ. Choose an arbitrary such (r_k+1, n_k+1) and (r_k, n'_k). But because property <ref> holds at all points, (M, r_k, n'_k) GROUP_ACTING_i implies (M, r_k, n'_k) B_i χ, which combined with the fact that ((r_k, n'_k),(r_k+1, n_k+1)) ∈_i implies that (M, r_k+1, n_k+1) χ. But this contradicts our assumption that χ isn't true at (r_k+1, n_k+1), and it was an arbitrary such point, so we get that χ is true at all points G-a-reachable from (r,n) in k+1 steps, completing the proof. The converse to Theorem <ref> also holds; that is, action-stamped common belief of χ_S suffices for COOP_S to hold. Put another way, action-stamped common belief is exactly the ingredient that we need to meet the belief requirements of the property that we used to characterize joint behavior. If (M,r,n) C^a_S χ_S for all points (r,n), then COOP_S holds in M. Consider an arbitrary point (r,n) and agent i ∈ S(r,n) such that (M,r,n) ACTING_i,S. By assumption, (M,r,n) C^a_S χ_S. So, by the semantics of C^a_S, it follows that (M,r,n) E^a_S χ_S. In turn, it follows from the semantics of E^a_S that (M,r,n) B_i χ_S (because (M,r,n) ACTING_i,S). But r, n, and i were arbitrary, so we have that (M,r,n) ACTING_i,S→ B_i χ_S for all such points and agents. Thus, COOP_S holds in M. The astute reader will have noticed that the proofs of Theorem <ref> and <ref> did not depend in any way on χ_S. The formula χ_S in these theorems can be replaced by an arbitrary formula φ. In other words, if all the agents in S believe φ at the point when they act, then φ is action-stamped common belief, and if φ is action-stamped common belief, then all agents in S must believe φ at the point when they act. Formally, the proofs of Theorem <ref> and  <ref> also show the following: If (M,r,n) ACTING_i,S→ B_i φ for all points (r,n) and agents i ∈ S(r,n), then (M,r,n) C^a_S φ for all points (r,n). If (M,r,n) C^a_S φ for all points (r,n), then (M,r,n) ACTING_i,S→ B_i φ for all points (r,n) and agents i ∈ S(r,n). These results show that if we viewed a property other than COOP_S as characterizing joint behavior, as long as that property required agents to hold a certain belief when acting, action-stamped common belief will be necessary and sufficient for that property to hold. Consider an arbitrary r, n, and i ∈ S(r,n) such that (M,r,n) ACTING_i,S. By assumption (M,r,n) C^a_S φ. So by the semantics of C^a_S it follows that (M,r,n) E^a_S φ. In turn, it follows from the semantics of E^a_S that (M,r,n) B_i φ for all i ∈ S(r,n) (because (M,r,n) GROUP_ACTING_i). But r, n, and i were arbitrary, so we have that (M,r,n) GROUP_ACTING_i → B_i φ for all such points and agents. We now briefly sketch an even stronger sense in which action-stamped common belief suffices for joint behavior. The idea is that if, for all point (r,n) and agents i, i act at (r,n) if (a) i ∈ S(r,n), (b) i is supposed to act at that point (i.e., SHOULD_ACT_i,s holds), and (c) i believes C^a_S χ, then the agents will be acing jointly. So, roughly speaking, if agents act when they have action-stamped common belief they are acting jointly, they really wil be acting jointly. To make this precise, we need to use the idea of a knowledge-based program <cit.>. A knowledge-based program, as the name suggests, has explicit tests for knowledge (or belief). For example, the following is a knowledge-based program for an agent i: . According to this program, if i believes that j believes φ, then i should perform action a. A knowledge-based program for agent i consists of a collection of such statements, where each belief formula in a test starts with B_i (so the outermost modality involves i's beliefs). We can associate with each knowledge-based program a set of models that represent . The details are beyond the scope of this paper (and can be found in <cit.>); we just give the high-level idea here. We need to assume that poins of a run have more structure; specifically, they have the form (s_1, …, s_n), where s_i is the local state of agent i. Intuitively, agent i's local state encodes all the information that agent i has access to. A protocol for agent i is a function from agent i's local states to actions; intuitively, a protocol for agent i tells agent i what to do in each local state. Given a program _i for agent i and a model M, we can define a protocol P_i for agent; in local state s_i. The truth of a formula of the form B_i φ depends only on i's local state at the point (r,n). Given a local state s_i for agent, we determine P_i(s_i) by finding a point (r,n) such that i's local state at that point is s_i (if such a point exists), and deternining which of the tests in _i are true at the point (r,n). Since the truth of a formula B_i ψ depends only on i's local state, it doesn't matter which point (r,n) we choose. According to P_i(s_i), agent i performs the action at the first line of _i where the corresponding test is true at (r,n). If none of the tests are true, or if there is no point (r,n) where i's local state is s_i, then i performs some default action. § CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK We have argued here that, contrary to what was suggested in earlier work, common belief is not necessary for joint behavior. We have presented a new notion, action-stamped common belief, and shown that it is, in a sense, necessary and sufficient for joint behavior, and can be achieved in scenarios where standard common belief cannot. This is important because modelling the conditions needed for joint behavior correctly can enable cooperation in important scenarios, such as search and rescue, where it might not otherwise be possible. We chose to use the term joint behavior in this paper because it sounded to our ears like it most accurately captured the notion we were considering; no doubt to some readers other terms will sound like a better fit. As we showed in Section <ref>, action-stamped common belief will in some sense be the right type of belief for a group behavior where individuals do their part only if they believe others will do the same, whatever terminology we use. We suspect that, for some readers, the idea that action-stamped common belief is sufficient for joint behavior will seem obvious. In a certain sense, we agree; in retrospect, it does feel like the obviously correct notion for joint behaviors. That said, despite there being thousands of papers following up on those we cited in the introduction, no one seems to have had that realization. Similarly, while action-stamped common belief seems quite natural, it has not been explored before in the literature. This work suggests two areas that are ripe for future work. The first is to more fully explore the logical aspects of action-stamped common belief. Can a sound and complete axiomatization be provided? What is the complexity of various questions one might ask, such as model checking whether agents have action-stamped common belief in a model? How can we practically engineer systems that rely on action-stamped common belief? The second area we think worth exploring is other aspects of joint behavior, as well as other types of cooperation. We've argued that one property of joint behavior is based on the beliefs of the agents, and zoomed in to closely examine that belief aspect, revealing a nuanced but important error in earlier thinking. We think that there may well be other aspects of cooperation that are worth digging into in this fine-grained way. Given the importance of cooperative AI, we hope that others will join us in exploring these questions. eptcs
Multipolar Acoustic Source Reconstruction from Sparse Far-Field Data using ALOHA
[ "Yukun Guo", "Abdul Wahab", "Xianchao Wang" ]
[ "cs.IT", "eess.SP", "math.IT" ]
Multipolar Acoustic Source Reconstruction from Sparse Far-Field Data using ALOHA[1] Yukun Guo[2] Abdul Wahab[3] [4] Xianchao Wang[2] March 30, 2023 =================================================================================== [1]The work of Y. G and X. W was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) grant 11971133. The work of A.W. was supported by Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan through Faculty Development Competitive Research Grant Program (FDCRGP) grant 1022021FD2914 and the Social Policy Grant. [2]School of Mathematics, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, P. R. China (xcwang90@gmail.com; ykguo@hit.edu.cn). [3]Department of Mathematics, School of Sciences and Humanities, Nazarbayev University, 53, Kabanbay Batyr Avenue, 010000, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan (abdul.wahab@nu.edu.kz) [4]Corresponding author: A. Wahab at abdul.wahab@nu.edu.kz. The reconstruction of multipolar acoustic or electromagnetic sources from their far-field radiation patterns plays a crucial role in numerous practical applications. Most of the existing techniques for source reconstruction require dense multi-frequency data at the Nyquist sampling rate. Accessibility of only sparse data at a sub-sampled grid contributes to the null space of the inverse source-to-data operator, which causes significant imaging artifacts. For this purpose, additional knowledge about the source or regularization is required. In this article, we propose a novel two-stage strategy for multipolar source reconstruction from the sub-sampled sparse data that takes advantage of the sparsity of the sources in the physical domain. The data at the Nyquist sampling rate is recovered from sub-sampled data and then a conventional inversion algorithm is used to reconstruct sources. The data recovery problem is linked to a spectrum recovery problem for the signal with the finite rate of innovations (FIR) that is solved using an annihilating filter-based structured Hankel matrix completion approach (ALOHA). For an accurate reconstruction of multipolar sources, we employ a Fourier inversion algorithm. The suitability of the suggested approach for both noisy and noise-free measurements is supported by numerical evidence. Keywords: ALOHA; compressed sensing; inverse source problem; multipolar source; sparse data imaging § INTRODUCTION Inverse source problems have numerous applications in science and engineering, particularly in the fields of biomedical imaging <cit.>, non-destructive testing <cit.>, telecommunication <cit.>, seismology <cit.>, and atmospheric sciences <cit.>. Several algorithms have been developed for the resolution of inverse source problems in acoustic and electromagnetic media given their potential applications, experimental setup, practical needs or source types, and mathematical or engineering aspects. Leone, Maisto, and Pierri <cit.> employed inverse source problems in electromagnetic media to synthesize conformal antennas. Beltrachini et al. <cit.> and Thio et al. <cit.> have used inverse source problems to simulate neuron responses for intracranial recordings and for electroencephalography (EEG). In a similar vein, inverse source problems have been used in magnetoencephalography (MEG), for example, in <cit.>. An inverse problem for the reconstruction of temporally localized acoustic sources relevant to photoacoustic tomography has been dealt with by Ammari et al. <cit.>. Given their potential uses in security robots, cross-correlation-based passive imaging algorithms were suggested in <cit.> for locating correlated ambient noise sources in attenuating acoustic media. A deep learning elastography framework that uses sparse dynamic measurements was suggested in <cit.>. On the technical side, Devaney, Marengo, and Li <cit.> developed a broad mathematical framework for inverse source problems in non-homogeneous media and proposed an optimization framework for reconstructing the minimal-energy sources. A framework based on finite elements was proposed in <cit.> for the detection of multipolar sources with applications in EEG. To find directive sources that resemble Gaussian beams, Eibert et al. <cit.> suggested a solution framework based on the Huygens radiator concept. Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) algorithms for inverse source problems were discussed in <cit.>. The only measurements of the radiated waves that can be taken in the majority of real-world inverse source problems and imaging setups are multi-frequency discrete measurements. The application of many mathematical methods is stymied by this restriction. The existence of non-radiating sources whose signatures cannot be captured raises concerns about the availability of a unique solution. Mathematical discussions on the issue of the existence of a unique solution for multi-frequency discrete measurements may be found, for example, in <cit.>. For these issues, several mathematical algorithms have been put forth. There are some potential workarounds, such as least-squares-based minimum energy solutions <cit.>, regularization techniques <cit.>, or making use of some à priori knowledge about the sources <cit.>. By using measurements over a range of frequencies in an open interval, certain strategies overcome the non-uniqueness issue. For example, we mention <cit.> for expansion methods, <cit.> for recursive algorithms, <cit.> for sampling methods, <cit.> for Fourier approaches, and <cit.> for factorization techniques. In this article, we propose a novel numerical strategy for solving the inverse source problem of imaging multipolar acoustic sources from sparse multi-frequency far-field data. The suitability of multipolar sources for localization of epileptogenic sources using EEG <cit.>, neuron response modeling using stereo-EEG (sEEG) <cit.>, cortical cavity localization using MEG <cit.>, and confocal antenna synthesis <cit.> serves as the impetus behind our work. In the past, factorization <cit.>, Prony's <cit.>, MUSIC <cit.>, and compressed sensing <cit.> algorithms have been used to identify multipolar acoustic sources using sparse far-field data. However, the advantage of the inherent sparsity of multipolar sources in the physical medium has never been taken. In this article, we take advantage of this inherent sparsity of the multipolar sources to recover an enriched set of measurements at the Nyquist sampling rate and then adopt a Fourier inversion approach previously suggested in <cit.> to reconstruct these sources. Based on the theory of the signal with the finite rate of innovations (FRI) <cit.>, we relate the problem of the recovery of measurements to the low rankness of a structured Hankel matrix and use an annihilating filter-based low-rank Hankel matrix completion approach (ALOHA) <cit.>. The rest of the article is organized as follows. In Section <ref>, we mathematically formulate the inverse problem of interest. In Section <ref>, we discuss the integration of ALOHA with the Fourier inversion method. Numerical results and a discussion are provided in Section <ref>. The conclusion is provided in Section <ref>. § MATHEMATICAL FORMULATION We assume that S() is a frequency-independent multipolar source function defined by S():=∑_j=1^J(λ_j+_j·∇_)δ (-_j), J∈ℕ_+, where δ is the Dirac mass and ∇_ is the distributional gradient with respect to ∈^d, for d=2 or 3. The points _1, _2, ⋯, _J∈^d denote the locations of component multipolar sources that are compactly embedded in the box 𝔸:=(-a2, a2)^d⊂^d, a∈_+, and constants λ_j∈ and _j∈_+^d are the corresponding intensities that satisfy conditions |λ_j|+|_j|≠ 0 and |λ_j_j|=0, for j=1,⋯, J. The radiation pattern, u(,k), of the multipolar source S() satisfies the Helmholtz equation, (Δ+k^2)u(,k)=S(), ∈^d, and Sommerfeld's outgoing radiation condition, lim_||→∞||^(d-1)/2(∂ u∂ ||-ι k u)(,k)=0, ι:=√(-1). The parameter k∈_+ is the so-called wavenumber. We highlight that the radiation condition holds uniformly with respect to all directions :=||∈𝕊^d-1:={∈^d: ||=1}, where 𝕊^d-1 represents the unit ball in ℝ^d. Here and throughout this article, a quantity with length normalized to one is marked by a superposed hat. The outgoing radiation condition (<ref>) guarantees the existence of an analytic field u_∞:𝕊^d-1×_+→ℂ that signifies the far-field radiation signature of the radiated field u and is defined by the relation u(,k)=e^-ι k||||^(d-1)/2(u_∞(,k)+O(1||)), ||→∞. To define the multi-frequency measurement grid, we introduce a parameter ϵ∈_+ such that ϵ→ 0^+ and set ℓ_0:= (ϵ, 0) for d=2 or ℓ_0:=(ϵ,0,0) for d=3. We also introduce _ℓ:= ℓ̂, ℓ∈ℤ^d∖{0}, ℓ̂_0, ℓ=0, k_ℓ:= 2πa |ℓ|, ℓ∈ℤ^d∖{0}, ϵ, ℓ=0, and 𝕊^d-1_ dis:= {_ℓ∈𝕊^d-1 | ℓ∈ℤ^d}. Let Ω_M:={_1,⋯,_M}⊂𝕊^d-1_ dis be the full set of sampling points at the Nyquist sampling rate, i.e., the sampling points, _m, for m=1,⋯, M, are chosen k_ min/2 distant apart from each other, where k_ min:= min{k_1,⋯, k_M} with k_m defined by (<ref>), associated with the sampling point _m defined by (<ref>). We also define the sparse set of measurement points, Ω_M_R, as a (randomly chosen) subset of Ω_M for R≪ M, i.e., Ω_M_R:={_M_r | r=1,⋯, R}⊂Ω_M⊂𝕊^d-1_ dis. We consider the following inverse source problems in this article. [Full measurements inverse source problem] Recover the source function S() defined in (<ref>) given the multi-frequency far-field data {u_∞(_m, k_m) | _m∈Ω_M, m=1,⋯,M}. [Sparse measurements inverse source problem] Recover the source function S() defined in (<ref>) given the multi-frequency far-field data {u_∞(_M_r, k_M_r) | _M_r∈Ω_M_R, r=1,⋯, R}. § HANKEL MATRIX COMPLETION APPROACH The full measurement multi-frequency data inverse source problem (Problem <ref>) was solved in <cit.> using a Fourier inversion technique. To this end, recall that S can be represented by the Fourier series S()=∑_ℓ∈ℤ^ds̃_ℓϕ_ℓ() with s̃_ℓ =1a^d∫_𝔸 S()ϕ_ℓ()d. Here, the superposed bar indicates complex conjugate and the Fourier basis functions, ϕ_ℓ(), are given by ϕ_ℓ():= e^ι2π/aℓ·, ℓ∈ℤ^d. The Fourier coefficients, s̃_ℓ, can be easily calculated using the far-field measurements. To this end, the following result is proved in <cit.>. Let _ℓ and k_ℓ be, respectively, defined by (<ref>) and (<ref>), then the Fourier coefficients {s̃_ℓ}_ℓ∈ℤ^d of S() can be determined uniquely by {u_∞(_ℓ, k_ℓ)|ℓ∈ℤ^d} and for any positive integer N→+∞, s̃_ℓ= -1a^dγ_d u_∞(_ℓ, k_ℓ), ℓ∈ℤ^d∖{0}, s̃_ℓ_0≈ -ϵπa^dsin(ϵπ)γ_d u_∞(_ℓ_0, k_ℓ_0)+∑_1≤ |ℓ|_∞≤ Ns̃_ℓ∫_𝔸ϕ_ℓ()ϕ_ℓ_0() d, where N is a truncation parameter to retain a finite number of terms in the inversion and γ_d:= e^ιπ/4√(8π k_ℓ) for d=2 or γ_d:=14π for d=3. Given Theorem <ref>, the source S can be reconstructed very accurately when enough multi-frequency measurements are available at dense sampling points ∈Ω_M at the Nyquist sampling rate, as all the Fourier coefficients can be calculated subject to measurement noise and an approximation of s̃_ℓ_0. However, the situation changes drastically when the recording grid is under-sampled. A part of the source S behaves like a non-radiated component since its radiation signature is not detected. The missing spectrum corresponding to the unrecorded sampling points and unused frequency profiles contributes to the null space of the inverse source-to-data operator due to under-sampling <cit.>. To this end, a traditional remedy is to use conventional or sparsity-promoting regularization methods to solve Problem <ref> <cit.>. As numerically illustrated in Section <ref>, such regularization approaches are not very useful because the size of the speckle field introduced by the under-sampling is comparable to or even larger than the size of the multipolar sources. Contrary to the conventional regularization approaches, we suggest exploiting the sparsity of the multipolar sources inside the background medium. In this section, we propose a two-stage numerical strategy to address Problem <ref>. We assume a sampling at the Nyquist rate and that the given sparse measurements constitute a (random) part of the full grid measurements while the rest are missing. Subsequently, we link the missing spectral values to the low-rankness of a structured Hankel matrix and recover them using ALOHA. Once the full Nyquist grid measurements are recovered, we use Theorem <ref> in the second stage to recover the source S. Since S is sparsely supported in the box 𝔸⊂^d, it has a sparsely distributed Fourier spectrum in the low spatial frequency regions. Therefore, according to the sampling theory of a signal with a finite rate of innovations <cit.>, there exists an annihilating filter, 𝐡, in the Fourier domain for the corresponding spectral vector 𝐬̃ at the Nyquist sampling rate such that (𝐡⋆𝐬̃)_k:=∑_i=0^n[𝐡]_i[𝐬̃]_k-i=0. Here, [𝐮]_i represents the ith component of the vector 𝐮, n+1 is the length of the annihilating filter 𝐡, and ⋆ is the convolution operator. Consequently, the structured Hankel matrix (a sub-matrix of the corresponding convolution matrix), ℋ_p(𝐬̃):= [ s̃_1 s̃_2 ⋯ s̃_p; s̃_2 s̃_3 ⋯ s̃_p+1; ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮; s̃_M s̃_1 ⋯ s̃_p-1 ], associated to the vector 𝐬̃∈^M is rank-deficient if the matrix-pencil size p (<M) is chosen larger than the minimum annihilating filter size since ℋ_p(𝐬̃)𝐡'=0, where 𝐡' is the flipped version of vector 𝐡. Specifically, it was shown in <cit.> that if the minimum annihilating filter length is n+1, rank(ℋ_p(𝐬̃))=n. Interested readers are referred to the articles <cit.> for further details. Given the relations (<ref>) and (<ref>) and sparsely sampled spectral measurements, {u_∞(_M_r, k_M_r) | _M_r∈Ω_M_R}, the estimation problem of recovering the missing spectrum {u_∞(_M, k_M) | _M∈Ω_M∖Ω_M_R} for 𝐬̃ can be formulated as the low-rank Hankel matrix completion problem, argmin_𝐠∈𝐂^Mℋ_p(𝐠)_* subject to P_Ω_M_R(𝐠)=P_Ω_M_R(𝐬̃), where 𝒫_Ω_M_R denotes the projection on the set Ω_M_R and ·_* denotes the matrix nuclear norm. A unique minimizer to the structured matrix completion problem (<ref>) is guaranteed with probability 1-1/M^2 under a standard incoherence assumption on ℋ_p(𝐠) <cit.>. Several algorithms can be used to solve the low-rank matrix completion problem (<ref>) but we use ALOHA <cit.> in the proposed numerical scheme due to its robustness and performance guarantee. It is a singular value decomposition (SVD)-free algorithm that uses a low-rank factorization model for initialization. Specifically, the optimization problem (<ref>) is first converted to the constrained optimization problem min_𝐠∈ℂ(𝐔_F^2+𝐕_F^2) subject to ℋ_p(𝐠)=𝐔𝐕^H and P_Ω_M_R(𝐠)=P_Ω_M_R(𝐬̃), based on the observation that ℋ_p(𝐠)_*= min_(𝐔,𝐕)∈𝕄(𝐔_F^2+𝐕_F^2), where 𝕄:={(𝐔,𝐕)| ℋ_p(𝐠) = 𝐔𝐕^H}, and then solved using the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) <cit.>. We specify that the superposed H above represents the Hermitian transpose and ·_F is the Frobenius norm. Once a minimizer 𝐠^* is found, the required source function S(x) can be reconstructed as S_ recon()=∑_m=1^M [𝐠^*]_mϕ_m(). § NUMERICAL EXPERIMENTS AND DISCUSSION In this section, we provide evidence of the suitability of the proposed two-stage numerical strategy. We first present the experimental setup in Section <ref> and then discuss reconstruction results in Section <ref>. §.§ Experimental setup For numerical simulations, we consider a two-dimensional setting. The multipolar acoustic source S consists of two monopoles and two dipoles (see Fig. <ref>). The monopoles are located at positions _1:=(5, 4) and _2:=(-4, -4) with magnitudes λ_1:=9 and λ_2:=8, respectively. The dipoles are located at positions _3:=(-4, 5) and _4:=(4, -4) with intensities _3:=(1, -1)^T and _4:=(-1, 1)^T, respectively. Note that _1=0=_2 and λ_3=0=λ_4 due to conditions (<ref>). Following definitions (<ref>) and (<ref>), the admissible sets of observation directions and wavenumbers are defined as 𝕏_N:= {_ℓ= ℓ/|ℓ| | 1≤|ℓ|_∞≤ N }∪{ (1, 0) }, 𝕂_N:= { k_ℓ=2π|ℓ|/a | 1≤|ℓ|_∞≤ N }∪{2π/aϵ}. The arc length a of the domain, parameter ϵ, and Fourier series truncation parameter N are set to a=12, ϵ=10^-3, and N=20. The synthetic far-field patterns are generated by numerical integration of the formula u_∞(_ℓ, k_ℓ )=-γ_d ∫_𝔸 S() e^-ι k_ℓ_ℓ· d. We perform source reconstruction for two scenarios: (1) ideal measurement conditions without measurement noise, and (2) extremely noisy measurement conditions with an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) having a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 3dB. For each scenario, four different sub-sampling rates, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 30%, were considered. The performance of the proposed algorithm was evaluated on three different criteria: (1) visual perception in terms of the peak-signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), (2) structural similarity in terms of the structural similarity index measure (SSIM), and (3) computational time in terms of walk-clock run-time. Each reconstructed image obtained from sparse far-field data using ALOHA is compared with (1) original image obtained from fully-sampled data at Nyquist rate, (2) input image obtained from the sub-sampled data without any regularization, and (3) L1-CS image obtained from the sub-sampled data with an L1-compressed sensing-based sparse regularization <cit.>. For signal recovery, the number of filters in ALOHA was set to 15, but all other settings were kept to the default configuration. For the L1-CS, CVX, an all-platforms (v1.22) redistributable CVX package for specifying and solving convex programs <cit.>, was used. The visualization of monopole sources is somewhat limited in the input and L1-CS images, even with 30% measurements. Accordingly, the scales of the individual images are adjusted to emphasize the visual results. For computational time estimation, both ALOHA and L1-CS were implemented on the MATLAB cloud platform running on an Intel(R) Platinum 8375C CPU @ 2.90 GHz CPU, of clock speed 3464.412 MHz, equipped with 128GB RAM. §.§ Numerical results Numerical simulations with noise-free and noisy measurements are presented in Figs. <ref> and <ref>, respectively. Fig. <ref> shows that the conventional algorithm is unable to properly identify point sources from sub-sampled, noise-free data. The L1-CS approach improves the overall signal strength and compensates for the measurement losses in terms of PSNR even when just 5% of the measurements are used, but the gain is not effective enough. The performance of the L1-CS method is susceptible to the number of available measurements. The speckle field induced by the sub-sampling has random hot spots with typical diameters comparable to the size of the sources. As a result, it is challenging to distinguish the sources from the hot spots. The proposed ALOHA-based strategy, on the other hand, effectively reconstructs the sources using sparse measurements and preserves the quality even with just 5% of the original measurements. For the noisy measurement scenario, similar observations can be made. Fig. <ref> shows that when the number and diameter of the hot spots in the speckle field increase due to under-sampling, the optical enhancement provided by L1-CS is less pronounced. Nevertheless, ALOHA is still able to provide incredibly efficient results. For further analysis, PSNR, SSIM, and computational time are evaluated for 0 to 100% of measurements with and without additive white Gaussian noise. Table <ref> provides a quantitative performance comparison of the sparse reconstruction algorithms. The superiority of the proposed approach is substantiated in Fig. <ref> for both the noise-free and noisy measurement scenarios. Since the target spectrum only consists of point sources, fewer measurements produce the speckle field in the background medium, which lowers the structural similarity. As a result, for measurements under 50%, the structural similarity of the sub-sampled reconstruction decreases as the number of measurements rises, but it begins to rise for measurements beyond 50%. Although the L1-CS method increases PSNR at higher sampling rates, the structural similarity is not improved since its SSIM is smaller than the sub-sampled input in some cases. In contrast, the proposed ALOHA-based approach produces excellent PNSR and SSIM results even with just 5% measurements. Interestingly, with 100% noisy measurements, all curves meet at the same point (i.e., maximum PSNR and SSIM); however, for sub-sampled noisy measurements, ALOHA not only recovers the lost signal but also lowers the noise (see PSNR and SSIM curves in Fig. <ref> (Bottom)). Another benefit of using ALOHA over the conventional sparse reconstruction approach L1-CS is its computational complexity. Fig. <ref> (right column) compares the walk-clock run-time of ALOHA with that of the L1-CS method. Once again, it is evident that the proposed Hankel matrix completion approach outperforms the conventional sparsity-promoting regularization approaches. The L1-CS method has a computational cost that is exponentially proportional to the number of measurements, whereas that for ALOHA is linear. This substantiates the robustness of the proposed approach. § CONCLUSIONS We propose a two-stage numerical scheme for reconstructing multipolar sources using sparse multi-frequency far-field data. First, the sparse data is enriched using a structured Hankel matrix completion approach. The sources are then reconstructed using the Fourier inversion algorithm from enriched data at the Nyquist rate. The measurement recovery problem is recast as the recovery problem for the missing spectrum of signals with a finite rate of innovations, which is solved using an annihilating filter-based structured Hankel matrix completion approach (ALOHA). Simulation results provide evidence that the proposed algorithm is much superior to the traditional regularization-based inversion strategies. We compared the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), structural similarity index measure (SSIM), and computational cost of the proposed approach with the sparsity-promoting L1 compressed sensing regularization technique. The proposed numerical scheme provides simulation results with a 10.1dB PSNR (41%) and a 0.266 SSIM (40.8%) increase in the worst-case scenario with a linear computing cost for both noise-free and noisy data with 3dB noise. § COMPETING INTERESTS The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. § ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank Prof. Jong Chul Ye and Prof. Kyong Hwan Jin for providing the MATLAB code of ALOHA. The authors would also like to thank Dr. Shujaat Khan for his technical support and fruitful discussions. 10 url@samestyle Thio23 B. J. Thio, A. S. Aberra, G. E. Dessert, and W. M. Grill, “Ideal current dipoles are appropriate source representations for simulating neurons for intracranial recordings,” Clinical Neurophysiology, vol. 145, pp. 26–35, 2023. 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From Compass and Ruler to Convolution and Nonlinearity: On the Surprising Difficulty of Understanding a Simple CNN Solving a Simple Geometric Estimation Task
[ "Thomas Dagès", "Michael Lindenbaum", "Alfred M. Bruckstein" ]
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
T. Dagès et al. Department of Computer Science, Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel thomas.dages@cs.technion.ac.il From Compass and Ruler to Convolution and Nonlinearity From Compass and Ruler to Convolution and Nonlinearity: On the Surprising Difficulty of Understanding a Simple CNN Solving a Simple Geometric Estimation Task Thomas Dagès Michael Lindenbaum Alfred M. Bruckstein =================================================================================================================================================================== Neural networks are omnipresent, but remain poorly understood. Their increasing complexity and use in critical systems raises the important challenge to full interpretability. We propose to address a simple well-posed learning problem: estimating the radius of a centred pulse in a one-dimensional signal or of a centred disk in two-dimensional images using a simple convolutional neural network. Surprisingly, understanding what trained networks have learned is difficult and, to some extent, counter-intuitive. However, an in-depth theoretical analysis in the one-dimensional case allows us to comprehend constraints due to the chosen architecture, the role of each filter and of the nonlinear activation function, and every single value taken by the weights of the model. Two fundamental concepts of neural networks arise: the importance of invariance and of the shape of the nonlinear activation functions . § INTRODUCTION Deep neural networks have become a universal tool of choice for solving complex machine learning tasks with outstanding performance <cit.> in all fields of signal processing. Furthermore, increasing network complexity, e.g. their depth, is known to benefit performance when they are properly trained, justifying their use of sometimes hundreds of millions of parameters <cit.>. Unfortunately, increasing complexity also lessens network interpretability. What is the network doing? What did it extract from the data? How and why did it learn this concept, and why not that other concept? These questions and many more have become impossible to answer directly. As Humans can only understand explanations using a handful of concepts, the hundred million tweaked parameter networks are unfathomable, even though each weight is known, regardless of any intuition of architectural components prior to training. Rather than considering them as black boxes, a growing research community, also motivated by advances in legislation <cit.>, seeks to open the box and try to understand what is going on in neural networks <cit.>. Understanding in networks can be viewed from three perspectives <cit.>: understanding what a trained network has learned <cit.> (post hoc), incorporating understanding concepts directly in the design and training of networks <cit.> (ad hoc), or uncovering general mysteries such as the surprising ability to not overfit in overparametrised models <cit.>. However, understanding methods are usually designed in contexts where not only the network, but also the general problem or data are not well understood, leading to extra confusion. In this paper, we call such problems ill-posed, in contrast to the well-posed ones where everything is fully understood: the data, the target function and its relationship to the data. In this paper, we revisit neural network understanding by returning to a well-posed problem, where everything is simple, fully controlled, and understood. To do so, we look towards geometry, which provides a framework combining strongly understood mathematical concepts with highly intuitive visual ones. We mathematically study a simple CNN for estimating the width of a one-dimensional pulse or the radius of a disk in an image. We analytically design all the network's weights and show that they are consistent with the learned ones. To the best of our knowledge, fully designing each weight has not been done before (even for the simplest networks). Our contributions are threefold: * We show that even the seemingly simplest problems are harder than expected and require a network of certain complexity to succeed. * We mathematically analyse a simple CNN and provide expressions for its full design (i.e. all weights), which explain the empirically learned network. * Important concepts are re-discovered by our analysis, especially invariance and the shape of pointwise nonlinearities, such as the number of plateaux. This paper is accompanied by an Appendix (denoted App.), where further information and discussions are pushed to. § EXERCISE ON SIMPLE ONE-DIMENSIONAL PULSE FUNCTIONS We focus on a simple mathematically well-defined task and its learning-based solution. Although trivial-looking, interesting and surprising insights can be found. The goal is to fully understand the learned neural network, including its weights. §.§ Task and data We study the estimation of the (half-)width of centred one-dimensional rectangular pulse signals defined on the unit interval Ω=[0,1]. For consistency with the later discussed two-dimensional problem, we use the term radius rather than half-width of the pulse. The clean data thus consists in randomly generated one-dimensional pulse signals f_θ^CL(x)∈[0,1] sampled D times such that: f_θ^CL(x) = b if |x-x_m| > r f if |x-x_m| ≤ r, where θ = (r,b,f) are the random intrinsic signal parameters consisting in the radius of the pulse and the background and foreground intensities, with minimum contrast δ between them |f-b|>δ>0, and x_m = 12 the centre of the domain and of all the pulses. Signals with f>b have positive polarity. The clean data is blurred with a Gaussian convolution filter g_σ_g of standard deviation σ_g and then contaminated with additive i.i.d. Gaussian noise n∼𝒩(0,σ_n^2 I_D): f_θ = g_σ_g*f_θ^CL + n. See App. <ref> for more details, especially for the distribution of θ. §.§ Neural model The model ℛ estimates the radius r of the signal f_θ. We constrain its architecture to the simplest convolutional neural network (CNN), having only one hidden layer: it has a single convolution[Following common practice in the literature, h is actually a correlation operator.] layer h with C=1 channel with additive bias b_h, followed by a σ= pointwise nonlinearity and finally a fully connected layer a with additive bias b_a (see Figure <ref>). For interpretability, the convolution filter has a small support to perform simple and local operations only. With abuse of notation, h (resp. a) represents both the convolution (resp. linear) operation and the filter (resp. weight map) of the operation. For more details on the network architecture see App. <ref>. Thus: ℛ(f_θ) = aσ(h*f_θ + b_h) + b_a = [∑_i∈{1,,D} a_iσ(h*f_θ + b_h)_i] + b_a. The literature nowadays mostly works on deep neural networks, with many more layers, more channels per layers, and more complex operations, e.g. skip connections, or optimisation tricks, e.g. normalisation or pooling. In fact, practical networks are overparametrised, which might be a key reason in the success of neural methods <cit.>. However, our network is clearly underparametrised to allow interpretability. Thus, our findings give interesting insights in neural models but are far from explaining the secrets of deep learning in real applications. The network is trained with a gradient descent-like optimisation to minimise the estimation's mean squared error (MSE) (see App. <ref> for more details). We present the learned network weights in Figure <ref> [In App. <ref> we present learned networks in the noiseless and non blurry case and also intermediate representations of several instances at each step of the networks.] , for networks trained either on datasets with positive-only (ℛ_+) or both polarities present (ℛ_±). At first glance, we surprisingly do not trivially understand what they mean and how the networks are basing their estimation. The convolution filter could be seen as a derivative, but what about its additive bias or the fully connected layer? A close performance analysis of the networks (see App. <ref>) shows that only ℛ_+ estimates correctly the radius, up to noise, but unexpectedly not ℛ_± even though the problem looks so simple. We will explain the limited expressiveness of ℛ_± (and the learned weights of ℛ_+) using analytical arguments. §.§ What would a neural engineer do? To better understand the learned models, we suggest to analyse the problem from their perspective. Should an engineer fully design a neural network (including its weights), he would trade his regular tools, such as compasses and rulers, to those authorised by the network, mainly convolutions and predetermined nonlinearities. One can design a succession of common operations to solve the problem. However, some operations cannot be carried out by neurons. In principle, each operation may be approximated by its own network, as implied by the universal approximation property <cit.>. Unfortunately, this approach is not compatible with a single simple CNN with small convolution support and a fairly small depth. This means that we need to find another way to design a neural solution. For clarity, our discussion below uses several simplifications. For mathematical ease, our analysis is in the continuum, i.e., D→∞, although highly oscillating functions (in small areas the size of a pixel) are excluded to compare with finite resolution signals. For easing the analysis and maximising understanding, we assume that the data is approximately clean f_θ≈ f_θ^CL, i.e., σ_b≈σ_n≈0. §.§.§ Exemplar exercise Recall that the goal is to manually design the weights of a convolutional neural network, while respecting its constrained architecture, that correctly estimates the radius of a centred pulse. Intermediate representations are denoted as follows: f_h = h * f_θ, f_hb = f_h + b_h, f_σ = σ(f_hb), f_a⊙ = a⊙ f_σ, f_∫ a = ∫_Ω f_a⊙(x)dx, and ℛ(f_θ) = f_∫ a + b_a. Note that the discrete sum in Equation (<ref>) become an integral in the continuum. We focus on the positive polarity sub-problem ℛ_+, i.e., f>b for all signals. To estimate r using a CNN with a convolution with small support, it seems natural to choose an unbiased derivative filter[The filter h is unbiased if ∫_Ω h = 0.] whose non zero responses are located at the edges of the pulse. In fact, a detailed analysis proves that this is the only correct choice (see App. <ref>). Denote α its gain and Δ the size of its small support. Without loss of generality, assume that f_h(x) is positive when f_θ is locally increasing at x[In other words, h(-Δ2)<0 and h(Δ2)>0 for the correlation filter h.]: h is then said to be a positive unbiased derivative filter. Given a positive polarity signal f_θ, the output of the convolution is (approximately) 0 everywhere except at the borders of the pulse: f_h has two narrow bell curves, called peaks, of height ±αf-b2 and width 2Δ. For simplicity, we assume that Δ is small enough for the bell curves to approximately be small pulses. If b_h ≤ 0, after the activation, only the left peak of f_σ remains non zero. Its thresholded height is affine in the signal intensity difference, which is not desirable, and so is ℛ(f_θ) or any other non-constant affine function of it. For b_h> 0, f_hb(x) ≈ b_h everywhere except at the peaks which are translated upwards by b_h. If b_h≥α2, then f_hb(x)≥ 0 for all x, and σ acts as the identity on all signals. Thus, for any x, f_σ(x) as well as the final estimation are incorrectly either constant or affinely depending on the intensity difference f-b. In fact, if αδ2≤ b_h ≤α2, the same reasoning applies on the authorised low-contrast signals. Therefore, we must have 0< b_h < αδ2, e.g. b_h= αδ4. With our chosen h and b_h, f_hb is always positive everywhere, except on the right downward peak. Thus f_σ is identical to f_hb except on this right peak, which has been thresholded to 0 with constant height b_h regardless of f and b and is now called a “drop”. Note that regardless of r, since we only focus on positive polarity signals, f_σ is invariant to the intensities f and b in (12, 1], but not in the other non overlapping interval [0,12). We now design the weight map a. The goal is to integrate the weighted activated signal f_a⊙ and obtain the radius up to a final additive constant. If we do not discard the left peak by weighting it to 0, then the estimation unacceptably explicitly depends on the intensities in an affine non trivial way. Since the peak could be located anywhere in [0,12], we need to choose a_| [0,12)≡ 0. The radius must then be affinely inferred solely by the drop in (12, 1]. Since it has constant height, an affine weight map a_|[0,12] can locate it. Let us derive this result more formally. Denote P_l = [12 - r - Δ, 12 - r + Δ] and P_r = [12 + r - Δ, 12 + r + Δ] the domains of the left and right peaks. The estimation is: ℛ(f_θ) ≈ b_h ∫_Ω a(x)dx + αf-b2∫_P_l a(x)dx - b_h∫_P_r a(x)dx +b_a. Only the second term in Equation (<ref>) depends on the intensities, thus to make the r estimator, ℛ(f_θ), independent from f-b, we must ensure that: ∫_P_la(x)dx = ∫_1/2-r-Δ^1/2-r+Δ a(x)dx = 0. For moderately small Δ, and recalling that highly oscillating behaviours of a are not allowed, we have ∫_P_l a(x)dx ≈ 2 Δ· a(1/2-r). Equation (<ref>) then becomes a(1/2-r)=0 for any r, and thus: a_|[0,1/2]≡ 0. Then, similarly approximating ∫_P_ra(x)dx, Equation (<ref>) becomes: ℛ(f_θ) ≈ b_h ∫_Ω a(x)dx - b_h · 2 Δ· a(1/2+r) +b_a. By requiring ℛ(f_θ)=r, as desired, and rearranging terms, we find that the coefficient a(x) at x=12+r must satisfy: a(1/2+r) = 1/ 2Δ∫_Ωa(x)dx + b_a/2 Δ b_h - r/2 Δ b_h. Thus, a is affinely decreasing in [12,1] with slope -12Δ b_h, e.g. -42 αΔδ for b_h=αδ4. Note that Equation (<ref>) only specifies a(x) in [12,1] up to an offset. If we also ask for minimal L^2 norm of a(x) (for regularisation), then the minimal norm is obtained by centering a_|[12,1] by taking a(34)=0. This implies that ∫_[12,1]a = ∫_Ω a = 0. Using Equation (<ref>) with r=14 then implies that the final bias is the mean radius over the entire dataset: b_a = 1/4, which in turn means that we need to choose a weight map of the form: a(1/2+ r) = 1/4-r/2 Δ b_h. Figure <ref> (top) illustrates the derived network and the associated intermediate signals for estimating the radius on positive polarity signals. We summarise what we found in a proposition, and we refer to the previous text for all the “mild assumptions” under which it holds. Given a single-channel and single-depth CNN working with activation designed to estimate the radius of centred pulse signals with positive polarity, if its correlation filter h is a positive unbiased derivative filter, then, to succeed under “mild assumptions”, the convolution bias b_h must be strictly positive but small and there must exist scalar constants β_1 and β_2>0 such that the fully connected layer's weight map a(x) is of the following form: a(x) = 0 if 0≤ x<1/2 β_1 - β_2 (x-1/2) if 1/2≤ x ≤ 1 . The weights designed by the proposed analysis closely resemble the empirically learned one from Section <ref> and those from App. <ref> which were trained without noise or Gaussian blur with increasing resolution D, thus removing most of the mystery around them. Nevertheless, differences between the theory and practice are clearly visible, and they are mostly due to the assumptions that we used that do not necessarily hold in reality. §.§.§ Extensions We can extend our line of reasoning to similarly derive other results. We present here the main ideas (details are in the Appendix). Changing the convolution filter If we replace the derivative filter by a local filter of higher order (e.g. second derivative), then we will not be able to find weights to correctly estimate the radius in all cases, as upwards and downwards peaks of affine height in the intensity difference will exist at both the left and right border of the pulse, making it impossible to isolate a meaningful invariant part of the activated signal (see App. <ref>). Handling both polarities So far, we only focused on the subcase ℛ_+ of ℛ_±. As there was only one choice of correct weights for the network in ℛ_+, we must work with it for ℛ_±. But then, f_σ associated to f_(r,f,b) (negative polarity) is horizontally flipped around x_m compared to f_σ associated to f_(r,b,f) (positive polarity) (see Figure <ref>). Thus, the invariant part of the signal lies in [0, x_m] and is zeroed out by a, whereas the right peak is now undesirably upwards and affinely depending on the intensities, and so will too the final estimation. Our trivial network strucutre is thus not expressive enough in the general case, which we summarise in the following proposition. Given a single-channel and single-depth CNN working with activation designed to estimate the radius of centred pulse signals with any polarity, if the correlation filter h is a derivative filter, then, under “mild assumptions”, the network cannot correctly estimate the radius in all cases. In other words, the network cannot correctly learn the concept of a radius. In fact, this result extends to higher order local filters as they fail on ℛ_+. Changing the architecture: going deeper Adding another convolution layer resolves the expressiveness issue for ℛ_±, as it allows two sequential thresholds to cut off both peaks. For instance, take the positive derivative filter with its small b_h>0 as previously for the first layer. The first thresholds the downward peak. We then flip the signal by convolving it with a minus Dirac delta function and translate the output upwards by b_h again (see Figure <ref>). The second then cuts off entirely the new downward peak, creating a signal globally invariant to f and b that is approximately 0 everywhere except for a constant height b_h peak on one edge of the pulse. A V-shaped a horizontally symmetric around x_m can then correctly locate it. This may not be the only correct 2-layer network (see App. <ref>). Changing the architecture: adding more channels Adding more channels helps, to some extent, for handling the case with both polarities present in the dataset, however its analysis seems complex, see empirical evidence for the two-dimensional case considered below in App. <ref>. §.§.§ Modified exercise: from to To overcome the limited expressiveness, we can also change our neural tools. Using the universal approximation theorem <cit.> requires to switch the local convolution to a wide and multi-channel fully connected layer, but we would lose in interpretability. Instead, we change the nonlinearity. To threshold both above and below, we take σ =. Although traditionally (x) = 11+e^-x, we consider a piecewise linear approximation which is flat and 0 (resp. 1) for negative (resp. positive) numbers with magnitude greater than τ and linear in the middle range (see Figure <ref>). Unlike the case, we can design a one-layer network for estimating the radius when both polarities are possible (see App. <ref>). The idea is to increase the gain α of the local derivative filter[The reasoning can be easily generalised to higher order local filters.] to push the positive peak into a flat domain of the and at the same time use a large bias b_h=-τ to push the rest to the other flat domain (see Figure <ref>). This symmetry-breaking step is necessary because if both peaks remain, then the affine function cannot handle the change of polarity. Then, only the upward peak of f_hb is not zeroed out by the and is thresholded to a constant height, and its position is measurable with a V-shaped a as done previously. The advantage of the network is the extra flexibility provided by its additional flat region compared to the . Indeed, since the data is bounded, we could theoretically rescale the filters so that both nonlinearities behave similarly: either thresholding to 0 or the identity for positive inputs. This suggests that nonlinearities with increasing number of flat regions or plateaux provide more flexible tools for learning appropriate invariant concepts, and one could question whether choosing a nonlinearity with many more (e.g. a sine nonlinearity as in <cit.>) plateaux would not be better altogether than the simplistic for neural networks in general[Although 's simplicity allows fast computations and contributes better to overcoming vanishing and exploding gradients in deep networks with its 0-1 gradient.]. § FROM ONE-DIMENSIONAL SIGNALS TO IMAGES The previous exercise can be generalised to higher dimensions to analyse a simple yet natural geometric learning problem. In two dimensions, the signals are greyscale images defined on the unit square Ω = [0,1]^2. The task is to estimate the radius of a centred disk. The clean data consists in randomly generated two-dimensional disk signals f_θ^CL(x)∈[0,1] sampled D× D times such that: f_θ^CL(x) = b if ‖ x-x_m‖_2 > r f if ‖ x-x_m‖_2 ≤ r, where the random intrinsic parameters θ = (r,b,f) have the same meaning and are generated as in the one-dimensional case with minimum contrast δ, and the centre of the domain is now x_m = (12, 12). The clean data is blurred with a Gaussian filter g_σ_g of standard deviation σ_g and then contaminated with additive i.i.d. Gaussian noise of standard deviation σ_n. The neural model is once again a single layer and single channel CNN, where the convolution is now two-dimensional, with σ= nonlinearity. Although seemingly trivial and artificial, the presented task has real applications. For instance, in Astrophysics, some researchers work on almost centred images of the solar disks, that closely resemble the data presented here: images of a perfect bright disk of uniform intensities over a uniform dark background. In fact, <cit.> used for radius estimation a modification of VGG <cit.>, which is an extremely complex deep network with 10 convolution layers and 3 fully connected ones, illustrating the difficulty of the task. Unfortunately, their well-performing network is far too complex to be understandable, which is not our goal. We train our model similarly to the one-dimensional case (see App. <ref>). We present the learned network weights in Figure <ref> for networks trained on datasets with either positive-only (ℛ_+) or both polarities present (ℛ_±)[To help understanding, we present intermediate representations at each step of the networks on several instances in App. <ref>.]. Once again, a close analysis of the performance of the networks (see App. <ref>) shows that only ℛ_+ estimates correctly, up to noise, the radius of the signals, but not ℛ_±. This discrepancy demonstrates again the limitation of the nonlinearity not being flexible enough. Clearly, both h correspond to edge filters, which are the direct generalisation in two-dimensions of derivatives, but both a maps are not trivially understood at first glance. However, their weights along a diagonal cut following the direction of the edge filters resemble those of the one-dimensional case. The rest of the weights seem to result from a blurring process along the tangential direction, i.e. orthogonal to the radial direction. A question naturally arises: what radius concept did the successful network ℛ_+ learn? Is it based on well-known definitions, or is it fundamentally new? We understand a radius from many perspectives since Antiquity: it is the length of the perimeter (r = 𝒫2π), the squared root of the area (r = √(𝒜π)), or half the maximum distance between two points on the circle. Our answer to those questions is that ℛ_+ combines two approaches. First, the radius is found along a scan in a fixed direction passing through the centre as we have studied in the one-dimensional case. Second, this noisy estimate is filtered by generalising this approach to a cone of angle roughly π4 around the chosen direction. Within this cone, the weights of the fully connected layer are approximately constant for each distance to the centre. It is thus producing a number proportional to a quarter of the perimeter, with proportionality given by the weights. The network has thus learned the radius as a combination of the one-dimensional radius concept with the one stemming from the perimeter. Some aspects of our problems deserve more investigation. As an example, the impact of domain discretisation or radius quantisation (especially in the one-dimensional case) is not fully understood. Furthermore, scaling our analysis to more complex problems, especially when changing the architecture, is difficult. In particular, we point out the complexity of the multi-channel architecture extension and dedicate a lengthy discussion on it in App. <ref>. § CONCLUSION We defined and studied a well-posed seemingly trivial geometric estimation problem using small neural networks. Our goal was to fully understand everything. We thus analysed theoretically and empirically not only the networks' architecture but also every single weight including the biases. Surprisingly, it was not as easy as expected, and it was at first glance unclear what the networks had learned. During our analysis, two fundamental concepts of neural networks naturally emerged. The first is the importance of invariance. The second is the importance of flat regions of pointwise nonlinear activation functions that provide thresholding tools to create invariance. We found that increasing the number of flat regions increases the expressiveness of the (small) networks by providing them more flexibility to perform complex operations in a single layer. While it is clearly unreasonable to imagine fully understanding every weight of a complex neural model in complex real-world applications, the lessons taken from our exercise can be used to improve our understanding of commonly used deep neural networks. splncs04 § DETAILS FOR ONE-DIMENSIONAL PULSE FUNCTION EXERCISE §.§ Generating one-dimensional pulse datasets We call reference data the data generated using a reference choice of hyperparameters. Unless mentioned otherwise, the values of the hyperparameters presented here are those used in the experiments. The reference data is D=32-dimensional. The domain position x in Equation (<ref>) refers to the centre of the pixel, with the first and last pixels at positions x=0 and x=1. To avoid boundary issues, the radii are chosen in [ϵ_r2, 1-ϵ_r2], where ϵ_r is typically equal to 110. Note that although r is sampled continuously, it generates a finite set of less than D2 possible binary masks for the position of the pulse due to the crude radius quantisation in Equation <ref>. The intensities f and b are chosen in [0,1]. The minimum contrast between them is chosen to be δ = 50255≈ 0.2, which empirically allows clear visual separation of the background and foreground intensities. The choice for r, f, and b is almost uniform and independent. Since we force a minimal contrast δ between the intensities, f and b are not mathematically independent: b is chosen independently of r and uniformly in [0,1] whereas f is then chosen conditionally to b uniformly in the rest of the unit interval with the δ ball around b: [0,1]∖]b-δ, b+δ[[If we furthermore request only positive polarity data, then we also remove [0,b] from the unit interval for uniformly sampling f.]. Mathematically, if we denote R, F, and B the random variables with realisation r, f, and b, and if we call F^+ and B^+ the intensity random variables in the case of positive polarity only data, we have: B ∼𝒰([0,1]), F | B=b ∼𝒰 ([0,1]∖ [b-δ,b+δ]), B^+ ∼𝒰([0,1]), F^+ | B^+=b ∼𝒰 ([b+δ,1]). In the reference data, the Gaussian blur level is σ_g = 1D, and the noise level is σ_n = 10255≈ 0.04. §.§ Network details §.§.§ Network architecture details We chose to work with convolution rather than an arbitrary linear transformation using a fully connected layer to improve interpretability. While theoretically better, as convolutions are a sub-type of linear transforms, forcing convolution constrains a particular structure on the linear transformation that is simple and more easily interpretable: a (local) sharing weight scheme, with extra interpretable properties such as shift-equivariance or multiscale behaviours with cascades of them. In real world applications, choosing convolutions can also help for convergence in complex models, as fully connected layers can be particularly expensive in terms of weights and get more easily stuck in local minima, but we do not share this motivation in this work. The convolution filter has a support of only 5 entries to force locality and encourage interpretability[This means a support of interval length 5D-1, which is approximately equal to 0.16 in the reference case.]. A smaller filter of support size 3 entries would not have much flexibility and a filter with more entries might be too complex to interpret. Note that rather than fixing an interval length we chose a number of entries for the support, meaning that when increasing the resolution D the convolution gets more and more local. This effect is desirable in order to compare with the theory in the continuum, where the convolution is assumed to be a differential operation and thus with infinitely small support. Furthermore, the convolution uses the 0 rather than circular padding strategy as it is standard in the field. The chosen non-linearity σ is , the universally used activation function in the literature. Other non linearities exist, but they have largely been overshadowed by the due to its computational advantages such as fast forward and gradient computation along with a binary gradient limiting vanishing and exploding gradients in deep networks. Unfortunately, the interpretability of the activation functions are rarely considered when choosing them. In this work, interpretability primes over computational considerations, and the is perhaps one of the simplest and best understood non linear operation: it is clear that is a lower thresholding operation. §.§.§ Training procedure Training was done using the ADAM optimiser with default optimiser parameters and a learning rate of η=0.005 and batch size 32. We add L^2 regularisation penalties with small Lagrangian coefficients for the convolution and fully connected layers but not for the biases. Training is done using N=10000 training samples. The validation and test sets also have the same size. Since the networks are fairly small, convergence happens rather fast, but we keep on training for a long duration to make sure that no strange phenomenon occurs. §.§.§ Varying the resolution in the ideal case We present in Figure <ref> the results of training networks on positive polarity data with varying resolution D∈{13,32,64,128,256} but without any noise or Gaussian blur i.e. σ_g = σ_n = 0, which is useful for comparing with the theoretical derivations in the continuum. Note that we fixed the pixel size of the convolution kernel to be 5 which implies a shrinking of its support in [0,1] with increasing resolution. This choice comes from the fact that we want our convolutions to be local operations. Indeed, keeping the pixel size fixed of the support increases the locality of the convolution operator with increasing D, which gets closer to our assumption in the theoretical case of a mathematically local operator in the continuum. Furthermore, increasing the size of the filter may create more artificial variability in it, allowing it to become an intricate and obscure oscillating kernel function. Such behaviour would unjustly harm the comparison with the reference context of Figure <ref> where the kernel is limited by the 5 entries. §.§.§ Opening the box: viewing intermediate representations Understanding can also arise from visual presentations. We thus also plot in Figures <ref> and <ref> all the intermediate representations of random data fed to the networks. In the theoretical exercise, we do the same albeit with mathematical tools rather than direct visualisation. §.§.§ On the quality of the converged networks Our quantitative performance indicator for the networks is the Root Means Squared Error (RMSE). In order to better understand this score, we scale the measurements to pixel size. This means that the outputs of the networks, radii estimates in [0,12], are linearly scaled to [0,D2] by multiplying them by D2. The RMSE is thus also scaled to pixel size. Recall that in the reference setting, which is the one studied here, D=32 and the noise level is given by σ_n = 10255. The network trained on positive polarity only data performs better with a score of 1.1 compared to 1.7 for the one trained on the dataset with both polarities present. Nevertheless, the RMSE in both cases is superior to a pixel which questions the quality of the estimators. To first understand the global behaviour of the estimators, rather than solely focusing on an average score, we look at actual estimations. In Figure <ref>, we plot the estimations of both networks on the test data. As suggested by the RMSE, both networks have estimations that significantly differ from the groundtruth label. However, it is clear that the standard deviation of the error is constant for any input radius for the network trained on the data with positive polarity only, unlike in the other network, which in many cases estimates the average dataset radius even for radii far from it. This behaviour suggests that the error in the former network might primarily be due to noise in the data, whereas in the latter it might be due to a failure to correctly grasp the concept of a radius. This hypothesis is confirmed when analysing the evolution of the estimations with the noise level σ_n. If we decrease it, we get significant improvement for the network trained on positive polarity data only, unlike the other network. See Table <ref> for the RMSE scores in these cases. This confirms empirically that the network trained on a dataset with both polarities cannot accurately learn the radius concept, which is not the case of the other network. In Figure <ref>, we plot the estimations of data with different noise levels and we can indeed see that the estimations fit better to the actual radius. In fact, we could add that the network also manages to handle quantisation of the radius with close to quantised estimations. Based on the theoretical analysis and understanding from the exemplar theoretical exercise where quantisation disappears, we speculate that the quantisation behaviour is partly due to the noise-like oscillating nature of the fully connected map. §.§ Neural engineer exercise §.§.§ Exemplar exercise General unbiased differential convolution operators We here consider replacing the unbiased derivative convolution filter with a more general monomial differential operator, and without loss of generality give it unit gain. Such a convolution operator simply computes d^kdx^kf_θ(x) at all locations x of the domain on the input signal f_θ for some integer k. Intuitively, the associated convolution filter h would correspond to a finite difference-like approximation of the derivative. With this understanding, we generalise the 0-th derivative to any local averaging operation with h of constant sign. Note that for k≥ 1, the monomial differential operators are unbiased as they zero out constant signals. Further note that k can be interpreted from h as the number of changes of sign in this filter. We state that for k≠ 1, the network cannot accurately tweak its biases and fully connected layer to accurately estimate the radius. We here provide intuitive and constructive arguments, but a tedious formal proof is lacking and left as an exercise. Consider first the constant sign averaging filters, i.e. k=0. Since we naturally exclude the useless h≡0 filter, the outputs of f_h will all be strictly positive or all strictly negative. As such, the preactivated entries f_hb to be fed to the affinely depend on the intensities, implying that all non zeroed entries of the activated signals output of f_σ affinely depend on the intensity difference with non zero slope. In turn, since the fully connected layer with its final bias is affine, the radius estimation affinely depends on the intensities in a non zeroed out fashion. This is in constrast to what happens when k=1 as in that case, a wise choice of b_h provided some entries of the activated function to take values that are either 0 or b_h, that are both independent of the intensities, in a predetermined portion of the domain. As an example of the issue, consider a positive averaging filter h. Then b_h must be negative otherwise the acts as the identity everywhere which implies a radial estimation that non trivially affinely depends on the intensities. Another failure case is to take b_h negative with too large magnitude as then all preactivated signals are negative and the simply zeroes them out. Thus b_h is negative with “reasonable” magnitude. In this hypothetical case, the foreground preactivated signal is non zero whereas the background one is zero, but the height of the non zero foreground affinely depends on the intensities without being constant, which implies that the final estimation also affinely and non trivially depends on the intensities. Consider now the higher monomial differential operators with k≥ 2. Since these filters are unbiased, the signals f_h will be entirely 0 except at the locations of the border of the pulse x=12± r. At each of these locations, instead of a single upward or downward peak as in k=1, we will have k peaks due to the k changes of sign in h with upwards and downwards peaks. The peaks do not need to have the same magnitude, but their magnitude all linearly depend on the intensity difference |f-b|. Since positive and negative peaks are present around both border locations, using a zeroing out strategy in the fully connected layer as in the case when k=1 is not viable. Indeed, this strategy needs to zero out upwards peaks, relying on the thresholding of the negative peaks by the . But since positive peaks are present at both the left and right border of the pulse, zeroing them out would also zero all the valuable downwards peaks by locality of the filter[Schematically, all peaks at a border are squeezed together, thus applying a 0 weight to that location zeroes out all peaks.]. This reasoning is valid under minor assumptions on the fully connected layer a, such as a non oscillating behaviour on intervals of order of magnitude the support of the convolution filter. As such, the network cannot estimate accurately what the radius is. Finally, note that the analysis for small k is sufficient. Indeed, in the discrete world, the local filter only has a few entries. For instance, should we restrict ourselves to filters with 5 entries, then there can be at most 2 changes of sign in h meaning that k≤ 4 is sufficient. Going deeper: two convolution layers We here increase the depth of the network to allow sequentially two convolutions (joined by a activation). We naturally extend our notations to this case by adding the indexing 1 or 2 depending on which layer the object corresponds to. Thus, the estimation is given by: ℛ(f_θ) = aσ(h_2*σ(h_1*f_θ + b_h_1) + b_h_2) + b_a = [∫_Ω a_iσ(h_2*σ(h_1*f_θ + b_h_1) + b_h_2)_i] + b_a. As described in the main text, we choose h_1 and b_h_1 as in the case with only one convolution, namely that h_1 is an unbiased derivative filter and b_h_1>0 but small (as previously described), but also h_2 = -δ_0 a 0-centred negative Dirac delta function[In the discrete world, the 0-indicator function 1(0 = ·) would be analogous to the Dirac filter.] and b_h_2 = b_h_1. For a signal f_θ with positive polarity we then have, under the same mild assumptions as previously: ℛ(f_θ) - b_a = ∫_Ωσ(h_2 * σ(h_1 * f_θ + b_h_1) + b_h_2)(x) a(x)dx ≈∫_Ω∖ P_l∪ P_rσ(-σ(b_h_1) + b_h_1)a(x)dx + ∫_P_lσ(-σ(h_1*f_θ + b_h_1) + b_h_1)a(x)dx + ∫_P_rσ(b_h_1)a(x)dx ≈σ(0)∫_Ω∖ P_l∪ P_r a(x)dx + σ(-h_1*f_θ)_|1/2 - r∫_P_la(x)dx + σ(b_h_1)∫_P_ra(x)dx ≈ b_h_1∫_P_ra(x)dx ≈ b_h_1· 2Δ· a(1/2+r), because h_1*f_θ≥0 on P_l for f_θ with positive polarity. On the other hand, if f_θ has negative polarity, we then have for the same network: ℛ(f_θ) - b_a = ∫_Ωσ(h_2 * σ(h_1 * f_θ + b_h_1) + b_h_2)(x) a(x)dx ≈∫_Ω∖ P_l∪ P_rσ(-σ(b_h_1) + b_h_1)a(x)dx + ∫_P_lσ(b_h_1)a(x)dx + ∫_P_rσ(-σ(h_1*f_θ + b_h_1) + b_h_1)a(x)dx ≈σ(0)∫_Ω∖ P_l∪ P_r a(x)dx + σ(b_h_1)∫_P_la(x)dx + σ(-h_1*f_θ)_|1/2 + r∫_P_ra(x)dx ≈ b_h_1∫_P_la(x)dx ≈ b_h_1· 2Δ· a(1/2-r), because h_1*f_θ≥0 on P_r for f_θ with negative polarity. To get the same estimation for both polarities, we must here choose a to be symmetric around the midpoint of the domain 12. To correctly estimate the radius with ℛ(f_θ), we must then choose a to be a symmetric V-shaped piecewise linear function: a(1/2+r) = a(1/2-r) = r/2Δ b_h_1 - b_A/2Δ b_h_1. We have thus found that increasing the depth of the network allows to find a solution that can become invariant to the intensities and correctly estimate the radius regardless of the polarity. Note that it may not be unique. §.§.§ Modified exercise: from to The discussion we provide here is similar to that in the case. Working in the continuum, we once again choose h to be an unbiased derivative filter of small support size Δ and gain α to be used in the single channel and unique convolution layer. Without loss of generality by symmetry of the pulse functions, convolving a monotonically increasing function with h provides positive outputs only[Thus h(-Δ2)<0 and h(Δ2)>0 for the correlation filter h.]. Let f_θ be a centred pulse signal with arbitrary polarity. When fed to the convolution filter, we get as previously described a function equal to 0 everywhere except around the borders of the pulse on two 2Δ-wide peak intervals P_l and P_r, where there is a positive peak on the left (P_l) and a negative one on the right (P_r) of magnitude |αf-b2| if f_θ has positive polarity or the opposite otherwise. As we have naturally rediscovered in the case, it is essential to obtain a final estimation that is invariant to the intensity difference. If we do not push the peaks to lie in the flat regions of the , where approximate thresholding is performed, then the estimation will inevitably be approximately affine in the intensity difference, and the only way to get an invariant estimation would be to estimate a constant number that does not vary with the radius, which is unacceptable. To do so, we must[If we restrain ourselves to fixed polarity, e.g. positive-only, thanks to the minimal contrast δ it is also possible to have a non large gain α but instead choose the bias to have large magnitude |b_h|∈ (τ - δα2<τ) without being too large as to push the 0 background level beyond the τ level of the flat regime and thus loosing all information. Unfortunately, this solution does not scale to the case when the dataset has data with arbitrary polarity.] choose a high gain α that will provide α|f-b2|+b_h>τ. Contrary to intuition, choosing b_h = 0 and α> τ2/δ≥τ |2f-b| does not provide a correct estimator although the activated function is non trivially invariant to the intensities everywhere in [0,1]. Such a choice would lead to representations f_σ that are constant 0 functions except on the borders of the pulse where there are now upward and downward peaks of same constant magnitude, the upward one being on the left for positive polarity data. Thus the representations are opposites for positive and negative polarity data of same radius. By linearity of the fully connected operator a, we have ℛ(f_(r,f,b)) - b_a = -(ℛ(f_r,b,f) - b_a), implying that ℛ(f_(r,f,b)) = b_a is a constant that does not depend on the radius, which is unacceptable[This reasoning can be generalised to affine transforms. If an affine transform of the input (such as a polarity flip) always leads to the another yet constant affine transform of the activated representations, then the fully connected layer will have no other choice but to remove all the information on the signal and just provide a final estimation that does not depend on the radius.]. We must therefore break the symmetry with b_h≠ 0. A solution is to choose a bias with large magnitude, e.g. b_h<-τ<0, to push the background 0 level to the thresholding regimes of the . Without loss of generality, we thus choose: b_h < -τ α > 2τ - b_h/δ>4τ/δ. Thus, the output of the f_σ will now always consist in an approximately constant 0 function, except around one border of the pulse, on P_l in the left half of the domain for positive polarity data and on P_r in the right half of the domain for negative polarity data, where there is there an increasing constant height thresholded peak. The representation is thus non trivially invariant to intensities and closely resembles those obtained in the case when we allowed the network to use two convolution layers. We already saw then that the radius can be accurately recovered by designing a symmetric V-shaped weight map a. More formally, denoting (P_+, P_-) = (P_l, P_r) if f_θ has positive polarity and (P_+, P_-) = (P_r, P_l) otherwise, we have under our usual assumptions: ℛ(f_θ) - b_a = ∫_Ωσ(h*f_θ + b_h)(x)a(x)dx ≈σ(b_h) ∫_Ω∖ (P_+ ∪ P_-) a(x)dx + ∫_P_+ (σ(h*f_θ + b_h)(x)) a(x)dx + ∫_P_- (σ(h*f_θ + b_h)(x)) a(x)dx ≈σ(b_h) ∫_Ω a(x)dx + ∫_P_+(σ(αf-b/2 +b_h) - σ(b_h)) a(x)dx + ∫_P_-(σ(-αf-b/2 +b_h) - σ(b_h)) a(x)dx ≈ 0 ∫_Ω a(x)dx + ∫_P_+ (1 - 0) a(x)dx + ∫_P_- (0-0) a(x)dx ≈∫_P_+ a(x)dx ≈ 2Δ· a(1/2-r) if f>b 2Δ· a(1/2+r) if f<b . To get the correct estimation ℛ(f_θ) = r, we must thus design a to be a symmetric V-shaped weight map: a(1/2± r) = r/2Δ - b_a/2Δ. Note that should we consider L^2 regularisation of the weights of a, then the optimal final bias would symmetrise each affine half of a at height 0, i.e. a(14) = a(34) = 0, which occurs for a choice of b_a = 14 equal to the average radius in the dataset. § DETAILS FOR TWO-DIMENSIONAL CIRCLE IMAGES EXERCISE §.§ Network details §.§.§ Training procedure Training was done using the SGD optimiser with learning rate of η=0.001 (with small less important decay) and batch size 32. We add L^2 regularisation penalties with small Lagrangian coefficients for the convolution and fully connected layers but not for the biases. Training is done using N=10000 training samples. The validation and tests sets also have the same size. Since the networks are fairly small, convergence happens rather fast, but we keep on training for a long duration to make sure that no strange phenomenon occurs. §.§.§ Opening the box: viewing intermediate representations Understanding can also arise from visual presentations. We thus also plot in Figure <ref> (resp. Figure <ref>) all the intermediate representations of random data fed to the networks trained on both (resp. positive-only) polarity data. We do the same in Figures <ref>, <ref>, and <ref> and Figures <ref>, <ref>, and <ref> where this time the networks have C∈{4,6} convolution filters in the same layer, in order to help provide visual help to understanding what is going on in this architecture extension. §.§.§ On the quality of the converged networks Our quantitative performance indicator for the networks is the Root Means Squared Error (RMSE) scaled once again to pixel size in the same way by multiplying the estimations (or analogously the RMSE) by D2 with reference dimensionality D=32. The data is noisy with σ_n = 10255. The network trained on positive polarity only data performs significantly better with a score of 0.7 compared to 2.6 for the one trained on the dataset with both polarities present (see Table <ref>). Thanks to the increase in dimensionality, the Gaussian noise is more easily mitigated. We also look at the actual estimations on the test data rather than just the global RMSE score, plotted in Figure <ref>. It is clear that the network trained on data with both polarities learns accurately to measure a radius, albeit with some precision errors, whereas the behaviour of the other network trained on a dataset with both polarities present was not able to grasp the concept of a radius, with many catastrophic failure estimations at all radii levels equal to the average radius of the dataset. §.§.§ Changing the architecture: adding more channels Here, the convolution layer will have C≥ 1 channels. It is important to remember that when computing the final estimation, there is no switch mechanism allowing to choose only one channel to consider for the final computation. All will be processed with equal blind importance, only the weight of the filters and of the fully connected layers differentiate them, but they do not change between two different instances at inference time. Training results As we do not change the depth of the network, each channel has a similar structure to a network with C=1 channel as described previously. Thus, it is impossible to provide non trivial and meaningful invariant representations to the intensity difference in all cases regardless of it. However, the fully connected final layer somewhat mixes all channels together allowing complex compensation mechanisms to remove the intensity dependence. Unfortunately, theoretically analysing these phenomena is significantly harder making designing such networks by hand a challenge. We nevertheless trained networks with C∈{4,16} channels and display the learned layers in Figures <ref> and <ref>. We encourage to also refer to Figures <ref>, <ref>, <ref>, and <ref> to visually see what occurs to instances when fed through these networks. Performance When looking at performance, increasing the number of filters seems to have a small or negligible impact. Improvement mostly lies in the case when the dataset has both polarities present, but it is not sufficient to learn the radius concept with an RMSE decreasing only to 1.7 with C=16 filters, far from the 0.6 of the fixed polarity case (see Table <ref>). This is also confirmed when looking at all the estimations (see Figure <ref>). We now discuss the types of filters observed in both cases. Weight maps analysis - Network trained on both polarities We see that there are three types of learned convolution filters. The first type consists in the filters with a straight white line passing through the middle of the filter, separating red and blue areas. These filters are clearly edge filters with some random orientation. The second type regroups fully red filters. They correspond to some type of positive averaging filters. The last type of filters are the fully blue ones. They correspond to some negative averaging filters. We could also add a fourth filter, found only once here, corresponding in the 0 filter: it is the bottom left filter of the C=4 case, with all entries of absolute value magnitude less than 10^-9. The edge filter was chosen when having only one filter, and is present in at least half the cases in each network, suggesting that it might be of superior importance to the other averaging ones, which could be useful for refinements of the estimation. Furthermore, inside a network, the edge filters do not seem to have random independent orientation. The 4-convolution network chose one random direction and created edge filters along it with very small orientation perturbation. The 16-convolutional network chose only two directions, being orthogonal to each other, and then created the filters along those directions with small orientation perturbation. This fact is surprising, as we would expect the edge orientations to be chosen fully randomly due to the orientation invariance of the data. It is possible that sampling along vastly different orientations allows to recover “low frequency” information in some sense, whereas sampling along small perturbations of a fixed direction boosts the recovery of “high frequency” information or details. Since the data is invariant to orientation, sampling along very different orientations might not provide much detailed information and thus the network preferred the later choice. The positive averaging filters have values several orders of magnitude smaller than those of the edge filters. This difference also holds for their associated linear weights in the fully connected layer, which confirms that channels of these filters are of lesser importance than those of the edge filters and will only contribute to a refinement of the estimation. The negative averaging filters all have very small entries. Due to the positivity of the data, it is not so clear if these filters have created a dying phenomenon, when the entry to the is entirely negative for all data point implying that the zeros out the entire data and learning is no longer possible along this channel, or whether the bias after the convolution brings some positive information through the . For dying s, the L^2 regularisation pushes all the weights to 0. For the approximately 0 convolution filter, which may be the result of a dying combined with L^2 regularisation, all information has been approximately zeroed-out by the filter, thus the L^2 regularisation also brings the associated weight map to 0. Concerning the learned fully connected weight maps, there are essentially as many types of maps than there are of filters, with a one-to-one mapping between a class of convolution filter and of weight map. The edge filters are associated with symmetric maps oriented along the edge filter's direction. We can classify these maps into two sub-categories. The first category groups the maps with large red circular arc blobs in the periphery, followed by a white circle in the middle, and with blue blobs close to the centre of the image. The other one groups the maps with large blue circular arc blobs in the periphery, followed by a white circle, red circular arc blobs close to the centre, and a small white disk in the centre. It is highly non trivial why these two categories exist as it is not so clear what they represent. Their presence is due to the existence of both polarities in the training data and are probably used together as a compensation mechanism of some sort. One may think that they measure the perimeter of the circle, by measuring it in the top right corner and bottom left corner for the map with C=1. Indeed, if the radius is large, then the positive outputs of the filter will mostly lie in either the top-right or bottom-left corner, depending on the polarity of the image, and they then will be multiplied by positive numbers suggesting pushing the radius estimation up. On the other hand, if the radius is small, the positive outputs of the filter lie much closer to the centre, and will be located on the blue weight blobs. This suggests that the linear map tries to take the value of the estimation down (negatively). Finally, if the radius is in the mid range, approximately 8 pixels, then the positive outputs of the filter will be superimposed with the white weights of the fully connected layer, suggesting that the network wants to estimate 0 for them. Thus, we could believe that the network is performing some kind of perimeter estimation by measuring the length of a quarter of the circle. The estimation is unbiased in the sense that 0 corresponds to the average radius on the training set, and that the final bias of the network corrects this. While we may convince ourselves with handwaiving that this is what is happening in the networks, at least with C∈{1,4}, it is not so obvious that it is really true. We insist that we do not entirely believe in this explanation, and this scepticism is reinforced by the analysis of what happens when using data with only one polarity, or when looking at the bad performance on the entire test set. The positive averaging filters are associated with dartboard-like maps. The corners are blue, and the circle never passes there, thus they contribute to a negative bias in the estimation. Likewise, since all circles have radii bigger than a small non-zero minimum, the centre of the dartboard contributes to a positive bias. Between the centre. It is not so clear as to how these channels refine the estimation via the edge filter channels in order to remove the intensity dependence and what their meaning is. Weight maps analysis - Network trained on positive polarity only As in the previous case, the weights do not seem completely random and converge to nice structures. While similar, these structures differ. Let us try to understand what these weights mean, without giving much focus on the biases for simplicity. As before, there are three kinds of learned convolution filters: the edge filters, the positive (red) averaging filters, and the negative (blue) averaging filters. We could also add a fourth category consisting in the approximately 0 filter, where each entry has absolute value or order of magnitude less than 10^-10. Once again, the edge filter is dominantly present, and is especially the chosen filter when the network is constrained to use only one filter. The edge filter could thus again be of primordial importance, with the averaging operators contributing only to refinements of the estimation. As previously, the edge orientations are not completely random inside each network. It seems that the 4 and 16 convolution networks chose a random edge orientation and sampled edge filters along this orientation and its orthogonal one, with small perturbations of the direction around them. This behaviour is similar to what happened in the previous case, and could once again be due to the fact that this sampling approach might be able to recover finer details than methods sampling along very different orientations. The positive averaging filters seem to be at least an order of magnitude smaller than those of the edge filters, and this difference also holds for their associated linear weights in the fully connected layer. This observation once again confirms that these filters are of lesser importance than the edge filters and will only contribute to a refinement of the estimation. As in the previous case, the negative averaging filters are of small importance due to their small magnitude and that of their associated weight maps. It is possible that they are dead neurons. The approximately 0 filters and their associated approximately 0 weight maps are most likely due to a dead neuron and then pushed to 0 by L^2 regularisation. Concerning the fully connected layers and its weights per convolution channel, each type of convolution filter is once again associated to a unique type of weight map. However, they fundamentally differ to what we had previously obtained when training on data with both polarities. The fully connected weight maps are no longer symmetric along the direction orthogonal to the edge orientation, but only along the direction of the edge. To describe them without confusion, we will focus on the case C=1. The bottom right part of the weight map resembles what we had previously obtained: a large outer blue arc, followed by a (thin) white circle and then a small red blob. This is only a similarity, not a perfect copy, as for instance the white circle is particularly thin here, whereas it was a thicker ring in the previous case, or the inner blob was sometimes an inner circle arc previously. However, the top left part completely differs to what we had previously obtained. First, the network learned to compute there only entries with very small absolute value compared to the large weights obtained in the bottom right part of the weight map. This suggests that the network is mostly focusing on what is occurring in the bottom right part of the image and that it uses the feature maps in the top left for a refinement of the estimation. Second, the top left part has a higher frequency “texture” than that of the lower right part. Indeed, there, when looking gradually from close to the centre of the weight map to its outer parts, we find first a small red ring, followed by a larger white ring, then a larger blue one, then a larger and thicker white one, and then the opposite alternation: a thin blue ring, followed by a thin white one, and finally a thin red one. Thus, we have twice the weight radial negative to positive “texture”, and it is inverted with respect to the mid radius. We do not fully understand the meaning of these weights and textures in the top-left corner. We conjecture as in the one-dimensional case that these oscillations may be due to quantisation and discretisation of the domain. The positive averaging filters are no longer necessarily associated with the mysterious dartboard-like maps. In one case we do find it to occur, but otherwise we see that the network simply attributed uniform positive small weights in the fully connected layer for these filters. Their meaning is not so clear, but they do not contribute much to the final estimation. We point out that here the weight maps of the fully connected layer associated to the negative averaging filters are dartboards (with small entries). Once again, we do not fully understand what this structure means and how it helps for the estimation. Viewing the estimation manifold Nevertheless, we can witness complex compensation mechanisms encouraging intensity invariance with the increase of the number of channels. In Figures <ref> and <ref>, we plot the evolution of the estimations when either the radius or the intensities are fixed. Clearly, increasing the number of channels helps to flatten the estimations, but it does not seem sufficient. In Figures <ref> and <ref>, we plot the same curves and surfaces but for each channel, essentially analysing the evolution in the input space of the contribution of each channel to the final estimation. While it is clear that some channels look uninformative, not all the rest has converged to a unique sloped of flat surface, with some channels having slopes contrary to intuition. These results illustrate the complexity of the multi-channel approach.
The role of the chromospheric magnetic canopy in the formation of a sunspot penumbra
[ "P. Lindner", "C. Kuckein", "S. J. González Manrique", "N. Bello González", "L. Kleint", "T. Berkefeld" ]
[ "astro-ph.SR" ]
The role of the chromospheric magnetic canopy in penumbra formation Lindner et al. Leibniz-Institut für Sonnenphysik (KIS), Schöneckstr. 6, 79104 Freiburg, Germany Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), Vía Láctea s/n, 38205 La Laguna Tenerife, Spain Departamento de Astrofísica, Universidad de La Laguna 38205, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain Astronomical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 05960 Tatranská Lomnica, Slovak Republic University of Geneva, CUI, 1227 Carouge, Switzerland Astronomical Institute, University of Bern, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern, Switzerland While it is being conjectured that a chromospheric canopy plays a role in penumbra formation, it has been difficult to find observational evidence of the connectivity between the photosphere and the chromosphere. We investigate the existence of a chromospheric canopy as a necessary condition for the formation of a penumbra and aim to find the origin of the inclined magnetic fields. Spectropolarimetric observations of NOAA AR 12776 from the GRIS@GREGOR instrument were analyzed. Atmospheric parameters were obtained from the deep photospheric Cai 10839  line (VFISV inversion code), the mostly photospheric Sii 10827  line (SIR inversion code) and the chromospheric Hei 10830  triplet (HAZEL inversion code). We compared the photospheric and chromospheric magnetic topology of a sunspot sector with a fully fledged penumbra to a sector where no penumbra formed. Additionally, imaging data from the BBI@GREGOR instrument in TiO-band and G-band were analyzed. In the deepest atmospheric layers, we find that the magnetic properties (inclination and field strength distribution) measured on the sunspot sector with fully fledged penumbra are similar to those measured on the sector without penumbra. Yet, in higher layers, magnetic properties are different. In the region showing no penumbra, almost vertical chromospheric magnetic fields are observed. Additionally, thin filamentary structures with a maximum width of 0.1 are seen in photospheric high-resolution TiO-band images in this region. The existence of a penumbra is found to be discriminated by the conditions in the chromosphere. This indicates that a chromospheric canopy is a necessary condition for the formation of a penumbra. However, our results demonstrate that inclined fields in the chromospheric canopy are not needed for the development of inclined fields in the photosphere. We question the `fallen-magnetic-flux-tubes' penumbra formation scenario and favor a scenario, in which inclined fields emerge from below the surface and are blocked by the overlying chromospheric canopy. The role of the chromospheric magnetic canopy in the formation of a sunspot penumbra P. Lindner 1 C. Kuckein 2,3 S.J. González Manrique 1,2,3,4 N. Bello González 1 L. Kleint 5,6 T. Berkefeld 1 March 30, 2023 ======================================================================================================================== § INTRODUCTION Sunspots consist of an inner part, the umbra, which harbors mostly vertical and strong magnetic fields with field strength values of up to several kilogauss, and an outer part, the penumbra, where magnetic fields are inclined and weaker, although values of more than 2000 can be observed <cit.>. In the penumbra, a filamentary structure is generally observed in the photosphere. The magnetic field vector alternates between being stronger and less inclined in the spines and being weaker and more inclined in the intraspines, as shown by spectropolarimetric observations <cit.>. This is in agreement with the model of the uncombed structure of the penumbra <cit.>, in which two separate magnetic components with different inclinations are interlaced in the penumbra. Stable sunspots have also been observed to possess, among others, the following spatially averaged properties: First, the outward directed Evershed flow <cit.> is observed in the penumbra. Azimuthally averaged, this flow is predominantly horizontal, with an up-flow component in the inner and a downflow component in the outer penumbra <cit.>. Second, a chromospheric canopy in the form of horizontal magnetic fields is observed above the penumbra of sunspots <cit.>, while the imprints of the spine and intraspine structure are seen up to at least the middle chromosphere <cit.>. Third, the so called inverse Evershed flow is observed in the chromosphere as radial in-flows (opposite to the outflowing photospheric Evershed flow) in the superpenumbra (the region above and beyond the photospheric penumbra). This has first been observed by <cit.> and more recently investigated by, for example, <cit.> and <cit.>. The formation of a penumbra, however, is still not well understood, mostly because high-resolution observations of forming penumbrae are still scarce. <cit.> and <cit.> presented a 4.5 imaging and spectropolarimetric data set from a sunspot developing a penumbra initially on the side facing away from the Active Region (AR) opposite polarity. On the side facing the AR opposite polarity, flux emergence was observed in the form of bipoles, that partially merged with the spot. <cit.> and <cit.> also recorded spectropolarimetric data of a developing penumbra, and showed that the penumbra can initially also form on the spot side facing the opposite polarity. Additionally, they also observed an annular zone around the spot in the photosphere, in which inclined fields were present before the penumbra forms. <cit.> showed proof that penumbra formation can start on both sides of a sunspot, based on Spaceweather HMI Active Region Patch (SHARP) data <cit.> from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) <cit.> onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) <cit.>. High-resolution spectropolarimetric data from the chromosphere during penumbra formation are still missing. In a literature search, we found that chromospheric fields during penumbra formation have, up to now, only been analyzed with high-resolution based on imaging or spectroscopic observations. Using Caii H images from SOT telescope <cit.> onboard the Hinode space observatory <cit.>, <cit.> observed an annular zone with reduced brightness in chromospheric images hours before the formation of penumbral filaments in the photosphere. This provided first observational evidence for a chromospheric canopy playing a major role during penumbra formation. A special case of penumbral structures in between two sunspots in the decaying phase was analyzed by <cit.>. Based on magnetic field information extrapolated from HMI data, the authors suggest that the penumbra formed only in the presence of an overlying canopy. Further evidence comes from numerical simulations, in which a sunspot develops a penumbra or not depending on the degree at which magnetic fields are forced to be inclined at the top of the simulation box <cit.>. Other simulations show that the inclined fields of the canopy can be formed by flux emergence <cit.> and, later on, influence penumbra formation. Concerning the interplay between photospheric and chromospheric magnetic fields during the formation of a penumbra around a sunspot, two scenarios have been competing over the last years: <cit.>, <cit.> and <cit.> suggest that inclined magnetic fields in the photosphere can be formed by the transfer of inclined field lines from the chromosphere down to the photosphere. This scenario is often referred to as the "falling field lines scenario". The authors used this mechanism to explain photospheric redshifts around the protospot prior to the penumbra formation and also to explain a slightly more horizontal field (80) compared to a normal penumbra (70) at the beginning of penumbra formation. The scenario goes back to the `fallen magnetic flux tubes' model by <cit.>. In a second scenario, flux emergence happens in the photosphere and the inclined field lines cannot continue rising because they are trapped by the overlying canopy fields in the chromosphere. This mechanism is based on a scenario proposed by <cit.> and was brought up again by <cit.>, who analyzed the formation of several penumbral features with both photospheric (Titanium Oxide band at 7057) and chromospheric (H-alpha) images. Penumbrae formed in regions that showed both flux emergence and chromospheric threads in H-alpha images, which are interpreted as parts of the chromospheric canopy. The formation of the penumbra was then accompanied by new chromospheric threads with a slightly different orientation, aligned with the photospheric penumbra. Together with the observed flux emergence, this was interpreted as penumbral magnetic fields emerging from below rather than falling from the chromospheric canopy. Another argument supporting this scenario are observations by <cit.>, who also showed that a penumbra can form in regions where flux emergence happened. <cit.> and <cit.> also ascribed similar formation mechanisms to orphan penumbrae. All of the observations favoring one or the other scenario, however, are missing spectropolarimetric data of both chromospheric and photospheric spectral lines and therefore information about the magnetic field vector. The new generation of solar instruments can provide such data, but the chances to observe a penumbra formation event are low. It has, therefore, still not been possible to discriminate between the different scenarios of penumbra formation. In this paper, we present spectropolarimetric observational data including both photospheric and chromospheric lines of a sunspot with a partial penumbra. We conclude that our results favor the second penumbra formation scenario in which inclined fields emerge from deep layers and are blocked from further rising by a chromospheric canopy. § DATA AND CALIBRATION Observations were conducted with the GREGOR telescope <cit.>, during a Science Verification Phase that followed a complete redesign of the GREGOR optics laboratory <cit.>. The target was a sunspot with the NOAA AR number 12776 showing a partial penumbra. During our observations, the AR was located south-east from solar disk center with a μ value (cosine of the heliocentric angle) of 0.639. An image with the full field of view (FOV) obtained with the GREGOR Broad Band Imager (BBI) is shown in Fig. <ref>. In this work, we are showing data from 2020-10-16 between 08:12 UT and 09:08 UT. Until approximately 08:50 UT, the seeing conditions were stable with an average Fried parameter r_0 of 9.1. After that, seeing conditions started to deteriorate. §.§ Imaging data Images were recorded using an adaptation of the BBI instrument <cit.>. The two Andor Zyla cameras were equipped with a G-band filter and an optimized titanium monoxide (TiO-band) filter centered at the TiO molecular band at 7057. Observing in these molecular bands has proven to be successful for high-contrast imaging of the solar photosphere and sunspots <cit.>. The cameras have 2560 x 2160 pixels and were set up with a pixel scale of 0.023 arcseconds per pixel. The telescope diffraction limit λ/D is 0.10 for the TiO-band wavelength and 0.06 for G-band. Exposure times were 1.2 for the TiO-band images and 3.0 and 2.5 for the G-band images. The BBI data were calibrated with a standard pipeline, including a dark image correction and a flat field correction. The images were then reconstructed using the KISIP speckle code <cit.>, however, without taking into account the central obscuration of GREGOR, leading to small variations in contrast from the ground truth. After the reconstruction, a Butterworth filter was applied to all images to remove a pattern of vertical stripes arising from the camera. Finally, the G-band images were aligned to the respective temporally closest TiO-band image using a translational shift. §.§ GRIS spectropolarimetric data Spectropolarimetric data were obtained with the GRegor Infrared Spectrograph <cit.>. Three scans were performed with 180 scan positions for each map. A step size of 0.135 was chosen, so that the resulting slit-reconstructed maps have the same image scale in x and y direction. The first and, partially, the second scan were acquired under good seeing conditions and the third scan with only mediocre seeing conditions. The exposure time was 100 with 10 accumulations, leading to one scan taking roughly 18. The spectral range was chosen to be around the Hei 10830  triplet. In addition to this helium triplet, the spectral window included the Sii 10827  and the Cai 10839  line. GRIS level1 data were created using the gris_v8 pipeline by M. Collados (IAC, private communication). This version corrects for a sub-pixel misalignment between the two beams. A slit-reconstructed continuum map of the first GRIS scan, cropped around the sunspot, is shown in Fig. <ref>. An absolute wavelength calibration was carried out taking into account Earth's orbital motion, solar and terrestrial rotation, as well as the gravity redshift <cit.>, using telluric lines observed simultaneously within the spectral window. §.§ HMI data We utilized the “sharp_cea” HMI data series <cit.> that has a cadence of 720 seconds and offers de-projected atmospheric data. HMI data has a spatial resolution of 1 <cit.>. Data access and handling was done using the SunPy open source software package <cit.>. § INVERSIONS The slit-reconstructed GRIS maps include spectropolarimetric data. Inversion tools can be applied to obtain atmospheric parameters from the full-Stokes spectra. Due to the larger infrared wavelength, both the spatial resolution and the contrast is lower in the GRIS maps than in the BBI imaging data. The pixel size is 0.135, so the thin bright filaments (TBFs) characterized in Section <ref> based on the BBI imaging data are not resolved. Inversions were carried out to investigate why no penumbra formed in the eastern part of the sunspot and to characterize the atmospheric surroundings, in which the TBFs formed. Depending on the line formation characteristics, three different inversion codes were used: (1) The computationally fast VFISV inversion code for the deep photospheric CaI 10839  line, (2) the SIR code for the (mostly) photospheric Sii 10827  line to obtain height dependent information, and (3) the HAZEL inversion code for the chromospheric HeI 10830  triplet, which takes Zeeman and Hanle effects into account. Each line was inverted with a separate model atmosphere. This allowed us to do a velocity calibration based on the resulting inversion maps separately for each line (see Sect. <ref>). Figure <ref> shows fitted spectra of one example pixel at [23, 23.5]. These coordinates refer to BBI full FOV coordinates as shown, for example, in Fig. <ref>). §.§ VFISV inversions The Cai 10839  line is a magnetically sensitive line (g_ eff = 1.5) that forms in the deep photosphere. <cit.> obtained a mean formation height of 64. As it has a narrow formation height and forms in the deep photosphere, we used the computationally fast Milne-Eddington inversion code VFISV <cit.> to obtain atmospheric parameter by making use of the GRISinv[https://gitlab.leibniz-kis.de/sdc/gris/grisinv] tool by Vigeesh et al. (KIS) optimised for VFISV inversions of GRIS data. §.§ SIR inversions The SiI 10827  line is sensitive to atmospheric parameters in the upper photosphere. While the wings are formed under local thermodynamical equilibrium (LTE), only the central core shows effects of non-LTE formation mechanisms <cit.>. However, as shown by, for example, <cit.> and <cit.>, depth-dependent inversions can still be used to obtain atmospheric parameters under the LTE assumption, neglecting the smallest optical depths, to which the line core are sensitive to. The spectropolarimetric data of the SiI 10827  line from the GRIS instrument was inverted with the SIR inversion code <cit.>. A python-based wrapper written by Ricardo Gafeira[https://gitlab.com/gafeira/parallel_desire_sir_rh] was used to initialize the inversion and to run it in parallel on multiple CPUs. Each pixel was inverted eight times with different initial-model atmospheres. After these eight runs, the one with the lowest χ ^2 value (describing the squared difference between the observed spectral profile and the inversion fit) was chosen for each pixel. For each individual run, we used three cycles with (2, 3, 4) nodes in temperature, (1, 2, 2) nodes in the magnetic field strength, (1, 2, 3) nodes in the velocity, (1, 2, 2) nodes in the inclination angle of the magnetic field, and (1, 1, 1) node in the azimuth angle of the magnetic field. The built-in spatial straylight correction method from SIR was used with a quiet sun profile obtained from averaging over a quiet region on the western side of the FOV and an α value (setting the assumed relative amount of straylight) of 0.1. §.§ HAZEL inversions In order to obtain atmospheric parameters of the chromosphere, the HeI 10830  triplet (observed with GRIS) was analyzed. Single-atmospheric-component inversions of the Stokes profiles were performed with the HAZEL inversion code <cit.>, assuming magnetic field parameters and the velocity to be constant in height within the slab. The HAZEL code takes Zeeman and Hanle effects into account. We used three cycles, of which the first one was only used to obtain the optical depth and the velocity from Stokes-I. In the second and third cycle, polarimetric spectra were added and the magnetic field vector was obtained. We included weights for Stokes-Q and Stokes-U twice the weight of Stokes-V. A straylight correction was performed in the same way as for the SIR inversion (see Sect. <ref>). Using this inversion setup, the inversion code produced good fits to the Stokes profiles for most of the pixels. However, in a specific region in which the circular polarization signal was low and the linear polarization signal was high, we were not able to find an inversion setup that produced good fits for all Stokes parameters at the same time. We do not have a clear explanation for this behavior, but have found similar problems in other publications: For example, it is possible that the Stokes-V signal forms in a different atmospheric height than Stokes-Q and Stokes-U, as suggested by <cit.>, or there may be 3D effects affecting the local anisotropy. <cit.> showed that a two-component inversion may be required. The authors also showed, however, that this introduces a strong degeneracy of the solutions which made it impossible to infer atmospheric parameters. For this work, we decided to identify the problematic pixels and exclude them from our analysis of the magnetic field. Our best inversion run produced good fits for Stokes-I for the full FOV and good fits for Stokes-Q, Stokes-U and Stokes-V outside the problematic region. In the problematic region, the inversion fit deviated strongly from the observed spectra. We were able to identify the problematic pixels based on a χ^2 value, that only takes the difference between the fit spectrum and the observed spectrum for linear polarization into account: χ_lin^2 = 1/N(∑_λ (Q_obs(λ) - Q_fit(λ))^2 + (U_obs(λ) - U_fit(λ))^2 ) where N stands for the number of wavelength points. For all pixels with a χ_lin^2 value above 1.1 · 10^-5, the respective pixels were masked out in the magnetic field vector maps. We manually verified that the remaining pixels indeed show a proper fit and can therefore be used for an analysis of the magnetic field. Maps showing the velocity and the magnetic field strength over the full GRIS FOV are shown in Fig. <ref>. The masked pixels are shown in white on the magnetic field strength map. Additionally, for each pixel, the line depression of the red component of the helium triplet is calculated by searching the intensity minimum of the helium line and subtracting the continuum value of the respective pixel. This map is also shown in Fig. <ref>. §.§ Azimuthal disambiguation The 180 ambiguity of the azimuth angle of the magnetic field was resolved using the GRAZAM tool, which will be described in more detail in a future publication by <cit.>. This tool automatically processes the inversion maps (e.g. correcting the orientation of the maps, etc.) and writes the input data for the AZAM code <cit.>, which includes tools to manually edit azimuth maps with the computer mouse. Initially, a radially symmetric distribution of the magnetic field, centered in the sunspot umbra, was assumed. The remaining discontinuities in the maps were resolved by hand. This procedure was carried out separately for the VFISV map, the HAZEL map, and the SIR maps at different optical depths. On the disk center side of the sunspot (top right in the image plane), the magnetic field is parallel to the line-of-sight (LOS) in some pixels of the penumbra. Linear polarization signals are, therefore, small and the azimuth angle cannot be estimated well during the inversions. This uncertainty propagates through the transformation from the LOS reference to the local-reference-frame (LRF) and makes the disambiguation difficult in this region. In the inclination map in Fig. <ref> from the VFISV inversion, a spurious discontinuity (sharp jump from dark blue to green-yellow) is visible in the top right of the image. These discontinuity lines are also present in HMI data (not shown here). §.§ Velocity calibration Although we used a carefully inferred absolute wavelength array (see Sect. <ref>) as an input for the inversions, the velocity maps resulting from both the SIR and the VFISV inversions, initially showed an offset: The average over quiet sun pixels did not match the convective blueshift which is expected for a solar μ value (cosine of the heliocentric angle) of 0.639, at which the sunspot was observed. We corrected the velocity offset by adding a constant value to the inversion maps for all logτ values from the SIR results and for the one map of the VFISV result. This velocity value was chosen such that the quiet sun average velocity matches the reference value v_ref that was measured with highest accuracy for several solar lines by <cit.>. As they did not measure the SiI 10827  line, we have chosen the FeI 5434  as a reference. This line has a formation height of 550 <cit.>, which is similar to the formation height of the SiI 10827  line core <cit.>. For the spectral resolution of 100 000 and a heliocentric position μ = 0.6, a convective blueshift v_ref = -6 / is given by <cit.>. We have chosen our constant such, that the velocity map at logτ = -2.7 matches this value, which corresponds to the height where the maximum of the velocity response function is located in the quiet sun for this line <cit.>. For the less frequently studied CaI 10839  line, <cit.> obtained a mean formation height of 64. <cit.> did not measure a line that matches this value, but the CI 5381  and the FeII 6149  lines with formation heights of 40 and 130 (blue shift values of -821/ and -404/ , respectively), are close. We interpolated and used the value v_ref = -710 / for the CaI 10839  line. After applying our correction, the average velocities in the umbra were below 100/ at logτ = -2.0 for the SIR inversions of the SiI 10827  line and below 50/ for the VFISV inversions of the photospheric CaI 10839  line. This is in line with the expectation of significantly suppressed convection in the photospheric umbra <cit.> and we therefore regard our correction as consistent and successful. § ANALYSIS AND RESULTS §.§ Long-term flux evolution We analyzed the evolution of the sunspot from 2020-10-15 to 2020-10-18 with HMI data. As shown in the continuum maps in Fig. <ref>, the sunspot formed at the beginning of this time range. On its western (right) side, the penumbra remained stable after the formation. On its eastern side, small pores or parts of the umbra kept changing shape, but no stable penumbra formed. Additional data from multiple days later (shown below the horizontal line in Fig. <ref>) yielded that, from 2020-10-20 (four days after our observations) onward, the sunspot had a penumbra that almost surrounded the whole umbra, but still left a small gap on the eastern side. In order to assess how much flux emergence is taking place around the sunspot during our observations, we calculated the temporal evolution of the magnetic flux from 24 before to 24 after our ground-based observations. We chose a rectangular FOV that covered the whole spot and its magnetic surroundings for this time interval. The absolute value of negative and positive fluxes were calculated separately by multiplying the value of the vertical component of the magnetic field with the area corresponding to one pixel and summing over all pixels with a negative or positive value. This is shown in Fig. <ref>, with the positive and negative flux curves shifted in y-direction such that they start from zero. In addition, we made a simple estimation of the spot size by calculating the area that is covered by a contour in the HMI continuum image at an intensity value of 0.9. We selected the largest contour in our chosen FOV and manually verified that this contour indeed surrounded the sunspot. The evolution of the spot size is also shown in Fig. <ref> the right-hand-side ordinate. As shown in Fig. <ref>, both the spot size and the negative flux increased until the early morning of 2021-10-16. Afterwards, both quantities reached a plateau. The amount of positive flux was lower than the negative flux and also showed no strong dynamics. The spot itself had a negative polarity. §.§ Morphological characterization of thin bright filaments In our GREGOR observations, no penumbra was visible on the left (East) side of the sunspot. The BBI images reveal that granulation was present with some of the granules being slightly elongated. In addition, on the same side, thin bright filaments (hereinafter referred to as TBFs) were seen that are mostly orientated east-west, that is, radially outward from the umbra. They are remarkably straight, almost no curvature is observed, and they seem to span multiple granules in some cases. This can be seen in the time series shown in Fig. <ref>. These TBFs can be clearly recognized and create the visual impression of forming separately from the granulation. Although they are also recognizable in the G-band images, they are better seen in TiO-band. Fig. <ref> shows an example of a TBF in G-band and TiO-band with a ruler that shows a length value in arcseconds. Based on a visual inspection of the TiO-band images, 9 TBFs were identified, that clearly stood out from the granulation. Images of all of those TBFs can be found in Appendix <ref>. Their width, length, and lifetimes were estimated manually and the following numbers were obtained: * Length: between 0.8 and 2.2 (average 1.4) * Width: seen as roughly 0.1. This is at the telescope diffraction limit λ/D of 0.10 for TiO-band. * Lifetime: between 2 and 10 (average 4) In many cases, it was not possible to unambiguously identify the time step, at which a TBF forms or decays. Similarly, the determination of the length includes a subjective choice of the endpoints of the TBF. Therefore, these numbers can serve as an orientation, but not as a highly accurate reference. Other characteristics we noticed are: * No inner structures is seen within the TBFs at this resolution. * The TBFs appear as a single entity and do not exist in bundles. * In 5 of the 9 events, a bright point-like feature is forming or moving close to one end of the filament. They resemble penumbral grains. In 4 out of these 5 cases, the bright point was located at the eastern end of the TBF and moved towards east (away from the umbra). The bright point-like features were better visible in the TiO-band images than in the G-band images. * The maximum brightness values (in TiO-band) inside the TBFs varies between 1.0 and 1.4 (average: 1.17) of the average quiet sun value. * TBFs were observed only on 2020-10-16. In imaging data from 2020-10-17 (also available, but not shown in this work), no TBFs were unambiguously identified. Only one bright elongated feature with a length of less than 1 was observed on that date, that could also be part of an abnormal granulation. In a literature search, we found publications where structures similar to the TBFs can be seen in the FOV of solar images <cit.> and even in simulations <cit.>. They are, however, not discussed by the authors. Only the report by <cit.> describes a `small scale filamentary flux emergence' event seen in TiO-band images which, in one image of a time sequence, looks similar to the TBFs described here. The length is stated to be approximately 1 and it also had a bright dot appearing on one end. Close to this structure, a patch of horizontal magnetic field is observed in co-aligned HMI data. In the later stage of development, a bundle of multiple filaments appear in this location. Such bundles have also been observed by others <cit.>, but are usually confined to (sometimes abnormal) granules. The TBFs in our case however, never appeared in bundles and were not confined to granular structures. §.§ Magnetic topology throughout the atmosphere Using the inversion results from VFISV, SIR and HAZEL, the topology of the magnetic field vector and the LOS velocity can be analyzed not only in two dimensions, but also with respect to the atmospheric height. In Fig. <ref>, cropped maps of the LOS velocity, the magnetic field strength and its inclination angle in the LRF of all three inversion codes are shown. For the depth-dependent model from the SIR inversions, maps at optical depths of logτ = (-1.5, -2.0, -2.5) are shown. In the magnetic field parameter maps from the HAZEL inversion, the white pixels are neglected, as described in Sect. <ref>. As expected, all maps show that the magnetic field is mostly vertical to the solar surface in the umbra, together with high values of the magnetic field strength. In the deepest atmospheric layer (VFISV maps), the field strength values are the highest with umbral values of more than 2000, which is in line with previous observations <cit.>. In the penumbra, the well-known filamentary pattern in field strength and inclination maps is seen clearly in the VFISV maps. In the SIR maps, this pattern is weaker and fades towards higher layers. It is remarkable, however, that filamentary structures are also present on the eastern side (in and around region A) of the sunspot, where no penumbra is seen in continuum, TiO-band, and G-band images. Like the penumbra on the western side (in and around region B), which shows a classical spine and instraspine pattern, the eastern side (region A) also shows elongated structures of inclined magnetic fields and low field strength alternating with elongated structures of more vertical fields and high field strength values. The filamentation on both sides of the umbra is best visible in the deep photospheric inclination and field strength maps from VFISV. Without the knowledge of the continuum image, it would be difficult to tell whether a penumbra is present in and around region A or not. A quantitative comparison between the magnetic field properties of region A and region B follows in Sect. <ref>. The similarities between the eastern and the western side seem to be most prominent in lower layers. In the chromospheric HAZEL inversion maps, a clear difference between the eastern and the western region can be seen by a visual inspection of the cropped maps shown in Fig. <ref>. The magnetic field strength is higher on the eastern side of the sunspot and the field is more vertically directed than on the western side. The field strength in the eastern side is also higher than in the umbral part of the spot. Interestingly, the region with high field strength values and almost vertically directed fields is at the location where the dark structure seen in the line depression map meets the umbral contour (Fig. <ref>). In the maps showing the full FOV in Fig. <ref>, one can see that the dark structure in the line depression map covers a large region at the north-eastern side of the FOV. It probably extends beyond the FOV, towards the direction of the opposite polarity of the AR. After spatially co-aligning the BBI images with the inversion maps from the GRIS data, we were able to draw contours of a TBF (observed in TiO-band, see Sect. <ref>) onto the GRIS inversion maps. For one of those TBFs, the GRIS slit was at the location of the TBF during the time it was visible. This was the case at 08:21 UT, that is, during the first GRIS scan. This map will be analyzed in the following subsections. The contour of this TBF is shown in magenta in Fig. <ref>. The positions of all other TBFs is shown as orange dotted lines in the GRIS continuum map to keep the visibility. The other TBFs, however, mostly appear at a different time than the time for which the TiO-band image is shown in Fig. <ref>. Therefore, not all of them are visible on the upper left image obtained with the TiO-band filter. Green contours between umbra and penumbra in Fig. <ref> represent contours produced from TiO-band images and brown contours represent contours produced from GRIS slit-reconstructed continuum intensity maps. §.§ Comparison between the penumbral region and the region with TBFs In this section, we investigate whether the visually apparent similarity between the deep photospheric magnetic topology on the western side of the sunspot (with penumbra) and on the eastern side of the sunspot (without penumbra) is reflected in the result of a quantitative analysis or not. We chose two rectangular regions of interest with equal height and width on either side of the sunspot. They are depicted with dashed boxes A and B in Fig. <ref>. The widths were chosen such that the full penumbra is covered in box B, while the left-right locations were chosen such that they both border on the umbra on the spot-facing side. The heights and the up-down location of the boxes are also the same and were chosen such that a) no dark umbral-like structure at the bottom of region A is included, and b) the spurious line of discontinuity (see Sect. <ref>) in the VFISV inclination map above region B is excluded. In Fig. <ref>, the magnetic field strength and inclination of all pixels in region A and region B are shown in scatter plots. This was done separately for the VFISV inversion map showing the deep photosphere and for several maps from the SIR inversion at different optical depth values. The scatter plots were produced from maps without an alignment of the GRIS to the BBI data to avoid spatial interpolations between pixels. The number of pixels inside the boxes was 750. In addition, the average inclination and field strength of the pixels inside the regions is given in Table <ref>, together with the respective standard deviations. All of the distributions follow a trend of high inclination values (more horizontal fields) being associated with low field strength values and vice versa. In a standard penumbra, this behavior would be expected from the spine (low inclination, high field strength) and intraspine (high inclination, low field strength) structure. In the deepest atmospheric layer (VFISV inversion map), the distributions from region A (in orange) and region B (in blue) largely overlap. This is also visible from the overlap of the areas corresponding to the standard deviation around a linear fit of distribution A and B. In addition, the average inclination value from region A and region B (depicted by vertical lines) differ only by 0.5. Interestingly, this behavior changes in higher atmospheric layers: In the scatter plots from the SIR maps at atmospheric height logτ = -1.5, the population from region A is clearly separated from the population of region B. The average inclination value differs by 10.5. When going to higher layers at logτ = -2.0 and logτ = -2.5, the differences become greater (12.3 and 14.2, respectively) and the shaded areas from the linear fits and their standard deviations do not overlap anymore. In summary, the magnetic topology of region A is similar to the one of region B in low atmospheric heights and becomes increasingly different towards higher layers. As the abundance of inclined magnetic fields in the deep photosphere of region A (without penumbra) is unexpected, we checked whether these inclined fields persists or exists only for a short time. The spatial average of the inclination from the VFISV maps was calculated in region A also for the second and third GRIS scan, which were partially recorded under worse seeing conditions. The values 44.9 and 43.3 were obtained, which are close to the value 44.6 of the first GRIS scan. The inclined fields therefore exist for a minimum of approximately one hour. In addition, we note that in the scatter plot of the deep photospheric VFISV inversions, only region B shows a `tail' of pixels with low field strength and high inclination (close to horizontal field). Studying the inversion map from Fig. <ref>, we identify this tail with pixels at the outer penumbral boundary (see also the following Sect. <ref>, point 2). The magnetic field vector maps from the HAZEL inversion of the HeI 10830  triplet allow for an analysis of the magnetic field in the high chromosphere, to which the other two lines are not sensitive to. As described in Sect. <ref>, some pixels had to be excluded from the analysis, which are located mostly on the East side of the sunspot. Region B was not affected, but in region A, 290 of the 750 pixels (39) had to be masked out. This limits the significance of our analysis, but we nevertheless analyzed the scatter plot shown in Fig. <ref>. In region B, the distribution is generally more widespread than in the case of the VFISV and the SIR results. In region A, the distribution is more narrow than in region B. There is no overlap of the shaded areas corresponding to the standard deviation around the linear fits. In region A, the number of data points is reduced by 39, but it is still remarkable that there are almost no pixels of region B in the low-inclination and high-field-strength regime of the plot. The average inclination values of region A is 24 and that of region B is 68. The average magnetic field strength are 1197 and 526 for region A and region B, respectively. We tested whether the reduction of the number of pixels in region A influenced the scatter plot analysis by artificially reducing the pixel number also in region B. The pixel mask of region A was flipped horizontally and then applied to region B. This ensured that the same symmetry with respect to the umbra is given. The shape of the resulting test distribution qualitatively stayed the same and the average inclination and field strength values changed by less than 5 and 50, respectively. Even in the imaginary and physically meaningless case of all excluded pixels having a fully horizontal field (inclination of 90) and zero field strength, the average inclination would be 50 and would, therefore, still be lower than the average of region B. The magnetic field strength of this imaginary case would be 734 for region A, which would also still be higher than the average field strength in region B. The HAZEL inversion results of the high chromosphere therefore also show that the magnetic field is more vertical in region A than in region B. In addition, magnetic field strength values are higher in region A than in region B. We also note that the line depression map (Fig. <ref>) shows that region A is covered by a darkening, while region B is not. §.§ Velocity field In the LOS velocity maps of the deep photospheric VFISV inversions (Fig. <ref>), the penumbra on the right side of the image is mostly blueshifted. As the disk center direction is pointing towards the top right of the images and the observations were done at a heliocentric angle of 55, this corresponds to a horizontal flow direction towards the top-right, an up-flow, or a combination of both. The flow on the right side of the sunspot is therefore consistent with the standard outward-directed photospheric Evershed flow. On the left side of the sunspot (in and around region A), large patches of redshifts are present which cover the entire TBF (magenta contour), but also smaller patches of blueshifts. The predominant redshifts have smaller magnitude than the blueshifts in and around region B, but could also represent outward-directed flows. A comparison to the inclination map shows that the red velocity patches mostly correspond to regions with more horizontal fields. Close to the umbral boundary, a band of small blueshifts is present. Also the velocity pattern in and around region A is therefore, in principle, compatible with an outward-directed Evershed flow, including up-flows close to the umbra <cit.>. A discussion whether these flows represent an Evershed flow follows in Sect. <ref>. We also note that the blueshifts in and close to region A are mostly confined to bright features seen in the TiO-band image. In the higher atmospheric layers shown by the maps of the SIR inversions at logτ = -2.0, redshifts are predominant in the penumbra in and around region B, which is consistent with the start of the in-flows in the superpenumbra. In and around region A, both blueshifts and redshifts are present. The velocity maps from the HAZEL inversion show large-scale structures, as shown in Fig. <ref>: Outside the dark region seen in the helium line depression map, blueshifts are predominant on the East side and redshifts are predominant on the West side. This would also be consistent with the in-flow in the superpenumbra. Inside the dark region seen in the helium line depression map, both blueshifts and redshifts are present and the structure seem to be more complex. §.§ Atmospheric parameters at the TBF As described in Sect. <ref>, one contour of one TBF (seen in the TiO-band images) can be co-temporally analyzed in the GRIS inversion results shown in Fig. <ref>. The contour covers 447 pixels in the BBI images and therefore also in the co-aligned and interpolated inversion maps. This corresponds to roughly 13 pixels in maps with the original GRIS pixel size (see image scales of the instruments in Sect. <ref>). Although the TBF is located in the region in which filamentation is seen in the VFISV maps and the filamentation is parallel to the TBFs, we cannot unambiguously connect the TBF to one specific filament in the magnetograms. However, all TBFs that we identified were located in the region showing filamentation in inversion maps (in and around region A) and the orientations of TBFs and the filaments in the inversion maps were mostly parallel (see orange dotted lines in Fig. <ref>). In order to further characterize the TBFs, we calculated average atmospheric parameters within the magenta contour outlining the TBF in Fig. <ref>. The resulting numbers for the inclination and the field strength of the magnetic field, the velocity and the temperature are shown in Table <ref>. These averages were not calculated for the chromospheric results from the HAZEL inversions because we clearly relate the observed TBFs to photospheric structures. The average values for the magnetic field parameters can also be read from the position of the magenta crosses in Fig. <ref>. The crosses are located within the standard deviation band of the respective contributions, but towards the bottom right end of the distribution (more horizontal field and low field strength). This is also where the intraspine pixels of a penumbra would be located. In the deep photospheric VFISV velocity maps, redshifts are visible for the entire extent of the TBF, while the SIR velocity from logτ = -2.5 mostly shows blueshifts. We emphasize that the GRIS data do not resolve the TBFs and therefore can only describe the atmospheric surroundings. Especially, field strengths, inclinations and temperatures inside the TBFs can be higher than the values retrieved from the GRIS inversions. § DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION We present observations of a sunspot that developed a penumbra, except in the region in which the chromospheric magnetic field shows high field strength values and is close to vertically directed, which we interpret as a chromospheric disturbance. We find that: * In intensity, no penumbral filaments are seen on the eastern side of the sunspot (region A) for both high (BBI) and lower (GRIS) spatial resolution data. High-resolution images, however, show very thin bright filaments. We surmise that they are highly inclined magnetic flux tubes that are emerging. This is supported by the GRIS inversion results: They show that for the one examined TBF, the inclination and field strength are similar to those in the intraspines of a penumbra. HMI data show no significant sign of net flux emergence, but flux re-shuffling is still possible. Flux can emerge in one location and get advected by overturning convection in a different location <cit.>. In addition, the spatial resolution of 1 limits the possibilities to observe smaller structures with HMI data. * In region A, the magnetic field parameters in deep photospheric layers reveal a magnetic topology that is similar to the classical penumbral structure seen on the opposite side of the spot (region B): The analysis of the top left scatter plot in Fig. <ref> shows an overlap between the population of region A and the population of region B. In addition, the average inclination values of the two regions are almost identical, which shows that inclined magnetic fields are equally abundant. A visual inspection of the magnetic maps also show a spine and intraspine-like pattern on both sides. One difference between the regions, visible from the top left scatter plot in Fig. <ref>, is that region B shows a `tail' of pixels with low field strength and high inclination values, which corresponds to pixels at the outer edge of the penumbra. Such highly inclined magnetic fields at the outer penumbral boundary have already been observed for stable penumbrae <cit.>. Intensity images clearly show that there are no penumbral filaments, but only TBFs in region A. From the deep photospheric magnetic and velocity maps and without looking at intensity images, one would expect a penumbra to be present. This is not the case. Thus, with this data set, we are showing that it is not possible to reliably tell whether a penumbra is present by looking at the magnetic topology in the deep photospheric layers alone. This is a surprising finding that, to our knowledge, has not been reported before. * The flow pattern in the deep photosphere would fit to an Evershed flow in region A. It is not possible to disentangle between out-flows and up-flows at this heliocentric angle, but since the magnetic field is inclined in this region, a flow with a significant horizontal component is most likely present. An alternative scenario for the dynamics observed in region A would be an inflow-outflow pattern similar to that reported by <cit.> preceding penumbra formation. * Towards higher layers (SIR and HAZEL inversions), the scatter plots in Fig. <ref> and Fig. <ref> show differences between region A and region B, that increase with atmospheric height. Magnetic fields still have similar field strengths in the SIR inversions, but in region A, fields are more vertical than they are in region B. The almost vertical fields in the high chromosphere (average inclination value of 24) of region A are in contrast to what one would expect from a classical chromospheric canopy: <cit.> reported values between 40 and 80, which is in line with the average value of 68 we measured in region B showing a regular penumbra. The magnetic field strength values in the high chromosphere are also higher in region A (1197) than in region B (526). We interpret the strong vertical field in region A as a disturbance of the chromospheric canopy. This disturbance is also seen in the velocity maps and in helium line depression maps: Between the photosphere and the chromosphere (SIR and HAZEL inversion results), Fig. <ref> shows a transition from the photospheric Evershed flow (outward-directed) to a superpenumbral inverse Evershed flow (inward-directed). Fig. <ref> shows, however that the chromospheric inverse Evershed flow is disturbed in the region covered by the dark patch seen in the helium line depression map (eastern side of the FOV). In the remaining region of the sunspot, the inverse Evershed flow is seen as an in-flow pattern, like in other observations <cit.>. The dark patch seen in the helium line depression map could represent magnetic loops that connect to the opposite polarity of the AR. This hypothesis is supported by the almost vertically directed (inclination: 24) chromospheric magnetic fields: The magnetic fields are steep enough to represent footpoints of a loop extending over a large distance. The sunspot we observed developed a penumbra except on the side where the chromospheric canopy is disturbed, although the “photospheric ingredient” for penumbra formation (deep photospheric magnetic fields of penumbra-like topology) are present on both sides. This suggests that an undisturbed chromospheric canopy is needed for the formation of a penumbra. This is, to our knowledge, the first evidence of the connectivity between the photosphere and chromosphere playing a role in penumbra formation based on spectropolarimetric data from both the photosphere and the chromosphere. We note that four days after our observations, HMI data (see Fig. <ref>) shows that a penumbra has developed in a large, but not the full part of the region that showed a chromospheric disturbance in our data. We cannot tell whether the chromospheric disturbance is still present or not four days after our observations. We therefore restrict our finding only to the first days of penumbra formation. The sunspot structure we describe in this work is partially similar to the sunspot structure analysed by <cit.>, in which a penumbra formed on the side of a spot facing the opposite polarity, where small magnetic elements are appearing and disappearing again. The crucial difference, however, is that in their case, the canopy was not interrupted and a penumbra could form. We also compare our observations to the observations reported by <cit.>, where a partial penumbra formed on the side of a pore in which magnetic field extrapolations based on HMI data show a canopy-like structure. The main difference to the present work is that in our case, inclined photospheric fields are present also in the region where no penumbra formed. The lack of horizontal flux can therefore be excluded as a reason for the penumbra not to form. Our results also have implications on the discussion of different penumbra formation scenarios: We demonstrate that no inclined chromospheric fields are needed for the stable (for a minimum of one hour) development of inclined photospheric fields: In region A, showing no penumbra, but TBFs, spatial averages of roughly 45 have been determined with suitable field strength (1111) in the deep photosphere (see Sect. <ref>), which is similar to the average values measured in the penumbral region B. The HAZEL inversions show that in this region A, the high chromospheric magnetic fields are close to vertical with a spatial average of 24. We therefore assume that the photospheric inclined fields origin from below the solar surface, questioning the penumbra formation scenario in which inclined field lines fall from the chromosphere onto the photosphere <cit.>. Our results instead support the bottom-up scenario of <cit.>, <cit.>, <cit.>, <cit.> and <cit.>. We propose the following scenario for this sunspot and refer to Fig. <ref> for a sketch: Inclined fields in the penumbral chromospheric canopy of region B (blue-dashed lines) block the underlying horizontally aligned photospheric field lines from further rising into higher layers and a stable penumbra establishes. The intraspines of the penumbra are shown as solid black lines in the gray penumbral region in Fig. <ref>. In region A, however, the canopy is disrupted, magnetic fields are more vertical (orange-dashed lines) and the horizontal field lines appearing in deep photospheric layers cannot be prevented from further rising. No penumbra can form. We identify the TBFs as examples of such flux ropes (shown as black lines in Fig. <ref>) that would form the penumbra if a canopy with inclined magnetic fields was present above. If this is not the case, the flux ropes dissolve in the measured lifetime of roughly 4 or rise to higher layers instead of becoming part of a stable penumbra. This decaying process is represented in Fig. <ref> as some black lines being shown as dotted lines. The assumption that a rising magnetic flux tube is blocked by an overlying chromospheric magnetic field can be explained in ideal MHD: At the lower boundary of a horizontally aligned chromospheric canopy, the locally increasing background field exerts an expelling force on the rising flux <cit.>. In case the background field is close to vertical, one expects the background field to decrease with height. This would result in an upward pointing force further supporting the rise of a magnetic flux tube. The exact nature of the chromospheric disturbance is still an open question, partially also because it extends beyond our FOV. More data, especially of the chromosphere, would be needed to further characterize such disturbances and investigate whether they are always connected to a missing penumbra or not. The 1.5-meter GREGOR solar telescope was built by a German consortium under the leadership of the Leibniz-Institute for Solar Physics (KIS) in Freiburg with the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam, the Institute for Astrophysics Göttingen, and the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Göttingen as partners, and with contributions by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias and the Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The redesign of the GREGOR AO and instrument distribution optics was carried out by KIS whose technical staff is gratefully acknowledged. The GRIS instrument was developed thanks to the support by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the project AYA2010-18029 (Solar Magnetism and Astrophysical Spectropolarimetry). SJGM is grateful for the support of the European ResearchCouncil through the grant ERC- 2017-CoG771310-PI2FA, the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MCIU) through the grant PGC2018- 095832-B-I00, and by the project VEGA 2/0048/20. LK is supported by a SNSF PRIMA grant. CK acknowledges funding received from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 895955. This research used version 1.1.3 of the SunPy open source software package <cit.>. We thank Rolf Schlichenmaier for creating a first version of the reconstructed BBI data using the KISIP code which led to the identification of the thin bright filaments investigated in this paper, his useful suggestions on the velocity calibration and for fruitful discussions on several aspects of the paper. We are very thankful to Svetlana Berdyugina for providing the TiO-band filter optimized for the BBI observations, carrying out the GREGOR observations together with the lead author, obtaining the new BBI calibration data, collaborating on the BBI data pipeline and assuring the correct contrast of the thin bright filaments investigated in this paper, as well as for her advice on the statistical analysis of the inversion results and helpful comments on the manuscript. We also thank Andrés Asensio Ramos for his help with the HAZEL inversion. In addition, we thank Oskar Steiner for a constructive feedback on the manuscript. Author contribution statement: PL designed and directed the research project. PL conducted the GREGOR observations. LK wrote the BBI calibration pipeline, revealed a calibration problem and provided essential guidance for the final calibration and reconstruction of the BBI data. PL discovered and characterized the 'thin bright filaments'. PL analyzed the HMI data. PL and LK calibrated the GRIS data. CK prepared the GRIS data for the inversions, including the initial wavelength calibration. PL ran the VFISV inversions. CK ran the SIR inversions. SJGM ran the HAZEL inversions. SJGM, CK and LK helped PL applying the GRAZAM code to resolve the azimuthal disambiguation. PL, CK, SJGM and NBG analyzed and discussed all inversion results, including the adaptation of inversion parameters and an improved velocity calibration. PL analyzed statistical correlations of the magnetic field strength and inclination from different inversion results. PL wrote the first version of the manuscript and especially NBG also contributed to the interpretation of the results. All authors contributed to the final manuscript. LK led and executed, together with TB, the redesign of the GREGOR AO and instrument distribution optics before the Science verification phase (organized by LK), during which the data for this research project was acquired. bibtex/aa § HMI MAGNETOGRAMS The flux evolution shown in Fig. <ref> was calculated based on the hmi.sharp_cea_720s data series. Maps of the continuum intensity, the vertical component of the magnetic field and the horizontal component of the magnetic field from two example time steps are shown in Fig. <ref>. The intensity was normalized by a nearby quiet-sun average. The red line shows the contour at the intensity level of 0.9, that was used to calculate the spot area. § LENGTHS OF ADDITIONAL TBFS Figure <ref> shows BBI images of the TBFs we manually identified in addition to the TBF shown in Fig. <ref>. Both images obtained with the TiO-band filter and the G-band filter are shown. The TBFs have been observed at different times. The green lines rulers and numbers show the length measurement we have manually done. § INVERSION FIT FOR DIFFERENT PIXELS In Fig. <ref>, Fig <ref>, and Fig <ref>, spectral profiles of pixel from the umbra, penumbra and the quiet sun are shown. The obserations are shown as blue lines and the respective inversion fit as orange lines. All spectra are normalized to the quiet-sun continuum value.
Transmission Efficiency Limit of Single-Switch Reconfigurable Transmitarray Elements
[ "Changhao Liu", "Fan Yang", "Shenheng Xu", "Maokun Li" ]
[ "physics.app-ph" ]
Transmission Efficiency Limit of Single-Switch Reconfigurable Transmitarray Elements Changhao Liu, Student Member, IEEE, Fan Yang, Fellow, IEEE, Shenheng Xu, Member, IEEE and Maokun Li, Senior Member, IEEE This work was supported in part by in part by THE XPLORER PRIZE. (Corresponding author: Fan Yang.) The authors are with the Beijing National Research Center for Information Science and Technology (BNRist), Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China (e-mail: fan_yang@tsinghua.edu.cn). March 30, 2023 ================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== Reconfigurable transmitarray antennas (RTAs) are rapidly gaining popularity, but optimizating their performance requires systematic design theories. In particular, a performance limit theory for RTA elements would be highly valuable. This paper presents a theory on the transmission efficiency limit of single-switch RTA elements. Using microwave network theory, we conduct an analytical investigation of single-switch RTA elements, revealing that the transmission coefficients under two states should be restricted within a specific unit circle on the Smith chart. The results are validated through analytical proof and numerical simulations. Additionally, this theory suggests that the transmission phase difference is tightly constrained by the transmission amplitudes, indicating that the phase-shifting ability of a single-switch RTA element is limited. These findings have significant implications for the design and optimization of RTAs. Metasurfaces, microwave network theory, one-bit, performance limit, reconfigurable reflectarray antennas, reconfigurable transmitarray antennas. § INTRODUCTION Recent years have witnessed the rapid development of microwave metasurfaces, leading to the emergence of diverse high-gain array antennas with novel architectures, including reflectarray antennas (RAs), transmitarray antennas (TAs), and their reconfigurable versions <cit.>. Along with the emergence of various prototypes, underlying theories have also been proposed to guide the design of these array antennas. Performance limit theories are particularly useful in predicting the performance of general structures before their actual design, which can significantly improve the design efficiency. Here are some examples of performance limit theories for these novel array antennas. In 2014, the transmission phase limit theory for multilayer TA designs was first introduced in <cit.>. Figure <ref>(a) depicts a schematic illustration of the multilayer TA. Using microwave network models and S-parameters, researchers discovered the constraints on the transmission amplitude and phase of TA elements, demonstrating that the phase tuning range within a 1-dB transmission amplitude loss is 54^∘, 170^∘, 308^∘, and 360^∘ for single-, double-, triple-, and quad-layers. Another instance of the performance limit theory pertains to transmit-reflect-array antennas based on polarization conversion methods, as revealed in 2018 <cit.>. A schematic of the this type of array antenna is shown in Fig. <ref>(b). By applying the electric field continuity condition on the near-zero-thickness surface, researchers found that to achieve 360^∘ phase coverage on both sides, a minimum of 6 dB amplitude loss is required. Reconfigurable reflectarray antennas (RRAs) have emerged as a promising candidate for achieving beam-scanning capability. In particular, the 1-bit phase quantization technique has become a mainstream architecture in many applications, due to its minimal switch requirement with only 3 dB gain loss <cit.>. In recent years, several single-switch 1-bit RRAs with different features have been presented in <cit.>, as depicted in Fig. <ref>(c). Recently, a performance limit theory for single-switch RRA elements was presented based on the radiation viewpoint <cit.>. By pre-calculating the performance limit and design targets at given switch parameters, this theory can facilitate the efficient design of wideband, multiband, or high-frequency RRA elements. Reconfigurable transmitarray antennas (RTAs) have been proposed as an alternative to RRAs to eliminate the feed blockage effect. Since 2012, 1-bit RTAs have been extensively studied, and various prototypes based on different principles have been proposed. For example, current reversal method utilizes at least two opposite switches on one layer to achieve accurate 180^∘ phase difference <cit.>. Recently, stacked-layer RTAs with two switches on different layers have been presented based on the resonant method, which can also achieve 1-bit phase difference at certain frequency bands <cit.>. Interestingly, it has been found that all of the aforementioned 1-bit RTA elements require at least two switches to achieve 1-bit phase difference with high transmission amplitude. This raises a question: Is it feasible to design a high-performance RTA element using only one switch? Fig. <ref>(d) provides an illustration of a single-switch RTA. Recently, by using three-port microwave network analysis, it is proven by contradiction that it is impossible to design a single-switch RTA element with both high transmission amplitude and 1-bit phase tuning ability simultaneously <cit.>. Therefore, the 1-bit RTA elements indeed require at least two switches theoretically. However, this proof only applies to the zero-reflection case, and it does not consider the general situation where the reflection coefficients are not necessarily zero. Therefore, a quantitative analysis of the performance of the single-switch RTA element in general cases needs to be further investigated. To provide a quantitative performance limit in general situations, this paper presents a theory on the transmission efficiency limit for single-switch RTA elements. Geometrically, this theory states that the transmission coefficients under two states must vary on or inside a specific unit circle with a diameter of 1 on the Smith chart. An intuitive illustration of this conclusion is shown in Fig. <ref>. Based on this finding, it is concluded that the transmission phase difference is tightly constrained by the transmission amplitudes. Specifically, high transmission amplitudes result in a narrow transmission phase difference, while a phase difference of near 180^∘ results in low transmission amplitudes. This conclusion is consistent with the previous finding in <cit.>. This paper is organized as follows. Section II introduces the microwave network model of the single-switch RTA elements and presents an important lemma. Section III presents the transmission efficiency limit theory and its proof of the single-switch RTA elements. The simulation verification of this limit theory is demonstrated in Section IV. Section V draws the conclusion. § MODEL OF SINGLE-SWITCH RTA ELEMENTS §.§ The Microwave Network Model of the RTA Element with a Single Switch The RTA element with a single switch can be modeled as a three-port microwave network <cit.>, as shown in Fig. <ref>. The incoming wave enters the element through the Floquet port 1, and transmits toward the Floquet port 2. Since the size of the switch is much smaller than the wavelength, the lumped switch port 3 can be designated between the switch and the element. The passive structure is characterized by a 3×3 scattering matrix [S]. According to the S-parameter definition <cit.>, the incoming wave [a] and outgoing wave [b] are related through the [S] matrix using the following formula [[ b_1; b_2; b_3 ]] = [[ S_11 S_12 S_13; S_21 S_22 S_23; S_31 S_32 S_33 ]] ·[[ a_1; a_2; a_3 ]]. Here, S_ij=S_ji due to reciprocity. γ is the reflection coefficient of the switch, which is defined as γ = Z-η/Z+η = a_3/b_3, where Z is the impedance of the switch, and η is a reference characteristic impedance, typically 377 Ω. Notably, the switch has two states, and thus, γ takes on two distinct values: γ_ON and γ_OFF. §.§ Lemma: Relation Among Reflection and Transmission Coefficients As derived in <cit.>, the reflection coefficient of port 1 (Γ_1) and the transmission coefficient from port 1 to port 2 (T_21) are expressed as follows Γ_1 = b_1/a_1 = S_11 + S_13^2γ/1-S_33γ, T_21 =b_2/a_1 = S_21 + S_23S_13γ/1-S_33γ. Similarly, the reflection coefficient of port 2 (Γ_2) is expressed as Γ_2 = b_2/a_2 = S_22 + S_23^2γ/1-S_33γ. We denote the reflection coefficients under ON/OFF switch states as (Γ^ON_1, Γ^OFF_1) and (Γ^ON_2, Γ^OFF_2), and the transmission coefficients under ON/OFF switch states as (T^ON_21, T^OFF_21). Then we define the difference of the coefficients between two states as follows ΔΓ_1=Γ^ON_1-Γ^OFF_1=S_13^2γ_ON/1-S_33γ_ON-S_13^2γ_OFF/1-S_33γ_OFF, ΔΓ_2=Γ^ON_2-Γ^OFF_2=S_23^2γ_ON/1-S_33γ_ON-S_23^2γ_OFF/1-S_33γ_OFF, Δ T_21=T^ON_21-T^OFF_21=S_23S_13γ_ON/1-S_33γ_ON-S_23S_13γ_OFF/1-S_33γ_OFF. From (<ref>), (<ref>), and (<ref>), it is evident that the following relation holds Δ T^2_21 = ΔΓ_1 ΔΓ_2. This expression shows a clear relationship on differences of reflection and transmission coefficients in a single-switch RTA element, and reduces the three-port network to a two-port network analysis by incorporating the switch parameters into the reflection and transmission coefficients, as illustrated in Fig. <ref>. We define a reduced 2×2 scattering matrix [S'] as follows [S']=[[ Γ_1 T_21; T_21 Γ_2 ]], which represents the scattering behavior of the entire element. § THE CONSTRAINT ON THE TWO TRANSMISSION COEFFICIENTS OF SINGLE-SWITCH RTA ELEMENTS In this section, we utilize (<ref>) and (<ref>) to derive the transmission efficiency limit of a single-switch RTA element. The key result is stated first, and then proven under both symmetric and asymmetric conditions. We also derive the upper limit of the transmission phase difference as a corollary of the theory. §.§ The Transmission Efficiency Limit The transmission efficiency limit of the single-switch RTA element is as follows: The two transmission coefficients under two switch states must lie on or within a unit circle with a diameter of 1. In other words, there exists a unit circle that can contain the two transmission coefficients for single-switch RTA element geometrically. An intuitive illustration of this finding has been shown in Fig. <ref>. Mathematically, T^ON_21 and T^OFF_21 should satisfy the following condition ∃φ∈ [0, 2π), |T^ON_21-e^jφ/2| ≤1/2, |T^OFF_21-e^jφ/2| ≤1/2. The proof of this statement can be divided into two parts. First, for RTA elements with symmetric reflection coefficients, it can be theoretically proven that the two transmission coefficients must lie on the unit circle. Secondly, for RTA elements with asymmetric reflection coefficients, it can be analyzed and observed that the two transmission coefficients must lie within or on the unit circle. §.§ Proof for Symmetric RTA Elements Assuming the single-switch RTA element is lossless, we can prove that the two transmission coefficients vary on the unit circle for symmetric elements. The lossless condition implies that the scattering matrix [S'] is unitary, meaning that [S'][S']^H=I, where H denotes the Hermitian transpose. Using the results of our previous derivation in <cit.>, we have {[ |Γ_1|^2+|T_21|^2=1; |Γ_2|^2+|T_21|^2=1; ]. and θ_1+θ_2/2-θ_21 = ±π/2, where θ_1 and θ_2 are the reflection phases from two ports, respectively, and θ_21 is the transmission phase. Since the network is symmetric, the two reflection coefficients are equal, i.e., Γ_1=Γ_2. This implies that θ_1=θ_2. Combining these results with (<ref>) and (<ref>), we obtain {[ |Γ_1|^2+|T_21|^2=1; θ_1-θ_21 = ±π/2; ]. It can be mathematically shown that the complex numbers Γ_1 and T_21 have the following relations T_21-Γ_1=e^jφ, or T_21+Γ_1=e^jφ, where φ is a parameter of this equation. A geometric illustration of these relations is shown on the Smith chart in Fig. <ref>. The vector Γ_1 and T_21 lie on the complex plane, and according to the Pythagorean theorem, they are perpendicular to each other, and the length of the hypotenuse is 1. Therefore, T_21, e^jφ and 0 form a circle on the Smith chart, and e^jφ represents the diameter of the circle. In other words, for a given e^jφ, T_21 varies on the circle determined by e^jφ. Since Γ_1=Γ_2 in both states, the difference between them should also be equal, i.e., ΔΓ_1=ΔΓ_2. Substituting this relation into (<ref>), the following expression is obtained Δ T^2_21 = ΔΓ^2_1. There are two sets of solutions to this equation, which are discussed separately. Notably, it is assumed in advance that T^ON_21 varies on the circle determined by e^jφ^ON, and T^OFF_21 varies on the circle determined by e^jφ^OFF. * Δ T_21 = ΔΓ_1. This equation leads to T^ON_21-Γ^ON_1=T^OFF_21-Γ^OFF_1. Based on (<ref>) and (<ref>), it is found that e^jφ^ON=e^jφ^OFF, which means that T^ON_21 and T^OFF_21 vary on the same unit circle, as shown in Fig. <ref>(a). * Δ T_21 = -ΔΓ_1. This equation leads to T^ON_21+Γ^ON_1=T^OFF_21+Γ^OFF_1. Based on (<ref>) and (<ref>), it is found that e^jφ^ON=e^jφ^OFF, which means that T^ON_21 and T^OFF_21 vary on the same unit circle, as shown in Fig. <ref>(b). In summary, for lossless symmetric RTA elements, the two transmission coefficients should lie on the same unit circle. §.§ Analysis of Asymmetric RTA Elements This part analyzes the asymmetric single-switch RTA elements, and it is observed that the two transmission coefficients should vary on or inside the unit circle. Assume the element is lossless, so (<ref>) and (<ref>) still hold. From (<ref>), it can be deduced that |Γ_1|=|Γ_2|. Because it is the relative relation between two transmission coefficients that matters, without loss of generality, one of the transmission coefficients, such as T^ON_21, can be assumed to vary on the unit circle determined by e^j0=1. An auxiliary variable Γ^ON is introduced, with the equal amplitude to Γ^ON_1 and Γ^ON_2, and the phase is defined as θ^ON = (θ^ON_1+θ^ON_2)/2. Therefore, the relation between Γ^ON and T^ON_21 can be expressed as {[ |Γ^ON|^2+|T^ON_21|^2=1; θ^ON-θ^ON_21 = ±π/2; ]. Similar to the analysis in the symmetric case, Γ^ON should be perpendicular to T^ON_21, and the length of the hypotenuse is 1. Fig. <ref>(a) shows a graphical representation of the relationship between reflection and transmission coefficients in (<ref>) and (<ref>). Additionally, as θ^ON = (θ^ON_1+θ^ON_2)/2, Γ^ON lies on the angular bisector between Γ^ON_1 and Γ^ON_2. Let the phase difference between Γ^ON and Γ^ON_1 be ϕ^ON. Thus, the phase difference between Γ^ON and Γ^ON_2 is -ϕ^ON. Since the network is asymmetric, ϕ^ON is neither 0 nor π. Based on the geometric insights, the reflection coefficients can be expressed as {[ Γ^ON_1=(T^ON_21-1)e^-jϕ^ON; Γ^ON_2=(T^ON_21-1)e^jϕ^ON; ]. For the other state of the transmission coefficients (e.g. T^OFF_21), it is supposed that T^OFF_21 varies randomly on the Smith chart. We further suppose T^OFF_21 varies on the circle determined by e^jφ, as shown in Fig. <ref>(b). Similarly, the reflection coefficients is expressed as {[ Γ^OFF_1=(T^OFF_21-e^jφ)e^-jϕ^OFF; Γ^OFF_2=(T^OFF_21-e^jφ)e^jϕ^OFF; ]. By substituting (<ref>) and (<ref>) into (<ref>), the expression is finally simplified as (T^ON_21-T^OFF_21)^2 =(T^ON_21-1)^2+(T^OFF_21-e^jφ)^2 - 2cos(Δϕ)(T^ON_21-1)(T^OFF_21-e^jφ), where Δϕ=ϕ^OFF-ϕ^ON denotes the difference between the two-state asymmetric reflection phases. It is noted that T^ON_21 and T^OFF_21 are on the unit circles, which can be further expressed as {[ T^ON_21= |cos(θ^ON_21)|e^jθ^ON_21; T^OFF_21=|cos(θ^OFF_21-φ)|e^jθ^OFF_21; ]. Note that (<ref>) has 4 parameters: θ^ON_21, θ^OFF_21, φ and Δϕ. We needs to demonstrate that T^OFF_21 and T^ON_21 lie within a circle. Theoretically, if θ^ON_21, φ and Δϕ are given, θ^OFF_21 can be solved using (<ref>). We can then use the mathematical criterion in (<ref>) to determine whether T^OFF_21 and T^ON_21 lie inside the same circle. However, the expression for θ^OFF_21 is very complex and not intuitive. Therefore, numerical calculations are used to demonstrate the relation between T^OFF_21 and T^ON_21. For a given group of θ^ON_21 and Δϕ, a series of θ^OFF_21 and φ can be obtained that satisfy (<ref>), and the exact value of T^OFF_21 depends on the specific element parameters. Without losing generality, We present several cases to demonstrate that T^OFF_21 is always located on or inside the circle on which T^ON_21 lies, as shown in Fig. <ref>. In Fig. <ref>(a)-(f), we fix θ^ON_21 and thus T^ON_21 is also fixed. By changing Δϕ, the variation range of T^OFF_21 changes accordingly. If Δϕ=0 or π, T^OFF_21 is always on the circle of T^ON_21. The analytical solutions of T^OFF_21 for Δϕ=0 or π are derived in the Appendix. As Δϕ increases from 0 to π/2, T^OFF_21 tend to move inside the circle, while from Δϕ=π/2 to Δϕ=π, T^OFF_21 tends to be on the circle again. The variation trend of T^OFF_21 from Δϕ=π to Δϕ=2π should be the same as from Δϕ=π to Δϕ=0, since cos(2π-Δϕ)=cos(Δϕ). Moreover, if we fix Δϕ (e.g. Δϕ=π/3), the varying trend when changing T^ON_21 is shown in Fig. <ref>(c), (g)-(j). When T^ON_21=1, the T^OFF_21 is always on the circle where T^ON_21 varies. As θ^ON_21 increases, the variation range of T^OFF_21 changes, but it is always within the circle on which T^ON_21 lies. In summary, the case studies in Fig. <ref> demonstrate that for an asymmetric RTA element, T^OFF_21 and T^ON_21 are always located on or inside the same circle. §.§ Summary Based on the analysis presented above, it can be concluded that both the symmetric and asymmetric RTA elements with a single switch have their two transmission coefficients constrained by a circle. Specifically, for a lossless symmetric element, the two transmission coefficients lie on the same circle, while for a general asymmetric element, the two transmission coefficients lie inside the unit circle. There are also several special cases for asymmetric elements where the two transmission coefficients lie on the circle, namely when Δϕ=0 or π, |T^ON_21|=1 or |T^OFF_21|=1. The relations for these different scenarios are summarized in Table. <ref>. §.§ Corollary: The Transmission Phase Difference Limit of RTA Elements This part presents a key corollary of the proposed theory, which is the constraint on the transmission phase difference and transmission amplitudes. As shown in Fig. <ref>, the transmission phase difference is defined as the included angle between the two transmission coefficients. Since the two transmission coefficents lie on or inside a unit circle, the relative phases of the two transmission coefficents can be expressed as {[ cos(α^ON)≥|T^ON_21|; cos(α^OFF)≥|T^OFF_21|; ]. where α represents the included angle between one transmission coefficient and the diameter. Given the transmission amplitudes, the phase difference Δθ between the two transmission coefficients is limited by Δθ≤α^ON+α^OFF≤arccos(|T^ON_21|)+arccos(|T^OFF_21|). The equal sign holds only when T^ON_21 and T^OFF_21 both lie on the circle, and they are on opposite sides of the diameter. The maximum transmission phase difference is limited by the two transmission amplitudes, as expressed in (<ref>). The phase difference limit (PDL) is defined as the sum of the two arccosine terms, arccos(|T^ON_21|)+arccos(|T^OFF_21|). The relation among PDL and transmission amplitudes is plotted in Fig. <ref>(a). Particularly, when the two transmission amplitudes are equal, i.e., |T|=|T^ON_21|=|T^OFF_21|, and the relation between PDL and |T| is plotted in Fig. <ref>(b). The curves in Fig. <ref> reveal that a single-switch RTA element cannot achieve both large phase difference and high transmission amplitudes simultaneously. For instance, to achieve high transmission amplitudes near 1, the phase difference must be close to 0. Alternatively, to achieve a phase difference of approximately 180^∘, the two transmission amplitudes should be close to 0. Moreover, to achieve a 90^∘ phase difference, at least a 3 dB amplitude loss is introduced. These results quantitatively support the findings in <cit.> that it is impossible to achieve high transmission efficiency with a large phase tuning range using a single-switch RTA element. § NUMERICAL DEMONSTRATION OF THE TRANSMISSION EFFICIENCY LIMIT This section presents two numerical simulation cases to validate the proposed theory. The first case involves a single-layer dipole RTA element with a single switch, while the second case features a dipole RTA element with a half ground plane. The results confirm the validity of the proposed theory, as it shows that the transmission phase difference does not break the PDL in either case. §.§ Simulation Verification for Symmetric Structures To confirm the conclusions regarding symmetric structures, we modeled and simulated a single-layer dipole RTA element with a single switch using Ansys HFSS 2018, as shown in Fig. <ref>. For the sake of brevity, the dipole is assigned as a perfect electric conductor (PEC) with no substrate loaded. The switch is modeled as C_OFF=25 fF, L_OFF=30 pH; R_ON=7.8 Ω, L_ON=30 pH, with reference to <cit.>. The position of the switch P_s varies from 0.2 mm to 9 mm to generate different transmission coefficients. The simulation frequency ranges from 5 GHz to 12 GHz with a step of 0.01 GHz. Fig. <ref> shows the transmission coefficients for different switch positions. In the ON state, the transmission coefficient remains relatively constant for different P_s values, and it is resonant at approximately 8 GHz (Fig. <ref>(a)). In the OFF state, the resonant frequency shifts from 10.7 GHz to approximately 8 GHz as P_s changes from 9 mm to 0.2 mm (Fig. <ref>(b)). When the switch position moves toward the edge (P_s changes toward 0.2 mm), the maximum phase difference increases, but it does not exceed ±180^∘ (Fig. <ref>(c)). The relationship among the phase difference and the transmission amplitudes are illustrated in Fig. <ref>. The actual phase differences at different frequencies with varying switch positions are plotted alongside the calculated PDL curve based on the transmission amplitudes in Figure <ref>(a)-(b). The results show that the actual phase differences remain below the PDL curve and do not break it. Moreover, at certain switch positions, there are frequency points where |T|=|T^ON_21|=|T^OFF_21|, and the relationship between |T| and the phase difference is depicted in Fig. <ref>(c). The findings confirm that for any given |T| value, the corresponding Δθ is near the PDL curve without breaking it, which supports the conclusion that the two transmission coefficients are on the circle for symmetric structures, as discussed in Section III. The observed error is mainly due to the loss of the switch. In summary, the simulation example presented in this study shows that the transmission phase is limited by the transmission amplitudes. §.§ Simulation Verification for Asymmetric Structures To demonstrate the effect of asymmetry, a half ground plane is introduced beneath the dipole, breaking the symmetric condition, as shown in Fig. <ref>. The simulation is conducted in Ansys HFSS 2018, where the metal is assigned as PEC and no substrate is introduced for brevity. An ideal switch without resistance is used with the following parameters: C_OFF=25 fF, L_OFF=30 pH; L_ON=30 pH. The switch position P_s ranges from 1 mm to 11 mm, and the simulation frequency ranges from 5 GHz to 12 GHz with a step of 0.01 GHz. To begin with, we want to confirm that the designed structure can produce asymmetric reflection coefficients. As illustrated in Fig. <ref>, the asymmetric reflection phase is defined as ϕ=(θ_1-θ_2)/2, where θ_1 and θ_2 represent the reflection phases from two ports, respectively. As depicted in Fig. <ref>(a)-(b), the asymmetric reflection phases are generally neither 0 nor π under both switch states, which confirms that the reflection coefficients from the two ports are asymmetric. Moreover, Fig. <ref>(c) shows the differences between the two asymmetric reflection phases, denoted by Δϕ. From 5 GHz to 9 GHz, Δϕ is neither 0 nor π, indicating that the two transmission coefficients should be within the circle when the amplitudes are not 1. Fig. <ref> illustrates the transmission coefficients of the asymmetric RTA element under both switch states. At the ON state, the dipole induces a resonant frequency around 6.6 GHz. By adjusting the position of the switch at the OFF state, the transmission coefficients shift. As the switch moves closer to the edge of the dipole, the resonant frequency approaches 6.6 GHz. Additionally, the transmission phase differences between the two states vary, but they remain within the ±180^∘ phase limit. Fig. <ref>(a)-(b) show the transmission amplitudes and phase differences. It is observed that, for all given transmission amplitudes, the phase differences remain within the PDL. Additionally, a special case is analyzed, where the two transmission amplitudes are equal, as shown in Fig. <ref>(c). It is found that the phase differeces are also within the maximum limit determined by the transmission amplitudes. Notably, some of the phase differeces can nearly reach the PDL, such as the point with Δθ≈150^∘, indicating that the two transmission coefficients lie on the circle. This is because Δϕ is close to 0, and it has been demonstrated in the Appendix that the two transmission coefficients should lie on the unit circle. Furthermore, some points in Fig. <ref>(c) do not reach the PDL, indicating that the two transmission coefficients are within the unit circle. These observations varify that, for asymmetric structures, the two transmission coefficients should lie on or within the unit circle. § CONCLUSION This paper presents a theory on the transmission efficiency limit of single-switch RTA elements. The RTA element can be modeled as a three-port microwave network. The study uses analytical derivations, geometric representation, and numerical simulations to show that the transmission coefficients under two states should be on or inside a unit circle with a diameter of 1 on the Smith chart. Additionally, it is found that the transmission phase difference has an upper limit determined by the transmission amplitudes. This result provides solid evidence that it is not feasible to achieve both high transmission amplitudes and large phase tuning range using a single-switch RTA element. These conclusions are not limited to single-switch RTA elements, but also apply to other reconfigurable elements with the same three-port network topology. Examples of such elements include single-switch RRA elements with polarization conversion, the single-switch RTA elements based on near-field feeding method, planar reconfigurable elements with a single switch based on transmission-line feeding method, and so on. This appendix analytically demonstrates that if Δϕ=0 or π, then T^OFF_21 should lie on the same circle as T^ON_21. Starting from (<ref>), let us consider the case where Δϕ=0. This simplifies (<ref>) to (T^ON_21-T^OFF_21)^2=(T^ON_21-T^OFF_21-1+e^jφ)^2. This equation has two sets of solutions. * T^ON_21-T^OFF_21=T^ON_21-T^OFF_21-1+e^jφ, which simplifies to e^jφ=1. This means that T^OFF_21 varies on the same circle as T^ON_21. * T^ON_21-T^OFF_21=-T^ON_21+T^OFF_21+1-e^jφ. This can be rearranged as T^ON_21-T^OFF_21=1-e^jφ/2. Based on (<ref>), T^ON_21 can be written as T^ON_21=e^j2θ^ON_21+1/2. Substituting (<ref>) into (<ref>), T^OFF_21 is expressed as T^OFF_21=e^j2θ^ON_21+e^jφ/2. Geometrically, this means that T^OFF_21 varies on the circle with diameter e^j2θ^ON_21, on which T^ON_21 also lies (when e^jφ=1), as shown in Fig. <ref>. This demonstrates that T^ON_21 and T^OFF_21 lie on the same circle. Then consider the case where Δϕ=π. (<ref>) simplifies as (T^ON_21-T^OFF_21)^2=(T^ON_21+T^OFF_21-1-e^jφ)^2. This equation has two sets of solutions. * T^ON_21-T^OFF_21=T^ON_21+T^OFF_21-1-e^jφ, which leads to T^OFF_21 = 1+e^jφ/2. Obviously, T^OFF_21 lies on the circle with diameter 1, which implies that T^ON_21 and T^OFF_21 are on the same circle. * T^ON_21-T^OFF_21=-T^ON_21-T^OFF_21+1+e^jφ, which leads to T^ON_21 = 1+e^jφ/2. Inserting (<ref>) into (<ref>), it is found that e^jφ=e^j2θ^ON_21, which means T^OFF_21 varies on the circle with a diameter of e^j2θ^ON_21, on which T^ON_21 also lies, as shown in Fig. <ref>. Thus, T^ON_21 and T^OFF_21 also lie on the same circle in this case. 00 reflectarray P. Nayeri, F. Yang, and A. Z. 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Hamiltonian Simulation Via Qubitized Downfolding Using $4\log N+2$ Qubits
[ "Anirban Mukherjee" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
m.anirban7@tcs.com TCS Incubation,India This paper reports a quantum algorithm for simulating quantum chemical systems of N molecular orbitals(MOs) using 4log N +2 qubits. The number of multi-electron configurations scales exponentially with the number of MOs and is the primary bottleneck in calculating the energy of a many-electron system. This paper introduces qubitized Hamiltonian downfolding(QHD) by combining the techniques of qubitized quantum walks and Hamiltonian downfolding to reduce the active space dimension systematically. At each stage of QHD, the number of many-electron configurations is reduced by 1/4 by decoupling the molecular orbital (MO) farthest from the highest occupied MO (HOMO). The sequence of such downfolding steps enables us to scale towards the low-energy HOMO-LUMO window. For each stage of downfolding, we map the decoupling condition i.e., a many-body normal-ordered Bloch equation to a system of quadratic polynomial equations. These downfolding equations can be solved using the Levenberg-Marquadt Method (LMM). Each LMM step involves a Hessian inversion and comprises a quantum linear system problem(QLSP). We describe quantum circuits that block-encode the Hessian using qubitization oracles. Subsequently, we implement the Chebyshev expansion for Hessian inversion utilizing a sequence of qubitized quantum walks. Starting from an N-orbital system the gate complexity of each downfolding circuit scales as O(N^2log^2(1/ϵ)) and for downfolding all the MOs involve O(N^3/ϵ^2) oracle queries. Hamiltonian Simulation Via Qubitized Downfolding Using 4log N+2 Qubits Anirban Mukherjee Accepted xxxx xxxxxx xx. Received xxxx xxxxxx xx; in original form xxxx xxx xx ================================================================================== Introduction- In most problem of practical interest the computational bottleneck is finding the electronic energy as a function of the nuclei coordinates. If we can calculate a chemically accurate potential energy surface(PES) with lesser computational time it has direct implication for Molecular dynamics or Monte-Carlo simulations. To formulate the electronic problem, we use the Born-Oppenheimer approximation: it allows the construction of the electronic Hamiltonian as a function of the nuclear coordinates. Both the one-electron and two-electron potentials namely h_ij and h_ijkl are N^2 and N^4 dimensional objects. The associated electronic Hamiltonian (H) is a massive object for N molecular orbitals that has a 2^2N× 2^2N matrix representation. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of H describe a many-electron system's static and dynamic properties. However, the computational complexity for eigenvalue decomposition of H scales exponentially with N. An alternate way to solve the problem would be to construct effective Hamiltonians from H that act on a reduced space of orbitals. The effective Hamiltonian is a lower-dimensional representation of the full many-body Hamiltonian H, which describes the physics of a reduced subspace. Constructing an effective Hamiltonian is a central goal in physics, with applications in the study of quantum phase transitions<cit.>, quantum chemistry simulations <cit.>. The concept of effective Hamiltonian emerges in a diverse set of many-body methods: many-body perturbation theory<cit.>, Scheiffer-Wolff transformation<cit.>, similarity transformation<cit.>, continuous unitary transformations<cit.>, Hamiltonian truncation<cit.>, Feshbach-Lowdin-Fano method<cit.>, multireference perturbation theory<cit.>, Hamiltonian Monte Carlo<cit.>, Numerical renormalization group <cit.>, Hamiltonian downfolding<cit.>. Another approach for estimating energy is the quantum phase estimation algorithm based on Qubitization<cit.>. The time evolution operator used in phase estimation e^iHT is reconstructed using quantum signal processing <cit.> starting from the Quantum walk operator e^iarccos(H/||H||_1), ||H||_1 is the 1-norm of the Hamilonian. In <cit.>, the authors present an efficient way of representing the Hamiltonian in a quantum circuit using double factorization and tensor hypercontraction. It substantially reduces quantum resource usage compared to single factorization and quantum phase estimation. However, the number of physical qubits and Toffoli gates required is still very high. In this work, we sytematically decouple Molecular orbital by Hamiltonian downfolding. The many body Bloch equation embodies every similarity downfolding transformation step. We derive a system of polynomial equations from the Bloch equations for downfolding one-molecular orbital. We describe Quantum Circuits to facilitate solving the algebraic equation, which helps us construct a lower dimensional Hamiltonian with one MO less every downfolding step. The entire process gets repeated for every orbital downfolding, leading to a smaller dimensional Hamiltonian. In the methods section, we will showcase the QHD (Fig<ref>)and the resulting multireference coupled cluster equations. Further, we will lay out the expressions for the systematic RG flow of the effective Hamiltonian. Each downfolding transformation gets generated from a similarity operation, and its parameters get determined from the Bloch equation. The Bloch equation embodies decoupling the primary space from the secondary space. The major result of this work is the closed-form analytical expressions of the state-universal multireference coupled cluster equations obtained from the Bloch equation. We show that the similarity transformation mapping the chemical system of N molecular orbitals to N-1 molecular orbitals gets determined by solving a rectangular system of multivariate quadratic polynomials with m = O(n^2) polynomials and n=N(N-1) parameters. We present a method for solving this system of equations using LMM. We replace one of the costliest steps in LMM, i.e., inverting the Hessian with Chebyshev's approach<cit.> implemented using qubitized quantum walks. Finally, in the results section, we obtain scaling relations for the no. of qubits, gate complexity, and the number of queries required to solve the Multireference downfolding equations. System Description- We consider a system of N-correlated Hartree-Fock(HF) MOs corresponding to a chemical system. Then the fermionic Fock-space Hamiltonian in MO basis is represented as, H=∑_ijσh^1,(N)_ijf^†_iσf_jσ+∑_ijklσσ'h^2,(N)_ijklf^†_iσf^†_jσ'f_kσ'f_lσ, where h^1_ij is the one-electron tensors and h^2_ijkl is the two-electron interaction tensor. σ=↑/↓ represents the up and down spin orbitals.Energy Level Grouping of the HF-MO's The HF MOs get grouped into virtual orbitals 𝒱, core orbitals 𝒞, and active space orbitals 𝒜. We specify the absolute energy difference of the HF MO's (labeled k's) from the HOMO(highest occupied molecular orbital) energy E_HOMO as ϵ_k=|E_i-E_HOMO|. The MO labels 1, 2, …, N are ordered with reference to the absolute energy differences as ϵ_1≤ϵ_2≤...≤ϵ_N. If k∈𝒱 then within Hartree-Fock theory the MO is unoccupied n_k↑+n_k↓=0. If k ∈𝒞 then n_k↑+n_k↓=2. And if k ∈𝒜 then n_k↑+n_k↓=0, 1, 2 Hamiltonian downfolding scheme-With the above orbital ordering per their H.F. energy reference, we set the stage for systematically downfolding MOs starting from the highest energy MO's scaling down towards the low energy HOMO-LUMO(lowest unoccupied Molecular orbital) window. For decoupling the outermost orbital N∈𝒱 we partition the many-body Hilbert space ℋ^⊗2N into a primary space (P_(N)) and a secondary space (Q_(N)): P_(N) = (1-n̂_N↑)(1-n̂_N↓) Q_(N) = n̂_N↑+n̂_N↓+n̂_N↑n̂_N↓ Here n̂_kσ=f^†_kσf_kσ. Together P_(N)+Q_(N)=I^⊗ 2N comprise the complete Hilbert space. We seek a similarity transformation S_(N)=exp(η_(N)) generated by η_(N) such that the Bloch equation is satisfied, Q_(N)S^-1_(N),kHS_(N),kP_(N) = ∑_j=1^mF_j(𝐡^(N),𝐭^(N)):Ê_j:= 0 Here :Ê_j: represents the normal ordered Fermionic excitation operators and F_j(𝐡^(N),𝐭^(N)) represents the residuals. They comprise a vector 𝐅^(N). If the generator η_(N) satisfies the linearization condition Q_(N)η_(N)P_(N)=η_(N) then a linear representation of the similarity transform S_(N)=1+η_(N) can be obtained. We motivate a choice for η_(N) from the terms within the Hamiltonian block Q_(N)HP_(N) eq.(<ref>) that carries electronic excitation's between spaces P_(N) and Q_(N), η_(N) = ∑_it^1,(N)_i(1-n̂_i-σ)f^†_Nσf_iσ + ∑_ijt^2,(N)_ijf^†_N↑f^†_N↓f_i↓f_j↑ The generator comprises of the singles excitation amplitudes t^1,(N)_i and doubles excitation amplitudes t^2,(N)_ij. With the form for η_(N) above, both the linearization condition and the size consistency and extensivity condition are satisfied. We replace the form for η_(N) eq.(<ref>) into the Bloch equation eq.(<ref>) and normal-order (N.O.) the expressions for the fermionic operators. For the Bloch equation eq.(<ref>) to be satisfied, the coefficients of the independent N.O. fermionic terms must vanish: singles excitation-(iσ→ Nσ), doubles excitations-((kσ,lσ)→ (jσ', Nσ)), paired doubles excitations-((i↑,j↓)→ (N↓, N↑)), triples excitations involving paired doubles((l'↑,k'↓,lσ)→(kσ, N↓, N↑)). As a result, the Bloch equation leads to the following multireference downfolding equations: 𝐀=(𝐭^1_𝐍·𝐡^1_𝐍)𝐭^1_𝐍-𝐡^1_𝐍=0 𝐁=[𝐡^1_𝐍⊗𝐭^1_𝐍+𝐠_N⊙𝐭^1_𝐍]⊗𝐭^1_𝐍-𝐡^2_𝐍=0 𝐂=𝐭^2_𝐍·𝐡^2_𝐍𝐍𝐭^2_𝐍-𝐡^1_𝐍⊗𝐭^1_𝐍-h^2_N-𝐡^2_𝐍𝐍=0 𝐃=(𝐭^2_𝐍⊙𝐡^2_𝐍𝐍)⊗𝐭^2_𝐍-𝐡^2_𝐍⊗𝐭^1_𝐍=0 Here (𝐭^1_𝐍)_i=t^1,(N)_i is a n_1=(N-1)-length vector comprising the singles excitation amplitudes. 𝐭^2_𝐍 is a (N-1)^2-length vector comprised of doubles excitation amplitudes (𝐭^2_𝐍)_ab=t^2,(N)_ab. The vectors 𝐡^1_𝐍, 𝐡^2_𝐍 of dimensions (N-1) and (N-1)^3 comprise of one-electron tensors(𝐡^1_𝐍_i=h^1,(N)_i) and two-electron tensors((𝐡^2_𝐍)_ijk=h^2,(N)_Nijk) coupling Nth MO to other MO's. 𝐡^2_𝐍.𝐍. comprises all the two-electron tensor contributions ((𝐡^2_𝐍.𝐍.)_ij=h^2_NNij)that couples the paired excitation of the Nth MO with other spin orbitals. Here 𝐀⊗𝐁 denotes the tensor-product of two vectors whose elements are (𝐊⊗𝐋)_ij=K_iL_j. Here 𝐠_𝐍 is a (N-1)^2-element vector (𝐠_𝐍)_jk=𝐡_𝐣𝐤𝐍-𝐡_𝐣𝐍𝐤 comprising of two-electron vectors: (𝐡_𝐣𝐤𝐍-𝐡_𝐣𝐍𝐤)_i=h_ijkN-h_ijNk. The above equations, (⊙) represents the row-wise dot product. For the vector's 𝐠_𝐍 and 𝐭^1_𝐍 the elements of the row-wise dot product 𝐠_𝐍⊙𝐭^1_𝐍 is given by (𝐠_𝐍⊙𝐭^1_𝐍)_jk=(𝐡_𝐣𝐤𝐍-𝐡_𝐣𝐍𝐤)·𝐭^1_N. Similarly the elements of row-wise dot product (𝐭^2_N⊙𝐡^2_NN)_ij= 𝐭^2,(𝐍)_𝐢·𝐡^2_𝐍𝐍𝐣. Here (𝐭^2,(𝐍)_𝐢)_j=t^2,(N)_ij and (𝐡^2_𝐍𝐍𝐣)_i=h^2_NNij represent the elements of double excitation amplitudes and two-electron tensor for the paired excitation respectively. These downfolding equations eq.(<ref>)-(<ref>) correspond to a rectangular system of multi-variable quadratic polynomials. There are m=n^2/2-n(N-2) polynomial equations of n=N(N-1) parameters. The system of m equations are partitioned into four parts (A-D); we define the individual number m_A,m_B,m_C,m_D below: The equation system 𝐀(<ref>) comprises m_A=(N-1) elements, 𝐁(<ref>) comprises m_B=1/2(N-1)^2(N-2) elements, 𝐂(<ref>) comprises m_C=(N-1)^2 elements and eqs. 𝐃(<ref>) comprises m_D=1/2(N-1)^3(N-2). Hamiltonian RG flow from Downfolding The similarity transformation S_(N) on the starting Hamiltonian H_(N)=H leads to a renormalized Hamiltonian H_(N-1) in the primary space P_(N) with a self-similar form, H_(N-1) = P_(N)S^-1_(N)H_(N)S_(N)P_(N) = (1-n̂_N↑)(1-n̂_N↓)[∑_ij=1,σ^N-1h^1,(N-1)_ijf^†_iσf_jσ + ∑_ijkl=1, σσ'^N-1h^2,(N-1)_ijklf^†_iσf^†_jσ'f_kσ'f_lσ] The one and two-electron tensors comprising the renormalized Hamiltonian H_(N-1) are related to the bare one and two-electron tensors in eq(<ref>) and the amplitudes t^1,(N) and t^2,(N) of the generator(η) eq(<ref>) as follows: h_ij^1,(N-1) = h^1,(N)_ij+h^1,(N)_iNt^1,(N)_j h^2,(N-1)_ijkl = h^2,(N)_ijkl+h^2,(N)_ijkNt^1,(N)_l+δ_σ',-σh^2,(N)_ijNNt^2,(N)_kl     . The effect of downfolding the electronic correlations coupling Q_(N) to P_(N) was to renormalize the one-electron eq.(<ref>) and two-electron interaction tensor contributions eq.(<ref>) in the primary space using the excitation amplitudes of the generator η eq.(<ref>). From the RG flow equation of the Hamiltonian H_(N-1) (eq.(<ref>)) we make two important observation: first the indexes in the one and two-electron tensors (h^1,(N-1_ij, h^2,(N-1)_ijkl) runs over MO indices 1 to N-1 i.e. leaving out the Nth MO. The Nth orbital gets decoupled with only an overall diagonal contribution. This remains true even if N∈𝒞 where P_(N)=n̂_↑n̂_↓ and for N∈𝒜 : P_(N)=n̂_↑n̂_↓ or (1-n̂_↑)(1-n̂_↓). However, in that case, the energetic contribution from the diagonal term may change. Second observation is that no new many-body excitation clusters are created. This results from the choice of η where paired doubles at the Nth MO get excited t^2,(N)_ij. The choice of η automatically terminates the hierarchy of the three-particle or higher-order clusters. Such a description allows the self-similar representation of the Hamiltonian to prevail. The next set of RG equations that describes the Hamiltonian coefficients for a system of N-2 MOs are derived from the N-1 MOs (<ref>), (<ref>). Flow towards diagonalization After s downfolding steps, we obtain a reduced Hamiltonian, H_(s) = ∏_a=N, σ=↑,↓^N-p(1-n̂_aσ)∏_a=N-p-1, σ=↑,↓^N-s+1n̂_aσ[∑_ij=1,σ^N-sh^1,(N-s)_ijf^†_iσf_jσ + ∑_ijkl=1, σσ'^N-sh^2,(N-s)_ijklf^†_iσf^†_jσ'f_kσ'f_lσ]  . At the end of the RG flow, the ground state energy of the system and its electronic configuration can be directly read off from the Hamiltonian. To obtain the excitation amplitudes used in the RG equation, we need to solve the Hamiltonian downfolding equations 𝐀-𝐃((<ref>)-(<ref>)). Solving this system of equations is the computational bottleneck of this approach. In the next section, we describe the LMM for solving the downfolding equations.Quantum algorithm for solving the Bloch equation We search for the solution to the downfolding equations eq.(<ref>)-(<ref>) using the Levenberg-Marquadt Method (LMM). For the kth step: with parameter vector t_k=(𝐭_𝐤^1,𝐭_𝐤^2)^T in ℛ^n and residual vector 𝐅_k=(𝐀,𝐁,𝐂,𝐃)^T in ℛ^m the LMM <cit.> search direction d^k is given by, d^k(t_k)=(ℍ_k)^-1J_k^T𝐅_k, where the Jacobian J_k, J_k=[ (∇_𝐭^1_𝐤𝐀^T_k)^T 0; (∇_𝐭^1_𝐤𝐁^T_k)^T 0; (∇_𝐭^1_𝐤𝐂^T_k)^T (∇_𝐭^2_𝐤𝐂^T_k)^T; (∇_𝐭^1_𝐤𝐃^T_k)^T (∇_𝐭^2_𝐤𝐃^T_k)^T ] , . The Hessian ℍ_k=(J^T_kJ_k+μ_k) where μ_k is a positive parameter. From the references <cit.> based on the convergence criterion (||J_k𝐅_k||<ϵ), we obtain the upper bound for the number of successful LMM updates, N_Total<||J_0||^2||𝐅_0||^2/ϵ^2 For our system of equations we get ||F_0||^2=Nϵ_0^4f(𝐡^1_𝐍,𝐡^2_𝐍), assuming that the initial set of parameters t^1,(N)_i=ϵ_0 and t^2,(N)_ij=ϵ_0/4. Similarly the norm of the Jacobian ||J_0||^2=Nϵ_0^2g(𝐡^1_𝐍,𝐡^2_𝐍). With the above description of the LMM parameters, we find that the upper-bound of the total number of LMM iterations for the equations to converge with ||J_kF_k||<ϵ is N_Total=O(N^2/ϵ^2C). Here C=f(𝐡^1_𝐍,𝐡^2_𝐍)g(𝐡^1_𝐍,𝐡^2_𝐍) is a scalar function of the vectors 𝐡_1 and 𝐡_2 its value will depend on the chemical system under study. Note that at every LMM step a n× n Hessian matrix ℍ=(J_k^TJ_k+μ_k) needs to be inverted. The classical computational complexity of inverting the matrix scales as N_ℍ^-1=O(n^3)=O(N^6). From above we identify that calculating ℍ_k^-1 is the computational bottleneck of the LMM method. Block-encoding the Hessian in an Oracle We will implement a Quantum algorithm-the Child's Quantum walk approach<cit.> for matrix inversion using Chebysyev Polynomials. To make the calculation amenable for a quantum computing approach we first embed the Jacobian in a 2^D=m+n+pad dimensional system. The operation B_J, B_J=[ I_n√(μ) 0 0; J I_m 0; 0 0 I_pad ] Note that in the embedding B_J of J, we have suppressed the k-index of the LM method for both the Jacobian J and the parameter μ. The identity matrices are I_m, I_n, and I_p.We note that B_J is a d-sparse matrix where d=(n+1) as that is the maximum number of non-zero entries in a given row. Moving forward, we will implement a block-encoding framework for B_J and follow the procedure outlined for d-sparse matrices<cit.>. To the system of D/2=2log N qubits we add D/2+2 ancilla qubits(a's) |G⟩=|0⟩_a_1|0⟩_a_2|0⟩_a_3. Quantum registers a_1 and a_2 have one qubit each and quantum register a_3 involves D qubits. With this additional qubits we define the isometries (F_j is the set of column indices l∈ [d] with non-zero entries), T_1 = ∑_j=1^2^D∑_p∈ F_jÔ^1_j|j⟩_s|p⟩_a_3|0⟩_a_2|0⟩_a_1⟨ 0|_a⟨ j|_s , T_2 = ∑_k=1^2^D∑_p ∈ F_kÔ^2_k|p⟩_s|k⟩_a_3|0⟩_a_2|0⟩_a_1⟨ 0|_a⟨ k|_s . The oracles O^1_j and O^2_k are defined as, Ô^1_j = ∑_p∈ F_jI_s⊗|p⟩_a_3⟨ p|_a_3⊗ I_a_2⊗ Y_a_1(θ_pj) , Ô^2_k = ∑_p∈ F_k|p⟩_s⟨ p|_s⊗ I_a_3⊗ Y_a_2(θ_kp)⊗ I_a_1, Here Y_a_1(θ_pj)=e^iarccos(θ_pjσ^y_a_1) does Pauli Rotation about Y axis with θ_pj=(B_J)_pj/d||B_J||_max . With the description of the isometries we can construct the unitary U_B_J=T_2^†T_1 such that, ⟨ G|U_B_J|G⟩ = B_J/d||B_J||_max To block-encode ℍ we now implement the oracle, ⟨ G|C_ΠZ U_B_J^TU_B_JC_ΠZ|G⟩ = Π_n B_J^TB_JΠ_n/(d||B_J||_max)^2 = J_k^TJ_k+μ_k/(d||B_J||_max)^2 where Π_n=[ I_n 0; 0 0_m+pad ]⊗ I_2^⊗ 2 and C_ΠZ is a single-ancilla controlled-Z rotation C_ΠZ=|0⟩⟨ 0|⊗ I_2^⊗ (D+1)+|1⟩⟨ 1|⊗ (2Π_n-I_2^⊗ (D+1)) , on the (D+2)-qubit space. After successful block-encoding, we discuss the scaling formulas for quantum resources required for downfolding in the next section. Results Firstly we talk about the quantum resources required for block-encoding the Hessian; then, we estimate the number of queries required for Child's quantum walk. From there, we obtain the gate complexity for matrix inversion. Finally, we discuss the number of LMM iterations needed for convergence. The gate complexity needed to perform a (d||B_J||_max,D/2+2,ϵ) block-encoding of ℍ is bounded by <cit.>, N_ℍ < O(2log N+log^2.5(2N^2/ϵ(ℍ))) . Note in the above equation we have replaced the condition number κ of ℍ by its upper-bound κ<2/det(ℍ)<cit.>. The QLSP eq.(<ref>)(ℍ_kd^k(𝐭_k)=J_k^T𝐅_k) can be solved by a Chebyshev expansion of (ℍ^-1)<cit.>. The Chebyshev polynomials are implemented by constructing qubitized quantum walks with the oracle C_ΠZ U_B_J^TU_B_JC_ΠZ. From <cit.> we obtain the gate complexity for calculating (ℍ_k)^-1, N_ℍ^-1< O(4N^2/det(ℍ)^2log ^2(N/det(ℍ)ϵ))N_ℍ. Now we summarize our major result: to solve the downfolding equations for decoupling one molecular orbital, with accuracy ϵ for the LMM and ϵ' for the Hessian inversion requires O(N/ϵ^2) LMM queries to a qubitized quantum walk circuit with O(4log N) system+ancilla qubits. The Hessian matrix (ℍ) inversion circuit requires O(N^2/det(ℍ)log^2 (1/ϵ)) gates to be implemented. Acknowledgement The author would like to thank his collegeaus Vidyut Navelkar, CV Sridhar, Godfrey Claudin Matthias, Sayantan Pramanik, Ananthakrishna Gopal, Soumya Das, Sourav Chatterjee from TCS Incubation and Anil Sharma head of TCS incubation for their constructive feedback and support. The author would like to thank Manoj Nambiar, M.R. Nirmal, Shampa Sarkar, Arijit Roy from TCS Research. The author also will like to thank Geetha Srinivasan and Swadha Anand from the Life Sciences Business Unit at TCS. 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Transversal effects on the ground-state of hard-core dipolar bosons in one-dimensional optical lattices
[ "H. Korbmacher", "G. A. Domínguez-Castro", "W. Li", "J. Zakrzewski", "L. Santos" ]
[ "cond-mat.quant-gas" ]
Institut für Theoretische Physik, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Appelstr. 2, D-30167 Hanover, Germany Institut für Theoretische Physik, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Appelstr. 2, D-30167 Hanover, Germany Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Nöthnitzer Str. 38, 01187 Dresden, Germany Instytut Fizyki Teoretycznej, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Łojasiewicza 11, PL-30-348 Kraków, Poland Mark Kac Complex Systems Research Center, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, PL-30-348 Kraków, Poland Institut für Theoretische Physik, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Appelstr. 2, D-30167 Hanover, Germany Polar lattice gases are usually assumed to have an inter-site interaction that decays with the inter-particle distance r as 1/r^3. However, a loose-enough transversal confinement may strongly modify the dipolar decay in one-dimensional lattices. We show that this modification alters significantly the ground-state properties of hard-core dipolar bosons. For repulsive inter-site interactions, the corrected decay alters the conditions for devil's staircase insulators, affecting significantly the particle distribution in the presence of an overall harmonic confinement. For attractive interactions, it results in a reduction of the critical dipole interaction for the formation of self-bound clusters, and for a marked enhancement of the region of liquefied lattice droplets. Transversal effects on the ground-state of hard-core dipolar bosons in one-dimensional optical lattices L. Santos March 30, 2023 ========================================================================================================= § INTRODUCTION Ultracold quantum gases in optical lattices constitute an optimal platform for studying many-body physics under precisely controlled conditions  <cit.>. In most current experiments, the interactions between particles are short-range and well-modeled by a contact pseudopotential. However, seminal experiments on dipolar systems formed by magnetic atoms <cit.> and polar molecules <cit.> in optical lattices are starting to explore exciting physics beyond the short-range scenario. Due to the anisotropic and long-range character of the dipole-dipole potential, polar gases confined in optical lattices are characterized not only by on-site interactions, but, crucially, also by anisotropic inter-site interactions. As a result, dipolar lattice gases of pinned particles can be employed as quantum simulators for spin models, whereas itinerant particles realize different forms of the extended-Hubbard model <cit.>. Compared to their non-dipolar counterparts, dipolar lattice gases present a much richer ground-state physics, including crystalline phases <cit.> and supersolids <cit.>, or the Haldane-insulator phase <cit.>. The spatial decay of the inter-site interactions plays a crucial role in polar lattice gases. Due to the form of the dipolar interaction in free space, this decay is typically assumed as 1/r^3, with r the inter-site distance. However, the interaction decay may be significantly affected by the confinement transversal to the lattice axis <cit.>. This confinement alters the on-site wave functions, introducing a modification of the inter-site interaction, which may potentially depart very significantly from the 1/r^3 dependence, and hence alter the equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium physics of the polar lattice gas <cit.>. In this paper, we show that the modification of the interaction decay in the presence of a loose-enough transversal confinement results in a significant modification of the ground-state properties of hard-core dipolar bosons. We first consider the case of repulsive interactions, showing that the modified decay results in markedly shifted insulating phases, which translate into a distorted particle distribution in the presence of an overall harmonic confinement. For attractive dipoles, we show that the modified decay may significantly ease the conditions for the realization of self-bound clusters. Moreover, it results in a much wider parameter region for the observation of liquefied self-bound droplets <cit.> without the need of super-exchange processes. This manuscript is organized as follows. In Sec. <ref>, we introduce the lattice model considered, and show how the transversal confinement modifies the inter-site interaction decay. In Sec. <ref>, we study the effects of the modified interaction on the phase diagram of repulsive hard-core bosons, whereas Sec. <ref> focuses on the attractive case. Finally, in Sec. <ref>, we summarize our conclusions. § MODIFIED INTERACTION DECAY We consider dipolar hard-core bosons of mass m confined longitudinally by a 1D optical lattice, U_0sin^2(π z/a) with a the lattice constant, and transversally by an isotropic harmonic potential 1/2mω_⊥^2(x^2+y^2), ω_⊥ being the trap frequency (see Fig. <ref>(a)). The dipole moments are assumed to be oriented by an external field on the xz plane forming an angle α with the lattice axis z. Within the tight-binding approximation, the system is well described by the extended Hubbard model (EHM): Ĥ=∑_i [ -t (b̂^†_i+1b̂_i +H.c. ) +∑_j>0V_rn̂_in̂_i+j -μn̂_i ], where t is the tunneling amplitude between nearest neighbors, b̂_i^† (b̂_i) is the creation (annihilation) operator at site i, n̂_i=b̂_i^†b̂_i is the corresponding particle number operator, and μ is the chemical potential. The hard-core constraint means that no double occupancy is allowed, i.e. (b̂_i^†)^2=0. This restriction can be achieved by means of strong-enough on-site interactions (which may demand the use of Feshbach resonances). The inter-site interaction between dipoles separated by j sites is given by: V_r = ∫ d^3r ∫ d^3r' V(r⃗-r⃗')|ϕ(r⃗)|^2|ϕ(r⃗-jae⃗_z)|^2, with V(r⃗) = C_dd/4π r^3(1-3(xsinα+zcosα)^2/r^2) being the dipole-dipole interaction. The coupling constant C_dd is μ_0μ^2 for particles having a permanent magnetic dipole moment μ (μ_0 is the permeability of vacuum) and d^2/ε_0 for particles having a permanent electric dipole moment d (ε_0 is the vacuum dielectric constant). The on-site wave function can be written as ϕ(r⃗)=ψ_0(x,y)W(z), where W(z) is the Wannier function associated with the lowest-energy band, and ψ_0(x,y) = e^-(x^2+y^2)/2ℓ_⊥/√(π)ℓ_⊥ is the ground-state wave function of the transversal confinement, with ℓ_⊥ = √(ħ/mω_⊥) the harmonic oscillator length. For deep-enough lattices, we may employ the harmonic approximation, W(z)≃e^-z^2/2ℓ/√(√(π)ℓ) with ℓ = a/(π s^1/4) the associated length of the trap, s=U_0/E_R the lattice depth, and E_R=π^2ħ^2/2ma^2 the recoil energy. One can show that for ℓ_⊥ > ℓ <cit.>: V_j/E_R = 3B^3/2/2π^2(3cos^2α-1)(a_dd/a)f(√(B)j), where a_dd = mC_dd/(12πħ^2) is the dipolar length, B=π^2/2χ/1-χ/2√(2), χ=ħω_⊥/E_R, and f(ξ) = 2ξ -√(2π)(1+ξ^2)e^ξ^2/2erfc(ξ/√(2)). By using V=V_1, the interaction potential in Eq. (<ref>) can be written as V_j=VG_j(B), with G_j(B) = f(√(B)j)/f(√(B)). The resulting interaction decay has hence a universal dependence on the parameter B, which is a function of the confinement parameters only. To further characterize the potential in Eq. (<ref>), we introduce the parameter β_eff=-log G_2/log 2 that characterizes the next-to-NN interaction decay i.e. G_2 = 1/2^β_eff <cit.>. For the bare dipole-dipole interaction, β_eff=3, however, by changing the transversal confinement it can be tuned within the interval 0<β_eff<3.2 <cit.>. When ℓ_⊥ < ℓ, β_eff>3, whereas the opposite is true if ℓ_⊥ > ℓ. For the rest of the manuscript, we focus on the latter case. In Fig. <ref>(b) we plot the spatial dependence of the modified interaction decay for different values of β_eff. Although for sufficiently large distances the potential in Eq. (<ref>) recovers the usual dipole-dipole tail, i.e. G_j→∞→ 1/j^3, the modification of the interaction to the neighboring sites is very significant, and has, as shown below, relevant consequences for the ground-state properties of the system. § REPULSIVE POLAR LATTICE GAS We focus first on the ground-state properties for the case of repulsive inter-site interactions, V>0. In absence of dipolar interaction, the standard Hubbard model with hard-core bosons may present only two phases, either a superfluid (SF) phase or a band insulator, with filling factor n̅=N/L=1, with N the number of bosons and L the number of sites. Note that the latter is equivalent to the vacuum (n̅=0) due to particle/hole symmetry. In the presence of inter-site dipolar interactions, and depending on the dipole strength V/t and the chemical potential μ the system may present different insulating phases with commensurate fractional fillings (devil's staircase) <cit.>. Particularly relevant are the half-filled density-wave (2DW) (n̅=1/2), which for t=0 acquires the form |⋯ ⋯⟩, and the one-third-filled (3DW) (n̅ =1/3) |⋯ ⋯⟩ (or equivalently the phase with n̅=2/3). Other fractional fillings are possible but they require significantly larger V/t ratios. We are interested in how the modified interaction decay alters the boundaries of the insulating phases. We employ density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) techniques to obtain the ground-state of a system of L=120 sites, assuming periodic boundary conditions. Superfluid (insulating) phases are characterized by a polynomial (exponential) decay of the single-particle correlation, C_SF(i,j)=⟨â_i^†â_i+j⟩. To distinguish amongst the different insulating phases, we evaluate the structure factor M(k)=1/L∑_j=1^L-1e^-ikj⟨n̂_in̂_i+j⟩, where k∈[-π, π] is the quasi-momentum. For an insulating phase with filling n̅=1/m, M(k) presents peaks at k=±2π/m. Due to particle-hole symmetry, the same is true for the phase with n̅=m-1/m. Note that particle-hole symmetry results in a mirror symmetry of the phase diagram on the (t/V,μ/V) plane around the chemical potential (μ/V)_0(B)=∑_j>0G_j(B). In order to compare properly the results for different B values, we introduce the re-scaled chemical potential, μ̃=μ/(2∑_j>0G_j(B)), such that the phase diagram presents mirror symmetry around μ̃/V=1/2. With this shift, the borders of the band insulator, n̅=1, and the vacuum, n=0, are given by μ̃/V=0,1. In Fig. <ref> (top), we depict the phase diagram for a 1/r^3 decay (blue), and for the modified dipolar interaction with β_eff=2 (red). The central lobe, which corresponds to the 2DW phase, is significantly smaller for β_eff=2. This must be compared to the results of Ref. <cit.>, which focused on the case ℓ_⊥≪ℓ (and hence β_eff≳ 3), for which the modification of the 2DW lobe compared to that expected for the 1/j^3 dependence is very small. The relative deviation from the results considering the standard 1/j^3 dependence is even more relevant for insulating phases at lower fillings. In Fig. <ref> (top) we observe as well the lobes with filling n̅=1/3 and n̅=1/4, and the particle/hole symmetric ones for n̅=2/3 and n̅=3/4. Note that these lobes, which are depicted in detail in the inset, are significantly modified. In particular, for β_eff=2, the critical V/t for the observation of the 3DW is strongly reduced from a critical V/t ≃ 47 to V/t≃ 27. Figure <ref> (bottom) shows the critical (V/t)_cr for 2DW and 3DW, as a function of β_eff, normalized to the value expected for a 1/j^3 decay. Note that for 2DW (3DW) (V/t)_cr increases (decreases) by approximately a factor of 2 when reducing β_eff down to 1. The lobes are also changed in their dependence with chemical potential. In addition to the above-mentioned (μ/V)_0(B) shift, the width (in chemical potential) of the 2DW (3DW) lobe significantly shrinks (widens) with decreasing β_eff. This is illustrated in Fig. <ref> (top), where we consider t=0, for which the phase boundaries may be evaluated analytically. The modification of the insulating lobes has significant consequences for the spatial particle distribution in the the presence of an overall harmonic confinement. The confinement results in an additional term Ω∑_i(i-L/2)^2n̂_i in Eq. (<ref>). For a sufficiently weak confinement, local-density approximation arguments apply, and the density profile presents the expected wedding-cake profile. Figure <ref> (bottom) shows the local mean occupation ⟨ n_i⟩. In the plateaus, which characterize the DW phases, we average over neighboring sites to flatten the DW oscillations in ⟨ n_i⟩. In agreement with the phase diagram, the central 2DW plateau shrinks while the 3DW plateau widens when decreasing β_eff. § ATTRACTIVE POLAR LATTICE GAS We analyze at this point the case of V<0, focusing first on the simplest case of just two bosons, and then discussing the formation of self-bound lattice droplets. §.§ Dimers The wave function characterizing a state of two bosons can be separated as Ψ(R, r) = e^iKRΦ_K(r), where R=(i_1+i_2)/2 is the center-of-mass, r=i_1-i_2 is the relative coordinate, and i_j=1,2 is the lattice site in which particle j is. The wave function Φ_K(r) depends on the center-of-mass quasi-momentum K∈[-π, π], and satisfies the Schrödinger equation Ĥ_K|Φ_K⟩ = E_KΦ_K, with Ĥ_K = -2tcos (Ka/2 )∑_r≥ 1 (|K, r+1⟩⟨ K, r| + H.c.) + V∑_r≥ 1G_j(B)|K,r⟩⟨ K, r|, where |K, r⟩ stands for the state with center-of-mass quasi-momentum K, and inter-particle separation r. Diagonalizing Ĥ_K for different K in the Brillouin zone provides the energy spectrum, depicted in Fig. <ref> for V/t=-4 and different values of β_eff. Compared to the case 1/r^3 for the same V/t, the modification of the dipolar tail results in additional bound eigenstates. The two-body ground-state is given for all β_eff values by a bound pair with K=0, and a spatial distribution peaked at nearest neighbors. However, the binding becomes stronger, i.e. pairing (and in general the formation of clusters, as discussed below) demands a smaller |V|/t when β_eff decreases. Furthermore, dimer mobility may be strongly modified by tuning the transversal confinement. Note that the curvature of the lowest branch at K=0, associated with the effective mass of the ground-state dimer, is significantly modified as a function of β_eff. This is best illustrated with the case of strong V/t, for which the lowest bound-state branch corresponds to bound nearest-neighbor dimers, which move via second-order hopping with amplitude t_D=1/1-2^-β_efft^2/V. This should be compared to the corresponding value t_D = 8t^2/7V for the case of 1/r^3 decay. Note that e.g. for β_eff=1, t_D = 2 t^2/V, and hence the dimer dynamics is approximately twice faster. §.§ Self-bound lattice droplets The formation of bound dimers in the two-body problem extends in the many-body case to the formation of self-bound lattice droplets formed by potentially many particles. These resemble those recently discussed in binary mixtures <cit.> and cavities <cit.>. Dipolar self-bound lattice droplets have been discussed in the context of out-of-equilibrium polar lattice gases after a quench of the confinement potential <cit.>. Very recently, ground-state self-bound dipolar lattice droplets were studied in Ref. <cit.>. Although self-bound lattice droplets present some interesting similarities to quantum droplets in binary and dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates <cit.>, they differ from them in the physical mechanism as well as in the fact that lattice droplets are self-pinned, i.e. they remain for any practical purposes immobile, due to their large effective mass. In Ref. <cit.>, it was shown that droplets can be either a self-bound Mott insulator (with saturated unit filling) or in a liquefied state (self-bound but with a filling lower than unity). It was argued that liquefaction arises due to the interplay between inter-site dipolar attraction and the super-exchange processes originating from short-range repulsion in soft-core Bose systems. In the following, we show that self-bound droplets in hard-core gases (where super-exchange is absent) are generally in either a saturated or liquid regime, and that the boundaries between the saturated, liquid, and unbound (gas) phases are strongly dependent on β_eff. In order to analyze self-bound lattice droplets, we develop a variational approach similar to that used in Ref. <cit.>. We assume that the impenetrable lattice gas is well described by a Tonks-Girardeau |Ψ_TG⟩=Π_k<k_Fb̂_k^†|0⟩ ansatz with the density n=k_F/π as a variational parameter, k_F being the Fermi momentum of the fermionized bosons. Evaluating ⟨Ψ_TG|Ĥ|Ψ_TG⟩ yields the energy per particle E[n]/tN = -2sin nπ/nπ+V/tn∑_r>0G_r[1-sin^2nπ r/π^2r^2]. The first and second terms are associated with the kinetic energy and the modified dipolar interaction, respectively. Following Ref. <cit.>, we classify the quantum phases of the dipolar system according to the value of the density n_c at which the energy per particle is minimal. In the unbound (gas) phase, the dipoles spread uniformly over all available sites. As a result, the gas phase is characterized by a vanishing density n_c=0. In contrast, in a liquid phase, where the droplets are self-bound and localized at zero pressure <cit.>, the energy per particle takes its minimal value at a finite density 0<n_c<1. Furthermore, the energy per particle at n_c is smaller than the bottom of the scattering band, i.e E[n_c]/N<-2t. Lastly, we define the saturated droplet regime as that in which the energy per particle becomes minimal at n_c=1. In such a phase, the droplet is incompressible and hole propagation within the droplet is inhibited due to the high energy cost of breaking a dipole bond <cit.>. In Fig. <ref>, we show, in a color scheme, the resulting phase diagram of impenetrable dipolar bosons as a function of the interaction strength |V|/t and β_eff. The saturated droplet regime is indicated in red, whereas the liquid and gaseous phases in white and blue, respectively. In stark contrast to the bare dipolar potential 1/r^3 <cit.>, the modified interaction gives rise to a wide liquefied region without removing the hard-core constraint. In addition to the above-mentioned variational approach, we calculate the ground state of the dipolar system for different values of |V|/t using DMRG simulations with N=24 bosons in L=80 sites. In our DMRG simulations, we define the gas-to-liquid transition at the interaction strength |V_c|/t in which the energy per particle is equal to the bottom of the scattering band E/N = -2t. Meanwhile, we define the saturated droplet regime as that in which the central density of the ground state reaches unity, i.e. the density distribution acquires a flat-top profile. Note that the wings of the droplet are not necessarily saturated, although when |V|/t increases eventually the whole droplet enters the unit filling regime. Green circles and orange stars in Fig. <ref> correspond to our DMRG results for the gas-to-liquid and liquid-to-saturated boundaries, respectively. A good agreement is found between the variational and numerical results. Note as well, that the gas-to-liquid transition is well-estimated by the threshold of dimer bound-state formation (dashed line in Fig. <ref>), obtained from the two-body calculations discussed above. § CONCLUSIONS A sufficiently loose transversal confinement results in a significant modification of the inter-site interaction between dipoles in a one-dimensional optical lattice, which departs from the usually assumed 1/j^3 dependence. We have shown that this modification, which acquires a universal dependence on the confinement parameters, may significantly modify the ground-state properties of hard-core bosons. For repulsive dipoles, it leads to a marked shift of the boundaries of the insulating devil's staircase phases, that translates in a significantly modified particle distribution in the presence of an overall harmonic potential. For attractive dipoles, the modified interaction decay results in a lower critical dipolar strength for the formation of self-bound clusters, and to a much wider parameter region for the observation of liquefied droplets without the need of super-exchange processes. The discussed effects should play a relevant role in future lattice experiments on magnetic atoms or polar molecules. § ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We acknowledge support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) – Project-ID 274200144 – SFB 1227 DQ-mat within the project A04, and under Germany's Excellence Strategy – EXC-2123 Quantum-Frontiers – 390837967. J.Z. was supported by the National Science Centre (Poland), grant 2021/43/I/ST3/01142.
The Masses of Supernova Remnant Progenitors in M33
[ "Brad Koplitz", "Jared Johnson", "Benjamin F. Williams", "Mariangelly Diaz-Rodriguez", "Jeremiah W. Murphy", "Margaret Lazzarini", "Joseph Guzman", "Julianne J. Dalcanton", "Andrew Dolphin", "Meredith Durbin" ]
[ "astro-ph.HE", "astro-ph.GA", "astro-ph.SR" ]
M33 SNR Progenitor Masses Koplitz et al. Brad Koplitz bmk12@uw.edu 0000-0001-5530-2872]Brad Koplitz Department of Astronomy, Box 351580, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA 0000-0002-2630-9490]Jared Johnson Department of Astronomy, Box 351580, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA 0000-0002-7502-0597]Benjamin F. Williams Department of Astronomy, Box 351580, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA 0000-0002-4652-5983]Mariangelly Díaz-Rodríguez Department of Physics, Florida State University, 77 Chieftan Way, Tallahassee, FL 32306, USA Department of Physics, Florida State University, 77 Chieftan Way, Tallahassee, FL 32306, USA 0000-0003-3252-352X]Margaret Lazzarini California Institute of Technology, 1200 E California Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91125, USA 0000-0001-8878-4994]Joseph Guzman Department of Physics, Florida State University, 77 Chieftan Way, Tallahassee, FL 32306, USA 0000-0002-7502-0597]Julianne J. Dalcanton Center for Computational Astrophysics, Flatiron Institute, 162 Fifth Ave, New York, NY 10010, USA Department of Astronomy, Box 351580, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA 0000-0001-8416-4093]Andrew Dolphin Raytheon Technologies, 1151 E. Hermans Road, Tucson, AZ 85706, USA Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, d933 N. Cherry Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85719 0000-0001-7531-9815]Meredith Durbin Department of Astronomy, Box 351580, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA Using resolved optical stellar photometry from the Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury Triangulum Extended Region (PHATTER) survey, we measured the star formation history (SFH) near the position of 85 supernova remnants (SNRs) in M33. We constrained the progenitor masses for 60 of these SNRs, finding the remaining 25 remnants had no local SF in the last 56 Myr consistent with core-collapse SNe (CCSNe), making them potential Type Ia candidates. We then infer a progenitor mass distribution from the age distribution, assuming single star evolution. We find that the progenitor mass distribution is consistent with being drawn from a power-law with an index of . Additionally, we infer a minimum progenitor mass of from this sample, consistent with several previous studies, providing further evidence that stars with ages older than the lifetimes of single 8 stars are producing supernovae. § INTRODUCTION Stellar evolution theory predicts that stars with a mass above ∼8 will end their lives as 1core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe) <cit.>. The precise value of this lower limit has been the subject of multiple studies, some of which have found that red supergiants with masses 1as low as 7 1can be progenitors for Type IIP SNe <cit.>. In addition to the uncertainty surrounding the lower mass limit of SN progenitors, there has been growing evidence that not all stars with masses >8 experience a canonical 1CCSNe (e.g. ). For example, stellar evolution theory suggests that there is an upper mass cutoff of ∼30 for Type II SNe <cit.>. Observations, however, point to a new smaller upper limit of 17 - 19 <cit.>. This discrepancy, along with the lack of high-mass progenitors in observations, was dubbed “the red supergiant problem” by <cit.>, who first argued that the discrepancy is statistically significant. More recently, <cit.> suggested that some of the discrepancy can be attributed to the steepness of the luminosity-distribution of red supergiants as well as the small sample size. They suggest the problem may not be as significant as previously believed, but also find a similar upper limit of 19^+4_-2 M_⊙. Above this mass limit, some stars may instead collapsed straight into a black hole <cit.>. These “direct collapse” systems would not produce a visible SN or leave behind a visible remnant. The first observed black hole formation candidate occurred in the star-forming galaxy NGC 6946 <cit.>. <cit.> and <cit.> used the local stellar populations of the vanishing star to determine the progenitor was likely ∼10.6 Myr old which a single star progenitor points to an initial mass of ∼17 M_⊙. Further progress on understanding the fates of massive stars requires increasing the number of CCSNe progenitors with mass constraints and expanding the measured distribution of progenitor masses to wider ranges of galaxy properties. The traditional method for determining the mass of SNe progenitors is by directly imaging the progenitor stars (e.g. ). This technique requires high resolution (better than ∼0.1") images of the SN site both before and after the event, which involves a large amount of serendipity. The difficult requirement of having spatially resolved photometry of the location before the explosion has resulted in only 34 SNe having their progenitor masses determined by this method, along with 140 upper limits constrained (;1). While the number of cataloged SNe has increased in recent years (e.g. ), few of these SNe have had their progenitor constrained due to insufficient precursor imaging. An alternative method, which doesn't require pre-explosion images, uses an age-dating technique of the stellar populations surrounding a SN event <cit.>. This technique leverages the stellar populations surrounding a SN to measure the local 1star formation history (SFH) by finding the model age distribution that best fits the color-magnitude diagram (CMD) of the resolved local stars. By assuming the progenitor star belongs to the median population near the event, we are able to place statistical constraints on the age of the SN progenitor. We can then infer the most likely mass of the progenitor by assuming that it was the most massive star that survives to that age according to the models. This age-dating technique was shown to be a reliable way to infer progenitor ages for distances out to ∼8 Mpc <cit.>. Assuming only stars with masses ≳7 become CCSNe requires photometry that is sensitive to populations as old as 56 Myr <cit.>. Because the technique does not require precursor imaging, it can be applied to any location where a SN has occurred in the recent past, including any known 1SN remnants (SNRs). As a result, several previous works have shown that most young stars within 50 pc of a SN event are associated with the progenitor <cit.>. For example, this technique was used to constrain the masses of SNR progenitors in the local star-forming galaxies M31 <cit.>, NGC 6946 <cit.>, as well as the Magellanic Clouds <cit.>. This technique has also been used to constrain the mass of observed CCSNe <cit.>. Progenitor masses in M83 have also been constrained, including one with a most likely mass of 59 whose errors exclude ages older than 8 Myr, the highest mass progenitor inferred from the technique to date <cit.>. M33, or the Triangulum Galaxy, is an excellent target for our technique. It is nearby, relatively face-on (i = 56; ), and is known to host over 200 SNRs <cit.>. <cit.>, hereafter J14, has already applied this technique to 33 SNRs in M33, finding that the distribution was well-fit by power-law distributions with indices that were significantly steeper than a standard Salpeter initial mass function power-law index of -2.35 <cit.>. However, their analysis in M33 was limited by the heterogeneous set of archival Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images available. This heterogeneous coverage resulted in inconsistent filter coverage and photometric depths between observations containing SNRs. Furthermore, they did not fit a separate field star component to their ages, which could have resulted in age biases. Here, we follow-up on their work using the deep, uniform coverage provided by the 1Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury Triangulum Extended Region (PHATTER) survey <cit.> as well as updated fitting techniques. The analysis we present here takes advantage of the work by <cit.>, hereafter DR18, who developed a Bayesian Hierarchical analysis capable of constraining the progenitor mass distribution index with an improved method for accounting for background effects as well as the minimum and maximum mass at which a star is able to undergo a CCSNe event from a set of SFHs. They reanalyzed the SFHs from J14 as well as those from <cit.> which correspond to likely SNRs from <cit.>, finding a progenitor mass index closer to, but not consistent with, a Salpeter index (-2.96^+0.45_-0.25). This combined M31 and M33 distribution pointed to a minimum mass of ∼7.3 and a maximum mass of >59 M_⊙. However, they found the SFHs from M31 led to a Salpeter progenitor mass distribution index (-2.35^+0.36_-0.48) with a minimum mass of 6.5 and a maximum mass of >46 M_⊙. In this paper, we take an updated look at the ages of SNR progenitors in M33 using resolved stellar photometry from the PHATTER survey. Our larger sample and more homogeneous photometry catalog allow us to compare different fitting methods and quantify the impact these changes have on the age and mass results. 1Additionally, we compare our custom SNR centered SFHs to those measured by <cit.> in grids, allowing us to determine whether grid SFHs are sufficient for inferring a progenitor age and mass. The rest of the paper is outlined as follows: Section <ref> details our SNR source catalog, as well as how our SFHs were measured. 1Section <ref> presents our progenitor age and mass estimates. In Section <ref>, we discuss our constraint on the lower mass limit for CCSNe as well as the results of Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) tests on our observed distribution, then compare our results to similar studies in the literature. Finally, Section <ref> provides a short summary of our results. Throughout this paper, we assume a distance to M33 of 859 kpc <cit.>. § DATA AND ANALYSIS Our technique has two main data requirements. First, we need to know the locations of past SN activity. Second, we require resolved stellar photometry of the current populations within 50 pc of the SNe, as stars tend to remain spatially correlated within about 100 pc of their siblings for about 100 Myr, even if the cluster is not gravitationally bound <cit.>. Using these we can measure the star formation rate as a function of lookback time, known as the star formation history (SFH), at each SNR location. The SFH provides the age distribution of the stars near each SN. We then apply this age distribution to constrain the age and mass of the progenitor star. We detail each of these steps below. §.§ SNR Locations For the locations of past SN activity in M33, we take the locations of SNRs from the catalogs of <cit.> and <cit.>, hereafter L10 and LL14, respectively. L10 identified candidates based on their X-ray spectrum as well as having [S II]:Hα ratios ≥0.4. The candidates in LL14 were identified based on their lack of blue stars, remnant morphology, and [S II]:Hα ratios ≥0.4. Of the 137 SNR candidates in L10, 120 are included in LL14's catalog of 199 candidates. The remaining 17 locations were classified as likely superbubbles or H II regions, leading LL14 to exclude them from their final catalog. Of these 17 potential SNRs, 4 (L10-043, L10-050, L10-079, L10-098) are within the PHATTER survey footprint. We include these 4 locations in our catalog since they may be SNRs located within larger star forming complexes. Of the 199 candidates from LL14, 81 reside in the PHATTER footprint, leading to our catalog of 85 SNR candidates. In addition to the SNR locations, we produced 12 control 1catalogs of locations not associated with SNRs. 1The first sample is 85 locations randomly distributed within the PHATTER footprint. The second sample is 2,500 random draws of the grid SFHs from <cit.> which do not contain a SNR. Differences between the random and SNR samples provide additional evidence that the stellar populations near the SNRs are likely related to the progenitors, and not chance spatial coincidences of young stars (see Section <ref> for details). §.§ Photometry Once we had determined the historical SN locations, the second requirement was resolved stellar photometry at those locations. This photometry was obtained from the PHATTER survey <cit.>. The survey measured resolved stellar photometry for 22 million stars within M33 in optical (Advanced Camera for Surveys F475W and F814W), near-ultraviolet (Wide Field Camera 3 F275W and F336W), and near-infrared (WFC3 F110W and F160W) bands. Our photometry is derived from the optical images (F475W and F814W) of the PHATTER survey, rather than measure photometry in all 6 bands simultaneously. We took samples from this photometry catalog for each SNR location and each control location, with the samples consisting of all of the stars within 50 pc (12”) from the SNR or random position. We also collect samples of the wide spread young populations surrounding each SNR from 50 pc to 1000 pc (12” to 4'). These “background” samples allow us to identify young populations unique to the region containing the SNR. To fit stellar evolution models to the photometric data, we require artificial star tests to correctly model the photometric completeness and uncertainty as a function of color and magnitude. We used the artificial star tests from these data that were created by <cit.>, who used them to measure grid SFHs in M33, as discussed in Section <ref>. These tests are obtained by adding stars of known flux to an image and blindly rerunning the photometry routine to measure the photometric bias, uncertainty, and completeness as a function of color and magnitude when fitting models to the data. This is done at least 50,000 times within a region of interest. <cit.> and <cit.> found that one set of artificial stars could be used for all locations of similar stellar density, rather than creating a set for each location. This greatly reduces the computation time required. <cit.> used this technique to optimize the number of ASTs that needed to be created. Since we are using the same photometry catalog as <cit.>, we are able to use the same ASTs when analyzing the SNRs in our catalog. These tests and the optical photometry catalog are described in further detail in <cit.>. §.§ CMD Fitting Once we had the photometry and artificial star tests necessary to study each SNR location, we used the CMD fitting program MATCH <cit.> to measure SFHs near the SNRs in our catalog. MATCH has been used to constrain the age of SN progenitors (e.g. J14; ) and SFH for nearby galaxies (e.g. ). MATCH fits the observed CMD using the PARSEC stellar evolution models <cit.>. For each model age and metallicity, it creates a model CMD by assuming a Kroupa initial mass function <cit.>. It then finds the highest likelihood linear combination of those models that provides the best-fit to the observed CMD using a maximum likelihood estimator and taking into account the bias, uncertainty, and completeness of the photometry as determined by artificial star tests. This combination of models yields the distribution of ages and metallicities for the stars in the observed CMD, which we refer to as the SFH of the region. Below, we provide a brief description of our technique for running MATCH. A more detailed account of the process can be found in <cit.>, which is identical to how we ran MATCH here. In short, for each SNR location, we fit the CMD of the resolved stellar photometry with a grid of model CMDs generated from the PARSEC stellar evolution models <cit.>. Our model grid had time bins of size 0.05 dex from log_10(t/yr) = 6.6 to 8.0 while bins of size 0.1 dex were used from log_10(t/yr) = 8.0 to 10.2. Since M33 is known to have a sub-solar metallicity (e.g. ), we limited the metallicities MATCH applies to the model grid to be -0.5 ≤ [Fe/H] ≤ 0.1 using the zinc flag. Multiple massive stars can reside in the same location on CMDs even though they have different metallicities. As a result, using the zinc flag forces MATCH to use models for the young stars that are within the known metallicity range of M33. As in <cit.>, our model also includes a “background” or “contamination” CMD of the stars in an annulus between 50 - 1000 pc (12” - 4') from the SNR. The contamination CMD is scaled to the size of our regions before fitting. This allows use to identify young populations which are sparse in the surrounding field and more heavily weight the populations concentrated within the regions being fit. Furthermore, the fitting routine accounts for the effects of dust on the photometry. We allowed MATCH to find the combination of reddening parameters, along with the combination of ages and metallicities, that provided the best fit to the observed CMD. Since young populations are often found in dusty regions, MATCH applies three types of extinction to the model CMDs when fitting the stellar populations. The first, A_V, is the total foreground extinction over the full region. The second, dA_V, is the extinction spread due to the stars along the line of sight. The third, dA_VY, is additional differential extinction added to populations younger than 100 Myr old. The default dA_VY value of 0.5 was used. To determine A_V and dA_V for a SNR, we fit a range of possible values at the location. We allowed A_V to be between 0.05 and 1.00 in steps of 0.05 while dA_V could be between 0.0 and 2.0 in steps of 0.2. On average, our locations returned an A_V value of 0.30, higher than the <cit.> value of 0.114. This higher A_V is not surprising given that MATCH takes into account the Milky Way and M33 reddening whereas <cit.> only accounts for the Milky Way. The vast majority of dA_V values in our sample were 0.0, meaning the default differential reddening for the youngest stars (dA_VY = 0.5) was sufficient to account for differential reddening in most cases. §.§ Uncertainty Estimation Random and systematic uncertainties are inherent to fitting stellar models to CMDs. Most of the random uncertainties in our fits arise from photometric errors as well as the number of stars used to determine the most likely progenitor age. The systematic uncertainties are from any deficiencies present in the stellar evolution models used during the SFH fits. <cit.> has shown that there is good agreement between models sets for fits to young ages, and that the random uncertainties dominate the error budget in these fits. Thus, we use the random uncertainties determination to estimate the uncertainties in our SFHs. To estimate our random uncertainties, we used the tool within MATCH <cit.>. This task uses a hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm to accept or reject potential SFHs around the best-fit SFH based on likelihood. We report the narrowest 68% of the distribution of accepted SFHs that decreases with look-back time in columns (4) and (5) of Table <ref>. A detailed description of how our uncertainties are estimated can be found in Section <ref>. §.§ SFHs from Previous Work Recently, <cit.> published recent SFH maps of the PHATTER region of M33. They used the same PHATTER optical photometry to measure the SFH of M33's inner disk in a grid of 100 x 100 pc (24” x 24”) cells, which they have released to the community. <cit.> largely used the same MATCH fitting technique as we have, but there were a few differences. In their analysis, time bins of size 0.1 dex were used for all bins (log_10(t/yr) = 6.6 to 10.2). Since they were measuring the total amount of star formation in each location, and not attempting to isolate very localized populations, a contamination CMD was not included during their fits. Being able to constrain progenitor masses using such a grid of spatially-resolved age distributions would be very powerful, since it would avoid having to access the original photometry and artificial star tests and run custom fitting for each SNR location. Thus, we also attempted to age-date the SNR locations using this grid of published SFHs by assigning a SFH from <cit.> that corresponded to the location of each SNR in our sample. We then compare the ages and masses of custom fits to those taken from a less optimized, but more easily accessible, source. §.§ Constraining Progenitor Mass The next step in constraining the masses of SNR progenitors is to convert the recent SFH from MATCH into a probability distribution for the age of the progenitor. This calculation is done by determining the fraction of the total stellar mass present in each age bin. We take this fraction to be equal to the probability that the progenitor is associated with that age. We also take the error on that fraction as the error on the probability. We provide an example of such a probability distribution in Table <ref>. The age probability distribution presented in Table <ref> is for the SNR LL14-060. Similar tables for each SNR with SF in the last 56 Myr are combined into one and made available in the online supplemental material. While the age probability distribution derived from the SFH is the most complete constraint on the progenitor age, we also provide a single progenitor mass estimate with uncertainties. This age simplifies the mass inference, as well as comparisons with other measurements and mass distribution analysis. To derive the most likely progenitor age, we use the SFHs and uncertainties produced by MATCH to calculate the median age of the stellar populations younger than 56 Myr surrounding each SNR. We then take that age as the most likely progenitor age. We determine the uncertainties on the median age as follows. We recalculate the median age a million times by accounting for the uncertainties and resampling the SF rates in each time bin, then determine the narrowest 68th percentile of this distribution of ages which contain the best-fit. We use a 56 Myr cut off for our SNR centered SFHs, rather than the 50 Myr used by other works, because of the results of our Bayesian analysis presented in Section <ref>. 1A 56 Myr (log(t/yr) = 7.75) cut off is not possible for the grid SFHs since <cit.> ran MATCH with time bins of 0.1 dex. 1As a results, we must decide whether to use a 50 or 63 Myr cut off (log(t/yr) = 7.7 or 7.8) 1for the grid SFH samples. We adopt a 50 Myr cut off as this limits the number of contamination populations being included in our analysis. To infer the progenitor mass for each age bin, we assume that the SNR progenitor is the highest surviving mass on the PARSEC stellar isochrone <cit.>. We present an example of our progenitor age fitting results for SNR LL14-160 in Figure <ref>. Similar summary plots are available for all of the SNR locations in the online supplemental materials associated with the paper. Past studies have shown that 1progenitor masses estimated from the SFHs produced by MATCH are consistent with estimates from other techniques (e.g. ). DR18 found that their combined M31 and M33 distribution pointed to a minimum mass for CCSN progenitors of ∼7 M_⊙, which corresponds to an age of ∼50 Myr assuming single star evolution. Populations older than this are more likely to be unrelated to the SNR since they have had more time to distance themselves from their parent cluster. Older stars in 1binaries have been shown to be possible SN progenitors (e.g. ); however, our current inference from age to mass requires that we assume single star evolution. Fortunately, this assumption should not impact our age constraints, which come from the surrounding population, but it could significantly impact our conversions between age and progenitor mass if the progenitor system was a mass-exchanging binary. § RESULTS We present and provide the progenitor mass results from our own custom SFHs. We then compare to results that we obtain from previously published SFHs, as well as control samples and results from SNR studies of other nearby galaxies. These comparisons suggest that custom SFHs 1with a contamination CMD included in the fit to account for the more widespread populations are required to isolate the ages of the stars most likely associated with each SNR. §.§ Comparing Grid SFHs to SNR Centered SFHs We present our progenitor mass constraints 1for the SNRs in our catalog in Table <ref> 1and compare the resulting age distributions in Figure <ref>, which reveals that the 2masses from <cit.> are systematically lower than our custom measurements. For 42 of the 85 locations in our catalog (∼49%) the best-fit masses were not consistent with each other. KS-tests between these samples returned a p-value of 0.11, suggesting 1we cannot rule out that they are from the same parent distribution. 1To isolate the cause of the observed difference, we reran our custom fits without including a contamination component, which returned a distribution similar to the one from the <cit.> grid SFHs. Performing KS-tests between the SNR centered distributions returned a p-value of 0.09 while 0.27 was returned when comparing the grid distribution to the SNR centered without a contamination CMD sample. Figure <ref> is a histogram comparing the distribution of progenitor masses that resulted from using the grid SFHs as well as the SNR centered SFHs with and without a contamination CMD. Each distribution is normalized such that they integrate to one. The overall distribution from the grid SFHs is similar to that of our centered SFHs without a contamination CMD, which is expected given that both SFHs were fit without a contamination CMD and the sample populations overlap. 1Even though none of the distributions contain a progenitor that excludes masses <20 M_⊙, the grid SFHs produced 10 locations consistent with being more massive than 20 M_⊙ while the SNR centered SFHs returned 15 with a contamination CMD and 9 without one. A similar fraction of locations with masses between 7 - 15 and 15 - 25 were found in the grid and SNR centered without a contamination component distributions (86%, 13% and 86%, 11% respectively). These show that the inclusion of the contamination CMD impact the resulting distribution the most, though the high-precision custom location does play a large role. §.§ Type Ia Candidates Of the 85 locations in our catalog, 1we classify 25 as Type Ia candidates. <cit.> showed that binaries with ages down to 200 Myr can produce delayed CCSNe; however, these systems have had enough time to move a significant distance away from their parent cluster, making the SF we measure older than ∼56 Myr likely contaminated by nearby populations that are not associated with the SN event. Thus, any location without SF in the last ∼56 Myr we classify as Type Ia candidates since our technique cannot reliably determine the progenitor age beyond this. Including contamination CMDs in our SFH fits forces MATCH to only fit for SF above any 1background young stellar populations. While this requirement can be helpful in isolating populations more likely to be associated with an SNR, it can also cause some SNRs to be classified as Type Ia candidates when they are actually Type II or Type Ibc in origin, because their associated young population may be too similar to that of the larger surroundings. To check how many of our Type Ia candidates could actually be CCSNe, we can use our results from the <cit.> SFHs which measured the total star formation in each location. The SNRs with mass estimates in 1column (9) of Table <ref> but without a constraint in 1column (7) are less likely to be Type Ia in origin, as there are relatively high mass populations nearby, just not above the background level. Of the 25 Type Ia candidates from our SNR centered SFHs, only LL14-103's grid SFH contained no SF within the last 56 Myr, making it our best Type Ia candidate. The other 24 Type Ia candidates had young stellar populations present but not in sufficient quantities to be detected above the larger surroundings, making them weaker Type Ia candidates. These results suggest a Type Ia fraction between 1 - 29%. While this is not a tight constraint, it is consistent with the ∼15% expected for late-type spirals <cit.>. § DISCUSSION Our progenitor age distributions probe the minimum mass at which CCSNe can occur, how SNe are spatially distributed in the disk of M33, and the power-law index of the progenitor mass distribution for the galaxy. §.§ Mass Limits for CCSNe Using the Bayesian Hierarchical analysis developed by DR18, 1we use our SNR age sample to provide a constraint on the maximum age at which stars undergo CCSNe, t_max. Our analysis was sensitive to the assumed minimum age for CCSNe, t_min. To account for this, we fit our distribution assuming t_min values of 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, and 18 Myr, with each returning similar results. We report the t_min = 15 Myr fit since this is the lowest t_min value that stabilized the returned progenitor mass distribution slope, finding Myr as the best-fit t_max which corresponds to a M_min of M_⊙. Figure <ref> shows the distribution of t_max (left) and M_min (right) returned by the Bayesian analysis for the fit with t_min = 15 Myr. The analysis also attempts to constrain the upper mass 1limit for CCSNe and the progenitor mass distribution index when fitting a distribution. Our high mass progenitors, however, have large error bars which prevented the analysis from converging on 1a rigorous best-fit value for 1the upper mass limit. Since the upper mass is degenerate with the distribution index, it also did not return a reliable index. We estimate the progenitor mass distribution index in Section <ref> using an alternate technique since it may be of interest to the community. §.§ Spatial Distribution of Progenitor Masses To investigate the spatial distribution of SNRs in M33, we plot the locations of our catalog on an Hα image taken with the WIYN 0.9m telescope (Figure <ref>). The progenitor mass and most likely SNe type are indicated by the color and symbol, respectively. Locations for which we have mass constrains in 1column (7) of Table <ref>, i.e. were able to measure SF within the last 56 Myr above the background level, are shown as circles. Progenitors with masses <9 are white, masses of 9 - 12 are red, masses of 12 - 15are orange, masses of 15 - 20 are yellow, and masses >20 are blue. Our Type Ia SNe candidates are shown as squares, where the color indicates the best-fit progenitor mass from the grid SFH that the SNR resides in from <cit.>. 1The color show the mass that could have produced a CCSNe at the location, though these are less likely to be CCSNe than the colored circles due to the lower level of young SF. The coloring depicts the same mass ranges as the circles, with the addition of black indicating 1the location of LL14-103, our best Type Ia candidate. Our entire catalog mostly traces the Hα emission and spiral arms of M33. There are many squares (Type Ia candidates) inside star forming regions throughout the galaxy, indicating that young populations are present, just not enough to be detected in fits that include a contamination component. In these cases, 1fitting without a contamination CMD (i.e. fitting the full population) often find some massive stars in the region when the contamination CMD included fit finds no such populations. §.§ Progenitor Mass Distribution Power-Law Index While the Bayesian Hierarchical analysis of DR18 was not able to converge on a power-law index for the progenitor distribution due to the uncertainties at very young ages, it may still be of interest to determine the closest power-law representation of our most likely progenitor masses. To determine this value, we use KS-tests to determine the likelihood 1the locations in our catalog 1with young populations (<56 Myr) are drawn from various power law distributions. We compared the data to power-law indices between -6.0 and 0.0, in steps of 0.1, and report the most likely index. 1To estimate the uncertainties on the index, we employee a bootstrap analysis in which we sample the uncertainties on each mass 1,000 times. We then find the indices which return p-values ≥0.05 (∼95% confidence) and report the extremes as our limits. Performing this analysis on our full catalog of SNRs indicates the progenitor mass distribution is best matched by a power-law with an index of , which does contain the Salpeter index of -2.35 <cit.>. The best-fit index 1has a p-value of 0.23. 1Running the progenitor mass distribution from the grid SFHs through this same analysis 1found that the sample was best matched by an index of -3.8^+1.8_-0.4, significantly steeper than our SNR centered catalog 1though still consistent. This is not surprising given that, as discussed in Section <ref>, L10-043 was the only progenitor found to be more massive than 25 M_⊙ 1in this sample. 1Our power-law indices were estimated using only the locations that contained SF at ages younger than ∼56 Myr. To estimate the impact that removing locations without young SF has on our indices, we refit the progenitor mass distribution index of our SNR centered sample while adding in the grid SFH progenitor mass for locations that did not contain young SF in our custom fit. This combined sample was best-fit by a -3.2^+1.3_-0.6 index, which consistent with both the SNR centered and grid SFH indices. This indicates that removing locations without young SF does not have a large impact on the returned progenitor mass distribution index. Figure <ref> shows our ranked progenitor mass distribution. The red points indicate the progenitor mass of each SNR with a constraint in 1column (7) of Table <ref>, with uncertainties shown as red lines. Overplotted as gray lines are 50 draws from a power-law distribution with an index of , our best-fit index. §.§ Control Sample As mentioned in Section <ref>, we also performed our analysis on control samples, random locations that did not contain SNRs. 1We compared our SNR results to these control results to determine if the SNRs are indeed affecting our results. We discuss both the control sample for the mass estimates based on custom SFH measurements and the control samples for mass estimates based on <cit.> SFH measurements below. Our first control sample, 1containing randomly drawn locations in the PHATTER footprint, returned fewer progenitors with masses >20 (5 in the control sample and 9 in our catalog). There were also significantly more (133, ∼39% of the sample) Type Ia candidates (i.e. locations with no significant recent star formation above what is present in the contamination CMD) 1than our SNR centered distribution with a contamination CMD (25, ∼30% of the sample). Both of these suggest that the regions in this control sample contained, on average, older populations than those found near SNRs. 1The locations in this sample that contained SF at ages younger than 56 Myr were best-fit by a power-law index 1of -4.9^+3.2_-0.2, which is consistent with our contamination CMD and 1the grid distributions. 1While the uncertainties do overlap, this can likely be attributed to the amount of wide spread SF within the PHATTER footprint of M33. Comparing this random sample to our SNR centered sample returned a p-value of 0.08, suggesting these sample are only marginally consistent with being drawn from the same parent distribution. Of the 2,500 random draws in the grid control sample, ∼70% were consistent with the grid power-law index, with the remaining ∼30% resulting in steeper indices. 1We found the median index to be -4.1 ± 0.5, which includes the grid SFH sample index of -3.8 but excludes the SNR centered index of -2.9, though the uncertainties do overlap. Of the 2,500 draws, 1,492 (∼60%) resulted in p-values ≤0.05 when compared to our grid sample. No p-values ≥0.05 where found when compared to the SNR centered sample. Additionally, our grid sample only contained 1 location without recent SF (LL14-103) whereas only 3 of the grid control draws contained as main or fewer such locations. Meaning that >99% of random draws had more locations without young stars present than we find in locations containing SNRs. These results show that the grid SFHs that contain SNRs do differ from those that lack an SNR, 1with the similar power-law indices likely being explained, again, by the amount of wide spread SF in M33. §.§ Comparison to J14 and DR18 J14's catalog contained 33 SNRs in M33, of which 28 are in the PHATTER footprint. Our SNR centered progenitor mass estimates were consistent with those found by J14 for 16 of these 28 sources. Of the 12 sources that were not consistent between our estimates and those in J14, we identify 8 Type Ia candidates. 1J14 found their full distribution of 33 SNRs was best-fit by an index of -3.8^+0.5_-0.4. Using our SNR centered SFHs of the 28 overlapping locations, our analysis pointed to the distribution being well matched by a power-law index of -3.1^+1.2_-1.1, which is flatter than what J14 found. Their steep index 1could be from the few progenitors with masses >20 1in their sample, which can likely be partially attributed to the low number of SNRs in their sample. 1Poisson fluctuations for small numbers can randomly vary to zero quite easily. Additionally, J14 did not include a contamination CMD when fitting, which may have biased their estimates towards older, less massive populations and reduced their number of Type Ia candidates. We have shown 1in Section <ref> that CMD-based age-dating returns more low mass progenitors when no background CMD is included in the fitting. DR18 constrained the minimum mass for CCSNe to be 7.32^+0.12_-0.14 M_⊙ using the J14 measurements, which is consistent with the minimum mass we identified, suggesting that this cutoff may be the most reliable parameter returned from the SNR sample. §.§ Comparison to Other Galaxies In addition to the SNRs in M33, J14 also constrained the progenitor mass distribution for 82 SNRs in M31 using photometry from the PHAT survey. Their KS-test analysis found that this distribution was best matched by a power-law index of -4.4^+0.4_-0.4, which is not consistent with our distribution. Interestingly, one major difference between J14 and DR18 is that DR18 allows for a uniform background distribution when fitting for the progenitor mass distribution parameters. This should have a similar 1effect to the use of a contamination CMD during the fitting process in that it accounts for the possibility that some of the measured SF may not be associated with the SN. With the inclusion of the uniform background distribution, DR18 constrained the distribution index to be -2.35^+0.36_-0.48 and found the minimum mass for CCSNe to be 6.5^+0.6_-0.2 using 62 SNRs in M31. Both of 1these measurements are consistent with what we 1have found in M33. <cit.> gathered the progenitor masses for 40 SNRs in the Milky Way and both Magellanic Clouds from the literature that were estimated using chemical abundances. 1They updated many of the measurements using Fe:Si ratios and found a progenitor mass distribution consistent with both a Salpeter index and our measured index for M33. <cit.> examined 23 SNRs in the Small Magellanic Cloud, finding that 22 were likely core-collapse in origin. They report the likelihood that the mass of each progenitor is between 8-12.5 M_⊙, 12.5-21.5 M_⊙, and >21.5 M_⊙ assuming single and binary evolution. Regardless of single or binary evolution, 170% of their progenitors had the highest likelihood in the most massive bin, whereas 19% of our SNRs were found to have progenitor masses in this range. The large number of high mass progenitors led to their distribution being well matched by a power-law index of -1.84, though the uncertainties are consistent with a Salpeter index. A possible reason given by <cit.> for the top-heavy distribution is that the Small Magellanic Cloud has a lower metallicity than M33. It has been shown that lower metallicity gas is more likely to produce a top-heavy stellar distribution (e.g. ). <cit.> constrained the progenitor mass of 199 SNRs in M83 using our technique. They found that the progenitor mass distribution was well matched by a power-law index of -2.9^+0.2_-0.7. A KS-test between their M83 distribution and ours resulted in a p-value of 0.04, suggesting their parent distributions may differ, 1possibly due to the higher star formation intensity or lower metallicity of M33. <cit.> measured the progenitor mass of 169 SNRs, 8 historically observed SNe, and NGC6946-BH1, the first black hole formation candidate, in the galaxy NGC 6946 using our technique. They found that gas emission impacted their broad V-band photometry, which biased some of their mass estimates. As a result they only included the 46 sources that were least likely to be biased when constraining the progenitor mass distribution index. In this sample they found 124% with masses ≥20 M_⊙, while we have 111% progenitors in our catalog with similar masses. They found their distribution was best-fit by an index of -2.6^+0.5_-0.6, which is consistent with our 1measured index. KS-tests between their preferred sample and our distribution resulted in a p-value of 0.2. Figure <ref> compares our distribution of progenitor masses to those in M83 <cit.> and the preferred sample in NGC 6946 <cit.>. We normalize each individually so that they integrate to one. Each is dominated by the low mass progenitors and those less massive than 25 have similar overall shapes. These led to power-law indices that are consistent with each other. Our distribution is the only that lacks any progenitors with mass ≥40 M_⊙. However, this 1could be the result of the small number of high mass progenitors expected combined with the smaller number of SNRs in 1our sample. § SUMMARY We constrained the progenitor age and mass of 60 SNRs in the nearby galaxy M33, or the Triangulum Galaxy, using an age-dating technique of the stellar populations near the SNRs. 1The remaining 25 showed no local SF within the past 56 Myr, making them potential Type Ia candidates. While it is possible that these candidates are binary systems producing delayed CCSNe with ages down to 200 Myr, our analysis is not able to reliably determine the progenitor age beyond ∼56 Myr. Using the Bayesian Hierarchical analysis developed by DR18, we constrained the maximum age for CCSNe to be Myr, which assuming single star evolution corresponds to a minimum mass of M_⊙. A KS-test analysis determined that the progenitor mass distribution of our full catalog was best-matched by a power-law distribution with an index of , which includes the Salpeter index 1of -2.35. Our distribution is well populated by progenitors with masses 19 - 40 M_⊙. When using grid SFHs from <cit.>, rather than 1SNR centered regions with a contamination CMD included, the inferred progenitor mass 1was biased to lower values, with only 1 progenitor more massive than 25 M_⊙. There 1were also fewer Type Ia candidates when using the grid SFHs, 1 from the grid SFHs and 25 from the SNR centered SFHs. Additionally, the progenitor mass distribution index that 1came from the grid SFHs 1was steeper than the index from the SNR centered SFHs 1while KS-tests between these samples returned a 0.03 p-value. Without a contamination CMD, our custom SFHs returned a similar distribution to the grid, finding a p-value of 0.14 between the two samples. The grid 1results differ from a random distribution of grid cells that do not contain an SNR, though not as strongly as our SNR centered sample. The stronger difference from the overall background suggests that the custom SFHs with a contamination CMD provide a more robust constraint on the age and mass of SNRs than SFHs measured in grids, 1where the background populations are not taken into account and the SNR may be anywhere in the grid cell. Previously, J14 used archival HST images to constrain the age and mass of 33 SNRs in M33. We present new age and mass estimates for 28 of these using the deep, uniform photometry from the PHATTER survey. Performing KS-test analysis on the SNRs with updated mass estimates pointed to the distribution being well matched by a power-law index of -3.1^+1.2_-1.1, which is consistent with the index J14 found for their full catalog 1and our sample of 85 SNRs. Our normalized progenitor mass distribution is similar to that of M83 <cit.> and NGC 6946 <cit.>. Each distribution is dominated by low mass progenitors and have best-fit power-law indices which are consistent with one another. KS-tests between our sample and the preferred sample in NGC 6946 resulted in a p-value of 0.20, suggesting that these are likely drawn from the same parent distribution. A p-value of 0.04 was returned when performing KS-tests between our sample and the SNRs in M83. 1A p-value just below 0.05 and the matching power-law indices means we cannot rule out that the samples are drawn from the same parent distribution. 1Each of our distributions show a sharp drop in the number of progenitors at ∼20 M_⊙. Few progenitors are found more massive than this, which coincides with the upper limits found by <cit.> and <cit.> for Type II SNe. It is possible that the reason we do not see many high mass progenitors is because not all experience a canonical CCSNe and instead collapse directly into a black hole <cit.>. Now that the JWST has launched, similar studies will be able to leverage red supergiants to constrain the age of SN progenitors with higher precision and may resolve the “red supergiant problem”. Support for this work was provided by NASA through grants GO-14610 and GO-15216 from the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by AURA, Inc., under NASA contract NAS 5-26555. aasjournal ccccccccccccc 0pt 13 Age Probability Distribution Results for LL14-060 T1 T2 SFR(Best) -err +err PDF(Best) -err +err CDF(Best) CDF(Low) CDF(High) M1 M2 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) 4.0 4.5 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 3.0515e-03 0.000 0.000 0.263 0.000 0.000 0.035 52.1 66.6 4.5 5.0 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 2.7223e-03 0.000 0.000 0.264 0.000 0.000 0.101 42.0 52.1 5.0 5.6 9.4464e-03 7.9741e-03 1.5900e-05 0.563 0.471 0.316 0.563 0.000 0.563 34.7 42.0 5.6 6.3 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 2.2637e-03 0.000 0.000 0.273 0.563 0.169 0.576 29.2 34.7 6.3 7.1 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 1.8153e-03 0.000 0.000 0.252 0.563 0.218 0.613 26.0 29.2 7.1 7.9 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 1.3441e-03 0.000 0.000 0.219 0.563 0.260 0.645 23.1 26.0 7.9 8.9 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 1.0684e-03 0.000 0.000 0.200 0.563 0.298 0.674 20.6 23.1 8.9 10.0 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 7.8472e-04 0.000 0.000 0.171 0.563 0.332 0.701 18.7 20.6 10.0 11.2 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 7.4253e-04 0.000 0.000 0.179 0.563 0.365 0.727 17.1 18.7 11.2 12.6 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 6.5002e-04 0.000 0.000 0.177 0.563 0.398 0.753 15.7 17.1 12.6 14.1 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 5.4978e-04 0.000 0.000 0.169 0.563 0.430 0.779 14.5 15.7 14.1 15.8 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 4.8213e-04 0.000 0.000 0.167 0.563 0.461 0.804 13.4 14.5 15.8 17.8 2.2299e-03 1.9046e-03 0.0000e+00 0.420 0.363 0.381 0.983 0.699 0.983 12.5 13.4 17.8 20.0 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 4.0795e-04 0.000 0.000 0.176 0.983 0.734 0.983 11.7 12.5 20.0 22.4 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 3.2564e-04 0.000 0.000 0.161 0.983 0.767 0.983 10.9 11.7 22.4 25.1 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 2.3611e-04 0.000 0.000 0.135 0.983 0.794 0.983 10.3 10.9 25.1 28.2 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 2.2838e-04 0.000 0.000 0.144 0.983 0.845 0.984 9.6 10.3 28.2 31.6 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 1.5449e-04 0.000 0.000 0.114 0.983 0.876 1.000 9.0 9.6 31.6 35.5 4.3935e-05 4.3935e-05 1.3031e-04 0.017 0.017 0.128 1.000 0.908 1.000 8.6 9.0 35.5 39.8 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 1.2988e-04 0.000 0.000 0.119 1.000 0.931 1.000 8.1 8.6 39.8 44.7 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 1.1090e-04 0.000 0.000 0.115 1.000 0.953 1.000 7.7 8.1 44.7 50.1 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 9.9118e-05 0.000 0.000 0.115 1.000 0.981 1.000 7.3 7.7 50.1 56.2 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 9.1503e-05 0.000 0.000 0.119 1.000 1.000 1.000 7.0 7.3 Columns (1) and (2) define the beginning and end of the age bin in log_10(t/yr). Column (3) is the best-fit SF rate, in that age bin in yr^-1. Columns (4) and (5) are the lower and upper limits on that rate. Column (6) shows the fraction of stellar mass younger than 56 Myr in the age bin according to the best-fit SFH equivalent to the probability of that progenitor age. Columns (7) and (8) are the negative and positive error bars on this probability. Column (9) provides the cumulative fraction of stellar mass over time for the best-fit SFH. Columns (10) and (11) are the lower and upper uncertainties of the cumulative mass fraction for a set of a million realizations of the SFH with the uncertainties in columns (4) and (5). Columns (12) and (13) give the mass of stars with lifetimes within the age bin in M_⊙. Table <ref> is published in its entirety in the machine-readable format. A portion is shown here for guidance regarding its form and content. ccccccccc 0pt 9 M33 Supernova Remnants ID^a,b R.A. (J2000)^a,b Decl. (J2000)^a,b Stars dA_V A_V Mass (M_⊙) Region ID^c Grid Mass (M_⊙) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) L10-043 01:33:35.39 +30:42:32.4 5510 0.00 0.45 17.9^+0.8_-3.4 1206 45.3^+21.3_-33.6 L10-050 01:33:40.73 +30:42:35.7 7591 0.00 0.30 16.6^+2.1_-4.9 1208 14.0^+1.7_-5.9 L10-079 01:33:58.15 +30:48:37.2 5115 0.00 0.35 9.0^+4.4_-0.4 1791 8.6^+3.1_-0.5 L10-098 01:34:12.69 +30:35:12.0 5334 0.00 0.40 10.8^+7.9_-0.5 0534 19.5^+3.6_-10.5 LL14-050 01:33:21.56 +30:31:31.1 3471 0.40 0.40 14.0^+0.5_-1.5 0178 8.1^+5.3_-0.8 LL14-054 01:33:24.01 +30:36:56.8 5599 0.00 0.25 7.3^+18.7_-0.3 0686 10.6^+1.1_-2.5 LL14-060 01:33:28.10 +30:31:35.0 3965 0.00 0.40 35.5^+6.5_-23.0 0182 10.2^+3.2_-1.2 LL14-061 01:33:29.04 +30:42:17.3 5522 0.00 0.40 7.2^+1.8_-0.2 1163 7.0^+6.4_-0.4 LL14-067 01:33:31.38 +30:33:33.4 6592 0.00 0.15 9.8^+0.5_-1.7 0365 7.9^+1.1_-0.6 LL14-068 01:33:31.32 +30:42:18.3 6023 0.00 0.30 7.2^+4.5_-0.2 1164 7.3^+0.8_-0.7 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Column (1) is the SNR identifier from L10 or LL14. Columns (2) and (3) are the R.A. and Decl. (J2000) of the SNR. Column (4) indicates the number of stars that were used to measure the SFH. Columns (5) and (6) are the best-fit dA_V and A_V values, respectively. Column (7) is the progenitor mass inferred from the median age calculated from the best-fit SFH, and associated uncertainties in M_⊙. Column (8) indicate which region from <cit.> the SNR is associated with. Column (9) is the progenitor mass and uncertainties that resulted from the grid SFH. a<cit.> b<cit.> c<cit.> (This table is available in its entirety in machine-readable form.)
Using the Star Forming Main Sequence To Explore Quiescent Galaxies Across Cosmic Time
[ "Tyler Houston", "Darren J. Croton", "Manodeep Sinha" ]
[ "astro-ph.GA", "astro-ph.CO" ]
firstpage–lastpage FusionLoc: Camera-2D LiDAR Fusion Using Multi-Head Self-Attention for End-to-End Serving Robot Relocalization Jieun Lee, Hakjun Lee, and Jiyong Oh* J. Lee and J. Oh are with Robot IT Convergence Research Section, Daegu-Gyeongbuk Research Center, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Daegu, Korea (e-mail: {jieun.lee, jiyongoh}@etri.re.kr). H. Lee is with Polaris3D, Pohang, Korea (e-mail: hakjunlee@polaris3d.co). J. Oh is the corresponding author. Received: date / Accepted: date ================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= In this letter, we explore the quiescent lives of central galaxies using the SAGE galaxy model and Uchuu dark matter simulation. We ask three questions: (1) How much of a galaxy’s life is spent in quiescence? (2) How often do galaxies transition off the main sequence? (3) What is the typical duration of a quiescent phase? We find low and high-mass galaxies spend the highest fraction of their lives in quiescence: 45±19% for <9.0 (3.68±1.80 Gyr) and 26±25% for >11.5 (3.46±3.30 Gyr), falling to 7±13% for galaxies in-between (0.82±1.57 Gyr). Low mass galaxies move in and out of quiescence frequently, 2.8±1.3 times on average, though only for short periods, 1.49±1.04 Gyr. This can be traced to the influence of supernova feedback on their quite stochastic evolution. Galaxies of higher mass have fewer quiescent periods, ∼0.7±0.9, and their length increases with mass, peaking at 1.97±2.27 Gyr. However, our high-mass population comprises star-forming and quiescent galaxies with diverging evolutionary paths, so the actual time may be even longer. These high-mass trends are driven by radio mode feedback from supermassive black holes, which, once active, tend to remain active for extended periods. galaxies: evolution – galaxies: statistics – galaxies: active – galaxies: star formation § INTRODUCTION The star forming main sequence relates the stellar mass of a galaxy to its star formation rate and is a relationship that describes the large-scale growth of the galaxy population. Similar correlations are seen in almost all areas of physics – i.e. how a physical property relates to its time (or other) derivative. Analysing the evolution of the star forming main sequence over cosmic time provides a pathway to understanding how galaxy populations are born, evolve, and die. Detailed measurements of the star forming main sequence only became possible once we entered the era of large-scale galaxy surveys. <cit.> found that at z < 1.1, log_10(M_star) is proportional to log_10(Ṁ_star) with a limited range of star formation rates for a given M_star <cit.>. Their work has since been expanded <cit.>, and the main sequence is now known to be present as early as z ∼ 6 <cit.>. The relation clearly encodes many critical physical processes that shape galaxy evolution. The correlation itself appears to be set by the balance of gas supply into the galaxy and the efficiency with which this gas is converted into stars <cit.>. Galaxies above the main sequence are typically known to be undergoing interactions or mergers that perturb the gas and drive up the star formation rate. Galaxies below are usually experiencing short- or long-term episodes of star formation suppression <cit.>. The latter can be caused by the removal of disk gas via feedback from supernova or active galactic nuclei and by limiting outside gas cooling into the galaxy. These processes determine how the main sequence changes with time, both in its normalisation and slope <cit.>. Thus, by measuring the main sequence, we gain insight into the background conditions for star formation across the galaxy population and the physical processes that govern them. There is little consensus in the literature on the precise shape of the star forming main sequence. It has been measured to turn over at stellar masses > 10.5 <cit.>. <cit.> show that this high mass turnover may only be present at low redshift (z < 0.45), finding no evidence of a turnover above z = 2.6. They postulate this is expected given that massive galaxies begin quenching more systematically at low redshift <cit.>, which could be due to a growing bulge component that contributes to the stellar mass but not star formation rate. The scatter of the main sequence is of order ∼ 0.2 - 0.35 dex <cit.>. <cit.> describe the small size of this scatter as being the result of every galaxy having star formation governed by similar quasi-static processes <cit.>, with the scatter arising due to fluctuations in the mass flows into and within galaxies <cit.>. The normalisation of the main sequence has been broadly shown to increase with increasing redshift <cit.>. Individual galaxies can be used as `test particles' to explore how a galaxy (star forming or quiescent) may evolve relative to the broader sequence. This evolution can tell us about the processes and events important for that galaxy’s history, even if we only have star formation and stellar mass information and nothing else. Unfortunately, this test can't be done observationally (at least not for the complete history of a galaxy), so one must resort to numerical models and simulations of galaxy evolution to map out the possibilities. Such models will be central to the analysis undertaken in this work. In this letter, we ask three important questions about galaxy evolution relative to the star forming main sequence: (1) How much of a galaxy’s life is spent in quiescence? – as defined by being found below the main sequence at any point in time. (2) How often do galaxies jump off and back on the main sequence? – highlighting the stochastic nature of their growth. (3) What is the average time a galaxy is quiescent when off the main sequence? – revealing the impact of the key physical processes on galaxy star formation. This letter is structured as follows: In Section <ref>, we describe the simulation and galaxy model used to build our data set. In Section <ref>, we outline our method to measure the star forming main sequence at each redshift and how galaxies move relative to it as they evolve across time. Section <ref> presents our results and the answers to the three questions given above, along with a brief discussion. We summarise in Section <ref>. Throughout this work, we assume a Planck 2020 cosmology <cit.> and a Hubble constant where h = 0.73. All stellar masses are given in units of solar mass, M_⊙. § THE UCHUU COSMOLOGICAL SIMULATION AND SAGE GALAXY FORMATION MODEL Our work follows the semi-analytic approach to building a galaxy population. This is a hybrid method that evolves galaxies using an analytic model of the baryonic physics, post-processed on the output of a numerical simulation of the large-scale dark matter. For this dark matter backbone, we use the Uchuu Main simulation from the Uchuu Simulation Suite <cit.>. This suite comprises a series of Λ-cold dark matter N-body simulations covering various cosmological scales and mass resolutions. Uchuu Main, the flagship of the suite, was run using 12800^3 dark matter particles in a box of side-length 2 h^-1Gpc, and with a softening length of 4.27 h^-1kpc. This resulted in a particle mass resolution of 3.27 × 10^8 h^-1 M_⊙, leading to a minimum 20-particle resolved halo mass of 6.54 × 10^9 h^-1 M_⊙. The simulation particles were evolved from z = 127 to z = 0 and produced 50 complete particle and halo data outputs to capture the evolution of structure at distinct times. These outputs serve as the input into our galaxy model. Uchuu was run using the latest (at the time) cosmological parameters measured by the Planck Satellite <cit.>. For more information on Uchuu we refer the interested reader to <cit.>. To populate Uchuu with galaxies we use the SAGE (Semi-Analytical Galaxy Evolution) galaxy formation model <cit.>. SAGE describes the behaviour and evolution of baryonic matter in dark matter halos across cosmic time. This includes the hot, cold, and accreted gas captured by the halo, stars, and black holes that are formed from this gas by various processes, and ejected gas expelled from the halo due to strong feedback mechanisms. How the baryons in their various forms move between these mass reservoirs is governed by analytic prescriptions that model various relevant physical phenomena; these include cooling flows, star formation and metal production, and supernova and active galactic nuclei (AGN) feedback. The efficiency of such processes are governed by various parameters which give the modeller some control over how the galaxies evolve. In this letter, star formation and feedback are particularly important, as they are the prime influencers of the shape of the star forming main sequence. As such, below we provide a summary of their implementation in SAGE. Note that in this letter we use the SAGE 2016 model with default parameters. Full details can be found in <cit.>. Star formation in SAGE occurs when the mass of cold gas in a galaxy's disk exceeds a critical threshold. This indicates that the local gas density is sufficient for new stars to form, which is modelled using a Kennicutt-Schmidt-type star formation law <cit.>. Star formation continues while the cold gas mass remains above this threshold and uses up the gas, although it can be replenished from gas cooling out of the surrounding halo. The star formation rate of a galaxy in SAGE at any given time is simply the mass of cold gas in the disk above the critical threshold divided by the disk dynamical time, modulated by a conversion efficiency parameter that hides much of the (known and unknown, and unavoidable) smaller-scale temporal and spatial detail. The cold disk gas, and hence star formation rate, is further modulated by various feedback mechanisms. SAGE models two kinds of feedback, one from supernova which heats and removes cold gas from the disk via supernova winds, and the other from AGN which heats and suppress the cooling of hot gas into the disk via quasar winds and radio jets. Both feedback mechanisms act to reduce the mass of cold gas available for star formation, and hence can influence a galaxy's place on the star forming main sequence. For supernova, the feedback rate is (of course) dependent on the presence of star formation. Thus, supernova winds tend to be most impactful in low-to-intermediate mass systems where star formation is common and the potential well of the parent dark matter halo is not so deep to escape. Collectively, supernova explosions across a galaxy heat and blow cold gas out into the halo surrounding the disk, and can even eject the gas out of the halo itself if the rate is high and halo potential shallow. The affected gas may later cool (for hot gas) or be reincorporated (for ejected gas) to once again form stars at a future time. For AGN, SAGE differentiates two modes of feedback: the quasar mode and radio mode. The quasar mode refers to the strong hydrodynamic and radiative winds from optical/UV and X-Ray AGN <cit.>, triggered from galaxy–galaxy mergers and internal disk instabilities in the presence of cold disk gas. The disturbance drives this gas onto the central supermassive black hole, fuelling the wind from the surrounding accretion disk. Such winds act similarly to supernova but with significantly more energy; quasars in SAGE can remove the entire gas disk and hot halo. Hence, quasar winds are `event driven', with conditions that make them most common at high redshift in low-to-intermediate mass systems. In contrast, the radio mode of AGN results from the slow accretion of hot gas in the vicinity of the supermassive black hole, producing a low energy and (averaged over cosmological time-scales) continuous heating source into the galaxy and halo. SAGE assumes this heating interacts with the cooling gas from the hot halo, offsetting its energy losses and robbing the disk of fresh star forming material. For this to happen a massive and stable hot gas atmosphere must be present, and the black hole must be large enough to efficiently capture this gas within its gravitational radius. These conditions are typically met at late times in high mass systems when much of structure formation has settled. In this way, the radio mode is quite distinct to the quasar mode in both how it occurs, and its impact on galaxy evolution. § MEASURING THE STAR FORMING MAIN SEQUENCE ACROSS COSMIC TIME Once the galaxy formation model has run on the Uchuu simulation output, we have on-hand a vast data set that we can explore, approximately 4.4 million galaxies. Plotting each galaxy's star formation rate against its stellar mass at a given redshift is straightforward, but defining the star forming main sequence for the population as a whole, in a consistent way across all redshifts that can be fairly compared (out to those where galaxies are first born), is challenging. In this letter we adopt the method of <cit.>, whereby at a fixed redshift, the galaxy population is split into stellar mass bins with width 0.1 dex. The median star formation rate for each bin is then calculated iteratively, where for each iteration, galaxies with a star formation rate more than 1 dex below the median are defined as quiescent and removed. This continues until the median star formation rate for the remaining galaxies converges to 1%. From this, galaxies with a star formation rate more than 1 dex below this converged median comprise the quiescent population, with the remainder making up the star forming population. This process is repeated for all 50 outputs of the SAGE+Uchuu data set (i.e. from z=127 to z=0) to find the star forming main sequence and quiescent galaxies in each. The z = 0 outcome of this algorithm is presented in Figure <ref>. Here, the star forming main sequence is shown with blue contours, while galaxies defined as quiescent are shown with red contours. Note that because the quiescent population has much lower space density overall, we highlight their distribution by using a different contour normalisation to the star forming main sequence. This definition for quiescence also aligns with a common definition used in the observational literature for local data, where galaxies with a log_10 specific star formation rate (sSFR) per year less than -11 are called quiescent <cit.>. This discriminator is shown in Figure <ref> with the solid black line. The advantage of the Donnari et al. method is that it can be applied out to high redshift and self-adjusts for changes in normalisation and slope, necessary for the goals of our work. Once done, every central z = 0 galaxy in our catalogue more massive than > 8.5 is traced back in time along its main progenitor line to its snapshot of first identification in the simulation. This minimum value is chosen to stay well above the stellar mass completeness limit of the model, which is 0.5-1.0 dex lower. Our focus on central galaxies is due to their typically less complicated formation histories in comparison to satellite galaxies, and their more direct measurement and interpretation in the simulation. From the identification snapshot we linearly interpolate to find the galaxy's formation time, defined as the time since the Big Bang that this galaxy first reached 20% of its z = 0 mass. This chosen definition is both robust and reproducible (i.e. simulation resolution independent) <cit.>. With this, and the galaxy's position relative to the star forming main sequence at each output, we can calculate the total time and fraction of its life the galaxy is quiescent, how many times it becomes quiescent since `formation', and the average time each quiescent period lasted. Specifically, a quiescent period is defined as a single snapshot or several consecutive snapshots where the galaxy is quiescent, and the quiescent time is simply the sum of those snapshot times. As such, our analysis is limited by the Uchuu snapshot time resolution of 200-400 Myr (depending on redshift), and we are smoothing over quiescent activity that occurs on shorter time-scales. Regardless, the results below give us confidence that this technical limitation is not biasing our conclusions. Finally, the number of quiescent periods a galaxy experiences is simply the number of times it has fallen off the main sequence since its formation time. Exploring the quiescent population statistics as a function of z = 0 stellar mass addresses the three questions we set as our goal at the outset of this letter. These we now discuss. § RESULTS: QUANTIFYING QUIESCENCE RELATIVE TO THE MAIN SEQUENCE Table <ref> outlines our key results, which we also plot in Figure <ref> as a function of z = 0 stellar mass. In this figure, the three panels display (top) the number of years galaxies of each mass spend in quiescence across their life; (middle) the number of quiescent periods experienced by these galaxies; and (bottom) the length of these quiescent periods. For each mass bin, the average value is shown with error bars of one standard deviation. Up to 1000 data points were also sampled randomly from each range and are over-plotted to additionally highlight the change in the shape of the distribution with increasing stellar mass. The top panel in Figure <ref> reveals that low mass (< 9.5) and high mass (> 10.5) galaxies spend more of their life in quiescence (up to 3.68 Gyr) than galaxies of intermediate mass (∼ 10.0, 0.82 Gyr), on average. The 1σ range of ages increases significantly towards high mass, reflecting the more complicated and varied formation histories massive galaxies tend to experience. In the model we find this U-shaped trend with stellar mass reflects the influence of two primary physical processes: supernovae feedback and the radio mode of AGN. Lower mass galaxies have increasingly shallow gravitational potential wells which make their cold gas reservoirs susceptible to emptying via supernovae feedback. More massive galaxies often host AGN undergoing radio mode feedback due to the immense accretion occurring around their supermassive black hole. Both these feedback processes reduce the gas available for star formation and thus promote quiescence. Galaxies of intermediate mass fall between these extremes where such feedback effects are diminished. Hence, they tend to live more of their life happily forming stars on the star formation main sequence. The middle and bottom panels of Figure <ref> support this view by showing the average number of quiescent periods and their average length when in quiescence, respectively. We see that low mass galaxies typically undergo more quiescent periods than higher mass galaxies, up to an average of 2.8 times across their life. However these quiescent periods tend to be shorter, lasting on average 1.49 Gyr. Again, this behaviour can be understood by the action of supernovae on the galaxy and its surrounds. Although the potential well of a galaxy can quickly be emptied of its gas from such feedback, it can similarly be refilled once the supernovae has passed, leading the galaxy back to star forming and the main sequence. At intermediate-to-high galaxy masses the average number of quiescent periods is lower and levels out at ∼ 0.7 times (noting a small up-tick for the most massive galaxies), and become longer. More massive systems are typically more stable owing to their deeper potential wells, and hence more significant disruptions are required to knock them off the star forming main sequence. The radio mode provides such disruption, suppressing the accretion of fresh gas for star formation. As such AGN typically represent a new phase in a galaxy's evolution and not something transient, radio AGN tend to affect the long-term evolution of a galaxy, unlike supernovae. Thus quiescence is less frequent (middle panel) but more impactful (bottom panel). It is worth noting that one might expect the average length of a quiescent period for the most massive galaxies to be even longer than our results suggest, given that massive galaxies are known to be quenched for a significant fraction of their life. But our results measure the average population behaviour, which, in this mass range, includes a mix of large star forming spiral galaxies and massive quenched ellipticals (with an exponentially declining abundance). This mix of populations dilutes the effect somewhat. Here, it may be that the SAGE model is failing to capture the correct abundance massive quiescent galaxies at some level. Further exploration on this is required. Finally, we can also ask not just about the total time a galaxy spends in quiescence, but the fraction of its life. This is plotted in Figure <ref>, following the same conventions as Figure <ref> (see also Table <ref>). We see that low and high mass galaxies live the largest fraction of their lives under the star forming main sequence, 45% and 26% respectively, but this happens for different reasons. Low mass galaxies at z = 0 are significantly younger on average (Table <ref>) and continually experience supernovae whenever they get the chance to grow via star formation (that then leads to short quiescent periods). High mass galaxies are almost always older and see a change in their population mix, with increasing mass having more radio mode quenched ellipticals, as discussed above. Galaxies in-between are the most efficient star formers in the Universe <cit.>, and not surprisingly spend the lowest fraction of their lives under the main sequence, on average 7%. § SUMMARY In this letter we model the star forming main sequence using the Uchuu N-body cosmological dark matter simulation and the SAGE galaxy formation model. Central galaxies are tracked from their formation at high redshift to z = 0 in order to record their position relative to the main sequence throughout their lifetime. From this we quantify the amount of time galaxies spend on the main sequence as well as the number and duration of their quiescent periods, all as a function of final stellar mass. Our results are summarised in Table <ref> and Figure <ref> and <ref>. Our results show that the low mass galaxy population, those with < 9.5, experience frequent, short-term quiescent periods, indicative supernova feedback and its transient nature and impact. High mass galaxies, those with > 10.5, spend a similar total lifetime in quiescence, although with fewer individual quiescent periods. This reflects the role of radio AGN in shutting down star formation, and highlights the long-term impact AGN have on galaxy evolution. Galaxies of intermediate mass are found to be less susceptible to supernovae and less likely to host radio AGN, and thus spend the least amount of time in quiescence of all the galaxies studied. Although this `story' of galaxy evolution is not new <cit.>, our work provides new utility by quantifying these very basic properties of galaxy quiescence across cosmic time in an established galaxy formation model. Furthermore, these methods can be applied to essentially any galaxy model or simulation for additional predictions and to map out the broader theoretical uncertainties. Regardless, using the star forming main sequence as a reference point to study quiescence with galaxy models offers a very direct way to compare and interpret the observations, which are getting increasingly detailed and sophisticated with time. § ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS tocsectionAcknowledgements We thank the referee, Neven Caplar, for their helpful comments which improved the quality of this letter. The authors acknowledge the support of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for All-Sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions (ASTRO 3D), through project number CE170100013. We further thank the Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia (IAA-CSIC), Centro de Supercomputacion de Galicia (CESGA), and the Spanish academic and research network (RedIRIS) in Spain for hosting Uchuu DR1 and DR2 in the Skies & Universes site for cosmological simulations. The Uchuu simulations were carried out on Aterui II supercomputer at Center for Computational Astrophysics, CfCA, of National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, and the K computer at the RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science. The Uchuu DR1 and DR2 effort has made use of the skun@IAA_RedIRIS and skun6@IAA computer facilities managed by the IAA-CSIC in Spain (MICINN EU-Feder grant EQC2018-004366-P). § DATA AVAILABILITY The data used in this letter are available in the Skies & Universes online repository for cosmological simulations (Uchuu N-body Simulation; http://www.skiesanduniverses.org/Simulations/Uchuuhttp://www.skiesanduniverses.org/Simulations/Uchuu) and the Theoretical Astrophysical Observatory (SAGE galaxy model; https://tao.asvo.org.auhttps://tao.asvo.org.au). SAGE is a publicly available code-base and can be download at https://github.com/darrencroton/sagehttps://github.com/darrencroton/sage. mnras
Super-Resolution Information Enhancement For Crowd Counting
[ "Jiahao Xie", "Wei Xu", "Dingkang Liang", "Zhanyu Ma", "Kongming Liang", "Weidong Liu", "Rui Wang", "Ling Jin" ]
[ "cs.CV" ]
Analytics for “interaction with the service”: Surreptitious Collection of User Interaction Data Feiyang Tang, Bjarte M. Østvold March 30, 2023 =============================================================================================== Crowd counting is a challenging task due to the heavy occlusions, scales, and density variations. Existing methods handle these challenges effectively while ignoring low-resolution (LR) circumstances. The LR circumstances weaken the counting performance deeply for two crucial reasons: 1) limited detail information; 2) overlapping head regions accumulate in density maps and result in extreme ground-truth values. An intuitive solution is to employ super-resolution (SR) pre-processes for the input LR images. However, it complicates the inference steps and thus limits application potentials when requiring real-time. We propose a more elegant method termed Multi-Scale Super-Resolution Module (MSSRM). It guides the network to estimate the lost details and enhances the detailed information in the feature space. Noteworthy that the MSSRM is plug-in plug-out and deals with the LR problems with no inference cost. As the proposed method requires SR labels, we further propose a Super-Resolution Crowd Counting dataset (SR-Crowd). Extensive experiments on three datasets demonstrate the superiority of our method. The code will be available at <https://github.com/PRIS-CV/MSSRM.git>. crowd counting, super-resolution, multi-scale super-resolution module, plug-in plug-out § INTRODUCTION Crowd counting is an essential task for understanding crowd scenes, which aims to estimate the number of persons involved in given images or videos. Traditional crowd counting algorithms <cit.> achieve this task mainly by detecting individuals or regressing density-related features. We have witnessed the rise of convolutional neural networks (CNN). Current mainstream counting methods <cit.> adopt the CNN to regress a density map. The predicted count equals the integral of the density map, which can perform better than the traditional methods. However, crowd counting is still a challenging task due to the large-scale variation, complex background, and blur. Recent methods <cit.> usually focus on coping with the scale variation and background noise while ignoring the blur. Generally, low-resolution (LR) images usually present blurry phenomena, i.e., losing the massive content details of the crowd. Actually, in practical applications, LR images are really common, e.g., aging image capture devices, limited image storage space, downsampling to achieve real-time inference, perspective effect, occasional jitters, and so on. Networks drawback in the LR scenes are hard to extract precise semantic information when being deployed in the mentioned situations, leading to disappointing application potentials. Specifically, as shown in Fig. <ref> (a), the LR image loses content details, resulting in a low-quality density map. Instead, the HR image maintains the detailed information, and the resulting density map is clear and sharp. The challenge in generating sharp density maps from LR images is the lack of detailed information. Super-resolution <cit.> aims to reconstruct a visually natural HR image from its degraded LR image and has achieved great success in these years. It is a plausible method to tackle the mentioned problem. However, employing the SR methods in the pre-processes to obtain HR images introduces extra inference costs and limits the application potentials in occasions requiring real-time estimation. In this paper, we propose to employ the SR task as the auxiliary task to enhance the detailed information in the feature space. Specifically, we propose a Multi-Scale Super-Resolution Module (MSSRM), which enables the networks to generate HR density maps. The MSSRM works in the training phase, and guides the network to estimate reliable details even when given LR images. It could be removed during the inference phase, compensating for the loss of detail caused by blurry images without changing the original network structure. We further combine the MSSRM with mainstream backbones to propose Multi-Scale Super-Resolution Guided Network (MSSRGN). We measure the counting performance of the MSSRGN in LR circumstances to evaluate the effectiveness of our methods. Notably, SR tasks require corresponding HR and LR labels, but existing crowd datasets capture crowd images at a single resolution level. To address this issue, we propose a new Super-Resolution Crowd dataset (SR-Crowd). In summary, the contributions of this paper are as follows: 1. We propose an MSSRM, which guides the network to estimate reliable detail information and boosts the counting performance in LR circumstances with no inference costs. 2. We introduce SR-Crowd, a large-scale super-resolution crowd dataset. To our knowledge, this is the first super-resolution dataset in the crowd counting area. 3. Extensive experiments on the SR-Crowd and two mainstream crowd counting datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. § METHODS We propose to employ the SR task as an auxiliary task to enhance the SR information for crowd counting. In this section, we introduce the SR-Crowd dataset and the MSSRGN. §.§ Data Collection and Analysis The SR-Crowd images are collected from two challenging crowd datasets: NWPU-Crowd <cit.> and UCF-QNRF <cit.>. We first extract images of height or width greater than 2048 from these two datasets. Then we adjust the corresponding ratio to make the height or width equal to 2048 as 4× upscaling images. Subsequently, we downsample the images by 2× and 4×, respectively. Downsampling source images to construct a new SR dataset is a standard way in SR tasks. Then we generate the ground-truth density maps for LR images by resizing the head center coordinates according to scaling factors. The 2× and 4× upscaling images are used as SR ground truth. Each set of SR-Crowd data consists of 3,542 image pairs with 2,000,527 annotations. It consists of 2,909 images used for training and 633 images for testing. In the dataset, the minimum and maximum counts are 0 and 17,726, respectively, and the mean counts are 564. The average resolution of LR images, 2× upscaling images, and 4× upscaling images are 350 × 504, 670 × 1008, and 1397 × 2016, respectively. §.§ MSSRGN We focus on improving counting performance in the LR circumstances compared to the previous work <cit.>. As shown in Fig. <ref>, we achieve the SR task in the training phase. Following the usual practice <cit.>, we choose the pre-trained VGG-16 <cit.> as the backbone. We remove the last pooling layer of the original VGG-16 to preserve spatial information and remove the full connection layer to adapt the network structure to arbitrary resolution inputs. The output size of VGG-16 is 1/8 of the original input size. Then feed the output feature to the back-end network to generate the density map. The back-end structure consists of a 3×3 convolution layer and a 1×1 convolution layer. Furthermore, we feed the features to the MSSR module to estimate the SR image and enhance the detailed information. We introduce the details of the MSSR module next. MSSRM. We design a multi-scale super-resolution module to extract detailed information from LR images and assist the backbone network to generate high-quality density maps. MCNN <cit.> proposes the multi-column convolution method to solve the multi-scale problem in the crowd. Although this method can alleviate the scale problem to a certain extent, it has a complex structure and low efficiency. Meanwhile, the number of columns limits the scale diversity of features. In this paper, we concatenate multi-scale features from the backbone as the input of the MSSRM. The super-resolution module consists of a 3 × 3 convolution layer and a sub-pixel convolution layer <cit.>. The 3 × 3 convolution layer reshapes the input feature to be r^2 channels where r represents upscaling factor. Then, the sub-pixel convolution rearranges the elements of tensors of H × W × C × r^2 shape into tensors of rH × rW × C shape according to periodic shuffling, where H, W, C denote the height, width and channels of the LR image respectively. This method can fill in the LR features and map them to HR features. The mathematical expression can be present as: I^SR=f^n(𝐈^L R ; W_n, b_n)=ξ(W_n * f^n-1(𝐈^L R)+b_n), where W_n, b_n, n represent network weights, bias, and the number of layers n, respectively. ξ is a periodic shuffling operator that rearranges elements with LR features. The MSSRM contains shallow layers, which leads to limited decoding capabilities. However, it is not designed as an ideal head structure to achieve desirable SR performance on purpose. We propose the MSSRM to guide the network to enhance the detailed information in the feature space. Specifically, we supervise the SR image estimation. Transmit ground-truth lost details information to the backbone structure. Shallow layers shorten the SR information flow. It forces the encoded feature from the backbone structure to contain rich detailed information. In this way, while facing the LR circumstances, the estimated lost detail feature boosts the sharper density maps estimation performance. Note that the MSSRM will be removed after the crowd counter is well-trained. It improves the counting performance with no inference cost. Instead of employing the SR pre-processes before crowd counting, the proposed MSSRM is more elegant. Loss Function. We use the L2 loss to supervise the density map and HR image estimations. Specifically, given the i-th image X_i, the loss L(Θ) can be presented as: L(Θ)=1/2 N∑_i=1^NP(X_i ; Θ)-P_i^G T_2^2, where Θ is a learnable set of parameters. P(X_i ; Θ) refers to the estimated density map generated by MSSRGN. P_i^G T is the ground-truth density map of image X_i. N is the number of training images. L(Θ) denotes the loss between the ground-truth density map and the estimated density map. L(ϵ)=1/2 N∑_i=1^Nf(I_i^LR ; ϵ)-I_i^HR_2^2, where I_i^HR and I_i^LR refer to the HR and LR images, respectively. ϵ is a learnable set of parameters. f(I^LR ; ϵ) is the SR feature generated by MSSRGN. L(ϵ) denotes the loss between the HR feature and SR feature. The final objective function is defined as: L = L(Θ) + α L(ϵ), where α is a balance weight. § EXPERIMENTS This section introduces implementation details, evaluation metrics, ablation studies, and comparisons. Implementation Details. The MSSRGN is an end-to-end structure. We flip each image randomly. The first 10 convolutional layers are fine-tuned on the basis of the VGG-16 pre-training model. The other layers are initialized by a Gaussian initialization with a 0.01 standard deviation. We use the adaptive moment estimation optimizer. The learning rate as 10^-5. The number of training epochs is set to 500. Evaluation Metrics. We generally use the mean absolute error (MAE) and the root mean squared error (RMSE) as evaluation metrics in the crowd counting task. Their definition is as MAE=1/M∑_j=1^M|b_j-b_j^G T|, RMSE=√(1/M∑_j=1^M|b_j-b_j^G T|^2), where M is the number of test images, b_j^G T is the ground truth of counting, b_j represents the estimated count in the j-th image. Ablation Studies. We collect LR images from the original images using down-sampling methods. We first compare the performance of different down-sampling strategies. As shown in Table <ref>, linear interpolation has the best performance. It achieves 5.959 and 2.224 lower MAE than the cubic and lanczos4 interpolation. We employ the linear interpolation in our experiments. Feature fusion of different scales facilitates the extraction of multi-scale features. We then conduct experiments to analyze the effectiveness of different features fusion. As shown in Table <ref>, the MAE of fusing stages 3, 4, 5 is 148.171. It achieves 3.499 lower MAE and 55.480 lower RMSE than the second place. We fuse stages 3, 4, and 5 in the following. We present visualizations from the baseline method and the MSSRGN in Fig. <ref>. Three images are captured in the sparse, crowded, and dense senses, respectively. As we can see that the baseline method predicts density maps with serious noises in background regions. The proposed MSSRGN output density maps clearer and sharper. Comparisons. As shown in Table <ref>, we evaluate our method on the SR-Crowd, ShanghaiTech Part_A, and UCF-QNRF datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that our MSSR module is plug-in plug-out and efficient. Specifically, on the SR-Crowd dataset, for CSRNET and FPN, MAE is reduced by 7.284 and 6.807, respectively, when adopting the upscale factor as 2×. For the 4× upscale factor, MAE is reduced by 8.705 and 1.631, respectively. We also conducted comparative experiments with CLTR <cit.> and MAN <cit.> on the SR-Crowd, which achieve 170.684 and 151.890 MAE, respectively. For the ShanghaiTech Part_A and the UCF-QNRF dataset, we downsample the images 2× and 4× as input. Use the original images as the ground truth for the SR task. Resize the original coordinates of head centers according to the upscale factors to generate new gt centers. On the ShanghaiTech Part_A, the MSSRGN† and MSSRGN†† achieve 6.506 and 6.687 MAE improvement. We also conduct experiments on the UCF-QNRF dataset, a challenging dataset with dramatic variations both in crowd density and image resolution. Concretely, we resize the long side of images to 512, 1024, and 2048. And resize the short of images corresponding multiples to mitigate the enormous resolution variations. As shown in Table <ref>, the MSSRGN† achieves the best performance in the UCF-QNRF dataset. It reduces the MAE and RMSE values by 3.379 and 3.495. These experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. § CONCLUSION In this paper, we propose to employ the SR task as an auxiliary task to deal with the LR circumstances in crowd counting. We propose an elegant method, MSSRM, to overcome the low-resolution barriers with no inference cost. The MSSRM is plug-in plug-out. It works in the training phase and guides the network to estimate the lost details as compensation for the blurry presentations. Besides, we propose an SR-Crowd dataset containing hierarchical-resolution images to achieve the SR task. Extensive experiments on SR-Crowd, ShanghaiTech Part_A, and UCF-QNRF datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. We believe our contributions broaden the application potentials of existing crowd counting methods. IEEEbib
Isotopic piecewise affine approximation of algebraic or $C^1$ varieties
[ "Christophe Raffalli" ]
[ "math.AG" ]
First results from the JWST Early Release Science Program Q3D: Ionization cone, clumpy star formation and shocks in a z=3 extremely red quasar host Lillian Whitesell March 30, 2023 =================================================================================================================================================== We propose a novel sufficient condition establishing that a piecewise affine variety has the same topology as a variety of the sphere 𝕊^n defined by positively homogeneous C^1 functions. This covers the case of C^1 varieties in the projective space ℙ^n. We prove that this condition is sufficient in the case of codimension one and arbitrary dimension. We describe an implementation working for homogeneous polynomials in arbitrary dimension and codimension and give experimental evidences that our condition might still be sufficient in codimension greater than one. § INTRODUCTION §.§ Contribution Let a variety V be defined by a system of implicit equations: V = {x ∈𝕂, f_1(x) = 0, …, f_m(x) = 0} on some compact polyhedron 𝕂⊂ℝ^n, with 1 ≤ m ≤ n. We assume that the functions f_1, …, f_m : ℝ^n →ℝ are C^1. Let S = (S_i)_i∈ I be a decomposition of 𝕂 into a family of simplices. A piecewise affine variety may always be defined from V and S by defining for each 1 ≤ i ≤ k an approximation f̃_i of the function f_i by * f̃_i(x) = f_i(x) for any x vertex of S_i for i ∈ I and * f̃_i is affine when restricted to any S_i for i ∈ I. From this, we define Ṽ = {x ∈𝕂, f̃_1(x) = 0, …, f̃_k(x) = 0}. The question is to find a sufficient condition ensuring that V and Ṽ are isotopic. Moreover, we search for a criteria that can be computably approximated with arbitrary precision in the case of multivariate polynomials, to allow for an implementation. We propose two theorems in codimension one (m = 1) and two conjectures, one weaker than the other, supported by some experimental evidence, in the general case. More precisely: * In section <ref>, we give a theorem that answers the question when 𝕂 is a compact polyhedron in ℝ^n, in codimension one (m = 1) and when f_1 is of C^1 class. * In section <ref>, we show that the same condition is correct if 𝕂 = 𝕊^n the unit sphere of ℝ^n+1, in codimension one and when f_1 is of C^1 class and positively homogeneous of degree d (i.e. f(λ x) = λ^d f(x) for all λ∈ℝ_+ and x ∈ℝ^n+1). This case could be considered as codimension 2, but the homogeneity allows to ignore completely the equation of the sphere. * In section <ref>, we generalise the previous statement to arbitrary codimension and conjecture that it still holds. This conjecture is supported by an implementation which was tested on many examples and never gave wrong topology. We actually give two conjectures, because we lack some results on convex set of full rank matrices. We give more details in subsection <ref> and section <ref>. Let give now the statement of our first theorem in section <ref>: <ref> page thcompact Let 𝕂⊂ℝ^n be a compact polyhedron. Let (S_i)_i∈ I be a simplicial decomposition of 𝕂. Let f : ℝ^n →𝕂 be a C^1 function in n variables. Let V = { x ∈𝕂, f(x) = 0} be the zero locus of f restricted to 𝕂. Assume that V ∩∂𝕂 = ∅. We define p̃ : 𝕂→ℝ the piecewise affine function such that for all i ∈ I, f̃S_i is affine and for any v vertex of S_i, we have f(v) = f̃S_i(v). We define the following: * Ṽ = { x ∈𝕂, f̃(x) = 0} the zero locus of f̃. * 𝕂(f) = { x ∈𝕂, f(x)f̃(x) ≤ 0}. * ∇̃f(x) = {∇f̃S_i(x), x ∈ S_i }⊂ℝ^n * G(f,x) = {∇ f(x) }∪∇̃f(x) ⊂ℝ^n If the condition (<ref>) below holds, then V and Ṽ are isotopic: ∀ x ∈𝕂(f), 0 ∉G(f,x) the convex hull of G(f,x) Let us give some ideas about this theorem: the isotopy is naturally defined by f_t(x) = t f(x) + (1 - t) f̃(x) for x ∈𝕂 and t ∈ [0,1]. The function x ↦ f_t(x) is not differentiable, but it is differentiable in any direction, and its gradient at x in direction D is always given by a scalar product V.D where V is in the convex hull of exactly the gradients we are considering in the set G(f,x). Thus our condition ensures that V ≠ 0, which we find is very natural smoothness condition. This condition only needs to hold in region where f_t may be null, i.e. when f(x) and f̃(x) have opposite sign, this justifies the definition of 𝕂(f). The theorem of section <ref> is almost the same, we ask for the function to be positively homegenous and we decompose ℝ^n+1 in simplicial cones, which is defined in section <ref>. Appart from this, the statement is unchanged. In section <ref> we propose two conditions (conjecture <ref> and <ref>) that could apply in arbitrary codimension (i.e. with more than one polynomials). Unfortunately we are not able to prove those conjectures. The first one (conjecture <ref>), the most natural, generalises the condition (<ref>) ∀ x ∈𝕂(p), 0 ∉G(p,x) into ∀ x ∈𝕂(p), ∀ A ∈G(p,x), A is of maximal rank This is natural as with codimension greater than one, the gradients become matrices and maximal rank expresses transversality, hence smoothness. Remarks: we do not need extra hypotheses, like smoothness (or non complete intersection with codimension greater than one). However, if the variety is not sm ooth, our criteria will never be satisfied. We should also say that our condition is frame independant. Indeed, a change of coordinates will multiply all the gradients by the same invertible matrix and the convex hull is transformed accordingly. §.§ A global criteria A standard way to compute piecewise affine approximation of varieties defined by implicit equations are decomposition method that proceed by incrementally subdivising the ambient space in simplices or hypercubes, until some criteria is met. Our criteria is such a stopping condition, but it is global. To our knowledge, all existing criteria (like in <cit.>) will ensure the isotopy of the orginal variety and its approximation when restricted to each simplex of hypercube. This is not the case of our criteria. Let us explain more precisely what we mean by global. From the definitions in our theorem or conjecture, if follows that if X is the set of vertices of the simplicial decomposition, we have X × V isotopic to X ×Ṽ. This means that the isotopy can not traverse the vertices of the decomposition. However it may traverse faces of simplices of dimension one or more, allowing to use less simplices. This is illustrated by figure <ref>. This figure represents a piece of a C^1 variety in blue and its approximation in black. In the triangle which is fully displayed, the approximation has only one component while the original variety, has two components. Still our criteria accepts this decomposition. This can save quite a lot of triangles. §.§ Testing the criteria Implementing a test for the criteria is not possible in general. But, in the case of polynomials, we can use Bernstein basis: for all x in a simplex S, ∇ p(x) always lies in the convex hull of the coefficients of the polynomial ∇ p, in this basis, after a change of variable to send the unit simplex in S. This gives easily a sufficient condition to satisfy the test in each face of the simplicial decomposition. This is detailed in section <ref>. Moreover, we can approximate the real criteria with arbitrary precision by subdividing each face to test. We only do this subdivision for the test. Refining the decomposition requires to subdivise the neighbour simplices and we do not want to do that if we can avoid it. We implemented a heuristic that searches for a simplicial decomposition satisfying our criteria. This is relatively quick because it uses floating point arithmetic. But when an apparently correct decomposition is found, we retest the criteria with exact rational arithmetic, ensuring the correctness. Moreover, the search for the decomposition produces certificates that the relevant convex hulls do not contain 0. In codimension one, such a certificate is a vector which has a positive scalar product with all the generators of each convex hull. This way the only computation we have to do in exact arithmetic are change of coordinates, scalar products and comparison. We do not perform nested computation in loops and this limits the growth of the size of numerators and denominators. In our experiments, the computing time of the final exact test is faster than the search for a simplicial decomposition. §.§ Examples *Remark: Because polynomials have no well defined value in the projective space, we will work within ℝ^n+1 and its unit sphere 𝕊^n. This is equivalent and much easier. Still all the examples will be depicted in the projective space as it avoids to draw every point of the variety twice. The green line segments in figures <ref> and <ref> are the edges of a simplicial decomposition of and respectively (in the latter case, it is unfortunately not easy to guess the simplices from their edges). The figure <ref> gives the piecewise affine approximation of a plane curve of degree 4. It uses a decomposition of the projective plane with 13 vertices and 24 triangles and requires 58ms to compute. The figure <ref> shows an algebraic surface of the same degree together with its approximation. The decomposition uses 32 vertices and 152 tetrahedron and requires 3.3s to compute. As those varieties are enclosed in a compact polyhedron, their approximations can be proved isotopic to the original varieties by the previous theorem <ref>. They can also be proved correct by the theorem <ref> of section <ref>. §.§ Another conjecture A key ingredient for both the proof and the implementation is the geometric form of Hahn-Banach theorem: in codimension 1, if S is a finite set of vectors, from 0 ∉S, we get a vector N such that N.V > 0 for all V ∈ S. Unfortunately, we could not find nor prove a similar result for convex sets of full rank matrices. This suggests the following very interesting conjecture: <ref> Let 1 < m ≤ n be two natural numbers, let S ⊂Mat_m,n(ℝ) be a convex set of matrices of rank m. There exists a matrix M ∈Mat_m,n(ℝ) such that M A + A M is symmetric definite and positive for all A ∈ S. This Hahn-Banch conjecture also allows for a notion of certificate allowing to search for a decomposition using efficient floating point computations, and rechecking the final result using exact rational arithmetic. We can check quickly that M A + A M is symmetric definite and positive using Choleski decompostion for each matrices A in S (if S is finite). This does not require to compute the spectrum of the matrix. Unfortunately, we do npt know how to implement a test to decide if all matrices in a convex set of matrices are fullrank (used in <ref>), that produces a certificate. A constructive proof of conjecture <ref> would likely provide such a test. To be able to propose an implementation working in codimension greater than one, we use a simpler sufficient condition, using only scalar products, that implies (<ref>). This means we have stronger evidence for another conjecture <ref> using this stronger condition than for conjecture <ref> using (<ref>). §.§ Search for a simplicial decomposition Our implementation is described in section <ref> and is available on github: . It implements a semi-algorithm building a simplicial decomposition satisfying our criteria. This means we can solve non-degenerate systems of homogeneous real polynomial equations. Non-degenerate means that the jacobian matrix of the system is full rank at point that are in the solution. By solving we mean finding a piecewise affine approximation of the solution that is isotopic to the real solution. It allows to compute topological invariants of the solution and in particular the number of connected components and the Betti numbers of each component (see for instance the appendix B.3 of <cit.> for definitions). It is a semi-algorithm, which means that it may loop when the system of polynomials is degenerated. Our semi-algorithm terminates, in principle, if we know that the system of polynomials is non-degenerated. In codimension one, our implementation is exact and provides a proved result about the hypersurface that reposes only on the correction of the final test using the certificate. This test is a rather short piece of code and would be easy to rewrite. For codimension greater than one, the validity of the answer of our algorithm depends upon conjecture <ref>. The search for an adequate simplicial decomposition is in an early stage. Still some examples are already quite interesting. For instance, we are able to compute Betti numbers of random cubic given by a random homogeneous polynomials up to dimension 6 in less than one hour. Moreover, to our knowledge, there is no available exact implementation working in arbitrary dimension and codimension. §.§ Related work §.§.§ Viro's method Our main result may be seen as some inverse of Viro's method <cit.>, more precisely the combinatorial patchworking version for complete intersection <cit.>. Indeed, Viro's method allows for the construction of polynomials with a zero locus having the same topology than a given piecewise linear variety. We do the opposite. An important difference is that we use arbitrary simplicial decomposition rather than the Newton polytope of polynomials of a chosen degree, reflected in each orthant. Due the fact that we do not use only polynomial and therefore Newton Polytope, we did not manage to use <cit.> to shorten the proof. §.§.§ Decomposition methods using Descartes' rule of sign For univariate polynomials, there is a similar available criteria: Descartes' rule of sign. It allows to ensure that a polynomial as at most one root in a given interval. There are many attempts to generalise this rule to the multivariate case. Most of these work <cit.> only consider the zero dimensional case. They give an upper bound of the number of solutions. If this upper bound is one, it would allow to isolate each solution. A counter-example to Roy and Itenberg conjecture <cit.> given by Li and Wang <cit.>, means that even for the zero dimensional case, there is no known generalisation of Descartes' rule of sign that works in all cases. In a recent work <cit.> Descates rules of sign is generalised to arbitrary hypersurfaces, but only give a bound to the number of components which is not enough to compute the topology of hypersufaces. §.§.§ Other decomposition methods Our approach is similar to many other algorithms that work by subdivising the ambient space in hypercubes or simplices. See <cit.> for a book covering most algorithms in the domain. In dimension 3, Marching cube algorithms usually ensure correct topology between the piecewise trilinear function given by the value at the vertex of each hypercube and the produced piecewise affine variety <cit.>. There are not many algorithms for hypersurfaces in arbitrary dimension, we may cite <cit.>. For works that provide exact algorithms using decomposition, in the case of polynomials for 2D or 3D curves or 3D surfaces, we may cite <cit.>. Some of these works, like <cit.> also use Bernstein basis in the implementation. This latter also uses Descartes' rule of sign of the partial derivative of the polynomials. As we mentioned it previously, we think a key property of our criteria to stop a decomposition is its global nature. Moreover, we are not aware of any criteria that would work in arbitrary dimension and codimension. §.§.§ Algebraic methods Other algorithms, which are exact to compute topological invariants of algebraic variety, are roughly based on the decidability of the theory of real closed fields. Thus, they are more algebraic, using cylindrical decompositions, Groebner basis, resultants, …. They have the main advantage of being able to deal with arbitrary singularities, but are of a very different nature. Moreover, very few of these algorithms have free implementations and we could not compare them with our algorithm, for instance on the computation of Betti numbers of random cubic in dimension up to 6. Some available implementations, that could fit in this algebraic category, are limited to curves and surfaces like <cit.> or to the zero dimensional case like <cit.>. Those two are probably the best ones available. It is worth noticing that, unlike most available implementation for curve and surfaces, does not limit the number of variables and allow to compute a surface embedded in a space of high dimension. However, unlike , is only using arbitrary precision floating point arithmetic and is not an exact algorithm. Currently the above cited algorithms support some management of singularities and seem faster than our algorithm. This is to be expected as it is natural that more general algorithms are slower than specialised ones. Moreover, our search for a simplicial decomposition that satisfies our criteria is in an early stage. We outline below some directions of research that could allow our criteria to be used in an algorithm that could compete with the state of the art algorithms. Remark: a lot of the algorithms found in the literature are not freely available or hard to install. We only succeeded to install and ! §.§ Further theoretical research Apart from proving or disproving the afford mentioned conjectures, it would be nice to provide a complexity analysis for our algorithm. This will require (as for some algorithms searching for roots of univariate polynomials), a measure of regularity of the system of polynomials. This bound will probably be very bad because it will assume the worst everywhere, but it would still be interesting. We would like to extend our work to product of projective spaces, weighted projective spaces or compact of ℝ^n with a border condition allowing the variety to meet the border. For singular varieties, it is likely that our criteria is still correct for singularities which are affine subvariaties, provided that all singularities of dimension m are entirely covered by some faces of the simplicial decomposition of dimension m. For instance, isolated points must be among the vertices of the decomposition. Then, the only modification of our criteria is to ignore the singular faces and it seems to work. We tested this on isolated singularities, and this seems to work. Singularities which are not affine subvarieties seem must more challenging. §.§ Further implementation research The main problem with the current implementation is that we do not know yet what are the best triangulations for our criteria, especially in the case of codimension greater than one. For instance, if we impose the vertices of the decomposition, what is the best triangulation to try to meet the criteria? Currently we use the convex hull of the vertices projected on the unit sphere. This is similar to Delauney's triangulation. This is frame independant, but there is no reason that such triangulations are the best to meet our criteria for a given polynomial system. The same is true for the choice of vertices. Currently, we favour critical points as it seems to give good results, but this is not frame independant and does not always give enough points and we don't really known what other points to choose. We should also note that our implementation is written in OCaml using functors to parameterise the implementation by the representation of numbers, because it allows for rapid prototyping. A C implementation optimised for speed could gain a factor 2 or 3 and parallelisation could allows to gain a factor 10 and should be possible using OCaml 5. We think it is possible to reach computing time matching those of existing decomposition algorithms for curves and surfaces. Another way to improve the efficiency is to combine our criteria with variables elimination techniques. An idea would be to perform easy eliminations, before using our algorithm. For instance, one could eliminate a variable if it occurs only in one monomial of some polynomials. The current implementation is not even doing elimination of linear equations! But this is planed. §.§ Thanks We thank Stéphane Simon for showing us his marching cube implementation, 25 years ago, starting our interest in this research topic. We thanks Ilia Itenberg for several discussions, in particular about Viro's method. Finally, we heartily thanks Frédéric Mangolte for the lengthy discussions on this research, his comments and great help. § NOTATION AND CONVENTION Here are a few notation we use: * S denotes the convex hull of a subset S of ℝ^n. * When f: ℝ^n →ℝ is differentiable in all direction, we denote ∇(f)(x)(v) the differential of f at x in the direction v. In general, we only have ∇(f)(x)(λ v) = λ∇(f)(x)(v) for λ > 0 as v ↦∇(f)(x)(v) may be non linear. * When f: ℝ^n →ℝ^m is differentiable ∇(f)(x) will denote the m × n Jacobian matrix. *Simplicial decomposition In section <ref>, we consider simplicial decomposition of a compact polyhedron 𝕂⊂ℝ^n. By simplicial decomposition, we mean, as in <cit.>, a family of simplices (S_i)_i ∈ I such that: * 𝕂 = ∪_i ∈ I S_i * ∀ i,j ∈ I, i≠ j, S_i ∩ S_j is a simplex of dimension at most n-1 which is the common face of S_i and S_j. * ∀ i,j ∈ I, i≠ j, S_i ∩S_j = ∅. *Decomposition in simplicial cones A simplicial cone, is a set S, that is defined from a simplex S' that do not contain 0 by S = {λ x, x ∈ S', λ > 0 } In section <ref> and after, we consider decomposition in simplicial cones of ℝ^n+1. We mean a family of simplicial cone (S_i)_i ∈ I such that: * 𝕂 = ∪_i ∈ I S_i * ∀ i,j ∈ I, i≠ j, S_i ∩ S_j is a simplicial cone of dimension at most n which is the common face of S_i and S_j. * ∀ i,j ∈ I, i≠ j, S_i ∩S_j = ∅. *Bernstein basis In section <ref> we refer to Bernstein basis. In the case of homogeneous polynomials of degree d, it is (d!/α! x^α)_α∈ℕ^d, Σ_i α_i = d where x^α = Π_i x_i^α_i and α! = Π_i α_i! The key property of Bernstein basis it that its value in the unit simplex lies in the convex hull of the coefficients. It is an immediate consequence of De Casteljau algorithm to compute the value of the polynomial as a barycenter. We also use this property with the gradient of a polynomial, seen as a polynomial whose coefficients are vectors. § HYPERSURFACES ON A COMPACT POLYHEDRON Here is a first theorem for an hypersurface which is enclosed in the interior of a compact polyhedron of ℝ^n. This hypothesis seems essential and unnatural, but will disappear when we consider the entire projective space of dimension n. Let 𝕂⊂ℝ^n be a compact polyhedron. Let (S_i)_i∈ I be a simplicial decomposition of 𝕂. Let f : ℝ^n →ℝ of class C^1. Let V = { x ∈𝕂, f(x) = 0} be the zero locus of f restricted to 𝕂. Assume that V ∩∂𝕂 = ∅ cond0. We define f̃ : 𝕂→ℝ the piecewise affine function such that for all i ∈ I, f̃S_i is affine and for any v vertex of S_i, we have f(v) = f̃S_i(v). We define the following: * Ṽ = { x ∈𝕂, f̃(x) = 0} the zero locus of f̃. * 𝕂(f) = { x ∈𝕂, f(x)f̃(x) ≤ 0}. * ∇̃f(x) = {∇f̃S_i(x), x ∈ S_i }⊂ℝ^n * G(f,x) = {∇ f(x) }∪∇̃f(x) ⊂ℝ^n If the condition below holds, then V and Ṽ are isotopic: ∀ x ∈𝕂(f), 0 ∉G(f,x) Assume the definitions and hypotheses of the theorem. For any x ∈ℝ^n and ϵ > 0, we define G(f,x,ϵ) = ⋃_y ∈𝕂(f), y - x < ϵ G(f,y) Remark: we need to define G(f,x,ϵ) for x ∈ℝ^n because the convolution product below will cover the border of 𝕂(f). Clearly, for points too far from 𝕂(f), we have G(f,x,ϵ) = 0. We now prove that there exists ϵ > 0 such that ∀ x ∈𝕂(f), 0 ∉G(f,x,ϵ) We proceed by contradiction and choose a sequence (x_n)_n ∈ℕ in 𝕂(f) such that 0 ∈G(f,x_n,1/n). As 𝕂(f) is compact, we can assume that x_n converges to x_∞∈𝕂(f). Let us define δ = min_i∈ I, x_∞∉S_i(x_∞,S_i) We have for any y ∈𝕂, y - x_∞ < δ and y ∈ S_i implies x_∞∈ S_i and therefore ∇̃f(y) ⊂∇̃f(x_∞). Thus, for δ n > 1, we have 0 ∈{∇ f(y), y ∈𝕂, x_n - y < 1/n}∪∇̃f(x_∞) The set {∇ f(y), y ∈𝕂, x_n - y < 1/n} converges to the singleton {∇ f(x_∞)} for the Haussdorf metric and ℋ is continuous for that metric. Hence, {∇ f(y), y ∈𝕂, x_n - y < 1/n}∪∇̃f(x_∞)⟶G(f,x_∞) when n ⟶ +∞ This implies 0 ∈ G(f,x_∞), because it is a closed set, which contradicts (<ref>). By the geometric form of Hahn-Banach, we can find N: ℝ^n →ℝ^n such that ∀ x ∈ℝ^n, ∀ v ∈ G(f,x,ϵ), N(x).v > 0 Let us choose a function μ : ℝ^n →ℝ_+ of C^∞ class, with support in the sphere of radius ϵ and such that ∫_ℝ^nμ(u) du = 1. We define: N'(x) = N ⋆μ = ∫_ℝ^n N(u - x) μ(u) du N' is of C^∞ class on ℝ^n. Let us consider v ∈ G(f,x) for x ∈𝕂, if u < ϵ and therefore x - (u - x) < ϵ, we have v ∈ G(f,u-x,ϵ) which implies N(u - x).v > 0. This establishes: ∀ x ∈𝕂(f), ∀ v ∈ G(f,x), N'(x) . v > 0 The next step is to consider the maximal integral curves of N'. By The Cauchy-Lindelöf-Lipshitz-Picard theorem those curves exist, are unique in 𝕂(f) and continuous in the initial conditions. For t ∈ [0,1] we define f_t : 𝕂→ℝ, such that f_t(x) = t f(x) + (1 - t) f̃(x). We remark that f̃ is differentiable in every direction and that the differential of f̃ at x in the direction D is given by D.V for some V ∈∇̃f(x). Remark the differential in the direction D and -D may be different. Therefore, the differential of f_t at x ∈𝕂(f) in the direction N'(x) is given by the expression N'(x).(t ∇ f(x) + (1 - t) V) for some V ∈∇̃f(x) and is therefore positive by (<ref>). This means that the functions f_t(x) are increasing along an integral curve of N' and therefore each integral curve meet the variety V_t = { x ∈ℝ, f_t(x) = 0} for t ∈ [0,1] in at most one point. Remark that V_t ⊂𝕂(f). To finish the proof we must show that the maximal integral curves of N' have their extremity in the border of 𝕂(f), which are points x with either f(x) = 0 or f̃(x) = 0, by the condition (<ref>). This is true because we can find K > 0 such that ∀ x ∈𝕂(f), K < N'(x) by compacity and regularity of N'. This means that a maximal integral curve of N' will join the border of 𝕂(f) on an interval [t_1,t_2] for t_2 - t_1 < M/K where M is an upper bound of both f and f̃ on 𝕂. Therefore, (x,t) ↦ f_t(x) is the wanted isotopy. § HYPERSURFACES ON THE PROJECTIVE SPACE We now give a condition to establish that an hypersurface in 𝕊^n the unit sphere of ℝ^n+1 defined by a positively homogeneous C^1 function in n+1 variables is istopic to a variety defined by a piecewise linear function on ℝ^n+1. We state the theorem on the unit sphere 𝕊^n because it is simpler to write the condition than working on the projective space. Let (S_i)_i∈ I be a decomposition of ℝ^n+1 in simplicial cones with vertices on 𝕊^n, the unit sphere of ℝ^n+1. Let p : ℝ^n+1→ℝ be a positively homogeneous C^1 function of degree d. (i.e. p(λ x) = λ^d p (x) for any λ∈ℝ_+ and x ∈ℝ^𝕟+1). Let V = { x ∈𝕊^n, p(x) = 0} be the zero locus of p restricted to 𝕊^n. We define p̃ : ℝ^n+1→ℝ the piecewise linear function such that for all i ∈ I, p̃S_i is linear and for any v vertex of S_i, we have p(v) = p̃S_i(v). We define the following: * Ṽ = { x ∈𝕊^n, p̃(x) = 0} the zero locus of p̃. * 𝕂(p) = { x ∈𝕊^n, p(x)p̃(x) ≤ 0}. * ∇̃p(x) = {∇p̃S_i(x), x ∈ S_i }⊂ℝ^n+1 * G(p,x) = {∇ p(x) }∪∇̃p(x) ⊂ℝ^n+1 If the following condition (<ref>) holds, then V and Ṽ are isotopic: ∀ x ∈𝕂(p), 0 ∉G(p,x) This implies that the projective varieties associated to V and Ṽ are isotopic if the simplicial decomposition is stable by the symmetry x ↦ -x. By taking 𝕂 = 𝕊^n, we can use exactly the same definitions and reasoning as the proof of theorem <ref> until the definition of N' of C^∞ class satisfying ∀ x ∈𝕂(p), ∀ v ∈ G(p,x), N'(x) . v > 0 We must change the definition of p_t(x), using d the degree of p: p(x) = p̃(x x^d-1) p_t(x) = t p(x) + (1 - t)p(x) We have p_t(λ x) = λ^d p_t(x) for all λ∈ℝ_+. As in the previous proof, p̃(x) has a differential in any direction v. Hence, the functions p and p_t are differentiable in any direction, hence they satisfy Euler relation: ∇p(x)(x) = d p(x) ∇ p_t(x)(x) = d p(x) We need more precision for the derivative of p̃: if x,v ∈ℝ^n+1 we can define i(x,v) ∈ I such that x ∈ S_i(x,v) and x + hv ∈ S_i(x,v) for all h > 0 small enough. We also define S(x,v) = S_i(x,v). Using this notation, the gradient of p̃(x) in the direction v is given by ∇p̃(x)(x) = ∇p̃S(x,v)(x).v But as p̃S(x,v) is linear, its gradient is constant and we can simply write ∇p̃S(x,v).v. Remark: i(x,v) is not uniquely defined, but the choice of index in I does not change the value of the differential in a given direction. Using these notations, we compute: ∇p(x)(v) = d ∇p̃S(x,v).v x^d-1∇ p_t(x)(v) = (t ∇ p(x) + (1-t) d ∇p̃S(x,v)x^d-1).v We now prove that for x ∈𝕂(p), N'(x) is not normal to the unit sphere at x. Let us choose x ∈𝕂(p), we can find t ∈ [0,1] such that p_t(x) = t p(x) + (1 - t)p(x) = 0 (take t = 0 if p(x) = p̃(x) = 0 and t = p(x)/p(x) - p(x) otherwise). This is well defined because in 𝕂(p) we can only have p(x) = p(x) if p(x) = p̃(x) = 0. Let us define V = t ∇ p(x) + (1-t) d ∇p̃S(x,v) The gradient p_t(x) in the direction of x, is given by V.x = p_t(x) = 0 by Euler relation. V ∈ (t + (1-t)d) G(p,x) and t + (1-t)d = d - t(d-1) > 0 for t ∈ [0,1]. This means that N'(x) can not be normal to 𝕊^n at x as this would imply V.N'(x) = 0 which is impossible by (<ref>). This ends the proof that N'(x) is not normal to the unit sphere at x. We can now define for all x ∈𝕂(p), N^T(x) = N'(x) - (N'(x).x)x, the projection of N'(x) on the hyperplane tangent to 𝕊^n at x. For x ∈𝕂(p), as the polyhedra S_i are simplicial cones we can assume S(x,N'(x)) = S(x,N^T(x)) that we will simply write S(x). Indeed, for h > 0 small enough, x + hN'(x) and x + hN^T(x) belong to the same simplicial cone S_i because they only differ by a vector in the direction of x and S_i is a cone. Using this notation, for a point x ∈𝕂(p) such that p_t(x) = 0, the gradient of p_t(x) in direction N'(x) and N^T(x) verify: ∇ p_t(x)(N'(x)) = (t ∇ p(x) + (1-t) d ∇p̃S(x) ).N'(x) > 0 by (<ref>) ∇ p_t(x)(N^T(x)) = (t ∇ p(x) + (1-t) d ∇p̃S(x) ).N^T(x) = (t ∇ p(x) + (1-t) d ∇p̃S(x) ).(N'(x) - (x.N'(x))x) = (t ∇ p(x) + (1-t) d ∇p̃S(x) ).N'(x) by Euler relation > 0 Let γ : J →𝕂(p) be a maximal integral curve of N^T. This means γ'(u) = N^T(γ(u)). There are particular cases where γ is reduced to one point x when p(x) = p̃(x) = 0. In all other cases, as p̃ is derivable in all directions, u ↦p̃(γ(u)) is derivable (but not necessarily of C^1 class). Similarly u ↦p(γ(u)) and u ↦ p_t(γ(u)) for t ∈ [0,1] and t(u) = p(u)/p(u) - p(u) are derivable. Moreover, a point x ∈𝕂(p) with p(x) = 0 or p̃(x) = 0 can only be at the extremity of γ, otherwise, by (<ref>), γ would leave 𝕂(p). This means that p and p̃ have constant sign on γ and may be null only on the extremity. This implies that p(γ(u)) - p(γ(u)) is of contant signe along such a curve γ. We have: p_t(u)(γ(u)) = 0 (p(γ(u)) - p(γ(u))) t'(u) + ∇ p_t(u)(γ(u))(γ'(u)) = 0 (p(γ(u)) - p(γ(u))) t'(u) = ∇ p_t(u)(γ(u))(N^T(γ(u))) (p(γ(u)) - p(γ(u)))t'(u) > 0 This means that t(u) is monotonous along any curve γ that is not reduced to one point. As in the previous proof, N^T(γ(u)) is never null and is minored by some constant K > 0, thus the extremity of maximal integral curve γ will necessarily be a point where p is null and another point where p̃ is null. This means that p_t defines the isotopy we are looking for. § INCREASING CODIMENSION We propose the following conjecture for several positively homogeneous C^1 funciton: Let (S_i)_i∈ I be a decomposition of ℝ^n+1 in simplicial cones with vertices on 𝕊^n, the unit sphere of ℝ^n+1. Let p = (p_1,…,p_m) be a family of m ≤ n positively homogeneous C^1 functionx from ℝ^n+1 to ℝ^𝕟 of respective degree (d_1,…,d_m) not necessarily equal (i.e. p_i(λ x) = λ^d_i p_i (x) for any λ∈ℝ_+ and x ∈ℝ^𝕟+1). Let V = { x ∈𝕊^n, p(x) = 0} be the zero locus of p restricted to 𝕊^n. We define p̃ : ℝ^n+1→ℝ^m the piecewise linear function such that for all i ∈ I, p̃S_i is linear and for any v vertex of S_i, we have p(v) = p̃S_i(v). We define the following: * Ṽ = { x ∈𝕊^n, p̃(x) = 0} the zero locus of p̃. * 𝕂(p) = { x ∈𝕊^n, ∀ i ∈{1,…,m}, p_i(x)p̃_i(x) ≤ 0}. * ∇̃p(x) = {∇p̃S_i(x), x ∈ S_i }⊂Mat_m,n+1(ℝ) * G(p,x) = {∇ p(x) }∪∇̃p(x) ⊂Mat_m,n+1(ℝ) If the condition below holds, then V and Ṽ are isotopic: ∀ x ∈𝕂(p), ∀ A ∈G(p,x), A is of maximal rank This conjecture is the natural generalisation of theorem <ref> and our implementation described in the next section suggest that it might be true. Unfortunately, to adapt the proof of the previous section, we need a result analogous to Hahn-Banach for convex set of full rank matrices. This would give the countepart of the vector N(x) in the previous proof and also the certificate we need for the implementation. Here is the expected result that seems unknown and that we could not prove neither disprove: Let 1 < m ≤ n two natural numbers, let S ⊂Mat_m,n(ℝ) a convex set of matrices of rank m. There exists a matrix M ∈Mat_m,n(ℝ) such that M A + A M is symmetric definite and positive for all A ∈ S. We could not prove that conjecture <ref> implies conjecture <ref> but we feel that it is a key element of the proof. A way to prove this implication would be to ensure that N^T : 𝕂(p) →Mat_m,n+1(ℝ) satisfies the Schwartz condition. This means we should have that the derivative of N_i^T in the direction N_j^T should be equal to the derivative of N_j^T in the direction N_i^T. Then, we could construct unique integral hypersurfaces of N^T and probably finish the proof. To to this, an idea if to build the kernel used in the convolution product defining N' by solving a partial differential equation... As we can not prove constructively conjecture <ref>, we have no algorithm to test condition <ref> that would give a certificate. Therefore, for our implementation, we use a stronger condition using this definition: Let 1 < m ≤ n two natural numbers, let S ⊂Mat_m,n(ℝ) a set of matrices. S is said to be strongly full rank if ∀σ∈{-1,1}^m, 0 ∉{σ A, A ∈ S} If S ⊂Mat_m,n(ℝ) is strongly full rank, then S contains only full rank matrices. If A ∈S is not full rank, then there exists v ∈ℝ^m such that v A = 0. Take σ = (σ_1, …, σ_n) such that σ_i = 1 if v_i ≥ 0 and σ_i = -1 otherwise and we find 0 ∈{σ A, A ∈ S}. This stronger condition gives a weaker conjecture that correspond to our implementation: Let (S_i)_i∈ I be a decomposition of ℝ^n+1 in simplicial cones with vertices on 𝕊^n, the unit sphere of ℝ^n+1. Let p = (p_1,…,p_m) be a family of m ≤ n positively homogeneous C^1 functionx from ℝ^n+1 to ℝ^𝕟 of respective degree (d_1,…,d_m) not necessarily equal (i.e. p_i(λ x) = λ^d_i p_i (x) for any λ∈ℝ_+ and x ∈ℝ^𝕟+1). Let V = { x ∈𝕊^n, p(x) = 0} be the zero locus of p restricted to 𝕊^n. We define p̃ : ℝ^n+1→ℝ^m the piecewise linear function such that for all i ∈ I, p̃S_i is linear and for any v vertex of S_i, we have p(v) = p̃S_i(v). We define the following: * Ṽ = { x ∈𝕊^n, p̃(x) = 0} the zero locus of p̃. * 𝕂(p) = { x ∈𝕊^n, ∀ i ∈{1,…,m}, p_i(x)p̃_i(x) ≤ 0}. * ∇̃p(x) = {∇p̃S_i(x), x ∈ S_i }⊂Mat_m,n+1(ℝ) * G(p,x) = {∇ p(x) }∪∇̃p(x) ⊂Mat_m,n+1(ℝ) If ∀ x ∈𝕂(p), G(p,x) is strongly full rank, then V and Ṽ are isotopic. § IMPLEMENTATION Obtaining an implementation from theorem <ref> or conjecture <ref> is not very difficult. Let (S_i)_i∈ I be a decomposition of ℝ^n+1 in simplicial cones with vertices on 𝕊^n, the unit sphere of ℝ^n+1. Let p = (p_1,…,p_m) be a family of m ≤ n homogeneous polynomials with n+1 variables. Let us consider now a simplicial cone F which is a subset of a face of dimension d_F of one of the simplex S_i for i ∈ I. F could be reduced to a vertex when d_F = 0 or could be of dimension d_F=n+1. By doing a change of coordinates sending the unit simplex of dimension d_F to F and writing the resulting polynomials in the Berstein bases, we can use the fact that the value of polynomials or their differentials are in the convex hull of the coefficients to check that the condition of our theorem <ref> or conjecture <ref> holds in F. This leads to the following procedure: [TEST_FACE] Inputs: * (S_i)_i∈ I a decomposition of ℝ^n+1 in simplicial cones with vertices on 𝕊^n. * p = (p_1,…,p_m) a family of m ≤ n homogeneous polynomials with n+1 variables. * p̃ = (p̃_1,…,p̃_m) the piecewise linear functions associated to p and (S_i)_i∈ I. * a simplex F of dimension d_F which is included in a face of one of the S_i. * a minimal size for simplices. * a heuristic to split a simplex in 2 (that may use all other inputs). Algorithm: * Build the matrix P sending the unit simplex of dimension d_F to F * Write p(M(x)) and p̃(M(x)) in the Berstein basis, this gives two families of homogeneous polynomials q(x) and q̃(x) with d_F + 1 variables. Remark: if F is a vertex, it is equivalent to evaluating the polynomials! * If there is 1 ≤ i ≤ m such that all coefficients of q_i and q̃_i have the same sign, return because F does not meet 𝕂(p). * Otherwise, compute the list L such that {S_l, l ∈ L} is the set all simplicies that contains F. * Write ∇ p(M(x)) and, for all l ∈ L, ∇p̃S_l(M(x)) in the Berstein bases. Define the set A of m × (n + 1) matrices which are the coefficients of those polynomials. If for all σ∈{-1,1}^m we have 0 ∉{σ M, M ∈ A} return because A is strongly full rank. * Otherwise, if F is not too small, subdivide F in F_1 and F_2 and recursively call the procedure on F_1 and F_2 and return if both calls return . * Otherwise, if F was too small, return . Using this procedure, we can implement our main loop: [MAIN_LOOP] Inputs: * (S_i)_i∈ I a decomposition of ℝ^n+1 in simplicial cones with vertices on 𝕊^n. * p = (p_1,…,p_m) a family of m ≤ n homogeneous polynomials with n+1 variables. * p̃ = (p̃_1,…,p̃_m) the piecewise linear functions associated to p and (S_i)_i∈ I. * a heuristic to refine the decomposition (that may use all other inputs). * a minimal size for simplices. * a heuristic to split a simplex in 2 Algorithm: * For each face F of one of the simplex call the procedure . If all calls return , return p̃. * If the procedure returned on F, try to refine the decomposition, preferably in a way that splits F. * Update p̃ to the new decomposition. * Call back with the refined subdivition and new p̃. Here is the entry point of our implementation: [MAIN] Inputs: * p = (p_1,…,p_m) a family of m ≤ n homogeneous polynomials with n+1 variables. * a heuristic to refine a decomposition of ℝ^n+1 in simplicial cones. * a minimal size for simplices. * a heuristic to split a simplex in 2. Algorithm: * Build (S_i)_i∈ I a decomposition of ℝ^n+1 in simplicial cones with vertices on 𝕊^n. * Build p̃ = (p̃_1,…,p̃_m) the piecewise linear functions associated to p and (S_i)_i∈ I. * Call the procedure . * If it return p̃, build the piecewise affine projective variety of equation p̃(x) = 0 and return it. Given p = (p_1,…,p_m) a family of m ≤ n homogeneous polynomials with n+1 variables, if there is only one polynomial or if conjecture <ref> is true, the above algorithm loops or returns a piecewise affine projective variety that is isoptopic to the variety defined by p(x) = 0. This is a consequence of the definitions and the properties of Bernstein basis. It is important to note that the property “0 is the convex hull” used in the algorithm is invariant by a linear change of variable. Let p = (p_1,…,p_m) a family of m ≤ n homogeneous polynomials with n+1 variables. Assume that the matrix ∇ p(x) is full rank for all x ∈𝕊^n such that p(x) = 0. Then, our algorithm terminates, if the heuristic to refine decompositions, when repeated, gives decompositions such that all simplicial cones have diameter that converges to 0, when intersected with the unit sphere. If the diameter of all simplicial cones restricted to 𝕊^n are small enough, then p will be almost linear on each of them and the points where p(x) = 0 will be separated from the points where the matrix ∇ p(x) is not full rank. This means that one of the two tests will always succeed in the procedure . *Test for 0 in the convex hull Clearly we do not want to compute the convex hull to check for one point. This problem is traditionally implemented as a reduction to linear programming. We chose to implement it directly: For a finite set of vector A, we try to minimise N^2 for N = ∑_V ∈ Aα_V V with α_V > 0 for all V ∈ A and ∑_V ∈ Aα_V = 1. We perform this minimisation by alterning two kinds of steps: * Linear steps: we solve a linear system to find a direction which is not always a direction of descent but that often offers rapid progress. This kind of steps may set some of the α_V to zero. * Descent in the direction V ∈ A if N.V ≤ 0. It is easy to show that N + α V/1 + α^2 < N^2 in this case. This kind of steps increase α_V, even if α_V = 0. We stop if there is no such vector V and we know that 0 ∉A. * We stop if v^2 is too small (meaning we can probably reach 0). * It is important to avoid setting α_V = 0 in a linear step, followed by a descent in the direction V. This yields to very slow progress. Thus, we do not select V for descent if α_V was set to 0 by the previous linear step. This relatively simple algorithm works very well for this specific case and might be the object of a separate publication in the near future. It is worth noticing that our algorithm is not an interior point method nor a method that stay on the border of the convex hull. We mentioned the algorithm to make it clear that when we fail to find a descent direction, we have N.V > 0 for all V ∈ A and therefore N is the vector given by the geometric form of Hahn Banach theorem and considered by the proof. *Certificate and exact algorithm The above algorithm is implemented using 64 bits floating point numbers. However, the procedure keeps a trace of the subdivision it did as a binary tree and it also keeps in the leaf of the tree a boolean giving the reason of success: either if the sign of the polynomials was constant or if the test for the convex hull succeeded. In the latter case it also keeps the vectors N given by the algorithm for each value of σ∈{-1,1}^m. Such a tree is associated to each face of the simplicial decomposition and form a certificate. This allows to recheck the criteria using exact rational arithmetic and the only operations are: * change of coordinates in the polynomials, * scalar products and * comparisons. As a result the final check of this certificate is fast (in practice faster that the initial computation) and ensures an exact result (if conjecture <ref> is true when codimension is greater than 1). § EXPERIMENTS Note: all figures in this article use a projection of the projective space into a sphere, so we see the entire variety. *Study near singularity Our first example is with the family of quartic polynomials: p_ϵ(x,y,t) = (x^2+y^2-t^2)^2 + ϵ x y (x-y) (x+y) When ϵ > 0, the curve p_ϵ(x,y,t) = 0 has four components and it converges to a circle of double points when ϵ→ 0. However, a simplicial decomposition with only 24 triangles seems sufficient for any ϵ>0. Only the number of subdivision of each triangle increases when ϵ→ 0. Figure <ref> is the simplicial decomposition (in green) and the curve p_ϵ(x,y,t) = 0 we get for some ϵ>0 (in black): We now give a table that gives for some value of ϵ, the total computing time, the time for the exact test using rational arithmetic and the maximum number of time we split a simplex in 2 parts (i.e. maximum depth of recursive call in ). ϵ time ℚ-time ℚ-time/time max splits 5.10^-1 0.079s 0.016s 20% 0 5.10^-2 0.150s 0.022s 15% 6 5.10^-3 0.264s 0.095s 36% 10 5.10^-4 0.607s 0.210s 35% 14 5.10^-5 1.638s 0.656s 40% 175.10^-6 5.380s 2.548s 47% 205.10^-7 17.087s 6.732s 39% 24 The maximum number of splits seems linear in the exponent of ϵ, therefore the number of subdivision may be at most linear in ϵ (some simplices needs less subdivision than others). We also observe that the final exact test using rational arithmetic never exceeds half of the total running time. Remark: very small ϵ would require multi-precision which we implemented using GMP. But it is far too slow in practice. *Some curves and surfaces in 2D and 3D It is well know that sextic curves have at most 11 components and that this can be realized in three ways: one oval containing p empty ovals and 10 - p empty ovals outside for p = 1, 5 or 9 <cit.>. Construction being respectively due to Harnak (figure <ref>), Hilbert (figure <ref>) and Gudkov (figure <ref>). Our implementation succesfully computes the topology of these three curves. We also experimented succesfullt with two quartic surfaces and two complete intersection of degree 3× 2 and 4 × 2: one maximal quartic (referred as “M quartic”, figure <ref>) with two components, a sphere and a sphere with 10 handles and another quartic with 10 spheres (referred as “M-2 quartic”, figure <ref> in the introduction). We also show the intersection of four planes (product of four linear forms) and a sphere which are used to build the M-2 quartic (referred as “M-2 quartic ∩ S”). Finally, we tested with a 3D curves which is the intersection of a cone and a cubic surface that gives 5 components (referred as “cubic ∩ cone”). This last example is used in <cit.> to construct Del Pezzo surfaces of degree 1. Results are summarised in the table below where we give for each example the codimension (number of polynomials) and projective dimension (number of variables - 1), the total computing time, the time to check the certificate, the total number of simplices in the decomposition and the maximum number of splits (i.e. maximum depth of recursive call in ). The number of simplices is smaller than the number of simplices in the corresponding Newton polytope (counting all quadrants/octants): 4 × 36 = 144 for sextic curves and 8 × 30 = 240 for quartic surfaces. codim/dim time ℚ-time simplices max splits Harnack's sextic 1/2 1.430s 0.142s 60 8 Gudkov's sextic 1/2 15.748s 1.488s 76 27 Hilbert's sextic 1/2 26.036s 7.724s 84 23 M quartic 1/3 5.243s 0.845s 204 7 M-2 quartic 1/3 4.380s 0.639s 141 7 cubic ∩ S 2/3 4.050s 0.280s 54 16 M-2 quartic ∩ S 2/3 12.809s 1.304s 87 17 *Random varieties We also performed experiments with random Polynomials for Bombieri's norm. This norm is known to give more interesting topology, hence more difficult to compute than with Euclidien norm. It shows the limit of the current implementation: we can compute quartic hyper-surfaces up to dimension 5 in around 20 minutes. For the zero dimensional case (for which much better approach exists like msolve), we managed to handle in dimension 4 systems with 3 polynomials of degree 2 and one of degree 3 (total degree 24) in around 8 minutes (this takes less than a second with msolve). You may find in appendix our raw measurements for random polynomials. It is worth noticing that for all these random tests, the exact test did always succeed. This is not so surprising as random varieties are expected to be smooth enough. *Problematic cases As mentioned in the previous section, concentric circles (or near to parallel curves) are currently problematic. We experimented with p(x,y,t) = (x^2+y^2-(1-α)^2)(x^2+y^2-(1+α)^2) We give in the table below the computing time, number of simplices and max splits as above. For a difference of radius of 2α=10^-4 we need far more simplices than Newton the polytope for a quartic curve 4 × 16 = 64. This is rapidely unfeasible. 2α time simplices max splits1 0.083s 12 1 10^-1 0.370s 48 6 10^-2 1.793s 128 13 10^-3 20.476s 690 2010^-4 417.259s 3504 28 plain § TIMINGS ON RANDOM POLYNOMIALS Here is how to read a line in these raw results: [basicstyle=] 4, (2, 2, 2, 3) => 348.0254s [16.8249s] < 364.8503s (2 samples) You can read from left to right: * the projective dimension, * the degree of each polynomials, * the average time to compute a piecewise linear approximation, * the standard deviation, * the worst time observed and * the number of samples. [basicstyle=]random.txt
SCPNet: Semantic Scene Completion on Point Cloud
[ "Zhaoyang Xia", "Youquan Liu", "Xin Li", "Xinge Zhu", "Yuexin Ma", "Yikang Li", "Yuenan Hou", "Yu Qiao" ]
[ "cs.CV" ]
SCPNet: Semantic Scene Completion on Point Cloud Zhaoyang Xia^1, Youquan Liu^1, Xin Li^1, Xinge Zhu^2, Yuexin Ma^3, Yikang Li^1, Yuenan Hou^1†, and Yu Qiao^1 ^1Shanghai AI Laboratory ^2The Chinese University of Hong Kong ^3ShanghaiTech University ^1{houyuenan, liyikang, qiaoyu}@pjlab.org.cn March 30, 2023 =========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== SCPNet Training deep models for semantic scene completion (SSC) is challenging due to the sparse and incomplete input, a large quantity of objects of diverse scales as well as the inherent label noise for moving objects. To address the above-mentioned problems, we propose the following three solutions: 1) Redesigning the completion sub-network. We design a novel completion sub-network, which consists of several Multi-Path Blocks (MPBs) to aggregate multi-scale features and is free from the lossy downsampling operations. 2) Distilling rich knowledge from the multi-frame model. We design a novel knowledge distillation objective, dubbed Dense-to-Sparse Knowledge Distillation (DSKD). It transfers the dense, relation-based semantic knowledge from the multi-frame teacher to the single-frame student, significantly improving the representation learning of the single-frame model. 3) Completion label rectification. We propose a simple yet effective label rectification strategy, which uses off-the-shelf panoptic segmentation labels to remove the traces of dynamic objects in completion labels, greatly improving the performance of deep models especially for those moving objects. Extensive experiments are conducted in two public SSC benchmarks, , SemanticKITTI and SemanticPOSS. Our  ranks 1st on SemanticKITTI semantic scene completion challenge and surpasses the competitive S3CNet <cit.> by 7.2 mIoU.  also outperforms previous completion algorithms on the SemanticPOSS dataset. Besides, our method also achieves competitive results on SemanticKITTI semantic segmentation tasks, showing that knowledge learned in the scene completion is beneficial to the segmentation task. § INTRODUCTION †: Corresponding author. Semantic scene completion (SSC) <cit.> aims at inferring both geometry and semantics of the scene from an incomplete and sparse observation, which is a crucial component in 3D scene understanding. Performing semantic scene completion in the outdoor scenarios is challenging due to the sparse and incomplete input, a large quantity of objects of diverse scales as well as the inherent label noise for those moving objects (See Fig. <ref> (a)). Recent years have witnessed an explosion of methods in the outdoor scene completion field <cit.>. For example, S3CNet <cit.> performs 2D and 3D completion tasks jointly and achieves impressive performance on the SemanticKITTI leaderboard <cit.>. JS3C-Net <cit.> performs semantic segmentation first and then feeds the segmentation features to the completion sub-network. The coarse-to-fine refinement module is further put forward to improve the completion quality. Although significant progress has been achieved in this area, these methods heavily rely on the voxelwise completion labels and show unsatisfactory completion performance on the small, distant objects and crowded scenes. Moreover, the long traces of the dynamic objects in original completion labels will hamper the learning of the completion models, which is overlooked in the previous literature <cit.>. To address the preceding problems, we propose three solutions from the aspects of the completion sub-network redesign, distillation of multi-frame knowledge as well as completion label rectification. Specifically, we first make a comprehensive overhaul of the completion sub-network. We adopt the completion-first principle and make the completion module directly process the raw voxel features. Besides, we avoid the use of downsampling operations since they inevitably introduce information loss and cause severe misclassification for those small objects and crowded scenes. To improve the completion quality on objects of diverse scales, we design Multi-Path Blocks (MPBs) with varied kernel sizes, which aggregate multi-scale features and fully utilize the rich contextual information. Second, to combat against the sparse and incomplete input signals, we make the single-scan student model distil knowledge from the multi-frame teacher model. However, mimicking the probabilistic knowledge of each point/voxel brings marginal gains. Instead, we propose to distill the pairwise similarity information. Considering the sparsity and unorderness of features, we align the features using their indices and then force the consistency between the pairwise similarity maps of student features and those of teacher features, make the student benefit from the relational knowledge of the teacher. The resulting Dense-to-Sparse Knowledge Distillation objective is termed DSKD, which is specifically designed for the scene completion task. Finally, to address the long traces of those dynamic objects in the completion labels, we propose a simple yet effective label rectification strategy. The core idea is to use off-the-shelf panoptic segmentation labels to remove the traces of dynamic objects in completion labels. The rectified completion labels are more accurate and reliable, greatly improving the completion qualities of deep models on those moving objects. We conduct experiments on two large-scale outdoor scene completion benchmarks, , SemanticKITTI <cit.> and SemanticPOSS <cit.>. Our  ranks 1st on SemanticKITTI semantic scene completion challenge [https://codalab.lisn.upsaclay.fr/competitions/7170#results till 2022-11-12 00:00 Pacific Time, and our method is termed .] and outperforms the S3CNet <cit.> by 7.2 mIoU.  also achieves better performance than other completion algorithms on the SemanticPOSS dataset. The learned knowledge from the completion task also benefits the segmentation task, making our  achieve superior performance on the SemanticKITTI semantic segmentation task. Our contributions are summarized as follows. * The comprehensive redesign of the completion sub-network. We unveil several key factors to building strong completion networks. * To cope with the sparsity and incompleteness of the input, we propose to distill the dense relation-based knowledge from the multi-frame model. Note that we are the first to apply knowledge distillation to the semantic scene completion task. * To address the long traces of moving objects in completion labels, we present the completion label rectification strategy. * Our  ranks 1st on SemanticKITTI semantic scene completion challenge, outperforming the previous SOTA S3CNet <cit.> by 7.2 mIoU. Competitive performance is also shown in SemanticPOSS completion task and SemanticKITTI semantic segmentation task. § RELATED WORK Semantic scene completion. Early works on scene completion mainly concentrates on the indoor scenarios <cit.>. The point cloud in indoor scenarios is dense, small-scale and has uniform density. By contrast, point cloud in outdoor scenes is sparse, large-scale and has varying density, which poses great challenges to the semantic scene completion algorithms <cit.>. Various algorithms have been proposed, for instance, LMSCNet <cit.> uses a mixture of 2D and 3D convolutions to build the efficient completion backbone. S3CNet <cit.> performs 2D and 3D scene completion simultaneously, and fuses the results by the proposed dynamic voxel fusion module. JS3C-Net <cit.> attaches the completion network to the segmentation backbone and refines the completion outputs via the point-voxel interaction module. Compared with previous completion networks, our  is free from the lossy downsampling operations. Besides, our network is built on several MPBs that aggregate multi-scale features and can achieve high completion quality in objects of various sizes. Knowledge distillation. Knowledge distillation (KD) originates from the pioneering work of G. Hinton  <cit.>. Its primary objective is to transfer the dark knowledge from the large over-parameterized teacher model to the small compact student model. A large number of methods have been proposed and various forms of knowledge <cit.> have been designed, , intermediate features <cit.>, visual attention maps <cit.>, region-level affinity scores <cit.>, similarity scores of different samples <cit.>, . It is noteworthy that the majority of the distillation methods concentrate on the 2D tasks. Only a few distillation methods have focused on 3D domains, , PVKD <cit.> and SparseKD <cit.>. To our knowledge, this is the first work that applies knowledge distillation to the semantic scene completion task. We propose to transfer the dense, relation-based semantic knowledge from the multi-frame model to the single-frame one. § METHODOLOGY The objective of the semantic scene completion task is to infer the complete geometric and semantic layout given the incomplete and sparse input. Formally, given the input point cloud 𝐗∈ℝ^N × 3, the network needs to assign a label to each voxel of the L × W × H voxel space to indicate whether it is empty or belongs to a specific class c ∈{0, 1, 2,..., C-1 }, where C is the number of classes, L, W and H are the length, width and height of the voxel space, respectively. We denote the voxelwise output as 𝐎∈ℝ^L × W × H × C. §.§ Framework overview As shown in Fig. <ref>, our  is comprised of two sub-networks, , the completion sub-network and the segmentation sub-network. The completion sub-network is designed based on several key design principles. The segmentation sub-network is built upon Cylinder3D <cit.>, with some minor modifications. In the following sections, we first detail the completion sub-network and introduce several design principles that are vital to building a strong completion sub-network. The knowledge distillation of multi-frame model and the completion label rectification will be explained thereafter. §.§ Redesigning the Completion Sub-network Take JS3C-Net <cit.> as example. The original JS3C-Net first performs semantic segmentation and then conducts completion upon the segmentation features. Although this pipeline can benefit from the segmentation outputs, there are several drawbacks in this framework. First, the parameters in the completion sub-network are much fewer than the segmentation sub-network, thus yielding unsatisfactory completion performance. Second, there are downsampling and upsampling blocks in the completion sub-network. The downsampling operations will inevitably lose the information of the original point cloud and the upsampling operation will cause over dilation and shape distortion. To address the aforementioned problems, we make a comprehensive overhaul of the completion sub-network. More concretely, there are three principles in the design of the completion sub-network, , maintaining sparsity, no downsampling and aggregating multi-scale features. Maintain sparsity. The completion sub-network needs the vanilla dense convolution for dilation while the segmentation sub-network uses sparse convolution for efficient processing. However, the bias of the convolution weight, running mean and beta of BN layers will break the sparsity of the original voxel features, thus substantially increasing the computation burden of the segmentation sub-network. Therefore, to reduce the overall computation cost and enjoy the high efficiency of sparse convolution, we remove all the convolution bias and the BN layers in the completion sub-network. In this condition, the voxel features produced by the completion sub-network can still keep the sparse property and the segmentation sub-network can use sparse convolution to process these sparse voxel features. No downsampling. In popular completion networks such as S3CNet <cit.> and JS3C-Net <cit.>, there are several downsampling and upsampling blocks in the completion part. The downsampling operations will inevitably lose the information of the original point cloud, causing severe completion and classification errors for small objects and crowded scenes. Therefore, we discard all downsampling and upsampling operations to relieve the information loss, maximally retaining the information of the raw point cloud. Besides, as opposed to JS3C-Net which takes the segmentation-first baseline, we adopt the completion-first principle. Concretely, we make the completion sub-network directly process the raw voxel features produced by the voxelization process. And the completion sub-network can also benefit from the large number of parameters of the segmentation sub-network. Aggregate multi-scale features. To aggregate multi-scale features, we design the multi-path block which is comprised of 3×3×3, 5×5×5 and 7×7×7 convolution blocks. As shown in Fig. <ref>, there are three branches in the completion sub-network. The upper branch contains one MPB and the bottom branch is a residual connection. The middle branch is constructed by a 3×3×3 convolution block, two MPBs and a 3×3×3 convolution block. After the completion sub-network, we obtain the dense completed voxel features. We extract the non-empty voxel features as well as their voxel indices from the completed voxel features. The generated sparse voxel features are sent to the segmentation sub-network to produce the voxelwise segmentation output. Modifications on the segmentation sub-network. Recall that, for the segmentation part, we take the Cylinder3D <cit.> as the backbone. Since the voxelwise completion labels are defined based on the cubic partition, we replace the cylindrical partition of Cylinder3D with conventional cubic partition. Besides, the original point refinement module consumes much GPU memory and brings limited gains, we discard this module to save memory usage. §.§ Distilling Multi-frame Knowledge Since single frame point cloud is sparse and incomplete in the outdoor scenarios, directly performing semantic scene completion from the single-frame input is extremely difficult. It is natural to wonder if we can construct a multi-frame model and then distil the dense semantic knowledge from this multi-frame network. From Fig. <ref>, it is evident that the multi-frame input significantly reduces the completion difficulty since multiple frames have much more points in the scene and objects are easier to be identified. The completion difficulty will gradually decrease as the number of input point cloud frames increases. Therefore, we construct the multi-frame teacher which takes denser point cloud as input and achieves better completion performance. Inspired by <cit.>, we make the single-frame model distil the relation-based structural knowledge from the multi-frame teacher network. Since the original voxel features are in the sparse form, we leverage the sparse features and their indices to perform knowledge distillation. We denote the voxel features and corresponding indices of the teacher and student as F_T∈ℝ^N_m× C_f, F_S∈ℝ^N_s× C_f, ℐ_T∈ℝ^N_m× 3 and ℐ_S∈ℝ^N_s× 3, respectively. N_m is the number of non-empty voxel features in the multi-frame, N_s is the number of non-empty voxel features in the single-frame, C_f is the number of channels of the voxel features. Note that the indices of teacher features and student features are sorted and ℐ_S(i, j) = ℐ_T(i, j), where i ∈{1, ..., N_s} and j ∈{1, 2, 3}. We first compute the pairwise relational knowledge of the student model: 𝐏_S(i, j) = F_S(i) F_S(j)/ F_S(i) _2 F_S(j) _2, i, j ∈{1, ..., N_s} The relational knowledge of the teacher model 𝐏_T is calculated in a similar way. The relational knowledge captures the similarity of each pair of voxel features and serve as important clues of the surrounding environment, which can be taken as high-level knowledge to be learned by the single-frame student model. The proposed Dense-to-Sparse Knowledge Distillation (DSKD) loss is given as below: ℒ_dskd(𝐏_S, 𝐏_T) = 1/N_s^2∑_i=1^N_s∑_j=1^N_s𝐏_S(i, j) - 𝐏_T(i, j) _2^2. §.§ Completion Label Rectification Generation of completion labels. As pointed out by <cit.>, for outdoor semantic scene completion, the ground-truth completion labels are obtained by concatenating the segmentation labels of multiple consecutive point cloud frames. Specifically, for the t-th frame, the corresponding completion labels L^c_t are constructed in the following way: L^c_t = concat[L^s_t;T_t+1 → tL^s_t+1;...;T_t+T-1 → tL^s_t+T-1], where L^s_t are the segmentation labels for the t-th frame, T is the number of frames used for concatenation, T_t+1 → t is the transformation matrix that transforms the coordinate from (t+1)-th frame to the t-th frame, and concat[...;...] is the concatenating operation. The concatenation of multiple frames will lead to long traces for those moving objects, such as car and person. A vivid example is shown in Fig. <ref>. The long traces of those dynamic objects are obviously irrational and will hamper the learning of deep models. Completion label rectification. To remove the long traces of moving objects in the completion labels, we resort to the panoptic segmentation labels. Specifically, given the panoptic labels of class i, we first voxelize the labels and obtain the voxelwise panoptic labels for class i. For each instance of class i, we calculate the bound of each instance, forming a cube. We union the cubes of all instances and use them to process the original voxelwise completion labels, filtering those voxels that are outside the cubes. The process is repeated for all classes that contain dynamic objects. The detailed information of the label rectification algorithm is shown in Algorithm <ref>. As shown in Fig. <ref>, the proposed label rectification operation can effectively remove the long traces of moving objects, making the completion labels more accurate. §.§ Overall objective The overall loss function is comprised of three terms, , the cross entropy loss, the lovasz-softmax loss <cit.> and the proposed distillation loss. ℒ = ℒ_ce + αℒ_lovasz + βℒ_dskd, where α and β are the loss coefficients to balance the effect of each loss term. § EXPERIMENTS Datasets. Following the practice of popular scene completion models <cit.>, we conduct experiments on two popular LiDAR semantic scene completion benchmarks, , SemanticKITTI <cit.> and SemanticPOSS <cit.>. As to SemanticKITTI, it has 22 point cloud sequences. Sequences 00 to 10, 08 and 11 to 21 are used for training, validation and testing, respectively. 19 classes are chosen for training and evaluation after merging classes with distinct moving status and discarding classes with very few points. As for SemanticPOSS, it has 2, 988 frames and 11 classes are selected for evaluation. Although SemanticPOSS is smaller than SemanticKITTI in terms of dataset size, it is much more challenging since it contains a larger quantity of moving objects than SemanticKITTI, such as person and rider. Evaluation metrics. Following <cit.>, we adopt the intersection-over-union (IoU) of each class and mIoU of all classes as the evaluation metric. The IoU of class i is calculated via: IoU_i = TP_i/TP_i+FP_i+FN_i, where TP_i, FP_i and FN_i denote the true positive, false positive and false negative of class i, respectively. For semantic scene completion, the dimension of the completion label is 256 × 256 × 32. We also report the completion mIoU which is the class-agnostic version of mIoU. Note that mIoU is the major evaluation metric for the semantic scene completion task. Implementation details. The output size of Cylinder3D is set as 256 × 256 × 32 to adapt to the completion task. The number of training epochs is set as 30 and the initial learning rate is set as 0.0015. We use Adam <cit.> as the optimizer. Gradient norm clip is set 10 to stabilize the training process. α and β are set as 1 and 3, 000, respectively. We filter points that are outside the point cloud range of the voxelwise completion labels. For SemanticKITTI, we first train the model on the training set and then finetune it on both training and validation sets before submitting the predictions of test set to the online server. Baseline KD algorithms. We take the vanilla knowledge distillation <cit.>, FitNets <cit.>, NST <cit.>, PKT <cit.> and PVKD <cit.> as baseline distillation algorithms. Vanilla knowledge distillation takes the softened logits as the distilled knowledge. FitNets directly mimics the teacher features. NST adopts the maximum mean discrepancy to minimize the distance between student features and teacher features. PKT models the teacher knowledge as a probability distribution and then forces the consistency of the probability distribution between the teacher and the student. PVKD distils the voxelwise output and inter-voxel affinity knowledge. And we discard the original pointwise output distillation and inter-point affinity distillation of PVKD since they consume much GPU memory and bring marginal gains. §.§ Results Quantitative results. We summarize the performance of  and state-of-the-art semantic scene completion methods in Table <ref> and <ref>. On SemanticKITTI, our  significantly outperforms other scene completion algorithms in terms of mIoU. For example, our  is 7.2 mIoU higher than S3CNet <cit.>. On classes such as car, other-vehicle, road, parking, sidewalk, fense, terrain and other-ground, the performance gap between  and S3CNet is more than 10 IoU. Our  also achieves superior performance on SemanticPOSS val set. On classes such as car, trunk, pole, fence and bike,  is at least 5 IoU higher than JS3C-Net <cit.>. The impressive performance on two large-scale benchmarks strongly demonstrate the superiority of our  . Besides, we use the trained weight of the segmentation sub-network as initialization to train Cylinder3D on the SemanticKITTI semantic segmentation task. From Table <ref>, Cylinder3D initialized from trained weight of the completion task outperforms the original Cylinder3D model by 2.6 mIoU, and achieves impressive segmentation performance among various competitive LiDAR segmentation models such as 2DPASS <cit.>, PVKD <cit.> and RPVNet <cit.>. The encouraging results show that knowledge learned in the completion task is also beneficial to the segmentation task. Comparison with baseline KD algorithms. From Table <ref>, it is evident that the proposed DSKD method can bring more gains than conventional knowledge distillation algorithms. For instance, compared with FitNets <cit.> which directly mimics the teacher features, our DSKD can bring more than 2 mIoU, showing the effectiveness of the proposed relation-based distillation algorithm. The vanilla KD objective and FitNets hamper the performance of the base model, indicating that directly mimicking the logits or features can not boost the completion performance. Qualitative results. We also provide visual comparison between JS3C-Net <cit.>,  (single-frame) and  (multi-frame). As can be seen from Fig. <ref>, our  (single-frame) make more accurate completion predictions than JS3C-Net on road and vegetation. On long, thin objects such as poles, our single-frame model also yields high-quality completion results compared with JS3C-Net. The predictions of our single-frame model also resemble those of the multi-frame network, demonstrating the efficacy of the proposed DSKD algorithm. §.§ Ablation studies Experiments are conducted in SemanticKITTI val set. Effect of completion label rectification. We report the performance of our  on completion labels with and without rectification. From Table <ref>, it is evident that the proposed rectification strategy greatly enhances the performance of  on those dynamic objects, , car and person. For example, the completion label rectification can bring 8.1, 24.5, 26.1 and 17.6 IoU improvement on car, person, bicyclist and motorcyclist, respectively. The impressive performance gains strongly demonstrate the effectiveness of the label rectification algorithm. Effect of the completion sub-network. To examine the effect of our completion sub-network, we add it to JS3C-Net. The detailed performance is shown in Table <ref> (a). Our completion sub-network can bring 6.8 mIoU improvement to JS3C-Net, which strongly demonstrates the effectiveness and generalization of the proposed completion sub-network. Effect of DSKD. We compare the performance of our  with and without the proposed DSKD in Table <ref> (b). The proposed distillation method can bring 2.8 mIoU improvement to our  , showing the benefit of distilling relation-based knowledge from the multi-frame model. Effect of the downsampling operation. We add the downsampling operation to our completion sub-network and examine its effect. As reported in Table <ref> (c), the downsampling operation hampers the completion performance of our  . Specifically, the completion performance of  decreases from 37.2 mIoU to 33.1 mIoU. The negative results show that the no-downsampling principle is vital to the success of the completion sub-network redesign. § CONCLUSION To address the challenges of the semantic scene completion task, we propose three solutions from the aspects of the completion network redesign, dense-to-sparse knowledge distillation as well as completion label rectification. The resulting completion network, termed  , achieves superior completion performance in two large-scale semantic scene completion benchmarks, , SemanticKITTI and SemanticPOSS. The learned knowledge on the completion task is also beneficial to the semantic segmentation task. Acknowledgements. This work is partially supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (No. 2022ZD0160100),and in part by Shanghai Committee of Science and Technology (Grant No. 21DZ1100100). ieee_fullname § ABLATION STUDIES Loss coefficient β. We investigate the effect of the loss coefficient of the DSKD loss on the final performance. As shown in Table <ref>, when we change the loss coefficient from 1, 000 to 4, 000, the completion performance of SCPNet first improves and then declines. Therefore, we set the loss coefficient of the DSKD loss as 3, 000 to obtain the best performance. Detailed performance comparison on DSKD loss. The detailed performance comparison of SCPNet with and without DSKD is shown in Table  <ref>. On motorcycle, truck, person and bicyclist, the proposed DSKD loss can bring more than 3 IoU improvement. Detailed performance comparison on the downsampling operation. We examine the effect of adding the downsampling operation to the completion sub-network of SCPNet. The detailed performance comparison of SCPNet with and without the downsampling operation is shown in Table  <ref>. It is apparent that the completion performance drops significantly, especially for truck, other-vehicle, other-ground and traffic-sign. The severe performance degradation strongly shows the necessity of removing the lossy downsampling operation for the completion sub-network. § ELABORATED IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS Range mismatch. On SemanticKITTI, the point cloud range used by our segmentation sub-network, , Cylinder3D, is [-36.2, 36.2] m, [-36.2, 36.2] m and [-4, 2] m for x, y, z, respectively. For semantic scene completion, the range of the completion labels is [0, 51.2] m, [-25.6, 25.6] m and [-2, 4.4] m for x, y, z, respectively. The range mismatch problem will cause the existence of many empty voxels, which will significantly hamper the completion performance. To address this problem, we directly use the point cloud range of the completion labels. Why conv bias and BN layers breaks the sparsity of voxel features. The voxel features, which are treated as the input of the completion sub-network, are sparse, , only a part of the whole voxel space is occupied. The completion sub-network uses the vanilla dense convolution for dilation. However, the bias of 3D convolution weight, the mean and variance of the Batch Normalization (BN) layers will result in non-zero values of all empty voxel positions. This will cause all empty voxel features to become occupied, which breaks the sparsity of the original voxel features and significantly increases the computation burden of the segmentation sub-network. How does changing the random seed influence the mIoU values. We conduct experiments on SemanticKITTI using three different random seeds, , 100, 240 and 666. Experiments on SemanticKITTI show that the performance variance of  is within 0.3 mIoU. Apply the proposed distillation loss to other architectures. We apply the DSKD loss to JS3CNet. It improves the performance of JS3CNet from 24.0 mIoU to 26.2 mIoU on SemanticKITTI val set. Apply label rectification to other models. We apply label rectification to JS3CNet. Experimental results show that on SemanticKITTI val set, the proposed label rectification can bring considerable gains to JS3CNet, improving the performance from 24.0 mIoU to 26.8 mIoU. Computational impact of the proposed adjustments. We calculate the computational overhead of the completion sub-network and finds that it only introduces around 24.4 ms overhead. Error bands for the results. We run the experiments on SemanticKITTI and SemanticPOSS datasets for three times. The performance variance of SCPNet on these benchmarks is within 0.3 mIoU. Why panoptic labels are useful in label rectification. The panoptic labels provide instance-level annotations for those thing classes (, cars and persons) and these instance-level annotations are helpful to remove the long traces of moving objects in completion labels which only provide semantic segmentation annotations and do not differentiate each single instance. Training and inference time and a comparison with SOTA. We summarized the training and inference time between JS3CNet and our  in Table <ref>. Our SCPNet has comparable training and inference time but exhibits much better completion performance than JS3CNet. § QUALITATIVE RESULTS We provide visual comparison of  with and without DSKD in Fig. <ref>. Compared with SCPNet without DSKD, the single-frame SCPNet with DSKD achieves better completion and segmentation performance by distilling dense and relation-based information from the multi-frame teacher model. SCPNet without DSKD performs badly on the parking areas and small objects while SCPNet with DSKD exhibits much better completion performance owing to the proposed distillation objective. And we also provide visual comparison between original  and  with downsampling and upsampling operations. As can be seen from Fig. <ref>, the downsampling and upsampling operations will cause over dilation and shape distortion for these objects marked by the red ellipses.
Tuning Elastic Properties of Metallic Nanoparticles by Shape Controlling: From Atomistic to Continuous Models
[ "Matteo Erbi", "Hakim Amara", "Riccardo Gatti" ]
[ "cond-mat.mtrl-sci", "physics.class-ph" ]
Laboratoire d'Etude des Microstructures, ONERA-CNRS, UMR104, Université Paris-Saclay, BP 72, Châtillon Cedex, 92322, France hakim.amara@onera.fr Laboratoire d'Etude des Microstructures, ONERA-CNRS, UMR104, Université Paris-Saclay, BP 72, Châtillon Cedex, 92322, France Université de Paris, Laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques (MPQ), F-75013, Paris, France riccardo.gatti@onera.fr Laboratoire d'Etude des Microstructures, ONERA-CNRS, UMR104, Université Paris-Saclay, BP 72, Châtillon Cedex, 92322, France Understanding and mastering the mechanical properties of metallic nanoparticles is crucial for their use in a wide range of applications. In this context, we use atomic-scale (Molecular Dynamics) and continuous (Finite Elements) calculations to investigate in details gold nanoparticles under deformation. By combining these two approaches, we show that the elastic properties of such nano-objects are driven by their size but, above all, by their shape. This outcome was achieved by introducing a descriptor in the analysis of our results enabling to distinguish among the different nanoparticle shapes studied in the present work. In addition, other transition-metal nanoparticles have been considered (copper and platinum) using the aforementioned approach. The same strong dependence of the elastic properties with the shape was revealed, thus highlighting the universal character of our achievements. Tuning Elastic Properties of Metallic Nanoparticles by Shape Controlling: From Atomistic to Continuous Models Riccardo Gatti March 30, 2023 =============================================================================================================== § INTRODUCTION Metallic nanoparticles (NPs) are fascinating objects with unique properties that differ significantly from their bulk counterparts due to their high surface area to volume ratio. Consequently, many nanoparticle-based technology approaches are foreseen in different fields such as catalysis, medical or optics applications <cit.>. However, NPs can be subjected to mechanical constraints, whatever their domain of use, leading to structural modifications or even irreversible changes that can drastically affect their intended application <cit.>. In this context, understanding the structural modifications of small-sized metallic NPs induced by elastic deformations is crucial. Yet, this must be adressed by taking into account that the physics at the nanoscale is particular, especially for NPs whose diameter is smaller than around 10 nm. Typical examples include the dependence on the size of the melting temperature <cit.> or surface energy <cit.> in case of pure NPs as well as the order-disorder transition temperature for bimetallic nanoalloys <cit.>. Regarding the mechanical properties of metallic materials, an increase in strength is commonly observed when the characteristic microstructural length scale is reduced <cit.>. This mainly concerns systems with a minimal size of the order of a hundred nanometers where three regimes have been highlighted In case of plastic deformations: the nanometer regime (∼ 100 nm and below), an intermediate regime (between 100 nm and approximately 1 μ m), and a bulk-like regime <cit.>. However, the study of the mechanical properties of NPs of a few nanometers is much more complex. From an experimental point of view, in situ Transmission Electron Microscopy nanoindentation is a suitable tool for addressing this issue as it provides real-time monitoring of the deformation <cit.>. Although powerful, these techniques are rather cumbersome limiting their use for systematic studies and often require a numerical support. Indeed, different theoretical models based on analytical calculations have been proposed to characterize the structural properties of NPs under elastic deformation <cit.>. Despite being attractive on a purely formal point of view, these models are not really adapted to NPs since they do not take explicitly into account their finite shape i.e. the prevalent role of the surfaces, the vertices and the edges that lead to specific structural properties. More specifically, the nature of the different surface sites should not be ignored, especially since as the size decreases, the contribution of facets, which are predominant for large dimensions, decreases in favour of vertices and edges. In order to obtain an atomic-scale view, in which the surface sites are clearly treated, computer simulations are generally considered very useful tools to investigate the mechanical properties of NPs. Among the possible techniques <cit.>, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are the most widespread as they enable to precisely characterize the elastic and plastic mechanisms of NPs under deformation whose sizes are close to the experiments <cit.>. Surprisingly, there is no exhaustive study regarding the effects of size and shape on the elastic properties of NPs. Most of the previously published works concerned uniaxial compression along a specific orientation for fairly large NPs (above 10 nm) whose shape is rarely observed (cubic, spherical, truncated spherical, ...). However, these studies are incomplete to better understand and predict the properties of metallic NPs under elastic deformation. To address this issue, different sizes (ranging from 4 to 25 nm) and shapes (truncated-cube, cubo-octahedra and Wulff) of NPs, close to those experimentally observed, are investigated using complementary approaches, i.e. MD and Finite elements (FE). Thanks to these approaches, the elastic deformations during nanoindentation along the (111) and (001) facets are analyzed. NPs of three different metal (Au,Cu,Pt) will be considered to draw conclusions as general as possible. § METHODOLOGY §.§ Nanoparticles Nanoparticles are systems of finite size that cannot be considered as simple fragments of a crystalline solid thus adopting structural arrangements that differ from the those of bulk <cit.>. In this context, Wulff established a well known rule to describe the equilibrium forms of free polyhedral crystals <cit.> that has been extended to supported systems <cit.>. Among all the possible identified structures, we focus our study on morphologies that are observed experimentally , i.e. truncated cube, cuboctahedral and Wulff shapes (see Fig. <ref>a). Note that the particular case of icosahedral NPs, common for small aggregates, is not considered here since the icosahedral arrangement is unstable for particles larger than 4-5 nanometers. As seen in Fig. <ref>b, the shapes addressed in the present work are based on the face-centered cubic (FCC) lattice, leading to the presence of outer facets of (111) and (001) orientations. To highlight size effects, NPs with diameters (d) ranging from 4 to 25 nm range (around 10^2 to 10^6 atoms, respectively) are taken into account. More precisely, d is defined as following: d = 2 ·(3V_eff/4π)^1/3 with V_eff being the effective volume of a sphere equal to the exact volume of the considered nanoparticle. The size is strictly related to the number of atoms of the NP and allows us a more methodical study of different shapes at same size. Lastly, different transition metal elements (Au, Cu and Pt) are considered to generalize as much as possible our conclusions on the elastic properties. In the following, the NPs deformation procedure using plane indenters (see Fig. <ref>c) is detailed from atomistic and continuous approaches. §.§ Atomistic calculations - Molecular Dynamics The MD simulations are carried out using the open source Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulators (LAMMPS) package <cit.>. To study nano-indentation of NPs, we apply the methodology successfully adopted in Ref. <cit.>. In this study, we explore Au, Cu and Pt NPs at the atomic level by using a specific N-body inter-atomic potential derived from the second moment approximation of the tight-binding scheme (TB-SMA). <cit.> The accuracy of TB-SMA models depends critically on the validity of the database to which the parameters of the potentials are fitted. Here, we summarize only the crucial points of the TB-SMA potential and refer the reader to the Ref. <cit.> for more details. In particular, the parameters of the TB-SMA potentials are obtained by fitting on the experimental values of the lattice parameter, the cohesive energy, and the elastic moduli (bulk modulus and the two shear moduli) for a FCC structure as seen in Table <ref>. Such approach is then perfectly adapted to deal with large systems (∼1000 to 10000 atoms) and to reproduce the main energetic properties of transition and noble metals. Using this approach, it is interesting to note that we are able to distinguish the different surface sites, i.e. vertices, edges and facets. Obviously, with increasing size the contribution of the vertices and edges, which are preponderant for small sizes, decreases in favour of the facets. To model NPs compression via the nanoindentation procedure, the Verlet algorithm with a timestep of 1 fs combined with the Nose-Hoover thermostat at 0.01 K is used for the integration of equations of motion in the NVT canonical ensemble. The size of the supercell in the all directions is large enough to avoid artefacts due to interaction between images caused by periodic boundary conditions. Prior to compression, the NPs are relaxed at 0.01 K until convergence of the total energy (a relative error of ϵ_r = 10^-5 has been considered) to get the equilibrium configuration. As seen in Fig. <ref>c, the indenter and substrate are simulated with two rigid infinite planes, parallel to the (001) or (111) facet of the NP. The effect of an indenter is implemented by introducing in the MD simulation fictitious repulsive forces to be integrated. In the present simulations, we used a quadratic repulsive force: F(r) = -K (r-R)^2 with K = 1000 eV.Å^-3 and R corresponding to the indenter position in agreement with previous works <cit.>. During the simulation we use two moving indenters (bottom and top plane in Fig. <ref>c), each of them applying a strain rate of about 3· 10^7s^-1 which corresponds to an indenter velocity of roughly 0.06 to 0.6 m.s^-1 As stated in the Ref. <cit.>, the velocity has to be less than the speed of sound in the considered material to allow the atoms to reorganise before a new displacement is imposed. §.§ Continuous modeling - Finite Element In our continuous approach, indentation has been modeled using FE method assuming a linear elastic material. Within this framework, the stress acting on a system is directly proportional to its deformation and can be expressed by the Hooke's law so that σ = E ·ϵ, where σ and ϵ are, respectively, the second order stress and strain tensor and E is the elastic constant third order tensor. In FE calculations, the linear elastic problem can be solved by computing the mechanical equilibrium, using the Hooke's law, in a discrete domain (here the NP), imposing the proper boundary conditions. In this study, we used an open source FE code named FEniCS <cit.> where second order partial differential equations and a variational approach are adapted to handle a linear elastic problem. The continuous domain is discretised in a three dimensional mesh, where the solution, the displacement field, is computed at the nodes (see Fig. <ref>a). It is worth noting that the generation of an accurate mesh is a fundamental step for obtaining results comparable with atomistic simulations. With this purpose, the meshes are refined until the results converge by means of a linear iterative solver. Similar to atomic-scale MD studies, a displacement is applied as a boundary conditions, to mimic a rigid indenter, at the top surface of the NP while the bottom surface is fixed. A non uniform mesh is generated with more points on the regions near the contact surfaces (i.e. the top and the bottom surfaces), where more heterogeneous stress field is expected, as seen in Fig. <ref>a. Moreover, the resolution of the continuous equations implies to consider the proper elastic constants of the studied system. In this case, the cubic symmetry of the bulk FCC crystal imposes that only three independent elastic constants are expected (c_11, c_12 and c_44). To ensure consistency with the MD simulations, the values considered here are those calculated at the atomic scale from the TB-SMA potentials (see Table <ref>), using anisotropic formulation of the Hooke's law. § GOLD NANOPARTICLES The elastic properties of gold NPs calculated by the two previous approaches are now compared macroscopically and locally. First, the true stress true strain curves are investigated to identify the overall mechanical properties. In a second step, the stress maps are calculated to have a local insight of the elastic deformations of NPs. §.§ Stress - strain curves We first examine the mechanical response of NPs under deformation by means of stress-strain curves. Figure <ref> shows a typical example of this analysis for a given size and shape of Au NP. Regarding the MD simulations, the characteristics common to all the calculated results show two main regimes. During the very early stages of the loading, the stress variation is initially linear corresponding to an elastic regime. Then, the stress has a peak value, which defines the yield point corresponding to the largest stress that the NP can handle. Above this point, a meaningful reduction of the stress is noticed, which indicates that the plastic deformation has been activated. More precisely, the emergence of plasticity in NPs results from the heterogeneous nucleation of dislocations from the contact surfaces <cit.>. In the case of FE calculations, it can be noticed that only the elastic part is probed since FE formulation is based on the Hooke's law (see Fig. <ref>). By focusing on the initial deformation process, elastic properties can be extracted. To this purpose, it is therefore necessary to determine a macroscopic quantity to analyze the global behavior of the NP under elastic deformation. As done in previous works <cit.>, we define an average value named the true stress compression equal to the ratio between the force applied by the indenter and the surface contact area (A). At the atomic level, A is not a well defined concept. As a result, many approaches exist but all of them follow the same recipe <cit.>. Firstly, we need to identify the atoms in contact with the indenter. In our case, all atoms at a distance lower than 1 Å from the considered indenter. It is noteworthy that no significant differences are reported by slightly varying this parameter. Then, A is determined by computing a Delaunay triangulation of the points defined by the coordinates of atom centers at each indenter displacement. Consequently, the true stress strain in MD calculations can be obtained, since the indenter position is a known quantity. From FE calculations, the true strain stress is an easy accessible data. The only difficulty lays in the force calculation which is not straightforward and this has to be done by computing the reaction force generated by the NP on the surface where the displacement is imposed. To highlight elastic size effect, the mechanical responses of NPs of different diameters d are considered. Figure <ref> depicts the stress-strain curves of a small (d=4 nm) and larger (d=18 nm) Wulff NPs nanoindented with plane indenter on the (001) and (111) facets. In the case of MD simulations, deviation from linearity in the elastic regime is observed for the small NP as seen in Fig. <ref>a. This trend is found for all particles below 5-6 nm in agreement with previous calculations <cit.> where the influence of surfaces on the mechanical behavior inside small NPs is emphasized. For the larger NPs, a linear trend is observed in the elastic regime until plastic deformation, whatever the facet considered (see Fig. <ref>b). Obviously, finite elements fail to reproduce the deviation from the linear regime observed for small particles (intrinsically, no deviation from linearity can be observed). In contrast, the agreement between MD and finite elements for larger particles is quite remarkable proving that a linear elasticity framework can be used to model mechanical properties at the nanoscale. Besides, plastic behaviour can be noticed in MD results: the critical yield stress (σ_C) can be extracted since it corresponds to the maximum value before a drop, corresponding to dislocation nucleation events. As already discussed in <cit.>, increasing the NPs size implies a reduction in the critical stress according to the following equation: σ_C = α· d^-B where α and B are fitted values. We found that for the (001) and (111) facets, B is equal to 0.461 and 0.523, respectively. The second value is in good agreement with the 0.530 ± 0.013 found by Feruz et al. for Wulff structure <cit.>. Note that so far only (111) facets were considered in the literature. Hence, we show here that this size-dependent strength can also be extended to (001) facets. A more detailed analysis on the onset of plasticity in FCC metal NPs will be presented in a future work. To better analyse the elastic behaviour of NPs, effective Young modulus (E_eff i.e. Δσ /Δϵ ) are extracted from the stress-strain curves for all NP sizes. The results for indentation on both facets are presented in Fig. <ref>. Above 5 nm, it can be observed that MD and FE calculations provide very similar results with extremely low errors. This is not so surprising for large particles since finite elements reproduce the elastic domain very well as revealed in Fig. <ref>b. For smaller particles, it is clear that the deviation from linearity already discussed in Fig. <ref>b is not reproduced with FE calculations. Furthermore, the parameter E_eff is also difficult to be defined for small Nps. For this reason an error bar is introduced that consider different possible linear fit for the elastic part of a given nanoparticle stress-strain curve. Due to the deviation from linearity using MD calculations, E_eff values for small NP have larger error bars than the large ones. Nevertheless, when comparing results from FE and MD calculations even for small NPs, the global slope of the curve is rather correct enabling to get effective Young modulus values in agreement between both approaches. As the size of the nanoparticles increase the value of the effective Young modulus for both (001) and (111) indentation converges to a plateau <cit.>. while the E_eff^(111) is larger than E_eff^(001), as expected in anisotropic media (E^(111) > E^(001) for bulk), the value of the plateau depends on the shape of the NP, as it will be highlighted in section <ref>. §.§ Stress Map In the previous section we discussed the mechanical properties of NPs from a global point view via the stress-strain curve. Here we want to analyse local elastic properties, by the means of stress maps, comparing MD and FE outcomes. In order to highlight the similarities between the two simulation approaches, the surface contraction peculiar to transition metals <cit.> reproduced in atomistic simulations is neglected. Therefore, we took as reference state (no stress in the NP) the atomic positions after relaxation steps. Concerning the FE approach, the displacement fields is computed at each node of the mesh for an imposed indentation depth. From this displacement field, the stress is computed and by interpolation is projected on the mesh nodes. Obviously, the mesh size is crucial to achieve robust results. Therefore, the mesh was refined until the convergence of stress values. In Fig. <ref>, the stress distributions obtained from MD and FE calculations are presented in case of small (6 nm) and large (20 nm) NPs. This corresponds to nanoindentations on a (001) facet (on the left) and on a (111) facet (on the right) at 2.5% strain, in a linear regime. Concerning the (001) indentation, stress is concentrated in two conical regions, close to the plane indenters. For all the components of the stress field, the maximum value is observed at the corners as already discussed in <cit.>. If we observe the ZZ component, the stress field is negative due to the compression imposed by the applied loading and we can notice that with the presence of free surfaces, the stress decrease rapidly moving from the top or the bottom surface to the center of the nanoparticle. Remarkably, FE and MD calculations give very similar results for both NP sizes: the values for stress tensor components computed with the two approaches are very close, with differences less than 5 %. Such common features were also obtained for a nano-indentation on the (111) facets, for any particle sizes and shapes. The only dissimilarity with (001) indentation is that the stress distribution is more homogeneous in the z direction. This is because the plane indenters has a larger contact area, indeed for Wulff structures (111) surfaces are wider then (001). Studying nanoindentation of a Wulff Au nanoparticle, we have shown both finite elements and atomistic simulations are perfectly adapted to capture the elastic properties on both a local (stess map) and a global (stress-strain curve) viewpoint. The agreement betwween the two different approaches is good, notably for NPs with diameter above 5 nm. It is then tempting to think that such features are mainly driven by the shape of the particle and not by atomistic features such as the presence of specific surface sites (edges, vertices and surface arrangement). § SHAPE EFFECTS To highlight shape effect on the elastic properties, the mechanical responses of different Au NPs are considered. In Fig. <ref>, the calculated effective Young modulus for various NP shape as a function of size are presented. First, we can notice that the general observation of section <ref> for Wulff shape NPs are valid also for truncated-octahedra and truncated cubes: for NPs larger than 5 nm the value of E_eff converge to a plateau and no visible size effect is observed. In the case of the truncated-octahedron, there is a stronger variation of the E_eff values for small size NPs (<5 nm) in MD calculations, from ∼ 200 to ∼ 175 GPa. For larger particles, E_eff reaches a constant value around 175 GPa. Again, FE approach is not able to reproduce such a size dependence, suggesting that the role of specific surface sites cannot be neglected in small NPs. On the other hand, the agreement between FE and MD for larger particles is quite remarkable. More interestingly, a strong shape effect is observed in Fig. <ref>, where the E_eff plateau value changes depending on the shape. Indeed, wide differences are obtained ranging from ∼ 50 GPa (truncated cube) to ∼ 175 GPa (truncated octahedra). To further emphasise the observed shape effect, we introduce a descriptor G to classify the shape of the NPs with respect to the ratio between (001) and (111) facets: G=8 · A_(111)/6· A_(001), where A_(111) and A_(001) are the area of the (111) and (001) facets, respectively. The factors 8 and 6 correspond to the number of free surfaces. From this descriptor, it is then possible to clearly distinguish the different shapes considered in our study (see Fig. <ref>). Moreover, two limiting cases are also identified: the cube and the octahedron with G=0 and G=∞, respectively. At a given NP size (here 20 nm), Fig. <ref>b depicts the variation of the effective Young modulus for different shapes. Again, a very good agreement is found between FE and MD calculations. A maximum difference of about 4% is revealed and corresponds to the truncated-cube shapes. Such deviation is due to the non linearity of the stress-strain curves in approaching a cubic system (for cubes a very large elastic deformation of about 10 % is observed before the plastic onset, so non-linear behaviour is observed in MD simulations). Very interestingly, a significant variation of the order of 200 GPa can be observed between the two limiting shapes. This considerable effect illustrates that the influence of the NP shapes on the elastic properties is huge for a 20 nm nanoparticle. To generalize, E_eff computed values in function of different shapes (G descriptor) and of NP sizes ranging from 4 to 25 nm is presented in Fig. <ref> in a bi-dimensional map for MD simulations (left panel) for FE simulation (right panel). On one hand, no size effect is identified (above 5nm). Indeed, the variation of the E_eff with the size of the NP is negligible, never exceeding few GPa for a given NP shape. On the other hand, significant variation of the effective young's modulus are remarked with NP shape. From truncated-cube to truncated-octahedron structures, a difference of about 150 GPa on the effective young's modulus is reported. Here again, we can note that the agreement between the atomistic and finite element calculations is remarkable whatever the shape and size of the NP. All the results presented so far concern nano-indentation on (001) facets. Meanwhile, the same conclusions have been achieved by investigating the deformation mechanisms on (111) facets (see Sec. I. of the Supplemental Materials). It is important to stress that our analysis show that the shape, not the size, of the gold NPs has a wide impact on its macroscopic measured elastic properties. § GENERALIZATION TO OTHER SYSTEMS In the previous sections, the investigations were focused on gold NPs. To generalize our conclusions, the analysis of the elastic properties of NPs has been extended to other metals, such as Cu and Pt. The calculated effective Young modulus are presented in Fig. <ref> for different sizes and shapes in case of Au, Co and Pt by imposing nanoindentation on (001) facets. More results can be found in Sec. II and III of the Supplemental Materials for Cu and Pt, respectively. Whatever the material considered, we first see that the finite elements reproduce the atomistic calculations for NP sizes exceeding 5 nm. For smaller diameters, the differences are fairly notable for Cu and Pt (<40 GPa ) but minor for Au NPs (<15 GPa). Beyond this limit, no size effect is reported with a constant value for E_eff. More interestingly, it can be seen that the elastic properties vary strongly with the shape of the particle. As shown in Fig. <ref>b, significant variations of the elastic properties are highlighted whatever the transition metals. Indeed, E_eff varies of hundreds of GPa moving from small value to large value of G. For the nanoindentation of the (111) facet, the same trend is observed, and the same conclusions can be drawn for Cu and Pt, as seen in Sec. IV and V of the Supplemental Materials, respectively. § CONCLUSION In this work, we have presented an extensive study on elastic deformations of metallic nanoparticles with different shapes and sizes, imposing a mechanical loading via nano-indentation on (001) and (111) facets. By combining atomistic and continuous calculations, no size effect is revealed for nanoparticles with a diameter of larger than 5 nm. More interestingly, we have shown that the elastic properties of NPs are highly driven by the shape of the particle, finding that the ratio between (111) and (001) is a suitable descriptor to address this shape dependence. These results were achieved by nanoindenting Au, Cu and Pt NPs, showing that our conclusion can be applied to different transition metal nanoparticles. Thanks to this study, we can state that controlling the shape of nanoparticles can be viable path for the engineering of a new class of nano-objects with unique and targeted mechanical properties. § SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL : TUNING ELASTIC PROPERTIES OF METALLIC NANOPARTICLES BY SHAPE CONTROLLING: FROM ATOMISTIC TO CONTINUOUS MODELS Sec. I. Elastic properties of Au nanoparticles under (111) deformation All the results concerning the elastic properties of gold nanoparticles for nanoindentation on (111) facets are presented in the Fig. <ref>, <ref> and <ref>. Sec. II. Elastic properties of Cu nanoparticles under (001) deformation More results concerning the elastic properties of Copper nanoparticles for nanoindentation on (001) facets are presented in the Fig. <ref> and <ref>. Sec. III. Elastic properties of Pt nanoparticles under (001) deformation More results concerning the elastic properties of Platinum nanoparticles for nanoindentation on (001) facets are presented in the Fig. <ref> and <ref>. Sec. IV. Elastic properties of Cu nanoparticles under (111) deformation All the results concerning the elastic properties of Cu nanoparticles for nanoindentation on (111) facets are presented in the Fig. <ref> and <ref> Sec. V. Elastic properties of Pt nanoparticles under (111) deformation All the results concerning the elastic properties of Pt nanoparticles for nanoindentation on (111) facets are presented in the Fig. <ref> and <ref> H.A. thanks C. 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Enhanced Vibrational Stability in Glass Droplets
[ "Surajit Chakraborty", "Vishnu V. Krishnan", "Kabir Ramola", "Smarajit Karmakar" ]
[ "cond-mat.soft", "cond-mat.dis-nn" ]
schakraborty@tifrh.res.in [Current address: ]RCAST, University of Tokyo, 4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro, Tokyo 153-8904, Japan vishnuvk@g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp kramola@tifrh.res.in smarajit@tifrh.res.in Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Hyderabad 500046, India We show through simulations of amorphous solids prepared in open boundary conditions that they possess significantly fewer low-frequency vibrational modes compared to their periodic boundary counterparts. Specifically, using measurements of the vibrational density of states, we find that the universal D(ω) ∼ω^4 law changes to D(ω) ∼ω^δ with δ≈ 5 in two dimensions and δ≈ 4.5 in three dimensions. Crucially, this enhanced stability is achieved when utilizing slow annealing protocols to generate solid configurations. We perform an anharmonic analysis of the minima corresponding to the lowest-frequency modes in such open-boundary systems and discuss their correlation with the density of states. A study of various system sizes further reveals that small systems display a higher degree of localization in vibrations. Lastly, we confine open-boundary solids in order to introduce macroscopic stresses in the system which are absent in the unconfined system, and find that the D(ω) ∼ω^4 behavior is recovered. Enhanced Vibrational Stability in Glass Droplets Smarajit Karmakar March 30, 2023 ================================================ § INTRODUCTION In contrast to crystalline solids, whose vibrational states are well described by the Debye model, amorphous solids exhibit anomalous mechanical and thermal properties <cit.>. For a system in d-dimensions, the Debye model predicts a vibrational density of states (VDoS), D(ω) ∼ω^d - 1 arising from phonons <cit.>. On the other hand, disordered systems possess an excess of low-frequency modes above the Debye prediction, termed the “Boson peak” <cit.>. It has been suggested that the large specific heat of glasses and the plastic failure of amorphous solids are intimately related to these low frequency non-phononic vibrational modes <cit.>. However, a complete understanding of the structural and statistical properties of these vibrational modes has been elusive and remains an important current topic of interest in the field of disordered solids. Several theoretical frameworks for the vibrations in disordered systems seek to model amorphous solids as an ensemble of anharmonic oscillators. Such a treatment is motivated by a disordered arrangement of particles containing local `soft spots' where the stiffness associated with a collective vibration is very small. The phenomenological “Soft Potential Model” (SPM) treats these regions as non-interacting oscillators and predicts a VDoS D(ω) ∼ω^4 for the lowest frequencies of stable inherent structures <cit.>. An extension to the SPM that includes effects of interactions between the anharmonic oscillators continues to retain the ω^4 behavior of the VDoS <cit.>. Other recent theoretical studies also predict a D(ω) ∼ω^4 at the lowest frequencies <cit.>. “Fluctuating Elasticity Theory” on the other hand predicts a low frequency regime composed of extended modes that scale as D(ω) ∼ω^d+1 in d dimensions <cit.>. Certain mean field theories such as the “Perceptron Model” <cit.> and the “Effective Medium Theory” <cit.> predict non-phononic vibrations with a D(ω) ∼ω^2 dependence. In this context, numerical investigations of amorphous solids, in order to ascertain the nature of the low-lying excitations of such systems, is of crucial importance. Recent numerical studies of amorphous solids have identified a universal D(ω)∼ω^4 scaling in the low-frequency regime of the VDoS across a broad class of simulated model systems <cit.>. The universality of this non-phononic power-law at low frequencies has been established in 2, 3 and 4 dimensions <cit.>. In order to extract this behavior, studies have focused on small system sizes, where the lowest-frequency quasilocalized vibrations are well separated in energy from the first system-spanning phonon. This suggests that these quasilocalized modes (QLM) are primarily responsible for the power-law tail in the VDoS <cit.>. Further, a suppression of system-spanning vibrations using random pinning protocols has been shown to enhance the non-phononic spectra, thereby displaying a pronounced D(ω) ∼ω^4 behavior  <cit.>. Yet other studies have utilized measures such as participation ratios in order to isolate such quasilocalized modes that have been shown to contribute to the observed power-law behavior <cit.>. Simulations of various systems including ultrastable glasses <cit.>, silica models <cit.>, long-ranged models <cit.>, finite-temperature systems <cit.> and random matrix models <cit.>, all provide significant evidence of the ubiquity of the ω^4 regime of the VDoS. However, other studies simulating amorphous solids report deviations from the universal quartic law. High parent temperatures, poor annealing and small system sizes have each been shown to result in power-law exponents that are less than 4 <cit.>. Recent studies have further identified exponents of 3 and 3.5 in the low-frequency regime <cit.>. A crucial aspect often overlooked in simulations of amorphous solids are the residual shear stresses arising due to periodic boundary conditions (PBC) <cit.>. This implies that energy-minimized configurations of disordered systems under PBC are unstable to shear deformations. It has recently been shown that the low-frequency regime of the VDoS is modified to D(ω) ∼ω^5 when considering ensembles stable to simple-shear perturbation <cit.>. Significantly, such an increase in the exponent points to a correlation between the shear-stability of the system and a reduction in the propensity for localized vibrations. Given these observations, a natural question regarding the consequences of stabilization against all possible deformations arises. Solids formed under open boundary conditions (OBC) are a suitable candidate, since all elements of their pressure tensor are identically zero for each configuration. Furthermore, unlike systems under PBC, phonons in OBC are not required to obey the artificial symmetries enforced by the periodicity. Consequently, solids under OBC can accurately capture features of natural solids, including surface as well as system-size effects. In this paper, we report a characterization of the VDoS of open boundary amorphous solids. The low-frequency vibrational properties of open systems remain relatively unexplored, and our study forms the first such computational examination of open-boundary amorphous solids. We observe the low-frequency vibrational spectrum of a simulated model amorphous solid under open boundary conditions to be of the form D(ω) ∼ω^δ with δ > 4, both in two and three dimensions. Since an increase in the exponent implies a reduction in the degree of vibrational localization, the corresponding solid ensemble may be said to possess enhanced stability. Notably, the model system displays such a VDoS only when configurations are annealed to their inherent structures. On the other hand, commonly used quenching protocols lead to ensembles with δ∼ 4. Interestingly, at large enough system sizes, the exponent saturates to a value δ = 5 in 2D and δ = 4.5 in 3D. A detailed investigation of the average stress profile of the solids allows us to identify a surface layer that suggests a source of the system-size effects. Lastly, we also observe that confining open boundary solids under a harmonic trap recovers the D(ω) ∼ω^4 behavior of PBC systems confirming the role of stresses in the stability of solids. The outline of the paper is as follows. Section <ref> describes the numerical protocol we use to generate stable open boundary solids. In Section <ref>, we demonstrate the effect of different minimization protocols to generate stable solids. In Section <ref>, we present the data to demonstrate the effect of the system size on the vibrational spectrum. Finally, we conclude and provide directions for future research in Section <ref>. § MODEL AND SIMULATION DETAILS In order to simulate the behavior of amorphous solids in open boundary conditions, we use models with attractive interactions between the particles. Specifically, we use variants of the canonical Kob-Andersen Lennard-Jones model <cit.> in two and three dimensions. The model consists of binary mixtures of particles in number ratios 65:35 in two dimensions (2D) and 80:20 in three dimensions (3D), with an interaction potential: V_αβ(r) = 4 ϵ_αβ[(σ_αβ/r)^12-(σ_αβ/r)^6+∑_i=0^2 c_2 i(r/σ_αβ)^2 i] where α, β∈{A, B} correspond to the two types of particles resulting in three types of interactions. The potential is cut off at a distance r^αβ_c=2.5 σ_αβ. σ_AA=1 is the unit of length and ϵ_AA=1 is the unit of energy (Boltzmann's constant being unity). The remaining parameters are ϵ_AB=1.5, ϵ_BB=0.5, σ_AB=0.8, and σ_AB=0.88 with all masses set to unity m=1.0. We equilibrate liquid configurations at high temperatures (T=0.55 in both two and three dimensions) by performing constant temperature molecular dynamics simulations under periodic boundary conditions. The liquid is then cooled to a low temperature (T=0.2) at a rate Ṫ = 10^-4. In order to achieve a density close to that of a system under open boundary conditions, we perform zero-pressure molecular dynamics simulations using the isobaric NPT ensemble. Finally, in order to study solid droplets under OBC, we begin by cutting out a circular (spherical in 3D) region of the zero-pressure liquid. We ensure that all the droplet samples contain a fixed number of particles, say N, by selecting the N closest particles to the center of mass of the corresponding liquid sample referred to henceforth as a “cut-out” sample. Solids are configurations that resist deformations, which correspond to the inherent structures of the amorphous configuration of particles. We generate such structures by performing an energy minimization of the particle-position degrees of freedom using three different protocols, namely: (i) Molecular dynamics simulations in the presence of dissipative viscous drag in the athermal limit (Damped Dynamics)  <cit.>, (ii) FIRE <cit.> and (iii) the non-linear conjugate gradient algorithm <cit.>. Note that we do not equilibrate the cut-out sample, but instead directly quench or anneal through the energy minimization protocol. Simulations of the largest system-size three dimensional zero-pressure PBC liquids are performed using LAMMPS <cit.>. The vibrational properties of the solid configurations are probed through the Hessian matrix as defined in Eq. (<ref>). We perform eigenvalue computations using the Intel Math Kernel Library <cit.> sparse solver routine . Below, we discuss the three protocols we employ in order to find the minimum-energy amorphous configurations. §.§ Damped Dynamics In the Damped Dynamics (DD) protocol a dissipative viscous drag in the absence of a temperature bath or other energy input serves as a method to find the stationary state of the conservative force fields. Such an evolution of the system is described by the equation of motion dv⃗_i/dt=F⃗_⃗i⃗-γv⃗_i where F⃗_i is the conservative force on particle i due to interactions with other particles, v⃗_i is the instantaneous velocity of the particle i and γ is the viscous damping parameter. A stable steady-state solution of these equations corresponds to a minimum energy configuration of the system of particles with F⃗_i = 0 and v⃗_i = 0 for all particles. We employ a velocity Verlet integration scheme modified to incorporate velocity-dependent accelerations. These damped equations of motion allow the system to traverse the basins of multiple inherent states before selecting and settling in a more stable minimum. We use a low value of the damping constant (γ = 0.1) so that the system is able to execute such a relaxation. On the other hand, a large value of γ would be equivalent to a steepest-descent minimization of the energy. §.§ FIRE Minimization The Fast Inertial Relaxation Engine (FIRE) is an efficient protocol designed to find local minima of multidimensional functions <cit.>. The procedure involves numerically integrating a dynamical equation with a variable viscous damping and additionally, a gradient director. The equation of motion for each particle is d v⃗/d t=F⃗(t)-γ(t)|v(t)|[v̂(t)-F̂(t)] These two aspects of the FIRE algorithm that lend it its speed also prevent the system from leaving its original energy basin. Therefore the inherent structure obtained is primarily a function of the equilibrium sampling, and is not dependent on the stability of the minimum of the basin. §.§ Conjugate Gradient Minimization We also test the stability of configurations obtained via a conjugate gradient (CG) minimization scheme  <cit.>. We implement the non-linear conjugate gradient for the open boundary system using the Polak-Ribiere method to obtain the updated direction and the secant minimization method in order to determine the step size of the line search. As in the case of the FIRE algorithm, conjugate gradient leads the system to its nearest minimum. § STABLE VIBRATIONAL MODES Harmonic vibrations of a solid can be probed by diagonalizing the “Hessian Matrix”, defined as .𝐇_i j≡∂^2 U(𝐫_1, 𝐫_2, …𝐫_n)/∂𝐫_i∂𝐫_j|_{𝐫_i^0}, where U(𝐫_1, 𝐫_2, …𝐫_n) is the total potential energy of the system and 𝐫_i denotes the position of particle i. The eigenvectors (ψ_k) of the Hessian matrix correspond to the cooperative displacements of the particles participating in harmonic vibrations (termed normal modes) and the corresponding eigenvalues (λ_k) represent the frequency of that vibration. The system when perturbed along a normal mode, will perform a pure oscillation with a frequency ω_k = √(λ_k). The Hessian matrix evaluated at an energy minimum of the landscape is positive semi-definite with zero-modes corresponding to the global invariants of the Hamiltonian (Goldstone modes). For example, a 3D system under PBC possesses three translational degrees of freedom and the corresponding Hessian therefore has three zero-modes. Systems under OBC on the other hand additionally also possess rotational degrees of freedom. In general, in d dimensions, such a solid has d(d+1)/2 zero modes corresponding to d translational modes and d(d-1)/2 rotational modes. The vibrational density of states (VDoS) of a system of N particles in d dimensions is defined as D(ω)=1/N d∑_i=1^Ndδ(ω-ω_i) In Fig. <ref> (b) we display the first non-zero mode of an open boundary 2D solid configuration of N = 400 particles corresponding to a frequency ω = 3.24107×10^-1 with a participation ratio (defined in Eq. (<ref>)) of 1.313714×10^-1. Similarly, in Fig. <ref> (d) we show the mode corresponding to a 3D solid of N = 4096 particles corresponding to a frequency ω=4.039514×10^-1 and participation ratio of 6.792794×10^-3. These low-frequency modes are quasilocalized with a small number of particles displaying a large participation by forming the core of the vibration. Interestingly, these eigenmodes resemble the quadrupolar modes observed in the low-frequency regime of the vibrational density of states of structural glass formers under PBC <cit.>. §.§ Anharmonic Stability Analysis While the Hessian characterizes the curvature of the energy minimum and thereby the frequency of vibrations, an anharmonic analysis is necessary in order to better understand the vicinity of the energy minimum. The energy near the minimum may be approximated upto fourth order as δ U(s)=1/2! B_2 s^2+1/3! B_3 s^3+1/4! B_4 s^4. where s is the scalar distance of particles from the minimum, along a given direction in the energy landscape. If the particles are displaced along an eigenvector (ψ) of the Hessian (H), B_2=ψ· H ·ψ is the eigenvalue of the Hessian, and B_3=ψ_i[∂^3 U/∂ r_i ∂ r_j ∂ r_l] ψ_l ψ_j, B_4=ψ_i ψ_l[∂^4 U/∂ r_i ∂ r_l ∂ r_k ∂ r_j] ψ_k ψ_j quantify the non-linearity of the energy landscape along that mode. Given a vibration in the energy landscape as defined by an eigenvector, the corresponding energy minimum is said to be `stable' provided that the minimum is the deepest in its neighborhood. Under the quartic approximation of the energy near the minimum, such stability is achieved when <cit.> B_3^2≤ 3 B_2 B_4. §.§ Effect of Minimization Protocol Simulated models studying the properties of amorphous solids have typically been systems under periodic boundaries. It has been shown that in such systems, the CG minimization protocol generates configurations with stable minima, provided that configurations are obtained from a sufficiently low parent temperature <cit.>. However, the open boundary configurations obtained by quenching the cut-outs of zero-pressure PBC systems contain among them, some inherent structures at unstable minima. We therefore explore an energy-minimization protocol that anneals the system into an ensemble comprised of primarily stable minima. We find that different energy minimization protocols drive the system to different minima. In Fig. <ref> (a), we show the displacements incurred by each particle from a particular liquid configuration, when undergoing energy minimization through two different protocols, namely Damped Dynamics and Conjugate Gradient. While both procedures yield inherent structure configurations, they do not correspond to the same minimum. Most significantly, Damped Dynamics finds minima in a relatively expanded region in the energy landscape as compared to CG and FIRE. In Fig. <ref> (a) we present corroborating numerical evidence with particles undergoing relatively larger displacements in the case of Damped Dynamics. In order to qualify this difference, we compute the distance between the cut-out liquid configuration and the energy minimized solid configuration as d_c=√(∑_i=1^N|r⃗_i^L-r⃗_i^S|^2 ) where r⃗_i^L and r⃗_i^S represent the position of particle i in the liquid and solid configurations respectively. In terms of the radial and tangential displacement incurred by particles at different radial distances, d_c^2=∫_r=0^Rr dr (|u_r(r)|^2+|u_θ(r)|^2) where u_r(r) and u_θ(r) are the radial and tangential displacement of particles at a radial distance r from the center of mass of the liquid droplet. In Fig. <ref> we show the average (b) radial and (c) tangential displacement at different radial distances of the liquid configurations. For the case of Damped Dynamics minimization, particles near the surface undergo comparatively larger displacement in the tangential direction which results in a stable inherent structure. Since the viscosity of the surrounding medium determines the exact extent of this search space, we use an appropriately chosen damping, optimizing for both improved search area as well as speed. We now consider the vibrational properties of the minima obtained through the various energy minimization protocols. In Fig. <ref> we show the lowest frequency vibrational mode of a solid configuration obtained via (b) CG and (c) Damped Dynamics minimization of the same liquid configuration. Although both modes show signatures of similar quadrupolar vibrations, the inherent structure corresponding to (a) does not satisfy the stability criterion defined in Eq. (<ref>). An important difference between the ensembles of minima obtained via the various protocols lies in their vibrational stability as defined in Eq. (<ref>). Through Fig. <ref> we assess the stability of each of the open-boundary solid configurations across the different minimization protocols. We use the quartic Taylor expansion as illustrated in Sec. <ref> along the direction specified by the lowest frequency mode in order to extract the stability of the minimum. Interestingly, the CG and FIRE minimization protocols present many unstable inherent structures indicated by the data points above the stability line corresponding to (B_3^2 = 3B_2B_4). At the same time, the Damped Dynamics minimizer produces predominantly stable inherent structures as shown by the data points being well within the regime of stability. This suggests that the Damped Dynamics minimizer allows the system to find a locally deeper minimum. Since the choice of minimization protocol affects the stability of minima, we next examine its effects on the vibrational spectrum. In Fig. <ref> we plot the distribution of the low-lying vibrational frequencies of two-dimensional solid ensembles. While the VDoS of CG and FIRE minimized ensembles display the erstwhile universal low-frequency power law D(ω) ∼ω^4 <cit.>, ensembles generated via the Damped Dynamics minimizer show a power law of ω^5 in the low-frequency regime, as has been seen previously in shear-stabilized systems <cit.>. Generically the smaller the lowest frequency mode, the closer the system is to an instability. An increase in the power of the VDoS from 4 to 5 corresponds to a reduction in the proportion of such small-valued modes. Therefore, such a change is a signature of a transformation to a more stable solid ensemble enabled by an appropriate choice of an annealing energy minimizer. In the inset of Fig. <ref>, we plot the distribution of β = B_3/√(3B_2B_4), where states within the dashed lines (|β|<1) correspond to stable minima. We find that the stability condition is best satisfied by configurations obtained via Damped Dynamics minimization. Thus, we observe that the model system, under open boundary conditions displays a correlation between stable minima and the vibrational stabilization of the corresponding solid ensembles. § SYSTEM SIZE EFFECTS It is well-known that the low-frequency vibrational spectrum of amorphous solids contain system spanning phonons in addition to localized vibrations <cit.>. The long-wavelength phonons in a solid with linear dimension L, under periodic boundary conditions possess a frequency that varies with system-size as L^-1. This decrease in the frequency of the phonons with increasing system-size leads to a difficulty in the characterization of quasilocalization at low frequencies. At the same time, the regime of the VDoS that is most amenable to the study of quasilocalized behavior are the frequencies below the first phonon <cit.>. As the phonon frequencies become comparable to the frequencies of quasilocalized modes at larger system sizes, it is then necessary to perform a disorder averaging over an increasingly large number of samples in order to distinguish these modes. This becomes computationally infeasible at very large system-sizes. Additionally, QLMs also display finite size effects when the extent of these modes becomes comparable to the size of the system <cit.>. The softness of QLMs therefore becomes independent of system size once it surpasses the lengthscale of the localized vibration. In this context, very small system sizes have been shown to possess an excess of quasilocalized vibrations with D(ω) ∼ω^δ where δ < 4 <cit.>, as the finite size effects dominate in such situations. Solids prepared under open boundary conditions can display additional surface effects in their low frequency vibrational spectrum, as boundary effects not present in PBC systems also play a role. The stiffness of particle motion near the surface of the solid is small compared to the bulk of the material. Therefore the eigenmodes are softer near the boundary of the solid. It is thus natural to expect that in small open boundary solids there will be stronger surface effects than in larger solids. This occurs in addition to the finite size effects arising from the interplay between the size of the system and the size of the quasilocalized modes. It is therefore important to study the variation of the VDoS with system-size, under open boundary conditions, in order to identify regimes of validity of the enhanced stability. A quantitative characterization of the surface effects may be performed through a measurement of the stress distribution within such solids. Moreover, since the low-lying VDoS is crucially sensitive to the macroscopic stress in the amorphous structure <cit.>, it is reasonable to assume that the finite size effects displayed by the stress profiles also carry over to the VDoS. In PBC systems, the average stress displays homogeneity over the sample, and therefore the local elastic behavior is also independent of the location in the solid. However, as the macroscopic stress is precisely zero in open boundary solids, any bulk stress is necessarily counterbalanced by the stresses on a “boundary layer”. Such a distinct surface region possessing a typical thickness is yet another source of finite-size effects. Additionally, the local elasticity properties of the material are correlated with the local stress distribution, with particles near the boundary displaying lower stiffness in their interaction. In this context, we study the boundary stress layer in solids prepared under open boundary conditions, in order to systematically analyze the finite size effects present in their low-frequency VDoS. §.§ Stress Distribution and the Boundary-layer In Fig. <ref> we describe the stress distributions which highlight the existence of a surface layer in an open boundary solid. Specifically, in Fig. <ref> (a) and (b), we plot the spatial distributions of the pressure and shear stress respectively, as seen in open boundary solids comprised of 900 particles. These stress profiles are constructed by averaging over 10^5 amorphous configurations and using coarse-graining boxes each of dimension 0.28 σ_AA× 0.28 σ_AA. The typical radius of a configuration is approximately 15 σ_AA resulting in about 9000 bins. Fig. <ref> (c) plots the radial distribution of the pressure for amorphous solids of various sizes. The stress distributions display clear indications of a boundary layer, with the effects of the surface spanning over approximately 5 σ_AA. We also find that while the pressure in the bulk is sensitive to the total size of the droplet, the thickness of the boundary layer is largely independent of the system size. The microscopic stress field (σ_ij(𝐫)) can be expressed as σ_i j(𝐫)=σ_i j^0(𝐫)+δσ_i j(𝐫), where σ_i j^0(𝐫) represents the stress tensor of the initial liquid configuration and δσ_i j(𝐫) is the change in the stress tensor which results from the process of energy minimization. The original distribution of stress σ_ij^0 in the liquid is dependent on the preparation protocol. The effect of removing a circular cut-out from the zero-pressure liquid configuration gives rise to a non-trivial stress distribution near the boundaries of the cut-out. This excess stress causes the particles near the edges to be displaced further inwards (due to the attractive nature of the interaction) near the boundaries. This leads to a new stress-balanced state, ∂_iσ_i j(𝐫)=0, with δσ_ij displaying larger changes near the boundary. The condition of mechanical equilibrium at the boundary of the solids is satisfied when the normal force acting on the surface due to the internal pressure exactly balances the surface tension force. Our numerical observations suggest that the stress profile within the surface layer is largely independent of the system-size, leading to a constant surface tension across different system sizes. This suggests the bulk pressure will decrease as the radius of the solid is increased. In Fig. <ref> (d) we plot the bulk pressure for different system-size solids. We observe a P ∼1/R scaling of the bulk pressure with the radius of the solid droplet R, which is consistent with a “Laplace Law” for the pressure in a droplet <cit.>. §.§ Vibrational Density of States Having characterized the boundary stress layer, we next turn to the system size dependence of the vibrational density of states. We expect the effects of the boundary to be significant only in system sizes for which the width of the boundary is comparable to the radius of the droplet. In order to discern the lengthscales corresponding to such a crossover, we analyze solids of various system-sizes with particle numbers ranging from N = 144 to 1600 in two dimensions and from N = 216 to 10000 in three dimensions. In Fig. <ref> we report the effect of system size on the low-frequency vibrational spectrum of open boundary solids in two dimensions. The small systems (N = 144, 256) display a higher degree of softness in their vibration as can be seen from their low-frequency behavior of D(ω) ∼ω^4.5. The VDoS of systems with particle numbers equal to and larger than 400 appear to exhibit a low frequency regime of D(ω) ∼ω^5. This shows a crossover as the size of the system is increased beyond a lengthscale with the low frequency VDoS showing a significant change in the power-law, with the exponent varying from 4.5 to 5 in two dimensions. The enhanced stability in the VDoS at large system sizes suggests that quasilocalized modes in the bulk result in the power-law ω^5, whereas modes localized on the surface are much softer and more unstable. We show further analysis comparing bulk and boundary localization in Appendix <ref>. Finally, such behavior in the thermodynamic limit of the OBC systems under consideration is consistent with earlier studies in PBC systems <cit.>. In Fig. <ref> we plot the vibrational density of states for different system sizes in three dimensions. Here we observe a low-frequency behavior of D(ω) ∼ω^4.5 in contrast to the results in two dimensions. In Appendix <ref> we perform further analyses to examine this behavior. § CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION In this paper, we have performed a detailed characterization of the vibrational modes of amorphous solids prepared under open boundary conditions in both two and three dimensions. We showed that structures prepared under open boundary conditions differ crucially in their stability properties in comparison to solids prepared with periodic boundary conditions. Specifically, we observed that the D(ω) ∼ω^δ with δ = 4 seen in systems under PBC is modified to a δ≈ 5 in 2D and δ≈ 4.5 in 3D, for solids under OBC. This points to the fact that open boundary solids which lack any macroscopic stresses are inherently more stable than their periodic boundary counterparts. These results reinforce the phenomenon observed by Krishnan et. al. <cit.> where shear-stabilized (σ_αβ = 0   ∀  α≠β) configurations under PBC display an increase in the exponent to δ≈ 5. Further, we probed the nature of energy minima of systems under OBC, through an analysis of the anharmonic coefficients associated with their lowest frequency vibrational mode. Surprisingly we have found that the anharmonic stability of the minimum is sensitive to the protocols employed in generating solid configurations. Moreover, the nature of the minima under consideration are also correlated with a change in the exponent of the VDoS. Specifically, the ensembles with unstable minima correspond to a D(ω) ∼ω^4, whereas ensembles with stable minima show larger exponents. In particular, we observed clear enhancements in the stability of configurations resulting from dissipative dynamical processes that anneal the system when compared to those obtained via quenching minimization protocols. Next, we also characterized the dependence of the low-frequency modes on the system size. Solids at small systems sizes show a higher degree of softness in their low frequency vibrations, as evidenced by a decrease in the exponent of the VDoS. We also performed an analysis of eigenmode localizations on the boundary and bulk of the system in order to decipher the source of the enhanced stabilization in systems under OBC. We found strong indications that the bulk of the solid predominantly contains stable vibrations, whereas the surface supports unstable modes. Finally, in order to isolate the cause of instability under PBC, we studied the vibrational spectrum of confined solids using a harmonic trap that introduces finite macroscopic stresses in the solid. We indeed showed that the D(ω) ∼ω^4 behavior of the VDoS is recovered with an increase in the strength of the confinement. Our study highlights aspects of the protocols used to create amorphous structures that have direct consequences on the nature of the sampled energy minima. We showed that various energy-minimization procedures populate qualitatively different minima of the landscape, as has also been observed in previous studies <cit.>. Our work in the context of open-boundary solids sheds light on the sparse nature of stable minima in such realistic systems. These results further raise important questions about the limits of stability that may be achieved through sufficient annealing. Through our analysis of the stress-profiles of solids under OBC, we found that the crossovers between the stable and unstable behaviors of the VDoS are well-described by a bulk-boundary decomposition of the solids. The enhanced stability is derived from the low-stress environment of the bulk of the solid supported by a constant boundary stress. These results point to the fact that the frozen-in stresses are crucial in determining the stability of the amorphous solids as well as their vibrational density of states. It would be interesting to use the characterization of the boundary layer and stress distributions that appear in such confined systems to understand the correlations between the macroscopic stress tensor and the distribution of eigenmodes. Notably, our ensembles exhibit liquid-like surface tensions, as seen by the conformance of bulk pressures to the Laplace law. This observation bares further examination in order to probe any correlation to the enhanced stability of open-boundary solids. Although our results for the cut-out protocol reveal striking properties of vibrations in solids under OBC, it would be intriguing to further characterize this behavior with other preparation protocols, such as by evaporation and deposition, which is of direct experimental relevance. Finally, our results in three-dimensional systems regarding their smaller power-law exponent D(ω) ∼ω^4.5 in comparison to two-dimensional systems is surprising in the context of earlier work displaying a universal ω^5 behavior in shear-stabilized systems under PBC. This points to a possibility that systems in higher dimensions support more localization of vibrations. It would be interesting to explore aspects of this non-universality in open-boundary systems. We thank Roshan Maharana, Monoj Adhikari, Deepak Dhar and Prasad Perlekar for useful discussions. S. K. would like to acknowledge support through the Swarna Jayanti Fellowship Grant No. DST/SJF/PSA-01/2018-19 and SB/SFJ/2019-20/05. The work of K. R. was partially supported by the SERB-MATRICS grant MTR/2022/000966. This project was funded by intramural funds at TIFR Hyderabad from the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India. § EIGENMODE LOCALIZATION — SURFACE VS BULK In this section we provide further analysis of the lowest frequency vibrational modes in two dimensions, in order to determine the potential source of the stable vibrations achieved under open boundary conditions. The spatial extent of a mode may be evaluated by measuring the participation ratio (PR), PR=(∑_i=1^N⟨ψ_i|ψ_i⟩)^2/N∑_i=1^N(⟨ψ_i|ψ_i⟩)^2 where |ψ_i^k⟩ denotes the d dimensional component of the eigenmode ψ^k, corresponding to particle i. System spanning modes possess a PR close to unity while spatially localized modes display a PR ∼ 1/N. The contribution of the particles on the surface of the solid to a particular mode may then be estimated through the “Surface Participation” (SP) as defined below. ψ_s^2(k) = ∑_i ∈⟨ψ_i^k|ψ_i^k⟩ The is defined as encompassing all the particles belonging to the boundary layer as determined by the stress-analysis described in Sec. <ref>. Modes localized on the surface of the solid display an SP close to 1 whereas a vibration that is localized deeper within the bulk of the solid incurs an SP closer to 0. In Fig. <ref> (a) we plot the probability distribution of SP for the lowest frequency modes in two dimensional solids of system size N=400. The peak of the distribution corresponds to modes with extended, system-spanning vibrations that all particles participate in. By observation, we consider modes with an SP ≤ 0.7 to be predominantly bulk-localized vibrations and modes with an SP ≥ 0.8 to be predominantly surface-localized. In Fig. <ref> (b) and (c) we plot histograms of the lowest frequency divided by ω_min^δ in order to extract the power-law. We find that bulk-localized modes (Fig. <ref> (b)) display the stabilized δ≈ 5 while the surface-localized modes (Fig. <ref> (c)) present a more unstable δ≈ 4.5. This points to the possibility that the low-stress environment of the bulk contributes stable vibrations while the large stresses at the surface result in modes of lower stability. Furthermore, such a separation potentially explains the large degree of softness observed in the vibrational spectrum at small system-sizes. § EFFECT OF CONFINING STRESSES In this section, we show that the vibrational properties of systems under periodic boundaries can by reproduced by imposing macroscopic stresses on open boundary solids. The stresses in a system are described through the force moment tensor defined as Σ_αβ=∑_i∑_j f_α^i j r_β^i j=σ_αβ A where f_α^i j is the α-component of the force on particle i by particle j, r_β^i j is the β-component of the vector distance between the particles i and j, σ_αβ is the macroscopic stress tensor and A is the area of the two dimensional system. Solids prepared under open boundary conditions have precisely zero macroscopic stresses i.e. σ_xx=σ_yy=σ_xy=0. As described in Secs. <ref> and <ref>, such systems display a D(ω) ∼ω^δ with δ>4, in contrast to PBC systems where δ = 4. It is therefore interesting to analyze the effects of re-introducing stresses, on the vibrational spectrum of solids. In order to accomplish this we have studied the vibrational modes of solids confined in a radially symmetric harmonic trap centered at the center of mass (CM) of the system, as follows: U(𝐫_1, 𝐫_2, …𝐫_n) = V(𝐫_1, 𝐫_2, …𝐫_n) + 1/2∑_i=1^Nκ |𝐫_i-𝐫_cm|^2, where κ is the spring constant of the trap, 𝐫_cm is the location of the CM and V(𝐫_1, 𝐫_2, …𝐫_n) represents the pair-wise particle interaction. We then perform Damped Dynamics to obtain energy-minimized solid configurations. Since the center of the harmonic trap is fixed, it breaks translational symmetry. However, it being radially symmetric, the system retains one zero mode corresponding to global rotations. The translational zero-modes are substituted with eigenvalues corresponding to the stiffness of the confining harmonic potential. We therefore sample the low-frequency modes while excluding the zero mode as well as this trivial addition to the spectrum. In Fig. <ref> we display the effect of confinement on the low-frequency vibrational spectrum at various strengths of the harmonic trap. Remarkably we find that confinement results in a higher degree of softness in the vibrational spectrum of the solids. Increasing the stiffness constant results in large shear stresses in the solid ensemble with a corresponding change in the VDoS from D(ω) ∼ω^5 to D(ω) ∼ω^4. § THREE DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS In this section we provide a characterization of the lowest frequency vibrational modes in three dimensional open boundary solids. We study the contribution of surface particles on these modes through their “Surface Participation” (SP) as defined in  Eq. (<ref>). In Fig. <ref> (a) we plot the probability distribution of SP corresponding to the lowest frequency modes in three dimensional solids of various system sizes. The modes with a value of SP corresponding to the peaks of the distributions are extended, system-spanning vibrations. In the case of the distribution corresponding to a system size N = 4096, we define the modes with SP ≤ 0.82 as being predominantly bulk-localized vibrations and modes with ≥ 0.9 as predominantly surface-localized. In Fig. <ref> (b) and (c) we plot histograms of the lowest frequency for bulk and surface localized modes respectively. We find that bulk-localized modes display a δ≈ 4.5 and surface-localized modes show a δ≈ 4. apsrev4-2
Metal Factories in the Early Universe
[ "Stephen Eales", "Haley Gomez", "Loretta Dunne", "Simon Dye", "Matthew W. L. Smith" ]
[ "astro-ph.GA" ]
firstpage–lastpage Robustness of Bell Violation of Graph States to Qubit Loss Rotem Arnon-Friedman March 30, 2023 ========================================================== We have measured the mass of metals in 13 submillimetre galaxies at z ∼ 4 in which the gas, based on previous observations, lies in a cold rotating disk. We measured the metal masses using either the submillimetre line or continuum emission from three tracers of the overall metal content - carbon atoms, carbon monoxide molecules and dust grains - using the first calibration of this technique that treats all three tracers simultaneously <cit.>. We obtain very similar mass estimates from the different tracers, which are similar to the entire metal content of a present-day massive early-type galaxy. We used the dynamical masses of these galaxies to set an upper limit on the mass of the interstellar medium in each galaxy, allowing us to set a lower limit on the metal abundance of the ISM, finding values for many of the galaxies well above the solar value. The only caveat to this result is that we cannot be certain for all galaxies that the emission from the tracer comes from within the region covered by the dynamical analysis. Our high values for the metal abundance are supported by a recent JWST study of one galaxy which measured a super-solar metal abundance consistent with our limit. Using two chemical evolution models, we show that the high metal masses and metal abundances are what is expected shortly after the formation of a galaxy for a top-heavy IMF. We suggest a scenario for galaxy evolution in which massive galaxies reach a high metal abundance during their formation phase, which is then gradually reduced by dry mergers with lower mass galaxies. We use the chemical-evolution models to show that the metals in the outflows from massive early-type galaxies in their formation phase can quantitatively explain the long-standing puzzle that such a large fraction (≃0.75) of the metals in clusters of galaxies is in the intracluster gas rather than in the galaxies themselves. galaxies: ISM – galaxies: high-redshift – galaxies: evolution – submillimetre: galaxies – galaxies: formation – galaxies: abundances § INTRODUCTION One of the most distinctive properties of the galaxy population today is the strong relationship between metal abundance and stellar mass, with metal abundance increasing with stellar mass and reaching a value of about twice the solar value at the highest masses <cit.>. There is evidence that this relationship already existed for galaxies at z ∼ 3-5, although with the metal abundances a factor of ≃4 lower than for galaxies with the same stellar mass in the universe today <cit.>. These relationships should be a good test of any theory of galaxy evolution, although in practice it is possible to explain them in a number of different ways <cit.>. Recent observations with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have measured metal abundances in galaxies at z ∼7-8, confirming the picture that the metal abundances of high-redshift galaxies are generally lower than for ones at the present day, although the metal abundances of galaxies at z ∼7-8 are not clearly lower than those of galaxies at z ∼ 2-3 <cit.>. Lower metal abundances for galaxies at high redshifts are, of course, not really surprising because there has been less time then for metals to have been made in stars and ejected into the ISM. Nevertheless, there are signs in the universe today that there must have been a period of rapid metal production early in the history of the universe. The best evidence comes from rich clusters of galaxies, in which the strong gravitational fields ensure that no metals should have been lost from the cluster. In nearby rich clusters, roughly 75 per cent of the metals are in the intracluster gas rather than in the galaxies <cit.>. Clusters today are dominated by elliptical and lenticular galaxies - early-type galaxies - in which the current rate of star formation, and therefore metal production, is low. The best estimates, based on the spectra of these galaxies, suggest that most of the stars were formed during the first two billion years after the big bang <cit.>. It therefore seems likely that most of the metals that are in the intracluster gas were formed during this early period of star formation and then ejected from the galaxies, although models based on this assumption have so far failed to reproduce the mass of metals in the intracluster gas by a factor of between 2 and 10 <cit.>. Twenty-five years after they were discovered, the galaxies revealed by the first submillimetre surveys <cit.> still seem likely to be the ancestors of the most massive early-type galaxies <cit.>. The stellar populations and metal abundance ratios revealed by optical spectra of the most massive galaxies in present-day clusters imply that most of the stars in one of these galaxies must have formed during the first two billion years after the big bang during a burst of star formation of only ≃5 × 10^8 years <cit.>, requiring a star-formation rate of 100-1000 M_⊙ year^-1. The `submillimetre galaxies' (henceforth SMGs) are still the only high-redshift galaxies with the necessary star-formation rates, and the wide-field submillimetre surveys with the Herschel Space Observatory and the South Pole Telescope have discovered many examples with a star-formation rate >1000 M_⊙ year^-1 <cit.>. The high-redshift SMGs must contain a large mass of dust, which is mostly composed of metals, and they are therefore an exception to the metal-poor high-redshift universe revealed by the early JWST observations. The dust, however, makes it challenging to use standard optical techniques to measure the metal abundance, with estimates of the visual extinction often having extreme values (e.g. A_V > 450 - <cit.>). On top of this problem, there is the additional problem that many of the brightest SMGs are gravitationally lensed, which means there is a bright galaxy sitting in front of the SMG, contaminating its optical emission. In this paper, we have developed an alternative way of measuring the mass of metals and the metal abundance in these galaxies. A standard technique for estimating the mass of the ISM in a galaxy is to use a tracer of the ISM, using the luminosity of the tracer to estimate the ISM mass. Carbon monoxide molecules <cit.>, carbon atoms <cit.>, and dust grains <cit.> have all been used as tracers. An objection to this method when it is applied to a high-redshift galaxy is that it is almost always calibrated on observations in the Galaxy, and so it is often necessary to assume that the metal abundance in the high-redshift galaxy is the same as in the Galaxy <cit.>, which may not be true. This objection can be neatly sidestepped if the method is used to estimate the mass of the metals rather than the mass of the ISM, since when the method is used in this way it does not rely on any assumption about the metal abundance. Using the first calibration of the method that calibrates all the tracers above simultaneously <cit.>, we have used this method to estimate the mass of metals in a sample of SMGs at z ∼ 4. An advantage of our approach is that all the observations are in the submillimetre waveband, so are unobscured by the dust in the SMG, and there is also neglible contamination by emission from any gravitational lens. This method, of course, is a way of estimating the total mass of metals but not the metal abundance, which does require knowledge of the mass of the ISM. However, a large proportion of the extreme SMGs discovered with Herschel and the South Pole Telescope are magnified by gravitational lenses, which has made it possible to investigate the motion of the gas with resolution as high as 50 parcsec <cit.>. Observations of the gas kinematics have revealed that the gas in many of these galaxies is distributed in a cold rotating disk <cit.>, which makes it possible to estimate the mass of the galaxy from the circular velocity of the gas. We have selected a sample of SMGs for which there is good evidence that the gas lies in a rotating disk. By estimating the dynamical mass of each galaxy, we have put an upper limit on the mass of the ISM, which has allowed us to put a lower limit on the metal abundance. The arrangement of the paper is as follows. 2 describes our sample of galaxies. In 3 we describe our method for estimating the mass of metals and the application of this method to our sample. In 4, we use the dynamical masses of the galaxies to set an upper limit on the mass of the ISM of each galaxy and thus a lower limit on the galaxy's metal abundance. In this section, we also propose a solution to the well known paradox that the estimate of the mass of the ISM in a high-redshift galaxy is often greater than its dynamical mass. In 5, we use chemical evolution models to interpret our results. In 6 we discuss our results and we list our conclusions in 7. We used the cosmological parameters given in <cit.>. § THE SAMPLE We selected a sample of 13 high-redshift galaxies for which there is evidence from the velocity profile (velocity versus radius) and from the high value of the ratio of rotational velocity to velocity dispersion (4.1) that the gas in the galaxy lies in a cold rotating disk (Table <ref>). All the galaxies also have observations that make it possible to estimate the mass of the ISM in the galaxy, having at least one, and in most cases more than one, of the following observations: spectral line observations of ; spectral line observations of CO; continuum observations of dust. Eight of the 13 galaxies are gravitationally lensed, and for each of these there is a lensing model with an estimate of the magnfication and its uncertainty (Table <ref>). Twelve of the sample are at z>4 when the universe was less than 1.6 billion years old. § METAL MASSES §.§ The Method Since molecular hydrogen does not itself emit spectral lines at the typical temperature of the ISM, the standard method to estimate the mass of the ISM is from the luminosity (L) of some `tracer'. The mass of the ISM is then given by the equation: M_ ISM = α L in which α is a calibration factor. Carbon atoms (), CO and dust grains have all been used as tracers. The calibration factor is almost always ultimately based on observations of the ISM in the Galaxy, from which it is possible to estimate the ISM mass more directly, for example from gamma-ray observations or from the dynamical masses of molecular clouds <cit.>. Over the last decade the application of this technique to high-redshift galaxies has led to the conclusion that as much as 90 per cent of the baryonic mass in a high-redshift galaxy is in the form of gas <cit.>. An obvious concern with this technique, especially when it is applied at high redshift, is the effect of metal abundance. All of the tracers above are made of metals, which are made in stars, and it therefore may be dangerous to assume that for a galaxy at high redshift, when there has been much less time since the big bang to make metals, the value of α is the same as in the Milky Way. Nevertheless, although sometimes an attempt is made to correct the value of α using a measurement of the metal abundance <cit.>, the value of the metal abundance is rarely known, and the standard optical techniques for estimating metal abundance all themselves have large systematic uncertainties <cit.>. Therefore, for the want of anything better, the assumption that the calibration factors have the same values as in the Galaxy is the one that is often made. In this paper, we try to avoid this problem by using observations of the tracers to estimate the mass of the metals rather than the mass of the ISM. We calculate the mass of metals in a galaxy from the luminosity of a tracer, L using the equation: M_ = α_ MW A_ MW L In this equation, α_ MW is the same calibration factor as in equation (1), to which we have added a subscript to show it is ultimately based on observations in the Galaxy (Milky Way), and A_ MW is the metal abundance in the ISM in the Galaxy. We assume a metal abundance in the ISM in the Galaxy of 86.9, based of the latest estimates of the gas-to-dust ratio (167.2) and the fraction of the metals that is incorporated in the dust (0.52) <cit.>. This equation should still be correct if the metal abundance in the galaxy that is being observed, A_ gal, is different from the value in the Galaxy. For the optically-thin tracers, dust and <cit.>, the value of the calibration factor for the galaxy, α_ gal, will be inversely proportional to the galaxy's metal abundance, and therefore α_ gal A_ gal = α_ MW A_ MW. This is not so obviously true for CO because the line emission is optically thick. Nevertheless, although the dependence of CO emission on metal abundance is still uncertain, the data does suggest a similar relationship between α_ gal and A_ gal (Figure 9 of <cit.>). We estimated the metal masses for the galaxies in the sample using observations of the following tracers: carbon atoms (), carbon monoxide molecules (CO) and dust grains, with calibration factors α_CI, α_ CO and α_ dust, respectively. We used the calibration factors from <cit.>, which was the first attempt to calibrate all three calibration factors simultaneously. The values we assume are 1/α_850 μ m = 6.9×10^12 W Hz^-1 M_⊙^-1 for the dust, α_ CO = 4.0 M_⊙ (K km s^-1 pc^2)^-1 for the CO J=1-0 line,§ and α_CI= 17 M_⊙ (K km s^-1 pc^2)^-1 for the CI J=1-0 line. We assume the uncertainties in the calibration factors α_850 μ m, α_ CO and α_CI are 31 per cent, 39 per cent and 19 per cent respectively, based on the values estimated in their paper. We restricted ourselves to observations that are least likely to be affected by systematic uncertainties. We therefore used observations of atomic carbon in the   J=1-0 line but not in the   J=2-1 line because of the recent evidence of subthermal excitation, which leads to large uncertainties in ISM masses estimates from this line <cit.>. We used observations of carbon monoxide in the J=1-0 and J=2-1 lines but not in the higher J lines because the ratio of the line flux for these lines to the line flux for the J=1-0 line, on which the calibration is based, depends strongly on the temperature of the gas. We estimated a line flux for the J=1-0 line from the line flux in the J=2-1 line using the flux ratio CO 2-1/1-0 = 2.97±0.61, which we derived from a study of carbon monoxide in a large sample of ultraluminous infrared galaxies <cit.>. We only used dust as a tracer if there was an observation close in rest-frame wavelength to 850 μ m, the wavelength at which the dust method is calibrated <cit.>, which in practice mostly meant observations in ALMA Band 3. We found unpublished observations in the ALMA archive for three galaxies, and we measured new flux densities for these, which are given in Table <ref>. Where there continuum observations at many wavelengths <cit.> we fitted a modified blackbody (F_ν∝ B_νν^β) to the flux densities at wavelengths ≥ 500 μ m, using a single dust temperature and a dust emissivity index β=2. The advantage of estimating the dust temperature from only long-wavelength flux measurements is that the estimate should be closer to the mass-weighted dust temperature; the inclusion of flux measurements on the short-wavelength side of the blackbody peak biases the estimate towards the luminosity-weighted dust temperature <cit.>. Our estimated dust temperatures for these galaxies are listed in Table <ref> and they support the argument that the mass-weighted dust temperature, even for galaxies with very high star-formation rates, is≃ 25 K <cit.>. For these galaxies, we have estimated the rest-frame flux density at 850 μm from the best-fitting modified blackbody. For the galaxies for which there is only a flux measurement at a single wavelength, we estimated the rest-frame flux density at 850 μm from this measurement and a modified blackbody with a dust temperature of 25 K and β = 2. Where necessary we corrected the line and continuum fluxes for the gravitational magnification factors given in Table <ref>. We have estimated errors on our metal masses by adding the following errors in quadrature: the error on the calibration factor (see above), the error on the flux of the tracer and, where applicable, the errors in the gravitational magnification factor and in the CO 2-1/1-0 line ratio. All the galaxies in the sample have observations of at least one tracer, 10 have observations of two tracers, and seven have observations of all three. §.§ Corrections for the Cosmic Microwave Background At these redshifts, the cosmic microwave background (CMB) can have a large effect on submillimetre and radio observations, leading to underestimates in both line and continuum flux measurements. We have made corrections to the line and continuum fluxes using the method in <cit.>. In this work we estimate metal masses both with and without a correction for the CMB because of the potential for errors introduced by the assumptions necessary in making this correction. For optically thin radiation, which is the case for the dust continuum radiation at long wavelengths and the   J=1-0 line <cit.>, the CMB corrections only depend on the temperature of the dust and the excitation temperature of the gas, respectively. We corrected the continuum flux densities for each galaxy on the assumption that the temperature of the dust is 25 K (3.1). We then estimated the rest-frame 850-μm flux density from the corrected flux densities using the procedure described in 3.1. The excitation temperature of the   1-0 line for SMGs is ≃25 K <cit.>, very similar to our estimates of the dust temperature (3.1), which is what one would expect if the dust temperature and kinetic temperature are the same and the gas is in local thermodynamical equilibrium. We have made the assumption that the dust temperature and excitation temperatures are the same and calculated the CMB corrections using the equation for the increase in dust temperature caused by the CMB given by <cit.> (equation 12 in their paper). The corrections for the CO J=1-0 and J=2-1 lines are not so obvious since the lines are optically thick, which means the corrections should depend on the opacity of the gas as well as on its temperature <cit.>. The uncertainties in the corrections from the inclusion of opacity are so large that we decided not to try to include opacity but to apply the same method as for the optically-thin  line. Our CMB corrections for the CO lines therefore show the possible size of the effect of the CMB, but the actual size of the correction for these lines is very uncertain. §.§ Results Table <ref> lists our estimates of the mass of metals using the three independent tracers, with and without a correction for the CMB. The results are shown in Figure <ref>. The figure shows that there is very good agreement between the masses calculated using the different tracers. For nine out of 10 galaxies, the different mass measurements are consistent within the errors. The only exception is SPT0345-47, for which the estimates from CO and dust are in very good agreement, but both are higher than the 3σ upper limit from the   1-0 observation. The line at the bottom of each panel shows an estimate of the mass of metals in the molecular phase of the ISM in the Galaxy (1.3×10^7 M_⊙), which we have calculated from an estmate of the mass of molecular gas in the Galaxy of ≃ 1.1 × 10^9 M_⊙ <cit.> and estimates of the gas-to-dust ratio (167.2) and of the fraction of metals in dust (0.52) from <cit.>. The mass of metals in the ISM in these high-redshift galaxies is ≃100-1000 times greater than in the molecular gas in the Galaxy today. Since it seems likely that the SMGs are the ancestors of present-day massive early-type galaxies (1), it is interesting to compare the masses of metals for the two populations. A useful low-redshift benchmark is the Herschel Reference Survey (HRS), which contains the galaxies with the highest stellar masses in a volume of space that includes the Virgo Cluster <cit.>. Since most of the metals in an early-type galaxy are contained in the stars, we have estimated the metal mass for the HRS early-type galaxies from estimates of their stellar masses <cit.> and a stellar metal abundance of log_10(Z/Z_⊙) = 0.3, appropriate for the galaxies with the highest masses <cit.>. In the figure, the purple horizontal band shows the range of metal mass for the HRS early-type galaxies, from the one with the largest stellar mass down to the one with the tenth largest stellar mass. When the correction for the CMB is included (lower panel), the SMGs contain a mass of metals very similar to that in their probable descendants in the universe today. §.§ Limitations of the Method We have used the calibration factors from <cit.>, but the values for all three calibration factors are very similar to the other recent best estimates in the literature. Our value for α_ CO - 4.0 M_⊙ (K km s^-1 pc^2)^-1) is very similar to the value adopted in the latest big review article on the subject: α_ CO = 4.36±0.9 M_⊙ (K km s^-1 pc^2)^-1 <cit.>. It is lower than the value of α_ CO = 6.5 M_⊙ (K km s^-1 pc^2)^-1 adopted by Scoville and collaborators <cit.> but adopting this value would make the metal masses of the galaxies even higher. Our value for the calibration factor for the dust emission (1/α_850 μ m = 6.9 × 10^12 W Hz^-1 M_⊙^-1) is very similar to the value adopted in <cit.> (1/α_850 μ m = 6.2 × 10^12 W Hz^-1 M_⊙^-1). Our value for the calibration factor for atomic carbon (α_CI = 17.0 M_⊙ (K km s^-1 pc^2)^-1) is also similar to the value found in the most comparable large study <cit.>: α_CI = 21.4^+13_-8 M_⊙ (K km s^-1 pc^2)^-1. Although our method should still give the correct result if the metal abundance of the ISM in the SMG is different from that of the ISM in the Galaxy, it still relies on the assumption that there are no differences in the physics/chemistry of the ISM in the SMG from that in the ISM of the Galaxy that lead to changes in the values of the calibration factors. We will look at this issue in the next section, in which we show that there is evidence that the calibration factors for the SMGs are lower than the standard values. But we will argue that this is probably caused by changes in the metal abundance rather than changes in the physics/chemistry of the ISM. If this is so, our estimates of the metal mass are unaffected. § WHAT DO THE DYNAMICAL MASSES TELL US? §.§ Estimates of the Masses The evidence that the gas in the SMGs lies in a cold rotating disk is two-fold. First, the SMGs all have velocity profiles (velocity versus radius) that are very similar to the velocity profiles of rotating disk galaxies in the universe today. Second, the galaxies mostly have ratios of v_ rot/σ > 10, in which v_ rot is the rotational velocity of the gas and σ is its velocity dispersion. Such a high ratio suggests that gravity in the galaxy is being balanced by centripetal force rather than by the internal pressure provided by the spread in stellar velocities. All 13 galaxies have published estimates of their dynamical masses, which are listed in Table <ref>. In all cases, these have been obtained using modelling packages such as 3DBarolo <cit.>, which make it possible to vary the velocities in concentric rings around the centre of the galaxy, and also the position of the centre and the inclination and position angle of the disk, until the model provides a good fit to the spectroscopic data. For six of the 13 galaxies, the authors of the mass estimate have made an explicit correction for the effect of the stellar pressure, the `asymmetric drift’. In the other studies, the authors have simply assumed it is negligible because of the high ratio of v_ rot/σ. For each of the galaxies, we have used the data in the original papers to estimate the relative contributions of the asymmetric drift and the centripetal force, and where necessary made a correction to the published masses (Appendix A). For all but two galaxies the correction to the mass is ≤10 per cent. The original papers sometimes list separate estimates of the baryonic and non-baryonic masses (we list the former in Table <ref>). In order to check that the attempt to model separately the distribution of the baryonic and non-baryonic mass has not led to systematic errors in the mass estimates - as well as to check that there are no other hidden systematic errors in the original analysis - we we have made our own estimates of the dynamical masses from the velocity profiles and the estimates of the galaxy inclination in the original paper. We have made estimates of the mass from the equation: M_ tot = v^2 r/G sin(i)^2 in which v is the rotational velocity of the gas at a distance r from the centre of the galaxy and i is the estimate of the inclination of the disk. We have made a correction to these estimates for the effect of asymmetric drift (Appendix A). Equation 3 gives the correct mass interior to r if the density distribution is spherically symmetric. If the density is not spherically symmetric our mass estimates will be too high <cit.>, by roughly 40 per cent if the mass is distributed in a razor-thin exponential disk[Bovy et al. 2022, Dynamics and Astrophysics of Galaxies, galaxiesbook.org, accessed 7/4/2022]. We calculated errors on the mass estimates by combining the errors in velocity and inclination. Table <ref> lists our mass estimates and the distance from the centre of the SMG at which we made the estimate. The published mass estimates and own estimates are in good agreement for 10 out of the 13 galaxies, which agrees with the evidence that non-baryonic matter is neglible in the central regions of high-redshift galaxies <cit.>. For the three galaxies where there is a significant discrepancy, our mass estimate is higher than the published mass by a factor of 1.6 for ALESS073.1, by a factor of 2.1 for SPT0418-47 and by a factor of 1.5 for SPT0441-46. §.§ The ISM Mass Versus Dynamical Mass We estimated the mass of the ISM in each galaxy using equation (1) rather than equation (2) but otherwise followed the procedure described in Section 3.1, which means our ISM mass estimates are equal to the metal mass estimates in Table <ref> multiplied by the gas-to-metal ratio (86.9). Since the dynamical masses we have measured ourselves are slightly larger than the ones in the literature, and therefore place a less stringent upper limit on the ISM mass, to be conservative we have used our mass estimates rather than the published ones. Ideally, we would compare the dynamical mass with an ISM mass estimate made within the radius used to estimate the dynamical mass. This is possible for the observations of the dust, for which there are high-resolution observations which show the emission is coming from within the radius listed in Table <ref> <cit.>). However, most of the CO and   observations <cit.> do not have enough resolution to show whether the CO and   emission is coming from within the region covered by the dynamical analysis. There is a high-resolution map of   1-0 for one galaxy <cit.> and a high-resolution map of CO for one galaxy <cit.>, and in both cases the line emission from the tracer comes from the region covered by the dynamical analysis. Furthermore, by detailed radiative modelling of multiple CO and  lines from 24 high-redshift SMGs, <cit.> concluded that the emission in these lines is typically from a region within 3 kpc of the centre of the galaxy, very similar for most of the galaxies to the radius of the region covered by the dynamical analysis (Table <ref>). Nevertheless, we cannot say this for certainty for most of the galaxies that the   and CO emission is confined to the region covered by the dynamical analysis. We discuss the possibility that there are halos of molecular gas around these galaxies, and its effect on our comparision of the dynamical and ISM masses, in 6.1. Figure <ref> shows the comparison between the dynamical and ISM mass. The dynamical mass is a measure of the total mass, which is the sum of the masses of all the galaxy's components: gas, stars, and non-baryonic matter. But Figure <ref> shows that for many of the galaxies the ISM mass estimate is actually higher than the estimate of the total mass. This paradox has been spotted many times before when CO has been used as a tracer, but the figure shows that there is the same problem when   and dust are used. There is, of course, the caveat that, as we noted above, for many of the galaxies we cannot be sure that the emission from the tracer is from within the region covered by the dynamical analysis, but we note that the discrepancies when dust is used as a tracer are just as large as for the other two tracers. Moreover, the galaxy for which there is a high-resolution map in  1-0, ID141 <cit.>, is one of the best examples of this paradox. §.§ A Possible Solution of the Paradox This paradox has been noted many times before in papers in which CO has been used to estimate the mass of the ISM. Our results show that the same problem is present when carbon atoms and dust grains are used. Unless the assumptions used in the dynamical estimates are completely wrong, or the emission from the tracer is mostly from outside the region covered by the kinematic observations (4.2), the only way to make the ISM masses consistent with the dynamical masses is to reduce the values of the three calibration factors. A crucial point to note when thinking about this issue is that the good agreement between the ISM mass estimates made with the different tracers implies that if the calibration factors are lower for an SMG than the values we have assumed, which are ultimately based on observations in the Galaxy <cit.>, all three calibration factors must be lower by a similar factor. This conclusion is supported by the analysis in <cit.> of 407 galaxies in the redshift range 0 < z < 5. By examining the ratios of the luminosity of the emission from the three tracers, these authors concluded that there was no difference in the ratios of the calibration factors between normal galaxies and galaxies with very high star-formation rates and also between SMGs at z < 3 and z > 3. These results strongly suggest that if the values of the calibration factors for the SMGs are different from the standard values, they must all be different by a similar factor. There are two obvious reasons why the calibration factors for the SMGs might be lower than the values estimated from observations of the ISM in the Galaxy. The first is that physical/chemical/structural differences in the ISM of a high-redshift SMG relative to the ISM in the present-day Galaxy might easily lead to changes in the calibration factors. This has been the explanation that has always been favoured before when the discrepancy between the dynamical masses and the ISM masses estimated from CO observations has been noticed. This is quite a reasonable supposition because the hundred-fold difference in star-formation rates between an SMG and the Galaxy might easily lead to differences in the structure, physics or chemistry of the ISM. The observational evidence that α_ CO is lower in a galaxy with a high star-formation rate is, however, very slight, being based almost entirely on a study of CO in the nuclei of low-redshift ultra-luminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) <cit.>. These authors argued that because of the strong shear in the velocity field in the central regions of these galaxies, where most of the CO is found, the CO emission must be from a moderate-density warm intercloud medium rather than from self-gravitating clouds, as in the Galaxy. They estimated a value for α_ CO lower than the standard value by a factor of ≃5. The star-formation rates of the SMGs are similar to those of the ULIRGs, so it has always seemed plausible that the values of α_CO might be lower for them as well, although the ISM of an SMG is distributed over a much larger region than the ISM in a ULIRG, over which there is much less shear in the velocity field <cit.>. Very recently, however, in the first comprehensive multi-line investigation of CO in SMGs, <cit.> estimated a value of α_ CO for these objects very similar to the standard value. They concluded that much of the CO in SMGs is in warm dense gas, which would have been missed by the observations in low-J CO transitions, which were the ones used to observe the ULIRGs <cit.>. With only observations of the SMGs in the low-J CO transitions, they concluded that they would have estimated a value of α_ CO similar to that for the ULIRGs. Nevertheless, it seems likely that the ISM in a high-redshift SMG is different in some ways from the ISM in the Galaxy, and it is easy enough to think of differences that might lead to changes in the calibration factors. The problem with this explanation is that it is difficult to think of differences that might lead to all three calibration factors being changed by the same factor. Differences in the spatial and temperature distribution of the ISM might lead to a change in α_ CO; differences in the sizes, structure or composition of the dust grains might lead to a change in α_ dust; and the high star-formation rate in an SMG would probably lead to a higher density of cosmic rays than in the Galaxy, which would would lead to different proportions of carbon monoxide and atomic carbon, which might lead to a change in α_CI <cit.>. Therefore, it is easy enough to think of differences that would lead to changes in the calibration factors. However, since the emission from each tracer depends on such different properties of the ISM, it seems very unlikely that these differences would lead to the three calibration factors all being reduced and being reduced by a similar factor. The alternative explanation is that the metal abundance of the ISM in the SMGs is higher than in the Galaxy today. This would also provide a natural explanation of why the three calibration factors change by similar amounts. As long as there is no change in the relative abundances of different elements, the optically-thin   and dust emission are directly proportional to the metal abundance of the ISM, which implies that α_CI and α_ dust are inversely proportional to metal abundance. The relationship between the optically-thick CO emission and metal abundance is more uncertain, but a compilation of the data is consistent with a similar relationship <cit.> (see their Figure 9). A higher metal abundance in SMGs would therefore be a natural explanation of why the calibration factors are lower by a similar factor. For the rest of this paper, we assume that the second explanation is the correct one. We cannot rule out the first explanation, but it does seem unlikely that changes in different aspects of the ISM should have conspired to produce very similar changes in the calibration factors. If we are wrong and the first explanation is the correct one, a decrease by a factor of X in the three calibration factors would mean that our estimates of the metal masses in 3 would also need to be reduced by a factor X. §.§ Metal Abundances We have estimated a lower limit to the metal abundance of each galaxy from the equation: Z/Z_⊙ = M_ metals/M_ dyn× 0.0142 in which M_ metals is the metal mass corrected for the effect of the CMB, M_ dyn is the dynamical mass, and the number on the right-hand side is the bulk metal fraction of the Sun <cit.>. Our estimates of Z, which range from 0.9Z_⊙ to 12.9Z_⊙, are listed in Table <ref> and a histogram of the values is shown in Figure <ref>. § METALS INSIDE AND OUTSIDE GALAXIES - CHEMICAL EVOLUTION MODELS Such high metal masses and metal abundances at such early times might be surprising because there would have been much less time to make the metals. We have used two chemical-evolution models to investigate the cause of these high values. The first is the widely used gas-regulation model <cit.>. In this model, there is a flow of gas from the intergalactic medium into the galaxy, and there is also an outflow with a rate proportional to the galaxy's star-formation rate, which leads eventually to the mass of the ISM reaching an equilibrium value. The mass of metals that is produced in this model depends on the strength of the outflow and the form of the stellar initial mass function (IMF). The gas-regulation model is based on the `instantaneous recycling approximation’, in which it is assumed that all the metals produced by a newly formed population of stars are made the moment the stars are born and immediately released into the ISM. This assumption is likely to be a particularly poor one for SMGs because of their very short gas depletion times <cit.>. We have therefore also included the predictions of a model that does not include this assumption, which we constructed to model the evolution of one of the galaxies in our sample <cit.>. This model also includes more realistic inflows and outflows and takes account of the dependence of stellar yields on metal abundance. §.§ The Gas-Regulation Model In this model, there is an outflow with a rate equal to a constant (Λ) times the galaxy's star-formation rate, which leads to the mass of the ISM eventually reaching an equilibrium value (hence the term `gas regulation’). We use the analytic formalism of <cit.>, which makes it possible to follow the evolution of a galaxy from t=0 to t >> τ_ eq, when the galaxy asymptotically approaches an equilibrium state. In this equilibrium state, the gas mass, the metal abundance of the gas and the mass of metals in the gas are constants, although the fraction of the mass of the galaxy that consists of stars continues to climb as new stars are made out of gas. The equilibrium time, τ_ eq is given by τ_ eq = τ_ dep/1 - R + Λ = 1/ϵ(1 -R + Λ) in which τ_ dep is the depletion time (the ratio of the gas mass to the star-formation rate), ϵ is the inverse of this (the star-formation efficiency), and R is the fraction of the mass of a cohort of newly formed stars that is eventually returned to the ISM, which in the instantaneous recycling approximation happens immediately. The equilibrium time therefore depends on conditions in a particular galaxy, and so we express the time dependence of our models in units of the equilibrium time, so the models are applicable to all the galaxies in our sample. We have used the following equations taken directly from <cit.>: M_ gas = Φ/ϵ (1 - R + Λ)(1 - e^- tτ_ eq) M_ star = Φ/ϵ1-R/(1-R+Λ)^2[t/τ_ eq - (1 - e^- tτ_ eq) ] Z_ gas = y/1 - R + Λ(1 - e^-tτ_ eq) [ 1 - e^-(t/τ_ eq(1 - e^-t/τ_ eq ) )] In these equations, y is the yield, the mass of metals produced by one solar mass of stars, and Φ is the rate at which gas is flowing onto the galaxy. We can combine equations (6) and (8) to get an estimate of the total mass of metals in the ISM: M_ metals = Z_ gas M_ gas We then combine equations (6), (7) and (9) to calculate the ratio of the metal mass to the total mass (M_ gas + M_ star). Neither this ratio nor the metal abundance of the ISM (equation 8) depend on the values of Φ or ϵ but they do depend on the values of R, y and Λ. The first two of these depend on the choice of the IMF. §.§ A Bespoke SMG Model The instantaneous recycling assumption may be particularly poor for SMGs because of their very short gas-depletion and dynamical times <cit.>. We have therefore also used a chemical evolution model we developed for the z=4.24 submillimetre galaxy ID141, which does not include this assumption and which incorporates the lifetimes of the stars that make the metals <cit.>. We refer the reader to our earlier paper for more details of the model but, in brief, the galaxy starts as a cloud of gas with no heavy elements, with the gas then being converted into stars using an assumed IMF and star-formation history. Outflows of gas and metals are based on prescriptions of feedback from stars and active galactic nuclei, and the model includes inflows via accretion from the cosmic web. Stars eject gas, metals and dust in each generation based on prescriptions for the stellar yield of low-mass <cit.> and high-mass stars <cit.> and for the remnant mass function <cit.>. §.§ Results We have considered four different forms for the IMF. The first two are the commonly used Chabrier and Salpeter IMFs. The other two are top-heavy IMFs in which there is a higher proportion of high-mass stars. One of these was proposed to explain the dynamics of low-redshift elliptical galaxies <cit.>, the other to explain the observations of isotopologues of carbon monoxide in four SMGs <cit.>. We have estimated the values of the return fraction, R, and the yield, y, for each IMF from a compendium of stellar yields <cit.>. The values are listed in Table <ref>. The prediction of both models for the ratio of metal mass to total mass (gas plus stars) versus time are shown in Figure <ref> and the predictions for metal abundance versus time in Figure <ref>. Time is plotted in units of the equilibrium time, a key parameter of the gas-regulation model, along the top of each figure. To give an impression of the timescales, we have calculated the value of τ_ eq in years using a Chabrier IMF and the properties of the galaxy ID141 <cit.>, and then plotted time in the usual units along the bottom of the figures, although strictly this is only correct for one galaxy and one form of the IMF. We stopped the model based on ID141 <cit.> when it reached a stellar mass of 5 × 10^11 M_⊙ when we assume an outflow clears the galaxy of its ISM <cit.>. The left panel in each figure shows the predictions for the standard Chabrier and Salpter IMFs and the right panels show the predictions for the top-heavy IMFs. In Figure <ref>, we have plotted our estimates for the SMGs of the ratio of metal mass to total mass, which we assume is given by the dynamical mass. In Figure <ref>, we have plotted our estimates of the lower limits on the metal abundance. Since the ages of the galaxies are unknown, we have plotted our estimates in both figures at arbitrary points along the time axis. Figure <ref> shows that the predictions of both models are very similar, with the only difference being, as expected, that the ratio of metal mass to total mass peaks later for the model that includes a delay from stellar lifetimes. Nevertheless, even in this model, the peak is reached very early, only ≃2 × 10^8 years after the galaxy begins to form, much less than the time since the big bang at these redshifts. The left-hand panel of Figure <ref> shows that the predictions for the two standard forms of the IMF are too low compared with our estimates for the SMGs. The left-hand panel of Figure <ref> shows that while it is possible to reproduce the observed metal abundance for a standard IMF and a closed-box model, this model seems unlikely given the evidence for outflows from star-forming galaxies in the high-redshift universe <cit.>. The right-hand panels in both figures show that with a top-heavy IMF the predictions agree better with the observations. We note that although we don't know the ages of these galaxies, it seems likely that we are seeing them at an epoch at which the dust mass, and therefore the mass of metals in the ISM, was at close to its maximum value, simply because of the strong selection bias towards high dust masses for galaxies discovered in a submillimetre survey. The curves in both figures for both sets of models are sensitive to the choice of input yields and the chosen remnant mass function (which in turn affects the return fraction R). Different stellar yield tables <cit.>, for example, can reduce the yield, y, and hence the metal abundance, Z_ gas, by 20-30 per cent for the Cappellari IMF <cit.>. This is not enough to affect the conclusions above. §.§ The Metals in the Intracluster Gas Our analysis shows that the SMGs contain very large masses of metals. There is plenty of evidence for massive outflows of gas from high-redshift star-forming galaxies <cit.>. In this section, we will investigate whether the metal production in the SMGs might be a significant source of the metals in the intergalactic medium today. As a test case, we will consider the long-standing conundrum that ≃75 per cent of the metals in rich clusters of galaxies is in the intergalactic gas rather than in the galaxies themselves <cit.>, which previous models have not been able to explain <cit.>. The strong gravitational fields of clusters mean that any metals produced in a cluster should have stayed in the cluster. The clusters are dominated by early-type galaxies and the most likely ancestors of these galaxies are the SMGs (1), and it therefore seems likely that the metals produced in the SMGs must have contributed at least in part to the metals found in the intracluster gas. We use the gas-regulation model to estimate how big a part this might have been. We follow on from the exposition of the gas-regulation model in 5.1. On the assumption that the metal abundance in the outflowing gas is the same as in the ISM in the galaxy, the mass of metals ejected into intergalactic space is given by: M_ ejected metals = ∫^t_ final_0 Z_ gasΛ SFR dt in which SFR is the star-formation rate, which is given by: SFR = Φ/1 - R + Λ (1 - e^-t/τ_ eq) The predicted mass of metals that is incorporated in the stars within a galaxy is given by: M_ metals, stars = (1-R) ∫^t_ final_0 Z_ gas SFR dt The predicted metal abundance of the stars is then given by: Z_ stars = ∫^t_ final_0 Z_ gas SFR dt/∫^t_ final_0 SFR dt In Figure <ref>, we have plotted on the y-axis the prediction of the model for the ratio of the mass of metals carried away in the outflow to the mass of the metals that is incorporated in the galaxy’s stars. The x-axis shows the model’s prediction for the final metal abundance of the stars (mass of metals divided by mass of stars). The former is given by the ratio of equations (10) and (12), the latter by equation (13). The former is independent of t_ final and the latter is only weakly dependent on it - we have set its value to 20 τ_ eq. There is evidence that the average value of Λ for the population of high-redshift star-forming galaxies lies between 1 and 2 <cit.>. We have plotted the predictions of the model for outflows with these values and for the four forms of the IMF. Also plotted in Figure <ref> are the rough observational targets for the model. The horizontal blue band shows the observed range of the metal ratio (mass of metals in cluster gas divided by mass of metals in the cluster galaxies) for present-day rich clusters <cit.>. The two vertical lines show solar metal abundance <cit.> and a metal abundance of twice solar, typical of the most massive galaxies in the universe today <cit.>. All the models predicts values that are roughly in the target area, which, given their simplicity, shows that outflows of metals from SMGs are at least a plausible source for the metals in the intracluster gas in present-day rich clusters. § DISCUSSION §.§ The Observational Results We have two main observational results: (1) the mass of metals in an SMG is very high, as large as the entire metal content of a massive low-redshift early-type galaxy; (2) the metal abundance is also very high, often well over the solar value. In this section, we will discuss the limitations of these results. In the following section we will discuss their implications for galaxy evolution. The first result seems robust. It is based on the estimates of the calibration factors of <cit.>, who made the first attempt to estimate all three calibration factors in a self-consistent procedure. Nevertheless, the values we have used are actually quite similar to the other recent estimates in the literature (3.4). The comparison betweent the ISM mass estimates and dynamical mass estimates in Figure <ref> implies that the true calibration factors for the SMGs must be lower than these values, but as long as this decrease is caused by an increase in the metal abundance rather than differences in the ISM that reduce all three calibration factors by a similar factor, our estimates of the metal mass are unaffected (4.3). Since the calibration factors all depend on such different aspects of the physics and chemistry of the ISM, the latter explanation seems unlikely, but it is not impossible. There are two causes for concern over the second result. The first is that it does rely on the dynamical masses being correct. We have made our own estimates of the dyanamical masses from the published rotation curves, obtaining similar values to the ones in the literature, but both sets of masses are based on the assumption that the gas in these galaxies is distributed in a cold rotating disk. The velocity profiles for these galaxies do look remarkably like the rotation curves of present-day disk galaxies (see, for example, the beautiful velocity profile of SDP81 in <cit.>), but it is possible that there may be an alternative explanation of these very disk-like velocity profiles. A more immediate concern is that for the most of the CO and   observations, we cannot be sure that the emission is from within the region traced by the dynamical analysis. There have been some recent claimed detections of molecular gas in the halos around high-redshift AGN <cit.>. If some of the CO or   emission is coming from halos around the SMGs, the conflicts between the ISM and dyanamical masses would be less and the limits on the metal abundance weaker. To estimate the possible size of this effect, we can use the results of <cit.>, who used a stacking analysis to search for extended emission in the   2-1 line around extremely red quasars. They estimated average molecular masses of 10^10.8±0.14 M_⊙ and 10^10.2±0.16 M_⊙ for the galaxy and halo components, respectively. If these proportions applied to the galaxies in our sample, our limits on the metal abundance of the SMGs would be lower by ≃20%, which would still require very high values of the metal abundance. It would leave unaffected our estimates of the total mass of metals, although the metals would be distributed over a larger region. An obvious way to test whether the emission from the CO and   is confined within the region traced by the dynamical analysis would be future high-resolution observations with the JVLA in the low-J CO lines and with ALMA in the   1-0 line. Our lower limits for the metal abundance in these galaxies are much higher than almost all the estimates of the metal abundance in high-redshift galaxies so far made with the JWST <cit.>. By good fortune, though, one of the galaxies in our sample already has a measurement of the metal abundance with the JWST: SPT 0418-47 <cit.>. Using two of the standard methods from optical spectroscopy (N2 and S23), these authors estimated a metal abundance of Z ∼ 1.6 Z_⊙. Our lower limit for this galaxy is Z > 0.58 Z_⊙, and so for this galaxy at least the two methods give consistent results. §.§ Implications for Galaxy Evolution We have shown that it is possible to reproduce the high values of the metal abundance in the SMGs with chemical evolution models (5). In these models, the mass of metals in the ISM of an SMG is at its highest only ∼ 2×10^8 years after the galaxy begins to form, much less than the age of the universe at these redshifts. The values for the ratio of metal mass to total mass (Figure <ref>) and of the metal abundance (Figure <ref>) can be be reproduced by the models as long as the IMF has a higher fraction of high-mass metal-producing stars than in the Galaxy. Our conclusion that the IMF in the SMGs is `top-heavy' is supported by observations of isotopologues of CO in four SMGs, which can also only be explained by a top-heavy IMF <cit.>. We have also used these models to show that the metals in outflows from the SMGs provide a plausible explanation of why such a large fraction of the metals in present-day clusters is found in the intracluster gas (5.4). Figure <ref> shows that this conclusion does not require a top-heavy IMF, since even models with standard IMFs do well at reproducing the proportions of the metals in the galaxies and the gas - the success of the models is due to the large metal masses and vigorous outflows of SMGs rather than the high values of the metal abundance, which is the observational result that requires a top-heavy IMF. Our model is, of course, a very simple model, which we have applied to SMGs with some of the highest star-formation rates known, which are likely to be the ancestors of only the most massive early-type galaxies in clusters. Present-day clusters contain galaxies with a wide range of stellar mass. A conclusive demonstration that the metals in galactic outflows are the source of the metals in the intracluster gas would require the model to include galaxies covering the whole mass range, incorporating the relationship between metal abundance and stellar mass, about which we know quite a lot (1), and the relationship between outflow rate and stellar mass, about which we as yet know little <cit.>. Our estimates of the metal abundance in the SMGs are surprisingly large, often even larger than the values of the metal abundance of the galaxies that are likely to be their descendants. Their descendants in the universe today are likely to be the massive early-type galaxies (1), which reach a metal abundance of about twice the solar value <cit.>. The immediate descendants of SMGs at z ∼ 4 seem likely to be the population of quiescent galaxies at z ∼ 3 <cit.>. There is only one galaxy in this population for which there is a measurement of the metal abundance, which is ∼ 1.8 Z_⊙ <cit.>. In the case of both populations, the values of the metal abundance for the SMGs are often higher than the values for their putative descendants. Is there a way that the subsequent evolution of the SMG might have reduced its initial metal abundance? The evolutionary route from an SMG, a galaxy with a small physical size but with a huge star-formation rate, to a massive early-type galaxy in the universe today, a galaxy with a large physical size but a low star-formation rate, is still very uncertain <cit.>. We speculate that it is the sequence of mergers that seems likely to have occurred since the SMG epoch - the obvious way of pumping up the physical size of the galaxy - which might have reduced the initial metal abundance. The ages of the stellar populations of present-day early-type galaxies imply that most of the star formation in one of these galaxies must have happened in the SMG epoch, with relatively few stars (and thus small amounts of metals) having been formed in the subsequent evolution of the galaxy <cit.>. It therefore seems likely that most of the mergers that occurred after the SMG epoch would have been dry mergers, because otherwise there would have been new bursts of star formation. The masses of the SMGs in Table 4 are only a few times lower than the masses of the most massive early-type galaxies today, so it seems likely that most of the mergers would have been minor mergers in which the galaxy that was the direct descendant of the SMG was the largest partner, because otherwise the galaxy would have grown too large by the present day. Given the strong relationship between metal abundance and stellar mass seen at all epochs (1), it therefore seems likely that each merger would have reduced the metal abundance of the SMG-descended galaxy. § CONCLUSIONS We have measured the mass of metals in 13 submillimetre galaxies (SMGs) at z ∼ 4 in which the gas, based on previous observations, lies in a cold rotating disk. We measured the metal masses using observations of CO in either the J=1-0 or J=2-1 lines, observations of atomic carbon in the   1-0 lines and continuum observations of dust. We used the values of the calibration factors for these tracers obtained by the first attempt to calibrate all three tracers simultaneously <cit.>. For 10 of the 13 galaxies there are observations of at least two tracers and for 7 galaxies there are observations of all three. Our method is independent of the metal abundance in the SMGs, in contrast to the method in which the tracer is used to estimate the total mass of the ISM. We obtained the following results: * We obtained very similar mass estimates for the different tracers. Our estimates of the mass of metals in the SMGs are similar to the entire metal content of a massive early-type galaxy at the present day. * There is a well known paradox that when the mass of the ISM in an SMG is estimated from CO observations it is often often higher than the dynamical mass. We show that the same is true when the mass of the ISM is estimated from   1-0 or from dust continuum observations. We argue that the most likely explanation is that the metal abundance in SMGs is higher than in the Galaxy. The alternative explanation is that the ISM in an SMG is different in its chemistry, physics or structure from the ISM in the Galaxy in just such a way that the calibration factors for all three tracers are reduced by a similar factor, which is possible but seems unlikely. * On the assumption that our explanation of this paradox is the correct one, we used the dynamical masses of the galaxies to set an upper limit on the mass of the ISM in each galaxy, allowing us to set a lower limit on the metal abundance. We found lower limits on Z/Z_⊙ of between 0.9 and 12.9. The caveat to this result is that we cannot be sure that for most of the galaxies the CO and   emission is confined to the region of the dynamical analysis. Our lower limits on the metal abundance are much higher than virtually all the recent measurements of the metal abundance in high-redshift galaxies from JWST observations, although for the one galaxy in our sample for which there is a JWST measurement, the JWST measurement gives a super-solar metal abundance that is consistent with our lower limit. * We have used chemical evolution models to investigate the cause of the high metal masses and abundances. We show that these are what is expected shortly after the formation of a galaxy if the stellar IMF is top-heavy with a higher fraction of high-mass metal-producing stars than in the Galaxy. * We use these models to show that the metals in the outflows from these galaxies can explain quantitatively the long-standing conundrum that ≃75 per cent of the metals in present-day rich clusters are in the intracluster gas rather than in the galaxies. * Our estimates of the metal abundance in the SMGs are higher than the values of the metal abundance in the galaxy populations that are their probable descendants. We speculate that the explanation is the gradual dilution of the metal content by a sequence of dry mergers after the SMG epoch. § ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Tim Davis for comments on an early version of this manuscript. Stephen Eales and Matthew Smith thank the Science and Technology Facilities Council for support (consolidated grant ST/K000926/1). § DATA AVAILABILITY The ALMA data referenced in Table <ref> is in the ALMA archive. All the other observational data is in published papers. mnras § APPENDIX A: CORRECTION FOR THE EFFECT OF ASYMMETRIC DRIFT We have made a correction to the dynamical masses for the effect of stellar pressure (asymmetric drift) for the six galaxies for which this correction was not made in the original analysis in the literature, using the formalism given in Appendix A of <cit.>. The gravitational potential is given by: GM(<r)/r = v_ rot^2 + ησ^2(r/r_d) in which v_ rot is the rotational velocity, σ is the velocity dispersion, r_d is the scale length of the disk, and η is a numerical constant of order unity. The value of η depends on the model assumed for the disk <cit.>. We have assumed a value of 1 appropriate for a disk in which the disk thickness and velocity dispersion have no radial dependence. The fractional correction to the masses for asymmetric drift is given by the ratio of the second to the first term on the righthand side of the equation. We have estimated this from the data in the original papers, and our estimates are listed in Table <ref>. For all but two galaxies the correction is ≤10 per cent. We have used these estimates to correct the masses for asymmetric drift for the seven galaxies in the sample for which this effect was not included in the original analysis.
Backdoor Defense via Deconfounded Representation Learning
[ "Zaixi Zhang", "Qi Liu", "Zhicai Wang", "Zepu Lu", "Qingyong Hu" ]
[ "cs.AI", "cs.CR", "cs.LG" ]
Backdoor Defense via Deconfounded Representation Learning Zaixi Zhang^1,2, Qi Liu^1,2Qi Liu is the corresponding author., Zhicai Wang^4, Zepu Lu^4, Qingyong Hu^3 1: Anhui Province Key Lab of Big Data Analysis and Application, School of Computer Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China 2:State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Intelligence, Hefei, Anhui, China 3:Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 4: University of Science and Technology of China zaixi@mail.ustc.edu.cn, qiliuql@ustc.edu.cn {wangzhic, zplu}@mail.ustc.edu.cn, qhuag@cse.ust.hk ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== Deep neural networks (DNNs) are recently shown to be vulnerable to backdoor attacks, where attackers embed hidden backdoors in the DNN model by injecting a few poisoned examples into the training dataset. While extensive efforts have been made to detect and remove backdoors from backdoored DNNs, it is still not clear whether a backdoor-free clean model can be directly obtained from poisoned datasets. In this paper, we first construct a causal graph to model the generation process of poisoned data and find that the backdoor attack acts as the confounder, which brings spurious associations between the input images and target labels, making the model predictions less reliable. Inspired by the causal understanding, we propose the Causality-inspired Backdoor Defense (CBD), to learn deconfounded representations for reliable classification. Specifically, a backdoored model is intentionally trained to capture the confounding effects. The other clean model dedicates to capturing the desired causal effects by minimizing the mutual information with the confounding representations from the backdoored model and employing a sample-wise re-weighting scheme. Extensive experiments on multiple benchmark datasets against 6 state-of-the-art attacks verify that our proposed defense method is effective in reducing backdoor threats while maintaining high accuracy in predicting benign samples. Further analysis shows that CBD can also resist potential adaptive attacks. The code is available at <https://github.com/zaixizhang/CBD>. § INTRODUCTION Recent studies have revealed that deep neural networks (DNNs) are vulnerable to backdoor attacks <cit.>, where attackers inject stealthy backdoors into DNNs by poisoning a few training data. Specifically, backdoor attackers attach the backdoor trigger (i.e., a particular pattern) to some benign training data and change their labels to the attacker-designated target label. The correlations between the trigger pattern and target label will be learned by DNNs during training. In the inference process, the backdoored model behaves normally on benign data while its prediction will be maliciously altered when the backdoor is activated. The risk of backdoor attacks hinders the applications of DNNs to some safety-critical areas such as automatic driving <cit.> and healthcare systems <cit.>. On the contrary, human cognitive systems are known to be immune to input perturbations such as stealthy trigger patterns induced by backdoor attacks <cit.>. This is because humans are more sensitive to causal relations than the statistical associations of nuisance factors <cit.>. In contrast, deep learning models that are trained to fit the poisoned datasets can hardly distinguish the causal relations and the statistical associations brought by backdoor attacks. Based on causal reasoning, we can identify causal relation <cit.> and build robust deep learning models <cit.>. Therefore, it is essential to leverage causal reasoning to analyze and mitigate the threats of backdoor attacks. In this paper, we focus on the image classification tasks and aim to train backdoor-free models on poisoned datasets without extra clean data. We first construct a causal graph to model the generation process of backdoor data where nuisance factors (i.e., backdoor trigger patterns) are considered. With the assistance of the causal graph, we find that the backdoor attack acts as the confounder and opens a spurious path between the input image and the predicted label (Figure <ref>). If DNNs have learned the correlation of such a spurious path, their predictions will be changed to the target labels when the trigger is attached. Motivated by our causal insight, we propose Causality-inspired Backdoor Defense (CBD) to learn deconfounded representations for classification. As the backdoor attack is stealthy and hardly measurable, we cannot directly block the backdoor path by the backdoor adjustment from causal inference <cit.>. Inspired by recent advances in disentangled representation learning <cit.>, we instead aim to learn deconfounded representations that only preserve the causality-related information. Specifically in CBD, two DNNs are trained, which focus on the spurious correlations and the causal effects respectively. The first DNN is designed to intentionally capture the backdoor correlations with an early stop strategy. The other clean model is then trained to be independent of the first model in the hidden space by minimizing mutual information. The information bottleneck strategy and sample-wise re-weighting scheme are also employed to help the clean model capture the causal effects while relinquishing the confounding factors. After training, only the clean model is used for downstream classification tasks. In summary, our contributions are: * From a causal perspective, we find the backdoor attack acts as the confounder that causes spurious correlations between the input images and the target label. * With the causal insight, we propose a Causality-inspired Backdoor Defense (CBD), which learns deconfounded representations to mitigate the threat of poisoning-based backdoor attacks. * Extensive experiments with 6 representative backdoor attacks are conducted. The models trained using CBD are of almost the same clean accuracy as they were directly trained on clean data and the average backdoor attack success rates are reduced to around 1%, which verifies the effectiveness of CBD. * We explore one potential adaptive attack against CBD, which tries to make the backdoor attack stealthier by adversarial training. Experiments show that CBD is robust and resistant to such an adaptive attack. § RELATED WORK §.§ Backdoor Attacks Backdoor attacks are emerging security threats to deep neural network classifiers. In this paper, we focus on the poisoning-based backdoor attacks, where the attacker can only inject poisoned examples into the training set while cannot modify other training components (e.g., training loss). Note that backdoor attacks could occur in other tasks (e.g., visual object tracking <cit.>, graph classification <cit.>, federated learning <cit.>, and multi-modal contrastive learning <cit.>). The attacker may also have extra capabilities such as modifying the training process <cit.>. However, these situations are out of the scope of this paper. Based on the property of target labels, existing backdoor attacks can be divided into two main categories: dirty-label attacks  <cit.> and clean-label attacks <cit.>. Dirty-label attack is the most common backdoor attack paradigm, where the poisoned samples are generated by stamping the backdoor trigger onto the original images and altering the labels to the target label. BadNets <cit.> firstly employed a black-white checkerboard as the trigger pattern. Furthermore, more complex and stealthier trigger patterns are proposed such as blending backgrounds <cit.>, natural reflections <cit.>, invisible noise <cit.> and sample-wise dynamic patterns <cit.>. On the other hand, Clean-label backdoor attacks are arguably stealthier as they do not change the labels. For example, Turner et al. <cit.> leveraged deep generative models to modify benign images from the target class. §.§ Backdoor Defenses Based on the target and the working stage, existing defenses can be divided into the following categories: (1) Detection based defenses aim to detect anomalies in input data <cit.> or whether a given model is backdoored <cit.>. For instance, Du et al. <cit.> applies differential privacy to improve the utility of backdoor detection. (2) Model reconstruction based defenses aim to remove backdoors from a given poisoned model. For example, Mode Connectivity Repair (MCR) <cit.> mitigates the backdoors by selecting a robust model in the path of loss landscape, while Neural Attention Distillation (NAD) <cit.> leverages attention distillation to remove triggers. (3) Poison suppression based defenses <cit.> reduce the effectiveness of poisoned examples at the training stage and try to learn a clean model from a poisoned dataset. For instance, Decoupling-based backdoor defense (DBD) <cit.> decouples the training of DNN backbone and fully-connected layers to reduce the correlation between triggers and target labels. Anti-Backdoor Learning (ABL) <cit.> uses gradient ascent to unlearn the backdoored model with the isolated backdoor data. In this paper, our proposed CBD is most related to the Poison suppression based defenses. Our goal is to train clean models directly on poisoned datasets without access to clean datasets or further altering the trained model. Different with ABL <cit.>, CBD directly trains clean models on poisoned datasets without further finetuning the trained model (unlearning backdoor). In contrast with DBD, CBD does not require additional self-supervised pretraining stages and is much more efficient. In Sec. <ref>, extensive experimental results clearly show the advantages of CBD. §.§ Causal Inference Causal inference has a long history in statistical research <cit.>. The objective of causal inference is to analyze the causal effects among variables and mitigate spurious correlations. Recently, causal inference has also shown promising results in various areas of machine learning <cit.>. However, to date, causal inference has not been incorporated into the analysis and defense of backdoor attacks. § PRELIMINARIES §.§ Problem Formulation In this section, we first formulate the problem of poison suppression based defense, then provide a causal view on backdoor attacks and introduce our proposed Causality-inspired Backdoor Defense. Here, we focus on image classification tasks with deep neural networks. Threat Model. We follow the attack settings in previous works <cit.>. Specifically, we assume a set of backdoor examples has been pre-generated by the attacker and has been successfully injected into the training dataset. We also assume the defender has complete control over the training process but is ignorant of the distribution or the proportion of the backdoor examples in a given dataset. The defender’s goal is to train a backdoor-free model on the poisoned dataset, which is as good as models trained on purely clean data. Robust learning strategies developed under such a threat model could benefit research institutes, companies, or government agencies that have the computational resources to train their models but rely on outsourced training data. §.§ A Causal View on Backdoor Attacks Humans' ability to perform causal reasoning is arguably one of the most important characteristics that distinguish human learning from deep learning <cit.>. The superiority of causal reasoning endows humans with the ability to recognize causal relationships while ignoring non-essential factors in tasks. On the contrary, DNNs usually fail to distinguish causal relations and statistical associations and tend to learn “easier" correlations than the desired knowledge <cit.>. Such a shortcut solution could lead to overfitting to nuisance factors (e.g., trigger patterns), which would further result in the vulnerability to backdoor attacks. Therefore, here we leverage causal inference to analyze DNN model training and mitigate the risks of backdoor injection. We first construct a causal graph as causal graphs are the keys to formalize causal inference. One approach is to use causal structure learning to infer causal graphs <cit.>, but it is challenging to apply this kind of approach to high-dimensional data like images. Here, following previous works <cit.>, we leverage domain knowledge (Figure <ref> (a)) to construct a causal graph 𝒢 (Figure <ref> (b)) to model the generation process of poisoned data. In the causal graph, we denote the abstract data variables by the nodes (X as the input image, Y as the label, and B as the backdoor attack), and the directed links represent their relationships. As shown in Figure <ref>(b), besides the causal effect of X on Y (X → Y), the backdoor attacker can attach trigger patterns to images (B → X) and change the labels to the targeted label (B → Y). Therefore, as a confounder between X and Y, backdoor attack B opens the spurious path X ← B → Y (let B=1 denotes the images are poisoned and B=0 denotes the images are clean). By “spurious”, we mean that the path lies outside the direct causal path from X to Y, making X and Y spuriously correlated and yielding an erroneous effect when the trigger is activated. DNNs can hardly distinguish between the spurious correlations and causative relations <cit.>. Hence, directly training DNNs on potentially poisoned dataset incurs the risk of being backdoored. To pursue the causal effect of X on Y, previous works usually perform the backdoor adjustment in the causal intervention <cit.> with do-calculus: P(Y |do(X)) = ∑_B∈{0,1} P(Y|X,B)P(B). However, since the confounder variable B is hardly detectable and measurable in our setting, we can not simply use the backdoor adjustment to block the backdoor path. Instead, since the goal of most deep learning models is to learn accurate embedding representations for downstream tasks <cit.>, we aim to disentangle the confouding effects and causal effects in the hidden space. The following section illustrates our method. § CAUSALITY-INSPIRED BACKDOOR DEFENSE Motivated by our causal insight, we propose the Causality-inspired Backdoor Defense (CBD). In practice, it may be difficult to directly identify the confounding and causal factors of X in the data space. We make an assumption that the confounding and causal factors will be reflected in the hidden representations. Based on the assumption, we illustrate our main idea in Figure <ref>. Generally, two DNNs including f_B and f_C are trained, which focus on the spurious correlations and the causal relations respectively. We take the embedding vectors from the penultimate layers of f_B and f_C as R and Z. Note that R is introduced to avoid confusion with B. Without confusion, we use uppercase letters for variables and lowercase letters for concrete values in this paper. To generate high-quality variable Z that captures the causal relations, we get inspiration from disentangled representation learning <cit.>. In the training phase, f_B is firstly trained on the poisoned dataset to capture spurious correlations of backdoor. The other clean model f_C is then trained to encourage independence in the hidden space i.e., Z ⊥ R with mutual information minimization and sample re-weighting. After training, only f_C is used for downstream classification tasks. In the rest of this section, we provide details on each step of CBD. Training a backdoored model f_B. Firstly, f_B is trained on the poisoned dataset with cross entropy loss to capture the spurious correlations of backdoor. Since the poisoned data still contains causal relations, we intentionally strengthen the confounding bias in f_B with an early stop strategy. Specifically, we train f_B only for several epochs (e.g., 5 epochs) and freeze its parameters in the training of f_C. This is because previous works indicate that backdoor associations are easier to learn than causal relations <cit.>. Experiments in Appendix <ref> also verify that the losses on backdoor examples reach nearly 0 while f_B has not converged on clean samples after 5 epochs. Training a clean model f_C. Inspired by previous works <cit.>, we formulate the training objective of f_C with information bottleneck and mutual information minimization: ℒ_C= minβ I(Z; X)_1- I(Z; Y)_2+I(Z; R)_3, where I(·; ·) denotes the mutual information. Term 1 and 2 constitute the information bottleneck loss <cit.> that encourages the variable Z to capture the core information for label prediction (2) while constraining unrelated information from inputs (1). β is a weight hyper-parameter. Term 3 is a de-confounder penalty term, which describes the dependency degree between the backdoored embedding R and the deconfounded embedding Z. It encourages Z to be independent of R by minimizing mutual information so as to focus on causal effects. However, ℒ_C in Equation <ref> is not directly tractable, especially for the de-confounder penalty term. In practice, we relax Equation <ref> and optimize the upper bound of the term 1&2 and the estimation of the term 3. The details are shown below. Term 1. Based on the definition of mutual information and basics of probability, I(Z; X) can be calculated as: I(Z; X) =∑_x ∑_z p(z,x) logp(z,x)/p(z)p(x) =∑_x ∑_z p(z|x)p(x) logp(z|x)p(x)/p(z)p(x) =∑_x ∑_z p(z|x)p(x) log  p(z|x)-∑_z p(z) log p(z). However, the marginal probability p(z) = ∑_x p(z|x)p(x) is usually difficult to calculate in practice. We use variational approximation to address this issue, i.e., we use a variational distribution q(z) to approximate p(z). According to Gibbs’ inequality <cit.>, we know that the KL divergence is non-negative: D_ KL(p(z)||q(z))≥ 0 ⇒ -∑_z p(z) log p(z)≤ -∑_z p(z) log q(z). By substitute such inequality into Equation <ref>, we can derive an upper bound of I(Z;X): I(Z; X) ≤∑_x p(x)∑_z p(z|x) log  p(z|x)-∑_z p(z) log q(z) =∑_x p(x)∑_z p(z|x) logp(z|x)/q(z) =∑_x p(x)D_ KL(p(z|x)||q(z)). Following previous work <cit.>, we assume that the posterior p(z|x)=𝒩(μ(x), diag{σ^2(x)}) is a gaussian distribution, where μ(x) is the encoded embedding of variable x and diag{σ^2(x)} = {σ_d^2}_d=1^D is the diagonal matrix indicating the variance. On the other hand, the prior q (z) is assumed to be a standard Gaussian distribution, i.e., q(z) = 𝒩(0, I). Finally, we can rewrite the above upper bound as: D_ KL(p(z|x)||q(z))=1/2||μ(x)||_2^2+1/2∑_d(σ_d^2- logσ_d^2 -1). The detailed derivation is shown in Appendix <ref>. For ease of optimization, we fix σ(x) to be an all-zero matrix. Then z = μ(x) becomes a deterministic embedding. The optimization of this upper bound is equivalent to directly applying the l_2-norm regularization on the embedding vector z. Term 2. With the definition of mutual information, we have I (Z;Y) = H (Y)-H (Y|Z), where H(·) and H(·|·) denote the entropy and conditional entropy respectively. Since H (Y) is a positive constant and can be ignored, we have the following inequality, -I(Z;Y)≤ H(Y|Z). In experiments, H(Y|Z) can be calculated and optimized as the cross entropy loss (CE). To further encourage the independence between f_C and f_B, we fix the parameters of f_B and train f_C with the samples-wise weighted cross entropy loss (ℒ_wce). The weight is calculated as: w(x) = CE(f_B(x), y)/CE(f_B(x),y)+CE(f_C(x),y). For samples with large losses on f_B, w(x) are close to 1; while w(x) are close to 0 when the losses are very small. The intuition of the re-weighting scheme is to let f_C focus on “hard" examples for f_B to encourage independence. Term 3. Based on the relationship between mutual information and Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence <cit.>, the term I(Z; R) is equivalent to the KL divergence between the joint distribution p(Z, R) and the product of two marginals p(Z)p(X) as: I(Z; R)=D_ KL(p(Z, R)||p(Z) p(R)). Therefore, to minimize the de-confounder penalty term I(Z;R), we propose to use an adversarial process that minimizes the distance between the joint distribution p(Z,R) and the marginals p(Z) p(R). During the adversarial process, a discriminator D_ϕ is trained to classify the sampled representations drawn from the joint p(Z,R) as the real, i.e., 1 and samples drawn from the marginals p(Z) p(R) as the fake, i.e., 0. The samples from the marginal distribution p(Z) p(R) are obtained by shuffling the individual representations of samples (z,r) in a training batch from p(Z,R). On the other hand, the clean model f_C tries to generate z that look like drawn from p(Z) p(R) when combined with r from f_B. Specifically, we optimize such adversarial objective similar to WGAN <cit.> with spectral normalization <cit.> since it is more stable in the learning process: ℒ_adv = min_θ_C max_ϕ𝔼_p(z,r)[D_ϕ(z,r)] - 𝔼_p(z)p(r)[D_ϕ(z,r)], where θ_C and ϕ denote the parameters of f_C and D_ϕ respectively. To sum up, the training objective for f_C is: ℒ_C = ℒ_wce+ℒ_adv+β||μ(x)||_2^2. The overall objective can then be minimized using SGD. f_B and f_C are trained for T_1 and T_2 epochs respectively. The pseudo algorithm of CBD is shown in Algorithm <ref>. Further Discussions. Admittedly, it is challenging to disentangle causal factors and confounding factors thoroughly. This is because f_B may still capture some causal relations. Moreover, encouraging independence between Z and R may result in loss of predictive information for f_C. However, with the well-designed optimization objectives and training scheme, CBD manages to reduce the confounding effects as much as possible while preserving causal relations. The following section shows the detailed verification. § EXPERIMENTS §.§ Experimental Settings Datasets and DNNs. We evaluate all defenses on three classical benchmark datasets, CIFAR-10 <cit.>, GTSRB <cit.> and an ImageNet subset <cit.>. As for model architectures, we adopt WideResNet (WRN-16-1) <cit.> for CIFAR-10 and GTSRB and ResNet-34 <cit.> for ImageNet subset. Note that our CBD is agnostic to the model architectures. Results with more models are shown in Appendix <ref>. Attack Baselines. We consider 6 representative backdoor attacks. Specifically, we select BadNets <cit.>, Trojan attack <cit.>, Blend attack <cit.>, Sinusoidal signal attack (SIG) <cit.>, Dynamic attack <cit.>, and WaNet <cit.>. BadNets, Trojan attack are patch-based visible dirty-label attacks; Blend is an invisible dirty-label attack; SIG belongs to clean-label attacks; Dynamic and WaNet are dynamic dirty-label attacks. More types of backdoor attacks are explored in Appendix <ref>. The results when there is no attack and the dataset is completely clean is shown for reference. Defense Baselines. We compare our CBD with 5 state-of-the-art defense methods: Fine-pruning (FP) <cit.>, Mode Connectivity Repair (MCR) <cit.>, Neural Attention Distillation (NAD) <cit.>, Anti-Backdoor Learning (ABL) <cit.>, and Decoupling-based backdoor defense (DBD) <cit.>. We also provide results of DNNs trained without any defense methods i.e., No Defense. Attack Setups. We trained DNNs on poisoned datasets for 100 epochs using Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) with an initial learning rate of 0.1 on CIFAR-10 and the ImageNet subset (0.01 on GTSRB), a weight decay of 0.0001, and a momentum of 0.9. The target labels of backdoor attacks are set to 0 for CIFAR-10 and ImageNet, and 1 for GTSRB. The default poisoning rate is set to 10%. Defense Setups. For FP, MCR, NAD, ABL, and DBD, we follow the settings specified in their original papers, including the available clean data. Three data augmentation techniques suggested in <cit.> including random crop, horizontal flipping, and cutout, are applied for all defense methods. The hyper-parameter T_1 and β are searched in {3,5,8} and {1e^-5, 1e^-4, 1e^-3} respectively. Following the suggestion of the previous work <cit.>, we choose hyperparameters with 5-fold cross-validation on the training set according to the average classification accuracy on hold-out sets. T_2 is set to 100 in the default setting. All experiments were run one NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPU. More details of settings are shown in Appendix <ref>. Metrics. We adopt two commonly used performance metrics for the evaluation all methods: attack success rate (ASR) and clean accuracy (CA). Let 𝒟_test denotes the benign testing set and f indicates the trained classifier, we have ASR≜_(x,y) ∈𝒟_test{f(B(x))=y_t|y ≠ y_t} and CA≜_(x,y) ∈𝒟_test{f(x)=y}, where y_t is the target label and B(·) is the adversarial generator to add triggers into images. Overall, the lower the ASR and the higher the BA, the better the defense. §.§ Effectiveness of CBD Comparison to Existing Defenses. Table <ref> demonstrates the proposed CBD method on CIFAR-10, GTSRB, and ImageNet Subset. We consider 6 representative backdoor attacks and compare the performance of CBD with four other backdoor defense techniques. We omit some attacks on ImageNet dataset due to a failure of reproduction following their original papers. We can observe that CBD achieves the lowest average ASR across all three datasets. Specifically, the average ASRs are reduced to around 1% (1.60% for CIFAR-10, 1.82% for GTSRB, and 0.91% for ImageNet). On the other hand, the CAs of CBD are maintained and are close to training DNNs on clean datasets without attacks. We argue that baseline methods which try to fine-prune or unlearn backdoors of backdoored models are sub-optimal and less efficient. For example, the ABL tries to unlearn backdoor after model being backdoored; DBD requires additional a self-supervised pre-training stage, which introduces around 4 times overhead <cit.>. On the contrary, CBD directly trains a backdoor-free model, which achieves high clean accuracy while keeping efficiency. When comparing the performance of CBD against different backdoor attacks, we find WaNet achieves higher ASR than most attacks consistently (4.24% for CIFAR-10, 3.41% for GTSRB). This may be explained by the fact that WaNet as one of the state-of-the-art backdoor attacks adopts image warping as triggers that are stealthier than patch-based backdoor attacks <cit.>. Hence, the spurious correlations between backdoor triggers and the target label are more difficult to capture for f_B. Then in the second step, f_C struggles to distinguish the causal and confounding effects. We also notice that CBD is not the best when defending SIG on GTSRB and ImageNet Subset. We guess the reason is similar to WaNet discussed above. SIG produces poisoned samples by mingling trigger patterns with the background. Moreover, SIG belongs to clean-label attacks, which are stealthier than dirty-label attacks <cit.>. This is one limitation of our CBD to be improved in the future. Effectiveness with Different Poisoning Rate. In Table <ref>, we demonstrate that our CBD is robust and can achieve satisfactory defense performance with a poisoning rate ranging from 1% to 50%. Note that the results when poisoning rate equals 0% have been shown in Table <ref> (None). Here, we did experiments on CIFAR-10 against 4 attacks including BadNets, Trojan, Blend, and WaNet. Generally, with a higher poisoning rate, CBD has lower CA and higher ASR. We can find that even with a poisoning rate of up to 50%, our CBD method can still reduce the ASR from 100% to 1.47%, 2.31%, 8.14%, and 8.75% for BadNets, Trojan, Blend, and WaNet, respectively. Moreover, CBD helps backdoored DNNs recover clean accuracies. For instance, the CA of CBD for Blend and WaNet improves from 69.67% and 67.25% to 85.56% and 70.43% respectively at 50% poisoning rate. Visualization of the Hidden Space. In Figure <ref>, we show the t-SNE <cit.> visualizations of the embeddings to give more insights of our proposed method. We conduct the BadNets attack on CIFAR-10. First, in Figure <ref> (a)&(b), we show the embeddings of r and z when CBD is just initialized and when the training of CBD is completed. We observe that there is a clear separation between the confounding component r and the causal component z after training. Moreover, in Figure <ref> (c)&(d), we use t-SNE separately on r and z and mark samples with different labels with different colors. Interestingly, we find the embeddings of the poisoned samples form clusters in r, which indicates that the spurious correlation between backdoor trigger and the target label has been learned. In contrast, poisoned samples lie closely to samples with their ground-truth label in deconfounded embeddings z, which demonstrates CBD can effectively defend backdoor attacks. Computational Complexity. Compared with the vanilla SGD to train a DNN model, CBD only requires additionally training a backdoored model f_B for a few epochs (e.g., 5 epochs) and a discriminator D_ϕ, which introduces minimal extra overhead. Here, we report the training time cost of CBD on CIFAR-10 and the ImageNet subset in Table <ref>. We also report the time costs of training vanilla DNNs for reference. The extra computational cost is around 10%-20% of the standard training time on CIFAR-10 and the ImageNet subset. This again shows the advantages of our method. §.§ Resistance to Potential Adaptive Attacks While not our initial intention, our work may be used to help develop more advanced backdoor attacks. Here, we tentatively discuss the potential adaptive attacks on CBD. Typically, backdoor attacks are designed to be injected successfully in a few epochs even only a small portion of data is poisoned (e.g., less than 1%). Hence, the confounding bias of backdoor can be well captured by f_B and R. The intuition of our adaptive attack strategy is to slow the injection process of backdoor attacks (i.e., increasing the corresponding training losses) by adding optimized noise into the poisoned examples, similar to recent works on adversarial training <cit.> and unlearnable examples <cit.>. If the confounding effects is not captured in the first step, then our CBD becomes ineffective. Assumptions on Attacker's Capability. We assume that attackers have the entire benign dataset. The attackers may have the knowledge of the DNN architecture but cannot interfere with the training process. Moreover, the attackers cannot further modify their poisoned data once the poisoned examples are injected into the training dataset. Problem Formulation. We formulate the adaptive attack as a min-max optimization problem. Let 𝒟'={(x_i, y_i)}_i=1^N' indicates the poisoned images by backdoor attacks, 𝒟={(x_i, y_i)}_i=1^N denotes the benign images, and δ_i is the added noise to be optimized. Given an DNN model f_θ with parameters θ, the adaptive attack aims to optimize δ_i by maximizing the losses of poisoned examples while minimizing the average cross entropy losses of all the samples, i.e., min_θ[∑_x ∈𝒟ℒ(f_θ(x),y)+∑_x ∈𝒟'max_δ_iℒ(f_θ(x+δ_i),y)], where the noise δ_i is bounded by δ_i_p ≤ϵ with ·_p denoting the L_p norm, and ϵ is set to be small such that the poisoned samples cannot be filtered by visual inspection. After optimization, the poisoned examples attached with the optimized noises δ_i are injected to the training dataset. We adopt the first-order optimization method PGD <cit.> to solve the constrained inner maximization problem: x_t+1 = Π_ϵ(x_t + α·∇_xℒ(f_θ(x_t), y)), where t is the current perturbation step (M steps in total), ∇_xℒ(f_θ(x_t), y) is the gradient of the loss with respect to the input, Π_ϵ is a projection function that clips the noise back to the ϵ-ball around the original example x when it goes beyond, and α is the step size. Pseudo codes of the adaptive attack are shown in Appendix <ref>. Experimental Settings. We adopt the CIFAR-10 dataset and WRN-16-1 to conduct the experiments. According to previous studies in adversarial attacks, small L_∞-bounded noise within δ_∞ 8/255 on images are unnoticeable to human observers. Therefore, we consider the same constraint in our experiments. We use the SGD to solve the above optimization problem for 10 epochs with the step size α of 0.002 and M = 5 perturbation steps. Results. With BadNets, the adaptive attack works well when there is no defense (CA=84.55%, ASR=99.62%). However, this attack still fails to attack our CBD (CA=84.19%, ASR=4.31%). More detailed results are shown in Appendix <ref>. We can conclude that our defense is resistant to this adaptive attack. The most probable reason is that the optimized noise becomes less effective when the model is retrained and the model parameters are randomly initialized. In another word, the optimized perturbations are not transferable. § CONCLUSION Inspired by the causal perspective, we proposed Causality-inspired Backdoor Defense (CBD) to learn deconfounded representations for reliable classification. Extensive experiments against 6 state-of-the-art backdoor attacks show the effectiveness and robustness of CBD. Further analysis shows that CBD is robust against potential adaptive attacks. Future works include extending CBD to other domains such graph learning <cit.>, federated learning <cit.>, and self-supervised pertaining <cit.>. In summary, our work opens up an interesting research direction to leverage causal inference to analyze and mitigate backdoor attacks in machine learning. § ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was partially supported by a grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61922073). ieee_fullname § MORE EXPERIMENTAL SETTINGS §.§ Datasets and Classifiers The datasets and DNN models used in our experiments are summarized in Table <ref>. §.§ Details of Baseline Implementations We implemented the baselines including FP[https://github.com/kangliucn/Fine-pruning-defense], MCR[https://github.com/IBM/model-sanitization], NAD[https://github.com/bboylyg/NAD] ABL[https://github.com/bboylyg/ABL], and DBD [https://github.com/SCLBD/DBD] with their open-sourced codes. For Fine-pruning (FP), we pruned the last convolutional layer of the model. For model connectivity repair (MCR), we trained the loss curve for 100 epochs using the backdoored model as an endpoint and evaluated the defense performance of the model on the loss curve. As for the Neural Attention Distillation (NAD), we finetuned the backdoored student network for 10 epochs with 5% of clean data. The distillation parameter for CIFAR-10 was set to be identical to the value given in the original paper. We cautiously selected the value of distillation parameter for GTSRB and ImageNet to achieve the best trade-off between ASR and CA. For ABL, we unlearned the backdoored model using the ℒ_GGA loss with 1% isolated backdoor examples and a learning rate of 0.0001. For our DBD, we adopt SimCLR as the self-supervised method and MixMatch as the semi-supervised method. The filtering rate is set to 50% as suggested by the original paper. §.§ Details of CBD Implementations In CBD, f_C is trained on poisoned datasets for 100 epochs using Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) with an initial learning rate of 0.1 on CIFAR-10 and the ImageNet subset (0.01 on GTSRB), a weight decay of 0.0001, and a momentum of 0.9. The learning rate is divided by 10 at the 20th and the 70th epoch. D_ϕ is set as a MLP with 2 layers. The dimensions of the embedding r and z are set as 64. § MORE EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS §.§ Results of Adaptive Attacks The pseudo codes of adaptive attacks against CBD are shown in Algorithm <ref>. The results of adaptive attacks with different kinds of backdoor are shown in Table <ref>. We also show the curves of training losses on clean/backdoor examples in the optimization of added noise along with the vanilla training for reference. In Figure <ref>, we can observe that the training losses of backdoor examples reaches almost zero after several epochs of training (first line) while our adaptive attack strategy managed to increase the losses of backdoor examples in the optimization process (second line). The above observation indicates that the backdoor examples are much easier to learn than clean examples in vanilla training. The adaptive attack can slow the injection of backdoor and try to make the backdoor attack stealthier to bypass CBD. However, our CBD can still defend the adaptive attack successfully (Table <ref>). The reason is most probably that the optimized noise becomes less effective when the model is retrained and the model parameters are randomly initialized. In another word, the optimized noise is not transferable. §.§ Results with Different Model Architectures Note that our CBD is agnostic to the choice of model architectures. In the main text, we report the results with WideResNet-16-1 and ResNet-34. Here, in Table <ref> and <ref>, we show experimental results on CIFAR-10 with WideResNet-40-1 <cit.> and th T2T-ViT <cit.> under poisoning rate 10%. We can observe that CBD can still greatly reduce the attack success rate and keep clean accuracy with different model architectures. §.§ The computational time of other defenses. Table. <ref> shows the total computational time of defense methods against BadNets. As the methods belong to different categories, we count the time to train backdoored models for FP, MCR, and NAD for a fair comparison. Generally, the time cost of CBD is acceptable. § DETAILS OF DERIVATIONS Here we show the details of derivation with respect to Equ. <ref>. Since the p(z|x)= 𝒩(μ(x), diag{σ^2(x)}) and p(x)= 𝒩(0,1) are multivariate Gaussian distributions with independent components, we only need to derive the case with univariate Gaussian distributions. For the univariate case, we have: D_ KL(𝒩(μ, σ^2)||𝒩(0,1)) =∫1/√(2πσ^2) e^-(x-μ)^2/2σ^2( loge^-(x-μ)^2/2σ^2/√(2πσ^2)/e^-x^2/2/√(2π)) dx =∫1/√(2πσ^2) e^-(x-μ)^2/2σ^2 log{1/σ exp{1/2[x^2-(x-μ)^2/σ^2]}} dx =1/2∫1/√(2πσ^2) e^-(x-μ)^2/2σ^2[- logσ^2+x^2-(x-μ)^2/σ^2]dx =1/2 (- logσ^2+μ^2+σ^2-1). The final equation of Equ. <ref> holds because - logσ^2 is a constant; the term x^2 is the second order moment of the Gaussian distribution and equals to μ^2 + σ^2 after integration; the (x-μ)^2 in the third term calculates the variance and equals to σ^2 after integration (-σ^2/σ^2 = -1). For the results of multivariate Gaussian distributions, we have: D_ KL(p(z|x)||q(z)) =D_ KL(𝒩(μ(x), diag{σ^2(x)})||𝒩(0,1)) =1/2∑_d (- logσ_d^2+μ_d^2+σ_d^2-1) = 1/2||μ(x)||_2^2+1/2∑_d(σ_d^2- logσ_d^2 -1). Therefore, Equ. <ref> in the main text has been proved.
A Complete Approach to Determine the $^3$He neutron incoherent scattering length $b_i$
[ "H. Lu", "O. Holderer", "A. Ioffe", "S. Pasini", "P. Pistel", "Z. Salhi", "B. M. Goodson", "W. M. Snow", "E. Babcock" ]
[ "nucl-ex", "physics.atom-ph" ]
Indiana University/CEEM, 2401 Milo B. Sampson Lane, Bloomington, IN 47408, USA Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS) at Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), 85747 Garching, Germany Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS) at Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), 85747 Garching, Germany Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS) at Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), 85747 Garching, Germany Forschungzentrum Jülich GmbH, ZEA-1, 52425 Jülich Germany Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS) at Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), 85747 Garching, Germany School of Chemical and Biomolecular Sciences, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901, USA Indiana University/CEEM, 2401 Milo B. Sampson Lane, Bloomington, IN 47408, USA []e.babcock@fz-juelich.de Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS) at Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), 85747 Garching, Germany We report the first results from a new approach for measuring the ^3He neutron incoherent scattering length b_i. b_i is directly proportional to the difference Δ b=b_+-b_- in the two low-energy s-wave neutron-nucleus scattering amplitudes b_+ and b_-, corresponding to the singlet J=0 and triplet J=1 states of the neutron-^3He interaction, respectively. An accurate measurement of b_i can help distinguish among different models of three-nucleon interactions by comparison to ab initio nuclear theory calculations. The neutron birefringence caused by Δ b results in neutron spin rotation around the nuclear polarization. We measured Δ b using polarized neutron spin rotation and the transmission of neutrons through a ^3He gas target polarized in situ by spin-exchange optical pumping. This brief test measurement, conducted at the FZ-Jülich neutron spin echo spectrometer at the Heinz Maier Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ), yielded Δ b = [-5.27 ± 0.05 (stat.) - 0.05 (syst.)] fm. We argue that this method can be improved in precision to resolve the discrepancies between two prior measurements of b_i which are dependent on the polarized absorption cross section σ_p. Further with absolute ^3He polarization via NMR (in a properly-shaped cell) concurrent with accurate neutron transmission measurements, σ_p can be measured to obtain independent values of b_+ and b_-. A Complete Approach to Determine the ^3He neutron incoherent scattering length b_i E. Babcock March 30, 2023 ================================================================================== Precision measurements of the scattering amplitudes in the n+^3He system provide important tests for ab initio theoretical calculations of the properties of few-nucleon systems. Three-body (3N) interactions among nucleons are now estimated to provide about 5% of the total binding energy of stable nuclei <cit.>. The development of a global model of bound nuclei that can both explain the binding energies of stable nuclei and can also make reliable predictions out to the extremes of nuclear stability is a major long-term goal for nuclear physics, with important scientific applications for astrophysics and for our understanding of the process of formation of the heavy elements <cit.>. Although theoretical models for the possible forms of nuclear three-body forces exist and give a rough estimate for the relative sizes and spin/isospin dependence of three- and higher-body effects compared to two-nucleon forces, more precise experimental data on systems with few nucleons is needed to determine the relative strengths of these forces. The binding energies of ^3H, ^3He, and ^4He are essential data for this purpose in the A=4 system and are measured with high precision. Theoretical calculations of the binding energy of ^4He using the Green's function Monte Carlo technique <cit.> including some using phenomenological three-nucleon interactions <cit.> differ from experiment by 1%. Theoretical analysis also shows that the information on the nuclear three-body force from the binding energy of ^4He is not independent of that from three-body bound systems and is mainly sensitive to the spin-independent component of the nuclear three-body force <cit.>. To better constrain the spin-dependent parts of the nuclear three-body force, data are required on the spin-dependent scattering of three- and four-body systems with precision at the sub-percent level. Existing data on the difference Δ b=b_1-b_0 of the two scattering lengths b_0 and b_1 for the two total angular momentum J=0,1 values of n-^3He are inconsistent. Δ b is proportional to the n-^3He incoherent scattering length b_i. The two best measurements of b_i using neutron spin echo <cit.> and neutron interferometry <cit.> are inconsistent based on the quoted errors, as are the three measurements of the n+^3He coherent scattering length b_c using neutron interferometry <cit.>. Different theoretical calculations of b_1 and b_0 available for comparison at the time employing NN+3N interactions, such as the standard potential models AV18 + UIX, AV18 +UIX + V3 <cit.>, and AV18 + LL2 <cit.>, were also not in agreement. Improved measurements of both b_i and b_c are needed to help resolve the inconsistencies shown in previous work. Improved precision on both b_i and b_c can also help distinguish among different models of few-nucleon interactions. The description of the ^4He continuum just above the n+^3He threshold is challenging for existing theory to treat, and changes to existing 3N force models are proposed as a possible solution to existing discrepancies. Fortunately several new theoretical techniques have been developed to tackle nuclear four and five body systems <cit.> including chiral effective theory <cit.>. Different ab initio calculational methods for nucleon scattering in A=3 systems deliver internally consistent results <cit.>, and the resonating group method (RGM) has been applied in the past to A=4 systems <cit.>. We judge that the prospects for improved theoretical calculations in the n+^3He system are good. In general the total free n-nucleus scattering length is given by a=a'+ia” where a' and a” are real. The imaginary term a” arises from absorption, which is very large for the n-^3He system. For the forward scattering amplitudes measured in this work the bound scattering lengths are observed. The bound scattering length is related to a by b=a(A+1)/A where A is the nucleus to neutron mass ratio. The two s-wave neutron-nucleus scattering amplitudes b_+ and b_-, corresponding to the total nucleus plus neutron angular momentum J=I+1/2 and J=1-1/2 scattering channels from a nucleus of spin I and neutron of spin s, can be expressed as b=b_c+2b_i/√(I(I+1))s·I. The coherent scattering length is thus b_c=(I+1)b_++Ib_-/(2I+1) and the incoherent scattering length is b_i=I√(I+1)(b_+-b_-)/(2I+1), which is directly proportional to Δ b=b_+-b_-. The two values J=0,1 of the total spin for I=1/2 imply b_+≡ b_1 and b_-≡ b_0 for the triplet and singlet scattering lengths, respectively. Δ b can be measured by observing the precession of the neutron spin as neutrons pass through a polarized nuclear target, named “pseudomagnetic precession" <cit.> in the literature. Although this phenomenon was initially described <cit.> in terms of a fictitious “pseudomagnetic field" inside the medium, Δ b originates from neutron-nucleus scattering. The optical theorem <cit.> relates the spin dependence of the neutron optical potentials associated with the scattering amplitudes b_+ and b_- to a two-valued neutron index of refraction (n_+,n_-) depending on the relative orientation of the neutron spin and the nuclear polarization: n^2_±=1-4π/k^2N(b_coh+b_±), Δ n=(n_+-n_-)≈ -2π/k^2N (b_+-b_-), where N is the number of nuclei per unit volume, k=2π/λ is the neutron wave number, and the approximation in the second expression is valid in our case as the neutron index of refraction is ≃ 1. Δ n makes the medium optically birefringent for neutrons so that the two helicity components of the neutron spin accumulate different phases, kn_± d, in the forward direction as neutrons propagate a distance d through the target. Therefore neutron spins orthogonal to the nuclear polarization direction of the target precess around the nuclear polarization by an angle ϕ^*=k Δ n d. We can write the neutron precession angle ϕ^* created by the incoherent scattering length b_i∝Δ b of the polarized ^3He <cit.> as ϕ^* =-1/2λ P_3NdΔ b=-2 λ P_3Nd/√(3)b_i, where P_3 is the ^3He polarization, N=[He] is the ^3He density, and d is the neutron path length through the ^3He. For nuclei such as ^3He which possess a very large spin-dependent component to the neutron cross section, one can determine the constant of proportionality λ P_3Nd using neutron measurements and write the measured quantity Δ b as follows: Δ b=2ϕ^*/λ P_3Nd=σ_p/λ_th.2ϕ^*/ cosh^-1R . Here R is the ratio of unpolarized neutron transmission of polarized ^3He, T(P_3), to the transmission of unpolarized ^3He, T(0), σ_p is the polarized ^3He spin dependent neutron absorption cross section, and λ_th.=1.798Å is the thermal neutron wavelength chosen by convention as a reference point for neutron absorption cross sections. The total n-^3He absorption cross section σ_a=(4π/k)b” obtained from the imaginary part of b by the optical theorem <cit.> can be written in terms of the polarization-independent and polarization-dependent terms as: σ_a=σ_un∓ P_3σ_p, where the sign convention ∓ is for P_3 parallel (-) or anti-parallel (+) to the neutron spin. Here σ_un=(5333 ± 7) barn is the total unpolarized neutron absorption cross section, and σ_p can be expressed as σ_p=(1-σ_1/σ_un)σ_un. Both σ_a and σ_un are measured to be proportional to the neutron wavelength λ to high precision <cit.>. For an unpolarized neutron beam of n neutrons with half spin up (n^+) and half spin down (n^-) neutrons the corresponding transmission of Eq. <ref> is T^±=n^±/n=1/2 exp (-(σ_un∓ P_3σ_p)λ Nd/λ_th. ). Thus, the transmission of unpolarized neutrons through polarized ^3He is: T(P_3)= exp (-σ_un/λ_th.λ Nd ) cosh (σ_p/λ_thλ P_3Nd ). Since the unpolarized transmission is simply: T(0)= exp (-σ_un/λ_th.λ Nd ) with two neutron transmission measurements giving R=T(P_3)/T(0) one directly experimentally obtains the product σ_p/λ_th.λ P_3Nd from cosh^-1R, leading to eq. <ref>. Thus one still needs to determine σ_p. If the triplet absorption rate σ_1 were zero, so that there would be only absorption in the singlet state σ_0, then σ_p=σ_un, where σ_un is known to ≃ 0.1%. However the upper bound on σ_p from previous experiments is several-percent  <cit.> and limits the precision of this technique. There is no reason to expect that σ_1 is zero, as theoretical calculations show <cit.>. The work in Ref. <cit.> used an average of the experimental determinations <cit.> to arrive at a value that can be reinterpreted as σ_1=57 barn. Conversely the work in Ref. <cit.> used a combination of theoretical predictions and the measured thermal absorption cross section to estimate σ_1=24 barn <cit.>. For lack of better knowledge of σ_1, we will use the latter value in our analysis below but also present the result independent of the value of σ_1 as was also done in <cit.> for comparison purposes. ^3He SEOP cells can also enable a measurement of σ_p. An independent 0.1% measurement of P_3 combined with accurate measurements of R(λ) through an in-situ polarized ^3He sample using the time-of-flight (TOF) method (i.e. a wavelength scanned neutron beam) as in Ref. <cit.> could provide a ≃ 0.1% accuracy for σ_p, allowing determination of σ_1 to ≈ 5 barn accuracy. Several atomic physics methods have determined P_3 to high precision <cit.> so this approach should be feasible. In order to determine P_3 on a neutron beamline, we propose to use the “self-magnetometry" of a polarized ^3He sample in a defined shape such as in a long tube parallel or perpendicular to the applied B_0 field. The ^3He magnetization M_3=μ_3P_3N will generate a magnetic field of B_3=μ_0 M_3(1-2/3)=μ_0 M_3/3 when the tube's axis is parallel to B_0 and B_3=μ_0 M_3(1/2-2/3)=μ_0-M_3/6 when the tube's axis is perpendicular to B_0 <cit.>. Here the first term is the magnetization minus the demagnetization factor and the -2/3 term, which is the same as the field from a spherical volume, arises from the scalar contact term, meaning the ^3He spins are non-overlapping and cannot “see" one another so the self field must be subtracted <cit.>. We note the magnetic moment of ^3He μ_3/h=-16217050 Hz/T is known to the ppb level <cit.>, and the the geometric correction factor in the field parallel case for a cell with a length to diameter ratio ≃ 5 is ≃ 2% and very well known <cit.>. Given at one bar pressure at 25 ^∘C there are 2.43× 10^25 atoms m^3 and the gyromagnetic ratio of ^3He, γ_3=3.24× 10^7 Hz/T, the product f_3=μ_0μ_3P_3Nγ_3=10.6 Hz at P_3=1 and N=1 bar. Thus for the field-parallel case, upon a reversal of P_3, an NMR frequency shift of Δ f_3=2B_3γ_3=2μ_0 M_3/3γ_3 =2/3μ_0 μ_3 P_3Nγ_3≃ 5  Hz will be observed for P_3=0.70 at 1 bar pressure. Since λ Nd of eq. <ref> can be calibrated by unpolarized T(0,λ) measurements using the well-known σ_un and given that one can expect <5 Hz NMR linewidths, 0.1% accuracy in P_3 and thus σ_p should be attainable for normal pressures by signal averaging. This method would not require new on-beamline detection methods to be developed other than a specialized cell for the purpose. In-situ polarization of the ^3He employing adiabatic fast passage (AFP) ^3He flipping and a TOF neutron beamline would be preferred. Since a recent measurement of b_c in n+^4He using perfect crystal neutron interferometry <cit.> reached 10^-3 precision using a technique that can be directly applied to ^3He, our ideas to improve b_i are the key additional input needed to confront theory. Therefore we intend to perform a higher precision measurement of Δ b/σ_p and a measurement of σ_p to obtain an absolute value for b_i, which could then also approach a 10^-3 precision. We have tested an accurate method to determine the real part of Δ b/σ_p on the J-NSE Phoenix instrument <cit.> as part of a different experiment to measure the same quantity for n-^129Xe and n-^131Xe <cit.>. Our approach builds on the pioneering work of Zimmer et al. <cit.> by taking advantage of technical improvements in neutron spin echo spectroscopy to measure neutron birefringence and by exploiting the improved time stability and improved performance of polarized ^3He gas targets created using spin-exchange optical pumping (SEOP) <cit.>. Measurements of neutron birefringence in polarized nuclei were originally performed using the Ramsey method of separated oscillatory fields <cit.>. This so-called pseudomagnetic precession method <cit.> uses two oscillating fields before and after a solid-state nuclear-polarized sample to measure phase precessions caused by the sample. We use a variation that also uses orthogonally-precessing polarized neutrons moving through a nuclear polarized ^3He gas sample but in a neutron spin-echo (NSE) spectrometer <cit.> in order to quantify the resulting phase shifts in the neutron precession. NSE is similar to spin echo in NMR <cit.> but the neutron spin is precession-encoded in space along the path of the traveling beam as opposed to in time with static spins as in NMR spin echo. In a NSE spectrometer, polarized neutrons are first flipped by π/2 to induce precession in the orthogonal plane, they then pass through a high-field flight path with an over 1 T·m field integral encoding a large number of spin precessions; this step is followed by a π flip reversal of the neutron polarization in the middle of the instrument and then by a second high-field flight path identical to the first to decode the spins. The sample is typically near the middle either before or after the π flipper and the additional precession it creates can be quantified by matching it to the precession in additional phase (compensation) coils placed around the neutron flight path. Thus the NSE method is like the Ramsey technique, but the addition of the central π flipper allows the sample-induced phase shift to be quantified by DC phase coils rather than phase matching an oscillating RF field directly. NSE has the benefit that, because the phase coils have field integrals accurate to nT·m compared to total instrument field integrals of 1 T·m or more, it can encode the spins very precisely and measure very small changes in the neutron precession <cit.>. A schematic diagram of a NSE spectrometer is shown in Fig. <ref>. The nuclear spins of the ^3He sample were polarized in-situ using spin-exchange optical pumping <cit.> in the usual sample area of the NSE spectrometer after the π flipper. The B_SEOP field oriented perpendicular (vertical) to the neutron flight path and the fields B_1 or B_2 of the NSE spectrometer itself, which are longitudinal (i.e. horizontal; see Fig. 1). Because of the work on Xe isotopes the gas target was polarized in-situ to maintain a steady nuclear spin polarization. For Xe this was mandatory because of their comparatively short T_1 polarization lifetimes compared to the duration of a typical NSE scan (≃20 min), especially ^131Xe where T_1<30 s. For the ^3He experiment this also turned out to be advantageous by decoupling time-dependent instrumental drifts from changes in P_3. Using a home-built NMR system for free-induction decay detection, we were able to determine that fractional changes to P_3 were below 0.3% during our NSE measurements. The in-situ polarization equipment <cit.> also enabled on-beam AFP flipping of P_3 during continuous pumping. The continuous polarization allows any time-dependent phase drifts in the NSE spectrometer to be fit as a time-dependent background, and the AFP flipping eliminates systematics due to possible non-perfect neutron spin-flips or non-adiabatic transport of the neutron polarization through our setup. A 5 cm diameter cylindrical ^3He SEOP cell made of GE180 glass with about 0.4 bar of ^3He was used <cit.>. This cell has somewhat rounded ends with a path length of 4.8 cm through its center. Ref. <cit.> describes the SEOP instrumentation used to polarize the ^3He spins. In contrast to that neutron polarizer device, here the vertical magnetic field for SEOP was provided by a set of 70 cm diameter Helmoltz coils for added flexibility and to satisfy space constraints on the J-NSE Phoenix instrument; all other components such as the lasers, NMR devices, and controls were taken directly from the device in <cit.>. High-fidelity data was obtained for a 6 cm^2 area in a half-circle in the neutron-illuminated central portion of the cell where the path length is approximately uniform. A typical NSE scan is made by measuring the amplitude of the neutron polarization vector as the phase-coil is scanned in small steps around the point where the two NSE precession regions are balanced in field integral. This action produces a spin echo envelope that shifts in proportion to precession angle ϕ^* of the sample. The J-NSE Phoenix spectrometer employs a position-sensitive detector allowing independent determination of Δ b for approximately each 0.5 cm × 0.5 cm region of the ^3He cell, which can then be averaged. This practice eliminates problems that might otherwise arise from a non-uniform neutron path length though the ^3He cell. A pair of NSE scans for the two states of the ^3He polarization from one such pixel is shown in Figure <ref>. The NSE signal I(B_1) detected transmitted intensity after the neutron polarization analyzer as a function of the phase coil field B_1. In the expression: I(B_1)=I_0[1-p∫ dλ f(λ) cos(ϕ_1-ϕ_2)], ϕ_1 and ϕ_2 are the precession angles in the first and second precession coils, respectively, f(λ) is the neutron wavelength distribution, and p measures the loss of contrast of the interference pattern from neutron polarization efficiencies. The instrument records the neutron intensity in each detector pixel as a function of the current of the phase coil. The neutron wavelength distribution transmitted by the velocity selector on this beamline is well fit by a triangular function, so the resulting NSE signal is this form convoluted with a cosine function which is used to fit the data for analysis. The ^3He b_i data reported here was obtained to verify the method for the Xe measurement <cit.>, and thus time limited. ^3He was measured 6 hours each for polarized and unpolarized ^3He. The data was taken in the following pattern: 2 NSE scans with P_3 positive; two scans with P_3 flipped to the negative state; two in the positive state; and 6 hours of scans with P_3=0. Although not needed for the determination of b_i, P_3=70.6 ± 1.6% was determined using R and a value of [He]=0.3556 ± 0.001 bar from a separate transmission measurement using neutron TOF on the FIGARO instrument <cit.>. A graph of the phase versus time for one of the pixels is shown in Fig. <ref>. This data was then fit for to a step function with a linear time-dependent background to determine the measured shift Δϕ=2ϕ^* for +P_3 to -P_3 from each pixel. The R measurement was performed by taking the weighted average of the mean intensity value of the NSE signal during the NSE scans for the +P_3 and -P_3 states to determine T(P), and the mean intensity of the unpolarized ^3He NSE scans to determine T(0). This process was also performed for each pixel of the NSE scan over our region of interest to account for any variations in d resulting from the cell's shape and alignment in the neutron beam. Using the mean value compensates for the small difference in transmission of the positive versus negative P_3 due to a small residual neutron polarization along B_SEOP. The measured Δϕ value could have a small correction due to the magnetic dipole field of the polarized gas, causing an extra precession signal in the neutron phase that is also proportional to P_3. This effect was discussed in Ref. <cit.>, however that work did not account for the scalar-contact term that one must include for real particles <cit.>, which is different than one would expect from the simple classical result where it is assumed that one can have non-interacting and overlapping point-like particles. For n+^3He the contact interaction should be 0 for any reasonable first order approximations. Therefore along their flight path neutrons do not sample the classical field of the individual polarized ^3He nuclei inside the cell. The field experienced will consist of the long range dipole fields caused by a non-spherical geometry inside the polarized cell and, since the neutron precession also integrates the field along their entire flight path, the classical field of a polarized (magnetized) volume outside of the cell. For the geometry of our experiment this would lead to a correction <0.07% and is not relevant here. However the general arguments of the fields experienced by nonzero spin particle beams through polarized volumes is of interest for precision measurements so we include a discussion of this effect in a supplement <cit.>. For neutron velocity selector instruments there is a small correction for the triangular wavelength distribution caused by the wavelength-dependent attenuation through the ^3He target. Using the arguments described in the O. Zimmer work <cit.> this leads to a negligible correction factor of 1.0003 for our case because of the relatively small Nd of the cell used. This correction would not be needed for an instrument that uses TOF to determine the transmitted spectrum. Our global detector count rates were 1% or less of the total detector deadtime of 400 ns (e.g maximum count rate of 2.5 MHz) so detector deadtime corrections are also negligible. Using this analysis we arrive at the final value of Δ b = [-5.27 ± 0.05 (stat.) - 0.05 (syst.)] fm using the values of σ_un=5333 (7) barn and an estimated σ_p=σ_un-σ_1=5309 barn. From eq. <ref> Δ b=4b_i/√(3) gives the ^3He neutron incoherent scattering length. Rewriting the result to be independent of σ_p as in <cit.> we obtain: Δ b/σ_p =(-9.93± 0.09( stat.)-0.09( syst.))× 10^-4 fm/b. This value compares to Δ b/σ_p=(-10.1929±-.0760)× 10^-4 fm/b for the work of Ref. <cit.> and Δ b/σ_p= (-10.3628±-.0180)× 10^-4 fm/b for the work of Ref. <cit.>. This preliminary data shows we can readily obtain our target of 10^-3 precision for Δ b/σ_p with a dedicated measurement. The value using this basic method is free of systemics to our knowledge. The variation of the preliminary result above with respect to previous measurements could be attributed to slow experimental drifts and that we only reversed the P_3 one time. The cell used had non-uniform neutron flight path and a minor shift in the cell position could lead to a one-sided error, estimations from shifting the center position of the data result in the given systematic error here. We implemented improvements to the measurement technique pioneered by <cit.> such as in-situ polarization of the ^3He gas and the ability to reverse the ^3He polarization using AFP. The in-situ polarization approach decouples the measured ϕ^* from time-dependent drifts that could falsely correlate with P_3, and prevents possible inconsistencies induced by removal and replacement of the ^3He cell. The position-sensitive determination of the cross section reduces possible path length errors, which could be further reduced by using a flat-windowed ^3He SEOP cell to eliminate variations in path-length across the beam over time, and the AFP flipping cancels errors from small residual longitudinal neutron polarization. Use of a TOF NSE instrument such as the SNS-NSE <cit.> will eliminate the neutron velocity selector correction. By increasing the measurement time to 1 week and using a cell with an optimized Nd to minimize error propogation from the cosh^-1(R) term we estimate one could reach a statistical accuracy of <0.1% (or 0.005 fm). Previous work <cit.> shows that the transmission measurements needed to measure the proportionality factor between ϕ^* and Δ b/σ_p can indeed be conducted with the required precision. With the additional measurement of σ_p to a comparable precision, a total 10^-3 precision on b_i for ^3He can be attained. H. Lu and W. M. Snow acknowledge support from US National Science Foundation (NSF) grants PHY-1913789 and PHY-2209481 and the Indiana University Center for Spacetime Symmetries. H. Lu received a Short-Term Grant, 2019 no. 57442045 from DAAD the German Academic Exchange Service. B.M. Goodson acknowledges support from the NSF (CHE-1905341), DoD (W81XWH-15-1-0272, W81XWH2010578), and a Cottrell Scholar SEED Award from Research Corporation for Science Advancement. P. Guthfreund (ILL) and K Zhernenkov performed a calibration measurement of N (i.e [He]) on FIGARO <cit.> aiding this work. We acknowledge G.M. Schrank for discussions and M. Huber for detailed discussions of NIST work on b_i^3 and estimates of σ_1 for ^3He. 64 natexlab#1#1bibnamefont#1#1bibfnamefont#1#1citenamefont#1#1url<#>1urlprefixURL [Atkinson et al.(2020)Atkinson, Dickhoff, Piarulli, Rios, and Wiringa]Atkinson2020 authorM. C. Atkinson, authorW. H. Dickhoff, authorM. Piarulli, authorA. Rios, and authorR. B. Wiringa, journalPhys. Rev. C volume102, pages044333 (year2020). [Johnson et al.(2020)Johnson, Launey, Auerbach, Bacca, Barrett, Brune, Caprio, Descouvemont, Dickhoff, Elster et al.]Johnson2020 authorC. W. Johnson, authorK. D. Launey, authorN. Auerbach, authorS. Bacca, authorB. R. 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For n-^3He the contact interaction should be 0 for any reasonable first order approximations, so the neutrons do not experience the classical field of the individual polarized ^3He nuclei inside the cell, but only the integral of the long range dipole fields caused by a non-spherical geometry inside the polarized cell <cit.> and, since the neutron precession also integrates the field along their entire flight path, the classical field of a polarized (magnetized) volume outside of the cell. The scalar contact term is 2μ_0δ^3( r) m/3 for non-interacting point dipoles <cit.> leading to a field of 2/3 μ_oM where we replace M_3 for ^3He specifc arguments by the magnetization M. For this reason a parameter called κ is introduced to represent the actual magnitude of the contact interaction between dissimilar particles as a ratio to that of the “classical field". Thus, κ>0 is often referred to as an enhancement factor, such as the case for alkali-metal electrons with a noble gas (e.g. during SEOP) that experience electron paramagnetic resonance shifts much larger than “expected" from the classical field due to the contact interaction <cit.>. For nuclei (or nucleons), the direct contact interaction is 0, but indirect J couplings can still cause a (small) finite effect <cit.>. The field external to the polarized gas volume retains the classical result for a magnetized object; however, as described in Ref. <cit.> the apparent field experienced by spins inside the volume due to the dipole fields and the contact interactions can be parameterized as B'_ inside=μ_0[ M-η M+2/3(κ-1)M], where here we need not worry about a field average as the neutron will sample a line integral through the cell. Here M is the magnetization of the noble gas nuclei, κ discussed above describes the spin-spin interaction, and η is referred to as the geometric demagnetization factor, i.e. this term parametrizes the modification of the field inside a magnetized volume due to its shape. The first term in Eq. <ref> is the magnetization of the sample, the second term is the H from classical arguments, and the last term is the quantum mechanics-required correction of the scalar contact interaction. One can see here that for κ=1, i.e. the case with perfectly non-interacting particles, one obtains the classical result. For our work, given that any possible ^3He-neutron coupling will lead to κ=0 in the first order (which will be sufficient for this correction factor), assuming the classical limit would result in an over-correction. The values of η have been calculated for normal geometries used in polarization studies such as cylinders <cit.>; these values can be solved for analytically in many cases or numerically. The most recognizable “demagnetization" factor from classical electrodynamics is η=1/3 for a sphere, which allows one to immediately obtain the “classical field" inside a sphere, B=2/3μ_0M for example. Here as an additional note, for the case of like particles where κ=0, by definition we see that B'_ inside=0; this is the reason why a magnetized sphere of hyperpolarized noble gas nuclei do not experience NMR frequency shifts due to their own magnetization, whereas the alkali-metal electrons notably not only experience EPR frequency shifts due to the polarized noble gas, but a much larger shift increased by κ due to the enhanced probability of the alkali metal electron being located at the noble gas nucleus in these systems <cit.>. If the neutrons only experienced the field inside the cell, we would need to calculate the “demagnetization" factor (i.e. edge effects) or H for the particular cell geometry in question; however, the spin precession of the neutrons samples the cell's field over the entire neutron flight path, including outside the cell. It can be shown that for a (classical spherical) dipole and thus an assembly of arbitrary dipoles that: ∫_∞^∞ H_dipole(z)dz=(1/3 -1/3)M=0, where z is the axis of the dipole, i.e the direction of magnetization, and also the direction of the neutron flight path in works such as Ref. <cit.>. Here 1/3μ_0M is the integral outside the sphere and -1/3μ_0M is the well-known value of H inside a spherical dipole. Thus for work such as Zimmer et al. <cit.>, where the “self" field of the cell's dipole is aligned with the direction of neutron propagation, for a spherical reference volume one quickly realizes that since outside the volume B=μ_0H and inside the volume the effective field is described by Eq. <ref> with κ=0, the additional precession experienced by the neutrons for the case of will be ϕ^M_∥=1/3μ_0Mlγ_n/v, where γ_n=2.98× 10^7 Hz/T is the gyromagnetic ratio of the neutron, v is the neutron velocity and l the neutron path length through the cell. Since we integrate over the whole neutron flight path, this result will also hold for an assembly of dipoles in the shape of the ^3He cell. Therefore the data in that work was over-corrected by 2/3μ_0Mlγ_n, the amount of the reduction in the apparent field, B', from the scalar contact term. This would raise their result by ≈ 0.15%. It is interesting to note that this result is analogous to the result for the NMR frequency of an infinitely long cylinder parallel to the B_0 field given in eq. 11 in the main paper where η=0 <cit.>. Here we recover the same result as that for an infinitely long sample, i.e. the solenoid-like field of a uniformly magnetized rod minus the scalar contact term, because the full integrated field now also includes the field outside of the cell as sampled by the neutrons. For our geometry the case is different: we have a magnetized cylinder where the cylinder axis, parallel to the neutron flight path, is perpendicular to the holding field B_0 and the gas magnetization. For consistency we will leave “z" as the direction of the neutron flight path and use “y" as the direction of the noble gas polarization. Here the integral of H from -∞→ +∞ becomes: ∫_∞^∞ H_dipole(y)dz=-(1/6+1/3)M=-1/2M. From the usual expression of a dipole field one sees that on the equatorial plane, the field direction external to a dipole is reversed and half the magnitude for any distance. Thus the integral along the orthogonal path to the dipole is -1/6μ_0M and the additional precession experienced by the neutrons is ϕ^M_⊥=-1/6μ_0Mlγ_n/v, again assuming that κ_0≃0. Like the prior result, for the case of cell magnetization perpendicular to the B_0 field we recover the relation for an infinitely long sample as in eq. 12 of the main paper for which η=1/2 <cit.>, again because the neutrons also sample the field outside the cell (the - is defined by convention in eq. <ref> for the demagnetization). Substituting in values for the P_3 and N_3 of the work here this correction would be +0.068% and is over an order of magnitude below our statistical errors and would only be relevant for 0.1% or better measurements of b_i. For the work of Ref. <cit.> this interpretation would raise their cited value by 0.15% as the reported value was over-corrected by 2/3 μ_0 M_3, the amount of the scalar contact term. For the work in the main paper this correction would be <0.1%. However the effect is clearly of importance to precision measurements with nonzero spin particle beams through polarized targets and should not be de-facto neglected.
The algebraic structure of the non-commutative nonlinear Schrodinger and modified Korteweg-de Vries hierarchy
[ "Gordon Blower", "Simon J. A. Malham" ]
[ "nlin.SI", "math-ph", "math.AP", "math.MP", "35Q51, 35Q55" ]
Nonlinear Schrödinger hierarchies Blower and Malham ^1 Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YF, UK ^2 Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences, and School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, UK G.Blower@lancaster.ac.uk, S.J.A.Malham@hw.ac.uk The algebraic structure of the non-commutative nonlinear Schrödinger and modified Korteweg–de Vries hierarchy Gordon Blower^1 Simon J.A. Malham^2 11th March 2023 ============================================================================================================= We prove that each member of the non-commutative nonlinear Schrödinger and modified Korteweg–de Vries hierarchy is a Fredholm Grassmannian flow, and for the given linear dispersion relation and corresponding equivalencing group of Fredholm transformations, is unique in the class of odd-polynomial partial differential fields. Thus each member is linearisable and integrable in the sense that time-evolving solutions can be generated by solving a linear Fredholm Marchenko equation, with the scattering data solving the corresponding linear dispersion equation. At each order, each member matches the corresponding non-commutative Lax hierarchy field which thus represent odd-polynomial partial differential fields. We also show that the cubic form for the non-commutative sine–Gordon equation corresponds to the first negative order case in the hierarchy, and establish the rest of the negative order non-commutative hierarchy. To achieve this, we construct an abstract combinatorial algebra, the Pöppe skew-algebra, that underlies the hierarchy. This algebra is the non-commutative polynomial algebra over the real line generated by compositions, endowed with the Pöppe product—the product rule for Hankel operators pioneered by Ch. Pöppe for classical integrable systems. Establishing the hierarchy members at non-negative orders, involves proving the existence of a `Pöppe polynomial' expansion for basic compositions in terms of `linear signature expansions' representing the derivatives of the underlying non-commutative field. The problem boils down to solving a linear algebraic equation for the polynomial expansion coefficients, at each order. § INTRODUCTION For the non-commutative nonlinear Schrödinger and modified Korteweg–de Vries hierarchy, we prove that each member is both, a Fredholm Grassmannian flow, and for the given linear dispersion relation and corresponding equivalencing group of Fredholm transformations, is unique in the class of odd-polynomial partial differential fields. That each member represents a Fredholm Grassmannian flow means they are linearisable in the sense that solutions can be generated by solving a linear Fredholm Marchenko equation whose scattering data is the solution to the corresponding linear dispersion relation. We also show that each member of the Lax hierarchy generates an odd-polynomial partial differential field, and so by uniqueness, at each non-negative order, the Fredholm Grassmannian flow and Lax hierarchy member are one and the same. We also show that the cubic form for the non-commutative sine–Gordon equation corresponds to the first negative order case in the Lax hierarchy, and establish the rest of the negative order non-commutative hierarchy. Our approach is inspired by the pioneering work of Ch. Pöppe. In a sequence of papers, Pöppe <cit.>, Pöppe and Sattinger <cit.>, and Bauhardt and Pöppe <cit.> developed the fundamental product rule for additive Hankel operators and semi-additive operators, in order to establish the integrability and specific solution forms for classical integrable systems. These included for example, the scalar sine-Gordon equation and Kadomtsev–Petviashvili hierarchy. Pöppe's approach has recently been substantially developed and extended. In particular, Doikou, Malham and Stylianidis <cit.> streamlined and extended Pöppe's approach to the non-commutative Korteweg–de Vries and nonlinear Schrödinger equations, and Malham <cit.> extended the approach to the quartic-order, quintic-degree non-commutative nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Also see Doikou, Malham, Stylianidis and Wiese <cit.>. Further, Malham <cit.> developed a simpler form of the Pöppe algebra constructed herein to prove that each member of the non-commutative potential Korteweg–de Vries hierarchy is unique in the class of polynomial partial differential fields and represents a Fredholm Grassmannian flow. Blower and Newsham <cit.> developed a systems perspective to Pöppe's approach, constructing tau-functions and families of solutions to the Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation, while Blower and Doust <cit.> extend this approach to the sinh-Gordon equation. Let us now briefly outline our approach herein. Consider a non-commutative nonlinear dispersive partial differential equation for g=g(x;t) of order n of the form, _tg=-(iℐ)^n-1π_n(g, g,^2g,…,^n-2g,^ng), where =_x and x∈. Here π_n=π_n(·) is a polynomial of its arguments—a polynomial partial differential field. It is linear in ^ng. The diagonal matrix ℐ simply has top left block `-𝕀' and bottom right block is `𝕀'. As we see presently, g= G is the square-integrable kernel of a Hilbert–Schmidt operator G. Herein we use the notation G to denote the kernel of an operator G. Suppose P is a Hilbert–Schmidt Hankel operator on the negative real axis satisfying the linear dispersive equation, _tP=-(iℐ)^n-1^nP. Note if there are any linear terms in π_n, we should augment this equation for P with such linear terms on the right. In particular we suppose the square-integrable kernel of P has the form p=p(y+z+x;t) for y,z∈(-∞,0], while x∈ represents an additive parameter. The matrix-valued kernel p satisfies the same linear dispersive partial differential equation as that above for P; it represents the scattering data. The Marchenko equation at the operator level, here has the Fredholm form, 2iP=G (𝕀+P^2), for the unknown operator G. Provided U(𝕀+P^2)^-1 exists as a Fredholm operator, then the solution Hilbert–Schmidt operator G=2iPU to this Marchenko equation, parametrises a Fredholm Grassmannian flow of subspaces spanned by linear dispersive solutions p. See, for example, Doikou et al. <cit.>. Pöppe's insight was to recognise the crucial role the Hankel properties of P played in making the connection between the solution G=iPU to the Marchenko equation, and that its kernel G satisfies a specific nonlinear dispersive partial differential equation of the form shown above. The connection is made via the Pöppe kernel product rule, F_x(HH^')F^'(y,z;x,t)= FH(y,0;x,t) H^' F^'(0,y;x,t), where H and H^' are Hankel operators as described above, and F and F^' are any two Hilbert–Schmidt operators. This rule indicates at the fundamental level, that there is a connection between the matrix products of kernels of operators of the form G=2iPU and/or their derivatives (on the right), and kernels of monomials involving operator compositions of similar objects, but with one order higher derivative (on the left). Using that 𝕀+P^2=(𝕀-iP)(𝕀+iP) and setting V(𝕀-iP)^-1, we see that, G=2V(iP)V^†≡ V-V^†. Further, we observe that V=V(iP)V, and if we use sub-indicies to denote partial derivatives `', we find, G_1=V(iP)_1V-V^†(iP)_1^† V^†. In particular, if for any Hilbert–Schmidt operator F we set [F] F-F^†, then we observe that the kernels in both these cases are given by, G=[V] and G_1=[V(iP)_1V]. It is now easy to imagine that the nth partial derivative of G has the form, G_n=∑χ(a_1⋯ a_n) [V(iP)_a_1V⋯ V(iP)_a_kV], where the sum is over all compositions a_1a_2⋯ a_k of n. Naturally _t G is given by [V_t(iP)V] where _t(iP) can be expressed in terms ^n(iP) using the linear dispersion equation for P. Hence our goal is to express _t G in terms of a polynomial π_n=π_n( G, G_1,…, G_n-2, G_n), linear in G_n. The monomials in the polynomial π_n consist of factors of the form G, G_1, …, G_n-2, each expressible as a linear combination of basis elements [V(iP)_a_1V⋯ V(iP)_a_kV] parameterised by compositions as shown above, with the product involved being the Pöppe kernel product. If we extend the basis elements to include basis elements of the form [V(iP)_a_1V⋯ V(iP)_a_kV] where any of the V factors shown my be replaced by V^†, then the operator partial fractions formulae V=𝕀+(iP)V=𝕀+(iP)V imply that the Pöppe product generates a closed algebra on such basis elements (see Lemma <ref>). The playing field is thus set. It is the algebra of such basis elements equipped with the Pöppe product. In fact we use an abstract version of this algebra by stripping the basis elements of their P and V labels and focusing on the compositions a_1a_2⋯ a_k and a binary encoding, 0 and 0^†, of the intervening V or V^† factors. The Pöppe product essentially only acts on these components and thus transport our playing field to the closed algebra of basis elements [0 a_10 a_2 0⋯ 0 a_k0], where any of the 0's may be replaced by 0^†. The G_n=[V]_n are linear combinations of such abstract basis elements (as shown shown above) and we label such specific linear combinations by [ n]. The quantity _t G=_t[V] can ultimately be expressed in terms of [0 n0] or [0 n 0^†], respectively depending on whether n is odd or even. The game is to determine if [0 n0] or [0 n 0^†] can be expressed in terms of a polynomial π_n=π_n([0],[ 1],…,[n-2],[ n]), linear in [ n]. We express π_n as a linear combination of monomials with factors chosen from [0], [ 1], …, [n-2] and a linear term [ n]. The monomials present in π_n are restricted to those that can generate [0 n0] or [0 n 0^†] or basis elements involving compositions a_1a_2⋯ a_k of n via the Pöppe product. An unknown complex coefficient is associated with each monomial in the linear combination. We use the linear expansions for [0], [ 1], …, [n-2] and linear term [ n] in terms of the basis elements, and compute the Pöppe products of all the expansion basis elements in each of the factors of the monomial. The result is a large linear combination of basis elements, each with a factor which is a linear combination of the unknown coefficients. We equate this to [0 n0] or [0 n 0^†], depending on whether n is odd or even, and equate all the coefficients of the basis elements present. This generates a large linear algebraic system of equations for the unknown coefficients. Though over-determined, it can be solved for a unique set of coefficients, see Theorem <ref>. Our Main result thus establishes that for each non-negative integer n, there exists a unique polynomial π_n=π_n([0],[ 1],…,[n-2],[ n]) such that [0 n0]=π_n, when n is odd, or [0 n0^†], when n is even. The non-commutative Lax hierarchy in our context, can be iteratively generated, to obtain the next equation in the hierarchy from the previous one by applying a specific operator to π_n. Given the existence of a match up to π_n, we show that applying this specific iterative operator to π_n generates [0(n+1)0^†] when n is odd, and generates [0(n+1)0] when n is even. Since, from our main Theorem <ref>, we know there is a unique polynomial expansion for [0 n0] when n is odd or [0 n 0^†] when n is even for any order, there is a unique polynomial expansion for [0(n+1)0^†] or [0(n+1)0]. The uniqueness property means that the polynomials π_n we establish at each order, must match the Lax hierarchy members. We also investigate pursuing the specific operator in the opposite direction to generate non-commutative Lax hierarchy members at all negative orders—see Tracy and Widom <cit.> for the scalar case. In particular we show that the first negative order case n=-1, corresponds to the cubic form of the non-commutative sine-Gordon equation. The solution to any of the non-commutative hierarchy equations is generated by solving the linear dispersion equation for the matrix kernel p or equivalently the Hilbert–Schmidt Hankel operator P, and then solving the linear Fredholm Marchenko equation 2iP=G (𝕀+P^2) for G. The hierarchy member solution is G. Each member of the hierarchy is thus linearisable as the solution is generated via solving a linear dispersion equation and a linear Fredholm equation. However this procedure also identifies the graph of G as a Fredholm Grassmannian flow, represented in a specific coordinate patch parametrised by Hilbert–Schmidt operators. Such flows are explored in detail in Doikou et al. <cit.>. We can think of the Fredholm Grassmannian as all collections of graphs of compatible linear Hilbert–Schmidt maps. Indeed briefly, suppose we set 𝕍 L^2((-∞,0];ℂ^m) for some m∈ℕ, for example. Consider the pair of operators, [ 𝕀-Q; 2iP ], both on 𝕍. Here we suppose 𝕀-Q is a Fredholm operator on , with Q a Hilbert–Schmidt operator, and P is a Hilbert–Schmidt operator on . Assuming that the regularised determinant det_2(𝕀-Q)≠0, this pair of operators defines a Fredholm Grassmannian flow in a given coordinate patch as follows. We can think of this pair of operators as spanning a subspace of ℍ𝕍×𝕍 that is isomorphic to . The transformation (𝕀-Q)^-1 of this subspace generates, [ 𝕀; G ], where G=2iP(𝕀-Q)^-1. We can think of the Hilbert–Schmidt operator G as parametrising all such subspaces of ℍ, that can be projected onto the canonical subspace represented by the pair of operators (𝕀,O). This is one coordinate patch of the Fredholm Grassmannian of such subspaces of ℍ. Note that if we set Q=-P^2, then G represents the solution to the Marchenko equation. Recall, in our application we assume P satisfies the dispersion equation _tP=-(iℐ)^n-1^nP. Further we suppose that P is a Hankel operator. This property is a natural far-field symmetry for the dispersive field in the sense that it is a natural symmetry arising as the result of the scattering, of an incident wave from one far field, into the opposite far field. See for example the construction of the Marchenko equation in Drazin and Johnson <cit.> or Appendix B in Doikou et al. <cit.>. That the Marchenko equation solution G parameterises a class of subspaces of ℍ characterised by solutions of a dispersive field P, generates the following perspective. We can think of the Fredholm Grassmannian, in the coordinate patch represented by the particular pair (𝕀, G), as parametrising the time-evolving envelope of dispersive field solutions, i.e. the time-evolving subspace represented by the pair (𝕀,G). In principle we could consider G= G(y,z;x,t) or in particular G(0,0;x,t) as an observable. The Marchenko equation, and its role in inverse scattering and linearisation, has been fundamental in classical integrable systems from the very early stages. See for example Dyson <cit.>, Miura <cit.>, Zakharov and Shabat <cit.>, Ablowitz et al. <cit.>, Fokas and Ablowitz <cit.>, Mumford <cit.>, Pöppe <cit.>, Pöppe and Sattinger <cit.>, Bauhardt and Pöppe <cit.> and Nijhoff et al. <cit.>. There has also been a resurgence of interest in such linearisation approaches, see for example Fokas and Pelloni <cit.>, McKean <cit.>, Fu <cit.> and Fu and Nijhoff <cit.>. It was Sato <cit.> and Segal and Wilson <cit.> who pioneered the connection between Fredholm Grassmannians and integrable systems. Recently there has also been a resurgence in this direction as well, see for example, Mulase <cit.>, Dupré et al. <cit.>, Kasman <cit.>, Hamanaka and Toda <cit.>, Cafasso <cit.>, Cafasso and Wu <cit.> and Arthamonov et al. <cit.> (also see Beck et al. <cit.> and Doikoi et al. <cit.>). Related to this is the well-studied connection between the Korteweg–de Vries hierarchy, the intersection theory of Deligne–Mumford moduli space and the a string equation in two-dimensional gravity; see for example Witten <cit.> and Cafasso and Wu <cit.>. Some of the earliest work on non-commutative integrable systems includes Fordy and Kulish <cit.>, Nijhoff et al. <cit.>, Ablowitz et al. <cit.>, Ercolani and McKean <cit.> and Aden and Carl <cit.>. Again there has been more recent interest in such systems and their solutions, such as Treves <cit.>, Hamanaka and Toda <cit.>, Degasperis and Lombardo <cit.>, Dimakis and Müller–Hoissen <cit.>, Carillo and Schiebold <cit.> whose results are particularly relevant to those herein, Sooman <cit.>, Pelinovsky and Stepanyants <cit.>, Buryak and Rossi <cit.>, Doikou et al. <cit.>, Stylianidis <cit.>, Adamopoulou and Papamikos <cit.>, Malham <cit.>, Gürses and Pekcan <cit.> and Ma <cit.>. The role of Hankel operators in integrable systems first explored by Pöppe, has recently re-emerged as an active and fruitful research direction. In particular, relevant to our results herein are Blower and Newsham <cit.>, Blower and Doust <cit.>, Grudsky and Rybkin <cit.>, Grellier and Gerard <cit.> and Gerard and Pushnitski <cit.>. The combinatorial algebraic approach we consider herein was introduced in Malham <cit.> for the simpler non-commutative potential Korteweg–de Vries equation; also see Doikoi et al. <cit.>. Dimakis and Müller–Hoissen <cit.> consider integrable systems in the context of bidifferential graded algebras, while in Dimakis and Müller–Hoissen <cit.>, they consider connections to shuffle and Rota–Baxter algebras. See Reutenauer <cit.>, Malham and Wiese <cit.> and Ebrahimi–Fard et al. <cit.> for more details on shuffle algebras and references for Rota–Baxter algebras. To summarise, our achievements herein are as follows. In terms of algebras, we: (i) Introduce and develop new abstract non-commutative algebras. These are the algebra of non-negative integer monomial forms ℂℤ_0 described above, equipped with a quasi-Leibniz type product based on the Pöppe product, and its skew-form subalgebra ℂ[ℤ_0]. They are instrumental to the results (ii)–(iv) just below. For the non-commutative nonlinear Schrödinger and modified Korteweg–de Vries hierarchy, we: (ii) Provide a constructive proof that at each non-negative order, there exists a unique hierarchy member in the class of odd-polynomial partial differential fields. The proof simultaneously establishes that the solution flow of each member is a Fredholm Grassmannian, and therefore linearisable in the sense outlined in detail above; (iii) Give a simple proof of the non-commutative Lax hierarchy in this context. In addition, we immediately establish that at each non-negative order, the unique hierarchy member in (ii), and the corresponding Lax hierarchy member, coincide; (iv) Establish that the first negative order non-commutative Lax hierarchy member is the cubic form of the non-commutative sine-Gordon equation, and further, demonstrate how to generate the rest of the negative order non-commutative hierarchy. Our paper is organised as follows. In Section <ref> we introduce the Pöppe product for Hankel operators and motivate the solution form we propose for the non-commutative nonlinear Schrödinger and modified Korteweg–de Vries hierarchy, based on the associated Marchenko equation. We introduce the Pöppe kernel monomial algebra in Section <ref> with the Pöppe product, and in particular its isomorphic abstract form as well as the skew-Pöppe subalgebra we use for the proofs of our main results. We present a sequence of simple examples in Section <ref> illustrating the use of the abstract Pöppe algebra to generate the order zero through to order four members of the non-commutative hierarchy. In Section <ref> we establish the non-commutative Lax hierarchy using the Pöppe algebra. Herein, we also generate the cubic form of the non-commutative sine-Gordon equation as the first negative order case, and indicate how to generate the rest of the negative order cases. We begin Section <ref> with the illuminating example of the quintic non-commutative modified Korteweg–de Vries equation, before stating, and then proving, our main results. Finally, in Section <ref> we present some further conclusions and applications. § HANKEL OPERATORS, THE PÖPPE PRODUCT AND THE MARCHENKO EQUATION In this section we introduce the concepts and results that underlie our formulation. Herein, we: introduce the necessary Hilbert–Schmidt and Hankel operators we use and define the Pöppe product; motivate the solution ansatz we use throughout; formulate the base linear dispersion equation; elucidate the well-posedness results for the Marchenko equation we require and establish the connection between the Pöppe product and finite rank operators. §.§ Hankel operators and the Pöppe product To begin, let us fix some notation. Let be the Hilbert space of square-integrable, complex matrix-valued functions on (-∞,0], i.e. L^2((-∞,0];^m) for some m∈ℕ. Further, we denote by 𝔍_2() the space of Hilbert–Schmidt operators on , i.e. bounded operators whose sum of the squares of their singular values is finite. For any given operator F=F(x,t)∈𝔍_2() there exists a unique square-integrable kernel f=f(y,z;x,t) with f∈ L^2((-∞,0]^× 2;^m× m) such that for any ϕ∈ we have (Fϕ)(y;x,t)=∫_-∞^0f(y,z;x,t)ϕ(z) z. Conversely, any such function f∈ L^2((-∞,0]^× 2;^m× m) defines an operator F=F(x,t) in 𝔍_2() with (for each x,t): F_𝔍_2()=f_L^2((-∞,0]^× 2;^m× m). See for example Simon <cit.>. For any Hilbert–Schmidt operator F=F(x,t), which depends on the parameters x∈ and t⩾0, we use the kernel bracket notation F to refer to the kernel f=f(y,z;x,t) of F: F(y,z;x,t) f(y,z;x,t). In general, since f is square-integrable, it only exists almost everywhere on (-∞,0]^× 2. However below, the operators we consider have continuous kernels and so f makes sense pointwise. In such cases, we can in particular set y=z=0, for which we use the notation F_0,0(x,t) f(0,0;x,t). Recall that the trace of any trace-class operator F on (-∞,0] is given by, tr F∫_-∞^0 f(z,z) z. By a Hankel operator, which may depend on a parameter x, we mean the following. We say a Hilbert–Schmidt operator H∈𝔍_2() with corresponding square-integrable kernel h is Hankel or additive with parameter x∈ if its action, for any square-integrable function ϕ∈, is given by (here y∈(-∞,0]), (Hϕ)(y;x)∫_-∞^0h(y+z+x)ϕ(z) z. Pöppe <cit.> recognised the fundamental role played by such Hankel operators in classical integrable systems. The kernel of the derivative with respect to the additive parameter x of the operator product of an arbitrary pair of Hankel operators can be expressed as the matrix product of their respective kernels as follows. See Pöppe <cit.>, as well as Doikou et al. <cit.> and Malham <cit.>. We include a proof for completeness. Assume H and H^' are Hankel Hilbert–Schmidt operators with parameter x and F and F^' are Hilbert–Schmidt operators. Further assume the kernels of F and F^' are continuous, whilst the kernels of H and H^' are continuously differentiable. Then the following Pöppe product rule holds, [[F_x(HH^')F^']](y,z;x) = FH(y,0;x) H^' F^'(0,z;x). We use the fundamental theorem of calculus and Hankel properties of H and H'. Let f, h, h' and f' denote the integral kernels of F, H, H' and F' respectively. By direct computation F_x(HH^')F^'(y,z;x) equals ∫__-^3 f(y,ξ_1;x)_x(h(ξ_1+ξ_2+x)h^'(ξ_2+ξ_3+x)) f^'(ξ_3,z;x) ξ_3 ξ_2 ξ_1 =∫__-^3 f(y,ξ_1;x)_ξ_2(h(ξ_1+ξ_2+x)h^'(ξ_2+ξ_3+x)) f^'(ξ_3,z;x) ξ_3 ξ_2 ξ_1 =∫__-^2 f(y,ξ_1;x)h(ξ_1+x)h^'(ξ_3+x)f^'(ξ_3,z;x) ξ_3 ξ_1 =∫__-f(y,ξ_1;x)h(ξ_1+x) ξ_1·∫__-h^'(ξ_3+x)f^'(ξ_3,z;x) ξ_3 =( FH(y,0;x))( H'F'(0,z;x)), which corresponds to the result stated. We implicitly interpret kernel products written in the form · · ⋯ · · as · (y,0;x) · (0,0;x)⋯ · (0,0;x) · (0,z;x). §.§ Solution ansatz motivation Let us formally motivate the solution form we use for the non-commmutative nonlinear Schrödinger and modified Korteweg–de Vries hierarchy we study herein. This comes from the sine-Gordon equation. With x∈ and t⩾0, we assume the sine–Gordon equation has the form, _t u=sin u, where u=u(x,t) and _x. In the scalar case, when u∈, it is well-known that there exists a solution of the form, u=2i tr log(𝕀-iP/𝕀+iP), or the equivalent form u=4 arctan P. Here P=P(x,t) is a Hankel Hilbert–Schmidt operator with an integral kernel p=p(x,t) which satisfies the linearised form of the sine–Gordon equation (see for example Pöppe <cit.>), _t p=p. For scalar valued kernels, we have the following. Suppose that H=H(x) is a Hankel operator dependent on the parameter x∈. Then for any n∈ℕ, we have, tr H^n=n/2 H^n_0,0. Further, suppose that Θ=Θ(H) is a power series function of the Hankel operator H, with scalar-valued coefficients c_n, of the form Θ(H)=∑_n⩾1c_n H^n. Then we have, tr Θ(H)=12 H DΘ(H)_0,0, where DΘ=DΘ(H) is the series DΘ(H)=∑_n⩾1nc_n H^n-1. This is equivalent to the result embodied in equation (3.26) in Pöppe <cit.>. We give a proof in Proposition <ref> in Section <ref> below. Also see Blower and Doust <cit.>. [Logarithm of the Cayley transform] The solution ansatz for the scalar sine-Gordon equation above involves the logarithm of Cayley transform, i.e. the form, Θ(P)=log(𝕀-iP/𝕀+iP). By direct computation we observe that, DΘ(P)=-i·𝕀/𝕀-iP-i·𝕀/𝕀+iP ⇒ P DΘ(P)=-2iP/(𝕀-iP)(𝕀+iP). Then, using the trace and kernel bracket result above, we have, tr Θ(P)=-(𝕀-iP)^-1(iP)(𝕀+iP)^-1_0,0, though the order of the factors shown on the right us not important. Recall the solution form to the scalar sine–Gordon equation given above, u=2i tr Θ(P), where Θ=Θ(P) is the logarithm of the Cayley transform given in Example <ref>. Let ^-1^-1_x denote the primative operator, (^-1ϕ)(x)∫_-∞^xϕ(ξ) ξ. Then, given the final result in Example <ref>, we can express the solution to the scalar sine–Gordon equation in the form, u=-2i ^-1[[(𝕀-iP)^-1(iP)(𝕀+iP)^-1]]_0,0. This form of the solution for the scalar sine–Gordon equation motivates the solution form we seek for the non-commutative nonlinear Schrödinger and modified Korteweg–de Vries hierarchy, which we utilise in the following sections. The sine–Gordon equation is just a special case, the order `-1' case, in that hierarchy. [Non-commutative sine-Gordon cubic-form equation] If u satisfies the scalar sine–Gordon equation _t u=sin u, and u=-2i^-1g, then g=g(x,t) satisfies the following sine–Gordon cubic-form equation, _t g=g+g ^-1(_t g^2)+^-1(_t g^2) g. To see this, define the operator Γ by, (Γϕ)(x)∫_-∞^xγ(ξ)ϕ(ξ) ξ, where γ=-2ig. Using that for any n∈ℕ we have, (Γ∘1)^n≡ n! (Γ^n∘1), then we observe that in fact, sin u=(𝕀+Γ^2)^-1∘Γ∘1. In other words γ satisfies the integral equation (𝕀+Γ^2)∘_tγ=Γ∘1 or equivalently satisfies _tγ+^-1(γ^-1(γ_tγ))=^-1γ. Noting that g=γ/(-2i) and symmetrically splitting the nonlinear term, generates the sine–Gordon cubic-form equation above. The cubic-form equation above is often interpreted to be the non-commutative sine–Gordon equation in, for example, Schiebold <cit.>. §.§ The linear dispersion equation Consider the following coupled linear system of equations for the Hilbert–Schmidt operators P_α, P_β, G_α and G_β, _tP_α =μ_n^n P_α, iP_α =G_α(𝕀+P_β P_α),   and  _tP_β =(-1)^n-1μ_n^n P_β, iP_β =G_β(𝕀+P_α P_β). for some order n∈ℤ, where the parameter μ_n∈ℂ. In order for the partial differential equations for P_α and P_β shown to be dispersive, we necessarily require that μ_n is pure imaginary when n is even and real when n is odd. We suppose that the matrix-valued kernel of P_β has the same shape as the transpose of the matrix-valued kernel of P_α. The matrix-valued kernels of G_α and G_β naturally match those of P_α and P_β, respectively. If we set, P[ O P_β; P_α O ], G[ O G_β; G_α O ], and ℐ[ -𝕀 O; O 𝕀 ], then the system of linear equations above can be expressed in the form, _t P =-μ_n(iℐ)^n-1^n P, iP =G(𝕀+P^2), where now the parameter μ_n∈ℝ. This form is given, eg., in Schiebold <cit.>. Now consider the following second order cubic nonlinear equation for the kernel G, _t G(y,z;x,t)=-μ_2iℐ(_x^2 G(y,z;x,t)-2 G(y,0;x,t) G(0,0;x,t) G(0,z;x,t)). Written in terms of the kernels G_α and G_β with y=z=0, we observe, i_t G_α =μ_2_x^2 G_α-2μ_2 G_α G_β G_α, i_t G_β =-μ_2_x^2 G_β+2μ_2 G_β G_α G_β. There are several different consistent choices we can make for P_α and P_β, as follows. For example, suppose we set P_β=P_α^†, the adjoint operator to P_α with respect to the L^2 inner product. Then if G=iPU with U(𝕀+P^2)^-1, as defined above, at the block level it transpires G_β=G_α^†. In this case the kernel G_β(0,0;x,t) is the complex conjugate transpose of the kernel G_α(0,0;x,t). And thus, assuming the kernel G generated from G=PU satisfies the equation above, the equation for the block G_α(0,0;x,t) collapses to the non-commutative nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Further note, for the choice P_β=P_α^†, the operator P is Hermitian with respect to the L^2 inner product, i.e. P^†=P. The system of linear equations for P above allows us to incorporate, and thus deduce corresponding results, for the nonlocal versions of the non-commutative nonlinear Schrödinger hierarchy. These include the reverse time, reverse space-time and space-time shifted nonlocal versions of these equations outlined in Ablowitz and Musslimani <cit.>, Fokas <cit.>, Grahovski, Mohammed and Susanto <cit.> and Gürses and Pekcan <cit.>. This fact is outlined in detail in Example 4 and Remark 17 in Doikou et al. <cit.>. §.§ The Marchenko equation Consider an operator P∈𝔍_N(𝕍), where N=1 or N=2. For the moment P is not necessarily a Hankel operator, and 𝕍 is an arbitrary seperable Hilbert space. The space 𝔍_1() denotes the set of trace-class (nuclear) operators. Crucial to the Pöppe algebra we introduce in Section <ref> are both, the Marchenko equation, P=G (𝕀-Q), for the operator G, and the Pöppe product in Lemma <ref>. In our application, we set Q-P^2. The following abstract result is proved in Doikou et al. <cit.>. Assume Q_0∈𝔍_2 and for some T>0 we know that Q∈ C^∞([0,T];_2) with Q(0)=Q_0 and P∈ C^∞([0,T];_N), where N is 1 or 2. Further assume, det_2(𝕀-Q_0)≠0. Then there exists a T^'>0 with T^'⩽ T such that for t∈[0,T^'] we have det_2(𝕀-Q(t))≠0 and there exists a unique solution G∈ C^∞([0,T^'];_N) to the linear equation P=G(𝕀-Q). Now suppose L^2((-∞,0];^m) for some m∈ℕ. For any function w⩾0, we denote the weighted L^2-norm of any complex matrix-valued function f on (-∞,0] by, f_L^2_w^2∫_-∞^0tr (f^†(x)f(x)) w(x) x. Doikou et al. <cit.> also establish, if p(·;t)∈ L^2_w((-∞,0]) with w y↦(1-y)^2, the Hankel operator P=P(t) generated by p is such that P(t)∈𝔍_2(). Hence we assume the solutions p=p(y;t) to the linear dispersive system _t p=-μ_n(iℐ)^n-1_y^n p lie in L^2_w((-∞,0]). We then take P=P(x,t) to be the Hankel operator with kernel p=p(y+z+x;t), where y,x∈(-∞,0]^×2, with parameter x∈. Statements for p=p(·;t) on (-∞,0] translate, for each x∈, to statements for p=p(·+x;t) on (-∞,x]. This is important, as we wish to include natural solutions p=p(y;t) to the linear dispersion equation that are unbounded as y→∞. Examples of such solutions are exponential-form solutions that generate soliton solutions to the corresponding non-commutative integrable nonlinear partial differential equation. Explicitly, the Marchenko equation we consider herein takes the form, p(y+z+x;t)=g(y,z;x,t)-∫_-∞^0 g(y,ξ;x,t)q(ξ,z;x,t) ξ, where q is the kernel of Q-P^2. With this in hand, we have the following result, adapted from Doikou et al. <cit.>. Assume the smooth initial data p_0=p_0(·) for p=p(·;t) is such that det_2(𝕀-Q_0)≠0, where Q_0-P_0^2 and P_0 is the Hankel operator generated by p_0. Further assume there exists a T>0 such that there is a solution, p∈ C^∞([0,T];L^2_w((-∞,0];^m× m)∩ C^∞((-∞,0];^m× m)), to the linear dispersion equation _t p=-μ_n(iℐ)^n-1_y^n p, where w y↦(1-y)^2. Then there exists a T^'>0 with T^'⩽ T such that for t∈[0,T^'] we know: (i) The Hankel operator P=P(x,t) with parameter x∈ generated by p is Hilbert–Schmidt valued on ; (ii) The determinant det_2(𝕀-Q(x,t))≠0 where Q(x,t)-P^2(x,t), and hence (iii) There is a unique Hilbert–Schmidt valued solution G=G(x,t) with G∈ C^∞([0,T^'];𝔍_2()) to the linear Fredholm equation P=G(𝕀-Q). §.§ Trace formulae and finite-rank operators We now establish that at the core of the Pöppe product is in fact a finite rank operator. For this section only, for convenience, we assume the domain of support of the functions under consideration is [0,∞) as opposed to (-∞,0]. A reflection transformation translates between the two. For a bounded integral operator K L^2(0,∞)→ L^2(0,∞) with a continuous kernel k=k(y,z), we write K_0,0=k(0,0) for the kernel bracket. We define the shift operator S_η L^2(0,∞)→ L^2(0,∞) by S_η f(x)=f(x-η) ind_(0,∞)(x-η), where ind_(0,∞) is the indicator function on (0,∞). It is well-known that S_η is a linear isometry and (S_η)_η>0 is a strongly continuous contraction semigroup. Further, the adjoint S_η^† is a linear contraction, and (S_η^†)_η>0 is a strongly continuous contraction semigroup on L^2. Set σ_η(K) S_η^† KS_η for K∈𝔍(L^2(0,∞)). Then we have: (i) σ_η(K)∈𝔍(L^2(0,∞)) for all K∈𝔍(L^2(0,∞)) with σ_η(K)⩽K, K↦σ_η(K) is linear and σ_η+ξ=σ_η(σ_ξ(K)); (ii) K=K^† implies (σ_η(K))^†=σ_η(K) and K⩾0 implies σ_η(K)⩾0; (iii) (S_η)_η>0 gives a strongly continuous contraction semigroup on the von Neumann–Schatten ideal 𝔍_p for 1⩽ p<∞ and on the space of compact operators. Also σ_η(K)→ K as η→0 for such K; (iv) Let δ be the generator of the semigroup in (iii), so σ_η=exp(t δ). Then for continuously differentiable kernels k=k(y,z) we have, δ k(y,z)=(_y+_z)k(y,z); (v) Suppose that K has a continuous kernel k=k(y,z), and that K is self-adjoint, non-negative and trace class. Then, det(𝕀+σ_η(K))=det(𝕀+KPr_(η,∞)) and, σ_η(K)_0,0=k(η,η)=-/ηtr σ_η(K); (vi) Pöppe's bracket operation satisfies, tr δ K=- K_0,0. (i) Follows since (S_η) is a contraction semigroup, while (ii) is straightforward. (iii) The Schatten class gives an operator ideal, so we have S_η^† KS_η_𝔍_p⩽ K_𝔍_p since S_η_𝔍=1. In view of this, we only need to check continuity in the relevant norm. For the Hilbert–Schmidt operators 𝔍_2, we let σ_η(K)(y,z) be the kernel of σ_η(K) as an integral operator. Then we have σ_η(K)(y,z)=K(y+η,z+η), so by the Hilbert–Schmidt theorem, σ_η(K)-K^2_𝔍_2=∫_0^∞∫_0^∞ k(y+η,z+η)-k(y,z)^2 y z, which converges to 0 as η→ 0^+. For the trace class operators 𝔍_1, we observe that the space of trace class operators may be identified with the projective tensor product 𝔍_1=L^2⊗̂L^2, so we have a nuclear expansion, k(y,z)=∑_j=1^∞ f_j(y)g_j(z), where ∑_j=1^∞f_j_L^2g_j_L^2=K_𝔍_1. Then we have σ_η(K)(y,z)-k(y,z)=∑_j=1^∞(f_j(y+η)-f_j(y))g_j(z+η)+∑_j=1^∞ f_j(y)(g_j(z+η)-g_j(y)), and so, σ_η(K)-K_𝔍_1⩽∑_j=1^∞S_η^†(f_j)-f_j_L^2g_j_L^2+∑_j=1^∞f_j_L^2S_η(g_j)-g_j_L^2, where the right-hand side converges to 0 as η→ 0^+ by dominated convergence. For 1<p<∞, we observe that the finite-rank operators give a dense linear subspace of 𝔍_p, so we can argue as with the trace class operators. Likewise, the finite-rank operators give a dense linear subspace of the space of compact operators. Hence (σ_η)_η>0 gives as strongly continuous contraction semigroup on these spaces. Now S_η^† f→ 0 as η→∞ for all f∈ L^2(0,∞), so for all finite rank operators F, we have σ_η(F)→ 0 as η→∞. Then for K∈𝔍_p and ε>0 there exists a finite rank F such that K-F_𝔍_p<ε, so σ_η(K)_𝔍_p⩽K-F_𝔍_p+σ_η(F)_𝔍_p is less than 2ε for all sufficiently large η. (Note, we do not assert that (σ_η)_η>0 is strongly continuous on 𝔍 itself.) (iv) From the definition of generator, we have, δ k(y,z)=./η|_η=0σ_η(K)(y,z)=./η|_η=0k(y+η,z+η) =(_y+_z)k(y,z). (v) We have, (𝕀+σ_η(K))=(𝕀+S_η^† KS_η) =(𝕀+KS_η S_η^†)=(𝕀+KPr_(η, ∞ )). By Mercer's formula we have, tr σ_η(K)=∫_0^∞ K(y+η,y+η) y, and we can differentiate this formula using the fundamental theorem of calculus. (vi) The result (v) may be formulated in terms of the generator without explicit mention of the semigroup. Let 𝒟^1{ϕ∈ L^2((0,∞);ℂ)ϕ'∈ L^2((0,∞);ℂ)}, and recall from Hille and Phillips <cit.> that 𝒟^1 is the domain of the generator of (S_η^†)_η>0. By Plancherel's theorem, we have 𝒟^1⊂ L^∞, so 𝒟^1 is an algebra under pointwise multiplication of functions; hence there is a map μ𝒟^1⊗𝒟^1→𝒟^1 given by ϕ(y)ψ(z)↦ϕ(y)ψ(y). There is also a natural inclusion 𝒟^1⊗𝒟^1→ L^2⊗ L^2=𝔍_1(L^2), and the trace satisfies tr (K)=∫_0^∞μ (K)(x) x. We have δ𝒟^1⊗𝒟^1→ L^2⊗ L^2ϕ⊗ψ↦ϕ'⊗ψ+ϕ⊗ψ'; hence for k=∑_j=1^∞ϕ_j(y)ψ_j(z) we have, tr δ K=∑_j=1^∞∫_0^∞(ϕ_j(y)ψ_j(y)+ϕ_j(y)ψ_j'(y)) y =-∑_j=1^∞ϕ_j(0)ψ_j(0), so we have the required expression for Pöppe's bracket operation. Suppose that ϕ∈ L^2((0,∞ );𝕄_m× m(ℂ)). Then we introduce ϕ_(x)(η)ϕ(2x+η) and the Hankel operator Γ_ϕ_(x):L^2((0,∞);ℂ^m× 1)→ L^2((0,∞);ℂ^m× 1) by, Γ_ϕ_(x) h(y)=∫_0^∞ϕ (y+z+2x)f(z) z for f∈ L^2((0, ∞ );ℂ^m× 1). Suppose, ∫_0^∞ tϕ(y)^2 y<∞ and ∫_0^∞ tψ(y)^2 y<∞. Then Γ_ϕ is a Hilbert–Schmidt operator, and Γ_ϕΓ_ψ is trace class with, tr (Γ_ϕΓ_ψ)=∫_0^∞∫_0^∞ϕ(y+z)ψ(y+z) dy z=∫_0^∞ yϕ(y)ψ(y) y. A bounded linear operator Γ on L^2(0, ∞ ) is Hankel if and only if S_η^†Γ=Γ S_η for all η>0. This may be interpreted as _xΓ=-Γ_y when we consider operators on C_c^∞ (0, ∞ ). In the context of Hankel products, this leads to the following. We have the following: (i) Let Γ_ϕ be the Hankel operator with kernel ϕ(y+z). Then σ_η(Γ_ϕ) has kernel ϕ (y+z+2η), so σ_η(Γ_ϕ)=Γ_ϕ_(η); (ii) Let ϕ,ψ∈𝕄_m× m(C_c^∞ (0,∞)) be functions as above. Then σ_2η(Γ_ϕΓ_ψ)=Γ_ϕ_(η)Γ_ψ_(η), and, _η(Γ_ϕ_(η)Γ_ψ_(η)), is a bounded linear operator of finite rank with rank less than or equal to m^2; (iii) Suppose m=1, and ϕ,ψ∈ C_c^∞(0,∞). Then δ (Γ_ϕΓ_ψ ) has rank one; (iv) Conversely, suppose that K is in the domain of δ and δ(K) has finite rank. Then K=Γ_Φ^⊤Γ_Ψ; (v) Let Γ_x=Γ_ϕ_(x) and Γ_x'=_xΓ_x. Let Θ be holomorphic on an open neighbourhood of the spectrum of Γ_x for all real x. Then we have, Γ_xΘ'(Γ_x)_0,0=-_xtr (Θ(Γ_x)). Item by item we observe the following. (i) This is straightforward, and explains the notation. (ii) The Hankel operators Γ_ϕ_(η) and Γ_ψ_(η) are Hilbert–Schmidt, so their product is trace class. Then we differentiate the kernel and obtain, _η∫_0^∞ϕ(y+ξ+2η)ψ(ξ+z+2η) ξ=-2ϕ(y+2η)ψ(z+2η), which gives an element of the vector space 𝕄_m× m(ℂ) of dimension m^2. (iii) We have for m=1, δ(Γ_ϕΓ_ψ)(y,z)=-ϕ(y)ψ(z). (iv) By hypothesis, there exist ϕ_j,ψ_j∈ L^2(0,∞) for j=1,…,n such that δ K(y,z)=-∑_j=1^n ϕ_j(y)ψ_j(z). Then we introduce the vector functions Φ=(ϕ_1,…, ϕ_n)^T and Ψ=(ψ_1,…, ψ_n)^T so that Γ_Φ^⊤Γ_Ψ =∑_j=1^n Γ_ϕ_jΓ_ψ_j; and also δ(Γ_Φ^⊤Γ_Ψ)=-∑_j=1^n ϕ_j(y)ψ_j(z). We consider W=K-Γ_Φ^⊤Γ_Ψ which belongs to the domain of δ with δ(W)=0, hence, σ_η(W)=W+∫_0^ησ_ξ(δ W) ξ=W, where σ_η(W)→ 0 as t→∞; thus W=0 and K=Γ_Φ^⊤Γ_Ψ is a Hankel product. (v) For even powers we have, 2_xtr Γ_x^2k=2∑_j=0^k-1tr (Γ_x^2j_x(Γ_x^2)Γ_x^2(k-j-1)) =2k tr (Γ_x^2k-2_xΓ_x^2), where the final operator has finite rank. For odd powers, since, 2_xtr (Γ_x^2k+1) = tr (Γ_x'Γ_2^2k+Γ_xΓ_x'Γ_x^2k-1+⋯+Γ_x^2kΓ_x') +tr (Γ_x'Γ_2^2k+Γ_xΓ_x'Γ_x^2k-1+⋯+Γ_x^2kΓ_x'), and then we move the terms in the second list one step to the left, except for the first, which we move to the end. Thus we obtain, tr ((Γ_x'Γ_x+Γ_xΓ_x')Γ_x^2k-1 +Γ_x (Γ_x'Γ_x+Γ_xΓ_x')Γ_x^2k-2+⋯+Γ_x^2k-1(Γ_x'Γ_x+Γ_xΓ_x')) =(2k+1) tr (Γ_x^2k-1_xΓ_x^2), where again the final operator has finite rank. Suppose that the spectrum of Γ_x is contained in D(0,r) for some r>0. Then for all s such that | s| >r, we have a convergent power series (s-γ )^-1=∑_j=0^∞γ^j/s^j+1 for all γ in the spectrum of Γ_x and, 2 _xtr ((s·𝕀-Γ_x)^-1)=∑_j=1^∞2/s^j+1_xtr (Γ^j_x). Then for the first term in the series, we have, 2 tr (Γ_x')=2 _x∫_0^∞ϕ(2y+2x) y=-2ϕ(2x)=-2Γ_x_0,0, and for the remaining terms in the series, tr (Γ_x^j-2_xΓ_x^2) equals, -2∫_0^∞⋯∫_0^∞ϕ_(x)(y_0+y_1)ϕ_(x)(y_1+y_2)…ϕ_(x)(y_j-1+y_0)dy_0… dy_j-1, which equals -2Γ_x^j_0,0. The result -_xtr ((s·𝕀-Γ_x)^-1)=Γ_x(s·𝕀-Γ_x)^-2_0,0 holds for all s such that |s|>r follows when we multiply through by -1/2 and sum over j. By analytic continuation, we have the same identity for all s in the unbounded component of the complement of the spectrum of Γ_x in the complex plane. Now let Θ be holomorphic on an open neighbourhood of the spectrum of Γ_x for all x>0. Note that Γ_x→ 0 as x→∞, so this uniformity is a mild restriction. Then there exists a contour C that winds round the spectrum of Γ_x once in the positive sense, so by Cauchy's integral formula Θ (Γ_x)=(2π i)^-1∫_C (s·𝕀-Γ_x)^-1Θ(ζ) ζ, hence, -_xtr (Θ(Γ_x)) =-1/2π i∫_C _xtr ((s·𝕀-Γ_x)^-1)Θ(ζ) ζ =1/2π i∫_CΓ_x (s·𝕀-Γ_x)^-2_0,0Θ(ζ) ζ, which integrates to Γ_xΘ'(Γ_x)_0,0. The proof is complete. For real-valued ϕ, and for Θ(ζ)=ζ^2, the basic formulae are, Γ_x^2_𝔍_2=tr (Γ_x^2)=∫_0^∞yϕ_(x)(y)^2 y and Γ_x^2_0,0=-12_xtr (Γ_x^2)=∫_0^∞ϕ_(x)(y)^2 y. § PÖPPE ALGEBRA We prescribe the kernel algebra generated by the quantities V and V^† and their derivatives, based on the Pöppe product in Lemma <ref>, as well as a subalgebra generated by the quantity V-V^† and its derivatives. We also outline abstract versions of these algebras to aid computations. We nominate the abstract algebra as the Pöppe algebra and the corresponding subalgebra the skew-Pöppe algebra. The Pöppe algebra outlined herein represents a generalisation of the Pöppe algebra used in Malham <cit.> to derive the non-commutative Korteweg–de Vries hierarchy. We begin with some preliminary identities. Given a Hankel Hilbert–Schmidt operator P=P(x,t) on , depending on the parameters x∈ and t⩾0, we set, V (𝕀-iP)^-1. Recall that P is self adjoint, so that P^†=P and thus (iP)^†=-iP. Given a Hankel operator P=P(x,t) which is Hilbert–Schmidt valued, and the definition V(𝕀-iP)^-1, with V^†=(𝕀+iP)^-1 the adjoint operator to V, we observe that, V≡𝕀+(iP)V≡𝕀+V(iP) and V^†≡𝕀+(iP)^† V^†≡𝕀+V^†(iP)^†, and further that, V-V^†≡2 V(iP)V^†. All these identities follow directly from the definitions of V and V^† and partial fraction identities. Given a Hankel Hilbert–Schmidt operator P=P(x,t) on , depending on the parameters x∈ and t⩾0, we define the operator G by, G V-V^†. Using Lemma <ref>, we can write V-V^†=2 V(iP)V^†=2 (iP)U, where U(𝕀+P^2)^-1. This is possible because V and V^† can be expressed as power series in P with scalar coefficients. Hence the order of the operators in V(iP)V^† does not matter. Thus, as outlined in detail in Doikou et al. <cit.>, the flow of G represents a Fredholm Grassmannian flow. It is now helpful to define the signature character, given previously in Malham <cit.> and Doikou et al. <cit.>. Let ℕ^∗ denote the free monoid of words on ℕ, i.e. the set of all possible words of the form a_1a_2⋯ a_k we can construct from letters a_1, a_2, …, a_k∈ℕ. Suppose a_1a_2⋯ a_n∈ℕ^∗. The signature character χℕ^∗→ℚ of any such word is given by the product of Leibniz coefficients, χ a_1a_2⋯ a_n↦∏_k=1^n[ a_k+⋯+a_n; a_k ]. Let 𝒞(n) denote the set of all compositions of n∈ℕ. The following result is equivalent to that in Malham <cit.> and Doikou et al. <cit.>, where detailed proofs can be found. For any integer k, we set (iP)_k^k(iP), V_k^kV and V^†_k^kV^†. For example, if k=2, then V_2=^2V, while if k=-1, then V_-1=^-1V. Given a Hankel operator P=P(x,t) and that V(𝕀-iP)^-1 with V^†=(𝕀+iP)^-1, we observe that V≡ V(iP)_1V and V^†≡ V^†(iP)_1^† V^†. With the sum over all compositions a_1⋯ a_k∈𝒞(n), we have, V_n=∑χ(a_1⋯ a_n) V(iP)_a_1V⋯ V(iP)_a_kV, with the corresponding generalisation for V_n^†. In particular we have, V_n-V_n^†=∑χ(a_1⋯ a_n) (V(iP)_a_1V⋯ V(iP)_a_kV-V^†(iP)^†_a_1V^†⋯ V^†(iP)_a_k^† V^†). We now construct the algebra generated by V-V^† and its derivatives. For any Hilbert–Schmidt operator W, we set, [W] W-W^† and {W} W+W^†. In other words the bracket `[ · ]' generates the kernel of the difference, between its operator argument and corresponding adjoint. It is the kernel of the skew-symmetric part of its operator argument. It is not a commutator. Thus if v=v(y,z;x,t) is the matrix-valued kernel corresponding to V which depends on the parameters x and t, then [V]=v(y,z;x,t)-v^†(z,y;x,t), where now v^† is the complex conjugate transpose of the matrix v. Analogously, { · } generates the kernel of the symmetric part of its operator argument. From Lemma <ref>, we observe that, [V_n]=∑χ(a_1⋯ a_n) [V(iP)_a_1V⋯ V(iP)_a_kV]. The kernel monomial algebra is generated by the monomials [V(iP)_a_1V⋯ V(iP)_a_kV], including monomials of this form with one or more of the V's shown being replaced by V^†. The Pöppe product from Lemma <ref> generates closed-form identities for products of such monomials. In particular, we have the following. For arbitrary Hilbert–Schmidt operators F and F^' and a Hankel Hilbert–Schmidt operator P with parameter x and a smooth kernel, we have the following, F(iP)_aV V(iP)_bF^' = F(iP)_a+1V(iP)_bF^'+ F(iP)_aV(iP)_b+1F^' +2 F(iP)_aV(iP)_1V(iP)_bF^', F(iP_a)V^† V^†(iP_b)F^' = F(iP)_a+1V^†(iP)_bF^'+ F(iP)_aV^†(iP)_b+1F^' +2 F(iP)_aV^†(iP)_1V^†(iP)_bF^', F(iP)_aV^† V(iP)_bF^' = F(iP)_a+1V(iP)_bF^'+ F(iP)_aV^†(iP)_b+1F^', F(iP)_aV V^†(iP)_bF^' = F(iP)_a+1V^†(iP)_bF^'+ F(iP)_aV(iP)_b+1F^'. The results stated are established straightforwardly. For example, using the identities in Lemma <ref> and the basic Pöppe product rule, we observe, F(iP)_aV V(iP)_b F^' = F(iP)_a+F(iP)_aV(iP)(iP)_bF^'+(iP)V(iP)_b F^' = F(iP)_a+1(iP)_b F^' + F(iP)_a(iP)_b+1 F^' + F(iP)_a+1(iP)V(iP)_b F^' + F(iP)_a(iP)_1V(iP)_b F^' + F(iP)_aV(iP)_1(iP)_b F^' + F(iP)_aV(iP)(iP)_b+1 F^' + F(iP)_aV(iP)_1(iP)V(iP)_b F^' + F(iP)_aV(iP)(iP)_1V(iP)_b F^'. Combining terms using the identities in Lemma <ref> generates the first result claimed. And so forth. As mentioned, the set of all kernel monomials of the form V(iP)_a_1V(iP)_a_2V⋯ V(iP)_a_kV, where any of the V's shown may be replaced by V^†, with the Pöppe kernel product defined in Lemma <ref>, form a closed algebra of such monomials. We assume here that all the derivatives of the P operator exist and are Hilbert–Schmidt valued. At this stage it is useful to consider an abstract encoding of this kernel monomial algebra, equipped with the Pöppe kernel product. The abstract algebra is constructed by simply stripping the `iP' and `V' labels from the kernel monomials, and respectively, replacing them by the composition components a_1a_2⋯ a_k, together with a binary encoding of whether an intervening operator is a V or V^†, i.e. we replace, V(iP)_a_1V(iP)_a_2V⋯ V(iP)_a_kV→0 a_10 a_20⋯0 a_k0, where any of the 0's shown, corresponding to the V operator, may be replaced by 0^† in the corresponding position that a V^† operator is present in the monomial on the left. In essence, the Pöppe kernel product defined in Lemma <ref> involves operations on these stripped down components only, i.e. operations on the forms 0 a_10 a_20⋯0 a_k0, where again some 0's may be replaced by 0^†. Since we mirror the Pöppe product in the abstract setting in Definition <ref>, we know that the kernel monomial algebra and our abstract algebra encoding just below, are isomorphic. Let us now introduce our abstract encoding for the algebra of operator kernel monomials equipped with the Pöppe product in Lemma <ref>, just mentioned. Given a word w=a_1a_2⋯ a_k generated using letters a_1, a_2, …, a_k from ℤ, and a word φ=θ_1θ_2⋯θ_k+1 generated using the letters θ_1, θ_2, …, θ_k+1 chosen from the binary set { 0, 0^†}, let w×ϑ denote the corresponding word, w×φ=θ_1 a_1θ_2 a_2θ_3⋯θ_k a_kθ_k+1, in the free monoid (ℤ_ 0)^∗ where ℤ_ 0ℤ∪{ 0, 0^†}. For such words, there is a single letter from the binary set { 0, 0^†} sandwiched between each of the letters from ℤ, as well as one at each end. Let ℂ⟨ℤ_ 0⟩ denote the non-commutative polynomial algebra over ℂ generated by words from (ℤ_ 0)^∗, endowed with the following Pöppe product. Consider four words from (ℤ_ 0)^∗ of the form ua 0, ua 0^†, 0bv and 0^† bv, where u and v are any subwords from (ℤ_ 0)^∗ and a,b∈ℤ. We define the Pöppe product from ℂ⟨ℤ_ 0⟩×ℂ⟨ℤ_ 0⟩ to ℂ⟨ℤ_ 0⟩ of these words to be, (ua 0)( 0 bv) =u(a+1)0 bv+ua 0(b+1)v+2· ua 01 0bv, (ua 0^†)( 0^† bv) =u(a+1)0^† bv+ua 0^†(b+1)v+2· ua 0^†1 0^† bv, (ua 0^†)( 0 bv) =u(a+1)0 bv+ua 0^†(b+1)v (ua 0)( 0^† bv) =u(a+1)0^† bv+ua 0(b+1)v. Let ν denote the empty word in ℂ⟨ℤ_ 0⟩. Then for any word w×φ∈ℂ⟨ℤ_ 0⟩ we have ν (w×φ)=(w×φ) ν=w×φ. Let 𝒞∪_n⩾0𝒞(n) denote the set of all compositions. For any n∈ℕ∪{0}, we define the following linear signature expansions n∈ℂ⟨ℤ_ 0⟩, n∑_a_1a_2⋯ a_k∈𝒞(n)χ(a_1a_2⋯ a_k) · 0a_1 0a_2 0⋯ 0a_k 0, where the sum is over all possible compositions a_1a_2⋯ a_k, with k⩾1 parts, of n. For example, we note that 1=χ(1)· 01 0 and 2=χ(2)· 02 0+χ(11)· 01 01 0. Further note, for the case n=0, the signature expansion simply corresponds to the letter 0 from the binary set { 0, 0^†}. Equivalently we can write the relation in Definition <ref> for the case n=0 as 0=χ(0)· 0. Naturally by convention, we take χ(0)=1. Let us also remark on the following basic identities in ℂ⟨ℤ_ 0⟩, which follow from Lemma <ref>. We have the following basic relations in ℂ⟨ℤ_ 0⟩, 0≡ν+ 00≡ν+0 0, 0^†≡ν+ 0^†0^†≡ν+0^† 0^† and 0- 0^†=2· 00 0^†. Given any word w×φ∈ℂ⟨ℤ_ 0⟩, say w×φ=θ_1 a_1θ_2 a_2θ_3⋯θ_k a_kθ_k+1, the letters a_i^† denote the letters `-a_i' from ℤ, i.e. a_i^†=-a_i. Further we set, (θ_1 a_1θ_2 a_2θ_3⋯θ_k a_kθ_k+1)^†θ_1^† a_1^†θ_2^† a_2^†θ_3^†⋯θ_k^† a_k^†θ_k+1^† , i.e. we replace all the letters a_i in w by their counterparts a_i^†=-a_i and all the letters in θ by their counterparts. In the latter instance this means we change all the 0's to 0^†, and vice-versa. Note we do not reverse the order of the terms in w×φ. This means, for example, that we can interpret (w×φ)^†=w^†×φ^†, and since w^†=(-1)^|w|w, where |w| is the length of w, then (w×φ)^†∈ℂ⟨ℤ_ 0⟩. Consider the following skew-symmetric and symmetric forms on ℂ⟨ℤ_ 0⟩. Given any word w×φ∈ℂ⟨ℤ_ 0⟩, we define its skew-symmetric and symmetric forms in ℂ⟨ℤ_ 0⟩, respectively, by [w×φ] w×φ-(w×φ)^† and {w×φ} w×φ+(w×φ)^† . Naturally we have [(w×φ)^†]=-[w×φ] and {(w×φ)^†}={w×φ}. The following product rules based on the Pöppe product in Definition <ref>, are useful for our computations in all subsequent sections. Consider the elements [ua 0], {ua 0}, [ 0bv] and {0 bv} from ℂ⟨ℤ_ 0⟩, where u and v are any subwords from ℂ⟨ℤ_ 0⟩ and a,b∈ℤ. We have the following Pöppe products in ℂ⟨ℤ_ 0⟩ between these elements, {ua 0} [ 0 bv] =[u(a+1)[ 0 bv]]+[ua 0[(b+1)v]]+2· [ua 01 0bv], [ua 0] { 0 bv} =[u(a+1){ 0 bv}]+[ua 0{(b+1)v}]+2· [ua 01 0 bv], [ua 0] [ 0 bv] ={u(a+1)[ 0 bv]}+{ua 0[(b+1)v]}+2·{ua 01 0bv}, {ua 0} { 0 bv} ={u(a+1){ 0 bv}}+{ua 0{(b+1)v}}+2·{ua 01 0bv}. These products also hold when [ua0]=[0], which case term on the right involving `(a+1)' is absent. Likewise, these products also hold when [0bv]=[0], in which case the term on the right involving `(b+1)' is absent. The results are established straightforwardly using Definition <ref> for the abstract Pöppe product. Consider for example the first product shown, we observe that, {ua 0} [ 0 bv]= (ua 0+(ua 0)^†)( 0 bv-( 0 bv)^†) = u(a+1)0 bv+ua 0(b+1)v+2· ua 01 0bv -u(a+1)( 0bv)^†-ua 0((b+1)v)^† +(u(a+1))^†0 bv+(ua 0)^†(b+1)v -(u(a+1) 0bv)^†-(ua 0(b+1)v)^†-2·(ua 01 0 bv)^†, which gives the first product result. The other three cases follow completely analogously. For the case, for example, when [ua0]=[0] in the second product, we use that, since [0]=2·000^† and 000^†=0^†00, we have [000^†]=[0^†00]=000^†+0^†00=[0]. Hence we observe, since [0]=[0^†00], we can use the latter form in the corresponding product already established, so using the properties of the skew and symmetric forms in Definition <ref> we have, [0] {0bv}= [0^†00] {0bv} = [0^†1{ 0 bv}]+[0^†0 0{(b+1)v}]+2· [0^†0 01 0 bv] = [0^†1 0 bv]+[01 0 bv]+[0^†0 0(b+1)v]+[00 0^†(b+1)v]+2· [0^†0 01 0 bv] = [0(b+1)v]-[ 0^†(b+1)v]+[(0^†+0+2·0^†0 0)1 0 bv] = [0{(b+1)v}]+2·[ 01 0 bv]. The remaining cases follow completely analogously. We observe that, using the properties of the skew-symmetric and symmetric forms `[ · ]' and `{ · }' recorded in Definition <ref>, the skew and symmetric Pöppe products quoted in Lemma <ref> are sufficient to resolve the Pöppe products of all possible skew-symmetric or symmetric forms we might encounter. For example if the left factor is of the form [ua 0^†] or {ua 0^†}, then we can use that [ua 0^†]=-[(ua)^† 0] or {ua 0^†}={(ua)^† 0} and then apply the product rules shown to the latter forms. Similarly we can use that [ 0^† bv]=-[ 0(bv)^†] and { 0^† bv}={ 0(bv)^†}. We observe, to compute the Pöppe product of any monomials of the form [w_1×φ_1] [w_2×φ_2] ⋯ [w_k×φ_k], we really only need the rule for [ · ] [ · ] and say the rule for [ · ] { · } in Lemma <ref>. This is because we can work from right to left through the products in such a monomial. We can alternatively use { · } [ · ] and work from left to right. The skew-form [0] corresponds to the general skew-form [w×φ] in which the composition component/word w=ν, the empty word, and φ=0, i.e. we have [ν×0]=[0]. Note if φ=0^†, this simply corresponds to `-[0]' or equivalently `-[ν×0]'. In Pöppe products, the skew-form [0] has some rather special properties, as highlighted in Lemma <ref>. By Remark <ref> and the second result in proof of Lemma <ref>, we have, for example, [ 0] [0 bv] ={0[(b+1)v]}+2·{ 01 0bv}, [ua 0] [ 0] ={u(a+1)[0]}+2·{ua 01 0}, [0] {0bv} =[0{(b+1)v}]+2·[ 01 0bv]. In particular, setting bv to be the empty word ν, we have [ 0]^2=2·{ 010}. Consider a multi-factor product of signature expansions of the form, [ n_1] [ n_2] ⋯ [ n_k] =∑(χ(w_1)χ(w_2)⋯χ(w_k))·[w_1×φ_1] [w_2×φ_2] ⋯ [w_k×φ_k], where the sum is over all words w_1×φ_1 with w_1∈𝒞(n_1), w_2×φ_2 with w_2∈𝒞(n_2), and so forth. Note, the form [w_1×φ_1] [w_2×φ_2] ⋯ [w_k×φ_k] generates many different words in ℂ⟨ℤ_ 0⟩. We observe that it would be convenient to encode χ(w_1)χ(w_2)⋯χ(w_k) as χ(w_1 w_2⋯ w_k). Indeed, hereafter, we assume that χ acts homomorphically on any such tensor product of compositions so that indeed we have, χ(w_1 w_2⋯ w_k)≡χ(w_1)χ(w_2)⋯χ(w_k). Let us now outline some simple examples. By definition [ 0] 0- 0^†. Using the notation [ 0]^2=(χ(0)·[ 0]) (χ(0)·[ 0]) and so forth, then using the product rules in Lemma <ref> we observe (also see Remark <ref>), [ 0]^2= χ(00)·{ 010}, [ 0]^3= [ 0] [ 0]^2 = (χ(0)·[ 0]) (χ(00){ 010}) = χ(000)·[ 0{2 0}]+χ(000)·[ 01 0 1 0], where the tensor notation `' in the argument of χ=χ(·) indicates a tensor product `' together with the fact that an extra real factor of `2' should be included with the χ=χ(·) factor shown. See Remark <ref> just below. Hereafter, we also use the tensor notation `' in the argument of χ=χ(·) to indicate when the skew or symmetric form were generated by the `quasi' term 2·[ua010 bv] in one of the Pöppe products in Lemma <ref>. We illustrated this in Example <ref> just above. We observe therein that the result of the product [0]^2 is `2' times the symmetric form { 010}. This symmetric form emerges from the `quasi' term in the Pöppe product of χ(0)·[ 0] with χ(0)·[ 0] and a natural way to record this is the form χ(00)·{ 010}. The tensor product of the zeros in the argument of χ=χ(·) indicates that the symmetric form is the result of the product of [0] with [0], while the fact that the tensor product is `' indicates it was the result of the `quasi' term in the Pöppe product, and an extra factor of 2 is implied. In this case if we evaluate the signature character we include an extra factor of `2' in its evaluation. Also consider the product [0]^3 in Example <ref>. When we compute the Pöppe product (χ(0)·[ 0]) (χ(00){ 010}), the first skew form generated, i.e. [ 0{2 0}], has the coefficient χ(000) as we might expect, using the homomorphic properties of χ. However the second term generated by the product (χ(0)·[ 0]) (χ(00){ 010}), which is [ 01 0 1 0], has the coefficient χ(000). This is because this second term is the result of the `quasi' term 2·[ua010 bv] in the Pöppe product; here ua=ν and bv=10. The factor `2' is absorbed/encoded by the fact that a `' tensor (instead of just `') is used between the first 0 and the 00, the respective χ-arguments for [0] and { 010}, in the coefficient χ(000) for [ 01 0 1 0] in Example <ref>. See Example <ref> for further illustrations of this notation. Using the Pöppe products in Lemma <ref> and that [ 1]=χ(1)·[ 010], we have, [ 1] [ 0]^2= (χ(1)·[ 010]) (χ(00)·{ 0 1 0}) = χ(100)·([ 02{010}]+[010{20}]) +χ(100)·[0101010], [ 0]^2 [ 1]= (χ(00)·{ 0 1 0}) (χ(1)·[ 010]) = χ(00 1)·([ 02[010]]+[010[20]]) +χ(001)·[0101010]. Given any word w×φ∈ℂ⟨ℤ_ 0⟩ with w×φ=θ_1a_1θ_2⋯θ_ka_kθ_k+1, we define the derivation endomorphism on ℂ⟨ℤ_ 0⟩ to be the linear expansion, (w×φ) ∑_ℓ=1^kθ_1a_1θ_2⋯θ_ℓ(a_ℓ+1)θ_ℓ+1⋯θ_ka_kθ_k+1 +∑_ℓ=1^k+1θ_1a_1θ_2⋯θ_ℓ-1a_ℓ-1(θ_ℓ)a_ℓθ_ℓ+1⋯θ_ka_kθ_k+1, where θ_ℓ equals 01 0 or 0^† 1^† 0^†, depending respectively on whether θ_ℓ is 0 or 0^†. The action of the derivation endomorphism on 0 and 0^† shown in the definition reflects the signature expansions, either at the kernel or abstract level. In this case here, we know V=V(iP)_1V and V^†=V^†(iP)_1^† V^† or equivalently 1=χ(1)· 01 0 and 1^†=χ(1)· 0^† 1^† 0^†=- 0^† 1 0^†. Similarly, the action of the derivation endomorphism on any signature expansion, say n, is given by, n↦(n+1), and similarly for n^†. Now suppose, within ℂ⟨ℤ_ 0⟩, we restrict ourselves to the set of skew-symmetric forms [w×φ]. Naturally, as a vector space, ℂ⟨ℤ_ 0⟩ can be decomposed into the direct sum of the vector subspaces ℂ[ℤ_ 0] of skew-symmetric forms, and ℂ{ℤ_ 0} of symmetric forms: ℂ⟨ℤ_ 0⟩=ℂ[ℤ_ 0] ⊕ ℂ{ℤ_ 0}. We observe from the Pöppe products in Lemma <ref>, the product [w_1×φ_1] [w_2×φ_2] does not generate a skew-symmetric form but a symmetric one. However any triple product [w_1×φ_1] [w_2×φ_2] [w_3×φ_3] does generate a skew-symmetric form. This is true for any Pöppe products involving an odd number of skew-symmetric forms. Hence we can define a subalgebra of the Pöppe algebra ℂ⟨ℤ_ 0⟩ which we denote by ℂ[ℤ_ 0]⊆ℂ⟨ℤ_ 0⟩, which is generated by skew-symmetric forms and triple products of such forms. We call ℂ[ℤ_ 0] the skew-Pöppe algebra. In practice, in particular in the next two sections, we perform calculations in the “enveloping” algebra ℂ⟨ℤ_ 0⟩, and at the end, show that the result remains closed within the skew-Pöppe algebra ℂ[ℤ_ 0]. However, the skew-Pöppe algebra and its triple product structure is crucial to the proof of our main result in Section <ref>. § HIERARCHY EXAMPLES We use the skew-Pöppe algebra ℂ[ℤ_ 0] to establish integrability for examples from the non-commutative nonlinear Schrödinger and modified Korteweg–de Vries hierarchy. This was first considered in an analogous context in Doikou et al. <cit.>. Recall the linear dispersion equation, the `base' equation, we introduced in Section <ref>. Hereafter we assume Hilbert–Schmidt operators P and G satisfy, respectively, the linear dispersive partial differential equation _t P=-μ_n(iℐ)^n-1^n P and the linear Fredholm equation iP=G(𝕀+P^2). We also assume P^†=P. We observe that with V(𝕀-iP)^-1, then assuming it exists, we have, G=V(iP)V^†. Note we scale this by a factor `2' presently so that it matches the expression in Definition <ref>. We record the following identities that prove useful below; also see Doikou et al.  <cit.>. Also recall the identities in Lemma <ref> and Remark <ref>. The block operators P and V satisfy the following idenitites, Pℐ=-ℐ P, ℐV=V^†ℐ and Vℐ=ℐV^†. The first identity follows from the block structures assumed for P and ℐ. The latter two identities follow using the power series expansion for V(𝕀-iP)^-1. We now rescale our definition for G above by a factor `2', and set, G V-V^†. Hereafter, we are thus concerned with the quantity [V] V-V^†. Using that _tV=V_t(iP)V and _tV^†=V^†_t(iP)^† V^†, and that _t(iP)=-μ_n(iℐ)^n-1^n(iP) and _t(iP)^†=-(-1)^n-1μ_n^n(iP)^†(iℐ)^n-1, we observe that for any n∈ℤ, we have _t[V]= V_t(iP)V-V^†_t(iP)^† V^† = -μ_n(V(iℐ)^n-1^n(iP)V-(-1)^n-1V^†^n(iP)^†(iℐ)^n-1V^†). For convenience set ℳ_n-μ_n(iℐ)^n-1. Using the identities in Lemma <ref>, we have, ℳ_n^-1_t[V]=[V(iP)_nV], when n is odd, [V^†(iP)_nV], when n is even. We now establish integrability for some examples from the non-commutative nonlinear Schrödinger hierarchy. We express ℳ_n^-1_t[V] in the skew-Pöppe algebra as follows. Given n∈ℤ, we define the time-derivation endomorphism 𝔢_nℂ[ℤ_ 0]→ℂ[ℤ_ 0] by, 𝔢_n[ 0]↦ [ 0n 0], when n is odd, [ 0n 0^†], when n is even. The nonlinear fields we seek are expressed in the skew-Pöppe algebra as follows. For n∈ℕ∪{0}, let π_n=π_n([ 0],[ 1],…,[ n]) denote a polynomial consisting of a linear combination of odd-degree monomials of signature expansions in the skew-Pöppe algebra ℂ[ℤ_ 0] of the form, π_n∑_k=1(odd)^n∑_a_1a_2⋯ a_k c_a_1a_2⋯ a_k· [ a_1] [ a_2] ⋯ [ a_k]. The first sum is over odd values of k. The second sum is over all words a_1a_2⋯ a_k we can construct from the alphabet {0,1,2,…,n} such that a_1+a_2+⋯+a_k=n-(k-1). This ensures π_n is an odd polynomial. The coefficients c_a_1a_2⋯ a_k are scalar constants. Our goal is to show 𝔢_n([ 0]) can be expressed in terms of a Pöppe polynomial π_n=π_n([ 0],[ 1],…,[ n]) in the skew-Pöppe algebra ℂ[ℤ_ 0]. Thus for each n∈ℕ∪{0}, our goal is to determine the coefficients c_a_1a_2⋯ a_k such that, 𝔢_n=π_n. The examples we explore here correspond to the simple cases n=0,1,2,3,4, as follows. [Linear ordinary differential equation: n=0] We observe 𝔢_0([ 0])=[ 0 0 0^†]. Recall that a^†=-a for letters from ℤ in (ℤ_ 0)^∗, including a=0. Hence we observe, [ 0 0 0^†]= 0 0 0^†- 0^†0^† 0= 0 0 0^†+ 0^†0 0= 0- 0^†=[ 0]. In other words 𝔢_0([ 0])=[ 0] which translates to the following linear ordinary differential equation for g= G, with ℳ_0=μ_0iℐ, _tg=ℳ_0 g. [Linear wave equation: n=1] We observe 𝔢_1([ 0])=[ 01 0]. From Definition <ref>, we have the signature expansion [ 1]=[ 01 0], since χ(1)=1. From Definition <ref> for the derivation endomorphism, we know [ 0]=[ 1]. Hence we have, 𝔢_1([ 0])=[ 0] in ℂ[ℤ_ 0]. This translates to the linear wave equation for g= G, with ℳ_1=-μ_1 𝕀, _tg=ℳ_1 g. [Nonlinear Schrödinger equation: n=2] We observe 𝔢_2([ 0])=[ 02 0^†]. Using the homomorphic properties of χ, the values for the signature coefficients given in Definition <ref> and that each tensor product `' under χ generates a real factor of 2, we have χ(000)=2 and χ(000)=4. Then from Example <ref>, we see that we have, [ 0]^3=2·[ 0{2 0}]+4·[ 01 0 1 0]=2·[ 02 0]-2·[ 02 0^†]+4·[ 01 0 1 0], using that [ 0{2 0}]=[ 02 0]-[ 02 0^†], and that 2^†=-2. The signature expansion for [ 2]=^2[ 0] is given by, [ 2]=χ(2)·[ 02 0]+χ(11)·[ 01 0 1 0]=[ 02 0]+2·[ 01 0 1 0]. Hence we observe, 𝔢_2([ 0])=[ 2]-1/2·[ 0]^3 in ℂ[ℤ_ 0]. This translates to the non-commutative nonlinear Schrödinger equation for g= G, with ℳ_2=-μ_2 (iℐ), ℳ_2^-1_tg=^2g-12g^3. In all examples, rescaling the solution g to 2 g recovers the usual corresponding equations in the non-commutative nonlinear Schrödinger hierarchy. This is because we assumed G V-V^† rather than G=V(iP)V^†≡1/2(V-V^†). [Modified Korteweg–de Vries equation: n=3] We observe 𝔢_3([ 0])=[ 03 0]. Recall from Example <ref> that, [ 0]^2=χ([0 0])·{ 0 1 0}. Note this lies in ℂ⟨ℤ_ 0⟩ as opposed to the skew-Pöppe algebra ℂ[ℤ_ 0]. From the results of Example <ref>, evaluating the signature characteristers, we know [ 1] [ 0]^2=2·([ 02{010}]+[010{20}])+4·[0101010] and [ 0]^2 [ 1]=2·([ 02[010]]+[010[20]])+4·[0101010]. Then using the properties of the skew form from Definition <ref>, we see that, [ 02{010}]+[ 02[010]]=2·[ 02010]   and  [ 010{20}]+[ 010[20]]=2·[01020]. The signature expansion for [ 3]=^3[ 0] is given by, [ 3] =χ(3)·[ 03 0]+χ(21)·[02010]+χ(12)·[01020] +χ(111)·[ 01 01 0 1 0] =[ 03 0]+3·[02010]+3·[01020]+6·[ 01 01 0 1 0]. Hence we see that, 𝔢_3([ 0])=[ 3]-34·([ 1] [ 0]^2+[ 0]^2 [ 1]), in ℂ[ℤ_ 0]. This translates to the non-commutative modified Korteweg–de Vries equation for g= G, with ℳ_3=μ_3 𝕀, ℳ_3^-1_tg=^3g-34(( g)g^2+g^2( g)). [Fourth order quintic nonlinear Schrödinger equation: n=4] In this case we know 𝔢_4([ 0])=[ 04 0^†]. For this and higher orders, our procedure needs to be systematic. The Pöppe polynomial in this case has the form, π_4 c_4·[ 4]+c_200·[2] [0]^2+c_020[0] [2] [0] +c_002·[0]^2 [2] +c_110·[1]^2 [0]+c_101·[1] [0] [1] +c_011·[0] [1]^2+c_00000·[0]^5. The signature expansion for [4] has the form, [4]= χ(4)·[040]+χ(31)·[03010]+χ(22)·[02020]+χ(13)·[01030] +χ(211)·[0201010]+χ(121)·[0102010]+χ(112)·[0101020] +χ(1111)·[010101010]. Using the skew and symmetric Pöppe products in Lemma <ref> we find, for example, that, [ 2] [ 0]^2= (χ(2)·[ 020]+χ(11)·[01010]) (χ(00)·{ 0 1 0}) = χ(200)·([ 03{010}]+[020{20}]) +χ(200)·[0201010] +χ(1100)·([ 0102{010}]+[01010{20}]) +χ(1100)·[010101010]. The other products shown in π_4 can be similarly expanded. In Table <ref> we list all the basis elements and corresponding coefficients generated by all the Pöppe products present in π_4. The values of the coefficients are the χ-images of the tensored terms shown. Each row generates a linear algebraic equation for the expansion coefficients c_4, c_200, c_110, …c_00000. Note that in Table <ref> rows are ordered according to descent order, with a sub-order for the positions of the 0^† letters as indicated. The ordering of the columns is self-evident from the structure present in the table. We discuss this ordering in more explicitly in Section <ref>. Using all the rows shown, we generate an over-determined linear system of algebraic equations, AC=B, where B is the column vector shown in the right-hand column in Table <ref>, C is the vector of coefficients c_4, c_020, and so forth in the order shown across the top row. The matrix A consists of the χ-images of the entries shown in the table (neglecting the final column). From the augmented matrix [A B], we observe the first two rows generate a closed system of equations, namely c_4+2c_020=0 and -2c_020=1. This system of equations corresponds to the following smaller augmented matrix subsystem [A_0 B_0] for c_4 and c_020, where A_0=[ 1 2; 0 -2 ] and B_0=[ 0; 1 ]. Hence we deduce c_4=1 and c_020=-1/2. With these values in hand, we then observe that the next two rows also generate a closed system of equations for c_200 and c_011 given by 4c_4+2c_020+2c_200+2c_011=0 and 2c_020-2c_200+2c_011=0. This linear system of equations for the two unknowns c_200 and c_011 is represented by the smaller augmented matrix subsystem [A_1 B_1], where, A_1=[ 2 2; -2 2 ] and B_1=[ -3; 1 ]. Solving the linear system of equations, we deduce that c_200=-1 and c_011=-1/2. The next four rows in the augmented matrix [A B], given the coefficients we have already solved for, generate a closed system of equations for c_110, c_101, c_002 and c_00000, generated by the smaller augment matrix [A_2 B_2], where, A_2=[ 1 1 2 4; -1 1 0 -4; 1 -1 0 -4; -1 -1 2 4 ] and B_2=[ -5/2; -5/2; -1/2; -3/2 ]. The solution to this system is given by c_110=-1/2, c_101=-3/2, c_002=-1 and c_00000=3/8. It is easy to check the equations represented by the remaining rows in the big augmented matrix [A B] above, are consistent. Thus, we deduce that 𝔢_4([ 0])=π_4, where the coefficients c_4, c_020 and so forth, are given by the unique values outlined above. The fourth order non-commutative nonlinear Schrödinger equation for g= G, with ℳ_4=μ_4iℐ, is given by, ℳ_4^-1_tg= ^4g-(^2g)g^2-12g(^2g)g-g^2(^2g) -12( g)^2g-32( g)g( g)-12g( g)^2+38g^5. This matches the form given in Malham <cit.> and Nijhoff et al. <cit.>. In Tables <ref> and <ref> we record the basis elements of the form [w×φ] in the far left column. The composition components w are compositions of n, i.e. compositions of 3 and 4, in the respective tables. The ℤ_2^∗-component φ in the basis element is in principle any possible (|w|+1)-tuples that can be constructed from {0,0^†}≅ℤ_2. However, recall [(w×φ)^†]=-[w×φ] and the Definition <ref>. Using this property for [(w×φ)^†], for any basis element [w×φ], we can thus always arrange for the first component of φ to be `0'; as can be observed in the tables. The basis elements are ordered according to descent order for the compositions w and natural binary ordering for the ℤ_2^∗-components φ. For more details see Definition <ref> in Section <ref>, and the subsequent discussion therein. Note that though the first component of φ can always be arranged to be 0, in our computations involving Pöppe products, we often utilise the symmetry [(w×φ)^†]=-[w×φ] in order to use the Pöppe products listed in Lemma <ref>. Thus temporarily, the first component in some factors is sometimes 0^†. However, we always use the same symmetry again to convert the final answer to the form with 0 as the first component in the basis element. § NON-COMMUTATIVE LAX HIERARCHY AND THE SINE-GORDON EQUATION Herein we establish the non-commutative nonlinear Schrödinger and modified Korteweg–de Vries Lax hierarchy iteratively, order by order. The non-commutative modified Korteweg–de Vries hierarchy can be found for example in Carillo and Schiebold <cit.>. Importantly, this iterative hierarchy extends to all negative orders. The first member of negative order, i.e. for which n=-1, corresponds to the non-commutative sine-Gordon cubic-form equation in Example <ref>; see, for example, Tracy and Widom <cit.> for the scalar case. Establishing the hierarchy for all orders n∈ℤ is particularly simple in the Pöppe algebra ℂℤ_0. We need to define some natural actions on ℂℤ_0 first. We define the standard commutation and symmetric products, respectively, adℂℤ_0×ℂℤ_0→ℂℤ_0 and sdℂℤ_0×ℂℤ_0→ℂℤ_0. For example, for [0]∈ℂ[ℤ_0]⊂ℂℤ_0 and any word w×φ∈ℂℤ_0 we have, ad_[0](w×φ) [0] (w×φ)-(w×φ) [0], sd_[0](w×φ) [0] (w×φ)+(w×φ) [0], which is the exclusive form of their action we use below. We also define the following two actions on the skew-Pöppe algebra ℂ[ℤ_0]. For [0]∈ℂ[ℤ_0] set, A1/4ad_[0]^-1ad_[0], S1/4sd_[0]^-1sd_[0]. That the actions of A and S are closed in ℂ[ℤ_0] is established as part of the proof of the following crucial lemma. For any n∈ℤ we have: (-A)[0n0^†] =[0(n+1)0], (-S)[0n0] =[0(n+1)0^†]. By direct computation using Lemma <ref> we have, ad_[0] [0n0^†] =[0][0n0^†]-[0n0^†][0] =2·({0(n+1)0^†}+{010n0^†}+{0n0^†1^†0^†}) =2· {0n0^†}. Hence we observe, using that {0 n0^†}=-{0^† n0} we have, A [0n0^†] =12([0] {0n0^†}+{0^† n0} [0]) =[0(n+1)0^†]-[0(n+1)0]+[010n0^†]+[0^† n010] = [0n0^†]-[0(n+1)0]. This gives the first result. Again, by direct computation, we have, sd_[0] [0n0] = [0] [0n0]+[0n0] [0] = 2 ({0(n+1)0}+{010n0}+{0n010}) = 2· {0n0}. Hence we observe, S [0n0] = 12([0] {0n0}+{0n0} [0]) = [0(n+1)0]+[010n0]+[0n010]-[0(n+1)0^†] = [0n0]-[0(n+1)0^†]. This gives the second result. The following immediate corollary is established straightforwardly by induction, both when n is positive as well as negative. For the remainder of this section we refer to Pöppe polyomials π_n for n∈ℤ, though in Definition <ref>, n∈ℕ∪{0} for which π_n=π_n([0],[1],…,[ n]). The form of π_n for the negative integer cases is given presently. Let n∈ℤ be a given integer, and consider the equation, 𝔢_n([ 0])=π_n, where π_n is a Pöppe polynomial and 𝔢_n([ 0]) equals [ 0n 0] if n is odd, and equals [ 0n 0^†] if n is even. For n=0,1,2,3,4 such polynomials π_n exist, as demonstrated in Examples <ref>—<ref>. Then we have, 𝔢_n+1([ 0])= (-A)π_n, when n is even, (-S)π_n, when n is odd. This follows directly from Lemma <ref> for n∈ℤ by induction. Further, we have the following additional immediate corollary. For any n∈ℤ, the (n+1)th order member equation of the non-commutative Lax hierarchy is given by, 𝔢_n+1([ 0])= (-A) ((-S)(-A))^n/2 [0], when n is even, ((-S)(-A))^1/2(n+1) [0], when n is odd. The Lax hierarchy stated in Corollary <ref>, at each odd order n, exactly matches that quoted for the non-commutative modified Korteweg–de Vries hierarchy in Carillo and Schiebold <cit.>. Given the main existence and uniqueness result we prove in Section <ref>, this is expected. The cases n=0,1,2,3,4 in Corollary <ref> naturally match the non-commutative equation members given in Examples <ref>—<ref>. However, Corollary <ref> also applies for negative n. Consider the example case of order `-1'. [Non-commutative sine-Gordon cubic-form equation: order `-1'] Setting n=-2, a case when n is even, in Corollary <ref>, generates the equation, 𝔢_-1([ 0])=(-A)((-S)(-A))^-1 [0] ⇔ (-S) 𝔢_-1([ 0])=[0]. We can express the equation on the right as follows, 𝔢_-1([ 0]) =[0]+14((^-1𝔢_-1([ 0]^2)) [0] +[ 0] (^-1𝔢_-1([ 0]^2))), where we have used that sd_[0] 𝔢_-1([ 0])=𝔢_-1([ 0]^2) from Lemma <ref> just below. This relation in ℂ[ℤ_0] translates to the non-commutative sine-Gordon cubic-form equation given in Example <ref> for g= G, with ℳ_-1=μ_-1 𝕀, i.e. _tg-14((^-1_tg^2) g+g (^-1_tg^2))=μ_-1g. Invoking the factor `2' rescaling mentioned in Remark <ref> gives the exact match. For any n∈ℤ we have, 𝔢_n([ 0]^2)=sd_[0] 𝔢_n([ 0]), when n is odd, ad_[0] 𝔢_n([ 0]), when n is even. This result is established at the operator level. Recall ℳ_n-μ_n(iℐ)^n-1 and the properties outlined in Lemma <ref>. We observe when n is even, we have, _t[V]^2= ℳ_n[V(iP)_nV^†] [V]+[V] ℳ_n[V(iP)_nV^†] = ℳ_n[V(iP)_nV^†] [V]-ℳ_n[V] [V(iP)_nV^†], where we have used that [V] ℳ_n= V-V^† ℳ_n=ℳ_n V^†-V=-ℳ_n[V]. When n is odd, we follow an analogous computation with [V(iP)_nV] replacing [V(iP)_nV^†] just above, and that in this case there is no sign change in the second term on the right as [V] ℳ_n= V-V^† ℳ_n=ℳ_n V-V^†=ℳ_n[V]. Naturally we can continue to consider further negative order hierarchy member equations. For example, the non-commutative order `-2' equation can be generated by setting n=-3, a case when n is odd, in Corollary <ref>. With 𝔢_-2([ 0])=[ 0(-2) 0^†], this generates the non-commutative equation, 𝔢_-2([ 0])=((-S)(-A))^-1 [0] ⇔ (-S)(-A) 𝔢_-2([ 0])=[0]. And so forth. The example integrable equations in Examples <ref>–<ref> in Section <ref> were of the form _tg=π(g, g,^2g,…) for n=0,1,2,3,4. Indeed for these examples, we show the equation is unique in this class. In other words, at each of the orders considered, given the base dispersion equation for P and the form of the Marchenko equation, the right-hand side in the non-commutative nonlinear partial differential equation, the `nonlinear field', is of the form π=π(g, g,^2g,…), where π is a polynomial in its arguments. In Section <ref>, we establish this fact to all orders n⩾0. § HIERARCHY UNIQUENESS Herein we prove that at each order n⩾0, the Pöppe polynomial signature expansion π_n such that 𝔢_n([ 0])=π_n, exists, and is unique. This is our main result. Before presenting this result in the general case, we present one further example, the n=5 case. This case acts a useful reference for our general argument. [Fifth order quintic modified Korteweg–de Vries equation: n=5] In this case 𝔢_5([ 0])=[ 05 0] and the Pöppe polynomial π_5, in general, has the form, π_5 c_5·[ 5]+c_300·[3] [0]^2+c_030·[0] [3] [0] +c_003·[0]^2 [3]+c_210·[ 2] [1] [0] +c_201·[ 2] [0] [1]+c_120·[ 1] [2] [0]+c_102·[ 1] [0] [2]+c_021·[ 0] [2] [1] +c_012·[ 0] [1] [2]+c_111·[ 1] [1] [1] +c_10000·[1] [0]^4+c_01000·[0] [1] [0]^3 +c_00100·[0]^2 [1] [0]^2+c_00010·[0]^3 [1] [0]+c_00001·[1] [0]^4. The signature expansion for [5] has the form, [5]= χ(5)·[050] +χ(41)·[04010]+χ(32)·[03020]+χ(23)·[02030]+χ(14)·[01040] +χ(311)·[0301010]+χ(221)·[0202010]+χ(212)·[0201020] +χ(131)·[0103010]+χ(122)·[0102020]+χ(113)·[0101030] +χ(2111)·[020101010]+χ(1211)·[010201010]+χ(1121)·[010102010] +χ(1112)·[010101020]+χ(11111)·[01010101010]. Using the skew and symmetric Pöppe products in Lemma <ref> we find, for example, that, [1] [2] [0] = (χ(1)·[ 010]) (χ(2)·[020]+χ(11)·[01010]) (χ(0)·[0]) = (χ(1)·[ 010]) (χ(20)·{03[0]}+χ(20)·{02010} +χ(110)·{0102[0]}+χ(110)·{0101010}) = χ(120)·([ 02{03[0]}]+[010{4[0]}]) +χ(120)·[010103[0]] +χ(120)·([ 02{02010}]+[010{3010}]) +χ(120)·[010102010] +χ(1110)·([ 02{0102[0]}]+[010{102[0]}]) +χ(1110)·[01010102[0]] +χ(1110)·([ 02{0101010}]+[010{201010}]) +χ(1110)·[01010101010]. The other products shown in π_5 can be similarly expanded. In Tables <ref> and <ref> we list the essential basis elements and corresponding signature coefficients generated by all the Pöppe products present in π_5. The values of the coefficients are the χ-images of the tensored terms shown. Each row generates a linear algebraic equation for the expansion coefficients c_5, c_300, c_210, …c_00001. The ordering of rows and columns in Tables <ref> and <ref> is self-evident. We discuss this ordering in detail presently. Using all the rows shown, we generate an over-determined linear system of algebraic equations, AC=B, where B is the column vector shown in the right-hand column in Table <ref> and C is the vector of coefficients c_5, c_030, c_300, c_021 and so forth in the order shown. The matrix A is populated with the χ-images of the signature coefficients shown in the tables. We can in fact solve AC=B for C systematically, block by block, as follows. The first two rows corresponding to [050] and 0^†50 generate the pair of equations, c_5+2c_030=1 and c_030=0. This system of equations corresponds to the smaller augmented subsystem [A_0 B_0^'] where A_0 is the same matrix as in Example <ref> for the order n=4 case, and B_0^'=(1,0)^T. We deduce c_5=1 and c_030=0. The next two rows corresponding to [04010] and [040^†10^†] generate the pair of equations 5c_5+2c_030+2c_300+2c_021=0 and 2c_030-2c_300+2c_021=0 for c_300 and c_021. This pair corresponds to the smaller augmented subsystem [A_1 B_1^'] where A_1 is the same matrix as in Example <ref>, and B_1^'=(-5,0)^T. Hence we deduce c_021=-5/4 and c_300=-5/4. Then the equations corresponding to the rows [03020], [03020^†], [030^†20] and [030^†20^†] generate the following smaller augmented matrix subsystem [A_2 B_2^'] for c_210, c_201, c_012 and c_01000, where, A_2 is the same as the corresponding matrix in Example <ref> and B_2^'=(-25/4,-5/4,5/4,5/4)^T. This system of linear equations is easily solved to reveal c_210=-5/4, c_201=-5/2, c_012=-5/4 and c_01000=0. As we shall see, it is no coincidence that the coefficent matrices A_0, A_1 and A_2 match those for the analogous blocks of basis elements in Example <ref>. The next set of rows corresponding to the basis elements [02030], [02030^†], [020^†30] and [020^†30^†], generates exactly the same augmented matrix subsystem [A_2 B_2^'] as that discussed just above, but now for the unknown coefficients c_120, c_102, c_003 and c_00010. This linear system reveals c_120=-5/4, c_102=-5/2, c_003=-5/4 and c_00010=0. We do not deduce any new information from the equations corresponding to the rows [01040] and [01040^†], other than that they are consistent. We consider the next block of four rows shown in Tables <ref> and <ref> corresponding to the rows [0202010], [02020^†10^†], [020^†2010] and [020^†20^†10^†]. These basis elements generate the following augmented matrix subsystem [A_3^' B_3] for c_111, c_10000, c_00100 and c_00001, where, A_3^'=[ 1 4 4 4; 1 -4 -4 4; 1 -4 4 -4; 1 4 -4 -4 ] and B_3=[ 5; -5; -5; -5 ]. This system of linear equations is easily solved to reveal c_111=-5/2, c_10000=5/8, c_00002=5/8 and c_00001=5/8. We have determined the unique set of coefficients for which 𝔢_5([ 0])=π_5. In principle we can check the equations generated by the rows corresponding to the remaining basis elements are consistent. However, we explain in our proof of our main result (Step 8) why this is not necessary. Hence the fifth order non-commutative modified Korteweg–de Vries for g= G, with ℳ_5=μ_5 𝕀, is given by (this matches the form given in Nijhoff et al. <cit.>), ℳ_5^-1_tg= ^5g-5/4((^3g)g^2+g^2(^3g) +(^2g)( g)g +2 (^2g)g( g)+( g)(^2g)g+2 ( g)g(^2g) +g(^2g)( g)+g( g)(^2g) +2 ( g)( g)( g)) +5/8(( g)g^4+g^2( g)g^2+g^4( g)). We now consider the general order n⩾0 case. Our goal is to establish the following. For every n∈ℕ∪{0}, there exists a unique Pöppe polynomial π_n=π_n([0],[1],…,[ n]) in ℂ[ℤ_0] such that 𝔢_n([ 0])=π_n. We prove this result through a sequence of steps. It requires some preparation and the rest of this section is devoted to outlining the notation, strategy, ideas and intermediate results we require to carry through the proof in Steps 1–7 before giving the overall proof in Step 8. We have the following immediate corollary of Theorem <ref>. For any integer n⩾0, the Lax hierarchy generated by the iteration indicated in Corollary <ref> is unique. The non-commutative nonlinear equation at order n in the Lax hierarchy is simply that represented by 𝔢_n([ 0])=π_n in Theorem <ref>. When n is even, we know from Corollary <ref> that 𝔢_n+1([ 0])=(-A)π_n. Now from Theorem <ref> we know 𝔢_n+1([ 0])=π_n+1 with π_n+1=π_n+1([0],[1],…,[ n+1]) a unique polynomial in its arguments. We thus deduce the result of the corollary when n is even. An exactly analogous argument follows for the case when n is odd. Let us now return to the proof of Theorem <ref>. Roughly, in the proof of Theorem <ref>, we construct a `table' for the coefficients of π_n, much like we did for the cases n=3,4,5 in Tables <ref>—<ref>. Indeed, Tables <ref> and <ref> act as a useful reference. We proceed systematically, considering basis elements [w×φ] in descending order with respect to the composition 𝒞-component w and using a natural binary order for the ℤ_2^∗-component φ. Both these orders are implicit in Tables <ref>—<ref>. Step 1: Descent and binary order. We introduce an order, the descent order, on the set of basis elements. We also define a new respresentation for the basis elements, the composition-binary representation, that we use hereafter. The descent order for compositions is given in Malham <cit.>; we present it here for completeness. A composition u∈ precedes another composition v∈ if the length of the compostion u, i.e. the number of digits it contains, is strictly less than the length of v. If u and v have the same length, say k, so u=u_1u_2⋯ u_k and v=v_1v_2⋯ v_k, then u precedes v if for some ℓ∈{1,2,…,k} we have u_1=v_1, u_2=v_2, …, u_ℓ-1=v_ℓ-1 and u_ℓ<v_ℓ. Otherwise, v precedes u. The resulting ordering induced on , is the descent ordering. The ℤ_2^∗-component φ in the basis element [w×φ] is any (|w|+1)-tuple constructed from {0,0^†}≅ℤ_2. Recall from Remark <ref>, we can always arrange for the first component of φ to be `0'; see Tables <ref>—<ref>. Thus for any given composition w∈𝒞, the component φ∈ℤ_2^∗ in a basis element [w×φ] is one of the following forms, ϕ_100⋯0000, ϕ_200⋯0000^†, ϕ_300⋯000^†0, ϕ_400⋯000^†0^†, ϕ_500⋯00^†00, ϕ_600⋯00^†00^†, ϕ_700⋯00^†0^†0, and so forth, all the way up to ϕ_2^|w|00^†⋯0^†0^†0^†0^†. This is the natural binary ordering of ℤ_2^∗ we refer to just above. In this and the next sections, we mainly use a modified encoding of the basis elements [w×φ], as follows. We replace the free monoid ℤ_2^∗ of all forms φ that can be constructed from {0,0^†}≅ℤ_2 by the vector space ℝ𝔹 representing the span over all the elements 𝔹{ϕ_i}_i⩾1. We thus express any φ∈ℤ_2^∗ in the form φ=β_1ϕ_1+β_2ϕ_2+β_3ϕ_3+⋯, where the β_i for integer i⩾1, represent the coefficients of the basis element components ϕ_i. Henceforth we represent any element φ∈ℤ_2^∗ by a 2^|w|-tuple β(β_1,β_2,…,β_2^|w|)∈ℝ𝔹. Thus we replace, [w×φ]⇝[w]×β. Some examples matching the old notation with the new are as follows: [0a0]=[a]×(1,0), [0a0^†]=[a]×(0,1), and then also, [0a_10a_20] =[a_1a_2]×(1,0,0,0), [0a_10a_20^†] =[a_1a_2]×(0,1,0,0), [0a_10^† a_20] =[a_1a_2]×(0,0,1,0), [0a_10^† a_20^†] =[a_1a_2]×(0,0,0,1), [0a_10a_20a_30] =[a_1a_2a_3]×(1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0), [0a_10a_20a_30^†] =[a_1a_2a_3]×(0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0), ⋮ [0a_10^† a_20^† a_30^†] =[a_1a_2a_3]×(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1), and so forth. Naturally, as constructed, for linear combinations, we have for example that for any real scalar constants β_1 and β_2, β_1·[0a_10a_20]+β_2·[0a_10^† a_20]=[a_1a_2]×(β_1,0,β_2,0), and so forth. There is a natural basis for elements of ℝ𝔹 of a given length 2^n. Such a basis is given by the elements of length 2^n of the form β_i(0,…,0,1,0,…), where the `1' is in the ith position. We call the representation [w]×β where w∈𝒞 and β∈ℝ𝔹 the composition-binary representation of the basis elements. We call [w] the composition component and β the ℝ𝔹-component. Step 2: Triple product action. All the Pöppe polynomials π_n are polynomials in the skew-Pöppe algebra ℂ[ℤ_ 0] and thus necessarily of odd degree. As such all the monomials therein can be constructed from triple products of signature expansions [ n], as we have seen in Examples <ref>—<ref>. In particular we characterise the following triple product action which is established straightforwardly using the Pöppe product rules in Lemma <ref>. Consider the two signature expansions [ a] and [ b] and a basis element [cw×φ]∈ℂ[ℤ_ 0], with c∈ℤ the first letter in the composition `cw'. Let φ̂ denote the element of ℤ_2^∗ given by φ with its first letter `0' removed. Then at leading order the triple product action [ a] [ b] ([cw×φ]) is given by, χ(a b cw) ·( [ 0(a+1)0(b+1)0 c(w×φ̂)]+[ 0(a+1)0^†(b+1)0 c(w×φ̂)] + [ 0(a+1)0(b+1)0^† c(w×φ̂)^†]+[ 0(a+1)0^†(b+1)0^† c(w×φ̂)^†] + [ 0(a+1)0 b0 (c+1)(w×φ̂)]+[ 0(a+1)0^† b0^† (c+1)(w×φ̂)] + [ 0(a+1)0 b0 (c+1)(w×φ̂)^†]+[ 0(a+1)0^† b0^† (c+1)(w×φ̂)^†] + 2·[ 0a0(b+2)0 c(w×φ̂)]+2·[ 0a0(b+2)0^† c(w×φ̂)^†] + [ 0a0(b+1)0(c+1)(w×φ̂)]+[ 0a0(b+1)0^†(c+1)(w×φ̂)] + [ 0a0(b+1)0(c+1)(w×φ̂)^†]+[ 0a0(b+1)0^†(c+1)(w×φ̂)^†])+⋯. Here by leading order, we mean, we do not retain terms generated by lower (descent) order terms in the signature expansions of [ a] and [ b], nor do we retain terms generated with a quasi-product term—i.e. generated using any of the final terms with real factor `2' in the Pöppe products in Lemma <ref>. We use the notation `+⋯' do denote these missing terms. We also define the following auto-tensorial action on ℝ𝔹. Given β(β_1,β_2,…) and γ(γ_1,γ_2,…) in ℝ𝔹 we define the (left) auto-tensorial action of β on γ, denoted βγ, to be, βγ(β_1·γ, β_2·γ,…), where for each i=1,2,…, we note β_i·γ=(β_iγ_1,β_iγ_2,…). In the new notation, with the tensorial action on ℝ𝔹 just defined, the triple product action on ℂ[ℤ_ 0] given in Lemma <ref> can be expressed more succinctly as follows. Given two signature expansions [ a] and [ b] and a generic basis element [cw]×β∈ℂ[𝒞]×ℝ𝔹≅ℂ[ℤ_0], the triple product action [ a] [ b] ([cw]×β) on ℂ[𝒞]×ℝ𝔹 is given at leading order by, [ a] [ b] ([cw]×β)uuuu =χ(a b cw)·( [(a+1)(b+1)cw]×((1,0,1,0)β+(-1)^|w| (0,1,0,1)β^†) + [(a+1)b(c+1)w]×((1,0,0,1)(β+(-1)^|w| β^†)) + [a(b+2)cw]×((2,0,0,0)β+(-1)^|w| (0,2,0,0)β^†) + [a(b+1)(c+1)w]×((1,1,0,0)(β+(-1)^|w| β^†)) )+⋯. Here, if β=(β_1,β_2,β_3,…,β_2^n), then β^†=(β_2^n,β_2^n-1,…,β_2,β_1). The result of the corollary is just a restatement of the triple product action in Lemma <ref>. That the adjoint of β, denoted β^†, corresponds to reversing the elements in β is explained as follows. The entries in β correspond to the coefficients of the basis ϕ_1, ϕ_2, …, ϕ̂_2^n, for some n∈ℕ. The triple product action in Lemma <ref> involves the components φ̂^† where φ̂ corresponds to φ with its first letter `0' removed. Let ϕ̂_1, ϕ̂_2, …, ϕ̂_2^n, be the same sequence of basis elements each of which has the first letter `0' removed. We observe, {ϕ̂_1^†,ϕ̂_2^†,…,ϕ̂_2^n^†}={ϕ̂_2^n,ϕ̂_2^n-1,…,ϕ̂_1}. Consider computing the triple product [ a] [ b] [ c] to leading order. In this case, to leading order [ c]=[0 c 0]+⋯ and so in Corollary <ref> we have w=ν, the empty word, with |w|=0. We observe, [ 0c0]=[c]×γ with γ=(1,0)∈ℝ𝔹. Hence we have, (1,0,1,0)γ =(1·(1,0), 0·(1,0), 1·(1,0), 0·(1,0) )=(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0), (0,1,0,1)γ^† =(0·(0,1), 1·(0,1), 0·(0,1), 1·(0,1) )=(0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1), and so forth. Hence we observe from Corollary <ref> that at leading order, [ a] [ b] [ c] =χ(a b c)·( [(a+1)(b+1)c]×(1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1) +[(a+1)b(c+1)]×(1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1) +[a(b+2)c]×(2,0,0,2,0,0,0,0) +[a(b+1)(c+1)]×(1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0))+⋯. We extensively use such computations hereafter. Step 3: Generators, a coarse-grain overview. For a given basis element [w]×β and composition w of n∈ℕ, it is useful to identify the types of odd-degree monomials of signature expansions that might generate it. Given a basis element [w]×β with a composition component [w] and an ℝ𝔹-component β, where w is a composition of n∈ℕ and β has length 2^n, we call any odd-degree monomial of signature expansions of the form [ a_1] [ a_2] ⋯ [ a_2m+1] that produces [w]×β as one of the terms in its expansion, a monomial generator or just generator of [w]×β. At this stage and in this step, it is useful to give a brief coarse overview of our overall strategy, which we implement in detail in the subsequent steps below. We show in this step how, for any given composition component, we can identify, for the associated basis elements, specific collections of generators. We call the sets of basis elements and corresponding collections of generators “coefficient blocks” or simply “blocks”. We show that such blocks are necessarily square. To start, consider any one-part composition w of n, so the two corresponding basis elements are [0 n0]⇝[n]×(1,0) and [0 n0^†]⇝[n]×(0,1). The basis element [n]×(1,0) is generated by signature expansion [ n], while [n]×(0,1) is not. On the other hand, both basis elements are generated by [0] [n-2] [0]. This exhausts all the possible odd-degree monomials in π_n that could generate [n]×(1,0) and [n]×(0,1). Thus for a one-part composition, the possible odd-degree generators have the form, [⋆], [0] [⋆] ([0]), where [⋆] represents the appropriate generic signature expansion, i.e. in the first instance it is [ n] and in the second instance, i.e. for [0] [⋆] ([0]), the middle [⋆] factor is [n-2]. Note, we allow [⋆]=[0]. The only other possibilities are [⋆] [0] [0] and [0] [0] [⋆]. However for n⩾3, we can rule these two possibilities out as [0] [0]=2·{010} and any subsequent Pöppe product of this term with [0] would generate a basis element [w]×β where the composition w has two parts. Note of course, the triple Pöppe product [ a] [ b] [ c] is naturally associative. Now consider any two part composition w=a_1a_2 of n. We observe that basis elements with such a two-part composition component can in principle be generated by [⋆] and [0] [⋆] [0], which we have already come across just above. However such basis elements can also be generated by any of the following four generators of the form, [⋆] [⋆] ([0]), [⋆] [0] ([⋆]), [0] [⋆] ([⋆]), [0] [⋆] ([0] [⋆] ([0])). We observe that each possible generator above contains only two `[⋆]' factors, consistent with the two-part composition component of the basis elements we are aiming to generate. Further note that we can also see that the four generators above can be constructed from the previous two generators [⋆] and [0] [⋆] ([0]) corresponding to one-part compositions, by applying one of the three actions [⋆] [⋆] (·), [⋆] [0] (·) or [0] [⋆] (·) to them. For example, the first generator above is constucted by applying the action [⋆] [⋆] (·) to [⋆]=[0], where we must set the argument [⋆]=[0] to preserve the two-part composition component of the basis element we wish to generate. The next two generators above are constructed by applying the actions [⋆] [0] (·) or [0] [⋆] (·) to [⋆]. Now consider the final quintic generator above. Applying the action [⋆] [⋆] (·) to [0] [⋆] ([0]) would produce a generator with too many `[⋆]' factors, while in principle, either of the actions [⋆] [0] (·) or [0] [⋆] (·) could be applied to [0] [⋆] ([0]). However the action of [⋆] [0] (·) on [0] [⋆] (·) is nilpotent. We demonstrate this below in Lemma <ref>. Hence the action [⋆] [0] (·) rigorously applied to [0] [⋆] ([0]) produces zero. Thus the only viable action is [0] [⋆] (·) on [0] [⋆] ([0]) producing the quintic generator shown. From another perspective, for the quintic generator, in the case n⩾5, any other quintic arrangment with two [⋆]- and three [0]-factors, would necessitate a consecutive pair `[0] [0]' that would result in generating a basis element whose composition component has more than two parts. In the case of basis elements with a three-part composition component w=a_1a_2a_3, the possible generators are, in principle, any of the generators we have already seen, as well as, the generators of the form, [⋆] [⋆] ([⋆]),  [⋆] [⋆] ([0] [⋆] ([0])),  [⋆] [0] ([⋆] [⋆] ([0])),  [⋆] [0] ([⋆] [0] ([⋆])), [0] [⋆] ([⋆] [⋆] ([0])),  [0] [⋆] ([⋆] [0] ([⋆])),  [0] [⋆] ([0] [⋆] ([⋆])), [0] [⋆] ([0] [⋆] ([0] [⋆] ([0]))). We remark that each possible generator above contains only three `[⋆]' factors. We see that the first two generators are constructed by applying the action [⋆] [⋆] (·) to the generators for basis elements with one-part composition components. The next set of generators are constructed by applying the action [⋆] [0] (·) to the generators for basis elements with two-part composition components, taking into account the nilpotent action of [⋆] [0] (·) on [0] [⋆] (·). This accounts for the next two generators. Then the final four generators are constructed by applying the action [0] [⋆] (·) to all four of the generators for basis elements with two-part composition components. For the case of basis elements with a four-part composition component w=a_1a_2a_3a_4, the possible generators are, in principle, besides any of the generators we have already seen, generators of the form, [⋆] [⋆] ([⋆] [⋆] ([0])), [⋆] [⋆] ([⋆] [0] ([⋆])),  [⋆] [⋆] ([0] [⋆] ([⋆])), [⋆] [0] ([⋆] [⋆] ([⋆])), [0] [⋆] ([⋆] [⋆] ([⋆])),  [⋆] [⋆] ([0] [⋆] ([0] [⋆] ([0]))),  [⋆] [0] ([⋆] [⋆] ([0] [⋆] ([0]))), [⋆] [0] ([⋆] [0] ([⋆] [⋆] ([0]))),  [⋆] [0] ([⋆] [0] ([⋆] [0] ([⋆]))),  [0] [⋆] ([⋆] [⋆] ([0] [⋆] ([0]))), [0] [⋆] ([⋆] [0] ([⋆] [⋆] ([0]))),  [0] [⋆] ([⋆] [0] ([⋆] [0] ([⋆]))),  [0] [⋆] ([0] [⋆] ([⋆] [⋆] ([0]))), [0] [⋆] ([0] [⋆] ([⋆] [0] ([⋆]))),  [0] [⋆] ([0] [⋆] ([0] [⋆] ([⋆]))), [0] [⋆] ([0] [⋆] ([0] [⋆] ([0] [⋆] ([0])))). Again, each possible generator above contains only four `[⋆]' factors. They are constructed by applying the action [⋆] [⋆] (·) to the generators for basis elements with two-part composition components, applying the action [⋆] [0] (·) to the generators for basis elements with three-part composition components, taking into account the nilpotent action of [⋆] [0] (·) on [0] [⋆] (·), and then also applying the action [0] [⋆] (·) to all of the generators for basis elements with three-part composition components. We have seen that for basis elements with a composition component with k=1,2,3 or 4 parts, the number of generators that might produce such a basis element is 2^k. We have not shown that corresponding to a given basis element, the generators constructed in the manner indicated are unique at leading order. We demonstrate this below in Steps 7 and 8. Assuming this is the case for the moment, we have the following. For a given basis element with composition component w, the number of monomial generators that can generate that basis element at leading order is 2^|w|. As observed, the result is true for |w|=1,2,3,4. Assume the result is true for |w|=1,2,…,k for some k∈ℕ. The set of generators for basis elements with composition components of k+1 parts are constructed by: (i) Applying the action [⋆] [⋆] (·) to the generators for basis elements with (k-1)-part composition components of which there are 2^k-1 by assumption; (ii) Applying the action [⋆] [0] (·) to the generators for basis elements with k-part composition components, taking into account the nilpotent action of [⋆] [0] (·) on [0] [⋆] (·). Since there are 2^k generators corresponding to any basis element with a composition of k-parts, and half of these start with the factor `[0] [⋆]', there are 2^k-1 generators constructed in this way; and then finally (iii) Applying the action [0] [⋆] (·) to all of the generators for basis elements with k-part composition components, of which there are 2^k. Adding these three contributions up, 2^k-1+2^k-1+2^k=2^k+1, and the result follows by induction. We can also view this last result from another perspective as follows. For each k-part composition, when k is odd, the set of new generators are characterised as follows. First, we include the degree k monomial [⋆] [⋆] ⋯ [⋆], of which there is only one choice. We also include the degree k+2 monomials which contain two non-adjacent `[0]' factors; there are k+1 choose 2 possible monomials of this form. Then we can also include degree k+4 monomials which contain four non-adjacent `[0]' factors; there are k+1 choose 4 possible monomials of this form. And so forth until we reach the single degree 2k+1 monomial of the form [0] [⋆] [0] [⋆] [0] ⋯ [⋆] [0]. Here we have implicitly used that the number of ways to place r objects in non-adjacent slots whose total number is m, is given by m-r+1 choose r. In the examples just presented, we considered the number of possible ways of placing 2ℓ factors of the form `[0]' in a monomial of degree k+2ℓ, for ℓ=0,1,…,(k+1)/2. Hence the total number of monomials of each degree outlined being k+1 choose 2ℓ. Thus with k odd, the total number of such new odd-degree monomials is given by the sum over ℓ=0,1,…,(k+1)/2 of k+1 choose 2ℓ, i.e. the sum on the left shown in Lemma <ref>. Suppose now k is even. The lowest degree monomials that might generate the corresponding basis element are those of degree k+1 with a single factor `[0]'. There are k+1 such monomials. We can also include degree k+3 monomials with three non-adjacent factors `[0]'; there are k+1 choose 3 such possible monomials, and so forth. In the final highest degree monomial, of degree 2k+1 has the single form [0] [⋆] [0] [⋆] [0] ⋯ [⋆] [0]. Thus with k even, the total number of such new odd-degree monomials is given by the sum over ℓ=0,1,…,k/2 of k+1 choose 2ℓ+1, i.e. the sum on the right shown in Lemma <ref>. In consequence we have the following important result. The aforementioned sums, in the respective k is odd and then even cases, are equal to 2^k. In other words, respectively, when k is odd and then even, we have, ∑_ℓ=0^(k+1)/2[ k+1; 2ℓ ]=2^k and ∑_ℓ=0^k/2[ k+1; 2ℓ+1 ]=2^k. Suppose k is odd. Then by direct computation, we observe, ∑_ℓ=0^(k+1)/2(k+1)!/(k+1-2ℓ)!(2ℓ)! = 2+∑_ℓ=1^(k-1)/2k!/(k-2ℓ)!(2ℓ-1)!(1/k-2ℓ+1+1/2ℓ) = 2+∑_ℓ=1^(k-1)/2k!/(k+1-2ℓ)!(2ℓ-1)!+∑_ℓ=1^(k-1)/2k!/(k-2ℓ)!(2ℓ)! = 1+[ k; 1 ]+[ k; 2 ]+[ k; 3 ]+⋯+[ k; k-1 ]+1, where we matched up respective pairs from the sums and then used that 2^k=(1+1)^k. This gives the first result. When k is even, we again use that 2^k=(1+1)^k, and observe, 2^k=[ k; 0 ]+[ k; 1 ]+[ k; 2 ]+⋯ +[ k; k ]=∑_ℓ=0^k/2(k+1)!/(k-2ℓ)!(2ℓ+1)!, where we paired up successive terms and parameterised the pairs by ℓ=0,1,…,k/2. This gives the second result. The crucial observation from the result of Lemmas <ref> and <ref> is the following. For a given composition component w of a block set of basis elements [w]×β parameterised by the tuples β∈ℝ𝔹, the number of new monomial generators equals the dimension of the tuple block, i.e. 2^|w|. One of our main concerns now is to show that the resulting square block of signature coefficients has full rank. The next three steps address this issue, making the analysis of this section more precise. Step 4: The three standard triple actions. We have seen that the triple product action in Corollary <ref>, in the full form given therein, as well as in the special forms [ a] [0] (·) and [0] [ b] (·), are used to construct the generators corresponding to a given basis element. We call these three actions the standard triple actions. We call the actions [ a] [ b] (·), [ a] [0] (·) and [0] [ b] (·) the three standard triple actions. The result of the action [ a] [ b] (·) is given in Corollary <ref>. As we use them frequently hereafter, we record the result of the standard actions [ a] [0] (·) and [0] [ b] (·) in the following Corollary. They are just special cases which we call the special actions. The two special actions [ a] [0] (·) and [0] [ b] (·) are given at leading order by, [ a] [0] ([cw]×β) = χ(a 0 cw)·[(a+1)(c+1)w]×((1,-1)(β+(-1)^|w|β^†))+⋯, [0] [ b] ([cw]×β) = χ(0 b cw)·([(b+2)cw]×((2,0)β+(-1)^|w|(0,2)β^†) +[(b+1)(c+1)w]×((1,1)(β+(-1)^|w|β^†)))+⋯. By direct computation using the Pöppe product rules in Lemma <ref>, we observe that [ a] [0] ([cw×φ]) equals, χ(a 0 cw)·( [0(a+1)0(c+1)(w×φ̂)]+[0(a+1)0(c+1)(w×φ̂)^†] -[0(a+1)0^†(c+1)(w×φ̂)]-[0(a+1)0^†(c+1)(w×φ̂)^†)+⋯, at leading order, giving the first result. Then, by direct computation for the other case, we observe that [0] [ b] ([cw×φ]) equals, χ(0 b cw)·( 2·[0(b+2)0c)(w×φ̂)]+2·[0(b+2)0^† c)(w×φ̂)^†] +[0(b+1)0(c+1)(w×φ̂)]+[0(b+1)0^†(c+1)(w×φ̂)] +[0(b+1)0(c+1)(w×φ̂)^†]+[0(b+1)0^†(c+1)(w×φ̂)^†)+⋯, at leading order, giving the second result. Comparing the results of Corollary <ref> with Corollary <ref> we emphasise two observations, that there is: (i) A natural contraction of the action forms due to the `[0]' factors in the action; (ii) An apparent change of sign in the second term on the right in the first example. We can view both cases as the consequence of substituting [ν×0] for [ b] in the first case and then [ν×0] for [ a] in the second case. The sign change, perhaps more easily observed from the corresponding result in Lemma <ref>, is a consquence of the fact that to make the appropriate substitution of [ν×0] for [ b], we should convert the two terms with 0^† b0^† on the right, to -0^† b^†0^† first. Step 5: Generating blocks. We now show precisely how, given a block of basis elements characterised by a given composition component w and parameterised by the corresponding 2^|w| basis elements β of ℝ𝔹, we can use the three standard actions to enumerate all the monomial generators that produce the basis elements of that block at leading order, and also establish the corresponding signature coefficient associated with each such basis element. Let us examine the three standard actions given in Corollaries <ref> and <ref> more closely. If we examine the right-hand side of [ a] [ b] ([cw]×β) in Corollary <ref>, then we observe that in terms of descent order, the first composition term `[(a+1)(b+1)cw]' on the right is highest, and thus we retain that term only. In Corollary <ref>, at leading order, the action [ a] [0] ([cw]×β) in unique, while the right-hand side of [0] [ b] ([cw]×β) contains two terms, the first of which is higher in terms of descent order, which is the one we retain. Thus at leading order the three standard actions on [cw]×β are: [ a] [ b] (·) =χ(cw)·[(a+1)(b+1)cw]×((1,0,1,0)β+(-1)^|w| (0,1,0,1)β^†)+⋯, [ a] [0] (·) =χ(cw)·[(a+1)(c+1)w]×((1,-1)β+(-1)^|w|(1,-1)β^†)+⋯, [0] [ b] (·) =χ(cw)·[(b+2)cw]×((2,0)β+(-1)^|w|(0,2)β^†)+⋯. Here we have used the homomorphic properties of χ, in particular that χ(a b cw)=χ(a 0 cw)=χ(0 b cw)=χ(cw). Consider the following respective replacements in each of the three actions above: (i) a→ a-1, b→ b-1, c→ν; (ii) a→ a-1, c→ c-1 and (iii) b→ b-2. With these three choices, each of the actions generates the same composition acw—in the first case we relabel b as c and in the third case we relabel b as a. Recall from our coarse-grain overview in Step 3 that to enumerate the generators corresponding to basis elements with composition components with k⩾2 parts, we apply the first action to the generators at level k-2, and the two special actions to the generators at level k-1, taking into account the nilpotent action outlined just below in Lemma <ref>. We note that, for any sequence û∈ℝ𝔹, with |û|=2^k-2, we have, (1,0,1,0)û =(1,1)(1,0)û=(1,1)(û,0), (0,1,0,1)û^† =(1,1)(0,1)û^†=(1,1)(0,û^†), where (û,0) and (0,û^†) are of length 2^k-1. Putting these observations together, we have thus established the following lemma. At leading order, with the choices mentioned above, the following three standard actions generate the same composition with the respective ℝ𝔹 components indicated, [a-1] [c-1] ([w]×β) =χ(w)·[acw]×((1,1)((û,0) -(-1)^|w|(û,0)^†)), [a-1] [0] ([(c-1)w]×β) =χ((c-1)w)·[acw]×((1,-1)((â,b̂) +(-1)^|w|(â,b̂)^†)), [0] [a-2] ([cw]×β) =χ(cw)·[acw]×((2,0)(â,b̂) +(-1)^|w|(0,2)(â,b̂)^†). Here, in the first case β=(û,0)∈ℝ𝔹 with û arbitrary, and in the second and third cases β=(â,b̂)∈ℝ𝔹 is arbitrary. Each such β is of length 2^|acw|-1, and â and b̂ have the same length—matching that of û. Note, in the statement of Lemma <ref>, the case of the first action which corresponds to the action [ a] [ b] (·) applied to [cw]×β in the discussion preceding the Lemma. In that discussion, when we set c→ν, we equivalently replaced cw by w. This means that we should effectively consider the length of w to be one less than would otherwise be the case. This explains why the sign in front of the term with the factor (-1)^|w| in the first action case is negative in the statement of the Lemma. Some further clarifications on the statement of Lemma <ref> are required. Note that, [0]⇝[ν]×(1), where ν is the empty composition and (1) is the element of ℝ𝔹 corresponding to compositions of zero parts. The special action [0] [a-2] (·) in Lemma <ref> still applies when the argument [cw]×β=[ν]×(1) and thus when (â,b̂)=(1). The result is that at leading order we have, [0] [a-2] ([ν]×(1))=χ(ν)·[a]×((2,0)(1)-(0,2)(1)^†)=[a]×(2,-2). Here, by convention, we take χ(ν)1. Since we have taken cw→ν, we can think of the number of parts of w to be `-1', explaining the sign in front of the ℝ𝔹-element (0,2). This is consistent with just computing [0] [a-2] [0]. Further, the first two actions in Lemma <ref> don't make sense when cw→ν, though if w→ν, the special action [a-1] [0] (·) applies with the appropriate adaptations. And of course we can compute [a-1] [c-1] ([ν]×(1))=[a-1] [c-1] [0]. Finally, we now also observe the following (aforementioned) nilpotency property. At leading order, if we first apply the action [0] [ b] (·) to an arbitrary ℝ𝔹 component, then apply the action [ a] [ 0] (·) to the result, this generates the zero ℝ𝔹 component. In other words at leading order we have, [ a] [ 0] ([0] [ b] (·))=0, where the `0' on the right-hand side represents the zero ℝ𝔹 component. We focus on the effect of the actions on the ℝ𝔹 components only. The third (special) action applied to the input (a,b) generates 2·(a,b,± b^†,± a^†). Set A,B∈ℝ𝔹 to be the sub-components A(a,b) and B±(b^†,a^†). With these identifications we note that B=± A^†. Ignoring the real factor 2, apply the second (special) action to the input (A,B). This is (note the sign of the second term of the action changes), (1,-1)((A,B)∓(A,B)^†), which equals, (A∓ B^†,B∓ A^†,-A± B^†,-B± A^†). Since B=± A^†, this result is the zero ℝ𝔹 component. We now explore, through a series of examples, how to construct the generators and coefficient blocks associated with any given composition. In particular we consider the cases of compositions with 1, 2 and 3 parts, before exploring the case of any given composition. Compositions containing a `1' need to be singled out, as explained below. [One-part compositions] We observe that there are two basis elements corresponding to the one-part composition w=a, namely, [a]×(1,0) and [a]×(0,1). We assume n=a⩾2. At leading we know from the corresponding signature expansion [ a]=[a]×(1,0)+⋯. From our discussion succeeding Lemma <ref>, we know the first two actions do not make sense when cw→ν, while the final special action does make sense. As we saw directly, at leading order we have [0] [a-2] [0]=[a]×(2,-2). We have thus enumerated the generators corresponding to [a]×(1,0) and [a]×(0,1) and that the signature coefficient matrix is, A_0=[ 1 2; 0 -2 ]. [Two-part compositions] Consider the basis elements with a two-part composition component a_1a_2, i.e. basis elements of the form [a_1a_2]×β_i, where the β_i are the four basis elements of length 4, which are zero apart from a `1' in the ith position. For the moment assume neither a_1 nor a_2 equal 1; we consider each of these two special cases separately below. Using Lemma <ref>, noting that for each of the standard actions our goal is to obtain the composition component [a_1a_2] on the right-hand side, we observe the following. For the first action, setting w=ν, a=a_1 and c=a_2, we find that at leading order, we get, [a_1-1] [a_2-1] [0]=[a_1a_2]×((1,1)((1,0)-(0,1)))=[a_1a_2]×(1,-1,1,-1). The first special action in Lemma <ref>, with the same identifications gives, [a_1-1] [0] ([a_2-1]×(â,b̂))=[a_1a_2]×((1,-1)((â,b̂)+(b̂,â))). We saw in Example <ref>, the basis element [a_2-1]×(â,b̂) can be generated both by the corresponding signature expansion [a_2-1]=[a_2-1]×(1,0)+⋯, and by the generator [0] [a-2] [0]. We discount the latter case due to the nilpotent action property. Hence using this expression for [a_2-1] and inserting (â,b̂)=(0,1) into the expression above, we deduce, [a_1-1] [0] ([a_2-1])=[a_1a_2]×(1,1,-1,-1), to leading order. Now consider the second special action in Lemma <ref>. Again with the same identifications for a, c and w, we observe that to leading order, [0] [a_1-2] ([a_2]×(â,b̂))=[a_1a_2]×((2,0)(â,b̂)+(0,2)(b̂,â)). We know from Example <ref>, the basis element [a_2]×(â,b̂) can be generated either by the signature expansion [a_2]=[a_2]×(1,0)+⋯, or by the generator [0] [a_2-2] [0]=[a_2]×(2,-2)+⋯. Respectively substituting the expressions [a_2]×(1,0) and [a_2]×(2,-2) for [a_2]×(â,b̂) in the relation just above, we observe that to leading order, [0] [a_1-2] ([a_2]) =[a_1a_2]×((2,0)(1,0)+(0,2)(0,1)) =[a_1a_2]×(2,0,0,2), [0] [a_1-2] ([0] [a_2-2] [0]) =[a_1a_2]×((2,0)(2,-2)+(0,2)(-2,2)) =[a_1a_2]×(4,-4,-4,4). We have thus enumerated the four generators corresponding to the four basis elements [a_1a_2]×(1,0,0,0), [a_1a_2]×(0,1,0,0), [a_1a_2]×(0,0,1,0) and [a_1a_2]×(0,0,0,1). They are [a_1-1] [a_2-1] [0], [a_1-1] [0] [a_2-1], [0] [a_1-2] [a_2] and the quintic generator [0] [a_1-2] [0] [a_2-2] [0]. The corresponding signature coefficient matrix is, A_2[ 1 1 2 4; -1 1 0 -4; 1 -1 0 -4; -1 -1 2 4 ] which is the subsystem coefficient matrix A_2 in Examples <ref> and <ref> respectively concerning the quartic and quintic non-commutative nonlinear Schrödinger equations. Let us now consider the case when a_2=1. If we substitute this value for a_2 into the generators above, we see that the first two generators coincide and are given by [a_1-1] [0] [0]=[a_11]×(1,-1,1,-1)+⋯ and [a_1-1] [0] [0]=[a_11]×(1,1,-1,-1)+⋯. Since we can add them together under the same coefficient c_(a_1-1)00, in this case we have the single generator, [a_1-1] [0] [0]=[a_11]×(2,0,0,-2)+⋯. The third generator above becomes, [0] [a_1-2] [1]=[a_11]×(2,0,0,2)+⋯. The final quintic generator cannot be a generator in this case if we insist on only including signature expansions corresponding to non-negative integers. There are thus only two independent generators. Hence this this case, the corresponding signature coefficient matrix, ignoring the middle two rows, is A_1[ 2 2; -2 2 ]. See Examples <ref> and <ref> and the equations for the coefficients c_(n-2)00 and c_0(n-3)1 in those cases for when w=(n-1)1, as well as with the coefficients in Tables <ref>–<ref>. Note, when a_1=a_2=1, there is only one generator, [0]^3, as we saw in Example <ref>. We treat the more general case when a_1=1 at the end of this step.. [Three-part compositions] Consider basis elements with a three-part composition component a_1a_2a_3, i.e. basis elements of the form [a_1a_2a_3]×β_i, where the β_i for i=1,…,8, contain `1' in the ith position and zeros in the remaining seven positions. For the moment assume neither a_1 nor a_2 nor a_3 are unity. Using Lemma <ref>, the standard actions, setting a=a_1, c=a_2 and w=a_3 give to leading order, [a_1-1] [a_2-1] ([a_3]×(û,0)) =[a_1a_2a_3]×((1,1)(û,û^†)), [a_1-1] [0] ([(a_2-1)a_3]×(â,b̂)) =χ((a_2-1)a_3)·[a_1a_2a_3] ×((1,-1)((â,b̂) -(â,b̂)^†)), [0] [a_1-2] ([a_2a_3]×(â,b̂)) =χ(a_2a_3)·[a_1a_2a_3]×(2â,2b̂,-2b̂^†,-2â^†). We observe, with these three relations, the task of finding the generators for any basis element with a three-part composition component, becomes the task of finding the generators for the basis element with the one-part composition component `[a_3]' in the first case, and then the generators for basis elements with the two-part components `[(a_2-1)a_3]' and `[a_2a_3]' in the second and third cases. We can construct the generators in these cases via Examples <ref> and <ref> just above. In the first case, from Example <ref>, the two generators for [a_3]×(1,0) and [a_3]×(0,1) are [ a_3]=[a_3]×(1,0)+⋯ and [0] [a_3-2] [0]=[a_3]×(2,-2)+⋯. Hence if we substitute these expressions into the first case above, respectively setting û=(1,0) and then û=(2,-2), we find, [a_1-1] [a_2-1] ([a_3]) =[a_1a_2a_3]×((1,1)(1,0,0,1)) =[a_1a_2a_3]×(1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1), [a_1-1] [a_2-1] ([0] [a_3-2] [0]) =[a_1a_2a_3]×((1,1)(2,-2,-2,2)) =[a_1a_2a_3]×(2,-2,-2,2,2,-2,-2,2). For the second case above with composition component `[(a_2-1)a_3]', we know from Example <ref>, there are four possible generators. However once we observe the nilpotent action property, we are left with two, namely, [a_2-2] [a_3-1] [0]=[(a_2-1)a_3]×(1,-1,1,-1)+⋯ and [a_2-2] [0] [a_3-1]=[(a_2-1)a_3]×(1,1,-1,-1)+⋯. Substituting these expressions into the second case above, respectively setting (â,b̂)=(1,-1,1,-1) and then (â,b̂)=(1,1,-1,-1), we find, [a_1-1] [0] ([a_2-2] [a_3-1] [0]) =χ((a_2-1)a_3)·[a_1a_2a_3]×((1,-1)((1,-1,1,-1)-(1,-1,1,-1)^†)) =χ((a_2-1)a_3)·[a_1a_2a_3]×(2,-2,2,-2,-2,2,-2,2), [a_1-1] [0] ([a_2-2] [0] [a_3-1]) =χ((a_2-1)a_3)·[a_1a_2a_3]×((1,-1)((1,1,-1,-1)-(1,1,-1,-1)^†)) =χ((a_2-1)a_3)·[a_1a_2a_3]×(2,2,-2,-2,-2,-2,2,2). For the third case above with composition component `[a_2a_3]', again, we know from Example <ref>, there are four possible generators. These are all four of the generators shown in Example <ref> once we replace a_1 and a_2 therein respectively by a_2 and a_3. If we substitute the corresponding four expressions with the replacements mentioned into the third case above, respectively setting (â,b̂)=(1,-1,1,-1), (â,b̂)=(1,1,-1,-1), (â,b̂)=(2,0,0,2) and then (â,b̂)=(4,-4,-4,4), we find at leading order, [0] [a_1-2] ([a_2-1] [a_3-1] [0]) =χ(a_2a_3)·[a_1a_2a_3]×(2,-2,2,-2,2,-2,2,-2), [0] [a_1-2] ([a_2-1] [0] [a_3-1]) =χ(a_2a_3)·[a_1a_2a_3]×(2,2,-2,-2,2,2,-2,-2), [0] [a_1-2] ([0] [a_2-2] [a_3]) =χ(a_2a_3)·[a_1a_2a_3]×(4,0,0,4,-4,0,0,-4), and finally, [0] [a_1-2] ([0] [a_2-2] [0] [a_3-2] [0]) =χ(a_2a_3)·[a_1a_2a_3]×(8,-8,-8,8,-8,8,8,-8). Hence, for the eight basis elements [a_1a_2a_3]×β_i, i=1,…,8, with the columns corresponding to the generators above in descent order following by degree, the corresponding signature coefficient matrix, is the full rank matrix, A_3[ 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 8; 0 -2 -2 2 -2 2 0 -8; 0 -2 2 -2 2 -2 0 -8; 1 2 -2 -2 -2 -2 4 8; 1 2 -2 -2 2 2 -4 -8; 0 -2 2 -2 -2 2 0 8; 0 -2 -2 2 2 -2 0 8; 1 2 2 2 -2 -2 -4 -8 ], where columns 3 and 4 should involve the factor χ((a_2-1)a_3), while columns 5 through to 8 should involve the factor χ(a_2a_3). The factors are omitted in A_3 for clarity. Examples <ref>–<ref> precisely reflect the analysis we outlined in Step 3. We can now discern the pattern. Suppose we wish to construct all the generators corresponding to a full set of 2^k basis elements associated with a given composition component [a_1a_2⋯ a_k]. We preclude for the moment, that any of a_1 through to a_k are equal to `1'. Using the standard actions in Lemma <ref>, we find, [a_1-1] [a_2-1] ([a_3⋯ a_k]×(û,0)) =[a_1⋯ a_k] ×((1,1)((û,0)-(-1)^k-2(0,û^†))), [a_1-1] [0] ([(a_2-1)a_3⋯ a_k]×(â,b̂)) =χ((a_2-1)a_3)·[a_1⋯ a_k] ×((1,-1)((â,b̂)+(-1)^k-2(â,b̂)^†)), [0] [a_1-2] ([a_2⋯ a_k]×(â,b̂)) =χ(a_2a_3)·[a_1⋯ a_k] ×((2,0)(â,b̂)+(-1)^k-2(0,2)(â,b̂)^†), to leading order. We then act iteratively to substitute for the generators corresponding to the composition: (i) [a_3⋯ a_k] with (k-2)-parts; (ii) [(a_2-1)a_3⋯ a_k] with (k-1)-parts, taking into account the nilpotency action property; and (iii) [a_2⋯ a_k] with (k-1)-parts. We know from Step 3, for a given composition a_1⋯ a_k, we can construct 2^k unique generators in this way. In Step 6 we demonstrate that the corresponding signature coefficient matrix generated in this way has full rank. However, at this stage, we note that we have the following straightforward result. If we use the procedure above to construct the 2^k generators associated with the 2^k basis elements with a given composition component a_1⋯ a_k, then each such set of generators is unique to the given composition a_1⋯ a_k, i.e. each such set of generators corresponding to a given composition a_1⋯ a_k, does not appear elsewhere in generator sets for other compositions. Lastly, apart from the case of the composition `a_11' in Example <ref>, including the case `11', our analysis above has precluded compositions a_1⋯ a_k containing `1' in the composition sequence. We saw at the end of Example <ref>, that provided a_1≠1 then the set of generators for the basis elements with composition components a_11 reduces to two generators only, however, both generators only generate the basis elements [a_11]×(1,0,0,0) and [a_11]×(0,0,0,1). Consider the case of the composition a_1a_21, with both a_1≠1 and a_2≠1. Using arguments analogous to those for the case `a_11' at the end of Example <ref>, if we examine the eight generators listed in Example <ref>, we observe that the second and last cannot be generators in the case when a_3=1, while the third and fourth generators combine, and the fifth and sixth generators combine, in much the same way as for the case of `a_11' in Example <ref>. The latter two correspond to adding the third and fourth, and also the fifth and sixth, columns in the 8×8-matrix A_3 above. Thus for the case of the composition a_1a_21, the resulting coefficient matrix, ignoring the second, third, sixth and seventh rows which are zero, corresponds to the coefficient matrix A_3^' in Example <ref>. With these last two examples in hand, we deduce that for any composition of the form a_1a_2⋯ a_k-11, where we preclude any of a_1 through to a_k-1 to be `1', we have a unique set of generators in the sense of Lemma <ref>, albeit with a signature coefficient matrix of size 2^k-1×2^k-1. Now consider the case when the composition component is [1a_2⋯ a_k], assume for the moment none of a_2 throught to a_k equal `1'. Looking at the standard actions in Lemma <ref>, we observe that for basis elements with such a composition component, the two valid actions are, [0] [a_2-1] ([a_3⋯ a_k]×(û,0)) =χ(a_3⋯ a_k)·[a_1⋯ a_k]×(⋆,⋆), [0] [0] ([(a_2-1)a_3⋯ a_k]×(â,b̂)) =χ((a_2-1)a_3⋯ a_k)·[a_1⋯ a_k]×(⋆,⋆), where the two expressions (⋆,⋆) are proxies for the appropriate ℝ𝔹-components whose exact form is not important at this stage. However, we now observe that if we apply the final action in Lemma <ref> respectively for the cases of the compositions [(a_2+1)a_3⋯ a_k] and [2(a_2-1)a_3⋯ a_k], we find, [0] [a_2-1] ([a_3⋯ a_k]×(û,0)) =χ(a_3⋯ a_k)·[(a_2+1)⋯ a_k]×(⋆,⋆), [0] [0] ([(a_2-1)a_3⋯ a_k]×(â,b̂)) =χ((a_2-1)a_3⋯ a_k)·[2(a_2-1)a_3⋯ a_k]×(⋆,⋆). We observe that the first two respective factors of the generators and their arguments match the two cases corresponding to the composition [1a_2⋯ a_k]. However the latter two cases generate basis elements with the respective composition components [(a_2+1)a_3⋯ a_k] and [2(a_2-1)a_3⋯ a_k], both of which occur before the composition [1a_2⋯ a_k] in descent order. Thus these generators will not be new. A similar scenario could occur if one or more letters a_2 through to a_k are equal to 1. In our main proof below in Step 8, we are able to discount any compositions a_1⋯ a_k in which any one of the letters a_1 through to a_k-1 is equal to `1'. Step 6: Full rank blocks. Our goal in this step is to show that for a given composition of length k, for which in general there are 2^k different possible ℝ𝔹 components, there are 2^k independent generators, generated by the first action acting on generators at level k-2 and the second and third special actions on generators at level k-1. The following results establish that this is indeed the case. We have the following, at leading order: (i) Given an independent set of input ℝ𝔹 components of length 2^k-1, of the form (u,0) for the first action, or of the form (a,b) for the second and third actions, each individual action produces an independent set of ℝ𝔹 components of length 2^k; (ii) Given any arbitrary length 2^k-1 non-zero inputs, of the form (u,0) for the first action or of the form (a,b) for the second and third actions, the set of three actions generate independent ℝ𝔹 components of length 2^k. We focus on the effect of the actions on the ℝ𝔹 components only. In order, consider (i). It is sufficient to prove the result for two independent inputs as the general case follows suit. Consider the first action and suppose u and û are two non-trivial independent ℝ𝔹 components. Consider an arbitrary linear combination, with scalar coefficients κ_1 and κ_2, of the first action applied to the input (u,0) and the first action applied to the input (û,0). Set the linear combination to zero. This gives, κ_1·(u,± u^†,u,± u^†)+κ_2·(û,±û^†,û,±û^†)=0, where the right-hand side represents the zero ℝ𝔹 component of the appropriate length. Pairing up, we observe the equation above is equivalent to κ_1· u+κ_2·û=0, with the other pairings generating the same equation. Since by assumption u and û are two independent ℝ𝔹 components, the result follows. Now consider the second action. Suppose (a,b) and (â,b̂) are two non-trivial independent ℝ𝔹 components. As above, we construct the arbitrary linear combination, κ_1·(a± b^†,b± a^†,-a∓ b^†,-b∓ a^†) +κ_2·(â±b̂^†,b̂±â^†,-â∓b̂^†,-b̂∓â^†)=0, for arbitrary scalar coefficients κ_1 and κ_2. We assume a≠± b^† and â≠±b̂^†—we observe from our proof of Lemma<ref> that the second action is trivial if and only if a=± b^†. Since in the last equation the final two components generate the same equation as the first two, the last equation is equivalent to, κ_1·(a± b^†,b± a^†)+κ_2·(â± b^†,b̂± a^†)=0. This reduces to κ_1·(a,b)+κ_2·(â,b̂)=0. Hence by our assumption on (a,b) and (â,b̂), the result follows. We now consider the third action. Suppose (a,b) and (â,b̂) are two non-trivial independent ℝ𝔹 components, As above, we construct the linear combination, κ_1·(a,b,± b^†,± a^†)+κ_2·(â,b̂,±b̂^†,±â^†)=0, for arbitrary scalar coefficients κ_1 and κ_2. This last equation is equivalent to κ_1·(a,b)+κ_2·(â,b̂)=0—the final two components generate the same equation as the first two. By our independence assumption on (a,b) and (â,b̂), the result follows. We now consider (ii). For arbitrary (u,0) and (a,b) in ℝ𝔹, consider the following linear combination of the three actions, set equal to the zero ℝ𝔹 component, namely: κ_1·(u,u^†,u,u^†)+κ_2·(a-b^†,b-a^†,b^†-a,a^†-b)+κ_3·(a,b,-b^†,-a^†)=0, where κ_1, κ_2 and κ_3 are arbitrary scalar coefficients. Note we assume u and (a,b) are non-trivial. If κ_1≠0 and κ_2=κ_3=0 then we observe that necessarily u must be the zero ℝ𝔹 component, which contradicts our assumptions. Similarly if κ_3≠0 and κ_1=κ_2=0 then necessarily (a,b) is the zero ℝ𝔹 component, which again contradicts our assumptions. If κ_1≠0, κ_2≠0 and κ_3=0, the first and second components above reveal that necessarily κ_1· u+κ_2·(a-b^†)=0 and κ_1· u^†+κ_2·(b-a^†)=0. Taking the adjoint of the second equation and adding the result to the first equation, implies u=0. The third and fourth components generate the same information. Thus we have a contradiction. Analogously, in the cases κ_1≠0, κ_3≠0 and κ_2=0, as well as κ_2≠0, κ_3≠0 and κ_1=0, it is straightforward to show that a necessary consequence is that (a,b) is the zero ℝ𝔹 component, and we have a contradiction. Now consider the case when all of κ_1, κ_2, κ_3 are non-zero. Pairing up the first component from the linear combination above with the adjoint of the fourth component reveals that necessarily a is the zero ℝ𝔹 component. Pairing the second component and the adjoint of the third component reveals that necessarily b is the zero ℝ𝔹 component. We thus reach another contradiction. The final case we have not considered is the case κ_1=κ_3=0 and κ_2≠0. In this case we necessarily deduce a=b^†. As we have seen above, this is precisely the condition we need to rule out for the input when we apply the second action. The proof is complete. Putting the results of this and the previous steps together, we observe the following. Suppose we are given a composition a_1⋯ a_k∈𝒞 of k-parts. Assume that all of a_1 through to a_k-1 are not equal to `1'. Then associated with the 2^k set of basis elements with composition component a_1⋯ a_k, are a unique set of 2^k generators, and the signature coefficient matrix has full rank. If a_k=1, the statement still holds but instead with 2^k-1 basis elements and 2^k-1 generators. Step 7: Composition and generator counts. In light of Proposition <ref>, we are interested in the following counts. Given n∈ℕ, what are the total numbers of: (i) Generators; (ii) Basis elements with composition components avoiding `1', i.e. compositions a_1⋯ a_k for which none of the letters a_1 through to a_k are `1'; (iii) Basis elements with compositions ending in `1' with rest of the composition avoiding `1', i.e. compositions of the form a_1⋯ a_k-11 for which a_1⋯ a_k-1 avoids `1'. Such information will help us keep track of size of the linear system of equations for the unknown coeffcients {c_⋆} we solve as part of the proof of Theorem <ref> below in Step 8. Let us begin with the total number of generators, i.e. item (i). Note that all monomial generators are of odd-degree. For a given n∈ℕ, there is one generator of degree 1, namely [n]. We then need to enumerate all the possible degree 3 generators. Each Pöppe product corresponds to increasing the order of the compositions they generate by 1, and there are two Pöppe products in any degree 3 generator. Hence all the degree 3 generators consist of all the possible compositions of (n-2) with 1, 2 and 3 parts and all the possible ways to assort them into three factors which can include “packing factors” of 0. So for example, the only 1-part compositions of (n-2) assorted in this way are [n-2] [0] [0], [0] [n-2] [0] and [0] [0] [n-2]. The first set of generators of this form associated with the 2-part compositions of (n-2) are [n-3] [1] [0], [n-3] [0] [1] and [0] [n-3] [1], and so forth. These are just the weak compositions of (n-2) into three parts. The next set of generators are those of degree 5, and all the generators of this degree would consist of the weak compositions of (n-4) with 5 parts, and so forth. The number of weak compositions of m into k parts is m+k-1 choose k-1. We can also think of this as the number of ways of distributing m balls into k slots, allowing empty slots. From our discussion above, when n is odd, we see that we are interested in, for k=1,3,5,…,n, the number of ways of distributing m=n-k+1 balls into k slots, or in other words, ∑_k=1(k odd)^n[ n; k-1 ]=∑_ℓ=0^1/2(n-1)[ n; 2ℓ ]=2^n-1, where we use the substitution k=2ℓ+1 for the second sum. That the sum total on the right equals 2^n-1 follows, with some care, from the corresponding result in Lemma <ref>. Similarly, when n is even, we are interested in, for k=1,3,5,…,n+1, the number of ways of distributing m=n-k+1 balls into k slots, or in other words, 1+∑_k=1(k odd)^n-1[ n; k-1 ]=1+∑_ℓ=0^1/2(n-2)[ n; 2ℓ ]=2^n-1. Again we used the substitution k=2ℓ+1 for the second sum. Note that the initial `1' in the sum corresponds to the case k=n+1, i.e. corresponding to the monomial generator [0]^n+1. That the sum total is 2^n-1 again follows from the first result in Lemma <ref>. We have thus established the following. Given n∈ℕ, the total number of monomial generators is equal to 2^n-1. The number of compositions of n with k-parts is n-1 choose k-1, and accumulating these coefficients from k=1 to k=n, the total number of compositions of n is 2^n-1. Of course associated with each composition, there are one or more basis elements. For example for a composition a_1⋯ a_k with k-parts which avoids 1, there are 2^k associated basis elements. The number of compositions of n into k parts avoiding 1 is given by, [ n-k-1; k-1 ]. To see this we observe the following—see Axenovich and Ueckerdt <cit.> or Beck and Robbins <cit.>. There is a bijection between: (a) the arrangements of n balls into k slots with each slot containing two or more balls; and (b) the arrangements of n-k balls into k slots with no empty slots. For the map from (a) to (b), we simply remove one ball from each slot. For the map from (b) to (a) we just add one ball to each slot. The count for (b) is n-k-1 choose k-1, giving the result above. Thus, given that for a given composition with k parts that avoids `1' there are 2^k corresponding basis elements, the total number of basis elements with composition components that avoid `1' is given, with λ=2, respectively when n is odd and then when n is even, by, p(n;λ)∑_k=1^(n-1)/2[ n-k-1; k-1 ]λ^k and p(n;λ)∑_k=1^n/2[ n-k-1; k-1 ]λ^k. By direct enumeration, as well as from Examples <ref>–<ref>, we know p(2;2)=p(3;2)=2, p(4;2)=6 and p(5;2)=10. In fact, in general, we have the following result. Given an integer n⩾2 and a real number λ>0, the weighted sum p=p(n;λ) of the total number of basis elements with composition components which avoid `1' satisfies the weighted Fibonacci sequence satisfying, p(n;λ)=p(n-1;λ)+λ p(n-2;λ). In particular, when λ=2, p(2;2)=p(3;2)=2 and p(n;2)=2/3(2^n-1+(-1)^n). By direct computation, for n odd, we observe, p(n-1;λ)+λ p(n-2;λ) equals, ∑_k=1^(n-1)/2 [ n-k-2; k-1 ]λ^k+∑_k=1^(n-3)/2[ n-k-3; k-1 ]λ^k+1 =[ n-3; 0 ]λ+∑_k=2^(n-1)/2([ n-k-2; k-1 ] +[ n-k-2; k-2 ])λ^k, which equals p(n;λ) once we combine the two terms in the coefficient of λ^k shown and observe that the coefficient of the λ term is one. Note that in the first step we made the change of variables ℓ=k+1 in the second sum, before relabelling ℓ as k. When n is even, we similarly observe that p(n-1;λ)+λ p(n-2;λ) equals, ∑_k=1^(n-2)/2 [ n-k-2; k-1 ]λ^k+∑_k=1^(n-2)/2[ n-k-3; k-1 ]λ^k+1 =[ n-3; 0 ]λ+∑_k=2^(n-2)/2([ n-k-2; k-1 ] +[ n-k-2; k-2 ])λ^k+[ n/2-2; n/2-2 ]λ^n/2, which equals p(n;λ) once we combine the terms in the coefficient of λ^k, and observe that the coefficients of the λ and λ^n/2 terms are one. We also used the same change of variables in the first step. The final statement specific to λ=2, follows directly by solving the difference equation for p=p(n;2) for the initial conditions indicated. The result of Lemma <ref> provides an answer to item (ii), stated at the beginning of this step. Item (iii) is now straightforward. The total number of compositions with k-parts of the form a_1⋯ a_k-11 for which a_1⋯ a_k-1 avoids `1' is simply n-k-1 choose k-2. This is because here we require n-1 balls to fit into k-1 slots with each slot containing two or more balls. Hence the total number of basis elements associated with composition components which end in `1', but avoid `1' elsewhere, when n is odd so n-1 is even, is given by, ∑_k=2^(n+1)/2[ n-k-1; k-2 ]λ^k-1=∑_k=1^(n-1)/2[ n-k-2; k-1 ]λ^k, which equals p(n-1;λ). When n is even and thus n-1 is odd, the same count is, ∑_k=2^n/2[ n-k-1; k-2 ]λ^k-1=∑_k=1^(n-2)/2[ n-k-2; k-1 ]λ^k, which equals p(n-1;λ). Finally we observe the following. The total number of basis elements with composition components which avoid `1', or end in `1' and avoid `1' elsewhere, equals 2^n-1. The count in question is p(n;2)+p(n-1;2). Using the explicit soluton for p(n;2) given in Lemma <ref>, the result follows. Combining the results of Lemmas <ref> and <ref>, we deduce the rather remarkable fact: For any given n∈ℕ, the total number of basis elements whose composition component avoids `1', or ends in `1' but avoids `1' elsewhere, exactly equals the total number of generators. Naturally this result is important in our proof of Theorem <ref> just below. We remark that the inclusion of basis elements whose composition components end in `1' but avoid `1' elsewhere, rather than composition components containing `1' at some other position with avoidance elsewhere, is merely a consequence of the ordering we have imposed, namely the descent order. Step 8: Proof of Theorem <ref>. In this last step we provide the overall proof of our main theorem. We combine together the knowledge we gained in Steps 1–7. This final stage of the argument, though significantly adapted, is analogous to that outlined for the non-commutative potential Korteweg–de Vries hierarchy in Malham <cit.>. To complete the proof, we essentially construct a table of signature coefficients for the arbitrary order n case, much like Tables  <ref>–<ref> for the n=4 and n=5 cases. Indeed we refer to these example tables to demonstrate examples of the general procedure. We already know from Steps 1-7 that we can construct a linear algebraic equations of the form AC=B, where the vector C of length 2^n-1 lists the unknown coefficients of the generator monomials in the Pöppe polynomial π_n=π_n([0],[1],…,[ n]). The vector B, whose length exceeds 2^n-1, is a vector of zeros apart from a single non-zero value `1' in the first position when n is odd and in the second position when n is even. This is due to the ordering we impose which we outline briefly now, and in some more detail just below. The coefficients of C, are ordered according to the descent order and blocks as outlined in Steps 3 and 5. The signature coefficient matrix A has a lower triangular block form. It has 2^n-1 columns and its total number of rows exceeds 2^n-1, though equals the length of B. The columns of A are parametrised by the blocks of monomial generators mentioned, or equivalently the order of the coeffcients in C. The rows of A are parametrised by the basis elements, characterised by the composition components of the basis elements listed in descent order, and within individual composition w, the basis elements are listed according to the binary order of the ℝ𝔹-components. The number of such ℝ𝔹-components is 2^|w|-υ(w), where υ(w) counts the number of 1's in the composition w. Let us outline the forms of C and A in some more detail. We can be brief as much of the procedure has already been outlined in Steps 1–7. Corresponding to the pair of basis elements with a one-part composition component, namely [n]×(1,0) and [n]×(0,1), the first pair of coefficients in C are c_n and c_0(n-2)0, corresponding to the generators [ n] and [0] [n-2] [0]. The corresponding 2×2 top-left block in A is the matrix A_0. All the remaining entries in the first two rows of A to the right of this block are zero. We move onto basis elements whose composition components have k=2 parts. In descent order the first set of basis elements consists of [(n-1)1]×(1,0,0,0) and [(n-1)1]×(0,0,0,1). We know from Example <ref> in Step 5, these are the only two relevant basis elements for corresponding to compositions ending in `1'. The corresponding coefficients in C are c_(n-2)00 and c_0(n-3)1 associated with the generators [n-2] [0] [0] and [0] [n-3] [1]. The corresponding coefficient matrix is the block A_1 taking up rows and columns 3 and 4 in A, with the remaining entries in rows 3 and 4 to the right of this block being zero. This first set of blocks is important once we start addressing the issue of the uniqueness of the solution C to the linear system, or equivalently the consistency of the overall linear system. Next we consider the blocks of basis elements parametrised by two-part composition components of the form a_1a_2 in descent order, with neither a_1 nor a_2 equal to zero. Associated with any such composition, there are four basis elements [a_1a_2]×β_i, i=1,2,3,4, and the corresponding coefficients in C are c_(a_1-1)(a_2-1)0, c_(a_1-1)0(a_2-1), c_0(a_1-2)a_2 and c_0(a_1-2)0(a_2-2)0, corresponding to the monomial generators outlined in Example <ref>. For each block of four basis elements with such a composition component, the corresponding signature coefficient matrix is A_2. As we run through the compositions a_1a_2 which avoid `1' in descent order, the coefficient matrix A_2 occupies rows and columns 4(n-a_1-1)+i for i=1,2,3,4 in the signature coefficient matrix A. All the entries in A in the these rows to the right of these blocks are zero. We know from Step 5, that the basis elements with the two-part composition component 1(n-1) does not occupy any new columns in A, but instead, the two rows corresponding to the two basis elements concerned only contain non-zero entries in the columns parametrised by 4(n-a_1-1)+i for i=1,2,3,4 for a_1≠1. We move onto blocks of basis elements corresponding to composition components with k=3 parts. We know from our arguments in Step 5 that we can focus on composition components of the form a_1a_2a_3 which avoid `1' or end in `1' and avoid `1' elsewhere. Basis elements with composition components lying in the complement of this set do not generate “new” columns, or equivalently, the non-zero entries in the rows in A corresponding to these basis elements only occupy columns we have already encountered/parametrised. Let us examine the blocks we generate as we run through the compositions a_1a_2a_3 which avoid `1' or end in `1' and avoid `1' elsewhere. We know from Step 5, that for each of the former compositions we generate the block matrix A_3, modified to include the column factors mentioned in Step 5, associated with the 8 corresponding basis elements and the 8 “new” monomial generator columns. For each of the latter compositions we generate a block matrix A_3^' associated with the 4 corresponding basis elements and the 4 “new” monomial generator columns. The block matrices A_3 and A_3^' are diagonal blocks in A, with all entries in the corresponding rows they occupy to the right of these blocks equal to zero. We know from our analysis in Step 5 and in particular Lemma <ref> and the discussion immediately following this lemma, that we have the following. For every composition w of n that avoids `1', or ends in `1' but avoids `1' elsewhere, we can construct a 2^|w|×2^|w| block matrix A_w in the former case, or a 2^|w|-1×2^|w|-1 block matrix A_w^' in the latter case, which occupies a distinct diagonal block in A. Here by “distinct”, we mean that its rows and columns do not coincide with the rows and columns of any of the analogous block matrices corresponding to basis elements with such composition components. All the entries in A in the rows occupied by these blocks and to the right of them, are zero. Thus for general n, the signature coefficient matrix A is indeed a lower block triangular matrix. Further, from our results in Step 6, we know that each of the block matrices A_w and A_w^' has full rank. Even further, from our results in Step 7, we know that the total number of basis elements corresponding to such composition components and generating the rows of such diagonal blocks, exactly equals the total number of monomial generators generating the columns of such diagonal blocks. This means that if we ignore the basis elements with composition components in the complementary set for the moment, then we can proceed block by block, starting with A_0, and solve for the corresponding set of Pöppe polynomial coefficients in C, until we precisely exhaust the blocks and uniquely recover C. The rest of the proof is now concerned with demonstrating the consistency of the remaining rows/linear equations for the coefficients in C associated with those basis elements with composition components that contain a `1', not including the instances of compositions ending in `1', but avoiding it elsewhere. We heavily rely on the fact that the linear system of algebraic equations for C is almost homogeneous apart from the single unit entry in the first position when n is odd and in the second position when n is even. The first phase of this section of the proof focuses on the blocks associated with basis elements with 1 and 2-part composition components. Assume for the moment that n is odd. In this instance the first two linear equations for the coefficients c_n and c_0(n-2)0 are c_n+2· c_0(n-2)0=1 and -2· c_0(n-2)0=0. Thus when n is odd, we always have c_0(n-2)0=0. This means that all the entries in the second column of the signature coefficient matrix A are not relevant to the linear system of equations for C and we thus eliminate this column in A when n is odd. Implementing this, and ignoring the first row in A corresponding to the basis element [0 n0], the top left corner of A has the form shown in the top part of Table <ref>. Now assume that n is even. The first two linear for the coefficients c_n and c_0(n-2)0 in this instance are are c_n+2· c_0(n-2)0=0 and -2· c_0(n-2)0=1. When n is even we swap over the first two rows in the signature coefficient matrix A which is equivalent to swapping the order of the first two linear equations shown. If we ignore the new first row of A corresponding to the nonhomogeneous equation -2· c_0(n-2)0=1, then the top left corner of A has the form shown in the bottom part of Table <ref>. All the remaining rows and columns in the signature coefficient matrix A, whether n is odd or even, remain the same. However, with the first rows ignored, the system of linear equations that remains is homogeneous. And, of course, the top left corners in the case that n is odd or even have the forms shown in Table <ref>. In both cases in Table <ref> we trace a diagonal starting from the top left non-zero coefficient, which is χ((n-1)1)=n when n is odd, and χ(n)=1 when n is even. When n is even the next two entries along this diagonal are χ(2·(0(n-2)0))=2 and χ(-2·((n-2)00))=-2. When n is odd the next diagonal entry is χ(-2·((n-2)00))=-2. Thereafter the diagonal entries for the cases of n being even or odd are the same. In Table <ref>, when n is even, after swapping the first two rows, though not ignoring the new first row yet, we can view the diagonal we have identified as the diagonal just below the leading diagonal. Similarly in Tables <ref> and <ref>, when n is odd, after eliminating the second column but still retaining the first row, we can again view the diagonal we have identified as that just below the leading diagonal in those Tables. In either Table <ref> or in Tables <ref> and <ref>, let us call the diagonal just below the leading diagonal the `sub-diagonal'. Consider for example Tables <ref> and <ref>. If we follow the sub-diagonal with the view of retaining non-zero terms along it, we observe we meet a obstruction in the first 4×4 block with matrix A_2 characterised by the composition component 32. The problem is that while the sub-diagonal of A_2 has non-zero entries, the next term along the diagonal that lies in the last column of that A_2 block, but beneath the entire block, and in fact the row corresponding to the basis element [23]×(1,0,0,0) is zero. However there is a quick fix to this obstruction. That is to simply swap the two columns in the signature coefficient matrix A corresponding to the final two columns of the A_2 block characterised by the composition component 23. Such a swap simply corresponds to changing the order of the monomial generators. We can see from Tables <ref> and <ref> that this column-swap procedure would guarantee that the next entry in the sub-diagonal would be non-zero. We can then continue to consider the sub-diagonal in the A_2 block corresponding to the basis elements [23]×β_i for i=1,2,3,4. However we observe a similar obstruction necessitating an anologous swap of the columns of A corresponding to the final two columns of this second A_4 block. This is again enacted to ensure that the term in the final column immediately below this A_4 block is non-zero. The term in question corresponds to the signature coefficient χ(003) in the row corresponding to [14]×(1,0,0,0). We have thus established, for all the basis elements with 1 and 2-part composition components, a complete diagonal with all entries non-zero, and which can act as pivots. Since all the linear equations corresponding to the rows we are considering (we are ignoring the top row) are homogeneous we can use Gaussian elimination to render all the entries in the columns below the sub-diagonal to be zero. The procedure for the case of general n proceeds in exactly the same manner as the n=5 case we have just outlined, except that now we need to establish that when we swap the columns over as just outlined, we are guaranteed a non-zero entry in the corresponding sub-diagonal entry. We also need to guarantee that the entry immediately below the final column of the 2×2 block A_1 corresponding to the rows [(n-1)1]×(1,0,0,0) and [(n-1)1]×(0,0,0,1) is also non-zero. This case corresponds to the column given by [0] [n-3] [1]. In the other cases of the A_4 blocks corresponding to the basis elements [(n-m)m]×β_i for i=1,2,3,4, the column in question is the third column in the A_4 block corresponding to the column given by [0] [n-m-2] [m]. In particular this means we can treat the m=1 and m=2,…,n-2 cases simultaneously. Indeed, using Corollary <ref> in Step 4, we observe that at leading order we have, [0] [n-m-2] [m]=[(n-m)m]×(2,0,0,2)+[(n-m-1)(m+1)]×(1,1,1,1)+⋯, where we have used that at leading order [m]=[m]×(1,0)+⋯. The first term on the right is the term we expect at leading order for this generator, while the second term on the right is the column corresponding to the rows in the next block down—we see that (n-m-1)(m+1) is obtained from (n-m)m by replacing m by m+1, which is one composition further down in descent order. Thus indeed we are guaranteed that the next entry in the sub-diagonal is non-zero when we enact the column swap. Further we observe that in the case of the final A_4 block corresponding to the composition 2(n-2) for which m=n-2, the corresponding generator is [0] [0] [n-2] while the corresponding row containing the sub-diagonal entry of interest is [1(n-1)]×(1,0,0,0). At leading order we have, [0] [0] [n-2]=[2(n-2)]×(2,0,0,2)+[1(n-1)]×(2,2,0,0)+⋯, which thus guarantees a final sub-diagonal non-zero entry. We are thus in the exact same situation as described for the n=5 case just above, and we can use the sub-diagonal entries as pivots to render all the entries in A, in all the sub-diagonal columns, below the sub-diagonal to be zero. The second phase of this section of the proof now focuses on all the blocks associated with basis elements with composition components with k-parts with k⩾3. This phase is more straightforward. Let us focus on the 3-part composition cases to begin with. The first 3-part composition in descent order is (n-2)11, and we know from Step 5 that there are no “new” generators associated with with any such composition that lies in the set of compositions complementary to those avoiding `1' or ending in `1', but avoiding it elsehwere. Hence we can use Gaussian elimination, using the pivots from the sub-diagonal outlined for the 1 and 2-part composition cases just outlined, to render the entries in for the two rows/basis elements concerned here, [(n-2)11]×β_1 and [(n-2)11]×β_8, equal to zero. Next we consider the block of rows/basis elements corresponding to the composition (n-3)21. As outlined in Step 5 this block is associated with 4 generators and the block matrix A_3^'. We know this has full rank and we can thus use the leading diagonal as pivots to render all entries in the corresponding columns of A below this diagonal to be zero. The next block is associated with the composition (n-3)12, which with a `1' in the middle is not associated with any new generators, and from our Gaussian elimination processes thus far has all row entries rendered zero. The next blocks are associated with the compositions (n-4)31, (n-4)22, (n-4)14. The first two of these compositions are associated with separate copies of the 8×8 matrix A_3 (with the columns mentioned in Step 5 suitably scaled) and a total of 16 generators (one set of 8 each). The leading diagonals of both copies of A_3 can again be used as pivots to render all the entries, below this diagonal in the columns of A associated with these two copies, equal to zero. The entries in the rows associated with the third composition (n-4)13 will have been rendered zero in the Gaussian elimination process just outlined for the other two compositions. And so forth, we can see that we can proceed in descent order through the blocks associated with 3-part compositions, either in the case of compositions that avoid `1' or end in `1' but avoid it elsewhere, using the diagonals of the blocks associated with A_3 or A_3^', to render the corresponding entries in A below these diagonals to be zero, or recognising for the blocks associated with the complementary set of compositions, the entries in the rows of those block will already be rendered zero. The procedure for all further blocks associated with compositions of 4 or more parts proceeds exactly analogously. Naturally that the corresponding diagonals with non-zero entries exist for all blocks associated with compositions that avoid `1' or end in `1' but avoid it elsewhere, is guaranteed by the results in Step 6, in particular Proposition <ref>. Hence we have thus rendered all the entries in all the rows corresponding to basis elements with composition components which lie in the set complementary to those that avoid `1' or end in `1' but avoid it elsewhere, equal to zero. Briefly returning to the rows/blocks associated with the 1 and 2 part compositions, still ignoring the top row as indicated in Table <ref>. A quick count reveals that when n is even, we have 3+4(n-1) rows, i.e. homogneous linear equations, in 4+4(n-1) unknowns, while when n is odd, we have 2+4(n-1) homogeneous linear equations, in 3+4(n-1) unknowns. In either case when n is even or odd, proceeding through all the other blocks associated with compositions of three or more parts, the remaining number of homogeneous linear equations equals the remaining number of unknowns (as outlined in the first section of this proof). Hence, in either case when n is even or odd, we can solve the entire system of linear homogeneous equations, with one less equation then the total number of unknowns, to find expressions for all the unknowns in terms of only one of them. In the case that n is odd, we solve for all of them in terms of c_n. In the case that n is even, we solve for all of them in terms of c_0(n-2)0. We now re-introduce the very first row we ignored at the beginning of this second, “consistency”, section of the proof. When n is odd, that first equation is c_n+2· c_0(n-2)0=1. Since we have an expression for c_0(n-2)0 in terms of c_n from the homogeneous set of linear equations, we can substitute that expression into this non-homogeneous linear equation and determine c_n. When n is even, the first equation is -2· c_0(n-2)0=1 or equivalently c_0(n-2)0=-1/2. Since in this case we have expressions for all the other unknowns in terms of c_0(n-2)0, this fixes the values of all the other unknowns. In either case, whether n is odd or even, we have established a unique solution C, and the proof is complete. As mentioned, the overall proof in Step 8 just above is analogous to that for the non-commutative potential Korteweg–de Vries hierarchy in Malham <cit.>. Therein we proceed by considering compositions with k=1, k=2, and so forth, parts. In that case there are no blocks as there are no ℝ𝔹 components. The basis elements are just compositions of n, there are no skew forms. Also, as it is the potential equation, the generators are just monomials of the signature expansions n, with n∈ℕ—in particular there are no generators corresponding to [0]. Further, since there are no skew forms, the generators can be of even or odd degree. See in particular Section 6 in Malham <cit.>. We observed at the end of Step 7 above that the total number of generators equalled the total number of basis elements with composition components that avoided `1' together with those that ended in `1' but avoided it elsewhere. It would be natural to wonder whether a similar situation occurs for the case of the non-commutative potential Korteweg–de Vries hierarchy, and indeed retrospectively, we can establish the exact same result for that hierarchy. In fact we can show, since there are no blocks and no generators akin to `[0]', that for each set of compositions with k parts, the number of monomial generators with k factors equals the number of compositions (the basis elements here) that avoid `1' together with those that ended in `1' but avoided it elsewhere. Again, that we single out those compositions ending in `1' is just an artefact of the descent order we impose. To see this fact, we observe from Section 6 in Malham <cit.>, that the number of generators with k factors, say of the form ( n_1)( n_2)⋯( n_k) with the Pöppe product, is given by n-k choose k-1. This is because each Pöppe product adds a `1' to one of the composition parts in the eventual expansion in compositions. The complete set of such monomial generators is exhausted by those with k=1,2,…,1/2(n+1) parts. We already know from Step 7 above, that the number of compositions of n with k parts that avoid `1' equals n-k-1 choose k-1 for k=1,2,…,1/2(n-1), and the number of compositions that end in `1' but avoid it elsewhere equals n-k-1 choose k-2 for k=2,…,1/2(n+1). If we restrict ourselves to k=2,…,1/2(n-1), we observe that the number of compositions satisfying either property is given by, [ n-k-1; k-1 ]+[ n-k-1; k-2 ]=[ n-k; k-1 ], with equality following by simply adding the two relevant fractions on the left. The cases k=1 and k=1/2(n+1), for which the number of such compositions and generators is singular, just follows by inspection. § CONCLUSION There are many open directions of research we intend to pursue based on the combinatorial algebraic approach we introduced herein. One direction we have not directly addressed herein is that of alternative formulations of the modified Korteweg–de Vries hierarchy members of orders 3, 5 and higher. See for example Liu and Athorne <cit.>, Olver and Sokolov <cit.>, Oevel and Rogers <cit.> and Gerdjikov <cit.>. For example, the alternative non-commutative modified Korteweg–De Vries equation has the form, _t g=^3g+3(g(^2g)-(^2g)g)-6g( g)g. Note that the polynomial partial differential field includes even degree terms. Such alternative forms can be obtained from non-commutative modified Korteweg–De Vries equation via a suitable gauge transformation as, for example, outlined in detail in Carillo and Schiebold <cit.>. The combinatorial algebraic structure we have developed would seem a natural context to investigate such alternative hierarchy forms further. Closely related is the Miura transformation. This is particularly simple in our context. Assuming the order n=2m+1 with m∈ℕ is odd, then since ℐ^2=𝕀, the base dispersion equation for P is, _t P=(-1)^m+1^2m+1P. We can assume this to be the base equation for the non-commutative potential Korteweg–de Vries hierarchy considered in Malham <cit.>. In that case the solution G^pKdV is given by G^pKdV=P(𝕀-P)^-1. For the non-commutative modified Korteweg–de Vries hierarchy, we observe that when n is odd we can assume the solution G^mKdV to have the form G^mKdV=2P(𝕀+P)^-1(𝕀-P)^-1, i.e. replacing the `iP' everywhere simply by P, and all our results in Section <ref> and thereafter follow through. This is because we carried through the quantity `iP' throughout our computations in Section <ref> and, in particular, into our abstract encoding. For example, our computation for _t[V] preceding Definition <ref> carries through with this replacement with V(𝕀-P)^-1, P^†=-P and V^†=(𝕀+P)^-1. For convenience we set U^pKdV(𝕀-P)^-1 and U^mKdV(𝕀+P)^-1(𝕀-P)^-1. Note that by operator partial fractions we have U^pKdV=𝕀+PU^pKdV so G^pKdV= U^pKdV. Then as in Doikou et al. <cit.> we observe that since U^pKdV=(𝕀+P)U^mKdV we have, U^pKdV =(PU^mKdV)+ U^mKdV ⇔ U^pKdV =(PU^mKdV)+U^mKdV(P^2)U^mKdV ⇒ G^pKdV = G^mKdV+ G^mKdV^2. In the last step we used the Pöppe product rule. This represents the Miura transformation giving the connection between the non-commutative potential, and modified, Korteweg–de Vries hierarchies. A natural question is what the translation (likely non-trivial) of this result is at even orders? A natural formulation for Hankel and Toeplitz operators is the L^2 Hardy spaces ℍ_±, corresponding to the upper and lower half complex plane; see for example Peller <cit.>. This can be thought of as the Fourier transform representation of the formulation we gave in Section <ref>. Recently this context has been used to prove interesting integrability results/connections for the cubic Szegö equation, see Pocovnicu <cit.>, Grellier and Gerard <cit.> and Gerard and Pushnitski <cit.>, and to extend regularity results for the Korteweg–de Vries equation, see Grudsky and Rybkin <cit.>. There is a natural decomposition L^2()=ℍ_+⊕ℍ_- and thus an immediate direction to pursue would be to consider our Marchenko equation and Fredholm Grassmannian flow in this context and establish a connection to the results of, for example, Grellier and Gerard <cit.> and Grudsky and Rybkin <cit.>. At the abstract algebra level, for the skew-Pöppe algebra ℂ[ℤ_0]≅ℂ[𝒞]×ℝ𝔹, there are many open questions as follows: (i) The skew-Pöppe algebra ℂ[ℤ_0], endowed with the triple product in Lemma <ref>, constitutes a triple system or ternary algebra. See for example Meyberg <cit.> or Ricciardo <cit.>. Exploring this context is very much of interest. (ii) The Pöppe products in Lemma <ref> are quasi-Leibniz products in which the `quasi' label refers to the term additional to the two expected Leibniz terms which essentially involves inserting a `1' between the two terms in the product (as well as a factor `2'). A natural question is, is it possible to establish an isomorphism between between this skew-Pöppe algebra and the corresponding skew-Pöppe algebra endowed with the triple product based on the Pöppe products in Lemma <ref> without the `quasi' terms? This will necessarily require a fix of the non-quasi product for low order terms, for example those involving products with `[0]' and so forth. The analogy is the isomorphism between the shuffle algebra and the quasi-shuffle algebra proved by Hoffman <cit.>. Establishing such an isomorphism would significantly simplify the proofs of the results herein and would help to establish (iii) and (iv) just below. (iii) We observe that in our main result we sought Pöppe polynomial expansions π_n=π_n([0],[1],…,[ n]) for the endomorphisms [ 0n0] when n is odd, and [0 n0^†] when n is even. However more generally we might ask the question of whether there exists Pöppe polynomial expansions for any of the basis elements in ℂ[ℤ_0]? In other words can we express any basis element in ℂ[ℤ_0] as a linear combination of monomials of the form [n_1] [n_2] ⋯ [n_k]? (iv) A directly related broader question then is, does there exist an isomorphism between the algebra of odd-degree monomial forms [n_1] [n_2] ⋯ [n_k] with n_i∈ℕ∪{0} endowed with the concatenation product, and the skew-Pöppe algebra? The connection is provided by the signature expansions. The odd-degree monomial form parametrising factors n_1n_2⋯ n_k are actually weak compositions. (v) Can we establish a co-algebra associated with the skew-Pöppe algebra ℂ[𝒞]×ℝ𝔹? This was achieved for Pöppe algebra in Malham <cit.>. Here we have to deal with the ℝ𝔹-components. Indeed, we have already started in this direction. (vi) Establishing such a co-algebra, or at least a refined de-Pöppe co-product Δ_n associated with ℂ[𝒞]×ℝ𝔹, would be useful. Consider the odd-degree monomial [n_1] [n_2] ⋯ [n_k] with n_1n_2⋯ n_k a weak composition of n. Using the signature expansions for each of the factors, [n_1] [n_2] ⋯ [n_k] can be expressed in the form, ∑χ(w_1 w_2⋯ w_k)·([w_1]×β_1(|w_1|)) ([w_2]×β_1(|w_2|)) ⋯ ([w_k]×β_1(|w_k|)), where the sum is over all basis elements [w_i]×β_1(|w_i|) for i=1,…,k, with w_i∈𝒞(n_i) and β_1(|w_i|)∈ℝ𝔹 of length 2^|w_i| with the first component equal to `1' as the only non-zero component. If we compute all the odd-degree Pöppe products on the right, we generate the following form, ∑_w∈𝒞(n)∑_i=1^2^|w|χ_β_i((Δ_k([w]×β_i))·([w]×β_i). In this expression, the β_i are the natural basis elements of ℝ𝔹 of length 2^|w|, containing a `1' in the ith position and zeros elsewhere. The combined pair of sums correspond to a sum over all possible basis elements, for example over all the left-most column elemnts in Tables <ref> and <ref>. The co-product Δ_k generates all forms w_1 w_2⋯ w_k such that the odd-degree Pöppe product ([w_1]×β_1(|w_1|)) ⋯ ([w_k]×β_1(|w_k|)) generates [w]×β_i. The homomorphic map χ_β_i records the signature coefficient χ(w_1 w_2⋯ w_k) together with the factor in the 2^|w|×2^|w| block associated with the composition [w] as outlined in Section <ref>. See for example the matrix A_3 from that section. It records the factor associated with the β_i row and the [σ(w_1)] [σ(w_1)] ⋯ [σ(w_1)] column, where σ(w_i) represents the sum of all the factors in the composition w_i. Any terms resulting from the `quasi' term in the Pöppe product are included. Recall we can systematically generate all the blocks and all such factors using the appropriate three standard actions—see Step 5 in Section <ref>. Let 𝒞^∗(n) denote the set of all odd-length weak compositions v of n such that σ(v)+|v|-1=n. Assuming we have established such a co-product Δ_k, then we observe, we can express any Pöppe polynomial, or even an arbitrary sum of Pöppe polynomials, in the form, ∑_n⩾1π_n =∑_w∈𝒞Π([w])·([w]×β_i), whereΠ([w]) =∑_i=1^2^|w|∑_v∈𝒞^∗(σ(w)) c_v χ_β_i(Δ_|v|([w]×β_i)). Thus, in principle, we can express the whole hierarchy as the co-algebra sum Π. SJAM would like to thank the EPSRC for the Mathematical Sciences Small Grant EP/X018784/1. It is also a pleasure to acknowledge very interesting discussions with Alexander Pushnitski and Alexei Rybkin in connection with our work herein. § DECLARATIONS §.§ Funding and/or Conflicts of interests/Competing interests SJAM received funding from the EPSRC for the Mathematical Sciences Small Grant EP/X018784/1. 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Improving physics-informed neural networks with meta-learned optimization
[ "Alex Bihlo" ]
[ "cs.LG", "cs.NA", "math.NA" ]
Improving physics-informed neural networks with meta-learned optimization Alex Bihlo^† ^†Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Memorial University of Newfoundland, ^† St. John's (NL) A1C 5S7, Canada abihlo@mun.ca 140mmWe show that the error achievable using physics-informed neural networks for solving differential equations can be substantially reduced when these networks are trained using meta-learned optimization methods rather than using fixed, hand-crafted optimizers as traditionally done. We choose a learnable optimization method based on a shallow multi-layer perceptron that is meta-trained for specific classes of differential equations. We illustrate meta-trained optimizers for several equations of practical relevance in mathematical physics, including the linear advection equation, Poisson's equation, the Korteweg–de Vries equation and Burgers' equation. We also illustrate that meta-learned optimizers exhibit transfer learning abilities, in that a meta-trained optimizer on one differential equation can also be successfully deployed on another differential equation. § INTRODUCTION Physics-informed neural networks are a class of methods for solving systems of differential equations. Originally proposed in the 1990s <cit.> and popularized through the work <cit.>, physics-informed neural networks have seen an immense raise in popularity in the past several years. This is in part due to the overall rise in interest in all things related to deep neural networks <cit.>, but also due to some practical advantages of this method compared to traditional numerical approaches such as finite difference, finite elements or finite volume methods. These advantages include the evaluation of derivatives using automatic differentiation <cit.>, their mesh-free nature and an overall ease of implementation through modern deep-learning frameworks such as or . Given the expressive power of deep neural networks <cit.>, neural networks are also a well-suited class of function approximation for the solution of systems of differential equations. A main downside of physics-informed neural networks is that a complicated optimization problem involving a rather involved composite loss function has to be solved <cit.>. The difficulty in solving such so-called multi-task problems is well-documented in the deep learning literature, see e.g. <cit.>. Moreover, since essentially all methods of optimization for deep neural network today are at most of first-order, such as stochastic gradient descent, and its momentum-based flavours such as Adam <cit.>, the level of error that can typically be achieved with vanilla physics-informed neural networks as proposed in <cit.> is often subpar compared to their traditional counterparts used in numerical analysis. While lower numerical error can be achieved using more involved strategies, such as domain decomposition approaches <cit.>, modified loss functions <cit.> or operator-based approaches <cit.>, all of these approaches either sacrifice some of the simplicity of vanilla physics-informed neural networks or substantially increase their training times. Since a main culprit in of the overall unsatisfactory error levels achievable with vanilla physics-informed neural networks is the optimization method used, it is natural to aim to find better optimizers. More broadly, optimization is a topic extensively studied in the field of machine learning, with many new optimizers being proposed that aim to overcome some of the (performance or memory) shortcomings of the de-facto standard Adam, see e.g. <cit.>. There has also been growing interest in the field of learnable optimization, referred to as learning to learn <cit.>, which aims to develop optimization methods parameterized by neural networks, that are then meta-learned on a suitably narrow class of tasks, on which they typically outperform generic (non-learnable) optimization methods. The aim of this paper is to explore the use of learnable optimization for training physics-informed neural networks. We show that meta-trained learnable optimizers with very few parameters can substantially outperform standard optimizer in this field. Moreover, once meta-trained, these optimizers can be used to train physics-informed neural networks with minimal computational overhead compared to traditional optimizers. The further organization of this paper is as follows. In Section <ref> we present a more formalized review on how neural networks can be used to solve differential equations. Section <ref> presents a short overview of the relevant previous work on both physics-informed neural networks and learnable optimization. The main Section <ref> introduces the class of learnable optimizers used in this work. Section <ref> contains the numerical results obtained by using these meta-trained optimizers for solving a variety of differential equations using physics-informed neural networks. A summary with a discussion on further possible research directions can be found in the final Section <ref>. § SOLVING DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH NEURAL NETWORKS The numerical solution of differential equations with neural networks was first proposed in <cit.>. In this algorithm, the trial solution is brought into a form that accounts for initial and/or boundary conditions (as hard constraints), with the actual solution being found upon minimizing the mean-squared error that is defined as the residual of the given differential equations evaluated over a finite number of collocation points which are distributed over the domain of the problem. This method was recently popularized by <cit.>, coining the term physics-informed neural networks, and extended to also allow for the identification of differential equations from data. A recent review on this subject can be found in <cit.>. More formally, consider the following initial–boundary value problem for a general system of L partial differential equations of order n, Δ^l(t,𝐱,𝐮_(n)) = 0, l=1,…, L, t∈[0,t_ f], 𝐱∈Ω, 𝖨^l_ i(𝐱,𝐮_(n_ i)|_t=0) = 0, l_ i = 1,…,L_ i, 𝐱∈Ω, 𝖡^l_ b(t,𝐱,𝐮_(n_ b))=0, l_ b=1,…, L_ b, t∈[0,t_ f], 𝐱∈∂Ω, where t∈[0,t_ f] is the time variable, 𝐱=(x_1,…,x_d)∈Ω is the tuple of spatial independent variables, 𝐮=(u^1,…, u^q) is the tuple of dependent variables, and 𝐮_(n) is the tuple of all derivatives of the dependent variables with respect to the independent variables of order not greater than n. The initial value operator is denoted by 𝖨=(𝖨^1,…𝖨^L_ i) and 𝖡=(𝖡^1,…,𝖡^L_ b) denotes the boundary value operator. The spatial domain is Ω and the final time is t_ f. In the following, we consider evolution equations for which the initial value operator reduces to 𝖨 = 𝐮(0,𝐱) - 𝐟(𝐱), where 𝐟(𝐱)=(f^1(𝐱),…, f^q(𝐱)) is a fixed vector-valued function. We also consider Dirichlet boundary conditions of the form 𝖡 = 𝐮(t,𝐱) - 𝐠(t,𝐱), where 𝐠(t,𝐱)=(g^1(𝐭,𝐱),…, g^q(t,𝐱)) is another fixed vector-valued function. Solving system (<ref>) with a neural network 𝒩^θ requires the parameterization of the solution of this system in the form 𝐮^θ = 𝒩^θ(t,𝐱), where the weights θ of the neural network are found upon minimizing the loss function ℒ(θ) = ℒ_Δ(θ) + γ_ iℒ_ i(θ) + γ_ bℒ_ b(θ). Here ℒ_Δ(θ) = 1/N_Δ∑_i=1^N_Δ∑_l=1^L|Δ^l(t^i_Δ,𝐱^i_Δ,𝐮^θ_(n)(t^i_Δ,𝐱^i_Δ))|^2, ℒ_ i(θ) = 1/N_ i∑_i=1^N_ i∑_l_ i=1^L_ i|𝖨^l_ i(𝐱^i_ i,𝐮_(n_ i)^θ(0,𝐱^i_ i))|^2, ℒ_ b(θ) = 1/N_ b∑_i=1^N_ b∑_l_ b=1^L_ b|𝖡^l_ i(t^i_ b,𝐱^i_ b,𝐮_(n_ b)^θ(t^i_ b,𝐱^i_ b))|^2, are the mean squared error losses corresponding to the differential equation, the initial condition and the boundary value residuals, respectively, and γ_ i and γ_ b are positive scaling constants. These losses are evaluated over the collection of collocation points {(t_Δ^i,𝐱_Δ^i)}_i=1^N_Δ for the system Δ, {(0,𝐱_ i^i)}_i=1^N_ i for the initial data, and {(t_ b^i,𝐱_ b^i)}_i=1^N_ b for the boundary data, respectively. Upon successful minimization, the neural network 𝒩^θ provides a numerical parameterization of the solution of the given initial–boundary value problem. § RELATED WORK Physics-informed neural networks were proposed in <cit.>, and popularized through the work <cit.>, and have since been used extensively for solving differential equations in science and engineering. While the general algorithm for training neural networks to solve differential equations is straightforward, several complications arise in practice. Firstly, balancing the individual loss contributions in (<ref>) so that all the initial values, the boundary values, and the differential equations are adequately enforced simultaneously constitutes a multi-task learning problem which may not be properly solved by minimizing the composite loss function (<ref>), see <cit.> for some work on multi-task learning problems. Secondly, it is well-known that training neural networks using gradient descent methods leads to a spectral bias in the form of low frequencies being learned first and high-frequencies requiring longer training times <cit.>. Correspondingly, oscillatory solutions or stiff problems may not be accurately learned using standard physics-informed neural networks. Lastly, the general setup (<ref>) requires proportionally more collocation points the larger the spatio-temporal domain of the differential equation being solved is. Training neural networks for solving differential equations over large spatio-temporal domains can destabilize training, which is frequently encountered in practice. In most cases, the solution for such problems is a trivial constant solution of the given differential equation <cit.>. One straightforward solution for this problem is to break the entire domain into multiple sub-domains, and solve a sequence of smaller problems with multiple neural networks instead. This multi-model approach has recently been used for solving the shallow-water equations on a rotating sphere <cit.>. Learnable optimization has been the topic of research since the works <cit.>, with <cit.> popularizing the use of neural network based learning to learn optimization. The latter paper specifically introduced an LSTM-type neural network optimizer that is being trained using gradient descent. Subsequent work focussed on improving the performance of learnable neural network based optimizers by improving their training strategies, see e.g. <cit.>, improving the LSTM architecture of the optimizer <cit.>, or replacing the LSTM-based architecture in favour of a simpler MLP-based one <cit.>. Below, we will use the optimizer proposed in <cit.>. For a more comprehensive review on learnable optimization consult the recent review paper <cit.>. To the best of our knowledge, the use of learnable optimization for physics-informed neural networks has not been pursued so far. The related field of using meta-learning to accelerating the training of physics-informed neural networks has been investigated in <cit.> and <cit.> recently. Specifically, in these works the authors used meta-learning to discover suitable initialization methods and physics-informed neural network loss functions that generalize across relevant task distributions, respectively, thereby speeding up training of individual physics-informed neural networks from these task distributions. § META-LEARNABLE OPTIMIZATION FOR PHYSICS-INFORMED NEURAL NETWORKS A main goal of meta-learned optimization it to improve hand-designed optimization rules such as the Adam optimizer <cit.> for updating the weight vector θ of a neural network with loss function L(θ). Recall that the Adam update rule is given by 𝐦_t = β_1 𝐦_t-1 + (1-β_1)∇_θL(θ_t-1), 𝐯_t = β_2 𝐯_t-1 + (1-β_2)(∇_θL(θ_t-1))^2, 𝐦̂_t = 𝐦_t/(1-β_1^t), 𝐯̂_t = 𝐯_t/(1-β_2^t), θ_t = θ_t-1 - η𝐰_ adam = θ_t - η𝐦̂_t/(√(𝐯̂_t) + ε), where t=1,…, is the optimization time step, 𝐦 and 𝐯 are the first and second moment vectors, with β_1,β_2∈[0,1) being the exponential decay rates for the moment estimates, ε being a regularization constant, and η being the learning rate. Similarly, the parameter updates of a meta-learned optimizer is structured as θ_t = θ_t-1 - 𝐟(𝐳_t;ϑ), where 𝐟 is the parametric update function with 𝐳_t referring to the input features of the learnable optimizer, and ϑ are the trainable meta-parameters of the optimizer, usually the weights of a neural network. To allow for the learnable optimizer to be transferable to neural networks of different sizes it is customary to have the parameter update rule (<ref>) act component-wise, with each weight θ_i of the weight vector θ being updated in the same way. Thus, in the following we describe the parameteric update formula in terms of scalar variables, rather than vector variables. While there are several optimizer architectures that have been proposed in the literature <cit.>, here we use a relatively simple multi-layer perceptron for the optimizer architecture. Notably, we follow the work <cit.> and structure the parametric update formula for each weight θ_i as f = λ_1exp(λ_2 s^ adam_ϑ)) w_ adam + λ_3/√(v_t)+εd^ bb_ϑexp(λ_4 s^ bb_ϑ), where λ_i, i=1,…,4 are positive constants, w_ adam corresponds to the Adam update step and s^ adam_ϑ, s^ bb_ϑ and d^ bb_ϑ are to the output heads of the meta-learned optimizer with neural network weights ϑ. On a high level, the first term in the learnable update formula (<ref>) can be seen as a nominal term derived from the Adam update formula with scalable learning rate λ_1exp(λ_2 s^ adam_ϑ)), which guarantees an update step in a descent direction, and the second term corresponds to a blackbox update term structured as the product of a directional and magnitudinal term, d^ bb_ϑ and exp(λ_4 s^ bb_ϑ), respectively, with the denominator √(v_t)+ε acting as a preconditioner that should guarantee that the overall update formula leads corresponds to a descending on the loss surface. For more details on the rationale behind the update rule (<ref>), consult <cit.>. The inputs 𝐳_t at optimization step t to the multi-layer perceptron optimizer with output heads s^ adam_ϑ, s^ bb_ϑ and d^ bb_ϑ are chosen as follows: =0ex * The weights θ_t; * The gradients ∇_θL(θ_t); * The second momentum accumulators 𝐯_t with decay rates β_2∈{0.5, 0.9, 0.99, 0.999}; * One over the square root of the above four second momentum accumulators; * The time step t. Here, we build upon the extensive study carried out in <cit.>, with the above input parameters heuristically being found to perform well for the physics-informed neural networks that were trained in this work. All input features (except the time step) were normalized to have a second moment of one. The time step is converted into a total of 11 features by computing tanh(t/x) where x∈{1,3,10,30,100,300,1000,3000,10k,30k,100k}. All features were then concatenated and passed through a standard multi-layer perceptron to yield the above three output heads. § NUMERICAL RESULTS In this section we showcase the use of meta-learned optimization for solving some well-known differential equations from mathematical physics, that have been extensively studied using physics-informed neural networks. In all of the following examples we use the vanilla version of physics-informed neural networks as laid out in <cit.>. As discussed in Section <ref>, it is well-understood by now that this formulation can suffer from several drawbacks which to remedy is currently an active research field. As such, the goal of this section is not to obtain the best possible numerical solution for each given model, but to show how meta-learned optimization can improve the results obtainable using vanilla physics-informed neural network when compared to using standard optimization. Our base optimizer we compare against is the Adam optimizer, the de-facto standard being used in the field of physics-informed neural networks today. In all examples below, the output heads of the meta-learned optimizer were initialized using a normal distribution with zero mean and variance of 10^-3, to guarantee that the neural network output is close to zero at the beginning of meta-training of the optimizer. Due to the form of the meta-learned optimizer (<ref>), this means that before meta-training starts, the meta-learned optimizer is very close to the standard Adam optimizer. For all examples, the multi-layer perceptron being used for the meta-learned optimizer has two hidden layers with 32 units each, using the swish activation function. This architecture was found using hyperparameter tuning to give a good balance between computational overhead of meta-training the optimizer and error level of the resulting optimizer. We should like to note here that in contrast to the application of meta-learned optimization in areas of modern deep learning, such as computer vision or natural language processing, which work with neural networks with up to hundreds of hidden layers and billions of weights, the neural networks arising in physics-informed neural networks are typically relatively small. In fact, all of the architectures considered in this paper have less than 10,000 trainable parameters. This allows for larger neural networks being used for the meta-learned optimizer, without incurring computationally infeasible costs. Still, the underlying multi-layer perceptron of the meta-learned optimizer is relatively small, having only 2,115 trainable parameters. We train this optimizer using the persistent evolutionary strategy, a zeroth-order stochastic optimization method described in <cit.>. This algorithm has several hyperparameters, including the total number of particles N used for gradient computation, the partial unroll length K of the inner optimization problem before a meta-gradient update is computed, the standard deviation of perturbations σ and the learning rate α for the meta-learned weight update. Using hyperparamter tuning, we determined N=2 (antithetic) particles, K=1 epochs and a learning rate of α=10^-4 to be the best hyperparameters for our problem. For more details, see Algorithm 2 in <cit.>. For each problem, unless otherwise specified, we then sample a total of 20 different tasks and train the meta-learned optimizer for a total of 50 epochs on the associated tasks. Each task corresponds to a new instantiation of the particular neural network architecture for the same equation parameters, meaning the only difference in each task are the initial (random) weights of the neural network model. We found empirically that training the meta-learned optimizer for relatively few epochs (50 epochs compared to using the learned optimizer for more than 1000 epochs at testing stage) provided a good balance between performance and meta-training cost. To guarantee a fair comparison, at testing time the initial weights of the two neural networks being trained with the respective optimizers are exactly the same. In Table <ref> we summarize the parameters of the physics-informed neural networks trained in this section. We use hyperbolic tangents as activation function for all hidden layers. We use mini-batch gradient computation with a total of 10 batches per epoch. We report both the time series of the loss for the standard Adam optimizer and the meta-learned optimizer, and the error e=u_ nn - u_ ref, where u_ ref is either the analytical solution (if available), or a high-resolution numerical reference solution obtained from using a pseudo-spectral method for the spatial discretization and an adaptive Runge–Kutta method for time stepping using the method of lines approach <cit.>. The algorithm described here has been implemented using 2.11 and the codes will be made available on GitHub[<https://github.com/abihlo/LearnableOptimizationPinns>]. §.§ One-dimensional linear advection equation As a first example, consider the one-dimensional linear advection equation u_t + cu_x = 0, where we consider t∈[0,3] and x∈[-1,1] with c=1 being the advection velocity. We set u(0,x)=u_0(x)=cosπ x and use periodic boundary conditions. We enforce the periodic boundary conditions as hard constraint in the physics-informed neural networks, using the strategy introduced in <cit.>. We set γ_ i=1 in the loss function (<ref>). The learning rate for Adam was η=10^-3. The constants of the learnable optimizer were all chosen as λ_i=10^-3, i=1,…,4. The numerical results for this example are depicted in Figures <ref> and <ref>. For this particular example, the meta-learned optimizer considerably outperforms the standard Adam optimizer, resulting in a training loss and point-wise error that is more than 10 times smaller. The loss for the physics-informed neural network using the meta-learned optimizer after 500 epochs is lower than the final loss after 3000 epochs for the respective network using Adam. §.§ Poisson equation As an example for a boundary-value problem, consider the two-dimensional Poisson equation u_xx + u_yy = f(x,y), over the domain Ω=[-1,1]×[-1,1] for the exact solution u_ exact(x,y) = (0.1sin 2π x + tanh 10 x)sin2π y, with the associated right-hand side using Dirichlet boundary conditions. This problem was considered in <cit.>. Since this is a boundary value problem, there is no initial loss in the loss function (<ref>) and we use γ_ b= 1000. This value was chosen heuristically to balance the differential equation and boundary value losses. The learning rate for Adam for this example was set to η=10^-3 and so were the constants of the meta-learned optimizer, λ_i=10^-3, i=1,…,4. The training loss for this example is shown in Fig. <ref>, the numerical results as compared to the exact solution with the associated point-wise error are depicted in Fig. <ref>. As with the linear advection equation from the previous example, also for the Poisson equation the meta-learned optimization method leads to better results both in terms of a lower training loss and smaller point-wise errors compared to the standard Adam optimizer. §.§ Korteweg–de Vries equation We next consider the Korteweg–de Vries equation u_t + uu_x - ν u_xxx = 0, with initial condition u(0,x) = -sinπ x using periodic boundary conditions over the domain x∈[-1,1] and t∈[0,1], setting ν=0.0025. This equation has been extensively studied using physics-informed neural networks, see e.g. <cit.>. Again, we enforce the periodic boundary conditions as hard constraint and set γ_ i=1 in the loss function (<ref>). The learning rate of the Adam optimizer was chosen as η=5· 10^-4, and the constants of the meta-learned optimizer were set to λ_1 = 5· 10^-4 and λ_i=10^-3, i=2,…,4. Figure <ref> contains the respective training losses of the Adam and meta-learned optimizers. The numerical solutions for the associated trained physics-informed neural networks as compared against the numerical solution obtained from a pseudo-spectral numerical integration method are featured in Figure <ref>. These plots again illustrate that the meta-learned optimizer reduces the training loss considerably faster than the standard Adam optimizer, which also improves upon the point-wise error of the numerical solution compared to the reference solution. In fact, the training loss after 200 epochs is lower for the meta-learned optimizer than what the Adam optimizer achieves at the end of training. We next consider a problem of transfer learning for meta-learned optimizers for the Korteweg–de Vries equation. A common task in the numerical solution of differential equation is to change the initial condition of the problem. For physics-informed neural networks this requires re-training of the network, which is computationally costly. To investigate this problem, we sample our task distribution for meta-training the optimizer from an ensemble of initial conditions here. For the sake of simplicity we consider initial conditions of the form u(0,x) = cos (kx+ϕ), where k is sampled from integers between 1 and 3 and ϕ is sampled uniformly from [-π/2,π/2]. We choose a relatively narrow task distribution to speed up meta-learning. Once trained, we evaluate the optimizer on the unseen test problem with k=2 and ϕ=-π/4. Since this is a harder problem than using the meta-learned optimizer on the same problem (i.e. same initial condition and same differential equation), we meta-train the optimizer on a total of 75 tasks here instead of the 20 tasks used so far. The results of this experiment are depicted in Figures <ref> and <ref>. These figures again show improvement of the meta-learned optimizer when compared to the results obtained using Adam. This demonstrates that transfer learning across the same equation class, i.e. choosing different initial values but keeping the equation the same, is indeed feasible. Moreover, the loss level achieved after 200 epochs using the meta-learned optimizer is comparable to the loss level obtained using the Adam optimizer after 1000 epochs, again pointing to the possibility of significant speed-up in training physics-informed neural networks. In the next example we show that transfer learning across different equation classes is possible as well. §.§ Burgers' equation As a last example we consider Burgers' equation u_t + uu_x -ν u_xx = 0, over the temporal-spatial domain [0,1]×[-1,1] with initial condition u(0,x) = -sinπ x and periodic boundary conditions in x-direction. The diffusion parameter was set as ν=0.01/π. Burgers equation is also one of the most prominent examples considered using physics-informed neural networks, see <cit.> for some results. As for the Korteweg–de Vries equation, we enforce the periodic boundary conditions as hard constraints, use γ_ i=1 in the loss function (<ref>), and set the learning rate of the Adam optimizer to η=5· 10^-4, and the constants of the meta-learned optimizer to λ_1 = 5· 10^-4 and λ_i=10^-3, i=2,…,4. Here we consider two meta-learned optimizers. The first is being trained as for the previous example, i.e. using Burgers' equation on 20 tasks, which each task being a newly instantiated neural network with different random initial weights. The second one is being meta-trained using the linear advection equation. This second optimizer should assess the transfer learning abilities of meta-trained optimizers across different differential equations. For this optimizer, we choose our tasks for varying advection velocities sampled uniformly from c∈[-1,1]. At testing time, this optimizer meta-trained on the linear advection equation is also used to train a physics-informed neural network for Burgers' equation. Figures <ref> and <ref> contain the associated numerical results for this example, showing the training loss of the three respective optimizers and the actual numerical results for solving Burgers' equation using the trained neural networks. Figures <ref> illustrates that the meta-learned optimizer trained using the linear advection equation also outperforms the Adam optimizer. Interestingly, this optimizer also outperforms the meta-learned optimizer trained on Burgers' equation over the first 400 epochs, although exhibiting substantially higher oscillations than the latter. At the end of the training, the loss for the linear advection trained meta-learned optimizer is still a bit lower than Adam, although the loss seems to have stagnated after about 600 epochs of training. The loss levels are also consistent with the numerical results shown in Fig. <ref>, illustrating that the meta-learned optimizer using Burgers' equation is the best with the other two optimizers yielding comparable errors. Still, these results show the transfer learning abilities of meta-learned optimizers across different differential equations, which could be leveraged in a multitude of ways. For the particular example of Burgers' equation, the meta-learned optimizer trained on the linear advection equation could be used for the first few hundred epochs, before being chained with another optimizer more suitable for longer training. It is also conceivable that more extensive meta-training, either using more tasks sampled from a wider task distribution, or from wider classes of differential equations altogether, could give optimizers that are applicable to more than a single class of differential equations. § CONCLUSION We have investigated the use of meta-learned optimization for improving the training of physics-informed neural networks in this work. Meta-learned optimization, or learning to learn, has become an increasingly popular topic in deep learning and thus it is natural to investigate its applicability in scientific machine learning as well. We have done so here by illustrating that meta-learned optimization can be used to improve the numerical results obtainable using physics-informed neural networks, which is a popular machine learning-based method for solving differential equations. We have also provided proof-of-concept that these meta-learned optimizers have transfer learning capabilities, i.e. that they can be used for problems that are different from those they were trained on. The goal of this paper was to illustrate that meta-learned optimization alone can substantially improve the vanilla form of physics-informed neural networks, which was laid out in the seminal works <cit.>. This form has been extensively studied, and we have shown here that meta-learned optimization can give (sometimes substantially) better numerical results compared to standard hand-crafted optimization rules. This means that meta-learned optimizers are able to reach a particular error level quicker than standard optimizers, resulting in either shorter training times (for a given target computational error) or better numerical accuracy (for the same number of training epochs). There are several avenues for future research that would provide natural extensions to the present work. Firstly, one could investigate the use of meta-learned optimization for other formulations of physics-informed neural networks. We have refrained from doing so here, as there is not one canonical formulation of improved training strategies for physics-informed neural networks but rather a zoo of methods that are applicable to different classes of differential equations. This list of methods includes, to name a few, variational formulations <cit.>, formulations based on domain decompositions <cit.>, formulations based on improved loss functions <cit.>, re-sampling strategies <cit.>, and operator-based formulations <cit.>. It should also be stressed that while these formulations can considerably outperform vanilla physics-informed networks, the latter are still extensively being used in the literature today, see <cit.> for a recent review. Secondly, there is a multitude of other meta-learned optimization algorithms based on neural networks that have been proposed in the literature, see the review paper <cit.> for an extensive list of such optimizers. There are also several training strategies available for meta-learned optimization, including gradient descent, evolutionary strategies and reinforcement learning based ones <cit.>. Together, this provides a rich set of training strategies, meta-learnable optimizer architectures and physics-informed model formulations that could be explored together to possibly find more accurate solutions of differential equations using physics-informed neural networks. We plan to explore some of these possibilities in the near future. § ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was undertaken thanks to funding from the Canada Research Chairs program and the NSERC Discovery Grant program. 10 urlstyle andr16a Andrychowicz M., Denil M., Gomez S., Hoffman M.W., Pfau D., Schaul T., Shillingford B. and De Freitas N., Learning to learn by gradient descent by gradient descent, Advances in neural information processing systems 29 (2016). bayd18a Baydin A.G., Pearlmutter B.A., Radul A.A. and Siskind J.M., Automatic differentiation in machine learning: a survey, J. Mach. Learn. Res. 18 (2018), Paper No. 153. beng95a Bengio S., Bengio Y. and Cloutier J., On the search for new learning rules for ANNs, Neural Process. 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Harris' criterion and Hardy inequalites on graphs
[ "Simon Murmann", "Marcel Schmidt" ]
[ "math.FA", "math.MG" ]
Institut für Mathematik, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 07743 Jena, Germany. simon.murmann@uni-jena.de Mathematisches Institut, Universität Leipzig, 04109 Leipzig, Germany. marcel.schmidt@math.uni-leipzig.de Harris' criterion and Hardy inequalites on graphs Marcel Schmidt ================================================= In this paper we give a version of Harris' criterion for determining H^1,p_0 within H^1,p on discrete spaces. Moreover, we provide a converse via Hardy inequalities involving distances to metric boundaries. § INTRODUCTION Sobolev spaces can be defined over various geometric spaces that admit a suitable notion of weak derivatives. Among them are Riemannian manifolds, discrete graphs, metric graphs and fractals - just to name a few. We are mostly interested in rough geometries, hence this text focuses on first order Sobolev spaces. Given a geometric space X as discussed above the first order Sobolev spaces come in pairs: * H^1,p(X) - the space of weakly differentiable L^p-functions with gradient in L^p. * H_0^1,p(X) - the closure of compactly supported H^1,p(X)-functions (or even smoother functions) in H^1,p(X). Typically H_0^1,p(X) can be thought of being the space of those functions in H^1,p(X) that vanish at 'the boundary' of X, in the sense that their trace is zero. While this statement can be made precise in great generality by choosing an appropriate notion of boundary and trace functional, in general it is still hard to determine when a function from H^1,p(X) actually belongs to H^1,p_0(X). On domains in Euclidean space there is a convenient criterion due to Harris: Let ∅≠Ω⊆^n be a bounded domain and let δΩ→, δ(x) = dist(x,∂Ω) denote the distance to the boundary. Then for 1 < p < ∞ a function f ∈ H^1,p(Ω) with f/δ∈ L^p(Ω) belongs to H^1,p_0(Ω), see <cit.>. A converse to this result holds true under some regularity assumptions on ∂Ω (e.g. Lipschitz boundary is sufficient). Regularity is used to establish a Hardy inequality with weight δ^-p, which implies f/δ∈ L^p(Ω) for f ∈ H^1,p_0(Ω), see <cit.> and also <cit.> for a more recent account on the subject. Extensions of these results weakening the assumption f/δ∈ L^p(Ω) have recently gained some attention, see <cit.>. In this paper we extend Harris' criterion and its converse to discrete graphs. It turns out that precisely two properties of δ are required to establish Harris' criterion: One needs |∇δ| ≤ 1, which is a consequence of Rademacher's theorem, and that for all ε > 0 closed bounded subsets of {x ∈Ω|δ(x) ≥ε} are compact in Ω. On graphs the first property is achieved by considering intrinsic metrics, while the second property will remain a mild assumption on the metric. Our discrete version of Harris' criterion is contained in Theorem <ref> and Corollary <ref>. For the converse to Harris' criterion we need to establish a Hardy inequality with respect to the distance to the boundary. Recently Hardy inequalities on discrete spaces have recieved quite some attention, see <cit.>. We rely on some methods developed in <cit.> to obtain a Hardy inequality that yields the converse to Harris' criterion in the discrete setting, see Theorem <ref>, Corollary <ref> and Corollary <ref>. The assumption we have to make is some form of superharmonicity of the distance to the boundary. This is similar to the situation on Euclidean spaces, in which case superharmonicity of δ is related to convexity of the domain Ω. We refer to <cit.> for how superharmonicity is employed to prove Hardy inequalities and how this is related to convexity of Ω when considering δ. That the convexity of Ω can be replaced by regularity of the boundary ∂Ω is due to the fact that close to the boundary δ is equivalent to another superharmonic distance function as long as ∂Ω is sufficiently regular, see e.g. <cit.>. It seems hopeless to extend this geometric reasoning to discrete spaces and hence we use superharmonicity as an assumption. In this text we discuss discrete graphs but our results are valid in more general situations. More precisely, our methods should yield versions of Harris' criterion on regular Dirichlet spaces with suitable intrinsic metrics as in <cit.> (in this case p = 2) and on suitable metric measure spaces with p-Cheeger energies as in <cit.>. In particular, the aforementioned Riemannian manifolds, metric graphs and some fractals are included in these settings. Hardy inequalities with respect to the distance to the boundary for a large class of linear local operators were recently obtained <cit.> and our results may help to establish them for certain non-local operators as well. We chose to focus on discrete graphs for a couple of reasons: The discreteness of the underlying space removes the need to discuss local regularity issues and within our framework there is an easy explicit description of H^1,p(X). For regular Dirichlet spaces, which are abstract versions of H^1,2_0(X)-spaces, there are constructions of H^1,2(X)-spaces via so-called reflected Dirichlet spaces, see <cit.>. Local regularity issues and the use of reflected Dirichlet spaces make technical details more lengthy but do not add insights on which type of results we could expect. In contrast to this simplification, the non-local nature of discrete gradients and Laplacians makes proving Harris' criterion and Hardy inequalites more involved when it comes to certain estimates. This is due to the lack of a chain rule. Overcoming these difficulties in the discrete setting possibly paves the way for other non-local situations, e.g. fractional Laplace-type operators on various spaces. Parts of this paper are based on SM Bachelor's thesis, whose main result is a preliminary version of Corollary <ref>. Acknowledgements. M.S. thanks Florian Fischer and Matthias Keller for inspring discussions about Hardy inequalities. Moreover, M.S. acknowledges financial support of the DFG within the priority programme 'Geometry at Infinity'. § SET UP AND MAIN RESULTS Let X ≠∅ be a countable set equipped with the discrete topology. Let m X → (0,∞). We abuse notation and also view m as a measure on all subsets of X by m(A) = ∑_x ∈ A m(x), A ⊆ X. Let 1 ≤ p < ∞. The discrete Lebesgue spaces are given by ℓ^p(X,m) = {f X →|∑_x ∈ X |f(x)|^p m(x) < ∞} equipped with the norm f_p = (∑_x ∈ X |f(x)|^p m(x))^1/p. The space of bounded functions is denoted by ℓ^∞(X). We write C(X) for all real-valued functions on X. Due to X being discrete the support of f ∈ C(X) is given by supp f = {x ∈ X | f(x) ≠ 0} and we write C_c(X) for all real valued functions of finite support. For f,g ∈ C(X) we let f ∧ g = min{f,g} and f ∨ g = max{f,g}, which are defined pointwise. A weighted graph on X is a symmetric function b X × X → [0,∞) such that b(x,x) = 0 and (x) := ∑_y ∈ X b(x,y) < ∞ for each x ∈ X. Two points x,y ∈ X are said to be connected by an edge if b(x,y) > 0. In this case, we write x ∼ y. The graph b is called locally finite if for each x ∈ X the set of its neighbors {y ∈ X | x ∼ y} is finite. A path connecting x,y ∈ X is a finite sequence γ = (x_0,…,x_n) in X with x = x_0 ∼ x_1 ∼…∼ x_n = y. The graph b is called connected if all x,y ∈ X are connected by a path. The formal p-Laplacian is the nonlinear operator ℒℱ→ C(X) with domain ℱ = ℱ_p = {f ∈ C(X) |∑_y ∈ X b(x,y) |f(x) - f(y)|^p-1 < ∞ for all x ∈ X}, on which it acts by ℒ f(x) = 1/m(x)∑_y ∈ X b(x,y) (f(x) - f(y))|f(x) - f(y)|^p-2 . Here we use the convention 0 /0 = 0, which may occur in the definition of ℒ whenever 1 ≤ p < 2. Note that ℓ^∞(X) ⊆ℱ_p due to the summability condinition on b. The p-energy functional is given by C(X) → [0,∞], (f) = 1/p∑_x,y ∈ X b(x,y) |f(x) - f(y)|^p. For f ∈ C(X) we define the norm of the discrete p-gradient by |∇ f| X → [0,∞], |∇ f|(x) = (1/m(x)∑_y ∈ X b(x,y) |f(x) - f(y)|^p)^1/p. Clearly, the energy and the gradient are related through the formula (f) = 1/p∑_x ∈ X |∇ f|^p(x) m(x). We denote the space of functions of finite p-energy by = {f ∈ C(X) |∑_x,y ∈ X b(x,y)|f(x) - f(y)|^p < ∞} and write H^1,p(X,m) = ∩ℓ^p(X,m) for the corresponding first order discrete Sobolev space. It is a Banach space when equipped with the norm ·_H^1,p(X,m) defined by f_H^1,p(X,m)^p = 𝒬(f) + f^p_p. We write H_0^1,p(X,m) for the closure of C_c(X) in H^1,p(X,m). The main goal of this paper is to characterize the space H_0^1,p(X,m) within H^1,p(X,m). To this end we employ the geometry induced by certain metrics that are compatible with the gradient. They are discussed next. A pseudo metric on X is a symmetric function σ X × X → [0,∞) satisfying the triangle inequality. It is called p-intrinsic if 1/m(x)∑_y ∈ X b(x,y) σ(x,y)^p ≤ 1 for every x ∈ X. The most important feature of intrinsic pseudo metrics is the following Rademacher type result: If σ is a p-intrinsic metric and f X → is L-Lipschitz with respect to σ, then |∇ f| ≤ L. In the case p = 2 intrinsic metrics were introduced in <cit.> for regular Dirichlet forms mimicking the property that 1-Lipschitz functions on Riemannian manifolds have distributional gradient bounded by 1. We refer to <cit.> for their use on graphs. On spaces with a local Laplacian (e.g. on Riemnnian manifolds) the norm of the gradient does not depend on p. In this case, one intrinsic metric can be employed for for all 1 ≤ p < ∞. In the discrete setting (and other non-local settings as well) intrinsic metrics may depend on the choice of p. [Path pseudo metrics] Assume the graph b is connected and let w X × X → [0,∞) be symmetric. To a path γ = (x_0,…,x_n) we associate its length (with respect to w) by L_w(γ) = ∑_k = 1^n w(x_k-1,w_k). The function d_w X × X → [0,∞), d_w(x,y) = inf{L_w(γ) |γ path connecting x and y} is called the path pseudo metric induced by w. It is readily verified that d_w is a pseudo metric. If the graph is locally finite and w(x,y) > 0 for all x ∼ y, then d_w is indeed a metric inducing the discrete topology on X. For w = 1 the metric d:= d_1 is called combinatorial distance, as it counts the least number of edges in a path connecting x,y. The path pseudo metric d_w satisfies d_w(x,y) ≤ w(x,y). Hence, it is p-intrinsic if 1/m(x)∑_y ∈ X b(x,y) w(x,y)^p ≤ 1. One function w satisfying this inequality is given by w(x,y) = m(x)^1/p/(x)^1/p∧m(y)^1/p/(y)^1/p. The induced metric will be investigated in further examples below. The combinatorial distance d satisfies d(x,y) = 1 for x ∼ y. Hence, it is p-intrinsic if and only if /m is bounded by 1. Let σ be a pseudo metric. We write X^σ for the completion of X with respect to σ and denote by ∂_σ X = X^σ∖ X the Cauchy boundary of X with respect to σ (if σ is not a metric consider a suitable quotient space). Clearly, σ can be uniquely extended to X^σ. For A ⊆X^σ we let σ(x,A) = inf{σ(x,y)| y ∈ A} with the convention σ(x,A) = ∞ if A = ∅. In what follows we will be interested in the behavior of the pseudo metric near the boundary. Therefore, we fix a cut-off D > 0 and introduce δ_σ X → [0,∞), δ_σ(x) = σ(x,∂_σ X) ∧ D, where our convention implies δ_σ = D if ∂_σ X = ∅. Note that δ_σ(x) > 0 for all x ∈ X if and only if ∂_σ X is closed in X^σ. The function is 1-Lipschitz with respect to σ. Hence, if σ is p-intrinsic, then |∇| ≤ 1. The following is one of the two main results of this paper. Let 1 < p < ∞ and let σ be a p-intrinsic pseudo metric. Let h X → (0,∞) such that for all ε > 0 the function /m is bounded on σ-bounded subsets of {x ∈ X | h(x) ≥ε}. Then {f ∈ H^1,p(X,m) ||∇ h|/h f ∈ℓ^p(X,m)}⊆ H_0^1,p(X,m). * The possibility that |∇ h|(x) = ∞ for some x ∈ X is allowed in previous theorem. In this case, the condition |∇ h|/h f ∈ℓ^p(X,m) is to be understood as f(x) = 0 for x ∈{y ∈ X | |∇ h|(y) = ∞} =: N and 1_X ∖ N f |∇ h|/h ∈ℓ^p(X,m). * The theorem holds true for all h ∈ C_0(X), which is the uniform closure of C_c(X) in ℓ^∞. In this case, {x ∈ X | h(x) ≥ε} is finite for any ε > 0. We can apply this theorem to the bounded 1-Lipschitz function h = (and powers thereof). Since > 0 if ∂_σ X is closed and |∇| ≤ 1, we obtain the following geometric criterion. Let 1 < p < ∞ and let σ be a p-intrinsic pseudo metric with the following properties: * ∂_σ X is closed. * For all ε > 0 the function /m is bounded on σ-bounded subsets of {x ∈ X |(x) ≥ε}. Then for any α > 0 we have {f ∈ H^1,p(X,m) ||∇^α|/^α f ∈ℓ^p(X,m)}⊆ H_0^1,p(X,m). In particular, if f ∈ H^1,p(X,m) satisfies f/∈ℓ^p(X,m), then f ∈ H^1,p_0(X,m). As noted above, if ∂_σ X = ∅, then δ_σ = D. In this case, the second assumption on σ states that /m should be bounded on σ-balls. Pseudo metric spaces with finite balls are always complete and /m is always bounded on finite sets. Hence, we obtain the following corollary. Let 1 < p < ∞. If there exists a p-intrinsic pseudo metric with finite balls, then H^1,p(X,m) = H^1,p_0(X,m). Applying the theorem to σ = 0 and h = 1 we immediately obtain the following. Let 1 < p < ∞ and assume that /m is bounded. Then H^1,p(X,m) = H^1,p_0(X,m). * In the Euclidean setting mentioned in the introduction we have |∇δ| = 1 almost surely and ∇δ^α = αδ^α - 1∇δ by the chain rule. Hence, there is no gradient term and no exponent in Harris criterion, cf. <cit.>. * For p = 2 Corollary <ref> was first established in <cit.> under a slightly different assumption. We refer to <cit.> for related results. * The condition on /m used in Corollary <ref> is fullfilled if bounded subsets of {x ∈ X |(x) ≥ε} are finite. The latter condition along with some examples is discussed in <cit.>. We will give more examples in Section <ref>. Under a superharmonicity assumption on but without assuming σ is intrinsic the converse of Harris' criterion holds true. Indeed, instead of considering one can actually use any strictly positive function. The following is the second main result of this paper. Let 1 < p < ∞ and let h X → (0,∞) with h ∈ℱ_p ∩ℱ_p/2 + 1 such that there exists a finite K ⊆ X and λ∈ with h ≥λ h^p-1 on X ∖ K. Then there exists C >0 such that C ∑_x ∈ X |f(x)|^p |∇ h^1/2|^p(x)/h(x)^p/2 m(x) ≤𝒬(f) + f_p^p for all f ∈ H_0^1,p(X,m). In particular, H_0^1,p(X,m) ⊆{f ∈ H^1,p(X,m) ||∇ h^1/2|/h^1/2 f ∈ℓ^p(X,m)}. If, additionally, sup{h(x)/h(y) | x,y ∈ X, x ∼ y} < ∞, then there exists C' > 0 such that C' ∑_x ∈ X |f(x)|^p |∇ h|^p(x)/h(x)^p m(x) ≤𝒬(f) + f_p^p for all f ∈ H_0^1,p(X,m). * As mentioned in the introduction Hardy inequalities on discrete spaces have recently gained quite some attention with a focus on optimality of the weights, see <cit.> for the case p = 2 and <cit.> for general 1 < p < ∞. Here we do not focus on optimality of constants/weights but simply on the inclusion of Sobolev spaces. In Proposition <ref> we provide explicit constants under the somewhat stronger assumption h ≥λ h^p-1 on X. In the case p = 2 our Hardy inequality with weight |∇ h^1/2|^2/h is implicitly contained in <cit.> but it seems that for p ≠ 2 it is not (implicitly) contained in the literature. * The condition h ∈ℱ_p ∩ℱ_p/2 + 1 is equivalent to h ∈ℱ_p if p ≥ 2 and h ∈ℱ_p/2 + 1 if p < 2, see Lemma <ref> below. As discussed above, if h is bounded, then it satisfies these conditions. Combining this theorem and Corollary <ref> we obtain the following characterizations of H^1,p_0(X,m), which can be seen as discrete analogues of Harris' criterion and its converse. Let 1 < p < ∞ and let σ be a p-intrinsic pseudo metric with the following properties: * ∂_σ X is closed. * For all ε > 0 the function /m is bounded on bounded subsets of {x ∈ X |(x) ≥ε}. * There exists a finite K ⊆ X and λ∈ such that _p ≥λ^p-1 on X ∖ K. Then H^1,p_0(X,m) = {f ∈ H^1,p(X,m) ||∇^1/2 |/^1/2 f ∈ℓ^p(X,m)}. Assume the situation of Corollary <ref> and assume further: * sup_x,y ∈ X, x ∼ y(x)/(y) < ∞. * inf_x ∈ X |∇|(x) > 0. Then H^1,p_0(X,m) = {f ∈ H^1,p(X,m) | f/∈ℓ^p(X,m)}. As already remarked above, the reason why in Corollary <ref> we have to consider |∇^1/2 | /^1/2 instead of |∇|/ is the lack of a chain rule. Instead of using a chain rule we can estimate |∇^1/2| from below with the help of the mean value theorem but then we have to assume sup{h(x)/h(y) | x,y ∈ X, x ∼ y} < ∞, see Lemma <ref>. Moreover, in general we cannot expect |∇| to be bounded from below and so it appears as an assumption in Corollary <ref>. § SOME PROPERTIES OF DISCRETE SOBOLEV SPACES In this section we establish some fundamental results for the discrete Sobolev spaces and energy functionals. The results in this section are all well known in the case p = 2 and we refer to <cit.> for most of them. Let 1 ≤ p < ∞. Let C → be L-Lipschitz. Then 𝒬(C ∘ f) ≤ L^p 𝒬(f) for f ∈ C(X). In particular, 𝒬(|f|) ≤𝒬(f) and 𝒬(f ∧ g)^1/p≤𝒬(f)^1/p + 𝒬(g)^1/p for all f,g ∈ C(X). The first inequality follows immediately from the definition of 𝒬. The result on |f| is a consequence of the absolute value being 1-Lipschitz. For the last statement it suffices to consider f,g ∈𝒟. Since 𝒬^1/p is a seminorm on 𝒟, it follows directly from f ∧ g = (f + g - |f-g|)/2 and the result on the absolute value. Let 1 ≤ p < ∞. The functional 𝒬 is lower semicontinuous with respect to pointwise convergence, i.e., for all (f_n), f in C(X) the convergence f_n → f pointwise, as n →∞, implies 𝒬(f) ≤lim inf_n →∞𝒬(f_n). This is a direct consequence of Fatou's lemma. For 1 < p < ∞ the Banach spaces H^1,p_0(X,m) and H^1,p(X,m) are uniformly convex and hence reflexive. Uniformly convex spaces are reflexive and so it suffices to prove uniform convexity. Let E = {(x,y) ∈ X × X | b(x,y) > 0} and let μ X ∪ E → [0,∞), μ(z) = μ(x) if z ∈ X b(z)/2p if z ∈ E . It is well known that ℓ^p(X ∪ E, μ) is uniformly convex. With this at hand the uniform convexity of H_0^1,p(X,m) and H^1,p(X,m) follow from ι H^1,p(X,m) →ℓ^p(X ∪ E,μ), ι(f)(z) = f(z) if z ∈ X f(x) - f(y) if z = (x,y) ∈ E being an isometry. Next we give an alternative description of H_0^1,p(X,m). We write 𝒟_0 for the space of functions f ∈𝒟 for which there exists a sequence (φ_n) in C_c(X) with 𝒬(f - φ_n) → 0 and φ_n → f pointwise, as n →∞. Let 1 < p < ∞. Then H^1,p_0(X,m) = 𝒟_0 ∩ℓ^p(X,m). In our discrete setting convergence in ℓ^p(X,m) implies pointwise convergence. Hence, we have H^1,p_0(X,m) ⊆𝒟_0 ∩ℓ^p(X,m). H^1,p_0(X,m) ⊇𝒟_0 ∩ℓ^p(X,m): Let f ∈ D^p_0 ∩ℓ^p(X,m). Choose a sequence (φ_n) in C_c(X) with φ_n → f pointwise and 𝒬(f- φ_n) → 0, as n →∞. Consider the functions ψ_n = (φ_n ∧ |f|) ∨ (-|f|). Then ψ_n ∈ C_c(X) ⊆ H^1,p_0(X,m), |ψ_n| ≤ |f| and ψ_n → f pointwise. Lebesgue's dominated convergence theorem implies ψ_n → f in ℓ^p(X,m). Using the contraction property Lemma <ref> yields 𝒬(ψ_n)^1/p≤𝒬(φ_n)^1/p + 2 𝒬(f)^1/p. This shows that (ψ_n) is a bounded sequence in the Banach space H^1,p_0(X,m). Using weak sequential compactness of bounded sets in reflexive spaces, we can assume without loss of generality ψ_n → g ∈ H_0^1,p(X,m) weakly in H^1,p_0(X,m) (else consider a subsequence). Since in normed spaces weak and strong closures of convex sets coincide, we infer that for any N ∈ℕ we have g ∈ conv{ψ_n | n ≥ N }^H^1,p_0(X,m). In particular, there exist finite convex combinations of (ψ_n) of the form g_N = ∑_n = N^K_Nλ_n^(N)ψ_n with g_N → g in H^1,p_0(X,m), as N →∞. Since ψ_n → f ∈ℓ^p(X,m), we also have g_N → f in ℓ^p(X,m), showing f = g ∈ H^1,p_0(X,m). For p = 2 this is the content of <cit.>. Next we prove lower semicontinuity of 𝒬 when restricted to 𝒟_0. More precisely, we let 𝒬_0 C(X) → [0,∞], 𝒬_0(f) = 𝒬(f) if f ∈𝒟_0 ∞ else and show that this functional is lower semicontinuous. This is more involved than lower semicontinuity of 𝒬, as it does not follow directly from Fatou's lemma. Let 1 < p < ∞. The functional 𝒬_0 is lower semicontinuous with respect to pointwise convergence, i.e., for all (f_n), f in C(X) the convergence f_n → f pointwise, as n →∞, implies 𝒬_0(f) ≤lim inf_n →∞𝒬_0(f_n). In particular, if (𝒬_0(f_n)) is bounded, then f ∈𝒟_0. It suffices to consider (f_n) in 𝒟_0^p with f_n → f pointwise and lim inf_n →∞𝒬_0(f_n) = lim_n →∞𝒬_0(f_n) < ∞. By the definition of 𝒟_0 we can choose a sequence (φ_n) in C_c(X) with 𝒬(f_n - φ_n) → 0 and φ_n → f pointwise. In particular, the sequence (φ_n) is 𝒬-bounded. We denote by ·_𝒬𝒟→ [0,∞), f_𝒬 = 𝒬(f)^1/p the seminorm induced by the p-energy functional. The space (𝒟,·_𝒬) is uniformly convex, cf. the proof of Proposition <ref>. Hence, the completion of (𝒟 / 𝒬,·_𝒬) is reflexive. Using weak compactness of bounded sets in reflexive spaces and that convex sets have the same weak and strong closure, we infer the existence of finite convex combinations of (φ_n) of the form ψ_N = ∑_n = N^K_Nλ^(N)_n φ_n such that (ψ_N) is ·_𝒬-Cauchy, cf. the argument given in the proof of Proposition <ref>. By definition (ψ_N) belongs to C_c(X). Moreover, φ_n → f pointwise, as n →∞, implies ψ_N → f pointwise, as N →∞. The pointwise lower semicontinuity of 𝒬 yields 𝒬(f - ψ_N) ≤lim inf_M →∞𝒬(ψ_M - ψ_N) → 0, as N →∞, and we obtain f ∈𝒟_0. Since 𝒬 and 𝒬_0 agree on 𝒟_0, the lower semicontinuity of 𝒬 implies 𝒬_0(f) = 𝒬(f) ≤lim inf_n →∞𝒬(f_n) = lim inf_n →∞𝒬_0(f_n). Let 1 ≤ p < ∞. Let K ⊆ X such that /m is bounded on K. Then there exists a constant C ≥ 0 such that 𝒬 (f 1_K) ≤ C ∑_x ∈ K |f(x)|^p m(x) for all f ∈ C(X). In particular, {f ∈ℓ^p(X,m) | f ⊆ K}⊆ H^1,p_0(X,m). Let f ∈ C(X) with suppf ⊆ K. Using the symmetry of b and the inequality (|w| + |z|)^p ≤ 2^p(|w|^p + |z|^p) we obtain p 𝒬(f) = ∑_x,y ∈ X b(x,y) |f(x) - f(y)|^p = ∑_x,y ∈ K b(x,y) |f(x) - f(y)|^p + 2 ∑_x ∈ K |f(x)|^p ∑_y ∈ X ∖ K b(x,y) ≤ 2^p+1∑_x∈ K |f(x)|^p ∑_y ∈ K b(x,y) + 2 ∑_x ∈ K |f(x)|^p ∑_y ∈ X ∖ K b(x,y) ≤ C ∑_x ∈ K |f(x)|^p m(x). The statement on the discrete Sobolev spaces follows directly from this inequality and the density of C_c(X) in ℓ^p(X,m). § DISCRETE CHAIN RULES AND HARDY INEQUALITY In this section we collect some formulas replacing the chain rule in the discrete setting and use them to establish a Hardy inequality. We start with a lemma on the domain of the formal Laplacian that guarantees absolute convergence of the sums involved in the computations below. Let 1 ≤ p,q < ∞. * ℱ_p = {f ∈ C(X) |∑_y ∈ X b(x,y)|f(y)|^p-1 < ∞ for all x ∈ X}. * f ∈ C(X) satisfies |∇ f|(x) < ∞ for all x ∈ X if and only if f ∈ℱ_p+1. * If p ≤ q, then ℱ_q ⊆ℱ_p. In particular, we have ℓ^∞(X) ⊆ℱ_p for all 1 ≤ p < ∞ and if f ∈ C(X) satisfies sup_x,y ∈ X, x ∼ y|f(x)|/|f(y)| < ∞, then f ∈ℱ_p for all 1 ≤ p < ∞. (a): This follows directly from the summability condition on b and the inequality (|w| + |z|)^p-1≤ 2^p(|w|^p-1 + |z|^p-1). For more details see <cit.>. (b): This follows directly from the definition of |∇ f| and ℱ_p+1. (c): This follows from the summability condition on b and Hölder's inequality. The 'In particular' statements are an immediate consequence of (a) and the summability condition on b. Let f ∈ C(X) and let I ⊆ be an interval with f(X) ⊆ I. If φ∈ C^1(I) is increasing and concave, then |∇(φ∘ f)|^p(x) ≥inf_y ∼ x (φ' (f(x) ∧ f(y)))^p |∇ f|^p(x), x ∈ X. The first inequality is a consequence of the mean value theorem and φ' being decreasing due to the concavity of φ. Let f X → (0,∞) with f ∈ℱ_p+1. Then f ∈ℱ_p and 2 f(x) ℒ f(x) = |∇ f|(x)^p + 1/m(x)∑_y ∈ X b(x,y) (f(x) + f(y))(f(x) - f(y)) |f(x) - f(y)|^p-2 for all x ∈ X, with all sums converging absolutely. That f ∈ℱ_p is a consequence of Lemma <ref> (b) and (c). It also guarantees absolut convergence of all the sums in the statement and in the computations below. We compute f(x) ℒ f(x) = 1/m(x)∑_y ∈ X b(x,y) (f(x)^2 - f(x) f(y)) |f(x) - f(y)|^p-2 = 1/m(x)∑_y ∈ X b(x,y) (f(x) - f(y))^2 |f(x) - f(y)|^p-2 + 1/m(x)∑_y ∈ X b(x,y) (f(x) f(y) - f(y)^2) |f(x) - f(y)|^p-2. Adding another f ℒ f to both sides of this equation yields 2f(x) ℒ f(x) = |∇ f|^p(x) + 1/m(x)∑_y ∈ X b(x,y) (f(x)^2 - f(y)^2) |f(x) - f(y)|^p-2, which is the desired statement. Let f X → (0,∞) with f ∈ℱ_p ∩ℱ_p/2 + 1. Then f^1/2∈ℱ_p and 2 f(x)^1/2ℒ (f^1/2)(x) ≥ |∇ f^1/2|^p(x) + 1/2^p-2 f(x)^(p-2)/2ℒ f(x). Lemma <ref> ensures f^1/2∈ℱ_p such that all the quanties in the inequality are well-defined. We let g = f^1/2. As seen in Lemma <ref> we have 2 g(x) ℒ g(x) = |∇ g|(x)^p + 1/m(x)∑_y ∈ X b(x,y) (g(x) + g(y))(g(x) - g(y)) |g(x) - g(y)|^p-2. We need to estimate the second summand. We let ∇_xyf = f(x) - f(y). Using the mean value theorem we choose ξ_xy∈ [f(x) ∧ f(y), f(x) ∨ f(y)] with f(x)^1/2 - f(y)^1/2 = 1/2 ξ_xy^1/2 (f(x) - f(y)). Our assumption f ∈ℱ_p ∩ℱ_p/2+1 ensures that all sums in the following computation converge absolutely: 1/m(x)∑_y ∈ X b(x,y) (g(x) + g(y))(g(x) - g(y)) |g(x) - g(y)|^p-2 = 1/2^p-2 m(x)∑_y ∈ X b(x,y) (f(x) - f(y)) 1/ξ_xy^(p-2)/2| f(x) - f(y)|^p-2 = 1/2^p-2 m(x)∑_y ∈ X, f(x) ≥ f(y) b(x,y) 1/ξ_xy^(p-2)/2∇_xy f^p-1 - 1/2^p-2 m(x)∑_y ∈ X, f(x) < f(y) b(x,y) 1/ξ_xy^(p-2)/2∇_yx f^p-1 ≥1/2^p-2 m(x)∑_y ∈ X, f(x) ≥ f(y) b(x,y) 1/f(x)^(p-2)/2∇_xy f^p-1 - 1/2^p-2 m(x)∑_y ∈ X, f(x) < f(y) b(x,y) 1/f(x)^(p-2)/2∇_yx f^p-1 = 1/2^p-2 f(x)^(p-2)/2ℒ f(x). The following lemma is the content of <cit.>. Let 1 < p < ∞. Let h X → (0,∞) with h ∈ℱ_p. For every φ∈ C_c(X) we have 𝒬(φ) ≥2/p∑_x ∈ Xℒ h(x)/h(x)^p-1 |φ(x)|^p m(x). Let f X → (0,∞) with f ∈ℱ_p ∩ℱ_p/2 + 1 and assume there exists λ∈ with ℒ f ≥λ f^p-1. Then for all φ∈ C_c(X) 𝒬(φ) ≥1/p∑_x ∈ X|∇ f^1/2|^p(x)/f(x)^p/2 |φ(x)|^p m(x) + λ/p 2^p-2φ_p^p. If, moreover, K = sup_x,y ∈ X, x ∼ yf(x)/f(y) < ∞, then for all φ∈ C_c(X) 𝒬(φ) ≥1/p 2^p K^p/2∑_x ∈ X|∇ f|^p(x)/f(x)^p |φ(x)|^p m(x) + λ/p 2^p-2φ_p^p. By Lemma <ref> the assumption on f yields f^1/2∈ℱ_p. Applying Picone's inequality to h = f^1/2 shows 𝒬(φ) ≥1/p∑_x ∈ X2f(x)^1/2ℒ (f^1/2)(x)/f(x)^p/2 |φ(x)|^p m(x) for all φ∈ C_c(X). From Lemma <ref> we infer 2f(x)^1/2ℒ (f^1/2)(x)/f(x)^p/2 ≥ |∇ f^1/2|^p(x)/f(x)^p/2 + 1/2^p-2 f(x)^p - 1ℒ f(x) ≥ |∇ f^1/2|^p(x)/f(x)^p/2 + λ/2^p-2. Combining both inequalities shows the first claim. For the second inequality we use Lemma <ref> to estimate |∇ f^1/2|^p(x) ≥inf_x ∼ y1/2^p (f(x) ∨ f(y))^p/2 |∇ f|^p(x). Since by assumption f(y) ≤ K f(x) for all x ∼ y, we arrive at |∇ f^1/2|^p(x) ≥1/2^p K^p/2 f(x)^p/2 |∇ f|^p(x). § PROOF OF THE MAIN RESULTS In this section we prove the main results Theorem <ref> and Theorem <ref>. Let f ∈ H^1,p(X,m) with |∇ h|/h f ∈ℓ^p(X,m) be given. According to Proposition <ref> it suffices to show f ∈𝒟_0^p. We fix o ∈ X. For n ∈ we consider the function χ_n X →ℝ, χ_n(x) = (h(x) - 1/n)_+ ·( (2 - σ(x,o)/n)_+ ∧ 1 ). Then |χ_n| ≤ h, χ_n → h pointwise, as n →∞, and χ_n ⊆ B^σ_2n(o) ∩{x ∈ X | h(x) ≥ 1/n}. By our assumption on σ the function /m is bounded on the latter set. Let f_n = (χ_n / h) f. The support of f_n is cointained in the support of χ_n and so Lemma <ref> implies f_n ∈ H^1,p_0(X,m). Since f_n → f pointwise, by Proposition <ref> it suffices to show that (𝒬(f_n)) is bounded for establishing f ∈𝒟_0^p. For g ∈ C(X) and x,y ∈ X we write ∇_xy g = g(x) - g(y). We use the discrete product rule ∇_xy(gh) = g(x) ∇_xy h + h(y) ∇_xy g and the inequality (|w| + |z|)^p≤ 2^p(|w|^p + |z|^p) to estimate p 𝒬(f_n) by ∑_x,y ∈ X b(x,y) |∇_xy f_n|^p = ∑_x,y ∈ X b(x,y)| χ_n(x) ∇_xy (f/h) + f(y)/h(y)∇_xyχ_n |^p ≤ 2^p ∑_x,y ∈ X b(x,y)|χ_n(x) ∇_xy (f/h)|^p + 2^p ∑_x,y ∈ X b(x,y) |f(y)/h(y)∇_xyχ_n |^p. We use the discrete product rule and ∇_xy1/h = 1/h(x)h(y)∇_yx h to estimate the first summand of the right hand side in Inequality <ref>: ∑_x,y ∈ X b(x,y)|χ_n(x) ∇_xy (f/h)|^p = ∑_x,y ∈ X b(x,y) | χ_n(x)/h(x)∇_xy f + χ_n(x) f(y) ∇_xy1/h|^p = ∑_x,y ∈ X b(x,y) | χ_n(x)/h(x)∇_xy f + χ_n(x) f(y)/h(x) h(y)∇_yxh |^p ≤ 2^p ∑_x,y ∈ X b(x,y)| ∇_xy f |^p + 2^p ∑_x,y∈ X b(x,y) |f(y)|^p/|h(y)|^p |∇_yxh |^p = p 2^p 𝒬(f) + 2^p f |∇ h|/h_p^p. Next we turn to the second summand of the right hand side in Inequality <ref>. We let ρ X →, ρ(x) = (2 - σ(x,o)/n)_+ ∧ 1. Then |ρ | ≤ 1 and ρ is 1/n-Lipschitz, which yields |∇ρ| ≤ 1/n. Using this and the discrete product rule we continue to estimate ∑_x,y ∈ X b(x,y) |f(y)/h(y)∇_xyχ_n |^p = ∑_x,y ∈ X b(x,y) |f(y) (h(y) - 1/n)_+/h(y)∇_xyρ + f(y)/h(y)ρ(x) ∇_xy (h - 1/n)_+ |^p ≤ 2^p ∑_x,y ∈ X b(x,y) |f(y)|^p |∇_xyρ|^p + 2^p ∑_x,y ∈ X b(x,y) |f(y)|^p/|h(y)|^p |∇_xy (h - 1/n)_+|^p ≤ 2^p ∑_y ∈ X |f(y)|^p m(y) |∇ρ|^p(y) + 2^p ∑_y ∈ X |f(y)|^p |∇ h|^p(y)/|h(y)|^p m(y) ≤ 2^p f_p^p + 2^p f |∇ h|/h_p^p. For the second to last inequality we used |∇_xy (h -1/n)_+| ≤ |∇_xy h|. Combining all these estimates yields a constant C > 0 such that C 𝒬(f_n) ≤𝒬(f) + f_p^p + f |∇ h|/h _p^p. By our assumption on f the right hand side of this inequality is finite and we arrive at the desired conclusion. By assumption there exists a finite K ⊆ X with h ≥λ h^p-1 on X ∖ K. Since h (x) > 0 for all x ∈ X and ℒ h is bounded below on the finite set K, there exists λ' ∈ with ℒ h ≥λ' h on K. Hence, we infer ℒ h ≥ (λ∧λ') h on X. With this at hand the first inequality in Proposition <ref> yields the existence of C > 0 such that C ∑_x ∈ X |φ(x)|^p |∇ h^1/2|^p(x)/h(x)^p/2 m(x) ≤𝒬(φ) + φ_p^p for all φ∈ C_c(X). By definition H^1,p_0(X,m) is the closure of C_c(X) in H^1,p(X,m). Since the left-hand side of the above inequality is lower semicontinuous with respect to pointwise convergence and since ·_H^1(X,m)-convergence implies pointwise convergence, the inequality extends to φ∈ H^1,p_0(X,m). The same reasoning with the use of the second inequality in Proposition <ref> shows the claim. § SPHERICALLY SYMMETRIC TREES In this section we apply our main results to spherically symmetric trees. We start with a short recap on spherically symmetric graphs, then provide a discussion on boundaries of trees in general and finally apply everything to certain spherically symmetric trees. §.§ Weakly spherically symmetrics graphs Let b be a graph on X with combinatorial metric d:= d_1, which was introduced in Example <ref>, and fix o ∈ X. A function f X → is called spherically symmetric (with respect to o) if f(x) = f(y) whenever d(x,o) = d(y,o). In this case, there exists f̃ℕ_0 → such that f(x) = f̃ (n) for x ∈ X with d(x,o) = n. In what follows we abuse notation and do not distinguish between f̃ and f. For n ∈ℕ_0 we write S_n = {x ∈ X | d(o,x) = n} for the combinatorial spheres around o. The incoming and outgoing degree functions _- and _+ are defined by _± X → [0,∞), _±(x) = ∑_y ∈ S_d(x,o) ± 1 b(x,y), with the convention _-(o) = 0. We call a graph b with measure m weakly spherically symmetric with respect to o if the functions κ_± := _±/m are spherically symmetric with respect to o. We will only deal with the special case where both _± and m are spherically symmetric. The important property of weakly spherically symmetric graphs is that whenever f ∈ℱ_p is spherically symmetric, then ℒ f is also spherically symmetric with ℒf (n) = κ_+(n) (f(n) - f(n+1))|f(n) - f(n+1)|^p-2 + κ_-(n) (f(n) - f(n-1))|f(n) - f(n-1)|^p-2 if n ≥ 1 and ℒf (0) = κ_+(0)(f(0) - f(1))|f(0) - f(1)|^p-2. For f ∈ C(X) we let A f _0 →, A(n) = ∑_x ∈ S_n f(x). For spherically symmetric m we then have f_p^p = ∑_n = 0^∞ A|f|^p (n) m(n). We refer to <cit.> for more details in the case when p = 2. §.§ Trees and metric boundaries Let b on X be a connected tree, i.e., between any two different points in X there is a unique injective path connecting them. Moreover, we assume b(x,y) ∈{0,1} for all x,y ∈ X. This and our summability condition on b yield that b is locally finite. We fix a root o ∈ X. It is readily verified that b being a tree is equivalent to _-(x) = 1 for all x ∈ X∖{o}. We describe the metric boundary of a tree with respect to a path metric. On a tree we say that z ∈ X is an ancestor of x ∈ X (with respect to o) if every path from x to o an passes through z. Any set ∅≠ A ⊆ X possesses a unique greatest common ancestor ∧ A, which is an ancestor of all x ∈ A and if z ∈ X is another ancestor of all x ∈ A, then d(z,o) ≤ d(∧ A,o). Below we simply write x ∧ y for ∧{x,y}. Let w X × X → [0,∞) with w(x,y) > 0 for all x ∼ y. As discussed in Example <ref> the corresponding path metric d_w induces the discrete topology on X. Hence, as the union of the open sets {x}, x ∈ X, the set X is open in the completion and so ∂_d_w X = X^d_w∖ X is closed. For computing the metric boundary with respect to d_w we use two properties of path metrics on trees: For x,y ∈ X we have d_w(x,y) = d_w(x,x∧ y) + d_w(x ∧ y,y) = L_w(γ_x,x ∧ y) + L_w(γ_x ∧ y, y), where γ_w,z denotes the unique injective path connecting w,z ∈ X. Moreover, if x,y,z ∈ X satisfy x ∧ y = x and y ∧ z = y, then d_w(x,z) = d_w(x,y) + d_w(y,z). Let d_w be a path metric as above such that ∂_d_w X ≠∅. For every x ∈∂_d_w X there exists an infinite injective path (x_n) with limit x and x_n ∧ x_m = x_m for m ≥ n. In particular, for n > m we have d_w(x_n,x_m) = ∑_k = m^n-1 w(x_k,x_k+1). This is contained in the proof of <cit.>. The 'In particular' part follows by induction from the previously mentioned properties of path metrics on trees. Let γ = (x_n) be an infinite path. As for finite paths we define its length by L_w(γ) = ∑_n = 1^∞ w(x_n,x_n+1) ∈ [0,∞]. Let d_w be a path metric as above. The following assertions are equivalent. * ∂_d_w X = ∅. * All infinite paths have infinite lenght with respect to w. * All balls with respect to d_w are finite. Moreover, for x ∈ X we have d_w(x,∂_d_wX) = inf{L_w (γ_x) |γ_x an infinite path starting at x}. The statement on completeness is a consequence of a more general theorem. On locally finite graphs (i), (ii) and (iii) are equivalent for path metrics, see <cit.>. This implies the formula for d_w(x,∂_d_wX) whenever ∂_d_wX = ∞. Now assume ∂_d_wX ≠∅ and let I_x := inf{L_w (γ_x) |γ_x an infinite path starting at x}. d_w(x,∂_d_wX) ≤ I_x: Let γ_x = (x_n) be an infinite path starting in x. Without loss of generality we can assume L_w(γ_x) < ∞. Then γ_x must eventually leave every finite set. Moreover, by triangly inequality we have for n ≥ m d_w(x_n,x_m) ≤∑_k = m^n-1 w(x_k,x_k+1) ≤∑_k = m^∞w(x_k,x_k+1), which tends to 0, as m →∞. Hence, (x_n) is d_w-Cauchy with limit y ∈X^d_w. Since the sequence eventually leaves every finite set, we obtain y ∈∂_d_wX and d_w(x,y) = lim_n →∞ d_w(x,x_n) ≤lim_n →∞∑_k = 1^n-1 w(x_k,x_k+1) = L_w(γ_x). This shows d_w(x,∂_d_wX) ≤ I_x. d_w(x,∂_d_wX) ≥ I_x: Let ε > 0. Choose y ∈∂_d_w X with d_w(x,∂_d_wX) ≥ d_w(x,y) - ε. Let γ = (y_n) be a path converging to y with y_n ∧ y_m = y_m for m ≥ n as in Lemma <ref>. Case 1: x = y_m for some m ∈. Let m ∈ with x = y_m and consider the path γ_x = (y_m,y_m+1,…). Then d_w(x,y) = lim_n →∞ d_w(y_m,y_n) = lim_n →∞∑_k = m^n-1 w(x_k,x_k+1) = L_w(γ_x). Case 2: x is not contained in γ. The sequence (y_n) leaves every finite set. Hence, there exists m ∈ with d(x,o) ≤ d(y_m,o). Let γ' = (x,x_1,…,x_n,y_m) be the shortest path connecting x and y_m. Since d(x,o) ≤ d(y_m,o) and since y_n ∧ y_m = y_m for n ≥ m, this path does not pass through any other y_n, n > m. Hence, γ_x = (x,x_1,…,x_n,y_m,y_m+1,…) is a geodesic and we obtain d_w(x,y) = lim_n →∞ d_w(x,y_n) = L_w(γ') + lim_n →∞ d_w(y_m,y_n) = L_w(γ_x). Combining both cases yields the claim. §.§ Spherically symmetric trees Let b be as in the previous subsection. We additionally assume that b is a spherically symmetric tree with branching numbers kℕ_0 →ℕ, i.e., _-(x) = 1 for all x ∈ X ∖{o} and _+(x) = k(n) if d(x,o) = n. Then (x) = k(n) + 1 if n = d(x,o) ≥ 1 and (o) = k(0). Furthermore, we let m X → (0,∞) be spherically symmetric and consider the weights w(x,y) = m(x)^1/p/(x)^1/p∧m(y)^1/p/(y)^1/p, which were introduced Example <ref>. We now compute all the quantities relevant for applying our main results (more precisely their culmination in Corollary <ref>) to the function δ_d_w. We fix x ∈ X with d(x,o) = n ∈. The case n = 0 can be treated similarly but will not really matter in computations. Let y ∈ X with d(y,o) = n + 1. Then w(x,y) = m(n)^1/p/(k(n)+ 1) ^1/p∧m(n+1)^1/p/(k(n+1) + 1)^1/p =: α(n). The spherical symmetry implies that a shortest infinite path γ_x = (x_0,x_1,…) with respect to w starting in x always increases its combinatorial distance to the root, i.e., d(x_k+1,o) = d(x_k,o) + 1 for all k ∈. Iterating this yields d(x_k,o) = d(x,o) + k = n + k and our formula for w yields L_w(γ_x) = ∑_k = 0^∞ w(x_k,x_k+1) = ∑_k = n^∞α(k). Using Proposition <ref> this shows ∂_d_w X ≠∅ if and only if α∈ℓ^1(). In particular, we obtain the following general result. Let 1 < p < ∞. Assume the situation described above with α∉ℓ^1(). Then H^1,p(X,m) = H_0^1,p(X,m). As discussed, α∉ℓ^1() leads to ∂_d_w X = ∅, which according to Proposition <ref> is equivalent to d_w-balls being finite. We infer H^1,p(X,m) = H_0^1,p(X,m) from Corollary <ref>. Now we assume the latter case α∈ℓ^1(). Letting D = ∑_k=1^∞α(k) we obtain δ_d_w(x) = d_w(x, ∂_d_w X) ∧ D = ∑_k=n^∞α(k), showing that δ_d_w is spherically symmetric. Since δ_d_w(n) → 0, for n →∞, the set {z ∈ X |δ_d_w(z) ≥ε} is finite for any ε > 0. For y ∼ x we either have d(y,o) = n - 1 or d(y,o) = n+1. Since δ_d_w(n) ≤δ_d_w(n-1) and δ_d_w(n)/δ_d_w(n + 1) = α(n) + δ_d_w(n+1)/δ_d_w(n + 1) = 1 + α(n)/δ_d_w(n + 1), we have sup_y,z ∈ X, y∼ zδ_d_w(y)/δ_d_w(z) < ∞ if and only if sup_n α(n)/δ_d_w(n+1) < ∞. Proposition <ref> shows that H^1,p(X,m) ≠ H^1,p_0(X,m) implies m being small relative to k. Hence, for simplicity we assume from now on that n ↦ m(n) is decreasing and n ↦ k(n) is increasing, which leads to α(n) = m(n+1)^1/p/(k(n+1) + 1)^1/p. The gradient of δ_d_w is then given by |∇δ_d_w|^p(n) = k(n)/m(n)|δ_d_w(n) - δ_d_w(n+1)|^p + 1/m(n)|δ_d_w(n) - δ_d_w(n-1)|^p = k(n)α(n)^p/m(n) + α(n-1)^p/m(n) = k(n)m(n+1)/m(n)(k(n+1) + 1) + 1/k(n) + 1, and we have ℒδ_d_w(n) = k(n)/m(n) (δ_d_w(n) - δ_d_w(n+1))^p-1 - 1/m(n) (δ_d_w(n-1) - δ_d_w(n))^p-1 = k(n)α(n)^p-1/m(n) - α(n-1)^p-1/m(n) = k(n)m(n+1)^(p-1)/p/m(n)(k(n+1) + 1)^(p-1)/p - 1/(k(n) + 1)^(p-1)/pm(n)^1/p. For the first equality above we used that n ↦δ_d_w(n) is decreasing. We now apply Corollary <ref> in two concrete examples, where k and m are polynomial, respectively exponential functions. Given two function f,g → we say f(n) ≍ g(n) for n ≥ K if there exist constants C,D > 0 such that C f(n) ≤ g ≤ D f(n) for all n ≥ K. [Polynomial growth] Let 1 < p < ∞. Let γ > 0 > η and assume k is increasing with k(n) ≍ n^γ for n ≥ 1 and m is decreasing with m(n) ≍ n^η for n ≥ 1. If γ≤η + p, then H^1,p(X,m) = H^1,p_0(X,m). If γ > η + p, then there exist C> 0 such that C ∑_n = 1^∞ A |f|^p (n) n^γ - p≤𝒬(f) + ∑_n = 1^∞ A |f|^p (n) n^η + f(0)^p m(0) for all f ∈ H^1,p_0(X,m). In particular, f ∈ H^1,p_0(X,m) if and only if f ∈𝒟 and ∑_n = 1^∞ A |f|^p (n) n^γ - p < ∞. Our assumptions yield α(n) ≍1/n^(γ - η)/p for n ≥ 1. Hence, we have α∈ℓ^1() if and only if γ > η + p. In this case, we can estimate δ_d_w(n) = ∑_l=n^∞α(l) ≍∑_l=n^∞1/l^(γ - η)/p≍1/n^(γ - η)/p -1 , which implies sup_n α(n)/δ_d_w(n+1) < ∞. For the gradient we obtain |∇δ_d_w|^p(n) ≍n^γ (n + 1)^η/n^η ((n+1)^γ + 1) + 1/n^γ + 1≍ 1. For estimating the Laplacian we find constants C,C',D > 0 such that for n ∈ we have ℒδ_d_w(n) ≥ C n^γ (n+1)^η (p-1)/p/n^η((n+1)^γ + 1)^(p-1)/p - D 1/(n^γ + 1)^(p-1)/pn^η/p ≥ C' n^(γ - η)/p - D. Since γ > η + p, this shows ℒδ_d_w≥ 0 outside some finite set. Now the claims follow from Corollary <ref> and our discussion prior to this example. [Exponential growth] Let γ > 1 ≥η > 0 and assume k is increasing with k(n) ≍γ^n for n ≥ 0 and m is decreasing with m(n) ≍η^n for n ≥ 0. Then there exists C > 0 such that C ∑_n = 0^∞ A |f|^p (n) γ^n ≤𝒬(f) + ∑_n = 0^∞ A |f|^p (n) η^n for all f ∈ H^1,p_0(X,m). Moreover, f ∈ H^1,p_0(X,m) if and only if f ∈𝒟 and ∑_n = 1^∞ A |f|^p (n) γ^n < ∞. Let ξ = (η/γ)^1/p such that α(n) ≍ξ^n for n ≥ 0. Since η < γ, we obtain α∈ℓ^1() and δ_d_w(n) ≍∑_l=n^∞η^l/p/(γ^l + 1)^1/p≍ξ^n/1-ξ, n ≥ 0. This implies sup_n α(n)/δ_d_w(n+1) < ∞. For the gradient of δ_d_w we obtain |∇δ_d_w|^p(n) ≍γ^n η^n+1/η^n (γ^n+1 + 1) + 1/γ^n + 1≍ 1, n ≥ 1. For estimating the Laplacian we find constants C,C',D,D' > 0 such that for n ≥ 1 ℒδ_d_w(n) ≥ C γ^n η^(n+1)(p-1)/p/η^n (γ^n+1 + 1)^(p-1)/p - D 1/(γ^n + 1)^(p-1)/pη^n/p ≥ C' ξ^-n - D'/γ^nξ^-n. Since ξ < 1 and γ > 1, we infer ℒδ_d_w≥ 0 outside a finite set. Now the claims follow from Corollary <ref> and our discussion prior to this example. Similar results hold true for other classes of spherically symmetric graphs. Most notably, spherically symmetric anti-trees can be treated as above. We briefly recall their definition and leave the details to the reader. A connected graph b over X with fixed o ∈ X and b(x,y) ∈{0,1} for all x,y ∈ X is called spherically symmetric anti-tree if x ∼ y whenever x ∈ S_n and y ∈ S_n + 1 or y ∈ S_n and x ∈ S_n+1 for some n ∈_0. In other words, anti-trees are those connected graphs in which all points from S_n are connected to all points from S_n+1. They possess the largest number of edges between S_n and S_n+1 as possible (namely |S_n| · |S_n+1|). This is opposite to connect trees, who possess the least number of edges between S_n and S_n+1 without loosing connectedness (namely |S_n+1|). The anti-tree with |S_n| = n + 1, n ≥ 0, appeared in <cit.> as an example. General anti-trees were introduced in <cit.> to provide examples of stochastically incomplete graphs of polynomial volume growth with respect to the combinatorial metric. Spherically symmetric anti-trees satisfy _+(n) = |S_n + 1| for n ≥ 0 and _-(n) = |S_n-1| for n ≥ 1. Equipping them with a spherically symmetric m and the p-intrinsic metric d_w discussed above, ∂_d_w X consists of at most one point (use that points in consecutive spheres are connected) and for n ≥ 1 we have d(n,∂_d_wX) = ∑_l = n^∞m(l)^1/p/ (|S_l-1| + |S_l + 1|)^1/p∧m(l+1)^1/p/ (|S_l| + |S_l + 2|)^1/p. With this at hand similar results as for trees can be established using the formulas for the norm of the gradient and for the Laplacian on spherically symmetric graphs. We refrain from giving further details. plain
Heart Murmur and Abnormal PCG Detection via Wavelet Scattering Transform & a 1D-CNN
[ "Ahmed Patwa", "Muhammad Mahboob Ur Rahman", "Tareq Y. Al-Naffouri" ]
[ "eess.SP", "cs.LG" ]
Heart Murmur and Abnormal PCG Detection via Wavelet Scattering Transform & a 1D-CNN Ahmed Patwa, Member, IEEE, M. Mahboob Ur Rahman, Senior Member, IEEE, and Tareq Al-Naffouri, Senior Member, IEEE Authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, KAUST, KSA. March 30, 2023 =========================================================================================================================================================================================================== This work leverages deep learning (DL) techniques in order to do automatic and accurate heart murmur detection from phonocardiogram (PCG) recordings. Two public PCG datasets (CirCor Digiscope 2022 dataset and PCG 2016 dataset) from Physionet online database are utilized to train and test three custom neural networks (NN): a 1D convolutional neural network (CNN), a long short-term memory (LSTM) recurrent neural network (RNN), and a convolutional RNN (C-RNN). Under our proposed method, we first do pre-processing on both datasets in order to prepare the data for the NNs. Key pre-processing steps include the following: denoising, segmentation, re-labeling of noise-only segments, data normalization, and time-frequency analysis of the PCG segments using wavelet scattering transform. We note that the segmentation step results in a number of noise-only segments; thus, we re-label the noise-only segments. Further, we do exhaustive search to find optimal segment length (which turns out to be 4 sec). To evaluate the performance of the three NNs we have implemented, we conduct four experiments, first three using PCG 2022 dataset, and fourth using PCG 2016 dataset. It turns out that our custom 1D-CNN outperforms other two NNs (LSTM-RNN and C-RNN) as well as the state-of-the-art. Specifically, for experiment E1 (murmur detection using original PCG 2022 dataset), our 1D-CNN model achieves an accuracy of 82.28%, weighted accuracy of 83.81%, F1-score of 65.79%, and and area under receive operating charactertic (AUROC) curve of 90.79%. For experiment E2 (mumur detection using PCG 2022 dataset with unknown class removed), our 1D-CNN model achieves an accuracy of 87.05%, F1-score of 87.72%, and AUROC of 94.4%. For experiment E3 (murmur detection using PCG 2022 dataset with re-labeling of segments), our 1D-CNN model achieves an accuracy of 82.86%, weighted accuracy of 86.30%, F1-score of 81.87%, and AUROC of 93.45%. For experiment E4 (abnormal PCG detection using PCG 2016 dataset), our 1D-CNN model achieves an accuracy of 96.30%, F1-score of 96.29% and AUROC of 98.17%. phonocardiogram, heart murmur, valvular heart disease, physionet, convolutional neural network, recurrent neural network, wavelet scattering. § INTRODUCTION Cardiac auscultation provides valuable insights into the mechanical activity of heart, and remains the gold standard for diagnosis of a wide range of cardiovascular diseases. Phonocardiogram (PCG)—the systematic recording of heart sounds by means of a digital stethoscope, is a clinically significant method to study the pathology of the four heart valves (i.e., the mitral valve, tricuspid valve, aortic valve, and pulmonary valve). This is because the PCG could record abnormal sounds, known as heart murmurs, made by heart valves as they open and close during cardiac cycle. Heart murmurs, when present, often indicate the presence of a heart valve disease, e.g., mitral regurgitation, mitral stenosis, congenital heart disease, septal defects, patent ductus arteriosus in newborns, defective cardiac valves, rheumatic heart disease, etc <cit.>. Thus, early murmur detection, classification, and grading analysis in an automated fashion to help diagnose a valvular heart disease at an early stage is the need of the hour <cit.>. PCG signal acquisition is done from following four chest locations where the valves can be best heard: Aortic area, Pulmonic area, Tricuspid area, and Mitral area <cit.>. For a normal sinus cardiac cycle, the PCG signal captures two fundamental heart sounds, first is called S1 sound while second is called S2 sounds. S1 signifies the start of isovolumetric ventricular contraction with the closing of the mitral and tricuspid valves amid rapid increase in pressure within the ventricles. S2, on the other hand, implies the start of diastole with the closing of the aortic and pulmonic valves. In addition to S1 and S2 sounds, the mechanical activity of the heart may occasionally give rise other sounds which include: third heart sound (S3), the fourth heart sound (S4), systolic ejection click (EC), mid-systolic click (MC), diastolic sound or opening snap (OS), and heart murmurs (due to turbulent flow of blood due to malfunctioning of heart valves) <cit.>. PCG signal analysis for abnormal heart beat detection and for murmur detection has traditionally been done using classical signal processing techniques <cit.>. More recently, there has been enormous interest in utilizing tools from machine learning <cit.>, deep learning <cit.>, and transfer learning <cit.> in order to do heart sounds classification (see the review articles <cit.>,<cit.>, and references therein for more in-depth discussion of the related work). Contributions. Inline with the recent surge of interest in utilizing deep learning methods for PCG signal analysis, this work utilizes two public PCG datasets (PCG 2022 dataset and PCG 2016 dataset) from Physionet database <cit.> to train and test three custom neural networks (NN), i.e., 1D-CNN, LSTM-RNN, C-RNN for heart murmur and abnormal PCG detection. We first pre-process the data in order to split each PCG signal into smaller segments using a custom-designed GUI framework. We systematically identify the noise-only segments and re-label them, and do exhaustive search to determine optimal segment size. We conduct four experiments to evaluate the performance of our NN models on following four datasets: 1) PCG 2022 dataset as is, 2) PCG 2022 dataset with unknown class removed, 3) PCG 2022 dataset with re-labeled segments, and 4) PCG 2016 dataset. We note that our 1D-CNN model outperforms the other two NN models (i.e., LSTM-RNN and C-RNN), as well as the state-of-the-art methods for murmur detection. Outline. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II describes selected related work on murmur detection and heart valve disease classification. Section III outlines essential details of the two public datasets used, pre-processing done, and time-frequency domain methods for feature extraction. Section IV presents three deep learning classifiers for murmur detection and abnormal PCG detection. Section V discusses performance results for all three classifiers for both datasets. Section VI concludes the paper. § RELATED WORK Broadly speaking, the relevant literature on PCG signal analysis has attempted to solve following major problems, to date: i) identification of fundamental heart sounds (S1 and S2) <cit.>, ii) abnormal PCG detection (by identifying sounds other than the normal lub-dub sound) <cit.>, iii) heart sound classification (normal sounds, murmurs, extra clicks, artifacts) <cit.>, iv) heart murmur detection <cit.>, v) heart valve disease classification (by means of heart murmur classification) <cit.>, and vi) PCG signal denoising methods <cit.>. Lately, there is a work which attempts to do automatic murmur grading analysis <cit.> at the patient-level, and has the potential to do disease staging and progression analysis. In terms of public datasets, apart from PCG 2022 dataset <cit.> and PCG 2016 dataset <cit.> that are available on Physionet database, there are a few other public datasets too. These include: EPHNOGRAM <cit.>, PASCAL, Michigan heart sound and murmur database (MHSDB) provided by the University of Michigan health system, and cardiac auscultation of heart murmurs database provided by eGeneral Medical Inc. <cit.>. On a side note, fetal PCG dataset provides 26 recordings of fetal PCG collected from expecting mothers with singleton pregnancy during their last trimester <cit.>. Since this work focuses mainly on automatic heart murmur and abnormal PCG detection, selected work on these two problems is discussed as follows. <cit.> utilizes PCG 2016 dataset, applies multiple time-frequency analysis methods, e.g., discrete wavelet transform, mel-frequency cepstral coefficients etc., along with a feedforward neural network in order to do abnormal PCG detection, achieving 97.1% accuracy. <cit.> computes short time Fourier transform of the PCG signals without doing any segmentation, implements a custom CNN, and achieves an accuracy of 95.4%, and 96.8%, on PCG 2016 dataset and PASCAL dataset, respectively. <cit.> utilizes two PCG datasets to evaluate their custom CNN model, as well as two pre-trained models (i.e., VGGNet-16, ResNet-50) in order to do heart valve disease (HVD) classification. They claim to achieve an overall accuracy of 99% to classify the following HVD: aortic stenosis, mitral stenosis, aortic regurgitation, mitral regurgitation, and mitral valve prolapse. <cit.> utilized a private dataset (with data collected at PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Hospital, Indonesia), and implemented a custom CNN model in order to HVD classification for the following diseases: angina pectoris, congestive heart failure, and hypertensive heart disease. They reported an accuracy of 85% for their HVD classification problem. <cit.> aimed at intelligent diagnosis of murmurs in pediatric patients with congenital heart disease. They applied segmentation method to extract the first and second heart sounds from the PCG signals, and used them as input to their feedforward neural network classifier, resulting in HVD detection accuracy of 93%. <cit.> utilizes the PASCAL dataset and aims to classify PCG signals into three classes (normal, systolic murmur, diastolic murmur). To this end, they extract various time-domain features, frequency-domain features, and statistical features, and pass them to three classifiers: k-NN, fuzzy k-NN and a feedforward neural network. They report a classification accuracy of 99.6%, that is achieved by the fuzzy k-NN. <cit.> utilizes the PCG 2016 dataset, extracts time-domain, frequency-domain, and time-frequency domain features from the PCG signals, and implements an ensemble of 20 feedforward neural networks in order to do abnormal PCG detection, achieving an overall accuracy of 91.5%. Finally, <cit.> utilizes the PCG 2016 dataset, extracts time-domain, frequency-domain and time-frequency domain features, does feature selection and implements a two-layer feedforward neural network for abnormal PCG detection, resulting in an accuracy of 85.2%. § DATASETS, PRE-PROCESSING & FEATURE EXTRACTION This work utilized two PCG datasets: 1) CirCor Digiscope PCG dataset from PhysioNet 2022 challenge (called PCG 2022 dataset, in this work) <cit.>, 2) PCG dataset from PhysioNet 2016 challenge (called PCG 2016 dataset, in this work). Below, we describe the key details of the two datasets, followed by the key pre-processing steps performed on each dataset, followed by feature extraction by means of various time-frequency analysis methods. §.§ Datasets 1) CirCor Digiscope PCG dataset from PhysioNet 2022 challenge: This dataset is a collection of PCG signals collected from pediatric subjects during the two mass screening campaigns in Brazil. The dataset consists of 3,163 audio files, collected from 942 patients, sampled at 4,000 Hz. The length of these recordings vary between 5 seconds to 65 seconds. These PCG recordings have been taken from one or more of 4 possible locations on the chest, namely: AV, MV, PV, TV (see Fig. 1). Additionally, some samples have been taken at another location, labeled as Phc. Moreover, some subjects had multiple recordings for the same chest location. Murmur labels are given both patient-wise, or chest-location-wise. This implies that we could get to know whether a patient has murmur or not, as well as if the dataset annotator detected murmur in each recording separately. In this work, we go by chest-location-wise murmur detection. In addition to the audio PCG data, following meta-data is also available: age, weight, and gender of the pediatric subject. Furthermore, additional information about heart murmurs such as the location of a murmur, strength of a murmur is also given. Having said that, this work utilizes the CirCor Digiscope 2022 dataset for murmur detection, i.e., we solve a classification problem with following three classes: 1) murmur present, 2) murmur absent, and 3) unknown (noisy, unknown to the annotator). 2) PCG dataset from PhysioNet/CinC 2016 challenge: The PhysioNet/CinC challenge 2016 dataset consists of a total of 3,240 heart sound recordings, sampled at 2,000 Hz. The length of these recordings vary between 5 seconds to 120 seconds. All the data was recorded from a single precordial location on the chest. As for the labels, each recording has been annotated as normal (taken from a healthy subject) or abnormal (taken from subjects with confirmed cardiac diagnosis). Furthermore, each recording has been labeled as either high-quality or low quality. Moreover, some of the data belonging to abnormal class has been further annotated with the exact diagnosis that the subject suffers from. There are a total of 2,575 recordings for the normal class, while there are a total of 665 recordings for the abnormal class. Thus, the data is highly imbalanced given the number of examples for the normal and abnormal class, and this effect is more pronounced when it comes to disease labels (within the abnormal class). We utilize PCG 2016 dataset to solve the classification problem with two classes: 1) PCG normal, 2) PCG abnormal. One important difference between this dataset and the CirCor Digiscope dataset is that this dataset assigns normal labels even to the low-quality recordings. Thus, these recordings could still be used for the classification problem (PCG normal vs. PCG abnormal), without adding a third class for low-quality recordings. Table <ref> summarizes the key statistics of the two datasets. §.§ Data Pre-Processing Denoising: Both datasets have noise overlapping with heartbeats. Some prominent examples of noise in the two datasets include: noise due to stethoscope movement, baby crying, intense breathing, and people talking. Since the spectrums of voice and PCG overlap, complete elimination of noise is not possible. However, out-of-band (OOB) noise rejection is still possible. To this end, a low-pass filter with a cut-off frequency of 300 Hz (chosen by experimentation) has been applied to each PCG signal to remove the OOB noise. Segmentation: Since recordings are not of the same length, each recording has been divided into N-second long segments[The optimal segment length turns out to be N=4, as will be discussed in Section V in more detail.], to increase the number of training examples for the deep learning model. Thus, for PCG 2016 dataset, we end up with 12,827 PCG segments for the normal class and 3,922 PCG segments for the abnormal class. To deal with the problem of highly imbalanced dataset, a balanced subset is constructed by including all the PCG segments from the abnormal class, while randomly selecting PCG segments from the normal class. This way, each of the two classes contain a total of 7,844 audio files (segments). The same process is repeated for the CirCor Digiscope 2022 dataset, where a total of 16,522 segments were extracted. We then utilized 6,571 files to construct as a more-balanced dataset as follows: 3,579 files from murmur absent class, 2,593 files from murmur present class, and 399 samples from the unknown class. Re-labeling of noise-only segments: The splitting of a PCG time-series into multiple smaller segments results in a new problem (i.e., how to assign labels to each segment). Note that a label (murmur present, murmur absent, unknown) was assigned to each recording as a whole by the annotator in the original dataset. However, when dividing a PCG signal into smaller segments, a situation arises where some segments are bad segments (i.e., they contain only noise, with no heartbeat at all!). If left untreated, feeding such noise-only segments to the deep learning model could have a negative impact on its performance. That is, the model will consider one such segment as representing a murmur. But in reality, the segment contains pure noise, and thus, should ideally be labeled as an unknown sample. Thus, to deal with this problem, a systematic method for assessment and re-labeling of each segment of the CirCor 2022 dataset is needed. Graphical user interface for segment assessment and potential re-labeling: To this end, we developed a simple graphical user interface (GUI) in Python, in order to assess the quality of the default label for each segment in order to re-label all the noise-only segments, in a semi-automated fashion (see Fig. <ref>). Specifically, the GUI of Fig. <ref> shows the 2D time-frequency domain representation of each segment, as well as plays the audio. This allows us to systematically determine the presence or absence of heart beat in each segment, for all PCG files. Note that the re-labeling process made sure not to alter the integrity of the dataset. Specifically, the only allowed change was to re-label (murmur present) to (unknown), or (murmur absent) to (unknown) indicating that a certain segment of a whole recording doesn't actually represent a heartbeat signal, but rather contains only noise. In other words, no (murmur present) was changed to (murmur absent) or the other way around. Similarly, no (unknown) was changed to (murmur present) or (murmur absent). This exercise helped us identify the bad segments, which in turn helped us improve the training accuracy of our proposed DL classifiers. The resulting new distribution of the three classes (murmur present, murmur absent, and unknown) is summarized in Table II. Data normalization: For each data vector (segment), its mean μ and standard deviation σ is computed. Then, i-th element x_i of each data vector is normalized by means of following operation: x_i,n=x_i-μ/σ. The normalized data vector has zero mean and unit variance. §.§ Time-Frequency Analysis for Feature Extraction In order to study the feasibility of the two classification problems at hand, and in order to help our neural networks do automatic feature extraction, we transform the 1D audio PCG signals into their equivalent 2D representation using various time-frequency domain methods, e.g., short-time Fourier transform, mel-spectrograms, discrete and continuous wavelet transforms, and wavelet scattering transform (WST). We note that all but WST are not effective in differentiating between the three classes for the CirCor Digiscope 2022 dataset (the same holds for the PCG 2016 dataset). This is because WST is known to be effective for feature extraction, even for very small datasets. Therefore, we stick to WST for the rest of this work[Wavelet scattering is a technique that applies mathematical operations similar to those applied in convolutional layers. Specifically, WST utilizes wavelets as fixed convolutional filter, followed by a non-linearity (modulus operator), followed by averaging in order to find a low-variance representation of the data. ]. Fig. <ref> provides a visual summary of two possible situations (murmur present, murmur absent) at each of the four heart valves. Specifically, Fig. <ref> provides the audio PCG time-series as well as the wavelet scattering function for all possible scenarios. We conclude from Fig. <ref> that wavelet scattering function indeed is effective in discriminating between the three classes for the CirCor Digiscope 2022 dataset. § HEART MURMUR & ABNORMAL PCG DETECTION §.§ Neural Network Architectures For heart murmur detection and abnormal PCG detection, we implemented and tested the following neural network (NN) architectures: convolutional neural network (CNN)–both 1D and 2D, recurrent neural network (RNN)[The motivation behind using the RNN (LSTM and GRU) is to exploit its capability to learn temporal dependencies between the samples of a time-series (audio PCG signals, in this work).], combination of CNN and RNN, and residual network (ResNet). Eventually, it was the 1D-CNN model that resulted in maximum classification accuracy. Therefore, Fig. <ref> provides a detailed block diagram of the custom 1D-CNN model, with important parameters for each layer specified. One could see that the best-performer 1D-CNN model is relatively shallow, with 4 convolution layers (each followed by a pooling layer, followed by a batch normalization layer), a flattening layer, and 4 dense (fully connected) layers. Each (convolutional and dense) layer utilized RELU activation function, except the last layer which utilized softmax activation function. For the sake of completeness, Figs. <ref>, <ref> present the block diagrams of the two other neural network models implemented in this work: a C-RNN model, and a single-layer LSTM-RNN model (with tanh activation function). Finally, Fig. <ref> provides the overall pictorial summary of our approach for heart murmur and abnormal PCG detection. Note that we re-train our 1D-CNN model from scratch in order to do abnormal PCG detection on the PCG 2016 dataset later[We investigated transfer learning technique by reusing the 1D-CNN model trained on PCG 2022 dataset by testing it on PCG 2022 dataset, but without much success. This points to the fundamental different nature (distribution) of the two datasets.]. §.§ Training and Testing of NNs & Hyper-parameters We implemented the custom 1D-CNN and LSTM-RNN models in Python using the PyTorch framework (in Microsoft visual studio environment), on a desktop PC with I5 7600 intel CPU and 1060ti Nvidia graphics card. The total available data for both datasets was divided into training data and test data using an 80-20 split, while making sure that test data is totally unique (i.e., the test data is not seen by the models during the training stage). For backpropagation purpose, the cross-entropy loss function was used. Table <ref> summarizes the important hyper-parameters for the 1D-CNN model and the LSTM-RNN model when trained on both datasets. We conducted a total of four experiments by training the custom 1D-CNN and LSTM-RNN on the two datasets, in order to do: * E1) murmur detection using the original PCG 2022 dataset with 3 classes (murmur present, murmur absent, unknown). * E2) murmur detection using a subset of the PCG 2022 dataset with 2 classes (murmur present, murmur absent) with unknown class excluded. * E3) murmur detection with 3 classes using the cleaned PCG 2022 dataset after re-labeling of noise-only segments, as discussed in previous section. * E4) abnormal PCG detection using the PCG 2016 dataset. Fig. <ref> shows that the loss as well as the accuracy settles in about 150 epochs during both the training and the validation phase, for experiment E1. Fig. <ref> shows that the loss and accuracy settle much quickly (in about 10 epochs), for experiment E2 (due to the removal of the unknown class with noisy samples). The loss and accuracy plots for experiments E3 and E4 show a similar trend, and thus, are omitted for the sake of brevity. § EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS We first describe the performance metrics used to evaluate the 1D-CNN and other classifiers, followed by a discussion of the key results for the three experiments E1, E2, E3 on murmur detection using the three variants of the PCG 2022 dataset, followed by a discussion of selected results for the fourth experiment E4 on abnormal PCG detection using PCG 2016 dataset. §.§ Performance Metrics We use accuracy and F1-score as the main performance evaluation metrics. Since accuracy is most meaningful for a balanced dataset, we minimized the class imbalance by reducing the size of the murmur present class in both datasets. Additionally, weighted accuracy is also used as a performance metric for comparison with other contestants of the Physionet challenge 2022. §.§.§ Accuracy The accuracy of a dataset is the ratio of number of correct predictions S_c by the model and total number of samples S_t: A = S_c/S_t× 100. §.§.§ Weighted Accuracy The weighted accuracy is a metric that gives more weight to the patients with murmur, and is defined as: A_w = 5m_pp + 3m_uu + m_aa/5(m_pp + m_up + m_ap) + 3(m_pu + m_uu + m_au) + (m_pa + m_ua + m_aa) where m_xx is defined as in Table <ref>. §.§.§ F1-Score F1-score is a statistical measure that depends upon two factors, precision and recall. Precision is obtained by dividing total number of correctly classified elements, i.e. True Positives by total positively classified elements, i.e. True Positives (TP) + False Positives (FP). Thus, P = TP/TP + FP. Recall is obtained by dividing total number of positively classified samples by the total number of samples that should had been marked as positive, i.e., True Positives and True Positives + False Negatives (FN) respectively. Thus, R = TP/TP + FN. With precision and recall in hand, F1-score is calculated as: F1 = 2 * P*R/P+R, where P is precision and R is recall. §.§ Results: Murmur detection using PCG 2022 dataset Performance of 1D-CNN: First, we report the results obtained by the best-performing 1D-CNN model. For experiment E1 that does murmur detection using PCG 2022 dataset with three classes, we obtained a maximum accuracy of 82.28%, 83.81% weighted accuracy, and 90% area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) (see the confusion matrix in Fig. <ref> (a)). On the other hand, the experiment E2 that does murmur detection using PCG 2022 dataset with two classes (with unknown class with low-quality audios removed), resulted in an improved accuracy of 87.66%, elevated F1-score of 0.87, and higher AUROC of 92.28% (see the confusion matrix in Fig. <ref> (b)). Finally, for experiment E3 that does murmur detection using PCG 2022 dataset with three classes (after re-labeling), the weighted accuracy improved to 86% and AUROC rose to 93% (see Fig. <ref> (c)). This resulted in a more balanced confusion matrix for experiment E3 as before the re-labeling process, only 17% of the unknown class samples were correctly detected in experiment E1, but now it increases to 80% after the re-labeling process in experiment E3. This could also be verified by comparing the F1-scores for experiments E1 and E3. Selection of optimal segment size: We repeated our experiment E1 (where we utilize the original PCG 2022 dataset as is) with different segment sizes (i.e., 1 sec, 3 sec, 4 sec, and 5s), and assessed the performance of our 1D-CNN model with the aim to find an optimal segment size (see Table <ref>). We utilize F1-score as the core performance metric to select the optimal segment size (this is because the accuracy is not a reliable performance metric for the imbalanced datasets). Furthermore, we observed that overlapping segments cause extreme over-fitting; therefore, we ended up selecting non-overlapping segments of duration 4 seconds. Performance comparison with LSTM-RNN and CRNN: Table <ref> lists the performance obtained by the other two NN models (i.e., LSTM-RNN and CRNN) that we implemented and tested. We note that our 1D-CNN model outperforms both LSTM-RNN and CRNN models in terms of accuracy, weighted accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score and AUROC, for experiment E3 (which does murmur detection on the cleaned dataset). Performance comparison with the state-of-the-art: Table <ref> provides a thorough comparison of the performance achieved by the top three contestants in the Physionet 2022 challenge, with the performance achieved by our NN models: 1D-CNN, LSTM-RNN, and CRNN. Table <ref> demonstrates that our 1D-CNN model outperforms all the three top contestants in terms of accuracy, weighted accuracy, F1-score and AUROC, for both experiments E1 (which does murmur detection on the original dataset) and E3 (which does murmur detection on the cleaned dataset). §.§ Results: Abnormal PCG detection using PCG 2016 dataset As mentioned in the previous section, we re-train our 1D-CNN model from scratch on PCG 2016 dataset in order to differentiate between a normal PCG signal and an abnormal PCG signal. The hyper-parameters of the 1D-CNN that was fine-tuned for PCG 2016 dataset could be found in Table <ref>. Specifically, for the abnormal PCG detection problem, the model achieved 96.30% accuracy, and 98.17% AUROC (see Fig. <ref> and Table <ref>). § CONCLUSION This work utilized two public datasets, i.e., CirCor Digiscope 2022 dataset and PCG 2016 datasets (from Physionet online database) in order to train three deep learning classifiers, i.e., 1D-CNN, LSTM-RNN, and C-RNN to do heart murmur detection as well as abnormal PCG detection. We observed that our 1D-CNN outperformed the other two NNs as well as the state-of-the-art, with an accuracy of 82.86%, weighted accuracy of 86.30%, and F1-score of 81.87% (for experiment E3 which does murmur detection after re-labeling of noise-only segments). We note that the CirCor Digiscope 2022 dataset also contains other valuable information about the murmurs, e.g., murmur grading, timing, quality, pitch, shape etc. Thus, design of novel machine/deep learning algorithms which could do automatic and accurate murmur grading analysis with little data is an open problem of great interest. Furthermore, study of generative methods which could reliably generate synthetic PCG data in order to help train the data hungry deep learning methods is another interesting but challenging open problem (due to non-stationary nature of PCG signals with murmurs). IEEEtran
Harnessing the instability mechanisms in airfoil flow for the data-driven forecasting of extreme events
[ "Benedikt Barthel", "Themistoklis Sapsis" ]
[ "physics.flu-dyn", "math.DS" ]
Tracing chirality from molecular organization to triply-periodic network assemblies: Threading biaxial twist through block copolymer gyroids Gregory M. Grason Accepted xxxx xxxxxx xx. Received xxxx xxxxxx xx; in original form xxxx xxx xx ================================================================================================================================================ This work addresses the data-driven forecasting of extreme events in the flow over a static airfoil. For certain Reynolds numbers and flow configurations, airfoils are subject to sporadic high amplitude fluctuations in the aerodynamic forces. These extreme excursions may be seen as prototypical examples of the kind of unsteady and intermittent dynamics relevant to the flow around airfoils and wings in a variety of laboratory and real-world applications. Here we investigate the instability mechanisms at the heart of these extreme events, and how knowledge thereof may be harnessed for efficient data driven forecasting. Through a wavelet and spectral analysis of the flow we find that the extreme events arise due to the instability of a specific frequency component distinct from the vortex shedding mode. During these events this extreme event manifold draws energy from the energetically dominant vortex shedding flow and undergoes an abrupt inverse cascade of energy transfer from small to large scales. We also investigate the spatial dependence of the temporal correlation and mutual information between the surface pressure and the aerodynamic forces, with the aim of identifying regions of the airfoil amenable to sparse sensing and the efficient forecasting of extremes. Building on previous work on predictive machine learning models, we show that relying solely on the mutual information for optimal sensor placement fails to improve model prediction over uniform or random sensor placement. However, we show that by isolating the extreme event frequency component offline through a wavelet transform we are able to circumvent the requirement for a recursive long-short term memory (LSTM) network – resulting in a significant reduction in computational complexity over the previous state of the art. Using the wavelet pre-processed data in conjunction with an extreme event-tailored loss function we find that our model is capable of forecasting extreme events using only three pressure sensors. Furthermore, we find our model to be robust to sensor location – showing promise for the use of our model in dynamically varying applications. § INTRODUCTION Many engineering systems are subject to rare high-amplitude fluctuations commonly referred to as extreme events <cit.>. While here we focus primarily on fluid-structure interactions, such events occur in a wide variety of systems ranging from climate systems to stock markets. Although rare, events like gusts or rogue waves have a disproportionate affect on the fatigue life of aircraft, naval vessels, or marine infrastructure. Due to their rare nature, the prediction of these events is inherently challenging, especially as they often occur in complex systems were the physical mechanisms are unknown <cit.>. Various authors have ventured to address this problem through strategies such as optimal sampling <cit.> or training strategies which preferentially amplify rare events <cit.>. Two dimensional airfoil flow is one of the canonical test cases for the dynamics of fluid-structure interaction and has been the subject of extensive study for decades <cit.>. However, the advent of machine learning and data driven techniques has unlocked new lenses to study this and other classical problems in the field of fluid dynamics <cit.>. In particular, several authors including <cit.> have proposed neural network models for the reconstruction of the flow from sparse measurements. Data driven prediction's based the airfoil surface pressure have been of particular interest due to it's practical measurability. Most aerospace applications will require predictions made from sparse arrays of sensors, and thus effective strategies for the optimal distribution of pressure sensors is of critical importance. <cit.> used both data assimilation and convolutional and recursive neural networks for the context of prediction of the leading edge suction parameter (LESP), while <cit.> investigated a range of neural network models for the prediction of the drag coefficient. Oscillator flows such as airfoil flows are generally insensitive to noise and exhibit multiple characteristic time scales <cit.>. This makes them an ideal candidate for the study of multi-scale slow-fast type extreme events – as classified by <cit.>. From this perspective, the Reynolds number regime 𝒪∼(10^4) is of particular interest. This regime lies between steady laminar and fully turbulent regimes, and is especially susceptible to highly nontrivial dynamics which depend significantly on angle of attack and Reynolds number <cit.>. One tool for the study of such systems is the continuous wavelet transform, which in a manner analogous to the short time Fourier transform, quantifies the time varying strength of a signal's frequency components <cit.>. Wavelet analysis has previously been used in the context of extreme events by <cit.> and <cit.> for the detection of rogue waves and turbulent bursts in pipe flow respectively. The majority of these studies have focused on spatial wavelet transforms, while here we perform a temporal analysis. Additionally, the combination of wavelet analysis with machine learning models using the type of output weighted strategies discussed above remains largely unexplored. This work conducts an investigation of the physical mechanisms driving the extreme bursting events observed in the flow over a two-dimensional airfoil at R = 17,500 at constant angle of attack. We build on previous work by <cit.> who studied the data driven reconstruction of this flow using a range of neural network architectures. We exploit the findings of our analysis to design extreme event tailored – also referred to as output-weighted <cit.> – data processing and training strategies for the efficient data-driven prediction of extreme events from optimal sparse sampling of the surface pressure. For a broad discussion of output-weighted strategies for neural networks applied to this and other systems see <cit.>. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In <ref> we describe the problem under investigation. In <ref> we perform a statistical analysis of the data and describe the physical mechanisms driving the extreme events, and how these manifest in the observed data. In <ref> we discuss the limitations of offline optimal sensing algorithms. The main results of this work are then presented in <ref>, and we provide some discussion of our findings in <ref>. § PROBLEM DESCRIPTION We consider a 2D direct numerical simulation of an incompressible flow around a NACA 4412 airfoil at an angle of attack α = 5^∘ and a cord length based Reynolds number R = 17,500. The flow is governed by the Navier-Stokes and continuity equations, ∂𝐮/∂ t +𝐮·∇𝐮-1/R∇^2𝐮 + ∇ p =0, ∇·𝐮 =0, where 𝐮≡ [u(x,y,t),v(x,y,t)] is the velocity, p(x,y,t) is the pressure field, t is time, and x,y are the spatial dimensions parallel and perpendicular to the free stream respectively. The simulation is carried out using the open source spectral element code Nek5000 developed by <cit.> with 4368 elements at spectral order 7 and a convective outflow boundary condition <cit.>. We use the same data set as <cit.> who report that further refinement of the numerical grid did not meaningfully alter the results. At this Reynolds number the flow is susceptible to intermittent, yet non-periodic turbulent bursts which manifest as high amplitude fluctuations in the drag coefficient. Therefore we focus on two observables: the surface pressure and the drag coefficient. The former is a practically measurable quantity and will serve as the input to our model, while the latter encodes the extreme events and will serve as the model output. Throughout this work we define s as a generalized measure of arc length measured clockwise from the leading edge (as shown in figure <ref>). For example, s∈[0,0.5) refers to the upper surface of the airfoil and s∈[0.5,1) refers to under side. The surface pressure is saved at 100 equally spaced locations around the airfoil surface. A visualization of the airfoil flow, the simulation grid and the arc length measure are summarized in figure <ref>, and we refer the interested reader to <cit.> for a more detailed discussion of the numerical method. The aerodynamic forces are computed using skin friction and surface pressure according to 𝐅(t) = ∮_s (τ(s,t) + 𝐧P(s,t)) ds = L(t)𝐞̂_x + D(t)𝐞̂_y. Here t is time, and x and y represent the directions parallel and normal to the free stream respectively. The lift and drag coefficients are then defined as C_L(t) ≡L(t)/ρ U_∞^2c,                   C_D(t) ≡D(t)/ρ U_∞^2c. To distinguish the extreme events from the background vortex shedding we apply a Gaussian smoothing operation to the time series of the drag coefficient to extract the non-periodic behaviour, q(t) ≡(K*C_D )(t). where K(t') ∝ exp(-(t'/2 f_v)^2 ) is a Gaussian smoothing kernel. f_v = 1.44 is the most energetic frequency and corresponds to periodic vortex shedding. Moving forward we simply refer to q(t) as the drag. In addition to the raw pressure signal, we also consider a version of the pressure with the same Gaussian filter applied, P(s,t) ≡(K*P(s,t) )(s,t). We refer to P(s,t) and P̃(s,t) as the raw and filtered pressures respectively. In general we will consider the pressure measured at subset of discrete sensor locations, and thus treat the surface pressure as a vector valued quantity 𝐏(t) ∈ℝ^n, where n is the number of sensors. An illustrative example of the drag as well as the raw and filtered pressures is shown in figure <ref>. This flow was previously investigated by <cit.> using a deep long-short term memory (LSTM) network. Those authors considered a variety of input observables, and found that the extreme events could be predicted from a range of different observables including full and reduced order descriptions of the flow field as well as surface pressure. This suggest that the extreme events are a result of an underlying physical instability inherent in the governing equations. The primary focus of this work is to identify and exploit this mechanism for optimal sensing and forecasting. Practically, we aim to predict future extreme events observed in the drag from sparse measurements of the surface pressure as efficiently as possible. In other words we seek a data driven map 𝐏(t) → q(t+τ) for maximum lead time τ, with minimal dim(𝐏), and at minimal computational cost. § STATISTICAL ANALYSIS AND PHYSICAL MECHANISMS OF EXTREMES In order to gain a deeper insight into the dynamics of the flow and mechanisms driving the extreme events, we first perform a detailed statistical analysis of the data. We first analyze the surface pressure, as this will serve as the basis of our modeling efforts, then in <ref> we analyze the vorticity field – both globally and locally along the airfoil surface – to further probe the extreme event dynamics. Before presenting our results, we first review some definitions we use throughout the following sections. For a signal x(t) with discrete values x_i and distribution X, we define the mean μ_x, variance σ^2_x, and the probability density function f_X(x). For two signals x(t) and y(t) the covariance is defined as σ_xy≡cov(X,Y) = 1/n-1∑_i=1^n (x_i - μ_x) (y_i - μ_y). To further quantify the connection between two signals we also make use the mutual information (MI) defined as I(X,Y) ≡∫_y ∫_x f_X,Y(x,y)log(f_X,Y(x,y)/f_X(x)f_Y(y)) dx dy, where f_X,Y is the joint probability density function of X and Y. The MI is the Kullback–Leibler (KL) divergence between the joint probability distribution and the product of the marginal probability distributions – it quantifies the error in the assumption that two distributions X, and Y are uncorrelated. We also propose the “extreme event conditioned mutual information”, defined as the mutual information integrated only over values of the output greater than two standard deviations from the mean: y>2σ_y – all values of the input X are included – I_EE(X,Y) ≡∫_x ∫_y>2σ_y f_X,Y(x,y)log(f_X,Y(x,y)/f_X(x)p_Y(y)) dx dy. We choose a cut-off of two standard deviations, however we found that the results were not sensitive to changes of ±σ. For the results presented in this section the probability density functions in (<ref>) and (<ref>) are approximated using Monte Carlo estimation using 50,000 samples and the relevant integrals are then carried out using trapezoidal integration. §.§ Mutual Information Structure To investigate the spatial dynamics of the surface pressure we compute the covariance and mutual information matrices: cov(P(s,t),P(s',t)) and I(P(s,t),P(s',t)) for both the raw pressure P and the filtered pressure P̃. These quantify the information shared between different locations along the airfoil. The covariance matrices and mutual information matrices are shown in figures <ref> and <ref> respectively. The left plot shows the raw pressure signal and the right shows the filtered pressure. We notice that the results for the raw and filtered pressure are qualitatively similar, and thus the following discussion applies to both. These results reveal three distinct regions. First, the underside of the airfoil, 0.5<s<1.0. This region displays a high degree of mutual information and strong correlation. Second, the front section of the upper surface, 0<s<0.3. This region exhibits similar features as the underside: strong mutual information and correlation, however, in this region the mutual information drops off much more quickly with separation between the sensor locations. These results imply that these regions are amenable to sparse sensor distribution, since any additional sensor is unlikely to contribute new information. Note also that due to the airfoil having a non-zero angle of attack we see strong negative correlation between the upper and lower surface pressures. However, there is little mutual information between the upper and lower surfaces. This implies that measurements on one surface do not necessarily provide information about the other. The exception to this is the rear part of the upper surface, 0.3<s<0.5. In this region there is little to no mutual information and significant variation in the correlation. As a result, this region likely requires relatively higher sensor density. We note that the transition point between the first two regions, s=0.3, coincides with the point of flow separation (see figure <ref>). Therefore the increased disorder observed in section 3 is likely due to to the complexity and increased unsteadiness of the flow in this region. We also compute the standard and extreme event mutual information between the surface pressure and the drag coefficient: I(P(s,t),q(t+τ)) and I_EE(P(s,t),q(t+τ)). These are plotted in figure <ref> for the raw and filtered pressure signals for a range of τ. As we are interested in the spatial variation of these quantities, to ease comparison we normalize each by its maximum value. In all cases we do not observe strong dependence on the lead time τ. As with the intra-pressure mutual information we see strong spatial dependence in the region 0.3<s<0.5. For both the raw and filtered pressure signal, the extreme event mutual information is (locally) peaked in this region. On the other hand, for the standard mutual information this region lies in the trough of the spatial distribution. This suggests that the mechanisms driving the extreme events are strongest in the separation region. However, due to their rarity, this connection is not reflected in the standard mutual information profile. Next, we analyze this extreme event mechanism, and its connection to the extreme event mutual information in more detail. §.§ Extreme Event Mechanisms Extreme events occurring in dynamical systems are known to arise due to a variety of factors – not all of which are fully understood. One class of dynamical system known to give rise to extreme events are slow-fast multi-scale systems <cit.>. In such cases, the system evolves on two or more manifolds which have significant separation of characteristic time scales. At most times, the system evolves along the slower manifold. Occasionally, the trajectory may encounter an instability of this slow manifold, resulting in the trajectory rapidly approaching the fast manifold. Once the unstable region has passed the system relaxes back to the slow manifold. Such phenomena are often observed as sporadic high amplitude bursts <cit.>. Airfoil flow is an example of such a multi-scale system. Such systems have multi-peaked spectral content – or in other words they have multiple characteristic frequencies. At this Reynolds number there are two high frequencies (fast manifolds), the vortex shedding frequency, f_v = 1.44 corresponding to the energetically dominant oscillatory flow, and a second frequency corresponding to the extreme event manifold, f_e = 0.4. Figure <ref> shows the standard and pre-multiplied temporal Fourier power spectrum of the filtered surface pressure defined as 𝒫(s,f) ≡∫ P(s,t) e^-iftdt, and 𝒫_pm(s,f) ≡ f𝒫(s,f), respectively. The latter is useful for visualizing higher frequency content as it de-emphasizes the slow dynamics (f→0). In the standard power spectrum there is a clear maximum close to f=0, corresponding to the slow dynamics. The extreme event frequency (manifold) is also evident in the plain spectrum, but is best seen in pre-multiplied spectrum, which exhibits a clear peak around f = 0.4. We show the spectrum of the filtered pressure as the vortex shedding frequency at f = 1.44 is much stronger than either the slow or extreme event dynamics and obscures these when included in the spectrum. Note also the increased magnitude in the region 0.3<s<0.5 consistent with the results of <ref>. The connection between this frequency and the extreme events is best interpreted through the wavelet transform. The wavelet transform allows for the visualization of the time varying strength of a signal's frequency content. The wavelet transform has been used in the past to identify extreme events by for example <cit.> to detect bursts in pipe flow and <cit.> for the early detection of rogue waves. The continuous wavelet transform (CWT) of a signal x(t) is defined as X̂(f,t) ≡𝒲(x(t))= √(f/f_c)∫^∞_-∞ x(s) ψ(f s-t/f_c) ds. Here ψ(t), is the wavelet function, and f_c is the wavelet specific center frequency. The wavelet function is not unique, but must satisfy several conditions including finite energy and localized support <cit.>. Here we use the Morlet wavelet, ψ(t) = e^-t^2/2cos(5t). Moving forward we refer to the wavelet transform of the pressure signal as P̂(s,f,t) where f is the frequency. The wavelet transform of the pressure signal at s = 0.34 is shown in the upper panel of figure <ref>. This location corresponds to the peak in the spatial power spectrum in figure <ref>. Figure <ref> clearly shows the bursts of energy at f = f_e = 0.4. We define the extreme event indicator γ as the wavelet coefficient which maximizes the spectrogram of the filtered pressure signal, i.e. for f=f_e γ(s,t) ≡|P̂(s,f_e,t)|. In the lower panel of figure <ref> we show the clear correlation between γ and the extreme drag events. This connection is even further highlighted in figure <ref> where we compare the spatial dependence of the norm γ(s) =√(∫ |γ(s,t)|^2 dt), to the standard and extreme mutual information profiles (also shown in figure <ref>). As we previously found that these mutual information profiles do not depend significantly on τ, we show only the distribution for τ = 0. Notice that the norm of the wavelet coefficient peaks in the same region of the airfoil, 0.3<s<0.5, as the extreme event mutual information between the pressure signal and the drag. This suggests that the extreme events observed in this flow are indeed of the multi-scale system type, and that the connection (as quantified by the extreme event mutual information) is a reflection of the strength of the extreme event frequency. In <ref> we show that preprocessing the pressure signal to extract this extreme event manifold allows for a drastic reduction in the model complexity and data required for accurate forecasting. §.§ Flowfield Analysis In <ref> and <ref> we identified the unstable extreme event manifold and its connection to the separation region of the airfoil. Here we zoom out and analyze the full boundary layer to better understand the mechanisms at the heart of the instability and the subsequent extreme drag events. To this end we follow the time evolution of the vorticity field, ω(x,y,t) ≡∂ v/∂ x -∂ u/∂ y over the course of a single extreme event from t=911-931, with a peak at t = 921. Figure <ref> shows 8 snapshots of the vorticity field over this time interval – for clarity we focus on the region near the boundary layer. The corresponding values of the instantaneous drag coefficient are shown in the top left panel of the same figure. The red markers in the latter represent the time instances of the 8 vorticity snapshots. We see clear evidence of boundary layer separation/disorder during the time instance corresponding to the peak in drag coefficient. Although we show only a single extreme event here, this disordered behaviour of the boundary layer was observed during the peak of all extreme events. The transient dynamics observed in the full vorticity field are subtle, and thus to better understand these transient dynamics we compute the wavelet transform of the entire vorticity field, Ω̂(x,y,t,f) = 𝒲( ω(x,y,t) ). This allows us to investigate the component of the vorticity evolving with the extreme event frequency identified in <ref> – which is not the dominant energetic contributor to the full field, and is thus liable to be obscured in the snapshots in figure <ref>. §.§.§ Global Dynamics To analyze the dynamics of the boundary layer we first consider the wavelet transform of the full flowfield – focusing on the the extreme event frequency, Ω̂_e(x,y,t) ≡Ω̂(x,y,t,f)|_f=f_e=0.4, and the vortex shedding frequency, Ω̂_v(x,y,t) ≡Ω̂(x,y,t,f)|_f=f_v=1.44. The wavelet component associated with the extreme event frequency (<ref>) and the vortex shedding frequency (<ref>) are plotted in figures <ref> and <ref> respectively for the same time instances as in figure <ref>. In the former, we see clear evidence of a coherent structure with relatively small characteristic spatial length scale which undergoes a transient instability resulting in a temporary loss of coherence during the extreme event before recovering as the drag coefficient returns to its nominal state. The vortex shedding mode has a much larger characteristic length scale – on the order of the vortical structures seen in figure <ref> – and does not appear to undergo any significant changes during the extreme event. To further illustrate the dynamics of these two frequency components we compute the temporal correlation function r_α(t_0,t) ≡|∫∫Ω̂^*_α(x,y,t_0) Ω̂_α(x,y,t) dx dy|, where ^* denotes the complex conjugate and α = e,v and the integration is performed over the entire domain. For the special case where t_0=t this is equivalent to the L_2 norm of the wavelet mode Ω̂_α^2(t) ≡∫∫ |Ω̂_α(x,y,t)|^2 dx dy. These metrics respectively quantify the temporal evolution of the shape (length scale) and magnitude of the vorticity at a specific temporal frequency. The correlation (<ref>) is plotted in the upper panel of figure <ref> for both Ω̂_e (blue circles) and Ω̂_v (red triangles). We fix t_0 = 911 as a representative snapshot corresponding to the vorticity structure during the quiescent periods – however, any quiescent time instance could be used. We clearly observe a systematic and drastic loss of coherence in the extreme event mode during the spikes in the drag coefficient. Inspection of figure <ref> suggests that this is at least in part due to an increase in the dominant spatial length scale. The coherence of the vortex shedding mode actually fluctuates – with what further analysis reveals to be at close to the extreme event frequency – with an amplitude that slightly increases during the extreme events, however no drastic loss of coherence is observed. The significance of this fluctuation is not immediately clear, but it suggests some interaction between the two frequency components – the investigation of which is the focus of ongoing research. The central and lower panel of figure <ref> show the time evolution of the norm (<ref>) of the extreme event mode (blue circles) and vortex shedding mode (red triangles). The central panel shows the large difference in magnitude between these two frequency components – the vortex shedding mode generally contains an order of magnitude more energy than the extreme event mode. The lower panel compares these norms (normalized by their value at t_0) to the drag coefficient (black). For reference, in the lower panel we also plot the normalized surface pressure extreme event wavelet coefficient, γ(s,t)_s=0.34 (<ref>) (green squares). As in the previous sections, the location s = 0.34 is chosen as it is located within the separation region. While as previously noted, the magnitude of γ peaks in sync with the extreme drag events, the global norm of the extreme event component of the vorticity, Ω̂_e, drops in magnitude during the same time intervals. In contrast to both of these, the dominant vortex shedding mode, (<ref>), is significantly more stable and exhibits a much smaller relative drop in magnitude during the extreme events. §.§.§ Dynamics on the Airfoil Surface To better understand the instability of the extreme event mode and the associated transfer of energy we also compute the spatial Fourier transform of the temporally wavelet transformed vorticity evaluated at the airfoil surface. In other words we compute Ω̃_s(t,f,k_s) ≡| ℱ( Ω̂(x(s),y(s),t,f) )| = |∫Ω̂(x(s),y(s),t,f) e^-ik_s sds| where k_s is the spatial wavenumber with respect to the arclength s along the airfoil surface defined in <ref> and x(s) and y(s) are the coordinates of that surface. This reduces the spatial dimensions from two to one, and thus allows us to visualize the transfer of energy between various spatial and temporal scales as a function of time. The isocontours of this quantity are plotted in figure <ref> over a time horizon covering two extreme events – the drag coefficient is also plotted for reference. This plot succinctly summarizes the observations discussed above. First we see that during the quiescent periods, the energy of the extreme event mode, which actually seems to meander slightly about f=0.4, is concentrated at a wavenumber k_s ≈ 20. Then during the extreme events, energy is drawn from the higher frequency vortex shedding mode, which serves as an energy reservoir, leading to the instability of the extreme event mode which abruptly transfer its energy to a lower wave number k_s ≈ 10. This appears in figure <ref> as the “pinching off” of the isocontours during the spikes in the drag. This is the manifestation of loss of coherence and increase in spatial scale of the extreme event mode observed in figure <ref> and quantified in the upper panel of <ref>. We note in closing that this phenomenon of the extreme events evolving on a manifold distinct from the energetically dominant one has been observed in other systems such as for example Kolmogorov flow <cit.>. In that case the energy of the flow is dominated by a specific triad of spatial wavenumbers, however projecting the flow onto this triad fails to predict the extreme energy dissipation events observed in that flow. Similarly, in the case of the airfoil flow considered here, extracting only the dominant vortex shedding dynamics would miss the extreme event dynamics entirely. However, our findings are contrary to the far more common phenomenon of instabilities transferring energy from large to small scales. § OFFLINE SPARSE SENSOR PLACEMENT The analysis of mutual information structure described in <ref> indicates that certain sections of the airfoil are statistically more informative of the drag coefficient. To test the practical implications of this discovery we first propose an offline strategy to optimally select sensor locations. Such an algorithm does not require actually training the neural network. Therefore, it can be thought of as a prepossessing step which allows us to optimally design the network architecture prior to training. At each iteration, the sampling algorithm, which is outlined in algorithm <ref>, selects the next best sensor location by maximizing a cost function referred to as an acquisition function. Throughout this work we use the term “acquisition function” strictly in connection with such a sampling strategy, and the term “cost function” to refer to the cost function used to train a given model. For a given application, the choice of acquisition function is not obvious, see for example <cit.>. In this framework sensor locations are selected sequentially, and therefore we seek locations which are maximally informative of the drag coefficient and minimally redundant with respect to the previously placed sensors. Thus, we propose the following two acquisition functions based on the previously defined standard and extreme event mutual information a^1_j+1(s,s^*_j) = I(P(s),q)/1/j∑_k=1^jI(P(s),P(s_k^*)), a^2_j+1(s,s^*_j) = I_EE(P(s),q)/1/j∑_k=1^jI(P(s),P(s_k^*)). The numerator – the mutual information between the pressure signal with the drag coefficient – rewards predictive capability. The denominator – the average of the intra-pressure sensor mutual information – penalizes redundancy. This second condition ensures that sensors are not placed in locations which do not contribute information not already encoded in previously placed sensors. There is no unique way to quantify the connection between a prospective sensor location and the previously placed sensors, and the average used here is only one option. Therefore, we also considered a second acquisition function where the arithmetic mean in the denominator of (<ref>) and (<ref>) is replaced with a geometric mean, but we did not observe significantly different results. A more exhaustive study of candidate functions is beyond the scope of this work, and so for the sake of brevity we restrict ourselves to (<ref>) and (<ref>). Going forward we refer to any results obtained using this algorithm as offline-mutual-information (OMI_N) where N is the number of sensors. §.§ Results: Sensor Placement We apply algorithm <ref> with acquisition functions (<ref>) and (<ref>) to our data set to compute the first six optimal sensor locations. Because the results of figure <ref> indicate that the general behaviour of the mutual information is not dependent on the lead time τ, we fix τ = 0. Additionally, in order to facilitate comparison with <cit.>, we consider only the raw pressure signal. The acquisition function landscape for at each iteration is plotted in figure <ref>. The optimal senor locations after each iteration are then summarized in figure <ref>. The globally optimal sensor locations are simply the points of maximum standard and extreme event mutual information – these are located at approximately s = 0.15 for (<ref>) and s= 0.3 for (<ref>) respectively. However, inspection of figure <ref> indicates that in the latter case the acquisition function landscape does not display any significant variation along the airfoil, calling into question the viability of (<ref>) as a practical metric for optimal sensor placement. For the standard mutual information case, (<ref>), at iteration 2-4 the acquisition function exhibits multiple local maxima of roughly equal value in the region 0.3<s<0.5. These multiple peaks are sequentially “picked off” throughout the iterations 2-4. This phenomenon is also observed, but to a slightly lesser extent, in the extreme event mutual information case (<ref>). The similarity of these local maxima mean that these 4 sensor locations should be thought of as an “optimal grouping” rather than a strict ranking, since measurement noise or numerical errors could affect their ordering. However, we note that adding small amounts of noise did not significantly impact the qualitative features of the results. Figure <ref> highlights that while the ordering of the sensors varies between the standard and extreme event versions of the model, the final distribution of the optimal sensors is qualitatively very similar. The under side of the airfoil (0.5<s<1) is completely ignored by the algorithm until iteration 5 for the standard case and iteration 6 for the extreme event case, where a strong maximum is observed just downstream of the leading edge. This solitary underside sensor near the leading edge is consistent with the mean pressure profile observed in the flow over an inclined airfoil. The mean pressure gradient (w.r.t. arc length) is generally significant along the upper surface but relatively weak along the lower surface. Therefore, a single sensor can capture a significant amount of the information of the pressure field along the lower surface, since once the jump in pressure across the leading edge is established there is not much more to be gained from further probing the pressure along the underside of the airfoil. §.§ Results: Evaluation To test the efficacy of the proposed offline sensor placement algorithm we train the same LSTM network described in <cit.> using the first 5 optimal sensor locations predicted using algorithm <ref> with acquisition function (<ref>). Due to the similarities of the sensor locations predicted by (<ref>) and (<ref>) and the high computational cost of training the network we omit the predictions of (<ref>) from this analysis. We compare those results to those in <cit.> using 50 sensors spaced equally around the airfoil. The network architecture is → FC32 → LSTM32 → LSTM32 → FC32 → FC16 → FC8 → FC4 → FC1 → where FC and LSTM stand for `fully-connected' and `long-short term memory' respectively, and the swish activation function is applied between each layer <cit.>. In order to isolate the effects of the sensor placement, we make no changes to the architecture or other than the input dimension and utilize the same training strategies as <cit.>. Training is conducted using 70% of the data, with the remaining 30 % split evenly between validation and testing. The model was trained over 3 restarts using 140 history points and a mean square error loss function until the validation error failed to decrease for 10 epochs – no regularization was used. The interested reader is referred to <cit.> for a more detailed description of the network architecture and training strategy. We compare three different models: the reference case from <cit.> using 50 sensor locations, the OMI_5 model, as well as a second reference case using 5 uniformly spaced sensors – all three use the raw pressure data as an input. The last case is included to verify that any potential benefit of our algorithm is actually due to the algorithmic placement of the sensors and not simply a reflection of oversampling by <cit.>. The three models are summarized in table <ref>. To compare the predictive capabilities of the models we compute both the mean square error (MSE) of the model prediction as well as the maximum adjusted area under the precision-recall curve – a metric introduced by <cit.> which quantifies the accuracy of extreme event prediction. The area under the precision-recall curve is then defined as α(χ)=∫_0^1 S(R,χ) dR, where the event rate χ is defined as the probability that the output exceeds some threshold, the precision, S, the ratio of correct event predictions to total event predictions, and the recall, R, is the ratio of correct event predictions to the actual number of events. The maximum adjusted value is then defined as α^* = max_χ(α(χ)-χ). When the value of α^* is large (approaches unity) the model is very good at predicting rare events, alternatively, when the value approaches zero a model does no better than a guess based on the aggregate frequency of extreme events. Figure <ref> compares the mean absolute error, MAE, and α^* of the various models for a range of lead times τ. As expected, for all cases MAE increases and α^* decreases with τ – it is more difficult to predict the far future. Comparing the models, we first observe that there is no significant difference between the two reference cases with 5 and 50 sensors, suggesting that the NN model developed by <cit.>, is amenable to far more sparse sensor distributions than is suggested by those authors. Additionally, we see no clear distinction between the results of the model trained using our predicted optimal sensor locations and the uniformly sampled reference cases. This highlights the limitations of the mutual information as a practical tool for engineering design. To further highlight this limitation and exclude the possibility of our conclusions being influenced by oversampling we train the model using the 5 optimal sensor locations individually. In other words we train 5 models, each with a single sensor (the n^th optimal OMI prediction) as its input. The same error metrics for this experiment are plotted in figure <ref>. Again we see that the optimal sensor location s=0.14 performs no better, and in many cases worse, than the suboptimal locations – see for example the value of α^* at τ = 0 and 7. These results strongly suggest that optimal sensing based purely on mutual information does not adequately capture the extreme event mechanism identified in <ref> and thus fails as a practical tool for optimal sensing. § WAVELET PREPROCESSING FOR EXTREME EVENT PREDICTION Despite its robustness to sensor location, the LSTM network considered in <ref> is expensive to train, so here we explore a different avenue of model reduction: preprocessing the data through offline identification of the extreme event dynamics. In <ref> we find that the extreme event dynamics are directly related to the dynamics of a single frequency component. Here we show that exploiting this observation through the event indicator (<ref>) allows for the forecasting of the extreme events using very simple network models. §.§ Methods The extreme event indicator γ defined in (<ref>) is not only highly correlated with the bursting events, as it represents an isolated frequency component, but is also free of noise. This makes it amenable to accurate numerical differentiation. We therefore define the following transformation D_n(γ):   γ→[ γ,γ̇, ... , γ^(n)], which allows us to track not only the value of γ, but also its growth rate. This is crucial as we seek to forecast bursting for nonzero lead times τ, and therefore it is imperative for the model to observe growth and not just magnitude. The differentiation operation in (<ref>) is essentially a phase shift of the signal and thus aids the forecasting capabilities of the model, i.e. the predictions for τ >0. We find that for this flow, a single derivative (n=1) is sufficient, and including a second derivative did not meaningfully improve results. Note that this differentiation is applied offline, and thus does not affect the computational cost of training the model. We propose a preprocessing procedure described in algorithm <ref>, in which we replace (<ref>) with Γ(t) → q(t+τ). Here the input data is defined as Γ≡ D_1(γ) = [γ,γ̇], and γ is defined in (<ref>). We utilize a fully connected neural network f: R^n →R^1 with layers → FC8 → FC16 → FC16 → FC8 → FC1 →, with the swish activation function <cit.> applied between each layer. A regularization constant of 0.01 was applied to the activation layers – no regularization was applied to the kernels. Note that unlike the LSTM network (<ref>) utilized by <cit.>, this network does not map sequences to sequences, it simply maps values of Γ at time t, to values of q at time t+τ. To train the model we use both a standard and output-weighted mean absolute error loss function, MAE = ∑_j|q̂_j - q_j| , MAE_OW = ∑_j|q̂_j - q_j| /f_q(q_j). Here q̂_j is the model prediction, q_j is the training data, and f_q(q_j) is the probability density function of the training data evaluated at q_j. <cit.> found that output-weighted loss functions significantly improve prediction of outlier events in a variety of flows including airfoil and Kolmogorov flow. While those authors use the mean square error, we find that in our case the mean absolute error consistently performed slightly better. Our model is summarized graphically in figure <ref>. In order to quantify the uncertainty of our model, we perform an ensemble analysis resulting in a mean prediction q̂(t) and variance σ_q(t). We set aside 80% of the data set for training, and for each iteration of the ensemble we randomly select 75% of that training data (60% of the total) to use for training. The remaining 20% of the data is used for testing. All results presented here are computed exclusively using this test data. §.§ Results: Basis Comparison To illustrate the advantages of the wavelet basis and the output-weighted loss function we compare the model predictions using the three basis types: P, P, and [γ,γ̇ ] and the two loss functions MAE and MAE_OW. In all cases we use four evenly spread sensor locations at s = 0.05, 0.35, 0.65, 0.95. The first two sensor location represent areas identified in <ref> and <ref> as predictive of the drag. The latter two locations are chosen as to not neglect the underside of the airfoil. In all cases train an ensemble of 10 models for 200 epochs. Figures <ref> and <ref> compare the model prediction of the drag coefficient to the true value for τ = 0 and τ = 7. At τ =0, the filtered pressured model and the wavelet model, shown in blue and red respectively, perform well, with only the raw pressure model, shown in green, suffering from significant noise corruption. In fact, in this case the smooth pressure model slightly outperforms the wavelet basis – best seen by comparing the predicted probability density functions in figure <ref>. This is because there exists an accurate linear mapping from the smooth pressure 𝐏(t) to the drag q(t), and in taking the wavelet transform of the filtered pressure some information is lost – limiting the potential accuracy of the wavelet model. See appendix <ref> for a brief discussion on this linear mapping. Furthermore, we observe that for zero lead time, the models trained using the MAE_OW loss function perform slightly better than those trained using the MAE loss – The benefit is most pronounced for the raw pressure data. The benefits of the wavelet basis and the output weighted loss functions do not become apparent until considering non-zero lead times – a reflection of the nonlinearity of the time shift operation q(t) → q(t+τ). In this case, when using the standard MAE loss, all three models entirely fail to capture the extreme events. However, using the output-weighted loss the wavelet basis retains much of the accuracy observed for τ = 0, while the performance of the raw and filtered pressure models deteriorate significantly. The filtered pressure model still traces the occurrence of the extreme events, but suffers from significant noise corruption leading to number of false positive predictions. This phenomenon is even more pronounced for the raw pressure model, which, as expected, suffers from even greater noise corruption. The distinction between the three basis types is less evident in the predicted probability density functions shown in <ref>. Here we see again that the models trained using the standard MAE loss fail to capture the tails of the distribution entirely, however with the MAE_OW loss both the filtered pressure and wavelet models capture the general shape of the distribution. The wavelet model does however capture the small peaks around q=-1.5 and q=3 slightly better than the others. To quantify the forecasting capabilities of each model we track the number of extreme events predicted as a function of time. For this purpose we define an extreme event as a local maximum, whose value is more than 2 standard deviations greater than the mean. Thus, a time instant t_j is considered to represent an extreme event t_EE if it satisfies the following conditions, t_EE:   t_j   s.t.   .[∂ q/∂ t|_t_j = 0   &  q(t_j) > 2σ_q ]. We then define the number of extreme events N_EE(t_1,t_2) as the number of extreme events in the interval, t_1 to t_2, or more explicitly, N(t_n,t_0) = ∑_j=j_0^j_nδ_t_j,t_EE, where t_j is treated as a discrete series and j_0 and j_n are the indices of t_n and t_0 respectively. In order to avoid over-penalizing noise, we enforce a minimum separation of the identified extreme events equal to the characteristic period of the extreme event frequency: T_EE=1/f_EE. While it relies on two user defined parameters: the extreme event threshold and the minimum peak separation, this metric provides a useful quantification of the forecasting capabilities of each model. This metric is plotted in figure <ref> for the filtered pressure and wavelet models for τ = [0,3,7,10] – we omit the raw pressure model due to its poor performance. Since the models trained using the MAE loss and perform so poorly for τ >0 we plot only the results obtained using the MAE_OW loss. Again we see that for τ = 0 both models perform similarly, with the filtered pressure model slightly outperforming the wavelet model. However, as the lead time τ increases, the wavelet model retains much of it's accuracy, while the filtered pressure model on the other hand dramatically overestimates the number of extreme events. This is due to the significant noise in the filtered pressure model, the magnitude of which is often comparable to the underlying signal. We also compute the MAE, MSE, α^*, defined in (<ref>), as well as the error in the total number of extreme events predicted. These are plotted in figure <ref>. Again, both pressure models overestimate the number of extreme events defined by (<ref>), however for the aggregate error metrics (MAE and MSE) as well as the α^* the differences are less pronounced. Both the filtered pressure and wavelet model significantly outperform the raw pressure model, but the difference between them is minimal. The discrepancy in performance between the three basis types can be understood through the simple nature of the model architecture. The large amplitude of the high frequency fluctuations in the raw pressure is comparable and sometimes even larger than the bursting amplitude – see figure <ref> – therefore a one-to-one map is destined to fail. This phenomenon is mitigated by filtering the vortex shedding frequency out of the pressure data – in this case there is indeed a linear map for zero lead time. However, for non-zero lead times the amplitude of the fluctuations at the extreme event frequency are significant enough to introduce significant ambiguity in a one-to-one map. Conversely, the wavelet basis is free of noise and fluctuates on a time scale associated with the mean time between extreme events, thereby greatly improving the feasibility of such a simple mapping. Moving forward we exclusively use the wavelet pre-processed input data Γ. §.§ Results: Optimal Sensing We now assess how to best exploit the wavelet preprocessing algorithm through optimal sensor selection. Here we focus exclusively on τ = 7. As in <ref> we use algorithm <ref>, however in this case the acquisition function requires training the network (and is minimized, not maximized). In particular we consider the following two acquisition functions which penalize uncertainty in the model prediction, a_iu = 1/T∫^T_0 σ_q(t) dt = 1/N∑^N_j=1σ_q,j, a_pw = 1/T∫^T_0 σ_q(t)/p_q(q(t)) dt = 1/N∑^N_j=1σ_q,j/p_q(q_j). We refer to these as “integrated uncertainty” (iu) and “probability weighted” (pw) respectively. To distinguish the effects of the loss and acquisition functions, we perform three iterations of algorithm <ref> with each acquisition function with both the MAE and MAE_OW loss functions. As the acquisition functions need to be evaluated at every sensor location, we use a slightly reduced ensemble of 7 models and train over only 70 epochs during the active search. The resulting optimal sensor locations are summarized in table <ref>. Once the optimal sensor locations are found, we retrain an ensemble of 10 models using those optimal sensors locations for 200 epochs. Figure <ref> compares the output pdf and time series of the mean predictions of the model trained with each loss function and each acquisition function – each using their respective optimal sensor locations. As a comparison we also include the predictions of a reference model with three evenly spaced sensors. For both the time series and the pdf, we observe that regardless of the acquisition function the models trained using the standard MAE loss fail, while the models trained with the output-weighted MAE_OW predict the bursting events relatively accurately. To further compare the models we plot the time series of the uncertainty bound, q̂(t) ±σ_q in figure <ref>. Consistent with the results of <ref>, we observe the model to be robust to specific sensor locations, with little distinction between the three sensor distributions. Interestingly, inspection of figures <ref> and <ref> indicates that the output-weighted acquisition function (<ref>) performs slightly worse than the others – exhibiting some false positive fluctuations between t=920 and t=960. Furthermore, the results using the non output-weighted acquisition function (<ref>) do not exhibit any meaningful improvement over the reference case. These findings indicate that the specific locations of the sensors are of secondary importance when compared to the effects of the output-weighted loss function and the wavelet preprocessing. The latter of which extracts the bursting events from the input data a priori. These results indicate that further emphasizing extreme events through strategies such as output-weighted optimal sensing is not only unnecessary, but could result in a loss of accuracy during the quiescent periods. From a practical point of view, the similarity of these results is significant. The active regions of the flow, and thus the optimal sensor locations predicted here and in <ref>, are likely to vary with Reynolds number and angle of attack. However, aircraft experience a wide range of flow speeds and orientations, making the robustness to sensor location a valuable asset. These results support the possibility of a sparse sensing strategy which is applicable for a wide range of airfoil designs and is robust to dynamic changes in angle of attack. A parameter study over Reynolds number and flow geometry to confirm this hypothesis is beyond the scope of the present work, but is the topic of ongoing research. § DISCUSSION We have investigated the mechanisms driving the non-periodic bursting phenomena observed in the two-dimensional flow over a NACA 4412 airfoil at finite angle of attack. We have conducted a detailed analysis of the spatiotemporal statistics of the airfoil surface pressure and its connection to the extreme events observed in the drag force. Through a wavelet analysis we found that the surface pressure exhibits multi-scale behaviour with three distinct time scales. In addition to the dominant vortex shedding frequency, the flow exhibits a slowly varying quiescent time scale and a second energetic frequency component – at approximately one third the vortex shedding frequency. We established that the extreme excursions of the drag first observed by <cit.>, correspond to instabilities of this latter frequency component in the surface pressure. These findings were corroborated by an analysis of the wavelet transformed vorticity field. This analysis revealed that during quiescent times the extreme event manifold evolves independently of the vortex shedding manifold, however occasionally the extreme event manifold undergoes a transient instability which links the fortunes of these two generally disparate time scales. This instability is comprised of two steps, first the extreme event manifold draws energy from the higher frequency vortex shedding flow, then at the extreme event frequency, there is an abrupt nonlinear energy transfer from smaller to larger spatial length scales. Interestingly these findings are contrary to the far more common situation where linear instabilities transfer energy from a slowly evolving (or stationary) mean flow to faster time scales and smaller length scales. Therefore, while we have identified the slow-fast system at the heart of the bursting events, the exact mechanism by which the instabilities in the pressure and vorticity are translated to the aerodynamic forces is not yet clear, and remains the topic of ongoing research. For example, it is still unclear what causes the global (integrated over the full domain) magnitude of the extreme event mode to decrease during the extreme events – see the lower panel of figure <ref> – or why the temporal correlation of the vortex shedding mode exhibits fluctuations resembling the extreme event frequency – see the upper panel of the same figure. Furthermore, here we have considered only a single angle of attack, and further study is required to establish how the orientation of the flow impacts both the active regions of the airfoil and the extreme event frequency. From a modeling perspective, we pursued two separate strategies. First, in <ref> we investigated the implications of these results for the existing LSTM architecture developed by <cit.> – which takes raw pressure as its input. We considered an optimal sensing strategy based purely on the statistics of the data, and therefore did not require the computationally costly step of training model. Using the LSTM model this mutual information based algorithm failed to predict sensor locations which performed better than a simple uniform sensor distribution. This failure of the purely mutual information based sensor placement demonstrated the limitations of a purely statistical offline sampling strategy and highlighted the limitations of mutual information as a practical tool. Additionally, the model complexity incurred by the LSTM layers needed to process rapidly varying time series such as the fluctuating surface pressure remains cumbersome regardless of the sparsity of the sensor array. Second, we also developed a preprocessing algorithm (see figure <ref>) to extract the time varying magnitude of the extreme event frequency component from the raw pressure signal. By isolating the wavelet coefficient associate with the extreme event frequency we eliminate the high frequency fluctuations resulting in a signal which slowly fluctuates on a time scale associated with the mean time between extreme events – which are by definition rare. This enables the (approximate) one-to-one mapping of the wavelet coefficient, which is free of rapid high amplitude noise, to the drag for lead times τ >0. This then eliminates the need for a costly LSTM architecture and allows for accurate prediction using a simply connected feed forward neural network. These results are consistent with findings of <cit.> who used a spacial wavelet transform wavelet transform to extract unstable spatial length scales to efficiently predict rogue waves in variety of dynamical systems including the Majda–McLaughlin–Tabak model and the modified nonlinear Schrodinger equation. While this preprocessing drastically reduces the noise in the signal, it can, and in our case does, eliminate some potentially useful information as well. As noted in <ref> and in appendix <ref> for τ = 0 there exists an accurate linear map from the surface pressure to the drag coefficient. By isolating a single wavelet coefficient, some of the information in the pressure signal is lost leading to the wavelet model performing slightly worse than the filtered pressure model for τ =0. However, the predictions from the wavelet model are far more robust to increasing values of τ. At τ = 7 the predictions of the wavelet model have degraded only slightly, while the raw and filtered pressure models exhibit significant noise corruption. The higher the frequency of oscillation, the more nonlinear the transformation q(t) → q(t+τ) – resulting in the degradation of the filtered and raw pressure models for τ >0. This preprocessing alleviates the need for recursive or convolutional network architectures as used by authors such as <cit.>. However, even with this highly extreme event targeted algorithm we found that training the model using an output-weighted loss function is necessary for accurate predictions. Most interestingly, we find that with these training interventions the specific locations of the sensors is of secondary importance. This is incredibly advantageous as it suggests that the predictive capabilities of our approach are robust to dynamic changes in angle of attack or free stream velocity – however this requires further study. Our findings suggest that improving the prediction of rare events does not necessarily require more complex models, but can be achieved by identifying observables which reflect the underlying physical mechanisms and through tailored training strategies – as also discussed by various authors including <cit.>. We believe the herein proposed wavelet based analysis is applicable to a wide range of slow-fast systems and remains the topic of ongoing research. § APPENDIX §.§ Linear Mapping Here we illustrate the linear map from the vector valued filtered pressure signal 𝐏(t) to the scalar drag coefficient q(t). Let 𝐏∈ℝ^N× 100 and 𝐪∈ℝ^N× 1 be their discrete representations – N is the number of data points (time steps). We then seek a linear representation 𝐪̂ = 𝐏𝐚 that minimizes the L_2 norm 𝐪-𝐪̂^2. The optimal coefficient vector is given by 𝐚^* = 𝐏_train^+𝐪_train, where ^+ denotes the pseudo inverse, and the subscript _train refers to the subset of data used for training. Here we use the first 10% of the data to fit the regression (<ref>) and the last 20% for testing. Figure <ref> compares the predictions of the linear regression to the truth for τ =0 and τ = 7. For τ = 0 the linear prediction is indistinguishable from the truth, while for τ = 7 the linear model completely fails. This is a reflection of the highly nonlinear nature of the time shift operation q(t) → q(t+τ). § FUNDING SOURCES § ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Samuel Rudy and Tanner Harms for their constructive feedback. We also acknowledge support from the Army Research Office (grant no. W911NF-17-1-0306) and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (grant no. MURI FA9550-21-1-0058) abbrvnat
Gradient-Descent Based Optimization of Constant Envelope OFDM Waveforms
[ "David G. Felton", "David A. Hague" ]
[ "eess.SP" ]
Gradient-Descent Based Optimization of Constant Envelope OFDM Waveforms David G. Felton's efforts were supported by the Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program (NREIP) and David A. Hague's efforts were by the Naval Undersea Warfare Center's In-House Laboratory Independent Research (ILIR) program. David G. Felton^1 David A. Hague^2 ^1Radar Systems Lab (RSL), University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS ^2Sensors and Sonar Systems Department, Naval Undersea Warfare Center, Newport, RI March 30, 2023 =============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== This paper describes a gradient-descent based optimization algorithm for synthesizing Constant Envelope Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (CE-OFDM) waveforms with low Auto-Correlation Function (ACF) sidelobes in a specified region of time-delays. The algorithm optimizes the Generalized Integrated Sidelobe Level (GISL) which controls the mainlobe and sidelobe structure of the waveform's ACF. The operations of this Gradient-Descent GISL (GD-GISL) algorithm are FFT-based making it computationally efficient. This computational efficiency facilitates the design of large dimensional waveform design problems. Simulations demonstrate the GD-GISL algorithm on CE-OFDM waveforms employing Phase-Shift Keying (PSK) symbols that take on a continuum of values (i.e, M_PSK = ∞). Results from these simulations show that the GD-GISL algorithm can indeed reduce ACF sidelobes in a desired region of time-delays. However, truncating the symbols to finite M-ary alphabets introduces perturbations to the waveform's instantaneous phase which increases the waveform's ACF sidelobe levels. CE-OFDM, Waveform Design, Gradient-Descent, Dual-Function Radar/Communications § INTRODUCTION The Constant-Envelope Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (CE-OFDM) waveform is a constant envelope analogue of the standard OFDM waveform model. The OFDM modulation is performed in either the instantaneous phase or frequency domain <cit.> and is essentially a form of Frequency Modulation (FM) which guarantees a constant envelope. This makes the waveform better suited for transmission on real-world radar and communications transmitters than standard OFDM waveforms <cit.> whose complex envelope can vary substantially <cit.>. CE-OFDM waveforms have recently been proposed for use in Dual-Function Radar/Communication (DFRC) applications <cit.> as the encoded communication symbols can also be utilized as a discrete set of parameters that can realize optimized constant modulus radar waveforms <cit.>. Recent efforts in the literature have studied CE-OFDM as a potential radar waveform and analyzed the structure of the waveform's Ambiguity Function (AF) and Auto/Cross-Correlation Functions (ACF/CCF) <cit.>. From a waveform design perspective, the OFDM symbols represent a discrete set of parameters that can be optimized to synthesize CE-OFDM waveforms with desirable AF/ACF characteristics. However, to the best of the authors' knowledge, optimization methods to synthesize novel CE-OFDM waveform designs have not yet been developed. This paper introduces a gradient-descent based algorithm that synthesizes CE-OFDM waveforms with low ACF sidelobes in a specified region of time-delays via minimization of a Generalized Integrated Sidelobe Level (GISL) metric. This Gradient-Descent GISL (GD-GISL) algorithm leverages methods developed in <cit.> that were used to optimize Polyphase-Coded FM (PCFM) waveforms. Since the GD-GISL algorithm's operations are largely comprised of FFTs, it is computationally efficient which facilitates synthesizing large-dimensional waveform design problems. The capabilities of this GD-GISL algorithm to optimize CE-OFDM waveforms are demonstrated by several illustrative design examples. These examples use CE-OFDM waveforms that employ Phase-Shift Keying (PSK) where the symbols reside on the unit-circle and take on a continuum of values (i.e, M_PSK = ∞). The results from these design examples show that the CE-OFDM waveform model can indeed be optimized to possess lower ACF sidelobes in a specific region of time-delays than pseudo-randomly generated PSK coefficients. However, truncating the CE-OFDM symbols to finite M-ary alphabets will increase the waveform's ACF sidelobes. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section II descibes the CE-OFDM waveform model and the design metrics used to assess the waveform's ACF characteristics. Section III describes the GD-GISL algorithm. Section IV evaluates the performance of this algorithm via several illustrative design examples. Finally, Section V concludes the paper. § CE-OFDM WAVEFORM MODEL A basebanded FM waveform with unit energy is expressed as s(t)=(t/T)/√(T) e^jφ(t) where φ(t) is the waveform's phase modulation function, T is the waveform's duration, and 1/√(T) normalizes the signal energy to unity. A CE-OFDM waveform utilizing Phase-Shift Keying (PSK) possesses a phase modulation function that is expressed as <cit.> φ(t)=2π h∑_ℓ=1^L|Γ_|cos(2πℓ tT+ϕ_) where L is the number of phase modulation sub-carriers, |Γ_|= 1 and ϕ_ are the magnitude and phase respectively of the CE-OFDM symbol associated with the ℓ^th subcarrier, and h is the modulation index which along with L determines the waveform's bandwidth <cit.>. The waveform's corresponding frequency modulation function m(t) is expressed as m(t)=1/2π∂φ(t)/∂ t=-2π hT∑_ℓ=1^L ℓ|Γ_|sin(2πℓ tT+ϕ_). The CE-OFDM symbols ϕ_ are utilized as a discrete set of design parameters. Modifying these parameters in an intelligent manner can produce waveforms with low AF/ACF sidelobes. Additionally, the CE-OFDM's phase and frequency modulation functions are expressed as a finite Fourier series which are infinitely differentiable <cit.>. This property makes these functions smooth and devoid of any transient components resulting in the vast majority of the CE-OFDM waveform's energy being densely concentrated in a compact band of frequencies. Coupling this spectral compactness property with its natural constant envelope makes the CE-OFDM waveform model well-suited for transmission on real-world radar transmitter devices. The design versatility and the transmitter amenability of the CE-OFDM waveform model makes it an attractive choice for a variety of radar applications. This paper assumes a Matched-Filter (MF) receiver is used to process the target's echo signal. The narrowband AF measures the MF response to Doppler shifted versions of the transmit waveform and is expressed as χ(τ, ν) = ∫_-∞^∞ s(t-τ/2)s^*(t+τ/2) e^j2πν tdt where ν is the Doppler shift. The zero-Doppler cut of the AF, the ACF, provides the range response of the waveform's MF output and is expressed as R(τ) = χ(τ, ν)|_ν=0 = ∫_-∞^∞ s(t-τ/2)s^*(t+τ/2) dt. There are several metrics that describe the sidelobe structure of a waveform's ACF. Two of the most common metrics are the Peak-to-Sidelobe Level Ratio (PSLR) and the Integrated Sidelobe Level (ISL). The PSLR is expressed as rCl PSLR = Δτ≤|τ|≤Tmax{|R(τ)|^2}0 ≤|τ|≤Δτmax{|R(τ)|^2} = Δτ≤|τ|≤Tmax{|R(τ)|^2} where Δ_τ denotes the first null of the ACF and therefore establishes the mainlobe width of the ACF as 2Δτ. Note that the rightmost expression in (<ref>) results from the assumption that the waveform is unit energy and thus the maximum value of |R(τ)|^2 is unity which occurs at τ = 0. The ISL is the ratio of the area under the sidelobe region A_τ of |R(τ)|^2 to the area under mainlobe region A_0 of |R(τ)|^2 expressed as rCl ISL =A_τA_0 = ∫_Ω_τ|R(τ)|^2 dτ∫_-Δτ^Δτ|R(τ)|^2 dτ where the term Ω_τ denotes any sub-region of time-delays of the ACF excluding the mainlobe region -Δτ≤τ≤Δτ. A lower ISL corresponds to an ACF with lower overall sidelobe levels in the region Ω_τ and/or a larger area A_0 under the mainlobe region which implies that the mainlobe width 2Δτ increases. Note that while reducing the area A_τ will generally reduce sidelobe levels, it does not always directly translate to a lower PSLR <cit.>. The Generalized Integrated Sidelobe Level (GISL) <cit.> generalizes the ISL metric in (<ref>) by evaluating the ℓ_p-norm <cit.> of the sidelobe and mainlobe regions of the ACF expressed as rCl GISL = (∫_Ω_τ|R(τ)|^p dτ∫_-Δτ^Δτ|R(τ)|^p dτ)^2/p where p ≥ 2 is an integer. When p=2, the GISL becomes the standard ISL metric. As p→∞, the integrals in (<ref>) approach the infinity norm ||·||_∞^2, also known as the max-norm, and correspondingly the GISL approaches the PSLR metric (<ref>) <cit.>. However, from a waveform optimization perspective, the max-norm can produce a discontinuous objective function which prevents the efficient use of gradient-descent based waveform optimization methods. Making p large but finite results in a smooth objective function which facilitates the use of gradient-descent based methods in the waveform optimization problem. Empirical analysis <cit.> suggests that values of p ≥ 6 or so produces such a PSLR-like metric. For this reason the GISL is the design metric this paper uses to optimize the ACF sidelobe levels of CE-OFDM waveforms. Figure <ref> shows an example CE-OFDM waveform's spectrogram, spectrum, AF, and ACF. The waveform is composed of L=24 sub-carriers that employ PSK symbols ϕ_ with M_PSK=32 generated from a pseudo-random sequence as described in <cit.>. The modulation index h=0.1856 is chosen to synthesize a waveform with the same RMS bandwidth <cit.> as that of a LFM waveform with a Time-Bandwidth Product (TBP) of 200 which can be calculated in closed form as <cit.> h = TΔ f/2π√(2L^3+3L^2+L). As explained earlier, the CE-OFDM waveform's frequency modulation function is a finite Fourier series and is therefore an infinitely differentiable and smooth function. This smooth FM function is shown in panel (a) of Figure <ref>. As a result of the smooth FM function, the vast majority of the waveform's energy is densely concentrated in a compact band of frequencies as is shown in panel (b) of Figure <ref>. As is described in <cit.>, a CE-OFDM waveform utilizing PSK coding will essentially always produce a “Thumbtack-Like” AF shape. The sidelobe pedestal is clearly visible in the ACF of the waveform shown in panel (d). It is the goal of this paper to develope an algorithm that will further reduce the ACF sidelobe levels in a specified region Ω_τ of time-delays. § THE GD-GISL ALGORITHM The first step in developing the GD-GISL algorithm is to discretize the waveform signal model and its design metrics. The CE-OFDM waveform's instantaneous phase (<ref>) can be transformed from the amplitude-phase Fourier series representation to the standard real-valued Fourier series as φ(t) = 2π h ∑_ℓ=1^L α̃_ℓcos(2πℓ tT)+β̃_ℓsin(2πℓ tT). The Fourier coefficients α̃_ℓ and β̃_ℓ lie on the unit circle such that |Γ_ℓ| = √(α̃_ℓ^2 + β̃_ℓ^2) = 1 and are derived from ϕ_ℓ α̃_ℓ = |Γ_ℓ|cosϕ_ℓ, β̃_ℓ = |Γ_ℓ|sinϕ_ℓ. From here, (<ref>) can be written as a linear sum using discrete variables as φ = [ 𝐁_c 𝐁_s ][ cos(ϕ); sin(ϕ) ] where the phase values are grouped into a L×1 vector ϕ= [ϕ_1, ϕ_2, …, ϕ_L ] and the M×L basis matrices 𝐁_c and 𝐁_s contain cosine and sine harmonics respectively such that the ℓ^th columns 𝐛_c, = cos(2π tT), 𝐛_s, = sin(2π tT) are sampled at some sampling rate f_s which satisfies the Nyquist criterion. From here, the development of the gradient-based GISL algorithm largely follows the description given in <cit.>. The GISL metric can be expressed in terms of the discretized ACF which is expressed as 𝐫 = 𝐀|𝐀𝐬̅|^2 where 𝐫∈^(2M-1) contains discretized samples of the ACF, 𝐬̅∈^(2M-1) is a discretized and zero-padded version of 𝐬, and 𝐀 and 𝐀 are (2M-1) × (2M-1) Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and Inverse DFT matrices respectively. The GISL metric is then expressed as the cost function <cit.> J_p = ⊙𝐫_p^2⊙𝐫_p^2 where the vectors and ∈^(2M-1) are non-zero in the extent of the sidelobe and mainlobe regions respectively. In setting the cost function J_p to the GISL metric, the optimization problem can be formally stated as min J_p. The GISL is an L-dimensional and highly non-convex objective function across the CE-OFDM parameter space ϕ_ on the order of 2p in each dimension. Therefore, convergence to the global minimum is most certainly not guaranteed. Non-convex functions require a non-linear optimization routine, which is why here we expand upon the continuous nature of the CE-OFDM waveform and its modulation function to employ gradient-descent optimization. Gradient-descent is an iterative approach which takes some step μ in the direction of steepest descent q_i _i+1 = _i + μ q_i 𝐪_i = -∇__iJ_p where ∇_ is the gradient operator. The gradient of (<ref>), derived in the Appendix, is expressed as J_p=4 J_p 𝐃̅^T {𝐬̅^* ⊙𝐀[(𝐀𝐬̅) ⊙𝐏] } where 𝐏 = {𝐀( |𝐫|^p-2⊙𝐫⊙[ / - /])}. Performing (<ref>) and (<ref>) iteratively until the Euclidean length of q_i is below some threshold g_min ensures that J_p is very near a local minima. Alternatively, the routine may continue until it reaches a predetermined number of iterations I_max. We employ heavy-ball gradient-descent which includes weighted versions of the previous search-directions with the current gradient. This has been shown to converge quickly for these types of problems by dampening rapid transitions of the gradient thereby enforcing a smooth path to the minima. The search direction is altered by inclusion of previous gradients as 𝐪_i = -∇__iJ_p + β𝐪_i-1 where β∈[0, 1]. Since this method does not always ensure a descent, if in fact the current search direction is an ascent (i.e., the projection of the gradient onto the current search direction is positive), the current search direction is reset to the current gradient. if 𝐪_i(∇__iJ_p )> 0, then 𝐪_i = -∇__iJ_p. Once the search direction is established, a simple backtracking method is used to calculate the step size μ for the line search that satisfies sufficient decrease via the Armijo condition <cit.>. As mentioned earlier, to maintain continuity of the GISL gradient and to avoid diminishing returns thereafter, the parameter p should take on values much lower than infinity but larger than roughly 6 <cit.>. These values for p have been shown to consistently generate waveforms with a flat sidelobe response. On the other hand, letting p=2 results in waveforms whose ACFs possess more peaks and valleys, but overall less area in the specified sidelobe region Ω_τ. The steps of the GD-GISL algorithm are listed in Algorithm 1. Since the algorithm makes extensive use of FFTs in computing the GISL metric (<ref>), it is substantially more computationally efficient compared to a brute-force numerical computation. § SEVERAL ILLUSTRATIVE DESIGN EXAMPLES This section demonstrates the GD-GISL algorithm using two waveform optimization design examples. Both examples optimize the GISL (p=20) of the waveform from Figure <ref> over different sub-regions Ω_τ of the waveform's ACF. The waveform time-series are sampled at a rate f_s = 5Δ f. The algorithm was set to run for a max number of iterations I=100. Figure <ref> shows the ACF, spectrum, and ACF zoomed in at the origin of the CE-OFDM waveform from Figure <ref> and the resulting optimized CE-OFDM waveform whose ACF sidelobes were minimized over all time-delays τ excluding the mainlobe region. The initial waveform's GISL for p=20 and PSLR values were -14.73 dB and -15.21 dB respectively. The optimized waveform's GISL was -22.14 dB corresponding to a PSLR of -20.72 dB. It's also important to note that the mainlobe width of the optimized waveform stayed the same width as its initial seed waveform. As explained in <cit.>, the CE-OFDM's RMS bandwidth, which controls the ACF mainlobe width, remains the same value for fixed L and h regardless of the PSK values ϕ_. This precludes introducing constraints on RMS bandwidth to ensure the waveform's ACF mainlobe width stays largely fixed as was done for a closely related waveform model in <cit.>. Figure <ref> shows the result of optimizing the GISL of the CE-OFDM waveform from Figure <ref> over a sub-region of time-delays Ω_τ∈Δτ≤ |τ| ≤ 0.1T. The initial waveform's GISL and PSLR over this sub-region of time-delays was -16.8 dB and -17.51 dB respectively. The resulting optimized waveform's GISL and PSLR values were -30.34 dB and -31.39 dB respectively, a substantial reduction of sidelobes in the specified region Ω_τ. Again, the optimized waveform's mainlobe width stays fixed as does the waveform's spectral extent. One final important point is that the GD-GISL optimization routine assumes the CE-OFDM waveforms employ PSK with infinite granularity (i.e, M_PSK=∞). Practical implementations of CE-OFDM waveforms will almost certainly employ a finite M-ary alphabet for the PSK symbols. Truncating these continuous symbols to an M-ary representation will introduce perturbations in the waveform's instantaneous phase. These perturbations are likely to degrade the desirably low ACF sidelobes of the M_PSK=∞ optimized waveform designs. This issue is illustrated in Figure <ref> where the PSK symbols from the optimized waveform in Figure <ref> is approximated by finite M-ary alphabets. As can be seen from the figure, as M_PSK is reduced, the degree of perturbations in the PSK symbols is greater and the ACF sidelobes increase in the region of time-delays Ω_τ where the optimization routine was run on. There are two ways to mitigate this issue. The first is to utilize a large M_PSK value to reduce the degree of perturbations in the implemented waveform. The second is to modify the GD-GISL algorithm to operate on finite M-ary alphabets. This approach may produce more favorable optimal designs with less perturbations than the waveforms shown in Figure <ref>. This will be a topic of future investigation. § CONCLUSION The GD-GISL minimization algorithm synthesizes CE-OFDM waveforms with low ACF sidelobes in a specified region of time-delays. The algorithm leverages methods developed in <cit.> which exploits FFTs in the majority of its operations making it computationally feasible to optimize CE-OFDM waveforms with a large number of sub-carriers L. Results show that the algorithm is indeed capable of reducing CE-OFDM ACF sidelobes in a user-specified sub-region of time-delays while also maintaining the waveform's ACF mainlobe width. Truncating these PSK symbols to M-ary alphabets introduces perturbations to the optimal design that results in increased ACF sidelobes. There are a number of avenues to pursue for future work. The first obvious one is to modify the algorithm to work with finite M-ary alphabets for PSK and other digital modulation techniques such as Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM). The algorithm should also be generalizable to generating families of waveforms with desirable ACF and Cross-Correlation Function (CCF) properties such as the efforts of <cit.> and extendable to minimizing ℓ_p-norms on the AF of the waveform as well. Lastly, these optimization algorithms should also be applicable to the Multi-Tone Sinusoidal FM (MTSFM) waveform <cit.> of which the CE-OFDM waveform is a special case. § DERIVATION OF THE GRADIENT OF THE GISL METRIC We define the cost metric as the GISL in (<ref>) as J_p = 𝐰_SL⊙𝐫_p^2𝐰_ML⊙𝐫_p^2=(𝐰_SL |𝐫|^p𝐰_ML |𝐫|^p)^2/p. The Wirtinger definition of a complex derivative extended to vector calculus is <cit.> 𝐱= ( 𝐲𝐱)𝐲 + ( 𝐲^*𝐱)𝐲^* 𝐲∈ℂ ( ∂𝐲/∂𝐱)𝐲 𝐲∈ℝ where for an arbitrary {𝐲(𝐱) : n_x → n_y } transformation from a n_x to a n_y dimensional space, 𝐲𝐱 = [ 𝐱y_1 𝐱y_2 … 𝐱y_n_y ] is the n_y × n_x Jacobian matrix. We begin with the real to complex mapping from to 𝐬̅^* J_p = ( 𝐬̅^*)𝐬̅^*J_p + ( 𝐬̅)𝐬̅J_p = -j𝐃̅(𝐬̅^* ⊙𝐬̅^*J_p) + j𝐃̅(𝐬̅⊙𝐬̅J_p) = 2 𝐃̅^T {𝐬̅^* ⊙𝐬̅^*J_p} where the matrix 𝐃̅=-𝐁̅_c diag{sin()}+𝐁̅_s diag{cos()} results from the chain rule, and where diag{∙} places the elements of the operand along the diagonal of a square matrix such that the ℓ column is 𝐝̅_ℓ=-𝐛̅_c,ℓsin(ϕ_ℓ)+𝐛̅_s,ℓcos(ϕ_ℓ) Note that 𝐁̅_c, 𝐁̅_s, and 𝐃̅ are zero padded such that their dimensionality is now ( 2M-1)×L. Next, we map from 𝐬̅^* to (𝐀𝐬̅)^* ∇_𝐬̅^* J_p = ( (𝐀𝐬̅)^* 𝐬̅^*)(𝐀𝐬̅)^*J_p+ ( (𝐀𝐬̅)𝐬̅^*)(𝐀𝐬̅)J_p = 𝐀(𝐀𝐬̅)^*J_p where the second term simplifies to 0 since 𝐬̅ and 𝐬̅^* are considered independent variables. Next, mapping from (𝐀𝐬̅)^* to |𝐀𝐬̅|^2 yields (𝐀𝐬̅)^*J_p = ( |𝐀𝐬̅|^2(𝐀𝐬̅)^*)|𝐀𝐬̅|^2J_p = ( (𝐀𝐬̅⊙(𝐀𝐬̅)^*)(𝐀𝐬̅)^*)|𝐀𝐬̅|^2J_p = diag{𝐀𝐬̅}|𝐀𝐬̅|^2J_p = (𝐀𝐬̅) ⊙|𝐀𝐬̅|^2J_p Then, since 𝐫 is a function of |𝐀𝐬̅|^2 via (<ref>), |𝐀𝐬̅|^2J_p =( 𝐫|𝐀𝐬̅|^2)𝐫J_p + ( 𝐫^*|𝐀𝐬̅|^2)𝐫^*J_p = 𝐀^* 𝐫J_p + 𝐀𝐫^*J_p = 2 {𝐀𝐫^*J_p} And, mapping from 𝐫^* to |𝐫|^p 𝐫^*J_p = (|𝐫|^p𝐫^*)|𝐫|^pJ_p = ((𝐫⊙𝐫^*)^p/2𝐫^*)|𝐫|^pJ_p = p/2diag{|𝐫|^p-2⊙𝐫}|𝐫|^pJ_p = p/2|𝐫|^p-2⊙𝐫⊙|𝐫|^pJ_p And, since J_p is directly a function of |𝐫|^p, we solve for |𝐫|^pJ_p by use of the quotient rule followed by chain rule |𝐫|^pJ_p = 2/p(|𝐫|^p/|𝐫|^p)^2/p-1 ()()|𝐫|^p - ()()|𝐫|^p/()^2 =2/p J_p (/) () - ()/()^2 = 2/p J_p [ / - /] Finally, using (<ref>)-(<ref>) and inserting (<ref>) into (<ref>) produces the final result J_p = 2 𝐃̅{𝐬̅^* ⊙𝐬̅^*J_p} = 2 𝐃̅{𝐬̅^* ⊙𝐀(𝐀𝐬̅)^*J_p} = 2 𝐃̅{𝐬̅^* ⊙𝐀[(𝐀𝐬̅) ⊙|𝐀𝐬̅|^2J_p] } = 2 𝐃̅{𝐬̅^* ⊙𝐀[(𝐀𝐬̅) ⊙ 2 {𝐀𝐫^*J_p}] } = 4 J_p 𝐃̅{𝐬̅^* ⊙𝐀[(𝐀𝐬̅) ⊙𝐏]} where 𝐏 = {𝐀( |𝐫|^p-2⊙𝐫⊙[ / - /])}. 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Nonlinearly charged black holes: Shadow and Thin-accretion disk
[ "Akhil Uniyal", "Sayan Chakrabarti", "Reggie C. Pantig", "Ali Övgün" ]
[ "gr-qc" ]
akhil_uniyal@iitg.ac.in Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati 781039, India sayan.chakrabarti@iitg.ac.in Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati 781039, India rcpantig@mapua.edu.ph Physics Department, Mapúa University, 658 Muralla St., Intramuros, Manila 1002, Philippines ali.ovgun@emu.edu.tr Physics Department, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, 99628 North Cyprus via Mersin 10, Turkey In this paper, we explore the effect of non-linear electrodynamics (NLED) parameters and magnetic charges on various aspects of black holes, like how they bend light, how they emit radiation, and how they appear as a shadow by considering a thin accretion disk model. We initially examine the overall behavior of the photonsphere and the corresponding shadow silhouette under the effects of these parameters. Using the EHT data for Sgr. A* and M87*, we aim to find constraints for q_m. Our results indicate that M87* gives better constraints, and as the value of β is varied to increase, the constrained range for q_m widens. At lower values of q_m, we find that the shadow radius is close to the observed value. Then, we study different things like how much energy the black hole emits, the temperature of the disk around it, and the kind of light it gives off. We also look at how the black hole shadow appears in different situations. We also study how matter falls onto the black hole from all directions. Finally, we investigate how the magnetic charge affects all these things when we take into account a theory called NLED along with gravity. This study helps us understand the complex relationship between magnetic charge and black holes. 95.30.Sf, 04.70.-s, 97.60.Lf, 04.50.+h Nonlinearly charged black holes: Shadow and Thin-accretion disk Ali Övgün March 30, 2023 =============================================================== § INTRODUCTION Understanding black hole (BH) physics has always been an interesting topic, both for theoreticians as well as for observational astrophysicists as it can cast light into the predictions from the theory of general relativity, and thereby a large part of the gravitating Universe itself could be explained by understanding BH physics <cit.>. Compact objects, particularly BHs have received a lot of attention within the premises of Einstein’s general relativity from the perspective of observations. While the existence of BHs is now unquestionable, their detection still remains an extremely difficult task. In this direction, the concept of the shadow of a BH plays a significant role, since the very idea of imaging a black hole leads one to study the extremely strong gravity regime near the black hole horizon. One of the first works towards this direction for a static spherically symmetric black hole was performed by Synge <cit.> and Luminet <cit.>, and later Bardeen <cit.> extended the idea for studying BH shadow in the rotating Kerr geometry. In recent times, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) has published the black hole shadow image in the center of the M87^* galaxy <cit.> and the shadow of Sagittarius A^* (Sgr A^*) black hole in the center of Milky Way galaxy <cit.>. Recent observations by EHT and Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA), have shown that <cit.> the polarised appearance of the black holes, these studies is a significant milestone since the polarisation of light provides valuable information that can help us comprehend the physics underlying the image. Immediately after the release of these images a number of works flooded the literature, many of which focused towards understanding the alternate theories of gravity around the black hole (for a detailed discussion and references, see <cit.>). The work in <cit.> studies a wide range of well-motivated modifications to classical General Relativistic black hole solutions and constrains them using the EHT observations of Sgr A^*. In the process of studying so, they connect the size of the bright ring of emission to that of the underlying BH shadow using the Sgr A^*'s mass-to-distance ratio. Different scenarios including regular BHs, string-inspired BH space-times, alternative models of the theory of gravity, and BH mimickers including wormhole and naked singular space-times were studied in the above paper to constrain the fundamental parameters of those modified theories and exotic objects, it was demonstrated that the EHT image of Sgr A^∗ puts very stringent constraints on the models and predicts a shadow size larger than that of a Schwarzschild BH of a given mass. On another front, it is to be mentioned here that since one can only have information about the diameter of the shadow size from observations made so far, one can easily get into the trouble of shadow-degeneracy, i.e. two black holes from two different theories of gravity casting similar shadow <cit.> and in the recent work that comparison is also done with the rotating Kerr black hole and non-rotating dilaton black hole <cit.>. Therefore, in future, we expect to overcome such degeneracies by observing the black hole with more precision. One of the alternative theories to general relativity (GR) is known as the non-linear electrodynamic theory (NLE). It was the first outcome of the motivation to remove the central singularity of the point charge and the related energy divergence by generalizing Maxwell’s theory in the 1930s by Born and Infeld <cit.>. After that Plebanski extended the work in the special relativity framework by including an arbitrary function of the electromagnetic field invariants in the theory <cit.>. After this, a lot of work has been done in this field having the motivation that this theory can produce regular black holes, some kinds of NLE theories are limiting cases of certain types of models in the string theory and also solving singularity problems in cosmology <cit.>. Among all of them, the spherically symmetric solutions are the simplistic ones in the sense that we only have radial electric and magnetic charges in the theory <cit.>. Therefore, in this work, we will be interested in understanding to look into one of the purely magnetic charge spherical symmetric solutions of NLE <cit.> with the motivation to first constrain the magnetic charge with the help of known EHT results and then look into the accretion disk and shadow behaviour for different ideal intensity profiles. To learn more about black holes, scientists study the accretion disk that surrounds them. Scientists have been studying black holes for many years, and in 1973 Cunningham and Bardeen <cit.> were the first to study what a black hole would look like if a star was orbiting around it. In 1979, Luminet <cit.> theorized what the accretion disk around a black hole would look like using a thin disk model. The disk's structure was described by other scientists, including Shakura and Sunyaev in 1973 <cit.>, Novikov and Thorne in 1973 <cit.>, and Page and Thorne in 1974 <cit.>. The disk is thin and opaque, meaning that as gas moves within it radiate energy due to the strong gravity of the black hole <cit.>. The radiation emitted from the accretion disk depends on how particles move within the gas and the structure of space-time around the black hole. By studying the radiation emitted from accretion disks, scientists can test the theory of gravity around black holes. Therefore, this paper aims in the same direction to understand the effect of a magnetically charged NLED black hole on the particles moving along the geodesics path around the black hole. The main motivation of this work is to understand the effect of magnetically charged NLED black holes on the particles' geodesics, radiation emitted from the thin accretion disk, and shadow of the black hole. Moreover, we first find the constraints to the NLED coupling parameter (β) and magnetic charge (q_m) of the black hole by using the data released by EHT for M87* and Sagittarius A*. Then, we look at things like the energy flux (F), temperature (T), luminosity (dL_∞), and spectrum of the disk (νℒ_ν,∞) coming form the thin accretion disk, and how they change when we include NLED in our calculations. We also look at how things change with β and q_m when we consider different emission profiles emitted from the thin accretion disk and observed by the observer at infinity including with an infalling spherical accretion in the equatorial plane of the accretion disk. We use a specific unit system G=M=c=1 and metric signature (-,+,+,+) in our paper. § BLACK HOLE METRIC The definition of the action for the NED theory in general relativity is provided as <cit.> I=∫ d^4x√(-g)(R/16π G_N+ℒ(ℱ) ), the Newton constant G_N is also included. The NED Lagrangian utilized in this work is suggested in <cit.> (see also <cit.>) L(ℱ) =- F/1+√(2|β F|). where we have the Lorentz invariant F=F^μνF_μν/4=(B^2-E^2)/2. The electric and magnetic induction fields are denoted as E and B respectively. When β is set to zero in Equations (<ref>) and (<ref>), we get the action of black holes with Maxwell electrodynamics. By making variations to the action (<ref>), we can obtain the equations for the gravitational and electromagnetic fields given below R_μν-1/2g_μνR =8π G_N T_μν, ∂ _μ( √(-g)ℒ_ℱF^μν)=0, whereℒ_ℱ=∂ℒ( ℱ)/∂ℱ. The stress tensor of electromagnetic fields is given by T_μν=F_μρF_ν^ ρℒ_ℱ+g_μνℒ( ℱ). Now, let us consider a space-time with spherical symmetry as follows, ds^2=-f(r)dt^2+1/f(r)dr^2+r^2( dθ^2+sin^2θ dϕ ^2). Then the tensor F_μν possesses the radial electric field F_01=-F_10 and radial magnetic field F_23=-F_32=q_m sin(θ) with the magnetic charge q_m. The stress tensor is diagonal, T_0^ 0=T_r^ r and T_θ^ θ=T_ϕ^ ϕ. The metric function in Eq. (<ref>) can be written as <cit.>, f(r)=1 - 2m(r)G_N/r, and the mass function is given by, m(r)=m_0+ ∫_0^rρ (r)r^2dr. In equation (<ref>), the integration constant m_0 represents the Schwarzschild mass, and ρ(r) denotes the energy density. It should be noted that models involving electrically charged black holes that conform to Maxwell's weak-field limit have singularities <cit.>. Therefore, in this study, we only consider magnetic black holes with ℱ=q_m^2/(2r^4). When we substitute q_e=0 in equation (<ref>), we obtain the energy density: ρ=q_m^2/2r^2(r^2+q_m√(β)). Making use of Eqs. (<ref>) and (<ref>) to find out the mass function as, m(r)=m_0+q_m^3/2/2β^1/4arctan(r/√(q_m)β^1/4). So, we are creating a definition for the magnetic mass of the black hole m_M=∫_0^∞q_m^2/2(r^2+ q_m√(β))dr=π q_m^3/2/4β^1/4. To explain, when β=0, Eq. (<ref>) shows that the magnetic energy becomes infinite at the Maxwell limit. This is because a magnetic monopole (as well as point-like charges) has an infinite total magnetic energy. Hence, the coupling constant β helps smooth out the NLED model's singularities under consideration. A similar situation can be observed in Born-Infeld electrodynamics. By using Eqs. (<ref>) and (<ref>), we can calculate the metric function as presented in <cit.> f(r)=1-2m_0G_N/r-q_m^3/2G_N/β^1/4rarctan(r/√(q_m)β^1/4). As we increase the value of the coupling constant β to a very large value, β→∞, the metric function (<ref>) takes the form of the Schwarzschild black hole that is already known. From Eq. (<ref>), we can find the metric function as r tends to infinity <cit.>, f(r)=1-2(m_0+m_M)G_N/r+q_m^2G_N/r^2-q_m^3√(β)G_N/3r^4+𝒪(r^-6) Equation (<ref>) indicates that there are adjustments to the familiar Reissner–Nordstrom solution. Therefore, we can associate the ADM mass of the black hole with the total mass M≡ m_0+m_M, which is the combination of the Schwarzschild mass m_0 and the magnetic mass m_M, according to Eq. (<ref>). When m_0=0, the asymptotic metric as r→∞ can be obtained by using Eq. (<ref>) <cit.> f(r)=1-q_mG_N/√(β)+G_Nr^2/3β+𝒪(r^4)    r→ 0, the metric function given in equation (<ref>) corresponds to a black hole with mass and charge-like terms. As per equation (<ref>), the metric function remains finite at the origin r=0, hence it is regular at m_0=0. Figure <ref> shows the plot of the metric function (<ref>) with G_N=1 for the different values of NLE parameter β in left and magnetic charge q in right with fixing other one to unity as given in <cit.>. According to the figure shown in Fig. <ref>, it can be observed that the black hole has only one horizon for both the parameters β and q_m. It can be observed in the Figure that the event horizon decreases with increasing the value of β (left) while increases with increasing the value of q_m (right). Therefore, one can understand that in this space-time the effect of the β and q_m are opposite to each other. § PHOTONSPHERE AND THE SHADOW OF NONLINEARLY CHARGED BLACK HOLE The concept of the black hole shadow is of great importance in the field of astrophysics because it provides a rare opportunity to test the predictions of Einstein's theory of general relativity. The shadow's size and shape are determined by the curvature of spacetime around the black hole, which is a fundamental prediction of general relativity. By observing and scrutinizing the shadow, scientists can test the theory's predictions and search for any deviations that could lead to a better understanding of the fundamental laws of physics. In this section, we study the deviation caused by a black hole under the effect of the NLED parameter and magnetic charge. To carefully study the shadow, we must initially investigate the deviations in the photonsphere. Using Eqs. (<ref>) and (<ref>), and following the standard prescription in Ref. <cit.>, the location of the photonsphere can be determined by solving the equation numerically. 3 q_m^3/2tan ^-1(r/√(β)√(q_m))/√(β)+6 m_0=r (q_m^2/√(β) q_m+r^2+2) We plot the results in Fig. <ref>, where we explored various effects of q_m and β. Clearly, the photonsphere radius becomes larger as q_m increases for a given value of β. The effect of increasing β, however, is to suppress the increase in the radius due to q_m. Now that we know how to locate the photonsphere, we are now in the position to find constraints to q_m using the EHT's results for M87* and Sgr. A*. We follow the method in Ref. <cit.>, where we can find the expression for the angular radius as tan(α_sh) = lim_Δ x → 0Δ y/Δ x = (r^2 f(r))^1/2dϕ/dr|_r=r_o, which can be simplified to sin^2(α_sh) = b_crit^2/h(r_o)^2 with the help of the orbit equation (dr/dϕ)^2 =r^2 f(r) (h(r)^2/b^2-1). Here, the function h(r) is defined as <cit.> h(r)^2 = r^2/f(r). Note the use of the critical impact parameter in Eq. (<ref>) and H(r) evaluated at the observer position r_o. Using the prescription in Refs. <cit.>, b_crit^2 = 4r_ph^2/r f'(r) |_r=r_ph + 2f(r_ph), by which we find b_crit^2 = 4 r_ph^3β^1/4(q_m √(β)+r_ph^2) [ 2 q_m (m_0 -r_ph) β^3/4 + (r_ph^2 q_m^3/2+q_m^5/2√(β)) arctan(r_ph/√(q_m) β^1/4) + 2 r_ph(m_0 r_ph +1/2 q_m^2-r_ph^2) β^1/4]^-1. Finally, with the help of Eqs. (<ref>) and (<ref>), the shadow radius can be obtained as R_sh = b_crit. The shadow contour is expected to be a perfect circle since this is a non-rotating black hole. However, we could see the dependence of the shadow radius R_sh on the r_ph, and in the metric function Eq. (<ref>) evaluated at the observer position. Relative to Sgr. A*, the observer position are 8277 pc, while from M87*, 16.8 kpc. In terms of M_⊙, the masses of the central black holes Sgr. A* and M87* are 4.3 ± 0.013x10^6 (VLTI <cit.>) and 6.5 ± 0.90x10^9, respectively. Furthermore, we used the allowable bounds for Sgr. A* and M87*, set by the EHT, which uses the reported Schwarzschild deviation at 68% confidence level. These are, 4.55M ≤ R_sh≤ 5.22M, and 4.31M ≤ R_sh≤ 6.08M, respectively <cit.>. With these data, we can now find constraints to q_m, where the results are plotted in Fig. <ref>. Note that M87* allows a wider range of q_m values as compared to Sgr. A*. Moreover, there are some values of q_m that coincide with the reported shadow radius for M87*, which makes the SMBH a better candidate for constraining NLED BH. As a final remark, the plot also indicates how the shadow radius behaves when q_m varies. It turns out that the R_sh behaves in a similar manner as in r_ph. § THIN ACCRETION DISK MODEL First, we will examine how particles move around the black hole by investigating the thin accretion disk in the equatorial plane using the Novikov-Thorne model <cit.>. This model is an extension of the Shakura-Sunyaev thin disk model <cit.>. §.§ Novikov-Thorne accretion model To obtain the spectrum of the disk, we start by examining the Lagrangian of a test particle that is orbiting around a compact object <cit.> ℒ=1/2g_μνẋ^μẋ^ν. To obtain the solution for a general space-time, we begin by considering the following form of a static, where g_μν is the metric of the space-time and a dot on the right-hand side indicates differentiation with respect to the affine parameter ds^2=g_ttdt^2+g_rrdr^2+g_θθdθ^2+g_ϕϕdϕ^2, we assume that the metric components g_tt and g_rr only vary with the radial coordinate r. Then, by applying the Euler-Lagrange equations in the equatorial plane of the accretion disk (where θ=π/2), we obtain the following equations: ṫ=-E/g_tt, ϕ̇=L/g_ϕϕ, Let's say there's a particle moving around a compact object in the equatorial plane, and we use the terms "specific energy E" and "specific angular momentum L " to describe its movement. If we assume that a certain equation (which we call "Eq. (<ref>) ") holds true, and we also assume that the value of "2L" is equal to negative one 2ℒ=-1 for this particular particle, we can use another equation (which we call "Eq. (<ref>) ") to come up with a new equation that looks like this: -g_ttg_rrṙ^2+V_eff=E^2, where the V_eff is known as the effective potential for the particle and defined as, V_eff=-g_tt(1+L^2/g_ϕϕ). Figure <ref> displays the effective potential for β (left) and q_m (right). As discussed earlier that the effect of these parameters is completely opposite to each other, the similar behaviour we have seen in this case also. It was observed that the effect of q_m is larger and more prominent with small values than the effect of β. However, we tried to look at the effect of both the parameters in this paper for the thin accretion disk study and later on focused only on q_m with fixing β=1 for the shadow part. It can be seen in the Figure that as we increase the magnetic charge q_m or NLE parameter β, the effective potential starts showing maxima close to the black hole which acts as a centrifugal barrier to the test particle falling into the black hole due to its high gravity. Therefore, we study the effect of the parameters on the massive particle trajectory around the black hole in the equatorial plane of the disk. To achieve circular orbits that are stable, certain conditions must be met, including having an effective potential of zero (written as V_eff=0) and a radial effective potential of zero (written as V_eff,r=0). Additionally, we need to determine the specific energy (E), specific angular momentum (L), and angular velocity (Ω) of the test particle that's moving in the equatorial plane of the accretion disk around the compact object. These values can be obtained in the following manner: E=-g_tt/√(-g_tt-g_ϕϕΩ^2) L=-g_ϕϕΩ/√(-g_tt-g_ϕϕΩ^2) Ω=dϕ/dt=√(-g_tt,r/g_ϕϕ,r) In this paper, it is considered that the inner edge of the accretion disk is the innermost stable circular orbit r_ISCO position therefore to obtain the r_ISCO radius for any general spherically symmetric black hole space-time, we use the following required condition, V_eff,rr=0, and get the following equation, E^2g_ϕϕ,rr+L^2g_tt,rr+(g_ttg_ϕϕ)_rr=0 We looked at a black hole space-time that's described by the metric function (Eq. (<ref>) ), and we presented a table (Table <ref>) that shows the positions of the horizon, marginally bound orbit, and ISCO (innermost stable circular orbit) for different magnetic charge values (q=0.1,0.3,0.5) and similarly for the β in (Table <ref>). It was observed that the positions of the horizon, marginally stable orbit and ISCO increase with increasing the magnetic charge q_m while decreasing with increasing the NLED parameter β. The magnitude of this change is notable when compared to the Schwarzschild case. Therefore, one can study the properties of accretion disks and the images of black hole shadows to understand the impact of magnetically charged NLED black holes on observational features. In this study, we focus on a thin accretion disk and assume that its vertical height (H) is much smaller than its radius (r). We also assume that the disk is in a state of local hydrodynamic equilibrium, which means that the pressure and vertical entropy gradients are insignificant. The disk is able to maintain its vertical structure because it has efficient cooling, which prevents it from accumulating heat generated by the dynamic friction in the disk. The disk is also in a steady state, which means that its mass accretion rate (Ṁ) remains constant over time. The inner edge of the disk is fixed at the ISCO position, while the matter that's far from the black hole follows Keplerian motion. We can represent the stress energy-momentum tensor for the matter that's accreting around the compact object in a specific form <cit.> T^μν=ρ_0 u^μ u^ν+2u^(μq^ν)+t^μν. The conditions u_μ q^μ=0 and u_μ t^μν=0 apply here. In these equations, u^μ represents the four-velocity of the orbiting particles, while ρ_0, q^μ, and t^μν represent the rest mass density, energy flow vector, and stress tensor of the accreting matter, respectively. We can use the conservation of rest mass, represented by ▿_μ (ρ_0 u^μ)=0, to calculate the time-averaged mass accretion rate (Ṁ). This accretion rate is independent of the radius of the accretion disk Ṁ=-2π√(-g)Σ u^r=const. The variable Σ represents the time-averaged surface density and is defined as such: Σ= ∫_-h^+h <ρ_0>dz. In this context, z is being used as a coordinate in the cylindrical coordinate system. We have utilized the conservation laws for both energy, represented by ▿_μ E^μ=0, and angular momentum (L), represented by ▿_μ J^μ=0, to obtain the following equations: [ṀE-2π√(-g)Ω W^r_ϕ]_,r=4π rF(r)E, and [ṀL-2π√(-g)Ω W^r_ϕ]_,r=4π rF(r)L, where W^r_ϕ is called the averaged torque and given by W^r_ϕ= ∫_-h^h <t^r_ϕ> dz. The value <t^r_ϕ> is the (ϕ,r) component of the stress-energy tensor which is determined by averaging it over a time interval δ t and an angle δϕ=2ϕ. Equation (<ref>) represents a balanced-energy equation where the rest mass energy of the disk (Ṁ E) and the energy caused by the torque present in the disk (2 π√(-g)Ω W^r_ϕ) are in equilibrium with the energy radiated (4 π r F(r) E) from the surface of the disk. The equation (<ref>) depicts the balance of angular momentum, in which the transferred angular momentum by the rest mass of the disk (Ṁ L) and that due to the present torque in the disk (2π√(-g)Ω W^r_ϕ) is equally counterbalanced by the transferred angular momentum from the surface of the disk through the outgoing radiation (4 π r F(r) L). By applying the energy-angular momentum relation, E_,r=Ω L_,r, and eliminating W^r_ϕ from equations (<ref>) and (<ref>), we can derive an expression for the time-averaged energy flux F(r) that is emitted from the surface of an accretion disk surrounding a compact object F(r)=-Ω_,rṀ/4π√(-g)(E-Ω L)^2∫_r_ISCO^r(E-Ω L)L_,r dr. The relationship between the temperature of the accretion disk and the energy flux can be expressed as: F(r)=σ T^4(r). In the same vein, the Stefan-Boltzmann constant is denoted by σ. By taking into account both energy and angular momentum conservation laws, we can obtain the derivative of the luminosity L_∞ at infinity as <cit.> dℒ_∞/dln r=4 π r √(-g) E F(r). Now, considering the disk emission as a blackbody emission and calculating the spectral luminosity by converting the differential luminosity as a function of (r) into the spectral luminosity with the dependency on frequency (ν) and get the following expression, νℒ_ν,∞=60/π^3∫_r_ISCO^∞√(g) E/M^2(u^t y)^4/exp[u^t y/F^1/4]-1 dr where, y=h ν /kT_* is a dimensionless parameter with h Planck constant, k Boltzmann constant, and T characteristic temperature of the disk. The figures in Figs.<ref>, <ref>, <ref> and <ref> depict the energy flux, temperature, differential luminosity, and spectral radiation, respectively. The results show that when the NLE parameter β (left) increases, the radiative flux, temperature, differential luminosity, and spectral profile of the disk also increase whereas it decreases when the magnetic charge increases q_m (right). This implies that for higher values of the β and lower values of the q_m, the radiation emitted from the disk is greater, and the temperature of the disk will be higher compared to the other values of β and q_m. The spectral luminosity is particularly interesting from an observational standpoint, as both the parameters β and q_m have shifted the curve downward compared to the Schwarzschild space-time case (β=q_m=0). The effect of q_m is much more prominent in comparison to the effect of β in the lower branch of the spectrum with respect to the Schwarzschild case. Therefore, magnetically charged black holes exhibit higher spectral luminosity than uncharged black holes, and in the future researchers may want to explore the possibility of detecting such black holes through observations. §.§ Direct Emission, Lensing Ring, And Photon Ring In this section, we investigate the impact of photon trajectories on the black hole shadow and the observed emission profile for an observer within the framework magnetically charged NLED black hole. Moreover, we aim to examine the trajectories of photons around a magnetically charged NLED black hole and their impact on the observed emission profile and black hole shadow for an observer located at a finite distance from the black hole. To accomplish this, we adopt a method introduced by Wald et al. <cit.> to categorize null rays emanating from the observer's sky based on the number of orbits n(γ), which represents the final azimuthal coordinate ϕ of the ray after it has completely escaped the effective gravitational field of the black hole. This parameter indicates how many times the geodesic γ has crossed the accretion disk's equatorial plane and is defined as follows: (1) Null rays with n<3/4 correspond to direct emission and have only crossed the equatorial plane once. (2) Null rays with 3/4<n<5/4 correspond to the lensing ring and have crossed the equatorial plane twice. (3) Null rays with n>5/4 correspond to the photon ring and have crossed the equatorial plane more than twice. In this figure <ref>, we have presented a plot of the number of orbits n versus the impact parameter b. The direct emission rays are represented by the color black, the lensing ray by yellow, and the photon ring rays by red. The green dashed circle in the ray tracing figure indicates the photon orbit. It should be noted that we utilized the Okyay-Övgün Mathematica notebook package <cit.> to calculate the thin-accretion disk, null geodesics, and shadow cast, which was also employed in <cit.>. In Table <ref>, we present the changes in the black hole shadow as the magnetic charge q_m increases. Our main objective was to investigate the impact of the magnetic charge on photon trajectories around the NLED black hole. Fig. <ref> is a 2D plot showing the same. The range of lensing and photon rings increases with q_m, and the shadow angular diameter also increases as the horizons shift outwards with the magnetic charge. An increase in q_m leads to an increase in the contribution of brightness from lensing and photon rings. Furthermore, when the impact parameter is near the critical impact parameter b ± b_c for the photon trajectories, the photon orbit indicates a narrow but sharp peak in the (b,ϕ) plane. For all the cases, the photon trajectories show that as we continually increase the impact parameter, all trajectories will fall into the category of direct emission. §.§ Transfer functions and observed specific intensities Here, we aim to explore the intensity emanating from the black hole as detected by an observer located a finite distance away. We make the assumption that the disk releases radiation isotropically within the stationary worldline's rest frame, and therefore, Liouville's theorem can be applied to the ratio of the emitted intensity (I^em_ν) and its frequency (ν_e^3) along the path of the light ray. Consequently, the formula for the observed intensity can be derived I_ν'^obs=g^3 I_ν^em. We define g=√(f(r)), use it to calculate the observed intensity I_ν'^obs of a frequency (ν') coming from a black hole. We integrate all the frequencies using the equation, ν'=g dν, with the total emitted specific intensity being given by I_em=∫ I_ν^em dν. Finally, we can calculate the observed frequency using this information I^obs=g^4 I_em. Therefore, the sum of the received intensity for an observer will be given as I(r)=∑_n I^obs(r)|_r=r_m(b), The m^th intersection in the equatorial plane outside the horizon is called the transfer function, denoted as r_m(b) in the text. It gives us the relationship between the impact parameter of the photon with the radial coordinates. The slope of this transfer function is known as the demagnification factor, which tells us about the demagnified scale of the photon transfer function <cit.>. Accordingly, the transfer functions have been represented for different values of the magnetic charge "q_m" (see Fig. <ref>). In Figure <ref>, we plotted the transfer function (r_m(b)) with impact parameter (b) for q_m=0.1,0.3, and 0.5 with β=0.3. In all the plots, black dots depict the transfer function for the direct emission which has a nearly constant slope and corresponds to m=1. The slope of the direct emission represents the redshifted source profile for photons received by the observer. The transfer function for the lensing ring has been shown by yellow dots which corresponds to m=2. It is observed that for the lensing ring as b approaches the critical impact parameter b_c, the slope for m=2 is small, but it increases rapidly as b increases. Since the slope is much greater than one, the back side image of the accretion disk will be demagnified for the observer receiving the photons from the back side of the disk. And the photon ring is represented by the red dots which correspond to m=3 having an infinite slope for the transfer function. This indicates that the front side of the accretion disk will be highly demagnified for the observer. Therefore, the main contribution to the observed flux is coming from the direct emission of photons from the accretion disk. Here, we are not considering the emissions which correspond to (m>4) because of their minimal contribution to the observed flux due to their infinite slopes in the transfer function. Hence, we are only concerned with the transfer function corresponding to m=1,2, and 3. §.§ Observed characteristics of direct emission, photon, and lensing rings The specific brightness is solely dependent on the radial coordinate r for the observer. Thus, we will now discuss three theoretical models that are ideal for the emission intensity profile from the accretion disk, denoted as I_em * Model 1: I_em^1(r)= ( 1/r-(r_ISCO-1))^2 , r≥ r_ISCO 0, r ≤ r_ISCO * Model 2: I_em^2(r)= ( 1/r-(r_ph-1))^3 , r≥ r_ph 0, r ≤ r_ph * Model 3: I_em^3(r)= 1-arctan(r-(r_ISCO-1))/1-arctan(r_ph) , r≥ r_h 0. r ≤ r_h The models consist of three distinct radii: r_ISCO, r_ph, and r_h, representing the innermost stable circular orbit, photon sphere around the black hole, and the event horizon of the black hole respectively. Each of the models exhibits unique features. For example, the second model has a rapid decay rate, while the third model has a very slow decay rate compared to the others. Also, the third model considered the disk to be distributed till the horizon and the emission starts directly from the horizon, while the second model considered that emission starts from the photon sphere and the first model considered emission from the ISCO. Figures <ref>, <ref>, and <ref> display the observed features of the thin accretion disk, including the observed intensity and impact factor, corresponding to the above described three models for different magnetic charges of q_m=0.1,0.3,0.5, respectively with β=0.3. Across all figures, we observe that the emission intensity coming from the accretion disk (first row, first column) for the first model as described earlier (top row), has a peak near the critical impact parameter at r∼ b_c, which then decreases with the radial distance and ultimately reaches zero. Additionally, we note that the location of the photon sphere is inside the interior region of the disk's emission profile. Furthermore, due to the effect of the gravitational lensing, we observe two independently separated peaks corresponding to the lensing and photon rings (first row, second column) within the region of the observed emission profile. However, we find that the peaks of the photon and lensing rings have a narrower observational area with respect to the direct emission and are also smaller in size. Thus, we conclude that in the observed intensity, the main contribution is coming from the direct emission, with smaller contributions from the lensing rings and an even smaller contribution from the photon rings. Furthermore, it is evident from the 2D shadow image (first row, third column) that the direct emission and photon ring are dominating the optical appearance of the accretion disk in this model. In the second toy model (second row of the figures), the emission intensity from the disk reaches its peak value at the photon sphere (r∼ r_ph) and then decreases as we move away radially (first column of the second row). The observed intensity profile (second column of the second row) also has a peak due to the direct emission, but it then attenuates as r increases. The lensing and photon rings in this model are overlapping, which results in an increase in the total intensity of that area, leading to a new peak with multiple small peaks due to the effect of the photon ring, lensing ring, and direct emission. However, as we discussed earlier, the photon and lensing rings have a narrow area and are highly demagnified. Therefore, the observed intensity is still dominated by the direct emission, as can be observed in the 2D shadow image of the accretion disk (third column of the second row). In the last third model (shown in the third row of the figures), the intensity peaks at the black hole's horizon and decreases as the radial distance from the black hole increases (as seen in the first column of the third row). In this particular case, the photon ring, lensing ring, and direct emission regions overlap for a significant range of radial distance, resulting in a peak in the observed intensity (shown in the second column of the third row). The intensity increases gradually just above the horizon and then shows a sharp increment to a peak value in the photon ring region. Also, due to the existing contribution of the lensing ring, the observed intensity of the disk shows a higher peak value, followed by a sudden and slow decrease, and then eventually decreases to zero as shown in the Figure. Consequently, the 2D shadow image exhibits multiple rings resulting from the observed contribution of the photon ring, lensing ring, and direct emission (shown in the third column of the third row) It is clear that for q_m=0.1 to q_m=0.5, the variation in the observed intensity is very prominent hence with some relativistic emission intensity profile, one can explore more about the effect of the charge on the observed shadow. In this section, we compared the emission profiles of the three models emitted from the accretion disk with the observed intensity observed by an observer and the optical appearance of the disk for various magnetic charge values (q_m=0.1,0.3,0.5) when β=0.3. We noticed that as we increase the magnetic charge, the observed intensity decreases with the peak of the direct, lensing, and photon rings occurring at different locations. However, the magnitude of the peak intensity is much less than that for the Schwarzschild spacetime <cit.>. This indicates that there are significant changes in the observed intensities of the disk when we consider the magnetically charged NLED effect in the theory, and we can differentiate between the NLED black hole with a magnetic charge and the Schwarzschild black hole. This could be more interesting to study in detail and we expect that in future with more precious observations, we will be able to make this difference more clear. §.§ Shadow With Infalling Spherical Accretion Let's dive into this section, where we'll explore the infalling spherical accretion around a magnetically charged NLED black hole. Specifically, we'll be using the optically thin disk model developed by Bambi <cit.> to examine the behaviour of radiative gas as it moves around the black hole to form the spherical accretion disk. Our goal is to gain insight into the observable features of this system by studying the effect of the magnetic charge q on the spherical accretion. To do this, we'll be analyzing the specific intensity observed by an observer located at a finite distance from the black hole I_obs= ∫_Γ g^3 j(ν_e) dl_prop, it is noted that g, ν_e, and ν_obs represent the redshift factor, photon frequency, and observed photon frequency, respectively. We can shift our focus to the emitter's rest frame, where we have the emissivity per unit volume, j(ν_e) ∝δ (ν_e-ν_f)/r^2, which has a radial profile proportional to 1/r^2. In the above equation, δ is the delta function, ν_f refers to the frequency of the radiative light, which is considered to be monochromatic, and dl_prop is an infinitesimal proper length. The redshift factor for any black hole space-time can be expressed as: g=𝒦_ρu_o^ρ/𝒦_σu_e^σ. The four-velocity of a photon is denoted as 𝒦^μ, which represents its velocity in four-dimensional spacetime. On the other hand, u_o^μ=(1,0,0,0) is the known four-velocity of a static observer located at infinity. Therefore, the four-velocity (u_e^μ) of the matter which is in the infalling accretion can be written as, u^t_e=f(r)^-1,u^r_e=-√(1-f(r)),u^θ_e=u^ϕ_e=0. Therefore, we can express the four velocities of the photon utilizing the null geodesic, 𝒦_t=1/b,𝒦_r/𝒦_t=±1/f(r)√(1-f(r)b^2/r^2), We use the symbols + and - to represent whether the photon moves towards or away from the black hole. With this in mind, we can express the redshift factor for the infalling accretion g=[ u_e^t + ( 𝒦_r/𝒦_e) u^r_e ]^-1. The proper distance will be changed as follows: dl_prop=𝒦_μu^μ_e dλ = 𝒦_t/g |𝒦_r |dr. Therefore, we can now calculate the observed intensity of the disk with the infalling spherical accretion by integrating equation (<ref>) over all frequencies I_obs∝∫_Γg^3 𝒦_t dr/r^2 |𝒦_r |. Using the above equations, we examine how the distribution of the brightness of the black hole shadow can be affected by the magnetically charged NLED black hole. The plot in Fig. <ref> indicates that the observed specific intensity I_obs rises sharply as the impact parameter b increases for all the values of the magnetic charge and reaches a peak value at b ∼ b_ph. Beyond the point where b>b_c, the observed intensity (I_obs) diminishes and ultimately reaches zero as b approaches infinity. An increase in magnetic charge q_m has been observed to decrease the peak value and goes to zero at the same rate for all cases as the impact parameter increases. The graph includes Schwarzchild β=q_m=0 (in black), q_m=0.1 (in green), q_m=0.3 (in blue), and q_m=0.5 (in red) for comparison with β=0.3. A similar effect is observable in the 2D shadow image (refer to Fig. <ref>) where it is clear that the brightness decreases with increasing the magnetic charge (q_m) and the angular diameter also increases. From the observation point of view, it is clear that for the higher value of the magnetic charge, the intensity of the shadow should decrease. § CONCLUSIONS In this paper, we aimed to investigate the impact of a magnetically charged NLED black hole on various physical parameters, such as the radiation emitted by a thin accretion disk. Our preliminary investigation examines the behavior of the photonsphere under the effect of the NLED parameter β and magnetic charge q_m. For instance, the magnetic charge generally increases the photonsphere radius proportionally, in contrast to the effect of β. It turns out that as photons traverse the modified black hole geometry caused by the NLED parameter and q_m, an increase in shadow size is perceived by some remote observer. Using realistic values for the observer position and SMBH data from the EHT, M87* gives a wide range for q_m than in Sgr. A*. In M87*, there are values of q_m that match exactly the observed shadow radius. We observe that as the NLED parameter increases, the wider the range for q_m would be. Next, we analyzed the qualitative behaviour of the β and q_m on the time-averaged energy flux (F), disk temperature (T), differential luminosity (dL_∞), and spectrum νℒ_ν∞ produced by the thin accretion disk in the equatorial plane surrounding the black hole. Our findings indicate that an increase in the NLED parameter (β) of the black hole results in an increase in all the mentioned physical parameters, as well as some deviation from the radiation spectrum of a Schwarzschild black hole while it shows completely opposite behaviour as we increase the magnetic charge (q_m). We observed in the spectrum profile that the change in the spectrum for q_m is more prominent than for β with respect to the Schwarzchild black hole therefore we decided to study the effect of the magnetic charge on the shadow profile of the black hole. In order to do that we focused on studying the emission profile of a thermally stabilised black hole and looked at the effect of the magnetic charge on some specific ideal emission profiles to get a qualitative idea about the observed emission profiles. We used the Okyay-Övgün Mathematica notebook package <cit.>, which has also been used in <cit.>, to investigate the effect of the black hole's magnetic charge on the shadow and rings using three toy models of a thin accretion disk. The observed profiles displayed multiple peaks, but it was determined that direct emission was the main factor contributing to the shadow image for the first two models. However, for the third model of the emission profile, the lensing ring was observed to have a significant impact due to the presence of a magnetic charge in the NLE black hole. The current study investigated the impact of the magnetic charge of the NLED black hole on the observed features of spherical accretion flows. Results showed that an increase in magnetic charge leads to a decrease in the peak of observed intensity. However, this effect is accompanied by a decrease in intensity at the same rate. The impact of increased intensity can be observed in the 2D shadow image Fig. <ref>, where the plot of q=0.1 exhibits higher brightness in comparison to q_m=0.3 and q_m=0.5 with β=0.3. In the future, this research could be expanded to explore the impact of other variables on the observed features of spherical accretion flows. Additionally, more studies could be carried out to explore the implications of these findings for our understanding of black holes and the universe. A. Ö. and R. P. would like to acknowledge networking support by the COST Action CA18108 - Quantum gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger approach (QG-MM). The work of SC is supported by the SERB-MATRICS grant MTR/2022/000318.
Global Optimality of Elman-type RNN in the Mean-Field Regime
[ "Andrea Agazzi", "Jianfeng Lu", "Sayan Mukherjee" ]
[ "stat.ML", "cs.LG" ]
We analyze Elman-type Recurrent Reural Networks (RNNs) and their training in the mean-field regime. Specifically, we show convergence of gradient descent training dynamics of the RNN to the corresponding mean-field formulation in the large width limit. We also show that the fixed points of the limiting infinite-width dynamics are globally optimal, under some assumptions on the initialization of the weights. Our results establish optimality for feature-learning with wide RNNs in the mean-field regime. Probing the Origin of Changing-look Quasar Transitions with Chandra [ =================================================================== § INTRODUCTION During the last decade, artificial intelligence and in particular deep leaning have achieved a significant series of groundbreaking successes, partly due to the unprecedented increase of data and computational power at our disposal. Notably, the range of disciplines that have recently been revolutionized by machine learning is virtually unlimited: from medicine <cit.> to finance <cit.>, from games <cit.> to image analysis <cit.>, to the point where almost no domain has remained unaltered by the emergence of these technologies. This revolution would have been unthinkable without the advent of deep neural networks. This extremely flexible family of function approximators has outperformed classical methods in almost every domain where it has been applied. A discipline that has been profoundly revolutionized by these models is the analysis of time series and, more generally, the problem of learning dynamical systems. For instance, Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) <cit.> and more specifically Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) RNNs <cit.> and Gated Recurrent Units <cit.> have dramatically increased the predictive performance of machine learning in this context. These models take as input temporal sequences of data and act iteratively on the elements of such sequences, storing the information about previous timepoints into the hidden state of the network. This structure allows to learn datasets with strong time-correlations using relatively few parameters, and has provided benchmarks for state-of-the-art time-series learning algorithms for over a decade. However, despite the groundbreaking success of these models in practice, the theoretical underpinnings of such success remain elusive to the computer science community. More specifically, many questions about the theoretical reasons for the performance of these models applied far into the overparametrized regime, such as for example explanations for their optimal behavior and their generalization error, remain open. Only recently, a theory of neural network learning has started to emerge in the context of wide, single-layer neural networks. The two main theoretical frameworks are based on either understanding mean-field training dynamics <cit.> or based on linearized dynamics in the overparametrized regime <cit.>. These two frameworks provide contrasting explanations for the success of neural networks. åOn one hand the linearized dynamics gives strong convergence guarantees for the training process but fails to explain the feature-learning properties of neural networks. On the other hand the the mean-field framework is better at accurately capturing the highly nonlinear dynamics arguably resulting in feature-learning <cit.>, but the resulting training process is typically harder to analyze. Consequently, it remains a challenge to extend the mean-field results listed above to more realistic structures such as RNNs. This paper aims to extend the mean-field framework to Elman-type RNNs. Specifically, we aim to establish optimality of the fixed points of the training dynamics for wide RNNs trained with classical gradient descent. This provides an explanation of the outstanding performance of these models, in a certain idealized regime. §.§ Previous results The training dynamics of neural networks in the mean-field infinite width limit was pioneered by the series of papers <cit.>. Here, the authors proved that the training dynamics of infinitely wide, single layer neural networks in the mean-field regime can be studied by representing the parametric state of the network as a probability distribution in the space of weights. Using this representation it was possible to prove that the limiting points of the training dynamics are global optimizers of the loss function. These ideas have been extended to the reinforcement learning setting <cit.>, to non-differeniable network nonlinearities such as ReLU <cit.> and to the deep ResNet architecture <cit.>. A recent series of papers <cit.> has bypassed the difficulties related to the representation of the network state as a distribution by introducing the neuronal embedding framework. This framework allows for the investigation of the mean-field dynamics of deep, purely feedforward neural networks. However, none of these results can be directly applied to the RNN setting: åthe presence of weight-sharing in the RNN structure and the interaction of the unrolled network with the input violate fundamental assumptions in these analyses. The performance of RNNs in the infinite width limit was studied in <cit.>. Here, the authors explored the performance of the network in the so-called Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK) regime, arising under a particular scaling of the weights at initialization. This scaling linearizes the training dynamics of the network, which behaves essentially like a kernel method. It is therefore widely believed that in this regime feature learning is not possible. A recent paper <cit.> considers a similar scaling to <cit.> in combination with more general architectures. In contrast to these works, the mean-field scaling we consider retains the nonlinear training dynamics. Finally, a seemingly related result about mean-field theory for RNNs has been presented in <cit.>. That work, however, uses dynamical mean-field theory to explain the role of gating in RNN architectures and thus our proof techniques differ greatly from that paper. åThe scope of the results is also significantly different, as their results aim to explore forward propagation of signal through vanilla RNNs, and do not aim to establish optimality of the fixed points after training. §.§ Contributions This paper adapts the neuronal embedding analysis framework developed in <cit.> to unrolled Elman-type RNNs <cit.>. We prove optimality of the fixed points of the training dynamics in the mean-field regime under some assumptions åon the expressive power of the network at initialization. Specifically we prove: * Convergence of the dynamics of the finite-width RNN to its infinite-width limit. To do so we adapt the coupling formulation presented in <cit.> in the context of fully-connected feedforward networks to the RNN framework, thereby extending it to networks with weight-sharing. * Gradient descent trains these networks to optimal fixed points given infinite training time. This optimality result holds in the feature-learning regime, as opposed to previous results that hold in the NTK regime. * åTo prove the above results, we show universal approximation for deep neural networks with uniformly bounded hidden weights. This result extends classical universal approximation theorems, where weights are critically assumed to be in a vector space and, as such, to be unbounded. A standard initialization assumption in feedforward neural networks, for example 3-layer networks, with a large number of nodes is to initialize the weights randomly and independently. In this paper, we further observe that feedback in an RNN requires stronger assumptions on the weights of the network at initialization to achieve a comparable level of expressivity as a 3-layer feedforward network. We examine this issue in some detail through our analysis. The paper is organized as follows: in Section <ref> we introduce the notation and the model being investigated, together with its mean-field limit. Then, in Section <ref> we outline our main results. The results are exemplified with some numerical experiments in Section <ref>, and conclusions follow in Section <ref>. The proofs of our main theorems are given in the appendix. § NOTATION §.§ Predictors To put the data-generation process in an abstract framework for dynamical systems, we consider as predictors subsets of a bi-infinite observation sequence 𝐱∈ (ℝ^)^ℤ. For a given subshift : (ℝ^)^ℤ→ (ℝ^)^ℤ, we generate the elements of as 𝐱_k+1 = (𝐱)_k. We make the following assumption on the underlying dynamical system There exists a continuous function T : ℝ^→ℝ^ such that 𝐱_k+1 = T(𝐱_k) for all k ∈ℤ. We further assume that this map is uniquely ergodic å(upon possibly restricting it to a forward invariant set 𝕏) and that the corresponding invariant measure has finite fourth moments. For the definition of unique ergodicity, see <cit.>. We denote by Π^0 : (ℝ^)^ℤ→ℝ^ the projection of a bi-infinite sequence on its 0-th element. We further define ν∈ℳ_+^1(ℝ^ℤ) as the invariant measure of the map 𝒯, which exists and is unique by the above assumption. The marginal ν_0∈ℳ_+^1(ℝ) on the 0-th component of ν is the invariant measure of T, and Π_#^0 ν = ν_0. §.§ Loss function We assume that we have access to an infinite-length sample from the invariant measure ν, from a dynamical system satisfying a:01a to train the RNN. Our objective is to learn a map F^* : (ℝ^)^ℕ→ℝ from sequences of arbitrary length to reals. We restrict our attention to functions with a fixed, finite memory L ∈ℕ. The function F^* only depends on {𝐱_-L, …, 𝐱_0}, for a fixed L ∈ℕ. Our objective is to learn an estimate of F^* by minimizing the sample Mean Squared Error (MSE) between the target function F^* and a parametric family of estimators {F( · ;W)}_W indexed by the parameter vector W on an observation sequence of length K. In other words, we aim to find the minimizer F̂∈{F( · ;W)}_W of the empirical risk ℒ_K(F^*, F̂) := 1/K ∑_k = 1^K 1/2(F^*(^k(𝐱)) - F̂(^k(𝐱))^2 . In the large sample limit K →∞, the above loss function can be rewritten as the population risk ℒ(W) = lim_K →∞ ℒ_K(F^*( · ), F̂( · ;W)) = 1/2 ∫(F^*(𝐱) - F̂(𝐱;W))^2 ν(x) , expressed above as a function of the parameters of the estimator. While our analysis extends to more general loss functions, for concreteness and ease of exposition we restrict our discussion to the MSE. §.§ RNN structure The family of models we consider are Elman-type Recurrent Neural Networks of hidden width n ∈ℕ. Such a neural network can be written as F̂(𝐱;𝐖) = 𝐇_hy(𝐱) 𝐇_hy(𝐱) = 1/n σ_h(𝐇_hh(𝐱,0) + 𝐇_xh(𝐱_0)) 𝐇_hh(𝐱, k) = 1/n σ_h(𝐇_hh(𝐱,k+1) + 𝐇_xh(𝐱_-(k+1))) 𝐇_hh(𝐱, L) = 0 𝐇_xh(𝐱_k) = ·𝐱_k where we assume that 𝐱_k ∈ℝ^, ∈ℝ^n ×, ∈ℝ^ n, ∈ℝ^n × n and activation function σ_h : ℝ→ℝ is applied component-wise. The structure of the network is represented in f:structure. To investigate the convergence properties of RNNs as n→∞, we will apply the neuronal embedding formalism from <cit.>. This formalism lifts the labeling of the neurons of the network to an abstract probability space (, ℱ_h, ), and the neural network weights are interpreted as a function of these abstract indices. This lifting allows for the representation of any network as a specific choice of labelings, and equivalent relabelings of the neural network weights are different realizations of an abstract (random) labeling process. In this formalism, the weight functions can then be written as (θ)∈ℝ^d (θ,θ')∈ℝ (θ')∈ℝ for θ, θ' ∈. A precise definition of θ, θ' and of the coupling procedure to identify the neuronal embedding with the infinite width limit of the network e:finitewidth is given in the next section. The mean-field representation is the continuous version of the network introduced above, representing matrix multiplications as integral kernels and can be written as F̂(𝐱;W) = H_hy(𝐱) H_hy(𝐱) = ∫(θ) σ_h(H_hh(θ; 𝐱,0)+H_xh(θ; 𝐱_0)) (θ̣) H_hh(θ; 𝐱,k) = ∫(θ, θ') σ_h(H_hh(θ';𝐱,k+1)+ H_xh(θ';𝐱_-(k+1))) (θ̣') H_hh(θ;𝐱, L) ≡ 0 H_xh(θ; 𝐱_k) = (θ) ·𝐱_k As the next example shows, any finite-width RNN F̂(;) can be embedded into the mean-field representation. (Finite-width RNN) For any choice of parameters = {, , } for a width-n network for n<∞ and assuming = 1 we can set := {1,2,…, n} . The measure can be chosen as the uniform measure on {1,2,…, n}. Then, it is readily seen that, setting (i,j) := ()_ij, (i) := ()_i and (j) := ()_j for i,j ∈{1,…, n} we have that e:mfrnn gives the same output as e:finitewidth. §.§ Initialization and Coupling procedure We now introduce the coupling procedure that connects the evolution of finite-width neural networks e:finitewidth to their mean-field representation e:mfrnn. This coupling procedure is performed at initialization, before training starts. We will respectively denote the weights of the finite-width network and of the mean-field limit at initialization by 𝐖^0 and W^0. Instrumental to introducing the coupling procedure between the finite-width and the infinite-width neural network is the notion of neuronal embedding. Given a family I of initialization laws indexed by the width n of the hidden layer, I = {ρ_n : ρ_n is the law of 𝐖^0 for a network of width n} we consider the parameters 𝐖^0 of the width-n network as samples from the corresponding distribution ρ_n ∈ I. We call (, , W) a neuronal embedding for the neural network with initialization laws in I if for every ρ_n there exists a sampling rule P̅_n such that * P̅_n is a distribution on ^n (not necessarily a product distribution) with marginals given by * The mean-field weights W = (, , ) are such that, if (θ(j))_j ∼P̅_n, then for every n with i,j ∈{1,…,n}: Law((θ(i)), (θ(i), θ(j)), (θ(j)))=ρ_n. The above definition decomposes the concept of neural network weights to two parts: the first part is a deterministic function of possibly continuous arguments and the second part consists of a random map θ transforming the index i to a (random) argument of the weight function W. A finite-width network is then seen as a choice of the map θ and weight function W. The evolution of the weights is captured, for a choice of θ, by the dependence of W in time (the time evolution will be detailed in the next section). Specifically, we couple 𝐖^0 and W^0 as follows: * Given a family of initialization laws I, we choose (, , W^0) to be a neuronal embedding of I and initialize the dynamical quantities W^0(·). * Given n ∈ℕ and the sampling rule P̅_n, we sample (θ(1),…, θ(n))∼P̅_n and set ^0(i,j) = ^0(θ(i), θ(j)), ^0(i) = ^0(θ(i)) and ^0(j) = ^0(θ(j)) for j∈{1,… , n}. The key property of the neuronal embedding construction is the decomposition of the probability space generating an instance of the neural network into a product space over different layers. This decomposition captures the symmetry of the neural network's output under certain permutations of the indices of the neurons, thereby generalizing the representation as an empirical measure used in <cit.>. The following example helps clarify this analogy. In the case of the finite-width network discussed in Example <ref>, the sampling rule θ(i) = i + ω with ω∈ common to the whole layer and distributed uniformly on satisfies the above conditions. We further notice that θ(i) = ι(i) for any (random) permutation ι of {1,…, n} realizes the same neural network, a neural network with the same weights , up to permutation of the indices of its neurons. While the example above illustrates the connection between neuronal embeddings and finite-width neural networks by using finite probability spaces, the same connection can be established more abstractly in the case of iid initializations for arbitrary and infinite-width networks by means of the Kolmogorov extension theorem. In the case of iid initialization, the neuronal embedding acquires a more explicit formulation. For a given probability space (Λ, 𝒢, P_0) we define p_xh(c), p_hh(c,c') and p_hy(c) which are respectively ℝ^-valued, ℝ-valued and ℝ-valued random processes indexed by (c,c') ∈ [0,1]× [0,1]. For any n and any collection of indices {c^(i),(c')^(i) : i ∈{1,…,n}} let S be the set of indices and R be the set of pairs of indices, we let {p_xh(c) : c ∈ S}, {p_hh(c,c') : (c,c')∈ R}, {p_hy(c) : c ∈ S} be independent. Then we let Law(p_xh(c)) = ρ_xh, Law(p_hh(c,c')) = ρ_hh, Law(p_hy(c)) = ρ_hy for all c ∈ S, (c,c')∈ R. This space exists by Kolmogorov extension theorem. The desired neuronal embedding is obtained by taking Ω_h = Λ× [0,1], equipped with the measure P_hh = P_0×Unif([0,1]) and we define the weight functions as ((λ_1, c)) = p_xh(c)(λ_1) ((λ_1, c),(λ_2,c')) = p_hh(c,c')(λ_1,λ_2) ((λ_2, c)) = p_hy(c)(λ_2). In order to state our results we assume that the dependence of θ(i) and θ(j) for i≠ j is sufficiently weak, as stated in a:indep below. While this condition is trivially satisfied by iid initialization introduced above, it makes our analysis applicable to more general – not fully necessarily iid – initialization procedures. §.§ Training dynamics A popular algorithm to minimize the MSE e:mse1 is given by gradient descent: starting from an initial condition (0), we update the parameters in the direction of steepest descent of the loss function: 𝐖(j+1) := 𝐖(j) - βD_𝐖 ℒ(𝐖) , where D_ represents the Fréchet derivative with respect to , j ∈ℕ_0 indexes the timesteps of the algorithm and β denotes the stepsize of the discrete-time update. In this work, we consider the regime of asymptotically small constant step-sizes, β→ 0. In this continuum limit, the stochastic component of the dynamics is averaged before the parameters of the model can change significantly. This allows us to consider the parametric update as a deterministic dynamical system emerging from the averaging of the underlying stochastic algorithm corresponding to the limit of infinite sample sizes. This is known as the ODE method <cit.> for analyzing stochastic approximations. We focus on the analysis of this deterministic system to highlight the core dynamical properties of our training algorithm. We denote 𝐖(t) := {(t; ·), (t; ·, ·), (t; ·)} as the continuous-time, averaged trajectory of the finite-width weights with initial conditions (0; ·)=^0(·), (0; ·, ·)=^0(·,·), (0; ·)=^0(·). The gradient descent dynamics for these quantities can be written as the following odes ∂_t 𝐖(t) = - D_ ℒ(𝐖(t)) . While the dynamics of both and will be described by the above equation, we truncate the evolution of in an interval of width R>0 as follows: ∂_t 𝐖_hh(t) = - χ_R((t)) ⊙D__hh ℒ(𝐖(t)) where ⊙ denotes the Hadamard product and χ_R : ℝ→ℝ is a smooth indicator function acting component-wise on its argument and such that χ_R(w) = w if w≤ R/2 and χ_R(w) ≡ 0 if w≥ R. åWe comment on the reasons for this truncation in r:truncation. Analogously, we denote W(t) := {(t; ·), (t; ·, ·), (t; ·)} , as the continuous-time trajectory of the mean-field weights with initial condition (0; ·)=^0(·), (0; ·, ·)=^0 (·,·), (0; ·)=^0(·), obeying the set of odes ∂_t (t;θ) = - δ/δ ℒ(W(t)) ∂_t (t;θ, θ') = - χ_R((t;θ, θ')) δ/δ ℒ(W(t)) ∂_t (t;θ) = - δ/δ ℒ(W(t)) where δ/δ W denotes the variational derivative (Fréchet derivative) with respect to W. While the explicit expressions for these dynamics are derived in Appendix <ref>, we give here the update for the last layer of mean-field weights: ∂_t (t;θ) = - ∫(F̂(𝐱;W(t)) - F^*(𝐱)) σ_h(H_hh(θ;𝐱,0) + H_xh(θ;𝐱_0)) ν(x) . In the next section we will leverage the fact that this quantity must be 0 at stationarity to establish the desired optimality result. § OPTIMALITY RESULTS To state the main results of this paper, ådenoting by L_R^∞() whe set of functions on Ω_h that are essentially bounded by R>0, we formulate the following assumption: Consider a neuronal embedding (,, W) and consider a mean-field limit associated with the neuronal ensemble (, ) with initialization W(0) = W^0. We assume that there exists K>R such that a) Regularity of σ: σ_h is bounded, differentiable, σ_h(0) = 0, σ_h'(0)≠ 0 and Dσ_h is K-bounded and K-Lipschitz. b) Universal approximation: The span of {σ_h(·_0) : ∈ℝ^} is dense in L^2(ν_0). c) Diversity at initialization: The support of the weight functions ^0, ^0 at initialization satisfies (^0(θ),^0(·,θ),^0(θ,·)) = × L_R^∞() × L_R^∞() . Throughout the paper we denote by (·,θ) the random (in θ) mapping θ' ↦(θ',θ). d) Regularity at initialization: The weight functions ^0, ^0, ^0 at initialization satisfy åsup_θ, θ' |^0(θ, θ')| ≤ R and given E_1(m) = 𝔼(|^0(θ)^m|)^1/m and E_2(m) = 𝔼(|^0(θ)^m|)^1/m then sup_m ≥1 1/√(m) E_1(m) ∨E_2(m)< K . Most of the assumptions made above are standard in the literature on mean-field limits of neural networks, and were first formulated in similar terms in <cit.> and <cit.>. a:1a) gives technical conditions on the regularity of the nonlinearities, ensuring that the training dynamics are well-behaved. åThe condition on the nonvanishing derivative at the preimage of 0, which without loss of generality is assumed to be at 0 itself, is required to preserve expressivity of the network while allowing for uniform in time boundedness of the hidden weights. a:1b) demands sufficient expressivity of the activation function, required to approximate any function of a finite list of inputs {_-L,…,𝐱_0}. This condition replaces the convexity assumption from <cit.>, and is satisfied by any nonlinearity for which the universal approximation theorem holds <cit.>, tanh. a:1c) guarantees that the initial condition is such that the expressivity from b) can actually be exploited. This property, which as we shall show is preserved by the network throughout training, ensures that the argument of the nonlinearity at each layer is sufficiently varied, and was first introduced in <cit.>. Combining this with a:1b) ensures, by induction, that there is no information bottleneck throughout the depth of the unrolled network and that the model is highly expressive throughout training. Finally, a:1d) is a technical assumption on the data and on the weights guaranteeing the well-posedness of the training dynamics. We note that a:1c) is significantly stronger than the analogous “sufficient support” assumption from <cit.>. In particular, this assumption is not satisfied if the weights of each layer are sampled iid from any initialization law μ. As we comment in the proof of our results, relaxing this assumption to include iid initialization would significantly reduce the expressivity of the untrained infinite-width network with respect to predictors _k at timesteps k<0. More specifically, an iid initialization of the weights combined with the infinite width limit we are considering results in a highly degenerate hidden state of the network. Because of the intrinsic depth of RNN structures, this generates in turn a bottleneck effect preventing information from values of the predictors in the distant past to propagate through the network. åThe truncation of the dynamics of the hidden layer weights e:truncation1 e:mfpde was introduced in order to guarantee existence and uniqueness of the solution to both the finite-width and the mean-field equations. Indeed, in the absence of this cutoff, weight-sharing in this class of RNNs would result in a non-Lipschitz RHS for the dynamical equation e:gradientdescent, as shown explicitly in Appendix <ref>. Given this lack of regularity, existence of the solution cannot be guaranteed by standard analytical tools. However, in practice the weights are stored using a floating-point representation which is intrinsically bounded, and we argue that in this sense the truncation of their trajectories is a relatively natural assumption. We now proceed to present the main results of the paper, which we divide into two parts: §.§ Convergence The main result in this section is the convergence of the finite-width network trajectories to the mean-field limit, analogously to Thm. 18 in <cit.>. More specifically, for a given neuronal ensemble (Ω, ) and sample 𝐖 from we define the following distance or error metric 𝒟_τ(W, 𝐖) for any τ >0 as 𝒟_τ(W, 𝐖):= sup_t ∈(0,τ)(1/n^2 (t;θ(i), θ(j)) - (t;i,j)_2 .∨1/n (t;θ(j))-(t; j)_2 ∨. 1/n (t;θ(j))-(t; j)_2) where · _2 denotes, depending on its argument, the Frobenius norm or the classical ℓ_2 norm. For any R>0, let Assumptions <ref>, <ref>, <ref> and <ref> hold. There exist constants c,c'>0 such that, for any δ>0, any L ∈ℕ and τ >0, there exists n^*∈ℕ such that for any n>n^* with probability at least 1-δ-K̅ nexp(-K̅ n^c') we have 𝒟_τ(W, 𝐖) ≤K̅ n^-c √(logn^2/δ+e) where K̅ is a constant that depends on L and R. The proof of the above result mimics the one in <cit.> and is provided in the appendix for completeness. The main argument of the proof is similar to classical propagation of chaos results <cit.>. The first step of the argument establishes sufficient regularity of the gradient dynamics and guarantees existence and uniqueness of the solution to e:mfpde. Then, one bounds the difference in differential updates for the particle system and the mean-field dynamics as a function of the distance 𝒟_t(W, ). The proof is concluded by an application of Grönwall's inequality. §.§ Optimality The main optimality result is presented in the following theorem. For any R>0 let Assumption <ref>, <ref> and <ref> hold and assume that the trajectory W(t) solving (<ref>) converges to W̅ åin the following sense: for all i ∈{1, …, L} the following quantities vanish in the limit t →∞, ∙ ess-sup_θ∈supp() |∂_t W_hy(t;θ)| ∙∫|W̅_hy(θ) - W_hy(t;θ)|^2 (dθ) ∙∫W̅_hy(θ^(0))^2 ∏_j=1^i-1 W̅_hh(θ^(j-1),θ^(j))^2 W̅_hh(θ^(i-1),θ^(i))- W_hh(t;θ^(i-1),θ^(i))^2P_hh^⊗i+1(θ̣^(0),..., θ̣^(i)) ∙∫W̅_hy(θ^(0))^2 ∏_j=1^i-1 W̅_hh(θ^(j-1),θ^(j))^2W̅_xh(θ^(L-1))- W_xh(t;θ^(L-1))^2^⊗i+1(θ̣^(0),..., θ̣^(i)) Then lim_t →∞ℒ(W(t)) = 0 . This result asserts that if the gradient descent dynamics e:mfpde converges to a stationary point W̅, that point must be a global minimizer, it must approximate the underlying function to arbitrary accuracy. We prove the above result in three steps. First, we show in p:spanning that if the weights at initialization are sufficiently varied (a:1c)) then the network enjoys a high level of expressivity, inherited from the properties of σ_h a:1a) and b). Such expressivity in turn implies that the mean-field vector fields evaluated at a suboptimal fixed point of the dynamics e:mfpde cannot vanish everywhere in neuronal embedding space. In other words, a network whose weights have sufficient support cannot correspond to a suboptimal stationary point of the gradient dynamics. We then show in l:support that such sufficient notion of support (a:1c)) is preserved by the gradient descent dynamics e:mfpde throughout training. For any finite time, this is true by topological arguments: the full support property cannot be altered by a continuous vector field such as e:mfpde. Finally, we show that the gradient descent dynamics cannot converge to a spurious fixed point by combining the two partial results above. In particular, we show that by the preserved expressivity of the network throughout the dynamics proven above, the fact that the time derivative of W_hy(t) e:deltaw must vanish almost-everywhere as t →∞ implies that the difference between the approximator and the target function F^* must also vanish almost everywhere in the limit. In other words, combining the assumption on convergence of W_hy(t) with the nondegeneracy of the W_hy-Jacobian of the network (following from expressivity) imples that the limiting point must be optimal. There are multiple technical challenges that need to be addressed in this proof with respect to the proof techniques used in previous results. The most important one stems from the fact that the input structure of the (unrolled) network is different from a standard feedforward network or ResNet. The additive combination of the input with the hidden state of the previous “layer”, together with weight sharing, results in possible degeneracies of the dynamics that need to be taken into account in the proof. By studying the risk minimization problem in equation e:mse1 and considering exclusively the dynamics of e:deltaw, we bypass the problem of weight sharing in the unrolled network by leveraging the expressivity a:1c). åFinally, we note that the boundedness of prevents us from using any of the classical expressivity results leveraging the vector space structure of the space of admissible weights. For this reason, we adapt our proof to bypass the boundedness of the hidden weights resulting from the truncation in e:mfpde. To do so, we leverage the fact that, by a:1a), the image under σ_h of a function whose supremum is close to 0 is close to the identity. Combining this with the possibility of choosing arbitrarily small hidden weights results in the network being able to propagate information throughout its layers. Finally, the unboundedness of allows to recover this information and therefore to realize the expressive potential of the network. § NUMERICAL EXPERIMENTS In this section we numerically validate the theoretical optimality and convergence results in our paper with some simulations. Network architecture and model The network model we consider is a wide a RNN in the mean-field regime in a teacher-student scenario. For the optimality results we set the width to be n_s = 1000 and for the convergence results we train the student RNN with increasing size (n_s ∈{20,60,100,140,…, 300}). We train a so-called student many-to-one RNN F̂ with d = 1 and hidden layer width n_s to learn the output of a teacher many-to-one RNN F^*, with the same input and output size and hidden width n_t = 15. Both neural networks have hidden activation σ_h(·) = tanh(·) and their weights are initialized iid as follows: teacher: student: 𝐖_xh ∼𝒩(1,1) 𝐖_hh ∼𝒩(0,n_t^-2) 𝐖_hy ∼𝒩(0,n_t^-2) 𝐖_xh ∼𝒩(0,5) 𝐖_hh ∼𝒩(0,10 ·n_s^-2) 𝐖_hy ∼𝒩(0,10 ·n_s^-2). Simulated data The predictors for our simulation are generated as samples of length L = 10 from the stationary trajectories of the shift map T(x) = x+1 acting on the sphere 𝕏 = S^1 = [0, 2π). To do so, we sample the initial point 𝐱_-L^(j) iid from the invariant measure ν_0(x̣) = 1/2πx̣ of T supported on 𝕏 and generate the corresponding input sequence as 𝐱_-k+1^(j) := T(𝐱_-k^(j)) for k ∈ (1,,…, L). Training specifications The training of the student RNN is performed using the package in pytorch <cit.>. We train the parameters 𝐖̂ to minimize the empirical Mean Squared Error ℒ̃(𝐖̂):=1/m∑_j = 1^m (F^*(𝐱^(j)) - F̂(𝐱^(j),𝐖 ))^2 where m = 2^13≈ 10^4 denotes the size of the database. Combining this with our sampling of 𝐱^(j) results in iid samples from the invariant measure ν(𝐱) of T, and therefore in the finite-sample equivalent of the population risk e:mse1. The optimization is performed using stochastic gradient descent (), which is called with a stepsize γ = 3 10^-3 and batch size of m, the full database size, thereby resulting in full-fledged gradient descent. The results of the simulation are shown in f:numerics. Code is available at <cit.>. Initialization for the convergence results For the convergence results we need to initialize the family of student networks in a consistent way. Our procedure for enforcing consistency draws the weights without replacement from a reference student network of width 300. § CONCLUSIONS This work shows that, despite the increased complexity, RNNs share common optimality properties with simpler single-layer neural networks <cit.>. Specifically we show that, under some conditions on the expressivity of the network at initialization, the fixed points of wide Elman-type RNNs' with gradient descent training dynamics in the mean-field regime are globally optimal, that the neural network will perfectly learn the given function of the dynamical system's trajectories. In this sense, while extending previous results on the optimality properties of shallow and deep neural networks to novel architectures, this work contributes to the understanding of deep learning applied to dynamical systems data. The proof is carried out by unrolling the RNN structure and showing that the fixed points of the training dynamics, which preserve a certain notion of support in parameter space, can only be globally optimal. Possible future developments include relaxing the assumption about the support of the weights at initialization a:1c) to a condition that is simpler to realize in practice. Drawing an analogy with autoregressive processes, a promising insight towards solving this problem consists in injecting, at each iteration of the RNN, new directions in the function space spanned by the model by means of, the network biases, so as to reduce the hidden layer's null space. Another possible avenue of future research consists of relaxing the adiabaticity assumption, considering the stochastic approximation problem resulting from the finite number of samples and the finite gradient stepsize. We note that, because of this assumption, our analysis is immune to the exploding gradients problem <cit.>. To prevent this problem to affect a finite timestep analysis, another important extension of the present work is to establish similar results for different RNN architectures, such as the LSTM, which given its extensive use in practice is of great interest. From the theoretical standpoint, the most important open question concerns establishing quantitative convergence of mean-field dynamics of neural networks: even in the single-layer, supervised setting, despite recent results in specific settings <cit.>, these guarantees still elude the community's research efforts. §.§.§ Acknowledgments. We thank the anonymous referee for pointing out a gap in our previous proof of t:eandu. All authors acknowledge partial support of the TRIPODS NSF grant CCF-1934964. AA acknlwledges partial support of the University of Pisa, through project PRA 2022_85. JL acknowledges the partial support of the NSF grant DMS-2012286. SM acknowledges partial support of HFSP RGP005, NSF DMS 17-13012, NSF BCS 1552848, NSF DBI 1661386, NSF IIS 15-46331, NSF DMS 16- 13261, as well as high-performance computing partially supported by grant 2016-IDG-1013 from the North Carolina Biotechnology Center. AA and SM thank Katerina Papagiannouli and Andrea Aveni for insightful discussions and acknowledge the hospitality of the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences and of the ScaDS institute of the University of Leipzig and Technical University of Dresden during the final part of this project. plain equationsection § COMPUTATION OF MEAN-FIELD ODES In this section we explicitly compute the RHS of the mean-field ODEs e:mfpde. Recall the definitions of the population risk ℒ(W) from e:mse1 and of the mean-field approximator F̂(𝐱;W) = H_hy(𝐱) H_hy(𝐱) = ∫(θ) σ_h(H_hh(θ; 𝐱,0) + H_xh(θ; 𝐱_0)) (θ̣) H_hh(θ; 𝐱,k) = ∫(θ, θ') σ_h(H_hh(θ';𝐱,k+1) + H_xh(θ';𝐱_-(k+1))) (θ̣') H_xh(θ; 𝐱_-k) = (θ) ·𝐱_-k Further, for notational convenience, we define throughout the argument of the nonlinearity as (θ; , k) := H_hh(θ;𝐱,k) + H_xh(θ;𝐱_-k) and, when necessary, we will slightly abuse notation and explicitly write the set of weights generating the hidden state in its argument as [W](θ; , k). Furthermore, we define ΔF(W, ) := F̂(𝐱;W(t)) - F^*(𝐱) so that we can write δ/ δℒ[W](θ) = ∫ΔF(W, ) σ_h( [W](θ; , 0)) ν(x) We proceed to compute the derivative wrt : δ/ δℒ[W](θ) = ∫ΔF(W, ) δ/δ ∫(θ') σ_h(H_hh(θ';𝐱,0) + H_xh(θ';𝐱_0))(θ̣')(θ) ν(x) = ∫ΔF(W, ) ∫(θ') Ξ_0(θ;θ', ) (θ̣') ν() where, denoting here and throughout by δ(θ) the Dirac delta distribution, we define recursively Ξ_i[W](θ;θ', ) := δ/δσ_h(H_hh(θ';𝐱,i) + H_xh(θ';𝐱_-i))(θ) = σ_h'( (θ'; , i))δ/δH_hh(θ';𝐱,i)(θ) + _iδ(θ'-θ) = σ_h'( (θ'; , i))∫(θ', θ”)Ξ_i-1(θ; θ”, ) (θ̣”) + _i δ(θ'-θ) and throughout we slightly abuse notation by suppressing the dependency of Ξ_i on W when clear from the context. Therefore, we obtain δ/ δℒ[W](θ) = ∫ΔF(W, ) ( ∑_i=0^L Γ_i(W, θ, )_-i)ν(x) where for i ∈{0,1,…, L} we define Γ_i(W, θ,) = ∫(θ_0) σ_h'((θ_0; , 0))∫(θ_0,θ_1)σ_h'((θ_1; , 1)) …∫(θ_i,θ)σ_h'((θ; , i)) ^⊗i+1(θ_0,…, θ_i) Analogously, we proceed to compute the derivative wrt : δ/ δℒ[W](θ, θ') = ∫ΔF(W, ) δ/δ ∫(θ_0) σ_h([W](θ_0;𝐱,0) )(θ̣_0)(θ,θ') ν(x) = ∫ΔF(W, ) ∫(θ_0) Ξ_0'[W](θ, θ';θ_0, ) (θ̣_0) ν() where we define recursively Ξ_i'[W](θ, θ';θ_i , ) := δ/δσ_h(H_hh[W](θ_i ;𝐱,i) + H_xh[W](θ_i;𝐱_-i))(θ, θ') = σ_h'([W](θ_i; , i))δ/δH_hh[W](θ_i;𝐱,i)(θ, θ') = σ_h'([W](θ_i; , i))(.∫(θ_i, θ_i+1)Ξ_i+1'[W](θ, θ'; θ_i+1, ) (θ̣_i+1). . . + ∫σ_h([W](θ_i+1; , i+1)) δ(θ_i-θ)δ(θ_i+1-θ') (θ̣_i+1)) and throughout we slightly abuse notation by suppressing the dependency of Ξ_i' on W when clear from the context. Therefore, we obtain δ/ δℒ[W](θ,θ') = ∫ΔF(W, ) (∑_i=0^LΓ_i(W, θ, )σ_h((θ'; , i+1)))ν(x) for Γ_i defined in e:gammai. § EXISTENCE AND UNIQUENESS OF SOLUTIONS TO ODES We now proceed to sketch the proof of existence and uniqueness of the solutions to the mean-field ODEs, stated below. To this aim, fixing throughout a value of the cutoff R>0 for e:mfpde, we define the sub-Gaussian norm W_hh _ψ,t := √(50) sup_m ≥1 1/√(m)∫sup_s<t |W_hh(s,θ, θ')|^mP_hh^⊗2(dθ, dθ')^1/m W_hy _ψ,t := √(50) sup_m ≥1 1/√(m) ∫sup_s<t |W_hy(s,θ)|^m (dθ)^1/m W_xh _ψ,t := √(50) sup_m ≥1 1/√(m) ∫sup_s<t |W_xh(s,θ)|^m (dθ)^1/m inducing the norm on the weights W W _ψ,t := maxW_hh_ψ,t, W_xh_ψ,t, W_hy _ψ,t . From these definitions we have that W_hh_ψ,t≥W_hh_t, W_hy_ψ,t≥W_hy_t, W_xh_ψ,t≥W_xh_t where _t =∫sup_s≤t |(s,θ,θ')|^50^⊗2(θ̣, θ̣')^1/50 _t = ∫sup_s<t |(s,θ)|^50(θ̣)^1/50 _t = ∫sup_s<t |(s,θ)|^50(θ̣)^1/50 so that W _ψ,t ≥W_t for W_t := _t ∨_t∨_t . Note that by a:1 we have _t ≤ R < K uniformly in t≥ 0. Furthermore, for a pair of mean-field weights W, W', we define the analogous norm on differences (note the different exponent): W- W'_t := -'_t ∨- '_t∨- '_t for - '_t :=∫sup_s≤t |(s,θ,θ') - '(s,θ,θ')|^2^ ⊗2 (θ̣, θ̣')^1/2 - '_t := ∫sup_s<t |(s,θ)- '(s,θ)|^2(θ̣)^1/2 - '_t := ∫sup_s<t |(s,θ)-'(s,θ)|^2(θ̣)^1/2 Throughout this section we fix an initialization W^0 for the mean-field weights of the network. Assume that the initialization of the MF ODEs satisfies W^0 _ψ,0 < K. Then under a:1 there exists a unique solution to the MF ODEs e:mfpde. Analogously to <cit.>, the proof pivots on the use of Picard's iteration. In order to apply this strategy, we define the trajectory of the weights where the RHS of the MF ODEs is obtained by “plugging in” the evolution of the weights at the previous iteration with initial condition W(0): F_xh[W'](t,θ) := W_xh(0,θ) - ∫_0^t ∫_X ΔF(W'(s), ) ∫_Ω_h '(θ') Ξ_0[W'(s)](θ;θ', ) (θ̣') ν() ds F_hh[W'](t,θ, θ') := W_hh(0,θ, θ') - ∫_0^t ∫_X ΔF(W'(s), ) ∫_Ω_h '(θ_0) Ξ_0'[W'(s)](θ, θ';θ_0, ) (θ̣_0) ν() ds F_hy[W'](t,θ) := W_hy(0,θ') - ∫_0^t ∫_X ΔF(W'(s), ) σ_h( (θ; , 0)) ν(x) ds We now present a preparatory lemma, estimating the growth of F[W']-F[W”]_t := F_xh[W']-F_xh[W”]_t ∨F_hh[W']-F_hh[W”]_t ∨F_hy[W']-F_hy[W”]_t in terms of W'-W”_t in order to prove contraction of the map F. This result holds provided that the growth of the weight trajectories W', W” is bounded in an appropriate sense. To state these necessary growth bounds, we introduce the key functional K_0(t) := K^2L+5 (1+t^2)(1+ W^0 _ψ,0) that depends on a large constant K>0 to be chosen later. For any T>0, we also define the maximal operator max_T(W) := sup_s≤T |W_hh(s; θ, θ')|∨| W_hy(s;θ)|∨| W_hx(s;θ)| Let a:1 hold and W^0_0. ψ<∞. For any T>0 and any B>0, consider two collections of mean-field parameters W' = {W'(t)}_t ≤ T, W” = {W”(t)}_t ≤ T, assume that W'_T ∨ W”_T < K_0(T) and ℙ(max_T(W') > K_0(T)B )∨ℙ(max_T(W”) > K_0(T)B )≤2Le^1-K_1B^2 for a choice of K, K_1>0. Then we have F[W']-F[W”]_t ≤k_1 (1+B) ∫_0^t W'-W”_s ds + k_2 e^-k_3B^2 where k_1 = (K K_0(T))^3L+3, k_2 = T √(L) (K K_0(T))^3L+3, k_3 = K_1/2. Based on the definition of K_0(t) from e:K0T we define the spaces 𝒲_T, 𝒲_T^0 as the set of mean-field weight trajectories W' satisfying that there exists K>0 such that, respectively, W'_T ≤K_0(T) and W'(0) = W^0, W'_T,ψ ≤K_0(T) , ℙ(max_T(W') > K_0(T)B )≤2Le^1-K_1B^2 ∀B > 0 so that 𝒲_T^0 ⊆𝒲_T by e:supboundnorm. . Fix an arbitrary finite time T>0. By the fact that F is an endomorphism in 𝒲_T^0 (Lemma 8 in <cit.>), we can apply l:9 (for every B with K, K_1 fixed) and iterating the above estimate to obtain F^(m)[W'] - F^(m)[W”]_T ≤k_1 (1+B) ∫_0^T F^(m-1)[W']-F^(m-1)[W”]_t_2 dt_2 + k_2 e^-k_3B^2 ≤k_1^2 (1+B)^2 ∫_0^T ∫_0^t_2 F^(m-2)[W']-F^(m-2)[W”]_t_3 dt_3 dt_2 + k_2∑_ℓ=1^2(T k_1k_2 (1+B))^ℓ-1/ℓ! e^-k_3B^2 … ≤k_1^m (1+B)^m ∫_0^T ∫_0^t_2…∫_0^t_m W'-W”_t_m+1 dt_m+1…dt_2 + k_2∑_ℓ=1^m(T k_1k_2 (1+B))^ℓ-1/ℓ! e^-k_3B^2 ≤k_1^m (1+B)^m T^m 1/m! W'-W”_T + k_2e^(T k_1k_2 (1+B))-k_3B^2 Setting B = √(m) and choosing W” = F[W'], from the above estimate we obtain ∑_m=1^∞F^(m+1)[W'] - F^(m)[W']_T = ∑_m=1^∞F^(m)[W”] - F^(m)[W']_T < ∞ showing that F^(m)[W'] is a Cauchy sequence and hence converges (the proof of completeness of the spaces 𝒲_T, 𝒲_T^0 is similar to <cit.> and is omitted). The uniqueness of the limit point is obtained by contradiction: Assume that W', W” with W'- W”_T > 0 are fixed points of F. Then, again choosing B = √(m), for every m>0 we have W' - W”_T = F^(m)[W'] - F^(m)[W”]_T ≤k_1^m (1+√(m))^m T^m 1/m! W'-W”_T + k_2e^(T k_1k_2 (1+√(m)))-k_3m which vanishes as m →∞ contradicting the assumption. Since the above argument goes through for every T> 0 we have existence and uniqueness for every T>0. We now introduce some more compact notation for the time differential of the mean-field weight trajectories: Δ^xh(, θ, W'(s)) := ΔF(W'(s), ) ∫'(θ') Ξ_0[W'(s)](θ;θ', ) (θ̣') Δ^hh(, θ, θ', W'(s)) := ΔF(W'(s), ) ∫'(θ_0) Ξ_0'[W'(s)](θ, θ';θ_0, ) (θ̣_0) = ΔF(W, ) (∑_i=0^LΓ_i(W,θ, )σ_h((θ'; , i+1))) Δ^hy(, θ, W'(s)) := ΔF(W'(s), ) σ_h( (θ; , 0)) and defining Δ_i^H(, θ, W) := ΔF(W, )Γ_i(W,θ, ) we can write Δ^hh(, θ, θ', W'(s)) = ∑_i=0^L Δ_i^H(, θ, W'(s))σ_h((θ'; , i+1)) We proceed to establish the necessary a-priori growth and Lipschitz estimates to obtain the above result, defining throughout 𝔼_X[·] := ∫_X ·ν(d ). Under a:1, given an initialization W(0), a solution W to the MF ODEs e:mfpde must satisfy that for any t>0 W_t ∨max_i ∫_Ω_h sup_s ≤t 𝔼_X[|Δ_i^H(, θ; W(s))|]^50^1/50 ≤K^2L+5(1+t^2)(1+W_0) for a constant K > 0 large enough. Similarly for W _ψ,t, there exists K>0 large enough such that W _ψ,t < K_0(t) for all t >0. Furthermore, for any B>0 ℙ(max_t(W)≥K_0(t) B) ≤2 L e^1-K_1B^2 for a universal constant K_1. Consider two collections of mean-field parameters W', W”∈𝒲_T. Under a:1 for any t<T and any 1≤ k ≤ L we have ∫sup_s≤t H_σ[W'(s)](θ;, k ) - H_σ[W”(s)](θ; , k)^1/2 ≤K^2L W'-W”_t sup_s≤t 𝔼_X[ |F̂(; W'(s)) - F̂(; W”(s))|] ≤K^2L K_0(T) W'-W”_t For a given B>0 consider two collections of mean-field parameters W', W”∈𝒲_T such that ℙ(max_T(W')> K_0(T)B)≤e^1-K_1B^2, ℙ(max_T(W”)> K_0(T)B)≤e^1-K_1B^2 Then under a:1, for any t ∈ [0,T] the following holds: ∫sup_s≤t Δ^hh(, θ, θ', W'(s))- Δ^hh(, θ, θ', W”(s)) P_hh^⊗2(dθ, dθ')^1/2 ≤D(t, W', W”) where D(t, W', W”) := (K K_0(t))^3L+3 (1+B) W'-W”_t + √(L) e^- K_1 B^2/2 The proof of this lemma is performed as in Lemma 9 in <cit.> combining l:10 and l:11, corresponding respectively to Lemma 10 in <cit.> and Lemma 11 in <cit.>. The proof of this lemma is analogous to the one of Lemma 6 in <cit.>. In the following we highlight the main differences with Lemma 6 in <cit.>, to which we refer the reader for the details of the proof. We define W_hh _m,t := √(50/m) ∫sup_s≤t |W_hh(s,θ,θ')|^m ^⊗2(dθ, dθ') ^1/m and analogously for and . Starting at the output layer, we have by Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and the fact that the mean-field ODE dynamics decrease the population risk that sup_s≤t 𝔼_X[ΔF(W(s), )^2] ≤𝔼_X[ΔF(W(0), )^2] = √([W(0)])< K for a K>0 large enough. Consequently, we can bound the RHS of the equation for ∂_t using Cauchy-Schwarz and the boundedness of σ_h<K as |∂_t | = |∫ΔF(W, ) σ_h( (θ; , 0)) ν(x)| ≤K^2 so that W_hy _m,t ≤W_hy _m,0 + K^2 t as desired. The boundedness result for trivially holds by the truncation introduced by χ_R upon choosing K > R as in a:1, so that W_hh(·, ·)_∞≤ R < K uniformly in t. Finally, for W_xh we have again by Cauchy-Schwarz _m,t ≤_m,0 + √(50/m)∫_Ω_htsup_s≤t |∫ΔF(W, ) (∑_i=0^LΓ_i(W, θ, )_-i)ν(x)|^m (θ̣) ^1/m ≤_m,0 + √(50/m)√([W(0)]) ∑_i=0^L ∫|_-i|^2ν(x)^1/2∫_Ω_ht sup_s≤t sup_|Γ_i(W, θ, )|^m (θ̣) ^1/m ≤_m,0 + √([W(0)])L _0_ν K^2L t W_hy _m,t ≤_m,0 + L K^2L+2 t W_hy _m,t ≤_m,0 + L K^2L+2 t(W_hy _m,0 + K^2 t) where in the second upper bound we have used that |Γ_i(W, θ, )| ≤ K^2L uniformly in i ∈{1, …, L}, and θ∈Θ by boundedness of and σ_h, σ_h' from a:1. From this follows that W_xh _m,t ≤(1+ W _m,0) K^2L+5 (1+t^2) . The probability bound follows directly from the fact that max_T (W) is K_0(t) sub-Gaussian by the bounds established above. This proof is analogous to the one of Lemma 10 in <cit.>. Recalling the definition of H_σ from e:hh (θ; , k) := H_hh(θ;𝐱,k) + H_xh(θ;𝐱_-k) and slightly abusing that notation by H_σ[W] (and similarly for ,) to highlight the set of weights with respect to which the hidden state is computed, we define D_k^H(t):= ∫_Ω_h sup_s≤t 𝔼_X|H_σ[W'(s)](θ;, k) - H_σ[W”(s)](θ;, k) |^2(dθ)^1/2 where we recall that 𝔼_X[·] = ∫_X ·ν(d ). Proceeding to bound the above for decreasing values of k we have D_L^H(t) = ∫_Ω_h sup_s≤t 𝔼_X|H_xh[W'](θ;𝐱_-L) -H_xh[W”](θ;𝐱_-L) |^2(dθ)^1/2 = ∫_Ω_h sup_s≤t 𝔼_X|'(θ;s)𝐱_-L -”(θ;s)𝐱_-L |^2(dθ)^1/2 ≤𝔼_X[|_-L|] ∫_Ω_h sup_s≤t |'(θ;s) -”(θ;s)|^2 (dθ)^1/2 ≤K d_t(W', W”) where we define d_t(W', W”) := max{∫_Ω_h^2 sup_s≤t |'(t;θ, θ')- ”(t;θ, θ')|^2 ^⊗2(dθ, dθ')^1/2, . ∫_Ω_h sup_s≤t |'(t;θ)- ”(t;θ)|^2 (dθ)^1/2, . ∫_Ω_h sup_s≤t |'(t;θ)- ”(t;θ)|^2 (dθ)^1/2} For i < L we have, by triangle inequality and the Lipschitz and boundedness properties on σ_h from a:1 D_i^H(t) =(∫_Ω_h sup_s≤t 𝔼_X[|([W'](θ;𝐱_-i) -[W”](θ;𝐱_-i)) .. . . + ([W'](θ;,i)-[W”](θ;,i))|^2](dθ))^1/2 ≤∫_Ω_h sup_s≤t 𝔼_X|'(θ;s)𝐱_-L -”(θ;s)𝐱_-L |^2(dθ)^1/2 + ∫_Ω_h sup_s≤t 𝔼_X|[W'(s)](θ;,i)-[W”(s)](θ;,i))|^2(dθ)^1/2 ≤K d_t(W', W”) + K^2 D_i+1^H(t) + K d_t(W', W”) ≤K^2 (d_t(W', W”)+ D_i+1^H(t)) This implies that max_i ∈{0, …, L}D_i^H(t) ≤ K^2L d_t(W', W”), proving the first claim. The second claim follows from a similar bound: sup_s≤t 𝔼_X F̂(; W'(s)) - F̂(; W”(s)) ≤K ∫_Ω_hsup_s≤t |'(θ;s)-”(θ;s) |^2 (dθ)^1/2 + K '_t D_0(t) ≤K d_t(W', W”) + K K_0(t) D_0(t) yielding the desired estimate. Again by similarity with the original reference we simply sketch this proof highlighting the differences with the present framework. D̃ We start the proof establishing the a priori bound ∫_Ω_hsup_s≤t𝔼_X[Δ_i^H[W'(t)](θ;)]^50 (θ̣)^1/50 ≤K^2L K_0(t) which is obtained immediately by the fact that ∫_Ω_hsup_s≤ t𝔼_X[Δ_L^H[W'(t)](θ;)]^50(d θ)^1/50≤ K^2 K_0(T) as established above and by the recursion ∫_Ω_hsup_s≤t𝔼_X[Δ_i^H[W'(t)](θ;)]^50(θ̣)^1/50 ≤K^2 ∫_Ω_hsup_s≤t𝔼_X[Δ_i+1^H[W'(t)](θ;)]^50(θ̣)^1/50 . We now consider _i^H(t) := ∫_Ω_h sup_s≤t 𝔼_X|Δ_i^H[W'(t)](θ;)- Δ_i^H[W”(t)](θ;)|^2 (θ̣)^1/2 . Starting from i = 0 we have _0^H(t) ≤_0^H,1(t)+_0^H,2(t)+_0^H,3(t) where _0^H,1(t) = K W_hy”_t sup_s≤t𝔼_X[|F̂(;W'(s)) - F̂(;W”(s))|] ≤K_0(t)^2 K^2L+2 d_t(W', W”) _0^H,2(t) = K^2 ∫_Ω_h sup_s≤t |'(t;θ)- ”(t;θ)|^2 (θ̣)^1/2 ≤K^2d_t(W', W”) _0^H,3(t) = ∫_Ω_h sup_s≤t |'(s;θ)|^2ΔF(W”(s);)σ_h(H_σ[W'(s)](θ;, 0 )) - σ_h(H_σ[W”(s)](θ; , 0))(θ̣)^1/2 ≤K^2L+2 K_0(t)(B d_t(W', W”) + √(Ξ(B))) for any B>0, where Ξ(B) = 2Le^-K_1B^2 and in the last bound we have separated the expectation in Ω_h using the indicator on the set max_t(W) > BK_0(t) and its complement. We then proceed estimating _i^H(t) from _i-1^H(t): using the boundedness of , σ_h', σ_h and the Lipschitz continuity of σ_h we have _i^H(t) ≤_i^H,1(t) + _i^H,2(t)+_i^H,3(t) where we have, _i^H,1(t) = K^2 ∫_Ω_h sup_s≤t 𝔼_X|Δ_i-1^H[W'(t)](θ;)- Δ_i-1^H[W”(t)](θ;)|^2 (θ̣)^1/2 ≤K^2 _i-1^H(t) _i^H,2(t) = K^2L ∫_Ω_h^2 sup_s≤t |'(t;θ, θ')- ”(t;θ, θ')|^2 ^⊗2(θ̣, θ̣')^1/2 ≤K^2Ld_t(W', W”) _i^H,3(t) =K_0(t)K^2L + 2 ∫_Ω_h sup_s≤t H_σ[W'(s)](θ;, k ) - H_σ[W”(s)](θ; , k)(θ̣)^1/2 ≤K_0(t) K^4L + 3(B d_t(W', W”) + √(Ξ(B))) . Combining the above equations results in max_i ∈{0,…, L}_i^H(t) ≤ K_0(t)^2K^6L + 2((1+B)d_t(W', W”)+ √(Ξ(B))). This yields, again analogously to <cit.>, estimates on the quantities _hh^w(t) := ∫_Ω_h sup_s≤t 𝔼_X[Δ^hh(, θ, θ', W'(s))-Δ^hh(, θ, θ', W”(s))]^2^⊗2(θ̣, θ̣')^1/2 _xh^w(t) := ∫_Ω_h sup_s≤t 𝔼_X[Δ^xh(, θ, W'(s))-Δ^xh(, θ, W”(s))]^2(θ̣)^1/2 _hy^w(t) := ∫_Ω_h sup_s≤t 𝔼_X[Δ^hy(, θ, W'(s))-Δ^hy(, θ, W”(s))]^2 (θ̣)^1/2 We only perform these estimates explicitly on the first quantity, as the other ones are analogous. In this case we have, from e:needed1 by the Lipschitz continuity of σ_h and the uniform boundedness of Δ_i^H in L^2(ν), _hh^w(t) ≤L K^2(_hh^w,1(t) + _hh^w,2(t)) for _hh^w,1(t) = max_i ∈{1, …, L}∫_Ω_h sup_s≤t 𝔼_X[Δ_i^H(, θ, W”(s))-Δ_i^H(, θ, W”(s))]^2(θ̣)^1/2 , _hh^w,2(t) = max_i ∈{1, …, L}∫_Ω_h sup_s≤t 𝔼_X[H_σ[W'(s)](θ;, i)-H_σ[W”(s)](θ;, i)]^2(θ̣)^1/2 . Having bounded both terms by K_0(t)^2K^6L + 2((1+B)d_t(W', W”)+ √(Ξ(B))) ≤K^3L + 2K_0(T)^3L + 2((1+B)d_t(W', W”)+ √(Ξ(B))) in the first part of this proof and in l:10 respectively concludes the argument. § PROOF OF CONVERGENCE To prove finite time convergence for the trajectories of the large-width neural network to the corresponding mean-field limit we bound the distance 𝒟_τ(W, 𝐖) = sup_t ∈(0,τ)(1/n^2 (t;θ(i), θ(j)) - (t;i,j)_2 ∨1/n (t;θ(j))-(t; j)_2. ∨. 1/n (t;θ(j))-(t; j)_2) This proof, given for completeness, adapts the steps of Proposition 25 in <cit.> to the present setting, and we therefore give it as a sketch. We require the following additional assumption Let η = n^0.501 and consider a family of initialization laws I. For each n ∈ℕ the sampling rule P̅_n satisfies that (θ(j))_j =1^n ∼P̅_n are η-independent, i.e. for all 1-bounded f : →ℋ where ℋ is a separable Hilbert space we have 𝔼[f(θ(j))|{θ(j') : j'<j}]- 𝔼[f(θ(j))]_ℋ ≤η for all j ∈{1,…,n} We recall the main theorem, stated together with the above assumption For any R>0, let Assumptions <ref>, <ref>, <ref> and <ref> hold. There exist constants c,c'>0 such that, under a:1, for any δ>0, any L ∈ℕ and τ >0, there exists n^*∈ℕ such that for any n>n^* with probability at least 1-δ-K̅ nexp(-K̅ n^c') we have 𝒟_τ(W, 𝐖) ≤K̅ n^-c √(logn^2/δ+e) where K̅ is a constant that depends on L and R. We will consider the evolution of the truncated version W of the initialization W^0, which is obtained by evolving according to e:mfpde the initial condition (0,θ) := χ̃_B((0,θ)) (0,θ) := χ̃_B((0,θ)) and respectively for (0,i) := χ̃_B((0,θ(i))) (0,i) := χ̃_B((0,θ(i))) where χ̃_B(u) = u 1(|u|<B) + B (u)1(|u|≥ B) and 1 is the indicator function. Note that the weights were not truncated as they are bounded by assumption. Then, analogously to Proposition 27 in <cit.> one can show that with probability at least 1 -KLnexp(-K e^-KB^2 n^1/52) we have - _T ∨W - W_T ≤K exp-KB^2+K^2L+5(1+T^2)(1+B) We define for any t>0, analogously to e:tnorm - '_t := -'_t ∨-'_t∨- '_t for -'_t := 1/n^2 ∑_j_1, j_2=1^n sup_s∈(0,t) |(s,j_1,j_2)-'(s,j_1,j_2)|^2^1/2 -'_t := 1/n ∑_j_1=1^n sup_s∈(0,t) |(s,j_1)-'(s,j_1)|^2^1/2 -'_t := 1/n ∑_j_1=1^n sup_s∈(0,t) |(s,j_1)-'(s,j_1)|^2^1/2 Defining throughout K_t := K^κ(1+t^κ) for a choice of K, κ that can change from line to line, we proceed to show that with probability at least 1- δ -KLnexp(-K n^1/52) _t( W, ) ≤√(1/n log2 T L n^2/δ+ e) exp(K_T(1+B)) for every choice of δ>0, B>0. Combining e:close and e:midassumption via triangle inequality we obtain that with probability 1 -δ - KLnexp(-K e^-KB^2 n^1/52) we have _t(W, ) ≤_t(W, ) + - _T + W - W_T ≤√(1/n log2 T L n^2/δ+ e) + exp(-KB^2) exp(K_T(1+B)) and choosing B = c_0 √(log n) for some suitable constant c_0>0 yields the claim of t:convergence. We prove the missing result e:midassumption. To do so, in the remainder of the section we slightly abuse notation and denote by W, the truncated W,. Then, for the newly defined W,, using that |^0(θ, θ')| ≤K , we define the norms _t := 1/n^2 ∑_j_1, j_2=1^n sup_s∈(0,t) |(s,j_1,j_2)|^50^1/50 _t := 1/n ∑_j_1=1^n sup_s∈(0,t) |(s,j_1)|^50^1/50 _t := 1/n ∑_j_1=1^n sup_s∈(0,t) |(s,j_1)|^50^1/50 and for a given realization of the sampling P̅_n, W_samp,t = 1/n ∑_i=1^n sup_s<t |(s,θ(i))|^50^1/50 ∨1/n ∑_i=1^n∫sup_s<t |(s,θ(i),θ')|^50( θ̣')^1/50 ∨1/n ∑_i=1^n∫sup_s<t |(s,θ',θ(i))|^50( θ̣')^1/50 ∨1/n^2 ∑_i,j=1^n sup_s<t |(s,θ(i),θ(j))|^50^1/50 ∨1/n ∑_i=1^n sup_s<t |(s,θ(i))|^50^1/50 Then, analogously to l:globalstability and in turn Lemma 30 in <cit.> one can show that for each W_0, W_samp,0 there exists κ such that, respectively, 𝐖_t ≤ K_t and W_samp,t≤ K_t. Further, we define ℰ as the event ℰ := {_0 ∨W_samp,0 < K} which holds with a probability of at least 1-KLnexp(-K n^1/52) by Lemma 29 in <cit.> since by assumption W_0< K. This directly implies that _t ∨W_samp,t < K_t by Lemma 30 in <cit.>. We start by decomposing, for any ξ > 0, _t(W, ) ≤K ∫_0^t (^w(⌊s/ξ⌋ξ) + ^w(⌊s/ξ⌋ξ) + ^w(⌊s/ξ⌋ξ) ) ṣ + Kt sup_s ∈(0, T-ξ)sup_ξ'∈(0,ξ)max_V ∈{W, }^ξ[V](s,ξ')∨^ξ[V](s,ξ') ∨^ξ[V](s,ξ') where ^w(t) := 1/n^2 ∑_j,k =1^n |∂_t (t;j,k) - ∂_t (t;θ(j);θ(k))|^2^1/2 ^w(t) := 1/n ∑_j =1^n |∂_t (t;j) - ∂_t (t;θ(j))|^2^1/2 ^w(t) := 1/n ∑_j=1^n |∂_t (t;j) - ∂_t (t;θ(j))|^2^1/2 and ^ξ[](t, ξ') := 1/n^2 ∑_j,k =1^n |∂_t (t;j,k) - ∂_t (t+ξ';j,k)|^2^1/2 ^ξ[](t, ξ') := 1/n ∑_j =1^n |∂_t (t;j) - ∂_t (t+ξ';j)|^2^1/2 ^ξ[](t, ξ') := 1/n ∑_j=1^n |∂_t (t;j) - ∂_t (t+ξ';j)|^2^1/2 ^ξ[W](t, ξ') := 1/n^2 ∑_j,k =1^n |∂_t (t;θ(j),θ(k)) - ∂_t (t+ξ';θ(j),θ(k))|^2^1/2 ^ξ[W](t, ξ') := 1/n ∑_j =1^n |∂_t (t;θ(j)) - ∂_t (t+ξ';θ(j))|^2^1/2 ^ξ[W](t, ξ') := 1/n ∑_j=1^n |∂_t (t;θ(j)) - ∂_t (t+ξ';θ(j))|^2^1/2 The following lemma, proven at the end of the section, bounds the error resulting from the time-disctretization in ξ: For any ξ∈ [0,T] we have that almost surely on the event ℰ sup_s ∈(0, T-ξ)sup_ξ'∈(0,ξ)max_V ∈{W, }^ξ[V](s,ξ')∨^ξ[V](s,ξ') ∨^ξ[V](s,ξ') ≤K_T (1+B)ξ We now proceed to bound the terms on the first line of e:firstlineDD. To do so we define for ℓ∈{1,…, L} M_σ ^ℓ(t) := 1/n ∑_j=1^n 𝔼_X|^(,j,(t),ℓ) - ^H(,j,W(t),ℓ)|^2^1/2 ^ℓ(t) := 1/n ∑_j=1^n 𝔼_X|(,j,(t),ℓ) - (,j,W(t),ℓ)|^2^1/2 ^ℓ(t) := 1/n ∑_j=1^n 𝔼_X|(,j,(t),ℓ) - (,j,W(t),ℓ)|^2^1/2 ^ℓ(t) := 1/n ∑_j=1^n 𝔼_X|𝐇_σ(,j,(t),ℓ) - H_σ(,j,W(t),ℓ)|^2^1/2 where (,j,W,ℓ) := W_xh(θ(j))·_-ℓ (,j,𝐖,ℓ) := 𝐖_j ·_-ℓ (,j,W,ℓ) := [W](θ(j),, ℓ) (,j,𝐖,ℓ) := [𝐖]( , ℓ)_j (,j,W,ℓ) := (,θ(j),W,ℓ) + (,θ(j),W,ℓ) 𝐇_σ(,j,𝐖,ℓ) := (,j,𝐖,ℓ) + (,j,𝐖,ℓ) ^H(,j,W,ℓ) := Δ_ℓ^H(,θ(j),W) ^(,j,,ℓ) := Δ_ℓ^𝐇(,j,) for Δ_ℓ^H defined in e:Dih and Δ_ℓ^𝐇(, j, ) := ΔF(, )Γ_ℓ(,j, ) for Γ_ℓ(, j,) := 1/n ∑_j_0=1^n (j_0) σ_h'(𝐇_σ(,j_0,𝐖,0)) 1/n ∑_j_1=1^n (j_0, j_1) σ_h'(𝐇_σ(,j_1,𝐖,1)) …1/n ∑_j_ℓ-1=1^n (j_ℓ-1, j) σ_h'(𝐇_σ(,j,𝐖,ℓ)) Further defining ^w,ℓ(t) := (1/n ∑_j=1^n 𝔼_X1+|^(,j,(t),ℓ)|^2 + |^H(,j,W(t),ℓ)|^2)^1/2 ·[( 1/n ∑_j=1^n 𝔼_X|(,j,(t),ℓ) - (,j,W(t),ℓ)|^2)^1/2. + .( 1/n ∑_j=1^n 𝔼_X|(,j,(t),ℓ) - (,j,W(t),ℓ)|^2)^1/2] we have that on the event ℰ by Lemma 30 in <cit.> ^w,ℓ(t) ≤ K_T ^ℓ(t), so that on the same event we have ^w(t)≤K_T ∑_ℓ= 0^L-1 ^ℓ+1(t) + ^ℓ+1(t) and analogously ^w(t) ≤K_T ^0(t) + ^0(t) ^w(t) ≤K_T ∑_ℓ= 0^L ^ℓ(t) Combining these bounds with l:xibound we obtain that on the event ℰ _t(W, ) ≤K_T ∫_0^t∑_ℓ= 0^L ^ℓ(s) + 2^ℓ(s) + (1+B)ξ ṣ We further proceed to bound ^ℓ(s) + 2^ℓ(s) in terms of _t(W, ) with high probability as follows: For any sequence {γ_j}_j=0^L with γ_j > 0, for all k ∈{0, … ,L } and t ∈ (0, T) the event ℰ_t,k^ where ^ℓ(t) ≤K_T^L-ℓ+1 _t(W, ) + (1+B)∑_j=ℓ^L-1 γ_j holds for all ℓ∈{k, k+1, …,L} has probability ℙ(ℰ_t,k^|ℰ) ≥1- ∑_j =k^L n/γ_j exp(-nγ_j^2/K_T) . For any sequence {β_j}_j =1^L with β_j > 0, for all k ∈{0, … ,L } and t ∈ (0, T) the event ℰ_t,k^Δ where ^ℓ(t) ≤K_T^L+ℓ+1 (1+B)_t(W, ) + (1+B^2)∑_j=0^L-1 γ_j + ∑_j=1^ℓ β_j holds for all ℓ∈{0, 2,…,k} satisfies ℙ(ℰ_t,k^Δ∩ℰ_t,0^|ℰ) ≥ℙ(ℰ_t,0^|ℰ) - ∑_j =1^k n/β_j exp(-nβ_j^2/K_T) . Combining the above lemmas with e:convergence2 and l:xibound yields that for every B>0 we have _t(W, ) ≤K_T^2L ∫_0^t (1+B)_s(W, ) + (1+B^2)∑_j=1^L γ_j+1 + ∑_j=1^L β_j+1 + (1+ B)ξṣ with probability at least 1- T/ξ∑_j =1^L-1 n/γ_j exp(-nγ_j^2/K_T) - ∑_j =2^L n/β_j exp(-nβ_j^2/K_T) - KLnexp(-Kn^1/52) The proof is concluded applying Gronwall's lemma with γ_j = β_j := √(1/K_Tn log2 T L n^2/δ+ e) and ξ= 1/√(n) which gives, for all t<T and for all δ>0, B>0 _t(W, ) ≤K_T (1+B^2)∑_j=1^L γ_j+1 + ∑_j=1^L β_j+1 + (1+B)ξexp(K_T(1+B)T) ≤K_T ∑_j=1^L γ_j+1 + ∑_j=1^L β_j+1+ ξexp(K_T(1+B)) ≤K_T 2L√(1/K_Tn log2 T L n^2/δ+ e) exp(K_T(1+B)) with probability ℙ(ℰ ∩ℰ_T,0^∩ℰ_T,L^Δ) = ℙ( ℰ_T,0^∩ℰ_T,L^Δ|ℰ) ℙ(ℰ) > 1- 2L √(n) T n/γ_1 exp(-nγ_1^2/K_T) - KLnexp(-Kn^1/52) > 1- δ- KLnexp(-Kn^1/52) thereby proving e:midassumption, as desired. We now proceed with the verification of the claims that led to this conclusion. We limit ourselves to checking l:xibound and l:Fbound as the proof of l:Gbound is analogous. We show the claim by induction on the depth of the unrolled network. Starting from ^L we have that with probability 1 (1/n ∑_j=1^n 𝔼_X[| _σ(,j,(t),L) - H_σ(, θ(j), W(t), L)|]^2)^1/2 = 1/n ∑_j=1^n𝔼_X[|(t,j) _-L - (t,θ(j)) _-L|]^2^1/2 ≤K _t(W, ) In other words, the base case holds with probability ℙ(ℰ_t,1^) = 1. We now assume that the claim holds for ^ℓ+1 and prove it for ^ℓ. The proof for ^ℓ, ^ℓ is analogous. To do so we decompose ^ℓ in two parts: the first measures the distance between a randomly sampled, finite set of weights evolving according to W(t) and (t), while the second compares the approximation obtained by taking a finite sample from W(t) and the expectation wrt on W(t). More specifically we decompose |(x,i,(t),ℓ) - (x, θ(i), (t), ℓ)| = = |1/n ∑_j=1^n (t,i,j)σ_h( (,j, (t), ℓ+1)+(j, , (t))) - ∫W(t,θ(i), θ') σ_h( (,θ', W(t), ℓ+1)+[W(t)](θ'; )) (dθ')| = Q_1,ℓ(t;i) + Q_2,ℓ(t;i) where Q_1,ℓ(t;i) =1/n ∑_j = 1^n | _hh(t,i,j)σ_h( (,j, (t), ℓ+1)+(j, , (t))) - W_hh(t,θ(i),θ(j)) σ_h( (,θ(j), W(t), ℓ+1) + [W(t)](θ(j), ))| Q_2,ℓ(t;i) = | 1/n ∑_j=1^nW_hh(t,θ(i),θ(j)) σ_h( (,θ(j), W(t), ℓ+1)+[W(t)](θ(j), )) - ∫W_hh(t,θ(i),θ') σ_h( (,θ', W(t), ℓ+1) + [W(t)](θ', )) (dθ')| and we can bound ^ℓ(t) ≤1/n ∑_i=1^n𝔼_X[|Q_1,ℓ(t;i)| + |Q_2,ℓ(t;i)|]^2^1/2 + 1/n ∑_j=1^n𝔼_X[|(t,j) _-ℓ - (t,θ(j)) _-ℓ|]^2^1/2 The first term is then bounded by 𝔼_X|Q_1,ℓ(t;i)|^2 ≤K/n ∑_j=1^n1+|_hh(t,j,i)|^2 +|W_hh(t,θ(j),θ(i))|^2 ·1/n ∑_j=1^n 𝔼_X _σ(,j, (t), ℓ+1) - H_σ(,θ(j), W(t), ℓ+1)^2 + K/n ∑_j=1^n |_hh(t,i,j)-W_hh(t,θ(i),θ(j))|^2 and therefore, under the event ℰ_t,ℓ+1^ and ℰ we have 1/n ∑_i=1^n𝔼_X|Q_1,ℓ(t;i)|^2^1/2 ≤K_T ^ℓ+1(t) + K _t(W, ) We proceed to bound Q_2,ℓ(t). Defining Z_ℓ^H(t,θ, θ') = (t, θ, θ' ) σ_h((, θ',ℓ+1)+ (t, θ) _- (ℓ+1)) Using independence of θ, θ', we have that the conditional expectation wrt is trivial 𝔼_[Z_ℓ^H(t,θ(i), θ(j))| θ(i)] = 𝔼_ [Z_ℓ^H(t,θ(j),θ')] and we have that, for almost every almost surely by assumption Z_ℓ^H(t,θ(i), θ(j)) ≤K_T(1+B) Then, by Lemma 28 in <cit.>, since γ_ℓ≥ 0 we have that ℙ𝔼_X[ Q_2,ℓ(t) ]≥K_T (1+B)γ_ℓ ≤1/γ_ℓ exp(-n γ_ℓ^2/K_T) . The proof is concluded by combinging the bound on H_hh with the one on H_xh to yield an analogous one on H_σ and taking an union bound over i ∈{1,…, n}, resulting in the fact that on the events ℰ and ℰ_t,ℓ+1^ ^ℓ(t) ≥K_T ^ℓ+1 (t) + 2 K _t(W, ) + K_T (1+B) γ_ℓ≥K_T^L-ℓ+1 _t(W, ) + (1+B)∑_k=ℓ^L-1γ_k with probability at most (n/γ_ℓ) exp(-nγ_ℓ^2/K_T). Therefore we get by union bound ℙ((ℰ_t,ℓ^)^c| ℰ) ≤ℙ((ℰ_t,ℓ+1^)^c| ℰ) +(n/γ_ℓ) exp(-nγ_ℓ^2/K_T) ≤∑_k=ℓ^L-1 n/γ_k+1 exp(-nγ_k+1^2/K_T) proving the desired claim. We again only sketch this proof for the term ^ξ[W](t, ξ') as the other cases follow analogously. We see that since W_0, W_samp,t≤ K on the event ℰ, we have 1/n^2∑_i,j=1^n sup_s∈(0,t)∂_t W_hh(s,θ(i), θ(j))^50^1/50≤K + K 1/n∑_j=1^n sup_s∈(0,t)𝔼_x[|Δ_i^H(,θ(j),W(s))|]^50^1/50≤K_T for any t≤ T. Consequently we have 1/n^2∑_i,j=1^n sup_s∈(0,T-ξ)sup_ξ'∈(0,ξ)W_hh(s+ξ',θ(i), θ(j))-W_hh(s,θ(i), θ(j))^2^1/2 ≤K_T ξ The desired bound results from the application of an adapted version of l:11 to the paths W'(t) := W_hh(t,θ(i), θ(j)), W”(t) := W_hh(t+ξ,θ(i), θ(j)) replacing e^-K_1B^2→ 0 by the assumed trunctaion of W. This yields almost surely on ℰ sup_t∈(0,T-ξ)sup_ξ'∈(0,ξ) ^ξ(t,ξ') ≤K_T (1+B) W'-W”_T-ξ ≤K_T (1+B) ξ as desired. Analogous bounds on ^ξ[], ^ξ[W], ^ξ[],^ξ[W], ^ξ[] prove the lemma. § GLOBAL OPTIMALITY Recall the definition of the preactivation between the first and the second layer: (θ;𝐱,L) = ∫(θ, θ') σ_h(W_xh(θ')·𝐱_-L) (θ̣') and define recursively the corresponding ℓ-preactivaton for ℓ≤ L-1 (θ;𝐱,ℓ) := ∫(θ, θ') σ_h((θ';𝐱, ℓ+1)+(θ')𝐱_-(ℓ+1)) (θ̣') For notational convenience, we define ν_L,ℓ:= Π_#^(-L, -L+ℓ)ν, where Π^(a,b) is projection on coordinates ranging from a to b. §.§ Expressivity at initialization In this section we prove our main expressivity result. Defining throughout Θ := () we we state the result as follows: Fix L>0, for any t>0 let W = W(t) satisfy a:1b) and c), let σ_h satisfy a:1a) and let Assumptions <ref> and <ref> hold. Then σ_h(H_hh(θ;𝐱,0)+(θ)𝐱_0) : θ∈Θ = L^2(ν_L,0) The above result can readily be rephrased in the following, more explicit form: Under the conditions of Proposition <ref> above, the map F̂(W; 𝐱 ) = ∫( θ) σ_h(H_hh(θ;𝐱,0)+(θ)𝐱_0) (θ̣) intended as a functional of W_hy∈ L^2() is dense in the space L^2(ν_L,0). p:spanning above proves that the network can express any function in L^2(ν_L,0) provided that the support of the weights W(t) is sufficiently varied as codified in a:1b). We will show in the next subsection that this condition, if satisfied at initialization, is also satisfied at every finite time throughout the dynamics. To prove the above result we first state the following Let 𝒳⊆ℝ^d' for d' ∈ℕ and let μ be a probability measure on 𝒳. Assume that σ_h : ℝ→ℝ satisfies a:1, that the set Φ := {ϕ_θ : θ∈Θ}⊆ L^2(μ)∩ L^∞(μ) is star-shaped at 0 ∈ L^2(μ) and ϕ_θ : θ∈Θ is dense in L^2(μ), then so is σ_h(ϕ_θ)  : θ∈Θ. Assume towards a contradiction that there exists f^* ∈ L^2(μ) such that for any sequence {ϕ_n}_n with ϕ_n ∈ L^2(μ) we have ∫ f^* σ_h(ϕ_n) μ(d x) = 0 for all n ∈ℕ. By the spanning assumption there exists ϕ^* ∈Φ with δ^*:=|∫ϕ^* f^* μ(dx)|>0. We now consider the sequence of functions ϕ_n = nϕ^*_∞^-1ϕ^*. By assumption on the star-like structure of Φ, ϕ_n ∈Φ for all n>0. The result of the lemma follows by the Taylor expansion of σ_h around the point 0: σ_h(ϕ_θ(x) ) = 0 + σ_h'(0) ϕ_θ(x) + R[ϕ_θ](x) where, denoting by ℬ_ρ^∞(0) the ball of radius ρ in the L^∞(μ) norm around 0, there exists a constant C>0 such that the remainder term satisfies |R[ϕ](x)| < C ϕ(x)^2 uniformly in ϕ∈ℬ_ρ^∞(0) and x for ρ small enough. Then, along the sequence {ϕ_n}_n we have ∫f^*(x) σ_h( ϕ_n(x) ) μ(d x) ≥σ_h'(0) ∫f^*(x) ϕ_n(x) μ(dx) - ∫f^*(x)R[ ϕ_n](x) μ(dx) We notice that for n ∈ℕ sufficiently large we have, σ_h'(0) ∫f^*(x) ϕ_n(x) μ(dx) = σ_h'(0)/nϕ^*_∞ δ^* ∫f^*(x)R[ϕ_n](x) μ(dx) ≤f^*_2 R[ϕ_n](x)_2 ≤C(ϕ^*)^2_2/n^2ϕ^*_∞^2 f^*_2 ≤1/2 σ_h'(0)/nϕ^*_∞ δ^* so that the first term in the expansion dominates the second. Combining this with e:triangle implies that there exists n large enough such that ∫f^*(x) σ_h( ϕ_n(x)) μ(d x) >1/2 σ_h'(0)/nϕ^*_∞ δ^* > 0 contradicting the fact that ∫ f^* ϕ_n μ (d x) = 0 for all n ∈ℕ. We want to show that, for any ℓ∈{0,…, L}, {σ_h((θ; ,ℓ) + _-ℓ) : θ∈()} = L^2(ν_-L,-ℓ) By the deterministic nature of the dynamical system T the measure ν_-L,-ℓ can be written, in the sense of distributions, as ν_-L,-ℓ() = ν(_-ℓ|_-ℓ)…ν(_-L+1|_-L)ν_0(_-L) = ν_0(_-L) ∏_j=1^ℓδ(_L-j - T^j(_-L)) so that, integrating on _-L, …, _-ℓ we write (θ; x,ℓ) := (θ;(x, T(x),…, T^L-ℓ+1(x)),ℓ) . Then, condition e:induction can be written as {σ_h((θ; x,ℓ) + T^L-ℓ(x)) : θ∈()} = L^2(ν_0) which, since {0}× L_R^∞() ⊂{(t;θ), (t;θ,·) : θ∈Θ} by l:support follows if _θ∫σ(θ, θ')σ(θ', θ”) σ…σ_h((θ^(L))x) ^⊗L(d θ',…, d θ^(L)) = L^2(ν_0) We prove e:toshow by induction on the depth of the unrolled network. Base case ℓ=L: In this case we simply need to show that {σ_h((θ) _-L) : θ∈Θ} is dense in L^2(ν_-L) = L^2(ν_0). This, however, is immediately true by the global approximation property a:1b). Induction step ℓ→ℓ-1: By l:above it is sufficient to show that '(θ; x, ℓ) := ∫(θ, θ')σ_h(θ', θ”) σ_h …σ_h((θ^(L))x) ^⊗(L-ℓ+1)(d θ^(ℓ),…, d θ^(L)) spans the desired space. This claim is true if having ∫g̅(x) '(θ; x, ℓ-1) ν_0(x̣) = ∫g̅(x) ∫(θ, θ') σ_h((θ'; x,ℓ) ) (θ̣') ν_0(x̣)=0 for almost all θ∈ implies that the function g̅ : ℝ^→ℝ must satisfy g̅(x) ≡ 0. Using l:support to establish that {(t;θ,·)}_θ is dense in åL_R^∞() we can rewrite the above condition as ∫g̅(x) '(θ; x,ℓ-1) ν_0(x̣) =∫g̅( x) ∫f(θ') σ_h('(θ'; x,ℓ) ) (θ̣') ν_0(x̣) =∫f(θ') ∫g̅(x) σ_h('(θ'; x,ℓ) ) ν_0(x̣) (θ̣')=0 for all åf ∈ L_R^∞(), where in the last line we have applied Fubini's theorem. This is true only if ∫g̅( x) σ_h('(θ'; x,ℓ) ) ν_0(x̣)=0 for -almost all θ'∈ . which, by the induction assumption, is only true if g̅(x) ≡ 0, showing e:toshow and therefore the claim. §.§ Preservation of expressivity during training Recalling the definition of L_R^∞() = {f ∈ L^2() : sup_Θ |f| ≤ R} we have Let (t;·,·), (t;·) be the mean-field parameter functions solving e:mfpde with initial condition ^0(·,·), ^0(·). If a:1 holds, then at any time t>0 we have that ((t;θ),(t;·,θ),(t;θ,·) : θ∈Θ) = ×åL_R^∞()×L_R^∞() To prove the bidirectional diversity result we will consider the flow induced by e:mfpde on any value of the (parametric) initial condition. From now on we denote by f,g the inner product in L^2(). Consider a MF trajectory W(t) and a triple u = (u_1,u_2,u_3) ∈ℝ^d× L_R^∞()× L_R^∞(), representing respectively values of ((θ), (·, θ), (θ, ·)). To characterize the evolution of a triple u we consider the flow ∂/∂t ^+ (t; u) = - β(t) ∫ΔF(W(t), ) ∑_i = 1^L+1 Γ_i-1(W(t), ·, ), ^+ (t, ·; u) σ_h'([W](,^+ (t,·; u),^+ (t ; u),i)) _i ν() ∂/∂t ^+ (t, θ; u) = - β(t) χ_R(^+ (t, θ; u)) ∫ΔF(W(t),) ∑_i = 1^L+1 Γ_i-1(W(t),·, ), ^+ (t, ·; u) σ_h([W](,^+ (t,·; u),^+ (t ; u),i)) ν() ∂/∂t ^+ (t, θ'; u) = - β(t) χ_R(^+ (t, θ'; u))∫ΔF(W(t),) ∑_i = 1^L+1 Γ_i-1(W(t),·, ), ^+ (t, ·; u) σ_h([W](θ',,W,i+1)) ν() with initial conditions (0; u)^+ = u_1, (0,·; u)^+ = u_2, (0,·; u)^+ = u_3, where Γ_i(W,θ, ), Δ F(W,) were defined in Appendix <ref> and [W](,^+ (t,·; u),^+ (t ; u),i) := ^+ (t,·; u) , σ_h([W](·, , i+1)) + ^+ (t ; u) _-i These flows track the evolution of mean-field parameters in the space where their evolution is naturally embedded: we see that the MF trajectory solving e:mfpde satisfies (t,θ) = ^+(t;(0;θ), (0;θ, ·),(0;·, θ)) (t,θ, ·) = ^+(t;(0;θ), (0;θ, ·),(0;·, θ)) (t,·, θ) = ^+(t;(0;θ), (0;θ, ·),(0;·, θ)) We proceed construct, for all finite T>0 and every u^+ = (u_1^+,u_2^+,u_3^+) ∈ℝ^d× L_R^∞()× L_R^∞() an initial condition u^- = (u_1^-,u_2^-,u_3^-) ∈ℝ^d× L_R^∞()× L_R^∞() that reaches u^+ after time T, such that ^+(T;u^-) = u_1^+ ^+(T, ·;u^-) = u_2^+ ^+(T, ·;u^-) = u_3^+ To do so we consider the reverse-time dynamics on the interval (0,T), described by the flow ∂/∂t ^- (t; u) = - β(T-t) ∫ΔF(W(T-t), ) ∑_i = 1^L+1 Γ_i-1(W(T-t), ·, ), ^- (t, ·; u) σ_h'((,^- (t,·; u),^- (t ; u),i)) _i ν() ∂/∂t ^- (t, θ; u) = - β(T-t) χ_R(^- (t, θ; u)) ∫ΔF(W(T-t),) ∑_i = 1^L+1 Γ_i-1(W(T-t),·, ), ^- (t, ·; u) σ_h((,^- (t,·; u),^- (t ; u),i)) ν() ∂/∂t ^- (t, θ'; u) = - β(T-t) χ_R(^- (t, θ'; u)) ∫ΔF(W(T-t),) ∑_i = 1^L+1 Γ_i-1(W(T-t),·, ), ^- (t, ·; u) σ_h((θ',,W,i)) ν() initialized at ^- (0; u) = u_1, ^- (0, ·; u) = u_2 and ^- (0, ·; u) = u_3. Note that, by construction, ^-(t) = ^- (T-t, θ; u), ^-(t) = ^- (T-t, θ; u) and ^-(t) = ^- (t; u) solve the same equation as ^+(t; u), ^+(t,·; u), ^+(t,·; u) with initial condition ^-(0, · ) = ^-(T,·; u^+), ^-(0, · ) = ^-(T,·; u^+), ^-(0 ) = ^-(T; u^+). By existence and uniqueness of the solution of this system of ODEs both forward and backward in time proven in s:existenceuniqueness, we must have that, setting u^- = (u_1^-,u_2^-, u_3^-) := (^-(T,·; u^+),^-(T,· ; u^+), ^-(T,·; u^+)) as the initial condition of e:aflow, the endpoint of the trajectory of satisfies e:endpoint as desired. åFinally, we show that the point u^- is in ℝ× L_R^∞()× L_R^∞(). This follows immediately upon showing that the set ℝ× L_R^∞()× L_R^∞() is invariant with respect to the flow maps (^+,^+, ^+), (^-,^-, ^-) induced by the ODEs. The forward invariance of ℝ for under both forward and backward flow maps follows from the Lipschitz bounds on the RHS of the corresponding ODEs, established in s:existenceuniqueness. It remains to prove forward invariance of L_R^∞(), which we now do by contradiction. Assuming that L_R^∞() is not invariant with respect to (^+,^+, ^+), (^-,^-, ^-), then by the continuity of the flow maps, there must exist θ, θ' ∈ with |(t;θ, θ')| = K such that ∂_t |(t;θ, θ')| >0, which is impossible given that ∂_t |(t;θ, θ')| = 0, since χ_R((θ, θ')) = 0, for all such θ, θ' . By continuity of the solution map u ↦ (^+(T; u), ^+(T, ·; u), ^+(T, ·; u)), for any ϵ > 0 there exists a neighborhood U of u^- ∈ℝ× L_R^∞() × L_R^∞() such that (^+(T;u), ^+(T,·;u), ^+(T,·;u)) - u^+ < ϵ for all u ∈ U. This finally implies, by a:1c), that ((T;θ), (T; θ, ·), (T; ·, θ)) has full support in ℝ^d× L_R^∞()× L_R^∞(), which in turn proves the claim. §.§ Proof of t:optimality The proof of t:optimality is carried out by adapting the argument from Theorem 50 in <cit.>, to the present setting. We recall that, writing Δ F[W]() := F̂( ;W(t)) - F^*( ) and using the definition e:hh we have ∂_t (t;θ) = - ∫ΔF[W]() σ_h((θ; , 0)) ν() so that, by the convergence assumption, we have that for every ϵ>0 there exists a T>0 such that for almost every θ∈() | ∫ΔF[W]() σ_h((θ; , 0)) ν()| ≤ϵ . We proceed to prove that Δ F[W] converges in L^2(ν) to Δ F[W̅] as t→∞. To do so we define δ_i(t,,θ) = σ_h([W̅](θ; , i)) - σ_h([W(t)](θ; , i)) for which by boundedness and Lipschitz continuity of σ_h we have δ_L(t, , θ) ≤K |W̅_xh(θ)_-L - W_xh(t;θ)_-L| δ_i(t,,θ) ≤K (|W̅_xh(θ)_-L - W_xh(t;θ)_-L| + K ∫|W̅_hh(θ, θ') - W_hh(t;θ,θ' )|(θ̣' ) . .+ ∫|W̅_hh(θ, θ')δ_i+1(t,,θ')| (θ̣')) Therefore, denoting by θ the differential θ̣^(0),…, θ̣^(L) we have that ∫| ΔF[W̅]() - ΔF[W(t)]()|^2 ν() = ∫|F̂(W̅; ) - F̂(W(t);)|^2ν() ≤∫K ∫|W̅_hy(θ) - W_hy(t;θ)| (θ̣) + ∫W̅_hy(θ) δ_0(t, , θ) (θ̣)^2 ν() ≤K^2L ∑_i=0^L ∫|W̅_hy(θ^(0))|^2 ∏_j=1^i-1 |W̅_hh(θ^(j-1),θ^(j))|^2W̅_hh(θ^(i-1),θ^(i))- W_hh(t;θ^(i-1),θ^(i))^2^⊗L+1(θ) + K^2L ∑_i=0^L ∫|W̅_hy(θ^(0))|^2 ∏_j=1^i-1 |W̅_hh(θ^(j-1),θ^(j))|^2W̅_xh(θ^(i-1))- W_xh(t;θ^(i-1))^2^⊗L+1(d θ) 𝔼_X[^2] + K^2 ∫|W̅_hy(θ) - W_hy(t;θ)|^2 (dθ) and by a:1 we have that the above goes to 0 as t →∞. Having proven the convergence of Δ F[W(t)] to Δ F[W̅] we proceed to prove the claim of the theorem. By boundedness of σ_h we have that for every θ∈() | ∫ΔF[W̅] σ_h ((θ; , 0)) ν()| ≤K | ∫(ΔF[W̅]() - ΔF[ W]()) ν()| + | ∫ΔF[ W]() σ_h ((θ; , 0)) ν()| ≤K ϵ By continuity of σ_h we have that for every ϵ > 0 |∫ΔF[W̅]() f() ν()| ≤K ϵ uniformly over f() ∈ S where S = {σ_h((θ; , 0)) : θ∈}, implying that |∫Δ F[W̅]() f() ν()|= 0 for all f ∈ S. Since from p:spanning we have that (σ_h((θ; , 0))) = L^2(ν), the above result immediately yields that for ν-almost every , Δ F[W̅]() = 0, so that ℒ(W̅) = 0. Finally, we prove the desired result by connecting ℒ(W̅) and ℒ(W(t)): |ℒ(W̅) - ℒ(W(t))| = |∫ΔF[W̅]()^2 - ΔF[W(t)]()^2 ν()| ≤2K F̂(W̅;·) - F̂(W(t);·)_ν , which by e:lastbound goes to 0 with t →∞. Combining the above we have lim_t →∞ ℒ(W(t)) ≤ℒ(W̅) + lim_t →∞ |ℒ(W̅) - ℒ(W(t))| = 0 which proves the claim. Author affiliations:
Searching for the sources of excess extragalactic dispersion of FRBs
[ "Sunil Simha", "Khee-Gan Lee", "J. Xavier Prochaska", "Ilya S. Khrykin", "Yuxin Huang", "Nicolas Tejos", "Lachlan Marnoch", "Metin Ata", "Lucas Bernales", "Shivani Bhandari", "Jeff Cooke", "Adam T. Deller", "Suart Ryder", "Jielai Zhang" ]
[ "astro-ph.GA", "astro-ph.CO" ]
Sunil Simha shassans@ucsc.edu 0000-0003-3801-1496]Sunil Simha University of California - Santa Cruz 1156 High St. Santa Cruz, CA, USA 95064 0000-0001-9299-5719]Khee-Gan Lee Kavli IPMU (WPI), UTIAS, The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8583, Japan 0000-0002-7738-6875]J. Xavier Prochaska University of California - Santa Cruz 1156 High St. Santa Cruz, CA, USA 95064 Kavli IPMU (WPI), UTIAS, The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8583, Japan Division of Science, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 2-21-1 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-8588, Japan 0000-0003-0574-7421]Ilya S. Khrykin Kavli IPMU (WPI), UTIAS, The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8583, Japan 0000-0002-0298-8898]Yuxin Huang Kavli IPMU (WPI), UTIAS, The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8583, Japan 0000-0002-1883-4252]Nicolas Tejos Instituto de Física, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Casilla 4059, Valparaíso, Chile 0000-0003-1483-0147]Lachlan Marnoch School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia CSIRO, Space and Astronomy, PO Box 76, Epping NSW 1710 Australia Astronomy, Astrophysics and Astrophotonics Research Centre, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia ARC Centre of Excellence for All-Sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions (ASTRO 3D), Australia 0000-0002-5934-9018]Metin Ata The Oskar Klein Centre, Department of Physics, Stockholm University, AlbaNova University Centre, SE 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden 0009-0002-9608-9275]Lucas Bernales Instituto de Física, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Casilla 4059, Valparaíso, Chile 0000-0003-3460-506X]Shivani BhandariVeni fellow ASTRON, Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy, Oude Hoogeveensedijk 4, 7991 PD Dwingeloo, The Netherlands Joint institute for VLBI ERIC, Oude Hoogeveensedijk 4, 7991 PD Dwingeloo, The Netherlands 0000-0001-5703-2108]Jeff Cooke Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing, Swinburne University of Technology, Mail Number H29, PO Box 218, 31122, Hawthorn, VIC, Australia ARC Centre of Excellence for All-Sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions (ASTRO 3D), Australia CSIRO, Space and Astronomy, PO Box 76, Epping NSW 1710 Australia 0000-0001-9434-3837]Adam T.Deller Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing, Swinburne University of Technology, Mail Number H29, PO Box 218, 31122, Hawthorn, VIC, Australia 0000-0003-4501-8100]Stuart D. Ryder School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia Astronomy, Astrophysics and Astrophotonics Research Centre, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia 0000-0001-5310-4186]Jielai Zhang Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing, Swinburne University of Technology, Mail Number H29, PO Box 218, 31122, Hawthorn, VIC, Australia ARC Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery (OzGrav), Australia The FLIMFLAM survey is collecting spectroscopic data of field galaxies near fast radio burst (FRB) sightlines to constrain key parameters describing the distribution of matter in the Universe. In this work, we leverage the survey data to determine the source of the excess extragalactic dispersion measure (DM), compared to the Macquart relation estimate of four FRBs: , , , and . By modeling the gas distribution around the foreground galaxy halos and galaxy groups of the sightlines, we estimate , their contribution to the FRB dispersion measures. The sightline shows a clear excess of foreground halos which contribute roughly 2/3^rd of the observed excess DM, thus implying a sightline that is baryon-dense. shows a smaller but non-negligible foreground halo contribution, and further analysis of the IGM is necessary to ascertain the true cosmic contribution to its DM. and show negligible foreground contributions, implying a large host galaxy excess and/or progenitor environment excess. § INTRODUCTION With the advent of the concordance Lambda-Cold Dark Matter (Λ CDM) cosmological paradigm, there is now a comprehensive model for the large-scale structure of matter in the universe, and its formation under the influence of gravity is one of the key tests that is actively being researched. Cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments <cit.> have precisely measured the contents of the universe and simulations have rendered clarity regading the time-evolution of structure beginning from primordial fluctuations <cit.>. In the current paradigm, dark matter forms the cosmic web, the large scale structure that includes voids, filaments, and dense halos and serves as scaffolding for the accretion of baryonic matter. Indeed, hydrodynamical simulations <cit.> have shown us that the ionized gas populates dark matter halos and also occupies the cosmic web filaments or the intergalactic medium (IGM), albeit in a much more diffuse state. The low density of the IGM plasma has long challenged baryon census studies at z≲0.5. The Lyman alpha forest and UV absorption studies of metal ion tracers such as OVI and OVII are not sensitive to ∼40% of the IGM baryons <cit.> which reside is the hot (∼10^6 K), diffuse phase according to theory <cit.>. With existing facilities, very long-exposure X-ray observations (multi-million seconds) are required to to detect the weak absorption expected from OVII tracers of the hot phase <cit.>. Alternatively, stacking the weak kinetic Sunyaev-Zeldovich signal between ≳10^6 galaxy pairs could reveal the gas in filaments <cit.>. In the meantime, the serendipitous discovery of the first Fast Radio Burst (FRB) in archival data <cit.> has set in motion a series of paradigm-changing discoveries. FRBs are millisecond-duration radio transients whose origins are still widely debated. With improved radio detection techniques, over the last five years multiple FRBs have been localized in the sky with sub-arcsecond accuracy <cit.> and thus their radial distance could be confidently measured from their host galaxy redshifts (). FRBs pulses are dispersed by plasma during propagation and the extent of this effect is directly related to the integrated, line-of-sight free electron density (n_e). This effect is quantified by the FRB Dispersion Measure () which is defined as: = ∫n_e/1+zdl . Here, z is the cosmological redshift and dl is the distance element along the line-of-sight. As  is an integral quantity, it may be represented as the sum of the electron reservoirs encountered during propagation. i.e. = ++ . Here, is from the electrons within the Milky Way interstellar medium (ISM) and halo, is from the counterpart structures in the host galaxy, and is from the plasma in intervening halos and the diffuse IGM in the foreground, i.e. = +. <cit.> were the first to estimate for a sample of localized FRBs and showed that it is correlated with . This was as expected of the current paradigm of cosmological expansion and the fraction of ionized baryons in the universe [Estimated by leveraging observational constraints on denser baryon reservoirs in the form of stars, remnants and neutral gas <cit.>.]. This proved directly that the “Missing” Baryons were not just found, but also that  could viably probe the diffuse plasma in the Universe. The community has largely adopted the moniker of the “Macquart relation" to refer to the average , i.e. , versus . While the mean Macquart relation is well described by cosmology <cit.>, there is expected to be scatter about at any given redshift due to the inhomgeneity of cosmic structure. For example, some FRB sightlines may intersect the gas rich environments of intra galaxy cluster media while others may primarily intersect cosmic voids. Furthermore, galaxy feedback can influence the variance in gas density by distributing gas further out of gravitational wells <cit.>. Indeed, as we shall show in the subsequent section, one identifies a number of FRBs where estimates for  from nominal assumptions on  imply >. However, it is not evident a priori if the excess arises from foreground structure (i.e. intervening halos and IGM overdensities) or from an atypical host and progenitor environment. Our previous work <cit.> has introduced a methdology to estimate the contribution from foreground halos. Here, we apply our analysis to four FRB sightlines with apparently high  values. Future application of such analyses on a statistical sample of FRBs can inform us on the distribution of ionized gas within dark matter halos <cit.>. To this end, we leverage the redshifts of galaxies collected as part of the FRB Line-of-Sight Ionization Measurement From Lightcone AAOmega Mapping (FLIMFLAM) survey <cit.>. This redshift survey aims to study the foreground matter distribution along ∼30 FRB sightlines. The key results expected from the survey include constraints accurate to ∼10% on (1) the fraction of baryons in the universe in the diffuse IGM and (2) the fraction of baryons residing in circum-galactic halos that are in the ionized phase. In this redshift survey, spectroscopic redshifts and photometry of foreground galaxies within ∼1 degree of an FRB sightline are used to generate bespoke models of the line-of-sight ionized matter density tailored to individual lines-of-sight, which can then be compared with the DM from the FRB. Key reservoirs of said matter include intervening dark matter halos and the diffuse intergalactic medium (IGM). In this work, with a subset of the spectroscopic data collected, we investigate four excess  sightlines: , , and . These fields were targeted with the wide-field Anglo-Australian Telescope(AAT)/AAOmega and the Keck/LRIS and DEIMOS spectrographs. This manuscript is outlined as follows: section <ref> describes the data collection and reduction. Section <ref> describes our intervening-galaxy-halo DM estimation procedure. Section <ref> describes the results and section <ref> discusses their implications. Throughout this work, unless otherwise specified, we assume a ΛCDM cosmology with Planck 2018 cosmological parameters <cit.>. § DATA §.§ Sample selection As described in the introduction, structure in the cosmic web is expected to produce a significant scatter in the Macquart relation due to sightline-to-sightline variation in the column density of intervening gas <cit.>. Figure <ref> is an updated plot showing the Macquart relation and data from the sample of CRAFT-localized FRBs published to date <cit.>. The DM values shown in the plot correspond to estimates of the cosmic dispersion measures, = - - /(1+z), where  is estimated as the sum of the ISM contribution () taken from the NE2001 model <cit.>, and the halo contribution () which is assumed to be 40 . We do note that there is evidence pointing to highly variable Milky Way halo contribution, . i.e. σ()∼ 100. For example, <cit.> use X-ray absorption lines in quasar spectra from gas within the Milky Way CGM and constrain  along numerous sightlines. Though we did not find a matching absorption sightline from their dataset within 3 degrees of our FRBs we acknowledge the possibility of large . Studies such as <cit.> and <cit.> involving low  sightlines (≲ 100) place tighter constraints (=28-111). In this context, we concede our assumption for  is probably low but has little impact on our qualitative findings. Furthermore, for Figure <ref>, we assume a median host contribution of = 186. A primary goal of this paper is to distinguish between these two scenarios, i.e. the excess arising from the foreground or the FRB host, along individual sightlines. The blue shading visualizes the expected probability density of at each redshift, , with an assumed feedback parameter F=0.31 <cit.>. The long, low-probability tail in to high values is due to massive halos of galaxy clusters and groups, which occasionally intersect a sightline. One sees that a sizable fraction of the FRB sample lies above the Macquart relation, and a subset have  values at or beyond the 80th percentile of the expected distribution at their redshifts. Naively, assuming that our ansatz for is correct, one would expect only 20% (i.e. ∼4) of the sightlines on average above the 80th percentile for the sample size shown in the figure. However, we find 11. The FRBs with > may arise from higher host contributions than the assumed average (i.e. >) or a larger than average foreground contribution to , or both. Of the 11 FRBs with this apparent excess in , 6 have been targeted in the FLIMFLAM survey and have both shallow, wide-field (m_r<20 mag within 1.1 deg radius around the FRB) AAT/AAOmega spectroscopy, plus deeper, narrow-field spectra (m_r<23 within ∼5 arcmin radius) using the Keck/LRIS and Keck/DEIMOS instruments. One field, FRB20190608A was previously studied by <cit.> using redshift data from SDSS and KCWI integral-field unit observations. In a separate paper, we will use a slightly different methodology to analyze the foreground contribution to the well-studied high-DM source FRB20190520B (Lee et al., in prep). In this work, we present the foreground analysis of the other four fields: , , and . All of these have near or beyond the 80th percentile in as listed in Table <ref>. §.§ Spectroscopic target selection Field galaxies within a radius of 1.1 degrees of the sightlines were targeted using the fiber-fed AAOmega spectrograph on the 3.9m Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT) at Siding Spring, Australia. For two fields ( and ), the fiber configurations were designed to target sources with m_r<19.4 mag that were well-resolved in the Pan-STARRS imaging, i.e. distinct from point sources. For fields and , the target criterion is m_r<19.2 mag and m_r<19.8 mag respectively that were well-resolved in DECam imaging from archival DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys data <cit.>. Due to unfavorable weather conditions, we were unable to observe the full roster of fiber configurations generated for , and so this field has sparser wide-field coverage than intended. We therefore supplement our spectroscopic data on this field from the SDSS database. Each fiber configuration was observed for ∼1 hr in the 1x1 binning mode with the 570 nm dichroic, which split the light into red and blue components. The red camera used the 385R grating blazed at 720nm while the blue camera used the 580V grating and the blaze is set to 485nm. The red and blue spectra were reduced, coadded and combined using the 2dFDR version 6.2 based on python 2.7 kindly provided by the OzDES group <cit.>. We used the MARZ <cit.> software to determine redshifts, which cross-correlates the input spectra with a set of templates and determines the best redshift. This was followed by a visual inspection to confirm the redshifts, with adjustments as necessary. Figure <ref> shows the histogram of redshifts obtained from the AAT for the fields analyzed in this paper. The spectroscopic success rate of the survey, which is defined by the fraction of the number of targets with secure redshift and the total number of the targets that were observed, is around 90%. In addition, the FRB fields were targeted with the Keck DEIMOS and LRIS spectrographs in the multi-object spectroscopy mode. We used Pan-STARRS r-band imaging to select m_r<23 mag galaxies (i.e. as before, rejecting point sources) within ∼5 arcmin of the sightline. To further limit sources to z≲0.3, we rejected sources that satisfy these color criteria based on our analysis of mock galaxy photometry <cit.>: g-r >0 r-i >0.7 i >20.5 With LRIS, multi-object slitmask-based spectroscopy of the target galaxies was performed. Our configuration was as follows: 600/7500 grating for the red-side, 600/4000 grism for the blue side and the 560D dichroic. All raw frames were binned 2x2. The LRIS observations were obtained only for the fields of and during a previous run and not all objects in the field could be covered due to limited time. The galaxies that were omitted were subsequently targeted with DEIMOS. All LRIS/DEIMOS spectra were reduced with v1.2 of the PypeIt package <cit.> package. We set a detection threshold of 3σ above the noise floor for object identification and forced detection for fainter objects using the slitmask information stored in the metadata of the raw frames. Our DEIMOS observations were obtained on a later run with the 600ZD grating and GG455 order blocking filter and 1x1 binning. Each mask configuration was observed for ∼50 min. Together, 95% of the candidate galaxies within 5 arcmin of the FRB were targeted. We ignored the serendipitous spectra, i.e. spectra of non-targeted sources captured in our slits, as they generally had no discernible features for redshift assignment. We did not flux-calibrate the spectra as this is not necessary for redshift estimation from line features. As with the AAT spectra, all reduced spectra from Keck were processed via MARZ <cit.> to determine redshifts, followed by a visual inspection. As with the AAT data, of the targeted Keck spectra, >90% had good redshift assignments. In the case of , <cit.> have presented MUSE IFU pointing of 0.67 hours with the Wide Field Mode (WFM) covering the 1×1 area around the FRB sightline. Of the 61 galaxies extracted from the stacked white light image (i.e. the image averaged over the spectral dimension), 7 were identified to be foreground sources. The reduced spectra with their assigned redshifts are made available as a specDB <cit.> file [Available at this https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gVVwTAmiHJtFB_GD56hgmDylXHYbOTFS?usp=sharingGoogle Drive link]. This is an HDF5 file with the convenience functions from the specDB package for easy retrieval of data. §.§ Photometric data To estimate foreground galaxy properties such as stellar mass, we fit the publicly available flux measurements with a spectral energy distribution (SED) model. To this end, we used the grizy photometry from the Pan-STARRS <cit.> catalog, W1, W2, W3, and W4 from the WISE All-Sky source catalog <cit.> and supplemented with the YJHKs photometry from the Vista Hemisphere Survey (VHS) catalog <cit.> where available. The details regarding the SED fitting procedure are elucidated in the following section. § DM HALO ANALYSIS In this section, we describe the methodology implemented to estimate the dispersion measure contributed from the halo of a galaxy or group of galaxies, . We refer to the summed quantity along a given sightline as . §.§ Individual Halos Once spectroscopic redshifts were assigned, the available photometry was fit with an SED using CIGALE <cit.>. We assumed a delayed-exponential star-formation history with no burst population, a synthetic stellar population prescribed by <cit.>, the <cit.> initial mass function (IMF), dust attenuation models from <cit.>, and dust emission templates from <cit.>, where the AGN fraction was capped at 20%. This provided an estimate of the stellar mass, , of the foreground galaxy at a given redshift . We then translate  to galactic halo mass, , using the mean stellar to halo mass relation (SHMR) described by <cit.> at that . Subsequently,  were estimated using the <cit.> modified NFW halo profile model. We assumed that the total amount of baryons in the halo trace the cosmic mean (Ω_b/Ω_m). We assumed the halo gas extends to one virial radius () and that 75% of the baryons are in the hot, ionized phase in the halo. This assumes that 25% of the baryons in the galaxy is in condensed forms <cit.>. While this fraction may vary with halo properties <cit.> or assumptions on galaxy feedback <cit.>, we emphasize that this is a relatively conservative maximal model for the CGM of galaxies, i.e. one may consider the DM estimates as upper limits. Adopting this CGM model, we then integrate the dispersion measure of the gas at the observed impact parameter of the galaxy from the sightline determined from its redshift and the angular offset. The uncertainties in the  estimation and the SHMR relation propagate into the  estimate. For each galaxy, we assumed that the log distribution at a given redshift was Gaussian with the mean and standard deviations obtained from CIGALE. Accounting for the error in the SHMR is more involved as it depends on both  and galaxy redshift. The SHMR is described in Equation 2 of <cit.> with 8 parameters. We took the best fit parameters and uncertainties from their Table 1 as the mean and standard deviations of the independent normal distributions that these parameters were sampled from. We ignored any co-variance in these fit parameters. From the log distributions, 1000 samples are drawn and the SHMR parameter space is sampled 1000 times for each log realization. Thus, for every galaxy, we produce 10^6 log realizations, and subsequently, estimates. The mean and variance from these individual distributions are used when drawing our conclusions for the sightlines. §.§ Galaxy group contributions It is important to account for galaxy groups or clusters, since the overall halo mass is typically much larger than the sum of the putative member masses if estimated individually. This results in DM contributions much greater than that estimated for individual group members. To search for galaxy groups within the FLIMFLAM spectroscopic catalog, we make use of an anisotropic friends-of-friends (FoF) group finder that has previously been applied to SDSS galaxy survey data (; but see also ,). This finder assumes a transverse linking length, , which varies as a function of redshift, z, in the following way: (z) = d_LL,0[1 + a arctan(z/z_*)], where d_LL,0 is the linking length at the initial redshift, whereas a and z_* are parameters governing the redshift evolution. This redshift-dependent linking length allows one, in principle, to account for the declining completeness of the galaxies with increasing redshift in a flux-limited spectroscopic survey. The line-of-sight linking length, , is then set as a fixed multiple of ; the ratio / is another free parameter for the group finder. To determine the appropriate values for these free parameters, we ran the group finder on the FLIMFLAM catalogs and manually iterated the free parameters of the group finder, while visually inspecting the resulting groups from the FLIMFLAM catalog in both the transverse and line-of-sight dimensions at each iteration. Our criteria was to ensure the selection is not so permissive as to include cosmic web filament structures as part of the identified groups, while simultaneously not being so stringent as to omit the more massive groups at the high-redshift end where the data is typically sparser. We arrived at the following values for the group-finding in this paper: =0.2, a=0.75, z_*=0.1, and /=10. To limit ourselves to reasonably robust groups, we select for a minimum richness of N_gal≥ 5. Furthermore, we apply the same modified NFW profile model; limited still to one virial radius but scaled up to the group mass estimated as our fiducial model. In addition to the coordinates and redshift of each group center, the code also provides a halo mass estimate by applying the virial theorem on the projected group radius and velocity dispersion[The group catalogs generated for our fields are available at this https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gVVwTAmiHJtFB_GD56hgmDylXHYbOTFS?usp=sharingGoogle Drive link.]. §.§ Halo Contributions While our analysis can provide estimates of  for individual sightlines, it is useful to compare them against a mean cosmic contribution from halos for any random sightline up to . One may produce a theoretical estimate of this as follows: Adopting the halo mass function (HMF) (using the implementation of <cit.>) and restricting ourselves to <10^16, we can estimate the total number of halos of each mass bin expected to intersect within 1  of each sightline. Using our baryon distribution model described in section <ref>, this can be translated to the average  along the sightline, i.e. . This average represents an upper limit as we are considering halos more massive than those of galaxies. monotonically increases with the halo mass up to which the HMF is integrated over (see Figure <ref>) but plateaus near ≈ 10^15. This presumably reflects the low average probability of intersecting such massive, but rare, halos. Changing the model parameters that influence have similar effect on . e.g. increasing the assumed fraction of ionized baryons in the halo scales up both and by the same factor. § RESULTS The analysis described above was applied to each galaxy in each field, resulting in probability distributions for the  contribution of individual galaxies and groups. The value is then the straight sum along each sightline. Our findings from the analysis for each sightline described above are presented in this section. Figure <ref> is a visual summary of the individual fields. It highlights stars, background objects and foreground objects ≲3 arcmin of the FRBs on the r-band image of the field from Pan-STARRS. The foreground objects are colored by the average  contribution estimated for each of them. §.§ Examining Figure <ref>, one notes multiple galaxies in the foreground field of including several within ≈ 30”. These galaxies lie primarily at two redshifts: z= 0.10 and 0.21 and have estimated halo masses that yield significant contributions. The galaxy with the smallest impact parameter (J121554.90-130121.95) was found in the VLT/MUSE datacube and has a redshift of 0.08 yielding a projected perpendicular distance of = 11 kpc <cit.>. Even though its mass estimate indicates it is a dwarf galaxy (= 10^8.5), its close proximity to the sightline leads to a substantial contribution of 25. The wide-field data from Keck/DEIMOS and LRIS show 110 foreground galaxies, and of these 17 show non-zero contributions. Table <ref> lists the foreground galaxies and their mean contributions [The full galaxy catalogs with their halo masses and  estimates for our fields are available at this https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gVVwTAmiHJtFB_GD56hgmDylXHYbOTFS?usp=sharingGoogle Drive link.]. We do not find any group contribution when applying our fiducial halo gas model, which truncates at the virial radius, to the groups identified in this field. If, however, one extended the model to two virial radii we estimate one of the groups would give a 50 contribution. This group is centered at RA/Dec of (184.1382405, -13.0107427) and z=0.111. The FRB sightline is at a transverse distance of 1.16 Mpc. With 20 member galaxies and a halo mass of 10^13.9, this group may potentially contribute to . We do not include this contribution in our  estimate but discuss the implications of doing so in Section <ref>. Figure <ref>a presents the cumulative sum of with redshift and shows a total value of 200 ± 45. This exceeds by over 100 the average estimated for the FRB redshift using the methodology described in Section <ref>. For this FRB, we infer that its exceeds owing to an excess of foreground structure. We return to this conclusion in the following section. §.§ While  has the least significant excess value of  in our sample, we estimate that the foreground galaxies in the field of contribute significantly to , similar to . Specifically, we estimate = 65 ± 20 which is comparable to at =0.161 (Fig. <ref>b). We do not find any group contribution to  for this sightline; the closest group lies at 4.6 Mpc transverse distance with a mass of only 10^13. At over ∼10 virial radii from the sightline, this group has no plausible influence on the observed . §.§ Although this field exhibits a large number of foreground galaxies within 10' of the FRB including nearly 20 within 5' of the sightline, we estimate their contributions to be nearly negligible. Many of these galaxies also have high, estimated halo masses but their individual contributions are generally ≲ 1 (Table <ref>). This results from the the large physical impact parameters; only one has < 200 kpc from the sightline. We estimate no group contribution to for this field, with the closest group being 860 kpc away with a mass of 10^11.7 (z=0.04). This comparatively low-mass halo was detected as a group only by virtue of its low redshift (and hence small distance modulus). §.§ From our sample of four FRBs with >, is the most extreme outlier with more than 380 in excess of the average value at the  = 0.2145. Remarkably, as is evident from Figure <ref>b, we do not find any foreground halos in close proximity to the sightline. As such, the total estimate is very small (Figure <ref>b). The galaxy with the largest estimate (1.6 ) is over 400 kpc away and has a halo mass of 10^12.8. Given the uncertainties in halo masses, is even consistent with 0, i.e. no intersections within one virial radius of any foreground halo. Not surprisingly, we also find no contribution from the galaxy groups identified in this field. The closest group lies at a distance of 2 Mpc. § DISCUSSION In the previous section we presented our analysis of the foreground matter distribution along four sightlines, with focus on . We now discuss the implications of these results. The primary motivation of this paper was to explore the origin of apparent excess in along FRB sightlines. To place our results in this context, we construct an empirical model for the four sightlines based on our findings. Specifically, define = + where is given by = - with calculated as described in Section <ref> and all quantities are evaluated at . In future analyses the FLIMFLAM survey will estimate for individual fields with the cosmic web reconstruction algorithm ARGO <cit.>, which is a Bayesian estimator for the matter density field given the foreground galaxy halo masses and 3D locations (i.e. their sky position and redshifts). Our estimate assumes the uncertainty in (Table <ref>) and a 20% statistical uncertainty in based on numerical simulations <cit.> We also emphasize that the assumed CGM model used to estimate impacts and therefore through Equation <ref>. This sensitivity to the CGM model (here a systematic error) lies central to correlating against galactic halos and large-scale structure to constrain properties of halo gas and the baryonic content of the IGM <cit.>. In the current analysis, however, the CGM model has less impact for decreases in will be compensated by an increase in . Figure <ref> presents cumulative estimates for with redshift for each field. These are compared with at and our values for using Equation <ref>. As one may have anticipated, for the two fields with large values (, ) are consistent with (see also Table <ref>). For these two FRBs, we have empirical confirmation of the theoretical paradigm for , i.e. that its intrinsic scatter tracks the incidence of foreground structure. These results lend further confidence for future analyses leveraging to resolve the cosmic web. Compared to the previously studied sightlines of FRB20190608A <cit.> and FRB20180924B <cit.>,  is the first that shows a significantly large contribution from foreground halos. As mentioned previously, such sightlines are expected to be rare <cit.>. On the other hand, the estimates for and do not even meet the average for these sources, much less the apparent excess implied by . The shortfalls are ≈ 200 and ≈ 425 respectively. Even accounting for uncertainty in our and estimates, one cannot account for these differences within the ∼ 1σ uncertainties. This suggests the observed excess is due to a higher than average component; we estimate the rest-frame values to be ≈ 422 and ≈ 665 respectively. These sightlines are remarkably similar to the that reported by <cit.> for FRB20190520B, implying a relatively low  compared to for these sightlines. Future detection of such sightlines might be key to unravel the likely progenitor scenarios and in investigating how  depends on host galaxy properties. We may further assess the likelihood of this conclusion as follows. Adopting a lognormal PDF for with the parameters estimated by <cit.>, the fraction of FRBs with values in excess of these estimates are 18% and 9% respectively. The large  values can be attributed to a combination of the local progenitor environment and the host ISM. One may search for signatures of a high value from detailed studies of the host galaxies. arises in a low-mass (dwarf) galaxy with a low star-formation rate <cit.>. It is offset from the galaxy center by ≈ 3 kpc which exceeds the half-light radius. In these regards, there is nothing apparent in the host properties nor its inferred halo that would suggest such a large value. <cit.> propose a possible scenario involving the FRB progenitor being embedded in the outflows of a hyper-accreting black hole and note that long-term, short-cadence observations of the FRB polarization may constrain such a model should the FRB repeat.  on the other hand arises from a high-mass, high-star-formation-rate galaxy and is coincident with the disk of the host <cit.>. This implies a fraction of the  arises from the host ISM. For example, <cit.> estimated for FRB20190608B ∼90 for the host ISM contribution from the local H-alpha line emission measure. While <cit.> report slightly lower star-formation rate for the host of  than FRB20190608B, one can visually discern a higher disk inclination for the former and speculate a comparable if not higher for the ISM component. A dedicated optical follow-up study of the host with an integral-field unit, especially if one can resolve ≲ 1 kpc around the FRB, can help place upper limits on the ISM contribution. For all the four FRB host galaxies, if we applied our galaxy halo gas model and computed as analyzed above, we estimate a contribution of ≲35 each. As mentioned previously, a full IGM reconstruction analysis is necessary for a complete understanding of the foreground matter density, e.g. as done for FRB20190608B <cit.>. While we have established two of our fields have ∼, it is possible that the IGM reconstruction may reveal > and therefore lay tighter constraints on . With ∼30 sightlines, the FLIMFLAM survey will perform such analysis and render, as a useful by-product, a posterior distribution for . This distribution can serve as a prior to future FRB-based IGM tomography work as well as to constrain FRB progenitor channels. § CONCLUSION To summarize, we analyzed the galaxies in the foreground of four localized FRBs, whose estimated cosmic dispersion measure significantly exceeds the average at . Implementing the methodology detailed in Section <ref>, we estimated the DM contribution of foreground galactic and group halos, , as summarized in Table <ref>. For two fields, we found a high incidence of halos at close impact parameters to the sightline, such that the estimate matches or exceeds the average cosmic expectation value, . For the other two fields, the estimate is less than 5 owing to the absence of foreground halos near the sightline. Our results reinforce the paradigm that FRBs can effectively probe foreground matter overdensities. That being said, one must exercise caution in accounting for plasma in the host galaxy and immediate FRB progenitor environment when studying matter distribution along the sightline. Combined with <cit.> we conclude FRBs with apparent high arise from both higher than average foreground structure and inferred higher host contributions, with nearly equal probability. Thus the FLIMFLAM survey is ramping up efforts towards data collection and analysis. Future results are expected to lay robust constraints on the parameters describing foreground matter distribution as well as constrain  statistically. § ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Elmo Tempel for kindly providing his group-finding software, and Chris Lidman for assistance with the OzDES data reduction pipeline for AAOmega. Authors S.S., J.X.P., and N.T., as members of the Fast and Fortunate for FRB Follow-up team, acknowledge support from NSF grants AST-1911140, AST-1910471 and AST-2206490. N.T. and L.B. acknowledge support by FONDECYT grant 11191217. We acknowledge generous financial support from Kavli IPMU that made FLIMFLAM possible. Kavli IPMU is supported by World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI), MEXT, Japan. Based on data acquired at the Anglo-Australian Telescope, under programs A/2020B/04, A/2021A/13, and O/2021A/3001. We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which the AAT stands, the Gamilaraay people, and pay our respects to elders past and present. MARZ <cit.>, HMFEmulator <cit.>, specDB <cit.>, CIGALE <cit.>, Astropy <cit.>, Numpy <cit.>, Scipy <cit.>, Matplotlib <cit.>. The Python scripts used to perform our analysis are available in our FRB GitHub repository (https://github.com/FRBs/FRB). aasjournal
Topological phase transitions generated by the order from quantum disorder
[ "Fadi Sun", "Jinwu Ye" ]
[ "cond-mat.quant-gas", "cond-mat.str-el" ]
^1 The School of Science, Great Bay University, Dongguan, Guangdong, 523000, China ^2 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Mississippi State University, MS 39762, USA The order from quantum disorder (OFQD) phenomenon was first discovered in quantum spin systems in geometric frustrated lattice. Similar phenomenon was also discovered in interacting bosonic systems or quantum spin systems with spin-orbit coupling in a bipartite lattice. Here we show that the OFQD also leads to a topological phase transition. We demonstrate this new connection in the experimentally realized weakly interacting Quantum Anomalous Hall system of spinor bosons in an optical lattice. There are two classes of topological phenomena: the first class is a perturbative one smoothly connected to the non-interacting limit. The second one is a non-perturbative one which has no analog in the non-interacting limit. Their experimental detections are also discussed. Topological phase transitions generated by order from quantum disorder Fadi Sun^1 and Jinwu Ye^1,2 March 30, 2023 ======================================================================== 1. Introduction. — Searching for new topological phases and topological phase transitions in various materials or artificial systems are fascinating frontiers in modern condensed matter physics <cit.>. The quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) is the simplest topological phase with non-vanishing Chern number <cit.>. The non-interacting fermionic QAH has been experimentally realized in Cr doped Bi(Sb)_2Te_3 thin films <cit.>. On the other hand, the weakly interacting bosonic analogy of QAH model has also been successfully realized via spinor bosons ^87Rb <cit.>. It is crucial to study the topological properties of bosonic QAH model, and find possible deep connections between the fermionic QAH model and the bosonic QAH model. It is well-known that the fermionic QAH model has two bands carrying opposite Chern numbers. In the non-interacting limit, when |h/t|<4, the corresponding Chern number of the lower and upper band are C_1=+ sgn(h) and C_2=- sgn(h), respectively; when |h/t|>4, the corresponding Chern number of the lower and upper bands is C_1=C_2=0. However, the topological properties of weakly interacting bosonic quantum anomalous Hall model maybe much involved. Due to its bosonic nature, an interaction must be considered at the very beginning. Unlike the fermionic QAH model, the weakly interacting bosonic QAH model is always in some spin-orbital superfluid phases with the spontaneous U(1) symmetry breaking. To the quadratic level, there are always Bogliubov quasi-particle excitations above these exotic superfluid phases. If neglecting the cubic or quartic interactions between them, which is justified near any quantum phase transitions (QPT), one may ask the question on what are the topology of these Bogliubov quasi-particle bands and possible TPTs. In this Letter, we map out the Chern number of the bosonic Bogliubov band at the quadratic level. In Ref.<cit.>, we work out quantum phases and quantum phase transitions in <cit.>. It is the order from quantum disorder (OFQD) phenomena which leads to the quantum ground states at h=0. It is the nearly order from quantum disorder (NOFQD) phenomena which leads to the quantum phase transition at h=h_c. In this work, we focus on the topological aspects of the same system. So the results to be achieved are complementary to those achieved in <cit.>. We find that there are two kinds of topological phases and TPTs. The first can be considered as the remnants from the non-interacting fermion limit, so it reduce to this limit smoothly as the interaction gets very small. It can also be called perturbative regime. The second has no analog or counterpart in the non-interacting fermion limit, so it is a completely new feature due to the interaction. We will show that it is completely induced by the non-perturbative OFQD phenomenon at h=0 discovered in <cit.>. It may also be called perturbative regime. In addition to the OFQD at h=0 and the QPT at h=h_c induced by the NOFQD discovered in <cit.>, we find two critical fields h_2 > h_1 > h_c >0. At the upper critical field h=h_2, there is a conic band touching at the R= (π,π) point of the Brillouin zone (BZ), so the lower band C_1 and upper band C_2=-C_1 Chern number changes from (C_1, C_2)=(+1,-1) below h_2 to (C_1, C_2)=(0,0) above h_2; At the lower critical field h_1 < h_2, there is a conic band touching at the X=(π, 0 ) and Y=(0, π ) point of the BZ, so (C_1, C_2)=(-1,+1) changes below h_1 to (C_1, C_2)=(+1,-1) above h_1. Both h_1 and h_2 only depends on t and U, but independent of the SOC t_s, and approaches to the corresponding non-interacting value h_20=4t and h_10=0 respectively. We conclude the topology in the regime |h| > |h_1 | belongs to the first perturbative class. We show that h=h_1 > h_c which is due to the NOFQD <cit.>. When h< h_c, the ground state becomes a XY-CAFM SF phase which breaks [ C_4 × C_4 ]_D → 1 and leads to 4 bosonic Bogliubov bands in the reduced BZ. We find there is always a gap between the second and the third band and calculate the combined Chern numbers of the two lower bands and that of the two upper bands (C_1+2, C_3+4)=(-1,+1). So there is no change on the topological band structure across the QPT at h= h_c. However, the change comes from h=0 where the OFQD leads to two Dirac points at in-commensurate momenta. Their positions not only depend on t, U, but also the SOC t_s and related by the remaining two Mirror symmetries. As the three parameters change, the two Dirac points approach to each other, then collide at a degenerate momentum Λ = (π/2,π/2 ), then bounce off along the normal direction. Any h ≠ 0 opens the gap on the two Dirac points, so there is a TPT from h < 0 with the combined Chern number (C_1+2, C_3+4)=(1,-1) to h > 0 with (C_1+2, C_3+4)=(-1,1), which is completely induced by the OFQD at h=0. We construct effective action to study the TPT and find it always contains an exotic Doppler shift term. The topology in the regime |h| < |h_1 | belongs to the second non-perturbative class. We also critically comment on the common conceptual mistakes made in the previous theoretical or experimental literatures to attempt to evaluate edge modes within the bulk gaps associated with the bosonic bulk Chern numbers. We also elucidate the physical meanings of the combined Chern numbers. Finally, we discuss the experimental detection of these topological phenomena, especially the ones induced by the OFQD near h=0. 2. The Hamiltonian, quantum phases and quantum phase transitions (QPT). — The recently experimentally realized two-component spinor Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian with a spin-orbit coupling <cit.> can be written as ℋ = -∑_i[a_i^† (tσ_z-it_sσ_x) a_i+x+a_i^† (tσ_z-it_sσ_y) a_i+y+h.c.] -h∑_i(n_i↑-n_i↓) +U∑_i n^2_i -μ∑_i n_i. where σ=↑ or ↓ denotes the ^87Rb atoms in the state |1,m_F=0⟩ or |1,m_F=-1⟩, respectively. Since the experiment can only achieve relatively weak spin-orbit coupling, our discussion will focus on regime |t_s|<2|t|. The quantum phase diagram of Eq.(<ref>) was studied in Ref.<cit.>. Especially, we found a new phenomenon we named Nearly order from quantum disorder (NOFQD) which captures the delicate competition between the effective potential generated by the order from quantum disorder (OFQD) and the Zeeman field. It is this competition which splits a putative first order quantum phase transition (QPT) at h=0 into two second order QPTs at h = ± h_c. Here we briefly summarize the main results: when h > h_c, it is in the Z-FM superfluid with the condensate wavefunction Ψ∝χ_↑; when h < h_c, it is the XY-CAFM superfluid with the condensate wavefunction Ψ∝cos(θ/2)χ_↑ +e^i(𝐐·𝐫+ϕ)sin(θ/2)χ_↓, where 𝐐=(π,π) is the orbital ordering wave-vector, θ=arccos(h/h_c), and ϕ=±π/4,±3π/4. The h_c was estimated as h_c∼ n_0U^2t_s^2/t^3. However, Ref.<cit.> fucus only on the quantum phases and QPTs, ignored the topological features of the Bogoliubov bands, also did not touch what are the connections of these quantum phases and QPTs to the topological nature of the QAH Hamiltonian. This work will address these outstanding open problems. Without loss of generality, we can set h,t,t_s>0 and then discuss the topology of the Bogoliubov excitation bands at h>h_c and h<h_c separately. 3. Evaluating the Chern number of the bosonic quasi-particle band from the lattice theory. — To exam the topology of the Bogoliubov excitation bands, we need not only the eigenvalues but also the eigenvectors, thus one need also to pay attention to the Bogoliubov transformations. After replacing the bosonic operator by its average plus a quantum fluctuation, we obtain a quadratic Bogoliubov Hamiltonian via expanding the Hamiltonian to the second order in the quantum fluctuations. Due to the spontaneous U(1) symmetry breaking, the quadratic Hamiltonian in 𝐤-space, H_𝐤, is a 2N× 2N matrix, ℋ=E_0+1/2∑_𝐤 (ψ_𝐤^†,ψ_-𝐤) H_𝐤[ ψ_𝐤; ψ_-𝐤^†; ], where ψ_𝐤^†=(ψ_1,𝐤^†,⋯,ψ_N,𝐤^†). The 1,⋯,N indices count the spin degrees of freedom and also the momentum resulting from the spontaneous translational symmetry breaking i9n the ground state. As shown in <cit.>, when h>h_c, the ground state is the Z-FM phase, we have N=2 and ψ_𝐤^† =(ψ_𝐤↑^†,ψ_𝐤↓^†); when h<h_c, the ground state is the XY-AFM phase, we have N=4 and ψ_𝐤^†= (ψ_𝐤↑^†,ψ_𝐤↓^†, ψ_𝐤+𝐐↑^†,ψ_𝐤+𝐐↓^†). where Q⃗= ( π, π). Diagonalizing Eq.(<ref>) by a 2N×2N Bogoliubov transformation matrix T_𝐤, so that T_𝐤^† H_𝐤 T_𝐤 =diag(ω_1,𝐤,⋯,ω_N,𝐤, ω_1,-𝐤,⋯,ω_N,-𝐤) where diag(⋯) means a diagonal matrix with diagonal elements ⋯, and ([ ψ_𝐤; ψ_-𝐤^†; ]) =T_𝐤 ([ α_𝐤; α_-𝐤^†; ]), we obtain ℋ=E_0+∑_n,𝐤ω_n,𝐤(α_n,𝐤^†α_n,𝐤+1/2), where 𝐤 sums over the corresponding Brillouin Zone (BZ), ω_n,±𝐤 > 0, n=1,⋯,N are the N Bogoliubov excitation bands. In contrast to the fermionic cases, to keep the bosonic commutation relations, the T_𝐤 is required to be a para-unitary matrix instead of a unitary one, which means T_𝐤^†τ_3 T_𝐤 =T_𝐤τ_3 T_𝐤^†=τ_3 and τ_3=σ_z⊗ I_N× N. The Berry curvature of the n-th Bogoliubov excitation band can be calculated via F_n(𝐤)=i[ϵ_μντ_3 ∂_μ T_𝐤^†τ_3 ∂_ν T_𝐤]_nn, where μ,ν=k_x,k_y. The Chern number of the n-th Bogoliubov excitation band can be evaluated via a integral C_n=1/2π∫_BZ d^2 𝐤 F_n(𝐤), where the integral is over the corresponding BZ. 4. Evaluating the Chern number of the bosonic quasi-particle band from the continuum theory. — Since the band closing is the signature of a topological phase transition (TPT), the change of band Chern number may also be computed in terms of a continuum theory. Near the band touching point, the typical effective Hamiltonian can be expressed in terms of the polar coordinate (k,ξ) with k_x=kcosξ and k_y=ksinξ, H_𝐤=v_x k^ncos(nξ) σ_x+ v_y k^nsin(nξ) σ_y- Δσ_z where |v_x|=|v_y|=v and n=1,2,3,⋯ stands for the order ( or charge ) of the touching point. The corresponding dispersion relation is ϵ(𝐤)=±√(Δ^2+ v^2 k^2n), and ϵ(𝐤)∼ k^n as Δ→0 approaching the TPT. The Berry curvature of the lower branch is F_-(𝐤)=-v_xv_yΔ k^-2+2n n^2/|ϵ(k)|^3, thus its Chern number is C_-=1/2π∫ d^2𝐤 F_-(𝐤) =-n/2sgn(v_xv_yΔ). where the sgn indicates the chirality of the Dirac boson. Therefore the band touching through the changing sign of Δ from positive to negative across the TPT leads to a change of Chern number Δ C_=-n sgn(v_xv_y). When there are multiple band touching points, the total change of Chern number needs to sum up all the contributions from all the band touching points. In the superfluid phases, due to the BEC at k=0, the Bogoliubov transformation matrix T_k diverges at k=0, the Chern number of the lowest band C_1 may not be well-defined, but those of the higher bands C_n>1 are usually well-defined, and quantized to be integers. <cit.>. In this Letter, we are still able to calculate C_1 by excluding the momentum k where the BEC resides. The results are summarized in Fig. <ref>. When comparing the non-interacting fermionic QAH model with the interacting bosonic QAH model, we find that the bosonic interaction leads to new and additional patterns of topological bands. In the following sections, we present the details of calculations leading to Fig.<ref>. 5. The topology of the Bogoliubov band when h > h_c.— In the h>h_c case, the ground state is the Z-FM phase, there are N=2 energy bands, the Bogoliubov transformation matrix T_k is a 4×4 matrix. The corresponding band structure is plotted in Fig.<ref> where h_2 =√(4t(4t+n_0U)) h_1 =√(2t(2t+n_0U))-2t When h=h_2, the two bands conically touch at k_R=(π,π); when h=h_1, they conically touch at k_X=(π,0) and k_Y=(0,π). A direct evaluation of Eq.(<ref>) on the lattice shows that: when h > h_2, the lower band and the upper band Chern number are C_1=C_2=0 respectively; when h_1<h<h_2, ( C_1, C_2)=(1,-1); when h<h_1, ( C_1, C_2)=(-1,1). Below, we construct continuum theories to confirm the change of the band Chern number. At h=h_2, one needs to expand the Hamiltonian around k_R=(π,π), the T_k at k_R tells the eigenmodes are α_1,R= (1/√(8))[2(4+n_0U/t)^-1/4+(4+n_0U/t)^1/4]ψ_R↑ -(1/√(8))[2(4+n_0U/t)^-1/4-(4+n_0U/t)^1/4]ψ_R↑^† and α_2,R=ψ_R↓, with the eigen-energy ω_h2=2√([b]4t(4t+n_0U))=2 h_2 When h deviates slightly from h_2, defining k=k_R+q and projecting the original Hamiltonian onto these eigenmodes lead to the effective Hamiltonian: H_R=ω_h2-vq_xσ_x-vq_yσ_y-Δσ_z where omega_h2=2 h_2, Δ=2(h-h_2), v=t_s√([b]2[1+(8t+n_0U)/ω_h2]). Note that the constant term omega_h2 shows it is an excited energy which has a direct experimental consequence <cit.>. Then the dispersion takes the form ω_1,2(q)=ω_h2∓√(Δ^2+v^2(q_x^2+q_y^2)). Thus the change of band Chern number is Δ C_1=- sgn(v^2)=-1. This analysis is consistent with the numerical result C_1=0 at h>h_2 and C_1=+1 at h<h_2, therefore 0-(+1)=-1. At h=h_1, one needs to expand the Hamiltonian around k_X=(π,0) and k_Y=(0,π), the T_k at k_X and k_Y tells the eigenmodes are α_1,X(Y)= (1/√(8))[2(2+n_0U/t)^-1/4+(2+n_0U/t)^1/4]ψ_X(Y)↑ -(1/√(8))[2(2+n_0U/t)^-1/4-(2+n_0U/t)^1/4]ψ_X(Y)↑^† and α_2,X(Y)=ψ_X(Y)↓, with the eigen-energy ω_h1=2√([b]2t(2t+n_0U))=2h_1+4t. When h deviates slightly from h_1, defining k=k_X(Y)+q and projecting the original Hamiltonian onto these eigenmodes lead to the effective Hamiltonian H_X =ω_h1- vq_xσ_x+vq_yσ_y-Δσ_z H_Y =ω_h1+ vq_xσ_x-vq_yσ_y-Δσ_z where ω_h1=2h_1+4t, Δ=2(h-h_1), v=t_s√([b]2[1+(4t+n_0U)/ω_h1]). Again, the constant term omega_h2 shows it is an excited energy which has a direct experimental consequence <cit.>. Then the dispersion of H_X or H_Y takes the same form ω_1,2(q)=ω_h1∓√(Δ^2+v^2(q_x^2+q_y^2)). Thus the change of band Chern number is Δ C_1=2 sgn(v^2)=2. This analysis is consistent with the numerical result C_1=+1 at h>h_1 and C_1=-1 at h<h_1, therefore +1-(-1)=2. Since lim_U→ 0h_2=4t and lim_U→ 0h_1=0, this result suggests that the topology of the Bogoliubov excitation bands at h>h_c is smoothly connecting to that of the non-interacting limit. Besides, the fact h_2=√(4t(4t+n_0U))>4t at any U > 0 suggests that the region displaying a non-trivial topology ( with a non-zero Chern number) is enlarged with an increasing U>0. One can also determine the relation between h_1 and h_c when U/t is small. When U/t is small, h_1=√(2t(2t+n_0U))-2t∼ n_0U/2, while h_c∼ n_0U^2t_s^2/t^3 ≪ h_1. Thus in the weak coupling limit U/t ≪ 1, there is always a window for h_c<h<h_1 as shown in Fig.1b. 6. The topology of the Bogoliubov band when 0< h < h_c and the absence of the TPT across the QPT at h=h_c.— In the h<h_c case, this corresponds to Eq.(9) and Eq.(10) in Ref.<cit.>. Because of spontaneous translational symmetry breaking, we have N=4 energy bands and T_k is an 8×8 matrix. From the NOFQD analysis in Ref.<cit.>, we know the h=0 ground-state requires θ=π/2, and 0<h<h_c ground-state requires θ_h=arccos(h/h_c). We substitute θ=θ_h back into the Eq.(<ref>), then calculate the band Chern numbers via Eq.(<ref>). In principle, there should be an additional term due to nearly order-from-quantum disorder (NOFQD) correction <cit.>, but we expect this correction does not change the topology of the Bogoliubov bands. From the band structure shown in Fig.<ref>, we find that the two lower bands touch, the two upper bands also touch, and there is always a band gap between the two groups when decreasing θ_h from π/2 to 0 (or equivalently, increasing h from 0 for h_c). Note that two lower/upper bands touch at the X point k_X=( π, 0 ), which is a momentum far away from k=0, thus the NOFQD effects ignored so far should not change the band touching behaviors. Due to the band touching, we need to consider the combination of the Chern numbers C_1+2 and C_3+4 when h<h_c. Our numerical evaluation of the integral Eq.(<ref>) gives (C_1+2,C_3+4)=(-1,+1). Recall the result of h just above h_c achieved in the last subsection also gives (C_1,C_2)=(-1,+1), which is the same pattern as (C_1+2,C_3+4)=(-1,+1). So we conclude that there is not any change in the topology across the quantum phase transition at h=h_c. 7. The TPT at h =0 and the absence of any QPT at h=0. — As shown in Fig.<ref>, the topology changes at h=h_1 with the conic band crossings at k_X=(π,0) and k_Y=(0, π), also at h=h_2 with the conic band crossing at k_R=(π, π). The origin of these TPTs can be traced back and mapped to the corresponding non-interacting limit of fermions. In this section, we show that there is also a conic band crossing at h=0 in Fig.<ref>(d) at some in-commensurate momentum (k_0x, k_0y ) between the Λ-point and X-point, which is not any high symmetry points. As shown in Fig.<ref>, there are two such Dirac points in the RBZ. The positions of the two Dirac points are in-commensurate and also depend on t, t_s and U, so it comes from the interaction induced OFQD <cit.>. In contrast to the TPTs at h= h_1 and h= h_2, the TPT at h=0 does not have any non-interacting analog. sl This is also the cental result achieved in this manuscript . At h=0, the ground state wavefunction is the XY-AFM with θ=0 and ϕ=-π/4. Solving the band-touching condition ω_2(k)=ω_3(k) leads to the following three cases: (I) when n_0U/t<8t_s/(√(2)t-t_s), two solutions are K_1=(π-k_0,k_0) and K_2=(k_0,π-k_0), with k_0=arcsin[√(2)t n_0U/(t_s(8t+n_0U))]<π/2; (II) when n_0U/t>8t_s/(√(2)t-t_s), two solutions are P_1,2=±(p_0,p_0), with p_0=arcsin[(4t/(8t+n_0U))√(4t(4t+n_0U)/(4t^2-2t_s^2))]<π/2; (III) when n_0U/t=8t_s/(√(2)t-t_s), the two solutions merge into just one at Λ=(π/2,π/2). Intuitively, as shown in Fig.S2, when keeping h=0, increasing n_0U/t from 0^+ to 8t_s/(√(2)t-t_s), the ω_2,3 conically touch at K_1,2; then at n_0U/t=8t_s/(√(2)t-t_s), K_1 and K_2 collide at Λ-point; further increasing n_0U/t, they bounce off along the two opposite directions along the perpendicular direction <cit.>, so ω_2,3 conic touches at P_1,2. Around h=0, defining k=K_1,2+q or k=P_1,2+q, we can similarly expand the Hamiltonian around the two minima of ω_2,3 to find the effective Hamiltonian: H_1=ω_0+c_∥ q_∥ +v_∥ q_∥σ_x +v_⊥ q_⊥σ_y -Δσ_z, H_2=ω_0-c_∥ q_∥ -v_∥ q_∥σ_x -v_⊥ q_⊥σ_y -Δσ_z, where ω_0=8t(4t+n_0U)/(8t+n_0U), q_∥=(q_x-q_y)/√(2),q_⊥=(q_x+q_y)/√(2), and Δ=hn_0U√(t/(4t+n_0U)) for regime (I), q_∥=(q_x+q_y)/√(2),q_⊥=(q_x-q_y)/√(2), and Δ=4htt_s/√(2t^2-t_s^2) for regime (II). The effective velocities v_∥,v_⊥,c_∥>0 are proportional to cos(k_0) or cos(p_0) for regime (I) and regime (II) respectively and are listed in the appendix B. The dispersion of H_i, i=1,2 takes the form ω_2,3(q)=ω_0-(-1)^i c_∥ q_∥∓√(Δ^2+v_∥^2q_∥^2+v_⊥^2q_⊥^2). It is necessary to stress that there exists a Doppler shift term, the c term, in H_1,2, which is the salient feature unique to the OFQD induced TPT, not shared by any non-interacting counter-part. Of course, it does not affect the value of band Chern numbers. From the effective Hamiltonian Eq.(<ref>), Eq.(<ref>) tells the change of band Chern number is Δ C=-2 sgn(v_∥ v_⊥)=-2 when Δ changes from positive to negative. This result is consistent with the numerical evaluation via Eq.(<ref>), which gives C_1+2=-1 at h>0 and C_1+2=+1 at h<0, therefore -1-(+1)=-2. At h=0, in the colliding point n_0U/t=8t_s/(√(2)t-t_s), the K_1 and K_2 merge at Λ=(π/2,π/2 )-point. Expanding around the Λ-point leads to the dispersion: ω_2,3(q)=ω_0(q) ∓√(u_1^2 q^4_⊥ +u_2 q^4_∥ +w q^2_∥ q^2_⊥), where u_1=t^2/(√(2)t_s), u_2=t^2t_s/[√(2)(2t^2-t_s^2)], w=t^2(t^2-t_s^2)/(2t^2-t_s^2), and ω_0(q)=4t+2√(2)t_s + DS where one can see the Doppler shift term DS= [t_s/√(2)][-q^2_∥+ q^2_⊥ t_s^2/(2t^2-t_s^2)] also gets to the quadratic order. Note that 4u_1^2u_2^2>w^2 is ensured by the condition 0<t_s<√(2)t, so the square root is always positive define. Since w-term won't lead to a gap close, one can ignore w-term and rescale q to make ω_2,3(q) isotropic. The ω_2,3(q)∼ q^2 is consistent with the fact that v_∥, v_⊥, c_∥ in Eq.(<ref>) vanish as k_0 or p_0 approaching π/2. When h deviates from 0, the effective Hamiltonian belongs to n=2 case of Eq.(<ref>). Thus, although there is only one band touching point with the monopole charge n=2, the change of Chern number is still -2. In short, regardless of the value of n_0U, the change of the Chern number from h=0^+ to h=0^- is always -2. So the scattering process in Fig. S1, is not a TPT. 8. Dramatic differences between the non-interacting fermionic band structure and the bosonic Bogoliubov band structure at the quadratic level.— It is important to stress some crucial differences between the fermionic band structure and the bosonic Bogliubov band structure at the quadratic level and also pointed out the common mistakes made in all the previous literatures to calculate the edge modes associated with the bosonic Bogliubov band structure: In the fermionic or bosonic QAH problem, the Time reversal symmetry is broken, the Chern number is not protected by any symmetry, its definition involves no symmetry requirement. The former is really non-interacting, while the bosonic Bogoliubov band is non-interacting at the quadratic level only where one dropped the cubic and quartic interactions and all the higher order interactions. All these interactions are not important except near the QPT at h=h_c. In fact, as shown by the RG analysis, near the QPT, the two quartic interaction in Eq.M32 are marginally irrelevant. But both are relevant inside the XY-AFM phase and in fact, leads to the symmetry breaking inside the phase. For the fermionic problem, there are always edge states associated with the topological phases. This is justified, because a single fermion operator never condenses. One tempts to also calculate the edge modes within the band gaps in Fig.<ref> and Fig.<ref> associated with the bosonic Bogoliubov band. Unfortunately, this kind of calculation has mathematical meanings, but makes no physical sense: this is because Eq.M3 is based on the BEC at k=0 in the Z-FM phase, Eq.M9 with the parametrization Eq. M11 are based on the BEC at both k=0 and Q=(π,π) in the XY-AFM phase. Unfortunately, they are ill-defined in a strip geometry. Ref.<cit.> and many other previous works, just copied the same method from its fermionic counterpart to evaluate edge modes associated with the bosonic Bogoliubov band: They simply transfer the quadratic Bogoliubov band in momentum space to real space, then solve the edge modes in the strip geometry by putting a periodic boundary condition along one direction, then the open boundary condition along the other. Unfortunately, this approach is well-planned mathematically, but is not self-consistent physically, because it ignored the root of BEC which leads to the quadratic bands in the first place. As stressed above, the BEC root is ill-defined in the strip geometry. So it makes no physical sense to talk about the edge modes. The claims made in some experimental works to measure the edge modes have no physical grounds. 9. Experimental detections.— So far, the experiment<cit.> has detected the non-interacting fermionic Chern numbers Fig.1a using the highly excited bosonic spinors, so it just mimic the single particle properties of the Hamiltonian Eq.1 using a spinor boson with SOC. Its main purpose is to demonstrate a possible realization of the bosonic Hamiltonian Eq.1 using cold atoms. The common drawbacks of most cold atom experiments is just to demonstrate a possibility to simulate a Hamiltonian which has been well studied in materials and claim the ability to tune the parameters. But in reality, it is rare to go beyond just a simulation to demonstrate new many-body phenomenon or topological phenomena due to many-body interactions.. Here we showed that there are two kinds of topological band structures (1) The one in the regime | h| > |h_1 | is smoothly connected to the non-interacting fermionic one. So it can also be called perturbative regime. Even so, the two critical fields h_1,2 listed in Eq.<ref> still depends on the interaction n_0 U. All the parameters in the effective Hamiltonian Eq.<ref> and <ref> also depend on the interaction n_0 U. (2) The one in the regime -h_1 < h < h_1 has no analog in the non-interacting counter-part, so it is completely due to the many-body interaction. More specifically, due to the non-perturbative OFQD. So it can also be called non-perturbative regime. It is also an experimentally easily accessible regime in the cold atom systems. It is extremely important to push the already 6 year old experiment<cit.> beyond the single-particle picture: to detect this novel purely interaction induced topological phenomena. In contrast to the detections suggested in <cit.> which are all equilibrium properties in the ground states and low energy excitations, here are the excited states near the high energy ω_h2, ω_h1 and ω_0 in Eq.<ref>,<ref> and <ref> near the high momentum R=(π,π) or X= (π,0), Y=(0,π) and tunable in-commensurate momenta K_1,2 or P_1,2 respectively <cit.>. We suggest to also measure the scattering process of the two bosonic Dirac points at h=0 displayed in Fig.S1 by the Bragg spectroscopy <cit.> or the momentum resolved interband transitions <cit.> adapted to the excited states. 10. Conclusions.— For any interacting Hamiltonian with a non-trivial topology in the non-interacting limit such as the QAH one Eq.1, there are always two aspects quantum and topology. The former focus on the ground states and quantum phase transitions which may only depend on the low energy excitations around the band minima in the weak interaction limit. OFQD is needed to even determine the ground state. NOFQD is needed to determine the QPT at h=h_c. The latter focus on the global structure of the bands, therefore also the excited states to capture the global topology <cit.>. However, the Bogliubov quasi-particle band picture breaks down near the QPT near h=h_c where a RG analysis is needed to capture all the physics well beyond the quadratic band picture. However, as classified in <cit.>, there are two kinds of OFQD, the first response trivially to a deformation, no NOFQD phenomenon emerging from the OFQD. The second response highly non-trivially to a deformation and lead to NOFQD phenomenon. It would be interesting to see if there are also two classes here, the first leads to a TPT, as is the case presented in this work, the second does not lead to any TPT. The two criterions coincide in the present case. It is also worthy to see if the two criterions coincide in other cases. The OFQD and the topological invariants such as Chern number seem are two very different concepts. The first concept is a completely many-body quantum phenomenon. While the latter is mainly a non-interacting topological phenomenon. Here we show that there are deep connections between the two in the context of the experimentally realized weakly interacting Quantum Anomalous Hall system of spinor bosons in an optical lattice. We expect this new effects could also be realized in frustrated quantum spin systems which leads to topological phase transitions of magnons. Acknowledgements J. Ye thanks Prof. Gang Tian for the hospitality during his visit at the School of Science of Great Bay University. 99 kane M. Z. Hasan and C. L. Kane, Colloquium: Topological insulators, Rev. Mod. Phys. 82, 3045 (2010). zhang X. L. Qi and S. C. Zhang, Topological insulators and superconductors, Rev. Mod. Phys. 83, 1057 (2011). QAHthe Rui Yu, Wei Zhang, Hai-Jun Zhang, Shou-Cheng Zhang, Xi Dai1, Zhong Fang, Quantized Anomalous Hall Effect in Magnetic Topological Insulators, Science 329, 61 (2010). 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If we fix t_s to be some typical value between 0 and √(2)t, i.e. t=1 and t_s=1/2, then 8t_s/(√(2)t-t_s)≈ 4.38, while the typical (U/t)_c in the Bose Hubbard model at n=1 for the SF-MI is about 16. Thus both (I) and (II) are reachable in teh SF phase. CIT Fadi Sun, Yu Yi-Xiang, Jinwu Ye and WuMing Liu, A new universal ratio in random matrix theory and Chaotic to integral transition in type-I and type-II hybrid Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models, Fadi Sun, Yu Yi-Xiang, Jinwu Ye, and W. M. Liu, Phys. Rev. B 104, 235133 (2021). Here, the Chaotic to integral transition (CIT) also happens in the excited bulk states which is not a QPT which involves only ground state and low energy excitations. Supplemental Materials: Topological phase transitions induced by order from quantum disorder In this Supplemental Materials we provide some details of the band structures which are needed to construct the effective Hamiltonian near the various TPTs. § A. SYMMETRY ANALYSIS AND THE SCATTERING PROCESS OF THE TWO BOSONIC DIRAC POINTS AT H=0 The high symmetry points in the 1st Brillouin zone are defined as Γ=(0,0), Λ=(π/2,π/2),  R=(π,π),  X=(π,0),  Y=(0,π). Two additional special k-points are defined as the band minima ( maxima ) of ω_3(k) ( ω_2(k) ) when |h|<h_c, they are functions of spin-orbit coupling t_s and the interaction U. At h=0, if the interaction strength U is sufficiently small n_0U/t<8t_s/(√(2)t-t_s), the ω_3(k) has two minima at k=K_1=(π-k_0,k_0) and k=K_2=(k_0,π-k_0), where k_0=arcsin[√(2)t n_0U/t_s(8t+n_0U)]. When n_0U goes to 0, the k_0 will become 0, thus K_1 becomes X-point and K_2 becomes Y-point. At h=0, if the interaction strength U is relatively large n_0U/t>8t_s/(√(2)t-t_s), the ω_3(k) has two minima at k=P_1=(+p_0,+p_0) and k=P_2=(-p_0,-p_0), where p_0=arcsin[4t/8t+n_0U√(4t(4t+n_0U)/4t^2-2t_s^2)] At h=0, if n_0U/t=8t_s/(√(2)t-t_s), the ω_3(k) has only one minima at k=Λ=(π/2,π/2) with the monopole charge n=2. In summary, pictorially as illustrated in Fig.<ref>, at h=0, increasing n_0U from 0^+ to the value greater than 8tt_s/(√(2)t-t_s), the two minima of ω_3(k) approach each other along the line k_0x+k_0y=π, then collide at Λ-point, then the two minima bounce off along the opposite direction along the perpendicular direction k_0x=k_0y. The point group symmetry of the square lattice is C_4v. In the presence of spin-orbit coupling, the C_4v symmetry becomes [C_4× C_4]_diag symmetry, which is a joint 4-fold rotation of spin and orbit. Besides, there are also two mirror symmetries M_1,2, which also inherit from the C_4v point group symmetry. The mirror symmetry M_1 is a composition of time reversal i → -i, σ⃗→ -σ⃗, the orbit reflection k_x↔ k_y, and the spin rotation (σ_x,σ_y,σ_z)→(σ_y,σ_x,-σ_z). The mirror symmetry M_2 is a composition of the orbit reflection k⃗→ -k⃗, and the spin rotation (σ_x,σ_y,σ_z)→(-σ_x,-σ_y,σ_z). When h > h_c, the ground state is the Z-FM superfluid phase where both [C_4× C_4]_diag and M_1,2 symmetries are unbroken. When h < h_c, it is the XY-CAFM superfluid where the [C_4× C_4]_diag→ 1 is broken while M_1,2 remain unbroken. It is the M_1 symmetry which guarantees the two minima K_1=(k_0,π-k_0) and K_2=(π-k_0,k_0) are related by k_x↔ k_y. It is the M_2 symmetry which guarantees the two minima P_1=(+p_0,+p_0) and P_2=(-p_0,-p_0) are related by k↔ -k. The colliding point Λ=(π/2, π/2 ) is the mirror symmetric point which is invariant under both M_1 and M_2. It is constructive to compare the mirror symmetric point Λ=(π/2, π/2 ) in the momentum space here with that in the SOC parameter space β=π/2 discussed in <cit.>. In the former, the Hamiltonian which is the sum over all momenta has the same symmetry, the Doppler shit term still exists at a quadratic order, but non-vanishing. While in the latter, the Hamiltonian has an enlarged symmetry which dictates the exact vanishing of the Doppler shift term. It is interesting to compare the scattering process of the two bosonic Dirac points with the same chirality in Fig.<ref> with the annihilation process of the two fermionic Dirac points with the opposite chirality discussed in <cit.>. As shown in this work, the former happens in the high energy modes, so it is not a QPT. It is not a TPT either. While the latter is both where various physical quantities satisfy various scaling functions. The collision of two bosonic vortices with opposite vorticities in an expanding curved space-time was analyzed in <cit.> where two surface waves also emerge after the collision and head in opposite direction along the normal direction. § B. DETERMINATION OF THE BAND STRUCTURES INDUCED BY THE OFQD AT H=0. Solving the band touching condition ω_2(k)=ω_3(k) within the regime (I) n_0U/t<8t_s/(√(2)t-t_s), we obtain the two solutions K_1=(k_0x,k_0y) and K_2=(k_0y,k_0x), where k_0y=arcsin[√(2)t n_0U/t_s(8t+n_0U)]=k_0, k_0x=π-k_0. The two solutions are related by the remaining M_1 symmetry. The band touching happened at high energy ω_2(K_1)=ω_3(K_1)=8t(4t+n_0U)/(8t+n_0U)=ω_0> 4t. Expanding the ω_2,3(k) near K_1,2 with k=K_1,2+q, we obtain ω_2,3(K_1+q) =ω_0∓√(v_1^2 (q_x-q_y)^2+v_2^2 (q_x+q_y)^2)+c(q_x-q_y), ω_2,3(K_2+q) =ω_0∓√(v_1^2 (q_x-q_y)^2+v_2^2 (q_x+q_y)^2)-c(q_x-q_y), where v_1 =√(2)cos k_0 t_s(8t+n_0U)/√([b]16t(4t+n_0U)), v_2 =√(2)cos k_0 t_s(8t+n_0U)^2/[16t(4t+n_0U)], c =√(2)cos k_0 t_s n_0^2U^2/[16t(4t+n_0U)]. The two solutions are related by the remaining M_1 symmetry. The Doppler shift term is along the [11̅] direction, which is nothing but the “collision” direction in Fig.<ref>. Note that the relative sizes of v_1 and c is not important here, due to the high energy ω_0 which has direct experimental consequences as stressed in Sec.M9, so it will not drive any instabilities. In a sharp contrast, in the fermionic QAH under an injecting current discussed in <cit.>, due to the absence of the ω_0 term, the sign change of the relative size drives a TPT. Solving the band touching condition ω_2(k)=ω_3(k) within the regime (II) n_0U/t>8t_s/(√(2)t-t_s), we obtain the two solutions P_1=+(k_0x,k_0y) and P_2=-(k_0x,k_0y), where k_0x=k_0y=arcsin[4t/8t+n_0U√(4t(4t+n_0U)/4t^2-2t_s^2)]=p_0. The two solutions are related by the remaining M_2 symmetry. The band touching happens at the high energy ω_2(P_1)=ω_3(P_1)=8t(4t+n_0U)/(8t+n_0U)=ω_0> 4t+2√(2)t_s. Expanding the ω_2,3(k) near P_1,2 with k=P_1,2+q, we obtain ω_2,3(P_1+q) =ω_0∓√(v_1^2 (q_x+q_y)^2+v_2^2 (q_x-q_y)^2)+c(q_x+q_y), ω_2,3(P_2+q) =ω_0∓√(v_1^2 (q_x+q_y)^2+v_2^2 (q_x-q_y)^2)-c(q_x+q_y), where v_1 =[2t(8t+n_0U)/(n_0U)] p_0, v_2 =[t_s(8t+n_0U)/√(8t(4t+n_0U))]cos p_0, c =[2t n_0U/(8t+n_0U)] p_0 The Doppler shift term is along the [11] direction, which is nothing but the “bouncing-off” direction in Fig.<ref>. In summary, near the band touching point, we always have ω_2,3(K_i+q or P_i+q) =ω_0∓√([b]v_∥^2 (q_∥)^2+v_⊥^2 (q_⊥)^2)-(-1)^i c_∥ q_∥, where i=1,2, q_∥=(q_x-q_y)/√(2),q_⊥=(q_x+q_y)/√(2) for regime (I), q_∥=(q_x+q_y)/√(2),q_⊥=(q_x-q_y)/√(2) for regime (II), and v_∥,v_⊥,c_∥ are easy to deduce from the previous expressions Eq.<ref> and Eq.<ref>. § C. THE FOLDING OF THE TWO LOWER BANDS AND THE TWO UPPER BANDS AND THE PHYSICAL MEANINGS OF C_I= C_1+2 AND C_II=C_3+4 AT H < H_C. Now we look at the band structures of the two lower bands and the two upper bounds. At h=0, in the XY-AFM phase with c_0=1/√(2) and c_π=e^-iπ/4/√(2), solving the band touching condition ω_1(k)=ω_2(k) or ω_3(k)=ω_4(k), we find the solutions k=(k_0x,k_0y) form a straight line {(k_0x,k_0y)|k_0x-k_0y=π}. Thus, there is a line degeneracy between ω_1 and ω_2. The Fig.<ref> shows that the ω_1 and ω_2 indeed touch along one reduced BZ edge. The line degeneracy between ω_1,2 and ω_3,4 suggests that we can unfold the two bands along [1 1̅] direction, by defining Ω_I(k)=ω_2(k) if k in reduced BZ, otherwise Ω_I(k)=ω_1(k+Q') where Q'=(+π,-π). Similarly, we define Ω_II(k)=ω_3(k) if k in the reduced BZ, otherwise Ω_II(k)=ω_4(k+Q'). The unfolded band structures are plotted in Fig.<ref>. Thus it is more nature to consider ω_1,2 as one band and ω_3,4 as the other band; this is the physical reason we always consider a combination of band Chern numbers C_I= C_1+2 and C_II=C_3+4. 99 TQPT Fadi Sun, Xiao-Lu Yu, Jinwu Ye, Heng Fan, W. M. 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Probabilistic Uncertainty-Aware Risk Spot Detector for Naturalistic Driving
[ "Tim Puphal", "Malte Probst", "Julian Eggert" ]
[ "cs.AI" ]
Probabilistic Uncertainty-Aware Risk Spot Detector for Naturalistic Driving Tim Puphal, Malte Probst and Julian Eggert The authors are with the Honda Research Institute (HRI) Europe, Carl-Legien-Str. 30, 63073 Offenbach, Germany (e-mail: tim.puphal@honda-ri.de; malte.probst@honda-ri.de; julian.eggert@honda-ri.de) March 30, 2023 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= Risk assessment is a central element for the development and validation of Autonomous Vehicles (AV). It comprises a combination of occurrence probability and severity of future critical events. Time Headway (TH) as well as Time-To-Contact (TTC) are commonly used risk metrics and have qualitative relations to occurrence probability. However, they lack theoretical derivations and additionally they are designed to only cover special types of traffic scenarios (e.g. longitudinal following between single car pairs). In this paper, we present a probabilistic situation risk model based on survival analysis considerations and extend it to naturally incorporate sensory, temporal and behavioral uncertainties as they arise in real-world scenarios. The resulting Risk Spot Detector (RSD) is applied and tested on naturalistic driving data of a multi-lane boulevard with several intersections, enabling the visualization of road criticality maps. Compared to TH and TTC, our approach is more selective and specific in predicting risk. RSD concentrates on driving sections of high vehicle density where large accelerations and decelerations or approaches with high velocity occur. Validation of automated driving, gaussian method, survival analysis, uncertainties in normal driving, collision probability, time headway, time-to-collision, criticality maps. § INTRODUCTION Critical events are extremely sparse in field operational tests for Autonomous Vehicles (AV). As an example, about 0.1-5 accidents happen per 1 million km on german roads <cit.>. In order for an AV to have the same collision/km rate with an evidence probability of 50%, it needs to be 2 times better than the human driver on a 10 million km distance. Consequently, an unfeasible vast amount of real-world data is necessary to validate its safety <cit.>. Since there is no travelling without risk, AV's should additionally be able to transparently show the reasoning behind their actions. Compared to previous mobility technologies, the launch of AV's faces disproportionately high requirements. This validation trap could be circumvented with anf objective traffic situation risk measure, which allows to continuously quantify the overall driving performance. In technical terms, risk is defined as the occurence probability of a loss multiplied with its consequence or severity. The consideration of the future poses thereby two challenges for risk assessment. On one hand, the involved processes which cause criticalities are inherently uncertain. AV's encounter non-linearities (behavior interaction and feedback loops), sensor inaccuracies (false positive or false negative detections), unknown environment parameters (occlusions or missing map data) as well as unobservable facts (drivers' state of mind) <cit.>. On the other hand, the variability of traffic situations leads to multiple dimensions in the probability of dangerous events: * Different types of risks might arise during the scene progress. Typical risks are vehicle-to-vehicle collision, loss of control in a curve or rule violation. * Possible subset of entities that are involved in critical events. For collision risks, this implies the pairwise consideration of traffic participants. * For a particular risk type and subset of concerned entities, multiple evolutions of the scene (e.g. turn left, go straight, turn right or lane change) create distinct events. * For a particular scene, a countless number of critical events can happen at various predicted states (position, velocity, acceleration, etc.). Traditional approaches are based e.g. on deterministic Time Headway (TH) <cit.> and Time-To-Collision (TTC) <cit.> as the most prevalent risk indicators for AV, but do not address the listed issues. For this reason, we propose a probabilistic risk estimation method called Risk Spot Detector (RSD) that is able to evaluate general collision risks for all surrounding cars under measurement, prediction, historical and behavior uncertainties. In RSD, we combine a Gaussian method for an instantaneous collision probability with the survival analysis <cit.> to retrieve an accumulated critical event probability. The framework of RSD was presented previously in <cit.>. In this paper, we extend its functionality to account for low but existing risk in normal driving on multi-lane segments and intersections with dense traffic. The resulting performance from RSD is tested on the naturalistic dataset NGSIM (Next Generation Simulation) <cit.> to visualize experienced criticality levels on road maps. In contrast to TH and TTC, our RSD classifies different hazards in all velocity intervals more selectively and with greater precision. The next Section <ref> introduces state of the art time-based, probabilistic and ex-post risk metrics. After explaining the basics of RSD in Section <ref>, we detail in Section <ref> our modeling of real-world uncertainties. Section <ref> outlines the difference in behavior extrapolation between RSD, TH as well as TTC and Section <ref> shows a comparative analysis on NGSIM to find out risky areas. In Section <ref>, we conclude with a summary and prospect for future research topics. §.§ Related Work The major fields engaging in risk assessment and visualization are the automotive industry [4-12,14,16-18,21-22], robotics [15,19], aviation [20,23,26] plus aerospace technology [13], civil engineering [24], data science [25] and economics [27]. Hereby, risk metrics frequently serve in a cost function for motion planning and find hazards on which an entity has to react. While TH and TTC assume and describe the remaining time to a collision event with kinematics (distance and velocity) for longitudinal traffic scenarios, Post-Encroachment Time (PET) <cit.> and 2D-TTC <cit.> generalize this notion to intersections. To even consider kinematical constraints of the acting vehicles, Time-To-Brake (TTB) and Time-To-Steer (TTS) analyze the time until an emergency brake or steering maneuver still succesfully avoids the longitudinal crash <cit.>. Because of the simple calculation and intuitive interpretation of TH and TTC, the series product assistance function Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) controls TH and Collision Mitigation Systems (CMS) often take TTC into account. ACC has thereby been formally verified on highways to be stable and safe for several cars with distributed control <cit.>. Alongside time-based indicators, probabilistic risks are able to incorporate uncertainties in the prediction. Gaussian methods, such as <cit.>, model predicted trajectories of moving entities with spatial normal distributions and calculate their overlap as a collision probability. In the process, the Gaussian parameters can also be taken from the covariance matrix of a Kalman Filter. With this in mind, <cit.> extrapolates Constant Yaw Rate and Acceleration (CYRA) and <cit.> employs a Particle Filter with Dirac delta function as a distribution instead. For vehicles, planes and satellites, it is easy to constrain their movement along fixed paths. In contrast, mobile robots and pedestrians have very variable actions in space <cit.>. To determine the common measurement uncertainties of cars, <cit.> inspected the errors in position, velocity, heading and acceleration from real sensors and found parameter values for the describing multi-modal Gaussians. Opposed to calculating an analytical solution for event probabilities, Monte Carlo strategies <cit.> are wide-spread in research. They approximate risks by sampling position sequences from distribution functions and comparing the number of collisions with misses. This is especially useful when the direct solution is complex, but requires high computational costs for reliable estimates. For example, <cit.> apply Monte Carlo for simulating collisions of wheeled robots with specific shapes. Similarly, <cit.> improve the convergence time by importance sampling in three-dimensional ranges of motion. If the future behavior is known or easier to estimate, collisions can be checked discretely as well. In one work, traffic participants are projected onto map data paths and predicted longitudinally using prior knowledge (e.g. stopping at a stop line or driving at constant velocity) <cit.>. Afterwards, a possible crash is determined with intersection checks of geometrical shapes around the assumed positions. Closely related, <cit.> detect deviations from assumed paths with a Gaussian process as well as intentions (e.g. brake or accelerate) via Hidden Markov Models (HMM) and <cit.> create in the context of Dynamic Probabilistic Risk Assessment (DPRA) discrete cells in spatiotemporal state-space to backtrace faulty maneuvers or system behaviors. Finally, warning systems compare measured risk values with predefined safety thresholds in real-time to support the driver and critical situations are analyzable after they happened with ex-post scores for the purpose of e.g. traffic flow management. Approaches in this direction include kriging techniques <cit.>, which allow to create incident heat maps by extrapolating accident ratios from road locations with data to segments where no data is available. Similarly, <cit.> derive caution spots on map data from recorded driven acceleration and jerk profiles of cars, and airplane risk zones are constructed with the probability of one point colliding into another volume using the rice formula in <cit.>. Furthermore, the authors of <cit.> optimized the structure and parameters of a Bayesian network from accident data causes (weather, inattention, lane change, etc.). The proposed Risk Spot Detector (RSD) falls into the category of probabilistic risk measures. However, RSD is grounded on a mathematical theory of sparse events. Spatial Gaussian probability distributions feed an inhomogenous Poisson process for a survival analysis. Related work employs Gaussian methods or the survival analysis separately. Aside from that, the Gaussian method is refined by modeling 2D Gaussians which have velocity-dependent growth and bent along the future path. RSD thus focuses not only on uncertainties in position, but also in velocity and predicted time of multiple interacting traffic participants. When parametrizing RSD with real data from NGSIM, we can infer plausible output thresholds for distinct criticality levels. As a result, RSD can more reliably distinguish safe from dangerous situation evolutions of multiple types and is seen as suitable for the validation of AV's. § RISK SPOT DETECTOR §.§ Gaussian Method with Survival Analysis We start by considering a dynamic driving situation with two traffic participants 1 and 2 at an arbitrary moment in time t. From t on, the target of RSD is to estimate the risk of a critical event that could happen at a future time t+s, that is, at a temporal distance s into the future. We assume the events to be disruptive and to have no duration. Since most of the commonly used risk measures do not address severity explicitly, we will, for simplicity, concentrate on risk as an event occurrence probability with equal severity events. Nonetheless, the approach can be extended to include different severities in a straightforward way. An indicator for risk is then the probability function P_coll(s;t,Δ t) that a collision will happen during an interval of size Δ t around t + s. A compact risk measure R(t) comprises, for each t, the entire accumulated expected future risk contained in P_coll(s;t,Δ t), during s∈[0,∞). The RSD framework consists of three components as pictured in Figure <ref>. In a first step, a prediction of how the situation will evolve in the future is calculated. In our notation, designating z as the state vector of a scene, the predicted sequence of future scene states is given by z_t:t+s. The prediction is thereby modeled with the help of road geometry information to constrain the paths on which vehicles can drive and by a longitudinal velocity model in kinematic equations, with constant velocity as the easiest model. In a second step, z_t:t+s is evaluated in terms of criticality. For this purpose, the normalized probability densities for the respective spatial positions of two TP's indexed i=1,2 are described by Gaussian functions f_i(x)=1/√(2πσ^2_i) exp{-(x-μ_i)^2/2σ_i^2} with the mean positions μ_i and variances σ^2_i.[The univariate bell curve is described, but generalizations to the bivariate case are analog.] A collision at a position x then occurs if both TP's coincide at the same position. Consequently, a way to quantify the likelihood of a collision at a common position x is f_coll(x)=f_1(x) f_2(x). The probability that the first TP, driving along its trajectory, is hit by the second TP is eventually given by spatially integrating f_coll(x) over all positions where the first TP can be P_coll(s;t,Δ t) ∼∫_∞ f_coll(x) dx = 1/√(2π(σ^2_1+σ^2_2)) exp{-(μ_2-μ_1)^2/2(σ^2_1+σ^2_2)}. The moving TP's follow a trajectory which undergoes certain variations in speed and heading. This accounts for mean positions through time μ_i(t+s) and growing spatial variances σ^2_i(t+s). For σ^2_i(t+s), a simple Brownian motion diffusion model with constants σ^2_0,i and D_i is used σ^2_i(t+s):=σ^2_0,i + D_i s. In the last step, accident occurrences are modeled as a thresholding process based on a Poisson-like event probability. Our inhomogeneous Poisson process is defined by a state-dependent total event rate τ^-1(z_t:t+s), which characterizes the mean time between events and consists of a critical event rate τ^-1_crit and an escape rate τ^-1_0 (any type of influences or behavioral options that contribute to mitigate resp. "escape" from critical events) τ^-1(z_t:t+s)=τ^-1_0 + τ^-1_crit. Here, we consider collision risk to be represented by the event rate τ_coll^-1 for one TP pair. However, situations in which the ego car interacts with several other TP's j and other types of risks, such as the risk of losing control in curves τ^-1_curv, may be included likewise τ^-1_crit = ∑_j τ^-1_coll,j+τ^-1_curv, τ_coll^-1(z_t:t+s) = P_coll(s;t,Δ t) / Δ t. A so-called "survival function" indicates the probability that the vehicle will not be engaged in an event like an accident from t until t+s and is given by S(s;t,z_t:t+s)=exp{-∫_o^s τ^-1(z_t:t+s') ds'}. Combining Eq. (<ref>) with Eq. (<ref>) as in <cit.>, one can derive a probability density for general events p_E(s;t,z_t:t+s) = τ^-1_0S(s;t,z_t:t+s)+ τ^-1_critS(s;t,z_t:t+s) and obtain the overall future risk as the integral over all predicted times of the critical events only R(t) = ∫_0^∞τ_crit^-1(z_t:t+s)S(s;t,z_t:t+s) ds. Due to numerical reasons, the actual temporal integration is capped with a fixed prediction horizon s_max. §.§ Uncertainties in Naturalistic Driving In RSD, the Gaussian probability densities allow to formulate collision uncertainty as a function of spatial uncertainties σ^2_i(t+s) from the involved TP's. The value of σ^2_0,i quantifies measurement uncertainty and can be different for each TP. It reflects the uncertainty at the current time with s=0. For future times s>0, the parameter D_i specifies prediction uncertainty. Subsequently, the survival analysis normalizes the event probabilities related to all TP's and risk types and for the time s_E until a critical event lim_s_E → 0 R(t)→ 1 andlim_s_E →∞ R(t)→ 0 holds true. A constant escape rate τ^-1_0 reduces thereby S(s;t,z_t:t+s) over the predicted time and introduces an accumulating event avoidance effect (events in the more distant future are considered to a lesser extent). Similarly, if high τ^-1_crit occurs early, for all times afterwards S(s;t,z_t:t+s) is diminished. RSD thus takes historical uncertainty correctly into account (future risks that arise after another critical event are further reduced). As shown in <cit.>, longitudinal following and intersection crash cases are detected by RSD earlier than by the Gaussian method alone or TTC (at least [1.1]sec before the critical event actually happens).[As comparison, the Gaussian method had a minimal detection time of [0.8]sec and TTC could identify only longitudinal crashes >[0.7]sec ahead.] At the same time it has a considerably lower number of false positive detections for near- and non-crash cases.[In the experiments, we used an event threshold of R(t)>0.7 for up-coming accidents. Decreasing the threshold would lead to higher sensitivity of RSD for accidents.] Nevertheless, to better quantify the predicted risks in normal TP driving, RSD needs to precisely account for further uncertainties. For this purpose, in the following Subsections <ref>, <ref> and <ref>, we introduce extensions of the uncertainty models that improve RSD in three special situations: close passing of other TP's in 1. longitudinal segments, 2. when stopping in front of as well as 3. turning at intersections. §.§.§ 2D Gaussians Because the TP's are predicted to drive along predefined paths, we assume that σ^2_i(t+s) has to be extended to 2 dimensions for handling longitudinal and lateral influences. In this way, we obtain ellipses specified by an uncertainty matrix Σ^'_i around the mean position vector μ_i. μ_i = [ μ_x,i; μ_y,i; ], Σ^'_i = [ σ^2_lon,i 0; 0 σ^2_lat,i; ] The top of Figure <ref> shows the 2D Gaussians for one point in time t+s. The relative orientations to the absolute x,y-coordinate system are indicated with α_i. To retrieve the product of the corresponding Gaussian functions 𝐟_i, the longitudinal and lateral uncertainties Σ^'_i have to be transformed with Σ_i = 𝐑Σ^'_i𝐑^T and𝐑 = [ cosα_i -sinα_i; sinα_i cosα_i; ]. Equation (<ref>) can then be rewritten in 2D to P_coll(s;t,Δ t) = |2π (Σ_1+Σ_2)|^-1/2 * exp{-1/2 (μ_2-μ_1)^T(Σ_1 +Σ_2)^-1 (μ_2-μ_1)}. Without incorporating the orientation of the TP's, a longitudinal scenario of two TP's passing closely with a lateral constant offset from time t_start to t_end (see bottom of Figure <ref>) has the same high risk as an intersection scenario of two TP's passing closely with 90^∘. By contrast, elongated 2D Gaussians rate longitudinal passing as safe. §.§.§ Position Uncertainty by Velocity Variance Over the predicted time, σ_i(t+s) grows proportionally to √(s) according to Equation (<ref>). We extrapolate the kinematics of the current state to retrieve trajectories, but the velocities of the TP's are not influencing the uncertainty prediction. After a prediction step of size Δ s, their longitudinal position on the path l_i is shifted by Δ l_i according to l_i(s+Δ s) = l_i(s) + Δ l_i = l_i(s) + v_i(s) Δ s with velocities v_i.[Remark: we set the current time t=[0]sec and look only at the increment in the predicted time s.] When we additionally assume a longitudinal velocity uncertainty according to e.g. a normal distribution with variance σ_v,i=⟨ v_i ⟩ c_i, the increase of spatial uncertainty is determined by the velocity uncertainty factor c_i. For a discrete step in prediction time we then get σ_l,i(s+Δ s) := σ_l,i(s) + c_i v_i(s) Δ s, σ_l,i(s=0) = σ_0,i. Here, σ_l,i(s) becomes essentially proportional to s. Especially in scenarios with extreme velocities (i.e., v_i<[5]m/sec and v_i>[15]m/sec), the previous Brownian diffusion model lead to over- or underestimation of uncertainties and thus the contained risk. Figure <ref> outlines the change in the width of the Gaussians 2σ_l,i(s) and a waiting TP at a T-intersection while another TP is crossing during the time interval [t_start, t_end]. Although the situation can be categorized as safe, Brownian position uncertainty would lead to large risk areas around the standing green car position. To the contrary, the velocity propagation approach yields constant small σ_l,i(s) for the stopped car and classifies this situation as non-critical. §.§.§ Path-following Mixture Model Large σ_i(t+s) at prediction times s≫0 might unintentionally cover opposite lanes when a TP is turning. Therefore, we include geometry-sensitive Path-following Mixture Models (PMM) allowing curved Gaussian shapes for position uncertainties <cit.>. First, we split the Gaussian with 2σ_i into N smaller Gaussians of 2σ_i,k as drawn in the upper half of Figure <ref>. The smaller Gaussian components at μ_i,k are spread to the right and left from μ_i, while intersecting close to their Full Width at Half Maximum 812 FWHM value.[At the same time, we require one element with μ_i,k=μ_i and thus an uneven number N.] The composition heuristics are summarized by σ_i,k = m_f 812 FWHM/Nσ_i, μ_i,k = μ_i + 2k/m_f812 FWHMσ_i,k with k=0 ,...,±N-1/2 and 812 FWHM=2√(2ln2). The constant m_f ensures that the constructed PMM does not contain additional local minima and that it has a smooth shape.[For m_f>1, the mixture components get closer to each other and have higher σ_i,k.] At last, each function of the component f_i,k is summed up and weighted with the factor w_i,k to reduce the deviation from the former Gaussian f_i, which leads to w_i,k = f_i(μ_i,k) f_i(μ_i)/∑_k f_i(μ_i,k) f_i,k(μ_i), f_pmm,i(x) = ∑_k w_i,kf_i,k(x). In w_i,k, the collective peaks of the components ∑_k f_i,k(μ_i,k) are scaled to match the desired original heights f_i(μ_i,k). Our PMM composition heuristics achieves similar reconstruction errors as parameter optimization approaches for f_pmm,i(x) and N>13, however providing a fast and direct calculation. In the lower half of Figure <ref>, one TP takes a sharp curve and another TP crosses the intersection. During the situation occuring from t_start until t_end, the resulting phantom risks from the elongated Gaussians are avoided with the PMM. § BEHAVIOR EXTRAPOLATION For longitudinal collisions, Time Headway (TH) or Time-To-Collision (TTC) are able to quantify risks in terms of (inverse) time until a critical event happens. In this Section, we describe their underlying formulas and describe how the properties of RSD can be used to cover risks in more general terms and in particular to integrate the prediction assumptions from both TH and TTC. §.§ TH and TTC While an ego vehicle is driving with longitudinal velocity v_1 along a path and following another vehicle, TH <cit.> describes the time until the ego car travels from the current longitudinal position l_1 to the current longitudinal position of the other car l_2 according to[Here, index i=1 always denotes the ego car and i=2 the next car in front.] TH = -Δ l/v_1 with Δ l = l_1 - l_2. The average human reaction time lies around t_r ≈[1]sec <cit.>. By keeping TH > t_r, once the other entity brakes at l_2, the ego entity has some time left to apply an appropriate deceleration to mitigate or even avoid a collision. TH can be seen as a risk measure. Its inverse 1/TH is assumed to correlate with the collision probability given that the follower drives with constant v_1 in combination with the front vehicle suddenly stopping at l_2. By contrast, TTC <cit.> assumes that both cars continue driving with constant longitudinal velocities v_1 and v_2 and calculates the time until a collision occurs when l_1=l_2, TTC = -Δ l/Δ v, whereby Δ v = v_1 - v_2. The left and middle part of Figure <ref> visualize the longitudinal car following scenario and the designated collision points in TH and TTC. For forward driving, a valid TTC only exists for -Δ l>0 and Δ v >0. In this case, v_1 >Δ v holds so that TH always overestimates potential risks as compared to TTC (i.e., 1/TH>1/TTC). §.§ Behavior Uncertainty TH and TTC approximate the critical event probabilities based on the point of maximal criticality by deriving one collision time with simple kinematic equations. If the hypothetical accident does not occur as for non-longitudinal scenarios, there is no risk at all. Some attempts have been made to make TTC more flexible with e.g. extrapolating constant deceleration for the obstacle <cit.>. Analogously, the required longitudinal acceleration of the follower can be compared with its maximal possible value to calculate Brake Threat Numbers (BTN) <cit.>. Nevertheless, RSD has the beneficial property of estimating a continuous, differential, probabilistic risk along the entire future predicted time, see Eq. (<ref>). Furthermore, it is valid independently of the predicted behavior and thus can be used with the same prediction assumptions from TH or TTC, but also for completely arbitrary paths and velocity profiles. With RSD, the velocity-dependent position uncertainty σ_l,i(s) allows to systematically incorporate behavior uncertainty. For constant velocity assumptions, this results in the front part of the probability densities being fed by acceleration and the back part by deceleration behaviors. The middle of the probability densities around μ_i constitutes constant average velocity. We set s_max= [12]sec and τ^-1_0= [3]sec to be capable of incorporating other TP's at least TH<[5]sec far away. Then, the motion planner Risk Optimization Method (ROPT) <cit.> was employed to parametrize σ_0,i and c_i. ROPT utilizes RSD in a cost function to find safe behaviors through traffic. For longitudinal and intersection scenarios, we ran sanity checks whether ROPT holds reasonable distance thresholds to other TP's in various v_i settings. Increasing c_i lets ROPT keep longer distances. In addition, we looked at typical accelerations at s=0 plus velocity changes after s=[3]sec in NGSIM and fitted their standard deviations to c_i. In both procedures, we obtained 6σ_0,i=[4]m as the average TP length[Equations (<ref>) and (<ref>) are both extended to consider the car sizes by changing Δ l to Δ l^* = Δ l + [4]m.] and c_i=0.1. The length increase of the Gaussians over the predicted time differ according to v_i(s). In the example of Figure <ref> (see right part), the velocity of the follower v_1 is larger than v_2 of the front TP. In other words, the ellipses grow for TP1 while staying nearly constant for TP2. We found that the fitted parameter setting covers the average behavior uncertainty of normal NGSIM driving statistics well, resulting in a mixture of the sudden stop assumption from TH and the constant velocity prediction from TTC. In the RSD formalism, positional uncertainties between TP's are not explicitly correlated. Aside from this, the constant velocity prediction suggests unawareness of the TP's from each other. However, the risk calculation incorporates a mutual influence in TP's by the spread of the Gaussian velocity distributions and thus assuming that vehicles can take on velocities that deviate from constant velocity (e.g. a follower that accelerates onto an obstacle in front that brakes and vice versa). Furthermore, since RSD is agnostic to the type of predicted trajectories, additional interactions can be incorporated by modeling particular motion patterns. § SIMULATIONS §.§ Lankershim Boulevard The NGSIM dataset <cit.> consists of 5 traffic study areas in the US, in which cameras are mounted on high buildings. With computer vision techniques, the positions of all vehicles were detected with an accuracy of (Δ x=[0.6]m, Δ y =[1.2]m). In particular, Lankershim Boulevard is suitable for testing the robustness of RSD. It has multiple intersections (4 with traffic lights, 2 with priority), wide and narrow road structures (2, 3 and 4 lanes), inner-city and highway stretches (velocities in the range v = [0-20]m/sec), a long curve (making up 20 % of the total section) and dense traffic (1000 vehicles in 15 minutes). As 96 % of the TP's are cars, it is reasonable to neglect the particular masses and sizes (3.5 % trucks plus buses and 0.2 % motor bikes). For the risk analysis, we first loaded and normalized the trajectories <cit.>. By employing an exponential moving average filter forwards and backwards , we afterwards separately smoothed the positions p, velocities v and accelerations a. Both v and a are gained by differentiation from p, which results in additional noise. Consequently, we set different smoothing widths T_p=[10]sec, T_v=[20]sec and T_a=[80]sec to compensate the effect <cit.>. As a next step, we successively assumed each car to take the role of an ego car and extracted all other cars in the same time interval. In the simulation, we eventually took the real driven position sequence as paths for the trajectory prediction of RSD, TH plus TTC. In this way, we already know in advance the intentions of the cars (e.g. lateral lane changes or turn at intersection). Because of fixed velocity extrapolations (i.e., constant velocity or sudden stop), their longitudinal behavior is however assumed to be unknown. Risks can only come from wrongly applied velocities of the cars along their paths. Figure <ref> shows the resulting probability mass function pmf and cumulative distribution function cdf with a histogram representation for the occurring v and a as well as distances -Δ l and relative velocities Δ v to the front vehicle.[Looking exemplarily at the histogram for v, pmf represents the share of data points within an interval of [1]m/sec and cdf is the successive, accumulative sum of pmf values from left to right.] More than 25% of the time, the vehicles stand in traffic or in front of an intersection. The velocity distribution is bimodal, with a high peak at v≈[0]m/sec and a broader peak around v=[12]m/sec. Overall, vehicles do not excessively brake or accelerate. The acceleration distribution has its mean at μ_a=[0]m/sec^2 with a deviation of σ_a=[0.4]m/sec^2. When there is a front vehicle, most -Δ l lie around μ_Δ l=[5]m of a possible log-normal distribution. Only 5% have lower values than μ_Δ l and these happen at small v. In contrast, Δ v correspond to a logarithmic distribution with μ_Δ v=[1]m/sec, whereby big Δ v take place in any interval of v. §.§ Results In the following, we analyze the qualititave and quantitative differences between the risk measures based on RSD, TH and TTC. The experimental goal is to reason about which driving behaviors may create potential fatal outcomes and to find the corresponding street areas on which they likely appear. For this purpose, we define four criticality bins (dangerous, offensive, uncomfortable, noticeable) and set them for TH accordingly to b_1=[[0]sec, [0.5]sec], b_2=[[0.5]sec, [1]sec], b_3=[[1]sec, [2]sec] and b_4=[[2]sec, [4]sec].[As references, in ACC the minimal TH is [1]sec and the maximal [3]sec. Furthermore, TH=[2]sec is recommended on US highways.] The bins are colored red, yellow, cyan and blue and every calculated TH value of the NGSIM trajectories with discretization of Δ t =[0.1]s is sorted into them.[Approximately 40% of the data points are in the bins, the rest 60% reflect safe behaviors with no noticeable risk at all.] For RSD and TTC, we then fill the bins consecutively with the most to least hazardous events until they contain the same amount of events as for TH. The boundaries of the bins arise automatically from the corresponding first and last data points sorted into each bin. Eventually, we create criticality maps plotting the most riskful color of RSD, TH and TTC at each road point and analyze the velocity distributions in their bins. The outcome for TH is depicted in Figure <ref>. TH classifies dangerous and offensive risks at velocity intervals around a Gaussian with μ_TH=[12]m/sec and σ_TH=[2.5]m/sec. When the ego car is following another car with high v and relatively low |Δ l|, the sudden stop prediction causes strong worst cases. These situations are located mostly on the top right curvy segment. Moreover, uncomfortable and noticeable TH appear also for interplays of an ego car braking from moderate v approaching another car waiting close to an intersection. Due to the discontinuity of Equation (<ref>), TH cannot evaluate risks for v→0. Note the difference in the boundaries of the last two bins to TTC in Figure <ref>. RSD is capable of having low but existent risk values, while TTC cannot distinguish all tailgaiting incidents from safe behaviors. Now we concentrate on TTC, which depends on Δ v. Mainly for approaching the lowest large intersection (East=[70]m,North=[120]m) with big Δ v, TTC detects risks in the red and yellow bins (see Figure <ref>). Their boundaries lie at b_1,TTC=[[0]sec, [2.15]sec] and b_2,TTC=[[2.15]sec, [5.76]sec] in the common warning intervals of [1-5]sec for CMS. Alongside the logistic distribution of μ_TTC=[3]m/sec and σ_TTC=[3]m/sec, the cyan bin includes the critical car following scenario of TH. But since b_3,TTC=[[5.76]sec, ∞], the data points are too few. TTC cannot extract car following incidents with small distances, since Δ v ≈ 0 in these cases. On that account, the last blue bin includes arbitrary v in NGSIM. This can be seen by comparing the distribution shape of the last blue bin with the overall of v from Figure <ref>. Whereas TH and TTC only capture frontal longitudinal collision risks, RSD is able to capture all possible collision risks. However for a fair comparison, RSD is initally applied solely on the front TP. The same parametrization of σ_0,i and c_i from Section <ref> is set for both the ego vehicle and other TP. As R is normalized to [0,1] and represents a probability, the first bin in Figure <ref> starts with R=1 and the last ends with R≈0. The thresholds are as follows: b_1,RSD=[1, 0.39], b_2,RSD=[0.39, 0.17], b_3,RSD=[0.17, 0.01] and b_4,RSD=[0.01, 0.002·10^-4]. To be compatible with TTC, we base the RSD on a constant velocity prediction. Also similarly to TTC, RSD sorts risk zones around intersections from existent Δ v in combination with decreasing |Δ l| at μ_RSD,1=[4]m/sec into b_1,RSD and b_2,RSD. In addition, RSD incorporates acceleration and deceleration behavior from the velocity uncertainty. A distribution shape similar to TH appears with μ_RSD,2=[12]m/sec in b_3,RSD and b_4,RSD. With large c_i, the abrupt stop prediction from TH can also be incorporated into RSD. This would shift the critical following incidents to b_1,RSD and b_2,RSD as well as the intersection approaching to b_3,RSD and b_4,RSD. In general, constant velocity is however statistically more realistic (refer to μ_a=[0]m/sec^2 in Section <ref>). §.§.§ Traffic Situation Risk We discovered that TH is able to filter larger amounts of critical points than TTC into the bins, but arranges risks in a different order of criticality levels. Besides that, TTC is not precise for the uncomfortable and noticeable bins. RSD can label the existing two types of risk causes into reasonable criticalities. To evaluate complete traffic situation risk, we considered in RSD all other TP's within a sensor range of r=[50]m. Figure <ref> shows that RSD filters out correctly the critical TP's on the same path in the front and back. No errors emerge from passing TP's during straight driving and turning at intersections. The criticality map has analogous hazard zones at the curve segment (East=[180]m,North=[400]m). This is achieved with elliptic 2D Gaussians that bend along the curve when using the PMM. Remarkably, the red and yellow risk spots in the proximity of intersections are more localized. Overall, we observe that RSD is more selective and has less false positives than the other risk indicators. Since the criticality maps always display the highest detected risk at each spot, and since by construction the same total number of incidents per bin appear in all criticality maps, a smaller area covered by red spots implies that many cases fall onto a single spot. In that sense, the RSD criticality map taking all surrounding cars into consideration is the most specific one in terms of risk localization. A normal distribution around μ_RSD,3=[0]m/sec with σ_RSD,3=[0.5]m/sec is observable. RSD rates risks as most critical in b^*_1,RSD=[1, 0.51] when standing in traffic jam with TP's to the sides and in front, while another TP comes from the back with large -Δ v. In the other three bins b^*_2,RSD=[0.51,0.29], b^*_3,RSD=[0.29,0.11] and b^*_4,RSD=[0.11,0.03] this relation is carried on and increases the respective boundary values compared to b_2,RSD, b_3,RSD and b_4,RSD. It describes the generic notion of higher collision probabilities for denser traffic. In b^*_2,RSD the akin TTC and in b^*_3,RSD plus b^*_4,RSD TH distribution are superposed as in mixture distributions. § CONCLUSION AND OUTLOOK In this work, we introduced RSD as a new and generalizing risk metric for the criticality assessment of dense and complex traffic situations in real-world operating conditions. For each considered vehicle, RSD first extrapolates kinematic trajectories and finds the overlap between spatial Gaussian distributions to arrive at continuous collision probabilities over future time points. These are then integrated and normalized within an inhomogenous Poisson process of the survival analysis. We improved the robustness of RSD for naturalistic driving with several extensions comprising 2D Gaussians of positional uncertainties (relevant during longitudinal passing), velocity uncertainty (notable e.g. while waiting at intersections) and the PMM method (for normal distributions that follow sharp curves). TH and TTC assume a vehicle-to-vehicle crash and characterize the time to the event with different predictions. For TTC the other vehicle has constant speed, whereas TH acts as if it would come to an abrupt halt. In both TH and TTC, the ego vehicle is assumed to continue driving with constant velocity. With this in mind, we optimized the velocity uncertainty parameters in RSD so that both the TH and the TTC cases can be incorporated. The parametrization is additionally chosen to comply with sanity rules in car following plus intersection crossing and matched to the statistics in kinematics of the analyzed data. An application on NGSIM revealed that RSD is able to differentiate different hazard categories: 1. dynamic stop and go in heavy traffic, 2. approaching with moderate velocity standing front car, and 3. keeping low distance with high speed to the other car. To the contrary, TH as well as TTC are not able to extract the points on the criticality map to the same extent, but rather cover special cases. There are no intense accelerations and accidents in NGSIM. The detected risks of RSD are potential/hypothetical and the scenario always evolved in a way that the cars avoided the criticality. In other words, RSD filters fundamental situations which represent causes for frequent crashes. The framework of RSD allows to include not only collision probabilities, but any other type of risk when explicitly modeled (such as disobeying traffic rules, driving off curves or neglecting occlusions). With the help of the survival analysis, RSD steadily outputs a scalar value containing the overall future accident risk of the driving scene at the current time. For this reason, RSD shows to be promising as a standard traffic risk indicator for the validation of AV's. Recording RSD over longer periods in AV's, the driving strategies and errors become ratable and analyzable more easily. To further verify RSD, the criticality map should moreover be compared with heat maps from real accidents for a specific traffic study. Once proven alike, road and traffic sign layouts can be designed to avoid risk spots and to minimize the actual emergence of conflicts. Behavior planning systems, such as ROPT, balance risk against utility of the travel (i.e., the needed time to arrive at the goal). Since risks with high traffic density are existent, paths which avoid coming close to other cars are automatically preferred. In future work, the averaged risk values at each point of the criticality map could be beneficial as zone risk priors. Consequently, ROPT would even steer slowly through intersections with high risk priors and accelerate in safe segments with low priors. This would correspond to an experienced human driver during his daily commutes. At last, a navigation system based on RSD might find routes that are short in distance and low in overall critical event rates. An included ex-post analysis based on RSD and the actually driven trajectories can be calculated in a straightforward way and would make the users' propensity to risk analyzable for each run. § ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work has been supported by the European Unions Horizon 2020 project VI-DAS, under the grant agreement number 690772. IEEEtran
Modelling self-consistently beyond General Relativity
[ "Ramiro Cayuso", "Pau Figueras", "Tiago França", "Luis Lehner" ]
[ "gr-qc" ]
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, 31 Caroline Street North, Waterloo, ON N2L 2Y5, Canada Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1, Canada School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London, E1 4NS, United Kingdom School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London, E1 4NS, United Kingdom Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, 31 Caroline Street North, Waterloo, ON N2L 2Y5, Canada The majority of extensions to General Relativity display mathematical pathologies –higher derivatives, character change in equations that can be classified within PDE theory, and even unclassifiable ones– that cause severe difficulties to study them, especially in dynamical regimes. We present here an approach that enables their consistent treatment and extraction of physical consequences. We illustrate this method in the context of single and merging black holes in a highly challenging beyond GR theory. Modelling self-consistently beyond General Relativity Luis Lehner March 30, 2023 ===================================================== Introduction The gravitational wave window provides exciting opportunities to further test General Relativity (GR), e.g., <cit.>. Especially in the context of compact binary mergers, gravitational waves produced by the strongest gravitational fields in highly dynamical settings arguably represent the best regime to explore deviations from GR, e.g., <cit.>. Such effort, the ability to extract consequences and propel theory forward, rely on at least having some understanding of the characteristics of potential departures, to search and interpret outcomes <cit.>. Unfortunately, the majority of proposed beyond GR theories have, at a formal level, mathematical pathologies which makes their understanding in general scenarios difficult.[For a rather broad sample of beyond GR proposals, discussed in the context of cosmology, see <cit.>.] Such pathologies may include loss of uniqueness, a dynamical change of character in the equations of motion (e.g., from hyperbolic to elliptic) or, even worse, having equations of motion (EOMs) of unknown mathematical type (e.g., <cit.>). This, combined with the need to use computational simulations to study the (non-linear/dynamical) regime of interest, pose unique challenges. Of note is that the standard mathematical approach to analyse PDEs  <cit.> –where the high-frequency limit is examined– cannot be applied as it is in such regime that the problems alluded above arise. Further, such regime is incompatible with the very assumptions made to formulate most GR extensions which rely on Effective Field Theory (EFT) arguments <cit.>. Faced with this problem, solid novel ideas must be pursued to understand potential solutions. We report here on a technique to fix the underlying equations of motion to an extent to which the viability of a given theory can be assessed.[This approach is motivated in part by the Israel-Stewart formalism for viscous relativistic hydrodynamics <cit.>, though in such case, higher order corrections are known and can be called for to motivate the strategy.] In particular, it allows exploring relevant theories within their regime of validity and, in particular, monitor whether the dynamics keeps the solution within it for cases of interest. This technique, partially explored in toy models <cit.> and restricted settings (e.g., <cit.>) is here developed for the general, and demanding scenario, of compact binary mergers. This requires further considerations not arising in the previously simplified regimes. Specifically, we present the first self-consistent study of both single and binary black hole (BH) merger in the context of an EFT of gravity where corrections to GR come through high powers (naturally argued for) in the curvature tensor leading to EOMs with a priori unclassifiable mathematical character. We adopt the following notation: Greek letters (μ, ν, ρ, ...) to denote full spacetime indices and Latin letters (i, j, k, ...) for the spatial ones. We use the mostly plus metric signature, and set c=1. Focusing on a specific theory While we could take any of a plethora of proposed beyond GR theories –almost all sharing the problems alluded to earlier–, for definiteness here we consider a specific extension to GR derived naturally from EFT arguments <cit.>. In this approach, high energy (i.e., above the cutoff scale) degrees of freedom are integrated out, and their effects are effectively accounted for through higher order operators acting on the lower energy ones. For the case of gravitational interactions, in vacuum assuming parity symmetry, and accounting for the simplest contribution, such an approach yields under natural assumptions:[Other operators at this (and even lower) orders can be considered, though without loss of generality with regards to our goals we ignore them here so as to not overly complicate the presentation. ] I_eff = 1/16 G∫ d^4x √(-g)R - 1/Λ^6 C^2 + ⋯ , where C=R_R^ and the coupling scale Λ has units of [M_S]^-1 for some scale M_S. The equations of motion are G_ = 8 H_, with G_ the Einstein tensor, ≡Λ^-6 and H_ =  C[ R_-12∇_∇_ R-116 C g_ -R_ł R^ł_ł +R^R_+12 R_ł̊R_^ł̊] +2(∇^C)[∇_ R_-∇_(R_)] +R_^α∇_∇_C . H_ is covariantly conserved, since it is derived from an action possessing local diffeomorphism invariance. In GR (ϵ=0) the resulting EOMs can be shown to define a hyperbolic, linearly degenerate, non-linear, second order, PDE system of equations with constraints (e.g., <cit.>). With suitable coordinate conditions, characteristics are given by the light cones and do not cross –thus shocks or discontinuities cannot arise. The right hand side (RHS) however, spoils all these considerations. Derivative operators higher than second order appear –which render the equations outside formal PDE classifications. How is one to approach the study of this problem? First, one can simplify somewhat the EOMs by applying an order reduction and replace the Ricci tensor and the Ricci scalar. Since in this work we consider vacuum spacetimes Ric∼𝒪(ϵ), the contribution of the Ricci tensor to the RHS is 𝒪(ϵ^2) and we can ignore it at the order that we are considering. We are left with the following EOMs at O(ϵ): G_μν = ϵ(4 𝒞 W_μ^μαβγ W_ναβγ -g_μν2 𝒞^2+8 W_μαν^μανβ∇_α∇_β𝒞) , where W_αβγδ is the Weyl tensor since R_μνρσ=W_μνρσ + 𝒪(ϵ). Then, 𝒞=W_αβγδ W^αβγδ. System (<ref>), containing derivatives up to fourth order of the spacetime metric (in ∇_α∇_β𝒞), has no proper classification within PDE theory. Prototypical model For interacting binaries one must deal with strong curvature regions which move and, crucially, merge. A successful general strategy must account for the backreaction of corrections onto the motion itself, otherwise at least secular terms will spoil the accuracy (and hence usefulness) of the solution <cit.>. As a preliminary challenge, consider the following model that captures key aspects of the problem, ϕ = -ϵ ∂^4_t ϕ , with denoting the standard d'Alembertian in Cartesian coordinates and a RHS which spoils its mathematical character. At an intuitive level one would regard the RHS as introducing small modulations on a solution that travels at the light speed (assuming both a small parameter ϵ and regarding ϕ described by long-wavelength modes). However, a straightforward analysis indicates that the higher time derivatives lead to ghost modes that grow without bound. One can try to address this issue by `order reduction'. That is, replacing: (A) ∂^4_t ϕ≈∂_t^2 C(ϕ), with C(ϕ)=∂_xxϕ (the RHS of ∂_t^2 ϕ at zeroth order), or even (B) ∂^4_t ϕ≈∂_x^4 ϕ. Depending on the sign of ϵ, Option (A) leads to high frequency modes not propagating or blowing up, while (B) leads to even faster blowing up modes or acausal propagation. Neither is consistent with the intuition above. Generically, high frequency modes are problematic.[Recall, numerical implementations continuously feed high frequency modes through the discretization employed.] While in linear problems a frequency cut-off could be introduced, in non-linear ones such a strategy is uncertain due to mode couplings potentially feeding long wavelengths into short ones, and vice versa. The challenge is to control the equation, render the problem of interest well posed and achieve a method that incorporates the effect of corrections contemplated by the theory at long wavelengths while sensibly controlling short wavelengths; and, doing so without unduly increasing the cost of obtaining trustable solutions. In particular, it should allow inquiring whether a significant flow to the UV takes place which would indicate that the original theory generically abandons the EFT regime for problems of interest –unless such UV flow takes place hidden behind a stable horizon. If the opposite is the case, to consistently incorporate the effect of corrections to the theory. To address this challenge, starting from option (A) above,[Which is the most closely associated to our desired problem.] we fix the equation as ϕ = -ϵ ∂^2_t Ĉ , τ∂_0 Ĉ + σ (∂_t^2 - 2β^i∂_ti+β^iβ^j∂_ij)Ĉ = C(ϕ) -Ĉ , with ∂_0=∂_t - β^i ∂_i and β^i an “advection” vector. The resulting second order system determines the evolution of the variable Ĉ that is damped towards the “source” C(ϕ) on a timescale σ/τ. Notice that a non-trivial stationary solution such that C(ϕ)=Ĉ cannot be achieved for non-zero values of τ and σ (as the RHS is damped to zero, the left hand side would continue to source it otherwise). The difference between Ĉ and its target value C(ϕ) decreases with τ and σ and ultimately these parameters should be chosen to minimise this difference while preserving numerical stability. To demonstrate the effectiveness of Ĉ accounting for C(ϕ) (which we call “Tracking”) and the numerical stability of the fixed system, we carried out a parameter exploration of τ and σ. We implement a 1D simulation in a periodic domain of size L=200, discretized by a uniform grid, sixth order accurate spatial derivatives, Runge-Kutta of fourth order for time stepping, and Kreiss-Oliger dissipation with Δ t/Δ x=1/4. As initial data, we adopt ϕ(0,x)=10^-3 e^-1/2(x -100)^2, with Ĉ=ϕ_,xx and {ϕ_,t=ϕ_,x ; Ĉ_,t=ϕ_xxx} and fix ϵ = 10^-3. We also choose β^i=δ_x^i, coincident with the speed of propagation of the main pulse in the uncorrected equation. During the evolution, beyond the advection of the main `pulse', the solution develops a distinctive long oscillatory tail as a result of the “correcting term”, without high frequency modes spoiling it. We evolved the system until the spatial extent of the tail becomes comparable to the size of the domain and compute a tracking measure as: 𝒯(C,Ĉ) = ||C(ϕ) -Ĉ||_2/||C(ϕ)||_2. This is shown in figure <ref> for a range of {σ,τ}, overall obtaining good tracking. Notice the existence of a region where evolutions fail for values of σ < 10^-4 as the equations become stiff but we checked that a smaller timestep resolves this issue. Second, 𝒯 improves linearly with decreasing σ. Third, there is a linear dependence of 𝒯 with τ for large values, while it flattens for smaller ones and 𝒯 depends only on σ. Gravity and Black holes We turn now to the demanding task of simulating dynamical BH spacetimes (with single boosted BHs and binaries) in the chosen EFT extension to GR. Motivated by the previous discussion we fix the system (<ref>) by introducing a new independent variable Ĉ in the following way, G_μν = ϵ(4 Ĉ W_μ^μαβγ W_ναβγ -g_μν2 Ĉ^2 +8 W_μαν^μανβ ∇_α∇_βĈ) (∂_t^2-2β^i∂_ti+β^iβ^j∂_ij) Ĉ = 1( C-Ĉ -τ∂_0 Ĉ) , where second time derivatives of the metric in the RHS are replaced –following a reduction of order strategy– using the zeroth order Einstein equations. The resulting system of equations involves at most second-time derivatives and Ĉ is damped to the physical 𝒞 on a timescale ≃σ/τ (for our choices, up to ≃ 10 M_S, which is shorter than any dynamical timescales in the system). As a result, beyond a lengthscale ≃σ^1/2 (for our choices, up to ≃ 0.2 M_S) the system reduces to the original one, while shorter ones are damped and controlled, and we can explore even shorter scales through suitable extrapolation of our results, as we discuss in the Supplemental Material. The new variable Ĉ, in essence, brings back (some of) the degree(s) of freedom integrated out to arrive to the EFT theory, in this case a massive scalar (see e.g., <cit.>) and our strategy defines a completion of the EFT. Notice that the operator ∂_0 with the advection vector (corresponding to the shift vector in the 3+1 decomposition) helps ensuring inflow towards the BH(s). As we shall see, this is enough to control the whole system. That a single scalar suffices is related to it encoding the only contribution of higher derivatives and controlling it results in an overall effect ensuring high frequency modes are kept at bay. Depending on the structure in other theories, one might need to introduce further quantities (see e.g., <cit.>). Nevertheless, the overall strategy remains unchanged. Initial data We define initial data by a single (for the single BH case) or a superposition of boosted BHs as described in GR and dynamically “turn on” the coupling ϵ bringing it from 0 to the desired value with a quadratic function in a window t∈[10,30]M. This allows the coordinate conditions to settle before incorporating deviations from GR, inducing only smooth constraint violations (which are damped through the now standard use of constraint damping <cit.>) and by-passing the solution of initial data problem within the EFT theory, a task which in itself has received also limited formal and numerical attention. Again the presence of higher derivatives obscures the treatment.[See <cit.> for the case of a perturbed BH in spherical symmetry and <cit.> for the construction of initial data in scalar-tensor theories of gravity.] For initial data in the single BH case, we use a boosted BH solution derived from the conformal transverse-traceless decomposition <cit.>, which uses an approximate conformal factor solution to the Hamiltonian constraint, valid for small boosts. For the binary BHs, we adopt Bowen-York-type-of initial data <cit.> describing two superposed equal mass, boosted, non-spinning BHs in a quasi-circular orbit. The individual masses are m_i≈ 0.5M, i=1,2, and the separation is D∼ 12M (initial orbital frequency ≃ 0.025/M). The momenta are tuned so this binary is initially in quasi-circular motion, and in GR it describes 12 orbits before merger (the initial BHs velocities are similar to those in the single boosted BH case). Evolution We use the code <cit.> and the CCZ4 formulation of the Einstein equations <cit.> (see also <cit.>) which implements the system (<ref>)-(<ref>) with a distributed adaptive mesh refinement capabilities,[Here we use a 2:1 mesh refinement ratio.] using 6^th order finite difference operators for the spatial derivatives and the method of lines for time integration through a Runge Kutta of 4^th order.[We use 6^th Kreiss-Oliger dissipation with a dissipation coefficient σ_diss=2 (e.g., <cit.>).] In this way, we only need to use three ghost cells along each coordinate direction. We adopt a standard 1+log slicing condition for the lapse α and the Gamma-driver for the shift β^i, as implemented in the public version of the code and adopt Sommerfeld boundary conditions at the outer boundaries. We redefine the damping parameter κ_1→κ_1/α to ensure that it remains active inside the apparent horizon (AH) <cit.>; we decrease the damping parameter in the shift condition as well as increase σ in (<ref>) at large distances from the centre of the binary to ensure that no violation of the CFL condition arises due to grids becoming coarser with our explicit time-stepping strategy (e.g., <cit.>). Otherwise, the chosen values for the constraint damping, shift and lapse conditions are {κ_1=1,κ_2=-0.8,κ_3=1,α_2=α_3=1,α_1=2,η_1=0.75,η_2=1/M} (<cit.>). In the code, the additional evolution equation (<ref>) is implemented in the obvious first order form. We excise a region of the interior of BHs as in <cit.> which removes the role of correcting terms, achieving stable evolutions with unduly high resolution (see the Supplemental Material for more details). With the total ADM mass M of the system setting a scale, our domain for the boosted BH case corresponds to the quadrant x∈ [-L,L] and y,z∈[0,L] as symmetry allows for restricting it. We adopt L=384 M with a the coarsest grid spacing (for production runs) Δ=2 M; we then add another 6 levels of refinement. For the BH binary case the computational domain, exploiting symmetries, is given by x,y∈[-L,L] and z∈[0,L]. In this case we adopt, L=512M and coarsest grid spacing (for production runs) Δ=4 M; we then add another 8 levels of refinement (for convergence tests we consider up to Δ=8/3 M and same number of refined levels). We extract the gravitational waves at 6 equally spaced radii between R=50M and R=100M and extrapolate the result to null infinity. In both cases we use the second (spatial) derivatives of the conformal factor[Recall that the conformal factor χ is one of the evolution variables in the CCZ4 formulation and it is related to the induced metric on the spatial slices γ_ij as χ=1/(γ)^1/3.] χ to estimate the local numerical error and determine whether a new level of refinement needs to be added; in addition, we fix the spatial extent of certain refinement levels to ensure that the resolution at the chosen extraction radii is high enough. Lastly, we choose a scale value |ϵ|=10^-5M_S^6, which implies a coupling scale for new physics beyond GR of Λ≈ 7/M_S ≃ 5 M_⊙/M_S km^-1. Notice for this small scale, correction effects will be undoubtedly subtle, with a consequent high accuracy requirements to capture them. Here we undertake a first study mainly focused on demonstrating the ability of the method to control the system. We will concentrate on assessing this and obtaining a qualitative description of observed consequences. We consider both signs for ϵ, the negative case satisfies the constraints argued for in <cit.>, the positive one also provided azimuthal numbers of the solution are not large, which is our case. We here choose a conservative scale M_S= 10 M_⊙, i.e., somewhat below (but comparable) to the curvature scale set by the masses of the individual BHs for all detected gravitational wave events. Choosing a smaller scale would imply that the modifications become O(1) during the inspiral <cit.> with arguably clear imprints on the observed signal, which is inconsistent with observations. Further, we note that it is natural to expect the scale to remain fixed, thus the larger the BH mass, the smaller the effect of corrections would be. This observation is particularly relevant as the BHs merge, as corrections after such regime would naturally become smaller.[Data analysis techniques can exploit these observations (e.g., <cit.>).] Since for larger masses corrections would be smaller, we here focus on masses comparable to the length scale M_S we thus adopt individual BH masses m_i=M_S/2=5 M_⊙. Single boosted black holes We confirmed our strategy's ability to evolve boosted (and stationary) BHs, with the solution reaching a steady state behavior shortly after the corrections are fully turned on. The solution is smooth without inducing growth in high frequency modes or signs of instability. Beyond GR effects are naturally larger in the BH region. By comparing the value of Ĉ and 𝒞 we confirm the former tracks the physical one quite well and that lower values of {σ,τ} improve the tracking behavior. Figure <ref> illustrates the observed behavior of 𝒯(C,Ĉ). Importantly, examination of the relative difference between two values of Ĉ obtained with two different values of σ (and analogously with 𝒞) indicates errors associated to the choice of this parameter do not severely accumulate, thus the solution is not degraded by strong secular effects (see Fig. <ref>). For instance, it would take ≈ 10^6 M for the relative error for Kretschmann scalar with σ=0.1 and 0.05 to be of order O(1). Numerical instabilities develop for smaller values of σ around the excision region, well inside the AH; these instabilities are sensitive to the details of the excision –improving with resolution. This suggests other forms of excision would be more robust as σ is decreased (e.g., <cit.>). With a successful handling of correction effects in single, moving BHs, we turn next focus on the challenging setting of binary BH merger. Black hole binary mergers The binary tightens due to emission of gravitational waves which radiate energy and angular momentum from the system. Figure <ref> shows the gravitational wave strains for different values of ϵ and contrasts them with the corresponding one in GR. The solution is smooth, without any signs of instability throughout inspiral, merger and ringdown. The corrections to GR and their high degree of non-linearity and higher gradients contributions certainly tax resolution requirements. Our studies here are not focused on quantitatively sharp answers, but on testing the approach with enough resolution for qualitatively informative results and contrasting them with results in GR. In particular, we see that positive/negative values of ϵ induce a (slight) merger phase delay/advance. This is consistent with expectations, where BHs in this theory have non-zero tidal effects, encoded to leading order in the Tidal Love Number κ∝ϵ  <cit.>. The binary behavior in the inspiral regime can be captured through a Post-Newtonian analysis which shows tidal effects induce a phase offset ∝ - κ (hence ∝ - ϵ)  <cit.> (see also <cit.>) for BHs with size comparable to M_S. Leading order Post-Newtonian estimates for the phase difference give ≈± 5 × 10^-3 radians up to a common gravitational wave frequency (M f=0.01) for negative/positive values of ϵ in Fig. <ref>. Our obtained offsets –extrapolated to σ→ 0– are consistent with the sign, though about 200 times larger (for a related study in Einstein-Scalar-Gauss Bonnet theory see <cit.>). The BHs coalesce and the resulting peak strain is comparatively similar to that in GR and no significant further structure is induced in the multipolar decomposition of the waveforms, confirming that the solution stays within the EFT regime. Moreover, since the merger gives rise to a BH with roughly twice the individual masses, corrections are reduced by ≈ 2^-6. Thus the final BH is closer to a GR solution than the initial ones. After the peak amplitude, the system settles quickly into a stationary BH solution. This transition is described by an exponential, oscillatory behavior described by quasi-normal modes (QNM). While QNM spectra have only been computed for slowly rotating BHs in this theory <cit.>, the departure observed in decay rates is consistent with extrapolation to higher spin values, though this is not the case in the oscillatory frequency. We note, however, that the extracted values for the case in GR, have relative errors ≈ 0.1%; since GR corrections to the QNMs in the case studied here are subleading by an order of magnitude such potential discrepancy can be attributed to a need for even higher accuracy to capture them sharply. Also, as the system approaches its stationary final state we confirm it is axisymmetric. Such symmetry is expected in stationary BH solutions in EFTs of gravity <cit.>. By evaluating different scalars, such as the conformal factor χ of the spatial metric and Ĉ, on the intersection of the AH (which in the stationary case coincides with the event horizon) with the equatorial plane, the tendency towards axisymmetry can be confirmed (see figures <ref>,<ref>). Last, note that the difference in the innermost stable circular orbit frequency between slowly rotating BHs in this theory and GR goes as δΩ_ISCO∝ -ϵ. Thus, extrapolating this observation to general spins, and following the successful strategy to estimate the final (dimensionless) spin in BH coalescence in GR <cit.>, one can argue that the final BH spin should be higher/(lower) for positive/(negative) values of ϵ as the final `plunge' takes place with a higher/(lower) contribution of orbital angular momentum to the final BH. Cautioning that a higher accuracy is required to confirm this expectation, our results are consistent with it. Discussion We have demonstrated the ability of the “fixing” approach to enable studies of beyond GR theories. This approach, in particular, provides a practical way to explore phenomenology in the highly non-linear and dynamical regime of compact binary mergers. Especially relevant is that it enables assessing whether the solution for cases of interest remains in the EFT regime and the impact of corrections in gravitational wave observations. From this first set of analysis, we conclude the solution does remain in this regime for comparable mass, quasicircular mergers in the observable region, i.e., the BH(s) exterior. Thus, much like in the case of GR, a strong UV energy flow takes place inside the horizon but not in the outside region, staying within the valid EFT regime. While in the current work we have focused on a specific theory and scale, our choice was motivated by stress-testing the approach with highly demanding challenges –brought by higher than second order derivatives and in the context of BH collisions. However, the underlying strategy is applicable also in beyond GR theories with second order equations that can induce change of character in the equation of motion (e.g., <cit.>). We note that for a particular class of non-linear theories (with second order equations of motion) consistent, non-linear studies have been presented <cit.>. However, they required significant supporting theoretical efforts to identify appropriate gauge conditions and merging BH solutions have been obtained up to some maximum coupling value otherwise mathematical pathologies arise. Our approach, in principle, provides a way to robustly explore beyond such coupling and, in general, study beyond GR theories self-consistently where such supporting theoretical input is not available or even achievable without strong –and a priori unjustifiable– assumptions. Of course, practical application of the approach described here should be mindful of checking results upon variations of ad-hoc parameters to ensure, given a coupling length, scales are sufficiently resolved. Acknowledgements We thank William East, Rafael Porto, Oscar Reula and Robert Wald for discussions. This work was supported in part by Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. Research at Perimeter Institute is supported by the Government of Canada through the Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada and by the Province of Ontario through the Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade. LL thanks financial support via the Carlo Fidani Rainer Weiss Chair at Perimeter Institute. LL receives additional financial support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada through a Discovery Grant and CIFAR. PF is supported by Royal Society University Research Fellowship Grants RGF\EA\180260, URF\R\201026 and RF\ERE\210291. TF was supported by a PhD studentship from the Royal Society RS\PhD\181177. The simulations presented used PRACE resources under Grant No. 2020235545, PRACE DECI-17 resources under Grant No. 17DECI0017, the CSD3 cluster in Cambridge under projects DP128 and DP214, the Cosma cluster in Durham under project DP174 and the ARCHER2 UK National Supercomputing Service under project E775. The Cambridge Service for Data Driven Discovery (CSD3), partially operated by the University of Cambridge Research Computing on behalf of the STFC DiRAC HPC Facility. The DiRAC component of CSD3 is funded by BEIS capital via STFC capital Grants No. ST/P002307/1 and No. ST/ R002452/1 and STFC operations Grant No. ST/R00689X/1. DiRAC is part of the National e-Infrastructure.[] The authors gratefully acknowledge the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing e.V.[] for providing computing time on the GCS Supercomputer SuperMUC-NG at Leibniz Supercomputing Centre.[] This research was also enabled in part by support provided by SciNet (www.scinethpc.ca) and Digital Research Alliance of Canada (alliancecan.ca). § SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL Excision The numerical treatment of solutions containing BHs requires dealing with the singular behavior of its interior. In GR, excising from the computational domains trapped region(s) (which can be shown to lie within BHs and thus are causally disconnected from its exterior) or mapping the interior of BHs to other causally disconnected asymptotic regions are practical and successful techniques to address this issue. With beyond GR theories, extensions of these ideas can be adopted. Here, we follow a strategy implemented in <cit.>, where terms beyond GR are “turned off” inside the AH, thus allowing one to follow the standard approach in GR and use puncture gauge to handle (coordinate) singularities inside BHs. By turning off beyond GR terms well inside the AH we are modifying the theory in a region of spacetime that is causally disconnected from any external observer and where the theory itself should no longer be a valid EFT anyway. Since the higher-derivative terms enter the equations of motion as an effective stress-energy tensor T_, a measure of the weak field condition is provided by the “size” of the components of T_. In the 3+1 decomposition, we have =̊n^ n^ T_μν , S_i=-n^γ_i^iT_ν , S_ij=γ_i^iγ_j^iT_ . Then, a point-wise measure of the weak field condition is captured by the quantity W = √(^̊2 + S_i S_j ^̣ij + S_ij S_kl^̣ik^̣jl) This quantity need not be covariant nor anything special, it is just a measure where we can input a threshold; it is preferred to $̊ which goes to zero at the puncture (even though it is large in the surrounding region).[This is because we turn off the non-GR terms inside BHs, as we explain in the following paragraph.] Given an energy-momentum tensor, we damp the “effective source” inside the AH and when the weak field conditionWis too large by a factore·T_whereeis a smooth transition function: e(χ,W) = 1 - (χ; χ̅, _χ) (W; W̅, -_W) , (x; x̅, _x) = 1/1 + 10^1/_xx/x̅-1 , whereχis the conformal factor of the induced metric,χ̅andW̅are thresholds for the excision cutoff region and_χand_Ware smoothness widths. With this choice ofe(χ,W), the source approaches 0 exponentially wheneverχ< χ̅andW > W̅, and is 1 otherwise. The parameters_χand_Wdetermine the width of the transition region; we typically choose them to be_χ=_W=0.1. Since in our working gauge the contours ofχtrack the AH very well (see the discussion below), we choose a thresholdχ̅that ensures that the excision region is well inside the AH. In practice we ended up takingW̅ = 0so that(W; W̅, -_W)is always effectively1and hence the excision region is solely determined by the value ofχ. In practice, for non-spinning BH binaries, the choiceχ̅ = 0.09ensures that the excision region is well within the AH <cit.>. Impact of ad-hoc parameters As described in the main text, the parameters{σ,τ}appearing in the evolution equation forĈ(<ref>) are ad-hoc and define a scale.[The analogous parameters appearing in Israel-Stewart formulations of relativistic viscous hydrodynamics can be related to transport coefficients of the underlying microscopic theory.] Their role is to control scales shorter (heavier) than theirs thus controlling the mathematical pathologies discussed. Naturally, the solution obtained for any set of values of such parameters can depend on their values. Such dependency will be strong if the solution displays a significant cascade to the UV, as in this case the system tends to abandon the EFT regime and the fixing strategy would force it to remain in it, damping energy in high frequency modes. On the other hand, such dependency could be mild, not affecting qualitatively the solution's behavior but might introduce minor variations in quantitative characteristics. Whenever the fixing strategy is employed (and arguably any other strategy) to address the mathematical shortcomings, assessing the solution's dependency on whichever strategy is paramount. In our case, it means examining dependency on{σ,τ}. By varying their values, we do identify a mild depdendecy on them, which we trace back to the role of the advection vectorβ^iand the terms it multiplies in (<ref>), and not to a UV cascade taking place outside the BH(s). These terms, which were introduced to ensure advection into the BH, also affect to a small degree the tracking, as we have seen. In particular, the difference between𝒞̂and𝒞is linear, and increasing withσespecially where curvature is strong. This difference, although small, over long times affects somewhat physical quantities or observables. One can nevertheless, extrapolate such difference to values ofτ,σ→0(see also <cit.>). For instance, as displayed in figure <ref> we perform such extrapolation to obtain the time of peak amplitude of the strain forσ→0. In this figure we show such quantity depends linearly withσand the extrapolated time delay for the peak amplitude is≈30M. This extrapolation is further supported by the weak dependence onτand the fact that a linear behaviour withσis present in our toy model until very small values of this parameter. Further, we can monitor the difference of between values of𝒞̂, or𝒞, upon varyingσas time proceeds. Figure <ref> illustrates the observed behavior for the single boosted BH case, illustrating that errors related to the value ofσaccumulate slowly. Indeed, it would take aboutt≈10^6 Mfor the relative error for Kretschmann scalar withσ=0.1and0.05to beO(1). Axisymmetry of the remnant Black Hole To assess the axisymmetry of the final state, we evaluate two scalar quantities, namely the the conformal factorχon thet=constslices and𝒞̂, at the intersection of the common AH with the equatorial plane and compute their relative differences with the (arbitrary) pointϕ=0, whereϕis the usual azimuthal angle on the AH two-sphere. As time progresses, such difference reduces significantly indicating a high degree of axisymmetry, consistent with the result of <cit.>. Convergence We test convergence by comparing the evolution presented, which used a numerical grid coarsest spacing of= 4Mand 8 further levels of refinement, with two higher resolutions, with spacing= 3211M(medium) and= 83M(high). The particular setting for these simulations hasϵ= 10^-5 M_S^6,σ=0.1andτ=0.005. Figure <ref> shows gravitational strain errors between low, medium and high resolutions, together with the estimates for second and fourth order convergence respectively based on the convergence proportionality factor Q_n = _Low^n-_Med^n/_Med^n-_High^n . This figure indicates approximately fourth order convergence for both the amplitude and the phase ofh^+_22. apsrev4-2
Sequential Spatial Network for Collision Avoidance in Autonomous Driving
[ "Haichuan Li", "Liguo Zhou", "Zhenshan Bing", "Marzana Khatun", "Rolf Jung", "Alois Knoll" ]
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
Sequential Spatial Network for Collision Avoidance in Autonomous Driving This research is supported by Sino German fond (5091331). 1st Haichuan Li Chair of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Real-Time Systems Technical University of Munich Garching, Germany haichuan.li@tum.de 2nd Liguo Zhou Chair of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Real-Time Systems Technical University of Munich Garching, Germany liguo.zhou@tum.de 3rd Zhenshan Bing Chair of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Real-Time Systems Technical University of Munich Munich, Germany zhenshan.bing@tum.de 4th Marzana Khatun Institute for Driver Assistance and Connected Mobility Hochschule Kempten Kempten, Germany marzana.khatun@hs-kempten.de 5th Rolf Jung Institute for Driver Assistance and Connected Mobility Hochschule Kempten Kempten, Germany rolf.jung@hs-kempten.de 6th Alois Knoll Chair of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Real-Time Systems Technical University of Munich Garching, Germany knoll@in.tum.de March 30, 2023 ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== Several autonomous driving strategies have been applied to autonomous vehicles, especially in the collision avoidance area. The purpose of collision avoidance is achieved by adjusting the trajectory of autonomous vehicles (AV) to avoid intersection or overlap with the trajectory of surrounding vehicles. A large number of sophisticated vision algorithms have been designed for target inspection, classification, and other tasks, such as ResNet, YOLO, etc., which have achieved excellent performance in vision tasks because of their ability to accurately and quickly capture regional features. However, due to the variability of different tasks, the above models achieve good performance in capturing small regions but are still insufficient in correlating the regional features of the input image with each other. In this paper, we aim to solve this problem and develop an algorithm that takes into account the advantages of CNN in capturing regional features while establishing feature correlation between regions using variants of attention. Finally, our model achieves better performance in the test set of L5Kit compared to the other vision models. The average number of collisions is 19.4 per 10000 frames of driving distance, which greatly improves the success rate of collision avoidance. Collision Avoidance, Computer Vision, Autonomous Driving, Trajectory Prediction, Sequential Spatial § INTRODUCTION In the past many years, researchers have focused on how to turn vehicles from assisted driving to more intelligent autonomous driving. Due to the iteration of intelligent hardware and the improvement of chip computing power, a large amount of data collected by sensors can be quickly converted and fed into models to make decisions. In the driving process, the safety factor is the first consideration for users and researchers. Therefore, how AV should avoid collisions has become a top priority. Concepts such as probabilistic methods (eg.: Markov chains <cit.> and Monte Carlo <cit.>), safety distance-based control methods <cit.>, and trajectory prediction methods <cit.> have been designed in recent years to cope with complex traffic conditions. In terms of vision, CNN <cit.> has made outstanding contributions and has been applied to a large number of road condition inspection tasks due to its excellent regional feature extraction capabilities. The local feature information obtained by CNN will be used for obstacle detection. Secondly, because the motion trajectory is planned for AV, the relationship between each local feature of the image obtained by CNN needs to be established. Some strategies are based on CNN plus RNN <cit.> so that they can deal with sequential graphs as input, eg.: STDN <cit.>. Although the above strategies have performed well in a large number of vision tasks, their performances are still far inferior to similar-sized convolutional neural networks counterparts, such as EfficientNets <cit.> and RepVGG <cit.>. We believe this is due to the following aspects. First, the huge differences between the sequential tasks of NLP and the image tasks of CV are ignored. For example, when the local feature information acquired in a two-dimensional image is compressed into one-dimensional time series information, how to achieve accurate mapping becomes a difficult problem. Second, it is difficult to keep the original information of inputs since after RNN layers, we need to recover the dimension from one to three. Besides, due to the several transformations between different dimensions, that process becomes even harder, especially since our input size is 224×224×5. Third, the computational and memory requirement of switching between layers are extremely heavy tasks, which also becomes a tricky point for the algorithm to run. Higher hardware requirements as well as more running time arise when running the attention part. In this paper, we propose a new network structure based on CNN and attention to vision tasks in autonomous driving. The new network structure overcomes these problems by using Sequential Spatial Network (SSN) blocks. As shown in Fig. <ref>, input images first go through the convolution stem for fine-grained feature extraction, and are then fed into a stack of SSN blocks for further processing. The Upsampling Convolutional Decreasing (UCD) blocks are introduced for the purpose of local information enhancement by deep convolution, and in SSN block of features generated in the first stage can be less loss of image resolution, which is crucial for the subsequent trajectory adjustment task. In addition, we adopt a staged architecture design using five convolutional layers with different kernel sizes and steps gradually decreasing the resolution (sequence length) and flexibly increasing the dimensionality. Such a design helps to extract local features of different scales and, since the first stage retains high resolution, our design can effectively reduce the resolution of the output information in the first layer at each convolutional layer, thus reducing the computational effort of subsequent layers. The Reinforcement Region Unit (RRU) and the Fast MultiHead Self-Attention (FMHSA) in the SSN block can help obtain global and local structural information within the intermediate features and improve the normalization capability of the network. Finally, average pooling is used to obtain better trajectory tuning. Extensive experiments on the lykit dataset demonstrate the superiority of our SSN network in terms of accuracy. In addition to image classification, SSN block can be easily transferred to other vision tasks and serve as a versatile backbone. § RELATED WORKS Over the past few decades, autonomous driving has flourished in the wave of deep learning, where a large number of solution strategies are based on computer vision, using images as the primary input. The prevailing visual neural networks are typically built on top of a basic block in which a series of convolutional layers are stacked sequentially to capture local information in intermediate features. However, the limited receptive field of the small convolution kernel makes it difficult to obtain global information, which hinders the high performance of the network on highly feature-dependent tasks (such as trajectory prediction and planning). In view of this dilemma, many researchers have begun to deeply study self-attention-based <cit.> networks with the ability to capture long-distance information. Here, we briefly review traditional CNNs and recently proposed visual networks. Convolutional neural network. The first standard CNN was proposed by LeCun <cit.> et al. was used for handwritten character recognition. Based on this foundation, a large number of visual models have achieved cross-generational success in a variety of tasks with images as the main input. Google Inception Net  <cit.> and DenseNet  <cit.> showed that deep neural networks consisting of convolutional and pooling layers can yield adequate results in recognition. SENet <cit.> and MobileNetV3  <cit.> demonstrate the effectiveness of multiple paths within a basic block. ResNet <cit.> is a classic structure that has a better generalization ability by adding shortcut connections to the underlying network. To alleviate the limited acceptance domain in previous studies, some studies used the attention mechanism as an operator for adapting patterns. § APPROACH §.§ Network Structure Overview Our strategy is to take advantage of both CNN and attention by building a hybrid network. An overview of ResNet-50 <cit.>, RepVGG <cit.>, ViT <cit.> and our network are shown in Fig. <ref> and Fig. <ref>. Resnet-50 consists of five stages, stage0 consists of a convolutional layer, a batch normalization layer and a maxpooling layer. stage1, stage2, stage3, and stage4 consist of bottleneck blocks, and the output is fed to a fully connected layer for classification. The advantage of this design is that resnet50 can efficiently handle the classification problem between different images. However, since the stage0 only uses one convolutional layer with a large convolutional kernel, the large field of view can quickly complete the initial processing of the input image, but the local information capture of the image is slightly insufficient. For this reason, we use the main input block to deal with this limitation. The main input block is composed of five different kernel sizes and steps convolutional layers, so that the purpose of stepping down the convolution kernel is to extract the input information quickly when the output size is large, and then use the small convolution kernel to extract the local information after the input size becomes smaller. After taking into account the fast processing and local information processing of the main input block, the input information is transferred to the subsequent blocks for subsequent processing. Furthermore, between each block, we add a UCD layer, which consists of a convolutional layer with 1×1 kernel size and a downsampling layer which a sampling ratio is 0.5. The UCD layer allows us to speed up the network without reducing the amount of information in the input but maintaining the ratio between the information, and the size of the input is reduced to half of the original size after the UCD layer. Afterwards, the feature extraction is performed by a network layer composed of different numbers of SSN blocks, while maintaining the same resolution of the input. Due to the existence of the self-attention mechanism, SSN can capture the correlation of different local information features, so as to achieve mutual dependence between local information and global information. Finally, the results are output through an average pooling layer and a projection layer as well as a classifier layer. Through the historical images of driving trips, we can obtain information such as position, yaw and environment. SSN is similar to a typical vision network and can adjust the stride size of the middle layer to obtain feature maps of different sizes according to the requirements, which can be applied to downstream tasks with different inputs, such as trajectory prediction and image classification. §.§ SSN blcok The proposed SSN module consists of a Reinforcement Region Unit (RRU), a Fast Multi-Head Self-Attention (FMHSA) module and an Information Refinement Unit (IRU), as shown in Fig. <ref>. We will describe these four components in the following. Reinforcement region unit. In vision tasks, data augmentation is usually essential to improve model generalization effectively by training the augmented data. Common data augmentation methods such as flip, rotation and scaling, etc, but adding augmented data should not weaken the final performance of the model. In other words, a good model should maintain effective operating output for similar but variant data as well so that the model has better input acceptability. However, the absolute position encoding used in the common attention was originally designed to exploit the order of the tokens, but it breaks the input acceptability because each patch adds a unique position encoding to it  <cit.>. Moreover, the concatenation between the local information obtained by the information capture module at the beginning of the model and the structural information inside the patch  <cit.> is ignored. In order to maintain input acceptability, the Reinforcement Region Unit (RRU) is designed to extract the local information from the input to the "SSN" module, defined as: RRU(X)=Conv(Conv(X)). Fast Multiple Head Self-Attention (FMHSA) module consists of one convolutional layer, one linear layer and one multi-head self-attention. With this scheme, we can build up the connection between different local information which results from RRU. By this way, the collision avoidance task is able to get an outstanding result since on each frame the trajectory is composed of continuously predicted positions. Moreover, these positions are sequentially related which means autonomous driving vehicles must arrive at the first target position then they can move to the next target position. Our FMHSA module is suitable to solve this problem because it can transfer local information between areas. The Information Refinement Unit (IRU) is used to efficiently extract the local information obtained by FMHSA, and after processing by this unit, the extracted local information is fed into the pooling and classifier layers. The original FFN proposed in ViT consists of two linear layers separated by the GELU activation <cit.>. First, expand the input dimension by 4 times, and then scale down the expanded dimension: FFN(X) = GELU(XW1 + b1)W2 + b2. This has the advantage of using a linear function for forward propagation before using the GELU() function, which greatly improves the efficiency of the model operation. However, this strategy leads to a certain performance sacrifice when the network is propagating fast in this region. Our design concept can be used to deal with this problem. First, we use the convolutional layer of a larger convolution kernel to obtain the characteristics of the input information with a large field of view, then use the linear function layer to conduct quickly, and finally use the convolutional layer of a small convolution kernel. The convolutional layer obtains refined information, thus taking into account both operational efficiency and model performance. The expression of the information refinement unit (IRU) can be written as IRU(X)=Conv(L(Conv(X))), where L(X)=WX+b. After designing the above three unit modules, the SSN block can be formulated as: A =RRU(X) B =FMHSA(A) C =IRU(B)+B In the experiment part, we will prove the efficiency of SSN network. § EXPERIMENT In this section, we investigate the effectiveness of the SSN architecture by conducting experiments on an autonomous driving obstacle avoidance task based on a driving map as the main input. We compare the proposed SSN with other popular models before showing in Fig. <ref>, and then compare the experimental results to draw an analytical conclusion. We defined three different types of collisions which are front collision, rear collision and side collision. These situations are caused by different unsuitable physic parameters and in Fig. <ref>. §.§ Dataset and description We use l5kit dataset <cit.> as our data source which contains over 1,000 hours of data. This was collected by a fleet of 20 autonomous vehicles along a fixed route in Palo Alto, California, over a four-month period. It consists of 170,000 scenes, where each scene is 25 seconds long and captures the perception output of the self-driving system, which encodes the precise positions and motions of nearby vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians over time. On top of this, the dataset contains a high-definition semantic map with 15,242 labeled elements and a high-definition aerial view over the area. §.§ Data preprocessing The data mainly includes the following main concepts: Scenes, Frames, and Agents. A scene is identified by the host (i.e. which car was used to collect it) and a start and end time. It consists of multiple frames (=snapshots at discretized time intervals). The scene datatype stores reference to its corresponding frames in terms of the start and end index within the frames array (described below). The frames in between these indices all correspond to the scene (including the start index, excluding the end index. A frame captures all information that was observed at a time. This includes the timestamp, which the frame describes; data about the ego vehicle itself such as rotation and position; a reference to the other agents (vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians) that were captured by the ego’s sensors; a reference to all traffic light faces (see below) for all visible lanes. An agent is an observation by the AV of some other detected object. Each entry describes the object in terms of its attributes such as position and velocity, and gives the agent a tracking number to track it over multiple frames (but only within the same scene!) and its most probable label. The input of this dataset is images of Ego car, which is one of properties of Ego Dataset. And the output of our model are position and yaw which are properties of EgoDataset as well. By this way, we can simulate vehicles’ driving as human driving actions. During human driving process, drivers control accelerator and driving wheels to move vehicles, accelerator is used for velocity and driving wheel for yaw. The output of our model is also velocity and yaw. Thus, we use this method to simulate the trajectories of vehicles so that we can change velocity and yaw to avoid collisions during driving. §.§ Result The tables of test results which are processed by four different network structures are shown in Tab. <ref>. Compared with other transformer-based and convolution-based counterparts, our model achieved better accuracy and faster processing speed. In particular, our model achieves 2.6 times on front collision which is 13.6 times less than RepVGG, 5.8 times less than ViT, and 12.6 times less than ResNet50, indicating the benefit of SSN block for capturing both local and global information. We can see that SSN consistently outperforms other models by a large margin. § CONCLUSION This paper proposes a novel hybrid architecture named SSN for vision-based autonomous driving tasks and other vision tasks. The designed SSN architectures take advantages of both CNNs and self-attention to capture local and global information, improving the ability of the sequentially related inputs. Extensive experiments on lykit dataset demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed SSN architecture. IEEEtran
Coherent THz Spin Dynamics in Antiferromagnets Beyond the Macrospin Approximation
[ "F. Formisano", "T. T. Gareev", "D. I. Khusyainov", "A. E. Fedianin", "R. M. Dubrovin", "P. P. Syrnikov", "D. Afanasiev", "R. V. Pisarev", "A. M. Kalashnikova", "J. H. Mentink", "A. V. Kimel" ]
[ "cond-mat.str-el" ]
Institute for Molecules and Materials, Radboud University, 6525 AJ Nijmegen, The Netherlands Institute for Molecules and Materials, Radboud University, 6525 AJ Nijmegen, The Netherlands Institute for Molecules and Materials, Radboud University, 6525 AJ Nijmegen, The Netherlands Ioffe Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 194021 St. Petersburg, Russia Ioffe Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 194021 St. Petersburg, Russia Ioffe Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 194021 St. Petersburg, Russia Institute for Molecules and Materials, Radboud University, 6525 AJ Nijmegen, The Netherlands Ioffe Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 194021 St. Petersburg, Russia Ioffe Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 194021 St. Petersburg, Russia Institute for Molecules and Materials, Radboud University, 6525 AJ Nijmegen, The Netherlands aleksei.kimel@ru.nl Institute for Molecules and Materials, Radboud University, 6525 AJ Nijmegen, The Netherlands Controlled generation of coherent spin waves with the highest possible frequencies and the shortest possible wavelengths is a cornerstone of spintronics and magnonics. Here, using the Heisenberg antiferromagnet , we demonstrate that laser-induced THz spin dynamics corresponding to pairs of the mutually coherent counter propagating spin waves with the wavevectors up to the edge of the Brillouin zone cannot be understood in the terms of magnetization and antiferromagnetic vectors, conventionally used to describe spin waves in the classical macrospin approximation. Instead, we propose to model such a spin dynamics using the spin correlations function. We derive quantum-mechanical equation of motion for the latter and emphasize that unlike the magnetization and the antiferromagnetic vectors the spin correlations in antiferromagnets do not have an inertia. Coherent THz Spin Dynamics in Antiferromagnets Beyond the Macrospin Approximation A. V. Kimel 0000-0002-0709-042X March 30, 2023 ================================================================================== Revealing and understanding the efficient routes for excitation of coherent spin waves with the shortest possible wavelength and the highest achievable frequency is among the major challenges of today's spintronics, magnonics and magnetic data storage <cit.>. Among magnetic materials, antiferromagnets have the highest eigenfrequencies of spin dynamics in the THz range, which is a significant advantage for becoming a crucial ingredient of ultra-high speed spintronic devices <cit.>. It has been experimentally and theoretically demonstrated that ultrashort laser pulses can be employed for generation of coherent spin waves in practically all classes of magnetically ordered materials <cit.>. The wavelength of the optically excited spin wave is, in principle, defined by the size of the illuminated volume, and it can be further decreased by introducing inhomogeneities <cit.>. However, spin waves thus generated will still have frequencies and wavevectors close to the center of the Brillouin zone. An appealing alternative approach for generation of spin waves with larger k-vectors is based on concomitant excitation of the two counter propagating waves <cit.>. In antiferromagnets, such mutually coupled pairs of spin waves excited over the whole Brillouin zone form a so-called two-magnon mode, which couples to light via Raman scattering <cit.>, and can be triggered by ultrashort laser pulses <cit.>. Until now the macrospin approximation, which neglects individual spins and treats a magnet as a continuous medium, has been fundamental to understanding spin dynamics. Using such an approximation the simpliest two-sublattice antiferromagnet can be modelled as two antiferromagnetically coupled ferromagnets with oppositely directed magnetizations |𝐌_1| = |𝐌_2| = M_0, the dimensionless antiferromagnetic vector 𝐋 = (𝐌_1 - 𝐌_2)/2M_0 and the net magnetization 𝐌 = (𝐌_1 + 𝐌_2)/2M_0. Propagation of an antiferromagnetic spin wave with the wavevector 𝐤 and the angular frequency Ω_𝐤 in this approximation is described as spatio-temporal variations of the orientations and lengths of L and M. It is clear that upon decreasing the wavelength and approaching the edge of the Brillouin zone, the macrospin approximation should eventually fail. Despite this fact, the breakdown has not been examined for experimentally observed laser-induced spin dynamics of antiferromagnets until now. Here using the example of the Heisenberg antiferromagnet , we demonstrate that spin dynamics corresponding to mutually coherent and counter-propagating spin waves with large wavevectors cannot be understood if the light-spin interaction is modelled in the conventional terms of the macroscopic magnetization 𝐌 and antiferromagnetic vector 𝐋. Instead, we propose to model such spin dynamics using spin correlations. We derive the equation of motion for the latter and demonstrate that unlike the macrospin 𝐌 and 𝐋 parameters, the spin correlations in antiferromagnets do not have an inertia. It means that there is an optimal pulse duration for excitation of the spin correlation dynamics, while the macrospin dynamics in antiferromagnet can be excited impulsively even by an infinitesimally short pulse. For demonstration of the failure of the macrospin approximation it was crucial to choose a material, where the orientation of the macroscopic antiferromagnetic vector 𝐋 is distinctly different from the main crystallographic axes. Here we select the cubic fluoroperovskite insulator (point group m3m), which is very close to the isotropic 3D Heisenberg antiferromagnet below the Néel temperature T_N=83 K <cit.>. The spins (S=5/2) of the Mn^2+ ions form two equivalent magnetic sublattices with oppositely directed magnetizations. It is known that this crystal has very weak magnetic anisotropy which aligns the antiferromagnetic vector 𝐋 along one of the ⟨111⟩ directions <cit.>, as shown in Fig. <ref>(b). The two-magnon mode in RbMnF3 is well known from the spontaneous Raman scattering experiments [Fig. <ref>(a)] and has the E_g symmetry and a frequency 4 THz at low temperature <cit.>. To excite coherent spin dynamics corresponding to the two-magnon mode, we perform femtosecond two-color magneto-optical pump-probe experiment in the transmission geometry as shown in Fig. <ref>(c). The laser pulses with duration 45 fs and central photon energy 1.55 eV were emitted by the Ti:Sapphire regenerative amplifier at a repetition rate of 1 kHz and were split into pump and probe (ħω_pr=1.55 eV) beams with an energy per pulse ratio of 10:1. The pump pulses were tuned by an optical parametric amplifier (OPA) to a central photon energy ħω_p = 1.03 eV and a fluence of 1.2 mJ/cm^2 and then were focused normally onto the sample surface into a spot with a diameter of 500 μm. The pump and probe pulses were linearly polarized at angles α and β with respect to the x[100] axis, respectively. The angles were controlled by half-wave plates. For experiments, the 620 μm-thick slab sample with 5×5 mm^2 area was cut perpendicular to the cubic z[001] axis from a single crystal of grown by the Czochralski method and polished to achieve the optical quality of its surfaces. The projection of the antiferromagnetic vector 𝐋 on the sample xy plane makes an angle of 45^∘ with the x axis, as shown in Fig. <ref>(c). The sample was placed in the continuous flow cryostat and cooled by liquid helium. In general, the spin dynamics triggered by an intense pump pulse induces in the sample a certain type of an optical anisotropy <cit.>. The latter is detected by measuring ellipticity of the polarization of the initially linearly polarized probe pulse upon transmission through the sample. Measuring the ellipticity of the probe polarization as a function of time delay Δt between pump and probe pulses employing a balance detection scheme, we are aiming to deduce information about pump-induced spin dynamics. Figure <ref>(a) shows a temporal evolution of the pump-induced ellipticity in the antiferromagnetic phase of . Pump and probe pulses were linearly polarized at angles α=0^∘ and β=45^∘. One can clearly distinguish oscillations damped within a few ps. The Fourier spectra of the time trace for T=5 K reveals a clear resonance at 4 THz. The frequency and the amplitude of these oscillations decreased upon heating up to T_N, as can be seen in Figs. <ref>(b) and <ref>(c), respectively. The observed frequency and its temperature behavior are in fair agreement with those of the two-magnon mode obtained in the spontaneous Raman scattering experiments <cit.>. More particularly, the detected two-magnon mode corresponds to a simultaneous excitation of pairs of mutually coherent spin waves with opposite wavevectors throughout the whole Brillouin zone dominated by the waves with the shortest wavelengths and the highest frequencies Ω_π/a, as shown in Fig. <ref>(a) <cit.>. Thus, we can confidently conclude that the experimentally detected oscillations correspond to the spin dynamics originating from the two spin waves with opposite wavevectors at the edges of the Brillouin zone. To comprehend the observed spin dynamics, we performed measurements of the pump-induced ellipticity at various angles of the pump α and probe β polarizations at T=5 K [Fig. <ref>]. The most pronounced oscillations of the probe ellipticity are observed when the pump polarization is along the crystallographic x and y axes (α = 0, 90^∘) and probe polarization is at the angle β = 45^∘, 135^∘. Moreover, it is clearly seen that the phase of the two-magnon oscillations is shifted by π when either pump or probe polarization is rotated by 90^∘ as shown in Figs. <ref>(a) and <ref>(b), respectively. To grasp further insights, we carried out two series of experiments for fixed pump (α=0^∘) and rotated probe (β=0^∘…360^∘) polarization and for fixed probe (β=45^∘) and rotated pump (α=0^∘…360^∘) polarizations. One can see that the signed Fourier amplitudes of the obtained waveforms for the rotated pump and probe polarizations are fairly well described by cos2α and sin2β, as shown in Figs. <ref>(c) and <ref>(d), respectively. In contrast to earlier reported results of ultrafast spin dynamics, the observed polarization dependencies cannot be explained in terms of the macroscopic magnetization 𝐌 and antiferromagnetic vector 𝐋. In particular, spin dynamics which corresponds to two mutually coherent counter-propagating spin waves in isostructural antiferromagnetic fluoroperovskite  <cit.> was explained in terms of the antiferromagnetic vector 𝐋 with oscillating length. In 𝐋 is along one of the main crystallographic axes, while in the case of , the projection of 𝐋 on the xy sample plane is rotated over 45^∘ from the x and y axes. Nevertheless, the pump polarization dependences are exactly the same in the both antiferromagnets. Moreover, as the maximum signal in is observed when the probe is initially polarized along or perpendicular to the projection of 𝐋 on the sample plane, the corresponding optical anisotropy does not originate from the oscillations of the length of 𝐋. To describe the observed polarization dependencies of the laser-driven two-magnon mode, we have to go beyond the classical macrospin approach. We assume the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg exchange interaction with free energy Ĥ_0 = J ∑_δĈ(δ), where J is the exchange coupling constant between the nearest neighbor magnetic ions, δ is the vector between them. For a cubic crystal, Ĉ(δ)=2∑_i𝐒̂(𝐫_i) 𝐒̂(𝐫_i+δ) is the spin correlation along δ, and 𝐫_i is a vector to i site <cit.>. The electric field 𝐄=(E^x,E^y,E^z) of light propagating along the z axis and polarized in the xy plane perturbs the Hamiltonian according to the phenomenological expression <cit.> ΔĤ = A(ω_p) [ (E^x δ^x )^2 Ĉ(δ^x) + (E^y δ^y )^2 Ĉ(δ^y)], where A(ω) δ^νδ^νĈ(δ^ν) is proportional to the dielectric permittivity at frequency ω. To derive the equation for the dynamics of spin correlations, we consider small transverse spin-deflections with respect to the colinear antiferromagnetic ground state. It is convenient to represent these spin deflections in reciprocal space, since spin correlations for different bonds are not independent: [Ĉ_i(δ^ν),Ĉ_j(δ^μ)]≠δ_ijδ_νμ, with δ_ij being a Kronecker delta. Indeed, spin correlations can share the same spin operator, for example 𝐒̂(𝐫_i+δ^ν)=𝐒̂(𝐫_j+δ^μ). This means that, for example, perturbation of exchange bonds along the x axis also triggers dynamics of spin correlations along the y and z axes. Although the spin correlation itself is a scalar, not all components of the spin correlation feature the same dynamics. Analogous to the antiferromagnetic vector 𝐋, we therefore write the different components of the spin correlation as a vector 𝐂̂_𝐤=(Ĉ_𝐤^(1),Ĉ_𝐤^(2),Ĉ_𝐤^(3)), where Ĉ^(1)_𝐤 =1/2S(Ŝ^X_𝐤Ŝ^X_-𝐤+Ŝ^Y_𝐤Ŝ^Y_-𝐤), Ĉ^(2)_𝐤 =1/2S(Ŝ^X_𝐤Ŝ^Y_-𝐤-Ŝ^Y_𝐤Ŝ^X_-𝐤), Ĉ^(3)_𝐤 =1/4S((Ŝ^X_𝐤)^2+(Ŝ^Y_𝐤)^2 + (Ŝ^X_-𝐤)^2 + (Ŝ^Y_-𝐤)^2 + 2S), with X,Y being mutually orthogonal components perpendicular to the spin quantization axis denoted by Z. Here we kept only the leading order, i.e., quadratic spin deflections <cit.> and static terms ∝ -S^2 are omitted. Note that in equilibrium, ⟨Ĉ^(2)_𝐤⟩ =0, but it can be nonzero during dynamics. In terms of the vector components, the leading order deflections to the full correlation are given by Ĉ_𝐤(δ^ν)=4S(Ĉ^(3)_𝐤+cos (k^νδ^ν)Ĉ^(1)_𝐤), which shows that the correlation function features terms not present in the dynamics of Δ L^Z∝∑_𝐤⟨Ĉ^(3)_𝐤⟩ <cit.>, where ⟨…⟩ denotes averaging. From the commutations relations for the spin operators, it follows that the vector 𝐂̂_𝐤 satisfies the cross product in hyperbolic space, 𝐂̂_𝐤×𝐂̂_𝐤=iħ𝐂̂_𝐤, featuring a minus sign for the terms in the Ĉ^(3)_𝐤 component as compared to the ordinary cross product <cit.>. Hence, from Heisenberg equations of motion the dynamics of the correlations in reciprocal space is determined by ħ∂𝐂̂_𝐤/∂ t - 𝐂̂_𝐤×(-∂Ĥ_𝐤/∂𝐂̂_𝐤)=0, where Ĥ_𝐤= (J +A(ω_p) (E^x δ^x )^2 )Ĉ_𝐤(δ^x) + (J +A(ω_p) (E^y δ^y )^2 )Ĉ_𝐤(δ^y) + J Ĉ_𝐤(δ^z). Solving this equation of motion for the impulsive perturbation ΔĤ gives precession of 𝐂̂_𝐤 with the dominating frequency ≈ 2 z J S/ħ (z=6 is the number of nearest neighbors), which corresponds to the frequency of the two-magnon mode <cit.>. Thus, we derived the equation of motion for spin correlations which describes the dynamics of this parameter, in agreement with our and previously reported experiments. It is worth noting, that, unlike M and L in antiferromagnets <cit.>, the dynamics of spin correlation is described by the differential equation of the first order and hence the spin correlations do not show inertia. From Eq. (<ref>), we see that the polarization dependence of the pump-induced spin correlations is dictated by the light-induced perturbations of the effective fields -∂Ĥ_𝐤/∂𝐂̂_𝐤. In the Supplementary information <cit.> we demonstrate that for the experimental geometry considered one then obtains a polarization dependence ∝cos2α, in agreement with what is observed experimentally, as seen in Fig. <ref>(d). Phenomenologically, this polarization dependence can be understood as follows. From Eq. (<ref>) one sees that an inequality E^ν≠ 0 gives ∂ΔĤ/∂Ĉ(δ^ν)≠ 0. It means that pumping the antiferromagnet by a laser pulse polarized along one of the main crystallographic axes brings the system out of the thermodynamic equilibrium, and finding the new equilibrium will result in a change of the spin correlations. Such changes in the spin correlation functions contribute to the dielectric permittivity as Δε^μν=∂^2⟨ΔĤ⟩/∂ E^ν∂ E^μ, which may lead to a pump-induced anisotropy ε^xx-ε^yy≠0 in the initially optically isotropic cubic system. For the m3m point group, we obtain the pump-induced change of the dielectric permittivity ε^xx-ε^yy=2gE^2cos2α, where g=ξ^xxxx-ξ^yyxx, and ξ is the phenomenological polar tensor <cit.>. In the range of low absorption, such pump-induced change of the dielectric permittivity results in ellipticity of the probe pulse which obeys sin2β dependence on the incoming probe polarization, observed in the experiment [Fig. <ref>(d)]. Hence the model based on spin correlation reproduces the experimental observation in terms of symmetry of excitation and detection. Furthermore, the model correctly describes the linear dependence of the effect on the pump pulse fluence [Fig. <ref>(d)]. This is in contrast to the macrospin approximation. Indeed, the spin wave frequencies Ω_𝐤 are much less than those of the pump photons ω_1 and ω_2 [see Fig. <ref>(a)]. Hence, in the lowest order, a light-induced torque acting on 𝐌 or 𝐋 and exciting a spin wave is quadratic with respect to the electric field of the pump pulse <cit.>. As the spin wave wavevectors k≈π/a are much larger than the wavevector of light q≈0, they can be detected only in pairs such that 𝐤-𝐤=𝐪≈ 0. Therefore, the signal detected by the probe pulse should be quadratic with respect to the pump intensity. In our model [Eqs. (<ref>,<ref>)], when the electric field of light is along one of the main crystallographic axis, it off-resonantly excites virtual charge transfer transitions between Mn^2+ and F^1- ions and, thus, effectively changes the exchange interaction between Mn^2+ spins <cit.>. As a result, the spin correlation function Ĉ(δ) is impulsively altered along the corresponding crystallographic axis. In the following, the spin correlation function along this axis will oscillate at the frequency of two-magnon mode which is defined by the energy of the exchange interaction taking twice. Moreover, the correlations along the two other axes are affected as well, since different correlations can comprise the same spins. Obeying the energy conservation law, spin correlations along the two other crystallographic axes oscillate with the opposite phase, and total amplitude along all three axes equals to zero. Naturally, such kind of dynamics cannot be comprehended in terms of a macrospins 𝐋 and 𝐌, which do not distinguish anisotropic changes of spin-spin coupling. Despite this fact, the dynamics manifests itself in the modulation of the symmetric part of the dielectric permittivity and thus is probed by measuring dynamic linear birefringence (for details see <cit.>). The maximum amplitude of the detected signal is observed when the electric field of the exciting pulse is along the directions linking nearest magnetic neighbors, which in a cubic crystal coincide with the main crystallographic axes. In accordance with the experimental observations, if light induces and probes the dynamics of spin correlation, the observable will be proportional to the pump pulse intensity. In conclusion, we have demonstrated a regime of ultrafast spin dynamics in antiferromagnetic , where the models based on macrospin approximation, i.e. macroscopic antiferromagnetic vector and the net magnetization, fail. Instead, we propose to describe the regime in terms of the spin correlation function, derive the corresponding equations of motion, and reveal that, unlike the macrospins, the spin correlation function in antiferromagnets does not possess inertia. The latter yields that there is an optimum in the pump pulse duration for the excitation of spin correlations dynamics with the highest amplitude, which is in contrast to the impulsive character of the excitation of spin waves with small wavevectors in antiferromagnets <cit.>. In contrast to macrospin models, the spin correlation function is capable to describe adequately response to an anisotropic perturbation of short-scale spin-spin exchange coupling by a polarized laser pulse and also reveals the effect of the latter on the optical properties of the medium. Our experimental and theoretical findings open up novel prospective for ultrafast antiferromagnetic spintronics and magnonics governed by laws different from the macrospin approximation. We are grateful to A.K. Zvezdin, V.N. Gridnev, A.I. Nikitchenko, D. Bossini, H. Hedayat, and P.H.M. van Loosdrecht for fruitful discussions, S. Semin, and C. Berkhout for technical support. J. H. M. acknowledges funding by the Shell-NWO/FOM-initiative “Computational sciences for energy research” of Shell and Chemical Sciences, Earth and Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, FOM, and STW, European Research Council under ERC Grant Agreement No. 856538 (3D-MAGiC), and Horizon Europe project No. 101070290 (NIMFEIA). The work of T. T. G. was funded by European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 861300 (COMRAD). R. M. D. acknowledges support of RSF (Grant No. 22-72-00025). A. M. K. acknowledges support from RFBR (Grant No. 19-52-12065). Author contributions: A.V.K., A.M.K. and J.H.M conceptualized the work; F.F. and R.M.D designed and performed the first experiments; T.T.G, D.I.Kh. and D.A. upgraded the design and conducted the experiments described in the paper; A.E.F. and J.H.M. developed the theoretical model; R.M.D., P.P.S. and R.V.P. prepared and characterized the sample; T.T.G, D.I.Kh. and R.M.D. analyzed the data; A.V.K. led the project. All authors contributed to discussions and writing the manuscript.
Perspectives on Anomaly Resolution
[ "Thomas Vandermeulen" ]
[ "hep-th", "cond-mat.str-el" ]
a4paper arrows,decorations.markings,decorations.pathreplacing
Theory prediction in PDF fitting
[ "Andrea Barontini", "Alessandro Candido", "Juan M. Cruz-Martinez", "Felix Hekhorn", "Christopher Schwan" ]
[ "hep-ph" ]
1 TIF Lab, Dipartimento di Fisica, Università degli Studi di Milano and INFN Sezione di Milano, Via Celoria 16, 20133, Milano, Italy 2 CERN, Theoretical Physics Department, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland 3 Universität Würzburg, Institut für Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik, 97074 Würzburg, Germany Continuously comparing theory predictions to experimental data is a common task in analysis of particle physics such as fitting parton distribution functions (PDFs). However, typically, both the computation of scattering amplitudes and the evolution of candidate PDFs from the fitting scale to the process scale are non-trivial, computing intesive tasks. We develop a new stack of software tools that aim to facilitate the theory predictions by computing FastKernel (FK) tables that reduce the theory computation to a linear algebra operation. Specifically, I present PineAPPL, our workhorse for grid operations, EKO, a new DGLAP solver, and yadism, a new DIS library. Alongside, I review several projects that become available with the new tools. § INTRODUCTION Parton distribution functions <cit.> (PDFs) describe the dynamics of the elementary partons, such as quarks and gluon, inside hadrons, such as the proton. PDFs are defined in factorization theorems in high-energy scattering and they encode the non-perturbative physics reigning inside hadrons. The extraction of PDFs relies on three pillars: first, the precise measurements of observables at experiments, such as the LHC, second, the reliable theoretical predictions of the associated observable, and, third, combining the former two inside a fitting framework. While either of these three steps poses several computational challenges, we discuss here only the efficient computation of the theory predictions. The computation of the various high-energy observables that enter a PDF fit are pursuit by different groups applying a range of strategies using several dedicated programs tailored to the specific case at hand. Yet, in a PDF fit one wants to include consistently all predictions available, which can be up to 4500 data points across almost 100 different datasets (as is the case, e.g., in <cit.>). To achieve this goal we develop a framework of software tools, dubbed  <cit.>, that provides a easy accessible way to include theory prediction in QCD fitting applications such as PDF fits. We put an explicit emphasis on the scalability of the procedure to ensure future measurements form new or existing experiments <cit.> can be included seamlessly. We also strive to track all runcards and meta data in the generated objects to ensure, we are able to reproduce the existing results. Finally, we stress that all participating programs are developed Open Source to facilitate the interaction with users and developers (following the efforts of the NNPDF fitting code <cit.>). § TECHNICAL OVERVIEW OF THE We refrain here from repeating all technical details from the previous publication <cit.>, but give in the following just a brief overview of the framework and its the participating programs. The core part of the framework is to use PDF independent interpolation grids, as provided by  <cit.> to be able to reuse predictions for any candidate PDF. We then extend the idea to the concept of FastKernel (FK) tables <cit.> where we now include also the perturbative evolution of PDFs inside the interpolation grid. FK tables can then be used efficiently inside a PDF fit as the usually complicated convolution between candidate PDF and object is now replaced by a simple linear algebra operation. To accomplish the various steps we develop the following programs: * acts as an interface to existing Monte Carlo generators to produce grids containing the partonic information * provides structure functions in deep-inelastic scattering <cit.> (DIS) (and is interfaced to ) * provides the solution to the (perturbative) evolution equations in term of evolution kernel operators <cit.> * combines partonic grids and evolution kernel operator into an FK table The flow of programs is summarized in <ref>. § BENCHMARKING The major focus of the is to join several dedicated programs into a consistent framework for theory predictions. However, it is relying on those programs to provide the necessary physical ingredients as the framework itself is (almost) physics agnostic and can indeed not only be applied to PDF fitting, but also the determination of other factorized objects, such as fragmentation functions <cit.>, or beyond standard model (BSM) searches <cit.>. Still, it is convenient to develop some new programs which are tailored for the specific needs and concepts of the . Specifically, we develop  <cit.>, a new solver <cit.>, and  <cit.>, a new provider of deep-inelastic structure functions. Either of these tasks is an already solved problem for which several implementation exist <cit.>, yet none of them provide the exact deliverable that we require here. In order to benchmark and to former implementations we develop  <cit.>. provides a convenient benchmarking framework that turned out very useful during the development of both codes. It features a full-fledged database system (based on ) to map input runcards to the respective outputs of both programs, the one to be benchmarked and the reference implementation. This allows a seamless comparison between the ongoing development and the reference implementation, such as investigating the difference in certain regions of the parameter space (which often can be mapped back onto a certain region in physics space). Since the reference implementation is fixed we implement a caching algorithm which ensures a fast iteration in the development process. Keeping a history of the runs allows us also to easily compare our program in two different version which again simplifies the development significantly. In order to facilitate the access to the database we provide an interface built on top of  <cit.>, dubbed , that allows to easily query and retrieve records from the database. Moreover, being embedded into a live Python interpreter makes the flexible and powerful. We also add a few simple operations to the such as the difference between program outputs. This was very helpful e.g. in the implementation of the FONLL prescription <cit.> for DIS structure function, which can be boiled down to the line F^ FONLL = F^(n_l+1) + F^(n_l) - F^(n_l,0) where F refers to any DIS structure function and the various expressions on the right hand side refer to specific physical prescriptions. Each of these prescriptions are well-defined on their own, but already non-trivial, composite objects. Thus, having the possibility to benchmark them one at a time and subtracting either from the combination is very beneficial. While provides the necessary framework that abstracts most tasks away, and have to implement each a specialization of the framework, dubbed and respectively, as indeed they compute different, but related objects. These specialized programs are developed in unison together with the main programs. currently provides interfaces to the LHA benchmark tables <cit.>,  <cit.>,  <cit.>, and to any LHAPDF <cit.> set. currently provides interfaces to  <cit.>,  <cit.>, and  <cit.>. In <ref> we show an application of the benchmarks using the  framework. § CONCLUSION AND OUTLOOK With the we aim to provide an simple framework to generate theory predictions from a common input and to deliver a unified output. This can be beneficial for the fitting of parton distribution functions <cit.> (PDF) or any factorized function such as fragmentation functions <cit.>. We split the necessary tasks to produce FastKernel tables <cit.> into separate programs, namely , , and , each focusing only on the specific part. This allows to extend the framework to more involved physics cases such as the determination of the photon PDF <cit.>, the inclusion of missing higher order uncertainties into PDF fits <cit.>, or the extension to next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order (N3LO) perturbation theory <cit.>. While developing the , we also develop two participating programs: and . Either one is reimplementing algorithms and ingredients from already known calculations. It is thus imperative to ensure the new code reproduce previous implementations in a benchmarking process. To achieve this task we also develop which provides a sophisticated benchmarking framework tailored for the case at hand which allows a reliable and repeated execution of benchmarks. § ACKNOWLEDGMENTS A.C. and F.H. are supported by the European Research Council under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme (grant agreement number 740006). C.S. is supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under reference number DE 623/6-2. § REFERENCES iopart-num
Abstract Voronoi-like Graphs: Extending Delaunay's Theorem and Applications
[ "Evanthia Papadopoulou" ]
[ "cs.CG" ]
DINO-MC: Self-supervised Contrastive Learning for Remote Sensing Imagery with Multi-sized Local Crops Xinye Wanyan xwanyan@student.unimelb.edu.au Sachith Seneviratne sachith.seneviratne@unimelb.edu.au Shuchang Shen chuchangs@student.unimelb.edu.au Michael Kirley mkirley@unimelb.edu.au March 30, 2023 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= Any system of bisectors (in the sense of abstract Voronoi diagrams) defines an arrangement of simple curves in the plane. We define Voronoi-like graphs on such an arrangement, which are graphs whose vertices are locally Voronoi. A vertex v is called locally Voronoi, if v and its incident edges appear in the Voronoi diagram of three sites. In a so-called admissible bisector system, where Voronoi regions are connected and cover the plane, we prove that any Voronoi-like graph is indeed an abstract Voronoi diagram. The result can be seen as an abstract dual version of Delaunay’s theorem on (locally) empty circles. Further, we define Voronoi-like cycles in an admissible bisector system, and show that the Voronoi-like graph induced by such a cycle C is a unique tree (or a forest, if C is unbounded). In the special case where C is the boundary of an abstract Voronoi region, the induced Voronoi-like graph can be computed in expected linear time following the technique of [Junginger and Papadopoulou SOCG'18]. Otherwise, within the same time, the algorithm constructs the Voronoi-like graph of a cycle C' on the same set (or subset) of sites, which may equal C or be enclosed by C. Overall, the technique computes abstract Voronoi (or Voronoi-like) trees and forests in linear expected time, given the order of their leaves along a Voronoi-like cycle. We show a direct application in updating a constraint Delaunay triangulation in linear expected time, after the insertion of a new segment constraint, simplifying upon the result of [Shewchuk and Brown CGTA 2015]. § INTRODUCTION Delaunay’s theorem <cit.> is a well-known cornerstone in Computational Geometry: given a set of points, a triangulation is globally Delaunay if and only if it is locally Delaunay. A triangulation edge is called locally Delaunay if it is incident to only one triangle, or it is incident to two triangles, and appears in the Delaunay triangulation of the four related vertices. The Voronoi diagram and the Delaunay triangulation of a point set are dual to each other. These two highly influential and versatile structures are often used and computed interchangeably; see the book of Aurenhammer<cit.> for extensive information. Let us pose the following question: how does Delaunay's theorem extend to Voronoi diagrams of generalized (not necessarily point) sites? We are interested in simple geometric objects such as line segments, polygons, disks, or point clusters, as they often appear in application areas, and answering this question is intimately related to efficient construction algorithms for Voronoi diagrams (or their duals) on these objects. Here we consider this question in the framework of abstract Voronoi diagrams <cit.> so that we can simultaneously answer it for various concrete and fundamental cases under their umbrella. Although Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay triangulations of point sites have been widely used in many fields of science, being available in most software libraries of commonly used programming languages, practice has not been the same for their counterparts of simple geometric objects. In fact it is surprising that certain related questions may have remained open or non-optimally solved. Edelsbrunner and Seidel <cit.> defined Voronoi diagrams as lower envelopes of distance functions in a space one dimension higher, making a powerful link to arrangements, which made their rich combinatorial and algorithmic results applicable, e.g.,  <cit.>. However, there are different levels of difficulty concerning arrangements of planes versus more general surfaces, which play a role, especially in practice. In this paper we define Voronoi-like graphs based on local information, inspired by Delaunay's theorem. Following the framework of abstract Voronoi diagrams (AVDs) <cit.>, let S be a set of n abstract sites (a set of indices) and be their underlying system of bisectors, which satisfies some simple combinatorial properties (see Sections <ref>, <ref>). Consider a graph G on the arrangement of the bisector system possibly truncated within a simply connected domain D. The vertices of G are vertices of the bisector arrangement, its leaves lie on the boundary ∂ D, and the edges are maximal bisector arcs connecting pairs of vertices. A vertex v in G is called locally Voronoi, if v and its incident edges within a small neighborhood around v appear in the Voronoi diagram of the three sites defining v (Def. <ref>), see Figure <ref>. The graph G is called Voronoi-like, if its vertices (other than its leaves on ∂ D) are locally Voronoi vertices (Def. <ref>), see Figure <ref>. If the graph G is a simple cycle on the arrangement of bisectors related to one site p and its vertices are locally Voronoi of degree 2, then it is called a Voronoi-like cycle, for brevity a site-cycle (Def. <ref>). A major difference between points in the Euclidean plane, versus non-points, such as line segments, disks, or AVDs, can be immediately pointed out: in the former case the bisector system is a line arrangement, while in the latter, the bisecting curves are not even pseudolines. On a line arrangement, it is not hard to see that a Voronoi-like graph coincides with the Voronoi diagram of the involved sites: any Voronoi-like cycle is a convex polygon, which is in fact a Voronoi region in the Voronoi diagram of a subset of sites. But in the arrangement of an abstract bisector system, many different Voronoi-like cycles can exist for the same set of sites (see, e.g., Figure <ref>). Whether a Voronoi-like graph corresponds to a Voronoi diagram is not immediately clear. In this paper we show that a Voronoi-like graph on the arrangement of an abstract bisector system is as close as possible to being an abstract Voronoi diagram, subject to, perhaps, missing some faces (see Def. <ref>); if the graph misses no face, then it is a Voronoi diagram. Thus, in the classic AVD model <cit.>, where abstract Voronoi regions are connected and cover the plane, any Voronoi-like graph is indeed an abstract Voronoi diagram. This result can be seen as an abstract dual version of Delaunay’s theorem. Voronoi-like graphs (and their duals) can be very useful structures to hold partial Voronoi information, either when dealing with disconnected Voronoi regions, or when considering partial information concerning some region. Building a Voronoi-like graph of partial information may be far easier and faster than constructing the full diagram. In some cases the full diagram may even be undesirable, as in the example of Section <ref> in updating a constrained Delaunay triangulation. The term Voronoi-like diagram was first used, in a restricted sence, by Junginger and Papadopoulou <cit.>, defining it as a tree (occasionally a forest) that subdivided a planar region enclosed by a so-called boundary curve defined on a subset of Voronoi edges. Their Voronoi-like diagram was then used as an intermediate structure to perform deletion in an abstract Voronoi diagram in linear expected time. In this paper the formulation of a Voronoi-like graph is entirely different; we nevertheless prove that the Voronoi-like diagram of <cit.> remains a special case of the one in this paper. We thus use the results of <cit.> when applicable, and extend them to Voronoi-like cycles in an admissible bisector system. In the remainder of this section we consider an admissible bisector system following the classic AVD model <cit.>, where bisectors are unbounded simple curves and Voronoi regions are connected. To avoid issues with infinity, we asume a large Jordan curve Γ (e.g, a circle) bounding the computation domain, which is large enough to enclose any bisector intersection. In the sequel, we list further results, which are obtained in this paper under this model. We consider a Voronoi-like cycle C on the arrangement of bisectors _p⊆∪Γ, which are related to a site p∈ S. Let S_C⊆ S∖{p} be the set of sites that (together with p) contribute to the bisector arcs in C. The cycle C encodes a sequence of site occurrences from S_C. We define the Voronoi-like graph (C), which can be thought as a Voronoi diagram of site occurrences, instead of sites, whose order is represented by C. We prove that (C) is a tree, or a forest if C is unbounded, and it exists for any Voronoi-like cycle C. The uniqueness of (C) can be inferred from the results in <cit.>. The same properties can be extended to Voronoi-like graphs of cycles related to a set P of k sites. We then consider the randomized incremental construction of <cit.>, and apply it to a Voronoi-like cycle in linear expected time. If C is the boundary of a Voronoi region then (C), which is the part of the abstract Voronoi diagram (S_C), truncated by C, can be computed in expected linear time (this has been previously shown <cit.>). Otherwise, within the same time, the Voronoi-like graph of a (possibly different) Voronoi-like cycle C’, enclosed by C, is computed by essentially the same algorithm. We give conditions under which we can force the randomized algorithm to compute (C), if desirable, without hurting its expected-linear time complexity, using deletion <cit.> as a subroutine. The overall technique follows the randomized linear-time paradigm of Chew <cit.>, originally given to compute the Voronoi diagram of points in convex position. The generalization of Chew's technique can potentially be used to convert algorithms working on point sites, which use it, to counterparts involving non-point sites that fall under the umbrella of abstract Voronoi diagrams. Finally, we give a direct application for computing the Voronoi-like graph of a site-cycle in linear expected time, when updating a constrained Delaunay triangulation upon insertion of a new line segment, simplifying upon the corresponding result of Shewchuk and Brown<cit.>. The resulting algorithm is extremely simple. By modeling the problem as computing the dual of a Voronoi-like graph, given a Voronoi-like cycle (which is not a Voronoi region's boundary), the algorithmic description becomes almost trivial and explains the technicalities, such as self-intersecting subpolygons, that are listed by Shewchuk and Brown. The overall technique computes abstract Voronoi, or Voronoi-like, trees and forests in linear expected time, given the order of their leaves along a Voronoi-like cycle. In an extended paper, we also give simple conditions under which the cycle C is an arbitrary Jordan curve of constant complexity, along which the ordering of Voronoi regions is known. § PRELIMINARIES AND DEFINITIONS We follow the framework of abstract Voronoi diagrams (AVDs), which have been defined by Klein <cit.>. Let S be a set of n abstract sites (a set of indices) and be an underlying system of bisectors that satisfy some simple combinatorial properties (some axioms). The bisector J(p,q) of two sites p,q ∈ S is a simple curve that subdivides the plane into two open domains: the dominance region of p, D(p,q), having label p, and the dominance region of q, D(q,p), having label q. The Voronoi region of site p is (p,S) = ⋂_q ∈ S ∖{p} D(p,q). The Voronoi diagram of S is (S) = ℝ^2∖⋃_p ∈ S(p, S). The vertices and the edges of (S) are called Voronoi vertices and Voronoi edges, respectively. Variants of abstract Voronoi diagrams of different degrees of generalization have been proposed, see e.g., <cit.>. Following the original formulation by Klein <cit.>, the bisector system is called admissible, if it satisfies the following axioms, for every subset S' ⊆S: (A1) Each Voronoi region (p, S') is non-empty and pathwise connected. (A2) Each point in the plane belongs to the closure of a Voronoi region (p, S'). (A3) Each bisector is an unbounded simple curve homeomorphic to a line. (A4) Any two bisectors intersect transversally and in a finite number of points. Under these axioms, the abstract Voronoi diagram (S) is a planar graph of complexity O(n), which can be computed in O(nlog n) time, randomized <cit.> or deterministic <cit.>. To avoid dealing with infinity, we assume that (S) is truncated within a domain D_Γ enclosed by a large Jordan curve Γ (e.g., a circle or a rectangle) such that all bisector intersections are contained in D_Γ. Each bisector crosses Γ exactly twice and transversally. All Voronoi regions are assumed to be truncated by Γ, and thus, lie within the domain D_Γ. We make a general position assumption that no three bisectors involving one common site intersect at the same point, that is, all vertices in the arrangement of the bisector system have degree 6, and Voronoi vertices have degree 3. Bisectors that have a site p in common are called related, in particular, p-related. Let _p⊆ denote the set of all p-related bisectors in . Under axiom A2, if related bisectors J(p,q) and J(p,s) intersect at a vertex v, then J(q,s) must also intersect with them at the same vertex, which is a Voronoi vertex in V({p,q,s}) (otherwise, axiom A2 would be violated in V({p,q,s})). In an admissible bisector system, related bisectors can intersect at most twice <cit.>; thus, a Voronoi diagram of three sites may have at most two Voronoi vertices, see e.g., the bisectors of three line segments in Figure <ref>. The curve Γ can be interpreted as a p-related bisector J(p,s_∞), for a site s_∞ representing infinity, for any p∈ S. In an admissible bisector system, related bisectors that do not intersect or intersect twice must follow the patterns illustrated in Figures <ref> and <ref> respectively. In Figure <ref>(c) the pattern is illegal because of axiom A1, and in Figure <ref>(d) because of combining axioms A2 and A1: J(s,t) must pass through the intersection points of J(p,s) and J(t,p), by A2. Then any possible configuration of J(s,t) results in violating either axiom A1 or A2. The pattern in Figure <ref>(b) can be shown illegal by combining axioms A1 and A2 in the presence of J(s,t), which does not intersect J(s,p) nor J(t,p). [<cit.>] In an admissible bisector system, no cycle in the arrangment of bisectors related to p can have the label p on the exterior of the cycle, for all of its arcs. Any component α of a bisector curve J(p,q) is called an arc. We use s_α∈ S to denote the site such that arc α⊆ J(p,s_α). Any component of Γ is called a Γ-arc. The arrangement of a bisector set _x⊆ is denoted by (_x). § DEFINING ABSTRACT VORONOI-LIKE GRAPHS AND CYCLES In order to define Voronoi-like graphs in a broader sense, we can relax axioms A1-A4 in this section. In particular, we drop axiom A1 to allow disconnected Voronoi regions and relax axiom A3 to allow disconnected (or even closed) bisecting curves. The bisector J(p,q) of two sites p,q ∈ S still subdivides the plane into two open domains: the dominance region of p, D(p,q), and the dominance region of q, D(q,p), however, D(p,q) may be disconnected or bounded. Axioms A2 and A4 remain. Unless otherwise specified, we use the general term abstract bisector system to denote such a relaxed variant in the subsequent definitions and in Theorem <ref>. The term admissible bisector system always implies axioms A1-A4. Let G=(V,E) be a graph on the arrangement of an abstract bisector system , truncated within a simply connected domain D⊆ D_Γ (the leaves of G are on ∂ D). The vertices of G are arrangement vertices and the edges are maximal bisector arcs connecting pairs of vertices. Figure <ref> illustrates examples of such graphs on a bisector arrangment (shown in grey). Under the general position assumption, the vertices of G, except the leaves on ∂ D, are of degree 3. A vertex v in graph G is called locally Voronoi, if v and its incident graph edges, within a small neighborhood around v, N(v), appear in the Voronoi diagram of the set of three sites defining v, denoted S_v, see Figure <ref>(a). If instead we consider the farthest Voronoi diagram of S_v, then v is called locally Voronoi of the farthest-type, see Figure <ref>(b). An ordinary locally Voronoi vertex is of the nearest-type. A graph G on the arrangement of an abstract bisector system, enclosed within a simply connected domain D, is called Voronoi-like, if its vertices (other than its leaves on ∂ D) are locally Voronoi vertices. If G is disconnected, we further require that consecutive leaves on ∂ D have consistent labels, i.e., they are incident to the dominance region of the same site, as implied by the incident bisector edges in G, see Figure <ref>. The graph G is actually called an abstract Voronoi-like graph but, for brevity, we typically skip the term abstract. We next consider the relation between a Voronoi-like graph G and the Voronoi diagram (S)∩ D, where S is the set of sites involved in the edges of G. Since the vertices of G are locally Voronoi, each face f in G must have the label of exactly one site s_f in its interior, which is called the site of f. Imagine we superimpose G and (S)∩ D. A face f of (S)∩ D is said to be missing from G, if f is covered by faces of G that belong to sites that are different from the site of f, see Figure <ref>, which is derived from Figure <ref>. Let r be a face of an abstract Voronoi-like graph G and let s_r denote its site (the bisectors bounding r have the label s_r inside r). Then one of the following holds: * there is a Voronoi face r' in (S)∩ D, of the same site s_r, r'⊆(s_r,S), such that r'⊆ r, see Figure <ref>. * face r is disjoint from the Voronoi region (s_r,S). Further, it is entirely covered by Voronoi faces of (S)∩ D, which are missing from G, see Figure <ref>. Imagine we superimpose G and (S)∩ D. Face r in G cannot partially overlap any face of the Voronoi region (s_r,S) because if it did, some s_r-related bisector, which contributes to the boundary of r, would intersect the interior of (s_r,S), which is not possible by the definition of a Voronoi region. For the same reason, r cannot be contained in (s_r,S). Since Voronoi regions cover the plane, the claim, except from the last sentence in item 2, follows. Consider a Voronoi face c' of (S)∩ D that overlaps with face r of G in case 2, where the site of c', s_c, is different from s_r. Since c' overlaps with r, it follows that c' cannot be entirely contained in any face of site s_c in G. Furthermore, c' cannot overlap partially with any face of s_c in G, by the proof in the previous paragraph. Thus, c' is disjoint from any face of G of site s_c, i.e., it must be missing from G. In Figure <ref>, face c' contains r. If no Voronoi face of (S) ∩ D is missing from G, then G = (S) ∩ D. Let us now consider an admissible bisector system, satisfying axioms A1-A4. In an admissible bisector system , if D corresponds to the entire plane, then any Voronoi-like graph on equals the Voronoi diagram of the relevant set of sites. In an admissible bisector system, Voronoi regions are connected, thus, only faces incident to ∂ D may be missing from (S) ∩ D. In an admissible bisector system, any face f of G that does not touch ∂ D either coincides with or contains the Voronoi region (s_f,S). By Corollary <ref>, in an admissible bisector system, we need to characterize the faces of a Voronoi-like graph that interact with the boundary of the domain D. That is, we are interested in Voronoi-like trees and forests. Let p be a site in S and let _p denote the set of p-related bisectors in . Let C be a cycle in the arrangement of p-related bisectors (_p∪Γ) such that the label p appears in the interior of C. A vertex v in C is called degree-2 locally Voronoi, if its two incident bisector arcs correspond to edges in the Voronoi diagram (S_v) of the three sites that define v (p∈ S_v). In particular, C∩ N(v)⊆(S_v)∩ N(v), where N(v) is a small neighborhood around v. The cycle C is called Voronoi-like, if its vertices are either degree-2 locally Voronoi or points on Γ. For brevity, C is also called a p-cycle or site-cycle, if the site p is not specified. If C bounds a Voronoi region, then it is called a Voronoi cycle. C is called bounded if it contains no Γ-arcs, otherwise, it is called unbounded. The part of the plane enclosed by C is called the domain of C, denoted as D_C. Any Γ-arc of C indicates an opening of the domain to infinity. Figure <ref> illustrates a Voronoi-like cycle for site p, which is unbounded (see the Γ-arc γ). It is easy to see in this figure that other p-cycles exist, on the same set of sites, which may enclose or be enclosed by C. The innermost such cycle is the boundary of a Voronoi region, see Figure <ref>. Let S_C⊆ S∖{p} denote the set of sites that (together with p) contribute the bisector arcs of C, S_C={s_α∈ S∖{p}|α∈ C∖Γ}. We refer to S_C as the set of sites relevant to C. Let Ĉ denote the Voronoi cycle Ĉ=∂((p,S_C∪{p})∩ D_Γ). In an admissible bisector system, there can be many different Voronoi-like cycles involving the same set of sites. Any such cycle C must enclose the Voronoi cycle Ĉ. Further, S_Ĉ⊆ S_C. In the special case of a line arrangement, e.g., bisectors of point-sites in the Euclidean plane, a site-cycle C is unique for S_C; in particular, C=Ĉ. A Voronoi-like cycle C must share several bisector arcs with its Voronoi cycle Ĉ, at least one bisector arc for each site in S_Ĉ. Let C∩Ĉ denote the sequence of common arcs between C and Ĉ. Several other p-cycles C', where S_Ĉ⊆ S_C'⊆ S_C, may lie between C and Ĉ, all sharing C∩Ĉ. Other p-cycles may enclose C. Figure <ref> shows such cycles, where the innermost one is Ĉ; its domain (a Voronoi region) is shown in solid grey. § THE VORONOI-LIKE GRAPH OF A CYCLE Let be an admissible bisector system and let C be a Voronoi-like cycle for site p, which involves a set of sites S_C (p∉S_C). Let _C⊆ be the subset of all bisectors that are related to the sites in S_c. The cycle C corresponds to a sequence of site-occurrences from S_C, which imply a Voronoi-like graph (C) in the domain of C, defined as follows: The Voronoi-like graph (C), implied by a Voronoi-like cycle C, is a graph on the underlying arrangement of bisectors (_C)∩ D_C, whose leaves are the vertices of C, and its remaining (non-leaf) vertices are locally Voronoi vertices, see Figure <ref>. (The existence of such a graph on (_C)∩ D_C remains to be established). In this section we prove the following theorem for any Voronoi-like cycle C on (_p∪Γ). The Voronoi-like graph (C) of a p-cycle C has the following properties: * it exists and is unique; * it is a tree if C is bounded, and a forest if C is unbounded; * it can be computed in expected linear time, if it is the boundary of a Voronoi region. Otherwise, in expected linear time we can compute (C') for some p-cycle C' that is enclosed by C (possibly, C'=C or C'=Ĉ). Recall that Ĉ denotes the Voronoi-cycle enclosed by C, where Ĉ=∂ [(p,S_C∪{p})∩ D_Γ]. Then (Ĉ) is the Voronoi diagram (S_C)∩ D_Ĉ. To derive Theorem <ref> we show each item separately in subsequent lemmas. Assuming that it exists, (C) is a forest, and if C is bounded, then (C) is a tree. Each face of (C) is incident to exactly one bisector arc α of C, which is called the face (or region) of α, denoted R(α,C). We first show that (C) contains no cycles. By Observation <ref>, any Voronoi-like cycle for a site s∈ S_C must entirely enclose (s,S_C), thus, it must also enclose (s,S_C∪{p})⊆(s,S_C). Since J(p,s) contributes arc(s) to C, it follows that (s,S_C∪{p}) must extend outside of C, hense, (s,S_C) must also extend outside of C. Since (s,S_C) cannot be enclosed by C, the same must hold for any s-cycle on S_C. Thus, (C) may not contain a cycle. The same argument implies that (C) cannot have a face that is incident to Γ without also being incident to a bisector arc of C. Suppose now that (C) has a face f, which belongs to a site s_f∈ S_c, incident to two bisector arcs ϕ_1,ϕ_2∈ C such that ϕ_1,ϕ_2 ⊆ J(p,s_f), see Figure <ref>. Then one brunch of ∂ f∖{ϕ_1,ϕ_2} and the component of J(p,s_f) between ϕ_1 and ϕ_2 would form a cycle having the label s_f outside, see Figure <ref>. Such a cycle is not possible in an admissible bisector system, by Observation <ref>, deriving a contradiction. Thus, each face of (C) must be incident to exactly one bisector arc. If C is the boundary of a Voronoi region, the tree property of the Voronoi diagram (S)∩ D_C had been previously shown in <cit.>. Lemma <ref> generalizes it to Voronoi-like graphs for any Voronoi-like cycle C. In <cit.>, a Voronoi-like diagram was defined as a tree structure subdividing the domain of a so-called boundary curve, which was implied by a set of Voronoi edges. A boundary curve is a Voronoi-like cycle but not necessarily vice versa. That is, the tree structure of <cit.> was defined using some of the properties in Lemma <ref> as definition, and the question whether such a tree always existed had remained open. In this paper a Voronoi-like graph is defined entirely differently, but Lemma <ref> implies that the two structures are equivalent within the domain of a boundary curve. As a result, we can use and extend the results of <cit.>. Given a p-cycle C, and a bisector J(p,s) that intersects it, an arc-insertion operation can be defined <cit.> as follows. Let α⊆ J(p,s) be a maximal component of J(p,s) in the domain of C, see Figure <ref>. Let C_α=C⊕α denote the p-cycle obtained by substituting with α the superflous portion of C between the endpoints of α. (Note that only one portion of C forms a p-cycle with α, thus, no ambiguity exists). There are three different main cases possible as a result, see Figure <ref>: 1) α may lie between two consecutive arcs of C, in which case |C_α|=|C|+1; 2) α may cause the deletion of one or more arcs in C, thus, |C_α|≤ |C|; 3) the endpoints of α may lie on the same arc ω of C, in which case ω splits in two different arcs, thus, |C_α|=|C|+2. In all cases C_α is enclosed by C (|·| denotes cardinality). The arc-insertion operation can be naturally extended to the Voronoi-like graph (C) to insert arc α and obtain (C_α). We use the following lemma, which can be extracted from <cit.> (using Theorem 18, Theorem 20, and Lemma 21 of <cit.>). Given (C), arc α∈ J(p,s) ∩ D_C, and the endpoints of α on C, we can compute the merge curve J(α)=∂ R(α, C_α), using standard techniques as in ordinary Voronoi diagrams. If the endpoints of α lie on different arcs of C, or Γ, the time complexity is O(|J(α)| +|C∖ C_α|). Otherwise, α splits a bisector arc ω, and its region R(ω,C), into R(ω_1,C_α) and R(ω_2,C_α); the time complexity increases to O(|J(α)|+ min{|R(ω_1,C_α)|, |R(ω_2,C_α)|}). The correctness proofs from <cit.>, which are related to Lemma <ref>, remain intact if performed on a Voronoi-like cycle, as long as the arc α is contained in the cycle's domain; see also <cit.>. Thus, Lemma <ref> can be established. Next we prove the existence of (C) by construction. To this goal we use a split relation between bisectors in _p or sites in S_C, which had also been considered in <cit.>, see Figure <ref>. For any two sites s,t∈ S_C, we say that J(p,s) splits J(p,t) (we also say that s splits t, with respect to p), if J(p,t) ∩ D(p,s) contains two connected components. From the fact that related bisectors in an admissible bisector system intersect at most twice, as shown in Figs. <ref> and <ref>, we can infer that the split relation is asymmetric and transitive, thus, it is also acyclic. The split relation induces a strict partial order on S_C, where s<_p t, if J(p,s) splits J(p,t), see Figure <ref>. Let o_p be a topological order of the resulting directed acyclic graph, which underlies the split relation on S_c induced by p. The following lemma shows that (C) exists by construction. It builds upon a more restricted version regarding a boundary curve that had been considered in <cit.>. Given the topological ordering of the split relation o_p, (C) can be constructed in O(|C|^2) time; thus, (C) exists. Further, at the same time, we can construct (C') for any other Voronoi-like cycle C' that is enclosed by C, S_C'⊆ S_C. Given the order o_p, we follow the randomized approach of Chew <cit.>, and apply the arc-insertion operation of Lemma <ref>, which is extracted from <cit.>. Let the sites in S_C be numbered according to o_p=(s_1,s_2… s_m), m=|S_C|. We first show that C can be constructed incrementally, by arc-insertion, following o_p. Let C_i denote the p-cycle constructed by the first i sites in o_p. C_1 consists of J(s_1,p) and a Γ-arc, that is, C_1=∂(D(p,s_i)∩ D_Γ). Clearly C_1 encloses C. Suppose that C_i encloses C. Then, given C_i, let C_i+1 by the p-cycle obtained by inserting to C_i the components of J(s_i+1,p)∩ D_C_i, which correspond to arcs in C. For each such component α (α∈ J(s_i+1,p)∩ D_C_i), if some portion of α appears in C, then compute C_i⊕α; if α does not appear in C, ignore it. Let C_i+1 be the resulting p-cycle after all such components of J(s_i+1,p) have been inserted to C_i, one by one. Because any site whose p-bisector splits J(p,s_i+1) has already been processed, a distinct component of J(s_i+1,p)∩ D_C_i must exist for each arc of s_i+1 in C. Thus, C_i+1 can be derived from C_i and must enclose C. We have shown that C can be constructed incrementally, if we follow o_p, in time O(|C|^2). It remains to construct the Voronoi-like graph (C_i) at each step i. To this end, we use Lemma <ref>, starting at (C_1)=∅. Given (C_i) and C_i+1, we can apply Lemma <ref> to each arc α⊆ J(s_i+1,p) in C_i+1∖ C_i. The correctness proof of <cit.> ensures the feasibility and the correctness of each arc insertion, thus, it also ensures the existence of (C_i+1). The above incremental construction can also compute (C') by computing both C_i and C_i' at each step i. Suppose C_i=C_i', where C_1'=C_1. When considering site s_i+1, we insert to C_i' all components of J(s_i+1,p)∩ D_C_i corresponding to arcs of s_i+1, which appear in either C or C'. Thus, C_i+1' is derived from C_i+1 by inserting any additional arcs α' of s_i+1, where α'∈ C'∖ C. Note that all arcs of s_i+1 that appear in C are inserted to C_i+1', even if they do not appear in C'. This is possible because of the order o_p: any site whose p-bisector splits J(p,s_i+1) has already been processed, thus, a distinct component of J(s_i+1,p)∩ D_C_i must exist for each arc of s_i+1 in either C or C', which can be identified. Referring to (C_i+1), the insertion of an additional arc α' may only cause an existing region to shrink. Therefore, we derive two invariants: 1. R(β,C_i+1')⊆ R(β,C_i+1) for any arc β∈ C_i+1∩ C_i+1'; and 2. C_i+1' is enclosed by C_i. The invariants are maintained in subsequent steps. The fact that step i+1 starts with C_i+1', which is enclosed by C_i+1, does not make a difference to the above arguments. Thus, the invariants hold for C_n and C_n', therefore, C_n'=C'. The following lemma can also be extracted from <cit.>. It can be used to establish the uniqueness of (C). Similarly to Lemma <ref>, its original statement does not refer to a p-cycle, however, nothing in its proof prevents its adaptation to a p-cycle, see <cit.>. <cit.> Let C be a p-cycle and let α,β be two bisector arcs in C, where s_α≠ s_β. Suppose that a component e of J(s_α,s_β) intersects R(α,C). Then J(p,s_β) must intersect D_c with a component β'⊆ J(p,s_β)∩ D_c such that e is a portion of ∂ R(β',C⊕β'). By Lemma <ref>, if J(s_α,s_β) intersects R(α,C), then a face of s_β must be missing from (C) (compared to (Ĉ)) implying that an arc of J(p,s_β) is missing from C. Then (C) must be unique. We now use the randomized incremental construction of <cit.> to construct (C), which in turn follows Chew <cit.>, to establish the last claim of Theorem <ref>. Let o=(α_1,…α_n) be a random permutation of the bisector arcs of C, where each arc represents a different occurrence of a site in S_C. The incremental algorithm works in two phases. In phase 1, delete arcs from C in the reverse order o^-1, while registering their neighbors at the time of deletion. In phase 2, insert the arcs one by one, following o, using their neighbors information from phase 1. Let C_i denote the p-cycle constructed by considering the first i arcs in o in this order. C_1 is the p-cycle consisting of J(s_α_1,p) and the relevant Γ-arc. Given C_i, let α_i+1' denote the bisector component of J(p,s_α_i+1)∩ D_C_i that contains α_i+1 (if any), see Figure <ref> where α stands for α_i+1'. If α_i+1 lies outside C_i, then α_i+1'=∅ (this is possible if C_i is not a Voronoi cycle). Let cycle C_i+1=C_i⊕α_i+1' (if α_i+1'=∅, then C_i+1=C_i). Given α_i+1', and (C_i), the graph (C_i+1) is obtained by applying Lemma <ref>. Let us point out a critical case, which differentiates from <cit.>: both endpoints of α_i+1' lie on the same arc ω of C_i, see Figure <ref>(c) where α stands for α_i+1'. That is, the insertion of α_i+1 splits the arc ω in two arcs, ω_1 and ω_2. (Note s_α_i+1 <_p s_ω but ω was inserted to C_i before α_i+1). Because of this split, C_i, and thus (C_i), is order-dependent: if α_i+1 were considered before ω, in some alternative ordering, then ω_1 or ω_2 would not exist in the resulting cycle, and similarly for their faces in (C_i+1). The time to split R(ω,C_i) is proportional to the minimum complexity of R(ω_1,C_i+1) and R(ω_2,C_i+1), which is added to the time complexity of step i. Another side effect of the split relation is that α_i+1 may fall outside C_i, if C is not a Voronoi-cycle, in which case, C_i+1=C_i. Then C_n≠ C, in particular, C_n is enclosed by C. Because the computed cycles are order-dependent, standard backwards analysis cannot be directly applied to step i. In <cit.> an alternative technique was proposed, which can be applied to the above construction. The main difference from <cit.> is case C_i+1=C_i, however, such a case has no effect to time complexity, thus, the analysis of <cit.> can be applied. By the variant of backwards analysis in <cit.>, the time complexity of step i is expected O(1). §.§ The relation among the Voronoi-like graphs (C), (C'), and (Ĉ) In the following proposition, the first claim follows from Theorem <ref> and the second follows from the proof of Lemma <ref>. Let C' be a Voronoi-like cycle between C and Ĉ such that S_Ĉ⊆ S_C'⊆ S_C. * R(α,C') ⊇ R(α,Ĉ), for any arc α∈ C'∩Ĉ. * R(α,C') ⊆ R(α,C), for any arc α∈ C∩ C'. Proposition <ref> indicates that the faces of (C') shrink as we move from the outer cycle C to an inner one, until we reach the Voronoi faces of (Ĉ), which are contained in all others. It also indicates that (C), (C') and (Ĉ) share common subgraphs, and that the adjacencies of the Voronoi diagram (Ĉ) are preserved. More formally, Let (C',C∩ C') be the following subgraph of (C'): vertex v∈(C') is included in (C',C∩ C'), if all three faces incident to v belong to arcs in C∩ C'; edge e ∈(C') is included to (C',C∩ C') if both faces incident to e belong to arcs in C∩ C'. For any Voronoi-like cycle C', enclosed by C, where S_C'⊆ S_C, it holds: (C',C∩ C') ⊆(C). Depending on the problem at hand, computing (C') (instead of the more expensive task of computing (C)) may be sufficient. For an example see Section <ref>. Computing (C) in linear expected time, instead of (C'), is possible if the faces of (C) are Voronoi regions. This can be achieved by deleting the superflous arcs in C'∖ C, created during the arc-splits, which are called auxiliary arcs. A concrete example is given in Section <ref>. During any step of the construction, if R(α',C_i) is a Voronoi region, but α'∩ C=∅, we can call the site-deletion procedure of <cit.> to eliminate α' and R(α',C_i) from (C_i). In particular, Given (C_i), 1≤ i≤ n, we can delete R(α,C_i), if R(α,C_i) ⊆(s_α, S_α), where S_α⊆ S_C is the set of sites that define ∂ R(α,C_i), in expected time linear on |S_α|. There are two ways to use Proposition <ref>, if applicable: * Use it when necessary to maintain the invariant that C_i encloses C (by deleting <cit.> any auxiliary arc in C_i-1 that blocks the insertion of α_i, thus, eliminating the case C_i =C_i-1). * Eliminate any auxiliary arc at the time of its creation. If the insertion of α_i splits an arc ω∈ C_i-1 into ω_1 and ω_2, but ω_2∉C, then eliminate R(ω_2,C_i) by calling <cit.>. The advantage of the latter is that Voronoi-like cycles become order-independent, therefore, backwards analysis becomes possible to establish the algorithm's time complexity. We give the backwards analysis argument on the concrete case of Section <ref>; the same type of argument, only more technical, can be derived for this abstract formulation as well. § EXTENDING TO VORONOI-LIKE CYCLES OF K SITES Theorem <ref> can extend to a Voronoi-like k-cycle, for brevity, a k-cycle, which involves a set P of k sites whose labels appear in the interior of the cycle. A k-cycle C_k lies in the arrangement (_P∪Γ) and its vertices are degree-2 locally Voronoi, where _P denotes the set of bisectors related to the sites in P. It implies a Voronoi-like graph (C_k), which involves the set of sites S_C⊆ S∖ P, which (together with the sites in P) define the bisector arcs of C_k. (C_k) is defined analogously to Def. <ref>, given C_k and the set of sites S_C. We distinguish two different types of k-cycles on (_P∪Γ): 1. a k-site Voronoi-like cycle whose vertices are all of the nearest type, e.g., the boundary of the union of k neighboring Voronoi regions; and 2. an order-k Voronoi-like cycle whose vertices are both of the nearest and the farthest type, e.g., the boundary of an order-k Voronoi face. In either case we partition a k-cycle C_k into maximal compound arcs, each induced by one site in S_C. Vertices in the interior of a compound arc are switches between sites in P, and the endpoints of compound arcs are switches between sites in S_c. For an order-k cycle, the former vertices are of the farthest type, whereas the latter (endpoints of compound arcs) are of the nearest type. Given a compound arc α, let J(α) denote the bisector curve that consists of the arc α extending the bisector arcs incident to its endpoints to Γ, see Figure <ref>. Let P_α⊆ P be the subset of sites that (together with one site in S_C) define α. Assuming that it exists, (C_k) is a forest, and if C_k is bounded, then (C_k) is a tree. Each face of (C_k) is incident to exactly one compound arc α of C_k, which is denoted as R(α,C_k). (C_k) may not contain cycles because (s,S_C), s∈ S_C, cannot be enclosed by C_k, as in the proof of Lemma <ref>. For the same reason, any face of (C_k) must be incident to a bisector arc. Thus, (C_k) is a forest whose leaves are incident to the endpoints of compound arcs. It remains to show that no face of (C_k) can be incident to a pair of compound arcs of the same site s∈ S_c. Suppose, for the sake of contradiction, that a face f is incident to two compound arcs α,α'∈ C_k of the same site s∈ S_C (s=s_f). We first consider an order-k cycle, see Figure <ref>. Arcs α and α' consist of bisector pieces in J(s,p_i), p_i∈ P. Any two of these s-related bisectors J(s,p_i), J(s,p_j) must intersect at least once, as otherwise (s,{s,p_i,p_j}) would be disconnected, violating axiom A1. Furthermore, any two J(s,p_i) and J(s,p_r) contributing to the same compound arc must intersect exactly once, because if they intersected twice, they would intersect under an illegal pattern of Figure <ref>(d), see Figure <ref>(c). Consider the two branches of ∂ f∖{α,α'}, see Figure <ref>. Choose one such brunch, say B_1, and let α_i⊂ J(s,p_i) and α_j⊂ J(s,p_j) be the bisector arcs of α and α' respectively incident to the endpoints of B_1. If J(s,p_i) and J(s,p_j) intersect at a point I at opposite side of B_1 as α_i and α_j, then we have a cycle formed by B_1 and the pieces of J(s,p_i) and J(s,p_j) incident to I that has the label s outside. But such a cycle cannot exist, by Observation <ref>. Thus, I cannot exist and J(s,p_i), J(s,p_j) must intersect at a point I' on the other side of B_1. Bisector J(s,p_i) (resp. J(s,p_j)) cannot enter face f because otherwise J(s,p_i) (resp. J(s,p_j)) would intersect twice with another s-related bisector contributing to arc α (resp. α'), which is not possible as claimed above. Thus, I' cannot lie within f. Consider the other brunch B_2 of ∂ f∖{α,α'} and expand the arcs incident to its endpoints until one hits J(s,p_i) and the other hits J(s,p_j), see Figure <ref>(b). The bisectors constituting B_2 are s-related, thus, they must intersect J(s,p_i) and J(s,p_j), as otherwise the illegal pattern of Figure <ref>(b) would appear. Suppose now that J(s,p_i) and J(s,p_j) intersect at a point I' at the opposite side of B_2 as f. Then an illegal cycle with the label s outside is constructed by the expanded brunch B_2 and the pieces of J(s,p_i) and J(s,p_j) incident to I', concluding that I' is not possible either, by Observation <ref>. We derive a contradiction as J(s,p_i) and J(s,p_j) must intersect at least once. Thus, each face of (C_k) must be incident to exactly one order-k arc of C_k. Suppose now that C_k is a k-site Voronoi-like cycle and face f is incident to compound arcs α and α'. Consider the curves J(α) and J(α'), which can not intersect B_1 nor B_2 because otherwise an illegal cycle, having the label s outside, would be created contradicting Observation <ref>. (In Figure <ref>(a) an illegal cycle would be created if J(α) turned to intersect B_1). Furthermore, J(α) and J(α') must intersect otherwise (s,P_α∪ P_α'∪{s}) would be disconnected. But then an illegal cycle, with the label s outside, would be created between the intersecting pieces of J(α) and J(α'), and B_1 or B_2, contradicting Observation <ref>. Given Lemma <ref>, the remaining claims of Theorem <ref> can be derived as in Section <ref>. Let J(s_α,P) denote the bisector curve associated with a compound arc α, s_α∈ S_C. For a k-site cycle, J(s_α,P)=∂(s_α,P∪{s_α}). For an order-k cycle, J(s_α,P)=∂(α,P∪{s_α}), where (α,P∪{s_α}) denotes the face of the farthest Voronoi region of s_α, which is incident to arc α. In both cases J(α)=J(s_α,P_α). The curve J(s_α,P) is expensive to compute, however, we never need to entirely compute it. Instead of J(s_α,P), we use J(s_α,P̃_α), where P_α⊆P̃_α⊆ P, and |P_α| ≤ |P̃_α| ≤ |P_α|+2. J(s_α,P̃_α) is readily available from J(α) and the two neighbors of α at its insertion time in the current Voronoi-like cycle. Using J(s_α,P̃_α) in the place of the p-bisectors of Section <ref> the same essentially incremental algorithm can be applied on the compound arcs of c_k. Some properties of J(s_α,P̃_α) in the case of an order-k cycle are given in <cit.>. §.§ Computing a Voronoi-like graph in an order-k Voronoi face We now review an example by Junginger and Papadopoulou <cit.> when C_k is the boundary of a face f of an order-k Voronoi region. It is known that (C_k) can be computed in linear-expected time <cit.>, but an even simpler technique can be derived by computing the Voronoi-like graph of an appropriately defined Voronoi-like cycle C <cit.>. In fact, the Voronoi-like graph of any Voronoi-like cycle C', between C and Ĉ, turns out fully sufficient. Let f be a face of an order-k Voronoi region of a set H of k sites. Let S_f denote the set of sites that, together with the sites in H, define the boundary ∂ f. The graph (∂ f) gives the order-(k+1) Voronoi subdivision within f, which is the Voronoi diagram (S_f), truncated within f, i.e., (S_f)∩ f. * Computing the Voronoi diagram (S_f)∩ f= (∂ f) <cit.>. * Given ∂ f, and any h∈ H, compute an h-cycle C as implied by the order of sites along the boundary of f. Note that C encloses the Voronoi region (h,S_f), which in turn encloses f. (h,S_f) is not known, however, C can be derived directly from ∂ f. * Run the randomized incremental technique of <cit.> on C in linear expected time (see Section <ref>). It will compute (C') for some h-cycle between C and Ĉ. * Truncate (C')∩ f. No matter which h-cycle is computed, (C')∩ f= (S_f)∩ f. The claim follows by the fact that R(α',Ĉ) ∩ f=∅, for any α'∈Ĉ∖ C', and C∖ C'⊆Ĉ∖ C. Thus, (Ĉ)∩ f= (Ĉ, Ĉ∩ C')∩ f = (Ĉ, Ĉ∩ C)∩ f. § UPDATING A CONSTRAINT DELAUNAY TRIANGULATION We give an example of a Voronoi-like cycle C, which does not correspond to a Voronoi region, but we need to compute the adjacencies of the Voronoi-like graph (C). The problem appears in the incremental construction of a constraint Delaunay triangulation (CDT), a well-known variant of the Delaunay triangulation, in which a given set of segments is constrained to appear in the triangulation of a point set Q, which includes the endpoints of the segments, see <cit.> and references therein. Every edge of the CDT is either an input segment or is locally Delaunay (see Section 1). The incremental construction to compute a CDT, first constructs an ordinary Delaunay triangulation of the points in Q, and then inserts segment constraints, one by one, updating the triangulation after each insertion. Shewchuk and Brown <cit.> gave an expected linear-time algorithm to perform each update. Although the algorithm is summarized in a pseudocode, which could then be directly implemented, the algorithmic description is quite technical having to make sense of self-intersecting polygons, their triangulations, and other exceptions. We show that the problem corresponds exactly to computing (in dual sense) the Voronoi-like graph of a Voronoi-like cycle. Thus, a very simple randomized incremental construction, with occasional calls to Chew's algorithm <cit.> to delete a Voronoi region of points, can be derived. Quoting from <cit.>: incremental segment insertion is likely to remain the most used CDT construction algorithm, so it is important to provide an understanding of its performance and how to make it run fast. We do exactly the latter in this section. When a new constraint segment s is inserted in a CDT, the triangles, which get destroyed by that segment, are identified and deleted <cit.>. This creates two cavities that need to be re-triangulated using constrained Delaunay triangles, see Figure <ref>(a),(b), borrowed from <cit.>, where one cavity is shown shaded (in light blue) and the other unshaded. The boundary of each cavity need not be a simple polygon. However, each cavity implies a Voronoi-like cycle, whose Voronoi-like graph re-triangulates the cavity, see Figure <ref>(c),(d). Let P=(p_1,p_2,…, p_n) denote one of the cavities, where p_1 … p_n is the sequence of cavity vertices in counterclockwise order, and p_1,p_n are the endpoints of s. Let S denote the corresponding set of points (|S|≤ n) and let _s denote the underlying bisector system involving the segment s and points in S. Let C be the s-cycle in (_S∪Γ) that has one s-bisector arc for each vertex in P, in the same order as P, see Figure <ref>. Note that one point in S may contibute more than one arc in C. The s-cycle C exists and can be derived from P in linear time. Let p_i∈ P, 1<i<n. The diagonal of the original CDT, which bounded the triangle incident to p_ip_i-1 (resp. p_ip_i+1) was a locally Delaunay edge intersected by s. Thus, there is a circle through p_i that is tangent to s that contains neither p_i-1 nor p_i+1, see Figure <ref>. Hense, an arc of J(p_i,s) must exist, which contains the center of this circle, and extends from an intersection point of J(p_i,s)∩ J(p_i-1,s) to an intersection point of J(p_i,s)∩ J(p_i+1,s). The portion of J(p_i,s) between these two intersections corresponds to the arc of p_i on C, denoted α_i. Note that the s-bisectors are parabolas that share the same directrix (the line through s), thus, they may intersect twice. It is also possible that p_i-1=p_i+1. In each case, we can determine which intersection is relavant to arc α_i, given the counterclockwise order of P. Such questions can be reduced to in-circle tests involving the segment s and three points. Let (P) denote the constraint Delaunay triangulation of P. Its edges are either locally Delaunay or they are cavity edges on the boundary of P. The (P) is dual to (C), where C is the s-cycle derived from P. The claim derives from the definitions, Lemma <ref>, which shows the existence of C, and the properties of Theorem <ref>. The dual of (C) has one node for each s-bisector arc of C, thus, one node per vertex in P. An edge of (C) incident to two locally Voronoi vertices v,u involves four different sites in S; thus, its dual edge is locally Delaunay. The dual of an edge incident to a leaf of C, is an edge of the boundary of P. Next, we compute (C) in expected linear time. Because C is not the complete boundary of a Voronoi-region, if we apply the construction of Theorem <ref>, the computed cycle C_n may be enclosed by C. This is because of occasional split operations, given the random order of arc-insertion, which may create auxiliary arcs that have no correspondence to vertices of P. However, we can use Proposition <ref> to delete such auxiliary arcs and their faces. The sites in S are points, thus, any Voronoi-like cycle in their bisector arrangement coincides with a Voronoi region. By calling Chew's algorithm <cit.> we can delete any face of any auxiliary arc in expected time linear in the complexity of the face. It is easy to dualize the technique to directly compute constraint Delaunay triangles. In fact, the cycle C can remain conceptual with no need to explicitly compute it. The dual nodes are graph theoretic, each one corresponding to an s-bisector arc, which in turn corresponds to a cavity vertex. This explains the polygon self-crossings of <cit.> if we draw these graph-theoretic nodes on the cavity vertices during the intermediate steps of the construction. The algorithm to compute (C) (or its dual (C)=(P)) is very simple. Let o=(v_1,… v_n) be a random permutation of the vertices in P, except the endpoints of s; let v_1=p_1 and v_2=p_n. Let P_i denote the sub-sequence of P consisting of the first i vertices in o. Let C_i denote the corresponding s-cycle, which has one s-bisector arc for each vertex in P_i in the order of P_i (see Lemma <ref>). In an initial phase 1, starting at P_n=P, delete vertices in reverse order o^-1, recording the neighbors of each vertex v_i in P_i at the time of its deletion. In phase 2, consider the vertices in o in increasing order, starting with (C_3), and using the arc-insertion operation (Lemma <ref>) to build C_i and (C_i) incrementally, 3≤ i≤ n. Instead of (C_i), we can equivalently be constructing the dual (C_i). In more detail, let C_3 be the s-cycle obtained by the two perpendicular lines through the endpoints of s, which are truncated on one side by Γ, and on the other by J(v_3,s). C_3 consists of four arcs on: J(s,p_1), J(v_3,s), J(s,p_n) and Γ, respectively. (C_3) has one Voronoi vertex for (p_1,v_3, p_n), see Figure <ref>(a). Given (C_i-1), we insert v_i between its two neighboring vertices w,u, which have been recorded in phase 1. Suppose w,v_i,u appear in counterclockwise order in P, see Figure <ref>(a), where v_i=v. Let α_i denote the arc of v_i in C_i, in particular, α_i is the component of J(v_i,s)∩ D_C_i-1 whose endpoints lie between the arcs of u and w in C_i-1, call them β and ω respectively, see Figure <ref>(a), where α_i=α. Among the three cases of the arc insertion operation, we only consider the split case (depicted in Figure <ref>(c) and <ref>(a)), where J(v_i,s) splits (intersects twice) the arc ω⊆ J(w,s) in C_i-1; the other cases are straightforward. In this case, when inserting α_i to (C_i-1), the region R(ω,C_i-1) is split in two faces, where one, say R(ω_2,C_i), does not correspond to w (since it is out of order with respect to w,v_i, u). That is, we compute (C_i'), where C_i'=C_i-1⊕α_i and includes the auxiliary arc ω_2. To obtain (C_i) we can call Chew's algorithm to delete R(ω_2,C_i'), thus, restore C_i to its original definition. The increase to the time complexity of step i is expected O(|R(ω_2,C_i)|. This is not covered by the argument of <cit.>, which proves the expected constant time complexity of step i. However, by deleting auxiliary arcs, (C_i) becomes order-independent, therefore, we can prove the time complexity of step i in simpler terms by invoking backwards analysis. The time complexity of step i, which computes (C_i) enhanced by calling Chew's algorithm to delete any generated auxiliary arc, is expected O(1). Since C_i-1 contains no auxiliary arcs, step i can be performed in time proportional to |R(α_i,C_i')| + |R(ω_2,C_i')|, where C_i'=C_i-1⊕α_i, and ω_2 is the auxiliary arc when inserting α_i to (C_i-1). The first term |R(α_i,C_i')|≤ |R(α_i,C_i)|. The second term can be expressed as |R(ω_2,C_i⊕ω_2|), i.e, the face complexity of ω_2, if we insert the arc ω_2 to (C_i). We charge 1 unit, on behalf of v_i, to any vertex of (C_i) that would get deleted if we inserted the arc ω_2. Let V_i={v_3… v_i}. Any vertex in V_i is equally likely to be the last one considered at step i. Thus, we can add up the time complexity of step i when considering each vertex in V_i as last, and take the average. The total is O(|(C_i)|) for the first term, plus the total number of charges for the second. By the following lemma the total number of charges is also O(|(C_i)|). Therefore, the average time complexity is O(1). At step i, any vertex of (C_i) can be charged at most twice. Consider a vertex t of (C_i) and its Delaunay circle C_t passing through three vertices of P_i, indicated by crosses in Figure <ref>(b). The three vertices partition C_t in three arcs: A_1,A_2, A_3. The segment s must cross through (intersect twice) one of these arcs, say A_1, since s must be visible to t and the three defining sites of C_t. Suppose t is charged one unit by v∈ V_i. Suppose w,v,u appear consecutively counterclockwise around P_i. Let ω,β be the arcs corresponding to w and u, respectively, in C_i-1, see Figure <ref>(a). Since t is charged one unit by v, it follows that ω∈ C_i-1 gets split by the insertion of v creating an auxiliary arc ω_2, and t lies in R(ω_2,C_i⊕ω_2). That is, w is enclosed by C_t but v and u are not. Thus, diagonal vu must intersect C_t, and since it cannot obstruct the visibility between s and the defining points of C_t, it must cross through another arc of C_t, say A_2; diagonal uv leaves w and t on opposite sides. But s must be visible to diagonal uv, thus, no other diagonal of P_i can also cross through A_2, obstructing the visibility of uv and s. Thus, v can receive at most one charge in relation to arc A_2. This implies that v can receive at most one more charge in total, which corresponds to A_3. Figure <ref> illustrates the incremental construction for an indicated order o=(v_1,…, v_6). Vertices v_4 and v_6 coincide. The insertion of v_5 causes the arc of v_4 to split, see Fig. <ref>(c). The result of deleting the created auxiliary arc is shown in Fig. <ref>(d); we insert v_6 in Fig. <ref>(e). In this example, we could avoid deleting the auxiliary arc of v_4, which is created by inserting v_5 in Fig. <ref>(c), because it overlaps with an arc of C, therefore, it is known that it will later be re-inserted and it cannot obstruct the insertion process of other arcs. § CONCLUDING REMARKS We have also considered the variant of computing, in linear expected time, a Voronoi-like tree (or forest) within a simply connected domain D, of constant boundary complexity, given the ordering of some Voronoi faces along the boundary of D. In an extended paper, we will provide conditions under which the same essentially technique can be applied. In future research, we are also interested in considering deterministic linear-time algorithms to compute abstract Voronoi-like trees and forests as inspired by <cit.>.
High Forward Thrust Metasurface Beam-Riding Sail
[ "Prateek R. Srivastava", "Apratim Majumdar", "Rajesh Menon", "Grover A. Swartzlander Jr" ]
[ "physics.optics", "physics.space-ph" ]
1Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY 14623, USA 2Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA *grover.swartzlander@gmail.com The radiation pressure force and torque on a one-dimensional bi-grating composed of a Si-SiO_2 high contrast binary metagrating is analyzed for the purpose of stable beam riding whereupon a high power laser having an expanding Gaussian irradiance distribution propels the grating in outer space, free from gravitational forces. The binary metagrating structure has been simultaneously optimized to afford high forward thrust, and corrective restoring forces and torques in the event of small linear and angular disturbances. We demonstrate that stability may be enhanced at the expense of forward thrust. The validity of our metamaterial findings is reinforced owing to good agreements between finite-difference time-domain and finite element numerical methods. To reduce mass and enhance forward acceleration this laser-driven sail was designed to be free of a stabilizing boom. § INTRODUCTION Optical tweezers or single-beam optical traps are one of the most powerful means of contactless manipulation of nanoscopic/microscopic objects with a very diverse set of applications ranging from biology<cit.> to quantum optomechanics<cit.>. But the promise of optical tweezers to manipulate macroscopic objects of meter-scale has been held in check by the need for a tightly-focused beam that creates a gradient force in a very limited volume and effective distance. By engineering the scattering properties of the objects and the shape of the beam, the dynamics of macroscopic objects may be controlled and used for successful trapping, manipulation, levitation, and even propulsion without the need for a tightly focused beam. Most recently, NASA and Breakthrough Starshot Initiative aim to leverage these radiation pressure forces to propel a meter-scale light sail to the nearest stars with relativistic speeds. Nearly all the stable geometric designs proposed so far in the literature are subprime in three senses: (a) the ability of a conical/spherical/concave/convex sail to maintain its shape is questionable (b) a flat diffractive/nanophotonic design demands an undesirable mast to offset the center of mass away from the sail to achieve stability <cit.> and (c) all the designs sacrifice on thrust force for levitation/propulsion to enable a restoring force for stability. In this work, we demonstrate the stability of a bi-grating lightsail comprised of subwavelength unit-cells of Si/SiO_2. The unit-cell geometry is optimized to engineer diffraction efficiencies such that the sail is stable against linear and rotational perturbation without any offset between the center of mass and the sail while simultaneously achieving maximum forward thrust. This work is different from <cit.> in the sense: (1) forward thrust is also an objective of optimization (2) a stability basin is compared between two different forward thrusts that quantify the trade-off between forward thrust and stable initial conditions. What's more, the forces and torque are validated using FEM (MEEP) and FDTD (COMSOL) methods. The two-dimensional dynamical analysis and electromagnetic response presented in this work may be extended into three dimensions using the scheme described in <cit.>. § THEORY Consider the structure shown in Fig.<ref> composed of two different panels L (left) and R (right) of length ℓ. Each panel is comprised of an artificially designed sub-wavelength periodic lattice whose properties primarily arise from the design and distribution of meta-atoms or unit cells. Inspired by the principles of form birefringence and effective medium theory, the unit-cell of choice in this work is a ridge-width-modulated high contrast grating with Si nano-pillars on a low index SiO_2 substrate. As shown in Fig.<ref> (inset) is a multi-layer subwavlength binary unit-cell of period Λ. High-index Si nanopillars of height h_1=h_2 are deposited on low-index SiO_2 substrate of thickness t. The width and position of the nanopillar is w_1,2 and p_1,2 respectively. There exist multiple benefits to using this subwavelength binary design: (a) this design has been shown to offer stable levitation <cit.>, (b) optimal thermal management via radiative cooling <cit.>, and (c) the feature sizes may be easily realized with existing e-beam lithography technology The bi-grating may levitate or propel when illuminated owing to radiation pressure forces. To model these forces, it is convenient to consider two different frames of reference: (x̂, ẑ) and (p̂, n̂) attached to the laser and bi-grating respectively. The bi-grating has a total mass M (including a payload) and the center of the bi-grating coincides with the center of mass of the system at x_cm such that there is no offset between the two. The two coordinate spaces are related to each other as p = (x - x_cm)/cosΘ where Θ = -θ_i is the attitude of the sail rotated about ŷ and θ_i is the angle of the beam incident on the bi-grating. The meta-atoms offer exceptional control of wavefront and scattering response near their resonance, which may be engineered for desired force and torque on the bi-grating structure. Assuming a non-relativistic non-spinning bi-grating, the incident and scattered wavelengths are equal in the reference frame of the structure, and thus, the respective wave vectors may be expressed k⃗_i= kn̂ and k⃗_m^L,R= k (cosθ_m^L,R n̂ + sinθ_m^L,R p̂), where k = 2π/λ. The diffraction angles are governed by the grating equation, sinθ^L,R_t_m= -sinθ^L,R_r_m = m𝕂^L,R - sinΘ where and 𝕂^L,R is the grating momentum such that 𝕂^L=-𝕂^R and (θ^L,R_t_m , θ^L,R_r_m) are the diffraction angles for the m^th (transmitted, reflected) orders. The change in photon momentum Δk^L,R=(k_i-k_m^L,R)/k_i in the reference frame of unit-cell may now be expressed Δk^L,R(Θ) = -sinΘ p̂ + cosΘ n̂ - ∑_m=-1^m=1 (η^L,R_r_msinθ^L,R_r_m + η^L,R_t_msinθ^L,R_t_m )p̂ - (η^L,R_r_mcosθ^L,R_r_m + η^L,R_t_mcosθ^L,R_t_m) n̂ where η^L,R_r_m, t_m is the diffraction efficiency of m^th reflected(r) or transmitted(t) modes from corresponding panels (L,R). Alternatively, the change in photon momentum may also be expressed Δk^L,R(Θ) = 1/P_0/c( ∫_∂ S T_ij·n̂ dA + ∫_∂ S T_ij·p̂ dA ) where T_ij the Maxwell Stress Tensor expressed as. T_ij = ϵ_0(E_iE_j - 1/2|𝐄|^2 δ_ij) + 1/μ_0(B_iB_j - 1/2|𝐁|^2 δ_ij) where E and B are electric and magnetic field respectively, mu_0 and epsilon_0 are permeability and permittivity of free space and δ_ij is the kronecker delta function. The bi-grating may experience force and torque when illuminated by a laser beam of peak power P_0, wavelength λ<<L, characteristic beam-width 2w_0, and a Gaussian irradiance distribution I(p) = P_0/2w_0^2√(π/2)cosΘexp( -2( pcosΘ + x_cm)^2/w_0^2) and the force F^L,R and torque N⃗^L,R of each panel may now be expressed F^L(p,Θ) = ∫_-ℓ^0 I(p)/cΔk^L dp & F^R(p,Θ) = ∫_0^ℓI(p)/cΔk^L dp N^L(p,Θ) = ∫_-ℓ^0 p p̂×I(p)/cΔk^L dp & N^R(p,Θ) = ∫_0^ℓ p p̂×I(p)/cΔk^R dp such that the transverse (F_x) and longitudinal (F_z) forces in the reference frame of the beam may be expressed F_x = (F_p^LcosΘ + F_p^RcosΘ+ F_n^LsinΘ + F_n^RsinΘ)x̂ F_z = (F_n^LcosΘ + F_n^RcosΘ - F_p^LsinΘ - F_p^RsinΘ )ẑ and the torque is the same in both the frames of reference. The non-spinning two-dimensional system described above entails 3 degrees of freedom: translation along x̂ and rotation about ŷ while it is propelled along ẑ. We define a state vector 𝐱 = [x, θ]^T to analyze the stable transverse dynamics of the bi-grating system. In a close analogy of a oscillating spring system, the transverse dynamics of the bi-grating may be linearized and expressed as a set of ordinary differential equations (ODE) 𝐱̈ = -K𝐱, where K is a Jacobian with stiffness coefficients K = [ k_1 k_2; k_3 k_4 ] = [ 1/M∂ F_x/∂ x 1/M∂ F_x/∂Θ; 1/J_y∂ N_y/∂ x 1/J_y∂ N_y/∂Θ ]_e where the coefficients are evaluated in the close proximity of equilibrium point 𝐱_e = [0,0]^T, implied by e. The metasurface is said to be marginally stable if Im(𝐞𝐢𝐠(K)) = 0 and Re(𝐞𝐢𝐠(K))<0 i.e., only real eigenvalues are allowed such that the frequencies of oscillation are real. In general, the system will exhibit two stable oscillation frequencies ω_1,2 = √(-Re(𝐞𝐢𝐠(K)))/2π Hz. Note that, we add no restrictions on the nature of the stiffness coefficients, they can either be positive or negative. We may conclude from Eq.<ref> and Eq.<ref> that it is possible to engineer a unit-cell geometry that simultaneously high forward thrust and stability against small perturbation. However, the forces depends on η and analytically characterizing the diffraction efficiencies is very difficult except for simpler geometries. For the aforementioned unit-cell, rigorous diffraction theory must be applied. We make use of an FDTD based package in Python called MEEP <cit.> to solve for Maxwells Equation. The boundary conditions are assumed to be PML (Bloch periodic) along n̂(p̂) . To account for fabrication constraints and numerical dispersion problem in FDTD, we limit our resolution to a step size of 20 nm or 50 pixels per micron. When an in-the plane polarizatied light of wavelength λ is incident on the structure, the simulation is ran until the fields have decayed to 10^-6 of their peak value. A similar FEA simulation is performed in COMSOL to validate the results from MEEP. The problem may now be formulated in terms of a multi-objective optimization problem i.e., for the set of variables (Λ, h, p_1,2, w_1,2) along with Si (n=3.5220) /SiO_2 (n=1.4582), we are seeking a sail design with with two figures of merit (FOM): (a) FOM_1 = Im(𝐞𝐢𝐠(K)) is minimized until it is 0 and (b) the forward thrust F_z/F_0 is maximized, where F_0 = 2P_0/c. The optimization is performed using a genetic algorithm called NSGA-II <cit.> for the bi-grating-beam system for the following parameters: L=1, w_0=0.5L, λ=1.2 μm, M=1 gm, and P_0=10 kW. § RESULT & ANALYSIS Since, this is a multi-objective optimization problem, there is no single solution. Instead, there exist many solutions that are Pareto-optimal i.e., lie at the optimal trade-off between two competing objectives. From the multiple Pareto-optimal solutions that were achieved, selected some fabrication-friendly designs shown in Table <ref>. The diffraction efficiency of both the unit-cell geometries comprising the left panel is evaluated using MEEP(FDTD) and COMSOL(FEA) and is shown in Fig.<ref>(a) and (b) as the function of incident angle. An excellent agreement is evident between the two methods. The change in photon momentum δK(θ) is evaluated using both diffraction efficiency and Maxwell stress tensor and an excellent agreement between the two may be seen in Fig.<ref>(c) and (d). Clearly both the structure have very high reflectance that enables high forward thrust and hence Δ k^L_z, whereas a non-zero Δ k^L_x enables restoring stable force for non-equilibrium positions, as shown in Fig.<ref>(c) and (d). The total force and torque on the bi-grating, however, is the result of the individual response of each panel with respect to the beam center. Thus, the force and torque are the functions of both angle and displacement from the equilibrium point. Shown in Fig.<ref> is the force and torque on the bi-grating for both the structures assuming an expanded filling (w_0=ℓ) and non-expanded underfilling (w_0=0.5ℓ) beam. It is evident from the figure the restoring force and torque are linear for small perturbations from the equilibrium point and the slope of these curves correspond to Jacobians as described in Eq.<ref> for Linear stability analysis purposes. Linear stability analysis however provides only a partial picture of stability i.e., the stability of the system for very small perturbations near the equilibrium point. And hence the equations of motion must be solved using numerical methods like Runge-Kutta to fully gain an understanding of system stability. For an initial perturbation of (δ x/ℓ = 0.01, δθ = 0.01 rad, δx/ℓ = 0, δθ = 0), the equations of motion are solved for the two geometries and two different beam width w_0=0.5ℓ and w_0=ℓ. The results are shown in Fig.<ref>. The phase maps for all the cases are closed, suggesting a stable system. Please note, these simulations were performed for P_0=10kW and for a gigawatt class laser as proposed in Breakthrough Starshot system will remain closed and bounded albeit the frequency of oscillation will be scaled accordingly. The above simulation is repeated for a range of initial conditions to test the limits of stability and is shown in Fig.<ref>. It is evident from Fig.<ref>(A) and (B), an increase in forward thrust from 120% to 170% leads to 3.4% shrinkage in stable basin for an underfilling beam-width. Similar behavior may be observed for an expanding beam Fig.<ref>(C) and (D) i.e., high forward thrust implies sacrifice on permissible stable conditions. However, the expanded beam imparts lower forward thrust than the non-expanded underfilling beam. § CONCLUSION In conclusion, we designed, optimized, and cross-validated a rigid bi-grating light sail for stability and thrust. We proposed two different geometries with two different forward thrust forces while quantifying the bounds of stable initial conditions. The sail is stable for both underfilling and expanded filling beams. The design thus is an excellent choice for applications such as levitated optomechanics of millimeter/centimeter-scale objects or laser propelled meter scaled light sail for space missions limited to the solar systems. As a final remark, significant practical challenges exist in the realization of these sails. For example, the design is very sensitive to wavelength and becomes unstable for Doppler-shifted wavelength in the case of relativistic sails of Breakthrough Starshot. If a tunable phased-array laser becomes a reality, the proposed design becomes an ideal choice. Moreover, the non-rigidity of the light sail must be considered and modeled using Lagrangian mechanics <cit.>. Similarly, the local deformation of the all-dielectric thin sail may be optimized and modeled using the principles of conformal metasurfaces <cit.>. FundingNASA Headquarters (80NSSC19K0975); Breakthrough Prize Foundation (7dBPF Starshot LLC). Disclosures The authors declare no conflicts of interest. Data availability Data underlying the results presented in this paper are not publicly available at this time but may be obtained from the authors upon reasonable request.
Classification of blazar candidates of unknown type in Fermi 4LAC by unanimous voting from multiple Machine Learning Algorithms
[ "Aditi Agarwal" ]
[ "astro-ph.HE" ]
Aditi Agarwal aditi.agarwal@rri.res.in 0000-0003-4682-5166]A. Agarwal Raman Research Institute, C. V. Raman Avenue, Sadashivanagar, Bengaluru - 560 080, INDIA The Fermi fourth catalog of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) data release 3 (4LAC-DR3) contains 3407 AGNs, out of which 755 are flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs), 1379 are BL Lacertae objects (BL Lacs), 1208 are blazars of unknown (BCUs) type, while 65 are non AGNs. Accurate categorization of many unassociated blazars still remains a challenge due to the lack of sufficient optical spectral information. The aim of this work is to use high-precision, optimized machine learning (ML) algorithms to classify BCUs into BL Lacs and FSRQs. To address this, we selected the 4LAC-DR3 Clean sample (i.e., sources with no analysis flags) containing 1115 BCUs. We employ five different supervised ML algorithms, namely, random forest, logistic regression, XGBoost, CatBoost, and neural network with seven features: Photon index, synchrotron-peak frequency, Pivot Energy, Photon index at Pivot_Energy, Fractional variability, ν Fν at synchrotron-peak frequency, and Variability index. Combining results from all models leads to better accuracy and more robust predictions. These five methods together classified 610 BCUs as BL Lacs and 333 BCUs as FSRQs with a classification metric area under the curve > 0.96. Our results are significantly compatible with recent studies as well. The output from this study provides a larger blazar sample with many new targets that could be used for forthcoming multi-wavelength surveys. This work can be further extended by adding features in X-rays, UV, visible, and radio wavelengths. § INTRODUCTION The launch of the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope in 2008 started a new era in the identification of gamma-ray bright sources. Over the past decade, four Fermi-Large Area Telescope (LAT) source catalogs (FGL) have been published at regular intervals revealing multiple high-energy sources such as AGNs, pulsars, gamma-ray bursts, supernovae, starburst galaxies, etc. The 1FGL catalog released after 11 months has 1451 sources, among which 630 were unassociated ones <cit.>; the 2FGL catalog released after two years contains a total of 1873 sources with unassociated ones reduced to 576 <cit.>; 3FGL consists of 3033 sources with mostly AGNs and pulsars and about one third were unassociated <cit.>. The fourth and latest catalog, 4FGL, is based on the analysis of the 8 yr of LAT data spanning the time range from 2008 to 2016 for the energy range 50 MeV to 1 TeV and contained 5064 sources <cit.>. Every FGL catalog was independent of others as each of them was made using new analysis methods, calibrations, diffuse models, and event constructions. Recently, the third release of 4FGL (DR3) contains 6658 sources, of which approximately 2157 are unassociated ones <cit.>. Blazars are a radio-loud type of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) that emit their highly magnetized and relativistic jets within a few degrees along our line of sight <cit.>. Blazars are known for their high variability across the entire electromagnetic spectrum and on multiple timescales ranging from minutes to even decades <cit.>. Depending on their optical emission line properties, blazars are further divided into two categories: Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars (FSRQs) and BL Lacertae objects (BL Lacs). BL Lacs display no or very weak emission line (with equivalent width < 5 Å), whereas on the other hand, FSRQs show wider (stronger) emission lines and a flatter spectrum. Furthermore, BL Lacs are found to have a lower luminosity as compared to FSRQs, thus indicating that different physical mechanisms are occurring in these classes. These flux changes in blazars are further associated with spectral changes <cit.>. Flux variability can be attributed to various factors such as the Doppler Factor variations, shock formation, variation in the Lorentz factor, injection of new electron population, variation in the magnetic field, and many more. These flux changes can lead to changes in the spectral index of the non-thermal relativistic particle population. The effect of one or more of these parameters can also reflect in their spectral energy distributions (SEDs), like shifts in the synchrotron peak frequency and the corresponding ν F_ν values. The SED of blazars, i.e., ν F_ν versus ν plot, displays a characteristic double hump structure <cit.>. The lower energy hump is located between 10^13 to 10^17 and is typically attributed to the synchrotron emission by relativistic electrons of the jet. The other hump, which is the high energy hump, peaks between 1 MeV to 100 GeV and is generally explained by inverse Compton scattering of UV/Visible/infrared photons by highly energetic particles <cit.>. The soft photons may include the synchrotron photons from the jet itself, and the respective process of inverse comptonization, in this case, is called Synchrotron Self Compton (SSC). Also, the photon field could also be external to the jet environment, e.g., from the accretion disk, broad line region, torus, or Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and commonly referred to as External Compton (EC). The second framework popularly used in literature to explain the high energy emission in blazars is based on the hadronic interactions, according to which the higher energy hump is ascribed to hadron-hadron and photon-hadron interactions <cit.>. Understanding the origin of the higher energy bump is still a topic of debate. Based on the location of the peak for the lower energy SED hump, BL Lacs are further divided into four different classes. BL Lacs with peak frequency below 10^14 Hz are Low-frequency peaked BL Lac objects (LBLs); those with a peak between 10^14 and 10^15 Hz are Intermediate-frequency peaked BL Lac objects (IBL); while the BL Lacs with the peak between 10^15 and 10^17 Hz are High-frequency peaked BL Lac object (HBL); and finally if the peak lies at a frequency more than 10^17 Hz, those BL Lacs are Extreme High-frequency peaked BL Lacs (EHBLs) <cit.>. The Fourth Fermi Gamma-ray LAT (4FGL) source catalog follows the blazar classification scheme as defined by <cit.>. According to this, both FSRQs and BL Lacs have been classified into four sub-classes: Low-Synchrotron Peaked (LSP, equivalent to LBL defined above), Intermediate-Synchrotron Peaked (ISP, similar to IBL class of BL Lacs defined above) and High-Synchrotron Peaked (HSP, equivalent to HBL and EHBL for BL Lacs). The fourth catalog of AGNs detected by the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope Large Area Telescope, data release 3 <cit.> is derived from 4FGL-DR3 <cit.>, which is based on 12 years of data and contains about one-third of Blazar Candidates of Uncertain types (BCUs). Classifying these BCUs to BL Lacs and FSRQs will further increase our sample of BL Lacs and FSRQs and thus create a more complete sample of blazars. The rigorous classification of blazars is challenging due to the increased difficulty of obtaining extensive optical spectroscopy observations and also due to a limited understanding of their intrinsic characteristics. Another alternate methodology is based on generating and analyzing multi-wavelength SEDs. But the task of obtaining multi-wavelength observations is time-consuming and thus making it inefficient. For these reasons, it is important to find alternate ways for the classification of blazars to their subclasses. Here, Machine Learning (ML) plays a powerful role in the identification and classification of uncertain-type objects. Many studies have been done using ML algorithms in order to characterize and classify unassociated sources from the Fermi catalogs. Some of them are summarized below: <cit.> classified 630 unassociated sources from 1FGL catalog to 221 AGNs and 134 pulsars using RF and LR algorithms, <cit.> classified 269 high latitude unassociated sources of 2FGL catalog into 216 AGN candidates using RF. Using RF and SVM on 2FGL, <cit.> classified 269 BCUs to BL Lac or FSRQs. <cit.> identified AGNs and non-AGNs from 576 unassociated sources of 2FGL using ANN and RF algorithms. After the release of the 3FGL catalog, <cit.> applied ANN to identify 342 BL Lac objects and 154 FSRQs candidates among the BCUs. Later, <cit.> used 3FGL along with IR and X-ray data to search for blazar candidates using the RF method. <cit.> identified 3FGL unassociated sources as blazars and further those blazars to 417 BL Lac objects, 149 FSRQs using CNN. <cit.> applied ANN to identify 271 BL Lac objects and 185 FSRQs from 559 3FGL unassociated sources. <cit.> present the largest catalog of HSPs. Using three ML algorithms <cit.> predicted 724 BL Lacs and 332 FSRQs from the 4FGL-DR1 catalog. <cit.> classified 1329 BCUS of 4FGL as 801 BL Lacs, 406 FSRQs using ANN remaining 122 are marked as unclassified. Using a combination of RF and ANN, <cit.> studied 1336 unassociated sources and classified them as 583 AGN-like sources, 115 pulsars, 154 other classes, and 484 of uncertain type. <cit.> utilize RF to classify Fermi 3FGL unassociated gamma-ray sources as BL Lacs and FSRQs. 84 highly likely blazar candidate sample was then classified as 50 likely BL Lac objects, and 34 were ambiguous. The nature of numerous γ-ray sources is still not completely known, and therefore in this work, we revisit the problem of classifying blazar candidates to their sub-classes: BL Lacs and FSRQ, using the 4LAC DR3 catalog by ML-based algorithms, including Random Forest (RF), Logistic Regression (LR), XGBoost, CatBoost, and Neural Network (NN). Our expected output is to optimize ML algorithms further to classify BCUs from the latest release of the Fermi-LAT source catalog with better accuracy. The paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, we provide a brief description of ML algorithms used for the analysis. Section 3, gives details about data preparation and methodology. In Section 4, we present the output of our models, and finally, in section 5, we discuss our results. § MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS §.§ Random Forest ML has a plethora of classification algorithms, including RF, LR, Support Vector Machine (SVM), naive Bayes classifier, decision trees, and many more. In this study, we used the RF method <cit.>, a supervised, ensemble learning, decision-tree-based algorithm for classification and regression. RF is one of the most popular classifier ML algorithms. A group of decision trees is created, and in which each tree is trained on a different subset of the data sample. Unlike the decision tree method, which is built on an entire dataset, using all the features/variables of interest, a random forest is trained by randomly selecting a set of data as well as specific features to build multiple decision trees. After a large number of trees are built using this method, each tree votes or chooses the class. Since RF is a collection of trees, we need to combine their predictions to generate the final prediction of classification to a particular class. For this, we count the times each class is predicted by constituent trees. In the case of binary classification, the class which is predicted the most (majority of the) times is the final prediction of the RF i.e., a majority vote is taken after considering the output from each tree in the forest. Processing the predictions from a large number of relatively uncorrelated models (decision trees) operating as a committee increases the accuracy of the RF even for larger data samples. The low correlation among the models (trees) has been found to increase the success of the model. Apart from high accuracy, the RF scheme also returns classification probabilities along with feature importance rankings. §.§ Logistic regression Logistic Regression (LR) <cit.> is a form of a supervised classification algorithm to predict the outcome in the form of true or false (binary dependent variables), unlike linear regression, which is used to predict the continuous value of dependent variables. Similar to linear regression, LR also assumes linearity between the outcome and the variables. The weighted sum of input features (including bias) in LR is sent to a sigmoid function that only predicts output values between 0 and 1. LR follows the maximum likelihood method to find the best fit line. It maximizes the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) to determine the parameters and therefore relies on large-sample assumptions. The likelihood in our case is the probability of data points being part of the BL Lac class or FSRQ class of blazars. §.§ XGBoost XGBoost <cit.>, an acronym for eXtreme Gradient Boosting, is a tree-based boosting algorithm developed using gradient boosting. Since its inception in 2016, XGBoost has solved classification and regression problems exceptionally well. XGBoost is also technically an ensemble algorithm where models are merged together to get a final conclusion but with a more intelligent strategy. Gradient boosting is a process of sequentially generating decision trees with the objective of minimizing errors. In ML, boosting originated in computational learning theory with the idea of modifying a weak hypothesis or a weak learner to a stronger and better learner, which finally increases the model's accuracy and performance. Boosting trains all trees in succession and not in isolation such that each new tree is trained such that it minimizes the error made by the previous ones. Trees are then added in a sequential manner to deduce the final prediction by minimizing the loss function. Recently, XGBoost has gained recognition for solving a wide range of astrophysical problems, such as the classification of unassociated 3FGL source samples to their respective classes <cit.>, search for quasar candidates <cit.>, identify some potentially repeating FRBs <cit.>, and many more. §.§ CatBoost CatBoost or Categorical Boosting <cit.> is a relatively new ensemble ML algorithm used for not just classification and regression problems but also works well for ranking, forecasting, self-driving car systems and recommendation problems. It is developed by Yandex and is available as an open-source gradient boosting library. CatBoost introduces the concept of ordered boosting to avoid overfitting noisy datasets and prevent target leakages. Ordered boosting is a random multiple permutation approach to train your model on a subset of data with other supporting models also maintained. Unlike XGBoost, CatBoost creates symmetric trees such that a single tree structure is shared, i.e., leaves from the former trees are trained using the same features. In other words, CatBoost uses oblivious decision trees, one where the same features are used as splitting criteria. Thus it saves a lot of prediction time and is easily scalable for big data sets. All features used in previous splits of the tree are combined with all the categorical features of the data. Since its debut in 2018, CatBoost has been implemented in a number of Big data research <cit.> and thus illustrates its effectiveness in classification scenarios. §.§ Neural Network Neural Networks (NN) <cit.> gained significant popularity in the early 1980s owing to their resemblance in working with biological neurons. Although, the hype was relatively short-lived. NN went into oblivion and gained popularity in the 2010s with increased computational power and the advent of deep learning. It beat existing benchmarks in possibly all of the ML domains, whether it be computer vision, Natural Language Processing(NLP), machine translation, speech recognition, recommendation and personalization, and information retrieval and web search. Currently, almost all of the state-of-the-art (SOTA) algorithms for problems in these domains are based on NN. The most common form of the NN is a feed-forward network. It consists of multiple layers of neurons. The leftmost layer consists of the input layer (Fig. <ref>). Each neuron represents a feature input to the model. The rightmost layer is the output layer. Depending on the outcome of the model, the output can have a single or multiple neurons. The middle layers are called the hidden layers. The neurons of two consecutive layers are interconnected with associated weights for each connection. The inputs are connected to the input layer, and the model output is emitted out of the output layer. The NNs are generally trained using the backpropagation algorithm, which back-propagates the loss to all layers and updates the connection weights. Mathematically, these weights of the connections represent the coefficients used to multiply the incoming inputs to a neuron to generate its output. These weights are part of the parameters of a neural network that are tuned using the backpropagation algorithm during the training phase. More complex NN are defined for specific use cases. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) <cit.> are widely used in time series analysis. Long Short-Term Memory (LSTMs) <cit.> and Transformers <cit.> are used in training language models for Neural Machine Translation(NMT), Question Answering (Q&A), text summarization, and various other complex language-based tasks. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) <cit.> find use in Computer Vision (CV) applications such as face detection, object detection, Image captioning, etc. More recently, General Adversarial Networks (GANs) <cit.> have been applied to generate realistic photographs, semantic image-to-text translation, fraud detection, and many other use cases. § DATA PREPARATION AND METHODOLOGY §.§ Sample Selection We selected a sample of sources from the 4LAC-DR3 catalog, which includes 792 known FSRQs, 1458 known BL Lacs, and 1493 BCUs. These include sources from both high and low-latitude samples. For the purpose of analysis in this paper, to improve the accuracy, we further used only the sources from the clean sample (please refer to Section 3.7.3 of <cit.>), which reduced our working sample to 670 FSRQs, 1335 known BL Lacs, and 1115 BCUs. Thus, the total data size consists of 3120 sources from the 4LAC-DR3 catalog. Note that, in this analysis, we considered only the Fermi catalog - 4LAC-DR3 without adding any external data from various multi-frequency archives. Observational and instrumental effects can affect the data and, thus, the source distributions, which may further impact our results. But on the other hand, we found that each of our ML algorithms was highly effective in classifying a larger sample of BCUs with very high accuracy. We considered all possible features that can be included in our model training. Although, many features had missing values in the original catalog. The feature 'Redshift' was missing for 1540 sources, 'HE_EPeak' for 442, 'HE_nuFnuPeak' for 442, and 'Highest_energy' for 1026 sources. To include these features in the final model, we would have to drop a considerable number of sources from the sample. This would severely impact our model quality and final catalog. Thus, we have removed these features from further consideration. Moreover, it is evident from the 4LAC catalog that most of the known BL Lac candidates are located in the Northern Galactic hemisphere as compared to the Southern Galactic part, which is inevitable because of limited optical spectroscopic data for southern hemisphere candidates. Therefore considering Galactic Latitude as a parameter for ML algorithms is not ideal as BCUs of the Northern hemisphere would then be predicted mostly as BL Lacs only. In addition to these, columns with coordinates, errors, strings, and missing values are also removed. Next, we generated the feature importance metric for all the remaining nine features using the RF classifier. The results are shown in Fig. <ref>. Generally, those features are selected that have more contribution towards the classification output. To further remove noisy and irrelevant features, we used the Recursive Feature Elimination with Cross-Validation (RFECV) algorithm for feature selection. In this method, we repeatedly remove the least important feature one step at a time and calculate the impact on model performance by cross-validation. Based on the result of applying this algorithm to our dataset, we eliminated the low-ranked features which were irrelevant. Thus, the features, namely, 'Flux1000' and 'Energy_Flux100', were removed from further consideration. Notably, this is in agreement with the feature importance plot in Fig. <ref>. Finally, we used seven features which are: Photon index when fitting with PowerLaw (PL_index), Pivot_Energy, LP_Index, nu_syn, nuFnu_syn, Frac_Variability and Variability_Index. To analyze the features further, we plotted the pair-wise scatter plot and class-wise distribution for all the features as shown in Fig. <ref>. The plots on the diagonal indicate the class-wise distribution across the feature's range. All other plots are pair-wise scatter plots showing class-wise spread across the features' range. The colors indicate the class of the examples, BCUs (blue), BL Lacs (orange), and FSRQs (green). A detailed examination of the diagonal distribution plots reveals that there is a clear distinction between the sources belonging to class 'BL Lac' vs class 'FSRQ' for features like the PL_index), Pivot_Energy, LP_Index, and Frac_Variability. The remaining features have a considerable overlap across classes which makes them less important for the classification task. This is an important observation as there is a strong correlation between the separation of class means and its corresponding feature importance in Fig. <ref>. Also, the sources of class BCU are mainly concentrated right in the middle of the two classes, indicating it is a good mix of sources from both classes. A brief description of these seven features used in this study is given below. For a more detailed understanding, we refer the reader to <cit.> and references therein. The spectral analysis in 4LAC-DR3 <cit.> has been done following a similar procedure as described in 4FGL-DR1 <cit.> except that now a different parameterization is being used for pulsars, more number of sources are fit, the threshold for considering spectral curvature as significant has been lowered, a new column with peak energy in ν F_ν has been reported and a spectral bin has been added to SEDs. The spectral representation of sources still follows a power law, power law with subexponential cutoff, and log-normal. The normalization (flux density K) for these spectral representations is defined at a reference energy E_0 such that the error on K is minimum. E_0 appears as in the catalog. A log-normal function is given as: dN/ dE = K (E/E_0 )^-α - βlog(E/E_0). The parameters K, α (spectral slope at E_0) and the curvature β appear as , and in the catalog, respectively. A more stable parameterization ( in the Fermi Tools) used in 4FGL-DR3 is given as: dN/ dE = K (E/E_0 )^d/b-Γ_Sexp [d/b^2 (1 - (E/E_0 )^b ) ] dN/ dE = K (E/E_0 )^-Γ_S-d/2lnE/E_0-db/6ln^2E/E_0-db^2/24ln^3E/E_0 for | b lnE/E_0 | < 10^-2, Here the normalization K is directly the flux density at the reference energy E_0 and the shape parameters are the spectral slope Γ_S and the spectral curvature d which are defined in <cit.>. With this parameterization, the correlation between parameters is reduced considerably. Moreover, as shown by <cit.>, Γ_S is much better defined (error ratio below 1) than the low-energy index Γ = Γ_S - d/b used in 4FGL-DR1. The parameters K, Γ_S, d and b appear as , , and in the FITS table, respectively. Finally, a simple power-law form for all sources not significantly curved is used which is defined as: dN/ dE = K (E/E_0 )^-Γ For those parameters K and Γ appear as and in the catalog table. The spectral parameters are reported by associating them with the spectral model they come from, i.e., in the form Shape_param where param is the parameter name and Shape is PL for PowerLaw, PLEC for PLSuperExpCutoff, or LP for LogParabola. In addition to that, all sources were fit with all three spectral shapes thus all enteries were filled. Another important property of blazars is that they can also be classified using SED based method which uses the value of peak frequency ν_s,peak of the synchrotron component of SEDs. In 4LAC-DR1 <cit.>, broadband SEDs for all 4LAC AGNs were generated using the SED-Builder interactive tool available at the Italian Space Agency (ASI) Space Science Data Center (SSDC)[http://tools.ssdc.asi.it/SED/]. The estimation of ν_s,peak and the corresponding ν F_ν at synchrotron-peak frequency (erg cm^-2 s^-1) have been done using two different approaches. One is similar to that followed in previous catalogs (1LAC, 2LAC) i.e., empirical parametrization based on the broadband indices α_ro (radio-optical) and α_ox (optical-X-rays) <cit.>. Whereas the other method more favored in 4LAC-DR1 is the same as that used in 3LAC <cit.> and relies on fitting a third-degree polynomial on the low-energy hump of the SEDs. As the measured X-ray flux is not required, more number of sources were assigned ν_s,peak value using the second methodology. This fit also gave the ν F_ν value at the peak position. Since we do not have redshift information for a large number of 4LAC sources, the frequency in the observer frame was used. More details on this method can be found in <cit.> and <cit.>. Blazars or radio loud AGNs have been found to be variable on diverse timescales and is wavelength dependent. Variability aids in understanding the dominant emission mechanism and dynamics of blazars <cit.>. In 4FGL, the variability index, TS_ var, is defined as twice the sum of the log(Likelihood) difference between the flux fitted in each time interval and the average flux over the full catalog interval <cit.> i.e., TS_ var = 2∑_i log[ ℒ_i(F_i)/ℒ_i(F_ glob)] - max( χ^2(F_ glob) - χ^2(F_ av), 0 ) χ^2(F) = ∑_i (F_i - F)^2/σ_i^2 where F_i are the individual flux values, the average flux from the light curve is F_ av, F_ glob is the flux in the total analysis, ℒ_i(F) the likelihood in interval i with an assumption that flux F and σ_i the errors on F_i (upper error if F_i ≤ F, lower error if F_i > F). For 4FGL-DR3, light curves for 12 years of science data, with events up to 1 TeV, were recomputed over 1 year bins following the procedure same as in 4FGL-DR1 <cit.>. The threshold for TS_ var in 4FGL-DR3 is considered to be 24.725 (corresponding to 99% confidence for 12 intervals) which resulted in increase in number of sources with significant variability from 1443 to 1695. Whereas, fractional variability for each source is derived from excess variance on top of the statistical and systematic fluctuations and can be calculated as: Var = 1/N_ int-1 ∑_i (F_i - F_ av)^2 δ F = √(max( Var - ∑_i σ_i^2/N_ int, 0 )) σ_F/F = max( 1/√(2(N_ int-1))V_i/F_ av δ F , 10 ) Here, fractional variability is defined as δ F/F_ av with √(N_ int-1) degrees of freedom. The distribution of fractional variability in DR3 was found to be similar to DR1 peaking between 50% – 90%. All parameters used in 4LAC-DR3 are listed in Table A1 of <cit.>. To further our confidence in the selected features for the task of classification, we ran the T-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) algorithm over our dataset. t-SNE is a statistical tool to visualize high-dimensional data in a compressed two- or three-dimensional map. The 2 components (called Component-1 and Component-2 in Fig. <ref>) represent a 2-dimensional subspace onto which the actual high-dimensional data is projected for visualization or representation purposes. The t-SNE plot is shown in Fig. <ref>. This indicates that the features used are powerful enough to classify the data into two distinct and separable classes. The first crucial and most important step for ML algorithms is the division of the known sample of BL Lacs and FSRQs into bf training and testing subsets. Training subset is used by the algorithms to learn each feature/pattern and respective classification class (in our case BL Lac or FSRQ) of all sources with an aim to minimize the loss function. The other subset of data, known as test data, is selected to test the model once training is complete (using training samples) and classification results have been generated. The testing set is carefully sampled in a manner that spans all possible classes which a model would face. It thus provides an unbiased idea of how accurately the model will perform on the unseen dataset. We also used a 5-fold cross-validation (CV) technique to tune the model hyperparameters. In this technique, we divide the complete dataset into five folds or partitions. In the first iteration, the first 4 folds, or 80% data, are used for training, and the last fold, or 20% data, is used for evaluation/validation. In subsequent iterations, each fold gets a chance to become the validation set, with the rest of the folds used for training purposes. Hence, all data points get a chance to be part of the validation set exactly once. This enables the comparison of the model performance on various hyperparameter values across multiple train/validation splits. To assess the accuracy of ML Algorithms, a Receiver Operating Characteristic curve (ROC) is generated for all five algorithms. The ROC graph shows a trade-off between the true positive rate and the false positive rate at different thresholds. The True Positive Rate (TPR) signifies the proportion of positive class samples that are correctly predicted by the model, while the False Positive Rate (FPR) is the measure of the proportion of class samples incorrectly predicted to be positive. Finally, we combine the outputs from all five methods; that is, we classify an unassociated source as BL Lac or FSRQ only when it is classified as the same source by all five ML algorithms. §.§ Data Preprocessing and Models Firstly, we split our final dataset into two parts - The Training set and the Test set. Following <cit.>, we performed a 5-fold cross-validation (CV) with 20 repetitions on the dataset. In each iteration, we took 80% of data for the training set, and the remaining 20% was kept aside as a test set. A complete run of CV would generate 5 test sets without any repetition of data. We repeated this process 20 times with different random seeds to generate 100 training and test sets on our dataset. We used the package defined in sklearn v1.0.2 library <cit.>. Therefore, we had 1068 BL Lacs and 536 FSRQs for the training dataset and 267 BL Lacs and 134 FSRQs for the test dataset. Next, we applied feature normalization to the training set to ensure the ranges of values across features were similar. Some of the algorithms, such as LR and NN, are susceptible to large variations in feature ranges which affect the training process. In contrast, tree-based methods are not affected by the presence of such features. This difference is due to the way their mathematical formulations are defined and minimize the loss functions. We applied the standard normalization technique to replace the features (X) with their normalized values (X_new). X_new = (X - μ_X)/σ_X Here, μ_X and σ_X are the mean and standard deviation of the feature X in the training set. It is evident from the class-wise split of the training set that BL Lacs outnumber FSRQs by 2:1. This would hamper the learning and prediction of FSRQ class due to lower representation. There are a number of techniques, such as under-sampling, over-sampling, cost-sensitive learning, and Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE), that can be applied to overcome this imbalance in the dataset. Under-sampling is generally avoided as it reduces the amount of data used while training, thereby considerably affecting the model performance. Over-sampling and cost-sensitive learning have a similar impact in terms of improving model performance by boosting the under-represented samples. SMOTE <cit.> is also a well-known technique for data augmentation. Although, as observed by <cit.>, cost-sensitive learning outperforms SMOTE in many cases. Also, we saw a detrimental effect on model performance while applying SMOTE. Similar results are also reported by <cit.>. Hence, for this study, we will apply cost-sensitive learning as the method to tackle the imbalance in the training dataset. Finally, we applied various ML algorithms such as LR, NN, RF, XGBoost, and CatBoost on the dataset. We used the RandomForestClassifier, which is part of the sklearn v1.0.2 library <cit.> in python, for training the RF model. We used a 5-fold CV technique to tune the model hyperparameters. We found that generating 100 decision trees splitting till a leaf node has no more than two sources gave us the best performance. Also, we used 'entropy' as the split criterion. For a node m in the decision tree having n_m examples from K classes, we define the proportion p_k of examples of class k ∈0, 1, ..., K-1 as p_k = 1/n_m∑ I(y = k) where I(y = k) denotes the indicator function, which is equal to 1 when (y = k) and 0 otherwise. This proportion can be viewed as the probability of an example belonging to a class k being in node m. Hence, we can calculate the entropy, H(m), of this node using the equation: H(m) = - ∑_k p_klog(p_k) The algorithm chooses the best split, which gives the most reduction in entropy at each successive level. We also used cost-sensitive learning to improve the classification for the minority class. We enabled this by applying the class_weight = 'balanced' option while training the model. We used the LR, part of the sklearn v1.0.2 library in python, to train the LR model. Although its name is a misnomer, LR is actually a classification algorithm belonging to the family of linear models. In this model, we use the logistic or the sigmoid function to represent the class-conditional probabilities. sig(z) = 1/1+exp(-z) The LR model training consists of learning the weight vector w = [w_0, w_1, ..., w_n] and a bias term b. The final classification is represented by y = 1 if sig(w^TX + b) ≥ 0.5 0 if sig(w^TX + b) < 0.5 We used the L2 regularization to avoid overfitting to improve the model performance. We also used cost-sensitive learning to improve the classification for the minority class. We enabled this by applying the class_weight = 'balanced' option while training the model. We also trained an XGBoost classifier on the dataset using the xgboost python package. This package provides a sklearn-compatible Python Application Programming Interface (API) for training XGBoost models. We used the XGBClassifier model for the same. We used a 5-fold CV technique to optimize the hyperparameters of the model. We got the best performance by training 100 estimators capping each tree's max depth at 3. We set the learning rate to 0.1 while training. The learning rate controls the shrinkage applied at each successive tree generated. A low value helps in better convergence in general, although taking longer to reach the optimal state. As before, we applied cost-sensitive learning to improve model performance. We manually generated the 'balanced' sample weights and assigned them to the training set. We picked the objective to be 'binary:logistic' as we are working on a two-class problem. Next, we trained a CatBoost classifier on the dataset using the catboost python package. CatBoost is also a gradient-boosting algorithm similar to XGBoost. CatBoost works equally well with numerical and categorical features. The major difference is that CatBoost only creates symmetric trees, i.e., the same split is applied at all the nodes on the same level. This reduces the prediction time and also works as a regularizer to avoid overfitting. As before, we applied cost-sensitive learning to improve model performance. We manually generated the 'balanced' sample weights and assigned them to the training set. Finally, we trained a NN classifier. We used a feed-forward network owing to the tabular nature of our dataset. We started with a basic single hidden layer network and successively added more neurons and additional layers. We used a 5-fold CV technique to tune the model hyperparameters. The best-performing network was a 2-hidden layer network, as shown in Fig. <ref>. We also used dropouts for regularization. Dropouts work by randomly dropping neurons from layers during training to add randomization to the network. We added dropouts between 'hidden layer 1' and 'hidden layer 2'. The dropout rate was set to 0.5, i.e., every neuron in the second hidden layer had a 50% of dropping out. The relu activation function is used in hidden layers, and the sigmoid activation function is for the output layer. We used the adam optimizer as it is very effective in adapting the learning rate. We used "binary cross-entropy" as the loss function since we had a 2-class classification task at hand. The above set of algorithms forms a good coverage of advanced machine-learning techniques for the classification task. LR is a straightforward binary classifier. RF, CatBoost, and XGBoost are tree-based ensemble methods, whereas NN used in this study is a feed-forward neural network. RF employs bagging techniques, whereas CatBoost and XGBoost are based on gradient boosting. It is to be noted that each of the techniques has its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, we intend to combine the classification results from all the methods to increase the reliability of predictions and to ignore the predictions with lower confidence. We have listed all the parameters used for training the various ML models for this work in Table <ref>. This would enable researchers to reproduce the results presented in this paper, learn these models, and apply them across other classification/learning tasks. § RESULTS Following <cit.>, we did a 5-fold CV with 20 repetitions on the dataset. In each iteration, the test set consists of 401 sources having 267 BL Lacs and 134 FSRQs. A complete run of CV would generate 5 test sets without any repetition of data. We repeated this process 20 times with different random seeds to generate 100 training and test sets on our dataset. We report the mean performance metrics along with their statistical uncertainty in Table <ref>. The results of the various trained models on the test set are listed in Table <ref>. In terms of accuracy, RF, CatBoost, and XGBoost Classifier all gave  91% accuracy. NN and LR both had an accuracy of around 89-90%, which is only marginally lower than the others. The precision for class BL Lac was highest for XGBoost at 94.7%. The recall for class BL Lac was very high, between 89-96% for all classifiers. Similarly, the F1-score was very high, between 0.918-0.935 for all classifiers indicating high scores for both precision and recall. Considering the performance for the class FSRQ, the precision of RF, CatBoost, and XGBoost Classifier was  88%. LR gave a high recall of 90.1% for the class FSRQ. Overall, the F1-scores reported were also high in the range of 85-87%, indicating strong performance for the class FSRQ. We observe very high accuracy, precision, and recall scores, with small uncertainties implying the robustness of the results of each individual classifier. We also plotted the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve (ROC) to assess the performance of the classifiers. In ROC, we plot the TPR and FPR of a classifier at varying thresholds. A random prediction will generate an Area Under the Curve (AUC) of 0.5, whereas an ideal classifier has an AUC of 1. The ROC plots for all classifiers are shown in Fig. <ref>. All classifiers had very high AUC scores in the range of 0.937-0.961, as listed in Table <ref>. AUC metric is considered to be a better measure of performance than comparing accuracy, precision, or recall values as it considers the complete spectrum of classification threshold values. We have also added the performance metrics of the "Combined Classifier" on the test set in Table <ref> for comparison with other classifiers. We observe improved numbers on all the metrics. Again, these results show small uncertainties, i.e., only a minor variation in results was observed across the 100 train/test splits. This implies that there is merit in combining the classifier outputs while still keeping the robustness of results intact. We also generated the feature importance from the RF, XGBoost, and CatBoost classifiers for further analysis. The other two classifiers, namely, LR and NN, don't have a systematic way to judge feature importance. The feature importance given by the classifiers is plotted in Fig. <ref>. Based on this figure, we find that PL_index, Pivot_Energy, and nu_syn are one of the most important features in the RF plot. These three features are consistent with the feature importance given by the other two methods. Refer to Fig. <ref> to compare the feature importance as given by each classifier as compared to the feature importance calculated while selecting the features. In order to make the ML models more interpretable, we diagrammatically represent one of the trees generated as part of the RF Classifier model in Fig. <ref>. It shows the tree structure and node composition at various levels in the decision tree. The nodes are color-coded on the scale of orange to blue to show their class composition. Bluer nodes indicate the node has a larger number of FSRQs, whereas darker orange shades indicate the presence of a larger number of BL Lacs. The figure also gives the feature that was used to split the node into its children. For ex., the root node was split based on condition PL_index <= 0.121. The left child node contains the sources for which the condition is true, and the right child node contains the sources not satisfying the condition. Note that all the values shown in the tree are normalized feature values created as part of preprocessing step. Finally, we plot the prediction probabilities for class BL Lac for sources in our test set for all the classifiers. As shown in Fig. <ref>, we observe that most of the sources are concentrated towards the ends of the graph, indicating high class probabilities for either of the two classes. The probabilities > 0.5 indicate the predicted class is BL Lac. Since P_bllac = (1 - P_fsrq), probabilities < 0.5 indicate the predicted class is FSRQ. These results show the performance of all the classifiers on the test set, i.e., on the sources whose true class is already known. To achieve the goal of this work, we still need to apply our methods to the BCU sources to predict their blazar type. To achieve this, we applied the same preprocessing techniques to the BCU sample as we did on the train and test data sets. We selected the seven features and normalized them by the mean and standard deviation derived from the training set. This ensures that no other data or information leaks into the model outside the training set. We, again, plot the class probabilities for class BL Lac for sources in our BCU data set for all the classifiers. As shown in Fig. <ref>, we observe that similar to the test set results, most of the sources are concentrated towards the ends of the graph, indicating high class probabilities for either of the two classes. Each one of the classifiers trained above had excellent performance metrics, but we only classified those sources which have a unanimous prediction across all classifiers. This boosts the quality of our prediction, although the total number of classified sources is lower. All the machine learning algorithms learn different aspects of the data and produce different models even though they are trained on the same data. This is due to the fact that their underlying optimization problem is completely different. For e.g., the same Random Forest algorithm will produce different trees when the splitting criterion is set to 'Gini Impurity' vs. 'Entropy.' This is because the quality of a split calculated is different in both these cases. Hence, a split that is the best for reducing the 'Gini Impurity' may not be the one that reduces the 'Entropy' the most. Similarly, tree-based methods will have a completely different model in comparison to a linear classifier, such as Logistic Regression on the same data split. This brings us to the motivation of combining the results of multiple classifiers and taking a unanimous vote. Each model prediction brings a different perspective on the source. By combining all the results, we can say that, at a high level, we want to be sure that the classification is consistent from all considered perspectives and that their results agree. To validate it further, we have added the performance metrics of the "Combined Classifier" on the test set in Table <ref> for comparison with other classifiers. We observe improved numbers on all metrics. This shows the merit of combining the classifier outputs while keeping the robustness of the results intact. We have plotted the mean probability of our classified BCUs in Fig. <ref>. This clearly shows that most of the classified sources have high average class probabilities as they are concentrated towards the ends of the graph, and the middle portion is practically empty. After combining the results from all five methods, we classified 943 BCUs from which 610 BCUs are classified BL Lacs and 333 BCUs as FSRQs, while 172 still remain unidentified. The sample of the catalog is given in Table <ref>. A full table is available online in machine-readable form. Although the number of classified candidates may have decreased, the accuracy is improved as combining multiple algorithms gives better classification results <cit.>. Most of the BCUs of 4LAC-DR1 are also present in 4LAC-DR3 with better measurements. To determine the number of new BCUs, we cross-matched 4LAC-DR1 with DR3 and found 300 new BCUs. To predict the classification of these new BCUs, we applied all five Supervised Machine Learning (SML) models. Taking the unanimous vote from all five methods, we were able to classify 242 of these sources as 142 BL Lacs and 100 FSRQs leaving only 58 sources unclassified. These new blazars are a step towards a more complete sample of blazar classes. This will help uncover new and extreme physical mechanisms in both classes of blazars. § DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION Significant progress in periodic updates of 4LAC has led to a larger blazar sample for understanding blazar sequence <cit.> and understanding the physics of high-energy emission from blazar jets. In the present study, we classify the blazar-type candidates of 4LAC-DR3 into two classes of blazars, i.e., BL Lac objects and FSRQs, using supervised ML algorithms, RF, XGBoost, NN, LR, and boost. Features used for learning the parameters of ML algorithms are Photon index when fitting with PowerLaw (PL_Index), synchrotron-peak frequency in the observer frame (nu_syn), Pivot Energy (Pivot_Energy, in MeV), Photon index at Pivot_Energy when fitting with LogParabola (LP_Index), Fractional variability (Frac_Variability), ν Fν at synchrotron-peak frequency (nuFnu_syn, in erg cm^-2 s^-1), and Variability index (Variability_Index). Based on the study of the usefulness of these features on the classification task, i.e., feature importance, it is evident that the Photon index had the most contribution towards it. It should be highlighted that this study is based on the latest updated data set of the 4LAC catalog and not considering any external data from other data sources or archives. The observational data may cause some bias in the prediction results. However, we noticed that each ML model individually predicted the classification highly accurately. They performed exceedingly well on all the model performance metrics, especially the AUC is reported in the range of 0.937-0.961 for all. Owing to the limitations of the data distribution and ML algorithms, prediction probabilities midway around 0.5 might be unreliable. To further increase the accuracy of our predictions, we label a BCU as BL Lac or FSRQ only when predicted unanimously by all five models. This considerably increased the reliability of the predictions as measured by mean probabilities. Combining the prediction results from all five ML algorithms, we present a new catalog of 1115 BCUs classified as 610 BL Lac and 333 FSRQ candidates in Table <ref>. The full table is available online in machine-readable form. According to our study, 172 still remain unclassified, and the determination of their true class needs further investigation. Furthermore, comparing 4LAC-DR1 with DR3 gave us 300 new BCUs. Following the same classification methodology described above, we were able to classify 242 of these candidates as 142 BL Lacs and 100 FSRQs. From these, only 58 BCUs remain unclassified. The larger sample of known blazar candidates provided in this work presents an opportunity to conduct many science cases. One of the most important is the still debated concept of the blazar sequence. Finding multi-frequency data from Radio to X-rays for these still unidentified sources, along with ML algorithms, can unveil more BL Lacs and FSRQs. It will further reduce the incompleteness of the sample and thus offers an interesting perspective for future studies. Owing to powerful telescopes and detectors in the past decade, we can see a dramatic increase in the number of astronomical data sets for millions of sources. Therefore, recently, ML techniques have been widely applied to address the problem of identification and classification of astrophysical sources. Some of the ML algorithms commonly used in Astrophysics include Decision trees, RF, LR, Support Vector Machines (SVM), Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN), Naive Bayes (NB), and Boosted decision trees. In the past, many authors have applied ML algorithms to classify unassociated sources from the γ-ray Fermi catalogs such as: <cit.>, <cit.>, <cit.>, <cit.>, <cit.>, <cit.>, <cit.> and references therein. Finally, we cross-checked our results with classification predictions of previous works. First, we compared our results of blazar classification with that of <cit.>. They classified Fermi BCUs of the 4FGL catalog using RF, SVM, and ANN, along with optimal combinations of parameters. Based on their analysis, 724 BL Lac type candidates and 332 FSRQ candidates were identified from a sample of 1312 BCUs. The remaining 256 are of the uncertain type for which results were inconsistent. Comparing our total sample set (cleaned) of 1115 BCUs with the 1312 BCUs of <cit.>, we found 812 common BCUs. The non-coincident could be due to improved analysis methods used in 4LAC-DR3, an increase in localization systematic uncertainties, different classifications owing to new spectral properties from the updated catalogs, and recent observations, or due to different algorithms used for predictions, thus updating the results. More details can be found in <cit.>. From these 812 sources, 600 were examined in both studies and classified with ∼ 98.5% similarity, i.e., 419 were classified as BL Lacs and 172 as FSRQs by both methodologies. In addition to these, we also cross-matched 256 BCUs, which they classified as of uncertain type, and found 154 of them were present in our sample. Of these 154 BCUs, we successfully classified 98 from all five methods as 46 BL Lacs and 52 FSRQs. Furthermore, from the 303 new BCUs which are not present in their sample set, we are predicting 245 BCUs (143 BL Lacs and 102 FSRQs). We also compared our results with those of <cit.>, where authors classified 1329 BCUs from the 4FGL catalog into 801 BL Lacs and 406 FSRQs, while 122 remain unclassified. After cross-matching our catalog with them, we found a substantial overlap of 645 BCUs, from which 453 BCUs were classified as BL Lacs and 192 as FSRQs by both studies with ∼ 96.1% similarity. Out of 122 unclassified sources from <cit.>, we found 75 of them were present in our sample too. Of these 75 BCUs, 46 are now successfully classified as 22 BL Lacs and 24 FSRQs by all five methods, while 29 still remain unclassified. Finally, there are 311 new BCUs that are not present in the sample set of <cit.>. From these 311 new BCUs, we are now further predicting 251 BCUs as 145 BL Lacs and 106 FSRQs. We also cross-matched our classification results with <cit.>. The authors apply SVM to classify BCUs of 4FGL-DR3 to BL Lacs and FSRQs. Comparing our classification with those in <cit.>, we found 1114 common BCUs. From these 1114 sources, 547 are classified as BL Lacs and 148 as FSRQs by both studies. Whereas, 5 of our FSRQs are classified as BL Lacs by <cit.>, thus giving a ∼ 97.98% similarity. Our results being highly consistent with other ML-based studies provides a piece of evidence that prediction results for the new BCUs are significantly robust. Interested readers can use the parameters given in Table <ref> to generate results of this work and can compare the predicted class of BCUs with any other work in the literature. Although each SML model has its own limitations and could lead to some misclassification but applying different algorithms simultaneously proves to be very effective in classifying the unassociated candidates with more precise results. The primary aim of this work was to continue the classification of unidentified blazar-type sources in the Fermi 4LAC catalog. Classifying each source is a step closer to the goal of identifying the complete gamma-ray sky and having a clear picture of high energy emissions from these sources. It will enable researchers to upgrade the existing theoretical models. This study will further diversify the blazar sample for a more comprehensive understanding of the blazar and blazar sequence. Moreover, the catalog presented from this work containing BL Lacs and FSRQs will also benefit the community in planning subsequent follow-up spectroscopic observations for not only optical telescopes but also present-day/future multi-frequency observatories such as Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), XMM-Newton, Swift, Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), IceCube, and Imaging X-Ray Polarimetry Explorer. Future observations with better sensitivity will further enable better estimation of redshifts for BL Lacs and FSRQs. For BL Lacs, redshift determination is hampered due to their nearly featureless optical spectra <cit.>, thus making it an important science case for future blazar studies. To detect weak emission lines in the BL Lacs, we need to obtain high signal-to-noise spectra by utilizing the 8-10m class telescopes <cit.>, which is very time-consuming. Because of this, a large fraction of BL Lacs do not have optical counterpart information, and thus most of the unidentified blazar-type candidates in Fermi catalogs are highly likely BL Lacs. The results from the analysis done in this work support the same. There is about a 2:1 ratio between BL Lacs and FSRQs when the output of all five SML algorithms is combined. As pointed out by <cit.>, photon-index distribution of BCUs in 4LAC-DR3 indicates 2.5 fold increase in the presence of FSRQs in the new BCU sample as compared to 4LAC-DR1 which may be due to a larger flaring tendency of FSRQs as compared to BL Lacs in the Fermi-LAT energy range. A more complete sample of the two mysterious classes of blazars, i.e., BL Lac and FSRQs, is required to gain a better understanding of blazar and its sub-classes. During the next ten years of time span, the astronomical community is expected to step further into the era of big data when ML algorithms will play a significant role in effectively analyzing and interpreting such voluminous data. Moreover, the upcoming observation facilities can improve the performance of ML algorithms by the addition of new features, thus making ML models more effective tools in the classification of astrophysical sources. These ML-based classifications can then be utilized for numerous science cases for upcoming deep-sky surveys. The work done in this paper based on gamma-ray parameters of the two classes of blazars can further be expanded by including multi-wavelength feature sets, such as X-rays, optical, UV, and radio. We plan to address the same in future work. § ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We are grateful to the anonymous reviewer for their insightful comments and suggestions, which helped us in improving this work. The author would like to thank the Fermi-LAT Collaboration for the public availability of data. ccccccccccccccccccccc An example of classification of Fermi BCUs with ML algorithms. The complete table is available in a machine-readable format. 0pt Source Name PLI PE LPI nu_syn nuFnu_syn VI FV P_NN err_NN P_RF err_RF P_XG err_XG P_LR err_LR P_CB err_CB CLASS P_mean err_mean J0001.2+4741 2.27170 2420.575 2.25408 1.000E+14 3.716E-13 25.31395 0.67588 0.759 0.045 0.924 0.035 0.934 0.021 0.416 0.027 0.936 0.015 ambiguous 0.794 0.007 J0001.8-2153 1.87666 4429.934 1.71662 1.660E+13 9.716E-13 24.55797 0.90285 0.993 0.003 0.957 0.023 0.961 0.018 0.961 0.010 0.905 0.024 bllac 0.955 0.004 J0002.3-0815 2.09207 3399.594 2.06073 7.586E+13 3.993E-13 13.01421 0.09686 0.911 0.014 0.966 0.025 0.957 0.014 0.929 0.013 0.972 0.005 bllac 0.947 0.003 J0002.4-5156 1.91446 4073.996 1.53527 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 17.68631 0.57169 0.991 0.005 0.993 0.009 0.984 0.006 0.968 0.009 0.971 0.005 bllac 0.981 0.002 J0003.1-5248 1.91551 3392.686 1.85940 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 7.99843 0.00000 0.972 0.007 0.999 0.003 0.976 0.009 0.988 0.002 0.967 0.007 bllac 0.980 0.001 J0003.3-1928 2.28195 1021.799 2.10295 2.291E+13 6.415E-13 49.87994 0.59188 0.337 0.054 0.557 0.072 0.622 0.099 0.381 0.019 0.632 0.087 ambiguous 0.506 0.016 J0003.5+0717 2.21727 2149.714 1.96438 3.447E+12 1.066E-12 10.95177 0.00000 0.822 0.029 0.688 0.068 0.691 0.067 0.812 0.020 0.673 0.073 bllac 0.737 0.013 J0007.7+4008 2.13957 1652.091 1.93209 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 35.66249 0.51004 0.879 0.022 0.884 0.044 0.945 0.018 0.743 0.017 0.937 0.015 bllac 0.878 0.006 J0008.4+1455 2.07887 1593.162 1.93790 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 51.85556 0.65727 0.933 0.016 0.900 0.037 0.952 0.020 0.789 0.017 0.922 0.020 bllac 0.899 0.005 J0009.8+1340 2.03457 3366.887 1.51148 1.567E+16 5.457E-13 11.89411 0.00000 0.963 0.018 0.987 0.012 0.996 0.002 0.966 0.009 0.990 0.002 bllac 0.980 0.002 J0010.8-2154 2.37858 1205.260 2.38856 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 11.98323 0.06836 0.523 0.051 0.694 0.081 0.569 0.071 0.405 0.017 0.589 0.059 ambiguous 0.556 0.013 J0011.4-4110 2.50065 1013.242 2.48008 6.607E+14 2.964E-13 7.67801 0.00000 0.405 0.054 0.711 0.070 0.796 0.095 0.200 0.014 0.821 0.059 ambiguous 0.587 0.014 J0011.8-3142 1.94243 4122.475 1.86731 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 24.58559 0.77018 0.979 0.007 0.996 0.006 0.983 0.007 0.940 0.013 0.963 0.008 bllac 0.972 0.002 J0013.4+0950 1.95604 5697.543 2.01828 2.065E+16 2.094E-12 18.24051 0.32545 0.955 0.016 0.978 0.020 0.990 0.006 0.978 0.008 0.989 0.002 bllac 0.978 0.003 J0014.3-0500 2.37367 1642.393 2.36200 1.096E+13 3.973E-13 24.51387 0.38751 0.593 0.060 0.430 0.082 0.582 0.078 0.298 0.012 0.387 0.061 ambiguous 0.458 0.014 J0014.9+3212 2.55602 568.577 2.45291 1.000E+13 7.765E-13 42.14543 0.51269 0.048 0.014 0.034 0.020 0.020 0.007 0.051 0.004 0.042 0.010 fsrq 0.039 0.003 J0017.0-0649 2.26517 1300.620 2.23275 6.383E+13 1.256E-12 40.29398 0.39171 0.798 0.026 0.960 0.020 0.931 0.019 0.529 0.014 0.944 0.012 bllac 0.833 0.004 J0019.2-5640 2.26854 1376.284 2.24366 2.786E+12 3.315E-13 109.07163 1.07069 0.221 0.055 0.228 0.068 0.137 0.056 0.218 0.014 0.146 0.038 fsrq 0.190 0.011 J0024.4+4647 2.76796 650.365 2.77139 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 31.76876 0.60275 0.015 0.007 0.082 0.035 0.052 0.023 0.006 0.001 0.051 0.012 fsrq 0.041 0.004 J0025.7-4801 2.26543 1465.884 1.92869 1.905E+13 8.276E-13 96.93690 1.28239 0.451 0.117 0.590 0.069 0.419 0.137 0.173 0.020 0.553 0.099 ambiguous 0.437 0.022 J0029.4+2051 1.74450 6446.284 1.45616 4.786E+15 4.759E-13 11.58067 0.00000 0.995 0.003 0.999 0.002 0.995 0.002 0.998 0.001 0.991 0.002 bllac 0.996 0.000 J0032.3-5522 2.25028 1021.264 2.10050 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 308.65665 1.49664 0.139 0.063 0.242 0.063 0.178 0.085 0.111 0.013 0.197 0.057 fsrq 0.174 0.014 J0032.5-4724 1.69346 7187.079 1.46502 8.318E+15 8.322E-13 13.09033 0.00000 0.996 0.002 1.000 0.000 0.997 0.001 0.999 0.000 0.992 0.001 bllac 0.997 0.000 J0033.9+3858 2.29032 1130.386 2.04489 9.333E+12 2.154E-13 33.33133 0.68494 0.309 0.060 0.519 0.075 0.472 0.110 0.326 0.020 0.370 0.090 ambiguous 0.399 0.017 J0034.0-4116 2.62482 898.741 2.62487 9.333E+12 7.509E-13 39.68293 0.74233 0.032 0.012 0.102 0.041 0.073 0.031 0.019 0.002 0.054 0.015 fsrq 0.056 0.006 J0035.0-5728 2.52042 831.286 2.38279 4.467E+14 1.015E-12 8.39924 0.00000 0.362 0.056 0.676 0.081 0.687 0.118 0.175 0.014 0.746 0.070 ambiguous 0.529 0.017 J0036.8+1431 2.28230 2112.066 2.27944 7.079E+12 1.425E-13 6.90018 0.00000 0.746 0.051 0.574 0.078 0.669 0.122 0.688 0.021 0.648 0.069 bllac 0.665 0.017 J0036.9+1832 2.43293 924.886 2.38508 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 97.43484 1.12315 0.033 0.013 0.104 0.043 0.051 0.019 0.049 0.004 0.056 0.013 fsrq 0.058 0.005 J0039.1+4330 2.05650 2315.259 1.92409 5.623E+14 4.943E-13 31.70406 0.65185 0.948 0.011 0.979 0.017 0.991 0.003 0.844 0.012 0.980 0.005 bllac 0.948 0.002 J0040.9+3203 2.35274 1124.145 2.14544 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 16.09813 0.45853 0.347 0.056 0.454 0.068 0.414 0.087 0.293 0.015 0.465 0.064 fsrq 0.395 0.014 J0041.7-1607 1.81181 5701.249 1.79645 1.585E+14 3.884E-13 16.84383 0.48939 0.990 0.004 0.996 0.007 0.993 0.004 0.991 0.003 0.988 0.002 bllac 0.992 0.001 J0043.6+2223 2.26415 2107.967 2.24536 8.222E+13 5.614E-13 16.51427 0.32660 0.837 0.022 0.952 0.021 0.930 0.018 0.588 0.019 0.955 0.010 bllac 0.853 0.004 J0044.9+4553 2.42543 1162.396 2.36849 1.514E+13 9.672E-13 10.43431 0.00000 0.460 0.048 0.515 0.095 0.568 0.091 0.346 0.016 0.475 0.073 ambiguous 0.473 0.016 J0048.6-2427 2.10683 2285.883 2.03474 5.623E+14 1.178E-12 12.73000 0.19151 0.917 0.011 0.976 0.017 0.978 0.008 0.894 0.008 0.982 0.004 bllac 0.949 0.002 J0049.5-4150 1.97446 4066.654 1.88675 6.457E+15 1.640E-12 6.00374 0.00000 0.957 0.012 0.952 0.036 0.977 0.015 0.982 0.004 0.987 0.003 bllac 0.971 0.004 J0050.8-3428 1.91741 4711.380 1.92181 4.266E+14 9.322E-13 16.09481 0.00000 0.965 0.011 0.998 0.005 0.995 0.002 0.990 0.003 0.991 0.002 bllac 0.988 0.001 J0052.9-6644 1.97999 3471.569 2.03556 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 8.99773 0.00000 0.957 0.010 0.988 0.012 0.955 0.024 0.978 0.004 0.959 0.008 bllac 0.967 0.003 J0055.1-1219 2.32317 846.629 2.22125 2.018E+12 4.820E-13 170.33379 0.83226 0.097 0.023 0.028 0.019 0.056 0.017 0.194 0.014 0.044 0.010 fsrq 0.084 0.004 J0056.6-5317 2.17417 1848.381 1.96291 3.350E+14 3.900E-13 33.36247 0.68481 0.853 0.026 0.946 0.027 0.983 0.006 0.614 0.020 0.968 0.008 bllac 0.873 0.004 J0057.0+4101 2.11107 2476.713 1.94652 1.799E+14 6.126E-13 11.09125 0.00000 0.907 0.016 0.998 0.005 0.992 0.003 0.922 0.009 0.985 0.004 bllac 0.961 0.002 J0057.3+2216 2.15349 2115.055 2.13527 3.631E+12 2.356E-13 12.00370 0.08429 0.894 0.015 0.702 0.082 0.623 0.083 0.861 0.010 0.790 0.056 bllac 0.774 0.013 Column(1): 4FGL Source names. Column(2): PLI – Photon index when fitting with PowerLaw (PL_Index), Column(3): PE – Pivot Energy (Pivot_Energy, in MeV), Column(4): LPI – Photon index at Pivot_Energy when fitting with LogParabola (LP_Index), Column(5): nu_syn – synchrotron-peak frequency in the observer frame (nu_syn), Column(6): nuFnu_syn – ν Fν at synchrotron-peak frequency (nuFnu_syn, in erg cm^-2 s^-1), Column(7) VI – Variability index (Variability_Index), Column(8) FV – Fractional variability (Frac_Variability), Columns(9)-(18): P_NN, P_RF, P_XG, P_LR, P_CB – Probability of class BL Lac as given by Neural Network(NN), Random Forest(RF), XGBoost(XG), Logistic Regression(LR) and CatBoost(CB) classifiers. err_NN, err_RF, err_XG, err_LR, err_CB – Std err of prediction. Column(14): CLASS – Predicted class of the source {bllac, fsrq, ambiguous}. Column(15): P_mean and err_mean: Average predicted class probabilities and their errors across all classifiers. aasjournal
Automatic Identification and Extraction of Self-Claimed Assumptions on GitHub
[ "Chen Yang", "Zinan Ma", "Peng Liang", "Xiaohua Liu" ]
[ "cs.SE" ]
Automatic Identification and Extraction of Self-Claimed Assumptions on GitHub Chen Yang23, Zinan Ma2, Peng Liang4, Xiaohua Liu2 2School of Artificial Intelligence, Shenzhen Polytechnic, Shenzhen, China 3State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China 4School of Computer Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China {yangchen, 21680260, lxh}szpt.edu.cn, liangp@whu.edu.cn ================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ In software development, due to the lack of knowledge or information, time pressure, complex context, and many other factors, various uncertainties emerge during the development process, leading to assumptions scattered in projects. Being unaware of certain assumptions can result in critical problems (e.g., system vulnerability and failures). The prerequisite of analyzing and understanding assumptions in software development is to identify and extract those assumptions with acceptable effort. In this paper, we proposed a tool (i.e., SCAMiner) to automatically identify and extract self-claimed assumptions (SCAs) on GitHub projects. To evaluate the applicability of SCAMiner, we first presented an example of using the tool to mine SCAs from one large and popular deep learning framework project: the TensorFlow project on GitHub. We then conducted an evaluation of the tool. The results show that SCAMiner can effectively identify and extract SCAs from the repositories on GitHub. Self-Claimed Assumption, GitHub, Mining Software Repositories § INTRODUCTION Assumptions in the field of software development is a broad topic: different types of assumptions (e.g., requirement assumptions <cit.>, design assumptions <cit.>, and construction assumptions <cit.>) have been extensively discussed. For instance, in the early phases of software development, there could be many uncertain things. However, in order to meet the project business goals (e.g., schedule and deadlines), stakeholders have to work in the presence of such uncertainties; these uncertainties can lead to assumptions. In this paper, we advocate treating uncertainty and assumption as two different but related concepts: one way to deal with uncertainties is to make implicit or explicit assumptions (i.e., a thing that is uncertain, but accepted as true) <cit.>. The importance of assumptions and their management in software development has been highlighted in many studies and industrial cases. For example, Corbató <cit.> mentioned in his ACM Turing Award lecture that “design bugs are often subtle and occur by evolution with early assumptions being forgotten as new features or uses are added to systems.” Garlan et al. pointed out that incompatible assumptions in software architecture can cause architectural mismatch <cit.>. Lewis et al. also mentioned similar results in machine learning systems: since there are different types of stakeholders (e.g., data scientist, software engineer, and system user) of a machine learning system, they could make different but incompatible or invalid assumptions, leading to system misunderstanding, mismatch, etc <cit.>. In October 2018, Lion Air Flight 610 crashed 13 minutes after takeoff and killed all 189 people on board; In March 2019, Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 crashed and ended another 157 lives. According to the reports from the government, one critical reason of the 737 MAX crashes is regarding not-well managed assumptions <cit.><cit.>. In the report, they mentioned that the aircraft company made invalid assumptions about the critical system components. Specifically, the invalid assumptions regarding MCAS (Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System) are the root cause of the crashes. The report also pointed out the need of identifying and re-evaluating important assumptions in the system. As mentioned by many researchers and practitioners, stakeholders constantly make assumptions in their work. For example, in the release of TensorFlow v2.3.0, there are 1,460 explicitly claimed assumptions (also called as self-claimed assumptions, SCAs) made by the developers in the code comments, and TensorFlow has more than 100 releases <cit.>. For example, in the sentence: “[tf/xla] fixup numbering of xla parameters used for aliasing previously, the xla argument parameter was incorrectly assumed to be corresponding to the index in the vector of `xlacompiler::argument'”, it includes an SCA of assuming that the xla argument parameter is corresponding to the index in the vector of xlacompiler::argument and the developer claimed that it was an invalid assumption. SCAs are related to many types of software artifacts, such as decisions, technical debt, and source code <cit.>. For example, in TensorFlow, there is an SCA: “TODO: Looks like there is an assumption that weight has only one user. We should add a check here”, which induces a technical debt. Existing research on assumptions and their management in software development usually use experiments, surveys, and case studies to manually identify and extract assumptions through observation, questionnaires, interviews, focus groups, and documentation analysis <cit.>. Since such approaches have high costs (e.g., time and resources), the number of identified and extracted assumptions in those studies is often limited, leading to various problems of developing new theories, approaches, and methods of assumptions and their management in software development. In this work, to overcome the issues of manually identifying and extracting assumptions in software development, we proposed a tool: SCAMiner, which can be used to automatically identify and extract SCAs on GitHub repositories. Besides SCAs, the tool can also be easily extended to other research fields (e.g., identifying and extracting technical debt <cit.>). How to access SCAMiner. SCAMiner is available at [<>]. Users can register or use a guest account to login the tool. We also provided a deployment package for users who want to try the tool on their local environment <cit.>. Users can read and follow the instructions in the description for the deployment of the tool. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section <ref> provides related work, Section <ref> describes the details of SCAMiner, Section <ref> presents an example of using the tool, Section <ref> describes an evaluation of SCAMiner, and Section <ref> concludes the paper with future directions. § RELATED WORK In the field of assumptions and their management in software development, most assumptions are manually identified and extracted by researchers and practitioners. Landuyt and Joosen focused on assumptions made during the application of a threat modeling framework (i.e., LINDDUN), which allows the identification of privacy-related design flaws in the architecting phase <cit.>. They conducted a descriptive study with 122 master students, and the students identified and extracted 845 assumptions from the models created by the students. Yang et al. conducted an exploratory study of assumptions made in the development of nine popular deep learning frameworks (e.g., TensorFlow, Keras, and PyTorch) on GitHub <cit.>. They identified and extracted 3,084 assumptions from the code comments in over 50,000 files of the deep learning frameworks. Xiong et al. studied assumptions in the Hibernate developer mailing list, including their expression, classification, trend over time, and related software artifacts <cit.>. In their study, they identified and extracted 832 assumptions. Li et al. developed a machine learning approach <cit.> to identify and classify assumptions based on the dataset constructed by Xiong et al. <cit.>, which can read the data (i.e., sentences) from the dataset (i.e., a .csv file), preprocess the data (e.g., using NLTK and Word2Vec), train classifiers (e.g., Perception, Logistic Regression, and Support Vector Machines), and evaluate the trained classifiers (e.g., precision, recall, and F1-score). However, their approach is not specifically developed for SCAs and cannot mine assumptions from other sources (e.g., GitHub repositories). Compared to the related work above, the tool (i.e., SCAMiner) proposed in this work focuses on GitHub repositories, and can automatically collect data (e.g., issues, pull requests, and commits) and identify and extract SCAs. SCAMiner can also be easily extended to work with other repositories (e.g., Stack Overflow) or other types of software artifacts (e.g., technical debt). § SCAMINER SCAMiner is composed of four modules: Repository Management, Data Collection, Data Extraction, and System Management, as shown in Fig. <ref>. Repository Management includes (1) getting information of the repositories and their releases from the GitHub server, (2) searching and showing details of the repositories, (3) downloading source code of each release of the repositories, and (4) deleting all the data of specific repositories. Adding a repository using SCAMiner requires users to enter the owner (e.g., tensorflow) and name (e.g., tensorflow) of the repository. When adding a repository, SCAMiner first checks whether the repository exists in the MySQL database and the GitHub server. If all the checks pass, SCAMiner gets information (e.g., URL, releases, and tags) of the repository from the GitHub server and insert the data into the MySQL database. Data Collection aims to (1) show the data models of Repository, Release, Tag, Pull Request (PR), Commit, and Issue, (2) search and show data collection information of repositories and collect issues, PRs, and commits based on the data models, (3) monitor data collection processes, and (4) show data collection history. The data models are predefined and currently cannot be changed by users. The basic information of each repository (e.g., its releases and tags) and the information of the data collection processes are stored in a MySQL database, while the data of issues, PRs, and commits are stored in a MongoDB database. When collecting data from the GitHub server using SCAMiner, users can also set a time (default: 10 seconds) for automatically refreshing the data collection status (i.e., collecting, finished, and error). SCAMiner uses cursors (i.e., issue cursor, PR cursor, and commit cursor) to record each batch of the data downloaded from the GitHub server, and therefore SCAMiner supports continuing data collection after it has been stopped due to errors and exceptions (e.g., over the limits by GitHub). Data Identification and Extraction is composed of three submodules: Data Search, Assumption Extraction, and Knowledge Graph. Data Search aims to search and show specific issues, PRs, and commits based on keywords. In data search, SCAMiner requires users to specify which repository (e.g., TensorFlow), data type (i.e., issue, pr, and commit), search scope (e.g., title), and keywords (e.g., assume) to search. For example, for issues of the TensorFlow project, a search scope can be title body comments.body, which means that SCAMiner will search data within the scope of the title of the issues, the body of the issues, and the body of the comments of the issues in the TensorFlow project. For keywords, SCAMiner supports AND (i.e., using double quotation marks, e.g., “assume" “software") and OR (i.e., without quotation marks, e.g., assume software). The search terms are highlighted in the search results. If the description of a data item is too long, users can click on the “detail" button to see the full information of the item. Assumption Extraction contains four functions: SCA Identification, SCA Extraction, PA (Potential Assumption) Identification, and PA Extraction. In the SCA Identification function, we used a keyword-based search approach for identifying SCAs (i.e., word level), based on the assumption related search terms (i.e., assumption, assumptions, assume, assumes, assumed, assuming, assumable, and assumably) and the following search scope: (1) title, body, body of comments of issues, (2) title, body, body of comments of PRs, and (3) message of commits. Since the results from using the SCA Identification function are at the word level (i.e., highlighting the matched terms), in the SCA Extraction function, SCAMiner provides support for locating, matching, and extracting the related sentences that include the matched terms (i.e., at the sentence level). As most of the description (e.g., description of an issue) is created and edited by GitHub users, there could be punctuation problems existing in the description (e.g., a sentence does not have a “." or “." is used in the source code, such as “a.b"), which may lead to errors in the separation of the sentences. Therefore, we manually identified the patterns of SCA description from the projects on GitHub, and implemented the patterns in the SCA Extraction function to extract SCA sentences. Moreover, there are sentences without using assumption related keywords, but could act as assumptions (we call them potential assumptions, PAs). Though PAs are not SCAs, they can be further reviewed by stakeholders and transformed to SCAs (as the inputs for SCA extraction). Therefore, SCAMiner also provides support for identifying and extracting such assumptions through the PA Identification and PA Extraction function, which complement SCA identification and extraction. We followed the guidelines of assumption identification proposed in <cit.>, and manually collected and labeled 35,855 sentences from the issues, PRs, and commits of multiple repositories (e.g., Keras and Theano), constructed a dataset for PAs, fine-tuned a deep learning model based on ALBERT (a lite BERT, which architecture is based on BERT), and trained and adjusted a classification model for PA identification <cit.>. The reason of choosing ALBERT is because ALBERT is one of the most powerful language models, which can achieve good performance with fewer parameters (compared to BERT) in many tasks, such as the binary single-sentence classification task <cit.>. Since we are using deep learning models and identifying PAs at the sentence level, the identification process could be rather slow on CPUs (e.g., it may take hours/days on our server to identify PAs, depending on the amount of data to be processed). Therefore, we used a queue (i.e., a waiting list with a first-in first-out strategy) on the server to manage the tasks of identifying PAs. In the PA Extraction function, SCAMiner organizes the PAs (sentences) identified from the PA Identification function into a file, and users can download the file for further review. Knowledge Graph supports both traditional knowledge graph and dynamic knowledge graph. SCAMiner provides three dimensions (i.e., release, month, and day) to construct the timeline of the data. For each repository, SCAMiner creates and connects entities according to the timeline and their states. For example, a pr can be published, merged, and closed, and therefore SCAMiner creates three connected entities if they are within a timeline. System Management supports user registration, login, and logoff, and provides access control and system logs. The architecture of SCAMiner is shown in Fig. <ref>. When a user clicks on a menu or button, the Web component organizes the data, generates a request, and sends it to the Controller component through the Python Interface component. The Controller component analyzes the request: (1) If the request is regarding getting data from the GitHub server, the Controller component organizes the data and calls the functions in the GitHub Service component. The GitHub Service component reads the GitHub configuration (stored in the system) and organizes queries based on the predefined data models. Then the GitHub Service component sends requests to the GitHub server, gets responses from the GitHub server, analyzes the responses, and sends back the data to the Controller component. (2) If the request is regarding interacting with the MySQL or the MongoDB database, the Controller component organizes the data and calls the functions in the Data Service component. The Data Service component further organizes the data and calls the functions in the DAO (Data Access Object) component, which implements the interaction with the MySQL or the MongoDB database. The DAO component reads the database configuration (stored in the system), communicates with the databases, gets the results from the databases, and sends them back to the Data Service component. The Data Service component sends the data getting from the databases back to the Controller component. (3) If the request is regarding using the trained model (based on ALBERT) to identify PAs, the Controller component organizes the data and calls the functions in the Data Service component. The Data Service component preprocesses the data, loads the trained model, and uses the model to identify PAs. The results are then sent back to the Controller component. Finally, the Controller component organizes the data getting from GitHub, the MySQL database, the MongoDB database or the deep learning model, sends the data back to the Web component through the Python Interface component, and then the Web component shows the results to the user. § USING SCAMINER In this section, we walk the usage of SCAMiner through an example: the TensorFlow project on GitHub. TensorFlow is one of the most popular deep learning frameworks, which is widely used in many deep learning systems and application domains. Users need to register an account and set a personal access token of GitHub when using SCAMiner. The token is used to access the GitHub Application Programming Interface (API), since SCAMiner needs to communicate with the GitHub API to get data (e.g., issues, PRs, and commits). We also provide a default token for SCAMiner users. However, since GitHub has limitations in place to protect against excessive or abusive calls to GitHub servers (e.g., the rate limit is 5,000 points per hour and individual calls cannot request more than 500,000 total nodes)[<https://docs.github.com/en/graphql/overview/resource-limitations>], using the default token may lead to errors in data collection because of these limitations. After registration of the SCAMiner account, users can login SCAMiner with the account. Below is the process of using SCAMiner to identify and extract SCAs from the TensorFlow project on GitHub. Create the TensorFlow repository. Users need to click on the Repository Management module, then click on the “Add" button, enter the owner as “tensorflow" and the name as “tensorflow", and click on the “Save" button to create the TensorFlow repository on SCAMiner. For each release of a repository, SCAMiner provides users a link to download the source code in the Repository Management module (this is an optional step). Then users can use tools such as Visual Studio Code and PyCharm to further browse the code and search SCAs in the code. Collect issues, PRs, and commits on TensorFlow. After the TensorFlow repository is created on SCAMiner, users can further use the Data Collection module to collect issues, PRs, and commits of the TensorFlow repository. Users can start multiple tasks simultaneously, but this could cause errors because of the limitation by GitHub. Identify and Extract SCAs on TensorFlow. In the Assumption Extraction submodule of the Data Extraction module, users need to select the TensorFlow repository and a data type, and click on the “SCA Identification" button. SCAMiner will show the results and highlight all the SCAs. Users can further extract the data to a csv file to construct a dataset by clicking on the “SCA Extraction" button. The first line in the csv file is the title, indicating the repository and type (i.e., issue, PR, and commit) of the extracted data. Identify and Extract PAs on TensorFlow. In the Assumption Extraction submodule of the Data Extraction module, users need to select the TensorFlow repository and a data type, and click on the “PA Identification" button. SCAMiner will show the results and highlight all the sentences that may include a PA. After PA identification, users can click on the “PA Extraction" button to download the results of PA identification for further review. Generate a knowledge graph of the SCAs on TensorFlow. This step is optional. Users need to select the TensorFlow repository and a dimension (i.e., release, month, or day) to construct a knowledge graph of SCAs based on the chosen dimension. The aforementioned results can be further used in various context. For example, through identifying assumptions, users may better understand what was assuming in a certain project and deal with such uncertainty in their future work. § EVALUATION OF SCAMINER We conducted an evaluation on data collection, SCA identification, SCA extraction, PA identification, and PA extraction, as shown in Fig. <ref>. The output of data collection is the input of SCA identification and PA identification, the output of SCA identification is the input of SCA extraction, and the output of PA identification is the input of PA extraction. §.§ Evaluation of Data Collection We conducted an evaluation of using SCAMiner to collect issues, pull requests (PRs), and commits on seven GitHub repositories: Caffe, CNTK, Theano, DeepLearning4J (DL4J), MXNet, Keras, and TensorFlow, regarding the completeness and performance of SCAMiner on data collection. We first created an issue data model (including repository name, title, ID, author, URL, labels, state, body, and comments), a PR data model (including repository name, owner, title, ID, author, URL, labels, state, body, comments, and reviews), and a commit data model (including repository name, owner, OID, author name, author email, committed date, URL, and message). The data items of each data model were selected from the GraphQL API on GitHub[<https://docs.github.com/en/graphql/reference/objects>]. The configuration of the server we used for the evaluation of the data collection is: (1) CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8255C CPU @ 2.50GHz, 2 cores, (2) Memory: 2GB, (3) Hard Disk: 40GB SSD, (4) Operation System: Linux VM-20-4-centos 3.10.0-1160.45.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP. The results of using SCAMiner to collect data are shown in Table <ref>. The results show that SCAMiner can effectively collect issues, PRs, and commits of the repositories on GitHub. Certain repositories (e.g., TensorFlow) may be frequently updated, and there is a need to construct a mechanism for continuously collecting data. §.§ Evaluation of SCA Identification After data collection (as mentioned in Section <ref>), we used the collected data (i.e., issues, PRs, and commits) of the Keras and TensorFlow repository to conduct an evaluation on identifying SCAs using SCAMiner (i.e., the SCA Identification function). The first author manually checked the identified results to classify them as SCAs or non-SCAs. The evaluation results of SCA identification are shown in Table <ref>. The count of the identified SCAs could be larger than the search results (e.g., count of messages in the commits of the Keras repository), since each issue, PR, or commit may include multiple SCAs. For example, an issue of Keras mentions: “Assume we are trying to learn a sequence to sequence map. For this we can use Recurrent and TimeDistributedDense layers. Now assume that the sequences have different lengths. We should pad both input and desired sequences with zeros, right? But how will the objective function handle the padded values? There is no choice to pass a mask to the objective function. Won't this bias the cost function?", which includes two SCAs: “assume we are trying to learn a sequence to sequence map" and “assume that the sequences have different lengths". Since SCAMiner used a keyword-based (i.e., the assumption related terms) search approach for SCA identification, it could go wrong in certain context (e.g., a variable in a code snippet named assume). Moreover, we also found that certain SCAs lack details. For example, an issue of Keras mentioned: “strict enforcement of user input assumptions, and raising of helpful error messages." However, we cannot understand what exactly the user input assumptions are. These SCAs need to be further processed by SCAMiner (e.g., add warnings in the results). The results show that SCAMiner can correctly identify 94.92% SCAs (1,961 SCAs out of 2,066 SCAs) from the issues, PRs, and commits of the Keras and TensorFlow repository. Certain variables and functions named as for example assume exist in issues, PRs, and commits, which needs to be further processed by SCAMiner. §.§ Evaluation of SCA Extraction We further evaluated whether SCAMiner (i.e., the SCA Extraction function) can correctly extract SCAs (i.e., at the sentence level) using the identification results (i.e., 1961 identified SCAs) of the Keras and TensorFlow repository from <ref>. The first author manually checked the extracted results to classify them as correct extraction and missed extraction. The results are shown in Table <ref>. As an example, there are 298 SCAs in the body of Keras issues. SCAMiner correctly extracted 290 of the SCAs, but missed 8 SCAs. The results show that SCAMiner can correctly extract 97.55% SCAs (1,913 SCAs out of 1,961 SCAs) from the issues, PRs, and commits of the Keras and TensorFlow repository. Certain structures of the issues, PRs, and commits (e.g., “assume" and “assumption" exist in one sentence) may lead to errors in SCA extraction, which needs further investigation and improvements. §.§ Evaluation of PA Identification For PAs, we manually labeled 35,855 sentences from the issues, PRs, and commits of multiple repositories (e.g., Keras and Theano), and constructed a dataset, containing a training set and a test set with a data proportion of 8:2 from the labeled sentences. We created a vocabulary and tokenized the data from the dataset based on the vocabulary. Then we constructed the deep learning model (based on ALBERT), trained the model for 50,000 epochs with a batch size of 32 and a learning rate of 2e-5. The results show that the best accuracy of identifying PAs using SCAMiner on the test set is 0.9451 on Epoch 22,000. Considering repositories may have various context (e.g., different development policies), there is a need to further extend the dataset to include more data from the repositories, which will help to improve the generalization ability of SCAMiner in identifying PAs. § CONCLUSIONS Assumptions and their management are important in software development. The prerequisite of analyzing and understanding assumptions in software development is to identify and extract those assumptions with acceptable effort. To this end, we proposed SCAMiner to automatically identify and extract SCAs on GitHub projects. Besides providing a running example of using SCAMiner on the TensorFlow project, we also evaluated the performance of SCAMiner, and the results show that SCAMiner can effectively identify and extract SCAs from the repositories on GitHub. SCAMiner can be potentially used for the research topics regarding assumptions and their management in software development, such as assumption making, evolution, evaluation, and reasoning. For future work, the following aspects of SCAMiner can be further optimized: (1) There is a need to construct a mechanism for continuously collecting data using SCAMiner. (2) The identification of SCAs and PAs can be further optimized (e.g., develop new deep learning models, construct a larger dataset and train deep learning models based on the dataset). (3) Certain patterns of the issues, PRs, and commits (e.g., a variable named “assume") may lead to incorrect SCA identification and extraction, which can be further addressed in SCAMiner. (4) Assumptions are related to various types of software artifacts (e.g., requirements, design decisions, and technical debt). Automatically recovering the relationships between assumptions and such artifacts in SCAMiner is a promising future direction. IEEEtran
A data-driven analysis of UK cyber defence
[ "Justin McKeown" ]
[ "cs.CR", "cs.CY" ]
Nearest-Neighbor Inter-Intra Contrastive Learning from Unlabeled Videos David Fan Deyu Yang Xinyu Li Vimal Bhat Rohith MV Amazon Prime Video {fandavi, deyu, xxnl, vimalb, kurohith}@amazon.com March 30, 2023 =================================================================================================================================== Just as computational technologies are a dominant feature of 21st Century life, so too are the various ways in which computers may be exploited for malicious purposes. The ubiquity of computer-based threats is such that, for the UK and other nation states, cyber security is a matter of growing national defence significance. Evidencing this, the UK's most recent integrated review of security, defence and foreign policy mentioned the term `cyber' 149 times, with the UK prime minister stating therein that by 2030 the UK aspires to be `one of the worlds leading democratic cyber powers'. To fulfill this vision, the UK must first have a sense of the nature of its threat landscape. In order to contribute to this understanding, our research addresses the question: What are the conditions of the UK’s cyber threat landscape? In asking this question, we are also seeking to answer a second, more pragmatic question: how can the UK’s cyber defences be improved? There is a tendency when addressing questions of national significance to focus on large complex challenges, such as the threats posed to the UK by Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs). In this paper we take a different approach, choosing instead to focus on detectable, known and therefore potentially preventable cyber threats, specifically those that are identifiable by the types of malicious scanning activities they exhibit. We have chosen this approach for two reasons. First, as is evidenced herein, the vast majority of cyber threats affecting the lives and business endeavours of UK citizens are identifiable, preventable threats. Thus the potential exists to better improve UK cyber defence by improving how citizens are supported in preventing, detecting and responding to cyber threats; achieving this requires an evidence base. Second, it is potentially useful to build a quantifiable evidence base of the known threat space —that is to say detectable, identifiable and therefore potentially preventable cyber threats —to ascertain if this information may also be useful when attempting to detect the emergence of more novel, dangerous cyber threats; for example the kind more readily associated with APTs. Therefore, this research presents an analysis of malicious internet scanning activity collected within the UK between 1st December 2020 and the 30th November 2021. The data was gathered via a custom automated system which collected and processed data from Greynoise and Shodan APIs, cross referencing it with data from the Office of National Statistics and proprietorial data on UK place names and geolocation. The research was carried out after ethical approval by the University of Oxford's Computer Science Departmental Research Ethics Committee. The data collated during the course of this research has been made available via the Open Science Foundation platform: https://osf.io/gtbw7/https://osf.io/gtbw7/ § INTRODUCTION Cyber security incidents have become a common feature of 21st Century life. Owing to the ubiquity of computing technologies and the shared nature of cyber space, cyber threats not only affect governments and large corporations, but also SMEs, charities and domestic internet users. According to the Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2021 39% of UK businesses and 26% of UK charities reported cyber security breaches in 2021 <cit.>. Further, among medium to large size enterprises, the figure is approximately 65%, with 51% of higher income charities experiencing some form of cyber security breach between March 2020 and March 2021 <cit.>. In terms of frequency of attack, the report states that 27% of businesses and 23% of charities experience an attack at least once per week. It is not only businesses and charities, but also individuals who are affected by cyber security incidents; as an indicator of this the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) reported that 2.3 million suspicious emails were forwarded to their reporting service in 2020 <cit.>. In considering this report it is evident that beyond the headline grabbing occurrances of cyber attacks on the UK's Parliament <cit.>, UK universities <cit.>, and the mass disruption to the UK's National Health Care System (NHS) as a result of the WannaCry malware event <cit.> UK citizens and organisations face daily challenges in contending with threats in cyber space. Thus defending against cyber threats is a shared challenge, that requires a shared response. In considering how we may make a useful contribution to improving UK cyber defence, we recognise that much scholarly effort is currently being expended in order to develop understanding and approaches to Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), for example <cit.>. Arguably, less is being done to formally examine more prosaic cyber threats, the stuff of which makes up the bulk of most citizens and organisations daily cyber challenges. To this end we set out to collect and analyse data concerning detectable, identifiable and therefore potentially preventable cyber threats originating within the UK. In doing this the aim is to develop a body of data detailing the UK's threat landscape and, building on this, develop evidence-based proposals for helping to improve UK cyber defence. In considering how we may further focus this research, we recognise there is a difference between targeted and non-targeted attacks. We define targeted attacks as those in which an individual or organisation is wilfully selected as the target for a planned cyber attack on the basis of something more than their systems vulnerabilities. For example an employee who has become disgruntled with their employer may decide to launch a cyber attack against them in recompense for their grievance. We define non-targeted attacks as those in which an individual or organisation is selected as the target for a cyber attack on the basis of the vulnerabilities presented by their accessible systems. For example the Mirai malware will scan networks in order to identify suitably configured - and vulnerable - hosts which it can infect. In order to further focus our research, we have decided that we do not want to actively examine targeted attacks and instead we will focus on the non-targeted attacks, which constitute the bulk of cyber threats commonly dealt with by individuals and organisations within the UK. A common feature of non-targeted cyber attacks is that they are opportunistic and utilise code in the form of malware to propagate opportunistically across networks and systems. A key technical behaviour of this propagation process is that such malware will perform internet scanning activity in order to identify suitable hosts presenting with the appropriate vulnerabilities. As such focusing on data collection of internet scanning activity originating within the UK will enable us to gain insight into the types and volume of cyber threats within the UK's geographical borders. With this we decided that one year's worth of such data should provide an ample amount of information for this initial study. In collecting this data we initially want to be able to answer simple questions such as how much malicious internet scanning activity is originating from UK based computer systems? What types of malware and other malicious activities are most prevalent and what type of threat might these pose? What types of operating systems are these scanning activities associated with and what regions of the country does this activity originate from? The structure of the remainder of the paper is as follows. We will first provide some further information regarding motivation and background in order to make evident why we believe this research is necessary and useful. Following from this we provide an outline of our methodology, followed by presentation and analysis of the data we collected between 1st December 2020 and 30th November 2021. Having presented the data we then present questions and implications arising from the data followed, finally, by a conclusion summarising key points in relation to our research questions and and evaluating limits of the study. § MOTIVATION AND BACKGROUND A significant motivation for the initiation of this research in late 2020 was the findings of our initial scoping analysis of the UK's then current approach to cyber defence. At this time the foremost public document describing the UK's approach to Cyber Security was the National Cyber Security Strategy 2016-2021  <cit.>. Using this document as a starting point we set out to understand how, within the context of cyber, relationships between private citizens, public sector and private sector were envisioned. In so doing we were particularly interested in how responsibility for cyber response was formally and informally distributed across various individuals and organisations within the UK and what events or conditions cause them to become active during a cyber incident of growing intensity. This preparatory analysis surveyed a wide variety of sources including formal models of incident response employed in the UK  <cit.>; UK legislation  <cit.>; UK government reports and policies  <cit.>; educational frameworks  <cit.> and guides  <cit.>; as well as frameworks developed by UK professional bodies representing the cyber security industry  <cit.>. Our analysis indicated that while there was cohesion among stakeholders in specific verticals[We use the term `Verticals' to refer to business sectors. For example Health care is a vertical. Banking is a vertical. The use of this word in this way is common in business parlance, and is therefore used here.] there appeared to be less cohesion across verticals and thus overall a potential lack of cohesion in the UK's approach to cyber security. Further the key to improving the cohesion in UK cyber security response lay in improving communication and understanding across verticals between technical and non-technical stakeholders. In recognising this, we set out to develop data which could be used to develop a shared understanding of common threats across all verticals, thus mapping the bedrock of the UK's cyber threat landscape. Thus through addressing the previously raised questions regarding types, volumes, location of threats the groundwork could be laid for strategising an evidenced-based approach to more cohesive cyber response. Since undertaking our initial scoping analysis the UK government has published The National Cyber Security 2022, which takes a very different strategic approach than the previous iteration of this strategy. Importantly, the updated version identifies building cohesion across all verticals —that is to say private citizens, public sector, private sector, government and military —as a requirement for building better cyber resilience, stating that an `holistic whole-of-society' approach is required to improve UK resilience <cit.>. While the updated Cyber security strategy identifies that cohesion must be created it does not detail how this should be achieved. On this point we argue that decision making should be predicated on evidence and informed by research. As such the work we have done, despite the refocusing of government cyber policy, remains relevant to the field. Indeed, just as our research is still relevant so too is some of the research that we have examined during the development of our work. With this in mind, we felt it appropriate to highlight the key research that has informed and further motivated our own research process. §.§ Defining the problem space: Threat Actors, Target Domains, Defender and Technologies One of the biggest challenges we faced when beginning this research was defining a model that adequately represented the cyber problem space. This challenge was not unique to our research and we note that at least early as 2001 researchers were grappling with the challenges of what `cyber space' actually is <cit.>. While the work of Mitra and Schwartz examined cyberspace as an emerging cultural phenomenon, other researchers examined it specifically from a security perspective. Marrone and Sabatino's <cit.> analysis of similarities and differences in strategic approaches to cyber space by different NATO member states is significant because it presents an evidence-based argument for the creation of a shared understanding in the form of regulatory and doctrinal framework, that enables better integration of cyber into other defence strategies <cit.>. In the UK's case this means integration into the vision set out in The Nation Cyber security strategy 2022. In considering the work of Marrone and Sabatino, while we agreed with their arguments and analysis, their approach to modelling the cyber defence space was reliant primarily on existing military and policy models and, for our needs, we sought a more simplistic first principles based approach to modeling the problem space. To this end we reduced the problem to threat actors, target domains and defenders. §.§ Threat Actors Our initial literature review suggested that the dominant approach to threat actor classification is to define threat actors via their tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) and the Indicators of Compromise (IoCs) they leave behind <cit.>. While this approach is effective from a technical perspective, it is less useful when trying to define threats actors in terms that are useful to both technical and non-technical individuals communicating across differing verticals. To this end, we found the work of Mavroeidis et al. <cit.> instructive as it suggested an approach which advocated for the development of commonly agreed-upon controlled vocabularies for characterizing threat actors and their operations. This approach is in dialogue with Marrone and Sabatino's aims of developing a framework that allows for a shared understanding <cit.> and is a potentially viable strategy for ensuring effective communication across verticals between technical and non-technical stakeholders. Further, examples of this already exist in the intelligence community where `words of estimative probability' —commonly referred to as WEPs —are used to confer mathematical probability in plain English <cit.>. With the above in mind we searched for an existing shared vocabulary describing threat actors, which is in common use across various verticals and used by technical and non-technical people. To this end we identified the five main categories of threat actor defined by The National Cyber Security Strategy 2016-2022 as a source of such a taxonomy. These categories are Cyber Criminals, State and State-Sponsored Actors, Terrorists, Hacktivists and Script Kiddies. Cyber criminals are those carrying out two specific types of acts: ‘cyber dependent crimes’ and ‘cyber enabled crimes’ <cit.>. State and state-sponsored threat actors are those threat actors that seek to penetrate UK networks for ‘political, diplomatic, commercial and strategic advantage’ <cit.> at the behest of a nation state. Terrorists are those whose actions fulfil the definition of terrorism given by a range of successive UK legislation passed between 2000 and 2021 <cit.>. Hacktivists are those groups or individuals who are decentralised and issue-orientated and who define targets in response to perceived grievances, ‘introducing a vigilante quality to many of their acts’ <cit.>. Script Kiddies are defined as ‘less skilled individuals who use scripts or programmes developed by others to conduct cyber attacks’ <cit.>. The updated National Cyber Security Strategy 2022 in no way precludes the use of these terms as part of the UK's current approach to cyber security. The question therefore arises, could these categories offer a starting point for the development of a controlled vocabulary for describing qualities and attributes of threat actors? In considering the above further, it is apparent that each threat actor is defined by two key qualities and that these qualities are shared across all five terms. First is the threat actors technological capability. These range from script kiddies who have minimum technical capability, through to nation state actors who have very high technical capability. The second quality is political motivation, which range from cyber criminals who have no political motivation through the personal political motivation of hacktivists to the Political motivation of nation state actors. Thus we note that there may be scope for developing a cyber equivalent to the WEP vocabulary, which utilises technical capability and political motivation as metrics for descriptions of threat actors. The development of such a controlled language would have to be evidence-based and predicated on data which qualified the nature of threat actors. The data we collect during our research could potentially inform the development of such a controlled language and we will therefore return to this subject in the conclusion of this text, once we have presented and analysed our data. §.§ Target Domains Threat actors do not operate in a vacuum and as such their activities effect people, systems or both. Herein we refer to the impact zones of a threat actors activity as the Target Domain. In reviewing scholarly literature regarding target domains, we observed that most activity is focused within specific verticals. For example, there is a range of informative literature dealing exclusively with Industrial control Systems and Critical National Infrastructure <cit.>. There is decidedly less literature analysing target domains across different verticals. In trying to understand why this is the case, we turned to the field of threat modeling. In reviewing literature in this space <cit.> it became apparent that because threat actors are commonly defined via TTPs and IoCs, their definition is fundamentally entwined with the targets of their attack. Thus threat actors who attack CNI are identifiable because of the TTPs they exhibit and IoCs they leave when interacting with CNI. Therefore it is logical that most research focused on target domains is domain-specific because the methods used to identify threat actors rely on the specificities of the interaction between specific threat actors and specific target domains. In balance we found an alternative approach in the field of Threat Intelligence, and in particular in the work of Mavroeidis and Bormander <cit.>. In their research Mavroeidis and Bormander evaluated taxonomies and ontologies within cyber security, ultimately advocating for the development of a multi-layered cyber threat intelligence model. This aligns strongly with the aspirations of our research. In noting this we also note that one of the merits of collecting data regarding malicious scanning activity is that this activity originates from within several different target domains and thus crosses multiple verticals. As such, it creates an evidence base for addressing the question of what would a multi-layered cyber threat intelligence model look like? Further, could it be articulated in a controlled vocabulary that had utility across multiple verticals between technical and non-technical stakeholders? To achieve this we must first identify existing target domains that could be used when analysing our data. In support of this we note that the National Breaches Survey 2022 <cit.> divides various areas of UK civil endeavour up into the domains of UK micro and small businesses, medium and large businesses, charities, and education. These categories combined with those encompassed by CNI cover a significant amount of potential target domains within UK Society. To these domains we would add that of domestic environments, since this seems overlooked. We will return to this question of target domains, later in the analysis and conclusion of this text. §.§ Defenders Having considered threat actors and target domains, we also sought to review literature which quantifies the roles, qualities and responsibilities of cyber defenders. We found limited scholarly literature in this domain, and conclude that it is therefore a developing field. Of the scholarly work we identify as relevant, the work of Malviya, Fink et al. was informative <cit.> as it sought to discover qualities that are common to good cyber defenders. In relation to our own study, their work had limited utility primarily because of its focus on military personal. Beyond academia, we found the work of two UK cyber security professional bodies informative. The UK Cyber Security Council (UKCSC) —which the NCSC describe as the ‘voice of the cyber security profession in the UK’ <cit.> —list 16 specialisms within the field of cyber security <cit.>. In contrast, the Chartered Institute of Information Security `(CIISec) —which is the other main UK professional cyber security association —also attempts to quantify the range of specialisms within the UK cyber sector via the publication of a skills framework that lists fourteen different areas of specialisation <cit.>. In comparing these lists both professional organisations recognise Cyber Security management, Digital Forensics, Threat Intelligence, Secure Systems Architecture, Audit and Assurance, Secure Operations, Incident Response, and Security Testing as categories of cyber security defender endeavour within the UK. In terms of divergence UKCSC recognise Vulnerability Management, Cryptography and Communications Security, Secure Systems Development and Cyber Security Generalist as additional fields of specialism. In contrast CIISec recognise Information Security Governance and Management, Operational Security Management, Data Protection, Privacy and Identity Management, Business Resilience, Information Security Research, and Contributions to the Information Security Professional Development as additional categories of specialism for UK defenders. In considering these areas of convergence and divergence, it is of note that those categories defined by UKCSC are grounded in technical endeavour, whereas those defined by CIISec focus more on categories of management. What is clear from this is that, while there are some areas of agreement among professional bodies, there is no firm consensus on the categories of specialism within UK cyber defence and thus no clearly defined categories of cyber defenders. In nothing this we also note the UKCSC and a number of other bodies are currently working to better define categories of specialism within UK cyber defence. To this end the UK Cyber Body of Knowledge <cit.> —commonly referred to as CYBOK —has been developed and work is underway to map UK cyber endeavour to this framework. In considering the work of these bodies and the development of CYBOK, the question arises, could analysis of data on types of common threats tackled by UK cyber defenders better inform how we conceive of and define cyber defenders? §.§ Threat Modelling Having defined threat actors, target domains and defenders the natural temptation is to attempt to model the relationship between these things. To this end we could turn to the field of threat modelling and utilise already existing practices, for example <cit.>. However, we will resist the urge to do this and instead turn to the collection, presentation and analysis of our data so as to provide an evidence-base for further addressing the key questions raised thus far in this text. Specifically: through addressing the questions of volume, type and location of malicious scanning activities is it possible to develop an evidence-base upon which one may be able to develop a multi-layered cyber threat intelligence model for the UK, which works across verticals between technical and non-technical stakeholders? Further, could a WEP-style be utilised in this? § METHODOLOGY Having undertaken the above discussed scoping analysis, we designed and built a system that would automate daily collection and analysis of data concerning internet scanning activity originating from within the UK. The system utilised a specially agreed academic API from Greynoise <cit.> to enable data collection. IP addresses were extracted from Greynoise data and then used to query the Shodan <cit.> internet search engine. This was done so as to further enrich the data gathered via Greynoise. Information from both Greynoise and Shodan was then further contextualised using data supplied by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) and proprietary geolocation data purchased from the UK company TownList <cit.>. This data collection and contextualising process took place on a daily basis. Each day at 10:07AM the process would begin with an automated request to Greynoise for the entirety of their previous days data concerning internet scanning activity originating from within the UK. After running an initial testing of the system for one month, we began formal data collection on the 1st December 2020 and ceased formal collection the 30th November 2021. Through analysis of the data and by examining it in light of the material covered in our initial scoping analysis we were able to develop a series of insights and recommendations regarding our reserarch questions. § DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS In this section we present the data gathered along with supplemental information to aid with its interpretation. Though before doing so it is important to discuss the quality of the data being analysed. §.§ Data Quality Over the 365 days of data collection, Greynoise reported that it detected and tagged a total of 851,972 internet scanning activities originating within the UK. From Greynoise's 851,972 detection records we were able to retrieve 491,668. The missing data is attributed to Greynoise capping the number of results it returned via the API it had made available for our research purposes. For clarity, of the missing 360,304 records, 301,467 are associated with unprecedented swells in internet scanning activity on the 18th and 19th of December 2020 and on the 15th and 16th April 2021. It is of note that these dates correlate with the SolarWinds and Microsoft Exchange Server attacks. These events may well be the reason for the unprecedented swell in internet scanning activity on these dates. While the Greynoise API did not allow us to capture complete datasets for these dates we did manage to retrieve partial datasets for each, consisting of 10,000 entries per day. The remaining 58,837 unaccounted for records are spread throughout the period from 4th July 2021 to 30th November 2021. Aside from the omissions noted, the data collected between 1st December 2020 and 3rd July 2021 is complete. §.§ Identifying UK based scanning activity Of the 491,668 complete records obtained, Greynoise classified 211,460 records as being from ‘unspoofable’ IP addresses. Greynoise classifies an IP address as ‘unspoofable’ when it has observed a complete TCP authentication process. Thus, we can conclude that 211,460 of the records account for activity originating from within the UK, while the remaining 280,208 may or may not originate from a UK based IP address. In considering this, for the purposes of accuracy, we will continue to focus only on activity which originates from ‘unspoofable’ UK IP addresses. §.§ Malicious, Benign and unclassifiable scanning activity Of the 211,460 ‘unspoofable’ records, Greynoise classified 7,410 as `benign'; 77,677 as `malicious' and the remaining 126,373 as `unknown'. Greynoise classifies activity as benign when it recognises the source of the scanning activity; for example, search engines such as Google. Where an entity exhibits behaviour that explicitly evidences malevolent intent it is classified as malicious; for example attempted use of the Bluekeep exploit <cit.> on one of Greynoise's cloud-based sensors. When scanning activity falls into neither category it is classified as ‘unknown’. Therefore some of the data classified as `unknown' may in fact be malicious activity that, at the time of collection, could not be accurately verified as such. The inverse of this statement is also true. Table 1 presents a breakdown of the monthly volume of internet scanning activity originating from the UK along with a breakdown of their Greynoise classification. In examining this data it is notable that the volume of `malicious' and `unknown' scanning activity is significantly larger than that of `benign' scanning activity. §.§ Types of malicious scanning activity For the purposes of transparency, Greynoise also makes a number of distinctions in its tagging process which would be highly useful to a SOC analyst, but which are overly granular for the purposes of our analysis. For example Greynoise provides separate tags for Mirai malware and some of its derivatives. Further Greynoise also distinguishes between Eternalblue and activity which is highly probably Eternalblue. We have therefore chosen to ignore these minor distinctions and combine the data for these tags. This combination gives a detection count for Mirai of 27,361 and 18,107 for Eternalblue. With all of the above interpretations of the original Greynoise data accounted for, it is significant that of the 279 unique subcategories of scanning activities, The top 10 of these account for 61.85% of all malicious scanning activity originating from UK IP addresses during the period of study. Of these top 10, the top 5 are responsible for 44.71% of all malicious scanning activity originating within the UK (see Table 2). In making these claims it is important to be clear that they are based on counting the number of times various scanning activities were tagged by Greynoise and thus the claim is limited by the fact that the data is collected from a single source. For thoroughness, below we provide a brief summary of what the top 10 detected malicious scanning activities are and the threats they represent. §.§.§ Mirai By volume of activity, Mirai malware and its variants are the most common source of malicious scanning activity detected within the UK during the research period. Mirai commonly infects so-called ‘smart’ devices that run ARC processors <cit.>. When Mirai infects a device, it turns it into a node in a botnet network and later uses it to launch DDoS attacks. Mirai spreads by scanning the internet looking for devices capable of hosting it. If the default name and password is not changed on such devices, then Mirai is able to log into the device and infect it. Greynoise applies the Mirai classification to devices that have exhibited behaviour indicative of infection with Mirai or a Mirai variant <cit.>. The risk arising from the Mirai threat is the hijacking and mobilisation of UK-based computer devices to launch attacks both within and outside the UK. §.§.§ Web Crawler The term web crawler is somewhat ambiguous when used in the context of malicious scanning activity. A web crawler crawls the web indexing sites using criteria set by the crawler’s authors. Given the lack of further detail available on the types of web crawling behaviours observed by Greynoise, we can only assume that the activity is indicative of intelligence gathering and the reconnaissance part of the cyber kill chain. The risk arising from these threats is therefore the targeting of individuals, organisations or websites via information gathered through this profiling activity. §.§.§ Telnet Bruteforcer and Telnet Scanner Telnet scanners and Telnet bruteforcers both target the Telnet application protocol, though in slightly different ways. Both search the internet for servers exposing the Telnet to the web. When a server is discovered, the Telnet scanner will attempt to fingerprint any services running; a typical example of this is afforded via the Metasploit’s Telnet auxiliary modules <cit.>. Going beyond fingerprinting, the Telnet brute forcer will attempt to brute force the target system’s password. Telnet scanning activity may well be a precursor to a Telnet bruteforce attempt. Further, both activities are highly likely to be a precursor to other forms of malicious activity. The risk therefore is further exploitation of the server, undermining the confidentiality, integrity and availability of services hosted by the compromised system. The compromised system may also be used as a platform from which to launch more sophisticated attacks, such as those discussed above, against other servers. §.§.§ Generic IoT Brute Force attempt Greynoise applies the tag generic IoT brute force attempt to any IP that has been observed attempting to brute force IoT devices via Telnet or SSH with generic default credentials <cit.>. Such activity therefore bears relationship to both Mirai and Telnet scanners both in terms of threat and behaviour; and accordingly, in terms of risk. §.§.§ Eternalblue and SMbv1 Crawlers Eternalblue is the name given to an exploit that targets a vulnerability (MS17-010) in Microsoft’s Sever Message Block (SMB) protocol. This exploit was a feature of both WannaCry and NotPetya <cit.>. The exploit was originally developed by America's National Security Agency (NSA), before being stolen and leaked to the wider internet by the Shadow Brokers hacking group. EternalBlue targets multiple versions of Windows and enables attackers to gain remote access to infected devices. Greynoise applies this classification to IP addresses observed trying to infect devices across the internet using the EquationGroup’s EternalBlue exploit <cit.>. Related to this, Greynoise classifies SMBv1 crawlers as those IP addresses which have been observed crawling the internet for SMBv1. Thus, the latter could in some circumstances be an activity that prefigures the former. The threat posed by compromise of the SMB protocol – via EternalBlue or other means - is multifaceted and dependent on the accordances of the infected device, and what other devices it may be connected to. Worryingly, this could include Critical National Infrastructure as was the case with NotPetya. The risk therefore is compromise and disruption of services across the entire spectrum of domains in which computing devices are used. §.§.§ SSH Worm and SSH Brute Forcer Greynoise applies the tag SSH worm to IP addresses that have been observed attempting to brute force SSH server credentials and that also exhibit signs indicating that it was compromised and is operating on behalf of a another actor <cit.>. The SSH Brute Forcer classification tag is only applied to devices observed attempting to brute force SSH credentials. The risks arising from SSH worm activity and SSH brute forcing are the compromise of the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of SSH worm compromised servers and their further exploitation via malicious actors. This may include more severe attacks on other systems, organisations or even individuals depending on the nature of services and data hosted on the compromised machine. §.§.§ HTTP Alt Scanner This tag is applied to entities observed scanning web servers for open alternative http ports. This may be as part of an attempt to compromise servers hosting web services through non-standard ports. If a server is compromised via such a service then it may be used as a platform from which the attacker may launch other, more sophisticated attacks. § SCANNING BY OPERATING SYSTEM Having considered the various forms of malicious scanning activity, it is also insightful to consider the types of operating system most frequently associated with each top ten scanning activity. We present this data in Table 3. In examining this information it is evident that computers running Linux Kernel 2.2-3.x are most frequently the source of malicious scanning activity. Linux Kernel 2.2 dates from 2000 with the earliest version of Linux Kernel 3 dating from 2012. The last version of Linux Kernel 3.x was released in 2015. This therefore suggests that the computers running these operating systems have not been updated due to neglect, or else they cannot be updated owing to either software dependencies or the critical nature of roles they perform while running. Beyond the top ten detected malicious scanning activities, it is instructive to examine the breadth of operating systems from which malicious scanning activity appears to originate. Within our study we detected 14 different variants of operating system associated with malicious scanning activity. There were also a multitude of scanning activities originating from operating systems which we could not resolve to a specific known fingerprint. We have categorised data originating from the later as being attached to `unknown' operating systems. In doing this we note that these unknown operating systems may be one of those already listed in the table, it is simply the case that the operating system could not be resolved at the time of detection. We present this data in Table 4. In considering the implications of the data listed in Table 4, it is important to note that the predominance of Linux in the listings does not imply that it is a less secure operating system. Indeed, FreeBSD is a Linux operating system and ranks below that of Mac OS X for times tagged in relation to malicious scanning activity. The frequency with which an operating system is associated with malicious scanning activity is most likely attributable to a combination of factors. Firstly the proliferation of the operating system and secondly the context in which it ids used. For example, Linux is often the operating system of choice for server administrators setting up services which can be accessed from the internet. § VOLUME OF UNIQUE IP ADDRESSES SCANNING Within the period of study a total of 18,799 unique IP Addresses were detected performing malicious scanning activity from within the UK. Almost all of these unique IP addresses were associated with multiple types of malicious scanning activity. Table 3 presents the number of the unique IP addresses associated with each of the top ten scanning activities. In reading between Tables 2 and 5 it is evident that, for example, 8,017 IP addresses were associated with 27,259 detected Mirari scanning activities. §.§ IP Addresses data interpretation In considering the data presented in Table 5 it is important to note for less technical readers that unique IP detections do not neatly translate into the number of unique machines performing the associated activity. To be explicit: just because 8,017 unique IP addresses were detected performing behaviour indicative of Mirai malware scanning activity does not mean that there are 8,017 computers infected with Mirai scanning the internet looking for new hosts to infect. The reason IP address count does not neatly translate to the number of machines performing a given activity is because of the way in which IPv4 addresses are utilised as a finite resource for addressing networks and systems across the global internet. It is important to clarify how IPs are used as a resource so that we are precise in defining what the collected data can and cannot tell us. §.§ ASNs, IP Pools and ISPs An Autonomous System Number (ASN) is an identification number given to the controller of a routable IP address range managed by a single entity or organisation. This organisation is responsible for the management, supervision and control of activities within the given IP range. An Internet Service Provider (ISP) provides one such instance of such an organisation. Thus, for example, the controller of ASN AS9105 is UK-based ISP TalkTalk Communication Limited who are responsible for 3,032,320 IPs across a number of address ranges <cit.>. In terms of day to day management, the IP addresses in a given ASN are essentially a pool of resources that are assigned and unassigned to different consumers for varying periods of time. For example, the IP addresses allocated to domestic internet users are frequently renewed by their ISPs. Thus a domestic customer's external network IP address may change every few days. Conversely, some business users may require fixed IP addresses to enable delivery of their services and thus may operate from fixed IP addresses all year round. When a customer leases an IP from an ASN controller — most commonly via and ISP — they may in turn use it to create a subnet. Thus a single IP address in an ASN may be the gateway address of a network comprised of hundred of different computing devices. The processes of assigning and unassigning IPs combined with the ability of those leasing IPs to subnet them is the reason why we cannot neatly equate one IP address to one machine when reading the collected data. With the above in mind, while it is not possible within the scope of the study to neatly equate the number of observed IP addresses to the number of machines performing malicious scanning activity, it is theoretically possible to use the collected data to not only count but also locate the machines performing the observed malicious scanning activity. Doing this would require retrieving additional data from multiple ASN controllers, though it is possible because as part of the management of their networks, ASN controllers are required to keep records of which IP addresses are assigned to which legal entities (i.e. people, businesses) including the date and time these were assigned and unassigned. As such, through direct working with ASN controllers, it would be possible to calculate the number of IP addresses responsible for each scanning activity and indeed identify the legal entities associated with these IP addresses; one would simply need to be important enough for multiple ASN controllers to be willing to collaborate on such a project. For example, one may need to be a government agency. §.§ Malicious Scanning by ASN Controller While the above calculations are beyond the scope of the data available to us, it it is possible to use the collected data to calculate the volume of scanning activity associated with various ASN controllers networks. We can do this by taking the IP addresses associated with malicious scanning activity and grouping these by ASN controller. In turn we can then use the existing mapping of IPs to malicious scanning activity to map malicious scanning back to ASNs. If we examine this data on a monthly basis we are able to gain insight into the number of times particular types of malicious scanning activity were tagged within each ASN controllers IP pool. From this we infer the frequency with which various activities were detected. Within the data collected we identified 2,298 unique ASN controllers. Of these 2,298 ASN controllers, malicious scanning activity was observed to originate from just 406 of them. This suggests that 100% of the activity discussed herein are originating from IPs governed by 17.7% of ASNs. Table 6 provides a summary of the 10 ASN Controllers in which malicious scanning activity was tagged most frequently. In contrast Table 7 provides a summary of the 10 ASN controllers in which the top ten malicious scanning activities were tagged in most frequently. It is of note that 9 of the providers feature in both Tables 6 and 7. It is important to note that just because malicious scanning activity has not been observed to originate from an ASN controllers network does not mean that it is free of malicious scanning activity. Rather, it could equally be true that the type of malicious scanning activity originating in the network was not classifiable as malicious by Greynoise and therefore has evaded consideration in our study. Thus it may simply be that the nature of the nature of the activities conducted on the ASN's listed in Tables 4 and 5 is conducive to the types of infections we are examining. A further consideration is that, because our data is drawn from a single source —Greynoise —, then the concentration of scanning activity in a small percentage of ASNs may be reflective of the locations of Greynoise's detection systems. Clarifying exactly why we see this imbalance across ASNs is beyond the scope of this study, though we note that is worthy of further investigation in future research. § SCANNING BY GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION Having examined types of malicious scanning activity, volume of associated IP addresses and the ASN controllers associated with these IPs, it is interesting to also consider the geographic locations to which these IPs belong. In doing this, it must be noted that our ability to resolve IPs to geophysical locations is largely reliant on Greynoise's tagging of the city location, region and country from which various scanning activities originate. Table 8 presents a summary of the top cities in the UK from which malicious scanning activity appears to originate. Table 9 presents similar data, but with a focus on the top 10 scanning activities introduced in Table 2. In examining the data presented in Tables 8 and 9 it is apparent that major UK cities are the main sites from which much malicious scanning activity appears to originate. Upon analysis of Office for National Statistics (ONS) data, population does not seem to be a defining factor in the frequency with which malicious scanning is tagged in various UK locations. It is more probable that population size and the infrastructure of internet routing plays a contributing roles with regards the frequency of tagging in relation to geographic locations. However, testing this proposal is beyond the scope of what has been possible so far with this research. § SCANNING BY POLICE REGION In further considering the geographic spread of malicious scanning activity it is interesting to note that Section 77 of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act (2001) <cit.> outlines seven national strategic policing requirements, which the Home Secretary requires regional police forces to prioritise. Among these are serious organised crime, child sexual exploitation and national cyber security incidents <cit.>. In light of this increasing demand on police to develop their capcity to cyber crime it is therefore insightful to consider how the data examined so far maps into UK policing regions. Table 8 presents this information for the entirety of the UK's policing services. In examining the data in Table 10 in relation to that in Table 8 and 9, it is of note that there is some approximate mapping between the ranking of large cities by observed malicious scanning activity and the policing regions within which they are located. For example, City of London police and Metropolitan police have jurisdiction over London and greater London. Thus, both London and Bexley which are cited in Tables 8 and 9, fall within their jurisdiction. Similarly, Birmingham is covered by West Midlands police, Cardiff by South Wales police, Leeds by West Yorkshire police, Liverpool by Merseyside police and Southampton by Hampshire police. Norwich lies within the jurisdiction of Norfolk police, which is ranked 15th. Only the ranking of Bedfordshire police in 30th position, who have jurisdiction over Luton, seems anomalous. In examining this data it is evident that, overall, City of London is the policing region from which by far the most malicious scanning activity was seen to originate from. The reasons for this are unclear, but the statistics are notable and prompt future study. § QUESTIONS, IMPLICATIONS AND OPPORTUNITIES In undertaking this research process we set out to examine if —through analysis of the volume, type and locations of detectable and therefore identifiable malicious scanning activities —it is possible to develop an evidence-base upon which one may be able to develop a multi-layered cyber threat intelligence model for the UK. In considering this we note that the data gathered evidences that it is possible to gather quantitative data regarding scanning activity from specific geographic regions, be these occurrences, cities, policing regions. Using this data it is possible to identify potentially malicious scanning activity that, in some instances, is indicative of known forms of detectable and therefore potentially preventable Malware. This tell us that it is possible to collect data which can be used to develop a UK focused threat intelligence model. For this model to be multi-layered then it should cross verticals, and be valuable to technical and non-technical stakeholders. In considering these requirements we note that the data gathered is not restricted to a single domain and in this respect fulfills part of our objectives. In terms of being valuable to technical and non-technical stakeholders, we must further consider if the insights gained from data analysis may suggest specific actions that could create value for technical and non-technical stakeholders in different verticals. The data examined suggests that the top 5 most frequently tagged malware scanning activities accounts for 46.34% of the total volume of malware tagged in the period of study. If the data gathered is indicative of typical trends over a much longer period, then we argue that a campaign of activity directed towards the prevention, detection and response to emphMirai, Web Crawlers, Telnet Brute Forcers, IoT brute forcers, and emphEternalblue could improve the cyber-defences of UK citizens, charities and businesses. In arguing this we fully recognise that some of the scanning activities are much more challenging to address than others. Nonetheless, we propose that focusing part of the UK's civil cyber defence efforts on improving the understanding of technical and non-technical stakeholders with regards how to prevent, detect and respond to these threats could positively improve UK cyber defence. In suggesting this we also propose that a practical pilot study could be designed which tests the efficacy of taking such a targeted approach. In the study we noted that IP addresses can be resolved back to the ASN controllers. Some of these ASN controllers are also Internet Service Providers who lease IPs to domestic users, businesses and charities. An interesting finding of this study is that annually somewhere between 0% and 0.04% of almost all ASN controllers' IP addresses are associated with performing malicious scanning activity. This is a comparatively small percentage of their overall pool and given their responsibilities towards securing their own networks, the question arises could ASN controllers do more to alert users that their IP address is associated with malicious scanning activity, so as to support broader campaign of activity to improve UK cyber defence? Building on the above it was noted that, through working with ASN controllers it may be possible to resolve malicious scanning activities back to companies, individuals and potentially even devices in networks. To achieve this would require collaboration between ISPs and a publicly trusted 3rd party. If this were undertaken as a public service in order to provide private citizens, SMEs and charities with a publicly accessible tool through which to check their own IP addresses for malicious activity, then this could offer a means to create further value for both technical and non-technical stakeholders. In suggesting this we also note that if such a collaboration were undertaken as a security or policing endeavour then we speculate that this could invoke similar negative reactions as took place with the Investigatory Powers Act (2016) <cit.>, thus caution and an exploratory pilot study is advised to test the potential of this suggestion. The final question that remain to be addressed is that of how the data collected may inform a WEP-style language that could be useful to technical and non-technical stakeholders across different verticals. Having analysed our data set, an obvious shortcoming is that because the data is comprised of detectable and therefore potentially preventable threats, it only covers part of the spectrum of threats faced by UK cyber defenders. Thus it does not provide an adequate basis to inform the complete requirements of a WEP-style language. Further, having considered what the data does and does not tell us about the nature of cyber threats, it is questionable what purpose a WEP-style language would serve since from a technical perspective the utility of attribution is limited. In balance, we must also consider that while cyber incidents directly impact technical systems, they also indirectly, though often purposefully, impact non-technical domains. Thus we argue that that the value of a WEP-style language lies not in its ability to attribute cyber incidents to specific threat actors but rather in its potential to classify the character and severity of a threat in terms that enable precise communication between technical and non-technical stakeholders when attempting to prevent, detect or respond to specific cyber incidents. This may therefore enable technical and on-technical stakeholders to calibrate their efforts. To this end we return to the categories of Cyber Criminal, State and State-Sponsored Actors, Terrorists, Hacktivists and Script Kiddies <cit.> and propose that the relationship between political motivation and technical capability form an X, Y axis within which each of the five given categories could be plotted. Thus the data provides a starting point for further research in this domain. § LIMITATIONS This study would not be complete without some discussion of its limitations. A key limitation is that the data presented is collected via a single source —Greynoise —with further data collection and contextualization from the other cited sources. While Greynoise has a formidable collection system spanning many networks and countries, we have to recognise the limitations of a single source. Another potential limitation is that our research is focused entirely on the UK. Thus we have not considered if the scanning activities we have observed in relation to the UK are typical or anomalous when compared to other countries. These limitations of data-source and geographic focus also present opportunities for further research and thus it may be possible to develop more informed insights. Another note worthy limitation of our work is that the period of collection, though long enough for our initial study, is in comparative terms relatively short. It has therefore been a challenge to develop insights that would be indicative of trends in scanning behaviour. Therefore in future work we would aspire to work over a longer period of time, reporting results periodically. With these shortcomings in mind, we believe that our findings though modest establish a basis for future research that would enable us to more completely explore the questions we outlined in the background and motivation section of this text. § CONCLUSION Through this study we have developed an evidence-based approach to UK cyber defence with a specific focus on addressing the types of cyber security threats faced most frequently by UK citizens. We have achieved this through a focus on detectable and therefore potentially preventable forms of malicious scanning activity, many of which are symptomatic of devices infected with malware. The findings of the study highlight those types of scanning activity which are most prevalent in the UK and provide suggestions for targeted strategies that may be initiated in order to reduce these activities. In doing this we also identify major stakeholders who could potentially work together for the public good and help reduce the threats identified herein. We believe their is sufficient evidence gathered to warrant the development of pilot schemes to explore practical approaches to supporting domestic internet users, SMEs and charities in better defending themselves against malicious internet scanning activities that target or infect their systems. § ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research was undertaken while completing MSc studies in Software and Systems Security at the University of Oxford, UK. With gratitude, I acknowledge the advice and encouragement I received from Professor Andrew Simpson while progressing this research. acm
New solar X-ray constraints on keV Axion-Like Particles
[ "Cyprien Beaufort", "Mar Bastero-Gil", "Tiffany Luce", "Daniel Santos" ]
[ "hep-ph", "astro-ph.SR" ]
Interventional Bag Multi-Instance Learning On Whole-Slide Pathological Images
[ "Tiancheng Lin", "Zhimiao Yu", "Hongyu Hu", "Yi Xu", "Chang Wen Chen" ]
[ "cs.CV" ]
Interventional Bag Multi-Instance Learning On Whole-Slide Pathological Images Tiancheng Lin1,2 Zhimiao Yu1,2 Hongyu Hu1,2 Yi Xu1,2Corresponding author. Chang Wen Chen3 1 Shanghai Key Lab of Digital Media Processing and Transmission, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 2 MoE Key Lab of Artificial Intelligence, AI Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 3 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China {ltc19940819, carboxy, mathewcrespo, xuyi}@sjtu.edu.cn, changwen.chen@polyu.edu.hk Received: date / Accepted: date ================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== Multi-instance learning (MIL) is an effective paradigm for whole-slide pathological images (WSIs) classification to handle the gigapixel resolution and slide-level label. Prevailing MIL methods primarily focus on improving the feature extractor and aggregator. However, one deficiency of these methods is that the bag contextual prior may trick the model into capturing spurious correlations between bags and labels. This deficiency is a confounder that limits the performance of existing MIL methods. In this paper, we propose a novel scheme, Interventional Bag Multi-Instance Learning (IBMIL), to achieve deconfounded bag-level prediction. Unlike traditional likelihood-based strategies, the proposed scheme is based on the backdoor adjustment to achieve the interventional training, thus is capable of suppressing the bias caused by the bag contextual prior. Note that the principle of IBMIL is orthogonal to existing bag MIL methods. Therefore, IBMIL is able to bring consistent performance boosting to existing schemes, achieving new state-of-the-art performance. Code is available at <https://github.com/HHHedo/IBMIL>. § INTRODUCTION The quantitative analysis of whole-slide pathological images (WSIs) is essential for both diagnostic and research purposes <cit.>. Beyond complex biological structures, WSIs are quite different from natural images in the gigapixel resolution and expensive annotation, which is thus formulated as a multi-instance learning (MIL) <cit.> problem: treating each WSI as a labeled bag and the corresponding patches as unlabeled instances. Such a de facto paradigm has been demonstrated in extensive tasks on WSIs, e.g., classification <cit.>, regression <cit.> and segmentation <cit.>. The prevailing scheme for WSI classification — bag-level MIL — is depicted in <ref>. Given the patchified images as instances, each instance is embedded in vectors by a feature extractor in the first stage. Second, for each bag, their corresponding instance features are aggregated as a bag-level feature for classification. More and more new frameworks are proposed to improve the two stages following this scheme <cit.>. It is convinced that learning better instance features and modeling more accurate instance relationships can bring better performance of MIL. While we have witnessed the great efforts, they still leave the “bag contextual prior" issue unsolved: the information shared by bags of the same class but irrelevant to the label, which may affect the final predictions. For example, in <ref>, due to the dataset bias, most of the instances in the positive bags are stained pink but purple in the negative bags. The co-occurrence of specific color patterns and labels may mislead the model to classify bags by color statistics instead of the key instances — the more pink instances a bag contains, the more likely it is a positive bag.  <ref> illustrates another example: even if the prediction is correct, the underlying visual attention is not reasonable, where the high attention scores are put on the disease-irrelevant instances outside the blue curves in the bags. From the causal lens, the bag contextual prior is a confounder that opens up a backdoor path for bags and labels, causing spurious correlations between them. To suppress such a bias, we need a more efficient mechanism for the actual causality between bags and labels, i.e., the bag prediction is based on the bag's content (e.g., key instances), which can not be fully achieved only by above mentioned new frameworks. In fact, it is challenging to achieve unbiased bag predictions as such a bias happens in the data generation – the tissue preparations, staining protocols, digital scanners, etc. In this paper, we propose a novel MIL scheme, Interventional Bag Multi-Instance Learning (IBMIL), to tackle this challenge. In particular, we propose a structure causal model (SCM) <cit.> to analyze the causalities among bag contextual prior, bags and labels. The key difference of IBMIL is that it contains another stage of interventional training (see  <ref> right). Given the aggregator trained in the second stage, instead of directly using it for inference via likelihood: P(Y|X), we apply it for the approximation of confounders. With the confounders observed, we eliminate their effect via the backdoor adjustment formulation <cit.>, where the intuitive understanding is: if a WSI model can learn from “purple” and “pink” positive/negative bags, respectively, then the bag context of color will no longer confound the recognition. Therefore, our IBMIL is fundamentally different from the existing scheme as we use a causal intervention: P(Y|do(X)) for bag prediction. We conduct experiments on two public WSI datasets, i.e., Camelyon16 <cit.> and TCGA-NSCLC. Experimental results show that IBMIL is agnostic to both feature extractors and aggregation networks, i.e., it brings consistent performance boosting to all compared state-of-the-art MIL methods in the WSI classification tasks. Further ablation studies and analyses demonstrate the effectiveness of interventional training. § RELATED WORK §.§ Instance-level MIL on WSIs Instance-level MIL represents each instance by a score and aggregates instance scores into a bag score. One widely used baseline is SimpleMIL  <cit.>, which directly propagates the bag label to its instances. When applying SimpleMIL for WSIs, the unbalanced dataset could result in noisy instance-level supervision since a WSI (e.g., Camelyon16) might only contain a small portion of a disease-positive tissue in clinic <cit.>. The following works in this line improve this baseline via various modifications. Cleaner annotations: SemiMIL <cit.> directly introduces cleaner annotations for partial instances with the help of pathologists, where these annotated regions are assigned with larger weights as they carry higher confidence. Instance selection: PatchCNN <cit.> selects instances via a delicate thresholding scheme at both WSI and class levels. Similarly, Top-k MIL <cit.> only uses the top-k instances for each bag, but the fixed number of selected instances fails to make a trade-off between preserving clean instances and discarding noisy instances. RCEMIL <cit.> proposes rectified cross-entropy (RCE) loss to select instances in a softer manner, while the loss requires statistics of possible abnormal tissues among all WSIs. More recently, IMIL <cit.> summarizes the previous works from a causal lens and propose IMIL to select instance via causal intervention and effect. However, the performance of instance-level MIL methods is usually inferior to bag-level counterparts <cit.>. §.§ Bag-level MIL on WSIs The instances are represented as embedding vectors and classified by bag-to-bag distance/similarity or a bag classifier <cit.>. Conducting bag-level MIL on WSI is non-trivial, because the intermediate results of all patches still need to be stored in memory for backpropagation. Therefore, some recently proposed frameworks separate the training of instance-level feature extractors and aggregation networks, resulting in a two-stage modeling approach <cit.>. They contribute differently at both stages. For the feature extractor, they introduce different architectures from convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to transformer-based models <cit.>, and training paradigms from ImageNet pre-training <cit.> to self-supervised learning <cit.>. Simultaneously, many works pay attention to new designs of aggregation networks, from non-parametric poolings, e.g., max/mean-poolings <cit.>, to learnable ones, e.g., graph convolution networks <cit.> and attention mechanisms <cit.>. Our work lies in this line but aims at empowering these existing methods. Thus the contributions are orthogonal. §.§ Causal Inference in Computer Vision Causal inference, a general framework, has been introduced to various computer vision tasks, including classification <cit.>, semantic segmentation <cit.>, unsupervised representation learning <cit.> and so on. In MIL problems, StableMIL <cit.> takes “adding an instance to a bag” as a treatment for bag-level prediction, while IMIL <cit.> uses inverse probability weighting and causal effects for instance-level tasks. Unlike them, our IBMIL is based on backdoor adjustment formulation and works as a general framework to empower existing bag-level MIL for WSI classification tasks. § METHOD §.§ Preliminaries MIL formulation. Due to the gigapixel resolution and lacking fine-grained labels, performing downstream tasks on WSIs is formulated as an MIL problem, such that each WSI is treated as a labeled bag with corresponding patches as unlabeled instances. Take binary classification as an example, let X = {(x_1,y_1),...,(x_n, y_n)} be a WSI bag, which contains n instances of x_i. The instance-level labels {y_i ,...,y_n} are unavailable. Under the standard MIL assumption, the bag label Y is further given by: Y= 0, iff ∑ y_i=0 1, otherwise which can be modelled by max-pooling <cit.>. A general three-stage approach goes like 1) Instance transformation: a feature extractor f(·) is trained for instance-wise features b, 2) Instance combination: the pooling operation σ(·) is targeted for bag feature B, 3) Bag transformation: a downstream classifier g(·) is used for prediction, which can be formulated as: b_i = f(x_i), B = σ(b_1,⋯,b_n), Ŷ = g(B), where the pooling σ(·) should be a permutation-invariant function <cit.> for the spatial-invariant MIL method. Some works further absorb the classifier g(·) into the pooling operation σ(·), referred to as aggregator/aggregation networks. When applying the MIL methods for WSIs, it should be noted that 1) the diagnosis for WSI analysis can be based on different tissue regions with multiple concepts — the collective MIL assumption, 2) the bag length n for a WSI can be extremely large, e.g., about 8,000 on average<cit.>. Therefore, the bag MIL methods for WSIs are with learnable aggregators and trained in a two-stage procedure, i.e., training the feature extractor and aggregator stage by stage. Current works mainly follow this formulation and improve the framework from both feature extractor and aggregator, while our proposed method aims to empower existing works from a causal perspective. Analysis MIL through causal inference. As shown in <ref>, we formulate the MIL framework as a causal graph (a.k.a, Pearl's structural causal model or SCM <cit.>), which contains three nodes: X: whole-slide pathological image (bag), Y: bag label, C: bag contextual information. X→ Y: This path indicates that the MIL model can learn to predict the bag label on the bag content, e.g., key instances. C→ X: This path indicates the generation of the whole-slide pathological image. Due to the differences in tissue preparations, staining protocols and digital scanners, the appearance of WSIs can be significantly affected, potentially introducing biases. C→ Y: This path indicates that the bag prediction is affected by the contextual prior information in the training dataset. For example, in <ref>, an MIL model predicts all bags with purple color as positive regardless of content information related to the real label. In the causal graph, C confounds X and Y via the backdoor path X → C → Y and causes a spurious correlation between them, which prevents learning robust bag MIL models. For example, the model may wrongly predict the bags when the data are out-of-distribution, i.e., with different context prior. An ideal MIL method should capture the true causality between X and Y, but the conventional correlation of P(Y|X) fails to do so, as such a spurious correlation is inevitable. Therefore, we instead seek to use the causal intervention P(Y|do(X)), where the do-operation do(·) means forcibly assigning a specific value to the variable X. As shown in <ref>, it can be considered as a modification of the graph — cutting off the backdoor path, thus mitigating the bias caused by confounders. The ideal way of do(·) is the random controlled trials <cit.> — enumerating each bag with all possible contexts, which is impossible in practice. Next, we propose a practical intervention method to remove the confounding effect caused by the bag contextual prior. §.§ Interventional Bag Multi-Instance Learning We propose to use the backdoor adjustment formulation to achieve the causal intervention: P(Y|do(X)) for bag-level prediction. Formally, we have the backdoor adjustment for the graph in <ref> as: P(Y | d o(X))=∑ _i P(Y | X, h(X,c_i)) P(c_i), where c_i loops over the confounder set and h(·) is a function defined later in <ref>. Different from Bayes rule, in <ref>, c_i is no longer affected by X but subject to its prior P(c_i), since the causal intervention forces X to incorporate each c_i fairly. Now, we are ready to introduce our interventional bag multi-instance learning stage by stage. <ref> illustrates the overview of IBMIL. Stage 1: Training feature extractors. We learn a feature extractor f(·) on the patchified images of WSIs {x_1 ,...,x_n}, aiming at encoding each instance as a discriminative feature vector. Stage 2: Training aggregators. Given the features of instances {b_1 ,...,b_n}, the aggregator employs MIL pooling σ(·) to assemble them into a bag feature B sequentially or simultaneously, and a classifier g(·) for discrimination. Formally, the loss for training aggregator is defined as: ℒ=-1/N∑_i=1^N Y_i logŶ_i+(1-Y_i) log(1-Ŷ_i), where N is number of bags in the training set. Note our IBMIL is no not limited to specific feature extractor or aggregators, including the architectures and training paradigms. Please refer to <ref> for our choices. Stage 3: Causal intervention via backdoor adjustment. The traditional two-stage bag MIL stops at stage 2 and uses the trained models for inference directly. Instead, we introduce another stage of interventional training, which needs the practical implementation of <ref>. Note that backdoor adjustment assumes that we can observe and stratify the confounders of a bag context. Thanks to the powerful ability of deep MIL models, context information is naturally encoded in the higher-level layers <cit.>. To constitute the confounder set, we use a confounder dictionary C=[c_1, …, c_K] for approximation, as collecting all confounders is impossible. Given the trained feature extractor and aggregator, we use K-means over all the bag features in the training set, partitioning the bags into clusters. We average the bag features of each cluster to represent a confounder stratum c_i, resulting in a confounder dictionary with the shape of d × K, where d is the dimension of bag features. Note that our approximation is reasonable in that these global clusters are susceptible to the visual biases <cit.>, which is exactly the confounders. Then, we define: [ h(X,c_i)= α_i c_i,; [α_1,⋯ ,α_K]=softmax((W_1 B)^T(W_2 C)/√(l)), ] where B=σ(f(X)) is the bag feature, W_1, W_2 ∈ℝ^l × d are two learnable projection matrices to project bag feature B and confounder C into a joint space, and √(l) is used for feature normalization <cit.>. Since the prediction comes from both bag X and confounder C (see <ref>), we further define P(Y | X, h(X,c_i)) = P(Y | B ⊕ h(X,c_i)), where ⊕ denotes vector concatenation, and other implementations can be found in ablation studies. We assume P(c_i) is a uniform prior of 1/K for a safe estimation, and a more reasonable assumption, e.g., incorporating expert knowledge, will be our future work. Plugging <ref>, <ref> and defined P(c_i) into <ref>, we are ready to calculate P(Y|do(X)) via passing the network multiple times. In practice, to avoid the expensive cost, we further apply Normalized Weighted Geometric Mean <cit.> to move the outer sum into the Softmax: P(Y | d o(X)) ≈ P(Y | B ⊕∑_i=1^K α_i c_i P(c_i) ) . Thus, backdoor adjustment can be achieved by one feed-forward of the network. §.§ Justification In our implementation of the causal intervention, there are some aspects we need to discuss further. Compatible with large-scale unlabelled datasets. We constitute the confounder set in an unsupervised fashion. One alternative implementation is to use the available bag labels for guidance, preserving the intra-class variation and capturing the class-relevant characteristics . There are two main reasons for our choice. 1) The unsupervised fashion makes our scheme compatible with large-scale unlabelled datasets, e.g., The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), for better approximation of confounders. 2) The confounder could be irrelevant to the class identity, e.g., the stain color of positive and negative instances can be the same. We explore the other implementations in <ref>. One possible more elegant scheme. As we need the trained aggregator to generate the bag features (the stage 2), one more stage is needed to retrain the aggregator (the stage 3). We are thus motivated to further simplify our scheme to avoid extra computational cost. Specifically, we can achieve the bag features by applying the traditional non-parametric aggregators, e.g., max/mean-pooling, to the instances in a bag. It is inspired by the fact that these non-parametric aggregators serve as strong baselines, and we conjecture that statistic bag information they provide can be used for a reasonable approximation of confounders. Therefore, we can omit the stage 2. The experiment results in <ref> support that our scheme can be more elegant. Connection to other methods. Embedding-based MIL: As we approximate the confounder set based on bag features, these confounders can be seen as a denoised abstraction of bag features. From this perspective, we share the same spirit with the embedding-based MIL <cit.>, i.e., exploring the relations between bags. That means our IBMIL also explains the effectiveness of embedding-based MIL. Color Normalization: Some works <cit.> propose color normalization methods for H&E stained WSIs. However, color is just one of the confounders, and some confounders are even unobserved. Our method does not focus on color only, and thus is the more reasonable partially observed children of the unobserved confounder <cit.>; Instance augmentation: IMIL <cit.> uses strong instance augmentation to train the feature extractor for instance prediction. However, the augmentation may affect the statistical information in the bag. Therefore, our method is more suitable for bag MIL. Remix <cit.> proposes data augmentations for MIL by exploring the relations of instances, but our method explores the bag-level relations based on the causal theory. § EXPERIMENTS Dataset and evaluation protocol. We conduct the experiments on two public WSI datasets, i.e., Camelyon16 <cit.> and TCGA-NSCLC. Camelyon16 is a dataset of H&E stained slides for metastasis detection in breast cancer, consisting of 399 WSIs. Following <cit.>, we crop each WSI into 256× 256 non-overlapping patches, and remove the background region. There are roughly 2.8 million patches at 20× magnification in total, with about 7,200 patches per bag. TCGA-NSCLC includes two subtypes in lung cancer, i.e., Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma (LUSC) and Lung Adenocarcinoma(LUAD). The dataset consists of 1,054 WSIs. We directly used the patches released by  <cit.>, which are about 5.2 million patches at 20× magnitude, with an average of 5000 patches for each bag. Following the evaluation protocol of  <cit.>, we use 270 training images and 129 test images for Camelyon16, and 836 training images and 210 test images for TCGA-NSCLC(some corrupted slides are discarded). We report the class-wise precision, recall, accuracy and area under the curve (AUC) scores. Feature extractor. We adopt different network architectures with different training paradigms to thoroughly evaluate our IBMIL. ResNet-18 <cit.> is a widely used CNN-based model in our community, and we adopt the ImageNet pre-trained one released by PyTorch. ViT-small <cit.> is a typical transformer-based model, which is good at modeling the long-range dependencies in the data. CTransPath <cit.> is a hybrid CNN and transformer architecture, customized for WSIs. We adopt the ViT pre-trained with MoCo V3 <cit.> and CTransPath pre-trained with semantically-relevant contrastive learning (SRCL), where the used data is about 15 million images from 9 datasets <cit.>. Please refer to the Supplementary for more details. Aggregators for MIL models. We build our proposed method upon 4 SOTA methods. ABMIL <cit.> is a classic attention-based MIL, where the attention scores are predicted by a multi-layer perceptron (MLP). DSMIL <cit.>, a dual-stream framework, jointly learns an instance and a bag classifier. The highest-score instance is further used to re-calibrate other instances into a bag feature. TransMIL <cit.> is a correlated MIL framework built on transformer to explore both morphological and spatial information, where self-attention is used for bag aggregation. DFTD-MIL <cit.> proposes to virtually enlarge the number of bags by introducing the concept of pseudo-bags, resulting in a double-tier MIL framework. To align with DSMIL, we use the maximum attention score selection (MaxS) for the feature distillation strategy. For more results of DTFD-MIL (MaxMinS), please refer to the Supplementary. We use DSMIL’s code base for implementation and evaluation, and build other models based on their officially released codes. Since the feature extractors we use are all pre-trained, we can directly transform instances into feature vectors. For stages 2 and 3, all MIL models are optimized for 50 epochs with learning rate of 0.0001, and other settings are followed their official code. We set the number of confounder K=8 and project dimension l=128 by default for all the main experiments. See Supplementary for more details. §.§ Experimental Results We present the results on two benchmark WSI datasets, Camelyon16 and TCGA-NSCLC, covering binary class MIL with unbalanced bags and multiple class MIL with balanced bags, respectively. By “unbalanced”, it means only a small portion of positive instances in positive bags, e.g., roughly 10% in Camelyon16 <cit.>. From <ref>, we observe that 1) IBMIL consistently improves all feature extractors with all aggregators (12 possible combinations) on both datasets, which suggests that IBMIL is agnostic to feature extractors, aggregators and datasets. 2) In particular, we find the improvement on the ImageNet pre-trained ResNet is larger than others. For example, the average gain of AUC is 5.4% in Camelyon16 and 1.5% in TCGA-NSCLC. This is mainly because ResNet is more likely to learn context patterns as it is supervised trained on ImageNet <cit.>, while the other two are self-supervised trained with strong data augmentations — the “physical intervention”. 3) Our IBMIL improves more on Camelyon16 than TCGA-NSCLC in most cases. The main reason is that the former is a binary class MIL with unbalanced bags, which suffer more severe bag contextual prior — learning the key instances is much harder than context information. Note that the performance could be further improved by tuning the number of confounders for each setting. §.§ Ablation on Model Design Variants In <ref> and <ref>, experiments are conducted on TCGA-NSCLC dataset with feature extractor of ResNet-18 and aggregator of ABMIL, unless specified otherwise. Size of confounder dictionary. We ablate size K of the confounder dictionary on three feature extractors, including ResNet-18, CTransPath and ViT. From <ref>, the performance of IBMIL is relatively robust to the size of confounder dictionary. Therefore, we need not elaborately tune this hyper-parameter and an arbitrary size within a wide range is able to boost the performance. Dimension of joint feature space. As mentioned above, the confounders and bag features are projected into a joint feature space with a dimension of l and attention scores are calculated subsequently. We ablate dimension l on three feature extractors. The results in <ref> reveal that performance does not improve monotonically with increased dimension and is saturated at l=256. We choose a dimension of 128 as the default configuration. Learnable vs. unlearnable confounders. We explore the effect of learnable and unlearnable confounders. For the former, we update them in an end-to-end manner via backpropagation. 0.8! Learnable Precision Recall Accuracy AUC 83.81 83.82 83.81 90.82 85.42 85.17 85.24 91.26 As can be seen, both of them outperform the baseline accuracy of 81.43%. However, freezing confounders during interventional training beats learnable confounders by 1.43% on accuracy. The reason may be that it is challenging to learn both confounders and interventional training with only bag-level labels, and introducing context-level supervision could be a solution <cit.>. We set confounders unlearnable as the default configuration. Implementation of backdoor adjustment. We study the effect of different implementations of backdoor adjustment. Given a bag feature B ∈ℝ^d and the combination of confounders ∑_i=1^K α_i c_i P(c_i) ∈ℝ^d, we explore three variants to combine them, i.e. B ⋆∑_i=1^K α_i c_i P(c_i) and ⋆∈{⊕ ,+, - }, where +/- is element-wise addition/subtraction. 0.8! Method Precision Recall Accuracy AUC ⊕ 85.42 85.17 85.24 91.26 + 84.99 84.68 84.76 89.28 - 84.70 84.18 84.29 90.14 We observe all these implementations can lead to performance improvements, which demonstrates the stability and effectiveness of the proposed intervention. §.§ Analysis and Discussion. Do improvements come from more epochs? Note that our proposed method requires an extra stage to train the aggregator. A natural question is whether we can improve baseline performance by training the baseline methods for as many epochs as the extra stage. <ref> displays that more epochs do not bring about performance improvement, showing that our proposed method could empower baseline methods by backdoor adjustment rather than more training epochs. In most cases, training longer even brings performance degradation, which can be caused by the over-fitting problem in MIL <cit.>. Is stage 2 necessary? Recent MIL methods aggregate the instance features into a bag feature via the weighted average operator. The weights, also referred to as attention scores, are generated by parametric networks, which need an extra stage of training aggregators. Alternatively, we turn to three non-parametric settings to skip this stage and efficiently achieve the bag features. We consider: * “Mean" / “Max" denotes a bag feature is obtained through a mean-pooling / max-pooling layer among a bag of instance features, which is inspired by the strong baseline of non-parametric MIL method <cit.>. * “Instance" denotes that K-means is directly performed over all the instance features in training set, since each instance can be regarded as a bag with length of one. Then, interventional training is applied to baseline methods (including ABMIL and DSMIL) and we report the results in <ref>. Notably, even with such simple aggregation strategy, IBMIL still outperforms the baseline, and remains competitive or even better compared to “Default" setting, which indicates stage 2 in our scheme is unnecessary. By omitting stage 2, our scheme can be more elegant without performance degradation in most cases. Can IBMIL improve non-parametric baselines? Besides using non-parametric aggregators to generate bag features for confounder set, we further take them as baselines and verify whether IBMIL is also able to improve them (i.e., max/mean-pooling). Surprisingly, in <ref>, IBMIL brings significant improvements under all settings, where the best performance is even comparable to these attention-based aggregators. It indicates that IBMIL is indeed compatible with all compared MIL methods, including the non-parametric ones. Constituting confounder set w/ or w/o bag labels? Given bag labels, we explore the class-specific K-means. In particular, we apply K-means to each class respectively, preserving the intra-class variation and class-relevant characteristics. From <ref>, we observe no obvious performance gap between class-specific and class-agnostic K-means. We conjecture that 1) the confounders could be independent of the class identity, and 2) bag features are already separable by classes. We will explore the way of incorporating bag labels in future work. On the other hand, the unsupervised fashion makes our scheme compatible with large-scale unlabelled datasets. We explore more unlabelled bags via combining the bags of TCGA and Camelyon16, and constituting the confounder set via the non-parametric aggregators. From <ref>, we observe a clear improvement on AUC under both max- and mean-poolings. That indicates, with more bags, our implementation can achieve better approximation of confounders. Is IBMIL just post-processing? Since our proposed IBMIL shares some commonalities with the embedding-based MIL <cit.>, one may ask: Do the improvements only come from exploring the bag relations? To answer this question, we make minor modifications on ABMIL. Instead of interventional training with confounders, we obtain the confounder dictionary via the class-specific K-means and treat it as a KNN classifier for evaluation. As can be seen, it brings limited improvements or even degrades the performance, verifying the improvements comes from interventional training, which is not just post-processing. § CONCLUSIONS The vast majority of recent efforts in this field seek to enhance the feature extractor and aggregator. This paper addresses MIL from a novel perspective via analyzing the confounders between bags and labels. This leads to the proposed novel Interventional Bag Multi-Instance Learning (IBMIL), a new deconfounded bag-level prediction approach to suppress the bias caused by the bag contextual prior. IBMIL introduces a structure causal model to reveal the causalities and eliminates their effect through the backdoor adjustment with practical implementations. Comprehensive experiments have been conducted on various MIL benchmarks and the results show that IBMIL can boost existing methods significantly. In future, we plan to approximate confounder set in a more efficient and elegant manner. As a general method to use causal intervention for bag-level prediction, IBMIL provides fresh insight into MIL problem. Acknowledgments. Dr. Yi Xu was supported in part by NSFC 62171282, Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Major Project (2021SHZDZX0102), 111 project BP0719010, and SJTU Science and Technology Innovation Special Fund ZH2018ZDA17 and YG2022QN037. ieee_fullname
Boundary Recovery of Anisotropic Electromagnetic Parameters for the Time Harmonic Maxwell's Equations
[ "Sean Holman", "Vasiliki Torega" ]
[ "math.AP", "math.DG", "35R30, 35S15, 35Q61, 53B50" ]
Boundary Recovery of Anisotropic Electromagnetic Parameters]Boundary Recovery of Anisotropic Electromagnetic Parameters for the Time Harmonic Maxwell's Equations 1]Sean Holmansean.holman@manchester.ac.uk 2]Vasiliki Toregavasiliki.torega@manchester.ac.uk [1]Department of Mathematics, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, Greater Manchester, UK [2]Department of Mathematics, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, Greater Manchester, UK This work concerns inverse boundary value problems for the time-harmonic Maxwell's equations on differential 1-forms. We formulate the boundary value problem on a 3-dimensional compact and simply connected Riemannian manifold M with boundary ∂ M endowed with a Riemannian metric g. Assuming that the electric permittivity ε and magnetic permeability μ are real-valued anisotropic (i.e (1,1)- tensors), we aim to determine certain metrics induced by these parameters, denoted by ε̂ and μ̂ at ∂ M. We show that the knowledge of the impedance and admittance maps determines the tangential entries of ε̂ and μ̂ at ∂ M in their boundary normal coordinates, although the background volume form cannot be determined in such coordinates due to a non-uniqueness occuring from diffeomorphisms that fix the boundary. Then, we prove that in some cases, we can also recover the normal components of μ̂ up to a conformal multiple at ∂ M in boundary normal coordinates for ε̂. Last, we build an inductive proof to show that if ε̂ and μ̂ are determined at ∂ M in boundary normal coordinates for ε̂, then the same follows for their normal derivatives of all orders at ∂ M. [ [ March 30, 2023 ================== § INTRODUCTION In this work, we consider a 3-dimensional compact and simply connected Riemannian manifold M, with smooth boundary ∂ M, equipped with a Riemannian metric g. In the case of M ⊂ ℝ^3, g could be the Euclidean metric. The coordinate invariant formulation of time harmonic Maxwell's equations, in the absence of currents or sources, in M is provided by ∗_gdH= -i ωε E, δ_g (ε E)= 0, ∗_gdE= i ωμ H, δ_g (μ H)= 0, where ∗_g is the Hodge star operator with respect to the metric g and d stands for the exterior derivative. The operator δ_g denotes the divergence operator with respect to the metric g. The electric and magnetic fields E and H, respectively, are differential 1-forms. The electric permittivity ε and magnetic permeability μ are assumed to be real-valued (1,1)-tensor fields which are symmetric and positive definite with respect to the metric g. The angular frequency is represented by ω and is a real number. We consider either of the Dirichlet boundary conditions ι^∗H=F ι^∗E=G, where ι^∗ stands for the pullback at ∂ M. Given that the Dirichlet problem composed of (<ref>) and either boundary condition in (<ref>) is well-posed, the boundary mappings Λ_ε and Λ_μ, called the impedance and admittance maps respectively are well defined and are provided by Λ_ε(ι^∗H)=ι^∗E Λ_μ(ι^∗E)=ι^∗H. Note that Λ_μ is the inverse of Λ_ε. Assuming the knowledge of Λ_ε and Λ_μ we aim to recover the metrics induced by ε and μ on the cotangent bundle of M, denoted by ε^♯ and μ^♯, as well as their normal derivatives at ∂ M. §.§ Literature Review The inverse problem of recovering a Riemannian metric using boundary data has been widely studied for the wave equation. The boundary measurements in this case are realised by the Dirichlet to Neumann (DtN) map. A natural obstruction to the uniqueness of the reconstruction, also mentioned as “cloaking", is encountered in this type of inverse problems and is caused by diffeomorphisms that fix the boundary <cit.>, <cit.>. The article <cit.> studies the inverse problem of reconstructing a Riemannian manifold through the DtN map for the wave equation. The Dirichlet boundary conditions represent the sources and they are located in an open subset of the boundary S. The Neumann boundary conditions which represent the waves produced by the sources in S, are being observed in R, which is an open subset of the boundary, with S∩R=∅. The method employed to solve this inverse problem uses arguments of the boundary control method. Applications of the boundary control method are given in <cit.> which concerns inverse problems in acoustics, elasticity, electrodynamics, electrical impedance tomography and graph theory. Well-posedness results for the time harmonic Maxwell's equations are given in <cit.> in the case of isotropic electromagnetic parameters and in <cit.> in the case of anisotropic electromagnetic parameters that are conformal multiples. Both the isotropic and anisotropic cases are considered in <cit.> where a coercive billinear form for the decoupled system is constructed. The time domain is also taken into account in <cit.> and the well-posedness is proved for non-analytic anisotropic parameters that are conformal multiples of each other. In this paper, we prove well-posedness for the equations considered by augmenting Maxwell's system to an elliptic one. Further details are provided later in sections <ref> and <ref>. The linearized inverse boundary value problem of Maxwell's equations is studied in <cit.>. The electric permittivity, conductivity and magnetic permeability are assumed to be functions that differ slightly from given constants and they are recovered through the admittance map. The case of isotropic (scalar) electromagnetic parameters is also considered in <cit.>. In this case the Maxwell's system can be decoupled to derive a second order differential equation in terms of the Laplace-Beltrami operator either with respect to the magnetic field or the electric field. Using the calculus of Pseudodifferential Operators <cit.>, <cit.> the symbols of the admittance and impedance maps are determined in terms of a pseudodifferential operator of order 1 that factorises the Laplace-Beltrami operator. It is shown that this implies the boundary recovery of the electric permittivity ε and magnetic permeability μ and their first normal derivatives. This result is extended in <cit.> where the demonstration of an inductive proof establishes the boundary determination of the normal derivatives of all orders of the electromagnetic parameters. This method uses a special class of Pseudodifferential Operators that depends smoothly on the distance from the boundary. Similar reasoning is followed in <cit.> for the inverse problem of the Laplacian on k-forms where the boundary data are represented by the DtN operator. A different approach on the inverse problem of time harmonic Maxwell's equations for scalar electromagnetic parameters is demonstrated in <cit.>. The principal symbols of the impedance and admittance maps are derived using a boundary operator called the Calderon projector for an augmented system equivalent to the Maxwell's system. The isotropic inverse problem for the time harmonic Maxwell's equations is also studied in <cit.> where the medium is a subset of ℝ^3 and is assumed to be chiral. In this method the magnetic permeability is known and the recovery of the electric permittivity, conductivity and chirality constant throughout the medium of interest is proven. The augmented system used in <cit.> to construct solutions for this system and use complex geometrical optics, is also used in the present work to establish well-posedness. The inverse problem for the metrics induced by ε and μ being (0,2)-tensors and conformal multiples of each other is studied in <cit.>. To the best of our knowledge, <cit.> is the only anisotropic case regarding the recovery of ε and μ studied in the existing literature. The article <cit.> concerns the anisotropic conductivity problem. The method employed is the same factorisation method used for the isotropic case of the time harmonic Maxwell's equations in <cit.>. In the case of the dimension n satisfying n≥ 3 the conductivity problem can be reduced to the problem of recovering a Riemannian metric g using the DtN map for harmonic functions. The same factorisation method is also applied to the elasticity problem for transversely isotropic materials in <cit.>. The elasticity operator, which is a second order elliptic operator, is factorised in terms of a pseudodifferential operator of order 1 making use of the theory of monic matrix polynomials <cit.>. The aforementioned operator is used to express the DtN map which yields to the recovery of the elastic parameters at the boundary. This is the approach that we follow in this paper in order to calculate the principal symbols of the boundary mappings. §.§ Summary of Current Work Now let us describe the contents of the present work. We start in section <ref> by introducing the background material and notation including new metrics ε̂ and μ̂ which are conformally related to ε^♯ and μ^♯ but also eliminate the dependence of Maxwell's equations on g. Then follows section <ref>, where we state our main results. In order to show that the impedance and admittance maps are well defined we start in section <ref> by illustrating the proof of well-posedness of the forward problem. To do so, we augment the Maxwell's system to an 8 × 8 elliptic system also used in <cit.> and <cit.>. The basic step, following <cit.>, is to prove a coercivity estimate for the elliptic operator of the system. In section <ref>, we start by defining the impedance and admittance maps. First, we study two types of non-uniqueness that arise from diffeomorphisms that fix the boundary. We show that if (ε̂,μ̂), (ε̂',μ̂') are two different sets of metrics connected by such a diffeomorphism Φ then the boundary data of the corresponding Dirichlet problems are the same. Next, we examine the consequences of a diffeomorphism Φ that fixes the boundary to the recovery of the determinant of the metric g, denoted by | g|, in boundary normal coordinates for ε^♯ and μ^♯. We prove that the Jacobian determinant | DΦ| of this diffeomorphism can be arbitrary in boundary coordinates and as a result, the determinant | g | cannot be uniquely determined in either boundary normal coordinates for ε^♯ or μ^♯. This affects the boundary recovery of ε^♯ and μ^♯ as we show in section <ref>. In section <ref> we decouple the system and follow <cit.> together with the theory of monic matrix polynomials <cit.> to derive the principal symbols of the factorisation operators denoted by B(x,D_x̃) and C(x,D_x̃) representing the normal derivatives in coordinates. Next, we express the principal symbols of the impedance and admittance maps through the principal symbols of B and C. Proceeding to section <ref>, we show that the principal symbols of Λ_ε and Λ_μ determine the tangential entries of the metrics ε̂ and μ̂. Next, investigating the consequences of the boundary recovery on the electric and magnetic fields, we prove that in some cases we can recover the normal components of μ̂ in boundary normal coordinates for ε̂. Under the same choice of coordinates, we show that when boundary recovery of the metrics ε̂, μ̂ is possible, the boundary recovery of their normal derivatives of all orders is implied. This is done by adjusting to our case the inductive proof employed in <cit.> and <cit.> that uses Riccati equations satisfied by B(x, D_x̃), C(x,D_x̃) together with a class of pseudodifferential operators that allows us to work exclusively with principal symbols at the boundary. § BACKGROUND MATERIAL Let us introduce some prerequisites from tensor calculus that will be needed in the following sections. Further details on the topic are given in <cit.>. We will denote by τ_n^m(M) the spaces of smooth (n,m)- complex valued tensor fields on M. The Riemmanian g induces a point-wise billinear form ⟨·, ·⟩_g on these spaces. Also, we introduce the space Ω^k(M) that consists of the smooth complex-valued differential k-forms. For a,b ∈ Ω^k(M) we will write the point-wise inner product of a with b as ⟨ a, b̅⟩_g. For a,b ∈ Ω^1(M) we express ⟨ a, b̅⟩_g in a local coordinate chart as ⟨ a, b̅⟩_g= g^aba_ab̅_b, which induces the norm ⟨ a, a̅⟩_g^1/2. Note carefully that, in our notation, for complex valued fields the bilinear form ⟨ a,b ⟩_g is not an inner-product because we do not include the conjugation. Indeed, in local coordinates it is written as ⟨ a, b ⟩_g= g^aba_ab_b. Furthermore, we will write | a | _g^2 = ⟨ a, a ⟩_g, which for complex a does not give a norm. The purpose of excluding the conjugation from ⟨ a, b ⟩_g and | a | _g^2 is that in what follows we will make use of the fact that | a | _g^2 can vanish for complex a. When we reach this point, the reader is reminded with a remark (see Remark <ref>). The inner product on L^2(Ω^k(M)) is given by ⟨⟨ a,b̅⟩⟩ _g= ∫_M a ∧∗_gb̅, where a,b ∈ Ω^k(M). In what follows, we will also use inner products defined as above but with g replaced by metrics induced from the electromagnetic parameters ε and μ. Using the Levi-Civita connection on (M,g), denoted by ∇, we define the spaces H^1(Ω^k(M)) as H^1(Ω^k(M))= {a ∈ L^2(Ω^k(M)); ∇ a ∈ L^2(τ_k+1^0(M))}, equipped with the norm a _H^1(Ω^k(M))^2= a _L^2(Ω^k(M))^2+ ∇ a _L^2(τ_k+1^0(M))^2. Let ι: ∂ M ↦ M be the inclusion map at the boundary and define the pullback ι^∗: Ω^k(M) ↦Ω^k(∂ M) on smooth differential forms. The pullback can be extended by continuity to ι^∗: H^1(Ω^k(M))↦ H^1/2(Ω^k(∂ M)). The definition of H^1/2 and in general fractional Sobolev spaces is given in section 4.1 of <cit.>, in terms of the Fourier transform. Moreover, we define the Sobolev space H_0^1(Ω^k(M)) as H_0^1(Ω^k( M))= { a ∈ H^1(Ω^k(M)); ι^∗a=0}. The (1,1)-tensors ε and μ are assumed to be smooth and real valued. We interpret them as point-wise maps on the cotangent bundle T^∗(M) and assume that they are symmetric and positive definite with respect to g. For a,b ∈ T_x^∗(M) these properties are described by, respectively, ⟨ a, εb̅⟩_g = ⟨ε a, b̅⟩_g, ⟨ a, μb̅⟩_g = ⟨μ a, b̅⟩_g, ⟨ a, εa̅⟩_g >0, ⟨ a, μa̅⟩_g >0 Due to the above, ε, μ and their inverses ε^-1, μ^-1 induce metrics on the cotangent and tangent bundles T^∗(M) and T(M), respectively. The metrics on T^∗(M) induced by ε and μ are (2,0)-tensors and using the ♯ (raising indices) operator are provided in a local coordinate by ε^♯=ε^ij=g^ikε_k^j, μ^♯=μ^ij=g^ikμ_k^j. We will write the inverses of ε^♯ and μ^♯ using the ♭ (lowering indices) operator as (ε^-1)_♭=(ε^-1)_ij=g_ik(ε^-1)_j^k, (μ^-1)_♭=(μ^-1)_ij=g_ik(μ^-1)_j^k. Note that we will often use the term metric both for Riemannian metrics, which are (0,2)-tensors and induce a bilinear form on T(M), as well as for (2,0)-tensors and the corresponding bilinear forms on T^∗(M). §.§ Notation and identities Let us introduce the notation used in this paper. We are working in a set of coordinates adapted to the boundary ∂ M characterised by x_3=0 within the domain of the coordinate chart. These will be boundary normal coordinates either for ε^♯, μ^♯ or the related metrics ε̂, μ̂ introduced in (<ref>). Since we are working on a 3-d manifold, the indices of tensor fields i are assumed to take values from 1 to 3. In the case of an index restricted to i=1,2, we will add a tilde as in ĩ . When working with coordinate invariant expressions we will use the notation ξ̃ for the covector ξ_ĩ dx^ĩ = ∑_ĩ=1^2 ξ_ĩ dx^ĩ. If ν= dx^3 is a covector normal to the boundary, we will denote by ξ a covector that is written in components as ξ=ξ̃+νξ_3. The determinants of the Riemannian metrics g, (ε^-1)_♭ and (μ^-1)_♭ in coordinates will be written as | g | :=(g), |ε^-1|:=((ε^-1)_♭), |μ^-1|:=((μ^-1)_♭). The corresponding notation for the determinants of the metrics on T^∗(M) is | g^-1|:=(g^-1), |ε|:=(ε^♯), |μ|:=(μ^♯). Denoting by σ^ijk the alternating tensor will use the following identities for the metric g^-1 | g^-1|σ^pqr=σ_ijkg^pig^qjg^rk, and for the matrix of cofactors of the Riemannian metric g σ^aqjσ^dkbg_bj= | g | (g^adg^qk-g^akg^qd). We define new Riemannian metrics ε̂^-1 and μ̂^-1 by ε̂^-1/√(|ε̂^-1|)= (ε^-1)_♭/√(| g |), μ̂^-1/√(|μ̂^-1|)= (μ^-1)_♭/√(| g |), which allow us to write the time harmonic Maxwell's equations as given in (<ref>) in the equivalent form ∗_ε̂dH = -i ω E, δ_ε̂ E= 0, ∗_μ̂dE = i ω H, δ_μ̂ H= 0, that is independent of g. When working with the metrics (<ref>), we will denote the associated impedance and admittance maps by Λ_ε̂, Λ_μ̂, respectively. The approach we follow is to work with two different pairs of metrics (ε̂,μ̂), (ε̂',μ̂') and boundary mappings Λ_ε̂, Λ_μ̂ and Λ_ε̂', Λ_μ̂' to investigate the implications of the assumption Λ_ε̂=Λ_ε̂', Λ_μ̂=Λ_μ̂'. We will use the phrases “boundary normal coordinates for ε̂/ε̂'" and “boundary normal coordinates for μ̂/μ̂'" to express that we work separately in boundary normal coordinates for either the metrics ε̂ and ε̂' or μ̂ and μ̂'. Assume that the representations of ε̂ and ε̂' in boundary normal coordinates for ε̂/ε̂' at x_3=0 are given by, respectively (ε̃ 0 0^T 1 ), (ε̃' 0 0^T 1 ). Assume further that μ̂ and μ̂' in boundary normal coordinates for μ̂/μ̂' at x_3=0 are written as (μ̃ 0 0^T 1 ), (μ̃' 0 0^T 1 ). Note that ε̃, ε̃', μ̃ and μ̃' define coordinate invariant metrics on ∂ M. These are the tangential parts of ε̂, ε̂', μ̂ and μ̂' respectively. As mentioned in Section <ref>, we are going to use the calculus of Pseudodifferential Operators (Ψ DOs) to determine the principal symbols of the boundary mappings Λ_ε̂ and Λ_μ̂. Using the Fourier transform and its inverse, P is a pseudodifferential operator of order m (P ∈Ψ DO^(m)) in local coordinates if P(x,D_x)u(x)= 1/(2π)^3∫_ℝ^3 e^i x ·ξ p(x,ξ)û(ξ) dξ, where D_x= - i ∂_x, û(ξ) denotes the Fourier transform of u(x) and p(x,ξ) is called the symbol of P(x,D_x) and is of order m with respect to the dual variable ξ. For details on the definition and calculus of Ψ DOs, which will be used, see <cit.>. § RESULTS In this section we present the main results included in this paper. The content of the remainder of the paper contains the proofs for each result. For ω ∈ ℝ, outside a discrete set, the solution of the Dirichlet problem ∗_ε̂d H = -i ω E, δ_ε̂E=0, ∗_μ̂d E = i ω H, δ_μ̂H=0, ι^∗H=F, exists, is unique and depends continuously on the data F. More particularly, there exists Ĉ>0 that depends on ε̂, μ̂ and ω, such that E_H^1(Ω^1(M))^2+ H_H^1(Ω^1(M))^2≤ĈF_H^1/2(Ω^1(∂ M))^2. See Section <ref>. If (ε̂,μ̂) and (ε̂',μ̂') are related by a diffeomorphism fixing the boundary of M then Λ_ε̂=Λ_ε̂'. Additionally, let g_ε, g_ε', g_μ and g_μ' be the local coordinate representations of the metric g in boundary normal coordinates for ε^♯/ε'^♯, μ^♯/μ'^♯. There exist pairs of metrics (ε^♯,μ^♯), (ε'^♯,μ'^♯) not equal to each other such that Λ_ϵ =Λ_ϵ' and the ratios of the determinants in the different sets of boundary normal coordinates | g_ε|/| g_ε'|, | g_μ|/| g_μ'| are arbitrarily chosen positive functions in a neighbourhood of the boundary. See Section <ref>. Let (ε̂,μ̂), (ε̂',μ̂') be two different sets of metrics and Λ_ε̂, Λ_ε̂' the associated impedance maps. Assuming that Λ_ε̂=Λ_ε̂', then ε̃=ε̃', x_3=0, μ̃=μ̃', x_3=0. See Section <ref>. Let (ε̂,μ̂) (ε̂',μ̂') be two different sets of metrics and Λ_ε̂, Λ_ε̂' the associated boundary mappings. Let us fix boundary normal coordinates for ε̂/ε̂'. If Λ_ε̂=Λ_ε̂', then at each point in ∂ M least one of the following cases holds: * The metrics μ̃ and ε̃ are multiples and μ̂'^3j̃=c μ̂^3j̃ for some c ∈ℝ. * ε̂=ε̂' and μ̂=μ̂'. See Section <ref>. Let (ε̂,μ̂), (ε̂',μ̂') be two different sets of metrics and Λ_ε̂, Λ_ε̂' the corresponding boundary mappings. Let us fix boundary normal coordinates for ε̂/ε̂'. If Λ_ε̂=Λ_ε̂', ε̂=ε̂', μ̂=μ̂' x_3=0, then, ∂_x_3^κε̂= ∂_x_3^κε̂', ∂_x_3^κμ̂= ∂_x_3^κμ̂' x_3=0, for any κ≥ 1. See Section <ref>. § SKETCH OF THE PROOF OF THEOREM <REF> Our proof of Theorem <ref> relies on augmenting Maxwell's equations to a larger elliptic system and proving a coercivity estimate for this system. Since the methods are fairly standard and well-known, we only give a sketch of this proof. To begin, we augment the system (<ref>) to PU= -i ( i ω 0 δ_μ̂ 0 0 i ω ∗_ε̂d d d -∗_μ̂d i ω 0 0 δ_ε̂ 0 i ω ) ( u_E E H u_H ) = ( 0 0 0 0 ), where u_E and u_H are auxiliary 0-forms. Note that if u_E=u_H=0, then E and H satisfying (<ref>) also satisfy (<ref>). The purpose of this step is that P is an elliptic operator, i.e its principal symbol is invertible for ξ ∈ ℝ^3\{0}, in contrast to the operator corresponding to the system (<ref>). The field U is defined in Ω(M), where Ω(M)= Ω^0(M) ⊕Ω^1(M) ⊕Ω^1(M) ⊕Ω^0(M) and the boundary condition is written in terms of U as BU= ( ι^∗ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ι^∗ 0 0 0 0 ι^∗) ( u_E E H u_H )= (0 0 F 0 ). The spaces L^2(Ω(M)) and H^1(Ω(M)) are defined using the inner products and norms given from the product structure (U,V) = ∫_M( u_E E H u_H)∧( ∗_μ̂ 0 0 0 0 ∗_ε̂ 0 0 0 0 ∗_μ̂ 0 0 0 0 ∗_ε̂)( u_E E H u_H), ( u_E E H u_H)^2= u_E^2 + E^2+H^2+ u_H^2, where the norms are either L^2 or H^1. Transforming the boundary value problem consisting of (<ref>) and (<ref>) to the equivalent one with non-homogeneous differential equation and homogeneous Dirichlet condition we define the domain of P to be D(P)= {U ∈ H^1(Ω(M)); BU=0}. The main step in the proof is to prove the following coercivity estimate which holds for any U ∈ D(P) U_H^1(Ω(M))^2≤ C PU_L^2(Ω(M))^2 + C U_L^2(Ω(M))^2, for some C>0, depending on ε̂, μ̂ and ω. In <cit.> is shown that the ellipticity of P implies that (<ref>) holds in the interior of M. Thus, it remains to show that the estimate (<ref>) holds in a coordinate chart adapted to the boundary. Using the method in <cit.>, it suffices to show that P satisfies the hypothesis of regularity upon freezing the coefficients. The only difference is that we consider the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of K_1(ξ̃)+K_0 instead of K_1(ξ̃) as denoted in the proof of <cit.> to accomodate the fact that the eigenvectors of K_1(ξ̃) in our case do not satisfy <cit.>. Next, using the symmetry of P with respect to the the L^2-product defined in (<ref>) and using the coercivity estimate we show that P is densely defined self-adjoint with compact resolvent. Hence, the set of eigenvalues of P is discrete. Finally, to obtain the result for the original time harmonic Maxwell's equations we must show that, for values of ω outside the spectrum, if u_E|_∂ M= u_H|_∂ M = 0 then u_E = u_H = 0. This is done by showing that u_E and u_H satisfy eigenvalue problems which can be decoupled from the augmented system. § BOUNDARY MAPPINGS AND NON-UNIQUENESS RESULT The fact that the boundary value problem with Dirichet condition on H is well-posed outside a discrete set of ω implies the corresponding result for the boundary value problem with Dirichlet condition ι^∗E=G. Therefore, we can define the impedance map Λ_ε̂: Ω^1(∂ M) ↦Ω^1(∂ M) realised by Λ_ε̂(ι^∗H)=ι^∗E and its inverse Λ_μ̂:Ω^1(∂ M) ↦Ω^1(∂ M) given by Λ_μ̂(ι^∗E)=ι^∗H which is called the admittance map. Next we study the non-uniqueness implied by diffeomorphisms Φ that fix the boundary and thus prove Theorem <ref>. §.§ Proof of Theorem <ref> Let us consider the sets of metrics (ε̂,μ̂) and (ε̂',μ̂') connected by a diffeomorphism Φ: M↦ M with Φ|_∂ M= 𝕀 as ε̂= Φ^∗ε̂', μ̂=Φ^∗μ̂'. Because of the coordinate invariant form of (<ref>), the action of Φ on the magnetic field H is H= (DΦ)^TH' and since Φ|_∂ M= 𝕀 we get ι^∗H=ι^∗H'. The same is also true for the electrial field: ι^∗E=ι^∗E'. Therefore the impedance maps corresponding to the ε̂, ε̂' metrics satisfy Λ_ε̂(ι^∗H)=Λ_ε̂'(ι^∗H). Hence, the metrics (ε̂,μ̂) and (ε̂',μ̂') lead to the same boundary data, which implies the same for the metrics (ε^♯,μ^♯,g) and (ε'^♯,μ'^♯,g) defined through (<ref>). To complete the proof of Theorem <ref> we need the following Lemma. Suppose that {x^j}_j=1^3 are a set of local boundary coordinates on a domain U ⊂ M and take any positive function h ∈ C^∞(M) such that supp(h-1) ⊂ U. Then there exists a diffeomorphism Φ:M ↦ M such that Φ|_∂ M=𝕀 and in the local coordinates the Jacobian determinant satisfies | DΦ| = h for all x^3 sufficiently small. We will assume without loss of generality that supp(h-1) ⊂{(x^1,x^2,x^3) ∈ [-ϵ,ϵ]×[-ϵ,ϵ]× [0,ϵ]}⊂ U. for some ϵ >0. Let ϕ∈ C^∞_c(ℝ) be an even function satisfying 0≤ϕ≤ 1, supp(ϕ) ⊂ (-1,1), ϕ(s) = 1 for s in a neighourhood of zero and ∫_-∞^∞ϕ(s) d s =1. Also set a = 4 sup{ h+1} + 3, b = 2ϵ/a ( sup{ h+1} + 1 ), c = 2 ϵ/asup{ h+1}, d(x^1,x^2) = 1/c∫_0^∞ (h(x^1,x^2,s)-1) ϕ ( as/ϵ ) d s. Then we define Φ within U by Φ(x^1,x^2,x^3)= (x^1,x^2, f(x^1,x^2,x^3)), with f(x^1,x^2,x^3)=∫_0^x^3 (h(x^1,x^2,s)-1)ϕ (as/ϵ ) - d(x^1,x^2) ϕ ( s-b/c ) +1 ds. With this construction, we see first that f(x^1,x^2,x^3) satisfies f(x^1,x^2,0)=0 which implies that Φ|_∂ M= 𝕀. Also, noting that the support of the first and second terms in the integrand on the right side of (<ref>) is contained in {s ∈ [0,ϵ]} we can conclude ∂ f/∂ x^3(x^1,x^2,x^3) = (h(x^1,x^2,x^3)-1)ϕ (ax^3/ϵ ) - d(x^1,x^2) ϕ ( x^3-b/c ) +1 > 0 everywhere and f(x^1,x^2,x^3) = x^3 for (x^1,x^2,x^3) ∉ [-ϵ,ϵ]×[-ϵ,ϵ]× [0,ϵ]. Thus, Φ can be extended as the identity outside U to give a diffeomorphism on M with Jacobian matrix given within U by DΦ= ( 1 0 0 0 1 0 ∂ f/∂ x^1 ∂ f/∂ x^2 ∂ f/∂ x^3). From (<ref>), we see that ∂ f/∂ x^3 = h when x^3 is sufficiently small, and so the Jacobian determinant is | DΦ| = h for all such x^3. This completes the proof. Now let us proceed to the proof of the second part of Theorem <ref> using the diffeomorphism Φ constructed in Lemma <ref> in (<ref>). Given a set of coordinates on the boundary, let Ψ, Ψ' be the corresponding coordinate transformations from M to boundary normal coordinates for ε̂ and ε̂', respectively. Let us denote by ĝ and ĝ' the local representations of the metric g in boundary normal coordinates for ε̂/ε̂'. Then, referring to Figure <ref> and using the fact that Ψ=Ψ' ∘Φ, we deduce that |ĝ|=| DΦ|^-2|ĝ'|. Using the result of Lemma <ref>, that | DΦ| can be an arbitrary positive function in a neighbourhood of the boundary, we conclude that the expression for the volume form of g in boundary normal coordinates for ε̂ cannot be determined from Λ_ε̂. To complete the proof of Theorem <ref>, let us proceed to the following changes of coordinates Ψ̃⟶ , Ψ̃'⟶ . Using the relationship between the ε̂^-1 and (ε^-1)_♭ metrics given in (<ref>) as well the fact that ε̂ and ε̂' have the same expression in their boundary normal coordinates, the Jacobian matrices of Ψ̃^-1 and (Ψ̃')^-1 are given by, respectively, DΨ̃^-1=( 1 0 0 0 1 0 Ψ̃_31 Ψ̃_32 ( |ĝ|/|ε̂^-1|)^-1/4), D(Ψ̃')^-1=( 1 0 0 0 1 0 Ψ̃'_31 Ψ̃'_32 ( |ĝ'|/|ε̂^-1|)^-1/4) where the off diagonal entries are undetermined functions which will be zero at the boundary. Denoting by g_ε and g_ε' the metrics g and g' in boundary normal coordinates for (ε^-1)_♭/(ε'^-1)_♭ we have | g_ε|= | DΨ̃|^-2|ĝ|= √(|ĝ|)√(|ε̂^-1|) | g_ε'|= | DΨ̃'| ^-2|ĝ'|= √(|ĝ'|)√(|ε̂^-1|). Making use of (<ref>), we deduce | g_ε|=| DΦ|^-1| g_ε'|. As we showed in Lemma <ref>, the determinant | DΦ| can be any positive function which implies that | g_ε|/| g_ε'| can be chosen arbitrarily in a neighbourhood of any point on the boundary and is otherwise equal to one in a neighbourhood of the boundary. By repeating this proof in a neighbourhood of any point on the boundary and combining the results as a composition we can complete the proof for ϵ^♯. Demonstrating an approach symmetric to the above we can prove the corresponding result for the determinant | g | in boundary normal coordinates for μ^♯. This concludes the proof of Theorem <ref>. § SYSTEM DECOUPLING AND FACTORISATION OPERATORS Aiming to decouple the augmented system given in equation (<ref>) for u_E=u_H=0, we decompose U as U=(U_H U_E), where U_E=( 0 E) and U_H=( H 0) to obtain ( -i δ_μ̂ 0 -i ∗_ε̂d -i d ) U_H = - ω U_E, ( - i d i ∗_μ̂d 0 -i δ_ε̂ ) U_E = - ω U_H. Eliminating U_E from the above system, we derive the following equation in terms of H (- dδ_μ̂+ ∗_μ̂d∗_ε̂d) H - ω ^2 H=0. which applying the operator ∗_ε̂∗_μ̂ becomes L_HH= (-∗_ε̂∗_μ̂dδ_μ̂+ ∗_ε̂d∗_ε̂d) H - ω ^2∗_ε̂∗_μ̂H=0. Or equivalently, in coordinates L_HH=√(|μ̂^-1|)/√(|ε̂^-1|)(ε̂^-1)_lqμ̂^qaD_x^a(μ̂^kbD_x^b-i ∂_x^d(√(|μ̂^-1|)μ̂^kd)/√(|μ̂^-1|))H_k -(ε̂^-1)_lqσ^aj qD_x^a/√(|ε̂^-1|)(ε̂^-1)_bjσ^dkbD_x^d/√(|ε̂^-1|)H_k-ω^2√(|μ̂^-1|)/√(|ε̂^-1|)(ε̂^-1)_lqμ̂^qkH_k=0. Following the approach of <cit.>, the next step is to separate the differentiation with respect to x_3 from the differentiation with respect to x̃ to write the differential operator L_H as L_H=T_H(x)D_x_3^2+A_H(x,D_x̃) D_x_3+ G_H(x)D_x_3+Q_H(x,D_x̃)+ F_H(x,D_x̃) +R_H(x), where the symbols of the operators in the representation of L_H are given by (T_H(x))_l^k =√(|μ̂^-1|)/√(|ε̂^-1|)(ε̂^-1)_lqμ̂^q3μ̂^k3+(δ_l^kε̂^33-δ_l^3ε̂^3k), (A_H(x,ξ̃))_l^k = √(|μ̂^-1|)/√(|ε̂^-1|)(ε̂^-1)_lq( μ̂^q3μ̂^kãξ_ã+ μ̂^qãξ_ãμ̂^k3) 3cm+ 2 δ_l^k⟨ν, ξ̃⟩_ε̂- δ_l^3ξ_ãε̂^ãk - δ_l^l̃ξ_l̃ε̂^3k , (G_H(x))_l^k = -i√(|μ̂^-1|)/√(|ε̂^-1|)(ε̂^-1)_lq(μ̂^qa∂_x^aμ̂^k3 + μ̂^q3∂_x^a(√(|μ̂^-1|)μ̂^ka)/√(|μ̂^-1|)) + i (ε̂^-1)_lqσ^aj q/√(|ε̂^-1|)∂_x^a(ε̂^-1)_b̃jσ^3k̃b̃/√(|ε̂^-1|), (Q_H(x,ξ̃))_l^k =√(|μ̂^-1|)/√(|ε̂^-1|) (ε̂^-1)_lqμ̂^qãξ_ãμ̂^kb̃ξ_b̃+ (δ_l^k|ξ̃|_ε̂^2-δ_l^l̃ξ_l̃ξ_ãε̂^ãk), (F_H(x,ξ̃))_l^k = -i√(|μ̂^-1|)/√(|ε̂^-1|)(ε̂^-1)_lq(μ̂^qa∂_x^aμ̂^kãξ_ã + μ̂^qd̃ξ_d̃∂_x^a(√(|μ̂^-1|)μ̂^ka)/√(|μ̂^-1|)) + i (ε̂^-1)_lqσ^aj q/√(|ε̂^-1|)∂_x^a(ε̂^-1)_bjσ^d̃kb/√(|ε̂^-1|)ξ_d̃, (R_H(x))_l^k= - ω^2√(|μ̂^-1|)/√(|ε̂^-1|)(ε̂^-1)_lqμ̂^qk- (ε̂^-1)_lqμ̂^qb∂_x^b∂_x^a(√(|μ̂^-1|)μ̂^ka)/√(|μ̂^-1|). Next we show that L_H can be factorised using pseudodifferential operators. We will make use of the principal symbol of L_H which is σ_p(L_H) = M_H(ξ_3)=T_H(x)ξ_3^2+ A_H(x,ξ̃)ξ_3+Q_H(x,ξ̃). M_H is a matrix polynomial with respect to the variable ξ_3 in the sense of <cit.> and, for fixed (x,ξ̃), the eigenvalues are the solutions of the sixth order polynomial equation det(M_H(ξ_3)) = 0. Suppose that we have some local boundary coordinates {x^j}_j=1^3 and let Γ_+(x,ξ̃) ⊂ℂ be a contour in ℂ enclosing all eigenvlaues of M_H with positive imaginary part. Then, in the domain of the coordinates, there exist pseudodifferential operators B(x,D_x̃) and G_0(x, D_x̃) of order 1 and 0, respectively, such that the principal symbol of B is given by B^(1)(x,ξ̃)= ∫_Γ^+ξ_3 M_H(ξ_3)^-1 dξ_3(∫_Γ^+ M_H(ξ_3)^-1 dξ_3)^-1 and L_H= (𝕀D_x^3- B^∗(x,D_x̃)+ G_0 (x,D_x̃) )T_H(x)(𝕀 D_x^3- B(x,D_x̃) ) modulo smoothing. Additionally, B(x,D_x̃) satisfies the following Riccati equation T_HD_x^3B+ (A_H+ G_H)B+ T_HB^2+ Q_H+ F_H + R_H=0 and the symbol of B is a smooth function of ε̂ and μ̂. The proof is the same as the proof of <cit.> which we briefly sketch. First, the Riccati equation (<ref>) can be derived from (<ref>) and the expression of the operator L_H as done in the proof of <cit.>. Looking at the principal symbol of the operators on both sides of (<ref>), we see that the principal symbol B^(1) of B must satisfy T_H(x)(B^(1)(x,ξ̃))^2+ A_H(x,ξ̃)B^(1)(x,ξ̃)+Q_H(x,ξ̃)=0 and using <cit.> we see that B^(1) given by (<ref>) will satisfy this equation. The remainder of the symbol of B can then be determined by looking at an asymptotic symbol expansion of (<ref>) and this symbol can be asymptotically summed to produce a pseudodifferential operator that satisfies (<ref>) modulo smoothing. Then the symbol for G_0 can be determined from (<ref>) in the same way. The final statement about smoothness of the symbol of B with respect to the parameters ε̂ and μ̂ can be proven by first looking at the principal symbol given by (<ref>). Indeed, given (x,ξ̃) a single choice of Γ_+ will work also in a neighbourhood of (x,ξ̃), and so the regularity with respect to the parameters follows from the regularity of M_H(ξ_3)^-1 with respect to the same on the contour Γ_+. The regularity of the rest of the symbol with respect to ε̂ and μ̂ follows from this and the construction of the lower order parts of the symbol as given in <cit.>. Next we express the principal symbol B^(1) given by (<ref>) more explicitly. The expression we derive will be used in the calculation of the principal symbols of Λ_ε̂ and Λ_μ̂ later. Our method uses the theory of monic matrix polynomials <cit.> to determine the Jordan pairs of M_H(ξ_3) and then express B^(1)(x,ξ̃) in terms of them. The theory of monic matrix polynomials is applicable to M_H(ξ_3) as the coefficient T_H(x) is invertible. In order to calculate the Jordan pairs of M_H, we should find the eigenvalues of M_H and for each eigenvalue ξ_3 also find covectors y_j such that ∑_p=0^j1/p!∂_ξ_3^p M_H(ξ_3)y_j-p=0, j=0, … k-1 where k is at most the order of ξ_3 as a root of the equation (M_H(ξ_3))=0. For each eigenvalue, the covector y_0 is called a corresponding eigenvector and the covectors y_1,… y_k-1 are called generalised eigenvectors. Writing M_H(ξ_3) in coordinates, we have (√(|μ̂^-1|)/√(|ε̂^-1|)(ε̂^-1)_lqμ̂^qaξ_aμ̂^kdξ_d+ δ_l^k|ξ|_ε̂^2- ξ_lξ_dε̂^dk) H_k=0, where we have made use of the identity (<ref>) for the ε̂^-1 metric. Let us now consider the covectors ξ, ζ=ε̂^-1μ̂ξ, χ= ∗_ε̂ (ξ∧ζ). When these covectors form a basis (see remark <ref>), we can write M_H in the basis {χ,ξ,ζ} as follows [χ ξ ζ]^Tε̂M_H [χ ξ ζ]=(|ξ|_ε̂^2 0 0 0 0 √(|μ̂^-1|)/√(|ε̂^-1|)|ξ|_μ̂^2 0 -|ξ|_μ̂^2 √(|μ̂^-1|)/√(|ε̂^-1|)|ξ|_μ̂ε̂^-1μ̂^2+|ξ|_ε̂^2). The determinant of the above vanishes for ξ_3 satisfying |ξ|_μ̂^4|ξ|_ε̂^2=0. Recalling Remark <ref>, let us point out that the quantities |ξ|_μ̂^2 and |ξ|_ε̂^2 can vanish for complex ξ as they are given by the real inner products ⟨·, ·⟩_ε̂ ⟨·, ·⟩_μ̂. For fixed ξ̃, the solutions ξ_3 of (<ref>) are conjugate pairs denoted by ξ_μ̂_3, ξ_μ̂_3 and ξ_ε̂_3, ξ_ε̂_3, respectively. The values of ξ_3 with positive imaginary part denoted by ξ_μ̂_3 and ξ_ε̂_3 are given by, respectively ξ_μ̂_3=- ⟨ν,ξ̃⟩_μ̂/μ̂^33+ i |ξ̃|_μ̃/√(μ̂^33), ξ_ε̂_3=- ⟨ν,ξ̃⟩_ε̂/ε̂^33+ i |ξ̃|_ε̃/√(ε̂^33), where we have made use of the representations of ε̂ and μ̂ given in equations (<ref>), (<ref>). We notice that ξ_μ̂_3 is a double root of (M_H(ξ_3)) and we expect an eigenvector and a generalised eigenvector associated with this value of ξ_3. The eigenvector corresponding to ξ_μ̂_3 will be denoted by ξ_μ̂ and is given by ξ_μ̂= ξ|_ξ_3=ξ_μ̂_3. The generalised eigenvector is given by γ_μ̂= ν + m_μ̂ζ_μ̂, where ζ_μ̂=ζ|_ξ_3=ξ_μ̂_3 m_μ̂= - 2√(|μ̂^-1|)/√(|ε̂^-1|)⟨ν,ξ_μ̂⟩_μ̂/√(|μ̂^-1|)/√(|ε̂^-1|)|ξ_μ̂|_μ̂ε̂^-1μ̂^2+ |ξ_μ̂|_ε̂^2. Proceeding to the eigenvalue ξ_ε̂_3, as it is a single root of (M_H(ξ_3)), it corresponds to the eigenvector χ_ε̂, defined by χ_ε̂= χ|_ξ_3 =ξ_ε̂_3. Therefore, the Jordan pairs and blocks of the matrix polynomial M_H(ξ_3) are given by Y_ε̂= χ_ε̂ , J_ε̂=[ξ_ε̂_3], Y_μ̂= [ξ_μ̂ γ_μ̂], J_μ̂= ( ξ_μ̂_3 1 0 ξ_μ̂_3). Using the Jordan pairs in the above, the principal symbol of the pseudodifferential operator B(x,D_x̃) is expressed as B^(1)(x,ξ̃)= X_HJ_HX_H^-1, where J_H= (ξ_ε̂_3 0 0 0 ξ_μ̂_3 |ξ_μ̂|_ε̂ 0 0 ξ_μ̂_3) X_H= [χ̂_ε̂ ξ̂_μ̂ γ_μ̂] and χ̂_ε̂, ξ̂_μ̂ denote that the covectors χ_ε̂ and ξ_μ̂ are normalised in such a way that X_H ∈ Ψ DO^(0). Additionally, M_H(ξ_3) can be factorised in terms of B^(1)(x,ξ̃) as M_H(ξ_3)=(𝕀ξ_3-(B^∗)^(1)(x,ξ̃))T_H(x)(𝕀ξ_3 -B^(1)(x,ξ̃)), where in order to derive the above factorisation we use the fact that T_H^1/2B^(1)T_H^-1/2, T_H^1/2(B^∗)^(1)T_H^-1/2 are spectral right and left divisors of T_H^-1/2M_H(ξ_3)T_H^-1/2, respectively. Factorising M_H(ξ_3), we can follow the method of <cit.> to obtain the factorisation of L_H provided in (<ref>), where the principal symbol of B(x,D_x̃) is B^(1)(x,ξ̃). We observe that when ξ_ε̂_3=ξ_μ̂_3, the covectors ξ, χ and ζ do not constitute a basis and the representation (<ref>) does not apply. However, using the continuity of the symbol B(x,ξ̃) with respect to ε̂ and μ̂ the various symbol expressions for the impedance and other maps derived below are still valid even when ξ_ε̂_3=ξ_μ̂_3. Next, we state the following result which will be used in the calculation of the principal symbol of the impedance map. The proof follows the proof of <cit.>. If H is the solution of the Dirichlet problem consisting of (<ref>), then D_x_3H=B(x,D_x̃)H, , M. The corresponding factorisation operator obtained by decoupling the system in terms of the electric field E and following similar reasoning to the above, will be denoted by C(x,D_x̃). The pseudodifferential operator C(x,D_x̃) satisfies the Riccati equation T_ED_x^3C+ (A_E+ G_E)C+ T_EC^2+ Q_E+ F_E + R_E=0, where T_E, A_E, G_E, Q_E, F_E, R_E are obtained from T_H, A_H, G_H, Q_H, F_H, R_H by exchanging ε̂ with μ̂. The principal symbol of C(x,D_x̃) is provided by C^(1)(x,ξ̃)= X_EJ_EX_E^-1, where J_E= (ξ_μ̂_3 0 0 0 ξ_ε̂_3 |ξ_ε̂|_μ̂ 0 0 ξ_ε̂_3) X_E= [χ̂_μ̂ ξ̂_ε̂ γ_ε̂] and the covectors χ_μ̂, ξ_ε̂ and γ_ε̂ are obtained from χ_ε̂, ξ_μ̂ and γ_μ̂ by exchanging μ̂ with ε̂. Viewing the solution H of the Dirichlet problem involving equations (<ref>) and (<ref>) as a pseudodifferential operator acting on the boundary data F and motivated by the expression of B^(1)(x,ξ̃), the principal symbol of H in the basis {χ_ε̂,ξ_μ̂,γ_μ̂} is written as H_k^(0)= a_ε̂χ_ε̂_k+ b_ε̂ξ_μ̂_k, where a_ε̂= ∗_ι^∗ε̂(ξ̃∧ F)/⟨ν_ε̂,ξ_ε̂⟩_ε̂|ξ_ε̂|_μ̂^2, b_ε̂= ∗_ι^∗ε̂(F∧χ_ε̂)/⟨ν_ϵ,ξ_ε̂⟩_ε̂|ξ_ε̂|_μ̂^2. Here ∗_ι^∗ε̂ denotes the Hodge star operator with respect to the ε̂ metric pulled back to ∂ M and ν_ε̂ is the normal covector at ∂ M with respect to the ε̂ metric. This decomposition of the principal symbol of H is implied since it has to vanish on the principal symbol of the divergence equation ξ_ãμ̂^ãbH_b^(0)+ μ̂^3a(B^(1)(x,ξ̃))_a^bH_b^(0)=0. Similarly, the principal symbol of E seen as a pseudodifferential operator acting on the boundary data G is given by E_k^(0)= a_μ̂χ_μ̂_k+ b_μ̂ξ_ε̂_k, where a_μ̂ and b_μ̂ are obtained from a_ε̂, b_ε̂ by exchanging ε̂ with μ̂ and replacing F by G. § PRINCIPAL SYMBOLS OF BOUNDARY MAPPINGS AND BOUNDARY RECOVERY The principal symbol of the impedance map Λ_ε̂: ι^∗H ↦ι^∗E is given by λ_ε̂^(1)(F) = -ξ̃ ∗_ι^∗ε̂(ξ̃∧ F ) /ω⟨ν_ε̂, ξ_ε̂⟩_ε̂. Let us consider the Maxwell's equation ∗_ε̂dH= -i ω E, which taking the pullback and considering the principal symbol in coordinates gives λ_ε̂^(1)(F) =-1/ω(ε̂^-1)_l̃bσ^ãkb/√(|ε̂^-1|)ξ_ãH_k^(0) -1/ω(ε̂^-1)_l̃b̃σ^3ãb̃/√(|ε̂^-1|)(B^(1)(x,ξ̃))_ã^k H_k^(0). Observing that ξ_μ̂ in the decomposition (<ref>) of H^(0) is in the kernel of the right hand-side of the above equation, only the covector χ_ε̂ contributes to the principal symbol of Λ_ε̂ as follows λ_ε̂^(1)(F) = - a_ε̂1/ω (ε̂^-1)_l̃bσ^akb/√(|ε̂^-1|)ξ_ε̂_aχ_ε̂_k= - a_ε̂/ωξ_l̃|ξ_ε̂|_μ̂^2, where we have used the identity (<ref>) for the ε̂^-1 metric. Substituting the expression (<ref>) for a_ε̂ we obtain the result. Working similarly to the above we can calculate the principal symbol of the admittance map as stated in the following theorem. The principal symbol of the admittance map Λ_μ̂: ι^∗E ↦ι^∗H is given by λ_μ̂^(1)(G)= ξ̃ ∗_ι^∗μ̂(ξ̃∧ G ) /ω⟨ν_μ̂, ξ_μ̂⟩_μ̂. §.§ Proof of Theorem <ref> From the fact that λ_ε̂^(1)=λ_ε̂'^(1) and using Theorem <ref>, we get √(|ε̃^-1|)⟨ν_ε̂,ξ_ε̂⟩_ε̂ =√(|ε̃'^-1|)⟨ν_ε̂',ξ_ε̂'⟩_ε̂', x_3=0, which, from (<ref>), leads to √(|ε̃^-1|)|ξ̃|_ε̃ = √(|ε̃'^-1|)|ξ̃|_ε̃', x_3=0. This implies that ε̃=ε̃' x_3=0. Working in the same way for λ_μ̂^(1)=λ_μ̂'^(1) we reach the corresponding result for μ̃ and μ̃' which completes the proof of Theorem <ref>. The result of Theorem <ref> in terms of the metrics (ε^♯,μ^♯), (ε'^♯,μ'^♯) translates to | g |ε^ĩj̃=| g'|ε'^ĩj̃, x_3=0, in boundary normal coordinates for ε^♯/ ε'^♯ and | g |μ^ĩj̃=| g'|μ'^ĩj̃, x_3=0, in boundary normal coordinates for μ^♯/ μ'^♯. Theorem <ref> implies that the presence of the determinant | g | in the above equations leads to a non-uniqueness on the boundary recovery of ε^♯ and μ^♯. More specifically, we have that the tangential components of the metrics ε^♯, μ^♯ can be determined up to a conformal factor which is arbitrary. §.§ Further consequences Now let us investigate the consequences of Theorem <ref> to the different pairs of electromagnetic fields E, H and E', H'. Let (ε̂,μ̂), (ε̂',μ̂') be two different metrics and Λ_ε̂, Λ_ε̂', E, H, E', H' the associated impedance maps and electromagnetic fields, respectively. Assuming that Λ_ε̂=Λ_ε̂' and ι^∗H=ι^∗H' then E=E', x_3=0, in boundary normal coordinates for ε̂/ ε̂' and H=H', x_3=0, in boundary normal coordinates for μ̂/μ̂'. We will work with E, E' and the result for H, H' is derived accordingly. Since ι^∗E=ι^∗E', it suffices to prove that E_3=E_3' at x_3=0. To start with, let us consider the third component of the equation ∗_ε̂d H= -i ω E, x_3=0, in boundary normal coordinates for ε̂, which is E_3= i/ωσ^ãk̃3/√(|ε̃^-1|)∂ H_k̃/∂ x_ã, x_3=0. Similarly, the corresponding equation for the '- parameters in boundary normal coordinates for ε̂' is given by E'_3= i/ωσ^ãk̃3/√(|ε̃^-1|)∂ H_k̃/∂ x_ã, x_3=0, where we have used the result of Theorem <ref> and the assumption ι^∗H=ι^∗H'. Therefore, E_3=E'_3 at x_3=0 which completes the proof. Let Ψ, Ψ' be the following change of coordinates transformations ε̂ Ψ⟶ μ̂, ε̂' Ψ'⟶ μ̂'. The Jacobian matrix of Ψ and its inverse at x_3=0 are given by DΨ =( 1 0 -μ̂^13/μ̂^33 0 1 -μ̂^23/μ̂^33 0 0 1/√(μ̂^33)), DΨ^-1=( 1 0 μ̂^13/√(μ̂^33) 0 1 μ̂^23/√(μ̂^33) 0 0 √(μ̂^33)), where the entries of μ̂ are expressed in boundary normal coordinates for ε̂. Similarly, the Jacobian matrix of Ψ' and its inverse at x_3=0 are obtained by (<ref>) after substituting the entries of μ̂ by the entries of μ̂'. Using (<ref>) we obtain the following representations for ε̂ and its determinant in boundary normal coordinates for μ̂ at x_3=0 ε̂= DΨ(ε̃ 0 0^T 1 ) (DΨ)^T= (ε̃+ μ̂^3ĩμ̂^3j̃/(μ̂^33)^2 - μ̂^ĩ3/(μ̂^33)^3/2 - μ̂^j̃3/(μ̂^33)^3/2 1/μ̂^33), |ε̂|=|ε̃|/μ̂^33. Similarly, the metric μ̂ and its determinant in boundary normal coordinates for ε̂ at x_3=0 are provided by μ̂= DΨ ^-1(μ̃ 0 0^T 1 ) (DΨ ^-1)^T=( μ̃+ μ̂^3ĩμ̂^3j̃/μ̂^33 μ̂^ĩ3 μ̂^3j̃ μ̂^33), |μ̂|=μ̂^33|μ̃|. The expressions of ε̂' in boundary normal coordinates for μ̂' and μ̂' in boundary normal coordinates for ε̂' at x_3=0 follow from equations (<ref>) and (<ref>), respectively, after substituting the entries of μ̂ by the entries of μ̂'. Now let us introduce the notation for the covectors ξ_μ̂, χ_μ̂, ξ_ε̂ and χ_ε̂ in boundary normal coordinates for μ̂ and ε̂ as shown in Table <ref> and then express their normal components in each coordinate system. The normal components of the covectors ξ_ε̂,ε̃, ξ_μ̂,μ̃, ξ_μ̂,ε̃ and ξ_ε̂,μ̃ are provided by ξ_ε̂,ε̃_3= i |ξ̃|_ε̃, ξ_μ̂,μ̃_3= i |ξ̃|_μ̃, ξ_μ̂,ε̃_3= - ⟨ν,ξ̃⟩_μ̂/μ̂^33 + i |ξ̃|_μ̃/√(μ̂^33), ξ_ε̂,μ̃_3= ⟨ν,ξ̃⟩_μ̂/√(μ̂^33)+ i |ξ̃|_ε̃√(μ̂^33). To prove the above equations it suffices to use equations (<ref>) and (<ref>) and the representations of each metric in the different coordinate systems. The normal components of the covectors χ_μ̂,ε̃_3, χ_μ̂',ε̃_3, χ_ε̂,μ̃_3 and χ_ε̂',μ̃_3 are expressed as χ_μ̂,ε̃_3= σ_3j̃ĩε̃^ĩd̃ξ_d̃μ̃^j̃b̃ξ_b̃/√(|μ̃|)√(μ̂^33)+ i |ξ̃|_μ̃σ_3j̃ĩε̃^ĩb̃ξ_b̃μ̂^j̃3/√(|μ̃|)μ̂^33, χ_ε̂,μ̃_3= σ_3j̃ĩε̃^b̃j̃ξ_b̃μ̃^ĩd̃ξ_d̃√(μ̂^33)/√(|ε̃|)- i|ξ̃|_ε̃σ_3j̃ĩμ̂^3j̃μ̃^ĩd̃ξ_d̃/√(|ε̃|)√(μ̂^33). We use the following expressions of the covectors χ_μ̂ and χ_ε̂ in general coordinates χ_μ̂_k=σ_kjiμ̂^bjξ_μ̂_bε̂^idξ_μ̂_d/√(|μ̂|), χ_ε̂_k=σ_kjiε̂^bjξ_ε̂_bμ̂^idξ_ε̂_d/√(|ε̂|), which are derived using the identity (<ref>) for the metrics μ̂ and ε̂, respectively. The normal components of these covectors in each coordinate system are calculated using the representations of the metrics in each coordinate system and Lemma <ref>. The normal components of the '- covectors in the different coordinate systems denoted by ξ_ε̂',ε̃_3, ξ_μ̂',μ̃_3, ξ_μ̂',ε̃, ξ_ε̂',μ̃, χ_ε̂',μ̃_3 and χ_μ̂',ε̃_3 are obtained from the expressions derived in Lemma <ref> and <ref> after substituting the normal components of μ̂ by the normal components of μ̂'. Let (ε̂,μ̂) (ε̂',μ̂') be 2 different sets of metrics and Λ_ε̂, Λ_ε̂' the associated boundary mappings. If Λ_ε̂=Λ_ε̂', then the following identities hold (ξ_μ̂',ε̃_3+ ξ_ε̂,ε̃_3)χ_μ̂,ε̃_3=(ξ_μ̂,ε̃_3+ ξ_ε̂,ε̃_3)χ_μ̂',ε̃_3, x_3=0, (ξ_ε̂',μ̃_3+ ξ_μ̂,μ̃_3)χ_ε̂,μ̃_3=(ξ_ε̂,μ̃_3+ ξ_μ̂,μ̃_3)χ_ε̂',μ̃_3, x_3=0. We will show the derivation of the identity (<ref>) as (<ref>) is proven in a similar way. Let us fix boundary normal coordinates for ε̂. We aim to write χ̃_μ̂ as χ̃_μ̂= a ξ̃+ b ξ̃_ε̃⊥ for some constants a, b to be determined and ξ̃_ε̃⊥:= ∗_ε̃ξ̃ satisfying ⟨ξ̃, ξ̃_ε̃⊥⟩_ε̃=0, ξ̃∧ξ̃_ε̃⊥= |ξ̃|_ε̃^2 dv_ε̃, where dv_ε̃ denotes the volume form at the boundary with respect to the ε̃ metric. Considering the inner product with respect to the ε̃ metric of ξ̃ with (<ref>), we obtain a= - ξ_μ̂,ε̃_3χ_μ̂,ε̃_3/|ξ̃|_ε̃^2, where we have used the fact that ⟨χ_μ̂,ε̃,ξ_μ̂⟩_ε̂=0. The wedge product of ξ̃ with (<ref>) results to b= - i√(|ε̃|)|ξ_μ̂|_ε̂^2|ξ̃|_μ̃/√(|μ̃|)|ξ̃|_ε̃^2. Now let us write the principal symbol of the normal component of E as E_3^(0)= a_μ̂χ_μ̂,ε̃_3+ b_μ̂ξ_ε̂,ε̃_3. Making use of equations (<ref>) as well as equation (<ref>) we arrive at E_3^(0)(G)= χ_μ̂,ε̃_3/|ξ̃|_μ̃|ξ̃|_ε̃(ξ_μ̂,ε̃_3+ ξ_ε̂,ε̃_3) ∗_ι^*μ̂ (ξ̃∧ G ) + i √(|ε̃|)/√(|μ̃|)|ξ̃|_ε̃∗_ι^*μ̂ (ξ̃_ε̃⊥∧ G ). Setting this equal to E_3'^(0)(G) with G = ξ̃_ε̃⊥ and using Theorem <ref> completes the proof. §.§ Proof of Theorem <ref> Using Lemma <ref> and <ref>, the imaginary parts of (<ref>) and (<ref>) are provided by, respectively, σ_3j̃ĩε̃^ĩd̃ξ_d̃( ⟨ν,ξ̃⟩_μ̂μ̂'^3j̃-⟨ν,ξ̃⟩_μ̂'μ̂^3j̃) =|ξ̃|_ε̃/|ξ̃|_μ̃σ_3ĩj̃ε̃^ĩd̃ξ_d̃μ̃^j̃b̃ξ_b̃(μ̂'^33√(μ̂^33) -μ̂^33√(μ̂'^33)), σ_3j̃ĩμ̃^ĩd̃ξ_d̃( ⟨ν,ξ̃⟩_μ̂μ̂'^3j̃-⟨ν,ξ̃⟩_μ̂'μ̂^3j̃) =|ξ̃|_μ̃/|ξ̃|_ε̃σ_3ĩj̃ε̃^ĩd̃ξ_d̃μ̃^j̃b̃ξ_b̃(μ̂'^33√(μ̂^33) -μ̂^33√(μ̂'^33)). Combining the above displayed formulae we arrive at σ_3j̃ĩ(⟨ν,ξ̃⟩_μ̂μ̂'^3j̃- ⟨ν,ξ̃⟩_μ̂'μ̂^3j̃) ( |ξ̃|_ε̃^2μ̃^ĩd̃ξ_d̃-|ξ̃|_μ̃^2ε̃^ĩd̃ξ_d̃)=0. Now we are going distinguish the following two different cases. * There exists a>0 such that μ̃=a ε̃. * The metrics μ̃ and ε̃ are not multiples. Starting with case <ref>, we have that σ_3ĩj̃ε̃^ĩd̃ξ_d̃μ̃^j̃b̃ξ_b̃=0 and the first equation in (<ref>) reduces to σ_3j̃ĩε̃^ĩd̃ξ_d̃( ⟨ν,ξ̃⟩_μ̂μ̂'^3j̃-⟨ν,ξ̃⟩_μ̂'μ̂^3j̃)=0. This implies that if ( ⟨ν,ξ̃⟩_μ̂μ̂'^3j̃-⟨ν,ξ̃⟩_μ̂'μ̂^3j̃) ≠ 0, there exists b∈ℝ such that ε̃^j̃d̃ξ_d̃= b ( ⟨ν,ξ̃⟩_μ̂μ̂'^3j̃-⟨ν,ξ̃⟩_μ̂'μ̂^3j̃), which cannot hold, since multiplying the above by ξ_j̃ leads to |ξ̃|_ε=0. Therefore, ( ⟨ν,ξ̃⟩_μ̂μ̂'^3j̃-⟨ν,ξ̃⟩_μ̂'μ̂^3j̃)=0 or equivalently μ̂'^3j̃=cμ̂^3j̃, x_3=0. for c∈ℝ. It remains to work with case <ref>, where μ̃ and ε̃ are assumed not to be multiples. Under this assumption, equation (<ref>) yields, at least for all ξ̃ in an open set, to ⟨ν,ξ̃⟩_μ̂μ̂'^3j̃- ⟨ν,ξ̃⟩_μ̂'μ̂^3j̃= β( μ̃^j̃ãξ_ã|ξ̃|_ε̃^2-ε̃^j̃ãξ_ã|ξ̃|_μ̃^2), where β∈ℝ. Combining the above with the equations in (<ref>) we get ⟨ν,ξ̃⟩_μ̂μ̂'^3j̃- ⟨ν,ξ̃⟩_μ̂'μ̂^3j̃=( μ̂^33√(μ̂'^33)-μ̂'^33√(μ̂^33)) ( μ̃^j̃ãξ_ã|ξ̃|_ε̃/|ξ̃|_μ̃-ε̃^j̃ãξ_ã|ξ̃|_μ̃/|ξ̃|_ε̃). Differentiating (<ref>) with respect to ξ̃ results to μ̂'^3j̃μ̂^3ã- μ̂^3j̃μ̂'^3ã =( μ̂^33√(μ̂'^33)-μ̂'^33√(μ̂^33))(μ̃^j̃ã|ξ̃|_ε̃/|ξ̃|_μ̃+ μ̃^j̃d̃ξ_d̃/|ξ̃|_μ̃ε̃^ãb̃ξ_b̃/|ξ̃|_ε̃. . - μ̃^j̃d̃ξ_d̃|ξ̃|_ε̃μ̃^b̃ãξ_b̃/|ξ̃|_μ̃^3-ε̃^j̃ã|ξ̃|_μ̃/|ξ̃|_ε̃- ε̃^j̃d̃ξ_d̃/|ξ̃|_ε̃μ̃^ãb̃ξ_b̃/|ξ̃|_μ̃+ ε̃^j̃d̃ξ_d̃|ξ̃|_μ̃ε̃^b̃ãξ_b̃/|ξ̃|_ε̃^3). Let η∈ T^*_x(∂ M) be linearly independent from ξ̃. Multiplying both sides of the above displayed equation by η, we get ( μ̂^33√(μ̂'^33)-μ̂'^33√(μ̂^33))[|ξ̃|_ε̃/|ξ̃|_μ̃( |η|_μ̃^2- ⟨ξ̃,η⟩ _μ̃^2/|ξ̃|_μ̃^2)-|ξ̃|_μ̃/|ξ̃|_ε̃( |η|_ε̃^2- ⟨ξ̃,η⟩ _ε̃^2/|ξ̃|_ε̃^2)]=0. Assuming that the second factor in (<ref>) vanishes and fixing η such that η_1=-ξ_2, η_2=ξ_1 we obtain |ξ̃|_ε̃^4/|ξ̃|_μ̃^4= |ε̃|/|μ̃|. The above holds for ξ̃ in an open set, and we observe that the right hand-side does not depend on ξ̃. Therefore ε̃ should be a multiple of μ̃, which contradicts to our initial assumption. Hence, the second factor in (<ref>) cannot be zero which leads to μ̂^33=μ̂'^33, x_3=0. Taking this into account and revisiting equation (<ref>) we have, assuming without loss of generality that μ̂^j̃3≠ 0, μ̂'^j̃3=cμ̂^j̃3, x_3=0, for c∈ℝ. Next, the real part of (<ref>), by virtue of the relationships between the normal components of μ̂ and μ̂', becomes (1-c )⟨ξ̃,ν⟩ _μ̂σ_3j̃ĩε̃^ĩd̃ξ_d̃μ̃^ĩb̃ξ_b̃ +|ξ̃|_μ̃^2( c-1) σ_3j̃ĩε̃^ĩd̃ξ_d̃μ̂^3j̃ =|ξ̃|_ε̃|ξ̃|_μ̃√(μ̂^33)( 1-c )σ_3j̃ĩε̃^ĩd̃ξ_d̃μ̂^3j̃, which choosing ξ̃≠ 0 such that ⟨ν,ξ̃⟩_μ̂=0, simplifies to ( c-1) ( |ξ̃|_μ̃^2+|ξ̃|_ε̃|ξ̃|_μ̃√(μ̂^33))σ_3j̃ĩε̃^ĩd̃ξ_d̃μ̂^3j̃=0. Since the vectors ε̃^j̃d̃ξ_d̃ and μ̂^3j̃ are not multiples of each other, we have ( c-1) ( |ξ̃|_μ̃^2+|ξ̃|_ε̃|ξ̃|_μ̃√(μ̂^33))=0. Since the second term on the left is positive, we deduce that c=1 which implies μ̂^3j̃= μ̂'^3j̃, x_3=0. This completes the proof of Theorem <ref>. In the following lemma we show that when the different pairs of metrics agree at x_3=0 in boundary normal coordinates for ε̂/ε̂' then the same holds for the electromagnetic fields E, H, E', H'. This will be used in Section <ref>. Let (ε̂,μ̂), (ε̂',μ̂') be two different sets of metrics and E, H, E', H' be the corresponding electric and magnetic fields. If ε̂=ε̂' and μ̂=μ̂' at x_3=0, in boundary normal coordinates for ε̂/ε̂', then E=E', x_3=0 and H=H', x_3=0. To prove the above we only need to consider the magnetic fields H and H' as the result for E, E' is already proven in Lemma <ref>. Considering the change of coordinates (<ref>) and the fact that H=H' in boundary normal coordinates for μ̂/μ̂' completes the proof. § NORMAL DERIVATIVES OF ELECTROMAGNETIC PARAMETERS In this section, we apply the methods of <cit.> and <cit.> to show inductively that when the metrics (ε̂,μ̂),(ε̂',μ̂') are equal at x_3=0, then, for any κ>0, ∂_x_3^κε̂=∂_x_3^κε̂', ∂_x_3^κμ̂=∂_x_3^κμ̂' at x_3=0 which proves Theorem <ref>. Let us consider the pseudodifferential operators B(x,D_x̃) and B'(x,D_x̃) associated with the metrics (ε̂, μ̂) and (ε̂', μ̂') respectively and define Y=B'-B ∈ Ψ DO^(1). Making use of the Riccati equation (<ref>) and the corresponding Riccati equation for the '- parameters we have that Y satisfies T_H'D_x^3Y+ ( A_H'+ G_H')Y+ T_H'Y^2+ T_H'BY +T_H'YB= 0.5cm [(A_H-A_H')+(G_H-G_H')+(T_H-T_H')B]B + (R_H-R_H') 0.5cm+ (Q_H-Q_H') +(F_H-F_H')+(T_H-T_H')D_x^3B. Similarly, J ∈ Ψ DO^(1) realised by J=C'-C, satisfies T_E'D_x^3J+ ( A_E'+ G_E')J+ T_E'J^2+ T_E'CJ +T_E'JC= 0.5cm [(A_E-A_E')+(G_E-G_E')+(T_E-T_E')C]C + (R_E-R_E') 0.5cm + (Q_E-Q_E') +(F_E-F_E')+(T_E-T_E')D_x^3C. Let us now define a class of pseudodifferential operators that depends smoothly on the normal distance from the boundary with respect to the ε̂ metric. We say P ∈Ψ DO^(m,p)(∂ M, ℝ_+) if it is a family of pseudodifferential operators of order m on ∂ M, varying smoothly up to x_3=0 such that P=∑_j=0^px_3^jP^(m-p+j), with P^(j) ∈ Ψ DO^(m-p+j)(∂ M). The calculus of Ψ DOs as well as the definition immediately implies the following results which are collected here for later use. Suppose that P ∈Ψ DO^(m,p)(∂ M, ℝ_+) and P' ∈Ψ DO^(m',p')(∂ M, ℝ_+). Then P P' ∈Ψ DO^(m+m',p+p')(∂ M, ℝ_+). Also, P ∈Ψ DO^(m+1,p+1)(∂ M, ℝ_+) and x_3 P ∈Ψ DO^(m,p+1)(∂ M, ℝ_+) For P ∈Ψ DO^(m,p)(∂ M, ℝ_+), we define the vector of principal symbols of P=∑_j=0^px_3^jP^(m-p+j) at x_3=0, by taking σ_p,l(P) = σ_p (1/l!d^l/dx_3^lP|_x_3=0 ), where 0≤ l ≤ p. More particularly, we have that σ_p(P) = (σ_p (P^(m-p)|_x_3=0 ),σ_p (P^(m-p+1)|_x_3=0 ),…, σ_p (P^(m)|_x_3=0 ) ). We notice that when the metrics (ε̂,μ̂),(ε̂',μ̂') are equal at x_3=0, the principal symbols of B and B' agree at the boundary. Hence Y ∈ Ψ DO^(0)(∂ M), or in terms of the class of pseudodifferential operators given in Definition <ref>, Y=x_3Y^(1)+Y^(0), where, restricted to ∂ M, Y^(1)∈Ψ DO^(1)(∂ M) and Y^(0)∈Ψ DO^(0)(∂ M). This is equivalent to Y ∈Ψ DO^(1,1)(∂ M,ℝ^+) and correspondingly, for the pseudodifferential operator J, we have J∈Ψ DO^(1,1)(∂ M,ℝ^+). Also, defining H̃=H'-H we have, by Lemma <ref>, that H̃=0 at x_3=0 which allows us to write H̃∈ x_3Ψ DO^(0,0)(∂ M,ℝ^+) ⊂Ψ DO^(0,1)(∂ M,ℝ^+). Similarly, writing Ẽ=E'-E, then Ẽ is in the same space. Aiming to prove Theorem <ref> inductively, we calculate the normal derivatives of order a, a≥ 1, of H̃ and Ẽ at x_3=0. In Theorems <ref> and <ref> we express these derivatives in terms of the pseudodifferential operators B, Y and C, J, respectively. In Theorems <ref> and <ref> we use the Maxwell's and divergence equations to write D_x_3^aH̃ and D_x_3^aẼ in terms of the normal derivatives of ε̂, μ̂, ε̂', μ̂' in boundary normal coordinates for ε̂/ε̂' at x_3=0. Then, we use the expressions derived for D_x_3^aH̃ and D_x_3^aẼ at x_3=0 to determine the vectors of principal symbols of the Riccati equations (<ref>) and (<ref>), in the sense of Definition <ref>. Let (ε̂,μ̂), (ε̂',μ̂') be two different sets of electromagnetic parameters and H, H' the associated magnetic fields, respectively and let H̃=H'-H. Assume that B, B' are the factorisation operators corresponding to the magnetic fields H, H' and let H̃ = H'-H, Y=B'-B. Let us fix boundary normal coordinates for ε̂/ε̂'. If Y ∈Ψ DO^(1,κ)(∂ M,ℝ^+) and H̃=0 at x_3=0, then we have H̃∈Ψ DO^(0,κ)(∂ M,ℝ^+) and for 1≤ a σ_p (D_x_3^aH̃ )= ∑_j=0^a-1∑_n=0^j( j n )(B^(1))^a-1-jσ_p (D_x_3^j-nY )(B^(1))^nH^(0) at x_3=0. Making use of Theorem <ref> we have that D_x^3H̃ = YH+ BH̃+ YH̃ modulo smoothing. In the case κ = 1, by taking the principal symbol of (<ref>) the proof is complete. So assume that κ>1. Starting from this, we prove inductively that for 1≤ a ≤κ, D_x^3^a H̃ = ∑_j=0^a-1 B^a-1-j D_x_3^j(YH) + B^a H̃ +R̃_a H̃ + R_a where R̃_a ∈Ψ DO^(a-1,0)(∂ M,ℝ^+) and R_a ∈Ψ DO^(a,κ+1)(∂ M,ℝ^+). Note that the case a =1 of (<ref>) is already proven from (<ref>) with R̃_1 = 0 and R_1 = YH̃. Now assume, by induction, that (<ref>) is true for some 1≤ a. Using Pascal's triangle we obtain D_x_3^j(YH)=∑_n=0^j( j n ) (D_x_3^j-nY) B^nH, and applying Lemma <ref> to each term separately conclude that D_x_3^j(YH) ∈Ψ DO^j+1,κ(∂ M,ℝ^+). Therefore, applying D_x^3 to (<ref>) gives D_x^3^a+1H̃ = ∑_j=0^a-1 B^a-1-j D_x_3^j+1(YH) + B^a D_x^3H̃ +R̃_a+1H̃+R_a+1 where R̃_a+1∈Ψ DO^(a,0)(∂ M,ℝ^+) and R_a+1∈Ψ DO^(a+1,κ+1)(∂ M, ℝ^+) contain the derivatives of the corresponding terms from the a step, as well as terms involving derivatives of B. Using (<ref>), rearranging the terms and changing the remainder R_a+1, we see that (<ref>) holds for a+1. This completes the induction and so proves (<ref>). Using (<ref>) and (<ref>) and the fact that H̃ vanishes at the boundary, the principal symbol of D^a_x^3H̃ at x_3=0 is given by (<ref>). This implies that, at x_3 = 0, D^a_x^3H̃∈Ψ DO^(a-κ)(∂ M) and so, since this is true for 1 ≤ a ≤κ, we get H̃∈Ψ DO^(0,κ)(∂ M,ℝ^+). Let (ε̂,μ̂), (ε̂',μ̂') be two different sets of electromagnetic parameters and E, E' the associated electric fields, respectively and let Ẽ=E'-E. Assume that C, C' are the factorisation operators corresponding to the magnetic fields E, E' and let J=C'-C. If J ∈Ψ DO^(1,κ)(∂ M) and Ẽ=0 at x_3=0, then have Ẽ∈Ψ DO^(0,κ)(∂ M,ℝ^+) and for 1≤ a σ_p(D_x_3^aẼ)= ∑_j=0^a-1∑_n=0^j( j n ) (C^(1))^a-1-jσ_p(D_x_3^j-nJ)(C^(1))^nE^(0), at x_3=0. The proof is done in a similar manner to the proof of Theorem <ref> and therefore is omitted. We now continue to calculate the difference of the normal derivatives of Maxwell's and divergence equations for the two sets of parameters. Let (ε̂,μ̂) and (ε̂',μ̂') be two different sets of electromagnetic parameters and Λ_ε̂, Λ_ε̂', H, H', E, E' the associated impedance maps and electromagnetic fields, respectively and H̃=H'-H, Ẽ=E'-E. Assume that B,B' are the factorisation operators corresponding to the magnetic fields H, H' and let Y=B'-B. Assume further that C, C' are the factorisation operators corresponding to the electric fields E, E' and J=C'-C. Let us fix boundary normal coordinates for ε̂/ε̂'. If, for some κ≥ 1, * Λ_ε̂=Λ_ε̂', * ε̂=ε̂'+x_3^κe_ε, μ̂=μ̂'+x_3^κe_μ, where e_ε, e_μ are symmetric, * √(|ε̂^-1|) = √(|ε̂'^-1|) + x_3^κ r_ε, √(|μ̂^-1|) = √(|μ̂'^-1|) + x_3^κ r_μ, * Y, J ∈ Ψ DO^(1,κ)(∂ M,ℝ^+), then, σ_p(D_x_3^κH̃_c̃) = 0, σ_p(D_x_3^κH̃_3)= (-i)^κκ! (e_μ^3j + r_μμ̂'^3j/√(|μ̂'^-1|) )H_j^(0)/μ̂'^33, σ_p(D_x_3^κ+1H̃_c̃) = (-i)^κκ! ξ_c̃ (e_μ^3j + r_μμ̂'^3j/√(|μ̂'^-1|) )H_j^(0)/μ̂'^33, μ̂'^3jσ_p(D_x_3^κ+1H̃_j) = (-i)^κκ! (- μ̂'^ĩ3ξ_ĩ/μ̂'^33 (e_μ^3j + r_μμ̂'^3j/√(|μ̂'^-1|) ) 1cm + e_μ^ĩjξ_ĩ+ 2 e_μ^3l(B^(1))_l^j + r_μμ̂'^3l/√(|μ̂'^-1|)(B^(1))_l^j)H_j^(0), at x_3 = 0 and if κ≥ 2 then σ_p(D_x_3^aH̃_j)=0, 1 ≤ a ≤κ-1. at x_3=0. First note that, by Theorem <ref>, H̃∈Ψ DO^(0,κ)(∂ M,ℝ^+). Let us first consider the divergence equations for the magnetic fields H and H', which are -i δ_μ̂( H)=0, -iδ_μ̂'(H')=0. Subtracting these equations and writing the result in boundary normal coordinates for ε̂/ε̂', we obtain μ̂'^3jD_x_3H̃_j =- μ̂'^ĩjD_x_ĩH̃_j+ x_3^κe_μ^ĩjD_x_ĩH_j+ x_3^κe_μ^3jD_x_3H_j 1cm -i κ x_3^κ-1 (e_μ^3j + r_μμ̂'^3j/√(|μ̂'^-1|) )H_j + R where R ∈Ψ DO^(0,κ)(∂ M, ℝ^+) and the other terms on the right are in Ψ DO^(1,κ)(∂ M, ℝ^+). Applying D_x_3^a for a ≥ 0 to (<ref>), we arrive at μ̂'^3jD_x_3^a+1H̃_j = D_x_3^a (- μ̂'^ĩjD_x_ĩH̃_j+ x_3^κe_μ^ĩjD_x_ĩH_j+ x_3^κe_μ^3jD_x_3H_j -i κ x_3^κ-1 (e_μ^3j + r_μμ̂'^3j/√(|μ̂'^-1|) )H_j ), modulo Ψ DO^(a,κ)(∂ M). Each of the terms in the right hand-side of (<ref>) expands as D_x_3^a(- μ'^ĩjD_x_ĩH̃_j) = - μ̂'^ĩjD_x_ĩD_x_3^aH̃_j, D_x_3^a( x_3^κe_μ^ĩjD_x_ĩH_j) = ∑_n=0^a( a n )(D_x_3^nx_3^κ)e_μ^ĩjD_x_ĩ D_x_3^a-nH_j, D_x_3^a(x_3^κe_μ^3jD_x_3H_j) = ∑_n=0^a( a n ) (D_x_3^nx_3^κ)e_μ^3jD_x_3^a+1-nH_j, D_x_3^a (-i κ x_3^κ-1 (e_μ^3j + r_μμ̂'^3j/√(|μ̂'^-1|) )H_j ) = -2.3cm -iκ∑_n=0^a( a n ) (D_x_3^nx_3^κ-1) (e_μ^3j + r_μμ̂'^3j/√(|μ̂'^-1|) )D_x_3^a-nH_j, modulo Ψ DO^(a,κ)(∂ M). Let us consider the case of κ=1. The principal symbols of equation (<ref>) for a=0 and a=1 at x_3=0 give respectively μ̂'^3lσ_p(D_x_3H̃_j)H_j^(0) =-i (e_μ^3j + r_μμ̂'^3j/√(|μ̂'^-1|) )H_j^(0), μ̂'^3jσ_p(D_x_3^2H̃_j) = - μ̂'^ĩkξ_ĩσ_p(D_x_3H̃_j) 0.2cm+ (-i) ( e_μ^ĩkξ_ĩ +2 e_μ^3j(B^(1))_j^k + r_μμ̂'^3j/√(|μ̂'^-1|)(B^(1))_j^k) H_k^(0). Assuming that κ≥ 2 and considering the principal symbols of equation (<ref>) for 1 ≤ a ≤κ at x_3=0 we obtain μ̂'^3j(D_x_3^lH̃_j) =-μ̂'^ĩjξ_ĩσ_p(D_x_3^l-1H̃_j), 1 ≤ l ≤κ-1, μ̂'^3jσ_p(D_x_3^κH̃_j) =- μ̂'^ĩjξ_ĩσ_p(D_x_3^κ-1H̃_j)+ (-i)^κκ! (e_μ^3j + r_μμ̂'^3j/√(|μ̂'^-1|) )H_j^(0), μ̂'^3jσ_p(D_x_3^κ+1H̃_j) =- μ̂'^ĩjξ_ĩσ_p(D_x_3^κH̃_j) 0.2cm+ (-i)^κκ! ( e_μ^ĩkξ_ĩ+ 2 e_μ^3l(B^(1))_l^k + r_μμ̂'^3j/√(|μ̂'^-1|)(B^(1))_j^k )H_k^(0), where we have made use of equations (<ref>) for 1 ≤ a ≤κ at x_3=0. In order to derive the equations regarding the tangential components of H̃ we start with Maxwell's equation ∗_ε̂dH= -i ω E, which is written in boundary normal coordinates for ε̂/ε̂' as σ^lbcD_x_bH_c= ωε̂^lk/√(|ε̂|)E_k. Evaluating the above at either l=1 or l=2 and taking into account that we work in boundary normal coordinates for ε̂ implies D_x_3H_c̃= D_x_c̃H_3+ ωσ_ã3c̃ε̂^lk/√(|ε̂|)E_k̃. Subtracting the corresponding equation for the '- parameters, we arrive at D_x_3H̃_c̃=D_x_c̃H̃_3 + ωσ_ã3c̃ (ε̂'^lk/√(|ε̂'|)E'_k̃-ε̂^lk/√(|ε̂|)E_k̃ ). Using Theorem <ref> and the hypotheses, we obtain modulo Ψ DO^(0,κ)(∂ M) D_x_3H̃_c̃ =D_x_c̃H̃_3. Applying D_x_3 a more times leads to D_x_3^a+1H̃_c̃=D_x_c̃D_x_3^aH̃_3, Ψ DO^(a,κ)(∂ M) for 0≤ a ≤κ. The principal symbol of the above equation at x_3=0 gives σ_p(D_x_3^a+1H̃_c̃)=ξ_c̃σ_p(D_x_3^aH̃_3), 0<a≤κ. Combining equations (<ref>) and (<ref>) with (<ref>) completes the proof. Assume the same hypotheses as for Theorem <ref> and in addition * ε̂=ε̂'+x_3^κ+1e_ε, * √(|ε̂^-1|) = √(|ε̂'^-1|) + x_3^κ+1 r_ε. Then σ_p(D_x^3^κ+1Ẽ_c̃) = 0, σ_p(D_x_3^κ+1Ẽ_3)= (-i)^κ+1 (κ+1)! r_ε/√(|ε̂'^-1|)E_3^(0), σ_p(D_x_3^κ+2Ẽ_c̃) = (-i)^κ+1 (κ+1)! ξ_c̃r_ε/√(|ε̂'^-1|)E_3^(0), σ_p(D_x_3^κ+2Ẽ_3) = (-i)^κ+1 (κ+1)! ( e_ε^ĩjξ_ĩ+ r_ε/√(|ε̂'^-1|)(C^(1))_3^j)E_j^(0), σ_p(D_x_3^aẼ_j) = 0, 1 ≤ a ≤κ at x_3 = 0. Working as in the proof of Theorem <ref> leads to the desired result. Note that the calculations and results are simpler in this case because of the choice of boundary normal coordinates. §.§ Proof of Theorem <ref> To prove Theorem <ref>, it suffices to prove Theorems <ref>, <ref> and <ref> below. More specifically, in each inductive step we start with Theorem <ref> to prove given that the normal derivatives of order κ-1 ≥ 0 of ε̂ and ε̂' agree at x_3=0 the same follows for their normal derivatives of order κ at x_3=0. Then, we proceed to Theorem <ref> to prove the corresponding result for the metrics μ̂ and μ̂'. Last, we have to show that as the normal derivatives of the metrics induced by the electromagnetic parameters agree to a higher order at x_3=0 the order of the pseudodifferential operators Y and J decreases at x_3=0. This is shown in Theorem <ref>. In what follows, we will work with specific values of the principal symbols of H and E by choosing H^(0)=χ_ε̂ and E^(0)=χ_μ̂. Recall Section <ref> for the definitions of these covectors. These covectors are not defined when ξ_ε̂3 = ξ_μ̂3, but in these cases the conclusions still follow by density since, as observed in Remark <ref>, the symbols are continuous with respect to the parameters. Let (ε̂,μ̂) and (ε̂',μ̂') be two different sets of electromagnetic parameters and Λ_ε̂, Λ_ε̂' the associated impedance maps. Assume that B, B' are the factorisation operators corresponding to the magnetic fields H, H' and let Y=B'-B. Let us fix boundary normal coordinates for ε̂/ε̂'. If Λ_ε̂=Λ_ε̂', ∂_x_3^aε̂=∂_x_3^aε̂', ∂_x_3^aμ̂=∂_x_3^aμ̂', x_3=0, for a=0,…, κ-1 and Y ∈Ψ DO^(1,κ)(∂ M,ℝ^+), then ∂_x_3^κε̂=∂_x_3^κε̂', at x_3=0. Since Y∈Ψ DO^(1,κ)(∂ M,ℝ^+), both sides of Riccati equation (<ref>) are in Ψ DO^(2,κ)(∂ M,ℝ^+) and the vector of principal symbols, in the sense of Definition <ref>, is given by A_H' Y^(1)+ T_H'B^(1)Y^(1)+T_H'Y^(1)B^(1)= 0.5cm 1/κ!(∂_x_3^κ(A_H-A_H')B^(1)+ ∂_x_3^κ(T_H-T_H')(B^(1))^2 + ∂_x_3^κ(Q_H-Q_H')), -κ i T_H'Y^(1)+ A_H'Y^(0)+ T_H'B^(1)Y^(0) + T_H'Y^(0)B^(1)= 3cm 1/(κ-1)!(∂_x^3^κ-1(G_H-G_H')B^(1) + ∂_x^3^κ-1(F_H-F_H')), -(κ-1)i T_H'Y^(0)+ A_H'Y^(-1)+T_H'B^(1)Y^(-1)+ T_H'Y^(-1)B^(1)= 7.5cm ∂_x_3^κ-2/(κ-2)!(R_H-R_H'), -(κ-2) i T_H'Y^(-1)+A_H' Y^(-2)+ T_H'B^(1)Y^(-2)+T_H'Y^(-2) B^(1)=0, 5cm⋮ -i T_H'Y^-(κ-2)+ A_H'Y^-(κ-1)+ T_H'B^(1)Y^-(κ-1)+ T_H'Y^-(κ-1)B^(1)=0. The different sets of electromagnetic parameters are assumed to agree to order κ-1 at x_3=0, which implies that ε̂^-1= ε̂'^-1+ x_3^κẽ_ε, μ̂= μ̂'+ x_3^κe_μ. To prove the theorem, we aim to prove that ẽ_ε=0 at x_3=0 beginning by applying the second equation of (<ref>) to H^(0) = χ_ϵ̂. If κ=1, Lemma <ref> is directly satisfied which implies the desired result. If κ≥ 2, in order for the assumption of Lemma <ref> for Y to be satisfied we additionally use (<ref>) and (<ref>) which when combined give Y^(l)χ_ε=0, 1-κ≤ l ≤ -1. at x_3=0. Therefore the assumptions of Lemma <ref> are satisfied for any κ≥ 1 and the proof is completed. Let (ε̂,μ̂), (ε̂',μ̂') be two different sets of electromagnetic parameters and Λ_ε̂, Λ_ε̂' the associated impedance maps. Assume that C, C' are the factorisation operators corresponding to the electric fields E, E' and let J=C'-C. Let us fix boundary normal coordinates for ε̂/ε̂'. If Λ_ε̂=Λ_ε̂', ∂_x_3^aε̂ = ∂_x_3^aε̂', ∂_x_3^bμ̂=∂_x_3^bμ̂', x_3=0, for a=0,1,2,…,κ, b=0,1,…,κ-1 and J ∈Ψ DO^(1,κ)(∂ M), then ∂_x_3^κμ̂=∂_x_3^κμ̂', x_3=0. Given that J ∈ Ψ DO^(1,κ)(∂ M) the principal symbol of the Riccati equation (<ref>) at x_3=0 is given by A_E J^(1)+ T_EC^(1)J^(1)+T_EJ^(1)C^(1)= 1cm 1/κ!(∂_x_3^κ(A_E-A_E')C^(1)+ ∂_x_3^κ(T_E-T_E')(C^(1))^2 + ∂_x_3^κ(Q_E-Q_E')), -κ i T_EJ^(1)+ A_EJ^(0)+ T_EC^(1)J^(0) + T_EJ^(0)C^(1)= 3.3cm 1/(κ-1)!(∂_x^3^κ-1(G_E-G_E')C^(1) + ∂_x^3^κ-1(F_E-F_E')), -(κ-1)i T_EJ^(0)+ A_EJ^(-1)+T_EC^(1)J^(-1)+ T_EJ^(-1)C^(1) 4cm =1/(κ-2)!∂_x_3^κ-2(R_E-R_E'), -(κ-2) i T_EJ^(-1)+A_E J^(-2)+ T_EC^(1)J^(-2)+T_EJ^(-2) C^(1)=0, 5cm⋮ -i T_EJ^-(κ-2)+ A_EJ^-(κ-1)+ T_EC^(1)J^-(κ-1)+ T_EJ^-(κ-1)C^(1)=0. According to the assumptions of the theorem, the different sets of metrics satisfy ε̂=ε̂'+ x_3^κ+1e_ε, (μ̂^-1)=(μ̂'^-1)+ x_3^κẽ_μ, for e_ε, ẽ_μ symmetric. Let us fix E^(0)=χ_μ̂. In order for Lemma <ref> to be applicable, we will show that for any κ≥ 1 we have J^(l)χ_μ̂=0, 1-κ≤ l ≤ 1, at x_3=0. Equations (<ref>) and (<ref>) show that for any κ≥ 1 J^(l)χ_μ̂=0, 1-κ≤ l ≤ 0 x_3=0. To show that J^(1) also vanishes, we consider the second equation in (<ref>), (<ref>), (<ref>), (<ref>), (<ref>) and (<ref>). Using all of these formulas and taking the μ̂' inner product with ν, we obtain that r_ϵ appearing in (<ref>) must be zero. This implies, again by (<ref>) and (<ref>), that J^(1)χ_μ̂ = 0. Hence, we obtain that equation (<ref>) holds for any κ≥ 1 which allows us to apply Lemma <ref> and the proof is completed. The following two lemmas are used in the proofs of Theorems <ref> and <ref> and include many of the technical calculations. Let (ε̂,μ̂), (ε̂',μ̂') be two different sets of electromagnetic parameters. Let us fix boundary normal coordinates for ε̂/ ε̂'. If ε̂^-1= ε̂'^-1+ x_3^κẽ_ε, μ̂= μ̂'+ x_3^κe_μ and Y ∈ Ψ DO^(1,κ)(∂ M) such that for any κ≥2 Y^(a)χ_ε̂=0, 1-κ≤ a ≤ -1, then for any κ≥ 1, equation (T_H'( -κ i Y^(1)+ B^(1)Y^(0) + Y^(0)B^(1))+A_H'Y^(0))χ_ε̂= 2cm 1/(κ-1)!(∂_x^3^κ-1(G_H-G_H')B^(1)+ ∂_x^3^κ-1(F_H-F_H'))χ_ε̂ implies that ∂_x_3^κε̂=∂_x_3^κε̂', We first show that for any κ≥ 1, (Y^(0))_l̃^kχ_ε̂_k=0, (Y^(0))_3^kχ_ε̂_k=-i κ ( ⟨ν, χ_ε̂⟩_e_μ/μ̂'^33+r_μ⟨ν, χ_ε̂⟩_μ̂'/√(|μ̂'^-1|)μ̂'^33 ), at x_3=0. Evaluating equation (<ref>) for a=κ at H^(0)=χ_ε results to σ_p(D_x_3^κH̃)|_H^(0)=χ_ε̂= ∑_j=0^κ-1∑_n=0^j( j n ) (B^(1))^κ-1-jσ_p(D_x_3^j-nY)(B^(1))^nχ_ε̂. The assumption of the lemma on Y implies that σ_p(D_x_3^κH̃)|_H^(0)=χ_ε̂= σ_p(D_x_3^κ-1Y)χ_ε̂=(-i)^κ-1(κ-1)!Y^(0)χ_ε̂, at x_3=0. Equation (<ref>) then implies (<ref>). Now let us write (<ref>) for a=κ+1 evaluated at H^(0)=χ_ε̂, which gives σ_p(D_x_3^κ+1H̃)|_H^(0)=χ_ε̂= ∑_j=0^κ∑_n=0^j( j n ) (B^(1))^κ-jσ_p(D_x_3^j-nY)(B^(1))^nχ_ε̂. The assumption of the theorem on Y implies that the only nonzero terms in the above arise for j = κ, n=0, 1 and j=κ-1, n=0. Thus, we have σ_p(D_x_3^κ+1H̃)|_H^(0)=χ_ε̂= (-i)^κκ!Y^(1)χ_ε̂+(-i)^κ-1(κ-1)! (B^(1)Y^(0)+Y^(0) B^(1) )χ_ε̂. Hence, we observe that the left hand-side of (<ref>) is equal to T_H'σ_p(D_x_3^κ+1H̃)|_H^(0)=χ_ε̂/(-i)^κ-1(κ-1)!+ A_H'Y^(0)χ_ε̂. Using equations (<ref>), (<ref>), (<ref>), (<ref>) and (<ref>), the left hand side of (<ref>), as shown in (<ref>), is equal to - i κ√(|μ̂^-1|)/√(|ε̂^-1|) ( (ε̂'^-1)_lqμ̂^q3⟨ξ_ϵ̂, χ_ε⟩_e_μ+ (ε̂'^-1)_lqμ̂^qaξ_ϵ̂a (e_μ^3j + r_μμ̂'^3j/√(|μ̂'^-1|) )χ_ϵ̂j ). Using formulas (<ref>), (<ref>) and (<ref>), the right hand side of (<ref>) is written in coordinates as - i κ√(|μ̂^-1|)/√(|ε̂^-1|) ( (ε̂'^-1)_lqμ̂^q3⟨ξ_ϵ̂, χ_ε⟩_e_μ+ (ε̂'^-1)_lqμ̂^qaξ_ϵ̂a (e_μ^3j + r_μμ̂'^3j/√(|μ̂'^-1|) )χ_ϵ̂j ) 3cm+i κ(ε̂'^-1)_lq/|ε̂'^-1|σ^3 j̃q̃ (ẽ_ε)_b̃j̃σ^d k b̃ξ_ε̂dχ_ε̂k. Equating (<ref>) with (<ref>) we arrive at i κ(ε̂'^-1)_lq/|ε̂'^-1|σ^3 j̃q̃ (ẽ_ε)_b̃j̃σ^d k b̃ξ_ε̂dχ_ε̂k=0, which, substituting a coordinate expression for χ_ε̂ and cancelling some terms, is simplified to (ε^-1)_l̃l̃'̃σ^3β̃l̃'̃(ẽ_ε)_b̃β̃ε^b̃b̃'̃ξ_b̃'̃=0. This holds for all ξ̃ and l and so is satisfied if and only if ẽ_ε = 0. Therefore ε̂^-1 and ε̂'^-1 agree up to the κ derivative, and so the same is true for ε̂ and ε̂'. This completes the proof. Let (ε̂,μ̂), (ε̂',μ̂') be two different sets of electromagnetic parameters. Let us fix boundary normal coordinates for ε̂/ε̂'. If ε̂=ε̂'+ x_3^κ+1e_ε, (μ̂^-1)=(μ̂'^-1)+ x_3^κẽ_μ and for any κ≥ 1 the following equations hold at x_3=0 (∂_x^3^κ-1(G_E-G_E')C^(1) + ∂_x^3^κ-1(F_E-F_E'))χ_μ̂=0, (∂_x_3^κ(A_E-A_E')C^(1)+ ∂_x_3^κ(Q_E-Q_E')+ ∂_x_3^κ(T_E-T_E')(C^(1))^2)χ_μ̂=0, then, ∂_x_3^κμ̂=∂_x_3^κμ̂', x_3=0. Making use of the symbols G_E, F_E, which are given by equations (<ref>) and (<ref>) with ε̂ and μ̂ switched, and the assumptions of the lemma on the different sets of metrics, equation (<ref>) implies (μ̂^-1)_lq̃σ^3j̃q̃(ẽ_μ)_j̃bσ^dkbξ_μ̂_dχ_μ̂_k=0. Substituting the expression of χ_μ̂. the above reduces to (μ̂^-1)_lq̃σ^3j̃q̃(ẽ_μ)_j̃bμ̂^bb'ξ_μ̂_b'=0, x_3=0. Therefore, we obtain (ẽ_μ)_j̃b=0, x_3=0 which implies in particular that (ẽ_μ)_33 is the only remaining nonzero component at x_3 = 0. Considering (<ref>) while using the the symbols A_E, Q_E and T_E, determined respectively from (<ref>), (<ref>) and (<ref>), the hypothesis on the metrics as well as (<ref>), we can calculate ∗_μ̂ (ν∧∗_μ̂ ( χ_μ̂∧ξ_μ̂) ) ⟨ν, ξ_μ̂⟩_μ̂ (ẽ_μ)_33 = 0. Explicit calculation in coordinates using the definitions of χ_μ̂ and ξ_μ̂ shows that the coefficient in the previous formula is not zero, and so we deduce (ẽ_μ)_33=0, x_3=0. Therefore, we have shown that ∂_x_3^κμ̂^-1=∂_x_3^κμ̂'^-1, x_3=0, which completes the proof. Let (ε̂,μ̂) and (ε̂',μ̂') be two different sets of electromagnetic parameters and Λ_ε̂, Λ_ε̂' the associated impedance maps. Assume that B, B' are the factorisation operators corresponding to the magnetic fields H, H' and let Y=B'-B. Assume further that C, C' are the factorisation operators corresponding to the electric fields E, E' and let J=C'-C. Let us fix boundary normal coordinates for ε̂/ε̂'. If Λ_ε̂=Λ_ε̂', ∂_x^3^aε̂= ∂_x^3^aε̂', ∂_x^3^aμ̂=∂_x^3^aμ̂', x_3=0, for a=0, …κ and Y, J ∈Ψ DO^(1,κ)(∂ M,ℝ^+), then Y, J∈Ψ DO^(1,κ+1)(∂ M,ℝ^+). The case κ = 0 follows from the formula (<ref>) and (<ref>) for B, B', C and C' since the principal symbols depend only on the values of the respective parameters at the boundary. For κ≥ 1, it suffices to show that the equations ( A_H+ T_HB^(1))Z + T_HZB^(1)= 0, ( A_E+ T_EC^(1))W + T_EWC^(1)= 0, admit the unique solutions Z=0 and W=0, respectively. This follows from the fact that after proving Theorems <ref> and <ref> the right hand-sides of the equations in (<ref>) and (<ref>) vanish. We will prove the result for (<ref>) and the corresponding result for (<ref>) follows in a similar way. Equation (<ref>) multiplied by T_H^-1 becomes ( T_H^-1A_H+ B^(1))Z + ZB^(1)= 0 This is a homogeneous Sylvester equation with unknown Z. According to <cit.>, if T_H^-1A_H+B^(1) and -B^(1) do not share any eigenvalues equation (<ref>) admits the unique solution Z=0. We showed that B^(1) satisfies T_H(B^(1))^2+ A_HB^(1)+ Q_H=0. Hence we can write T_H^-1A_H+B^(1) as T_H^-1A_H+B^(1)= -T_H^-1 Q_H(B^(1))^-1. So we have to investigate if T_H^-1Q_H(B^(1))^-1 and B^(1) share any eigenvalues. Revisiting the factorisation of M_H(ξ_3) in terms of B^(1) as given in equation (<ref>) we have T_Hξ_3^2+ A_Hξ_3+ Q_H= (𝕀ξ_3-(B^∗)^(1))T_H(𝕀ξ_3 -B^(1)). Equating the terms that are of order zero with respect to ξ_3, we have that Q_H is expressed as Q_H= (B^∗)^(1)T_H B^(1). Hence, T_H^-1Q_H(B^(1))^-1 is written as T_H^-1Q_H(B^(1))^-1= T_H^-1(B^∗)^(1)T_H. Since the eigenvalues ξ_μ̂3 and ξ_ϵ̂3 of B^(1) have nonzero complex component, the eigenvalues ξ_μ̂3 and ξ_ϵ̂3 of T_H^-1(B^∗)^(1)T_H are different, which completes the proof. § ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank Bill Lionheart for suggesting the problem and providing many useful discussions.
Long-range temperature-controlled transport of ultra-cold atoms with an accelerated lattice
[ "Luc Absil", "Yann Balland", "Franck Pereira dos Santos" ]
[ "physics.atom-ph" ]
franck.pereira@obspm.fr LNE-SYRTE, Observatoire de Paris, Université PSL, CNRS, Sorbonne Université, Paris, F–75014, France We report our method for transporting ultracold atoms over macroscopic distances and trapping them back in a vertical mixed trap, consisting of the superposition of a vertical lattice and a transverse confinement beam. The transport is performed with Bloch oscillations allowing us to move up to 25% of a sub-micro-Kelvin atomic cloud on a distance of the order of 30cm, without excessive heating and with a good control of its final position. The efficiency is lowered to about 10% after trapping them back in the vertical mixed trap during extended times. 32.80.Qk, 37.10.Jk, 05.60.Gg, 37.25.+k Long-range temperature-controlled transport of ultra-cold atoms with an accelerated lattice Franck Pereira dos Santos March 30, 2023 =========================================================================================== § INTRODUCTION The transport of clouds of cold atoms or Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) from their production area to other areas of experimental interest has drawn much attention since first implementations in the 90s <cit.>. Various approaches have been considered, using magnetic or optical fields, depending on the desired specifications. Magnetic traps have demonstrated to be a suitable solution for long-range displacement of tens of centimeters, but at the cost of heating up the sample <cit.>. On the other hand, trapping the atomic cloud in optical lattices has proven to be a solution of choice for precise displacement of single atoms over distances of the order of the centimeter <cit.> <cit.>, for adiabatic centimeter-long transport of ultracold atoms <cit.>. Other solutions involving the use of Bessel beams <cit.>, of a focus-tunable moiré lens <cit.>, other optical systems of tunable-zoom <cit.> or optical tweezers <cit.> have also shown their interest to transport atomic cloud either on short distances with reasonably small heating or on long distances with more consequent warm-up of the atomic cloud. In the experiment reported here, we aim at performing ultra-sensitive short range forces measurements, with a quantum sensor based on ^87Rb atoms trapped in an optical trap, consisting of a vertical shallow lattice λ_Verdi=532 nm overlapped with a transverse confinement potential λ_IR = 1064 nm. In such a system, energy differences between adjacent lattice sites can be probed with a Ramsey-Raman interferometer <cit.> providing us a local measurement of the vertical force exerted on the atoms. The goal is to probe micrometer-range forces occurring between our atomic cloud and the surface of a mirror. Previous attempts at similar measures have shown the importance of preparing the sample away from the surface of interest in order to minimize any undesired adsorption of the atoms onto the surface <cit.> <cit.>. Furthermore, the spatial resolution of the measurements is limited by the final size of the cloud, in the first place in the vertical direction, perpendicular to the surface of the mirror, of the order of a few micrometers <cit.>. Secondly, the transverse elongation of the cloud leads to an averaging of the roughness of the surface.   We present here the outcomes of our experimental setup which enables the transportation of up to 25% of a sub-micro-Kelvin atomic cloud on a distance of the order of 30 cm, without inducing excessive heating and while maintaining control over its size and final position. We first provide a general overview of the experimental setup and of the main sources of loss expected, before reporting our results on the transport efficiency and the control of the atoms position. § EXPERIMENTAL SETUP Figure <ref>-a summarizes the main steps of the atom preparation. A two-dimensional magneto-optical-trap (2D-MOT) loads atoms in a three-dimensional magneto-optical trap (3D-MOT), which in turn loads a crossed dipole trap where evaporative cooling is performed down to a temperature of 300 nK and an atomic density of the order of 10^12 atoms/cm^3. Then, atoms are launched upward and transported over 30 cm, up to the vicinity of the surface of the lattice mirror, where measurements are to be performed. The elevator consists of the overlapping of two counterpropagating beams “Bloch 1“ and “Bloch 2“ whose frequency differences and intensities are tuned over time. Atoms are thus loaded in an accelerated or decelerated lattice of adjustable depth. §.§ Setup The Bloch beams are derived from a single external-cavity diode laser, which is split in two. Each beam is sent to a double pass acousto-optic modulator (AOM) before injecting a 2W tapered amplifier. Each amplified beam then passes through an other single pass AOM and then injects a polarization maintaining fiber. One fiber directs the first Bloch beam to the bottom of the experimental setup, where it enters the vacuum chamber, while the other fiber bring the second Bloch beam to the top. They are finally overlapped so as to counterpropagate along the vertical direction. This setup allows for modulating the frequency difference between the beams during the transport with the AOMs before the TAs, and their powers with the AOMs placed after the TAs. §.§ Atoms in moving lattices The periodic potential U(z) resulting from the interference of the two counter-propagating beams “Bloch 1,2” of intensity I_1,2 is proportional to the local intensity experienced by the atoms I(z) = 2 I_0 (1 + m cos 2kz), where I_0 is the average intensity and m the ratio of the geometric and arithmetic means of the intensities of each beam : U(z) = U_0/2 (1 + m cos 2 k z) For a detuning Δ of the order of hundreds of GHz with respect to the D2 line of ^87Rb, the depth is U_0 ∼ħΓ^2 I_0 / (3 Δ I_s), where Γ and I_s are the natural linewidth and the saturation intensity of the transition, and k is the modulus of the wavevector of the laser. By imposing a frequency difference Δω between the two Bloch beams, we then move the lattice potential with a velocity v_latt = Δω/2k. This allows us to coherently accelerate the atoms through Bloch oscillations <cit.>, each oscillation imparting a 2 ħ k momentum transfer to the atoms. For the measurements presented here, the detuning Δ was set to -250 GHz. For maximum powers of order of 50 mW in the two beams, with identical waists of 400 μm, we calculate a maximum depth of the order of 150 E_r. This is in reasonable agreement with a determination of the depth based on Raman-Nath diffraction, where from the measurement of the populations in the diffracted orders as a function of duration of a square pulse performed before the transport, we deduced a maximum depth of about 110 E_r. Figure <ref> illustrates the typical sequence of transport. The atoms are first adiabatically loaded into the lattice, by increasing the depth from 0 to U_acc in 600 μs while ramping the frequency difference between the two beams by 25 MHz/s. This corresponds to accelerating the lattice by g. Then, the lattice is accelerated upwards over 6 ms at a fixed lattice depth U_acc. The chirp of the frequency difference between the beams corresponds to N_acc Bloch oscillations. After a certain transport time at constant velocity, where the lattice potential may be reduced, the atoms are decelerated at a depth U_dec with N_dec Bloch oscillations. The atoms are then adiabatically released by reducing the lattice potential down to zero in 600 μs. They are then trapped in the mixed trap consisting of the superposition of the green lattice and the IR transverse confinement beam illustrated in figure <ref>, where force measurements are to be performed. Between the acceleration and deceleration, we keep the lattice at a depth U_ff in order to keep the atoms vertically and transversally confined. Additional transverse confinement is also provided by the IR laser at 1064 nm whose waist, of the order of 200 μm is placed at the target position of the atoms, near the surface of the lattice mirror. §.§ Sources of loss Common sources of loss during the transport with Bloch oscillations are spontaneous emission and non-adiabatic losses. Spontaneous emission occurs at a rate of order of P_sp∼ U_0 Γ / ħΔ and leads to losses that increase with the duration of the transport. Note that in our case, the tapered amplifiers emit in addition amplified spontaneous emission near resonance, which we efficiently filter using narrow bandwidth (of order of ∼ 150 GHz) interference laser line filters. This in turn forces us to use large enough detunings. For their efficient transport with Bloch oscillations, atoms have to be initially loaded and then to remain in the lower band of the moving lattice. The adiabaticity of the acceleration process restricts accelerations to below a critical value, which, in the weak binding limit, can be deduced from the Landau-Zener formula <cit.>. The larger the depth, the larger this critical acceleration, and generally losses decrease with decreasing accelerations, and thus longer transport durations, by contrast with losses by spontaneous emission. This calls for a compromize between these two sources of losses. Note that for depths below 20 E_r, resonances between the energy bands also reduces the efficiency in certain acceleration ranges. Finally, specific to our optical setup, a last source of loss is due to small fractions of the Bloch 1 beam that retroreflect on the green lattice and Raman mirrors. These create additional static lattices, in which a fraction of the atoms, can be trapped as displayed in subfigure <ref>-α. To minimize them, on one hand, the dichroic character of the green lattice mirror yields a low reflectivity of about 0.6% at 780 nm, and on the other hand, the polarization beam splitter placed on the top should ideally prevents the Bloch 1 beam from reflecting onto the Raman mirror. In practice, a residual reflection is minimized by carefully adjusting the polarization of the beam. §.§ Detection Two different detection schemes are used to evaluate the performance of our transport system. We use in-situ absorption imaging with a PCO PixelFly CCD camera in the bottom chamber, and both absorption imaging or fluorescence detection with a deeply cooled EM-CCD camera in the top chamber. This allows us to measure the number of atoms in the | F=2 ⟩ state and their temperature in both chambers. In-situ fluorescence imaging in the top chamber allows to measure with a better atom detectivity but without much spatial resolution the number of atoms in each of the | F=1 ⟩ and | F=2 ⟩ states. § RESULTS To optimize the launch efficiency of the atoms, we started by imaging in the bottom chamber their position 3 ms after their acceleration. Subfigure <ref>-α left displays an absorption imaging picture featuring three different groups of atoms: (3) launched, (2) trapped in a parasitic lattice due to reflection of the "Bloch 1" beam on the Raman mirror, and (1) untrapped and in free fall. By adjusting the polarization of the “Bloch 1“ beam, we eliminated the loss of atoms in both groups (1) and (2), which results in a single group of atoms as displayed at the right. We then increased the number of Bloch oscillations until the atoms could reach the top chamber, where we obtained a first signal (similar to the one in subfigure <ref>-β). We then optimized the durations of the different transport phases, keeping the transport distance constant. This initial optimization resulted in durations of 6 ms for both acceleration and deceleration phases, with 250 Bloch oscillations at the acceleration as displayed in figure <ref>. We then optimized the other parameters, such as the power of the “Bloch“ beams or the temperature of the atoms before the transport. We finally varied back the duration and number of Bloch oscillations without much improvement. We illustrate Fig. <ref> the influence of the initial temperature of the atoms both on the number and the temperature of the atoms after their transport over the 30cm distance and after their trapping in the mixed trap described above. We find that the efficiency of both processes reduces when increasing the initial temperature. We attribute this for one to the velocity selectivity of the acceleration process, that works best for atoms moving at subrecoil velocities in the frame of the lattice, and for the other to the shallow depth of the mixed trap. Note that the efficiency is not the only relevant parameter when it comes to selecting the most appropriate parameters for our transport system. It can be of interest for instance to work either with high initial temperatures, which, despite the lower efficiency, leads indeed to larger number of transported atoms, or with lower initial temperature, which leads to smaller sizes at the end. These relevant parameters actually depend on the details of the evaporative cooling stage, where temperature, number of atoms and initial size are correlated. The influence of the powers in the Bloch beams during the transport is illustrated in figure <ref>-a. The larger the powers, the higher the depth, and the more efficient is the transport. However, for an efficient subsequent loading in the mixed trap, the power in the “Bloch 1" beam needs to be reduced, as shown in Figure <ref>-c, which displays the number of atoms in the mixed trap after a trapping time of 1s. We attribute this feature to the presence of residual parasitic static lattices, related to the reflection of the “Bloch 1" beam on the Raman and green lattice mirrors. Other parameters have also been varied without much improvement. We can for instance mention the influence of the depth used during the transport (U_ff). While decreasing the depth at this stage reduces in principle losses due to spontaneous emission, it comes at the price of a large decrease in the number of transported atoms, which we attribute to the reduction in the transverse confinement. Therefore this depth was kept constant, as high as during the acceleration and deceleration phases, for all the measurements presented here. The position stability of the cloud after the transport is a key objective for our experimental setup. To check its evolution over time, we alternated absorption imaging measurements of the cloud before and after the transport. The corresponding Allan standard deviations of those two signals and of their difference are plotted in figure <ref>. A larger measurement noise is observed for the position before the launch in the bottom chamber, which we attribute to the larger size of the cloud, whose center position has been measured after a 6 ms thermal expansion in free fall, and to the larger readout noise of the bottom camera compared to the top one. On both positions of the cloud, we observe a bump on the Allan deviation, occurring around 200s. This perturbation is correlated with the temperature cycles of our air conditioning system and is actually eliminated when calculating the difference of the two signals, since the Allan deviation of this difference averages as white noise down to about 100 nm at 1000s. This confirms that the travel distance is not affected by these thermal fluctuations, which are dominated by the fluctuations of the starting position of the atomic cloud, before the transport. This correlation between the top and bottom positions decreases over longer time scales, of hours or days, as can already be observed in figure <ref> for timescales of a few thousand seconds. This could actually be due to deformations in the mechanical structure supporting our two imaging systems, rather than variations in the actual travel distance. Finally, the final vertical size of the cloud will determine the spatial resolution of our force sensor. But, given the current resolution of our imaging system of about 9 μm, we are actually not able to precisely determine this size, nor its fluctuations. Nevertheless, since the atoms remain trapped at all times, we expect the size of the atomic cloud to be identical to the size at the end of the evaporation (ie of order of a few micrometers in rms width). § CONCLUSION We have investigated the efficiency of using Bloch oscillations to transport a cloud of ultracold atoms over a long-range distance of 30 cm, with an accurate control of their final position, size and temperature, and with the strong constraint of keeping them trapped at all times. We obtain a maximum efficiency of 25% for their transport, and in the end, we recapture about 10% of the initial number of atoms in the final trap, which combines a blue-detuned static lattice and a red-detuned progressive wave for transverse confinement. Spontaneous emission induces in our setup significant losses and heating, which could be reduced by operating at larger detunings, and thus intensities. At the end of the sequence, we are left with a cold and well localized sample of atoms, which we will use to probe short range interaction forces between the atoms and the dielectric mirror that retroreflects the lattice beam. § ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research has been carried out in the frame of the QuantERA project TAIOL, funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme and the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-18-QUAN-0015-01). apsrev4-1
Dynamic of Time Varying Weighted Backward Shift Operator
[ "Jing Hou", "Yonglu Shu" ]
[ "math.FA" ]
DYNAMIC OF TIME VARYING WEIGHTED BACKWARD SHIFT OPERATOR ]DYNAMIC OF TIME VARYING WEIGHTED BACKWARD SHIFT OPERATOR Jing Hou]Jing Hou1 1 College of Mathematics and Statistics, Chongqing University, Chongqing, 401331, P. R. China Jing Hou@cqu.edu.cn yonglu Shu]yonglu Shu2 2 College of Mathematics and Statistics, Chongqing University, Chongqing, 401331, P. R. China shuyonglu@163.com we study the hypercyclic and chaotic properties of the time varying weighted backward shift operator (Tx)(t)=w(t)x(t+a) in L_p(0,∞)(1≤ p<∞) and C_0[0,∞). And we also analyse the spectral structure of the operators if the spaces are complex. [ [ March 30, 2023 ================== § INTRODUCTION Linear dynamics is a new branch of functional analysis which has developed rapidly. The study of linear dynamics began in 1929 when Birkhoff gave the hypercycle of translation operator in H(ℂ) <cit.> . Then, in 1952, Maclane discovered that differential operator in H(ℂ) is hypercyclic <cit.>. In 1969, Rolewicz showed that linear shifts can have dense orbits in Banach space <cit.>. However, the three papers mentioned above have not attracted much attention for mathematicians. The real development of linear operator dynamics was after the publication of Kaitai's thesis <cit.> in 1984, which discussed the problem of invariant subsets of linear operators and gave the Hypercyclic criterion. Since the 1980s, many mathematicians, inspired by the above sporadic examples, have aroused the enthusiasm of researchers and begun to study the dynamical properties of general linear operators, see <cit.>, <cit.>, <cit.>. We refer to the books <cit.> or <cit.> for background on linear dynamics, and to the papers <cit.> or <cit.> for a glimpse at the richness of the class of linear dynamical systems and its potential usefulness in general ergodic theory. If T is a bounded operator, the T-orbit of a vector x∈ X is the set orb(x,T):={T^nx}_n∈ℤ_+. The operator T is said to be hypercyclic if there is some vector x∈ X such that orb(x,T) is dense in X. Such a vector x is said to be hypercyclic for T, and the set of all hypercyclic vectors for T is denoted by HC(T). Hypercyclic linear operators with a dense set of periodic points are said to be chaotic. In paper <cit.>, let A be an unbounded operator on a separable infinite dimensional Banach space X. Since A is only densely defined on X, it may happen that a vector f is in the domain of A, but Af fails to be in the domain of A. For this reason, we define A to be hypercyclic if there is a vector f in the domain of A such that for every integer n>1 the vector A^nf is in the domain of A and the orbit {f, Af, A^2f, A^3f,⋯} is dense in X. Hypercyclic unbounded operators with a dense set of periodic points are said to be chaotic. In <cit.>, S. Rolewicz provides the first example of a hypercyclic bounded linear operator on a Banach space l_p (1≤ p<∞) or c_0 weighted backward shift:T(x_k)_k∈ℕ=w(x_k+1)_k∈ℕ, where w∈𝔽(𝔽=ℝ or ℂ) such that |w|>1 is arbitrary. Rolewicz's operators also happen to chaotic. In 2019, Marat V. Markin considers a natural unbounded extension of the classcial Rolewicz weighted backward shift operators<cit.>. He prove the chaoticity and describe the spectral structure of Rolewicz-type weighted backward shift unbounded linear operator in the sequence spaces l_p(1≤ p<∞) and c_0: A(x_k)_k∈ℕ=(w^kx_k+1)_k∈ℕ, where w∈ℝ or w∈ℂ such that |w|>1 is arbitrary, with the domain D(A)={(x_k)_k∈ℕ∈ X| (w^kx_k+1)_k∈ℕ∈ X} where X=l_p(1≤ p<∞) or c_0. In <cit.>, John M. Jimenez and Marat V. Markinn shown that, in L_p(0,∞) and C_0[0,∞), the bounded weighted backward shift operator (Tx)(t)=wx(t+a) (w>1 and a>0) and its unbounded counterpart (Tx)(t)=w^tx(t+a) are chaotic. Combining <cit.> and <cit.>, a natural question is : what are the dynamical properties if we replacing w^t and w with w(t)? We can define shift operators T with variable weight w(t): Tx(t)=w(t)x(t+a). We get the main theorems of this paper: In the (real or complex) space L_p(0,∞) (1≤ p<∞) the bounded time varying weight backward shift operator Tx(t): =w(t)x(t+a), T^nx(t): =∏_i=0^n-1w(t+ia)x(t+na), where w(t) bounded and |w(t)|>1, is chaotic. Moreover, supposed the space is complex, σ(T)={λ∈ℂ| |λ|⩽w_∞} with σ_p(T)={λ∈ℂ| |λ|<w_∞} and σ_c(T)={λ∈ℂ| |λ|=w_∞}. In the (real or complex) space L_p(0, ∞), we can define the unbounded time varying weight backward shift operator T (Tx)(t) :=w(t)x(t+a) (T^nx)(t) :=∏_i=0^n-1w(t+ia)x(t+na), where x∈ L_p(0, ∞) and a>0, with domain D(T):={x∈ L_p(0, ∞)|∫_0^∞|w(t)x(t+a)|^pdt<+∞}. If w(t) satisfies the following conditions: (1)w(t) unbounded and (2)lim_t→∞w(t)=∞, (3)|w(t)|>b>1, (b is a constant). then T is chaotic. Moreover, if the space is complex, then σ(T)=σ_p(T)=ℂ. In the (real or complex) space C_0[0, ∞), we can define the unbounded time varying weighted backward shift operator T (Tx)(t) :=w(t)x(t+a) (T^nx)(t) :=∏_i=0^n-1w(t+ia)x(t+na), where x∈ C_0[0, ∞) and a>0, with domain D(T):={x∈ C_0[0, ∞)| lim_t→∞|w(t)x(t+a)=0}. If w(t) satisfies the following conditions: (1) w(t) is continuous, w(0)=1 and lim_t→∞ w(t)=∞; (2)|w(t)|>b>1, (b is a constant) and (3)max_t∈[0,∞)|w(t)/w(t-(n-1)a)|→∞,  n→∞, then T is hypercyclic. § PRELIMINARY In this section, we recall some well-known definitions, referring to <cit.> or <cit.> for more retails. And all operators are considered to be linear operators in a separable Banach space X with norm ·. (Hypercyclicity<cit.><cit.>). Let T:X→ X be a bounded operator in a Banach space(X,·). A bounded operator T possessing hypercyclic vectors is called hypercyclic. A nonzero vector x∈ X is called hypercyclic for T if its orbit under T, orb(x,T)={T^nx; n⩾0} is dense in X. (chaotic<cit.><cit.>). A periodic point for T is a vector x∈ X such that T^nx=x for some n∈ℕ. Provided that a bounded operator T satisfies the following conditions: (i) T is hypercyclic; (ii)T has a dense set of periodic points, then T is chaotic. For an operator T in X with domain D(T), the set D(T^∞) is by definition the intersection of all D(T^n)'s: D(T^∞):=⋂_n=0^∞ D(T^n). with x_n:=∑_j=0^nT^jx for x∈ D(T^∞). In <cit.>, if T is a closed operator then the space D(T^∞) is a separable Frechet space under the topology determined by the seminorms x_n, n=0, 1, 2, ⋯. There is a natural extension of the concept of hypercyclicity and chaos to unbounded operators, see <cit.> and <cit.>. (Hypercyclicity <cit.><cit.>). Let T:D(T)→ X be a unbounded operator in a Banach space(X,·). A unbounded operator T possessing hypercyclic vectors is called hypercyclic. A nonzero vector x∈ D(T^∞) is called hypercyclic for T if its orbit under T, orb(x,T)={T^nx; n⩾0} is dense in X. (chaotic<cit.><cit.>). A periodic point for T is a vector x∈ D(T^∞) such that T^nx=x for some n∈ℕ. Provided that an operator T satisfies the following conditions: (i) T is hypercyclic; (ii)T has a dense set of periodic points, then T is chaotic. For bounded linear operators, theorem <ref> is a convenient tool for establishing their hypercyclicity. (Birkhoff transitivity theorem<cit.>). Supposing a bounded linear operator T on a separable Banach space (X,·) , we set, for any subsets A, B of X, N_T(A,B):={i∈ℕ| T^i(A)∩ B≠∅}. If a bounded operator T is hypercyclic if and only if T is topologically transitive, i.e. N_T(U,V)≠∅ for all open sets U, V≠∅. We find that we use the above theorem for bounded linear operators, but for unbounded linear operators, we use (Sufficient Condition for Hypercyclicity<cit.>) Let (X,·) be a separable infinite-dimensional Banach space and let (T,D(T)) be a densely defined linear operator in X for which the operator T^n is closed for all n∈ℕ. Then the operator T is called hypercyclic if there exists ϵ⊂ D(T^∞):=⋂_n=1^∞ D(T^n) dense in (X,·) and a mapping S:ϵ→ϵ such that (i) TS=I, (I is the identity mapping on ϵ) and (ii)∀ x∈ϵ, T^nx,S^nx→0, n→∞, in (X, ·). (Spectrum Classification<cit.><cit.>). The spectrum σ(T) of a closed linear operator (T,D(T))in a complex Banach space (X,·) is the union of the following three pairwise disjoint sets: σ_p(T)={λ∈ℂ| T-λ Iis not injective}, σ_c(T)={λ∈ℂ| T-λ Iis injective and not surjective, but R(T-λ I)=X}, σ_r(T)={λ∈ℂ| T-λ Iis injective and R(T-λ I)≠ X}, called the point, continuous, and residual spectrum of T. § PROOF OF THEOREM <REF> In this section, we will prove the Theorem <ref>. The tool used to prove that the bounded time varying weighted backward shift operator is hypercycle is Theorem <ref>. Let U, V⊂ L_p(0, ∞) be arbitrary nonempty open set. By the denseness in  L_p(0, ∞) of p integrable eventually zero function, there exist x∈ U and y∈ V . Since these functions are eventually zero, we can find a sufficiently large N∈ℕ such that x(t)=0 and y(t)=0, t⩾ Na. For an arbitrary n⩾ N, the p integrable eventually zero function z_n(t):= x(t) t∈[0, Na), [∏_i=0^n-1w(t-ia+na)]^-1y(t-an) t∈[na, Na+na), 0 otherwise,  in L_p(0,∞). Observe, if t∈[0, Na) T^nz_n(t) =∏_i=0^n-1w(t+ia)z_n(t+na) =∏_i=0^n-1w(t+ia)[∏_i=0^n-1w(t-ia)]^-1y(t) =y(t). If t≥ Na, T^nz_n(t) =∏_i=0^n-1w(t+ia)z_n(t+na) =0 =y(t). Then T^nz_n(t)=y(t), t≥ 0. Since w(t) is a bounded function, then ∃ m>1 such that |w(t)|≥ m. Then z_n-x_p =(∫_0^∞|z_n(t)-x(t)|^pdt)^1/p =(∫_na^Na+na|1/∏_i=0^n-1w(t+ia-na)y(t-na) |^pdt)^1/p ⩽1/m^ny_p→ 0, n→∞. Consequently, for all sufficiently large n∈ℕ, z_n∈ U and T^nz_n=y∈ V. Thus T is topologically transitive. By the Birkhoff Transitivity Theorem, T is hypercyclic. Now, we are going to show that T has a dense set of periods points. By the denseness in L_p(0, ∞) of the equivalence classes represented by p-integrable eventually zero functions, it suffices to approximate any such a class by periodic points of T. For any x∈ L_p(0, Na) represented by a p-integrable on (0, Na) function x(·) and ∀ N∈ℕ, the following p-integrable on (0, ∞) function x_N(t):=1/∏_i=1^kNw(t-ia)x(t-kNa), t∈ D_k, where D_k=[kNa,(k+1)Na), k∈ Z_+. Since T^Nx_N(t) =∏_i=0^N-1w(t+ia)x_N(t+Na) =∏_i=0^N-1w(t+ia)1/∏_i=1^kNw(t+Na-ia)x(t-(k-1)Na) =1/∏_i=1^(k-1)Nw(t-ia)x(t-(k-1)Na). Thus T^Nx_N(t)=x_N(t), then we can get x_N(T) is a periodic point of T with period N. Now we can show that x_N∈ L_p(0, ∞). Indeed, ∫_0^∞|x_N(t)|^pdt =∫_0^∞|[∏_i=1^kNw(t-ia)]^-1x(t-kNa)|^pdt =∑_k=0^∞∫_D_k1/∏_i=1^kN|w(t-ia)|^p|x(t-kNa)|^pdt ⩽∑_k=0^∞1/m^kNp∫_D_k|x(t-kNa)|^Pdt =∑_k=0^∞1/m^kNp∫_0^Na|x(t)|^pdt. Since m>1 and x(t)∈ L_p(0, Na), then ∫_0^∞|x(t)|^pdt<∞. Thus x_N(t)∈ L_p(0, ∞). Now, let ∀ y∈ L_p(0, ∞), then ∃ n∈ℕ, y(t)=0, t>na. Let y_N be the periodic point of T of an arbitrary period N>n, defied base on y(·) as in (3.1). Thus, y-y_N_p =(∫_0^∞|y(t)-y_N(t)|^pdt)^1/p =∑_k=0^∞(∫_D_k|y(t)-y_N(t)|^pdt)^1/p =(∫_0^Na|y-y_N(t)|^pdt)^1/p+∑_k=1^∞(∫_D_k|y(t)-y_N(t)|^p)^1/p =0+∑_k=1^∞(∫_D_k|y_N(t)|^p)^1/p ⩽∑_k=1^∞m^-kNy_p =m^-N/1-m^-Ny_p→0, N→∞. This implies that the set Per(T) of periodic points of T in dense in L_p(0, ∞), and hence the operator is chaotic. Now, suppose that the space L_p(0,∞) is complex, we analyze the spectrum of operator T. Firstly, we show that T=w_∞. We can get that T⩽w_∞, since T=sup_x_p=1Tx_p =w_∞sup_x_p=1[∫_0^+^∞|x(t+a)|^p dt]^1/p ⩽w_∞sup_x_p=1[∫_0^+∞|x(t)|^p dt]^1/p ⩽w_∞sup_x_p=1[∫_0^+∞|x(t)|^p dt]^1/p =w_∞. We can find that operator T can decomposed into the product of V and τ_a, where V: x(t)↦ w(t)x(t) and τ_a: x(t)↦ x(t+a). For x∈ L_p(0,+∞), we have Tτ_-ax(t)=Tx(t-a)=w(t)x(t)=Vx(t), then T·τ_-a=V. Thus V=V⩽Tτ_-a=T where τ_-a=1. Then we can get T=w_∞. By Gelfand's Spectral Radius Theorem for bounded linear operator, we have σ(T)⫅{λ∈ℂ| |λ|⩽w_∞}. Secondly, we show that σ_p(T)={λ∈ℂ| |λ|<w_∞}. (i) Let λ∈ℂ, with |λ|<W and a nonzero equivalence class ∀ y ∈ L_p(0,a). Consider the function x(t):=λ^k/w(t-a)w(t-2a)⋯ w(t-ka)y(t-ka), where t∈[ka,(k+1)a), k∈ℤ_+. Then x∈ D(T) and Tx=λ x. Indeed, since y(t-ka)/w(t-a)w(t-2a)⋯ w(t-(k-1)a)∈ L_p(0,∞)∖{0}, then we can get x(t)∈ L_p(0,∞)∖{0}. Also (Tx)(t) =w(t)x(t+a) =w(t)λ^k/w(t)w(t-a)⋯ w(t-(k-1)a)y(t-(k-1)a) =λλ^k-1/w(t-a)w(t-2a)⋯ w(t-(k-1)a)y(t-(k-1)a) =λ x(t), which implies that Tx=λ x. This shows that {λ∈ℂ| |λ|<w_∞}⊂σ_p(T). (ii) Conversely, we show that σ_p(T)⊂{λ∈ℂ| |λ<w_∞|}. For x∈ D(T)\{0} where ∀λ∈ℂ satisfies Tx=λ x. Let x_k(t):=x(t), t∈[ka,(k+1)a), k∈ℤ_+. We get that λ x_k-1(t)=w(t)x_k(t+a), t∈[ka,(k+1)a), k∈ℤ_+. Hence x_k(t)=λ^k/w(t-a)w(t-2a)⋯ w(t-ka)y(t-ka), t∈[ka,(k+1)a), k∈ℤ_+, which implies that 0<∫_0^a|x_k(t)|^p dt⩽∫_0^∞|x_k(t)|^p dt<+∞ and ∞>∫_0^∞|x(t)|^p dt =∑_k=0^∞∫_ka^(k+1)a|λ^k/w(t-a)w(t-2a)⋯ w(t-ka)y(t-ka)|^p dt ⩾∑_k=0^∞(|λ|/w_∞)^kp∫_ka^(k+1)a|y(t-ka)|^p dt =∑_k=0^∞(|λ|/w_∞)^kp∫_0^a|y(t)|^p dt. Since x∈ L_p(0,a), we must satisfy ∑_k=0^∞(|λ|/w_∞)^kp<+∞ for ∑_k=0^∞(|λ|/w_∞)^kp∫_0^a|y(t)|^p dt<+∞. Hence we can imply that λ<w_∞ and σ_p(T)⊂{λ∈ℂ| |λ|<w_∞}. Considering that σ(T) is a closed subset in ℂ, we get that σ(T)={λ∈ℂ| |λ|⩽w_∞}. Since T-λ I has dense range, which shows that σ_r(T)=∅. It easily to show that σ_c(T)={λ∈ℂ| |λ|=w_∞}, by σ(T)=σ_p(T)∪σ_c(T)∪σ_r(T) where σ_p(T),σ_c(T),σ_r(T) pairwise disjoint. This completes the proof. § PROOF OF THEOREM <REF> In Theorem <ref>, the operator is unbounded. Then, if we prove that the unbounded time varying weight shift operator is hypercycle, Theorem <ref> will not be used, but Theorem <ref> will be used. Now let's prove the theorem <ref>. Firstly, we show that T is unbounded. Consider x_n(t):=χ_[n, n+1](t)=1,  t∈[n, n+1], 0,  otherwise. x_n∈ D(T) and x_n_p=1, n∈ℕ. Then, for all sufficiently large n∈ℕ, ∫_0^∞|Tx_n(t)|^pdt =∫_0^∞|w(t)x_n(t+a)|^pdt =∫_n-a^n+1-a|w(t)|^pdt→∞, n→∞. Which implies that T is unbounded. Secondly, we will show that T^l is closed for each l∈ℕ. Let a sequence (x_n)_n∈ℕ be such that D(T)∋ x_n→ x∈ L_p(0, ∞), n→∞ and T^lx_n→ y∈ L_p(0, ∞), n→∞. Then, the function sequences (x_n(·))_n∈ℕ and (T^lx_n(·))_n∈ℕ being convergent in p-norm, converge in the Lebesgue measure on (0,∞), and hence, by the Riesz theorem, there exist subsequences (x_n_k(·))_k∈ℕ and (T^lx_n_k(·))_k∈ℕ such that x_n_k(t) → x(t), k→∞, a.e. t∈(0,∞), T^lx_n_k(t) → y(t), k→∞, a.e. t∈(0,∞). Thus, ∏_i=0^l-1w(t+ia)x_n_k(t+la)→∏_i=0^l-1w(t+ia)x(t+la), a.e. t∈(0,∞). By the completeness of the Lebesgue measure, we infer that Which implies that x∈ D(T^l) and T^lx=y. It following that T^l is closed. Next, we are going to show that T is hypercyclic. Let ϵ be the set of the equivalence classes represented by p-integrable eventually zero functions. Note that ϵ⊆ C^∞(T). Consider ϵ∋ x↦(Sx)∈ε where the Sx is represented by (Sx)(t):=1/w(t-a)x(t-a),  t>a, 0,  otherwise. Since Sx(·) is eventually zero and ∫_0^∞|Sx(t)|^p dt =∫_a^∞|Sx(t)|^p dt =∫_a^∞|1/w(t-a)x(t-a)|^p dt =∫_0^∞|1/w(t)x(t)|^p dt ⩽∫_0^∞|x(t)|^p dt. Thus the mapping S:ϵ→ϵ is well defined. we can easy to show that TS=I. For any x∈ε, we know that supp x={t∈(0,∞)|x(t)≠0} By x∈ C_0(0,∞), we have that ∃ N∈ℕ, supp x⊆[0,Na]. Because the definition of T, we can get that for any n⩾ N, T^nx=0. Therefore, it is proved that ∀ x∈ϵ, S^nx→0, n→∞. Next, we will show that for all x∈ϵ, S^nx→0, n→∞. When ∀ x∈ϵ, we can conclude that ∀ n∈ℕ, (S^nx)(t)=1/∏_i=1^nw(t-ia)x(t-na),  t>na, 0,  otherwise. Because S^nx_p^p =∫_0^∞|(S^nx)(t)|^p dt =∫_na^∞|1/∏_i=1^nw(t-ia)x(t-na)|^p dt ⩽∫_na^∞|1/b^np||x(t-na)|^p dt =1/b^np∫_0^∞|x(t)|^p dt→0, n→∞, we proved that for all x∈ϵ, S^nx→0, n→∞. Therefore, by Theorem <ref>, we get that T is hypercyclic. At present, we will prove that T has a dense set of periodic point. Since C_0(0,∞) is dense in L_p(0,∞), we only show that per(T) is dense in C_0(0,∞). Firstly, for ∀ x∈ L_p(0,Na) and ∀ N∈ℕ, we can define x_N∈ L_p(0,∞) with the following representative x_N(t):=1/∏_i=1^kNw(t-ia)x(t-kNa), t∈[kNa,(k+1)Na), k∈ℤ_+. It is easy to show that x_N∈ per(T). Since, with D_k:=[kNa,(k+1)Na), k∈ℤ_+, ∫_0^∞|x_N(t)|^pdt =∫_0^∞|[∏_i=1^kNw(t-ia)]^-1x(t-kNa)|^pdt =∑_k=0^∞∫_D_k1/∏_i=1^kN|w(t-ia)|^p|x(t-kNa)|^pdt ⩽∑_k=0^∞1/b^kNp∫_D_k|x(t-kNa)|^Pdt =∑_k=0^∞1/b^kNp∫_0^Na|x(t)|^pdt. Since b>1 and x(t)∈ L_p(0,Na), which implies that x_N∈ L_p(0,∞). Therefore, ∀ N∈ℕ, x_N∈ L_p(0,∞). If y∈ C_0(0,∞), then ∃ n∈ℕ, y(t)=0, t>na. For an arbitrary period N⩾ n, we defined y_N with the following representative y_N(t):=1/∏_i=1^kNw(t-ia)y(t-kNa), t∈[kNa,(k+1)Na), k∈ℤ_+. Now, we prove that y-y_N_p^p→0, N→∞. Since|w(t)|>b>1, we have y-y_N_p^p =∫_0^∞|y(t)-y_N(t)|^p dt =∑_k=1^∞∫_D_k1/|∏_i=1^kNw(t-ia)|^p|y(t-kNa)^p dt ⩽∑_k=1^∞∫_D_k1/b^kNp|y(t-kNa)|^p dt =∑_k=1^∞1/b^kNp∫_0^Na|y(t)|^p dt→0, N→∞. We have already shown that per(T) is dense in L_p(0,∞). And, which implies that the operator T is a chaotic. Now, if the space L_p(0,∞) is complex, we analyse the spectrum of T. We already know the fact σ_p(T)⊂ℂ. Thus, we only show that ℂ⊂σ_p(T). For ∀λ∈ℂ and a nonzero y∈ L_p(0,a), we define that x(t):=λ^n/∏_i=1^nw(t-ia)y(t-na), t∈[na,(n+1)a), n∈ℤ_+. Since ∫_0^∞|x(t)|^p dt=∑_n=0^∞∫_D_n|λ^n/∏_i=1^nw(t-ia)y(t-na)|^p dt<∞. Which implies that x∈ L_p(0,∞)∖{0} and Tx=λ x. Thus ℂ⊂σ_p, it is following that σ(T)=σ_p(T)=ℂ. Now we will give an example of unbounded time varying weight backward shift operator in L_p(0,∞), 1≤ p<∞. In the (real or complex) space L_p(0,∞), we define that the unbounded weight backward shift operator T: (Tx)(t) :=[a_mt^m+a_m-1t^m-1+⋯+a_0]x(t+a) (T^nx)(t) :=∏_i=0^n-1P_m(t+ia)x(t+na), where P_m(t)=a_mt^m+a_m-1t^m-1+⋯+a_0, m>1, a_i>0, i=0,1,2,⋯,m and a>0, with domain D(T)={x∈ L_p(0,∞)| ∫_0^∞|P_m(t)x(t+a)|^p dt<∞}, is chaotic. We first show that T is unbounded. Consider x_n(t):=χ_[n,n+1](t)=1,   t∈[n,n+1], 0,   otherwise as a representative of a class x_n∈ D(T). We can find that x_n_p=1,  n∈ℕ. Then, since a_i>0, i=1,2,⋯,m, for all sufficiently large n∈ℕ, [∫_0^∞ |Tx_n(t)|^p dt]^1/p =[∫_0^∞| P_m(t)x_n(t+a)|^p dt]^1/p =[∫_n-a^n+1-a|P_m(t)|^p dt]^1/p ⩾ P_m(n+1-a) =a_m(n+1-a)^m+a_m-1(n+1-a)^m-1+⋯+a_0 →∞, n→∞, which implies that T is unbounded. Secondly, we prove that the operator T^l is closed for each l∈ℕ. Let (x_n)_n∈ℕ be such that D(T^l)∋ x_n→ x∈ L_p(0,∞), n→∞, and T^lx_n→ y∈ L_p(0,∞), n→∞. Then, since the function sequences (x_n(·))_n∈ℕ and (T^lx_n(·))_n∈ℕ be convergent in p-norm, then by the Riesz theorem, there exist subsequences (x_n_k(·))_k∈ℕ and (T^lx_n_k(·))_k∈ℕ such that x_n_k(t)→ x(t), k→∞ a.e. and T^lx_n_k(t)→ y(t), k→∞, a.e. Thus, T^lx_n_k(t)=∏_i=0^l-1P_m(t+ia)x_n_k(t+la)→∏_i=0^l-1P_m(t+ia)x(t+la), a.e. By the completeness of Lebesgue measure, we imply that ∏_i=0^l-1P_m(t+ia)x(t+la)=y(t), a.e. Which implies that x∈ D(T^l) and T^lx=y. Therefore, we have already proved that the closed of T^l. Let ϵ be the set of the equivalence classes represented by p-integrable eventually zero function. Note that ϵ⊆ C^∞(T). consider, ϵ∋ x↦ Sx∈ϵ, where the class Sx is represented by (Sx)(t):=1/P_m(t-a)x(t-a),    t>a, 0, otherwise then Sx(·) is eventually zero and ∫_0^∞|Sx(t)|^p dt =∫_a^∞|1/P_m(t-a)x(t-a)|^p dt =∫_0^∞|1/P_m(t)x(t)|^p dt ⩽∫_0^∞1/|P_m(0)|^p|x(t)|^p dt =1/a_0∫_0^∞|x(t)|^p dt =1/a_0x_p^p<+∞. Thus the mapping S:ϵ→ϵ is well defined. Now, we prove that TS=I. Since ∀ x(t)∈ϵ, we have that TS(x(t)) =T(1/P_m(t-a)x(t-a)) =P_m(t)1/P_m(t)x(t) =x(t). Thus TS=I. Let x∈ϵ represented by x(·) be arbitrary and supp x be the support of x(·) i.e {t∈(0,∞)| x(t)≠0}. Since x(·) is eventually zero, ∃ N∈ℕ, supp x⊆[0,Na]. We can easily show that ∀ x∈ϵ, T^nx→ 0(n→∞). Since by the definition of T, ∀ n⩾ℕ, T^nx(t)=∏_i=0^n-1P_m(t+ia)x(t+na)=0. Next, we will prove that ∀ x∈ϵ, S^nx→0 (n→∞). When ∀ x∈ϵ and ∀ n∈ℕ, we can conclude that (S^nx)(t)=1/∏_i=1^nP_m(t-ia)x(t-na),  t>na, 0, otherwise. Since 1/|∏_i=1^nP_m(na-ia)|^p→0, n→∞, we have that S^nx_p^p =∫_0^∞|S^nx(t)|^p dt =∫_na^∞|1/∏_i=1^nP_m(na-ia)x(t-na)|^p dt ⩽1/|∏_i=1^nP_m(na-ia)|^p∫_na^+∞|x(t-na)|^p dt ⩽1/|∏_i=1^nP_m(na-ia)|^px_p^p →0, n→∞. Therefore, by the Sufficient Condition for Hypercyclicity(), the operator T is hypercyclic. Now, we are to show that T has a dense set of periodic point. Since C_0(0,∞)⊂ L_p(0,∞) and C_0 is dense in L_p, we just show that per(T) is dense in C_0. Indeed, for any x∈ L_p(0,Na) and ∀ N∈ℕ, we define the x_N∈ L_p(0,∞) with the following representative x_N(t):=1/∏_i=1^kNP_m(t-ia)x(t-kNa), t∈[kNa,(k+1)Na), k∈ℤ_+. Since T^Nx_N(t) =∏_i=0^N-1P_m(t+ia)1/∏_i=1^kNP_m(t+Na-ia)x(t-kNa+Na) =1/∏_i=Na+1^kNP_m(t-ia)x(t-kNa+Na) =1/∏_i=1^(k-1)NP_m(t-ia)x(t-(k-1)Na) =x_N(t), we have that x_N(t) is a periodic point of T with period N. In fact, with D_k:=[kNa,(k+1)Na), k∈ℤ_+, we get that ∫_0^∞|x_N(t)|^p dt =∑_k=0^∞∫_D_k|1/∏_i=1^kNP_m(t-ia)x(t-kNa)|^p dt ⩽∑_k=0^∞∫_D_k|1/(a_0)^kN|^p|x(t-kNa)|^p dt =∑_k=0^∞1/a_0^kNp∫_0^Na|x(t)|^p dt<∞ by a_0>1 and x∈ L_p(0,Na). Thus for any N∈ℕ, x_N∈ L_p(0,∞). Let y∈ C_0(0,∞), then ∃ n∈ℕ, y(t)=0, t>na. Let y_N be the periodic point of T of an arbitrary period N⩾ n defined based on y(·) as in ( ). Now, we show that per(T) is dense in C_0(0,∞). Since by a_0>1 and y∈ L_p(0,∞), we have that y-y_N_P^P =∫_0^∞|y(t)-y_N(t)|^p dt =∑_k=1^∞∫_D_k|1/∏_i=1^kNP_m(t-ia)y(t-kNa)|^p dt ⩽∑_k=1^∞1/a_0^kNpy_p^p →0, N→∞. Thus which implies that the set per(T) of periodic points of T is dense in L_p(0,∞), and hence, the operator T is chaotic. § PROOF OF THEOREM <REF> In this section, we will prove Theorem <ref>. We first show that the operator T is unbounded. Consider x_n∈ D(T) such that x_n_∞=1. Let the function x_n=1,  t∈[0,na), 1/w^2(t-na),  t⩾ na Since Tx_n_∞=max_t⩾0|w(t)x_n(t+a)|⩾max_t⩾(n-1)a|w(t)/w(t-(n-1)a)|→∞, n→∞. Thus, the operator T is unbounded. Next, we are to show that T^l is closed for ∀ m∈ℕ. Let a sequence (x_n)_n∈ℕ be such that D(T^l)∋ x_n→ x∈ C_0[0,∞), n→∞, and T^lx_n→ y∈ C_0[0,∞), n→∞. Hence, ∀ t⩾0,, T^lx_n(t)=∏_i=0^l-1x_n(t+la)→∏_i=0^l-1w(t+la)x(t+la), n→∞. Which implies that ∏_i=0^l-1w(t+ia)x(t+la)=y(t), t⩾0. Therefore x∈ D(T^l) and T^lx=y. So T^l is closed. Let ε be the dense in C_0[0,∞) of continuous function with compact support. Consider ϵ∋ x↦ Sx∈ϵ, where Sx is defined by S(x)(t)=x(0)/at, t<a, 1/w(t-a)x(t-a), t⩾ a. The mapping S:ϵ→ϵ is well defined, and ∀ x∈ϵ, TSx(t)=w(t)Sx(t+a)=w(t)x(t)/w(t)=Ix(t). Thus we get that TS=I. Now, we prove that for ∀ x∈ϵ, T^nx→0, n→∞. Indeed, let ∀ x∈ϵ, then there exists N∈ℕ, supp x⊂ [0,Na]. By the definition of T, ∀ n⩾ N, T^nx=0, which implies that T^n→0, n→∞. Next, we will show that S^n→0, n→∞. Inductively, for any n∈ℕ, (S^n)(t)=0,   0⩽ t<(n-1)a, 1/w(t-a)w(t-2a)⋯ w(t-na)x(0)/a(t-(n-1)a),   (n-1)a⩽ t<na, 1/w(t-a)w(t-2a)⋯ w(t-na)x(t-na),   t⩾ na. Since S^nx_∞ =sup_t⩾0|(S^nx)(t)| ⩽1/b^nx(t-na)→0, n→∞. So, by Theorem <ref>, we know T is Hypercyclicity. We find that the operators given in the <cit.> are examples of our thesis. unsrt
On the Tidal Capture of White Dwarfs by Intermediate-mass Black Holes in Dense Stellar Environments
[ "Claire S. Ye", "Giacomo Fragione", "Rosalba Perna" ]
[ "astro-ph.HE", "astro-ph.GA", "astro-ph.SR" ]
0000-0001-9582-881X]Claire S. Ye Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Toronto, 60 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3H8, Canada Claire S. Ye claireshiye@cita.utoronto.ca 0000-0002-7330-027X]Giacomo Fragione Department of Physics & Astronomy, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208, USA Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration & Research in Astrophysics (CIERA), Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208, USA 0000-0002-3635-5677]Rosalba Perna Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, 11794, USA Center for Computational Astrophysics, Flatiron Institute, 162 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10010, USA Intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs) are the missing link between stellar-mass and supermassive black holes, widely believed to reside in at least some dense star clusters, but not yet observed directly. Tidal disruptions of white dwarfs (WDs) are luminous only for black holes less massive than ∼ 10^5, therefore providing a unique smoking gun that could finally probe the existence of IMBHs beyond any reasonable doubt. Here, we investigate the tidal captures of WDs by IMBHs in dense star clusters, and estimate a typical rate of ∼ 1 Myr^-1 for galactic nuclei and ∼ 0.01 Myr^-1 for globular clusters. Following the capture, the WD inspirals onto the IMBH producing gravitational waves detectable out to ∼100 Mpc by LISA for ∼ 10^4 IMBHs. The subsequent tidal stripping/disruption of the WD can also release bright X-ray and gamma-ray emission with luminosities of at least ≳10^40 erg s^-1, detectable by Chandra, Swift, and upcoming telescopes, such as the Einstein Probe. § INTRODUCTION Intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs) are some of the most mysterious objects in the Universe. They are often introduced as the black holes (BHs) occupying the mass range between stellar-mass BHs (∼ 10 M_⊙) and supermassive black holes (SMBHs; 10^6-10^10 M_⊙). IMBHs may play a crucial role in cosmology and galaxy formation, as they could act as building blocks of SMBHs that are observed at the centers of most galaxies <cit.>. Understanding how IMBH masses are related to their environments (e.g., velocity dispersion) may also provide unique insights into the dynamical evolution of dense star clusters <cit.>. Furthermore, the inspirals of stellar compact remnants into an IMBH could provide an extraordinarily powerful tool for testing general relativity in the strong field regime <cit.>. Despite these rich physical applications, the existence of IMBHs has long been debated and very little is known about their origin and evolution. Only recently was their existence confirmed, when a 150 M_⊙ binary BH merger was detected by LIGO/Virgo <cit.>. IMBHs are most likely produced in dense stellar environments, such as globular clusters (GCs) and galactic nuclei. They could form through collisional runaways of massive stars <cit.> or through repeated mergers of stellar-mass BHs <cit.>. Here, IMBHs can also have frequent dynamical encounters with stars and compact objects. For example, during these interactions, it is very likely that the IMBHs will quickly form binaries with other compact objects through exchange encounters. The subsequent intermediate-mass inspirals of the stellar remnants into the IMBHs can produce gravitational wave (GW) sources detectable by LISA and ground-based telescopes such as the Einstein Telescope <cit.>. IMBHs are also uniquely suited at tidally disrupting white dwarfs (WDs). The tidal disruption radius of a WD is outside the event horizon of an IMBH; on the other hand, the tidal disruption radius of a WD is inside the event horizon of an SMBH, so no electromagnetic waves can be observed, and a stellar-mass BH will enter a WD instead of disrupting it during close encounters <cit.>. Since WD tidal disruptions are a smoking gun for revealing IMBHs, they have been under intense scrutiny <cit.>. Despite the wealth of studies on WD tidal disruptions, little attention has been devoted to computing the tidal capture rates of WDs, with the possible exception of <cit.>. In this study, we explore in detail the characteristics of IMBH-WD tidal interactions in both galactic nuclei and GCs. During close encounters, the tidal force exerted by an IMBH can induce oscillations within the WD, which can then lead to the formation of an IMBH-WD binary. This mechanism for capturing WDs is different from binary splitting according to the Hills mechanism which requires a binary or the scattering of WDs into the loss cone, and thus provides an additional channel for IMBH-WD binary formation <cit.>. These captured binaries are prime sources of low-frequency gravitational radiation during their inspiral and will provide key GW sources for future space detectors such as LISA <cit.>. Subsequent tidal stripping/disruption of the WD can be observed by ongoing and future time-domain surveys <cit.>. These multi-wavelength detections will provide definitive evidence for the existence of IMBHs. Our paper is organized as follows. In Section <ref>, we describe the analytical methods used to calculate the WD oscillation energy during close passages to the IMBHs. In Section <ref>, we discuss the WD tidal capture rates in different dense star clusters, while we show the potential multi-wavelength signals from gravitational radiation and WD stripping/disruption in Section <ref>. Lastly, we discuss the uncertainties and conclude in Section <ref>. § TIDAL CAPTURES OF WHITE DWARFS In this Section, we describe the methods used for estimating the tidal capture rates of WDs by an IMBH in galactic nuclei and GCs. Throughout this study, we fix the mass of the WDs to be 0.6 and adopt Eq. 91 in <cit.> for the radius of a WD. These low-mass WDs are well represented by an n=1.5 polytrope <cit.>. Following <cit.>, <cit.>, and <cit.>, we estimate the amount of oscillation energy deposited into a WD that is passing at a distance R_p from an IMBH as Δ E_osc = GM_WD^2/R_WD(M_IMBH/M_WD)^2 ∑^∞_l=2(R_WD/R_p)^2l+2 T_l(η) , where M_WD and R_WD are the mass and radius of the WD, respectively, T_l is a dimensionless function measuring the contributions from different harmonic modes l (we include the quadruple and octupole terms), and η is the duration of the periastron passage η = (M_WD/M_WD+M_IMBH)^1/2(R_p/R_WD)^3/2 . The maximum tidal capture radius, R_cap, is obtained when the total initial kinetic energy of the two interacting objects, E_orb=1/2μσ_v^2 (σ_v is the relative velocity of the IMBH and WD), equals Δ E_osc, assuming fast dissipation of the oscillation energy. The effect of an IMBH's tidal force on a WD is stronger the closer the WD is to the IMBH as can be seen from Eq. <ref>. Figure <ref> shows the amount of orbital energy injected into a WD during the first passage of tidal interactions with IMBHs of different masses. For example, for a 10^3 IMBH and WD encounter where the pericenter distance is smaller than ∼ 30 R_WD, the energy deposited into the WD and subsequently dissipated through its oscillation exceeds the total initial kinetic energy assuming a velocity dispersion of 100 km s^-1. For lower velocity dispersions, e.g., in GCs where σ_v is ∼ 10 km s^-1, the minimum pericenter distance is larger, at ∼40R_WD. For all IMBH masses, the maximum capture radii in GCs are about 1.3 times larger than in galactic nuclei for the velocity dispersions considered in Figure <ref>. The capture cross section can then be written as <cit.> σ_cap = π R_cap^2(1+2GM_IMBH(1+q)/R_capσ_v^2), where σ_v is the local velocity dispersion and q = M_WD/M_IMBH. Thus, the rates of IMBH-WD tidal captures (per IMBH) can be estimated by the two-body collision rates Γ = n σ_capσ_v , where n is the local WD number density. The timescale for tidal capture is T_c = Γ^-1. At the moment of tidal capture, the semi-major axis of the newly-formed IMBH-WD binary, a, can be calculated from its binding energy E_b a = G M_IMBH M_WD/2 |E_b| , and the eccentricity, e, can then be derived from R_cap = a(1-e). For E_b close to zero, the orbit will tend to be parabolic, and a and e will be close to infinity and unity, respectively. We can calculate the minimum possible a and e by assuming that the total initial energy, E_orb, is zero, and that E_b = Δ E_osc at the WD's tidal disruption radius. We define the tidal disruption radius of a WD to be <cit.> R_t = (M_IMBH/M_WD)^1/3 R_WD . The radius of a WD with M_WD=0.6 is about 0.013 R_⊙. For IMBHs with masses of 10^2, 10^3, and 10^4, the tidal disruption radius of a WD is 5.5 R_WD (3×10^-4 AU), 11.9 R_WD (7×10^-4 AU), and 25.5 R_WD (1.5×10^-3 AU), respectively. The minimum possible capture semi-major axis and eccentricity, [a, e], are then estimated to be [0.012 AU, 0.973], [0.12 AU, 0.994], and [1.24 AU, 0.999], respectively. Both the semi-major axis and eccentricity are larger for binaries captured at larger pericenter distances than the tidal disruption radii (Eq. <ref>). The maximum capture semi-major axes are about 160, 1641, and 16456 AU for IMBHs with masses of 10^2, 10^3, and 10^4, respectively, for captures at about 3R_t. At the same time, the eccentricities tend to be unity (see also Figure <ref> below). § RATES In this Section, we analyze the capture rates for IMBHs of masses 10^2, 10^3, and 10^4 in different dense stellar environments. §.§ Galactic Nucleus Environments Here, we consider various galactic nucleus environments hosting SMBHs with masses M_SMBH=10^5, 10^6, and 10^7. The radius of influence of an SMBH is defined as <cit.> R_h = GM_SMBH/v_h^2 , where v_h is the velocity dispersion at R_h. The velocity dispersion is a function of the galactocentric distance r, σ_v ∼ (G M_SMBH/r)^1/2. Following <cit.> for the `M-σ' relation, v_h can be expressed as a function of the mass of the SMBH M_SMBH = γ v_h^4 , and γ≈ 0.0758 (km s^-1)^-4 <cit.>. Combining Eq. <ref> and Eq. <ref>, we can write the radius of influence as R_h = Gγ^1/2M_SMBH^1/2 . We assume power-law number density distributions for the main-sequence stars and WDs surrounding the SMBHs <cit.>. The distribution function can be written as n_WD = n_inf(r/R_h)^-α , where n_inf = 1.38×10^4 √(10^6 /M_SMBH) pc^-3 . The number density of main-sequence stars is 10 times larger following the same distribution. In galactic nuclei, a massive binary will gradually inspiral through dynamical friction. Following <cit.>, and using the definition that the enclosed mass within R_h equals 2M_SMBH, we can write the dynamical friction time at a distance r as T_df = [1+(1+β)(r/R_h)^β/2][1+(r/R_h)^β]^0.5(r/R_h)^1.5/1.5χlogΛβ (r/R_h)^β × Q T_h≈ 2.67 Myr (Q/1000) ×[1+(1+β)(r/R_h)^β/2][1+(r/R_h)^β]^0.5(r/R_h)^1.5/χβ (r/R_h)^β , where β = 3-α, log Λ∼ 5 is the Coulomb logarithm <cit.>, Q = M_SMBH/M_IMBH, the factor χ can be written as <cit.> χ = erf(X)-2X/√(π)e^-X^2 with X = √(2-β) <cit.>, and T_h=R_h/v_h. The dynamical friction timescale at the radius of influence of a 4×10^6 SMBH is about 2000, 200, and 20 Myr for M_IMBH=10^2, 10^3 and 10^4, respectively. For these values, the power-law slope of the stellar distribution is assumed to be α = 1.4. For shorter distances to the SMBHs, the inspiral of the massive binary is dominated by GW radiation instead, and the GW inspiral timescale is <cit.> T_GW = 5/256a_IMBH^4 c^5/G^3 M_IMBH^3 Q(1+Q) (1-e_IMBH^2)^7/2 ≈ 5.84×10^4 Gyr1/Q(1+Q)(a_IMBH/10^-4pc)^4(M_IMBH/10^3)^-3, where c is the speed of light, and a_IMBH and e_IMBH are the semi-major axis and eccentricity of the IMBH orbiting the SMBH, respectively. The inspiral timescale due to GW emission is about 10^7, 10^6, and 10^5 Myr for M_IMBH=10^2, 10^3, and 10^4, respectively, assuming the IMBHs are orbiting a 4×10^6 SMBH at 10^-3 times its radius of influence on a circular orbit. We show in Figure <ref> the maximum tidal capture radius in galactic nuclei. The maximum capture radius increases as the distance to the center of galaxies increases or the mass of the central SMBH decreases, which causes the velocity dispersion to decrease. For very small galactocentric distances, the maximum tidal capture radii could be smaller than the tidal disruption radii. At these distances, no tidal capture binaries can form during close encounters between IMBHs and WDs, and the IMBHs will directly disrupt the WDs. In addition, a WD can only be captured in the galactic nuclei before the IMBHs spiral into the central SMBHs. A successful capture depends on the dynamical friction (Eq. <ref>) and GW inspiral (Eq. <ref>) timescales of the IMBH, and needs to satisfy the condition T_c<min(T_𝑑𝑓, T_GW). We compare in Figure <ref> the typical timescale for an IMBH to capture or tidal disrupt a WD in galactic nuclei with the IMBH's dynamical friction and GW inspiral timescales. The capture/disruption timescale is the shortest for the most massive IMBH orbiting the least massive SMBH. For IMBHs with M_IMBH≳ 10^3, tidal capture of a WD is possible for relatively flat stellar number density slopes α≲ 1.4. Observations and theoretical studies have shown that the power-law slope of the stellar density distribution in the Milky Way nuclear star cluster is ∼ 1.4 <cit.>, and may be as low as ∼ 1 for main-sequence stars <cit.>. Thus our Milky Way center can potentially produce tidally captured IMBH-WD binaries. For distances closer to the central SMBH, the WD capture radius is smaller than the tidal disruption radius so a WD cannot be captured (left of the yellow line). In this region when T_c<min(𝑇_𝑑𝑓, 𝑇_𝐺𝑊), an IMBH will directly disrupt a WD during close encounters. The capture and disruption rates as a function of the distance to the galactic center are shown in Figure <ref>. The maximum tidal capture rate in a galactic nucleus is ∼ 5 per Myr for an IMBH with M_IMBH=10^4 orbiting a 10^5 SMBH. For a more typical IMBH mass of 10^3 and an SMBH mass of 10^6, the tidal capture rate is ∼ 0.02 per Myr. The tidal disruption rate in this case is ∼ 0.1 per Myr. §.§ Globular Cluster Environments We assume that GCs can be modeled with a Plummer density profile <cit.> ρ(r) = 3M_cl/4π b^3(1+r^2/b^2)^-5/2, where M_cl is the total mass of the cluster and b is the Plummer scale length. The half-mass radius of a Plummer sphere is r_hm≈ 1.3b. We adopt a Kroupa initial mass function <cit.> between masses 0.08 and 180 and follow an initial-to-final mass relation from <cit.>. At the present day, about 17% of the objects are WDs and we assume that the spatial distribution of the WDs follows the Plummer profile. The velocity dispersion of a Plummer sphere is σ_p^2(r) = G M_cl/6√(r^2+b^2). Here, we assume that the IMBHs reside at the cluster centers. This is a reasonable assumption given that IMBHs are most likely formed from collisional runaways of stars <cit.> or repeated mergers of stellar-mass BHs <cit.>, which occur at around the centers of GCs. Besides, a massive IMBH would quickly mass segregate back to the cluster center in ∼Myr timescale if it is displaced by dynamical encounters. The least massive IMBHs may be more easily displaced or even ejected from their host clusters <cit.>, but for this first rate estimate we ignore these effects. Similar to the galactic nuclei case in the above Section, the maximum tidal capture radius increases as the distance to the center of GCs increases or the total mass of GCs decreases, as is shown in Figure <ref> (the increase is slow here). However, the maximum tidal capture radii in this case are always larger than the tidal disruption radii because the velocity dispersion in GCs is much smaller than in galactic nuclei. The tidal capture radius is about 3R_t for all IMBH masses. The capture rates as a function of the distance to the GC centers are shown in Figure <ref>. For a typical GC with M_cl = 2×10^5 and hosting a 10^3 IMBH at the center, the maximum tidal capture rate is ∼ 0.002 per Myr. The tidal capture rates shown in Figure <ref> are also consistent with the rates calculated by <cit.>. For a Milky Way-like galaxy hosting ∼ 200 GCs, if we assume that all clusters have an IMBH, the optimistic tidal capture rate is a few times 0.1 per Myr per galaxy, roughly comparable to the tidal capture rate from one IMBH in a galactic nucleus. These rates in GCs and galactic nuclei are within the ranges of the predicted rates of ultra-long gamma-ray bursts <cit.>, which have been suggested to be associated with WD tidal disruptions by IMBHs <cit.>. See Section <ref> for more details. § OBSERVATIONAL SIGNATURES We discuss here the multi-messenger observational signatures of these IMBH-WD interactions and the detectors that are sensitive to these signals. §.§ Gravitational Wave Emission After an IMBH-WD binary is formed, the two objects inspiral via the emission of GW radiation, and the emission will be observable by LISA. To estimate the amount of energy radiated by the binary, we compute the evolution of its semi-major axis and eccentricity by integrating Eq. 5.8 from <cit.> and stop the evolution when the pericenter distance R_p = R_t. For eccentric binaries, the frequency at peak GW emission is given by <cit.> f_peak = √(G(M_IMBH+M_WD))/π(1+e)^1.1954/[a(1-e^2)]^1.5. The characteristic strain at the nth harmonic can be calculated as <cit.> h_c,n^2=1/(π D)^2(2G/c^3Ė_n/ḟ_n), where D is the luminosity distance to the source, ḟ_n is the time derivative of the GW frequency of the nth harmonic at the rest frame, and Ė_n is the GW power radiated at f_n. The frequency at the nth harmonic is given by the orbital frequency of the binary f_n=nf_orb, and f_orb = √(GM_tot/a^3)/2π where M_tot is the total mass of the binary. The radiated power Ė_n can be written as <cit.> Ė_n = 32/5G^7/3/c^5(2π f_orbℳ_c)^10/3g(n,e), where ℳ_c is the chirp mass at the rest frame and ℳ_c = (M_IMBHM_WD)^3/5/M_tot^1/5. The time derivative of the frequency is computed to be ḟ_n = n96/10π(Gℳ_c)^5/3/c^5(2π f_orb)^11/3F(e). Knowing the characteristic strains and the GW frequencies, we can calculate the signal-to-noise ratio S/N for eccentric binaries by summing over the relevant harmonics (S/N)^2 = ∑_n=1^∞∫_f_n^f^'_n[h_c,n/h_f]^2 d f_n/f_n, where h_f is the LISA noise curve from <cit.>, and f_n^' is the GW frequency of the nth harmonic at the end of the LISA observation time. We truncate the calculation at the maximum harmonic <cit.> n_max = 5(1+e)^0.5/(1-e)^1.5, which is about 7053 for e=0.99. Here we did not consider the orbital decay from tidal effects because <cit.> showed that they are negligible compared to GW radiation. The characteristic strains for binaries at 10 kpc in comparison to the LISA sensitivity curve are shown as an example in Figure <ref>. Note that the characteristic strains are only accurate up to when tidal stripping starts since we assume no mass loss during the inspiral (; see Section <ref> for more details). The evolutionary time span of these strains (assuming inspiral stops at the tidal disruption radius) are about 390, 1830, and 8440 years for M_IMBH=10^4, 10^3, and 10^2, respectively. Combining the duration of the GW signals with the capture rates in Figure <ref> and <ref>, we can expect ∼10^-4-10^-3 events per Milky Way-like galaxy. For S/N>2, the GW signals can be detected out to about 73, 15, and 3 Mpc for M_IMBH=10^4, 10^3, and 10^2, respectively. If we require that S/N>10, the maximum detectable distances are 14, 3, and 1 Mpc instead for the same three IMBH masses. These values are consistent with <cit.> which showed that the GW emission with S/N>30 can be detected out to ≈ 200 Mpc for BHs with masses in the range of ≈10^4-10^5, WDs with masses in the range of ≈0.5-1, and circular orbits at tidal disruption or the innermost stable orbit. §.§ Electromagnetic Counterparts As discussed above and illustrated in Fig. <ref>, tidal capture dominates in GCs and at relatively larger distances in galactic nuclei, while in the innermost regions of the latter WDs are tidally disrupted more efficiently. The associated electromagnetic counterparts are expected to be qualitatively and quantitatively different in the two situations, and hence we discuss them separately below. §.§.§ Prompt Tidal Disruption (near parabolic orbit) Prompt tidal disruption of a WD by an IMBH will occur if the WD passes sufficiently close to the IMBH such that the pericenter R_p of its orbit becomes smaller than the tidal disruption radius defined in Eq. <ref>. The strength of the encounter is measured by the penetration factor β≡R_t/R_p =(R_p/R_WD)^-1(M_ IMBH/M_WD)^1/3 . The outcome of the encounter will depend on the value of β <cit.>. Let us first consider the more typical case of β≳ 1, which has been well studied in the limit in which the debris have a uniform spread in energy between a minimum value (the most bound debris) and a maximum (unbound) <cit.>. Under these conditions, about half of the debris from the tidal disruption remains bound to the IMBH and falls back, while the other half is unbound. Accretion of the bound debris onto the IMBH begins on a timescale determined by the fallback of the most bound debris t_ fb ≈ 2π( R_WD^3 M_ IMBH/G M_WD^2)^1/2≈ 10^3  s × (M_ IMBH/10^3 M_⊙)^1/2(M_WD/0.6 M_⊙)^-1(R_WD/10^4  km)^3/2. After an initial rapid rise, the late-time fallback rate (on timescales >> t_ fb) of the tidally disrupted bound debris is expected to follow a power-law decay as Ṁ_ fb (t) ≈Ṁ_ fb (t_ fb) (t/t_ fb)^-5/3 , where the peak rate Ṁ_ fb (t_ fb) is on the order of Ṁ_ fb (t_ fb) ≈M_WD/3t_ fb≈ 2× 10^-4 M_⊙ s^-1 × (M_ IMBH/10^3 M_⊙)^-1/2(M_WD/0.6 M_⊙)^2(R_WD/10^4  km)^-3/2. The precise fate of the fallback material can only be determined via numerical simulations. Whether the fallback material is able to circularize depends on its ability to lose a significant amount of energy. Hydrodynamic simulations by <cit.> show that WD-BH TDEs result in a variety of outcomes depending on the WD/BH masses and pericenter of the orbit. They find a subset of cases where self-interception of the stream occurs, favoring circularization of the debris and the onset of super-Eddington accretion rates. Strong outflows and relativistic jets are likely to ensue in these situations. The accretion rate onto the BH (and hence the emitted power) tracks the fallback rate as long as the viscous timescale of the disk is shorter than the fallback time. Assuming that a jet can be launched with efficiency ϵ_j and that a fraction ϵ_γ of the jet energy is dissipated into high energy radiation, then transients with luminosities ∼ (10^46-10^47)(ϵ_j/0.1)(ϵ_γ/0.1) erg s^-1 can be expected. When the WD approaches the IMBH with a large penetration factor, it can be severely compressed to an extent that explosive nuclear burning can be ignited <cit.>. During the period of compression, elements up to the iron group can be synthesized, which are then injected into the outflow with the explosion. The explosive transient would observationally manifest as a peculiar, underluminous thermonuclear explosion <cit.>. At the same time, a sizable fraction of the debris (∼ 35%, ) would still remain bound and accrete to the BH, possibly after circularization onto a disk. There have already been several unusual transients for which the tidal disruption of a WD by an IMBH provides a compelling explanation. <cit.> suggested this progenitor model for Swift J1644+57 <cit.>, a bright X-ray source (peak isotropic luminosity ∼ 4 × 10^48 erg s^-1) which, after a steady period of about 700 s, underwent several flaring events separated by longer timescales. These were interpreted as the result of repeated close passages and hence stripping. <cit.> suggested that the unsual pair of the gamma-ray burst GRB060218 and the accompanying supernova SN2006aj may be the result of a WD which is tidally disrupted by a BH of ∼ 10^4 M_⊙. The unusually long GRB, of about 2600 s duration and equivalent isotropic luminosity ∼ 10^47 erg s^-1 <cit.>, is compatible with the typical accretion timescale expected in these events, while the unusual supernova, the fastest of all the ones associated with GRBs, could have been the result of tidal pinching and ignition of the WD. More generally, tidal disruption of a WD by an IMBH is considered a good alternative model (to massive star collapse) for the subset of ultra-long GRBs <cit.>. Among transients of different nature, <cit.> suggested that the tidal disruption of a WD by an IMBH is responsible for producing the two fast X-ray transients, CDF-S XT1 <cit.> and XT2 (, with a peak luminosity ∼ 3× 10^45 erg s^-1), characterized by an X-ray initial plateau lasting around hundreds to thousands of seconds, followed by a rapid decay in the light curve. Most recently, <cit.> has shown that SN 2020lrt may be a candidate for a WD being tidally compressed and disrupted by an IMBH. §.§.§ Tidal Stripping after Tidal Capture (eccentric orbit) Once the WD has been captured by the IMBH, the orbit of the newly formed IMBH-WD binary will begin to shrink due to GW emission, as discussed in Section <ref>. Mass loss in interacting binaries with eccentric orbits was studied by <cit.>. They showed that stripping of the outer layers of the WD begins when the pericenter of the orbit becomes small enough that the radius of the WD exceeds its Roche lobe, that is R_WD≳ R_ lobe≈γ R_p (M_ IMBH/M_WD)^-1/3 , where the parameter γ in the expression for the Roche lobe depends on the orbital eccentricity, the mass ratio of the two objects in the binary, and the rotation of the WD. An average value is taken to be γ≈ 0.5. As the WD makes repeated passages through the pericenter of its orbit, mass gets stripped. This process was first studied semi-analytically by <cit.>, and subsequently, with increasing degree of sophistication, by <cit.>, <cit.> and <cit.>. The qualitative features of the phenomenon are similar in all these works, while quantitative details vary depending on the various approximations made. Here, we will follow the more recent <cit.>, who compared their analytical formalism against hydrodynamic simulations. For a penetration factor β≲ 0.7, they found that the fraction of mass lost, Δ M/M_WD, at each pericenter passage can be well approximated (when compared to numerical results) by the expression Δ M/M_WD≃ 4.8 [1-(M_WD/M_ Ch)^4/3]^3/4(1-γ/β)^5/2 , where M_ Ch=1.4 M_⊙ is the Chandrasekhar mass. The stripped debris is found to remain bound to the IMBH for eccentricities below a critical value e_ crit≲ 1 - 0.078 ξ β M_ IMBH^-1/3(M_WD/0.6 M_⊙)^1/3 , where the parameter ξ quantifies the uncertain tidal effects. From numerical simulations, they found e_ crit∼ 0.8-0.9 for a WD of 0.67 M_⊙, and e_ crit∼ 0.7-0.8 for a WD of 1.07 M_⊙. Fig. <ref> shows the distribution of eccentricities at capture (upper panel and solid lines), as well as at the moment that tidal stripping begins[Note that, if at the time that mass stripping starts the WD is rather found in a circular orbit, then the following evolution is characterized by stable mass transfer which, depending on the conditions, may lead to the WD to recede from the IMBH while filling its Roche lobe <cit.>.] (bottom panel – note that the condition in Eq. <ref> with γ≈ 0.5 is equivalent to R_p≲ 2R_t). While the eccentricity is close to one at capture, for systems that are captured with R_p> 2R_t, the eccentricity drops quickly by the time mass loss begins. Except for the narrow range of capture parameters [2R_p/R_t-2.2 R_p/R_t], the eccentricity is below the critical value in Eq. <ref>, and hence the stripped mass is expected to remain fully bound. Once mass loss has begun, the subsequent mass loss rate undergoes two phases. At early times, the mass loss follows the orbital shrinkage driven by the emission of GW radiation. Later, as the smaller WD expands and becomes less dense, it becomes easier to disrupt after each passage, until the WD is completely disrupted after a time t_ ML. <cit.> showed that this timescale is generally smaller than the GW timescale by a factor t_ ML/t_ GW≃ 0.02 (M_ IMBH/10^4 M_⊙)^4/15(M_WD/0.6 M_⊙)^16/15(1-e_0/0.1)^-1 , where e_0 is the eccentricity at the beginning of the mass loss. At the same time, mass loss will proceed with modulation on the binary period and increasing amplitude as the WD gets increasingly more stripped <cit.>. The fallback rate of the tidally disrupted debris is also expected to display such a modulation, as long as the accretion timescale is smaller than the orbital period P. The calculations by <cit.> showed that a good approximation to the results of their numerical simulations for the ratio between these two timescales is t_ fb/P≃[ 1 + 2ξβ/1-e( M_ IMBH/M_WD)^-1/3]^-3/2. For the range of parameters β (0.55-0.7), orbital parameters (0.7≤ e ≤ 0.9 ), and WD masses (0.67 and 1.67 M_⊙) explored in their simulations, they found the above timescale ratio to be ∼ 0.2-0.5. The average fallback rate over an orbital period can be estimated as Ṁ_ fb∼Δ M/P (since, as discussed above, the greatest majority of our systems is found to be in a regime where all the stripped mass remains bound). For typical orbital parameters, its peak magnitude is found to exceed the Eddington value by several orders of magnitude, that is Ṁ_ fb∼ 10^-5-10^-3M_⊙ s^-1 <cit.>. The modulation of the accretion rate onto the IMBH will further depend on the accretion (viscous) timescale if disk circularization occurs. The ratio between the accretion timescale and the orbital period can be estimated as (e.g. ) t_ acc/P≃ 0.2 (1-e/0.03)^3/2(α/0.1)^-1(H/R/0.5)^-2 , in a viscously accreting ring of scale height H with viscosity parameter α <cit.>. Given the range of α∼ 0.01-0.1, these timescales can be comparable. Modulation in the accretion rate onto the IMBH will still be expected even when partially smoothed out by viscosity. Detailed predictions of the luminosity and its spectrum during the periodic mass loss phase are still lacking, since they depend heavily on whether an outflow and/or a jet can be driven. If the electromagnetic emission is the direct result of accretion onto the IMBH, then it will be Eddington-limited, and hence, for the IMBH masses considered here, luminosities would be limited to the 10^40-10^42 erg s^-1 range. However, considering that the accretion rates are highly super-Eddington, it is plausible that outflows and jets could be driven, in analogy to the standard TDE case discussed in the previous subsection. If a fraction ϵ (=ϵ_jϵ_γ) of accreted mass is converted to luminosity, the peak fallback rates reported above would lead to an emission L=ϵṀ_̇ ̇ḟḃ c^2 ∼ (ϵ/0.01) (10^45-10^47) erg s^-1. The luminosity would be variable on the binary period and last for a timescale ∼ t_ ML[Note that this timescale does not account for the modifications to the WD structure where the outer layer of the WD is expected to heat up and ignite before the point of disruption due to tidal heating <cit.>.]. Tidal stripping of a WD by an IMBH in a binary has already been invoked to explain some unusual, rare transients. <cit.> suggested this progenitor system as potential progenitor candidate of the ultraluminous X-ray flares, with rapid rise (∼ minute) and decay (∼ hour) and peak luminosities ∼ 10^40-10^41 erg s^-1, that are observed in GCs and elliptical galaxies (; see also for modeling of these sources). Similarly, <cit.> proposed the WD tidal stripping model to explain the quasi-periodic ultrasoft X-ray eruptions (with durations of 10^3-10^4 sec, periods of about 9 hours, and peak luminosity ∼ 5× 10^42 erg s^-1) observed from the galaxy GSN 069 <cit.>. Sources of this brightness have been resolved by the Chandra telescope up to redshifts ∼ 4 <cit.>, and will be detectable up to ≳ 300 Mpc with a short ∼ 10 s exposure time by the Follow-up X-ray Telescope (FXT) of the upcoming mission Einstein Probe <cit.>. § CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSION In this study, we estimated the rates of WDs tidally captured by IMBHs in dense stellar environments. We assumed that a typical WD behaves as an n=1.5 polytrope and computed the capture radii based on the energy dissipated through WD oscillations during the first passage of the IMBH-WD encounter. We computed the capture rates for IMBHs with various masses in two environments, galactic nuclei and GCs. For the galactic nuclei, we adopted power-law distributions of stars and WDs around the central SMBHs, and studied how different SMBH masses and slopes of the stellar distribution affect the capture rates. We adopted Plummer profiles with different masses and half-mass radii in the case of GCs. Using these analytical models, we demonstrated that for a Milky Way-like galactic nucleus, the capture rate is ∼ 0.02 per Myr for an IMBH of 10^3. Meanwhile, the capture rate is about a few times 0.1 per Myr in a Milky Way-like galaxy if we assume that all GCs contain an IMBH. These captured IMBH-WD binaries are sources of intermediate-mass ratio inspirals and radiate GWs in the LISA frequency band. We calculated the characteristic strains and S/N for inspiralling eccentric IMBH-WD binaries and showed that their GW signals may be detected out to ∼100 Mpc by LISA. Following the phase of GW radiation which shrinks the orbits of the IMBH-WD binaries, tidal stripping and disruption of the WDs by the IMBHs will take effect. The luminosity of the electromagnetic emission during the periodic mass loss is at least ≳ 10^40-10^42 erg s^-1 (depending on the IMBH mass, if Eddington-limited). If aided by the launch of an outflow or jet, the luminosity may reach ∼ 10^45-10^47 erg s^-1, comparable to that of standard TDEs <cit.>. The capture and disruption rates and gravitational S/N estimated here should be taken as upper limits. We assumed that energy deposited into the WDs is efficiently dissipated, and the structure of the WDs stays unchanged during capture and inspiral. This essentially neglects any build-up of oscillation energy in the WDs and the possibility of WD disruption, allowing for all WDs that approach close to an IMBH to be captured into a lasting binary. We also did not consider WD spins which could play an important role in the orbital evolution of the binaries <cit.>. These are reasonable assumptions for the first-order rate approximation here. A more detailed understanding of the WDs' reaction to the strong tidal force will require numerical calculations. For the computation of the GW emission, we followed the WD till its pericenter reaches the tidal radius of the IMBH. However, both the magnitude of the signal and its duration should be considered as upper limits since tidal stripping reduces the WD mass and shortens the inspiral time. In addition, the IMBH occupation fraction and the mass distribution in galactic nuclei and in GCs are uncertain. Larger occupation fractions and flatter mass distributions will lead to higher tidal capture rates and vice versa. Future (non-)detection of IMBH-WD inspirals and electromagnetic emissions would be able to shed more light on the existence of IMBHs and potentially supply data for probing this wide range of physics. We thank Fred Rasio and Kyle Kremer for helpful discussions. This work was supported by NSF Grants AST-1716762, AST-2108624 at Northwestern University, and by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) DIS-2022-568580. G.F. acknowledges support from NASA Grant 80NSSC21K1722. R.P. acknowledges support by NSF award AST-2006839. This research was supported in part through the computational resources and staff contributions provided for the Quest high performance computing facility at Northwestern University, which is jointly supported by the Office of the Provost, the Office for Research, and Northwestern University Information Technology. aasjournal
Pretrained ViTs Yield Versatile Representations For Medical Images
[ "Christos Matsoukas", "Johan Fredin Haslum", "Magnus Söderberg", "Kevin Smith" ]
[ "cs.CV" ]
FireRisk: A Remote Sensing Dataset for Fire Risk Assessment with Benchmarks Using Supervised and Self-supervised Learning Shuchang Shen chuchangs@student.unimelb.edu.au Sachith Seneviratne sachith.seneviratne@unimelb.edu.au Xinye Wanyan xwanyan@student.unimelb.edu.au Michael Kirley mkirley@unimelb.edu.au March 30, 2023 ===================================================================================================================================================================================================== Extended version of <cit.> https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.09038“Is it Time to Replace CNNs with Transformers for Medical Images?” originally published at the ICCV 2021 Workshop on Computer Vision for Automated Medical Diagnosis. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have reigned for a decade as the de facto approach to automated medical image diagnosis, pushing the state-of-the-art in classification, detection and segmentation tasks. Over the last years, vision transformers (ViTs) have appeared as a competitive alternative to CNNs, yielding impressive levels of performance in the natural image domain, while possessing several interesting properties that could prove beneficial for medical imaging tasks. In this work, we explore the benefits and drawbacks of transformer-based models for medical image classification. We conduct a series of experiments on several standard 2D medical image benchmark datasets and tasks. Our findings show that, while CNNs perform better if trained from scratch, off-the-shelf vision transformers can perform on par with CNNs when pretrained on ImageNet, both in a supervised and self-supervised setting, rendering them as a viable alternative to CNNs. § INTRODUCTION Breakthroughs in medical image analysis over the past decade have been largely fuelled by convolutional neural networks (CNNs). CNN architectures have served as the workhorse for numerous medical image analysis tasks including breast cancer detection <cit.>, ultrasound diagnosis <cit.>, and diabetic retinopathy <cit.>. Whether applied directly as a plug-and-play solution or used as the backbone for a bespoke model, CNNs such as ResNet <cit.> are the dominant model for medical image analysis. Recently, however, vision transformers have gained increased popularity for natural image recognition tasks, possibly signalling a transition from convolution-based feature extractors to attention-based models (ViTs). This raises the question: can ViTs also replace CNNs in the medical imaging domain? In the natural image domain, transformers have been shown to outperform CNNs on standard vision tasks such as ImageNet classification <cit.>, as well as in object detection <cit.> and semantic segmentation <cit.>. Interestingly, transformers succeed despite their lack of inductive biases tied to the convolution operation. This may be explained, in part, by the attention mechanism central to transformers which offers several key advantages over convolutions: it explicitly models and more efficiently captures long-range relationships <cit.>, and it has the capacity for adaptive modeling via dynamically computed self-attention weights that capture relationships between tokens. In addition, it provides a type of built-in saliency, giving insight as to what the model focused on <cit.>. Over the years, we have gained a solid understanding of how CNNs perform on medical images, and which techniques benefit them. For example, it is well-known that performance drops dramatically when training data is scarce <cit.>. This problem is particularly acute in the medical imaging domain, where datasets are smaller and often accompanied by less reliable labels due to the inherent ambiguity of medical diagnosis. For CNNs, the standard solution is to employ transfer learning <cit.>: typically, a model is pretrained on a larger dataset such as ImageNet <cit.> and then fine-tuned for specific tasks using smaller, specialized datasets. For medical imaging, CNNs pre-trained on ImageNet typically outperform those trained from scratch, both in terms of final performance and reduced training time despite the differences between the two domains <cit.>,<cit.>,<cit.>, <cit.>. However, recent studies show that, for CNNs, transfer from ImageNet to medical tasks is not as useful as previously thought <cit.>,<cit.>. Supervised transfer learning requires many annotations. This can be problematic for medical tasks where annotations are costly and require specialized experts. Self-supervised approaches, on the other hand, can learn powerful representations by leveraging the intrinsic structure present in the image, rather than explicit labels <cit.>,<cit.>. Although self-supervision performs best when large amounts of unlabelled data are available, it has been shown to be effective with CNNs for certain medical image analysis tasks <cit.>,<cit.>. In contrast to CNNs, we know relatively little about how vision transformers perform at medical image classification. Are vanilla ViTs competitive with CNNs? Despite their success in the natural image domain, there are questions that cast doubt as to whether that success will translate to medical tasks. Evidence suggests that ViTs require very large datasets to outperform CNNs – in <cit.>, the benefits of ViTs only became evident when Google's private 300 million image dataset, JFT-300M, was used for pretraining. Reliance on data of this scale may be a barrier to the application of transformers for medical tasks. As outlined above, CNNs rely on techniques such as transfer learning and self-supervision to perform well on medical datasets. Are these techniques as effective for transformers as they are for CNNs? Finally, the variety and type of patterns and textures in medical images differ significantly from the natural domain. Studies on CNNs indicate that the benefits from transfer diminish with the distance from the source domain <cit.>,<cit.>,<cit.>. Can ViTs cope with this difference? In this work we explore the benefits and drawbacks of transformer-based models for 2D medical image classification. Given the enormous computational cost of considering the countless variations in CNN and ViT architectures, we limit our study to prototypical CNN and ViT models over a representative set of well-known publicly available medical image benchmark datasets. Through these experiments we show that: * ViTs pretrained on ImageNet perform comparably to CNNs for classification tasks on medical images. While CNNs outperform ViTs when trained from scratch, ViTs receive a larger boost in performance from pretraining on ImageNet. * Despite their reliance on large datasets, self-supervised ViTs perform on par or better than CNNs, if ImageNet pretraining is utilized, albeit by a small margin. * Features of off-the-shelf ImageNet pre-trained ViTs are versatile. k-NN tests show self-supervised ViT representations outperform CNNs, indicating their potential for other tasks. We also show they can serve as drop-in replacements for segmentation. These findings, along with additional ablation studies, suggest that ViTs can be used in medical image analysis, while at the same time potentially gaining from other properties of ViTs such as built-in explainability. The source code to reproduce our work is available at https://github.com/ChrisMats/medical_transformershttps://github.com/ChrisMats/medical_transformers. § RELATED WORK Transformers in vision problems. Following the success of transformers <cit.> in natural language processing (NLP), attention-based models captured the interest of the vision community and inspired numerous improvements to CNNs <cit.>,<cit.>. The first work to show that vanilla transformers from NLP can be applied with minimal changes to large-scale computer vision tasks and compete with standard CNNs was from <cit.>, which introduced the term vision transformer, or ViT[While Dosovitskiy's use of the term ViT referred to a direct adaptation of the original transformer model from NLP <cit.>, confusingly ViT has since been adopted as a term to refer to any transformer-based architecture for a vision task. We also use ViT in the latter sense, for brevity.]. Like their NLP counterparts, the original vision transformers required an enormous corpus of training data to perform well. To overcome this problem, <cit.> introduced DeiTs, which proposed a distillation token in addition to the cls token that allows transformers to learn more efficiently on smaller datasets. As the number of applications of vision transformers and architectural variations have exploded (<cit.> provides a good review), DeiT and the original ViT <cit.> have become the standard benchmark architectures for vision transformers. Vision transformers in medical imaging. Given the recent appearance of vision transformers, their application in medical image analysis has been limited. Segmentation has seen the most applications of ViTs. <cit.>, <cit.> and <cit.> independently suggested different methods for replacing CNN encoders with transformers in U-Nets <cit.>, resulting in improved performance for several medical segmentation tasks. Vanilla transformers were not used in any of these works, however. In each, modifications to the standard vision transformer from <cit.> are proposed, either to adapt to the U-Net framework <cit.> or to add components from CNNs <cit.>. Other transformer-based adaptations of CNN based-architectures suggested for medical segmentation tasks include <cit.>, who combined pyramid networks with transformers, and <cit.> who used transformers in variational auto encoders (VAEs) for segmentation and anomaly detection in brain MR imaging. Only a handful of studies have tackled tasks other than segmentation, such as 3-D image registration <cit.> and detection <cit.>. The only work so far, to our knowledge, applying transformers to medical image classification is a CNN/transformer hybrid model proposed by <cit.> applied to a small (344 images) private MRI dataset. Notably, none of these works consider pure, off-the-shelf vision transformers – all propose custom architectures combining transformer/attention modules with components from convolutional feature extractors. Improved initialization with transfer- and self-supervised learning. Medical imaging datasets are typically orders of magnitude smaller than natural image datasets due to cost, privacy concerns, and the rarity of certain diseases. A common strategy to learn good representations for smaller datasets is transfer learning. For medical imaging, it is well-known that CNNs usually benefit from transfer learning with ImageNet <cit.> despite the distinct differences between the domains. However, the question of whether ViTs benefit similarly from transfer learning to medical domains has yet to be explored. While transfer learning is one option to initialize models with good features, another more recent approach is self-supervised pre-training. Recent advances in self-supervised learning have dramatically improved performance of label-free learning. State-of-the-art methods such as DINO <cit.> and BYOL <cit.> have reached performance on par with supervised learning on ImageNet and other standard benchmarks. While these top-performing methods have not yet been proven for medical imaging, there has been some work using earlier self-supervision schemes on medical data. <cit.> adopted SimCLR <cit.>, a self-supervised contrastive learning method, to pretrain CNNs. This yielded state-of-the-art results for predictions on chest X-rays and skin lesions. Similarly, <cit.> employed MoCo <cit.> pre-training on a target chest X-ray dataset, demonstrating again the power of this approach. While these works exhibit promising improvements thanks to self-supervision, they have all employed CNN-based encoders. It has yet to be shown how self-supervised learning combined with ViTs performs in medical imaging, and how this combination compares to its CNN counterparts. § METHODS The main question we investigate is whether prototypical vision transformers can be used as a drop-in alternative to CNNs for medical diagnostic tasks. More concretely, we consider how each model type performs on various tasks in different domains, with different types of initialization, and across a range of model capacities. To that end, we conducted a series of experiments to compare representative ViTs and CNNs for various medical image analysis tasks under the same conditions. Hyperparameters such as weight decay and augmentations were optimized for CNNs and used for both CNNs and ViTs – with the exception of the initial learning rate, which was determined individually for each model type using a grid search. To keep our study tractable, we selected representative CNN and ViT model types as there are too many architecture variations to consider each and every one. For CNNs, an obvious choice is the ResNet family <cit.> and Inception <cit.>, as they are the most common and highly cited CNN encoders, and recent works have shown that ResNets are competitive with more recent CNNs when modern training methods are applied <cit.>. The choice for a representative vision transformer is less clear because the field is still developing. We considered several options including the original ViT <cit.>, SWIN transformers <cit.>, CoaT <cit.>, and focal transformers <cit.>, but we selected the DeiT family <cit.> for the following reasons: (1) it is one of the earliest and most established vision transformers, with the most citations aside from the original ViT, (2) it is similar in spirit to a pure transformer, (3) it was the first to show that vision transformers can compete on mid-sized datasets with short training times, (4) it retains the interpretability properties of the original transformer. Besides the DeiT family, we also employ for our main results SWIN transformers since they are more robust to data size and they have some properties which are typically encountered in CNN-based architectures, like hierarchical signal processing at different scales <cit.>. As mentioned above, CNNs rely on initialization strategies to improve performance for smaller datasets. Accordingly, we consider three common initialization strategies: randomly initialized weights, transfer learning from ImageNet, and self-supervised pretraining on the target dataset. Using these models and initialization strategies, we consider the following datasets and tasks: Medical image classification. Five standard medical image classification datasets were chosen to be representative of a diverse set of target domains. These cover different imaging modalities, color distributions, dataset sizes, and tasks, with expert labels. * APTOS 2019 – In this dataset, the task is classification of diabetic retinopathy images into 5 categories of disease severity <cit.>. APTOS 2019 contains 3,662 high-resolution retinal images. * CBIS-DDSM – A mammography dataset containing 10,239 images. The task is to detect the presence of masses in the mammograms <cit.>. * ISIC 2019 – Here, the task is to classify 25,331 dermoscopic images among nine different diagnostic categories of skin lesions <cit.>. * CheXpert – This dataset contains 224,316 chest X-rays with labels over 14 categories of diagnostic observations <cit.>. * PatchCamelyon – Sourced from the Camelyon16 segmentation challenge <cit.>, this dataset contains 327,680 patches of H&E stained WSIs of sentinel lymph node sections. The task is to classify each patch as cancerous or normal <cit.>. Medical image segmentation. Although there has been some recent work applying vision transformers to medical image segmentation, all works thus far have proposed hybrid architectures. Here, we evaluate the ability of vanilla ViTs to directly replace the encoder of a standard segmentation framework designed for CNNs. In particular, we use DeepLab3 <cit.> featuring a ResNet50 encoder. We merely replace the encoder of the segmentation model with DeiT-S and feed the outputs of the cls token to the decoder of DeepLab3. As DeepLab3 was designed and optimized for ResNets, CNNs have a clear advantage in this setup. Nevertheless, these experiments can shed some light into the quality and versatility of ViT representations for segmentation. Note that, unlike the classification experiments, all models were initialized with ImageNet pretrained weights. We consider the following medical image segmentation datasets: * ISIC 2018 – This dataset consists of 2,694 dermoscopic images with their corresponding pixel-wise binary annotations. The task is to segment skin lesions <cit.>. * CSAW-S – This dataset contains 338 images of mammographic screenings. The task is pixel-wise segmentation of tumor masses <cit.>. Experimental setup. We selected the ResNet family <cit.> as representative CNNs, and DeiT[Note that we refer to the DeiT architecture pretrained without the distillation token <cit.>.] <cit.> as representative ViTs. Specifically, we test ResNet-18, ResNet-50, and ResNet-152 against DeiT-T, DeiT-S, and DeiT-B. These models were chosen because they are easily comparable in the number of parameters, memory requirements, and compute. They are also some of the simplest, most commonly used, and versatile architectures of their respective type. Note that ViTs have an additional parameter, patch size, that directly influences the memory and computational requirement. We use the default 16×16 patches to keep the number of parameters comparable to the CNN models. Using these models, we compare three commonly used initialization strategies: * Randomly initialized weights (Kaiming initialization from <cit.>), * Transfer learning using supervised ImageNet pretrained weights, * Self-supervised pretraining on the target dataset, following ImageNet initialization. After initialization using the strategies above, the models are fine-tuned on the target data using the procedure described below. Early experiments indicated that initialization using self-supervision on the target dataset consistently outperforms self-supervision on ImageNet. We also determined that DINO performs better than other self-supervision strategies such as BYOL <cit.>. 3.25pt -3.25pt Training procedure. For supervised training, we use the Adam optimizer <cit.>[DeiT trained with random initialization used AdamW <cit.> instead of Adam.]. We performed independent grid searches to find suitable learning rates, and found that 10^-4 works best for both pretrained CNNs and ViTs, while 10^-3 is best for random initialization. We used these as base learning rates for the optimizer along with default 1,000 warm-up iterations. When the validation metrics saturated, the learning rate was dropped by a factor of 10 until it reached its final value of 10^-6. For classification tasks, images were resized to 256×256 with the following augmentations applied: normalization; color jitter which consists of brightness, contrast, saturation, hue; horizontal flip; vertical flip; and random resized crops. For segmentation, all images were resized to 512×512 and we use the same augmentation methods as for classification except for Csaw-S, where elastic transforms are also employed. For each run, we select the checkpoint with highest validation performance. For self-supervision, pretraining starts with ImageNet initialization, then applies DINO <cit.> on the target data following the default settings – except for three small changes determined to work better on medical data: (1) the base learning rate was set to 10^-4, (2) the initial weight decay is set at 10^-5 and increased to 10^-4 using a cosine schedule, and (3) we used an EMA of 0.99. The same settings were used for both CNNs and ViTs; both were pre-trained for 300 epochs using a batch size of 256, followed by fine-tuning as described above. The classification datasets were divided into train/test/validation splits (80/10/10), with the exception of APTOS2019, which was divided 70/15/15 due to its small size. For the segmentation datasets, we split the training set into train/validation with a 90/10 ratio. For ISIC2018 and CSAW-S, we used the provided validation and test sets for model evaluation. Evaluation. Unless otherwise specified, each experimental condition was repeated five times. We report the median and standard deviation of the appropriate metric for each dataset: Quadratic Cohen Kappa, Recall, ROC-AUC, and IoU. For classification, we measure performance of the: * initialized model representations, through a k-NN evaluation protocol <cit.> * final model after fine-tuning on the target dataset. The k-NN evaluation protocol is a technique to measure the usefulness of learned representations for some target task; it is typically applied before fine-tuning. For CNNs, it works by freezing the pretrained encoder, passing test examples through the network, and performing a k-NN classification using the cosine similarity between embeddings of the test images and the k nearest training images (k = 200 in our case). For ViTs, the principle is the same except the output of the cls token is used instead of the CNN's penultimate layer. § EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Are randomly initialized vision transformers useful? Our first experiment compares the performance of ViTs against CNNs when initialized with random weights <cit.>. The results in Table <ref> and Figure <ref> indicate that in this setting, CNNs outperform ViTs across the board. This is in line with previous observations in the natural image domain, where ViTs trained on smaller datasets are outperformed by similarly-sized CNNs, a trend that was attributed to the vision transformer's lack of inductive bias <cit.>. Note that the performance gap appears to shrink as the number of training examples n increases. However, since most medical imaging datasets are of modest size, the usefulness of randomly initialized ViTs appears to be limited. Does pretraining transformers on ImageNet work in the medical image domain? To deal with the smaller size of medical imaging datasets, CNNs are often initialized with ImageNet pretrained weights. This typically results in better performance than random initialization <cit.>, while recent works have questioned the usefulness of this approach for CNNs <cit.>,<cit.>. We investigate if ViTs benefit from ImageNet pre-training in the medical domain and to which extent. To test this, we initialize all models with supervised ImageNet-pretrained weights and then fine-tune on the target data using the procedure described in Section <ref>. The results in Table <ref> and Figure <ref> show that both CNNs and ViTs benefit from ImageNet initialization. However, ViTs appear to benefit more from transfer learning, as they make up for the gap observed using random initialization, performing on par with their CNN counterparts. Do transformers benefit from self-supervision in the medical image domain? Recent self-supervised learning schemes such as DINO and BYOL achieve performance near that of supervised learning. When used for pretraining in combination with supervised fine-tuning, they can achieve a new state-of-the-art <cit.>. While this phenomenon has been demonstrated for CNNs and ViTs on big data in the natural image domain, it is not clear whether self-supervised pretraining of ViTs helps for medical imaging tasks. To test if ViTs benefit from self-supervision, we adopt the learning scheme of DINO, which can be readily applied to both CNNs and ViTs <cit.>. The results reported in Table <ref> and Figure <ref> show that both ViTs and CNNs perform better with self-supervised pretraining. ViTs appear to perform on par, or better than CNNs in this setting, albeit by a small margin. Are pretrained ViT features useful for medical imaging, even without fine-tuning? When data is particularly scarce, features from pre-trained networks can sometimes prove useful, even without fine-tuning on the target domain. The low dimensional embeddings from a good feature extractor can be used for tasks such as clustering or few-shot classification. We investigate whether different types of pretraining in ViTs yields useful representations. We measure this by applying the k-NN evaluation protocol described in Section <ref>. The embeddings from the penultimate layer of the CNN and the cls token of the ViT are used to perform k-NN classification of test images, assigning labels based on the most similar examples from the training set. We test whether out-of-domain ImageNet pretraining or in-domain self-supervised DINO pretraining <cit.> yields useful representations when no supervised fine-tuning has been done. The results appear in Figure <ref> and Table <ref>, where we compare embeddings for DeiT-S and ResNet50. Pretraining with ImageNet yields surprisingly useful features for both CNNs and ViTs, considering that the embeddings were learned on out-of-domain data. We observe even more impressive results with in-domain self-supervised DINO pretraining. ViTs appear to benefit more from self-supervision than CNNs – in fact, ViTs trained without any labels using DINO perform similar or better than the same model trained from scratch with full supervision. The results indicate that representations from pretrained vision transformers, both in-domain and out-of domain, can serve as a solid starting point for transfer learning or k-shot methods. Do ViTs learn meaningful representations for other tasks like segmentation? Segmentation is an important medical image analysis task. While previous works have shown that custom attention-based segmentation models can outperform CNNs (see Section <ref>), here we ask: can we achieve comparable performance to CNNs by merely replacing the encoder of a CNN-based segmentation model with a vision transformer? This would demonstrate versatility of ViT representations for other tasks. We consider DeepLab3 <cit.>, a mainstream segmentation model with a ResNet50 encoder. We simply replace the ResNet50 with DeiT-S, and train the model as prescribed in Section <ref>. Despite the model being designed for ResNet50 and DeiT-S having fewer parameters connected to the DeepLab3 head, we observe that ViTs perform on par or better than CNNs in our segmentation tasks. The results in Table <ref> and Figure <ref> clearly indicate that vision transformers are able to produce high quality embeddings for segmentation, even in this disadvantaged setting. How does capacity of ViT models affect medical image classification? To understand the practical implications of ViT model size for medical image classification, we conducted an ablation study comparing different model capacities of CNNs and ViTs. Specifically, we test ResNet-18, ResNet-50, and ResNet-152 against DeiT-T, DeiT-S, and DeiT-B. These models were chosen because they are easily comparable in the number of parameters, memory requirements, and compute. They are also some of the simplest, most commonly used, and versatile architectures of their respective type. All models were initialized with ImageNet pretrained weights, and we followed the training settings outlined in Section <ref>. The results are presented in Figure <ref> and Table <ref>. Both CNNs and ViTs seem to benefit similarly from increased model capacity, within the margin of error. For most of the datasets, switching from a small ViT to a bigger model results in minor improvements, with the exception of ISIC 2019 where model size appears to be an important factor for optimal performance and APTOS2019 where DeiT-T performs better than its larger variants. Perhaps the tiny size of APTOS2019 results in diminishing returns for large models. Other ablation studies. We also considered the effect of token size on ViT performance. Table <ref> shows that reducing patch size results in a slight boost in performance for DeiT-S, but at the cost of increasing the memory footprint. This partially explains the success of SWIN-T, as it operates using 4×4 pixel input patches. Finally, we investigate how ViTs attend to different regions of medical images. In Figure <ref> we compute the attention distance, the average distance in the image across which information is integrated in ViTs. We find that, in early layers, some heads attend to local regions and some to the entire image. Deeper into the network, attention becomes more global – though more quickly for some datasets than for others. § DISCUSSION Our investigation of prototypical CNNs and ViTs indicate that CNNs can readily be replaced with vision transformers in medical imaging tasks without sacrificing performance. The caveat being that employing some form of transfer learning is necessary. Our experiments corroborate previous findings in the natural image domain and provide new insights, which we discuss below. Discussion and implications of findings. Unsurprisingly, we found that CNNs outperform ViTs when trained from scratch on medical image datasets, which corroborates previous findings in the natural image domain <cit.>. This trend appears consistently and fits with the “insufficient data to overcome the lack of inductive bias” argument. Thus, the usefulness of randomly initialized ViTs appears to be limited in the medical imaging domain. When initialized with supervised ImageNet pretrained weights, the gap between CNN and ViT performance disappears on medical tasks. The benefits of supervised ImageNet pretraining of CNNs is well-known, but it was unexpected that ViTs would benefit so strongly. This suggests that further improvements could be gained via transfer learning from other domains more closely related to the task, as is the case for CNNs <cit.>. The benefits of ImageNet pretraining was not only observed for the fine-tuned classification tasks, but also self-supervised learning, k-nn classification and segmentation. The best overall performance on medical images is obtained using ViTs with in-domain self-supervision, where small improvements over CNNs and other initialization methods were recorded. Our k-NN evaluation showed that ViT features learned this way are even strong enough to outperform supervised learning with random initialization. Interestingly, we did not observe as strong of an advantage for self-supervised ViTs over ImageNet pretraining as was previously reported in the natural image domain, e.g. in <cit.>. We suspect this is due to the limited size of medical datasets, suggesting a tantalizing opportunity to apply self-supervision on larger and easier to obtain unlabeled medical image datasets, where greater benefits may appear. Our other ablation studies showed that ViT performance scales with capacity in a similar manner to CNNs; that ViT performance can be improved by reducing the patch size; and that ViTs attend to information across the whole image even in the earliest layers. Although individually unsurprising, it is worthwhile to confirm these findings for medical images. It should be noted however, that the memory demands of DeiTs increase quadratically with the image and patch size which might limit their application in large medical images. However, newer ViT architectures, like SWIN transformers <cit.> mitigate this issue – while demonstrating increased predictive performance. Interesting properties of ViTs. Our results indicate that switching from CNNs to ViTs can be done without compromising performance, but are there any other advantages to switching to ViTs? There are a number of important differences between CNNs and ViTs. We briefly discuss some of these differences and why they may be interesting for medical image analysis. Lack of inductive bias – ViTs do away with convolutional layers. Our experiments indicate their implicit locality bias is only necessary when training from scratch on medical datasets. For larger datasets, evidence suggests removing this bias improves performance <cit.>. Global + local features – ViTs, unlike CNNs, can combine information from distant and local regions of the image, even in early layers (see Figure <ref>). This information can be propagated efficiently to later layers due to better utilization of residual connections that are unpolluted by pooling layers. This may prove beneficial for medical modalities which rely on local features. It may be necessary to use transfer learning to benefit from local features, as they require huge amounts of data to learn <cit.>. Interpretability – transformers' self-attention mechanism provides, for free, new insight into how the model makes decisions. CNNs do not naturally lend themselves well to visualizing saliency. Popular CNN explainability methods such as class activation maps <cit.> and Grad-CAM <cit.> provide coarse visualizations because of pooled layers. Transformer tokens give a finer picture of attention, and the self-attention maps explicitly model interactions between every region in the image. In Figure <ref>, we show examples from each dataset along with Grad-CAM visualizations of ResNet-50 and the top-50% self-attention of 16×16 DeiT-S cls token heads. The ViTs provide a clear, localized picture of attention, e.g. attention at the boundary of the skin lesion in ISIC, on hemorrhages and exudates in APTOS, the membrane of the lymphatic nodule in PatchCamelyon, the opacity in the Chest X-ray, and a dense region in CBIS-DDSM. § CONCLUSION In this work we show that vision transformers can reliably replace CNNs on medical 2D image classification if appropriate training protocols are employed. More precisely, ViTs reach the same level of performance as CNNs in an array of medical classification and segmentation tasks, but they require transfer learning to do so. But since ImageNet pretraining is the standard approach for CNNs, this does not incur any additional cost in practice. The best overall performance on medical imaging tasks is achieved using in-domain self-supervised pretraining, where ViTs show a small advantage over CNNs. As the data size grows, this advantage is expected to grow as well, as observed by <cit.> and our own experiments. Additionally, ViTs have a number of properties that make them attractive: they scale similarly to CNNs (or better), their lack of inductive bias, global attention and skip connections may improve performance, and their self-attention mechanism provides a clearer picture of saliency. From a practitioner's point of view, these benefits are compelling enough to explore the use of ViTs in the medical domain. Finally, modern CNNs have been studied extensively for more than a decade, while the first pure vision transformer appeared less than two years ago – the potential for ViTs to improve is considerable. §.§.§ Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Wallenberg Autonomous Systems Program (WASP), and the Swedish Research Council (VR) 2017-04609. We thank Konuk for the thoughtful discussions. plainnat § APPENDIX The Appendix contains several details and additional experimental results that did not fit within the page limit, organized by the order in which they are referenced in the main article. § –NN EVALUATION OF DEIT-S AND RESNET50 The k-NN evaluation protocol is a technique to measure the usefulness of learned representations for some target task; it is typically applied before fine-tuning. For CNNs, it works by freezing the pretrained encoder, passing test examples through the network, and performing a k-NN classification using the cosine similarity between embeddings of the test images and the k nearest training images (k = 200 in our case). For ViTs, the principle is the same except the output of the cls token is used instead of the CNN's penultimate layer. We applied the k-NN evaluation protocol to test whether out-of-domain ImageNet pretraining or in-domain self-supervised DINO pretraining yields useful representations when no supervised fine-tuning has been done. The results appear in Table <ref>. Pretraining with ImageNet yields surprisingly useful features for both CNNs and ViTs, considering that the embeddings were learned on out-of-domain data. We observe even more impressive results with in-domain self-supervised DINO pretraining. ViTs appear to benefit more from self-supervision than CNNs – in fact, ViTs trained with DINO perform similar or better than the same model trained from scratch with full supervision! The results indicate that representations from pretrained vision transformers, both in-domain and out-of domain, can serve as a solid starting point for transfer learning or k-shot methods. -3.0pt +3.0pt § DEIT AND RESNET WITH DIFFERENT CAPACITIES To understand the practical implications of ViT model size for medical image classification, we compare different model capacities of CNNs and ViTs. Specifically, we test ResNet-18, ResNet-50, and ResNet-152 against DeiT-T, DeiT-S, and DeiT-B. These models were chosen because they are easily comparable in the number of parameters, memory requirements, and compute. They are also some of simplest, most commonly used, and versatile architectures of their respective type. All models were initialized with ImageNet pretrained weights, and trained following the settings outlined in Section <ref>. The results appear in Table <ref>. Both CNNs and ViTs seem to benefit similarly from increased model capacity, within the margin of error. For most of the datasets, switching from a small ViT to a bigger model results in minor improvements, with the exception of ISIC 2019 where model size appears to be an important factor for optimal performance. 2.5pt -2.5pt 2.5pt -2.5pt § EFFECT OF PATCH SIZE ViTs have an additional parameter, patch size, that directly influences the memory and computational requirement. We compare the default 16×16 patches, used in this work, with 8×8 patches, as it has been noted in previous works that reducing the patch size leads to increased performance <cit.>. The results appear in Table <ref>. We observe that smaller patch sizes result in marginally better performance, though to a lesser degree than has been observed in the natural image domain. § MEAN ATTENDED DISTANCE OF VITS We compute the attention distance, the average distance in the image across which information is integrated in ViTs. As reported previously (e.g. <cit.>), in early layers, some heads attend to local regions and some to the entire image. Deeper into the network, attention becomes more global – though more quickly for some datasets than for others.
TranSG: Transformer-Based Skeleton Graph Prototype Contrastive Learning with Structure-Trajectory Prompted Reconstruction for Person Re-Identification
[ "Haocong Rao", "Chunyan Miao" ]
[ "cs.CV" ]
TranSG: Transformer-Based Skeleton Graph Prototype Contrastive Learning with Structure-Trajectory Prompted Reconstruction for Person Re-Identification Haocong Rao Chunyan MiaoCorresponding author LILY Research Center, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore {haocong001, ascymiao}@ntu.edu.sg ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ Person re-identification (re-ID) via 3D skeleton data is an emerging topic with prominent advantages. Existing methods usually design skeleton descriptors with raw body joints or perform skeleton sequence representation learning. However, they typically cannot concurrently model different body-component relations, and rarely explore useful semantics from fine-grained representations of body joints. In this paper, we propose a generic Transformer-based Skeleton Graph prototype contrastive learning (TranSG) approach with structure-trajectory prompted reconstruction to fully capture skeletal relations and valuable spatial-temporal semantics from skeleton graphs for person re-ID. Specifically, we first devise the Skeleton Graph Transformer (SGT) to simultaneously learn body and motion relations within skeleton graphs, so as to aggregate key correlative node features into graph representations. Then, we propose the Graph Prototype Contrastive learning (GPC) to mine the most typical graph features (graph prototypes) of each identity, and contrast the inherent similarity between graph representations and different prototypes from both skeleton and sequence levels to learn discriminative graph representations. Last, a graph Structure-Trajectory Prompted Reconstruction (STPR) mechanism is proposed to exploit the spatial and temporal contexts of graph nodes to prompt skeleton graph reconstruction, which facilitates capturing more valuable patterns and graph semantics for person re-ID. Empirical evaluations demonstrate that TranSG significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods. We further show its generality under different graph modeling, RGB-estimated skeletons, and unsupervised scenarios. Our codes are available at https://github.com/Kali-Hac/TranSGhttps://github.com/Kali-Hac/TranSG. § INTRODUCTION Person re-identification (re-ID) is a challenging task of retrieving and matching a specific person across varying views or scenarios, which has empowered many vital applications such as security authentication, human tracking, and robotics <cit.>. Recently driven by economical, non-obtrusive and accurate skeleton-tracking devices like Kinect <cit.>, person re-ID via 3D skeletons has attracted surging attention in both academia and industry <cit.>. Unlike conventional methods that rely on visual appearance features (e.g., colors, silhouettes), skeleton-based person re-ID methods model unique body and motion representations with 3D positions of key body joints, which typically enjoy smaller data sizes, lighter models, and more robust performance under scale and view variations <cit.>. Most existing methods manually extract anthropometric descriptors and gait attributes from body-joint coordinates <cit.>, or leverage sequence learning paradigms such as Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) <cit.> to model body and motion features with skeleton sequences <cit.>. However, these methods rarely explore the inherent body relations within skeletons (e.g., inter-joint motion correlations), thus largely ignoring some valuable skeleton patterns. To fill this gap, a few recent works <cit.> construct skeleton graphs to model body-component relations in terms of structure and action. These methods typically require multi-stage non-parallel relation modeling, e.g., <cit.> models collaborative relations conditioned on the structural relations, while they cannot simultaneously mine different underlying relations. On the other hand, they usually leverage sequence-level instances such as averaged features of sequential graphs <cit.> for representation learning, which inherently limits their ability to exploit richer graph semantics from fine-grained (e.g., node-level) representations. For example, there usually exist strong correlations between nearby body-joint nodes within a local spatial-temporal graph context, which can prompt learning unique and recognizable skeleton patterns for person re-ID. To address the above challenges, we propose a general Transformer-based Skeleton Graph prototype contrastive learning (TranSG) paradigm with structure-trajectory prompted reconstruction as shown in Fig. <ref>, which integrates different relational features of skeleton graphs and contrasts representative graph features to learn discriminative representations for person re-ID. Specifically, we first model 3D skeletons as graphs, and propose the Skeleton Graph Transformer (SGT) to perform full-relation learning of body-joint nodes, so as to simultaneously aggregate key relational features of body structure and motion into effective graph representations. Second, a Graph Prototype Contrastive learning (GPC) approach is proposed to contrast and learn the most representative skeleton graph features (defined as “graph prototypes”) of each identity. By pulling together both sequence-level and skeleton-level graph representations to their corresponding prototypes while pushing apart representations of different prototypes, we encourage the model to capture discriminative graph features and high-level skeleton semantics (e.g., identity-associated patterns) for person re-ID. Last, motivated by the inherent structural correlations and pattern continuity of body joints <cit.>, we devise a graph Structure-Trajectory Prompted Reconstruction (STPR) mechanism to exploit the spatial-temporal context (i.e., graph structure and trajectory) of skeleton graphs to prompt the skeleton graph reconstruction, which facilitates learning richer graph semantics and more effective graph representations for the person re-ID task. Our key contributions can be summarized as follows: * We present a generic TranSG paradigm to learn effective representations from skeleton graphs for person re-ID. To the best of our knowledge, TranSG is the first transformer paradigm that unifies skeletal relation learning and skeleton graph contrastive learning specifically for skeleton-based person re-ID. * We devise a skeleton graph transformer (SGT) to fully capture relations in skeleton graphs and integrate key correlative node features into graph representations. * We propose the graph prototype contrastive learning (GPC) to contrast and learn the most representative graph features and identity-related semantics from both skeleton and sequence levels for person re-ID. * We devise the graph structure-trajectory prompted reconstruction (STPR) to exploit spatial-temporal graph contexts for reconstruction, so as to capture more key graph semantics and unique features for person re-ID. Extensive experiments on five public benchmarks show that TranSG prominently outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods and is highly scalable to be applied to different graph modeling, RGB-estimated or unlabeled skeleton data. § RELATED WORKS Person Re-identification Using Skeleton Data. Early methods manually design skeleton descriptors (e.g., anthropometric and gait attributes) from raw body joints. In <cit.>, seven Euclidean distances between certain joints are computed to perform distance metric learning for person re-ID. An further extension with 13 (D_13) and 16 skeleton descriptors (D_16) in <cit.> and <cit.> are utilized to identify different persons. Recent methods employ deep neural networks to perform representation learning with skeleton sequences or graphs. In <cit.>, a CNN-based model PoseGait is devised to encode body-joint sequences and hand-crafted pose features for human recognition. <cit.> proposes the AGE model to encode recognizable gait features from 3D skeleton sequences, while its extension SGELA <cit.> further combines self-supervised semantics learning (e.g., sequence sorting) and sequence contrastive learning to improve discriminative feature learning. The SimMC framework <cit.> is proposed to encode prototypes and intra-sequence relations of masked skeleton sequences for person re-ID. MG-SCR <cit.> and SM-SGE <cit.> perform multi-stage body-component relation learning based on multi-scale graphs to learn person re-ID representations. <cit.> proposes a general skeleton feature re-ranking mechanism for skeleton-based person re-ID. Contrastive Learning. The aim of contrastive learning is to pull closer homogeneous or positive representation pairs while pushing farther negative pairs in a certain feature space. It has been broadly applied to various areas to learn effective feature representations <cit.>. An instance discrimination paradigm with exemplar tasks is designed in <cit.> for visual contrastive learning. A contrastive predictive coding (CPC) approach based on the context auto-encoding and probabilistic contrastive loss <cit.> is proposed to learn different-domain representations. PCL <cit.> combines k-means clustering and contrastive learning for image representation learning. Skeleton contrastive paradigms based on consecutive sequences or randomly masked sequences are devised in <cit.> and <cit.> for unsupervised skeleton representation learning and person re-ID. Prompt Learning. The function of prompts is to provide additional knowledge, instruction, or context for the input of models, such that they can be prompted to give more reliable outputs for different tasks <cit.>. In <cit.>, CLIP leverages language-based prompts to generalize the pre-trained visual representations to many tasks. CoOp <cit.> is further devised to automatically model task-relevant prompts with continuous representations to improve the downstream task performance. As far as we know, this work for the first time explores graph prompts (defined as structure and trajectory contexts) for skeleton graph reconstruction, so as to encourage capturing more key features and graph semantics (e.g., pattern continuity) for person re-ID. § THE PROPOSED APPROACH Given a 3D skeleton sequence X=(x_1,⋯,x_f)∈ℝ^f × J × 3, where x_t∈ℝ^J × 3 denotes the t^th skeleton with 3D coordinates of J body joints. Each skeleton sequence X corresponds to a person identity y, where y∈{1, ⋯, C} and C is the number of different classes (i.e., identities). We use Φ_T={X^T_i}_i=1^N_1, Φ_P={X^P_i}_i=1^N_2, and Φ_G={X^G_i}_i=1^N_3 to denote the training set, probe set, and gallery set that contain N_1, N_2, and N_3 skeleton sequences of different persons in different scenes and views. Our aim is to learn an encoder to map skeleton sequences into effective representations, such that the encoded skeleton sequence representations (denoted as {S^P_i}_i=1^N_2) in the probe set can be matched with the representations (denoted as {S^G_i}_i=1^N_3) of the same identity in the gallery set. The overview of our TranSG approach is shown in Fig. <ref>: Firstly, we represent each skeleton sequence x_1,⋯,x_f as skeleton graphs 𝒢^1,⋯,𝒢^f (see Sec. <ref>), and integrate the graph positional information into their node representations h_i. Then, they are fed into the skeleton graph transformer (SGT) to fully capture body-component relations with multiple full-relation (FR) heads (see Sec. <ref>). We employ multiple SGT layers and take the l^th layer output h^(l+1)_i as the input of (l+1)^th layer. Next, the centroids of graph features belonging to different identities (ID) are utilized to generate graph prototypes, and we enhance the similarity of both skeleton-level (s^t) and sequence-level graph representations (S) to their corresponding prototypes, while maximizing their dissimilarity to other prototypes by optimizing ℒ_GPC (see Sec. <ref>). Meanwhile, we randomly mask skeleton graph structure and node trajectory, and exploit correspondingly masked graph representations as contexts to prompt reconstruction by minimizing ℒ_STPR (see Sec. <ref>). The skeleton graph representations learned from our approach are exploited for person re-ID (see Sec. <ref>). §.§ Skeleton Graph Construction The human body with joints can be naturally modeled as graphs to characterize rich structural and positional information <cit.>. We construct skeleton graphs with the body joints as nodes and the structural connections between adjacent joints as edges. Each graph 𝒢^t(𝒱^t, ℰ^t) (corresponding to the t^th skeleton x_t) consists of nodes 𝒱^t={v^t_1, v^t_2, ⋯,v^t_J}, v^t_i∈ℝ^3, i∈{1,⋯,J} and edges ℰ^t={e^t_i,j | v^t_i, v^t_j∈𝒱^t}, e^t_i,j∈ℝ. Here 𝒱^t and ℰ^t denote the set of nodes corresponding to J different body joints and the set of their internal connection relations, respectively. The adjacency matrix of 𝒢^t is denoted as 𝐀^t∈ℝ^J × J to represent the relations among J nodes. 𝐀^t is initialized based on the connections of adjacent body joints. §.§ Skeleton Graph Transformer As our goal is to capture discriminative skeleton features for person re-ID, it is crucial to consider two unique properties of human skeletons: (1) Body structural features, which can be inferred from the relations between adjacent body joints; (2) Skeleton actional patterns (e.g., gait <cit.>), which are typically characterized by the relations among different body components <cit.>. From the perspective of graphs, we regard each body-joint node as a basic body component, and propose to combine the above relation learning as a full-relation learning of body-joint nodes, so as to fully aggregate key body and motion features from skeleton graphs. For this purpose, we devise the skeleton graph transformer (SGT) as follows (shown in Fig. <ref>). Given a skeleton graph 𝒢^t(𝒱^t, ℰ^t) and its adjacency matrix 𝐀^t, we first exploit the pre-defined graph structure to generate the positional encoding for graph nodes with: Δ=𝐈-𝐃^-1 / 2𝐀𝐃^-1 / 2=𝐔^T Λ𝐔, where 𝐀, 𝐃 are the adjacency matrix and degree matrix of the skeleton graph 𝒢, respectively, and Λ,𝐔 denote the matrices of Laplacian eigenvalues and eigenvectors, respectively. 𝐔^T Λ𝐔 is the factorization of the graph Laplacian matrix. For convenience, we use 𝐀 to represent 𝐀^t as skeleton graphs in the same dataset share the identical initialized adjacency matrix. We follow <cit.> to adopt the K smallest non-trivial eigenvectors as the node positional encoding, denoted as λ_i∈ℝ^K for the node v_i. They are mapped into feature spaces of the same dimension d with the affine transformation, which are then added by: h_i=(W_vv_i+b_v)+(W_pλ_i + b_p), where h_i∈ℝ^d denotes the i^th position-encoded node representation, W_v∈ℝ^d × 3, W_p∈ℝ^d × K, b_v, b_p∈ℝ^d are the learnable parameters of the feature transformation for the i^th node v_i and its corresponding positional encoding. Intuitively, the addition of positional encoding in Eq. (<ref>) helps preserve the unique positional information of nodes based on the graph structure, i.e., structurally nearby nodes are endowed with similar positional features while the farther nodes possess more dissimilar positional features, so as to encourage more effective node representation learning <cit.>. Then, given the body-joint node representations, we capture their inherent relations using multiple independent full-relation (FR) heads (see Fig. <ref>), and update node representations by aggregating corresponding relational features: w_i, j^k,l=Softmax_j((Q^k, lh_i^(l)) · (K^k, lh_j^(l))/√(d_k)), ĥ_i^(l)=O^l_k=1^H(∑_j ∈𝒩_iw_i,j^k, lV^k, lh_j^(l)), where Q^k,l,K^k,l,V^k,l∈ℝ^d_k× d are the parameter matrices for query, key, and value transformations in the k^th FR head of the l^th SGT layer, O^l∈ℝ^d × d is the parameter matrix for output transformation of the l^th SGT layer. 1/√(d_k) is the scaling factor for the scaled dot-product similarity, w_i,j^k,l denotes the normalized relation value between the i^th and j^th node captured by the k^th FR head in the l^th layer, represents the concatenation operation, and H is the number of FR heads. For clarity, we use ĥ_i^(l)∈ℝ^d denotes the i^th node representation that concatenates node features learned from different heads in the l^th layer. It is worth noting that SGT naturally generalizes the self-attention <cit.> to the full-relation learning of graph nodes, and can be viewed as a general paradigm that simultaneously captures structural and actional relations from both adjacent and non-adjacent body-component nodes. The multiple FR heads enable the model to jointly attend to node relations from different feature subspaces and integrate more key correlative node features into final node representations. We follow <cit.> to apply a Feed Forward Network (FFN) with residual connections <cit.> and batch normalization <cit.> by: h_i^(l)=Norm(h_i^(l)+ĥ_i^(l)), h_i^(l+1)=Norm(h_i^(l)+W_2^l σ(W_1^lh_i^(l))). In Eq. (<ref>) and (<ref>), Norm(·) denotes the batch normalization operation, W_1^l∈ℝ^2d × d, W_2^l∈ℝ^d × 2d are the learnable parameters of FFN, σ(·) is the ReLU activation function, h_i^(l) and h_i^(l+1) represent the intermediate and output node representations of the l^th SGT layer, respectively. We average the node features in each skeleton graph as the corresponding graph representation, and then integrate f consecutive graph representations into the final sequence-level graph representation S with: S=1/f∑^f_t=1s^t=1/f∑^f_t=11/J∑^J_i=1h^t_i, where S, s^t∈ℝ^d are the sequence-level and skeleton-level graph representations, corresponding to a skeleton sequence X and the t^th skeleton x_t in the sequence, respectively. For simplicity of presentation, we use h^t_i to denote the encoded representation of i^th node in the t^th skeleton graph. Here we assume that each node representation with aggregated relational features (see Eq. (<ref>), (<ref>)) contributes equally to the graph representation, and each skeleton graph has the same importance in representing patterns of an individual. §.§ Graph Prototype Contrastive Learning Each individual's skeletons usually share the same anthropometric features (e.g., skeletal lengths), while their continuous sequence can characterize identity-specific walking patterns (i.e., gait) <cit.>. In this context, it is desirable to mine the most representative skeleton features (defined as “prototypes”) of each individual to learn distinguishable patterns. A straightforward way is to cluster sequence representations to mine prototypes for contrastive learning like <cit.>, while they can only generate identity-agnostic (i.e., pseudo-labeled) prototypes with large uncertainty or unreliability, e.g., when existing large intra-class variation, two same-class sequences with diverse patterns might be clustered to two prototype groups. To encourage the model to generate representatives graph features more reliably, we propose to exploit the graph feature centroid of each ground-truth identity as graph prototypes, which are contrasted with both sequence-level and skeleton-level graph features to learn discriminative representations for person re-ID. Given the encoded graph representations {S^T_i}_i=1^N_1 of training skeleton sequences {X^T_i}_i=1^N_1, we group them by ground-truth classes as {𝕊_k}_k=1^C, where 𝕊_k={S_k,j}_j=1^n_k denotes the set of graph representations belonging to the k^th identity, S_k,j is the j^th sequence-level graph representation, and n_k represents the number of k-class sequences. Then, the graph prototype is generated by averaging the graph features of the same class with: c_k=1/n_k∑^n_k_j=1S_k,j , where c_k∈ℝ^d denotes the graph prototype of the k^th identity. To focus on the representative graph prototype of each identity to learn discriminative identity-related semantics from both skeleton and sequence levels, we propose the graph prototype contrastive (GPC) loss as: ℒ_GPC=αℒ^seq_GPC + (1-α)ℒ^ske_GPC, where 0.8ℒ^seq_GPC=1/N_1∑_k=1^C∑_j=1^n_k-logexp(S_k, j·c_k / τ_1)/∑_m=1^Cexp(S_k, j·c_m / τ_1), 0.8ℒ^ske_GPC=1/fN_1∑_k=1^C∑_j=1^n_k∑_t=1^f-logexp(ℱ_1(s^t_k, j) ·ℱ_2(c_k) / τ_2)/∑_m=1^Cexp(ℱ_1(s^t_k, j) ·ℱ_2(c_m) / τ_2). In Eq. (<ref>), α is the weight coefficient to fuse sequence-level (ℒ^seq_GPC) and skeleton-level graph prototype contrastive learning (ℒ^ske_GPC). In Eq. (<ref>) and (<ref>), c_m represents the m-class graph prototype, s^t_k, j denotes the graph representation of the t^th skeleton in the sequence that corresponds to S_k, j belonging to the k^th identity, τ_1, τ_2 are the temperatures for contrastive learning, and ℱ_1(·), ℱ_2(·) are linear projection heads to transform skeleton-level graph representations and graph prototypes into the same contrastive space ℝ^d. It should be noted that the graph prototypes are generated from higher level (i.e., sequence-level) representations and the learnable linear projection in Eq. (<ref>) can be viewed as integrating related graph features from both levels for contrastive learning. The proposed GPC loss is essentially a generalized skeleton prototype contrastive loss that combines joint-level relation encoding (see Sec. <ref>), skeleton-level and sequence-level graph learning (see Eq. (<ref>)). Its objective can be theoretically modeled as an Expectation-Maximization (EM) solution (see Appendix I). §.§ Graph Structure-Trajectory Prompted Reconstruction Mechanism To exploit more valuable graph features and high-level semantics (e.g., pattern consistency) from both spatial and temporal contexts of skeleton graphs, we propose a self-supervised graph Structure and Trajectory Prompted Reconstruction (STPR) mechanism. Motivated by the structural correlations and local motion continuity <cit.> of body components, we devise two graph context based prompts (see Fig. <ref>), namely (1) partial node positions of the same graph and (2) partial node trajectory among continuous graphs, to reconstruct the graph structure and dynamics. Graph Structure Prompted Reconstruction. Given the t^th skeleton graph representation with J encoded nodes (h^t_1,⋯,h^t_J) encoded by SGT (see Eq. (<ref>)-(<ref>)), we first randomly mask node positions to generate the masked graph representation as: ŝ^t=1/J-a∑^J_i=1m_ih^t_i, where a is the number of masks, m_i is the binary mask value (i.e., 0 for masking and 1 for unmasking) applied on the i^th node representation h^t_i, and we have ∑_i=1^Jm_i=J-a. With both spatial positional information (Eq. (<ref>), (<ref>)) and relational features (Eq. (<ref>), (<ref>)) integrated into each node, the masked graph representation ŝ^t∈ℝ^d in Eq. (<ref>) retains the context of graph structure, which is then exploited to prompt the skeleton reconstruction by: x̂^t=f_s(ŝ^t), where f_s(·) is an MLP network with one hidden layer for skeleton reconstruction with the structure prompt, and x̂^t∈ℝ^J×3 is the predicted skeleton. It is worth noting that Eq. (<ref>) not only utilizes the unmasked node representations to reconstruct their corresponding positions, but also exploits them as the context to predict the masked node positions. For conciseness, we denote the predicted i^th training skeleton sequence as X̂_i=(x̂^1,⋯,x̂^f) ∈ℝ^f× J×3. Graph Trajectory Prompted Reconstruction. To encourage the model to capture more unique temporal patterns from skeleton graphs, we propose to reconstruct graph trajectories based on their partial dynamics. In particular, we randomly mask the trajectory of each node with: T_i=1/f-b∑^f_t=1u^th^t_i, where T_i∈ℝ^d is the masked representation of i-node trajectory (i.e., h^1_i, ⋯, h^f_i), b is the number of trajectory masks, u^t is the binary mask value applied to the t^th position in the i-node trajectory (i.e., i^th node representation of the t^th skeleton graph), and we have ∑_t=1^fu^t=f-b. The masked trajectory representation T_i preserves partial graph dynamics of different body-joint nodes, which are then used to prompt the skeleton reconstruction by: x_i=f_t(T_i). In Eq. (<ref>), x_i∈ℝ^f×3 denotes the temporal trajectory of the i^th body joints predicted by an MLP network f_t(·) with one hidden layer. Based on the unmasked node representations over the temporal dimension, this reconstruction facilitates capturing key temporal dynamics and semantics (e.g., continuous patterns) to infer the node positions missed on the trajectory. We represent the predicted i^th training sequence as X_i∈ℝ^f× J×3 by transposing the original predicted position matrix (x_1,⋯,x_J) ∈ℝ^J× f×3. We propose the STPR objective to combine both graph structure and trajectory prompted reconstruction as follows: ℒ_STPR=βℒ_STPR^st+(1-β)ℒ_STPR^tr, where ℒ_STPR^st=1/N_1∑_i=1^N_1X̂_i-X^T_i_1, ℒ_STPR^tr = 1/N_1∑_i=1^N_1X_i-X^T_i_1. In Eq. (<ref>), β is the weight coefficient to fuse structure-prompted (ℒ_STPR^st) and trajectory-prompted reconstruction (ℒ_STPR^tr). X^T_i∈ℝ^f× J × 3 denotes the ground-truth positions of i^th training skeleton sequence, and ·_1 represents the ℓ_1 norm. We employ ℓ_1 reconstruction loss following <cit.>, as it can alleviate gradient explosion of large losses while providing sufficient gradients for the positions with small losses to facilitate more precise reconstruction. §.§ The Entire Approach We combine the proposed GPC (Sec. <ref>) and STPR (Sec. <ref>) to perform skeleton representation learning with: ℒ=λℒ_GPC+(1-λ) ℒ_STPR , where λ is the weight coefficient to fuse two losses for training. For person re-ID, we leverage the learned SGT to encode skeleton sequences of the probe set Φ_P into sequence-level graph representations, {S^P_i}_i=1^N_2 (see Eq. (<ref>)), which are matched with the representations, {S^G_i}_i=1^N_3, of the same identity in the gallery set Φ_G based on Euclidean distance. § EXPERIMENTS §.§ Experimental Setups Datasets. Our approach is evaluated on four skeleton-based person re-ID benchmark datasets: IAS <cit.>, KS20 <cit.>, BIWI <cit.>, KGBD <cit.>, which contain 11, 20, 50, and 164 different persons. We also verify the generality of TranSG on the RGB-estimated skeleton data from a large-scale multi-view gait dataset CASIA-B <cit.> with 124 individuals under three conditions (Normal (N), Bags (B), Clothes (C)). We adopt the commonly-used probe and gallery settings following <cit.> for a fair comparison. Implementation Details. The number of body joints is J=20 in KGBD, IAS, BIWI, J=25 in KS20, and J=14 in the estimated skeleton data of CASIA-B. The sequence length is set to f=6 for the Kinect-based skeleton datasets (IAS, KS20, BIWI, and KGBD) and f=40 for the RGB-estimated skeleton data (CASIA-B), following existing methods for a fair comparison. The embedding size of each node representation is d=128. We empirically employ 2 SGT layers with H=8 FR heads and d_k=16 for each layer. Each component in our approach is equally fused with α=β=λ=0.5. For models trained with RGB-estimated skeletons, we set α=1.0. τ_1=0.07 and τ_2=14 are empirically used for contrastive learning. The numbers of random masks are set to a=10 and b=2. We use the Adam optimizer with a learning rate of 3.5× 10^-4 for model optimization, and the batch size is set to 256 for all datasets. More details are provided in Appendix II. Evaluation Metrics. We compute the Cumulative Matching Characteristics (CMC) curve and adopt Rank-1 accuracy (R_1), Rank-5 accuracy (R_5), and Rank-10 accuracy (R_10) as performance metrics. Mean Average Precision (mAP) <cit.> is also used to evaluate the overall performance. §.§ Comparison with State-of-the Art Methods We compare our approach with state-of-the-art graph-based methods, hand-crafted methods, and sequence learning methods on BIWI, KS20, IAS, and KGBD in Table <ref>. Comparison with Graph-based Methods: As shown in Table <ref>, the proposed TranSG significantly outperforms two state-of-the-art graph-based methods, MG-SCR <cit.> and SM-SGE <cit.>, by 11.7-36.7% for mAP and 12.8-48.6% for Rank-1 accuracy on different datasets. As these methods rely on multi-stage relation modeling and sequence-level context learning, the results demonstrate that the proposed full-relation learning model (SGT) with fine-grained (i.e., graph and node level) semantics learning (STPR) is able to learn more unique skeleton features for person re-ID. Compared with the latest SPC-MGR model <cit.> that utilizes sequence-level graph representations for contrastive learning, our model achieves superior performance with a large margin of 7.5% to 24.5% for mAP and 7.3% to 34.6% for Rank-1 accuracy on all datasets. This suggests the higher effectiveness of our approach combining both sequence-level and skeleton-level graph prototype contrastive learning. We will also show the generality of our model under different-scale skeleton graph modeling in Sec. <ref>. Comparison with Hand-crafted and Sequence Learning Methods: In contrast to the methods using hand-crafted anthropometric descriptors (D_13 <cit.>, D_16 <cit.>) or 3D pose features (PoseGait <cit.>), our approach consistently achieves higher performance by up to 27.3% for mAP and 54.7% for Rank-1 accuracy on all datasets. TranSG also achieves a remarkable improvement over existing sequence representation learning models (AGE <cit.>, SGELA <cit.>, SimMC <cit.>) in terms of mAP (7.0-37.3%), Rank-1 (4.1-56.1%), Rank-5 (3.2-67.5%), and Rank-10 accuracy (3.2-70.7%). This demonstrates the superiority of our graph-based model, as it can fully capture body relations and discriminative patterns from skeleton graphs for the person re-ID task. §.§ Ablation Study We conduct ablation study to verify the effectiveness of each component in our approach. The skeleton sequences of concatenated joints are adopted as the baseline, and we include the naïve prototype contrastive learning (PC) using original sequences <cit.> for comparison. As shown in Table <ref>, compared with using raw skeleton sequences or PC without graph modeling, applying SGT achieves significantly better performance in most cases, regardless of using GPC or not. This demonstrates the effectiveness of the skeleton graph learning with SGT, as it can fully capture relations within skeletons to learn unique body structure and motion features for person re-ID. The SGT employing GPC achieves superior results than “SGT + DS” that uses direct supervised learning (i.e., cross-entropy loss) with an improvement of 4.4-14.9% for mAP and 5.5-24.2% for Rank-1 accuracy, which verifies the key role of the graph prototype contrastive learning in capturing more representative discriminative graph features from different identities. Finally, adding STPR consistently boosts model performance by 1.4-3.7% for mAP on all dataset, which further demonstrates its effectiveness on capturing more valuable graph semantics and discriminative patterns for person re-ID. § FURTHER ANALYSIS Evaluation on RGB-estimated Skeletons. To verify the generality of our skeleton-based model on RGB-estimated skeletons, we utilize pre-trained pose estimation models to extract skeleton data from RGB videos of CASIA-B <cit.>, and evaluate the performance of TranSG under different conditions. As presented in Table <ref>, our approach not only outperforms many existing state-of-the-art skeleton-based models with a prominent improvement in most conditions, but also achieves superior performance to representative classical appearance-based methods that utilize RGB-based features (e.g., textures, silhouettes) or/and visual metric learning <cit.>. This demonstrates the stronger ability of TranSG on capturing more discriminative features from the estimated skeletons, and also suggests its great potential to be applied to more general RGB-based scenarios. Application to Skeleton Graphs with Varying Scales. To validate the effectiveness of our approach under different graph modeling, we follow <cit.> to construct different-scale graphs for model learning. As shown in Table <ref>, TranSG significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art framework SM-SGE <cit.> when utilizing the original skeleton graphs (corresponding to J joints) or higher level graphs with less nodes. This demonstrates that our model is compatible with different-level skeletal structures and can learn more effective features even under different graph modeling. Transfer to Unsupervised Scenarios. To apply our approach in an unsupervised manner without using ground-truth labels, we follow <cit.> to perform DBSCAN clustering <cit.> of graph representations, and leverage their pseudo classes to generate graph prototypes for contrastive learning. With only unlabeled skeletons as inputs, TranSG can still achieve superior performance than the latest graph-based method SPC-MGR <cit.> in most cases, as shown in Table <ref>. This further demonstrates the generality of our approach, which could be promisingly transferred to more related tasks such as unsupervised open-set person re-ID. Discussions. As presented in Fig. <ref>, we show effects of different hyper-parameters on our approach. An appropriate fusion of different components can encourage better model performance, while setting α, β, and λ to 0.5 achieves slightly better results. Adding too many FR heads or SGT layers could slightly reduce the performance, as it might expand the model scale and learn more redundant information. Our model is not sensitive to the variation of some parameters such as temperature τ_1, while setting a moderate value for mask numbers benefits model performance. The t-SNE visualization <cit.> in Fig. <ref> shows that our learned skeleton representations possess more discriminative inter-class separation than other methods <cit.>, which indicates that TranSG may capture richer class-related semantics. More empirical and theoretical analyses are in the appendices. § CONCLUSION In this paper, we propose TranSG to learn effective representations from skeleton graphs for person re-ID. We devise a skeleton graph transformer (SGT) to perform full-relation learning of body-joint nodes to aggregate key body and motion features into graph representations. A graph prototype contrastive learning (GPC) approach is proposed to learn discriminative graph representations by contrasting their inherent similarity with the most representative graph features. Furthermore, we design a graph structure-trajectory prompted reconstruction (STPR) mechanism to encourage learning richer graph semantics and key patterns for person re-ID. TranSG outperforms existing state-of-the-art models, and can be scalable to be applied to different scenarios. § ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research is supported by the National Research Foundation, Singapore under its AI Singapore Programme (AISG Award No: AISG2-PhD/2022-01-034[T]). ieeetr
On Exact and Inexact RLT and SDP-RLT Relaxations of Quadratic Programs with Box Constraints
[ "Yuzhou Qiu", "E. Alper Yıldırım" ]
[ "math.OC", "90C20, 90C22, 90C26" ]
[ Wenzheng Kuang March 30, 2023 ================== Quadratic programs with box constraints involve minimizing a possibly nonconvex quadratic function subject to lower and upper bounds on each variable. This is a well-known NP-hard problem that frequently arises in various applications. We focus on two convex relaxations, namely the RLT (Reformulation-Linearization Technique) relaxation and the SDP-RLT relaxation obtained by adding semidefinite constraints to the RLT relaxation. Both relaxations yield lower bounds on the optimal value of a quadratic program with box constraints. We present complete algebraic descriptions of the set of instances that admit exact RLT relaxations as well as those that admit exact SDP-RLT relaxations. We show that our descriptions can be converted into algorithms for efficiently constructing instances with exact or inexact relaxations. AMS Subject Classification: 90C20, 90C22, 90C26 § INTRODUCTION A quadratic program with box constraints is an optimization problem in which a possibly nonconvex quadratic function is minimized subject to lower and upper bounds on each variable: (BoxQP) ℓ^* = min_x ∈^n{q(x): x ∈ F}, where q: ^n → and F ⊆^n are respectively given by q(x) = 1/2 x^T Q x + c^T x, F = {x ∈^n: 0 ≤ x ≤ e }. Here, e ∈^n denotes the vector of all ones. The parameters of the problem are given by the pair (Q,c) ∈^n ×^n, where ^n denotes the set of n × n real symmetric matrices. The optimal value is denoted by ℓ^* ∈. Note that any quadratic program with finite lower and upper bounds on each variable can be easily transformed into the above form. (BoxQP) is regarded as a “fundamental problem” in global optimization that appears in a multitude of applications (see, e.g., <cit.>). If Q is a positive semidefinite matrix, (BoxQP) can be solved in polynomial time <cit.>. However, if Q is an indefinite or negative semidefinite matrix, then (BoxQP) is an NP-hard problem <cit.>. In fact, it is even NP-hard to approximate a local minimizer of (BoxQP) <cit.>. §.§ RLT and SDP-RLT Relaxations By using a simple “lifting” idea, (BoxQP) can be equivalently reformulated as (L-BoxQP) ℓ^* = min_(x,X) ∈1/2⟨ Q, X ⟩ + c^T x, where ⟨ A, B ⟩ = trace(A^T B) = ∑_i=1^p ∑_j=1^q A_ij B_ij for any A ∈^p × q and B ∈^p × q, and = {(x,X) ∈^n ×^n: 0 ≤ x ≤ e, X_ij = x_i x_j, 1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ n}. Since (L-BoxQP) is an optimization problem with a linear objective function over a nonconvex feasible region, one can replace by conv(), where conv(·) denotes the convex hull, without affecting the optimal value. Many convex relaxations of (BoxQP) arise from this reformulation by employing outer approximations of conv() using tractable convex sets. A well-known relaxation of conv() is obtained by replacing the nonlinear equalities X_ij = x_i x_j by the so-called McCormick inequalities <cit.>, which gives rise to the RLT (Reformulation-Linearization Technique) relaxation of (BoxQP) (see, e.g., <cit.>): (R) ℓ^*_R = min_(x,X) ∈^n ×^n{1/2⟨ Q, X⟩ + c^T x: (x,X) ∈_R}, where _R = {(x,X) ∈^n ×^n:[ 0 ≤ x ≤ e; max{x_i + x_j -1,0} ≤ X_ij ≤ min{x_i,x_j}, 1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ n ]}. The RLT relaxation (R) of (BoxQP) can be further strengthened by adding tighter semidefinite constraints <cit.>, giving rise to the SDP-RLT relaxation: (RS) ℓ^*_RS = min_(x,X) ∈^n ×^n{1/2⟨ Q, X⟩ + c^T x: (x,X) ∈_RS}, where _RS = {(x,X) ∈^n ×^n: (x,X) ∈_R, X - x x^T ≽ 0}. The optimal value of each of the RLT and SDP-RLT relaxations, denoted by ℓ^*_R and ℓ^*_RS, respectively, yields a lower bound on the optimal value of (BoxQP). The SDP-RLT relaxation is clearly at least as tight as the RLT relaxation, i.e., ℓ^*_R ≤ℓ^*_RS≤ℓ^*. §.§ Motivation and Contributions Convex relaxations play a fundamental role in the design of global solution methods for nonconvex optimization problems. In particular, one of the most prominent algorithmic approaches for globally solving nonconvex optimization problems is based on a branch-and-bound framework, in which the feasible region is systematically subdivided into smaller subregions and a sequence of subproblems is solved to obtain increasingly tighter lower and upper bounds on the optimal value in each subregion. The lower bounds in such a scheme are typically obtained by solving a convex relaxation. For instance, several well-known optimization solvers such as ANTIGONE <cit.>, BARON <cit.>, CPLEX <cit.>, and GUROBI <cit.> utilize convex relaxations for globally solving nonconvex quadratic programs. In this paper, our main goal is to describe the set of instances of (BoxQP) that admit exact RLT relaxations (i.e., ℓ_R^* = ℓ^*) as well as those that admit exact SDP-RLT relaxations (i.e., ℓ_RS^* = ℓ^*). Such descriptions shed light on easier subclasses of a difficult optimization problem. In addition, we aim to develop efficient algorithms for constructing an instance of (BoxQP) that admits an exact or inexact relaxation. Such algorithms can be quite useful in computational experiments for generating instances of (BoxQP) for which a particular relaxation will have a predetermined exactness or inexactness guarantee. Our contributions are as follows. * By utilizing the recently proposed perspective on convex underestimators induced by convex relaxations <cit.>, we establish several useful properties of each of the two convex underestimators associated with the RLT relaxation and the SDP-RLT relaxation. * We present two equivalent algebraic descriptions of the set of instances of (BoxQP) that admit exact RLT relaxations. The first description arises from the analysis of the convex underestimator induced by the RLT relaxation, whereas the second description is obtained by using linear programming duality. * By relying on the second description of the set of instances with an exact RLT relaxation, we propose an algorithm for efficiently constructing an instance of (BoxQP) that admits an exact RLT relaxation and another algorithm for constructing an instance with an inexact RLT relaxation. * We establish that strong duality holds and that primal and dual optimal solutions are attained for the SDP-RLT relaxation and its dual. By relying on this relation, we give an algebraic description of the set of instances of (BoxQP) that admit an exact SDP-RLT relaxation. * By utilizing this algebraic description, we propose an algorithm for constructing an instance of (BoxQP) that admits an exact SDP-RLT relaxation and another one for constructing an instance that admits an exact SDP-RLT relaxation but an inexact RLT relaxation. This paper is organized as follows. We briefly review the literature in Section <ref> and define our notation in Section <ref>. We review the optimality conditions in Section <ref>. We present several properties of the convex underestimators arising from the RLT and SDP-RLT relaxations in Section <ref>. Section <ref> focuses on the description of instances with exact RLT relaxations and presents two algorithms for constructing instances with exact and inexact RLT relaxations. SDP-RLT relaxations are treated in Section <ref>, which includes an algebraic description of instances with exact SDP-RLT relaxations and two algorithms for constructing instances with different exactness guarantees. We present several numerical examples and a brief discussion in Section <ref>. Finally, Section <ref> concludes the paper. §.§ Literature Review Quadratic programs with box constraints have been extensively studied in the literature. Since our focus is on convex relaxations in this paper, we will mainly restrict our review accordingly. The set conv(), where is given by (<ref>), has been investigated in several papers (see, e.g.,  <cit.>). This is a nonpolyhedral convex set even for n = 1. However, it turns out that conv() is closely related to the so-called Boolean quadric polytope <cit.> that arises in unconstrained binary quadratic programs, which can be formulated as an instance of (BoxQP) <cit.>, and is given by conv(^-), where ^- = {(x,z) ∈^n ×^n 2: x_i ∈{0,1}, z_ij = x_i x_j, 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n}. The linear programming relaxation of conv(^-), denoted by _R^-, is given by _R^- = {(x,z) ∈^n ×^n 2:[ 0 ≤ x ≤ e; max{x_i + x_j -1,0} ≤ z_ij ≤ min{x_i,x_j}, 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n ]}, which is very similar to _R, except that McCormick inequalities are only applied to 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n. In particular, _R^- = conv(^-) for n = 2 <cit.>. Padberg <cit.> identifies several facets of conv(^-) and shows that the components of each vertex of _R^- are in the set {0,1/2,1}. Yajima and Fujie <cit.> show how to extend the valid inequalities for ^- in <cit.> to . Burer and Letchford <cit.> extend this result further by observing that conv(^-) is the projection of conv() onto the “common variables.” They also give a description of the set of extreme points of conv(). We refer the reader to <cit.> for further refinements and to <cit.> for a computational procedure based on such valid inequalities. Anstreicher <cit.> reports computational results illustrating that the SDP-RLT relaxation significantly improves the RLT relaxation and gives a theoretical justification of the improvement by comparing _R and _RS for n = 2. Anstreicher and Burer <cit.> show that _RS = conv() if and only if n ≤ 2. In particular, this implies that the SDP-RLT relaxation of (BoxQP) is always exact for n ≤ 2. We next briefly review the literature on exact convex relaxations. Several papers have identified conditions under which a particular convex relaxation of a class of optimization problems is exact. For quadratically constrained quadratic programs, we refer the reader to <cit.> for various exactness conditions for second-order cone or semidefinite relaxations. Recently, a large family of convex relaxations of general quadratic programs was considered in a unified manner through induced convex underestimators and a general algorithmic procedure was proposed for constructing instances with inexact relaxations for various convex relaxations <cit.>. In this work, our focus is on algebraic descriptions and algorithmic constructions of instances of (BoxQP) that admit exact and inexact RLT and SDP-RLT relaxations. Therefore, our focus is similar to <cit.>, which presented descriptions of such instances of standard quadratic programs for RLT and SDP-RLT relaxations, respectively. §.§ Notation We use ^n, ^m × n, and ^n to denote the n-dimensional Euclidean space, the set of m × n real matrices, and the space of n × n real symmetric matrices, respectively. We use 0 to denote the real number 0, the vector of all zeroes, as well as the matrix of all zeroes, which should always be clear from the context. We reserve e ∈^n for the vector of all ones. All inequalities on vectors or matrices are componentwise. For A ∈^n, we use A ≽ 0 (resp., A ≻ 0) to denote that A is positive semidefinite (resp., positive definite). For index sets 𝕁⊆{1,…,m}, 𝕂⊆{1,…,n}, x ∈^n, and B ∈^m × n, we denote by x_𝕂∈^|𝕂| the subvector of x restricted to the indices in 𝕂 and by B_𝕁𝕂∈^|𝕁|×|𝕂| the submatrix of B whose rows and columns are indexed by 𝕁 and 𝕂, respectively, where |·| denotes the cardinality of a finite set. We simply use x_j and Q_ij for singleton index sets. For any U ∈^m × n and V ∈^m × n, the trace inner product is denoted by ⟨ U, V ⟩ = trace(U^T V) = ∑_i=1^m ∑_j = 1^n U_ij V_ij. For an instance of (BoxQP) given by (Q,c) ∈^n ×^n, we define q(x) = 1/2 x^T Q x + c^T x, F = {x ∈^n: 0 ≤ x ≤ e}, ℓ^* = min_x ∈^n{q(x): x ∈ F}, V = {x ∈ F: x_j ∈{0,1}, j = 1, …, n}. For a given instance of (BoxQP), note that q(x), F, ℓ^*, and V denote the objective function, the feasible region, the optimal value, and the set of vertices, respectively. For x̂∈ F, we define the following index sets: 𝕃 = 𝕃(x̂) = {j ∈{1,…,n}: x̂_j = 0}, 𝔹 = 𝔹(x̂) = {j ∈{1,…,n}: 0 < x̂_j < 1}, 𝕌 = 𝕌(x̂) = {j ∈{1,…,n}: x̂_j = 1}. § OPTIMALITY CONDITIONS In this section, we review first-order and second-order optimality conditions for (BoxQP). Let x̂∈ F be a local minimizer of (BoxQP). By the first-order optimality conditions, there exists (û, v̂) ∈^n ×^n such that Q x̂ + c + û - v̂ = 0, û_𝕃∪𝔹 = 0, v̂_𝔹∪𝕌 = 0, û ≥ 0, v̂ ≥ 0. Note that û∈^n and v̂∈^n are the Lagrange multipliers corresponding to the constraints x ≤ e and x ≥ 0 in (BoxQP), respectively. For a local minimizer x̂∈ F of (BoxQP), the second-order optimality conditions are given by d^TQd ≥ 0, ∀ d ∈ D(x̂), where D(x̂) is the set of feasible directions at x̂ at which the directional derivative of the objective function vanishes, i.e., D(x̂) := {d ∈^n: (Q x̂ + c)^T d = 0, d_𝕃≥ 0, d_𝕌≤ 0}. Note, in particular, that x̂∈ F is a local minimizer⇒ Q_𝔹𝔹≽ 0. In fact, x̂∈ F is a local minimizer of (BoxQP) if and only if the first-order and second-order optimality conditions given by (<ref>)–(<ref>) and (<ref>), respectively, are satisfied (see, e.g., <cit.>). § PROPERTIES OF RLT AND SDP-RLT RELAXATIONS Given an instance of (BoxQP), recall that the RLT relaxation is given by (R) ℓ^*_R = min_(x,X) ∈^n ×^n{1/2⟨ Q, X⟩ + c^T x: (x,X) ∈_R}, where _R is given by (<ref>), and the SDP-RLT relaxation by (RS) ℓ^*_RS = min_(x,X) ∈^n ×^n{1/2⟨ Q, X⟩ + c^T x: (x,X) ∈_RS}, where _RS is given by (<ref>). Every convex relaxation of a nonconvex quadratic program obtained through lifting induces a convex underestimator on the objective function over the feasible region <cit.>. In this section, we introduce the convex underestimators induced by RLT and SDP-RLT relaxations and establish several properties of these underestimators. §.§ Convex Underestimators In this section, we introduce the convex underestimators induced by the RLT and SDP-RLT relaxations. Let us first define the following sets parametrized by x̂∈ F: _R(x̂) = {(x,X) ∈_R: x = x̂}, x̂∈ F, _RS(x̂) = {(x,X) ∈_RS: x = x̂}, x̂∈ F. For each x̂∈ F, we clearly have {(x̂,x̂x̂^T)}⊆_RS(x̂) ⊆_R(x̂) and ⋃_x̂∈ F_R(x̂) = _R, ⋃_x̂∈ F_RS(x̂) = _RS. Next, we define the following functions: ℓ_R(x̂) = min_x ∈^n,X ∈^n{1/2⟨ Q, X ⟩ + c^T x: (x,X) ∈_R(x̂)}, x̂∈ F, ℓ_RS(x̂) = min_x ∈^n,X ∈^n{1/2⟨ Q, X ⟩ + c^T x: (x,X) ∈_RS(x̂)}, x̂∈ F. Note that the functions ℓ_R(·) and ℓ_RS(·) return the best objective function value of the corresponding relaxation subject to the additional constraint that x = x̂. By <cit.>, each of ℓ_R(·) and ℓ_RS(·) is a convex function over F satisfying the relations ℓ_R(x̂) ≤ℓ_RS(x̂) ≤ q(x̂), x̂∈ F, and (R1) ℓ^*_R = min_x ∈ Fℓ_R(x), (RS1) ℓ^*_RS = min_x ∈ Fℓ_RS(x). The convex underestimators ℓ_R(·) and ℓ_RS(·) allow us to view the RLT and SDP-RLT relaxations in the original space ^n of (BoxQP) by appropriately projecting out the lifted variables X ∈^n that appear in each of (R) and (RS). As such, (R1) and (RS1) can be viewed as “reduced” formulations of the RLT relaxation and the SDP-RLT relaxation, respectively. In the remainder of this manuscript, we will alternate between the two equivalent formulations (R) and (R1) for the RLT relaxation as well as (RS) and (RS1) for the SDP-RLT relaxation. §.§ Properties of Convex Underestimators In this section, we present several properties of the convex underestimators ℓ_R(·) and ℓ_RS(·) given by (<ref>) and (<ref>), respectively. First, we start with the observation that ℓ_R(·) has a very specific structure with a simple closed-form expression. ℓ_R(·) is a piecewise linear convex function on F given by ℓ_R(x̂) = 1/2(∑_(i,j): Q_ij > 0 Q_ijmax{0, x̂_i + x̂_j - 1} + ∑_(i,j): Q_ij < 0 Q_ijmin{x̂_i,x̂_j}) + c^T x̂, x̂∈ F. For each x̂∈ F, the relation (<ref>) follows from (<ref>) and (<ref>). It follows that ℓ_R(·) is a piecewise linear convex function on F since it is given by the sum of a finite number of piecewise linear convex functions. In contrast with ℓ_R(·) given by the optimal value of a simple linear programming problem with bound constraints, ℓ_RS(·) does not, in general, have a simple closed-form expression as it is given by the optimal value of a semidefinite programming problem. The next result states a useful decomposition property regarding the sets _R(x̂) and _RS(x̂). For any x̂∈ F, (x̂, X̂) ∈_R(x̂) if and only if there exists M̂∈_R(x̂) such that X̂ = x̂x̂^T + M̂, where _R(x̂) = {M ∈^n: [ M_ij ≤ min{x̂_i - x̂_i x̂_j, x̂_j - x̂_i x̂_j}, i ∈𝔹, j ∈𝔹,; M_ij ≥ max{-x̂_i x̂_j, x̂_i + x̂_j - 1 - x̂_i x̂_j}, i ∈𝔹, j ∈𝔹,; M_ij = 0, otherwise. ]}, where 𝔹 is given by (<ref>). Furthermore, (x̂, X̂) ∈_RS(x̂) if and only if M̂∈_RS(x̂), where _RS(x̂) = {M ∈^n: M ∈_R(x̂), M ≽ 0}. Both assertions follow from (<ref>), (<ref>), (<ref>), (<ref>), and the decomposition X̂ = x̂x̂^T + M̂. By Lemma <ref>, we remark that M_ij has a negative lower bound and a positive upper bound in (<ref>) if and only if i ∈𝔹 and j ∈𝔹. Therefore, for any x̂∈ and any (x̂,X̂) ∈_R (and hence any (x̂,X̂) ∈_RS), we obtain X̂_ij = x̂_i x̂_j, i ∉𝔹, or j ∉𝔹. This observation yields the following result. For any vertex v ∈ F, _R(v) = _RS(v) = {(v,vv^T)}. The claim directly follows from (<ref>) since 𝔹 = ∅. The decomposition in Lemma <ref> can be translated into the functions ℓ_R(·) and ℓ_RS(·). For each x̂∈ F, ℓ_R(x̂) = q(x̂) + 1/2min_M ∈_R(x̂)⟨ Q, M ⟩, ℓ_RS(x̂) = q(x̂) + 1/2min_M ∈_RS(x̂)⟨ Q, M ⟩, where _R(x̂) and _RS(x̂) are given by (<ref>) and (<ref>), respectively. The assertions directly follow from (<ref>), (<ref>), and Lemma <ref>. By Lemma <ref>, we can easily establish the following properties. Let x̂∈ F and let 𝔹 = 𝔹(x̂), where 𝔹(x̂) is given by (<ref>). (i) ℓ_R(x̂) = q(x̂) if and only if x̂ is a vertex of F or Q_𝔹𝔹 = 0. (ii) ℓ_RS(x̂) = q(x̂) if and only if x̂ is a vertex of F or Q_𝔹𝔹≽ 0. By Lemma <ref>, ℓ_R(x̂) = q(x̂) (resp., ℓ_RS(x̂) = q(x̂)) if and only if min_M ∈_R(x̂)⟨ Q, M ⟩ = 0 (resp., min_M ∈_RS(x̂)⟨ Q, M ⟩ = 0). The assertions now follow from Lemma <ref>. Lemma <ref> immediately gives rise to the following results about the underestimator ℓ_RS(·). (i) If Q ≽ 0, then ℓ_RS(x̂) = q(x̂) for each x̂∈ F. (ii) For any local or global minimizer x̂∈ F of (BoxQP), we have ℓ_RS(x̂) = q(x̂). If Q ≽ 0, then Q_𝔹𝔹≽ 0 for each 𝔹⊆{1,…,n}. Therefore, both assertions follow from Lemma <ref>(ii) since Q_𝔹𝔹≽ 0 at any local or global minimizer of (BoxQP) by (<ref>). Corollary <ref>(i) in fact holds for SDP relaxations of general quadratic programs and a result similar to Corollary <ref>(ii) was established for general quadratic programs with a bounded feasible region <cit.>. We remark that Corollary <ref>(ii) presents a desirable property of the SDP-RLT relaxation, which is a necessary condition for its exactness by (<ref>) and (<ref>). However, this condition, in general, is not sufficient. § EXACT AND INEXACT RLT RELAXATIONS In this section, we focus on instances of (BoxQP) that admit exact and inexact RLT relaxations. We first establish a useful property of the set of optimal solutions of RLT relaxations. Using this property, we present two equivalent but different algebraic descriptions of instances with exact RLT relaxations. By utilizing one of these descriptions, we present an algorithm for constructing instances of (BoxQP) with an exact RLT relaxation and another algorithm for constructing instances with an inexact RLT relaxation. §.§ Optimal Solutions of RLT Relaxations In this section, we present useful properties of the set of optimal solutions of RLT relaxations. Our first result establishes the existence of a minimizer of (R1) with a very specific structure. For the RLT relaxation of any instance of (BoxQP), there exists an optimal solution x̂∈ F of (R1), where (R1) is given by (<ref>), such that x̂_j ∈{0,1/2,1} for each j = 1,…,n. Let x̂∈ F be an optimal solution of (R1), i.e., ℓ^*_R =ℓ_R(x̂). Suppose that there exists k ∈{1,…,n} such that x̂_k ∉{0,1/2,1}. We will show that one can construct another x̃∈ F such that ℓ_R(x̃) = ℓ_R(x̂) = ℓ^*_R and x̃_j ∈{0,1/2,1} for each j = 1,…,n. Let α = min{x̂_k,1 - x̂_k}∈ (0,1/2) and let α_l = max{(max_j:min{x̂_j,1 - x̂_j}<αmin{x̂_j,1 - x̂_j}),0}, α_u = min{(min_j:min{x̂_j,1 - x̂_j}>αmin{x̂_j,1 - x̂_j}),1/2}, with the usual conventions that the minimum and the maximum over the empty set are defined to be +∞ and -∞, respectively. Note that 0 ≤α_l < α < α_u ≤1/2. Let us define the following index sets: 𝕀_1 = {j ∈{1,…,n}: x̂_j = α}, 𝕀_2 = {j ∈{1,…,n}: x̂_j = 1 - α}, 𝕀_3 = {j ∈{1,…,n}: x̂_j ∈ [0,α_l] ∪ [α_u,1 - α_u] ∪ [1 - α_l,1]}. Note that 𝕀_1, 𝕀_2, 𝕀_3 is a partition of the index set by the definitions of α_l and α_u, and we have k ∈𝕀_1 ∪𝕀_2. Let us define a direction d̂∈^n by d̂_j = {[ 1, j ∈𝕀_1,; -1, j ∈𝕀_2,; 0, j ∈𝕀_3. ]. Consider x^β = x̂ + βd̂. It is easy to verify that x^β∈ F for each β∈ [α_l - α,α_u - α]. We claim that ℓ_R(x^β) is a linear function of β on this interval. By (<ref>), it suffices to show that each term is a linear function. First, let us focus on the term given by max{0, x^β_i + x^β_j - 1} = max{0, x̂_i + x̂_j - 1 + βd̂_i + βd̂_j}, where i = 1,…,n; j = 1,…,n. It suffices to show that the sign of x̂_i + x̂_j - 1 + βd̂_i + βd̂_j does not change for each β∈ [α_l - α,α_u - α] and for each i = 1,…,n; j = 1,…,n. Clearly, x̂_i + x̂_j - 1 + βd̂_i + βd̂_j = x̂_i + x̂_j - 1 if {i,j}⊆𝕀_3; or i ∈𝕀_1, j ∈𝕀_2; or i ∈𝕀_2, j ∈𝕀_1. For the remaining cases, it follows from the definitions of 𝕀_1, 𝕀_2, and 𝕀_3 that x̂_i + x̂_j - 1 + βd̂_i + βd̂_j ∈{[ [2 α_l - 1, 2 α_u - 1], {i,j}⊆𝕀_1,; [1 - 2 α_u, 1 - 2 α_l], {i,j}⊆𝕀_2,; [α_l - 1,α_l + α_u - 1] ∪ [α_l + α_u - 1,0] ∪ [0,α_u], i ∈𝕀_1, j ∈𝕀_3; or i ∈𝕀_3, j ∈𝕀_1,; [-α_u, 0] ∪ [0, 1 - α_l - α_u] ∪ [1 - α_l - α_u, 1 - α_l], i ∈𝕀_2, j ∈𝕀_3; or i ∈𝕀_3, j ∈𝕀_2. ]. Our claim now follows from 0 ≤α_l < α_u ≤1/2. Therefore, max{0, x̂_i + x̂_j - 1 + βd̂_i + βd̂_j} is a linear function on β∈ [α_l - α,α_u - α] for each i = 1,…,n;  j = 1,…,n. Let us now consider the term min{x^β_i,x^β_j} = min{x̂_i + βd̂_i,x̂_j + βd̂_j}. By the choice of d̂, it is easy to see that the order of the components of x^β remains unchanged for each β∈ [α_l - α,α_u - α], i.e., if x̂_i ≤x̂_j, then x̂_i + βd̂_i ≤x̂_j + βd̂_j for each i = 1,…,n;  j = 1,…,n. It follows that min{x̂_i + βd̂_i,x̂_j + βd̂_j} is a linear function on β∈ [α_l - α,α_u - α]. Since the third term in (<ref>) is also a linear function on β∈ [α_l - α,α_u - α], it follows that ℓ_R(x^β) is a linear function on [α_l - α,α_u - α]. Therefore, by the optimality of x̂ in (R1), ℓ_R(x^β) is a constant function on this interval. If α_l = 0 and α_u = 1/2, then the alternate optimal solution at each end of this interval satisfies the desired property. Otherwise, by moving to the solution at one of the end points with α_l > 0 or α_u < 1/2, one can repeat the same procedure in an iterative manner to arrive at an alternate optimal solution with the desired property. Note that this procedure is finite since either α_l strictly decreases or α_u strictly increases at each iteration. We can utilize Proposition <ref> to obtain the following result about the set of optimal solutions of (R). There exists an optimal solution (x̂,X̂) ∈^n ×^n of the RLT relaxation (R) such that x̂_j ∈{0,1/2,1} for each j = 1,…,n and X̂_ij∈{0,1/2,1} for each i = 1,…,n; j = 1,…,n such that [ X̂_𝕃𝕃 X̂_𝕃𝔹 X̂_𝕃𝕌; X̂_𝔹𝕃 X̂_𝔹𝔹 X̂_𝔹𝕌; X̂_𝕌𝕃 X̂_𝕌𝔹 X̂_𝕌𝕌 ] = [ 0 0 0; 0 X̂_𝔹𝔹 1/2 e_𝔹 e_𝕌^T; 0 1/2 e_𝕌 e_𝔹^T e_𝕌 e_𝕌^T ], X̂_ij∈{0,1/2}, i ∈𝔹, j ∈𝔹. By Proposition <ref>, there exists x̂∈ F such that ℓ^*_R =ℓ_R(x̂) and x̂_j ∈{0,1/2,1} for each j = 1,…,n. Define X̂∈^n such that X̂_ij = {[ max{0,x̂_i + x̂_j - 1}, if Q_ij > 0,; min{x̂_i,x̂_j}, if Q_ij < 0,; 0, otherwise. ]. Note that (x̂,X̂) ∈_R by (<ref>) and ℓ_R(x̂) = 1/2⟨ Q, X̂⟩ + c^T x̂ by Lemma <ref>. Therefore, (x̂,X̂) is an optimal solution of (R) with the desired property. The next result follows from Corollary <ref>. For each vertex (x̂,X̂) ∈_R, x̂_j ∈{0,1/2,1} for each j = 1,…,n and X̂_ij∈{0,1/2,1} for each i = 1,…,n; j = 1,…,n. Since _R is a polytope, (x̂,X̂) ∈_R is a vertex if and only if there exists a (Q,c) ∈^n ×^n such that (x̂,X̂) ∈_R is the unique optimal solution of (R). The assertion follows from Corollary <ref>. We remark that Padberg <cit.> established a similar result for the set _R^- given by (<ref>). Corollary <ref> extends the same result to _R. In contrast with the proof of <cit.>, which relies on linearly independent active constraints, our proof uses a specific property of the set of optimal solutions of the reduced formulation (R1). §.§ First Description of Exact RLT Relaxations In this section, we present our first description of the set of instances of (BoxQP) with an exact RLT relaxation. We start with a useful property of such instances. For any instance of (BoxQP), the RLT relaxation is exact, i.e., ℓ^*_R = ℓ^*, if and only if there exists a vertex v ∈ F such that v is an optimal solution of (R1), where (R1) is given by (<ref>). Suppose that ℓ^*_R = ℓ^*. Then, by (<ref>) and (<ref>), for any optimal solution x^* ∈ F of (BoxQP), we have q(x^*) = ℓ^* = ℓ^*_R ≤ℓ_R(x^*) ≤ q(x^*) = ℓ^*, which implies that ℓ^*_R = ℓ_R(x^*) = q(x^*). By Lemma <ref>(i), either x^* is a vertex of F, in which case, we are done, or Q_𝔹𝔹 = 0, where 𝔹 is given by (<ref>). In the latter case, since x̂^*_𝕃 = 0 and x̂^*_𝕌 = e_𝕌 by (<ref>) and (<ref>), respectively, we obtain ℓ^*_R = ℓ^* = q(x^*) = 1/2 e_𝕌^T Q_𝕌𝕌 e_𝕌 + (x^*_𝔹)^T Q_𝔹𝕌 e_𝕌 + c_𝕌^T e_𝕌 + c_𝔹^T x^*_𝔹 = 1/2 e_𝕌^T Q_𝕌𝕌 e_𝕌 + c_𝕌^T e_𝕌, where the last equality follows from the identity Q_𝔹𝕌 e_𝕌 + c_𝔹 = 0 by (<ref>)–(<ref>). Therefore, for the vertex v ∈ F given by v_j = 1 for each j ∈𝕌 and v_j = 0 for each j ∈𝕃∪𝔹 = 0, we obtain q(v) = ℓ^* = ℓ_R(v) by Lemma <ref>(i). Conversely, if there exists a vertex v ∈ F such that ℓ_R(v) = ℓ^*_R, then we have ℓ^* ≤ q(v) = ℓ_R(v) = ℓ^*_R by Lemma <ref>(i). The assertion follows from (<ref>). Proposition <ref> presents an important property of the set of instances of (BoxQP) with exact RLT relaxations in terms of the set of optimal solutions and gives rise to the following corollary. For any instance of (BoxQP), the RLT relaxation is exact if and only if there exists a vertex v ∈ F such that (v,vv^T) is an optimal solution of (R). Furthermore, in this case, v is an optimal solution of (BoxQP). The assertion directly follows from Proposition <ref>, Lemma <ref>(i), and Corollary <ref>. By Corollary <ref>, if the set of optimal solutions of (BoxQP) does not contain a vertex, then the RLT relaxation is inexact. Note that if q(·) is a concave function, then the set of optimal solutions of (BoxQP) contains at least one vertex. However, this is an NP-hard problem (see, e.g., <cit.>), which implies that the RLT relaxation can be inexact even if the set of optimal solutions of (BoxQP) contains at least one vertex. The next example illustrates that the RLT relaxation can be inexact even if every optimal solution of (BoxQP) is a vertex. Consider an instance of (BoxQP) with Q = [ -1 -2; -2 1 ], c = [ 1; 1 ]. Note that q(x) = 1/2(-x_1^2 + x_2^2 - 4 x_1 x_2) + x_1 + x_2 = 1/2(x_2 - x_1)^2 + (x_1 + x_2) (1 - x_1), which implies that q(x) ≥ 0 for each x ∈ F and q(x) = 0 if and only if x ∈{0,e}. Therefore, ℓ^* = 0 and the set of optimal solution is given by {0,e}, which consists of two vertices of F. However, for x̂ = 1/2e ∈^2, it is easy to verify that ℓ_R(x̂) = -1/4 < ℓ^*. In fact, ℓ^*_R = ℓ_R(x̂) = -1/4 and ℓ_R(x) > ℓ_R(x̂) for each x ∈ F \{x̂}. Figure <ref> illustrates the functions q(·) and ℓ_R(·). We next present our first description of the set of instances that admit an exact RLT relaxation. To that end, let us define _R = {(Q,c) ∈^n ×^n: ℓ^* = ℓ^*_R}. i.e., _R denotes the set of all instances of (BoxQP) that admit an exact RLT relaxation. For a given x̂∈ F, let us define _R(x̂) = {(Q,c) ∈^n ×^n: ℓ_R(x̂) = ℓ^*_R} = {(Q,c) ∈^n ×^n: ℓ_R(x̂) ≤ℓ_R(x), x ∈ F}, i.e., _R(x̂) denotes the set of instances of (BoxQP) such that x̂ is a minimizer of (R1), where (R1) is given by (<ref>). By (<ref>), it is easy to see that _R(x̂) is a convex cone for each x̂∈ F. Our next result provides an algebraic description of the set _R. Let V ⊂ F denote the set of vertices of F given by (<ref>) and let V^+ = {x ∈ F: x_j ∈{0,1/2,1}, j = 1,…,n}. Then, _R defined as in (<ref>) is given by the union of a finite number of polyhedral cones and admits the following description: _R = ⋃_v ∈ V_R(v) = ⋃_v ∈ V(⋂_x̂∈ V^+{(Q,c) ∈^n ×^n: ℓ_R(v) ≤ℓ_R(x̂)}). By Proposition <ref>, the RLT relaxation is exact if and only if there exists a vertex v ∈ F such that ℓ_R(v) = ℓ^*_R, which, together with (<ref>), leads to the first equality in (<ref>). By Proposition <ref>, the set V_+ contains at least one minimizer of ℓ_R(·), which implies the second equality in (<ref>). _R is the union of a finite number of polyhedral cones since ℓ_R(x) is a linear function of (Q,c) for each fixed x ∈ F by Lemma <ref> and V^+ is a finite set. For each v ∈ V, we remark that Proposition <ref> gives a description of _R(v) using 3^n linear inequalities since |V^+| = 3^n. In fact, for each v ∈ V, the convexity of ℓ_R(·) on F implies that it suffices to consider only those x̂∈ V_+ such that x̂_j ∈{0,1/2} for j ∈𝕃(v) and x̂_j ∈{1/2,1} for j ∈𝕌(v), where 𝕃(v) and 𝕌(v) are given by (<ref>) and (<ref>), respectively, which implies a simpler description of _R with 2^n inequalities. Due to the exponential number of such inequalities, this description is not very useful for efficiently checking if a particular instance of (BoxQP) admits an exact RLT relaxation. Similarly, this description cannot be used easily for constructing such an instance of (BoxQP). In the next section, we present an alternative description of _R using linear programming duality, which gives rise to algorithms for efficiently constructing instances of (BoxQP) with exact or inexact RLT relaxations. §.§ An Alternative Description of Exact RLT Relaxations In this section, our main goal is to present an alternative description of the set _R using duality. Recall that the RLT relaxation is given by (R) ℓ^*_R = min_(x,X) ∈^n ×^n{1/2⟨ Q, X⟩ + c^T x: (x,X) ∈_R}, where, _R given by (<ref>), can be expressed in the following form: _R = {(x,X) ∈^n ×^n: [ x ≤ e; x ≥ 0; X - xe^T - ex^T + ee^T ≥ 0; -X + ex^T ≥ 0; X ≥ 0 ]}. By defining dual variables (u,v,W,Y,Z) ∈^n ×^n ×^n ×^n × n×^n corresponding to each of the five constraints in (<ref>), respectively, the dual problem of (R) is given by [ (R-D) max_(u,v,W,Y,Z) ∈^n ×^n ×^n ×^n × n×^n -e^T u - 1/2 e^T W e ; s.t. ; -u + v - W e + Y^T e = c; W - Y - Y^T + Z = Q; u ≥ 0; v ≥ 0; W ≥ 0; Y ≥ 0; Z ≥ 0. ] Note that the variables (W,Y,Z) ∈^n ×^n × n×^n in (R-D) are scaled by a factor of 1/2. First, we start with optimality conditions for (R) and (R-D). (x̂, X̂) ∈_R is an optimal solution of (R) if and only if there exists (û,v̂,Ŵ,Ŷ,Ẑ) ∈^n ×^n ×^n ×^n × n×^n such that Q = Ŵ - Ŷ - Ŷ^T + Ẑ c = -û + v̂ - Ŵ e + Ŷ^T e û^T (e - x̂) = 0 v̂^T x̂ = 0 ⟨Ŵ, X̂ - x̂ e^T - e x̂^T + ee^T ⟩ = 0 ⟨Ŷ, e x̂^T - X̂⟩ = 0 ⟨Ẑ, X̂⟩ = 0 û ≥ 0 v̂ ≥ 0 Ŵ ≥ 0 Ŷ ≥ 0 Ẑ ≥ 0. The assertion follows from strong duality since each of (R) and (R-D) is a linear programming problem. Lemma <ref> gives rise to an alternative description of the set of instances of (BoxQP) that admit an exact RLT relaxation. (Q,c) ∈_R, where _R is defined as in (<ref>), if and only if there exists a vertex v ∈ F and there exists (û,v̂,Ŵ,Ŷ,Ẑ) ∈^n ×^n ×^n ×^n × n×^n such that the relations (<ref>)–(<ref>) hold, where (x̂,X̂) = (v,vv^T). Note that (Q,c) ∈_R if and only if there exists a vertex v ∈ F such that (v,vv^T) is an optimal solution of (R) by Corollary <ref>. The assertion now follows from Lemma <ref>. In the next section, we discuss how Corollary <ref> can be utilized to construct instances of (BoxQP) with exact and inexact RLT relaxations. §.§ Construction of Instances with Exact RLT Relaxations In this section, we describe an algorithm for constructing instances of (BoxQP) with an exact RLT relaxation. Algorithm <ref> is based on designating a vertex v ∈ F and constructing an appropriate dual feasible solution that satisfies optimality conditions together with (v,vv^T) ∈_R. The following result establishes the correctness of Algorithm <ref>. Algorithm <ref> returns (Q,c) ∈_R, where _R is defined as in (<ref>). Conversely, any (Q,c) ∈_R can be generated by Algorithm <ref> with appropriate choices of 𝕃⊆{1,…,n} and (û,v̂,Ŵ,Ŷ,Ẑ) ∈^n ×^n ×^n ×^n × n×^n. Let 𝕃⊆{1,…,n} and define 𝕌 = {1,…,n}\𝕃. Let v ∈ F be the vertex given by v_j = 0, j ∈𝕃 and v_j = 1, j ∈𝕌. It is easy to verify that (û,v̂,Ŵ,Ŷ,Ẑ) ∈^n ×^n ×^n ×^n × n×^n and (x̂,X̂) = (v,vv^T) satisfy the hypotheses of Corollary <ref>, which establishes the first assertion. The second assertion also follows from Corollary <ref>. By considering all possible subsets 𝕃⊆{1,…,n}, Proposition <ref> yields an alternative characterization of _R given by the union of 2^n polyhedral cones (cf. Proposition <ref>). In contrast with the description in Proposition <ref>, this alternative description enables us to easily construct an instance of (BoxQP) with a known optimal vertex and an exact RLT relaxation (cf. Corollary <ref>). Note, however, that even the alternative description is not very useful for effectively checking if (Q,c) ∈_R due to the exponential number of polyhedral cones. §.§ Construction of Instances with Inexact RLT Relaxations In this section, we propose an algorithm for constructing instances of (BoxQP) with an inexact RLT relaxation. Algorithm <ref> is based on constructing a dual optimal solution of (R-D) such that no feasible solution of the form (v, vv^T) ∈_R can be an optimal solution of (R), where v ∈ F is a vertex. The next result establishes that the output from Algorithm <ref> is an instance of (BoxQP) with an inexact RLT relaxation. Algorithm <ref> returns (Q,c) ∉_R, where _R is defined as in (<ref>). Consider the partition (𝕃,𝔹,𝕌) of the index set {1,…,n} as defined in Algorithm <ref>, where 𝔹≠∅. Clearly, (û,v̂,Ŵ,Ŷ,Ẑ) ∈^n ×^n ×^n ×^n × n×^n is a feasible solution of (R-D). We will construct a feasible solution (x̂, X̂) ∈^n ×^n of (R) that satisfies the optimality conditions of Lemma <ref>. Consider the following solution (x̂, X̂) ∈^n ×^n: x̂_𝕃 = 0, x̂_𝔹 = 1/2 e_𝔹 x̂_𝕌 = e_𝕌, and [ X̂_𝕃𝕃 X̂_𝕃𝔹 X̂_𝕃𝕌; X̂_𝔹𝕃 X̂_𝔹𝔹 X̂_𝔹𝕌; X̂_𝕌𝕃 X̂_𝕌𝔹 X̂_𝕌𝕌 ] = [ 0 0 0; 0 0 1/2 e_𝔹 e_𝕌^T; 0 1/2 e_𝕌 e_𝔹^T e_𝕌 e_𝕌^T ]. By Lemma <ref>, (x̂, X̂) ∈_R. By Steps 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of Algorithm <ref>, it is easy to verify that (<ref>), (<ref>), (<ref>), (<ref>), and (<ref>) are respectively satisfied. Therefore, by Lemma <ref>, we conclude that (x̂, X̂) is an optimal solution of (R) and (û,v̂,Ŵ,Ŷ,Ẑ) is an optimal solution of (R-D). We next argue that the RLT relaxation is inexact. Let (x̃, X̃) ∈_R be an arbitrary optimal solution of (R). By Lemma <ref>, (x̃, X̃) and (û,v̂,Ŵ,Ŷ,Ẑ) satisfy the conditions (<ref>), (<ref>), (<ref>), (<ref>), and (<ref>). By (<ref>) and Step 8 of Algorithm <ref>, we obtain X̃_kk = 0 since Ẑ_kk > 0. Since Ŵ_kk > 0 by Step 6 of Algorithm <ref>, the relation (<ref>) implies that X̃_kk - 2 x̃_k + 1 = 0, i.e., x̃_k = 1/2 since X̃_kk = 0. By Lemma <ref>, we conclude that x̃_k = 1/2 for each optimal solution (x̃, X̃) ∈_R of (R). By Corollary <ref>, we conclude that (Q,c) ∉_R. Algorithm <ref> can be used to generate an instance of (BoxQP) with an inexact RLT relaxation. Note that Algorithm <ref> constructs an instance (Q,c) with the property that at least one component x̂_k is fractional at every optimal solution (x̂, X̂) of (R), which is sufficient for having an inexact RLT relaxation by Corollary <ref>. However, this condition may not be necessary for an inexact RLT relaxation. In particular, note that an instance generated by Algorithm <ref> cannot have a concave objective function since Q_kk = Ŵ_kk + Ẑ_kk > 0. On the other hand, for the specific instance (Q,c) ∈^3 ×^3 in <cit.> given by Q = 1/3ee^T - I, where I ∈^3 denotes the identity matrix, and c = 0, the objective function is concave and the optimal value is given by ℓ^* = -1/3, which is attained at any vertex that has exactly one component equal to 1. For x̂ = 1/2e ∈^3, we have ℓ_R(x̂) = -1/2 < -1/3 = ℓ^* by Lemma <ref>, which implies that the RLT relaxation is inexact on this instance. Therefore, in contrast with Algorithm <ref>, we conclude that Algorithm <ref> may not necessarily generate all possible instances (Q,c) ∉_R. § EXACT AND INEXACT SDP-RLT RELAXATIONS In this section, we focus on the set of instances of (BoxQP) that admit exact and inexact SDP-RLT relaxations. We give a complete algebraic description of the set of instances of (BoxQP) that admit an exact SDP-RLT relaxation. In addition, we develop an algorithm for constructing such an instance of (BoxQP) as well as for constructing an instance of (BoxQP) with an exact SDP-RLT relaxation but an inexact RLT relaxation. Similar to the RLT relaxation, let us define _RS = {(Q,c) ∈^n ×^n: ℓ^* = ℓ_RS}, i.e., _RS denotes the set of all instances of (BoxQP) that admit an exact SDP-RLT relaxation. By (<ref>), the SDP-RLT relaxation of any instance of (BoxQP) is at least as tight as the RLT relaxation. It follows that _R ⊆_RS, where _R is given by (<ref>). By Corollary <ref> and (<ref>), we clearly have (Q,c) ∈_RS whenever Q ≽ 0. Furthermore, the SDP-RLT relaxation is always exact (i.e., _RS = ^n ×^n) if and only if n ≤ 2 <cit.>. For the RLT relaxation, Proposition <ref> established the existence of an optimal solution of the RLT relaxation with a particularly simple structure. This observation enabled us to characterize the set of instances of (BoxQP) with an exact RLT relaxation as the union of a finite number polyhedral cones (see Proposition <ref>). In contrast, the next result shows that the set of optimal solutions of the SDP-RLT relaxation cannot have such a simple structure. For any x̂∈ F, there exists an instance (Q,c) of (BoxQP) such that x̂ is the unique optimal solution of (RS1), where (RS1) is given by (<ref>), and (Q,c) ∈_RS. For any x̂∈ F, consider an instance of (BoxQP) with (Q,c) ∈^n ×^n, where Q ≻ 0 and c = -Q x̂. We obtain q(x) = 1/2((x - x̂)^T Q (x - x̂) - x̂^T Q x̂). Since Q ≻ 0, x̂ is the unique unconstrained minimizer of q(x). By Lemma <ref>, since Q ≻ 0, we have ℓ_RS(x) = q(x) for each x ∈ F, which implies that ℓ^* = q(x^*) = ℓ_RS(x^*) = ℓ^*_RS. It follows that (Q,c) ∈_RS. The uniqueness follows from the strict convexity of ℓ_RS(·) since ℓ_RS(x) = q(x) for each x ∈ F. In the next section, we rely on duality theory to obtain a description of the set _RS. §.§ The Dual Problem In this section, we present the dual of the SDP-RLT relaxation given by (RS) and establish several useful properties. Recall that the SDP-RLT relaxation is given by (RS) ℓ^*_RS = min_(x,X) ∈^n ×^n{1/2⟨ Q, X⟩ + c^T x: (x,X) ∈_RS}, where _RS is given by (<ref>). By the Schur complement property, we have X - x x^T ≽ 0 ⟺[ 1 x^T; x X ]≽ 0, which implies that (RS) can be formulated as a linear semidefinite programming problem. By using the same set of dual variables (u,v,W,Y,Z) ∈^n ×^n ×^n ×^n × n×^n as in (R-D) corresponding to the common constraints in _R and _RS (see (<ref>)), and defining the dual variable [ β h^T; h H ]∈^n+1, where β∈, h ∈^n, and H ∈^n, corresponding to the additional semidefinite constraint in (<ref>), the dual problem of (RS) is given by [ (RS-D) max_(u,v,W,Y,Z,β,h,H) ∈^n ×^n ×^n ×^n × n×^n ××^n ×^n -e^T u - 1/2 e^T W e - 1/2β ; s.t. ; -u + v - W e + Y^T e + h = c; W - Y - Y^T + Z + H = Q; u ≥ 0; v ≥ 0; W ≥ 0; Y ≥ 0; Z ≥ 0; [ β h^T; h H ] ≽ 0. ] In contrast with linear programming, stronger assumptions are needed to guarantee strong duality in semidefinite programming. We first establish that (RS) and (RS-D) satisfy such assumptions. Strong duality holds between (RS) and (RS-D), and optimal solutions are attained in both (RS) and (RS-D). Note that _RS is a nonempty and bounded set since 0 ≤ x_j ≤ 1 and X_jj≤ 1 for each j = 1,…,n. Therefore, the set of optimal solutions of (RS) is nonempty. Let x̂ = 1/2 e ∈^n and let X̂ = x̂x̂^T + ϵ I ∈^n, where ϵ∈ (0,1/4). By Lemma <ref>, (x̂, X̂) ∈_RS. Furthermore, it is a strictly feasible solution of (RS) since (x̂, X̂) satisfies all the constraints strictly. Strong duality and attainment in (RS-D) follow from conic duality. Lemma <ref> allows us to give a complete characterization of optimality conditions for the pair (RS) and (RS-D). (x̂, X̂) ∈_RS is an optimal solution of (RS) if and only if there exists (û,v̂,Ŵ,Ŷ,Ẑ,β̂,ĥ,Ĥ) ∈^n ×^n ×^n ×^n × n×^n ××^n ×^n such that Q = Ŵ - Ŷ - Ŷ^T + Ẑ + Ĥ, c = -û + v̂ - Ŵ e + Ŷ^T e + ĥ, [ β̂ ĥ^T; ĥ Ĥ ] ≽ 0 ⟨[ 1 x̂^T; x̂ X̂ ] , [ β̂ ĥ^T; ĥ Ĥ ]⟩ = 0, and (<ref>)–(<ref>) are satisfied. The claim follows from strong duality between (RS) and (RS-D), which holds by Lemma <ref>. Using Lemma <ref>, we obtain the following description of the set of instances of (BoxQP) with an exact SDP-RLT relaxation. (Q,c) ∈_RS, where _RS is defined as in (<ref>), if and only if there exists x̂∈ F and there exists (û,v̂,Ŵ,Ŷ,Ẑ,β̂,ĥ,Ĥ) ∈^n ×^n ×^n ×^n × n×^n ××^n ×^n such that the conditions of Lemma <ref> are satisfied, where (x̂, X̂) = (x̂, x̂x̂^T). Furthermore, in this case, x̂ is an optimal solution of (BoxQP). Suppose that (Q,c) ∈_RS. Let x̂∈ F be an optimal solution of (BoxQP). By Corollary <ref>(ii), we obtain ℓ^*_RS = ℓ^* = q(x̂) = ℓ_RS(x̂). Therefore, x̂ is an optimal solution of (RS1) given by (<ref>). Let (x̂, X̂) = (x̂, x̂x̂^T) ∈_RS. We obtain 1/2⟨ Q, X̂⟩ + c^T x̂ = q(x̂) = ℓ^*_RS, which implies that (x̂, x̂x̂^T) is an optimal solution of (RS). The claim follows from Lemma <ref>. For the reverse implication, note that (x̂, X̂) = (x̂, x̂x̂^T) is an optimal solution of (RS) by Lemma <ref>. By a similar argument and using (<ref>), we obtain ℓ^* ≤ q(x̂) = ℓ^*_RS≤ℓ^*, which implies that ℓ^*_RS = ℓ^*, or equivalently, that (Q,c) ∈_RS. The second assertion follows directly from the previous arguments. In the next section, by relying on Proposition <ref>, we propose two algorithms to construct instances of (BoxQP) with different exactness guarantees. §.§ Construction of Instances with Exact SDP-RLT Relaxations In this section, we present an algorithm for constructing instances of (BoxQP) with an exact SDP-RLT relaxation. Similar to Algorithm <ref>, Algorithm <ref> is based on designating x̂∈ F and constructing an appropriate dual feasible solution that satisfies optimality conditions together with (x̂,x̂x̂^T) ∈_RS. The next proposition establishes the correctness of Algorithm <ref>. Algorithm <ref> returns (Q,c) ∈_RS, where _RS is defined as in (<ref>). Conversely, any (Q,c) ∈_RS can be generated by Algorithm <ref> with appropriate choices of x̂∈ F and (û,v̂,Ŵ,Ŷ,Ẑ,β̂,ĥ,Ĥ) ∈^n ×^n ×^n ×^n × n×^n ××^n ×^n. Since Ĥ≽ 0, it follows from Steps 8 and 9 of Algorithm <ref> that [ β̂ ĥ^T; ĥ Ĥ ] = [ x̂^T; -I ]Ĥ[ x̂^T; -I ]^T ≽ 0. Therefore, (û,v̂,Ŵ,Ŷ,Ẑ,β̂,ĥ,Ĥ) ∈^n ×^n ×^n ×^n × n×^n ××^n ×^n is a feasible solution of (RS-D). Furthermore, the identity in (<ref>) also implies that ⟨[ 1 x̂^T; x̂ x̂x̂^T ] , [ β̂ ĥ^T; ĥ Ĥ ]⟩ = [ 1; x̂ ]^T [ β̂ ĥ^T; ĥ Ĥ ][ 1; x̂ ] = 0. It is easy to verify that the conditions of Lemma <ref> are satisfied with (x̂, X̂) = (x̂,x̂x̂^T) ∈_RS. Both assertions follow from Proposition <ref>. By Proposition <ref>, we conclude that _RS is given by the union of infinitely many convex cones each of which can be represented by semidefinite and linear constraints. Similar to Algorithm <ref>, we remark that Algorithm <ref> can be utilized to generate an instance of (BoxQP) with an exact SDP-RLT relaxation such that any designated feasible solution x̂∈ F is an optimal solution of (BoxQP). §.§ Construction of Instances with Exact SDP-RLT and Inexact RLT Relaxations Recall that the SDP-RLT relaxation of any instance of (BoxQP) is at least as tight as the RLT relaxation. In this section, we present another algorithm for constructing instances of (BoxQP) that admit an exact SDP-RLT relaxation but an inexact RLT relaxation, i.e., an instance in _RS\_R (cf. (<ref>)). In particular, this algorithm can be used to construct instances of (BoxQP) such that the SDP-RLT relaxation not only strengthens the RLT relaxation, but also yields an exact lower bound. Note that Algorithm <ref> is capable of constructing all instances of (BoxQP) in the set _RS. On the other hand, if one chooses x̂∈ V and Ĥ = 0 in Algorithm <ref>, which, in turn, would imply that ĥ = 0 and β̂= 0, it is easy to verify that the choices of the remaining parameters satisfy the conditions of Algorithm <ref>, which implies that the resulting instance would already have an exact RLT relaxation, i.e., (Q,c) ∈_R. In this section, we present Algorithm <ref>, where we use a similar idea as in Algorithm <ref>, i.e., we aim to construct an instance of (BoxQP) such that (x̂,x̂x̂^T) is the unique optimal solution of (RS), where x̂∈ F \ V. Note that Algorithm <ref> and Algorithm <ref> are almost identical, except that, in Step 7, we require that Ĥ≻ 0 in Algorithm <ref> as opposed to Ĥ≽ 0 in Algorithm <ref>. The next result establishes that the output from Algorithm <ref> is an instance of (BoxQP) with an exact SDP-RLT but inexact RLT relaxation. Algorithm <ref> returns (Q,c) ∈_RS\_R, where _R and _RS are defined as in (<ref>) and (<ref>), respectively. By the observation preceding the statement, it follows from Propositions <ref> and <ref> that (Q,c) ∈_RS and that (x̂,x̂x̂^T) is an optimal solution of (RS). First, we show that this is the unique optimal solution of (RS). Suppose, for a contradiction, that there exists another optimal solution (x̃, X̃) ∈_RS. Note that, for any A ≽ 0 and B ≽ 0, ⟨ A, B ⟩ = 0 holds if and only if AB = 0. Therefore, it follows from (<ref>) that ĥ - Ĥx̃ = 0. Since Ĥ≻ 0, we obtain x̃ = x̂ by Step 8. By (<ref>), we obtain ⟨[ 1 x̂^T; x̂ X̃ ] , [ β̂ ĥ^T; ĥ Ĥ ]⟩ = ⟨[ 1 x̂^T; x̂ X̃ ] , [ x̂^T; -I ]Ĥ[ x̂^T; -I ]^T ⟩ = ⟨Ĥ, X̂ - x̂x̂^T ⟩ = 0. Since Ĥ≻ 0 by Step 7 and X̂ - x̂x̂^T ≽ 0, it follows that X̃ = x̂x̂^T, which contradicts our assumption. It follows that (x̂,x̂x̂^T) is the unique optimal solution of (RS), or equivalently, that x̂ is the unique optimal solution of (RS1) given by (<ref>). By Proposition <ref> and (<ref>), we conclude that (Q,c) ∈_RS and that x̂∈ F \ V is the unique optimal solution of (BoxQP). By Corollary <ref>, (Q,c) ∉_R, which completes the proof. Algorithm <ref> can be used to construct an instance in the set _R \_RS. In particular, it is worth noticing that the family of instances used in the proof of Lemma <ref> can be constructed by Algorithm <ref> by simply choosing (û, v̂, Ŵ, Ŷ, Ẑ) = (0,0,0,0,0). In particular, similar to Algorithm <ref>, it is worth noting that any instance constructed by Algorithm <ref> necessarily satisfies Q_kk > 0 for each k ∈𝔹. On the other hand, recall that the SDP-RLT relaxation is always exact for n ≤ 2. Therefore, similar to our discussion about Algorithm <ref>, we conclude that the set of instances that can be constructed by Algorithm <ref> may not necessarily encompass all instances in _R \_RS. § EXAMPLES AND DISCUSSION In this section, we present numerical examples generated by each of the four algorithms given by Algorithms <ref>–<ref>. We then close the section with a brief discussion. §.§ Examples In this section, we present instances of (BoxQP) generated by each of the four algorithms given by Algorithms <ref>–<ref>. Our main goal is to demonstrate that our algorithms are capable of generating nontrivial instances of (BoxQP) with predetermined exactness or inexactness guarantees. Let n = 2, 𝕃 = {1}, and 𝕌 = {2} in Algorithm <ref>. Then, by Steps 2–6, we have û = [ 0; α ], v̂ = [ β; 0 ], Ŵ = [ 0 γ; γ δ ], Ŷ = [ θ 0; μ ρ ], Ẑ = [ σ η; η 0 ], where each of α, β, γ, δ, θ, μ, ρ, σ, η is a nonnegative real number. By Steps 7 and 8, we obtain Q = [ σ - 2 θ γ + η - μ; γ + η - μ δ - 2 ρ ], c = [ β + θ + μ - γ; ρ - α - γ -δ ]. For instance, if we choose θ = ρ = γ = η = μ = 0, σ + δ > 0, α≥ 0, and β≥ 0, then Q ≽ 0, which implies that q(x) is a convex function. If we choose σ = δ = γ = η = μ = 0, θ + ρ > 0, α≥ 0, and β≥ 0, then -Q ≽ 0, which implies that q(x) is a concave function. Finally, if we choose θ = δ = γ = η = μ = 0, σ > 0, ρ > 0, α≥ 0, and β≥ 0, then Q is indefinite, which implies that q(x) is an indefinite quadratic function. For each of the three choices, the RLT relaxation is exact and x̂ = [ 0 1 ]^T is an optimal solution of the resulting instance of (BoxQP). Note that by setting Ĥ = 0 and ĥ = 0 in Algorithm <ref>, the same observations carry over. Let n = 3, 𝕃 = {1}, 𝔹 = {2}, and 𝕌 = {3} in Algorithm <ref>. Then, by Steps 3–8, we have k = 2 and û = [ 0; 0; α ], v̂ = [ β; 0; 0 ], Ŵ = [ 0 0 γ; 0 δ θ; γ θ μ ], Ŷ = [ ρ 0 0; σ 0 0; η ϵ ζ ], Ẑ = [ κ λ ν; λ τ 0; ν 0 0 ], where each of α, β, γ, θ, μ, ρ, σ, η, ϵ, ζ, κ, λ, ν is a nonnegative real number, δ > 0 and τ > 0. By Steps 9 and 10, we obtain Q = [ κ - 2 ρ λ - σ γ + ν - η; λ - σ δ + τ θ - ϵ; γ + ν - η θ - ϵ μ - 2 ζ ], c = [ β + ρ + σ + η - γ; ϵ - δ - θ; ζ - γ - θ - μ - α ]. If we set each of the parameters α, β, γ, θ, μ, ρ, σ, η, ϵ, ζ, κ, λ, ν to zero, and choose any δ > 0 and τ > 0, then Q ≽ 0, which implies that q(x) is a convex function. On the other hand, if we set each of the parameters α, β, γ, θ, μ, σ, η, ϵ, κ, λ, ν to zero, and choose any δ > 0, τ > 0 and ρ + ζ > 0, then Q is indefinite, which implies that q(x) is an indefinite quadratic function. For each of the two choices, the RLT relaxation is inexact. Recall that an instance generated by Algorithm <ref> cannot have a concave objective function since Q_kk = Ŵ_kk + Ẑ_kk > 0. Let n = 3, 𝕃 = {1}, 𝔹 = {2}, and 𝕌 = {3} in Algorithm <ref>. Then, by Steps 2–6, we have û = [ 0; 0; α ], v̂ = [ β; 0; 0 ], Ŵ = [ 0 0 γ; 0 0 θ; γ θ μ ], Ŷ = [ ρ 0 0; σ 0 0; η ϵ ζ ], Ẑ = [ κ λ ν; λ 0 0; ν 0 0 ], where each of α, β, γ, θ, μ, ρ, σ, η, ϵ, ζ, κ, λ, ν is a nonnegative real number. By Step 7, Ĥ≻ 0 is arbitrarily chosen. By Step 8, we have ĥ = - Ĥx̂ and β̂= - ĥ^T x̂. By Steps 9 and 10, we therefore obtain Q = [ κ - 2 ρ λ - σ γ + ν - η; λ - σ 0 θ - ϵ; γ + ν - η θ - ϵ μ - 2 ζ ] + Ĥ, c = [ β + ρ + σ + η - γ; ϵ - θ; ζ - γ - θ - μ - α ] + ĥ. If we set each of the parameters α, β, γ, θ, μ, ρ, σ, η, ϵ, ζ, κ, λ, ν to zero, then Q = Ĥ≻ 0, which implies that q(x) is a strictly convex function. On the other hand, if we set each of the parameters α, β, γ, θ, μ, σ, η, ϵ, κ, λ, ν to zero, and choose a sufficiently large ρ + ζ > 0, then Q is indefinite, which implies that q(x) is an indefinite quadratic function. For each of the two choices, x̂ is the unique optimal solution of the resulting instance of (BoxQP) and the SDP-RLT relaxation is exact whereas the RLT relaxation is inexact. Recall that an instance generated by Algorithm <ref> cannot have a concave objective function since Q_kk = Ĥ_kk > 0. Indeed, such an instance of (BoxQP) necessarily has an optimal solution at a vertex whereas Algorithm <ref> ensures that the resulting instance of (BoxQP) has a unique solution x̂∈ F \ V. §.§ Discussion We close this section with a discussion of the four algorithms given by Algorithms <ref>–<ref>. Note that all instances of (BoxQP) can be divided into the following four sets: _1 = {(Q,c) ∈^n ×^n: ℓ^*_R = ℓ^*_RS = ℓ^*}, _2 = {(Q,c) ∈^n ×^n: ℓ^*_R < ℓ^*_RS = ℓ^*}, _3 = {(Q,c) ∈^n ×^n: ℓ^*_R = ℓ^*_RS < ℓ^*}, _4 = {(Q,c) ∈^n ×^n: ℓ^*_R < ℓ^*_RS < ℓ^*}. We clearly have _1 = _R, and any such instance can be constructed by Algorithm <ref>. On the other hand, Algorithm <ref> returns an instance in _2 ∪_3 ∪_4. Any instance in _1 ∪_2 can be constructed by Algorithm <ref>. Finally, Algorithm <ref> outputs an instance in the set _2 = _RS\_R. Note that one can generate a specific instance of (BoxQP) with an inexact SDP-RLT relaxation by extending the example in Section <ref> <cit.>. Let n = 2k + 1 ≥ 3 and consider the instance (Q,c) ∈^n ×^n given by Q = 1/n ee^T - I, where I ∈^n denotes the identity matrix, and c = 0. Since Q is negative semidefinite, the optimal solution of (BoxQP) is attained at one of the vertices. It is easy to verify that any vertex v ∈ F with k (or k + 1) components equal to 1 and the remaining ones equal to zero is an optimal solution, which implies that ℓ^* = 1/2(k^2/n - k). Let x̂ = 1/2 e and X̂ = x̂x̂^T + M̂ = 1/4 ee^T + 1/4(n-1)(n I - ee^T ) = 1/4(1 + 1/n-1) I + 1/4(1 - 1/n-1) ee^T. It is easy to verify that (x̂, X̂) ∈_RS. Therefore, ℓ^*_RS≤1/2⟨ Q, X̂⟩ + c^T x̂ = -n/8. Using n = 2k + 1, we conclude that ℓ^*_RS < ℓ^*, i.e., the SDP-RLT relaxation is inexact. Finally, this example can be extended to an even dimension n = 2k ≥ 4 by simply constructing the same example corresponding to n = 2k - 1 and then adding a component of zero to each of x̂ and c, and adding a column and row of zeros to each of Q and X̂. An interesting question is whether an algorithm can be developed for generating more general instances with inexact SDP-RLT relaxations, i.e., the set of instances given by _3 ∪_4. One possible approach is to use a similar idea as in Algorithms <ref> and <ref>, i.e., designate an optimal solution (x̂,X̂) ∈_RS, which is not in the form of (v,vv^T) for any vertex v ∈ F, and identify the conditions on the other parameters so as to guarantee that (x̂,X̂) is the unique optimal solution of the SDP-RLT relaxation (RS). Note that Lemma <ref> can be used to easily construct an instance of (BoxQP) such that any feasible solution (x̂,X̂) ∈_RS is an optimal solution of (RS). In particular, the condition (<ref>) can be satisfied by simply choosing an arbitrary matrix B ∈^k such that B ≽ 0, and by defining [ β̂ ĥ^T; ĥ Ĥ ] = P B P^T, where P ∈^(n+1) × k is a matrix whose columns form a basis for the nullspace of the matrix [ 1 x̂^T; x̂ X̂ ]. For instance, the columns of P can be chosen to be the set of eigenvectors corresponding to zero eigenvalues. However, this procedure does not necessarily guarantee that (x̂,X̂) ∈_RS is the unique optimal solution of (RS). Therefore, a characterization of the extreme points and the facial structure of _RS may shed light on the algorithmic construction of such instances. We intend to investigate this direction in the near future. § CONCLUDING REMARKS In this paper, we considered RLT and SDP-RLT relaxations of quadratic programs with box constraints. We presented algebraic descriptions of instances of (BoxQP) that admit exact RLT relaxations as well as those that admit exact SDP-RLT relaxations. Using these descriptions, we proposed four algorithms for efficiently constructing an instance of (BoxQP) with predetermined exactness or inexactness guarantees. In particular, we remark that Algorithms <ref>, <ref>, and <ref> can be used to construct an instance of (BoxQP) with a known optimal solution, which may be of independent interest for computational purposes. In the near future, we intend to investigate the facial structure of the feasible region of the SDP-RLT relaxation and exploit it to develop algorithms for generating instances of (BoxQP) with an inexact SDP-RLT relaxation. Another interesting direction is the computational complexity of determining whether, for a given instance of (BoxQP), the RLT or the SDP-RLT relaxation is exact. Our algebraic descriptions do not yield an efficient procedure for this problem. An efficient recognition algorithm may have significant implications for extending the reach of global solvers for (BoxQP). abbrv
On the temperature and chemical dependency of prismatic stacking faults in C14 Laves phases
[ "Zhuocheng Xie", "Dimitri Chauraud", "Erik Bitzek", "Sandra Korte-Kerzel", "Julien Guénolé" ]
[ "cond-mat.mtrl-sci" ]
APS/123-QED []xie@imm.rwth-aachen.de Institute of Physical Metallurgy and Materials Physics, RWTH Aachen University, 52056 Aachen, Germany Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH, Max-Planck-Str. 1, 40237 Düsseldorf, Germany Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH, Max-Planck-Str. 1, 40237 Düsseldorf, Germany Institute of Physical Metallurgy and Materials Physics, RWTH Aachen University, 52056 Aachen, Germany []julien.guenole@univ-lorraine.fr Université de Lorraine, CNRS, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, LEM3, 57070 Metz, France Labex Damas, Université de Lorraine, 57070 Metz, France Activation of non-basal slip is essential in improving the deformability of hexagonal crystals. However, the mechanism of non-basal slip remains largely unknown, especially for complex intermetallics such as Laves phases. In this work, the prismatic slip systems of C14 Laves crystals and possible metastable states along the slip paths are assessed using atomistic simulations. Multiple prismatic stacking fault states with the same lattice pattern but different site occupancies and chemical distributions are identified at different inter-atomic layers, temperatures and chemical compositions. The formation of energetically favorable prismatic stacking faults involves short-range diffusion which implies the thermally activated nature of prismatic slip. The outcomes of this work advance the understanding of temperature and chemical-dependent non-basal slip in Laves phases and can be extended to other topologically close-packed phases. Keywords: Laves phase, prismatic slip, stacking fault, atomistic simulation On the temperature and chemical dependency of prismatic stacking faults in C14 Laves phases Julien Guénolé March 30, 2023 at =========================================================================================== Laves phases are intermetallics that are present in various alloys and exert a significant influence on their mechanical characteristics due to their high strength and superior creep resistance in comparison to the matrix phases <cit.>. Despite their excellent mechanical performance at elevated temperatures, Laves phase alloys are commonly deemed unsuitable for structural applications because of their well-known brittleness at room temperature <cit.>. The crystal structure of Laves phases with an ideal chemical composition AB2 consists of a triple-layer and a kagomé layer along the basal ({ 1 1 1 }) planes. Synchro-shear <cit.>, as the most energetically favorable mechanism of plasticity on basal or { 1 1 1 } planes in Laves phases, is widely studied, particularly using atomic-scale modeling <cit.>. However, the mechanisms underlying plastic deformation on non-basal (non-{ 1 1 1 }) planes in Laves phases are not well understood so far. In the early 1970s, Paufler et al. <cit.> reported the activation of grown-in prismatic dislocations in the prototype C14 MgZn2 under uniaxial compression at temperatures around 400°C. Recently, Zehnder et al. <cit.> investigated the plastic deformation of single crystal C14 CaMg2 at room temperature by nanoindentation and microcompression. The prismatic slip was confirmed by slip trace analysis and exhibits the lowest critical resolved shear stress (CRSS) among basal and non-basal slip systems. The authors <cit.> further investigated the activation of these slip systems of the CaMg2 phase in the temperature range from 50 to 250°C, where prismatic slip shows a decreasing CRSS with temperature. Zhang et al. <cit.> characterized two prismatic stacking fault (SF) structures with the same crystal lattice but different site occupancies in a C14 Nb-based Laves phase using atomic-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) after deformation at different temperature regimes. The formation of high and room-temperature prismatic SFs was interpreted based on the morphology of prismatic planes and topologically close-packed rules. The high-temperature SF formation was attributed to the diffusion-assisted shuffle mechanism, while the low-temperature SF formation was associated with the glide mechanism. In addition, the prismatic SFs were not flat and exhibited numerous steps, which was attributed to dislocation motion through frequent switching between different prismatic slip planes. So far, the deformation mechanisms of prismatic plasticity in C14 Laves phases, particularly the processes that lead to the formation of prismatic SFs through partial dislocations, are still not well understood. In this study, we investigated the temperature and chemical-dependent prismatic slip in C14 CaMg2 and MgZn2 Laves phases by performing atomistic simulations using the semi-empirical potentials <cit.>. The minimum energy paths (MEPs) of slip events on different prismatic interlayers and corresponding prismatic SF states were identified using the nudged elastic band (NEB) method <cit.>. The effects of temperature and chemical composition on SF structures were studied using molecular dynamics (MD) and hybrid MD/Monte Carlo (MC) simulations, respectively. The FIRE <cit.> and Quickmin <cit.> algorithms were used for relaxation in molecular statics (MS) simulations and NEB calculations, respectively. For more details on the simulation setup and methods, see Section I in the Supplementary Material. The prismatic slip systems were systematically assessed by calculating the generalized stacking fault energy (γ) surfaces of three possible interlayers on prismatic {1̅ 1 0 0} plane in C14 CaMg2 (see Figure <ref>(a,c,e)) and MgZn2 (see Figure <ref>(a,c,e)). Meta-stable states close to the [1 1 2̅ 0] slip path were identified as the prismatic SF states in all interlayers. After full relaxation, the SF of interlayer III (SF III) shows the lowest stacking fault energy (SFE: 422 mJ/m2 in C14 CaMg2 and 265 mJ/m2 in C14 MgZn2), presumably is more stable than the SF states of interlayer I and II (SF I and SF II). The energy barriers of full and partial slip paths were calculated using the NEB method. Although the interplanar distance of interlayer III is almost two times larger than interlayer I and II, the energy barriers of slip events on the three interlayers are at similar levels. For the full sip, the activation energies on interlayer III are 11 % and 3 % higher than on interlayer I and II in C14 CaMg2 and for MgZn2, respectively. In C14 CaMg2, the activation energy of partial slip on interlayer III is 7 % higher than interlayer I and II. For the partial slip in MgZn2, the activation energy on interlayer III becomes 12 % lower than interlayer I and II counterparts. The energy barrier for partial slip within the same interlayer is slightly lower compared to that of full slip. The identification of prismatic SF states is in agreement with the experimental observation in C14 Nb-base Laves phase after low and high-temperature deformation by Zhang et al. <cit.>. Abundant extended prismatic SFs bounded by partial dislocations with compact cores and Burgers vectors of 3/16[0 0 0 1 ] + 1/6[1 1 2̅ 0 ] were observed in atomic-resolution STEM <cit.>. Our study determined the Burgers vectors of prismatic partial slip close to 3/16[0 0 0 1] + 1/6[1 1 2̅ 0], which correlates well with the above-mentioned experimental results. Furthermore, Zhang et al. <cit.> reported that the prismatic SF is not flat and exhibits numerous steps, which they attributed to the movement of dislocations by frequently switching on different prismatic slip planes. This can be explained by nearly equal energy barriers of prismatic slip on interlayer I, II, and III, see Table <ref>. Further research is needed to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the out-of-plane mechanisms of prismatic dislocations switching between various interlayers and the associated activation energies. Three prismatic SF states with different microstructures and energies were found in this work (see Figure <ref>(a-c)). The structures of SF I and II are mirror symmetric and therefore exhibit the same SFE. The lattice pattern consists of a Laves building block (marked in blue dashed rhombic tile) with the characteristic triple-layer and a Zr4Al3 building block (marked in blue dashed rectangular tile) exists also in μ-phase was found in SF I and II. An empty site in the Zr4Al3 building block was observed, see Figure <ref>(a,b). The same lattice pattern exists in SF III, however, the site occupancies and chemical distributions are different (see Figure <ref>(c)). An empty site exists in the middle atomic column of the Laves building block in SF III. Interestingly, these two SF structures are not thermally stable at room or elevated temperature. After equilibrium at 300 K, a structural transition induced by short-range diffusion was observed in SF I and II. The empty site is partially occupied by small (Mg) atoms hopping from a nearby site at the junction of four lattice tiles, and the large (Ca) atoms in the middle atomic column of the Laves building block shift towards the site where the small atoms are left behind, see Figure <ref>(d-e). The structure of SF I (II) at 300 K is very similar to the experimentally observed prismatic SF structures after room temperature deformation, see Figure <ref>(g,h). In addition to the identical lattice pattern, the atomic distributions in SFs are similar in our atomic configurations and high-resolution STEM images. The positions of three bright atomic columns (highlighted using white dashed circles) corresponding to the heavy elements (Nb in Nb-base Laves phase and Ca in C14 CaMg2) correlate well with the simulation results. In addition, the shift of the middle atomic column out of the Laves triple-layer was also reported in the experiment as illustrated using the grey dashed line in Figure <ref>(g,h). According to the atomic displacement introduced by thermalization at room temperature, the structure of glide-induced SF I (II) was optimized by shifting one out of two atoms in the Mg atomic column to the empty site (see the displacement vectors as shown in the inset of Figure <ref>(a)). After energy minimization, the Ca atoms located in the atomic column in the Laves triple-layer shift towards the empty site left behind by the Mg atoms. The SFE of SF I decreases by 28% to 374 mJ/m2 in CaMg2, and by 58% to 191 mJ/m2 in MgZn2 after the structural opimization. The NEB calculation was performed to find the MEP between the initial and optimized SF states (see Figure <ref>(a)). For the glide-induced SF I (II), a small energy barrier of 15 mJ/m2 needs to be overcome with thermal assistance to reach the diffusion-assisted SF state with lower energy. In addition to a lower SFE, the formation of diffusion-assisted SF I (II) states (Figure <ref>(b)) is mediated by a different slip mechanism (Figure <ref>(c-j)) with a lower activation energy. Simple crystallographic slip mediates the partial slip between the pristine and glide-induced SF I (II) states, with all atoms moving in the same direction as the partial Burgers vector (as illustrated in Figure <ref>(c-f)). For the partial slip between the pristine and diffusion-assisted SF I (II) states, a synchroshear-like mechanism, where certain Mg atoms move in a direction that differs from the direction of the partial Burgers vector, was identified. SF III shows better thermal stability than SF I and II, it remains the same atomic structure at 300 K, and a structural transition was observed after equilibrium at 500 K, see Figure <ref>(c,f). The empty site in the Laves building block is partially occupied by small (Mg) atoms hopping from a nearby site at the junction of lattice tiles. Compared to the SF observed in experiments following high-temperature deformation, diffusion-assisted SF III at 500 K exhibits a similar chemical distribution in the Laves building block but a distinct chemical distribution in the Zr4Al3 building block. In the experimental observation, the heavy (large) atoms are positioned at the up and down sites within the Zr4Al3 building block (Figure <ref>(i)), whereas in the simulation, they are situated at the left and right sites (Figure <ref>(f)). The SF structure is optimized by swapping the elemental type in the Zr4Al3 building block to be identical as reported in the experiment (see Figure <ref>(c,d)). The SFE of the optimized SF III decreases to 326 (by 23 %) and 189 (by 29 %) mJ/m2 in CaMg2 and MgZn2, respectively. The formation of the optimized SF III state necessitates a more substantial thermal fluctuation than the optimized SF I (II) state due to its involvement in not only atomic diffusion but also atomic swapping, which rationalizes the experimental observation of optimized SF III mainly after high-temperature deformation <cit.>. The formation of more energetically favorable prismatic SFs with the assistance of diffusion implies the strong thermally activated nature of prismatic partial dislocations. Thermal assistance was demonstrated to be indispensable in activating synchro-Shockley dislocations, implying that the motion of this zonal dislocation is prohibited at low temperatures <cit.>. A temperature-dependent deformation behavior is also expected for prismatic partial dislocations where the thermal fluctuation can significantly lower not only the planar fault energies but also the associated energy barriers of slip events. Zhang et al. <cit.> reported the uneven intensities of the atomic columns for the same sites in different unit cells along the prismatic SF plane. This variation can be attributed to the mixture of different SF structures (SF I, II and III) and the inconsistency of the local chemical environment in the same SF structure. The chemical-dependent prismatic SF III structures in C14 MgZn2 were investigated using hybrid MD/MC in the variance-constrained semi-grand canonical (VC-SGC) ensemble at 500 K. The target concentrations were set within the range of 5% off-stoichiometry. After equilibrium, the site occupancy intensity NA/Ntot (where NA is the number of A-type atoms in AB2 Laves phase) was averaged over all unit cells in the prismatic SFs. The statistics of the site occupancies in SF III at different chemical compositions are shown in Figure <ref>(f) and the naming convention of the sites is illustrated in Figure <ref>(e). Multiple SF III states with different chemical compositions are depicted in the chemical distribution schematic of Figure <ref>(a-d). A significantly higher concentration of solute atoms was identified at prismatic SFs than the matrix after 16,000 MC steps (1.6 ns MD time), see Figure <ref>. The atomic swapping mainly takes place in the Zr4Al3 building blocks, where the Laves building blocks remain unchanged except at 28.3% Mg composition. At 31.3% Mg composition (-2% off-stoichiometry), Z14L and Z14R are almost occupied by Zn (small) atoms in contrast to the stoichiometric SF III configuration. In addition, half of the Z15U and Z15D sites are Mg (large) atoms. With decreasing Mg content, around 75% Z15U and Z15D sites are occupied by Zn atoms at 28.3% Mg composition. On the Mg-rich side of the off-stoichiometry, all sites in the Zr4Al3 building blocks are mostly occupied by Mg atoms. At 38.3% Mg composition (+5% off-stoichiometry), nearly pure Mg Zr4Al3 building blocks were obtained. The variation of local chemical distribution in SF III at different chemical compositions provides a possible explanation of varying intensity in prismatic SFs as reported in the literature <cit.>. The presence of diverse prismatic SF states in off-stoichiometry implies that the chemical composition has an impact on prismatic plasticity. To gain a more profound comprehension of prismatic plasticity, additional works are necessary, such as unraveling dislocation mechanisms and the effects of solute atoms on dislocation motion. In this study, we evaluated the prismatic slip systems and potential metastable states of C14 CaMg2 and MgZn2 using atomistic simulations. Various prismatic stacking fault states with identical lattice patterns but different chemical distributions and site occupancies were identified at varying interlayers, temperatures and chemical compositions. The formation of prismatic stacking faults that are energetically favorable involves short-range diffusion, indicating that prismatic slip is thermally activated. The findings of this work enhance our comprehension of non-basal slip in Laves phases, which is dependent on temperature and chemical composition, and can be generalized to other topologically close-packed phases. § ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors acknowledge financial support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) through the projects A02, A05 and C02 of the SFB1394 Structural and Chemical Atomic Complexity – From Defect Phase Diagrams to Material Properties, project ID 409476157. This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 852096 FunBlocks). Simulations were performed with computing resources granted by RWTH Aachen University under project (p0020267) and by the EXPLOR center of the Université de Lorraine and by the GENCI-TGCC (Grant 2020-A0080911390). On the temperature and chemical dependency of prismatic stacking faults in C14 Laves phases Julien Guénolé March 30, 2023 at =========================================================================================== Supplementary Material § SIMULATION METHODS The atomistic simulations were performed using the molecular dynamics (MD) software package LAMMPS <cit.>. The interatomic interactions were modeled by the modified embedded atom method (MEAM) potential by Kim et al. <cit.> for Ca-Mg and the embedded atom method (EAM) potential by Brommer et al. <cit.> for the Mg-Zn system. Both potentials reasonably describe the mechanical properties of C14 CaMg2 and MgZn2 Laves phases as compared to experiments and ab initio calculations (see Table <ref>). To investigate the prismatic {1̅ 1 0 0} slip systems, the C14 CaMg2 and MgZn2 Laves structures were constructed using Atomsk <cit.> following the crystallographic orientation: 𝐱=[ 1 1 2̅ 0 ], 𝐲=[ 1̅ 1 0 0 ] and 𝐳=[ 0 0 0 1 ]. Generalized stacking fault energy (GSFE) surfaces were calculated by incrementally shifting one-half of the crystal along the slip directions across the slip plane. Periodic boundary conditions (PBC) were applied in the 𝐱 and 𝐳 directions parallel to the slip plane (contains 3 × 2 unit cells). Non-periodic boundary conditions were used along the 𝐲-[ 1̅ 1 0 0 ] direction (20 unite cells in 𝐲-direction). The FIRE <cit.> algorithm with the force tolerance of 10^-8 eV/Å was used to relax atoms along the 𝐲-[ 1̅ 1 0 0 ] direction after each displacement step. The stacking fault states were identified on the GSFE surfaces and then fully relaxed. In addition, climbing image nudged elastic band (NEB) <cit.> calculations were performed to find saddle points and minimum energy paths (MEPs) of slip events. The spring constants for parallel and perpendicular nudging forces are both 1.0 eV/Å^2. Quickmin <cit.> was used to minimize the energies across all replicas until the force norm was below 0.01 eV/Å. The prismatic stacking fault configurations (9 × 40 × 6 unit cells with PBC in all directions) in C14 CaMg2 and MgZn2 were equilibrated for 200 ps at 300 K or 500 K using the Nosé-Hoover thermostat together with the Nosé-Hoover barostat <cit.> to relax possible stresses. The timestep is 1 fs. To investigate the chemical distribution at planar faults, hybrid MD/Monte Carlo (MC) simulations in the variance-constrained semi-grand canonical (VC-SGC) <cit.> ensemble (κ=1000, Δμ=± 0.3 eV) were performed at T=500 K on the C14 MgZn2 sample contains prismatic stacking faults for 1.6 ns (1 MC step every 0.1 ps MD time). The target concentrations of Mg atoms vary from 28.3% to 38.3% (± 5% off-stoichiometry). To ensure that the systems reach equilibrium at the target concentration, chemical potential and temperature, we used the evolution of potential energies (Figure S<ref>), local and global concentrations (Figure S<ref>), and successful swap rates (Figure S<ref>) as indicators. The atomic structures were quenched using the conjugate gradient method to reduce thermal noise for visualization. The Open Visualization Tool (OVITO) <cit.> was used to visualize the atomic configurations and trajectories.
Fractionalization induced structural domain patterns in U(1) quantum spin liquids
[ "Hyeok-Jun Yang", "Eun-Gook Moon", "SungBin Lee" ]
[ "cond-mat.str-el" ]
Integrated Communication and Receiver Sensing with Security Constraints on Message and State
[ "Mehrasa Ahmadipour", "Michèle Wigge", "Shlomo Shamai" ]
[ "cs.IT", "math.IT" ]
Integrated Communication and Receiver Sensing with Security Constraints on Message and State Mehrasa Ahmadipour1, Michèle Wigger2, Shlomo Shamai3 1 UMPA, ENS de Lyon <mehrasa.ahmadipour@ens-lyon.fr> 1 LTCI Telecom Paris, IP Paris, 91120 Palaiseau, France, Emails: <michele.wigger@telecom-paris.fr> 2 , Email: sshlomo@ee.technion.ac.il ================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= We study the state-dependent wiretap channel with non-causal channel state informations at the encoder in an integrated sensing and communications (ISAC) scenario. In this scenario, the transmitter communicates a message and a state sequence to a legitimate receiver while keeping the message and state-information secret from an external eavesdropper. This paper presents a new achievability result for this doubly-secret scenario, which recovers as special cases the best-known achievability results for the setups without security constraints or with only a security constraint on the message. The impact of the secrecy constraint (no secrecy-constraint, secrecy constraint only on the message, or on the message and the state) is analyzed at hand of a Gaussian-state and Gaussian-channel example. § INTRODUCTION Great scientic and technological efforts are currently being made to eifficiently integrate sensing and communication (ISAC) into a common hardware and bandwidth <cit.>. This trend is driven by spectrum scarcity, the enlargement of the communication spectrum closer to the traditional radar spectrum, the conceptual similarity between the two tasks (emitting specific waveforms and detecting parameters based on received signals), as well as economic pressure to reduce hardware costs. Radar systems can be divided into two families: mono-static radar where the same terminal emits the waveform and senses the environment based on the backscattered signal and bi-static radar where the sensing terminal exploit the scattered signals emitted by other terminals. Information-theoretic works have considered both types of systems, where in the literature on mono-static radar <cit.> the radar receivers typically have to reconstruct the channel's state sequence with smallest possible distortion , while in the literature on bi-static radar <cit.> they aim to determine an underlying binary (or multi-valued) parameter with largest possible error exponent. This latter scenario has even been investigated for classical-quantum channels <cit.>. In this work we consider an ISAC problem with bi-static sensing, where the sensing terminal coincides with the receiver of the data communication, see Figure <ref>. The receiver thus not only decodes the transmitted signal but also reconstructs the channel state-sequence up to a given distortion. We assume that the transmitter knows this state-sequence S^n perfectly and in advance (as in the famous Gel'fand-Pinsker <cit.> or dirty-paper setups <cit.>) and can thus actively help the receiver in his estimation. Bounds on the optimal rate-distortion tradeoff of the described setup has been derived in <cit.>. In the present work, we impose the additional security constraints that the transmitted message and part of the state S^n have to be kept secret from an external eavesdropper. In this sense, our model is an extension of the models in <cit.> but with an external eavesdropper that is not allowed to learn neither the message nor the state. It can also be considered an extension of the wiretap channel with non-causal state-information <cit.> to include the sensing performance and the secrecy constraint on the state. The intriguing feature in our model is that the transmitter should describe the state to the legitimate receiver, but mask <cit.> it from the eavesdropper. Related to this work is also <cit.>, which however considers a mono-static radar system, and <cit.> which considers a state-dependent wiretap channel (without sensing) where the transmitter additionally has to extract a key and convey this to the receiver while keeping it secret from the eavesdropper. In this paper we establish an achievable rate-distortion region for the state-dependent wiretap channel with receiver state-sensing and where besides the message also parts of the state have to kept secret from an external eavesdropper. Our result is built on a two-layer superposition likelihooed encoding scheme, similar to <cit.>. It includes as special cases the results we mentioned in above paragraph. At hand of a Gaussian example, we numerically characterize the penalty on the rate-distortion tradeoff caused by the security constraints on the message and on the state. § SYSTEM MODEL AND MAIN RESULT Formally, the model consists of the following elements. * A memoryless state sequence {(S_i)}_i≥ 1 whose samples at any given time i are distributed according to a given law P_S over the finite state alphabet . * Given that at time-i the Tx sends input X_i=x and given state realization S_i=s_i, the Rx observes the time-i output Y_i and the eavesdropper observes signal Z_i distributed according to the stationary channel transition law P_YZ|SX(·,·|s,x), * Input and output alphabets , , , are assumed finite. A rate-R_M and blocklength-n code consists of: * A message set _n{1,2,⋯, 2^nR_M}; * An encoder that assigns a symbol x_i (m, s ) ∈ X to each message m∈_n and each state sequence s^n∈^n; * A decoder that assigns a message estimate m̂ and a state sequence estimate ŝ^n∈^n to each received sequence y^n∈^n where is a given reconstruction alphabet. * An encoding function: f_n:_n×^n→^n * A decoding function: ϕ_n: ^n→_n * A state estimator ψ_n ^n →^n. We assume that M is uniformly distributed over the message set so P_M(m)=1/2^nR_M. The probability of decoding error is defined as: rCl P^(n)_e := Pr( M̂≠M ). The fidelity of the state estimate at the Rx is measured by the expected distortion Δ^(n):= 1/n∑_i=1^n 𝔼[d_R(S_ i, Ŝ_ i)], for a given bounded distortion function d_R(·,·). The eavesdropper should not be able to learn a random sequence Ξ^n that is obtained by passing the state sequence S^n through a memoryless channel P_Ξ|S independent of the message and the communication channel. The information leakage to the eavesdropper is measured by the mutual information l_s^(n)≜ I(M,Ξ^n;Z^n). In the described setup, a rate-distortion pair (_M, ) is called securely-achievable if there exists a sequence (in n) of rate-R_M and blocklength n-codes that simultaneously satisfy the three asymptotic constraints: rCl lim_n→∞ P^(n)_e = 0 lim_n→∞ l_s^(n) = 0 _n→∞ Δ^(n) ≤ . Notice that Condition (<ref>) is equivalent to requiring that the sum of mutual informations I(M;Z^n)+ I(Ξ^n;Z^n) vanishes asymptotically as n→∞. For any pmf P_UVX| S so that for the associated tuple (S,Ξ, U, V, X,Y Z)∼ P_SP_Ξ|SP_UVX| S P_YZ|XS, the random variable Ξ is independent of the pair (U,Z), Ξ⊥ (U,Z) and any function g(·) on appropriate domains, all pairs (R_M, D) satisfying the following inequalities rCl R_M ≤ I(U,V;Y)-I(U,V;S) R_M ≤ I(V;Y|U)- I(V;Ξ,Z|U) +min{0, I(U;Y)-I(U;S)} and rCl E[d(S,g(U,V,Y))] ≤ D, are securely achievable. Notice that when the entire state S has to be kept secret, Ξ=S, then U has to be chosen independently of S and thus I(U;S)=0 and the minimum in the right-hand side of (<ref>) evaluates to 0. Moreover, for Ξ=S the right-hand side of (<ref>) is larger than the right-hand side of (<ref>) because I(V;S,Z| U)≥ I(V;S| U). Thus, for ν(S)=S, Constraint (<ref>) is less stringent than Constraint (<ref>) and we obtain the following corollary, after observing that U only plays the role of a convexification random variable. Assume Ξ=S. Then the convex hull of all rate-distortion pairs (R_M, D) is achievable that satisfy the constraints rCl R_M ≤ I(V;Y)- I(V;S,Z) and rCl E[d(S,g(V,Y))] ≤ D, for some function g(·) on appropriate domains and pmf P_VX| S where the associated tuple (S,Ξ, V, X,Y Z)∼ P_SP_Ξ|SP_VX| S P_YZ|XS has S independent of Z, S⊥ Z. On the other extreme, we might only wish to keep the message secret but not the state, i.e. Ξ=const. As shown in Section <ref>, in this case Theorem <ref> simplifies to: Assume Ξ=const. For any pmf P_UVX| S and any function g(·) on appropriate domains, all pairs (R_M, D) satisfying rCl R_M ≤ min{ I(U,V;Y)-I(U,V;S) , I(V;Y|U) - I(V;Z|U)} and rCl E[d(S,g(U,V,Y))] ≤ D, are securely achievable rate-distortion pairs. It suffices to consider pmfs P_UVX| S so that I(U;Y) ≥ I(U;S). Notice that for sufficiently large distortion constraints D, Corollary <ref> recovers the achievability result for the state-dependent wiretap channel with non-causal state-information at the encoder <cit.>. Finally, we consider the special case where Z is independent of the input-state pair (X,S), which corresponds to the setup without secrecy constraint studied in <cit.>. In this special case, Theorem <ref> can be simplified by choosing U=const., in which case Corollary <ref> evaluates to: Assume that Z is independent of the input-state pair (X,S). Then, for any pmf P_VX| S and any function g(·) on appropriate domains, all non-negative rate-distortion pairs (R_M, D) satisfying rCl R_M ≤ I(V;Y)-I(V;S) and rCl E[d(S,g(V,Y))] ≤ D, are achievable. Comparing Corollary <ref> where both message and state have to be kept secret with Corollary <ref> where no secrecy constraint is applied, we see that the price for achievable double state-and-message secrecy in our scheme is that S has to be independent of Z and that the rate has to be reduced by the mutual information quantity I(V;Z|S)=I(SV;Z). §.§ A Gaussian Example Consider Gaussian channels both to the legitimate receiver rCl Y_i = X_i +S_i + N_i , and to the eavesdropper rCl Z_i = aX_i +bS_i + N_e,i, for given parameters a=0.7, b=0.3, where {S_i} is an independently and identically distributed (i.i.d.) zero-mean Gaussian of power Q=3 and the noise sequences are also i.i.d. zero-mean Gaussian of variances σ^2=1 and σ_e^2=4 and independent of each other and of the inputs and the states. The channel inputs are average blockpower constrained to power P=30. Also, assume that Ξ = S+A, for A a zero-mean Gaussian random variable independent of all other random variables and of variance σ_A^2≥ 0. This setup covers the scenario where the entire state-sequence has to be kept secret, with the choice σ_A^2=0. and (with a slight abuse of notation) the scenario where the state does not have be be kept secret at all, with the choice σ_A^2 →∞. We use the squared error d(s,ŝ)=(s-ŝ)^2 to measure the distortion at the receiver. We shall numerically compare the achievability results in Corollaries <ref>, <ref>, <ref> for this Gaussian example, to quantify the rate-penalty imposed by the various secrecy-constraints. To this end, we choose the following Gaussian auxiliaries: rCl U = F+ δS+G V = T+ αS+G X = T +F+ϵG+γS, where T, F, and G Gaussian random variable independent each of other and of the state S, and of variances σ_T^2, σ_F^2≥ 0 so that σ_T^2+σ_F^2+ ϵ^2 σ_G^2+ γ^2 Q ≤ P. Notice that for Ξ=S we are obliged to choose γ=-b/a to ensure that Z is independent of S. In this case, we can also choose U to be constant (i.e., F,G constants and δ=0), see Corollary <ref>. Figure <ref> illustrates the distortion-rate tradeoffs achieved by our Corollaries <ref>, <ref>, <ref> for the described choice of auxiliaries. Notice that without any secrecy constraint, in the Gaussian case the achievability result in Corollary <ref> is tight, as shown in <cit.>. The largest achievable rate equals the dirty-paper capacity <cit.> of the channel to the legitimate receiver C=1/2log(1+P/σ_N^2)=1.717. In this no-secrecy setup the minimum distortion is achieved by simply sending a scaled version of the channel and equals D_min, no-secrecy=Q σ_N^2/(√(Q) + √(P))^2+σ_N^2=0.056. Trivially, the same minimum distortion is also achievable in the classical wiretap setup where only the message but not the state have to be kept secret. Finding the minimum distortion under a secrecy constraint on the state is more challenging, the same as finding the maximum rate when the message has to be kept secret (both in the scenarios with and without secrecy constraint on the state). We can however easily deduce that the minimum distortion under a secrecy constraint on the state cannot be achieved by an uncoded strategy. In fact, sending X^n=-b/a S^n without any additional codeword (recall that the transmit signal X has to subtract the term b/a S^n so as to keep the state S^n secret from the eavesdropper) achieves distortion D_min, uncoded,secret=Q σ_N^2/Q(1- b/a)^2+σ_N^2=1.516, which is strictly larger than the minimum distortion 1.423 achieved by Theorem <ref> (see the red line in Figure <ref>) under the fully-secret state criterion Ξ=S and with the set of auxiliaries in (<ref>). § PROOF OF THEOREM <REF> Choose a conditional distribution P_XUV|S over 𝒳×𝒰×𝒱 for auxiliary alphabets 𝒰 and 𝒱, and a reconstruction function g𝒰×𝒱×𝒴→ℝ_0^+ so that for the tuple (S,Ξ,U,V,X, Y,Z) ∼ P_SP_Ξ|SP_XUV|S P_YZ|XS the random variable Ξ is independent of the pair (U,Z): rCl Ξ⊥(U,Z) and the distortion constraint is satisfied: 𝔼[ d_R(S, g(U,V,Y)) ]≤ D_R. Fix a small number ϵ>0 and a large blocklength n. Pick auxiliary rates R_I, and R_J satisfying rCl R_I ≥ I(U;S ) R_I+R_J ≥ I(UV;S) R_J ≥ I(V;Ξ,Z|U) §.§ Code Construction Construct a superposition code as follows. * A lower-level code 𝒞_U consisting of 2^n R_I codewords {u^n(i)} is constructed by drawing all entries i.i.d. according to the marginal pmf P_U of rCl P_SUVXYZ= P_SP_XUV|S P_YZ|XS. * An upper-level code 𝒞_V(i) consisting of 2^n( R_J+R_M) codewords {v^n(m,j| i)} is constructed for each i∈ [ 2^n R_I], by drawing the t-th entry of each codeword according to P_V|U(·| u_t(i)) where u_t(i) denotes the t-th entry of codeword u^n(i). The realization of the codebook is revealed to all parties. §.§ Encoding and Decoding The transmitter applies a likelihood encoder. That means, based on the state-sequence S^n=s^n that it observes and the message M=m that it wishes to convey, it randomly picks the indices (I^*,J^*) according to the conditional pmf rCl P_LE(i,j |m,s^n) = P_S|UV(s^n| u^n(i), v^n(m,j|i)) / i∈[2^n R_I]∑ j∈[2^n R_J]∑ P_S|UV(s^n| u^n(i), v^n(m,j|i) ). It then generates the random input sequence X^n by passing the pair of codewords u^n(I^*) and v^n (m,J^*| I^*) and the state sequence s^n through the memoryless channel P_X|UVS. The receiver observes the channel outputs Y^n=y^n and looks for a triple (î, ĵ, m̂) so that ( u^n(î), v^n (m̂,ĵ| î), y^n) ∈𝒯_ϵ^(n)(P_UVY). It randomly picks one of these triples and sets (Î,Ĵ, M̂)=(î,ĵ,m̂). Then it declares M̂ as the transmitted message, and produces the state reconstruction sequence Ŝ^n = g^⊗ n( u^n(Î), v^n (M̂,Ĵ|Î), y^n). If no triple was found, the receiver declares an error. §.§ Analysis §.§.§ Distortion and Error Probability We consider two related experiments. To this end, notice that the encoding procedure is described in Figure <ref>. We shall prove that the joint pmf P_MIJU^nV^nS^nX^n Y^n Z^n in this model is close in variational distance to an auxiliary distribution P̃_MIJU^nV^nS^nX^n Y^n Z^nŜ^n implied by the diagramme in Fig. <ref>, where the the indices I and J are assumed uniform over the index sets {1,…, 2^nR_I} and {1,…, 2^nR_J}, independent of each other and of the state sequence S^n and message M. Notice that for each code construction the joint pmfs P_MIJU^nV^nS^nX^nY^nZ^nŜ^n and P̃_MIJU^nV^nS^nX^n Y^n Z^nŜ^n factorize in a similar way: rCl P_MIJU^nV^nS^nX^n Y^n Z^nŜ^n(m,i,j,u^n,v^n,s^nx^n,y^n,z^n,ŝ^n) = 1/2^nR P^⊗n_S(s^n) P_LE(i,j|m, s^n) 1{u^n(i)=u^n} ·1{v^n(m,j|i)=v^n} ·P^⊗n_XYZ|UVS(x^n,y^n,z^n|u^n,v^n,s^n) 1{ŝ^n=g^⊗n ( u^n,v^n,y^n) } where P_LE denotes the conditional marginal distribution induced by the likelihood encoder, and rCl P̃_MIJU^nV^nS^nX^n Y^n Z^n(m,i,j,u^n,v^n,s^n, x^n,y^n,z^n) = 1/2^n(R_M+R_I+R_J) 1{u^n(i)=u^n} 1{v^n(m,j|i)=v^n} ·P^⊗n_S|UV(s^n|u^n,v^n) P^⊗n_XYZ|UVS(x^n,y^n,z^n|u^n,v^n,s^n) ·1{ŝ^n=g^⊗n ( u^n,v^n,y^n) } . Since in the auxiliary system, codewords u^n and v^n are chosen uniformly at random over the codebooks, by standard typicality arguments, if rCl R_I +R_J +R_M < I(U,V;Y) R_J +R_M < I(V;Y|U). the expected (over the random choice of the codebooks) probability of wrongly decoding indices (M, I ,J) tends to 0 as n→∞. In fact, for any M=m, we have that rCl 𝔼[ p(error|M=m)) ] →0 as n→∞, where expectation is with respect to the random codebook and p(error|M=m):= [ Î =I or Ĵ=J |M=m]. We now introduce the ideal system in Figure <ref>. It only differs from the system in Figure <ref> in that error-free decoding is assumed. Notice that since under P̃ the decoding error probability vanishes as n→∞, we have on expectation over the random code construction: rCl 𝔼[ Q_MIJU^nV^nS^nX^n Y^n Z^nŜ^n -P̃_MIJU^nV^nS^nX^n Y^n Z^nŜ^n _1 ] →0, where expectation is over the random choice of the codebooks. As a consequence, by the boundedness of the distortion function, we have: rCl lim_n→∞ 𝔼[ Δ^(n) ] = d_R(S, g(U, V, Y) ) ≤ D_R, where (U,V, S,Y)∼ P_UVP_S|UVP_Y|UVS and the last two equalities hold by the construction of the auxiliary system and by the choice of the auxiliary random variables. §.§.§ Secrecy Analysis To analyze the secrecy, we consider yet another system, the system in Figure <ref>. The corresponding distribution is given by rCl Q̅_MIU^nξ(S^n)Z^n(m,i,u^n,ζ^n,z^n) = 1/2^nR_M1/2^nR_I 1{u^n(i)=u^n} P^⊗n_ν(S)Z|U(ζ^n,z^n |u^n). In this idealized secrecy system and for any choice of the codebook 𝒞_U, the pair (M, Ξ^n) is independent of (U^n,Z^n) and I_Q̅(M, Ξ^n; u^n(I) ,Z^n) =0. Notice next that by the generalized superposition soft-covering lemma <cit.> and by choosing R_J > I( V;ν(S),Z|U), the distribution Q̅_MIU^n ξ(S^n)Z^n is close to Q_MIU^n ξ(S^n)Z^n, rCl [ Q̅_MIU^nξ(S^n) Z^n- Q_MIU^n ξ(S^n)Z^n_1 ≤e^-nγ ] ≥1 -e^-nδ, ∀m ∈ℳ, where probability is over the random choice of the codebook. By arguments similar to <cit.> (which use the boundedness of the alphabets), it also holds that for any pair of codebooks 𝒞_U and 𝒞_V satisfying P_MIU^nξ(S^n) Z^n -Q̅_MIU^nξ(S^n)Z^n≤ e^-nγ , we have that | I_P(M,ξ(S^n);Z^n) - I_Q̅(M,ξ(S^n);Z^n) | → 0 as n→∞. Combined with I_Q̅(M, Ξ^n; u^n(I) ,Z^n) =0 this establishes the desired secrecy requirement. § CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSION We introduced the concept of securing state-information (besides the message) from an external eavesdropper in an ISAC scenario. Notice that such a setup nicely unifies the models for state-communication <cit.> and state-masking <cit.> into a single problem. Specifically, we proposed a coding scheme for a state-dependent wiretap channel where the receiver wishes to estimate the state with predefined distortion, and information about this state-sequence has to be kept secret from an external eavesdropper. At hand of a Gaussian example, we numerically show the influence of the various security constraints on our achievable rate-distortion region. ieeetran § SIMPLIFICATION OF THE RATE-CONSTRAINTS FOR Ν(S)=CONST. Applying the Fourier-Motzkin elimination algorithm to the rate-constraints (<ref>) and (<ref>) results in the conditions rCl R_M ≤ I(U,V;Y)-I(U,V;S) R_M ≤ I(V;Y|U)- I(V;ν(S),Z|U) R_M ≤ I(U,V;Y)-I(V;ν(S),Z|U)-I(U;S) If ν(S)=const., then similarly to <cit.> one can show that without loss in optimality one can restrict to random variables (U,V,X) so that I(U;Y)≥ I(U;S), in which case Constraint (<ref>) is not active and thus can be omitted. To show this, fix a triple (U,V,X) so that I(U;Y)< I(U;S). Then, define the new random variables rCl U' = (U, Ṽ) V' = V X' = X, where Ṽ is the outcome of passing V to a binary erasure channel with erasure probability ϵ∈ [0,1]. Also choose, ϵ so that rCl I(U';Y)= I(U';S), which is possible by continuity and because for ϵ=0 we have I(U';Y)> I(U';S) and for ϵ=1 we have I(U';Y)< I(U';S) by assumption. Notice that by an appropriate change of the reconstruction function g, the new triple (U',V',X') continues to satisfy the distortion constraint (<ref>). Under condition (<ref>), constraints (<ref>) and (<ref>) are equivalent, and we shall thus ignore (<ref>) for the new tuple (U',V',X'). Notice further that when (U,V,X) is replaced by (U',V',X'), Constraint (<ref>) remains unchanged whereas constraint (<ref>) is relaxed because I(V; Z|U) ≥ I(V;Z|U')= I(V';Z'|U') due to the Markov chains U→ U' → V and (U',V')→ (U,V) → Z. We can thus conclude that replacing (U,V,X) by (U',V',X') relaxes Constraints (<ref>)–(<ref>), and for the latter triple Constraint (<ref>) is inactive. This proves that for ν(S)=const., Constraints (<ref>)–(<ref>) can be replaced by the two constraints rCl R_M ≤ I(U,V;Y)-I(U,V;S) R_M ≤ I(V;Y|U)- I(V;Z|U) and one can restrict to pmfs satisfying I(U;Y)≥ I(U;S).
Layers and stability
[ "J. F. Jardine" ]
[ "math.AT", "62R40 (Primary) 55U10, 68T09 (Secondary)" ]
Department of Mathematics University of Western Ontario London, Ontario, Canada jardine@uwo.ca Layers and stability J.F. JardineSupported by NSERC. =================================== The hierarchy associated to clusters in the HDBSCAN algorithm has layers, which are defined by cardinality. The layers define a layer subposet of the HDBSCAN hierarchy, which is a strong deformation retract and admits a stability analysis. That stability analysis is introduced here. Cardinality arguments lead to sharper results for layers than one sees for stability statements for branch points. This paper appeared on the author's website in January, 2021. § INTRODUCTION Every finite metric space X=(X,d) has an associated system of partially ordered sets P_s(X), where s is a non-negative real number. This system is filtered by the systems P_s,k(X) where k is a positive integer. The poset P_s(X) consists of those subsets σ of X such that d(x,y) ≤ s for all x,y ∈σ. The poset P_s,k(X) consists of those subsets τ of X such that each x ∈τ has at least k distinct neighbours y ∈ X such that d(x,y) ≤ s. We also require that d(x,x') ≤ s for any two members x,x' of τ. The poset P_s(X) is the poset of simplices for the Vietoris-Rips complex V_s(X), and the poset P_s,k(X) is the poset of simplices of the degree Rips comples L_s,k(X). Observe that P_s,0(X) = P_s(X), so that the complex L_s,0(X) is the Vietoris-Rips complex V_s(X). For a fixed density parameter k, the path component functor π_0 defines an assignment s ↦π_0L_s,k(X), giving a functor defined on the poset [0,∞] that takes values in sets. The sets of path components π_0L_s,k(X) are commonly called clusters. This functor defines a graph Γ_k(X), with vertices consisting of pairs (s,[x]) with [x] ∈π_0L_s,k(X). There is an edge (s,[x]) → (t,[y]) if s ≤ t and [x]=[y] in π_0L_t,k(X). This graph is a hierarchy, or tree, which is commonly called the HDBSCAN hierarchy. It is also a poset because the edges can be composed, and this poset has a terminal object. I write (s,[x]) ≤ (t,[y]) for edges (or morphisms) of Γ_k(X) to reflect the poset structure. A vertex (s,[x]) of Γ_k(X) is a branch point if either (s,[x]) has no antecedents (t,[y]) ≤ (s,[x]), or if (s,[x]) has distinct antecedents (t,[y_1]) and (t,[y_2]) for sufficiently close t < s. A vertex (t,[y]) is a layer point if it has no antecedents, or if for all antecedents (s,[z]) ≤ (t,[y]) with s < t, the set [z] is strictly smaller than [y] as a subset of X. Every branch point is a layer point, but the converse assertion does not hold in general. Layer points and branch points do coincide for the Vietoris-Rips system V_s(X) = L_s,0(X), since the underlying system of vertex sets is constant. The branch points and layer points, respectively, define subposets _k(X) and Ł_k(X) of the tree Γ_k(X), and there are poset inclusions _k(X) ⊆Ł_k(X) ⊂Γ_k(X). These subposets are themselves hierarchies. The purpose of this note is to describe stability properties of the layer poset Ł_k(X). There is a similar investigation of stability properties of branch points in <cit.> — the posets _k(X) of branch points and Ł_k(X) of layer points have similar properties, but the cardinality counts associated with layer points are sharper tools. The first section of this paper establishes the formal properties of the poset L_k(X) of layer points. The most important feature of L_k(X) is that it has a calculus of least upper bounds (Lemma <ref>), which mirrors the theory of least upper bounds for the branch point poset _k(X) that appears in <cit.>. The inclusion _k(X) ⊂ L_k(X) preserves least upper bounds. The poset morphisms _k(X) ⊆ L_k(X) ⊂Γ_k(X) define both _k(X) and Ł_k(X) as strong deformation retracts of the poset Γ_k(X), in a way that is consistent with the inclusion _k(X) ⊂ L_k(X) — see Lemma <ref> and Lemma <ref>. The retraction map max: Γ_k(X) → L_k(X) is defined by setting max(t,[x]) to be the maximal layer point below (t,[x]). The layer point max(t,[x]) can also be defined to be the minimal point (s,[z]) ≤ (t,[x]) such that [z]=[x] as subsets of the set X. If i: X ⊂ Y is an inclusion of finite metric spaces, then there is an induced poset map i_∗: L_k(X) → L_k(Y), where i_∗(t,[x]) is defined to be the maximal layer point below (t,[i(x)]) in Γ_k(Y). The degree Rips stability theorem (Theorem 4 of <cit.>) says that there are homotopy commutative diagrams L_s,k(X) [r]^σ[d]_i L_s+2r,k(X) [d]^i L_s,k(Y) [r]_σ[ur]^θ L_s+2r,k(Y) in the presence of a condition d_H(X^k_dis,Y^k_dis) < r on Hausdorff distance between spaces of k+1 distinct points in X and Y. Theorem <ref> of Section 2 says that the diagram (<ref>) induces a homotopy commutative diagram L_k(X) [r]^σ_∗[d]_i_∗ L_k(X) [d]^i_∗ L_k(Y) [r]_σ_∗[ur]^θ_∗ L_k(Y) The map i_∗ in (<ref>) has already been defined, and all other maps in (<ref>) are defined analogously. For example, the shift homomorphism σ_∗ is defined, for a layer point (t,[x]), by taking σ_∗(t,[x]) to be the maximal layer point below (t+2r,[x]). The homotopy commutativity of (<ref>) amounts to the existence of natural relations θ_∗· i_∗≤σ_∗ and i_∗·θ_∗≤σ_∗. These relations have to be interpreted a bit carefully. If, for example, (s.[x]) is a layer point of Γ_k(X), then (t,[x]) is a layer point below (t+2r,[x]) so that (t,[x]) ≤σ_∗(t,[x]). This means that σ_∗(t,[x]) is a common upper bound for (t,[x]) and θ_∗i_∗(t,[x]), while σ_∗(t,[x]) has the form (u,[x]) for some parameter value t ≤ u ≤ t+2r. I have not yet found a good way to estimate the corresponding parameter value of θ_∗i_∗(t,[x]) without some extra assumptions. At this level of generality, we have the same issues with locating parameter values for the points i_∗(t,[x]) and θ_∗(s,[y]), relative to t and s, respectively. We can sharpen these relations if the layer points are sufficiently sparse. The layer parameters are the parameters t associated to the layer points (t,[x]) of Γ_k(X). A layer parameter t can have a successor t_+ and a predecessor t_-. Lemma <ref> of this paper says that, if r < t < t_+-2r, then i_∗(t,[x]) = (s,[y]), where t-2r ≤ s ≤ t. Under the same assumptions, Corollary <ref> further says that θ_∗i_∗(t,[x]) = (t,[x]). Lemma <ref> and Corollary <ref> deal with layer points (t,[x]) of Γ_k(X) which have enough room “above” them. If r is sufficiently small such that r < t < t_+-2r for all layer parameters t of X, then θ_∗i_∗(t,[x]) = (t,[x]) for all layer points (t,[x]) of X, so that Γ_k(X) is a retract of Γ_k(Y). This can be achieved, for example, if X ⊂ Z is an inclusion of metric spaces, where X is interpreted as a set of marked points, r is chosen sufficently small that r < t < t_+-2r for all layer parameters t of X, and the points of Y ⊂ Z are chosen such that d_H(X^k_dis,Y^k_dis) < r in Z^k_dis. The analysis simplifies for Vietoris-Rips complexes. In that case, X and Y are the vertex sets of V_s(X) and V_s(Y), respectively, for all s. Then Lemma <ref> says that if (s,[y]) is a layer point of Γ_0(Y) and (t,[x]) is a maximal layer point below (s+2r,[θ(y)]), then s ≤ t ≤ s+2r. This means, for example, that every layer parameter s of Γ_0(Y) satisfies t-2r ≤ s ≤ t for some layer parameter t of Γ_0(X). Lemma <ref> and Lemma <ref> together say that the layer parameters of Γ_0(X) and Γ_0(Y) for the respective Vietoris-Rips systems are very tightly bound, in a predictable way. § LAYER POINTS Suppose that X is a finite metric space and that k is a positive integer. The functor s ↦π_0L_s,k(X) has a homotopy colimit Γ_k(X) having objects (s,[x]) with [x] ∈π_0L_s,k(X) and morphisms (s,[x]) → (t,[x]) with s ≤ t. Here, the distance parameters s are positive real numbers, and hence members of the interval [0,∞]. This category Γ_k(X) is a partially ordered set, and has the structure of a tree, and one writes (s,[x]) ≤ (t,[y]) for its morphisms. The spaces L_s,k(X) are connected for s sufficiently large, say s ≥ R, since X is a finite set. I often write [x]_s for [x] ∈π_0L_s,k. The path component [x]_s is a subset of the vertices of L_s,k(X). There is a relation (s,[x]) ≤ (t,[y]) if and only if s ≤ t and [x]_s⊂ [y]_t as subsets of X. A branch point in the tree Γ_k(X) is a vertex (t,[x]) such that either of following two conditions hold: 1) there is an s_0 < t such that for all s_0≤ s < t there are distinct vertices (s,[x_0]) and (s,[x_1]) with (s,[x_0]) ≤ (t,[x]) and (s,[x_1]) ≤ (t,[x]), or 2) there is no relation (s,[y]) ≤ (t,[x]) with s < t. The second condition means that the path component [x] does not have a representative in L_s,k(X) for s < t. Write _k(X) for the subposet of Γ_k(X), which is defined by the branch points. A layer point of Γ_k(X) is a vertex (t,[x]) such that one of the following two conditions hold: 1) if there is a relation (s,[y]) ≤ (t,[x]) with s < t, then [y]_s is a proper subset of [x]_t, equivalently there is a proper inequality | [y]_s| < | [x]_t| in cardinality, or 2) there is no relation (s,[y]) ≤ (t,[x]) with s < t. The layer points form a subposet Ł_k(X) of Γ_k(X). There is a maximal finite subsequence 0 t_1 < … < t_p of positive real numbers t_j, which are the distances between vertices of L_k,t_p(X) = L_k,∞(X). The numbers t_i are the phase change numbers for the system L_∗,k(X). Observe that the vertices of L_k,t_i(X) and L_k,t_i+1(X) could coincide. We can find the layer points for Γ_k(X) by induction on i, starting with the observation that all points (t_1,[z]) are layer points. If [x] ∈π_0L_t_i,k(X), then [x] ∩ L_t_i-1,k(X)_0 is a disjoint union of path components [y]. This intersection could be empty, in which case (t_i,[x]) is a layer point. Otherwise, (t_i,[x]) is a layer point if all [y] ⊂ [x] ∩ L_t_i-1,k(X)_0 satisfy | [y] | < | [x] |. All branch points are layer points, and so there are poset inclusions _k(X) ⊆Ł_k(X) ⊂Γ_k(X). Suppose that condition 1) holds for the branch point (t,[x]): there is an s_0 < t that for all s_0≤ s <t there are distinct points (s,[x_0]) and (s,[x_1]) such that (s,[x_i]) ≤ (t,[x]). If (s,[z]) ≤ (t,[x]) then [z] is one of multiple path components [v]_s of L_s,k(X) that map to [x]_t in L_t,k(X). All such components are proper subsets of [x]_t. Recall that L_0,s(X) is the Vietoris-Rips complex V_s(X), and that the elements of X are the vertices of the Vietoris-Rips complex V_s(X). All complexes V_s(X) have the same vertices, namely the set X. Every layer point of Γ_0(X) is a branch point, so that _0(X) = L_0(X). The underlying sets of vertices for V_s(X) and V_t(X) coincide. Thus, if (t,[x]) is a layer point of Γ_0(X) and s < t, then the collection [y] of components of V_s(X) that map to [x] in V_t(X) is non-empty and satisfies ⊔ [y]_s = [x]_t. There are multiple such summands [y]_s, since (t,[x]) is a layer point, so that all inclusions [y]_s⊂ [x]_t are proper. In particular, there are distinct elements (s,[y]) and (s,[y']) below (t,[x]). Suppose that (s,[x]) and (t,[y]) are vertices of the graph Γ_k(X). There is a unique smallest vertex (u,[z]) which is an upper bound for both (s,[x]) and (t,[y]) in Γ_k(X). The number u is the smallest parameter (necessarily a phase change number) such that [x]_u=[y]_u in π_0L_u,k(X), and so [z]_u=[x]_u=[y]_u. In this case, one writes (s,[x]) ∪ (t,[y]) = (u,[z]). The vertex (u,[z]) is the least upper bound (or join) of (s,[x]) and (t,[y]). Every finite collection of points (s_1,[x_1]), … ,(s_p,[x_p]) has a least upper bound (s_1,[x_1]) ∪…∪ (s_p,[x_p]) in the tree Γ_k(X). We know from <cit.> that the least upper bound of two branch points is a branch point, and we have an analogous result for layer points: The least upper bound (u,[z]) of layer points (s,[x]) and (t,[y]) is a layer point. If there is a number v such that s,t<v<u, then (v,[x]) and (v,[y]) are distinct because (u,[z]) is a least upper bound. This implies that L_v,k(X) has distinct path components [w] which map to [z] in π_0L_u,k(X). It follows that (u,[z]) is a branch point, and is therefore a layer point by L:emma <ref>. Otherwise, s=u or t=u, in which case (u,[z]) = (s,[x]) or (u,[z])=(t,[y]). In either case, (u,[z]) is a layer point. Lemma <ref> implies that every collection of layer points (s_1,[x_1]), … , (s_p,[x_p]) has a least upper bound (s_1,[x_1]) ∪…∪ (s_p,[x_p]) in Ł_k(X). The maximal (or terminal) element of L_k(X) is the least upper bound of all members of L_k(X). It follows from Lemma <ref> and the corresponding result for branch points of <cit.> that the poset inclusions _k(X) ⊆Ł_k(X) ⊂Γ_k(X) preserve least upper bounds. Every vertex (s,[x]) of Γ_k(X) has a unique largest layer point (t,[y]) such that (t,[y]) ≤ (s,[x]). In this case, [y]_t = [x]_s. There is a smallest phase change number t such that there is a relation (t,[y]) ≤ (s,[x]) with [y]_t = [x]_s. The corresponding point (t,[y]) is a layer point, by the minimality of the phase change number t. The point (t,[y]) is also an upper bound on the layer points below (s,[x]), since [y]_t=[x]_s: if (u,[z]) is a layer point below (s,[x]), then z ∈ [y]_t and u ≤ t since otherwise (u,[z]) is not a layer point. The first statement of Lemma <ref> is also a corollary of Lemma <ref>: take the least upper bound of all layer points below (s,[x]). The poset inclusion Ł_k(X) ⊂Γ_k(X) has an inverse max: Γ_k(X) →Ł_k(X), up to homotopy, and Ł _k(X) is a strong deformation retract of Γ_k(X). Every vertex (s,[x]) of Γ_k(X) has a unique maximal layer point (s_0,[x_0]) such that (s_0,[x_0]) ≤ (s,[x]), by Lemma <ref>. Set max(s,[x]) = (s_0,[x_0]). The maximality condition implies that the function max preserves the ordering. The composite max·α is the identity on Ł_k(X), and the relations (s_0,[x_0]) ≤ (s,x) define a homotopy α·max≤ 1 that restricts to the identity on Ł_k(X). Lemma 5 of <cit.> says that every (s,[x]) has a unique maximal branch point (s_1,[x_1]) such that (s_1,[x]_1) ≤ (s,[x]). The branch point (s_1,[x_1]) is a layer point by Lemma <ref>, so that there are relations. (s_1,[x_1]) ≤ (s_0,[x_0]) ≤ (s,[x]), which are natural in points (s,[x]) of Γ_k(X). It follows that the poset inclusions _k(X) ⊆Ł_k(X) ⊂Γ_k(X) define strong deformation retractions, and that the respective contracting homotopies are compatible. Recall from Lemma <ref> that _0(X) = Ł_0(X), so that the discussion simplifies for Vietoris-Rips complexes. § STABILITY The general setup for stability of degree Rips complexes is the following: we suppose given finite metric spaces X ⊂ Y such that the Hausdorff distance between the corresponding spaces X_dis^k and Y_dis^k of sets of k+1 distinct elements in X and Y respectively satisfies d_H(X^k_dis,Y^k_dis) < r, where r is a fixed non-zero positive real number. Under these assumptions, the degree Rips stability theorem (Theorem 4 of <cit.>) says that there are homotopy commutative diagrams L_s,k(X) [r]^σ[d]_i L_s+2r,k(X) [d]^i L_s,k(Y) [r]_σ[ur]^θ L_s+2r,k(Y) Applying the path component functor π_0 gives commutative diagrams π_0L_s,k(X) [r]^σ[d]_i π_0L_s+2r,k(X) [d]^i π_0L_s,k(Y) [r]_σ[ur]^θ π_0L_s+2r,k(Y) and there is an induced commutative diagram of hierarchies Γ_k(X) [r]^σ[d]_i Γ_k(X) [d]^i Γ_k(Y) [r]_σ[ur]^θ Γ_k(Y) Here, i((s,[x])) = (s,[i(x)]), σ((s,[x])) = (s+2r,[σ(x)]), and θ((s,[y]) = (s+2r,[θ(y)]). Write i_∗: Ł_k(X) →Ł_k(Y) for the composite poset morphism Ł_k(X) ⊂Γ_k(X) Γ_k(Y) Ł_k(Y) This map takes a layer point (s,[x]) to the maximal layer point below (s,[i(x)]). Poset morphisms θ_∗: Ł_k(Y) →Ł_k(X) and σ_∗: Ł_k(X) →Ł_k(X) are similarly defined, respectively, by the poset morphisms θ: Γ_k(Y) →Γ_k(X) and the shift morphism σ: Γ_k(X) →Γ_k(X). 1) Consider the poset maps Ł_k(X) Ł_k(Y) Ł_k(X). If (s,[x]) is a layer point for X, choose maximal layer points (s_0,[x_0]) ≤ (s,[i(x)], (s_1,[x_1]) ≤ (s_0+2r,[θ(x_0)]) and (v,[y]) ≤ (s+2r,[x]) below the respective objects. Then θ_∗i_∗(s,[x]) = (s_1,[x_1]), and there is a natural relation θ_∗i_∗(s,[x]) = (s_1,[x_1]) ≤ (v,[y]) = σ_∗(s,[x]) by a maximality argument. We therefore have a homotopy of poset maps θ_∗i_∗≤σ_∗: Ł_k(X) →Ł_k(X). 2) Similarly, if (t,[y]) is a layer point of Y, then i_∗θ_∗(t,[y]) ≤σ_∗(t,[y]), giving a homotopy i_∗θ_∗≤σ_∗: Ł_k(Y) →Ł_k(Y). There are relations (s,[x]) ≤σ_∗(s,[x]) ≤ (s+2r,[x]) for branch points (s,[x]). It follows that the poset map σ_∗: Ł_k(X) →Ł_k(X) is homotopic to the identity on Ł_k(X). The construction of the poset maps i_∗, θ_∗ and σ_∗, together with the relations (<ref>) and (<ref>), complete the construction/proof of the following result: Suppose that X ⊂ Y is an inclusion of finite metric spaces, and that d_H(X^k_dis,Y^k_dis) < r. Then there is a homotopy commutative diagram L_k(X) [r]^σ_∗[d]_i_∗ L_k(X) [d]^i_∗ L_k(Y) [ur]^θ_∗[r]_σ_∗ L_k(Y) that relates the layer posets Ł_k(X) and Ł_k(Y) of the spaces X and Y, respectively. The element σ_∗(s,[x]) = (t,[x]) is close to (s,[x]) in the sense that there are relations (s,[x]) ≤ (t,[x]) ≤ (s+2r,[x]) so that 0 ≤ t-s ≤ 2r. Thus, the layer points (s,[x]) and θ_∗i_∗(s,[x]) have a common upper bound, namely σ_∗(s,[x]), which is close to (s,[x]). If (t,[y]) is a layer point of Γ_k(Y), the layer point σ_∗(t,[y]) ≤ (t+2r,[y]) is similarly an upper bound for (t,[y]) and i_∗θ_∗(t,[y]), and is close to (t,[y]). The subobject of Ł_k(X) consisting of all layer points of the form (s,[x]) as s varies has an obvious notion of distance: the distance between points (s,[x]) and (t,[x]) is | t-s |. Suppose that 0 < t_1 < … < t_k are the phase change numbers for the system L_s,k(X). The assumption that d_H(X^k_dis,Y^k_dis) < r forces the function π_0L_s,k(X) →π_0L_s,k(Y) to be surjective if s ≥ r. Suppose, that y_1,y_2∈ Y have elements θ(y_1), θ(y_2) ∈ X such that d(y_i,θ(y_i)) < r. Then d(y_1,y_2) is in the interval (t-2r,t+2r), where t=d(θ(y_1),θ(y_2)). We shall assume that t-2r > 0. Consider the picture θ(y_1) @-[ddrrrr] @-[d] y_1@-[ur] @-[r] z_1@-[rrrr] z_2@-[r] y_2 θ(y_2) @-[u] @-[ur] Suppose that v is the point of intersection of the lines (z_1,z_2) and (θ(y_1),θ(y_2)). Then d(θ(y_1),θ(y_2)) ≥ d(z_1,z_2) = d(z_1,v) + d(v,z_2) ≥ d(y_1,y_2) - 2r. The assertion that d(θ(y_1),θ(y_2)) < d(y_1,y_2) +2r is a simple application of the triangle inequality. All phase change numbers s for Y lie in intervals (t-2r,t+2r) around phase change numbers t of X. There is a finite collection of numbers t such that (t,[x]) is a layer point for Γ_k(X). Say that such numbers t are the layer parameters for X. Each layer parameter is a phase change number. Observe that the inclusions σ: L_s,k(X) ⊆ L_t,k(X) for s ≤ t induce inclusions [x]_s⊂ [x]_t for all vertices x of L_s,k(X). Recall from the proof of Lemma <ref> that the maximal layer point below (s,[x]) can be constructed by finding the smallest phase change number t such that there is a relations (t,[u]) ≤ (s,[x]) such that [u]_t=[x]_s as subsets of X. Suppose that s < t and there are no layer points of the form (u,[x]) in Γ_k(X), where s < u ≤ t. Then the induced function σ_∗: π_0L_s,k(X) →π_0L_t,k(X) is a bijection. We can assume that L_t,k(X) ∅, for otherwise L_s,k(X) = L_t,k(X) = ∅. Suppose that (t,[x]) ∈Γ_k(X) and that (u,[y]) is a maximal layer point with (u,[y]) ≤ (t,[x]). Then u ≤ s and the relations (u,[y]) ≤ (s,[y]) ≤ (t,[x]) force [y]_s = [x]_t. In particular, the function σ_∗ is surjective. If [y_1],[y_s] ∈π_0L_s,k(X) have the same image [x] ∈π_0L_t,k(X), then [y_1]_s = [x]_t = [y_2]_s as subsets of X, so that [y_1] = [y_2] in π_0L_s,k(X), and so σ_∗ is injective. Given a layer parameter t for X, write t_+ for the smallest layer parameter of X with t < t_+, and write t_- for the largest layer parameter of X with t_- < t. Suppose that t is a layer parameter for X such that r < t < t_+-2r. Then the function i : π_0L_t,k(X) →π_0L_t,k(Y) is a bijection. The diagram π_0L_t,k(X) [r]^-≅[d]_i π_0L_t+2r,k(X) π_0L_t,k(Y) [ur]_θ commutes, and the displayed function is a bijection by Lemma <ref>, so the function i is injective. The surjectivity of i follows from the assumption t >r. Suppose that (t,[x]) is a layer point of Γ_k(X) with r < t < t_+-2r, and suppose that (s,[y]) is a maximal layer point below (t,[i(x)]) in Γ_k(Y). Then t-2r ≤ s ≤ t. Suppose that s < t-2r. The map i_∗: π_0L_t,k(X) →π_0L_t,k(Y) is a bijection by Lemma <ref> and i_∗([x]) = i_∗([θ(y)]) = [i(x)] in π_0L_t,k(Y). It follows that there is a commutative diagram of functions [θ(y)]_s+2r[r]^-σ [x]_t[d]^i [y]_s[ur]^θ[rr]_σ^≅ [i(x)]_t in which the map i: [x]_t→ [i(x)]_t is a monomorphism since it is a subobject of a monomorphism of vertices. The functions i and σ·θ are bijections, and so σ: [θ(y)]_s+2r→ [x]_t_j is an epimorphism. This function σ is also a monomorphism, since it is a subobject of the monomorphism of vertices L_s+2r,k(X)_0→ L_t,k(X)_0. It follows that the function σ: [θ(y)]_s+2r→ [x]_t is a bijection, so that (t,[x]) is not a layer point. Suppose that (t,[x]) is a layer point for Γ_k(X) such that r< t < t_+-2r. Then we have θ_∗i_∗(t,[x]) = (t,[x]). Suppose that (s,[z]) is a maximal layer point below (t,[i(x)]) in Γ_k(Y). Then t-2r ≤ s ≤ t by Lemma <ref>, so that t ≤ s+2r ≤ t+2r < t_+. The layer point (t,[x]) is a maximal layer point below (t+2r,[x]), since t+2r < t_+, so that [x]_t = [x]_t+2r. The layer point θ_∗(s,[z]) is the maximal layer point below (s+2r,[θ(z)]), and the relation (s+2r,[θ(z)]) ≤ (t+2r,[x]) implies that θ(z) ∈ [x]_t+2r = [x]_s+2r, so that x ∈ [θ(z)]_s+2r. It follows that the maximal layer point below (s+2r,[θ(z)]) must also be the maximal layer point below (t+2r,[x]), which is (t,[x]). Suppose that (s,[y]) is a layer point of Γ_k(Y), and that s < s_+-2r. Suppose that (t,[z]) is a maximal layer point below (s+2r,[θ(y)]). Then s ≤ t ≤ s+2r. Suppose that t<s. The map σ: π_0L_s,k(Y) →π_0L_s+2r,k(Y) is a bijection, since Γ_k(Y) has no layer parameters in the interval (s,s+2r], by assumption and Lemma <ref>. It follows that the map θ: π_0L_s,k(Y) →π_0L_s+2r(X) is a monomorphism. Then θ([y])=θ([i(z)] implies that [y]_s=[i(z)]_s, so the diagram [i(z)]_t[rr]^σ[dr]^θ [y]_s[r]^σ[dr]^θ [y]_s+2r [z]_t[u]^i[r]_σ [z]_t+2r[rr]_σ [θ(y)]_s+2r[u]_i commutes. The commutativity of the triangle on the right implies that θ: [y]_s→ [θ(y)]_s+2r is a monomorphism. The function σ: [z]_t→ [θ(y)]_s+2r a bijection, so θ: [y]_s→ [θ(y)]_s+2r is a bijection. The composite [z]_t [i(z)]_t [y]_s a bijection, so σ: [i(z)]_t→ [y]_s is a bijection, and it follows that (s,[y]) is not a layer point. The analysis of the morphism θ_∗: V(Y) = Ł_0(Y) →Ł_0(X) = V(X) for Vietoris-Rips complexes is sharper, because all complexes V_s(Y) share the same set of vertices, namely Y. In this case, we have a stronger version of Lemma <ref>, with a very different argument. Suppose that (s,[y]) is a layer point of Γ_0(Y), and that (t,[z]) is a maximal layer point of Γ_0(X) below (s+2r,[θ(y)]). Then s ≤ t ≤ s+2r. The sets [z]_t and [θ(y)]_s+2r have the same cardinality, and so θ(y) ∈ [z]_t. Consider the collection of elements [u] ∈π_0V_t-2r(Y) which map to [z]_t = [θ(y)]_t in π_0V_t(X). Then θ^-1([z]_t) = ⊔ [u] as a subset of the vertices Y of V_t-2r(Y), and y ∈ [u] for some [u]. All such components [u] map to the same path component [y]_t in V_t(X). In the diagram θ^-1([z]_t) [r] [d] θ^-1([θ(y)]_s+2r) [r] [d] Y [d]^θ [z]_t[r]_≅ [θ(y)]_s+2r[r] X both squares are pullbacks, so the function θ^-1([z]_t) →θ^-1([θ(y)]_s+2r is a bijection. Suppose that t < s. Then θ^-1([z]_t) = ⊔ [u] ⊂ [y]_t⊂ [y]_s⊂θ^-1([θ(y)]_s+2r) while θ^-1([z]_t) = θ^-1([θ(y)]_s+2r) as subsets of Y. It follows that [y]_t = [y]_s, so that (s,[y]) is not a layer point. Lemma <ref> and Lemma <ref> together impose rather tight constraints on the layer points of Γ_0(Y), in relation to those of Γ_0(X). Recall that the comparison Γ_0(X) →Γ_0(Y) arises from applying path component functors to the comparison V_∗(X) → V_∗(Y). In this case, d_H(X,Y)=r is the bound on Hausdorff distance which leads to the interleaving diagrams (<ref>), (<ref>) and (<ref>). To repeat the statement of Lemma <ref>, suppose that (s,[y]) is a layer point for Γ_0(Y), and suppose that (t,[x]) is a maximal layer point below (s+2r,[θ(y)]). Then s ≤ t ≤ s+2r. It follows, in particular, that all layer points of Γ_0(Y) are in the intervals [t-2r,t] corresponding to layer points (t,[x]) of Γ_0(X). clusters plain
Synergizing Beyond Diagonal Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface and Rate-Splitting Multiple Access
[ "Hongyu Li", "Shanpu Shen", "Bruno Clerckx" ]
[ "cs.IT", "eess.SP", "math.IT" ]
Effects of Nb Doping on the Charge-Density Wave and Electronic Correlations in the Kagome Metal Cs(V_1-xNb_x)_3Sb_5 Hai-Hu Wen March 30, 2023 =================================================================================================================== empty This work focuses on the synergy of rate-splitting multiple access (RSMA) and beyond diagonal reconfigurable intelligent surface (BD-RIS) to enlarge the coverage, improve the performance, and save on antennas. Specifically, we employ a multi-sector BD-RIS modeled as a prism, which can achieve highly directional full-space coverage, in a multiuser multiple input single output communication system. With the multi-sector BD-RIS aided RSMA model, we jointly design the transmit precoder and BD-RIS matrix under the imperfect channel state information (CSI) conditions. The robust design is performed by solving a stochastic average sum-rate maximization problem. With sample average approximation and weighted minimum mean square error-rate relationship, the stochastic problem is transformed into a deterministic one with multiple blocks, each of which is iteratively designed. Simulation results show that multi-sector BD-RIS aided RSMA outperforms space division multiple access schemes. More importantly, synergizing multi-sector BD-RIS with RSMA is an efficient strategy to reduce the number of active antennas at the transmitter and the number of passive antennas in BD-RIS. Beyond diagonal reconfigurable intelligent surface, rate-splitting multiple access, robust design. § INTRODUCTION The next generation of wireless communications is expected to improve ongoing techniques in 5G and explore novel techniques to support high data rate transmission and massive connectivity <cit.>. Specifically in the physical (PHY) layer, rate-splitting multiple access (RSMA) <cit.> and reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) <cit.> are two promising techniques, which can improve the wireless communication performance, such as spectral efficiency, energy efficiency, and coverage. RSMA is a PHY-layer non-orthogonal transmission strategy, which enables more flexible inter-user interference management compared to other existing multiple access techniques, such as spatial division multiple access (SDMA) and orthogonal multiple access (OMA) <cit.>. The key principle of (1-layer) RSMA is summarized as follows. 1) At the transmitter, user messages are split into common and private parts, where the common parts from different users are combined and encoded into one common stream, while the private parts are individually encoded into private streams. 2) At the receiver, each user first decodes the common stream and performs successive interference cancellation (SIC) to remove the common stream, and then decodes its own private stream. Such a technique has been proved to achieve higher degree of freedom (DoF) <cit.>, spectral and energy efficiency <cit.> than SDMA, and be robust to channel state information (CSI) uncertainty <cit.> and mobility <cit.>. The higher efficiency, universality, flexibility, robustness, and reliability of RSMA over existing multiple access strategies have been demonstrated in more than forty different applications and scenarios relevant to 6G <cit.>. Meanwhile, RIS is an emerging PHY-layer technique, which enables flexible manipulations of wireless communication environments in an energy-efficient manner <cit.>. The key advantages of RIS come from the following two perspectives. 1) RIS is a planar surface consisting of a large number of nearly-passive elements with low power consumption. 2) RIS has tuneable elements which can reconfigure incident signals. Such a technique has been widely employed into various schemes, such as wireless power transfer (WPT) <cit.>, simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) <cit.>, integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) <cit.>, to show the benefits of RIS in improving sum output current <cit.> and radar output signal-to-interference-plus-noise (SINR) <cit.>. Conventional RIS utilized in aforementioned research <cit.> is modeled as a diagonal phase shift matrix, assuming an architecture where each RIS element is connected to ground by its own load without interacting with other elements. However, new RIS architectures have recently appeared, namely beyond diagonal RIS (BD-RIS), whose mathematical model is not limited to diagonal matrices. Until now, there are three categories of BD-RIS. The first category is BD-RIS with group/fully-connected architectures modeled as block diagonal matrices <cit.>. In this category, group/fully-connected BD-RIS with reflective mode is first proposed and modeled in <cit.>, followed by the study of discrete-value group/fully-connected architectures <cit.> and optimal group/fully-connected design <cit.> of BD-RIS. To enlarge the coverage of RIS, simultaneous transmitting and reflecting (STAR) RIS or intelligent omni-surface (IOS) <cit.> is recently introduced and implemented. Then STAR-RIS/IOS is proved to be a special case of group-connected architecture with group size 2 and further generalized in <cit.>. Multi-sector BD-RIS is proposed in <cit.> to further enhance the achievable performance of RIS while guaranteeing the full-space coverage. The second category is BD-RIS with dynamically group-connected architectures modeled as permuted block diagonal matrix <cit.>. Different from <cit.>, where the architectures are fixed regardless of CSI, a dynamically group-connected architecture adapting to CSI is proposed in <cit.> based on a dynamic grouping strategy to further enhance the performance. The third category is BD-RIS with non-diagonal phase shift matrix <cit.>. In this category, a novel architecture, where signals impinging on one element can be reflected from another element, is modeled, analyzed, and proved to achieve better performance than conventional RIS with diagonal phase shift matrices. Due to the potential advantages of RSMA and RIS, the synergy among them has recently gained much attention <cit.>. The synergy among the conventional RIS and 1-layer RSMA in multiuser systems is most commonly considered, whose benefits are shown by focusing on various metrics, such as sum-rate maximization <cit.>, energy efficiency maximization <cit.>, outage probability analysis <cit.>, transmit power minimization <cit.>, and max-min fairness <cit.>. In addition, the interplay between conventional RIS and RSMA beyond 1-layer architectures, such as 2-layer hierarchical RSMA <cit.>, is also studied. While the abovementioned RIS aided RSMA work <cit.> is restricted to perfect CSI conditions, a more practical imperfect CSI scenario is analyzed in <cit.>. However, the above results <cit.> are restricted to the integration of RSMA and conventional RIS, which limits both the coverage and the achievable performance. To realize full-space coverage in wireless networks, there are a few results on STAR-RIS aided RSMA <cit.> considering spatially correlated channels <cit.>, hardware impairments <cit.>, PHY layer security <cit.>, and the coupling of transmission and reflection phases <cit.>. Meanwhile, to enhance the spectrum efficiency of wireless communications, there is only one work <cit.> considering the employment of BD-RIS with fully-connected architecture and reflective mode in RSMA transmission network, where the sum-rate enhancement compared to SDMA schemes is highlighted. Nevertheless, none of the existing work investigates the integration of BD-RIS and RSMA to simultaneously 1) enlarge the coverage, 2) boost the rate performance <cit.>, and 3) reduce the required number of active/passive antennas to improve energy efficiency, which motivates this work. The contributions of this work are summarized as follows. First, we consider the integration of RSMA and multi-sector BD-RIS in a multiuser multiple input single output (MU-MISO) system to simultaneously achieve the abovementioned three goals. The first two goals are achieved by adopting the multi-sector BD-RIS, which is modeled as a prism consisting of multiple sectors with each covering part of the horizontal space. More importantly, the multi-sector BD-RIS enables highly directional beams and thus can provide high performance gains, thanks to the use of high-gain antennas with narrow beamwidth. To achieve the third goal, we adopt 1-layer RSMA at the transmitter, which provides additional DoF over conventional multiuser linear precoding, enables better inter-user interference management, and has the potential to save on the number of both active and passive antennas when synergizing with BD-RIS. Second, we propose a robust beamforming design algorithm to maximize the average sum-rate for multi-sector BD-RIS aided RSMA under imperfect CSI conditions. To solve the stochastic problem, we first approximate it as a deterministic optimization by sample average approximation (SAA) methods <cit.>, and then transform the deterministic problem into a more tractable three-block optimization based on the weighted minimum mean square error (WMMSE)-rate relationship <cit.>. Specifically for the design of the BD-RIS matrix block, we first transform the non-smooth objective into a smooth one, and then solve the smooth problem by manifold methods. Initialization, complexity analysis, and convergence analysis of the proposed design are also provided. Third, we present simulation results to evaluate the ergodic sum-rate performance of the multi-sector BD-RIS aided RSMA compared to the SDMA scheme from the perspective of 1) the radiation pattern of BD-RIS antennas, 2) CSI conditions, and 3) the quality of service (QoS) threshold. Simulation results show that multi-sector BD-RIS aided RSMA always outperforms multi-sector BD-RIS aided SDMA in either of the abovementioned perspectives. Fourth, with the same ergodic sum-rate requirement and QoS thresholds, we show the required numbers of active and passive antennas can be reduced compared to the SDMA scheme by synergizing BD-RIS with RSMA. Such reduction of antenna numbers leads to a potential energy efficiency gain. Organization: Section II illustrates the multi-sector BD-RIS aided RSMA model. Section III provides the robust beamforming design for the multi-sector BD-RIS aided RSMA. Section IV evaluates the performance of the proposed design and Section V concludes this work. Notations: Boldface lower- and upper-case letters indicate column vectors and matrices, respectively. ℂ, ℝ, and ℝ^+ denote the set of complex numbers, real numbers, and non-negative real numbers, respectively. 𝔼{·} represents statistical expectation. (·)^∗, (·)^T, (·)^H, and (·)^-1 denote the conjugate, transpose, conjugate-transpose operations, and inversion, respectively. {·} denotes the real part of a complex number. 𝐈_L denotes an L × L identity matrix. 0 denotes an all-zero matrix. 𝒞𝒩(0,Σ) denotes the circularly symmetric complex Gaussian (CSCG) distribution with mean 0 and covariance matrix Σ. 𝐀_F denotes the Frobenius norm of matrix 𝐀. 𝐚_2 denotes the ℓ_2-norm of vector 𝐚. |a| denotes the norm of variable a. 𝗏𝖾𝖼(·) denotes the vectorization of a matrix. 𝖽𝗂𝖺𝗀(·) denotes a diagonal matrix. 𝖳𝗋{·} denotes the summation of diagonal elements of a matrix. ▿(·) denotes the first-order Euclidean gradient operation. ∂(·)/∂(·) denotes the first-order partial gradient operation. [𝐀]_i,:, [𝐀]_:,j, [𝐀]_i,j, and [𝐚]_i denote the i-th row, the j-th column, the (i,j)-th element of matrix 𝐀, and the i-th element of vector 𝐚, respectively. § MULTI-SECTOR BD-RIS AIDED RSMA In this section, we briefly review the concept of multi-sector BD-RIS, describe the multi-sector BD-RIS aided MU-MISO system, explain the architecture of 1-layer RSMA, and illustrate the modeling of CSI uncertainty. §.§ Multi-Sector BD-RIS The multi-sector BD-RIS is modeled as a polygon consisting of L sectors, each of which has M antennas, as shown in Fig. <ref>. The modeling of multi-sector BD-RIS is essentially based on group-connected reconfigurable impedance network and antenna array arrangements <cit.>. In this subsection, we briefly explain the key of multi-sector BD-RIS from the following two perspectives. 1) The multi-sector BD-RIS consists of M cells with an index set ℳ = {1,…,M}. Particularly, cell m, ∀ m∈ℳ contains antennas m, M+m, …, (L-1)M+m, which are connected to each other by reconfigurable impedance components to support the multi-sector mode. 2) Each multi-sector BD-RIS antenna has a uni-directional radiation pattern with beamwidth 2π/L, which only covers 1/L azimuth space. In each cell, L antennas are located at the edge of the polygon such that L antennas cover the whole azimuth space. The larger the number of sectors L, the narrower the beamwidth of each BD-RIS antenna, and thus the higher the antenna gain of each BD-RIS antenna. To summarize, benefiting from group-connected impedance network and antenna array arrangements, the multi-sector BD-RIS can realize highly directional full-space coverage. Mathematically, the multi-sector BD-RIS is characterized by L matrices, Φ_l∈ℂ^M× M, ∀ l∈ℒ={1,…,L}, corresponding to L sectors, which satisfy a combined unitary constraint given by ∑_lΦ_l^HΦ_l = 𝐈_M. More details about the modeling, design, and performance evaluation of the multi-sector BD-RIS can be found in <cit.>. §.§ Multi-Sector BD-RIS Aided MU-MISO Consider a MU-MISO system operating in the downlink as illustrated in Fig. <ref>, where the transmitter equipped with N antennas communicates to a set of single-antenna users 𝒦 = {1,…,K} with the aid of an M-cell multi-sector BD-RIS[In this work, we ignore the direct links between the transmitter and users for simplicity, while the proposed design in the following section is still feasible when direct links exist.]. In this work, we assume the transmitter is within the coverage of sector 1 of the multi-sector BD-RIS and K_l users in 𝒦_l = {∑_i=1^l-1K_i+1,∑_i=1^l-1K_i+2,…,∑_i=1^lK_i} are located within the coverage of sector l, ∀ l∈ℒ of the multi-sector BD-RIS, ∪_l𝒦_l = 𝒦, as illustrated in Fig. <ref>. For the multi-sector BD-RIS aided downlink MU-MISO, the signal received by user k, ∀ k∈𝒦_l covered by sector l, ∀ l∈ℒ is y_k = 𝐡_k^HΦ_l𝐆𝐱 + n_k, where 𝐡_k∈ℂ^M and 𝐆∈ℂ^M× N, respectively, are the channel between the multi-sector BD-RIS and user k, ∀ k∈𝒦, and the channel between the transmitter and the BD-RIS, 𝐱∈ℂ^N is the transmit signal vector, and n_k∼𝒞𝒩(0,σ_k^2), ∀ k∈𝒦 is the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). The transmit signal vector 𝐱 is subject to the power constraint 𝔼{𝐱^H𝐱}≤ P, where P is the maximum transmit power. As discussed in <cit.>, reconfigurable impedance networks with different circuit topologies have scattering matrices with different mathematical characteristics. In this work, we focus on a cell-wise single-connected (CW-SC) architecture of the multi-sector BD-RIS, where the inner-cell antennas are connected to each other by reconfigurable impedance components while the inter-cell antennas are not connected to each other. To facilitate understanding, we provide an example of the BD-RIS with 4 sectors, 2 cells, and the CW-SC architecture in Fig. <ref>. For multi-sector BD-RIS with CW-SC architecture, Φ_l, ∀ l∈ℒ are all diagonal matrices and the general unitary constraint (<ref>) becomes Φ_l = 𝖽𝗂𝖺𝗀(ϕ_l,1,…,ϕ_l,M), ∀ l, ∑_l |ϕ_l,m|^2 = 1, ∀ m, where ϕ_l,m∈ℂ, ∀ l∈ℒ, ∀ m∈ℳ. With equation (<ref>), we can rewrite equation (<ref>) as y_k = ϕ_l^T𝐐_k^H𝐱 + n_k, where 𝐐_k = 𝐆^H𝖽𝗂𝖺𝗀(𝐡_k)∈ℂ^N× M, ∀ k∈𝒦 denotes the cascaded channel between the transmitter and user k, ϕ_l = [ϕ_l,1,…,ϕ_l,M]^T∈ℂ^M, ∀ l∈ℒ. §.§ Rate-Splitting In this work, we adopt an 1-layer RSMA architecture at the transmitter. Fig. <ref> illustrates the transceiver architectures with 1-layer RSMA, where the splitting, combining, encoding, and precoding of transmit signals at the transmitter and the decoding, splitting, and combining of received signal at the user side will be described in detail. Transmitter: The message W_k intended to user k, ∀ k∈𝒦 is split into a common part W_c,k and a private part W_p,k. As shown in Fig. <ref>(a), the common parts W_c,k from all K users are merged into a common message W_c and further encoded into the common stream s_c, which will be decoded by all users, by a common codebook. K private parts are encoded into private streams s_p,1,…,s_p,K and individually decoded by different users. The common stream and K private streams, 𝐬 = [s_c,s_p,1,…,s_p,K]^T∈ℂ^K+1, are linearly precoded by 𝐏 = [𝐩_c,𝐩_p,1,…,𝐩_p,K]∈ℂ^N×(K+1), where 𝐩_c∈ℂ^N is the common precoder and 𝐩_p,k∈ℂ^N is the private precoder for user k. The resulting transmit signal is 𝐱 = 𝐏𝐬 = 𝐩_cs_c + ∑_k𝐩_p,ks_p,k. Assuming 𝔼{𝐬𝐬^H} = 𝐈_K+1, the transmit power constraint becomes 𝔼{𝐱^H𝐱} = 𝖳𝗋(𝐏𝐏^H) = 𝐏_F^2 ≤ P. Receiver: Substituting (<ref>) into (<ref>), we obtain the received signal at user k covered by sector l, ∀ k∈𝒦_l,∀ l∈ℒ as y_k =ϕ_l^T𝐐_k^H𝐩_cs_c + ϕ_l^T𝐐_k^H∑_k'𝐩_p,k's_p,k'+ n_k. Therefore, the average received power of user k covered by sector l for given CSI is given by τ_c,k = 𝔼{|y_k|^2} = |ϕ_l^T𝐐_k^H𝐩_c|^2 +|ϕ_l^T𝐐_k^H𝐩_p,k|^2 + ∑_k' k|ϕ_l^T𝐐_k^H𝐩_p,k'|^2 + σ_k^2^= ι_p,k_= τ_p,k = ι_c,k. At the user side, the signal process, taking user k covered by sector l, ∀ k∈𝒦_l, ∀ l∈ℒ as an example, is summarized as following three steps and also illustrated in Fig. <ref>(b). Step 1: User k covered by sector l decodes the equalized common stream s_c,k = g_c,ky_k with equalizer g_c,k∈ℂ into W̅_c,k by regarding the interference induced by all K private streams as noise, i.e., τ_p,k or ι_c,k in (<ref>). After performing SIC, W̅_c,k is subtracted from the received signal. Step 2: User k decodes the equalized private stream s_p,k = g_p,ky_k with equalizer g_p,k∈ℂ into W_p,k by regarding the interference induced by remaining K-1 private streams as noise, i.e., ι_p,k in (<ref>). Step 3: User k splits its contribution to the common message, W_c,k, from the decoded W̅_c,k, and combines W_c,k with W_p,k to reconstruct W_k. Based on the above signal process, the instantaneous SINRs of the common stream and private streams at user k covered by sector l, ∀ k∈𝒦_l, ∀ l∈ℒ are given by γ_c,k = |ϕ_l^T𝐐_k^H𝐩_c|^2ι_c,k^-1, γ_p,k = |ϕ_l^T𝐐_k^H𝐩_p,k|^2ι_p,k^-1. Assuming Gaussian inputs, the instantaneous common rates and private rates for user k are R_c,k = log_2(1 + γ_c,k),  R_p,k = log_2(1 + γ_p,k). To guarantee the common message W_c is successfully decoded by all K users, the common rate should not exceed min_∀ k R_c,k. Given the architecture of RSMA as illustrated above, the common rate min_∀ k R_c,k is split into K parts, yielding min_∀ k R_c,k = ∑_kC_k. Each part C_k∈ℝ^+ corresponds to the common part of the achievable rate for user k. Finally, the total rate for user k is a summation of common part and private part, i.e., R_k = C_k + R_p,k, ∀ k∈𝒦. §.§ Channel State Information Perfect CSI acquisition in RIS aided systems is challenging due to the passive property of RIS. Therefore, in this work, we assume the transmitter has an imperfect instantaneous CSI 𝐐 = [𝐐_1,…,𝐐_K]∈ℂ^N× MK. To model the CSI uncertainty, the perfect cascaded channel matrix 𝐐 = [𝐐_1,…,𝐐_K]∈ℂ^N× MK is expressed as a summation of the channel estimate and channel estimation errors, that is 𝐐 = 𝐐 + 𝐐, where the estimation error matrix is defined as 𝐐 = [𝐐_1,…,𝐐_K]∈ℂ^N× MK. The channel estimation error could come from the noise and limited uplink training in time division duplex (TDD) settings based on the typical MMSE criterion <cit.>[The existing popular and effective channel estimation strategy, where the cascaded channel is estimated by pre-defining the RIS pattern during the uplink training process to minimize MSE, can be easily extended to the multi-sector BD-RIS case with CW-SC architecture. The key and main difference compared with conventional RIS case is the design of the RIS pattern due to the new constraint of multi-sector BD-RIS. A simple choice to minimize the MSE is to set identical amplitude for non-zero elements of the BD-RIS matrix, i.e., |ϕ_l,m| = 1/√(L). Then orthogonal matrices, such as discrete Fourier transform (DFT) matrix and Hadamard matrix, can be adopted to construct the RIS pattern.]. In this case, the channel estimation error generally follows the CSCG distribution, that is 𝗏𝖾𝖼(𝐐_k)∼𝒞𝒩(0,δ_k^2𝐈_MN), ∀ k∈𝒦, where δ_k^2 measures the estimation inaccuracy of the cascaded channel between the transmitter and user k. § ROBUST BEAMFORMING DESIGN WITH SAMPLE AVERAGE APPROXIMATION In this section, we formulate the sum-rate maximization problem for BD-RIS aided RSMA based on imperfect CSI conditions and propose efficient algorithms to jointly design the transmit precoder and BD-RIS. §.§ Problem Formulation Beamforming design for RIS aided systems highly relies on the CSI among the transmitter, RIS, and users. When perfect CSI is available at the transmitter, beamforming design can be developed according to perfect channels such that the instantaneous sum-rate, ∑_kR_k, is maximized, and thus the ergodic sum-rate given by 𝔼_𝐐{∑_kR_k}. However, when the transmitter has only partial instantaneous CSI as illustrated in Section <ref>, beamforming design that maximizes instantaneous sum-rate as in perfect CSI case is not possible, which makes it difficult to measure the long-term ergodic sum-rate. One robust approach to tackle this issue is to perform the beamforming design based on the fact that the transmitter has access to the average rate, which captures the statistical property of the channel estimation error with a given estimate. The average rate is defined as follows. The average rate is a measure of the expected performance over a distribution of the channel estimation error, e.g., the distribution of 𝐐, with determined estimate 𝐐 <cit.>. Mathematically, the average common and private rates for user k, ∀ k∈𝒦 are, respectively, defined as R̅_c,k = 𝔼_𝐐|𝐐{R_c,k|𝐐} and R̅_p,k = 𝔼_𝐐|𝐐{R_p,k|𝐐}. With Definition 1, we can connect the ergodic rates 𝔼_𝐐{R_c,k}, 𝔼_𝐐{R_p,k} with average rates R̅_c,k, R̅_p,k as 𝔼_𝐐{R_c,k} = 𝔼_𝐐{𝔼_𝐐|𝐐{R_c,k|𝐐}} = 𝔼_𝐐{R̅_c,k}, 𝔼_𝐐{R_p,k} = 𝔼_𝐐{𝔼_𝐐|𝐐{R_p,k|𝐐}} = 𝔼_𝐐{R̅_p,k}, which indicate that ergodic rates can be characterized by the expectation of average rates over varied channel estimate 𝐐. Accordingly, maximizing the ergodic sum-rate 𝔼_𝐐{∑_k R_k} with partial CSI is transformed into maximizing the average sum-rate for each 𝐐, given by ∑_kC̅_k + ∑_kR̅_p,k, where C̅_k∈ℝ^+, ∀ k∈𝒦_l referring to the common part of the average rate should satisfy ∑_kC̅_k = min_∀ kR̅_c,k. Therefore, the average sum-rate maximization problem can be formulated as max_{𝐏,𝐜̅},{ϕ_l,∀ l}   ∑_kC̅_k + ∑_k R̅_p,k s.t.        ∑_l|ϕ_l,m|^2 = 1, ∀ m, 𝐏_F^2 ≤ P, ∑_k'C̅_k'≤R̅_c,k, ∀ k, 𝐜̅≽0, R̅_k ≥ R_th,k, ∀ k, where ϕ_l=[ϕ_l,1,…,ϕ_l,M]^T∈ℂ^M, ∀ l∈ℒ, 𝐜̅ = [C̅_1,…,C̅_K]^T∈ℝ^K, and R_th,k∈ℝ^+ is the threshold rate for user k, ∀ k∈𝒦, to guarantee the QoS. Problem (<ref>) is a challenging stochastic optimization. One reliable solution is to 1) transform problem (<ref>) into a deterministic one based on SAA <cit.>, and to 2) deal with the deterministic problem by well-known WMMSE-rate relationship <cit.>. Details of the two-step transformation will be illustrated in Section <ref>. §.§ Two-Step Transformation §.§.§ SAA To facilitate SAA, we give the following definition. Given an estimate 𝐐_k of user k, a sample of i.i.d. channel realizations is constructed based on the set ℚ_k = {𝐐^a_k = 𝐐_k + 𝐐_k^a | 𝐐_k, ∀ a∈𝒜 = {1,…,A}}, where 𝐐_k^a follows the CSCG distribution, i.e., 𝗏𝖾𝖼(𝐐_k^a)∼𝒞𝒩(0,δ_k^2𝐈_MN), ∀ a∈𝒜. Then the SAA of average common and private rates are, respectively, defined as R_c,k = 1/A∑_aR_c,k^a and R_p,k = 1/A∑_aR_p,k^a, ∀ k∈𝒦[In the following illustrations, notations with superscript “(·)^a” have the same expressions as that without “(·)^a”, except that the term 𝐐_k is replaced by 𝐐_k^a, ∀ k∈𝒦_l, ∀ l∈ℒ, ∀ a∈𝒜.]. The SAA of average rate in Definition 2 is a tight approximation of the average rate with sufficient large number of samples, i.e., lim_A→∞R_c,k = R̅_c,k, lim_A→∞R_p,k = R̅_p,k, ∀ k∈𝒦, which motivates us to approximate the stochastic problem (<ref>) into a deterministic problem max_{𝐏,𝐜̅},{ϕ_l,∀ l}   ∑_kC̅_k + ∑_kR_p,k s.t.        (<ref>), (<ref>), (<ref>), ∑_k'C̅_k'≤R_c,k, ∀ k, C̅_k + R_p,k≥ R_th,k, ∀ k. Problem (<ref>) can be further transformed into a more tractable form based on the following step. §.§.§ WMMSE-Rate Relationship Let s_c,k^a = g_c,k^ay_k^a be the estimate of s_c with equalizer g_c,k^a from user k covered by sector l, ∀ k∈𝒦_l, ∀ l∈ℒ, ∀ a∈𝒜. The estimate of s_p,k with equalizer g_p,k^a after removing the common stream is given by s_p,k^a = g_p,k^a(y_k^a - ϕ_l^T(𝐐_k^a)^H𝐩_cs_c), ∀ k∈𝒦_l, ∀ l∈ℒ, ∀ a∈𝒜. Define MSE functions regarding the common and private streams for user k covered by sector l at channel sample a as ϵ_c,k^a = 𝔼{|s_c,k^a - s_c|^2} = |g_c,k^a|^2τ_c,k^a -2{g_c,k^aϕ_l^T(𝐐_k^a)^H𝐩_c} + 1 and ϵ_p,k^a = 𝔼{|s_p,k^a - s_p,k|^2} = |g_p,k^a|^2τ_p,k^a -2{g_p,k^aϕ_l^T(𝐐_k^a)^H𝐩_p,k} + 1. Then optimal unconstrained equalizers for the common stream and private streams which achieve minimum MSEs are given by (g_c,k^a)^⋆ = 𝐩_c^H𝐐_k^aϕ_l^*/τ_c,k^a,   (g_p,k^a)^⋆ = 𝐩_p,k^H𝐐_k^aϕ_l^*/τ_p,k^a, and the corresponding minimum MSEs are (ϵ_o,k^a)^⋆ = min_g_o,k^aϵ_o,k^a = (τ_o,k^a)^-1ι_o,k^a = (1 + γ_o,k^a)^-1, ∀ o∈{c,p}, ∀ k∈𝒦, ∀ a∈𝒜. Introducing weights λ_c,k^a∈ℝ^+ and λ_p,k^a∈ℝ^+ associating common and private MSEs for user k, we can establish the WMMSE-rate relationship R_o,k^a = max_λ_o,k^alog_2λ_o,k^a - λ_o,k^a(ϵ_o,k^a)^⋆ + 1, ∀ o∈{c,p}, ∀ k∈𝒦, ∀ a∈𝒜, where the maximum of the right-hand problem is achieved when weights λ_c,k and λ_p,k satisfy (λ_c,k^a)^⋆ = 1 + γ_c,k^a,  (λ_p,k^a)^⋆ = 1 + γ_p,k^a. Based on the above derivations, we reformulate problem (<ref>) as a three-block optimization max_{λ_o^a, 𝐠_o^a,∀ a,∀ o} {𝐏,𝐜̅}, {ϕ_l,∀ l} ∑_k(C̅_k + 1/A∑_a(log_2λ_p,k^a-λ_p,k^aϵ_p,k^a)) s.t.      (<ref>), (<ref>), (<ref>), 1/A∑_a(log_2λ_c,k^a-λ_c,k^aϵ_c,k^a+1)      ≥∑_k'C̅_k', ∀ k, C̅_k + 1/A∑_a(log_2λ_p,k^a-λ_p,k^aϵ_p,k^a+1)      ≥ R_th,k, ∀ k, where λ_o^a = [λ_o,1^a,…,λ_o,K^a]^T and 𝐠_o^a = [g_o,1^a,…,g_o,K^a]^T, ∀ o∈{c,p}, ∀ a∈𝒜. Although problem (<ref>) is not convex in a joint design manner, the sub-problem regarding one block with fixing other blocks is either convex, such as the design of blocks {λ_o^a, 𝐠_o^a,∀ o, ∀ a} and {𝐏,𝐜̅}, or more tractable, such as the design of block {ϕ_l,∀ l∈ℒ}, than directly dealing with the original objective. Specifically, the unconstrained solution to block {λ_o^a, 𝐠_o^a, ∀ o, ∀ a} with fixed two other blocks have been given in equations (<ref>) and (<ref>), respectively. Solutions to blocks {𝐏,𝐜̅} and {ϕ_l,∀ l} will be respectively given in Sections <ref> and <ref>. §.§ Solution to Block {𝐏,𝐜̅} With fixed equalizers, weights, and BD-RIS matrix, the sub-problem regarding block {𝐏,𝐜̅} is given by min_{𝐏,𝐜̅}   1/A∑_k∑_aλ_p,k^aϵ_p,k^a - ∑_kC̅_k s.t.    (<ref>), (<ref>), (<ref>), (<ref>). With the following definitions ψ_c,k^a = λ_c,k^a(g_c,k^a)^*𝐐_k^aϕ_l^*,  ψ_p,k^a = λ_p,k^a(g_p,k^a)^*𝐐_k^aϕ_l^*, Ψ_c,k^a = ψ_c,k^a(ψ_c,k^a)^H/λ_c,k^a,  Ψ_p,k^a = ψ_p,k^a(ψ_p,k^a)^H/λ_p,k^a, ξ_c,k^a = log_2λ_c,k^a - λ_c,k^a|g_c,k^a|^2σ_k^2 - λ_c,k^a + 1, ξ_p,k^a = log_2λ_p,k^a - λ_p,k^a|g_p,k^a|^2σ_k^2 - λ_p,k^a + 1, and their averages over A samples, i.e., ψ_c,k = 1/A∑_aψ_c,k^a, ψ_p,k = 1/A∑_aψ_p,k^a, Ψ_c,k = 1/A∑_aΨ_c,k^a, Ψ_p,k = 1/A∑_aΨ_p,k^a, ξ_c,k = 1/A∑_aξ_c,k^a, ξ_p,k = 1/A∑_aξ_p,k, ∀ k∈𝒦, problem (<ref>) can be rewritten as min_𝐜̀,𝐩_c,{𝐩_p,k,∀ k} ∑_k(C̀_k+∑_k'𝐩_p,k'^HΨ_p,k𝐩_p,k'     - 2{ψ_p,k^H𝐩_p,k}) s.t.     𝐩_c_2^2 + ∑_k𝐩_p,k_2^2 ≤ P, 𝐩_c^HΨ_c,k𝐩_c + ∑_k'𝐩_p,k'^HΨ_c,k𝐩_p,k'  -2{ψ_c,k^H𝐩_c}≤∑_k'C̀_k + ξ_c,k,∀ k, 𝐜̀≼0, ∑_k'𝐩_p,k'^HΨ_p,k𝐩_p,k'- 2{ψ_p,k^H𝐩_p,k}   + C̀_k≤ξ_p,k - R_th,k, ∀ k, where 𝐜̀ = [C̀_1,…,C̀_K]^T = -𝐜̅. Problem (<ref>) is a convex second-order cone program (SOCP) and can be solved by interior-point methods with computational complexity bounded by 𝒪((NK+N+K)^3.5) <cit.>. §.§ Solution to Block {ϕ_l,∀ l} Recall that (<ref>) in problem (<ref>) is the QoS constraint, which can be guaranteed in the design of block {𝐏,𝐜̅}. To simplify the design of block {ϕ_l,∀ l}, we temporarily ignore constraint (<ref>). Then, without the QoS constraint (<ref>), we can remove the term 𝐜̅ by putting constraint (<ref>) into the objective. In this case, the original problem (<ref>) can be simplified as the following form max_{λ_o^a, 𝐠_o^a, ∀ o, ∀ a} 𝐏, {ϕ_l,∀ l} {min_∀ k1/A∑_a(log_2λ_c,k^a-λ_c,k^aϵ_c,k^a+1)} +1/A∑_k∑_a(log_2λ_p,k^a-λ_p,k^aϵ_p,k^a) s.t.      (<ref>), (<ref>), (<ref>). With given equalizers, weights, and the transmit precoder, the sub-problem regarding the multi-sector BD-RIS is min_{ϕ_l,∀ l}  {max_∀ k1/A∑_a(λ_c,k^aϵ_c,k^a-log_2λ_c,k^a-1)} + 1/A∑_a∑_kλ_p,k^aϵ_p,k^a s.t.    ∑_l|ϕ_l,m|^2 = 1, ∀ m. With the following definitions 𝐯_c,k^a = (𝐐_k^a)^T𝐩_c^*,   𝐯_p,k,k'^a = (𝐐_k^a)^T𝐩_p,k'^*, 𝐗_c,k^a = λ_c,k^a|g_c,k^a|^2𝐯_c,k^a(𝐯_c,k^a)^H + λ_c,k^a|g_c,k^a|^2∑_k'𝐯_p,k,k'^a(𝐯_p,k,k'^a)^H, 𝐗_p,k^a = λ_p,k^a|g_p,k^a|^2∑_k'𝐯_p,k,k'^a(𝐯_p,k,k'^a)^H, 𝐱_c,k^a = λ_c,k^a(g_c,k^a)^*𝐯_c,k^a, 𝐱_p,k^a = λ_p,k^a(g_p,k^a)^*𝐯_p,k,k^a, and their averages over A samples, i.e., 𝐗_c,k = 1/A∑_a𝐗_c,k^a, 𝐗_p,k = 1/A∑_a𝐗_p,k^a, 𝐱_c,k = 1/A∑_a𝐱_c,k^a, 𝐱_p,k = 1/A∑_a𝐱_p,k^a, ∀ k∈𝒦, problem (<ref>) can be rearranged as min_{ϕ_l,∀ l}   {max_∀ k(ϕ_l^H𝐗_c,kϕ_l - 2{ϕ_l^H𝐱_c,k} - ξ_c,k)} + ∑_l(ϕ_l^H𝐗̅_p,lϕ_l - 2{ϕ_l^H𝐱̅_p,l}) s.t.      ∑_l|ϕ_l,m|^2 = 1, ∀ m, where 𝐗̅_p,l = ∑_k'∈𝒦_l𝐗_p,k' and 𝐱̅_p,l = ∑_k'∈𝒦_l𝐱_p,k', ∀ l∈ℒ. We observe from problem (<ref>) that the objective regarding each cell of the multi-sector BD-RIS is coupled with each other, while the constraints for different cells are independent of each other. This fact motivates us to successively design each cell while fixing the rest cells. Specifically, the design of one cell with fixed others will be given as follows. We first formulate the sub-problem regarding cell m, ∀ m∈ℳ, with fixed other cells as min_ϕ̅_m   {max_∀ kν_c,k,m|ϕ_l,m|^2 - 2{ϕ_l,m^*χ_c,k,m} - ξ_k,m_=f_c,k(ϕ_l,m)} + ∑_lν_p,l,m|ϕ_l,m|^2 - 2{ϕ_l,m^*χ_p,l,m}_=f_p,l(ϕ_l,m) s.t.    ϕ̅_m_2^2 = 1, where the fresh notations are respectively defined as ν_c,k,m = [𝐗_c,k]_m,m,  ν_p,l,m = [𝐗̅_p,l]_m,m, χ_c,k,m = ∑_n m[𝐗_c,k]_m,nϕ_l,n - [𝐱_c,k]_m, χ_p,l,m = ∑_n m[𝐗̅_p,l]_m,nϕ_l,n - [𝐱̅_p,l]_m, ξ_k,m = ξ_c,k - ∑_n m∑_n' m[𝐗_c,k]_n,n'ϕ_l,n^*ϕ_l,n'     + 2{∑_n mϕ_l,n^*[𝐱_c,k]_n}, and ϕ̅_m = [ϕ_1,m,…,ϕ_L,m], ∀ m∈ℳ, ∀ k∈𝒦_l, ∀ l∈ℒ. Problem (<ref>) is a non-smooth optimization with a non-convex constraint. To solve this problem, we 1) introduce the well-known LogSumExp (LSE) function to transform the non-smooth part of the objective function into a smooth form, and 2) adopt the manifold theory <cit.> to transform the constrained problem on the Euclidean space into an unconstrained optimization on the manifold space. Each of the two steps is described as follows. Step 1: LSE Approximation. To facilitate the LSE approximation, we give the following definition. Given a set 𝔽 = {f_c,k∈ℝ | ∀ k∈𝒦}, an LSE function is defined as the logarithm of the sum of the exponentials of f_c,k, ∀ k∈𝒦, i.e., log∑_kexp(f_c,k), which is a smooth approximation of the maximum max_∀ kf_c,k with a lower bound max_∀ kf_c,k and an upper bound max_∀ kf_c,k + log|𝒦|, i.e., max_∀ kf_c,k≤log∑_kexp(f_c,k)≤max_∀ kf_c,k + log|𝒦|. With Definition 3, we can obtain an approximation to the maximum max_∀ k f_c,k(ϕ_l,m) in problem (<ref>), which has the following bounds max_∀ k f_c,k(ϕ_l,m) (a)≤εlog∑_kexp(f_c,k(ϕ_l,m)/ε)_=f̅(ϕ̅_m) (b)≤max_∀ k f_c,k(ϕ_l,m) + εlog|𝒦|, where (a) achieves its equality when |𝒦| = 1 and (b) achieves its equality when f_c,1(ϕ_l,m) =…= f_c,K(ϕ_l,m), ∀ k∈𝒦. f̅(ϕ̅) is the LSE function of max_∀ kf_c,k(ϕ_l,m) with ε>0 a scalar to make the bounds tighter[Based on Definition 1, by replacing each f_c,k with f_c,k/ε, ∀ k∈𝒦, we have max_∀ kf_c,k/ε≤log∑_kexp(f_c,k/ε)≤max_∀ kf_c,k/ε + log|𝒦|. Multiplying by ε gives the inequality (<ref>).]. Based on (<ref>), problem (<ref>) can be approximated as ϕ̅_m^⋆ = min_ϕ̅_m_2^2 = 1 ∑_l f_p,l(ϕ_l,m) + f̅(ϕ̅_m)_=f(ϕ̅_m). Now problem (<ref>) has a smooth objective function f(ϕ̅_m) and only one constraint, which can be solved by the manifold method <cit.> as illustrated below. Step 2: Manifold Construction. We give the following definition to construct the feasible region of problem (<ref>), i.e., ϕ̅_m_2^2 = 1, as a manifold <cit.>, <cit.>. An L-dimensional complex sphere manifold is defined as 𝕄 = {ϕ̅_m∈ℂ^1× L: ϕ̅_m_2 = 1}, where ϕ̅_m is a point on the complex sphere manifold 𝕄. Given a point ϕ̅_m on 𝕄, a tangent vector refers to one possible moving direction of this point. The set of these tangent vectors regarding point ϕ̅_m forms the tangent space, which is mathematically defined as 𝕋_ϕ̅_m𝕄 = {𝐮_m∈ℂ^1× L: {𝖳𝗋(ϕ̅_m^H𝐮_m)} = 0}. Among all these tangent vectors on 𝕋_ϕ̅_m𝕄, Riemannian gradient is defined as the tangent vector with the steepest-descent direction of the objective function. With Definition 4, we say ϕ̅_m is a point on the complex sphere manifold 𝕄, yielding problem (<ref>) an unconstrained optimization on 𝕄, which can be solved by many classic algorithms with necessary projections. The algorithm we use here to solve problem (<ref>) is the Riemannian conjugate gradient (RCG) algorithm <cit.>, which is a modified version of the well-known CG algorithm by changing the search space from the Euclidean space to a manifold. More details of the RCG algorithm is summarized in the Appendix. Summary: With solutions to each cell of the multi-sector BD-RIS, the procedure of the successive design is straightforward and summarized in Algorithm <ref>. The complexity of Algorithm <ref> is given by 𝒪(I_1L^1.5), where I_1 is the number of iterations of Algorithm <ref>. §.§ Algorithm and Analysis §.§.§ Framework of the Algorithm The above three blocks are updated in an iterative manner until convergence as summarized in Algorithm <ref>. §.§.§ Initialization In Algorithm <ref>, ϕ_l, ∀ l∈ℒ are initialized as ϕ_l^0 = 1/√(L)[e^φ_l,1,…,e^φ_l,M]^T, where φ_l,m is randomly selected within the range [0,2π], ∀ l∈ℒ, ∀ m∈ℳ. The transmit power allocated to the common streams is initialized as P_c = 0.7P, and thus that allocated to the private streams is P_p = 0.3P. Accordingly, the common precoder is initialized as 𝐩_c = ∑_a∑_k𝐐_k^aϕ_l^*, followed by a normalization 𝐩_c^0 = √(P_c)𝐩_c/𝐩_c_2. The private precoder is initialized as 𝐩_p,k = ∑_a𝐐_k^aϕ_l^*, followed by 𝐩_p,k^0 = √(P_p/K)𝐩_p,k/𝐩_p,k_2, ∀ k∈𝒦. §.§.§ Complexity Analysis The complexity of Algorithm <ref> mainly comes from the update of three blocks (steps 4-7). Specifically, updating block {λ_o^a,𝐠_o^a, ∀ o, ∀ a} requires complexity 𝒪(MNKLA). Updating block {𝐏,𝐜̅} by solving SOCP has complexity 𝒪((NK+N+K)^3.5), while updating block {ϕ_l,∀ l} by Algorithm <ref> requires 𝒪(I_1L^1.5). The overall complexity of Algorithm <ref> is thus 𝒪(I(NK+N+K)^3.5), where I is the number of iterations of Algorithm <ref> to achieve the convergence threshold. § PERFORMANCE EVALUATION In this section, we evaluate the performance of the proposed robust beamforming design for multi-sector BD-RIS aided RSMA under different CSI conditions. Particularly, we first illustrate the simulation settings. Then, we show convergence of the proposed algorithm. Finally, we evaluate the achievable ergodic sum-rate performance of multi-sector BD-RIS aided RSMA by analyzing the impact of the radiation pattern of BD-RIS antennas, CSI uncertainty, QoS threshold, and numbers of active/passive antennas. §.§ Simulation Setup The perfect channels 𝐐_k = √(ζ_k^-1)𝐆̆^H𝖽𝗂𝖺𝗀(𝐡̆_k), ∀ k∈𝒦 are generated as a combination of small-scale fading and large-scale fading. Specifically, the small-scale fading of transmitter-RIS and RIS-user channels is modeled as Rician fading, i.e., 𝐆̆ = √(κ/κ + 1)𝐆̆^LoS + √(1/κ + 1)𝐆̆^NLoS, 𝐡̆_k = √(κ_k/κ_k + 1)𝐡̆_k^LoS + √(1/κ_k + 1)𝐡̆_k^NLoS, ∀ k, where {κ,κ_k,∀ k} denotes the Rician factor, and channels with superscript “LoS” and “NLoS”, respectively, denote line-of-sight (LoS) and non-LoS (NLoS) channels. ζ_k is the path loss exponent measuring the large-scale fading. The large-scale fading components have different expressions when BD-RIS antennas have different radiation patterns. Here we consider two cases, that is each BD-RIS antenna has either idealized radiaton pattern or practical radiation pattern <cit.>, which are illustrated in Fig. <ref> from the top view, yielding the following path loss model: ζ_k = ϱ (1-cosπ/L)^2, Idealized Pattern, ϱ/(α_L+1)^2(cosθ_ITcosθ_IU,k)^α_L, Practical Pattern, where ϱ = 4^3π^4d_IT^ϵ_ITd_IU,k^ϵ_IU/λ^4G_TG_U is calculated by transmiter-RIS distance d_IT, RIS-user distance d_IU,k, ∀ k∈𝒦, path loss exponents[The value of the path loss exponent is usually chosen within the range [2,4] and depends on the small-scale fading conditions.] ϵ_IT and ϵ_IU, wavelength of transmit signal λ, transmit antenna gain G_T and receive antenna gain G_R. In addition, α_L is a parameter related to the beamwidth of the BD-RIS antennas, θ_IT is the elevation angle between the transmit antenna and BD-RIS antenna, and θ_IU,k is the elevation angle from the BD-RIS antenna to user k, ∀ k∈𝒦. Sectors of the multi-sector BD-RIS are modeled as M_x× M_y = M uniform planar arrays and the transmitter is modeled as a uniform linear array with half-wavelength inter-antenna spacing. Locations among the transmitter, multi-sector BD-RIS, and users are shown in Fig. <ref>. The channel estimation error for each channel realization 𝐐_k is generalized such that 𝗏𝖾𝖼(𝐐̃_k)∼𝒞𝒩(0,δ_k^2𝐈_MN), where the channel estimation uncertainty δ^2_k is set as δ^2_k = ζ_k^-1δ^2, ∀ k∈𝒦 with a scalar δ∈[0,1). Specifically, the value δ = 0 refers to the perfect CSI case. For each channel estimate 𝐐_k = 𝐐_k - 𝐐_k, the a-th sample in the set (available at the transmitter) ℚ_k is given by 𝐐^a_k = 𝐐_k + 𝐐_k^a, where 𝐐_k^a follows the same error distribution, that is 𝗏𝖾𝖼(𝐐_k^a)∼𝒞𝒩(0,δ_k^2𝐈_MN), ∀ k∈𝒦, ∀ a∈𝒜. For each channel realization, the precoder and BD-RIS are designed based on sets ℚ_k, ∀ k∈𝒦 and the maximization of the average sum-rate as summarized in Algorithm <ref>, while the sum-rate is calculated based on the perfect instantaneous channel 𝐐. The ergodic sum-rate is plotted as an average of sum-rates for 50 perfect channel realizations. The simulation settings, unless otherwise stated, are summarized in Table <ref>. §.§ Convergence of the Algorithm The convergence of Algorithm <ref> cannot be theoretically proved since the design of BD-RIS matrix block does not lead to a global optimal solution. Instead, we provide numerical results to show the proposed algorithm can converge within limited iterations. Fig. <ref> plots the average sum-rate versus the number of iterations of Algorithm <ref>. We can observe from Fig. <ref> that the proposed algorithm always converges within finite iterations regardless of simulation settings, such as channel conditions (perfect and imperfect CSI), the number of transmit antennas, and QoS requirements. §.§ Impact of the Radiation Pattern of BD-RIS Antennas We first evaluate the ergodic sum-rate of multi-sector BD-RIS aided RSMA when BD-RIS antennas have either idealized or practical radiation patterns in Fig. <ref>. For comparison, we add the performance of multi-sector BD-RIS assisted SDMA, which is achieved by switching off the common precoder at the transmitter[In this case, the multi-sector BD-RIS design with given precoder is performed by using the closed-form solution proposed in <cit.>.]. We have the following observations from Fig. <ref>. 1) With the same multiple access technique, the idealized radiation pattern scheme always outperforms the practical radiation pattern scheme, which is in accordance with the results in <cit.>. 2) Using the same radiation pattern for each BD-RIS antenna, the RSMA scheme always outperforms the SDMA scheme. 3) Under imperfect CSI conditions, the BD-RIS aided RSMA with practical radiation pattern of BD-RIS antennas outperforms the BD-RIS aided SDMA with idealized radiation pattern for BD-RIS antennas. This phenomenon demonstrates the benefits of integrating RSMA and multi-sector BD-RIS in easing the requirements to antenna realizations and to channel estimation accuracy. §.§ Impact of CSI Uncertainty In Fig. <ref>, we evaluate the impact of CSI uncertainty by plotting the ergodic sum-rate versus δ when each BD-RIS has an idealized radiation pattern. We observe from Fig. <ref> that the ergodic sum-rate for both RSMA and SDMA schemes decreases with increasing channel estimation errors. However, the multi-sector BD-RIS aided RSMA always outperforms multi-sector BD-RIS aided SDMA regardless of CSI conditions, which demonstrates the robustness of the integration of RSMA and multi-sector BD-RIS in wireless communications. §.§ Impact of QoS Threshold Then, in Fig. <ref>, we show the impact of the QoS requirement for each user to the achievable ergodic sum-rate under different CSI conditions when each multi-sector BD-RIS antenna has an idealized radiation pattern. From Fig. <ref> we have the following observations. 1) The multi-sector BD-RIS aided RSMA always outperforms the SDMA scheme with various QoS thresholds and different CSI conditions. 2) The achievable ergodic sum-rate for both schemes decreases with the growth of the QoS requirement, which can be explained as follows. Since we focus on the sum-rate maximization problem, when the number of transmit antennas is smaller than the number of users (4 = N < K = 6), the weakest N-K users tend to be turned off. In this case, increasing the QoS requirement for all users violates the aim of maximizing sum-rate. 3) The performance gap between the RSMA scheme and the SDMA scheme becomes larger with increasing QoS threshold for each user, and thus the RSMA scheme is able to achieve both higher sum-rate and better QoS than the SDMA case, e.g., the comparison between RSMA scheme with R_th = 0.5 and SDMA scheme with R_th = 0.1. This is because in RSMA scheme, the power allocated to the common precoders increases with the QoS requirement. This phenomenon demonstrates that the common precoders play an increasingly important role to guarantee the fairness while achieving better sum-rate performance. §.§ Impact of Numbers of Active and Passive Antennas In Fig. <ref>, we plot the ergodic sum-rate versus the total number of antennas of the multi-sector BD-RIS under different CSI conditions when each BD-RIS antenna has an idealized radiation pattern. We observe from Fig. <ref> that the ergodic sum-rate of both RSMA and SDMA schemes grows with increasing number of BD-RIS antennas, and that the RSMA scheme always achieves better performance than the SDMA scheme. More importantly, to achieve the same sum-rate, the required number of passive antennas can be reduced compared to the SDMA scheme by adopting RSMA at the transmitter. For example, in perfect CSI case, to achieve an ergodic sum-rate of 15 b/s/Hz, the required number of passive antennas can be reduced by 16%; in imperfect CSI case, to achieve an ergodic sum-rate of 13 b/s/Hz, the required number can be reduced by 14%. This observation highlights the benefit of synergizing BD-RIS and RSMA in saving on passive antennas, which is friendly to the hardware implementation of multi-sector BD-RIS. Finally, in Fig. <ref>, we plot the ergodic sum-rate versus the number of transmit antennas under different CSI conditions. Similar conclusions that the RSMA scheme always outperforms the SDMA scheme can be obtained from Fig. <ref>. More importantly, to achieve the same sum-rate, the required number of active antennas at the transmitter can also be reduced compared to the SDMA scheme when RSMA is adopted at the transmitter. For example, an 1-antenna RSMA-enabled transmittersupports the same sum-rate performance as an 2-antenna SDMA-enabled transmitter. Such reduction of the number of transmit antennas demonstrates the benefit of synergizing BD-RIS and RSMA in reducing power consumption and cost, which leads to an energy efficiency gain. § CONCLUSION In this work, we consider the integration of multi-sector BD-RIS and RSMA in a MU-MISO communication system. Specifically, we assume a multi-sector BD-RIS and an RSMA-enabled transmitter. Given that the channel estimation for RIS and BD-RIS aided scenarios is challenging, we model the channel estimation error when only partial/imperfect CSI is available at the transmitter. With the multi-sector BD-RIS aided RSMA model and CSI uncertainty model, we propose a robust design to jointly optimize the transmit precoder and multi-sector BD-RIS for a MU-MISO system. Specifically, SAA and WMMSE-rate relationship are adopted to transform the stochastic problem into a more tractable deterministic multi-block problem. Regarding the design of the BD-RIS matrix block, we adopt the RCG algorithm after transforming the corresponding problem into a smooth optimization. Finally, we present simulation results, which demonstrate the performance enhancement of multi-sector BD-RIS aided RSMA compared to multi-sector BD-RIS aided SDMA with different radiation pattern of BD-RIS antennas and various parameter settings, such as CSI conditions and QoS threshold for users. More importantly, with given sum-rate requirement, the numbers of active and passive antennas can be effectively reduced by synergizing RSMA with multi-sector BD-RIS. Such reduction of the number of antennas is beneficial for practical implementations. [The RCG Algorithm to Solve Problem (<ref>)] Recall that RCG is the modified version of the well-known CG, the key of which is to determine the descent direction of the objective function. In RCG, the Riemannian gradient, which can be obtained from the Euclidean gradient, is required to calculate the descent direction. Therefore, we first calculate the Euclidean gradient of the objective function f(ϕ̅_m) = ∑_l f_p,l(ϕ_l,m) + f̅(ϕ̅_m) = ∑_l f_p,l(ϕ_l,m) + εlog∑_kexp(f_c,k(ϕ_l,m)/ε), which is given by ▿ f(ϕ̅_m) = [∂ f(ϕ̅_m)/∂ϕ_1,m, …, ∂ f(ϕ̅_m)/∂ϕ_L,m] = [▿ f_p,1(ϕ_1,m) + ∂f̅(ϕ̅_m)/∂ϕ_1,m,      …, ▿ f_p,L(ϕ_L,m) + ∂f̅(ϕ̅_m)/∂ϕ_L,m], ▿ f_p,l(ϕ_l,m) = 2ν_p,l,mϕ_l,m - 2χ_p,l,m, ∂f̅(ϕ̅_m)/∂ϕ_l,m = ∑_k∈𝒦_lexp(f_c,k(ϕ_l,m)/ε)▿ f_c,k(ϕ_l,m)/∑_k∈𝒦exp(f_c,k(ϕ_l,m)/ε), ▿ f_c,k(ϕ_l,m) = 2ν_c,k,mϕ_l,m - 2χ_c,k,m. Then, we obtain the Riemannian gradient, which projects the Euclidean gradient onto the tangent space, i.e., ▿_𝕄 f(ϕ̅_m) = 𝖯𝗋_ϕ̅_m(▿ f(ϕ̅_m)) = ▿ f(ϕ̅_m) - {𝖳𝗋(ϕ̅_m^H▿ f(ϕ̅_m))ϕ̅_m}. The descent direction at the v-th iteration of RCG is thus β^v = -▿_𝕄 f(ϕ̅_m^v) + μ^v𝖯𝗋_ϕ̅_m(β^v-1), where μ^v is the Riemannian version of the Polak-Ribière formula <cit.>, which is given by μ^v = ⟨▿_𝕄 f(ϕ̅_m^v), ▿_𝕄 f(ϕ̅_m^v)-𝖯𝗋_ϕ̅_m^v(▿_𝕄 f(ϕ̅_m^v-1))⟩/⟨▿_𝕄 f(ϕ̅_m^v-1), ▿_𝕄 f(ϕ̅_m^v-1)⟩, where ⟨𝐀,𝐁⟩ = {𝖳𝗋(𝐀^H𝐁)}. The v+1-th update is given by a retraction function mapping point ϕ̅_m^v on the tangent space 𝕋_ϕ̅_m^v𝕄 to the manifold 𝕄, that is <cit.> ϕ̅_m^v+1 = ϕ̅_m^v + ς^vβ^v/ϕ̅_m^v + ς^vβ^v_2, where ς^v is the stepsize obtained by Armijo backtracking <cit.>. To summarize, problem (<ref>) can be solved by iteratively updating the stepsize, the retraction, the Polak-Ribière formula, and the search direction as illustrated above, until convergence. IEEEtran
On the Inertial Rotational Brownian Motion of Arbitrarily Shaped Particles
[ "Amitesh S. Jayaraman", "Jikai Ye", "Gregory S. Chirikjian" ]
[ "cond-mat.stat-mech", "math-ph", "math.MP" ]
APS/123-QED amiteshs@stanford.edu Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, CA 94305, USA jikai.ye@nus.edu.sg Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore, 117575, Singapore mpegre@nus.edu.sg Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore, 117575, Singapore This article reports the modeling of inertial rotational Brownian motion as an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process evolving on the cotangent bundle of the rotation group, SO(3). The benefit of this approach and the use of a different parameterization of rotations allows the handling of particles with arbitrary shapes, without requiring any simplifying assumptions on the shape or the structure of the viscosity tensors. The resultant Fokker-Planck equation for the joint orientation and angular momentum probability distribution can be solved approximately using an `ansatz' Gaussian distribution in exponential coordinates. On the Inertial Rotational Brownian Motion of Arbitrarily Shaped Particles Gregory S. Chirikjian March 30, 2023 ========================================================================== § INTRODUCTION The study of rotational Brownian motion has more than 100 years of history, commencing with Debye's pioneering work <cit.> in 1913. Rotational Brownian motion, as opposed to translational Brownian motion, is the phenomenon observed when a three-dimensional body is subject to random torques—giving rise to a random trajectory on the group of rigid body rotations, SO(3). Despite the fact that research in this area commenced more than a century ago, rotational Brownian motion continues to be relevant in a variety of fields beyond soft matter and colloidal science, such as attitude estimation <cit.> and even exotic applications in astrophysics <cit.>. Debye had considered non-inertial rotational Brownian motion and Perrin <cit.> furthered this analysis by casting non-inertial rotational Brownian motion as a stochastic process on the rotation group SO(3). Obtaining the joint orientation and angular velocity/momentum probability density for the inertial theory of rotational Brownian motion is a more challenging problem for arbitrary body geometries due to the presence of the nonlinear cross-product term in Euler's equations for rigid body motions. Many researchers have previously considered various approximations of the problem. Hubbard <cit.> for instance analyzed the rotational Brownian motion of spherical particles as dynamics evolving on the state space, SO(3)× so(3). However, his analysis is approximate as well and he performed an iterative solution of the resulting Fokker-Planck equations rather than a direct exact solution. Fixman <cit.> considered the dynamics over phase space, SO(3) × so^*(3), but his analysis is restricted to symmetric top-shaped particles. Finally, Coffey <cit.> considered Brownian motion in the phase space, i.e., SO(3)× so^*(3) for needle-shaped particles but does not solve the Fokker-Planck equations directly. There has also been some research in the context of obtaining marginalized versions of the joint probability densities, i.e., Hubbard <cit.> has also considered the probability distribution over angular velocity alone for arbitrarily shaped particles—but the results are most accurate for small deviations from sphericity. Steele on the other hand <cit.> considers the probability distribution over orientation alone, but focuses primarily on a spherical particle. Ivanov <cit.> considers the probability distribution over orientation for arbitrarily shaped particles, with the Brownian motion process modeled as a random walk. Finally, Ford et. al., <cit.> derive orientational and angular velocity autocorrelation functions for asymmetric tops but assume that the viscous tensor and the inertia tensor are simultaneously diagonalizable; moreover, their expressions are derived by a perturbative expansion and are thus approximate. Moreover, they do not attempt to directly solve for the probability density function. This paper considers the inertial rotational Brownian motion problem for an arbitrarily shaped three-dimensional rigid body, with no constraints on the structure of the viscosity tensor or moment of inertia. We reformulate the inertial rotational Brownian motion as a stochastic process on the cotangent bundle group of SO(3). A small-time closed-form expression is derived for the probability density function (PDF) over orientation and angular momentum for the particle. The parameters of the PDF are determined by an integration, which has an analytic expression in some cases and can be solved numerically in general. § GOVERNING EQUATIONS §.§ Equations of Motion Consider a three-dimensional rigid body with the moment of inertia tensor I (in a body frame of reference). It is suspended in a fluid medium and at any point of time, its orientation is encoded by a three-dimensional rotation matrix, R∈ SO(3). The body frame angular velocity of the body is ω_R∈ℝ^3 and defined such that ω_R = (R^TṘ)^∨ where ∨ is a bijection converting elements from the Lie algebra of SO(3) to ℝ^3 (in other words, vectorizes 3× 3 skew-symmetric matrices). The angular momentum of the body is then ℓ = Iω_R. This body is subject to both a viscous torque that is proportional to the angular velocity of the body, i.e. of the form Cω_R, as well as a random torque (in the context of Brownian motion, this arises from molecular collisions) η. The equation of motion is then the familiar Euler equation for angular momentum with random torque: (ℓ̇ + I^-1ℓ×ℓ) = -CI^-1ℓ + η. Writing this as a stochastic differential equation by noting that η dt = B dW, where dW is a Wiener process increment with zero mean and variance dt, we have, (ℓ̇ + I^-1ℓ×ℓ) dt = -CI^-1ℓ dt + B dW. Note that B controls the variance and `color' of the noise term. In the non-inertial theory, the cross-product term I^-1ℓ×ℓ is assumed to be much smaller than the viscous torque CI^-1ℓ. This is true when the viscosity of the fluid is relatively large and the particles are small. We explain in Appendix I that these two terms can be of a comparable magnitude when the fluid is not viscous enough, e.g., in the air, where the inertial theory should apply. In addition, since we are interested in obtaining the probability distribution over phase space (R,ℓ) we also have the following definition, (R^TṘ)^∨ dt = I^-1ℓ dt. Simultaneously solving (<ref>) and (<ref>) we obtain the joint distribution f(R,ℓ;t) on phase space. In the following section, we describe the geometry of this phase space. §.§ Geometry of Phase Space From Hamiltonian dynamics, the phase space can be represented by the set of all orientation and angular momentum states that the body can occupy. We imbue an additional semi-direct product structure to this space so that we have a group SO(3)⋉ℝ^3 as the phase space on which the system evolves. From <cit.> we see that this is in fact the cotangent bundle group of SO(3). A group element, h(R,ℓ) ∈ SO(3)⋉ℝ^3 is constructed as, h(R,ℓ) = ( [ R^T ℓ; 0^T 1 ]). Note that we parameterize rotations with R^T instead of R (nevertheless, this group is simply a different parameterization of SE(3)). The Lie algebra of SO(3)⋉ℝ^3 is six-dimensional, and can be expressed using the same orthonormal basis as se(3): Ẽ_1 = [ 0 0 0 0; 0 0 -1 0; 0 1 0 0; 0 0 0 0 ], Ẽ_2 = [ 0 0 1 0; 0 0 0 0; -1 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 ], Ẽ_3 = [ 0 -1 0 0; 1 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 ], Ẽ_4 = [ 0 0 0 1; 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 ], Ẽ_5 = [ 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 1; 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 ] and Ẽ_6 = [ 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 1; 0 0 0 0 ]. The adjoint matrix of the group is [Ad(h)] and is given by, [Ad(h)] = [ R^T 𝕆; LR^T R^T ], where L^∨ = ℓ. Moreover, the “little ad" operator is given by [ad(X)] where X is in the Lie algebra of SO(3)⋉ℝ^3. If, X = [ Ω v; 0^T 0 ], then for V^∨ = v, [ad(X)] = [ Ω 𝕆; V Ω ]. The right and left Jacobians, 𝒥_L and 𝒥_R can be calculated as, 𝒥_r = [ J_r(R^T) 𝕆; 𝕆 R ] and 𝒥_l = [ J_l(R^T) 𝕆; LJ_l(R^T) 𝕀 ], where J_r and J_l are the right and left Jacobians for SO(3) given as, J_r(R(q)) = [(R^T∂ R/∂ q_1)^∨,⋯,(R^T∂ R/∂ q_3)^∨], J_l(R(q)) = [(∂ R/∂ q_1 R^T)^∨,⋯,(∂ R/∂ q_3R^T)^∨]. Using the definitions for the left and right Jacobians, we can construct the left and right Lie derivatives for this group (where the summation is implied over repeated indices), Ẽ^R_i u(h(q,ℓ)) = E^L_i u(h(q,ℓ)) (i, j = 1, 2, 3) R_(i-3),j∂ũ/∂ℓ_j (j = 1, 2, 3; i = 4, 5, 6) Ẽ^L_i u(h(q,ℓ)) = E^R_i u(h(q,ℓ)) - ε_ijkℓ_j∂ũ/∂ l_k (i,j,k = 1, 2, 3) -∂ũ/∂ℓ_i-3 (i = 4, 5, 6) where h is parameterized by q for the rotation and ℓ for angular momentum and u(h(q,ℓ)) = ũ(q,ℓ). Also, ε_ijk is the Levi-Civita symbol. We use the formulae, E^R f = [J_r]^-T∂ u/∂q and E^L f = -[J_l]^-T∂ u/∂q, and, Ẽ^R f = [𝒥_R]^-T∂ u/∂ξ and Ẽ^L f = -[𝒥_L]^-T∂ u/∂ξ where ξ = [q^T,ℓ^T]^T. §.§ Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process in SO(3)⋉ℝ^3 We observe that the left-hand side of the equations of motion (<ref>,<ref>) can be written as a component of (ḣh^-1)^∨ dt where h is given in (<ref>). Since, (ḣh^-1)^∨ = [ Ṙ^TR -Ṙ^TRℓ + ℓ̇; 0^T 0 ]^∨. and (Ṙ^TR)^∨ = -(R^TṘ)^∨ = -ω_R. This also implies that -Ṙ^TRℓ = ω_R×ℓ and we have, (ḣh^-1)^∨ = [ -ω_R; ℓ̇ + ω_R×ℓ ]. Comparing with (<ref>,<ref>) we see that, (ḣh^-1)^∨ dt = - [ I^-1ℓ; CI^-1ℓ ] dt + [ 𝕆 𝕆; 𝕆 B ]Ⓢ dw, which is a (left) stochastic differential equation evolving on SO(3)⋉ℝ^3; the Ⓢ makes it explicit that this is a Stratonovich equation. Notably, the troublesome cross-product term is absorbed into the definition of h, therefore, avoiding the need to deal with that term explicitly. Setting m = [ I^-1ℓ; CI^-1ℓ ] and B̃ = [ 𝕆 𝕆; 𝕆 B ], the Fokker-Planck equation for the probability density function u(h,t) on SO(3)^T⋉ℝ^3 is, ∂ u/∂ t =- ∑_i = 1^6 E^L_i(m_i u) + 1/2∑_i,j = 1^6 (B̃B̃^T)_ijE^L_iE^L_j u. The procedure to go from a stochastic differential equation evolving on a group to a corresponding Fokker-Planck equation is provided in detail in <cit.>. In coordinates ξ = [q^T,ℓ^T]^T, we express the equation in terms of ũ(ξ,t) = u(h(ξ),t) as, ∂ũ/∂ t = -∑_i,j = 1^6 Q_ijẼ^L_i(ξ_j ũ) + 1/2∑_i,j = 1^6 (B̃B̃^T)_ijẼ^L_iẼ^L_j ũ, where Q is, Q = [ 𝕆 I^-1; 𝕆 CI^-1 ], therefore describing a degenerate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. The matrix Q has a maximum rank of 3, and therefore only 3 non-zero singular values. §.§ Maxwell-Boltzmann Limit The limiting distribution at t→∞ is a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution for angular momentum and a uniform distribution over orientation, i.e., u_∞(R,ℓ) = 1/Zexp(-1/2βℓ^TI^-1ℓ), which is known from thermodynamics. Here, β = 1/k_BT where k_B is the Boltzmann constant, and Z is the partition function to normalize the distribution over phase space. To ensure that this limiting distribution can be obtained we also need, C+C^T = β BB^T, by the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. A proof using a non-parametric approach is provided in Appendix II. For usual physical systems, this reduces to, 2C = β BB^T, because C is a symmetric matrix as per Onsager's reciprocity theorem <cit.>. Note that a similar relationship between a diffusion matrix and viscous matrix is derived in <cit.>. However, their diffusion matrix D_0 has a different physical meaning from the BB^T we are using here. § SOLUTION METHODOLOGY AND RESULTS To approximately solve the Fokker-Planck equation in (<ref>) we adapt the solution provided by Riksen in <cit.>. We consider the initial conditions of ũ(h,0) = δ_G(h) where δ_G(h) is the group Dirac delta function concentrated at the identity element (this implies that the particle has zero angular velocity at t = 0 and all orientations are defined with respect to the orientation at t = 0). If the probability distribution is sufficiently concentrated we can make the following approximation, Ẽ^L_i ≈ - ∂/∂ξ_i, so that we have u(h,t) = ũ(ξ,t) for sufficiently small time t, ∂ũ/∂ t = ∑_i,j = 1^6 Q_ij∂/∂ξ_i(ξ_j ũ) + 1/2∑_i,j = 1^6 (B̃B̃^T)_ij∂^2ũ/∂ξ_i∂ξ_j, which solves to yield a Gaussian with mean μ(t) = 0 and covariance Σ(t) that varies as, Σ(t) = ∫_0^t [e^-Qτ]B̃B̃^T[e^-Qτ]^T dτ. Assuming that this is the solution on the Lie algebra we can construct the solution on the group as, u(h,t) =1/(2π)^3|det Σ(t)|^1/2exp(-1/2[log^∨ h]^T Σ^-1(t)[log^∨ h]), where log is the matrix logarithm. Hence, we obtain a closed-form approximate solution for the joint probability distribution evolving in phase space. We also note that the group theoretic mean and covariance are defined as, ∫_G log^∨(h ∘μ^-1) u(h,t) dh ≐ 0, and, Σ(t) ≐ ∫_G [log^∨(h ∘μ^-1)][log^∨(h ∘μ^-1)]^T u(h,t) dh. §.§ Example: Diagonal and Isotropic Viscous Tensor Consider a body fixed frame that is oriented along the eigenvectors of the moment of inertia tensor I so that we have a diagonal moment of inertia tensor, I = diag(I_1,I_2,I_3). Then assume that the viscous tensor is of the form C = c𝕀 (i.e., diagonal and isotropic). The B̃ is also given as, B̃ = [ 𝕆 𝕆; 𝕆 b𝕀 ], where 2c = β b^2 from (<ref>). Then, Q = [ 𝕆 diag(1/I_1,1/I_2,1/I_3); 𝕆 diag(c/I_1,c/I_2,c/I_3) ], so that, Σ(t) = ∫_0^t [e^-Qτ]B̃B̃^T[e^-Qτ]^T dτ = [ σ_11(t) σ_12(t); σ_21(t) σ_22(t) ], where, σ_11(t) = b^2diag(σ_11(I_1;t),σ_11(I_2;t),σ_11(I_3;t)) σ_12(t) = b^2diag(σ_12(I_1;t),σ_12(I_2;t),σ_12(I_3;t)) σ_21(t) = b^2diag(σ_21(I_1;t),σ_21(I_2;t),σ_21(I_3;t)) σ_22(t) = b^2diag(σ_22(I_1;t),σ_22(I_2;t),σ_22(I_3;t)), such that, σ_11(I_i;t) = b^2/c^2(t - 3I_i/2c- I_i/2c(e^-2ct/I_i - 4e^-ct/I_i)) σ_12(I_i;t) = σ_21(I_i;t) = b^2/c(I_i/ce^-ct/I_i - I_i/2ce^-2ct/I_i - I_i/2c) σ_22(I_i;t) = -I_i b^2/2c(e^-2ct/I_i-1). We see that when we set I_i = 0 for i = 1, 2, 3, we obtain σ_11(t) = b^2 t/c^2 and σ_12(t) = σ_21(t) = σ_22(t) = 0. In fact, this is the solution obtained from a non-inertial theory as will be explored in the following section. §.§.§ Comparison against non-inertial theory In the non-inertial theory of rotational Brownian motion, the governing stochastic differential equation is of the form, C (R^TṘ)^∨ dt = BdW. This yields the following Fokker-Planck equation for u(R,t), ∂ u/∂ t = 1/2∑_i,j=1^3 D_ijE^R_iE^R_j u, for D = C^-1BB^TC^-T, which is a drift-less diffusion on SO(3). If we consider the solution at small times (which can be approximated via covariance propagation <cit.>) and an initial condition of zero initial angular velocity, we obtain the following approximate solution: u(R,t) = 1/(2π)^3/2|Dt|^1/2exp(-1/2t[log^∨ R]^TD^-1[log^∨ R]). Noting that the covariance terms corresponding to the three-dimensional vector log^∨ R is σ_11 from (<ref>), we proceed to make a comparison with the results from the theory of inertial rotational Brownian motion. Now, if B = b𝕀 is the identity matrix and C = c𝕀, this gives Σ = Dt = b^2t/c^2𝕀. However, by setting I_1 = I_2 = I_3 = 0 in (<ref>), we obtain the same form for the orientational covariance σ_11(t) from (<ref>). §.§.§ Spherical particles As a special case, we consider a spherical particle, where I_1 = I_2 = I_3, to demonstrate the underlying ideas. As ground truth, we compare against the covariance (the mean is always identity) obtained from an Itô-Gangolli integration of the governing stochastic differential equation in (<ref>). That is, we evolve an ensemble of i = 1,⋯,N particles on the group with time as follows with the following update over a time step dt: h_i(t + dt) = exp(dX)∘ h_i(t), where dX^∨ is the right-hand side of (<ref>). A probability distribution can be constructed from these sample points as, u_s(h,t) = 1/N∑_i=1^Nδ(h∘ h_i^-1(t)), and the sample covariance is, Σ_s(t) = 1/N∑_i=1^N[log^∨ h_i(t)][log^∨ h_i(t)]^T. The above assumes that the sample mean is identity at all times. This is seen as a reasonable approximation since numerically, the sample mean deviates from the identity with only a 3% error (measured by a relative Frobenius norm) for N = 30,000 particles. In what follows, we assume N = 30,000 particles and compare the covariance obtained from the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck solution in (<ref>) with the sampled covariance for t = 3 units (and time step of dt = 1× 10^-3 units). Additionally, I = C = 𝕀 and β = 0.2 (the fluctuation-dissipation theorem sets the value of b = √(2/β)). Furthermore, we decompose the 6×6 covariance matrix into blocks of 3×3 matrices as, Σ = [ Σ_RR Σ_Rℓ; Σ_Rℓ^T Σ_ℓℓ ], where Σ_RR and Σ_ℓℓ are related to the covariance of the distribution once the distribution is marginalised over angular momenta and orientation respectively; Σ_Rℓ is the covariance for the coupling of the two variables. The error between the covariance matrix obtained from the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck solution in (<ref>) and the sample covariance matrix is computed as, Error(t) = ||Σ(t) - Σ_s(t)||_F/||Σ_s(t)||_F, where ||⋯||_F is the Frobenius norm. The evolution of this relative error with time is plotted in Figure <ref>. Notably, the error is small (order of 1%) till t≈ 0.6 units after which the error grows monotonically, and the approximation is no longer valid. Since for a sphere, all three covariance matrices can be expected to be multiples of 𝕀 (from (<ref>)), we now seek to compare the time-evolution for (co)variance Σ_RR, Σ_Rℓ and Σ_ℓℓ; that is, for a covariance Σ = k𝕀, we compare in terms of the scalar k. For the sample covariance, we use the average of diagonal elements as k. Covariance for orientations If the probability density for orientation for a non-inertial rotational Brownian motion is solved by covariance propagation, we obtain Σ_RR = tD𝕀 where D = b^2/c^2. We also plot this solution along with that from the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck approximation (for inertial theory). Finally, from Section <ref> we know that the limiting orientational distribution is a uniform distribution in SO(3), i.e., u_∞(R) = 1/(8π^2) so that we have, ∫_SO(3)1/8π^2 dg = 1/8π^2∫_0^2π∫_0^π∫_0^2πsinβ dα dβ dγ = 1, where the integral over SO(3) is decomposed to an integral over the ZYZ Euler angles (α,β,γ). The limiting covariance is then, Σ_RR,∞ = 1/8π^2∫_G[log^∨ g][log^∨ g]^T dg. Now we parameterize g = g(q) in terms of exponential coordinates, i.e., g = exp(q^∧). In this parameterisation, dg = 2(1 - cos||q||)/||q||^2 dq. Since q∈ℝ^3, we imagine decomposing the integral into an integration over a solid ball of radius r = ||q|| where 0≤ r < π. Then, letting the polar angle be θ, for 0≤θ < π, and the azimuthal angle be ϕ, for 0≤ϕ < 2π, we can write, q = [rcosϕsinθ,rsinϕsinθ,rcosθ]^T. Thus, Σ_RR,∞ = 1/8π^2∫_0^π∫_0^2π∫_0^πqq^T 2(1 - cos r)sinθ dθ dϕ dr = π^2 + 6/9𝕀. Figure <ref> is a plot comparing the (co)variance obtained from the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck solution in (<ref>) along with the corresponding term in the sample covariance. Additionally, the covariance from the non-inertial theory and that for the limiting uniform distribution (<ref>) are plotted. We note that the covariance from the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck solution (<ref>) begins to deviate from the sample covariance after about t≈ 0.6 units. Numerically, this is when the covariance becomes large enough that a distribution in the ℝ^3 space spanned by the exponential parameterisation of orientation has sufficiently large volume outside the solid ball, ||log^∨ g|| < π for g ∈ SO(3). The curvature of SO(3), therefore, makes the small covariance assumption that motivated the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck solution invalid. This is true even of the non-inertial theory in Figure <ref> and thus, none of the propagation or Ornstein-Uhlenbeck solutions are able to recover the limiting uniform distribution (corresponding to thermal equilibrium). Covariance for orientation-angular momentum coupling Figure <ref> depicts the time evolution of the coupling covariance, comparing the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck solution with the corresponding sample covariance. At large times, the coupling (co)variance goes to zero, suggesting the decoupling between angular momentum and orientation, which is seen from the limiting Maxwell-Boltzmann solution in (<ref>). Covariance for angular momentum In exponential coordinates, log^∨ h = [ q; J_l^-1(q)ℓ ], where J_l is the left Jacobian for SO(3) for exponential coordinates <cit.>. Thus Σ_ℓℓ is taken to refer to the (co)variance associated with the vector y = J_l^-1(q)ℓ instead. Using the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution and the definition (<ref>), we can obtain that the time limit covariance for y is Σ_ℓℓ,∞=π^2+3/9β I. Figure <ref> depicts the time evolution for the covariance associated with angular momentum, comparing the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck solution with the corresponding sample covariance and the time limit covariance. § CONCLUSIONS We have provided a short-time closed-form expression of the probability density function on the phase space for an arbitrary-shaped particle undergoing an inertial rotational Brownian motion. The phase space is described by the cotangent bundle group of SO(3). An example, where the parameters of the PDF have an analytic expression, is shown and compared to the ground truth and the approximate solution of the non-inertial theory. For more general cases, it is possible to use a numerical method to obtain the parameters and utilize the simple closed-form PDF to perform further calculations. One possible future work is to fit a spline to connect the small-time solution with the steady-state Boltzmann distribution. It requires an additional estimation of the relaxation time. Another extension is to calculate the covariance matrix without using the approximation (<ref>). A possible approach is to estimate the time derivative of the covariance matrix (<ref>) using the Fokker-Planck equation on phase space (<ref>) and the Lie derivative approximations in Appendix III. Acknowledgements This work was supported by NUS Startup grants A-0009059-02-00 and A-0009059-03-00, National Research Foundation, Singapore, under its Medium Sized Centre Programme - Centre for Advanced Robotics Technology Innovation (CARTIN), sub award A-0009428-08-00, and AME Programmatic Fund Project MARIO A-0008449-01-00. § APPENDIX I In this section, we give a real-world example where the viscous torque is comparable to the torque introduced by inertia. The modeling details and numerical results are presented. Assume many Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) particles are floating and rotating in the air subject to viscous torque and a random torque. A TMV particle is a long, stick-like particle, whose total length, inner, and outer diameter are 300 nm, 4 nm, and 18 nm respectively. It is composed of coat proteins and a single-strand RNA molecule inside, with a total particle weight 3.94× 10^7 Da <cit.>. We model a TMV particle as a solid ellipsoid with a major axis a=150 nm, two minor axes b=c=9 nm and mass M=3.94× 10^7 Da. The viscous torque for a prolate ellipsoid is known <cit.>, T^hyd=16/3πη d^3 ω / [ 1/2lna+d/a-d-ad/b^2], where η is the shear viscosity of the fluid and d=√(a^2-b^2). The inertia tensor of an ellipsoid is (when the frame is aligned with the principle axes): I=M/5[ b^2+c^2 0 0; 0 a^2+c^2 0; 0 0 a^2+b^2 ], where M is the total mass. The long-term distribution of the angular velocity of these particles should be a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, ũ_∞(ω) = 1/Zexp(-1/2k_B Tω^TI ω), following the distribution of the angular momentum (<ref>). If an angular velocity ω_0 is relatively “usual” for the distribution (<ref>), the value 1/2k_B Tω_0^TI ω_0 should not be too large. Assume an angular velocity takes the following form, ω_0 = (ω_0,ω_0,ω_0)^T, which is illustrated in Figure <ref>. Assume the temperature T=300K. For a “usual” angular velocity ω_0 that satisfies: 1/2k_B Tω_0^TI ω_0 =2, we can obtain, ω_0=√(2· 2k_B T / tr(I))=5.29× 10^6 rad/s using (<ref>) and the parameters of a TMV particle. At this temperature, the shear viscosity of air is η=1.86× 10^-5 Pa· s. The viscous torque using (<ref>) is, Cω_0= [ -2.02× 10^-20; -2.02× 10^-20; -2.02× 10^-20 ] N· m, and the torque introduced by inertia is, ω_0× (Iω_0)= [ -7.10× 10^-37; -8.19× 10^-21; +8.19× 10^-21 ] N· m. In this case, we see the viscous and inertial torques are of a comparable magnitude. So when the distribution is approaching the limit distribution, a considerable amount of particles are influenced by both torques, where the inertial theory becomes important. § APPENDIX II In this section, we provide a proof for the relationship (<ref>) in a more general setting, where a deterministic force field is also present. The proof is written for inertial rotational Brownian motion, while the proof for the non-inertial case follows the same way. Below, we use the “∧” and “∨” operators, the basis of Lie algebra, and Lie derivative E^R_k of SO(3) defined in <cit.>. The Einstein summation convention is also used to simplify equations. Assume a particle is rotating in a deterministic field V(R) with linear viscous torque and random torque. The following stochastic differential equations on the direct product group SO(3)×ℝ^3 describes the movement of the particle: dℓ=(ℓ̂ I^-1ℓ-E^R V - CI^-1ℓ)dt+Bdw, (R^T dR)^∨=I^-1ℓ dt, where ℓ=Iω is the angular momentum. We also rewrite the cross-product term ℓ×(I^-1ℓ) as a matrix multiplication term ℓ̂I^-1ℓ using the property of skew-symmetric matrices. The Lie derivative term stands for a vector E^R V=(E^R_1 V, E^R_2 V, E^R_3 V)^T. Using the methodology in <cit.>, the corresponding Fokker-Planck equation on SO(3)×ℝ^3 is: ∂ f/∂ t=-E^R_k(h_k^Rf)-∂/∂ℓ_k(h^ℓ_k f)+1/2(BB^T)_kl∂ ^2 f/∂ℓ_k ∂ℓ _l, where h^ℓ =ℓ̂I^-1ℓ-E^RV-CI^-1ℓ, h^R =I^-1ℓ. Here, we use the notation f(R,ℓ,t) to denote the distribution on the direct product group, so as to differentiate from the distribution u(h,t) on the cotangent bundle in the main text. We proceed to prove the main theorem. The solution f(R,ℓ,t) to the Fokker-Planck equation (<ref>) satisfies lim_t→∞ f(R,ℓ,t)=1/Zexp(-β( 1/2ℓ^TI^-1ℓ+V(R) ) ), if and only if, C+C^T=β BB^T. When the time is very large, the LHS of (<ref>) should approach zero. We denote the RHS of (<ref>) as f_∞(R,ℓ) and substitute it into the RHS of (<ref>). The first term is, -E_k^R(h_k^Rf_∞)=-e_k^TI^-1ℓE^R_k f_∞, where e_k^TI^-1ℓ is a scalar and the subscript k is summed over. For the second term, we first calculate ∂ h_k^ℓ/∂ℓ _k, ∂ h^ℓ_k/∂ℓ_k =∂/∂ℓ_k[ e^T_k(ℓ̂I^-1ℓ-E^RV-CI^-1ℓ) ] =e^T_k(ê_kI^-1ℓ+ℓ̂ I^-1e_k-CI^-1e_k) =e_k^T(ℓ̂ -C)I^-1e_k. Note that the term e^T_k ê_kI^-1ℓ vanishes because e^T_k ê_k=-(e_k ×e_k)^T. The derivatives of f_∞ are: E^R_kf_∞=-β (E^R_k V) f_∞ ∂ f_∞/∂ℓ_k=-βe_k^T I^-1ℓ f_∞ ∂ ^2 f_∞/∂ℓ_k ∂ℓ_l=(-βe_k^TI^-1e_l+β^2 ℓ^T(I^-Te_k e_l^TI^-1)ℓ )f_∞. The fact that e_k^TI^-1ℓ=ℓ^TI^-Te_k is used above. Substituting (<ref>), (<ref>), and (<ref>) into (<ref>) and removing f_∞, we have: β (E^R_k V)e_k^TI^-1ℓ-e_k^T(ℓ̂ -C)I^-1e_k + β (e_k^T I^-1ℓ) h_k^ℓ +1/2(BB^T)_kl(-βe_k^TI^-1e_l+β^2ℓ^T(I^-Te_k e_l^TI^-1)ℓ)=0 . The first three terms can be organized as: β (E^R_k V)e_k^TI^-1ℓ-e_k^T(ℓ̂ -C)I^-1e_k + β (e_k^T I^-1ℓ) [e_k^T(ℓ̂ -C)I^-1ℓ-E^R_kV] = e_k^TCI^-1e_k-e_k^T ℓ̂ I^-1e_k-βℓ^TI^-Te_ke_k^TCI^-1ℓ +βℓ^TI^-Te_k e_k^T ℓ̂ I^-1ℓ = e_k^TCI^-1e_k-tr( ℓ̂ I^-1)-βℓ^TI^-TCI^-1ℓ = e_k^TCI^-1e_k-βℓ^TI^-TCI^-1ℓ The equation e_k^TI^-1ℓ=ℓ^TI^-Te_k is used in lines 1-2. In line 2, the term e_k e_k^T equals the identity matrix when summed over. So the cubic term is simplified to (I^-1ℓ)^Tℓ̂ I^-1ℓ=ω·(ℓ×ω) and vanishes. In lines 3-4, we employ the fact that the trace of a skew-symmetric matrix multiplying a symmetric matrix is 0. For (<ref>) to hold true, the constant term and the quadratic term should vanish for all ℓ. Substituting (<ref>) into (<ref>), the constant term is, e_k^TCI^-1e_k-1/2β·(BB^T)_kle_k^TI^-1e_l = tr((C-1/2β· BB^T)I^-1), and the quadratic term is, -βℓ^TI^-TCI^-1ℓ+1/2(BB^T)_klβ^2ℓ^T(I^-Te_k e_l^TI^-1)ℓ = ℓ^T(-β I^-TCI^-1 +1/2(BB^T)_klβ^2(I^-Te_k e_l^TI^-1))ℓ = ℓ^T(-β I^-TCI^-1 +1/2β^2(I^-TBB^TI^-1))ℓ = -β·ℓ^TI^-T(C-1/2β· BB^T)I^-1ℓ = -β·ω^T(C-1/2β· BB^T)ω. The only condition for both (<ref>) and (<ref>) to be zero is that C-1/2β· BB^T is a skew-symmetric matrix: (C-1/2β· BB^T)=-(C-1/2β· BB^T)^T. Since BB^T is symmetric, the condition is equivalent to, C+C^T=β· BB^T, which ends the proof. § APPENDIX III In this section, we provide some useful approximation formulas for the Lie derivative of the logarithm of a group element, i.e., E^L_i x, E^L_i(xx^T), E_i^LE_j^L x, E_i^L E_j^L(xx^T), E^R_i x, E^R_i(xx^T), E_i^RE_j^R x, E_i^R E_j^R(xx^T). where x(k)=[log^∨ k] is a vector-valued function of k∈G. The BCH expansion for Z = log(e^Xe^Y) is, Z = X + Y + 1/2[X,Y] + 1/12([X,[X,Y]] + [Y,[Y,X]]) + + 1/48([Y,[X,[Y,X]]] + [X,[Y,[Y,X]]]) + ⋯, where [X,Y] = XY - YX and the subsequent terms involve at least five appearances of X or Y in the recursive Lie brackets (i.e., for instance [Y,[Y,[Y,[Y,X]]]]). We first see that, [log^∨(e^-tE_i∘ k)] - [log^∨ k] = -te_i - t/2ad_ix - - t/12ad_Xad_Xe_i + 𝒪(t,||x||^4), and, [log^∨(k ∘ e^tE_i)] - [log^∨ k] = te_i - t/2ad_ix + + t/12ad_Xad_Xe_i + 𝒪(t,||x||^4). From here, we can see that, E^L_ix = lim_t→ 0([log^∨ (e^-tE_i∘ k)] - [log^∨ k]/t) ≈ -e_i - 1/2ad_ix - 1/12ad_Xad_Xe_i + 𝒪(||x||^4), and, E^R_ix = lim_t→ 0([log^∨ (k∘ e^tE_i)] - [log^∨ k]/t) ≈e_i - 1/2ad_ix + 1/12ad_Xad_Xe_i + 𝒪(||x||^4). Therefore, with an error of order 𝒪(||x||^3) we obtain, E^L_i(xx^T) ≈ -x(e_i + 1/2ad_ix)^T - (e_i + 1/2ad_ix)x^T ≈ -xe^T_i - e_ix^T - 1/2xx^Tad_i^T - 1/2ad_ixx^T. Similarly we have, E^R_i(xx^T) = xe^T_i + e_ix^T - 1/2xx^Tad_i^T - 1/2ad_ixx^T. A term that we will appear is, E^L_iE^L_jx, which we can expand with an error of 𝒪(||x||^3) to obtain, E^L_iE^L_jx≈1/2ad_j(e_i + 1/2ad_ix + 1/12ad_Xad_Xe_i) - - 1/12E^L_i(ad_Xad_X)e_j Since ad_X is linear in x, to ensure that E^L_iE^L_jx has an error of 𝒪(||x||^3), we can truncate the expansion of E^L_i(ad_X) with an error of 𝒪(||x||^2). Similarly, E^R_iE^R_jx≈1/2ad_j(e_i - 1/2ad_ix + 1/12ad_Xad_Xe_i) + + 1/12E^R_i(ad_Xad_X)e_j The following is true by the product rule: E^L_iE^L_j(xx^T) = (E^L_iE^L_jx)x^T + E^L_jxE^L_ix^T + + E^L_ixE^L_jx^T + x(E^L_iE^L_jx^T), where the E^L_ix term has to be expanded with an error of 𝒪(||x||^3) but E^L_iE^L_jx only needs to have an error of 𝒪(||x||^2) in the expressions in the paper (since it is usually multiplied with another quantity of order 𝒪(||x||)). Likewise, E^R_iE^R_j(xx^T) = (E^R_iE^R_jx)x^T + E^R_jxE^R_ix^T + + E^R_ixE^R_jx^T + x(E^R_iE^R_jx^T), The previous two expressions rely on knowing E^L_iad_X and E^R_iad_X with an error of at most 𝒪(||x||^2). We first note that, ad(c_1X + c_2Y) = c_1ad(X) + c_2ad(Y), by linearity for two constants c_1 and c_2. This can also be seen by assuming an arbitrary Z such that ad(c_1X + c_2Y)Z = [c_1X+c_2Y,Z] = c_1[X,Z] + c_2[Y,Z] = c_1ad(X)Z + c_2ad(Y)Z = (c_1ad(X) + c_2ad(Y))Z. Since this holds for any Z, the above identity follows. Then, E^L_i(ad_X) = lim_t→ 0([ad(log(e^-tE_i∘ k))] - [ad(log k)]/t) ≈ -ad_i - 1/2ad_[E_i,X], and, E^R_i(ad_X) = lim_t→ 0([ad(log(k∘ e^tE_i))] - [ad(log k)]/t) ≈ ad_i - 1/2ad_[E_i,X]. Using these results we have, to an error of 𝒪(||x||^3), E^L_iE^L_jx≈1/2ad_je_i + 1/4ad_jad_ix + + 1/24ad_jad_Xad_Xe_i + 1/12(ad_iad_Xe_j + ad_Xad_ie_j)+ + 1/24(ad_[E_i,X]ad_Xe_j + ad_Xad_[E_i,X]e_j), and if we define P and S as the following collection of terms: P = 1/2ad_je_ix^T + 1/4ad_jad_ixx^T + +1/12(ad_iad_Xe_jx^T + ad_Xad_ie_jx^T), S = e_ie_j^T + 1/2(e_ix^Tad_j^T + ad_ixe_j^T) + + 1/4ad_ixx^Tad_j^T + 1/12(e_ie_j^Tad_X^Tad_X^T + ad_Xad_Xe_ie^T_j), we would have, E^L_iE^L_j(xx^T) ≈ P + P^T + S + S^T.
Finding Diverse Minimum s-t Cuts
[ "Mark de Berg", "Andrés López Martínez", "Frits Spieksma" ]
[ "cs.DS", "05C85", "F.2.2; G.2.2" ]
Anyon condensation in the string-net models Fiona J. Burnell March 30, 2023 =========================================== arabic Recently, many studies have been devoted to finding diverse solutions in classical combinatorial problems, such as Vertex Cover (Baste et al., IJCAI'20), Matching (Fomin et al., ISAAC'20) and Spanning Tree (Hanaka et al., AAAI'21). Finding diverse solutions is important in settings where the user is not able to specify all criteria of the desired solution. Motivated by an application in the field of system identification, we initiate the algorithmic study of k-Diverse Minimum s-t Cuts which, given a directed graph G = (V, E), two specified vertices s,t ∈ V, and an integer k > 0, asks for a collection of k minimum s-t cuts in G that has maximum diversity. We investigate the complexity of the problem for two diversity measures for a collection of cuts: (i) the sum of all pairwise Hamming distances, and (ii) the cardinality of the union of cuts in the collection. We prove that k-Diverse Minimum s-t Cuts can be solved in strongly polynomial time for both diversity measures via submodular function minimization. We obtain this result by establishing a connection between ordered collections of minimum s-t cuts and the theory of distributive lattices. When restricted to finding only collections of mutually disjoint solutions, we provide a more practical algorithm that finds a maximum set of pairwise disjoint minimum s-t cuts. For graphs with small minimum s-t cut, it runs in the time of a single max-flow computation. These results stand in contrast to the problem of finding k diverse global minimum cuts—which is known to be NP-hard even for the disjoint case (Hanaka et al., 2022)—and partially answer a long-standing open question of Wagner (Networks 1990) about improving the complexity of finding disjoint collections of minimum s-t cuts. § INTRODUCTION The Minimum s-t Cut problem is a classic combinatorial optimization problem. Given a directed graph G = (V, E) and two special vertices s, t ∈ V, the problem asks for a subset S ⊆ E of minimum cardinality that separates vertices s and t, meaning that removing these edges from G ensures there is no path from s to t. Such a set is called a minimum s-t cut or s-t mincut, and it need not be unique. This problem has been studied extensively and has numerous practical and theoretical applications. Moreover, it is known to be solvable in polynomial time. Several variants and generalizations of the problem have been studied; we mention the global minimum cut problem and the problem of enumerating all minimum s-t cuts in a graph. In this paper, we initiate the algorithmic study of computing diverse minimum s-t cuts. Concretely, we introduce the following optimization problem. [k-Diverse Minimum s-t Cuts (k-DMC)] Given are a directed graph G = (V, E), vertices s,t ∈ V and an integer k > 0. Let Γ_G(s, t) be the set of minimum s-t cuts in G, and let U_k be the set of k-element multisets of Γ_G(s, t). We want to find C ∈ U_k such that d(C) = max_S ∈ U_k d(S), where d : 2^U_k→ℕ is a measure of diversity. Informally, given a directed graph G along with two specified vertices s and t, and an integer k, we are interested in finding a collection of k s-t mincuts in G that are as different from each other as possible; that is, a collection having maximum diversity. Notice that the problem is well defined even when there are less than k s-t mincuts in G, because we allow multisets in the solution. To formally capture the notion of diversity of a collection of sets, several measures have been proposed in literature <cit.>. In this work, we choose two natural and general measures as our notions of diversity. Given a collection (X_1, X_2, …, X_k) of subsets of a set A (not necessarily distinct), we define d_sum(X_1, …, X_k) = ∑_1≤ i < j ≤ k |X_i X_j|, d_cov(X_1, …, X_k) = |⋃_1 ≤ i ≤ k X_i | where X_i X_j = (X_i ∪ X_j) ∖ (X_i ∩ X_j) is the symmetric difference (or Hamming distance) of X_i and X_j. Throughout, we call function (<ref>) the pairwise-sum diversity and function (<ref>) the coverage diversity. These measures are amongst the most broadly used in describing diversity among solutions in combinatorial problems. Motivation. We now briefly motivate why finding diverse minimum s-t cuts in a graph can be of interest. In general, to solve a real-world problem, one typically formulates the problem as an instance of a computational problem and proceeds to find a solution with the help of an optimization algorithm. However, this is not always an easy task, and the abstraction to a mathematical formulation is usually just a simplification. From a theoretical perspective, an optimal solution to the simplified problem is as good as any other optimal solution, but due to the loss of information during the abstraction process, not every such solution is guaranteed to be adequate for practical usage. An illustrating example is the so-called synthesis problem in the field of system identification, where (under special conditions) the Minimum s-t Cut problem can be used to determine an optimal placement of input and output signals in a physical system (modeled as a directed graph) to gather information about its behaviour <cit.>. An optimal placement obtained from the abstract model, however, is not always practically feasible due to omitted physical constraints of the system that would otherwise render the model unmanageable <cit.>. One way of dealing with this issue is to present all optimal solutions of the simplified model and let a user choose between them based on external factors ignored by the mathematical model. Such an approach is useful when the number of optimal solutions is small, but in most cases (as in the Minimum s-t Cut problem) the number of optimal solutions can be exponential in the input size, rendering the approach infeasible. Another approach is to present only a small number k of optimal solutions, but one should be careful not to output solutions that are very similar to each other, as a solution resembling a practically infeasible solution is likely to be practically infeasible as well. Thus, we would like to somehow obtain a small list of k optimal, yet sufficiently “diverse” solutions from which a user can make a choice a posteriori. Our results. We investigate the complexity of the following two variants of k-Diverse Minimum s-t Cuts: (i) Sum k-Diverse Minimum s-t Cuts (Sum-k-DMC), and (ii) Cover k-Diverse Minimum s-t Cuts (Cov-k-DMC). These are the problems obtained when defining function d in k-DMC as diversity measures (<ref>) and (<ref>), respectively. For a graph G, we use n to denote the number of nodes and m to denote the number of edges. Contrary to the hardness of finding diverse global mincuts in a graph <cit.>, we show that both Sum-k-DMC and Cov-k-DMC can be solved in polynomial time. We show this via a reduction to the submodular function minimization problem (SFM) on a lattice, which is known to be solvable in strongly polynomial time when the lattice is distributive <cit.>. []theoremmainTheorem Sum-k-DMC and Cov-k-DMC can be solved in strongly polynomial time. At the core of this reduction is a generalization of an old result of Escalante <cit.> establishing a connection between minimum s-t cuts and distributive lattices. As will be elaborated in Section <ref>, we obtain our results by showing that the pairwise-sum and coverage diversity measures (reformulated as minimization objectives) are submodular functions on the lattice L^* defined by left-right ordered collections of s-t mincuts, and that this lattice is in fact distributive. Using the currently fastest algorithm for SFM by Jiang <cit.>, together with an appropriate representation of the lattice L^*, we can obtain an algorithm solving these problems in O(k^5n^5) time. In Section <ref>, we obtain better time bounds for the special case of finding collections of s-t mincuts that are pairwise disjoint. Similar to SUM-k-DMC and COV-k-DMC, our approach exploits the partial order structure of s-t mincuts. We use this to efficiently solve the following optimization problem, which we call k-Disjoint Minimum s-t Cuts: given a graph G = (V, E), vertices s,t ∈ V, and an integer k ≤ k_max, find k pairwise disjoint s-t mincuts in G. Here, k_max denotes the maximum number of disjoint s-t mincuts in G. Our algorithm is significantly simpler than the previous best algorithm by Wagner <cit.>, which runs in the time of a poly-logarithmic number of calls to any min-cost flow algorithm. Our algorithm takes O(F(m, n) + mλ) time, where F(m, n) is the time required by a unit-capacity max-flow computation, and λ is the size of an s-t mincut in the graph. By plugging in the running time of the current fastest deterministic max-flow algorithms of <cit.>, we obtain the following time bounds. When λ≤ m^1/3 + o(1), our algorithm improves upon the previous best runtime for this problem. k-Disjoint Minimum s-t Cuts can be solved in time O(m^4/3 + o(1) + m λ). Related Work. Many efforts have been devoted to finding diverse solutions in combinatorial problems. In their seminal paper <cit.>, Kuo et al. were the first to explore this problem from a complexity-theoretic perspective. They showed that the basic problem of maximizing a distance norm over a set of elements is already NP-hard. Since then, the computational complexity of finding diverse solutions in many other combinatorial problems has been studied. For instance, diverse variants of Vertex Cover, Matching and Hitting Set have been shown to be NP-hard, even when considering simple diversity measures like the pairwise-sum of Hamming distances, or the minimum Hamming distance between sets. This has motivated the study of these and similar problems from the perspective of fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) algorithms <cit.>. Along the same line, Hanaka et al. <cit.> recently developed a framework to design approximation algorithms for diverse variants of combinatorial problems. On the positive side, diverse variants of other classic problems are known to be polynomially solvable when considering certain set-based diversity measures, such as Spanning Tree <cit.> and Shortest Path <cit.>, but not much is known about graph partitioning problems in light of diversity. The problem of finding multiple minimum cuts has received considerable attention <cit.>. Picard and Queyranne <cit.> initiated the study of finding all minimum s-t cuts in a graph, showing that these can be enumerated efficiently. They observe that the closures of a naturally-defined poset over the vertices of the graph, correspond bijectively to minimum s-t cuts. An earlier work of Escalante <cit.> already introduced an equivalent poset for minimum s-t cuts, but contrary to Picard and Queyranne, no algorithmic implications were given. Nonetheless, Escalante shows that the set of s-t mincuts in a graph, together with this poset, defines a distributive lattice. Similar structural results for stable matchings and circulations have been shown to have algorithmic implications <cit.>, but as far as we know, the lattice structure of s-t mincuts has been seldomly exploited in the algorithmic literature.[Bonsma <cit.> does make implicit use of the lattice structure of minimum s-t cuts to investigate the complexity of finding most balanced minimum cuts and partially ordered knapsack problems, but does not make this connection to lattice theory explicit.] Wagner <cit.> studied the problem of finding k pairwise-disjoint s-t cuts of minimum total cost in an edge-weighted graph.[Notice that when the input graph is unweighted and k ≤ k_max, Wagner's problem reduces to k-Disjoint Minimum s-t Cuts.] He showed that this problem can be solved in polynomial time by means of a reduction to a transshipment problem; where he raised the question of whether improved complexity bounds were possible by further exploiting the structure of the problem, as opposed to using a general purpose min-cost flow algorithm for solving the transshipment formulation. In sharp contrast, Hanaka et al. <cit.> recently established that the problem of finding k pairwise-disjoint global minimum cuts in a graph is NP-hard (for k part of the input). We are not aware of any algorithm for minimum s-t cuts that runs in polynomial time with theoretical guarantees on diversity. § PRELIMINARIES §.§ Distributive Lattices In this paper, we use properties of distributive lattices. Here we introduce basic concepts and results on posets and lattices while making an effort to minimize new terminology. For a more detailed introduction to lattice theory see e.g., <cit.>. A partially ordered set (poset) P = (X, ≼) is a ground set X together with a binary relation ≼ on X that is reflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive. We use 𝒟(P) to denote the family of all ideals of P. When the binary operation ≼ is clear from the context, we use the same notation for a poset and its ground set. Here, we consider the standard representation of a poset P as a directed graph G(P) containing a node for each element and edges from an element to its predecessors. For a poset P = (X, ≼), an ideal is a set U ⊆ X where u ∈ U implies that v ∈ U for all v ≼ u. In terms of G(P) = (V, E), a subset W of V is an ideal if and only if there is no outgoing edge from W. A lattice is a poset L = (X, ≼) in which any two elements x, y ∈ X have a (unique) greatest lower bound, or meet, denoted by x ∧ y, as well as a (unique) least upper bound, or join, denoted by x ∨ y. We can uniquely identify L by the tuple (X, ∨, ∧). A lattice L' is a sublattice of L if L' ⊆ L and L' has the same meet and join operations as L. In this paper we only consider distributive lattices, which are lattices whose meet and join operations satisfy distributivity; that is, x ∨ (y ∧ z) = (x ∨ y) ∧ (x ∨ z) and x ∧ (y ∨ z) = (x ∧ y) ∨ (x ∧ z), for any x,y,z ∈ L. Note that a sublattice of a distributive lattice is also distributive. Suppose we have a collection L_1, …, L_k of lattices L_i = (X_i, ∨_i, ∧_i) with i ∈ [k].[Throughout, we use [k] to denote the set {1,...,k}.] The (direct) product lattice L_1 ×…× L_k is a lattice with ground set X = {(x_1, …, x_k) : x_i ∈ L_i} and join ∨ and meet ∧ operations acting component-wise; that is, x ∨ y = (x_1 ∨_1 y_1, …, x_k ∨_k y_k) and x ∧ y = (x_1 ∧_1 y_1, …, x_k ∧_k y_k) for any x, y ∈ X. The lattice L^k is the product lattice of k copies of L, and is called the kth power of L. If L is a distributive lattice, then L^k is also distributive. A crucial notion we will need is that of join-irreducibles. An element x of a lattice L is called join-irreducible if it cannot be expressed as the join of two elements y, z ∈ L with y, z ≠ x. In a lattice, any element is equal to the join of all join-irreducible elements lower than or equal to it. The set of join-irreducible elements of L is denoted by J(L). Note that J(L) is a poset whose order is inherited from L. Any distributive lattice L can be represented as the poset of its join-irreducibles J(L), with the order induced from L. Due to Birkhoff's representation theorem—a fundamental tool for studying distributive lattices—every distributive lattice L is isomorphic to the lattice 𝒟(J(L)) of ideals of its poset of join-irreducibles, with union and intersection as join and meet operations. Hence, a distributive lattice L can be uniquely recovered from its poset J(L). For a distributive lattice L, this implies that there is a compact representation of L as the directed graph G(L) that characterizes its set of join-irreducibles. (The graph G(L) is unique if we remove transitive edges.) This is useful when designing algorithms, as the size of G(L) is O(|J(L)|^2), while L can have as many as 2^|J(L)| elements. See Figure <ref> for an illustration. §.§ Submodular Function Minimization Let f be a real-valued function on a lattice L = (X, ≼). We say that f is submodular on L if f(x ∧ y) + f(x ∨ y) ≤ f(x) + f(y), for all x,y ∈ X. If -f is submodular on L, then we say that f is supermodular in L and just modular if f satisfies (<ref>) with equality. The submodular function minimization problem (SFM) on lattices is, given a submodular function f on L, to find an element x ∈ L such that f(x) is minimum. An important fact that we use in our work is that the sum of submodular functions is also submodular. Also, note that minimizing f is equivalent to maximizing -f. Consider the special case of a lattice whose ground set X ⊆ 2^U is a family of subsets of a set U, and meet and join are intersection and union of sets, respectively. It is known that any function f satisfying (<ref>) on such a lattice can be minimized in polynomial time in |U| <cit.>. This holds when assuming that for any Y ⊆ U, the value of f(Y) is given by an evaluation oracle that also runs in polynomial time in |U|. The current fastest algorithm for SFM on sets runs in O(|U|^3 T_EO) time <cit.>, where T_EO is the time required for one call to the evaluation oracle. Due to Birkhoff's theorem, the seemingly more general case of SFM on distributive lattices can be reduced to SFM on sets as follows.[For a more detailed description of the reduction from SFM on a distributive lattice to SFM on sets, we refer the reader to <cit.>.] First, recall that every distributive lattice L can be seen as the poset 𝒟(J(L)) of ideals of its join-irreducibles, with union and intersection of ideals as join and meet operations, respectively. Then, one can always construct an analogue function f̂ on 𝒟(J(L)) of the original function f on L in the following way. For the ideal A ∈𝒟(J(L)) corresponding to the set of join-irreducibles lower than or equal to a ∈ L, simply set f̂(A) = f(a). Then, the submodularity of f on L gets translated to the submodularity of f̂ on 𝒟(J(L)). Moreover, provided that union and intersection of sets can be computed in polynomial time, computing f̂ is polynomially no harder than computing f. So, any polynomial-time algorithm for SFM on sets can be used to minimize a submodular function f on a distributive lattice L by minimizing the analogue function f̂ on 𝒟(J(L)). An important remark is that the running time now depends on the size of the set J(L) of join-irreducibles. For any distributive lattice L, given by its poset of join-irreducibles J(L), a submodular function f: L →ℝ can be minimized in polynomial time in |J(L)|, provided a polynomial time evaluation oracle for f. §.§ Minimum Cuts Throughout this paper, we restrict our discussion to directed graphs. All our results can be extended to undirected graphs by means of well-known transformations. Likewise, we deal only with edge-cuts, although our approach can be adapted to vertex-cuts as well. Let G be a directed graph with vertex set V(G) and edge set E(G). As usual, we define n |V(G)| and m |E(G)|. Given a source s ∈ V(G) and target t ∈ V(G) in G, we call a subset X ⊂ E(G) an s-t cut if the removal of X from the graph ensures that no path from s to t exists in G ∖ X. The size of a cut is the total number of edges it contains. If an s-t cut in G has smallest size λ(G), we call it a minimum s-t cut, or an s-t mincut. Note that such a cut need not be unique (in fact, there can be exponentially many). To denote the set of all s-t mincuts of G, we use the notation Γ_G(s, t). A (directed) path starting in a vertex u and ending in a vertex v is called a u-v path. By Menger's theorem, the cardinality of a minimum s-t cut in G is equal to the maximum number of internally edge-disjoint s-t paths in the graph. Let 𝒫_s, t(G) denote a maximum-sized set of edge-disjoint paths from s to t in G. Any minimum s-t cut in G contains exactly one edge from each path in 𝒫_s, t(G). For two distinct edges (resp. vertices) x and y in a u-v path p, we say that x is a path-predecessor of y in p and write x ≺_p y if the path p meets x before y. We use this notation indistinctly for edges and vertices. It is easily seen that the relation ≺_p extends uniquely to a non-strict partial order. We denote this partial order by x ≼_p y. Consider now any subset W ⊆Γ_G(s, t) of s-t mincuts in G, and let E(W) denote the set of edges used in any of these cuts. Two crucial notions in this work are those of leftmost and rightmost s-t mincuts. The leftmost s-t mincut in W consists of the set of edges S_min(W) ⊆ E(W) such that, for every path p ∈𝒫(s, t), there is no edge e ∈ E(W) satisfying e ≺_p f for any f ∈ S_min(W). Note that S_min(W) is not necessarily one of the cuts in W. Similarly for the rightmost s-t mincut S_max(W) ⊆ E(W). It can be shown that both S_min(W) and S_max(W) are also s-t mincuts in G (see proof of Claim <ref> in the appendix). When W consists of the entire set of s-t mincuts in G, we denote these extremal cuts by S_min(G) and S_max(G). On the set of s-t cuts (not necessarily minimum), the following predecessor-successor relation defines a partial order: an s-t cut X is a predecessor of another s-t cut Y, denoted by X ≤ Y, if every path from s to t in G meets an edge of X at or before an edge of Y. It is known that the set of s-t mincuts together with relation ≤ defines a distributive lattice L <cit.>. Moreover, a compact representation G(L) can be constructed from a maximum flow in linear time <cit.>. These two facts play a crucial role in the proof of our main result in the next section. § A POLYNOMIAL TIME ALGORITHM FOR SUM-K-DMC AND COV-K-DMC This section is devoted to proving Theorem <ref> by reducing SUM-k-DMC and COV-k-DMC to SMF on distributive lattices. Before giving the actual reduction, however, we need one additional step; which is to show that the domain of solutions of SUM-k-DMC and COV-k-DMC can be restricted to the set of k-tuples that satisfy a particular order, as opposed to the set of k-sized multisets of s-t mincuts (see Corollary <ref> below). The reason for doing so is that the structure provided by the former set can be exploited to assess the “modularity” of the total-sum and coverage objectives. We begin by introducing the notions of left-right order and edge multiplicity, which are needed throughout the section. Consider a graph G with source and target s, t ∈ V(G), and let U^k be the set of all k-tuples over Γ_G(s, t). An element C ∈ U^k is a (ordered) collection or sequence [X_1, …, X_k] of cuts X_i ∈Γ_G(s, t), where i runs over the index set [k]. We say that C is in left-right order if X_i ≤ X_j for all i < j. Let us denote by U_lr^k ⊆ U^k the set of all k-tuples over Γ_G(s, t) that are in left-right order. Then, for any two C_1, C_2 ∈ U_lr^k, with C_1 = [X_1, …, X_k], C_2 = [Y_1, …, Y_k], we say that C_1 is a predecessor of C_2 (and C_2 a successor of C_1) if X_i ≤ Y_i for all i ∈ [k], and denote this by C_1 ≼ C_2. Now, consider again a collection C ∈ U^k. The set of edges ⋃{E(X) : X ∈ C} is denoted by E(C). We define the multiplicity of an edge e ∈ E(G) with respect to C as the number of cuts in C that contain e and denote it by μ_e(C). We say that an edge e ∈ E(C) is a shared edge if μ_e(C) ≥ 2. The set of shared edges in C is denoted by E_shr(C). Next we make the following proposition, whose proof is deferred to Appendix <ref>. propositionpropMultCons For every C ∈ U^k there exists Ĉ∈ U_lr^k such that μ_e(C) = μ_e(Ĉ) for all e ∈ E(G). In other words, given a k-tuple of s-t mincuts, there always exists a k-tuple on the same set of edges that is in left-right order; each edge occurring with the same multiplicity. Consider now the total-sum and the coverage diversity measures first introduced in Section <ref>. We can rewrite them directly in terms of the multiplicity of shared edges as d_sum(C) = 2 [λk2 - ∑_e ∈ E_shr(C)μ_e(C)2], and d_cov(C) = k λ - ∑_e ∈ E_shr(C)( μ_e(C) - 1 ). Notice that the terms outside the summations are constant terms. Equation (<ref>) follows from the fact that we count a shared edge once per pair of cuts that contain it—and there are μ_e(C) such cuts—while equation (<ref>) follows from removing doubly counted edges. From combining (<ref>) (resp. (<ref>)) with Proposition <ref>, we can obtain the following corollary. (For simplicity, we state this only for the d_sum diversity measure, but an analogous claim holds for the d_cov measure.) Let C ∈ U^k such that d_sum(C) = max_S ∈ U^k d_sum(S). Then there exists C' ∈ U_lr^k such that d_sum(C') = d_sum(C). This corollary tells us that in order to solve SUM-k-DMC (resp. COV-k-DMC) we do not need to optimize over the set U_k of k-element multisets of Γ_G(s, t). Instead, we can look at the set U_lr^k ⊆ U^k of k-tuples that are in left-right order. On the other hand, from equations (<ref>) and (<ref>) it follows that the problem of maximizing d_sum(C) and d_cov(C) is equivalent to that of minimizing d̂_sum(C) = ∑_e ∈ E_shr(C)μ_e(C)2, and d̂_cov(C) = ∑_e ∈ E_shr(C)( μ_e(C) - 1 ), respectively. In turn, the submodularity of (<ref>) (resp. (<ref>)) implies the supermodularity of (<ref>) (resp. (<ref>)) and vice versa. In the remaining of the section, we shall only focus on the minimization objectives d̂_sum and d̂_cov. We are now ready to show that both SUM-k-DMC and COV-k-DMC can be reduced to SFM. We first show that the poset L^* = (U_lr^k, ≼) is a distributive lattice (Section <ref>). Next we prove that the diversity measures d̂_sum and d̂_cov are submodular functions on L^* (Section <ref>). Lastly, we show that there is a compact representation of the lattice L^* and that it can be constructed in polynomial time, concluding with the proof of Theorem <ref> (Section <ref>). §.§ Proof of Distributivity We use the following result of Escalante <cit.> (see also <cit.>). Recall that ≤ denotes the predecessor-successor relation between two s-t mincuts. The set Γ_G(s, t) of s-t mincuts of G together with the binary relation ≤ forms a distributive lattice L. For any two cuts X, Y ∈ L, the join and meet operations are given respectively by X ∨ Y = S_max(X ∪ Y), and X ∧ Y = S_min(X ∪ Y). We can extend this result to the corresponding relation ≼ on the set U_lr^k of k-tuples of s-t mincuts that are in left-right order. The set U_lr^k, together with relation ≼, defines a distributive lattice L^*. For any two elements C_1 = [X_1, …, X_k] and C_2 = [Y_1, …, Y_k] in L^*, the join and meet operations are given respectively by C_1 ∨ C_2 = [S_max(X_1 ∪ Y_1), …, S_max(X_k ∪ Y_k)], and C_1 ∧ C_2 = [S_min(X_1 ∪ Y_1), …, S_min(X_k ∪ Y_k)]. This follows directly from Lemma <ref> and the definition of product lattice (see Section <ref>). Let L^k = (U^k, ≼) be the kth power of the lattice L = (Γ_G(s, t), ≤) of minimum s-t cuts, and let L^* = (U_lr^k, ≼) with U_lr^k ⊆ U^k be the sublattice of left-right ordered k-tuples of minimum s-t cuts. We know from Section <ref> that since L is distributive, then so is the power lattice L^k. Moreover, any sublattice of a distributive lattice is also distributive. Hence, it follows that the lattice L^* is also distributive. §.§ Proof of Submodularity Now we prove that the functions d̂_sum and d̂_cov are submodular on the lattice L^*. We start with two results that establish useful properties of the multiplicity function μ_e(C) on L^* (see the corresponding proofs in Appendix <ref> and <ref>). The multiplicity function μ_e: U_lr^k →ℕ is modular on L^*. []lemmamultiplicityProperty For any two C_1, C_2 ∈ L^* and e ∈ E(C_1) ∪ E(C_2), it holds that max(μ_e(C_1 ∨ C_2), μ_e(C_1 ∧ C_2)) ≤max(μ_e(C_1), μ_e(C_2)). With these results at our disposal, we prove the submodularity of our diversity objectives. Submodularity of d̂_sum. Recall the definition of d̂_sum(C) in (<ref>), and let B_e: U_lr^k →ℕ be the function defined by B_e(C) = μ_e(C)2. We can rewrite (<ref>) as d̂_sum(C) = ∑_e ∈ E_shr(C) B_e(C). The following is a consequence of Lemmas <ref> and <ref> (see proof in Appendix <ref>). For any two C_1, C_2 ∈ L^* and e ∈ E(G), we have B(C_1 ∨ C_2) + B(C_1 ∧ C_2) ≤ B(C_1) + B(C_2). In other words, the function B_e(C) is submodular in the lattice L^*. Now, recall that the sum of submodular functions is also submodular. Then, taking the sum of B_e(C) over all edges e ∈ E(G) results in a submodular function. From here, notice that B_e(C) = 0 for unshared edges; that is, when μ_e(C) < 2. This means that such edges do not contribute to the sum. It follows that, for any two C_1, C_2 ∈ L^*, we have ∑_e ∈ E_shr(C_1 ∨ C_2)B_e(C_1 ∨ C_2) + ∑_e ∈ E_shr(C_1 ∧ C_2)B_e(C_1 ∧ C_2) ≤∑_e ∈ E_shr(C_1)B_e(C_1) + ∑_e ∈ E_shr(C_2)B_e(C_2). Observe that each sum in the inequality corresponds to the definition of d̂_sum applied to the arguments C_1 ∨ C_2, C_1 ∧ C_2, C_1 and C_2, respectively. Hence, by definition of submodularity, we obtain our desired result. The function d̂_sum: U_lr^k →ℕ is submodular on the lattice L^*. Submodularity of d̂_cov. Consider the function F_e(C) : U_lr^k →ℕ defined by F_e(C) = μ_e(C)-1. It is an immediate corollary of Lemma <ref> that F_e(C) is modular in L^*. Then, the sum ∑_e F_e(C) taken over all edges e ∈ E(G) is still a modular function. Notice that only shared edges in C contribute positively to the sum, while the contribution of unshared edges can be neutral or negative. We can split this sum into two parts: the sum over shared edges e ∈ E_shr(C), and the sum over e ∈ E(G) ∖ E_shr(C). The latter sum can be further simplified to |E(C)| - |E(G)| by observing that only the edges e ∈ E(G) ∖ E(C) make a (negative) contribution. Therefore, we can write ∑_e ∈ E(G) F_e(C) = ( ∑_e ∈ E_shr(C)μ_e(C) ) + |E(C)| - |E(G)|. We know ∑_e F_e(C) to be a modular function on L^*, hence for any two C_1, C_2 ∈ L^* we have ∑_e ∈ E(G) F_e(C_1 ∨ C_2) + ∑_e ∈ E(G) F_e(C_1 ∧ C_2) = ∑_e ∈ E(G) F_e(C_1) + ∑_e ∈ E(G) F_e(C_2), which, by equation <ref>, is equivalent to ( ∑_e ∈ E_shr(C_1 ∨ C_2)μ_e(C_1 ∨ C_2) + ∑_e ∈ E_shr(C_1 ∧ C_2)μ_e(C_1 ∧ C_2) ) + |E(C_1 ∨ C_2)| + |E(C_1 ∧ C_2)| = ( ∑_e ∈ E_shr(C_1)μ_e(C_1) + ∑_e ∈ E_shr(C_2)μ_e(C_2) ) + |E(C_1)| + |E(C_2)|. Now, from Lemmas <ref> and <ref>, we observe the following property (see proof in Appendix <ref>). For any two C_1, C_2 ∈ L^* we have |E(C_1 ∨ C_2)| + |E(C_1 ∧ C_2)| ≥ |E(C_1)| + |E(C_2)|. Given Claim <ref>, it is clear that to satisfy equality in equation (<ref>) it must be the case that: ∑_e ∈ E_shr(C_1 ∨ C_2)μ_e(C_1 ∨ C_2) + ∑_e ∈ E_shr(C_1 ∧ C_2)μ_e(C_1 ∧ C_2) ≤∑_e ∈ E_shr(C_1)μ_e(C_1) + ∑_e ∈ E_shr(C_2)μ_e(C_2), from which the submodularity of d̂_cov immediately follows. The function d̂_cov: U_lr^k →ℕ is submodular on the lattice L^*. §.§ Finding the Set of Join-Irreducibles We now turn to the final part of the reduction to SFM. By Lemma <ref>, we know that the lattice L^* of left-right ordered collections of s-t mincuts is distributive. And it follows from Theorems <ref> and <ref> that the objective functions d̂_sum and d̂_cov are submodular in L^*. As discussed in Section <ref>, it only remains to find an appropriate (compact) representation of L^* in the form of its poset of join-irreducibles J(L^*). Recall the distributive lattice L of s-t mincuts of a graph G, defined in Lemma <ref>. The leftmost cut S_min(G) can be seen as the meet of all elements in L. In standard lattice notation, this smallest element is often denoted by 0_L := ⋁_x ∈ L x. We use the following result of Picard and Queyranne. Let L be the distributive lattice of s-t mincuts in a graph G, there is a compact representation G(L) of L with the following properties: * The vertex set is J(L) ∪ 0_L, * |G(L)| ≤ |V(G)|, * Given G as input, G(L) can be constructed in F(n, m) + O(m) time. In other words, the set J(L) is of size O(n) and can be recovered from G in the time of a single max-flow computation. Moreover, each element of J(L) corresponds to an s-t mincut in G. In view of this lemma, we obtain the following for the poset of join-irreducibles J(L^*). The set of join-irreducibles of L^* is of size O(kn) and is given by J(L^*) = ⋃_i = 1^k J_i, where J_i := {(0_L, …, 0_L_i-1 times, p, …, p_k-i+1 times) : p ∈ J(L)}. We know that for an element x ∈ L^* such that x ≠ 0_L, by definition of join-irreducible, x ∈ J(L^*) if and only if x has a single immediate predecessor in L^*. To prove our claim, we show that (i) the k-tuples J_i, with 1 ≤ i ≤ k, are in L^* and satisfy this property, and (ii) that no other tuple in L^* satisfies it. For (i), let C(i, p) denote the k-tuple (0_L, …, 0_L, p, …, p) ∈ J_i, where the first i-1 entries contain 0_L and the remaining k-i+1 entries contain the element p, with i ∈ [k] and p ∈ J(L). It is clear that C(i, p) ∈ L^*since each entry in C(i, p) is an s-t mincut, and 0_L ≤ X for any X ∈Γ_s, t(G). Consider now the arbitrary element p ∈ J(L), and let q denote the immediate predecessor of p in J(L) (with q = 0_L if p has no predecessors). We claim that the k-tuple Q(i, q, p) := (0_L, …, 0_L, q, p, …, p) obtained from C(i, p) by replacing its ith entry with element q, is the unique immediate predecessor of C(i, p). This follows because: (a) replacing any other entry of C(i, p) with q results in a tuple that violates the left-right order, (b) any other choice of q either violates the order or has the tuple Q(i, q, p) as a successor, and (c) replacing any subsequence of ps by qs in C(i, p) has the same consequences as (b).[There is also the case where all ps are replaced by a q such that q > p, but it is clear that no such tuple can be a predecessor of C(i, p).] Since this holds for all i∈ [k] and arbitrary p, it follows that each tuple in J(L^*) has a single immediate predecessor. It remains to show (ii); that is, that there is no tuple in L^* ∖⋃_i = 1^k J_i which is also a join-irreducible of L^*. For the sake of contradiction, assume that such a tuple T exists in L^*. There are two possibilities for T: (1) T contains more than 2 elements from the set J(L), and (2) T contains no elements from J(L). Consider case (2) first, and let γ be the kth entry in T. Since γ∉J(L), then it has more than one immediate predecessor in L. Let α and β be two such predecessors (notice that α and β are incomparable). Then, we can construct two distinct tuples T_1 ∈ L^* and T_2 ∈ L^* from T by replacing γ by α and β, respectively. But T_1 and T_2 are both immediate predecessors of T in L^*, which gives the necessary contradiction. Case (1) follows a similar argument. Suppose a, b, c ∈ J(L) are the last three entries in tuple T; where a < b < c. Let p(c), p(b) ∈ J(L) be the immediate predecessors of elements c and b, respectively. Notice that a ≤ p(b) and b ≤ p(c). Then, like before, we can construct two distinct tuples T_1 ∈ L^* and T_2 ∈ L^* from T by replacing c by p(c) and b by p(b), respectively. It is clear that T_1 and T_2 are both immediate predecessors of T in L^*, which once more results in a contradiction. From (i) and (ii) above, we have thus shown that the set of join-irreducibles J(L^*) is given by ⋃_i = 1^k J_i. To conclude the proof, we look at the size of J(L^*). First, observe that the index i runs from 1 to k. Also, by Lemma <ref> we know that |J(L)| = O(n). It then follows that |J(L^*)| = O(kn). Given Lemma <ref>, a compact representation of the lattice L^* can be obtained as the directed graph G(L^*) that characterizes its poset of join-irreducibles J(L^*) in polynomial time (since |J(L^*)| is polynomial). It is also clear that the functions d̂_sum and d̂_cov can be computed in polynomial time. Then, by Theorem <ref>, together with Theorems <ref>, <ref> and <ref>, the reduction to SFM is complete. * To give a precise running time bound, we can use Jiang's algorithm <cit.> for minimizing a submodular function on sets. The total running time of our algorithm is O(|U|^3 T_EO), where |U| = O(k n) is the size of the ground set J(L^*), and T_EO = O(k^2 n^2) is the time required to evaluate the analogue function on 𝒟(J(L^*)) of the function d̂_sum (resp. d̂_cov) on L^*. The graph representation of the poset J(L^*) can be constructed within the same time bounds since |G(L^*)| = O(k^2n^2). Thus, we get the following result (see Appendix <ref> for a detailed derivation of the time bound.) []theorempreciseruntime Sum-k-DMC and Cov-k-DMC can be solved in O(k^5n^5) time. § A SIMPLE ALGORITHM FOR FINDING DISJOINT MINIMUM S-T CUTS In the previous section, we looked at the problem of finding the k most diverse minimum s-t cuts in a graph. Here, we consider a slightly different problem. Observe that for diversity measures d_sum and d_cov, the maximum diversity is achieved when the elements of a collection are all pairwise disjoint. Thus, it is natural to ask for a maximum cardinality collection of s-t mincuts that are pairwise disjoint; i.e., that are as diverse as possible. We call this problem Maximum Disjoint Minimum s-t Cuts (or Max-Disjoint MC for short). [Max-Disjoint MC] Given a graph G = (V, E) and vertices s,t ∈ V(G), find a set S ⊆Γ_G(s, t) such that X ∩ Y = ∅ for all X, Y ∈ S, and |S| is as large as possible. Now, recall k-Disjoint Minimum s-t Cuts from Section <ref>. Observe that one can easily obtain a solution to this problem by simply returning any k-sized subset of cuts from a solution to Max-Disjoint MC. Hence, any algorithm for Max-Disjoint MC can be used to solve k-Disjoint Minimum s-t Cuts within the same time bound. In this section, we prove Theorem <ref> by giving an algorithm for Max-Disjoint MC that runs in O(F(m, n) + λ(G)m) time, where F(m, n) is the time required by a max-flow computation. First, we look at a restricted case when the input graph can be decomposed into a collection of edge-disjoint s-t paths and (possibly) some additional edges—we refer to such a graph as an s-t path graph—and devise an algorithm that handles such graphs. Then, we use this algorithm as a subroutine to obtain an algorithm that makes no assumption about the structure of the input graph. §.§ When the input is an s-t path graph Let H_s,t be a graph with designated vertices s and t. We call H_s,t an s-t path graph (or path graph for short) if there is a collection of edge-disjoint s-t paths P such that P covers all vertices in V(H_s,t); see Figure <ref> for an illustration. The height of H_s,t, denoted by λ(H_s,t), is the maximum number of edge-disjoint s-t paths in the graph. For fixed P, we call the edges of H_s,t in P path edges and edges of H_s,t not in P non-path edges. Two vertices in H_s,t are path neighbors if they are joined by a path edge, and non-path neighbors if they are joined (exclusively) by a non-path edge. Two remarks are in order. The first is that, by Menger's theorem, the size of a minimum s-t cut in an s-t path graph coincides with its height. The second remark is that, from a graph G, one can easily obtain a path graph H_s,t of height λ(G) by finding a maximum-sized set 𝒫_s,t(G) of edge-disjoint s-t paths in G and letting H_s,t be the induced subgraph of their union. Recall that, by Menger's theorem, a minimum s-t cut in G must contain exactly one edge from each path p ∈𝒫_s,t(G). Thus, every minimum s-t cut of G is in H_s,t. However, the reverse is not always true. In the above construction, there could be multiple new minimum s-t cuts introduced in H_s, t that arise from ignoring the reachability between vertices of 𝒫_s,t(G) in G. We will come back to this issue when discussing the general case in Section <ref>. The algorithm. The goal in this subsection is to find a maximum cardinality collection Ĉ of pairwise disjoint s-t mincuts in a path graph H_s, t. We now explain the main ideas behind the algorithm. Without loss of generality, assume that the underlying set of edge-disjoint s-t paths that define H_s,t is of maximum cardinality. To simplify notation, here we denote such set 𝒫_s, t(H_s,t) simply by 𝒫_s, t. Let X be an s-t mincut in H_s,t, and suppose we are interested in finding an s-t mincut Y disjoint from X such that X < Y. Consider any two edges e = (u, u') and f = (v, v') in X, and let g = (w, w') be a path successor of f; that is f ≺_p g with p ∈𝒫_s,t. If there is a non-path edge h = (u', z) such that w' ≤ z, we say that h is crossing with respect to g, and that g is invalid with respect to X (see Figure <ref> for an illustration). The notions of crossing and invalid edges provide the means to identify the edges that cannot possibly be contained in Y. Let E_inv(X) denote the set of invalid edges with respect to X. We make the following observation. Let Y > X. Then Y cannot contain an edge from E_inv(X). For the sake of contradiction, suppose there exists and edge g=(w,w') in E_inv(X)∩ Y. Consider the path p_1 ∈𝒫_s,t, and let f be the predecessor of g on p_1 that is in X. Since g ∈ E_inv(X), there is a crossing edge h=(u',z) with respect to g. Let p_2 ∈𝒫_s,t be the path containing u', and let (u,u') be the edge of p_2 that is in X. Let p_3 be the s-t path that follows p_2 from s to u, then follows the crossing edge h, and then continues along p_1 to t. Since Y is an s-t cut it must contain an edge from this path. Since Y must contain exactly one edge from each path in 𝒫_s,t, it cannot contain h. Moreover, Y already contains edge g from p_1. Then Y must contain an edge from the part of p_2 from s to u'. But this contradicts that Y>X. If we extend the definition of E_inv(X) to also include all the edges that are path predecessors of edges in X, we immediately obtain the following key property. For any s-t path p ∈𝒫_s,t, the poset E_inv(X) ∩ p with order relation given by path-distance from s is an ideal of the set E(p) of edges of p. Observation <ref> implies that if we can identify the (extended) set E_inv(X), then we can restrict our search of cut Y to only the set of valid edges E_val(X):= E(H_s,t) ∖ E_inv(X). This, in turn, motivates the following iterative algorithm for finding a pairwise disjoint collection of s-t mincuts: Find the leftmost s-t mincut X in H_s,t. Identify the set E_inv(X) and find the leftmost s-t mincut Y amongst E_val(X). Set X = Y and repeat the previous step until E_val(X) ∩ p = ∅ for any one path p ∈𝒫_s,t. Output the union of identified cuts as the returned collection Ĉ. Notice that the s-t mincut identified at iteration i is a (strict) successor of the mincuts identified at iterations j < i. Hence, the returned collection will consist of left-right ordered and pairwise disjoint s-t mincuts. Moreover, picking the leftmost cut at each iteration prevents the set of invalid edges from growing unnecessarily large, which allows for more iterations and thus, a larger set returned. Next, we give a more formal description of the algorithm, the details of which are presented in Algorithm <ref>. The algorithm works by traversing the graph from left to right in iterations while marking the vertices it visits. Initially, all vertices are unmarked, except for s. Each iteration consists of two parts: a marking step, and a cut-finding step. In the marking step (Lines 3-9), the algorithm identifies currently invalid edges by marking the non-path neighbors—and their path-predecessors—of currently marked vertices. (Observe that a path edge becomes invalid if both of its endpoints are marked.) In Algorithm <ref>, this is realized by a variable M that keeps track of the vertices that have just been marked as a consequence of the marking of vertices previously present in M. In the cut-finding step (Lines 10-14), the algorithm then finds the leftmost minimum s-t cut amongst valid path edges. Notice that, for each s-t path in 𝒫_s,t, removing its first valid edge prevents s from reaching t via that path. This means that our leftmost cut of interest is simply the set of all path edges that have exactly one of their endpoints marked. Following the identification of this cut, the step concludes by marking the head vertices of the identified cut edges. Finally, the algorithm terminates when the target vertex t is visited and marked. See Figure <ref> for an example execution of the algorithm. We now make the following claim about the complexity of the algorithm, followed by an analysis of its correctness. The complexity of Algorithm <ref> on an m-edge, n-vertex path graph is O(m log n). Let H_s,t be our input path graph. First, notice that each vertex v ∈ H_s, t is visited at most deg(v) times by the algorithm. This follows from the fact that v is only visited whenever one of three cases occurs: (i) v is reachable by a marked vertex via a non-path edge (Line 6), (ii) v is a predecessor of a marked vertex u on a path p ∈𝒫_s,t (Line 8), or (iii) v is the head node of an identified minimum s-t cut (Line 12). We know that v can be the endpoint of at most deg(v) - 2 non-path edges. Similarly, v can be the endpoint of at most 2 path edges. Since a vertex cannot be reached again by a previously traversed edge, the remark follows. Now, observe that each time a vertex is visited, the algorithm performs only O(1) work, except for the step in Line 6 where each currently marked vertex v ∈ M must identify its rightmost neighbor on each path in 𝒫_s,t. We can assume that each vertex v ∈ H_s,t is equipped with a data structure A_v that given a query path p ∈ P(H_s, t), can answer in O(log n) time which is the rightmost neighbor u of v in p.[If we are willing to forego worst-case complexity for amortized complexity, we can assume a data structure with constant insert and query complexity via hash tables.] Therefore, as the algorithm performs O(log n) work each time it visits a vertex v ∈ H_s,t, and it does so at most deg(v) times, the claim would follow. It only remains to analyze the preprocessing time of equipping the graph with such data structures. We claim that the graph can be preprocessed in O(m log n) time as follows. Assume that each node u ∈ H_s,t has two variables path(u) and pos(u) which store the path to which it belongs and its position in said path, respectively. First, for each vertex v ∈ H_s,t we initialize an empty list A_v of tuples of the form (a, b). Then, for each neighbor u of v, query the list A_v for the tuple (x, y) such that x = path(u). If it exists and pos(u) > y, set y = pos(u). If it does not exist, then create the tuple (path(u), pos(u)) and insert it in A_v in sorted order (by path). Since A_v can be of size at most λ(H_s, t), it is clear that querying and inserting can be implemented in O(log (H_s, t)) time by binary search. Equipping each vertex with these lists then requires O(deg(v) ·log (H_s. t)) time per vertex. Thus, the total preprocessing time is O(m log (λ(H_s,t))), which can be simplified to O(m log n). Correctness of Algorithm <ref>. We note an important property of collections of s-t mincuts. (We use d(C) to denote any of d_sum(C) or d_cov(C).) Let C be a left-right ordered collection of minimum s-t cuts in a graph G, the collection C̃ obtained by replacing S_min(⋃_X ∈ C X) with S_min(G) has cost d(C̃) ≤ d(C). For simplicity, let us denote S_min(C) := S_min(⋃_X ∈ C X). By definition, we know that no edge of ⋃_X ∈ C X lies to the left of S_min(G). Then replacing S_min(C) with S_min(G) can only decrease the number of pairwise intersections previously present between S_min(C) and the cuts in C ∖ S_min(C). Notice that our measures of diversity only penalize edge intersections. Hence, the cost of collection C̃ cannot be greater than that of C. Now, consider an arbitrary collection of k edge-disjoint s-t mincuts in a path graph H_s,t. Corollary <ref> implies that there also exists a collection of k edge-disjoint s-t mincuts in H_s,t that is in left-right order. In particular, this is true for a collection of maximum cardinality k_max. Together with Claim <ref>, this means that there always exists a collection Ĉ of edge-disjoint s-t mincuts in H_s, t with the following properties: * Ĉ has size k_max, * Ĉ is in left-right order, and * Ĉ contains the leftmost minimum s-t cut of H_s, t. We devote the rest of the subsection to proving the following lemma, which serves to prove the correctness of Algorithm <ref>. Algorithm <ref> returns a collection of edge-disjoint minimum s-t cuts that satisfies Properties <ref>–<ref>. Let Ĉ denote the solution returned by the algorithm. First we show that Ĉ contains only disjoint cuts. This follows from the fact that a cut can only be found amongst valid edges at any given iteration, and once an edge has been included in a cut, it becomes invalid at every subsequent iteration. Similarly, Properties <ref> and <ref> are consequences of the notion of invalid edges. We start by proving the latter. Let X_1 denote the leftmost cut in Ĉ. For the sake of contradiction, assume there is a minimum s-t cut Y such that e ≺_p f. Here, e ∈ Y, f ∈ X_1 and w.l.o.g. p is an s-t path from any arbitrary maximum collection of s-t paths in H_s,t. For the algorithm to pick edge f = (u, u') as part of X_1 it must be that vertex u is marked and u' is not. We know that the predecessors of marked vertices must be also marked. Hence we know that both endpoints of edge e are marked. But by definition, this means that edge e is invalid, and cannot be in a minimum s-t cut. This gives us the necessary contradiction, and X_1 must be the leftmost cut in the graph. We continue with Property <ref>. This property follows from the fact that, at any given iteration, the posets of invalid path-edges on each path of H_s,t are ideals of the set of path edges. This means that the edges in the cut found by the algorithm at iteration i are all path predecessors of an edge in the cut found at iteration i+1. It only remains to show Property <ref>, which states that collection Ĉ is of maximum cardinality k_max. For this, we make the following claim, whose proof is analogous to the proof of Property <ref>. Consider set Ĉ_i-1 and let X_i be the minimum s-t cut found by the algorithm at iteration i. Then, there is no minimum s-t cut Y such that: (i) Y is disjoint from each X ∈ C_i-1, and (ii) Y contains an edge that is a path predecessor of an edge of X_i. In other words, as the algorithm makes progress, no minimum s-t cut—that is disjoint from the ones found so far by the algorithm—has edges to the left of the minimum s-t cut found by the algorithm at the present iteration. Next we show that this implies the maximality of the size of the solution returned by the algorithm. Let C_max be a maximum-sized collection of s-t mincuts in the graph. Without loss of generality, assume that C_max is in left right order (otherwise, by Corollary <ref> we can always obtain an equivalent collection that is left-right ordered). For the sake of contradiction, suppose that the collection Ĉ returned by our algorithm is not of maximum cardinality. We make the following observation about the interaction between cuts in Ĉ and C_max. The collections Ĉ and C_max satisfy the following properties: * Every cut of Ĉ intersects with at least one cut of C_max. * At least |Ĉ| many cuts of C_max intersect with at least one cut of Ĉ. Property <ref> is valid since we could otherwise increase the size of C_max by extending the collection with the non-intersecting cuts from Ĉ. Similarly, Property <ref> holds as we could otherwise extend C_max by replacing the less-than-|Ĉ| many cuts from C_max that intersect with Ĉ, with the set of |Ĉ| cuts that they intersect with. By Observation <ref> and the pigeonhole principle, there must exist at least one minimum s-t cut Y ∈ C_max such that X_i-1 < Y ≤ X_i, with X_i-1 and X_i two consecutive cuts in Ĉ. Thus, Y is disjoint from X_i-1 and all the cuts preceding it. That is, Y is disjoint from each cut in C_i-1. On the other hand, Y ≤ X_i implies that Y has edges that are path predecessors of edges in X_i. (Notice that Y cannot entirely overlap with X_i, as otherwise, it would intersect with another cut in C_max.) But by Claim <ref>, we know that such a cut cannot exist. Hence, we obtain a contradiction, and the collection Ĉ returned by the algorithm must be of maximum cardinality. This completes the proof of Lemma <ref>. §.§ Handling the general case We now consider Max-Disjoint MC in general graphs. Recall from the previous subsection that, from a graph G, one can construct a path graph H_s, t such that every minimum s-t cut in G is also a minimum s-t cut in H_s, t. Ideally, we would like to use Algorithm <ref> in H_s, t to solve Max-Disjoint MC in G. But, as we argued, the path graph H_s,t may not have the same set of s-t mincuts as G. Here we show that H_s,t can be augmented with edges such that its minimum s-t cuts correspond bijectively to those in G, which serves to solve the general problem. An augmented s-t path graph of G is the subgraph H_s,t(G) induced by the set V(𝒫_s,t(G)), with additional edges between any two vertices u, v ∈ V(H_s,t(G)) if v is reachable from u in G by a path whose internal vertices are exclusively in V(G) ∖ V(H_s,t(G)). In view of this definition, the following claim and lemma serve as the correctness and complexity proofs of the proposed algorithm for the general case (see proofs in Appendix <ref>). An augmented s-t path graph of G has the same set of s-t mincuts as G. An augmented s-t path graph H of a graph G can be constructed in time O(F(m, n) + mλ(G)), where F(m, n) is the time required by a max-flow computation. The following is an immediate consequence of Lemma <ref> and Claim <ref>. There is an algorithm that, given a graph G and two specified vertices s, t ∈ V(G), in O(F(m, n) + mλ(G)) time finds a collection of maximum cardinality of pairwise disjoint s-t mincuts in G. By replacing F(m, n) in Corollary <ref> with the running time of the current best algorithms of <cit.> for finding a maximum flow, we obtain the desired running time of Theorem <ref>. § CONCLUDING REMARKS We showed that the k-Diverse Minimum s-t Cuts problem can be solved efficiently when considering two natural measures for the diversity of a set of solutions. There exist, however, other sensible measures of diversity. One that often arises in literature is the bottleneck objective. In our context, it consists of maximizing the minimum pairwise Hamming distance of a collection of s-t mincuts. The complexity of k-DMC when considering the bottleneck objective is still open. The challenge of extending our approach to this measure is that it is not immediately clear how to apply our ordering results to this variant of k-DMC. For the special case of finding pairwise-disjoint collections of s-t mincuts, we showed that faster algorithms exist when compared to solving k-DMC for the total-sum and coverage diversity measures. It is thus natural to ask whether there are faster algorithms for Sum-k-DMC and Cov-k-DMC (or other variants of k-DMC) that do not require the sophisticated framework of submodular function minimization. In this work, we relied on the algebraic structure of the problem to obtain a polynomial time algorithm. We believe it is an interesting research direction to assess whether the notion of diversity in other combinatorial problems leads to similar structures, which could then be exploited for developing efficient algorithms. § ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We thank Martin Frohn for bringing the theory of lattices to our attention, and for fruitful discussions on different stages of this work. This research was supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 945045, and by the NWO Gravitation project NETWORKS under grant no. 024.002.003. § PROOFS OF SECTION <REF> §.§ Proof of Proposition <ref> Before proving the proposition, we require the following claim. For any X, Y ∈Γ_G(s, t), we have S_min(X ∪ Y), S_max(X ∪ Y) ∈Γ_G(s, t) and |S_min(X ∪ Y) ∩ S_max(X ∪ Y)| = |X ∩ Y|. Without loss of generality, let 𝒫_s,t(G) be any maximum-sized set of edge-disjoint paths from s to t. Recall that, by Menger's theorem, any minimum s-t cut in G contains exactly one edge from each path in 𝒫_s,t(G). Thus, for a path p ∈𝒫_s,t(G), let e, f ∈ p be the edges that intersect with cuts X and Y, respectively. Then the set S_min(X ∪ Y) can be seen as the subset of X ∪ Y where e ∈ S_min(X ∪ Y) if e ≤ f, for each path p ∈𝒫_s,t(G). Analogous for S_max(X ∪ Y). We want to prove that S_min(X ∪ Y) (resp. S_max(X ∪ Y)) is an s-t cut[Notice that the size of S_min(X ∪ Y) (resp. S_max(X ∪ Y)) is already minimum, as it contains exactly one edge from each path p ∈𝒫_s,t(G), which has cardinality λ.], and that |S_min(X ∪ Y) ∩ S_max(X ∪ Y)| = |X ∩ Y|. For the latter, simply observe that whenever X and Y intersect at an edge e, by Menger's theorem, the path p ∈𝒫_s,t(G) that contains e contains no other edge f from X ∪ Y. Thus, by definition, the edge e will be contained by both S_min(X ∪ Y) and S_max(X ∪ Y). On the other hand, if S_min(X ∪ Y) and S_max(X ∪ Y) intersect at an edge e'; by definition, the path from 𝒫_s,t(G) containing e' cannot include another edge from X ∪ Y, since either S_min(X ∪ Y) or S_max(X ∪ Y) would contain it, which we know is not the case. Thus, e' ∈ X ∩ Y, and the second part of the claim is proven. Now we show that S_min(X ∪ Y) and S_max(X ∪ Y) are s-t cuts. We only prove this for S_min(X ∪ Y) since the proof for S_max(X ∪ Y) is analogous. For the sake of contradiction, suppose that S_min(X ∪ Y) is not an s-t cut. Then, there exists an s-t path π = (s, …, t) in G that does not contain en edge from S_min(X ∪ Y). This means that π has a subpath π^* = (v_1, …, v_2) satisfying v_1 ≤_p w and w' ≤_q v_2, where w and w' are, respectively, the head and tail nodes of two (not necessarily distinct) edges e, f ∈ S_min(X ∪ Y), and p, q ∈𝒫_s,t(G). In other words, there exists a path π^* starting at a node v_1 which appears before an edge e ∈ S_min in a path p ∈𝒫_s,t(G), and ending at a node v_2 that appears after an edge f ∈ S_min in a path q ∈𝒫_s,t(G). It follows that edge f in path q can never be in an s-t cut together with an edge in path p that is to the right of (and including) edge e (unless an edge from π is also cut, but then the cut is not of minimum size). But, since e ∈ S_min(X ∪ Y), we know that e is the leftmost edge from X ∪ Y in path p. Therefore, f ∉X ∪ Y, otherwise neither X nor Y would be cuts. But we know that f ∈ S_min(X ∪ Y), which means f ∈ X ∪ Y, and we reach a contradiction. Thus, the set S_min(X ∪ Y) is a minimum s-t cut, and the claim is proven. We now prove Proposition <ref>. We restate it here for the convenience of the reader. * We prove this by giving an algorithm that takes any k-tuple C ∈ U^k to a k-tuple Ĉ∈ U^k_lr that is in left-right order. The algorithm can be seen in Algorithm <ref>. We have to verify that for any k-tuple C, the algorithm produces a k-tuple Ĉ that is in left-right order, and that μ_C(e) = μ_Ĉ(e) for all e ∈ E(G). To prove the latter, notice that at iteration i of the algorithm, the two cuts X_i and X_j are replaced by S_min(X_i ∪ X_j) and S_max(X_i ∪ X_j), respectively. By definition, S_min(X_i ∪ X_j) ∪ S_max(X_i ∪ X_j) = X_i ∪ X_j and, by Claim <ref>, we know that X_i ∩ X_j = S_min(X_i ∪ X_j) ∩ S_max(X_i ∪ X_j). Therefore, the multiplicity of the edges e ∈ E(G) remains invariant at every iteration. It then follows that the k-tuple Ĉ = LRO(C) output by the algorithm contains the same set of edges as the input tuple; each of them preserving its multiplicity. It remains to show that Ĉ is in left-right order. First, notice that Ĉ iterates over every pair of indices (i, j) such that i < j. Furthermore, the algorithm sees such a pair only once. Now, assume that Ĉ is not in left-right order. Then, it contains a pair (X_i, X_j) of incomparable (crossing) cuts; but this cannot be the case, as these would have been replaced by S_min(X_i ∪ X_j) and S_max(X_i ∪ X_j) at iteration (i, j). Therefore Ĉ is in left-right order[Alternatively, one can see that cut X_i at the end of the inner loop satisfies that X_i ≤ X_j for all i < j; hence, at iteration i of the outer loop the algorithm finds a cut X̂_i to the right of X̂_i-1 that is leftmost with respect to X̂_j for all i < j. That is, X_i-1≤ X_i ≤ X_j for all i ∈ [k] and i < j.] and the proposition is proved. §.§ Proof of Lemma <ref> Let C_1 = [X_1, …, X_k] and C_2 = [Y_1, …, Y_k] be distinct elements in the lattice L^* = (U_lr^k, ≼). For a fixed edge e ∈ E(G), we are interested in μ_e(C_1 ∨ C_2) + μ_e(C_1 ∧ C_2). For this purpose, consider the set of indices P = {1, …, k}. We partition P into four parts: (i) P_1 = {i : e ∉ X_i ∪ Y_i}, (ii) P_2 = {i : e ∈ X_i, e ∉ Y_i}, (iii) P_3 = {i : e ∉ X_i, e ∈ Y_i} and (iv) P_4 = {i : e ∈ X_i ∩ Y_i}. We claim that μ_e(C_1 ∨ C_2) + μ_e(C_1 ∧ C_2) = |P_2| + |P_3| + 2|P_4|. This follows because on the one hand, by definition, the edge e must appear in either S_min(X_i ∪ Y_i) or S_max(X_i ∪ Y_i) for each i ∈ P_2 ∪ P_3. On the other hand, the edge e appears in both S_min(X_i ∪ Y_i) and S_max(X_i ∪ Y_i) for every i ∈ P_4, since there is no edge f ∈ X_i ∪ Y_i on the same s-t path p as e such that f ≤_p e or e ≤_p f (otherwise it could not be that e ∈ X_i ∩ Y_i). Now, observe that from the way we partitioned the set P, we have μ_e(C_1) = |P_2| + |P_4| and μ_e(C_2) = |P_3| + |P_4|. Combining this with our previous claim, we obtain μ_e(C_1 ∨ C_2) + μ_e(C_1 ∧ C_2) = μ_e(C_1) + μ_e(C_2). By definition of modularity, the multiplicity function μ_e is thus modular on the lattice L^* for any edge e ∈ E(G). §.§ Proof of Lemma <ref> We require the following proposition. For any C = [X_1, …, X_k] in L^*, the edge e ∈ E(C) appears in every cut of a contiguous subsequence C' = [X_i, …, X_j] of C, 1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ k, with size |C'| = μ_e(C). The case when μ_e(C) = 1 is trivial. Next, we prove the case when μ_e(C) ≥ 2. By contradiction, suppose that e does not appear in a contiguous subsequence of C. Then, there exists some cut X_h ∈ C with i < h < j such that e ∈ X_i, e ∉X_h, and e ∈ X_j. We know that collection C is in left-right order, thus we have that X_i ≤ X_j for every i < j. Now, from e ∈ X_i, it follows that e is a path-predecessor of en edge f in X_h. But from e ∈ X_j, edge e must also be a path-successor of f. The edges e and f cannot be equal since e ∉X_h, thus we get the necessary contradiction. By Proposition <ref>, we can represent the containment of an edge e in a collection C ∈ L^* as an interval I_e(C) = (i, j), where i ≤ j, of length μ_e(C) defined on the set of integers {1, …, k}. In this interval representation, the elements of I_e(C) correspond bijectively to the positions of the cuts in C that contain edge e. This will be useful in the proofs of Lemma <ref> and Claim <ref>. We are now ready to prove Lemma <ref>. We restate it here for the reader's convenience. * We prove this by case distinction on the containment of e in E(C_1) ∪ E(C_2). There are three cases: e ∈ E(C_1) ∖ E(C_2), e ∈ E(C_2) ∖ E(C_1), and e ∈ E(C_1) ∩ E(C_2). Case 1: e ∈ E(C_1) ∖ E(C_2). We prove this case by contradiction. Assume that max(μ_e(C_1 ∨ C_2), μ_e(C_1 ∧ C_2)) > μ_e(C_1). By Lemma <ref>, we know that μ_e(C_1 ∨ C_2) + μ_e(C_1 ∧ C_2) = μ_e(C_1). W.l.o.g., we can assume that μ_e(C_1 ∧ C_2) > μ_e(C_1 ∨ C_2). This implies that μ_e(C_1 ∨ C_2) < 0, which is a contradiction. Hence, it must be that max(μ_e(C_1 ∨ C_2), μ_e(C_1 ∧ C_2)) ≤μ_e(C_1). Case 2: e ∈ E(C_2) ∖ E(C_1). This case is symmetrical to Case 1, hence is already proven. Case 3: e ∈ E(C_1) ∩ E(C_2). To prove that the statement is true in this case, it is convenient to consider the interval representation of edge e in E(C_1) and E(C_2). Let I_e(C_1) = (α, β) and I_e(C_2) = (σ, τ) be such intervals as defined by Remark <ref>. There are two subcases to consider: I_e(C_1) ∩ I_e(C_2) = ∅, and I_e(C_1) ∩ I_e(C_2) ≠∅. Subcase 3.1. We claim that max(μ_e(C_1 ∨ C_2), μ_e(C_1 ∧ C_2)) = max(μ_e(C_1), μ_e(C_2)) holds in this subcase. To see this, w.l.o.g., suppose that β < σ. Then, because C_2 is in left-right order, the cuts of C_2 in the interval (α, β) each contain a path-predecessor of edge e. Then, by definition of the join operation in L^*, we have I_e(C_1 ∨ C_2) = (α, β). Similarly, the cuts of C_1 in the interval (σ, τ) each contain a path-successor of e. Hence, by the meet operation in L^*, we have I_e(C_1 ∧ C_2) = (σ, τ). Taking the length of the intervals, we obtain μ_e(C_1 ∨ C_2) = μ_e(C_1) and μ_e(C_1 ∧ C_2) = μ_e(C_2), from which the claim follows. Subcase 3.2. We have two further subcases to consider: I_e(C_1) ⊈I_e(C_2) (or I_e(C_2) ⊈I_e(C_1)), and I_e(C_1) ⊆ I_e(C_2) (or vice versa). Subcase 3.2.1. The proof of this subcase is analogous to the proof of subcase (3.1), where we also obtain that max(μ_e(C_1 ∨ C_2), μ_e(C_1 ∧ C_2)) = max(μ_e(C_1), μ_e(C_2)). Subcase 3.2.2. W.l.o.g., suppose that I_e(C_2) ⊆ I_e(C_1) (see Figure <ref> for an illustration). Then α≤σ≤τ≤β. Again, by definition of join and meet, we have that I_e(C_1 ∨ C_2) = (α, τ) and I_e(C_1 ∧ C_2) = (σ, β). Now, since τ - α≤β - α and β - σ≤β - α, we obtain max(μ_e(C_1 ∨ C_2), μ_e(C_1 ∧ C_2)) ≤max(μ_e(C_1), μ_e(C_2)), which is what we wanted. Since the claim is true for all cases covered and all cases have been considered, the claim is proved. §.§ Proof of Claim <ref> We know that e ∈ E(C_1 ∨ C_2) ∪ E(C_1 ∧ C_2) iff e ∈ E(C_1) ∪ E(C_2) (see proof in Appendix <ref>). Hence, we may only consider the edge set E(C_1) ∪ E(C_2). We prove the claim by case distinction on the containment of e in E(C_1) ∪ E(C_2). There are three cases: e ∈ E(C_1) ∖ E(C_2), e ∈ E(C_2) ∖ E(C_1), and e ∈ E(C_1) ∪ E(C_2). Case 1: e ∈ E(C_1) ∖ E(C_2). We know from Lemma <ref> that μ_e(C_1 ∨ C_2) ≤μ_e(C_1) and μ_e(C_1 ∧ C_2) ≤μ_e(C_1). Hence we have μ_e(C_1 ∨ C_2)2≤μ_e(C_1)2 and μ_e(C_1 ∧ C_2)2≤μ_e(C_1)2. Moreover, from Lemma <ref>, we know that μ_e(C_1 ∨ C_2) + μ_e(C_1 ∧ C_2) = μ_e(C_1). It is clear that a2 + b2 < a + b2 for any a, b ∈ℕ. Therefore, the claim is satisfied in this case. Case 2: e ∈ E(C_2) ∖ E(C_1). This case is symmetrical to Case 1, hence is already proven. Case 3: e ∈ E(C_1) ∪ E(C_2). Consider the interval representation of e in E(C_1) ∪ E(C_2) (see Remark <ref> for details). There are three subcases: (3.1) I_e(C_1) and I_e(C_2) have no overlap (i.e., I_e(C_1) ∩ I_e(C_2) = ∅), (3.2) I_e(C_1) and I_2(C_2) overlap but neither is entirely contained in the other (i.e., I_e(C_1) ∩ I_e(C_2) ≠∅ and I_e(C_1) ⊈I_e(C_2) nor I_e(C_2) ⊈I_e(C_1)), and (3.3) one of I_e(C_1) or I_e(C_2) is entirely contained in the other (i.e., I_e(C_1) ⊆ I_e(C_2) or I_e(C_2) ⊆ I_e(C_1)). Subcase 3.1. We know by the proof of Lemma <ref> that max(μ_e(C_1 ∨ C_2), μ_e(C_1 ∧ C_2)) = max(μ_e(C_1), μ_e(C_2)). And by Lemma <ref>, we also have min(μ_e(C_1 ∨ C_2), μ_e(C_1 ∧ C_2)) = min(μ_e(C_1), μ_e(C_2)). It is then immediate that the claim is satisfied with equality in this case. Subcase 3.2. Analogous to Subcase 3.1. Subcase 3.3. It is easy to show that a2 + b2≤c2 + d2 for a, b, c, d ∈ℕ, given that the following properties hold: a + b = c + d, and max(a, b) ≤max(c, d).[By combining the two properties, we have a · b ≥ c · d. Moreover, by the former property, we know that (a+b)^2 = (c+d)^2. Together, these facts imply that a^2 + b^2 ≤ c^2 + d^2. Again by the first property, we can subtract (a+b) and (c+d) from each side, respectively, resulting in a(a-1) + b(b-1) ≤ c(c-1) + d(d-1). Then, by definition of the binomial coefficient, the claim immediately follows.] In our context, these are the properties satisfied by the multiplicity function stated in Lemmas <ref> and <ref>. Therefore, the claim is also satisfied in this subcase. Since we have considered all cases, we conclude that the claim holds for every edge e ∈ E(C_2) ∪ E(C_1). And, since it holds vacuously for edges e ∉E(C_2) ∪ E(C_1), the generalized claim follows. §.§ Proof of Claim <ref> To prove this claim, we shall look at each edge in the graph, and inspect whether it is contained in each of the four edge sets E(C_1 ∨ C_2), E(C_1 ∧ C_2), E(C_1), and E(C_2). For simplicity, we shall denote these sets by A, B, C, and D, respectively. We begin with two simple facts. First, for any two sets X and Y, we may write |X|+|Y| = |X ∖ Y| + |Y ∖ X| + 2 |X ∩ Y|. Second, any edge e ∈ A ∪ B iff e ∈ C ∪ D (see proof in Appendix <ref>). Thus, for an edge e, we can restrict to analyze the following cases: e ∈ A ∖ B, e ∈ B ∖ A, and e ∈ A ∩ B. Case 1: e ∈ A ∖ B. We claim that e must be contained in either C or D, but not in both. By contradiction, assume that e is contained in C ∩ D. Then, by Lemma <ref>, we have μ_e(A) = μ_e(C) + μ_e(D). But this implies that μ_e(A) > max(μ_e(C), μ_e(D)), which stands in contradiction with Lemma <ref>. Therefore, every time an edge appears exclusively in A or B, it also appears exclusively in C or D (observe that the reverse is not always true). More formally, we have |C ∖ D| + |D ∖ C| = |A ∖ B| + |B ∖ A| + |X|, where X is the set of edges in C or D that could also appear in A ∩ B. Case 2: e ∈ B ∖ A. Symmetrical to Case 1. Case 3: e ∈ A ∩ B. We have three subcases: (3.1) e ∈ C ∖ D, (3.2) e ∈ D ∖ C, and (3.3) e ∈ C ∩ D. Subcases 3.1 & 3.2. An observant reader may notice that these subcases are equivalent to inspecting the set X. In fact, it is enough for our purposes to show that |X| ≥ 0. To see why this holds, assume w.l.o.g. that e ∈ C ∖ D in the interval (i, j). Now, consider the case where D contains only cuts that each contains a path-predecessor of e in the interval (1, h) and cuts that each contains a path-successor of e in the interval (h+1, k), with i < h < j. Then, by definition of join and meet in L^*, e ∈ A in the interval (1,h) and e ∈ B in the interval (h+1, k). Therefore, e ∈ A ∩ B, which implies |X| ≥ 0. Subcase 3.3. By a similar argument to Case 1, it follows that every edge that appears in C ∩ D also appears in A ∩ B. Therefore, |A ∩ B| = |C ∩ D| + |X|. Putting everything together, we obtain the following: |C| + |D| = |C ∖ D| + |D ∖ C| + 2 |C ∩ D| = |A ∖ B| + |B ∖ A| + |X| + 2 |A ∩ B| - 2 |X| = |A| + |B| - |X|, and since |X| ≥ 0, we have that |A| + |B| ≥ |C| + |D| and the claim is proven. § SOLVING SUM-K-DMC AND COV-K-DMC IN O(K5N5) TIME * Let us first look at each step in the reduction to SFM. From the discussion in Section <ref>, to minimize a submodular function f in a distributive lattice L, we should first transform the problem into an equivalent version on sets. For this, we require (i) a compact representation of the lattice L, and (ii) a polynomial evaluation oracle for the function f̂ : 𝒟(J(L)) →ℝ, which is an analogue of f on L but defined on the poset of ideals of the join-irreducibles of L. Then, any algorithm for SFM on sets can be used to solve the original problem. In our context, the total running time of the algorithm is, O(t_c(n, m) + t_SFM(n, m, T_EO)), where t_c(n, m) is the time required to construct a compact representation of the lattice L^*, t_SFM(n, m, T_EO) is the time taken by an SFM algorithm on sets, and T_EO is the time required to compute d̂'_sum (resp. d̂'_cov) by an evaluation oracle. Here d̂'_sum (resp. d̂'_cov) denotes the analog function on 𝒟(J(L^*)) of d̂_sum (resp. d̂_cov) on L^*, and n and m denote the number of vertices and edges of our input graph G. By Lemmas <ref> and <ref>, a compact representation of L^* can be computed in time t_c(n, m) = F(n, m) + O(k^2n^2), where F(n, m) is the time required by a max-flow computation. The latter term follows from considering all potential edges between pairs of nodes in the construction of G(L^*) from the set of join-irreducibles J(L^*), which has size O(kn). Next, we analyze the time T_EO required to compute d̂'_sum(A); where A is the set of join-irreducibles lower than or equal to the corresponding element a ∈ L^*. We know that the original function d̂_sum(a) can be efficiently computed in O(kn) time. Hence, if we can recover the element a ∈ L^* from the ideal A ∈𝒟(J(L)) in t_ideal(n, m) time, we can use our familiar function d̂_sum to compute d̂'_sum in time t_ideal(n, m) + O(kn). We claim that t_ideal(n, m) = O(k^2n^2). This follows from the fact that a can be recovered from A by computing the join of all O(kn) elements in A, where a join operation between two elements in L^* has complexity O(k λ(G)) = O(kn). Using the above, and plugging into t_SFM(n, m, T_EO) the running time of the current best SFM algorithm of Jiang <cit.>, we obtain a total running time of F(n, m) + O(k^2n^2) + O(k^3 n^3 · k^2n^2), which simplifies to O(k^5n^5). § PROOFS OF SECTION <REF> §.§ Proof of Claim <ref> By Menger's theorem, we know that a minimum s-t cut in G must contain exactly one edge from each path in 𝒫_s, t(G), where |𝒫_s, t(G)| = |λ(G)|. W.l.o.g., let H_s, t(G) be the augmented s-t path graph of G such that each path p ∈𝒫_s, t(G) is also present in H_s, t(G). We now show that a minimum s-t cut in G is also present in H_s, t(G). The argument in the other direction is similar and is thus omitted. Consider an arbitrary minimum s-t cut X in G. For the sake of contradiction, assume that X is not a minimum s-t cut in H_s, t(G). Then, after removing every edge of X in H_s, t(G), there is still at least one s-t path left in the graph. Such a path must contain an edge (u, v) such that u ≤ w and w' ≤ v, where w and w' are the tail and head nodes of two (not necessarily distinct) edges in X, respectively. By definition of H_s, t(G), there is a path from u to v in G that does not use edges in 𝒫_s, t(G). But then removing the edges of X in G still leaves an s-t path in the graph. Thus X cannot be an s-t cut, and we reach our contradiction. §.§ Proof of Lemma <ref> The idea of the algorithm is rather simple. First, we find a maximum cardinality collection 𝒫_s,t(G) of edge-disjoint s-t paths in G and take their union to construct a “skeleton” graph H. (We call the vertices of G in 𝒫_s,t(G) path vertices and vertices of G not in 𝒫_s,t(G) non-path vertices.) Then, we augment H by drawing an edge between two vertices u, v ∈ H if v is reachable from u in G by using exclusively non-path vertices. By definition, the resulting graph is an augmented s-t path graph of G. Now we look into the algorithm's implementation and analyze its running time. It is folklore knowledge that the problem of finding a maximum-sized collection 𝒫_s,t(G) of edge-disjoint s-t paths in a graph with n vertices and m edges can be formulated as a maximum flow problem. Hence, the first step of the algorithm can be performed in F(m, n) time. The second step of the algorithm could be computed in O(mn) time by means of an all-pairs reachability algorithm. Notice, however, that for a path vertex v all we require for a correct execution of Algorithm <ref> is knowledge of the rightmost vertices it can reach on each of the λ(G) paths (Line 6 of Algorithm <ref>). Hence, we do not need to augment H with edges between every pair of reachable path vertices (using exclusively non-path vertices) in G, at most λ(G) edges per vertex suffice. This can be achieved in O(m λ(G)) time as follows. In the original graph, first equip each vertex u ∈ V(G) with a set of λ(G) variables R(p, u), one for each path p∈𝒫_s, t(G). These variables will be used to store the rightmost vertex v ∈ p that is reachable from u. Next, consider a path p ∈𝒫_s, t(G) represented as a sequence [v_1, v_2, …, v_p] of internal vertices (i.e., with s and t removed). For each vertex v ∈ p, in descending order, execute the following procedure : Find the set N(v) of incoming neighbors of v in G and, for each w ∈ N(v) if R(p, w) has not been set, let R(p, w) = v and mark w as visited. Then, for each node w ∈ N(v), if w is an unvisited non-path vertex, execute ; otherwise, do nothing. Notice that, since we iterate from the rightmost vertex in p, any node u such that R(u, p) = v_i cannot change its value when executing with j < i. In other words, each vertex only stores information about the rightmost vertex it can reach in p. Complexity-wise, every vertex v in G will be operated upon at most deg(v) times. Hence, starting from an unmarked graph, a call to takes O(m) time. Now, we want to execute the above for each path p ∈𝒫_s, t(G) (unmarking all vertices before the start of each iteration). This then gives us our claimed complexity of O(m λ(G)). By combining the running time of both steps of the algorithm, the claim follows. § OTHER PROOFS §.§ Fact in Claims <ref> and <ref> For any two C_1, C_2 ∈ L^*, we have that e ∈ E(C_1 ∨ C_2) ∪ E(C_1 ∧ C_2) iff e ∈ E(C_1) ∪ E(C_2). Assume, for the sake of contradiction, that there exists an edge e such that e ∈ E(C_1) ∪ E(C_2) but e ∉E(C_1 ∨ C_2) ∪ E(C_1 ∧ C_2). If e ∈ E(C_1) ∪ E(C_2), then there exists at least one cut X_i ∈ C_1 ∪ C_2 such that e ∈ X_i. W.l.o.g., suppose that X_i ∈ C_1, and let Y_i be the ith cut in C_2. If e ∉S_min(X_i ∪ Y_i) then, by definition, it must be that e ∈ S_max(X_i ∪ Y_i) and vice versa. This gives us the necessary contradiction and e must also be contained in E(C_1 ∨ C_2) ∪ E(C_1 ∧ C_2). The other direction of the argument is similar and is thus omitted.
Knowledge-integrated AutoEncoder Model
[ "Teddy Lazebnik", "Liron Simon-Keren" ]
[ "cs.LG", "cs.HC" ]
STM observation of the hinge-states of bismuth nanocrystals Hervé Aubin March 30, 2023 =========================================================== Data encoding is a common and central operation in most data analysis tasks. The performance of other models, downstream in the computational process, highly depends on the quality of data encoding. One of the most powerful ways to encode data is using the neural network AutoEncoder (AE) architecture. However, the developers of AE are not able to easily influence the produced embedding space, as it is usually treated as a black box technique, which makes it uncontrollable and not necessarily has desired properties for downstream tasks. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach for developing AE models that can integrate external knowledge sources into the learning process, possibly leading to more accurate results. The proposed () model is able to leverage domain-specific information to make sure the desired distance and neighborhood properties between samples are preservative in the embedding space. The proposed model is evaluated on three large-scale datasets from three different scientific fields and is compared to nine existing encoding models. The results demonstrate that the model effectively captures the underlying structures and relationships between the input data and external knowledge, meaning it generates a more useful representation. This leads to outperforming the rest of the models in terms of reconstruction accuracy. Keywords: data-driven encoding; biologically-inspired loss function; expert-driven model. § INTRODUCTION Data encoding is a crucial step in many data-driven analysis models across various fields, including economics, physics, and biology <cit.>. Intuitively, the encoding process refers to the process of converting raw data into a standardized format that can be easily analyzed and interpreted <cit.>. This process typically involves transforming data into a numerical space, usually with a dimension much smaller than the original one <cit.>. The encoded representation is used to create models or perform statistical analyses. As such, data encoding plays a critical role in several applications, including machine learning, image and speech recognition, natural language processing, and genomic analysis, among others <cit.>. Recently, data-driven models are becoming increasingly complex, and as a result, the data used to train them is becoming more complex and large. As a result, there is a growing interest in the encoding space of the data and its properties <cit.>. In particular, latent spaces, in the context of deep learning, refer to the encoded representations of data samples that are learned by neural networks (NN) during training. The term "latent" is used because these representations are not directly observable, but rather inferred from the training data by the NN <cit.>. Latent spaces are an essential component of several deep learning models, including AutoEncoders (AEs), generative adversarial networks, and transformers. While providing promising results, current encoding methods leave the user (partially) blind to the properties of the encoded space that the model learned. This fact might result in unwanted behavior when known properties of the data or the domain are distributed. When focusing on the downstream tasks, users might be fine with such conditions when the results are promising but for debugging, optimization, and even explainability of the results, the current situation is sub-optimal. In recent years, incorporating domain knowledge into machine learning models has gained significant momentum, as it has proven to be beneficial in many different applications. Incorporating domain knowledge, such as subject matter expertise or prior knowledge about the data or task, can lead to more accurate and interpretable results, as well as more efficient model designs. For example, in symbolic regression tasks, incorporating knowledge of physical laws or mathematical relationships, can reduce the computational resources required by minimizing the search space to only functions that fulfill a desired quality. Additionally, the added restraints over the search space aid in the discovery of a logical structure underlying the data <cit.>. Another area where domain knowledge is being used is in automated machine learning (AutoML). Similar to the case of symbolic regression, domain knowledge can be used to guide the design of AutoML algorithms and to constrain the search space for the best model <cit.>. Finally, domain knowledge can also be useful in the design of machine learning and deep learning models themselves <cit.>. By incorporating prior knowledge such as the structure of the input data or the relationships between different variables, models can be designed to be more efficient and accurate. This can be particularly useful in situations where data is limited, noisy, or difficult to collect. In this paper, we present a novel approach for integrating domain knowledge into the Latent space of AEs named (). With this approach, we propose to use an AutoEncoder-based architecture that preserves domain knowledge in the form of distance and neighborhood properties between labeled groups in the dataset, even if these properties are only partially known from outside of the dataset, as a piece of domain knowledge. We demonstrate that outperforms nine other AE models in three clustering tasks of datasets from the fields of economics, physics, and biology. Additionally, we demonstrate the drawback of the method, where, as in all other knowledge-informed models, the performance of the model is highly susceptible to the integration of incorrect knowledge. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section <ref> reviews the state-of-the-art AE models with a focus on knowledge-integrated approaches. Section <ref> formally introduces and outlines the experimental setup used to evaluate it. Section <ref> sets forth the experiments' results. Lastly, section <ref>, summarizes our conclusions and discusses opportunities for future work. § RELATED WORK Data encoding is the process of transforming raw data into a structured format that can be easily processed by a computer system <cit.>. There are two main approaches to data encoding: rule-based and data-driven. Traditional rule-based encoding methods involve using a fixed set of rules to transform data into a specific format <cit.>. For instance, geographical locations are represented using manually defined latitude and longitude values <cit.>. In contrast, data-driven encoding techniques employ statistical models to learn the encoding scheme from the data itself. This approach is particularly useful in scenarios where traditional encoding methods are not feasible or when the data has complex structures and patterns that are difficult to capture with fixed rules <cit.>. However, rule-based encoding has the advantage of being more interpretable compared to data-driven encoding <cit.>. Data-driven encoding techniques can also optimize data representation for specific tasks by learning encoding schemes that capture the most important features of the data <cit.>. In recent years, AEs have gained popularity as powerful computational tools to achieve various goals. Specifically, AEs are a type of neural network that learn to encode and decode data in an unsupervised manner <cit.>. They consist of an encoder network that compresses the input data into a low-dimensional representation, also known as the latent space, and a decoder network that reconstructs the original data from the compressed representation. AEs have found widespread use in various tasks such as image and audio processing, anomaly detection, and data compression. AEs are particularly useful for tasks where labeled data is scarce or expensive to obtain <cit.>. Due to their usefulness, AEs have found widespread use in various fields such as economics, physics, and biology. For example, in the economic domain, <cit.> proposed a two-step electricity theft detection strategy that uses a convolutional autoencoder for electricity theft identification, where abnormal electricity consumption patterns are identified against the uniformity and periodicity of normal power consumption users. <cit.> proposed an anomaly detection model for smart farming using an AE model that reconstructs normal data with a low reconstruction loss and anomalous data with a high loss. In the physics domain, AEs have also gained much popularity. For instance, <cit.> investigated the usage of physics-constrained data-driven computing for material design using AEs. In addition, <cit.> studied the tagging of top jet images in a background of QCD jet images using AE architectures, with similar results obtained by <cit.>. Similarly, in the biological domain, <cit.> reviewed several variational AEs in the context of gene expression, showing they outperform rule-based encoding methods even with a small amount of data. <cit.> developed an algorithm that aids in the curation of gene annotations by automatically suggesting inaccuracies and predicting previously-unidentified gene functions, accelerating the rate of gene function discovery, which is based on AEs. The authors tested their AE model on gene annotation data from the Gene Ontology project, showing it outperforms many machine learning models. The integration of domain knowledge into AEs is gaining popularity as an approach to enrich the dataset or direct the learning process <cit.>. For example, <cit.> proposed a Multi-view Factorization AutoEncoder (MAE) with network constraints that can seamlessly integrate multi-omics data and domain knowledge such as molecular interaction networks. This method learns feature and patient embedding simultaneously, using deep representation learning that constrains both feature representations and patient representations to specific regularization terms in the training objective. <cit.> proposed a method to incorporate domain knowledge explicitly in the generation process to achieve the Semantically Adversarial Generation (SAG), focusing on the driving scenes encoding task. They first categorize domain knowledge into two types; the property of objects and the relationship among objects. This approach is implemented with a tree-structured variational AutoEncoder (T-VAE) to learn hierarchical scene representation. § METHODS AND MATERIALS §.§ Model definition is constructed from two components: a partial distance regressor and an LSTM-based AE with seven fully connected, size adaptive, layers (three as part of the encoder, three as part of the decoder, and one as a representation layer). Fig. <ref> shows a schematic view of , presenting the inputs with domain-specific knowledge, the two components of , and the resulting outcome of a representative vector for each sample. Using the two components, the proposed method operates in a training phase and an inference phase. During the training phase, the model obtains a tabular dataset of samples and a matrix of known distances between pairs of features (M_T). The matrix M_T is user-defined, where each value m_i,j∈ [0,∞) of the matrix represents an assumption of the relative distance between sample i and sample j, compared to the distance between other pairs of samples. If the user does not have sufficient theoretical knowledge to fill M_T completely, then the matrix is passed into the partial distance regressor component (DR, where the missing distance information is filled. Formally, DR is trained on the available distances of the pairs with a set of metrics provided by the user. Once DR is obtained, the empty entries are filled using an inference of the corresponding samples. Alternatively, the user can decide to leave the empty entries in M_T which will be ignored later on. Either way, once M_T is obtained, the AE model is trained to learn a lower-dimensional representation of the dataset. The loss function used for its training is a joint evaluation of the reconstruction capabilities of the model, and the capability to preserve all the distance properties portrayed in M_T in the Latent space. Thus, the loss function is defined as follows: L({m_1, m_2, …, m_n}) := 1/n^2 - n ( ω_1 ∑_i=1^n ∑_i=j^n ( ||m_i - m_i|| ) + ω_2 ∑_i=1^n ( | ||R(m_i) - R(m_j)|| - M_T(i, j)| ) ), where m_i is a the i_th sample, m_i is the reconstructed i_th sample, R(m_i) is the representing vector of i_th sample, and ω_1, ω_2 ∈ [0, 1] such that ω_1 + ω_2 = 1 are the weights of the domain-knowledge loss compared to the classical reconstruction loss of the AE. During the inference phase, as in other AE models, the decoder part of the AE is removed and the trained encoder is used to encode inputted data. The AE used in is constructed of an encoder network that uses a bidirectional LSTM to produce an initial embedding, either capturing temporal (ordered) data or not. The decoder network uses a unidirectional LSTM to reconstruct the input sequence using the latent embedding only. The fully connected (FC) layers are used to further reduce the representation layer size and learn high-order non-linear connections in the data. The choice to use three FC layers was motivated by the fact that a larger number of FC layers is able to capture more complex dynamics on the one hand, but it requires more time, data, and computational resources to train efficiently. All FC layers are followed by a ReLU activation function. The model is trained using the Adam optimizer <cit.>, batch size of 16 samples, and 10 epochs. The AE's architecture can be easily altered to obtain better results for each specific task and dataset. Specifically, if the inputted sample's dimension, |m_i|, is larger than a pre-defined length |m_i| > L ∈ℕ than a sliding window of size L and a jump ω∈ℕ^+ is used. At the reconstruction end, a majority vote is performed to obtain the final prediction for the reconstructed sample. §.§ Experimental setup To determine the contribution of knowledge integration into an AE using the model, we carried out three experiments on datasets from three distinctly different scientific fields: economics, physics, and biology. As seen in Table. <ref>, each of these fields is characterized by fundamentally different characteristics of feature space and common samples count. Specifically, to test out on data from these scientific fields, we used three example datasets that are available online. The economic dataset [<https://www.carrefour.com/en>] contains pricing and other properties describing 49,673 products sold in a large supermarket. The products are divided into four main categories: premium, semi-premium, regular, and under-priced <cit.>. The physics dataset contains different scales and ratios used to describe the mechanism of spherical particles settling in the air while experiencing aerodynamic drag <cit.>. The dataset contains samples of 2,500 different settling spheres, that are categorized by their density into two groups: light and heavy particles. Finally, for the biological dataset, we used 90 whole genome sequences equally divided between three species: Homosapien (humans), Rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta), and Pan troglodytes (Chimpanzee), taken from NIH[<https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/>] and PGP-UK[<https://www.personalgenomes.org.uk/>]. The sequence indicators are provided as supplementary material. To define M_T for each dataset, we integrated the following knowledge: * The distance between a sample to itself is α_i_i=0, by definition. * Samples of the same category are closer to one another than to samples from a different category. Therefore, the distance between two samples of the same category is randomly sampled from a uniform distribution between α_1 and α_2. We arbitrarily chose α_1 = 0 and α_2 = 1. * The distance between sample i and sample j, which are from two different groups x and y, respectively, are randomly sampled from a uniform distribution between γ_xy and γ_xy+1, such that ∀ x, y: γ_xy > α_2. The order of γ_xy is determined per dataset as it reflects the domain-specific knowledge of relative distances between the categories of the data. * In the economic and physics datasets the order of γ_ij between each pair of categories is set to γ_ij=1. In the biology dataset, as Chimpanzees (group 1) are closest to Macaca mulattas (group 2), we set γ_12=1. As humans (group 3) are more similar to Chimpanzees than to Macaca mulattas, we set γ_13=2 and γ_23=3. * For the Noisy , the matrix M_T is filled with values ranging between 0 and 1 at random with a uniform distribution. Of note, with this approach we were able to use classification data previously tagged by experts during the creation of these datasets, to approximate a domain expert's knowledge without any actual knowledge of these domains. In a more realistic scenario, the distances in M_T will be defined by more precise domain knowledge. Each dataset was used to train and evaluate five models: AE with domain knowledge (), AE without domain knowledge (AE), with faulty domain knowledge (Noisy ), AE architecture obtained using the automatic machine learning library AutoKeras <cit.> (Auto-AE), and an AE commonly used in the specific type of problem (COMN-AE). Formally, for the COMN-AE, we trained seven common AE architectures from Ref. <cit.>, and reported the best outcome. The Auto-AE is obtained by using AutoKeras as a black-box limited to 100 model training. This is meant to balance between the computational burden and the need to allow a thorough enough search process so that the Auto-AE can converge to a well-performing solution. For the and Noisy cases, we set ω_1 = ω_2 = 0.5. After obtaining the model for each of the experiments, the representation vector is computed for every sample in the dataset. Afterward, we computed the clustering using the Ward hierarchical clustering algorithm <cit.>. Using these clusters, we computed the misclassification metric <cit.>, calculated as the number of incorrect predictions divided by the total number of predictions. Since there are K! options to map for mapping a set of clusters to k groups (i.e., the possible ways to order k groups in a row), we tested all of them and reported the best score from all the options. § RESULTS In this section, we present the results of our experiments with different AE techniques, including the method proposed in this paper. Table. <ref> presents the misclassification rate score achieved by each model. Intuitively, the results show that introducing faulty distance and relation assumptions results in a poor ability to cluster the data, as seen by the high misclassification rates over all datasets and test cases. In all test cases, the model resulted in the lowest misclassification rate, leading by a rate of 4%-19% over the rest of the models. Apart from the economic dataset, the Auto-AE outperforms the COMN-AE, which outperforms the simple AE used in . However, in the economic dataset, the ranking is slightly revered during the fit and train test, with the COMN-AE outperforming the Auto-AE by a rate of 2%-3%. Following these results, we visually explore how well the AE, , and Auto-AE were able to cluster the data. For that, we present Fig. <ref>, which compares the performance of each technique (columns) on each dataset (rows). As the number of samples in the physics and economics datasets is too large to plot efficiently, we solved the set coverage task <cit.> with the greedy algorithm <cit.> to find n = 90 points with the smallest Euclidian distance to the obtained coverage points on the plot. This way, we ensure all the samples presented optimally represent the density and topology of the entire dataset, while keeping the visualized data small and consistent between the experiments <cit.>. Afterward, we computed the PCA <cit.> of each dataset, presenting the two eigenvectors PC_1 and PC_2 with the largest in absolute value eigenvalues. Fig. <ref> shows that the theoretical knowledge inserted to (middle column) is preserved in the latent space. First, one can see that in the economic dataset (top), the centers of each cluster are set at roughly the same distance from one another, as was inserted. Second, in the physical dataset (middle), the centers of the two clusters are set the furthest apart, meaning that was able to create a better distinction between the two categories of the data. Third, in the biological dataset (bottom), both the AE and were able to preserve the theoretical distance ratios, while the Auto-AE failed (chimpanzees were found closest to humans rather than macaca mulattas). § DISCUSSION In this research, we proposed a novel approach for integrating domain knowledge into an AutoEncoder (AE) neural network architecture to control the distance and neighborhood properties of the obtained latent space, in order to increase the accuracy of the models. Our method, called , incorporates two novel ideas into the AE architecture: (a) a meta-regression task that takes a partially fulfilled domain-knowledge matrix and fulfills it by training a regression model from the available entries; (b) a loss function that preserves neighborhood and distance based on the domain-knowledge. The results presented in Table <ref> show that outperforms a wide range of more advanced AE architectures by achieving significantly lower misclassification rates over three distinctly different scientific fields. The AE architectures examined and compared to included the automatic search of optimal AE architectures suitable to each dataset. Additionally, in Fig. <ref> we demonstrate that is able to capture both the distance and neighborhood properties of the samples in the latent space. To demonstrate that the better performance of is associated with the new loss function rather than the AE architecture itself, we trained the architecture used for , which consistently showed worse results compared to . however, the results also show that the proposed method has some limitations. First, as in most knowledge-integrated models, the 's performance is highly dependent on the correctness and amount of domain knowledge provided to it. A poor quality (or even wrong) partial distance matrix can cause the model to obtain a mathematical result that complies with the inserted distance and neighborhood properties, yet harms the accuracy of the resulting clusters. To demonstrate this realistic scenario of inserting false relation assumptions, we compared in Table <ref> the results obtained by with faulty domain knowledge. We show that this inserts a false bias into the model <cit.>, which results in the worst results of all the models tested. Second, finding the right dimension of the representation is a challenging task in this work done via a manual trial-and-error process by the authors. The naive approach to tackle this challenge is to perform a grid search on this parameter, which can become computationally expensive even for a small set of configurations <cit.>. Future work can try to find the optimal representation dimension given a dataset and previous experience using the meta-learning approach <cit.>. Third, further improvements can be made by investigating how can be extended to incorporate unlabeled data. unsrt § DECLARATIONS §.§ Funding This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. §.§ Conflicts of interest/Competing interests The authors have no financial or proprietary interests in any material discussed in this article. §.§ Materials availability The data that has been used is presented in the manuscript with the relevant sources and available with the code on the project's page on GitHub. §.§ Author Contributions Teddy Lazebnik: Conceptualization, formal analysis, investigation, methodology, software, supervision, and writing - original draft. Liron Keren-Simon: Conceptualization, formal analysis, visualization, writing - original draft, and writing - review & editing. §.§ Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank Walter Lutz, Alexander Liberzon, and Labib Shami for helping with the data gathering for the experiments and Stephan Beck and Ismail Moghul for helping with the research conceptualization.
A closed-form expression for the variance of truncated distribution and its uses
[ "Roberto Vila", "Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan", "Raul Matsushita" ]
[ "stat.ME", "math.PR" ]
DDFM: Denoising Diffusion Model for Multi-Modality Image Fusion Zixiang Zhao^1,2 Haowen Bai^1 Yuanzhi Zhu^2 Jiangshe Zhang^1 Shuang Xu^3 Yulun Zhang^2 Kai Zhang^2 Deyu Meng^1 Radu Timofte^2,4 Luc Van Gool^2 ^1Xi’an Jiaotong University ^2Computer Vision Lab, ETH Zürich ^3Northwestern Polytechnical University ^4University of Wurzburg Received: date / Accepted: date ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ This work sheds some light on the relationship between a distribution's standard deviation and its range, a topic that has been discussed extensively in the literature. While many previous studies have proposed inequalities or relationships that depend on the shape of the population distribution, the approach here is built on a family of bounded probability distributions based on skewing functions. We offer closed-form expressions for its moments and the asymptotic behavior as the support's semi-range tends to zero and ∞. We also establish an inequality in which the well-known Popoviciu's one is a special case. Finally, we provide an example using US dollar prices in four different currencies traded on foreign exchange markets to illustrate the results developed here. Keywords. Truncated distribution · Skewing function · Popoviciu's inequality · Skew-symmetric distribution · Econophysics. Mathematics Subject Classification (2010). MSC 60E05 · MSC 62Exx · MSC 62Fxx. § INTRODUCTION Relating the standard deviation (σ) to the range is a well-studied topic <cit.>. However, most of the results found in the literature in this regard propose inequalities or relationships that depend on the shape of the population distribution. <cit.> recently suggested a power law between σ and the semi-range ℓ without knowing the population distribution, but assuming symmetric truncated forms restricted to ℓ≪ 1. They argued that truncation is a phenomenon naturally generated by the sampling process. In their approach, conditional distribution properties can link the usual unbounded distribution for describing unobserved data. Here, we establish a closed-form expression for the variance of truncated distributions valid for all ℓ > 0. We start with the general case (Section <ref>), by considering a truncated variable X over the interval [a,b] based on a cumulative distribution function G with unbounded support as a skewing function. For c ∈ (a,b) and p>0, we present a general form for 𝔼[(X-c)^p] as well as its asymptotic behavior as the support's semi-range tends to zero and ∞. We also present some inequalities that included Popoviciu's inequality as a special case. Section <ref> presents some properties and examples regarding the symmetrically truncated distribution as a particular case. Importantly, we deduce the form of the ratio σ/ℓ as a function of G and ℓ. For illustrative purposes, we have presented an example using actual financial data (Section <ref>). They consist of 16 million tick-by-tick returns of four currencies against the US dollar transacted on foreign exchange markets. Finally, Section <ref> makes some brief concluding remarks. § MAIN RESULTS §.§ General case Suppose we have a random variable with cumulative distribution function (CDF) G(x) and with infinite support. Based on G, given two real numbers a and b, such that a<b, we have F_X(x) = G(x)-G(a) G(b)-G(a), a<x<b, to be the truncated CDF of a random variable X with support (a,b). Then, we have the following result concerning its moments. Let c and p be real numbers such that a<c<b and p>0. Then, the p-th moment about c is given by 𝔼[(X-c)^p] = 1G(b)-G(a) [ (b-c)^p G(b) - (a-c)^p G(a) - p I_G(c;a-c,b-c,p) ], where I_G(c;s,t,p) is defined as I_G(c; s,t,p)=∫_s^t y^p-1 G(y+c) dy, s<t. From (<ref>), we have 𝔼[(X-c)^p] = 1 G(b)-G(a)∫_a^b (x-c)^p dG(x) = p G(b)-G(a){∫_a^c[ ∫_0^x-c y^p-1 dy] dG(x) + ∫_c^b[ ∫_0^x-c y^p-1 dy] dG(x) }. Change the order of integration, the above expression can be written as = p G(b)-G(a){∫_0^a-cy^p-1[ ∫_a^y+c dG(x) ] dy + ∫_0^b-cy^p-1[ ∫_y+c^b dG(x) ] dy } = 1 G(b)-G(a)[ (b-c)^p G(b) - (a-c)^p G(a)] - p G(b)-G(a)∫_a-c^0 y^p-1 G(y+c) dy - p G(b)-G(a)∫_0^b-c y^p-1 G(y+c) dy, which completes the proof of the theorem. Under the conditions of Theorem <ref>, we have 𝔼[(X-c)^p] ⩽ (b-c)^p [1-F_X(c)] + (a-c)^p F_X(c), if p is even, (b-c)^p [1-F_X(c)], if p is odd, where F_X is as given in (<ref>). It is evident that I_G(c;a-c,b-c,p)=I_G(c;a-c,0,p)+I_G(c;0,b-c,p). Assuming p to be even, for a-c<y<0, we have y^p-1 G(c)< y^p-1 G(y+c)< y^p-1G(a), and for 0<y<b-c, we have y^p-1G(c)<y^p-1 G(y+c)<y^p-1G(b). Consequently, we get I_G(c;a-c,0,p)⩾ -G(c) (c-a)^p p and I_G(c;0,b-c,p)⩾G(c) (b-c)^p p. Now, upon using these inequalities in (<ref>), we obtain I_G(c;a-c,b-c,p)⩾G(c) p [(b-c)^p-(c-a)^p]. Using the above inequality in the expression in Theorem <ref>, we get 𝔼[(X-c)^p] ⩽1G(b)-G(a) { (b-c)^p G(b) - (a-c)^p G(a) - G(c) [(b-c)^p-(c-a)^p] }. From (<ref>), the right-hand side of the above inequality can be rewritten as = (b-c)^p [1-F_X(c)] + (a-c)^p F_X(c). This proves the inequality for the case when p is even. The inequality for the case when p is odd can be established in an analogous manner. When p is even, a lower bound for 𝔼[(X-c)^p] can be established as below. Under the conditions of Theorem <ref>, for p even, we have 𝔼[(X-c)^p] ⩾ (t-c)^p [F_X(b)-F_X(t)], if c<t<b. Suppose p is even. Then, as (X-c)^p⩾ 0 and (X-c)^p⩾ (t-c)^p for X>t>c, it is clear that 𝔼[(X-c)^p] ⩾𝔼[(X-c)^p1_{X>t}] ⩾ (t-c)^p 𝔼[1_{X>t}], which yields the required result. Under the conditions of Theorem <ref>, we have min_a<c<b𝔼[(X-c)^p] ⩽(b-a2)^p, if p is even, 0, if p⩾ 1 is odd. Suppose p is even. In this case, from Corollary <ref>, we have 𝔼[(X-c)^p] ⩽ (b-c)^p [1-F_X(c)] + (a-c)^p F_X(c) ⩽ S(F(c)) T(c), where S(F(c))=max{1-F_X(c), F_X(c)} and T(c)=(b-c)^p + (a-c)^p. As F_X(c)=1/2 is a minimum point of M(F(c)), we have min_0<F(c)<1 S(F(c))=1 2. Taking the minimum over 0<F(c)<1 in (<ref>), we get 𝔼[(X-c)^p] ⩽1 2 T(c). Now, taking the minimum over a<c<b in the above inequality and using the fact that the function T(c) reaches a minimum value at the point c=(a+b)/2, we get min_a<c<b𝔼[(X-c)^p]⩽1 2 T(a+b 2)=(b-a2)^p. This proves the inequality for the case when p is even. Further, the inequality for the case when p is odd trivially follows from Corollary <ref>. The variance σ^2 can be expressed as σ^2 = Var(X) = 1G(b)-G(a) [ (b-μ)^2 G(b) - (a-μ)^2 G(a) - 2 I_G(μ;a-μ,b-μ) ], where μ=𝔼(X) and I_G(μ;s,t)=∫_s^t y G(y+μ) dy, s<t. By taking c=μ and p=2 in Theorem <ref>, we obtain the required result. The Popoviciu inequality <cit.> on variances given by σ^2⩽(b-a2)^2, follows from Proposition <ref>. The proof follows immediately by setting p=2 in Proposition <ref>. A reverse form of Popoviciu's inequality can be obtained upon taking p=2, c=μ=𝔼(X) and t=(μ+b)/2 in Proposition <ref>. We have σ^2 ⩾(b-μ2)^2 [F_X(b)-F_X(μ+b 2)]. §.§.§ Asymptotic behavior In the following theorem, we establish the asymptotic behaviour of the p-th moment. If X is distributed as in (<ref>), then we have lim_b-a 2⟶ 0^+𝔼[(X-ab-a)^p ] = 1 p+1, p>-1, and lim_b-a 2⟶∞𝔼[(X-ab-a)^p ] = 1 2^p. From (<ref>), we find F_X-a/b-a(z) = G(z(b-a)+a)-G(a) G(b)-G(a) = G(b-a 2 (2z-1)+a+b 2)-G(a+b 2-b-a 2) G(b-a 2+a+b 2)-G(a+b 2-b-a 2), 0<z<1. Now, it is a simple task to verify that lim_b-a 2⟶ 0 F_X-a/b-a(z) = F_U(z), ∀ z∈ℝ, and lim_b-a 2⟶∞ F_X-a/b-a(z) = F_Y(z), ∀ z≠1 2, where U∼ U(0,1) and Y is a discrete random variable such that ℙ(Y=1/2)=1. Moreover, we note that [(X-a)/(b-a)]^p is uniformly integrable because 0<(X-a)/(b-a)<1. As convergence in distribution along with uniform integrability imply convergence in mean <cit.>, we have lim_b-a 2⟶ 0^+𝔼[(X-ab-a)^p ] = 𝔼(U^p), p>-1, and lim_b-a 2⟶∞𝔼[(X-ab-a)^p ] = 𝔼(Y^p), which completes the proof of the theorem. We further have lim_b-a 2⟶ 0^+σ^2 +(μ-a)^2 (b-a)^2=1 3 and lim_b-a 2⟶∞σ^2 (b-a)^2= 0. where μ=𝔼(X) and σ^2 = Var(X). By taking p=2 in Theorem <ref>, the above results follow readily. §.§ Symmetric case In this section, we assume that G is a skewing function, i.e., it is such that G(x)⩾ 0 and G(-x)=1-G(x), and X distributed as in (<ref>) with a=-ℓ and b=ℓ>0. That is, X has its CDF as F_X(x) = G(x)+G(ℓ)-1 2G(ℓ)-1, -ℓ<x<ℓ. The variance σ^2 can be expressed as σ^2 = ℓ^2 H(ℓ), where H(ℓ) = 1-2C(ℓ)-12G(ℓ)-1, with C(ℓ)=C(ℓ,G) defined as C(ℓ)=2ℓ^2∫_0^ℓ yG(y) dy. Moreover, 1/2⩽ C(ℓ)⩽ G(ℓ). As G is a skewing function, we have μ=𝔼(X)=0. Moreover, I_G(μ;a-μ,b-μ) in Proposition <ref> satisfies the identity I_G(μ;a-μ,b-μ)=ℓ^2[C(ℓ)-1 2]. Upon substituting this in Proposition <ref> and carrying out some simple algebraic steps, the required result follows. It is useful to observe that, knowing C(ℓ) (see Table <ref> for some explicit examples of these constants), Proposition <ref> gives a more informative result than Popoviciu's inequality and present in particular a method for the exact calculation of the variance of truncated distributions of the form in (<ref>). In Table <ref>, Φ is the CDF of a standard normal distribution, Li_2[z]=-∫_0^z log(1-x)/x dx is the polylogarithm function of order 2 and erf(z)=(2/√(π)) ∫_0^z exp(-x^2) dx is the error function. We further have lim_ℓ⟶ 0^+H(ℓ) = lim_ℓ⟶ 0^+σ^2ℓ^2=1 3 and lim_ℓ⟶∞H(ℓ) = lim_ℓ⟶∞σ^2ℓ^2= 0. Upon taking a=-ℓ, b=ℓ and μ=0 in Corollary <ref>, the required result follows. Next, we present two further examples in addition to Table <ref>. Let X be a truncated symmetric standard Cauchy distribution with density function f(x) = (2 arctanℓ)^-1·(1+x^2)^-1 if |x| < ℓ, with ℓ⩽ 1, and f(x)=0, if |y| > ℓ. As its variance is σ^2 = ℓ/arctanℓ - 1 <cit.>, we obtain H(ℓ) = 1/ℓarctanℓ - 1/ℓ^2. Let X be a symmetrically truncated standard Gaussian distribution with density function f(x) = {√(2π) [1-2Φ(-ℓ)]}^-1exp(-x^2/2), if |x| < ℓ, where ℓ⩽ 1 and Φ is the standard Gaussian cumulative distribution function, and f(x)=0, if |x| > ℓ <cit.>. As its variance can be expressed as σ^2 = 1 - 2 ℓ f(ℓ), we find H(ℓ) = 1/ℓ^2 - 2/ℓ^3 f(ℓ). In both these examples, we observe H(ℓ) → 1/3 as ℓ↓ 0 and H(ℓ) ↑ 0 as ℓ↑∞, as stated in Proposition <ref>. However, ℓ H(ℓ) = σ^2/ℓ behaves differently as ↑∞. In the first example, ℓ H(ℓ) → 2/π, but in the second example, we find ℓ H(ℓ) → 0. § ILLUSTRATION WITH FINANCIAL DATA We illustrate the results developed here with intraday spot exchange rate data of four currencies against the US dollar transacted on the foreign exchange (Forex) market. There are 16 million tick-by-tick returns of bid prices provided by Tick Data, LLC (Table <ref>). Following the discussion regarding the truncated nature of the past <cit.>, we consider the symmetric case here. For each currency, let {X_ij} be the jth return observed on day i = 1,…, d (Table <ref>). Taking the daily sample standard deviation s_i and the maximum daily absolute return ℓ_i = max_1≤ j ≤ n_i{X_ij}, where n_i denotes the sample size on day i with n = ∑_i=1^d n_i, Figure <ref> depicts the daily sample ratios {s_i/ℓ_i} in the form of dots. Now, consider the general sequence ignoring days as {X_t}, where t = 1,…, n. Letting ℓ^* = max_1≤ t ≤ n{X_t}, we generated a grid of 1,000 truncation points, {ℓ: ℓ = m ℓ^*/1000, where m = 1,…, 1000}. For each ℓ over this grid, we obtained the sample standard deviation of the conditional (truncated) data {X_t| |X_t| ≤ℓ}. In this way, we empirically find the form of the ratio σ/ ℓ for the returns of each currency (Figure <ref>). Then, Proposition <ref> provides a feasible and practical way of describing the relationship between the variance and the cutoff ℓ. For small ℓ, <cit.> proposed the power law σ^β/ ℓ≈ζ from a second-order approximation, where β > 0 and ζ are real constants. So, we may approximate σ/ℓ as σ/ℓ≈ζ^1/βℓ^- 1 + 1/β. Figure <ref> depicts the log-log plots of this approximated result, and shows the validity of such a power law approximation for σ/ℓ. § CONCLUDING REMARKS In this work, we have presented a general approach for understanding the relationship between the variance and the range of a general family of truncated distributions based on skewing functions. We have established a closed-form expression for its moments and their asymptotic behavior as the support's semi-range tends to zero and ∞. As discussed previously by <cit.>, if the truncated nature arises naturally from the past, the function relating truncation length and standard deviation may assist in connecting the bounded past and unbounded future data. For this reason, we expect our results to be useful in many practical situations. Acknowledgements Roberto Vila gratefully acknowledges financial support from CNPq, CAPES, and FAP-DF, Brazil. Raul Matsushita acknowledges financial support from CNPq, CAPES, FAP-DF, and DPI/DPG/UnB, Brazil. Disclosure statement There are no conflicts of interest to disclose. [Billingsley, 1968]Billingsley1968 Billingsley, P. (1968). Convergence of Probability Measures. John Wiley & Sons, New York. [David et al., 1954]David David,  H. A., Hartley,  H. O. and Pearson,  E.  S. (1954). The distribution of the ratio, in a single normal sample, of range to standard deviation. Biometrika, 41:482–493. [Johnson, Kotz and Balakrishnan, 1994]Johnson.Kotz.1970 Johnson, N. L., Kotz, S. and Balakrishnan, N. (1994), Continuous Univariate Distributions. Vol. 1, Second edition. John Wiley & Sons, New York. [Matsushita et al., 2020]Matsushita2020 Matsushita, R., Da Silva, S., Da Fonseca, R. and Nagata, M. (2020). Bypassing the truncation problem of truncated Lévy flights. Physica A, 559:125035. 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Quantile Online Learning for Semiconductor Failure Analysis
[ "Bangjian Zhou", "Pan Jieming", "Maheswari Sivan", "Aaron Voon-Yew Thean", "J. Senthilnath" ]
[ "cs.LG" ]
MSINet: Twins Contrastive Search of Multi-Scale Interaction for Object ReID Jianyang Gu^1 Kai Wang^2 Hao Luo^3 Chen Chen^4 Wei Jiang^1* Yuqiang Fang^5 Shanghang Zhang^6 Yang You^2 Jian Zhao^7Co-corresponding authors ^1Zhejiang University ^2National University of Singapore ^3Alibaba Group ^4OPPO Research Institute ^5Space Engineering University ^6Peking University ^7Institute of North Electronic Equipment {gu_jianyang, jiangwei_zju}@zju.edu.cn zhaojian90@u.nus.edu March 30, 2023 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= With high device integration density and evolving sophisticated device structures in semiconductor chips, detecting defects becomes elusive and complex. Conventionally, machine learning (ML)-guided failure analysis is performed with offline batch mode training. However, the occurrence of new types of failures or changes in the data distribution demands retraining the model. During the manufacturing process, detecting defects in a single-pass online fashion is more challenging and favoured. This paper focuses on novel quantile online learning for semiconductor failure analysis. The proposed method is applied to semiconductor device-level defects: FinFET bridge defect, GAA-FET bridge defect, GAA-FET dislocation defect, and a public database: SECOM. From the obtained results, we observed that the proposed method is able to perform better than the existing methods. Our proposed method achieved an overall accuracy of 86.66% and compared with the second-best existing method it improves 15.50% on the GAA-FET dislocation defect dataset. Online learning, single-pass, deep neural network, semiconductor failure analysis § INTRODUCTION For several decades the semiconductor industry follows Moore's law to drive development, and billions of well-designed semiconductor chips are put into use every year. Fine chips require more care about defects. Notably, as the devices are subjected to aggressive channel length scaling, the impact of bridge and dislocation defects on the transport properties of the transistor becomes aggravated. As a result, engineering efforts are essential for semiconductor failure analysis (FA) to detect defects on time and guarantee major components work rightly <cit.>. Lately, Machine Learning (ML) has become increasingly important to accelerate semiconductor FA. There are mainly 2 kinds of the semiconductor dataset used in the ML model to learn and generalize, (1) Unstructured dataset, for example, wafer map imagery used to understand the wafer quality and identify the defects patterns <cit.> and (2) Structured dataset, for example, the transfer characteristics (drain current (I_d) vs. gate voltage (V_g)) of the transistor for different position of bridge defects <cit.>. The structured dataset is favoured by researchers as the features like slope and intercept (for example, sub-threshold swing and threshold voltage for transistor) represent healthy/unhealthy states more discriminatively. The structured datasets' features differ a lot in ranges, which is attributed to the operational principle of a transistor as a logic switch where the drain current varies across ∼8 orders of magnitude, whereas drain voltage varies from 0-1V (for N-channel Metal-oxide Semiconductor). The ML models used for the FA can be divided as traditional ML, such as tree-based model <cit.>, Neuro-fuzzy system (NFS) <cit.>, and Deep Neural Network (DNN) model <cit.>. The DNN models are affected by the high-range features that would take a dominant place, making other features insignificant. Hence, data normalization is necessary for DNN training. Meanwhile, as the number of semiconductor chips is increasing exponentially, the scenario has changed. The offline batch-mode DNN training fails to keep up pace with the large data stream, online single-pass mode DNN training is preferred. This makes the data normalization for the DNN difficult. Though we have many well-designed methods like min-max scaling, z-score normalization <cit.> and quantile normalization <cit.> for offline training, whereas in the online scenario, we lack global statistics requested by the normalization methods. Although some researchers have proposed using sliding windows to get statistics or designing equations/layers to approximate the statistics used in the normalization, most online normalization methods are still designed in batch-mode, whereas single-pass mode is rarely adopted. In this paper, we propose a novel quantile online learning method for semiconductor FA. The main contributions of this study are summarized as follows: (1) Unlike quantile normalization averaging the feature values in batch/mini-batch setting with the same quantile value assigned for different samples, we use quantile numbers to replace raw features. Here, we observe the proposed approach is suitable for semiconductor datasets with varying feature ranges. (2) We trained the online DNNs in a purely single-pass mode including the input data normalization, there are very few methods performing semiconductor FA in such a way. (3) We propose a discount factor to control the proportion of local or global information in the statistics, which helps with defect detection. (4) Our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method perform better than the existing methods on four semiconductor defect detection datasets, which exceeds the second-best existing method by 15.50%. § RELATED WORK ML-guided FA. Many traditional ML-based approaches have been applied to semiconductor FA. He et al., <cit.> utilized a k-nearest neighbor (KNN) rule-based algorithm to handle faults. Xie et al., <cit.> applied a support vector machine to detect defect patterns in the image. Nawaz et al., <cit.> developed a Bayesian network for etching equipment fault detection. After Lecun et al., <cit.> pointed out that DNN can improve the state-of-the-art methods in many fields, researchers also tried DNN methods, while the traditional methods are still common. Hsu et al., <cit.>, Kim et al., <cit.> and Chien et al., <cit.> proposed some variants of convolutional neural network for FA in image datasets. Pan et al., proposed a tree-based transfer learning model from FinFET to GAA-FET <cit.>. Kim et al., <cit.> devised a generative model to handle process drift in the defect detection scenario. Ferdaus et al., <cit.> devised an online NFS for semiconductor FA. However, most methods are focused on offline settings, this motivates us to design an efficient online learning methods for DNNs. Input data normalization. Commonly used offline input data normalization strategies are min-max scaling, z-score normalization and decimal scaling <cit.>. However, these techniques need to adapt to online scenarios and adaptive versions are few. To the best of our knowledge, the adaptive normalization methods can be divided into two categories: (1) Ogasawara et al., <cit.>, Gupta et al., <cit.> used sliding window to adapt statistics in streaming data. (2) Passalis et al., <cit.> proposed DAIN that uses additional linear layers to mimic the adaptive mean and standard deviation value for normalization. Tran et al., <cit.> and Shabani et al., <cit.> proposed improved variants of DAIN to handle time-series data. Though these methods were devised for online settings, they are designed in batch-mode. Our proposed method is a single-pass design, which means there is hardly any latency in getting predictions. And quantile normalization is another extremely popular method that could produce well-aligned distributions so all samples are from the same distribution, which is commonly seen in gene expression dataset <cit.>, <cit.>. Note, our proposed method is totally different from quantile normalization; as they would not use the quantile number to replace the feature value. § QUANTILE ONLINE LEARNING The proposed quantile online learning (QOL) classifies semiconductor FA datasets on the fly. The flow diagram of the proposed QOL is shown in Fig. <ref> and discussed in detail in the below subsections. §.§ Problem statement The semiconductor structured input data stream i.e, X_i=[F_1,...,F_n] ∈^1 × n, i∈𝒩, which means i^th sample and n is the number of dimensions. Each input has a corresponding label Y_i ∈𝒩 that represents the defect types; our objective is to address the classification problem of the defect types. To mimic real-world settings, a prequential test-then-train protocol is applied. This protocol would use the model to give predictions and then do the training. §.§ Buffer list initialization Initially, a small list of samples is collected i.e, C=[X_1,..., X_p]∈ ^p× n, where p is the number of samples, set between 10 to 30. We collect the feature values in a 2D buffer list from samples C i.e, V = [[V_11,..,V_1p], ..[V_n1,..,V_np]]. The V_ij means the feature value F_i from sample X_j. Next, we sort each single 1D list independently and define another 2D weight list W=[[1,..,1],..,[1,..,1]] with all ones. We treat the buffer list V={V_ij}^n× p as cluster centres which capture the knowledge of the distribution of raw data, and weight list W= {W_ij}^n× p as the number of samples in the cluster. During this phase, we wait for p samples to start, whereas the remaining steps use single-pass mode. §.§ Cluster centre choosing We obtain the initial V and W and the raw input features X_i from the data stream. We choose the cluster centres for each feature by calculating distance dis(V_ij,F_i)=||V_ij-F_i||_2=√((V_ij-F_i)^2) and find the index of minimum distance for the k^th feature using idx_k={i|mindis(V_ki,F_k),1≤ i ≤ p }, The index list idx =[idx_1,...,idx_n] is used as a reference to update later steps. §.§ Weight list updating The main idea behind updating is to replace the old cluster centre with the new feature value and make the corresponding weight contribute to the closest cluster centres. We consider 2 cases in updating: (i) F_i ≥ V_i,idx_i and (ii) F_i < V_i,idx_i. For case (i) in Fig <ref>, old_weight = W_i,idx_i represents the weight for V_i,idx_i before updating. We first calculate a percentage factor as below: percentage = dis(V_i,idx_i,F_i)/dis(V_i,idx_i-1,F_i) Then we update W_i,idx_i, W_i,idx_i-1 using, W_i,idx_i = (1-percentage)× old_weight+1 W_i,idx_i-1 = W_i,idx_i-1+percentage× old_weight These equations make sure the closer the value is to the cluster centres, the more weightage is assigned from the old weight. If the W_i,idx_i-1 does not exist, we give all weight to the new cluster using, W_i,idx_i = old_weight+1 For case (ii) in Fig.<ref>, we still use old_weight as above, and only give modifications to the above equations as follows: percentage = dis(V_i,idx_i,F_i)/dis(V_i,idx_i+1,F_i) W_i,idx_i = (1-percentage)× old_weight+1 W_i,idx_i+1 = W_i,idx_i+1+percentage× old_weight For the specific case W_i,idx_i+1 does not exist, then we use Eq.(<ref>) to update. Next, we introduce a discount factor η, which is used to control the forget rate. To make the buffer list capture a sense of local trend, we set η between 0 to 1. After each sample's all features modification, we would update the whole weight list {W_ij}^n× p=η×{W_ij}^n× p. Finally, we assign V_i,idx_i=F_i as the new cluster centre. §.§ Quantile approximations After we find the suitable position for the current sample's feature values, we replace all the feature values F_i using, F_i = ∑_j=1^idx_iW_ij/∑_j=1^pW_ij The weight for each cluster centres is used to approximate the number of feature values that are less than it so that we obtain an approximation of the quantile for each feature value. Then we feed the normalized data X_i=[New_1,...,New_n] to train the online DNN model. § EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Data description. In this work, three real-world multi-class semiconductor fault detection datasets and a public dataset SECOM <cit.> from the UCI machine learning repository are considered. The real-world datasets include bridge defects in GAA-FET (GAA-FET-b), dislocation defects in GAA-FET (GAA-FET-d) and bridge defects in FinFET (FinFET-b). These FETs datasets were generated using a full three-dimensional technology computer aided design (TCAD) digital twin model and then were calibrated with the Current-Voltage curve in the actual device defects <cit.>. The SECOM dataset consists of complex signals for the engineers to analyze the defects. The detailed information of each dataset is shown in Table <ref>. Classifying imbalance classes in the dataset is more challenging as the minority class would only be 3∼20% of the majority class, say, SECOM is 104 fails to 1463 pass, GAA-FET-b is 27 to 764 and FinFET-b is 79 to 512. As a result, overall accuracy and class balanced accuracy were used as evaluation metrics. Experiment setting. We chose the Adaptive Normalization (AN) from <cit.> and Deep Adaptive Input Normalization (DAIN) from <cit.> as baseline methods to compare the data normalization, and passing the raw data. As the baseline methods are variants of min-max and z-score normalization, which cannot handle feature values with outliers pretty well. Hence, we additionally pre-processed the data by logarithm transformation to make the feature range small, which is not adapted for our proposed method. We chose three online DNN models, which include a DNN with 2 layers fully connected feed-forward network, Deep Evolving Denoising Autoencoder (DEVDAN) from <cit.> and Autonomous Deep Learning (ADL) model from <cit.> to classify the normalized data in a single-pass mode. The ADL and DEVDAN are two evolving architectures designed for online settings, which would autonomously generate the needed hidden nodes. To make a fair comparison, we limited different models to all have 2 layers and the nearly same amount of parameters. We intended to prove our method's robustness by using these models. We applied the prequential test-then-train protocol to the whole datasets, except for GAA-FET-d as current online learning models rarely get good performance in limited sequences (90 samples). We split and augment the train set and evaluate the test set with the test-then-train protocol. We fine-tuned the hyper-parameters in the following range: [0.1,0.5] as lr_disc and [1e^-3,1e^-1] as lr_gen for DEVDAN <cit.>; [0.05,0.35] as lr for ADL <cit.>; [1e^-4,1e^-1] as lr for DNN; batch size 2 to 5 and threshold δ 0.1 to 0.3 for AN <cit.>; mean_lr in [1e^-8,1e^-1], scale_lr in [1e^-8,1e^-1], gate_lr in [1e^-3,1] and batch size 5 for DAIN <cit.>. We select the batch size to be small so that it's a relatively fair comparison with our single-pass method. Performance comparisons. We compare the performance of 3 data normalization approaches (AN, DAIN, QOL) and Raw data on semiconductor datasets that are combined with 3 DNN models separately. For the 3 multi-class semiconductor datasets, from Table <ref>, we observe that our QOL performs well for both overall and balanced accuracy while the AN was the second best, and even got better overall accuracy in GAA-FET-b. However, the DAIN method has low performance, due to (1) the data sequence being limited, and DAIN's converge rate being affected by more network parameters. (2) a small batch size may not be suitable for this method. Compared with the Raw data, AN and QOL's result is a strong demonstration of the need for data normalization. For the SECOM, we emphasize the balanced accuracy here as most methods can get high overall accuracy by predicting all as the majority. Our proposed QOL achieves the best balanced accuracy, while the DAIN, as well as AN, also performed better for this high-dimensional complex dataset. All the normalization methods can address the imbalance problems a bit, which may be due to normalized features being more discriminative. Among all the datasets, we find that our single-pass QOL is more stable in different settings and gets comparable or better performance than these batch-mode normalization methods. § CONCLUSIONS In this paper, we proposed a novel quantile online learning approach to address single-pass online classification for semiconductor FA. QOL utilizes the single-pass online framework where quantile representation is passed to DNN architecture to adapt to the change in the feature distribution of different semiconductor defects by prequential test-then-train protocol. This helps in achieving better classification performance in both overall accuracy and balanced accuracy. We compared the performance of our technique with the existing methods for a binary class and three multi-class semiconductor defect datasets, for all these datasets the proposed method performed better in comparison with the existing methods. IEEEbib
Collective synchronization of dissipatively-coupled noise-activated processes
[ "Michalis Chatzittofi", "Ramin Golestanian", "Jaime Agudo-Canalejo" ]
[ "cond-mat.stat-mech", "cond-mat.soft", "physics.bio-ph" ]
Collective synchronization of dissipatively-coupled noise-activated processes]Collective synchronization of dissipatively-coupled noise-activated processes ^1 Living Matter Physics, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organisation, D-37077, Goettingen, Germany ^2 Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3PU, United Kingdom ramin.golestanian@ds.mpg.de; jaime.agudo@ds.mpg.de A system of two enzymes mechanically coupled to each other in a viscous medium was recently studied, and conditions for obtaining synchronization and an enhanced average rate of the thermally-activated catalytic reactions of the enzymes were identified. The transition to synchronization occurred as the result of a global bifurcation in the underlying dynamical system. Here, we extend and generalize this idea to an arbitrary number of noise-activated cyclic processes, or oscillators, that are all coupled to each other via a dissipative coupling. The N coupled oscillators are described by N phase coordinates driven in a tilted washboard potential. At low N and strong coupling, we find synchronization as well as an enhancement in the average speed of the oscillators. In the large N regime, we show that the collective dynamics can be described through a mean-field theory, which predicts a great enhancement in the average speed. In fact, beyond a critical value of the coupling strength, noise activation becomes irrelevant and the dynamics switch to an effectively deterministic “running” mode. Finally, we study the stochastic thermodynamics of the coupled oscillators, in particular their performance with regards to the thermodynamic uncertainty relation. [ M Chatzittofi^1, R Golestanian^1,2 and J Agudo-Canalejo^1 March 30, 2023 =============================================================== § INTRODUCTION A system of driven, nonlinear coupled oscillators is nontrivial and can quickly lead to complex and unexpected situations when these oscillators synchronize, like in the famous case of the Millennium bridge <cit.>. Generic features of synchronization have been widely studied using minimal models such as the Kuramoto model <cit.>. Networks of such oscillators give rise to fascinating phenomena such as states displaying coexistence of synchronization and incoherence, known as chimera states <cit.>. In biological systems, at the microscopic scale, the interactions are usually mediated by a viscous medium. For instance, hydrodynamic interactions can cause beating cilia or flagella to become synchronised <cit.> displaying emergent phenomena such as metachronal waves <cit.>. At an even smaller scale, on the scale of enzymes and molecular motors, many relevant processes are stochastic and thermally-activated: thermal noise is required to push the system over free energy barriers, e.g. during chemical reactions inside enzymes or during the mechanical steps of molecular motors. These cyclic processes convert chemical energy into mechanical energy and heat <cit.>. Enzymes and other catalytically active particles can self-organize in space thanks to the gradients generated by their nonequilibrium chemical activity <cit.>. Additionally, the catalytic activity of the enzymes may be associated to conformational changes or oscillations in the enzyme shape <cit.>. The effect of such conformational changes on the spatial dynamics and the rheology of enzyme-rich solutions has been a topic of great recent interest <cit.>. In this context, a new mechanism for synchronization between two enzymes was recently reported, for enzymes that undergo conformational changes during their noise-activated catalytic steps, and which are coupled to each other through a viscous medium <cit.>. The model for coupled phase dynamics that emerges after coarse graining the microscopic degrees of freedom in this system has some very peculiar features and emergent properties that are entirely different from those in conventional models for synchronization such as the Kuramoto model. In particular, interactions between phases are dissipative, in the sense that they are mediated not by interaction potentials but rather by the mobility tensor (inverse to a friction tensor) that couples forces to velocities in the system. The same mobility tensor determines the stochastic noise in the system through the fluctuation-dissipation relation, making the model thermodynamically-consistent. Additionally, the transition to synchronization with increasing coupling was found to be due to a global bifurcation in the underlying dynamical system, defined on the torus. Inspired by these observations on the behaviour of two coupled enzymes, here we generalize the model to a system composed of an arbitrary number of stochastic oscillators, which interact with each other through a constant coupling of the dissipative kind. This could for example represent the interactions between enzymes in an enzyme-rich biomolecular condensate or metabolon <cit.>, see figure <ref>(a); but also any generic collection of noise-activated processes that are dissipatively coupled to each other. For simplicity, and in the spirit of minimal models of synchronization such as the original Kuramoto model <cit.>, we neglect the spatial structure and consider that each phase coupled with all other phases with equal strength, see figure <ref>(b). The individual dynamics of each process is governed by a tilted washboard potential, see figure <ref>(c). The resulting equations are rather generic and thus may find application as minimal models of not only catalytic processes but also other excitable systems <cit.>, such as Josephson junctions <cit.> or firing neurons <cit.>. Because the model studied here is thermodynamically-consistent, it allows us to examine detailed features of its thermodynamic performance. A theoretical framework to understand the thermodynamics of fluctuating systems has been developed in recent years <cit.>. Of particular interest is a bound on the precision achievable by driven processes, determined by their entropy production, or equivalently their heat dissipation, known as the thermodynamic uncertainty relation <cit.>. There is a growing interest in understanding how synchronization affects such thermodynamic measures of precision or efficiency, with applications to e.g. beating cilia <cit.>, generic Kuramoto oscillators <cit.>, or molecular clocks <cit.>. The paper is organized as follows. We begin by presenting the model of dissipatively coupled oscillators in its most general form, followed by its particularization to the minimal model studied here of N identical oscillators with global (all-to-all) coupling. We then present the results of stochastic simulations for small and large numbers of oscillators. Next, we focus on the large N limit, for which we show that the dynamics can be well understood using a mean-field theory. Finally, we study the stochastic thermodynamics of precision in the presence of coupling in our system. § MODEL §.§ Dissipative coupling We consider stochastic cyclic processes (oscillators) that are coupled to each other not through interaction forces, but through a mobility tensor that has nonzero off-diagonal components. That is, we will consider phases ϕ_α with α=1,...,N which evolve according to the coupled overdamped Langevin equations ϕ̇_α = - M_αβ∂_β U + k_B T Σ_αν∂_βΣ_βν + √(2 k_B T)Σ_αβξ_β where ∂_β≡∂/∂ϕ_β, the Einstein summation convention for repeated indices is used, and the stochastic equation is to be interpreted in the Stratonovich sense. Here, the first term represents the deterministic velocity of the phases. The mobility tensor M_αβ(ϕ_1,...,ϕ_N) can in principle be phase-dependent. For the dynamics to be thermodynamically consistent, this mobility tensor must be symmetric and positive definite <cit.>. Because there are no interaction forces between the phases, the potential U is separable and may be written as U(ϕ_1,...,ϕ_N)=V_1(ϕ_1)+...+V_N(ϕ_N). The third term represents the noise where, in order to satisfy the fluctuation-dissipation relation, Σ is the square root of the mobility tensor defined via M_αβ=Σ_ανΣ_βν, and ξ_β is unit white noise such that ⟨ξ_β(t) ⟩ = 0 and ⟨ξ_α(t) ξ_β(t') ⟩ = δ_αβδ(t-t'). The second term represents a spurious drift term that is only present when the noise is multiplicative, i.e. when the mobility tensor is phase-dependent. The stochastic dynamics given by (<ref>) may equivalently be written in the Fokker-Planck representation for the evolution of the probability distribution P(ϕ_1,...,ϕ_N;t) as ∂_t P = ∂_α{ M_αβ[ k_B T ∂_β P + (∂_β U) P ] }, which highlights that, when the choice of potential allows it, the system will relax to a steady state corresponding to thermodynamic equilibrium such that we recover the Boltzmann distribution P(ϕ_1,...,ϕ_N) ∝exp [ - U(ϕ_1,...,ϕ_N)/k_B T], independently of the choice of mobility tensor M_αβ. In fact, because the potential U is separable, we may write P(ϕ_1,...,ϕ_N)=∏_α=1^N P_α(ϕ_α), with each phase independently satisfying the Boltzmann distribution P_α(ϕ_α)∝exp [ - V_α(ϕ_α)/k_B T]. Importantly, when the choice of potential does not allow thermodynamic equilibrium, as in driven but periodic systems such as the ones that we will consider in the following, the system relaxes to a nonequilibrium steady state which (i) does depend on the choice of the mobility tensor M_αβ and therefore on the strength of the coupling between oscillators determined by its off-diagonal components; and (ii) is no longer separable, so that there are correlations between the different phases. A coupling of the form given by (<ref>) or equivalently (<ref>) arises naturally in processes that are coupled to each other through mechanical interactions at the nano- and microscale, as these are mediated by viscous, overdamped fields described by low Reynolds number hydrodynamics <cit.>. It represents a form of dissipative coupling, as it can be understood as arising from taking the overdamped limit of full Langevin dynamics in the presence of a friction force on phase ϕ_α going as f_α = - B_αβϕ̇_β, where B≡ M^-1 is a friction tensor. §.§ Noise-activated processes with global coupling As anticipated, we will consider here N identical driven, noise-activated oscillators. This implies that the potentials for each phase are chosen to be identical, i.e. U(ϕ_1,...,ϕ_N)=V(ϕ_1)+...+V(ϕ_N), and V(ϕ) is chosen to be a tilted washboard potential of the form V(ϕ) = -Fϕ - vcos(ϕ+δ), with F<v and δ = arcsin(F/v) so that the minima are located at multiple integers of 2 π. The values of v and the driving force F can be related to the energy barrier E_ba of the noise-activated step and to the energy E_* released in each step, see figure <ref>(c), through E_ba = [2 √(1-(F/v)^2)-(F/v)(π - 2δ)] v and E_*= 2 π F <cit.>. For an uncoupled oscillator, the height of the energy barrier relative to the thermal energy k_B T controls the typical waiting time between stochastic steps, which scales as e^E_ba/k_B T for E_ba≫ k_B T <cit.>. Note that, when F>v, the potential no longer displays energy barriers and becomes monotonically decreasing, so that the dynamics are no longer noise-activated. We will consider the simplest possible dissipative coupling between the oscillators, where each of them interacts equally with all others via a mobility matrix M_αβ=μ_ϕM̃_αβ with constant diagonal coefficients M̃_αα=1, and constant off-diagonal coefficients M̃_αβ= h/(N-1) for α≠β. Here, μ_ϕ sets the mobility scale, and h is a dimensionless parameter that determines the strength of the coupling. This can be seen as an N-dimensional generalization of the two-dimensional problem studied in ref. <cit.>, with the additional simplification that the off-diagonal coefficients are constant, as it was shown in that work that this simplification does not affect the observed phenomenology. For the mobility matrix to be positive definite, the coupling strength must satisfy -1 < h < N-1. We will focus on positive values of h, for which the synchronization phenomenology is observed. Note that, since we choose the mobility matrix to be constant, the spurious drift term in the Langevin dynamics (<ref>) vanishes. The deterministic (k_B T=0) version of the Langevin equation (<ref>) with the choice of washboard potential and mobility tensor just described can be written as ϕ̇_α = μ_ϕ{ F - v sin(ϕ_α+δ) + h/N-1∑_β≠α[ F - v sin(ϕ_β+δ) ] }. With the redefinitions ω≡ (1+h)Fμ_ϕ, a≡μ_ϕ v (1 - h/N-1), K ≡ h μ_ϕ v N/N-1, and θ_α≡ϕ_α-δ+π, it may be rewritten as θ̇_α = ω + a sinθ_α + K/N∑_βsinθ_β. It is worth noting that this dynamical system has been previously studied in the context of superconducting Josephson junction arrays <cit.>. These studies however focused mostly in the barrier-free regime where no fixed points exist (F>v or equivalently ω>a+K), and mostly in its deterministic behavior, with a few exceptions in which an ad-hoc white noise was added <cit.>. Here, on the other hand, we will focus on the stochastic dynamics of the system in the noise-activated regime (F<v or equivalently ω<a+K) where fixed points exist, and in the presence of a thermodynamically-consistent noise (satisfying the fluctuation-dissipation theorem). Furthermore we will focus on quantifying its collective, nonequilibrium stochastic dynamics (average speed, phase diffusion coefficient, phase correlations, and thermodynamic costs of precision), rather than on the properties of the underlying dynamical system. §.§ Quantitative measures of the stochastic dynamics In order to quantitatively assess synchronization, we must construct an order parameter. The usual order parameter in traditional synchronization problems, such as the Kuramoto model <cit.>, is r≡|1/N∑_α=1^N e^iϕ_α|. However, in the context of noise-activated oscillators such as those studied here, the oscillators tend to spend a major fraction of the time in the stable fixed point corresponding to the minima of the driving potential (here at integer multiples of 2π), independently of the strength of the coupling. The order parameter r is thus not suitable in this context, as it would give r ≈ 1 even for uncoupled oscillators. Following ref. <cit.>, we will use the correlations between the stochastic dynamics of the oscillators as an order parameter. In particular, we may define the diffusion coefficient D_ϕ of an individual oscillator as ⟨ (ϕ_α - ⟨ϕ_α⟩)^2 ⟩∼ 2 D_ϕ t which is independent of α, i.e. equal for all oscillators. The ∼ symbol indicates that the equality is achieved asymptotically, at long times t →∞. We may also define the diffusion coefficient D_δ of the phase difference between a pair of oscillators, as ⟨ (ϕ_α - ϕ_β)^2 ⟩∼ 2 D_δ t which, due to the all-to-all coupling studied here, is identical for all pairs of oscillators α≠β. The two diffusion coefficients defined in this way are related to the correlation, or dimensionless covariance, between pairs of oscillators defined as C = ⟨ (ϕ_α - ⟨ϕ_α⟩)(ϕ_β - ⟨ϕ_β⟩) ⟩/√(⟨ (ϕ_α - ⟨ϕ_α⟩)^2 ⟩⟨ (ϕ_β - ⟨ϕ_β⟩)^2 ⟩) = 1 - D_δ/2D_ϕ which we will use as our order parameter for synchronization, and is also identical for all pairs of oscillators α≠β. In particular, for uncorrelated oscillators we have D_δ = 2D_ϕ and thus C=0, whereas for perfectly correlated oscillators we have D_δ=0 and thus C=1. Anticorrelations would correspond to C<0, with a lower bound C=-1/(N-1) for maximally anticorrelated oscillators. Lastly, we will define the average speed Ω of the oscillators as ⟨ϕ_α⟩∼Ω t . which again is independent of α. § RESULTS §.§ Stochastic simulations §.§.§ Small number of oscillators For the case N=2 <cit.>, we previously found that the system exhibits synchronisation and an enhanced average speed above a critical h. Examples of stochastic trajectories resulting from numerical solution of the Langevin dynamics (<ref>) for N=2 are shown in figure <ref>(a)–(b). Note that, here and throughout the text, time is given in units of (μ_ϕ v)^-1. One clearly observes how, at zero or low coupling [figure <ref>(a)], the trajectories appear independent, whereas at high coupling [figure <ref>(b)] the two oscillators are strongly correlated. Moreover, the average speed increases: within the same timescale, a much larger number of steps is observed in the presence of coupling, and long “runs” of several consecutive steps are observed, as indicated by the black arrows. A similar behavior is observed for a larger, but still small, number of oscillators (2<N≲ 25). As seen in figure <ref>(c)–(d), with increasing coupling the oscillators become correlated, the average speed increases, and long runs become apparent (black arrows). The dynamics are quantified in figure <ref> as a function of number of oscillators N and strength of the coupling h. The average speed increases with increasing coupling, see figure <ref>(a), with this increase becoming significantly more pronounced at higher N. On the other hand, synchronization as measured by C appears strongest and is present at smaller values of the coupling for lower N, see see figure <ref>(b). Interestingly, the phase diffusion coefficient D_ϕ appears to peak at a specific, N-dependent value of the coupling, see figure <ref>(c). The phase-difference diffusion coefficient D_δ also appears to peak at intermediate h [figure <ref>(d)], but only for sufficiently large values of N, and to a much smaller extent than D_ϕ, so that the order parameter C still decreases with increasing h. It is worth noting that enhanced phase diffusion in a tilted washboard potential has been previously reported for the motion of a single phase in such a potential <cit.>, in which case it was related to the transition from noise-activated dynamics to deterministic dynamics mediated by the saddle-node bifurcation of the system at F=v. However, in our case we have F<v in all cases, i.e. the dynamics remain noise-activated and integer values of 2π always correspond to stable fixed point of the ϕ_α's, independently of the strength of the coupling h. A relation between these two distinct systems can still be established (and will be further clarified when we study the large N limit in section <ref>). In ref. <cit.>, exploring the case N=2, it was found that at a critical value of h a global bifurcation of the underlying deterministic dynamical system (k_B T=0) occurs, giving rise to a splitting of the (ϕ_1,ϕ_2) phase space, which corresponds modulo 2π to a torus, into two disconnected regions, see figure <ref>(a)–(c). One region corresponds to the basin of attraction of the (ϕ_1,ϕ_2)=(0,0) stable fixed point, whereas the new region (in yellow) corresponds to a band of periodic orbits, along which ϕ_1 and ϕ_2 increase deterministically. This bifurcation had been previously reported in a study of two coupled Josephson junctions <cit.>. Our work further shows that this bifurcation is responsible for the emergence of synchronization, enhanced average speed, and the “running trajectories” in the stochastic system [k_B T>0, figure <ref>(b) and (d)]. The enhancement in the phase and phase-difference diffusion coefficients observed at intermediate h is therefore likely related to the transition from purely noise-activated dynamics before the bifurcation, to a mixture of noise-activated and deterministic dynamics once the periodic orbits have emerged. Indeed, an analysis of the deterministic dynamics for N>2 shows that a similar splitting of the phase space (now an N-torus) into disconnected regions occurs beyond an N-dependent critical value of h, one region corresponding to the basin of attraction of the fixed point, the others to periodic orbits along which all ϕ_α increase deterministically. The regions containing periodic orbits in the case N=3 can be seen in figure <ref>(d). In this case, there are two distinct “tubes” corresponding to periodic orbits in which ϕ_1, ϕ_2, and ϕ_3 advance in the order (... 1 2 3 1 2 3 ...) and (... 1 3 2 1 3 2 ...), respectively. For arbitrary N, the number of higher-dimensional “tubes” containing periodic orbits therefore is (N-1)!, the number of circular permutations of N distinct objects, as previously reported in the context of Josephson junction arrays <cit.>. We have measured the volume fraction of the phase space that is occupied by periodic bands as a function of h, for several values of N, see figure <ref>(e). For this purpose, periodic trajectories were operationally defined as trajectories that, starting at t=0 from a point in the unit cell -π<ϕ_α<π for all α, reach ϕ_α=6π for any α at some t>0, which implies that they do not end at the stable fixed point of the starting unit cell or any of its nearest neighbors. Beyond the critical h, the volume fraction grows from zero and saturates towards a limiting value as h increases. Interestingly, with increasing N, the growth of this volume fraction beyond the critical h becomes sharper, and the limiting value at large h becomes closer to one. Extrapolating this trend we may speculate that, for large N, a sharp transition occurs at a critical h at which the phase space becomes almost entirely occupied, or “crowded” <cit.>, by periodic orbits. In figure <ref>(f), some stochastic trajectories are shown, for h beyond the critical value and several values of N. For N=2 we see longer periods in which the system is “resting” at the fixed point and the phases do not advance, interspersed with short deterministic runs. As N is increased, the resting periods become shorter while the runs become longer, as one may expect from the considerations just described regarding the phase space volume occupied by periodic orbits. §.§.§ Large number of oscillators As the number of oscillators increases, the behavior observed in stochastic simulations becomes largely independent of this number. We observe that, beyond an N-independent critical value of h, trajectories mostly run deterministically, without barely any resting periods at which the oscillators visit the fixed point of the dynamics, see figure <ref>. The stochastic dynamics are quantified for various values of N in figure <ref>. All relevant quantities Ω, D_ϕ, and D_δ depend only very weakly on N and approach an asymptotic limit as N →∞, with D_ϕ showing the slowest approach towards this limit. Interestingly, however, the synchronization order parameter becomes strongly nonmonotonic as a function of the coupling h, see figure <ref>(b): while synchronization is absent at low h, it rises sharply as we approach the critical h, but then quickly decreases back to zero (uncorrelated trajectories) as h is further increased. Intuitively, in light of the results described in the previous section, this implies that the oscillators are most correlated the phase space volume fraction occupied by periodic orbits is intermediate, neither too small (in which case trajectories are predominantly noise-activated, with independent steps by each oscillator) not too large (in which case trajectories are effectively deterministic and uncoupled). §.§ Mean-field theory in the large N limit §.§.§ General case The fact that the oscillators become uncorrelated in the large N limit suggests that we may describe the behavior of the system through a mean-field theory. Then we begin from the Fokker-Planck equation of this model which, following (<ref>), is given by ∂_t P(ϕ_1,...,ϕ_N;t) = ∂_α{μ_ϕM̃_αβ[ k_B T ∂_β P + (∂_β V(ϕ_β)) P ] }. To study the large N limit we first coarse grain over (N-1) degrees of freedom to get an equation for the one-particle distribution ρ(ϕ;t), ρ(ϕ;t) = ∫ d ϕ_2... dϕ_N P(ϕ,...,ϕ_N;t). By assuming that the processes are uncorrelated, so that the two-particle distribution reads P_2(ϕ,ϕ_1;t) = ρ(ϕ;t) ρ(ϕ_1;t), we close the hierarchy of equations and obtain an equation for the one-particle distribution, ∂_t ρ(ϕ;t) =μ_ϕ∂_ϕ{ k_B T ∂_ϕρ- [F+hf_ave-v sin(ϕ+δ) ]ρ}, where f_ave = -∫^2 π_0 d ϕρ(ϕ;t) ∂ V(ϕ)/∂ϕ is the average force experienced by an oscillator. Therefore, in the mean-field approximation each oscillator feels an effective driving force F_eff=F+hf_ave, independent of the number of enzymes, with the strength of the deviation from the true driving force F governed by h. Notice that the equation of motion becomes nonlinear and nonlocal in ϕ, due to the presence of ρ in the definition of f_ave. The steady state ρ_ss(ϕ) of the system can be found by imposing the condition of constant flux - J/μ_ϕ = k_B T ∂_ϕρ_ss - [F+hf_ave-v sin(ϕ+δ) ]ρ_ss, where J corresponds to the flux. This problem is identical to that of finding the steady state distribution of a single particle in a washboard potential with driving force F_eff=F+hf_ave, which is well studied and easily solved using standard methods <cit.>, except that here one must additionally solve for f_ave in the implicit equation f_ave = ∫^2 π_0 d ϕρ_ss(ϕ) [F-v sin(ϕ+δ)] (note that ρ_ss depends on f_ave), required for self-consistency, see (<ref>). Armed with this self-consistent value of f_ave and thus of F_eff, which is a function of all parameters of the system and in particular of the coupling h, we can then obtain the average speed Ω and the phase diffusion coefficient D_ϕ (which corresponds to D_δ/2 given the absence of correlations) using the known results for a single particle in a tilted washboard potential <cit.>. Additionally, we may calculate a critical value of the coupling h=h^* at which F_eff=v, i.e. the value of the coupling for which the energy barriers of the effective washboard potential vanish and the dynamics become deterministic (downhill). This further showcases the analogy between the giant diffusion observed at F=v for a single particle in a washboard potential, and that seen at h=h^* for both the phase and phase-difference diffusion coefficients in the present work. The values for Ω, D_ϕ, and D_δ obtained from this mean-field theory are compared to those obtained from stochastic simulations with N=200 in figure <ref>, for two different values of the noise k_B T. We observe an excellent match, except for D_ϕ at the critical coupling which is underestimated (as described above, the limit N→∞ is approached slowly for D_ϕ). Additionally, the critical coupling h^* obtained from the mean-field theory is plotted as the vertical line in figure <ref>, again with excellent agreement. As expected, it marks the transition between noise-activated and deterministic dynamics. In figure <ref>, the critical coupling h^* is shown as a function of the shape of the washboard potential [E_ba/E_*, see figure <ref>(c), which is in one-to-one correspondence with F/v], for various values of the noise strength. This defines a phase diagram marking the transition between noise-activated and deterministic dynamics. §.§.§ Limit of vanishing noise Further analytical progress is possible in the limit of vanishing noise T → 0. In this case, (<ref>) can be directly solved for ρ_ss, giving ρ_ss (ϕ) = 1/2π√((F+hf_ave)^2-v^2)/F+hf_ave-vsin(ϕ+δ) where J has been used to enforce normalization ∫_0^2πρ_ss dϕ=1. As expected, in the absence of noise the steady state is only well-defined when F_eff>v so that the potential admits deterministic dynamics. Using (<ref>) in the self-consistency condition gives f_ave = √((F+hf_ave)^2-v^2)-hf_ave, and solving for f_ave and choosing the positive, physical root, we obtain f_ave = Fh + √(F^2(1+h)^2-(1+2h)v^2)/1+2h. A real solution only exists when the term inside the square root is positive, which is possible when h> v^2-F^2 + √(v^2-F^2)/F^2≡ h^* and serves to define the critical value of the coupling h^* above which deterministic, “running” trajectories exist in the vanishing noise limit. Naturally, such a critical coupling is only well-defined when energy barriers are present in the true washboard potential (F<v), and h^* → 0 from above as F → v from below. The critical coupling given by equation (<ref>) is shown as the T=0 line in figure <ref>, as a function of E_ba/E_* which (in one-to-one correspondence with F/v) defines the shape of the washboard potential. Interestingly, at the critical coupling we do not find F_eff(h^*)=v as one might have naively expected, but rather F_eff(h^*)=F+h^* f_ave(h^*) = v^2/F which implies that F_eff(h^*)>v when F<v, i.e. the effective washboard potential is already beyond the critical tilt, and the dynamics are therefore fully deterministic, when the critical coupling is reached. This is a reflection of the fact that the transition to the running state is discontinuous and noise-activated, as for h>h^* the running state still coexists with the static state corresponding the fixed point ϕ_1=...=ϕ_N=0 (the transition state separating the two corresponds to the negative root of the self-consistency condition, with a minus sign in front of the square root of (<ref>)). This also implies that, at the critical coupling, there is already a finite, non-vanishing average speed Ω of the oscillators in the running state. Indeed, the average speed may be calculated as Ω = 2 π J = μ_ϕ(1+h) f_ave and, at the critical coupling, we find Ω(h^*) = μ_ϕ(1+h^*) f_ave(h^*) = μ_ϕ v √(v^2-F^2)/F which is positive for any F<v. The zero temperature average speed as given by (<ref>) is plotted as the blue dashed lines in figure <ref>(b,d). We see very good agreement with the stochastic simulations and the mean-field theory at finite temperature, serving as further confirmation that the dynamics beyond the critical coupling are largely deterministic. §.§ Stochastic thermodynamics of precision The coupling-induced transition marks a very strong change in the dynamics of the system, from noise-activated to deterministic. It is thus interesting to explore how does the transition affect the precision of the oscillators, which is bounded from below by the entropy production rate in the system <cit.>. Specifically, the thermodynamic uncertainty relation (TUR) states the bound <cit.> σ̇ t ϵ^2 ≥ 2k_B , where σ̇ is the entropy production rate, and ϵ^2 is the relative uncertainty defined as ϵ^2 = ⟨ X^2 ⟩ - ⟨ X ⟩^2/⟨ X ⟩^2, where X is the observable of interest. This inequality is crucial, since it implies that a higher precision in the catalytic rate (smaller ϵ) requires higher entropy production or equivalently heat dissipation (higher σ̇). In our model the observable of interest is the total amount of phase advanced by the oscillators X = ∑_i^N ϕ_i. The entropy production rate σ̇ is easily calculated as σ̇ T = F ⟨Ẋ⟩ , and is directly related to the free energy E_* = 2 π F released in each noise-activated step, see figure <ref>(c). In figure <ref>, we plot the dimensionless thermodynamic uncertainty ratio Q ≡σ̇ t ϵ^2 / (2k_B) as a function of the coupling h, as measured in our stochastic simulations for several values of N. According to the TUR (<ref>), satisfies Q ≥ 1. A process satisfying Q=1 is performing optimally from a thermodynamic perspective (as precisely as possible given its energy dissipation). We see that, as expected, the TUR is always respected. The behavior of Q with increasing h is strongly non-monotonic. Starting from the uncoupled case h=0, Q first increases with increasing h, in the regime of noise-activated dynamics. After peaking around the critical h=h^*, however, Q sharply decreases as h is further increased and we venture further into the deterministic regime. Values of Q smaller than the value Q(h=0) are observed in this regime, implying that the coupling can enhance the thermodynamic performance of the oscillators. Finally, as we approach the upper bound of h<N-1 required by the positive definiteness of the mobility, Q is observed to rise again. We note, however, that the regime 1 ≪ h < N-1 is somewhat artificial, as it corresponds to cases where the effects of cross-interactions between oscillators are much stronger than those of self-interactions. Moreover, this regime only exists for finite N and becomes inaccessible in the thermodynamic limit N→∞. § CONCLUSIONS We have studied a minimal model describing the collective dynamics of noise-activated cylic processes, or stochastic oscillators, that are coupled to each other through a dissipative coupling. That is, the processes are not coupled to each other through an interaction potential (or interaction force), but through the mobility tensor that connects forces to velocities in the overdamped dynamics. This mobility tensor also defines the properties of the stochastic noise through the fluctuation-dissipation relation, ensuring that the dynamics are thermodynamically-consistent and relax to thermodynamic equilibrium when such an equilibrium is available. Previously, we have shown how this kind of coupling arises naturally for processes that are mechanically coupled (e.g. physically or through hydrodynamic interactions) in an overdamped, viscous medium <cit.>. For low N, where N is the number of coupled oscillators, we found results analogous to those previously obtained for N=2 in ref. <cit.>. Beyond a critical coupling h^*, strong synchronization (as measured by the correlation function) and an enhancement in the average speed of the processes is observed. This transition can be understood as arising from a global bifurcation of the underlying dynamical system, defined on the N-torus, which leads to the emergence of periodic orbits that represent “running” trajectories, along which the phases of all the oscillators increase deterministically. For large N, synchronization becomes confined to a narrow region near the critical coupling h^*. Below h^*, the dynamics are uncorrelated and stochastic (noise-activated). Above h^*, they are uncorrelated and effectively deterministic, and the average phase speed becomes greatly enhanced. We can understand this effect in two complementary ways: (i) analysis of the underlying dynamical system shows that, at large N, the volume fraction of the phase space occupied by periodic orbits increases very sharply at the bifurcation; and (ii) a mean-field theory shows that the energy barriers in the effective potential landscape experienced by each oscillator vanish at the critical coupling, and the dynamics become deterministic (downhill). The mean-field theory provides a great match to the results of stochastic simulations at large N and allows for analytical prediction of the critical coupling and the average speed of the oscillators, particularly in the limit of low noise. Finally, we have shown that the oscillator dynamics can become more optimal in the presence of coupling, in the context of the trade-off between precision and entropy production described by the thermodynamic uncertainty relation. This occurs within the deterministic regime of the dynamics, beyond the critical coupling h^*. Over the full range of coupling strengths, the behavior relative to the thermodynamic bound on precision is rather complex, and signatures of the stochastic-to-deterministic transition at the critical coupling are clearly apparent in the precision. Due to its simplicity, its general applicability to the description of coupled microscopic processes <cit.>, and its intriguing features in the context of nonequilibrium statistical physics and dynamical systems theory, we believe that the model presented here merits significant further investigation. Future work may consider local interactions between the nearest neighbours rather than all-to-all interactions as studied here, endowing the model with a spatial structure, as well as the role of quenched disorder <cit.>. Of great interest would also be the interactions between non-identical oscillators, as only the synchronization between identical oscillators has been studied so far. Lastly, one may explore connections to Bose-Einstein-like condensation in driven scalar active matter <cit.> when interactions among particles are non-negligible.
Transformer Encoder with Multiscale Deep Learning for Pain Classification Using Physiological Signals
[ "Zhenyuan Lu", "Burcu Ozek", "Sagar Kamarthi" ]
[ "cs.LG", "q-bio.QM" ]
Transformer Encoder with Multiscale Deep Learning for Pain Classification Using Physiological Signals Zhenyuan Lu lu.zhenyua@northeastern.edu Northeastern University Boston, MA Burcu Ozek ozek.b@northeastern.edu Northeastern University Boston, MA Sagar Kamarthi s.kamarthi@northeastern.edu Northeastern University Boston, MA Received: date / Accepted: date =================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== Pain is a serious worldwide health problem that affects a vast proportion of the population. For efficient pain management and treatment, accurate classification and evaluation of pain severity are necessary. However, this can be challenging as pain is a subjective sensation-driven experience. Traditional techniques for measuring pain intensity, self-report scales, are susceptible to bias and unreliable in some instances. Consequently, there is a need for more objective and automatic pain intensity assessment strategies. In this paper, we develop PainAttnNet (PAN), a novel transformer-encoder deep-learning framework for classifying pain intensities with physiological signals as input. The proposed approach is comprised of three feature extraction architectures: multiscale convolutional networks (MSCN), a squeeze-and-excitation residual network (SEResNet), and a transformer encoder block. On the basis of pain stimuli, MSCN extracts short- and long-window information as well as sequential features. SEResNet highlights relevant extracted features by mapping the interdependencies among features. The third module employs a transformer encoder consisting of three temporal convolutional networks (TCN) with three multi-head attention (MHA) layers to extract temporal dependencies from the features. Using the publicly available BioVid pain dataset, we test the proposed PainAttnNet model and demonstrate that our outcomes outperform state-of-the-art models. These results confirm that our approach can be utilized for automated classification of pain intensity using physiological signals to improve pain management and treatment. The source code and other supplemental information are documented: <https://github.com/zhenyuanlu/PainAttnNet>. § INTRODUCTION Pain is a distressing sensation and emotional experience that is associated with potential or actual tissue damage in the body <cit.>. It serves the purpose of alerting the body's defense mechanism to react to a stimulus to prevent further harm. Pain can seriously affect one's physical, mental, and social well-being <cit.>. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), those with chronic pain are more than twice as likely to have problems functioning and four times more probable to suffer from depression or anxiety <cit.>. In addition, the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) also estimates that 20% of adults worldwide experience pain daily and that 10% of adults are formally diagnosed with chronic pain each year <cit.>. The most prevalent criteria for categorizing pain are based on: (1) the pathophysiological mechanism (nociceptive or neuropathic pain from tissue or nerve injury, respectively), (2) the pattern of duration (, acute, chronic, recurring), (3) the anatomical location involved (, neck, back, knee), or (4) the etiology (, malignant associated with cancer, pinched nerve, dislocated joint) <cit.>. Therefore, pain is an essential indicator, which can range in intensity from mild to severe, that something is wrong with the body and thus can drive a person to seek medical care. Over the past two decades, pain research has been an increasingly popular field of study. The authors of this paper investigated and analyzed 264,560 research articles published since 2002 on the topic of pain using a keyword co-occurrence network (KCN) architecture <cit.>. According to this study <cit.>, there has been a sevenfold increase in the use of “pain” as a keyword and a near doubling in the number of papers discussing pain in the scientific literature. To enhance one's health and quality of life, it is essential to gain insight into pain and develop effective pain management strategies <cit.>. One of the significant obstacles to effectively manage pain is the lack of appropriate pain assessment <cit.>. Proper pain assessment is also necessary for both tracking the effectiveness of pain management strategies and monitoring changes in pain intensity over time. Pain assessment techniques help clinicians and researchers to identify the causes of pain, develop new treatments, and improve our understanding of how the body processes and responds to pain <cit.>. Therefore, accurate pain assessments are vital for effective pain management, as it enables healthcare providers to determine the most suitable treatments for each individual <cit.>. The most well-known method to assess pain intensity for individuals is using self-report scales, the verbal rating scales (VR), Visual Analog Scale (VAS), or the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS), which rely on subjective self-assessment <cit.>. Despite these scales can offer valuable information on a person's pain experience, the pain assessment can be challenging in certain populations, neonatal infants <cit.> and individuals with cognitive impairments or communication difficulties <cit.>. As a result, there is a need for more objective and automated methods for assessing pain intensity <cit.>. One common approach to meeting this need is the use of physiological signals, electrodermal activity (EDA), electrocardiography (ECG), electromyography (EMG), and electroencephalography (EEG), to classify pain intensity <cit.>. EDA (also known as the galvanic skin response (GSR)) detects variations in the skin conductance level (SCL), which closely corresponds with sweat gland activation. In clinical settings, skin conductance has also been employed as a substitute for pain <cit.>. The EDA complex comprises of sympathetic neuronal activity-generated tonic (known as skin conductance level, SCL) and phasic (known as skin conductance response SCR) components <cit.>. ECG captures the electrical activity of the heart in order to assess cardiac health and stress. EMG monitors muscle activity and identifies changes in muscular tension, whereas EEG examines the brain's electrical activity. These signals can be used to investigate the effectiveness of pain management and shed light on how the body reacts to pain. It is possible to use them in combination with other tools to get a broader picture of the level of pain being experienced <cit.>. In recent years, EDA signals for pain intensity classification have gained popularity, as these signals can be easily detected using wearable sensors <cit.>, making them convenient and non-invasive. Recently, there has been increasing interest in applying machine learning algorithms to classify pain intensity based on these signals allowing for a more objective and automated approach to pain assessment <cit.>. They have also shown promising results in previous studies, which we discuss in <ref>. In this paper, we evaluate a novel transformer-encoder deep learning approach on EDA signals for automated pain intensity classification. The data from publically available BioVid dataset is utilized for the experiments. We aim to provide an objective, automatic, and convenient method of pain assessment that can be used in clinical settings and home settings. § RELATED WORK There has been growing interest in using conventional machine learning techniques, support vector machine (SVM), k-nearest neighbors (KNN), regression model, bayesian model, and tree-based model, for the classification of pain intensity in order to improve the accuracy and efficiency of pain assessment based on physiological signals. Using an SVM and KNN to classify pain levels is a common strategy <cit.>. One study proposed an SVM model and used two separate feature selection strategies (univariate feature selection and sequential forward selection) during the feature extraction phase <cit.>. In a similar fashion, one study identified low back pain based on features extracted from motion sensor data using an SVM model <cit.>. A Bayesian network was utilized in one research to construct a decision support system to aid in the treatment of low back pain <cit.>. The system was capable of providing tailored therapeutic recommendations based on the unique characteristics of patient and medical history. One more common strategy is the use of random forests, which has been implemented in a variety of research projects. These studies <cit.> applied random forest models to the BioVid Heat Pain Database <cit.>, which included multidimensional datasets consisting of both video and physiological signals (ECG, SCL, EMG, EEG). The other tree-based models, AdaBoost, XGBoost, and TabNet, have also been applied in the classification of pain intensity. For example, in the study of Shi <cit.>, the researchers manually extracted features to categorize pain intensity using AdaBoost, XGBoost, and TabNet models. Similarly, Pouromran <cit.> explored XGBoost for estimating pain intensity using catch22 <cit.> features of signals. Other studies implemented ADABoost and XGBoost <cit.> with filter-based feature selection methods, gini impurity gain. Several studies have also integraded tree-based models with other machine learning techniques. For instance, Pouromran <cit.> employed BiLSTM to extract the features which were then output to the XGBoost, resulting in high performance across four categories of pain intensity. The BiLSTM layer, which is an enhanced RNN with gates to govern the information flow, has the ability to tackle the problem of vanishing and exploding gradients in RNN. Wang <cit.> introduced a hybrid deep learning model with a BiLSTM layer to extract temporal features. They fused these with hand-crafted features, mean, maximum, and standard deviation of SCL and fed to a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) block to classify the signals. Lopez-Martinez and Picard <cit.> proposed a multi-task deep MLP to classify pain intensity using physiological signals, heart rate variability, skin conductance to classify pain intensity. Similarly Gouverneur <cit.> applied MLP with unique hand-crafted features to classify heat-induced pain classification. Thiam <cit.> proposed a deep learning model that utilizes a deep CNN framework followed by a block of fully connected layers (FCL) for the pain recognition. Similarly, Subramaniam and Dass <cit.> built a hybrid deep learning model that combines CNN with LSTM for pain recognition. These authors used such a framework to extract temporal features from hand-picked samples of BioVid, and then used a FCL to classify the signals into pain or no pain categories. These models described above have demonstrated potential in pain intensity classifications, but they also have limitations. RNNs, despite their ability to capture temporal dependencies in sequential data, may struggle to maintain long-term dependencies in the input sequences. In addition, RNNs are not amenable for training in parallel due to their recurrent nature. On the other hand, MLPs tend to have a limited capacity to capture temporal dependencies of the input signals. CNNs have shown promising results in pain intensity classification, but may not be effective for modeling temporal dependencies among EDA data. To overcome these limitations, we propose PainAttnNet (PAN), a novel transformer-encoder deep-learning framework for classifying pain intensities using physiological signals as inputs. In <ref>, we will provide a detailed implementation of our proposed model (See <ref>) to resolve the above issues. In <ref> we will introduce the dataset we used, experimental results, evaluation metrics, baseline models comparison and model analysis. We provide the discussion in <ref> § METHODOLOGY Our implementation section includes five parts: (1) an overview of our framework, (2) Multiscale Convolutional Network for feature extraction, (3) Adaptive Recalibration Block for highlighting relevant features, (4) Temporal Convolutional Network for capturing temporal dependencies, and (5) Multi-head Attention mechanism for further improving performance. §.§ Outline of PainAttnNet To address the limitations of existing models for classifying pain intensity using physiological signals, we propose a novel framework that combines multiple networks and models (<ref>). Our framework aims to effectively classify pain intensity from physiological signals by utilizing various strategies to extract the features from the signals. We initially employ a multiscale convolutional network (MSCN) to extract long- and short-window features from signals, Electrodermal Activity (EDA). These extracted features can capture important information about the overall trend and variations in the signal, providing valuable insight into the pain intensity. Next, we use Squeeze-and-Excitation Residual Network (SEResNet) to learn the interdependencies among the extracted features to enhance the representation capability of the features. SEResNet consist of two main components: a squeeze operation, which reduces the number of channels in the feature maps by taking their spatial average, and an excitation operation, which scales the channel-wise feature maps using a weighted sum of the squeezed features. This allows the network to selectively weight the importance of different channels and adaptively recalibrate the feature maps. Finally, to capture the temporal representations of the extracted features, we use a multi-head attention mechanism in conjunction with a temporal (causal) convolutional network. The multi-head attention mechanism allows the network to attend to different parts of the input sequence simultaneously, and the temporal convolution network effectively captures the dependencies between the input and output over time. The mechanism behind the multi-head attention rests on the idea of scaling the dot product of the query and key vectors by the square root of their dimensionality, followed by a weighted sum of the values using the scaled dot products as weights. This mechanism allows the network to attend to different parts of the input sequence in a parallel fashion. On the other hand, the temporal convolution network uses an auto-regressive operation to effectively capture the dependencies between the sequence over time, while also allowing the end-to-end network training. Overall, the proposed model aims to extract and analyze features from physiological signals comprehensively and effectively, improving the accuracy of pain intensity classification. In the next section, we will provide a detailed implementation of the proposed model. §.§ Multiscale Convolutional Network (MSCN) As EDA signals are inherently non-stationary. In the proposed approach, we employ a MSCN to effectively capture the various kinds of features from EDA signals (<ref>). To accomplish this, the MSCN architecture is intended to sample varied lengths of EDA timestamps by utilizing two branches of convolutional layers, each with a different kernel size at the first layer. The first branch uses a kernel of 400 to cover a window of  0.8 seconds while the second branch uses a kernel of 50 to cover a window of  0.1 seconds, giving us a large segment and a small segment of features, respectively. The deep learning models presented in several studies <cit.> inspired this technique. <ref> depicts the network architecture, which consists of two max-pooling layers and three convolutions per branch, and the output of each convolutional layer is normalized by one batch normalization layer before being activated using Gaussian Error Linear Unit (GELU). Max-pooling, in particular, is a technique for downsampling an input representation, which reduces the dimensionality of the feature maps and controls overfitting. It is used to determine the maximum value of a certain feature map region. Given an input 𝐗={x_1,…, x_N}∈^N× L × C, The operation of max-pooling can be described as: f_c(𝐱)=max_i,j(x_i, j, c). where f is the output feature map, 𝐱 is the input feature map per channel, i and j are the spatial dimensions and c is the channel. The max pooling operation is applied to each channel separately, and the function f_c(𝐱) gives the maximum value of the elements in channel c. For example, f_c(𝐱) would be the maximum value of all elements in the c-th channel of the feature map 𝐗. After each convolutional layer, the batch normalization layer accelerates network convergence by decreasing internal covariate shifts and stabilizes the training process <cit.>. Batch normalization normalizes the activations of the prior layer by using the channel-wise mean mu_c and standard deviation σ_c. The batch normalization formulas are as follows: Let feature map 𝐗∈^N× L × C over a batch, where L is the length of each feature, N is the total number of features, and C is the channel. The formula for batch normalization are as follows: y_γ, β, c = x_i,j,c-μ_c/σ_c·γ + β, here, μ_c = 1/NL∑_i,jx_i,j,c, σ_c^2 = 1/NL∑_i,j(x_i,j,c- μ_c)^2. where i and j d spatial indices and c is the channel index; μ_c and σ_c^2 are the mean of the values and the variance in channel c for the current batch, respectively. In the above euqations, γ and β are learnable parameters introduced to allow the network to learn an appropriate normalization even when the input is not normally distributed. GELU is a form of activation function that is a smooth approximation of the behavior of the rectified linear unit (ReLU)<cit.> to prevent neurons from vanishing while limiting how deep into the negative regime activations <cit.>. This allows having some negative weights to pass through the network, which is important to send the information to the subsequent task in SEResNet. As GELU follows the Batch Normalization Layer, the feature map inputs 𝐗∼𝒩(0,1). The GELU is defined as: g(𝐱) := 𝐱·Φ(𝐱) =𝐱·1/2(1 + 𝐞𝐫𝐟(𝐱/√(2))). where Φ(𝐱) is the cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution P(𝐗≤𝐱). The 𝐞𝐫𝐟(·) is the error function. The ability of GELU is to boost the representation capabilities of the network by introducing a stochastic component that enables more diverse and ; GELU is one of the network's primary strengths. In addition, it has been demonstrated that GELU has a more stable gradient and a more robust optimization landscape than ReLU and leaky ReLU, because of this GELU can promote faster convergence and improved generalization performance. Additionally, we employ a dropout layer after the first max pooling in both branches, and concatenate the output features from the two branches of the MSCN. §.§ Squeeze-and-Excitation Residual Network (SEResNet) Using the SEResNet (<ref>), we can adaptively recalibrate the concatenated features from the MSCN to enhance the most important global spatial information of EDA signals. The mechanism of the SEResNet aims to model the inter-dependencies between the channels to enhance the convolutional features and increase the sensitivity of the network to the most informative features <cit.>, which is useful for our subsequent tasks. The SEResNet operates by compressing the spatial information of the feature maps into a global information embedding, and the excitation operation uses this descriptor to adaptively scale the feature maps (<ref>). Particularly, we initially employ two convolutional layers with a kernel and stride size of 1, and an activation of ReLU. Here we use ReLU, other than GELU, to improve the performance on the convergence. At the squeezing stage in the SEResNet, the global spatial information from the two convolutional layers are then compressed by global average pooling. It reduces the spatial dimension of feature maps while keeping the most informative features. Let the feature map from the MSCN as 𝐗∈^N × L × C, we apply two convolutional layers to 𝐗 and have new feature maps 𝐕∈^N × L × C shrink the 𝐗 to generate the statistics 𝐳∈^C: z_c=1/NL∑_i=1^N∑_j=1^Lv_i,j,c , where z_c is the global average of L data points per each channel. Next comes the excitation (adaptive recalibration) stage, in which two FCL generate the statistics used to scale the feature maps. As a bottleneck, the first FCL with ReLU is used to reduce the dimensionality of the feature maps. The second with sigmoid recovers the channel dimensions to their original size by performing a dimensionality-increasing operation. Let the 𝐳∈^C. We define adaptive recalibration as follows: α=σ(𝐖_2δ(𝐖_1𝐳)), where r is the reduction ratio. δ denotes the ReLU function, and σ refers to the sigmoid function. 𝐖_1∈^C/r× C and 𝐖_2∈^C×C/r is the learnable weights for the first FC layer and the second, respectively. These weights reveal the channel dependencies and provide information about the most informative channel. Then the original feature map 𝐯 is scaled by the activation α, and this is done by channel-wise multiplication: 𝐌=α_c⊗𝐯_c, 𝐗̃=𝐗⊕𝐌. where 𝐗̃ is the final output of the SEResNet, which results from the original input 𝐗 and the enhanced features 𝐌. §.§ Transformer Encoder §.§.§ Temporal Convolutional Network (TCN) TCN framework, inspired by the studies of Lea <cit.> and Van den Oord <cit.>, has been used effectively for processing and generating sequential data, audio or images. TCN employs one dimension convolutional layers to capture the temporal dependencies among the input data in a sequence, previous recalibrated SEResNet features. In contrast to a regular convolutional network, the TCN's output at time t depends only on the inputs before t. TCN only permits the convolutional layer to look back in time by masking future inputs. Like the regular convolutional network, each convolutional layer contains a kernel with a specific width to extract certain patterns or dependencies in the input data across time before the present t. To make input and output length the same, additional padding is added to the left side of input to compensate for the input's window shift. Let input feature map 𝐗∈^1 × L × C_1, where L is the input length, and C_1 is the dimension of input channels. We have kernel 𝐖∈^K × C_1 × C_2, and the size of padding (K-1)∈, where K is the size of the kernel, and C_2 is the dimension of output channels. Then we have the output from TCN as φ(·) ∈^1 × L × C_2. This approach can assist us in constructing an effective auto-regressive model that only retrieves temporal information with a particular time frame from the past without cheating by utilizing knowledge about the future. §.§.§ Multi-Head Attention (MHA) Multi-Head Attention (MHA) is the main part of the Transformer Encoder. It is a popular method for learning long-term relationships in sequences of features (<ref>). We adapt this algorithm from Dosovitskiy <cit.>, Vaswani <cit.>, and Bahdanau <cit.>. It has significant performance in different fields, GPT <cit.> and BERT <cit.> models in natural language process, and physiological signals classification for sleep Eldele <cit.>, Zhu <cit.>. MHA consists of multiple layers of Scaled Dot-Product Attention, where each layer is capable of learning different temporal dependencies from the input feature maps (<ref>). MHA aims to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of how the ith feature is relevant with jth features by processing them through multiple attention mechanisms. In particular, let the output feature maps from SEResNet, 𝐗={x_1, …, x_N }∈^N × L. Then we take three duplicates of 𝐗 such that 𝐗̃=φ(𝐗), where φ(·) is the function of TCN, and 𝐗̃ is the output of TCN. Next we send the three outputs, 𝐗̃^(Q), 𝐗̃^(K), 𝐗̃^(V) to attention layers to calculate the weighted sum of the input, the attention scores 𝐳_i: 𝐳_i = ∑_j=1^Lα_ijφ(𝐱̃_j^(V)), the weight α_ij of each φ(x_j) is computed by: α_ij=exp(e_ij)/∑_r=1^Lexp(e_ir), here, e_ij = 1/√(L)·𝐱̃_i^(Q)·𝐱̃_j^(K)⊤. then the output of one attention layer is 𝐳 = {z_0, …, z_L }∈^N × L. Next, MHA calculates all the attention scores 𝐙^(H) from multiple attention layers parallelly, and then concatenate them into 𝐙̃_MHA∈^N × HL, where H is the number of attention heads, and HL is the overall length of the concatenated attention scores. We apply a linear transformation with learnable weight W ∈^HL × L to make the input and output dimensions the same so that we can easily process the subsequent stages. The overall equation for MHA is as follows: 𝐙̃_MHA= Concat(𝐳^(1), …, 𝐳^(H)) · W ∈^N × L. After concatenating these attention scores, we process them with the original 𝐗̃ using an addition operation and layer normalization adopted from <cit.>, formed as Φ(𝐗̃ + 𝐙̃_MHA), which can be described as a residual layer with layernorm funciton Φ_1(·). The output of Φ_1(·) is then passed through the following two fully connected networks and the second residual layer Φ_2(·). Finally, the pain intensity categorization results are obtained from another two fully connected networks, which are then followed by a Softmax function. § EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS §.§ BioVid Heat Pain Datase In our experiment, we used the Electrodermal Activity (EDA) signals from BioVid Heat Pain Database (BioVid), generated by Walter <cit.>. As described in <ref>, Electrodermal Activity (EDA) is an useful indicator of pain intensity <cit.>. Walter <cit.> conducted a series of pain stimulus experiments in order to acquire five distinct datasets, including video signals caputuring the subjects' facial expression, SCL (also known as EDA), ECG, and EMG. The experiment featured 90 participants in ages: 18-35, 36-50 and 51-65. Each group has 30 subjects, with an equal number of males and females. At the beginning of the experiment, the authors callibrated each participant's pain threshold by progressively raising the temperature from the baseline T_0= 32^∘ C to determine the temperature stages T_P and T_T; here TP represents the temperature stages at which the individual began to experience the heat pain; TT is the temperature at which the individual experiences intolerable pain. Then four temperature stages can be determined as follows: T_i = {[ T_P + [(i-1) ×γ] i∈{1, 2, 3, 4}; T_B i = 0 ]. here, γ = (T_T-T_P)/4 where T_P and T_T are respectively defined as T_1 and T_4. The individual received heat stimuli through a thermode (PATHWAY, Medoc, Israel) connected to the right arm for the duration of the experiment. In each trial, pain stimulation was administered to each participant for a duration of 25 minutes. In each experiment, they determined five temperatures, T_i∈{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, to induce five pain intensity levels from lowest to highest. Each temperature stimulus was delivered 20 times for 4 seconds, with a random interval of 8 to 12 seconds between each application (<ref>a). During this interval, the temperatures were kept at the pain-free (32^∘ C) level. EDA, ECG, and EMG were collected by the according sensors to a sampling rate of 512 Hz with a segmentation in a length of 5.5 seconds. Due to technical issues in the studies, three subjects were excluded, resulting in a final count of 87. Therefore, the training sample of each signal creates a channel with dimensions of 2816 × 20 × 5 × 87. Informed by the the previous <cit.>, we adopted the data from BioVid and used the EDA signal in a dimension of 2816 × 20 × 5 × 87 with a 5.5 second segmentation as the input in our experiment for pain intensity classification based on five pain labels. We also discovered that Subramaniam and Dass <cit.> removed 20 out of 87 subjects, resulting 2816 × 20 × 5 × 67 training samples. In contrast Thiam <cit.> utilized a 4.5 seconds segmentation as opposed to the original 5.5 seconds (<ref>b). In next sections, we will compare these latest state-of-the-art methods. §.§ Evaluation metrics We utilized the accuracy (ACC), Cohen Kappa (κ) <cit.>, and macro F1 score (MF_1) to analyze the performance of our PainAttnNet on the classification of pain intensity: ACC = 1/Q∑_i=1^KTP_i. MF_1 = 1/K∑_i=1^KF_1 , here, F_1,i = 2 × Precision_i × Recall_i/Precision_i + Recall_i, Precision_i = TP_i/TP_i + FP_i, Recall_i = TP_i/TP_i + FN_i. where TP_i ,TN_i, and FN_i are the true positive, true negative, and false negative of each class. Here K is the total number of classes, and Q is the total number of samples in the training set. §.§ Experimental Settings In our study, we compared PainAttnNet with six baselines, Random Forest <cit.>, MT-NN <cit.>, SVM <cit.>, TabNet <cit.>, MLP <cit.>, and XGBoost <cit.>. In contrast, we also listed other two models, CNN + LSTM <cit.>, CNN <cit.>, with different segmentation and sample selections on the EDA signals as the input. We implemented 87-fold cross-validation for the BioVid dataset by splitting the subjects into 87 groups, therefore, each subject is in one group as a leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV). We trained on 86 subjects and tested on one subject with 100 epochs for each iteration. Ultimately, the macro performance matrices were computed by combining the projected pain intensity classes from all 87 iterations. We created PainAttnNet using Python 3.10 and PyTorch 1.13 on a GPU powered by an Nvidia Quadro RTX 4000. We configured the optimizer as Adam with the initial learning rate of 1e-03, a weight decay of 1e-03a, and batch size of 128 for the training dataset. PyTorch's default settings for Betas and Epsilon were (0.9, 0.999) and 1e-08. In the transformer encoder, we utilized five heads for multi-head attention structure, with each feature's size being 75. §.§ Performance of PainAttnNet We conducted six experimental tasks: (1) T_0 vs. T_1 vs. T_2 vs. T_3 vs. T_4, (2) T_0 vs. (T_1, T_2, T_3, T_4), (3) T_0 vs. T_1, (4) T_0 vs. T_2, (5) T_0 vs. T_3, and (6) T_0 vs. T_4, to evaluate PainAttnNet's performance on the BioVid dataset (<ref>). Among these tasks, we are most interested in tasks 2, 5, and 6, as in clinical trials it is essential to distinguish between pain and no pain (Task 2), and it is crucial for us to understand the distinctions between no pain and nearly intolerable pain (Tasks 5 and 6), to improve the quality of patient care. The six classification tasks listed in the table evaluate the performance of the PainAttnNet on the BioVid dataset (<ref>). The first task, T_0 vs. T_1 vs. T_2 vs. T_3 vs. T_4, involves classifying pain intensity levels into five categories: no pain (T_0), low pain (T_1), medium pain (T_2), high pain (T_3), and nearly intolerable pain (T_4). Task 2, T_0 vs. (T_1, T_2, T_3, T_4), involves classifying pain intensity levels into two categories: no pain (T0) and any level of pain (T1, T2, T3, T4). Tasks 3, 4, 5, and 6 classify pain intensity levels into two categories for each specific pain level. For example, in the third task (T_0 vs. T_1), the classifier is trained to distinguish between no pain (T_0) and low pain (T_1). Similarly, in the fourth task (T_0 vs. T_2), the classifier is trained to distinguish between no pain (T_0) and medium pain (T_2), and so on. Among these, tasks 2, 5, and 6 are particular interesting as they involve classifying instances into two categories: no pain (T_0) and pain. Task 2 is important as it involves distinguishing between no pain and any level of pain, which is essential in clinical trials. Tasks 5 and 6 are important since they distinguish between no pain and nearly intolerable pain (T_3 and T_40), which is crucial for improving the quality of patient care. The results show that the PainAttnNet model performed best on Task 6, with an of 85.34% accuracy, a macro F1 score of 85.27%, and a Cohen Kappa of 0.70. The model performed weakly on Task 2, with an accuracy of 80.87%, a macro F1 score of 78.32%, and a Cohen Kappa of 0.09. The performance on Tasks 3, 4, and 5 falls in between the performance levels for Task 2 and Task 6 varying levels of accuracy, macro F1 score, and Cohen Kappa. We also compared PainAttnNet to other SOTA and the latest approaches on the pain intensity classification for the BioVid dataset (<ref>). To be easy to make a comparison we only select four out of the previous six classification tasks: T_0 vs. T_1, T_0 vs. T_2, T_0 vs. T_3, and T_0 vs. T_4. The first two approaches, CNN + LSTM <cit.> and CNN <cit.>, used different sample selections and data segmentation, respectively. Therefore, we just list the results in the table <ref> as references but without comparison to the rest. The results in the table (<ref>) show that our proposed model outperforms other SOTA approaches. In particular, PainAttnNet achieved the highest accuracy for tasks T_0 vs. T_3, and T_0 vs. T_4, where the distinction between no pain and nearly intolerable pain is crucial. In task T_0 vs. T_2, our model achieved a slightly higher accuracy compared to the best-performing SOTA approach (68.82 vs 68.39). In task T_0 vs. T_1, Shi <cit.> have the highest accuracy. In conclusion, the results of this comparison demonstrate that our proposed model, PainAttnNet, is a promising approach for classifying pain levels in EDA signals. § CONCLUSIONS PainAttnNet is a unique framework we developed to classify the severity of pain based on EDA signals (PAN). A multiscale convolutional network (MSCN) and an Sequeeze-and-Excitation Residual Network (SEResNet) based on the feature extraction from EDA signals performed by PainAttnNet. The multi-head attention architecture consists of a temporal convolutional network (TCN) for catching temporal dependencies and multiple Scaled Dot-Product Attention layers for understanding the relationship among input temporal features. The results of the experiments conducted on the BioVid database indicates that our model achieves better results compared to other state-of-the-art methods. The results suggest that the PainAttnNet model performs well on tasks distinguishing between no pain from various pain levels, but there is room for improvement in its ability to differentiate different levels of pain intensities. Moving further, we aim to apply masked models and adaptive embedding to enhance the feature information from subspace on the labelled data. To be more realistic for potential future clinical practice, we will utilize contrastive learning with transfer learning on both huge unlabeled data and little chunks of labeled data to determine if it can still provide significant results. ieee_fullname
Gamma-Ray Bursts, Quasars, Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations, and Supernovae Ia: new statistical insights and cosmological constraints
[ "G. Bargiacchi", "M. G. Dainotti", "S. Nagataki", "S. Capozziello" ]
[ "astro-ph.CO", "hep-th" ]
firstpage–lastpage Spatial Attention and Syntax Rule Enhanced Tree Decoder for Offline Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition Zihao Lin1 Jinrong Li2 Fan Yang1Shuangping Huang13Xu Yang4 Jianmin Lin2Ming Yang2 March 30, 2023 =================================================================================================================== The recent ∼ 4 σ Hubble constant, H_0, tension is observed between the value of H_0 from the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia). It is a decade since this tension is excruciating the modern astrophysical community. To shed light on this problem is key to consider probes at intermediate redshifts between SNe Ia and CMB and reduce the uncertainty on H_0. Toward these goals, we fill the redshift gap by employing Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) and Quasars (QSOs), reaching z=9.4 and z=7.6, respectively, combined with Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) and SNe Ia. To this end, we employ the “Dainotti GRB 3D relation" among the rest-frame end time of the X-ray plateau emission, its corresponding luminosity, and the peak prompt luminosity, and the “Risaliti-Lusso" QSO relation between ultraviolet and X-ray luminosities. We inquire the commonly adopted Gaussianity assumption on GRBs, QSOs, and BAO. With the joint sample, we fit the flat Λ Cold Dark Matter model with both the Gaussian and the newly discovered likelihoods. We also investigate the impact of the calibration assumed for Pantheon and Pantheon + SNe Ia on this analysis. Remarkably, we show that only GRBs fulfill the Gaussianity assumption. We achieve small uncertainties on the matter density parameter Ω_M and H_0. We find H_0 values compatible within 2 σ with the one from the Tip of the Red Giant Branch. Finally, we show that the cosmological results are heavily biased against the arbitrary calibration choice for SNe Ia. methods: statistical - cosmology: theory - cosmology: observations - cosmological parameters § INTRODUCTION Currently, the spatially flat Λ Cold Dark Matter (ΛCDM) model <cit.> is the cosmological model commonly adopted to describe the Universe. It relies on a flat geometry with a cold dark matter (CDM) component and a dark energy corresponding to a cosmological constant Λ <cit.>. Indeed, this scenario is grounded on several observational probes: the cosmic microwave background <cit.>, the baryonic acoustic oscillations <cit.>, and the current accelerated expansion of the Universe, discovered from type Ia Supernovae <cit.>. Nevertheless, the reliability of this model is still being questioned due to well-known longstanding, but also more recent, theoretical and observational issues: the fine-tuning between the current values of the density parameters of matter (Ω_M) and dark energy (Ω_Λ), the cosmological constant problem <cit.>, the origin and properties of dark energy, and the Hubble constant (H_0) tension. The H_0 tension is the most recently discovered shortcoming and it corresponds to a discrepancy between the value of H_0 measured locally from SNe Ia and Cepheids (H_0 = 73.04 ± 1.04 km s^-1 Mpc^-1, ) and the one derived from the Planck data of the CMB with the assumption of a flat ΛCDM model (H_0 = 67.4 ± 0.5 km s^-1 Mpc^-1, ). This is a ∼ 4 σ deviation, which increases up to 6 σ depending on the samples considered <cit.>. Additionally, the investigation of this problem with other cosmological probes has shown a more complex pattern. For example, cosmic chronometers prefer a H_0 value close to the one of the CMB <cit.>, while time-delay and strong lensing of quasars (QSOs) favor the one of SNe Ia <cit.>, and other probes, such as QSOs <cit.>, the Tip of the Red-Giant Branch (TRGB; ), and Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs; ) reveal a H_0 value halfway between the two. This challenging scenario has recently boosted the efforts to solve the H_0 tension, which still remains one of the most studied and puzzling open questions for the astrophysical and cosmological community (see e.g. ). One of the major limitations that prevents to better investigate this discrepancy is the limited number of cosmological probes at redshifts intermediate between the ones of SNe Ia (with a maximum z=2.26, ) and CMB (z=1100). To fill this gap, thus shedding light on the H_0 tension, GRBs and QSOs have been recently applied as high-redshift cosmological tools. GRBs are extremely powerful and bright sources that are observed up to very high redshifts, reaching z=8.2 <cit.> and z=9.4 <cit.>. As a consequence, GRBs could represent a possible new step in the cosmic distance ladder beyond SNe Ia. However, to apply GRBs as probes in cosmology, their physical mechanisms should be first understood. While the community is still debating on the nature of their progenitors and energy processes, their origin is commonly ascribed to two different scenarios. One is the explosion of a massive star <cit.> followed by a core-collapse SNe <cit.> and the other is the merging of two compact objects <cit.>. A classification of GRBs based on their observed light curves (LCs) is then crucial to distinguish between the different possible origins. The LCs are generally described with a short prompt high-energy emission followed by an afterglow, which is an emission of longer duration observed in X-ray, optical, and radio wavelengths <cit.>. The flat part of GRB LCs after the prompt is the plateau phase, which lasts from 10^2 to 10^5 s and is followed by a decay that could be described through a power-law. An explanation of the plateau can be provided in terms of the external shock model, in which the front of the shock between the interstellar medium and the ejecta is powered by the emission from the central engine <cit.>, or the spin-down of a new-born magnetar <cit.>. Historically, GRBs have been classified as Short (SGRBs) and Long (LGRBs), depending on their prompt emission's duration: T_90≤ 2 s or T_90≥ 2 s, respectively <cit.>, where T_90 is the time in which a GRB emits from 5% to 95% of the total number of photons emitted in the prompt. This categorization is directly related to the GRB progenitors since LGRBs often derive from the core collapse of a very massive star and SGRBs from the coalescence of two compact objects <cit.>. Based on the properties of the LCs, several groups have striven to reveal correlations between prompt or plateau, or both GRB features. Among the correlations involving only plateau properties one can refer to a series of works <cit.>. Some of the previously cited correlations have been applied in cosmology <cit.>. We here focus on the “fundamental plane correlation" or the “3D Dainotti relation" in X-rays [Our use of the term “fundamental plane" is strictly related to GRBs and does not refer to other astronomical meanings, such as the fundamental plane of elliptical galaxies <cit.>.]. This is a three-dimension correlation between the rest-frame time at the end of the plateau emission, T^*_χ, its X-ray luminosity L_χ <cit.>, and the prompt peak luminosity, L_peak <cit.>. This relation can be theoretically explained within the magnetar model <cit.> and has already been applied in cosmology <cit.> by using a GRB sample properly selected <cit.>, as described in Section <ref>, and also accounting for the evolution in redshift of the GRB physical quantities (see Section <ref>). Concerning QSOs, they are incredibly luminous Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) observed up to z = 7.642 <cit.>. As for GRBs, their application as high-redshift cosmological probes relies on the understanding of their physical mechanisms, which are still being studied. Indeed, the huge amount of energy emitted from QSOs could not be explained only with standard stellar processes and galactic components, such as stars, dust, and interstellar gas, but requires an extreme mechanism of different nature. In the commonly accepted picture, QSOs are powered by the accretion on a central supermassive BH, which efficiently converts mass into energy <cit.>. This scenario can actually reproduce the observed features of QSO emission, especially the ultraviolet (UV) and X-ray emissions. In this regard, a relation between the UV and X-ray luminosities was proposed after the observations of the first X-ray surveys <cit.>, and then validated by using several different QSO samples <cit.>. This relation could be ascribed to the above-described QSO engine as follows: the QSO accretion disk around the central supermassive BH produces photons at UV wavelengths, which are processed by an external region of relativistic electrons via the inverse Compton effect, thus originating the emission in X-rays. Besides its viability, this mechanism does not account for the X-ray emission's stability, since the inverse Compton effect should cool down the electrons making them fall onto the central region. To avoid this, a mechanism that efficiently transfers energy from the accretion disk to the external region is required. The origin of such a link is still debated and some theoretical models have been studied to account for the stability of the X-ray emission <cit.>. Similarly to GRBs, the application of QSOs in cosmology requires finding correlations among observables intrinsic to the QSO physics. In principle, the relation between UV and X-ray luminosities just described can be used to infer QSO distances, thus standardizing QSOs as cosmological probes. However, the first attempts performed in this direction were strongly limited by the very large intrinsic dispersion of the relation, with a value ∼ 0.35/0.40 dex in logarithmic units <cit.>. Only recently, it has been discovered that the main contribution to this dispersion is not intrinsic, but due to observational issues <cit.>, thus an accurate selection of the sample is crucial for the cosmological purpose. Carefully removing as many as possible observational biases, such as galaxy contamination, dust reddening, Eddington bias, and X-ray absorption, has led to a reduction of the dispersion up to ∼ 0.2 dex <cit.>. As a consequence, the X-UV relation, denoted as the “Risaliti-Lusso" (RL) relation in its cosmological application, has turned QSOs into cosmological tools <cit.>. The reliability of the RL relation has been debated in some recent studies from different points of view. <cit.> have pointed out the presence of the circularity problem in the procedure applied to constrain cosmological parameters with QSOs. In this regard, we here completely overcome this issue following a method already applied to GRBs <cit.> and QSOs <cit.>, as detailed in Section <ref>. Another point of criticism concerns the possible dependence of the RL relation parameters on both the cosmological model assumed and the redshift <cit.>. In this work, we remove the evolution in redshift of luminosities using the same approach already applied to QSOs in <cit.> and <cit.> (see Section <ref>). However, <cit.> have validated the cosmological use of this relation showing through well-established statistical tests that it is intrinsic to QSOs and not merely induced by redshift evolution and/or selection effects. Additionally, <cit.> have also proved that the parameters of the RL relation are compatible within 1 σ independently on the cosmological model investigated. Thus, the debates on the cosmological applicability of the RL relation are not a concern given the results of <cit.> and <cit.> and their innovative approach in the QSO realm, which we apply in this study. As a matter of fact, the use of GRBs and QSOs could enhance the cosmological analysis both by adding high-z data, more suitable to probe the evolution of the Universe, and by increasing the statistics with additional sources. Indeed, increasing the number of probes leads to smaller uncertainties in the cosmological parameters derived. To this concern, <cit.> have recently proved that, as an alternative to the use of huge data sets, it is also possible to significantly reduce the uncertainties on cosmological parameters only through a purely statistical investigation in the probes used. Specifically, they have examined the Pantheon <cit.> and Pantheon + <cit.> SNe Ia samples by inquiring into the statistical assumption generally adopted to constrain cosmological parameters with Gaussian likelihoods. This analysis has shown that both the samples do not verify the Gaussianity assumption and that, by choosing the proper likelihood for each data set, the uncertainties on Ω_M and H_0 are reduced even by a factor ∼ 40 %. In this epoch dominated by precision cosmology and discrepancies in the measurements of cosmological parameters, constraining them more precisely is key to further understanding, and even alleviating or solving, these tensions. To this end, we here leverage the advantages of both the possible approaches described above: the inclusion of high-redshift probes in the cosmological analysis and the examination of the statistical foundation of each probe considered. Indeed, in this study, we investigate the Gaussianity assumption and uncover the proper cosmological likelihood for the samples of BAO, GRBs, and QSOs. Then, we combine these data with the SNe Ia samples from the Pantheon and Pantheon + releases to fit a flat ΛCDM model by using, in one case, the standard method with Gaussian likelihoods and, in the other case, the novel discovered likelihoods. In both cases, GRB and QSO redshift evolution are treated following different approaches. In addition, we delve into the a-priori assumptions imposed by the Pantheon and Pantheon + releases to test to what extent these assumptions affect the cosmological results. This work presents clear points of originality compared to other previous analyses in this realm. Although GRBs, QSOs, SNe Ia and BAO have already been applied jointly <cit.>, this has never been done with the GRB fundamental plane relation and with the most updated samples of SNe Ia, GRB, and QSO samples. This is also the first time that the Gaussianity assumption is inspected and the actual proper cosmological likelihoods are uncovered for the investigated samples of BAO, GRBs, and QSOs. This analysis allows us to investigate if and to what extent the use of different likelihoods impacts the best-fit values and the uncertainties of Ω_M and H_0 in a flat ΛCDM model, also in light of the comparison of our results with determinations of these parameters from other sources. We also stress here that the main goal of our study is to prove that QSOs and GRBs can be implemented in the cosmological analysis to extend the redshift range up 7.5 without introducing additional uncertainties on the cosmological parameters also with the new likelihood functions used. This is the first essential step to enhance their use in cosmology. The improvement of the cosmological power of QSOs and GRBs is underway, but it is out of the scope of this paper. The manuscript is structured as follows. Section <ref> describes each sample used and its selection. Section <ref> details the methods employed for all the steps of our analysis. The treatment of the redshift evolution, selection biases, and circularity problem for GRBs and QSOs is in Section <ref>, the physical quantities investigated for each probe is in Section <ref>, the normality tests is applied in Section <ref>, and the search for the best-fit likelihoods, the fit of the flat ΛCDM model, and the test on SNe Ia assumptions are in Section <ref>. Section <ref> reports the results of all our investigations. The outcomes of the tests on Gaussianity and the new likelihoods are presented in Section <ref> and Section <ref>, respectively, while the cosmological findings and implications are detailed in Section <ref> together with the comparison with previous works in the literature. We summarize our work and draw our conclusions in Section <ref>. § DATA This study makes use of the combination of four cosmological probes: SNe Ia, GRBs, QSOs, and BAO. We here detail the data set considered for each of them. We employ the two most recent SNe Ia collections of “Pantheon" <cit.> and “Pantheon +" <cit.> with the full covariance matrix that includes both statistical and systematic uncertainties. The first sample is composed of 1048 sources in the redshift range between z=0.01 and z=2.26 gathered from CfA1-4, Carnegie Supernova Project, Pan-STARRS1, Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), Supernova Legacy Survey, and Hubble Space Telescope, while the second one consists of 1701 SNe Ia collected from 18 different surveys in the range z=0.001 - 2.26. The Pantheon + sample significantly enhances the previous release with an increased redshift span and number of sources, in particular at low redshift, and with an enriched treatment of systematic uncertainties. These improvements enable SNe Ia to better constrain cosmological parameters <cit.>. The use of both samples in this work allows us to reveal if and how our analysis is affected by the choice of the SNe Ia sample. For GRBs, we use the so-called “Platinum" sample <cit.> composed of 50 X-ray sources between z=0.055 and z=5 that have been selected according to the following procedure <cit.>. Starting from the 372 GRBs observed by the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory (Swift) from January 2005 to August 2019 with a known redshift from Swift+Burst Alert Telescope (BAT)+ X-Ray Telescope (XRT) repository <cit.>, the 222 which present a reliable plateau and which can be fitted using the <cit.> model are retained. To reduce the intrinsic dispersion of the 3D Dainotti relation and restrict to a more homogeneous physical mechanism, only LGRBs are considered <cit.>. The final sub-sample is then obtained by removing sources that present 1) a plateau that lasts <500 s, or 2) less than 5 points in the region before the plateau, or 3) a time at the end of the plateau that could not be directly determined as it falls within an observational gap region, or 4) flares in the plateau, or 5) a not well-defined starting point of the plateau phase, or 6) a plateau inclination >41° <cit.>. These criteria define our final GRB sample. The QSO data set is the one detailed in <cit.>, with 2421 sources from z=0.009 to z =7.54 <cit.> and assembled by eight samples from literature and archives. Specifically, these data belong to <cit.>, <cit.>, and <cit.> samples, XMM–XXL North QSO sample <cit.>, SDSS Data Release 14 (SDSS DR14; ), 4XMM Newton <cit.>, and Chandra <cit.>, with additional low-z QSOs with UV measurements from the International Ultraviolet Explorer and X-ray archival data. Lots of efforts have been spent to select these sources to be suitable for cosmological studies by carefully removing as much as possible observational biases, as described in <cit.>, <cit.>, <cit.>, <cit.> and <cit.>. We below summarize the main criteria applied in this selection procedure. As a preliminary screening, sources with a signal-to-noise ratio S/N < 1 are discarded. Then, only QSOs with extinction E(B-V)≤ 0.1 are retained to remove UV reddening and contamination of the host galaxy. The corresponding requirement to be satisfied is √((Γ_1,UV-0.82)^2 + (Γ_2,UV-0.40)^2)≤ 1.1, where Γ_1, UV and Γ_2, UV are the slopes of the log(ν)-log(ν L_ν) power-law in the rest-frame 0.3-1μm and 1450-3000 Å ranges, respectively, and L_ν is the luminosity per unit of ν. The values Γ_1, UV=0.82 and Γ_2, UV=0.4 correspond to a spectral energy distribution (SED) with zero extinction <cit.>. The possible presence of absorption in X-ray is then accounted for by requiring Γ_X + ΔΓ_X ≥ 1.7 and Γ_X ≤ 2.8 if z < 4 and Γ_X ≥ 1.7 if z ≥ 4, where Γ_X is the photon index and ΔΓ_X its associated uncertainty. The last step of this selection procedure consists of correcting QSOs for the Eddington bias by imposing logF_X,exp - logF_min≥ F, where F_X,exp is the X-ray flux computed from the UV flux with the assumptions of the RL relation and a flat ΛCDM model with Ω_M=0.3 and H_0 = 70 km s^-1 Mpc^-1. F_min represents the minimum detectable flux of the observation that, as detailed in <cit.>, can be computed for each source from the total exposure time of the charge-coupled device (CCD), provided in the catalogues, by using the functions presented by <cit.> in Fig. 3. The threshold value F is F = 0.9 for the SDSS DR14– 4XMM Newton and XXL sub-samples and F = 0.5 for the SDSS DR14-Chandra. Since multiple X-ray observations of the same QSO can survive these filters, they are averaged, thus reducing also the X-ray variability effects. As in <cit.> and <cit.>, we use this final cleaned sample without imposing any cut in redshift, such as the one at z=0.7 investigated in <cit.>, to avoid introducing arbitrary truncation. The BAO collection we use is the one described in <cit.>, composed of 26 data points for which the covariance matrix is detailed in <cit.>. Out of these 26, 24 measurements are in the low redshift range between z=0.106 <cit.> and z=0.73 <cit.>, with data from <cit.>, <cit.>, <cit.>, <cit.>, <cit.>, and <cit.>, while the other two measurements are at z=2.34 <cit.> and z=2.36 <cit.>. This data set has already been used in <cit.> and <cit.> in combination with Pantheon SNe Ia and GRBs. § METHODOLOGY §.§ Redshift evolution treatment GRBs and QSOs are high-redshift sources, which establishes their invaluable role in investigating the evolution of the Universe. Nevertheless, at high redshifts we need to account for possible selection biases and evolutionary effects, that can in principle distort or even induce a correlation between physical quantities of a source, leading to an incorrect determination of the cosmological parameters <cit.>. To correct for these effects, we can use the Efron & Petrosian (EP) statistical method <cit.>, which has already been applied to the GRB <cit.> and QSO domains <cit.>. In this work, we make use of the results reported in <cit.> for GRBs and in <cit.> and <cit.> for QSOs. We here briefly summarize their methods and outcomes. In their approach, the physical quantities of interest, luminosities and also time in the case of GRBs, evolve with redshift as L' = L/(1+z)^k and T' = T/(1+z)^k, where L and T are the observed quantities, L' and T' the corresponding corrected ones, and k the evolutionary parameter. As proved in <cit.>, <cit.>, and <cit.>, the results of this method are not affected by the choice of the power-law, which could also be replaced by more complex functions of the redshift. To determine the value of k that removes the dependence on the redshift, the Kendall's τ statistic is applied, where the coefficient τ is defined as τ =∑_i(ℛ_i-ℰ_i)/√(∑_i𝒱_i). Here, the index i refers to all the sources that at redshift z_i have a luminosity greater than the lowest luminosity (L_min,i) that can be observed at that redshift. This minimum luminosity is computed by choosing a limiting flux. The assumed value must guarantee that the retained sample is at least 90% of the total one and that it resembles as much as possible the overall distribution, which can be verified by applying the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test <cit.>. The rank ℛ_i in Eq. (<ref>) corresponds to the number of data points in the associated set of the i-source, where the associated set is defined by all j-points that verify z_j ≤ z_i and L_z_j≥ L_min,i. ℰ_i = 1/2(i+1) and 𝒱_i = 1/12(i^2+1) are the expectation value and variance, respectively, in the case of the absence of correlation. Thus, the redshift dependence is removed when τ = 0, and this condition provides us the value of k that eliminates the correlation. If | τ | > n the hypothesis of uncorrelation is rejected at n σ level, hence we obtain the 1 σ uncertainty on the k value by requiring |τ| ≤ 1. The uncovered dependence on the redshift is then used to derive the de-evolved L' for the total sample. This procedure can be straightforward applied also to the time variable for GRBs by replacing the luminosity with the time. The k values obtained for the quantities of our interest and used in this work are k_L_peak = 2.24 ± 0.30, k_T_χ = - 1.25^+0.28_-0.27, and k_L_χ = 2.42^+0.41_-0.74 for GRBs <cit.>, and k_UV = 4.36 ± 0.08 and k_X = 3.36 ± 0.07 for QSOs <cit.>. The de-evolved quantities computed with these k values are thus used in our cosmological fits when accounting for a “fixed" evolution. The notation “fixed" refers to the fact that k is determined under the assumption of a specific cosmological model, which is required to compute the luminosities L from the measured fluxes. In both <cit.> and <cit.> the fiducial model is a flat ΛCDM model with Ω_M =0.3 and H_0 = 70 km s^-1 Mpc^-1. As a consequence, this method suffers from the “circularity problem": the a-priori assumption of a cosmological model affects the constraints on cosmological parameters that are found by fitting the luminosities computed under this assumption. To overcome this issue, <cit.> (for GRBs), and <cit.> and <cit.> (for QSOs) have studied the behaviour of k as a function of the cosmology. Specifically, in these works, k is evaluated not for fixed cosmological parameters, but over a set of several values of the cosmological parameters (i.e. Ω_M, H_0, and also other parameters for extensions of the flat ΛCDM model), leading to the functions k(Ω_M) and k(H_0). These analyses show that k does not depend on H_0, while it depends on Ω_M. Hence, the function k(Ω_M) can be applied in the cosmological fits to let k vary together with the cosmological parameters, without the need to fix a cosmology. This method completely solves the circularity problem and we refer to it as “varying" evolution. In this work, we compare the results from all possible treatments of the evolution: without correction, with “fixed", and “varying" evolution (see Table <ref>). We are aware that the a more complete and independent treatment of the evolution would require to leave free to vary the sets of four parameters for the evolution, k for L_X, QSOs, L_UV, QSOs, L_X,GRBs, L_peak,GRBs. However, we here anticipate that if we apply this more general procedure imposing uniform priors on the evolutionary parameters, we cannot constrain the k parameters. Thus, the only chance to obtain an idea of how the evolution would play a role is to impose Gaussian priors on the evolution based on the analysis of how k(Ω_M) varies for the luminosities. We perform these fits by imposing a Gaussian prior in which the mean corresponds to the expected value of k and the standard deviation is five times the error on this k value. More precisely, the values of k assumed as mean of the Gaussian and their errors are k_L_peak,GRBs = 2.24 ± 0.30 and k_L_X,GRBs = 2.42 ± 0.58 for GRBs, and k_L_UV,QSOs = 4.36 ± 0.08 and k_L_X,QSOs = 3.36 ± 0.07 for QSOs, when considering the Pantheon sample, while k_L_peak,GRBs = 2.19 ± 0.29 and k_L_X,GRBs = 2.37 ± 0.56 for GRBs, and k_L_UV,QSOs = 4.29 ± 0.08 and k_L_X,QSOs = 3.29 ± 0.06 for QSOs, when using the Pantheon + SNe Ia. These values are indeed the ones obtained from the functions k(Ω_M) when assuming Ω_M=0.3 for Pantheon and Ω_M=0.35 for Pantheon +. The results of these fits are reported in Figures <ref> and <ref> for all cases studied in this work. §.§ Theoretical and measured physical quantities SNe Ia presents an almost uniform intrinsic luminosity and thus can be considered among the most reliable classes of standard candles. To apply them as cosmological probes, we use the distance modulus μ defined as μ = m - M, where m and M are the apparent and absolute magnitude, respectively. The critical point in this definition is the computation of M that depends on several factors, such as selection biases, microlensing, and different contributions to statistical and systematic uncertainties <cit.>. The observed SNe Ia μ is μ_obs, SNe Ia = m_B - M + α x_1 - β c + Δ_M + Δ_B where m_B is the B-band overall amplitude, x_1 the stretch parameter, c the color, α and β the coefficients of the relation of luminosity with x_1 and c, respectively, M the fiducial B-band absolute magnitude of a SN with x_1 = 0 and c=0, Δ_M and Δ_B the corrections on the distance that account for the mass of the host-galaxy and biases predicted through simulations, respectively <cit.>. M is degenerate with H_0, hence H_0 cannot be determined by SNe Ia alone <cit.>. However, H_0 can be derived if M is fixed. In this regard, we employ the data directly provided by Pantheon and Pantheon +, thus we do not fix a priori ourselves any value of M, but we use the same assumption of Pantheon and values of Pantheon + releases. Indeed, primary distance anchors, such as Cepheids and the TRGB, are usually used to calibrate M from which μ is then computed <cit.>. <cit.> fix M=-19.35 corresponding to H_0 = 70 km s^-1 Mpc^-1 <cit.>. <cit.> find M = -19.253 ± 0.027 and H_0 = 73.04 ± 1.04 km s^-1 Mpc^-1 using 42 SNe Ia combined with Cepheids hosted in the same galaxies of these SNe Ia. The μ provided for the Pantheon + sample are computed assuming this value of M. In our analysis, we directly use the μ_obs, SNe Ia supplied by Pantheon[<https://github.com/dscolnic/Pantheon>] and Pantheon +[<https://github.com/PantheonPlusSH0ES>] releases. Within a flat ΛCDM model and ignoring the current relativistic density parameter, whose contribution is negligible in the late epochs, the theoretical μ is μ_th = 5 log_10 d_l (Ω_M, H_0) + 25 = 5 (1+z) c/H_0 ∫^z_0dz'/E(z') + 25 where d_l is the luminosity distance in Megaparsec (Mpc), c the speed of light, and E(z) the dimensionless Hubble parameter given by E(z) = H(z)/H_0 = √(Ω_M (1+z)^3 + (1- Ω_M)). In the case of SNe Ia, we slightly modify Eq. (<ref>) using the more precise formula provided by <cit.> μ_th = 5 (1+z_hel) c/H_0 ∫^z_HD_0d z'/√(Ω_M (1+z)^3 + (1- Ω_M)) + 25 where z_HD the “Hubble-Lemaître diagram” redshift that accounts for peculiar velocity and CMB corrections and z_hel is the heliocentric redshift. For GRBs, the 3D X-ray fundamental plane relation employed to use them as cosmological tools has the following form: log_10 L_χ = a log_10 T^*_χ + b log_10 L_peak + c. The luminosities are computed from the measured fluxes by applying the relation between fluxes F and luminosities L, L= 4 π d_l^2 · F · K, where d_l is in units of cm and K is K-correction accounting for the cosmic expansion <cit.>. As the GRB spectrum is well reproduced by a simple power-law, the K-correction is given by K = (1+z)^γ -1, with γ the spectral index of the X-ray plateau. The values of a, b, and c parameters in Eq. (<ref>) are determined by fitting the 3D relation with the Bayesian technique of the D'Agostini method <cit.>, which is based on the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach and allows us to consider error bars on all quantities and also an intrinsic dispersion sv of the relation. As detailed in Section <ref>, L_χ, T^*_χ, and L_peak in Eq. (<ref>) could also be corrected to account for their redshift evolution through the application of the EP method <cit.>. As for SNe Ia, the physical quantity we consider for GRBs is μ. The observed μ for GRBs (μ_obs, GRBs) is computed assuming the 3D relation. Converting luminosities into fluxes in Eq. (<ref>) through the above-defined relation between these two quantities and using μ = 5 log_10 d_l + 25 <cit.>, we obtain μ_obs, GRBs = 5 [ -log_10 F_χ/2 (1-b)+b ·log_10 F_peak/2 (1-b) - (1-b)log_10(4π)+c/2 (1-b)+ + a log_10 T^*_χ/2 (1-b)] + 25 where we consider the K-correction already applied to all quantities. Following <cit.>, we fix c=23 when applying Eq. (<ref>). Under the same cosmological assumption applied to SNe Ia, μ_th for GRBs is the one already defined in Eq. (<ref>) with E(z) specified in Eq. (<ref>) . To standardize QSOs as cosmological probes and compute their distances, we use the X-UV RL relation, which is commonly parameterized through a linear relation between logarithmic quantities as log_10 L_X = g_1 log_10 L_UV + n_1 where L_X and L_UV are the luminosities (in units of erg s^-1 Hz^-1) at 2 keV and 2500 Å, respectively. As for GRBs, we compute L_X and L_UV in Eq. (<ref>) from the observed flux densities F_X and F_UV (in erg s^-1 cm^-2 Hz^-1), respectively, using L_X,UV= 4 π d_l^2 F_X, UV. Indeed, for QSOs the spectral index γ is assumed to be 1, leading to K=1 <cit.>, and thus the K-correction is omitted in this case. As detailed in Section <ref> and already stressed for GRBs, we can correct L_X and L_UV for evolutionary effects by applying the EP method <cit.>. The parameters g_1 and n_1 can be fitted, along with the intrinsic dispersion sv_1 of the RL relation, through the D'Agostini method. Inserting log_10L_UV = log_10(4 π d_l^2) + log_10F_UV in Eq. (<ref>) provides us the observed physical quantity log_10L_X,obs under the assumption of the RL relation: log_10 L_X,obs = g_1 [ log_10(4 π d_l^2) + log_10F_UV] + n_1. The theoretical quantity is computed according to log_10L_X,th = log_10(4 π d_l^2) + log_10F_X. Both log_10L_X,obs and log_10L_X,th require a fixed cosmological model in the computation of d_l. To be more precise, in principle, we could also consider as physical quantities the logarithmic luminosities for GRBs and the distance moduli for QSOs, since the approaches with luminosities and with distance moduli are equivalent (i.e. they are related through d_l). Nevertheless, we have here described only the case of distance moduli for GRBs and the case of luminosities for QSOs to be consistent with the fitting procedure we apply in the following cosmological analysis. Concerning GRBs, <cit.> have proved that the cosmological constraints do not depend on the choice of using distance moduli or logarithmic luminosities in the likelihood; indeed, the values of cosmological parameters obtained in the two approaches are consistent within 1 σ. Thus, we prefer to use the distance moduli to remove one degree of freedom, as the parameter c is fixed in this case <cit.> as this choice also guarantees the same number of free parameters (2) for both the 3D and the RL relations. Concerning QSOs, we prefer to construct the cosmological likelihood with the logarithmic luminosities as these are the quantities intrinsic to the RL relation (see Eq.(<ref>)) and also the ones that are commonly and robustly used for cosmological analyses in the literature <cit.>. Thus, this approach allows an easier and more immediate comparison with results from other studies, without the need for taking into account possible differences in the respective methodologies. For BAO, the investigated physical quantity is d_z = r_s(z_d)/D_V(z) <cit.>, where r_s(z_d) is the sound horizon at the baryon drag epoch z_d and D_V(z) is the volume averaged distance. The observed d_z,obs provided in <cit.> are obtained from the measured D_V(z) and assuming the fiducial (r_s(z_d) · h)_fid = 104.57 Mpc, where h is the dimensionless Hubble constant h= H_0/100 km s^-1 Mpc^-1, which corresponds to the best-fit of a ΛCDM model <cit.>. The theoretical d_z,th are instead computed as follows. Since an exact computation of r_s(z_d) would require the use of Boltzmann codes, we estimate it with the following numerical approximation <cit.>: r_s(z_d) ∼55.154 e^-72.3 (Ω_ν h^2 + 0.0006)^2/(Ω_M h^2)^0.25351 (Ω_b h^2)^0.12807 Mpc where Ω_b and Ω_ν are the baryon and neutrino density parameters. In this formula, we fix Ω_ν h^2 = 0.00064 and Ω_b h^2 = 0.002237 (according to and ). The theoretical distance D_V(z) required to compute d_z,th is defined as <cit.> D_V(z) = [ cz/H(z)d_l^2(z)/(1+z)^2]^1/3. §.§ Tests of the Gaussianity assumption To check the assumptions underlying the applicability of a Gaussian likelihood (L_Gaussian) to fit cosmological models, we apply to each probe several methods to test if the difference between the measured and the theoretical quantities is normally distributed. Indeed, this is the statistical condition required to constrain cosmological parameters by applying the likelihood function ℒ_Gaussian = 1/√(2 π) σ e^-Δ^2/ 2 σ^2 where σ is the standard deviation. For sake of clarity, we generically denote with Δ the difference computed for each probe with its own quantities: Δμ_SNe Ia = μ_obs, SNe Ia - μ_th for SNe Ia, Δμ_GRBs = μ_obs, GRBs - μ_th for GRBs, Δlog_10L_X = log_10L_X,obs - log_10L_X,th for QSOs, and Δ d_z = d_z,obs - d_z,th for BAO. As shown in Section <ref>, the computation of the theoretical quantities requires the assumption of a specific cosmological model, hence we here assume a flat ΛCDM model with Ω_M = 0.3 and H_0 = 70 km s^-1 Mpc^-1. Actually, we here stress that also some of the observed quantities do rely on the choice of the cosmological model. Nevertheless, we test our results in relation to the assumptions for Ω_M and H_0. In addition, the computation of μ_obs, GRBs and log_10L_X,obs requires to fix the values of the parameters of the 3D and RL relations, respectively. Thus, we use the values obtained from the fit of these relations in the different evolutionary cases, which are provided in <cit.> for GRBs and <cit.> for QSOs. We here stress that for the investigation of the Gaussianity assumptions, the two treatments of the evolution (fixed and varying) are equivalent as the evolutionary parameter k of the fixed correction is obtained from the assumption of Ω_M=0.3 <cit.>, and also the function k(Ω_M) is computed for Ω_M = 0.3, as assumed in our Gaussianity tests. Nevertheless, <cit.> and <cit.> have proved, for QSOs and GRBs respectively, that k(Ω_M) remains compatible within 1 σ with k(Ω_M=0.3) also when Ω_M spans all the range of physical values. As a consequence, we do not expect differences between the cases with fixed k and with k(Ω_M) even if we change the values assumed for Ω_M and H_0. Our analysis of the Gaussianity assumption follows the one detailed in <cit.> for the Pantheon and Pantheon + SNe Ia samples. Specifically, we investigate the Anderson-Darling <cit.> and Shapiro-Wilk <cit.> tests for normality, we compute the skewness and kurtosis of each Δ distribution, we apply the skewness <cit.> and kurtosis <cit.> tests, and the “skewness+kurtosis" test that is based on a combination of these two <cit.>[All the analyses are carried out with the scipy Python package.]. Both the Anderson-Darling and Shapiro-Wilk statistical tests allow us to determine if the investigated data are drawn from a specific probability distribution, which in our case is the Gaussian distribution. These methods are commonly applied in different domains (see e.g. in statistics, and and in cosmology), due to their capability of identifying any small, regardless of how small, deviation from the Gaussianity in samples statistically large enough <cit.>. However, this property also limits their applicability. Indeed, as the sample size increases, these tests tend to reject the normality hypothesis even in presence of very small deviations <cit.>, which can be caused for example by ties generated by limited precision (i.e. the number of decimal digits). This weakness should be accounted for when dealing with large data samples. For this reason, we additionally include investigations on the skewness and the kurtosis of the Δ distributions. The skewness of a variable x is the third standardized moment, which can be written as E[ ((x - x̂)/ σ)^3 ] in the Fisher's definition. Here, E is the expectation operator and x̂ the mean (or location). The skewness measures the asymmetry of a distribution about x̂ by distinguishing extreme values in one tail compared to the other tail. The kurtosis is the fourth standardized moment, defined as E[ ((x - x̂)/ σ)^4 ], and it identifies extreme values in both the tails: the larger the kurtosis, the more populated the tails compared to the Gaussian tails, and vice versa. If we consider the Fisher’s definition of kurtosis, in which 3 is subtracted from the result, a Gaussian distribution has both skewness and kurtosis equal to zero. Thus, the computation of skewness and kurtosis of Δ allows us to obtain information on the deviation of these distributions from normality. As a further step, we apply the skewness, kurtosis, and “skewness+kurtosis" tests, that determine if the values of skewness and kurtosis guarantee a statistically good Gaussian approximation. The application of all these different and complementary methods is crucial to overcome the limits of the Anderson-Darling and Shapiro-Wilk tests. It also leverages the advantages of each approach, and to obtain reliable results on the investigation of the Gaussianity assumption on Δ. §.§ New likelihoods and fit of flat ΛCDM model As detailed in <cit.>, neither the Pantheon nor the Pantheon + SNe Ia sample passes the normality tests described in Section <ref>. Furthermore, we prove in Section <ref> that also QSOs and BAO do not pass these tests. Hence, only GRBs obey the Gaussianity requisite. As a consequence, we further extend our analysis on the non-Gaussianity of QSOs and BAO with a deeper investigation, following the same procedure employed in <cit.> for SNe Ia. As a first step, we fit the histogram of the corresponding Δ to find the best-fit distribution. To this end, we use both Python 3 <cit.> and Wolfram Mathematica 12.3 <cit.> built-in functions. The discovered actual underlying distributions are then used in the likelihood of the cosmological analysis in place of L_Gaussian. As we fit jointly all the probes, we choose for each one the proper likelihood and we multiply them to construct the final new likelihood (L_new). Specifically, we fit with the D'Agostini method a flat ΛCDM model considering the most general case in which both Ω_M and H_0 are free parameters. The fit is performed in two separate cases: with the standard ℒ_Gaussian for each probe and with the novel ℒ_new. To ensure that the MCMC process explores all possible physical regions of the (Ω_M, H_0) parameter space, we assume the wide uniform priors 0 ≤Ω_M ≤ 1 and 50 km s^-1 Mpc^-1≤ H_0 ≤ 100 km s^-1 Mpc^-1. Additionally, broad uniform priors are considered also for the parameters of the 3D and RL relations: -2 < a < 0, 0 < b < 2, 0< sv < 2, 0.1 < g_1 < 1, 2< n_1 < 20, and 0 < sv_1 < 2. As anticipated, when also the evolutionary parameters k are free parameters of the fit, we need to assume Gaussian priors on them, which are detailed in Section <ref>. As stressed in <cit.>, the comparison between the results obtained with L_Gaussian and L_new is pivotal to test how the change in the likelihood affects the cosmological results. Indeed, it is particularly interesting to investigate if and to what extent L_new changes the values of the cosmological parameters and if it performs better, even reducing the uncertainties of the cosmological parameters. To statistically interpret our results on the H_0 values, we compute for each of them the z-scores ζ <cit.> with respect to three H_0 fiducial values. By definition, ζ= |H_0,i - H_0,our|/ √(σ^2_H_0,i + σ^2_H_0,our) where H_0,i and σ_H_0,i are the reference value and its 1 σ uncertainty, respectively, while H_0,our and σ_H_0,our are our H_0 value and its 1 σ uncertainty, respectively. The parameter ζ quantifies the deviation of the H_0 values obtained in this work from the fiducial ones. The assumed reference values are: H_0 = 73.04 ± 1.04 km s^-1 Mpc^-1 <cit.>, H_0 = 67.4 ± 0.5 km s^-1 Mpc^-1, <cit.>, and H_0 = 70.00 ± 0.13 km s^-1 Mpc^-1 obtained in <cit.> when fitting a flat ΛCDM model with Ω_M = 0.3, as in <cit.>. Furthermore, H_0 = 70 km s^-1 Mpc^-1 is also justified by the results of several works that use Pantheon SNe Ia with other cosmological probes <cit.>. In our notation, we use ζ_P+, ζ_CMB, ζ_P when referring to the H_0 value derived from Pantheon +, from the CMB, and from H_0 = 70.00 ± 0.13 km s^-1 Mpc^-1, respectively (see Table <ref>). § RESULTS §.§ Results of the Gaussianity tests <cit.> have shown that both Pantheon and Pantheon + Δμ_SNe Ia are not normally distributed. More specifically, for both samples the null Gaussian hypothesis is rejected at a significance level > 15 % from the Anderson-Darling test, and with p-value < 5%, the minimum threshold required for the acceptance of the null hypothesis, from the Shapiro-Wilk, skewness, kurtosis, and “skewness+kurtosis" tests. The skewness and kurtosis of the Δμ_SNe Ia distributions reported in <cit.> are -0.19 and 0.69 for Pantheon, and -0.19 and 4.2 for Pantheon +, respectively (see also their Fig. 1). These results have been proved not to depend on the a priori assumption of Ω_M = 0.3 and H_0 = 70 km s^-1 Mpc^-1. On the other hand, GRBs pass all the tests, independently on the treatment of the redshift evolution and the values assumed for Ω_M and H_0. Indeed, the distribution in the left panel of Fig. <ref> could appear roughly non-Gaussian, but this is only due to the binned representation of the few data points. On the contrary, it reveals to be Gaussian under our statistical investigations. The computation of skewness and kurtosis is not affected by the assumptions on the cosmological parameters, but it is slightly impacted by the approach employed for the redshift evolution. More precisely, when not accounting for any evolution, skewness and kurtosis of the Δμ_GRBs distribution are 0.34 and -0.74, respectively, with a central value shifted toward a positive value. Indeed, in this case, the best-fit Gaussian distribution has x̂ = 1.38 and σ = 2.0. When including the correction for the evolution, the distribution becomes more symmetric around 0 with a skewness of 0.25, kurtosis of -0.65, and best-fit Gaussian parameters x̂ =-0.21 and σ = 2.04 (see left panel of Fig. <ref>). The results of the normality tests on QSOs do not depend neither on the fixed values of Ω_M and H_0 nor on the approach for the redshift evolution. In all cases, the null hypothesis of Gaussianity of QSO Δlog_10L_X is rejected by the Anderson-Darling, Shapiro-Wilk, kurtosis, and “skewness+kurtosis" tests. Only the skewness test is fulfilled as a consequence of the value of the skewness being very close to 0. Indeed, without the correction for the evolution, the skewness is 0.07 (and the kurtosis is 0.84), hence the test is fulfilled with p-value = 0.14. Correcting for the evolution, skewness and kurtosis become 0.0007 and 0.79, respectively, and the p-value of the skewness test significantly increases up to 0.99. For a direct visualization, we show in the middle panel of Fig. <ref> the histogram obtained including the redshift evolution correction. It is indeed interesting to note from the computed skewness values and the histogram in Fig. <ref>, that the QSO Δlog_10L_X distribution is symmetric around 0 and this symmetry increases when accounting for the redshift evolution. As a matter of fact, the best-fit Gaussian distribution (green curve in the middle panel of Fig. <ref>) has x̂ = 0.009 and σ = 0.24. Nevertheless, due to the high kurtosis, the combination of both features, considered in the “skewness+kurtosis" test, confirms the non-Gaussianity distribution of Δlog_10L_X. BAO do pass none of the normality tests applied in this work, independently on the values assumed a-priori for Ω_M and H_0 to compute d_z,th. However, in this case, differently from GRBs and QSOs, the values of skewness and kurtosis do depend on the cosmological model assumed. This can be ascribed to the fact that the assumptions on Ω_M and H_0 impact the computation of dz_th (see Eqs. <ref> and <ref>), but not d_z,obs, hence this choice affects the difference Δ d_z. <cit.> proved that, fixing r_s(z_d) · h = 104.57 Mpc, as assumed in our data <cit.>, the best-fit values within a ΛCDM model are Ω_M = 0.278 and H_0 = 70.07 km s^-1 Mpc^-1. Thus, we use these values to compute skewness and kurtosis obtaining a skewness of 2.55 and a kurtosis of 9.23 (see right panel of Fig. <ref>). Despite its asymmetry, the distribution is centered on 0. Indeed, the best-fit Gaussian curve (in green in the right panel of Fig. <ref>) has x̂ = 0.001 and σ = 0.004. §.§ The best-fit distributions As proved in Section <ref>, only GRBs, independent of the treatment of the redshift evolution, can be well approximated by the Gaussian probability distribution function (PDF) PDF_Gaussian = 1/√(2 π) σ e^-1/2(x- x̂/σ)^2 where, in our case, x = Δμ_GRBs. Investigating Pantheon and Pantheon + SNe Ia, <cit.> have determined that the best-fit Δμ_SNe Ia distributions are a logistic and a Student's t distribution, respectively (see their Fig. 1). The logistic PDF reads as follows: PDF_logistic = e^-(x-x̂)/s/s (1+ e^-(x-x̂)/s)^2 where s is the scale parameter and the variance σ^2 is given by σ^2 = (s^2 π^2)/3. The best-fit parameters of <cit.> are x̂= -0.004 and s=0.08. The generalized Student's t PDF is defined as PDF_student = Γ(ν +1/2)/√(ν π) s Γ(ν/2) [1 + ((x- x̂)/s)^2/ν]^-ν +1/2 where Γ is the gamma function, ν are the degrees of freedom (>0), and the variance is σ^2 = (s^2 ν) / (ν -2). The corresponding best-fit parameters in <cit.> are x̂= 0.1, s=0.12, and ν = 3.8. Fitting the QSO Δlog_10L_X, we find that, for all evolutionary cases, the best-fit distribution is the logistic distribution, whose PDF is the one in Eq. (<ref>). The middle panel of Fig. <ref> shows the normalized histogram, once accounted for the correction for evolution, superimposed with the best-fit logistic curve (in orange) with x̂= 0.009 and s=0.13 and with the best-fit Gaussian curve (in green) with x̂= 0.009 and σ=0.24. In the case without evolution, the best-fit parameters for the logistic and the normal distribution are x̂= 0.0006 and s=0.13, and x̂= 0.002 and σ=0.24, respectively. For BAO, the best-fit of the Δ d_z histogram (right panel of Fig. <ref>) is the Student's t distribution in Eq. (<ref>). The best-fit Student's t curve shown in orange in the right panel of Fig. <ref> has x̂ = 0.0003, s = 0.002, and ν = 2.23, while the best-fit Gaussian curve in green has x̂ = 0.001 and σ = 0.004. For both QSOs and BAO, the logistic and the Student's t distributions, respectively, better reproduce Δ in all the features (e.g. peak, central width, and tails) compared to the Gaussian PDF. We here stress that these investigations on the Gaussianity assumption and the proper distribution are crucial to validate the results of cosmological analyses and have to be performed on each probe used and also on future new samples. §.§ Cosmological results by using Gaussian and the best-fit likelihoods As detailed in Section <ref>, we fit a flat ΛCDM model with Ω_M and H_0 free parameters using the joint samples of SNe Ia (from Pantheon) + GRBs + QSOs + BAO and SNe Ia (from Pantheon +) + GRBs + QSOs + BAO both considering ℒ_Gaussian for all the probes and using ℒ_new. As the Student's t distribution depends also on the parameter ν, in ℒ_new we consider it as an additional free parameter for Pantheon + SNe Ia (ν_SNe) and BAO (ν_BAO), imposing the wide uniform prior 0 < ν < 10. All results are reported in Table <ref> and Figs. <ref>, <ref>, <ref>, <ref>, and <ref> according to the different treatments of redshift evolution for GRBs and QSOs. For easier and more direct comparison, we also include in Table <ref> the results obtained in <cit.> with only Pantheon and Pantheon + SNe Ia samples. In these cases, L_new corresponds to the likelihood with the logistic and the Student's t distribution, respectively for Pantheon and Pantheon +. We here discuss our main findings. * For both SNe Ia samples considered and independently on the evolutionary treatment employed, the best-fit values of Ω_M and H_0 are compatible within 1 σ when comparing the application of ℒ_new and ℒ_Gaussian, even if the use of ℒ_new slightly lowers the Ω_M values (see Table <ref>). This result is completely consistent with the analysis on SNe Ia reported by <cit.>, in which the values of the cosmological parameters proved not to be affected by the choice of the likelihood function. Concerning the uncertainties on Ω_M and H_0, they do not show any dependence on the correction for the evolution and the likelihoods used. More precisely, we obtain ΔΩ_M ∼ 0.007 and ΔΩ_M ∼ 0.009 when including Pantheon and Pantheon + samples, respectively, and Δ H_0 ∼ 0.14 with both SNe Ia samples (see Table <ref>). On the contrary, <cit.> have achieved a significant reduction of the uncertainties of a factor ∼ 40% by applying the proper likelihood to SNe Ia instead of the traditional Gaussian one. Indeed, <cit.> have used only SNe Ia, while we here consider the combination of SNe Ia, GRBs, QSOs, and BAO, increasing the sample of SNe Ia with 2497 additional sources. The combination of different probes and the increase in the number of data, compared to the use of SNe Ia alone, already reduces the uncertainties up to a value lower than the one obtained with the new likelihoods in <cit.>. Specifically, using the new proper likelihoods they reach ΔΩ_M = 0.012 and Δ H_0 = 0.20 with the Pantheon sample, and ΔΩ_M = 0.011 and Δ H_0 = 0.16 with the Pantheon + sample. In our analysis, we achieve ΔΩ_M ∼ 0.08 and Δ H_0 = 0.15 just by combining all the probes with the standard ℒ_Gaussian. Hence, the increment in the number of data (i.e. 3545 with Pantheon and 4198 with Pantheon +) and the combination of different probes are the principal causes of the reduction on the uncertainties of cosmological parameters, making the choice of the proper likelihood of secondary impact. However, as proved by the results of <cit.>, the search for the proper likelihood still represents a crucial point to validate the cosmological analysis on a statistical basis and for precision cosmology, in particular when dealing with new probes, small data sets, different combinations of probes, and new samples. We here also stress that, between the two primary factors, the use of independent probes has the strongest impact. In this regard, the addition of BAO has the most relevant effect. Indeed, <cit.> have already shown that adding BAO to Pantheon SNe Ia lowers the uncertainties up to ΔΩ_M = 0.07 and Δ H_0 = 0.14 (see their Table 5). Nevertheless, increasing the number of cosmological data sets could still play a significant role in future analyses, depending also on the cosmological probes investigated. We here also would like to stress that the difference between the uncertainties on H_0 that we obtain and the ones reported in <cit.> for Pantheon and <cit.> for Pantheon + are due to the different approaches used to determine H_0. Indeed, <cit.> and <cit.> use Cepheids in SNe Ia hosts, Cepheids as anchors or non–SNe Ia hosts, SNe Ia in Cepheids hosts, external constraints, and SNe Ia in the Hubble flow to determine, among all the free parameters of the fit, 5 log_10H_0, and hence H_0 and its uncertainty (by also adding a contribution to the systematic uncertainty from the analysis variants). The value of H_0 presented in <cit.> is then used (with its corresponding M) to compute the distance moduli and the corresponding uncertainties both supplied by the Pantheon + release. On the other hand, the Pantheon release provides the distance moduli with the arbitrary assumption of H_0= 70 km s^-1 Mpc^-1. In this work instead we consider the whole SNe Ia sample (1048 sources for Pantheon and 1701 sources for Pantheon +) and not only 42 SNe Ia by fitting directly the distance moduli and their uncertainties, which are provided by the Pantheon and Pantheon + releases, as described in Section <ref>. Thus, since in the values of the distance moduli the values of M are fixed in correspondence of either H_0= 70 km s^-1 Mpc^-1 and H_0= 73.04 km s^-1 Mpc^-1 for the Pantheon and Pantheon + sample respectively, this leads to uncertainties on H_0 that are significantly reduced compared to the ones reported in <cit.> and <cit.>. * Independently on the approach of the likelihood and correction for evolution, we can identify a specific trend when comparing the two cases with the inclusion of Pantheon and Pantheon + samples provided in Table <ref>. This trend has already been pointed out in <cit.> through a deep investigation of the assumptions on which the two releases rely. Indeed, as in their work, we find that the inclusion of SNe Ia from Pantheon results in Ω_M ∼ 0.3 and H_0 = 70 km s^-1 Mpc^-1, while considering the Pantheon + sample we obtain Ω_ M ∼ 0.36 and H_0 = 73 km s^-1 Mpc^-1. More precisely, the values we obtain for Ω_M and H_0 show a discrepancy always greater than 3 σ between the data sets with Pantheon and with Pantheon + SNe Ia, with the largest inconsistency being 10 σ in the H_0 value (see Table <ref>). As stressed in <cit.>, this difference can be ascribed to the a-priori assumption on M in Eq. (<ref>) for the two data sets. As already detailed in Section <ref>, <cit.> assumes M=-19.35 corresponding to H_0 = 70 km s^-1 Mpc^-1, while <cit.> uses M=-19.253 corresponding to H_0 = 73.04 km s^-1 Mpc^-1, as obtained in <cit.>. Since Ω_M and H_0 are related through Eq. (<ref>), an assumption on H_0 directly impacts the constraints on Ω_M. * Our best-fit results and the ones presented in <cit.> are completely compatible (see Table <ref>) even if we are adding GRBs, QSOs, and BAO. Indeed, GRBs and QSOs alone cannot constrain cosmological parameters, while BAO provide best-fit values of the cosmological parameters compatible in 1 σ with the ones of SNe Ia, but with larger uncertainties <cit.>, due to the few number of data. Thus, in our combination of four cosmological probes, SNe Ia play the leading role in the determination of Ω_M and H_0. * Similarly to <cit.>, we obtain ζ_P+∼ 3 when it is computed for the values obtained with Pantheon, and ζ_P ∼ 15 when calculated for the data set with Pantheon + SNe Ia, mainly due to the error on the reference value (i.e. 0.13) which is much lower than the errors of the other two H_0 reference values (i.e. 0.5 for ζ_CMB and 1.04 for ζ_P+). Concerning ζ_CMB, it is ∼ 5 and ∼ 10 when considering Pantheon and Pantheon + samples, respectively, since the H_0 obtained in <cit.> is less discrepant from the one in <cit.> compared to H_0 in <cit.>. In addition, we also stress that all our H_0 values are compatible with the one obtained in <cit.> from the TRGB, which is H_0=69.80 ± 1.60 km s^-1 Mpc^-1 when including systematic uncertainties. Specifically, the consistency is within 1 σ when considering the Pantheon SNe Ia, and within 2 σ when using the Pantheon + sample. * Comparing our results on Ω_M with Ω_M=0.315 ± 0.007 from <cit.>, Ω_M=0.298 ± 0.022 from <cit.>, and Ω_M=0.338 ± 0.018 from <cit.>, we find that our Ω_M values are always compatible within 3 σ with each of these values, with no dependence on the SNe Ia sample, likelihood, or correction for evolution considered. More specifically, if we use the Pantheon sample, the compatibility with Ω_M=0.315 ± 0.007 is within 1 σ with ℒ_Gaussian and within 2 σ with ℒ_new, while, using the Pantheon + sample, the difference increases to 2–3 σ for both likelihoods. Compared with Ω_M=0.298 ± 0.022, the consistency is within 1 σ for the case with Pantheon SNe Ia, and within 2 σ with Pantheon +. In relation to Ω_M=0.338 ± 0.018, both data sets show a 1–2 σ compatibility. * We explore the QSO role in the overall data set by comparing our results with the ones in <cit.>, in which the combination of the same samples of GRBs and BAO as in this work and SNe Ia from Pantheon is used to constrain Ω_M and H_0 both without correction for evolution and with a fixed correction. We find compatibility in 1 σ for the values of Ω_M and H_0. In addition, also the uncertainties on these parameters do not show any difference. This implies that QSOs are still too weak, mainly due to the intrinsic dispersion of the RL relation, to significantly contribute to constraining cosmological parameters, compared to the dominant power of SNe Ia and BAO. As a matter of fact, the same conclusion can be drawn for GRBs. Indeed, as shown in <cit.>, the inclusion of GRBs in the BAO + Pantheon SNe Ia data set does not impact the cosmological results, neither in the best-fit values nor in the associated uncertainties (see their Table 5). On the other hand, <cit.> proved that adding BAO to SNe Ia significantly reduces the uncertainties on these parameters, as already stressed above. Thus, in the total data set used in this work, BAO and SNe Ia play the primary role in constraining the cosmological parameters. The non-predominant role of QSOs and GRBs in our analysis is also the reason why different treatments for the evolution in redshift of their physical quantities do not affect the results, leading to best-fit values of Ω_M and H_0 compatible within 1 σ, independently on the likelihood and SNe Ia sample considered. Regarding the different approaches to treat the reshift evolution of QSOs and GRBs, we here also stress that we obtain completely consistent results both when using the functions k(Ω_M) and k as free parameters (see Figures <ref>, <ref>, and <ref>). Indeed, not only Ω_M and H_0 are compatible within less than 0.1 σ, but also the best-fits of k parameters are within less than 1 σ compared to the ones expected from k(Ω_M). This proves also the reliability of our method of varying evolution with the use of the functions k(Ω_M). Besides their secondary role in this analysis, GRBs and QSOs are still very promising cosmological tools. Indeed, as the methodology to standardize them as cosmological probes has been developed only very recently, they cannot be as powerful as the traditionally used probes. Nonetheless, they manifest an incredible potential to significantly contribute to the cosmological analysis. First, as high-z probes, they allow us to investigate a previously unexplored region in the Universe evolution, which is the one crucially needed to discern between predictions of different cosmological models, indistinguishable in low-z range of SNe Ia. Additionally, their power in constraining cosmological parameters shows significant margins of improvement under different points of view. We here list a few: an increase in the number of sources, new and higher-quality observations, a refining in the selection of the samples, that would lead to a reduced intrinsic dispersion of the Dainotti and RL relations (and thus to tighter constraints on cosmological parameters). Indeed, as already anticipated in <cit.> and <cit.>, the choice of a morphological well-behaved sample can lead to these probes as distance indicators and to reduced cosmological parameters uncertainties. Lastly, and very importantly new studies that can enhance further the understanding on their physical mechanisms and backgrounds will better validate their application in cosmology. § SUMMARY & CONCLUSIONS In this work, we have first performed a statistical investigation on BAO and the most updated cosmological samples of GRBs and QSOs to test if the commonly adopted approach to constrain cosmological parameters by using a Gaussian likelihood is actually legitimated. For GRBs and QSOs, we have also taken into account the evolution in redshift of the variables as done in <cit.> and <cit.>. Following the method applied to SNe Ia in <cit.>, we have employed several independent normality tests and fitted the Δ histograms to find the best-fit distribution. Indeed, when fitting cosmological models, the use of the best-fit likelihood function for each probe considered is crucial not only to build a cosmological likelihood that is statistically well-founded and justified, but also to obtain reliable and intrinsic results and the smallest uncertainties on cosmological parameters <cit.>. As a second step in our analysis, we have fitted the flat ΛCDM model with the combination of SNe Ia, GRBs, QSOs, and BAO considering both Pantheon and Pantheon + SNe Ia samples, applying different approaches to treat the redshift evolution for GRBs and QSOs, and leaving both Ω_M and H_0 as free parameters. This fit is performed with two different methods: using Gaussian likelihoods for all the probes (ℒ_Gaussian), as in the usual practise in the literature, and considering for each probe the new likelihoods uncovered in this work (ℒ_new). Surprisingly, the statistical investigation on the Gaussianity assumption has revealed that only GRBs obey a Gaussian distribution, while QSOs and BAO show a logistic and a Student's t distribution, respectively. Despite this unexpected result, this analysis is significantly relevant, because the Gaussianity requirement is not the only requirement to be considered in enlarging the current statistical samples and probes. Thus, the practise traditionally trusted in cosmological analyses and also future studies will have to be inspected carefully for new samples and probes. Concerning the fit of the flat ΛCDM model, we have shown that our cosmological results are not affected either by the approach used for the redshift evolution of GRBs and QSOs or by the choice of the likelihood. Indeed, in all the cosmological cases studied, the main role is played by SNe Ia and BAO. Indeed, SNe Ia are the leading probes that dominate above GRBs, QSOs, and BAO in driving the determination of Ω_M and H_0, as proved also by the analysis on the rescaling of M. On the other side, the inclusion of BAO represents the dominant factor in reducing the uncertainties on the cosmological parameters. Specifically, we have obtained very tight constraints, up to ΔΩ_M = 0.007 and Δ H_0 = 0.13. Our values of Ω_M are always compatible with the values from <cit.>, <cit.>, and <cit.>. Regarding H_0, our results are consistent with the value obtained from the TRGB, while they show a significant discrepancy from the value derived from the CMB. In conclusion, this work shows the importance of inspecting the Gaussianity assumption for all cosmological probes and future new samples in order to apply the most appropriate likelihood in constraining cosmological parameters. We have also clearly stressed that the cosmological results on Ω_M and H_0 obtained with SNe Ia are induced by the a-priori calibration imposed on them. Bearing this in mind, we have found compatibility between our H_0 values and the one from the TRGB, and between our Ω_M values and the ones from <cit.>, <cit.>, and <cit.>. Finally, we have also highlighted the relevance of the inclusion of GRBs and QSOs in cosmological studies and their bright potential in this field. Indeed, our study is motivated by the current need of cosmological probes at intermediate redshift between the one of SNe Ia and CMB, and, to this end, QSOs and GRBs represent the most promising sources to date. Thus, we have here proved their applicability in cosmological analyses when they are used jointly with more powerful and well-established probes, such as SNe Ia and BAO. We are not at the stage in which we expect QSOs or GRBs to play the leading role in constraining cosmological parameter. Nevertheless, we have shown how they can be implemented in the cosmological analysis to extend the redshift range up 7.5 without introducing additional uncertainties on the cosmological parameters. This is the first essential step to improve their use in cosmology. In this regard, <cit.> have already estimated the number of GRBs (and the time needed to observe them) to reach the same precision of Pantheon SNe Ia with GRBs. Similar efforts in determining a sub-sample of QSOs that even now provides constraints on Ω_M with a precision comparable with the one obtained from Pantheon + SNe Ia is underway. § ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study uses data supplied by SNe Ia GitHub repositories <https://github.com/dscolnic/Pantheon> and <https://github.com/PantheonPlusSH0ES>. GB acknowledges the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), sezione di Napoli, for supporting her visit at NAOJ. GB is grateful to be hosted by Division of Science. MGD acknowledges the Division of Science and NAOJ. SN acknowledges JSPS KAKENHI (A: 19H00693), Interdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences Program (iTHEMS), and the Pioneering Program of RIKEN for Evolution of Matter in the Universe (r-EMU). SC acknowledges Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), sezione di Napoli, iniziativa specifica QGSKY. This paper is partially based upon work from COST Action CA21136 Addressing observational tensions in cosmology with systematics and fundamental physics (CosmoVerse) supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). We are particularly grateful to H. Nomura for the discussion about the Gaussianity results on GRBs. We also acknowledge B. De Simone for his help in launching some of the notebooks to produce the results with the evolutionary parameters free to vary. § DATA AVAILABILITY The data underlying this article will be shared upon a reasonable request to the corresponding author. mnras
Frugal Computing -- On the need for low-carbon and sustainable computing and the path towards zero-carbon computing
[ "Wim Vanderbauwhede" ]
[ "cs.CY", "K.4.m" ]
General Boolean Formula Minimization with QBF SolversThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 860621 and the MICINN project PROOFS (PID2019-109137GB-C21). Eduardo Calò10000-0003-3881-8994 Jordi Levy20000-0001-5883-5746 ================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ The current emissions from computing are almost 4% of the world total. This is already more than emissions from the airline industry and are projected to rise steeply over the next two decades. By 2040 emissions from computing alone will account for more than half of the emissions budget to keep global warming below 1.5°C. Consequently, this growth in computing emissions is unsustainable. The emissions from production of computing devices exceed the emissions from operating them, so even if devices are more energy efficient producing more of them will make the emissions problem worse. Therefore we must extend the useful life of our computing devices. As a society we need to start treating computational resources as finite and precious, to be utilised only when necessary, and as effectively as possible. We need frugal computing: achieving our aims with less energy and material. defining-computational-resources § DEFINING COMPUTATIONAL RESOURCES Computational resources are all resources of energy and material that are involved in any given task that requires computing. For example, when you perform a web search on your phone or participate in a video conference on your laptop, the computational resources involved are those for production and running of your phone or laptop, the mobile network or WiFi you are connected to, the fixed network it connects to, the data centres that perform the search or video delivery operations. If you are a scientist running a simulator in a supercomputer, then the computational resources involved are your desktop computer, the network and the supercomputer. For an industrial process control system, it is the production and operation of the Programmable Logic Controllers, IoT devices etc. computational-resources-are-finite § COMPUTATIONAL RESOURCES ARE FINITE Since the start of general purpose computing in the 1970s, our society has been using increasing amounts of computational resources. For a long time the growth in computational capability as a function of device power consumption has literally been exponential, a trend expressed by https://www.britannica.com/technology/Moores-lawMoore's law. With this growth in computational capability, increasing use of computational resources has become pervasive in today's society. Until recently, the total energy budget and carbon footprint resulting from the use of computational resources has been small compared to the world total. As a result, computational resources have until recently effectively been treated as unlimited. Because of this, the economics of hardware and software development have been built on the assumption that with every generation, performance would double for free. Now, this unlimited growth is no longer sustainable because of a combination of technological limitations and the climate emergency. Therefore, we need to do more with less. Moore's law has effectively come to an end as integrated circuits can't be scaled down any more. As a result, the improvement in performance per Watt is slowing down continuously. On the other hand, the demand for computational resources is set to increase considerably. The consequence is that at least for the next decades, growth in demand for computational resources will not be offset by increased power efficiency. Therefore with business as usual, the total energy budget and carbon footprint resulting from the use of computational resources will grow dramatically to become a major contributor to the world total. Furthermore, the resources required to create the compute devices and infrastructure are also finite, and the total energy budget and carbon footprint of production of compute devices is huge. Moore's Law has conditioned us to doubling of performance ever two years, which has led to very short effective lifetimes of compute hardware. This rate of obsolescence of compute devices and software is entirely unsustainable. Therefore, as a society we need to start treating computational resources as finite and precious, to be utilised only when necessary, and as frugally as possible. And as computing scientists, we need to ensure that computing has the lowest possible energy consumption. And we should achieve this with the currently available technologies because the lifetimes of compute devices needs to be extended dramatically. I would like to call this “frugal computing”: achieving the same results for less energy by being more frugal with our computing resources. the-scale-of-the-problem § THE SCALE OF THE PROBLEM meeting-the-climate-targets §.§ Meeting the climate targets To limit global warming to 1.5°C, within the next decade a global reduction from 55 gigatonnes C_2 equivalent (GtCO_2e) by 32 GtCO_2e to 23 GtCO_2e per year is needed <cit.>. So by 2030 that would mean a necessary reduction in overall CO_2 emissions of more than 50%. By 2040, a further reduction to 13 GtCO_2e per year is necessary. According to the International Energy Agency <cit.>, emissions from electricity are currently estimated at about 10 GtCO_2e. The global proportion of electricity from renewables is projected to rise from the current figure of 22% to slightly more than 30% by 2040 <cit.>. A more optimistic scenario by the International Energy Agency <cit.> projects 70% of electricity from renewables, but even in that scenario, generation from fossil fuels reduces only slightly, so there is only a slight reduction in emissions as a result. In other words, we cannot count on renewables to eliminate CO_2 emissions from electricity in time to meet the climate targets. The same is true for nuclear, offsetting and CCS: they will all come too late. Reducing the energy consumption is the only option. emissions-from-consumption-of-computational-resources §.§ Emissions from consumption of computational resources The consequence of the end of Moore's law was expressed most dramatically in a 2015 report by the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) “Rebooting the IT Revolution: a call to action” <cit.>, which calculated that, based on projected growth rates and on the 2015 ITRS roadmap for CMOS chip engineering technologies <cit.> computing will not be sustainable by 2040, when the energy required for computing will exceed the estimated world's energy production. It must be noted that this is purely the energy of the computing device, as explained in the report. The energy required by e.g. the data centre infrastructure and the network is not included. The SIA has reiterated this in their 2020 “Decadal Plan for Semiconductors” <cit.>, although they have revised the projection based on a “market dynamics argument”: If the exponential growth in compute energy is left unchecked, market dynamics will limit the growth of the computational capacity which would cause a flattening out the energy curve. This is merely an acknowledgement of the reality that the world's energy production is not set to rise dramatically, and therefore increased demand will result in higher prices which will damp the demand. So computation is not actually going to exceed the world's energy production. Ever-rising energy demand for computing vs. global energy production is creating new risk, and new computing paradigms offer opportunities to dramatically improve energy efficiency. In the countries where most of the computational resources are consumed (US and EU), electricity production accounts currently for 25% of the total emissions <cit.>. According to the SIA's estimates, computation accounts currently for a little less than 10% of the total electricity production but is set to rise to about 30% by 2040. This would mean that, with business as usual, computational resources would be responsible for at least 10% of all global CO_2 emissions by 2040. The independent study “Assessing ICT global emissions footprint: Trends to 2040 & recommendations” <cit.> corroborates the SIA figures: they estimate the computing greenhouse gas emissions for 2020 between 3.0% and 3.5% of the total, which is a bit higher than the SIA estimate of 2.5% because it does take into account networks and datacentres. Their projection for 2040 is 14% rather than 10%, which means a growth of 4x rather than 3x. To put it in absolute values, based on the above estimate, by 2040 energy consumption of compute devices would be responsible for 5 GtCO_2e, whereas the target for world total emissions from all sources is 13 GtCO_2e. Other projections are of the same order, and the key message is that "computing’s carbon footprint growing at a rate unimaginable in other sectors." <cit.>. emissions-from-production-of-computational-resources §.§ Emissions from production of computational resources To make matters worse, the carbon emissions resulting from the production of computing devices exceeds those incurred during operation. This is a crucial point, because it means that we can't rely on next-generation hardware technologies to save energy: the production of this next generation of devices will create more emissions than any operational gains can offset. It does not mean research into more efficient technologies should stop. But their deployment cycles should be much slower. Extending the useful life of compute technologies must become our priority. The report about the cost of planned obsolescence by the European Environmental Bureau <cit.> makes the scale of the problem very clear. For laptops and similar computers, manufacturing, distribution and disposal account for 52% of their https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/earth-and-planetary-sciences/global-warming-potentialGlobal Warming Potential (i.e. the amount of CO_2-equivalent emissions caused). For mobile phones, this is 72%. The report calculates that the lifetime of these devices should be at least 25 years to limit their Global Warming Potential. Currently, for laptops it is about 5 years and for mobile phones 3 years. According to <cit.>, the typical lifetime for servers in data centres is also 3-5 years, which again falls short of these minimal requirements. According to this paper, the impact of manufacturing of the servers is 20% of the total, which would require an extension of the useful life to 11-18 years. the-total-emissions-cost-from-computing §.§ The total emissions cost from computing Taking into account the carbon cost of both operation and production, computing would be responsible for 10 GtCO_2e by 2040, almost 80% of the acceptable CO_2 emissions budget <cit.>, as illustrated in Fig. <ref>. a-breakdown-per-device-type §.§ A breakdown per device type To decide on the required actions to reduce emissions, it is important to look at the numbers of different types of devices and their energy usage. If we consider mobile phones as one category, laptops and desktops as another and servers as a third category, the questions are: how many devices are there in each category, and what is their energy consumption. The absolute numbers of devices in use are quite difficult to estimate, but the yearly sales figures <cit.> and estimates for the energy consumption for each category <cit.> are readily available from various sources. The tables below show the 2020 sales (Table <ref>) and yearly energy consumption estimates (Table <ref>) for each category of devices. A detailed analysis is presented in <cit.>. The energy consumption of all communication and computation technology currently in use in the world is currently around 3,000 TWh, about 11% of the world's electricity consumption, projected to rise by 3-4 times by 2040 with business as usual according to <cit.>. This is a conservative estimate: the study in <cit.> includes a worst-case projection of a rise to 30,000 TWh (exceeding the current world electricity consumption) by 2030. The above data make it clear which actions are necessary: the main carbon cost of phones, tablets and IoT devices is their production and the use of the mobile network, so we must extend their useful life very considerably and reduce network utilisation. Extending the life time is also the key action for datacentres and desktop computers, but their energy consumption also needs to be reduced considerably, as does the energy consumption of the wired, WiFi and mobile networks. a-vision-for-low-carbon-and-sustainable-computing § A VISION FOR LOW CARBON AND SUSTAINABLE COMPUTING It is clear that urgent action is needed: in less than two decades, the global use of computational resources needs to be transformed radically. Otherwise, the world will fail to meet its climate targets, even with significant reductions in other emission areas. The carbon cost of both production and operation of the devices must be considerably reduced. To use devices for longer, a change in business models as well as consumer attitudes is needed. This requires raising awareness and education but also providing incentives for behavioural change. And to support devices for a long time, an infrastructure for repair and maintenance is needed, with long-term availability of parts, open repair manuals and training. To make all this happen, economic incentives and policies will be needed (e.g. taxation, regulation). Therefore we need to convince key decision makers in society, politics and business. §.§ A vision for zero-carbon computing Imagine that we can extend the useful life of our devices and even increase their capabilities, purely through better computing science. With every improvement, the computational capacity will in effect increase without any increase in energy consumption. Meanwhile, we will develop the technologies for the next generation of devices, designed for energy efficiency as well as long life. Every subsequent cycle will last longer, until finally the world will have computing resources that last forever and hardly use any energy. research-challenges § RESEARCH CHALLENGES This is a very challenging vision, spanning all aspects of computing science. To name just a few of the challenges: cloud-computing §.§ Cloud computing Saving energy during operation, optimising for energy consumption (e.g. DVFS, accelerators, scheduling and placement), more energy-efficient software on all layers; better use of renewables through smarter scheduling. Increasing the useful life, e.g reliability monitoring and early-warning systems, degradation-aware operation ultra-hd-video-vrar §.§ Ultra-HD video & VR/AR Roll-out could lead to order of magnitude increases in video/3D traffic. To mitigate this, we need better compression (e.g. tailored, AI), local rendering (e.g. using FPGAs), better caching, energy-efficient edge computing iot §.§ IoT The projected growth in IoT devices is huge, resulting in huge increase in network traffic as well as in emissions from production. To mitigate this , we need to increase the device lifespan; reducing energy consumption helps primarily with this; and use edge computing to reduce network traffic. mobile-devices §.§ Mobile devices The projected growth in mobile devices is still very large, and current lifespans much too short. We mainly need longer-term software support, so better software engineering practices, in particular relating to security. Apps should be designed to minimise full-system energy consumption; user interfaces should nudge users towards energy efficient behaviour. research-directions § RESEARCH DIRECTIONS We can also consider the research directions that would contribute to this vision. Again, this is not a comprehensive list. As a necessary condition, our systems must be as energy-efficient and long-lived as possible. This requires advances in many areas: * Operating systems: energy-aware resource allocation and scheduling * Networking: Energy consumption as QoS criterion * Software engineering: better processes and sustainable practices will play a key role in extending lifetimes of systems. * Data centre/cloud: energy efficient heterogeneous systems, resource allocation, scheduling. Sustainable systems need to be data-driven. Large systems produce huge amounts of system data. Making sense of this data is crucial for whole-system energy optimisation. HCI has a key role to play in achieving low carbon computing * Make users aware of energy/carbon costs of their actions * Nudge user behaviour towards more sustainable practice * Human-computer interfaces influence both energy consumption and useful life of devices Finally, formal methods also have a key role to play in many aspects of low-carbon computing: * Programming languages need to become full-system energy aware. * Algorithms need to focus on minimising overall minimal energy consumption * Compilers need to compile for overall minimal energy consumption: not just CPU, also RAM, DMA, I/O wait etc; compilers need to be much better at selecting the right algorithms for given architectures, as algorithms strongly influence performance. § CONCLUSION My position on the direction computing should take is clear: we should reduce emissions from computing by using less energy and less materials. From the computing science perspective, this provides us with the challenges of radical optimisation of energy efficiency and useful life of our computing resources. And this change needs to happen within the next two decades. 10 key-1Rebooting the IT revolution: a call to action, https://www.semiconductors.org/resources/rebooting-the-it-revolution-a-call-to-action-2/Semiconductor Industry Association/Semiconductor Research Corporation, Sept 2015 key-2Full Report for the Decadal Plan for Semiconductors, https://www.src.org/about/decadal-plan/decadal-plan-full-report.pdfSemiconductor Industry Association/Semiconductor Research Corporation, Jan 2021 key-3Assessing ICT global emissions footprint: Trends to 2040 & recommendations, Lotfi Belkhir, Ahmed Elmeligi, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S095965261733233XJournal of Cleaner Production 177 (2018) 448–463 key-4Our House is on Fire: The Climate Emergency and Computing's Responsibility, B. Knowles, K. Widdicks, G. 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Robust Higher-Order Hamiltonian Engineering for Quantum Sensing with Strongly Interacting Systems
[ "Hengyun Zhou", "Leigh S. Martin", "Matthew Tyler", "Oksana Makarova", "Nathaniel Leitao", "Hongkun Park", "Mikhail D. Lukin" ]
[ "quant-ph", "cond-mat.dis-nn" ]
Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA Dynamical decoupling techniques constitute an integral part of many quantum sensing platforms, often leading to orders-of-magnitude improvements in coherence time and sensitivity. Most AC sensing sequences involve a periodic echo-like structure, in which the target signal is synchronized with the echo period. We show that for strongly interacting systems, this construction leads to a fundamental sensitivity limit associated with imperfect interaction decoupling. We present a simple physical picture demonstrating the origin of this limitation, and further formalize these considerations in terms of concise higher-order decoupling rules. We then show how these limitations can be surpassed by identifying a novel sequence building block, in which the signal period matches twice the echo period. Using these decoupling rules and the resulting sequence building block, we experimentally demonstrate significant improvements in dynamical decoupling timescales and magnetic field sensitivity, opening the door for new applications in quantum sensing and quantum many-body physics. Robust Higher-Order Hamiltonian Engineering for Quantum Sensing with Strongly Interacting Systems Hengyun Zhou^1, Leigh S. Martin^1, Matthew Tyler^1, Oksana Makarova^1,2, Nathaniel Leitao^1, Hongkun Park^1,3, Mikhail D. Lukin^1 March 30, 2023 ===================================================================================================================================== Introduction Quantum sensing utilizes quantum particles to probe the properties of the surrounding environment <cit.>. Recent advances in quantum sensing technologies have led to a host of new applications, including probes of magnetism in condensed matter systems <cit.>, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy on the nanoscale <cit.>, as well as in-vivo temperature sensing <cit.>. Key to unlocking new sensing applications is improvements in metrological sensitivity. A common way to achieve this is to utilize dynamical decoupling sequences <cit.>, such as XY-8 for non-interacting spins <cit.> or DROID-60 for interacting spin systems <cit.>. Such sequences typically consist of a train of spin echo pulses synchronized to the target AC field, as illustrated in Fig. <ref>, which help to isolate the spin system from environmental disorder and certain spin-spin interactions, while maintaining sensitivity to the target signal. While these techniques are already being actively used across a range of different experimental platforms, their ultimate performance and impact on quantum sensitivity limits are not yet fully understood. In this Letter, we identify a fundamental limitation associated with the interplay between interaction decoupling and sensing in existing pulse sequences, and propose and experimentally demonstrate a class of new pulse sequences that overcomes this limitation. More specifically, we show that the full synchronization of the sensing signal with a spin echo building block inevitably contradicts the cancellation of higher-order terms in the effective Hamiltonian, which leads to a fundamental limit on the performance of all existing pulse sequences. To circumvent this limitation, we develop a different paradigm for sensing, in which the target sensing signal period is synchronized with twice the spin echo period, allowing one to realize superior sensitivity in experiments. This is achieved by developing concise decoupling rules for higher-order contributions to the effective Hamiltonian (see Fig. <ref> for an example), and using them to efficiently screen through large design spaces of pulse sequences. This results in better pulse sequences for not only quantum sensing but also dynamical decoupling and Hamiltonian engineering, and we find significantly improved performance compared to the best known pulse sequences in the disorder-dominated regime of interacting spins <cit.>. Limits on AC quantum sensing based on conventional decoupling The key idea of this work can be understood by considering a disordered, interacting many-body spin system, with the Hamiltonian given by H =H_signal(t)+H_dis+H_drive(t)+H_int =B(t)∑_i S_i^z+∑_i h_i S_i^z+∑_i [Ω_x(t)S_i^x+Ω_y(t)S_i^y] + ∑_ij[J^I_ij S_i^zS_j^z + J^H_ij(S_i^xS_j^x+S_i^yS_j^y+S_i^zS_j^z)]. This general form encompasses many physical systems, including dipole-dipole interactions, Rydberg atoms, and superexchange-interacting spins. Here, S_i^x,y,z are spin-1/2 operators, B(t) is the time-dependent sensing target field, h_i is the on-site disorder strength for spin i, Ω_x(t), Ω_y(t) are time-dependent global Rabi drive strengths for the pulse sequence, J_ij^I, J_ij^H are the Ising and Heisenberg interaction strengths between spins i, j. The task of quantum sensing with such an interacting quantum many-body system involves the dual challenge of * Decoupling strong disorder and interactions as much as possible, * Maintaining maximal sensitivity to the target sensing field under these constraints. In the interaction picture with respect to the applied drive pulses {P_k}, due to the secular nature of the Hamiltonian <cit.>, the Hamiltonian can be expressed purely in terms of a polynomial of the transformed S^z operator (the “frame") at a given time, i.e. H̃(t) =H̃(S̃^z(t)), S̃^z(t) =(P_k-1⋯ P_1)^† S^z (P_k-1⋯P_1)=∑_μ F_μ,kS^μ, where the time t is in between the (k-1)-th and k-th pulse. For pulse sequences composed of π/2 and π pulses, we denote these “toggling frame” transformations <cit.> pictorially in Fig. <ref>, where a yellow/green block in row μ=x,y,z, column k signifies F_μ,k=+1 or -1 respectively. Utilizing this representation, we now show that the conventional way of synchronizing the period of the sensing field with the spin echo period necessarily leads to residual first-order terms in the effective Hamiltonian that, in turn, limit the sensing performance. These residual terms can be visualized by the “red dipoles" in Fig. <ref>(a) for the existing sequence DROID-60, which point from a green block (-1) to a yellow block (+1), and by necessity do not cancel. Such terms, present in most currently known AC sensing pulse sequences, result in a fundamental limitation for the sensing protocol. To understand how these terms arise, we make use of the Magnus expansion <cit.>, which expresses the effective Hamiltonian over one Floquet period T of the pulse sequence as a series summation, with the leading order terms being H^(0) =1/T∫_0^T H̃(t_1)dt_1, H^(1) =-i/2T∫_0^T dt_1∫_0^t_1dt_2[H̃(t_1),H̃(t_2)]. The zeroth-order contribution Eq. (<ref>) naturally suggests a spin echo structure, since disorder is cancelled when ∑_k F_μ,k=0 for each μ∈{x,y,z}, such that the positive and negative disorder contributions along each axis balance each other out. This condition can be interpreted by associating, for each axis μ, a positive charge to a yellow block (+1) and a negative charge to a green block (-1). To cancel disorder, the sum of charges along each axis must be 0. Generalizing this analysis to higher-order terms (see Ref. <cit.> for more details), we focus on one particular first-order term in Eq. (<ref>), involving a commutator between on-site disorder and Heisenberg interactions. Under pulse transformations, the disorder term transforms linearly with F_μ,k, while the Heisenberg term is invariant. Consequently, assuming ideal pulses, we find H_dis,Heis^(1) =-i/2T∑_μ,k(t_k-T/2)τ_k F_μ,k∑_i,j,l[h_i S_i^μ,J_jl^HS⃗_j·S⃗_l], where t_k and τ_k are the center time and duration of the k-th free evolution period, respectively. Focusing on the frame-dependent coefficients, we find that the contribution is H_dis,Heis,μ^(1)∝∑_k (t_k-T/2) τ_k F_μ,k. Eq. (<ref>) describes a sum of dipole moments, since it is the charge τ_k F_μ,k multiplied by the position t_k-T/2. Thus, we conclude that cancelling the first order cross-term between disorder and Heisenberg interactions requires the sum of dipoles along each axis to cancel. In light of this interpretation, we can re-examine the pulse sequences previously used for AC field sensing. In Fig. <ref>(a), we show the recently-developed sequence for interacting spin systems <cit.>, DROID-60, and how its frames and target AC field are synchronized. As one can see, the spins flip with the same periodicity as the external magnetic field, and the frames along each axis are always paired up to echo out disorder effects as rapidly as possible. This immediately implies that for a given axis, the dipoles are always oriented in the same direction in order for the phase accumulation to coherently add, see the red arrows in Fig. <ref>(a). Thus, with these pulse sequence structures, maintaining AC field sensitivity always comes at the expense of introducing first order imperfections, which will directly affect the coherence time and subsequently the sensitivity of the sequence. Systematic Higher-Order Sequence Design To overcome this conflict, we start by systematically incorporating higher-order decoupling conditions (see Ref. <cit.> for a full derivation) into sequence design, resulting in dynamical decoupling sequences with much better coherence properties, but are not yet compatible with sensing. We will then present a novel sequence building block (Fig. <ref>(b)) that respects the sensing constraints, which allows us to obtain maximal sensitivity to the target sensing field while retaining higher-order decoupling performance. We focus on the regime where the on-site disorder is dominant over spin-spin interactions, as is typically the case for electronic spin ensembles <cit.>. We numerically simulate the performance of dynamical decoupling pulse sequences designed with different numbers of decoupling rules imposed, using parameters drawn from the experimental system in Ref. <cit.>. We simulate the decay of a polarized initial state along x̂, ŷ or ẑ after different numbers of repetitions of the full pulse sequence. The fitted characteristic decay timescales after subtracting out any long-time plateaus (for example, due to residual disorder pinning) are histogrammed in Fig. <ref>(a) for different sequence design methods, highlighting the progressive improvement in performance as higher-order terms are included. We start by randomly generating pulse sequences with 24 free evolution frames, where all zeroth-order robust Hamiltonian engineering rules (see Ref. <cit.>) have been included, but no higher-order rules, as illustrated by the blue bars in Fig. <ref>(a), resulting in a typical decay timescale on the order of 5 μs. Next, we enforce that various higher-order terms are zero (see Ref. <cit.>), with the most crucial ones being first-order cross-terms between disorder and Heisenberg interactions (the “dipole rule" described above), as well as second-order terms originating purely from disorder. This significantly reduces the sequence search space, allowing us to exhaustively search through pulse sequences up to length 24. This extends the decay time out to the orange bars. Crucially, it removes the sequences that had relatively short decay times, revealing the longer lived ones. Finally, we apply a further layer of symmetrization to the pulse sequence, where the frame ordering is reversed and sign flipped in the second half of the sequence. This further improves the decay times, as seen in the yellow distribution of Fig. <ref>(a), with a long tail extending to the right. The longer timescales also imply that certain higher-order imperfections that may be dominant when performing general Hamiltonian engineering are also systematically removed. In the inset of Fig. <ref>(a), we show a direct comparison between the previous best sequence in this parameter regime, DROID-60 <cit.>, designed with zeroth-order rules and the same symmetrization methods, and a new sequence DROID-R2D2 (Disorder RObust Interaction Decoupling - Robust To Disorder 2nd order) that accounts for higher-order rules. As one can see, the best symmetrized higher-order pulse sequences show almost an order of magnitude improvement in decay time compared to prior sequences that only include zeroth-order terms (for the simulation parameters mentioned above, DROID-R2D2 has 1/e decay time 390 μs, compared to 64 μs for DROID-60). This highlights the power of systematically including higher-order rules in the sequence design. Surpassing the AC Sensing Limit with Higher-Order Sequence Design Although incorporating higher-order decoupling conditions improves coherence times for dynamical decoupling, it does not fully overcome the conflict between sensing and interaction decoupling. This is because as described above, when the spins flip with the same periodicity as the magnetic field, maintaining AC field sensitivity always results in residual first-order imperfections in the form of “dipole-rule" violations in Eq. (<ref>). To address this challenge, we devise a new strategy for the design of AC sensing pulse sequences that overcomes this conflict between sensing and decoupling. Instead of requiring the frame flips to be commensurate with the AC signal, the key idea is to design the frame flips to be at twice the rate of the AC signal. By moving between frames on different axes, it is possible to continue to coherently accumulate phase for interaction-decoupling AC sensing sequences in this case. Fig. <ref>(b) illustrates a representative sequence designed in this way, which we name DIRAC2 (DIsorder Robust AC sensing of period 2). In this sequence, the yellow and green blocks for the frame matrix are lined up with positive and negative values of the target AC signal, respectively, indicating coherent phase addition and maximal sensitivity. In addition, the dipoles along each axis cancel each other out, indicating that first-order disorder-Heisenberg interaction cross-terms mentioned in Eq. (<ref>) are fully suppressed. Moreover, the faster flipping rate of the frames relative to the AC signal has the added benefit that for the same target signal, this pulse sequence is more effective in decoupling time-varying noise, which can lead to further performance improvements. Finally, this sequence also incorporates a number of other higher-order considerations and symmetrizations described in the previous section to further boost performance. Indeed, in Fig. <ref>(b), we simulate the performance of different decoupling sequences with the same parameters as the preceding section, where we find that DIRAC2 can outperform the best known decoupling sequences for interacting spin ensembles (DROID-60) by an order of magnitude. Experimental Performance of Higher-Order Sequences To verify the performance of our new methods, we experimentally implement these decoupling and sensing sequences in a high-density ensemble of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond, see Ref. <cit.> for more details of the experimental system. First, we compare the performance of our new dynamical decoupling sequence DROID-R2D2 against the previous best sequence DROID-60 in Fig. <ref>(a), where we prepare an x̂ initial state, decouple with either the DROID-60 or DROID-R2D2 sequence for a period of time, and measure the final polarization along the x̂ axis. The total measurement window is held constant to normalize out charge dynamics and T_1 decay effects, and focus on decoupling performance. The higher-order sequence DROID-R2D2 that we design here considerably outperforms the best known sequence DROID-60 (15 μs vs. 9 μs), although technical imperfections still limit the achievable coherence times to be shorter than simulations for both sequences. Having shown that higher-order sequence design improves dynamical decoupling, let us now compare the performance of different sensing sequences. For the comparison, we choose a target signal frequency of (2π)× 7 MHz, a π pulse time of 10 ns, and a free evolution time τ=61 ns for XY-8, DROID-60, τ=25 ns for DIRAC2, in order to synchronize the sequence and sensing signal. In Fig. <ref>(b), we show the inverse sensitivity (the higher the better) for each of the sequences, as a function of the total phase accumulation time. The sensitivities under optimal measurement conditions in this sample, i.e. the highest point on each curve, were η_XY-8=151± 2 nT/√(Hz) for the XY-8 sequence, η_DROID=90± 2 nT/√(Hz) for the DROID-60 sequence, and η_DIRAC=58± 4 nT/√(Hz) for the DIRAC2 sequence. Thus, while DROID-60 outperforms the non-interacting sensing sequence XY-8, DIRAC2 achieves yet another significant improvement over DROID-60, achieving close to a factor of 3 improvement in sensitivity over the conventional sensing sequence XY-8. This is because the combination of suppressed higher-order terms and faster decoupling results in longer coherence times, while maintaining a similar rotation rate under the target field. Discussions and Outlook In this work, we identified a key limitation of existing pulse sequences for dynamical-decoupling-based quantum sensing, and devised a novel higher-order Hamiltonian engineering method to overcome these limitations. We implemented these sequences experimentally, resulting in significant improvements in AC magnetic field sensitivities using these techniques. These gains in sensitivity can be immediately translated to nanoscale NMR experiments, as recently demonstrated with DROID-60 in Ref. <cit.>. In addition to extending coherence times for sensing sequences, these techniques are also important in extending coherence times for dynamical decoupling and removing systematic artifacts when engineering desired target many-body Hamiltonians <cit.>. The analytical insights developed here provide simple geometric intuitions for various higher-order decoupling rules, which significantly simplify the design and optimization process. We expect that our techniques can be readily extended to even higher-order contributions. Moreover, it will also be interesting to explore the application of these ideas to spin systems in other parameter regimes, such as Rydberg atoms <cit.>, nuclear magnetic resonance <cit.>, and trapped ions <cit.>, or higher spin systems <cit.>. Finally, our results provide an important tool for the reliable engineering of many-body Hamiltonians, free of higher-order artifacts, opening the door to exploration of exotic driven phases of matter and creation of entangled quantum states for quantum metrology <cit.>. Acknowledgements We thank J. Choi, H. Gao, N. Maskara for helpful discussions. This work was supported in part by CUA, ARO MURI, DARPA DRINQS, Moore Foundation GBMF-4306, NSF PHY-1506284.
The challenge of representation learning: Improved accuracy in deep vision models does not come with better predictions of perceptual similarity
[ "Fritz Günther", "Marco Marelli", "Marco Alessandro Petilli" ]
[ "cs.CV" ]
The challenge of representation learning: Improved accuracy in deep vision models does not come with better predictions of perceptual similarity Fritz Günther Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Unter den Linden 6, 10117 Berlin, Germany fritz.guenther@hu-berlin.de Marco Marelli University of Milano-Bicocca Piazza dell'Ateneo Nuovo 1, 20126 Milano, Italy marco.marelli@unimib.it Marco Alessandro Petilli University of Milano-Bicocca Piazza dell'Ateneo Nuovo 1, 20126 Milano, Italy marco.petilli@unimib.it March 30, 2023 ====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== empty Over the last years, advancements in deep learning models for computer vision have led to a dramatic improvement in their image classification accuracy. However, models with a higher accuracy in the task they were trained on do not necessarily develop better image representations that allow them to also perform better in other tasks they were not trained on. In order to investigate the representation learning capabilities of prominent high-performing computer vision models, we investigated how well they capture various indices of perceptual similarity from large-scale behavioral datasets. We find that higher image classification accuracy rates are not associated with a better performance on these datasets, and in fact we observe no improvement in performance since GoogLeNet (released 2015) and VGG-M (released 2014). We speculate that more accurate classification may result from hyper-engineering towards very fine-grained distinctions between highly similar classes, which does not incentivize the models to capture overall perceptual similarities. § INTRODUCTION Over the last decade, following the seminal work by Krizhevsky, Sutskever, and Hinton <cit.>, computer vision models based on deep neural network architectures have become increasingly powerful, and nowadays achieve very high levels of performance <cit.>. This performance is typically assessed on the very task used in model training, most often as the accuracy in image classification (using measures such as top-1 error or top-5 error <cit.>). As these models achieve higher and higher performance in such scenarios, they also tend to become increasingly sophisticated and complex in terms of model architecture and the numbers of parameters to be estimated. However, this additional complexity does not necessarily imply that these models generally perform better, also on domains they are not trained on: such an approach runs the risk of having systems that are over-optimized for a particular (set of) tasks, without gaining much in terms of transfer and generalizability <cit.>. These aspects play an important role in machine learning, often discussed under the label of representation learning <cit.>). However, the point is even more relevant when these systems are used as general-level vision models for research purposes. In that respect, an emerging line of research in the domains of computational neuroscience and cognitive science has started to investigate and employ computer vision models (originally designed and trained for image classification) as models for human visual representation and processing, with very promising results from recent studies <cit.>. These works also provide us with rich, large-scale datasets of human behavioral data that allow us to investigate to which extent current computer-vision models can serve as general-level vision models, with much wider scientific applications than being pure image classifiers <cit.>. Following these developments, in the present study, we will systematically examine which models perform best when tested against a battery of behavioral datasets, and if such models also turn out to be the most complex and best-performing image classifiers. § RELATED WORK In the development of language models, human behavioral data have long been established as a gold standard for model evaluation (e.g. <cit.>). The most prominent example are ratings of word similarity, with widely-used datasets such as WordSim353 <cit.>, SimLex999 <cit.>, or MEN <cit.>. Analogously, ratings of image similarity are widely employed to evaluate and compare the performance of computer vision models. This includes pairs of different naturalistic images <cit.>, as well as comparisons between real images and their distorted versions <cit.>. In a recent study, Roads and Love collected similarity ratings for a very large collection of 50,000 ImageNet images, which were not only used for evaluation but also to enrich computer vision with participant-sourced information <cit.>. More recently, Günther al al. <cit.> released a collection of several large-scale data sets, comprising rating data as well as on-line processing data in the form of response times, which were used to evaluate a VGG-based vision model <cit.>. These will constitute the gold standard datasets for our present study, where we systematically evaluate the performance of a wide range of models against data that are cognitively relevant, but relatively atypical for the computer vision domain, and far from the tasks on which systems are typically optimized. § DATASETS We considered the following metrics (see <cit.> for detailed descriptions of the data collection procedures): * Ratings of * image similarity [IMG] for 3,000 pairs of naturalistic ImageNet images. Data were collected from 480 participants, with 30 observations per image pair. * visual word similarity [WORD] for 3,000 word pairs (image labels of the aforementioned 3,000 image pairs), where participants were asked to judge how similar of the objects denoted by the words (i.e., the word referents) look like. Thus, unlike other word-based ratings, <cit.>, these data focus on the visual domain. Data were collected from 480 participants, with 30 observations per word pair. * typicality ratings [TYP] for 7,500 word-image pairs (1,500 sets of image labels and five images tagged with that label), where participants were asked to indicate the most and least typical image for the category denoted by the presented label. Data were collected from 902 participants, with 30 observations per word-image pair. All ratings were collected using the best-worst method <cit.>, so participants were always presented with a set of stimuli and asked to pick the most and least relevant for the given task. Responses were then scored on a continuous scale using the Value learning algorithm <cit.>. As a result, the datasets contain exactly one rating score between 0 (completely dissimilar) and 1 (identical) for each word pair in the WORD dataset and each image pair in the IMG dataset, and one score between 0 (very atypical) and 1 (very typical) for each word-image pair in the TYP dataset. Examples for items with very high and very low ratings are presented in Figure <ref> * Processing time data * discrimination task [DIS] for the same 3,000 image pairs of the IMG dataset. In a discrimination task, two stimuli (here: images) are presented in very rapid succession, and participants have to indicate whether they are identical or different by pressing one of two buttons (see Figure <ref>, upper panel for a schematic representation of an experimental trial). Responses are typically slower for more visually similar stimuli, which are harder to discriminate from the actual stimulus. Data were collected from 750 participants, with 30 observations per image pair. * priming task [PRIM] for the same 3,000 image pairs of the IMG and DIS datasets. In a priming task, two stimuli (here: images) are presented in quick succession, and participants have to perform a task on the second image only (here: judge whether a real or scrambled image has been presented by pressing one of two buttons); see Figure <ref>, lower panel for a schematic representation of an experimental trial. Responses are typically faster when the stimulus was preceded by a more visually similar stimulus, which primes (= facilitates processing of) the target. Data were collected from 750 participants, with 30 observations per image pair. The target variable in these processing time studies is the mean response time for each image pair, after removing erroneous trials and outliers with far too slow or fast responses. All datasets are publicly available in an OSF repository associated to the original study <cit.> at <https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/QVW9C>. § VISION MODELS §.§ Models employed For this study, we considered all pre-trained vision models available in the MatConvNet <cit.> and Deep Learning Toolbox (<https://github.com/matlab-deep-learning/MATLAB-Deep-Learning-Model-Hub>) packages for MATLAB. A full list of models is provided in Table <ref>. §.§ General setup: Image and prototype representations In line with previous studies <cit.>, we extracted the activation values in each convolutional and fully-connected layer of a model for a given input image (i.e., image embeddings) as representations for that image. In addition, we constructed prototype vectors for image labels as the centroid of 100–200 image embeddings of images tagged with that label (using the very same method presented in <cit.>). For each image label, we obtain such a prototype representation for each layer of each considered model. We used the cosine similarity metric to compute similarities between these image embeddings (at the same layer of the same model). In this manner, we can obtain a metric for the similarity between two individual images (for the IMG, DIS and PRIM datasets), the overall visual similarity between two categories denoted by their respective image labels (for the WORD dataset), and the similarity between an individual image and its category (for the TYP dataset) at each layer for each model. § RESULTS Since relations between the model-derived similarities and the behavioral outcome variables are mostly non-linear <cit.>, performance was assessed using Spearman rank correlations. All predictors (i.e., similarities based on each layer of each model) were ranked in terms of performance on each behavioral dataset, and these ranks were used to calculate three general-level evaluation metrics: * The rating performance as the mean rank across the three rating datasets (IMG, WORD, and TYP) * The processing time performance as the mean rank across the two processing-time datasets (DIS and PRIM) * The overall performance as the mean rank across all behavioral datasets (compare <cit.>) The results for the best-performing layers for each evaluation metric are displayed in Table <ref>. We include the best-performing layer in the paper by Günther et al. <cit.> (VGG-F, fully-connected layer 6) as a reference condition. Note that, for the PRIM dataset, participants tend to respond faster (that is, lower response times) if the two images are more similar; therefore, the target metric here is a more negative correlation. As can be seen in Table <ref>, the overall best-performing representations (i.e., the model estimates that are most associated with behavioral variables) are provided by the GoogLeNet model, more specifically one of the representations in the 5th layer of the model (5a_3x3_reduce). These representations are also best-performing when it comes to predicting the arguably most fundamental types of behavioral data, similarity judgments within a given modality (i.e., between two different images [IMG] and between two different categories [WORD]). Focusing only on the explicit rating data ([IMG], [WORD], and [TYP]), the best-performing representations are provided by the 7th layer (a fully-connected layer) of the VGG-M-1024 variant, closely followed by the same layer of the VGG-M-2048 variant. Although these perform slightly worse for the [IMG] dataset than the best-performing GoogLeNet layer (and very marginally worse for the [WORD] dataset), they make up for this with a near top-level performance in the [TYP] dataset (with the 50th convolutional layer of the DarkNet-53 model as the top-performer). However, these models fall behind a mean rank of 240 for the processing time data. When focusing only on the processing time data ([DIS] and [PRIM]), the 6th layer (again, a fully-connected layer) of the VGG-M model (standard variant) performs best, with near top-level performance in both individual datasets (those top-performers being a layer of the EfficientNet B2 model and of the ResNet-50 model, respectively). However, conversely to the 7th layers in the VGG-M-1024 and VGG-M-2048 variants, these representations in turn fall behind for the rating data, with a mean rank of 157. §.§ Comparison with model characteristics In an additional step, we assessed the relation between the characteristics of a model (more specifically, their number of parameters and their top-1 classification accuracy <cit.>; see Table <ref>) and its performance on the behavioral datasets tested here. To this end, we equated the overall model performance with the performance of its best-performing layer, as measured by the mean rank. We estimated two separate non-linear statistical models (GAMs; <cit.>), modelling mean rank as a function of model accuracy and number of parameters, the results of which are depicted in Figure <ref>. Note that a lower mean rank indicates better performance. As can be seen in these plots, medium levels of classification accuracy tend to be associated with better performance against behavioral data (with two local minima around 65% and around 75%). Regarding the number of parameters, either very low or very high numbers tend to be associated with better model performance; however, a closer inspection of the individual data points indicates that the best-performing models all have a rather low number of parameters. § DISCUSSION §.§ Implications of the results In the present study, we investigated which representations obtained from different computer-vision models best predict a battery of five large-scale behavioral datasets, including both rating data and processing time data. We find that the overall best-performing models are in fact quite “old” models, given the pace of the research cycle within the field: A layer of the GoogLeNet model (published 2015, <cit.>) displays the overall highest performance across all five datasets, and different layers (of different variants) of the VGG-M model (published 2014, <cit.>) display the best overall performance for the rating data and processing time data, respectively. Note that the differences in performance between the individual representations are meaningful and not trivial: For example, the difference in performance for the [IMG] dataset between the overall best GoogLeNet layer (0.774) and the overall second-best DarkNet-19 layer (0.740) is already more than three percentage points. Over the last years, a lot of effort has gone into developing systems with ever better performance than these “older” models. With respect to the task these models are designed for – most prominently, image classification – this effort has reached impressive successes: As can be seen in Table <ref>, the top-1 accuracy for the ILSVRC 2012 validation data <cit.> has increased dramatically, from around 60% in 2014/2015 to around 80%. In comparison, GoogLeNet (66.3 %) and especially VGG-M (around 60 % for all variants) definitely fall on the lower end of this scale. This however reveals an interesting rift opening with respect to model performance: Even though more recent models get better and better on their target tasks, this improvement in classification accuracy does not go along with improvements in predicting other types of data (in fact the contrary, compare Figure <ref>, upper panel). This is not to say that more recent models show low performance on this type of data: Representations from recent models and highly accurate models like DarkNet-19 <cit.> are among the best-performing representations available. The critical point however still remains that the strong improvement in classification accuracy has not been accompanied by an improvement in predicting other types of data. On the other hand, we find no clear connection between model complexity and top performance in the behavioral dataset: The GoogLeNet model is relatively small in terms of parameters (7 mio.) and comes with an intermediate number of layers (22), while the VGG-M models are quite large (around 90 to 100 mio. parameters) but have only a few layers (8). Therefore, one can neither conclude that a model needs to be very large and complex for top-level performance on behavioral data (consider especially the better performance of the VGG-M model vis-à-vis the conceptually and architecturally similar VGG-16 and VGG-19 models), nor that it needs to be particularly small and efficient (compare also Figure <ref>, lower panel). At this point, we can only speculate why more recent and more classification-accurate models don't perform better in accounting for behavioral data. One possible explanation may be that the models are optimized to predict a very specific image class, and only exact matches as a hit when calculating accuracy – with the mis-classification of a spotted salamander as a European fire salamander treated as a miss in the same way a mis-classification as a toaster is. This may lead the models to weight relatively specific details to a similar or maybe even larger degree than the overall structure/“gestalt” of the depicted object. Human judgments and responses, on the other hand, are more driven by these general-level similarities (e.g. <cit.>) rather than details (even if those are very informative for classification); this might lead to the observed discrepancy between classification accuracy and performance on behavioral datasets. However, we want to stress again that this is speculation on an open question, and more research is necessary to properly investigate and explain this discrepancy. §.§ Limitations and future directions At this point, we need to emphasize that all the issues discussed so far are based on the results of our evaluation, and therefore necessarily restricted to the models analysed here. However, there may well be models we did not consider here which contradict our findings (i.e., a high-accuracy model that simultaneously has a higher performance on behavioral data than the best-performing models identified here). In fact, in the context of successful transfer learning, we would consider this highly desirable, and hope that our study can give an impetus to systematically consider behavioral data in the search for an overall well-performing model. While one may dismiss the behavioral data analysed here as not relevant for evaluating the performance of computer vision models, we argue that at the very least recognizing which images are more or less similar to one another should be considered one of the core prerequisites for a general-level vision model, analogous to semantic models predicting semantic similarity and relatedness data in the NLP domain <cit.>. In general, a desirable direction for future work in the field would be to develop general-level models that do not only excel in one particular task, but perform well across a range of different tasks. Ideally, in the spirit of successful transfer learning, this would not simply mean optimizing a single model for a range of different tasks, but instead testing such a model on a battery of tasks it was not optimized for <cit.>. Following up on our suspicion that the lack of improvement in representation learning could be the result of hyper-engineering to distinguish very specific (and somewhat arbitrary) categories, we speculate that possible routes of advancement to achieve models representations that better capture a general similarity structure could be as follows: On the one hand, the training objective of the models could be altered to not only consider exact hits among a set of candidate categories, but to also partially reward close hits, for example based on their word embedding similarity or their WordNet distance to the correct target (thus rewarding the classification of a poodle as a dalmatian or as a dog more than as a Persian cat, and that more than as a pillow; see also <cit.>). On the other hand, the training sets of the models could be altered to more closely approximate human visual experience rather than over-representing certain categories <cit.>, or to include more than one correct label per image <cit.>. We argue that such developments would be interesting from an engineering/transfer learning viewpoint (since a successful general-level model could be applied to new tasks that it was not originally optimized for), but also for the application of such systems as models of human visual representations in cognitive (neuro)science. § DATA AVAILABILITY Data and the analysis script for this study are available at <https://osf.io/sx5u3/?view_only=09c05b84a52246d5b8b061cbbee10350>. ieee_fullname
Sparse Higher Order Čech Filtrations
[ "Mickaël Buchet", "Bianca B. Dornelas", "Michael Kerber" ]
[ "cs.CG", "math.AT" ]
arrows,automata,positioning, shapes, shapes.geometric, arrows.meta, calc,decorations.pathreplacing,decorations.markings,arrows.meta, patterns,backgrounds,intersections
Contextually-rich human affect perception using multimodal scene information
[ "Digbalay Bose", "Rajat Hebbar", "Krishna Somandepalli", "Shrikanth Narayanan" ]
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI", "cs.CL" ]
Effects of Nb Doping on the Charge-Density Wave and Electronic Correlations in the Kagome Metal Cs(V_1-xNb_x)_3Sb_5 Hai-Hu Wen March 30, 2023 =================================================================================================================== †The work was done while the author was at USCfootnote The process of human affect understanding involves the ability to infer person specific emotional states from various sources including images, speech, and language. Affect perception from images has predominantly focused on expressions extracted from salient face crops. However, emotions perceived by humans rely on multiple contextual cues including social settings, foreground interactions, and ambient visual scenes. In this work, we leverage pretrained vision-language (VLN) models to extract descriptions of foreground context from images. Further, we propose a multimodal context fusion (MCF) module to combine foreground cues with the visual scene and person-based contextual information for emotion prediction. We show the effectiveness of our proposed modular design on two datasets associated with natural scenes and TV shows. Emotion recognition, Context understanding, Multimedia, Multimodal vision-language pretrained models, Multimodal interaction modeling § INTRODUCTION There has been increased interest in understanding the affective processes associated with various facets of human emotions <cit.>. An integral part of affective understanding is the ability to infer expressions of human emotions from various sources like images <cit.>, speech <cit.> and language use. Affect recognition systems have enabled multiple human-centered applications, notably in healthcare (depression detection <cit.>, autism-spectrum diagnosis <cit.>) and learning <cit.>. Affect recognition from images has largely focused on facial expressions <cit.> along a fixed set of categories. Moreover, facial expression based methods typically consider crops of a single face, which might provide ambiguous signals for classifying perceived emotions. Emotion perception in humans typically relies on multimodal behavioral cues, that go beyond facial expressions, such as voice and language <cit.>. However, are there additional contextual cues beyond behavioral expressions, such as of face and language, that mediate human emotion perception? Studies have shown that contextual information including the social setting, interaction type, and ambient location can play a key role <cit.>. Context in images is driven by visual scenes <cit.> or specific locations such as outdoor, indoor, kitchen, living room etc and the interactions between the various entities in the scene. An example is shown in Fig.<ref> with respect to both (a) positive and (b) negative emotions. In Fig.<ref> (a), the face crop provides a negative signal whereas the overall scene including the generated caption from a pretrained vision-language model OFA <cit.> indicates a positive event associated with the person. In Fig. <ref>(b), while the face crop provides a noisy, incomplete signal for perceiving the expressed emotional state, the overall context of the visual scene plus its descriptive caption indicates the distressing situation associated with street flooding. Recent advances in multimodal vision-language (VLN) pretraining <cit.> has resulted in task-agnostic transformer-based models that can be used for variety of tasks such as image captioning and visual question answering. In this work, we employ the pretrained VLN models as experts for describing foreground context in terms of captions. Further we consider contextual information in terms of the individual persons (whole-body appearance or face) and the visual scenes. In order to effectively leverage multiple contextual sources we propose attention-based multimodal context fusion (MCF) module to predict both discrete emotion labels and continuous-valued arousal, valence and dominance values. We show the effectiveness of our methods on two publicly available datasets: EMOTIC <cit.> (natural scenes) and CAER-S <cit.>(TV shows). Code:https://github.com/usc-sail/mica-context-emotion-recognition § RELATED WORK Context in Emotion Perception: The role of context extraneous to a person (beyond their traits and behavior) in the perception of their expressed emotion has been studied from the perspective of scenes <cit.>, and cultures <cit.>. In <cit.>, the perceivable-encoding context and the prior knowledge available with the perceivers are reported as the major sources of context for influencing emotion perception. Situational context like reactions from other people has been considered in <cit.> as a means to decode emotional states of persons in consideration. Context-based image datasets: Image-based emotion recognition datasets like AffectNet <cit.>, FER <cit.>, DFEW <cit.> primarily focus on signals encoded in facial expressions. Since emotion perception depends on where the facial configuration is present, datasets like EMOTIC <cit.> and CAER <cit.> have been proposed to incorporate contextual information in terms of visual scenes and social interactions. In the case of EMOTIC, annotators have marked person instances in unconstrained environments with apparent emotional states based on the existing scene context. However, the annotation process in CAER revolves around TV shows with primary focus on interactions-driven context. Context modeling approaches: <cit.> explore context modeling in terms of dual stream models for processing body and whole image streams. <cit.> also uses a dual stream network with context stream, modeled using an affective graph composed of region proposals.<cit.> uses depth and pose as additional contextual signals with existing streams like scene, face for predicting person specific emotion . <cit.> explores contextual modeling in short movie clips by considering scene and action characteristics along with body (including face) based signals. In contrast, our approach uses natural language descriptions to describe the foreground context along with scene and person specific streams. Multimodal vision-language models: Vision language (VLN) models like OFA <cit.>, VL-T5 <cit.>, ALBEF <cit.> are pretrained on large-scale image-text pairs curated from the web, thus enabling its usage in diverse tasks like image captioning, retrieval, visual-question answering etc. In our formulation, we harness the capabilities of VLN models to generate descriptive captions since they contain condensed description of the foreground context in terms of entities including persons. § PROBLEM FORMULATION Given an image I and a person-specific context in the form of bounding box [x,y,w,h], the task is to predict the emotional state p associated with a person as p_disc, p_cont = F(I,[x,y,w,h]). p_disc and p_cont refer to the predicted set of discrete emotion categories and continuous arousal, valence and dominance values, respectively. F refers to the deep neural network used for estimating the discrete and continuous affective states. The design of F is dependent on extraction of multiple contextual information from the given image I, that are listed as below: Visual scene context: The underlying visual scene (VS) (e.g., kitchen, bar, football field etc) plays a role in influencing the emotional state of a person. Here we use a ViT <cit.> model (f_VS) finetuned on Places365 <cit.> as the backbone network for extracting visual scene representations (e_VS) from I. Person context: The person-specific context is extracted using a whole-body or facial bounding box, denoted by [x,y,w,h] from image I. The cropped person instance is passed through a person encoder (f_PE) i.e. Resnet34 <cit.> for extracting person-centric representations (e_PE). Language driven foreground context: Natural language description of image I provides foreground (FG) context in terms of entities including persons and their interactions. We use a 12-layer transformer encoder-decoder model OFA_large <cit.> as f_expert to extract the foreground specific captions for image I. For extracting text representations (e_FG) of the captions, we use BERT's <cit.> pretrained encoder (f_FG) from HuggingFace <cit.>. § MULTIMODAL CONTEXT FUSION (MCF) MODULE The multimodal context fusion module is composed of two parallel streams, associated with foreground and visual scene based contexts. The basic operation in individual streams is a cross-modal encoder block CMenc composed of L encoder layers. As shown in Fig <ref>, we consider two designs for the encoder layer i.e., MHAenc and SAG-MHAenc. The set of operations in encoder MHAenc layer for query (Q), key (K) and value (V) representations are listed as follows: Q^' = LN(Q + Dropout(MHA(Q,K,V))) Q^* =LN(Dropout(FFN(Q^'))+Q^') Here MHA, LN and FFN refer to Multi-head attention, layer-norm operation and feed-forward neural network respectively. The SAG-MHAenc layer consists of a multi-head attention based transformation of the query representations followed by input to the MHAenc layer. The design of SAG-MHAenc is inspired from multimodal co-attention layer proposed in <cit.> for visual question answering task. Q^' = LN(Q + Dropout(MHA(Q,Q,Q))) Q^* = MHA_enc( Q^',K,V) In CMenc, the output from the ith encoder layer Enc_i is passed as query (Q) to the subsequent layer with the key (K) and value (V) remaining the same. Here, Enc_i layer can be either MHAenc or SAG-MHAenc. Q_i =Enc_i(Q_i-1,K,V) i > 0 Q_0 =Enc_0(Q,K,V) We use separate CMenc blocks for processing the foreground and visual scene guided context streams. MCF (MHAenc) and MCF (SAG-MHAenc) consists of 4 MHAenc layers (8 heads and hidden dimension=512) and 3 SAG-MHAenc layers (8 heads and hidden dimension=768) in the CMenc blocks respectively. The details of the respective context-guided streams are listed as follows: Foreground-guided context stream: We use e_PE as query (Q) and e_FG as key and value inputs to the CMenc encoder. Visual-scene guided context stream: Similar to the foreground-guided context stream, we use e_PE as query (Q) and e_VS as key and value inputs to the CMenc encoder. Context fusion: The outputs from the context-guided streams i.e., e_PE_FG and e_PE_VS are average pooled and concatenated to obtain a fused embedding as: e_fusion=[e_FG_avg;e_VS_avg] § EXPERIMENTS EMOTIC: We use a non-intersecting split of 13584 and 4389 images for training and validation. For testing we use the publicly available split of 5108 images. For joint prediction of 26 discrete emotion classes and the continuous-valued AVD ratings, we use multiple fully-connected (FC) heads in the MCF module with e_fusion as input (Fig <ref>). The person specific instance in each image is defined by the ground truth person box. We do not consider face as a part of person-specific context since approx 25% of images do not have visible faces. For training MCF with MHAenc and SAG-MHAenc layers, we use AdamW <cit.> (lr=2e-5) and Adam <cit.> (lr=2e-4, exp(γ=0.90)) with batch sizes 32 and 64 respectively. [exp is exponential scheduler ]. We use SGD(lr=1e-2, exp(γ=0.90)) with a batch size of 64 while training the person-crop only Resnet34 model (PO_R34) in Table <ref>. For training all the models associated with EMOTIC, we use a weighted combination of binary-cross entropy (BCE) and mean squared error (MSE) losses. Loss =λ_1 BCE(p_disc,y_disc) + λ_2 MSE(p_cont,y_cont) Here y_disc and y_cont refer to ground truth discrete emotion labels and continuous arousal valence dominance ratings. The optimal weights λ_1 and λ_2 are tuned using the validation split. CAER-S: We use a non-intersecting split of 39099 and 9769 video frames across 79 TV shows for training and validation. For testing we use the public split of 20913 video frames. Since face is a dominant signal for persons in TV shows, we use MTCNN <cit.> [https://github.com/timesler/facenet-pytorch] to obtain face crops. We have a single fully-connected (FC) head with e_fusion as input for predicting 7 discrete emotion classes. For training MCF with MHAenc and SAG-MHAenc layers, we use Adam (lr=2e-4, exp(γ=0.90)) with a batch size of 64. We use Adam (lr=1e-4, exp(γ=0.75)) with a batch size of 64 while training the face-crop only Resnet34 model (FO_R34) in Table <ref>. For training all the models associated with CAER-S, we use multi-class cross entropy loss. We conduct our experiments using the Pytorch <cit.> library. We set maximum sequence length T_FG as 512 for the captions (Fig <ref>). For visual scene and person representations we use T_VS=197 and T_PE=49 respectively. § RESULTS §.§ Comparison with state of the art We compare performance of MCF (Enc) under two settings where Enc refers to the encoder layer used i.e., MHAenc and SAG-MHAenc with existing methods in Table <ref>. We can see that MCF under both settings performs better than prior methods like <cit.>, <cit.>, and <cit.> that rely on dual stream (person + whole image approach) and do not use explicit pose information. Furthermore, in contrast to previous methods, we consider language driven foreground (captions) and visual scene contexts instead of end-to-end modeling of whole image based information. For a fair comparison with <cit.>, the current MCF framework can be potentially expanded to include other person specific streams like face and explicit pose information. From Table <ref>, we can see that in CAER-S, a fully finetuned Resnet34 model trained on face crops (FO_R34) obtains a high accuracy of 77.35 since facial expressions provide dominant signals for emotion classification in TV shows. However, inclusion of both foreground context through captions and visual scene information in MCF (MHAenc) results in better performance (79.63) as compared to both FO_R34 and baseline attention fusion method CAER-Net-S. §.§ Ablation studies We analyze the importance of different input context streams and associated models in EMOTIC. From Table <ref>, we can see that the Resnet34 model (PO_R34) fully finetuned using person specific crops performs worst, thus indicating the need of additional contextual information. Inclusion of scene representation (cls token) from ViT pretrained on Places2 dataset with PO_R34 via late fusion (LF) improves the mAP to 25.53. Freezing PO_R34 model followed by cross modal interaction through CM_enc composed of MHAenc layers (visual-scene guided context stream in Fig. <ref>) further increases the mAP to 27.37. Further we can see that fusion of both foreground and visual scene based context information through MCF (MHAenc) results in the best performance (29.53). For both CMEnc (MHAenc + VS) and MCF (MHAenc), we freeze the Resnet34 model for extracting representations from person crops. For CAER-S, we can see from Table <ref> that inclusion of SAG-MHAenc layer instead of MHAenc improves the accuracy from 76.89 to 79.63. This can be attributed to the self-attention based augmentation operation for the query features i.e. face representations from Resnet34 in SAG-MHAenc layer (Fig <ref>). For both MCF (MHAenc) and MCF (SAG-MHAenc), we finetune the Resnet34 model completely with MCF for extracting representations from face crops. §.§ Qualitative examples In Fig <ref> (a) and (b), we can see that the inclusion of foreground context through captions like basketball team celebrating and man crouching down with his hands on his face results in consistent performance of MCF (MHAenc) as compared to PO_R34 (Resnet34 finetuned on person crops). Similarly, for TV shows in Fig <ref> (c) while the face crop based prediction from FO_R34 is sad, inclusion of foreground context with visual scene information gives a correct prediction for MCF (SAG-MHAenc). In Fig <ref> (d), the act of gesturing with hand enables MCF (SAG-MHAenc) to make a correct prediction (Angry) as compared to FO_R34 (Resnet34 finetuned on face crops). § CONCLUSION In this work, we explore the role of contextual information in estimating human emotions with respect to the domains of natural scenes (EMOTIC) and TV shows (CAER-S). Since multimodal-VLN models are pretrained on large-scale image-text pairs from the web, we utilize their capabilities to obtain foreground context information in terms of descriptive captions. Further, we propose a purely attention-based multimodal context fusion (MCF) module to combine person-specific information with the visual scene and foreground context representations. Future work involves the extension of the MCF module to include geometric aspects of person context including pose information and evaluation using media-centered data like movies and advertisements. § ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to thank the Center for Computational Media Intelligence at USC for supporting this study. IEEEbib
Review on the Feasibility of Adversarial Evasion Attacks and Defenses for Network Intrusion Detection Systems
[ "Islam Debicha", "Benjamin Cochez", "Tayeb Kenaza", "Thibault Debatty", "Jean-Michel Dricot", "Wim Mees" ]
[ "cs.CR", "cs.AI" ]
mymainaddress,mysecondaryaddress]Islam Debichamycorrespondingauthor [mycorrespondingauthor]Corresponding author islam.debicha@ulb.be mymainaddress]Benjamin Cochezmycorrespondingauthor benjamin.cochez@ulb.be mythirdaddress]Tayeb Kenaza mysecondaryaddress]Thibault Debatty mymainaddress]Jean-Michel Dricot mysecondaryaddress]Wim Mees [mymainaddress] Cybersecurity Research Center, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 1000 Brussels, Belgium [mysecondaryaddress]Cyber Defence Lab, Royal Military Academy, 1000 Brussels, Belgium [mythirdaddress]Computer Security Laboratory, Ecole Militaire Polytechnique, Algiers, Algeria Nowadays, numerous applications incorporate machine learning (ML) algorithms due to their prominent achievements. However, many studies in the field of computer vision have shown that ML can be fooled by intentionally crafted instances, called adversarial examples. These adversarial examples take advantage of the intrinsic vulnerability of ML models. Recent research raises many concerns in the cybersecurity field. An increasing number of researchers are studying the feasibility of such attacks on security systems based on ML algorithms, such as Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS). The feasibility of such adversarial attacks would be influenced by various domain-specific constraints. This can potentially increase the difficulty of crafting adversarial examples. Despite the considerable amount of research that has been done in this area, much of it focuses on showing that it is possible to fool a model using features extracted from the raw data but does not address the practical side, i.e., the reverse transformation from theory to practice. For this reason, we propose a review browsing through various important papers to provide a comprehensive analysis. Our analysis highlights some challenges that have not been addressed in the reviewed papers. Adversarial Machine Learning Intrusion Detection Systems Adversarial Attacks Adversarial defenses § INTRODUCTION With the development of new technologies and the increasing evolution of Internet interconnections, security is now a crucial issue. To defend against the various existing attacks, some defensive systems use ML algorithms such as anomaly-based IDS (AIDS) which is currently a widely used security tool <cit.> due to its ability, among other benefits, to detect unknown attacks, i.e., zero-day attacks<cit.>. Nevertheless, recent studies have shown that ML models in general, and deep neural networks in particular, are vulnerable to so-called adversarial attacks and that the addition of small specifically designed perturbations can mislead the classifier <cit.>. Today, problems related to the security of ML-based IDS are an active research topic <cit.>. In the context of network-based IDS, this means that it is possible to design specific perturbations to be added to network traffic by manipulating certain properties, such as packet size, or send/receive time and duration. These perturbations can mislead a classifier into identifying attack traffic as benign and thus evading the intrusion detection system. In addition, a significant amount of research on the impact of adversarial learning in computer vision has been transferred into intrusion detection. Initial results have shown that the classifiers used in AIDS are also vulnerable to these algorithms. A typical approach used by researchers is to focus on the theoretical aspect of the problem by setting simplifying assumptions and focusing only on the feature space <cit.>. However, unlike computer vision where the created perturbations have relatively few constraints, a valid network traffic perturbation must satisfy many domain-specific constraints (both semantic and syntactic). These domain-specific constraints ensure that the added perturbation will generate valid network traffic enabling the transition from feature space to traffic space. Unfortunately, network-specific constraints are often not considered or only to a limited extent. This means that the feasibility of attacks from a realistic point of view is not fully considered. Some researchers <cit.> have decided to take a different approach to deal with the problem by limiting the need for feature knowledge by directly manipulating the traffic space. Our main contribution is therefore a revised review of the state of the art providing a new aspect based on the feasibility of attacks. We also provide an update on new contributions that have been produced recently concerning the feasibility of attacks in real settings: * We propose a complete analysis, for each selected paper, on the real feasibility of the proposed attacks by demonstrating whether or not the constraints of the domain are respected. * We propose an analysis of the defenses used in the papers studied to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each. * We identify some realistic aspects that should be considered for future studies of the impact of adversarial attacks on IDSs. We believe this review will help future research in creating realistic attacks that consider the full context of the IDS domain. We also believe that it will help in the understanding and creation of new defense mechanisms that improve the robustness of the developed models. The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section <ref> gives a theoretical reminder introducing the key concepts used in the reviewed papers. Section <ref> summarizes previous reviews that have been conducted on the subject. Section <ref> describes the most commonly used state-of-the-art attacks in the literature. Section <ref> shows the most popular defense mechanisms used in the literature to counter the attacks described in Section <ref> . Section <ref> contains a detailed analysis of the realism of the selected papers. Section <ref> discusses the actual feasibility of the attacks present in Section <ref> and the challenges associated with them. Section <ref> concludes the paper by providing the key points that have been discussed. § BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORK §.§ Anomaly-based IDS The increasing development of new threats targeting network infrastructures worldwide has pushed researchers to develop new defenses. Due to the huge number of undiscovered attacks, most defense mechanisms are unable to cope with such threats. To mitigate this problem, solutions such as Anomaly-Based IDS ( AIDS ), which can detect some of these previously unknown attacks through the use of statistics and machine learning algorithms, are gaining popularity. AIDS have many properties, among which we note their ability to be deployed in a network (NIDS) or directly on a host (HIDS). As far as NIDS are concerned, two different types can be found: packet-based and flow-based. The data used by NIDS to collect this information can come from different sources such as network protocols like NetFlow/IPFIX, SNMP, or directly from an agent. NIDS can also use application logs from anti-virus or firewalls. To measure the performance of NIDS, different metrics are used such as true positive rate (TPR), true negative rate (TNR), false positive rate (FPR), false negative rate (FNR), accuracy, precision, F1 score, error rate, area under the curve (AUC). All these metrics are derived from the confusion matrix shown in <ref>. §.§ Threat model Although there are several types of threats, an attacker often seeks to violate one of the following properties: confidentiality, integrity, authenticity, and availability. In terms of threat modeling, there are two important points to consider, namely the knowledge restriction corresponding to the complexity of the attack and the objective of the attack, corresponding to the capability of the attack. Knowledge restriction As shown in Figure <ref>, attacks can be conducted in two forms, black box or white box. The white box attack means that the adversary knows everything about the training dataset and the model architecture, in particular all the parameters and meta-parameters which are for example the inputs, the gradients (for DNNs), the tree depth (for decision trees) or the number of neighbors (for K-nearest neighbors) as well as the chosen cost function or the type of optimizer (e.g., ADAM or RMSProp) in case of neural networks. The black box refers to the fact that the attacker knows nothing about the target model, i.e., the architecture of the model and the dataset used. The attacker can only send requests to the targeted model and receive answers in the form of decisions or probabilities (logits). He must, therefore, without knowing any information about the model, approximate a decision boundary similar to that of the target model to be able to craft adversarial samples. Another option for black box attacks is exploiting transferability. An attacker can create a surrogate model, similar in functionality to the targeted model, craft adversarial instances to fool the surrogate model, and then transfer those instances to the targeted model so that it will also be fooled. Black-box attacks are more complicated to perform since less knowledge is available, but also because more computational resources are needed to accommodate this accumulated knowledge (queries). Attack objective Another relevant property of an attack is its objective. There are two different types of objectives, the untargeted attack, and the targeted attack. A non-targeted attack is easier to perform since all the attacker has to do is trick the machine learning model without any particular considerations. Two possible scenarios can be expected. The first is confidence reduction, which means that the attacker simply wants to decrease the performance of the model while maintaining the overall functionality. The second scenario is misclassification. In this case, the adversary's goal is to trick the model into misclassifying without specific constraints. In a targeted attack, the adversary's goal is to force an ML model to produce the desired output by manipulating the input. This type of objective is therefore more complicated to achieve because it requires manipulating the model in a specific direction, unlike a non-targeted attack that is not limited to a certain target. There are two variants of targeted attacks that can be highlighted. The first is targeted misclassification, which means that an attacker wants to cause misclassification in a certain target class with any input. The other variant is source/target misclassification, which means that an attacker wants to cause misclassification in a certain target class with a certain input. This particular goal is the most difficult to achieve. §.§ Adversarial examples Adversarial learning refers to the problem of designing attacks against machine learning as well as defenses against these attacks. Depending on the phase in which the attack is carried out, adversarial attacks can be divided into poisoning and evasion attacks. This paper focuses on evasion attacks. This choice is due to the fact that this review wants to focus on the most realistic aspects of adversarial attacks against NIDS. The problem with poisoning attacks is that they require the ability to directly manipulate the model training data. It is clear that in a realistic scenario, the attacker's knowledge will be limited, and it will be less possible to manipulate the model before its training phase. The creation of adversarial examples can be expressed as an initial problem formulation as defined in Eq. <ref>. Minimize: D(x, x + δ) Such that: C(x + δ) = t —- constraint 1 x + δ∈ [0,1]^n —- constraint 2 where we want to minimize the distance between the original element and the adversarial element D(x, x + δ) respecting 2 constraints. The first is that the classification C of x + δ must be classified as the target label t. The second is that x + δ must be a valid element. According to the work of Szegedy et al. <cit.>, adversarial examples exploit the fact that neural networks have "blind spots". The cause of this "blind spot" effect would be due to the models being non-linear and trying to behave linearly as concluded by Goodfellow et al. <cit.>. These adversarial examples have certain properties described below. LP norms To compute the distance between the original element x and the perturbed element x_adv, an LP norm (i.e., distance metric) is used such as L_0,L_1, L_2 and L_∞ allowing to define the boundary of adversarial examples. These norms are thus used to minimize the perturbation rate used to generate the adversarial example. The most common norms used by adversarial algorithms are: L_0: This distance metric counts the number of features of x modified in x_adv. This metric only takes into account the number of modified features regardless of the perturbation rate introduced in each feature. L_1: This norm represents the Manhattan distance between x and x_adv as defined in Eq. <ref>. L_1 = |x_1 - x_1_adv| + ... + |x_n - x_n_adv| L_2: This norm calculates the Euclidean distance or the mean-squared error between x and x_adv as shown in Eq. <ref>. L_2 = √((x_1 - x_1_adv)^2 + ... + (x_n - x_n_adv)^2) L_∞: This norm gives the largest change among all features of x_adv compared to x and it's defined in the following Eq. <ref>. L_∞ = max(|x_1 - x_1_adv|, ..., |x_n - x_n_adv|) Attack frequency Attack frequency is a property that defines whether the attack is executed in a one-step iteration or requires several. Thus, there are two types of attacks: one-step attacks and iterative attacks. One-step attacks mean that the adversarial examples are generated by an algorithm that executes only once, i.e., it does not iterate multiple times to optimize the adversarial example. Thus, one-step attacks are faster but less optimized. Iterative attacks on the other hand use iterative functions to generate adversarial examples so that it maximizes their efficiency but takes more time. Domain constraints The feasibility of adversarial attacks is domain-specific and is influenced by several constraints. These constraints can be divided into two main categories: syntactic constraints and semantic constraints. The following syntactic constraints were originally discussed by Merzouk et al. <cit.>. As for the semantic links, the exact definition of these constraints is difficult since they are specific to each domain and even to each type of feature used. However, we draw on the work of Hashemi et al. <cit.>, and Teuffeunbach et al. <cit.> in the IDS domain to provide a generalization of three different groups with different semantic links. Syntactic constraints concern all those related to syntax, e.g., out-of-range values, non-binary values and multiple category membership. Out-of-range values are values that exceed a theoretical maximum value that cannot be exceeded, for example, a float between 0 and 1 or an integer between 0 and 255. Non-binary values are entries that violate the binary nature of a feature and multiple category membership are values that violate the one-hot encoding concept. Semantic Links represent the links that certain features may have with each other. These features can be grouped into three distinct groups, each with different semantic properties. The first set includes features that cannot be modified (e.g., IP address, protocol type). The second group includes features that can be directly modified (number of forward packets, size of the forward packet, flow duration, ...). The last group concerns the features that depend on the second group. They must be recalculated based on the latter (number of packets/second or average forward packet size). This implies that the complexity of generating realistic adversarial examples varies with the different types of data used to represent the domain, such as numerical (continuous or discrete) or categorical data. It also depends on the context in which the model is located (such as network traffic). The NIDS domain is therefore strongly affected by both semantic and syntactic constraints as it uses heterogeneous data types, and its context requires several semantic links most of the time unlike other domains such as computer vision. Manipulation space An essential property of a realistic adversarial instance is the ability of an attacker to modify its characteristics. In theory, it is possible to directly modify the features of adversarial instances. However, in real-world scenarios, this approach is considered unsuitable for certain domains such as IDSs that analyze network traffic. This is mainly due to the fact that the feature extraction process (i.e., from raw traffic to feature space) is not a fully reversible process, unlike other domains such as computer vision. This means that features can be extracted, and modified but not easily reintroduced into network traffic due to the semantic links between features. Moreover, direct feature modification requires full knowledge of the feature extraction process used by the IDS in order to respect the syntactic or semantic constraints assigned to them. We can therefore deduce that working on the feature space is not very realistic. For this reason, recent studies <cit.> propose to manipulate directly the raw network traffic so that it is not necessary to know the features used, nor to transform the feature values into traffic form. In this way, we can distinguish two manipulation spaces, the feature-based and the traffic-based. §.§ Related work Numerous research studies on the real impact of adversarial attacks have already been extensively conducted in the compute vision field, which has also urged researchers to study the issue in the cybersecurity field. Today, the number of papers on this topic is rapidly increasing and the actual impact of these attacks in a real-world scenario seems to be getting clearer. To help the community gain more insight into the topic, we analyze the important aspects of the feasibility of adversarial attacks by comparing the different research and reviews on the topic, especially those related to IDS. In the review proposed by Reza et al. <cit.>, the authors focus on giving a better understanding of adversarial examples in the computer vision domain. They propose an analysis of numerous attacks and defenses dedicated to this domain. Among these attacks, some are more realistic as they are directly applicable to a real-world scenario. However, this review does not provide any information about the implication of these attacks and defenses in the IDS domain. In addition, the review does not address the topic of domain constraints, nor the attack manipulation space. Vitorino et al. <cit.> took an interesting approach in their paper to analyze, from the point of view of domain constraints, the suitability of adversarial attacks for the IDS domain. They showed that most of the state-of-the-art attacks, initially dedicated to computer vision, were not suitable for the IDS domain as they did not comply with these constraints. However, the paper does not address the manipulation space used, nor the problems related to the respect of semantic and syntactic constraints found in papers dealing with attacks against IDSs. In addition, defenses against adversarial examples in the IDS domain are also not addressed. The study proposed by McCarthy et al. <cit.> proposes the analysis of several attacks and defenses in different domains of cybersecurity, namely intrusion detection, malware detection, and anomaly detection in industrial systems. They pointed out some constraints related to adversarial algorithms. Our review further elaborates on the manipulation space property, as well as a discussion of semantic and syntactic constraints that are not discussed in detail in their paper. In addition, our work surveys more recent papers. The paper by Apruzzese et al. <cit.> provides interesting insights into the manipulation space used in defining attacks as problem or feature-based. This work also provides an in-depth analysis of the different learning phases of the model by articulating the feasibility at all levels of the machine-learning pipeline. Our work differs by providing an analysis of more recent work on the topic and an explanation of each paper based on the domain constraints analysis. In addition, their work does not include an overview of possible defenses. Martins et al. <cit.> provides a comprehensive overview of adversarial attacks against IDS and malware classifiers. They also describe the state of the art of defenses. However, this review does not include a discussion of the feasibility aspect of adversarial attacks and defenses. In our contribution, an analysis of the realistic aspect of the state-of-the-art defenses and attacks is introduced with an explanation of their feasibility. § ADVERSARIAL STRATEGIES In this section, we present state-of-the-art adversarial attacks, classified into white-box and black-box algorithms. A list of these attacks can be found in <ref>. §.§ White-Box algorithms Limited-memory Broyden Fletcher Goldfarb Shanno (L-BFGS) The idea of this iterative attack is to produce an instance x_adv similar to the initial instance x under the distance L_2 but have x_adv classified as another target class using the L-BFGS box constraint. For this, Szegedy et al. <cit.> explain that it's possible to express the initial problem as a constrained minimization problem to generate targeted adversarial examples as illustrated in Eq. <ref>. Minimize: ||x - x_adv||_2 Such that: C(x_adv) = t x_adv∈ [0,1]^n Since this problem is difficult to solve, they adapt it into an easier-to-handle variant, as shown in Eq. <ref>. Minimize: c.|x - x_adv| + J(x_adv, t) Such that: x_adv∈ [0,1]^n where x is the input element, x_adv is the adversarial element, c is a positive constant, J is the loss function and t is the target label. On the other hand, while L-BFGS is an effective attack, it can be time-consuming due to the use of the linear search method to find an optimal c. Fast gradient sign method (FGSM) This one-step algorithm was developed by Goodfellow et al. in their 2014 paper <cit.>. The idea of FGSM is to generate perturbation using gradient ascent to maximize the loss function. FGSM can be used as a targeted or untargeted attack and originally runs under the L_∞ norm but is easily adaptable for the L_2 norm. FGSM is a very fast algorithm for generating adversarial instances even if the adversarial samples are not optimized because it does not minimize the generated perturbation. This algorithm is very efficient, in most cases, at creating adversarial perturbations in a time-efficient manner. It can be defined by the following Eq. <ref>. x_adv = x + ϵ * sign(∇_x J(x, y)) where ϵ is the variable allowing control of the amount of perturbation, y is the desired label, and the input x. The main disadvantage of this attack from a network traffic perspective is that all features are modified, making it less practical in real-life scenarios. Basic Iterative Method/Projected Gradient Descent (BIM/PGD) This is an improvement of FGSM where the algorithm iteratively increases the amount of perturbation to cause misclassification. It is more efficient than the classical FGSM in terms of misclassification, but on the other hand, this attack takes more time to create adversarial examples. PGD is an algorithm proposed by Aleksander Madry et al. <cit.> and BIM is proposed by Alexey Kurakin et al. <cit.>. Both attacks are quite similar as they use, at each iteration, a projection function to project the adversarial examples into the ϵ-ball which can be L_2 or L_∞, as shown in Eq. <ref>. x^t_adv = Proj[x^t-1 + ϵ * sign(∇_x J(x^t-1, y))] where x_0_adv = 0 and Proj is the projection function. The main difference between the BIM and PGD versions of the attack concerns the initialization of the attack. Indeed, BIM sets the value of the original point as the initialization point while PGD starts the attack at a random point using the L_∞ norm. Moreover, at each restart, a new random point is chosen. Since the results of these two attacks are generally quite similar, it is common to use only one of them when testing. DeepFool This attack proposed by Moosavi-Dezfooli et al. <cit.> works as an untargeted attack and iteratively generates small perturbations to fool the classification. This algorithm uses the L_2 norm to generate these perturbations. To do so, this attack determines the nearest hyperplane for an input element and projects it beyond this hyperplane. This method is primarily based on the assumption that the model is completely linear. However, in most high-dimensional models, as in many deep neural networks, this is rarely the case. To overcome this problem, a linear approximation is first performed. The main problem with this attack is the inability to introduce domain-specific constraints and the significantly longer time required to generate adversarial instances compared to the FGSM. Jacobian-based Saliency Map Attack (JSMA) JSMA is an iterative and targeted algorithm proposed by Nicolas Papernot et al. <cit.> that uses a saliency map to tell which feature has the greatest impact on classification. This saliency map is based on a jacobian matrix which is a matrix containing the first-order partial derivatives as defined in Eq. <ref> J_F(x) = ∂ F(x)/∂ x = [∂ F_j(x)/∂ x_i] i × j This jacobian matrix, therefore, allows us to obtain the direction of sensitivity and, therefore know what input element influences the most desired output. This algorithm, based on the L_0 norm, has the advantage that it can generate adversarial samples using fewer features. It is therefore an interesting option for practical attacks against IDS. Carlini and Wagner (C&W) Carlini and Wagner <cit.> proposed an optimization algorithm to generate adversarial examples under the L_0, L_2, and L_∞ norms. This attack is different from L-BFGS because it uses a different loss function to escape box constraints. They redefine the initial problem of adversarial examples previously defined in Eq. <ref>. This redefinition is given in Eq. <ref> Minimize: D(x, x + δ) + c.f(x + δ) Such that: x + δ∈ [0,1]^n —– constraint 2 This attack is one of the most successful since it was able to break several defenses such as defensive distillation (see section <ref>). This attack can be used in a targeted and non-targeted version. Nevertheless, even if C&W is very efficient, it should also be noted that this algorithm takes significantly more time to generate adversarial instances. Elastic-Net Attacks to Deep Neural Networks (EAD) This iterative algorithm proposed by Pin-Yu et al. <cit.> introduces the use of the L_1 norm to generate perturbations to create adversarial examples. The authors transformed the problem into an elastic network regularized optimization problem. The elastic network regularization takes advantage of Lasso (using the L_1 norm) and Ridge (using the L_2 norm) regularization. EAD uses an iterative attack under L_2 using a L_1 regularizer. The original Elastic-Net regularization defined in Eq. <ref> is redefined for EAD as shown in Eq. <ref>. Minimize_z ∈ Zf(z) + λ_1 ||z||_1 + λ_2 ||z||^2_2 Minimize_xc.f(x,t) + β ||x - x_0||_1 + ||x - x_0||^2_2 Such that: x ∈ [0,1]^n The experimental results <cit.> show that the attack is as effective as other state-of-the-art attacks. It is important to note that the results of this attack showed that it was the most effective in terms of transferability, which makes it interesting both for attackers using substitute models (black-box attack) and also for defenders using the adversarial training defense. In addition, the authors showed that this attack, like C&W, can break the defensive distillation defense. However, due to its optimization problem, it takes more time to execute than FGSM. §.§ Black-Box algorithms Zeroth-Order Optimization (ZOO) It's a black-box and score-based algorithm inspired by the C&W attack. As the name suggests, instead of using First-Order Optimization, it employs Zeroth-Order Optimization. It uses the logit values thanks to a zeroth order oracle to estimate the gradients. To estimate the gradients and Hessian, the authors <cit.> use the symmetric quotient difference. To avoid detection by other defenses, Oracle queries must be reduced. To this end, ZOO employs three techniques, importance sampling, hierarchical attacks, and attack space reduction. The results of the experiments suggest that this attack is effective against ML models in black-box settings. It is important to note that while this technique has comparable performance to C&W and yields a better attack success rate than substitute model attack, it is much more resource intensive than white-box algorithms, and even than the substitute model attack. Boundary This iterative targeted/non-targeted decision-based attack created by Wieland Brendel et al. <cit.> is notably effective as it does not require gradient information and succeeds in defeating many existing defenses like defensive distillation and gradient masking defenses. Moreover, it is more realistic with respect to the other attacks as it doesn't rely on probabilities, but rather on the decision, which is what Machine Learning APIs typically provide. According to the authors, despite being a black-box attack, the Boundary attack produces a similar misclassification efficiency as other white-box attacks such as FGSM, C&W, and DeepFool. Boundary uses a relatively simple and flexible algorithm. This attack uses a simple rejection sampling algorithm to track the decision boundary from the adversarial classification region to the non-adversarial region. The main drawback of this attack is that it uses an excessive number of iterations to find adversarial examples due to its brute-force nature. OPT The OPT attack, proposed by Minhao Cheng et al. <cit.>, is an iterative decision-based black-box attack that can be targeted or untargeted. Being a decision-based attack means that it just needs the decisions rather than logits or probabilities. This optimization-based attack uses the Randomized Gradient-Free (RGF) method to estimate the gradient at each iteration rather than using the zeroth-order coordinate descent method, which provides lower performance. The RGF method is defined in Eq. <ref> to estimate the gradient: ĝ = g(θ + β u) - g(θ)/β.u where g is the search direction, g(θ) is the distance from x_0 to the nearest adversarial example along the direction θ, β > 0 is a parameter and u is a random Gaussian vector. This attack uses the L_2 and L_∞ norms to determine the perturbation rate to be applied and the binary search to evaluate the objective function. The results showed that the OPT attack was more efficient in terms of the number of queries required than the boundary attack, a similar attack in that it also uses only the model decision to be able to generate adversarial perturbations. In terms of performance, OPT was shown to be as efficient as many other state-of-the-art algorithms. Despite this, it requires performing a large number of queries, which can be detected by the victim's model if defense mechanisms are in place. Substitute Model attack This method, used to perform adversarial attacks in a black box setting, was designed by Papernot et al. <cit.>. It allows extracting the architecture of the model, the decision boundaries, and its functionalities. The goal is to try to mimic the original model using several queries to obtain y = F^s(x), i.e., the given prediction of the original model must be equal to the prediction of the copied model. Once the model has similar behavior, state-of-the-art white-box attacks are used to generate adversarial examples. Using the transferability property, which is intrinsic to machine learning models, the original model can be fooled. This type of attack is less effective than white-box attacks but since it does not rely on gradient information, this attack is indeed feasible against non-differentiable models. In addition, it has been shown that the Substitution Model attack also defeats defenses based on gradient masking and defensive distillation. (Wasserstein) Generative Adversarial Network (GAN/WGAN) GAN is an algorithmic architecture created by Goodfellow et al. <cit.> in 2014 and used to generate synthetic instances that resemble the original real instances. GAN uses two neural networks called discriminator and generator, both of which play a zero-sum adversarial game. The generator will try to create fake instances using a random normal distribution to fool the discriminator. The discriminator's goal is not to be fooled and to try to identify the false instances by learning from real instances contained in a dataset. As it goes along, the generator will try to learn to create more real instances. WGAN <cit.> uses a different method than GAN to compute the probability distance between the two distributions. Instead of using the Jensen-Shannon divergence <cit.>, which is based on the Kullback–Leibler divergence <cit.>, it uses the Earth-Mover's distance <cit.>. The main advantages of WGAN are that it solves the vanishing gradient and mode collapse problems through more stable training. However, even if this mitigates the stability problem, the attack remains unpredictable and therefore unstable. § DEFENSE STRATEGIES The following defenses are designed to mitigate the effect of adversarial examples, such as those generated by the adversarial attacks discussed in Section <ref>. One could divide defenses into two different types: proactive, where the idea is to prevent the model to be fooled by adversarial examples, and reactive, where the defense tries to detect adversarial examples during attacks. A list of the well-known defenses is in <ref>. §.§ Proactive defenses Adversarial Training The purpose of this defense proposed by Ian J. Goodfellow et al. <cit.> is to strengthen the model against adversarial attacks by taking them into account during the learning phase. This defense can be seen in two ways. One can either provide the adversarial examples directly to the model with the training data or incorporate them into the loss function of the model which acts as a regularizer. This kind of defense is easy to implement and can be used very well in the IDS domain. A variant, called Ensemble Adversarial Training <cit.> allows to improve robustness against attacks. The effectiveness of this defense can be improved by taking into account adversarial examples generated with different algorithms rather than using only one. If the model is trained with adversarial examples generated based on some adversarial attacks, an attacker could use other attacks to fool the classifier by exploiting the lack of generalization. Although the models become more robust to adversarial examples, they are not completely immune because some adversarial examples may go undetected. Moreover, this defense is limited by a trade-off between robustness and accuracy, as the more, the model is trained with adversarial examples, the more its overall performance decreases. Athalye et al. <cit.> also showed that, if the model is trained with adversarial examples generated using the L_∞ norm, the model is less robust as compared to training based on other norms (L_0, L_1 and L_2) Obfuscated Gradients This technique is based on a gradient masking method so as to disrupt the descent of the gradient and, in this way, prevent gradient-based attacks from being able to successfully exploit the gradient by trying to make the model non-differentiable. Gradient masking was broken by several attacks. One of them is in a white-box setting by using a random step and then switching to a gradient-based algorithm like FGSM for example. It was also broken in the black-box setting via transferability, which ensures the effectiveness of adversarial examples against other models than the one on which they were generated. Papernot et al. <cit.> show in particular that black box attacks are more effective than white box attacks when gradient masking defense is used. Furthermore, Athaye et al. <cit.> have shown how to bypass three types of obfuscated gradients, namely: shattering gradients, stochastic gradients, and vanishing/exploding gradients. It can be noted that this defense could be used in the IDS domain but may not be as effective since, in theory, an attacker has limited knowledge of the defender's model, which limits the possibility of using white box attacks directly. Defensive Distillation Initially used to reduce the dimensionality of DNN, a defense based on distillation is proposed by Papernot et al. <cit.> defensive distillation aims to smooth the decision surface of the model. The distillation method uses two neural network models. An initial network, taking as input the training data and the corresponding labels. The model provides predictions in a probability vector and transfers this knowledge to the second network, called the distilled network. This network, therefore, takes the same training data as the initial network, but the corresponding labels are taken from the probability vector of the initial network, then new predictions are made. The authors showed that defensive distillation is less sensitive to small perturbations. This defense could be used in the IDS domain, however, Carlini and Wagner <cit.> have shown that this defense is broken by their attack. Therefore, it is not wise to use defenses that have already been shown to be broken when protecting a model. Feature Squeezing This defense technique, proposed by Weilin Xu et al. <cit.>, compresses the features of the instances and classifies them. Then a comparison is made between this classification and the classification of the original samples. If the results are different, then the instance is considered adversarial. Of the compression methods used by the author, such as bit depth compression, median smoothing, or non-local means, none consistently gives the best results, all need to be evaluated collectively as performance differs depending on the dataset used. This defense is not suitable for the IDS use case because network traffic is often represented in tabular form and these compression techniques result in significant information loss for the underlying data. Ensemble Defense This technique is expected to be effective by assuming that several different defense techniques improve the robustness of the model. Such a defense can be either proactive or reactive, or a mixture of both, in case the different defense mechanisms used are both reactive and proactive. It can therefore be used in the IDS domain and is potentially effective against various types of attacks. This technique is ineffective because an attacker can exploit any of the defenses' flaws to bypass them all. In addition, Warren He et al. <cit.> demonstrated that employing multiple weak defenses does not result in a stronger defense. Feature Removal This defense consists of identifying the most vulnerable features and removing them from the data used to train the model. These vulnerabilities often come from the complexity of the model with high dimensions. This defense will therefore reduce the complexity of learning the model and remove some dimensions that are too vulnerable to escape the attack. The removal of features will reduce the attack surface by reducing the possible vectors that can be perturbed. However, the work of Apruzzese et al. <cit.> shows that feature removal decreases the performance of an IDS. It results in a loss of precision that increases the number of false positives. §.§ Reactive defenses Adversarial Detection This attack mechanism uses different methods to detect adversarial examples, based on statistical tools such as principal component analysis (PCA), distributions, and normalization. One example of this method is the defense proposed by Feinman et al. <cit.> which is based on two techniques: density estimates and Bayesian uncertainty estimates. The general idea of the first method is to check whether the density estimates of the last hidden layer for an input instance are significantly different from those associated with the training set containing the benign examples and, if so, the instance will be considered adversarial. Density estimates are made in the feature space of the last hidden layer because it is considered more linear than that of the input. Bayesian uncertainty estimates can be used to overcome situations where density estimates cannot detect adversarial examples. This method allows detection in low-confidence regions in the input space. The main advantage of this reactive defense is that it does not change the initial accuracy of the model. It could also be used in the IDS domain because it has no particular restrictions. However, it has two main problems: The first one is that it provides many false positives, which makes it less effective. The second problem is that most of these detection methods have been proven to be broken by Carlini and Wagner <cit.>. Tianyu et al. <cit.> proposed a more robust alternative to detect adversarial examples using kernel density estimates and the reverse cross-entropy training procedure. Adversarial Query Detection Introduced in the Titi-taka framework proposed by Zhang et al. <cit.>, this defense consists of detecting the number of abnormal queries that signal that an attack is being conducted. This defense reduces the number of possible queries sent to the model, making it more difficult to exploit for attacks using a large number of queries, while maintaining the initial accuracy. The main drawback is that this defense is only effective against black-box attacks that use large numbers of queries. § ADVERSARIAL ATTACKS AGAINST IDS In recent years, many researchers have been interested in the implications of adversarial learning in the context of IDS by proposing several studies. We have selected several of them for their contributory aspect, and more precisely their contribution in terms of feasibility, a very important topic for IDS. These contributions are all listed in <ref>. In 2017, Maria Rigaki et al. <cit.> demonstrated in their work that adversarial examples can be generated by adversarial algorithms to fool an IDS using a DNN trained on the NSL-KDD dataset. They showed that not all algorithms are suitable for fooling an IDS and pointed out the fact that FGSM is incompatible with this goal, but JSMA may be suitable. Furthermore, they showed that adversarial examples are capable of transferring to several machine learning models such as Decision Trees, Random Forests, Linear SVM, and Ensemble Voting. In addition, they showed that creating a feature-based adversarial instance requires knowing the mapping between features and network traffic and how the data is preprocessed because, unlike images, features extracted from network traffic are highly correlated. Zilong et al. <cit.> proposed to study the effectiveness of adversarial examples with a WGAN using the NSL-KDD dataset. The performances of several classifiers were studied, namely decision tree, Random Forest, SVM, MLP, Naive Bayes, logistic regression, and KNN. The results showed that adversarial examples can fool all trained classifiers. They also showed that the attack remains effective even when using a limited feature space. Warzyński and Kołaczek <cit.> proposed a study on using FGSM to generate adversarial examples to fool a neural network-based classifier trained with the NSL-KDD dataset. The results showed that this attack is effective. It may be noted that this study does not address the feasibility of adversarial attacks in a realistic scenario and is limited to the study of a particular dataset and a particular attack. Zheng Wang <cit.> provides an in-depth analysis of the NSL-KDD dataset by investigating feature importance when generating adversarial examples against a multilayer perceptron (MLP) based IDS. He showed that the feasibility of adversarial attacks against IDSs is different from that of image classifiers by illustrating that not all adversarial algorithms are suitable for creating adversarial attacks against IDSs. Among these algorithms, JSMA seems to be the most suitable as it does not modify all features to create adversarial examples but only those it considers most important. This is particularly relevant since adversaries are usually limited in their ability to manipulate features due to restricted access or the complexity of manipulating them all at once. Feature importance shows that some features are more vulnerable than others in that they are more often selected by the algorithm during adversarial examples generation. Yang et al. <cit.> proposed a more realistic approach to the problem by using three black-box attacks that assume no knowledge of the target model information. These three attacks are WGAN, ZOO, and Substitute Model. To analyze their performance, they took 5 classifiers, namely Random Forest, SVM, MLP, and Naive Bayes trained with the NSL-KDD dataset. The results showed that ZOO was the most efficient, the Substitute Model was the least efficient while WGAN provided good performance but was unstable due to its intrinsic properties. However, the paper does not discuss the feasibility of these attacks in real-world settings besides the black-box perspective. Instead of using state-of-the-art attacks, Apruzzese et al. <cit.> proposed an attack that iteratively produces manually defined perturbations. They studied the performance of this attack on a Random Forest classifier trained on the CTU-13 dataset which is based on a collection of Botnet attacks. This attack follows a fairly simple strategy, it clusters specific features and applies an iterative perturbation. The features are not chosen trivially, they are the ones that are easiest to manipulate, namely time, packet size, and the number of packets. The results showed that changing only a few features can lead to a decrease in classifier performance. From a feasibility point of view, this work is interesting because the modified features are at most four, and chosen in advance, which can be adjusted to modify only those features we have access to. To generate adversarial examples, Martins et al. <cit.> chose to work on the NSL-KDD dataset and a more realistic and recent dataset, namely CIC-IDS 2017. They also used adversarial training, first described in the image classification literature, to see if it could be applied to the IDS domain. The results showed that among the attacks used, JSMA is the least effective but disrupts the fewest features. They also showed that Adversarial Training improves the overall robustness of all classifiers, namely Decision Tree, Random Forest, Naive Bayes, SVM, DNN, and Denoising Autoencoder. Nevertheless, we can note that the feasibility of adversarial attacks has not been addressed in this work, except for the use of a more realistic dataset. Joseph et al. <cit.> used Kitsune's classifier called KitNET, and its dataset, to evaluate its robustness to adversarial examples generated based on four attacks (FGSM, JSMA, C&W, EAD) using different norms (L_0, L_1, L_2, L_∞). In a white box setting, the results showed that the classifier was vulnerable to all four attacks. The study provided by Olakunle et al. <cit.> analyzed the impact of adversarial examples generated with FGSM, BIM, and PGD against two DNNs trained with the Bot-IoT dataset containing network attacks such as DOS or DDOS. The results showed that these adversarial attacks performed well in the IoT domain. In addition, they proposed feature normalization as a defense mechanism. The results showed that this defense was not effective as it increased the accuracy of the classifier however it also made the model more vulnerable to adversarial examples. According to Apruzzese et al. <cit.> on evaluating the effectiveness of adversarial attacks against botnet detectors, their results show that it is possible to fool this type of NIDS detector based on machine learning algorithms. They found that all the machine learning algorithms studied in this paper, namely Random Forest, Decision Trees, AdaBoost, Multi-Layer Perceptron, K-Nearest Neighbor, Gradient Boosting, Linear Regression, Support Vector Machines, Naive Bayes, ExtraTrees, Bagging, and Stochastic Gradient Descent Linear Classifier are susceptible to be fooled. In this study, the experiments are conducted from a more realistic perspective by taking into account some important domain constraints and assuming the gray box parameters, and using known realistic datasets containing botnet attacks to train their models. These datasets are as follows: CTU-13, IDS2017, CIC-IDS2018, and UNB-CA Botnet. To generate adversarial examples, the authors manually add small perturbations to a maximum of 4 features of each malicious instance keeping a realistic perspective. These features are duration, sent bytes, received bytes, and exchanged packets. Furthermore, they showed that using the defense called "feature removal" (see Section <ref>) does not guarantee robust protection for botnet detectors. Hashemi et al. <cit.> propose a bottom-up approach by first analyzing the characteristics of the IDS datasets to understand their domain constraints. Once these constraints were identified, they showed that it is possible to fool different IDS models (Kitsune, DAGMM, and BiGAN) trained on the Kitsune and CICIDS2017 datasets, respectively, under these domain constraints for both packet-based and flow-based IDSs. To approach the problem more realistically, they proposed two algorithms for each of these network traffic types. For packets, the algorithm is divided into three parts: one function that generates delays between packets, another one that splits packets to have more packets, and the last one used to generate new packets. For flows, the algorithm uses a system of groups, only one of which can be modified and on which the attacker can apply perturbations. Recent work by Teuffenbach et al. <cit.> building on this work, also uses this grouping method to modify only relevant features. However, these groupings are slightly different from those proposed by Hashemi. Their results also showed that their method, involving domain constraints directly in their optimization problem, was effective in fooling the models (DNN, DBN, and AE) trained on CIC-IDS2017 and NSL-KDD. In their paper, Aiken et al. <cit.> investigated the effectiveness of a novel adversarial example generation method focused on a SYN Flood DDoS attack. The results showed that the proposed algorithm is effective in fooling the classifiers (Random Forest, SVM, Logistic Regression, and KNN) trained on the SYN Flood attack present in the CIC-IDS 2017 dataset. The accuracy of the model fell to 0% using the proposed algorithm. However, some characteristics of the instances are manipulated when they are not supposed to be since they are not easily modified in reality, such as the traffic from the victim. Sheatsley et al. <cit.> study showed that, even when several NIDS-related domain constraints are considered, limiting the number of features that can be modified, it is possible to create realistic adversarial examples capable of fooling attack detectors using the AJSMA (Adapted JSMA) and HSG (Histogram Sketch Generation) adversarial algorithms. The experiments were conducted on the NSL-KDD and UNSW-NB15 datasets. They showed that domains with more restrictive constraints, such as NIDS, are no more robust than those with fewer constraints, such as image recognition. They also showed that these attacks were effective because of their transferability. Jiming Chen et al. <cit.> studied the impact of adversarial examples on the domain of Industrial Control Systems (ICS). They took a more realistic approach by limiting their knowledge of the models used by the defender. They reproduced an ICS system to create a realistic environment and trained their MLP model directly on the extracted traffic. They then used two attack algorithms, GAN and OPT, to produce adversarial instances while taking into account domain constraints such as constraints related to the protocols used during the attacks. Their results showed that the ICS domain was also vulnerable to adversarial examples. In this study, several models were tested, namely, Random Forest, OCSVM (One-Class SVM), DNN, Stacking Model, and Naive Bayes. They proposed to use adversarial training and they found that this defense improved the robustness of the models studied. In their paper, Sadeghzadeh et al. <cit.> proposed a problem-based approach as opposed to a feature-based approach <cit.>. The authors used three new attacks to manipulate network traffic called Adversarial Pad (AdvPad) which adds the perturbation to the packet, Adversarial Payload (AdvPay) which adds perturbation to the payload and Adversarial Burst (AdvBurst) which adds newly crafted packets. They propose to manipulate traffic concerning different types of services such as VoIP, mail protocols, file transfer, or P2P present in the ISCXVPN2016 dataset. The results showed that the classifier used (CNN) decreased its robustness due to the use of the three attacks. Han et al. <cit.> proposed a novel attack using a GAN and a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) technique to directly manipulate the traffic under a black-box assumption. This approach is more realistic because the feature space is not easily reversible in the IDS domain, which means that the change in feature value cannot be transferred directly into the network traffic due to the numerous domain constraints. The attack process is divided into two parts, the GAN is used to generate adversarial features first, and then the PSO is used to add mutations to the malicious traffic. To evaluate the effectiveness of their attack, the authors used three new metrics to test the evasion effectiveness, namely the Detection Evasion Rate (DER), the Malicious Traffic Evasion Rate (MER), and the Probability Drop Rate (PDR) of the malicious traffic. They also proposed a new metric to provide an interpretability indicator called Malicious features Mimicry Rate (MMR) which provides a measure of how far the adversarial features are from the malicious features during mutation. The results showed that the attack was able to fool packet-based IDSs trained with the Kitsune dataset, as well as flow-based IDSs trained with the CIC-IDS2017 dataset. However, the effectiveness of the attack varies depending on the knowledge of the extracted features. If the substitute model does not know any of the features extracted by the extractor, it will still be able to generate adversarial traffic capable of fooling the classifiers by randomly choosing less effective features. Despite the black-box assumption, the authors assumed that the extractor used by the IDS is known, which is not always the case in real settings. Zhang et al. <cit.> proposed a new version of their original paper <cit.>. Their goal was to evaluate their framework's performance in terms of improving IDS protection against evasion attacks subject to limited defense knowledge. In particular, they used multiple decision-based black-box algorithms to provide a more realistic representation of the problem. The results showed that the classifiers, using MLP, CNN, and C-LSTM, trained on the CIC-IDS2018 dataset were all vulnerable to the used black-box algorithms, namely NES, Boundary, Pointwise, HopSkipJumpAttack, and Opt-Attack. To improve the robustness of the classifiers, the authors propose to use their Tiki-Taka framework combining several defenses, Adversarial Training, Ensemble Voting, and Adversarial Query Detection. Thus, the authors combined two proactive defenses and a reactive one respectively. The results indicate that this combination of defenses is effective against the attacks studied on the CIC-IDS2017 and CIC-IDS-2018 datasets. In their paper, Mohamed Amine Merzouk et al. <cit.> provide an in-depth analysis of the feasibility of state-of-the-art attacks against an IDS trained with NSL-KDD. The adversarial algorithms studied are FGSM, BIM, DeepFool, C&W, and JSMA. They showed that these adversarial algorithms produce invalid Adversarial Examples (AEs) if applied directly without taking domain constraints. For example, some of the generated values were negative or out of bounds, exceeding their feasible limit. These AEs must meet certain criteria to be valid. In particular, they show four constraints, namely out-of-range values, non-binary values, membership in multiple categories, and semantic links. Debicha et al. <cit.> proposed an adversarial detector design based on transfer learning. They evaluated the effectiveness of using multiple strategically placed adversarial detectors versus a single adversarial detector for intrusion detection systems. Their experiments were conducted on two IDS architectures: a serial architecture and a Kitsune-inspired parallel architecture. They chose four evasion attacks to generate adversarial traffic, namely FGSM, PGD, DeepFool, and C&W. Although the attacks are feature-based and not traffic-based, the author has taken into account the domain constraints to make them more feasible. Their defense is based on the implementation of multiple adversarial detectors, each receiving a subset of the information passed by the IDS and using a suitable fusion rule to combine their respective decisions. Using this defense, they were able to improve the detection rate over adversarial training. § FEASIBILITY OF THE EXISTING EVASION ATTACKS After reviewing all these papers, we can see that most of them do not consider the realistic aspect, or only in a limited way regardless of the domain, whether in an IoT context or a traditional enterprise network. Here are the realistic aspects that should be taken into account for future studies of the impact of adversarial attacks on intrusion detection systems: First, it seems that most attacks based on feature-space manipulation do not provide a sufficiently realistic approach, as features cannot be easily transcribed back into network traffic once extracted and modified. In addition, semantic and syntactic constraints restrict the modifications applied to any feature. When working on the feature space, it is necessary to ensure that the generated adversarial network traffic is valid. An additional step must be performed after adding adversarial perturbations to the feature space. This step is called problem-space projection, which is the projection of the adversarial example into the realistic problem space. The objective of this step is to ensure that the reverse feature-mapping is doable as shown in <cit.>. Second, the attacker is not supposed to know the mapping of raw network traffic into features, or at least not all of them, nor the semantic or syntactic links that exist between these features. This means that the assumptions about the feature extractor used in the model learning pipeline must remain limited if a truly realistic scenario is to be performed for the attacker. In other words, the attacker's knowledge should be limited and assumptions of full knowledge of the IDS should be avoided. Third, some papers <cit.> have addressed the black box hypothesis using attacks such as Boundary, NES, OPT, or ZOO. In reality, these black box attacks are easily detected by simple defenses such as Query Detection. In addition to the explanation given in the previous two points, one cannot query the IDS like an oracle repeatedly because the attacker could easily reveal himself, in addition to the fact that IDSs are not designed to deliver feedback when queried. § CONCLUSION Current research on the impact of using evasion attacks to bypass machine learning-based NIDS has shown that a slight perturbation can allow the attacker to circumvent detection. This of course raises a security concern, as the use of machine learning models is becoming more prevalent in the cybersecurity field. However, while it is theoretically possible to exploit these models, their exploitation is a bit different in a real-world setting. In this paper, we have reviewed the most recent attacks based on two possible adversarial strategies, namely the white-box and the black-box settings. We then explored some popular defense mechanisms. For each of the attacks and defenses, we elaborated on their suitability in the IDS domain. Finally, a set of related research papers are highlighted to clarify the feasibility of adversarial attacks in a more realistic context in the cybersecurity domain, specifically in the IDS domain. Concerning feasibility, we have provided several criticisms regarding recently published work by identifying their manipulation space. Thus, future research should focus on manipulating the traffic space by limiting the attacker's knowledge. We believe that this review has highlighted various points that may have been overlooked in some previous research, and that it will allow future research in this area to better address the various realistic constraints.
DTT: An Example-Driven Tabular Transformer by Leveraging Large Language Models
[ "Arash Dargahi Nobari", "Davood Rafiei" ]
[ "cs.DB" ]
dargahi@ualberta.ca University of Alberta Edmonton Alberta Canada drafiei@ualberta.ca University of Alberta Edmonton Alberta Canada Many organizations rely on data from government and third-party sources, and those sources and organizations do not follow the same data formatting. This introduces challenges in integrating data from multiple sources. Commercial database systems do not offer adequate support for integrating data from heterogeneous sources, and manual integration is both time-consuming and inefficient. While state-of-the-art approaches rely on similarity functions and textual transformations, they often fail to handle challenging cases where multiple mappings are required, or the mappings go beyond simple textual transformations. In this paper, we study the potential of deep neural models for transforming tables for joinability. In particular, we cast the problem as a prediction task and develop a framework that leverages large deep-learning language models to transform tabular data from a source formatting to a desired target representation. Our framework can efficiently learn the pattern for mapping the source formatting into the expected target using just a few examples, which can then be used for table joining, filling in missing values, and error detection. Compared to state-of-the-art mapping and joining approaches, our framework delivers noticeably more accurate and scalable performance on both real-world and synthetic datasets. Our experimental evaluation also shows that the performance of the proposed framework using our fine-tuned model is at par or better than large language models such as GPT-3, despite the significant difference in size, and that integrating large language models into our framework improves their performance. DTT: An Example-Driven Tabular Transformer by Leveraging Large Language Models Davood Rafiei March 30, 2023 =============================================================================== PVLDB Reference Format: . . PVLDB, (): , . https://doi.org/doi: [This work is licensed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 International License. Visit <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/> to view a copy of this license. For any use beyond those covered by this license, obtain permission by emailing mailto:info@vldb.orginfo@vldb.org. Copyright is held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to the VLDB Endowment. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, Vol. , No. ISSN 2150-8097. https://doi.org/doi: ]footnote-1 PVLDB Artifact Availability: The source code, data, and/or other artifacts have been made available at <>. § INTRODUCTION The drive towards data publishing and sharing by entities and governments over the past couple of years has led many organizations to rely on data from third-party sources. However, gathering data from multiple sources inevitably leads to data mismatches. Converting data from one format to another has long been a challenge in data integration and management <cit.>, with traditional approaches relying on manual development of guidelines and rules for integration or transformation <cit.>. However, the sheer size and complexity of modern databases make manual transformation and integration impractical, fueling a significant research on automatic data transformation <cit.>. Our focus in this paper is on automated transformation of tabular data such as spreadsheets, web tables, and relational databases, which is widely adopted by both organizations and governments for representing, storing, and sharing data. In particular, given a few examples of matched rows between a source and a target, the goal is to learn a mapping. Those mappings can then be used to transform arbitrary rows in the source formatting into the formatting of the target, with applications in joining data from different sources <cit.>, filling in the missing values and auto-completion <cit.>, and error detection and correction <cit.>. Figure <ref> depicts a source and a target, representing the same entities (people) but in different formattings. The source table shows the names of the individuals, while the target table shows their corresponding user ids. Suppose that the target column is incomplete or unavailable, and the objective is to predict the missing values of the target column, based on a few examples of source-target pairs. Or, one may want to join the two columns despite the differences in formatting. The transformation process requires some reformatting rules and the choice of a rule may be conditional on the input. For example, in the first, third, and seventh rows, the reformatting rule involves concatenating the initial and the last name, converting them to lowercase, and using a period as a separator. However, in the second row, there is a middle name, while the last row lacks a first name, and these variations can affect the transformations. In general, detecting such transformations from a set of examples is not straightforward and must account for various challenges. Challenges The search space for possible transformations is huge. If each transformation is synthesized into a sequence of edit operations, the search space grows exponentially with the number of edit operations in a transformation and the parameter space of the operations. Also, both the search space and the runtime for many state-of-the-art approaches <cit.> further grow with the input size, such as the number of rows and the length of a row. Despite some attempts to reduce the search space by limiting the number of operations (e.g. split and substring) within a transformation <cit.>, sampling the input <cit.>, and applying pruning strategies <cit.>, the search space still remains relatively large. Hence the time needed to find a mapping is often much more than what may be considered as acceptable, for example, in an online setting. Also, some of these improvements and prunings are lossy, and they can miss transformations that are of a better quality than those found. Another challenge is the availability of input examples and noise handling. The examples are usually either user-provided or automatically generated from input. In the former, the examples are (extremely) limited but accurate, whereas in the latter, the examples can be extensive, but less accurate. In real-world settings, noise is usually unavoidable and inconsistencies can exist in data. Also when examples are automatically generated, some of them can be incorrect. A good model should perform well with only a limited number of examples, and it should also benefit from the abundance of examples, maybe ignoring those that are less useful. A good model should also be robust against any possible noise in data and deal with inaccuracy in the provided examples. Existing Approaches A wide array of studies target the problem of matching entity descriptions or records that describe the same real-world entities but differ in terms of formatting or representation <cit.>. Traditional approaches rely on textual and semantic similarity, whereas more recent approaches incorporate machine learning and deep neural models. While these models provide effective solutions to the problem of formatting mismatch in joining tabular data, their use cases are limited. For example, these models cannot predict or rectify missing values, provide suggestions, or detect outliers in a table. This has led to another line of research where the focus is on finding a mapping between source and target tables and leveraging this mapping to transform the source formatting into that of the target. The majority of approaches aimed at detecting a mapping between two tables rely heavily on a limited set of string-based transformations <cit.> and an exhaustive search of the parameter space. While the search space can be bounded by limiting the number of string-based transformations, this can negatively impact the accuracy. Consider the source and target tables in Figure <ref>, where different rows may require different formatting rules. To transform all rows in the source to their corresponding target values, six distinct textual transformations may be needed, as illustrated in Example <ref>. Some studies <cit.> limit their search space and find a single transformation that covers all input rows, which will not be effective in this scenario. Other studies <cit.> can produce more than one transformation, but the problem of selecting a transformation from the set to apply to an arbitrary row is left unanswered. For instance, Nobari et al. <cit.> provide a set of transformations that are required for a mapping but do not provide much hint on how to select a transformation for an input row. Furthermore, many state-of-the-art methods <cit.> exhaustively search the transformation space, and despite their pruning strategies, their runtimes increase dramatically when the input size grows <cit.>. Our Approach In this paper, we introduce Deep Tabular Transformer (DTT), a novel framework for transforming tabular data into a joinable format using the power of deep learning for language modeling. Unlike traditional approaches that rely on a limited set of pre-defined string-based transformations and an exhaustive search process, DTT overcomes these limitations by leveraging advanced deep learning techniques. DTT predicts an expected output row in the target table for each row of the source table, enabling easy and efficient data joining. Our experimental results show that DTT outperforms existing state-of-the-art approaches in terms of accuracy, is applicable to a larger set of tables, and maintains an outstanding runtime performance even when dealing with large input size. Remarkably, the performance of DTT is at par or better than large language models such as GPT-3 despite having an order of magnitude less parameters and requiring dramatically less resources during inference. We are releasing DTT as a pretrained model, which demonstrates exceptional performance across multiple domains without the need for fine-tuning. Our hope is that this release will drive further advancements in the field. Our contributions can be summarized as follows: * We propose DTT, a novel example-driven approach for tabular data transformation leveraging pretrained language models. * We develop a diverse dataset for training our model, comprising of synthetic examples. Our experiments demonstrate that our model performs exceptionally well on real-world data from various domains. * We present an end-to-end framework for tabular data transformation which includes a decomposer, serializer, model, and aggregator. As an application of our framework, we demonstrate its effectiveness in table joining. * We conduct extensive evaluation on a wide range of datasets from different domains and show that our approach outperforms existing state-of-the-art baselines in terms of both accuracy and runtime. * We make all our resources, including our code, framework, pretrained model, synthetic data generator, and real-world benchmarks publicly available for the research community.[https://github.com/arashdn/dtt] § PROBLEM DEFINITION We want to transform tables from a source formatting to a target formatting using a few provided examples. Let S={s_1, s_2, …} denote a set of values in the source. For a small subset S^'⊂ S, let E={(s_i,t_i) | s_i ∈ S^'} denote a set of k examples where the target values are given to guide the process for finding a transformation. The aim is to find the target formatting of every value in the source, i.e. R = { (s_i, f(s_i)) | s_i ∈ S ∧∀ s_j ∈ S^' ((s_j, f(s_j) ∈ E)}. As an example, suppose we have a source table S that lists the recent prime ministers of Canada and an example set E that consists of three rows: Our aim is to find the target formatting for any arbitrary value in S. For instance, the values and may be mapped to and respectively. Tables can be transformed for joinability, for example, allowing a column of a source table to be joined with a column in the target. Tables may also be transformed to fill in missing values in a target column. In both cases, S can be the set of all values in the source column. In this study, we assume the source values and examples are provided. This a common practice to limit the scope of the problem and focus on data transformations <cit.>. If user-provided examples are not available, an unequal joining method <cit.> or token-based example generation <cit.> may be used to provide a set of examples, with the caveat that the automatically generated examples may contain noise and invalid pairs. We will discuss how our approach can deal with such noisy examples. § BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORK Our work is related to the lines of work on (1) example-driven tabular data transformation, (2) language modeling and text-to-text transformers, and (3) language models applied to tabular data. We review the relevant recent works in these areas while also providing some background (when necessary). §.§ Example-Driven Tabular Data Transformation This is probably the closest line of work to ours. There are numerous studies in this area <cit.>, and FlashFill <cit.> and BlinkFill <cit.> are among the pioneers, with a focus on spreadsheet data. These two approaches construct an input graph based on a given set of user-provided examples, which is then traversed to generate a sequence of substring-based textual transformations that map source values to their corresponding targets in the input examples. However, FlashFill and BlinkFill heavily rely on the accuracy of the provided examples and are unable to handle noise in the examples. To address this issue, Zhu et al. propose a method called Auto-join <cit.>, which uses a set of pre-defined string-based transformation units, such as substring and split, to describe the transformations. The examples are automatically generated by token matching, and the method creates several subsets of the input examples to handle noise. A recursive backtracking algorithm is then applied to each subset to find the best transformation. While Auto-join is able to handle minor noise in the input and limits the search space by using pre-defined transformation units, it is a backtracking method and needs to search the entire transformation space in the worst case, which can be computationally expensive. Also, it may not perform well if the noise level in the examples is significant. In a more recent work by Nobari et al., referred to as Common String-based Transformer (CST), the search space for string-based transformations is further constrained by considering common text sequences between source and target examples as textual evidence to form the skeleton of transformations. CST uses the same string-based transformation units as Auto-join, but transformations for each row are generated independently to better handle input noise. The transformations are then ranked based on their coverage to build a final transformation set. While CST offers better noise handling and runtime performance compared to Auto-join, it is still limited to substring-based transformation units and performs well only when long matching sequences exist between source and target examples. While the pruning conditions in Auto-join and CST limit their search space and improve their runtime, they can end up missing some transformations, particularly those that cannot be covered by a small set of pre-defined transformation units. Our aim is to overcome these limitations on the search space by utilizing a Language Model (LM) to transform source values into the desired target representation. §.§ Language Modeling and Text to Text Transformers With large language models forming an integral component of our framework, we provide a brief background of those models. A vast majority of machine-learned LMs are based on the concept of masked language modeling, where some tokens in a given sequence are masked (or corrupted), and the model is trained to predict those masked tokens. Word2Vec <cit.> and GloVe <cit.> are among the earliest models for pretraining, which generate static vectorized embeddings of each word using a shallow neural network. A later work, ELMo <cit.> uses two layers of bidirectional LSTM <cit.> to observe the context before and after the word and generates contextualized embedding of the words, unlike the static embeddings in Word2Vec. In recent years, Vaswani et al. <cit.> introduce transformers that use self attention <cit.>, allowing the model to parallelize better than LSTM models and not giving more weight to nearby words. Transformer-based models consist mostly of an encoder, a decoder <cit.>, or both. Encoder-only models, such as BERT <cit.>, aim to learn the natural languages and generate a latent representation of the input that can be used for tasks requiring an understanding of the input. Decoder-only models, such as GPT-2 <cit.> and GPT-3 <cit.>, are widely used to generate natural language text given a context. Finally, Encoder-Decoder models, also referred to as sequence-to-sequence or text-to-text models, such as T5 <cit.> and BART <cit.>, use an encoder to create a latent representation of the input, which is passed to the decoder to generate a new text for a desired task. §.§ Language Models Applied to Tabular Data The rise of pretrained language models has led to their increasing use in various tasks, including those involving tabular data. In particular, these models are being applied to tasks such as entity matching <cit.>, text to SQL <cit.>, question answering <cit.> and data to text <cit.>. Since many deep learning and NLP models can only process data as a sequence of tokens, table serialization has become a common module in many of these tasks. Several serialization techniques have been developed to transform tables into sequences of tokens <cit.>, while preserving the structural relationships that may be needed for these tasks. Since the relationships that need to be preserved can be task-dependent, various serialization methods are used in the literature. For example, Iida et al. <cit.> pass the rows and columns as two separate sequences to two transformer blocks and average the row and column values for each cell to generate a cell representation. In RPT <cit.>, tables are serialized using two special tokens, and , to encode attribute names and their corresponding values respectively. While this serialization keeps the structural information about the tables, it is not very efficient as the attribute names are repeated in each row of the table. Our aim is not to generate a dense representation of the entire table, and this requires a different serialization approach, which we discuss in Section <ref>. § APPROACH As depicted in Figure <ref>, our framework consists of a few components: (1) a decomposer and serializer, which decomposes the problem into smaller subtasks and performs an input serialization; (2) a tokenizer, which performs tokenization to obtain a vectorized representation of the input; (3) a sequence-to-sequence model, which predicts an output for each subtask; and (4) an aggregator, which is responsible for combining the predictions of the subtasks to generate a final prediction. In the rest of this section, we will discuss the details of those components. §.§ Decomposer and Serializer Given a set of rows S from a source table and an example set E of source-target row pairs, the aim is to transform every row s_i ∈ S to a target based on the examples. Many large language models impose a limit on the length of the input. This limit usually varies from 512 tokens (e.g. BERT) to 2048 tokens (e.g. GPT-3) and is associated with the quadratic memory requirement of the self-attention mechanism with input length <cit.>. However, the encoding of a table can be much longer for large tables and when there are many examples. To reduce this dependency on input length, we decompose the problem into smaller tasks, with each task being small enough to easily fit the input length requirement of many language models. This decomposition process is discussed in this section and the aggregation of the results is discussed in Section <ref>. Suppose the number of examples that describe the context in a sub-problem is set to two. For any arbitrary row in the source table, any subset of E of size two can be selected as the context. Let E^2 denote the set of all subsets of E of size two, i.e. E^2 = {(s_1, o_1), (s_2, o_2) | (s_1, o_1) ∈ E ∧ (s_2, o_2) ∈ E ∧ s_1 < s_2}. For each input row s_i ∈ S to be transformed, there are |E^2| possible contexts that can be chosen. As an example, consider sets S and E in Section <ref>. The set E^2 of all subsets of size two of E will be and an encoding of the input ∈ S using one of these contexts is . Each input row s_i can be fed to the model multiple times, each time with a different context. If the input is passed to the model n times, each time with a different context, the model will predict n possible targets, which can be aggregated as discussed in Section <ref>. It is common to use special tokens to mark the beginning and the end of sentences in natural language as it helps with training a model. The same convention is followed in encoding tabular data to describe the relationships between different input fields. Following this convention, we separate the source and target in an example with a token and two examples with . We also mark the beginning of input with and the end of input with . With these symbols, our example given earlier can be encoded as: , and the expected label is . In general, the size of a sub-problem can vary depending on the lengths of the records in source and target, the length limitation of the large language model being employed, and maybe the complexity of transformations. In our case, each example consists of two rows, a source and a target. Assuming that the input consists of k examples and a source row to be transformed, and using a language model that takes 512 tokens, the length of each row is limited to ⌊ 512/(2k+1)⌋ tokens, ignoring special tokens and separators. Also, more complex transformations generally require more examples to better describe the operations. For instance, consider the example in the context of the example given in Section <ref>. With only one example, one cannot tell if the letter in the target is derived from or . However, with two examples, there is less chance of an ambiguity. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, we set the number of examples in our contexts to two. §.§ Tokenizer and Model As large language models expect vectors as inputs, the input needs to be tokenized and each token is assigned a vector. Even though tokenization is considered as the first step in many NLP pipelines, the choice of tokenization is less obvious when working with tabular data. Conventional NLP models (e.g. word2vec, GloVe) use the vocabulary words as the unit for tokenization, and out-of-vocabulary tokens are usually all collapsed into an unknown token. Recent deep models utilize a more efficient tokenization that may better handle the morphological structure of the words, out-of-vocabulary words, or low-resource languages. Transformer-based language models <cit.> generally use either WordPiece <cit.> or Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) <cit.> tokenizations, where more frequent consecutive byte pairs are represented as new symbols in the vocabulary (analogous to text compression techniques). In both cases, words are broken down into subword tokens based on the frequency of each subword in the language. As a result, common words are represented as a single token whereas rare words are broken down into multiple tokens. However, in our problem setting, a subword-level tokenizer may not be the right choice. Subword tokenizers are mainly optimized to pick subwords of natural language or words in the input domain while in tabular data, the values can be from any domain including words not from a specific language. Understanding meaning and semantics of the words or splitting them into smaller meaningful parts is not essentially helpful in predicting the output as each character may independently contribute to the output value. For instance, consider the pair , where the first character in is producing the letter in . In a different example pair, , the word is used in the output as a single token. A pretrained subword-level tokenizer may not be the best choice for such input tokenization. A similar problem arises in low-resource languages that lack enough data for training a tokenizer. It is shown that character- or byte-level tokenizers work better in those settings <cit.>. On the same basis, we adopt byte-level tokenizer ByT5 <cit.> in our work. Recent work has shown that byte-level models are competitive with their subword-level counterparts <cit.>, especially in tasks dealing with short-length texts. Generally, table cells store short-length content and our serialization technique also generates short-length contexts with only two examples. Taking this into account, we use a byte-level UTF-8 encoder as the tokenizer, which benefits from the accuracy of character-level tokenizers and maintains a relatively short input length passed to the model. With the input represented as a sequence of tokens, the problem becomes a text-to-text transformation, where a suitable choice for the model architecture is a sequence-to-sequence model that comprises an encoder and a decoder block. Recent models are stacking a same number of transformer <cit.> layers for both encoder and decoder. However, it is shown that when the input is a sequence of characters, using a deeper encoder containing more layers of transformers, referred to as unbalanced architecture, performs better than a balanced model <cit.>. ByT5 <cit.> is a recent byte-level text-to-text model with an encoder block three times deeper than the decoder block, which we use as a starting point for the training process. Unlike the original model, which masks parts of the output, we mask all characters in the target, and the training objective is to predict the masked bytes. The decoder is an auto-regressive decoder, and only the initial token, , is passed to the decoder. In the next sections, we will delve into the details of passing the input and predicting an output. §.§ Aggregator We have decomposed the problem of transforming a table into a set of smaller tasks (see Section <ref>), where each of these tasks is carried out using a sequence-to-sequence model, as discussed in Section <ref>. To exploit all provided examples in the prediction process, each input is fed into the model multiple times, each time with a different context. If we denote the number of trials with n, the model will predict n target candidates, denoted as O_i = {o_i1… o_in}, for each row s_i ∈ S in the source. In an ideal setting where there is no noise or inconsistency in the data and the model performs with no error, all of the predicted values for a specific source s_i should be the same, i.e. o_i1 = o_i2 = … = o_in. However, inaccurate examples, noisy input rows, and inconsistencies among multiple rows can lead to different predictions for a particular source row. It should be noted that due to the limitations in the model's input length, it is not feasible to pass the entire example set to the model, and instead, we create various subsets, each of which is treated as an independent problem. While noise in the examples may affect the output in some subsets, we ensemble the outputs generated under different contexts to obtain the best possible output. Consequently, the predicted target t_i for the source s_i can be estimated as t_i = o_ij∈ O_iargmax P(C_i | o_ij), where C_i ⊆ C is a subset of contexts that may include example sets that are relevant to source s_i, and C_i may also be limited in size, for example to n. By applying Bayes' theorem, we have P(C_i | o_ij) = P(o_ij | C_i) P(C_i) /P(o_ij). Assuming a uniform prior probability P(o_ij) for the predictions and treating P(C_i) the same for all predictions, these terms can be ignored, and P(C_i | o_ij) ∝ P(o_ij | C_i) can be used as a proxy for finding the argmax. Also, assuming independence among predictions, it is possible to use the maximum likelihood estimation to calculate P(o_ij | C_i), i.e. t_i = o_ij∈ O_iargmax P(o_ij | C_i) ∝|o_ij|/|O_i| where |o_ij| is the frequency of o_ij in O_i and |O_i| is number of possible predictions. §.§ Downstream Tasks Given a source row and a set of source-target example pairs, the proposed model generates a target row following the examples. This framework can be useful in many downstream tasks such as auto-completion and auto-filling spreadsheets <cit.>, predicting missing values, error correction <cit.>, and joining <cit.>. In this section, we review two particular tasks: (1) filling missing values, and (2) joining heterogeneous tables. §.§.§ Filling missing values It is common to have missing values in real-world tables <cit.>, and sometimes those missing values can be predicted from the values of other columns <cit.>. Consider a scenario where two columns s and t are given, and column t has some missing or incorrect values. Those columns can be from the same or different tables. If there exists a mapping relationship from s to t, our approach may be used to fill in the missing values. In this case, the given samples in s and t where the values of both columns are present may serve as examples from which a mapping is learned. The examples can then be utilized by the model as context to find the missing or incorrect values in s. §.§.§ Joining heterogeneous tables Consider a join scenario where a source table S and a target table T must be joined, based on some columns that are not formatted the same but there is a mapping from source to target. Examples of mappings may be provided by the user or obtained automatically <cit.>. The model can be invoked to generate a target f(s_i) for each source row s_i, utilizing the examples as discussed earlier. Unlike the case for filling missing values where an exact prediction of the missing value is needed, an exact prediction is not necessary for a join. Instead, the goal is to use f(s_i) as a bridge to establish a connection between rows in S and T. For instance, under the setting where each value in the source is matched with a single value in the target (e.g. a primary-foreign key relationship), one needs to find the closest match in T for f(s_i). This allows small discrepancies between predicted and target values, without affecting the join. There is a great chance that a significant string similarity exists between a model predicted value f(s_i) and the corresponding value in T. In many cases, this similarity is enough to perform the join. Therefore, for each (s_i, f(s_i)) pair, we can select t_j ∈ T such that it yields the minimum edit distance between the two strings. This can be formalized as follows: m_i = t^j ∈ Targmin edit_dist(f(s_i), t^j) where m_i is considered a match in the target for s_i. The approach can be generalized to cases where a value in the source is matched with either no values or multiple values in the target. To allow such many-to-many joins, one may set lower and upper bounds for the edit distance instead of aiming for the minimum distance. § EXPERIMENTS AND ANALYSIS In this section, we evaluate our proposed model and analyze its performance under different settings. We also discuss our training data generation and the process of training our model. §.§ Dataset for Training DTT Pretrained language models are generally trained on large text corpora, and a common approach for training them involves masking out a word and predicting it, as seen in popular models such as T5 <cit.>, BERT <cit.> and GPT-2 <cit.>. By using this approach, large amounts of unlabeled data can be utilized to train the model. Nonetheless, our particular task requires a vast set of source and target examples, grouped according to the transformations that map source examples to their corresponding targets. To the best of our knowledge, such a dataset is not currently available, and our experiments have shown that even advanced generative models pretrained on natural language text, such as T5 and GPT-2, are not capable of performing this task without extensive fine-tuning and training. This is because entries in real-world tables are typically short and have little relevance to other entries in the same column, aside from sharing the same domain (e.g. individual names). As a result, the prior language knowledge of these general models is less likely to be useful for this task. To address this challenge, we propose generating synthetic data to train the model. Before delving into the details of data generation, however, it is important to first review the desired features of the training data. §.§.§ Training data features The training data must possess several key features. First, it should be organized as source-target pairs, categorized by their corresponding transformations, as previously discussed. It is worth noting that the mapping function can be general, as the model does not need to know the function itself; rather, it only requires the output of the function for the source examples and that the generated examples by the same mapping are grouped together. Second, the dataset must be sufficiently large to train a model with hundreds of millions of parameters, which is typical for many language models. Third, the dataset should cover a broad range of textual transformation patterns and various input lengths. Finally, the generated data should not be limited to the words in any specific language since many terms in table cells are not dictionary words and may not be limited to a particular language. Overall, the primary purpose of training data in our case is guiding the model to understand the mapping corresponding to a set of source-target example pairs. In this context, different combinations of edit operations can be performed on the source examples to generate the target outputs. Unlike NLP models that rely on understanding the syntax and the semantics of input, our model primarily focuses on discovering textual patterns and string operations. Hence, character-level tokenization is preferred in our case. In the rest of this section, we will delve into the process of generating a synthetic dataset to train our model. §.§.§ Training data generation To generate our synthetic dataset we first build a set of textual transformations, denoted as T, each consisting of a sequence of basic transformation units. We use the basic transformation units in Nobari et al. <cit.>, which include , , , , and . These units have their natural meanings: selects a portion of the input based on start and end parameters, breaks the input by a given character and selects one part, returns a constant, and and return the lowercase and uppercase forms of the input respectively. Each unit copies either parts of the input or a literal to the output, and the output of a transformation is the concatenation of the outputs of its units. We randomly choose the units, parameters, and the length of each transformation in terms of the number of units, to provide a diverse set of examples. While the aforementioned transformations are expected to cover many cases of transformations in real-world settings <cit.>, our aim is not to limit the model to learning a fixed set of transformations. Our findings indicate that, with sufficient independent training examples, the model can learn to find any necessary transformation even with a limited set of pre-defined transformations. The construction of transformations mainly helps us group input examples that follow a same mapping, but the model is not aware of the transformations and uses regular cross-entropy loss at the character level to learn a mapping that transforms the source into the target. The transformations in Nobari et al. <cit.> and Zhu et al. <cit.> do not allow stacking of the units where one unit is applied on top of another unit. For the same reason, they introduce complex transformation units such as which stacks substring on top of split, with the output of one operation fed to the other. Instead of introducing many such new units, we allow random stacking of up to three transformation units. The stacking here refers to passing the output of one transformation unit to another one. Since our units include lower case and upper case transformations, the case of input may change in some transformations and not others. For each transformation tr ∈ T, a set of examples is generated. To create these examples, a source text is randomly generated consisting of a mix of alphabetic and numeric characters, symbols, and special characters. The length of the input is selected at random. The transformation tr is then applied to source texts to generate a set of examples, denoted as I_tr = { (s_i, t_i)}_1 ≤ i ≤ u. Using random text instead of dictionary words avoids any potential bias towards natural language words and grammatical structures. To form example sets, subsets of size 3 are selected from I_tr. Each example set is then serialized, as discussed in Section <ref>, with the target of the last example masked and labeled as the target for use in forming context sets for model training. §.§ Dataset for Evaluation To evaluate the effectiveness of our approach and compare its performance with state-of-the-art baselines, we use two real-world datasets as well as four synthetic datasets. In what follows, we provide a detailed explanation of each dataset. Web Tables Dataset (WT) This benchmark was initially introduced by Zhu et al. <cit.> and was also used as a benchmark in Nobari et al. <cit.>. The dataset includes 31 pairs of tables from 17 distinct topics, with an average of 92.13 rows per table and an average length of 31 characters per input source. The tables were sampled from Google Fusion tables by identifying tables that appear in the results of the same queries but are formatted differently. This benchmark contains natural noise and inconsistencies, and not all entities can be transformed using traditional string-based transformations, which makes this dataset a relatively challenging benchmark <cit.>. Spreadsheet Dataset (SS) This dataset includes 108 pairs of tables, sourced from Microsoft Excel product team and user help forums, specifically focused on users' data cleaning issues. The tables are comprised of spreadsheet pages that present the same information in different formats. The dataset encompasses the public benchmarks presented in FlashFill <cit.> and BlinkFill <cit.>, and was published in 2016 Syntax-Guided Synthesis Competition (SyGuS-Comp) <cit.>. On average, each table in the dataset contains 34.43 rows and 19 characters per input source. Compared to web tables, this dataset features considerably less noise and inconsistency. General Synthetic Dataset (Syn) This is a synthetic dataset that contains 10 table pairs. Each pair is generated by applying a randomly generated textual transformation to a set of random input sources to create the output table. The transformations are constructed by putting together a random sequence of 3 to 6 units, the same as those discussed in Section <ref>, with random parameter sets. Unless stated differently, the dataset contains 10 tables, each of which contains 100 rows. Input length is randomly chosen in the range of 8 to 35, and no artificial noise is added to the dataset. While the model has been exposed to the units during the training, the transformations, the parameter sets of the units, and the inputs are unseen during the training process. Easy Synthetic Dataset (Syn-RP) This is a synthetic dataset containing 5 pairs of tables. Each pair is formed by randomly replacing one character with another (for example, the character `/' might be replaced with `-' for all rows). This dataset resembles simple formatting changes such as replacing a slash in a phone number with a hyphen. This replacement operation is not a transformation unit that exists in the model's training data and is thus unseen by the trained model. Each table contains 50 rows, and the length of input sources is randomly selected from a range of 8 to 35, unless stated otherwise. Since our model is generating the output character-by-character, we measure the difficulty of datasets based on the number of required edit operations. Accordingly, this is an easy dataset considering that only a few characters in the input need to be changed to generate the desired output. Medium Synthetic Dataset (Syn-ST) This synthetic dataset is similar to the previous one in terms of the number of table pairs and the input length. Each table pair is constructed by applying a single substring transformation unit to the input, with the start and end parameters selected randomly. Substring is one of the units included in the model's training data. In terms of difficulty, this dataset is considered to be medium-level based on the number of edit operations required. Difficult Synthetic Dataset (Syn-RV) This synthetic dataset consists of 5 tables, each containing 50 rows with input sources randomly selected to have a length between 8 to 35 characters. In this dataset, the target output is obtained by reversing all characters in the source (for instance, “Hello” is changed to “olleH”). This benchmark is considered difficult since almost all characters in the input source must be changed to generate the expected target. §.§ Experimental Setup Our model, DTT, was trained on a synthetic dataset containing 2000 groupings of transformations, each corresponding to a transformation, as discussed in Section <ref>. For each grouping, we generated 10 pairs of source-target samples with randomly chosen input lengths ranging from 8 to 35. 80% of the samples were used for training and the other 20% were the validation set. We also conducted experiments with other sample sizes and input lengths for training the model, and the results are discussed in Section <ref>. To evaluate the performance of our model, we divided the rows of each input table in our datasets into two equal-sized sets, denoted as S_e and S_t. The former provided context examples to be passed to the model, while the latter was used for testing. Since DTT is an example-driven method, the selection of these examples is critical to the model's performance. To ensure the robustness of our predictions, we employ a technique where each input is fed to the model five times, and each time a distinct set of randomly chosen examples from S_e were given as context. The results of those trials were aggregated, as discussed in Section <ref>, to produce a final prediction. §.§ Evaluation Metrics We evaluate the performance of our models based on precision, recall, and F1-Score. This evaluation is in the context of heterogeneous join, as discussed in Section <ref>, where for a given source-target sample (s,t), we consider a model prediction correct if it has the minimum edit distance with the target t. In our case, precision represents the fraction of correct predictions that join with the target, recall measures the fraction of source rows that are correctly mapped, and F1-score is the harmonic mean of the two. It is important to note that not all source rows may be mapped due to various reasons[For AFJ, a threshold for similarity distance is set and based on that threshold, some source rows will not have a match. In CST, a match may not still be found after applying the detected transformations to all input rows. The language models may just return <eos> with no prediction.]. In addition to the above metrics, we also report the Average Edit Distance(AED) and Average Normalized Edit Distance (ANED), which indicates the extent to which a prediction may differ from the given target. The normalization is performed based on the target length, enabling comparability across different datasets and lengths. All reported metrics for each dataset are the average over all tables in the dataset. §.§ Performance Compared to Heterogeneous Join Baselines In this section, we evaluate the performance of our model on the end-to-end task of heterogeneous or unequal table join. The task simulates the scenario where source and target columns are in two different tables that need to be joined. To provide a point of reference, we compare the performance of our model to two current state-of-the-art baselines: Common String-based Transformer (CST) <cit.> and Auto-FuzzyJoin (AFJ) <cit.>. CST finds a set of textual transformations given a set of examples to transform tables for joinability and AFJ uses a set of similarity functions to detect the most probable rows to be joined. Table <ref> summarizes the performance of DTT and the baselines, in terms of precision, recall, and F1-score, (denoted as P, R, and F respectively). The results show that DTT outperforms the baselines on all real-world datasets in terms of F1-Score and recall. On the synthetic datasets, our approach outperforms the baselines on three out of four datasets. On Syn-RP and Syn-ST datasets, our approach is either comparable or slightly worse than the baselines. The reason is that these datasets are relatively easy, with a significant textual similarity between the source and target. CST exhaustively searches the space for substring transformation, which is the only transformation used in the Syn-ST dataset. Moreover, AFJ is based on the textual similarity, and every target in Syn-ST is a substring of the source, leading to a significant similarity between source and target. Therefore, these datasets favor the baselines. Nevertheless, DTT still achieves an F1-score of 88% on the Syn-ST dataset and a perfect F-score of 100% on Syn-RP, which is equal to AFJ and better than CST. There are significant differences between DTT and the baselines CST is limited in its ability to extract transformations, and cannot perform a join when there is no clear copying relationship between the source and target, as is the case with the Syn-RV dataset where the target is obtained by reversing the input. As a result, CST achieves a 0% F1-score on this dataset. AFJ, on the other hand, employs similarity functions to determine if source and target values can be joined. However, this method struggles when there is not much similarity between the source and target, as demonstrated by its performance on the Syn-RV dataset. Such challenges are common in real-world data. DTT, in contrast, leverages the provided examples to generate the desired output without relying on textual similarity or being bounded by the length of transformations. Hence, DTT performs significantly better than the baselines on more challenging datasets, such as the real-world WT dataset and the synthetic Syn and Syn-RV datasets. For instance, DTT outperforms the baselines by a large margin on Syn-RV, where the target is obtained by reversing the order of characters in the input. Two more interesting observations can be made here. Firstly, to achieve a good performance on the join, it is not necessary to predict every single character correctly. Our framework can tolerate inaccuracies by aggregating results from multiple examples and using an edit-distance-based metric to form join candidates. For example, in Syn-RV dataset, while the average normalized edit distance is more than 80%, the F1-score for join prediction is 63%. Secondly, our model performs very well on all real-world datasets and two synthetic datasets Syn-RP and Syn-RV, despite the fact that our training data did not include any operation that simulates reversing the input or replacing a character, and no real-world examples or transformations were included in the training data. This highlights that the model is not limited to a given set of transformations, but rather focuses on extracting character-level patterns from the given set of input examples. Finally, in terms of comparing the runtime of DTT and our baselines, a direct comparison is not possible since DTT requires a GPU architecture whereas our baselines require CPU and memory. That said, some observations can be made on the scalability of the models The time required to predict a mapping for each row in DTT is independent of the number of rows and grows linearly with the length of the rows, whereas this time grows quadratically with the number of rows and polynomially with the length in CST. While the edit distance calculation in the joining process depends on the number of rows, our experiments suggest the growth in the runtime of DTT is noticeably less than CST when input length increases. For instance, with our machine setup [Our experiments were conducted on a machine with Nvidia RTX 3090 GPU and AMD EPYC 7601 CPU with 64GB RAM.], processing a table with row length set to 5 characters from our synthetic dataset takes 5 seconds for DTT and 3 seconds for CST. However, when the input length increases to 50 characters, DTT needs less than 17 seconds, while CST takes around 90 seconds to complete the join. It should be noted that the runtimes reported for DTT are the summation of decomposition, all 5 trails, and the aggregation time. For scalability in terms of the number of rows, we compared their performance on two tables from our spreadsheet dataset, “phone-10-short” and “phone-10-long”, both with an average of 17 characters per row. The former has 7 rows, while the latter has 100. DTT takes 3 and 22 seconds respectively for short and long tables, while the same experiments require 4 and 366 seconds for CST, and 4 and 38 seconds for AFJ. This indicates how our framework scales better in terms of runtime when the input grows either horizontally or vertically. §.§ Performance Compared to Large Language Model Baselines Large Language Models (LLM) can be employed in many downstream tasks including joining heterogeneous tables. It has been shown that the recent models perform relatively well under zero or few shot settings <cit.>, hence they set a strong baseline. In this section, we compare the performance of our model to GPT-3 <cit.>, a state-of-the-art LLM with exceptional performance on many tasks. Compared to our ByT5-base <cit.> model that is fine-tuned on only 20,000 synthetically-generated samples and contains near 582M parameters, GPT-3 models are trained on billions of documents and resources such as web tables and has at least one to two orders of magnitude more parameters. Our experiment with GPT-3 is under few-shot setting with 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10 randomly selected samples from each table given as examples. Zero-shot setting is not applicable in our case since an input source row can be mapped to an unlimited number of targets without any examples. At the time of writing, GPT-3 models are not published publicly and are only accessible through OpenAI commercial API[https://openai.com]. We use the Curie[The complete model name is “text-curie-001”] model of GPT-3 from the API. Curie is claimed to be extremely powerful, fast, and capable of many advanced tasks[Based on platform documentations on openai.com]. Nevertheless, the model specification and the number of parameters are not publicly announced. Comparing the general performance of the Curie model with the performance reported for various sizes of GPT-3 <cit.>, it can be assumed that the Curie model has about 7B parameters and is trained on a huge text data from different datasets. We run two sets of experiments to analyze the performance of GPT-3 for unequal join. First, as the common method of using LLMs, we pass our examples as an input sequence to the GPT-3 and consider the model output as the expected target. The serialization used for GPT-3 is the same as DTT, as discussed in Section <ref>. In the second experiment, we use GPT-3 as a replacement for our fine-tuned ByT5 model (and byte-level tokenizer) inside our framework, keeping the serializer and aggregator from DTT. Figure <ref> depicts the F1-Score of the model with 1 and 2 examples under both experimental settings for all datasets compared to DTT and Table <ref> reports the F1-score and ANED of GPT-3 model for all 1, 3, and 5 input examples. As shown in Figure <ref>, GPT-3 struggles to perform well on the task with just one example despite some recent work suggesting that LLMs are capable of one-shot table reasoning <cit.>. However, providing two examples significantly boost its performance, especially on real-world data, bringing it on par with DTT. In our synthetic datasets, however, DTT performs significantly better than GPT-3. The lack of publicly available data on GPT-3 Curie model's size and specification makes it challenging to conduct a more in-depth comparison. It can be noted that GPT-3 is trained on numerous web resources, including web tables, which increases the likelihood that it has encountered various representations of common entities and tables on the web. Since our real-world datasets are gathered from tables on web pages, this could explain why the model performs significantly better on WT and SS datasets than on synthetic datasets. Conversely, synthetic datasets consist of sequences of random characters that may not be tokens from natural language, and GPT-3 may not have encountered them during its training. Consequently, its performance on most of the synthetic datasets is weak and, in some cases, significantly inferior to DTT, especially in the Syn-RV dataset, where the target and source are substantially different. Our ByT5-based model, however, is trained to extract patterns among a sequence of characters, allowing it to perform better on more challenging synthetic datasets. In our second set of experiments with GPT-3, we used our framework and replaced the LLM module with GPT-3. By default, our framework employs two context example pairs because ByT5 has a maximum limit of 512 character-level tokens, and if a longer sequence is given to the model, it will be truncated. However, the limit in GPT-3 Curie model is 2048 subword-level tokens. This allows us to increase the number of example pairs that are given to the model. In our experiment with GPT-3 integrated into the DTT framework, we varied the number of examples from one to five. As demonstrated in Figure <ref> and Table <ref>, using GPT-3 within our framework boosts its performance, in terms of both the F1-score and ANED, on nearly all datasets when the same number of examples were provided. For instance, the average F1-score across all datasets of the GPT-3 model increased from 0.624 to 0.667 with two examples and from 0.734 to 0.760 with five examples when integrated into the DTT framework. This demonstrates how the model inside the DTT framework can be substituted with other larger models and gain a performance boost. §.§ Performance Varying the Number and Length of Training Samples Our trained model has two important parameters: the number of samples and their length. To gain a deeper insight into the relationship between these parameters and the model's performance, we conducted an experiment where we varied the number of training samples from 0 to 10,000. Each sample here is a grouping of transformations that consists of 10 source-target pairs, and we kept the sequence length consistent with our other experiments, ranging between 8 and 35. When the number of samples was set to zero, the ByT5 model did not undergo any fine-tuning. As shown in the top left panel of Figure <ref>, the F1-Score of the model is typically less than 0.5 when no fine-tuning is performed. Also on all datasets, over 80% of characters are predicted incorrectly (i.e. ANED > 0.8) when the model is not fine-tuned, as indicated by the 0 training samples in the figure. For example, in the Syn-ST dataset, over 84% of output characters are predicated incorrectly by the ByT5 model without fine-tuning. However, this error is reduced to 27% after a proper fine-tuning of the model. This finding suggests that, unlike GPT-3, the ByT5 model without fine-tuning struggles to perform well for unequal join. Nevertheless, our fine-tuning plays a crucial role in significantly improving the performance of the model. The general expectation for the model is to perform better when more training samples are provided and the trend for our experiments is not much different. However, some observations should be taken into account. As shown in Figure <ref>, when the number of training samples surpasses 2,000 [This number refers to the number of transformation groupings, and it translates to 20,000 source-target examples of which 16,000 examples are used for training and the remaining 4,000 is kept as the validation set.], the model performance does not significantly change, and it reaches its optimal performance level on our datasets. Beyond this point, a slight decrease in the performance can be observed on real-world data and synthetic datasets that contain transformations not covered in the training data. This behavior can be attributed to the bias that the model acquires from seeing more transformations of the same type, which hinders its ability to effectively use its prior knowledge of real-world data. Our extensive experiments show that even with a significantly larger training dataset, the decrease in performance is not significant. Thus the model performance will converge when 2000 or more training samples are provided. To examine how the length of input affects the training process of the model, we conducted another experiment where we changed the length range of the training samples by randomly selecting values between 5 and 60 characters. The right panel of Figure <ref> shows the performance when the model is trained with sequences that are generally longer and have an extended range. Increasing the length range of input sample pairs does not lead to any noticeable improvement on the performance of the model. That being said, increasing the length is expected to have an impact on how the model performs on longer inputs, which is discussed next. §.§ Performance Varying the Input Length In this section, we explore how the model performs under different input lengths. We also investigate how the length of input data during training affects the model's ability to handle longer input during inference time. To conduct our experiments, we regenerated synthetic datasets Syn-RP, Syn-ST, and Syn-RV, this time with the input lengths varying from 5 to 50 characters. We utilized two versions of the model in our analysis. The first version was trained on input examples with lengths randomly sampled between 8 and 35, while the second version was trained on examples with extended lengths selected randomly between 5 to 60 characters. As shown in Figure <ref>, when the benchmark dataset is easy in terms of edit distance between source and target, such as Syn-RP, the performance of the model is not significantly influenced by the length of the input. Both the model trained on short input examples and the model trained on long input examples deliver the highest F1-Score and near zero edit distance across almost all lengths of input. On the medium dataset (i.e., Syn-ST), the models start with almost perfect performance and the performance is sustained for input lengths that are shorter than the length of the majority of samples used in training. However, the performance begins to decrease once the input length surpasses this threshold. Nonetheless, even with an increase in ANED, the model still manages to predict a reasonable portion of the expected characters in the output. Interestingly, the drop in performance does not occur when the model is trained on longer input samples. It should be noted that if the input is too short (not a typical real-world scenario), such as when it contains only 5 characters, there may be a slight decrease in performance as the model may not fully comprehend the relationship between the source and target with such limited information. On the other hand, on more challenging datasets, such as Syn-RV, the performance drops even for input lengths that are shorter than the majority of training samples. This behavior is not unexpected for Auto-regressive models since a single incorrect prediction can influence the prediction of subsequent characters. The results of our experiment suggest that the extent of the decrease in performance is influenced by the training data of the model. When trained on shorter-length data, there is a significant decrease in both F1-Score and ANED as the input length increases. However, when trained on lengthier data, the decrease is relatively minimal. Overall, such cases are not very common in real-world datasets, and our experiments demonstrate that our model can perform well under various input lengths in real-world settings. Based on our experiment, we can assume that the model can accurately detect transformation patterns for various input lengths when the difficulty level of the transformation is reasonable. § CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK We have studied the problem of mapping tabular data from a source formatting to a desired target formatting using a set of few examples. Tables may be transformed to enable joining heterogeneous tables, filling missing values, data corrections, and other data integration tasks. To address this challenge, we proposed a framework that leverages the power of large language models. We generated the required training data and fine-tuned a character-level LLM based on ByT5 for this task. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that our model achieves impressive performance on a wide range of real-world and synthetic datasets, outperforming state-of-the-art models in the field. Our work suggests several possible avenues for future research. One potential direction is to explore the use of synthetic data generation to enhance model training for a variety of data integration tasks. Additionally, there is value in investigating the challenges and limitations of synthetic data in model training, as well as strategies for addressing those challenges. Furthermore, given concerns around privacy, federated learning may be a preferred approach for table transformation tasks. As such, an exploration of federated learning methods for this purpose is yet another promising direction for future research. ACM-Reference-Format
Chow rings of unimodular triangulations
[ "Mykola Pochekai" ]
[ "math.CO" ]
Lower (negative) bounds on the static electric susceptibility of non-equilibrium cubic crystals F. Castles March 30, 2023 =============================================================================================== We will construct the Chow rings for unimodular triangulations and prove that if a polytope admits a unimodular triangulation, such that the closed star of every interior point is a convex polytope, the intersection of the closed stars of any collection of interior points is a full-dimensional polytope, and every interior point is connected with a point on the boundary via an edge of the triangulation, then its Ehrhart δ-vector is unimodal. § INTRODUCTION By a lattice polytope we mean the convex hull of a finite number of points in ^N. All polytopes mentioned in the paper are lattice polytopes. By ∂ P we mean the boundary of P relative to the affine hull of P, which we denote as (P) or P, and by P we mean the interior of P relative to P. Consider a d-dimensional polytope P ⊂^N. The Ehrhart series of P is defined as _P(t) = ∑_k = 0^∞ t^k |kP ∩^N| where kP is a dilation of P by a factor of k. It is known that there exist integers δ_0,…,δ_d ≥ 0 such that _P(t) = δ_0 + δ_1 t + ... + δ_d t^d/(1-t)^d+1 as stated in the <cit.>. The polynomial δ_0 + ... + δ_d t^d is called the δ-polynomial of P and the vector (δ_0,...,δ_d) is called the δ-vector of P. It is not necessarily true that δ_d ≠ 0, and we refer to <cit.> for more information on the degree of the δ-polynomial. In some sources, the terms "the h^*-polynomial" and "the h^*-vector" are used instead, like in <cit.>. It follows from the definition that δ_0 = 1, δ_1=|P ∩^N| - (d+1), and from Ehrhart reciprocity that δ_d = |relint(P) ∩^N| <cit.>. Despite the fact that one can find expressions for δ_k from the definition, a deeper understanding of the δ-vector is desired. One way to gain a deeper understanding of the δ-vector is by studying polytopes for which it exhibits interesting combinatorial-numerical properties, such as symmetricity (δ_i = δ_d-i) or unimodality (δ_0 ≤δ_1 ≤ ... ≤δ_c ≥δ_c+1≥ ... ≥δ_d for some 0 ≤ c ≤ d). The symmetricity question has been fully resolved by Hibi, showing it holds exactly when P is a reflexive polytope, and now is the standard part of the Ehrhart theory <cit.>. Here a reflexive polytope is a full-dimensional lattice polytope P ⊂^n with 0 in the interior such that the dual polytope, defined by the formula P^∨ = { r ∈^n : (r,p)+1 ≥ 0, forall p ∈ P} is also a lattice polytope. Hibi conjectured in <cit.> that if a polytope P is reflexive, then its δ-vector is unimodal. However, this conjecture was proven false by Mustață and Payne <cit.>, who discovered a counterexample in dimension 6. The polytope found by Mustață and Payne does not satisfy the following not-so-restrictive condition: A lattice polytope P ⊂^N is called integrally closed if for every k ≥ 1, (kP) ∩^N = (P ∩^N) + ... + (P ∩^N), where the sum is in the Minkowski sense. Sometimes, this condition is referred to as IDP, as in <cit.>. So, it makes sense to ask the following question: (Unimodality Question) Is it true that the δ-vector of an integrally closed lattice polytope P is always unimodal? There are extensive mathematical and historical discussions of Question <ref> in the literature, we refer the reader to <cit.> for an overview and further references. The following theorem represents state of the art on the unimodality question: <cit.> If P is a reflexive, integrally closed polytope of dimension d, then δ_0 ≤ ... ≤δ_⌊d/2⌋ = δ_⌈d/2⌉≥ ... ≥δ_d holds. If P is an integrally closed polytope of dimension d, then δ_⌈d/2⌉≥ ... ≥δ_d holds. If P ⊂^d is an integrally closed polytope of dimension d with (P ×{1}) ∩^d+1 generated at height ≤ j then δ_0 ≤ ... ≤δ_⌈d - j/2⌉ holds. To elaborate on the statement, "generated at height ≤ j" means that the semigroup (P ×{1}) ∩^d+1 is generated by the set (P ×{1}) ∩{(x_1,...,x_d,t) ∈^d+1: t ≤ j}). We would like to highlight some additional results pertaining to the properties of the δ-vector. In <cit.>, it is shown that a lattice parallelepiped has a unimodal δ-vector. Furthermore, according to <cit.>, any integrally closed polytope of dimension ≤ 4 also has a unimodal δ-vector. Additionally, <cit.> demonstrates that if a polytope P has a special type of triangulation, known as a box unimodal triangulation and defined in <cit.>, then its δ-vector is also unimodal. Moreover, in <cit.>, some additional linear inequalities on the δ-vector of an integrally closed polytope have been established. Finally, in <cit.>, a method for constructing new integrally closed simplices with a unimodal δ-vector from existing ones is presented. Despite the established unimodality of the δ-vector for reflexive integrally closed polytope in Theorem <ref>, the general case of Question <ref> remains open. In this paper, we will prove the following theorem. Let P ⊂^N be a lattice d-polytope, which admits a regular unimodular triangulation T (see Definition <ref>, Definition <ref>). if T satisfies the following three properties: * (Boundary points connected to interior points) For every point on the relative boundary p ∈∂ P ∩^N, there exists a point in the relative interior q ∈relint(P) ∩^N such that {p,q}∈ T. * (Čech complex condition) For every tuple of lattice points in the relative interior p_1,...,p_r ∈relint(P), we have ((p_1) ∩ ... ∩(p_r)) = d, where (p) = ⋃_p ∈σ, σ∈ Tσ is the closed star in T. * (Polytopial condition) For any point in the relative interior p ∈relint(P) ∩^N, the (p) is a convex polytope. then δ_0 ≤ ... ≤δ_⌈d/2⌉. Unimodular triangulations satisfying the three properties above will be referred to as triangulations induced by interior points, or ibip triangulations for short (see Definition <ref> and Figures <ref>, <ref>). Using additionally <cit.> or, alternatively, <cit.>, which says that if polytope admits regular unimodular triangulation then the δ-vector is unimodal, we will obtain the next corollary: Let P ⊂^N be a d-dimensional polytope that admits a regular, unimodular, ibip triangulation. Then, the δ-vector is unimodal, specifically: δ_0 ≤δ_1 ≤ ... ≤δ_⌊d/2⌋ = δ_⌈d/2⌉≥ ... ≥δ_d The next example demonstrates that Theorem <ref> and Corollary <ref> are not formal consequences of Theorem <ref>. Specifically, we need to show that there exists a d-dimensional polytope P ⊂^d that admits a regular, unimodular, ibip triangulation, but the semigroup ((P ×{1})) ∩^d+1⊂ℝ^d+1 is not generated at height 1. This property is satisfied by the 2-dimensional polygon shown in Figure <ref>, which has two interior points and its dilation by a factor of 2 has 5 interior points. Therefore, the cone ((P ×{1})) ∩^d+1⊂ℝ^d+1 cannot be generated at degree 1. To prove the result, we will construct the Chow ring A^*(T) of a unimodular triangulation T by performing an Artinian reduction on the corresponding Stanley-Reisner ring [T]. We call them Chow rings because there is a tradition of referring to similar ring constructions as Chow rings, as can be seen in <cit.>. Additionally, these rings are closely related to the Chow rings of toric varieties, as specified in Theorem <ref>. It should be noted that Theorem <ref> discusses cohomology instead of Chow rings, but for simplicial complete toric varieties, the cohomology ring is isomorphic to the Chow ring. We will then demonstrate that if the triangulation is regular and ibip, the Chow ring possesses a weak form of Lefschetz element. Specifically, we will construct an element ϕ∈ A^1(T) such that multiplication by an appropriate power of ϕ induces an injective morphism A^i(T) → A^d-i(T) for each i ≤⌈d/2⌉. This is analogous to the Hard Lefshetz theorem for algebraic varieties. The idea of using a Hard Lefschetz-like theorem for a Chow-type ring constructed from combinatorial configurations is a widely-used technique in combinatorics, as demonstrated by works such as <cit.>. Braun and Davis <cit.> have already applied this idea in the context of the Unimodality Question <ref>, albeit in a slightly different setting. They investigated the quotients of the semigroup algebra of a polytope by a system of parameters. In contrast, we study the quotient of the Stanley-Reisner algebra of a triangulation by a regular sequence. Our Chow ring is a generalization of the Chow ring of a smooth resolution of a Gorenstein Fano toric variety, as it corresponds to a unimodular star triangulation of a reflexive polytope, as shown in Proposition <ref>. In <cit.>, the authors also used quotients of the semigroup algebra of a polytope by a general enough linear system of parameters and applied a Hard Lefschetz-like theorem to obtain unimodality results. The author is grateful to Peter Bränden for pointing out the useful reference. § CHOW RING OF UNIMODULAR TRIANGULATION We will remind the reader of some basic definitions. A unimodular triangulation T of a polytope P ⊂^N is a set T of affine simplices in ^N that satisfies the following properties: * (Union property) ⋃_σ∈ Tσ = P. * (Downwards closure property) If σ∈ T and σ' ⊂σ is a face of σ, then σ' ∈ T. * (Proper intersection property) If σ', σ”∈ T, then σ' ∩σ” is a common face of σ' and σ”. * (Unimodularity property) For every σ∈ T, the set of vertices |(σ) could be completed to an affine basis of ^N. If the set T satisfies only first three properties, then T is called just triangulation. Notice that in our definition the empty simplex ∅ is also considered as an affine simplex of dimension -1 with the empty set of vertices. The empty simplex is a face of any other simplex, including itself. Now, we can introduce our two main players. (Definition of Stanley-Reisner ring) Let T be a unimodular triangulation of a polytope P ⊂^N. The next ring [T] = [x_p : p ∈ P ∩^N]/I I := (x_p_1 ... x_p_r : r ≥ 0, {p_1,...,p_r}∉T) is called Stanley-Reisner ring of a unimodular triangulation T. The definition is taken from <cit.>. The definition is valid for any simplicial complex. Stanley-Reisner rings have been widely studied in Stanley-Reisner theory, see <cit.>. The definition of [T] depends only on the combinatorial type of T and does not depends on how P is embedded into ^N. Usually, Chow rings for combinatorial structures are defined as quotients of something like Stanley-Reisner rings by some natural homogeneous system of parameters, see <cit.>. In our case we will do the same. Let T be unimodular triangulation of a polytope P ⊂^N. The next ring A^*(T) := [x_p : p ∈ |T| ∩^N]/I + J I := (x_p_1 ... x_p_r : r ≥ 0, {p_1,...,p_r}∉T) J := (∑_p ∈ P ∩^Nϕ(x_p) x_p : ϕ : ^N → is an affine function ) will be called the Chow ring of T. Rings [T] and A^*(T) are naturally -graded by the condition (x_p) = 1. Definitions <ref> and <ref> are given only for polytopes embedded in ℝ^N. However, a similar definition could be given for any abstract affine real space with an integral-affine structure. This observation will be used in Proposition <ref>. If P is a polytope with an unimodular triangulation T, we will write A^*(P) instead of A^*(T) if the triangulation T is clear from the context. It should be noted that the Definitions <ref> and <ref> could be given for any triangulation, not just unimodular ones. However, for our purposes, it suffices to only consider unimodular triangulations. Additionally, it is important to note that J is generated by N+1 elements f_0 :=∑_p ∈ P ∩^N x_p f_1:=∑_p ∈ P ∩^N (e_1,p) x_p ... f_N:=∑_p ∈ P ∩^N (e_N,p) x_p where e_1,...,e_N is the standard basis of ^N. The elements f_0,...,f_N would be referred as the standard generators of the ideal J. The next proposition shows that the ring A^*(T) does not depend on the ambient space. Let T be a unimodular triangulation of a d-polytope P ⊂^N. Let A^*(T,^N) be the Chow ring of the triangulation T of the polytope P considered as an embedded polytope in ^N. Let A^*(T,(P)) be the Chow ring of the polytope P considered as a subset of the affine space (P) with the natural integral-affine structure. Then there is the natural isomorphism A^*(T,^N) ≅ A^*(T,(P)). By Definition <ref> and the remark following the definition, we have A^*(T,^N) = [x_p : p ∈ P ∩^N]/I + J A^*(T,(P)) = [x_p : p ∈ P ∩^N]/I + J' where J = (∑_p ∈ P ∩^Nϕ(p)x_p : ϕ : ^N → is an affine function) J' = (∑_p ∈ P ∩^Nϕ(p) x_p : ϕ : (P) ∩^N → is an affine function) We observe that J=J', since ϕ is only evaluated on P and any affine function on (P) ∩^N can be extended (possibly non-uniquely) to an affine function defined on the whole ^N. The next thing which we want to show is that pullbacks via embeddings of subpolytopes are well-defined. It will be a crucial instrument in the proof of Theorem <ref>. Let T' be a unimodular triangulation of a polytope P' ⊂^N and T” be a unimodular triangulation of a polytope P”⊂^M. Suppose there exists an injective -affine map ψ : ^N →^M, which maps every simplex of the triangulation T' affine-isomorphically onto some simplex of the triangulation T”. Then there is the canonical pullback morphism ψ^*: A^*(T”) → A^*(T') defined in the next way on the generators ψ^*(x_p”) = x_ψ^-1(p”) for any p”∈ P” or 0 if p” not in the image of ψ Notice, that attempt to define a pushforward map via the formula ψ_*(x_p) = x_ψ(p) will fail. Namely, defined in such a way pushforward could map an expression that represents 0 to an expression that represents a nonzero element. Let A^*(T”) = [x_p” : p”∈ P”∩^M]/I”+J” A^*(T') = [x_p' : p' ∈ P' ∩^N]/I'+J' be the corresponding Chow rings. The ψ^* map is well-defined as a map between the polynomial rings [x_p” : p”∈ P”∩^M] →[x_p' : p' ∈ P' ∩^N] To show ψ^*(I”) ⊂ I', we notice that ψ^* maps generators of I” to I'. Indeed, since T' is a sub-triangulation of T” via the map ψ, it has fewer faces than T”. Saying the same differently, T' have more nonfaces than T”. To show ψ^*(J”) ⊂ J', we will show that the image ψ^*(x”) of a general degree 1 element x” is contained in J'. Since J” is generated by degree 1 elements, ψ^*(J”) ⊂ J' will follow. Let x” =∑_p”∈ P”∩^Mϕ(p”) x_p”, ϕ : ^M → is an affine function be an element of J”. Direct computation shows ψ^*(x”) = ∑_p”∈ P”∩^Mϕ(p”) ψ^*(x_p) = ∑_p' ∈ P' ∩^Nϕ(ψ(p')) x_ψ(p') Since ϕ∘ψ : ^N → is an affine function, we have ψ^*(x”) ∈ J'. § CHOW RING OF UNIMODULAR REGULAR TRIANGULATION We consider unimodular triangulations for a reason: the dimension vector of the Chow ring of a unimodular triangulation is precisely the Ehrhart δ-vector of this triangulation, as we will soon show in Theorem <ref>. However, for this result to hold, we must assume that the triangulation is regular. The regularity assumption will also be used in the Hard Lefschetz type argument in Theorem <ref>. (Definition of regular triangulation) We say that a triangulation T of a polytope P ⊂^N is regular if there exists T-piecewise-affine convex function ϕ : P → such that its restriction to different maximal simplices of T corresponds to different elements in ^N. Functions with such property are called T-piecewise-affine strictly convex functions. We call ϕ the weight function that witnesses the regularity of T. In some sources, regular triangulations are also called coherent <cit.> or projective <cit.>. We will remind several definitions from graded commutative algebra. We will work with -graded, connected (with A^0 =), finitely-generated -algebras. The notion of -graded module over an -graded, connected, finitely-generated -algebra can be defined in a standard way. Note that if T is a unimodular triangulation of a polytope P, then both [T] and A^*(T) are -graded, connected, finitely-generated -algebras, with grading (x_p) = 1, p ∈ P ∩^N. We will use the definitions of graded Cohen-Macaulay R-modules, homogeneous system of parameters and M-regular sequence from <cit.>. It is worth to mention, that graded version of the Cohen-Macaulay definition, taken from <cit.>, is equivalent to the standard non-graded definition for R and M considered as non-graded -algebra and non-graded R-module <cit.>. Indeed, from the definitions follows, that -graded, finitely-generated, connected -algebra R is a special case of a ^*local Noetherian ring <cit.> with a ^*maximal ideal 𝔪 = R^1 + R^2 + R^3 + …. <cit.> states that a finite -graded R-module M is Cohen-Macaulay in the standard non-graded sense if and only if M_𝔪 is Cohen-Macaulay in the standard non-graded sense. Unpacking the last sentence, this is equivalent to the existence of a maximal M-regular sequence a_1,...,a_n ∈ R^1 + R^2 + R^3 + …, but not necessarily a homogeneous one. <cit.> guarantees the existence of a maximal homogeneous M-regular sequence through a reverse induction argument. Homogeneous system of parameters for M always exists, see <cit.>. If M is a -graded Cohen-Macaulay module over an -graded, connected, finitely-generated -algebra R, then every homogeneous system of parameters is also a maximal regular M-sequence <cit.>. We are ready to prove now that, in good situations, the dimension vector of A^*(T) is equal to the Ehrhart δ-vector of P. (Dimension Theorem) Let T be a unimodular and regular triangulation of a d-dimensional polytope P ⊂^N. We have _ A^i(P,T) = δ_i, 0 ≤ i ≤ d where δ_0,...,δ_d is the δ-vector of the triangulation T. By Proposition <ref>, we can assume N=d without loss of generality. The Hilbert series of the ring [T] is equal to h_0 + h_1 t + ... + h_d t^d/(1-t)^d+1, where the vector of numbers h_0,...,h_d is the h-vector of the triangulation T. Since the triangulation T is unimodular, the h-vector is equal to the Ehrhart δ-vector <cit.> (note, that Ehrhart δ-vector is called h^*-vector in the reference). Hence, the Hilbert series for [T] is actually δ_0 + δ_1 t + ... + δ_d t^d/(1-t)^d+1. The only remaining task is to prove that the quotient of [T] by the ideal J has the Hilbert series δ_0 + δ_1 t + ... + δ_d t^d. To achieve this goal, it is sufficient to prove that the standard generators f_0,...,f_d of the ideal J form a maximal homogeneous [T]-regular sequence. Indeed, it can be shown through direct computation that the quotient of a graded ring by a degree 1 non-zero divisor multiplies its Hilbert series by (1-t), hence, the quotient by a length d+1 regular sequence multiplies the Hilbert series by (1-t)^d+1. Alternatively, one can refer to <cit.>. For this purpose, it is important to note that the triangulation T is regular and thus shellable via linear shelling <cit.>. As a result, [T] is a -graded Cohen-Macaulay module over itself <cit.>, and every homogeneous system of parameters is a maximal homogeneous [T]-regular sequence <cit.> . By <cit.>, to check that f_0,...,f_d is a homogeneous system of parameters, it is enough to check that for every d-simplex σ∈ T, the following holds: [σ]/(f_0,...,f_d) = where f_0,...,f_d are considered as elements of [σ] via the canonical pullback construction [T] →[σ]. This is indeed true, as the triangulation is unimodular and σ is -affinely isomorphic to the standard d-simplex in ^d. This leads to the following sequence of isomorphisms: [σ]/(f_0,...,f_d) ≅[x_0, x_e_1, ..., x_e_d]/(x_0+x_e_1+...+x_e_d, x_e_1,x_e_2, ..., x_e_d) = where e_1,...,e_d is the standard basis of ^d. Notice how the proof of Theorem <ref> uses both regularity (for the Cohen-Macaulayness of [T]) and unimodularity (for h_i=δ_i and [σ]/(f_0,...,f_d) =). We will now show that our Chow rings have a nice specialization to the context of toric geometry. Let P ⊂^d be a polytope with a unique interior point that admits a unimodular, regular, star triangulation T with weight function ϕ : P →. Let Σ be the smooth projective fan associated with T, and let X_Σ be the associated smooth projective toric variety. Then there is a canonical isomorphism A^*(T) = H^2*(X_Σ,) and [ϕ] ∈ H^2(X_Σ,) is an ample element. A triangulation is called star if it can be obtained by coning a triangulation of the boundary from some interior point, as defined in <cit.>. Also, note that if a polytope has a unique interior point and a star triangulation that is unimodular and regular, it implies that the polytope is reflexive. The associated Gorenstein Fano variety (obtained by coning the faces of polytope P) has a crepant smooth projective desingularization determined by the triangulation T, as shown in <cit.>. By element [ϕ] we mean the element [ϕ] := ∑_ρ∈Σ_1ϕ(u_ρ) x_ρ where u_ρ is a primitive generator of the ray ρ and Σ_1 is the set of all rays of the fan Σ. Without loss of generality, assume that the unique interior point of P is 0. Consider the ring H^2*(X_Σ,) = [x_p : p ∈∂ P ∩^d]/I_Σ + J_Σ I_Σ = (x_p_1 ... x_p_r : { p_1, ..., p_r}∉T; p_1, ..., p_r ∈∂ P ∩^d) J_Σ = (∑_p ∈∂ P ∩^dϕ(p) x_p : ϕ : ^d → is linear ) According to Definition <ref>, we have A^*(T) = [x_p : p ∈ P ∩^d]/I + J The ring H^2*(X_Σ,) is the cohomology ring of a toric variety X_Σ <cit.>, and there is a one-to-one correspondence between the sets ∂ P ∩^d and Σ_1. So, we will not distinguish between a ray and the corresponding point on the boundary of P. There is a natural morphism ψ : C[x_p, p ∈ P ∩^d] → [x_p, p ∈∂ P ∩^d] defined on the generators as ψ(x_0) = -∑_p ∈ (P ∩^d) ∖{0} x_p ψ(x_p) = x_p for any p ∈∂ P ∩^d Our goal is to show that ψ(I) = I_Σ and ϕ(J) = J_Σ. After performing the direct computation, we obtain ϕ(I) = I_Σ + I_Σ' where I_Σ' = ((-∑_p ∈∂ P ∩^d x_p) x_p_1 ... x_p_r : {0,p_1...,p_r}∉T; p_1,...,p_r ∈ P ∩^d) The I_Σ component of ψ(I) comes from simplices in T which do not contain 0, and I_Σ' comes from those simplices that contain 0. However, since the triangulation is star, we have that {0,p_1...,p_r}∉T if and only if {p_1,...,p_r}∉T so we have: I_Σ' = ((-∑_p ∈∂ P ∩^d x_p) x_p_1 ... x_p_r : {p_1...,p_r}∉T; p_1,...,p_r ∈ P ∩^d) Therefore, we have the trivial embedding I_Σ' ⊂ I_Σ, so I_Σ' + I_Σ = I_Σ. ψ(J) = ( ∑_p ∈∂ P ∩^d (ϕ(p) - ϕ(0)) x_p : ϕ : ^d → is affine ) ψ(J) = ( ∑_p ∈∂ P ∩^dϕ(p) x_p : ϕ : ^d → is linear ) This means that ψ(J) = J_Σ. Thus, ψ induces an isomorphism ψ : A^*(T) → H^2*(X_Σ,). The same type of computation shows that ψ sends T-piecewise-affine strictly convex function ϕ to Σ-piecewise-linear strictly convex function. By <cit.>, we have that element [ϕ] ∈ H^2(X_Σ,) is an ample element. § CHOW RING OF UNIMODULAR REGULAR IBIP TRIANGULATION In this section, we will prove that if a polytope P admits a special type of triangulation, which we will call ibip, then the δ-vector of P is unimodal. (Definition of ibip triangulation) A unimodular triangulation T of a polytope P ⊂^N is induced by interior points or ibip for short, if following properties hold: * (Boundary points connected to interior points) For every point on the relative boundary p ∈∂ P ∩^N, there exists a point in the relative interior q ∈relint(P) ∩^N such that {p,q}∈ T. * (Čech complex condition) For every tuple of lattice points in the relative interior p_1,...,p_r ∈relint(P), we have ((p_1) ∩ ... ∩(p_r)) = d, where (p) = ⋃_p ∈σ, σ∈ Tσ is the closed star in T. * (Polytopial condition) For any point in the relative interior p ∈relint(P) ∩^N, the (p) is a convex polytope. In Figure <ref> below, you can see non-examples of ibip triangulations. In the first case, the red point is not connected to the point in the interior, so the first property does not hold. In the second picture, the intersection (p_1) ∩(p_2) of the only two interior points p_1,p_2 is the red segment, which is a 1-dimensional polytope, so the second condition does not hold. In the third picture, of the red point is not a convex polytope. The example of ibip triangulation could be seen on the Figure <ref> in the introduction. The next proposition shows that if triangulation is ibip, then we can extract a lot of information from of the interior points. (Injectivity into covering) Suppose P ⊂^N be a d-dimensional polytope and T be a unimodular, regular, ibip triangulation T. Then the natural morphism of rings A^*(T) →∏_p ∈relint(P) ∩^N A^*((p)) is injective. Fix a total linear ordering < of the set relint(P) ∩^N. For every element x ∈[T] and every tuple of distinct interior points p_1,...,p_r ∈(P) ∩^N in ascending order (p_1<...<p_r) we will write x|_p_1,...,p_r as the restriction of x on (p_1) ∩ ... ∩(p_r) (this is d-dimensional polytope by the second and third requirement of the Definition <ref>). We extend the notation to any tuple of distinct interior points, not necessarily in ascending order, by considering the index to be antisymmetric. This means that for any distinct tuple of point p_1,...,p_r ∈(P) ∩^N the equality x|_p_1,...,p_i,...,p_j,...,p_r = -x|_p_1,...,p_j,...,p_i,...,p_r holds for all 1 ≤ i < j ≤ r. Consider the following Čech-like complex: 0 →[T] →∏_p ∈(P) ∩^N[(p)] → →∏_p<q; p,q ∈(P) ∩^N[(p) ∩(q)] → ... ... →[⋂_p ∈(P) ∩^N(p)] → 0 We will refer to this complex as C^∙, with the grading convention C^-1 = [T]. The coboundary operator d : C^k→ C^k+1 is defined as follows: d(x)|_p_0,...,p_k+1 = ∑_i=0^k+1 (-1)^i x|_p_0,...,p̂_i,...,p_k+1 for x ∈ C^k We will show that C^∙ is exact by explicit homotopy of the endomorphism Id_C^∙ to 0_C^∙. Fix some interior point p_fix∈(P) ∩^N. Define the map h(x)|_p_1,...,p_k = x̃_p_fix, p_1,...,p_k for any x ∈ C^k+1, where x̃|_p_fix, p_1,...,p_k is the image of x|_p_fix,p_1,...,p_k under the canonical embedding: [(p_fix) ∩(p_1) ∩ ... ∩(p_k)] →[ (p_1) ∩ ... ∩(p_k)] The exactness of the complex C^∙ then follows from the identity dh + hd = Id_C^∙. We aim to demonstrate that the complex C^∙ remains exact after the quotient by J. According to <cit.>, it suffices to prove that the sequence (f_0,...,f_d) is a regular sequence for every term C^k, considered as an [T]-module. From the definition of a regular sequence, it follows that regularity can be checked on each direct factor separately. Each direct factor is a Cohen-Macaulay ring, since it is a Stanley-Reisner ring of regular, unimodular triangulation of a convex polytope. The triangulation is shellable via linear shelling <cit.> and therefore each direct factor of C^k is Cohen-Macaulay <cit.>. Additionally, f_0,...,f_d is a homogeneous system of degree 1 parameters, so, it is [T]-regular sequence as well, and the statement follows from <cit.>. Let ϕ : P ∩^N → be a weight function that is a witness of the regularity of T and [ϕ] ∈ A^1(T) is the corresponding cohomological class. We will show that for every 1 ≤ k ≤⌈d/2⌉ the multiplication by [ϕ]^2k for even d or by [ϕ]^2k-1 for odd d is an injective linear operator from A^⌈d/2⌉ - k to A^⌊d/2⌋ + k. From this, the statement follows, since if the composition of operators [ϕ] : A^⌈d/2⌉ - k→ A^⌈d/2⌉ - k+1 [ϕ] : A^⌈d/2⌉ - k+1→ A^⌈d/2⌉ - k+2 ... [ϕ] : A^⌊d/2⌋+k-1→ A^⌊d/2⌋+k is injective, then the first operator, [ϕ] : A^⌈d/2⌉ - k→ A^⌈d/2⌉ - k+1, is also injective. However, if an injective operator A^⌈d/2⌉ - k→ A^⌈d/2⌉ - k+1 exists, then _ A^⌈d/2⌉ - k≤_ A^⌈d/2⌉ - k+1 and, by Theorem <ref>, we have δ_⌈d/2⌉ - k≤δ_⌈d/2⌉ - k+1. Suppose d is odd, the argument for the even case is the same. Take any element x ∈ A^⌈d/2⌉ - k(T) such that x ≠ 0. By Proposition <ref> there exist p ∈relint(P) ∩^N such that i_(p)^*(x) ≠ 0, by Proposition <ref> i_(p)^*([ϕ]) is an ample element. Therefore, i_(p)^*([ϕ]^2k-1 x) = i_(p)^*([ϕ])^2k-1 i_(p)^*(x) ≠ 0 by the Hard Lefshetz Theorem on smooth projective varieties and by Proposition <ref>. Hence [ϕ]^2k-1 x ≠ 0 also. This is a consequence of Theorem <ref> and <cit.>. alpha
Orthogonal Transform Domain Approaches for the Convolutional Layer
[ "Hongyi Pan", "Xin Zhu", "Salih Atici", "Ahmet Enis Cetin" ]
[ "cs.CV", "eess.IV", "eess.SP" ]
Orthogonal Transform Domain Approaches for the Convolutional Layer Hongyi Pan, Student Member, IEEE, Xin Zhu, Salih Atici, Ahmet Enis Cetin, Fellow, IEEE This work was supported by National Science Foundation (NSF) under grant 1934915. The source code of this work will be released at https://github.com/phy710/transform-based-layers. March 30, 2023 =============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== In this paper, we propose a set of transform-based neural network layers as an alternative to the 3×3 Conv2D layers in Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). The proposed layers can be implemented based on orthogonal transforms such as Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Hadamard transform (HT), and the biorthogonal Block Wavelet Transform (BWT). Convolutional filtering operations are performed in the transform domain using element-wise multiplications by taking advantage of the convolution theorems. Trainable soft-thresholding layers that remove noise in the transform domain bring nonlinearity to the transform domain layers. Compared to the Conv2D layer which is spatial-agnostic and channel-specific, the proposed layers are location-specific and channel-specific. The proposed layers reduce the number of parameters and multiplications significantly while improving the accuracy results of regular ResNets on the ImageNet-1K classification task. Furthermore, the proposed layers can be inserted with a batch normalization layer before the global average pooling layer in the conventional ResNets as an additional layer to improve classification accuracy with a negligible increase in the number of parameters and computational cost. Transform-based convolutional layer, convolution theorem, soft-thresholding, image classification. § INTRODUCTION Recent literature states that convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have shown remarkable performance in many computer vision tasks, such as image classification <cit.>, object detection <cit.>, semantic segmentation <cit.> and clustering <cit.>. One of the most famous and successful CNNs is ResNet <cit.>, which enables the construction of very deep networks to get better performance in accuracy. However, with more and more layers being used, the network becomes bloated. In this case, the huge amount of parameters increases the computational load for the devices, especially for the edge devices with limited computational resources. The convolutional layer, which is the critical component in the convolutional neural network, is our target not only to slim but also to improve the accuracy of the network. In the convolutional layer, convolution kernels are spatial-agnostic and channel-specific. Because of the spatial-agnostic characteristic, a convolutional layer cannot adapt to different visual patterns with respect to different spatial locations. Therefore, in the convolutional layer, many redundant convolutional filters and parameters are required for feature extraction in location-related problems. The well-known Fourier convolution theorem states that the convolution in the space domain is equivalent to the element-wise multiplication in the Fourier domain. In another word, 𝐲=𝐚*𝐱 in the space domain can be implemented in the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) domain by element-wise multiplication: 𝐘[k] = 𝐀[k]𝐗[k], where 𝐘= ℱ(𝐲), 𝐀= ℱ(𝐚), and 𝐗= ℱ(𝐱) are the DFTs of 𝐲, 𝐚, and 𝐱, respectively, and ℱ(·) is the Fourier transform operator. Eq. (<ref>) holds when the size of the DFT is larger than the size of the convolution output 𝐲. Since there is a one-to-one relationship between the kernel coefficients 𝐚 and the Fourier transform representation 𝐀, kernel weights can be learned in the Fourier transform domain using backpropagation-type algorithms. Since the DFT is an orthogonal (𝐅_N^H 𝐅_N= 𝐅_N𝐅_N^H =𝐈, where 𝐅_N is the N by N transform matrix), and complex-valued transform, we consider other orthogonal transforms such as the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and the Hadamard transform (HT). DCT is a real-valued transform and HT is a binary transform that is even multiplication-free. In this paper, we use the DCT and HT convolution theorems to develop novel network layers. Other orthogonal transforms such as the orthogonal transforms generated from wavelet packet filter banks and the discrete Hartley transform can be also used in our approach <cit.>. Furthermore, we implement the block wavelet transform (BWT) using the Wavelet biorthogonal 1.3 filters (Bior 1.3) to develop novel network layers. Other related transform domain methods include: DFT-based methods The Fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm is the most important signal and image processing method. As it is well-known Eq. (<ref>), convolutions in time and image domains can be performed using elementwise multiplications in the Fourier domain. However, the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is a complex transform. In <cit.>, the fast Fourier Convolution (FFC) method is proposed in which the authors designed the FFC layer based on the so-called Real-valued Fast Fourier transform (RFFT). In RFFT-based methods, they concatenate the real and the imaginary parts of the FFT outputs, and they perform convolutions in the transform domain with ReLU in the concatenated Fourier domain. Therefore, they do not take advantage of the Fourier domain convolution theorem. Moreover, concatenating the real and the imaginary parts of the complex tensors increases the number of parameters so their model requires more parameters than the original ResNets as the number of channels is doubled after concatenating. On the contrary, our method takes advantage of the convolution theorem and it can reduce the number of parameters significantly while producing comparable and even higher accuracy results. DCT-based methods Other DCT-based methods include <cit.>. Since the images are stored in the DCT domain in JPEG format, the authors in <cit.> use DCT coefficients of the JPEG images but they did not take the transform domain convolution theorem to train the network. In <cit.>, transform domain convolutional operations are used only during the testing phase. The authors did not train the kernels of the CNN in the DCT domain. They only take advantage of the fast DCT computation and reduce parameters by changing 3× 3 Conv2D layers to 2× 2. In contrast, we train the filter parameters in the DCT domain and we use the soft-thresholding operator as the nonlinearity. We should not train a network using DCT without soft-thresholding because both positive and negative entries in the DCT domain are equally important. In <cit.>, Harmonic convolutional networks based on DCT were proposed. Only forward DCT without inverse DCT computation is employed to obtain Harmonic blocks for feature extraction. In contrast with spatial convolution with learned kernels, this study proposes feature learning by weighted combinations of responses of predefined filters. The latter extracts harmonics from lower-level features in a region, and the latter layer applies DCT on the outputs from the previous layer which are already encoded by DCT. HT-Based Neural Networks In <cit.>, authors use HT is used to assist their "ZerO Initialization" method. They apply the HT in the skip connections, but they did not use the convolution theorem and they did not replace the convolutional layers with multiplicative layers in the Hadamard domain. This method does not reduce the number of parameters or the computational cost. Their goal is to improve the accuracy of their networks. HT-based neural networks from our early work including <cit.> are used to reduce the computational cost. In <cit.>, a binary neural network with a two-stream structure is proposed, where one input is the regular image and the other is the HT of the image, and convolutions are not implemented in the transform domain. The HT is only applied at the beginning in <cit.>. The HT-based layers in <cit.> also use take the element-wise multiplication in the transform domain like this work, but they do not extract any channel-wise feature. They only extract the features width-wise and height-wise, as they have a similar scaling layer to this work. On the contrary, we have channel-wise processing layers in the transform domain to extract the channel-wise features, and this revision improves the performance of the HT-based layer significantly. Wavelet-based methods Wavelet transform (WT) is a well-established method in signal and image processing. WT-based neural networks include <cit.>. However, the regular WT does not have a convolution theorem. In another word, convolutions cannot be equivalently implemented in the wavelet domain. However, we convert the wavelet transform to block wavelet transform (BWT) as in <cit.>, and assign weights to the BWT coefficients as in convolution theorems and use them in a network layer as if we are performing convolutions in the transform domain; i.e., we perform elementwise multiplications in the transform domain instead of convolutions. Authors in  <cit.> did not take advantage of the BWT. Trainable soft-thresholding The soft-thresholding function is commonly used in wavelet transform domain denoising <cit.>. It is a proximal operator for the ℓ_1 norm <cit.>. With trainable threshold parameters, soft-thresholding and its variants can be employed as the nonlinear function in the frequency domain-based networks <cit.>. ReLU is not suitable because both positive and negative values are important in the transform domain. A completely positive waveform can have both significant positive and negative values in the transform domain. Lacking the negative-valued frequency components may cause issues when the inverse transform is applied. The computational cost of the soft-thresholding function is similar to the ReLU, and it keeps both positive and negative valued frequency components whose magnitudes exceed the trainable threshold. Our contribution is summarized as follows: ∙ We propose a family of orthogonal transform domain approaches to replace the convolutional layer in a CNN to reduce parameters and computational costs. With the proposed layers, a CNN can reach a comparable or even higher accuracy with significantly fewer parameters and less computational consumption. ∙ We extend the proposed structures to biorthogonal wavelet transforms. Both orthogonal such as the Haar wavelet and biorthogonal such as Bior 1.3 can be used to construct Conv2D layers. ∙ We propose multi-channel structures for the proposed layers. In this paper, we use the tri-channel structure. The tri-channel layer contains more parameters and MACs than the single-channel layer, but it makes the revised CNNs reach higher accuracy results. For example, compared to the regular ResNet-50 model, ResNet-50 with the tri-channel DCT-perceptron layer reaches 0.82% higher center-crop top-1 accuracy on the ImageNet-1K dataset with 11.5% fewer parameters and 11.5% fewer MACs. ∙ The proposed single-channel layer can be inserted before the global average pooling layer or the flattened layer to improve the accuracy of the network with a negligible number of extra parameters and computation time. For instance, without changing the convolutional base, an extra single-channel DCT-perceptron layer improves the center-crop top-1 accuracy of ResNet-18 0.74% on the ImageNet-1K dataset with only 2.3% extra parameters and 0.3% extra MACs. § METHODOLOGY §.§ Orthogonal Transforms and Their Convolution Theorems Like the discrete Fourier transform (DFT), the discrete cosine transform (DCT) is also widely used for frequency analysis because it can be considered a real-valued version of the DFT <cit.>. The type-II DCT (Eq. <ref>) and its inverse (IDCT) (Eq. <ref>) are commonly used as the general DCT and the inverse DCT. In detail, the DCT of a sequence 𝐱=[𝐱[0] 𝐱[1] ... 𝐱[N-1]]^T is computed as 𝐗[k] = ∑_n=0^N-1𝐱[n]cos[π/N(n+1/2) k], and its inverse is computed as 𝐱[n] = 1/N𝐗[0]+2/N∑_k=1^N-1𝐗[k]cos[π/N(n+1/2)k], for 0≤ k ≤ N-1, 0≤ n ≤ N-1. On the other hand, the Hadamard transform (HT) can be considered a binary version of the DFT. No multiplication is required if we ignore normalization. The HT is identical to the inverse HT (IHT) if the same normalization factor√(1/N) is applied: 𝐗=√(1/N)𝐇_N𝐱, 𝐱=√(1/N)𝐇_N𝐗, where, 𝐗=[𝐗[0], ..., 𝐗[N-1]]^T. 𝐇_N is the N by N Hadamard matrix that can be constructed as 𝐇_N = 1, N = 1, [ 1 1; 1 -1 ], N =2, [ 𝐇_N/2 𝐇_N/2; 𝐇_N/2 -𝐇_N/2 ]=𝐇_2 ⊗𝐇_N/2, N ≥ 4, where, ⊗ stands for the Kronecker product. In the implementation, we can combine two √(%s/%s)1N normalization terms from the HT and its inverse to one 1/N to avoid the square-root operation. The Hadamard transform 𝐇_4 can be implemented using a wavelet filterbank with binary convolutional filters 𝐡[n] = { 1, 1 } and the highpass filter 𝐠[n] = {-1, 1 } and dropout in two stages <cit.> as shown in Fig. <ref>. This process is the basis of the fast algorithm. An N=2^M can be implemented in M stages. In fact the low-pass filter 𝐡[n] = { 1, 1 } and the highpass filter 𝐠[n] = {-1, 1 } are the building blocks of the butterfly operation of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm and the first stage of the Hadamard and the FFT are the same. In the FFT algorithm, complex exponential terms are also used in addition to butterflies in other stages. Each stage of the convolutional filterbank shown in Fig. 1 can be also expressed as a matrix-vector multiplication as in the FFT algorithm. We can also use the wavelet filter bank to implement orthogonal and biorthogonal transforms such as "Bior 1.3", whose coefficients 𝐡[n] = {-0.125, 0.125, 1, 1, 0.125, -0.125} and g[n] = {-1, 1} <cit.>. The HT and DCT can be implemented using butterfly operations described in Eq. (1) in <cit.> and the filterbank implementation of BWT is also fast <cit.>. Therefore, the complexity of each transform on a N-length vector is O(Nlog_2 N). The 2-dimensional (2D) transform is obtained from the 1-dimensional (1D) transform in a separable manner for computational efficiency. Thus, the complexity of a 2D transform on an N× N image is O(N^2log_2 N) <cit.>. Furthermore, using the hybrid quantum-classical approach <cit.>, the 1D-HT and the 2D-HT can be implemented in O(N) and O(N^2) time, respectively, as a quantum logic gate can be implemented efficiently in parallel. The DCT convolution theorem Theorem <ref> is related to the DFT convolution theorem: Let N∈ℕ_+, and 𝐚, 𝐱∈ℝ^N. Then, 𝐲=𝐚*_s𝐱⟺𝐘[k] = 𝐀[k]𝐗[k], where, 𝐘=𝒟(𝐲), 𝐀=𝒟(𝐚), 𝐗=𝒟(𝐱). Where, 𝒟(·) stands for DCT, *_s stands for the symmetric convolution. The relation between the symmetric convolution *_s and the linear convolution * is given by 𝐚*_s𝐱 = ã*𝐱 where ã is the symmetrically extended kernel in ℝ^2N-1: ã_k = 𝐚_|N-1-k|, for k=0, 1, ..., 2N-2. The proof of Theorem <ref> is presented in Section III in <cit.>. Similarly, we have the HT convolution theorem <ref>: Let M∈ℕ, N=2^M, and 𝐚, 𝐱∈ℝ^N. Then 𝐲=𝐚*_d𝐱⟺𝐘[k] = 𝐀[k]𝐗[k], where, 𝐘=ℋ(𝐲), 𝐀=ℋ(𝐚), 𝐗=ℋ(𝐱). Where, ℋ(·) stands for HT, *_d represents the dyadic convolution. Although the dyadic convolution *_d is not the same as circular convolution, we can still use the HT for convolutional filtering in neural networks. This is because HT is also related to the block Haar wavelet packet transform <cit.> and each Hadamard coefficient approximately represents a frequency band. As a result, applying weights onto frequency bands and computing the IHT is an approximate way of frequency domain filtering similar to the Fourier transform-based convolutional filtering. The proof of Theorem <ref> is presented in <cit.>. In brief, convolution theorems have the property that convolution in the time or space domain is equivalent to element-wise multiplication in the transform domain. This property inspires us to design the neural network layers to replace the Conv2D layers in a deep neural network. §.§ Transform-Based Perceptron Layers Fig. <ref> presents the structures of the proposed transform-based perceptron layers. We propose two types of perceptron layers for each transform. One is a single-channel layer as shown in Fig. <ref>, and the other is a multi-channel layer as shown in Fig. <ref>. The multi-channel layer contains multiple times parameters as the single-channel layer, but it can produce a higher accuracy according to our experiments. In the transform domain of each channel, a scaling layer performs the filtering operation by element-wise multiplication. Then a 1× 1 Conv2D layer performs channel-wise filtering. After this step, there is a trainable soft-thresholding layer denoising the data and acting as the nonlinearity. In the single-channel layer, a shortcut connection is implemented. In the multi-channel layer, the outputs of all channels are summed up. We do not implement the shortcut connection in the multi-channel layer because there are multiple channels replacing the shortcut and they effectively transmit the derivatives to earlier layers. The 2D transform and its inverse along the width and height convert the tensor between the space domain and the transform domain. The scaling layer is derived from Theorems <ref> and <ref>, which state that the convolution in the space domain is equivalent to the element-wise multiplication in the transform domain. In detail, the input tensor in ℝ^C× W × H is element-wise multiplied with a weight matrix in ℝ^W × H to perform an operation equivalent to the spatial domain convolutional filtering. The trainable soft-thresholding layer is applied to remove small entries in the transform domain. It is similar to image coding and transform-domain denoising. It is defined as: 𝐲 = 𝒮_T(𝐱) = sign(𝐱)(|𝐱|-T)_+, where, T is a non-negative trainable threshold parameter, (·)_+ stands for the ReLU function. An input tensor in ℝ^C× W × H is computed with threshold parameters in ℝ^W × H, and these threshold parameters are determined using the back-propagation algorithm. The ReLU function is not suitable because both positive and negative values are important in the transform domain. A completely positive waveform can have both significant positive and negative values in the transform domain. Our ablation study on the CIFAR-10 dataset experimentally shows that the soft-thresholding function is superior to the ReLU function in the transform-based layers. The overall process of each channel for the transform domain analysis (scaling, 1×1 Conv2D, and soft-thresholding) is depicted in Figure <ref>. The single-channel and the P-channel transform-based perceptron layers are computed as: 𝐲=𝒯^-1(𝒮_𝐓(𝒯(𝐱)∘𝐀⊛𝐕))+𝐱, 𝐲=𝒯^-1(∑_i=0^P-1𝒮_𝐓_i(𝒯(𝐱)∘𝐀_i⊛𝐕_i)), where, 𝒯(·) and 𝒯^-1(·) stand for 2D transform (DCT, HT, or BWT) and 2D inverse transform, 𝐀 and 𝐀_i are the scaling matrices, 𝐕 and 𝐕_i are the kernels in the 1×1 Conv2D layers, 𝐓 and 𝐓_i are the threshold parameter matrices in the soft-thresholding, ∘ stands for the element-wise multiplication, and ⊛ represents the 1× 1 2D convolution over an input composed of several input planes performed using PyTorch's Conv2D API. §.§ Comparison with the Convolutional Layer §.§.§ Spatial and Channel Characteristics Comparison The Conv2D layer has spatial-agnostic and channel-specific characteristics. Because of the spatial-agnostic characteristics of a Conv2D layer, the network cannot adapt different visual patterns corresponding to different spatial locations. On the contrary, the transform-based perceptron layer is location-specific and channel-specific. The 2D transform is location-specific but channel-agnostic, as it is computed using the entire block as a weighted summation on the spatial feature map. The scaling layer is also location-specific but channel-agnostic, as different scaling parameters (filters) are applied on different entries, and weights are shared in different channels. That is why we also use PyTorch's 1× 1 Conv2D to make the transform-based perceptron layer channel-specific. Figure <ref> shows the comparison of the spatial and channel characteristics. Because the Conv2D layer is spatial-agnostic, the convolutional kernels cannot utilize the information from the location of the pixels. Conversely, the transform-based perceptron layer is location-specific, which means each weight parameter gains the location information. §.§.§ Number of Parameters and MACs Comparison The comparison of the number of parameters and Multiply–Accumulate (MACs) is presented in Table <ref>. In a Conv2D layer, we need to compute N^2K^2 multiplications for a C-channel feature map of size N× N with a kernel size of K× K. In the DCT-perceptron layer, there are N^2 multiplications from the scaling and N^2 multiplications from the 1×1 Conv2D layer. There is no multiplication in the soft-thresholding function because the product between the sign of the input and the subtraction result can be implemented using the copysign operation. Although the 2D-DCT and the 2D-IDCT can be implemented in O(N^2Clog_2N) using the fast algorithm <cit.>, this fast approach is not officially supported in PyTorch. In this paper, we implement the 2D-DCT and the 2D-IDCT using the product between the DCT/IDCT weight matrix and the input tensor. Its complexity is O(N^3C), and its MACs are 2N^3C. Therefore, A P-channel DCT-perceptron layer has 2PN^2+PC^2 parameters with 4N^2C+PN^2C^2+PN^2C MACs. The BWT-perceptron layer has the same number of parameters and MACs as the DCT-perceptron layer. As for the HT-perceptron layers, because the HT is a multiple-free transform, there are only 2PN^2+PC^2 parameters with PN^2C+PN^2C^2 MACs in the P-channel HT-perceptron layer. A 3-channel perceptron layer has the same amount of parameters but fewer MACs compared to a 3× 3 Conv2D layer if C=N. Therefore, in the experiment section, we mainly use the 3-channel perception layer to compare with the Conv2D layer. Furthermore, in most main-stream CNNs, C is usually much larger than N in the hidden layers, then our proposed perceptron layers can reduce parameters and computational cost for these CNNs even with the matrix-vector product for the transforms. §.§ Introduce Transform-based Perceptron Layers into ResNets In this paper, we introduce the proposed layers into ResNet-18, ResNet-20, and ResNet-50. Fig. <ref> shows the commonly used convolutional blocks in ResNets. The V1 version that contains two 3× 3 Conv2D layers are used in ResNet-18 and ResNet-20, and the V2 version that contains one 3× 3 and two one 1× 1 Conv2D layers is used in ResNet-50. As Fig. <ref> shows, we replace the second 3× 3 Conv2D layer in each convolutional block V1, and the 3× 3 Conv2D layer in some convolutional blocks V2. To revise ResNet-20, ResNet-18, and ResNet-50, we retain the first 3× 3 Conv2D layer, then we replace those 3× 3 Conv2D layers at the even indices (the second Conv2D in each convolutional block in ResNet-20 and ResNet-18, and Conv2_2, Conv3_2, Conv3_4, etc., in ResNet-50) with the proposed transform-based perception layers. We keep the 3×3 Conv2D layers at odd indices because, in this way, we use the regular 3× 3 Conv2D layer and the proposed HT-perceptron layer by turns, then the network can extract features in different manners efficiently. Table <ref> describes the method we revising the ResNet-20 for the CIFAR-10 classification task, and Tables <ref> and <ref> present the revised ResNet-18 and ResNet-50 for the ImageNet-1K classification task. In the following sections, to call the revised ResNets, we add PC-Transform in front of their name. For example, 3C-DCT-ResNet-20 is the ResNet-20 revised by the three-channel DCT-perceptron layer. The BWT-ResNets are implemented using Bior 1.3 coefficients <cit.>. § EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Our experiments are carried out on a workstation computer with an NVIDIA RTX 3090 GPU. The code is written in PyTorch in Python 3. The experiments include the CIFAR-10 classification task and the ImageNet-1K classification task. In the CIFAR-10 experiments, ResNet-20 is used as the backbone network. In the ImageNet-1K experiments, ResNet-18 and ResNet-50 are used as the backbone networks. The CIFAR-10 experiments carry out our ablation study. Fig. <ref> presents the test error history of our models. §.§ CIFAR-10 Experiments Training ResNet-20 and its revisions follow the implementation in <cit.>. In detail, we use an SGD optimizer with a weight decay of 0.0001 and momentum of 0.9. Models are trained with a mini-batch size of 128 for 200 epochs. The initial learning rate is 0.1, and the learning rate is reduced by a factor of 1/10 at epochs 82, 122, and 163, respectively. Data augmentation is implemented as follows: First, we pad 4 pixels on the training images. Then, we apply random cropping to get 32 by 32 images. Finally, we randomly flip images horizontally. We normalize the images with the means of [0.4914, 0.4822, 0.4465] and the standard variations of [0.2023, 0.1994, 02010]. During the training, the best models are saved based on the accuracy of the CIFAR-10 test dataset, and their accuracy numbers are reported in Table <ref>. As Table <ref> shows, on the one hand, DCT-ResNet-20, which is implemented by revising Conv2D layers using the single-channel DCT-perceptron layers, contains 44.39% fewer parameters than the baseline ResNet-20 model, but it only suffers a 0.07% accuracy lost. On the other hand, the 3C-DCT-ResNet-20, which is implemented using the tri-channel DCT-perceptron layers, contains 22.64% fewer parameters than the baseline ResNet-20 model, but it even reaches a 0.09% higher accuracy. The 1C-HT-ResNet-20 and the 3C-HT-ResNet-20 have the same parameter savings (44.39% and 26.64%) as the 1C-DCT-ResNet-20 and the 3C-DCT-ResNet-20, and their accuracy losses are both less than 0.6% compared to the baseline model. The reason that the HT models get lower accuracy results than the corresponding DCT models is that HT is a binary transform, which means its ability for frequency information extraction is weaker than the DCT. As compensation, fewer computational cost is required to compute those HT models. Figure <ref> shows the test error history of the ResNet-20, the 3C-HT-ResNet-20, and the 3C-DCT-ResNet-20 on the CIFAR-10 test dataset. Compare to our previous HT-based work in <cit.> which is also single-channel, the proposed 1C-HT-ResNet-20 reaches a 1.03% higher accuracy. This is because the HT layer in <cit.> is channel-agnostic, while the proposed layer is channel-specific. Therefore, the proposed layers can utilize channel-wise information. Another application for the proposed layers is that we can insert one additional layer before the global average pooling layer in the ResNets (the location is after the output of the final convolutional block). For example, an extra DCT-perceptron layer improves the accuracy of the regular ResNet-20 to 91.82%. This method is named ResNet-20+1C-DCT-P. Table <ref> presents our ablation study on the CIFAR-10 dataset. First, we remove the residual design (the shortcut connection) in the single-channel DCT-perceptron layers and we obtain a worse accuracy (91.12%). Therefore, the shortcut connection can improve the performance of the single-channel DCT-perceptron layer. Then, we remove scaling which is the convolutional filtering in the single-channel DCT-perceptron layers. In this case, the multiplication operations in the single-channel DCT-perceptron layer are only implemented in the 1× 1 Conv2D. The accuracy drops from 91.59% to 90.46%. Therefore, scaling is necessary to maintain accuracy, as it makes use of the convolution theorems. Next, we apply ReLU instead of soft-thresholding in the single-channel DCT-perceptron layers. We first apply the same thresholds as the soft-thresholding thresholds on ReLU. In this case, the number of parameters is the same as in the proposed 1C-DCT-ResNet-20 model, but the accuracy drops to 91.30%. We then try regular ReLU with a bias term in the 1× 1 Conv2D layers in the single-channel DCT-perceptron layers, and the accuracy drops further to 91.06%. These experiments show that the soft-thresholding is superior to the ReLU in this work, as the soft-thresholding retains negative frequency components with high amplitudes, which are also used in denoising and image coding applications. Furthermore, we replace all Conv2D layers in the ResNet-20 model with the single-channel DCT-perceptron layers. We implement the downsampling (Conv2D with the stride of 2) by truncating the IDCT2D so that each dimension of the reconstructed image is one-half the length of the original. In this method, 81.31% parameters are reduced, but the accuracy drops to 85.74% due to lacking parameters. In the ablation study on the multi-channel DCT-perceptron layer, we further try the structures with 2/4/5 channels, but their accuracy results are all lower than the tri-channel. A similar ablation study is taken on the HT-perceptron layer, and the best accuracy result is obtained using 5 channels. Normally, the more channels the layer has, the better performance it can reach because of the more parameters. However, too many channels may cause redundancy and make it hard to train the layer well using the back-propagation algorithm. Furthermore, we add the shortcut connection in the tri-channel DCT-perception layer, but our experiments show that the shortcut connection is redundant in the tri-channel DCT-perception layer. This may be because three channels are replacing the shortcut. The multi-channel structure allows the derivatives to propagate to earlier channels better than the single-channeled structure. §.§ ImageNet-1K Classification In this section, we employ PyTorch's official ImageNet-1K training code <cit.>. Because we use the PyTorch official training code with the default training configuration for the revised ResNet-18s training, we use PyTorch Torchvision's officially trained ResNet-18 model as the baseline. On the other hand, the default training for ResNet-50 requires about 26–30 GB GPU memory, while an NVIDIA RTX3090 GPU only has 24GB. To overcome the issue of memory deficiency, we halve the batch size and the learning rate correspondingly. We use an SGD optimizer with a weight decay of 0.0001 and momentum of 0.9 for 90 epochs. Revised ResNet-18's are trained with the default setting: a mini-batch size of 256, and an initial learning rate of 0.1. ResNet-50 and its revised models are trained with a mini-batch size of 128, the initial learning rate is 0.05. The learning rate is reduced by a factor of 1/10 after every 30 epochs. For data argumentation, we apply random resized crops on training images to get 224 by 224 images, then we randomly flip images horizontally. In testing on the ImageNet-1K validation dataset, we resize the images to make the smaller edge of images 256, then apply center crops on the resized testing images to get 224 by 224 images. We normalize the images with the means of [0.485, 0.456, 0.406] and the standard variations of [0.229, 0.224, 0.225], respectively. We evaluate our models on the ImageNet-1K validation dataset and compare them with the state-of-art papers. During the training, the best models are saved based on the center-crop top-1 accuracy on the ImageNet-1K validation dataset, and their accuracy numbers are presented in Table <ref>. Furthermore, we carry out experiments with the input size of 256 by 256, for 256 is the smallest integer power of 2 which is larger than 224. The training strategies except for the image size are the same as the experiments with the image size of 224 by 224. We resize the validation images to make the smaller edge 292, then apply center crops on the resized testing images to get 256 by 256 images. In Table <ref>, the input sizes in the last 4 rows are 256×256, and in other rows are 224× 224. Fig. <ref> shows the test error history of the ResNet-50 and our revised ResNet-50s on the ImageNet-1K validation dataset. When the input size is 224 by 224, the 3C-HT-ResNet-50 and the 3C-BWT-ResNet-50 have more parameters and more MACs than the 3C-DCT-ResNet-50. This is because the input size is not a pair of integers power of 2, so the hidden tensors' sizes in the HT-perceptron layer and the BWT-perceptron layer are larger than in the DCT-perceptron layer. Although the HT is still more efficient than the DCT, the scaling, 1× 1 Conv2D, and soft-thresholding in the HT-perceptron layers need to be computed with tensors with larger sizes. Furthermore, if the input size satisfies the constraint of integers power of 2, the 3C-HT-ResNet-50 takes less computational cost than the 3C-DCT-ResNet-50, and the 3C-BWT-ResNet-50 takes the same computational cost as the 3C-DCT-ResNet-50. As Table <ref> presents, all transform-based perceptron layers manage to improve the accuracy for ResNet-50 by reducing the number of parameters and the MACs. For example, the 3C-BWT-ResNet layer improves the center-crop top-1 accuracy of ResNet-50 from 76.18% to 77.07%, while 11.5% parameters and MACs are reduced. Other state-of-art transform-based methods are listed in Table <ref> for comparison. In FFC-ResNet-50 (+LFU, α=0.25) <cit.>, authors use their proposed Fourier Units (FU) and local Fourier units (LFU) to process only 25% channels of each input tensor and use the regular 3× 3 Conv2D to process the remaining to get the accuracy of 77.8%. Although this method improves the accuracy, it also increases the number of parameters and MACs. We can also use a combination of regular the 3× 3 Conv2D layers and our proposed layers to increase the accuracy by increasing the parameters in their method. However, according to the ablation study in <cit.>, if all channels are processed by their proposed FU, FFC-ResNet-50 (α=1) only gets the accuracy of 75.2%. The reported number of parameters and MACs are much higher than the baseline in <cit.> even though MACs from the FFT and IFFT are not counted. Our methods improve accuracy for regular ResNet-50s with significantly reduced parameters and MACs. Models in <cit.> were trained with 10 additional epochs. Our results can also be improved with further training. Pruning-based methods <cit.> can be implemented as a part of our method to prune some layers because we implement convolutions in the transform domain. For example, removing convolutional filtering is equivalent to removing the corresponding DCT, scaling, soft-thresholding, and inverse DCT operation. The experiments of inserting one additional layer before the global average pooling layer in the ResNet-18 and the ResNet-50 are presented in Table <ref>. The additional single-channel DCT-perceptron layer improves the accuracy of ResNet-18 and ResNet-50 respectively with negligible extra parameters and computational cost. §.§ Wall-Clock Time Although in this work, we do not apply any CUDA-based coding to accelerate the proposed layers, it is worthy to present the wall-clock time of the models. Specially, we find a CUDA implementation for HT at <cit.>, so we implement HT using it in this section. DCT and BWT are still implemented as a matrix-vector product without taking advantage of the fast (O(N^2log_2 N)) algorithm <cit.> because PyTorch does not support DCT and the wavelet transforms at the moment. Scaling and Soft-thresholding are also implemented using pure PyTorch. Since we use the matrix-vector product to implement DCT and BWT, the time consumption of each transform is the same if the padding is not needed (i.e., the input size is 32^2 or 256^2). The speed test is performed on the NVIDIA RTX3090 GPU using the batch size of 1. The CPU of the computer is Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-2255 CPU @ 3.70GHz. We first warm up the device by 10 inference times, then compute the average inference time of 100 inferences. The wall-clock time is presented in Table <ref>. Even without any CUDA-based optimization, our transform-based ResNet models take less than 3× time that of the regular ResNet models which are well-optimized using CUDA. The time differences are small as shown in Table <ref>. Furthermore, we calculate the transforms of the entire tensor in the current work, but we can calculate them using smaller blocks such as 8×8 blocks as in JPEG and MPEG video coding methods to reduce memory usage and latency. § CONCLUSION In this paper, we proposed a set of novel layers based on the discrete cosine transform (DCT), the Hadamard transform (HT), and the biorthogonal wavelet transform (BWT) to replace some of the 3× 3 Conv2D layers in convolutional neural networks (CNNs). All of our transform domain layers can be implemented with single-channel and multi-channel structures. The idea of this work is derived from the convolution theorems, that the convolution in the time and the space domain is equivalent to the element-wise multiplication in the transform domain. With the proposed layers, CNNs such as ResNets can obtain comparable or even higher accuracy results in image classification tasks with much fewer parameters. ResNets with the HT-perceptron layers usually produce a little lower accuracy than ResNets with the DCT-perceptron layers. This is because as a binary transform, the ability for frequency analysis of the HT is inferior to the DCT. As compensation, there is no multiplication to implement HT, while multiplications between the tensors and the DCT weights are required in DCT. Another application for the proposed layers is the addition of an extra layer to the regular ResNets. An additional transform domain layer before the global average pooling layer improves the accuracy of ResNets with a negligible increase in the number of parameters and computational time. In addition to ResNets, the proposed transform domain layers can be used in any convolutional neural network using the Conv2D layers. IEEEtran
PageRank Nibble on the sparse directed stochastic block model
[ "Sayan Banerjee", "Prabhanka Deka", "Mariana Olvera-Cravioto" ]
[ "math.PR", "0580, 05C81, 05C85, 60J80" ]
Banerjee, Deka and Olvera-Cravioto University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill NC 27514, USA {sayan,deka,molvera}@email.unc.edu PageRank Nibble on the sparse directed stochastic block modelSupported in part by the NSF RTG award (DMS-2134107) and in part by the NSF-CAREER award (DMS-2141621). Sayan Banerjee Prabhanka Deka Mariana Olvera-Cravioto 0000-0003-3335-759 March 2023 ==================================================================================================================================================================== We present new results on community recovery based on the PageRank Nibble algorithm on a sparse directed stochastic block model (dSBM). Our results are based on a characterization of the local weak limit of the dSBM and the limiting PageRank distribution. This characterization allows us to estimate the probability of misclassification for any given connection kernel and any given number of seeds (vertices whose community label is known). The fact that PageRank is a local algorithm that can be efficiently computed in both a distributed and asynchronous fashion, makes it an appealing method for identifying members of a given community in very large networks where the identity of some vertices is known. § INTRODUCTION Many real-world networks exhibit community structure, where members of the same community are more likely to connect to each other than to members of different communities. Stochastic block models are frequently used to model random graphs with a community structure, and there are many problems where the goal is to identify the members of a given community, often based only on the graph structure, i.e,, on the vertices and the existing edges among them. A two community symmetric SBM is described by two parameters α and β, which determine the edge probabilities, with α corresponding to the probability that two members from the same community connect to each other, and β to the probability that two members from different communities connect to each other. In <cit.>, the authors work on the semi-sparse regime α = a log n /n and β = b log n /n, where n is the number of vertices in the graph, and show that the exact recovery of communities is efficiently possible if | √(a) - √(b)| > 2 and impossible otherwise. When recovery is possible, the authors use spectral methods to get an initial guess of the partition and fine tune it to retrieve the communities. Similar work has been done in the sparse regime, where α = a/n and β = b/n. In <cit.>, the authors show that recovery is impossible when (a-b)^2 < 2 (a+b). In <cit.>, it was proved that recovery is efficiently possible when (a-b)^2 > 2 (a+b) through the use of the spectral properties of a modified adjacency matrix B that counts the number of self avoiding paths of a given length l between two vertices in the graph. Further, the authors of <cit.> show that it is possible to recover a fraction (1-γ) of the vertices of community 1 if a and b are sufficiently large and satisfy (a-b)^2 > K_1 log(γ^-1) (a+b) for some constant K_1 . The clustering methods in <cit.> all rely on finding eigenvectors of the adjacency matrix (or a modified adjacency matrix), which is computationally expensive for large networks. Although the literature on community detection is vast, and there are in fact many methods that work remarkably well, many of those methods become computationally costly for very large networks. In some important cases like the web graph and social media networks, the networks of interest are so large and constantly changing that it becomes difficult to implement some of these methods. Moreover, in many cases, one has more information about the network than just its structure, e.g., vertex attributes that tell us the community to which certain vertices belong to. The question is then whether one can leverage knowledge of such vertices to help identify other members of their community using a computationally efficient method that does not require information about the entire network. One such problem was studied in <cit.>, where the authors consider community detection in a dense (average degree of vertices scale linearly with the size of the network) SBM in which information about the presence or absence of each edge was hidden at random. Here, we will analyze a setting where the labels of some prominent members of the community of interest are known. The PageRank Nibble algorithm was introduced in <cit.> as a modification of the Nibble algorithm described in <cit.> that uses personalized PageRank. This algorithm provides a cheap method for identifying the members of one community when a number of individuals in that community have been identified. PageRank based clustering methods were also proposed in <cit.> for the two-commmunity SBM, as a special case of a more general method of combining random walk probabilities using a “discriminant" function. The intuition behind PageRank Nibble is that random walks that start with the individuals that are known to belong to the community we seek will tend to visit more often members of that same community. PageRank Nibble works by choosing the personalization parameter of the known individuals, which we refer to as the “seeds", to be larger than for all other vertices in the network, and then choosing a damping factor c sufficiently far from either 0 or 1. This choice of the personalization values makes the PageRanks of close neighbors of the seeds to be larger, compared to those of individuals outside the community. Once the ranks produced by PageRank Nibble have been computed, a simple threshold rule can be used to identify the likely members of the community of interest. PageRank based methods can generally be executed quickly due to the availability of fast, distributed algorithms <cit.>. PageRank Nibble on the undirected SBM was studied in <cit.> under regimes where personalized PageRank (PPR) concentrates around its mean field approximation. The idea proposed there was to use the mean field approximation to identify vertices belonging to the same community as the seeds. In particular, the authors of <cit.> show that concentration occurs provided the average degrees grow as a(n) log n for some a(n) →∞ as n →∞, and is impossible for the sparse regime where average degrees remain constant as the network size grows. Our present work focuses on the directed stochastic block model (dSBM) in the sparse regime, and our results are based on the existence of a local weak limit and, therefore, of a limiting PageRank distribution. Once we have this characterization, we can compute the probability that an individual will be correctly or incorrectly classified, and choose the threshold that minimizes the misclassification probability. § MAIN RESULTS Let 𝒢_n = G(V_n, E_n) be a dSBM on the vertex set V_n = {1, …, n } with two communities. To start, each vertex v ∈ V_n is assigned a latent label C_v ∈{1, 2} identifying its community. We assume that these labels are unknown to us. Denote by _1 and _2 the subsets of vertices in communities 1 and 2 respectively. Then, each possible directed edge is sampled independently according to: p^(n)_vw := ((v,w) ∈ E_n | C_v, C_w ) = a/n∧ 1 if C_v = C_w b/n∧ 1 if C_v ≠ C_w. The edge probabilities can be written as p_vw^(n) = (n^-1κ_C_v, C_w) ∧ 1, where κ = [ a b; b a ] is called the connection probability kernel for the dSBM. For i=1, 2, we define π_i^(n) = 1/n∑_v=1^n 1 (C_v = i) to be the proportion of vertices belonging to each community. We focus specifically on the case where π_1^(n) = π_2^(n) = 1/2, but the techniques used here can be applied to more general dSBMs. To describe the setting for our results, start by fixing a constant 0 < s < 1, and assume there exists a subset ⊆_1, with || = n π_1^(n) s, for which the community labels are known. In other words, we assume that we know the identities of a fixed, positive proportion of the vertices in community 1. We refer to the vertices in as the seeds. In a real-world social network one can think of the seeds as famous individuals whose community label or affiliation is known or easy to infer. Given the seed set , the goal is to identify the vertices v ∈𝒞_1 ∖, i.e., to recover the remaining members of community 1. In order to describe the PageRank Nibble algorithm, we start first with the definition of personalized PageRank. On a directed graph G = (V,E), the PageRank of vertex v ∈ V is given by: r_v = c ∑_w ∈ V : (w,v) ∈ E1/D_w^+ r_w + (1-c) q_v, where D_w^+ is the out-degree of vertex w ∈ V, q_v is the personalization value of vertex v, and c ∈ (0,1) is a damping factor. PageRank is one of most popular measures of network centrality, due to both its computational efficiency (it can be computed in a distributed and asynchronous way), and its ability to identify relevant vertices. When 𝐪 = (q_v: v ∈ V) is a probability vector, the PageRank vector 𝐫 = (r_v: v∈ V) is known to correspond to the stationary distribution of a random walk that, at each time step, chooses, with probability c, to follow an outbound edge uniformly chosen at random, or with probability 1-c, chooses its next destination according to 𝐪 (if the current vertex has no outbound edges, the random walk always chooses its next destination according to ). PageRank is known to rank highly vertices that either have a large in-degree, or that have close inbound neighbors whose PageRanks are very large <cit.>, hence capturing both popularity and credibility. Since on large networks the PageRank scores will tend to be very small, it is often convenient to work with the scale-free (graph-normalized) PageRank vector 𝐑 = |V| 𝐫 instead. For the two community dSBM G_n = (V_n, E_n) described above, let Q_v = nq_v and define μ_n( B) = 1/n∑_v=1^n 1((C_v, Q_v) ∈ B) for any measurable set B. We assume that there exists a limiting measure μ with π_i := μ({i}×_+) > 0 for i = 1,2 such that μ_n ⇒μ in probability. Here and in the sequel, ⇒ denotes weak convergence. Further, for any measurable A, let σ_i^(n) (A) = 1/n π_i^(n)∑_v ∈ V_n 1(C_v = i, Q_v ∈ A), i = 1,2, denote the empirical distribution of Q_v conditionally on C_v = i for i = 1,2. Due to assumption (<ref>), we get the existence of limiting distributions σ_i, given by σ_i(A) = μ({i}× A)/π_i, i = 1,2, such that σ_i^(n)⇒σ_i in probability as n →∞. As mentioned in the introduction, our analysis is based on the existence of a local weak limit for the dSBM, and the fact that if we let I be uniformly chosen in V_n, independently of G(V_n, E_n), and let R_I denote the scale-free PageRank of vertex I, then R_I converges weakly to a random variable ℛ as n →∞. In order to characterize the distribution of ℛ, first define R^(1) and R^(2) to be random variables satisfying ℙ( R^(i)∈·) = ℙ( . R_I ∈·| C_I = i ), i = 1,2. Our first result establishes the weak convergence of R^(i) for i = 1,2 and characterizes the limiting distributions as the solutions to a system of distributional fixed-point equations. Let G_n = (V_n, E_n) be a sequence of dSBM as described above such that (<ref>) holds. Then, there exist random variables ℛ^(1) and ℛ^(2) such that for any x ∈ℝ that is a point of continuity of the limit, R^(i)⇒ℛ^(i) and 2/n∑_v∈ V_n 1( R_v ≤ x, C_v = i) ( ℛ^(i)≤ x ) , as n →∞, i = 1,2. Moreover, the random variables ℛ^(1) and ℛ^(2) satisfy: ℛ^(1)d= c ∑_j=1^𝒩^(11)ℛ^(1)_j /𝒟_j^(1) + c ∑_j=1^𝒩^(12)ℛ^(2)_j /𝒟_j^(2) + (1-c) 𝒬^(1) ℛ^(2)d= c ∑_j=1^𝒩^(21)ℛ^(1)_j /𝒟_j^(1) + c ∑_j=1^𝒩^(22)ℛ^(2)_j /𝒟_j^(2) + (1-c) 𝒬^(2) where ^(1) and ^(2) are random variables distributed according to σ_1 and σ_2 respectively, 𝒩^(kl) are Poisson random variables with means π_l κ_lk, (_j^(i) - 1 : j ≥ 1), i = 1,2, are i.i.d. sequences of Poisson random variables with mean π_1κ_i1 + π_2 κ_i2, and (ℛ_j^(i): j ≥ 1), i=1,2, are i.i.d. copies of ℛ^(i), with all random variables independent of each other. Note that the (𝒟_j^(i)) are size-biased Poisson random variables that represent the out-degrees of the inbound neighbors of the explored vertex I. The above result holds in more generality for a degree-corrected dSBM with k-communities, but for the purposes of this paper, we restrict ourselves to the k=2 case. We will only outline a sketch of the proof, and focus our attention instead on the following theorem about the classification of the vertices. Equations (<ref>) and (<ref>) are the key behind our classification method. Observe that in the PageRank equations (<ref>), the parameters within our control are the damping factor c and the personalization vector 𝐐 = (Q_v: v ∈ V_n). If we choose 𝐐 that results in ^(1)≥_s.t.^(2), we can identify vertices in community 1 as the ones having higher PageRank scores. With that in mind, we set Q_v = 1(v ∈), choose an appropriate cutoff point x_0 (which might depend on c, s and κ), and classify as a member of community 1 any vertex v ∈ V_n such that its scale-free PageRank, R_v, satisfies R_v > x_0. The algorithm requires that we choose c sufficiently bounded away from both zero and one, since from the random walk interpretation of PageRank, it is clear that we want to give the random surfer time to explore the local neighborhood, while at the same time ensuring that it returns sufficiently often to the seed set. In practice, a popular choice for the damping factor is c=0.85. In the context of the dSBM, we have that when a >> b, the random surfer ends up spending more time exploring the vertices in community 1, and the probability that it escapes to community 2 before jumping back to the seeds is much smaller. As a result, the stationary distribution ends up putting more mass on the community 1 vertices, and the proportion of misclassified vertices diminishes when a+b is large and b/a is close to zero. We formalize this in the theorem below. Note that Theorem <ref> gives that the miscalssification probabilities satisfy: ℙ( . R_v ≤ x_0 | v ∈𝒞_1 ) ≈ℙ( ℛ^(1)≤ x_0 ) and ℙ( . R_v > x_0 | v ∈𝒞_2 ) ≈ℙ( ℛ^(2) > x_0 ) . Our local classification algorithm with input parameters c and x_0 is then described as follows: * Set Q_v = 1 if v ∈, and zero otherwise. * Fix the damping factor c ∈ (0,1) and compute the personalized scale-free PageRank vector 𝐑. * For a threshold x_0, the estimated members of 𝒞_1 are the vertices in the set _1(x_0,c) = { v ∈ V_n: R_v > x_0 }. The theorem below can be used to quantify the damping factor c and the classification threshold x_0, and the corollary that follows shows that the proportion of misclassified vertices becomes small with high probability as n →∞. Let G_n = (V_n, E_n) be a 2-community dSBM with κ = [ a b; b a ] and π_1 = π_2 = 1/2. Assume a,b satisfy 8b/(a+b) < 1/2 and e^-(a+b)/2 < b/4a. Let Q_v = 1(v ∈) for v ∈ V_n, and take any c ∈ (1/2, 1 - 8b/(a+b)]. Then, for x_0 = 5s/8, we have (^(1) < 5s/8) ≤256 c^2/(a+b)(1-c^2) + 64(1-c)(1-s)/(1+c)s, (^(2) > 5s/8) ≤256 c^2/(a+b)(1-c^2)(1 + (1-c)(1-s)/2(1+c)s). Naturally, the misclassification errors get smaller as s increases, i.e., as more members of community 1 are known. Also, we get better bounds for the misclassification errors when a+b is large (strong connectivity within a community) and b/(a+b) is small (equivalently, a/(a+b) close to one), i.e., when the network is strongly assortative. Note that the assumptions in Theorem <ref> do not involve s (proportion of seeds). As the proof indicates, our classification errors involve Chebychev bounds which crucially depend on: (i) the mean PageRank scores of the two communities being sufficiently different, and (ii) the ratio of the variance of the PageRank scores of vertices in each community to the square of the mean community PageRank being small. By Lemma <ref> below, the ratio of the mean community PageRank scores is independent of s and hence their separation required by (i) is ensured by conditions involving a,b but not s. Moreover, as seen in Lemma <ref>, the scaled fluctuations in (ii) depend more significantly on the `sparsity' of the underlying network, quantified by a+b (expected total degree of a vertex), than s. Thus, the dependence on s arises mainly through the choice of the threshold x_0 in our classification algorithm (see Corollary <ref>). As a direct corollary to Theorem <ref>, we have Let x_0 = 5s/8, c ∈ (1/2, 1 - 8b/(a+b)], δ_1 = 256 c^2/(a+b)(1-c^2) + 64(1-c)(1-s)/(1+c)s and δ_2 = 256 c^2/(a+b)(1-c^2)(1 + (1-c)(1-s)/2(1+c)s). Then, under the hypothesis of Theorem 2, for δ = δ_1 + δ_2 and any ϵ > 0, we have lim_n →∞( | _1 _1(x_0,c)| > (δ + ϵ) n/2) = 0. For notational convenience, we drop the dependence of 𝒞̂_1 on x_0 and c. Observe that | _1 _1| = |_1 \_1| + | _1 ∩_2|, and we have _1 \_1 = {v ∈_1 : R_v < 5s/8 } and _1 ∩_2 = { v ∈_2 : R_v > 5s/8 }. So we get that for x_0 = 5s/8, (| _1 _1| > (δ+ϵ) n/2) = ( 2/n∑_v ∈_1 1(R_v < x_0) + 2/n∑_v ∈_2 1(R_v > x_0) > δ +ϵ). Then the result follows since 2/n∑_v ∈_1 1(R_v < x_0) + 2/n∑_v ∈_2 1(R_v > x_0) (^(1) < x_0)+ (^(2) > x_0) = δ as n →∞. Our proof of Theorem <ref> uses Chebyshev’s inequalities based on mean and variance bounds for the limiting (scale-free) personalized PageRank distribution obtained from the distributional fixed-point equations in Theorem <ref>. The choice of x_0 above is rather ad hoc and mainly for simplicity of the associated misclassification error bounds. One can check that the choice of x_0 which minimizes the sum of the Chebyshev error bounds is given by x_0^* = (r_1 v_2^1/3 + r_2v_1^1/3)/(v_1^1/3 + v_2^1/3), where r_1,r_2 are the expected limiting PageRank values obtained in Lemma <ref> and v_1,v_2 are the corresponding variances obtained in Lemma <ref>. Further, x_0 = 5s/8 is independent of the kernel parameters a and b, which are often unknown in practice. Moreover, although the range of c depends on a,b, the results above hold for any c in the given range. Hence, in practice, when a,b are not known, then any c > 1/2 which is not too close to one should work provided the network is not too sparse (b/(a+b) is sufficiently small). § PROOFS As mentioned earlier, Theorem <ref> holds in considerably more generality than the one stated here, so we will only provide a sketch of the proof that suffices for the simpler dSBM considered here. The proof of Theorem <ref> is given later in the section. Theorem <ref> (Sketch). The proof consists of three main steps. * Establish the local weak convergence of the dSBM: For the 2-community dSBM considered here, one can modify the coupling in <cit.> (which works for an undirected SBM) to the exploration of the in-component of a uniformly chosen vertex. The coupled graph is a 2-type Galton-Watson process, with the two types corresponding to the two communities in the dSBM, and all edges directed from offspring to parent. The number of offspring of type j that a node of type i has is a Poisson random variable with mean m_ij^- = π_j κ_ji for j=1,2. For each node in the coupled tree, denote by C_ its type, and assign it a mark _ = ( 𝒟_, Q_), where (𝒟_ - 1 )| C_ = j is a Poisson random variable with mean m_j^+ = π_1 κ_j1 + π_2 κ_j2, and Q_ | C_ = j has distribution σ_j as defined in (<ref>). The construction of the coupling follows a two step exploration process similar to the one done for inhomogeneous random digraphs in <cit.>. First the outbound edges of a vertex are explored, followed by the exploration of its inbound neighbors, assigning marks to a vertex once we finish exploring both its inbound and outbound one-step neighbors. This establishes the local weak convergence in probability of the dSBM to the 2-type Galton-Watson process. * Establish the local weak convergence of PageRank: Once we have the local weak convergence of the dSBM, let ℛ^* denote the personalized PageRank of the root node of the 2-type Galton-Watson process in the coupling. The local weak convergence in probability of the PageRanks on the dSBM to ℛ^*, i.e., 1/n∑_v ∈ V_n 1( R_v ≤ x) (ℛ^* ≤ x) as n →∞, follows from Theorem 2.1 in <cit.>. Note that the random variables ℛ^(1) and ℛ^(2) correspond to the conditional laws of ℛ^* given that the root has type 1 or type 2, respectively. And since the two communities are assumed to have the same size, the probability that the root has type 1 is 1/2, hence, 1/n∑_v ∈ V_n 1( R_v ≤ x, C_v = i) (ℛ^(i)≤ x ) 1/2, as n →∞. The weak convergence result follows from the bounded convergence theorem. * Derive the distributional fixed point equations: If the nodes in the first generation of the 2-type Galton-Watson process are labeled 1 ≤ j ≤𝒩, where 𝒩 denotes the number of offspring of the root node, then ℛ^* = c ∑_j=1^𝒩ℛ_j/𝒟_j + (1-c) 𝒬, where 𝒬 denotes the personalization value of the root, (𝒟_j: j ≥ 1) correspond to the out-degrees of the offspring, and the (ℛ_j: j ≥ 1) correspond to their PageRanks. Conditioning on the type of the root, as well as on the types of its offspring, gives the two distributional fixed-point equations (<ref>) and (<ref>). In particular, conditionally on the root having type i, 𝒩^(ik) corresponds to the number of offspring of type k, 𝒬^(i) has distribution σ_i, and 𝒟_1^(k) and ℛ_1^(k) are independent random variables having the distribution of 𝒟_1 and ℛ_1 conditionally on node 1 having type k. We prove Theorem <ref> through the second moment method. First we prove the following lemmas establishing bounds on the mean and variance of ^(1) and ^(2). Let r_i = [ ^(i)], λ = 1 - e^-(a+b)/2 and Δ = (1 - c λ a/a+b)^2 - ( c λ b/a+b)^2 . Then, we have r_1 = ( 1 - c λ a/a+b)s(1-c)/Δ r_2 = ( c λ b/a+b)s(1-c)/Δ. Further, if 1 - λ = e^-(a+b)/2≤ b/4a and c >1/2, we have the bounds r_1 ≥ s (1 - 2b/(1-c) (a+b)) , r_2 ≤s/2. Recall the distributional equations satisfied by ^(1) and ^(2) from Theorem <ref>. Taking expectation on both sides gives us [^(1)] = c [ ∑_j=1^𝒩^(11)_j^(1)/_j^(1) + ∑_j=1^𝒩^(12)_j^(2)/_j^(2)] + (1-c) [^(1)], [^(2)] = c [ ∑_j=1^𝒩^(21)_j^(1)/_j^(1) + ∑_j=1^𝒩^(22)_j^(2)/_j^(2)] + (1-c) [^(2)]. First, note that with our choice of 𝒬, [^(1)] = s and [^(2)] = 0. Further (_j^(i), _j^(i))_j ≥ 1 (resp. (_j^(i), _j^(i))_j ≥ 1) are independent of 𝒩^(1i) (resp. 𝒩^(2i)), and of each other, for i = 1, 2. So the above expressions can be simplified to r_1 = c ( [ 𝒩^(11)] [1/^(1)] r_1 + [ 𝒩^(12) ] [1/^(2)] r_2 ) + (1-c)s, r_2 = c ( [ 𝒩^(21)] [1/^(1)] r_1 + [ 𝒩^(22)] [1/^(2)] r_2 ), where 𝒩^(ij) and (^(i) - 1) are Poisson random variables with means as described in Theorem <ref>. Therefore we can further reduce the equations to r_1 = c( a/2·(1 - e^-(a+b)/2)/(a+b)/2· r_1 + b/2·(1 - e^-(a+b)/2)/(a+b)/2· r_2 ) + (1-c)s, r_2 = c (b/2·(1 - e^-(a+b)/2)/(a+b)/2· r_1 + a/2·(1 - e^-(a+b)/2)/(a+b)/2· r_2 ), or in matrix form, and after substituting λ = (1 - e^-(a+b)/2), [ 1 - ca λ/a+b -cbλ/a+b; -cbλ/a+b 1 - caλ/a+b ][ r_1; r_2 ] = [ (1-c)s; 0 ]. Solving (<ref>), we get [ r_1 r_2 ] = 1/Δ[ ( 1 - cλ a/(a+b) ) s(1-c) cλ b s(1-c)/(a+b) ], where Δ = (1 - c λ a/a+b)^2 - ( c λ b/a+b)^2 as required. Note that since c λ < 1, we have Δ > 0, and so the above quantities are well defined. From here, the bound for r_2 is a straightforward calculation. r_2 = c λ b/a+b (1-c)s/Δ≤b/a+b (1-c)s/(1 - c λ)(1 - c λa-b/a+b)≤sb/(a+b)1/( 1 - a-b/a+b) = s/2. To get the bound for r_1, we proceed as follows r_1 = ( 1 - c λ a/a+b) (1-c)s/Δ ≥s(1-c)/1 - c λ a/a+b = s (1-c)/a+b/a+b - cλ a/a+b = s (1-c) /b/a+b + a/a+b( 1 - λ + λ (1-c) ) ≥s (1-c) /b/a+b + a/a+b( e^-(a+b)/2 + (1-c) ) = s (1-c) /(1-c) + cb/a+b + a/a+b e^-(a+b)/2 ≥s(1-c)/1-c + 2bc/a+b≥ s ( 1 - 2b/(1-c)(a+b)), where for the last inequality we used fact that e^-(a+b)/2a/(a+b) ≤ b/4(a+b) ≤ cb/(a+b) due to our assumptions on λ and c, and 1 - x^2 ≤ 1 for all x ∈. This completes the proof. The next lemma provides a result for the variances. Define v_i = (ℛ^(i)) for i=1,2, then, if we let 𝐯 = (v_1, v_2)', and 𝐫^2 = (r_1^2, r_2^2)', then 𝐯 = 1/2(1-g_1)(1-g_2)( K 𝐫^2 + (1-c)^2 s(1-s) 𝐤), where g_1 = c^2 [1/(^(1))^2] (a-b)/2, g_2 = c^2 [1/(^(1))^2] (a+b)/2, K = [ g_1 + g_2 - 2g_1 g_2 , g_2 - g_1 g_2 - g_1 , g_1 + g_2 - 2g_1 g_2], and 𝐤 = [ 2- g_1-g_2 g_2- g_1 ] . Furthermore, v_1 ≤4c^2s^2/(a+b)(1-c^2) + 1-c/1+cs(1-s), v_2 ≤4c^2s^2/(a+b)(1-c^2)(1 + (1-c)(1-s)/2s(1+c)). To calculate the variance of ^(1) and ^(2), we will rely on the law of total variances, i.e., for any two random variables X and Y, (X) = [(X|Y)] + [ (X|Y)]. Applying this to equation (<ref>), along with the fact that r_i < 1 for i = 1, 2, we get the following bound for (^(1)): (^(1)) = c^2 ( r_1 𝒩^(11)[ 1/^(1)] + r_2 𝒩^(12)[ 1/^(2)] ) + c^2 [ 𝒩^(11)( ^(1)/^(1)) + 𝒩^(12)( ^(2)/^(2)) ] + (1-c)^2 (^(1)) . Now use the observation that (𝒩^(11)) = [𝒩^(11)] = a/2, (𝒩^(12)) = [ 𝒩^(12)] = b/2, and (𝒬^(1)) = s(1-s), to obtain that for v_i = (ℛ^(i)), v_1 = c^2 ( r_1^2 ·a/2·([1/^(1)])^2 + r_2^2 ·b/2·([1/^(2)])^2 ) + c^2 ( a/2( ^(1)/^(1)) + b/2( ^(2)/^(2)) ) + (1-c)^2 s(1-s) = c^2 ( r_1^2 ·a/2·([1/^(1)])^2 + r_2^2 ·b/2·([1/^(2)])^2 ) + (1-c)^2 s(1-s) + c^2 a/2( ( 1/^(1) r_1 ) + [ 1/(^(1))^2 (ℛ^(1)) ] ) + c^2 b/2( ( 1/^(2) r_2 ) + [ 1/(^(2))^2 (ℛ^(2)) ] ) = c^2 ( r_1^2 ·a/2·([1/^(1)])^2 + r_2^2 ·b/2·([1/^(2)])^2 ) + (1-c)^2 s(1-s) + c^2 a/2( r_1^2 ( 1/^(1)) + [ 1/(^(1))^2 ] v_1 ) + c^2 b/2( r_2^2 ( 1/^(2)) + [ 1/(^(2))^2 ] v_2 ) = (1-c)^2 s(1-s) + c^2 a/2[ 1/(^(1))^2 ] (r_1^2 + v_1) + c^2 b/2[ 1/(^(2))^2 ] (r_2^2 + v_2 ). Similarly, using 𝒬^(2)≡ 0 and v_2 = c^2 ( r_1 𝒩^(21)[ 1/^(1)] + r_2 𝒩^(22)[ 1/^(2)] ) + c^2 [ 𝒩^(21)( ^(1)/^(1)) + 𝒩^(22)( ^(2)/^(2)) ] + (1-c)^2 (^(2)) = c^2 b/2[ 1/(^(1))^2 ] (r_1^2 + v_1) + c^2 a/2[ 1/(^(2))^2 ] (r_2^2 + v_2 ). Writing the above in matrix notation we obtain for 𝐯 = (v_1, v_2)' and 𝐫^2 = (r_1^2, r_2^2)', 𝐯 = c^2 M (𝐯 + 𝐫^2) + 𝐡, where (note that ^(1)d=^(2)), M = [ 1/(^(1))^2 ]/2[ a b b a ] and 𝐡 = [ (1-c)^2 s(1-s) 0 ]. Moreover, use the observation that M = B A B, A = [1/(^(1))^2]/2[ (a-b) 0 0 (a+b) ], B = 1/√(2)[ -1 1 1 1 ], so the maximum eigenvalue of M is [1/(^(1))^2] [^(1)-1]. Since for a Poisson random variable N with mean μ we have that [1/(N+1)^2] E[N] = ∑_n=1^∞e^-μμ^n/n · n! = [ 1/N ∨ 1] - e^-μ≤ 1, then the matrix I - c^2 M is invertible, and we obtain 𝐯 = (I - c^2 M)^-1 ( c^2 M 𝐫^2 + 𝐛) = ∑_k=0^∞ c^2k M^k (c^2 M 𝐫^2 + 𝐛) = B [ c^2 A_11/1- c^2 A_11 0 0 c^2 A_22/1- c^2 A_22] B 𝐫^2 + B [ 1/1-c^2 A_11 0 0 1/1-c^2 A_22] B 𝐛. Setting g_i = c^2 A_ii for i = 1,2, and computing the product of matrices gives: 𝐯 = 1/2(1-g_1)(1-g_2)( K 𝐫^2 + (1-c)^2 s(1-s) 𝐤), for K and 𝐤 defined in the statement of the lemma. Further, if we let Δ_2 = 2(1-g_1)(1-g_2) and expand the above equation, we obtain = 1/Δ_2([ (g_1 + g_2 - 2g_1g_2)r_1^2 + (-g_1 + g_2) r_2^2; (-g_1 + g_2) r_1^2 + (g_1 + g_2 - 2g_1g_2)r_2^2 ] + (1-c)^2s(1-s)[ (2 - (g_1+g_2)); (-g_1 + g_2) ]). From equations (<ref>) and (<ref>) we also get that r_i ≤ s for i=1,2, so we can reduce this to ≤1/Δ_2[ 2g_2(1-g_1)s^2 + (2 - (g_1+g_2))(1-c)^2s(1-s); 2g_2(1-g_1)s^2 + (-g_1 + g_2)(1-c)^2s(1-s) ]. Plugging in Δ_2 = 2(1-g_1)(1-g_2), and noting that g_2 ≥ g_1, we get v_1 ≤g_2 s^2/1 - g_2 + 1/2( 1/1- g_2 + 1/1 - g_1)(1-c)^2s(1-s) ≤g_2 s^2/1 - g_2 + 1/1 - g_2(1-c)^2s(1-s), and v_2 ≤g_2 s^2/1-g_2 + 1/2( 1/1- g_2 - 1/1 - g_1)(1-c)^2s(1-s) ≤g_2 s^2/1-g_2 + g_2/2(1-g_1)(1-g_2)(1-c)^2s(1-s). Finally, using [1 / (^(1))^2 ] ≤ 8/(a+b)^2 and (<ref>), we have g_2 ≤min{c^2,4c^2/(a+b)}, and so v_1 ≤4c^2s^2/(a+b)(1-c^2) + 1-c/1+cs(1-s), v_2 ≤4c^2s^2/(a+b)(1-c^2)(1 + (1-c)(1-s)/2s(1+c)). We are now ready to prove Theorem <ref>. For any z > 0, Chebyshev's inequality gives (^(1)≤ r_1 - z) = (^(1) - r_1 ≤ -z) ≤v_1/z^2 ≤1/z^2(4c^2s^2/(a+b)(1-c^2) + 1-c/1+cs(1-s) ) . A similar application of Chebyshev's inequality for any w > 0 with ^(2) gives (^(2) > s/2 + w ) ≤(^(2) > r_2 + w) ≤v_2/w^2 ≤1/w^24c^2s^2/(a+b)(1-c^2)(1 + (1-c)(1-s)/2s(1+c)) , where the first inequality follows from equation (<ref>). Choosing c ∈ (1/2, 1 - 8b/(a+b)] results in r_1 ≥ 3s/4, so choosing z = w = s/8 and plugging into the bounds from equations (<ref>) and (<ref>) gives (^(1) < 5s/8) ≤256 c^2/(a+b)(1-c^2) + 64(1-c)/1+c·1-s/s, (^(2) > 5s/8) ≤256 c^2/(a+b)(1-c^2)(1 + (1-c)(1-s)/2s(1+c)). § RESULTS FROM SIMULATIONS We illustrate the algorithm with some simulation experiments. First, we calculated the personalized PageRank scores for a 2-community dSBM with n=20000 vertices, a=150, b=10, s = .2 and c = .85. The plot shows a clear separation of the PPR scores of the seeds, the rest of community 1 and the vertices in community 2. We also investigated the role of the damping factor c and the best way to choose it. One natural way of doing so is to find the value of c that maximizes the difference between the mean PPR scores for the two communities. Note that r_1 - r_2 is strictly monotone in c, but if we let r̂_1 to be the mean of the non-seeded members of community 1, we see in Fig. <ref> that r̂_1 - r_2 is strictly convex with a maximum attained at c=.86. We have a description for the optimal c^* as follows. Let r̂_1 and r_2 be as described above. Then c^* := argmax_c {r̂_1(c) - r_2(c) } = 1 - √(1 - E)/E, where E = a-b/a+b(1 - e^-(a+b)/2). To calculate r̂_̂1̂, we consider the dSBM to have 3 communities, where we separate the seeds and the rest of the vertices in community 1. Then, Theorem <ref> gives us a system of 3 distributional fixed-point equations. Using those, and calculations similar to the ones we did for Lemma <ref>, we get r̂_̂1̂ = (1-c)s ( 1 - c λ a/a+b/(1 - cλ) (1 - c λ(a-b/a+b) ) - 1 ) r_2 = (1-c)s ( c λ b/a+b/(1 - c λ) (1 - c λa-b/a+b)). Now substitute E = λ (a-b)/(a+b) to obtain that r̂_1 - r_2 = (1-c)s/1-cE, and use calculus to compute the optimal c^* = 1 - √(1-E)/E. Note that the value E is the second eigenvalue of the matrix on the left hand side of equation (<ref>). § REMARKS AND CONCLUSIONS In the sparse regime, we have proposed a cutoff level to identify vertices of community 1 based on their personalized PageRank scores and provided theoretical bounds on the probability of misclassifying a vertex. Our bounds are not tight, and simulations indicate that we might be able to use a lower threshold to further reduce the error (see also Remark <ref>). Another possible threshold option in the case of the symmetric SBM (π_1=π_2) is the median of PageRank scores. 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NeuroQL: A Neuro-Symbolic Language and Dataset for Inter-Subjective Reasoning
[ "Nick Papoulias" ]
[ "cs.PL", "cs.AI", "cs.CL", "cs.SE" ]
Enhanced Vibrational Stability in Glass Droplets Smarajit Karmakar March 30, 2023 ================================================ We present a new AI task and baseline solution for Inter-Subjective Reasoning. We define inter-subjective information, to be a mixture of objective and subjective information possibly shared by different parties. Examples may include commodities and their objective properties as reported by IR (Information Retrieval) systems, that need to be cross-referenced with subjective user reviews from an online forum. For an AI system to successfully reason about both, it needs to be able to combine symbolic reasoning of objective facts with the shared consensus found on subjective user reviews. To this end we introduce the NeuroQL dataset and DSL (Domain-specific Language) as a baseline solution for this problem. NeuroQL is a neuro-symbolic language that extends logical unification with neural primitives for extraction and retrieval. It can function as a target for automatic translation of inter-subjective questions (posed in natural language) into the neuro-symbolic code that can answer them. § INTRODUCTION Our digital world comprises of information sources with varying degrees of objectivity and subjectivity. Structured information stored in databases or other IR systems (such as for the physical properties and prices of products) are presented as objective facts to potential customers, while their accompanying free-form reviews fall by definition in the subjective part of this spectrum. Yet, as users of these systems we are interested in questions involving both aspects. These are questions where both the authoritative structured data of a product and the unstructured opinions of the general public are pertinent. Consider for example the search query: “How is the bass for headphones at around 30 dollars having minimum 14K reviews that is not discontinued?” which we depict in Fig. <ref>: We call this type of questions inter-subjective given that they involve a mixture of subjective and objective information that may be shared by different parties. Currently, answers to such queries are treated with a semi-manual two stage process by information systems. In the first step the user needs to pinpoint a single product of interest using a query involving only its objective properties and description (e.g a query involving the title, price, number of reviews as in the example above). Then in the second step, the user needs to scan the reviews of this product either manually or with a similarity search in order to find relevant subjective opinions regarding the quality of the product (e.g. the quality of the bass in the above example). With the advent of deep-learning <cit.> for natural-language processing <cit.> and more specifically deep-learning Q&A (Question & Answering) models <cit.>, this second step can now be supplemented with neural retrieval and neural comprehension of reviews. In this work we investigate the possibility of automating and merging these two stages that involve both symbolic reasoning (over structured factual information) and neuronal reasoning (over unstructured subjective sources). The problem of interfacing symbolic and neuronal reasoning, is a known open problem in AI literature involving neuro-symbolic systems <cit.>. Our contribution is to propose a new AI task and baseline solution for inter-subjective queries and reasoning, as the one we saw above. To this end we introduce the NeuroQL dataset and DSL (Domain-specific Language <cit.>) as a baseline solution for this problem. Our dataset extends previous work on Q&A systems focused on metadata <cit.> and subjective <cit.> information to include inter-subjective questions and their translation into neuro-symbolic queries. Our queries are expressed in NeuroQL which is a neuro-symbolic language that we embed inside the Python <cit.> runtime environment. This embedded DSL implements and extends logical unification <cit.> with neural primitives for extraction and retrieval. NeuroQL can function as a target for automatic translation of inter-subjective questions (posed in natural language) into the neuro-symbolic code that can answer them, as we show in Figure <ref>: In this figure we show our goals and hypotheses regarding NeuroQL. Firstly, we hypothesize that: (H1): It is possible to translate inter-subjective questions (as the one shown on top of Figure <ref>), comprising of different subjective and objective components, into neuro-symbolic queries expressed in NeuroQL. To test (H1) we experiment with a neural translation solution fine-tuned to this domain, aiming to distinguish not only between objective and subjective components, but also between different kinds of sub-query categories (opinion, title, price, reviews, manufacturing ). These sub-query categories have different translations in NeuroQL (as shown in the bottom part of Figure <ref>) which are highlighted to match their equivalent categories in natural language. Furthermore, we hypothesize that: (H2): Symbolic reasoning through unification (covering structured objective facts), similar to the one found in prolog <cit.> and datalog <cit.> systems, can be extended with neuronal reasoning (for unstructured subjective data) in a disciplined manner, producing satisfactory answers for inter-subjective queries. Meaning, that the neuro-symbolic synthesis can be expressed in a concise syntactic and semantic form for NeuroQL users, while still being able to answer inter-subjective queries in a satisfactory way. To test (H2) we measure recall, em and f1 scores <cit.> of translated NeuroQL queries against previously unseen inter-subjective questions. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section <ref> presents the results of our effort including: a hands-on walk-through of NeuroQL (sub-section <ref>), a description of the NeuroQL inference pipeline (sub-section <ref>), a description of the NeuroQL dataset (sub-section <ref>), our translation, recall, em and f1 experiments (sub-section <ref>) as well as a further review of related work (sub-section <ref>). Section <ref> discusses the implications of our contribution, possible threats to validity and future perspectives. Finally, Section <ref> concludes the paper with pertinent methodological comments. All data and examples from this paper are available at: <https://orgdlabs.com/neuroQL>. § RESULTS §.§ NeuroQL by Example You can load the NeuroQL language inside a python environment as the one we provide for our readers at: <https://orgdlabs.com/neuroql_eg> by running the following import statement (shown in line 1 of listing <ref>): style=mystyle2 [label=lst:import, caption=Importing NeuroQL into Python and loading product properties and reviews] from NeuroQL import * NeuroQL.load('asin_key_properties.csv','asin_reviews.csv') Then as shown in line 2 of listing <ref> you can load data (from csv files) to populate your knowledge base. In this case we load product properties and reviews in line 2, which have the following general format: style=datastyle [label=lst:props_eg, caption=Product properties excerpt] ... B00001P4ZH,title,koss portapro headphones with case B00001P4ZH,price,39.36 B00001P4ZH,brand,koss B00001P4ZH,stars,4.7 B00001P4ZH,total_reviews,14549 B00001P4ZH,item_weight,2.79 B00001P4ZH,item_weight_units,ounces B00001P4ZH,item_model_number,6303157 B00001P4ZH,is_discontinued_by_manufacturer,no ... This data consists of a product identifier (like B00001P4ZH), which is called an asin (Amazon Standard Identification Number) in the <amazon.com> product catalog <cit.>. The identifier is followed by the name of a property (such as title, or price) together with that property's value (39.36 in the case of the price property on line 3 above). NeuroQL is able to load arbitrarily nested n-tuples of any length, but for the sake of simplicity we use here a flat representation of the form: object.property = value familiar to programmers from OO paradigms as well as engineers working with triple-based knowledge systems (subject,predicate,object) <cit.>. If we need to load new items explicitly (instead from a pre-saved format) we can invoke the NeuroQL [style=datastyle]fact primitive as follows: [style=datastyle]fact(('B00001P4ZH','price',39.36)). Alternatively we can declare the id: [style=datastyle]B00001P4ZH = ids() and simply state [style=datastyle]B00001P4ZH.price == 39.36. After having loaded the data, we can perform our first simple query using NeuroQL as follows: style=datastyle [label=lst:search_id, caption=Retrieving all available product properties by id] B00001P4ZH = ids() _property, _value = vars() search(B00001P4ZH._property == _value) Here in listing <ref> we define an id of interest on line 1 and declare our variables of interest on line 2. In this case we would like to retrieve all available properties and their values regarding a particular id. To do so, on line 3 we invoke the search NeuroQL primitive, which takes as input a NeuroQL expression, and returns all possible combinations of values from our knowledge base that satisfy our input expression. Thus our search results always consist of a list of mappings (such as dictionaries) that bind our unknown variables (seen on listing <ref>) to the values that satisfy our expression: style=datastyle [label=lst:search_id_results, caption=Product properties retrieved by id] '?property': 'stars', '?value': 4.7, '?property': 'item_weight', '?value': 2.79, '?property': 'total_reviews', '?value': 14549, '?property': 'title', '?value': 'koss portapro ..', '?property': 'price', '?value': 39.36, '?property': 'review', '?value': '882b1e2745a47...', '?property': 'brand', '?value': 'koss', '?property': 'is_discontinued_by_manufacturer','?value': 'no', '?property': 'item_model_number', '?value': 6303157, '?property': 'review', '?value': 'ce76793f036494...', '?property': 'item_weight_units', '?value': 'ounces', '?property': 'review', '?value': 'd040f2713caa2...' This type of binding is achieved through symbolic unification <cit.>, which we will be extending later on with a set of neuronal primitives. Continuing with our examples, NeuroQL also allows for the creation of more complex queries from simpler ones, with additional means of combination as shown in listing <ref>: style=mystyle2 [label=lst:match_title_price, caption=Searching for headphones with a price around 30$] _asin,_total_reviews,_price,_title, _review,_review_text,_answers=vars() search( bm25_match(_asin.title==_title,'headphones',80), _asin.price==_price, op_filter(lambda e: abs(e['?price'] - 30) < 10), ) Here on lines 1 and 2 we define a set of variables that we want to find the bindings of (for this and subsequent examples). Then on lines 4 through 8 we are asking for the ids of headphones whose price is around 30 dollars. To express this query in NeuroQL we form a conjunction of expressions (by passing each expression as a separate argument to our search primitive). The first such expression performs a bm25 <cit.> matching against all product titles, returning the top 80 results (line 5). Similarly, on line 6 we are asking for the _price variable to be bound to the price of the products that we have found thus far. Finally on line 7, we are filtering our results to only include products whose price is within 10 dollars of our target price. Notice here, that the id (the _asin), the product _title as well as the product _price, are all variables. These are the variables which we are asking NeuroQL to bound for us. Each binding will correspond to specific values from our knowledge base that jointly satisfy our expressions, getting us the following results (listing <ref>): style=datastyle [label=lst:match_title_price_results, caption=Output example for a simple query (showing 2 sample results out of a total of 10)] ... '?asin': 'B00001P4ZH', '?title': 'koss portapro headphones with case', '?price': 39.36, ... '?asin': 'B000AJIF4E', '?title': 'sony mdr7506 professional large diaphragm headphone', '?price': 29.99 ... Building towards our complete example from Figures <ref> and <ref> we can now ask (listing <ref>) for headphones at around 30 dollars, having minimum 14K reviews, that are not discontinued by the manufacturer: style=mystyle2 [label=lst:inc_reviews_manufacturing, caption=Refining our search to include total number of reviews and manifacturing details] search( bm25_match(_asin.title==_title,'headphones',80), _asin.price==_price, op_filter(lambda e: abs(e['?price'] - 30) < 10), _asin.total_reviews==_total_reviews, op_filter(lambda e: e['?total_reviews'] >= 14000), _asin.is_discontinued_by_manufacturer=='no', ) This is achieved by extending our previous query (of listing <ref>) with lines 5 through 7 on listing <ref>. Describing a _total_reviews variable to be bound (for our already retrieved products) on line 5. Filtering the results further depending on the total number of reviews on line 6. Then finally, on line 7 adding the additional constraint that the products we are looking for should not have been discontinued. The results from this extended query are seen in listing <ref>: style=datastyle [label=lst:results_inc_reviews_manufacturing, caption=Output example for a refined query (showing all 3 results)] '?asin': 'B00001P4ZH', '?title': 'koss portapro headphones with case', '?price': 39.36, '?total_reviews': 14549, '?asin': 'B0007XJSQC', '?title': 'sennheiser hd201 lightweight over-ear .. headphones', '?price': 24.95, '?total_reviews': 14980, '?asin': 'B000AJIF4E', '?title': 'sony mdr7506 professional large diaphragm headphone', '?price': 29.99, '?total_reviews': 22071 §.§.§ Neuro-Symbolic Composition Up to this point we have been seeing how NeuroQL can handle the objective components of natural language questions. Now we will extend our previous example (listing <ref>) to handle the entirety of an inter-subjective question as the one we described in Figures <ref> and <ref>. Namely, “How is the bass for headphones at around 30 dollars having minimum 14K reviews that is not discontinued?”. To do so, we start by extending our previous example on line 8 of listing <ref> where we bind a _review variable to the reviews of the products we have found so far. Then on line 9 we invoke the neural primitive [style=mystyle2]neural_match, taking the following algorithmic steps to extend classical unification: * [style=mystyle2]neural_match will receive the sub-query [style=mystyle2]_review.text==_review_text as its first argument. It will use this sub-query to create a set of (id, document) pairs (in this case [style=mystyle2]_review,_review_text pairs) binding the variable [style=mystyle2]_review_text in the process. * It will then try to match the bindings of [style=mystyle2]_review_text against the subjective component of the initial query, in this case: [style=mystyle2]'how is the bass?', which is the second argument we passed to our [style=mystyle2]neural_match primitive. With default settings this match will be performed by a DPR (Dense Passage Retriever) <cit.>, using question & context encoders trained with the Natural Questions dataset <cit.>. * Finally, [style=mystyle2]neural_match will filter all query bindings thus far (up to line 11 of listing <ref>) to include only the top 5 results or our DPR [style=mystyle2]_review_text match (using the third argument on line 10). style=mystyle2 [label=lst:full-eg, caption=Creating an inter-subjective query by filtering and scanning reviews to answer a particular question] search( bm25_match(_asin.title==_title,'headphones',80), _asin.price==_price, op_filter(lambda e: abs(e['?price'] - 30) < 10), _asin.total_reviews==_total_reviews, op_filter(lambda e: e['?total_reviews'] >= 14000), _asin.is_discontinued_by_manufacturer=='no', _asin.review==_review, neural_match( _review.text==_review_text,'how is the bass?',5 ), neural_extract( _answers, _review.text==_review_text,'how is the bass?',2 ) ) Thus far we have the top 5 reviews that match our question for the exact subset of products satisfying our objective constraints (up to line 11). We can now proceed to extract relevant opinions for our inter-subjective question using the [style=mystyle2]neural_extract primitive (lines 12 to 14 of listing <ref>), as follows: * [style=mystyle2]neural_extract will first receive the name of a new variable to bind (in this case the variable [style=mystyle2]_answers) with the extracted text that matches its targeted question. * It will then use the sub-query [style=mystyle2]_review.text==_review_text passed as a second argument, to create a new set of (ids, documents) matching the sub-query (as we did before). * Then with the third argument (the subjective sub-component [style=mystyle2]'how is the bass?') it will try to extract the answer to this question from the [style=mystyle2]_review_text documents. It will do so using a Reader model, such as MiniLM <cit.> initially trained on the SQuAD 2.0 dataset <cit.> and further fine-tuned on the NeuroQL training set to improve its performance (as we describe in Section <ref>). * Finally, [style=mystyle2]neural_extract will filter all query bindings to include only the top 2 results extracted by the Reader (using the forth argument on line 13). The final results of our inter-subjective query are seen in listing <ref> with a sample of the final variable bindings. These now include both objective (title, price, total_reviews, manufacturing) and subjective (review, answers) components that jointly satisfied our query's constraints. As an example the most pertinent opinion for product [style=datastyle]B000AJIF4E (satisfying our constraints regarding title, price, total_reviews, manufacturing ) is that the [style=datastyle]'Bass is amazing', while for product [style=datastyle]B00001P4ZH is that the [style=datastyle]'Bass is weak as expected'. style=datastyle [label=lst:full-eg-results, caption=Output example for an inter-subjective query] '?asin': 'B000AJIF4E', '?title': 'sony mdr7506 professional large diaphragm headphone', '?price': 29.99, '?total_reviews': 22071, '?review': '5e96b0052898fe667cf622888fc5af69', ... '?answers': 'answer': 'Bass is amazing',... ... '?asin': 'B00001P4ZH', '?title': 'koss portapro headphones with case', '?price': 39.36, '?total_reviews': 14549, '?review': 'd040f2713caa2aff0ce95affb40e12c2', ... '?answers': 'answer': 'Bass is weak as expected',... We complete our examples by showing how to define and use inference rules in NeuroQL [A formal model of the syntax and semantics of inference rules in NeuroQL will be part of a follow up paper.]. Lines 1 through 6 of listing <ref> define an inference rule using the primitive [style=mystyle2]rule. The first argument on line 1 is the sub-query ([style=mystyle2]_asin.well_ranked == True) that defines the conclusion that the rule can infer if the rest of the arguments are satisfied. The rest of the arguments being sub-queries themselves forming a conjunction. Whenever the head of this rule unifies with a sub-query that we are currently looking to bind (like the sub-query on line 11 of our [style=mystyle2]search primitive) the rule will be tested. This means that there will be a nested search that will try to satisfy the rule's conjunction given the current bindings and return new bindings if needed. style=mystyle2 [label=lst:rull-eg, caption=Incorporating a rule to infer well ranked products during search] rule(_asin.well_ranked == True, _asin.total_reviews==_total_reviews, op_filter(lambda e: e['?total_reviews'] >= 20000), _asin.stars==_stars, op_filter(lambda e: e['?stars'] >= 4.0) ) search( bm25_match(_asin.title==_title,'headphones',80), _asin.price==_price, op_filter(lambda e: abs(e['?price'] - 30) < 10), _asin.well_ranked == True, _asin.is_discontinued_by_manufacturer=='no', _asin.review==_review, neural_match( _review.text==_review_text,'how is the bass?',5 ), neural_extract( _answers, _review.text==_review_text,'how is the bass?',2 ) ) In plain english this rule states that a product is well ranked if it has at least 20K reviews and a rating of at least 4.0 stars. By using this rule on line 11 of listing <ref> instead of our previous less strict criteria (on lines 5 and 6 of listing <ref>) we get a more constraint result (seen on listing <ref>). style=datastyle [label=lst:rule-eg-results, caption=Inter-subjective query results using rules for well ranked products during inference] ... '?asin': 'B000AJIF4E', '?title': 'sony mdr7506 professional large diaphragm headphone', '?price': 29.99, '?total_reviews': 22071, '?review': '5e96b0052898fe667cf622888fc5af69', ... '?answers': 'answer': 'Bass is amazing',... §.§ The NeuroQL Architecture Our two main hypotheses (as detailed in Section <ref>) are that (H1) it is possible to automatically translate inter-subjective questions from natural language into NeuroQL and (H2) that NeuroQL can concisely extend unification with neural reasoning to produce satisfactory answers for inter-subjective questions. To test (H1) and (H2) we devised the following architecture (seen in Figure <ref>) that serves as a baseline solution for our inter-subjective Q&A task. Starting at the top left corner of Figure <ref> we see a user submitting an inter-subjective question in natural language [black]A. This question during inference [orange]B2 will be passed to a translation model (in our case a fine-tuned CodeT5 model <cit.>) that will attempt to translate the question into a NeuroQL query [orange]C. The translation model is trained [orange]B1 for this downstream task using the NeuroQL question/query dataset (detailed in Sections <ref> and <ref>). Subsequently, our architecture will attempt to execute this query [blue]D which (as we saw in Section <ref>) means finding all possible bindings within the NeuroQL database that satisfies the query's main conjunction. The NeuroQL database itself is an in-memory n-tuple store upon which our extended unification algorithm is applied. These extensions include the [style=mystyle2]neural_match [orange]E and [style=mystyle2]neural_extract [orange]F2 primitives. These primitives are based on a retriever model (in our case a DPR <cit.> trained with the Natural Questions dataset <cit.>) and a reader model (a MiniLM <cit.> initially trained on the SQuAD 2.0 dataset <cit.>). Using these models our unification engine will attempt to further bind and filter the neuronal sub-queries of a logical conjunction (as we saw in Section <ref>). During training our reader has been further fine-tuned [orange]F1 on the NeuroQL training set (using our review/answer pairs) to improve its performance (as we further describe in Sections <ref> and <ref>). Finally, when all possible bindings have been found [blue]G an answer [black]H will be returned to our user. Listings <ref> and <ref> show step by step how we can first translate a natural language question into NeuroQL (lines 1 to 3 of listing <ref>) invoking our primitive [style=mystyle2]NeuroQL.translate. Then, how to dynamically evaluate the resulting query (in line 1 of listing <ref>) to get our results (using [style=mystyle2]NeuroQL.eval). This is done with both cases matching our previous results from listings <ref> and <ref>. Finally, listing <ref> show us how both translation and evaluation can be expressed in a single step (line 1 of listing <ref>) by simply invoking our primitive [style=mystyle2]NeuroQL.answer. style=mystyle2 [label=lst:translate, caption=Translating an inter-subjective question into a NeuroQL query] query = NeuroQL.translate( 'How is the bass for headphones at around [...] ?' ) print(query) Output: ######################################### search( bm25_match(_asin.title==_title,'headphones',80), _asin.price == _price, op_filter(lambda e: abs(e['?price'] - 30) < 10), _asin.total_reviews == _total_reviews, op_filter(lambda e: e['?total_reviews'] >= 14000), _asin.is_discontinued_by_manufacturer=='no', _asin.review == _review, neural_match( _review.text == _review_text,'how is the bass?',5 ), neural_extract( _answers, _review.text==_review_text,'how is the bass?',2 ) ) ################################################### style=datastyle [label=lst:dynEval, caption=Dynamically evaluating a generated NeuroQL query]] NeuroQL.eval(query) Output: ######################################### '?asin': 'B000AJIF4E', '?title': 'sony mdr7506 professional large diaphragm headphone', '?price': 29.99, '?total_reviews': 22071, '?review': '5e96b0052898fe667cf622888fc5af69', ... '?answers': 'answer': 'Bass is amazing',... ... '?asin': 'B00001P4ZH', '?title': 'koss portapro headphones with case', '?price': 39.36, '?total_reviews': 14549, '?review': 'd040f2713caa2aff0ce95affb40e12c2', ... '?answers': 'answer': 'Bass is weak as expected',... ################################################### style=datastyle [label=lst:answer, caption=Combining translation and evaluation of inter-subjective questions in a single call] NeuroQL.answer( 'How is the bass for headphones at around [...] ?' ) Output: ######################################### '?asin': 'B000AJIF4E', '?title': 'sony mdr7506 professional large diaphragm headphone', '?price': 29.99, '?total_reviews': 22071, '?review': '5e96b0052898fe667cf622888fc5af69', ... '?answers': 'answer': 'Bass is amazing',... ... '?asin': 'B00001P4ZH', '?title': 'koss portapro headphones with case', '?price': 39.36, '?total_reviews': 14549, '?review': 'd040f2713caa2aff0ce95affb40e12c2', ... '?answers': 'answer': 'Bass is weak as expected',... ################################################### §.§ The NeuroQL Dataset The NeuroQL dataset extends previous work on Q&A systems focused on metadata <cit.> and subjective <cit.> information to include 1505 inter-subjective questions and their translation into neuro-symbolic queries (in listing <ref>). These (question, query) pairs are coupled with a detailed knowledge base of 4250 properties (in listing <ref>) for 500 different products, including 1583 reviews and 1627 ground truths for Q&A extraction. style=datastyle [label=lst:qq-eg, caption=A (question, query) pair from the NeuroQL dataset] B00001P4ZH,question,0514ee34 ... 0514ee34 ..., text,For headphones model number 6303157 ... 0514ee34 ..., query,"search( bm25_match( ... ... neural_match( ... neural_extract( ... )" On Table <ref> we list all the categories of objective properties that we included in our dataset with a short description for each. Each category is followed by either its domain or a sample value for reference. Finally on Figure <ref> we present a breakdown of our dataset in terms of questions involving a specific objective property (on the left of Figure <ref>). On the right (similarly to <cit.>) we give statistics regarding the first word of the subjective component present in our inter-subjective questions. §.§ Experiments and Validation There are two distinct experimental tasks that the NeuroQL dataset makes possible. The first is the NeuroQL Translation Task where the goal is to translate inter-subjective questions posed in natural language into the neuro-symbolic code that can answer them. The task takes into consideration (question, query) pairs and can be evaluated using metrics such as sacreBleu <cit.> and four-gram or tri-gram precision, common in machine translation tasks <cit.>. The second task is the NeuroQL Query Task where the goal is to fine-tune neural primitives such as the [style=mystyle2]neural_extract sub-query to produce as many accurate results as possible. The task takes into consideration (query, answers) pairs and can be evaluated using metrics such as recall, em and f1 common in Q&A extraction tasks <cit.>. For our NeuroQL Translation Task we fine-tune a CodeT5 model <cit.> for 20 epochs aiming to translate inter-subjective questions into NeuroQL code. We use a maximum input/output length of 512 tokens that fits our (question,query) pairs, a batch size of 64 and an 1e-4 learning rate with a linear scheduler and an AdamW optimizer <cit.>. As we can see in the the left part of Figure <ref>, the model is significantly improving up until epoch 11 (without over-fitting), after which point the returns are diminishing leading to a near perfect sacreBleu score at epoch 20 for both training and validation sets. The test set evaluation after epoch 20 confirms our model's performance. We split our dataset between training (80%), validation (10%) and test (10%) sets using unique product ids for each slice to ensure no leakage. The four-gram and tri-gram precisions reported on the right side of Figure <ref> follow our sacreBleu observations as expected. Given these results our initial hypothesis (H1) regarding the feasibility of translating inter-subjective questions into neuro-symbolic queries has been validated. For our NeuroQL Query Task, we first measure the impact our DPR <cit.> model trained with the Natural Questions dataset <cit.>) has on our test set, for different values of top_k results returned by the retriever. We then fine-tune our reader model (a MiniLM <cit.> initially trained on the SQuAD 2.0 dataset <cit.>) to improve its performance for different values of top_k results returned by the reader. On the left part of Figure <ref> we can see that our DPR model performs quite well at 70% recall even in the case of only the top_2 results returned. Yet, it does not surpass the 90% mark before top_13 results are returned, reaching a 94% recall score at top_20. Using this last recall score from our retriever, we then evaluate our fine-tuned reader model, observing as expected an increase at em and f1 scores as top_k increases. Yet, the best values observed were 0.20 for em and 0.33 for f1. These were both reached at top_8 results returned, being comparable to scores for extractive Q&A on user reviews reported by <cit.>, using the same model. Prior to this evaluation we fine-tuned our MiniLM <cit.> reader model for 3 epochs in order to improve its extraction accuracy. We used a 384-token sequence length with a 128-token document stride and a batch size of 16, including the ability to return no answers when predicting results. We set the learning rate at 1e-5 with a 0.2 warmup, using the same dataset split as before. Given the above results our initial hypothesis (H2) regarding the feasibility of extending unification with neural primitives for answering inter-subjective questions has only been partially validated. Neuro-symbolic unification as presented in this work, can indeed be used to execute inter-subjective neuro-symbolic queries. Yet these results present only a first baseline. There is more work needed to improve the accuracy of extracted answers, particularly regarding the [style=mystyle2]neural_extract primitive. §.§ Related Work There is a significant body of work dedicated to translating natural language questions to queries for established symbolic languages such as sql <cit.> and sparql <cit.>. These solutions have only one neuronal component for translation, going from: neural translation ⊳ symbolic code ⊳ symbolic reasoning. Our contribution takes a step further by translating natural language into neuro-symbolic code, closing the loop between symbolic and neuronal reasoning: neural translation ⊳ neuro-symbolic code ⊳ neuro-symbolic reasoning. Deep-prolog <cit.> and TensorLog <cit.> are two other neuro-symbolic and logic-oriented programming languages that aim to integrate neuronal and symbolic reasoning. Both rely on probabilistic logic and thus try to integrate neural primitives as predicates with probabilities that can be parameterized by neural networks. Similarly, Scallop <cit.> takes a weighted graph approach for knowledge graphs, where the weights between entities are learned. Finally, SQLFlow <cit.> focuses not on execution but on orchestration (using Kubernetes) for ML workloads using an SQL-like language. In our case the integration between neuronal and symbolic reasoning targets execution and occurs at a higher semantic level than probabilistic approaches. In NeuroQL reasoning tasks such as neuronal extraction and matching are expressed as filtering and binding operations for unification <cit.>. This allows us to create a concise neuro-symbolic query language that can act as a target for automatic translation of natural language questions. A number of DSLs for neuro-symbolic programming <cit.> target specific domains such as symbolic regression <cit.>, behavior analysis <cit.> and program synthesis <cit.>. Ours is the first to address the problem of inter-subjective reasoning using neural translation, extending prior work on metadata <cit.> and subjectivity <cit.>. Finally, our work is related to the wider domain of retrieval augmented <cit.> and tool augmented <cit.> extraction and generation of answers. In our case though we proposed a rich intermediate representation for our task that takes the form of neuro-symbolic code. This allowed us to integrate neuronal and symbolic reasoning in an interpretable and explicit way. § DISCUSSION We believe that the translation of natural language into neuro-symbolic instead of simply symbolic code is a step forward in the direction of closing the loop between neuronal and symbolic reasoning. The tasks, dataset and DSL for inter-subjective reasoning that we have introduced in this work provide a case-study close to real-world needs with clear neuro-symbolic characteristics. As such we believe it can be used as a baseline to evaluate future work. Our results regarding hypothesis (H1) for the NeuroQL Translation Task, were surprising. For this task the network needs to learn not only to distinguish between objective and subjective components, but also between different kinds of sub-query categories (opinion, title, price, reviews, manufacturing ) as shown in Figure <ref>. Given the near perfect sacreBleu score for this task, we believe that the close-world assumption (the fact that all queries concerned products and their objective or subjective properties) needs to be relaxed in future iterations of the dataset. For example we can consider extending the dataset with sufficiently different domains of inquiry, such as for news articles and their commentary. Moreover, automatically paraphrasing <cit.> our questions to create a larger more diverse dataset is a promising direction for future work. Our results regarding hypothesis (H2) for the NeuroQL Query Task were closer to our expectations given that there were comparable to a simpler extractive Q&A task on user reviews reported by <cit.>. While these results can serve as a baseline, there is clearly more work needed to improve accuracy. Regarding possible threats to validity, we note that the language used in parts of our questions comes directly from real-world usage and is unedited. This at first glance is a strength of the dataset (models need to learn to adapt to real-world noise). Nevertheless, examples where there are syntactic or semantic mistakes (from non-native speakers) can also affect the quality of labeling, making it harder to pinpoint valid answers. Here also, an automatic paraphrasing <cit.> and auto-correction approach might help us control for and measure the impact of linguistic coherence in our dataset. § METHODS Domain-Specific Language: We implemented NeuroQL as a DSL <cit.> using reflection and meta-programming <cit.>, allowing us to change the normal semantics of Python only for NeuroQL expressions (leaving the rest of the runtime unchanged). These changes include (i) the redefinition of variable declaration (when using the [style=mystyle2]vars() and [style=mystyle2]ids() primitives) (ii) the redefinition of the dot, assignment and equality operators for NeuroQL variables and NeuroQL ids. These changes make NeuroQL an embedded pidgin language according to the categorization of DSLs provided in <cit.>. Unification: Our base unification algorithm <cit.> is implemented as a generalization of pattern matching <cit.>, where both the pattern and the target may contain variables. The generalization receives a set of bindings as input (usually referred to as frames) and returns possible augmentations that contain matched values of – as yet – unresolved variables. By allowing for sub-queries to be matched either jointly or in parallel we can implement logical operations such as conjunction and disjunction. Unification with inference rules can then be achieved through nested pattern matching that tries to satisfy a rule's body given the current bindings. BM25: We use a slight variation of the BM25 (Best Match 25) algorithm in our work to compensate for the most common cases of the “exact overlapp” problem of the initial algorithm <cit.>. The BM25 is itself an improvement over TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) <cit.>, with both algorithms being used as ranking methods for sparse retrievers. In our case we pre-process both the documents and the query to be matched by tokenizing and stemming the inputs. We don't provide a further solution for synonyms using BM25, since in this case the more accurate DPR primitive can be used (see below). The two methods (BM25 and DPR) provide a trade-off for our users between speed and accuracy, with BM25 being the fastest and DPR being the most accurate. Dense Passage Retrieval: DPR (Dense Passage Retrieval) is a method that uses dense text embeddings for both query and documents that need to be matched. It is based on a BERT bi-encoder architecture that computes a dot product similarity between a document and a query. Our DPR is based on <cit.>, using question & context encoders trained with the Natural Questions dataset <cit.>. This DPR is then used as a backend for of our [style=mystyle2]neural_match primitive. The [style=mystyle2]neural_match primitive receives a sub-query whose results are used to create a set of (id, document) pairs. It then tries to match the documents against a target query text, using our DPR to return the top_k results that matched (see full example of [style=mystyle2]neural_match in Section <ref>). Reader Model: A Reader or reading comprehension model is a neural network that can perform extractive Q&A by returning relevant text intervals of documents. In our work we use the MiniLM <cit.> model initially trained on the SQuAD 2.0 dataset <cit.> and further fine-tuned on the NeuroQL training set to improve its performance (as we describe in Section <ref>). This Reader is then used as a backend for of our [style=mystyle2]neural_extract primitive. The [style=mystyle2]neural_extract primitive receives the name of a new variable to bind for extracted answers, a query to create (id, document) pairs and finally a target query text. It then tries to extract relevant text intervals from our documents using the Reader to return the top_k results found. We fine-tuned our reader model for 3 epochs, using a 384-token sequence length with a 128-token document stride. We used a batch size of 16, learning rate of 1e-5 with a 0.2 warmup and included the ability to return no answers when predicting results. Translation Model: A translation model is a sequence-to-sequence neural network trained over pairs of input and target sequences. In our case we fine-tuned a CodeT5 model <cit.>) using the NeuroQL question/query dataset in order to translate inter-subjective questions posed in natural language into the NeuroQL query that can answer them (as detailed in Sections <ref> and <ref>). This translation model is then used as a backend for our [style=mystyle2]NeuroQL.translate and [style=mystyle2]NeuroQL.answer primitives, which as their name suggests can translate questions into NeuroQL code and attempt to answer them. Our translation model was fine-tuned for 20 epochs with a maximum input/output length of 512 tokens, a batch size of 64 and an 1e-4 learning rate using a linear scheduler and an AdamW optimizer <cit.>. SacreBleu, Recall, EM & F1 Scores: In machine translation tasks the sacreBleu <cit.> score is used for the evaluation of generated translations focusing on reproducibility and comparability of reported results. It is itself a standardization of the Bleu <cit.> score that compares the n-grams of the generated sequences to those of the reference translations. In our work we use sacreBleu to evaluate the quality of our translation model (as detailed in Section <ref>). Recall: is a metric used to evaluate retrieval methods such as our [style=mystyle2]neural_match primitive that is using a DPR model. Recall represents the percentage of relevant documents retrieved among the top_k results returned by a retriever (as we report in Section <ref>). EM & F1 Scores: are used to evaluate Q&A extraction methods such as our [style=mystyle2]neural_extract primitive that is using a Reader model. EM represents the percentage of exact extracted matches, while F1 measures the harmonic mean of precision and recall (reported in Section <ref>). § CODE & DATA AVAILABILITY All data and examples from this paper are available at: <https://orgdlabs.com/neuroQL>
Collaborative Trolley Transportation System with Autonomous Nonholonomic Robots
[ "Bingyi Xia", "Hao Luan", "Ziqi Zhao", "Xuheng Gao", "Peijia Xie", "Anxing Xiao", "Jiankun Wang", "Max Q. -H. Meng" ]
[ "cs.RO" ]
Dark Matter Cosmology with Varying Viscosity: a Possible Resolution to the S_8 Tension [ ======================================================================================= Cooperative object transportation using multiple robots has been intensively studied in the control and robotics literature, but most approaches are either only applicable to omnidirectional robots or lack a complete navigation and decision-making framework that operates in real time. This paper presents an autonomous nonholonomic multi-robot system and an end-to-end hierarchical autonomy framework for collaborative luggage trolley transportation. This framework finds kinematic-feasible paths, computes online motion plans, and provides feedback that enables the multi-robot system to handle long lines of luggage trolleys and navigate obstacles and pedestrians while dealing with multiple inherently complex and coupled constraints. We demonstrate the designed collaborative trolley transportation system through practical transportation tasks, and the experiment results reveal their effectiveness and reliability in complex and dynamic environments. (Video[Video demonstration: <https://youtu.be/9z3sL6JDleg>.]) § INTRODUCTION Robots are versatile tools for object manipulation and transportation, and have a broad range of applications, including industry assembly lines <cit.>, vehicle extraction <cit.>, and luggage collection at airports <cit.>, In many cases, the movement of large objects requires the coordination of multiple robots for enhanced strength or mobility. Transporting a chain of collected luggage trolleys in complex and congested environments such as international airports exemplifies such an application. This task is challenging due to several factors: 1) the robots have to carry a long stack of trolleys, 2) the operating environment may be densely populated and with narrow corridors and tight corners, and 3) the robots have to perform highly coordinated movements to maintain the integrity of the trolley stack. In this paper, we present a practical multi-robot system along with a hierarchical navigation framework for the task of transporting a series of luggage trolleys with autonomous robots. Two nonholonomic robots that were previously used in our trolley collection work <cit.> are further adapted and form a robot team for this transportation task. To tackle the aforementioned challenges, we propose an end-to-end pipeline consisting of several modules that address perception, behavioral planning, global pathfinding, and collaborative motion planning. The proposed framework enables our robot team to work collaboratively, transport a long stack of luggage trolleys, and safely navigate complex and dynamic environments in real time. In this work, our contributions are threefold: * We develop a practical nonholonomic multi-robot system for the collaborative transportation of a series of luggage trolleys. * We propose a hierarchical real-time planning framework for the safe navigation of a nonholonomic multi-robot system, addressing intricate constraints with tight inter-robot motion couplings. * We demonstrate that the designed system can achieve collaborative luggage trolley transportation in complex and dynamic real-world environments. § RELATED WORK Cooperative manipulation and transportation have been traditionally approached as a control task, where the desired trajectories of manipulated objects are often predefined. The robots need to compute control inputs in a central or distributed fashion to enable the manipulated objects to track the desired trajectories or paths. A decentralized control framework is brought forth in <cit.>, enabling robotic collaborative manipulation and transportation of large objects via separating locomotion and grasping. A number of works opt for the caging method <cit.>, in which the manipulated object stays in the interior of the formations formed by the robots. Without any explicit communication and with merely local measurements, the approach along with the physical system proffered in <cit.> realizes multi-robot cooperative object transportation via force coordination under a leader-follower paradigm. In <cit.>, the authors provide a distributed adaptive control algorithm for several omnidirectional robots manipulating a rigid body to track a desired trajectory in SE(3). However, these works all assume known reference paths or trajectories and do not provide navigation solutions in dynamic environments. Moreover, control algorithms in <cit.> are all designed for omnidirectional robots without nonholonomic constraints, making them unsuitable for many practical scenarios, such as the luggage trolley transportation work mentioned in this paper. The advancement of onboard computing power has unlocked real-time deployment of optimization-based robot planning and control methods like mpc. In <cit.>, the authors formulate the local control of manipulating deformable objects as a convex optimization problem and propose to solve it in a receding-horizon fashion with a centralized/distributed planning approach. Many studies have also investigated aerial cooperative payload carrying<cit.> and connected vehicles<cit.>. As expected, centralized optimization scales poorly with the number of robots. Thereupon, decentralized trajectory optimization methods keep drawing the field's attention. The authors of <cit.> provide us with a decentralized mpc planning and control scheme for moving polygon objects with a set of omnidirectional robots on a plane. Though a distributed algorithm for optimization with separable variables is leveraged in multi-robot manipulation <cit.>, it is not well-suited for multi-agent systems with highly nonlinear dynamics and strong couplings. Recent study have explored holonomically constrained collaborative locomotion <cit.> and their use in collaborative manipulation of cable-towed loads <cit.>. Nevertheless, none of the aforementioned approaches fits our task, which features tight coupling and complex constraints between robots, nonholonomic dynamics, and demand for high motion precision. Previous collaborative object transportation work in similar settings to ours has mainly focused on control. Yufka and Ozkan <cit.> take a formation-control perspective and propose a virtual leader-follower control scheme enabling multiple differential-drive robots to transport a pallet-like object. The work in <cit.> investigates a decentralized control algorithm for two nonholonomic robots without direct communication and provides thorough theoretic analyses. The authors of <cit.> employ risk-sensitive stochastic control for the same task, but only use this approach to compute one control input for a bi-robot system. Works in <cit.> all lack a systematic navigation solution that is essential for robots to perform the transportation task in complex, dynamic, and uncertain environments. The closest work to ours is, perhaps, <cit.>. The proposed approach allows for the integration of tracking control and obstacle avoidance. Nonetheless, the proposed method involves multiple handcrafted attractor functions and quite a few parameters that entail substantial fine tuning. In contrast, our hierarchical approach in this paper features algorithmic flexibility at different decision-making levels, and the parameter tuning is more intuitive and practical. § SYSTEM DESCRIPTION §.§ Framework Overview We introduce an end-to-end autonomy framework for robotic collaborative trolley transportation in complex and dynamic environments. Our framework is illustrated in fig:framework. For perception, multiple sensors are equipped to acquire both global and relative localization measurements, taking uncertainty into account. The proposed hierarchical decision-making module comprises three parts: 1) the global path planner, 2) the behavior selector, and 3) the collaborative motion planner. The three planning parts are built for three core objectives that ensure the safety and reliability of the trolley transportation task: kinematic-feasible trajectory generation, obstacle avoidance, and trolley array integrity maintenance. Starting with a 2D occupancy grid map, the global path planner provides a sequence of navigation waypoints by treating the entire robot-trolley assembly as a single virtual vehicle and considering kinematic constraints. Then, the collaborative motion planner computes online the two robots' trajectories and velocity commands that track the reference path fed by the path planner and accounts for a variety of constraints, including nonholonomic dynamics, coupling formation constraints, and control bounds. The behavior selector evaluates the risk of collision with detected dynamic obstacles like pedestrians nearby, and adaptively adjusts the parameters of the motion planner or directly modifies the velocity commands if necessary. The advantage of such decomposition primarily resides in guaranteeing real-time performance for solving the complex planning and control problem with tight inter-agent couplings while still delivering precise and highly coordinated motions. §.§ Mechanical Design We develop a multi-robot system consisting of a leader and a follower for the collaborative trolley transportation task. §.§.§ Components Adapted from the previous generation of luggage trolley collection robots <cit.>, the leader and follower share a similar compact structure and identical components, including a differential-drive chassis with suspension, an aluminum alloy frame, large-capacity batteries, wiring, multiple sensors (LiDARs, cameras, IMU, ), an onboard computer, and a manipulator, as shown in fig:design(a). §.§.§ Manipulator Design The manipulator comprises a linear actuator and a gripper, which use leverage to grasp a trolley's handler or beam, as depicted in fig:design(c). The manipulator's placement is adjustable and dependent on the height of the handler or beam being gripped. To ensure that the gripper grasps the beam at the proper horizontal angle, the bottom of the manipulator must be at the same height as the beam. This placement provides a secure grip and acts as protection preventing axial forces on the linear actuator during transportation. As is shown in fig:design(a), the leader robot's manipulator is at a low position gripping the front beam of the trolley, while the follower robot's manipulator is positioned high to grip the handler. To enable the two robots to transport trolleys collaboratively along curved paths, we employ a passive joint connecting the gripper and the robot, as shown in fig:design(b). By aligning the rotation axis of the gripper with that of the chassis, we eliminate the torque caused by the force exerted by the trolley queue on the gripper. This design effectively reduces the impact of the robots' angular error and the dynamic adjustment required by the collaborative trolley transport system. § METHODOLOGY In this section, we elaborate our hierarchical decision-making framework in three parts: the collaborative motion planner, the global path planner, and the behavior selector. In addition, we introduce how we fuse information from multiple sources for reliable state estimation. §.§ Collaborative Motion Planning The main challenges of the collaborative transportation task lie in the collaborative motion planning of the robot team. The robots need to compute their control inputs such that the robot-trolley assembly follows a desired path yielded by the global path planning module and meanwhile, keep the trolleys sticking together and firmly attached to the robots. These requirements involve multiple constraints over the local collaborative motion planning problem. Therefore, we opt for a nmpc based approach. The nmpc framework provides great convenience for posing constraints, and has been successfully used in many robotic applications <cit.>. In this section, we first describe the mathematical model of the robot-trolley system and then formulate an optimization problem for collaborative transportation motion planning. The robot-trolley assembly consists of two differential-drive robots and an array of omnidirectional trolleys. Specifically, one robot L, a leader, is in charge of steering the trolleys at the head of the array, and a follower robot F provides power and persists the formation configuration at the tail, as shown in fig:lfmodel. Assuming the trolleys are properly attached and the number of trolleys is known, we use the two robots' planar positions and heading angles as the assembly system's state and take the robots' linear and angular velocities as the system's input: x ≜[ x^L y^L θ^L x^F y^F θ^F ]∈ℝ^6 , u ≜[ v^L ω^L v^F ω^F ]∈ℝ^4 , in which {L, F} represents the role (“Leader” or “Follower”) of each robot. Thereupon, the assembly's kinematics is formulated as two concatenated discrete-time unicycle model: 𝐱_k+1 = f(𝐱_k, 𝐮_k) = 𝐱_k + G(𝐱_k) 𝐮_k , where G(𝐱_k) ≜[ cosθ^L_k 0 0 0; sinθ^L_k 0 0 0; 0 1 0 0; 0 0 cosθ^F_k 0; 0 0 sinθ^F_k 0; 0 0 0 1; ] , and is the sampling time interval. Herein, we further denote a number of variables derived from the state. The relative distance between the two robots is of great interest: r ≜p^L - p^F , where p^i ∈ℝ^2 for i∈{L,F} is the planar position of a robot. Moreover, we denote the angle difference between the orientation of each robot and that of the vector that starts from the follower pointing at the leader as ϕ^i ≜θ^i - ( y^L-y^F, x^L-x^F ), i ∈{L, F} . fig:lfmodel illustrates the geometrical relationships among these variables. The desired relative distance l between the two robots is a mapping κ: N → l with respect to the number of trolley(s) N. This quantity is assumed to be known from previous trolley collection tasks, so it is a constant here. As shown in fig:lfmodel, the center of the trolley stack does not necessarily coincide with the center of the line connecting the two robots. Under the condition that the trolleys are tightly arranged and the manipulators passively keep the same heading angle with the trolleys, we find that this slipping between manipulators and trolleys is negligible for motion planning in practice. Now we pose the collaborative motion planning problem as an nmpc problem as follows: min_{x, u, ε} J_T(x_T) + ∑^T-1_k=0 J_S(x_k, u_k, ε_k) s.t. x_k+1 = f(x_k, u_k) x_0= x_init |r_k - l| ≤ε_k x_k ∈𝒳 u_k ∈𝒰, where J_T is the terminal cost, J_S is the stage cost, and ε_k is a slack variable. The constraints are, from top to bottom, respectively: (<ref>) the kinematics constraint from (<ref>); (<ref>) initial conditions; (<ref>) the relative distance constraint, relaxed by a slack variable to avoid infeasibility; (<ref>) workspace constraints; (<ref>) admissible control constraints, in which the robots' velocities are bounded in the sense of |v^i| ≤ v_max^i, and |ω_i| ≤ω_max^i, and accelerations are bounded via discretization as well |v^i_k+1 - v^i_k| ≤ a^i_max, |ω^i_k+1-ω^i_k| ≤α^i_max. The objective function (<ref>) contains several quadratic costs for path tracking and formation maintenance. Path tracking is achieved by employing a pure pursuit strategy encoded in the terminal cost: J_T(x_T) = p^L_T - p^L_ref^2_P^L_T + p^F_T - p^F_ref^2_P^F_T , where x_ A≜√(xAx). Reference positions p^i_ref are derived from the waypoints q^d_n = [ x^d_n y^d_n θ^d_n ] for n=0,1,…, produced by the global path planner via p^L_ref = [ x^d + l/2cosθ^d y^d + l/2sinθ^d ] p^F_ref = [ x^d - l/2cosθ^d y^d - l/2sinθ^d ] . For stabilizing the formation of the robot team in order to keep the trolley stack's integrity, we design the stage cost as J_S(𝐱_k) = λ^r_k |r^2_k - l^2 |^2 + λ^ϕ_k ( ϕ^F_k )^2 + u_k^2_R_k + w_k ε^2_k . The first term intends to stabilize the distance to the desired value and contain the follower robot's orientation to line up with the trolley array. The second term penalizes control efforts and the last term punishes the slack on the distance error. All coefficients P^i_T, R_k, λ^r_k, λ^ϕ_k,, and w_k are positive(-definite). §.§ Global Path Planning It is necessary to equip our system with a global path planner because the system is supposed to operate at potentially large-scale venues like international airports. To guarantee kinematic feasibility, we first model the robot-trolley assembly as a car-like virtual vehicle and then find an obstacle-free path given a 2D occupancy map of the operating environment. In this work, we define the reference path 𝒟⊂ℝ^3 as a series of 3D waypoints q^d_n ≜[ x^d_n y^d_n θ^d_n ] for n=0,1,…, representing desired planar positions and global orientations of the robot-trolley assembly. The choice of the path planner is flexible, and we employ the Hybrid A^∗ planner <cit.> for simplicity. The adopted kinematics adapted from a bicycle model is as follows x_k+1 = x_k + v cos(θ_k +β_k) y_k+1 = y_k + v sin(θ_k +β_k) θ_k+1 = θ_k + vcosβ_kl( tanϕ^L_k - tanϕ^F_k ) β_k = arctan( 1/2 (tanϕ^L_k + tanϕ^F_k ) ) , where q = [ x y θ ] is the 3D pose of a chosen reference point attached on the robot-trolley assembly, v denotes the tangent velocity, ϕ^L and ϕ^F are the front and rear “steers” of the assembly, respectively, and l is the desired distance between the two robots. To increase searching speed, we hold the tangent velocity v as a reasonable constant, and let the planner uniformly sample feasible steer control [ϕ^L, ϕ^F] to extend the virtual vehicle's poses between searching grids. The resulting path will serve as a sequence of waypoints and be sent to the motion planning module. §.§ Behavior Selector Operating in densely populated environments like international airports, the robotic system needs to ensure safety and must not bump into people. We identify that it is clumsy, unsafe, and even intimidating for the robots carrying a long array of trolleys to actively perform aggressive maneuvers for obstacle avoidance in such environments. In light of this finding, we propose a fsa to manage the robots' behaviors. Concretely, we categorize the robots' behaviors in four modes— Navigation, Deceleration, Waiting, and Limited Navigation— and each mode consists of a state in the proposed fsa as shown in fig:fsm. The transition between states depends on the relative position between the leader robot and detected dynamic obstacles in its vicinity. The roi for dynamic obstacles detection covers an area 𝒪 = {γ = (ρ, δ) | ρ∈[ρ, ρ], δ∈[π/3, 5π/3] . }, where γ = (ρ, δ) is the polar coordinate of a detected dynamic obstacle with the origin on the leader. When there is no dynamic obstacles in the roi, , ∀γ∉𝒪, the robots are on Navigation mode and the motion planner works as default. If obstacles are in the front blocking the robots' way, that is, ∃γ∈𝒪_1 = {γ | δ∈[ 2π/3, 4π/3] }, the robots transit to the Deceleration mode and smoothly slow down for a stop. As the robots' velocities gradually decrease to a neighborhood of 0, the robots are in the Waiting state, making way for surrounding dynamic obstacles like humans. The Limited Navigation mode is activated for smooth braking and starting when the robots perceive humans on either side of the robot-trolley assembly (∃γ∈𝒪_2 = 𝒪\𝒪_1 ∀γ∉𝒪_1). In this mode, the robots move with a lower speed limit. The robots will switch back to Navigation if the detected humans move away, or enter Deceleration if any person moves from the side to the front. §.§ State Estimation It is of paramount importance to have reliable information on the robots' states due to the demand for high-motion precision of the formation collaboration in this transportation task. As such, aside from using LiDARs, IMUs, and odemetry for the localization of each individual robot, we have added markers on the leader robot so that we can measure the relative pose between the two robots from the follower with its LiDAR readings. We adopt an ekf to fuse partial information coming from different sources: the localization modules on two robots and the relative pose measurement. The system's discrete state-space representation is: 𝐱_k+1 = f(𝐱_k, 𝐮_k) = 𝐱_k + G(𝐱_k) 𝐮_k + 𝐯_k 𝐲^L_k+1 = H_L 𝐱_k+1 + 𝐰^L_k+1 𝐲^F_k+1 = H_F 𝐱_k+1 + 𝐰^F_k+1 𝐲^Δ_k+1 = H_Δ𝐱_k+1 + 𝐰^Δ_k+1, where H_L ≜[ I_3 0 ], H_F ≜[ 0 I_3 ], H_Δ≜[ I_3 -I_3 ]. y^i_k ∈ℝ^3 for i∈{L,F} are pose measurements obtained from the robots' localization modules; y^Δ_k ∈ℝ^3 is a relative pose measurement. We assume that all noises follow zero-mean Gaussian distribution and are independent of one another, , 𝐯_k ∼𝒩(0, V_k), 𝐰^i_k ∼𝒩(0, W^i_k) for i∈{L, F, Δ}. Since we perform local motion planning in a centralized fashion, the prediction step is standard as that of any ekf. Measurements update at different frequencies, so we perform update steps asynchronously whenever an observation comes in. In practice, we find this fusion of multi-source information critical to the smooth functioning of the motion planner and facilitative of highly cooperative operation of the robots. § IMPLEMENTATION AND EXPERIMENTS We present experimental results to validate the effectiveness of the proposed collaborative motion planning module and demonstrate our trolley transportation system in complex and dynamic environments. §.§ Implementation Details §.§.§ Robot Setup We use two autonomous robots to perform collaborative trolley transportation as mentioned in sub:design. Our framework is implemented in Python and integrated through Robot Operating System (ROS). Each robot is equipped with an Intel NUC (specs: Core i7-1165G7 CPU@4.70GHz, 32GB RAM) to perform all computations online. Both robots communicate through a wireless ad-hoc network with their onboard WiFi routers. §.§.§ Localization Each robot runs its own global localization via AMCL <cit.> with a 2D occupancy map built using GMapping <cit.>. For high-fidelity measurements of the robots' relative position, we install a cylinder marker with unique reflectivity at the leader's rotation center. The follower then extracts the marker's position from the LiDAR scan points and takes it as the leader's position. §.§.§ Planning The global path planner is set up with 0.25m× 0.25m× 15^∘ resolution, and the virtual vehicle's size is slightly expanded for safety. The motion planner runs at approximately 30Hz with a horizon of T=20 steps, each discretized by =0.1s. The MPC problem is formulated by CasADi <cit.> and solved with IPOPT <cit.> on one robot's onboard computer in real-time. §.§ Collaborative Motion Planning Evaluation To test the tracking performance of our collaborative motion planning method, we conduct a real-world experiment transporting three trolleys to track a given reference path in a motion capture area without obstacles. An OptiTrack motion capture system is used to provide precise localization feedback and validation. The reference path consists of 30 waypoints sampled from a concatenation of two arcs both with a 0.4 m^-1 curvature. The tracking results are shown in fig:exp_in. In this experiment, we focus on the X-Y position of a reference point attached on the robot-trolley assembly (in orange). The experiment starts at (0,0) and the robots transport trolleys along the predefined reference path to the goal region with a center at (4.5, 4.2). The two robots accomplish the collaborative transportation task in 12.2s with an average velocity of 0.491m/s, and stop when the distance to the goal is within 0.3m. Along the entire way, the tracking error is 2.77± 1.68cm with a maximal error of 5.66cm. [The tracking error is defined as the Euclidean distance between the two curves. For tracking error calculation only, the reference path which contains 30 waypoints is densified via cubic interpolation.] §.§ Trolley Transportation Demonstration To demonstrate the practical applicability of our proposed system for trolley transportation in real-world environments such as airports or supermarkets, we conduct experiments in complex and dynamic scenarios where the robots need to transport multiple trolleys while navigating through cluttered static obstacles and pedestrians. fig:setup illustrates the graphic representation of one experiment's setup. As a result, the snapshots, the relevant data, and the visualization of the experiments are shown in fig:exp. §.§.§ Narrow Space In this scenario, the robots are collaboratively transporting 5 trolleys across a narrow space stuffed with 6 static obstacles and 3 pedestrians. The trolley stack is 1.98 m long and weighs around 100 kg. It is not easy even for an adult to manually handle a queue of more than five trolleys in such a complex environment. As expected, the path planner successfully identifies a smooth global path, which is denoted as the orange curve in the visualization in fig:exp1. Although the obstacles result in a serpentine path with several turns almost to the robot-trolley assembly's kinematic limit, the robots operate around their full speeds v^F_max = 0.7 m/s, v^L_max = 0.6 m/s when the path is clear of dynamic obstacles. As pedestrians get in the way, the proposed behavior selector kicks in so the robots smoothly stopped, firmly hold the trolleys for safety, and resume moving when the path gets clear, just as is shown in the shaded areas of the velocity plot in fig:exp2, starting at time t ∈{15.8s, 36s, 46s}, respectively. Another critical requirement for successful transportation is to maintain the trolley array's integrity, which is reflected by the relative pose of the two robots. Since the robots' manipulators are not rigidly fixed on the trolleys, large variations in the relative distance or orientation difference between robots will cause detachment or structural damage. Deriving from the relative pose measured by the proposed LiDAR-marker detection method, fig:exp2 shows the error to the desired distance e_p = 14.9± 20.3 mm and the difference between the orientation of the trolley stack and those of both robots are well kept within the range of ± 45^∘. §.§.§ Populated Space This scenario involves two robots transporting 8 trolleys with a total length of 2.56 m in a broad hall filled with more moving humans. The velocity limits are set as v^F_max = 0.58 m/s, v^L_max = 0.5 m/s, and the acceleration are smaller. As presented in fig:exp3, the robot-trolley assembly successfully avoids all obstacles, makes way for several humans, tracks the reference path, and reaches the goal position. The fluctuations in the follower's velocity depicted in fig:exp4 indicate the adjustment to keep the trolleys stuck tight. The relative distance error e_p to the desired distance is 2.55 ± 23.6 mm. [The range accuracy of the Ouster OS1 LiDARs on the robots is 2.5 cm.] These two experiments manifest the effectiveness of the proposed multi-robot system and demonstrate that our autonomy framework can provide highly cooperative motions despite a variety of underlying complex constraints for safe and smooth operation in collaborative trolley transportation. § CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK This paper presents a hierarchical navigation framework and integrates it into an autonomous multi-robot system designed for collaborative trolley transportation. By dividing the various inherent constraints and tackling them at different decision-making levels, our framework is robust and fast enough to provide real-time solutions for the challenging collaborative trolley transportation task. We demonstrate the proposed system to achieve cooperative trolley transportation in different scenarios. Experimental results have exhibited the efficacy and reliability of the proposed method and hardware system in cluttered and populated dynamic environments. In the future, we will proceed with socially-aware motion planning and more large-scale outdoor realistic experiments. Moreover, we shall actively explore decentralized solutions of our framework to improve robustness and scalability. IEEEtran
Observational constraints on non-minimally coupled curvature-matter models of gravity from the analysis of Pantheon data
[ "Biswajit Jana", "Anirban Chatterjee", "Kumar Ravi", "Abhijit Bandyopadhyay" ]
[ "gr-qc" ]
1]Biswajit Janavijnanachaitanya2020@gmail.com 2]Anirban Chatterjee Corresponding Author: anirbanc@iitk.ac.in 1]Kumar Ravi cimplyravi@gmail.com 1]Abhijit Bandyopadhyayabhijit.phy@gm.rkmvu.ac.in [1]Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Educational and Research Institute, Belur Math, Howrah 711202, India [2]Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur 208016, India Observational constraints on non-minimally coupled curvature-matter models of gravity from the analysis of Pantheon data [ March 30, 2023 ======================================================================================================================== We considered non-minimally coupled curvature-matter models of gravity in a FRW universe filled with perfect fluid and investigated its cosmological implications in the light of Pantheon compilation of 1048 Supernovae Ia data points along with 54 data points from Observed Hubble Data. The non-minimal curvature-matter coupling has been introduced by adding a term ∫[λ R^n ℒ_m] √(-g)d^4x to the usual action for Einstein gravity involving the Einstein Hilbert action and minimally coupled matter action. We investigate the observational constraints on the non-minimal models by choosing two different kinds of parametrization of fluid-pressure profiles using a dimensionless parameter k. The interplay of the three parameters λ,n,k plays a pivotal role in testing the consistency of non-minimally coupled fluid-curvature scenarios with the observed data. We found there exist large domains in the (λ,n,k)-parameter space for which models with non-minimal curvature-matter mixing stand as viable cosmological models reproducing the observed features of late-time cosmic evolution. We also commented on the possibility of `gravitationally induced particle creation' in the context of SNe Ia data. § INTRODUCTION Observation of type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) events and their luminosity distance and redshift measurements by Riess et.al. <cit.> and Perlmutter et.al. <cit.> have independently confirmed that present universe is in an accelerated state of expansion and a transition from a decelerated to the current accelerated phase happened during its late time phase of evolution. The reason for this late-time cosmic acceleration is attributed to a hypothetical unclustered form of energy, called `Dark Energy' (DE), which has become a general label for the late time cosmic acceleration. On the other hand, observations of rotation curves of spiral galaxies <cit.>, gravitational lensing <cit.>, Bullet Cluster <cit.> and other colliding clusters provide evidence in favour of existence of non-luminous matter called `Dark Matter' (DM) in the universe. Such matter indirectly manifest their existence only through gravitational interactions. Experiments like WMAP <cit.> and Planck <cit.> have revealed that dark energy (DE) and dark matter (DM) together contribute ∼ 96% of total energy density of the present-day universe, with ∼69% and ∼27% as their respective shares. The rest of the 4% contribution comes from radiation and baryonic matter. To support his theory of the static universe, Einstein initially considered a cosmological constant term Λ g_μν in the geometric part of his field equations of general relativity, but later discarded it, in favour of Hubble's observation of expanding universe. However, with the discovery of late-time cosmic acceleration in the later part of last century, the cosmological constant term again came under the spotlight because of its potential to provide a straight-way solution to Einstein's field equation resulting in an accelerated expansion. The corresponding phenomenological model that fits the observed features of cosmic acceleration is called Λ-CDM model, where CDM refers to cold dark matter content of the present universe. Unfortunately, the Λ-CDM model is plagued with the coincidence problem <cit.> and the fine-tuning problem <cit.>. These limitations motivate investigation of other models to account for dark energy. One class of such models are field theoretic models of dark energy involving modification of energy-momentum tensor in the Einstein's field equations due to presence of a field as one content of the universe, other than matter and radiation. Such class of models include both quintessence <cit.>, and k-essence <cit.> models of scalar fields. Another class of models involve modification of the geometric part of Einstein's equations, i.e. the Einstein-Hilbert action in order to address issue of late time cosmic acceleration. Such models include f(R) gravity models, scalar-tensor theories, Gauss-Bonnet gravity, and braneworld models of dark energy <cit.>. In most of these scenarios, the universe is considered to be homogeneous and isotropic at large scales, with its metric described by the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) metric specified by a time-dependent scale factor a(t) and a curvature constant K. There also exist approaches, where an inhomogeneous universe, described by a perturbed FRW metric, has been considered as the spacetime background. In this article, we examine a model of the universe with its content as an ideal hypothetical fluid, characterised by its energy-density (ρ) and pressure (p), which is non-minimally coupled to the spacetime curvature. The non-minimal curvature-matter coupling has been introduced by adding a term ∫ d^4x √(-g)λ R^n L_m to the usual action for Einstein gravity involving the Einstein Hilbert action and minimally coupled matter action. R is the Ricci Scalar and L_m (referred to as matter Lagrangian) is the Lagrangian of the hypothetical fluid. The coupling constant (λ) and the power (n) of R in the non-minimal coupling term, are considered as the parameters of the model. We explored the constraints on these parameters from the combined analysis of Pantheon compilation of 1048 SNe Ia data points <cit.>, and 54 data points from Observed Hubble data <cit.>. In the general framework of non-minimal models, the geometric part of Einstein's equation is altered by modifying the Einstein-Hilbert action to ∫ d^4x √(-g) f(R), replacing R by a general function f(R) <cit.>. In the context of modified f(R) theories of gravity, it has been shown in <cit.> that, the covariant derivative of energy-momentum tensor is non-vanishing (∇_μT^μν≠ 0), when a f(R)-L_m (curvature-matter) coupling is present in the theory which may cause a departure from geodesic motion manifesting existence of a new force. Consequences of such models in stellar equilibrium have been investigated in <cit.>. An equivalence between a suitable scalar theory and the generic model with non-minimal coupling between curvature and matter have been established in <cit.>. A viability criterion to avoid instabilities in such models has been derived in <cit.>. The effect of curvature-matter couplings on the dynamics of particles and fields have been analysed in <cit.>. In <cit.>, it has been argued that the choice L_m = p, (p being the pressure of the matter fluid) is a `natural' one for the matter of Lagrangian density, as it reproduces the equations of hydrodynamics of perfect fluid and in the context of curvature-matter coupling such choices result in vanishing of the extra force. However, there may be some other choices resulting in vanishing the extra force (see <cit.> for references). In this work we have used L_m = p and in the framework of our considerations the field equations following from the total action involving S_ non-minimal establish connection between a(t), ρ(t), p(t) through their time derivatives and various other functions like the Hubble function H(t) and the Ricci scalar R(t). We exploit these equations for investigating constraints on non-minimal models from the analysis of observed data. Using a model-independent construction of Hubble's function H in terms of redshift z without invoking any specific cosmological models, we obtained the dependence of Hubble's parameter H on z from the analysis of the SNe Ia data (Pantheon + OHD). We used the FRW scale factor a to be normalised to unity at present epoch (z=0). Using the relation 1/a = 1+z, the temporal behaviour of cosmological quantities expressed in terms of z may be equivalently expressed in terms of a or another dimensionless time parameter chosen as τ≡ln a, which we used in our analysis. Exploiting the profile of the Hubble's parameter for the redshift domain accessible in the SNe Ia observations, obtained from the analysis of cosmological data set, we obtain the time profile of FRW scale factor a and its higher-order derivatives ȧ and ä. This also enables us to express temporal behaviour of the Ricci scalar R and its time derivatives which are involved in our analysis. To investigate the observational constraints on models with non-minimal curvature-matter couplings (specified in terms of parameters λ and n in this paper), we considered two different types of fluid pressure models with temporal behaviour of pressure p modelled as p ∼ e^ak (exponential model) and p ∼ a^k (power law model) where k is a dimensionless parameter. Consequently the three parameters (λ,n,k) appear in the evolution equations and control the model-based computations of ρ and p. Using the observational inputs from SNe Ia data, we obtained the regions in the model parameter space (λ,n,k), for which the computed energy density (ρ) of the fluid remains positive for all time during the late time phase of evolution. This is an essential requirement for viability of cosmological models. We have also seen that there exist a small range of parameter values around (λ = -0.1, n = 0.2, k = 1) for which the computed temporal profiles of ρ and p mimic the corresponding profiles obtained from the analysis of the data using Λ-CDM model in the context of usual minimal coupling scenario. The non-vanishing covariant derivative of the energy-momentum tensor in the context of non-minimally coupled curvature-matter scenarios implies an exchange of energy between curvature and matter sectors. We computed the rate of the energy exchange for different benchmark values of the model parameters (λ,n,k) and found a monotonous decrease in the absolute value of the energy exchange rate as time approaches towards the present epoch. This implies that the rate of exchange of energy between the two sectors is more significant during relatively early phases of late-time cosmic evolution. The cosmological implications of curvature-matter coupling scenarios from the viewpoint of thermodynamics, have been investigated in <cit.>. There it has been shown that curvature-matter coupling may be responsible for generation of a large amount of comoving entropy during late-time evolutionary phase of the universe leading to a possible interpretation of the exchange of energy between curvature and matter sector in terms of gravitationally induced particle creation in FRW universe. We have shown from the analysis of SNe Ia data that, for some values of the model parameters (λ,n,k) possibility of such an interpretation is always allowed. Rest of the paper is arranged in the following manner. In Sec. <ref> we discussed the framework of non-minimally coupled f(R) model in the context of a flat FRW universe and obtained the corresponding generic modified evolution equations of the universe in presence of non-minimal curvature-matter coupling. We choose two different types of fluid-pressure models, and obtained the equations corresponding to each of the models. In Sec. <ref> we discussed the methodology of analysis of Pantheon + OHD data sets for obtaining temporal behaviour of different relevant cosmological quantities during the late-time phase of cosmic evolution. In Sec. <ref> we presented the constraints on model parameters λ, k and n obtained by using the results extracted from the analysis of the observed data and discussed the results. We summarize the conclusions of the paper in Sec. <ref>. § THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK OF CURVATURE-MATTER COUPLING SCENARIO In the framework of modified theories of gravity with non-minimal curvature-matter coupling, the action may be written in the form <cit.> S = ∫[1 2f_1(R)+[1+λ f_2(R)] L_m] √(-g) d^4x , where, f_1(R) and f_2(R), in general, are two arbitrary functions of the Ricci scalar R and L_m is the Lagrangian density for matter. g is the determinant of the spacetime metric tensor g_μν and λ is a constant representing the strength of the non-minimal coupling between curvature term f_2(R) and matter lagrangian L_m. Following the approach of metric formalism in the context of the modified theories of gravity, the variation of the action with respect to the field g_μν yields the modified field equations as F_1R_μν-1 2f_1g_μν-∇_μ∇_ν F_1+g_μν□ F_1 = (1+λ f_2)T_μν -2λ F_2 L_m R_μν + 2λ(∇_μ∇_ν-g_μν□) L_m F_2 , where we put 8π G = 1 (G = Gravitational Constant), F_i = df_i/dR (i=1,2) and T_μν is the matter energy-momentum tensor given by T_μν=-2 √(-g)δ(√(-g) L_m)δ(g^μν) . In this article, we investigated the scenario of non-minimal coupling between curvature and matter with geometric part of field equation driven by pure Einstein gravity i.e. with f_1(R)=R and considered the matter part to be non-minimally coupled (with coupling strength λ) to curvature through the function f_2(R) = R^n (where, n is some constant). In this model, the matter part of the universe is described by a perfect fluid characterised by energy density ρ and pressure p. Following the comprehensive discussion in <cit.>, we assume ℒ_m = p, which is a `natural choice' for Lagrangian density for perfect fluids, which correctly reproduces the hydrodynamical equations for a perfect fluid. This particular choice has interesting consequences in the analysis of curvature-matter coupling scenarios implying vanishing of extra force owing to departure from motion along the geodesic which may arise due to non-vanishing covariant derivative of T_μν in the context of curvature-matter coupling <cit.>. There are, however, other choices of ℒ_m investigated in <cit.>. To summarise our considerations for the present analysis, we have chosen f_1(R) =R, f_2(R) = R^n, F_2(R) = nR^n-1, L_m = p. For such choices the Eq.(<ref>) can be expressed as, R_μν- 1 2Rg_μν = (1+λ R^n)T_μν -2λ (nR^n-1) pR_μν +2λ(∇_μ∇_ν-g_μν□)p(nR^n-1) The energy density ρ and pressure p of the fluid are respectively obtained from `00' and `ii' components of the energy-momentum tensor T_μν. The `00' component of Eq. (<ref>) is R_00 - 1 2Rg_00 = (1+λ R^n)T_00 -2λ p (nR^n-1)R_00 - 6λ H (ṗnR^n-1 + pn(n-1)R^n-2Ṙ) . For a FRW spacetime background the above equation takes a form which after some rearrangements may be written as ρ = 1/1+λ R^n[3H^2 +6nλ{(n-1)HR^n-2Ṙ - (H^2 + Ḣ)R^n-1}p +6nλ HR^n-1ṗ] On the other hand, the `ii'-component of Eq. (<ref>) is R_11- 1 2Rg_11 = (1+λ R^n)T_11 -2λ pnR^n-1R_11 + 2λ(∇_1 ∇_1 -g_11□)(pnR^n-1) , which in the FRW spacetime background takes the form - (2Ḣ + 3H^2) = [(1+λ R^n -2λ nR^n-1 (Ḣ + 3H^2) +4n(n-1)λ H R^n-2Ṙ +2λ{n(n-1)(n-2)R^n-3Ṙ^2 +n(n-1)R^n-2R̈}]p +4nλ{ HR^n-1 + (n-1)R^n-2Ṙ}ṗ +2nλ R^n-1p̈ In the framework of curvature-matter coupling in FRW spacetime background Eqs. (<ref>) and (<ref>) are the master equations. Note that the Eqs. (<ref>) and (<ref>) involve time derivatives of the pressure of the fluid which is a consequence of the non-minimal curvature-matter coupling. Setting the non-minimal coupling constant λ = 0, in the master equations we retrieve the usual Friedmann equations which do not contain any derivative term of pressure. To investigate the observational constraints on such curvature-matter coupling models, we considered two types of fluid pressure models with specific temporal profile of the fluid pressure. In FRW background, we choose to express the modelled temporal profiles of the fluid pressure in terms of the FRW scale factor. We discuss below the two models, referred to as exponential and power-law models as per the nature of dependences of the pressure on the scale factor in the corresponding models. Exponential model : In this model we take the fluid pressure p as p=p_0exp(ak), where k is a dimensionless parameter and p_0 is a constant having the dimension of pressure. p_0e^k gives the pressure of the fluid at present epoch a=1, in this model. We then have ṗ = kpȧ and p̈ = k^2pȧ^2 + kpä. Using ṗ = kpȧ in Eq. (<ref>) we may express the energy density for a given value of λ,n,k and pressure p corresponding to this model as ρ(t;λ,n,k) = 1/1+λ R^n[3H^2 +6nλ{(n-1)HR^n-2Ṙ - (H^2 + Ḣ)R^n-1 +kHR^n-1ȧ}p ] Note that the above equation also implies dependence of the ρ(t;λ,n,k) on the parameter p_0 due to occurrence of the pressure term p=p_0exp(ak) in the right hand side of the Eq. (<ref>). But note that, we may use the equation (<ref>) with ṗ = kpȧ and p̈ = k^2pȧ^2 + kpä to express the pressure p = p_0exp(ak) as p(t;λ,n,k) = - (2Ḣ + 3H^2) [(1+λ R^n -2λ nR^n-1 (Ḣ + 3H^2) +4n(n-1)λ H R^n-2Ṙ +2λ{n(n-1)(n-2)R^n-3Ṙ^2 +n(n-1)R^n-2R̈} +4nλ k { HR^n-1 + (n-1)R^n-2Ṙ}ȧ +2nλ k R^n-1(kȧ^2 + ä)]^-1 We may now use this expression (<ref>) for p in Eq. (<ref>) to get rid of its explicit p_0 dependence in it so that, ρ(t;n,k,λ) in Eq. (<ref>) is computable at any t for any given choice of parameter set (n,k,λ). Power-law model : In this model we take p=p_0 a^k, where k is again a dimensionless constant and p_0 is a constant, which in this model gives the value of pressure at present epoch (a=1). Here we thus have ṗ=kpH and p̈=p(k^2H^2+kḢ). Using ṗ=kpH in Eq. (<ref>) we may similarly express the energy density for a given set of values of λ,n,k and pressure p as ρ(t;λ,n,k) = 1/1+λ R^n[3H^2 +6nλ{(n-1)HR^n-2Ṙ - (H^2 + Ḣ)R^n-1 +kH^2R^n-1}p ] Here also, to get rid of the parameter p_0 which appears in the pressure term p=p_0a^k in the right hand side, we exploit the equation (<ref>) with ṗ = kpȧ and p̈ = k^2pȧ^2 + kpä to express the instantaneous values of pressure p = p_0a^k in terms of parameters (n, k, λ) as p(t;λ,n,k) = - (2Ḣ + 3H^2) [(1+λ R^n -2λ nR^n-1 (Ḣ + 3H^2) +4n(n-1)λ H R^n-2Ṙ +2λ{n(n-1)(n-2)R^n-3Ṙ^2 +n(n-1)R^n-2R̈} +4nλ{ HR^n-1 + (n-1)R^n-2Ṙ}kH +2nλ R^n-1(k^2H^2+kḢ)]^-1 and use this expression for pressure p in Eq. (<ref>) to evaluate instantaneous value of energy density for any given set of parameters (λ,n,k). Apart from the model parameters (λ,n,k), the expressions for ρ and p (in both exponential and power law models) involve other cosmological parameters - the FRW scale factor a, its time derivatives, the Hubble parameter H and its time derivatives, the Ricci scalar R (= 12H^2 + 6Ḣ) and its time derivatives. We have obtained the temporal behaviour of all these cosmological quantities during the late time phase of the cosmic evolution from a combined analysis of recently released Pantheon (SNe Ia) data. The accessible range of red-shift corresponding to Pantheon data set is 0 ≤ z ≤ 2.3 which corresponds to a cosmic time domain 0.23 ≤ t ≤ 1, where t is normalised to unity at the present epoch. Using the time dependences of the said cosmological quantities as extracted from the observed data, we obtained the temporal behaviour of the energy density and pressure of the fluid for both exponential and power law models using Eqs. (<ref>), (<ref>), (<ref>) and (<ref>). We obtained range of values of parameters (λ,n,k) for which the evaluated values of energy density function ρ(t;λ,n,k), remains positive at all time. The reach of the recent SNe Ia data accommodates within itself the scenario of matter-curvature non-minimal coupling, for the constrained values of the model parameters. § OBTAINING CONSTRAINTS ON THE COSMOLOGICAL QUANTITIES FROM COMBINED ANALYSIS OF PANTHEON AND OBSERVED HUBBLE DATA The cosmological data from Supernovae Ia observation provides information about late time cosmic evolution of the universe. In this section we briefly outline the technical details of the analysis of the observational data which involves Pantheon (SNe Ia) data involving 1048 data points and Observed Hubble Data (OHD) involving 54 data points <cit.> and discussed how we finally extracted the temporal behaviour of the FRW scale factor a and its derivatives which are essential ingredients for constraining the non-minimally coupled matter-curvature models as discussed in Sec. <ref>. The SNe Ia data provides an estimation of luminosity distances (d_L) at the redshift values (z) corresponding to different SNe Ia events. The `Pantheon Sample’ <cit.> is a compilation of the subset of 279 PS1 SNe Ia data points (over a redshift range 0.03 < z < 0.68) along with useful compilations of SNe Ia data from SDSS <cit.>, SNLS <cit.>, various low-z <cit.>, and HST samples <cit.> to form the largest combined sample of SNe Ia consisting of a total of 1048 SNe Ia over the redshift range 0.01 < z < 2.3. We have used the above mentioned data samples to construct the Hubble function H(z) without invoking any specific cosmological models. For such a model-independent construction, we use Padé approximant of order (2,1) <cit.> for luminosity distance function, which is a closed-form parametrization of the luminosity distance in terms of the redshift expressed as d_L (z,α, β) = c/H_0( z(1+α z)/1+β z) where c is the speed of light and H_0 is the value of the Hubble parameter at the present epoch which may be defined through a dimensionless quantity h by H_0 = 100 h km s^-1 Mpc^-1. α and β are the parameters to be determined from cosmological data. The Pantheon sample of 1048 data points provide the redshift, apparent magnitude (m) at maximum brightness of the SNe Ia events, and also the covariance and correlations among the different data points. The observed data at any redshift z_i is expressed through the distance modulus μ_ obs(z_i) which is given in terms of the absolute magnitude M and observed apparent magnitudes m_ obs(z_i) by the relation μ_ obs(z_i) = m_ obs(z_i) - M The form of the distance modulus μ_ th(z,α,β) corresponding to the assumed parametric form of d_L(z,α,β) given Eq. (<ref>) may be obtained by using the expression μ_ th(z,α,β) = 5log_10[H_0 d_L(z,α,β)/c] + μ_0 = 5log_10[z(1+α z)/1+β z] + μ_0 , where μ_0 = 42.38 - 5log_10h. Computing μ_ th(z_i,α,β) - μ_ obs(z_i) for the data points i, we may find the χ^2-function for the SN-data set defined by the relation χ^2_0 = ∑_i,j=1^N [μ_ th(z_i,α,β) - μ_ obs(z_i)] C^-1_ij[μ_ th(z_j,α,β) - μ_ obs(z_j)] , where, N = 1048 is the total number of data points considered and C is the covariance matrix of the data as released in <cit.>, which includes both statistical and systematic uncertainties. Using Eqs. (<ref>) and (<ref>), the quantities μ_ th - μ_ obs appearing in Eq. (<ref>) may be expressed as [μ_ th(z_i,α,β) - μ_ obs(z_i)] = 5log_10[z_i(1+α z_i)/1+β z_i] - m_ obs(z_i) + M^' where M^'≡μ_0 + M = 42.38 - 5log_10h + M. Since the Pantheon data set comprises of apparent magnitudes only so this data-set alone cannot constrain H_0. The parameter H_0 (= 100 h km s^-1 Mpc^-1) enters in the χ^2 function through the parameter M^'. Marginalising over the parameter M^', called the nuisance parameter, we define an appropriate χ^2 function for this data set <cit.> as χ^2_ SN = -2ln∫_-∞^∞exp[-1/2χ^2_0(α,β,M^')] dM^' which may be put in the following form χ^2_ SN = P - Q^2/R + ln (R/2π) where P = (m_ obs - m_ th)^TC^-1(m_ obs - m_ th), Q = (m_ obs - m_ th)^T C^-11 and R = 1^T C^-11. Here (m_ obs - m_ th) represents a column matrix of the residuals with i^ th entry as [m_ th(z_i,α,β) - m_ obs(z_i)] and (m_ obs - m_ th)^T denotes the corresponding transposed matrix. m_ obs(z_i) is the observed value of apparent magnitude at redshift z_i and corresponding theoretical value m_ th(z) is given by the formula m_ th(z) = 5log_10[z(1+α z)/1+β z] + 25. The symbol 1 represents a column array of ones of same length as m_ obs. In our analysis we have also used 31 redshift vs Hubble parameter data points from chronometer observations <cit.> and 23 data points from the line of sight Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations(BAO) data <cit.>. For a cosmological model-independent construction of the Hubble parameter, we use the expression H(z,α,β) = [1/cd/dz{d_L(z,α,β)/(1+z)}]^-1 where d_L(z,α,β) is as given in Eq. (<ref>). The residual for the Observed Hubble data involving total 54 data points fitting is given by χ^2_ OHD = ∑_i=1^54[ H(z_i,α,β) - H_ obs(z_i)/σ_i]^2, where H_ obs(z_i), σ_i give the observed value of Hubble parameter and its corresponding uncertainty at redshift z_i corresponding to the i^ th data point of OHD data set. To get estimates of the parameters H_0, α, β along with their uncertainties, we perform a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Bayesian parameter estimation using a uniform prior to all the parameters. We used the python packages, available in the public domain, emcee <cit.> and GetDist <cit.> for generating MCMC samples and for plotting posterior distributions of H_0, α, and β respectively. After performing various tests for the independence, convergence of the MCMC samples and thinning of the samples accordingly, we get following estimates from the combined analysis of Pantheon data and OHD. In Fig. <ref> we presented the posterior distribution plot of H_0, α, and β which depicts the corresponding 1σ, 2σ and 3σ uncertainties for these parameters. α = 1.23^+0.06_-0.05, β = 0.45^+0.03_-0.03 , and H_0 = 68.31^+1.03_-1.03 . The obtained best-fit values of the parameters α, β and H_0 along with their respective uncertainties are then exploited to compute the redshift dependences (temporal profiles) of the Hubble parameter H and the normalised Ricci Scalar R/H_0^2 making use of Eqs. (<ref>) and R = 12H^2 + 6Ḣ. We have shown the plots of H and R/H_0^2 vs z respectively in the left and right panels of Fig. <ref>. The solid lines in Fig. <ref> correspond to the best-fit curve of each figure. The 1σ and 3σ uncertainties in the obtained dependences are also shown by dashed lines. The profile of the H(z) function, thus extracted from the analysis of the observational data, may further be used to compute the temporal behaviour of the FRW scale factor a(t) and its time derivatives ȧ and ä. The steps for this computation are briefly outlined below. The FRW scale factor a is normalised to unity at the present epoch (z=0) and is related to redshift by the relation 1/a = 1+z. Since H = ȧ/a, this corresponds to dt = -dz/(1+z)H(z) which on integration gives t(z)/t_0 = 1 - 1/ t_0∫_z^0 dz'/(1+z')H(z') where t_0 denotes the present epoch which is also normalised to unity at present epoch (t_0=1). Using the values of H(z) corresponding to the H(z) profile as depicted in left panel of Fig. <ref>, we numerically compute the integral in the right hand side of Eq. (<ref>). Using the Eqs. (<ref>) and the equation 1/a = 1+z, we may numerically compute simultaneous values of a and t at any given redshift z which amounts to obtaining values of a(t)-vs-t eliminating z from the two equations. This leads to extraction of the temporal behaviour of the scale factor a(t) from the observational data for the late time domain of the cosmic evolution accessible through Supernova Ia observations. To perform this, we vary z from zero (present epoch) to ∼ 2.4 (i.e. within the domain of z relevant for Pantheon data set) in small steps (Δ z = 0.01). We numerically compute value of the integral in Eq. (<ref>) and also the value of a(z) ≡ 1/(1+z) at each z-step, to obtain the sets of values (t(z), a(z)) at each step. Using the normalisation of scale factor a(t) as a=1 at present epoch (z=0 or t=1) we found that, the range 0<z<2.3 corresponds to t-range: 1 > t(z) >0.23. Values of (t(z), a(z)) over the domain 0<z<2.3 provides temporal behaviour of scale factor over the time range 0.23<t<1. Using the obtained profile of a(t), we also obtain a profile of ȧ(t) and ä(t) using direct numerical differentiation techniques. We have shown the plots of the profiles a(t), ȧ(t) and ä(t) respectively in the left, middle and right panels of Fig. <ref>. The appearance of a minima at t∼ 0.53 in the time-profile of ȧ (middle panel) or equivalently, the corresponding change of sign of ä in the plots of right panel figure clearly signifies the transition from decelerated to an accelerated phase of expansion during the late time of cosmic evolution. § RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In this section we present the results regarding the observational constraints on non-minimally coupled curvature-matter models for two types of fluid pressure scenarios - the exponential and power law profiles as discussed in Sec. <ref>. The energy density of the fluid in the context of the two scenarios are given by Eq. (<ref>) and Eq. (<ref>) respectively. The temporal behaviour of the energy density ρ(t; n,k,λ) has been expressed as a function of cosmological quantities like a,ȧ,H,R etc. and involving the dimensionless parameters n, k, λ. Temporal profile of the cosmological quantities during the late time phase of the cosmic evolution have been extracted from observational data and presented in Sec. <ref>. The constant λ gives the strength of the non-minimal coupling between matter and curvature sector. The parameter k is involved in the modelling of fluid pressure and n denotes the power of the gravity term (f_2(R) = R^n) that is coupled to the matter lagrangian. The energy density of a fluid always being a positive quantity, the constraints on parameters (n,k,λ) for such models come from imposition of the constraint ρ(t; n,k,λ) >0 for all t, where ρ at any t is evaluated with the values of cosmological quantities (a,ȧ,H,R) at that t as obtained from the analysis of observational data. We presented the observational constraints on the parameters (λ,n,k) by depicting the allowed area of the k-n parameter space for certain chosen values of the coupling parameter λ. We presented the results for both the fluid pressure models (exponential and power law) for four benchmark values: λ = -0.1, 0.1, 1, 10. We scanned a portion of the k-n parameter space corresponding to the ranges: -20⩽ k ⩽ 20 and -10⩽ n ⩽ 10. The allowed regions in the parameter space, which correspond to ρ >0, are shown by shaded regions in Fig. <ref>. The left and right panels of the figure correspond to the parameter space constraints obtained for exponential and power-law fluid-pressure models respectively. We observe from Fig. <ref> that, for both classes of fluid pressure models, a wide region of the explored portion of the parameter space is allowed which in turn implies that the Supernova Ia data (Pantheon) and Observed Hubble data robustly allows non-minimally coupled matter-curvature scenarios. However for negative values of λ, the positive values of the n (which is the power of R in the matter-curvature coupling term) gets severely constrained. In Eqs. (<ref>) and (<ref>) we have also expressed the temporal profile of the fluid pressure p(t, λ,n,k) for exponential and power law models respectively. To see the time evolution of energy density and pressure in the context of non-minimally coupled matter-curvature scenarios we have shown the plots of the temporal profile of energy density and pressure for both fluid models in Fig. <ref> for certain benchmark values of the parameter set (λ,n,k) chosen from the allowed domains corresponding to both fluid models. For convenience, we use a dimensionless time parameter τ defined as τ = ln a to show the time profile of the energy density and pressure in Fig. <ref>. The late-time domain of cosmic evolution is accessible in SNe Ia observations of Pantheon sample corresponds to the range -1.18 ≤τ≤ 0 with τ = 0 corresponding to the present epoch (a=1). We also normalise the energy density ρ(τ) and pressure p(τ) by the energy density value at present epoch ρ_0 to get rid of dimensions and plotted ρ(τ)/ρ_0 and p(τ)/ρ_0 as a function of τ for different choices of the parameters k,n,λ. In the left (right) panel of Fig. <ref> we showed these plots for ρ(τ)/ρ_0 and p(τ)/ρ_0 and for the exponential (power law) model. All the curves are shown in Fig. <ref> correspond to k=1. The 4-curves in each of plots correspond to 4 different choices of the set (λ,n) viz. (0.1, 1), (1,1), (10,1), (-0.1,0.2), all of which are well within the observationally allowed region of parameter values for each of the models as depicted in Fig. <ref>. For comparison, in these plots, we also showed the best-fit (solid curve) and 3σ uncertainties (shaded region) of the energy density and pressure profiles that result from usual analysis of observational data corresponding to the Λ-CDM model. We see from Fig. <ref> that, for exponential and power law-models the energy density and pressure profiles corresponding to parameter values (λ = -0.1, n=0.2, k=1) remains mostly well within the 3σ region of the corresponding quantities as extracted from the observation. For other 3 sets of parameter values (λ,n,k) considered here, viz. (0.1, 1,1), (1,1,1), (10,1,1), the energy density curves are outside the corresponding 3σ range obtained from observation. A close look at the plots of pressure profile for exponential and power law models in Fig. <ref> reveals that the fluid pressure profile for exponential model also lies almost entirely within its 3σ observed limits, for the full range of time (τ) accessible in SNe Ia observations, while for power law models, the corresponding curve is outside the 3σ observed limits for a small temporal regime during a relatively earlier part of late-time cosmic evolution. Therefore, non-minimally coupled matter-curvature scenarios with fluid pressure modelled as p  ∼ e^ak mimics the outcome of the Λ-CDM model in terms of energy density and pressure profiles within their 3σ limits, for the model parameters taking values in the close proximity of the values λ = -0.1, n = 0.2, k = 1. We may mention here, that the Λ-CDM model which, though fits the data well, is plagued with the coincidence and fine-tuning problems, whereas the models with non-minimally coupled matter-curvature scenarios are free from such problems. In the light of the above results we also investigated the issue of energy transfer between curvature and fluid sectors owing to the considered non-minimal coupling between them. For the non-minimally coupled curvature-fluid models considered in this article, the energy-balance equation takes the form <cit.>, ∇^μT_μν = λ F_2(R)/1 + λ f_2(R)(g_μνℒ_m - T_μν)∇^μ R For an ideal fluid with energy density ρ and pressure p in FRW spacetime background and with ℒ_m = p as considered in the work, the ν=0 component of Eq. (<ref>) takes the form ρ̇ + 3H(ρ + p) = - λ F_2(R)/1 + λ f_2(R)( p + ρ)Ṙ ≡ Q Note that, in absence of any non-minimal coupling (λ = 0), the above energy balance equation reduces to usual continuity equation ρ̇ + 3H(ρ + p) = 0 of FRW universe. The term Q on right hand side of Eq. (<ref>) is a measure of rate of energy exchange between matter and curvature sectors. In the context of Eq. (<ref>) we may mention that, thermodynamical implications of curvature-matter coupling scenarios at cosmological scales have been investigated in <cit.>, where from the perspective of thermodynamics of open systems, the energy balance equation (<ref>) has been interpreted to describe particle creation in FRW universe. Such an interpretation requires referring to the term -Q/3H as the creation pressure p_c associated with the particle creation, so as to cast the energy balance equation in the form ρ̇ + 3 H (ρ + p + p_c) = 0, with creation pressure subject to the constraint that p_c ≡ -Q/3H <0, implying the requirement that Q always remains positive. In the context of non-minimally coupled curvature-fluid models considered here with f_2(R) = R^n, we may write down the expression for the time profile of the Q-function from Eq. (<ref>) corresponding to the parameter set (λ,n,k) as Q(t;n,k,λ) = -λ n R^n-1/1 + λ R^n[ p(t;λ,n,k) + ρ(t;λ,n,k)]Ṙ where the energy density ρ(t;λ,n,k) and fluid pressure p(t;λ,n,k) profiles corresponding to both exponential and power law models are given by Eqs. (<ref>) - (<ref>). We use Eq. (<ref>) to compute the function Q(t;λ,n,k) for given choices of λ,n,k. Time dependences of cosmological parameters viz. a, H, R etc., as extracted from observed data are instrumental in the determination of the temporal profile of Q. In Fig. <ref> we have shown the time dependence of Q for both exponential (left panel) and power law (right panel) models by plotting Q(τ)/ρ_0 vs τ for the same 4 benchmark values of parameters (λ,n,k) as taken earlier. We observe from Fig. <ref> that, corresponding to the benchmark cases with n=1 (i.e. f_2(R)=R) and k=1 (which correspond to p ∼ e^a for exponential model and p ∼ a for power law model), Q(τ) remains always positive. So, certain domains of (λ,n,k) parameter space of non-minimally coupled matter-curvature models are allowed from the combined analysis of Pantheon data and OHD, for which the possibility of interpreting the energy balance equation in terms of particle creation <cit.> remains open. On the other hand, the estimation of Q(τ) for parameter values (λ = -0.1,n=0.2,k=1), (which mimics energy density and pressure profiles obtained from the data analysis with Λ-CDM model as explained earlier) gives negative values of Q for the entire time range probed in SNe Ia observations. We also observe from Fig. <ref> that, the absolute value of the rate of energy transfer between curvature and matter sector and hence the effect of the considered non-minimal coupling, monotonically decreases as time approaches towards the present epoch. § CONCLUSION In this work we considered non-minimally coupled curvature-matter models of gravity and investigated its cosmological implications in the light of luminosity distance and redshift measurements of Supernova Ia events. The non-minimal curvature-matter coupling has been introduced by adding a term ∫[λ R^n ℒ_m] √(-g)d^4x to the usual action for Einstein's gravity involving the Einstein Hilbert action and minimally coupled matter action. The parameters λ and n fix the strength and nature of the non-minimal coupling. To explore consequences of such non-minimal couplings in relation to evolutionary aspects of the universe at large scales, we considered homogeneous and isotropic spacetime geometry of the expanding universe described by a flat FRW metric involving the time dependent scale factor a(t). The matter content of the universe is modelled as a perfect fluid characterised by energy density ρ(t) and pressure p(t) and chosen the form of matter Lagrangian as ℒ_m = p. Such a choice for Lagrangian density correctly reproduces the hydrodynamical equations for the perfect fluid and also may cause to vanish the extra force owing to departure from motion along the geodesic arising from a non-vanishing covariant derivative of energy-momentum tensor in coupled scenarios. For such considerations, the field equations corresponding to the modified action containing non-minimal term take forms exhibiting connection between the a(t),ρ(t),p(t) through their time derivatives and various other functions like the Hubble function H(t), the Ricci scalar R(t). The functions H(t) and R(t) are however directly related to the scale factor a(t) and its derivatives. The evolution equations also involve the parameters λ and n related to the curvature-matter coupling and the minimal coupling scenario corresponds to λ = 0, for which the equations reduce to the Friedman equations. Unlike Friedman's equations, their corresponding analogues which govern the evolutionary dynamics in presence of non-minimal curvature-matter coupling, involves time derivatives of fluid pressure p. We investigate the observational constraints on the non-minimal models choosing two different ansatzes for p(t) referred to in the paper as the `exponential model' and `power law model', where the temporal profile of the fluid pressure has been parametrized in terms of a dimensionless parameter k as p ∼ e^ka and p ∼ a^k respectively. Consequently, in the context of this work, the interplay of the three parameters (λ,n,k) plays a pivotal role in testing the consistency of non-minimally coupled fluid-curvature scenarios with the observed data. From a comprehensive analysis of Pantheon compilation of 1048 SNe Ia data points, and 54 data points on measurement of Hubble parameter from OHD, we obtained time dependences of the relevant cosmological parameters a(t),H(t),R(t) and their time derivatives over the late time phase of cosmic evolution. Taking into account all these information and using the evolution equations for non-minimally coupled scenarios, we numerically computed the energy density ρ(t,λ,n,k) and pressure p(t,λ,n,k) profiles for different values of (λ,n,k) thoroughly scanning a portion of the parameter space: [-0.1 ⩽λ⩽ 10 ; -10 ⩽ n ⩽ 10; -20 ⩽ k ⩽ 10]. We also obtained and presented in Fig. <ref>, the regions in the parameter space corresponding to parameter values giving ρ(t,λ,n,k) > 0 for all t which is a trivial but essential requirement for viability of cosmological models. We found there exist large domains in the (λ,n,k)-parameter space for which models with non-minimal curvature-matter mixing stand as viable cosmological models reproducing the observed features of late time cosmic evolution. We have also seen that there exist a small range of parameter values around (λ = -0.1,n=0.2,k=1) for which the computed temporal profiles of ρ and p mimic the corresponding profiles obtained from the analysis of the data using Λ-CDM model in the context of usual minimal coupling scenario. The energy-momentum tensor has a non-vanishing covariant derivative (∇^μ T_μν≠ 0) in the realm of non-minimally coupled curvature-matter scenarios and this implies exchange of energy between curvature and matter sectors. We found that, the absolute value of the rate of energy transfer between the two sectors monotonically decreases as time approaches towards the present epoch. This dynamics of energy exchange may be expressed by an equation portraying the energy balance between the two sectors in FRW background as ρ̇ + 3H(ρ + p + p_c) = 0, with the function p_c(t) (multiplied by 3H) providing a measure of the rate of energy transfer owing to the non-minimal coupling between curvature and matter. From the perspective of thermodynamics of open systems, as extensively discussed in <cit.>, curvature-matter coupling allows production of a substantial amount of comoving entropy during late time evolutionary phase of the universe. This opens up the possibility to interpret the energy-balance equation describing particle creation in FRW universe, with p_c realised as the (creation) pressure related to the particle creation. Such an interpretation however requires p_c to be negative. Our investigation shows, there exist values of model parameters (λ,n,k), for which the requirement p_c<0 (for all time) is met. Thus the `particle creation' interpretation of energy balance equation in non-minimally coupled curvature-matter scenarios remains an open possibility in the context of SNe Ia data. 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Magnetic dynamics from intrinsic spin-orbit torques in non-collinear anti-ferromagnets
[ "Yiyuan Chen", "Z. Z. Du", "Hai-Zhou Lu", "X. C. Xie" ]
[ "cond-mat.mes-hall" ]
Shenzhen Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering and Department of Physics, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), Shenzhen 518055, China Quantum Science Center of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangdong), Shenzhen 518045, China Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Quantum Science and Engineering, Shenzhen 518055, China International Quantum Academy, Shenzhen 518048, China Shenzhen Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering and Department of Physics, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), Shenzhen 518055, China Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Quantum Science and Engineering, Shenzhen 518055, China International Quantum Academy, Shenzhen 518048, China Corresponding author: luhz@sustech.edu.cn Shenzhen Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering and Department of Physics, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), Shenzhen 518055, China Quantum Science Center of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangdong), Shenzhen 518045, China Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Quantum Science and Engineering, Shenzhen 518055, China International Quantum Academy, Shenzhen 518048, China International Center for Quantum Materials, School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing100871, China Institute for Nanoelectronic Devices and Quantum Computing, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China Hefei National Laboratory, Hefei 230088, China Using a pure electric current to control kagome non-collinear anti-ferromagnets is expected to be superior to ferromagnets and 𝒫𝒯-symmetric anti-ferromagnets in information storage and processing. However, a full description of the magnetic dynamics of the non-collinear anti-ferromagnetism driven by a pure electric current is still lacking, in particular, on intrinsic (i.e., without using external magnetic fields or external spin currents) spin-orbit torques. In this work, by assembling multiple microscopic models and theoretical approaches, we self-consistently describe the relations among the electronic structure, magnetic structure, spin accumulations, and intrinsic spin-orbit torques, in the magnetic dynamics of a non-collinear anti-ferromagnet driven by a pure electric current. Our calculation can yield a critical current density comparable with those in the experiments. The full description will be helpful for future applications of non-collinear anti-ferromagnets. Magnetic dynamics from intrinsic spin-orbit torques in non-collinear anti-ferromagnets X. C. Xie March 30, 2023 ====================================================================================== Introduction - Anti-ferromagnets have been expected to replace the ferromagnets in information storage and processing, because they are robust against perturbations guaranteed by their zero stray field and have higher energy scale for ultrafast performance. However, it is hard to read out ordinary 𝒫𝒯-symmetric anti-ferromagnets (i.e., ↑↓↑↓...) because of their weak magnetization. Recently, kagome non-collinear anti-ferromagnets (Fig. <ref>) have attracted increasing attention, because they have strong anomalous Hall, Nernst, and magneto-optical Kerr effects <cit.> to serve as readout signals. Using only pure electric current to manipulate the kagome anti-ferromagnets can greatly facilitate device applications <cit.>. Nevertheless, so far the theories mainly focus on their anomalous <cit.> and spin <cit.> Hall effects, and their magnetic dynamics driven by the extrinsic mechanisms, i.e., through spin currents injected from a proximate heavy metal assisted by a magnetic field <cit.>. A theory that fully describes the magnetic dynamics driven by a pure electric current is still lacking, in particular, on their intrinsic spin-orbit torques. In this Letter, we theoretically show how a kagome non-collinear anti-ferromagnet can be manipulated by the intrinsic spin-orbit torques from the spin accumulations induced by a pure electric current, following the microscopic mechanism below. Pure Spin Intrinsic Magnetic electric ⇒ accumu ⇒ spin-orbit ⇒ dynamics current -lation torque of moments We self-consistently calculate the electronic structure, magnetic structure, spin accumulations, and intrinsic spin-orbit torques. Our calculation can yield a critical current density comparable with those in the experiments (Fig. <ref>). The theory not only describes the magnetic dynamics of the kagome non-collinear anti-ferromagnet but also provides a complete simulation that will be helpful for future applications. Intrinsic spin-orbit torques - First, we present the spin-orbit torques from the spin accumulations induced by the pure electric current. A typical non-collinear anti-ferromagnet can be illustrated by Mn_3Sn, which is formed by stacked bilayers along the c axis (the y axis here). One layer (denoted as A, inverted triangle in Fig. <ref>) in the bilayer is the inversion of the other (B, triangle in Fig. <ref>). Each layer is composed of a Mn kagome lattice and a Sn hexagonal lattice. In the unit cell of the Mn lattice, the magnetic moments of the three Mn atoms are rotated with respect to each other by nearly 120^∘, forming a non-collinear anti-ferromagnetic structure (more details in Sec. S1 of <cit.>). The unit moment 𝐦_a on Mn atom a is governed by <cit.> H_m = 2∑_ab[J_m𝐦_a·𝐦_b+Dŷ·(𝐦_a×𝐦_b)] -K∑_a(𝐞̂_a·𝐦_a)^2, where a,b∈{1,2,3} index the three Mn atoms in the unit cell, the first summation runs over the combinations ab∈{12,23,31}, D measures the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, and J_m measures the nearest neighbour exchange interaction. The D and J_m terms describe a perfect triangular non-collinear anti-ferromagnetic structure with exact 120^∘ between the Mn magnetic moments. The anisotropy K term breaks the in-plane U(1) symmetry and leads to six stable positions to which the magnetic structure tends to relax <cit.> [see Fig. <ref> (a)-(b)], 𝐞̂_a represents the anisotropic axis for 𝐦_a. For a successful switching, the injected current has to be above a critical value to exert enough spin-orbit torques to overcome the six stable positions. The dynamics of the magnetic moments 𝐦_a is described by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation (Sec. S2A of <cit.>) (1+α^2)𝐦̇_a = |γ|/M_S𝐦_a×δ H_m/δ𝐦_a+𝐓_a +α𝐦_a×(|γ|/M_S𝐦_a×δ H_m/δ𝐦_a+𝐓_a), where γ (<0) is the gyromagnetic ratio of the electron, α denotes the Gilbert damping coefficient, the saturation moment of a Mn atom M_S=3μ_B with μ_B the Bohr magneton, and 𝐓_a is the spin-orbit torques induced by the electric current. Different from the extrinsic damp-like spin-orbit torques <cit.> 𝐓_a∼𝐦_a×(𝐦_a×𝐬), which depicts the torques caused by externally injected spin currents with a uniform spin 𝐬, we can show that the exchange interactions between the Mn moments and current-induced spin accumulations (Sec. S2B of <cit.>) naturally give the intrinsic field-like spin-orbit torques <cit.> 𝐓_a= 2|γ|J_sdV_U/M_Sħ𝐦_a×𝐬̃_a, where J_sd is the exchange interaction between the Mn moments and itinerary electron spins, V_U is the volume of the unit cell, and inter-layer anti-ferromagnetic interactions (e.g., 1-2' and 1-3') tend to synchronize the diagonal moments (i.e., 1 and 1') on two layers, so we use the averaged local spin accumulation density 𝐬̃_a=(𝐬_a+𝐬_a')/2. With the help of the linear-response theory <cit.> (Derivations in Sec. S3 of <cit.>), the local spin accumulation density on Mn atom a induced by a pure electric current along the x direction are found to have two parts (d for diagonal and od for off-diagonal matrix elements of the operators v and σ) 𝐬_a^d = eħ/2Vτ E_x∑_ν,𝐤∂ f_ν/∂ϵ_νv_νν^xσ_νν^a, 𝐬_a^od = eħ^2/2VE_x∑_μ≠ν,𝐤 (f_μ-f_ν)Im[v_μν^xσ_νμ^a/(ϵ_μ-ϵ_ν)^2] , where the current density j_x injected along the x direction enters as an electric field E_x=m^*/ e^2 n_3Dτ j_x, e=-1.6× 10^-19 Coulomb, m^* is the effective mass, n_3D is the carrier density, τ is the relaxation time, V is the volume of the system, f is the Fermi-Dirac distribution function, σ^a=(σ_x^a,σ_y^a,σ_z^a) are the Pauli matrices for the local spin density on Mn atom a, ϵ and v are the energy and group velocity operators, ν and μ label the energy bands, described by an s-d model (Sec. S4 of <cit.>) H_sd = J_sd∑_i,a,n,n'𝐦_a·σ_nn'c^†_ianc^_ian'+H_e, where J_sd is the exchange interaction between the Mn moments (a∈{1,2,3,1',2',3'}) and spins of itinerary electrons (n∈{↑,↓}), and i indexes the unit cell. So far, the definite form of the itinerary electron part H_e is still under debate <cit.>. Requirement of parity symmetry breaking - Nevertheless, H_e can be constructed, following the requirement of parity symmetry breaking, for the reason as follows. A parity operation transforms the current (a radial vector) to the opposite direction while leaves the Mn moments (axial vectors) invariant, which means that an opposite current could also lead to the same final state of the Mn moments, so there is no one-to-one deterministic relation between the current direction and magnetizations of the Mn moments under parity symmetry [Fig. <ref> (b)]. This can also be seen from a symmetry analysis of Eq. (<ref>) and (<ref>) (Sec. S5 of <cit.>). Guided by the requirement of parity symmetry breaking, H_e can be modelled in terms of a 2D Rashba model or a tilted 3D Weyl model. The 2D model is suitable for the interfaces of multi-domain devices while the 3D model can reproduce the Weyl-semimetal electronic structure <cit.>. The 2D Rashba model reads <cit.> H_e^R = λ_R∑_⟨ ia,jb⟩ nn'𝐢(𝐲̂×𝐝̂_ia,jb)·σ_nn'c^†_ianc^_jbn' +t∑_⟨ ia,jb⟩ nc^†_ianc^_jbn, where c_ian^† (c_ian) is the creation (annihilation) operator of the electron on Mn atom a∈{1,2,3,1',2',3'} in unit cell i with spin n∈{↑,↓}, σ is the Pauli matrices of electrons, λ_R measures the Rashba-type spin-orbit coupling, 𝐝̂_ia,jb is the unit vector from site ia to jb, and t is the hopping. The 2D Rashba model breaks parity symmetry and couples the electric current to spin degree of freedom. Based on the previously-proposed 3D Weyl model <cit.>, we also add a y-direction linear momentum term (Δ_p) to break parity symmetry H_e^W = ∑_⟨ ia,jb⟩∥c^†_iat_ia,jbc^_jb+∑_⟨ ia,jb⟩⊥c^†_iat'^_ia,jbc^_jb +Δ_p∑_⟨ ia,jb⟩𝐢sgn(𝐲̂·𝐝̂_ia,jb)c^†_iac^_jb, where c_ia=(c_ia↑,c_ia↓)^T, ∥ and ⊥ distinguish the intra-layer and inter-layer nearest neighbor sites, t_ia,jb = t exp[±𝐢α_1σ_y/2], with + for ab∈{12, 23, 31, 1'2', 2'3', 3'1'} and - for ab∈{21, 31, 13, 2'1', 3'2', 1'3'}, t'_ia,jb=t exp[-𝐢/2sgn(𝐝̂_ia,jb·𝐲̂) α_2 (cosθ𝐝̂^∥_ia,jb+sinθ𝐲̂)·σ]. α_1, α_2, and θ are the model parameters. Precession and nutation intrinsic torques - The parity symmetry breaking reduces the symmetries from E,P,TC_2y,TPC_2y of the perfect 120^∘ non-collinear anti-ferromagnetic structure to E,TC_2y for the 2D Rashba model, and from {E|0},{P|0},T{C_2y|τ_y},T{PC_2y|τ_y} to {E|0},T{PC_2y|τ_y} for the 3D Weyl model, where E, P, T are the identical, inversion, time-reversal operations, respectively, C_2y is the two-fold rotation around the y axis (perpendicular to the kagome plane), and τ_y is the translation along the y axis for half lattice constant c/2. The different symmetries lead to different cases of the opposite spin accumulations that cancel with each other on the diagonal Mn atoms (e.g., 1 and 1' in Fig. <ref>), as listed in TAB. <ref> (details in Sec. S5 of <cit.>). Therefore, for the 2D Rashba model, the non-zero diagonal term of spin accumulations are in-plane and non-zero off-diagonal term of spin accumulations are out-of-plane; for the 3D Weyl model, the non-zero diagonal term of spin accumulations are out-of-plane and non-zero off-diagonal term of spin accumulations are in-plane. The orientations of the spin accumulations lead to two types of intrinsic spin-orbit torques, i.e., precession and nutation. The out-of-plane spin accumulations (in the y direction) provide the precession torques 𝐦_a×𝐬̃_a and the in-plane spin accumulations (in the x-z plane) provide the nutation torques 𝐦_a×(𝐦_a×𝐬̃_a) in the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation [Eq. (<ref>)], as shown in Fig. <ref> (c). Complete simulation of magnetic dynamics - To show how the pure electric current switch the magnetic structure of the kagome non-colllinear anti-ferromagnet, we perform numerical simulations, as shown in Fig. <ref>, measured by the magnetic moment angle φ_2 of the Mn atom 2 in the unit cell. As the current along the +x (-x) direction is turned on and above a critical current density, the magnetic structure can be driven to the fully-polarized position at φ_2=π/2 (φ_2=-π/2). As the current is turned off, the magnetic structure relaxes to the nearest one of the 6 stable positions. Our simulation reveals many microscopic details. (i) During the switching, the magnetic structure tends to maintain the in-plane 120^∘ triangular texture because the current-induced spin-orbit torques are much weaker than the effective fields maintaining the magnetic structure. (ii) The spin accumulations induce nutation and precession torques in different directions for different Mn atoms. As we can see in Fig. <ref> (c), the torques on each Mn atom form a spiral torque that rotates the whole 120^∘ structure and guides it to a fully-polarized position. At the fully-polarized position, the spin-orbit torques are balanced, guaranteed by an additional symmetry TPC_2x for the 2D Rashba model and T{C_2x|0} for the 3D Weyl models, respectively (details in Sec. S6 of <cit.>). (iii) We can assume that the Mn atoms feel different fields locally produced by the spin accumulations. This assumption can yield a critical current density comparable to those in the experiments. Otherwise, we can assume that the Mn atoms feel the same field collectively (like those in the extrinsic mechanism, where the torques are from spin currents injected from a heavy metal), but the critical current density has to be about three orders larger. ^†Yiyuan Chen and Z. Z. Du contribute to the work equally. We thank helpful discussions with Kaiyou Wang. This work was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (2022YFA1403700), Innovation Program for Quantum Science and Technology (2021ZD0302400), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11925402), Guangdong province (2020KCXTD001 and 2016ZT06D348), and the Science, Technology and Innovation Commission of Shenzhen Municipality (ZDSYS20170303165926217, JAY20170412152620376, and KYTDPT20181011104202253). The numerical calculations were supported by Center for Computational Science and Engineering of SUSTech. apsrev4-1-etal-title_6authors
DDS2M: Self-Supervised Denoising Diffusion Spatio-Spectral Model for Hyperspectral Image Restoration
[ "Yuchun Miao", "Lefei Zhang", "Liangpei Zhang", "Dacheng Tao" ]
[ "cs.CV", "eess.IV" ]
DDS2M: Self-Supervised Denoising Diffusion Spatio-Spectral Model for Hyperspectral Image Restoration Yuchun Miao^1 Lefei Zhang^1Corresponding Author Liangpei Zhang^2 Dacheng Tao^3,4 ^1School of Computer Science, Wuhan University ^2 State Key Lab. of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, Wuhan University ^3JD Explore Academy ^4School of Computer Science, University of Sydney {miaoyuchun, zhanglefei, zlp62}@whu.edu.cn, dacheng.tao@gmail.com March 30, 2023 ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= empty Diffusion models have recently received a surge of interest due to their impressive performance for image restoration, especially in terms of noise robustness. However, existing diffusion-based methods are trained on a large amount of training data and perform very well in-distribution, but can be quite susceptible to distribution shift. This is especially inappropriate for data-starved hyperspectral image (HSI) restoration. To tackle this problem, this work puts forth a self-supervised diffusion model for HSI restoration, namely Denoising Diffusion Spatio-Spectral Model (), which works by inferring the parameters of the proposed Variational Spatio-Spectral Module (VS2M) during the reverse diffusion process, solely using the degraded HSI without any extra training data. In VS2M, a variational inference-based loss function is customized to enable the untrained spatial and spectral networks to learn the posterior distribution, which serves as the transitions of the sampling chain to help reverse the diffusion process. Benefiting from its self-supervised nature and the diffusion process, enjoys stronger generalization ability to various HSIs compared to existing diffusion-based methods and superior robustness to noise compared to existing HSI restoration methods. Extensive experiments on HSI denoising, noisy HSI completion and super-resolution on a variety of HSIs demonstrate 's superiority over the existing task-specific state-of-the-arts. § INTRODUCTION As a new trendy generative model, diffusion models <cit.> have attracted significant attention in the community owing to their state-of-the-art performance in image synthesis <cit.>. In essence, diffusion model is a parameterized sampling chain trained using a variational bound objective, which is equivalent to that of score-based models <cit.>. After training, samples are generated by the sampling chain, starting from white noise and gradually denoising to a clean image. Remarkably, diffusion models can go beyond image synthesis <cit.>, and have been widely utilized in image restoration tasks, such as super-resolution <cit.>, inpainting <cit.>, denoising <cit.>, and so on. Among these methods,  <cit.>, a diffusion-based image restoration framework, has achieved powerful robustness to noise, which is also noteworthy for hyperspectral images (HSIs). HSIs often suffer from noise corruption due to the limited light, photon effects, and atmospheric interference <cit.>. This motivates us to inherit the powerful noise robustness of  <cit.> to HSI restoration by capitalizing on the power of diffusion model for HSI restoration. However, harnessing the power of the diffusion model for HSI restoration is challenging. The bottleneck lies in the poor generalization ability to HSIs in various scenarios. Existing diffusion-based methods are excessively dependent on the adversity and quantity of the training data, and often focus on a specific domain, such as the face. As a result, these methods may perform very well in-distribution, but can be quite susceptible to distribution shifts, resulting in degraded performance. This is particularly inappropriate for data-poor applications such as HSI restoration, where very limited HSIs are available for training <cit.>. This is because HSIs are much more expensive to acquire in real-world scenarios, compared to natural RGB images. In addition, different sensors often admit large different specifications, such as the frequency band used, the spatial and spectral resolution. Therefore, a diffusion model trained on HSIs captured by one sensor may not be useful for HSIs captured by other sensors. In addition to the generalization ability issues mentioned above, how to leverage the intrinsic structure of HSIs is also critical for harnessing the power of the diffusion model for HSI restoration. Bearing the above concerns in mind, an effective diffusion model tailored for HSI restoration, which is able to generalize to HSIs in various practical scenarios and leverage the intrinsic structure of HSIs, is highly desired. To address the generalization ability problem mentioned above, one remedy is to use the emerging untrained neural networks, such as those in <cit.>. These methods learn a generative neural network directly from a single degraded image, rather than from a large volume of external training data. The rationale is that an appropriate neural network architecture, without training data, could already encode much critical low-level image statistical prior information. Owing to their training data-independent nature, untrained networks can usually generalize well to the wild data. Meanwhile, due to our need to flexibly cope with various HSIs in real scenarios, untrained networks are rendered as a natural choice. In addition, their powerful expressiveness allows the deployment of such untrained networks in the diffusion models for HSI restoration. In this work, we put force a self-supervised Denoising Diffusion Spatio-Spectral Model (), which can cleverly alleviate the generalization ability problem, while exploiting the intrinsic structure information of the underlying HSIs. is a denoising diffusion generative model that progressively and stochastically denoises samples into restored results conditioned on the degraded HSI and the degradation model after a finite time. Unlike existing diffusion models <cit.>, which use a neural network pre-trained a large number of training data, reverses the diffusion process by virtue of the proposed Variational Spatio-Spectral Module (VS2M), solely using the degraded HSI without any extra training data; see Figure <ref> for visual comparison with  <cit.>. Specifically, the proposed VS2M consists of two types of untrained networks (i.e., untrained spatial and spectral networks) and a customized variational inference-based loss function. The untrained spatial and spectral networks leverage the intrinsic structure of HSIs by modeling the abundance maps and endmembers derived from the linear mixture model <cit.>, respectively. The variational inference-based loss function is customized to enable these untrained networks to learn the posterior distribution of the task at hand. The specific contributions of this work are summarized as follows: ∙ We propose a self-supervised Deep Diffusion Spatio-Spectral Model (). Benefiting from its diffusion process and self-supervised nature, enjoys stronger robustness to noise relative to existing HSI restoration methods and superior generalization ability to various HSIs relative to existing diffusion-based methods. To the best of our knowledge, is the first self-supervised diffusion model that can restore HSI only using the degraded HSI without any additional training data. ∙ We design a variational spatio-spectral module (VS2M) to help reverse the diffusion process, which serves as the transitions of the sampling chain. VS2M is capable of approximating the posterior distribution of the task at hand by leveraging the intrinsic structure of the underlying HSI. ∙ Extensive experiments on HSI denoising, noisy HSI completion and super-resolution illustrate the superiority of over the existing task-specific state-of-the-arts, especially in terms of the robustness to noise, and the generalization ability to HSIs in diverse scenarios. § RELATED WORKS §.§ HSI Restoration Methods HSI restoration is a long-standing problem with a wide range of applications, with model-based approaches dominating the early years <cit.>. Recently, triggered by the expressive power of deep neural networks, a plethora of supervised <cit.> and self-supervised methods <cit.> were developed. The supervised methods mainly concentrate on exploring different neural network architectures to learn a mapping from a degraded HSI to the ground truth, such as convolution neural network <cit.>, recurrent neural network <cit.>, and transformer <cit.>. The main bottleneck of these supervised methods is that their performance is limited by the adversity and amount of training data, and is often susceptible to distribution outliers. In contrast, our is not affected by such distribution outliers, since no extra training data is required in . Among the self-supervised methods, a representative family is the untrained neural network-based methods <cit.>. As a promising tool for image restoration, untrained neural networks enjoy the expressive power of neural networks yet do not require additional training data <cit.>. Ulyanov et al. <cit.> first extended untrained neural network from RGB images to HSIs, putting forth a self-supervised HSI restoration framework. Then, Luo et al. <cit.> further proposed a spatio-spectral constrained untrained neural network. Inspired by these methods, Meng et al. <cit.> integrated untrained neural network into the plug-and-play regime <cit.>. In general, these methods learn a generator network directly from the degraded HSI in an iterative scheme. The critical drawback of these methods is that they easily accumulate errors inevitable in the iterative process, being quite fragile to degraded HSI with significant noise. Although our proposed is also a multi-step generation process, it does not suffer from such accumulated errors. This is because diffusion-based methods have systematic mathematical formulation, and the errors in the intermediate step can be regarded as noise, which could be refined during the diffusion process <cit.>. Therefore, as compared with the above untrained network-based methods, our is able to decently restore high-quality HSIs from the degraded HSI corrupted by noise. §.§ Diffusion Models for Image Restoration Recent emerged diffusion models have been widely utilized in image restoration. One branch of these works mainly focuses on tailoring a diffusion model suitable for a specific task, often leading to remarkable performance at the expense of flexibility across different tasks; see <cit.>. Another branch is concerned with tailoring a diffusion model that can be flexibly applied to different tasks; see <cit.>. To achieve this, these methods leave the training procedure intact, and only modify the inference procedure so that one can sample the restored image from a conditional distribution related to the task at hand. Among them, a representative method is  <cit.>, which achieves promising performance in multiple useful scenarios, including denoising, noisy super-resolution, and noisy completion, especially in terms of the robustness to noise. However, the main shortcoming of these diffusion-based methods is their generalization ability to the wild data. These methods excessively depend on the adversity and amount of training data, and may perform very well in-distribution, but can be quite susceptible to distribution shifts, sometimes resulting in severely degraded performance. This becomes more problematic for data-poor applications such as HSI restoration. In this work, we aim to inherit the advantage of diffusion model (i.e., noise robustness) to HSI restoration, and boost its generalization ability to HSIs in practical scenarios. § NOTATIONS AND PRELIMINARIES §.§ Notations A scalar, a vector, a matrix, and a tensor are denoted as x, x, X, and 𝒳, respectively. x^(i), X^(i,j), and 𝒳^(i,j,k) denote the i-th, (i,j)-th, and (i,j,k)-th element of 𝐱∈ℝ^I, 𝐗∈ℝ^I× J, and 𝒳∈ℝ^I× J× K, respectively. The Frobenius norms of x are denoted as x_F=√(∑_ix^(i)x^(i)). Given 𝐲∈ℝ^N and a matrix 𝐗∈ℝ^I× J, the outer product is defined as 𝐗∘𝐲. In particular, 𝐗∘𝐲∈ℝ^I× J× N and (𝐗∘𝐲)^(i,j,n) = 𝐗^(i,j)𝐲^(n). The vec(𝐗) operator represents vec(𝐗)=[𝐗^(:,1);…;𝐗^(:,J)] ∈ℝ^IJ, and vec(𝒳) is further defined as vec(𝒳) = [ vec(𝒳^(:,:,1));…; vec(𝒳^(:,:,K))] ∈ℝ^IJK. §.§ Degradation Model The goal of HSI restoration is to recover a HSI from potentially noisy degraded HSI given through a known linear degradation model. In general, HSI restoration can be formulated as 𝐲 = 𝐇𝐱 + 𝐳, where 𝐱∈ℝ^n is the vector version of the original HSI 𝒳 defined as 𝐱 = vec(𝒳), 𝐲∈ℝ^m is corresponding to the degraded HSI 𝒴 defined as 𝐲 = vec(𝒴), 𝐇 is the degradation matrix that depends on the restoration task at hand, and 𝐳∼𝒩(0, σ_𝐲^2 I) represents an i.i.d. additive Gaussian noise with standard deviation σ_𝐲. It is worth noting that in this work, following previous diffusion-based methods <cit.>, 𝐱 and 𝐲 in Eqn. (<ref>) are all scaled linearly to the range of [-1, 1], which ensures the neural network to operate on consistently scaled inputs during the reverse diffusion process. Therefore, when they are linearly scaled back to the range of [0, 1], the standard deviation of the Gaussian noise becomes σ=0.5σ_y. § DENOISING DIFFUSION SPATIO-SPECTRAL MODELS In this section, we introduce the proposed . The key idea behind is to reverse the diffusion process solely using the degraded HSI without extra training data, with the help of the proposed VS2M. We first give an introduction to the diffusion process for image restoration, then describe our design in VS2M, and finally elaborate on the VS2M-aided reverse diffusion process. §.§ Diffusion Process for Image Restoration Diffusion models for image restoration are generative models with Markov chain 𝐱_T →𝐱_T-1→…→𝐱_1 →𝐱_0 conditioned on 𝐲 <cit.>, which has the following marginal distribution equivalent to that in <cit.>: q(𝐱_t | 𝐱_0)=𝒩(𝐱_t ; √(α̅_t)𝐱_0,(1-α̅_t) 𝐈) with α_t=1-β_t, α̅_t=∏_i=0^t α_i, where 𝐱_0 and 𝐲 are the vector version of high-quality HSI 𝒳 and degraded HSI 𝒴, and β_t is a hyperparameter. The forward process (i.e., diffusion process ) progressively injects Gaussian noise to the original data 𝐱_0 and obtains 𝐱_T that looks indistinguishable from pure Gaussian noise, while the reverse diffusion process samples a slightly less noisy image 𝐱_t from 𝐱_t+1 by leveraging the forward process posterior distribution q(𝐱_t | 𝐱_t+1, 𝐱_0, 𝐲). More details can be found in the supplementary materials. In , denoising is performed using a network pre-trained on a large number of additional training data like other diffusion models <cit.>, which perform well in-distribution, and can be susceptible to distribution shift. This is especially inappropriate with data-starved HSI restoration. In this work we break this routine and propose to reverse the diffusion process utilizing the VS2M that can perform denoising solely using the degraded image without any extra training data. §.§ Variational Spatio-Spectral Module (VS2M) The VS2M utilized in consists of untrained spatial and spectral networks, and a variational inference-based loss function. The untrained spatial and spectral networks are capable of leveraging the intrinsic structure of HSIs using designated network structures. The variational inference-based loss function is customized to enable these untrained networks to learn the posterior distribution. In this way, the untrained networks and the diffusion model can be incorporated to achieve promising performance. Under VS2M, HSI 𝒳∈ℝ^I× J× K is represented as: 𝒳 = ∑_r=1^R 𝐒_r ∘𝐜_r, where 𝐜_r∈ℝ^K and 𝐒_r∈ℝ^I× J represent the r-th endmember and the r-th endmember's abundance map, respectively, and R is the number of endmembers contained in the HSI. More details about the decomposition in Eqn. (<ref>) can be found in the supplementary materials. Here we introduce the untrained network architecture and the variational inference-based loss function individually. Untrained Network Architecture. The physical interpretation of 𝐒_r and 𝐜_r makes it possible to utilize certain untrained networks to model these factors. Specifically, untrained U-Net-like “hourglass“ architecture in <cit.> and untrained full-connected networks (FCNs) are employed for abundance map modeling and endmember modeling, since abundance maps reveal similar qualities of the nature images <cit.> and the endmembers can be regarded as relatively simple 1D signals, as was done in <cit.>. Following this perspective, we model the HSI 𝐱∈ℝ^IJK as follows:[Actually, The parameters of the r U-Nets are independent of each other, as are the parameters of the r FCNs. In order to simplify notations, here we use θ and ζ to represent {θ_r}_r=1^R and {ζ_r}_r=1^R, respectively. ] 𝐱 = vec(𝒳) = vec(∑_r=1^R S_θ(𝐳_r) ∘ C_ζ(𝐰_r )), where S_θ(·):ℝ^N_a→ℝ^I× J is the untrained U-Net-like network for abundance map generation, and θ collects all the corresponding network weights; similarly, C_ζ(·):ℝ^N_s→ℝ^K and ζ denote the untrained FCN for endmember generation and the corresponding network weights, respectively; the vectors 𝐳_r∈ℝ^N_a and 𝐰_r∈ℝ^N_s are low-dimensional random vectors that are responsible for generating the r-th abundance map and endmember respectively. 𝐳_r and 𝐰_r are randomly initialized but fixed during the optimization process. It is worth noting that, instead of directly using the vanilla U-Net structure for abundance map modeling, we propose to introduce the attention mechanism <cit.> into the U-Net, which aims to enhance the self-supervised expression ability of the VS2M. The concrete structure of the untrained spatial and spectral networks is illustrated in the supplementary materials. Variational Inference-based Loss Function. We aim to estimate high-quality HSI 𝐱_0 using the aforementioned untrained spatial and spectral networks, and update their parameters at every reverse process step. Denoting {θ_t, ζ_t } as the parameters at step t, we first define a learnable generative process p_θ_t,ζ_t(𝐱_t | 𝐱_t+1,𝐲) by replacing the 𝐱_0 in q(𝐱_t | 𝐱_t+1, 𝐱_0, 𝐱) with 𝐱_θ_t,ζ_t, i.e., p_θ_t,ζ_t(𝐱_t | 𝐱_t+1,𝐲) ≜ q(𝐱_t | 𝐱_t+1, 𝐱_θ_t,ζ_t, 𝐲), where 𝐱_θ_t,ζ_t denotes the vector version of the estimated HSI at reverse process step t, i.e., 𝐱_θ_t,ζ_t = vec(∑_r=1^R S_θ_t(𝐳_r) ∘ C_ζ_t(𝐰_r )) The goal of is to find a set of parameters {θ_t, ζ_t} to make p_θ_t,ζ_t(𝐱_t | 𝐱_t+1,𝐲) as close to q(𝐱_t | 𝐱_t+1, 𝐱_0,𝐲) as possible, by maximizing the variational lower bound of the log likelihood objective: 𝔼_q(𝐱_0), q(𝐲|𝐱_0)[log p_θ, ζ(𝐱_0 | 𝐲)] ≥ 𝔼_q(𝐱_0:T), q(𝐲|𝐱_0)[log p_θ, ζ(𝐱_0:T | 𝐲) - log q (𝐱_1:T|𝐱_0,𝐲)]. Notably, the objective in Eqn. (<ref>) can be reduced into a denoising objective, i.e., estimating the underlying high-quality HSI 𝐱_0 from the noisy 𝐱_t (please refer to the supplementary materials for derivation). By reparameterizing Eqn. (<ref>) as 𝐱_t(𝐱_0, ϵ)=√(α̅_t)𝐱_0+√(1-α̅_t)ϵ for ϵ∼𝒩(0, 𝐈), our variation inference-based loss function can be designed as follows: min_{θ, ζ} 𝐱_t - vec(√(α̅_t)∑_r = 1^R S_θ (𝐳_r) ∘ C_ζ(𝐰_r))_F^2. Intuitively, given a noisy observation 𝐱_t+1, after optimizing {θ_t,ζ_t } from 𝐱_t+1 via Eqn. (<ref>) using the Adam <cit.>, 𝐱_θ_t,ζ_t can be derived via Eqn. (<ref>), and then 𝐱_t could be sampled from p_θ_t,ζ_t(𝐱_t | 𝐱_t+1,𝐲) defined in Eqn. (<ref>). In this way, the diffusion process could be reversed in a self-supervised manner with no need for extra training data. §.§ VS2M-Aided Reverse Diffusion Process Given a degradation matric 𝐇∈ℝ^m × n, its singular value decomposition is posed as: 𝐇 = 𝐔Σ𝐕^𝖳, where 𝐔∈ℝ^m × m, 𝐕∈ℝ^n × n are orthogonal matrices, and Σ∈ℝ^m × n is the rectangular diagonal matrix consisting of the singular values denoted as s_1 ≥ s_2 ≥…≥ s_n. The idea behind this is to tie the noise in the degraded signal 𝐲 with the diffusion noise in 𝐱_1:T, ensuring that the diffusion result 𝐱_0 is faithful to the degraded signal 𝐲 <cit.>. Before illustrating the reverse diffusion process in detail, we first rethink the difference between our and other diffusion-based methods <cit.> to guide the design of the reverse diffusion process. The main difference is how 𝐱_0 is predicted from 𝐱_t at each reverse step. In <cit.>, a denoising network is trained on a large amount of additional training data to predict 𝐱_0. By exploiting the external prior knowledge, this network could produce satisfactory 𝐱_0 even if 𝐱_t looks like pure Gaussian noise. Because of this, such a denoising network could work during the whole reverse diffusion process. However, it is difficult for untrained networks to produce a satisfactory image by denoising an image that is almost pure Gaussian noise. Therefore, starting inference from pure Gaussian is unsuitable for our . Following the above argument, we propose to start inference from a single forward diffusion with better initialization, instead of starting from pure Gaussian noise <cit.>. Specifically, we first perturb the degraded HSI 𝐲 via the forward diffusion process up to t_0 < T, where t_0 denotes the step that the reverse diffusion process starts from. Denoting 𝐱̅^(i) as the i-th index of vector 𝐱̅_t=𝐕^𝖳𝐱_t, 𝐲̅^(i) as the i-th index of 𝐲̅=Σ^†𝐔^𝖳𝐲, and 𝐱̅_θ_t, ζ_t^(i) as the i-th index of 𝐱̅_θ_t, ζ_t = 𝐕^𝖳𝐱_θ_t, ζ_t, for all t < t_0, the variational distribution is defined as: p_θ_t_0,ζ_t_0(𝐱̅_t_0^(i) | 𝐲) = 𝒩(𝐲̅^(i), σ_t_0^2-σ_y^2/s_i^2) if s_i>0 𝒩(0, σ_t_0^2) if s_i=0 p_θ_t,ζ_t(𝐱̅_t^(i) | 𝐱_t+1, 𝐲)= 𝒩(𝐱̅_θ_t,ζ_t^(i)+√(1-η^2)σ_t 𝐱̅_t+1^(i)-𝐱̅_θ_t,ζ_t^(i)/σ_t+1, η^2 σ_t^2) if s_i=0 𝒩(𝐱̅_θ_t,ζ_t^(i)+√(1-η^2)σ_t 𝐲̅^(i)-𝐱̅_θ_t,ζ_t^(i)/σ_𝐲 / s_i, η^2 σ_t^2) if σ_t<σ_𝐲/s_i 𝒩((1-η_b) 𝐱̅_θ_t,ζ_t^(i)+η_b 𝐲̅^(i), σ_t^2-σ_𝐲^2/s_i^2η_b^2) if σ_t ≥σ_𝐲/s_i where σ_t depending on the hyperparameter β_1:T denotes the variance of diffusion noise in 𝐱_t, and η, η_b are the hyperparameters, which control the level of noise injected at each timestep. Once 𝐱̅_θ_t, ζ_t is sampled from Eqn. (<ref>), it is easy to obtain 𝐱_θ_t, ζ_t exactly by left multiplying 𝐕. And the values of the parameters {θ_t_0, ζ_t_0} are randomly initialized. It is worth noting that the parameter updating (i.e, {θ, ζ}) and the reverse diffusion process are iteratively performed. The parameter values of each reverse diffusion step are inherited from the previous step, thus the parameters can be updated continuously during the reverse diffusion process. This reverse diffusion process is summarized in Algorithm <ref>. § EXPERIMENTS §.§ Comparisons with State-of-the-Arts In this paper, our interest lies in inheriting the 's powerful robustness to noise (which is unavoidable in the hyperspectral imaging process) to HSI restoration. Herein we mainly consider noisy HSI completion, HSI denoising, and noisy HSI super-resolution, and compare the proposed with the existing task-specific state-of-the-arts. Two frequently used evaluation metrics, namely, peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and structure similarity (SSIM), are adopted to evaluate the results. In general, better performance is reflected by higher PSNR and SSIM values. In , T is set as {3000, 1000, 1000} for noisy HSI completion, HSI denoising, and noisy HSI super-resolution, respectively, and the step t_0 to start reverse the diffusion process is set as T/2. We use η=0.95, η_b=1, and linearly increase β_1:T in which β_1=10^-4 and β_T = {2×10^-3, 5×10^-3}. The variance σ_t is set as a constant σ_t = 1-α̅_t-1/1-α̅_tβ_t for all experiments. The number of endmembers R is selected from {5, 10}. As for diffusion-based restoration methods  <cit.> and  <cit.>, the diffusion model in them is trained on a large-scale remote sensing imagery dataset AID <cit.> containing ten thousands of scene images, and HSI restoration is performed in a channel-by-channel manner. All of the compared methods' parameters are set as suggested by the authors, with parameter fine-tuning efforts to uplift their performance. For implementation details, parameters sensitivity analysis, and inference time analysis, please refer to the supplementary materials. §.§.§ Datasets and Compared Methods Noisy HSI Completion. The noisy HSI completion aims at recovering the underlying HSI from the noisy incompleted observation. We adopt a wide range of HSIs to conduct the experiments, including 32 natural HSIs[<https://www.cs.columbia.edu/CAVE/databases/multispectral/>] (i.e., CAVE dataset <cit.>), and 3 remote sensing HSIs[<http://lesun.weebly.com/hyperspectral-data-set.html>] (i.e., WDC Mall, Pavia Centre, and Pavia University datasets). The sampling rates are set as {0.1, 0.2, 0.3}, and the standard deviation σ of Gaussian noise in the range of [0,1] is set as 0.1. The compared methods consist of seven model-based methods (i.e.,  <cit.>,  <cit.>,  <cit.>,  <cit.>,  <cit.>,  <cit.>, and  <cit.>), two unsupervised deep learning-based methods (i.e.,  <cit.> and  <cit.>), and two diffusion-based methods (i.e.,  <cit.> and  <cit.>). HSI Denoising. The HSI denoising aims at recovering the clean HSI from its noisy observation. The data adopted in this experiment is the same as that in HSI completion, including 32 natural HSIs and 3 remote sensing HSIs. Herein we mainly consider Gaussian noise, and the standard deviation of Gaussian noise σ in the range of [0,1] is set as {0.1, 0.2, 0.3}. The compared methods consist of six model-based methods (i.e.,  <cit.>,  <cit.>,  <cit.>,  <cit.>,  <cit.>, and  <cit.>), two unsupervised deep learning-based methods (i.e.,  <cit.> and  <cit.>), and a supervised deep learning-based method (i.e.,  <cit.>). Since the purpose of the comparison with supervised methods in this work is to highlight the generalization ability of our methods, we directly use the models of trained on ICVL <cit.> with Gaussian noise provided by the authors. Noisy HSI Super-Resolution. The noisy HSI super-resolution aims at recovering high-resolution HSI from its noisy low-resolution counterpart. We adopt CAVE dataset <cit.> to conduct the experiments. The scale factor is set as ×2, ×4, and ×8, and the standard deviation of Gaussian noise σ in the range of [0,1] is set as 0.1. The compared methods include three supervised deep learning-based methods (i.e.,  <cit.>,  <cit.>, and  <cit.>), a model-based method (i.e.,  <cit.>), two unsupervised deep learning-based methods (i.e.,  <cit.> and  <cit.>), and a diffusion-based method (i.e.,  <cit.>). In order to comprehensively compare with supervised methods in terms of generalization ability to other datasets and other noise standard deviations, we train each supervised model under five different settings, i.e., CAVE without noise denoted as , CAVE with 0.1 Gaussian noise denoted as , CAVE with 0.05 Gaussian noise denoted as , CAVE with 0.03 Gaussian noise denoted as , and Chikusei dataset <cit.> with 0.1 Gaussian noise denoted as *. Here denotes the method name, i.e., , , and . §.§.§ Experimental Results The quantitative results of noisy HSI completion, HSI denoising, and noisy HSI super-resolution are reported in Tables <ref>, <ref>, and <ref>. We can observe that the proposed outperforms existing model-based, unsupervised deep learning-based, and diffusion-based methods in all three tasks, while yielding competitive results with respect to the state-of-the-art supervised deep learning-based methods. Specifically, as compared with the diffusion-based method , our method offers average PSNR improvement of 5.878 dB, 5.909 dB, and 3.998 dB in completion, denoising, and super-resolution, respectively. This observation validates that can more flexibly adapt to diverse HSIs in real scenarios. Additionally, in HSI super-resolution experiments, the supervised methods (i.e., , , and ) all perform best when trained with CAVE dataset with 0.1 Gaussian noise among the five different training settings, and their performance degrades significantly when trained with other noise levels or datasets. It is worth noting that, our achieves comparable performance with the best version of these supervised methods, and outperforms the models trained with other settings. This demonstrates the superiority of our against these supervised methods. Some visual results for different tasks are shown in Figures <ref>, <ref>, and <ref>[In Figure <ref> (i.e., super-resolution), the best results of the supervised methods are shown.]. As observed, the proposed is capable of preserving the most detailed information and demonstrating the best visual performance among the compared methods, which is consistent with its satisfactory performance in PSNR and SSIM. In addition, there is the least residual noise remaining in the results produced by , which demonstrates the superiority of in terms of noise robustness. We conjecture that such promising results can be attributed to the organic cooperation of untrained spatial and spectral networks and diffusion model, which is beneficial to the generalization ability to various HSIs and the robustness to noise. §.§ Ablation Study We test the impact of untrained spatial and spectral networks, and diffusion process in . The compared methods are listed as follows: ∙ without untrained spatial and spectral networks (dubbed DDS2M w/o untra.): To evaluate the impact of the untrained spatial and spectral networks, we remove the untrained spatial and spectral networks, and use an untrained U-Net to directly generate the whole HSI. ∙ without diffusion process (dubbed DDS2M w/o diffu.): To clarify the influence of the diffusion process, we remove the diffusion process and make the untrained spatial and spectral networks directly fit the degraded HSI in an iterative scheme. We consider HSI denoising (σ=0.3), noisy HSI completion (sampling rate=0.1, σ=0.1), and noisy HSI super-resolutin (scale factor=2, σ=0.1). HSI Fruits from the CAVE dataset is selected as an example. The results are shown in Table <ref>. We can observe that the untrained spatial and spectral networks, and the diffusion process could indeed significantly boost the restoration performance. More implementation details can be found in the supplementary materials. § CONCLUSION This work reveals a new insight on how to synergistically integrate existing diffusion models with untrained neural networks, and puts forth a self-supervised diffusion model for HSI restoration, namely Denoising Diffusion Spatio-Spectral Model (). By virtue of our proposed Variational Spatio-Spectral Module (VS2M), the diffusion process can be reversed solely using the degraded HSI without any extra training data. Benefiting from its self-supervised nature and diffusion process, admits stronger generalization ability to various HSIs relative to existing diffusion-based methods and superior robustness to noise relative to existing HSI restoration methods. ieee_fullname