Generating multiple-choice questions for medical question answering with distractors and cue-masking
[ "Damien Sileo", "Kanimozhi Uma", "Marie-Francine Moens" ]
[ "cs.CL", "H.4; H.5; I.2" ]
[ Sven Apel March 30, 2023 ================== Medical multiple-choice question answering (MCQA) is particularly difficult. Questions may describe patient symptoms and ask for the correct diagnosis, which requires domain knowledge and complex reasoning. Standard language modeling pretraining alone is not sufficient to achieve the best results. <cit.> showed that focusing masked language modeling on disease name prediction when using medical encyclopedic paragraphs as input leads to considerable MCQA accuracy improvement. In this work, we show that (1) fine-tuning on generated MCQA dataset outperforms the masked language modeling based objective and (2) correctly masking the cues to the answers is critical for good performance. We release new pretraining datasets and achieve state-of-the-art results on 4 MCQA datasets, notably +5.7% with base-size model on MedQA-USMLE. § INTRODUCTION The multiple-choice question answering <cit.> task can be formulated with {Q, {O_1 ...O_N}} examples where Q represents a question and O the candidate options. The goal is to select the correct answer from the options. Medical multiple-choice question answering (MCQA) has valuable applications for patient or physician assistance, but is limited by the accuracy of current systems. Medical knowledge is key to this task which can ask questions about patient diagnosis or the appropriate treatment. Medical knowledge graphs, such as UMLS <cit.> and SnomedCT <cit.> mainly encode terminological knowledge <cit.>. They are sparse when it comes to the practical medical knowledge which is instead available as text in encyclopedias. Various training methodologies allow text encoders to absorb external knowledge. Text encoders acquire some factual knowledge via masked language modeling (MLM) <cit.>, but <cit.> showed that MLM objective solely focused on disease names significantly enhances downstream task accuracy. We compare targeted MLM with auxiliary pretraining on a generated MCQA dataset constructed with medical concepts as answers, associated paragraphs as questions Q, and generated distractors as other options. In particular, we show that we can leverage differential diagnoses to obtain distractors. Strictly speaking, differential diagnosis is the process of differentiating several conditions by examining the associated clinical features with additional tests. The term differential diagnosis is also used to denote commonly associated conditions that often need to be distinguished – bronchitis is a differential diagnosis of common cold. We assemble a dataset of differential diagnoses and show that they provide helpful distractors. We also show that we can find differential diagnoses with a model trained to retrieve incorrect options based on the correct option from an existing MCQA dataset. We then analyze the importance of properly masking the cues[A cue is the presence of a set of tokens that can help the prediction of the correct answer.] to the correct option O^*, i.e., parts of the answer that are present in Q. The DiseaseBERT pretraining masks all the tokens from the disease name to incentivize the model to look at the symptoms. We show that token-level masking is sub-optimal, as the masking of some tokens can also give away the answer. We propose a new masking scheme tailored to MCQA pretraining, called probability-matching cue masking, to prevent both present and masked token from giving away the answer. We also collect new sources of encyclopedic text for medical pretraining. Our contributions are: (i) We compare MLM, targeted MLM and auxiliary fine-tuning on generated MCQA data; (ii) We identify issues with previous cue-masking techniques and propose a new masking strategy; (iii) We propose and distribute[https://huggingface.co/datasets/sileod/wikimedqa] new pretraining datasets; and (iv) We perform controlled comparison experiments for our contributions and achieve state-of-the-art on 4 datasets. § RELATED WORK Medical text encoders pretraining Numerous models <cit.> adapt BERT pretraining to the biomedical domain to derive domain-specific text encoders. Our work is close to DiseaseBERT <cit.> which builds upon these encoders as an additional pretraining stage <cit.> to improve their knowledge. Other work focus on external knowledge extraction <cit.> and integration <cit.>, but knowledge augmented models still rely on pretrained text encoders. Medical question answering Multiple datasets were proposed for medical MCQA for English <cit.>, Spanish (with English translations) <cit.> and Chinese <cit.>. PubMedQA <cit.> and emrQA <cit.> are other large-scale biomedical QA datasets, but they address extractive question answering, i.e., cases where the answer to a question is explicitly in the text. Our work is the first to generate MCQA data for medical domain pretraining. Distractor prediction Our work is related to the problem of generating distractors for multiple-choice questions. These models use the existing answers to derive other answers that are plausible yet wrong. We distinguish two strands of approaches. Retrieval-based models use the correct answer as a query to retrieve related yet wrong alternatives among the answers to other questions <cit.>. Generation-based models <cit.> learn to generate distractors with language models and focus on the diversity and adequacy of the generated distractors. Here, we tailor distractor prediction to medical MCQA and also draw a new parallel between distractor generation and differential diagnosis. § IMPROVING KNOWLEDGE INFUSION DiseaseBERT infuses knowledge by predicting title tokens based on paragraphs where title tokens are masked. We replace that stage with a fine-tuning stage with synthetic MCQA data and provide new analyses on token masking. Figure <ref> illustrates the MCQA generation process and the problem of extraneous masking. §.§ MCQA data generation with differential diagnoses and distractor retrieval We generate data by using paragraphs content as questions Q, the title as a correct option O^*, and to generate interesting data, we look for related but distinct options, and we mask the direct cues to the correct options in Q. We noticed that some Wikipedia pages were associated with differential diagnoses cross-linked on DBPedia. We collect associations between pages and differential diagnoses and use them as negative examples. In section <ref>, we will show that they constitute high-quality negative examples. Since these differential diagnoses are not available for all pages, - especially pages that are not related to diseases, but procedures -, we derive negative examples by using a retrieval model. We will train a retrieval model on previous, smaller MCQA datasets, and evaluate the retriever's ability to find differential diagnoses. We then use the retrieval models to find the most related titles on the same encyclopedia. We also experimented with distractor generation by using generative models, but obtained unconvincing results. One advantage of using retrieval, is that because of editorial choices, each page covers different information. This prevents retrieved negative examples from being too similar to the correct answer, and this feature is not exploited by distractor LM-based generations models. §.§ Cue masking Naive masking <cit.> masks tokens that are in the answer. However, masking some particular tokens is not necessarily concealing the information about the targeted disease. Some specific tokens are masked everywhere (e.g., a dash -). If these tokens can be predicted based on surrounding terms, the correct disease can be guessed without actually using useful medical knowledge. We call the masking that helps easy guesses extraneous masking, an example of which is illustrated in Figure <ref>, where the masked dash can give away the answer if the model has learned that a dash is plausible between RT and PCR. To address this problem, we will evaluate word-level masking, which necessarily leads to less extraneous masking. Probability-matching masking (ours) Another problem with naive masking is that if tokens from the correct answer are necessarily masked, a model can detect an incorrect option when it contains a word w that is in the question as w would be masked if the option was correct. We propose a new strategy that takes advantage of the negative examples to alleviate this phenomena. Instead of always masking a word when it is in the correct answer, we mask a word w with the following probability: p_w= 1/|{O_i, w∈ O_i, i∈1..N}| where O denotes the other options. This masking scheme ensures that no cue-based classifier can predict the correct answer based on neither presence nor absence of specific tokens. It also prevents common tokens from being unnecessarily masked. § DATASETS §.§ Pretraining data We collect new pretraining data from three open-source websites: Wikipedia Medicine Portal We crawl pages from the Wikipedia Medicine projects which indexes medical pages.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:All_WikiProject_Medicine_articlesen.wikipedia.org/...medicine_articles We remove pages that match persons or organizations according to WikiData, and pages referring to years. We obtain a total of 75k paragraphs. Wikidoc We crawl overview pages from the WikiDoc specialized encyclopediahttps://www.wikidoc.org/index.php?title=Special:AllPageswww.wikidoc.org/...:AllPages which leads to 28k paragraphs. WikEM We crawl content pages from the the WikEM encyclopediahttps://wikem.org/w/index.php?title=Special:AllPages hideredirects=1wikem.org/...?title=Special:AllPages which is an open source medical encyclopedia targeted for emergency medicine, and we obtain 15k paragraphs. §.§ Downstream tasks We use 4 medical MCQA datasets to perform evaluation. These datasets contain a question and four options, one of them being correct. MedQA-USMLE <cit.> gathers 10k/1.2k/1.2k train/validation/test medical MCQA examples collected from training questions for medical entrance exams found on the Web. MedMCQA <cit.> contains 182k/6.2k/4.2k train/validation/test medical entrance exam training questions. HEAD-QA <cit.> we focus on the medical questions translated to English with 0.2k 0.4k validation/test examples, and use the MedMCQA train set as our train set. MMLU <cit.> is the professional medicine subset of the MMLU language understanding benchmark, which contains 272 test examples. Following <cit.>, we used MedQA-USMLE as a training set. § EXPERIMENTS We generate MCQA examples with the aggregated paragraphs of the pretraining data from Section <ref>, with the distractor generation of section and masking strategies of section <ref>. We first compare cue masking schemes and pretraining objectives, with ablations on the MedQA-USMLE dataset, then show overall results with the other datasets. We fine-tune BioLinkBERT[ WikiMedQA fine-tuning also improves the accuracy of PubMedBERT <cit.> and BioElectra <cit.> but both still underperform BioLinkBERT on downstream tasks] on WikiMedQA then evaluate BioLinkBERT+WikiMedQA on each downstream task with fine-tuning. We always use standard hyperparameters (5 epochs, sequence length of 256, learning rate of 2.10^-5 batch size of 16). We use a multiple-choice-question answering setup (we predict logit scores for each option by concatenating the question and the option, then use a softmax and optimize the likelihood of the correct option). §.§ Knowledge augmentation We also evaluate the pretrained models in a setting where retrieved external knowledge is concatenated to the question. We index previously mentioned Wikipedia medical articles with a BM25[We also experimented with Dense Passage Retrieval <cit.> but obtained inferior results.] search engine, using ElasticSearch 8.0 default hyperparameters <cit.>, and we concatenate the 10 most relevant passages[The concatenated knowledge is truncated if it leads to overflow of text encoder input maximum sequence length.]. §.§ Distractor prediction To perform distractor prediction, we optimize the ranking loss <cit.> on the SentenceBERT framework <cit.> using a BioLinkBERT-base <cit.> text encoder and default parameters. We train the ranking model on the MedMCQA training examples, using the correct answer as a query, the associated non-correct options as relevant and answers to other questions as irrelevant distractors. We evaluate distractor prediction on 3446 differential diagnoses collected on DBPedia, and found out that using a disease as a query returns a correct differential diagnosis with precision@3/recall@3 of 11%/15%[Random chance scores less than 0.2%/0.2%. BM25 scores 0.6%/0.7%]. We generate 7 incorrect options for each title associated with the paragraphs of texts from the section <ref>, and we use probability-matching cue masking to build the WikiMedQA dataset. We use differential diagnoses and retrieved distractors as additional options. §.§ Cue masking and distractors retrieval Table <ref> compares fine-tuning on the WikiMedQA Wikipedia part to the DiseaseBERT infusion, and shows the impact of masking strategies. Word-level masking outperforms token-level masking, which shows that less masking leads to less extraneous masking and better knowledge infusion. Probability-matching masking also outperforms naive masking at the word level which further validates the importance of addressing extraneous masking. Finally, removing the differential diagnoses from the options substantially decreases accuracy, which showcases the value of differential diagnoses as natural distractors. From now on, we refer to the generated data with differential diagnoses and probability-matching masking as WikiMedQA. §.§ Overall results Table <ref> shows the test accuracy of BioLinkBERT fine-tuned on WikiMedQA then on various datasets, compared to the task-specific state-of-the-art. Fine-tuning on WikiMedQA leads to considerable accuracy improvements on all tasks, whether external knowledge is available or not, which shows that this pretraining leads to generalizable text representations for medical question answering. § CONCLUSION We proposed a new dataset for Medical MCQA in English pretraining by leveraging distractors retrieval and cue masking. We identified the problem of extraneous masking, proposed the probability-matching masking and demonstrated its advantage, and showed that differential diagnoses were helpful distractors. Fine-tuning on WikiMedQA leads to considerable improvement on several datasets, and this method can be ported to other languages. § ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was supported by the CHISTERA grant of the Call XAI 2019 of the ANR with the grant number Project-ANR-21-CHR4-000. acl_natbib
One-Shot Segmentation of Novel White Matter Tracts via Extensive Data Augmentation
[ "Wan Liu", "Qi Lu", "ZhiZheng Zhuo", "Yaou Liu", "Chuyang Ye" ]
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
One-Shot Novel WM Tract Segmentation via Data Augmentation Liu et al. ^1School of Integrated Circuits and Electronics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China chuyang.ye@bit.edu.cn ^2Department of Radiology, Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China One-Shot Segmentation of Novel White Matter Tracts via Extensive Data Augmentation Wan Liu^1, Qi Lu^1, Zhizheng Zhuo^2, Yaou Liu^2, Chuyang Ye^1() Received: date / Accepted: date ================================================================================== Deep learning based methods have achieved state-of-the-art performance for automated white matter (WM) tract segmentation. In these methods, the segmentation model needs to be trained with a large number of manually annotated scans, which can be accumulated throughout time. When novel WM tracts—i.e., tracts not included in the existing annotated WM tracts—are to be segmented, additional annotations of these novel WM tracts need to be collected. Since tract annotation is time-consuming and costly, it is desirable to make only a few annotations of novel WM tracts for training the segmentation model, and previous work has addressed this problem by transferring the knowledge learned for segmenting existing WM tracts to the segmentation of novel WM tracts. However, accurate segmentation of novel WM tracts can still be challenging in the one-shot setting, where only one scan is annotated for the novel WM tracts. In this work, we explore the problem of one-shot segmentation of novel WM tracts. Since in the one-shot setting the annotated training data is extremely scarce, based on the existing knowledge transfer framework, we propose to further perform extensive data augmentation for the single annotated scan, where synthetic annotated training data is produced. We have designed several different strategies that mask out regions in the single annotated scan for data augmentation. To avoid learning from potentially conflicting information in the synthetic training data produced by different data augmentation strategies, we choose to perform each strategy separately for network training and obtain multiple segmentation models. Then, the segmentation results given by these models are ensembled for the final segmentation of novel WM tracts. Our method was evaluated on public and in-house datasets. The experimental results show that our method improves the accuracy of one-shot segmentation of novel WM tracts. § INTRODUCTION The segmentation of white matter (WM) tracts based on diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) provides an important tool for the understanding of brain wiring <cit.>. It allows identification of different WM pathways and has benefited various brain studies <cit.>. Since manual delineations of WM tracts can be time-consuming and subjective, automated approaches to WM tract segmentation are developed <cit.>, and methods based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have achieved state-of-the-art performance <cit.>. The success of CNN-based WM tract segmentation relies on a large number of annotated scans that are accumulated throughout time for network training. However, in a new study, novel WM tracts that are not included in the existing annotated WM tracts may be of interest <cit.> and need to be segmented. Repeating the annotation for the novel WM tracts on a large number of scans can be very laborious and prohibitive, and accurate segmentation of novel WM tracts becomes challenging when only a few annotations are made for them. Previous work has addressed this few-shot segmentation problem with a transfer learning strategy, where the knowledge learned for segmenting existing WM tracts with abundant annotated data is transferred to the segmentation of novel WM tracts <cit.>. In <cit.>, a CNN-based segmentation model pretrained for segmenting existing WM tracts is used to initialize the target network for segmenting novel WM tracts, so that even with only a few annotations of novel WM tracts the network can learn adequately for the segmentation during fine-tuning. In addition, instead of using classic fine-tuning that discards the pretrained task-specific weights, an improved fine-tuning strategy is developed in <cit.> for more effective knowledge transfer, where all weights in the pretrained model can be exploited for initializing the target segmentation model. Despite the promising results achieved in <cit.> for few-shot segmentation of novel WM tracts, when the number of annotated scans for novel WM tracts decreases to one, the segmentation is still challenging. Since fewer annotations are preferred to reduce the annotation time and cost, the development of accurate approaches to one-shot segmentation of novel WM tracts needs further investigation. In this work, we seek to improve one-shot segmentation of novel WM tracts. We focus on volumetric WM tract segmentation <cit.>, where voxels are directly labeled without necessarily performing tractography <cit.>. Since in the one-shot setting annotated training data is extremely scarce, based on the pretraining and fine-tuning framework developed in <cit.>, we propose to address the one-shot segmentation problem with extensive data augmentation. Existing data augmentation strategies can be categorized into those based on basic image transformation <cit.>, generative models<cit.>, image mixing <cit.>, and image masking <cit.>. Basic image transformation is already applied by default in CNN-based WM tract segmentation <cit.>, yet it is insufficient for the one-shot segmentation due to the limited diversity of the augmented data. The training of generative models usually requires a large amount of annotated data, or at least a large amount of unannotated data <cit.>, which is not guaranteed in the one-shot setting. Image mixing requires at least two annotated images <cit.>, which is also infeasible in the one-shot setting. Therefore, we develop several strategies based on image masking for data augmentation, where the single annotated image is manipulated by masking out regions in different ways to synthetize additional training data. The masking is performed randomly either with uniform distributions or according to the spatial location of novel WM tracts, and the annotation of the synthetic image can also be determined in different ways. The augmented data is used to fine-tune the model for segmenting novel WM tracts. To avoid learning from potentially conflicting information in the synthetic data produced by different strategies, we choose to perform each data augmentation strategy separately to train multiple segmentation models, and the outputs of these models are ensembled for the final segmentation. We evaluated the proposed method on two brain dMRI datasets. The results show that our method improves the accuracy of one-shot segmentation of novel WM tracts. The code of our method is available at <https://github.com/liuwan0208/One-Shot-Extensive-Data-Augmentation>. § METHODS §.§ Background: Knowledge Transfer for Segmenting Novel WM Tracts Suppose we are given a CNN-based model ℳ_e that segments M existing WM tracts, for which a large number of annotations have been accumulated for training. We are interested in training a CNN-based model ℳ_n for segmenting N novel WM tracts, for which only one scan is annotated due to annotation cost. Existing work <cit.> has attempted to address this problem with a transfer learning strategy based on the pretraining and fine-tuning framework, where ℳ_e and ℳ_n share the same network structure for feature extraction, and their last task-specific layers are different. In classic fine-tuning, the network weights of the learned feature extraction layers of ℳ_e are used to initialize the feature extraction layers of ℳ_n, and the task-specific layer of ℳ_n is randomly initialized. Then, all weights of ℳ_n are fine-tuned with the single scan annotated for novel WM tracts. However, the classic fine-tuning strategy discards the information in the task-specific layer of ℳ_e. As different WM tracts cross or overlap, existing and novel WM tracts can be correlated, and the task-specific layer of ℳ_e for segmenting existing WM tracts may also bear relevant information for segmenting novel WM tracts. Therefore, to exploit all the knowledge learned in ℳ_e, in <cit.> an improved fine-tuning strategy is developed, which, after derivation, can be conveniently achieved with a warmup stage. Specifically, the feature extraction layers of ℳ_n are first initialized with those of ℳ_e. Then, in the warmup stage, the feature extraction layers of ℳ_n are fixed and only the last task-specific layer of ℳ_n (randomly initialized) is learned with the single annotated image. Finally, all weights of ℳ_n are jointly fine-tuned with the single annotated image. §.§ Extensive Data Augmentation for One-Shot Segmentation of Novel WM Tracts Although the transfer learning approach in <cit.> has improved the few-shot segmentation of novel WM tracts, when the training data for novel WM tracts is extremely scarce with only one annotated image, the segmentation is still challenging. Therefore, we continue to explore the problem of one-shot segmentation of novel WM tracts. Based on the pretraining and fine-tuning framework developed in <cit.>, we propose to more effectively exploit the information in the single annotated image with extensive data augmentation for network training. Suppose the annotated image is 𝐗 and its annotation is 𝐘 (0 for background and 1 for foreground); then we obtain a set of synthetic annotated training images 𝐗 and the synthetic annotations 𝐘 by transforming 𝐗 and 𝐘. We develop several data augmentation strategies for the purpose, which are described below. §.§.§ Random Cutout First, motivated by the Cutout data augmentation method <cit.> that has been successfully applied to image classification problems, we propose to obtain the synthetic image 𝐗 by transforming 𝐗 with region masking: 𝐗 = 𝐗⊙ (1-𝐌), where ⊙ represents voxelwise multiplication and 𝐌 is a binary mask representing the region that is masked out. 𝐌 is designed as a 3D box randomly selected with uniform distributions. Mathematically, suppose the ranges of 𝐌 in the x-, y-, and z-direction are (r_x, r_x + w_x), (r_y, r_y + w_y), and (r_z, r_z + w_z), respectively; then we follow <cit.> and select the box as r_x∼U(0,R_x), r_y∼U(0,R_y), r_z∼U(0,R_z), w_x=R_x√(1-λ), w_y=R_y√(1-λ), w_z=R_z√(1-λ), λ∼Beta(1, 1), where U(·, ·) represents the uniform distribution, R_x, R_y, and R_z are the image dimensions in the x-, y-, and z-direction, respectively, and λ is sampled from the beta distribution Beta(1, 1) to control the size of the masked region. The voxelwise annotation 𝐘 for 𝐗 also needs to be determined. Intuitively, we can obtain 𝐘 with the same masking operation for 𝐗: 𝐘 = 𝐘⊙ (1-𝐌). The strategy that obtains synthetic training data using Eqs. (<ref>) and (<ref>) with the sampling in Eqs. (<ref>) and (<ref>) is referred to as Random Cutout One (RC1). Besides RC1, it is also possible to keep the original annotation 𝐘 for the masked image 𝐗, so that the network learns to restore the segmentation result in the masked region. In this case, the synthetic annotation 𝐘 is simply determined as 𝐘 = 𝐘. The use of Eqs. (<ref>) and (<ref>) for obtaining synthetic training data with the sampling in Eqs. (<ref>) and (<ref>) is referred to as Random Cutout Two (RC2). §.§.§ Tract Cutout Since we perform data augmentation for segmenting novel WM tracts, in addition to RC1 and RC2, it is possible to obtain 𝐌 with a focus on the novel WM tracts. To this end, we design the computation of 𝐌 as 𝐌=⌈1/N∑_j=1^Na^j𝐘^j⌉, where 𝐘^j denotes the annotation of the j-th novel WM tract in 𝐘, a^j is sampled from the Bernoulli distribution Bernoulli(0.5) to determine whether 𝐘^j contributes to the computation of 𝐌, and ⌈·⌉ represents the ceiling operation. In this way, 𝐌 is the union of the regions of a randomly selected subset of the novel WM tracts, and thus the masked region depends on the novel WM tracts. With the masking strategy in Eq. (<ref>), we can still use Eq. (<ref>) or (<ref>) to determine the synthetic annotation. When Eq. (<ref>) or (<ref>) is used, the data augmentation strategy is named Tract Cutout One (TC1) or Tract Cutout Two (TC2), respectively. No duplicate synthetic images are allowed in TC1 or TC2. §.§.§ Network Training with Augmented Data By repeating the region masking in each data augmentation strategy, a set of synthetic annotated images can be produced. Since the synthetic images can appear unrealistic, they are used only in the warmup stage of the improved fine-tuning framework in <cit.>, where the last layer of ℳ_n is learned. In the final fine-tuning step that updates all network weights in ℳ_n, only the real annotated training image is used. In addition, to avoid that the network learns from potentially conflicting information in the synthetic data produced by different strategies, we choose to perform each data augmentation strategy separately and obtain four different networks for segmenting novel WM tracts. At test time, the predictions of the four networks are ensembled with majority voting[The tract label is set to one when the votes are tied.] to obtain the final segmentation. §.§ Implementation Details We use the state-of-the-art TractSeg architecture <cit.> for volumetric WM tract segmentation as our backbone segmentation network, which takes fiber orientation maps as input. Like <cit.>, the fiber orientation maps are computed with constrained spherical deconvolution (CSD) <cit.> or multi-shell multi-tissue CSD (MSMT-CSD) <cit.> for single-shell or multi-shell dMRI data, respectively, and three fiber orientations are allowed in the network input <cit.>. We follow <cit.> and perform 2D WM tract segmentation for each image view separately, and the results are fused to obtain the final 3D WM tract segmentation. The proposed data augmentation is performed offline. Since given N novel WM tracts TC1 or TC2 can produce at most 2^N-1 different images, we set the number of synthetic scans produced by each data augmentation strategy to min(2^N-1,100). Note that traditional data augmentation, such as elastic deformation, scaling, intensity perturbation, etc., is applied online in TractSeg to training images. Thus, these operations are also applied to the synthetic training data online. The training configurations are set according to TractSeg, where Adamax <cit.> is used to minimize the binary cross entropy loss with a batch size of 56, an initial learning rate of 0.001, and 300 epochs <cit.>. The model corresponding to the epoch with the best segmentation accuracy on a validation set is selected. § EXPERIMENTS §.§ Data Description and Experimental Settings For evaluation, experiments were performed on the publicly available Human Connectome Project (HCP) dataset <cit.> and an in-house dataset. The dMRI scans in the HCP dataset were acquired with 270 diffusion gradients (three b-values) and a voxel size of 1.25 mm isotropic. In <cit.> 72 major WM tracts were annotated for the HCP dataset, and the annotations are also publicly available. For the list of the 72 WM tracts, we refer readers to <cit.>. The dMRI scans in the in-house dataset were acquired with 270 diffusion gradients (three b-values) and a voxel size of 1.7 mm isotropic. In this dataset, only ten of the 72 major WM tracts were annotated due to the annotation cost. Following <cit.>, we selected the same 60 WM tracts as existing WM tracts, and a segmentation model was pretrained for these tracts with the HCP dMRI scans, where 48 and 15 annotated scans were used as the training set and validation set, respectively. To evaluate the performance of one-shot segmentation of novel WM tracts, we considered a more realistic and challenging scenario where novel WM tracts are to be segmented on dMRI scans that are acquired differently from the dMRI scans annotated for existing WM tracts. Specifically, instead of using the original HCP dMRI scans for segmenting novel WM tracts, we generated clinical quality scans from them. The clinical quality scans were generated by selecting only 34 diffusion gradients at b = 1000 s/mm^2 and downsampling the selected diffusion weighted images in the spatial domain by a factor of two to the voxel size of 2.5 mm isotropic. The tract annotations were also downsampled accordingly. Since the dMRI scans in the in-house dataset were acquired differently from the original HCP dMRI scans, they were directly used for evaluation together with their original annotations. The two datasets were used to evaluate the accuracy of one-shot segmentation of novel WM tracts separately based on the model pretrained on the original HCP dataset for segmenting existing WM tracts. We considered three cases of novel WM tracts for each dataset. For the clinical quality scans, the three cases are referred to as CQ1, CQ2, and CQ3, and for the in-house dataset, the three cases are referred to as IH1, IH2, and IH3. The details about these cases are summarized in Table <ref>. For each dataset, only one scan was selected from it for network training, together with the corresponding annotation of novel WM tracts.[The single annotated scan was also used as the validation set for model selection.] For the clinical quality dataset and the in-house dataset, 30 and 16 scans were used for testing, respectively, where the annotations of novel WM tracts were available and only used to measure the segmentation accuracy. §.§ Evaluation of Segmentation Results We compared the proposed method with two competing methods, which are the classic fine-tuning strategy and the improved fine-tuning strategy <cit.> described in Section <ref> with the same pretrained model and single annotated training scan used by the proposed method. Both competing methods were integrated with TractSeg <cit.> like the proposed method. For convenience, the classic fine-tuning strategy and the improved fine-tuning strategy are referred to as CFT and IFT, respectively. Note that as shown in <cit.>, in the one-shot setting directly training a model that segments novel WM tracts from scratch without the pretrained model would lead to segmentation failure. Thus, this strategy was not considered. We first qualitatively evaluated the proposed method. Examples of the segmentation results for novel WM tracts are shown in Fig. <ref> for the proposed and competing methods, where the annotations are also displayed for reference. For demonstration, here we show the results obtained in the case of CQ1 for CST_left and OR_right. We can see that the segmentation results of our method better resemble the annotations than those of the competing methods. Next, we quantitatively evaluated our method. The Dice coefficient was computed for the segmentation result of each novel WM tract on each test scan for each case. For demonstration, we have listed the average Dice coefficient of each novel WM tract in Table <ref> for the cases of CQ1 and IH1. For each tract and each case, our method has a higher average Dice coefficient than the competing methods, and the improvement is statistically significant. We have also summarized the mean of the average Dice coefficients of the novel WM tracts for all the cases in Table <ref> (upper half table). In all cases our method outperforms the competing methods with higher mean Dice coefficients. Finally, we confirmed the benefit of each proposed data augmentation strategy, as well as the benefit of ensembling their results. For each case, the mean value of the average Dice coefficients of all novel WM tracts was computed for the segmentation results achieved with RC1, RC2, TC1, or TC2 individually, and the results are also given in Table <ref> (lower half table). Compared with the results of IFT that did not use the proposed data augmentation, the integration of IFT with RC1, RC2, TC1, or TC2 led to improved segmentation accuracy, which indicates the individual benefit of each proposed data augmentation strategy. In addition, the Dice coefficients of the proposed method achieved with ensembling are higher than those achieved with a single data augmentation strategy, which confirms the benefit of ensembling. Note that there is not a data augmentation strategy that is better or worse than the others in all cases, which is possibly because of the randomness in RC1 and RC2 and the dependence of TC1 and TC2 on the spatial coverages of the novel WM tracts that vary in different cases. § CONCLUSION We have proposed an approach to one-shot segmentation of novel WM tracts based on an improved pretraining and fine-tuning framework via extensive data augmentation. The data augmentation is performed with region masking, and several masking strategies are developed. The segmentation results achieved with these strategies are ensembled for the final segmentation. The experimental results on two brain dMRI datasets show that the proposed method improves the accuracy of novel WM tract segmentation in the one-shot setting. §.§.§ Acknowledgements This work is supported by Beijing Natural Science Foundation (L192058). splncs04
Bayes Complexity of Learners vs Overfitting
[ "Grzegorz Głuch", "Rudiger Urbanke" ]
[ "cs.LG", "stat.ML" ]
observationObservation claimClaim factFact assumptionAssumption noteNote lieLie theory derivation mycomment M>X<L>r<Bayes Complexity of Learners vs Overfitting]Bayes Complexity of Learners vs OverfittingGrzegorz Głuchgrzegorz.gluch@epfl.ch Ruediger Urbankeruediger.urbanke@epfl.ch EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland[ Hiroshi C. Watanabe March 30, 2023 ======================= We introduce a new notion of complexity of functions and we show that it has the following properties: (i) it governs a PAC Bayes-like generalization bound, (ii) for neural networks it relates to natural notions of complexity of functions (such as the variation), and (iii) it explains the generalization gap between neural networks and linear schemes. While there is a large set of papers which describes bounds that have each such property in isolation, and even some that have two, as far as we know, this is a first notion that satisfies all three of them. Moreover, in contrast to previous works, our notion naturally generalizes to neural networks with several layers. Even though the computation of our complexity is nontrivial in general, an upper-bound is often easy to derive, even for higher number of layers and functions with structure, such as period functions. An upper-bound we derive allows to show a separation in the number of samples needed for good generalization between 2 and 4-layer neural networks for periodic functions. § INTRODUCTION There is a large body of literature devoted to the question of generalization, both from a practical point of view as well as concerning our theoretical understanding, e.g., <cit.>, to mention just a few. We add to this discussion. In particular, we ask what role is played by the hypothesis class assuming a Bayesian point of view. Our main observation is that there is a striking theoretical difference between linear schemes and neural networks. In a nutshell, neural networks, when trained with appropriate gradient methods using a modest amount of training data, strongly prefer hypothesis that are “easy” to represent in the sense that there is a large parameter space that approximately represents this hypothesis. For linear schemes no such preference exists. This leads us to a notion of a complexity of a function with respect to a given hypothesis class and prior. We then show that (i) this complexity is the main component in a standard PAC-Bayes bound, and (ii) that the ordering implied by this complexity corresponds well to “natural” notions of complexity of functions that have previously been discussed in the literature. In words, neural networks learn “simple” functions and hence do not tend to overfit. For n ∈ we define [n] = {1,…,n}. Let be the input space, be the output space and := × be the sample space. Let ℋ_θ be the hypothesis class, parameterized by θ∈ℝ^m. We define the loss as a function ℓ: ℋ×→_+. We focus on the clipped to C version of the quadratic loss but our results can be generalized to other loss functions. We denote by _x a distribution on the input space , and by a distribution on the sample space . Finally, we let ={z_1, ⋯ z_N} be the given sample set, where we assume that the individual samples are chosen iid according to the distribution 𝒟. §.§ The PAC Bayes Bound Our starting point is a version of the well-known PAC-Bayes bound, see <cit.>. Let the loss function ℓ be bounded, i.e., ℓ: ℋ×𝒵→ [0, C]. Let P be a prior on ℋ and Q be any other distribution on ℋ (possibly dependent on ). Then _[L_𝒟(Q)] ≤_[ L_(Q) + C√(D(Q P)/2N)], where L_𝒟(Q) = _z ∼𝒟; h ∼ Q[ℓ(h, z)], L_(Q) = _ h ∼ Q[1/N∑_n=1^Nℓ(h, z_i)], and the divergence D(Q P) is defined as D(Q P) = ∫ Q logQ/P. There is a large body of literature that discusses use cases, interpretations, and extensions of this bound. Let us just mention a few closely related works. A related prior notion is that of flat minima. These are minimizers in the parameter space that are surrounded by many functions with similarly small empirical error. The reason for this connection is straightforward. In order for Q to give a good bound two properties have to be fullfilled: (i) Q must be fairly broad so that D(Q P) is not too large (afterall, P must be broad since we do not know the function a priori), and (ii) Q must give rise to a low expected empirical error. These properties are exactly the characteristics one expects from a flat minimum. The importance of such minima was recognized early on, see e.g., <cit.> and <cit.>. More recently <cit.> and <cit.> derive from this insight an algorithm for training discrete neural networks that explicitly drives the local search towards non-isolated solution. Using a Bayesian approach they argue that these minima have good generalization. Building on these ideas <cit.> give an algorithm with the aim to directly optimize (<ref>). They demonstrate empirically that the distributions Q's they find give non-vacuous generalization bounds. To summarize, the bound (<ref>) can be used in various ways. In the simplest case, given a prior P and an algorithm that produces a “posterior”Q, (<ref>) gives a probabilistic upper bound on the average true risk if we sample the hypothesis according to Q. But (<ref>) can also be taken as the starting point of an optimization problem. Given a prior distribution P one can in principle look for the posterior Q that gives the best such bound. Further, one can split the available data and use one part to find a suitable prior P and the remaining part to define a that posterior Q distribution that minimizes this bound. We take the PAC-Bayes bound as our starting point. We impose a Gaussian distribution on the weights of the model. This defines our prior P. In principle other priors can be used for our approach but a Gaussian is the most natural choice and it illustrates the main point of the paper in the cleanest fashion. Further, we postulate that the samples z_n=(x_n, y_n) are iid and, assuming that the true parameter is θ, come from the stochastic model x_n ↦ y_n = f_θ(x_n) + η_n, η_n ∼𝒩(0,σ_e^2). In words, we assume that the actual underlying function is realizable, that we receive noisy samples, and that the noise is Gaussian and independent from sample to sample. This gives rise to the posterior distribution, Q(θ) = P(θ) e^- 1/2 σ_y^2∑_n=1^N (y_n - f_θ(x_n))^2/∫ P(θ') e^- 1/2 σ_y^2∑_n=1^N (y_n - f_θ'(x_n))^2 d θ'. One valid criticism of this approach is that it is model dependent. But there is a significant payoff. First recall that this posterior can at least in principle be sampled by running the SG algorithm with Langevin dynamics. For the convenience of the reader we include in Section <ref> a short review. Most importantly, taking this point of view a fairly clear picture arises why neural networks tend not to overfit. In a nutshell, if we sample from this posterior distribution then we are more likely to sample “simple” functions. The same framework also shows that this is not the case for linear schemes. §.§ Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics We follow <cit.>. Assume that we are given the data set = {z_1, ⋯, z_N} = {(x_1, y_1), ⋯, (x_N, y_N)}, where the samples z_n=(x_n, y_n), n=1, ⋯, N, are chosen iid according to an unknown distribution . We model the relationship between x and y probabilistically in the parametrized form y ∼ p(y | x, θ). We use the log-loss _θ(x, y) = - ln p(y | x, θ). Assume further that we use the stochastic gradient Langevin descent (SGLD) algorithm: θ^(t) = θ^(t-1) - η_Z ∼[∇_θ_θ(X, Y) - 1/Nln P(θ) ] + √(2 η/N)𝒩(0, I), where t = 1, 2, ⋯; η>0 is the learning rate, P(θ) is the density of the prior, and 𝒩(0, I) denotes a zero-mean Gaussian vector of dimension dim(θ) with iid components and variance 1 in each component. Note that due to the injected noise, the distribution of θ at time τ, call it π_τ(θ), converges to the posterior distribution of θ given the data, i.e., it converges to p(θ|{z_1, ⋯, z_N}) = p(θ, {z_1, ⋯, z_N})/p({z_1, ⋯, z_N}) = P(θ) p({z_1, ⋯, z_N}|θ)/p({z_1, ⋯, z_N}) =P(θ) ∏_n=1^N p(y_n | x_n, θ)/∏_n=1^N p(y_n | x_n)∝ P(θ) ∏_n=1^N p(y_n | x_n, θ). This is shown in <cit.>. In the sequel we use the more common notation p_θ(y_n | x_n) instead of p(y_n | x_n, θ). This makes a clear distinction between the parameters of the model and the samples we received. A few remarks are in order. An obvious choice from a theoretical point of view is to use an iid Gaussian prior. In practice it is best not to use iid Gaussian prior in order to speed up the convergence. Indeed, the main point of <cit.> is to discuss suitable schemes. But for our current conceptual purpose we will ignore this (important) practical consideration. § THE PAC BAYES BOUND AND BAYES COMPLEXITY Let us now get back to the main point of this paper. We start by defining two notions of complexity. Both of them are “Bayes” complexities in the sense that both relate to the size of the parameter space (as measured by a prior) that approximately represents a given function. We will then see how this complexity enters the PAC-Bayes bound. Contribution. Our main contribution is an introduction of a new notion of complexity of functions and we show that it has the following properties: (i) it governs a PAC Bayes-like generalization bound, (ii) for neural networks it relates to natural notions of complexity of functions, and (iii) it explains the generalization gap between neural networks and linear schemes in some regime. While there is a large set of papers which describes each such criterion, and even some that fulfill both (e.g., <cit.>), as far as we know, this is a first notion that satisfies all three of them. For every > 0 we define the sharp complexity of a function g with respect to the hypothesis class ℋ_θ as χ^#(ℋ_θ, g, _x, ^2) := -log[ _θ{θ : _x ∼_x [(g(x) - f_θ(x))^2] ≤^2 }], where the probability _θ is taken wrt to the prior P. In words, we compute the probability, under prior P, of all these functions f_θ that are close to g under the quadratic loss and distribution _x. In general, it is difficult to compute χ^# for a given ϵ. However, for realizable functions it is often possible to compute the limiting value of the sharp complexity, properly normalized, when ϵ tends to 0. We define the sharp complexity of a function g with respect to the hypothesis class χ^#(ℋ_θ, g, _x) := lim_ϵ→ 0log[_θ{θ: _x ∼_x[ (g(x) - f_θ(x))^2 ] ≤^2 }]/log(). The above definitions of complexity implicitly depend on the hypothesis class ℋ_θ. If the hypothesis class (and/or _x) is clear from context we will omit it from notation, e.g. χ^#(g, ^2) = χ^#(g, _x, ^2) = χ^#(ℋ_θ, g, _x, ^2). We now state the main theorem. It is a generalization bound, which crucially depends on the sharp complexity from Definition <ref>. The proof is deferred to Appendix <ref>. If L_(P) ≥ 2σ_e^2 and g ∈supp(P) then for every β∈ (0,1] there exists σ_alg^2 such that if we set σ_y^2 = σ_alg^2 then _∼^N[L_S(Q(σ_y^2))] = (1+β)σ_e^2 and _∼^N[L_(Q(σ_y^2))] ≤σ_e^2 + [ βσ_e^2 + C/√(2)√(χ^#(g, _x, βσ_e^2)/N)]. Discussion of Assumptions. Requiring that g ∈supp(P) is only natural as it indicates that g is realizable with prior P. It is also natural to assume that L_(P) ≥ 2σ_e^2 as the lowest possible error is attained by g and is equal σ_e^2. Thus we require that the expected loss over the prior is twice as big as the minimal one. As P should cover a general class of functions it is only natural that L_(P) ≥ 2σ_e^2. For a fixed β, σ_alg^2 from Theorem <ref> is, in general, not known. However, as proven in Appendix <ref>, we have lim_σ_y^2 → 0_∼^N[L_(Q(σ_y^2))]= σ_e^2, lim_σ_y^2 →∞_∼^N[L_(Q(σ_y^2))]= 2σ_e^2. Moreover, _∼^N[L_(Q(σ_y^2))] is continuous in σ_y^2, which implies that σ_alg^2 can be found by a binary search-like procedure by holding out some part of for estimating _∼^N[L_(Q(σ_y^2))] for different σ_y^2 values. Bound (<ref>) in terms of limiting complexity. Notice that (<ref>) is governed by χ^#(g,_x,βσ_e^2). Aaccording to (<ref>), for small enough βσ_e^2, we have χ^#(g,_x,βσ_e^2) ≈ -χ^#(g,_x)log(βσ_e^2). This means that for small enough noise level, where the exact regime for which the approximation holds depends on a specific problem, we have _∼^N[L_(Q(σ_y^2))] ⪅ (1 + β) σ_e^2 + C/√(2)√(-χ^#(g, _x)log(βσ_e^2)/N). We see that the generalization bound depends crucially on the limiting complexity. Main message. Note that the smallest we can hope to get on the right hand side is σ_e^2 since this is the variance of the noise and this is achievable if we pick Q that puts all its mass on g. This means that βσ_e^2 plus the square root term from (<ref>) represents the expected excess generalization error. This brings us to the punch line of this paper. In the subsequent sections we will see that (i) natural notions of complexity that have previously been discussed in the literature align with our new notion when we consider neural networks, whereas (ii) for linear schemes our notion of complexity is essentially independent of the function (as long as it is realizable) and as a consequence is as high as for the most complex (in the natural sense) function in our hypothesis class. To the degree that we assume that reality prefers simple functions this explains why neural nets generalize significantly better than linear schemes. In Section <ref> we show that for neural networks and a piece-wise linear function g the limiting complexity is equal to the number of slope changes g. In light of (<ref>), this means that neural networks require the fewer samples (for a good generalization bound) the fewer slope changes g has. There is a further connection to a natural notion of complexity. In Section <ref> we show that sharp complexity is related to the variation of g, i.e. the integral of the second derivative of g. Thus, in the light of (<ref>), fewer samples are needed (for a good generalization) for g's with smaller variation. As we discussed above, sharp and limiting complexity are related via (<ref>) when βσ_e^2 is small. We can thus think of sharp complexity as a refinement of limiting complexity. This is reflected in the two cases discussed above – the number of slope changes can be seen as an approximation of the variation of a function. In Section <ref>, on the other hand, we show that for linear schemes the limiting complexity is virtually independent of the function and equal to the number of basis functions. This means that in this case the number of samples needed for a good generalization bound is the same for simple and complicated functions. § MODELS Although the basic idea applies to any parametric family, we will consider restricted types of families and demonstrate our concepts with two concrete examples, namely linear schemes and NNs. We will be interested in parametric families of functions from to . More precisely families of the form ℋ_θ := {_θ : , θ∈^m }, where θ is the vector of parameters. for a function g : → and a distribution _x we define the set of exact representations as A_g,ℋ,_x := {θ∈^m : f_θ≡_(_x) g }. If ℋ and _x are clear from context we will often write A_g. The 0 function will play an important role, thus we also define A_0 := {θ∈^m : f_θ≡_(_x) 0 } §.§ Linear Schemes Consider the linear family _θ^(L, o)={f_θ(x): f_θ(x) = ∑_i=0^d-1_i b_i(x), x ∈ = [-1, 1]}, i.e., the vector of parameters θ is equal to the vector of weights . We assume that the functions {b_i(x)} form an orthonormal basis. Although the exact basis that is used is not of importance one might think of b_i(x) as a polynomial of degree i or the first few Legendre polynomials. In this way the basis functions are naturally ordered by complexity. §.§ Neural Networks Consider the family ^NN represented by NNs with layers numbered from 0 (input) to K (output), containing d = d_0, d_1, …, and d_K = d_y neurons respectively. We will limit our attention to d_y = 1. The activation functions for the layers 1 to K are presumed to be σ_1, …, σ_K :. The weight matrices will be denoted by W^(1), W^(2), …, W^(K), respectively, where matrix W^(k) connects layer k-1 to layer k. We define _θ(x) := σ_K (^(K) + W^(K)σ_K-1( …σ_1(^(1) + W^(1) x ))) . § WHY NEURAL NETS GENERALIZE WELL We now get to the main point of this paper, namely why neural nets generalize much better than other schemes, in particular linear schemes. The basic idea is simple. We have seen in the previous sections that (i) a suitable version of SGD gives us a posterior of the form (<ref>), and (ii) this posterior gives rise to a an upper bound on the generalization error that depends mainly on the “complexity” of the underlying true hypothesis. This notion of complexity of a function depends on the underlying hypothesis class. To close the circle we will now discuss how this complexity behaves for interesting hypothesis classes. In particular, as we will see that there is a striking difference between linear schemes and neural networks. For linear schemes, every realizable function has essentially the same complexity. This in particular means that we do not expect to learn a “simple” function (e.g., think of a constant function) with fewer samples than a “complex” one (think of a highly variable one). For neural nets the complexity behaves entirely differently and there is a large dynamic range. As we will see, in a suitable limit the complexity is to first order determined by the number of degrees of freedom that have to be fixed in order to realize a function. Therefore, for neural nets, simple functions have a much lower complexity than complicated ones. §.§ Neural Networks with a Single Hidden Layer We start with analyzing our notion of complexity for the case of NN with a single hidden layer and 1-dimensional input. More precisely let x ∈ denote the input and y ∈ denote the output. There are k nodes in the hidden layer. More precisely, the network represents the function f_θ(x) = ∑_i=1^k _i^(2)σ( _i^(1) x + _i^(1)) + b^(2) = ∑_i=1^k _i^(2)[ _i^(1) x + _i^(1)]_+ + b^(2), i.e., we use ReLU activation functions. The _i^(1) denotes the bias of the i-th node, the _i^(2) represents the weight of the i-th output signal, and b^(2) is the global bias term of the output. We let θ = (θ_w, θ_b) = ((^(1), ^(2)), (^(1), b^(2))) denote the set of all parameters, where θ_w denotes the set of weights and θ_b denotes the set of bias terms. Parametrization and prior. We will use the following non-standard parametrization of the network f_θ(x) = ∑_i=1^k _i^(2)[_i^(1)(x - _i^(1)) ]_+ + b^(2) = ∑_i=1^k _i^(2)·|_i^(1)| ·[sgn(_i^(1))( x - _i^(1))]_+ + b^(2), where in the last equality we used the fact that the ReLU activation function is 1-homogenous. Note that there are two kinds of ReLU functions (depending on the sign of w_i^(1)) they are either of the form [x -b]_+ or 0 at [-(x-b)]_+. If we restrict our attention to how f_θ behaves on a compact interval then considering just one of the kinds gives us the same expressive power as having both. This is why for the rest of this section we restrict our attention only to the case of [x-b]_+ as it simplifies the proofs considerably. Thus the final parametrization we consider is f_θ(x) = ∑_i=1^k _i^(2)·_i^(1)[x - _i^(1)]_+ + b^(2). We define the prior on θ as follows: each component of θ_w comes i.i.d. from 𝒩(0,σ_y^2), each component of ^(1) comes i.i.d. from U([0,M]), where M will be fixed later and b^(2) comes i.i.d. from 𝒩(0,σ_b^2)[The different parametrization and the uniform prior on the bias terms are non-standard choices that we make to simplify the proofs. These choices would not affect the spirit of our results but as always the details need to be verified.]. We will argue that our notion of complexity (χ^#(_x,g,^2) and χ^#(_x,g)) corresponds, in a case of NN, to natural notions of complexity of functions. Target function. We will be interested in target functions g that are representable with a single hidden layer networks. Let g : [0, 1] be continuous and piece-wise linear. I.e., there is a sequence of points 0=t_1 < t_2 < ⋯ < t_l+1=1 so that for x ∈ [t_i, t_i+1], 1 ≤ i < l+1, g(x) = c_i + α_i (x-t_i), for some constants c_i and α_i, where c_i+1 = c_i + α_i (x_i+1-x_i). Then f can be written as a sum of ReLU functions, g(x) = b + ∑_i=1^l v_i [x-t_i]_+, where v_1=α_1 and v_i=α_i-α_i-1, i=2, ⋯, l. The terms in (<ref>) for which v_i = 0 can be dropped without changing the function. We call the number of nonzero v_i's in (<ref>) to be the number of changes of slope of g. * Start with the fundamental questions of generalization and review various papers. * Say what the overall idea is, namely NNs with regularizer minimizes the sum of the complexity of the function plus loss. * Start with Srebo paper that says that for a one-hidden NN minimizing the loss plus the square of the norm is equal to finding a hypothesis so that the sum of the loss plus complexity are minimized. * We show that, suitably generalized, a similar picture emerges for the "general" case. * We consider a general network. * We consider the SGLD. * We impose a Gaussian prior on the weights. * We then show that the general measure of complexity is given by the "Bayesian" complexity of a function (need a better word). I.e., in general, the samples we get from the SGLD are such that they minimize the sum of two exponents, one coming from the approximation error and one from the complexity measure. * The multiplicity complexity measure is naturally connected to several other perhaps more intuitive complexity measures. E.g., the initial scheme is one example but it would be nice to find at least one other example (perhaps the square functions) * We show that if we apply the same framework to linear schemes the complexity measure does not behave in the same way, giving a strong indication why overfitting does not happen to the same degree for NNs. * We show what happens if we add layers to a network. * We explore the role of dropout (not so sure if we can do this; what does this mean for the dynamics?) §.§.§ Complexity in the Asymptotic Case In this section we explore what is the limiting value of the sharp complexity for the case of NN. Assume that we are given a Gaussian vector of length , with mean , and with covariance matrix that has full rank. Let ∈^. Let _1, c and _1, c denote the restrictions of and to the first c components and let _c+1, denote the restriction of to the last -c components. Finally, let R ⊆^-c be a set of strictly positive Lebesgue measure. Then lim_ϵ→ 0log[{{: _c+1, ∈ R ∧_1, c-_1, c_2 ≤ϵ}]/log(ϵ) = c. Before we proceed to the proof let us quickly discuss how we will apply this observation. Assume that we can represent a given function g(x) exactly within a model _θ by fixing c of the components to a definite value and that the remaining -c components can be chosen within a range that does not depend on ϵ. This is e.g. the case for neural networks. Due to the non-linearity some parameters can range freely without changing the function. Assume further, that the model has a finite derivative with respect to each of the c fixed values. For Gaussian prior we have by Lemma <ref> that the complexity of this function is c. In the above discussion we implicitly assumed that the function has a unique representation. But, as we will discuss in Section <ref> and in in the appendix, in general, realizable functions do have many representations. Besides the discrete symmetries inherent in many models there are also continuous symmetries that often arise. E.g., the output of a single ReLU can be exactly replicated by the sum of several ReLU functions. Nevertheless, even though the actual probability for a fixed ϵ can be significantly larger due to this multiplicity, the asymptotic limit remains the same Is it clear?. Let us start by assuming that the Gaussian distribution has iid components. In this case the probability factors into the probability that the last k-c components are contained in the region R, which by assumption is a strictly positive number, independent of ϵ and the probability that the first c components are contained in a ball of radius ϵ around a fixed point. Note that this second probability behaves like κϵ^c, where κ is strictly positive and does not depend on ϵ. The result follows by taking the log, dividing by log(ϵ) and letting ϵ tend to 0. The general case is similar. Write {: _c+1, ∈ R ∧_1, c-_1, c_2 ≤ϵ} = ∫__c+1, k∈ R∫__1, c-_1, c^*≤ϵ f(_1, c, _c+1, k) = ∫__c+1, k∈ R f(_c+1, k) ∫__1, c-_1, c^*≤ϵ f(_1, c|_c+1, k). Now note that each value of _c+1, k the inner integral scales like ϵ^c, and hence this is also true once we integrate over all values of _c+1, k. [Function with c changes of slope] Imagine that d=1, that is g : → and assume that g is a piece-wise linear function with c changes of slope. We can represent this function by fixing c degrees freedom to definite values. For instance we can choose c nodes in the hidden layer and represent one change of slope with each of these neurons. If (_x) contains all x's for which the changes of slope occur then Lemma <ref> guarantees that χ^#(𝒟_x,g) = cIt's not super clear to me. What about for instance the fact that we can distribute the change of slope as √(a), √(a) and a^1/3, a^2/3?. Plugging this result in (<ref>) we get that for small the true versus empirical loss gap behaves as ≈√(c log(1/)/N + σ_y^2/N + /2σ^2_y + ln(N)/δ N). We see that in this case the generalization bound strongly depends on the complexity of g, which in this case is the number of changes of slope. It will turn out that the key object useful for computing χ^#(g) is a particular notion of dimension of A_g. For A, S ⊆^m we define the Minkowski-Bouligand co-dimension of A w.r.t. S as _S(A) := lim_R →∞lim_→ 0log(( (A + B_) ∩ B_R ∩ S))/log() , where is the Lebesgue measure and + denotes the Minkowski sum. Our definition is a variation of the standard Minkowski-Bouligand dimension. The first difference is that we measure the co-dimension instead of the dimension. Secondly, we compute lim_R →∞. We do this because the sets we will be interested in are unbounded. We also define the co-dimension wrt to an auxilary set S, i.e., all volumes are computed only inside of S. One can view it as restricting the attention to a particular region. In our use cases this region will be equal to the support of the prior. We will sometimes use _P(A) to denote _(P)(A), when P is a distribution. Technically the notion is not well defined for all sets. Formally, one defines a lower and an upper co-dimension, corresponding to taking lim inf and lim sup. Sets A and S need also be measurable wrt to the Lebesgue measure. We will however assume that for all of our applications the limits are equal, sets are measurable and thus the co-dimension is well defined. This is the case because all sets we will be interested in are defined by polynomial equations. The first lemma relates sharp complexity and co-dimension. Let g(x) = b + ∑_i=1^c v_i [x - t_i]_+, where 0 < t_1 < … < t_c < 1, v_1,…,v_c ≠ 0 and c ≤ k. Then 1/5_P(A_g) ≤χ^#(g, U([0,1])) ≤_P(A_g). Recall that A_g = {θ : f_θ≡_[0,1] g}. The next lemma computes the co-dimension of a function with c changes of slope. Let g(x) = b + ∑_i=1^c v_i [x - t_i]_+, where 0 < t_1 < … < t_c < 1, v_1,…,v_c ≠ 0 and c ≤ k. Then _P(A_g) = 2c+1. There exists a universal constant C such that for all In the general case there's also b^(2) but I guess it'll work.f_θ_0(x) = ∑_i=1^k _i[x - _i^(1)]_+, such that f_θ_0_2^2 = ^2, there exists θ_1 such that f_θ_1≡_[0,1] 0 and θ_0 - θ_1_2^2 ≤ O(^C). Let L(θ) := f_θ^2. Consider the following differential equation θ̇ = - ∇ L(θ)/∇ L(θ)||_2, which can be understood as a normalized gradient flow. By definition L̇ = (∇ L(θ))^T θ̇(<ref>)= - ∇ L(θ)_2. We will later show that ∇ L(θ)_2 ≥ L^0.8. Note that the solution to L̇ = - L^0.8 is of the form L(t) = c (C - t)^0.8. More precisely, with the initial condition L(0) = ^2 we get that C = (^2/c)^1/4/5. What follows is that L ((^2/c)^5/4) = 0. Using (<ref>) we get that there exists t^* < (^2/c)^5/4 such that L(t^*) = 0. Because the change of θ is normalized (see (<ref>)) we get that θ(0) - θ(t^*)_2^2 ≤(^2/c)^4/5 = O (^4/5/4). What is left is to show (<ref>). We start by computing derivatives of L wrt to θ. For every i ∈ [1,k] ∂ L/∂_i^(1) = _i ∫__i^(1)^1 f_θ(x) dx. ∂ L/∂_i = ∫__i^(1)^1 f_θ(x)(x - _i^(1)) dx. We will show that there exists i ∈ [1,k] such that max{|∂ L/∂_i^(1)|,|∂ L/∂_i|} is large. For a function f : [0,1] →, f(0) = 0, f'(0) = 0 (that one should understand as an abstraction of f_θ) consider the following expression (related to (<ref>)) f”(y) ∫_a^1 f(y) dx. The following computation will be helpful α(a,b) := ∫_a^b f”(y) ∫_y^1 f(x) dx dy = [f'(y) ∫_y^1 f(x) dx ]_a^b - ∫_a^b f'(y) · (- f(y)) dy by parts = f'(b)∫_b^1 f(x) dx - f'(a) ∫_a^1 f(x) dx + [1/2 f^2(x) ]_a^b = f^2(b)/2 + f'(b)∫_b^1 f(x) dx - f^2(a)/2 - f'(a) ∫_a^1 f(x). Now note that α(0,b) = f^2(b)/2 + f'(b)∫_b^1 f(x) dx - f^2(0)/2 - f'(0) ∫_0^1 f(x) = f^2(b)/2 + f'(b)∫_b^1 f(x) dx As f'(0) = f(0) = 0. Let M := max_x ∈ [0,1] |f(x)| and x^* ∈ f^-1(M). We claim that α(0,x^*) = M^2/2. To see that use (<ref>) and note that either x^* ∈ [0,1] and then f'(x^*) = 0 because it is an extremal point, or x^* = 0 and then f'(0)= by definition, or x^* = 1 and then ∫_1^1 f(x) dx = 0. Using (<ref>) and the definition of α we get that there exists x_0 ∈ [0,x^*] such that |f”(x_0) ∫_x_0^1 f(x) dx | ≥M^2/2 x^*≥M^2/2. Now note that f_θ satisfies f_θ(0) = 0. It might not be true that f'_θ(0) = 0 but if we increase all the bias terms by a negligible amount then f'_θ(0) = 0 and the quantity of interest (<ref>) changes only negligibly I guess it's true. Moreover observe that for every i ∈ [1,k]f”_θ(_i^(1)) = ∑_j : _j^(1) = _i^(1)_j and for all x ∈ [0,1] ∖{_1^(1), …, _k^(1)} we have f”_θ(x) = 0. As the number of nodes is k we get from (<ref>) that there exists i ∈ [1,k] such that |_i ∫__i^(1)^1 f(x) dx | ≥M^2/2 k^2. If M ≥^0.9 then |∂ L/∂_i^(1)| ≥^1.8/2 k^2≥1/2k^2(^2 )^0.9≥1/2k^2 L(θ)^0.9, which implies (<ref>) and ends the proof in this case. Thus we can assume for the rest of the proof that M < ^0.9. By Holder's inequality we have f_θ_1 ≥f_θ_2^2 / f_θ_∞≥^2 / ^0.9 = ^1.1. Let 0 = a_1 ≤ a_2 ≤…≤ a_k+2 = 1 be the ordering of {b_1^(1), …, b_k^(1)}∪{0,1}. Consider a generalization of (<ref>)∫_a^1 f(x) (x - a) dx. Let I(a) := ∫_a^1 f_θ(x) dx. Note that d/d a∫_a^1 f(x) (x - a) dx = ∫_a^1 f(x) = I(a). Let i ∈ [1,k] be such that it satisfies * ∫_a_i^a_i+2 |f_θ(x)| _{sgn(f_θ(x)) = sgn(f_θ(a_i+1)) } dx ≥^1.1/k, * ∫_a_i^a_i+2 |f_θ(x)| _{sgn(f_θ(x)) = sgn(f_θ(a_i+1)) } dx ≥∫_a_i^a_i+2 |f_θ(x)| _{sgn(f_θ(x)) ≠sgn(f_θ(a_i+1)) } dx. Such an i exists because of (<ref>) and the fact that f_θ crosses 0 at most k times Is it enough of a proof?. Assume without loss of generality that f_θ(a_i+1) > 0. By definition f_θ is two-piece linear on [a_i, a_i+2], because of that and the assumption that f_θ(a_i+1) > 0 we know that ∫_a^1 f_θ(x) first increases, then decreases and finally increases (the first and the third phase might not happen). By (<ref>) we know that I(a_i) ≥ I(a_i+2). Let a_max := _a I(a), a_min := _a I(a). By (<ref>) we know that I(a_max) - I(a_min) > ^1.1/k. Consider two cases: Case 1: I(a_max) ≥I(a_max) - I(a_min)/2. Case 2: I(a_max) < I(a_max) - I(a_min)/2.We need a bound on weights!!! Or do wee This brings us to the main result of this subsection [Function with c changes of slope - Bayes Complexity] Let g : [0,1] → and assume that g is a piece-wise linear function with c ≤ k changes of slope. Then 2c+1/5≤χ^#(g, U([0,1])) ≤ 2c+1. We see that the limiting complexity is ≈ c, for c ≤ k. This means that the complexity depends strongly on the function and simpler - in a sense of fewer changes of slopes - functions have smaller complexity. In Section <ref> we will compute the limiting complexity for linear models. It will turn out, see Example <ref>, that in this case the complexity doesn't depend on the function and is equal to the number of basis functions used in the linear model. §.§.§ The -Complexity Case We saw in the previous section that for the case of neural networks our notion of complexity corresponds (in the limit and up to constant factors) to the number of degrees of freedom that need to be fixed to represent a given function. When we evaluate the complexity at more refined scales it can be shown that it is closely related to another natural complexity measure. [Function with ∫ |g”(x)| dx = a] Let C(g) = max(∫ |g”(x)| dx, |g'(-∞) + g'(+∞)| ). In <cit.> it was shown that, for the case of a single hidden layer NN with 1-D input, for every g : → if we let the width of the network go to infinity Is θ_w defined? then min_θ : f_θ = gθ_w^2 = C(g). This means that if we use an ℓ_2 regularizer for training a neural network θ^* = _θ( L_S(f_θ) + λθ_w^2 ), then C(f_θ^*) = θ^*_w^2. In words, the function that is found via this scheme balances the empirical error and C(g). In the appendix we show that in some regimes C(g) ≈χ^#(_x, g, ). Plugging it in (<ref>) we get that the expected true versus empirical loss gap is ≈√(O_σ_w^2,(C(g)/N) + σ_y^2/N + /2σ^2_y + ln(N)/δ N), where O_σ_w^2, drops terms dependent on σ_w^2,. See the appendix for details. We see that the gap crucially relies on C(g). This result can be seen as a quantitative version of Example <ref> as ∫ |g”(x)| dx can be seen as a more refined version of the number of changes of slope. Variational Complexity Let us now introduce a complexity measure for a piece-wise linear function g. We start by introducing a complexity measure for a particular choice of the network parameters. The complexity of the function will then be the minimum complexity of the network that represents this function. We choose C_k(θ) = 1/2θ_w^2 = 1/2( ^(1)^2 + ^(2)^2 ), i.e., it is half the squared Euclidean norm of the weight parameters. If we use the representation (<ref>) in its natural form, i.e., w^(2)_i =a_i and W^(1)_i = 1, then we have C_k(θ) = 1/2∑_i=1^k (a_i^2+1). But we can do better. Write f(x) = c + ∑_i=1^k w^(2)_i [W^(1)_i(x-x_i)]_+, where w^(2)_i =a_i/√(|a_i|) and W^(1)_i = |w^(2)_i |. This gives us a complexity measure C_k(θ) = ∑_i=1^k |a_i| = ∑_i=1^k |α_i-α_i-1|, where α_0=0. Indeed, it is not very hard to see, and it is proved in <cit.>, that this is the best one can do even if we keep f(x) fixed and are allowed to let the number k of hidden nodes tend to infinity. In other words, for the function f described in (<ref>) we have C(f) = inf_k ∈, θ: f_θ = f C_k(θ) = (f'), where (f') denotes the total variation of f', the derivative of f. Why total variation? Note that α_i denotes the derivative of the function so that |α_i-α_i-1| is the change in the derivative at the point x_i. Therefore, ∑_i=1^k |α_i-α_i-1| is the total variation associated to this derivative. If we consider a general function f: [0, 1] then for every ϵ>0, f can be uniformly approximated by a piecewise linear function, see <cit.>. As ϵ tends to 0 for the best approximation the variation of the piece-wise linear function converges to the total variation of f'. This can equivalently be written as the integral of |f”|. It is therefore not surprising that if we look at general functions f: and let the network width tend to infinity then the lowest cost representation has a complexity of C(f) = max(∫ |f”(x)| dx, |f'(-∞) + f'(+∞)| ). As we previously mentioned, this concept of the complexity of a function was introduced in <cit.> and this paper also contains a rigorous proof of (<ref>). (Note: The second term in (<ref>) is needed when we go away from a function that is supported on a finite domain to . To see this consider the complexity of f(x) = α x. It is equal to 2α (f(x) = √(α) [√(α) x]_+ - √(α) [-√(α) x]_+) but ∫ |f”(x)| dx = 0.) Sharp versus Variational Complexity. Now we explain how the notion of sharp complexity is, in some regimes, equivalent to the variational complexity. This gives a concrete example of our promise that sharp complexity aligns well with natural complexity measures. Assume at first that the target function is of the form g(x) = b + ∑_i=1^c v_i[x - t_i]_+ and requires only a single change of the derivative. I.e., the piece-wise linear function consists of two pieces and we require only one term in the sum, g(x) = a[x - t]_+ + b Call this function g_1, where the 1 indicates that there is only a single change of the derivative and the change is of magnitude a. We now ask what is the value of χ^#(g_1, _x, ^2), for _x = U([0,1]) - as this is what appears in (<ref>). We claim that for small , specific choices of M and σ_w^2, σ_b^2 and particular regimes of parameters we have χ^#(g_1, U([0,1]), ^2) = Θ(a / σ_w^2) = Θ(C(g_1) / σ_w^2). This means that the sharp complexity is closely related to the variational complexity of g_1. The more formal version of (<ref>) of which a proof is in Appendix <ref> reads Let t,∈ (0,1), a,b∈. Define g_1(x) := b + a[x - t]_+. If k ≤ M ≤1/σ_w^2, σ_b^2 ≤1/σ_w^2 and Ω(^1/4),Ω(log(k/σ_w) σ_w^2) ≤ |a| < 2, Ω(^1/4) ≤ |b|, Ω(^1/2) ≤min(t,1-t) then |a|/3 σ_w^2≤χ^#(g_1, U([0,1]), ^2) ≤ 2(|a|/σ_w^2 + |b|/σ_b^2) + 11 - 3log(). The above lemma is stated with the most general setting of parameters. To get more insight into the meaning of the lemma we give the following corollary. For every sufficiently small σ_e^2 and M = k, σ_w^2 = 1/k, σ_b^2 = 1, |b| = Θ(σ_e^1/2), Ω( σ_e^1/4), Ω(log(k)/k) ≤ |a| < 2 if we define g_1(x) := b + a[x-1/2]_+ then χ^#(g_1,U[0,1],σ_e^2) ≤ 3|a|k + 3 log(1/σ_e). One can easily verify that the assumptions of Lemma <ref> are satisfied. Applying the lemma we get χ^#(g_1,U[0,1],σ_e^2) ≤ 2(|a|/σ_w^2 + |b|/σ_b^2) + 11 + 3log(1/σ_e) ≤ 2|a| k + Θ(σ_e^1/2) + 11 + 3log(1/σ_e) ≤ 3|a|k + 3 log(1/σ_e) As Ω( log(k)/k) ≤ |a|. Generalization bound. Now we want to understand what Example <ref> gives us for the generalization bound from Theorem <ref>. Setting β = 1 in Theorem <ref> and applying Example <ref>, we can bound _∼^N[L_(Q)] ≤ 2σ_e^2 + C/√(2)√(χ^#(g_1, _x, σ_e^2)/N) ≤ 2σ_e^2 + C/√(2)√(3|a|k + 3 log(1/σ_e)/N). Now we interpret (<ref>). First note that the setting of parameters in Example <ref> is natural. The choice of σ_w^2 = 1/k and σ_b^2 = 1 are among standard choices for initialization schemes. We pick |b| = Θ(σ_e^1/2) and t = 1/2 in order to analyze functions g_1(x)≈ a[x - 1/2]_+, where the bias term b is nonzero because of the assumptions of Lemma <ref>. Note that depending on the relation between k and σ_e^2 one of the terms dominates (<ref>): either 3|a|k or 3 log(1/σ_e). If σ_e^2 ≪ k then 3 log(1/σ_e) dominates and the generalization bound depends mostly on the noise level σ_e^2[As a side note, notice that the 3 in 3 log(1/σ_e) corresponds to the 2c+1 bound on the limiting complexity in Example <ref>, as we consider a function with one change of slope and a very small ^2 for computing χ^#. This illustrates the relationship between sharp and limiting complexity.]. If σ_e^2 ≫ k then 3|a|k dominates. In this case we get the promised dependence of the generalization bound on |a|, which we recall is equal to C(g_1). Note that there is a wide range of |a| for which the bound holds, i.e. Ω(log(k)/k) ≤ |a| ≤ 2. We see that the simpler g_1, measured in terms of C, the better a generalization bound we get. §.§ Neural Networks with Several Hidden Layers Consider now exactly the same set-up as before, except that now we have K=4, i.e., we have three hidden layers and still d = 1. We can still represent piece-wise linear functions (e.g., by using the first layer to represent the function and just a single node in the second layer to sum the output of the previous layers). But the asymptotic complexity of some functions is now different! [Periodic function] Imagine that we want to represent a function g : [0,l] → that is periodic with period 1. That is g(x - 1) = g(x) for all x ∈ [1,l]. What we can do is to (i) represent g|_[0,1] in the output of a single neuron v in layer 2 (ii) represent shifted versions of g|_[0,1] (which are equal to g|_[1,2], g|_[2,3], … due to periodicity) in the outputs of neurons in layer 3 (iii) sum outputs of neurons from layer 3 in the single output neuron in layer 4. Assume moreover that g|_[0,1] has m changes of slope. Then observe that we implemented g fixing O(l+m) degrees of freedom. But g itself has m · l changes of slope over the whole domain. This representation gives an upper-bound for limiting complexity as there might be other ways to represent the function. But because of Example <ref> it is enough to arrive at a separation. Indeed if l ≈ m then the asymptotic complexity of g for NN with 4 layers is smaller than for 2 layers, which is in Ω(m l). In words, we obtain a quadratic gain in terms of the number of samples needed to get the same generalization bound. We leave it for future work to explore this direction in more depth (no pun intended). § WHY LINEAR SCHEMES GENERALIZE POORLY In Section <ref> we've seen that for NNs our notion of complexity aligns well with natural notions of complexity. This, in the light of the connections to the PAC-Bayes bound, partly explains their good generalization. In this section we will show that for the case of linear schemes the complexity is basically independent of a function. We investigate the linear model _θ^(L, o)={f_θ(x): f_θ(x) = ∑_i=0^d-1_i b_i(x), x ∈ = [-1, 1]}. Further let _x be the uniform distribution on [-1, 1]. We assume a prior on _i's to be iid Gaussians of mean 0 and variance σ_w^2. We will see that in this setting all realizable functions have the same complexity. This in the light of (<ref>) tells us that even if reality prefers simple functions the number of samples needed to get a non vacuous bound is as big as the one needed for the highest complexity function in the class. In short: it is equally “easy” to represent a “complicated” function as it is to represent a “simple” one. Therefore, given some samples, there is no reason to expect that linear models will fit a simple function to the data. Indeed, to the contrary. If the data is noisy, then linear models will tend to overfit this noise. §.§ Orthonormal Basis For simplicity assume that the basis functions are the Legendre polynomials. I.e., we start with the polynomials {1, x, x^2, ...} and then create from this an orthonormal set on [-1, 1] via the Gram-Schmidt process. [Constant Function] Let g(x)=1/√(2). This function is realizable. Indeed, it is equal to the basis function b_0(x). Let us compute χ^#(^(L, o),g, ϵ^2). If we pick all weights in f_(x) = ∑_i=0^d-1_i b_i(x) equal to 0 except _0 equal to 1 then we get g(x). Hence, taking advantage of the fact that the basis functions are orthonormal, we have _x ∼_x[(f_ - g(x))^2] = 1/2∫_-1^1 (f_(x)-g(x))^2 dx = 1/2∑_i=0^d-1 (_i-_{i=0})^2 ∫_-1^1 b_i(x)^2 dx = 1/2∑_i=0^d-1 (_i-_{i=0})^2. So we need to compute the probability [: 1/2∑_i=0^d-1 (_i-_{i=0})^2 ≤^2]. Recall that our weights are iid Gaussians of mean 0 and variance σ_w^2. Hence ∑_i=1^d-1_i^2 ∼Γ(d-1/2, 2 σ_w^2 ), where Γ(k, θ) denotes the Gamma distribution with shape k and scale θ. It follows that the probability we are interested in can be expressed as [: 1/2∑_i=0^d-1 (_i-_{i=0})^2 ≤^2] = q(κ=1, σ_w, ϵ), where q(κ, σ_w, ϵ) = 1/√(2 πσ_w^2)∫_0^ϵ F(ϵ^2-x^2; d-1/2, 2 σ_w^2) [e^-(κ+x)^2/2 σ_w^2+e^-(κ-x)^2/2 σ_w^2]dx. Here, F(x; k, θ) denotes the cdf of the Gamma distribution with shape k and scale θ. From the above expression we can compute χ^#(^(L, o), g(x) = 1/√(2),ϵ^2), although there does not seem to be an elementary expression. For non-negative κ, σ_w, and ϵ∈ (0, 1] the function q(α, σ_w, ϵ) has the following properties: * Scaling: q(κ, σ_w, ϵ) = κ q(1, σ_w/κ, ϵ/κ) * Monotonicity in κ: q(κ, σ_w, ϵ) is non-increasing in κ * Monotonicity in σ_w: q(κ, σ_w, ϵ) is non-increasing in σ_w * Monotonicity in ϵ: q(κ, σ_w, ϵ) is non-decreasing in ϵ * Limit: lim_ϵ→ 0log(q(κ, σ_w, ϵ))/log(ϵ)=d If we are just interested in χ^#(^(L, o), g(x) = 1/√(2)), we can start from χ^#(^(L, o), g(x) = 1/√(2), ϵ^2) or we can make use of (v) of Lemma <ref> to get χ^#(^(L, o), g(x) = 1/√(2))=d. To see this result intuitively note that all weights have to be fixed to a definite value in order to realize g(x). [Basis Function] Although we assumed in the above derivation that g(x)=b_0(x) the calculation is identical for any g(x)=b_i(x), i=0, ⋯, d-1. We conclude that χ^#(^(L, o), b_i(x)) does not depend on i. [Realizable Function of Norm 1] Assume that g(x)= ∑_i=0^d-1_i b_i(x) with ∑_i=0^d-1_i^2=1. In other words, the function is realizable and has squared norm equal to 1. If we “rotate” (orthonormal transform) our basis {b_i(x)}_i=0^d into the new basis {b̃_i(x)}_i=0^d so that g(x)=b̃_0(x) then due to the rotational symmetry of our prior we are back to our first example. We conclude that for any realizable function g(x) of norm 1, χ^#(^(L, o), g(x), ϵ^2) = χ^#(^(L, o), b_0(x), ϵ^2).[Realizable Function] Assume that g(x)= ∑_i=0^d-1_i b_i(x) with ∑_i=0^d-1_i^2=κ^2. In other words, the function is realizable and has norm equal to κ. Using the scaling property of Lemma <ref> we can write χ^#(_(σ_w)^(L, o), g(x), ϵ^2 ) = -log(q(κ, σ_w, ϵ)) = -log(κ q(1, σ_w/κ, ϵ/κ)) = -log(κ) + χ^#(_(σ_w/κ)^(L, o), b_0(x), ϵ^2/κ^2), where we wrote _(σ_w)^(L, o) to indicate that in the model each parameter's prior is a Gaussian with variance σ_w^2. This means that the complexity of a function changes depending on the norm of the vector of weights that represent it. However if we are interested in the asymptotic complexity all functions (apart from the 0 function) have the same complexities as lim_→ 0log(κ) /log() = 0, which leads to the next example. [Limiting Sharp Complexity] Assume that g(x)= ∑_i=0^d-1_i b_i(x). Then χ^#(^(L, o), g(x))=d. Recall that we showed (Example <ref>) that for the case of 2-layer neural networks the limiting complexity depends strongly on the function and simpler functions - in a sense of number of changes of slope - have lower complexity. Here we see that for linear models basically all functions have the same complexity, which is equal to the number of basis functions in the model. [Unrealizable Function] Given any function g(x), we can represent it as g(x)=g_⊥(x)+g_(x), where the two components are orthogonal and where g_(x) represents the realizable part. We then have that χ^#(_(σ_w)^(L, o), g(x), ϵ^2) is equal to ∞, g_⊥(x)_2^2 > ϵ^2, -log(q (1, σ_w, √(ϵ^2-g_⊥(x)_2^2)) ), g_⊥(x)_2^2 < ϵ^2. §.§ Non-Orthonormal Basis [Non-Orthogonal Basis] If the functions do not form an orthonormal basis but are independent, then we can transform them into such base. After the transform the probability distribution is still a Gaussian but no longer with independent components. Now the "equal simplicity" lines are ellipsoids. And if we have dependent components then we also still have Gaussians but we are in a lower dimensional space. §.§ Summary We have seen that for the linear model the complexity of a function g(x) only depends on the norm of the signal. This complexity measure is therefore only weakly correlated with other natural complexity measures. E.g., if the basis consists of polynomials of increasing degrees and the reality is modeled by a function of low degree then the bound from (<ref>) is the same as when the reality is modeled by a high degree polynomial. It means that the number of samples needed for a good generalization bound is independent of g. § GENERALIZATION BOUND To derive the bound from Theorem <ref> in terms of “sharp complexity” we first define a series of related notions that are helpful during the derivation. We define the empirical complexity of a function g as χ^E(g, _x, _ϵ, σ_y^2) := -log[ ( ∫_θ P(θ) e^-1/2σ_y^2N∑_n=1^N (g(x_n) + η_n - f_θ(x_n))^2 d θ) ], where we denoted by _x the x's part of and by _ the particular realization of noise used for generating , i.e. η's. In order to compute it, we integrate over the parameter space and weigh the prior P(θ) by an exponential factor which is the smaller the further the function f_θ is from g on the given sample _x plus noise _. Recall that noise samples _ϵ come from an iid Gaussian zero-mean sequence of variance σ_e^2. We then take the negative logarithm of this integral. The true complexity with noise is defined as χ^N(g, _x, σ_y^2, σ_^2) := -log[ ( ∫_θ P(θ) e^-1/2σ_y^2_x ∼_x, ∼𝒩(0,σ_e^2) [(g(x) + - f_θ(x))^2] d θ) ], where the sum has been replaced by an expectation using the underlying distribution of the input. The exponential complexity is χ(g, _x, σ_y^2) := -log[ ( ∫_θ P(θ) e^-1/2σ_y^2_x ∼_x [(g(x) - f_θ(x))^2] d θ) ]. Note that χ(g, _x, σ_y^2) + σ_e^2/2 σ_y^2 = χ^N(g, _x, σ_y^2, σ_e^2). Finally, the sharp complexity with noise is defined as χ^#N(g, _x, σ_e^2, ^2) := -log[ _θ[ _x ∼_x, ∼𝒩(0,σ_e^2) [(g(x) + - f_θ(x))^2] ≤^2] ]. The following two lemmas establish some relationships between these notions of complexity. For every _x, every g : →, and ^2 > 0 we have: χ^#N(g, _x, σ_e^2, ^2) = χ^#(g, _x, ^2 - σ_e^2). χ^#N(g, _x, σ_e^2, ^2) = -log[ _θ[ _x ∼_x, ∼𝒩(0,σ_e^2) [(g(x) + - f_θ(x))^2] ≤^2 ] ] = -log[ _θ[ _x ∼_x, ∼𝒩(0,σ_e^2) [(g(x) - f_θ(x))^2] ≤^2 - σ_e^2 ] ] = χ^#(g, _x, ^2 - σ_e^2), where in the second equality we write (g(x) + - f_θ(x))^2 as the sum of (g(x)-f_θ(x))^2, 2(g(x) - f_θ(x)) and ^2 and use the fact that [] = 0 and [^2] = σ_e^2. For every _x, every g : →, and σ_y^2, σ_e^2, ^2 > 0 we have: χ^N(g, _x, σ_y^2, σ_e^2) ≤χ^#N(g, _x, σ_e^2, ^2) + ^2/2σ_y^2. χ^#N(g, σ_e^2,^2) = -log( ∫_θ P(θ) 1{_x ∼_x, ∼𝒩(0,σ_e^2) [(g(x) + - f_θ(x))^2] ≤^2 } d θ) α>0= -log( ∫_θ P(θ) 1{α/2σ_y^2_x ∼_x, ∼𝒩(0,σ_e^2) [(g(x) + - f_θ(x))^2] ≤α^2/2σ_y^2} d θ) e^ x≥1{x ≥ 0 }≥-log( ∫_θ P(θ) e^α^2/2σ_y^2 -α/2σ_y^2_x ∼_x, ∼𝒩(0,σ_e^2) [(g(x) + - f_θ(x))^2] d θ) = χ^N(g, σ_y^2/α, σ_e^2) - α^2/2σ_y^2. The sharp complexity is very convenient to work with. Hence we will formulate our final bound in terms of the sharp complexity. The reason we call it sharp complexity is that the region of θ we integrate over is defined by an indicator function whereas for the true complexity the “boundary” of integration is defined by a smooth function. Let us now look more closely at the divergence where we assume the data model (<ref>) and that the true hypothesis is g. We have D(Q P) = ∫P(θ) e^- 1/2 σ_y^2∑_n=1^N (y_n - f_θ(x_n))^2/∫ P(θ') e^- 1/2 σ_y^2∑_n=1^N (y_n - f_θ'(x_n))^2 d θ'· ·log( e^- 1/2 σ_y^2∑_n=1^N (y_n - f_θ(x_n))^2/∫ P(θ') e^- 1/2 σ_y^2∑_n=1^N (y_n - f_θ'(x_n))^2 d θ') d θ ≤χ^E(g,_x, _ϵ,σ_y^2/N)- N/2σ_y^2 L_(Q), where in the last inequality we used the fact that we use a clipped version of a square loss. Therefore the expectation over S ∼^N of the square root term of the right-hand side of the PAC-Bayes bound (<ref>) can be upper-bounded as _∼^N[C√(D(Q P)/2 N)] By (<ref>)≤_∼^N[C √(χ^E(g, _x,_, σ^2_y/N) - N/2σ_y^2 L_(Q) /2 N)] √(·) concave≤C/√(2)√(_∼^N[χ^E(g, _x,_, σ^2_y/N) ]/N -L/2σ_y^2), where we denoted _∼^N[L_(Q)] by L̂. Before we proceed we state a helpful lemma. Let X and Y be independent random variables and f(X, Y) be a non-negative function. Then _X [ ln( _Y [ e^-f(X, Y)] ) ] ≥ln( _Y[e^-_X[f(X, Y)]]). We limit our proof to the simple case where the distributions are discrete and have a finite support, lets say from {1, ⋯, I}. We claim that for 1 ≤ j <I, (∑_i=1^j p(X=x_i)) ln( _Y[e^-∑_i=1^jp(X=x_i) f(x_i, Y)/∑_i=1^j p(X=x_i) ]) + ∑_i=j+1^I p(X=x_i) [ ln( _Y [ e^-f(x_i, Y)] ) ] ≥ (∑_i=1^j+1 p(X=x_i)) ln( _Y[e^-∑_i=1^j+1 p(X=x_i) f(x_i, Y)/∑_i=1^j+1 p(X=x_i) ]) + ∑_i=j+2^I p(X=x_i) [ ln( _Y [ e^-f(x_i, Y)] ) ]. This gives us a chain of inequalities. Note that the very first term in this chain is equal to the left-hand side of the desired inequality and the very last term is equal to the right-hand side of the inequality. Consider the j-th such inequality. Cancelling common terms, it requires us to prove (∑_i=1^j p(X=x_i)) ln( _Y[e^-(∑_i=1^jp(X=x_i) f(x_i, Y)/∑_i=1^j p(X=x_i) )]) + p(X=x_j+1) [ ln( _Y [ e^-f(x_j+1, Y)] ) ] ≥ (∑_i=1^j+1 p(X=x_i)) ln( _Y[e^-(∑_i=1^j+1p(X=x_i) f(x_i, Y)/∑_i=1^j+1 p(X=x_i) )]). Taking the prefactors into the logs, combining the two log terms on the left-hand side, and finally cancelling the logs, the claimed inequality is true iff _Y[e^-∑_i=1^j p(X=x_i) f(x_i, Y)/∑_i=1^j p(X=x_i) ]^∑_i=1^j p(X=x_i)/∑_i=1^j+1 p(X=x_i)_Y [ e^-f(x_j+1, Y)] ^p(X=x_j+1)/∑_i=1^j+1 p(X=x_i)≥ _Y [e^-∑_i=1^j+1 p(X=x_i) f(x_i, Y)/∑_i=1^j+1 p(X=x_i) ]. But this statement is just an instance of the Hoelder inequality with 1/p+1/q=1, where 1/p=∑_i=1^j p(X=x_i)/∑_i=1^j+1 p(X=x_i) and 1/q=p(X=x_j+1)/∑_i=1^j+1 p(X=x_i). Now we bound the complexity term from (<ref>) further. We have for every ^2 > 0 _S ∼^N[χ^E(g, _x,_, σ_y^2/ N)] = -_S ∼^N[ log( ∫_θ P(θ) e^-1/2σ^2_y∑_n=1^N (g(x_n) + _n - f_θ(x_n))^2 d θ) ] Lem <ref>≤ -log( ∫_θ P(θ) e^-N/2σ^2_y_x ∼_x∼𝒩(0,σ_e^2) [(g(x) + - f_θ(x))^2] d θ) = χ^N(g, _x, σ^2_y/N, σ_e^2) Lem <ref>≤χ^#N(g, _x, σ_e^2, ^2) + ^2 N /2 σ^2_y Lem <ref>=χ^#(g, _x, ^2 - σ_e^2) + ^2 N /2 σ^2_y. Hence by combining (<ref>) and (<ref>) we get that for every ^2 > 0 the expectation over S ∼^N of the PAC-Bayes bound can be bounded as _∼^N[L_(Q) + C√(D(Q P) /2 N)] ≤L + C/√(2)√(χ^#(g, _x, ^2 - σ_e^2)/N + 1/2σ^2_y(^2 - L)). Let β∈ (0,1]. Recall that parameter σ_y^2 is chosen freely by the learning algorithm. By the assumption of the theorem we have L_(P) ≥ 2σ_e^2. Because g ∈supp(P), which in words means that g is realizable with prior P, then lim_σ_y^2 → 0L = lim_σ_y^2 → 0_∼^N [ L_(Q) ] = _∼^N[ lim_σ_y^2 → 0 L_(Q) ] ≤_∼^N L_(g) = σ_e^2 . where in the second equality we used Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem and in the inequality we used the fact that the smaller σ_y^2 gets the bigger the penalty on ∑_n (y_n - f_θ(x_n))^2 in Q, which means that, in the limit, L_(Q) is smaller than L_(h) for every fixed h ∈supp(P) and in particular for g. On the other hand, by an analogous argument, we have lim_σ_y^2 →∞L = _∼^N[ L_(P) ] = _∼^N[ _θ∼ P[1/N∑_i=1^N ℓ(f_θ, y_n) ] ] = _θ∼ P[ _∼^N[1/N∑_i=1^N ℓ(f_θ, y_n) ] ] = L_(P) ≥ 2 σ_e^2, where we used the independence of P and in the third equality and (<ref>) in the inequality. Equations (<ref>) and (<ref>) and the fact that L is a continuous function of σ_y^2 give us that there exists σ_alg^2 > 0 such that _∼^N[L_(Q(σ_alg^2)) ] = (1 + β) σ_e^2, where we wrote Q(σ_alg^2) to explicitly express the dependence of Q on σ_y^2. With this choice for σ_y^2 and setting ^2 = (1+β)σ_e^2 applied to (<ref>) we arrive at the statement of Theorem <ref>. Note that with this choice of parameters term 1/2σ_y^2(^2 - L) from (<ref>) is equal to 0. § OMITTED PROOFS Let {x_i}_i=1^k be a set of real numbers. For i=1, ⋯, k, define the partial sums X_i=∑_j=1^i x_j. Then ∑_i=1^k X_i^2 ≥1/8∑_i=1^k x_i^2. Define X_0=0. Note that for i=1, ⋯, k, X_i = X_i-1+x_i. Hence if |X_i-1| ≤1/2 |x_i| then |X_i|≥1/2 |x_i| so that X_i^2≥1/4 x_i^2. And if |X_i-1| ≥1/2 |x_i| then X_i-1^2≥1/4 x_i^2. Therefore, X_i-1^2+X_i^2 ≥1/4 x_i^2. Summing the last inequality over i=1, ⋯, k, and adding X_k^2 to the left hand side we get 2 ∑_i=1^k X_i^2 ≥1/4∑_i=1^k x_i^2. Let f(x)= ∑_i=1^k w_i [x-b_i]_+, where 0 ≤ b_1 ≤⋯≤ b_k ≤ 1 = b_k+1. For i=1, ⋯, k, define the partial sums W_i=∑_j=1^i w_j. Then f^2 ≥1/12∑_i=1^k W_i^2 (b_i+1 - b_i)^3. Note that there are k non-overlapping intervals, namely [b_1, b_2], ⋯, [b_k, 1], where the function is potentially non-zero. On the i-th interval the function is linear (or more precisely, affine) with a slope of W_i and, by assumption, the interval has length b_i+1-b_i. On this interval the integral of f(x)^2 must have a value of at least 1/12 W_i^2 (b_i+1-b_i)^3. The last statement follows by minimizing the integral of the square of an affine function with slope W_i over the choice of the parameters. Let f_θ(x)= ∑_i=1^k w_i [x-b_i]_+, where 0 ≤ b_1 ≤⋯≤ b_k < +∞. If f_θ^2 < 1/12(k+1)^5 then there exists θ^* such that f_θ^*≡_[0,1] 0 and θ - θ^*^2 ≤ O ( k^13/5f_θ^4/5). Starting with the parameter θ that defines the function f_θ(x), we define a process of changing it until the resulting function is equal to the zero function on [0, 1]. Most importantly, this process does not change θ too much compared to the norm of f_θ(x). Note that there are two ways of setting the function to 0 on a particular interval. Either, we can make the length of the interval to be 0. This requires to change one of the bias terms by the length of the interval. Or we set the slope of this interval to be 0 (assuming that the function is already 0 at the start of the interval. Our approach uses both of those mechanisms. Let θ^0 ←θ. The process has two phases. In the first phase we change the bias terms and in the second phase we change the weights. For x ∈ [0,1], define the partial sums W(x)=∑_j: b_j ≤ x w_j. First phase. Let S := {[b_1,b_2], …, [b_k-1,b_k],[b_k,1]} and S_b := {[l,r] ∈ S : r - l < |W(l)| }. Let {[l_0,r_0],[l_1,r_1], …, [l_i,r_i]}⊆ S_b be a maximal continuous subset of intervals in S_b. That is, for all j ∈ [i], r_j = l_j+1 and the intervals ending at l_0 and starting at r_i are not in S_b. Perform the following: for all b_j ∈ [l_0,r_i] set b_j ← r_i. We do this operation for all maximal, continuous subsets of S_b. This finishes the first phase. Call the resulting vector of parameters θ^1. We bound θ^0 - θ^1^2 ≤ k (∑_[l,r] ∈ S_b (r-l) )^2 ≤ k^13/5(∑_[l,r] ∈ S_b (r-l)^5 )^2/5 By the Power Mean Inequality ≤ k^13/5(∑_[l,r] ∈ S_b (r-l)^3 W(l)^2 )^2/5 By definition of S_b ≤ k^13/5 (12 f_θ^2)^2/5 By Lemma <ref> Second phase. Observe that f_θ^1 has the following properties. For every x ∈ [0,1] ∖⋃_[l,r] ∈ S_b [l,r) we have W^1(x) = W^0(x). It is enough to make W(l) = 0 for all [l,r] such that [l,r] ∈ S ∖ S_b. Let i_1 < i_2 < … < i_p be all i_j's such that [b_i_j, b_i_j+1] ∈ S ∖ S_b. Applying Lemma <ref> to {W_i_1, W_i_2 - W_i_1, …, W_i_p - W_i_p-1} we get that 8∑_j=1^p W_i_j^2 ≥ W_i_1^2 + (W_i_2 - W_i_1)^2 + … (W_i_p - W_i_p-1)^2 The RHS of (<ref>) gives an upper-bound on the ·^2 norm distance needed to change w_i's in θ^1 so that all W_i_j = 0. It is because we can change w_1, …, w_i_1 by at most W_i_1^2 to make W_i_1 = 0 and so on for i_2, …, i_p. Call the resulting vector of parameters θ^2. We bound the change in the second phase θ^1 - θ^2^2 ≤ 8 ∑_j=1^p W_i_j^2 (<ref>) ≤ 8k (1/k∑_j=1^p |W_i_j^5| )^2/5 Power Mean Inequality = 8k^3/5( ∑_i : [b_i, b_i+1] ∈ S ∖ S_b |W_i^5| )^2/5 By definition ≤ 8k^3/5( ∑_i : [b_i, b_i+1] ∈ S ∖ S_b (b_i+1 - b_i)^3 |W_i^2| )^2/5 By definition of S_b ≤ 8 k^3/5(12 f_θ^2 )^2/5 By Lemma <ref>. We conclude by θ^0 - θ^2^2 ≤ 4 max(θ^0 - θ^1^2, θ^1 - θ^2^2 ) Triangle inequality ≤ 96 k^13/5(f_θ^2 )^2/5 (<ref>) and (<ref>) Let S^0 = {[b_1, b_2], …, [b_k,1]} be the set of active intervals at time t=0. I.e., initially all intervals are active. For t ≥ 0 if there exists an i such that [b_i^t,b_i+1^t] ∈ S^t and b_i+1^t - b_i^t < |W^t(b_i^t)| then perform θ^t+1←θ^t, α← b_i^t, β← b_i+1^t, for every only rightendpoint j such that b_j^t = β set b^t+1_j ←α, S^t+1← S^t ∖{[b^t_i, b^t_i+1] }. In each step of the process one interval is removed from S, hence the process terminates in at most t_max≤ k steps. The following properties hold for every t < t_max: * θ^t+1 - θ^t^2≤ 2k · (b^t_i+1 - b^t_i)^2 < 2k (W^t(b_i^t))^2, as at most 2k bias terms were changed, * for every x ∈ [0,1] ∖ [b_i^t, b_i+1^t) we have W^t+1(x) = W^t(x), i.e. in the t-th step the slope changes only at [b_i^t, b_i+1^t), * for every x ∈ [b_i^t, b_i+1^t) we have W^t+1(x) = W^t(b_i+1^t). Note that, by construction, for every [b_i^t_max, b_i+1^t_max] ∈ S^t_max we have b_i+1^t_max - b_i^t_max≥ |W^t_max(b_i^t_max)|. We bound 12 ∫_0^1 f(x)^2 dx ≥∑_i=1^k W_i^2 (b_i+1 - b_i)^3 Lemma <ref> ≥∑_i : [b_i^t_max, b_i+1^t_max] ∈ S^t_max W_i^2 (b_i+1 - b_i)^3 + ∑_i : [b_i^t_max, b_i+1^t_max] ∉S^t_max W_i^2 (b_i+1 - b_i)^3 = ∑_i : [b_i^t_max, b_i+1^t_max] ∈ S^t_max W^t_max(b_i^t_max)^2 (b_i+1^t_max - b_i^t_max)^3 + ∑_t=1^t_max-1∑_i : [b_i^t-1, b_i+1^t-1] ∈ S^t-1∖ S^t W^t-1(b^t-1_i)^2(b^t-1_i+1 - b^t-1_i)^3 By Property (<ref>) ≥∑_i : [b_i^t_max, b_i+1^t_max] ∈ S^t_max |W^t_max(b_i^t_max)^5| + ∑_t=1^t_max-1∑_i : [b_i^t-1, b_i+1^t-1] ∈ S^t-1∖ S^t (b^t-1_i+1 - b^t-1_i)^5 By (<ref>) and (<ref>) = ∑_i : [b_i, b_i+1] ∈ S^t_max |W_i^5| + ∑_i : [b_i^t_max, b_i+1^t_max] ∉S^t_max (b_i+1 - b_i)^5 By Property (<ref>) We bound the change in the first phase θ - θ^t_max^2 ≤(∑_t=1^t_maxθ^t-1 - θ^t)^2 Triangle inequality ≤ 2( ∑_i : [b_i^t_max, b_i+1^t_max] ∉S^t_max k^1/2(b_i+1 - b_i) )^2 By Property (<ref>) ≤ 2k^3 (1/k∑_i : [b_i^t_max, b_i+1^t_max] ∉S^t_max (b_i+1 - b_i)^5 )^2/5 Power Mean Inequality ≤ 6k^13/5(∫_0^1 f_θ(x)^2 dx )^2/5 (<ref>) RUnow sure what we use above; what does 1 refer to? it seems that we have several 1s and 2s references around Now we show how to change the w_i's in θ^t_max to make the function the 0 function - this is the second phase. By Properties (<ref>) and (<ref>) it is enough to make W_i = 0 for all i such that [b_i, b_i+1] ∈ S^t_max. Let i_1 < i_2 < … < i_p be all i_j's such that [b_i_j, b_i_j+1] ∈ S^t_max. Applying Lemma <ref> to {W_i_1, W_i_2 - W_i_1, …, W_i_p - W_i_p-1} we get that 8∑_j=1^p W_i_j^2 ≥ W_i_1^2 + (W_i_2 - W_i_1)^2 + … (W_i_p - W_i_p-1)^2 The RHS of (<ref>) gives an upper-bound on the ·^2 norm distance needed to change w_i's in θ^t_max so that all W_i_j = 0. It is because we can change w_1, …, w_i_1 by at most W_i_1^2 to make W_i_1 = 0 and so on for i_2, …, i_p. Call the resulting vector of parameters θ^*. We bound the change in the second phase θ^t_max - θ^*^2 ≤ 8 ∑_j=1^p W_i_j^2 (<ref>) ≤ 8k (1/k∑_j=1^p |W_i_j^5| )^2/5 Power Mean Inequality = 8k^3/5( ∑_i : [b_i, b_i+1] ∈ S^t_max |W_i^5| )^2/5 By definition ≤ 24 k^3/5(∫_0^1 f_θ(x)^2 dx )^2/5 (<ref>). We conclude by θ - θ^*^2 ≤ 4 max(θ - θ^t_max^2, θ^t_max - θ^*^2 ) Triangle inequality ≤ 96 k^13/5(∫_0^1 f_θ(x)^2 dx )^2/5 (<ref>) and (<ref>) [Withb^(2)] Let R ∈_+, θ∈ B_R ∩(P) be such that f_θ(x)= b^(2) + ∑_i=1^k w_i [x-b_i]_+, where 0 ≤ b_1 ≤⋯≤ b_k < +∞. If f_θ^2 is small enough, where the bound depends only on R and k, then there exists θ^* such that f_θ^*≡_[0,1] 0 and θ - θ^*^2 ≤ O ( k^5 R^4/5f_θ^2/5) . Let ^2 = f_θ^2. For x ∈, define the partial sums W(x)=∑_j: b_j ≤ x w_j. Consider the following cases: Case |b^(2)| ≤^1/2. We perform θ' ←θ, b^(2)'← 0. By triangle inequality we can bound f_θ'||^2 ≤( + |b^(2)| )^2 ≤ 4 . We apply Lemma <ref> to θ' to obtain θ^* such that f_θ^*≡_[0,1] 0 and θ' - θ^*^2 ≤ O(k^13/5f_θ'||^4/5) ≤ O(k^13/5^2/5). We conclude by noticing θ - θ^*^2 ≤(θ - θ' + θ' - θ^*)^2 Triangle inequality ≤(^1/2 + O(k^13/10^1/5) )^2 ≤ O(k^13/5f_θ^2/5) As ^2 ≤ 1. Case |b^(2)| > ^1/2. Without loss of generality assume that b^(2)>0. There exists x_0 ∈ (0,/4), such that f_θ(x_0) = b^(2)/2, as otherwise ^2 ≥∫_0^/4 f_θ(x)^2 dx ≥∫_0^/4 (b^(2))^2 / 4 dx > ^2. By the mean value theorem there exists x_1 ∈ (0,x_0) ∖{b_1, …, b_k} such that f_θ(x_1) ∈ [b^(2)/2, b^(2)] and W(x_1) ≤f_θ(x_0) - f_θ(0)/x_0 - 0≤ -4b^(2)/2≤ -2^-1/2. We perform the following transformation θ' ←θ, for every i such that b_i < x_1 do b'_i ← b_i - x_1 + f_θ(x_1)/W(x_1), i_0 ←_i b_i > x_1, b'_i_0← 0. Observe that we shifted all b_i's exactly so that f_θ'(0) = 0. Note also that b_i_0≤ 4 as otherwise by Lemma <ref>^2 ≥∫_x_1^b_i_0 f_θ(x)^2 dx ≥1/12 W(x_1)^2 (b_i_0 - x_1)^3 > 1/12 4^-1 (3)^3 ≥^2. By (<ref>) we can bound θ - θ'^2 ≤ k (-x_1 + f_θ(x_1)/W(x_1))^2 + 16^2 ≤ O(k^2). f_θ is R-Lipshitz wrt to b_i's in B_R thus the triangle inequality and (<ref>) gives f_θ'^2 ≤ (f_θ + O(R k^3/2))^2 ≤ O(R^2 k^5 ^2). We apply Lemma <ref> to f_θ', after we removed all b'_i < 0 and set w'_i_0←∑_j ≤ i_0 w_j. Lemma <ref> might require to change w'_i_0, which we can realize with the same cost by changing {w_j : j ≤ i_0}. Thus Lemma <ref> and (<ref>) gives us that there exists θ^* such that f_θ^*≡_[0,1] 0 and θ' - θ^*^2 ≤ O(k^13/5 k^2 R^4/5^4/5). We conclude by using the triangle inequality and (<ref>) to get θ - θ^*^2 ≤ O(k^23/5 R^4/5f_θ^4/5). Let R ∈_+, θ∈ B_R ∩(P) be such that f_θ(x)= b^(2) + ∑_i=1^k w_i [x-b_i]_+ and g(x) = b + ∑_i=1^c v_i [x - t_i]_+, where c ≤ k, 0 ≤ b_1 ≤⋯≤ b_k < +∞, 0 < t_1 < … < t_c < 1 and v_1,…,v_c ≠ 0. If g - f_θ^2 is small enough, where the bound depends only on g,R and k, then there exists θ^* such that f_θ^*≡_[0,1] g and θ - θ^*^2 ≤ O ( k^7 R^4/5g - f_θ^2/5) . Consider a model on c+k ≤ 2k neurons represented as h_θ := (b^(2) - b) + ∑_i=1^k w_i [x-b_i]_+ - ∑_i=1^c v_i [x - t_i]_+, where, to distinguish it from θ, we denoted by the set of parameters of h. Observe that h^2 = g - f_θ^2. By Lemma <ref> there exists ^* such that h_^*≡_[0,1] 0 and - ^*^2 ≤ O ( k^5 R^4/5g - f_θ^2/5). If is small enough then the parameters in ^* corresponding to v_i's are all still all non-zero and the bias terms corresponding to t_i's are still all different. As h_^*≡_[0,1] 0 it implies that for every i ∈ [c] there is a set of bias terms corresponding to b_j's that are exactly at where t_i was moved. Let π : [c] → 2^[k] be the mapping from t_i's to subsets of b_i's certifying that. We define θ^* such that f_θ^*≡_[0,1] g as the result of two steps. First, changing θ as its corresponding parameters were changed in the transition →^*. Second, changing the parameters as v_i's and t_i's are changed in ^* → under the map π. Observe that θ - θ^*^2 ≤ k^2 - ^*^2. It is because in the second step we move at most k bias terms for every parameter corresponding to t_i. Proof of Lemma <ref> Let R ∈_+. Notice that f_θ is R^2-Lipschitz with respect to each of its parameters, when restricted to a ball B_R. This implies that for all > 0 (A_g + B_) ∩ B_R ⊆{θ : g - f_θ^2 ≤ R^4 ^2 }. On the other hand by Lemma <ref> we have that for small enough {θ : g - f_θ^2 ≤^2 }∩ B_R ∩(P) ⊆ A_g + B_O ( k^7/2 R^2/5^1/5) ⊆ A_g + B_C(k,R)^1/5, for some function C. Next we prove (<ref>). Let θ∈ B_R be such that g - f_θ^2 ≤^2. Let η(Δ, W) denotes the minimum ℓ_2 difference on [-Δ, Δ] between a linear function and a two-piece linear function that has a change of slope of W at 0, i.e. η(Δ,W) = min_a,b∫_-Δ^0 (ax + b)^2 dx + ∫_0^Δ (ax+b - W x)^2 dx. Solving the minimization problem we get η(Δ, W) = Δ^3 W^2/24. We proceed by changing θ in phases to arrive at an exact representation of g while incurring only a small change to θ in the ·^2 norm. In phase 1 we make sure that f” roughly agrees with g” at t_1, …, t_c, then, in phase 2, we make sure that the agreement is exact and finally, in phase 3, we enforce agreement of f and g on whole [0,1]. Phase 1. We perform the following transformation θ' ←θ, for every i ∈ [1,c] such that |v_i| ≥^1/2 do for every j ∈ [1,k] such that |_j^(1) - t_i| ≤ 4^1/3 do _j^(1)'← t_i, First note that every bias term is changed at most once because the intervals [t_i - 4^1/3,t_i + 4^1/3] don't intersect by assumption that = o(κ^3). After this transformation the following holds. For every i ∈ [1,c] we have |f”_θ' - v_i| ≤^1/2 Observe that there exists _j^(1) such that |_j^(1) - t_i| ≤ 4^1/3 as otherwise the cost incurred to g - f_θ^2 on [t_i - 4^1/3, t_i + 4^1/3] is at least 64/24^2. Note that we implicitly assumed that < 1/4κ^3. If we perform θ' ←θ, _i^(1)'← t_i then θ - θ'^2 ≤ 16^2/3 and g - f_θ'^2 ≤ (g - f_θ + f_θ - f_θ')^2 ≤ ( + 4 R^2 ^1/3)^2 f is R^2-Lipschitz in B_R with respect to _i^(1) ≤^2 + 8^4/3 R^2 + 16 R^4 ^2/3 ≤ 32 R^4 ^2/3. I think we need to be careful here. All operations should be done at the same time We can view the transformation θ→θ' as an operation after which we have a new target function g' = g - _i^(2)_i^(1) [x - t_i]_+ and a new model for f, where we drop the i-th node. We apply the operation for as long as possible. This process terminates because in each step we remove one node. After the process is finished, if we denote the resulting set of parameters by θ”, we have that for every i ∈ [1,c] |g”(t_i) - f_θ””(t_i)| < ^1/2. Moreover by an analogous argument to (<ref>) we have that g - f_θ”^2 ≤ O( k R^4 ^2/3 ). We also have θ - θ”^2 ≤ O( k ^2/3). Phase 2. In this phase we change θ” further to obtain θ”' so that for every j ∈ [1,c]g”(t_j) = f_θ”'”(t_j). Let j ∈ [1,c] and let S_j := {i ∈ [1,c] : _i^(1)” = t_j}. Let i ∈ S_j. We can change each of w_i^(2)”, w_i^(1)” by at most ^1/2 in the ·^2 norm so that ∑_i ∈ S_j w_i^(2)” w_i^(1)” = f_θ””(t_j) = g”(t_j). We apply such a transformation for every j ∈ [1,c] and call the result θ”'. The result satisfies θ - θ”'^2 ≤ O(k ^2/3) + 2k ^1/2≤ O(k ^1/2), g - f_θ”'^2 ≤ O( k R^4 ^2/3 ) + k(R + ^1/4)^4 ^1/2 ≤ O( k R^4 ^1/2 ) As ^1/4 < R, where in the first inequality we used the fact that f_θ is R-Lipshitz with respect to w_i^(2) in B_R. Phase 3. Let S := {i ∈ [1,k] : _i^(1)”'∈{t_1, …, t_c }}. Let θ^0 represent a model where the weights are equal to θ”' but all nodes in S are removed. We will change θ^0 so that it represents the 0 function. By definition f_θ^0^2 ≤ O( k R^4 ^1/2 ). We would like to now use Lemma <ref>. But note that in this lemma we assumed that the model is b^(2) +∑_i=1^k w_i [x-b_i]_+ not ∑_i=1^k _i^(2)·_i^(1)[x - _i^(1)]_+ + b^(2). Let i ∈ [1,k]. If w_i was changed by δ^2 in the ·^2 norm then we can realize the same effective change in _i^(2)·_i^(1) by changing the weight with the smaller absolute value by at most δ +δ^2 in the ·^2 norm. Thus Lemma <ref> and (<ref>) give us that there exists θ^* such that f_θ^*≡_[0,1] 0 and θ - θ^*^2 ≤ O (k^5 R^4/5 k^1/5 R^4/5^1/10) ≤ O (k^6 R^8/5^1/10). To finish the proof we bound χ^#(g, U([0,1])) = lim_ϵ→ 0log[_θ{θ: g - f_θ^2 ≤^2 }]/log() (1)=lim_R →∞lim_ϵ→ 0log[_θ{θ: g - f_θ^2 ≤^2, θ_2 ≤ R }]/log() (2)≥lim_R →∞lim_→ 0log(( (A + B_C(k,R) ^1/5) ∩ B_R ∩(P) ) max_θ∈ B_R P(θ) )/log() (3)=lim_R →∞lim_→ 0log(( (A + B_C(k,R) ^1/5) ∩ B_R ∩(P)) )/log(C(k,R) ^1/5)·log(C(k,R) ^1/5)/log() (4)=1/5lim_R →∞lim_→ 0log(( (A + B_C(k,R) ^1/5) ∩ B_R ∩(P)) )/log(C(k,R) ^1/5) = 1/5_P(A_g), where in (1) we assumed that the two quantities are equal, in (2) we used (<ref>), in (3) we used lim_→ 0max_θ∈ B_R P(θ)/log() = 0 and in (4) we used lim_→ 0log(C(k,R)^1/5)/log() = 1/5. The second bound reads χ^#(g, U([0,1])) = lim_R →∞lim_ϵ→ 0log[_θ{θ: g - f_θ^2 ≤^2, θ_2 ≤ R }]/log() (1)≤lim_R →∞lim_→ 0log(( (A + B_R^2 ) ∩ B_R ∩(P)) ·min_θ∈ B_R ∩(P) P(θ) )/log() (2)=lim_R →∞lim_→ 0log(( (A + B_R^2 ) ∩ B_R ∩(P)))/log( R^2 )·log(R^2 )/log() = _P(A_g), where in (1) we used (<ref>) and in (2) we used min_θ∈ B_R ∩(P) P(θ) > 0, which is true because B_R is compact. Proof of Lemma <ref> Let and denote the vectors of t_i's, and v_i's respectively. Note that if for i ∈ [1,c] we define b_i^(1) := t_i, w_i^(2) := v_i/w_i^(1) and b^(2) := b then for every x ∈ [0,1] g(x) = ∑_i=1^c w_i^(2)· w_i^(1)[x - b_i^(1)]_+ + b^(2). Moreover if the neurons i ∈ [c+1,k] are inactive on [0,1], that is if b_i^(1) > 1 for all i > c, then g ≡_[0,1] f_θ, i.e. functions g an f_θ agree on [0,1]. If we denote by _[p,q] the restrictions of to coordinates p,…,q, then for < max(t_1, t_2 -t_1, …, t_c, 1 - t_c) we can write (A_g + B_) ∩ B_R ∩(P) ⊇{θ : _[1,c] - ^2 ≤^2/3, _[c+1,k]∈ [1,M]^k-c, ^(2)^(1) - ^2 ≤^2/3, (b^(2) - b)^2 ≤^2/3}∩ B_R. Now we will estimate ({ : ^(2)^(1) - ^2 ≤^2 }∩ B_R). If k=1 and R^2 > 5|v_1|: ({w^(1),w^(2)∈ : (w^(2)w^(2) - v)^2 ≤^2 }∩ B_R ) ≥ 2∫_|v|^1/2^2|v|^1/22/w^(1) dw^(1) = 4(log(2|v|^1/2) - log(|v|^1/2)) = 4log(2) . Bound from (<ref>) generalizes to higher dimensions. If R^2 > 5^2 then ({ : ^(2)^(1) - ^2 ≤^2 }∩ B_R) ≥κ^c, where κ is independent of , κ depends only on the volume of balls in ^c and the constants 4log(2) from (<ref>). Now we can lower-bound the co-dimension _P(A_g) = lim_R →∞lim_→ 0log(( (A_g + B_) ∩ B_R ∩(P)))/log() ≤lim_→ 0log(κ' (/√(3))^c · (M-1)^k-c·κ (/√(3))^c ·2/√(3))/log() By (<ref>) and (<ref>) = 2c+1, where similarly as before κ' is a constant independent of . Now we will show an inequality in the other direction. Assume towards contradiction that (A_g) < 2c+1. This means that there exists θ∈int((P)), f_θ = g and u_1, …, u_3k+1-2c∈^3k+1 linearly independent such that θ + ConvHull(u_1, …, u_3k+1-2c) ⊆ A_g. Fix one such θ. Next observe that b^(2) = b. Moreover {t_1, …, t_c}⊆{_1^(1),…, _k^(1)}, because if there was t_i ∉{_1^(1),…, _k^(1)} then f”_θ(t_i) = 0 but g”(t_i) = v_i ≠ 0. For every i ∈ [1,k] define S_i := {j ∈ [1,k] : _j^(1) = _i^(1)}. Note that for every i ∈ [1,k] such that _i^(1) = t_j for some j ∈ [1,c] we have: ∑_p ∈ S_i_p^(2)·_p^(1) = v_j _i^(1) = t_j 0 _i^(1)∈ [0,1] ∖{t_1, …, t_c} If not then let i_0 be such that _i_0^(1) is the minimal one such that (<ref>) doesn't hold. Note that then g ≢_[_i_0^(1), _i_0^(1) + δ] f_θ, where δ > 0 is small enough so that {_1^(1),…, _k^(1)}∩ (_i_0^(1) , _i_0^(1) + δ) = ∅. Now observe that (<ref>), (<ref>) and (<ref>) give us locally at least 2c+1 linearly independent equations around θ which contradicts with θ + ConvHull(u_1, …, u_3k+1-2c) ⊆ A_g. Thus (A_g) ≥ 2c+1. Next we give a helpful fact. Let X,Y be two independent random variables distributed according to 𝒩(0,σ_w^2). Then for every a_0 ∈ we have that the density of XY at a_0 is equal to f_XY(a_0) = 1/2πσ_w^2∫_-∞^+∞ e^-1/2σ_w^2(w^2 + a_0^2/w^2) dw = 1/√(2πσ_w^2)e^-|a_0|/σ_w^2. Proof of Lemma <ref> To prove the lemma we estimate the probability of f_θ's close to g_1. Without loss of generality assume that a > 0. Upper bound. We can represent g_1 with a single node i by assigning √(a) to the outgoing weight (^(2)_i), √(a) to the incoming weight (^(1)_i) of this node, the bias term (^(1)_i) to t and b^(2) to b. The bias terms of all other nodes lie in (1,M], i.e. they are inactive in the interval [0,1]. These are exact representations of the function but to compute a lower bound on the probability we should also consider functions that are close to g_1. We can change _i^(1), _i^(2), _i^(1) by a little bit and still have a function that satisfies g_1 - f_θ^2 ≤^2. We claim that the target probability is lower bounded by ( /21/√(2πσ_w^2) e^-10 a/9 σ_w^2) ·(9/20 M a) ·( /401/√(2πσ_b^2) e^-(|b| + /40)^2/2σ_b^2) ·( M-1/M)^k-1. We arrive at this expression by noting the following facts. By (<ref>) and the assumption that a ≥ 20 the probability that _i^(2)_i^(1) = a ±/2 is lower bounded by /21/√(2πσ_w^2) e^-10 a/9 σ_w^2. The probability that _i^(1) = t ±9/20a is equal 9/20M a. The probability that b^(2) = b ±/40 is lower bounded by /401/√(2πσ_b^2) e^-(|b| + /40)^2/2σ_b^2. The last term is the probability that all other nodes have bias terms in [1,M]. Their weights can realm over the whole space and these nodes don't affect the function on [0,1]. We claim that all functions of this form satisfy g_1 - f_θ^2 ≤^2. We bound the pointwise difference of g_1 and f_θ in [0,1], i.e. for every x ∈ [0,1] f_θ(x) = b + (_i^(2)_i^(1)±/2)[x - (_i^(1)±9/20a)]_+ ±/40 = b + _i^(2)_i^(1)[x - (_i^(1)±9/20a)]_+ ±/2[x - (_i^(1)±9/20a)]_+ ±/40 = b + _i^(2)_i^(1)[x - _i^(1)]_+ ±_i^(2)_i^(1)9/20a±/2(1 + 9/20a) ±/40 = b + _i^(2)_i^(1)[x - _i^(1)]_+ ±9/20±/2(21/20 + 9/20a) As _i^(2)_i^(1) = a = b + _i^(2)_i^(1)[x - _i^(1)]_+ ± As a ≥ 20, which implies that for such representations g_1 - f_θ^2 ≤^2. From (<ref>) we get an upper bound on the sharp complexity χ^#( g_1, ^2) ≤ -log[ ( /21/√(2πσ_w^2) e^-10 a/9 σ_w^2) ·(9/20 M a) ·( /401/√(2πσ_b^2) e^-(|b| + /40)^2/2σ_b^2) ·( M-1/M)^k-1] ≤10/9(a/σ_w^2 + |b|/σ_b^2) + log(M a ) - (k-1) log(1 - 1/M) + log(2πσ_w σ_b) + 7 - 3 log() ≤10/9(a/σ_w^2 + |b|/σ_b^2) + log(M a ) - (k-1) log(1 - 1/M) + 10 - 3 log(). As σ_b^2 ≤1/σ_w^2 ≤ 2(a/σ_w^2 + |b|/σ_b^2) + 11 - 3log(), where in the last inequality we used that log(x) < x/2, log(1+x) < x for x> 0 and the assumption k ≤ M ≤1/σ_w^2. Observe that according to Corollary <ref> we have that χ^#(g_1, _x) ≤ 3. Recall that χ^#(g_1, _x) = lim_→ 0 -χ^#(g_1, _x, ^2)/log(). This means that, at least approximately, if we took the bound from (<ref>), divided it by -log() we would get an upper bound on χ^#(g_1, _x). This would yield for us χ^#(g_1, _x) ≤ 3, as all other terms go to 0 when → 0. Lower bound. There are other θ's that represent the function approximately. For example we could represent g_1 with more than 1 node, by spreading the change of slope a over many nodes. Another possibility is that a number of nodes with the same bias terms t ≠ b ∈ [0,1] effectively cancel out. These θ's contribute to the probability and decrease the complexity. Let θ be such that g_1 - f_θ^2 ≤^2 and let S := {i ∈{1, …, k} : _i^(1)∈ [t - 9^1/2, t + 9^1/2] }. Assume towards contradiction that ∑_i ∈ S |_i^(1)_i^(2)| < a -^1/4. This implies that either ∑_i : _i^(1)∈ [t - 9^1/2,t] |_i^(1)_i^(2)| < f'_θ(t) - ^1/4/2 or ∑_i : _i^(1)∈ [t, t + 9^1/2] |_i^(1)_i^(2)| < a - f'_θ(t) - ^1/4/2. Assume that (<ref>) holds. A similar argument covers (<ref>). Now consider two cases. Case 1. For all x ∈ [t, t+ 3^1/2] we have f_θ(x) > a(x-t) + ^3/4. Then g_1 - f_θ^2 ≥ 3^1/2·^3/2 > ^2. Case 2. There exists x_0 ∈ [t,t+3^1/2] such that f_θ(x_0) < a(x_0-t) + ^3/4. By (<ref>) we know that for all x ∈ [t,t+9^1/2] we have f'_θ(x) < a - ^1/4/2. This means that f_θ(x) is below a linear function of slope a-^1/4/2 passing through (x_0,f_θ(x_0)). Now we lower bound the error using the fact that f_θ is below this line. g_1 - f_θ^2 ≥∫_x_0^t+9^1/2[a(x-t) - (f(x_0) + (a - ^1/4/2)(x-x_0)) ]^2 1_{a(x-t) > f(x_0) + (a - ^1/4/2)(x-x_0)} dx Note that the function δ(x) := a(x-t) - (f(x_0) + (a - ^1/4/2)(x-x_0)) is increasing in x and moreover δ(7^1/2 + t) = a(x_0-t) - f(x_0) + ^1/4/2(7^1/2 + t - x_0) ≥ -^3/4 + 2^3/4 By (<ref>) and x_0 < t + 3^1/2 ≥^3/4. Combining (<ref>) and (<ref>) we get that g_1 - f_θ^2 ≥ 2^1/2·^6/4 > ^2, which is a contradiction . We arrived at a contradiction in both cases thus ∑_i ∈ S |_i^(1)_i^(2)| ≥ a -^1/4. We claim that for every such S the probability of ∑_i ∈ S |_i^(1)_i^(2)| ≥ a -^1/4 is at most ( 18^1/2/M)^|S|∫_a - ^1/4^∞ x^(|S| - 1)2^|S|/|S|!·2/√(2πσ_w^2)e^-x/σ_w^2 dx. We arrive at this expression by noting that x^(|S| - 1)2^|S|/|S|! is the area of an ℓ_1 sphere of radius x in |S| dimensions; the density for _i's satisfying ∑_i ∈ S |_i^(1)_i^(2)| = x is, by Fact <ref>, 2/√(2πσ_w^2)e^-x/σ_w^2; the probability that a single bias term is equal to t ± 9^1/2 is 18^1/2/M. There has to exist S ⊆{1, …, k} such that ∑_i ∈ S_i^(1)_i^(2) = a ± and for all i ∈ S we have _i^(1) = t ±/√(a), i.e. there exists a subset of nodes whose slopes add up to approximately a and their bias terms are around t. For every such S the probability What about +1/-1? that ∑_i ∈ S_i^(1)_i^(2) = a ± and _i^(1) = t ±/√(a) is approximately a^(|S| - 1)/22 π^|S|/2/Γ(|S|/2)··( /√(a)M)^|S|·√(2π)e^-a/σ_w^2. We arrive at this expression by noting that a^(|S| - 1)/22 π^|S|/2/Γ(|S|/2) is the area of a sphere of radius √(a) in |S| dimensions, multiplying it by thickness ; the density for _i's satisfying ∑_i ∈ S_i^(1)_i^(2) = a is by (<ref>)√(2π)e^-a/σ_w^2; the probability that a single bias term is equal to t ±/√(a) is /√(a)M. Now we upper bound the probability of all these functions by taking a union bound over sets S. We get _θ[g_1 - f_θ^2 ≤^2 ] ≤∑_S ⊆{1,…,n}∫_a - ^1/4^∞ x^(|S| - 1)2^|S|/|S|!·( 18^1/2/k)^|S|·√(2/πσ_w^2)e^-x/σ_w^2 dx By (<ref>) and k ≤ M ≤√(2/πσ_w^2)∑_i=1^k ∫_a - ^1/4^∞ki2^i/i!( 1/2k)^i· x^i - 1 e^-x/σ_w^2 dx As 18^1/2≤1/2 ≤√(2/πσ_w^2)∑_i=1^k ∫_a/2^∞x^i-1/2^i-1 e^- x/σ_w^2 dx As ki≤ k^i, i! ≥ 2^i-1, a ≥ 2^1/4 For every i ∈ [1,k] we can upper bound ∫_a/2^∞x^i-1/2^i-1 e^-x/σ_w^2 dx ≤∫_a/2^2 e^-x/σ_w^2 dx + [-x^i/2^i-1 e^-x/σ_w^2]_2^∞ As (-x^i e^-x/σ_w^2)' ≥ x^i-1 e^-x/σ_w^2 for x ≥ 2 ≤[-σ_w^2 e^-x/σ_w^2]^2_a/2 + 2e^-2/σ_w^2 ≤σ_w^2 e^-a/2σ_w^2 + 2e^-2/σ_w^2 ≤ 3e^-a/2σ_w^2 As σ_w^2 ≤ 1, a ≤ 2 Plugging (<ref>) back to (<ref>) we get _θ[g_1 - f_θ^2 ≤^2 ] ≤√(18/π)k/σ_w e^-a/2σ_w^2. With (<ref>) we can bound the sharp complexity χ^#(_x, g_1, ^2) ≥a/2σ_w^2 - log(k/σ_w) + log(√(2π)) ≥a/3σ_w^2 As Ω(σ_w^2log(k/σ_w)) ≤ |a|. _θ[g_1 - f_θ^2 ≤^2 ] ≤√(2π)∑_S ⊆{1,…,n} e^-ak a^(|S| - 1)/22 π^|S|/2/Γ(|S|/2)·( /√(a)k)^|S| By (<ref>), k = M = 1/σ_w^2 ≤√(2π)∑_i=1^k e^-akki a^(|S| - 1)/22 π^|S|/2/Γ(|S|/2)·( /√(a)k)^|S| ≤√(2π)∑_i=1^k e^-ak + ilog(k e/i) + i-1/2log(a) - i/2log(i/2π e) + i log(/√(a)k) As ki≤(k e/i)^i and Γ(x+1) ≈√(2π x)(x/e)^x ≤√(2π)∑_i=1^k e^-ak + ilog( e √(2π e)/√(a) i^3/2) + i-1/2log(a) ≤√(2π)∑_i=1^k e^-ak/2 + ilog( e √(2π e)/√(a) i^3/2) Because log(a) ≤ a for a > 0. Using the assumption e √(2 π e)/√(a) < 1 we can upper bound it further √(2π)e^-ak/2·∑_i=1^k ( e √(2π e)/√(a) i^3/2)^i ≤√(2π)e^-ak/2· 2 As ∑_i=1^k (1/i^3/2)^i ≤∑_i=1^k 2^-i≤ 2. Finally we get a lower bound for the complexity χ^#(_x, g_1, ) ≥ak/2 -1/2log(2π) - log() - log(2) ≥ak/2 - log() - 3.
Location-based Physical Layer Authentication in Underwater Acoustic Communication Networks
[ "Waqas Aman", "Saif Al-Kuwari", "Marwa Qaraqe" ]
[ "eess.SP" ]
Location-based Physical Layer Authentication in Underwater Acoustic Communication Networks Waqas Aman1, Saif Al-Kuwari1, Marwa Qaraqe1 1Division of Information and Computing Technology, College of Science and Engineering, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar Foundation, Doha, Qatar. waqasaman87@gmail.com, smalkuwari@hbku.edu.qa, mqaraqe@hbku.edu.qa ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ Research in underwater communication is rapidly becoming attractive due to its various modern applications. An efficient mechanism to secure such communication is via physical layer security. In this paper, we propose a novel physical layer authentication (PLA) mechanism in underwater acoustic communication networks where we exploit the position/location of the transmitter nodes to achieve authentication. We perform transmitter position estimation from the received signals at reference nodes deployed at fixed positions in a predefined underwater region. We use time of arrival (ToA) estimation and derive the distribution of inherent uncertainty in the estimation. Next, we perform binary hypothesis testing on the estimated position to decide whether the transmitter node is legitimate or malicious. We then provide closed-form expressions of false alarm rate and missed detection rate resulted from binary hypothesis testing. We validate our proposal via simulation results, which demonstrate errors' behavior against the link quality, malicious node location, and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. We also compare our results with the performance of previously proposed fingerprint mechanisms for PLA in underwater acoustic communication networks, for which we show a clear advantage of using the position as a fingerprint in PLA. § INTRODUCTION Underwater acoustic communication has gained significant attention due to its promising applications in marine life exploration, natural resource finding, underwater navigation, and military operations <cit.>. Recently, a considerable amount of research has been conducted to explore innovative approaches from design to signal processing techniques of underwater acoustic communication <cit.>. However, the broadcast nature of underwater acoustic communication makes it vulnerable to many types of malicious attacks <cit.>. One of the prominent attacks is the impersonation attack (also called spoofing), where a malicious node aims to mimic one of the legitimate nodes of the network in order to get access and compromise the integrity of the system <cit.>. Traditionally, such attacks were countered using pre-defined secrets (also called passwords or keys) secured via different encrypted algorithms <cit.>. However, recent advances in computational resources and quantum computing may potentially jeopardize these crypto-based solutions <cit.>. Consequently, physical layer authentication (PLA), where physical layer features serve as device fingerprints. is becoming an attractive alternative approach to cryptography-based authentication. Both channel and hardware-based features can be used for PLA. Such hardware features include I/Q imbalance <cit.> and carrier offsets (phase and frequency) <cit.> while channel features include pathloss <cit.>, channel impulse response (CIR) <cit.>, channel frequency response <cit.> and received signal strength <cit.>. To counter the impersonation attack in underwater acoustic communication networks, several works were recently published considering PLA <cit.>. To the best of our knowledge, the first work exploiting distance and angle of arrival as device fingerprints for PLA in underwater acoustic sensor networks is reported in <cit.>, where closed-form expressions for error probabilities are derived. Similarly, the authors in <cit.> study the power delay profile of underwater acoustic channels using a deep reinforcement learning approach to detect impersonation. Adopting a different approach, the authors in <cit.> report two angles of arrival (azimuth and elevation) to counter impersonation in line-of-sight underwater acoustic communication. Recently, the authors in <cit.> report time reversal resonating strength-based PLA in underwater acoustic sensor networks. In this paper, we investigate how the physical position/location of the transmitting node can be used as a device fingerprint to detect impersonation attacks at the physical layer in underwater acoustic communication networks. Although, the authors in <cit.> use position for authentication, they assumed that the estimates of the position of the transmitter nodes are already available at the receiver, which is a strong and unrealistic assumption. Instead, in this paper, we relax that assumption and for the first time, we systematically exploit the position of the transmitter node for authentication. We provide a step-by-step procedure for position-based PLA from estimation to hypothesis testing. To the best of our knowledge, this location-based authentication process has not been explored in terrestrial wireless communication networks either. The detailed contributions of this paper are as follows: * We used time of arrival (ToA) based localization to extract the coordinates of the transmitting node. For this, we use the best-unbiased estimator for ToA estimation <cit.>. We then find the distribution of the inherent uncertainty in the estimation process. * We build a test statistic for binary hypothesis testing in order to decide whether the estimated position belongs to a legitimate node or a malicious node. We derive the distributions of conditional events (i.e., test statistic given legitimate or malicious transmissions) and provide closed-form expressions for the two error probabilities: false alarm rate (FAR) (the probability of classifying a legitimate node as a malicious node) and missed detection rate (MDR) (the probability of classifying malicious node as a legitimate node). We use simulation-based evaluation to validate our proposed techniques. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section <ref> presents our system model, and Section <ref> presents the proposed PLA mechanism. We evaluate our proposals using simulation and present the results in Section <ref>. Finally, the paper concludes in Section <ref> with a few concluding remarks and future directions. § SYSTEM MODEL We consider an underwater scenario as depicted in Fig.<ref>, which consists of two static transmitting nodes, namely: legitimate Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) and a malicious AUV, and L number of reference nodes, that are used to estimate the position of transmitter AUVs. We assume that the reference nodes are perfectly synchronized and connected to the ground station or surface ship via a secure channel. In this scenario, we build a one-way authentication system, where the malicious AUV is an intruder that occasionally sends malicious packets to the system while trying to impersonate the legitimate AUV. This means that a systematic framework is needed to authenticate the sender of every packet being generated by the transmitting nodes, which will allow the ground station to reject packets from the malicious node. We consider a range-based localization technique (i.e., time of arrival (ToA)) to extract position coordinates from the received signals at the reference nodes. We assume that the one-way authentication channel in Fig. <ref> is time-slotted. That is, packets arrive at the reference nodes at discrete-time instants t_m where t_m-t_m-1=T is the time gap between two successively received packets at reference nodes. We further assume that malicious AUV transmits with the same transmit power as legitimate AUV in order to stay stealthy in the environment; increasing the power can easily make their transmissions detectable. We also assume that all the L reference nodes are in line-of-sight with the transmitting node as per the requirements of position estimation. Unless specified otherwise, ‖ .‖_2 denotes euclidean norm, boldface lowercase letter (i.e., 𝐱) and uppercase letter (i.e., 𝐗 ) denotes vector and matrix respectively, subscript ._A and superscript .^A is used to indicate legitimate node while ._E and .^E is used to indicate malicious node, ∼𝒩(.,.), ∼U(.,.) and ∼Γ(.,.) represent distributed as normal, uniform and gamma respectively. Finally, (.)^T is transpose operator, 𝔼[.] is expectation operator and P(.) denotes probability. § PROPOSED PHYSICAL LAYER AUTHENTICATION FRAMEWORK The proposed PLA mechanism comprises two steps: first, we estimate the position of the transmitter from its transmitted symbols using a range-based localization technique. Next, we do binary hypothesis testing on the estimated position to detect any impersonation attacks. In this section, we discuss these steps in detail. §.§ Position estimation Position estimation is done via a range-based localization technique, where we use multiple reference nodes (also known as reference nodes) with known coordinates to estimate the distances separating them from the transmitter node based on ToA estimation. Then, we extract the transmitter's coordinates from the reference nodes' estimated distances by solving the least square problem. §.§.§ Distance Estimation Let t_i be the time of arrival (ToA) of a signal at the i-th reference node. We exploit the findings of <cit.> to estimate ToA of the transmitter nodes in the presence of heavily frequency-dependent pathloss and colored noise using a best-unbiased estimator (i.e., meeting Crammer Rao bound (CRB)). Specifically, the distance between the transmitter node and the i-th reference node is estimated using the following distance equation: d̂_̂î=ct̂_i, where c is the speed of sound in water, t̂_i ∼𝒩(t_i,σ̂_i^2) is the estimated ToA with t_i is the actual time of arrival and σ_i^2 is the variance of the best unbiased estimator <cit.>, which can be expressed as: σ̂_i^2 = P_n PL_i(f)/4P𝐬^𝐓𝐂^-1𝐬, where P is the transmit power, P_n is the noise power, c is the underwater speed of sound, 𝐂 is the covariance matrix of colored noise. 𝐬 is the partial derivative of the pseudo-random sequence 𝐬[A random sequence or message a transmitter needs to transmit for ToA estimation <cit.> at the reference nodes.]. The estimated distance can be written as: d̂_i^2=d_i+n_i, where d̂_̂î is the estimated distance, d_i is the true distance of transmitter to the i-th reference node, n_i∼𝒩(0,σ_i^2) is the uncertainty/noise in the estimator with variance σ_i^2= c^2 P_n PL_i(f)/4P𝐬^𝐓𝐂^-1𝐬. The pathloss PL_i(f) of a transmitter to i-th reference node is given as <cit.>: PL_i(f)_[dB]= ν 10log_10(d)+dα(f)_[dB], where α(f)_[dB]=0.11f^2/1+f^2+44f^2/4100+f^2+2.75× 10^-4f^2+0.003 with f as operating frequency. §.§.§ Coordinates Extraction Using the definition of the standard Euclidean distance [The distance between two points in euclidean space is the euclidean norm of the difference of position vectors of that two points.], d_i can be written as: d_i^2=(x-x_i)^2+(y-y_i)^2. Assuming a high SNR regime we can write d̂_̂î^2≈(d_i+n_i)^2=d_i^2+2n_id_i. Now d̂_̂î^2 in a 2D space can be expressed as d̂_̂î^2=(x-x_i)^2+(y-y_i)^2+2n_i((x-x_i)^2+(y-y_i)^2)^1/2. Now for all ”i_s” the equation set resulted from the above equation can be written in a matrix-vector form as: 𝐀𝐱+𝐧=𝐛, where 𝐀=-2 [ x_1 y_1 -0.5; . . .; . . .; x_L y_L -0.5 ] , 𝐧=2 [ n_1d_1; .; .; n_Ld_L ], 𝐱=[ x; y; x^2+y^2 ] and 𝐛=[ d̂_̂1̂^2-x_1^2-y_1^2; .; .; d̂_̂L̂^2-x_L^2-y_L^2 ]. We can verify that 𝔼[𝐧]=0, therefore the above matrix-vector form can be approximated as: 𝐀𝐱≈𝐛. Eq. <ref> leads us to a least square problem, where the solution for 𝐱 can be obtained as min_𝐱‖𝐛-𝐀𝐱‖_2^2 =min_𝐱(𝐛-𝐀𝐱)^T(𝐛-𝐀𝐗). One can verify that Eq. <ref> is a convex function. To find the minimum we take the gradient ∇_𝐱 and equate it to zero gives us 𝐱=(𝐀^T𝐀)^-1𝐀^T𝐛, where (𝐀^T𝐀)^-1𝐀^T=𝐀^† also known as pseudo inverse of 𝐀. As we are only interested in the x and y components of 𝐱, the desired vector can be written as: 𝐱̂=[x(1) x(2)]^T. Next, we derive the distribution of 𝐱̂. As 𝐀^† is a 3*L dimension matrix and we know that our desired component of 𝐱 lies in 𝐱̂. Now, let 𝐀̂^†=𝐀_2*L^†, then Eq. <ref> can also be re-written as: 𝐱̂=𝐀̂^†𝐛, Or, more precisely, the extracted coordinates 𝐱̂ can be split into two terms (i.e., actual and uncertainty) as: 𝐱̂=𝐀̂^†[ d_1^2-x_1^2-y_1^2; .; .; d_L^2-x_L^2-y_L^2 ]_True Co-ordinates + 2𝐀̂^†[ n_1d_1; .; .; n_Ld_L ]_Uncertainty. §.§ Binary Hypothesis Testing Let 𝐱̂_A be the actual coordinates vector of the legitimate node and 𝐱̂_E of the malicious node. H_0 is the hypothesis (also known as a null hypothesis) that the legitimate node is the transmitter while H_1 is the hypothesis (also known as an alternate hypothesis) that malicious node is the transmitter. Then we define a test statistics TS as: TS=‖ ((𝐀̂^†)^T𝐀̂^†)^-1(𝐀̂^†)^T( 𝐱̂-𝐱̂_A )‖_2^2. Now, the binary hypothesis test can be defined as H_0 (no impersonation): TS=‖𝐀̂^††( 𝐱̂-𝐱̂_A ) ‖_2^2. < ϵ_th H_1 (impersonation): TS=‖𝐀̂^††( 𝐱̂-𝐱̂_A ) ‖_2. > ϵ_th, where 𝐀̂^††=((𝐀̂^†)^T𝐀̂^†)^-1(𝐀̂^†)^T, and ϵ_th is a predefined threshold. Equivalently, we have: TS≷_H_0^H_1ϵ_th. At this stage, we need to find the error probabilities in terms of FAR and MDR. FAR can be defined as the probability that the binary hypothesis test decides a legitimate node as a malicious node while the MDR is the probability that the binary hypothesis test decides a malicious node as a legitimate node. The FAR P_fa can be expressed as: P_fa=P(TS|H_0 > ϵ_th). To compute the above probability we need to find the distribution of the conditional event TS|H_0, which can be expressed as: TS|H_0 =‖𝐀̂^††(𝐱̂_A+𝐧_A-𝐱̂_A) ‖_2^2=‖𝐀̂^††𝐧_A‖_2^2 =4( (d_1^An_1^A)^2+(d_2^An_2^A)^2+...+(d_L^An_L^A)^2 ) = ∑_i=1^L (2 d_i^An_i^A)^2 = ∑_i=1^L (n̂_i^A)^2, where 𝐧_A=2𝐀̂^†[ n_1^Ad_1^A . . n_L^Ad_L^A ] ^T with d_i^A where i ∈{1...L} denotes the distance of legitimate node from i-th reference node and n̂_i^A =(2d_i^An_i^A)∼𝒩(0,4(d_i^A)^2(σ^A_i)^2), ∀ i. One can find (n̂_i^A)^2 ∼Γ(1/2, 8(d_i^A)^2(σ^A_i)^2). Finally, Eq. <ref> is summation of total L gamma random variables with same shape parameter 1/2 and different scale parameter 8(d_i^A)^2(σ^A_i)^2. So, the probability of false alarm can be computed as <cit.>: P_fa =√(1/2)∏_i=1^L √(1/κ_i) H_L+1,L+1^0,L+1[ e^ϵ_th|Ξ_L^1, (1,1,1) Ξ_L^2, (0,1,1) ], where κ_i=8(d_i)^2(σ_i^A)^2, H_(.),(.)^(.),(.) is the Fox-H function, Ξ_L^1 and Ξ_L^2 represent the bracket terms as: Ξ_L^1= (1-0.5/8(d_1^A)^2(σ_1^A)^2,1,0.5),...(1-0.5/8(d_L^A)^2(σ_L^A)^2,1,0.5) Ξ_L^2= (-0.5/8(d_1^A)^2(σ_1^A)^2,1,0.5),...(-0.5/8(d_L^A)^2(σ_L^A)^2,1,0.5). To find the probability of missed detection, we need to find TS|H_1, which can be expressed as TS|H_1 =‖𝐀̂^††(𝐱̂_E+𝐧_𝐄-𝐱̂_A) ‖_2^2=‖𝐀̂^̂†̂†̂𝐧_𝐄+𝐝_𝐄𝐀‖_2^2 =4( (d_1^En_1^E+(d_1^E)^2-(d_1^A)^2)^2+... ..+((d_L^En_L^E)+(d_L^E)^2-(d_L^A))^2) = ∑_i=1^L (2 d_i^Eσ_i^En̂_i^E)^2 = ∑_i=1^L (2 d_i^Eσ_i^E)^2 χ_1^2(λ_i) where 𝐧_E=2𝐀̂^†[ n_1^Ed_1^E . . n_L^Ed_L^E ] ^T with d_i^E where i ∈{1...L} denotes the distance of malicious node from i-th reference node, n̂_i^E ∼𝒩(λ_i,1), ∀ i with λ_i=(d_1^E)^2-(d_1^A)^2/σ_i^E, χ_1^2(λ_i) denotes non-central chi-square random with 1 degree of freedom and non-centrality parameter λ_i and 𝐝_𝐄𝐀=[ (d_1^E)^2-(d_1^A)^2 . . (d_L^E)^2-(d_L^A)^2 ] ^T. Finally, TS|H_1 is weighted sum of L non-central chi square random variables, hence, the computed probability of missed detection P_md=P(TS|H_1 < ϵ_th) can be expressed as <cit.>: P_md= e^-ϵ_th/2β/(2β)^L/2ϵ_th^L/2/Γ (L/2+1)∑_k≥ 0k!ζ_k/(L/2+1)_k𝕃_k^L/2((L+2)ϵ_th/4βμ_0), with β >0, μ_0 >0, ζ_k=∑_j=0^k-1ζ_j ξ_k-j/k, γ_i=4(d_i^E)^2(σ_i^E)^2,, ζ_0=2(L/2+1)^L/2+1exp-1/2∑_i=1^L λ_i γ_i (L/2+1-μ_0)/βμ_0+γ_i (L/2+1-μ_0)∙ β^L/2+1/L/2+1-μ_0)∏_i=1^L (βμ_0+γ_i (L/2+1-μ_0))^-1/2 ξ_j=-jβ(L+2/2)/2μ_0∑_i=1^L λ_i γ_i(β-γ_i)^j-1 (μ_0/(βμ_0+γ_i (L+2/2-μ_0)))^j+1 +(-μ_0/L/2+1-μ_0)^j+1/2(μ_0(β-γ_i)/(βμ_0+γ_i (L/2+1-μ_0)))^j+1, Γ(.) indicates gamma function, 𝕃_k^. is the k-th generalized Laguerre polynomial. § SIMULATION RESULTS We use Matlab to develop the simulations presented in this section. We consider a rectangular area of 1000×1000 m^2, with L total number of reference nodes, a legitimate AUV is fixed at origin (i.e., X_A=[0,0]). To obtain a more realistic result, we use the specifications of a commercially available acoustic modem <cit.>. Specifically, we set the center frequency f=22KHz, transmission power P=100W, speed of sound c=1500m/s, 10 kHz of bandwidth and spreading factor ν=1.5. We chose two values for reference nodes, L=3 and 5, where L=3 is the minimum number of reference nodes required for ToA-based estimation. The upper limit can be any number greater than 3 but we chose L=5 for this simulation. We fix the positions of reference nodes to [0,500], [-500,-500], [500,-500], [-500,500] and [0,-500]. §.§ Error behavior against LQ We choose link quality LQ=P/P_n (i.e., signal power to noise power ratio) as a controlled parameter or independent variable to generate Figs. <ref> and <ref>. For both figures, we sweep LQ from -10 dB to 20 dB, where -10 dB means noise power is 10 times the signal power and 20 dB means signal power is 100 times noise power. We set L=3, and the position of malicious AUV for Figs. <ref> and <ref> as a random variable uniformly distributed in a bounded region around X_A (i.e., X_E=[∼ U(-500,500m), ∼ U(-500,500m)]). We compare our mechanism with the performance of previously utilized fingerprints, i.e., distance <cit.>, angel-of-arrival <cit.> and CIR <cit.> [The fingerprint used in that work is time reversal resonating strength, which is a derived fingerprint from the fundamental CIR]. Note that due to multiple reference nodes, the minimum probability of error is considered among L probabilities for all the other fingerprints. Fig. <ref> demonstrates the trend of the probability of false alarm for different fingerprints with the increase in LQ. We can clearly observe that increase in LQ lowers the FAR. This is due to the fact that the increase in LQ shrinks the variances σ_i^2 of the i-th estimator (Eq. <ref>), which makes the estimated features close to the actual features <cit.>. We also observe that the performance of the position is the best among the others. One can rank the fingerprints in terms of strength as position, CIR, angle of arrival, and distance from strong to weak. On the other hand, there is a clear trade-off between FAR and MDR when varying the threshold ϵ_th, as can be seen in the results below. Fig. <ref> demonstrates the behavior of MDR against LQ. We observe that the probability of missed detection P_md decreases with the increase in LQ and the hypothesis testing threshold ϵ_th has a negative impact on P_md. This is due to the fact that ϵ_th extends the acceptance range around actual fingerprints of legitimate AUV X_A, which makes some of the noisy estimates of malicious AUV's transmissions appear in the acceptance range of legitimate AUV. Generally, in PLA, MDR is more important than FAR because it is the probability of accepting malicious transmissions. In Fig. <ref>, we can see the actual strength of using the position as a fingerprint for PLA. We can see that MDR for using position is almost zero. In other words, it means that it is nearly impossible for a malicious node to clone the position of a legitimate AUV unless it collides with the legitimate AUV, or, uses high transmission power, but both scenarios will render the malicious node detectable. On the other hand, distance can be cloned while staying away from the legitimate AUV, the angle can also be cloned <cit.>, and due to the lack of scatters under the water, it is very likely that the two nodes away from each other have the same or closed CIRs as they have the same multi-paths structure. Furthermore, we observe that the larger the value of ϵ_th the lower the FAR, but at the same time we get a larger MDR. This means that we can not minimize both errors at the same time (we need to trade off one for the other). Next, to have a more detailed evaluation of our proposed mechanism, we generate Figs. <ref> and <ref>. §.§ Impact of malicious AUV location To see the impact of near and far location of malicious AUV, we generate Fig. <ref>. In this plot, R is the distance/radius of a circle from the center/X_A, and malicious AUV is placed randomly at the circle of radius R. For better exposition, we set the Y-axis to log scale. Surprisingly, we observe that when a malicious node is close to the actual node for fixed values of ϵ_th and L, increasing LQ produces high MDR (which can be seen in Fig. <ref>) but quickly gets back to normal behavior (i.e., more LQ produces low MDR) as the malicious AUV goes farther away from X_A. We suspect that this abnormal behavior is due to the fact that more LQ means the noisy estimates are close to the true value and thus when malicious AUV is very close to legitimate AUV, the noisy estimates of malicious AUV are close to legitimate AUV, which is classified by hypothesis testing as legitimate AUV. We leave finding the exact position of malicious AUV from where the abnormal behavior starts as a future work. §.§ ROC Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves are important to evaluate PLA. Fig. <ref> presents the ROC of the proposed PLA mechanism. It is generated by carrying out an exhaustive search over ϵ_th and recording P_fa and P_md. Fig. <ref> shows a relation between the probability of detection P_d=(1-P_md) and FAR for two different locations (i.e., Loc1 X_E=[1m,1m] and Loc2 X_E=[2m,2m]) of malicious AUV and total number of reference nodes L. The upper subplot is generated for LQ=0dB while the lower subplot is generated for LQ=10dB. We observe that increasing LQ produces a high detection rate for low FAR. L has a similar effect on the detection rate as we see in the last figures, an increase in L produces a high detection rate. As expected we observe the impact of malicious node location on ROC, a malicious node near to legitimate node (i.e., Loc1) produces lower ROC than a farther location (i.e., Loc2). These ROC curves attest to the efficacy of using the position as device fingerprint for PLA where we can see that for moderate link quality LQ=10dB and 10% FAR, we achieve 100 % detection rate when malicious AUV is just 1m away from legitimate AUV. § CONCLUSION In this paper, we studied physical layer authentication (PLA) based on the position of the transmitting node. The position is estimated based on time of arrival (ToA) estimation for which the best-unbiased estimator was used. The distribution of uncertainty in estimation was derived. Further, to counter impersonation, binary hypothesis testing was used to classify the transmissions of transmitters into legitimate or malicious transmissions. The closed-form expression for errors resulting from hypothesis testing was derived. The simulation results were compared with the performance of other fingerprints utilized for PLA in the previous work. We observed from the simulation results that position can be used as a device fingerprint for PLA and it is superior to other fingerprints (particularly, in terms of MDR). In particular, the ROC curves obtained from our simulation show that for low false alarm and reasonable link quality, 100 % probability of detection can be achieved. Future extension of this work will consider PLA for mobile transmitters. § ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work is partially funded by the G5828 “SeaSec: DroNets for Maritime Border and Port Security" project under the NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme. IEEEtran
xASTNN: Improved Code Representations for Industrial Practice
[ "Zhiwei Xu", "Min Zhou", "Xibin Zhao", "Yang Chen", "Xi Cheng", "Hongyu Zhang" ]
[ "cs.SE", "cs.AI" ]
KLISS, BNRist, School of Software Tsinghua University Beijing China xu-zw21@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn Corresponding author. KLISS, BNRist, School of Software Tsinghua University Beijing China mzhou@tsinghua.edu.cn KLISS, BNRist, School of Software Tsinghua University Beijing China zxb@tsinghua.edu.cn School of Computer Science Fudan University Shanghai China chenyang@fudan.edu.cn VMware Beijing China chengxi@vmware.com School of Information and Physical Sciences The University of Newcastle Newcastle Australia hongyu.zhang@newcastle.edu.au The application of deep learning techniques in software engineering becomes increasingly popular. One key problem is developing high-quality and easy-to-use source code representations for code-related tasks. The research community has acquired impressive results in recent years. However, due to the deployment difficulties and performance bottlenecks, seldom these approaches are applied to the industry. In this paper, we present xASTNN, an eXtreme Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)-based Neural Network for source code representation, aiming to push this technique to industrial practice. The proposed xASTNN has three advantages. First, xASTNN is completely based on widely-used ASTs and does not require complicated data pre-processing, making it applicable to various programming languages and practical scenarios. Second, three closely-related designs are proposed to guarantee the effectiveness of xASTNN, including statement subtree sequence for code naturalness, gated recursive unit for syntactical information, and gated recurrent unit for sequential information. Third, a dynamic batching algorithm is introduced to significantly reduce the time complexity of xASTNN. Two code comprehension downstream tasks, code classification and code clone detection, are adopted for evaluation. The results demonstrate that our xASTNN can improve the state-of-the-art while being faster than the baselines. <ccs2012> <concept> <concept_id>10011007.10011006.10011008.10011024</concept_id> <concept_desc>Software and its engineering Language features</concept_desc> <concept_significance>500</concept_significance> </concept> <concept> <concept_id>10010147.10010257.10010293.10010319</concept_id> <concept_desc>Computing methodologies Learning latent representations</concept_desc> <concept_significance>500</concept_significance> </concept> </ccs2012> [500]Software and its engineering Language features [500]Computing methodologies Learning latent representations xASTNN: Improved Code Representations for Industrial Practice Hongyu Zhang March 30, 2023 ============================================================= § INTRODUCTION Code representations (a.k.a., embeddings) is of great importance in deep learning-based software engineering techniques. A high-quality representation model can significantly improve the performance of many downstream tasks, such as code search <cit.>, code clone detection <cit.>, and bug localization <cit.>. Recently, code representation learning has aroused much interest in both academia <cit.> and industry <cit.>. Despite advancement, there are still restrictions that prevent the widespread adoption of existing code representation approaches in industry. Effectiveness, efficiency, and applicability are of particular concern. A recent study <cit.> has shown that the state-of-the-art approach ASTNN <cit.> incurs much computation time to embed the source code as vectors for code clone detection (e.g., 5.48 × over SCDetector <cit.> and 3.09 × over RtvNN <cit.>). Kang et al. <cit.> conduct an empirical study to demonstrate that the popular code representation approach code2vec <cit.> lacks generalizability and cannot be readily leveraged for downstream tasks. GNN-CDFG <cit.>, GGNN <cit.>, and HPG+HGT <cit.> require their elaborate graphs to represent code segments, leading to a strong dependency on the characteristics of programming languages. flow2vec <cit.>, inst2vec <cit.>, and DeepSim <cit.> are designed based on specific compilers such as LLVM <cit.> and WALA <cit.>. The above restrictions hinder the industrial applications of existing code representation approaches. In the industrial practice of neural code representation, we are often involved in a variety of production issues, such as constrained computing resources, limited response time, abnormal data inputs, etc. Therefore, the code representation approaches are supposed to address the following three imperative challenges: (1) Design a model with notable effectiveness. The quality of code representations can directly influence the effectiveness of the model on downstream tasks. (2) Build a model that is as fast and lightweight as possible. It is unacceptable in the industry that the software services have severe runtime delays or memory overflow problems. (3) The model should be applicable in various scenarios, e.g., be independent of parsers to cater for different programming languages, and be able to handle code segments of various sizes so as not to be trapped in gradient problems. To this end, we propose an eXtreme abstract syntax tree (AST)-based neural network (xASTNN) for neural code representations in industrial practice. xASTNN is entirely based on common ASTs, which are always accessible and available with the source codes. To guarantee the effectiveness of xASTNN, we first perform a preorder traversal upon the AST to convert it into a statement subtree sequence. Further, we present gated recursive unit (GRvU) for capturing the syntactical information of each subtree and gated recurrent unit (GRtU) for capturing the sequential information of the subtree sequence. The introduction of gating mechanism not only improves the generalizability of our approach, but also prevent our approach from gradient problems encountered by the previous approach <cit.>. To optimize the computation time of our xASTNN, we describe a novel and high-efficient dynamic batching algorithm for the processing of subtrees, which enables parallel operations at the contents of the same tree depth within a batch of data samples. Under the above designs, our xASTNN is thus effective, efficient, and can be widely used in industrial practice. Extensive experiments have been carried out to validate the performance of our xASTNN. Two comprehension downstream tasks including code classification and code clone detection are applied for evaluation. The results demonstrate that our xASTNN is highly competitive as a code representation model for practical usage. Specifically, our xASTNN improves the state-of-the-art performance and achieves superb efficiency at the same time. For example, our xASTNN achieves an accuracy of 0.985 for the POJ dataset in the code classification task. The computation time of our xASTNN for representing one code segment is over 10× faster than the previous approach ASTNN. To summarize, we have made the following contributions: * (Applicability) Based on easily accessible ASTs, we present an innovative neural code representation approach named xASTNN for industrial practice. * (Effectiveness, Applicability) We introduce gating mechanism to effectively capture the syntactical and sequential information of statement subtree sequence while avoiding gradient problems encountered by the previous approach. * (Efficiency) We describe a high-efficient dynamic batching algorithm that greatly optimizes the time complexity of operations over trees. * Our representation approach is evaluated on two common comprehension tasks: code classification and code clone detection. The results demonstrate that the proposed approach can outperform the state-of-the-art approaches and is more practical. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section <ref> introduces the related work. Section <ref> presents the proposed approach, including statement subtree sequence, gated recursive unit, gated recurrent unit, and dynamic batching algorithm. Section <ref> validates the competing approaches. Section <ref> illustrates the threats to validity. Section <ref> discusses the lessons learned from the practice and we conclude in Section <ref>. § RELATED WORK The emergence of code representation learning mainly borrows the concepts from natural language processing (NLP), and the source code are treated as a sequence of tokens. Raychev et al. <cit.> describes a recurrent neural network (RNN) and N-gram model for code completion. Allamanis et al. <cit.> train an N-gram model on the GitHub Java corpus for mining source code repositories. Further, they <cit.> propose a neural context model to suggest class and method names. CODE-NN <cit.> exploits LSTM <cit.> and neural attention to summarize code. However, the above approaches ignore the inherent syntactical features of programming languages, thus failing to produce good code representations. To capture syntactical information of programming languages, recent researches introduce ASTs as input to the representation models. AutoenCODE <cit.> adopts a recursive autoencoder over ASTs to learn the unsupervised program embeddings. TBCNN <cit.> proposes a tree-based convolution over the AST to represent the code segment. CDLH <cit.> introduces TreeLSTM <cit.> to generate the embeddings for code clone detection. Different from previous work that directly captures the syntactical information from ASTs, code2vec <cit.> first extracts a bag of leaf-to-leaf paths from the AST and aggregates these paths using the attention mechanism. code2seq <cit.> improves code2vec by introducing LSTM <cit.> to encode paths, which is applied in code summarization. A similar approach to ours is ASTNN <cit.>, which encodes the source code by capturing both the lexical and syntactical knowledge of statements. Since code naturalness is well modeled, ASTNN achieves superb performance in code tasks. Nevertheless, ASTNN is proven to be inefficient when applying to practical scenarios <cit.>. There are also many code representation approaches based on pre-training techniques. CodeBERT <cit.> considers the source code as token sequence and applies the successful BERT <cit.> to pre-train the model. GraphCodeBERT <cit.> improves CodeBERT by introducing the data flow of the source code. InferCode <cit.> describes a self-supervised pre-training approach by predicting subtrees of ASTs. Mastropaolo et al. <cit.> pre-train a T5 model based on a dataset composed of natural language English and source code for code-related tasks. SPT-Code <cit.> presents a sequence-to-sequence pre-training pipeline for source code representations. However, recent evidence <cit.> points out that existing pre-training code representation approaches may fail in some code tasks and even achieve worse performance than BERT <cit.>. Besides, the pre-training techniques require a large-scale dataset and a large amount of computing resources, which can be a huge challenge for industrial practice. Therefore, an effective, efficient, and general-purpose code representation approach is urgently needed. In this work, we propose xASTNN, aiming to resolve the challenges to existing approaches in practical scenarios. § APPROACH In this section, we present the proposed approach xASTNN. As shown in Figure <ref>, xASTNN consists of two phases. In the first phase, the code fragment is first transformed into an AST by using a common AST parser. A preorder traversal over AST is applied to obtain a statement subtree sequence, in which each subtree corresponds to a statement of the code fragment. The first phase can be computed in advance when training xASTNN. In the second phase, we first adopt the popular word2vec <cit.> to embed the subtree sequence into a distributed space. To ensure the effectiveness and applicability of xASTNN, gating mechanism is introduced to incorporate the syntactical information of subtrees and sequential information of subtree sequence. Lastly, we exploit a max pooling layer to combine the subtree embeddings into the code vector. §.§ Statement Subtrees for Code Naturalness The code naturalness is a hypothesis stating that software corpora have similar statistical properties to natural language corpora since the software is a form of human communication <cit.>. To capture the code naturalness, we first consider the source code as an AST and then transform it into a combination of statement subtrees as input to the neural network. AST is a widely used structure in the field of code representation approaches and can be easily accessed by common AST parsers. In this work, we exploit javalang <cit.> and pycparser <cit.> for the experiments of Java and C, respectively. Based on our empirical study, we opt to extract the subtrees at the statement level for the following two reasons. * Previous work <cit.> has shown that statement subtree sequence can effectively capture code naturalness, thereby improving the quality of code representations. Besides, subtree at the statement level is a good trade-off between the size of subtree and the richness of syntactical information. * The size of statement subtrees is approximately equal in comparison to subtrees of other granularities. For example, subtree at the block level is made up of a varying number of statement subtrees, which can easily lead to an unstable size of subtree and thus introduces efficiency concerns in practice (see Section <ref>). Algorithm <ref> illustrates how we transform an AST into a statement subtree sequence. This algorithm takes the root of an AST head and the set of subtree root identifiers R as input, and outputs the subtree sequence extracted from the AST. The subtree root identifiers target to help the preorder traversal process to recognize statements, which generally are logical tokens in programming languages such as if, while, for, switch, FunctionDeclaration, VariableDeclaration, FuncCall, etc. They can be easily obtained when it comes to other programming languages. The main body of Algorithm <ref> consists of three procedures. It starts with initializing an empty sequence for storing subtrees (line 10) and then applying a preorder traversal to generate the statement subtree sequence (line 11) that is finally returned (line 12). In function , it accepts the root node of an AST as input (line 1). When this root node belongs to subtree root identifiers (line 2), we construct a statement subtree based on this root (line 3) and append this statement subtree to the subtree sequence (line 4). Then, for each child node of this root that does not belong to the statement subtree (line 6), we recursively perform (line 7) to generate the other statement subtrees, i.e., statements inside program branches. To help understand how the source code is transformed into a statement subtree sequence, we present an example as shown in Figure <ref>. We can observe that every subtree in the sequence corresponds to a statement in the code segment, which is obtained by preoreder traversal and is in the order of: While, If, Compound, Assign(3), Assign(4), Assign(5), End, Else, Assign(8), Assign(9). §.§ Gated Recursive Unit over Tree Structures Through the statement subtree sequence extracted from the AST, the code naturalness is incorporated. To better capture the syntactical information of the subtrees, we propose gated recursive unit (GRvU) based on previous work <cit.>. In contrast, we simplify the complicated components of their mechanisms and make the recursive neural network sufficiently efficient for industrial practice. That is, the position-aware fully connected layer is removed to reduce time complexity and enable full parallelization. Figure <ref> introduces the workflow of the proposed GRvU. GRvU assigns each node of the subtree a hidden state, which records the bottom-up information of it child nodes. We further apply gating mechanism to incorporate the information of hidden states and inputs. Specifically, given a subtree node j, its hidden state is the interpolation of the previous calculated hidden states h_jk of its k-th child out of N total children and the candidate hidden state h_j. It is calculated as follows: h_j = z_j * ∑_k = 1^N h_jk + (1 - z_j) * h_j where z_j is the update gate, which keeps a part of the hidden states of children and the other part of its candidate hidden state. The calculation of the update gate is as follows: z_j = σ(U_z * x_j + ∑_k = 1^N W_z * h_jk) where U_z ∈ℝ^d × d and W_z ∈ℝ^d × d represent fully-connected layer, and σ represent sigmoid function that can map the inputs to the interval from 0 to 1. Besides, we also introduce a reset gate to selectively filter hidden states of children, which is computed as follows: r_j = σ(U_r * x_j + ∑_k = 1^N W_r * h_jk) The reset gate is applied to choose important elements from the hidden states of children, which is also activated by the sigmoid function. Combining the input of the current root and gated hidden states of children, we obtain the candidate hidden state of node j. It contributes to generating the final hidden state of node j. The candidate hidden state h_j is computed as: h_j = f(U_h * x_j + ∑_k = 1^N W_h * (h_jk * r_j)) where f represents the hyperbolic tangent function that activates the input. We consider the hidden state of the subtree root as its distributed representation. Therefore, by applying the proposed GRvU over each subtree of the subtree sequence, we can acquire the representation of the subtree sequence: O = [o_1, o_2, ..., o_M] = (S) where O preserves the effective syntactical information of each statement, which can significantly improve the generalizability of our xASTNN. §.§ Gated Recurrent Unit for Subtree Sequence We also adopt the well-acknowledged gated recurrent unit (GRtU or GRU) <cit.> to capture the sequential information of subtree sequence, which constitutes the code naturalness together with the aforementioned syntactical information. Given the outputs from GRvU, we adopt a standard bidirectional GRtU to learn the relation between these subtrees. The calculation of GRtU is as follows: V = [v_1, v_2, ..., v_M] = concat((O), (O)) where concat represents the concatenation of two vectors, which combines the subtree representations of two directions. Finally, both syntactical information and sequential information have been introduced into the subtree embeddings, thereby ensuring that code naturalness is well modeled. To obtain the final code representation, we feed the enhanced subtree embeddings into a max pooling layer: c = max([v_1, v_2, ..., v_M]) = max(V) where c is the code representation produced by our xASTNN. max is utilized to choose the most important semantics of enhanced subtree representations. §.§ Dynamic Batching Algorithm In order to make our xASTNN competent in industrial practice, we propose an acceleration method named dynamic batching algorithm for GRvU, aiming to greatly improve the efficiency of the proposed approach. This algorithm allows completely parallel computation on subtree nodes of the same depth in a batch of data samples. Previous approach <cit.> also makes efforts to speed up the recursive network, however, it still suffers from the incomplete parallel computation. Figure <ref> illustrates the comparison between the previous study <cit.> and ours. Given a batch of data samples, the previous approach <cit.> processes the children of subtrees one by one. However, our dynamic batching algorithm supports full parallelism even in the width dimension, which is much faster than the previous approach. The workflow of dynamic batching algorithm is shown in Algorithm <ref>. It takes a batch of subtree sequences as input, and outputs the corresponding batch of subtree embedding sequences that contain syntactical information. The main body of Algorithm <ref> starts from line 14. We first initialize two empty lists for storing length of each subtree sequence (line 14) and all subtrees of the batch (line 15), respectively. For each subtree sequence (line 16), we cache the amount of subtrees within the subtree sequence (line 17) and flatten all subtrees into the list batch (lines 18-20). Through performing function (lines 1-13), we enhance the subtree embeddings with syntactical information (line 22) and recover them to the original form of a batch (lines 23-29). The recovery procedure starts with the initialization of a list to store final result (line 23) and a record variable (line 24). Then, we extract the corresponding subtree embeddings (lines 26-29) according to length of each subtree sequence (line 25). The function is designed for processing a batch of subtrees simultaneously. It accepts a list of subtrees as input (line 1) and outputs their embeddings learned by GRvU (line 13). This function initializes two lists for storing root (line 2) and children (line 3) of each subtree. For each subtree in the list of subtrees (line 4), we extract the root (line 5) and its children (lines 6-8), which enables the algorithm to process the contents of the same tree depth within a batch of data samples. We apply to produce the embeddings of roots (line 10) and to acquire the hidden state of subtrees (line 11). At last, the hidden states of current roots can be calculated using (line 12). This recursion ultimately returns the embeddings of the subtrees that initially provided to the function (line 13). The overall time complexity of dynamic batching algorithm is O(BLWD), where B is the batch size, L is the average length of subtree sequence, W is the average width of subtrees, and D is the average depth of subtrees. It comes from three parts: O(BL) for flattening subtrees, O(BLWD) for bottom-up recursion, and O(BL) for recovering a batch of subtree sequences. Further, given a fact that the AST size O(A) is basically equal to the product of L, W, and D, we can conclude that the overall time complexity of the proposed algorithm is linear to the batch size B and the AST size A. Here, the batch size B is a hyperparameter set by developers, but the AST size L, W, and D is influenced by the data and the granularity to transform AST into subtrees. A smaller L may lead to a larger W and D in the experiments. In our empirical analysis, we found that transforming AST into statement subtrees can advance the generalizability while guaranteeing the efficiency. The rationale might be that statement subtree sequences can well capture the code naturalness and have stable subtree depth. Moreover, the computation time is also affected by a few exceptional circumstances. When some subtrees within a batch have a significantly large depth, our dynamic batching algorithm should conduct extra executions for these subtrees. In practice, we could put the processing of these subtrees together to make the subtree depth as balanced as possible, which we leave for future work. §.§ Differences from ASTNN Our xASTNN spares no efforts to improve the previous code representation approach for industrial practice. The differences between the previous ASTNN and our xASTNN is as follows. We adopt gating mechanism throughout the encoding pipeline. Specifically, a child-sum gated recursive unit named GRvU is proposed to encode the syntactical information of statement subtrees. We artificially let the gates position-insensitive, alleviating the computational complexity of space and time for industrial practice. The gates refine the latent information of the code segment, consequently guaranteeing the effectiveness of our xASTNN. We introduce the gating mechanism also for applicability. The previous approach simply leverages fully-connected layer to capture the information of subtrees, which can be easily trapped in gradient problems. Their feedforward computation is as follows. h_j = σ(W x_j + ∑_k=1^N h_jk + b) When we perform the back propagation for training the model, the gradient of the parameter W in fully-connected layer is as follows. ∂ J/∂ W = ∂ J/∂ h_0∂ h_j/∂ x_j + ⋯ + ∂ J/∂ h_j∂ h_j/∂ h_jk∂ h_jk/∂ h_jkl⋯∂ h_jkl ⋯ p/∂ h_jkl ⋯ pq∂ h_jkl ⋯ pq/∂ x_jkl ⋯ pq where h_jk denotes the k-th child of the node j, h_jkl denotes the l-th child of the node jk, and so on. J denotes the loss function. We can observe that the gradient is composed by multiplications of many terms due to the recursive processing of child nodes. The accumulation of these terms may easily lead to a gradient of 0 or infinity, making it hard to train the model. In our scenarios, when the length of code segment is large (e.g., 100), the gradient problems of ASTNN becomes obvious. By contrast, the introduction of gating mechanism in our approach can relieve the gradient problems. The proof can be referred to <cit.>. Besides, we spare no efforts to optimize the time and space efficiency of our xASTNN. We implement a high-efficient and memory-friendly model compared with the previous approach. That is, our model can still achieve time acceleration and space reduction in the absence of any algorithm. To further accelerate our approach, in this work, we present a dynamic batching algorithm for the processing of subtrees. It adopts more parallel operations and can speed up the model when we feed a batch of data samples. § EVALUATION We validate the proposed approach in three aspects. * How effective is the proposed approach? In industrial applications, the effectiveness of code representation is of importance. A high-quality representation can lead to better performance in code-related downstream tasks. By comparing metrics of our approach and the baselines with two program comprehension tasks, we evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. * What is the efficiency of our approach? When applying the representation model in practice, the efficiency is a huge challenge. From the perspective of time and space efficiency, we measure the practical usability of each approach. * What are the effects of different designs for the proposed xASTNN? This research aspect plays a key role in the refinement of the model. We explore the performance of alternative designs of our approach by ablating or adjusting some designed modules. The results are organized and analyzed. §.§ Experimental Setup §.§.§ Datasets We conduct two downstream tasks including code classification and code clone detection for evaluation. The code classification measures the fundamental ability to comprehend the programs. And the code clone detection measures the ability to compare two code segments. Table <ref> illustrates the detailed description of used datasets, with the statistics of code segments, categories, tokens, AST depth, and AST nodes. In the code classification task, we adopt a widely used <cit.> public dataset named POJ[<https://sites.google.com/site/treebasedcnn>] <cit.> to measure the quality of code representations. This dataset is collected from a pedagogical programming open judge system, which consists of a large number of programming problems. Students submit their source codes as solutions; the judge system will automatically validate the correctness of the solutions. POJ contains 104 programming problems, which are considered as categories predicted by approaches. Each problem contains 500 C programs, which are considered to belong to the same class. We randomly divide the total 52,000 programs into training, validation, and testing sets with a proportion of 3:1:1. We exploit two widely used datasets for the code clone detection tasks: BigCloneBench[<https://github.com/clonebench/BigCloneBench>] <cit.> and OJClone, which are also used in <cit.>. BigCloneBench is a handcrafted dataset that consists of known true and false positive clones. It was built by mining at first and then manually checking clones of ten common functionalities, with 3 judges over 216 hours of manual validation efforts. BigCloneBench is collected from 25,000 systems, covers 10 functionalities including 6,000,000 true clone pairs. Similar to previous work <cit.>, we randomly select 100 thousand samples for the convenience of evaluation. We have manually checked that most of the code segments within BigCloneBench are methods, which is different from another code clone detection dataset, OJClone, where code segments are generally functionalities implemented by multiple methods. OJClone derives from POJ automatically. As <cit.> did, we choose the first 15 programming problems from POJ, which produces 15 × 500 = 7500 code segments. In OJClone, the two segments from the same programming problems form a clone pair; otherwise, they belong to a non-clone pair. This will provide us with 28 million clone pairs, making it immensely time-consuming to conduct experiments. Likewise <cit.>, we randomly select 50 thousand samples instead. The OJClone dataset is generated completely automatically, without the manual checking of experts. Most of the clone pairs within OJClone are syntactically dissimilar so that the comparative ability of the competing approaches can be well measured. §.§.§ Metrics In the code classification task, we choose accuracy in test set as the evaluation metric. It represents the proportion that how many data samples are correctly classified. In the code clone detection task, we apply precision, recall, and F1 score as the metrics. Precision indicates how many of the predicted clone pairs are really clone pairs. Recall indicates how many of the clone pairs are correctly predicted. F1 score is the harmonic mean of the precision and recall. §.§.§ Baselines We consider the following approaches as the baselines for code classification. Some of them can also be applied in the code clone detection task. * SVM+N-gram <cit.>: A machine learning-based approach that incorporates SVM and N-gram for code classification. * Transformer <cit.>: A recent popular approach that introduces the parallel attention mechanism and deep residual block to encode the tokens. * CodeBERT <cit.>: A bimodal pre-training approach for natural language and programming language based on Transformer neural architecture. * TreeLSTM <cit.>: A novel approach that applies LSTM over ASTs to produce code representations. * TBCNN <cit.>: A novel approach that applies convolutions over ASTs to produce code representations. * code2vec <cit.>: A recent popular code representation approach that extracts AST paths from the AST at first and applies attentional aggregation upon these paths to produce the code representation. * ASTNN <cit.>: A novel superior approach that follows a similar pipeline compared with ours, with lower generalizability and serious efficiency problem. * InferCode <cit.>: A self-supervised pre-training approach, which pre-trains a TBCNN model by predicting subtrees. * inst2vec <cit.>: A novel approach that first constructs the conteXtual flow graph and applies RNN to produce the code representation. * GGNN <cit.>: A well-designed graph neural approach, which first adds edges to ASTs and adopts GGNN <cit.> to represent the source code. * GraphCodeBERT <cit.>: A upgraded version of CodeBERT that considers data flows of programs. We also select three representative approaches designed for code clone detection particularly. * Deckard <cit.>: A traditional approach that utilizes subtrees to identify code clones efficiently. * SourcererCC <cit.>: A traditional token-based code clone detection approach, which can detect exact and near-miss clones efficiently. * CDLH <cit.>: A deep learning-based clone detector that adds a hash function to TreeLSTM for code clone detection. All the experiments are conducted on a 64-bit platform equipped with 12-core Intel(R) i7-12700KF CPU@3.60GHz, 128GB of RAM, and a 24GB RTX 3090 GPU. §.§ Effectiveness Assessment with Two Tasks §.§.§ Code Classification We exploit the code classification task to measure the fundamental ability of the models to comprehend the programs. In this task, three categories of baselines are considered, including two token-based approaches, five AST-based approaches, and two graph-based approaches. Among them, CodeBERT and InferCode are representative pre-training techniques designed for programming languages. Table <ref> reports the accuracy in test set of competing approaches. It can be seen that our xASTNN outperforms all baselines, achieving the highest accuracy of 0.985. Its advantages in accuracy over baselines are significant, improving token-based approaches 1.03% to 16.29%, AST-based approaches 0.31% to 14.42%, and graph-based approaches 0.31% to 3.6%. This validates that our approach is effective in learning program semantics and can produce good code representations. We find that the performance of the token-based approaches differs in test accuracy. SVM+N-gram achieves the lowest accuracy in comparison with other approaches, showing that the use of tokens is not sufficient for code representations. Transformer has a very strong fitting ability among token-based approaches, achieving an accuracy of 0.907. Further, by pre-training the Transformer neural architecture based on a large-scale bimodal task, CodeBERT improves the accuracy of the vanilla Transformer to 0.975. To improve the comprehension ability of models, many approaches incorporate ASTs for capturing the syntactical information of the source codes. As three representative code feature learning approaches, the accuracy of TreeLSTM, TBCNN, and code2vec is not high, with an accuracy of 0.860, 0.940, and 0.913, respectively. This is because they do not have well-designed modules for processing ASTs and simply incorporate the syntactical information by LSTM, convolutions, and leaf-to-leaf paths. In contrast, the accuracy achieved by ASTNN and InferCode is high. ASTNN is an AST-based approach that introduces code naturalness by statement subtree sequence and InferCode extensively pre-trains their TBCNN model by predicting subtrees. As for the graph-based approaches, it can be seen that both inst2vec and GGNN achieve relatively high accuracy. They both represent the source codes by constructing flow graphs. The difference is that inst2vec adopts RNN to encode flow graphs while GGNN uses a graph neural network. The pre-trained approach GraphCodeBERT achieves a high accuracy of 0.982, showing that the introduction of syntactical information can improve the performance of the token-based CodeBERT. §.§.§ Code Clone Detection To sufficiently evaluate the effectiveness of approaches, we also introduce code clone detection, a task that is widely used in code refactoring and vulnerability detection. We consider two lines of approaches as baselines, including code representation approaches and specialized clone detectors. The results are shown in Table <ref>. Comparing with eight baselines, we can find that the effectiveness of our xASTNN is the most superior on two datasets. xASTNN achieves an F1 score of 0.966 on BigCloneBench and 0.992 on OJClone, improving the leading baseline GraphCodeBERT by 1.68% on BigCloneBench and 0.40% on OJClone. Two traditional approaches, Deckard and SourcererCC, are unable to handle syntactically dissimilar code clones, as revealed in their recall. But their precision is high, which illustrates that they can precisely distinguish syntactically similar code clones. As for deep learning-based approaches, we note that code2vec, TBCNN, and CDLH all achieve relatively high F1 score compared with the traditional approaches. The advantages of these approaches come from the deep learning features. Nevertheless, it can be observed that ASTNN, CodeBERT, and GraphCodeBERT have a remarkable performance in this task. This shows that their fitting ability is superior compared to the other deep learning-based approaches. An interesting phenomenon is that ASTNN, CodeBERT, and GraphCodeBERT have high precision and low recall in most cases, suggesting that they tend to make confident predictions. [colback=gray!10, colframe=black, width=8.5cm, arc=1mm, auto outer arc, boxrule=0.75pt, ] Conclusion 1: Through evaluating our approach and the baselines in two code comprehension tasks, we can find that our xASTNN is very generalized and effective. §.§ Efficiency of Models To evaluate the time efficiency of models, we measure their computation time from the acceptance of a code segment to the output of its representation. The reciprocal of this metric is known as prediction rate, which reflects the number of data samples a model can process in one second. This experiment is conducted on a broad corpus of real-world programming languages. A batch of data samples is fed into the code representation model and the average computation time for representing one code segment is reported. Figure <ref> shows the computation time of baselines along with our approach and its variants (batch size is set to 64). It can be observed that our approach costs 0.23 ms to represent a code segment, faster than all the baselines. It accelerates code2vec 1.8×, CodeBERT 2.2×, GraphCodeBERT 2.7×, ASTNN 9.3×, and TreeLSTM 21.9×. The computation time of baselines is high, ranging from 0.41 ms to 5.02 ms. code2vec is fast because it represents source code by parallelly encoding a bag of AST paths. CodeBERT parallelly processes tokens of source code and GraphCodeBERT adds the processing of data flows to CodeBERT. The computation time of ASTNN and TreeLSTM is long. The reason is that they involve syntactical information processing but no efficient algorithms are particularly designed. Two variants with different subtree granularity perform differently in computation time. Here, we consider the two most special cases, i.e., the largest subtree based on the whole AST named xASTNN (AST) and the smallest subtree based on all AST nodes named xASTNN (token). It can be noted that when the size of subtree gets smaller, the computation time for representing one code segment gets smaller. The reason is that smaller subtrees need fewer recursive operations and these operations are exactly taking up a large portion of the overall computation time. In addition to the experiment of average computation time, we conduct another experiment to measure the effect of batch size on the time and space efficiency of the previous approach and our approach, aiming to validate the performance of the proposed dynamic batching algorithm. Figure <ref> illustrates the results. Note that when the batch size is larger than 128, the previous approach ASTNN will suffer from a memory overflow problem. Hence, we do not report the corresponding results. In the aspect of time efficiency, we can observe that our approach is faster than the previous approach at all batch sizes, indicating the superiority of our dynamic batching algorithm. As the batch size increases, the computation times of two approaches both decrease. However, their rates of decline are different. We note that the speedup ratio first increases and then decreases as the batch size goes. The peak value of speedup ratio (i.e., 10.5×) occurs when the batch size is around 32. The rationale for this phenomenon can be inferred from their time complexity (see Figure <ref>). With the increase of batch size, many subtrees of different depths will appear in the batch and dominates the time complexity. This requires our approach to cost plenty of time for these special subtrees, thus resulting in the attenuation of the speedup ratio. Theoretically, if similar-sized subtrees are processed together, this problem will be significantly alleviated. We leave it for future work. In the aspect of space efficiency, we can see that our approach uses less memory at all batch sizes compared with the previous approach. The GPU usage of both two approaches increases quickly as the batch size increases. When the batch size is equal to 1, our approach still has the advantage in GPU usage, showing its superiority in the processing of single data sample. Similar phenomenon can be found in terms of time efficiency. This is because we optimize the implementation of our xASTNN to make it as lightweight as possible for industrial practice. Hence, when the batch size is set to be large, the improvement in GPU usage of our approach becomes more pronounced. Additionally, an interesting phenomenon is that the GPU usage does not change obviously when the batch size is less than 4. The model size is the main influencing factor for GPU usage at this point. [colback=gray!10, colframe=black, width=8.5cm, arc=1mm, auto outer arc, boxrule=0.75pt, ] Conclusion 2: The efficiency of our xASTNN is promising, which is reflected in both time and space. The computation time on the order of 10^-4 seconds allows our approach to be used in a wide range of industrial applications. §.§ Effect of Alternative Designs In this experiment, we investigate the effect of alternative designs for the proposed approach xASTNN, aiming to give explanations about the efficacy of each designed components. We consider POJ as the representative dataset, on which all the results are produced. At first, we evaluate the alternative designs from the following three perspectives: program subtree or token subtree from the perspective of subtree granularity, removing or replacing GRvU from the perspective of syntactical information, and removing or replacing GRtU from the perspective of sequential information. The performance of these variants are reported in Table <ref>. It can be observed that our approach outperforms all the variants, showing that the current design of our approach is effective. When we adjust the subtree granularity, the accuracy decreases by 0.033 to 0.952 for program subtree and by 0.014 to 0.971 for token subtree. This result exhibits that an appropriate subtree granularity is of importance in capturing code naturalness. If the granularity of the subtree is too large or too small, the syntactical or the sequential information will be lost during the modeling process. When we modify the encoder for syntactical or sequential information, the performance of these variants are different. When we replacing GRvU with RvNN or replacing GRtU with RtNN, the accuracy drops by 0.004 to 0.981. Nevertheless, if we remove one of the encoders, the accuracy will decline drastically, resulting in a decrease in accuracy of 0.158 or 0.009 respectively. This demonstrates that both syntactical information and sequential information introduced by our xASTNN plays a key role in code representations. In addition, we introduce another alternative design, namely xASTNN of different sizes, to investigate the effect of model size on performance. We vary the embedding dimension in xASTNN and the results are reported in Table <ref>. It shows the correlation of GPU usage, time, and accuracy with embedding dimension. From the results, it can be noted that the GPU usage quickly increases as the dimension increases, from 1.4 GB to 9.3 GB. The GPU usage grows slowly at first, which is because the running buffer takes up a large amount of space. When the embedding dimension reaches to a certain degree (e.g., 64), its impact on GPU usage becomes significant. As for the computation time, a similar phenomenon appears when the embedding dimension reaches 512. The accuracy is strongly influenced by the embedding dimension. It starts at 0.065, increases rapidly to over 0.976, and converges. This demonstrates that the quality of code representations is highly related to the model size. Therefore, we should consider balancing space, time, and accuracy in practice. [colback=gray!10, colframe=black, width=8.5cm, arc=1mm, auto outer arc, boxrule=0.75pt, ] Conclusion 3: The design of our xASTNN is reasonable. Each module of our approach has a different effect on its performance, requiring the developers to carefully tune the parameters according to the production requirements. § THREATS TO VALIDITY In this section, we discuss the threats to our work. The first limitation is that some of our experiments are not based on real-world programming language corpus. For convenience of extensive evaluations on the performance of baselines and our approach, we choose to adopt the widely-used benchmark datasets instead of our non-public data. Additionally, recent study <cit.> suggests that BigCloneBench are considered harmful for evaluating machine learning approaches. Despite these defects, we believe that our experiments are still worthy to be used as a reference for the superiority of our xASTNN. The second limitation is that the insufficient investigation of the robustness of the competing approaches. The results reported in this work are in the common form of the average or maximum performance. Nevertheless, the stability of model performance is not measured. This measurement can illustrate whether a model has performance jitter and makes abnormal predictions. We leave this to future work. § LESSONS LEARNED From the work of developing code representation for industrial practice, we have learned three significant lessons: Making the code representation model applicable to various scenarios is an important issue. Developing high-quality source code representations have aroused many interests recently. Some approaches borrow complicated characteristics of programming languages to improve the effectiveness of their models, making them hard to be applied in practice. Besides, an inappropriate model design and implementation can also introduces many practical problems, such as memory overflow, runtime delay, and difficult objective fitting. Reaching a trade-off between effectiveness and efficiency is very high priority for industrial practice. In different industrial scenarios, the application of code representation model may encounter different computing environments and business requirements. Our experiment results show that the effectiveness of our approach can be improved by increasing the model size, while sacrificing the time and space efficiency. Hence, adjusting the model in terms of the actual needs is advisable in industry. Unusual data inputs have a dramatic impact on the model performance. There are few extremely long or short code segments in practice, which are often deleted by most of academic experiments. These data samples can easily lead to gradient vanishing or explosion problems. Moreover, a batch of size-unbalanced data samples costs more time to process. The approach should spare computing resources for those special data samples. Hence, if we do not pay attention to these unusual data in industry, the performance of the model will be weakened. § CONCLUSION In this paper, we propose an eXtreme AST-based neural network named xASTNN for producing code representations in industry. The design of xASTNN concentrates on unlocking the potential of AST-based neural network. Our approach is completely based on common ASTs, which is easily accessed by AST parsers. Besides, we introduce techniques such as gating mechanism and dynamic batching algorithm to advance the performance, reduce the computation time, and alleviate the gradient problems. Extensive experiments on two code comprehension tasks have been conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our xASTNN. According to the results, we can see that our xASTNN outperforms the state-of-the-art while achieving an acceleration of over 10× than the previous approach ASTNN. Therefore, the proposed approach is lightweight, effective, and efficient, with the promising possibility of being applied in a wide range of industrial applications. ACM-Reference-Format
Updated radial velocities and new constraints on the nature of the unseen source in NGC1850 BH1
[ "Sara Saracino", "Tomer Shenar", "Sebastian Kamann", "Nate Bastian", "Mark Gieles", "Christopher Usher", "Julia Bodensteiner", "Angela Kochoska", "Jerome A. Orosz", "Hugues Sana" ]
[ "astro-ph.GA", "astro-ph.SR" ]
firstpage–lastpage Lorentzian quantum gravity via Pachner moves: one-loop evaluation Bianca Dittrich March 30, 2023 ================================================================= A black hole candidate orbiting a luminous star in the Large Magellanic Cloud young cluster NGC 1850 (∼100 Myr) has recently been reported based on radial velocity and light curve modelling. Subsequently, an alternative explanation has been suggested for the system: a bloated post-mass transfer secondary star (M_ initial∼ 4-5 , M_ current∼ 1-2 ) with a more massive, yet luminous companion (the primary). Upon reanalysis of the MUSE spectra, we found that the radial velocity variations originally reported were underestimated (K_ 2,revised = 176±3 km/s vs K_ 2,original = 140±3 km/s) because of the weighting scheme adopted in the full-spectrum fitting analysis. The increased radial velocity semi-amplitude translates into a system mass function larger than previously deduced (f_ revised=2.83 vs f_ original=1.42 ). By exploiting the spectral disentangling technique, we place an upper limit of 10% of a luminous primary source to the observed optical light in NGC1850 BH1, assuming that the primary and secondary are the only components contributing to the system. Furthermore, by analysing archival near-infrared data, we find clues to the presence of an accretion disk in the system. These constraints support a low-mass post-mass transfer star but do not provide a definitive answer whether the unseen component in NGC1850 BH1 is indeed a black hole. These results predict a scenario where, if a primary luminous source of mass M ≥ 4.7  is present in the system (given the inclination and secondary mass constraints), it must be hidden in a optically thick disk to be undetected in the MUSE spectra. globular clusters: individual: NGC 1850 – techniques: imaging spectroscopy, photometry – techniques: radial velocities – binaries: spectroscopic § INTRODUCTION Recently, <cit.> reported the discovery of a black hole (BH) candidate orbiting a luminous star in the massive young (∼100 Myr) star cluster NGC 1850, in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Based on the measured radial velocity and luminosity variations of the observed source, and its position in the colour-magnitude diagram (CMD), the authors concluded that the source is a main-sequence turn-off (MSTO) B-type star (M∼4.9 ) and that the unseen companion is an ∼11  BH. Furthermore, the authors suggested that the system is in a semi-detached configuration meaning that the luminous star is beginning to fill its Roche Lobe (they also studied the case of a detached configuration). The system does not display obvious emission lines in the optical region of the spectrum (although the presence of nebular contamination combined with the low spectral resolution of the MUSE observations makes this analysis complicated). However, a faint but significant X-ray detection appears at the position of the source. The lack of a persistent X-ray emission from NGC1850 BH1, although surprising, does not in itself exclude the presence of a BH in the system. Low-mass X-ray binaries with both persistent and transient X-ray emissions are indeed known in the literature (e.g., Cyg X-2, and V404 Cyg, , respectively), although neither of them can be directly compared to NGC1850 BH1. A potential caveat to this discovery is that stars of different masses, which have undergone different evolutionary paths, can display B-type spectra. As an alternative explanation for this system, <cit.> and <cit.> have suggested that NGC1850 BH1 is a post-mass transfer binary system, with the brighter source a bloated stripped star with a current mass of ∼1-2  (M_ initial∼5 ) and the fainter source a more massive star that has gained a lot of mass from the companion (M_ current∼2-5 ). The latter is predicted to be significantly fainter (by approx. 1-2.3 mag in the optical bands) than a main sequence (MS) star of the same mass at the age of NGC 1850 due to rejuvenation episodes occurring during mass transfer <cit.>, but see <cit.> for an alternative discussion on the impact of mass transfer on the luminosity of the mass gainer. We note here that there is a precedence for preferring such a configuration, as previously suggested stellar-mass BH candidates LB-1 <cit.> and HR 6819 <cit.> appear to be best explained instead as post-mass transfer binary stars with two luminous companions <cit.>. One important difference, however, between the LB-1 and HR 6819 systems compared to NGC1850 BH1, is that the former systems contain Be stars, i.e., fast rotating B-type stars that display prominent emission lines, while no similar emission is observed in the latter case (see for a detailed study of the sample of Be stars in NGC 1850). Additionally, <cit.> noted an inconsistency in the <cit.> interpretation, namely that if the system is in a semi-detached configuration, then a 5   MSTO star would be more luminous than permitted by the observed photometry. In the detached configuration, its implied radius would instead be smaller than the Roche radius, and seems inconsistent with the photometric variability suggesting a (near) Roche filling donor. On the other hand, in the post-mass transfer model for NGC1850 BH1, we must be catching the system at a unique time, specifically as it is transferring across the Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram from a cool bloated star to a hot sub-dwarf state. The rarity of catching such a system at this time is highlighted in <cit.>, where the authors systematically explored a large grid of pre-computed binary models (including mass transfer) and could only find a matching system by significantly expanding the allowed temperature range of the secondary (∼10,000 K compared to the observed ∼14,500 K). The chance of catching the luminous component as it crosses the HR diagram from cool to hot, directly on the MS is then rather small (approx. 1% of the lifetime of the system), but in principle easier to be detected in this stage than in the later subdwarf stage <cit.>. Upon further modelling of the NGC1850 BH1 system, we uncovered a systematic bias in the published radial velocity measurements. This bias, which will be accurately described in the following Sections, resulted in the underestimation of the radial velocity semi-amplitude K_2[To avoid any confusion in the reader, we specify here that throughout the paper, the observed star is labelled with index 2 and called secondary, while the unseen (more massive) object is labelled with index 1 and called primary.] of the visible source which in turn resulted in an underestimated mass function for the system. In the present work we discuss the updated radial velocity measurements in Section <ref> along with the implications on the estimated orbital properties of the system, especially the mass function. In Section <ref> we present upper limits to the presence of a luminous primary stellar component in the system through the technique of spectral disentangling. In Section <ref> we focus on the visible secondary star and investigate a plausible lower limit in mass for it. In Section <ref> we combine these results and discuss the possible nature of the unseen component based on the new constraints available. Finally, in Section <ref> we present our conclusions. § REVISED RADIAL VELOCITY AND MASS FUNCTION Unlike what was done in <cit.>, we present here an alternative method to derive the relative radial velocities of the system, which relies on cross-correlation of the observations with a template spectrum <cit.>. We perform the cross-correlation in the range 7800-8900 Å, where several hydrogen lines of the Paschen series are present. As a template, we first use one of the observations themselves. Once a first set of radial velocities has been determined, we compute the co-added spectrum, and use it as a new template for measuring the radial velocities, repeating this process a few times until no notable change in the radial velocities is observed. We convert the relative radial velocities to absolute ones by using the systemic velocity of V_0 = 253.30 measured by <cit.>. Using this new set of radial velocities we find consistent orbital parameters (e.g. orbital period, eccentricity) to those derived by <cit.>, except for the radial velocity amplitude, which is found to be K_2 = 175.6±2.6 . The orbital solution thus derived is shown in Figure <ref> while the new single-epoch radial velocities are presented in Table <ref>. In order to understand the discrepancy in K_2 values derived above and reported in <cit.>, who originally found K_2 = 140.4±3.3 , we performed additional full-spectrum fitting analyses using the Spexxy code <cit.>, which was used to measure the velocities of the visible star in <cit.>. We found that for this particular star, the weighting scheme used by Spexxy has a significant impact on the measured velocities. By default, Spexxy weighs the spectral pixels by the inverse of their uncertainties during the fitting. If we switch to a more physically motivated inverse-variance weighting scheme, we get radial velocities consistent with those shown in Figure  <ref>. Using both weighting schemes, we then performed an analysis with Spexxy where we only used the spectral range with λ>7 800 Å, in effect using the Paschen series as the only spectral lines in the fit. We found that either weighting scheme (as well as using no weighting at all) resulted again in a velocity curve consistent with the one shown in Figure <ref>. We repeated the fitting with pPXF code <cit.> for both the entire wavelength range and λ>7 800 Å, finding identical results as with Spexxy. Given the high effective temperature of the observed star, its flux is much higher in the blue part of the MUSE spectral range than in the red <cit.>. As a consequence, when using the inverse uncertainties as weights, the blue part (with the strong Hβ and Hα lines) has a larger impact on the fit than the red part (containing the Paschen series). Ideally, this over-weighting of the blue part would not affect the kinematics, as all lines are shifted by the same radial velocity. In the case of NGC 1850, however, the strong nebular emission, associated with the 5 Myr old cluster NGC 1850B, represents an additional complication for the data analysis. As both Hβ and Hα are particularly strong in the nebular line spectrum, it is conceivable that residual nebular emission contaminates the two line profiles sufficiently so that the velocity estimates based on them are biased towards the cluster mean. An alternative, more physical explanation, could be that accretion onto the unseen companion creates some Hα (and potentially Hβ) emission that partially fills up the absorption line. However, as the emission component would follow the motion of the unseen primary and hence appear with a phase shift of 180^∘ in velocity space, one would expect an over- rather than an under-estimation of the K_2 value derived using the blue part of the MUSE spectral range (see the discussion in <cit.> for the LB-1 system). When comparing the velocity curve shown in Figure <ref> to the one depicted in Figure 5 of <cit.>, one can see that the scatter of the individual velocity measurements around the Keplerian model is significantly reduced when the revised measurements are used (reduced χ^2 is 0.52). Given this improvement, and the potential issues regarding the usage of the Hβ and Hα lines, we give preference to the new result. The difficulty in determining K_2 discussed here highlights the need to study the system at higher spectral resolution over a broad wavelength range. This would allow: 1) for a better cleaning of the nebular emission lines (which would be significantly narrower in high-resolution data), also thanks to strong metal lines in the blue that do not appear in the nebular emission; 2) to add stricter constraints from the spectral disentangling technique; and 3) to increase the chances of finding a potential emission-line contribution from accretion onto the unseen companion. §.§ Mass Function A change in the derived semi-amplitude velocity K_2 of the visible source in NGC1850 BH1 has a direct effect on the mass function of the system, even if all other orbital parameters (e.g. period, eccentricity) stay the same. In fact, based on the formula of the binary mass function <cit.>, that can be expressed in terms of observational quantities as: f = P_ orbK_ 2^ 3(1-e^2)^3/2/2π G, which does not make any assumptions on the mass of the visible source, we obtain f = 2.83^+0.14_-0.12 , significantly higher than f = 1.42   as derived in <cit.>. Orbital period P_ orb and eccentricity e are the same as in Table 2 of <cit.>. This implies that, regardless of the mass of the visible star (a normal MS star vs a bloated star), the unseen primary companion is substantially more massive than previously predicted. All the revised and relevant properties of NGC1850 BH1 are listed in Table <ref>, to provide the reader with a clearer reference. By using Kepler's third law, the binary mass function can also be written in the form: f = M_ 1^3sin(i)^3/(M_ 1+M_ 2)^2, where M_ 1 and M_ 2 are the masses of the primary unseen component and the secondary visible star, respectively, and i the inclination of the system with respect to the line of sight. This formula suggests that once the mass of the visible star and the inclination of the system are known, the mass of the unseen companion can be determined. Unfortunately, these two additional quantities are uncertain in the case of NGC1850 BH1. In Section <ref> we will define an alternative way to put constraints on the mass of the unseen source. § SPECTRAL DISENTANGLING Based on the newly derived mass function, which points towards a rather massive unseen companion, we used the MUSE spectra available to set an upper limit on how much this object actually contributes light to the total flux of the system. In fact, if the unseen companion is a massive star as suggested by <cit.> and <cit.>, it is rather luminous, so it is expected to contribute significantly to the total flux of the system (but see the discussion about the rejuvenation factor in Section <ref>). If the unseen companion is instead a compact object (such as a BH) as suggested by <cit.>, it does not contribute to the light of the system at all if there is no accretion disk around it, regardless of its mass. To do this test, we employed the shift-and-add spectral disentangling technique <cit.>, which was successfully used to uncover hidden companions in other SB1 binaries (e.g., LB-1, ; HR 6819, ; 28 O-type binaries, ), which have companions contributing as little as ≈ 1-2% to the visual flux. Briefly, spectral disentangling is the separation of composite spectra into the component spectra of multiple systems, usually performed simultaneously to the derivation of the orbital parameters <cit.>. For given orbital elements, the shift-and-add method relies on an iterative procedure that uses the disentangled spectra obtained in the j^ th iteration, to calculate the disentangled spectra for the j+1 iteration through consecutive shifting-and-adding of the spectra. By minimizing χ^2 between the added disentangled spectra and the observations, one can derive the orbital elements; we refer to <cit.> for details. Here, we fix the orbital parameters to those given in Table 2 of <cit.>, except for the radial velocity amplitudes K_1, K_2, which are used to minimise χ^2. We note that the light ratio of the components cannot be derived from the disentangling procedure. The adopted light ratio only impacts the final scaling of the spectra. In Figure <ref>, we show the reduced χ^2(K_1, K_2) map obtained when disentangling the four Paschen members (members 8 - 11) in the region 8570-8910Å. Evidently, K_2 can be reasonably well constrained and is consistent with the radial velocity measurements in Table <ref> to within 1σ. In contrast, the value K_1 is poorly constrained, virtually ranging across the entire plausible range of values. We note that disentangling generally yields much larger formal errors compared with standard radial velocity fitting due to the freedom in varying each pixel in the disentangled spectrum. In the figure a slight correlation between K_ 1, K_ 2 is observed. This may possibly indicate that there is some contributing signal from a primary star or disk in NGC 1850 BH1, although this contribution is too small to actually be extracted from the noise using the MUSE data. The presence of a putative accretion disk or a luminous primary (see the discussion in Section <ref>) could provide the light signal to explain such a trend in the residual map. Alternatively, this correlation could be a spurious result caused by contaminants (e.g., nebular contamination, tellurics, uncertain normalisation). Figure <ref> shows the disentangled spectra for K_2 = 175.6 and K_1 = 41 (i.e., assuming the primary is roughly four times more massive than the luminous secondary). The shifted spectra and their sum are compared to the observations at radial velocity extremes (conjunction phases). Generally, the disentangled spectra of the primary appear close to flat, with the possible exception of H i λ 8750. We note that the results depend weakly on the adopted value of K_1 (values in the range 0.25 K_2 < K_1 < 4 K_2 were considered). In all cases, the features seen in the spectrum of the primary are comparable to the noise level of the disentangled spectrum. In Figure <ref>, we show the disentangled spectra of a few neighbouring Paschen lines calculated for K_2 = 175.6 and K_1 = 41, assuming a low light contribution for the primary of l_1 = 0.1 (i.e., the intrinsic spectrum is multiplied by a factor of 10). The features that are observed in the disentangle spectra are again of level of the noise, and generally do not overlap with spectral lines. Such features can easily result from non-Gaussian noise, imperfect normalisation, tellurics, or other contaminants. The results imply that, if a non-degenerate companion is present, it must be rather faint. This is corroborated by the simulations below (Section <ref>), where this statement is further quantified. §.§ Simulations To test the validity of our method and explore the sensitivity down to which we could detect a hidden MS companion, we simulate a mock binary that mimics the orbit and observational data set of NGC1850 BH1, but contains a non-degenerate companion. For the simulation, we use the co-added spectrum as a template for the luminous secondary. For the mock spectrum of the unseen primary, we use the grids computed with the TLUSTY model atmosphere code <cit.>. We use a model with T_ eff = 20,000K, log g = 4.0[cgs], and assume that it moves with K_ 1, true = 50. To be conservative, we convolve the emergent spectrum of the model with sin i = 300 and a macroturbulent velocity of _ mac = 30. Finally, motivated by the results in Section <ref>, we adopt a low light contribution for the primary of l_1 = 0.1. The mock observations use the exact S/N values and phases of the original spectra, and are degraded to the MUSE resolution and sampling. We then attempted to derive K_1 through χ^2 minimisation. However, the χ^2 map is virtually flat, implying that K_1 cannot be retrieved. Given the low resolution (compared to the secondary's radial velocities), the intrinsic and rotational broadening of the lines, and the modest S/N, it is not surprising that K_1 cannot be retrieved. However, disentangling can still be performed, assuming various values of K_1. In truth, the K_1 value has a very small impact on the spectral appearance of the disentangled spectra, as long as it is varied in a plausible range. To illustrate this, in Figure <ref>, we show the results from three disentangling experiments of the mock data, varying K_1 between 20 and 150 . The spectra are virtually indistinguishable. This seeming independence on K_1 is the result of the broad profiles of the simulated primary and the low spectral resolution of the data. Evidently, while we cannot retrieve K_1, the method yields a spectrum for the hidden primary that matches the original template reasonably well. Some differences are apparent for the primary, which are intrinsic to the method. Since the lines are constantly blended, the disentangling procedure is bound to have some cross-contamination between the stars. However, we note that the differences are boosted by a factor of ten due to the faintness of the primary, such that the deviations seen in Figure <ref> amount to deviations of the order of a few percent with respect to the mock observations. The exact sensitivity down to which we could detect companions is difficult to establish, since it depends on the stellar parameters, rotation, and light contribution of the primary. However, the experiment described here illustrates that we would very likely be able to detect companions contributing more than ≈ 5-10% to the light. We visually illustrate how faint the primary (unseen) star must be in terms of magnitude to be undetectable in the MUSE spectra, based on the results of the spectral disentangling. In the left panel of Figure <ref> we present the CMD of NGC 1850 where a MIST isochrone <cit.> of the appropriate age is overplotted to guide the eye. A red star indicates the position of NGC1850 BH1 (F438W = 16.7, F814W = 16.6) while the red solid line indicates the magnitude level of a MS star (F438W = 19.2, F814W = 19.1) corresponding exactly to 10% of the brightness of NGC1850 BH1, the limit set by the spectral disentangling. The conclusions of these tests are twofold: First, if a non-degenerate stellar companion is present in the binary, as suggested by <cit.>, it is fainter than ≈ 10% in the visual. Second, even if a non-degenerate companion is present, it cannot significantly contaminate the spectrum due to its faintness. The stellar parameters determined for the luminous secondary using the co-added observations (which are virtually identical to the disentangled spectrum) should therefore represent the secondary well, unless its light is diluted by an additional sources (e.g., excess emission stemming from a disk). In fact, if there should be an accretion disk in NGC1850 BH1 orbiting around the invisible source, then the results presented above could change to account for this additional component. An extensive discussion of this aspect will be provided in Section <ref>. § MINIMUM MASS OF THE SECONDARY AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR THE PRIMARY An additional hint on what is the nature of the invisible source can actually be derived from the analysis of the visible secondary star. The two alternative scenarios that have been proposed to explain NGC1850 BH1 assumed very different masses for the visible source (a normal 5 M_⊙ MS star vs a 1-2 M_⊙ bloated-stripped star). <cit.> argued that the secondary star, if it is indeed filling its Roche lobe, must be less massive than the 5 M_⊙ adopted by <cit.>. According to <cit.>, who derived a formula for the mean density of Roche-lobe filling stars, a 5 M_⊙ star would be too large (and hence too luminous) to satisfy the photometric constraints. Therefore, we are inclined to adopt the scenario in which the secondary is a low-mass post mass transfer star. Unfortunately, deriving its actual current mass is not possible with the available data, because it is unknown if and how much other sources contribute to the observed magnitudes. Because of this limitation, in this work we define a physically motivated minimum mass for the secondary star and adopt this value in the subsequent analysis. This lower limit directly translates into a minimum mass for the unseen primary star as well, once the inclination of the system is known or can be set to a reasonable value. From the OGLE light curves available for NGC1850 BH1 and presented in <cit.>, the system does not show any evidence for total or partial eclipses. This might be the case for two reasons: 1) the binary system is made of two luminous sources but it has an inclination such that one source never obscures the other; 2) the unseen source is a dark object (e.g. a BH) so it does not produce eclipses regardless of how the system is inclined. We note here that if the BH is surrounded by an accretion disk, eclipses are still expected unless the system has a geometric configuration similar to that of 1). According to <cit.>, in a binary system, the geometric condition for eclipses not to occur is the following: cos(i) > (R_ 1 + R_ 2) / a, where a and i are the semi-major axis and the inclination of the system, and R_ 1 and R_ 2 the radii of the primary and secondary stars, respectively. Based on the observational constraints derived from the modelling of the radial velocity curve and the constraints on the radius of the luminous (secondary) star (4.9 R_⊙≤ R_ 2≤ 6.5 R_⊙) imposed by observational uncertainties and the possibility that a second luminous star could contribute to the observed photometry, the lack of eclipses in the OGLE light curves places a limit of i ⩽ 67^∘ on the inclination of NGC1850 BH1 (see also ). In Figure <ref> we show, as red solid lines, the mass of the primary (unseen) component as a function of the luminous secondary component, based on the newly measured binary mass function and by adopting equation (<ref>) above, for two different inclinations: when the binary is seen edge-on (i=90^∘) and when the inclination is i = 67^∘, as labelled in the plot. The red shaded area is the region in this parameter space where eclipses are expected to occur, while the white area above the red area is where no eclipses are expected to be observed. In other words, the red solid line at i = 67^∘ sets the lower limit to the mass of the primary (as a function of the secondary) if the primary is a star or a BH with an accretion disk. If the primary is instead a dark compact object not surrounded by an accretion disk, the reference line to be considered is the red solid line at i = 90^∘. <cit.> estimate the current mass of the luminous component (a bloated stripped star in their model) to be ∼1-2 . In their model, the secondary (initially most massive) component would have recently left the MS and began expanding. During this expansion, the Roche Lobe of the star would have been filled, and mass transfer onto the primary companion would have followed. At the age of NGC 1850 (∼100 Myr), this implies that the initial mass of the secondary would have been ∼5 . This is consistent with what <cit.> found in their binary interaction models: when assuming an initial mass of ∼5   for the secondary star, after the mass transfer, the final mass of the stripped star turns out to be of ∼1-2 . Although a mass range between 1 and 2   is in agreement with current binary evolution models (e.g. ), it is worth mentioning here that there is not yet enough information about the binary system to allow us to assign a value to the present mass of the visible star. What we do here instead is test how massive the primary would have to be under the assumption of a given secondary mass (and in particular the value of 1  proposed by ). Indeed, by assuming a current mass of the stripped star of ∼1-2 , and by applying the no-eclipse condition, the mass of the unseen component is >5 . In particular, for a 1  secondary mass, the primary has a minimum mass of M_1=5.17 , as also highlighted with a black dashed line in Figure <ref>. An accretor star of this mass would be as luminous as the visible star itself, so its contribution should be clearly detectable in the MUSE spectra according to the brightness limit set by the spectral disentangling (see Figure <ref>, left panel). Based on the BPASS models <cit.>, <cit.> pointed out that in a post-mass transfer system, the star that has gained a considerable amount of mass from the companion does not look like a standard (non-interacting) MS star of the same mass and age (in terms of brightness), but instead experiences an episode of rejuvenation, so that in the end it looks much fainter (by up to approx. 2.3 mag in the optical filters). The uncertainties associated with this process are quite large and different binary models tend to predict different scenarios. For example, by using the MESA binary evolution models <cit.>, <cit.> recently found that stars who gained a significant amount of mass from their companions in binaries are systematically brighter and more rapidly rotating than they were pre-interaction. This shows that the rejuvenation factor in binary models is still an open question. While the real factor is somewhat uncertain, we decide to be conservative here and adopt a value of 1.5 mag (fainter) for the rejuvenation factor in the analysis hereafter. Based on this assumption, a primary of M_1=5.17   is significantly fainter than expected from stellar evolution (F438W∼18.2 vs F438W∼16.7) but well detectable in the spectra, as it is still one magnitude brighter than the 10% brightness limit of F438W = 19.2 imposed by the spectral disentangling[Since the 10% flux limit was determined using Paschen lines (λ>7 800 Å), we verified that the same behavior is also observed using the F814W filter. In fact, the 10% limit corresponds to F814W = 19.1, while a primary as bright as the visible star in NGC1850 BH1 would appear to be F814W = 16.6 + 1.5 = 18.1, still one magnitude above the limit.]. This is shown in the right panel of Figure <ref>, where the position of a standard (non-interacting) MS star as bright as NGC1850 BH1 is shown as a closed blue dot, while the same rejuvenated star as a closed green square, overplotted on the CMD of NGC 1850. The impact of the rejuvenation factor on the brightness of the primary (unseen) source will be illustrated more clearly later in the Section, when we define the minimum mass that a primary mass can assume. Both <cit.> and <cit.> explored evolutionary scenarios that could produce the binary NGC1850 BH1 using BPASS <cit.> and MESA <cit.>, respectively. They could reproduce the observational properties of the binary system by assuming that the luminous star was a bloated stripped star of ∼1 . While it seems very unlikely that the secondary star is significantly less massive than predicted in their models, we want to be conservative here and set the minimum mass for the visible star in NGC1850 BH1 at M_2=0.65 M_⊙, which is the lower limit that <cit.> derived in their work on the basis of the minimum possible radius (R_ 2 = 4.9 R_⊙) this star can assume given its temperature, its CMD position, and the possible presence of a primary luminous source contributing to the photometry. Moreover, since the observed spectrum of the luminous source contains prominent hydrogen lines and easily resembles that of a normal B-type star, it is reasonable to infer that this source has not yet been completely stripped of its entire hydrogen envelope, hence its mass cannot be very low. By imposing a lower limit for the secondary mass of 0.65 , we consider any mass below this threshold as non-physical and present it as a grey shaded area in Figure <ref>. The dotted line in the Figure instead shows that a secondary mass of M_2=0.65  M_⊙ directly translates into a mass of M_1=4.71  M_⊙ for the primary (unseen) component based on the mass function of the system. Assuming it is a normal MS star (F438W ∼ 17.3, F814W ∼ 17.25), this mass corresponds to a brightness of ∼ 56% of that observed for NGC1850 BH1 in the visual (F438W). If we take into account the rejuvenation factor, which makes this star appear fainter by 1.5 mag, we deduce for it a magnitude F438W = 17.3 + 1.5 = 18.8 (F814W = 18.75), which has ∼ 14.5% of the brightness of NGC1850 BH1. It would be barely but still observable in the spectrum, given the 10% limit found by the disentangling. To illustrate this, the right panel of Figure <ref> shows the CMD of NGC 1850, with the MIST isochrone appropriate for the cluster. The open blue dot in the Figure represents the F438W magnitude of a primary (unseen) star with the minimum allowable mass, 4.71 M_⊙ (assuming it to be a MS star). The open green square instead shows its position once the rejuvenation factor of 1.5 mag is applied, due to mass transfer in the binary. Even for the lowest possible primary mass (hence faintest), this star is expected to be visible, as it is still brighter (by 0.4 and 0.35 mag in F438W and F814W, respectively) than the brightness limit set by the disentangling (here shown as a red solid line). More massive, rejuvenated, primary stars would appear even brighter, thus even easier to detect in the spectra. From this analysis we can conclude that, if we want to have a system with two luminous stars, for any reasonable secondary (present-day) mass for the visible star, we must invoke the presence of an additional component in the system which by shielding the light of this massive luminous source causes it to contribute very little to the total light. § THE UNSEEN SOURCE IN NGC1850 BH1 The combination of i) the measured high binary mass function (f = 2.83^+0.14_-0.12 ), ii) the lack of observed eclipses in the OGLE optical light curves, and iii) the lower limit of M_ 2 = 0.65 M_⊙ set to the mass of the visible star results in the primary (unseen) companion of NGC1850 BH1 to have a mass M_ 1>4.71 . A standard (non-accreting) MS star of such a mass would be more than half as bright as the observed system, hence its contribution would be easily detectable in the MUSE spectra of the visible companion. However, when the rejuvenation factor of 1.5 mag is taken into account, the brightness of this source drops from 56% to 14.5% brighter than NGC1850 BH1 (see Figure <ref>, right panel). It is important to note that, although much fainter, it does not go below the 10% brightness constraint we derived from the spectral disentangling. In other words, the contribution of the primary in this configuration is expected to be faint but still detectable in the spectra. To reconcile this result with the fact that we do not observe any contribution from the primary in the analysis of the MUSE spectra, there are two viable possibilities to explore: First, the unseen primary star is a non-luminous compact object, and since its minimum mass is higher than that of any possible neutron star (M∼3 M_⊙; ), it is a BH. Second, the unseen primary star is a rather massive luminous source enshrouded in a thick accretion disk which absorbs part of its optical light, making it undetectable. Which of these two possibilities has to be preferred is unclear to date but the scope of this paper is to present the current knowledge about NGC1850 BH1 and suggest possible ways to distinguish one or the other scenario with further observations. As already noted by <cit.>, the NGC1850 BH1 system belongs to a class of objects called Double Period Variables (DPVs, ), i.e. it shows two periodicities where one is about 33 times longer than the other. There is not much literature on DPVs, and the origin of the longest periodicity is still unknown, however, the general consensus is that these systems are semi-detached (one of the two components fills its Roche Lobe) and made up of two stars, one of which (the gainer) is typically a B-type star surrounded by an accretion disk. In one specific case, HD 170582, it has been suggested that the gainer is bright and massive and should contribute nearly 50% of the total system light, but since it is encased in an optically thick disk that almost completely obscures it, it only contributes for about 10%, thus becoming barely detectable <cit.>. For sake of completeness, it is worth mentioning that the accretion disk (∼21 R_⊙) and the semi-major axis (∼61 R_⊙) deduced for the system HD 170582 are much larger than allowed for the configuration of NGC1850 BH1. This is an example but an in-depth comparison of NGC1850 BH1 with the properties of other DPV systems is beyond the scope of this document. By analyzing archival near-infrared HST/WFC3 data of NGC1850 BH1 (from F105W to F160W), we measured a 2σ excess both in F140W and F160W compared to other cluster members in a similar position in the CMD, which seems to support the presence of a third component in the system, namely an accretion disk. Figure <ref> shows an optical/near-infrared (F438W-F160W, F438W) CMD of NGC 1850, where the position of NGC1850 BH1 is presented as a red star. As a comparison, we highlight in green and yellow respectively a sample of Be and shell stars of NGC 1850 studied in <cit.>. Shell stars are Be stars (i.e. rapidly rotating B stars) observed (partially) through their disks <cit.>. As shown in the Figure, both Be and shell stars exhibit near-infrared excesses, i.e. they are systematically located on redder colors than normal stars of similar magnitudes. This excess is believed to be mainly caused by emission from their disks. NGC1850 BH1 shares a similar colour, hence a similar near-infrared excess, with many of the shell stars in the cluster so, although the nature of NGC1850 BH1 is very different from that of shell stars, an analogy between these sources can still be drawn. The observed excess of the binary provides further support for the existence of a disk in the system. Additional constraints (e.g. the expected slow rotation of the secondary (luminous) star for a synchronized binary) suggest that, if present, the disk is around the primary (unseen) star. If the evidence for an accretion disk around the unseen source in NGC1850 BH1 is confirmed by further studies, this will unfortunately still not provide a final answer as to what is the unseen component. Given the high probability that NGC1850 BH1 is a post-mass transfer system, based on recent findings and reasoning, it would be equally plausible to have a disk around a BH or a massive luminous star. The only way to effectively discriminate between the two scenarios is to measure the temperature of the putative disk itself as it is expected to be very different in the two configurations. In particular, if a 5  luminous star (and Teff∼ 15,000K) is enclosed in an optically thick disk, the light it emits is almost completely absorbed by the disk at optical wavelengths and re-emitted by it at infrared wavelengths. The system thus becomes particularly bright in the near and mid-infrared, given the lower extinction of starlight and the added contribution of the disk, which is expected to be much cooler than the star itself (Teff≪ 15,000K). Alternatively, if a BH is part of the system, the properties of the accretion disk are significantly different, with a temperature likely higher than 15,000K near the inner edge, but decreasing with radius as predicted by <cit.>. Near and mid infrared observations of the NGC1850 BH1 system, as those recently secured with the new ERIS/NIX imager at the VLT <cit.>, will help to investigate this aspect in more detail. § CONCLUSIONS The main results of this study can be summarised as follows: * We have discovered a systematic bias in the measured radial velocities which has been traced to the weighting scheme adopted in the SPEXXY results. We have provided updated radial velocity measurements for each epoch. Based on the new modelling of the radial velocity curve, we have updated the radial velocity semi-amplitude to K_2 = 175.6±2.6 . * The increased (by 20%) semi-amplitude velocity thus derived has significantly increased the mass function of the system to f = 2.83^+0.14_-0.12 . * From spectral disentangling we find that only one source is significantly contributing to the spectrum, i.e., any possible stellar secondary contributes at most 10% to the optical flux of the system. * The secondary (visible) star is most likely a low-mass post-mass transfer star, but the information available so far does not allow us to assign a value to the present mass of this binary component. Indeed, it is unknown if and how much (other) sources contribute to the observed magnitudes. * Based on the new binary mass function, lack of observed eclipses in the light curves of NGC1850 BH1, and constraints on the luminosity of the system's components, there are two viable possibilities: the unseen component in NGC1850 BH1 is: 1) a BH, its mass being >3  with the possible addition of an accretion disk; or 2) a bright, rejuvenated star with a minimum mass of M_1∼4.7 , enshrouded in an optically thick disk that partially absorbs its light so that it is undetectable in the currently available spectra. * NGC1850 BH1 is a DPV and appears to show an excess in the near-infrared, which can be interpreted as evidence for the presence of a disk in the system. However, both scenarios are still equally likely. Constraining the properties of the disk (e.g. temperature, size) will be one good way to shed more light on the nature of the invisible source. * A scenario in which the primary (unseen) component in NGC1850 BH1 is a BH faces substantial issues regarding its evolutionary history, if we assume a binary origin for it as in the BPASS and MESA models, i.e. the initial period of the binary would be lower than physically allowed given the size of the individual components. A possible caveat of these models, however, is that they only consider isolated binaries and do not include hierarchical triples/quadruples nor the effect of dynamical interactions in clusters. This might instead be appropriate for NGC1850 BH1 which belongs to NGC 1850. In conclusion, since neither the exact configuration of the binary (in terms of M_1, M_2, mass ratio etc.) nor its evolutionary history are known, we unfortunately cannot draw any definitive conclusion on this aspect. In a future study we will present detailed modelling of the OGLE light curves of NGC1850 BH1, which also includes the presence of an accretion disk. This will provide stricter constraints on the nature of both the luminous secondary star and the unseen primary companion in the system, sensibly limiting the parameter space we can move in. Moreover, this work clearly shows the urgent need for further and more detailed studies of this peculiar binary system, NGC1850 BH1. They would be helpful to investigate a few important but still unknown aspects: First, high resolution spectroscopy with a wide wavelength coverage will be essential 1) to apply the disentangling technique in order to be able to detect companions contributing as little as ≈ 1-2% to the visual flux of the system; 2) to study the properties of the luminous (secondary) component (e.g. surface gravity, rotational velocity, chemical abundances); 3) to assess whether the putative disk, if present, dilutes the companion at all bands in a similar way; 4) to place unprecedented constraints on the rejuvenation episodes that occur in binary systems when one of the two sources gains a significant fraction of mass from the companion. The rejuvenation factor is a very uncertain parameter and limiting its allowed range would be a great achievement for future binary evolution studies. Secondly, near-infrared high resolution photometry will be important to investigate the detailed properties of the putative accretion disk in the system, for example in terms of radius and temperature. Those mentioned above are essential steps in deciphering the properties of the unseen source in NGC1850 BH1. § ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank the anonymous referee for the careful reading and analysis of the paper. We thank Kareem El-Badry and Héloïse F. Stevance for the insightful discussions on the system. We are also thankful to Matti Dorsch and Ulrich Heber for their contributions to the analysis of the MUSE spectra. SS acknowledges funding from STFC under the grant no. R276234. TS acknowledges support from the European Union's Horizon 2020 under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101024605. SK acknowledges funding from UKRI in the form of a Future Leaders Fellowship (grant no. MR/T022868/1). MG acknowledges support from the Ministry of Science and Innovation (EUR2020-112157, PID2021-125485NB-C22, CEX2019-000918-M funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and from AGAUR (SGR-2021-01069). CU acknowledges the support of the Swedish Research Council, Vetenskapsrådet. This research has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (H.S., grant agreement 772225: MULTIPLES). § DATA AVAILABILITY The data underlying this work are already publicly available to the community. The updated radial velocity measurements are instead listed in Table <ref>. mnras
AGTGAN: Unpaired Image Translation for Photographic Ancient Character Generation
[ "Hongxiang Huang", "Daihui Yang", "Gang Dai", "Zhen Han", "Yuyi Wang", "Kin-Man Lam", "Fan Yang", "Shuangping Huang", "Yongge Liu", "Mengchao He" ]
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
#1 @ACM@anonymous@addto@macroauthornotes footnote#1 Equal Contribution. Corresponding author. 1South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China 2Pazhou Laboratory, Guangzhou, China 3DAMO Academy, Alibaba Group, Hangzhou, China 4LMU Munich and Siemens AG, Munich, Germany 5ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland 6The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China 7Anyang Normal University, Anyang, China eehsp@scut.edu.cn, eehxhuang@mail.scut.edu.cn Hongxiang Huang, Daihui Yang, Gang Dai, Zhen Han, Yuyi Wang, Kin-Man Lam, Fan Yang, Shuangping Huang, Yongge Liu, Mengchao He Both authors contributed equally to this research. [1] [1] eehxhuang@mail.scut.edu.cn South China University of Technology Guangzhou China Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich Munich Germany Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich Switzerland CRRC Institute Zhuzhou China The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong China South China University of Technology Guangzhou China Corresponding author. South China University of Technology Pazhou Laboratory Guangzhou China Anyang Normal University Anyang China DAMO Academy, Alibaba Group Hangzhou China The study of ancient writings has great value for archaeology and philology. Essential forms of material are photographic characters, but manual photographic character recognition is extremely time-consuming and expertise-dependent. Automatic classification is therefore greatly desired. However, the current performance is limited due to the lack of annotated data. Data generation is an inexpensive but useful solution to data scarcity. Nevertheless, the diverse glyph shapes and complex background textures of photographic ancient characters make the generation task difficult, leading to unsatisfactory results of existing methods. To this end, we propose an unsupervised generative adversarial network called AGTGAN in this paper. By explicitly modeling global and local glyph shape style, followed by a stroke-aware texture transfer and an associate adversarial learning mechanism, our method can generate characters with diverse glyphs and realistic textures. We evaluate our method on photographic ancient character datasets, e.g., OBC306 and CSDD. Our method outperforms other state-of-the-art methods in terms of various metrics and performs much better in terms of the diversity and authenticity of generated samples. With our generated images, experiments on the largest photographic oracle bone character dataset show that our method can achieve a significant increase in classification accuracy, up to 16.34%. The source code is available at https://github.com/Hellomystery/AGTGAN. <ccs2012> <concept> <concept_id>10010147.10010371.10010382.10010383</concept_id> <concept_desc>Computing methodologies Image processing</concept_desc> <concept_significance>500</concept_significance> </concept> <concept> <concept_id>10010147.10010178.10010224</concept_id> <concept_desc>Computing methodologies Computer vision</concept_desc> <concept_significance>500</concept_significance> </concept> </ccs2012> [500]Computing methodologies Image processing [500]Computing methodologies Computer vision < g r a p h i c s > Seattle Mariners at Spring Training, 2010. Enjoying the baseball game from the third-base seats. Ichiro Suzuki preparing to bat. AGTGAN: Unpaired Image Translation for Photographic Ancient Character Generation Mengchao He March 30, 2023 ================================================================================ § INTRODUCTION Human curiosity for exploring the origins of civilization will never fade away even with the passage of time. Through the imprints left by ancestors, i.e., ancient writings, modern people can learn about ancient civilizations. There are several well-known ancient writings, such as oracle bone inscription, cuneiform, Mayan script, Indus script, and ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic. Recognizing the content of these writings is an important premise to boost academic research in both ancient civilizations and literature. Traditionally, research on ancient writings has been the prerogative of paleographical specialists. Usually, they transform the photographic characters (PC) into simulated characters (SC) by manually simulating the ancient characters on photographic ancient documents. The simulated characters are often included in the ancient character dictionaries <cit.>, as the primary tools for the study of ancient writings. Fig. <ref> shows some simulated and photographic characters of oracle bone inscription and cuneiform. However, the specialists identify the photographic characters, based on their experience and intuition, which results in low efficiency and great ambiguity. Automatic photographic ancient character recognition, using deep learning methods, has great potential for accelerating the process of ancient writing research, e.g., decipherment <cit.> and restoration <cit.>. Nevertheless, deep learning methods require large amounts of well-labeled data to learn an accurate classifier <cit.>. Besides, collecting and annotating photographic ancient character data is time-consuming and expertise-dependent. Hence, the performance of existing photographic ancient character classifiers is still unsatisfactory, due to the scarcity of annotated data. Synthesizing new data is a solution to the data scarcity problem <cit.>. Generative adversarial networks (GANs) <cit.> have opened a new door for image generation and brought many amazing results <cit.>. However, generating photographic ancient characters is not a simple task. Take the photographic oracle bone characters (POC) shown in Fig. <ref> as an example. Due to the differences in shooting angles and writers, POCs render various global and local shape variations, such as inclination or rotation, changes in the relative position of strokes, etc. In terms of texture, POCs are printed with complex backgrounds, because of irregular noise. Thus, diverse glyph shapes and complex background textures are important aspects to be considered in character generation, which make the task difficult. The mainstream methods for character generation believe that character images contain content and style information, and styles can be divided into shape style and texture style <cit.>. Some methods <cit.> learn to extract content and style information in parallel based on disentangled representation, and then entangle the extracted information to generate characters of specific styles. These methods mainly regard the style of a character as its shape style. However, the complex texture of photographic ancient characters increases the difficulty of decoupling the content and style, which leads to degradation of the generation quality when using these methods. In addition, several two-stage methods <cit.> divide the character image generation into a shape modeling stage and a stroke rendering stage. Nevertheless, these methods still require a considerable amount of paired data or class labels for training, which is costly and impractical for ancient writings. Moreover, the existing mainstream character generation methods have a common shortcoming that they model shape styles not explicitly enough, which makes it difficult for them to learn diverse global and local shape patterns without strong supervision. To sum up, the generation of photographic ancient characters needs to consider complex shape styles and texture styles. Besides, it is better to reduce the demand for unpaired data and other annotation information through unsupervised learning. To this end, we propose a novel unsupervised generative model, called Associate Glyph-transformation and Texture-transfer GAN (AGTGAN), which learns a complex mapping from simulated characters to photographic characters, to synthesize diverse and realistic photographic character images. Our model cascades a glyph-transformation GAN (GTG) and a texture-transfer GAN (TTG), and is end-to-end trainable. The contributions of this paper are fourfold: * The proposed novel photographic character generation model, i.e., AGTGAN, is the first proposed method for enriching annotated photographic character data. This method integrates GTG and TTG, for generating glyph-shape variations and performing texture transfer, respectively. The whole network is end-to-end trainable by the novel associate adversarial training mechanism. * We propose a glyph-shape generator that combines affine with thin-plate-spline (TPS) transformations to explicitly model the global and local shape styles of photographic ancient characters. In addition, noise injection is introduced to increase the randomness of shape transformation, and the signal-and-noise balanced regularization is proposed to guide the model to generate diverse and meaningful glyph shapes. * A new stroke-aware consistency loss for TTG is introduced to solve the blurring problem of the generated photographic characters in the texture transfer process. * Quantitative and qualitative evaluation results show that our generated samples have good diversity and optimal authenticity. With our generated samples, experiments conducted on the largest photographic oracle bone character (POC) dataset, OBC306 <cit.>, show that our method achieves an absolute improvement of 16.34% in terms of POC glyph classification accuracy. § RELATED WORK Character generation has long been considered an essential challenge, while generating photographic ancient characters has not received the attention it deserves. The current generation of ancient writings is limited to a certain type of ancient characters, and the generated samples do not show the original glyph and texture characteristics of the ancient characters <cit.>. In this section, we first review the work in similar fields of photographic ancient character generation and then introduce a framework commonly used in character generation. §.§ Handwritten Text Generation We first review the methods of handwritten text generation, because ancient writings are essentially handwritten or hand-carved texts. The task of handwritten text generation is similar to that of photographic ancient character generation, aiming to imitate natural handwriting in human style. The early two-step methods <cit.> generate isolated letters, and then concatenate them to produce a whole word. These methods rely on handcrafted rules and only generate handwriting with limited variations. Recently, deep generative models directly generate whole-word images. RNN and GAN were used to generate handwriting in a variety of styles <cit.>. <cit.> and <cit.> generate text images on the condition of extracting style features in a few-shot setup and textual content of a predefined fixed length. In addition, <cit.> is an adversarial augmentation method that increases handwritten text images by transforming shapes. The above-mentioned methods are designed to generate only Latin characters, and most of them require expensive text annotations to enhance the generation quality. §.§ Font generation Font generation is usually regarded as an style transfer task for text images, which is handled by image-to-image translation methods in many works. For example, zi2zi <cit.> achieves font style transfer by a conditional GAN. Based on zi2zi, DCFont <cit.> introduces a style classifier for better style representation. TET-GAN <cit.> learns to disentangle and recombine the content and style features of text images by a stylization subnetwork and a destylization subnetwork, but it only transfers the texture style. It is difficult to model the complicated shape and texture style at the same time if only relying on a single auto-encoder for modeling the font style. Samaneh et al. <cit.> proposed a two-stage font generation framework, MC-GAN, which divides the font style into shape style and texture style and uses two different networks to transform shapes and transfer texture successively. However, the method is only applicable to the 26 English letters, resulting in limited generalization ability. For font generation of complex characters, e.g., Chinese characters, the glyph shape transformation has always been the focus of researchers' attention. <cit.> were proposed for the monochrome Chinese font generation task, which simplify font styles to shape styles. EMD <cit.> used different encoders to extract the content vector and shape style vector of fonts based on the idea of disentanglement. SA-VAE <cit.> demonstrated that domain knowledge of Chinese characters, e.g., the information of radicals and stokes, helps improve the output image quality. CalliGAN <cit.> and StokeGAN <cit.> added extra component codes of characters to train a conditional GAN and a CycleGAN <cit.>, respectively, exploiting prior knowledge to maintain structural information. RD-GAN <cit.> proposed a radical extraction module to extract radicals as prior knowledge, which can improve the performance of the discriminator and generate unseen characters in a fixed style. Different from previous methods, ChiroGAN <cit.> and SCFont <cit.> adopted different font generation paradigms, first extracting the skeleton and then rendering the strokes. However, in DG-Font <cit.> and ZiGAN <cit.>, it was argued that the abovementioned methods <cit.> require expensive supervision information, e.g., stroke information or paired data. DG-Font introduced a feature deformation skip connection, achieved by deformable convolution <cit.> to improve the ability of the network to produce shape deformation of the strokes or radicals. ZiGAN learned extra structural knowledge in unpaired data to strengthen the coarse-grained understanding of character content. Inspired by <cit.> and <cit.>, AGIS-Net <cit.> divided the decoder of the disentanglement framework into two parts, the shape style reconstruction branch and the texture style reconstruction branch, which can realize the shape transformation and texture transfer of complex characters at the same time. Nevertheless, existing font generation methods may not be suitable for the generation of photographic ancient characters for the following reasons. On the one hand, the intra-domain glyph shapes of photographic ancient characters are more diverse than those general font generation tasks. The reason is that photographic ancient characters were engraved or written by different people in different periods and photographed from different angles. On the contrary, the shape style of each font is consistent in general font generation tasks, because the characters of each font are written by one writer. On the other hand, although the texture features, e.g., color, brightness and grain, of photographic ancient Chinese characters are relatively stable, it is difficult to decouple the content (glyph) and texture style, because the texture of background noise is very similar to those of foreground strokes, which easily leads to confusion and misunderstanding. §.§ Image-to-Image Translation Recently, image-to-image translation has achieved impressive results <cit.>. <cit.> first proposed a conditional GAN to obtain the desired outputs from reference inputs without manually tuning the mapping function. However, this method requires paired training data. To address the unavailable paired data, <cit.> used a cycle consistency regularization term in the loss function. These two works inspire many follow-up approaches <cit.>. However, these methods only deal with one-to-one translations. To model one-to-many mapping, <cit.> and <cit.> proposed a disentangled representation framework to transfer the source content to a given style. In CUT <cit.>, it was argued that the cycle-consistency loss used by <cit.> assumes that the relationship between the two domains is bijective, which is often too restrictive. An alternative solution was proposed by introducing contrastive learning for unpaired image-to-image translation with a PatchNCE loss to maximize the mutual information between the corresponding patches of the input and output images. Nevertheless, the aforementioned I2I translation methods are capable of texture transfer, but are limited by the shape-variation translation <cit.>. To resolve the problem, some methods attempted to model the shape style by directly generating image pixels <cit.>. <cit.> proposed a discriminator with dilated convolution <cit.> to train a shape-aware generator, which achieves global shape transformation. <cit.> implemented local geometric transformations using different embedding networks for the comparative learning strategy. <cit.> proposed a spatial transformer network (STN) <cit.> with thin plate spline (TPS) transformation to explicitly transform scene text images and a CycleGAN to transfer the texture style of the images. However, the discriminator connecting the STN and CycleGAN in <cit.> is unable to discern shape difference under the interference of texture features. These methods only take global or local deformation into account. However, not only global transformation, but also local transformation is needed for generating glyph shapes of ancient writings because the details of glyph shapes, such as strokes and radicals, are diverse. § PROPOSED METHOD Our goal is to learn a one-to-many mapping from the source simulated character (SC) domain d_ss to the target photographic character (PC) domain d_tp. This mapping should ensure that all multimodal PC outputs preserve the glyph classes of the input SCs, while yielding rich variations in glyph shapes and texture styles. Instead of establishing a single-step mapping from d_ss to d_tp, we divide this mapping into two stages: glyph shape mapping and texture mapping. This leads to two more intermediate domains, the transformed SC domain d_ts and the destylized PC domain d_dp. Additionally, we define the final generated PC domain as the realistic PC domain d_rp. All these domains and the overall model are depicted in Fig. <ref>, where x, x_t, y_d, ŷ, and y denote the characters sampled from d_ss, d_ts, d_dp, d_rp, and d_tp, respectively. As shown in Fig. <ref>, our proposed model, called AGTGAN, is composed of a GTG and a TTG for glyph-shape transformation and texture transfer, respectively. Furthermore, we introduce an associate adversarial training mechanism for synergistically improving GTG and TTG, which makes the whole network end-to-end trainable. §.§ Glyph-Transformation GAN Glyph-transformation GAN (GTG), which consists of a subtly designed glyph-shape generator G_g and a CNN discriminator D_g, aims to generate diverse glyph shapes that resemble the PC glyph shapes. §.§.§ Glyph Shape Generator According to our observations, it is difficult to explicitly model glyph shapes by directly predicting image pixels to achieve global and local shape variations simultaneously without strong supervision. Therefore, we use the spatial transformer network (STN) to resample image pixels with predicted deformed grids, e.g., affine transformation matrix, to achieve explicit shape variations. Our G_g, as illustrated in the green dotted box in Fig. <ref>, consists of an STN component <cit.> and two reconstruction networks, R_z and R_x, for reconstructing the noises and the input images, respectively. The STN component includes an Encoder and a Predictor, which are used together to estimate the affine and TPS transformation parameters, and a Sampler, which is used to generate x_t by resampling the input x with the estimated parameters. Different from those methods that only use affine or TPS transformation <cit.>, our G_g combines affine and TPS transformations, to finely simulate PC glyph shapes at the global and local levels. Specifically, the affine transformation augments the overall glyph shape, producing global shape changes, such as rotation, translation, and scaling, etc., while TPS augments local shape changes, such as stroke length and distortion. We compare the effect of using both TPS and affine transformation with other situations in the Appendix. To achieve glyph-shape variations, we inject Gaussian noise z to the SC features and then, obtain diversified outputs. However, as mentioned in <cit.>, GAN is prone to ignoring the added noise, thus producing outputs similar to each other. To this end, <cit.> reconstructed the noise vectors from the outputs, so as to preserve the influence of noise. However, they ignored the fact that noise will reduce the authenticity of the generated images, when the influence of noise far exceeds that of input features. To avoid this, we design two reconstruction networks, R_z and R_x, to restore the injected noise z and the input x, respectively, from the same estimated parameters during training. With our devised SNR loss (refer to the section of `Signal-and-Noise Reconstruction Loss'), R_z and R_x make the influence of signal and noise compete against each other during training and finally, reach a balanced state. More details of the architecture of G_g can be found in the Appendix. §.§.§ Signal-and-Noise Reconstruction Loss As mentioned previously, the signal-and-noise reconstruction (SNR) loss is designed to balance the influence of the input signal and the noise. The signal reconstruction loss ensures that the transformed SCs retain the original glyph structure, i.e., the generated SCs and the inputs should belong to the same character classes, while the noise reconstruction loss guarantees the output diversity. The SNR loss contains three terms. The first two terms correspond to the input signal reconstruction error and the noise reconstruction error, as follows: L_1(x, x_rec)+ L_1(z, z_rec), where x_rec and z_rec denote the reconstructed signal and noise, respectively, and L_1 represents the L_1-distance. It is worth noting that if the above two terms are not properly regularized, the loss function may be dominant by one of the loss terms. This may lead to either monotonous (not sufficiently) or completely random (meaningless) output. To address this problem, we introduce a balance term, called reconstruction error ratio (RER), to balance the influence of the signal and noise, as follows: RER = log( L_1(z, z_rec)/ L_1(x,x_rec)). Including this RER term, the SNR loss is defined as follows: L_snr(G_g)= L_1(x, x_rec)+ L_1(z, z_rec)+α· RER, where α is a dynamic coefficient. We further constrain RER with a hyperparameter M>1. During training, we set α=1 if RER  log M. In this case, the noise reconstruction is much worse than the signal reconstruction. This means that the signal is over-dominant, and we use a positive balance term to penalize a large ratio. On the contrary, we set α=-1 if RER  -logM. In this case, the signal reconstruction is much worse than the noise reconstruction. This means that the noise is over-dominant, and we use a negative balance term to penalize a small ratio. If RER falls between the ideal range, i.e., [-log M, log M], we set α=0, i.e., without any additional penalty. In this case, the influence of the signal and noise will maintain a balance. §.§.§ Diversity Loss Diversity is positively correlated with the difference between the two transformation parameters, P(E(x),z_1) and P(E(x),z_2), which are estimated from two mixed signal vectors injected with noises z_1 and z_2, respectively, where z_1 and z_2 are randomly drawn from the same Gaussian distribution. The diversity loss is defined as follows: L_d i v(E,P)=- L_1(P(E(x), z_1), P(E(x), z_2)), where E and P represent the Encoder and the Predictor in STN, respectively. §.§ Texture-Transfer GAN We use a cycle-structure GAN <cit.>, called texture-transfer GAN (TTG), to add texture styles to SCs, i.e., x and x_t. TTG consists of two generators, G_XY and G_YX, and two discriminators, D_Y and D_X (see the blue dotted box in Fig. <ref>). In order to enhance the adaptability of TTG to PC generation, we propose a stroke-aware cycle consistency loss to prevent PCs from losing strokes or becoming blurred during the texture transfer process. §.§.§ Stroke-aware Cycle Consistency Loss Compared to other images, the area occupied by the characters in a character image is usually small, and contains almost all the glyph information. This makes existing cycle-structured networks unsuitable for character generation, because they treat every pixel almost equally. Hence, the output is blurred, or even incomplete characters. To solve this problem, we propose a stroke-aware cycle consistency loss to guide TTG to pay more attention to foreground characters, as follows: L_sacyc(G_X Y, G_Y X) = 𝔼_x_t[W ⊙ L_1(G_Y X(G_X Y(.... .... x_t)),x_t)] + 𝔼_y[ L_1(G_X Y(G_Y X(y)).. .., y)], L_sacyc(G_X Y, G_Y X) = 𝔼_x_t[W ⊙ L_1(G_Y X(G_X Y(.... .... x_t)),x_t)] + 𝔼_y[ L_1(G_X Y(G_Y X(y)), y)], where ⊙ denotes the element-wise product and W a weight matrix extracted from SC, as follows: W_ij={[ C/S_f g· S_b g, x_t^ij∈ foreground; 1,x_t^ij∈ background ]., where S_fg and S_bg denote the area (in pixels) of the foreground region and the background region, respectively. The constant parameter C≥ 1 determines the trade-off between enforcing foreground clarity and maintaining background authenticity. It is worth noting that the stroke-aware information does not need additional annotations, which can be easily obtained by image binarization. §.§ Associate Adversarial Training We propose an associate adversarial training, which connects GTG and TTG through two transitional domains, d_ts and d_dp, to exchange the glyph-shape information and fuse it with texture styles, as shown in Fig. <ref>. In this way, the two GANs are trained jointly to adapt to and promote each other. To implement the glyph-shape mapping from the source SC domain d_ss to the target PC domain d_tp, G_g of the first GAN attempts to explore diverse glyph shapes, while D_g attempts to distinguish whether the glyph shapes come from the transformed SC domain, d_ts, or the destylized PC domain, d_dp. d_dp is produced via the second GAN with a cycle structure, acting as a bridging domain between the two GANs and guiding the glyph deformation of the input SCs. Through adversarial learning, GTG pushes the distribution of d_ts close to that of d_dp. We use the transitional domain d_dp, instead of the target PC domain d_tp, to guide the glyph transformation, because there are some texture style differences between d_tp and d_ss. This will confuse GTG in the glyph transformation learning. d_dp is obtained after gradual destylization through training the TTG, retaining rich global and local glyph-shape patterns. When the texture style of d_dp is gradually reduced, GTG focuses on the glyph-shape differences and precisely learns the glyph shape features. The loss function for GTG is a combination of the least squares generative adversarial loss <cit.>, the SNR loss, and the diversity loss, as follows: L_G_g= 𝔼_x [D_g(G_g(x))-1]^2 + L_snr(G_g)+ L_div(E,P), L_D_g= 1/2𝔼_x[D_g(G_g(x))]^2 +1/2𝔼_y_d[D_g(y_d)-1]^2. To perform the style mapping from the source SC domain d_ss to the target PC domain d_tp, G_XY takes SCs from d_ts as its input and generates realistic PCs to deceive the corresponding D_Y. D_Y attempts to distinguish the domain of the PC samples, i.e., either the realistic PC domain d_rp or the target PC domain d_tp. We use d_ts, instead of d_ss, as the input domain for TTG, because the glyph difference between d_ss and d_tp can easily confuse TTG when learning to transfer texture styles. With GTG training, the glyph shapes of the d_ts samples gradually approach the glyph of d_dp. In this way, TTG can focus on the texture style differences and capture texture features more accurately. GTG transmits glyph-shape information to TTG by d_ts, which encourages G_XY to generate PCs with realistic glyph shapes and texture styles. The loss function for TTG is a combination of the least squares generative adversarial loss and the stroke-aware cycle consistency loss, as follows: L_G_XY,G_YX =𝔼_x_t[D_Y(G_XY(x_t))-1]^2 +𝔼_y[D_X(G_YX(y))-1]^2 +λ L_sacyc(G_XY , G_Y X), L_D_Y,D_X= 1/2𝔼_x_t[D_Y(G_XY(x_t))]^2 +1/2𝔼_y[D_Y(y)-1]^2 +1/2𝔼_y[D_X(G_YX(y))]^2 +1/2𝔼_x[D_X(x)-1]^2, where λ is a hyperparameter, which controls the relative importance of the stroke-aware cycle consistency loss. With the proposed associate adversarial training for GTG and TTG, they can be trained together harmoniously as a unified pipeline, i.e., AGTGAN. § EXPERIMENT §.§ Datasets SOC5519 <cit.> contains 44,868 clean simulated oracle bone character (SOC) instances from 5,491 classes, covering almost all the classes that have been discovered. OBC306 <cit.> contains 309,511 samples from 306 classes, available from the open-source OBI database. It is worth noting that most of the character classes in SOC5519 are unavailable in OBC306 since the number of classes in OBC306 is much fewer than that in SOC5519. HCCC <cit.> is an image set that was manually simulated and arranged from existing hand copies of cuneiform tablets. This dataset contains 4,416 samples from 50 classes that most frequently appear in several corpora. CSDD <cit.> provides bounding box annotations and class labels for signs on 81 tablets' images. We segmented 2,576 photographic cuneiform character (PCC) images according to the bounding box annotations over 233 classes. §.§ Training Details For all experiments, we set λ = 10, C=2, and M = 6. All the simulated character and photographic images are resized to 64×64. We set the initial learning rate at 0.0001 for GTG and 0.001 for TTG, and use the Adam solver <cit.> with a batch size of 64 for optimization. We keep the learning rates constant for the first 15,000 iterations, and linearly decay the rates to zero over the next 15,000 iterations. §.§ Quantitative Evaluation Metrics & User Study FID. we use the Fréchet inception distance (FID) <cit.> to evaluate the authenticity of the generated images by measuring the distance between the generated distribution and the real distribution based on the features extracted by the inception network <cit.>. The lower the FID, the better the quality of the generated images. NDB and JSD. We use the number of statistically different bins (NDB) and the Jensen-Shannon divergence (JSD) <cit.> to evaluate the authenticity of the generated images. Compared with FID, the NDB and JSD metrics are directly applied to image pixels and do not rely on the learned representation. This makes the metric more sensitive to pixel-level differences in images. We set the number of bins for NDB to 50. LPIPS. We use the learned perceptual image patch similarity (LPIPS) metric <cit.> to measure the diversity of generated images. We generate 1,000 samples for each class and compute the LPIPS distance between pairs of samples. The average LPIPS distance for all the classes is used as the final LPIPS value. User Study. We conduct a user study based on pairwise comparisons. Given the POC image groups generated by AGTGAN and other models, each subject needs to answer the question “Which POC image group is more realistic?” with a real POC image as a reference. §.§ Comparison with State-of-the-Art Methods We compare out proposed AGTGAN with state-of-the-art unsupervised image-to-image models, including CycleGAN <cit.>, DRIT++ <cit.>, NICE-GAN <cit.>, DCLGAN <cit.>, and DG-Font <cit.>, from the perspectives of visual quality, quantitative metrics, user study, and classification performance. §.§.§ Generation Result Fig. <ref> demonstrates some generated photographic ancient characters for randomly selected character classes. We can see that our method generates significantly diverse glyph shapes: the strokes and radicals show rich local variations, and the entire characters show different sizes or inclination appearances, while preserving the original glyph labels. In terms of texture style, our generated POC renders more natural background noise and the generated PCC renders a better three-dimensional effect. Furthermore, the characters of both oracle bone inscription and cuneiform generated by our method do not suffer from blurring. In contrast, CycleGAN generates some implausible glyphs, e.g., some strokes are missing or wrong strokes are added. This is mainly because the transferred background texture confuses the character strokes, leading to blurring of the generated glyphs. DG-Font, DRIT++, and NICE-GAN generate worse results, such as unrecognizable glyphs and images with artifacts or fog effect. A possible reason is that they rely on the decoupled latent vectors of content and style, which are not easily obtained from photographic characters with complex glyph shapes and textures. Although DCLGAN generates clear glyphs, the background texture of the generated samples is very monotonous and is quite different from the target texture styles. The reason is that the adopted contrastive learning strategy is prone to capturing semantic information of glyphs, while ignoring most of the background details. In addition, many generated samples, e.g., in the second and third rows under “DRIT++”, “NICE-GAN” and “DCLGAN”, still align with the source characters with less glyph-shape variations, indicating that the baselines have difficulties in learning the variety of glyphs from the target. Although DG-Font uses deformable convolution to learn shape styles, it can only produce weak local deformation. It is worth mentioning that we demonstrate the great potential of our method in zero-shot generation in the Appendix. Tab. <ref> summarizes the quantitative results, and similar conclusions to the above visual analysis can be reached. Our method achieves the best FID, NDB and JSD scores among all methods. Although DRIT++ and NICE-GAN obtain a higher LPIPS score than our method, the high diversity comes from chaotic textures and incomplete glyphs. It is worth noting that the classification criteria of the HCCC and CSDD datasets are inconsistent and the samples generated by reference to HCCC cannot be evaluated with the real data of CSDD when applying the FID metric. The results of LPIPS, NDB, and JSD applied to the generated cuneiform also show that our method is superior to other comparison methods, which can be found in the Appendix. The results of the user study in Fig. <ref> show that more people choose the POCs generated by our AGTGAN to be closer to the target POCs, compared with other methods. §.§.§ Classification Performance We further evaluate the quality of the generated samples by conducting classification experiments on OBC306. Following the same protocol as in <cit.>, we randomly select a quarter of the samples for testing while ensuring that each class has at least one test sample, and the rest form the real POC training set. More setting details can be found in the Appendix. We also measured the classification performance of the minority classes to further investigate the effect of the generated POCs. Those classes that contain one to ten samples form a few-shot (FS) subset, and those that do not contain any real training samples form a zero-shot (ZS) subset. Tab. <ref> summarizes the TOP-1 average class accuracy. The TOP-3 and TOP-5 accuracies are listed in the Appendix. Tab. <ref> shows that, with the AGTGAN generated samples, the highest POC classification accuracy can be achieved on OBC306, as well as FS and ZS. Compared to “Source only” in Tab. <ref>, the improvement achieved using our generated samples is at least 16.34%. By using the training data generated by AGTGAN, the classification accuracy is 81.25% on FS and 93.10% on ZS. The results show that our method has a significant effect on improving the recognition accuracy of the minority classes. §.§ Ablation Study Fig. <ref> summarized the ablation studies for evaluating the impact of different parts of AGTGAN. Diversity loss (w/o DL): Our model, without using the diversity loss, produces POC images with monotonous glyph patterns, which are almost aligned with the SOC glyphs. Thus, the diversity of the generated POCs is not satisfactory. This can also be seen from its smallest LPIPS value, i.e., 0.262, among all the methods compared. Reconstruction error ratio (w/o RER): From the row of “w/o RER” in Fig. <ref>, we can see two distinct types of generated glyphs. One is with little transformation, e.g., the first and third glyph classes, and the other is with large distortion, beyond the plausible glyph space, e.g., the second glyph class. This is because the balance between signal and noise may be broken in the optimization process, if RER is not imposed for balancing. This may cause the noise to become small, which is then filtered by the network, or to become large and dominate the signal. Stroke-aware cycle consistency loss (w/o SA): The “w/o SA” row in Fig. <ref> shows that the generated samples have missing strokes or the background textures are incorrectly added to the foreground characters. This dramatically degrades the generation quality. The LPIPS of the generated samples reaches a high value of 0.301, which is mainly due to chaotic glyphs rather than plausible variations. § CONCLUSION We proposed a novel character generative model, namely AGTGAN, which, so far as we know, is the first method capable of automatically generating rich and realistic photographic ancient characters. Hence, these generated images, to a certain extent, solve the most critical problem faced by the task of automatic classification of photographic ancient characters, due to lack of well-labeled data. A natural direction for future work is to extend our proposed method to more general and complex writing, e.g., handwritten text and formulas. Moreover, the creative font generation tasks, e.g., font design and calligraphy imitation, are other potential applications of our proposed method. § ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The research is partially supported by National Nature Science Foundation of China (No. 62176093, 61673182, 61936003), Key Realm R&D Program of Guangzhou (No. 202206030001), Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation (No. 2021A1515012282), GD-NSF (No. 2017A030312006), and the Alibaba Innovative Research. ACM-Reference-Format § APPENDIX §.§ Architecture Details The glyph shape generator G_g contains a spatial transformer network (STN) <cit.> component and two reconstruction networks, R_x and R_z. Herein, the STN is used to predict the thin plate spline (TPS) grid coordinates and affine transformation parameters. R_x and R_z are used to restore the input glyph and the noise, respectively. The details of the Encoder, Predictor of STN, as well as R_x & R_z are shown in Tab. <ref>. The four convolutional layers in the first column constitute the Encoder, and the other four fully connected layers, after the reshape operation, constitute the Predictor. We build the signal reconstruction network R_x using the inverse structure of the Encoder & Predictor, while the structure of the noise reconstruction network R_z is the same as the part of the fully connected layers in R_x. §.§ Effects of the combination of affine and TPS transformation Affine transformation can yield global deformations, e.g., rotation, translation, and scaling of characters, while TPS transformation tends to create local stroke modifications. It is demonstrated in Fig. <ref> that the combination of affine and TPS transformations can yield global and local shape deformations simultaneously, while only using TPS transformation lacks global shape deformation. §.§ Generated POCs of Unseen Character Classes Collecting paired ancient character data is costly or even impractical. Thanks to unsupervised learning, our method can generate samples that are unseen during training, which is of great significance to solve the problem of data scarcity. Fig. <ref> shows the comparison results between our AGTGAN and other models. Nine character classes unseen in OBC306 are randomly selected for comparison. We can see that our AGTGAN is still able to generate realistic and diverse photographic oracle bone characters (POCs), even if there are no real POC samples available for training. The POCs generated by other models are more or less flawed, as they do not have rich glyph shape variations, or have blurry strokes, fog effects, chaotic glyphs, etc. §.§ Quantitative Evaluation of Generated PCCs Tab. <ref> summarizes the quantitative results of generated photographic cuneiform characters (PCCs). In terms of NDB and JSD, our method expresses the superior performance compared to other methods with a remarkable gap away from the second-best. Besides, our method also achieves the best results on LPIPS, which measures the diversity of generated samples. §.§ Classification Setting Details The classification performance is measured by the average class accuracy over all classes in the test set, rather than the accuracy of all samples. Otherwise, the overall accuracy will be dominated by the major classes. Using the the average class accuracy can equally reflect the accuracy of each character class, including the minority classes. For classes containing less than 750 training samples, we use the comparison methods to generate new POCs, to ensure that each class has at least 750 samples after combining the real and generated POCs. For classes with more than 750 samples, no extra generated images are used to train the classifier. It is worth noting that 750 is the average number of samples in the classes of OBC306. According to <cit.>, we select the best-performing Inception-v4 as the backbone of the POC recognizer. §.§ Classification Performance in terms of TOP-K The TOP-3 and TOP-5 average class accuracy are tabulated in Tab. <ref>. Training the classifier with generated samples added, we achieve the best TOP-3 and TOP-5 performances, with the average class accuracies reaching 93.13% and 94.61%, respectively. These results are significantly better than those achieved by all other models and `Source Only', demonstrating the superiority of our method. Besides, we can see that AGTGAN and NICE-GAN achieve the same TOP-3 and TOP-5 accuracy of 96.55% under the setting of ZS. The reason is that there are only one test sample per class in 29 zero-shot classes of OBC306, and the prediction performance for 28 out of 29 classes, enhanced by these two methods, can reach 100% in terms of both TOP-3 and TOP-5 classification accuracies. Therefore, the ZS accuracy can be calculated as follow: 28 × 100%/29 = 96.55%.
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[ "P. Blair Blakie" ]
[ "cond-mat.quant-gas" ]
Dodd-Walls Centre for Photonic and Quantum Technologies and Department of Physics, University of Otago, Dunedin 9016, New Zealand In this work, we investigate the ground state properties and collective excitations of a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate that self-binds into a quantum droplet, stabilized by quantum fluctuations. We demonstrate that a sum rule approach can accurately determine the frequency of the low energy axial excitation, using properties of the droplet obtained from the ground state solutions. This excitation corresponds to an oscillation in the length of the filament-shaped droplet. Additionally, we evaluate the static polarizabilities, which quantify change in the droplet dimensions in response to a change in harmonic confinement. Axial collective mode of a dipolar quantum droplet P. Blair Blakie March 30, 2023 ================================================== § INTRODUCTION A dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) is made up of particles with a significant dipole moment, making dipole-dipole interactions (DDIs) important. Highly magnetic atoms have been used in experiments to create dipolar BECs <cit.> and explore various phenomena arising from these interactions <cit.>. In the dipole-dominated regime, where DDIs dominate over short-ranged interactions, quantum droplets can be formed. These droplets are mechanically unstable at the mean-field level, but are stabilized against collapse by quantum fluctuations <cit.>. Experiments using dysprosium <cit.> and erbium <cit.> atoms have prepared and measured various properties of these quantum droplets, which have a filament-like shape due to the anisotropy of the DDIs. The extended Gross-Pitaevskii equation (EGPE) provides a theoretical description of the ground states and dynamics of quantum droplets, incorporating quantum fluctuation effects within a local density approximation. The collective excitations of these quantum droplets are described by the Bogoliubov-de Gennes (BdG) equations, which can be obtained by linearizing the time-dependent EGPE about a ground state. Baillie et al. <cit.> presented the results of numerical calculations of the collective excitations of a dipolar quantum droplet (also see <cit.>). Additionally, a class of three shape excitations has been approximated using a Gaussian variational ansatz <cit.>. Experiments have measured the lowest energy shape excitation, corresponding to the lowest nontrivial axial mode, for a large trapped droplet <cit.>. Experiments with dysprosium droplets have also measured the scissors-mode <cit.>. In this paper, we consider dipolar quantum droplet ground states and the m=0 (projection of angular momentum quantum number) collective excitations in free-space and in trapped cases. We focus on a low energy axial collective excitation, which softens to zero energy to reveal the unbinding (evaporation) point for a free-space quantum droplet. We use a sum rule approach to estimate the excitation frequency of this mode in terms of the ground state properties, including its static response to a small change in the axial trapping frequency. We compare the result of this sum rule method to the excitation frequency obtained by direct numerical solution of the BdG equations. We verify that the sum rule predictions are accurate over a wide parameter regime, including deeply bound droplet states, droplets close to the unbinding threshold, and in the trapped situation where the droplet crosses over to a trap-bound BEC. § FORMALISM §.§ Ground states Here we consider a gas of magnetic bosonic atoms described by EGPE energy functional E = ∫ d ψ^*[h_sp+12g_s|ψ|^2+12 +25|ψ|^3]ψ, where h_sp =-ħ^2/2M∇^2+V(𝐱), V(𝐱) =1/2M (ω_x^2x^2+ω_y^2y^2+ω_z^2z^2), are the single particle Hamiltonian and the harmonic trapping potential, respectively. Here g_s = 4πħ^2 a_s/M is the coupling constant for the contact interactions, where a_s is the s-wave scattering length. The potential ()=∫ d' (-')|ψ(')|^2, describes the long-ranged DDIs, where the magnetic moments of the atoms are polarized along z with () = 3/4π r^3(1-3z^2/r^2). Here =4πħ^2/M is the DDI coupling constant, with = Mμ_0μ_m^2/12πħ^2 being the dipolar length, and μ_m the atomic magnetic moment. The quantum fluctuations are described by the nonlinear term with coefficient = 32/3 g_s√(a_s^3/π)𝒬_5() where 𝒬_5(x)={∫_0^1 du [1+x(3u^2 - 1)]^5/2}, <cit.> and ≡/a_s. We constrain solutions to have a fixed number of particles N and ground state solutions satisfy the EGPE μψ = ℒ_EGPψ, where μ is the chemical potential and we have introduced ℒ_EGPψ =(h_sp+ g_s|ψ|^2+ + |ψ|^3 )ψ. For the results we present here we leverage the algorithm developed in Ref. <cit.> to calculate the ground states. §.§ Excitations §.§.§ Bogoliubov-de Gennes theory The collective excitations are described within the framework of Bogoliubov theory. These excitations can be obtained by linearising the time-dependent EGPE iħΨ̇= ℒ_EGPΨ around a ground state using an expansion of the form Ψ=e^-iμ t [ψ(𝐱) +∑_ν{λ_ν u_ν(𝐱)e^-iω_νt-λ_ν ^*v^*_ν(𝐱)e^iω_νt}], where λ_ν are the (small) expansion coefficients. The excitation modes u_ν,v_ν and frequencies ω_ν satisfy the BdG equations [ ℒ_EGP - μ + X -X; X -(ℒ_EGP - μ + X) ][ u_ν; v_ν ] = ħω_ν[ u_ν; v_ν ], where X is the exchange operator given by Xf ≡ g_s|ψ_0|^2f+ψ_0∫ d𝐱' U_dd(𝐱-𝐱') f(𝐱')ψ_0^*(𝐱') +32 γ_QF |ψ_0|^3f. More details of the Bogoliubov analysis of the EGPE can be found in Ref. <cit.>. Here we will consider problems with rotational symmetry about the z axis, which restricts the trap to cases with ω_x=ω_y. This symmetry means that the excitations can be chosen to have a well-defined z-component of angular momentum, ħ m, where we have introduced m=0,±1,±2,… as the quantum number. §.§.§ Sum rule approach for lowest compressional mode We now wish to discuss a method for extracting the low energy axial compressional mode. We consider the mode excited by the axial operator σ_z=∫ d𝐱 ψ̂^† z^2ψ̂, where ψ̂ is the bosonic quantum field operator. The energy (ħω_ub) of the lowest mode excited by σ_z has an upper bound provided by the ratio √(m_1/m_-1), where we have introduced m_p=∫ dω (ħω)^pS_z(ω) as the p-moment of S_z(ω) <cit.>. Here S_z(ω)=ħ∑_p|⟨ p |σ_z|0⟩|^2δ(E_p-E_0-ħω), is the zero temperature dynamic structure factor, with |p⟩ being the eigenstate of the second quantized Hamiltonian H of energy E_p, and |0⟩ denotes the ground state. The m_1 moment can be evaluated using a commutation relation as m_1=1/2⟨ 0|[σ_z,[H,σ_z]]|0⟩=2Nħ^2⟨ z^2⟩/M. The m_-1 moment can be evaluated as m_-1=1/2χ_zz (see <cit.>), where χ_zz is the static polarizability quantifying the linear response of σ_z to the application of the perturbation -λσ_z to the Hamiltonian, i.e. δ⟨σ_z⟩=λχ_zz. Setting λ≡ -1/2M δω_z^2, we see that this perturbation is equivalent to a change in the axial trapping frequency, and hence the static polarizability can be evaluated as χ_zz=-2Nδ⟨ z^2⟩/Mδω_z^2, also see <cit.>. Thus we obtain the following as an upper-bound estimate of the lowest mode frequency ω_ub=√(4N⟨ z^2⟩/Mχ_zz). A similar approach was used in Ref. <cit.> to estimate the scissors mode frequency of a dipolar droplet, but in that work the z-component of angular momentum was the relevant excitation operator. It is also of interest to understand the static polarizability quantifying the change in the transverse width (with operator σ_ρ=∫ d𝐱 ψ̂^†ρ^2ψ̂, where ρ=√(x^2+y^2)) to the axial perturbation, i.e.  χ_ρ z=-2Nδ⟨ρ^2⟩/Mδω_z^2. Later we will consider both the axial χ_zz and transverse χ_ρ z static polarizabilities to characterize the quantum droplet behavior. § RESULTS FOR FREE-SPACE DROPLETS §.§ Energetics In Fig. <ref> we consider a free-space (self-bound) ^164Dy droplet for a_s=80 a_0 (i.e. ϵ_dd=1.64) as a function of N. For N>N_crit≈2020 a self-bound droplet solution exists[This value of N_crit is slightly higher than the value obtained in Ref. <cit.> for the same physical parameters. This is because we use the result mathcalQ_5(ϵ_dd), rather than the approximation 1+3/2ϵ_dd^2, to define γ_QF.], while for N<N_crit there is no droplet solution, and the atoms expand to fill all space. In Fig. <ref>(a) we examine the energy of the free-space droplet, seeing that as N approaches N_crit from above the total energy of the droplet becomes positive (for N≲2,350, see inset). When the energy is positive the droplet is metastable. We show some examples of the droplet states in Fig. <ref>(c) to give some context on the size and shape of the droplet as N varies. We also consider the components of energy, defined by E_kin =-ħ^2/2M∫ d𝐱 ψ^*∇^2ψ, E_pot =∫ d𝐱 V(𝐱)|ψ|^2, E_s =1/2g_s∫ d𝐱 |ψ|^4, E_dd =1/2∫ d𝐱 Φ_dd(𝐱)|ψ|^2, E_QF =2/5∫ d𝐱 |ψ|^5 as the kinetic, potential, contact interaction, DDI, and quantum fluctuation energy, respectively. For this free-space case E_pot=0. We observe that the DDI and contact interaction energies are the largest energies by magnitude, but have opposite sign. The quantum fluctuation term is necessary to stabilise the droplet solution against mechanical collapse driven by the interaction terms, but is typically significantly smaller in magnitude than either of the interaction energies. The kinetic energy is smaller than all other components except when N→ N_crit, where it can exceed E_QF. A virial relation for the system can be obtained by considering how the energy functional transforms under a scaling of coordinates (e.g. see <cit.>). For the dipolar EGPE in a harmonic trap this relation is Λ≡ E_kin-E_pot+3/2(E_s+E_dd)+9/4E_QF=0, and provides a connection between the energy components <cit.>. In Fig. <ref>(a) we show Λ for reference. This turns out to be a sensitive test of the accuracy of dipolar quantum droplet solutions <cit.>, and the results we present here typically have |Λ/Nh|≪10^-3Hz. §.§ Excitations In Fig. <ref>(b) we show the spectrum of m=0 modes in the droplet as a function of N. Excitations for other m values have been examined in Ref. <cit.>. The lowest energy excitation branch for the quantum droplets is m=0 (this is not the case for vortex states, e.g. see <cit.>). We note that the excitations are measured relative to the condensate chemical potential. Thus excitations with ħω_ν>-μ are unbounded by the droplet potential and are part of the continuum. For this reason we only calculate excitations with ħω_ν<-μ. From these results we observe that the lowest m=0 mode goes soft (i.e. approaches zero energy) as N→ N_crit. This indicates the onset of a dynamical instability of the self-bound state. We also show the excitation frequency bound ω_ub obtained from ground state calculations according to Eq. (<ref>). This is seen to be in good agreement with the BdG result for the lowest excitation over the full range of atom numbers considered. In Fig. <ref>(c) we show results for the static polarizabilities. The axial result χ_zz [used in Eq. (<ref>)] is always positive, reflecting that the application of a weak axial confinement to the free-space droplet causes it to shorten. The magnitude of χ_zz tends to be much larger than χ_ρ z, so we have scaled it by a factor of 10^-2 to make the two polarizabilities easier to compare. The transverse response χ_ρ z changes sign depending on the atom number. In the deeply bound droplet regime (i.e. for N>5× 10^3, where μ is large and negative), it is negative. Thus a weak compression along z results in the droplet expanding transversally. In contrast, closer to the unbinding threshold (N<5× 10^3), χ_ρ z is positive, and the transverse width will decrease with axial compression. This occurs as the lowest m=0 mode starts to soften. This change in behaviour of the transverse response occurs as the lowest excitation mode changes from quadrupolar character at high N to monopole (compressional) character at low N <cit.>. §.§ Results with varying a_s In Fig. <ref>(a) we show results for the m=0 excitations of a free-space droplet with a fixed number N=10^4, but with a_s varying. Here the droplet unbinds at a_s≈98.5 a_0, when the lowest energy mode goes soft. The BdG calculations for the energy of the lowest mode are again seen to be in good agreement with the results of Eq. (<ref>). In Fig. <ref>(b) we examine the response of the ground state to a change in axial confinement. For the deeply bound droplet (a_s≲ 87 a_0) χ_ρ z is negative, while close to unbinding (a_s≳ 87 a_0) it becomes positive [see inset to Fig. <ref>(b)]. § RESULTS FOR TRAPPED DROPLET In Fig. <ref>(a) we show the excitation spectrum for a droplet confined in a weak cigar-shaped trap (ω_x,y,ω_z)=2π×(20,10)Hz. This geometry allows a smooth crossover between a self-bound droplet and a trap-bound dipolar BEC. Apart from the trap, the parameters of these results are otherwise identical to the case studied in Fig. <ref>. For a_s≲95 a_0 the lowest excitation energies, and chemical potential are similar for the trapped and untrapped cases. A notable feature is the emergence of a Kohn mode at the axial trap frequency[The transverse Kohn modes, with frequency ω_x,y, are in the m=±1 excitation branches and do not appear here.] ω_z. For a_s≳95 a_0 the trap starts playing an increasingly important role. In this regime the droplet self-binding begins to fail and the trap provides the confinement [see Fig. <ref>(c)]. As this happens the chemical potential becomes positive. Since the trap binds excitations at all energy scales, we show BdG results with ħω_ν>-μ. For the full range of parameters considered in Fig. <ref>(a) Eq. (<ref>) is seen to provide an accurate description of the axial mode. The lower energy Kohn mode has no effect on our sum rule since the symmetry of the that mode does not couple tothe σ_z operator. In Fig. <ref>(a) we also present results for the transverse equivalent of Eq. (<ref>), i.e.  ω_2≡√(4N⟨ρ^2⟩/Mχ_ρρ), where δ⟨σ_ρ⟩=λχ_ρρ defines the static polarizability for a transverse perturbation of -λσ_ρ. The frequency estimate of Eq. (<ref>) is in reasonable agreement with the second even mode in the trap-bound region, but ascends to a high frequency in the droplet regime. These results indicate that Eq. (<ref>) is of limited use in the droplet regime. We show results for the static polarizabilities in Fig. <ref>(b). In the droplet regime χ_zz≫|χ_ρρ|,|χ_ρ z|, while in the trap-bound regime they all become of comparable magnitudes. Interestingly χ_ρ z is positive at intermediate values of a_s. Correspondingly we find that the axial mode changes character from being a quadrupolar excitation at low a_s values, to monopolar at intermediate values, before returning to quadrupolar character at high values of a_s. Aspects of this behavior has also been described within a variational Gaussian approach <cit.>. § CONCLUSIONS In this work we have presented results for the ground state properties of quantum droplets, their collective excitations and static polarizibility related to a change in confinement. The lowest energy collective mode has been measured in experiments by Chomaz et al. <cit.>, and plays a critical role in the instability of a free-space droplet. We have shown that a simple sum rule approach can accurately predict the frequency of this mode over a wide parameter regime. Our results for the static polarizabilities quantify changes in the widths of the droplet in response to variations in the axial or transverse confinement. We observe that the transverse static polarizability (to an axial confinement change) is negative in deeply-bound droplets and crosses over to being positive in weakly-bound or trap-bound droplets. This change correlates with lowest excitation changing from quadrupolar (incompressible) to monopolar (compressible) character. § ACKNOWLEDGMENTS PBB wishes to acknowledge use of the New Zealand eScience Infrastructure (NeSI) high performance computing facilities and support from the Marsden Fund of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Helpful discussions with D. Baillie, A.-C. Lee and J. Smith are acknowledged. 27 fxundefined [1] ifx#1 fnum [1] #1firstoftwo secondoftwo fx [1] #1firstoftwo secondoftwo noop [0]secondoftwo ref[1]@startlink#1@href href[1]#1@endlink anitize@url [0]` 12`$12`&12`#12`1̂2`_12`%12 startlink[1] endlink[0] rl [1]href #1 @bib@innerbibempty [Griesmaier et al.(2005)Griesmaier, Werner, Hensler, Stuhler, and Pfau]Griesmaier2005a author author Axel Griesmaier, author Jörg Werner, author Sven Hensler, author Jürgen Stuhler, and author Tilman Pfau, title title Bose-Einstein condensation of chromium, 10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.160401 journal journal Phys. Rev. Lett. volume 94, pages 160401 (year 2005)NoStop [Beaufils et al.(2008)Beaufils, Chicireanu, Zanon, Laburthe-Tolra, Maréchal, Vernac, Keller, and Gorceix]Beaufils2008 author author Q. Beaufils, author R. Chicireanu, author T. Zanon, author B. Laburthe-Tolra, author E. Maréchal, author L. Vernac, author J.-C. 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Efficient Semantic Segmentation by Altering Resolutions for Compressed Videos
[ "Yubin Hu", "Yuze He", "Yanghao Li", "Jisheng Li", "Yuxing Han", "Jiangtao Wen", "Yong-Jin Liu" ]
[ "cs.CV" ]
Efficient Semantic Segmentation by Altering Resolutions for Compressed Videos Yubin Hu1 Yuze He1 Yanghao Li1 Jisheng Li1 Yuxing Han2 Jiangtao Wen3 Yong-Jin Liu1Corresponding author. 1Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University 2Shenzhen International Graduate School, Tsinghua University 3Eastern Institute for Advanced Study {huyb20, hyz22, liyangha18}@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn, jas0n1ee@icloud.com, yuxinghan@sz.tsinghua.edu.cn, jtwen@eias.ac.cn, liuyongjin@tsinghua.edu.cn March 30, 2023 ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= Video semantic segmentation (VSS) is a computationally expensive task due to the per-frame prediction for videos of high frame rates. In recent work, compact models or adaptive network strategies have been proposed for efficient VSS. However, they did not consider a crucial factor that affects the computational cost from the input side: the input resolution. In this paper, we propose an altering resolution framework called AR-Seg for compressed videos to achieve efficient VSS. AR-Seg aims to reduce the computational cost by using low resolution for non-keyframes. To prevent the performance degradation caused by downsampling, we design a Cross Resolution Feature Fusion (CReFF) module, and supervise it with a novel Feature Similarity Training (FST) strategy. Specifically, CReFF first makes use of motion vectors stored in a compressed video to warp features from high-resolution keyframes to low-resolution non-keyframes for better spatial alignment, and then selectively aggregates the warped features with local attention mechanism. Furthermore, the proposed FST supervises the aggregated features with high-resolution features through an explicit similarity loss and an implicit constraint from the shared decoding layer. Extensive experiments on CamVid and Cityscapes show that AR-Seg achieves state-of-the-art performance and is compatible with different segmentation backbones. On CamVid, AR-Seg saves 67% computational cost (measured in GFLOPs) with the PSPNet18 backbone while maintaining high segmentation accuracy. Code: <https://github.com/THU-LYJ-Lab/AR-Seg>. § INTRODUCTION Video semantic segmentation (VSS) aims to predict pixel-wise semantic labels for each frame in a video sequence. In contrast to a single image, a video sequence is a series of consecutive image frames recorded at a certain frame rate (usually 25fps or higher). Applying image-based segmentation methods <cit.> to a video frame by frame consumes considerable computational resources. To improve the efficiency of VSS, existing methods mainly focus on the design of network architectures. A class of methods proposes compact and efficient image-based architectures to reduce the computational overhead per-frame <cit.>. Another class of methods applies a deep model to keyframes and a shallow network for non-keyframes to avoid the repetitive computation <cit.> for videos. The work presented in this paper is based on an important observation: the above existing works ignored a crucial factor that affects the computational cost from the input side: the input resolution. For image-related tasks, the input resolution directly determines the amount of computation, e.g., the computational cost of 2D convolution is proportional to the product of image width and height. Once we downsample the input frame by 0.5×0.5, the computational overhead can be reduced by 75%. On the other hand, decreasing resolution often leads to worse segmentation accuracy due to the loss of information <cit.>. In this paper, we propose to prevent the accuracy degradation by using temporal correlation in the video. Since the contents of video frames are temporally correlated, the local features lacking in low-resolution (LR) frames can be inferred and enriched by finding correspondences in sparse high-resolution (HR) reference frames based on motion cues. In a compressed video, the motion vectors contain such motion cues and can be obtained along with the video frames from video decoding at almost no additional cost. Motivated by the above observation, we propose an altering resolution framework for compressed videos, named AR-Seg, to achieve efficient VSS. As shown in Figure <ref>fig:ar-seg, AR-Seg uses an HR branch to process keyframes at high resolution and an LR branch to process non-keyframes at low resolution. In particular, to prevent performance drop caused by downsampling, we insert a novel Cross Resolution Feature Fusion (CReFF) module into the LR branch and supervise the training with a Feature Similarity Training (FST) strategy to enrich local details in the LR features. CReFF fuses the HR keyframe features into LR non-keyframe features in two steps: 1) Align the spatial structures of features from different frames by feature warping with motion vectors, which can be readily obtained from compressed videos at almost no additional cost; 2) Selectively aggregate the warped features (which may be noisy after warping) into LR features with the aid of local attention mechanism. Since local attention assigns different importance to each location in the neighborhood, it is an effective way to avoid misleading by noisy warped features. Furthermore, our proposed FST strategy guides the learning of the CReFF aggregated features. FST consists of an explicit similarity loss (between the aggregated features and HR features inferred from non-keyframes) and an implicit constraint from the shared decoding layer across the HR and LR branches. Such a training strategy helps the LR branch to learn from features extracted from the HR branch, which is reliable and effective. Integrated with CReFF and FST, AR-Seg efficiently compensates for the accuracy loss of LR frames. Overall, AR-Seg significantly reduces the computational cost of VSS by altering input resolutions, while maintaining high segmentation accuracy. To sum up, we make three contributions in this paper: 1) We propose an efficient framework for compressed videos, named AR-Seg, that uses altering input resolution for VSS and significantly reduces the computational cost without losing segmentation accuracy. 2) We design an efficient CReFF module to prevent the accuracy loss by aggregating HR keyframe features into LR non-keyframe features. 3) We propose a novel FST strategy that supervises the LR branch to learn from the HR branch through both explicit and implicit constraints. Experiment results demonstrate the effectiveness of AR-Seg with different resolutions, backbones, and keyframe intervals. On both CamVid <cit.> and Cityscapes <cit.> datasets, compared to the constant-resolution baselines, AR-Seg reduces the computational cost by nearly 70% without compromising accuracy. § RELATED WORKS As a fundamental task of scene understanding, semantic segmentation has been an active research area for many years <cit.>, which also attracts considerable attention in the study of deep neural networks, e.g., FCN <cit.>, DeepLabs <cit.> and PSPNet <cit.>. In order to obtain accurate results in real-time applications, several methods have been proposed to improve the efficiency of semantic segmentation, which we summarize as follows. Efficient Image Segmentation Methods. Many compact architectures have been proposed for efficient image segmentation. DFANet <cit.> adopted a lightweight backbone to reduce computational cost and designed cross-level aggregation for feature refinement. DFNet <cit.> utilized a partial order pruning algorithm to search segmentation models for a good trade-off between speed and accuracy. ICNet <cit.> used a cascade fusion module and transformed part of the computation from high-resolution to low-resolution. Wang et al. <cit.> designed super-resolution learning to improve image segmentation performance. BiSeNets <cit.> used two-stream paths for low-level details and high-level context information, respectively. ESPNet <cit.> used an efficient spatial pyramid to accelerate the convolution computation. These efficient backbone networks reduce the computational burden of single-image segmentation, and can be applied to temporal or spatial frameworks in VSS. Temporally Correlated Video Segmentation. Another group of methods focus on utilizing temporal redundancy in videos. They proposed various mechanisms that propagate the deep features extracted from keyframes to reduce the computation for non-keyframes. Clockwork <cit.> directly reused the segmentation result from keyframes, while Mahasseni et al. <cit.> interpolated segmentation results in the neighborhood. Noticing the lack of information from non-keyframes, Li et al. <cit.> extracted shallow features from non-keyframes, and fused them into the propagated deep features by spatially variant convolution. To compensate for the spatial misalignment between video frames, Zhu et al. <cit.> and Xu et al. <cit.> warped the intermediate features from keyframes by optical flow to produce segmentation results for non-keyframes. Jain et al. <cit.> fused the shallow features of non-keyframe into the warped features, and decoded them into better results. With global attention mechanism, TD-Net <cit.> aggregated the features from different time stamps and replaced the deep model with several shallow models distributed across the timeline. All the above methods mainly reduced the depth of backbone networks, but neglected the factor of input resolution considered in this paper. Instead of processing the image frames as a whole, Verelst et al. <cit.> split the frame into blocks and chose to copy or process them by a policy network. This block-based method reduces computational overhead from the spatial dimension, but lacks global information on non-keyframes. Kim et al. <cit.> attempted to improve efficiency by reducing resolution. But they directly used the LR segmentation results, thus suffering from severe performance degradation. Compared to these methods, our proposed AR-Seg keeps the global information of LR non-keyframes, and enhances LR frames by selectively aggregating intermediate features from HR keyframes. Compressed-Domain Video Analysis. Compressed video formats have been recently utilized in computer vision tasks. The motion vectors and residual maps are treated as additional modalities and directly fed into networks for video action recognition <cit.> and semantic segmentation <cit.>. Such motion information also helps compensate for the spatial misalignment of features from different frames. Wang et al. <cit.> leveraged motion vectors to warp features in previous frames for object detection. Fan et al. <cit.> conditionally executed the backbone network for pose estimation depending on the residual values. For VSS, several methods have been proposed for efficient segmentation in the compressed domain. Jain et al. <cit.> warped the former and latter keyframe features using motion vectors, and predicted the non-keyframe features by interpolation. Tanujaya et al. <cit.> warped the results of keyframe segmentation for non-keyframes, and refined the warped segmentation by guided inpainting. Feng et al. <cit.> replaced a block of warped features with a local non-keyframe feature patch for further refinement. These methods reduced the computational cost of VSS, but suffered from performance degradation due to the limited capability of their feature refinement modules designed for non-keyframes. In our proposed AR-Seg, the warped features are refined by local attention mechanism according to the LR features of non-keyframes. Our attention-based refinement selectively aggregates the warped features and effectively suppresses the noise in motion vectors, achieving good segmentation accuracy with little computational overhead. § METHOD In order to achieve efficient VSS for compressed videos, we propose an altering resolution framework named AR-Seg (Section <ref>). AR-Seg uses two branches to process HR keyframes and LR non-keyframes in the video separately. To compensate for the information loss due to downsampling the non-keyframes, we design a novel CReFF module that aggregates HR keyframe features into LR non-keyframe features (Section <ref>). To guide the learning of aggregated features, we further propose a novel feature similarity training (FST) strategy containing both explicit and implicit constraints (Section <ref>). §.§ AR-Seg Framework For image/video semantic segmentation tasks, the input resolution directly determines the amount of computation, no matter what type of algorithms are applied, e.g., Conditional Random Fields, CNNs, and Transformers. Although reducing resolution has been studied in the context of video recognition <cit.>, altering resolution in dense prediction tasks like VSS remains unexplored. Based on this observation, we design the AR-Seg framework for VSS, which inputs video frames with altering resolutions; i.e., in AR-Seg, only a few keyframes are processed at high resolution to preserve fine details, while other non-keyframes are processed at low resolution to reduce the computational cost. To identify the keyframes, we make use of the frame structure in a group of pictures (GOP) encoded in compressed videos <cit.>. A GOP includes L consecutive frames of three types: I frame, P frame, and B frame. I frames are encoded in intra mode, while P and B frames are encoded in inter mode that computes motion vectors for motion compensation. In each GOP, we treat the first I frame as a keyframe and process it at high resolution. The remaining L-1 frames in GOP are non-keyframes and processed at low resolution. To simplify the description of our method, following the previous works <cit.>, we only consider the GOP structure without B frames in this section. The full treatment including B frames is presented in Appendix A4. Due to the domain gap between images with different resolutions, it is difficult for a single network to extract features suitable for both HR and LR resolution images. Thus we design two branches with shared backbone architecture in the model and train them separately for each resolution. Figure <ref>fig:ar-seg summarizes the proposed AR-Seg framework. It consists of two branches: an HR branch for keyframes and an LR branch for non-keyframes. The HR branch adapts an image segmentation network, which consists of a feature sub-network N_feat, a task sub-network N_task, and a final 1x1 convolutional layer[We follow the modular division of backbone networks in <cit.>. Two backbones are discussed and compared in Section <ref>.]. It predicts segmentation results in high-resolution and simultaneously provides intermediate features before the final convolution as a reference for the LR branch. The LR branch is equipped with the same backbone network as the HR branch. To prevent performance degradation caused by downsampling, we design a CReFF module that aggregates HR features of the keyframe into the LR branch and place it before the final convolution layer of the backbone network. CReFF aggregates the HR reference features into the extracted LR features, yielding estimated HR features for the non-keyframes, which are further converted into pixel-wise semantic labels by the final convolution layer. As illustrated in Figure <ref>, different from the previous Accel framework <cit.>, AR-Seg performs feature fusion before the last 1x1 convolution layer, instead of before the task sub-network N_task. The reason is twofold: 1) Since feature maps before the final convolution have basically the same spatial layout as the input images and segmentation outputs, we can utilize motion vectors to compensate for the spatial misalignment of features at such position; and 2) As the CReFF module actually upsamples the LR features, such a placement allows almost all convolution layers to benefit from the low resolution, thus reducing most of the computational cost. §.§ CReFF: Cross Resolution Feature Fusion In the AR-Seg framework, CReFF aims to prevent the performance degradation caused by the lack of fine local details in LR non-keyframes. Unlike a single image, video frames are intrinsically temporally correlated, so missing details in LR non-keyframes can be retrieved from the corresponding regions in HR keyframes according to motion cues. Motion vectors (MVs) in the compressed video exactly provide such motion cues at the block level, i.e., pixels inside a macroblock share the same motion vector. Almost all mainstream video compression standards use motion vectors for inter-prediction, including H.26x series <cit.>, AOMedia series <cit.> and AVS series <cit.>. Such block-wise MVs are readily available in compressed videos and can be used to assist the LR branch. Specifically, as depicted in Figure <ref>, the HR branch of AR-Seg extracts the feature F_I∈ℛ^C× H × W from an I frame, and the LR branch extracts the feature f_P∈ℛ^C× h × w from a P frame. Although P frames are processed in low resolution, CReFF takes F_I, M_P, and f_P as input to generate the aggregated feature F̃_P, where M_P ∈ℛ^2× H × W denotes the MVs from P frame to I frame. The two channels of M_P correspond to x and y dimensions of motion vectors, denoted by c_x and c_y. Inside the CReFF module, the MV-based feature warping operation 𝒲_MV firstly warps F_I to the spatial layout of the P frame, which can be formulated as per-pixel shifting: F̂_I^(x,y) = F_I^(x+M_P^(c_x,x,y),y+M_P^(c_y,x,y)), where F̂_I ∈ℛ^C× H × W denotes the warped HR feature that will be further fused into LR features. Due to the coarse-grained MVs (block-level instead of pixel-level) and the varying occlusion relationships across video frames, the warped features F̂_I are often noisy and misleading. Inspired by the success of non-local operation <cit.> and attention mechanism <cit.> in video-based applications, we propose to assign different fusion importance weights to the (x,y) locations in noisy features F̂_I by attention mechanism. Since F̂_I is roughly spatially aligned to f_p after warping, we use local attention to efficiently fuse the features as follows. In the local-attention-based feature fusion module ℱ_LA, we firstly generate the Value and Key feature maps from the warped HR features F̂_I, and the Query maps from the upsampled LR features F̅_P. The 3 × 3 grouped convolution 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐯_g with groups=C is selected to efficiently encode the feature maps into attention representations V_I , K_I, Q_P ∈ℛ^C× H × W. Note that attention representations share the same channel size as the intermediate features. Denote the n× n neighborhood centered at (x,y) as Nbhd_(x,y). Within Nbhd_(x,y), the output of local attention A_P at the position (x,y) is generated by A_P^(x,y) = V_I^Nbhd_(x,y)𝒮 (K_I^Nbhd_(x,y), Q_P^(x,y)), where A_P^(x,y), Q_P^(x,y)∈ℛ^C× 1 denote the feature vectors at the position (x,y) of A_P and Q_P respectively, and V_I^Nbhd_(x,y), K_I^Nbhd_(x,y)∈ℛ^C × n^2 are the re-arranged feature vectors within Nbhd_(x,y) in V_I and K_I, respectively. The similarity operation 𝒮(K, Q) is formulated as 𝒮(K, Q) = 𝑆𝑜𝑓𝑡𝑚𝑎𝑥 (K^T Q/√(C)). Furthermore, the aggregated feature F̃_P for P frame is obtained in a residual fashion: F̃_P = F̅_P + A_P = 𝑈𝑝𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒(f_P) + A_P. In summary, using the CReFF module, the feature details from the I frame are firstly aligned to the P frame, and then aggregated into the LR branch according to the pixel-wise similarity between Q_P and K_I. The verification of the architecture design of CReFF is presented in Section <ref>. The reader is referred to Appendix A1 for more details on the visualization of attention weights in ℱ_LA. §.§ FST: Feature Similarity Training In order to effectively train the CReFF module, we propose a feature similarity training (FST) strategy. FST utilizes the HR features of P frame F_P (extracted from the HR branch) to guide the learning of the aggregated features F̃_P in the LR branch. Since F_P contains sufficient details to produce high-quality segmentation results, CReFF can learn how to aggregate F̅_P and F̂_I into effective HR features from it under the supervision of FST. Specifically, FST supervises the training process of the LR branch both explicitly and implicitly in the following ways. The explicit constraint is to use the feature similarity loss ℒ_fs. We use mean square error (MSE) to measure the difference between F̃_P and F_P, which serves as an additional regularization for the LR model: ℒ = ℒ_seg + ℒ_fs = CE(S_P, G_P) + MSE(F̃_P,F_P), where S_P∈ℛ^C_out× H × W denotes the segmentation result produced by LR branch, G_P ∈ℛ^H × W denotes the ground-truth segmentation of P frame and the segmentation loss ℒ_seg is the standard cross entropy loss CE(S_P,G_P). The implicit constraint of FST is the shared decoding layer of F̃_P and F_P. In the segmentation backbone model trained on the HR images, the final convolution layer acts as the segmentation decoder, which contains deep semantic information about high-quality HR features. To utilize such information, we directly transfer the final 1×1 convolution layer of the HR branch to the LR branch with fixed parameters. Since the parameters are trained on HR features, they produce better segmentation results S_P when F̃_P is closer to the HR feature F_P. In summary, with the explicit and implicit constraints, FST effectively transfers the knowledge of HR features from the HR branch to the LR branch, enabling high-quality segmentation based on the aggregated features of CReFF. Figure <ref> shows the overall training strategy for the LR branch. The HR I frame provides the features F_I for feature fusion in CReFF, and the HR P frame provides the features F_P for the explicit supervision in FST. Parameters of the LR branch are trained using the total loss ℒ via backpropagation, with fixed parameters of the HR branch and the shared final convolution layer. § EXPERIMENTS We evaluate the proposed AR-Seg framework on CamVid <cit.> and Cityscapes <cit.> datasets for street-view video semantic segmentation. Below we present experiments to demonstrate the efficiency of AR-Seg and its compatibility with different backbone models, resolutions, and video compression configurations. §.§ Experimental Setup Datasets & Pre-processing. The CamVid <cit.> dataset consists of 4 videos of 720×960 resolution captured at 30 fps, with semantic annotations at 1Hz and, in part, 15Hz. The Cityscapes <cit.> dataset contains street view videos of 1024×2048 resolution captured in 17 fps, from which 5,000 images are densely annotated. We use the official train/validation/test split for both datasets. Following the previous works <cit.>, we select 11 and 19 classes for training and evaluation on these two datasets, respectively. To simulate a real video compressed scenario, we compress the videos at reasonable bit-rates of 3Mbps for CamVid and 5Mbps for Cityscapes with the HEVC/H.265 <cit.> standard. The reader is referred to Appendix A3.1 for the detailed pre-processing steps. Models & Baselines. To demonstrate the compatibility of AR-Seg with different backbones, we select two representative image segmentation models in our experiments: PSPNet <cit.> and BiseNet <cit.>, which is similar to settings in the previous work <cit.>. The former is a widely used classical model, and the latter is a lightweight model that achieves state-of-the-art performance. We use AR^α- as the prefix of AR-Seg with specified backbone networks, where α denotes the downsample scale for the LR branch. Training & Evaluation Details. Given a GOP length L, we train the LR branch with image pairs (i, p), where p refers to the P frame with annotation and i = p-(L-1) refers to the I frame as a reference. We denote the distance between the annotated and the reference frames as d, then d=L-1 for the training pairs. For evaluation, we test AR-Seg with different distances d between the target frame p and the reference keyframe i. For d = 0, we treat frame p as the keyframe and process it by the HR branch. Otherwise, we feed frame p into the LR branch for d ∈ (0,L-1]. The average of 𝑚𝐼𝑜𝑈_𝑑 for each distance d is reported as the mIoU result. We measure FLOPs by PyTorch-OpCounter <cit.> following the previous methods <cit.>. All the comparisons are evaluated on the compressed videos. More training and evaluation details are presented in Appendix A3.2 and A3.3. §.§ Experiment Results Comparison with image-based methods. We first compare AR-Segs (with PSPNet <cit.> and BiseNet <cit.> as backbone) to their image-based counterparts of 1.0x resolution. As shown in Table <ref>, on both CamVid and Cityscapes datasets, the proposed AR^0.5- models achieve on-par or better performance than the 1.0x resolution baselines while saving  67% computational cost. Different from the low-resolution baselines that lead to significant performance degradation, AR-Seg successfully preserves the segmentation accuracy with the help of the CReFF module and the FST strategy. More comparisons between AR-Seg and the LR baselines under different resolutions are presented in Appendix A2.1. Furthermore, these experiment results with PSPNet and BiseNet also demonstrate the compatibility of AR-Seg for different backbone networks. Comparison with video-based methods. Taking temporal coherence into consideration, we compare AR-Seg with the recent state-of-the-art video-based methods for efficient VSS. Besides the accuracy and computational cost, we also follow the previous work <cit.> to report the relative changes compared to their single-frame backbone models. Specifically, ΔmIoU denotes the relative change of mIoU, and ΔGFLOPs denotes the relative change of GFLOPs. As shown in Table <ref>, existing video-based methods usually improve accuracy (ΔmIoU>0) at the cost of more computation (ΔGFLOPs>0), e.g., TDNet <cit.> and Accel <cit.>. Other methods, including BlockCopy <cit.>, TapLab <cit.> and Jain et al. <cit.>, reduce the computational cost (ΔGFLOPs<0) but the accuracy also decreases 3%-7% (ΔmIoU<0). As a comparison, our proposed models AR^0.6- can reduce the computational cost (ΔGFLOPs<0) by more than 55% and preserve the accuracy of single-frame backbone models (ΔmIoU≥0). With the lightweight backbone model BiseNet, AR^0.6-Bise18 achieves good performance in both accuracy and computational cost. More results of video-based methods and their single-frame backbone models are presented in Appendix A2.2. §.§ Ablation Study We perform ablation studies to show the importance of each component in CReFF and FST, as well as the location of CReFF. We also evaluate AR-Seg in terms of different resolutions and GOP lengths, which reflects the influence of hyper-parameters α and L, respectively. We conducted ablation studies on the 30fps CamVid dataset, and used PSPNet18 as the default backbone model, L=12 as the default GOP length, and HEVC@3Mbps as the default codec. Architecture of CReFF. We first validate the necessity of 𝒲_MV and ℱ_LA. The method without CReFF directly applies FST to the upsampled features F̅_P and serves as a baseline. As shown in Table <ref>, simply warping the keyframe features (+ 𝒲_MV) saves the most amount of computation by skipping processing non-keyframes with the segmentation network, but receives poor accuracy. Directly fusing the keyframe features using local attention (+ ℱ_LA) does not perform very well, because the feature maps are not well-aligned due to object motion in videos. We further evaluate the design of ℱ_LA by replacing 7x7 local attention (LA) with other operations, including LA with different neighborhood sizes, LA with non-grouped convolution encoders (ℱ_LA^*), global attention (ℱ_GA) and one-layer convolution (ℱ_Conv). For ℱ_GA, we downsample the Value and Key maps by 1/32 to save the computation. ℱ_Conv processes the concatenated feature [F̂_I, F̅_P] with a 3x3 convolution. Due to the large channel number in deep layers, such an operation brings considerable computation overhead. Results in Table <ref> show that ℱ_LA with a 7x7 neighborhood achieves a good balance between computation and accuracy. Other designs increase the computational cost without improving the accuracy. Furthermore, removing the direct connection (DC) path from CReFF reduces the mIoU to 69.14%. This result implies that CReFF is more likely to learn the residuals of HR features than the absolute values. Location of CReFF. As specified in Section <ref>, we place CReFF before the final 1x1 convolution layer, which is different from the previous Accel framework <cit.>. To evaluate the influence of the split point location, we insert CReFF before different layers and evaluate the performance. Split points include the final convolution layer (C_1×1), the task sub-network N_task and the feature sub-network N_feat. For the N_feat case, we insert CReFF after the first convolution layer of ResNet. As shown in Table <ref>, placing CReFF before C_1×1 results in the best performance, which affirms our design in Section <ref>. We note that fusing features at an early stage does not improve accuracy, but rather considerably increases computational cost. Feature Similarity Training (FST). The proposed FST strategy consists of the MSE Loss and the shared final convolution layer C_1×1. We train AR^0.5-PSP18 with or without these components and report the results in Table <ref>. Both components improve the segmentation performance compared to the model trained without FST. We also replace the MSE Loss with the Kullback-Leibler (KL) Divergence Loss, but the resulting segmentation performance is poor. Resolution of LR Branch. By adjusting the resolution of the LR branch, AR-Seg can tailor the setting adaptive to different computational budgets. Here, we train and evaluate AR-Seg with different resolutions for the LR branch, ranging from 0.3x to 1.0x. We also train and evaluate the constant-resolution baselines of each resolution for comparison. As shown in Figure <ref>fig:resolution-table-1, AR-Seg improves both backbones under all resolutions, demonstrating the effectiveness of CReFF and FST. To quantify the average improvement, we utilize two metrics BD-FLOPs and BD-mIoU following the design of BD-Rate and BD-PSNR <cit.> in video compression. The results show that (1) with the same computational budget, AR-Seg improves the absolute accuracy for two backbones by 3.67% and 3.02% respectively, and (2) with the same accuracy, AR-Seg reduces the computational cost by 76.73% and 51.06% respectively. Both metrics are described in detail in Appendix A5. The Temporal Gap. To investigate the influence of the distance d to the keyframe, we plot the 𝑚𝐼𝑜𝑈_𝑑 results for AR^0.5-PSP18 and the constant-resolution baselines in Figure <ref>fig:resolution-table-2. As mIoU_0 is determined by the HR branch, AR^0.5-PSP18 shares the same point with PSPNet18(1.0x) at d=0. The 𝑚𝐼𝑜𝑈_0 for PSPNet18(0.5x) is much lower due to downsampling. When d>0, the accuracy of PSPNet18(1.0x) decreases since the compression artifacts in P frames are more severe than those in I frames. As a comparison, the AR^0.5-PSP18 benefits from the CReFF module and maintains high accuracy for all the d values. Keyframe Intervals. To validate the long-range reference, we extend our evaluation to different keyframe intervals without re-training. As shown in Table <ref>, AR^0.5-PSP18 trained with L=12 maintains good performance with different GOP lengths. Moreover, even for L=30, which stands for 1s in 30fps videos and is larger than the discussion in previous works <cit.>, AR-Seg outperforms the 1.0x baseline using only 29.2% FLOPs. Video Compression Configurations. As shown in Table <ref>, we also train and evaluate our model with different realistic bit-rates (3Mbps and 1Mbps) and configurations for HEVC/H.265 encoders. We use x265-medium and x265-ultrafast to represent different presets for x265, which apply simplified motion search algorithms and larger macro-blocks. These configurations are widely used in traditional video encoders. The results show that AR^0.5-PSP18 consistently outperforms the 1.0x constant resolution counterpart using only 33% GFLOPs under different configurations. §.§ Running Time We measure the running time of AR-Seg with PSPNet18 on both CamVid and Cityscapes datasets, and the results are reported in Table <ref>. Our AR-Seg models run 2x-3x times faster than the constant resolution counterparts. All tests are executed on a single GeForce RTX 3090 GPU. § CONCLUSION In this paper, we propose AR-Seg, an altering resolution framework for compressed video semantic segmentation, which innovatively improves the efficiency of video segmentation from the perspective of input resolution. By jointly considering the design of architecture and training strategy, our proposed CReFF module and FST strategy effectively prevent the accuracy loss caused by downsampling. Results evaluated on two widely used datasets show that AR-Seg can achieve competitive segmentation accuracy with a reduction of up to 67% computational cost. Our current study only uses two alternating resolutions (i.e., HR and LR). Future work that applies more complicated scheduling of multi-resolutions and keyframe gaps will be considered to further improve the VSS performance. Aknowledgements: This work was partially supported by Beijing Natural Science Foundation (L222008), Tsinghua University Initiative Scientific Research Program, the Natural Science Foundation of China (61725204), BNRist, and MOE-Key Laboratory of Pervasive Computing. ieee_fullname
Hierarchical Adaptive Control for Collaborative Manipulation of a Rigid Object by Quadrupedal Robots
[ "Mohsen Sombolestan", "Quan Nguyen" ]
[ "cs.RO" ]
An energy-efficient GMRES–Multigrid solver for space-time finite element computation of dynamic poro- and thermoelasticity Mathias Anselmann^∗anselmann@hsu-hh.de (corresponding author) , Markus Bause^∗, Nils Margenberg^∗, Pavel Shamko^∗ ^∗ Helmut Schmidt University, Faculty of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Holstenhofweg 85, 22043 Hamburg, Germany ================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== empty empty Despite the potential benefits of collaborative robots, effective manipulation tasks with quadruped robots remain difficult to realize. In this paper, we propose a hierarchical control system that can handle real-world collaborative manipulation tasks, including uncertainties arising from object properties, shape, and terrain. Our approach consists of three levels of controllers. Firstly, an adaptive controller computes the required force and moment for object manipulation without prior knowledge of the object's properties and terrain. The computed force and moment are then optimally distributed between the team of quadruped robots using a Quadratic Programming (QP)-based controller. This QP-based controller optimizes each robot's contact point location with the object while satisfying constraints associated with robot-object contact. Finally, a decentralized loco-manipulation controller is designed for each robot to apply manipulation force while maintaining the robot's stability. We successfully validated our approach in a high-fidelity simulation environment where a team of quadruped robots manipulated an unknown object weighing up to 18 kg on different terrains while following the desired trajectory. § INTRODUCTION Legged robots are known for their ability to move quickly and maneuver easily due to their versatile locomotion skills. The advancement of model predictive control (MPC) for legged robots <cit.> has facilitated the creation of real-time control systems that can execute diverse walking gaits. Most research on quadruped robots has concentrated on locomotion <cit.>, and loco-manipulation <cit.> by a single robot. The approaches are even extended to the problem with significant uncertainty in robot model <cit.> as well as manipulating an object with unknown property <cit.>. However, a limited number of works explore collaboration among multiple quadruped robots. In scenarios with multiple general-purpose robots available rather than specialized, larger robots, collaboration among several quadruped robots can prove highly advantageous. The group of robots can work together to perform collaborative tasks beyond a single robot's capabilities, such as object manipulation in industrial factory locations and last-mile delivery operations. The use of multiple quadruped robots for towing a load with cables towards a target while avoiding obstacles has been explored in <cit.>. However, in manipulation tasks, including the work mentioned above, the controller often necessitates prior knowledge of the manipulated object and terrain, such as the object's mass, geometry, and terrain friction coefficient. Nonetheless, in many practical scenarios, the parameters of the manipulated object are generally unknown, especially if the object is non-geometric or asymmetric. Hence, the robot should be capable of adapting to a wide range of objects. Adaptive control has been employed in some prior research for collaborative manipulation in mobile robots without making assumptions about the object's mass. Both centralized controllers <cit.> and decentralized controllers <cit.> have been developed in this regard. However, these approaches rely on the rigid connection between the object and robots during the manipulation task, which is problematic in quadrupedal robots application. The rigid connection can impact the robots' stability and limit the team of the robots' initial configuration before starting the manipulation task. Additionally, in some instances, the measurement of the manipulators' relative positions from the center of mass (COM) is required <cit.>. However, this assumption is impractical for non-geometric objects with an unknown COM location (see fig: schematic). Our approach allows the robots to begin in a random location and then engage in object manipulation. In addition, there are no assumptions regarding object properties such as mass, inertia, and COM location, as well as terrain properties such as friction coefficient. This paper presents a hierarchical adaptive control for manipulating an unknown rigid object collaboratively using multiple quadruped robots. In our previous work <cit.>, we introduced a unified MPC framework that utilized robot locomotion to manipulate an object effectively without sacrificing robot balance. However, that work was limited to one-direction object manipulation with a single robot. In this paper, we aim to tackle the problem of planar collaborative manipulation of a heavy unknown object via multiple quadruped robots. Our proposed approach involves developing a controller that utilizes Quadratic Programming (QP) and is inspired by QP-based balancing control for quadruped robots <cit.>. This controller is integrated with an adaptive controller to compensate for the object uncertainties and can optimally distribute manipulation force among multiple robots while adjusting each robot's contact point location. The contribution of this paper is as follows: * We introduced a novel hierarchical control framework composed of three levels of controllers to facilitate the cooperative manipulation of an unknown asymmetric object using quadruped robots (see fig: block_diagram). * At the first level, we developed an adaptive controller that calculates the required force and moment for the object to follow the desired trajectory over time accurately. It should be noted that certain attributes of the object, such as mass, inertia, COM location, and frictional forces, are unknown. * Next, we will propose a QP-based controller that will effectively allocate the manipulation force and moment among a group of quadruped robots while determining the optimal contact point for each robot. The QP controller is designed to meet the constraints related to the contact between the object and robots. * In the last level, we utilize a decentralized loco-manipulation control for each robot that leverages the robot's locomotion to manipulate the object without losing the robot's stability. * We validated the efficacy of our approach through high-fidelity simulations conducted on a team of Unitree A1 robots. We also compared our method and several baseline controllers to demonstrate the superiority of our framework. By employing our proposed approach, a team of robots can manipulate an unknown object weighing up to 18 kg across various terrains while accurately tracking the desired trajectory. The rest of the paper is structured as follows: a brief overview of the control system is presented in sec: overview. This is followed by a comprehensive explanation of our proposed method, which provides more details on the design of the three levels of our control system in sec: Method. Furthermore, numerical validation is demonstrated in sec: simulation. Finally, concluding remarks are provided in sec: conclusion. § CONTROL SYSTEM OVERVIEW Our hierarchical proposed approach is illustrated in fig: block_diagram. The control system has three levels according to fig: block_diagram. We briefly introduce each level in this section, then in sec: Method, we will discuss each part in more detail. The first level of our approach involves designing an adaptive control system that enables the manipulated object to follow a desired trajectory. The object may have an asymmetric shape and unknown properties, and measurements of its state (such as position and velocity) will be taken relative to an arbitrary reference point, which need not be the COM. We assume that the object's mass, moment of inertia, and COM location are all unknown, as is the magnitude and direction of any external wrench (such as friction force) acting on the object. Using the adaptive controller, the control system can adapt to estimates of the object's properties. Next, the force and moment values calculated by the adaptive control must be appropriately distributed among the robots. We developed a QP-based controller for this purpose, which enables each robot to apply an optimal force while adjusting its contact point location with respect to the object. fig: schematic illustrates a schematic of multiple quadruped robots collaborating to manipulate an object. The robots are not rigidly attached to the object; they can only push the object in one direction while adjusting their position with respect to the object (as represented by d_i). The force direction of each robot (n̂_r,i) is treated as a constraint in the QP formulation. Lastly, a decentralized loco-manipulation control is created for each robot, considering the distributed force. The loco-manipulation controller consists of a unified MPC that incorporates both the locomotion controller for quadruped robots and the desired distributed manipulation force for each robot. This level serves as the critical control component for each robot and should run at a frequency of 150 Hz to ensure robust locomotion. In contrast, the higher-level parts of the control system need not be updated as frequently as the loco-manipulation controller. As such, the QP-based and adaptive controllers are run at a lower frequency of 100 Hz to free up sufficient processing units for the loco-manipulation control. § PROPOSED METHOD This section will elaborate on our hierarchical adaptive control for collaborative manipulation of an unknown asymmetric object using multiple quadruped robots. The object undergoes translational and rotational motion, led by a team of n robots. A collaborative manipulation task is illustrated in fig: schematic. First, we define our problem and the assumption that we will make to solve the problem, then we will introduce each level of our proposed approach illustrated in fig: block_diagram, separately. §.§ Problem Definition There exists a world frame W and a body frame B attached to the object's center of mass (COM). There is a body-fixed point p, which is the reference point for all the object's measurements and can be picked arbitrarily. As we indicated before, the properties of the object, such as mass (m_b), body-frame inertia about COM (I_G), and COM position (r_p) are unknown. Each robot starts at an initial point r_i,0 from p on the object surface, and they have their own position estimation r_i. The robots can freely move along the object's surface, which means they are not rigidly connected to the object. Additionally, we assume that the friction between the robot and the object at the contact point is negligible. Therefore, each robot can only apply perpendicular force f_r,i to the object's surface (along n̂_r,i) while moving d_i tangential to the object surface (along t̂_r,i). Note that all vectors defined in fig: schematic such as f_r,i, r_i,0, r_p, n̂_r,i, and t̂_r,i are represented in the body-frame B. Based on the above problem definition and assumptions made, we will describe the three levels of our control system shown in fig: block_diagram in the following subsections. §.§ Adaptive Control for Object Manipulation §.§.§ Equation of motion for a rigid object The equation motion of a rigid body object can be written as follow: F = m_b ẍ_G M_G = RI_G R^T ω̇ + ω× (RI_G R^T ω) where R is the rotation matrix from body frame B to the world frame W, ω is the angular velocity of the object, and ω̇ is the angular acceleration. Since, in our problem, the COM position is unknown, we should derive the equation of motion of the rigid object with respect to the reference point p: F = m_b ẍ_p - m_b(ω̇×Rr_p) - m_b ω× (ω×Rr_p) M_p = RI_p R^T ω̇ + ω× (RI_p R^T ω) - m Rr_p ×ẍ_p where F and M_p are the force and moment required for object manipulation, respectively, ẍ_p is the object acceleration at point p, and I_p is the object's moment of inertia with respect to p. Considering that the object is on the ground and will be manipulated within planar coordinates, we can limit our focus to the planar aspect of the equation of motion. To achieve this, we define the configuration variable q = [x_p, θ], where θ represents the object's yaw angle, and we also take into account an external wrench f_k. We can then express the equation of motion in a compact form as follows: τ = H(q)q̈ + C(q, q̇)q̇ + f_k where τ is the wrench applied to the rigid object from a team of robots. By defining r_p = [r_x;r_y] and I_p,zz as the moment of inertia about the normal direction to the ground, H(q) and C(q, q̇) can be represented as follow: H(q) = m_b R[[ 1 0 r_y; 0 1 -r_x; r_y -r_x I_p,zz/m_b ]] R^T C(q, q̇)q̇ = m_b ω^2 R[[ r_x; r_y; 0 ]] §.§.§ Adaptive Control In the adaptive control for manipulators <cit.>, it is common to use a linear combination of position and velocity error, denoted as s. This approach results in exponentially stable dynamics when the surface s=0 is reached. Hence, we define the composite error as follows: s = [[ ẋ_e + λx_e; ω_e + λθ_e ]] where x_e, ẋ_e, θ_e, and ω_e represented the tracking error for x_p, ẋ_p, θ, and ω, respectively. Then we define the reference velocity as follows: q̇_r = q̇ - s The unknown physical parameter, such as m_b, I_p,zz, and r_p, appear linearly in the equation of motion. Thus, we can decompose the equation of motion into a known regressor matrix Y_Θ and vector of unknown parameter Θ. Hq̈_r + Cq̇_r = Y_ΘΘ We can exploit the same property for the unknown external wrench as well and define that in terms of known regressor matrix Y_Ψ and vector of an unknown parameter Ψ. f_k = Y_ΨΨ Now, we propose the control and adaption laws required to be applied to the object to track the desired trajectory asymptotically. The control law would be: τ = [[ F; M_p ]] = Y_ΘΘ̂ + Y_ΨΨ̂ - K_D s where Θ̂ and Ψ̂ are estimated vector of unknown parameters and K_D is a positive definite matrix. The first two terms in control law (<ref>) are related to the dynamic estimation, and the last term is a PD term which leads the object to follow the desired trajectory. Moreover, adaptation laws are proposed as follows: Θ̇̂̇ = -Γ_ΘY_Θ^T s Ψ̇̂̇ = -Γ_ΨY_Ψ^T s which Γ_Θ and Γ_Ψ are positive definite matrices. In sec: stability, we will provide a detailed explanation of the design of the control law (<ref>) and adaptation laws (<ref>), (<ref>), as well as the stability proof. §.§.§ Stability Proof Let us consider the following Lyapunov function: V(t) = 1/2(s^T Hs + Θ̃^TΓ_Θ^-1Θ̃ + Ψ̃^TΓ_Ψ^-1Ψ̃ ) where Θ̃ = Θ̂ - Θ and Ψ̃ = Ψ̂ - Ψ are vectors of estimation error. Note that according to the definition of H in (<ref>), H is a positive definite matrix. Since Θ and Ψ are constant vectors, the estimation error derivative Θ̇̃̇, Ψ̇̃̇ are the same as the estimation derivative Θ̇̂̇, Ψ̇̂̇. By considering this property, we will take the derivative of V(t): V̇(t) = s^T Hṡ + 1/2s^T Ḣs + Θ̃^TΓ_Θ^-1Θ̇̂̇ + Ψ̃^TΓ_Ψ^-1Ψ̇̂̇. According to the definition of reference velocity in (<ref>), we know q̇ = s + q̇_r and ṡ= q̈ - q̈_r. Therefore, by considering the equation of motion (<ref>), the first term in equation (<ref>) can be expanded as follows: s^T Hṡ = s^T H (q̈ - q̈_r) = -s^T Cs + s^T[τ - (Hq̈_r + Cq̇_r) - f_k ] By using the property described in (<ref>) and (<ref>), we substitute the (<ref>) into (<ref>), then we have: V̇(t) = s^T[τ - Y_ΘΘ - Y_ΨΨ] + 1/2s^T (Ḣ-2C) s + Θ̃^TΓ_Θ^-1Θ̇̂̇ + Ψ̃^TΓ_Ψ^-1Ψ̇̂̇. The Ḣ-2C is a skew-symmetric matrix <cit.>, so the second term in (<ref>) is zero. Finally, substituting the control law (<ref>) and adaptation laws (<ref>), (<ref>) into equation (<ref>) yields: V̇(t) = - s^T K_D s≤ 0. According to the Lyapunov theorem <cit.>, the system is uniformly stable because V(t) is positive definite and decrescent, and V̇(t) is negative semi-definite. As a result, the variables s, Θ̃, and Ψ̃ will remain bounded. The expression in (<ref>) indicates that V(t) has a finite limit, and it can be easily demonstrated that ṡ is bounded <cit.>. As a result, V̈(t) is bounded, as can be observed from the expression V̈(t) = -2 s^T K_D ṡ. Since V̈(t) is bounded, and V̇(t) is uniformly continuous in time, and V(t) is lower bounded, the second version of Barbalat's Lemma <cit.> implies that V̇(t) → 0 as t →∞. Therefore, s also approaches zero as t →∞. When s = 0, it can be shown that ẋ_e = - λx_e and ω_e = - λθ_e, which corresponds to an asymptotically stable system. §.§ QP-based Control for Force Distribution The adaptive control presented in sec: adaptive control calculates the force F and moment M_p required for object manipulation that the object's pose q track the desired pose q_d. Since our approach, in general, is not limited to a specific number of robots, we need an optimal framework to distribute the manipulation force into each robot. Importantly, each agent has a constraint on the direction of the force that it can apply. Each robot starts from a random initial position r_i,0 with respect to point p (see fig: schematic). Then, the robot can only apply force perpendicular to the object's surface (along n̂_r,i) while moving d_i tangential to the object's surface (along t̂_r,i) within a specific range on the object that allows the robot to navigate. To this end, we developed the following QP formulation to compute the optimal control input for each robot while satisfying constraints: [[ F_r^*; d^* ]]= F_r ,d∈ℝ^nargmin γ_1 F_r ^2 + γ_2 F_r - F_r,prev^* ^2 +γ_3 d - d_prev^* ^2 (1): ∑_i = 1 ^nf_r,i = RF (2): ∑_i = 1 ^nr_i ×f_r,i = M_p (3):  F_r,i = ≥ 0 active 0 otherwise (4): d≤d≤d̅ f_r,i = F_r,in̂_r,i r_i = r_i,0 + d_i t̂_r,i where F_r is the vector of agents force magnitude (F_r = [F_r,1, F_r,2, … , F_r,n]^T ∈ℝ^n) and d is the vector of agents position on the object's surface (d = [d_1, d_2, … , d_n]^T ∈ℝ^n). The cost function contains three terms to minimize the force magnitude F_r as well as the change of the current solution with respect to the solution from the previous time-step for both force magnitude F_r and distance d. The first two constraints are regarding achieving the desired manipulation force computed with adaptive control using our team of robots. Note that the calculated force F is represented in the fixed world frame W. Since all the agents' forces f_r,i are described in the object body frame B, we transform the manipulation force vector into the object body frame using rotation matrix R. This fact does not affect the M_p since, for a planar problem, we only have a moment about the direction normal to the ground, and M_p is scalar. The third constraint is associated with agents' force. Since each active agent can only push the object forward, the force magnitude is always positive. If the robot is not in contact with the object, no force will be distributed to that robot. Finally, the last constraint ensures the robot will not exceed the surface limitation. §.§ Decentralized Loco-manipulation Control via Unified MPC This subsection will introduce a decentralized loco-manipulation control for each agent. We previously developed a unified MPC that considers both locomotion and manipulation for robots <cit.>. The unified MPC regulates the manipulation force achieved in sec: QP while maintaining the robot balance. First, we write the robot's equation of motion with the manipulation force based on the state representation presented in <cit.>: Ẋ_i = D_i X_i + G_i F_l,i + f_r,i^w / m_i where f_r,i^w is the force vector f_r,i represented in the world frame W, m_i is the robot mass, F_l,i is the vector of ground reaction forces for all the legs, and X_i contains the robot's body's COM location, Euler angle, and velocities. More details on the equation as well as the definition of D and G can be found in <cit.>. Note that the i ∈{1, …, n} represents the agent index number. MPC employs linear discrete-time dynamics to predict the system's behavior over a finite time horizon. However, using a traditional discretization technique like zero-order hold requires incorporating the manipulation term f_r,i^w from equation (<ref>) into the state vector to create an extended vector for MPC formulation. As a result, equation (<ref>) can be rewritten as: η̇_i = D̅_i η_i + G̅_i F_l,i where η_i = [[ X_i; f_r,i^w /m_i ]] ∈ℝ^15 D̅_i = [[ D_i∈ℝ^13 × 13 0_6 × 2 I_2 × 2 0_5 × 2; 0_2 × 13 0_2 × 2 ]] ∈ℝ^15 × 15 G̅_i = [[ G_i; 0_2 × 12 ]] ∈ℝ^15 × 12 where η_i is the augmented vector. Therefore, a linear MPC can be designed as follows: min_F_l,i ∑_j=0^k-1X̃_i,j+1^T QX̃_i,j+1 + F_l,i,j^T P_i,jF_l,i,j s.t. X̃_i,j+1 = X_i,j+1 - X_d,i,j+1 η_i,j+1 = D̅_t,jη_j + G̅_t,jF_l,i,j c_f ≤C_f F_l,i,j≤c̅_f where k is the number of horizons, X_d,i,j is the robot desired state at time step j, Q and P are diagonal positive semi-definite matrices, D̅_t,j and G̅_t,j are discrete-time system dynamics matrices, and c_f ≤C_f F_l,i,j≤c̅_f represents friction cone constraints defined in <cit.>. Note that the computed d_i from the QP-based controller affects the robot's desired state X_d,i,j. § NUMERICAL SIMULATION The purpose of this section is to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach through numerical simulations. Our simulations were conducted in a high-fidelity environment called Gazebo 11, with controllers implemented in ROS Noetic. The simulations involved a team of Unitree A1 robots attempting to manipulate an unknown asymmetric object to track its desired pose q_d despite uncertainty in both the object and terrain. We carried out multiple simulations with varying scenarios to demonstrate the team's adaptability. More details of our conducted simulations are shown in the supplemental video[<https://youtu.be/cHofdxolZk4>]. §.§ Comparative Analysis We conducted comparative simulations to assess the efficacy of our proposed method. Specifically, we focused on evaluating the impact of the first two levels of controllers in our control system. During each phase of the evaluation, we analyzed the performance of the control system both with and without adaptive control and QP-based control. §.§.§ Effect of Adaptive Control We compared our proposed approach and an alternative one that utilizes a PD controller at the first level instead of the adaptive controller. During the simulation, a team of robots manipulates an unknown asymmetric object weighing 5 kg, and three unknown objects weighing 2 kg each are randomly dropped onto the main object. The result for adaptive and non-adaptive methods are compared in fig: compare_adaptive. Using our proposed controller, the object successfully tracks the desired trajectory with minimal error and arrives at the target position with the intended orientation. However, the non-adaptive method fails to reach the target position within the specified time. It should be noted that the yaw tracking for both methods is almost the same (as seen in subfig: adaptive_yaw), indicating that the team of robots can adjust the object's orientation using non-adaptive control, but they are unable to apply enough force for position tracking. §.§.§ Effect of QP-based Control We proceeded to investigate the effectiveness of the QP-based controller in our proposed method. To highlight the advantages of this controller, we utilized a heuristic approach to adjust the contact location d_i based on the object's yaw angle error: d_i = k_p^d (θ_d - θ) We compared the performance of our method with the heuristic approach. The scenario involved a team of two robots attempting to manipulate an object in a straight line while adjusting its yaw angle. The comparison results are displayed in fig: compare_QP. As depicted in fig: compare_QP, our proposed method, with the QP-based controller, can accurately track the desired trajectory. In contrast, when using the heuristic policy, One of the robots attempts to adjust its contact point to align with the desired yaw angle but exceeds the object surface limitation. During manipulation, the robot loses contact with the object (as shown in subfig: lose contact), leading to a significant deviation from the intended trajectory. §.§ Terrain Uncertainty Our next objective is to evaluate the robot's ability to adjust to terrain uncertainties. To achieve this, we will create a simulation where the team of robots moves through diverse terrains with varying friction properties on a desired curve trajectory while manipulating an unknown object weighing 5 kg. The robot will begin by navigating on a hardwood surface that has a friction coefficient of μ = 0.3. Subsequently, it will traverse a grassy field that has a friction coefficient of μ = 0.8. The results are presented in fig: various_friction. As depicted in fig: various_friction, the tracking error of the robot increases as it moves from hardwood ground to grass. During this transition, the object is partially on the grass, requiring more significant force for manipulation. However, the robot's feet are still on the hardwood ground, which has low friction, preventing the robot from exerting sufficient force for object manipulation. §.§ Collaborative Manipulation of a Heavy Load Firstly, we intended to demonstrate the adaptability of our control system, even in the middle of an operation, to any number of robots. Secondly, we want to exhibit the effectiveness of our approach in manipulating heavy objects, which is unfeasible for a single robot to accomplish. To initiate the task, we employ two quadruped robots to manipulate an unknown heavy object weighing 18 kg. As the tracking error began to increase, we introduced another robot to the team to improve the tracking performance. By including the third robot, the QP-based controller system could distribute forces to all three robots, allowing them to collaborate optimally during the manipulation task. Therefore, the load on the other two robots, which has already reached its threshold, was reduced. The team's performance during this simulation is depicted in fig: three_robot. Notably, the tracking error improved after the third robot joined the team, as indicated by the red dashed line. § CONCLUSION In summary, we propose a hierarchical adaptive control approach for the collaborative manipulation of a heavy, unknown object using a group of quadrupedal robots. The control framework comprises three levels. Firstly, an adaptive controller computes the manipulation force and moment. Secondly, a QP-based controller optimally distributes the force and moment among the robot team, as well as determines the optimal contact point for each robot. Finally, a decentralized loco-manipulation controller regulates the manipulation force of each robot while maintaining its stability. Our future work involves expanding the framework to a fully decentralized control system. IEEEtranS
Energy flux and high-order statistics of hydrodynamic turbulence
[ "Yuri V. Lvov", "Victor S. L'vov" ]
[ "physics.flu-dyn", "nlin.CD" ]
#1#1 #1#1 #1#1 #1#1 #1#1 #1#1 #1#1 #1#1 #1#1 #11exto 8.5cm0.3cm 8.0cm#11ex 1/2≡̄· %̂ŝ­∂⊥∥#1#̂1̂^ T x y z∇1 Tr⟨⟩() [ ]κ̨θΘσΣ#1#1-blue#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#10.90.4#11ex to 8.5cm0.3cm8.0cm#11ex 1/2≡̄·%̃s̃%̂ŝ­∂⊥∥#1#̂1̂^ T x y z∇1 Tr⟨⟩() [ ]#1_#14 ^4He k̨ŭxaḇx k_2 R qωk̨ŭxaḇ#1_#1 We use the Dyson-Wyld diagrammatic technique to analyze the infinite series for the correlation functions of the velocity in the hydrodynamic turbulence. We highlight the fundamental role played by the triple correlator of the velocity as all higher order correlation functions are expressed through it. This fact is shown through the resummation of the infinite diagrammatic series for multi-point correlation functions. The resummation generalizes the Dyson-Wyld resummation. By analyzing leading and subleading orders of the diagrammatic technique we show that the 2-dimensional hydrodynamic turbulence is close to Gaussian. We show how the Gaussianity can be proved in all orders. Energy flux and high-order statistics of hydrodynamic turbulence Yuri V. Lvov^1 and Victor S. L'vov^2 ^1 Department of Mathematical Sciences, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180 ^2 Dept. of Chemical and Biological Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel March 30, 2023 ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== § INTRODUCTION Investigation of the statistical properties of the hydrodynamic turbulence has a long and exciting history <cit.>. The developed hydrodynamic turbulence may be characterized by three fundamental quantities: (i) the double correlation of the velocity ^2 F( k), characterizing the energy distribution of k-eddies of scale ℓ≃ 1/k; (ii) the characteristic time scale τ( k) of the response of the k-eddies to the external perturbation, given by the Green's function G( k); (iii) The triple correlation ^3 F( k_1, k_2, k_3), responsible for the energy flux across the scale ℓ≃ k_1^-1≃ k_2^-1≃ k_3^-1. A systematic way to analyze these objects was suggested by Wyld <cit.> who develop a graphical (diagrammatic) way to treat infinite perturbational series for the original “bare" objects G_0( k) and ^2 F_0( k), that depends on the kinematic viscosity ν. A crucial step forward was the Dyson-Wyld line resummation allowing one to replace in all remaining diagrams the bare kinematic viscosity ν by what is called “dressed by interaction turbulent viscosity" νturb that accounts for the main mechanism of the eddy damping due to the energy exchange between scales. Mathematically this replacement leads to the exchange of the initial expansion parameter from the Reynold number Re ∝ (1/ν)≫ 1 by the turbulent Returb∝ 1/νturb∼ 1. As the result, the resumed diagrams involve only dressed objects G( k), ^2 F( k) instead of their bare counterparts G_0( k), ^2 F_0( k) involving only ν≪νturb. This kind of procedure in diagrammatic techniques is called dressing. Nevertheless the series for ^3 F( k_1, k_2, k_3), remains “undressed", expressing it in terms of the “bare" ^3 F_0( k_1, k_2, k_3), proportional to the original (“bare") interaction amplitude V( k_1, k_2, k_3) in the Navier-Stokes equations. In this paper, we suggest a natural next logical step after the Dyson-Wyld line resummation, the Lvov and L'vov triangle resummation. For brevity we reffer to this resumation as LL-resummation. The LL-resummation results in a shorter (but still infinite) series for the dressed triple correlator ^3 F(ℓ) in terms of three dressed objects, G( k) and ^2 F( k) and ^3 F( k_1, k_2, k_3) itself. Moreover, we show that the quadruple and higher-order correlators ^4 F, ^5 F, etc. also proportional to the powers of ^3 F, and thus all of them vanish if ^3 F =0. Since in the thermodynamic equilibrium ^3 F =0 it means that in the equilibrium all comulants are zero and statistics of turbulence become Gaussian order by order. To reach these goals we carefully revisit the Wyld diagrammatic approach from the very beginning paying special attention to the numerical prefactors of the diagrams, crucially important for their further resummations. The key advantage of the diagrammatic technique is that it is possible to draw and analyze diagrams for the higher-order correlation function without explicitly deriving the corresponding analytical expressions first. Analyses of the topological properties of the resulting diagrams allowed us to suggest LL triangular resummation that would be impossible, or near-impossible to obtain by studying analytical formulas for the perturbation expansion. The paper is organized as follows: in ss:ME we set up the stage by introducing scalar equation for 2D turbulence. In ss:field we discuss the perturbation expansion for the field amplitudes showing that the prefactors in resulting tree diagrams are equal to 1/N, where N is the number of elements in the symmetry group of each particular tree diagram. We refer to this fact as the "1/N-symmetry" rule. We show that the 1/N-symmetry rule is valid for all types of diagrams and for any of its fragments. The next step, presented in ss:DT-CF, is the procedure of “gluing" of the n tree diagram that results in diagrams for the n-point, different-time correlation functions ^n F for which the symmetry rule for the prefactors is also applicable. Analysis of the resulting diagrams lead to formulations in ss:hight of diagrammatic rules for ^n F that allow one to find them in arbitrary order without sequential analysis of all previous orders in the expansion. In principle this allows one to skip reading ss:field, <ref> and <ref> and to look only at the final diagrams for the correlation functions. In s:one-time we reduce the resulting diagrams for the different-time correlations ^n F (in the ( k,ω)-representation) to the single-time domain, denoted as ^n F. For this goal, we used the relation ^2 F( k, ω)∝ G( k, ω). that follows from Wyld resummation. The resulting “extended" set of diagrams for simultaneous correlators ^n F involve simultaneous ^2 F( k) and Greens functions G( k, ω). Once again, the prefactors are given by the 1/N symmetry rule. The numerical value of the prefactors in the extended set of diagrams for ^n F, given by the 1/N-symmetry rule, allows us to group them into groups of three (triads) such that each group appears as a diagram for ^3 F. A nontrivial element in this procedure is that some initial diagrams can participate in more than one triad, different triads by their parts. Finally, we discovered that a full set of triads with a particular form of its surrounding can be summed up to the full series for ^3 F. Note that the topological structure of the diagrammatic series is defined by the quadratic nonlinearity of the Navier-Stockes equation with the interaction vortex satisfying Jacoby identity. The Jacobi identity is a mathematical manifestation of energy conservation in hydrodynamic turbulence. The 2D turbulence has an additional Jacoby identity manifesting the enstrophy conservation. Therefore our conclusions are applicable to both three- and two-dimensional turbulence. Having developed the theory for multiple point correlators we consider in more detail the 2D turbulence, which allows the presentation of the Navier-Stokes equation in a scalar form <cit.>. Remarkably, the 2D turbulence serves as an idealized model for many natural flow phenomena, including geophysical flows in the atmosphere, oceans, and magnetosphere. Setups that are quite close to 2D turbulence were realized experimentally <cit.>. It is observed in both DNS and experiments that statistics of 2D turbulence is surprisingly close to the Gaussian <cit.>. The natural explanation of this fact follows directly from our results: all cumulants for ^n F are proportional to ^3 F and being proportional to d-4/3 vanish in dimension d=4/3 which is quite close to d=2, as noticed in <cit.>. § DIAGRAMMATIC TECHNIQUE FOR STRONGLY INTERACTING FIELDS This paper is based on the Wyld diagrammatic technique for hydrodynamic turbulence <cit.> generalized by Martin, Siggia, Rose<cit.> and by Zakharov, L'vov <cit.>. Its detailed review is available in <cit.>. The essence of a diagrammatic technique is in a graphical representation (diagrams) of infinite perturbation series. The technique allows to assess particular terms in infinite perturbation series which would be near-impossible to perform with their algebraic expressions alone. Using diagrams one can for example to estimate the magnitude of the various terms in the expansions by looking at the topology of the corresponding diagrams. Such assessment led to the Dyson-Wyld resummation and to the triangular LL resummation discussed in this paper. §.§ Basic equation of motion for 2D hydrodynamics The basic equations of motion for two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) turbulence have similar structures. The 2D turbulence may be represented as a scalar equation for the vorticity, which simplifies the appearance of the analytical expressions. Therefore for the transparency of the presentation we illustrate our formalism on the 2D turbulence. In the present work we, following <cit.>, consider the Euler equation for the vorticity equation in 2D: ∂ω/ ∂ t+ ( u·∇) ω=0 . The velocity and vorticity of a two-dimensional (2D) flow may be derived from the stream functionψ( x,t): u ( x,t)=-∇×ẑψ(,t), ω( x,t) = -∇^2 ψ( x,t), where ẑ is a unit vector orthogonal to the x̂-plane, and ∇^2 is the Laplacian operator in the plane. In k-representation, a( k,t)≡ k∫ d Rexp[-i( R· )] ψ( R,t). The Fourier transforms of u(,t) and of ω(,t), are denoted as v(,̨t) and Ω(,̨t) respectively. These Fourier transforms are expressed in terms a(,̨t), re-designated for the shortness as a_ k: v(,̨t)=i(ẑ×) a_$̨,Ω(,̨t)= -k a_$̨, where =/̨k. Now, by NS3) ∂ a_/∂ t = ∫d^2 k_1 d^2 k_2/2·2πδ (+̨_̨1+_̨2)V_k12  a^*__̨1a^*__̨2 , V_k12 = S_k12(k_2^2-k_1^2)/2 kk_1k_2 , S_k12≡2 k_1 k_2 sinφ_12 ,   S_k12 = S_2k1=S_12k=- S_k21=- S_1k2=- S_21k , |S_k12| = √(2(k^2k_1^2+k_1^2k_2^2+k_2^2k^2) -k^4-k_1^4-k_2^4) . Here the interaction amplitude (or “vertex”) V_k12 is expressed via S_k12; |S_k12|/4 is the area of the triangle formed by the vectors ,_̨1 and _̨2. φ_12=φ_1-φ_2; φ_k, φ_1 and φ_2 are the angles in the triangle plane between the x_1-axis and the vectors $̨,_̨1and_̨2respectively. The vertexV_k12satisfies two Jacobi identities (V_k12+V_2k1+V_12k)=0 , (k^2V_k12+k_2^2V_2k1+k_1^2V_12k)=0 . These two identities ensure the conservation of energy Ein the inviscid forceless limit and the enstrophy Hgiven by E≡E/V=∑ _|̨a_k|^2 , H≡H/V=∑ _k̨^2 |a_k|^2 . Equation (<ref>) describes the two-dimensional hydrodynamic turbulence. For the three-dimensional turbulence the equation of motion is of the same type as (<ref>) but with additional vector indices <cit.>. Therefore the results of this manuscript are applicable for both 2D- and 3D turbulence. We focus our presentation on the 2D turbulence to simplify our presentation. Following Wyld <cit.> we divide the world into the system under consideration and the thermostat. The action of the thermostat on the system is modeled by random noisef( k,t)and dumpingγ_0(k). Then we replace in LHS of BE2∂ a_∂ t⇒∂/∂ t+ γ_0( k) ]a_-̨ f( k,t)so that we obtain instead of BE2 [∂/∂ t+ γ_0( k) ]a_=̨∫d^2 k_1 d^2 k_2/2·2πδ (+̨_̨1+_̨2)V_k12  a^*__̨1a^*__̨2+f( k,t) , where the average statistics of the noisef( k,t)is assumed to satisfy f( k,t) f( k',t') ∝ T γ_0( k,t) δ( k- k') δ(t-t'). Here an overbar denotes an average with respect to the thermodynamic equilibrium ensemble with temperatureT. The presence of the thermostat force and the dumping allows (<ref>) to have nontrivial solutions. After the Dyson-Wyld line-resummation, described below, we will disconnect our system from the thermostat by taking limitγ_0( k)→ 0. It was shown <cit.> that the result is independent of the thermostat parameters. After the Fourier transformation with respect to timet, the ME in the q=( k, ω)-representation becomes: a_ = ^0 G_ [ 1/2∫d _1 d _2/ (2π)^d+1δ^d+1_q12 V_k, 1 2 a^*_1 a^*_2 + f_ ] , ^0 G_= i / [ω+iγ_0( k) ] . Here^0 G_is the bare Greens function,d _j d̄^2 k_j dω_j, andV_ k, 1 2=V( k; k_1, k_2). §.§ Iterative expansion for field variables a_ Introducing zero-order solution of this equation^0a_ ^0 G_ f_we can get its iterative solution as a formal infinite series with respect to powers of^0a_:a_ = ^0 a_ + ^1a_+ ^ 2a_+ ^3aa_ + ^3ba_+ ^4aa_+ ^4ba_+ ^4ca_+…, where ^1a_ = ^0 G_/2∫d q_1 d q_2/ (2π)^d+1δ^d+1_q56V_k,56 a_5 a_6 ⇒^1a_ ∝G V/2 a _5 a _6 , ^2a_ = ^0 G_/2∫d q_1 d q_9/ (2π)^d+1δ^d+1_q19V_k,19 G_1∫d q_2 d q_3/ (2π)^d+1δ^d+1 _156V_1,56 a_9 a_5 a_6 ⇒ ^2a_∝(G V)^2/2 a_9 a_5 a_6 , - 1cm ^3aa_ = ^0 G_∫d q_1 d q_5/ (2π)^d+1δ^d+1_q15V_k15 ^2a_1 a _5 ⇒ ^3aa_∝(G V)^3/2 a_5 a_6 a_7 a_8 , - 1cm ^3ba_ = ^0 G_/2∫d q_1 d q_2/ (2π)^d+1δ^d+1 _q12V_k,12 ^1 a_1 ^1 a_2 ⇒ ^3ba_∝(G V)^3/2^3 a_5 a_6 a_7 a_8 , - 1cm ^4aa_= ^0 G_∫d q 1 d q 2/ (2π)^d+1δ^d+1 _q12V_k12 ^3aa_1 a _2 ⇒ ^4aa_∝(G V)^3/2 a_5 a_6 a_7 a_8 a_9 , - 1cm ^4ba_= ^0 G_∫d q 1 d q 2/ (2π)^d+1δ^d+1 _q12V_k,12^2a _1 ^1a_2 ⇒ ^4ba_q∝(G V)^3/4 a_5 a_6 a_7 a_8 a_9 , - 1cm ^4ca_= ^0 G_∫d q_1 d q_2/ (2π)^d+1δ^d+1 _q12V_k12 ^3b a_1 a _2 ⇒ ^4ca_∝(G V)^3/8 a_5 a_6 a_7 a_8 a_9 . Here ^0 a_, ^1a_, ^ 2a_, ^3a_and ^4a_are zeroth, first, second, third, and fourth-order iterations in the powers of interaction matrix elementV. Here the number to the left ofadenotes the order of iterative. For the third and fourth order there are contributions of different typologies, so the letters “a”,”b”, and “c” are used to differentiate between them. Using graphical notations shown in FF:1basic we can present each term in this series in a graphical form, as a “tree" diagram, as shown in FF:1. In these diagrams,^0G_shown as thin wavy-straight line,^0a_as a short thin wavy line which are connected by vertexV_1,23shown as a fat dot “∙" with the straight tail, belonging to^0G__1and two wavy tails, belonging to^0a__2and^0a__3. The key realization which gives birth to the diagrammatic technique is that instead of deriving IT2 we could have had drawn all possible topologically different trees, without deriving equations IT2 analytically first. Analyzing IT2 and FF:1 with the trees, we see that the trees with the symmetrical elements have a numerical prefactor that is given by1/N, whereNis the number of elements of the symmetry group of a diagram. This is a constructive demonstration of the1/Nsymmetry rule for the trees. We will see this rule again when we consider diagrams for the correlation function. The symmetry factor appears as a consequence of the k_1↔k_2symmetry and factor1/2in the equation of motion (<ref>). The rigorous proof of the1/Nsymmetry rule is beyond the scope of the present manuscript. The1/N-symmetry rule will play a crucial role below, as it will lead to the natural grouping of the diagrams into triads. It would be much harder to see this rule by looking at analytical expressions alone. The next important advantage of a diagrammatic technique is that from topological properties of the diagrams one can make conclusions about the corresponding analytical expression without detailed analysis and even perform a partial resummation of diagrams with particular topological properties. This observation leads to the Dyson-Wyld line-resummation of reducible diagrams. Reducible are the diagrams that contain fragments that can be disconnected from the rest of the diagram by cutting two lines. If these cut lines are wavy and straight ones, then the infinite sum of the corresponding fragments become “dressed", Green's function G_, defined as∂ a_∂ f_'=(2π)^d+1δ^d+1 ( -') G_which can be presented as (see e.g. Wyld1961,Martin1973,Zakharov1972b) G_= i / [ω + i γ_0( k)-Σ_ ] , -[Σ_ ] =Γ_=k^2 νturb(k) , where the “mass operator"Σ_is an an infinite set of diagrams and gives the “turbulent" dissipation:νturb. For the case when cut lines in the reducible diagrams are two wavy lines, the infinite sum corresponding fragments represents “dressed" double correlator F_, defined by F2, shown in diagrams as long thick wavy lines. After performing the Dyson-Wyld line resummation, the expansion (<ref>) is presented in terms of the dressed Green's function G_(instead of^0 G_) and dressed fielda_(instead of^0a_) where the iteratea_qwill be used below. §.§ Diagrammatic expansion of correlation functions §.§.§ Definitions and procedure We define the two-, three-, four-, andn-point correlators in=( k,ω) space as (2π)^d+1δ( _1+_2) ^2 F (_1,_2) = ⟨ a__1 a__2⟩/ 2! , (2π )^d+1δ( _1+_2+_3) ^3 F(_1,_2,_3) = ⟨ a__1 a__2a__3⟩/ 3! , (2π)^d+1δ( _1+_2+_3+_4) ^ 4 F(_1,_2,_3,_4) = ⟨ a__1 a__2a__3 a__4⟩/(4!) , (2π)^d+1δ(∑_j=1^n _j) ^n F (_1,…, _n) ⟨̄∏̄_̄j̄=̄1̄^̄n̄ ̄ā_̄_̄j̄⟩̄/ ( n!) ,     n = 2,3, … , ^2 F()^2 F(, -) . Heredis the dimension of space. In the case of 2D turbulence,d=2. We have included prefactor1/ n!in the definitions ofn-point correlation function^n F. Note thatn!is the number of elements of the symmetry group of a correlator that is equal to the number of permutations in the definition of ^n F in the definition (<ref>). This is precisely the choice that ensures the applicability of our1/N-symmetry rule for the correlation functions. As we will see below this particular choice simplifies the appearance of final expressions for^n F. Notice that the notation^2 F (,')involves two arguments, while actually, it depends only on one argument, says. Therefore in 9c we define it in the more traditional way. Diagrammatic presentations of^2 F,^3 Fand^4 Fcan be obtained by gluing together two, three, and four trees. The gluing is a graphical representation of the averaging over the ensemble of the random force. On the corresponding diagrams of two glued trees the dashed line crossing out the double correlator is the point where the “branches” of two trees were “glued” to form a double correlator. The number of possible combinations of the glued trees will be of crucial importance in further investigation of the diagrammatic series. For the Gaussian process, the high-order correlation functions can be presented as a product of all possible second order correlators. Specifically, it means that ⟨ a_k^* a^*_l a_p a_n ⟩ = F _k F_l(δ^k_pδ ^l_n + δ^k_nδ ^l_p) , ⟨ a_k^* a_l a_p a_n⟩ =0 , ⟨ a_k a_l a_p a_n⟩ = 0 . In this manuscript, then-point correlators^n Falso will be classified by the numbermof interacting vortices in the diagrams, shown as superscript from the right:^n F^m. Thus, the lowest and next to the lowest diagrams for^3 Fand^4 Fare denoted as ^3 F I, ^3 FIIIand ^4 FII, ^4 FIV. We will see that the numerical prefactors before the diagrams play a critical role in the LL-<triangle-resummation. §.§.§ Rules for reading diagrams Rules for writing down the analytical expressions corresponding to specific diagrams are pretty universal across different diagrammatic techniques <cit.>. We focus first on reading the diagram in the( r, t)representation. The rules are∙The diagrams are the sets of lines connected by a three-way junctions—interaction amplitudeV(solid dot in FF:1basic). The wavy lines are the double correlators^2 F, while the wavy-straight lines represent the Green's functions G.∙Each propagator is a function of two sets of arguments, say r_1,t_1and r_2,t_2, associated with its ends. In the stationary and space-homogeneous case, considered in this paper, the propagators depend only on differences of these arguments, e.g. G( r_1- r_2,t_1-t_2).∙Double correlator^2 F( r_1- r_2,t_1-t_2)is an even function of its arguments, while Green's function G( r_1- r_2,t_1-t_2)=0ift_2(associated with the straight line, denoting force end) is larger thant_1: G( r,t)=0ift<0. This a consequence of the causality principle response of the velocityδ v(t_1)on the forceδ f (t_2)must be zero ift_2>t_1.∙Each vertex also has space-time arguments, say r_n,t_n, the same as the legs of three propagators, connected to it. In the diagram, one has to integrate over arguments r_n,t_nof all inner vertices.∙Since each vortex has its own time we can partition the diagram into time zones. The boundaries of these time zones are denoted by dashed lines on the diagrams, as on FF:21. These time zones will play a significant role in calculating time integrals corresponding to each diagram, as discussed below in Section <ref>.∙In( k,ω)-representation each propagator, say G( k,ω)[Fourier image of G( r,t)] has only one set of arguments, each vertex involves delta-functions with the sum of k_n, ω_narguments(2π)^(d+1)δ( k_1+ k_2+ k_3)δ(ω_1+ω_2+ω_3), wheredis the dimensionality of k-space. Finally one has to integrate∫ dω_n/(2π)and∫ d k_n/(2π)^dfor all intrinsic lines. We will use these rules to write down analytical expressions for all the diagrams we obtain below. §.§.§ Third order correlator ^3 F I and ^3 FIII First order diagrams for triple correlator ^3 F^1. Its first representative ^3 F_123^1Ais shown in Fig.<ref>(a) as a diagram ^1 A_1,23. From definition (<ref>) one gets (2π)^d+1δ_123 ^3 F_123^ 1A = 123 P ^1 A_1,23 , (2π)^d+1δ_123 ^1 A_1,23 = 1/2 a_1^ 1 a_2 a_3 , δ_123δ̄(_1+_2+_3) . Here 123 P is the permutation operator which, when acting on the function, produces a sum of all possible permutations of its indexes divided by the number of all possible permutations of the indices. For example 123 P A_1,23≡13!( A_1,23+ A_1,32+ A_2,13. . + A_2,31+ A_3,12+ A_3,21). Substituting ^1a_1 from 1A2 into ^1 A_1,23 one gets ^1 A_1,23=14 G_1 V_1,56 a_5 a_6 a_2 a_3. Hereafter we colored in blue parts, originating from the tree ^1a_ in itA. We now are to average the resulting expression using the pairing rule eq:wick which corresponds to gluing together the trees of ^1a_ and a_. The result is pairs a_5 a_6 and a_2 a_3that give uncoupled contributions (each of them is equal to zero). Two equivalent ways to pair a_5 a_2 and a_5 a_3{denoted for the shortness as 52 and 53, or even shorter as [5(2,3)]} result in ^1 A_1,23= 1/2 G_1 V_1 2 3 F_2 F_3 . Here _1+_2+_3=0, G_jG(_j), and F_jF(_j), and wherej=-_jand F_jF̄(_j). Graphically this result is shown in FF:3(a). We preserve notation^n A_1,2…for all diagrams ofnthorder in vertexesVwith one leg denoting the Green's function G_1and any number of wavy tails denoting F_j. Third order diagrams for triple correlator ^3 F^3. In this section, we compute the three-point correlator in the third order in the interaction vertex. As we will show below this object plays a key role in the statistical properties of hydrodynamic turbulence. This object appears as a result of gluing together three trees and leads to the diagrams which are triangular in shape. To calculate^3 F^3we use F2 and collect all terms∝ V^3: (2π)^d+1δ^d+1_123 ^3 F_123^(3)= 123 P [ ^3a A_1,23+ ^3b A_1,23 + ^3 B_12,3 + ^3 C_123 ] , ^3a A_1,23= ^3aa_1 a_2 a_3 / 2 , ^3b A_1,23= ^3ba_1 a_2 a_3 / 2 , ^3 B_12,3= a_1^2 a_2^1 a_3 , ^3 C_123= a_1^ 1 a_2^ 1 a_3^ 1 / 3! . These terms are computed in the Appendix (<ref>) and the results are given by ^3a A_1,23 = G_1 F_2 F_3 ∫d _4/(2π)^d+1 V_1; 4,1+4V_4;4-2,2 V_2-4;3,1+4 G_4^* G_2-4 F_1+4 , ^3b A_1,23 =1/2 G_1 F_2 F_3 ∫d _4/(2π)^d+1 G^*_4 F_2-4 G_1+4 V_1;4,1+4 V_4;4-2,2 V_4+1;3,2-4 , ^3 B_12,3 = G_1 G_2 F_3 ∫d_4/(2π)^d+1 F_4 F_4-2 G_1+4 V_1;4,1+4V_2;4,4-2V_4+1;3,2-4 , ^3 C_123 = 1/6 G_1 G_2 G_3 ∫d_4/(2π)^d+1 F_4 F_4-2 F_1+4 V_1;4, 1+4 V_2;4,4-2V_3;1+4,2-4 . The corresponding diagrams are shown in FF:4(a)-(d). §.§.§ Four Point Correlation Function Second order diagrams for ^4 F^(2)∝ V^2 These diagrams are proportional to the product of two vertexesV. They originates from ten terms, which we divide into two groups^2 A_1,234with one and twoG-tails involving Green's functions. Hereafter we preserve the notation^n B_12, …for all diagrams ofnthorder inVwith two leg G_1, G_2and any number of wavy tails denoting F_j. -.5cm (2π)^d+1δ_1234^4 F_1234^(2)= 1234 P [^2 A_1,234 + ^2 B_12,34 ] , ^2 A_1,234= ^2 a_1 a_2 a_3 a_4/ 3! , ^2 B_12,34= ^1 a_1 ^1 a_2 a_3a_4 /4 . The required pairings are presented in the Appendix (<ref>). The results are diagrams in FF:3(b) and (c) with ^2 A_1,234= 1/2 G_1 G_5 V_1;4,5 V_523 F_2 F_3 F_4 , ^2 B_12,34 = 1/2 G_1 G_2 F_3 F_4 F_5 V_135 V_235, _5 = (_1 + _4) . These results will be used to obtain a single-time version of the four-point correlator in the second order in the interaction vertex. Fourth-order diagrams for ^4 F^(4)_1234∝ V^4 These diagrams have seven types of terms: (2π)^4 δ _1234 ^4 F_1234^(4) = 1234 P{^4a A_1,234 + ^4b A_1,234 + ^4a B_1234 + ^4b B_1234 + ^4c B_1234 + ^4 C_1234+ ^4 D_1234} , ^4aA _1,234= ^ 4a a_1 a_2 a_3 a_4 /3!, ^4b A_1, 234= ^ 4b a_1 a_2 a_3 a_4 /3! , ^4a B_12,34= ^ 3a a_1^ 1a_2 a_3 a_4 /2, ^4b B_12,34= ^ 3ba_1 ^ 1a_2 a_3 a_4 /2, ^4c B_1234= ^ 2a_1 ^ 2a_2 a_3 a_4 /4, ^4 C_123,4= ^ 2a_1 ^ 1a_2 ^ 1a_3 a_4 /2, ^4 D_1234= ^ 1a_1 ^ 1a_2 ^ 1a_3 ^ 1a_4 /4! . The resulting diagrams and corresponding analytical expressions are computed in the Appendix <ref>. The diagrams are shown in FF:5 while the corresponding analytical expressions are given by iter. §.§ Diagrammatic rules for plotting high order correlation functions Examining diagrams in FF:1 for the vorticity fielda_we see that it is possible to write then-th order diagrams fora_without going through the cumbersome analytic substitutions, presented by IT2: the diagrams corresponding to the velocity fielda_are given by all topologically distinct binary trees withnvertices, such that all the trunks are made of Green's functions and all the end branches are made ofa_s. Furthermore, every portion of the tree that continues in a symmetric fashion gets a factor of 1/2 due to the symmetry of the original equation of motion. The overall numerical prefactor for a tree withNelements in its symmetry group is, therefore, is equal to1/N. Examining FF:3, <ref> and <ref> for the diagrams for^3 Fand^4 Fwe formulate the rules of the diagrammatic technique, which allows to skip the procedure of step-by-step derivation by gluing corresponding trees:∙Diagrams for then-point,m-th order correlator^n F^(m)irreducible correlation functions are all topologically different graph withmvertices andn-wavy tails. These wavy tails are either the Greens functions Gor double correlations F. ∙ Each vertex in the diagram can be reached by the only way via G from the outer leg of G.∙There are no loops made of the G-functions.∙According to our1/N-symmetry rule the prefactor for a diagram withNelements in his symmetry group is1/N. In particular, diagrams without any symmetry (i.e. with onlyN=1identical element of symmetry), including diagrams in FF:3(b), FF:4(a) and (c) and FF:5 (a,b,c,e, and g) have numerical prefactor equal to unity. Furthermore, the diagrams with non-trivial symmetry element (i.e.N=2) have prefactor1/2, as in the diagram^1 A_1,23with the symmetry2 ⇔ 3in FF:3(a), diagram^2 B_12,34with the symmetry1 ⇔ 2together with3 ⇔ 4in FF:3(c), diagram^3b A_1,23with the symmetry2 ⇔ 3in FF:4(b), etc. The most symmetrical ones are the diagrams for^3 C_123in FF:4(d), (symmetrical under permutations of all three arguments) withP=3!=6, which generates prefactor1/6and the diagram for^4 D_1234in FF:5(h), which is symmetrical under reflection in four lines: horizontal, vertical, and1-3and2-4oblige lines and rotations on the anglesϕ=0, π/2, π, 3π/2. Thus for the^4 D_1234diagramN=8and the1/N-prefactor is equal to1/8. Analyses of these diagrams and a wide set of additional diagrams not presented here demonstrate that the above-formulated diagrammatic rules work not only for the diagrams as a whole but also for their fragments. So we expect that this is the general rule for diagrams for all orders and for all of its fragments. We think that this fact follows from the internal structure of the presented perturbation theory, reflected in the topology of their diagrams. Bearing in mind that the question of numerical prefactor is of principal importance for this paper, allowing LL-triangle-resummation of high-order diagrams and that its rigorous mathematical proof is still absent we decided to check it constructively for all diagrams, considered in this paper. § SIMULTANEOUS CORRELATION FUNCTIONS In this section, we show how and why the simultaneous correlators can be further resumed up to powers of the simultaneous triple correlator^3F. As a preliminary step, we introduce all required simultaneous correlations in the k-space: F()̨F̄_$̨, ^3 F (_̨1,_̨2,_̨3)^3 F_123 and ^4 F(_̨1,_̨2,_̨3,_̨4)F̄_1234, where (2π)^d δ( _̨1+_̨2) F(_̨1) a__̨1 a__̨2, (2π )^d δ( _̨1 + _̨2 + _̨3 ) ^3 F_123⟨̄ ̄ā_̄_̨̄̄1̄ ̄ā_̄_̨̄̄2̄ā_̄_̨̄̄3̄⟩̄/(3!), (2π)^d δ( _̨1+_̨2+_̨3+_̨4) ^ 4 F_1234⟨̄ ̄ā_̄_̨̄̄1̄ ̄ā_̄_̨̄̄2̄ā_̄_̨̄̄3̄ā_̄_̨̄̄4̄⟩̄/(4!), etc. The simultaneous correlation functions relate to different-time correlators in =(,̨ω)-representation as follows: F( )̨=∫d ω/2π F(,̨ω) , ^3 F( _̨1,_̨2,_̨3)=∫d ω_1 d ω_2 d ω_3/(2π)^d ^3 F( _1,_2,_3) δ ( ω_1+ ω_2+ ω_3 ) , ^4 F( _̨1,_̨2,_̨3,_̨4)=∫d ω_1 d ω_2 d ω_3 d ω_4/(2π)^d+1δ ( ω_1+ ω_2+ ω_3 + ω_4) ^4 F( _1,_2,_3,_4) . Therefore to obtain a single-time correlator of any order the corresponding multiple-time correlator needs to be multiplied by the delta function of the sum of all the frequencies and then integrated overall frequencies. §.§ One-pole approximation For the actual calculation of integrals in TO one needs to know the ω-dependence of G(,̨ω) and F(,̨ω). Therefore to proceed further we adopt the so-called one-pole approximation <cit.> in which the ω-dependence of the “mass operator" Σ_ k, ω in GnB for the Green's function G_ is neglected. Similarly, we further neglect ω-dependence of the mass operator Φ_,̨ω⇒Φ_$̨ in the Wyld's equation for F_= |G_|^2 (Φ_+D_) whereD_is a correlator of the white noise. Furthermore in the Dyson equation we neglect the double correlator of the white noise, since it is much smaller thanΦ_. As a result we have G_,̨ω = i/ω+ iγ_k , F_,̨ω=Φ_/ω^2+γ_k^2= 2 γ_k F_/ω^2+γ^2= 2 {G_,̨ω}F_. Equation (<ref>) replaces F_,̨ωby the sum of the Green's function and its complex conjugate multiplied byF_$̨. This replacement is a crucial step that allows us to group in high-order diagrams in the triad, involving three diagrams, required for further it resuming in ^3F. We denote G̃_G_ F_$̨ as an “auxiliary Green's functions”, while the original Green's function G_is called “true” Green's function. To distinguish between “true” and “auxiliary” Green's functions in the diagrammatic series, the auxiliary Green's functions will be distinguished by additional “dash” crossing it. The diagrams with the loop along Green's functions with the same orientations give zero contribution to^n F_…due to the causality principle. This is true regardless of whether the Green's function is “true” or auxiliary. This property can be seen int- or inω-representation. Itt-representation we should recognize that the wavy tail of each Green's function has timet w, while the straight tail has timet s> t w. Otherwise, Green's function is zero due to the causality principle. Therefore wavy tail of Green's function in the next loop will have timetw,n+1even earlier thantw,n. This is impossible because the last in the loop wavy tails must have the same time as the timetw,1fist in the straight loop line. The same conclusion can be obtained in theωrepresentation: similarly oriented numbernGreen's function with frequenciesω_1,ω_2=ω_1+δ_1,ω_3=ω_1+δ_1+δ_2, etc. (hereδ_nis the “incoming" frequency from the connected line in thenthvertex) are analytical in someω_1-half-plane, again, as a consequence of the causality principle. Thereforeω_1-frequency integral in the loop indeed vanishes. Similarly, it is possible to show that diagrams, involving chain of similarly oriented Green's function connected any of external tails do not contribute to the simultaneous correlators^n F_…as a manifestation of the causality principle. This statement is, again, true, regardless of whether the Green's function is “true” or “auxilarly”. §.§ Time-zones and interaction-time integrals in the diagrams for ^3F_123, and ^4F_1234 In this section, we consider the actual procedure of calculations of integrals for interaction times, of the type presented in TO, in the one-pole approximation. Below we begin with the simplest case of diagrams for^3F^(1). §.§.§ First-order triad for ^3F_123 I After replacement (<ref>) in F31B we obtain four diagrams for ^1F_123^(3), shown in FF:9. Three of them, shown in Panels (b), (c), and (d) vanish after frequency integrations, as required by TOa. A non-zero diagram in FF:9(a) under the permutation operator123 Pin F31 can be presented as the sum of three diagrams, shown in FF:9(e), (f) and (g). The set of these three symmetric with respect to the permutation of their legs diagrams, oriented inside with the straight line will be referred to below as a “triad". The simplest triad with only one vertex inside, as shown in FF:9 will be called a first-order triad. As we see this is nothing but the diagrams for ^1F_123^(3), shown in FF:9(h) as thin red triangle. Analitycally, diagrams for ^1F_123^(3)are as follows: ^1F_123^(3)=123 P ^1 A_1,23, ^1 A_1,23 = 1/2 T_123 V_1; 2, 3 F _2 F_3,_1+_2+_3=0 . where we introduced the triad-interaction time"T_123: T_123 = ∫ dω_1 dω_2 dω_3 G_1 G_ 2 G_3 δ( ω_1 +ω_2 + ω_3) /(2π)^d . In the one-pole approximation (<ref>) this integral can be easily taken to obtain T_ijk1̄/(γ_i+γ_j+γ_k) , γ_iγ̄(k_i) , γ_jγ̄(k_j) , … We will see below thatω-integral (<ref>) and much more involvedω-integrals are much more efficient to calculate in k,t-representation. To translate any diagram to the( k,t)the representation we assign different times to the beginning and to the end of each Green's function:G_i ≡ G( k,τ-t_j), j=1,2,3.In the one-pole approximation GF (<ref>) has the form G( k, τ) = exp(γ_k τ) τ<0 . The Green's functions are equal to zero for positive times as the future can not affect the present (the causality principle). Now consider the diagrams in FF:9(e,f,g). Since this is a one-time correlator, the external ends should have an equal time assigned to it. Let us assign the time to be zero, as int_1=t_2=t_3=0and connect them by the dotted line “present time-border", which separates the future (outside of the diagram) and past time-intervals, inside of the diagram. The time of the vertex,τbelongs to the past and goes from-∞to zero. Now integral (<ref>) in the k,t-representation can be written as follows: T_123 =∫ _-∞^0 d τ G( k_1,τ)G( k_2,τ) G( k_3,τ) = ∫ _-∞^0 exp[ (γ_1+γ_2+γ_3 ) τ ] dτ=1 /(γ_1+γ_2+γ_3). The answers (<ref>) and (<ref>) for the triple interaction time are equivalent. Naturally, the answer is independent on whether it is obtained intorωrepresentaton. §.§.§ Third-order triad for ^3F_123 III To calculate the third-order triple correlator^3FIIIwe take (<ref>) and substitute it into 16. Graphically, this corresponds to replacing all three double correlators of ^3a A_1,23by the pair of auxiliary Green's functions, run in either direction (i.e. eight possibilities). The six of these4· 8=32possibilities give nonzero contributions for simultaneous correlation functions. The resulting six diagrams are shown in FF:11 and denoted as ^3a A_1,23 I ,^3b A_1,23 I , B_12,3 I , B_12,3II, B_12,3III, and C_1,23 I . As explained above, Green's functions have inherent time direction: time flows in the direction from a wavy to a straight line. Therefore the beginning of the Green's function has an earlier time than the end of the Green's function that enters the vertex. To calculate one-time correlators, we replace the double correlator with the sum of two auxiliary Green functions oriented in the opposite directions. These Green's functions, therefore, partition the diagram for a multi-point correlator in the distinct time zones. Making an arbitrary choice that the external legs of the diagram correspond to timet=0we have earlier times inside the diagram. In fact, we have telescopically nested time zones that flow from the earliest time zone to the present time zone. In our diagrams, we color the earliest time zone as red, the latter as green, and even the latter as blue. We color the latest time zone, if present, as magenta. The number of nested time zones is equal to the number of interaction vertexes. In some diagrams, the ordering of the zones is not uniquely defined by Green's functions. For such diagrams, as explained below and in figure captions, all possible ordering of time zones must be taken into account in calculating interaction-time integrals for the simultaneous correlators. As before we connect all three external wavy lags of the GFs by the black dotted line, denoting the present time-bordert_1=t_2=t_3=0. The times of three vertexes denoted asτ_1,τ_2andτ_3in FF:11(a), each of the belonging to a particular time-zone, colored in red, green, and blue. All of these time zones belong to the past:τ_1<0,τ_2<0, andτ_3<0according to the causality principle: The present time depends only on the past time, and does not depend on the future. Green's functions in this diagramG( k_4,τ_21),G( k_5,τ_23), andG( k_6,τ_31)(hereafterτ_ijτ̄_i-τ_j) prescribe chronological order of the time zones:τ_2<τ_3<τ_1<0Armed with this arrangement we can easily compute time integral in FF:11(A1)IA1= ∫ _-∞^0 dτ_1 G( k_1,τ_1) ×∫ _-∞^τ_1 dτ_3 G( k_3,τ_3)∫ _-∞^τ_3 dτ_2 G( k_2,τ_2)G( k_4,τ_2-τ_1)G( k_5,τ_2-τ_3)G( k_6,τ_3-τ_1)written in thet-representation for the diagram FF:21(A1). Most Greens functions, except forG( k_1,τ_1), cross borders between time zones such that their fragments belong to different zones. Using the decomposition ruleG(τ)=G(τ-τ')G(τ')for the Greens function in the one-pole approximation, GreenFunctionTimeRepresentation, we can present them as the product of the Greens functions such that each of them belongs only to the one-time zone. Namely:G( k_2,τ_2)= G( k_2,τ_23)G( k_2,τ_31)G( k_2,τ_1),G( k_3,τ_3)= G( k_3,τ_31)G( k_3,τ_1), andG( k_4,τ_21)= G( k_4,τ_23)G( k_2,τ_31) . Now interaction-time integralIcan be factorized as follows:I = ^3T_123 ^3T_245 ^4T_2346, where T_123 =∫ _-∞^0 dτ_1 G( k_1,τ_1) G( k_2,τ_1) G( k_3,τ_1) , ^3T_123 =∫ _-∞^0 dτ_23 G( k_2,τ_23) G( k_4,τ_23) G( k_5,τ_23) are the triad interaction times, defined by I1alternative: T_ijk= 1 / [γ_i +γ_j +γ_k ]. We introduce the quadric interaction time T_ijkl T_ijkl= ∫ _-∞^0 dτ G( k_i,τ) G( k_j,τ) G( k_k,τ) G( k_l,τ) = 1 / [γ_i +γ_j +γ_k +γ_l ] . In our case,^4T_2346originates from theτ_31-integration over the earlier time-border of the intermediate time-interval (filled in FF:11a with green) with four Greens functions directed inside of it. The oldest time interval with three incoming Greens functionG( k_2),G( k_4), andG( k_5)produce^3T_245, while the earliest time interval gives T_123with wave-vectors of the external legs. Clearly, time integrals depend only on the diagram topology and are independent of the particular type of the Greens function: true or auxiliary. Therefore time integrals are the same for the diagram in FF:11(b) and many others in FF:11. Corresponding full analytical expressions for these diagrams can be found in Appendix <ref>, see 36, BTriads,Ctriads. §.§.§ Second-order diagrams for ^4F_123 II We now consider diagrams for ^4F_1234II shown in f:9(a,b). There are two vertices with times τ_1, belonging to the earliest red-filled time zone, and τ_2<τ_1 in the green zone. Time integration over the three Green's functions G_2, G_3, and G_5, entering red zone leads to a factor T_235, while four Green's functions G_1, G_2, G_3, and G_4, entering green zone produce T_1234. Diagrams for the fourth-order contributions to ^4F_1234IV are more complicated. They include four vertices and require four integrations over τ_1, τ_2, τ_3, and τ_4 with, generally speaking, more complicated topology of the time zones, not necessarily chronologically nested. Therefore before presenting analytical expressions for their interaction times we present in the forthcoming ss:3 the diagrammatic rules on how to reconstruct these expressions from the topology of the diagrams without their explicit calculations. §.§ Diagrammatic rules for the reconstruction of interaction times from the topology of the time-zones Finding appropriating time zones that allow factorizing time integrals for the interaction times in diagrams for ^3F_123 and ^4F_123II described above together with more complicated situations in numerous diagrams for ^4F_123II, we came up with a set of rules of how to avoid explicit integrations over τ_1, τ_2, τ_3, and τ_4 in diagrams for ^4F_1234IV. Diagrams for ^4F_1234 of any orders, as well as the diagrams for higher-order correlation function, can be divided into two major groups: weakly connected diagrams like those shown in f:9, <ref>, <ref>, <ref>, and compact diagrams in FF:17, <ref>, <ref>. Unlike compact diagrams, weakly connected diagrams can be divided into two parts by cutting just one line. In the diagrammatic rules, formulated below, we will show how one can find all-time integrals in presented here two groups of four order diagrams in particular and in even higher order diagrams, in general, just by simple analysis of their topological structure. The rules are as follows: * Partition the diagram to telescopically nested time zones as dictated by the Green's functions. Each time zone has its “own" vertex inside it characterized by the vertex time τ_j. Therefore the number of time zones is equal to the number of interactive vertexes. Resulting time integrals will be a product of distinct time factors corresponding to each zone. Each time factor is an interaction time of the wave numbers of Green's functions entering the zone. * In most cases, like in diagrams FF:20(A1), <ref>(A1,C1), <ref>(A1), and in FF:18(A1), times of the vertices are fully ordered: τ_1<τ_2<τ_3 < τ_4 <0. In these cases, time zones are uniquely chronologically nested, having the earliest (red filled in our diagrams) time zone with τ_1, early (green colored) zone with τ_2>τ_1, and recent (blue colored) zone with τ_3 and, finally the very recent (magenta-colored) zone with τ_4. According to rule 1 integration over these times gives the product of four interaction times, in a particular case of FF:20(A1) this is T_145T_1467T_13468T_1234. Here for concreteness, we colored interaction time according to the color of the corresponding time zone. * In all the cases considered above and in general, the earliest (red) zone has always three incoming Greens functions, producing triple interaction time, e.g. T_145, in FF:20(A1). The very recent zone in the triple correlator ^3 F_123 produces T_123 in the quadruple correlator ^4 F_1234 produces T_1234. Therefore the most recent interaction-time is of the same order as the correlator generating it with the same wave-vector arguments. This statement is true for any-order correlations. * it may happen that a number of time zones have the relationship between times that are not uniquely determined by the Green's functions. Then there are two possibilities * Some diagrams may have two and more earliest time zone, like in FF:23(A1) and in FF:19(A1) with two earliest time zones with τ_1 and τ_1. In these cases, time-integral over all vertex times factorizes with the product of integrals over τ_1 and over τ_1 from minus infinity to zero, producing the product of two (or as many as the number of the earliest time-zones) triple interaction times. * If Green's functions do not uniquely define the ordering of times corresponding to the vertexes, then the time zones are to be drawn separately for each possible ordering of interaction times. For such a case the resulting analytical expression contains the sum of corresponding interaction times, see e.g. diagrams in FF:17(B1) and FF:19(A1). Note that such branching of regions of integrations may happen at any level except the earliest and the very recent time zones. To summarize, the time integral for the diagram withnvertices equal to the product ofninteraction times, corresponding to all uniquely defined time zones Greens functions entering them. If some zones are only partially overlapping the frequency integral includes the sum of their interaction times. § LL-TRIANGLE-RESUMMATION OF THE TRIPLE-LINE REDUCIBLE TRIADS §.§ LL-resummation of diagrams for triple correlators ^3F_123 In this subsection, we will bring all the things we have considered together and introduce triangular-LL resummation of the triple correlator. Triple correlator is the main focus of this manuscript. It has three appearances, shown on FF:1basic: empty thin red triangle for first order contribution^3F I, empty thick red triangle for third order contribution^3FIIIand filled thick red triangle for the full correlator^3F. One of the main points of this paper may be recognized by comparing diagrams for^3F Ion FF:9 and for^3FIIIon FF:11. Note that our definition of the correlator involves the permutation operator P_123, defined by F31, 12. First notice that the first and second lines of the FF:11 contain vertex marked by a red circle, and the Green's functions connected to this vertex form precisely the diagrams of the^3F Ishown at FF:9. This allows us to write the compact expression for^3FIII. ^3 F_123III= P∫d k_4/(2π)^d ^4T_2346 V_1:4,6×[ V_4;2,5F_2+V_2;4,5 F_4 ] ^3F_356 I , k_5= k_4+ k_2 and k_6= k_4- k_1 , expressed in the terms of the first-order correlator as it follows from first two diagrams in the last line in FF:11. This fact has deep consequences as we will see below. The permutation operator P_123acting on the two diagrams of FF:11 produces six diagrams. Those diagrams can be grouped into a triad of diagrams that involves three vertices, have rotationalC_3symmetry, and three tails of Green's functions oriented chronologically ordered inside of the triangle from the present timet=0in the simultaneous correlator back to all past timest_j< 0, as required by casualty principle. We will refer to this object as a “third-order triad" and depict it by the thick red triangle. Notice that the bare Greens and bare double correlation in the Dyson-Wyld line resummation are called reducible fragments, which can be separated from the body of a diagram by cutting two lines. Baring this in mind we can clarify them as “double-line" reducible diagrams. Such a name immediately suggests the existence of “triple line reducible diagrams". Indeed, our triad diagrams can be separated from the body of a diagram by cutting three Green's functions entering this time zone. We call this object “triple-line reducible triads" (ofC_3symmetrical groups of diagrams). Up to now, we met in FF:9 first-order triple-line reducible triads (with one vertex) and in FF:11 third-order triple-line reducible triads with three vertexes, shown, e.g. in FF:11(a) by a blue square. Let us again examine Panel (a) on FF:11. The red oldest time zone has three incoming Green functions entering it with straight lines. The red time zone is in turn inside the earlier, blue time zone which has three straight line entering it. This is an example of the telescoping triangular telescopically nested time-ordered reducible triads. Higher-order diagrams for the simultaneous triple correlator there will have multiple zones nested in this manner. These zones will sum up the fully dressed triple correlator. Indeed, analysis of the higher-order diagram for^3 Fshows that besides two first-order triads in the last line of FF:11 (thin red triangles) one finds diagrams in which instead of the first-order triads one meets third-order triads (thick red triangles). These diagrams represent five-order triads, which in its turn can be found in the even higher diagrams, etc. This possibility originates first from the fact that perturbation diagrammatic series involves all topologically possible diagrams, and second because all diagrammatic rules, including1/N-symmetry rules and time-integration rules, are applicable not only to the whole diagrams but also to any of their fragments. Therefore there is a mechanism for the infinite resuming of telescopically nested, chronologically-ordered three-line reducible triads, appearing on the place of the earliest time zones resulting in the fully dressed triple correlator^3 F_123. The Dyson line resummation leads to a fully dressed Green's function. The Wyld resummation leads to the fully dressed double correlator. The LL-triangular resummation of the three-line reducible triads suggested here leads to a fully dressed simultaneous triple correlator, as we will show in ss:full. §.§ LL-resummation of diagrams for quadruple correlators ^4F_1234 §.§.§ Identifying ^3F I triad in diagrams for ^4F II Analyzing the second-order diagrams^2 A_1,234and^2 B_12,34for^4 F_1234, shown in FF:3(b,c) we, as before, replace, the (three) double correlators by a sum of two auxiliary Green's functions according to OnePole, In this way each of the diagrams produces2^3diagrams. Out of those2× 2^3=16diagrams only three of them, shown in f:9(a,b) survive for the same-time case after frequency integration required by TOc. Note that the diagram f:9(b) appears twice in different orientations. This removes the factor1/2in front of it. The disappearance of the1/2factor occurs as a manifestation of the1/N-symmetry rule because the diagram in f:9(b) lost reflecting symmetry with respect to the vertical line, present (together with prefactor1/2) in the diagram depicted in FF:3(c). Analytically diagrams in f:9 can be written as^4 F_1234II=1234 P [  ^2 A _1,234 + ^2B_12,34], where ^2 A _1,234 = 1/2 V_1;4,5 V_523 F_2 F_3 F_4 T , ^2 B_12,34 = F _3 F _4 F _ 1+4 V_135 V_235T , T T_1234 T_235 , with _5= _1+_4 =-(_2+_3). The time integral T here was found with the help of diagrammatic rules, formulated in ss:3. It reduces to a product of the triad and quartic interaction times. Together with diagrams in FF:9(e,f,g) this allows us to recognize that the sum diagrams f:9(b,c) include the correlator ^3F_235 I, shown in f:9(d) as red empty thin triangle. Analytically this reads: ^4 F_1234II= 3 T_1234(V_1,45 F_4 ) ^ F I_235 . We see that the first contribution of^4 F_1234IIto the four-point correlator contains the first contribution ^3 F I_235to the three-point correlator. We will show below that this statement generalizes to higher orders as follows: the(n+1)order of^4 F_1234 ^n+1involven-order contribution of ^3 F^n. Consequently, the fully dressed fourth-order correlator depends on the fully dressed third-order correlator. This is the essence of the LL-resummation and it underlines the key role played by the third-order correlator. §.§.§ Identifying ^3F I and ^3F III triads in the weakly connected spine diagrams for ^4F IV. Recall that diagrams in f:9(a) and (b) are weakly connected in the sense that they can be divided into two parts by cutting only one line, sometimes referred to as “spine". Using diagrammatic rules for^4F^(4)_1234formulated in ss:hight we found all the weakly connected spine diagrams shown in Figures <ref>, <ref>, and <ref>. We divide the diagrams into these three figures by the position of the earliest (red) time zone relative to the spineG_5. Figure <ref> shows 18 diagrams with the earliest time-zone to the right of the Green functionG_5in the (678)-triangle, FF:20 includes 10 diagrams with the (145)-time zone to the left ofG_5, while FF:23 involves six diagrams with two earliest time on either side ofG_5. The diagrams of Figures <ref>,<ref> and <ref> are grouped in such a way that the triple correlator^3 F Iis identifiable in each line of the Figure. Namely, each line contains equivalent diagrams except the position of the true of Green's function entering the earliest time zone. Consequently, each line sums up to the diagram in the right column containing the third order correlator in the third order^3FIIIshown as a thin red triangle. Consider the first diagrams in FF:21. The six resulting diagrams on the right of the Figure have the same structure: the part with the block ofG_1G_4 V_1,45connected by leg 5 to one of the three leg (1̃,2̃, and3̃) of the structures in which we recognize one of the two diagrams for^ 3FIII, shown FF:11(b,c). Namely diagram FF:21(A) is identical to the result of connection of theG_1G_4 V_1,45block to the leg2̃) diagram FF:11(b), diagram FF:21(B) is identical to its connection to the leg2̃of FF:11(c) , etc. We denote this correspondence as FF:11(b2)⇒FF:21(A), FF:11(c2)⇒FF:21(B). In these notations we see that FF:11(b1)⇒FF:21(C), FF:11(b3)⇒FF:21(D), FF:11(c1)⇒FF:21(E), and FF:11(c3)⇒FF:21(F). Therefore the sum of all diagrams in FF:21 for the^4FIV(denoted as^4,αFIV _1234) can be presented via^3FIII, very similar to 26. ^4,α F_1234IV = 3 T_1234(V_1,45 F_4 ) ^3 FIII_235 . Comparing 26 and (<ref>) we see that i) The fourth-order correlator ^4 F_1234 ^n+1 of any order always includes quadruple interaction time, T_1234, originated from integration in the latest time-zone with four external legs of the Green function G_1G_2G_3G_4; ii) the earliest time zone, (235) in this case, denotes the place where the triple correlator appears after the LL-resummation. Considering diagrams with the earliest (145) time zone in FF:20 we see five lines of diagrams (A), (B), (C), (D), and (E) have same structure, summarized to the triple correlator ^3F I_145 times three point objects, denoted as X A, X B, X C, X D, and X E. Their sum is: ^4,β F_1234IV = 3 T_1234 ^3 FI_145 [ X A_5,23+X B_5,23+X C_5,23+X D_5,23+X E_5,23 ] , k_5= k_1+ k_4 , X A_5,23 = V_5,67 V_6;2,8 V_8,3,7F_3 F_4 , X B _5,23 = V_7;5,6 V_2; 6,8 V_8,3,7F_3 F_6 , … . Equations for the rest of the terms in the RHS of 4Fb can be easily reconstructed from their diagrammatic representation in FF:20. The last group of the weakly-connected spine diagrams with two earliest time zones is shown in FF:23. These diagrams sum up into one diagram with the product of two triple correlators shown in on the FF:23(C3). The corresponding analytical expression is ^4,γ F_1234IV = 9 T_1234 ^3 F I _145∫d k_6/(2π)^dT_13468 ^3 F I _378 V_2,68V_6,57 . Remarkably, this contribution is proportional to the square of the triple correlator^3 F I. §.§.§ Identifying ^3F I in the compact square diagrams for ^4F IV As seen in FF:5 there are eight compact “square" diagrams for the quadruple correlator^4FIVdepicted in FF:5. Consequently, they produce8· 2^4=128child diagrams but only 22 of them, shown in FF:12 and <ref>, contribute to the simultaneous correlator. Similar to the previous subsection, here we show how all of them can be grouped in triads, each of which represents the triple correlator^3F I. We identify the triads of diagrams such that all elements in the diagrams in each triad are identical, except one vertex, where the “true” Green's function occupies each of the three positions in turns, and the other two positions are occupied by auxiliary Green's functions. First of all, we separate all diagrams into two groups with one earliest time zone, shown in FF:17 and <ref>, and two two earliest time zones, shown in FF:19. The biggest group with one such zone will be further divided into several topologically different sub-groups as follows. Since the diagrams are under the permutation operator, we redraw the diagrams (by rotations or by mirroring) in such a way that the earliest time zone will be placed in the upper right corner of the diagram. We then label all lines as shown e.g. in FF:17(A1). We classify the diagrams by the number of external true Green's functions, labeled by 1,2,3 and 4. We call the diagrams to be "Green's function identical" if their external Green's functions are identical. This set of lines does not include 2, 5 which connect to the earliest time zone. We remind that all vertexes must be connected to one of the external true GFs by the true GFs with the same orientations. In a one-GF subgroup of the diagrams, there are two options: with G_1 and with G_2. and G_3. G_3 subgroup is not new: it coincide with G_1-diagram by mirroring in 2-4 line which connect G_2 and G_4. Consider the first G_1 subgroup. From general requirements their topology must include G_7 and G_8 true GFs which connect 3- and 4-vertices to 1-vertex with true GF G_1. This subgroup has only three diagrams, shown in FF:17(A1, A2, A3). These three diagrams form the first triad which sum up to the diagram FF:17(A) which involves triple correlator ^3F^(1)_256. Next G_2 subgroup must include G_7 and G_8 true Green's functions which connect 3- and 4-vertices to 1-vertex with true Green's function G_2. This subgroup also has only two diagrams, shown in FF:17B1, B2), forming the triad that sums up to the diagram (<ref>)(B) which involve triple correlator. There are nine diagrams with two true Green's functions labeled 1, 3, and 4. The first six diagrams involve G_1 and G_2. Three of them, collected in (C1), (C2) and (C3) panels, have auxiliary GF G_8, oriented down by a straight line. They are summarized in a diagram FF:17(C) which involves the same triple correlator ^3F^(1)_256. The Rest three diagrams with auxiliary Green's functions G_8, oriented up, are summarized in the diagram FF:17)(D). Last two-GF triad with G_1 and G_3 creates diagram in (<ref>)(E) with the same triple correlator ^3F^(1)_256. Three GF subgroup with G_1, G_2 and G_3 are shown in FF:18. They create two subgroups with G_8 oriented up and down. The first triad creates a diagram in FF:18(A). Considering the diagram in FF:18(B1) as two ones (with prefactor 1/2) and rotating one of them around 2–4 lines we have a second trial that creates diagram FF:18(B). Analytical expressions for ^4δFIV_1234, originated from diagrams X_1,X_2,… X_7 depicted in FF:17 and <ref> are as follows: ^4δFIV _1234 = T_12341234 P{∫d k_5/(2π)^d ^3F^(1)_256 J _1234^□} , k_6 = k_2 + k_5, , J_1234^□ = ∑_i=1^7 X_i , J_1234^(X_1) = 6 T_2357T_23458V_1; 5 8V_7; 3 6V_8,47F_3 F_4 , J _1234^(X_2)= 3 (T_2357+T_1268)T_12378V_8; 1 5V_7;6,3 V_4; 7,8F_1 F_3 , J _1234^(X_3) = 6 T_2357T_23458 V_1; 5, 8V_7; 3,6V_4; 7,8F_3 F_8 , J _1234^(X_4)= 6 T_2357T_23458V_1; 5, 8V_7; 3, 6V_4; 7,8F_3 F_8 , J _1234^(X_5) = 6 T_2357T_23458V_1; 5, 8V_7; 3, 6V_8; 4, 7F_4 F_7 , J _1234^(X_6)= 6 T_2357T_23458V_1; 5, 8V_3, 6 7V_4; 7,8F_7 F_8 , J _1234^(X_7) = 6 T_2357T_23458V_1; 5, 8V_3; 6, 7V_4; 7,8F_7 F_8 . The second group of diagrams with two earlier time zones consists only from four diagrams. As shown in FF:19 we used the diagram ^4C(VII) in two panels (A3) and (B1) putting prefactor 1/2 in front of them. After that diagrams (A1), (A2) and (A3) are summed to diagram (A) and diagrams (B1) and (B2) – to diagram (B). In its turn, diagrams (A) and (B) can be summed to diagram (C) which involves two triple correlators ^3F(I)_256 and ^3F(I)_478. An analytical expression for the sum of all diagrams with two earliest time zones is as follows: ^4εFIV _1234 = T_12341234 P{∫d k_5/(2π)^d ^3F I _256 ^3F I _478× (T_23458+T_12467 ) V_1:5,8V_3:6,7} . Similar to 4Fc here the contribution to the fourth-order-four-point correlator comes from the product of two three-point correlator of the first order ^3F_123 I. Analysing the structure of the diagrammatic technique we expect that in the higher-order diagrams terms with a product of three and more correlators ^3F_123 I will appear. §.§ Full LL-resummations for ^3F_123 and ^4F_1234 In the previous sections, we demonstrate how the sum of six initial diagrams for ^3F_123III presented FF:11 fuses into two diagrams in FF:11(b,c) involving ^3F I. Similarly, the sum of two diagrams for ^4F_1234II in f:9 combines to one diagram f:9(d) with ^3F I. Moreover, the sum of eighteen diagrams for ^4F_1234IV in FF:21 combines into six diagrams, involving ^3FI which, in its turn fuse into just to one diagram with ^3F III, analytically presented by 27. In exactly the same way, all the rest of the diagrams for ^4F_1234IV, shown in FF:20, <ref>, <ref>, <ref>, and in FF:19 was summarised in these figures to diagrams, involving the triple correlator ^3F I. These findings are not a miracle, but the deep consequence of fundamental features of the perturbation approach reflected in the diagrammatic technique and the crucial role that is played by the three point correlator. Namely, the diagrammatic series involves all topologically possible diagrams, satisfying general restrictions, described in ss:hight. These restrictions together with the 1/N-rule, prescribing numerical prefactor have local character, i.e. they are applicable to the entire diagram, or to any of their fragment. For example, any diagram for ^3F_123 has three external Greens functions G_1, G_2, and G_3 entering the diagram by straight lines. Similarly, any earliest time zone also has three “boundary" Greens functions, say G_k, G_l, and G_m entering the zone in the same way. Therefore the sum of all diagrams inside of the earliest time zone of (2n+1)-order [with (2n+1) vertices] gives exactly the triple correlator of (2n+1)-order, ^3F^n+1_klm. This is what exactly happened in all diagrams with the first-order earliest time zones (colored in red), summarised to ^3F I, while the diagrams FF:21 with the third-order earliest time zones, (colored in blue) were summarised to ^3FIII. Consider first full LL-resummation for the triple correlator ^3F_123. Panel (A1) in f:8 just reminds diagram in FF:9(b) for ^3F I_123, while f:8(A2) shows resummations diagrams for ^3FIII_123 with the result ^3 FIII_123∝ ^3 FI_123, as indicated by 3F3. The next step is shown in f:8(B). Here ^3FV_123, shown as thick red-hatched triangle is proportional in the same manner to ^3 FIII_123. We can continue this iteration ab infiniti, see the result in f:8(C3). Clearly, this procedure does not create high-order diagrams for ^3 FIII_123 of a more complicated topological structure. These diagrams are replaced by “…" in line (C) of f:8, which presents the entire series for ^3F = ^3FI_123+ ^3FIII_123+ ^3!FV_123+…. Analytically we have ^3F_123 = ^3 F_123^(1) + 6 123 P∫d k_4/(2π)^dT_2346 V_1:4,6×[ V_4;2,5F_2+V_2;4,5 F_4 ] ^3F_356 + … . This equation represents the essence of LL-triad resummation for the fully-dressed triple correlator ^3F_123, as it represents ^3F_123 through the infinite series that involves again ^3F_123. If one neglects higher-order contributions replaced in 28 by dots, then this equation becomes closed equation for ^3F_123. Clearly, this procedure is an uncontrolled approximation. Currently, this equation looks linear since the higher-order terms are represented as dots “…". Analyzing higher-order contributions we found diagrams with two, three, and more earliest time zones, giving birth to contributions to 28 proportional to (^3F) ^2, (^3F)^3, etc. The diagrams for the four-point simultaneous correlator ^4!F_1234 can also be LL-resumed. This is shown in F:30. We denote ^4F_1234 as a red thick-filled square. The simplest diagram, in Panel (A1), originates from the infinite resummation of the diagram for ^4F_1234II in f:9(d), where the ^3F I is summed up to the full correlator. Graphically this part of the LL resummation is depicted by replacing the this triangular by thick filled triangular. The LL resummation includes all diagrams in FF:21. Four lines of diagrams in FF:20 (after inversion over spine Greens function G_5) serve as the first terms of the triangular LL resummation that leads to diagrams in F:30(A2,A3,A4,A5). In the same way diagrams in FF:23 produce diagram F:30(A6), proportional to (^3F)^2, compact square diagrams in FF:17 and <ref> gives after resummation diagrams in F:30(B1,B2). Remarkably, compact square diagrams in FF:19 with two earliest time-zones create diagram in F:30(B3). This diagram is proportional to the square of (^3F)^2. Higher order terms, represented by dots, can also be LL re-summed. Analytical expressions for various contributions to ^4F_1234, denoted as ^4F_1234A1, …^4F_1234A6, ^4F_1234B1, ^4F_1234B2, and ^4F_1234B3 can be straightforward reconstructed from the corresponding diagrams. below we will present a few examples: ^4F_1234A1= 3 ^3F_235 F_4 V_145 , ^4F_1234A2= 3 ^3F_235 F_4 ∫d k_6/(2π)^2V _168V_657V_847F_7 , … ^4F_1234A6= 9 ^3F_235∫d k_6/(2π)^2V _168V_657 ^3F_235 , ^4F_1234B1= 6 F_3 F_4 ∫d k_5/(2π)^2V _156V_847V_673 ^3F_256 , … ^4F_1234B3= 3/2∫d k_5/(2π)^2V _158V_367 ^3F_256 ^3F_478 . These equations present fully dressed quadruple correlator ^4F_1234 as a series in powers of fully dressed triple correlator ^3F, explicitly involving linear and quadratic contributions. Some diagrams with five and more vertices will give contributions of third, fourth, and higher powers of ^3F. § SUMMARY In this paper we presented detailed analyses of the three-point and four-point velocity correlation functions in leading and next order. That corresponds to the first and third orders in the interaction amplitude for the triple correlator and to second and fourth order for the four-point correlator. We used the Dyson-Wyld diagrammatic technique and we performed the following steps: ∙ We showed how to build diagrammatic series for the complex amplitude of strongly interacting fields. ∙ We have shown how to plot diagrammatic series for the three-point, four-point, and higher order correlation function in the velocity. This is achieved by averaging over an ensemble of random force, or gluing together diagrammatic trees. In doing so we have demonstrated constructively the natural emergence of the 1/N symmetry rule, which prescribes the numerical prefactor of a diagram. Emergence of this rule is the result of the symmetry of the interaction matrix element V^k_12, the choice of 1/2 factor in ME and definition of the correlation functions (<ref>) and F4a. ∙ We then considered simultaneous velocity correlators. In doing so, we need to perform the integration over all possible frequencies of multiple time correlators. To achieve this goal, it is imperative to know the frequency dependence of the double correlator and Green's function. We have assumed one-pole approximation for the frequency dependence of the double correlator and Green's function. This assumption led to the decoupling of all the double correlators into the sum of two auxiliary Green's functions pointed in different directions. This, in turn, allowed us to formulate time-integration rules by introducing time zones and time boundaries. These rules allow one to reconstruct the time integrals from the topology of the diagrams without explicit calculations of the high-order time integrals. ∙ We then considered in detail the simultaneous triple correlator of the velocity in the first and third order in the interaction vertex. We have shown how the diagrams can be grouped into triads, thus leading to the triple correlator. This grouping allowed us to formulate the LL-resummation. The LL-resummation does for triple-reducible diagram what Dyson-Wyld ressumation does for double-reducible diagrams. Namely, the LL resummation replaces the bare triple correlator by its “dressed” counterpart. ∙ We considered a four-point correlator in second and fourth order. We showed that the LL-resummation is equally applicable to four-point simultaneous correlators. We did it by identifying a third-order simultaneous velocity correlator in the diagrammatic series for four-point correlators. We did it constructively for second-order and fourth-order diagrams. ∙ Analysing the structure of the diagrammatic technique we show that this pattern continues for all correlators for any order in the perturbation theory. Namely, all the diagrams can be grouped together in triple-reducible diagrams, that is the groups where the diagrams are equivalent except for one vortex where Green's function is rotated. These groups can be resumed to become third-order simultaneous correlators. ∙ We demonstrated how the triple correlation function, and thus energy flux over scales ε( k) governs not only energy distribution over scales in the developed hydrodynamic turbulence, but also the rest of its higher-order statistics, including high-order correlation functions and their cumulants ^n F. After the suggested triangle-resummation of the triple-reducible diagrams, it becomes clear that all of them can be represented as a sum of the triple correlation function ^3 F∝(k). ∙ As explained in <cit.>, the turbulence inverse energy cascade coincide with the thermodynamical equilibrium for the fractional dimensions of d=4/3. Therefore it is exactly Gaussian. The difference between 4/3 and d=2 is a small parameter ϵ=d-4/3 = 2/3. The last observation explains therefore why the 2D turbulence is close to Gaussian state. The ^3 F^I_123∝ϵ, and LL-resummation 28 shows that the full correlator ^3F_123 is also small. If ^3F_123 is small, then the Figure <ref> explains why the fourth order cumulant is also small. In this way, in 2D turbulence, cumulants ^n F become presented as a series in powers of the small parameter ϵ=d-4/3 = 2/3, demonstrating the closeness of the 2D statistics to the Gaussian case. Note also that the LL resummation of the triads is possible only for the one-time correlators, otherwise, for example, diagrams, shown in FF:9(b), (c), and (d) have to be accounted for. From a theoretical viewpoint, this is the consequence of the fact that in the thermodynamic equilibrium, the only simultaneous statistics are Gaussian (with vanishing all cumulants of the correlation functions). We hope that this paper provides solid theoretical foundation for the further analytical study of the statistics of highly developed 2D and 3D hydrodynamic turbulence. unsrt10Frisch1995 Uriel Frisch. 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The terms -.4cm (2π)^d+1δ^d+1_123 ^3 F_123^(3)= ^3 F_123^(3) , F_123^(3)= ^3a A_1,23+ ^3b A_1,23 + ^3 B_12,3 + ^3 C_123 , ^3a A_1,23= ^3aa_1 a_2 a_3 /2 , ^3b A_1,23= ^3ba_1 a_2 a_3/2 ^3 B_12,3= a_1^2 a_2^1 a_3 , ^3 C_123= 1/3! a_1^ 1 a_2^ 1 a_3^ 1 , with one (^3a A_1,23 and ^3b A_1,23), two (^3 B_12,3), and three (^3 C_123) external G-legs respectively. Resulting diagrams are shown in FF:4. For consistency with previous notation, we denote by ^3 A third-order three-point correlators with one external Green function, by ^3 B third order correlators with two external Green functions. Consistently with previous definitions of A- and B-terms we use notation ^n C_123, … for all diagrams of nth order in vertexes V with three G-legs G_1, G_2 and G_3 and any number of wavy tails denoting F_j. We now consider each of these terms separately, one by one. *1.^3a A-terms. The ^3a A_1,23 term after substitution of 3aA2 for ^3aa_1 can be presented as ^3a A_1,23 = G_1 G_… ^2V^3_…/4 (a _4 a _5a _6 a _7)_1 (a _2 a _3)_2 . We now construct double correlators by pairing the fields (wavy lines). To get an irreducible contribution we pair [( 7(2,3)_2] (two options), then [( 3(5,6)_2] (two options) and finally 46 (one option). The resulting diagram is shown in FF:4(a) and corresponding analytical expression is ^3a A_1,23 = G_1 F_2 F_3 ∫d _4/(2π)^d+1 V_1; 4,1+4V_4;4-2,2 V_2-4;3,1+4× G_4^* G_2-4 F_1+4 . * 2.^3b A-terms. The ^3b A_1,23 term after substitution of 3bA2 for ^3ba_1 can be presented as ^3b A_1,23 = G_1 G_… ^2V^3_…/16 (a _4 a _5a _6 a _7)_1 (a _2 a _3)_2 . However, due to the different topology of the tree for ^3ba_q we should pair fields differently. For example, as follows: [(4,5,6,7)2] (four options), next [(5,6)3] (two options) and finally 45] (one option). The resulting analytical expression is given by ^3b A_1,23 = 1/2 G_1 F_2 F_3 ∫d _4/(2π)^d+1 G^*_4 F_2-4 G_1+4× V_1;4,1+4 V_4;4-2,2 V_4+1;3,2-4 , as shown diagrammatically in FF:4(b). * 3. ^3 B-terms. The ^3 B_12,3 term after substitution of 1A2 for ^1a_1 and 2A2 for ^2a_1 can be presented as ^3 B_12,3 = G_1 V_… G_2G_…V^2_…/2^2 (a _4 a _5)_1( (a _6 a _7a _8)_2 ) a _3 . To get an irreducible contribution we should pair for example [ 6(4,5)] (two options), next [ 3(6,7)] (two options) and finally 75] (one option). As the result, we have 4 equivalents contribution to ^3 B_12,3 that attain the following analytical form: ^3 B_12,3 = G_1 G_2 F_3 ∫ d_4/(2π)^d+1 F_4 F_4-2 G_1+4× V_1;4,1+4V_2;4,4-2V_4+1;3,2-4 , as shown in FF:4(c). * 4.^3 C-terms. The ^3 C_123 term can be presented as ^3 C_123 =( G_1 G_2 G_3 V^3_…)/2^3 · 3!(a _4 a _5)_1 (a _6 a _7)_2 (a _8 a _9)_3 . Pairing, for example as follows: [ 4(9,6,7,8)] (four options), [(5, 6(7,8)] (two options) and [ 58] (one options) we have 8 equal terms. The resulting diagram is FF:4b with the following analytical expression ^3 C_123 = 1/6 G_1 G_2 G_3 ∫d_4/(2π)^d+1 F_4 F_4-2 F_1+4× V_1;4, 1+4 V_2;4,4-2V_3;1+4,2-4 . Equations (<ref>,<ref>,<ref>,<ref>,<ref>) are presented in 16 in the main text of the paper. §.§.§ Four Point Correlator leading terms Here we show how to glue four trees together to form the diagrammatic series for the four-point correlator in the second order in the interaction vertex. These steps are performed here in details to demonstrate explicitly how the diagrammatic series for correlation function appear and why they have the factor according to the 1/N-symmetry rule. These steps are equivalent to those described in the section (<ref>) and may be omitted altogether by drawing the diagrams from scratch for the correlation functions as explained in the section (<ref>. Consider first the expression for ^2 B_12,34. Substituting expressions for ^1 a_1 and ^1 a_2 from 1A2 and 2A2 we obtain ^2 B_12,34=1/16 G_1 G_2 V_1,56 V_2,78 ( a_5 a_6 )_1 (a_7 a_8 )_2 ( a_3a_4 )_3 . Here and below subscripts _1 and _2 identify the tree from which the analytical structure with the subscript appeared. Pairing fields in each (…)_j group leads to uncoupled contribution. There are four equivalent ways to pair [ 4( 5,6,7,8)], two ways to pair [3(7,8)] and one way to pair 68. The result, diagrammatically shown in FF:3(c), has corresponding analytical expression ^2 B_12,34 = 1/2 G_1 G_2 F_3 F_4 F_5 V_135 V_235 . Here _5 = (_1 + _4). Next, substituting ^2a_ from 2A2 in F4b we get ^2 A_1,234 = ( G V) /2· 3! (a _5 a _6 a _9)_1 (a _2 a _3 a _4 )_2 . Required irreducible diagrams can be obtained from all possible (six) pairing of all three fields (…)_1 with all three fields (…)_2: [( (5 ,6,9)_1(2,3,4)_2]. The resulting analytical expression is ^2 A_1,234= 1/2 G_1 G_5 V_1;4,5 V_523 F_2 F_3 F_4 , with _5= _1+_4 and is diagrammatically shown in FF:3 (b). Expressions (<ref>) and (<ref>) are the main result of these calculations, and are repeated as F4Ba in the main text of the paper. §.§.§ fourth-order Four Point Correlator In this section we glue four trees to obatin the expressions for the four-point correlators in the fourth-order in the vertices. Notice that we have met here the new type of diagrams ^4 D_1234, where we preserved the notation ^n D_1234, … for all diagrams of nth order in vertexes V with four G-legs, G_1, G_2, G_3 and G_4 and any number (including zero, as in this case) of wavy tails denoting F_j. * 1.^4a A_1,234-term. After substitution 4aA2 for ^4aa_1 the ^4a A_1,234 term can be presented as ^4a A_1,234 = G_1 G_…^3 V^4_…/2· 3! a_2 a_3 a_4 ( a_5 a_6 a_7 a_6 a_8 a_9)_1 . Here we red-colored terms originated from ^4aa_1, and bracketed (…)_1 corresponding field. A particular topological position of these and the rest fields and is shown in FF:5(a), where (at this moment) we have to separate all wavy lines into two parts. Pairing, for example as follows: [(4,3 2)5] (three options), [(4, 3)6] (two options), and [ 4(7,8)] (two options) and [ 89] (one option) we have 12 equal terms. This factor 12 fully compensate denominator in 4aAa giving prefactor unity in the diagram for ^4a A_1,234. Explicit analytical expression for ^4a A_1,234 can be reconstructed from FF:5(a) and is given by itA below. The diagram for ^4a A_1,234 has only one element of symmetry, the identity, therefore the factor 1 in front of it is consistent with the 1/N-rule. *2.^4b A_1,234-term. After substitution 4bAa for ^4ba_1 the ^4b A_1,234 term can be presented similarly to 4aAa as follows ^4b A_1,234= G_1 G_…^3 V^4_…/4· 3! a_2 a_3 a_4 ( a_5 a_6 a_7 a_6 a_8 a_9)_1 . However, the topology of this tree is different as shown in FF:5(b). This different topology dictates a different way of pairing, for example [(4,3, 2)(5,6] (six options), [ 6(7,8))] (two options), [ 8(3,4)] (two options) and [ 49] (one option) we have 24 equal terms. Again, this fully compensates the denominator in 4bAa giving prefactor unity in the diagram for ^4b A_1,234. *3.^4a B_12,34-term. After substitution of 1A2 for ^1a_1 and 2A2 for ^2a_2 the ^4a B_12,34 term can be presented similarly to 4aAa and (<ref>) as follows ^4a B_12,34= G_1G_2G_…^2 V^4_…/2^3 a_3 a_4 ( a_5 a_6 a_7 a_6 a_8 )_2 ( a_9 a_10)_1 . Here Green's functions and free fields originated from ^1a_1 and ^2a_2 are colored in blue and green and are taken in parentheses (…)_1 and (…)_2. Their particular positions on the diagram for ^4a B_12,34, that dictates their pairing strategies, is shown FF:5(c). The result, that leads to this diagram is independent of the particular choice of strategy. For concreteness we pair free fields ^ 0a_j in the way: [ 6(3,4)] (two options), [ 7 4(7,8)] (two options), [ 8(9,10)] (two options) and finally [ 510] (one option). The resulting diagram is presented in FF:5(c) with the corresponding analytical expression given by itC below. Note that again the numerical prefactor is equal to unity. *4.^4b B_12,34-term. After substitution of 3bA2 for ^3aa_1 and 1A2 for ^1a_3 the ^4b B_12,34 term can be presented similarly to 4aAa as follows ^4b B_12,34= G_1G_3 G_…^2 V^4_…/32 ( a_5 a_6 a_9 a_10 )_1 ( a_7 a_8)_3 a_2 a_4 . Pairing in the way: [ 2(5,6,9,10] (four options), [ 4(10,9)] (two options), and [ 9(8,7)] (two options) and finally [ 410] (one option) we have 16 equal terms, while denominator in 4bBa is equal to 32. Therefore the results for ^4b B_12,34 has prefactor 1/2 as graphically shown in FF:5(c) with the corresponding analytical expression given by itD below. Since the diagram has mirror symmetry with respect to 1-3 diagonal, the factor 1/2 in front of a diagram is consistent with our 1/N-rule. *5.^4c B_12,34-term. Using twice 2A2 for ^2a_j the ^4c B_12,34 term is shown in FF:5(e) (if one brakes the wavy lines). Analytically it can be presented as follows: ^4c B_12,34= G_1 G_2 G_…^2 V^4_…/2^4 ( a_5 a_6 a_10)_1 ( a_7 a_8 a_9)_2 a_3 a_4 . The additional prefactor of 1/2 is consistent with our 1/N-rule since the diagram has two elements of symmetry: identity and rotation by π radians which maps diagram onto itself. Explicit analytical expression for ^4c1 B_12,34 is given by itE below and can be reconstructed from FF:5(e). We denote result itE as ^4c1 B_12,34 because there is another contribution to ^4c B_12,34, originate from a different way of pairing: [ 4(9,5,6,8)] (four options), then [ 3(5,6))] (two options), [ 68] (one options) and finally [ 710] (one option). Now we have again 8 equal contributions to Eq.(<ref>) with has denominator 1/16. This gives again prefactor 1/2 reflecting mirror symmetry with respect to the horizontal line in the diagram ^4c2 B_12,34 shown in Fig.<ref>(f) with the corresponding analytical expression given by itF below. In total ^4c B_12,34= ^4c1 B_12,34+ ^4c2 B _12,34 . *6.^4 C_123,4-term. After substitution of 2A2 and (<ref>) for ^2a_1^1a_3 and ^1a_4 the ^4 C_123,4 term can be presented similarly to 4aAa as ^4 C_123,4= G_1G_3 G_4 G_… V^4_…/16( a_5 a_6 a_9)_1 a_2 ( a_7 a_8)_3 ( a_9 a_11)_4 . Pairing, for example as follows: [ 2(5,6] (two options), [ 6(7,8, 10,11)] (four options), [ 810,11] (two options) and [ 911] (one option) we have 16 equal terms. Therefore the results for ^4 C_1,234 has prefactor unity, with analytical expression shown in itG below and depicted graphically in FF:5(g). *7.^4 D_1234-term. Substitution 1A2 for ^1a_j into 4Ftot for ^4 D_1234 gives ^4 D_1234 = G_1 G_2 G_3 G_4 V^4_…/2^4 · 4!× ( a_5 a_6)_1 ( a_7 a_8)_2 ( a_9 a_10)_3 ( a_11 a_12)_4 . Pairing, for example as follows: [ 5(7,8,9,10,11,12)] (six options) followed by the pairing [ 8(9,10,11,12)] (four options) and [ 10(11,12)] (two options). Pairing finally [ 612] (one option) we have 48 equal terms. Therefore the results for ^4 D_1234, shown in FF:5(h), has prefactor 48/2^4 4!= 1/8, consistent with the 1/N-rule. The resulting diagrams are shown in FF:5(h). Corresponding analytical expression are as follow: ^4a A_12;34 = G_1 F_2 F_3 F_4∫d _5/(2π)^d+1V_1;8,5V_5;2,6V_6;3,7V_7;4,8G_5 G_6 G_7 F_8, ^4b A_12;34 = G_1 F_2 F_3 F_4∫d _5/(2π)^d+1V_1;8,5V_5;2,6V_7;3,6V_8;7,4G_5 F_6 G_7^* G_8^*, ^4a B_12;34 = G_1G_2 F_3 F_4∫d _5/(2π)^d+1V_1;8,5V_2;5,6V_6;3,7V_7;4,8 F_5G_6G_7 F_8, ^4b B_12;34 = 1/2G_1 F_2 G_3 F_4∫d _5/(2π)^d+1 V_1;8,5V_5;2,6 V_3;6,7V_8;7,4G_5 F_6 F_7G_8^*, ^4c1 B_12;34 = 1/2G_1 F_2 G_3 F_4∫d _5/(2π)^d+1 V_1;8,5V_5;2,6 V_3;6,7 V_7;4,8 G_5 F_6G_7 F_8, ^4c2 B_12;34 = 1/2G_1 F_2 F_3G_4 ∫d _5/(2π)^d+1 V_1;8,5 V_5;2,6 V_7;3,6 V_4;7,8 G_5 F_6G_7^* F_8, ^4c C_12;34 = G_1 F_2 G_3 G_4 ∫d _5/(2π)^d+1 V_1;8,5V_5;2,6V_3;6,7 V_4;7,8 G_5 F_6 F_7 F_8, D_12;34 = 1/8G_1G_2G_3G_4∫d _5/(2π)^d+1 V_1;8,5V_2;5,6V_3;6,7 V_4;7,8 F_5 F_6 F_7 F_8 . Here _6=_2+_5, _7 = _3+_6=_2+_3+_5 and _8=_5-_1. §.§ Calculations of the simultaneous triple correlator in the third order in the vertex To write down the corresponding analytical expression we will choose the notification and direction of wave vectors according to _5=_1+_4 and _6=_4-_2. Diagrams ^3a A _1,23 and ^3b A _1,23 (both with prefactor 1/2) produce two identical (under the permutation operator) twins. Sums of these diagrams are shown in FF:11(a) and (b), now with prefactor unity. These diagrams differ also in direction of the Greens' function G_5. ^3a A _1,23 I = F _2 F _3 ∫d _̨4 T_123T_356T_2346/(2π)^d V_1; 4,5V_6; 4,2 V_5;3, 6 F _4 , ^3b A _1,23I = F _2 F _3 ∫d _̨4 T_123 T_246T_2345/(2π)^d V_1; 4,5V_4;2,6 V_5;3,6 F _6 . Diagram ^3 B _12,3, presented in FF:4(c) has three children shown FF:11 , Panels ( c ,a), ( c ,b), and ( c ,c) with the following analytical expressions ^3 B _12,3 I = F _2 ∫d_̨4 T_123T_356T_2346/(2π)^ d V_1;4,5 V_6;4, 2 V_3; 5, 6 F_ 4 F _6 , ^3 B _12,3II = F _ 3∫d_̨4 T_123 T_246T_2345/(2π)^ d V_1;4,5 V_2;6,4 V_3; 5, 6 F _5 F _6 , ^3 B _12,3III = F _3∫d_̨4 T_123 T_356T_1346/(2π)^ d V_1;4,5 V_2;4,6 V_3; 5, 6 F _4 F _5 . The procedure of “multiplication” ensures that all the “children” inherit the same combinations of the vertexes and double correlators from its common parent, but differ in the frequency integrals. Last diagram in FF:4, Panel (d) with prefactor 1/6 produces six identical twins and results in diagram FF:11 ( d) now with prefactor unity: ^3 C_123 = ∫d_̨4T_123 T_246T_2345/(2π)^d V_1;4,5V_2;4,6V_3;5,6 F _4 F_5 F _6 . Note that diagrams for ^3b A _1,23 I, ^3 B _1,23II,and ^3 C _123, shown in FF:11) ( b), ( c b), and ( d), have identical directions of all Greens' functions and therefore have the same frequency integral while diagrams for ^3 B _12,3I and ^3 B _12,3III, shown in FF:11 ( c a) and ( c c) have the same (but different from the previous set of diagrams) orientation of the Greens functions. §.§ Square Diagrams Details of Calculations §.§.§ Next-lowest (4rd) order diagrams for quadruple correlator Each of the eighth diagrams for the quadruple correlator, depicted in FF:5 with analytical expressions (<ref>) involve four double correlator. Consequently, they produce 8· 2^4=128 child diagrams but only 30 of them, shown in FF:12 and <ref>, contribute to simultaneous correlator. The detailed are presented in the Appendix (<ref>). First diagram ^4a A_12;34 has only one surviving child shown in FF:12( a): ^4a A_12;34 I= F_2 F _3 F _4 ∫d _̨5 T_123 T_356T_1346/(2π)^dV_1;8,5V_5;2,6V_6;3,7V_7;4,8 F_8 . Diagram ^4b A_12;34, depicted on FF:5b has two surviving children, FF:12( b a) and FF:12( b b). Corresponding analytical expressions are given by ^4b A _12;34(I) = F_2 F _3F_4 ∫d _̨5 T_1234T_256T_2357T_23458/(2π)^d V_1;8,5V_5;2,6V_7;3,6V_8;7,4 F _6 , ^4b A _12;34(II)=F_2 F _3F_4 ∫d _̨5 T_1234T_367T_2357T_12378/(2π)^d V_1;8,5V_5;2,6V_7;3,6V_8;7,4 F _6 . These analytical expressions follow the same pattern: they have the same combination of vertices and double correlators. This appears to be the general rule for all children of the same parent diagram. These analytical expressions for the “child” of the same parent nevertheless do differ in frequency integrals. Diagrams ^4aB_12;34 [FF:5c and itC], have already three surviving children, shown in FF:12, Panels ( c a), ( c b), ( c c). Note that the total of 22 square diagrams for the four-point correlator of their fourth-order presented on FF:12 and FF:13 depend only on very few (8 to be exact) frequency integrals. This is due to the fact that the frequency integral depends only on the position and orientation of the Green's functions, and is independent on the vertices and on whether the Green's function is "true" or "auxiliary". Consequently, there are a lot of repeated frequency integrals as seen on FF:12 and FF:13 and analytical expressions 4aAb, 4bAc and 4aB,4c1-e,4C and 4Da. . -.2 cm ^4aB_12;34(I) = F _3 F _4 ∫d_̨5 T_1234T_367T_23458(T_3468+T_2357) /(2π)^d V_1;8,5V_2;5,6V_6;3,7V_7;4,8F_5 F_8, . -.2 cm ^4aB_12;34(II) = F_3 F_4 ∫d _̨5 T_1234 T_478 T_3468 T_23458/(2π)^d V_1;8,5V_2;5,6 V_6;3,7V_7;4,8 F_5 F_8 , . -.2 cm ^4a B_12;34(III) =F_3F_4 ∫d _̨5 T_1234T_367T_23458(T_3468+T_2357) /(2π)^d V_1;8,5V_2;5,6V_6;3,7V_7;4,8F_5F_8. Parent diagram ^4b B_12,34, FF:5( d), is symmetric with respect to rotation around first and third leg. Therefore in accordance with the 1/N rule, it has prefactor 1/2. It has four children. The first two of them are rotationally symmetric and became identical (i.e. twins) under the permutation operator. They both contribute to diagram ^4b B_12,34 I, FF:12 ( d a), now without symmetry and with prefactor unity. Last two children are shown in FF:12, Panels ( d b) and ( d c), both symmetric and with prefactors 1/2 as required by general diagrammatic rules. Their analytical expressions are: . -.4 cm ^4bB_12;34I = F_2 F_4d _̨5 T_1234 T_478 T_3468 T_23458/(2π)^d V_1;8,5V_ 5;2,6V_3;6,7V_8;7,4 F_6F_7 , . -.4 cm ^4bB_12;34II = F_2 F_4/2d _̨5 T_1234T_367T_2357T_12378/(2π)^dV_1;8,5V_5;2,6V_3;6,7V_8;7,4 F_6F_7 , . -0.4 cm ^4bB_12;34III = F_2 F_4/2d _̨5T_1234T_367T_23458(T_3468+T_2357)/(2π)^d V_1;8,5V_5;2,6V_3;6,7V_8;7,4 F_6F_7. Due to the nature of the “multiplication” procedure the “children” repeat the parent's genome (combination of vertexes and double correlators) but differ in frequency integrals. Next diagrams ^4c1 B_12;34 [FF:5(e) and itE] (with prefactor 1/2) has two twins both contributing to FF:12( e), with corresponding analytical expression given by 4c1-e, where 1/2⇒ 1 was replaced. ^4c1B_12;34I =F_2 F_4 ∫d _̨5 T_123 T_356T_1346/(2π)^d V_1;8,5V_5;2,6 V_3;6,7 V_7;4,8 F_6 F_8. Diagrams ^4c2 B_12;34 [FF:5(f) and itF] has two sets of two twins, shown in FF:12( fa) and ( f b) respectively. We now replace, according to the 1/N rule in both diagrams 1/2⇒ 1. We therefore have - .3 cm ^4c2B_12;34I = F_2 F_3 d _̨5 T_1234 T_478 T_3468 T_23458/(2π)^d V_1;8,5V_5;2,6 V_7;3,6 V_4;7,8 F_6F_8, ^4c2B_12;34II = F_2 F_3 d _̨5T_1234T_256 T_478(T_12467+T_23458)/(2π)^d V_1;8,5V_5;2,6 V_7;3,6 V_4;7,8 F_6F_8. The most “prolific" diagram ^c C_123,4 [FF:5(g) and itG] have as much as seven children, shown in FF:13( g a–g). Consistent with the logic of our multiplication the procedure they differ only in frequency integrals. ^4cC_12;34I = F_2∫d _̨5 T_1234 T_478 T_3468 T_23458/(2π)^d V_1;8,5V_5;2,6V_3;6,7 V_4;7,8 F_6F_7F_8, ^4cC_12;34II = F_2∫d _̨5 T_1234T_256 T_12378(T_2357+T_1268)/(2π)^d V_1;8,5V_5;2,6V_3;6,7 V_4;7,8 F_6F_7F_8,        ^4cC_12;34III = F_2∫d _̨5 ^T_1234 T_256 T_2357 T_23458/(2π)^d V_1;8,5V_5;2,6V_3;6,7 V_4;7,8 F_6F_7F_8, ^4cC_12;34IV = F_2∫d _̨5 T_123 T_356T_1346 T_123 T_356T_1346/(2π)^d V_1;8,5V_5;2,6V_3;6,7 V_4;7,8 F_6F_7F_8,        ^4cC_12;34V = F_2∫d _̨5 T_1234 T_367 T_2357 T_12378/(2π)^d V_1;8,5V_5;2,6V_3;6,7 V_4;7,8 F_6F_7F_8, ^4cC_12;34VI = F_2∫d _̨5 T_1234T_256 T_478(T_12467+T_23458) /(2π)^d V_1;8,5V_5;2,6V_3;6,7 V_4;7,8 F_6F_7F_8,        ^4cC_12;34VII = F_2∫d _̨5 T_1234T_367T_23458(T_3468+T_2357) /(2π)^d V_1;8,5V_5;2,6V_3;6,7 V_4;7,8 F_6F_7F_8 . Finally, we give analytical expressions for 2^4-2=14 children of diagram ^4 D_1234 with prefactor 1/8 [FF:5(h) and itH], shown FF:13( h a), ( h b), and ( h c). First, eight identical (under the permutation operator) twins together contribute to ^6 D^(I)_12,34 shown on FF:13( h a). This diagram has no symmetries and therefore has prefactor unity. Diagram FF:13( h b) includes four twins and has prefactor 1/2 instead of the parent prefactor 1/8, while last diagram FF:13( h c) includes only two twins and has prefactor 1/4. We now write down all analytical expressions for the D square diagrams: ^4cD_12;34I = ∫d _̨5 T_1234 T_256 T_1268 T_12467/(2π)^d V_1;8,5V_2;5,6V_3;6,7 V_4;7,8 F_5F_6F_7F_8, ^4cD_12;34II = ∫d _̨5 T_1234 T_158 T_1268 T_12378/2(2π)^d V_1;8,5V_2;5,6V_3;6,7 V_4;7,8 F_5F_6F_7F_8 , ^4cD_12;34III = ∫d _̨5 T_1234T_367T_23458(T_3468+T_2357) /4( 2π)^d V_1;8,5V_2;5,6V_3;6,7 V_4;7,8 F_5F_6F_7F_8. Here as before _6=_2+_5, _7 = _3+_6=_2+_3+_5 and _8=_5-_1.
Comparing statistical and machine learning methods for time series forecasting in data-driven logistics -- A simulation study
[ "Lena Schmid", "Moritz Roidl", "Markus Pauly" ]
[ "stat.ML", "cs.LG" ]
1]Lena Schmidcor1 lena.schmid@tu-dortmund.de 2]Moritz Roidl 1,3]Markus Pauly [1]Department of Statistics, TU Dortmund University, 44227 Dortmund, Germany [2]Chair of Material Handling and Warehousing, TU Dortmund University, 44221 Dortmund, Germany [3]UA Ruhr, Research Center Trustworthy Data Science and Security, 44227 Dortmund, Germany [cor1]Corresponding Author Many planning and decision activities in logistics and supply chain management are based on forecasts of multiple time dependent factors. Therefore, the quality of planning depends on the quality of the forecasts. We compare various forecasting methods in terms of out of the box forecasting performance on a broad set of simulated time series. We simulate various linear and non-linear time series and look at the one step forecast performance of statistical learning methods. Machine Learning, Time Series, Forecasting, Simulation Study § INTRODUCTION Forecasting methods are essential for efficient planning in logistics domains such as warehousing, transport, and supply chain management. They enable companies to anticipate and plan for future demand, capacity needs, and supply chain requirements. Thereby, different logistics applications require different forecasts due to their unique characteristics. In the transport domain, e.g., accurate transportation forecasting enables logistics companies to optimize their transportation networks, reduce transportation costs and enhance delivery reliability <cit.>. While precise forecasting allows warehouse managers to optimize the use of space, reduce the risk of stockouts, and improve overall efficiency <cit.>. In supply chain management accurate forecasts are, e.g, used to optimize the use of resources across the entire supply chain <cit.>. The above references show that the use of forecasting techniques such as time series models and machine learning methods has become increasingly popular in recent years. However, there is a lack of consensus on which method is more effective. Time series models have been used in forecasting for several decades, and they are widely used in logistics for demand forecasting. These models are based on historical data and use statistical techniques to identify patterns and trends in the data, which can then be used to make predictions about future demand. Some commonly used time series models in logistics include (seasonal) autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) and exponential smoothing models. For example, <cit.> developed an ARIMA multistage supply chain model that is based on time series models. Another example is Prophet <cit.>. In <cit.>, the authors examined ARIMA and Prophet models for predicting supermarket sales. The Prophet models demonstrated superior predictive performance in terms of lower errors. In a another paper, <cit.> used a double exponential smoothing for inventory forecasting. More recently, machine learning (ML) methods have become increasingly popular for demand forecasting in logistics due to their ability to handle large and complex data sets. There are many literature reviews <cit.>, that discuss the use of machine learning techniques in forecasting for supply chain management, including an overview of the various techniques used and their advantages and limitations. Several studies have shown that ML methods such as neural networks, support vector regression, and Random Forests outperform traditional time series models in demand forecasting. For example, a study by <cit.> compared the prediction power of more than ten different forecasting models including classical methods as ARIMA and advanced techniques such as long short-term memory (LSTM) and convolution neural networks, using a dataset containing the sales history of furniture in a retail store. The results showed that the LSTM outperformed the other models in term of accuracy. Another study by <cit.> also compared the forecasting performace of ARIMA and neural network using a commodity prices data set. Again the neural network performed better than ARIMA model. Similar results were obtained in other studies <cit.>. However, other studies have found mixed results, with some suggesting that time series models perform better than ML methods. For instance, <cit.> compared the forecasting accuracy of ARIMA and neural network models in predicting wind speed for short time-intervals. The results showed that the performance of both are very similar indicating that a simple forecasting model could be used in order to administrate energy sources. A comparisation of daily hotel demand forecasting performance of SARIMAX, GARCH Models and Neutral Network showed that both time series approaches outperformed the neural networks <cit.>. The comparison of the forecasting performance of ML methods and time series models in logistics has significant implications for businesses seeking to improve their forecasting accuracy. By identifying the most effective forecasting methods, businesses can make better-informed decisions about production, inventory management, and resource allocation. Thus, the purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive comparison of the forecasting performance of time series models and ML methods. To be more precise, various forecasting methods in terms of out of the box forecasting performance are compared on a broad set of simulated time series. We simulate various linear and non-linear time series and look at the one step forecast performance of the statistical learning methods. This work is structured as follows: Section <ref> presents the different used forecasting methods. More precisely, the (seasonal) ARIMA and TBATS models are presented. In addition, the machine learning approaches (Random Forest and XGBoost) are described in more detail. The simulation design and framework are then presented in Section <ref>, while Section <ref> summarizes the main simulation results. The manuscript concludes with a discussion of our findings and an outlook for future research (Section <ref>). § METHODS In this section, we explain the one-step forecasting methods under investigation. There are several different approaches to modeling and predicting time series. Traditional time series models, including moving averages and exponential smoothing, are linear in the sense that predictions of future values are linear functions of past observations. Because of their relative simplicity in terms of understanding and implementation, linear models have been used in many forecasting problems <cit.>. To overcome the limitations of linear models and to account for certain nonlinear patterns observed in real-world problems, several classes of nonlinear models have been proposed in the literature. Examples cover the threshold autoregressive model (TAR) <cit.> and the generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic model (GARCH) <cit.>. Although some improvements have been noted, the utility of their application to general prediction problems is limited <cit.>: Since these models were developed for specific nonlinear patterns, they are not able to model other types of nonlinearity in time series. More recently, machine learning methods have been proposed as an alternative to time series forecasting <cit.>. Since it is impossible to include the full range of machine learning models and time series methods that exist into our simulation study, we focus only on some of the most popular algorithms. To evaluate the performance we additionally compare the methods with a naive approach, where the last observation of the time series is used as prediction. §.§ Time Series Methods We focus on ARIMA, SARIMA, and TBATS. The first two models are among the most popular models in traditional time series forecasting and are often used as benchmark models for comparison with machine learning algorithms <cit.>. In addition, TBATS models combine many different approaches that are commonly used in forecasting. ARIMA Autoregressive integrated moving average model (ARIMA) is a generalized model of autoregressive moving average (ARMA) that combines autoregressive (AR) process and moving average (MA) processes and builds a composite model of the time series <cit.>. As acronym indicates, ARIMA(p, d, q) captures the key elements of the model: * AR: Autoregression. A regression model that uses the dependencies between an observation and a number of lagged observations (p). * I: Integrated. To make the time series stationary by measuring the differences of observations at different time (d). * MA: Moving Average. An approach that takes into accounts the dependency between observations and the residual error terms when a moving average model is used to the lagged observations (q). In general a time series {x_t}_t generated from an ARIMA(p, d,q) model has the form Δ^d y_t = ∑_i=1^p ϕ_i Δ^d y_t-i+ ∑_i=0^q θ_i ε_i. Here, Δ denotes the difference operator, p is the lag order of the AR process, ϕ is the coefficient of each parameters p, q is the order of the MA process, θ is the coefficient of each parameter q, and ε_t denotes the residuals of the errors at time t. SARIMA With seasonal time series data, it is likely that short run non-seasonal components contribute to the model. Therefore, we need to estimate seasonal ARIMA model, which incorporates both non-seasonal and seasonal factors in a multiplicative model <cit.>. The general form of a seasonal ARIMA model is denoted as SARIMA(p, d, q)(P, D, Q)_m, where p is the non-seasonal AR order, d is the non-seasonal differencing, q is the non-seasonal MA order, P, D and Q are the similar parameters for the seasonal part. The Parameter m denotes the number of time steps for a single period. TBATS TBATS model is an exponential smoothing method, which includes Box-Cox Transformation, ARMA model for residuals, trigonometric terms for modeling seasonality <cit.>. The trigonometric seasonality expression can significantly reduce model parameters at high seasonality frequencies and at the same time offer the model plasticity to compromise with complex seasonality. This model can also be used for forecasting time series with multiple seasonality. §.§ Machine Learning Methods Machine learning methods are increasingly being used to address time series prediction problems. In many applications and studies, neural networks or familiar approaches are more often used than other general machine learning approaches. Thus, we decided to focus on the popular tree-based ensemble learners, which are briefly introduced below. XGBoost Gradient boosting is a powerful ensemble machine learning technique, that is used in classification and regression problems, while is also famous in predictive scenarios <cit.>. As an ensemble technique, gradient boosting combines the results of several weak learners, referred to as base learners, to build a model that performs generally better than the conventional single machine learning models. Typically, gradient boosting utilizes decision trees as base learners. Like other boosting methods, the core idea of gradient boosting is that during the learning procedure new models are build and fitted consecutively and not independently, to provide better predictions of the output variable. New base learners are constructed aiming to minimize a loss function, associated with the whole ensemble. Instances that are not predicted correctly in previous steps and score higher errors are correlated with larger weight values, so the model can focus on them, and learn from its mistakes. XGBoost stands for Extreme Gradient Boosting and is a specific implementation of gradient boosting, that was initially developed at the University of Washington as a research project <cit.>. Specific details that differ in XGBoost than traditional gradient boosting techniques, make this implementation more powerful, resulting in better performance. Specifically, XGBoost uses advanced regularization which improves model generalization and reduces overfitting. Moreover, computes second-order gradients of the loss function, which provide more information about the gradient’s direction, making it easiest to minimize the loss function. The important hyperparameters for the XGBoost are: * The learning parameter, which controls how much information from a new tree will be used in the Boosting. * The maximum depth of the trees. Random Forest A Random Forest is a machine learning method based on building ensembles of decision trees. It was developed to address predictive shortcomings of traditional Classification and Regression Trees (CARTs) <cit.>. Random Forests consist of a large number of weak decision tree learners, which are grown in parallel to reduce the bias and variance of the model at the same time <cit.>. For training a Random Forest, bootstrap samples are drawn from the training data set. Each bootstrap sample is then used to grow an unpruned tree. Instead of using all available features in this step, only a small and fixed number of randomly sampled m_try features are selected as split candidates. A split is chosen by the CART-split criterion for regression, i.e. by minimizing the sum of squared errors in both child nodes. Instead of the CART-split criterion, many other distances such as the least absolute deviations of the mean (L1-norm) can also be used. These steps are then repeated until B such trees are grown, and new data is predicted by taking the mean of all B tree predictions. The important hyperparameters for the Random Forest are: * B as the number of grown trees. Note that this parameter is usually not tuned since it is known that more trees are better. * The cardinality of the sample of features at every node is m_try. * The minimum number of observations that each terminal node should contain (stopping criteria). § SIMULATION SET-UP In our simulation study, we compare the one step forecast prediction power of the methods described in Section 2. All simulations were conducted in the statistical computing software <cit.>. For the time series approaches we use the package <cit.>. For the machine learning methods, we used the <cit.> and <cit.> packages, respectively. The concrete simulation settings and data generating processes are described below. Data Generating Processes Twelve data generating processes - an autoregressive model (AR), two bilinear models, two nonlinear autoregressive models (NAR), a nonlinear moving average model (NMA), two sign autoregressive models, two smooth transition autoregressive models and two TAR models- are considered as summarized in Table <ref>, where the error terms ε_t are independent and identically distributed with a standard normal distribution. These are similar to those used in <cit.>. In particular the data generating processes included in our study display different degrees of nonlinearity, with some having very little nonlinearity (such as AR), while others exhibit highly nonlinear relationships between past and present values (such as SAR). Moreover, these time series models represent a variety of problem which have different characteristics. To add more complexity to the analysis, we have incorporated a jump process and a random walk into each data generating process. The jump process introduces sudden regime changes, while the random walk adds noise to the data. Our study considers four different scenarios: (1) the data generating process without additional complexity, (2) the data generating process superposed with the jump process, (3) the data generating process superposed with random noise, and (4) the data generating process superposed with both the jump process and random noise. The jumps are modeled using a compund Poisson process {p_t}_t. The orginal data generating process {x_t}_t is then superposed by p_t as follows x_t^*=x_t+p_t, where x_t^* dentoes the resulting data generating process and the compund Poisson process is given by p_t=∑_i=1^N_t Z_i, with N_t follows a Poisson distribution with parameter λ and Z_i ∼𝒩(0,σ_p^2). For the jump experiments we set σ_p^2 to 1. A larger σ_p^2 results in larger jumps in magnitude, while the mean over positive and negative jumps remains zero. The parameter λ is set to n/10, where n denotes the length of the generated time series. This means that, on average, a jumpis expected to occur after every λ periods. Superposing the data generating process with the compound Poisson process results in a mean shift by the actual jump size that occurred at each jump event. As mentioned before the noise is modeled by a random walk {w_t}_t with w_t= w_t-1+e_t, where e_t∼𝒩(0, σ_rw^2). In our study we choose σ_rw^2 in such a way that we obtain a setting with medium noise, i.e. a signal to noise ratio of 4. By including the random walk, we achieve a resulting data generating process that is globally nonstationary due to the random walk overlay. Additionally, we have included the M/M/1 and M/M/2 queueing models <cit.> to our study. Queueing models are commonly used in operations research and industrial engineering to study the behavior of waiting lines or queues <cit.>. Both models have numerous real-world applications, such as in call centers, healthcare facilities, and transportation systems. The M/M/1 model is a classic queueing model that assumes a single queue and one server. It is a stochastic model where customer arrivals are assumed to follow a Poisson process and service times are exponentially distributed. The M/M/1 model can be used to analyze the expected waiting time, the expected number of customers in the queue, and the expected utilization of the server. The M/M/2 model is a variation of the M/M/1 model that assumes two parallel servers. We set the arrival rate to 4 and the service rate to 2. For each setting, we generated time series of length n from the respective data generating processes with n∈{100, 500, 1000}. In total, this results in (12 (time series data generating processes) × 3 (further complexity)+ 2 queueing models) × 3 (lengths) = 114 different simulation settings for each of the forecasting methods. Data preprocessing To forecast time series using a machine learning algorithm, the sliding window approach is used. In this approach, a fixed-sized window is moved over the time series data, and at each step, the data within the window is used as input to a machine learning algorithm for prediction. One advantage of the sliding window approach is that it allows the machine learning algorithm to capture the temporal dependencies and patterns in the data. The window size is an important parameter in this approach. If the window size is too small, it may not capture the relevant information in the data, while if it is too large, it may introduce unnecessary noise and reduce the accuracy of the model. We considered sliding window sizes of 2, 4, 8 and 16. Moreover, in machine learning-based time series forecasting setting, we use the original time series and the differentiated time series as input. Choice of Parameters In order not to have to discuss the different possibilities for hyperparameter tuning of the machine learning algorithm, we use the default values recommended in the literature <cit.>. This has the additional advantage of a reduced runtime. Thus, each ensemble learner consists of 500 trees, the inner bootstrap sample is equal to m_try=⌊p3⌋, where p denotes the number of features, the number of sample point in the bagging step is equal to the number of sample size. Each terminal node should at least contain five observations. For XGBoost we used a learning rate of 0.3 and a maximal depth of 6. To estimate the hyperparameters of the time series approaches we used the algorithms implemented in the R-package . Evaluation Measure To evaluate the predictive power the mean squared error (MSE) is used and the forecast step is repeated 1.000 times. More precisely, the MSE is given by 1/1000∑_i=1^1000( x_i-x̂_i)^2, where x_i are the observed values and x̂_i are the predicted values in the i-th forecasting step. § RESULTS In this section, we describe the results of the simulation study. In particular, we present the MSE of the different forecasting algorithms under various simulation configurations. §.§ Predictive Power in Queueing Models The influence of the different sliding window sizes and of the differentiation is shown in Figures <ref> and <ref>. Generally, we observe that in both setting differentiation improves the prediction power of both ML approaches. Especially for the Random Forest, the MSE decreases by one fifth after differentiation. The length of the time series just have a small influence on the MSE. For all lengths the Random Forest with differentiated data outperformed the other methods. Comparing the effects of sliding window size, we find small differences in performance. Random Forests have smaller MSE values with smaller sliding windows in both settings, while larger window sizes slightly improve performance in the other approaches. The predictive power of the time series and naive approaches can be seen in Figure <ref>. Note that both ARIMA and SARIMA models have identical MSE values. In both cases, we obtain that the time series approaches perform better than the naive approach. However, the difference in performance is smaller for M/M/2. Again, the influence of the time series length is minimal. While all time series approaches perform similarly in the M/M/1 setting, the TBATS method has slightly smaller values in the M/M/2 setting. Across both settings, the Random Forest approach with differentiated data have the smallest MSE. However, the differences between this method and the time series approaches. were not large. §.§ Predictive Power in Time Series Settings When comparing the influence of sliding window size and differentiation on the performance of Random Forest across all settings (Figure <ref>), we observed that, except for the AR setting, non-differentiation resulted in smaller MSE values. In the AR setting, differentiation slightly outperformed non-differentiation. However, it should be noted that as the length of the time series increases, the differences between the two approaches narrow. In all settings, the MSE values slightly decrease with an increase in time series length. The sliding window size has a small influence on the prediction power and shows similar behavior across different time series lengths. Similar observations can be made for XGBoost in Figure <ref>. The size of the sliding window and the length of the time series have a small effect on the quality of the performance results. For all data generating processes, the MSE values decrease slightly with increasing time series length, except for BL1. Here, the MSE values increase initially. In general, the XGBoost approaches have slightly larger MSE values than the Random Forest approaches. In Figure <ref> the MSE values for the time series approaches are shown. The performance of time series approaches is comparable to that of Random Forest results. All methods have very similar MSE values. The time series length has only a minor impact on the predictive power, except for the BL1 setting. As observed for the XGBoost approaches, MSE values in this setting first increase and then decrease with increasing time series length. Figure <ref> in the Appendix shows that the naive approach has the largest MSE values in comparisation to the other. However, for some settings, the difference in performance between the XGBoost approaches and the naive method is minimal.The performance of the naive approach is dependent on the data generating process and the length of the time series. For BL2, longer length of the time series generally leads to better performance but for NAR1, performance may slightly decrease. For AR, BL1, and NMA models, the MSE values typically decrease initially and then slightly increase as the time series length increases. Conversely, NAR2, SAR1, SAR2, STAR1, STAR2, TAR1 and TAR2 tend to show the opposite trend. §.§ Influence of the Additional Complexities on the Predictive Power Based on the findings of the previous sections, we focus on the simulation results obtained with a sliding window size of 8. Details on the other results can be found in the Appendix. The influence of the jumping process can be seen in Figure <ref>. All MSE values increase monotonically with increasing sample size, indicating that the jump process has a large impact on predictive performance. Note that as time series length increases, the Random Forest approach with differentiated data outperforms all other approaches. Using the differenced data significantly improves the MSE values for both ML approaches, with differences increasing with increasing time series length. The performance of the time series approaches is similar for all data generating processes and slightly better than that of the naive approach. Figure <ref> summarizes the prediction results for all methods and all data generating processes superposed by a random walk. The time series length has only a small impact on the prediction performance of the data polluted by a random walk. While for the AR setting and BL2 setting the MSE values slightly increase when increasing the time series lengths from 100 to 500, in all other data generating processes the MSE values are minimal decreasing, expect for the naive approach. In all settings the naive approach has the highest MSE values followed by XGBoost, expect for BL2. Here, the both approaches have similar values. The performance of the other methods are dependent on the specific setting. For the AR, BL2, SAR1 and SAR2 settings, the Random Forests with differenced data have the smallest MSE values, while the time series approaches have slightly larger ones. Note that in these settings the XGBoosts with differenced data perform better than Random Forests with with non-differentiated data. Only slightly differences in the performance of the Random Forests and time series approaches are observed in the BL1, NAR1, NAR2, NMA and STAR2 settings. When comparing the two XGBoost approaches in these settings, it can be seen that differentiation leads to a decrease in the MSE values. The ML approaches have larger MSE values than the time series approaches in the STAR1, TAR1 and TAR2 setting, where Random Forests perform better than the XGBoost method. The influence of both the random walk and the Poisson process on the prediction performance is presented in Figure <ref> in the Appendix. Similar to the case when the data is superposed by a compound Poisson process, we observe an increase in MSE values with increasing time series lengths for all settings. Notably, for time series lengths of 500, we obtain MSE values larger than 2000. § DISCUSSION AND OUTLOOK The main purpose of this simulation study was to compare the predictive accuracy of one-step forecasts using both, tree-based machine learning (ML) and time series approaches. In most of the simulation settings either the tree-based ML or the time series approaches outperformed the other. However, comparing the simulation settings, advantages for the ML methods in terms of performance can be observed in the queueing settings and in simulation settings, where the data generating processes are superposted by a Poisson process. In all other simulation settings both ML approaches have shown at least similar or only slightly worse performances compared to the time series approaches. Another interesting finding was that differantation of the data showed substantial impacts on the performance of the ML approaches in some simulation settings. The additional complexities (adding jump process or random noise) have a high influence on the predictive power: Introducing a jump process to the data results in high MSE values for all methods and settings, whereas superposing the data with additional noise can even lead to performance power dependending on the setting. As only one step forecasts were considered, future simulation studies should investigate whether the same observations can also be found for more step forecasting. Also, additional or even hybrid methods have to be investigated <cit.>. Another line of future research needs to compare the methods with respect to uncertainty quantification, i.e. point-wise or simultaneous prediction intervals and regions. Moreover, as only simulated data sets were used, the behavior of these approaches in real dataset applications should also be further researched. § ADDITIONAL SIMULATION RESULTS §.§ Influence of Jump Process Figure <ref> and <ref> summarize the prediction results for all sliding window sizes and data generating processes using the ML methods. For both methods applied to differenced data, the performance is quite similar across the different windows sizes. However, a small difference in MSE values can be observed for the Random Forests, where a smaller window size slightly improves the prediction power. §.§ Influence of additional Noise §.§ Influence of additional Noise and Jump Process
Constructing Galois representations with prescribed Iwasawa $λ$-invariant
[ "Anwesh Ray" ]
[ "math.NT", "11R23, 11F80 (Primary) 11F11, 11R18 (Secondary)" ]
Constructing Galois representations with prescribed λ-invariant]Constructing Galois representations with prescribed Iwasawa λ-invariant A. Ray]Anwesh Ray [Ray]Centre de recherches mathématiques, Université de Montréal, Pavillon André-Aisenstadt, 2920 Chemin de la tour, Montréal (Québec) H3T 1J4, Canada anwesh.ray@umontreal.ca [2020]11R23, 11F80 (primary); 11F11, 11R18 (secondary) [ [ March 30, 2023 ================== Let p≥ 5 be a prime number. We consider the Iwasawa λ-invariants associated to modular Bloch-Kato Selmer groups, considered over the cyclotomic ℤ_p-extension of ℚ. Let g be a p-ordinary cuspidal newform of weight 2 and trivial nebentype. We assume that the μ-invariant of g vanishes, and that the image of the residual representation associated to g is suitably large. We show that for any number greater n greater than or equal to the λ-invariant of g, there are infinitely many newforms f that are p-congruent to g, with λ-invariant equal to n. We also prove quantitative results regarding the levels of such modular forms with prescribed λ-invariant. § INTRODUCTION The Iwasawa theory of Selmer groups associated to Galois representations captures significant arithmetic information about motives. Let p be a prime number. Given an elliptic curve E_/, and a number field extension F/, the p-primary Selmer group of E over F is of fundamental importance and captures information about the Mordell-Weil group E(F) and the p-primary part of the Tate-Shafarevich group (E/F). The fundamental object of study in the Iwasawa theory of elliptic curves is the p-primary Selmer group over the cyclotomic _p-extension, denoted Sel_p^∞(E/_cyc). Mazur <cit.> initiated the Iwasawa theory of elliptic curves E with good ordinary reduction at p, and associated structural invariants associated with these Selmer groups. §.§ Main results In this paper we consider λ-invariants associated to Bloch-Kato Selmer groups attached to modular Galois representations. We prove certain qualitative and quantitative results about the levels of modular forms that arise in natural families, for which the λ-invariant is prescribed to be a fixed value. We fix a cuspidal Hecke newform g of weight 2 on Γ_0(N_g). Associated with a fixed choice of embedding ι_p:↪_p, let ρ_g be the associated Galois representation. It is assumed that the image of the residual representation ρ̅_g:Gal(/)→GL_2(_p) is up to conjugation, equal to GL_2(_p). When we assume that p is odd and g is p-ordinary, the Iwasawa μ and λ-invariants are well defined, and denoted by μ_p(g) and λ_p(g) respectively (cf. section <ref>). Let p≥ 5 be a prime and let g be a normalized newform of weight 2 on Γ_0(N_g). We assume the following conditions * We shall assume that the image of the residual representation ρ̅_g lies in GL_2(_p). Moreover, the Galois representation ρ̅_g:Gal(/)→GL_2(_p) is surjective. * The modular form g is p-ordinary and p∤ N_g, * g has optimal level, i.e., N_g is the prime to p part of the Artin conductor of the residual representation, * μ_p(g)=0. Associated with g, let Π_g be the set of prime numbers ℓ such that the following conditions are satisfied: * ℓ∤ N_g p, * ℓ≢± 1p and ℓ^p-1≢1p^2, * ρ̅_g(σ_ℓ)=ℓ001 for a suitable choice of basis for the residual representation. Let Ω_g be the set of prime numbers such that * ℓ∤ N_g p, * ℓ≢± 1p, * ρ̅_g(σ_ℓ)=-ℓ00-1 for a suitable choice of basis for the residual representation. The primes Π_g and Ω_g have Dirichlet density (p-3)/p(p-1) and (p-3)/(p-1)^2 respectively. Let n, r∈_≥ 0 be such that max{n, r}>0. Let n≥ 1 be an integer. Then for any sets of primes {q_1, …, q_n}⊂Π_g and {ℓ_1, …, ℓ_r}⊂Ω_g, there exists a normalized newform f of weight 2 of level N_f=N_g ×∏_i=1^n q_i×∏_j=1^r ℓ_j such that * f has good ordinary reduction at p, * ρ̅_g≃ρ̅_f, * μ_p(f)=0, * λ_p(f)=λ_p(g)+n. In the special case when μ_p(g)=0 and λ_p(g)≤ 1, one is able to realize an infinite family of modular forms f that are p-congruent to g, for which the Bloch-Kato Selmer group over has prescribed corank. We refer to Theorem <ref> for the statement of the result. The following result further illustrates Theorem <ref>. There is a positive density set of primes p, such that for any n≥ 0, there exist infinitely many normalized Hecke cuspdidal newforms f of weight 2 such that * f has good ordinary reduction at p, * ρ̅_f is surjective, * μ_p(f)=0, * λ_p(f)=n. §.§ Relationship with previous work The existence of Galois representations for which the associated Selmer groups have large λ-invariant has been studied by various authors, cf. <cit.>. Our results are significantly stronger since we are able to explicitly realize any large enough integer as a λ-invariant. If at a given prime p≥ 5, there exists a newform g satisfying the conditions of Theorem <ref>, and such that λ_p(g)=0, then, every integer n≥ 0 is seen to arise from a modular form which is p-congruent to g. This is indeed the case for a density 1 set of primes p, as shown by the proof of Theorem <ref>. Furthermore, not only is one able to construct infinitely many modular Galois representations giving rise to a prescribed λ-invariant, one also obtains an explicit and satisfactory quantitative description of their levels. We contrast Theorem <ref> to the results of recent work by Hatley and Kundu <cit.>, where it is shown that there are infinitely many modular forms f that are p-congruent to a fixed modular form g, for which λ_p(f)=λ_p(g). This λ-stability result requires an additional assumption on g: that the λ-invariant of g is minimal in the family of all λ-invariants for modular forms that are p-congruent to g. For further details, we refer to p.15 of loc. cit. This assumption is clearly satisfied when λ_p(g) is 0. This λ-stability result follows from Theorem <ref> in the special case when n=0, without the additional hypothesis. The method used in proving our results does draw some inspiration from <cit.>. §.§ Organization Including the introduction, the manuscript consists of 5 sections. In section <ref>, we set up basic notation and review the level raising theorems of Carayol (cf. Theorem <ref>) and Diamond-Taylor (cf. Theorem <ref>). In section <ref>, we describe the relationship between the Bloch-Kato and Greenberg Selmer groups over the cyclotomic _p-extension of . We describe the Iwasawa invariants associated to these Selmer groups. In section <ref>, we recall the results of Greenberg and Vatsal, and prove Theorem <ref>, which paves the way to the proof of Theorem <ref>. In section <ref>, we compute the densities of the sets Π_g and Ω_g, and prove Theorems <ref> and <ref>. §.§ Acknowledgment The author's research is supported by the CRM Simons postdoctoral fellowship. § PRELIMINARIES Fix an algebraic closure /, and for each prime ℓ, let _ℓ be an algebraic closure and fix an inclusion of ι_ℓ:↪_ℓ. Set to be the integral closure of in . The choice of embedding ι_ℓ corresponds to a choice of prime 𝔩|ℓ of . The inclusion ι_ℓ induces an isomorphism of _𝔩 with _ℓ. Let G_ℓ denote the absolute Galois group Gal(_ℓ/_ℓ). The inclusion ι_ℓ induces an inclusion of G_ℓ into Gal(/), whose image is the decomposition group of 𝔩. Let I_ℓ be the inertia group of G_ℓ, and choose a Frobenius element σ_ℓ∈G_ℓ. Given a Galois representation ρ:Gal(/)→GL_2(·), let ρ_|ℓ be the restriction of ρ to G_ℓ. The representation ρ is unramified at ℓ if the restriction of ρ_|ℓ to I_ℓ is trivial. Fix a prime p≥ 5 and let |p be the prime above p, corresponding to the inclusion ι_p. Let f=∑_n=1^∞ a_n(f)q^n be a normalized cuspidal newform of weight k≥ 2 and ρ_f:Gal(/)→GL_2(_p) be the associated Galois representation. The Hodge-Tate weights for the Galois representation are {k-1, 0}. We note here that this is simply a matter of convention (instead of the Hodge-Tate weights being {0, 1-k}). There is a finite extension K over _p such that w.r.t a suitable choice of basis, the image of ρ_f lies in GL_2(K). In greater detail, let F be a number field containing the Fourier coefficients of f, and K is the completion F_𝔭. We set V_f≃ K^2 to denote the underlying Galois module for the representation ρ_f. Set to denote the valuation ring of K, ϖ be a uniformizer of , and let κ:=/(ϖ) be the residue field of . There exists a Galois stable -lattice T_f⊂ V_f. We shall also denote the integral representation on T_f by ρ_f:Gal(/) →GL_2(). We denote its mod-ϖ reduction by ρ̅_f:Gal(/) →GL_2(κ). We shall assume throughout the ρ̅_f is absolutely irreducible. In this setting, it is easy to see that the Galois stable -lattice T_f is uniquely determined, and hence, there is no ambiguity in the notation used. §.§ The level raising results of Diamond-Taylor Let p be an odd prime number and ρ̅:Gal(/)→GL_2(_p) be an irreducible Galois representation. Let c∈Gal(/) denote the complex conjugation; ρ̅ is odd if detρ̅(c)=-1. Serre <cit.> conjectured that any odd and irreducible representation is modular. In greater detail, the strong form of the conjecture states that ρ̅ arises from a cuspidal newform g of weight k≥ 2 on Γ_1(N_ρ̅), where N_ρ̅ is the prime to p part of the Artin-conductor of ρ̅ (cf. <cit.>). The weight k=k(ρ̅) is prescribed according to <cit.>. Khare and Wintenberger <cit.> proved Serre's conjecture, building upon prior work of Ribet <cit.>. Suppose that f is a newform of weight k and level N_f coprime to p, such that the associated p-adic Galois representation ρ_f lifts ρ̅. Then, the optimal level N_ρ̅ divides N_f. A theorem of Carayol <cit.> proves necessary conditions for an integer N_f to arise in this way from a newform f. Suppose there exists a modular form f of weight k of level N_f such that ρ̅=ρ̅_f is absolutely irreducible. The level N_f admits a factorization N_f=N_ρ̅∏_ℓℓ^α(ℓ), and for each ℓ with α(ℓ)>0, one of the following holds: * ℓ∤ N_ρ̅, ℓ(traceρ̅(σ_ℓ) )^2 = ( 1+ℓ)^2 detρ̅( σ_ℓ) in _p, and α(ℓ)=1; * ℓ≡ -1 p and one of the following holds: * ℓ∤ N_ρ̅, traceρ̅(σ_ℓ) ≡ 0 in _p, and α(ℓ)=2; * ℓ N_ρ̅, detρ̅ is unramified at ℓ, and α(ℓ)=1; * ℓ≡ 1 p and one of the following holds: * ℓ∤ N_ρ̅ and α(ℓ)=2; * ℓ N_ρ̅ and α(ℓ)=1 or ℓ∤ N_ρ̅ and α(ℓ)=1. The set of levels satisfying the conditions outlined in Theorem <ref> is denoted by 𝒮(ρ̅). Let p≥ 5 be a prime, ρ̅:Gal(/)→GL_2(_p) be an irreducible Galois representation. Assume that ρ̅ arises from a newform g on Γ_1(N_ρ̅) of weight k. Assume that k lies in the range 2≤ k≤ p-2, and let M∈𝒮(ρ̅). Then there exists a cuspidal newform f of weight k on Γ_1(M), such that ρ̅_f=ρ̅. The result of Carayol and the above level-raising result of Diamond and Taylor shows that 𝒮(ρ̅) is precisely the set of levels for the cuspidal newforms f such that ρ̅_f≃ρ̅. § SELMER GROUPS ASSOCIATED TO MODULAR FORMS Let f=∑_n=1^∞ a_n(f) q^n be a normalized new cuspform on Γ_1(N_f) and p be an odd prime which is coprime to N_f. Let ρ_f:Gal(/)→GL_2() be the associated Galois representation and assume that the residual representation is absolutely irreducible. Here, K/_p is a finite extension and is the valuation ring of K. Let V_f and T_f be as defined in previous sections. We shall assume throughout that p is an ordinary prime, i.e., p∤ a_p(f). Set μ_p^n to denote the p^n-th roots of unity in , and let (μ_p^n) be the cyclotomic extension of generated by μ_p^n. Note that the Galois group Gal((μ_p^n)/) is isomorphic to (/p^n)^×. Let (μ_p^∞) be the union of cyclotomic fields (μ_p^n). The Galois group Gal((μ_p^∞)/) is isomorphic to _p^× and decomposes into a product Δ×_p, where Δ is isomorphic to /(p-1). The cyclotomic _p-extension _cyc is the field (μ_p^∞)^Δ and the Galois group Gal(_cyc/) is isomorphic to _p. For n≥ 0, the n-th layer _n/ is the extension contained in _cyc such that [_n:]=p^n. §.§ Definition of Selmer groups Let S be a finite set of rational primes containing {p, ∞}, and _S⊂ be the maximal extension in which all primes ℓ∉ S are unramified. Setting A_f:=V_f/T_f, we note that A_f≃(K/)^2. Let d^± be the dimension of the (± 1)-eigenspaces for complex conjugation. We note that d^+=d^-=1. Since we assume that f is p-ordinary, there exists a 1-dimensional, K-subspace W_f⊆ V_f of dimension 1, which is stable under the action of G_p. Let C be the image of W_f in A_f, with respect to the mod-T_f map V_f→ A_f, and set D=A_f/C. We assume that the set S contains all primes dividing N_f. Let L be an extension of which is contained in _cyc. Thus L is the field _n for some n≥ 0, or is the field _cyc. Given a rational prime ℓ, set ℓ(L) to be the set of primes of L that lie above ℓ. We note that the set ℓ(_cyc) is finite. Given a prime w of _cyc, let _cyc, w be the union of all completions of p-adic fields contained in _cyc at w. Given a prime ℓ∈ S, the Greenberg local Selmer condition _ℓ(L, A_f) is defined as follows. For ℓ≠ p, the local condition is defined by _ℓ(L, A_f):=∏_w∈ℓ(L) H^1(L_w,A_f). The local condition at ℓ=p is defined differently. Let η_p be the unique prime of L that lies above p; let I_η_p denote the inertia subgroup of Gal(L̅_η_p/L_η_p). Let H_η_p:=ker(H^1(L_η_p, A_f)⟶ H^1(I_η_p, D)), and set _p(L, A_f):=H^1(L_η_p, A_f)/H_η_p. Following <cit.>, the Greenberg Selmer group Sel^Gr(L, A_f) is then defined as follows Sel^Gr(L, A_f):=ker(H^1(_S/L,A_f)⟶⊕_ℓ∈ S_ℓ(L, A_f)). For ℓ∈ S, _ℓ(_cyc, A_f) is a cofinitely generated _p-module (cf. <cit.>). We let σ_ℓ(f) denote the -corank of _ℓ(_cyc, A_f). For ℓ≠ p, we describe an algorithm to compute σ_ℓ(f). Let V_f' be the quotient (V_f)_I_ℓ and P_ℓ(f;X) be the mod-ϖ reduction of P_ℓ(f;X):=det(Id-σ_ℓ X| V_f'). Let s_ℓ be the number of primes of _cyc that lie above ℓ. Note that s_ℓ is the maximal power of p such that ℓ^p-1≡ 1ps_ℓ. Let d_ℓ(f) be the multiplicity of ℓ^-1 as a root of P_ℓ(f;X). By <cit.>, it follows that σ_ℓ(f) is given by σ_ℓ(f)=s_ℓ d_ℓ(f). Given a number field L/ contained in _cyc, we set Sel^BK(L, A_f) denote the Bloch-Kato Selmer group associated to A_f, cf. <cit.> or <cit.> for the precise definition. The Bloch-Kato Selmer group over _cyc is defined as the direct limit Sel^BK(_cyc,A_f):=_n Sel^BK(_n,A_f). With respect to notation above, there is a natural map Sel^BK(_cyc, A_f)→Sel^Gr(_cyc, A_f) with finite kernel and cokernel. The result above is <cit.>. From the point of view of Iwasawa theory, we may work with either Selmer group Sel^BK(_cyc, A_f) or Sel^Gr(_cyc, A_f). It conveniences us to work with the Greenberg Selmer group, and for ease of notation, we simply set Sel(_cyc, A_f):=Sel^Gr(_cyc, A_f). §.§ Iwasawa invariants We set Γ:=Gal(_cyc/) and Λ denote the Iwasawa algebra Γ:=_n [Γ/Γ^p^n]. Given a module M over Λ, we shall set M^∨:=Hom_cnts(M, _p/_p). A module M over Λ is said to be cofinitely generated (resp. cotorsion) if M^∨ is finitely generated (resp. torsion) as a module over Λ. The Selmer group Sel(_cyc, A_f) is a cofinitely generated module over Λ. There are many cases of interest for which it is known to be cotorsion over Λ, which we shall further discuss in the next subsection. Given Λ-modules M and M', a pseudo-isomorphism is a map of Λ-modules M→ M' whose kernel and cokernel both have finite cardinality. Let M be a cofinitely generated and cotorsion Λ-module, then, as is well known, there is a pseudo-isomorphism M⟶(⊕_i=1^s Λ/(ϖ^m_i))⊕(⊕_j=1^t Λ/(f_j(T)^n_j)). In the above sum, s, t, m_i, n_i∈_≥ 0, and f_j(T) is an irreducible distinguished polynomial in Λ, i.e., an irreducible monic polynomial whose non-leading coefficients are divisible by ϖ. The μ-invariant is given by μ_p(M):=∑_i m_i if s>0; 0 if s=0. On the other hand, the λ-invariant is given by λ_p(M):=∑_j n_jdeg(f_j) if t>0; 0 if t=0. It follows from results of Kato <cit.> that Sel(_cyc/A_f) is a cotorsion module over Λ. Then, the μ (resp. λ) invariant of Sel(_cyc, A_f) is denoted by μ_p(f) (resp. λ_p(g)). We note that μ_p(f)=0 if and only if Sel(_cyc, A_f) is cofinitely generated as an -module, and in this case, λ_p(f)=corank_(Sel(_cyc, A_f)). It follows from Proposition <ref> that the λ-invariant of Sel(_cyc, A_f) is equal to the λ-invariant of Sel^BK(_cyc, A_f). We shall set rank^BK(f) to denote the -corank of the Bloch-Kato Selmer group Sel^BK(, A_f). Assume the μ_p(f)=0. The following assertions hold: * rank^BK(f)≤λ_p(f), * rank^BK(f)≡λ_p(f)2, * suppose that λ_p(f)≤ 1, then, rank^BK(f)= λ_p(f). Part (<ref>) follows as a direct consequence of <cit.>. Part (<ref>) follows from a standard argument due to Greenberg <cit.>, see <cit.>. Part (<ref>) is a direct consequence of (<ref>) and (<ref>). We note that the conventions used here are the same as those in <cit.>. Note that the ring is chosen to be the valuation ring of F_. It is easy to see that the definition of the λ-invariant λ_p(f) is independent of the choice of field F, and thus the valuation ring . Also, we note that the μ-invariant vanishes for the Selmer group over , if and only if it vanishes after base-change by any valuation ring '/. § CONGRUENCE RELATIONS BETWEEN SELMER GROUPS We recall some results of Greenberg and Vatsal <cit.>, and apply these results to study the structure of Selmer groups of ordinary Galois representations. Let g be a Hecke newform of weight 2 on Γ_0(N_g). Here, N_g is the level of g. Assume that the following conditions are satisfied * p∤ N_g, * g is ordinary at p, * ρ̅:=ρ̅_g is absolutely irreducible, * g has optimal level, i.e., N_g is the prime to p part of the Artin conductor of ρ̅. Let f be a Hecke new cuspform of weight 2 on such that ρ̅_f≃ρ̅_g. The understanding here is that the field F is chosen so that all the Fourier coefficients of both f and g are contained in F. Remark <ref> establishes that one may choose any large field F when studying the λ-invariant vanishing of the μ-invariant. Let N_f be the level of f. We assume that p∤ N_f. Note that by Theorem <ref>, N_f∈𝒮(ρ̅). We note that N_g divides N_f. We note that f has ordinary reduction at p (cf. <cit.>). Let ϵ_f be the nebentype of f, and ϵ̅_f:Gal(/)→κ^× its mod-ϖ reduction. We find that detρ̅_g=χ̅, and detρ̅_g=χ̅ϵ̅_f where χ̅ is the mod-p cyclotomic character. Since ρ̅_f≃ρ̅_g, we find that ϵ̅_f=1. The principal units in ^× are the units that reduce to 1 modulo (ϖ). It is clear that if a principal unit is a root of unity, then it is equal to 1. Since ϵ_f is a finite order character, ϵ̅_f=1 implies that ϵ_f=1. Therefore, f is a weight 2 cuspform on Γ_0(N_f). With respect to above notation, assume that μ_p(g)=0. Then, μ_p(f)=0, and λ_p(f)-λ_p(g)=∑_ℓ| N_f(σ_ℓ(g)-σ_ℓ(f)), where the sum ranges over the primes ℓ dividing N_f. We study the numbers (σ_ℓ(g)-σ_ℓ(f)) for primes ℓ|N_f. Let A be a local -algebra, with maximal ideal 𝔪_A, and residue field A/𝔪_A isomorphic to κ. Fix an -algebra isomorphism φ_0: A/𝔪_A→κ. Let φ:A→κ be the map obtained upon composing the reduction modulo 𝔪_A map, with φ_0. We set GL_2(A):={abcd∈GL_2(A)|φ(a)φ(b)φ(c)φ(d)=1001}. For n≥ 1, the map φ:/ϖ^n→κ is the reduction modulo ϖ map. Associated with g, let Π_g be the set of prime numbers ℓ such that the following conditions are satisfied: * ℓ∤ N_g p, * ℓ≢± 1p and ℓ^p-1≢1p^2, * ρ̅_g(σ_ℓ)=ℓ001 for a suitable choice of basis for the residual representation. Let Ω_g be the set of prime numbers such that * ℓ∤ N_g p, * ℓ≢± 1p, * ρ̅_g(σ_ℓ)=-ℓ00-1 for a suitable choice of basis for the residual representation. In section <ref>, we shall introduce further assumptions on the image of ρ̅_g, so that the sets Π_g and Ω_g have positive density. For ℓ∈Π_g (resp. Ω_g), we note that ρ_g is unramified at ℓ. Since ρ̅_f≃ρ̅_g, we find that ρ̅_f is unramified at ℓ as well. Thus, ρ_f(I_ℓ) is contained in GL_2(), which is a pro-p group. Hence, ρ_f|ℓ factors through Gal(_ℓ^p-tr/_ℓ), where _ℓ^p-tr⊂_ℓ is the maximal tamely ramified extension of _ℓ with pro-p inertia. The Galois group Gal(_ℓ^p-tr/_ℓ) is generated by a frobenius σ_ℓ, and the pro-p tame inertia generator τ_ℓ, subject to the relation σ_ℓτ_ℓσ_ℓ^-1=τ_ℓ^ℓ (cf. for instance <cit.>). Let ℓ∈Π_g be a prime such that ρ_f is ramified at ℓ. Then, up to conjugation by a matrix in GL_2(), ρ_f(σ_ℓ)=ℓ xx and ρ_f(τ_ℓ)=1y1, where x≡ 1ϖ and y≡ 0ϖ. We choose an integral basis for T_f so that ρ̅_f(σ_ℓ)=ℓ001. We show that there is a matrix A∈GL_2() so that ρ:=A ρ_f A^-1 satisfies the above conditions. In fact, the matrix A can be chosen to be in GL_2(). For ease of notation, we set ρ':=ρ_f and ρ'_n denote the ϖ^n reduction of ρ'. We shall inductively specify matrices A_n ∈GL_2(/ϖ^n) such that A_m≡ A_n ϖ^n for all integers m>n. We shall then let A denote the matrix (A_n) in the inverse limit GL_2()=_n GL_2(/ϖ^n). Let us set ρ_n:=A_n ρ_n' A_n^-1. The matrices A_n shall have the property that there exist x_n, y_n, z_n∈/ϖ^n such that ρ_n(σ_ℓ)=ℓ x_nz_n and ρ_n(τ_ℓ)=1y_n1, where x_n, z_n≡ 1ϖ and y_n≡ 0ϖ. Since A_m ≡ A_n ϖ^n for all m>n, it shall then follow that x_m≡ x_nϖ^n, y_m≡ y_nϖ^n and z_m≡ z_nϖ^n. Setting x,y,z to denote the inverse limits (x_n), (y_n) and (z_n) respectively, we find that ρ(σ_ℓ)=ℓ xz and ρ(τ_ℓ)=1y1. The relation σ_ℓτ_ℓσ_ℓ^-1=τ_ℓ^ℓ then implies that x=z. Suppose that for some n≥ 1, ρ_n(σ_ℓ)=ℓ x_nz_n and ρ(τ_ℓ)=1y_n1. It suffices to lift A_n to A_n+1∈GL_2(/ϖ^n+1), so that ρ_n+1(σ_ℓ)=ℓ x_n+1z_n+1 and ρ_n+1(τ_ℓ)=1y_n+11, where x_n+1, y_n+1, z_n+1 lift x_n, y_n and z_n respectively. Let B_n+1∈GL_2(/ϖ^n+1) be a lift of A_n, and set r_n+1:=B_n+1ρ_n+1 B_n+1^-1. Note that ρ_n=r_n+1ϖ^n. Therefore, we may write r_n+1(σ_ℓ)=ℓx̃_nz̃_n+ϖ^nabcd; r_n+1(τ_ℓ)=1y_n01+ϖ^nefgh. Let B:=(Id+ϖ^n a'b'c'd')∈GL_2(/ϖ^n+1), we set r_n+1':=B r_n+1 B^-1. Note that since ϖ^2n=0 in /ϖ^n+1, B^-1=(Id-ϖ^n a'b'c'd'). Let B':= a'b'c'd', write B:=Id+ϖ^n B'. Given a matrix M∈GL_2(/ϖ^n+1), we find that B M B^-1 =(Id+ϖ^nB')M (Id-ϖ^nB') =M+ϖ^n[B', M], where [B',M]:=B'M-MB'. Note that ϖ^n [B', M] is determined by the reduction of M modulo ϖ. In particular, if M≡Idϖ, then, [B',M]=0, and B M B^-1=M. On the other hand, if M≡ℓ1ϖ, then, B MB^-1=M+ϖ^n(1-ℓ)b'(ℓ-1)c'. From the above computations, we find that r_n+1'(σ_ℓ)=ℓx̃_nz̃_n+ϖ^nab+(1-ℓ)b'c+(ℓ-1)c'd; r_n+1'(τ_ℓ)=1y_n01+ϖ^nefgh. Since ℓ≢1p, we may choose B so that r_n+1'(σ_ℓ) is diagonal. In greater detail, b':=b/(ℓ-1) and c':=c/(1-ℓ), and set a'=0 and d'=0. Thus, we write r_n+1'(σ_ℓ)=ℓ x_n+1z_n+1. We find that r_n+1'(σ_ℓτ_ℓσ_ℓ^-1)= ℓ x_n+1z_n+11+ϖ^n ey_n+ϖ^n fϖ^n g1+ϖ^n hℓ x_n+1z_n+1^-1, = 1+ϖ^n eℓ x_n+1z_n+1^-1(y_n+ϖ^n f)ϖ^n ℓ^-1x_n+1z_n+1^-1g1+ϖ^n h, = 1+ϖ^n eℓ x_n+1z_n+1^-1y_n+ϖ^n ℓ fϖ^n ℓ^-1g1+ϖ^n h, r_n+1'(τ_ℓ)^ℓ= 1+ϖ^n ℓ eℓy_n+ϖ^n ℓ fϖ^n ℓ g1+ϖ^n ℓ h. Since ℓ≢± 1p, we find that e=g=h=0. Hence, we find that r_n+1'(σ_ℓ)=ℓ x_n+1z_n+1; r_n+1'(τ_ℓ)=1y_n+11. We set A_n+1:=B B_n+1, we note that A_n≡ B_n+1ϖ^n, and B≡Idϖ^n. With respect to this choice, ρ_n+1=r_n+1', and A_n=A_n+1ϖ^n. This completes the inductive lifting argument. By previous remarks in the proof, this is enough to establish the result. Let ℓ∤ N_gp be a prime that divides N_f. Then, the following assertions hold. * If ℓ∈Π_g, then, σ_ℓ(g)=1 and σ_ℓ(f)=0. * If ℓ∈Ω_g, then, σ_ℓ(g)=0 and σ_ℓ(f)=0. We begin by proving part (<ref>). Since ρ_g is unramified at ℓ, we find that V'_g=V_g. Since ρ̅_g(σ_ℓ)=ℓ1, it follows that P_ℓ(g;X)=(1-X)(1-ℓ X). Since ℓ≢1p, it follows that ℓ^-1 is a root of P_ℓ(g;X) with multiplicity 1. Therefore, d_ℓ(g)=1. On the other hand, it follows from Lemma <ref> that V_f' is the trivial G_ℓ-module, we find that P_ℓ(f;X)=1-X, and ℓ^-1 is not a root of P_ℓ(f;X). Therefore, d_ℓ(f)=0. Since ℓ^p-1≢1p^2, it follows that that s_ℓ=1. Since σ_ℓ(·)=s_ℓ d_ℓ(·), we find that σ_ℓ(g)=1 and σ_ℓ(f)=0. The second assertion can be argued in the same way. Let Q={q_1, …, q_n} be a set of primes contained in Π_g and Q'={ℓ_1, …, ℓ_r}. For (n, r)∈_≥ 0^2, we set T(n, r) be the collection of all sets Σ=Q∪ Q', where Q={q_1, …, q_n} (resp. Q'={ℓ_1, …, ℓ_r}) is a subset of Π_g (resp. Ω_g). The understanding is that when n=0 (resp. r=0), the set Q (resp. Q') is empty. When we write Σ={q_1, …, q_n, ℓ_1, …, ℓ_r}, we shall implicitly mean that {q_1, …, q_n} is contained in Π_g and {ℓ_1, …, ℓ_r} is contained in Ω_g. For Σ∈T(n, r), set N_Σ:=∏_i=1^n q_i×∏_j=1^r ℓ_j. Let (Σ) be the set of newforms f of weight 2 such that * ρ̅_f≃ρ̅_g, * N_f=N_g N_Σ. Let g be a Hecke newform of optimal weight k=2 and optimal level. Then, for (n, r) such that n>0 or r>0, and Σ∈T(n, r), the set (Σ) is nonempty. The result is a direct consequence of Theorem <ref>. Let f∈(Σ), and let ℓ≠ p be a prime which divides N_g. Then, σ_ℓ(f)=σ_ℓ(g). It suffices for us to show that d_ℓ(f)=d_ℓ(g). Let h∈{g,f}, recall that V_h':=(V_h)_I_ℓ. Note that as a modules over the inertia group I_ℓ, V_h and A_h[ϖ] are self dual. Since ord_ℓ(N_f)=ord_ℓ(N_g), and N_g is the prime to p part of the Artin-conductor of ρ̅, it follows that dim A_h[ϖ]_I_ℓ=dim (V_h)_I_ℓ, (cf. <cit.>). Recall that P_ℓ(h;X):=det(Id-σ_ℓ X| V_h') and that P_ℓ(h;X) is the mod-ϖ reduction of P_ℓ(h;X). Set T_h':=(T_h)_I_ℓ. We identify A_h[ϖ] with T_h/ϖ T_h, and thus A_h[ϖ]_I_ℓ with T_h'/ϖ T_h'. The equality (<ref>) implies that T_h' is torsion free. We identify T_h'⊗_ K with V_h', and since T_h' is torsion free, we find that T_h' is an -lattice in V_h', and that P_ℓ(h;X)=det(Id-σ_ℓ X| T_h'). Therefore, the mod-ϖ reduction of P_ℓ(h;X) is given by P_ℓ(h;X) = det(Id-σ_ℓ X|(T_h'/ϖ T_h')), = det(Id-σ_ℓ X| A_h[ϖ]_I_ℓ), Since A_g[ϖ]≃ A_f[ϖ] as G_ℓ-modules, we find that A_g[ϖ]_I_ℓ≃ A_f[ϖ]_I_ℓ as G_ℓ/I_ℓ-modules. It thus follows that P_ℓ(f;X)=P_ℓ(g;X), from which we deduce that d_ℓ(f)=d_ℓ(g). Let g be a Hecke newform of optimal level N_g, trivial nebentype and weight 2. Assume that the following conditions are satisfied * ρ̅_g is absolutely irreducible, * g is p-ordinary and p∤ N_g, * g has optimal level, * μ_p(g)=0. Let Σ∈𝔗(n, r) and f∈(Σ). Then, the following assertions hold * f has good ordinary reduction at p, * μ_p(f)=0, * λ_p(f)=λ_p(g)+n. As noted earlier, that f has ordinary reduction at p follows from <cit.>. From Theorem <ref>, we find that μ_p(f)=0 and λ_p(f)=λ_p(g)+∑_i=1^n (σ_q_i(g)-σ_q_i(f))+∑_j=1^r (σ_ℓ_j(g)-σ_ℓ_j(f))+∑_ℓ|N_g(σ_ℓ(g)-σ_ℓ(f)). For ℓ|N_g, it follows from Lemma <ref> that ∑_ℓ|N_g(σ_ℓ(g)-σ_ℓ(f))=0. It follows from (<ref>) of Lemma <ref> that (σ_q_i(g)-σ_q_i(f))=1 and it follows from (<ref>) of Lemma <ref> that (σ_ℓ_j(g)-σ_ℓ_j(f))=0. It therefore follows that λ_p(f)=λ_p(g)+n. § CONSTRUCTING GALOIS REPRESENTATIONS WITH PRESCRIBED Λ-INVARIANT Throughout this section, p≥ 5. We introduce our assumptions. Let g be a normalized newform of weight 2 on Γ_0(N_g). Throughout this section, we assume the following conditions. * The residue field κ=/ϖ is _p, i.e., f(𝔭/p)=1 where 𝔭 is the prime above p prescribed by ι_p. * The Galois representation ρ̅_g:Gal(/)→GL_2(_p) is surjective. * The modular form g is p-ordinary and p∤ N_g, * g has optimal level, * μ_p(g)=0. We show that the sets Π_g and Ω_g both have positive density. Furthermore, we estimate these densities. We let Y (resp. Y') be the subset of GL_2(_p) consisting of semisimple matrices conjugate to a1 (resp. a-1), where a≠± 1. It is easy to see that # Y =# Y'= (p-3)#GL_2(_p)/#T(_p), where T denotes the diagonal torus. Therefore, we find that # Y /#GL_2(_p)=# Y'/#GL_2(_p)=(p-3)/(p-1)^2. Let ρ̅ denote the residual representation ρ̅_g, and let (ρ̅) be the Galois extension of which is the fixed field of the kernel of ρ̅. We refer to (ρ̅) as the field cut out by ρ̅. We set G to denote the Galois group Gal((ρ̅)/). The residual representation induces an isomorphism Φ: GGL_2(_p). Let Z (resp. Z') denote Φ^-1(Y) (resp. Φ^-1(Y')). It follows from (<ref>) that # Z /# G=# Z'/# G=(p-3)/(p-1)^2. Let ℓ∤ N_g p be a prime. The following assertions hold * σ_ℓ∈ Z if and only if ρ̅(σ_ℓ)=ℓ1 up to conjugation and ℓ≢± 1p; * σ_ℓ∈ Z' if and only if ρ̅(σ_ℓ)=-ℓ-1 up to conjugation and ℓ≢± 1p. Suppose that σ_ℓ∈ Z (resp. σ_ℓ∈ Z'). Then, since the weight of g is 2 and has trivial nebentype, we find that detρ̅(σ_ℓ)=ℓ. It follows that ρ̅(σ_ℓ)=ℓ1 (resp. ρ̅(σ_ℓ)=-ℓ-1) and ℓ≢± 1p. Let ℓ∤ N_g p be a prime. Then, σ_ℓ∈ Z' if and only if ℓ∈Ω_g. As a consequence, it follows that Ω_g has positive density equal to (p-3)/(p-1)^2. We find that σ_ℓ∈ Z' if and only if ρ̅(σ_ℓ)=ℓ-1 up to conjugation and ℓ≢± 1p. In other words, σ_ℓ∈ Z' if and only if ℓ∈Ω_g. By the Chebotarev density theorem, Ω_g has positive density equal to # Z'/# G=(p-3)/(p-1)^2. Recall that _1 is the /p-extension of contained in _cyc. Let / be the compositum (ρ̅)·_1. The extensions (ρ̅) and _1 are linearly disjoint. Let E:=(ρ̅)∩_1 and N:=Gal((ρ̅)/E). Note that N is a normal subgroup of G≃GL_2(_p) and that [G:N] divides p. For p≥ 5, the group PSL_2(_p) is simple. It is easy to see that GL_2(_p) does not contain an index p normal subgroup. Therefore, N=G and thus, (ρ̅) and _1 are linearly disjoint. Let Γ_1:=Gal(_1/) and we find that Gal(/)≃ G×Γ_1. Let W be the product Z× (Γ_1\{0}). Let ℓ∤ N_gp be a prime. Then, σ_ℓ∈ W if and only if ℓ∈Π_g. As a result, Π_g has density equal to (p-3)/p(p-1). Note that the prime ℓ in nonsplit in _1 if and only if ℓ^p-1≢1p^2. The result is therefore a direct consequence of Lemma <ref>. By the Chebotarev density theorem, Π_g has density equal to #Z× (#Γ_1-1)/#G ×#Γ_1=(p-3)/p(p-1). The Theorem is a direct consequence of Proposition <ref>, Proposition <ref> and Theorem <ref>. Let p≥ 5 be a prime and let g be a normalized newform of weight 2 on Γ_0(N_g) satisfying all of the conditions of Theorem <ref>. Furthermore, assume that λ_p(g)≤ 1. Then, for any set of primes {ℓ_1, …, ℓ_r}⊂Ω_g, there is a Hecke newform of weight 2 of level N_f=N_gℓ_1…ℓ_r such that * f has good ordinary reduction at p, * ρ̅_g≃ρ̅_f, * μ_p(f)=0, * rank^BK(f)=λ_p(g). It follows from Theorem <ref> that there exists f satisfying the first three assertions, and such that λ_p(f)=λ_p(g). Proposition <ref> implies that rank^BK(f)=λ_p(f)=λ_p(g). This proves the last assertion. It suffices to show that there is a non-CM Hecke newform g of weight 2 on Γ_0(N_g) and a density 1 set of primes Σ such that for all p∈Σ, * p≥ 5, * The residue field κ=/ϖ is _p, i.e., f(𝔭/p)=1. * The Galois representation ρ̅_g:Gal(/)→GL_2(_p) is surjective. * The modular form g is p-ordinary and p∤ N_g, * g has optimal level, i.e., N_g is the prime to p part of the Artin conductor of the residual representation, * μ_p(g)=0 and λ_p(g)=0. It then follows from Theorem <ref> that for p∈Σ, there are infinitely many Hecke newforms of weight 2 such that * f has good ordinary reduction at p, * ρ̅_f is surjective, * μ_p(f)=0, * λ_p(f)=n. Let E_/ be any non-CM elliptic curve with Mordell-Weil rank 0, and let g be the associated Hecke newform. Consider the following observations. * The field of Fourier coefficients of g is , since it is associated to an elliptic curve over . In particular, it follows that the residue field κ is isomorphic to _p for all primes p. * The set of primes at which E has good ordinary reduction has density 1, by a result of Serre <cit.>. * Serre's open image theorem <cit.> shows that for all but finitely many primes p, the residual representation ρ̅_g:Gal(/)→GL_2(_p) is surjective. * If at a given prime p, N_g is not optimal, then there must be a p-congruence between g and a newform h of weight 2 and strictly smaller level. This follows from Ribet's level lowering theorem. There are only finitely many newforms of weight 2 with level strictly less than N_g. Also, there are only finitely many primes p for which two newforms are p-congruent. Therefore, for all but finitely many primes p, the level N_g is optimal. * Finally, it follows from a theorem of Greenberg <cit.> that for a density 1 set of primes p, μ_p(g)=λ_p(g)=0. Therefore, there is a set of primes Σ of density 1 such that the above conditions are satisfied. This completes the proof. alpha
Homotopy equivalent boundaries of cube complexes
[ "Talia Fernós", "David Futer", "Mark Hagen" ]
[ "math.GT", "math.GR", "math.MG", "51F99 (Primary) 20F65 (Secondary)" ]
matrix matrix,shapes,backgrounds .tifpng.png`convert #1 `dirname #1`/`basename #1 .tif`.png com yes [t]1in[footnote] yes equationsection cl theorem[equation]Theorem *theorem'Main Theorem *theoremnnTheorem question[equation]Question questions[equation]Question prop[equation]Proposition reductionReduction claim[equation]Claim *clamClaim cor[equation]Corollary lemma[equation]Lemma *GromovGromov's Lemma thmiTheorem *namedtheorem named[1] definition definition[equation]Definition *remRemark remark[equation]Remark convention[equation]Convention example[equation]Example facts[equation]Facts ( [ Mathematics and Statistics Dept., University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC 27412, USAt_fernos@uncg.eduDept. of Mathematics, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122, USAdfuter@temple.eduSchool of Mathematics, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1UG, UKmarkfhagen@posteo.net A finite-dimensional CAT(0) cube complex X is equipped with several well-studied boundaries. These include the Tits boundaryX (which depends on the CAT(0) metric), the Roller boundaryX (which depends only on the combinatorial structure), and the simplicial boundaryX (which also depends only on the combinatorial structure). We use a partial order on a certain quotient of X to define a simplicial Roller boundary X. Then, we show that X, X, and X are all homotopy equivalent, (X)–equivariantly up to homotopy. As an application, we deduce that the perturbations of the CAT(0) metric introduced by Qing do not affect the equivariant homotopy type of the Tits boundary. Along the way, we develop a self-contained exposition providing a dictionary among different perspectives on cube complexes. Homotopy equivalent boundaries of cube complexes Mark Hagen March 30, 2023 ================================================ § INTRODUCTION CAT(0) cube complexes, which exist in many guises in discrete mathematics (see e.g. <cit.>), were introduced into group theory by Gromov <cit.> and have since taken on a central role in that field. As combinatorial objects, CAT(0) cube complexes are ubiquitous due to their flexible, functorial construction from set-theoretic data <cit.>. This has led to an industry of cubulating groups, i.e. constructing group actions on CAT(0) cube complexes in order to transfer information from the highly organized cubical structure to the group. Probably the best known application of this method is the resolution of the virtual Haken and virtual fibering conjectures in 3–manifold theory <cit.>. The utility of CAT(0) cube complexes comes from the fact that they simultaneously exhibit several types of structures. They have an organized combinatorial structure coming from their hyperplanes/half-spaces; this is closely related to the very tractable geometry of their 1–skeleta, which are median graphs<cit.>. On the other hand, endowing the complex with the piecewise-Euclidean metric in which cubes are Euclidean unit cubes, one gets a CAT(0) space. So, in studying CAT(0) cube complexes, and groups acting on them, one has a wide variety of tools. This paper is about the interplay between the CAT(0) and combinatorial structures, at the level of boundaries. We construe the term “boundary” broadly: we include not just spaces arising as frontiers of injections into compact spaces, but also other spaces encoding some sort of behavior at infinity or large-scale asymptotic structure, such as the Tits boundary. §.§ A plethora of boundaries CAT(0) cube complexes have several natural boundaries, each encoding different information, and each defined in terms of either the CAT(0) metric structure or the combinatorial structure coming from the hyperplanes. Fixing a finite-dimensional CAT(0) cube complex X, one has the following list of boundaries: * The visual boundaryX. The visual boundary can be defined for any CAT(0) space; see <cit.>. Points are asymptotic equivalence classes of CAT(0) geodesic rays. The visual topology is defined in such a way that, roughly speaking, rays that fellow-travel for a long time are close. When X is locally finite, X∪ X is a compactification of X. While it is a very useful object, we do not study the visual boundary in this paper. * The Tits boundaryX. As with X, the points in X correspond to asymptotic equivalence classes of CAT(0) geodesic rays, but the topology is finer than the visual topology. Specifically, we equip X with the Tits metric: by taking a supremum of angles between rays one obtains the angle metric, and the induced length metric is the Tits metric, which is CAT(1); see <cit.>. The Tits boundary encodes much of the geometry of a CAT(0) space; for example, spherical join decompositions of the Tits boundary correspond to product decompositions of the space <cit.>. Although X is in general not compact even when X is proper, it is of interest for other reasons, such as encoding “partial flat regions” in X. For example, endpoints of axes of rank-one isometries are isolated points, while flats in X yield spheres in X. We recall the definition of X in Definition <ref>. * The simplicial boundaryX, from <cit.>, is an analogue of the Tits boundary depending on the hyperplane structure, rather than on the CAT(0) metric. The idea is that certain sets of hyperplanes — termed unidirectional boundary sets (hereafter, UBSes) — identify “ways of approaching infinity in X.” Containment of UBSes (modulo finite differences) gives a partial order on UBSes, and this order gives rise to a simplicial complex X (see Definition <ref>). Here are three helpful examples. First, the simplicial boundary of a tree (or, more generally, of a δ–hyperbolic cube complex) is a discrete set of 0–simplices. Second, the simplicial boundary of the standard square tiling of [0,∞)^2 is a 1–simplex, whose 0–simplices correspond to the sub-UBSes consisting of the vertical hyperplanes and the horizontal hyperplanes. Third, the staircase obtained from this square tiling by considering only the cubes below some increasing, unbounded function also has simplicial boundary a 1–simplex. (See Figure <ref>.) The maximal simplices of X encode such “generalized orthants” (namely, convex hulls of ℓ^1–geodesic rays) in X in roughly the same way that the Tits boundary encodes “partial flats.” The simplicial boundary has been used to study quasi-isometry invariants like divergence<cit.> and thickness<cit.> for groups acting on cube complexes, and has been generalized in the context of median spaces<cit.> as a tool for proving a Tits alternative for groups acting on such spaces. * The Roller boundaryX gives another way of compactifying X, using the half-space structure associated to the hyperplanes. Each hyperplane ĥ of X has two complementary components, called half-spaces, h and h^*, which induce a two-sided partition of X^(0). Each vertex x∈ X is completely determined by specifying the collection of half-spaces that contain it. This gives an injective map X^(0)→ 2^ℌ, where ℌ denotes the set of half-spaces. The closure of the image of X^(0) in the Tychonoff topology is the Roller compactificationX, and X=X∖ X^(0) is the Roller boundary of X. (See Definition <ref>.) Of the boundaries of X that are defined in terms of the cubical structure only, the Roller boundary is perhaps the most well-studied. It has been used to prove a variety of results about CAT(0) cube complexes and groups acting on them. For example, the Roller boundary plays a key role in the proof that irreducible lattices in _2×_2 always have global fixed points in any action on a CAT(0) cube complex, while reducible actions always admit proper cocompact actions on CAT(0) cube complexes <cit.>. Nevo and Sageev identified the Roller boundary as a model for the Furstenberg–Poisson boundary of a cocompact lattice in (X)<cit.>. Fernós generalized this result to groups acting properly and non-elementarily on finite dimensional X, and also proved a Tits alternative <cit.>. The same paper identifies an important subset of the Roller boundary: the regular points, which correspond to “hyperbolic” directions in various senses. In particular, the set of regular points with the induced topology is (X)–equivariantly homeomorphic with the boundary of the (hyperbolic) contact graph<cit.>. The set of regular points is used in <cit.> to find rank-one isometries under more general conditions than in previous work <cit.>. The method in <cit.> is to use convergence of random walks to regular points to deduce the existence of regular elements without assuming that the ambient group is a lattice. The set of regular points also features in the proof of marked length spectrum rigidity <cit.>, and was independently identified by Kar and Sageev, who used it to study property P_naive and hence C^*–simplicity for cubulated groups <cit.>. Finally, the Roller boundary has recently been generalized in the context of median spaces <cit.>. * The simplicial Roller boundaryX is constructed as follows. The Roller boundary X carries a natural equivalence relation, first introduced by Guralnik <cit.>, where two points are equivalent if they differ on finitely many half-spaces. The equivalence classes, called Roller classes, play a fundamental role in this paper. Part of the reason for this is that the set of Roller classes carries a natural partial order, which admits several equivalent useful characterizations (see Lemma <ref>). The simplicial Roller boundaryX is the simplicial complex realizing this partial order (see Definition <ref>). In this paper, we build on earlier work relating Roller classes to CAT(0) geodesic rays. Specifically, Guralnik in <cit.> recognized that each equivalence class of CAT(0) geodesic rays determines a Roller class. Conversely, in <cit.>, it is shown that each Roller class determines a subset of the Tits boundary which admits a canonical circumcenter. These observations are crucial for our arguments: Definition <ref> depends on the latter and Definition <ref> is based on the former. We also note that X is isomorphic to the combinatorial boundary defined and studied by Genevois <cit.>. In that work, he explains that the combinatorial boundary is isomorphic to the face-poset of a naturally-defined subcomplex of X<cit.> and is isomorphic to X<cit.>. (More precisely, Genevois' work yields the map from Corollary <ref> below, although <cit.> does not explicitly mention a homotopy equivalence.) For each of these boundaries, the action of the group (X) of cubical automorphisms of X extends to an action on the boundary preserving its structure. The actions on X and X are by homeomorphisms, the action on X is by isometries of the Tits metric, and the actions on X and X are by simplicial automorphisms. The definitions of the simplicial boundary and the simplicial Roller boundary are conceptually similar. Part of the work in this paper is making that similarity precise, by establishing a correspondence between Roller classes and equivalence classes of UBSes. This line of work culminates in Corollary <ref>, which gives explicit maps between X and a natural subcomplex of X. These maps are (X)–equivariant homotopy equivalences, although in general they are not simplicial isomorphisms. Then, in Proposition <ref>, we upgrade this to a homotopy equivalence between X and the whole of X. One glimpse of a relationship between X and X comes from UBSes associated to geodesic rays. Given a geodesic ray α→ X, in either the CAT(0) metric or the combinatorial metric, the set of hyperplanes crossing α (denoted (α)) is always a UBS. A UBS is called ℓ^1–visible (resp. ℓ^2–visible) if it is has finite symmetric difference with (α) for a combinatorial (resp. CAT(0)) geodesic α. Figure <ref> shows examples of both ℓ^1–invisible and ℓ^2–invisible UBSes. Despite those caveats, ℓ^2–visible UBSes provide a way to map points of X to classes in X; a similar construction also provides a map to X. §.§ Main result Our main theorem relates X, X, and X via maps that are (X)–equivariant up to homotopy. It helps to introduce the following terminology. Suppose that A,B are topological spaces with a group G acting on both spaces by homeomorphisms. A map f A → B is called a a homotopy equivalence if f is a homotopy equivalence, and furthermore g∘ f and f∘ g are homotopic for every g∈ G. If such an f exists, we say that A,B are homotopy equivalent. It is immediate to check that the property of being homotopy equivalent is an equivalence relation. Indeed, the composition of two homotopy equivalences is a homotopy equivalence. Furthermore, any homotopy inverse of a homotopy equivalence is itself a homotopy equivalence. Let X be a finite-dimensional CAT(0) cube complex. Then we have the following commutative diagram of homotopy equivalences between boundaries of X: X ^ X _ _ _ X In particular, the spaces X, X, X are all homotopy equivalent, where X is equipped with the metric topology and X, X are equipped with either the metric or the weak topology. In the above diagram, the letter S stands for Simplicial, the letter R for Roller-simplicial, and the letter T for Tits. The map is an homotopy equivalence from the simplicial boundary to the Tits boundary, and similarly for the other two. The map is provided by Corollary <ref>, and the map comes from Proposition <ref>. The map is just the composition =∘. Some intuition behind the theorem can be gleaned from the following simplified situation. A cube complex X is called fully visible if every UBS is ℓ^1–visible. When X is fully visible, UBSes correspond to combinatorial orthants in X (i.e. products of combinatorial geodesic rays) <cit.>, and Theorem <ref> can be understood as relating combinatorial orthants to CAT(0) orthants. See <cit.>, where a proof is sketched that the simplicial and Tits boundaries are homotopy equivalent under the restrictive hypothesis of full visibility. However, full visibility is a very strong and somewhat mysterious hypothesis: it is not known to hold even if X admits a proper cocompact group action <cit.>. Thus Theorem <ref> is more satisfying (and difficult) because it does not assume this restrictive hypothesis. In order to prove the theorem, we have to understand combinatorial convex hulls of CAT(0) geodesic rays, which is a much more delicate affair when one is not simply assuming that these hulls can be taken to contain Euclidean orthants. Theorem <ref> also motivates the introduction of several new technical tools for relating the geometry of CAT(0) geodesic rays to the combinatorics of hyperplanes. We believe that these tools, explained in Section <ref>, are of independent interest. §.§ Invariance of CAT(0) boundaries for cubulated groups A group G is called CAT(0) if there is a proper CAT(0) space X on which G acts geometrically (properly and cocompactly). Multiple CAT(0) spaces might admit a geometric G–action and witness that G is a CAT(0) group. Since we are often interested in invariants of the group itself, it is natural to look for features of the geometry of X that depend only on G. For instance, in the context of a Gromov hyperbolic group G, recall that all hyperbolic groups with a geometric G–action have Gromov boundaries that are G–equivariantly homeomorphic. So one might wonder whether a similar result might hold for CAT(0) groups that are not hyperbolic. A famous result of Croke and Kleiner <cit.>, on which we elaborate more below, shows that this is not the case. Explicitly, they considered the right-angled Artin group G=⟨ a,b,c,d : [a,b],[b,c],[c,d]⟩, whose Cayley 2-complex X_π/2 is a CAT(0) square complex. The subscript π/2 emphasizes the angles at the corners of the 2–cells. Viewing the 2–cells as Euclidean squares with side length 1, we obtain a CAT(0) space where G acts geometrically. Croke and Kleiner deformed the squares of X into rhombi that have angles α and π - α, producing a perturbed CAT(0) metric X_α, and showed that this perturbation changes the homeomorphism type of the visual boundary X_α. Subsequently, Wilson <cit.> showed that the visual boundaries of X_α and X_β are homeomorphic only if the angles satisfy α=β, hence these perturbations produce uncountably many homeomorphism types of boundaries. Further examples are provided by Mooney <cit.>, who exhibited CAT(0) knot groups G admitting uncountably many geometric actions on CAT(0) spaces, all with different visual boundaries. Hosaka <cit.> has given some conditions on G,X,Y implying that there is an equivariant homeomorphism X→ Y continuously extending the quasi-isometry X→ Y coming from orbit maps, but the preceding examples show that any such condition will be hard to satisfy. So, one has to look for weaker results or less refined invariants, or ask slightly different questions. This has stimulated a great deal of work in various directions. In the context of 2–dimensional CAT(0) complexes, there are more positive results obtained by replacing the visual boundary X by the Tits boundary X, and passing to a natural subspace. Specifically, the core of X is the union of all embedded circles in X. Xie <cit.> showed that if G acts geometrically on CAT(0) 2–complexes X and Y, then the Tits boundaries X and Y have homeomorphic cores. (This is weaker than Xie's actual statement; compare <cit.>.) In the Croke–Kleiner example, the core is a G–invariant connected component, while the rest of the Tits boundary consists of uncountably many isolated points and arcs. There is a closely related result due to Qing, which inspired us to consider cuboid complexes in the present paper. Another way to perturb the CAT(0) metric on a CAT(0) cube complex X is to leave the angles alone, but to vary the lengths of the edges in such a way that edges intersecting a common hyperplane are given equal length. In this perturbation, each cube becomes a Euclidean box called a cuboid. The resulting path metric is still CAT(0), at least when there are uniform upper and lower bounds on the edge-lengths. In particular, this happens when some group G acts on X with finitely many orbits of hyperplanes, and the edge-lengths are assigned G–equivariantly. We explain the details in Section <ref>, where we define a G–admissible hyperplane rescaling in Definition <ref> and show in Lemma <ref> that the resulting path-metric space (X,^ρ_X) is CAT(0) and G continues to act by isometries. Cuboid complexes have been studied by various authors, including Beyrer and Fioravanti <cit.>. Qing <cit.> studied the visual boundary of the CAT(0) cuboid metric under perturbation of the edge-lengths. She showed that the visual boundaries of the CAT(0) cuboid complexes obtained from the Croke–Kleiner complex X_π/2 are all homeomorphic. More germane to the present paper, Qing also showed that the Tits boundaries of the rescaled cuboid complexes are homeomorphic, but that no equivariant homeomorphism exists. (Roughly, the cores of any two such Tits boundaries are homeomorphic by the result of Xie mentioned above. Via a cardinality argument, Qing extends the homeomorphism over the whole boundary by sending isolated points/arcs to isolated points/arcs. But this extension cannot be done equivariantly because equivariance forces some isolated points to be sent to isolated arcs and vice versa.) We will return to cuboid complexes shortly. There are other results about homeomorphism type as a CAT(0) group invariant for certain classes of CAT(0) groups. For example, Bowers and Ruane <cit.> showed that if G is a product of a hyperbolic CAT(0) group and ^D, then the visual boundaries of the CAT(0) spaces X and Y with a geometric G–action are equivariantly homeomorphic. However, this equivariant homeomorphism need not come from a continuous extension of a quasi-isometry X → Y. Later, Ruane <cit.> extended this result to the case where G is a CAT(0) direct product of two non-elementary hyperbolic groups. Around the same time, Buyalo studied groups of the form G=π_1(S)×ℤ, where S is a hyperbolic surface <cit.>. He constructed two distinct geometric G–actions on ℍ^2× and showed that while the two copies of ℍ^2× are G–equivariantly quasi-isometric, the Tits boundaries do not admit any G–equivariant quasi-isometry. Since we are interested in G–equivariant results, it makes sense to seek more general positive results by replacing homeomorphism with a coarser equivalence relation. This has been a successful idea: Bestvina <cit.> proved that torsion-free CAT(0) groups have a well-defined visual boundary up to shape-equivalence. This was generalized by Ontaneda <cit.>, whose result removes the “torsion-free” hypothesis. Homotopy equivalence is a finer equivalence relation than shape equivalence. Might there be some result guaranteeing that the homotopy type of the Tits boundary of X is to some extent independent of the choice of the CAT(0) space X, even if we allow only homotopy equivalences between boundaries that respect the G–action in the appropriate sense? One precise version of this question appears below as Question <ref>. Motivated by Qing's results about perturbing the metric on a CAT(0) cube complex by changing edge lengths, we consider the situation where G acts on the finite-dimensional CAT(0) cube complex X, and study the Tits boundaries of the CAT(0) spaces that result from G–equivariantly replacing cubes by cuboids. Now, the hyperplane combinatorics, and hence the simplicial and Roller boundaries, are unaffected by this change. And, for the unperturbed X, Theorem <ref> tells us that the homotopy type of the Tits boundary is really a feature of the hyperplane combinatorics. So, in order to conclude that the homotopy type of the Tits boundary is unaffected by such perturbations of the CAT(0) metric, we just need to know that Theorem <ref> holds for cuboid complexes as well as cube complexes. Indeed, we show: Let X be a finite-dimensional CAT(0) cube complex and let G be a group acting by automorphisms on X. Let (X,^ρ_X) be the CAT(0) cuboid complex obtained from a G–admissible hyperplane rescaling of X. Then the original Tits boundary X, the perturbed Tits boundary (X,^ρ_X), the simplicial boundary X, and the simplicial Roller boundary X are all homotopy equivalent. The proof of this result only requires minor modifications to the proof of Theorem <ref>, essentially because convexity of half-spaces and the metric product structure of hyperplane carriers persist in the CAT(0) cuboid metric ^ρ_X. These small modifications are described in Sections <ref>, <ref>, and <ref>. The theorem implies, in particular, that if X admits a geometric action by a group G, then the homotopy type of the Tits boundary is unaffected by replacing the standard CAT(0) metric (where all edge lengths are 1) with a cuboid metric obtained by rescaling edges G–equivariantly. This is perhaps evidence in favor of the possibility that the results of Bestvina and Ontaneda about shape equivalence of visual boundaries <cit.> can be strengthened to results about homotopy equivalence if one instead uses the Tits boundary: For which CAT(0) groups G is it the case that any two CAT(0) spaces X,Y on which G acts geometrically have homotopy equivalent Tits boundaries? If G acts geometrically on CAT(0) cube complexes X,Y, are the simplicial boundaries of X,Y homotopy equivalent? §.§ Quasiflats A remarkable theorem of Huang <cit.> says that if X is a d–dimensional CAT(0) cube complex, then any quasi-isometric embedding ^d→ X has image that is Hausdorff-close to a finite union of cubical orthants, i.e. a convex subcomplex that splits as the product of rays. This statement is important for the study of quasi-isometric rigidity in cubical groups, and it is natural to want to strengthen the statement to cover quasi-isometric embeddings ^d→ X, where d is the largest dimension for which such a map exists, but X is allowed to be larger than d (although still finite). Natural examples where this strenthened form of Huang's theorem is useful include right-angled Coxeter groups. We believe that Theorem <ref> could be used as an ingredient in proving such a result. Very roughly, the homotopy equivalence X→ X can be used to produce, given a singular d–cycle z in X, a simplicial d–cycle z' in X represented by a finite collection of standard orthants in X. By the latter, we mean there is a finite collection of d–simplices in X whose union S carries z'. The proof of Theorem <ref>, specifically Proposition <ref> and the nerve arguments in Sections <ref> and <ref>, should provide enough metric control on the map S→ X to invoke a result of Kleiner–Lang <cit.> to deduce the strengthened quasiflats theorem. Given that the strengthened quasiflats theorem has recently been established by Bowditch <cit.> and independently Huang–Kleiner–Stadler <cit.>, we have decided not to pursue the matter in this paper. §.§ Ingredients of our proof As mentioned above, our primary goal is to elucidate the relationships among three boundaries: the simplicial boundary X, the simplicial Roller boundary X, and the Tits boundary X. The first two boundaries that we study are combinatorial in nature. The primary difference is that the central objects in X are sequences of hyperplanes, whereas the central objects in X are sequences of half-spaces. After developing a number of lemmas that translate between the two contexts, we prove the following result: Corollary <ref> The barycentric subdivision of X contains a canonical, (X)–invariant subcomplex X. There are (X)–equivariant simplicial maps X→ X and X → X, with the following properties: * X→ X is surjective. * X → X is an injective section of . * is a homotopy equivalence with homotopy inverse . In fact, all of X deformation retracts to X in an (X)–equivariant way. See Remark <ref>. In contrast to the the two combinatorial boundaries, the Tits boundary X is inherently linked to the geometry of the CAT(0) metric on X. To relate the Tits boundary to the other two boundaries, we need to combinatorialize it: that is, we need to cover X by a certain collection of open sets, and then study the nerve of the corresponding covering. Similarly, we cover each of X and X by simplicial subcomplexes, and study the resulting nerves. We will use two different versions of the nerve theorem to show that a topological space (such as one of our boundaries) is homotopy equivalent to the nerve of a covering. The Open Nerve Theorem <ref> deals with open coverings and is originally due to Borsuk <cit.>. The Simplicial Nerve Theorem <ref> deals with coverings by simplical complexes and is originally due to Björner <cit.>. In fact, since Theorem <ref> is a G–equivariant statement, we need equivariant versions of both theorems, which have not previously appeared in the literature to our knowledge. Consequently, Section <ref> contains self-contained proofs of both theorems. A central object in our construction of nerves is the Tits boundary realization of a Roller class, or point in the Roller boundary (see Definitions <ref>, <ref><ref> ). In <cit.>, a Roller class v, yields a convex, visually compact subset of the Tits boundary X. Employing the work of Caprace–Lytchak <cit.> and Balser–Lytchak <cit.>, this set has radius at most π/2 and a canonical circumcenter (v). A first approach might be to use these compacta to provide the 0–skeleton of a nerve for X that will be homotopy equivalent to X. However, several issues arise. First, these associated convex closed sets must be made smaller so that their overlaps can be controlled. This is achieved by considering points in the Roller boundary versus their classes. Secondly, the issue of ℓ^2–visibility, or rather invisibility must be addressed. A Roller class, (respectively a UBS) is ℓ^2–visible if it is the intersection (respectively union) of the deep half-spaces (respectively hyperplanes) naturally associated to a CAT(0) geodesic ray α. As Figure <ref> shows, some Roller classes are not ℓ^2–visible, and invisible classes cause headaches when trying to connect this data to the Tits boundary. In particular, if v is an invisible Roller class, then we will have Q(v) = Q(w) for any Roller class w < v. To confront this challenge, we have to find a single class which is maximal among the visible Roller classes represented by rays with endpoints in Q(v). Proving the existence of such a maximal class requires finding a single geodesic ray that is diagonal, in the sense that its convex hull is the union of the convex hulls of two geodesic rays. In particular, we need the following statement, which is of independent interest: Proposition <ref> Let α, β be CAT(0) geodesic rays with α(0) = β(0) ∈ X^(0). Suppose that (α)∪(β) is commensurate with a UBS. Then a=α(∞) and b=β(∞) are joined by a unique geodesic g in X. Furthermore, any interior point c of g is represented by a CAT(0) geodesic ray γ such that (γ) = (α)∪(β). Next, we consider maps between X and X that relate these boundaries. The first of these maps, called ψ X → X, is fairly easy to describe. A Tits point a ∈ X is represented by a CAT(0) geodesic ray α and the intersection of half-spaces which are “deep" yields a (principal) Roller class ψ(a). See Definition <ref> and Lemma <ref>. The reverse map φ X → X is somewhat more delicate: given a Roller class v, we start with the circumcenter (v) ∈ Q(v) and then perturb (v) to a nearby point φ(v) that has slightly better properties. See Definition <ref> and Proposition <ref> for details, and note that the perturbation uses Proposition <ref> in a crucial way. The upshot is that φ is a section of ψ on exactly the ℓ^2–visible classes: we have v = ψ(φ(v)) if and only if v is ℓ^2–visible (Lemma <ref>). We can now construct nerves and prove results about them. We begin by defining the set (X) of all visible Roller classes that are maximal among all ℓ^2–visible classes. Then, we construct a simplicial complex _T whose vertex set is (X), with simplices corresponding to collections of Roller classes v_i whose Tits boundary realizations Q(v_i) all intersect. We check that this is indeed the nerve of a cover of X (Corollary <ref>). Then, we prove: Theorem <ref> There is an homotopy equivalence from the simplicial complex _T to X. The proof of Theorem <ref> requires an open thickening. The sets Q(v) are closed (in fact, compact), and we do not have a version of the Nerve Theorem for closed covers. Thus we thicken up each compact set Q(v) to an open set U(v), in such a way that the intersection pattern of the open cover {U(v) :v∈(X) } is the same as that of the closed cover {Q(v):v∈(X)}. The thickening procedure involves some delicate CAT(0) geometry; see Proposition <ref>. As a result, we obtain an open cover of X whose nerve is isomorphic to the nerve of the closed cover, namely _T. Now, the Equivariant Open Nerve Theorem <ref> gives an homotopy equivalence _T → X. There are two reasons why the homotopy equivalence in Theorem <ref> is not (X)–equivariant. First, the Equivariant Open Nerve Theorem <ref> does not provide (X)–equivariance on the nose. Second, while the collection of Tits boundary realizations Q(v_i) is (X)–equivariant, the perturbed circumcenter map φ might not be. For these reasons, homotopy equivalence is the strongest form of invariance that we can guarantee. In Section <ref>, we use all of the above results to complete the proof of Theorem <ref>. We already have an open cover of X whose nerve is _T. Working in X, we focus attention on a subcomplex X whose vertex set corresponds to the ℓ^2–visible Roller classes, and then construct a cover of X by finite simplicial complexes {Σ_v : v ∈ X}. It is not too hard to check that the nerve _ of this cover is isomorphic to _T, which implies that X and X are homotopy equivalent (Proposition <ref>). To complete the construction of an homotopy equivalence X → X, we build an deformation retraction ^ X → X; see Proposition <ref>. While the construction of this retraction is mostly combinatorial, it relies on CAT(0) geometry and the perturbed circumcenter map φ at one crucial step. Finally, the homotopy equivalence X → X is morally very similar to the simplicial map X→ X constructed in Corollary <ref>. To make the argument precise, we construct isomorphic nerves of simplicial covers of X and X and apply the Equivariant Simplicial Nerve Theorem <ref> one final time. §.§ Expository content Part of our goal in this paper is to provide exposition of varying aspects of cubical theory. CAT(0) cube complexes are ubiquitous objects that have been well-studied in many different guises. Accordingly, there are several different viewpoints, and various important technical statements are stated and proved in a variety of different ways throughout the literature. Therefore, we have endeavored to give a self-contained discussion of CAT(0) cube complexes combining some of these viewpoints. Also, throughout the paper, we make heavy use of the nerve theorem, for both open and simplicial covers. Results of this sort were originally proved by Borsuk <cit.>, and are now widely used in many slightly different forms. To the best of our knowledge, the existing literature does not contain a version of the nerve theorem for covers of simplicial complexes by locally infinite families of subcomplexes, with a conclusion that provides equivariance with respect to group actions on the input data. Since we could not find a written account of such a result, we have given self-contained proofs (based on arguments in <cit.>) in Section <ref>. §.§ Section Breakdown Section <ref> establishes some language about simplicial complexes and proves equivariant versions of two nerve theorems. Section <ref> is devoted to background on CAT(0) cube complexes and the Roller boundary. In Section <ref>, we discuss CAT(0) cuboid complexes coming from an admissible rescaling of the hyperplanes. Section <ref> introduces the simplicial Roller boundary. In Section <ref>, we introduce UBSes and the simplicial boundary, and relate these to Roller classes and the simplicial Roller boundary. In Section <ref>, we introduce the Tits boundary and prove some technical results relating CAT(0) geodesic rays to Roller classes and UBSes. We apply these in Section <ref> to analyze the realizations of Roller classes in the Tits boundary. These results are in turn used in Section <ref> to prove that the Tits boundary is homotopy equivalent to a simplicial complex _T arising as the nerve of the covering by open sets associated to certain Roller classes. In Section <ref>, we realize this nerve as the nerve of a covering of the simplicial Roller boundary by subcomplexes associated to Roller classes, and deduce Theorems <ref> and <ref>. See Table <ref> for a summary of the notation used in this paper. §.§ Acknowledgments We are grateful to Craig Guilbault, Jingyin Huang, Dan Ramras, and Kim Ruane for some helpful discussions. We thank the organizers of the conference “Nonpositively curved groups on the Mediterranean” in May of 2018, where the three of us began collaborating as a unit. Fernós was partially supported by NSF grant DMS–2005640. Futer was partially supported by NSF grant DMS–1907708. Hagen was partially supported by EPSRC New Investigator Award EP/R042187/1. § SIMPLICIAL COMPLEXES AND NERVE THEOREMS Throughout the paper, we will make use of simplicial complexes and assume that the reader is familiar with these objects. For clarity, we recall the definition and describe two topologies on a simplicial complex. Then, in Section <ref>, we prove two group-equivariant homotopy equivalence theorems about nerves of covers. A k–simplex is the set σ={a_0e_0+⋯+a_ke_k | ∑_i=0^ka_k=1 and a_i≥ 0 for all i}, where e_0,…,e_k are the standard basis vectors in ^k+1. A face of σ is a j–simplex obtained by restricting all but j–many of the a_i to 0. Note that σ has a CW complex structure where the 0–cells are the 0–dimensional faces and, more generally, the j–cells are the j–dimensional faces. A simplicial complex is a CW complex whose closed cells are simplices, such that * each (closed) simplex is embedded in , and * if σ,τ are simplices, then σ∩τ is either empty or a face of both σ and τ. In particular, simplices with the same 0–skeleton are equal. We often refer to 0–simplices of as vertices and 1–simplices as edges. As a CW complex, is endowed with the weak topology: Let be a simplicial complex. The weak topology𝒯_w on is characterized by the property that a set C ⊂ is closed if and only if C ∩σ is closed for every simplex σ⊂. In some of the arguments in this section, it will be more convenient to work with the metric topology on the simplicial complex . Let be a simplicial complex. Let V be the real vector space consisting of functions f ^(0)→ such that f(v)≠ 0 for finitely many v∈^(0). Then there is a canonical inclusion ^(0)↪ V, where every vertex v ∈^(0) maps to the corresponding Dirac function δ_v ∈ V. This map extends affinely over simplices endowed with barycentric coordinates to give an inclusion ↪ V. Equip V with the ℓ^2 norm f^2=∑_v∈^(0)f^2(v), which is well-defined since every f∈ V is finitely supported. The restriction of the resulting metric topology on V to the subspace is the metric topology on , denoted 𝒯_m. The metric topology is coarser than the weak topology, hence the identity map 𝕀_ (,𝒯_w)→(,𝒯_m) is always continuous. When a simplicial complex is locally infinite, the inverse map (,𝒯_m)→(,𝒯_w) is not continuous. However, Dowker proved that 𝕀_ is a homotopy equivalence even when is locally infinite <cit.>. Since our interest is in the homotopy type of , Dowker's theorem will be very useful. Unless stated otherwise, a simplicial complex is presumed to have the weak topology 𝒯_w. The metric topology will only be needed in Lemma <ref> and Theorem <ref>, and never afterward. Some of the simplicial complexes used later will arise from partially ordered sets, as follows. Given a partially ordered set (P,≤), there is a simplicial complex S in which the k–simplices are the (k+1)–chains in (P,≤), and the face relation is determined by containment of chains. We call S the simplicial realization of the partially ordered set (P,≤). In several other places, we will work with simplicial complexes arising as nerves of coverings of topological spaces: Let Y be a topological space and let 𝒰={Y_i}_i∈ I be a covering of Y, i.e. a family of subsets with Y=⋃_i∈ IY_i. The nerve of 𝒰 is the simplicial complex with a vertex v_i for each Y_i, and with an n–simplex spanned by v_i_0,…,v_i_n whenever ⋂_j=0^nY_i_j≠∅. Note that we have defined nerves for arbitrary coverings of arbitrary topological spaces. In practice, we will restrict Y and 𝒰: either Y is a paracompact space and 𝒰 is an open covering, or Y is itself a simplicial complex and 𝒰 is a covering by subcomplexes. These assumptions provide the settings for the nerve theorems, which relate the homotopy type of Y to that of the nerve of 𝒰. §.§ Equivariant nerve theorems In this section, we prove two flavors of nerve theorem that are needed in our proofs of homotopy equivalence. Theorem <ref> is a group-equivariant version of the classical nerve theorem for open coverings, originally due to Borsuk <cit.>. Similarly, Theorem <ref> is an equivariant version of the nerve theorem for simplicial complexes, which is due to Björner <cit.>. We need the following standard fact: Let Y be a topological space and a simplicial complex endowed with the metric topology. Let f_0,f_1 Y→ (,𝒯_m) be continuous maps. Suppose that, for all y∈ Y, there exists a closed simplex σ of such that f_0(y), f_1(y)∈σ. Then f_0 and f_1 are homotopic via a straight line homotopy. By abuse of notation, we identify with the embedding ↪ V described in Definition <ref>. Then f_0, f_1 Y → V are continuous functions. For y ∈ Y and t ∈ [0,1], define the affine combination f_t(y) = (1-t)f_0(y) + t f_1(y). Then (y,t) ↦ f_t(y) is a continuous mapping from Y × [0,1] to V. Furthermore, for every y ∈ Y, the image f_t(y) = (1-t)f_0(y) + t f_1(y) belongs to the same simplex σ⊂ that contains f_0(y) and f_1(y). Thus we get a straight line homotopy f_t Y →. Let Y be a paracompact space, on which a group G acts by homeomorphisms. Let I be a set equipped with a left G–action, and let ={Y_i}_i∈ I be an open covering of Y with the following properties: * gY_i=Y_gi for all g∈ G and i∈ I; * for any finite F⊂ I, the intersection ⋂_i∈ FY_i is either empty or contractible. Let be the nerve of the covering . Then G acts on by simplicial automorphisms, and there is a homotopy equivalence f Y→(,𝒯_m). Consequently, there is also a homotopy equivalence Y→ (,𝒯_w). If the G–action is trivial, this result is the classical nerve theorem, proved for instance in Hatcher <cit.>. We adapt Hatcher's line of argument, accounting for the G–action where necessary. Until we say otherwise, at the very end of the proof, the nerve will be equipped with the metric topology 𝒯_m. Simplices comprising the nerve: Let ℱ be the set of finite subsets F⊂ I such that ⋂_i∈ FY_i≠∅. Then, by Definition <ref>, every finite set F ∈ℱ can be canonically identified with the set of vertices of a simplex σ(F) ⊂. The partial order on ℱ given by set inclusion corresponds to the face relation on . The action of G on induces an action on ℱ, hence a simplicial action on . The space Y and its quotient maps: Let σ= σ(F) be a simplex of , corresponding to a finite set F ∈ℱ. Let U_F = ⋂_i ∈ F Y_i, a contractible open set, and consider the product U_F ×σ(F) ⊂ Y ×. Then, define Y = ⋃_F ∈ℱ( U_F ×σ(F) ) ⊂ Y ×. The diagonal G–action on Y × induces a G–action on Y. The projections from Y × to its factors restrict to G–equivariant projection maps p Y → Y, q Y →. The homotopy equivalence Y →: Given a point x ∈ contained in the interior of a simplex σ(F), the fiber q^-1(x) = U_F ×{x} is contractible by hypothesis. Thus, by <cit.>, the projection q Y → is a homotopy equivalence. The fiber p^-1(y): Fix y∈ Y, and consider the fiber p^-1(y). Let (y,x) ∈ p^-1(y) ⊂ Y ×. Let σ(F) be a simplex of containing x = q(y,x). The vertices of σ correspond to the elements of F, hence to subsets Y_i for i ∈ F. We endow σ(F) with barycentric coordinates, so that x = ∑_i ∈ Fβ_i Y_i where ∑β_i = 1. Thus p^-1(y) = {(y, ∑_i ∈ Fβ_i Y_i ) | y ∈ U_F , F ∈ℱ} = {y}×Σ_y for a simplicial subcomplex Σ_y ⊂. Since the projection p Y → Y is G–equivariant, we have {gy}× g Σ_y = g ( {y}×Σ_y ) = g p^-1(y) = p^-1(gy) = {gy}×Σ_gy, and in particular g Σ_y = Σ_gy. For any pair of points x,x' ∈Σ_y, belonging to simplices σ(F), σ(F') of , we have y ∈ U_F ∩ U_F' = U_F ∪ F'. Thus there is also a simplex σ(F ∪ F') containing both σ(F) and σ(F') as faces. It follows that x,x' are connected by an affine line segment in the common simplex σ(F ∪ F'). In other words, Σ_y is convex. The section s Y → Y: Since Y is paracompact, there is a partition of unity {ϕ_α}_α∈ A subordinate to = {Y_i}_i ∈ I. That is, for each α∈ A, we have (ϕ_α) ⊂ Y_i(α) for some i(α) ∈ I. Given y∈ Y, let A(y) = {α∈ A : y ∈(ϕ_α) }, a finite set. Then, define f(y) = ∑_α∈ A(y)ϕ_α (y) Y_i (α) ∈ Σ_y and s(y) = ( y, f(y) ) ∈ p^-1(y) . We will eventually show that f Y → is the homotopy equivalence claimed in the theorem statement. For now, we focus on s. Checking that s is a homotopy inverse of p: Since s(y) ∈ p^-1(y), we have p ∘ s = id_Y by construction. We claim that the other composition s ∘ p is homotopic to id_ Y. To prove this, consider the following pair of functions from Y →: q_0(y,x) = q(y,x) = x, q_1(y,x) = f(y). For every pair (y, x) ∈ Y, the image points x = q_0(y,x) and x' = q_1(y,x) = f(y) are both contained in Σ_y. Above, we have checked both image points x,x' are contained in a common simplex σ(F ∪ F') ⊂Σ_y ⊂. Recall that we are working with the metric topology on . Thus, by Lemma <ref>, q_0 is homotopic to q_1 via a straight line homotopy q_t. For every y, this straight-line homotopy runs through Σ_y. We can now define a homotopy h_t Y → Y × as follows: h_t(y,x) = (y, q_t(y,x)). Observe that p ∘ h_t is continuous because p ∘ h_t(y,x) = y, and q ∘ h_t is continuous because q ∘ h_t(y,x) = q_t(y,x). Thus, by the universal property of the product topology, h_t is continuous. Restricting t to be 0 or 1 gives h_0(y,x) = (y, q_0(y,x)) = (y,x), h_1(y,x) = (y, q_1(y,x)) = (y, f(y)) = s∘ p(y,x). In fact, for every (y,x), the path t ↦ q_t(y,x) has image in Σ_y, hence h_t(y,x) has image in {y}×Σ_y ⊂ Y. Thus h_t is a homotopy from s∘ p to id_ Y, and s is a homotopy inverse of p. A homotopy equivalence: Thus far, we have homotopy equivalences s Y→ Y and q Y→. Hence the composition f = q∘ s Y → is a homotopy equivalence as well. It remains to check that f is a homotopy equivalence. Recall from above that for every y ∈ Y and g ∈ G, we have f(y) ∈Σ_y, hence gf(y) ∈ gΣ_y = Σ_gy. Similarly, we have f(gy) ∈Σ_gy. Thus both f(gy) and gf(y) lie in Σ_gy, and we have already checked that every pair of points of Σ_gy belong to a common simplex of . Thus Lemma <ref> says that the maps gf and fg are homotopic for every g ∈ G, hence f Y → (,𝒯_m) is a homotopy equivalence, as claimed in the statement of the theorem. Conclusion for the weak topology: This follows since 𝕀_ (,𝒯_w)→(,𝒯_m) is G–equivariant and is a homotopy equivalence by <cit.>. We are now finished with having the metric topology on our nerves, and work only with the weak topology in the remainder of the paper. The following result is stated (without the group action) as <cit.>. The proof given there assumes that = {Σ_i} is a locally finite cover, and then mentions that the general case requires a slightly different argument. (See Ramras <cit.> for a sketch of how the argument might go.) Since we need the conclusion in the case where {Σ_i} might be locally infinite, and since we need to adapt the proof slightly to account for the group action, we write down a proof using Theorem <ref>. Let Y be a simplicial complex, and let G be a group acting on Y by simplicial automorphisms. Let I be a set equipped with a left G–action, and let ={Σ_i}_i∈ I be a covering of Y by subcomplexes, with the following properties: * g Σ_i = Σ_gi for all g∈ G and i∈ I; * for any finite F⊂ I, the intersection ⋂_i∈ FΣ_i is either empty or contractible. Let be the nerve of the covering . Then there is a homotopy equivalence f Y→ (,𝒯_w). Let Y' be the barycentric subdivision of Y. We think of Y and Y' as the same underlying topological space, with different simplicial structures. Every subcomplex Σ⊂ Y be viewed as a subcomplex of Y'. Indeed, Σ⊂ Y is a full subcomplex of Y', in the following sense: for every simplex τ⊂ Y' whose vertices belong to Σ, it follows that τ⊂Σ. This holds because the vertices of τ correspond to simplices of Y; if these vertices belong to Σ, then so do the corresponding cells of Y, hence τ⊂Σ. Complementary complexes and open neighborhoods: For a subcomplex Σ⊂ Y, define the complementary complex T_Σ to be the union of all closed simplices of Y' disjoint from Σ. Then T_Σ is also a full subcomplex of Y'. Indeed, consider a simplex τ⊂ Y' whose vertices are disjoint from Σ. Then τ∩Σ cannot contain any faces of τ, hence τ∩Σ = ∅. Since T_Σ is a subcomplex of Y', it is closed (in the weak topology). Given a subcomplex Σ⊂ Y, we define an open neighborhood U_Σ = Y ∖ T_Σ. Thus U_Σ is the union of all the open simplices of Y' whose closures intersect Σ. For every subcomplex Σ_i, where i ∈ I, we write U_i = U_Σ_i. Observe that U_g i=gU_i for all g∈ G and i ∈ I. We will prove the theorem by replacing the subcomplex cover = {Σ_i }_i ∈ I by the open cover = { U_i }_i ∈ I. Same nerve: Let Σ_α and Σ_β be a pair of subcomplexes of Y, not necessarily belonging to . We claim that Σ_α∩Σ_β = ∅ if and only if U_Σ_α∩ U_Σ_β = ∅. The “if” direction is obvious. For the “only if” direction, suppose that Σ_α∩Σ_β = ∅. Then T_Σ_α∪ T_Σ_β = T_Σ_α∩Σ_β = T_∅ = Y', hence U_Σ_α∩ U_Σ_β = ∅, as desired. Now, let F ⊂ I be a finite set. By induction on |F|, combined with the argument of the above paragraph, we see that ⋂_i∈ FΣ_i = ∅ if and only if ⋂_i∈ F U_Σ_i = ∅. Hence the open cover = { U_i }_i ∈ I and the subcomplex cover = {Σ_i }_i ∈ I have the same nerve . Same homotopy type: For every subcomplex Σ⊂ Y, we claim that the open neighborhood U_Σ deformation retracts to Σ. This is a standard fact about simplicial complexes, proved e.g. in Munkres <cit.>. The proof constructs a straight-line homotopy in every simplex σ⊂ Y' that belongs to neither Σ nor T_Σ. The proof uses the fullness of Σ and T_Σ in Y', but does not depend on any finiteness properties of these complexes. Now, let F ⊂ I be a finite set such that ⋂_i∈ FΣ_i ≠∅. Define Σ_F = ⋂_i∈ FΣ_i, and recall that by hypothesis, Σ_F is contractible. Since U_Σ_F = ⋂_i∈ F U_Σ_i, and U_Σ_F deformation retracts to Σ_F, it follows that ⋂_i∈ F U_i = ⋂_i∈ F U_Σ_i is also contractible. Conclusion: By a theorem of Bourgin <cit.>, the simplicial complex Y is paracompact (with the weak topology 𝒯_w). We have shown that the open cover = { U_i }_i ∈ I and the subcomplex cover = {Σ_i }_i ∈ I have the same nerve . We have checked that U_g i=gU_i for all g∈ G and i ∈ I. Furthermore, for every finite set F ⊂ I, the intersection ⋂_i∈ F U_i is either empty or contractible. Thus, by Theorem <ref>, we have a homotopy equivalence f Y→ (,𝒯_w). § CUBE COMPLEXES AND THE ROLLER BOUNDARY This section recalls some background about CAT(0) cube complexes and their Roller boundaries. Many facts about CAT(0) cube complexes, median graphs, wallspaces, and related structures occur in various places in the literature, in many equivalent guises. We have endeavored to connect some of the perspectives, in part because we will need to use these connections in the sequel. We refer the reader to <cit.> and <cit.> for more background. §.§ CAT(0) cube complexes and metrics A cube is a copy of a Euclidean unit cube [-1/2,1/2]^n for 0≤ n<∞. A face of [-1/2,1/2]^n is a subspace obtained by restricting some of the coordinates to ±1/2. A cube complex is a CW complex whose cells are cubes and whose attaching maps restrict to isometries on faces. A cube complex with embedded cubes is nonpositively curved if, for all vertices v and all edges e_1,…,e_k incident to v such that e_i,e_j span a 2–cube for all i≠ j, we have that e_1,…,e_k span a unique k–cube. If X is nonpositively-curved and simply connected, then X is a CAT(0) cube complex. The dimension of X, denoted X, is the supremum of the dimensions of cubes of X. Throughout this paper, X will denote a finite-dimensional CAT(0) cube complex. We let (X) denote the group of cellular automorphisms of X. We do not assume that X is locally finite. The cube complex X carries a metric _X such that (X,_X) is a CAT(0) space, the restriction of _X to each cube is the Euclidean metric on a unit cube, and each cube is geodesically convex (see <cit.>). We refer to _X as the ℓ^2 metric or the CAT(0) metric on X. One can view X^(1) as a graph whose vertices are the 0–cubes and whose edges are the 1–cubes. (We often refer to 0–cubes as vertices of X, and 1–cubes as edges.) We let d_1 denote the ℓ^1 metric on the vertex set X^(0), which is the restriction of the usual graph metric on X^(1). We refer to d_1 as the combinatorial metric on X^(0). A combinatorial geodesic between x,y ∈ X^(0) is an edge path in X^(1) that realizes d_1(x,y). §.§ Hyperplanes, half-spaces, crossing, and separation Let [- 1/2, 1/2]^n be an n-dimensional cube. A midcube of [- 1/2, 1/2]^n is the subset obtained by restricting one coordinate to be 0. A hyperplane of a CAT(0) cube complex X is a connected subset whose intersection with each cube is either a midcube of that cube, or empty. The open 1/2–neighborhood of a hyperplane ĥ in the metric d_X is denoted N(ĥ) is called the open hyperplane carrier of ĥ. It is known that every open carrier N(ĥ) is geodesically convex in d_X. Furthermore, X ∖ N(ĥ) consists of two connected components, each of which is also convex <cit.>. A component of X ∖ N(ĥ) is called a CAT(0) half-space. The intersection of one of these components with the vertex set X^(0) is called a vertex half-space. The two vertex half-spaces associated to a hyperplane ĥ are denoted h, h^*. Note that ĥ^*= ĥ. Given a vertex half-space h, the corresponding CAT(0) half-space is the union of all cubes of X whose vertices lie in h. We will use the unmodified term half-space to mean either a CAT(0) half-space or a vertex half-space when the meaning is clear from context. The collection of all vertex half-spaces is denoted by , or (X) if we wish to specify the space X. If h∈, then h^* = X^(0)∖ h is exactly the complementary half-space associated to the same hyperplane ĥ. The collection of all hyperplanes of X is denoted (for “walls”). Generally speaking, calligraphic letters denote collections of hyperplanes, while gothic letters denote collections of half-spaces. There is a two-to-one map →, namely h ↦ĥ. Given a subset 𝒮⊂, an orientation on 𝒮 is a choice of a lift 𝒮→. A pair of half-spaces h,k∈ are called transverse (denoted h⋔ k) if the four intersections h∩ k, h∩ k^*, h^*∩ k and h^*∩ k^* are nonempty. In terms of the underlying hyperplanes ĥ and k̂, transversality is equivalent to the condition that ĥ≠k̂ and ĥ∩k̂≠∅. In this case, we also write ĥ⋔k̂. We sometimes say that transverse hyperplanes cross. Given subsets A,B⊂ X, we say that ĥseparatesA,B if, up to relabelling the half-spaces associated to ĥ, we have A⊂ h and B⊂ h^*. We will usually be interested in situations where A,B are subcomplexes, sets of vertices, or hyperplanes, in which case this notion is equivalent to another notion of separation: namely that A,B lie in distinct components of X ∖ĥ. Later in the paper, we will occasionally use the latter notion when we need to talk about points in N(ĥ) being separated by ĥ. (Elsewhere in the literature, e.g. <cit.>, the half-spaces associated to ĥ are defined to be the components of X ∖ĥ, or sometimes their closures. This small difference in viewpoint is usually irrelevant.) If e is an edge, i.e. a 1–cube, of X, then there is a unique hyperplane ĥ separating the two vertices of e. We say that ĥ is dual toe, and vice versa. Note that ĥ is the unique hyperplane intersecting e. More generally, if k≥ 0 and c is a k–cube, then there are exactly k hyperplanes intersecting c. These hyperplanes pairwise cross, and their intersection contains the barycenter of c. We say that c is dual to this family of hyperplanes. Any set of k pairwise-crossing hyperplanes is dual to at least one k–cube. In particular, X bounds the cardinality of any set of pairwise crossing hyperplanes in X. For any points x,y ∈ X, define (x,y) to be the set of hyperplanes separating x from y. If x,y∈ X^(0), then an edge path γ from x to y is a geodesic in X^(1) if and only if γ never crosses the same hyperplane twice. Consequently, _1(x,y)=|(x,y)|. In view of this, the following standard lemma relates the metrics _X and _1. See Caprace and Sageev <cit.> or Hagen <cit.> for proofs. There are constants λ_0 ≥ 1, λ_1 ≥ 0, depending on X, such that the following holds. For any pair of points x, y ∈ X, 1/λ_0 d_X(x,y) - λ_1 ≤ |(x,y)| ≤λ_0 d_X(x,y) + λ_1. For an arbitrary set B ⊂ X, let (B) be the union of all (x,y) for all x,y ∈ B. In practice, we will often be interested in the following special cases. First, if B is a hyperplane, then (B) coincides with the set of hyperplanes ĥ that cross B. If B is a convex subcomplex (see Definition <ref>), then (B) coincides with the set of ĥ with ĥ∩ B≠∅. If B is a combinatorial geodesic in X^(1), then, because of the above characterization of _1, the set (B) is the set of hyperplanes dual to edges of B, or equivalently the set of hyperplanes intersecting B, or equivalently the set of hyperplanes separating the endpoints of B. One can extend the ℓ^1 metric on X^(0) to all of X as follows. On a single cube c, let d_1 |_c × c→ be the standard ℓ^1 metric. This can be extended to a path-metric on all of X by concatenating paths in individual cubes. Miesch <cit.> showed that this procedure gives a geodesic path metric on X that extends the graph metric on X^(1). With this extended definition, d_1 becomes bilipschitz to d_X, with the Lipschitz constant λ_0 depending only on (X). §.§ The Roller boundary X Next, we define the Roller boundary and Roller compactification of X. Every vertex v∈ X^(0) defines the collection _v^+= {h∈: v∈ h} of half-spaces containing v. Going in the opposite direction, the collection _v^+ uniquely determines v: ⋂_h ∈_v^+ h = {v}. We endow the set 2^ with the product topology, which is compact by Tychonoff's theorem. Recall that a basis for this topology consists of cylinder sets defined by the property that finitely many coordinates (i.e. finitely many half-spaces) take a specified value (0 or 1). Cylinder sets are both open and closed. There is a continuous one-to-one map X^(0)↪ 2^ defined by v↦_v^+. (In fact, X^(0) is homeomorphic to its image if and only if X is locally compact. We will not need this fact.) The Roller Compactification of X^(0), denoted by X̃ or X̃(), is the closure of the image of X^(0) in 2^ℌ. The Roller Boundary of X is X = X̃∖ X^(0). Recall that (X) is the group of cubical automorphisms of X. We observe that the action of (X) extends to a continuous action on X̃ and therefore on X. Let h ∈(X). The extension of h to X̃ is defined to be the intersection in 2^ between X̃ and the cylinder set corresponding to h. It is straightforward to check that the extensions of h and h^* form a partition of X̃. We think of the extensions of h and h^* as complementary (vertex) half-spaces in X̃. By a slight abuse of notation, we use the same symbol h to refer to both a half-space in X and its extension in X̃. By the above discussion of the topology on 2^ℌ, the basic open sets in X̃ are intersections between X̃ and cylinder sets. Therefore, every basis set is a finite intersections of (extended) half-spaces. The duality between points and half-spaces in X, described above, extends to all of X̃ = X^(0)∪ X. Let y ∈X̃, and let _y^+ be the set of extended half-spaces that contain y. Then y and _y^+ determine one another: ⋂_h ∈_y^+ h = { y }. Chatterji and Niblo <cit.>, and independently Nica <cit.>, extended Sageev's construction <cit.> to prove the following. Let ' ⊂(X) be an involution-invariant collection of half-spaces. Then ' determines a CAT(0) cube complex X(') and the Roller compactification X̃('). In particular, X((X)) = X. If x ∈ X^(0), the corresponding set _x^+ ∈ 2^ satisfies the descending chain condition: any decreasing sequence of elements of _x^+ is eventually constant. On the other hand, the collection of half-spaces _y^+ corresponding to a boundary point y ∈ X will fail the descending chain condition. Namely, for y∈X̃ we have that y∈ X if and only if there exists a sequence {h_n}_n∈⊂_y^+ such that h_n+1⊊ h_n for each n∈. §.§ Convexity, intervals, and medians Here, we discuss the related notions of convexity and intervals in X and X̃. Since we are interested in two different metrics on X, there are several distinct definitions of convexity (ℓ^1 geodesic convexity, cubical convexity, interval convexity) that turn out to be equivalent for cubical subcomplexes of X. We then introduce a median operation on X̃ and its restriction to X. A set A ⊂ X^(0) is called vertex-convex if it is the intersection of vertex half-spaces in X. For a set S ⊂ X^(0), the vertex convex hull of S is the intersection of all vertex-convex sets containing S, or equivalently the intersection of all vertex half-spaces containing S. A subcomplex C ⊂ X is called cubically convex if it is the intersection of CAT(0) half-spaces. For a set S ⊂ X, the cubical convex hull, denoted (S), is the intersection of all cubically convex sets containing S, or equivalently the intersection of all CAT(0) half-spaces containing S. We remark that for subcomplexes of X, this definition coincides with geodesic convexity in the CAT(0) metric d_X; see <cit.> and <cit.>. Observe that if C is a full subcomplex of X (meaning, C contains a cube c whenever it contains the 0–skeleton of c), then C is cubically convex whenever C^(0) is vertex–convex. For this reason, we can use the two notions of convexity interchangeably when referring to full subcomplexes. Given x,y ∈ X^(0), define the (vertex) interval(x,y) to be vertex convex hull of {x, y}. Define the cubical interval(x,y) to be the cubical convex hull of {x, y}. Observe that (x,y) is a full, convex subcomplex, and is the union of all the cubes whose vertex sets are contained in (x,y). In addition, ^(1)(x,y) is the union of all of the combinatorial geodesics from x to y. In fact, intervals can be used to characterize convexity as follows: A set A ⊂ X^(0) is vertex-convex if and only if the following holds: for all x,y ∈ A, the interval (x,y) ⊂ A. A subcomplex C ⊂ X is cubically convex if and only if the following holds: for all x,y ∈ C^(0), the cubical interval (x,y) ⊂ C. Suppose C is a cubically convex subcomplex and x,y ∈ C. Since (x,y) is the intersection of all convex subcomplexes containing x,y, and C is one such set, we have (x,y) ⊂ C. Toward the converse, suppose that C is interval-convex, meaning (x,y) ⊂ C for every pair x,y. We wish to prove that C is convex. We claim the following: for every hyperplane ĥ that intersects C and is dual to an edge e with endpoints x,y such that x ∈ C, the other endpoint y belongs to C as well. This can be shown as follows. Since ĥ intersects C, there is an edge e' ⊂ C that is dual to ĥ. Let x', y' be the endpoints of e', such that x and x' are on the same side of ĥ. Then (x,y') = (x,x') ⊔ĥ = ĥ⊔(y,y'). In particular, there exists a combinatorial geodesic from x to y' whose initial edge is e. Since C is interval-convex, this proves the claim. We can now show that C is cubically convex. Suppose z ∈ X^(0)∖ C. Let γ⊂ X^(0) be a shortest combinatorial geodesic from z to C, and let x be the terminus of γ, and let e be the last edge of γ. Since the next-to-last vertex of γ is not in C, the above claim implies that the hyperplane ĥ dual to e is disjoint from C, and separates C from z. Thus C is contained in a CAT(0) half-space disjoint from z. Since z was arbitrary, it follows that C is cubically convex. The proof for vertex-convex subsets is identical, up to replacing all the appropriate sets by their 0–skeleta. Our next goal is to extend the notion of convexity to X̃. It turns out that in X̃, the correct definition of convexity begins with intervals. After developing some definitions and tools, we will eventually prove a generalization of Lemma <ref> to X̃, using a very different argument. Given x,y ∈X̃, define the interval(x,y) to be the intersection of all (extended, vertex) half-spaces that contain both x and y. Equivalently, (x,y) = { z ∈X̃ : ^+_z ⊃ ( ^+_x∩^+_y) }. A nonempty set A ⊂X̃ is called convex if it contains (x,y) for all x, y ∈ A. As a very particular case, half-spaces and hence also their intersections are convex in X̃. Observe that for x,y ∈ X^(0), the interval (x,y) will in fact be contained in X^(0), and coincides with the previous definition of (x,y). Consequently, X^(0) is convex in X̃. By Lemma <ref>, any vertex-convex subset of X^(0) is also convex in X̃. Since X̃⊂ 2^(X) is by definition a set of vertices, we do not define convex subcomplexes of X̃. As in <cit.>, the fact that X̃ is a median space is captured by the following property: for every x,y,z ∈X̃ there is a unique point m = m(x,y,z) ∈X̃ such that {m}= (x,y) ∩(y,z) ∩(x,z). This unique point m = m(x,y,z) is called the median of x, y, and z. We will not need the general definition of an (extended) median metric space; the only property of medians that we will need is that m X̃×X̃×X̃→X̃ satisfies (<ref>). In terms of half-spaces, we have: ^+_m = (^+_x ∩^+_y) ∪ (^+_y∩^+_z)∪ ( ^+_x ∩^+_z). Since intervals between points in X^(0) are contained in X^(0), we see that m(x,y,z)∈ X^(0) if x,y,z∈ X^(0). So, the median m on X̃ restricts to a median m on X^(0). The point m(x,y,z) is the unique vertex m for which any two of x,y,z can be joined by a geodesic in X^(1) passing through m. In other words, we also get an analogue of (<ref>) with (·,·) replaced by (·, ·): {m}= (x,y) ∩(y,z) ∩(x,z) for x,y,z∈ X^(0). In fact, a graph with this property — called a median graph— is always the 1–skeleton of a uniquely determined CAT(0) cube complex <cit.>. §.§ Lifting decompositions and convexity A set of half-spaces 𝔰⊂ is called consistent if the following two conditions hold: if h∈𝔰 then h^*∉𝔰, and if k ⊃ h ∈𝔰 then k∈𝔰. Given a subset ' ⊂, a lifting decomposition for ' is a consistent set of half-spaces 𝔰⊂∖' such that = '⊔𝔰⊔𝔰^*. Lifting decompositions do not necessarily exist, and are not necessarily unique. Lifting decompositions naturally occur in the following way. Consider a set A ⊂X̃. Analogous to _x^+, we define a set _A^+ = {h∈ : A⊂ h} of half-spaces that contain A, and observe that _A^+ is consistent. Define _A^- = (_A^+)^* to be the set of half-spaces disjoint from A, and finally a set _A = {h∈ : A∩ h ≠∅, A∩ h^*≠∅} of half-spaces that cut A. Then we get a lifting decomposition = _A ⊔_A^+ ⊔_A^-, where 𝔰 = _A^+. Observe that if A⊂ B, then _B^+ ⊂_A^+. Given points x,y ∈X̃, let (x,y)= _x^+ _y^+ denote the set of half-spaces that separate x from y. More generally, given two disjoint convex sets A,B⊂X̃, let (A,B)= _A^+ _B^+ denote the set of half-spaces that separate A from B. In an analogous fashion, we generalize the definition of (x,y) from Section <ref> to convex subsets A, B ⊂X̃. For subsets of this form, (A,B) = (A,B) consists of all the hyperplanes that separate A from B. We also extend the ℓ^1 metric on X^(0) to X̃, where d_1(x,y) = | (x,y) | = 1/2 | _x^+ _y^+| is allowed to take the value ∞. The following result says that lifting decompositions are in one-to-one correspondence with Roller-closed subcomplexes of X̃. The following are true: * Suppose that '⊂(X). If there exists a lifting decomposition 𝔰 for ', then there is a d_1–isometric embedding X̃(') ↪X̃ induced from the map 2^'↪ 2^(X) where U ↦ U⊔𝔰. The image of this embedding is ⋂_h∈𝔰 h⊂X̃. * Similarly, if 𝔰⊂(X) is a consistent set of half-spaces, then, setting _𝔰 = (X)∖(𝔰⊔𝔰^*) we get an isometric embedding X̃(_𝔰) ↪X̃, obtained as above, onto ⋂_h∈𝔰 h⊂X̃. * The set 𝔰 satisfies the descending chain condition if and only if the image of X(_𝔰) is in X. Furthermore, if the set 𝔰 is G–invariant, for some group G≤(X), then, with the restricted action on the image, the above natural embeddings are G–equivariant. This result is a slightly strengthened version of <cit.>. See also <cit.> for a very similar statement. We remark that Proposition <ref> includes the possibility that 𝔰=∅ and hence ⊔∅⊔∅ is a legitimate lifting decomposition of . In this case, recall that an intersection over an empty collection of sets is everything, i.e. ⋂_h∈∅ h= X̃. Suppose that there is a lifting decomposition 𝔰 for '. Then, since s ∩ s^* = ∅ and = '⊔ s ⊔ s^*, we deduce that ' = ∖( s⊔ s^*) is involution invariant. Next, we claim that ' ⊂ has a property called tightly nested, meaning that for every pair h,k∈', and for every ℓ∈ with h⊂ℓ⊂ k, we have ℓ∈'. Assume, for a contradiction, that h,k∈', and ℓ∈ with h⊂ℓ⊂ k, but ℓ∉'. Then (up to replacing the three half-spaces with their complements) we may assume that ℓ∈𝔰. But then k∈𝔰, a contradiction. With the verification that ' is involution invariant and tightly nested, our hypotheses imply those of <cit.>. Now, conclusions <ref>–<ref> follow from that lemma. Finally, the conclusion about G–invariance follows because the embeddings are canonically determined by the associated half-spaces. In Proposition <ref>, the isometric embeddings of X̃(') and X̃(_𝔰) restrict to isometric embeddings of X(') and X(_𝔰), respectively. Although X is typically not closed, the images under the isometric embedding of X(') and X(_𝔰) always lie in X. Indeed, recall from the discussion following Theorem <ref> that a point belongs to the Roller boundary if and only if there is an infinite descending chain of half-spaces containing the point in question. Hence, if U has an infinite descending chain, then so does U⊔ s. As a first application of Proposition <ref>, we will prove a generalization of Lemma <ref> to X̃. Observe that a naive generalization of Lemma <ref> does not hold, because X is (interval) convex in X̃ by Definition <ref>, but is not an intersection of extended half-spaces. However, the following lemma says that a closed, convex set in X̃ is always an intersection of extended half-spaces. Let A ⊂X̃ be a convex set. Then the Roller closure A in X̃ is the image of X̃(_A) under the embedding of Proposition <ref>, and A = ⋂_h ∈_A^+ h = ⋂_A ⊂ h h. Observe that _A^+ is a consistent set of half-spaces. Thus Proposition <ref>.<ref> gives an embedding X̃(_A) ↪X̃ whose image is W = ⋂_A ⊂ h h = ⋂_h ∈_A^+ h = ⋂_h ∈_Ã^+ h. Here, the first equality is the definition of W, the second equality is the definition of _A^+, and the third equality holds because half-spaces are closed, meaning _A^+=_Ã^+. It remains to show that A = W. The inclusion A⊂ W is obvious, because A⊂ h for every h ∈_Ã^+. To prove the reverse inclusion, suppose for a contradiction that there is a point y ∈ W ∖Ã. Since X̃∖Ã is open, there is a basic open neighborhood of y of the form ⋂_i=1^n h_i, such that y ∈( ⋂_i=1^n h_i ) ⊂X̃∖Ã. Therefore, A ⊂ h_1^*∪⋯∪ h_n^*. Without loss of generality, assume that n is minimal in the sense that for each j =1, …, n there is a point a_j ∈ A∖(⋃_j ≠ i=1^n h_i^* ) = A ∩(⋂_j ≠ i=1^n h_i ). One crucial observation is that n≥ 2: otherwise, if A ⊂ h_1^*, then h_1 ∩ W = ∅, but we know that y ∈ h_1 ∩ W. Now, define p = m(y,a_1, a_2). Recall that (a_1,a_2)⊂ A, because A is convex. By the definition of medians, we have p ∈(a_1,a_2)⊂ A, p ∈(y, a_1) ⊂(⋂_j =2^n h_i ), p ∈(y, a_2) ⊂ h_1. Consequently, we have p ∈ A ∩( ⋂_i =1^n h_i )= ∅, a contradiction. Thus A = W. §.§ Gates and bridges A very useful property of a convex subset A⊂ X^(0) is the existence of a gate map_A X→ A; this is a well-known notion, see e.g. <cit.> and the citations therein. Metrically, _A X^(0)→ A^(0) is just closest-point projection, but gates can be characterized entirely in terms of the median (see e.g. <cit.> and citations therein). Since we saw that X̃ has a median satisfying (<ref>), convex subsets of X̃ do similarly admit gates. This is the content of Proposition <ref>, which has the advantage of showing an important relationship between gates and walls. Recall that (x,Y) is the set of hyperplanes separating x from Y, where Y⊂X̃ is convex. Let C⊂X̃ be closed and convex. There is a unique projection _CX̃ C such that for any x∈X̃ we have (x,_C(x)) = (x,C). Let = _C⊔_C^+ ⊔_C^- be the lifting decomposition associated to C. The map 2^→ 2^_C defined by U↦ U∖ (_C^+ ⊔_C^-) restricts to a surjection X̃X̃(_C). Next, Proposition <ref> gives an embedding X̃(_C) →X̃, namely V ↦ V ⊔_C^+. Composing the surjection X̃X̃(_C) with the embedding X̃(_C) →X̃ yields a map _C X̃→X̃. The image _C(X̃) is C since, by Lemma <ref>, the image of the embedding X̃(_C)→X̃ is exactly C=C. To prove the equality in the statement, first observe that (x,C) ⊂(x,_C(x)) because _C(x) ∈ C. For the opposite inclusion, consider a hyperplane ĥ∈(x,_C(x)), and choose an orientation h ∈_x^+. By the definition of _C, we have __C(x)^+ = (_x^+ ∖_C^-) ∪_C^+. Since h ∈_x^+ ∖__C(x)^+, we must have h ∈_C^-, hence ĥ∈(x,C). Thus (x,C) = (x,_C(x)). Finally, for x ∈ C, we must have x = _C(x) because (x,_C(x)) = (x,C) = ∅. Thus _C is indeed a projection to C. Note that _C restricts to the identity on C. We call _C the gate map to C, which is consistent with the terminology used in the theory of median spaces because of the following lemma: Let _C be the map from Proposition <ref>. Then for all x∈X̃ and y∈ C, we have m(x,y,_C(x))=_C(x). In particular, _C(x) ∈⋂_y ∈ C(x,y). By Proposition <ref> and the fact that y∈ C, we have (x,_C(x))⊂(x,y), so (x,_C(x))⊂(x,y). So, _C(x)∈(x,y)∩(x,_C(x))∩(y,_C(x)), hence m=_C(x). The above lemma has two corollaries. First, we can characterize medians in terms of projections: Suppose that x,y,z ∈ X^(0). Then _(x,y)(z)=m(x,y,z). By Lemma <ref>, we have _(x,y)(z) ∈(x,z) and _(x,y)(z) ∈(y,z). On the other hand, _(x,y)(z)∈(x,y) by definition. So, by (<ref>), we get _(x,y)(z)=m(x,y,z). Second, Lemma <ref> allows us to project from X to convex subcomplexes of X. Let A ⊂ X be a convex subcomplex. Then, for all x ∈ X^(0), we have _A (x) ∈ A. Consequently, we get a projection _A = _A X^(0)→ A^(0). Let x ∈ X^(0) and y ∈ A^(0). By Lemma <ref>, we have _A(x) ∈(x,y) ⊂ X^(0). But A∩ X^(0) = A^(0). In fact, it is possible to extend _A over higher-dimensional cubes to get a map _A X→ A. This is done as follows (see also <cit.>). First let e be a 1–cube of X joining 0–cubes x,y and dual to a hyperplane ĥ. From Proposition <ref>, one has the following: if ĥ does not cross A, then _A(x)=_A(y), and, otherwise, _A(x) and _A(y) are joined by an edge e̅⊂ A dual to ĥ. In the former case, _A extends over e by sending every point to _A(x)=_A(y); in the latter case, we extend by declaring _A e→e̅ to be the obvious isometry. Now, if c is a d–cube for d≥ 2, then for some s∈{0,…,d}, there are 1–cubes e_1,…,e_s⊂ c that span an s–cube c' and have the property that the hyperplanes ĥ_1,…,ĥ_s respectively dual to e_1,…,e_s are precisely the hyperplanes intersecting both c and A. (The case s=0 corresponds to the situation where no hyperplane intersecting c intersects A, and c' is an arbitrary 0–cube of c.) So for 1≤ i≤ s, we have that e̅_i=_A(e_i) is a 1–cube of A dual to ĥ_i, and the 1–cubes e̅_1,…,e̅_s span an s–cube c̅'. We extend _A over c' using the obvious cubical isometry c'→c̅' extending the map _A on 1–cubes. By construction, for each v∈ c^(0), there is a unique 0–cube v'∈ c' such that _A(v)=_A(v'), the assignment v↦ v' extends to a cubical map c→ c' (collapsing the hyperplanes not in {ĥ_1,…,ĥ_s}), and composing this with _A:c'→ A gives the (extended) gate map _A:c→ A. Note that c'⊂ c is only unique up to parallelism, but any two allowable choices of c' give the same map c→ A. We conclude that gates enjoy the following properties: Let A⊂ X be a convex subcomplex. Then: * For all x,y∈ X, we have (_A(x),_A(y))=(x,y)∩(A), and (x,_A(x))=(x,A). * The map _A is 1–lipschitz on X^(0) with the d_1 metric and the CAT(0) metric d_X. For 0–cubes, the first part of conclusion <ref> appears in various places in the literature; see e.g. <cit.>, or one can deduce it easily from Proposition <ref>. The second part of the first assertion (again for 0–cubes) restates Proposition <ref>. The generalization of <ref> to arbitrary points in X follows immediately from the corresponding assertion for 0–cubes, together with the construction in Remark <ref>. Finally, <ref> implies the first part of <ref>, since _1(x,y)=|(x,y)| for 0–cubes x,y. For the second part, first note that the restriction of π_A to each cube is 1–lipschitz for the CAT(0) metric, since it factors as the natural projection of the cube onto one of its faces (which is lipschitz for the Euclidean metric) composed with an isometric embedding. Now, fix x,y∈ X and let γ be the CAT(0) geodesic joining them, which decomposes as a finite concatenation of geodesics, each lying in a single cube. Each such geodesic is mapped to a path whose length has not increased, so π_A∘γ is a path from π_A(x) to π_A(y) of length at most _X(x,y), as required. The following standard application of gates is often called the bridge lemma. Let I,J⊂ X be convex subcomplexes. Let _I X → I and _J X→ J be the gate maps. Then the following hold: * _I(J) and _J(I) are convex subcomplexes. * (_I(J))=(_J(I))=(I)∩(J). * The map _I _J(I)→_I(J) is an isomorphism of CAT(0) cube complexes. * The cubical convex hull (_I(J)∪_J(I)) is a CAT(0) cube complex isomorphic to _J(I)×(x,_J(x)) for any vertex x∈_I(J). * If I∩ J≠∅, then _I(J)=_J(I)=I∩ J, and (I∩ J)=(I)∩𝒲(J). This can be assembled from results in the literature in various ways. For example, the first statement is part of <cit.>; the second and last statements follow from <cit.>. The third follows from <cit.>. For the fourth, see <cit.> or <cit.>. §.§ Facing tuples and properness A facing k–tuple of hyperplanes is a set {ĥ_1,…,ĥ_k} of hyperplanes such that, for each i≤ k, we can choose a half-space h_i such that h_i∩ h_j=∅ for i≠ j. We are often particularly interested in facing triples, since many of the subcomplexes of X considered later in the paper will be CAT(0) cube complexes that do not contain facing triples. One useful application of the notion of a facing tuple is the following lemma, which in practice will be used to guarantee properness of certain subcomplexes of X. See <cit.> for a more detailed discussion. See also <cit.> for a related result, where X is required to isometrically embed into ^D for some D. Let X be a CAT(0) cube complex of dimension D<∞. Suppose that there exists T such that X does not contain a facing T–tuple. Then (X,_X) is a proper CAT(0) space. Let R≥ 0 and let B be a ball of radius R in X (with respect to the CAT(0) metric _X). Let (B) be the set of hyperplanes intersecting B. We say that hyperplanes ĥ_1,…,ĥ_n in (B) form a chain if (up to relabelling), each ĥ_i separates ĥ_i-1 from ĥ_i+1 for 2≤ i≤ n-1. We claim that there exists N, depending only on D and R, such that any chain in (B) has cardinality at most N. Indeed, if ĥ_1,…,ĥ_n is a chain, then any edge dual to ĥ_1 lies at ℓ^1 distance at least n-2 from any edge dual to ĥ_n. Now, Lemma <ref> implies there exists N (depending only on D and R) such that n>N implies that _X(ĥ_1,ĥ_n)>2R. This is impossible, since ĥ_1,ĥ_n intersect a common R–ball. On the other hand, <cit.> provides a constant K=K(D,T) such that any finite set ℱ⊂(B) must contain a chain of length at least |ℱ|/K. So, |(B)|≤ KN. Let (B) be the cubical convex hull of B. The set of hyperplanes of the CAT(0) cube complex (B) is 𝒲(B), which we have just shown is finite. Hence (B) is a compact CAT(0) cube complex, and hence proper. Since B↪ X is an isometric embedding (with respect to CAT(0) metrics), B is a ball in (B), and is therefore compact. This completes the proof. The use of the above lemma will be the following. Given x∈ X^(0) and y∈ X, we can consider the interval (x,y) in X̃. The intersection (x,y)∩ X is a vertex-convex set, which is the 0–skeleton of a uniquely determined convex subcomplex A. Note that (A)=(x,y). This infinite set of hyperplanes cannot contain a facing triple. Hence, Lemma <ref> shows that A is proper. We will need this in the proof of Lemma <ref>, to arrange for a sequence of CAT(0) geodesic segments in A to converge uniformly on compact sets to a CAT(0) geodesic ray. In this way, we avoid a blanket hypothesis that X is proper. Note that we therefore only use a special case of the lemma, namely properness of cubical intervals. Properness of intervals follows from a much stronger statement: intervals endowed with the ℓ_1 metric isometrically embed into ^(X) (i.e. are Euclidean). It follows that intervals are proper in the CAT(0) metric, since the two metrics are bilipschitz. This embedding into ^(X) goes back at least to <cit.>. This embedding is closely related to <cit.>, which bounds the cardinality of facing tuples in Euclidean CAT(0) cube complexes, which include, but are more general than, cubical intervals. §.§ Combinatorial Geodesic Rays Next, we develop some basic facts about combinatorial geodesics in CAT(0) cube complexes that will be needed when we relate different types of boundaries. A map γ [0, ∞)→ X^(1) is said to be a combinatorial geodesic ray if γ() ⊂ X^(0) and for each n,m ∈ we have d_1(γ(n), γ(m) ) = |n-m| and γ is an isometry on each interval [n, n+1]. Let γ [0,∞)→ X be a combinatorial geodesic ray. There exists a unique point y∈ X such that γ(n) → y in X̃ as n →∞. In the sequel, we will write y = γ(∞) to mean γ(n) → y. Consider the set D(γ) = {h∈: γ([N,∞)∩)⊂ h for some N∈}. This is clearly a consistent choice of half-spaces. We claim that for each h∈, either h or h^* belongs to D(γ). Indeed, up to replacing h by h^*, there must be a monotonic sequence n_k→∞ such that γ(n_k) ∈ h. Since h is convex, it follows that γ([n_1,∞)∩) ⊂ h. Now, define C = ⋂_ h ∈ D(γ) h. We claim that C consists of exactly one point. Note that C ≠∅ because it is a nested intersection of compact sets in X̃. On the other hand, if x,x' ∈ C are distinct points, then consider a half-space h such that x ∈ h and x' ∈ h^*. This half-space must satisfy both h ∈ D(γ) and h^* ∈ D(γ), a contradiction. Thus C = {y}, as desired. For every x∈ X^(0) and every y ∈ X, there is a combinatorial geodesic ray γ [0,∞) → X such that γ(0) = x and γ(∞) = y. The proof of Lemma <ref> is modeled on the construction of normal cubed paths, introduced by Niblo and Reeves in <cit.>. Without loss of generality, let us assume that X̃= (x,y), that is, (X) = _x^+_y^+. The collection of half-spaces _x^+∖_y^+ is partially ordered by set inclusion. Consider h, k ∈_x^+∖_y^+. Since x∈ h∩ k and y∈ h^*∩ k^*, the possible relations between h and k are: h⊂ k or k⊂ h or h⋔ k. In other words, incomparable elements are transverse. In particular, all minimal elements of _x^+∖_y^+ must be pairwise transverse. By finite dimensionality, the set M_1 of minimal elements is finite. Let x_1 be the vertex obtained by replacing every h ∈ M_1 by h^*, that is, _x_1^+= (_x^+∖ M_1)∪ M_1^*, a clearly consistent and total choice of half-spaces. In other words, x_1 is diagonally across from x in the unique maximal cube containing x in the vertex interval (x, y). Proceeding by induction, suppose that x_n-1 has been defined. Let M_n be the set of minimal elements of _x_n-1^+ ∖_y^+. Let x_n be the vertex obtained by replacing every h ∈ M_n by h^*, corresponding to the half-space interval _x_n^+= (_x_n-1^+∖ M_n)∪ M_n^*. Observing that M_k^*∩ M_j = ∅ for j < k, we conclude that _x_n^+= ( _x^+∖⋓j=1n-1 M_j ) ∪( ⋓j=1n-1 M_j^*). Fix k<m ∈. We claim that for any integer ℓ∈ [k, m], x_ℓ lies on every geodesic path from x_k to x_m. Equivalently, we claim that the median of x_k, x_ℓ, and x_m is x_ℓ. Recall that this will be the case if every half-space containing x_k and x_m also contains x_ℓ. This containment can be established as follows _x_k^+ ∩_x_m^+ = ( _x^+ ∖⋓j=1m-1 M_j )∪( ⋓j=1k-1M_j^* ) ⊂( _x^+ ∖⋓j=1ℓ-1 M_j ) ∪( ⋓j=1ℓ-1M_j^* ) = _x_ℓ^+. This proves the claim. Set x_0=x and choose an edge-geodesic γ_k [0, d(x_k-1, x_k)] →(x_k-1, x_k) from x_k-1 to x_k. Finally, define γ as the infinite concatenation γ_1 γ_2 ⋯. Then, by construction, γ(∞) = y. We will discuss further properties of combinatorial geodesic rays in Section <ref>. § CUBOID COMPLEXES WITH MODIFIED CAT(0) METRICS A cuboid is a box of the form [0,a_1] ×…× [0,a_n] ⊂^n. In this section, we describe a way to modify the metric on a finite-dimensional CAT(0) cube complex X to produce a new CAT(0) space whose cells are cuboids rather than cubes. Our results relating the Tits boundary and simplicial boundary of a CAT(0) cube complex will carry over to this context with small changes to some proofs, which we will indicate in the relevant places. The reader only interested in CAT(0) cube complexes with the standard CAT(0) metric can safely skip this section, apart from the statements of Lemmas <ref> and <ref>. Those lemmas are cuboid generalizations of standard results in the literature, namely <cit.> and <cit.>. Thus, in the standard metric, one can substitute those results from the literature for the lemmas of this section. Let X be a finite-dimensional CAT(0) cube complex and let G →(X) be a group acting on X by cubical automorphisms. Let be the set of hyperplanes in X. A hyperplane rescaling of X is a map ρ→ (0,∞). The rescaling is called G–admissible if it is G–invariant, and in addition we have m_ρ=inf_ĥ∈ρ(ĥ)>0 and M_ρ=sup_ĥ∈ρ(ĥ)<∞. Let ρ be a G–admissible hyperplane rescaling of X. Fix a cube c of X. For each hyperplane ĥ_i intersecting c, let ρ_i=ρ(ĥ_i). Regarding c as an isometric copy of ∏_i[0,ρ_i], with the Euclidean metric, let d_X^ρ be the resulting piecewise-Euclidean path metric on X. The following result is a special case of a theorem of Bowditch <cit.>, but we are able to give a direct proof. Suppose that G acts on X by cubical automorphisms, and let ρ be a G–admissible hyperplane rescaling of X. Then (X,d_X^ρ) is a CAT(0) space, and the action of G on (X,d_X^ρ) is by isometries. Let x ∈ X be an arbitrary point. Then the link of x in (X,^ρ_X) is isometric to the link of x in (X,d_X), and is hence a CAT(1) space. Since the amount of rescaling in bounded, there is a small ϵ depending on x and ρ such that the ϵ–balls about x in the two metrics are (abstractly) isometric. Thus (X, d_X^ρ) is locally CAT(0). Recalling that X is contractible (the homeomorphism type has not changed), we conclude that (X, d_X^ρ) is globally CAT(0) by Cartan–Hadamard theorem <cit.>. Since ρ is G–equivariant, G takes cuboids to d_X^ρ–isometric cuboids, hence G acts by isometries. One can also prove Lemma <ref> using a result of Bridson and Haefliger <cit.>. Our proof is essentially the same argument, but the cubical structure allows us to assume bounded rescaling rather than finitely many shapes. Consider a finite-dimensional CAT(0) cube complex X, a group G acting on X by cubical automorphisms, and a G–admissible hyperplane rescaling ρ of X. We say that the CAT(0) metric d_X^ρ from Lemma <ref> is a CAT(0) cuboid metric on X, and (X,d_X^ρ) is a CAT(0) cuboid complex. Suppose that G acts on X by cubical automorphisms, and let ρ be a G–admissible hyperplane rescaling of X. Define (X^ρ) ⊂(X) to be the automorphism group of the rescaled complex (X,d_X^ρ). By construction, the representation G →(X) has image in (X^ρ). Every cubically convex subcomplex Y ⊂ X is also geodesically convex in the rescaled metric d_X^ρ. In particular, every CAT(0) half-space (k) is convex in d_X^ρ. By Definition <ref>, a cubically convex subcomplex is an intersection of CAT(0) half-spaces. Since any intersection of d_X^ρ–convex sets will be d_X^ρ–convex, it suffices to prove that CAT(0) half-spaces are d_X^ρ–convex. Now, let k ∈(X), and let (k) be the the corresponding CAT(0) half-space. Observe that (k) is a CAT(0) cube complex in its own right with half-space structure (k) = {h∈: h⋔ k}. Let G_k= _G(k) which then acts by isometries on ((k)). Clearly the restriction ρ|_(k) is G_k–admissible. By Lemma <ref> we have ((k), d^ρ|(k)_(k)) is a CAT(0) space, so that d_X^ρ|_(k) = d^ρ|_(k)_(k). Therefore, the identity inclusion (h) ↪ X is isometric with respect to this new CAT(0) metric, and in particular (k) is d_X^ρ–convex. The following result is a generalization of <cit.> for CAT(0) cuboid complexes. Let X be a CAT(0) cube complex and let ρ be a G–admissible hyperplane rescaling. Suppose that (X) =𝒲_1⊔_2, where ĥ,v̂ cross whenever ĥ∈_1,v̂∈_2. Then X=X_1× X_2 (as a product cube complex), where X_1 and X_2 are CAT(0) cube complexes dual to _1 and _2. Letting p_i X→ X_i denote the natural projection, for i∈{1,2}, the map p_i induces a bijection on the sets of hyperplanes such that the preimages of the hyperplanes in X_i are the hyperplanes in _i. Moreover, restricting ρ to _i, we obtain rescaled CAT(0) metrics ^ρ_X_i such that (X_i,^ρ_X_i) is a CAT(0) cuboid complex and we have ^ρ_X(x,y)=√(^ρ_X_1(p_1(x),p_1(y))^2+^ρ_X_2(p_2(x),p_2(y))^2) for all x,y∈ X. The statement about X decomposing as a product cube complex follows from <cit.> and the discussion in <cit.> preceding it. So, it remains to prove the statement about rescaled CAT(0) metrics. Admissibility of the rescalings on X_1,X_2 follows from admissibility of ρ and the fact that p_i is a restriction quotient in the sense of <cit.>, meaning it sends hyperplanes to hyperplanes. So, Lemma <ref> makes each (X_i,^ρ_X_i) a CAT(0) cuboid complex. We now verify the metric statement. Let x,y∈ X. Let α be the ^ρ_X–geodesic from x=(p_1(x),p_2(x)) to y=(p_1(y),p_2(y)). Let β be the ^ρ_X–geodesic from (p_1(x),p_2(y)) to (p_1(x),p_2(x)), and let γ be the ^ρ_X–geodesic from (p_1(y),p_2(y)) to (p_1(x),p_2(y)). So, αγβ is a geodesic triangle. Note that every point on β has the form (p_1(x),z) and every point on γ has the form (z,p_2(y)), because the p_i are restriction quotients and therefore have convex fibers by Lemma <ref>. In particular, β=^ρ_X_2(p_2(x),p_2(y)) and γ=^ρ_X_1(p_1(x),p_1(y)) and p_1,p_2 are respectively isometries on γ and β. Moreover, the Alexandrov angle (see Definition <ref>) formed by β and γ at their common point is π/2. Perform the same construction with (p_1(x),p_2(y)) replaced by (p_1(y),p_2(x)). This yields a geodesic quadrilateral in (X, ^ρ_X), with all angles π/2, two adjacent sides having length ^ρ_X_2(p_2(x),p_2(y)) and ^ρ_X_1(p_1(x),p_1(y)), and x and y as opposite corners. The Flat Quadrilateral Theorem (<cit.>) now implies that ^ρ_X(x,y)=√(^ρ_X_1(p_1(x),p_1(y))^2+^ρ_X_2(p_2(x),p_2(y))^2), as required. We also need the following standard lemma. In the context of CAT(0) cube complexes, this is <cit.>. We state it here for cuboid complexes. The proof from <cit.> goes through with tiny changes that we indicate below. Let X be a D–dimensional CAT(0) cube complex and let ρ be a G–admissible hyperplane rescaling. Let (X,d^ρ_X) be the resulting CAT(0) cuboid complex. Let γ [0,∞)→ X be a geodesic ray for the metric d^ρ_X, with γ(0)∈ X^(0). Then X contains a combinatorial geodesic ray α in X^(1) such that α(0)=γ(0) and such that α fellow-travels with γ at distance depending only on D and ρ. The proof from <cit.> works with almost no change. First, <cit.> is about the combinatorial structure of X only, which does not change when we rescale edges to pass from the CAT(0) metric d_X to the CAT(0) metric d_X^ρ. The proof of <cit.> needs this lemma, plus CAT(0) convexity of half-spaces, which continues to hold in view of Corollary <ref>. The proof of <cit.> produces a combinatorial ray α such that each point of α lies in a common cube as a point of γ, and vice versa. Hence the two rays fellow travel at CAT(0) distance bounded by the diameter of a cube. In the metric d_X, this is bounded in terms of D; in the metric d_X^ρ, this is bounded in terms of D and the constant M_ρ from Definition <ref>, as required by the statement. Since d_X and d_X^ρ are path-metrics, and for each cube c of X, the standard CAT(0) metric d_X on c is bilipschitz to the restriction of d_X^ρ (with constant depending only on the rescaling constant), the identity map (X,d_X)→(X,d_X^ρ) is bilipschitz. Combining this fact with Lemma <ref> yields a version of Lemma <ref> for the rescaled metric d_X^ρ: There are constants λ_0^ρ≥ 1, λ_1^ρ≥ 0, depending on X and ρ, such that the following holds. For any pair of points x, y ∈ X, 1/λ_0^ρ d_X^ρ(x,y) - λ_1^ρ≤ |(x,y)| ≤λ_0^ρ d_X^ρ(x,y) + λ_1^ρ. In a similar fashion, by Remark <ref>, there is a bilipschitz relationship between (X, d_X^ρ) and (X, d_1). § THE SIMPLICIAL ROLLER BOUNDARY X In this section, we discuss one of the main objects in the paper: the simplicial Roller boundary. Let x,y ∈X̃. Recall that (x,y) = _x^+ _y^+ is the set of half-spaces that separate x from y. We say that x is commensurate to y, and write x∼ y, if |(x,y)|< ∞. Observe that X^(0) forms a single commensurability class in X̃. Commensurability classes contained in X = X̃∖ X^(0) are also called Roller classes. The Guralnik quotient of the Roller Boundary is X = X / ∼, the set of commensurability classes of points in the Roller boundary <cit.>. We shall often implicitly consider elements [x]∈ X as subsets [x]⊂X̃. In most cases, the quotient topology on X = X / ∼ is not Hausdorff (in fact, it does not even satisfy the T_1 axiom). We think of X as only a set, without a topology. In Definition <ref>, we will use a partial order on X to define a simplicial complex X with far nicer topological properties. Following <cit.>, we say a set S⊂ is non-terminating if S contains no minimal elements: given any half-space h∈ S, there is a half-space k⊊ h with k∈ S. Let C ⊂ X be a closed, convex set. The following are equivalent: * There is a point y∈∂ X such that C= [̃ỹ]̃. * There exists k≤ (X) and a family (h^1_m)_m≥ 0, (h_m^2)_m≥ 0,…, (h_m^k)_m≥ 0 of descending chains of half-spaces such that C =⋂_i=1^k⋂_m≥ 0h_m^i. * C is a union of Roller classes. * The set of half-spaces _C^+ is non-terminating. We will prove <ref>⇒<ref>⇒<ref>⇒<ref> and <ref>⇔<ref>. The claim that <ref> implies <ref> is a restatement of <cit.>. To prove that <ref> implies <ref>, assume that y ∈ C = ⋂_i=1^k⋂_m≥ 0h_m^i and y' ∼ y meaning that |(y, y')|< ∞. Since _y^+ ∖_y'^+ is finite, it follows that there exists an N for which h_m^i ∈_y'^+ (i.e. y'∈ h_m^i) for each m≥ N and i=1, …, k. That is to say, y'∈⋂_i=1^k⋂_m≥ Nh_m^i= ⋂_i=1^k⋂_m≥ 0h_m^i = C. To prove <ref> implies <ref>, suppose that C is a union of Roller classes. Let _C be the collection of half-spaces that cut C. By Theorem <ref>, there is an associated cube complex X(_C). Since C is closed and convex, Proposition <ref> and Lemma <ref> give an embedding i_C X̃(_C)↪X̃ whose image is C, and furthermore C= ⋂_h∈_C^+h. Let y_0 ∈ X(_C)^(0) and note that [̃ỹ_̃0̃]̃= X̃(_C). Let y=i_C(y_0)∈ C and note that i_C([y_0]) ⊂ [y], hence C=i_C([̃ỹ_̃0̃]̃) ⊂[̃ỹ]̃. Since C is a union of equivalence classes, we have [y]⊂ C. Since C is closed, we have that [̃ỹ]̃⊂ C and hence C= [̃ỹ]̃. To prove <ref> implies <ref>, suppose there exists a minimal half-space h_0∈_C^+. We claim that _C^+∖{h_0} is consistent. Indeed, if h∈_C^+∖{h_0} then h^*∉_C^+∖{h_0}. If h⊂ k then k∈_C^+, and since h_0 is minimal, h_0≠ k so k∈_C^+∖{h_0}. We may therefore consider the CAT(0) cube complex associated to _C ⊔{h_0, h_0^*}. Fix y, y' ∈ X(_C ⊔{h_0, h_0^*}) such that y∈ h_0 and y'∈ h_0^*. Then, by Proposition <ref> there is a unique point ỹ∈ C associated to the total and consistent choice of half-spaces {h∈_C: y∈ h}⊔_C^+. Similarly, there is a unique point ỹ'∈ X∖ C associated to {h∈_C: y'∈ h}⊔{h_0^*}⊔ (_C^+∖{h_0}). By construction, |(ỹ, ỹ')| = 2, hence C is not a union of Roller classes. Finally, to prove <ref> implies <ref>, suppose that C is not a union of Roller classes. Then there are commensurate elements y∈ C and y' ∈ X ∖ C. Convexity means C = ⋂_h∈_C^+h, hence there is a half-space h∈_C^+ with y∈ C ⊂ h and y'∉ h. Under the assumption that |(y,y')|<∞, we may choose a minimal such h and conclude that _C^+ fails to be non-terminating. Given a closed, convex set C satisfying one of the equivalent conditions of Lemma <ref>, the class [y] whose closure is C is called the principal class of C. Compare Guralnik <cit.>. Let [x],[y] ⊂ X be Roller classes. We define a partial order on X by setting [x] ≤ [y] whenever _[x]^+ ⊂_[y]^+, or equivalently _[̃x̃]̃^+ ⊂_[y]^+. The following result is essentially a corollary of Lemma <ref>. For Roller classes [x],[y] ⊂ X, the following are equivalent: * [x] ≤ [y] * _[x]^+ ⊂_[y]^+ * [y]⊂[̃x̃]̃ * [y]∩[̃x̃]̃≠∅ Conditions <ref> and <ref> are equivalent by Definition <ref>. Since _[x]^+ =_[̃x̃]̃^+, by Lemma <ref>, Remark <ref> implies that <ref> and <ref> are equivalent. Next, <ref> trivially implies <ref>. Finally, <ref> implies <ref> by Lemma <ref>. The simplicial Roller boundaryX is the simplicial realization of the partial order of Definition <ref>. That is: vertices of X correspond to points of X, or equivalently Roller classes in X. Simplices in X correspond to totally ordered chains of Roller classes. Observe that the action of (X) on X preserves commensurability classes and the order ≤, yielding a bijective action on X and a simplicial action on X. The characterization of Lemma <ref>.<ref> implies that any simplex in X has k ≤ X vertices, hence X≤ X-1. § THE SIMPLICIAL BOUNDARY In this section, we recall the definition of the simplicial boundary ∂_ X<cit.>; see Definition <ref>. Then, we develop some connections between ∂_ X, the Roller boundary X, and the simplicial Roller boundary X. See Theorem <ref> and Corollary <ref> for the most top-level statement. The lemmas used to prove those top-level results will be extensively used in later sections. §.§ Unidirectional boundary sets Recall that is the set of half-spaces of X and is the set of hyperplanes of X. In this section, we mainly focus on collections of hyperplanes. A triple h_1, h_2, h_3 ∈ is called a facing triple if their complements h_1^*, h_2^*, h_3^* are pairwise disjoint. Similarly, a triple of hyperplanes ĥ_1, ĥ_2, ĥ_3 ∈ is called a facing triple if there exists a choice of orientation such that h_1, h_2, h_3 form a facing triple. Caprace and Sageev <cit.> showed that in a non-elementary essential CAT(0) cube complex, given any half-space h∈ there exist half-spaces k, ℓ∈ such that {h,k,ℓ} is a facing triple. A collection of hyperplanes 𝒮⊂ is called unidirectional if for every ĥ∈𝒮, at most one side of ĥ contains infinitely many other elements of 𝒮. A collection 𝒮⊂ is called inseparable if whenever ĥ, k̂∈𝒮 and ℓ̂ is a hyperplane that separates ĥ and k̂, then ℓ̂∈𝒮. This is closely related to the “tightly nested” condition in Proposition <ref>. A set ⊂ is a unidirectional boundary set (abbreviated UBS) if it is infinite, unidirectional, inseparable, and does not contain a facing triple. Let and 𝒱 be UBSes. Define a relation ≼ where ≼𝒱 if all but finitely many elements of lie in 𝒱. Say that and are commensurate (denoted ∼) if ≼ and ≼. The relation ≼ on UBSes descends to a partial order on commensurability classes of UBSes. We say that is minimal if its commensurability class is minimal — that is, if ≼ implies ∼. Similarly, we say that is maximal if ≼' implies ∼'. For disjoint subsets A, B ⊂X̃, let (A, B) be the set of hyperplanes separating A from B. It is straightforward to check that (A, B) is inseparable and does not contain a facing triple. Furthermore, if A⊂ X then (A, B) is unidirectional. If, in addition, B⊂ X, then (A, B) is infinite. Under these last two conditions, we conclude that (A, B) = (A, B) is a UBS. Compare Lemma <ref>. Let be a UBS. We say that is pruned if every hyperplane ĥ∈ has exactly one associated half-space h containing infinitely many elements of . In this situation, we call h the canonical orientation of ĥ or the canonical half-space associated to ĥ. Let be a UBS. Then contains a canonical pruned sub-UBS ' ⊂ that is commensurate to . Let F_ be the set the hyperplanes of with the property that both associated half-spaces contain finitely many elements of . We claim that F_ is finite. To see this, let ĥ_1, …, ĥ_D be a maximal family of pairwise transverse hyperplanes in F_. This family is finite because D ≤ X. For any ĥ∈ F_∖{ĥ_1, …, ĥ_D} there is at least one i for which ĥ is parallel (i.e. not transverse) to ĥ_i. By the definition of F_, there are finitely many hyperplanes in parallel to each ĥ_i, hence F_ is finite. Now, define ' = ∖ F_. By construction, every ĥ∈' has exactly one associated half-space containing infinitely many elements of , hence infinitely many elements of ' as well. We claim that ' is a UBS. Since F_ is finite, it follows that ' is infinite. Unidirectionality and the lack of facing triples are properties that pass to subsets of , hence to '. Next, suppose that ĥ, k̂∈' with ℓ̂ in between. Since ĥ, k̂∈ and is inseparable, observe that ℓ̂∈. But ℓ̂∉ F_, because ĥ, k̂ both bound half-spaces containing infinitely many elements of . We conclude that ℓ̂∈', verifying that ' is a UBS. Since and ' differ by finitely many hyperplanes, they are commensurate. Hagen proved that every (commensurability class of) UBS decomposes in a well-defined fashion into a disjoint union of minimal UBSes. The following is a restatement of <cit.> and <cit.>. Let be a UBS. Then there is a decomposition ∼_i=1^k _i, where: * each _i is a minimal UBS; * any UBS ⊂ is commensurate with the disjoint union of some of the _i; * if 1≤ j < i ≤ k, then every hyperplane in _i crosses all but finitely many of the hyperplanes in _j. Consequently, there are finitely many commensurability classes of UBSes ≼. Lemma <ref> enables the following definition. For a UBS , the dimension of is the number k appearing in the decomposition of Lemma <ref>. This is an invariant of the commensurability class. An immediate consequence of Lemma <ref>.<ref> is that () ≤ (X). The simplicial boundaryX is the following simplicial complex. For each commensurability class of a UBS , there is a (k-1)–simplex σ_, where k is the dimension of the class of . The face relation is defined as follows: σ_ is a face of σ_ if and only if ≼. Note that X has a vertex for each commensurability class of a minimal UBS. Furthermore, a finite collection of vertices spans a maximal simplex if and only if the union of the corresponding minimal UBSes is commensurate with a maximal UBS. However, there can exist non-maximal simplices that do not correspond to a UBS; see Example <ref>. For this reason, X is not the simplicial realization of the partial order ≼. Observe that (X) acts on UBSes in a way that preserves the ≼ relation, and hence preserves commensurability. Thus (X) acts simplicially on X. §.§ Minimal and dominant UBSes Next, we establish some structural results about minimal UBSes. Given a set S consisting of hyperplanes, the inseparable closure of S, denoted S, is the intersection of all inseparable sets containing S. Let ⊂(X) be a minimal UBS. Then there exists an infinite descending chain {h_n : n ∈}⊂ with ĥ_n ∈, such that ∼{ĥ_n:n∈}. Conversely, for every descending chain {h_n : n ∈}⊂, there exists N≥ 0 such that {ĥ_n:n≥ N} is a minimal UBS. Let be a minimal UBS. Let {h_n : n ∈}⊂ be a descending chain such that {ĥ_n}⊂, which exists because is infinite, unidirectional, contains no facing triple, and contains no infinite collection of pairwise-crossing hyperplanes. Let ' = {ĥ_n} be the inseparable closure of {ĥ_n}. Since is inseparable, we have '⊂ by the definition of the inseparable closure. Note that ' is a UBS (compare the proof of <cit.> or <cit.>). Since '⊂ and is minimal, we have '∼, which proves the first assertion of the lemma. Now we prove the second assertion. For each m≥ 0, let C_m={h_n:n≥ m} and let C_m be its inseparable closure. As before, each C_m is a UBS. Note that C_m⊂C_m' whenever m≥ m'. In particular, C_m≼C_m' for m' ≥ m. So, by Lemma <ref>, there exists M≥ 0 such that C_m∼C_M for all m≥ M. Hence, if m≥ M and {k_i} is any descending chain of half-spaces corresponding to hyperplanes in C_M, then there exists I≥ 0 such that {k̂_i : i≥ I}⊂ C_m. This implies that C_M is commensurate with {k̂_i :i ≥ 0}, by, for example <cit.>. See also the proof of <cit.>. Now let ⊂ C_M be a minimal UBS, which exists by <cit.>. By the first part of the lemma, is commensurate with the inseparable closure of some chain contained in C_M. By the preceding paragraph, C_M∼, so C_M is minimal, as required. Lemma <ref> has been generalized to the setting of median spaces by Fioravanti <cit.>. In fact, the same result of Fioravanti also generalizes many other basic facts about UBSes, such as <cit.>. The second assertion of Lemma <ref> corrects a slight misstatement in <cit.>: it is true that minimal UBSes are commensurate with inseparable closures of chains, but inseparable closures of chains need not be minimal; one might first need to pass to a (cofinite) sub-chain (see e.g. <cit.> and the paragraph following). We emphasize that this does not affect the use of <cit.> in <cit.>, because what's being used is the (correct) statement that, up to commensurability, minimal UBSes arise as inseparable closures of chains. In this paper, we primarily use the first assertion of Lemma <ref>, in conjunction with Lemma <ref>, to decompose a UBS as a disjoint union of minimal UBSes (up to commensurability), each of which has the additional property that it is the inseparable closure of a chain. The following consequence of Lemma <ref> neatly sums up the special properties of chains whose inseparable closures are minimal UBSes: Let {h_n:n≥ 0} be an infinite descending chain of half-spaces. For each m≥ 0, let _m be the inseparable closure of {ĥ_n:n≥ m}. Then the following are equivalent: * The UBS _m is minimal for all m≥ 0. * _m∼_0 for all m≥ 0. In particular, if _0 is minimal, then _0∼_m for all m≥ 0. Since _m≼_0 for all m, the first statement immediately implies the second. For the reverse direction, Lemma <ref> provides M≥ 0 such that _m is minimal for m≥ M. If the second assertion holds, it then follows that the first must also. Following Corollary <ref>, for the rest of this subsection we shall refer to a sequence of disjoint hyperplanes {ĥ_n } whose inseparable closure is a minimal UBS as a chain of hyperplanes. In particular, a chain of hyperplanes {ĥ_n }_n≥ 0 defines a descending chain of half-spaces { h_n }_n≥ 0. A descending chain of half-spaces { h_n }_n≥ 0 has the property that for all sufficiently large N, the sequence {ĥ_n }_n≥ N is a chain of hyperplanes, in view of Lemma <ref>. Let be a UBS. A hyperplane ĥ∈ is called dominant for if ĥ = ĥ_0 is the base of a chain of hyperplanes { h_n }⊂ such that ĥ crosses all but finitely many hyperplanes in ∖{ h_n }. Recall that by definition of a chain of hyperplanes, {h_n } is a minimal UBS. See Figure <ref> for an example. By Lemma <ref>, the inseparable closure { h_n } is commensurate to some minimal UBS _i in the decomposition ∼_i=1^k _i of that lemma. Furthermore, _i is unique: since a dominant hyperplane ĥ∈ is the base of a chain in _i, then ĥ must intersect all but finitely many hyperplanes of _j (for j ≠ i), hence ĥ cannot be disjoint from a chain in _j. We also observe that if is minimal and pruned, then every hyperplane of is vacuously dominant. The following lemma is only stated in the special case where (X) is already a UBS. In practice, we will apply Lemma <ref> to convex subcomplexes (such as the convex hull of a geodesic ray) where this hypothesis holds. Suppose that = (X) is a pruned UBS of dimension k. Then contains minimal UBSes 𝒟_d ,…, 𝒟_k such that the following hold: * Each 𝒟_i is a set of dominant hyperplanes for , and all but finitely many dominant hyperplanes belong to ⋃_i = d^k 𝒟_i. * For each i∈{d, …, k} and each ĥ_0 ∈𝒟_i, there is a chain {ĥ_n }_n≥0⊂𝒟_i such that 𝒟_i is commensurate with {ĥ_n }, the inseparable closure of the chain. * For any such chain {ĥ_n }, there is N > 0, such that for all n ≥ N, we have (ĥ_n+1)∖𝒟_i⊂(ĥ_n)∖𝒟_i. Furthermore, for all n ≥ 0, we have |(ĥ_n)-(ĥ_n+1)|<∞. * For every hyperplane û∈, there exists ∈∈{d,…,k} and a dominant hyperplane ĥ∈𝒟_i such that ĥ lies in the canonical half-space associated to û. We will not use item (<ref>) later in the paper, but we record it as a potentially useful fact about UBSes. By Lemma <ref>, there is a decomposition ∼_i=1^k_i, with an ordering such that for j < i, every hyperplane in _i crosses all but finitely many of the hyperplanes in _j. The ordering is only partially determined: if every hyperplane in _i crosses all but finitely many hyperplanes in _i+1, then we can reverse the order of _i,_i+1 while keeping the conclusion of Lemma <ref>.<ref>. Let d be the smallest index i such that _i can be placed at the top of the order in such a decomposition. Now, fix an index i ≥ d. By Lemma <ref>, _i is commensurate with 𝒟_i = {ĥ_n}, where {ĥ_n}⊂_i is a chain. Thus 𝒟_i ∼_i is a minimal UBS. We claim that every ĥ∈𝒟_i is dominant. Given ĥ∈𝒟_i and the canonical associated half-space h (recall Definition <ref>), there exists N≥ 0 such that ĥ_N ⊂ h. Thus ĥ is the base of the infinite chain {ĥ,ĥ_N,ĥ_N+1,⋯}. Furthermore, ĥ∈𝒟_i ⊂_i intersects all but finitely many hyperplanes in _j for j ≠ i, because we have chosen an index i ≥ d. Thus ĥ is dominant by Definition <ref>. Thus we have found dominant minimal UBSes 𝒟_d,…,𝒟_k satisfying conclusions <ref> and <ref>. Now we verify assertion <ref>. Fix i ≥ d and let ĥ,ĥ'∈𝒟_i. Since the minimal UBS 𝒟_i is the inseparable closure of a chain, ĥ,ĥ' both cross finitely many hyperplanes in 𝒟_i. Indeed, if 𝒲(ĥ)∩𝒟_i is infinite, it must contain a chain of hyperplanes whose inseparable closure 𝒟' belongs to 𝒟_i, and is contained in 𝒲(ĥ) since the latter is inseparable. Since 𝒟_i is minimal, 𝒟'∼𝒟_i. Hence 𝒲(ĥ) contains all but finitely many elements of 𝒟_i; since ĥ∈𝒟_i, this contradicts that 𝒟_i is the inseparable closure of a chain. Thus 𝒲(ĥ)∩𝒟_i is finite. Moreover, since 𝒟_i is dominant, ĥ,ĥ' both cross all but finitely many hyperplanes of ∖𝒟_i, and we can therefore conclude that |(ĥ)(ĥ')|<∞. So, it suffices to show that, for all sufficiently large n, we have (ĥ_n+1)∖𝒟_i⊂(ĥ_n)∖𝒟_i. If this doesn't hold, then for infinitely many n we can find a hyperplane û_n∉𝒟_i that crosses ĥ_n+1 but not ĥ_n; note that û_n does not separate any two elements of our chain since û_n∉𝒟_i. Since there are no facing triples, û_n crosses ĥ_m for m≥ n+1. Since the collection of violating hyperplanes {û_n} is infinite and contains no hyperplanes crossing ĥ_0, dominance of ĥ_0 is therefore contradicted. Thus there exists N such that (ĥ_n+1)∖𝒟_i⊂(ĥ_n)∖𝒟_i for n≥ N, establishing <ref>. We now prove assertion <ref>. Let û∈ be a hyperplane, and let u be the canonical half-space associated to û. Given the fixed decomposition ∼_i=1^k_i, let i be the largest index such that u contains a chain of hyperplanes in , whose inseparable closure _i' is commensurate to some _i. Such an i exists because is pruned. We claim that i ≥ d. This claim implies that u contains infinitely many hyperplanes of 𝒟_i, which will suffice to prove the lemma. Suppose for a contradiction that i < d. Fix v̂∈_i', and consider a minimal UBS _j for j > i. If any hyperplane in _j fails to cross v̂, then it fails to cross û, hence u contains a chain in _j, contradicting the maximality of i. See Figure <ref>. Furthermore, since v̂∈_i, it must cross all but finitely many hyperplanes of _ℓ for ℓ < i by Lemma <ref>.<ref>. Thus v̂ crosses all but finitely many hyperplanes of ∖_i', hence v̂ is dominant. Since v̂∈_i' was arbitrary, this shows that i ≥ d by the definition of d. §.§ Connections between X and X The next several lemmas develop tools for comparing the Roller boundary and the simplicial boundary. Let ⊂(X) be a UBS, and let ' ∼ be a pruned UBS commensurate to . For every ĥ∈', let h ∈(X̃) be the canonical orientation of ĥ, that is, the (extended, vertex) half-space containing infinitely many hyperplanes of '. The umbraỸ_ associated to is Ỹ_ = ⋂_ĥ∈' h ⊂X̃. By Definition <ref>, the umbra Ỹ_ is a convex subset of X, one may think of it as the Roller realization of the UBS . In Lemma <ref>, we will show that Ỹ_ satisfies the equivalent conditions of Lemma <ref>. Then, Y_ will denote the principal class of Ỹ_: that is, the unique Roller class whose closure is Ỹ_. Let ⊂(X) be a UBS. Then the umbra Ỹ_ associated to is a nonempty subset of X. Furthermore, * If ∼ then Ỹ_ = Ỹ_. * If ∼_1∪⋯∪_N for some UBSes _1, …,_N then Ỹ_ = ⋂_i=1^NỸ__i. Let ' be the pruned UBS commensurate to . As in Definition <ref>, let h be the canonical orientation of every ĥ∈', and define 𝔘' = {h : ĥ∈' }⊂. Then Ỹ_:= ⋂_h∈𝔘'h. Since X̃ is compact, to show that Ỹ_ is not empty, it is sufficient to show that 𝔘' has the finite intersection property. By the Helly property for half-spaces <cit.> this is equivalent to showing that every pair of half-spaces h,k ∈𝔘' has nonempty intersection. But a disjoint pair h, k∈𝔘' contradicts the unidirectionality of ', as both sides of ĥ would contain infinitely many elements of '. Using the same argument, we observe that for every h∈𝔘' there is an infinite descending chain { h_n } with h_0 = h and h_n∈𝔘'. Indeed, fix h∈𝔘'. Since ' is pruned, there are infinitely many hyperplanes in ' contained in h. Since ' is unidirectional, k̂⊂ h and k̂∈' implies k ⊂ h. Applying induction, we find the infinite descending chain. Thus Ỹ_⊂ X. We now turn to the commensurability class of . Suppose that is a UBS commensurate to . Since commensurability is an equivalence relation, we conclude that ' and ' are commensurate as well. Let 𝔙' = {h : ĥ∈' }⊂ be the set of canonical half-spaces associated to '. We claim that 𝔘' and 𝔙' are also commensurate. Since the map taking half-spaces to hyperplanes is 2-to-1, it suffices to show that under this map, the set 𝔘'∖𝔙' has image in the finite set '∖', and vice versa. Let h∈𝔘'∖𝔙'. Then ĥ∈'. By definition of 𝔘', we know that the set {k̂∈: k̂⊂ h} is infinite. The commensurability of and implies that {k̂∈: k̂⊂ h} is infinite as well. But h∉', hence it must be the case that ĥ∉'. To see that Ỹ_= Ỹ_ it is sufficient to show that if h∈𝔘' then there is k∈'∩𝔘' with k⊂ h. But this is immediate. As was proved above, for any h∈𝔘' there is an infinite descending chain { h_n }⊂𝔘' with h_0 = h. Since 𝔘' and 𝔙' are commensurate, for N sufficiently large, we must have that h_N∈𝔙'. Finally, the construction above makes it clear that if is commesurate to _1∪⋯∪_N for some UBSes _1, …,_N then Ỹ_ = ⋂_i=1^NỸ__i. For every UBS , there is a Roller class Z ⊂ X such that Ỹ_ = Z̃. Furthermore, the assignment ↦ Z = Y_ is (X)–equivariant. By Lemmas <ref> and <ref>, is commensurate to a UBS =_i=1^k_i, where _i = {ĥ_n^i} for a descending chain of half-spaces { h_n^i }. Note that every _i is pruned. Thus Ỹ_ = ⋂_1≤ i ≤ kỸ__i = ⋂_1≤ i ≤ k ⋂_ĥ∈_i h = ⋂_1≤ i ≤ k ⋂_n ∈ h_n^i. Here, the first equality holds by Lemma <ref>, the second equality holds by Definition <ref>, and the third equality holds because the hyperplanes added in the inseparable closure do not affect the intersection. By Lemma <ref>, a set of this form is the closure of a unique (principal) Roller class Y_. We observe that the above construction is independent of the choice of descending chains with the desired properties, and hence the map ↦ Y_ is (X)–equivariant. Let x∈ X^(0) and let Y ⊂ X be a convex set. Then the set of separating hyperplanes (x,Y)= (x,_Y(x)) is a pruned UBS. If x'∈ X^(0), then (x',Y) ∼(x,Y). Finally, (x,[y])∼(x,y) for every y∈ X. We begin by showing that :=(x,Y) is a UBS. Recall that (x,Y) is the set of hyperplanes associated to _x^+ _Y^+. Since x ∈ X^(0), it follows that _x^+ satisfies the descending chain condition and since Y⊂ X, it follows that _Y^+=_Ỹ^+ has an infinite descending chain. Hence, is unidirectional and infinite. Since =(x,Y) is an interval, it follows that it is inseparable and does not contain a facing triple, hence is a UBS. The fact that (x,Y)= (x,_Y(x)) follows from Proposition <ref> and shows that is pruned. Let x,x' ∈ X^(0). We claim that (x,Y) (x',Y) ⊂(x,x'). By symmetry, it suffices to observe that a hyperplane ĥ separating x from Y but not x' from Y necessarily separates x from x'. Since the cardinality of (x,x') is the distance d(x,x')<∞, we conclude that the two UBSes are commensurate. Finally, fix y∈∂ X. We show that (x,[y])∼(x,y). Proposition <ref> says that (x,[y]) = (x,_[y](x)), which implies that (x,[y]) ∪(_[y](x), y)= (x,y). But _[y](x) ∈ [y] by definition, hence | (_[y](x),y) | < ∞, completing the proof. Let Y ∈ X be a Roller class, and fix a basepoint x ∈ X^(0). Following Lemma <ref>, we call (x,Y) a UBS representing the class Y, and denote it _Y. Since the commensurability class [_Y] is independent of x, by Lemma <ref>, we do not include the basepoint x in the notation _Y. It follows immediately that the assignment Y ↦ [ _Y ] is (X)–equivariant. With this notation in place, we conclude: Fix x∈ X^(0) and Y∈ X. Then Y = Y__Y. In particular, every Roller class arises as the principal class of the umbra of some UBS. Since _Y = (x,Y) is a UBS, by Lemma <ref> it is commensurate to _i=1^k {ĥ_n^i} for descending chains { h_n^i }, hence Equation (<ref>) gives Ỹ__Y = ⋂_1≤ i ≤ k ⋂_n ∈ h_n^i. By construction, Ỹ⊂ h_n^i for every ĥ_n^i ∈_i, hence Ỹ⊂Ỹ__Y. As in Lemma <ref>, let Y__Y denote the principal Roller class of Ỹ__Y. We claim that Y = Y__Y. So far, we have shown that Y__Y≤ Y in the partial order of Lemma <ref> and so we are left to show that Y≤ Y__Y. To this end, we fix a half-space h∈ with Y ⊂ h and now show that Y__Y⊂ h. Let x'∈ h^* ∩ X^(0) and set '_Y = (x',Y). Observe that ĥ∈'_Y by construction. Then by Lemma <ref> we have that '_Y is a pruned UBS commensurate to _Y and so Lemma <ref> implies Ỹ__Y=Ỹ_'_Y. Finally, by Definition <ref> we have that Y__Y⊂Ỹ__Y⊂ h. Let γ⊂ X be a geodesic ray, in either the CAT(0) or combinatorial metric. Let (γ) be the collection of hyperplanes intersecting γ, which is a UBS by <cit.>. If is a UBS and ∼𝒲(γ) for some combinatorial geodesic ray γ, we say that the class of is ℓ^1–visible. Let Y ∈ X. Then, for any x ∈ X^(0) and any y ∈ Y, Lemma <ref> provides a combinatorial geodesic ray γ such that γ(0)=x and γ(∞) = y ∈ Y. By Definition <ref> and Lemma <ref>, we have (γ) = (x, y) ∼(x, [y]) = (x, [̃ỹ]̃). Furthermore, by Lemma <ref>, the commensurability class [(γ)]= [_Y] does not depend on the choice of x ∈ X^(0) and y ∈ Y. In particular, every UBS representing a class Y is ℓ^1–visible. Let be a UBS. Let y∈Ỹ_ and let γ be a combinatorial geodesic in X such that γ(∞) = y. Then ≼(γ). In particular, if is maximal, then ∼(γ). As in Lemma <ref>, is commensurate to _i=1^k _i, where the _i are minimal and _i = {ĥ_n^i} for a descending chain of half-spaces { h_n^i }. Thus Equation (<ref>) gives Ỹ_ = ⋂_1≤ i ≤ kỸ__i = ⋂_1≤ i ≤ k ⋂_ĥ∈_i h = ⋂_1≤ i ≤ k ⋂_n ∈ h_n^i. Since γ(m) → y ∈Ỹ_, we must have y ∈ h_n^i for every i and every n. At the same time, since the sequence { h_n^i } is a descending chain for each i, we have that x = γ(0) ∉ h_n^i for sufficiently large n. Thus all but finitely many hyperplanes ĥ_n^i belong to (x,y)=(γ). The inseparable closure of this cofinite subset of {ĥ_n^i} must belong to (γ), and by minimality of _i and Corollary <ref>, it follows that all but finitely many elements of each _i belong to W(γ). Let be a maximal UBS. Then, for every y ∈ Y_, there is a combinatorial geodesic γ limiting to y, such that ∼(γ). In particular, the commensurability class [] is ℓ^1–visible. Let y ∈ Y_. By Lemma <ref>, there is a combinatorial geodesic ray γ limiting to y. By Lemma <ref>, we have ∼(γ). Thus, by Definition <ref>, is ℓ^1–visible. In Corollary <ref>, the conclusion that [] is visible was previously shown by Hagen <cit.>. The above proof, using the Roller boundary viewpoint, is considerably simpler. §.§ Order-preserving maps Recall from Definitions <ref> and <ref> that the partial order ≤ on Roller classes is set containment of the associated sets of half-spaces, while the partial order ≼ on commensurability classes of UBSes is set containment up to commensurability. The following theorem says that these partial orders are closely related. Let 𝒰ℬ𝒮(X) be the collection of commensurability classes of UBSes in X. Then there are (X)–equivariant functions 𝒰ℬ𝒮(X) → X and X →𝒰ℬ𝒮(X), with the following properties. * The assignment [] ↦ Y_ is order-preserving and onto. * The assignment Y ↦ [_Y] is an order-preserving section of . * restricts to a bijection between the set of ≼–maximal classes of UBSes and the set of ≤–maximal Roller classes, with inverse . The notation stands for “Roller to unidirectional,” while stands for “unidirectional to Roller.” This is inspired from the classical notation denoting the collection of maps from a set A to a set B as B^A. To prove <ref>, let be a UBS. By Lemma <ref>, there is a well-defined Roller class Y_ such that the umbra Ỹ_ is the Roller closure of Y_. By Lemma <ref>, Y_ only depends on the commensurability class []. Hence the assignment [] ↦ Y_ gives a well-defined function 𝒰ℬ𝒮(X) → X. This function is (X)–equivariant by Lemma <ref>, and onto by Corollary <ref>. Next, we check that respects the ordering. Lemma <ref> implies that if ≼𝒱, then Y_𝒱⊂Y_, hence the Roller classes satisfy Y_≤ Y_𝒱 by Lemma <ref>. Thus is order-preserving, proving <ref>. To prove <ref>, let Y ∈ X. By Definition <ref>, there is a well-defined commensurability class of UBS representing Y, namely [_Y] = (Y) ∈𝒰ℬ𝒮(X). Thus is well-defined. Equivariance also follows from Definition <ref>. Next, observe that ∘(Y) = ([_Y]) = Y__Y = Y, where the last equality follows from Corollary <ref>. Thus is a section of . To check that is order-preserving, let Y, Z be Roller classes with Y ≤ Z. By Lemma <ref>, this means Z⊂Y. Fix a base vertex x∈ X^(0). By Lemma <ref>, there exist combinatorial geodesic rays γ_y, γ_z, originating at x, such that γ_y(∞) = y∈ Y and γ_z(∞) = z ∈ Z. Now, Remark <ref> says that _Y∼(x,Y) ⊂(x,Z) ∼_Z, hence [_Y] ≼ [_Z], as desired. To prove <ref>, let be a maximal UBS. Choose a point y ∈ Y_ = ([]). By Corollary <ref>, there is a combinatorial geodesic ray γ limiting to y, such that ∼(γ). Thus, by Remark <ref>, we have [] = [(γ)] = [_Y_] = (Y_) = ∘([]). Thus the restriction of to maximal classes in 𝒰ℬ𝒮(X) is invertible, and in particular bijective. Equation (<ref>) also shows that sends maximal classes in 𝒰ℬ𝒮(X) to maximal classes in X. Indeed, suppose that [] is maximal but ([]) = Y_ < Z for some Roller class Z. Then we would have [] = (Y_) < (Z), contradicting the maximality of . That sends maximal classes to maximal classes is checked in the same way. The following example shows that can fail to be injective. Consider the standard 1/8th-plane staircase, corresponding to squares whose vertices (x,y) satisfy x≥ y≥ 0. In this case, there are exactly 2 equivalence classes of minimal UBS, corresponding to vertical hyperplanes _V and horizontal hyperplanes _H. These are almost transverse, hence _H_V ∪_H. However, [_H] = ([_V ∪_H]). Thus is not injective. On the other hand, the following corollary shows that is finite-to-one. Let Y ∈ X be a Roller class. Then there are finitely many other Roller classes Z such that Z ≤ Y. For each Z ≤ Y, Theorem <ref>.<ref> says that (Z) ≼(Y). Furthermore, is injective. By Lemma <ref>, there are only finitely many commensurability classes [] ≼(Y). Thus there are finitely many Z ≤ Y. Let ( X)' be the barycentric subdivision of X. Recall from Definition <ref> that X is the union of simplices corresponding to commensurability classes of UBSes. However, a simplex of X may have proper faces that do not come from commensurability classes, as illustrated in Example <ref> below. Hence, a vertex of ( X)' might fail to be associated to a UBS commensurability class. Let X be the simplicial realization of the partial order ≼ on 𝒰ℬ𝒮(X). Then X naturally embeds into ( X)'. By the above paragraph, this embedding is not in general onto. The following example, constructed by Dan Guralnik and Alessandra Iozzi, illustrates a subtlety in the definition of X which shows the difference between X and X. [Weird faces of simplices of X] Let X be the 3–dimensional CAT(0) cube complex given by the following data: * The set of hyperplanes has the form (X) = {B_i}_i ≥0⊔{S_j}_j≥0⊔{D_k}_k ≥0. * For each A∈{B,S,D} and each n≥1, the hyperplanes A_n±1 are separated by A_n. * B_i crosses S_j if and only if i ≥ j. * S_j crosses D_k if and only if j ≥ k. * B_i crosses D_k if and only if i ≥ k. * If i < j < k, then S_j separates B_i from D_k. Part of X is shown in Figure <ref>. Then X is a single 2–simplex represented by the UBS {B_i}_i ≥0∪{S_j}_j≥0∪{D_k}_k ≥0. The 0–simplices are represented by the minimal UBSes {B_i}, {S_j}, {D_k}. The sets {B_i}∪{S_j} and {S_j}∪{D_k} are UBSes representing 1–simplices, but {B_i}∪{D_k} is not a UBS, because it is not inseparable (consider the last bullet). The complex X is therefore obtained from the barycentric subdivision of the 2–simplex by deleting all of the cells that contain a vertex at the barycenter of {B_i}∪{D_k}. We remark that by <cit.>, a face of a simplex of X can only fail to correspond to a commensurability class of UBSes when one of the 0–simplices of that face is ℓ^1–invisible. Having passed from X to X, Theorem <ref> has the following corollary. The order-preserving maps and of Theorem <ref> induce (X)–equivariant simplicial maps X→ X and X → X, as follows: * X→ X is surjective. * X → X is an injective section of . * is a homotopy equivalence with homotopy inverse . By definition, X is the simplicial realization of the partial order ≤ on X. Similarly, X is the simplicial realization of the partial order ≼ on 𝒰ℬ𝒮(X). So, the first two enumerated assertions follow from Theorem <ref>. To prove <ref>, let Y be a Roller class. Let [𝒱]∈ ()^-1(Y). Then Y_𝒱=Y__Y. By Remark <ref> and Lemma <ref>, we have 𝒱≼_Y. Using the notation Y for the 0–simplex of X corresponding to the Roller class Y, we have just shown that ^-1(Y) is a subcomplex of X spanned by 0–simplices adjacent or equal to the 0–simplex [_Y], so ^-1(Y) is topologically a cone. In particular, ^-1(Y) is contractible. Quillen's fiber theorem (see e.g. <cit.>) implies that is a homotopy equivalence, such that any section is a homotopy inverse. In particular, is a homotopy inverse of . The preceding corollary provides an explicit (X)–equivariant homotopy equivalence X→ X. Furthermore, it is possible, although somewhat tedious, to construct an explicit, (X)–equivariant homotopy equivalence X→ X. Composing these maps gives a homotopy equivalence X → X, which is (X)–equivariant on the nose. This is slightly stronger than Proposition <ref>, which asserts that X and X are homotopy equivalent. We have chosen a different proof of Proposition <ref> that is somewhat shorter, relying on the nerve theorem, and only yielding (X)–equivariance up to homotopy. Our ultimate goal is to relate the homotopy type of X and X to that of the Tits boundary X, and in any case our homotopy equivalence X→ X, provided by Theorem <ref>, is only equivariant up to homotopy. § THE TITS BOUNDARY In this section, we recall the definition of the Tits boundary X, and establish some connections between points on the Tits boundary and UBSes. The main result of this section, Proposition <ref>, is a technical result about combining UBSes that will be crucial in the next section. In this section, we will work extensively with the CAT(0) metric d_X on the cube complex X, hence most half-spaces considered here are CAT(0) half-spaces. Recall from Section <ref> that if ĥ is a hyperplane with open carrier N(ĥ), the two vertex half-spaces associated to ĥ are denoted h, h^*. The two CAT(0) half-spaces associated to ĥ are the cubical convex hulls (h) and (h^*), respectively. Observe that (h) and (h^*) are exactly the components of X ∖ N(ĥ). The Tits boundary of X, denoted X, is the set of equivalence classes of CAT(0) geodesic rays in X, where rays γ,γ' are equivalent if the Hausdorff distance between them is finite. As a set, X coincides with the visual boundary of X. We endow X with a metric, as follows. Given CAT(0) geodesic rays α,β [0,∞)→ X with α(0)=β(0)=x, the Alexandrov angle formed by α,β at x is ∠_x(α,β)=cos^-1(lim_t,t'→0_X(α(t), β(t'))^2-t^2-(t')^2/2tt') In other words, ∠_x(α,β) is computed by applying the law of cosines to a triangle with sides along α and β, and then taking a limit as the triangle shrinks. Let a = [α] ∈ X and b = [β] ∈ X be the the equivalence classes of α,β respectively. Following <cit.>, we define ∠_T(a,b) = ∠_T([α],[β]) :=sup_x∈ X∠_x(α_x,β_x), where α_x,β_x are the rays emanating from x and representing a,b respectively. Then ∠_T induces a length metric d_T on X in the standard way, making it a CAT(1) space. See <cit.>. We always equip X with the metric _T. By <cit.>, the automorphism group (X) acts on X by isometries. We remark that the original definition of the Alexandrov angle <cit.> is somewhat more involved. In our setting, since X is a CAT(0) space, <cit.> says the limit in (<ref>) exists and is equal to the Alexandrov angle in the original definition. Compare <cit.>. Definition <ref> has the following generalization to the cuboid setting. Fix a group G acting on X by cubical automorphisms, as well as a G–admissible hyperplane rescaling ρ, as in Definition <ref>. Then the cuboid metric d_X^ρ is still a CAT(0) metric by Lemma <ref>. Applying Definition <ref> to the CAT(0) space (X, d_X^ρ), we obtain the cuboid Tits boundary^ρ X = (X, d_X^ρ), with an associated CAT(1) metric d_T^ρ. The restricted automorphism group (X^ρ) acts on ^ρ X by isometries. Since ρ is a G–admissible rescaling, we have G ⊂(X^ρ) by Definition <ref>, hence ^ρ X still admits a G–action. All of the results of this section extend to a cuboid metric d_X^ρ. See Remarks <ref>, <ref>, and <ref> for details. Throughout this section, we use Greek letters α, β, γ to denote geodesic rays, and the corresponding Roman letters a,b,c to denote equivalence classes. We write a = [α] = α(∞) to denote the endpoint of α in X. §.§ Deep sets Every point of the Tits boundary has an associated deep set of half-spaces. Let a∈ X, and let α [0,∞)→ X be a CAT(0) geodesic representing a. We define the deep set D_a = {h∈ : for all R>0 there is t_R>0 s.t. 𝒩_R( α[t_R,∞)) ⊂(h) }. It is immediate to check that the definition does not depend on the representative geodesic α. If h ∈ D_a, we say that h is deep for a. Let α [0,∞)→ X be a CAT(0) geodesic ray with α(0) ∈ X^(0), and let ĥ∈(α). Then the following hold: * Define f(t) = d_X(α(t), ĥ), and let t_0 = α^-1(ĥ). Then, for t_0 ≤ s ≤ t, we have f(t)-f(s) ≥ A_0 · (t-s), where A_0 > 0, and A_0 may depend on ĥ and α but not on s,t. * The hyperplane ĥ has a deep half-space h ∈ D_a. Consequently, (α) is a pruned UBS. By <cit.>, f is a convex, 1–Lipschitz function. By convexity, f has left and right derivatives at every point in (0,∞), and these are non-decreasing. Since f is Lipschitz and convex, the left and right derivatives coincide almost everywhere, hence f' is well-defined almost everywhere, and non-decreasing at all points where it is defined. Let t_0 = α^-1(ĥ). Since the carrier N(ĥ) ≅ĥ× (-1/2, 1/2) is an ℓ^2 product and α(t_0) ∈ĥ lies on the midcube of a cube, there is an initial segment of α after crossing ĥ on which f(t) is an increasing linear function. Therefore, f'(t) = f'(t_0) = A_0 > 0 on this segment. (In fact, f'(t_0) = sinθ_0, where θ_0 is the angle between α and ĥ in the ℓ^2 metric on a cube.) Hence f'(t) ≥ A_0 for all t≥ t_0 at which f'(t) is defined. Since f is Lipschitz, it follows that for all t_0≤ s≤ t, we have f(t)-f(s)=∫^t_sf'(z) dz ≥ A_0·(t-s), proving <ref>. Now, <ref> immediately implies <ref>. The conclusion that (α) is pruned is then immediate from Definition <ref>. The following lemma is a strengthening of <cit.>. While <cit.> proves that D_a contains an infinite descending chain, we prove the stronger statement that D_a is non-terminating. For a point a ∈ X, define Ỹ_a = ⋂_h∈ D_a h. Then D_a and Ỹ_a have the following properties: * D_a is consistent, and therefore D_a = ^+_Ỹ_a. * Every half-space h_0 ∈ D_a belongs to a descending chain {h_0, h_1, …}⊂ D_a. Furthermore, if ĥ_0 ∈(α) for a ray α∈ a, then ĥ_n ∈(α) for all n. * Ỹ_a⊂ X is the closure of a (unique, principal) Roller class Y_a. The consistency of D_a is immediate from the definition. Thus, by Proposition <ref>.<ref>, we obtain D_a = ^+_Ỹ_a. This proves <ref>. To prove <ref>, let h_0 ∈ D_a. By <cit.>, there exists a geodesic ray α representing a such that α(0) ∈ h_0^*. Since h_0 ∈ D_a, Definition <ref> implies that α must deviate arbitrarily far from ĥ_0. Thus, by Lemma <ref>, a point α(t) for large t has the property that |(α(t), y)| ≥ 1 for every y ∈ N(ĥ_0). Now, Proposition <ref> says that there is at least one hyperplane ĥ_1 separating α(t) from N(ĥ_0). Observe that ĥ_1 ∈(α) by construction, and orient ĥ_1 by choosing the half-space h_1 ⊂ h_0. Now, Lemma <ref> says that h_1 ∈ D_a. Continuing inductively, we obtain a descending chain {h_0, h_1, …}⊂ D_a where ĥ_n ∈(α) for all n, proving <ref>. By <ref>, D_a = ^+_Ỹ_a is consistent, and by <ref>, D_a contains an infinite descending chain. Thus Ỹ_a = ⋂_h∈ D_a h is a convex, nonempty subset of X. Since D_a is non-terminating by <ref>, Lemma <ref> implies that Ỹ_D_a is the closure of a principal Roller class Y_a ∈ X. (Compare Definition <ref>.) This proves <ref>. The previous lemmas generalize readily to a cuboid metric d_X^ρ. Indeed, Lemma <ref> generalizes because because hyperplane carriers are still ℓ^2 products, and because <cit.> works in any CAT(0) space. Similarly, Lemma <ref> generalizes because <cit.> works in every CAT(0) space and, because d_X^ρ is quasi-isometric to the ℓ^1–metric on X^(0). §.§ CAT(0) rays and their UBSes Given a CAT(0) geodesic ray γ in X, starting at a point of X^(0), recall that (γ) denotes the set of hyperplanes h that intersect γ. It is easy to see (cf. <cit.>) that (γ) is a UBS. Throughout this subsection, fix a,b∈ X and let α, β be CAT(0) geodesic rays representing a and b, respectively. We can assume that α(0)=β(0) = x ∈ X^(0). The following lemma says that when (α)∪(β) has finite symmetric difference with a UBS, it actually is a UBS. Several subsequent lemmas build toward Proposition <ref>, which will show that (α)∪(β) is in fact a UBS associated to a ray γ. Suppose that (α)∪(β) is commensurate with a UBS. Define 𝒜=(α) ∖(β) and ℬ=(β) ∖(α) and 𝒞=(α)∩(β). Then * Each of 𝒜,ℬ is infinite or empty. * Every element of 𝒜 crosses every element of ℬ. * (α) ∪(β) = 𝒜⊔ℬ⊔𝒞 is a UBS. Let = (α) ∪(β). Since is commensurate with a UBS by hypothesis, it must be infinite and unidirectional. We will check the other properties of a UBS at the end of the proof. By Lemma <ref>, every hyperplane ĥ = ĥ_0 ∈(α) corresponds to a deep half-space h_0 ∈ D_a, and by Lemma <ref>, h_0 is the start of a descending chain {h_0, h_1, …}⊂ D_a, where h_n ∈(α) for every n. Similarly, every hyperplane k_0 ∈(β) defines a descending chain {k_0, k_1, …}⊂ D_b, where k_m ∈(β) for every m. If 𝒜 = (α) ∖(β) ≠∅, then any hyperplane ĥ_0 ∈𝒜 defines a chain {ĥ_0, ĥ_1, …}⊂(α), as above. Furthermore, ĥ_0 separates every ĥ_n from β. Thus ĥ_n ∈𝒜, and 𝒜 is infinite. Similarly, ℬ must be empty or infinite, proving <ref>. Next, suppose for a contradiction that ĥ_0 ∈𝒜 is disjoint from k̂_0 ∈ℬ. Then the deep half-spaces h_0 ∈ D_a and k_0 ∈ D_b are also disjoint. But then the disjoint chains {ĥ_n}⊂(α) and {k̂_m }⊂(β) contradict the fact that = (α) ∪(β) is unidirectional. This proves <ref>. Finally, we show that is a UBS. We have already checked that is infinite and unidirectional. To check inseparability, suppose that ℓ̂ is a hyperplane of X that separates ĥ, k̂∈. Since we already know that (α) and (β) are inseparable, it suffices to check the case that ĥ∈𝒜 and k̂∈ℬ. But then ĥ and k̂ must cross by <ref>, a contradiction. Similarly, since (α) and (β) contain no facing triples, any potential facing triple in must contain at least one hyperplane ĥ∈𝒜 and at least one hyperplane k̂∈ℬ. But then ĥ and k̂ must cross, hence cannot contain any facing triples. Thus is a UBS, proving <ref>. Recall from Definition <ref> that given a UBS , we have the umbra Ỹ_⊂X̃. Following Proposition <ref>, let _Y_ = _Ỹ_X̃→ Y_ be the gate projection to Ỹ_. Suppose α and β are geodesic rays starting at x∈ X^(0), and that = (α)∪(β) is commensurate with a UBS. Then = (x, _Y_(x)). Since the geodesic rays start at the vertex x, Lemma <ref> says that all the hyperplanes they cross are deep, i.e. (x,Y_a) =(α) and (x,Y_b)= (β), hence = (x,Y_a)∪(x,Y_b). In addition, Lemma <ref> says that is a UBS. Now, Lemma <ref> gives Ỹ_= Ỹ_a ∩Ỹ_b, and in particular _Ỹ_^+ = D_a∪ D_b. By Lemma <ref> and Remark <ref>, we have (x, Ỹ_)=(x, Y_)= (x, _Y_(x)). We must show that this UBS equals = (x,Y_a)∪(x,Y_b). To this end we have by Proposition <ref>: __Y_a(x)^+ = [_x^+∖ D_a^*]∪ D_a, __Y_b(x)^+ = [_x^+∖ D_b^*]∪ D_b, __Y_(x)^+ = [_x^+∖ (D_a^*∪ D_b^*)]∪ (D_a∪ D_b). Then a standard Venn diagram argument shows that _x^+∖__Y_(x)^+ = _x^+∖( [_x^+∖ (D_a^*∪ D_b^*)]∪ (D_a∪ D_b) ) = ( _x^+∩ (D_a^*∪ D_b^*) ) ∖(D_a∪ D_b). The set of hyperplanes on the left-hand side is (x, _Y_(x)), while the set of hyperplanes on the right-hand side is (x,Y_a)∪(x,Y_b). Suppose that (α)∪(β) is commensurate with a UBS. Then d_T(a,b)≤π/2. We will show that π/2 is an upper bound on the Alexandrov angle between rays representing a,b based at an arbitrary point, and then use (<ref>). The bound will be produced by finding a convex subspace, isometric to a Euclidean cube, which has one corner at the basepoint and which contains nontrivial initial segments of the rays. Angle bound at a vertex: Let y∈ X be an arbitrary vertex. Let α',β' be CAT(0) geodesic rays emanating from y and representing a,b respectively (so, α is asymptotic to α' and β is asymptotic to β'). Let =(α)∪(β), and let '=(α')∪𝒲(β'). Then is commensurate to ', and hence commensurate to a UBS. Lemma <ref> then implies that ' is actually a UBS. Now let X_y⊂ X be the cubical convex hull of α'∪β'. Then the set of hyperplanes crossing X_y is exactly '. Moreover, by Lemma <ref>, there exists a point y̅ in the Roller boundary such that ' is precisely the set of hyperplanes separating y from y̅. Let ◃ be the partial order on ' defined by declaring that ĥ◃ĥ' if the hyperplane ĥ separates y from ĥ'. Since every hyperplane of X_y separates y from y̅, any hyperplanes ĥ,ĥ'∈' are either ◃–comparable, or they cross. Note that if ĥ∈' is dual to a 1–cube of X_y incident to y, then ĥ is ◃–minimal. Hence the set '_min of ◃–minimal hyperplanes is nonempty. Since ◃–incomparable hyperplanes cross, '_min is a set of pairwise-crossing hyperplanes of X. Since X_y is convex and every hyperplane in ' crosses X_y, we have a cube C ⊂ X_y such that the hyperplanes crossing C are exactly those in '_min. Note y∈ C. Also note that any cube C' of X_y with y∈ C' satisfies C'⊂ C. Thus any nontrivial CAT(0) geodesic segment in X_y emanating from y has a nontrivial initial subsegment lying in C. In particular, α' and β' have nontrivial initial segments lying in C. Since the ambient CAT(0) metric restricts to the Euclidean metric on the cube C, the Alexandrov angle made by α',β' at y satisfies ∠_y(α',β')=lim_t,t'→0∠_y(α'(t),β'(t))≤π/2, because any two segments in a cube emanating from a common corner make an angle at most π/2. Angle bound at arbitrary points: We now bound the angle made by rays representing a,b and emanating from non-vertex points, by an identical argument taking place in an appropriate cubical subdivision of X. Let y∈ X be an arbitrary point. Perform a cubical subdivision of X to obtain a CAT(0) cuboid complex X' in which y is a vertex, so that the CAT(0) cuboid metric coincides with the original metric on X. More precisely, for each hyperplane ĥ, identify its carrier with ĥ×[-1/2,1/2]. For each ĥ such that y∈ĥ×(-1/2,1/2), let ϵ_ĥ be such that y∈ĥ×{ϵ_ĥ}. The (geodesically convex) subspace ĥ×{ϵ_ĥ} has a natural cubical structure with an n–cube for each (n+1)–cube intersecting ĥ. We subdivide X so that the cubes of ĥ×{ϵ_ĥ} are subdivided cubes whose edges are segments in X whose lengths are inherited from X. The result is a cuboid complex X' such that the identity map X→ X' is an isometry in the CAT(0) metric, preserves the median, and sends y to a vertex. Since the hyperplanes of X' are parallel copies of hyperplanes of X, the set of hyperplanes of X' that cross α∪β continues to be a UBS, so Lemma <ref> still applies. (Compare Remark <ref>.) We can thus argue exactly as before to see that ∠_y(α',β')≤π/2. Conclusion: We have shown that, for all y∈ X, letting α',β' be the rays based at y and representing a,b respectively, we have ∠_y(α',β')≤π/2. Taking the supremum over all y∈ X, as in (<ref>), we see that the angular metric satisfies ∠_T(a,b)≤π/2. Now, Definition <ref> gives _T(a,b)≤π/2, as required. Lemmas <ref> and <ref> extend immediately to the cuboid setting, because they use only hyperplane combinatorics and prior lemmas. The above proof of Lemma <ref> also extends to cuboids, because it uses prior lemmas combined with CAT(0) geometry. Indeed, the above argument uses cuboids in combination with Remark <ref> to prove the desired angle bound for arbitrary basepoints in X. The key conceptual reason why the argument works for cuboids is that every pair of geodesic segments in a cuboid, emanating from a corner, meets at angle at most π/2. The reliance on cuboids to prove the desired result for cubes can be avoided, as follows. First, prove the angle bound at a vertex of X, exactly as above. Then, let X' be the cubical subdivision of X, and observe that the CAT(0) geodesics in X' are exactly the same as those in X. (See e.g. <cit.>.) Thus the same argument proves the angle bound at every vertex of X'. Continuing to subdivide by induction, we obtain a set V_∞⊂ X of points that are vertices of the subdivision at some (and hence all subsequent) stages. Note that V_∞ intersects each of the original cubes of X in a dense subset, and in particular contains all the original vertices. The desired angle bound holds when the rays in question are based at any point in V_∞. Now, fixing a,b∈ X, we can consider the function x↦∠_x(α,β), where α,β are the rays representing a,b and starting at x. This function need not be continuous on X (it is upper semicontinuous <cit.>), but it can be shown to be continuous on each open cube of X (of any dimension). Since it is bounded above by π/2 on a dense subset of each such cube, we conclude that sup_x∠_x(α,β)=∠_T(a,b)≤π/2. Finally, observe that the statement and proof of Lemma <ref> fail completely if we modify the angles of the cubes, precisely because two segments emanating from a vertex of a parallelogram might meet at a large angle. Our main goal in this section is to show that if α,β are geodesic rays with common initial point, and (α)∪(β) is a UBS, then any geodesic ray γ representing an interior point on the Tits geodesic from α(∞) to β(∞) must cross all the hyperplanes in (α)∪(β). Before proving this in Proposition <ref>, we will need a few auxiliary results, starting with a corollary of Lemma <ref>. Suppose that = (α)∪(β) is a UBS. Let Y be the cubical convex hull of α∪β. Let γ [0,∞)→ X be a CAT(0) geodesic ray with γ(0)=α(0)=β(0). Suppose that γ is contained in Y and crosses every dominant hyperplane in . Then γ crosses every hyperplane in . This follows immediately from Lemma <ref>.<ref> applied to = (Y). Next, we study angles at which rays cross dominant hyperplanes. Let α be a CAT(0) geodesic ray with α(0)∈ X^(0). Then there exists κ>0 such that the following holds. Let 𝒟_d,⋯,𝒟_k⊂(α) be the dominant minimal UBSes provided by applying Lemma <ref> to 𝒲(α), and let i∈{d,…,k}. Then 𝒟_i contains a chain {û_n}_n≥0 of hyperplanes such that 𝒟_i is commensurate with the inseparable closure of {û_n}_n≥ 0, and ∠_y_n(α,û_n)≥κ for all n≥ 0, where y_n is the point α∩û_n. Recall from Lemma <ref> that (α) is a pruned UBS. Thus Lemma <ref> applies to (α). Now, fix i∈{d,…,k}. Lemma <ref> says that 𝒟_i={ĥ_m}_m≥0, where each ĥ_m is dominant. This means each ĥ_m crosses all but finitely many hyperplanes in 𝒲(α) ∖𝒟_i. The divergence f(t) of α from ĥ_0: Define f(t) = _X(α(t),ĥ_0), and let T_0 = α^-1(ĥ_0). By Lemma <ref>.<ref>, there is a constant A_0 > 0 (depending on ĥ_0 but not s,t) such that f(t)-f(s) ≥ A_0·(t-s) for all T_0≤ s≤ t. Hyperplane count: We wish to produce a constant C such that any length–C subpath of α crosses an element of 𝒟_i. Let s_0≥ T_0 be sufficiently large that α([0,s_0)) crosses all of the finitely many hyperplanes in 𝒲(α) ∖𝒟_i not crossing ĥ_0. Suppose that s_0≤ s≤ t. Then all hyperplanes crossing α([s,t]) either cross ĥ_0 or belong to 𝒟_i. Assume that α([s,t]) does not cross any element of 𝒟_i. Let H_st = (α([s,t])) denote the cubical convex hull of α([s,t]). There may be hyperplanes crossing H_st that do not cross α([s,t]), because α(s),α(t) need not be vertices. However, we can bound the number of such hyperplanes as follows. Let 𝒲_bad⊂𝒲(H_st)⊂𝒲(α) be the set of hyperplanes that cross H_st but do not cross α([s,t]). Note that 𝒲(H_st) inherits a partial order from 𝒲(α), by restricting the partial order ◃ from the proof of Lemma <ref>. Suppose that ĥ∈𝒲(H_st) is neither ◃–maximal nor ◃–minimal in 𝒲(H_st). Then there exist û,v̂∈𝒲(H_st) such that ĥ separates û from v̂. By the definition of the convex hull, ĥ cannot separate û or v̂ from α([s,t]), so ĥ must cross α([s,t]). Thus every hyperplane in 𝒲_bad is ◃–minimal or ◃–maximal. Since incomparable hyperplanes have to cross, we conclude that |𝒲_bad|≤ 2(X), hence there are at most D=2 X hyperplanes that cross H_st but not α([s,t]). The rest of the hyperplanes crossing H_st must cross ĥ_0, since they cross α([s,t]), and we have chosen s ≥ s_0 and assumed 𝒲(α([s,t]))∩𝒟_i=∅. Consider the CAT(0) closest-point projections p X→ĥ_0 and q X→ H_st. By <cit.>, the d_X–convex hull of p(H_st)∪ q(ĥ_0) is isometric to p(H_st)× [0,_X(ĥ_0,H_st)], where p(H_st) is identified with p(H_st) ×{ 0 }, and q(ĥ_0) is identified with p(H_st) ×{_X(ĥ_0,H_st)}. By <cit.>, the hyperplanes that cross q(ĥ_0) are precisely those that cross ĥ_0 and H_st. So, there are at most D hyperplanes crossing H_st but not q(ĥ_0). By Lemma <ref>, the points α(s),α(t) are thus both within distance λ_0D+λ_1 of points in q(ĥ_0), where λ_0D+λ_1 depends only on D. Thus _X(α(t),ĥ_0) ≤ λ_0D+λ_1+_X(H_st,ĥ_0) ≤ λ_0 D+λ_1+_X(α(s),ĥ_0). In other words, since s,t≥ s_0 ≥ T_0, we have shown A_0(t-s) ≤ f(t)-f(s)≤λ_0D+λ_1. Thus, for any 0≤ s≤ t (without assuming s ≥ s_0), we get t-s≤λ_0D+λ_1/A_0+ s_0. Letting C= λ_0 D+λ_1/A_0 + s_0+1, we have shown that any subsegment of α of length at least C crosses an element of 𝒟_i. Hence, for any 0≤ s≤ t, we have that α([s,t]) crosses at least ⌊ (t-s)/C⌋ elements of 𝒟_i. Big angle hyperplanes: Let σ be a subsegment of α. Consider the hyperplanes in 𝒟_i crossing σ. Any two such hyperplanes are either disjoint or not, and any collection of pairwise crossing hyperplanes has size at most X. So, if there are more than (3, X+1) hyperplanes in 𝒟_i crossing σ, then there are three disjoint such hyperplanes, where ( ·, ·) denotes the Ramsey number. Hence, if σ has length |σ|=C·(3, X+1)+1, then σ crosses three disjoint hyperplanes û,v̂,ŵ∈𝒟_i. Without loss of generality, say v̂ separates û,ŵ. Hence α∩ N(v̂) is a subpath of α lying between the points α∩û and α∩ŵ∈σ, so |α∩ N(v̂)|≤ C·(3, X+1)+1=L. Note that L is independent of the hyperplane v̂. Indeed, L depends on A_0,λ_0,λ_1,s_0, and hence is determined by X, the hyperplane ĥ_0 and the geodesic α. Now, using the fact that N(v̂) is isometric to a product of the form v̂×(-1/2,1/2), we see that ∠_α∩v̂(v̂,α)≥sin^-1(1L), which we denote by κ. Since we can do the above procedure for infinitely many disjoint length–L segments in α, we find infinitely many hyperplanes in 𝒟_i making an angle at least κ with α. Since any infinite subset of a UBS contains a chain, we thus have a chain {û_n}_n≥ 0⊂𝒟_i with this property. Finally, the inseparable closure of {û_n}_n≥ 0 is a UBS contained in 𝒟_i, and hence commensurate with 𝒟_i since 𝒟_i is minimal. This verifies the statement for the given 𝒟_i, and we conclude by replacing κ with the minimal κ for the various i∈{d,…,k}. Extending Lemma <ref> to a cuboid metric d_X^ρ requires a bit of care. The above proof relies on some results of of Huang <cit.>, which are written in the context of a cube complex with finitely many isometry types of cells. This hypothesis may fail in (X, d_X^ρ). Fortunately, we only need to use Huang's results in a finite cuboid complex, namely the convex hull of H_st∪ p(H_st), where H_st is itself finite and p is a certain CAT(0) projection. Thus Huang's results <cit.> apply to the subcomplex we need. Some constants in the proof would need to be adjusted for the cuboid metric. The constants λ_0, λ_1 of Lemma <ref>, used in the definition of C, would have to be replaced by the constants λ_0^ρ, λ_1^ρ of Lemma <ref>. In the constant sin^-1(1/L), the numerator 1 is the thickness of a hyperplane carrier, and would have to be replaced by the minimal thickness of a hyperplane carrier in the metric d_X^ρ. Now we can prove the main result of this section. Let α, β be CAT(0) geodesic rays with α(0) = β(0) ∈ X^(0). Suppose that (α)∪(β) is commensurate with a UBS. Then a=α(∞) and b=β(∞) are joined by a unique geodesic g in X. Furthermore, any interior point c of g is represented by a CAT(0) geodesic ray γ such that (γ) = (α)∪(β). By Lemma <ref>, we have _T(a,b)≤π/2, so the CAT(1) space X contains a unique geodesic g from a to b. This proves the first assertion of the lemma. Let c ∈ X be an interior point of g. Let γ be the unique CAT(0) geodesic ray starting at α(0) and representing c. We need to show that (γ)=𝒲(α)∪(β). Working in the convex hull of α∪β: Let Y be the cubical convex hull of α∪β. We claim that g lies in Y⊂ X. Indeed, applying Lemma <ref> inside of Y shows that a,b can be joined by a unique geodesic g' in Y. Since the Tits distance in Y from a to b depends only on {_Y(α(t),β(t)):t≥ 0} and _Y(α(t),β(t))=_X(α(t),β(t)) by convexity of Y, we have that g' is a geodesic of X. Since g' has length less than π, it is the unique geodesic in X from a to b, i.e. g=g' and g lies in Y. For the rest of the proof, we work entirely in Y. For any y∈ Y, we can choose rays α_y,β_y with α_y(0)=β_y(0)=y and α_y(∞)=a,β_y(∞)=b, and note that the cubical convex hull Y_y of α_y∪β_y is contained in Y, and crosses all but finitely many of the hyperplanes crossing Y. By convexity, Y_y= Y. So, when convenient, we can move the basepoint. What we will actually verify: The plan is as follows. Let ĥ be a hyperplane of Y that is dominant in the UBS = (Y) = (α) ∪(β). We will show that c∉ĥ. Since the shallow side of any hyperplane in Y is contained in a neighborhood of that hyperplane, it follows that γ must cross ĥ. Once we show that γ crosses every dominant hyperplane, Corollary <ref> will then imply that γ crosses every hyperplane, i.e. (γ)=(α)∪(β), as required. So, it remains to argue that c∉ĥ when ĥ is a dominant hyperplane. Initial segments of α and β inside a cube: For each r≥ 0, let y_r=α(r). Let α_y_r and β_y_r be geodesics asymptotic to α and β, defined as above. Note that Y_y_r⊂ Y contains a ray based at y_r and representing each element of Y. As in the proof of Lemma <ref>, there is a single cube C_y_r⊂ Y_y_r, with y_r∈ C_y_r, such that any ray in Y_y_r emanating from y_r has a nontrivial initial segment in C_y_r. Let α'_y_r,β'_y_r,γ'_y_r be the maximal (nontrivial) segments of α_y_r,β_y_r,γ_y_r that lie in C_y_r. Then the Alexandrov angle between any two of the rays α_y_r,β_y_r,γ_y_r at y_r is just the Euclidean angle in C_y_r between the corresponding segments. By <cit.>, ∠_y_r(α_y_r,β_y_r) converges to ∠_T(a,b) = _T(a,b), where the equality follows from Lemma <ref> because the distance is less than π. Angle computation: Let ĥ be a dominant hyperplane in . By Lemma <ref>, we can assume that ĥ∈𝒟, where 𝒟 = 𝒟_j is a minimal UBS consisting of dominant hyperplanes. Since 𝒟⊂(α) ∪(β) is a minimal UBS, we must have either 𝒟≼(α) or 𝒟≼(β). We assume without loss of generality that 𝒟≼(α). Note that every hyperplane in 𝒟 is dominant in (α), because any hyperplane crossing all but finitely many hyperplanes in ∖𝒟 crosses all but finitely many hyperplanes in 𝒲(α) ∖𝒟. We now apply Lemma <ref> to (α) and 𝒟 to produce a constant κ and a chain {ĥ_n }⊂𝒟 whose inseparable closure is 𝒟 and whose (necessarily dominant) hyperplanes all cross α at an angle at least κ: ∠_y_n(α_y_n,ĥ_n)≥κ, where y_n=ĥ_n∩α and α_y_n is the sub-ray of α emanating from y_n. Since all but finitely many of the ĥ_n lie on the deep side of ĥ, it suffices to show that γ crosses ĥ_n for sufficiently large n. As explained above, it suffices to show that c ∉ĥ_n for sufficiently large n. Let β_y_n be the ray emanating from y_n and asymptotic to β. Working in the cube C_y_n constructed above, we have that the segment α_y_n' makes a Euclidean angle at least κ with the midcube M_n = C_y_n∩ĥ_n. Meanwhile, the segment β_y_n' makes some angle θ≥ 0 with M_n. See Figure <ref>. Let s∈(0,1) be such that _T(a,c)=s·_T(a,b) and _T(c,b)=(1-s)·_T(a,b). Such an s exists since c is an interior point of the Tits geodesic g from a to b. Let η_n ⊂ C_y_n be the maximal segment that emanates from y_n and makes an angle s·∠_y_n(α_y_n',β_y_n') with α_y_n' and and angle (1-s)·∠_y_n(α_y_n',β_y_n') with β_y_n'. Then there exists κ_1= (1-s) κ >0 such that ∠_y_n(η_n, M_n) ≥κ_1. Crucially, κ_1 is independent of n. On the other hand, as n →∞, we have convergent sequences ∠_y_n (α_y_n',β_y_n') →_T(a,b), ∠_y_n (α_y_n',γ_y_n') →_T(a,c) = s ·_T(a,b), ∠_y_n (β_y_n',γ_y_n') →_T(b,c) = (1-s) ·_T(a,b), Thus, for all sufficiently large n, ∠_y_n(η_n,γ_y_n')<κ_1/2, so by the triangle inequality for Alexandrov angles, ∠_y_n(γ'_n,M_n) > κ_1/2 >0. Hence the ray γ_y_n is not contained in ĥ_n and, since its initial point is in ĥ_n, we thus have c∉ĥ_n. This completes the proof. We observe that the proof of Proposition <ref> extends to the cuboid setting with minimal effort. The proof of that lemma combines prior results and the local Euclidean geometry of a cube; all of the local arguments work equally well in a rescaled cuboid. § CONNECTIONS BETWEEN TITS AND ROLLER BOUNDARIES In this section, we establish some important connections between X and X. Every Roller class v ∈ X is assigned a canonical CAT(1)–convex Tits boundary realizationQ(v) ⊂ X. We define a pair of maps ψ X → X and φ X → X that will play a major role in the proof of our main theorem. See Proposition <ref> for the properties of Q(v) and Proposition <ref> for the relationship between φ and ψ. Toward the end of this section, we focus on ℓ^2–visible Roller classes, namely all v ∈ X such that ψ∘φ(v) = v. In Section <ref>, we will use the visible Roller classes to construct a closed covering of X that is compatible with a covering of a large part of X, denoted X. All of the results of this section extend with minimal effort to a cuboid metric d_X^ρ obtained via a G–admissible hyperplane rescaling (recall Definitions <ref> and <ref>). This extension is described in Section <ref>. Given a ∈ X, define ψ(a) = Y_a ∈ X to be the Roller class Y_a constructed in Lemma <ref>. That is, ψ(a) is the principal Roller class of the intersection of half-spaces in the deep set D_a. Our definition of ψ generalizes Guralnik's boundary decomposition map <cit.>, because X agrees as a set with the visual boundary _ X. Let a = [α] ∈ X. Let (α) be the UBS consisting of hyperplanes crossing the geodesic α. Then ψ(a) = Y_a = Y_(α). By Lemma <ref> we have that D_a= _Ỹ_a^+ and Y_a ∈ X. Fix x∈ X^(0). By definition, D_a∖_x^+ = (x,Y_a) = (x,[y]) for any y ∈ Y_a. Finally by Lemma <ref>(x,[y])∼(x,y). By Lemma <ref>, there is a combinatorial geodesic α' [0,∞) → X with α'(0) = x and α'(∞) = y. By Remark <ref>, we have (α')= (x,y). Now, Lemma <ref> implies that α and α' can be chosen to lie at finite Hausdorff distance. Thus α and α' cross the same hyperplanes, except possibly for finitely many. In symbols, (α') ∼(α). By Lemma <ref>, we conclude that Y_a = Y_(α). §.§ Tits boundary realizations Defining a map φ X → X that serves as a partial inverse to ψ takes considerably more effort. As a first step, we will define a Tits boundary realizationQ(v) associated to a Roller class v. A family ℱ of subsets of X is called filtering if for every E,F∈ℱ there is a D∈ℱ such that D⊂ E∩ F. For example, for y∈ X, the family ℱ :={(h_1)∩⋯∩(h_n) : h_1, …, h_n∈_y^+, n∈} is a filtering family of closed convex subspaces. The following theorem combines results of Caprace–Lytchak <cit.> and Balser–Lytchak <cit.>. Let {X_i}_i∈ I be a filtering family of closed convex subsets of a finite-dimensional CAT(0) space X. If the intersection ⋂_i∈ I X_i is empty, then the intersection ⋂_i∈ I X_i of their boundaries is nonempty, and furthermore ⋂_i∈ I X_i has intrinsic radius at most π/2 and therefore a canonical circumcenter. Next, we present two definitions that will turn out to be equivalent (compare Lemma <ref>). The first of these definitions appears in <cit.>. Let y∈ X. Define Q(y)=⋂_h∈_y^+(h). Note that Q(y) ≠∅ by Theorem <ref>. We call Q(y) the Tits boundary realization of y. Let x∈ X^(0) and let y∈ X. Recall that (x,y)⊂X̃ is the vertex interval between x and y, so that (x,y)∩ X is a vertex–convex subset of X^(0). Generalizing Definition <ref>, let (x,y) be the union of all of the cubes in X whose 0–skeleta lie in (x,y)∩ X. Then (x,y) is a convex subcomplex of X, and hence has a well-defined Tits boundary naturally embedded in X. We define Q'(y)=(x,y). In fact, the two definitions are equivalent: Let y∈ X and let x,x'∈ X^(0). Then: * (x,y)=(x',y), hence Q'(y) is well-defined. * Q(y)=Q'(y). * If y∼ y', then Q'(y)=Q'(y') and Q(y)=Q(y'). To prove conclusion <ref>, observe that (x,y) and (x',y) lie at Hausdorff distance bounded by _1(x,x'). Hence (x,y) and (x',y) have the same Tits boundary. Next, we consider conclusion <ref>. For any given vertex half-space h∈_y^+, let (h) be the associated CAT(0) half-space containing y. By <ref>, we can assume that x∈(h). Hence (x,y)⊂(h), so Q'(y)=(x,y)⊂(h). Therefore Q'(y)⊂ Q(y). For the reverse inclusion, suppose q∉ Q'(y). Then there is a CAT(0) half-space (h) such that 𝒥(x,y) ⊂(h) and q ∉(h). (To find such a half-space, let γ be any CAT(0) geodesic ray representing q. Since γ leaves every finite neighborhood of (x,y), it must cross a hyperplane ĥ disjoint from (x,y).) The associated vertex half-space h satisfies h∈_y^+ but q ∉(h). By Definition <ref>, it follows that q ∉ Q(y). Hence Q(y)⊂ Q'(y). Finally, consider conclusion <ref>. If y ∼ y', the Hausdorff distance from (x,y) to (x,y') is bounded by _1(y,y') < ∞. Using <ref>, we obtain Q(y) = Q'(y) = (x,y) = (x,y') = Q'(y') = Q(y'). Following Theorem <ref> and Lemma <ref>, we can make the following definition. Let v ∈ X be a Roller class. Define Q(v) = Q(y) for any representative element y ∈ v. The reader can think of Q(y) according to either Definition <ref> or Definition <ref>. We call Q(v) the Tits boundary realization of the Roller class v. Observe that the collection of half-spaces ℌ_y^+ containing y has empty intersection in X. Thus, by Theorem <ref>, Q(v) has a canonical circumcenter. We define χ(v) ∈ X to be the circumcenter of Q(v). For every v ∈ X and every g ∈(X), we have Q(gv) = gQ(v) and (gv) = g (v). Furthermore, Q(v) and Q(gv) have the same intrinsic radius. Let y∈ X, and let v=[y]. Then, for every h ∈_y^+, the map g gives an isometry from (h) to (gh). Thus g Q(v) → Q(gv) is an isometry, hence Q(v) and Q(gv) have the same intrinsic radius. By Theorem <ref>, (v) and (gv) are uniquely determined by the geometry of Q(v) and Q(gv), respectively, hence (gv) = g (v). Consider a Roller class v∈ X. We say that a combinatorial geodesic ray γ in Xrepresentsv if γ(∞) = y ∈ v, or equivalently if the UBS (γ) represents the class v. Setting x = γ(0), observe that (x,y) is the cubical convex hull of γ, and (γ) = (x,y) is exactly the collection of hyperplanes crossing (x,y). This leads to Let v∈ X be a Roller class and let a∈ Q(v). Then ψ(a)≤ v. Let γ be a combinatorial geodesic ray representing v, with γ(0) = x and γ(∞) = y ∈ v. Then the cubical convex hull of γ, namely (x,y), is also CAT(0) geodesically convex. Since a∈ Q(v) = 𝒥(x,y) by Lemma <ref>, we may choose a CAT(0) geodesic α representing a such that α⊂(x,y). Then (α) ⊂(γ) = (x,y). Thus every hyperplane crossing α crosses (x,y) and hence γ. Hence ψ(a)≤ v. In Definition <ref>, we will define a map φ X→ X with the property that φ(v)∈ Q(v) for each Roller class v. This map will be defined by slightly perturbing the circumcenter (v). In view of Lemma <ref>, we will have ψ(φ(v))≤ v. Let v,w∈ X satisfy w≤ v. Then Q(w)⊂ Q(v). Fix a basepoint x_0∈ X^(0) and let γ_v,γ_w be combinatorial geodesic rays emanating from x_0 and representing v,w respectively. Since w≤ v, Theorem <ref>.<ref> says that 𝒲(γ_w)≼(γ_v). Without moving x_0, we can replace γ_w by its image under the gate map to the cubical convex hull of γ_v, ensuring that 𝒲(γ_w)⊂(γ_v). Hence, setting y_w = γ_w(∞) ∈ w and y_v = γ_v(∞) ∈ v, the cubical convex hulls of these geodesics satisfy (x_0,y_w)⊂(x_0,y_v). Taking boundaries and applying Lemma <ref> gives Q(w)⊂ Q(v). §.§ Diameter, intrinsic radius, and Tits-convexity of Q(v) Let v ∈ X be a Roller class. Recall that Q(v) is the intersection of the Tits boundaries of the half-spaces corresponding to a representative element of v. We will need the following properties of Q(v): For any Roller class v, the Tits boundary realization Q(v) has the following properties: * Q(v) has diameter at most π/2. * Q(v) is Tits–convex. * Q(v) is contractible in the Tits metric topology and compact in the visual topology. * Q(v) has intrinsic radius r_v<π/2. * Q(v) ⊂B̃_T((v), r_v). Let v be an arbitrary Roller class and x_0 ∈ X^(0) an arbitrary basepoint. Let γ be a combinatorial geodesic ray based at x_0 and representing v. Let H= H(x_0,v,γ) denote the cubical convex hull of γ. Then, for an arbitrary point y ∈ [y] = v, the cubical hull H and the interval (x_0, y) lie within bounded Hausdorff distance of each other. Thus, by Lemma <ref>, Q(v) is equal to the closed subset H = (x_0, y) ⊂ X. Diameter: To bound _T(Q(v)), let a,b∈ Q(v). Represent a,b by CAT(0) rays α,β with initial point x_0. Note that α, β⊂ H because H is a convex subcomplex. Then (α),(β) are both subsets of (γ), which is a UBS representing v. So, 𝒲(α)∪(β) ⊂(γ). Now, (α)∪(β) is infinite. Moreover, (α)∪(β) is unidirectional and contains no facing triple, since (γ) has those properties. Thus 𝒲(α)∪(β) is a UBS, hence Lemma <ref> implies _T(a,b)≤π/2. Convexity: Since H=H(x_0,v,γ)↪ X is an isometric embedding in the CAT(0) metric, the inclusion H=Q(v)↪ X is a Tits-metric isometric embedding. Indeed, let a,b∈ Q(v) be represented by CAT(0) rays α,β⊂ H with initial point x_0. Since Q(v) has diameter less than π, we have _T(a,b)=∠(a,b) by <cit.>. Since α, β⊂ H, the angle ∠_T(a,b) is determined entirely by the set {_X(α(t),β(t))}_t≥ 0, by <cit.>). By convexity of H, this set coincides with {_H(α(t),β(t))}_t≥ 0. Hence the Tits distance from a to b measured in X is the same as the Tits distance measured in H=Q(v). Now, Q(v) contains a unique geodesic joining a,b. Since this geodesic realizes the distance from a to b in X, this shows that Q(v) is Tits-convex. Intrinsic radius: Since Q(v) is a CAT(1) space of diameter less than π, the intrinsic radius r_v satisfies r_v<diam Q(v), by <cit.>. Since diam Q(v)≤π/2, we have r_v<π/2, proving assertion <ref>. Now, observe that Q(v) ⊂B̃_T((v), r_v) by Definition <ref> and Theorem <ref>, proving <ref>. Topological properties: Since Q(v) is a uniquely geodesic CAT(1) space, a standard straight-line homotopy allows one to deformation retract Q(v) to a single point. Thus Q(v) is contractible. Finally, recall from Lemma <ref> (and from earlier in this proof) that Q(v) = (x_0,y) for an arbitrary point y ∈ [y] = v. By Lemma <ref>, the subcomplex (x_0, y) is proper, hence Q(v) is compact in the visual topology. (The visual topology is defined in <cit.>, where it is called the cone topology.) §.§ Visibility and perturbing the circumcenter Recall the (X)–equivariant circumcenter map X → X, mentioned in Corollary <ref>. In this subsection, we perturb to obtain a map φ X→ X with slightly nicer properties. First, like , the map φ will have the property that φ(v)∈ Q(v) for each Roller class v, and hence ψ(φ(v))≤ v. Compare Remark <ref>. We will define φ so that Roller classes v for which ψ(φ(v))=v are exactly those for which there is some CAT(0) geodesic ray representing v. (Note that a combinatorial geodesic exists for every v, but a CAT(0) geodesic is not guaranteed.) Later, we will work with only such Roller classes, which we term ℓ^2–visible; see Definition <ref>. See also Lemma <ref> for several equivalent characterizations of visibility. While the map φ is not guaranteed to be equivariant, the set of ℓ^2–visible Roller classes will still be invariant. The following example illustrates the point that (v) can lie in Q(w)⊊ Q(v) for some w<v. Consider the cone of ℝ^3 cut out by the planes z=0, z=y, and z=x, and let X be the union of all cubes (in the standard cubical tiling of ℝ^3) contained in this cone. Then X has four classes, described in coordinates as u=[(∞, 0, 0)], u'=[(0, ∞, 0)], w = [(∞, ∞, 0)], and v = [(∞, ∞, ∞)], all of which are represented by ℓ^2 geodesic rays. Furthermore, Q(v) = Q(∞, ∞, ∞) = X is isometric to an isosceles triangle of S^2 whose base has length π/2 and whose height is arctan(1/√(2)). The base of the triangle is Q(w) = Q(∞, ∞, 0). See Figure <ref>. First, observe that (w) is the midpoint of the geodesic segment Q(w). Next, we claim that (v) = (w). To see this, let β be the altitude from (w) to the the apex of Q(v). Because Q(v) has a reflective symmetry in β, its circumcenter must be contained in β. In addition, since len(β) = arctan(1/√(2)) < π/4, any point b ∈β must have distance less than π/4 to the apex but distance at least π/4 to the two endpoints of Q(w). Thus (w) = (v) even though w<v and Q(w)⊊ Q(v). The phenomenon of Example <ref> will be inconvenient later. To remedy this problem, we will define φ(v) by perturbing (v) slightly, to get a point in the interior of Q(v) that retains the property that all of Q(v) is contained in the r_v–neighborhood of φ(v) for some r_v<π/2. (This latter property will also be necessary later.) To achieve this, we need some preliminary discussion and lemmas. For every Roller class v, there is a unique Roller class M_v ∈ψ(Q(v)) that is maximal among all Roller classes in ψ(Q(v)). Furthermore Q(M_v)=Q(v). If w∈ψ(Q(v)), then w=ψ(a) for some a∈ Q(v), so w≤ v by Lemma <ref>. Since there is a bound on the length of ≤–chains, it follows that ψ(Q(v)) contains ≤–maximal elements. Suppose that m,m'∈ψ(Q(v)) are ≤–maximal. Let a,a'∈ Q(v) be such that ψ(a)=m and ψ(a')=m'. Let α,α' be CAT(0) geodesic rays in X representing a,a' respectively, chosen so that α(0)=α'(0). Then _m ∼(α) and _m'∼(α'). Since m,m'≤ v, Theorem <ref> gives 𝒲(α) ≼_v and (α') ≼_v, hence W(α)∪(α') is commensurate with a UBS by Lemma <ref>. Thus, by Proposition <ref>, there exists a CAT(0) geodesic ray β with (β) = (α)∪𝒲(α'). By construction, m ≤ψ(β(∞))≤ v, m' ≤ψ(β(∞))≤ v where the first inequality for m or m' is strict if m≠ m'. So, β(∞)∈ Q(v) by Lemma <ref> and the second inequality. Hence the first inequality contradicts the maximality of m,m' in ψ(Q(v)), unless m=m'. This proves the uniqueness of a maximal element M_v. Next, M_v≤ v, so Q(M_v)⊂ Q(v) by Lemma <ref>. On the other hand, if a∈ Q(v), then ψ(a)∈ψ(Q(v)), so ψ(a)≤ M_v. Hence a∈ Q(ψ(a))⊂ Q(M_v) by Lemma <ref>. Thus Q(v)⊂ Q(M_v), and we conclude that Q(v) = Q(M_v). For a Roller class v, define Q_0(v) = Q(v) ∖⋃_u < M_v Q(u). Let v,w be Roller classes, and let a ∈ Q(v). Then a ∈ Q_0(v) if and only if ψ(a)= M_v. Furthermore, if Q(v) = Q(w), then M_v=M_w and Q_0(v)=Q_0(w). First, suppose that a ∈ Q_0(v). Then ψ(a) ≤ M_v by the definition of M_v. If ψ(a) = u < M_v, then a ∈ Q(u), contradicting the definition of Q_0(v). Thus ψ(a) = M_v, as desired. Conversely, suppose that ψ(a)=M_v. If a∈ Q(u) for some u<M_v, then ψ(a)≤ u by Lemma <ref>, so ψ(a)<M_v, a contradiction. Hence a∈ Q_0(v). Finally, suppose Q(v) = Q(w). Then Lemma <ref> says that M_v = M_w is the unique maximal element of ψ(Q(v)) = ψ(Q(w)). Thus, by the above equivalence, Q_0(v)=Q_0(w). Let v be a Roller class. Then Q_0(v) contains points arbitrarily close to (v) in the Tits metric. By Lemma <ref>, there is a point a ∈ Q(v) such that ψ(a) = M_v. By Lemma <ref>, we have a ∈ Q_0(v). Let g be the geodesic in X from a to b = (v). By Proposition <ref>.(<ref>), g lies in Q(v). For any ϵ>0, choose c ∈ g so that 0 < _T(c,(v))<ϵ. We will show c ∈ Q_0(v). By Proposition <ref>, the Tits points a,b,c are represented by CAT(0) geodesic rays α, β, γ such that (γ) = (α) ∪(β) ⊃(α). Thus, by Lemma <ref>, we have ψ(c) = Y_(γ)⊂ Y_(α) = ψ(a). By Lemma <ref>, we have ψ(c) ≥ψ(a) = M_v, hence ψ(c) = M_v by the maximality of M_v. Therefore, c ∈ Q_0(v) by Lemma <ref>. Let v be a Roller class, and fix Q = Q(v). Let r<π/2 be the intrinsic radius of Q. Using Lemma <ref>, choose p_Q∈ Q_0(v) such that d_T(p_Q,(v))≤π/4 -r/2. We call p_Q the pseudocenter of Q, and denote it φ(v). Using Lemma <ref>, we ensure that φ(v) = φ(w) = p_Q for every Roller class w such that Q(w) = Q(v) = Q. In the following proposition we collect the facts about the pseudocenter map φ that will be needed later, in conjunction with Lemma <ref> and the definition of φ. The pseudocenter map φ has the following properties. Let v∈ X. Then: * φ(v)∈ Q(v). * ψ(φ(v))≤ v. * Q(v)=Q(ψ(φ(v))). * If Q(w)=Q(v), then φ(w)=φ(v). Assertion <ref> holds by construction, and, together with Lemma <ref>, implies assertion <ref>. Since φ(v)∈ Q_0(v), we have ψ(φ(v))=M_v by Lemma <ref>, and Q(v)=Q(M_v) by Lemma <ref>, yielding assertion <ref>. Assertion <ref> follows from the definition of φ and Lemma <ref>. We can now define (ℓ^2)–visible Roller classes: Let v∈ X. Then v is ℓ^2–visible if v∈ψ( X). Let (X) = ψ( X) denote the set of visible Roller classes. Observe that (X) stabilizes (X), because the map ψ is (X)–equivariant. Let v∈ X. Then the following are equivalent: * v is ℓ^2–visible. * There exists a CAT(0) geodesic ray α such that (α) represents v. * v = M_v. * v = ψ(φ(v)). To begin with, we have <ref>⇔<ref> by Lemma <ref>. For <ref>⇒<ref>, let α be a CAT(0) geodesic ray such that 𝒲(α) represents v. Let a = α(∞) ∈ X. Then, by Lemma <ref>, we have ψ(a) = v. Now, recall from Lemma <ref> that M_v is maximal among all Roller classes in ψ(Q(v)). By Lemma <ref>, every class w ∈ψ(Q(v)) satisfies w ≤ v, hence M_v ≤ v. On the other hand, v = ψ(a) ∈ψ(Q(v)), hence v ≤ M_v by the maximality of M_v. Thus v = M_v. For <ref>⇒<ref>, suppose v = M_v. By Definition <ref>, we have φ(v) ∈ Q_0(v). Thus, by Lemma <ref>, we have ψ(φ(v)) = M_v = v. For <ref>⇒<ref>, suppose v = ψ(φ(v)). Then φ(v) ∈ Q_0(v) ⊂ Q(v). Choose a CAT(0) geodesic ray α representing φ(v). The associated UBS (α) represents the class ψ(φ(v)) = v. Let v∈ X be a ≤–minimal Roller class. Then v is ℓ^2–visible. Lemma <ref> gives v≥ψ(φ(v)). By minimality of v, we thus have v=ψ(φ(v)). §.§ Cuboid generalization Here, we explain how to generalize the results of this section to a cuboid metric d_X^ρ. A reader who is only interested in cube complexes with the standard ℓ^1 and ℓ^2 metrics is invited to skip ahead to Section <ref>. For the duration of this subsection, fix a G–admissible hyperplane rescaling ρ (Definition <ref>) and the resulting cuboid metric d_X^ρ. Recall that the cuboid Tits boundary ^ρ X = (X, d_X^ρ) was defined in Definition <ref>. All of the constructions and results involving ^ρ X will be invariant under the restricted automorphism group (X^ρ) of Definition <ref>. To start, we can define a map ψ^ρ^ρ X → X exactly as in Definition <ref>. Generalizing Lemma <ref>, we can characterize ψ^ρ(a) = ψ^ρ([α]) as the principal class of the umbra of a UBS representing a ray α: ψ^ρ(a) = ψ^ρ([α]) = Y_(α). This characterization holds because the proof of Lemma <ref> works for ψ^ρ: its proof combines previous lemmas and combinatorial properties of hyperplane sets. Now, consider a point y ∈ X. Since (X, d_X^ρ) is a CAT(0) space and the collection of half-spaces _y^+ is a filtering family, we can define the Tits boundary realization Q^ρ(y) exactly as in Definition <ref>. Following Lemma <ref>, whose proof extends to cuboids because cubical half-spaces are convex in d_X^ρ, we learn that the boundary realization Q^ρ(y) is also the boundary of a cubical interval, and depends only on the Roller class v = [y]. Thus we may define a Tits-convex set Q^ρ(v) and its circumcenter χ^ρ(v), as in Definition <ref>. Following Corollary <ref>, both Q^ρ(v) and χ^ρ(v) are invariant under the restricted automorphism group (X^ρ). The partial order properties of the Tits boundary realization Q(v) that are proved in Lemmas <ref> and  <ref> still hold for Q^ρ(v), because the proofs of those results are essentially combinatorial. The features of Q(v) described in Proposition <ref> also hold for Q^ρ(v), because the proof of the Proposition uses prior results and the convexity of the cubical convex hull of a geodesic ray. Next, Section <ref> contains several results about perturbing the circumcenter (v) ∈ Q(v) to a pseudocenter φ(v). The definition of the pseudocenter φ(v) is enabled by Lemmas <ref>, <ref>, and <ref>. All of these lemmas generalize immediately to the cuboid setting, because their proofs are essentially a top-level assembly of prior results. Thus we may generalize Definition <ref> to define a pseudocenter φ^ρ(v) ∈ Q^ρ(v). This pseudocenter φ^ρ(v) has all of the properties described in Proposition <ref>, because the proof of that proposition merely assembles previously established results. Finally, Definition <ref> generalizes immediately to define ^ρ(X) = ψ^ρ (^ρ X), the set of Roller classes that are visible after the rescaling ρ. Since ψ^ρ is ^ρ(X)–equivariant, the set ^ρ(X) is ^ρ(X)–equivariant as well. Lemmas <ref> and <ref> generalize immediately to the cuboid setting, because their proofs are top-level assemblies of previous lemmas. In Definition <ref>, the set (X) = ψ( X) is defined in terms of the CAT(0) metric on X. When we change the metric on X using a G–admissible rescaling ρ, there is no a priori reason to expect (X) = ψ( X) to coincide with ^ρ(X) = ψ^ρ (^ρ X). Instead, our whole argument simply goes through for whichever of (X) or ^ρ(X) we are considering. In fact, it turns out that (X)=^ρ(X). Since we do not use this fact in any proofs, we only sketch a proof. Let v∈(X) be a visible Roller class, and let α:[0,∞)→ X be a CAT(0) geodesic ray for the metric _X with 𝒲(α) representing v. We will produce a geodesic ray β for the CAT(0) metric _X^ρ, satisfying 𝒲(α)=𝒲(β), from which it follows that v∈^ρ(X). This shows (X)⊆^ρ(X), and a symmetric argument gives the reverse inclusion. Since cubical convexity of subcomplexes is independent of which CAT(0) metric we consider, we assume for convenience that X is the cubical convex hull of α, i.e. 𝒲(α)=𝒲(X). First, use Lemma <ref> to produce chains {ĥ_n^1}_n,⋯,{ĥ^k_n}_n of dominant hyperplanes such that there exists a constant C≥ 0 with the property that, for all j≤ k, any subpath of α of length at least C crosses ĥ^j_n for some n. The lemma allows us to choose these to be dominant hyperplanes in the UBS 𝒲(α); therefore, if we construct a _X^ρ–geodesic β that crosses each h_n^j, then by Lemma <ref>, we get 𝒲(α)=𝒲(β). By admissibility of the rescaling, there exists m≥ 1 such that the identity map (X,_X)→(X,_X^ρ) is m–bilipschitz. Since X is the convex hull of α and contains no facing triples, Lemma <ref> guarantees properness of (X,_X) and implies properness of (X,_X^ρ). Thus, letting β_t be the _X^ρ–geodesic from α(0) to α(t), and letting t tend to infinity, the β_t subconverge uniformly on compact sets to a _X^ρ–geodesic β with β(0)=α(0). Fix j≤ k. Now, for any t, the hyperplanes crossing β_t are exactly those crossing α([0,t]). Indeed, any hyperplane separating α(0),α(t) crosses β_t, and any hyperplane crossing β_t does so in a single point (and hence separates α(0),α(t)), since β_t is a _X^ρ–geodesic. In particular, α([0,t]) crosses h_1^j,…,h_N_t^j, where N_t=⌊ t/C⌋. Hence β_t crosses the same hyperplanes while having _X^ρ–length at most mt. From this one deduces the following: there exists L such that for all n, and all sufficiently large t, the path β_t crosses h^1_1,…,h^1_n and intersects each of those carriers in a subpath of length at most L. In other words, there is a uniform bound on how long each β_t can fellow-travel any of the ĥ_n^j, whence β cannot be parallel to a ray in any ĥ^n_j. This implies that β must cross ĥ^j_n for all j,n, and hence, as explained above, 𝒲(β)=𝒲(α) and v∈^ρ(X). Looking ahead to Definition <ref>, the above argument also shows that (X) = ^ρ(X) for any admissible rescaling ρ. In the next section, we will heavily use (X) to construct open and closed coverings of X, so that the nerves of those coverings can be used to prove homotopy equivalence. In an analogous fashion, we will use ^ρ(X) to construct open and closed coverings of ^ρ X. One can then apply Lemma <ref> and Lemma <ref> to show that the nerves of the coverings of X coincide with the nerves of the corresponding coverings of ^ρ X, and one can use Lemma <ref> to see that the covering of X coming from visible Roller classes of X coincides with the corresponding covering constructed using visible classes of X^ρ. However, as we mentioned, the cuboid version of our argument does not rely on this; one instead just substitutes ^ρ(X) for (X) everywhere, and runs all the arguments. § OPEN AND CLOSED COVERINGS OF X In this section, we study the closed covering of X by the sets Q(v) corresponding to maximal ℓ^2–visible Roller classes (see Definition <ref>). Our goal, achieved in Theorem <ref>, is to show that X is homotopy equivalent to the nerve _T of this cover. Let (X) denote the set of Roller classes v such that: * v is ℓ^2–visible; * if w is visible and v≤ w, then w=v. The plan for this section is as follows. We will first show that {Q(v):v∈(X)} is a closed covering of X. Then, we will thicken each closed set Q(v) to an open set U(v), in such a way that the intersection pattern of the open cover {U(v) :v∈(X) } is the same as that of the closed cover {Q(v):v∈(X)}. Then we will apply the Nerve Theorem to conclude that X is homotopy equivalent to the nerves of these covers. The main result of this section is Theorem <ref>. Section <ref> is about the initial closed covering. Section <ref> describes the thickening procedure. Section <ref> describes how to generalize these results to a cuboid metric d_X^ρ. §.§ The closed covering The maximal visible Tits boundary realizations Q(v) provide a closed covering of the Tits boundary. We use this covering to define a nerve, as follows. Let 𝒩_T be the simplicial complex with vertex set (X), where vertices v_0,…,v_n∈(X) span an n–simplex if and only if ⋂_i=0^nQ(v_i)≠∅. Let v∈ X. Then there exists w∈(X) with φ(v)∈ Q(w). Hence {Q(v):v∈(X)} covers X. Note that ψ( φ(v)) ∈(X), by Definition <ref>. Hence there exists w∈(X) such that ψφ(v) ≤ w. By Lemma <ref>, φ(v) ∈ Q(ψφ(v))⊂ Q(w). Now, given a point a∈ X, we can apply the above argument to v=ψ(a). Then, for some w∈(X), Lemma <ref> implies a∈ Q(ψ(a))=Q(ψφψ(a)) ⊂ Q(w) . Hence {Q(v):v∈(X)} covers X. Let v,w∈(X). Then Q(v)=Q(w) if and only if v=w. In particular, the assignment v ↦ Q(v) gives a bijection from (X) to its image. Suppose Q(v) = Q(w). Then Proposition <ref>.<ref> implies φ(v)=φ(w). By visibility and Lemma <ref>, we have ψφ(v)=v and ψφ(w)=w, hence v=w. Now, Lemmas <ref> and <ref> combine to yield: 𝒩_T is the nerve of the covering of X by the collection of closed sets {Q(v):v∈(X)}. §.§ The open covering The goal of this subsection is to thicken up the closed sets Q(v) for v ∈(X) to be open sets U(v), such that the intersection pattern of the U(v) is the same as that of the Q(v). This is needed since the Nerve Theorem <ref> works for open covers only. Let v,w∈(X) be points such that Q(v)∩ Q(w)=∅. Then _T(Q(v),Q(w))> ϵ_0, where ϵ_0 > 0 is a constant depending only on X. Let a∈ Q(v) and b∈ Q(w). By definition, a∈ Q(ψ(a)). Since v≥ψ(a), we have Q(ψ(a))⊂ Q(v) and similarly Q(ψ(b))⊂ Q(w), by Lemma <ref>. Since we have assumed Q(v)∩ Q(w)=∅, it follows that Q(ψ(a))∩ Q(ψ(b))=∅. Choose CAT(0) geodesic rays α,β such that α(0)=β(0) ∈ X^(0) and α(∞)=a, β(∞)=b. Since X is finite-dimensional, Lemma <ref> provides ℓ^1 geodesic rays α̅, β̅ with common basepoint α(0)=β(0), that lie at uniformly bounded Hausdorff distance from α,β respectively. Note that (α) ∼(α̅) and (β) ∼(β̅). We claim that (α̅)∩𝒲(β̅) is finite. Suppose not. By Lemma <ref>, Q(ψ(a)) = _α̅, where _α̅ = (α̅(0), α̅(∞)) is the cubical convex hull of α̅. Similarly, Q(ψ(b)) = _β̅. Since C=_α̅∩_β̅≠∅, we have (C) = (α̅)∩(β̅) by Lemma <ref>.<ref>. Now _α̅ is a proper CAT(0) space, by Lemma <ref>. Thus C is also a proper CAT(0) space, hence |(C)| = ∞ implies C is unbounded and C is a nonempty subspace of Q(ψ(a)). Similarly, C is a nonempty subspace of Q(ψ(b)). Thus C ⊂ Q(ψ(a)) ∩ Q(ψ(b)) = ∅, a contradiction. This proves the claim. Since (α) ∼(α̅) and (β) ∼(β̅), we may define N = |(α) ∩(β)| < ∞. Recall that α(0) = β(0). Then, for all t ≥ 0, we have | ( α(t) , β(t) ) | ≥ | ( α(t) , α(0))| + |(β(0), β(t) ) | - 2N. Applying Lemma <ref> to both sides gives λ_0 · d_X(α(t), β(t) )+ λ_1 ≥( t/λ_0 - λ_1 ) + ( t/λ_0 - λ_1 ) - 2N = 2t/λ_0 - 2(N + λ_1). Here, λ_0 ≥ 1 and λ_1 are constants depending only on X. Taking limits gives lim_t→∞_X(α(t),β(t))/2t≥1/λ_0^2. By <cit.>, we thus have sin(∠_T(a,b)/2)≥1/λ_0^2. Now, _T(a,b) ≥∠_T(a,b) ≥sin^-1(1/λ_0^2) >1/λ_0^2. Setting ϵ_0 = 1/λ_0^2 completes the proof. In the next lemma, we show that, given a collection of Roller classes, the intersection of the associated Tits boundary realizations coincides with the Tits boundary of the intersection of the convex hulls of the corresponding CAT(0) geodesic rays. Let v_1, …, v_k ∈(X) be Roller classes. Then there exist convex subcomplexes _1, …, _k ⊂ X such that the following holds. Each _i is the cubical convex hull of a CAT(0) geodesic ray γ_i, with a common basepoint. Furthermore, for every subset J ⊂{1, …, k}, we have ⋂_i ∈ J Q(v_i) = (⋂_i∈ J_i). Fix a basepoint x∈ X^(0). For 1≤ i≤ k, let _v_i X→ v_i be the gate map of Proposition <ref>, and let y_i= _v_i (x). Let _i=(x,y_i) be the convex subcomplex of X determined by the vertex interval between x and y_i as in Definition <ref>. Then (_i) = (x, y_i) = (x,v_i), where the last equality holds by Proposition <ref>. By Lemma <ref>, Q(v_i)=_i. For each i, let γ_i be a CAT(0) geodesic ray that emanates from x and represents φ(v_i). We want to show that _i = (γ_i), the cubical convex hull of γ_i. First, we claim that (γ_i) ⊂_i. Since _i is convex in the CAT(0) metric d_X, it contains a CAT(0) geodesic from every point in the interior to every point on the boundary. In particular, it contains the unique CAT(0) geodesic γ_i from γ_i(0) = x∈_i to γ_i (∞) ∈ Q(v_i) = _i. Thus γ_i ⊂_i. Since _i is cubically convex, it follows that (γ_i) ⊂_i. Next, we claim that _i ⊂(γ_i), or equivalently (_i) ⊂(γ_i). Since γ_i(0)=x ∈_i, any hyperplane ĥ∈(𝒥_i) ∖𝒲(γ_i) would separate the entire ray γ_i from the entire class v_i, contradicting that ψ(γ_i(∞))=ψ(φ(v_i))=v_i, where the second equality holds by visibility and Lemma <ref>. Hence (_i) ⊂(γ_i), and we conclude that _i = (γ_i). Finally, consider an arbitrary subset J ⊂{1, …, k}. The inclusion (⋂_i∈ J_i) ⊂⋂_i∈ IQ(v_i) is immediate. For the other inclusion, let b ∈⋂_i∈ JQ(v_i). Then each convex set _i contains the unique CAT(0) ray β starting at x and ending at b. Thus β⊂⋂_i∈ J_i, hence b ∈(⋂_i∈ J_i). The following related statement about ℓ^1 geodesics can be proved by an easier analogue of the proof of Lemma <ref>. Let v_1, …, v_k be arbitrary Roller classes. Then there exist convex subcomplexes _1, …, 𝒥_k (defined in exactly the same way, namely _i=(x, _v_i (x)) such that each (_i) is a UBS representing v_i. Furthermore, each _i is the cubical convex hull of a combinatorial geodesic, with a common basepoint. The intersection ⋂_i _i itself has the property that ( ⋂_i _i) = ⋂_i ( _i). In particular, if ( ⋂_i _i) is infinite, then it is an ℓ^1–visible UBS. The next lemma is crucial. We will later replace the closed covering of X by Tits boundary realizations with an open covering, by slightly thickening each Tits realization. The lemma says, roughly, that for a collection of Tits boundary realizations corresponding to a simplex in the nerve of the closed covering, any point in the intersection of small ϵ–neighborhoods of the Tits boundary realizations is still in a f(ϵ)–neighborhood of the intersection of the Tits boundary realizations. There exists a constant ϵ_1>0, depending on (X), and a function f (0,ϵ_1)→(0,π/2) such that lim_ϵ→ 0 f(ϵ) = 0 and such that the following holds. Fix ϵ∈(0,ϵ_1) and let v_0,…,v_k∈(X) satisfy ⋂_i=0^kQ(v_i)≠∅. For every a∈ X such that _T(a,Q(v_i)) ≤ϵ for all i, there is a point b ∈⋂_i=0^kQ(v_i) such that _T(a, b) ≤ f(ϵ). We begin by defining the constant ϵ_1 and the function f (0,ϵ_1)→(0,π/2). Let λ_0, λ_1 be the constants of Lemma <ref>, which depend only on (X). Define K = 4 λ_0^2 (X). Then, we set ϵ_1 = 4/5K, f(ϵ) = cos^-1(1 - K ϵ) ≤cos^-1 (15) < π2. The bound f(ϵ) ≤cos^-1(1/5) holds because K ϵ < K ϵ_1 = 4/5. The property lim_ϵ→ 0 f(ϵ) = 0 is now immediate. Plan of the proof. Let v_0,…,v_k∈(X) be Roller classes such that ⋂_i=0^kQ(v_i)≠∅. By Lemma <ref>, there exist convex subcomplexes _0,…,_k such that ⋂_i = 0^k Q(v_i)=(⋂_i= 0^k _i). Choose a basepoint x ∈⋂_i= 0^k _i. Fix ϵ < ϵ_1, and let a∈ X be a point such that _T(a,Q(v_i)) ≤ϵ for all i. Let α[0,∞)→ X be a CAT(0) geodesic ray, such that α(0) = x and α(∞) = a. To prove the lemma, we will find a point b∈⋂_i=0^kQ(v_i) such that d_T(a, b) ≤ f(ϵ). We locate the point b using gate projections. Let X →⋂_i=1^k _i be the gate map. For t ≥ 0, let x_t = (α(t)). Since ⋂_i=0^k_i is a finite-dimensional CAT(0) cube complex with no facing triple of hyperplanes, it is proper by Lemma <ref>. We will check that the sequence {x_t}_t∈ is unbounded. Thus the segments joining x_0 to the elements of {x_t}_t∈ subconverge uniformly on compact sets to a CAT(0) geodesic ray representing some point b∈⋂_i=0^k Q(v_i). To prove that d_T(a, b) ≤ f(ϵ), we will estimate the Alexandrov angle at x = α(0) between α(t) and x_t. In order to do this, we will control the number of hyperplanes that separate α(t) from ⋂_i=0^k _i. Main hyperplane estimate. For each t ≥ 0, let (t) be the set of hyperplanes that separate α(t) from ⋂_i=0^k_i. We will prove the following double-sided estimate for all large t: 1/λ_0_X(α(t),x_t) - λ_1 ≤| (t)|≤(X) (λ_0 · 2 t ϵ + λ_1) + D, where D is a constant independent of t. The lower bound of (<ref>) is straightforward. By Lemma <ref>, the gate map X→⋂_i = 0^k _i is characterized by the property that a hyperplane ĥ separates α(t) from x_t = (α(t)) if and only if ĥ separates α(t) from ⋂_i=0^k_i. In other words, (t) = (α(t), x_t). Hence Lemma <ref> gives 1/λ_0 d_X(α(t),x_t) - λ_1 ≤ |(t)| , as desired. By contrast, the upper bound requires some hyperplane combinatorics. Hyperplane sets. For each i, let ℬ_i(t) be the set of hyperplanes that separate α(t) from _i. Note that (t)⊃⋃_i=0^kℬ_i(t). We claim that (t)=⋃_i=0^kℬ_i(t). Suppose that ĥ∈(t) ∖⋃_i=0^kℬ_i(t). Then ĥ crosses each _i, so by a standard cubical convexity argument, ĥ crosses ⋂_i=0^k_i and hence cannot separate any point from ⋂_i=0^k_i. This is a contradiction, and thus (t)=⋃_i=0^kℬ_i(t). Let 𝒜_0(t)=ℬ_0(t). For i ≥ 1, let 𝒜_i(t)=ℬ_i(t) ∖⋃_j < i𝒜_j(t). Then the sets 𝒜_0(t),…,𝒜_k(t) are pairwise disjoint, and their union is (t). For each i, let 𝒜_i = ⋃_t ≥ 0𝒜_i(t). Observe that every 𝒜_i is inseparable, by definition. Furthermore, 𝒜_i is unidirectional. Indeed, 𝒜_i ⊂ℬ_i = ⋃_t ≥ 0ℬ_i(t), and ℬ_i separates _i from the tail of the ray α. Unidirectionality passes to subsets, hence 𝒜_i is unidirectional. Consequently 𝒜_i is either finite or a UBS. Let J⊂{0,…,k} be the set of i such that 𝒜_i is a UBS. Observe that 𝒜_i ∩𝒜_j = ∅ for i ≠ j and _i ∈ J𝒜_i ⊂(α), which is itself a UBS. Thus, by Lemma <ref>, we have |J| ≤(X). We define D = ∑_i ∉ J | 𝒜_i |. The upper bound of (<ref>). Next, we will use the decomposition (t) = _i=1^k 𝒜_i(t) to prove the upper bound of (<ref>). For each i ∈{0, …, k}, let ξ_i be a ray in _i issuing from x = α(0), such that ξ_i(∞) is a closest point in Q(v_i) = _i to a. Now, for all i and all t, any hyperplane ĥ∈𝒜_i(t) separates α(t) from _i and hence separates α(t) from ξ_i(t). Thus Lemma <ref> gives |𝒜_i(t)| ≤ |(α(t),ξ_i(t))| ≤λ_0 · d_X (α(t), ξ_i(t)) + λ_1. Now, by <cit.>, for any δ>0 there exists t_0 such that for all t>t_0, we have _X(α(t),ξ_i(t))≤ t(2sinϵ/2+δ). Since ϵ is independent of t, it follows that for all sufficiently large t, we have _X(α(t),ξ_i(t))≤ 4tsinϵ2 < 2 t ϵ. Summing |𝒜_i(t)| over all i gives | (t) | = ∑_i∈ J|𝒜_i(t)| + ∑_i∉ J|𝒜_i(t)| ≤∑_i ∈ J( λ_0 · d_X (α(t), ξ_i(t)) + λ_1 ) + ∑_i ∉ J | 𝒜_i | ≤ |J| (λ_0 · 2 t ϵ + λ_1) + D, which proves (<ref>) because |J| ≤(X). Angle estimate. Let x=α(0). Set A = _X(α(0), α(t))=t (latter equality since α is a geodesic), and B = _X(α(0), x_t), and C = _X(α(t), x_t). Let θ̅_t be the Euclidean angle at the vertex corresponding to x in the Euclidean comparison triangle with sides of length A,B,C, i.e. the comparison angle between α(t) and x_t at x. Let θ_t be the Alexandrov angle at x = α(0) between x_t and α(t), so that θ_t≤θ̅_t. We can estimate θ̅_t using the law of cosines, starting with an estimate of C. Multiplying every term of (<ref>) by λ_0 and choosing t sufficiently large yields C = d_X(α(t), x_t) ≤ 4 λ_0^2 (X) ·ϵ t = K ϵ t. Meanwhile, B can be estimated as follows: t(1-K ϵ) ≤_X(α(0),α(t))-_X(α(t),x_t)) ≤_X(α(0),x_t) = B ≤ t. Here, the first inequality is by (<ref>), the second inequality is the triangle inequality, and the final inequality holds because the projection is 1–Lipschitz for the CAT(0) metric by Lemma <ref>. By the cosine law and the CAT(0) inequality, we have 2 AB cos(θ_t) ≥ 2AB cos(θ̅_t)=A^2 + B^2 - C^2. The equality is the cosine law applied to the Euclidean comparison triangle, and the inequality holds for the corresponding CAT(0) triangle. We are interested in the former, since we will need a bound on θ̅_t (which will incidentally bound θ_t). Substituting the bounds (<ref>) and (<ref>) into the cosine law shows that for all large t, we have 2t^2cosθ̅_t ≥ t^2+t^2(1-K ϵ)^2- t^2 (Kϵ)^2, which simplifies to cosθ̅_t ≥ 1-K ϵ. Since we have chosen ϵ∈ (0, 45K ), this ensures that θ̅_t is a small angle; more precisely θ̅_t ≤cos^-1( 1- K ϵ). Conclusion. Since K ϵ < 4/5, equation (<ref>) implies d_X(α(0), x_t) ≥ (1-K ϵ) t > 1/5 t. Thus the sequence {x_t}_t∈ is unbounded, and some subsequence converges to a point b∈⋂_i=0^kQ(v_i), as mentioned above. By <cit.>, which relates the Tits angle ∠(a,b) to the Euclidean comparison angles θ̅_t, we have ∠(a,b)≤liminf_t→∞θ̅_t ≤cos^-1 (1 - K ϵ) = f(ϵ). Since we have already checked that f(ϵ) < π/2, this ensures ∠(a,b) ≤ f(ϵ)<π/2. In particular, _T(a,b)=∠(a,b) ≤ f(ϵ). Recall from Proposition <ref>.(<ref>),(<ref>) that for each v∈(X), there is a radius r_v<π/2 such that Q(v) is contained in the closed ball B̃_T((v), r_v) in the Tits metric. Let ϵ_0 be the constant of Lemma <ref>. Let f (0, ϵ_1) → be the function from Lemma <ref>. Since lim_ϵ→ 0 f(ϵ) = 0, that lemma allows us to choose a constant ϵ_2 < ϵ_1, depending only on (X), so that f(ϵ)+ϵ≤ϵ_0 whenever ϵ≤ϵ_2. For each Roller class w, define a thickening constantϵ(w) = min{ϵ_0/2 ,ϵ_2, r_w/4} > 0. Since the constants ϵ_0, ϵ_2 depend only on (X), and the intrinsic radius r_w depends only on the (X)–orbit of w by Corollary <ref>, it follows that ϵ(w) itself depends only on the the (X)–orbit of w. For every v∈(X), there exists a subset U(v)⊂ X such that the following hold: * Q(v)⊂ U(v)⊂𝒩_ϵ(v)(Q(v)); * U(v) has diameter less than 3π/4; * U(v) is open; * U(v) is convex and contractible; * U(gv) = gU(v) for all g ∈(X). Let Y be the Euclidean cone on X, with cone-point denoted 0. By <cit.>, the usual cone metric _Y on Y has the property that (Y,_Y) is a CAT(0) geodesic space. We use the notation ν_δ(A) to denote the open δ–neighborhood of a set A ⊂ Y in this CAT(0) metric. We identify X with the unit sphere about 0 in Y. We also set Q = Q(v) for simplicity of notation. Recall from Proposition <ref>.(<ref>) that the intrinsic radius of Q is r_v ∈ [0, π/2). The convex sub-cone Z = Z(v): Let Z⊂ Y be the subspace arising as the union of all rays in Y emanating from 0 and passing through Q⊂ X. We claim that Z is convex in (Y,_Y). Indeed, let x,y∈ Z. Then x,y respectively lie on rays α_x,α_y emanating from 0 and intersecting Q in points x',y'. By <cit.>, the rays α_x,α_y determine a convex sector S ⊂ Y intersecting X in the unique Tits geodesic from x' to y', which lies in Q by Tits convexity of Q. Hence S lies in Z, and thus so does the _Y–geodesic from x to y, since x,y∈ S. The horoball B = B(v): Let c=(v) be the circumcenter of Q = Q(v). Let α =α_c be the parametrized geodesic ray in Y such that α(0)=0 and α(1)=c. Let p Y→ be the associated horofunction, defined by p(y)=lim_s→∞[_Y(α(s),y)-s] . Let t_0=cos r_v, which is positive since r_v∈[0,π/2). Let B = B(v)=p^-1((-∞,-t_0]). Recall from e.g. <cit.> that B is a convex subset of Y. Let K(v)=B∩ Z. See Figure <ref>. Q lies in K(v): We claim that Q⊂ K(v). Since Q is the unit sphere in Z by the definition of Y and Z, it suffices to show that Q⊂ B. To that end, fix q∈ Q, and observe that _Y(q,0)=1. Let s≫ 0 and consider the convex Euclidean triangle in Y with vertices at 0,q,α(s). The angle in this triangle at 0 is denoted θ, and we note that θ≤ r_v. From the cosine law, we obtain _Y(q,α(s))^2=s^2+1-2scosθ. Hence p(q)=lim_s→∞[√(s^2+1-2scosθ)-s]=-cosθ≤ - cos r_v = - t_0. Thus, by the definition of B, we have q∈ B, as required. Since Z∩ X=Q, we have in fact shown that K(v)∩ X=Q. K(v) satisfies d(0,K(v)) = t_0: We claim that K(v) is disjoint from the open t_0–ball in Y about 0. Indeed, let b∈ K(v). Then p(b)≤ -t_0. Hence, for any fixed δ>0, and any sufficiently large s>0, we have _Y(b,α(s))<s-t_0+δ. By the triangle inequality, s≤_Y(0,b)+s-t_0+δ, i.e. _Y(0,b)>t_0-δ. Hence _Y(b,0)≥ t_0, as required. At the same time, α = α_c is a parametrized geodesic ray and α(t_0) is a point of K(v) at distance exactly t_0 from 0, hence d(0,K_v) = t_0. The projection ϖ and the open set U'(v): Let ϖ:Y ∖{0}→ X be the radial projection. Recall that ν_ρ(0) is the open ρ–neighborhood of 0. We claim that for every 0 < ρ≤ 1, the restriction of ϖ to Y ∖ν_ρ(0) is 1/ρ–Lipschitz. Indeed, by <cit.>, it suffices to check this claim on a sector of ^2. In polar coordinates on ^2, the distance element ds satisfies ds^2 = dr^2 + r^2 dθ^2, hence the projection ϖ rescales ds by a factor of at most r^-1, hence ϖ is 1/ρ–Lipschitz when r ≥ρ. Recall the constant ϵ(v) defined in Definition <ref>, and define a positive constant ϵ' = ϵ'(v) = ϵ(v) /1 + ϵ(v) t_0 ∈ (0, t_0), which satisfies ϵ'/t_0 - ϵ' = ϵ(v). Let U'(v) = ν_ϵ' (K(v)) be the open ϵ'–neighborhood of K(v) in Y. Since K(v) = B ∩ Z is convex and Y is CAT(0), it follows that U'(v) is convex. Furthermore, U'(v) is open and disjoint from the ball of radius t_0 - ϵ' about 0. See Figure <ref>. Definition and properties of U(v): Let U(v)=ϖ(U'(v))⊂ X. We claim that this has all of the properties claimed in the lemma statement. First, since Q(v) ⊂ K(v) by construction, and ϖ is the identity map on X ⊂ Y, it follows that Q(v) = ϖ(K(v))⊂ U(v). On the other hand, since d(0, U'(v)) ≥ t_0 - ϵ', the projection ϖ is 1/(t_0 - ϵ')–Lipschitz on U'(v). Therefore, (<ref>) implies U(v) = ϖ(ν_ϵ' (K(v)) ) ⊂ν_ϵ(v) (ϖ(K(v))) = ν_ϵ(v) (Q(v)), proving the first bullet of the lemma. Second, recall from Definition <ref> that ϵ(v) ≤ r_v / 4. Thus Proposition <ref>.(<ref>) implies (U(v)) ≤(Q(v)) + 2ϵ(v) ≤π/2 + r_v/2 < π/2 + π/4 = 3π/4. Third, observe that ϖ is an open map. Indeed, Y ∖{0} is homeomorphic to X×(0,∞), and ϖ is projection to the first factor, which is an open map. Thus U(v) = ϖ(U'(v)) is open. Fourth, it follows from <cit.> and the convexity of U'(v) that U(v) is convex in X. Since U(v) has diameter less than π, it is uniquely geodesic, hence contractible. Fifth, observe that all of the ingredients in the definition of U(v) are (X)–equivariant. Indeed, the intrinsic radius r_v is invariant under (X), hence the number t_0 = cos(r_v) is as well. Thus the definitions of the sub-cone Z(v), the horoball B(v), and the set K(v) = Z(v) ∩ B(v) are all (X)–equivariant. The constant ϵ'(v), defined in (<ref>) is invariant under (X), because both t_0 and ϵ(v) are. It follows that U(v) = ϖ(ν_ϵ' (K(v)) ) is also (X)–equivariant. Recall that in Section <ref>, we have defined a simplicial complex 𝒩_T. By Corollary <ref>, 𝒩_T coincides with the nerve of the cover of X by the closed sets Q(v) for v ∈ (X). By Lemmas <ref> and <ref>, the open sets U(v) for v ∈ (X) also cover X. By analogy with Definition <ref>, we define a simplicial complex 𝒞_T with vertex set X, where vertices v_0, …, v_n ∈ X span an n–simplex if and only if ⋂_i=0^n U(v_i)≠∅. The content of the following lemma is that 𝒞_T is isomorphic to 𝒩_T. For Roller classes v_0, …,v_n ∈(X), we have ⋂_i=0^n U(v_i)≠∅ if and only if ⋂_i=0^n Q(v_i)≠∅. Consequently, the identity map (X) →(X) induces an (X)–equivariant simplicial isomorphism 𝒞_T →𝒩_T. Observe that ⋂_i=0^n Q(v_i)≠∅ trivially implies ⋂_i=0^n U(v_i)≠∅. For the other direction, we assume ⋂_i=0^n U(v_i) ≠∅ and aim to show ⋂_i=0^n Q(v_i)≠∅. We will argue by induction on n. In the base case, n=1, suppose that U(v_0) ∩ U(v_1) ≠∅. Since U(v_i) ⊂𝒩_ϵ(v_i)(Q(v_i)), and ϵ(v_i) ≤ϵ_0/2 by Definition <ref>, it follows that there are points a_i ∈ Q(v_i) such that d_T(a_0, a_1) < ϵ_0. But then Lemma <ref> implies Q(v_0) ∩ Q(v_1) ≠∅, proving the base case. For the inductive step, assume that ⋂_i=0^n U(v_i) ≠∅ and ⋂_i=0^n-1Q(v_i)≠∅. We claim that there is a Roller class w ∈(X) such that ⋂_i=0^n-1Q(v_i)=Q(w). By Lemma <ref>, we have convex subcomplexes _0, …, _n-1⊂ X, such that Q(v_i) = _i and ⋂_i=0^n-1Q(v_i) = ⋂_i=0^n-1_i. By Lemma <ref>, the hyperplane collection (_i) is a UBS. Furthermore, since each _i is convex, we have (⋂_i) = ⋂(_i), which is a UBS because ⋂_i is unbounded. By Lemma <ref>, the UBS (⋂_i) represents a Roller class w', which means that Q(w') = ⋂_i=0^n-1_i = ⋂_i=0^n-1Q(v_i). Now, we let w = ψ(φ(w')). Then Definition <ref> says that w ∈(X), and Proposition <ref>.<ref> says that Q(w) = Q(w') = ⋂_i=0^n-1Q(v_i), proving the Claim. Next, we claim that Q(v_n)∩ Q(w) ≠∅. Since Q(w) = ⋂_i=0^n-1Q(v_i), this will complete the inductive step and prove the Lemma. Suppose for a contradiction that Q(v_n)∩ Q(w) = ∅. Then, by Lemma <ref>, we have _T(Q(v_n),Q(w))>ϵ_0. Let ϵ_2 be as in Definition <ref>. Fix a∈⋂_i=0^n U(v_i) ⊂⋂_i=0^n𝒩_ϵ(v_i)(Q(v_i)), which ensures that _T(a,Q(v_n))<ϵ_2. Since ϵ(v_i) ≤ϵ_2 for each v_i, Lemma <ref> implies _T(a,Q(w))<f(ϵ_2). Thus _T(Q(v_n),Q(w))<ϵ_2+f(ϵ_2) ≤ϵ_0, a contradiction. This proves the Claim and the equivalence ⋂_i=0^n Q(v_i)≠∅⇔⋂_i=0^n U(v_i)≠∅. This gives the simplicial isomorphism 𝒞_T →𝒩_T. This isomorphism is (X)–equivariant, by Corollary <ref> and Proposition <ref>. §.§ Homotopy equivalence of X and 𝒩_T There is an homotopy equivalence from the simplicial complex 𝒩_T to X. By Corollary <ref>, 𝒩_T is the nerve of the covering of X by the closed sets Q(v), where v varies over (X). By Proposition <ref>, X admits an open covering { U(v) : v∈(X) }, with each U(v) a convex, uniquely geodesic subspace of X. Hence, if v_0,…,v_n∈(X), then either ⋂_i=0^nU(v_i)=∅, or ⋂_i=0^nU(v_i) is contractible. Let ℒ_T be the nerve of this open covering. By the Equivariant Open Nerve Theorem <ref>, there is an homotopy equivalence ℒ_T → X. As above, let 𝒞_T be the simplicial complex with one vertex for each v∈(X), with v_0,…,v_n spanning an n–simplex whenever ⋂_i=0^nU(v_i)≠∅. Note that 𝒞_T is not necessarily isomorphic to ℒ_T, since we may have U(v_i)=U(v_j) for some pair v_i,v_j with i≠ j. But 𝒞_T is homotopy-equivalent to ℒ_T, which can be seen as follows. The (X)–equivariant assignment v↦ U(v) (i.e. the surjection 𝒞_T^(0)→ℒ_T^(0)) determines an equivariant simplicial map 𝒞_T →ℒ_T such that the preimage of each 0–simplex U(v) is the full subcomplex of 𝒞_T spanned by the set of w with U(v)=U(w). Since any finite set of such w span a simplex of 𝒞_T, this preimage is contractible: it is homeomorphic to the cone on the link of any of its vertices. Hence the map 𝒞_T →ℒ_T is a homotopy equivalence, by Quillen's fiber theorem (see e.g. <cit.>). To conclude, recall that by Lemma <ref>, we have an equivariant simplicial isomorphism 𝒞_T →𝒩_T. Hence we have a chain of homotopy equivalences 𝒩_T 𝒞_T ℒ_T X. §.§ Cuboid generalization All of the results of this section have a straightforward generalization to the cuboid setting. In the following description, we refer to the notation introduced in Section <ref>. Definition <ref> generalizes immediately to give a set of maximal ℓ^2 visible Roller classes, namely ^ρ(X) ⊂^ρ(X). Following Definition <ref>, we get a simplicial complex _T^ρ with vertex set ^ρ(X), where vertices v_0, …, v_n span an n–simplex if and only if ⋂_i=1^n Q^ρ(v_i) ≠∅. Then, Lemmas <ref> and <ref> generalize immediately because their proofs are assembled from the results of Section <ref>, and we have already checked that those results generalize to cuboids. Thus Corollary <ref> generalizes as well, and we learn that _T^ρ is the covering of ^ρ X by the closed sets {Q^ρ(v) : v ∈^ρ(X) }. (Recall that Remark <ref> outlined an argument that (X) = ^ρ(X) for every admissible rescaling ρ. It follows that (X) = ^ρ(X) as well. The nerves _T and _T^ρ can then be shown to coincide, as mentioned in Remark <ref>. However, we do not use this.) Moving ahead to Section <ref>, the results generalize as follows. The existence statement of Lemma <ref> extends, with the modification that the constant ϵ_0 depends on (X) and ρ. This is because the proof of Lemma <ref> uses the constants λ_0, λ_1 of Lemma <ref>, which needs to be replaced by the constants λ_0^ρ, λ_1^ρ of Lemma <ref>. Lemma <ref> extends to cuboids as well, because the proof of that lemma uses combinatorial arguments in combination with the d_X^ρ–convexity of cubical convex hulls. Similarly, Lemma <ref> extends: its proof works perfectly well in the cuboid metric d_X^ρ, once we substitute Lemma <ref> for Lemma <ref>. As above, the outputs of that lemma depend on both (X) and ρ. Combining these ingredients, we can follow Definition <ref> to define a thickening constant ϵ^ρ(w) > 0 for every Roller class w. This constant depends only ρ and the ^ρ(X)–orbit of w. Proposition <ref> extends verbatim to cuboids. Indeed, its proof is a CAT(0) argument that takes place in the Euclidean cone on X, which works equally well in the Euclidean cone on ^ρ X. (The proof also uses Proposition <ref>, which works for cuboids.) At the end of the lemma, we get a collection of open sets U^ρ(v) for v ∈^ρ(X), which is invariant under ^ρ(X). By analogy with Definition <ref>, we define a simplicial complex 𝒞_T^ρ, where the simplices are defined by intersection patterns of the open sets U(v_i) for v_i ∈^ρ(X). Now, Lemma <ref> extends verbatim to give an ^ρ(X)–equivariant simplicial isomorphism 𝒞_T^ρ→_T^ρ. The proof of Theorem <ref> also extends verbatim, because all of its ingredients extend. Thus we obtain the following cuboid extension of Theorem <ref>: Let ρ be a G–admissible hyperplane rescaling of X. Then there is a homotopy homotopy equivalence _T^ρ→^ρ X. § PROOF OF THE MAIN THEOREMS In this section, we prove Theorem <ref>, which was stated in the Introduction. That is, we construct the following commutative diagram of homotopy equivalences: X ^ X _ _ _ X The homotopy equivalence X → X will be proved in Proposition <ref>, while the homotopy equivalence X → X will be proved in Corollary <ref>. At the end of the section, we check that all of the arguments extend to cuboids, proving Theorem <ref>. To prove Corollary <ref>, we first study a subcomplex of X. Let X be the subcomplex of X consisting of all simplices corresponding to chains v_0≤⋯≤ v_n such that v_i∈(X) for 0≤ i≤ n. For each v∈(X), let Σ_v be the connected subcomplex of X consisting of all simplices corresponding to chains v_0≤⋯≤ v_n for which: * each v_i∈(X); * v_n = v. §.§ Closed cover of X Next, we show that the complexes Σ_v yield a closed covering of X, and use this covering to build a nerve. The set {Σ_v:v∈(X)} is a closed covering of X. Moreover, for all v,v_0,…,v_n∈(X), we have the following: * Σ_v is finite. * Σ_v_i=Σ_v_j only if v_i=v_j. * ⋂_i=0^nΣ_v_i is either empty or contractible. * For every g ∈(X), we have g Σ_v = Σ_gv. Let w ∈(X). Then there exists v ∈(X) with w ≤ v, and hence w ∈Σ_v^(0). Thus {Σ_v:v∈(X)} is a closed covering of X. Let v be a (visible) Roller class. By Corollary <ref>, there are finitely many other classes w such that w ≤ v. This proves assertion <ref>. Now suppose that v_i,v_j are (visible) Roller classes satisfying Σ_v_i=Σ_v_j. Since v_j ∈Σ_v_i, we have v_j≤ v_i. Likewise, v_i ≤ v_j. Hence v_i=v_j, proving assertion <ref>. Next, let v_0,…,v_n∈(X) and suppose that ⋂_i=0^nΣ_v_i≠∅. First, note that Σ_v_i=v_i L_v_i, where L_v_i (the link of v_i in Σ_v_i) is a subcomplex of X and denotes the simplicial join operation. Hence Σ_v_i is topologically a cone, and is thus contractible. For each i, let 𝒱_i be a UBS representing v_i (recall Definition <ref>). Then ⋂_i=0^n𝒱_i is unidirectional and contains no facing triple, since those properties hold for each 𝒱_i and are inherited by subsets. Second, ⋂_i=0^n𝒱_i is inseparable, because each 𝒱_i is. Now, if u ∈⋂_i=0^nΣ_v_i is a 0–simplex, then u ≤ v_i for all i, so u is represented by a UBS of the form ≼⋂_i=0^n𝒱_i. Hence ⋂_i=0^n𝒱_i is infinite. Combined with the above discussion, this shows that ⋂_i=0^n𝒱_i is a UBS. Let v be the corresponding Roller class. Since ≼⋂_i=0𝒱_i, we have u ≤ v. Since each such u is ℓ_2–visible, the set of visible Roller classes w with w≤ v is nonempty. Hence there is a unique Roller class m such that m≤ v, and m is ℓ_2–visible, and m is ≤–maximal with those properties, by Lemma <ref> and Definition <ref>. Since each u∈⋂_i=0^nΣ_v_i satisfies u≤ m∈ X, there is a subcomplex L⊂ X such that ⋂_i=0^nΣ_v_i=m⋆ L, so ⋂_i=0^nΣ_v_i is contractible in X. Finally, statement <ref> follows from the equivariance of (X) and the partial order ≤. Let 𝒩_ be the nerve of the closed covering {Σ_v:v∈(X)} of X. By Lemma <ref>.<ref>, 𝒩_ has vertex-set (X), and v_0,…,v_n span an n–simplex if and only if ⋂_i=0^nΣ_v_i≠∅. By Lemma <ref>.<ref>, (X) acts by simplicial automorphisms on 𝒩_. Let v_0,…,v_n∈(X). Then ⋂_i=0^nΣ_v_i≠∅ ⇔ ⋂_i=0^nQ(v_i)≠∅. Consequently, there is an (X)–equivariant simplicial isomorphism 𝒩_→𝒩_T. Suppose that there exists a∈⋂_i=0^nQ(v_i). Then Lemma <ref> says ψ(a) ≤ v_i for all i. Hence, by Definition <ref>, we have ψ(a)∈Σ_v_i for all i. Conversely, suppose that there exists a vertex (i.e. a Roller class) w∈⋂_i=0^nΣ_v_i. Then w ≤ v_i for all i, by definition. Hence, by Lemma <ref>, Q(w)⊂ Q(v_i) for all i, from which it follows that φ(w)∈⋂_i=0^nQ(v_i). Finally, the simplicial isomorphism 𝒩_→𝒩_T comes from identifying the 0–skeleta of 𝒩_ and 𝒩_T with (X). §.§ Homotopy equivalence between X and X We can now assemble the proof that X is homotopy equivalent to X. We do this in two propositions: There is an homotopy equivalence X → X. Consider the covering {Σ_v:v∈(X)} of X by the subcomplexes Σ_v, coming from Lemma <ref>. By Definition <ref>, the nerve of this cover is 𝒩_. By Lemma <ref>.<ref>, the intersection of any finite collection of the Σ_v is either empty or contractible. Hence, by the Equivariant Simplicial Nerve Theorem <ref>, there is an homotopy equivalence X →𝒩_. By Lemma <ref>, there is a simplicial isomorphism 𝒩_→𝒩_T. Finally, by Theorem <ref>, there is an homotopy equivalence 𝒩_T → X. Putting it all together, we obtain a chain of homotopy equivalences X 𝒩_𝒩_T X. The inclusion X ↪ X is an (X)–equivariant homotopy equivalence. Its homotopy inverse is an deformation retraction X → X. First, observe that since X is (X)–invariant by Definition <ref>, and the set (X) is (X)–invariant by Definition <ref>, the inclusion X ↪ X is (X)–equivariant. In the remainder of the proof, we will construct a deformation retraction X → X that serves as a homotopy inverse to the inclusion X ↪ X. Let w be an invisible Roller class (viewed as a 0–simplex of X). By Lemma <ref>, w is not minimal, so there exists a minimal Roller class m with m < w. Let n(w)≥1 be the maximum length of a chain of the form m < ⋯ < w with m a minimal Roller class. Let D be the maximal number such that there exists an invisible Roller class w with n(w)=D. By Remark <ref>, every simplex in X has at most X vertices, hence D ≤ X. Let I_n be the set of invisible Roller classes v with n(v)=n. Then ( X)^(0)= ( X)^(0)⊔_n=1^ DI_n. Let ( X)_0= X. For 1≤ N≤ D, let ( X)_N be the subcomplex spanned by ( X)^(0)⊔_n=1^NI_n, so X = ( X)_0 ⊂( X)_1⊂⋯⊂( X)_D= X. Given a Roller class w and a positive integer n ≤ D, define the open starst_n(w) to be the union of {w} and all of the open simplices of ( X)_n whose closures contain w. Let St_n(w) be the union of all (closed) simplices of ( X)_n containing w. Define the (downward) linkL_n(w)=St_n(w) ∖ st_n(w). For w ∈ I_n, we have L_n(w) ⊂ ( X)_n-1. Let w∈ I_n ⊂ ( X)_n. Let σ be a maximal simplex of ( X)_n containing w and lying in ( X)_n. Let v_0<⋯<v_m be the corresponding chain, with w=v_i for some i. Since n(w)=n, the chain v_0 <⋯<v_i has length at most n. First, consider v_j for j<i. If v_j is visible, then v_j∈( X)_0⊂( X)_n-1. If v_j is invisible, then since v_0 <⋯ < v_j is a chain of length less than n, and σ is maximal, n(v_j)<n, hence v_j∈( X)_n-1. Next, consider v_j for j>i. If v_j is visible, then v_j∈( X)_0⊂( X)_n-1. If v_j is invisible, then v_j∉I_n, since there is a chain v_0 <⋯< v_j of length more than n = n(v_i), which would contradict the containment σ⊂ ( X)_n. Hence the simplex σ' corresponding to the chain v_0<⋯<v_i-1<v_i+1<⋯ <v_m lies in ( X)_n-1. This proves the claim. Contractibility of links: Now, fix w ∈ I_n. We will show that L_n(w) is contractible. Establishing this involves several claims, leading up to Claim <ref>. For a minimal Roller class with m∈ L_n(w), let St(m) = ⋃_n St_n(m) denote the star of m in X. Then: * L_n(w)∩ St(m) is topologically a cone with cone-point m. * L_n(w) is the union of the subcomplexes L_n(w)∩ St(m), as m varies over the finitely many minimal Roller classes with m ≤ w. Let L(m) denote the link of m in X. Then, by definition, St(m) decomposes as a join: St(m)=m L(m). Moreover, m∈ L_n(w), so L_n(w)∩ St(m)= L_n(w) ∩ (m L(m)) = m (L_n(w)∩ L(m)), which proves the first assertion. By Corollary <ref>, there are finitely many minimal Roller classes m ≤ w. For each such m, we clearly have L_n(w)∩ St(m)⊂ L_n(w). Conversely, if v∈ L_n(w), then there exists a minimal class m such that m ≤ v and m ≤ w, hence v∈ L_n(w)∩ St(m). This proves the claim. Let m_0, …, m_k be distinct minimal Roller classes with m_i < w for all i. Then ⋂_i=0^k St(m_i) ∩ L_n(w) is topologically a cone, and is in particular nonempty. By Lemma <ref>, each m_i is ℓ^2–visible, so we can choose CAT(0) geodesic rays ξ_i:[0,∞)→ X such that ξ_i(0)=ξ_j(0) for all i, and such that ξ_i(∞)=φ(m_i) for each i. For each i, define ℳ_i=(ξ_i), a UBS representing m_i. Since m_i is minimal for all i, Lemma <ref> implies the intersection ℳ_i∩ℳ_j is finite whenever i ≠ j. Moving the common basepoint ξ_1(0) = … = ξ_k(0) ensures that ℳ_i∩ℳ_j=∅ for all i ≠ j, and that each ℳ_i is the inseparable closure of an infinite descending chain. Indeed, by moving the basepoint across each of the finitely many hyperplanes appearing in some ℳ_i∩ℳ_j, we arrange the first property, and the inseparable closure property holds by Lemma <ref>, Lemma <ref>, and minimality of the m_i. Let 𝒜 be a UBS representing w. Since m_i ≤ w for all i, we have ℳ_i ≼𝒜 for each i. Thus it is readily checked that ⋃_i=0^kℳ_i is a UBS. Consider a pair of indices i≠ j. Then since ⋃_i=0^kℳ_i is unidirectional and ℳ_i ∩ℳ_j = ∅, any pair of hyperplanes ĥ_i ∈ℳ_i and ĥ_j ∈ℳ_j must cross. Indeed, ĥ_i ≠ĥ_j, and ĥ_i is the base of a chain in _i, and ĥ_j is the base of a chain in _j. If ĥ_i, ĥ_j did not cross, then the union of this pair of chains would violate unidirectionality of _i∩_j. Thus, by Lemma <ref>, the convex hull of ⋃_i=0^kξ_i is isometric to ∏_i=0^kY_i, where Y_i is the cubical convex hull of ξ_i. For each t>0, let x_t be the image of (ξ_0(t),…,ξ_k(t)) under the isometric embedding ∏_i=0^kY_i→ X. Then segments joining the basepoint to the points x_t converge uniformly on compact sets to a geodesic ray representing a point b∈ X with the property that ψ(b)=u is represented by = _i=0^kℳ_i. Hence u is visible by Definition <ref>. Moreover, m_i ≤ u ≤ w for all i. To complete the proof of the claim, we will show that u is the promised cone point of ⋂_i=0^k St(m_i) ∩ L_n(w). For each i, the fact that m_i ≤ u implies u∈ St(m_i). On the other hand, u≠ w since u is visible but w is not. Thus u < w, so u∈ L_n(w). Thus far, we have shown that ⋂_i=0^k St(m_i) ∩ L_n(w) ≠∅. Now, suppose v∈ L_n(w)∩ St(m_i) for all i. To complete the claim, we must show that u and v are ≤–comparable. By definition, m_i ≤ v for all i, hence ℳ_i ≼ for all i, where is a UBS representing . Therefore, = _i=0^kℳ_i ≼, which implies u ≤ v. Thus ⋂_i=0^k St(m_i) ∩ L_n(w) is a cone with cone point u, completing Claim <ref>. L_n(w) is contractible. By Claim <ref>, L_n(w) is a finite union of subcomplexes L_n(w)∩ St(m), where m varies over the minimal Roller classes satisfying m ≤ w. By Claim <ref>, any collection of the L_n(w)∩ St(m) intersect in a contractible subcomplex. Hence, by the Simplicial Nerve Theorem <ref>, L_n(w) is homotopy equivalent to the nerve of this covering. (We do not need to check equivariance at this step.) But, since any collection of the L_n(w)∩ St(m) have nonempty intersection, this nerve is a finite simplex and thus contractible. Hence L_n(w) is contractible. Conclusion: We have shown that the following hold for 1≤ n≤ D: * Claim <ref> says that for each vertex v∈( X)_n ∖ ( X)_n-1, the link in ( X)_n of v is contained in ( X)_n-1; * Claim <ref> says that for each vertex v∈( X)_n ∖ ( X)_n-1, the link in ( X)_n of v is contractible. The first fact says that the open stars st_n(v) of the vertices v∈( X)_n ∖ ( X)_n-1 are pairwise disjoint. Together with the second fact, this implies that ( X)_n is homotopy equivalent to ( X)_n-1 = ( X)_n ∖( ⋃_v∈( X)_n^(0)∖ ( X)_n-1^(0)st_n(v) ). It follows that we can independently deformation retract the various open stars st_n(v) to the corresponding links L_n(v) to get a deformation retraction ( X)_n→( X)_n-1 that is a homotopy inverse for the inclusion. Composing these retractions (for 1≤ n≤ D) gives the desired deformation retraction X → X. Finally, recall from the discussion after Definition <ref> that every homotopy inverse of a (X)–equivariant inclusion X → X is itself an homotopy equivalence. Thus we have an deformation retraction X → X. Combining Propositions <ref> and <ref> gives a proof of half of Theorem <ref>. There is an homotopy equivalence X → X. §.§ Homotopy equivalence between X and X The following proposition proves the homotopy equivalence of the simplicial boundary and the simplicial Roller boundary, completing the proof of Theorem <ref>. There is an homotopy equivalence X → X. Let σ be a maximal simplex of X, corresponding to a class [_σ] ∈𝒰ℬ𝒮(X). Then, by Theorem <ref>, v_σ = ([_σ]) is a maximal Roller class. Let 𝒜 be the nerve of the covering of X by maximal simplices. Now, since any collection of maximal simplices intersect in ∅ or a simplex, and simplices are contractible, the Equivariant Simplicial Nerve Theorem <ref> provides an homotopy equivalence X →𝒜. Now, for each maximal Roller class v, consider the subcomplex Υ_v of X consisting of all simplices corresponding to chains in which v is the maximal element. Note that the set of such Υ_v is a cover of X. A simpler version of the proof of Lemma <ref> implies that for all finite collections { v_1,…, v_n } of maximal Roller classes, ⋂_i=1^nΥ_v_i is empty or contractible. Indeed, suppose this intersection is nonempty. Exactly as in the proof of Lemma <ref>, each v_i corresponds to a commensurability class [𝒱_i] of UBSes whose intersection is a UBS 𝒱, which in turn determines a ≤–maximal Roller class v such that v≤ v_i for all i. As in Lemma <ref>, this implies that ⋂_i=1^nΥ_v_i is a cone with cone-point v. (In the context of Lemma <ref>, there is an additional step to check that v is visible, but that is unnecessary here since we are working in all of X rather than in ^∢ X.) Let ℬ be the nerve of the covering of X by the subcomplexes Υ_v, as v varies over the maximal Roller classes. Observe that the assignment v ↦Υ_v is a bijection from the set of maximal Roller classes to ℬ^(0). By Theorem <ref>, as above, there is an homotopy equivalence X →ℬ. To conclude, we will show that 𝒜 and ℬ are equivariantly isomorphic. The vertex set of 𝒜 is the set of maximal simplices σ of X, so we may define a function f 𝒜^(0)→ℬ^(0) via the composition σ↦ [_σ] ↦ v_σ↦Υ_v_σ, where the middle arrow is the equivariant map of Theorem <ref>. Since both σ and v_σ are maximal by definition, the map f is a bijection by Theorem <ref>.<ref>. Every arrow is (X)–equivariant by construction. To extend f to a simplicial isomorphism f 𝒜→ℬ, it suffices to check that for all maximal simplices σ_0,…,σ_n of X, we have ⋂_i=0^nσ_i≠∅ if and only if ⋂_i=0^nΥ_v_σ_i≠∅; that this is sufficient follows since 𝒜 is the nerve of the covering of X by maximal simplices and ℬ is the nerve of the covering of X by the subcomplexes Υ_v. Suppose that ⋂_i=0^nσ_i≠∅. Let 𝒱_i be a UBS representing σ_i. So, 𝒱_i also represents the corresponding Roller class f(σ_i). Let 𝒱=⋂_i=0^n𝒱_i, and note that 𝒱 is infinite. Then by Remark <ref>, 𝒱 is an ℓ^1–visible UBS. Hence 𝒱 represents a Roller class w such that w≤ v_σ_i for all i. Thus ⋂_i=0^nΥ_v_σ_i contains w. The converse is similar. Hence f extends to an isomorphism, and it follows that X 𝒜ℬ X is an homotopy equivalence. §.§ Cuboid generalization We can now conclude the proof of Theorem <ref>. Let G be a group acting on X by cubical automorphisms, and let ρ be a G–admissible rescaling of X, with rescaled metric d_X^ρ. Recall from Definition <ref> that the action of G factors through ^ρ(X). In Section <ref>, we have checked that all of the constructions and results about the Tits boundary X also apply to ^ρ X, the Tits boundary of the rescaled metric (X, d_X^ρ), in a G–equivariant way. In Section <ref>, we have checked that the constructions of open and closed nerves for X also work for ^ρ X. In particular, by Theorem <ref>, there is a homotopy equivalence between ^ρ X and the nerve _T^ρ of the closed cover {Q^ρ(v) : v ∈^ρ(X)}. Now, we inspect the results of this section. In Lemma <ref>, one simply needs to replace (X) by ^ρ(X) and (X) by ^ρ(X); the same exact proof then applies. In Definition <ref>, replacing (X) by ^ρ(X) yields a nerve _^ρ. Then the proof of Lemma <ref> extends verbatim to give an ^ρ(X)–equivariant simplicial isomorphism _^ρ→_T^ρ. Proposition <ref> extends verbatim, because its proof is a top-level assembly of previous results. Similarly, Proposition <ref> extends immediately to cuboids, because its proof is a topological argument about simplicial complexes. (The proof of Proposition <ref> does use several lemmas from Sections <ref> and <ref>, particularly in Claim <ref>, but all of those lemmas have been extended to cuboids. Compare Remark <ref>.) Combining the cuboid versions of Propositions <ref> and <ref> gives a homotopy equivalence X →^ρ X. Finally, note that the homotopy equivalence X → X established in Proposition <ref> is also a homotopy equivalence, because G acts by cubical automorphisms. Thus we have both of the homotopy equivalences claimed in the theorem. amsalpha
An automated pipeline to create an atlas of in situ hybridization gene expression data in the adult marmoset brain
[ "Charissa Poon", "Muhammad Febrian Rachmadi", "Michal Byra", "Matthias Schlachter", "Binbin Xu", "Tomomi Shimogori", "Henrik Skibbe" ]
[ "cs.CV" ]
Continuous-Time Zeroth-Order Dynamics with Projection Maps: Model-Free Feedback Optimization with Safety Guarantees Xin Chen, Jorge I. Poveda, Na Li Xin Chen is with the MIT Energy Initiative at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA, USA. E-mail: xinch512@mit.edu. Jorge I. Poveda is with ECE Department, University of California, San Diego, CA, USA. E-mail: poveda@ucsd.edu. Na Li is with the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University, MA, USA. E-mail: nali@seas.harvard.edu. This work was supported in part by NSF CAREER: ECCS 2305756, NSF CAREER: ECCS-1553407, NSF EAGER: ECCS-1839632, and AFOSR grant FA9550-22-1-0211. Received: date / Accepted: date =================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== We present the first automated pipeline to create an atlas of in situ hybridization gene expression in the adult marmoset brain in the same stereotaxic space. The pipeline consists of segmentation of gene expression from microscopy images and registration of images to a standard space. Automation of this pipeline is necessary to analyze the large volume of data in the genome-wide whole-brain dataset, and to process images that have varying intensity profiles and expression patterns with minimal human bias. To reduce the number of labelled images required for training, we develop a semi-supervised segmentation model. We further develop an iterative algorithm to register images to a standard space, enabling comparative analysis between genes and concurrent visualization with other datasets, thereby facilitating a more holistic understanding of primate brain structure and function. contrastive learning, gene atlas, segmentation, semi-supervised learning, registration § INTRODUCTION Characterization of gene expression in the brain is necessary to understand brain structure and function. Cellular diversity in the brain points at the need to characterize gene expression at single-cell resolution. Gene expression brain atlases in lower-order model organisms have led to better understanding of anatomical structures and cell types based on spatial expression patterns of genes. However, interspecies differences limits the extrapolation of findings to the human brain. The common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) exhibits human-like social traits, a fast reproductive cycle, and has proven to be amenable to genetic manipulation, characteristics that make it a candidate model organism for primate research. The gene-atlas.brainminds.jp/Marmoset Gene Atlas, created by the Brain/MINDS project in Japan, is an in situ hybridization (ISH) database of gene expression in the neonate and adult marmoset brain <cit.>. Characterization of neonate marmoset ISH gene expression images led to the discovery of regional- and species-specific patterns of gene expression in the developing marmoset brain <cit.>. However, like other existing atlases <cit.>, segmentation of ISH gene expression was conducted manually <cit.>. Manual methods are susceptible to human bias and error and not feasible for characterizing gene expression on a whole-brain, genome-wide, multi-age level. Furthermore, existing marmoset brain atlases lack transcriptomic data such as the ISH dataset (e.g. <cit.>). Our goal is to develop an automated pipeline to create a gene expression atlas from ISH images, consisting of binary segmentations of gene expression from ISH images, registered to a standard space. We describe the image preprocessing, segmentation, and registration steps to achieve this for the adult marmoset brain (Figure <ref>). Segmentation of gene expression is necessary to clearly define areas of expression; true positive pixels are often difficult to discern in ISH images due to great variability in image contrast between images and in expression patterns between genes. We develop a semi-supervised deep learning segmentation model due to their superior performance over fully-supervised models in biomedical segmentation tasks despite fewer training labels <cit.>. Registration of ISH images is difficult to achieve because each gene has a unique expression pattern. Thus, we additionally develop an automated iterative algorithm that utilizes the Advanced Normalization Tools (ANTS) toolbox <cit.> to register brain images to the Brain/MINDS Marmoset Connectivity Atlas (BMCA) template <cit.>, to which neuronal tracer data, fiber tractography data, and anatomical labels have already been registered. Integration of the ISH dataset to the BMCA standard space will add transcriptomic data, facilitating a more holistic understanding of the marmoset brain. To our knowledge, this is the first report of automating the integration of marmoset ISH data into a standard space. Our code is publicly available: <https://github.com/BrainImageAnalysis/MarmosetGeneAtlas_adult/MarmosetGeneAtlas_adult>. § METHODOLOGY Data acquisition was conducted by the Laboratory for Molecular Mechanisms of Brain Development at the RIKEN Center for Brain Science <cit.>. We describe the image analysis pipeline. §.§ Preprocessing Data preprocessing consisted of downscaling, filtering, and morphological operations to remove artifacts. Metadata and data were reorganized to be in a machine-readable format. §.§ Segmentation To train the model, 3D image stacks of ISH gene expression from 14 genes (2470 2D images), were used in a 7:3 split for training and validation. To evaluate the model, 3D image stacks of ISH gene expression from five genes (520 2D images), which were separate from the training and validation datasets, were used. Ground truth segmentations were manually generated by an expert (CP). The model was based on a 2D U-Net <cit.>, consisting of three levels (Figure <ref>). Each level in the encoder consisted of 2D convolution, batch normalization, and LeakyReLU layers. The number of features were doubled every step. In the decoder, 2D convolutions were replaced with 2D transposed convolutions. A sigmoid was applied to the output of the decoder. Input image patches were 400x400 pixels. The model was trained using the Adam optimization method and two losses, the supervised binary cross-entropy loss (Lsupervised) and the unsupervised contrastive loss (Lcontrastive). The contrastive loss, previously described by Oord et al. <cit.> and Chen et al. <cit.>, shown in Equation <ref>, calculates the loss between positive pairs of samples by maximizing agreement between features (z) of two augmented views of the same image patch (positive pair: i,j). In Equation <ref>, τ is a temperature parameter and 𝕀_k≢1 is an indicator function. We used augmentations that were optimized by Chen et al. <cit.>: ColorJitter, RandomGrayscale, and GaussianBlur (Torchvision library). These augmentations vary the image contrast, brightness, hue, and saturation; parameters which already differ between images, and one reason why segmentation of this dataset difficult. The contrastive loss maximizes the agreement of image patches on the basis of image content, regardless of differences in colour profile and contrast. The contrastive loss was applied on features from the bottleneck layer of the model which were projected through a multilayer perceptron with one hidden layer (see <cit.> for details). To train the model with both losses, skip connections were excluded to avoid leakage. We used a batch size of 16, which produced 30 negative samples for every positive pair. Code was written in PyTorch and PyTorch Lightning. Training was conducted using one NVIDIA A100 GPU. l_i,j=-logexp(sim(z_i,z_j)/τ)/∑_k=1^2N𝕀_k≢1exp(sim(z_i,z_j)/τ) We additionally trained a second version of the model, which was pretrained using the unsupervised contrastive loss only (model w/ pretraining in Evaluation). The dataset used for pretraining contained 186 unlabelled images. §.§ Registration We created an iterative algorithm using the ANTs Toolbox <cit.> that creates a 3D brain image by automatically aligning and stacking the brain images to recover the original shape of the subject's brain, followed by registration to the BMCA reference marmoset brain template (Figure <ref>). To achieve the first stage of registration, blockface (BF) and backlit (BL) images were obtained during image acquisition (Figure <ref>). Blockface images are photos of the brain tissue before sectioning, and therefore show the shape of the brain with minimal spatial deformations. Backlit images are microscopy images of brain slices mounted onto slides (i.e. after sectioning), but prior to ISH or Nissl processing, and therefore are less spatially deformed than ISH and Nissl images. A reconstruction of the entire brain was achieved by concatenating the blockface images <cit.>. This blockface reconstruction was used as the first reference point to reconstruct a 3D image stack of backlit images (Figure <ref>). In the second step, we used the backlit image stack to align all ISH gene expression images. In the third step, we mapped all ISH gene expression image stacks to the BMCA template. For the reconstruction, we used an iterative algorithm that optimized the following objective function. T̂^̂î=Tamin aℒ(BL^i_j∘ T∘ T^k,BL^(i-1)_j) +bℒ(BL^(i-1)_j∘ T ∘ T^k,BL^i_j) +cℒ(BL^i_j∘ T ∘ T^k,BL^(i-1)_(j-1)) +cℒ(BL^i_j∘ T ∘ T^k,BL^(i-1)_(j+1)). Let BL^i be the 3D backlit image stack after the i-th iteration, and let BL^i_j the j-th 2D image section. BF and BF_j are the blockface image stack and its sections, respectively. Figure <ref> shows an overview of the backlit registration process. In the first step, ANTs's affine registration was used to map each 2D backlit section to its corresponding blockface section. The objective function is T̂^̂0̂=Tamin ℒ(BL^0_j∘ T,BF^0_j), where T is the objective, an affine transformation, and ℒ is the normalized mutual information. After optimization, the process generated BL^1:=BL^1 * G(σ), a Gaussian smoothed 3D image of the aligned image stack, with σ=3 being the filter width. The next iterations used BL^1 as the target image instead of the blockface image. In addition, we aimed for a smooth transition between neighbouring image sections. Therefore, three additional terms were added to the objective function; see Equation (<ref>). The terms favor similarity with the previous iteration of the same section, but also with its predecessor and successor. We heuristically found that a=1, b=0.5, and c=0.5 worked best. T^k is the transformation from a previous iteration. Until iteration three, T^k is the previous affine registration T^k=T^i-1. From iteration 3, we used deformable registration (SyN) instead of the affine registration, and set a=0, b=1, and c=0.25. T^k=T^2 was kept constant between iteration 3 and 6 to suppress high frequency artifacts from large non-linear deformations in the first SyN iterations. The next step was done separately for each gene. Each gene's images were registered to the newly created 3D backlit image stack. This was achieved in three steps. Since for each ISH section, there exists a corresponding backlit image, affine image registration was used to pre-align each ISH section to its corresponding backlit counterpart. Two additional SyN iterations were used to reconstruct the ISH 3D image stacks. The loss function in the last two iterations was similar to (<ref>), where BL^(i-1)_j, BL^(i-1)_(j-1) and BL^(i-1)_(j+1) were replaced with their ISH counterparts. In the final step, a 3D affine and 3D SyN registration were applied to map the 3D backlit image, and therefore the ISH images, to the BMCA 3D marmoset brain reference space. § EVALUATION To evaluate the segmentation model, model outputs with and without pretraining (model w/ pretraining and model) were compared to ground truth segmentations (gt), two other human-generated sources (thresholded, manual), and one other machine-generated source (unet), summarized below: * gt: ground-truth, manually generated by CP * thresholded: thresholded images, thresholds were manually set for each image by CP * manual: manually generated by five other annotators (MFR, MB, MS, BX, HS) to evaluate the consistency among human annotators * model: our model without pretraining * model w/ pretrain: our model with pretraining * unet: fully-supervised vanilla 2D three-level UNet Quantitatively, segmentations were evaluated using the Dice score; we report the mean and standard deviation in Table <ref>. Our model outperformed all other methods by a wide margin. High standard deviations observed in human-generated segmentations (thresholded* and manual*), and overall low Dice scores (<0.5) show the difficulty in segmenting gene expression from ISH images due to variations in expression patterns between genes and differences in image contrast even for images obtained from the same marmoset. High standard deviation observed in model w/ pretraining segmentations can likely be improved with longer pretraining and optimization of augmentations. A sample of segmentations are shown in Figure <ref>. Qualitatively, it can be seen manual* segmentations performed the worst (see row 4, where all methods segmented the correct structure except for manual*). §.§ Automated stack alignment To assess the quality of 3D stack alignment, we defined seven landmarks in the reference template of the marmoset brain: (single points unless indicated otherwise): anterior commissure, anterior thalamus, midline, dorsal tip of the anterior cingulate cortex (CC), posterior commissure of the midbrain (MB, two points), subthalamic nucleus (STN, two points), and the intersection of the anterior limb of the internal capsule and the anterior commissure (intersection ALIC/AC, two points). For each ISH image stack, three experts manually placed the landmarks. For comparison, landmarks were automatically mapped based on the transformation fields generated by the image registration pipeline. The smaller the displacement between a pair of landmarks manually placed by two different annotators, the better the agreement. The same comparison was done between manual landmarks and automatically mapped landmarks. The median match between manual annotations and automation was compared to the best match between two human annotations, which gave an advantage to human annotations. Figure <ref> shows the scores sorted by displacement, shown in units of 100 μm. In this scenario, automation could maintain the performance of manual methods. Of note, if we took the median displacement between manually placed landmarks as well, automation outperformed manual methods for all landmarks. § CONCLUSION We describe the novel development of an automated pipeline to integrate adult marmoset gene expression data into a standard space. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations showed that the unsupervised contrastive loss improved segmentation of ISH gene expression. We expect that pretraining with a greater number of unlabelled images and optimizing augmentation parameters for the ISH dataset will improve performance. High standard deviation in human-generated segmentations show the unreliability of manual labelling. Comparison of registration annotations between automation and manual methods revealed that automation also performed on par with humans. We plan to explore deep learning registration methods to improve registration <cit.>, as well as other segmentation models. This automated pipeline can be used to process and integrate data from different imaging modalities for co-visualization and comparative analyses. § COMPLIANCE WITH ETHICAL STANDARDS This research study was conducted retrospectively using marmoset imaging data made available in open access at https://gene-atlas.brainminds.riken.jp/. The use of marmosets followed the guidelines of and were approved by the RIKEN Institutional Animal Care Committee, described in <cit.>. § ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by the Japan AMED (JP15dm0207001) and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. All authors state no potential conflicts of interest. This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible. IEEEbib
Tighter Lower Bounds for Shuffling SGD: Random Permutations and Beyond
[ "Jaeyoung Cha", "Jaewook Lee", "Chulhee Yun" ]
[ "cs.LG", "math.OC", "stat.ML" ]
Quantum estimation of a charge distance from a hole-spin qubit in Si quantum dots Filippo Troiani^2 March 30, 2023 ================================================================================= We study convergence lower bounds of without-replacement stochastic gradient descent (SGD) for solving smooth (strongly-)convex finite-sum minimization problems. Unlike most existing results focusing on final iterate lower bounds in terms of the number of components n and the number of epochs K, we seek bounds for arbitrary weighted average iterates that are tight in all factors including the condition number κ. For SGD with Random Reshuffling, we present lower bounds that have tighter κ dependencies than existing bounds. Our results are the first to perfectly close the gap between lower and upper bounds for weighted average iterates in both strongly-convex and convex cases. We also prove weighted average iterate lower bounds for arbitrary permutation-based SGD, which apply to all variants that carefully choose the best permutation. Our bounds improve the existing bounds in factors of n and κ and thereby match the upper bounds shown for a recently proposed algorithm called . § INTRODUCTION One of the most common frameworks used in machine learning is the following finite-sum minimization problem, min_ F() = 1/n∑_i=1^n f_i(). Stochastic gradient descent (SGD), an algorithm first proposed by <cit.>, is highly capable of numerically solving finite-sum optimization problems. In the t-th iteration, SGD randomly samples a component index i(t) and computes a gradient-based update equation of the form _t = _t-1 - η_t ∇ f_i(t)(_t-1), where η_t is a step size parameter, often set to a fixed constant. Many prior studies on SGD have shown convergence results assuming with-replacement sampling of the component index i(t) (<cit.> and many others), where we independently choose i(t) from a uniform random distribution over the index set every time. This uniform sampling makes each step of SGD an unbiased noisy estimate of vanilla gradient descent (GD). In real-world applications, however, it is much more common to use without-replacement SGD, where each epoch runs over the entire shuffled set of n components. Without-replacement SGD has gained popularity for both its simplicity and empirical observations of faster convergence rates <cit.>. However, theoretical analysis on without-replacement SGD remains quite elusive, especially because of the lack of independence between iterates. Nevertheless, recent works have managed to successfully deal with without-replacement SGD in theoretical aspects <cit.>. A simple and popular method of without-replacement sampling is to randomly shuffle the n components independently on each epoch, often referred to as Random Reshuffling or . Some studies show upper bounds of convergence rates for a certain class of functions <cit.>, while some others present lower bounds by analyzing a function contained in a certain class with a slow convergence rate <cit.>. These preliminary results highlight that without-replacement SGD is in fact capable of converging provably faster than its with-replacement counterpart. A recent line of work <cit.> opens a new field of studies on permutation-based SGD, which covers all cases where the permutation of the n component functions is chosen according to a certain policy, instead of simple random reshuffling. The aim of this line of research is to design a policy that yields faster convergence compared to random permutations. Indeed, a recent result by <cit.> proposes , a permutation-based SGD algorithm that uses the gradient information from previous epochs to manipulate the permutation of the current epoch, and shows that provably converges faster than Random Reshuffling. This raises the following question: Is GraB optimal, or can we find an even faster permutation-based SGD algorithm? §.§ Related Work Before summarizing our contributions, we list up related prior results so as to better contextualize our results relative to them. In all convergence rates, we write (·) for upper bounds and Ω (·) for lower bounds. The tilde notation (·) hides polylogarithmic factors. For simplicity, here we write convergence rates only with respect to the number of component functions n and the number of epochs K (i.e., number of passes through the entire components). SGD with replacement is known to have a tight convergence rate of ( 1/T) after T iterations, which translates to ( 1/nK) in our notation. One of the first studies on by <cit.> shows an upper bound of ( 1/K^2) for strongly convex objectives with smooth components, along with the assumption that n is a constant. Under the same settings, <cit.> show a convergence rate of ( 1/n^2 K^2 + 1/K^3), which explicitly depends on both n and K. <cit.> further show that the upper bound for strongly convex quadratics is ( 1/n^2 K^2 + 1/nK^3). Follow-up studies prove upper bounds in broader settings, such as ( 1/n K^2) for strongly convex (but not necessarily quadratic) functions <cit.>, or ( 1/n^1/3 K^2/3) under convex assumptions <cit.>. Some further generalize to other variants of , including Minibatch and Local SGD in federated learning <cit.>, Nesterov's acceleration <cit.>, or Stochastic Gradient Descent-Ascent used in minimax problems <cit.>. Meanwhile, investigations on lower bounds have started from simple quadratic assumptions, where <cit.> prove a lower bound of rate Ω( 1/n^2 K^2 + 1/n K^3). Lower bounds were then extended to smooth and strongly convex settings, as in <cit.> and <cit.> which both derive a lower bound of Ω( 1/n K^2). Recent works provide evidence of designing algorithms that converge faster than . Concretely, <cit.> introduce a permutation-based SGD algorithm called and prove that it can outperform for quadratic objectives. The authors also propose a lower bound applicable to arbitrary permutation-based SGD, by proving that no algorithm can converge faster than Ω1/n^3K^2 for some strongly convex objectives. <cit.> and <cit.> propose methods to find “good” permutations via a greedy strategy. Extending their previous work, <cit.> propose and gain a convergence rate 1/n^2K^2 for PŁ functions which is faster than 1/nK^2 for <cit.>. Most prior results <cit.> mainly concern achieving tight convergence rates with respect to n and K, while recent studies delve deeper to unveil how other parameters can also affect the convergence properties. The condition number κ (defined in <ref>) is an example of such parameters, which is closely related to the problem's geometry. If we take κ into account[For this section, we treat κ = Θ( 1 / μ) for simplicity, following the convention of other existing results in the literature <cit.>.] in the strongly convex case, the best known upper and lower bounds for are κ^3/n K^2 <cit.> and Ωκ/n K^2 <cit.>, which differ by a factor of κ^2, and those for permutation-based SGD are κ^3/n^2 K^2 <cit.> and Ω1/n^3 K^2 <cit.>, which differ by both n and some factors of κ—that is, the bounds are not completely tight for all factors yet. While it is tempting to neglect the looseness in κ by treating factors in κ as “leading constants,” characterizing the right dependence on κ becomes imperative for understanding the regimes in which without-replacement SGD is faster than the with-replacement version. For example, the aforementioned rate κ^3/n K^2 of improves upon the known tight rate κ/nK of with-replacement SGD only if K≳κ^2. It turns out that this requirement of large enough K is in fact unavoidable in the strongly convex case <cit.>; by developing a lower bound, <cit.> show that cannot converge faster than with-replacement SGD when K ≲κ. Characterizing the exact threshold (κ vs. κ^2) for faster convergence of requires a tighter analysis of the κ dependence of its convergence rate. §.§ Summary of Our Contributions Towards a complete understanding of and permutation-based SGD in general, we seek to close the existing gaps outlined above by developing tighter lower bounds with matching upper bounds. We present results under two different kinds of algorithm settings: <ref> contains lower bounds obtained from , and <ref> presents lower bounds that are applicable to arbitrary permutation-based SGD algorithms. Our lower bounds are obtained for without-replacement SGD with constant step size, which is also the case in other existing results in the literature <cit.>. While all lower bounds proved in the aforementioned papers are only applicable to the final iterate of the algorithm, many of our results in this paper apply to arbitrary weighted average of end-of-epoch iterates, which can be used to show tightness of matching upper bounds that employ iterate averaging. Our main contributions are as follows. Here we include κ = Θ( 1 / μ) in the convergence rates to better describe the results. For a complete summary of our results, please refer to <ref>. * <ref> derives a lower bound of rate Ω( κ^2/n K^2) on the strongly convex case for the final iterate, which matches the best-known corresponding upper bound κ^3/n K^2 up to a factor of κ. * <ref> extends the lower bound Ω( κ^2/n K^2) under strongly convex settings to arbitrary weighted average (end-of-epoch) iterates. <ref> shows a matching upper bound ( κ^2/n K^2) for the tail average iterate, achieving tightness up to logarithmic factors. * <ref> shows a lower bound Ω( 1/n^1/3 K^2/3) for the average iterate in the convex case, which matches the corresponding upper bound in <cit.>. * <ref> provides a lower bound Ωκ^2/n^2 K^2 on arbitrary permutation-based SGD, which, to the best of our knowledge, is the first result that matches the best-known upper bound of <cit.> in terms of n and K. * <ref> relaxes the assumption of individual convexity and obtains a stronger lower bound Ωκ^3/n^2 K^2 in the scenario of arbitrary permutation-based SGD. This lower bound exactly matches the upper bound in all factors, including κ. Our results therefore answer the question in (<ref>): Yes, is an optimal permutation-based SGD algorithm. § PRELIMINARIES First we summarize some basic notations used throughout the paper. For a positive integer N, we use the notation [N] := { 1, 2, …, N }. For a vector ∈^d, we denote its L_2 norm as . We denote the number of component functions as n and the number of epochs as K, where n and K are both positive integers. Some of our results require large K and we will use K ≳ x to express such an assumption. We use K ≳ x to denote the condition K ≥ Cx logpoly(n, K, μ, L, ...) when C is a numerical constant. §.§ Function Classes We state the following definitions to formally define the problem class which our objective function and its components belong to. A differentiable function f is L-smooth if ∇ f () - ∇ f () ≤ L - , ∀, ∈^d. A differentiable function f is μ-strongly convex if f() ≥ f() + ∇ f(), - + μ/2 - ^2 for all , ∈^d. If the inequality holds for μ = 0, then we say that f is convex. A differentiable function f satisfies the μ-Polyak-Łojasiewicz (PŁ) condition if 1/2∇ f () ^2 ≥μ (f() - f^*), ∀∈^d, where f^* := inf_ f() > -∞ is the global minimum value of f. Additionally, we define the condition number as κ := L / μ, where L is the smoothness constant and μ is either the strong convexity constant or the PŁ constant. We also make a common assumption regarding the finite-sum setup in (<ref>), which is that the gradients of the objective function and its components are not too far from each other. [Bounded gradient errors] There exists τ≥ 0 and ν≥ 0 such that for all i = 1, …, n, ∇ f_i () - ∇ F() ≤τ∇ F() + ν, ∀∈^d. Now we define the function class as follows. We define the function class (L, μ, τ, ν) of objective functions F as: (L, μ, τ, ν) := { F: f_i are L-smooth and convex, := { F: F is μ-strongly convex, := { F: F and f_i satisfy Assumption <ref>}. Note that <ref> takes into account not only the properties of F but that of the components f_i as well. Also, as seen in <ref>, (L, 0, τ, ν) corresponds to the case where F is convex. §.§ Algorithms We denote the i-th iterate of the k-th epoch of permutation-based SGD by _i^k, where i = 0, …, n and k = 1, …, K. We denote the distance between the initial point _0^1 and the optimal point ^* as D := _0^1 - ^*. We also follow the conventional notation _0^k+1 = _n^k, which indicates that the final result of an epoch becomes the initial point of its subsequent epoch. At the beginning of the k-th epoch, we choose a permutation σ_k : [n] → [n]. The algorithm then accesses the component functions in the order of f_σ_k(1), …, f_σ_k(n). That is, we use the following update equation: _i^k = _i-1^k - η∇ f_σ_k(i) (_i-1^k) for i = 1, …, n, where η > 0 is a constant step size. We particularly focus on two different types of permutation-based SGD. <ref> states theoretical results based on , which assumes that the components are randomly shuffled independently in each epoch. In <ref>, we study the case when permutations can be carefully chosen to gain faster convergence. We provide lower bounds that are applicable to any kind of permutation-based SGD. To show our lower bound is tight, it suffices to show that a specific permutation-based SGD algorithm provides a matching upper bound. To this end, we use offline herding SGD <cit.>, where the components are manually ordered to “balance” the gradients. Specifically, <cit.> prove that as the gap between the partial sums of consecutive stochastic gradients and the full gradient diminishes faster, the optimizer converges faster as well. In their subsequent work <cit.>, they first propose offline herding SGD, a permutation-based SGD algorithm that manages this gap via the herding algorithm but requires intensive memory consumption, and devise online herding SGD (or ) that successfully overcomes the memory challenges. They prove that both algorithms guarantee the same convergence rate 1/n^2 K^2. In our setting, since we are not interested in the usability of algorithms, we will focus on offline herding SGD (or ) just for simplicity. <ref> provides a pseudocode of . For the description of Herding subroutine in <ref>, see Assumption <ref> and <ref>. § RANDOM RESHUFFLING Here we show lower bounds of on the last iterate and arbitrary weighted averaged iterates for strongly convex objectives, and then extend results to convex functions. We stress that the lower bounds on weighted average iterates tightly match the upper bounds both for the strongly convex and convex case. Throughout <ref>, we assume that n is a positive integer with n ≥ 2. §.§ Lower Bound for the Final Iterate <ref> provides a lower bound for the final iterate of for arbitrary step sizes η > 0 in the μ-strongly convex case. theoremxhat For any n ≥ 2 and κ≥ c_1, there exists a 3-dimensional function F ∈ (L, μ, 0, ν) such that for any constant step size η the last iterate _n^K of satisfies [ F (_n^K) - F^* ] = Ω( L ν^2/μ^2 n K^2), if K ≥ c_2 κ, Ω( ν^2/μ n K), if K < c_2 κ, for some universal constants c_1, c_2. We take an approach similar to <cit.>, which is to construct F by aggregating three functions, each showing a lower bound for a different step size regime. The proof of <ref> is deferred to <ref>. We can compare <ref> with results of <cit.> for M = B = 1, which establishes a lower bound Ω( ν/μ n K^2) for the large epoch regime K ≳κ. We can observe that the lower bound for the large epoch regime is tightened by a factor of κ. In fact, the lower bound in <ref> can be compactly written as: [ F (_n^K) - F^* ] = Ω( ν^2/μ n K·min{ 1, κ/K}), which can be interpreted as a continuous change from Ω( ν^2/μ n K) to Ω( κν^2/μ n K^2) as K gradually increases past the threshold K ≥ c_2 κ. We can also compare our results with <cit.>, which provide a lower bound of rate Ω( ν^2/μ n K·min{ 1, κ/K( 1/n + κ/K) }) under a stronger assumption that the objective and components are all quadratic. The lower bound for the small K ≲κ regime is identical to ours, since for this case our lower bound also relies on quadratic functions. However, if K grows past Ω (κ), then we can observe that the lower bound in <ref> derived from non-quadratic functions is tighter by a factor of ( 1/n + κ/K). An upper bound for in the μ-strongly convex case under the step-size condition η = O(1/Ln) is introduced in Theorem 2 of <cit.>. [Corollary of <cit.>, Theorem 2] Suppose that F and f_1, …, f_n are all L-smooth, f_1, …, f_n are convex, and F is μ-strongly convex. Then, for with constant step size η = min{1/√(2) L n, 1/μ n Klog( μ^3 n D^2 K^2/L ν^2) }, the final iterate _n^K satisfies [ F (_n^K) - F^* ] = ( L D^2 e^- K/κ + L^2 ν^2/μ^3 n K^2). Note that the statements in <cit.> use σ_*^2 := 1/n∑_i=1^n∇ f_i (^*) ^2 instead of ν^2 in the upper bound. We can easily observe that Assumption <ref> with τ = 0 and = ^* implies that ∇ f_i (^*) ^2 ≤ν^2 for all i, and hence σ_*^2 ≤ν^2. The same applies to Proposition <ref>. Assuming K ≳κ so that the learning rate becomes η = 1/μ n Klog( μ^3 n D^2 K^2/L ν^2) ≤1/√(2) L n, then we have [ F (_n^K) - F^* ] = ( L^2 ν^2/μ^3 n K^2), and for this case we can observe that lower bound shown in <ref> matches the upper bound in Proposition <ref> up to a factor of κ = L/μ and some polylogarithmic factors. §.§ Lower Bound for Weighted Average Iterates For small step sizes η = ( 1/Ln), we can extend <ref> to arbitrary weighted average (end-of-epoch) iterates. That is, <ref> provides a lower bound which is applicable to all linear combinations of the following form, = ∑_k=1^K+1α_k _0^k/∑_k=1^K+1α_k, for nonnegative weights α_k ≥ 0 for all k = 1, …, K+1. theoremxavg For any n ≥ 2 and κ≥ c_1, there exists a 2-dimensional function F ∈ (L, μ, 0, ν) such that for any constant step size η≤1/c_2 Ln, any weighted average iterate of of the form as in (<ref>) satisfies [ F () - F^* ] = Ω( L ν^2/μ^2 n K^2), if K ≥ c_2 κ, Ω( ν^2/μ), if K < c_2 κ, for the same universal constants c_1, c_2 as in <ref>. The full proof of <ref> can be found in <ref>. Note that, for weighted average iterates, we restrict ourselves to small step sizes η = (1/Ln); while this could look restrictive, such a choice of step size is commonly used in existing upper bounds, and we will see shortly that our lower bound exactly matches an upper bound when K ≳κ (<ref>). The tightness also extends to general convex cases, as seen in <ref>. One might wonder why the lower bound becomes a constant for small K ≲κ. This is because in the η = (1/Ln) regime, K < c_2 κ implies η < 1/c_2 L n≤1/μ n K, i.e., the step size is too small for SGD to reach the optimum in K steps. For instance, K epochs of SGD on F(x) = f_i(x) = μ/2 x^2 initialized at x = x_0 reaches the point (1 - ημ)^nK x_0 > (1 - 1/nK)^nK x_0 ≥x_0/4. Hence the iterate cannot get past x_0/4, rendering it impossible to reach the optimal point x^* = 0. The difficulty of extending the η = Ω (1/Ln) regime in <ref> to arbitrary weighted average iterates originates from our proof strategy: for small enough η, we can show for our worst-case examples that all _0^k's (in expectation) stay on the positive side bounded away from zero, thereby proving that any weighted average also stays suffciently far from zero. However, for larger η, the iterates may oscillate between positive and negative regions, making it possible for an average iterate to converge faster than individual _0^k's. Note that our definition in (<ref>) includes the final iterate, as the choice α_k = 0 for 1 ≤ k ≤ K and α_K+1 = 1 yields = _0^K+1 = _n^K. Different forms of algorithm outputs other than the final iterate also frequently appear in prior works, especially regarding upper bounds for . For instance, we may choose α_k = 1 for all 2 ≤ k ≤ K+1 and α_1 = 0 to represent the average iterate _avg := 1/K∑_k=1^K_n^k <cit.>. We may also set α_k = 1 for ⌈K/2⌉ + 1 ≤ k ≤ K+1 and α_k = 0 otherwise to recover the tail average iterate <cit.>, defined as _tail := 1/K - ⌈K/2⌉ + 1∑_k=⌈K/2⌉^K_n^k. We further show that the lower bound in <ref> tightly matches the upper bound suggested in <ref>. newpropositiontailub Suppose that F ∈ (L, μ, 0, ν), and that we choose η as η = min{1/√(2)Ln, 9/μ n Kmax{ 1, log( μ^3 n D^2 K^2/L ν^2) }}. Then, for with constant step size η and K ≥ 5, the tail average iterate _tail satisfies: 𝔼[ F (_tail) - F^* ] = ( L D^2/K e^- 1/9 √(2)K/κ + L ν^2/μ^2 n K^2). See <ref> for a full proof of <ref>. Assuming K ≳κ so that the learning rate becomes η = 9/μ n Kmax{ 1, log( μ^3 n D^2 K^2/L ν^2) }≤1/√(2)Ln, then we have [ F (_tail) - F^* ] = ( L ν^2/μ^2 n K^2) (see Cases (c), (d) in the proof). Then we can observe that the lower bound shown in <ref> exactly matches the upper bound, ignoring polylogarithmic terms. Note that the upper bound of rate Ω( L ν^2/μ^2 n K^2) for the tail average iterate _tail is tighter than Proposition <ref> by a factor of κ. Whether the same rate can also be achieved for the final iterate _n^K or not is still an open problem. §.§ Extension to Convex Objectives One important implication of <Ref> is that we can carefully choose a small value of μ to derive a lower bound that exactly matches the upper bound for convex objectives. <ref> extends <ref> to the convex case. newcorollarycorcvxcase For any n ≥ 2, there exists a 2-dimensional function F ∈ (L, 0, 0, ν) such that if K ≥ c_3 max{L^2 D^2 n/ν^2, ν/L D n^1/2}, then for any constant step size η≤1/c_2 L n, any weighted average iterate of of the form as in (<ref>) satisfies [ F() - F^* ] = Ω( L^1/3ν^2/3 D^4/3/n^1/3 K^2/3), for some universal constants c_2 and c_3. We defer the proof of <ref> to <ref>. A matching upper bound for for the convex case under the step-size condition η = (1/Ln) is introduced in Theorem 3 of <cit.>. [<cit.>, Theorem 3] Suppose that F and f_1, …, f_n are all L-smooth and f_1, …, f_n are convex. Then, for with constant step size η = min{1/√(2) L n, ( D^2/L ν^2 n^2 K)^1/3}, the average iterate _avg := 1/K∑_k=1^K_n^k satisfies 𝔼[ F(_avg) - F^* ] = ( L D^2/√(2) K + L^1/3ν^2/3 D^4/3/n^1/3 K^2/3). In Proposition <ref>, if we have a large number of epochs with K ≥2 √(2) L^2 D^2 n/ν^2, then η = ( D^2/L ν^2 n^2 K)^1/3≤1/√(2) L n yields 𝔼[ F(_avg) - F^* ] = ( L^1/3ν^2/3 D^4/3/n^1/3 K^2/3). For a large K regime of K = Ω( L^2 D^2 n/ν^2 + ν/L D n^1/2), we may choose α_k = 1 for all k = 2, …, K+1 and α_1 = 0 so that = _avg, and then observe that the lower bound in <ref> exactly matches the upper bound in Proposition <ref>. Note that the lower bound of K in (<ref>) reduces to Ω( L^2 D^2 n/ν^2) when n = Ω( ν^2/L^2 D^2), again matching the epoch requirement that arise in the upper bound. § ARBITRARY PERMUTATION-BASED SGD So far, we have considered the case where permutations are randomly shuffled for each epoch. In this section, we study the scenario when permutations can be chosen manually rather than randomly. We provide lower bounds that are applicable to any arbitrary permutation-based SGD. Our lower bounds match the previously established upper bound in terms of n and K, and can further match with respect to κ when the objective is ill-conditioned. §.§ Lower Bound with Component Convexity <ref> establishes a lower bound on arbitrary weighted average (end-of-epoch) iterates applicable to any permutation-based SGD. theoremgrabLBa For any n ≥ 2 and κ≥ 4, there exists a 4-dimensional function F ∈(L,μ,0,ν) and an initialization point _0 such that for any permutation-based SGD with any constant step size η, any weighted average iterate of the form as in <ref> satisfies F() - F^* = Ω( L ν^2/μ^2 n^2 K^2). The main technical difficulty in proving <ref> is that we must construct an objective that demonstrates a “slow” convergence rate for every permutation over K epochs. To achieve this, we construct an objective that pushes _n^k toward a constant direction, regardless of the permutation. The constructed objective belongs to the class (L,μ,0,ν) and satisfies component convexity. Here we note that our proof technique does not require any assumptions about large epochs. The full proof of <ref> is written in <ref>. As mentioned in <ref>, applying α_k = 0 for 1 ≤ k ≤ K and α_K+1 = 1 yields the lower bound for the last iterate. Our result significantly improves the previous lower bound and also matches the known upper bound of permutation-based SGD which will be discussed later in this section. Comparison with the Previous Work. To the best of our knowledge, the best-known lower bound that holds for any arbitrary permutation-based SGD is proved by <cit.> prior to our work. Specifically, the authors show that there exists a (2n+1)-dimension function F ∈2L, n-1/nL, 1, 1 that for any permutation-based SGD with any constant step size, F(_n^K) - F^* = Ω1/L n^3 K^2. Thus, <ref> improves the lower bound rate by a factor of n and sharpens the dependency on κ. Before we state the matching upper bound, we define an additional assumption and a function class. [Herding bound] There exists an algorithm that has the following property: Given _1, …, _n∈^d satisfying _i≤ 1 for ∀ i ∈ [n] and ∑_i=1^n_i = 0, the algorithm outputs a permutation σ : [n] → [n] such that max_k ∈{1, …, n}∑_i=1^k _σ(i)≤ H. We call an algorithm considered in Assumption <ref> as the Herding algorithm, used as a subroutine in Algorithm <ref>. We define the function class _PŁ as follows. _PŁ (L, μ, τ, ν) := { F: f_i are L-smooth, := { F: F satisfies μ-PŁ condition, := { F: F and f_i satisfy Assumption <ref>}. Note that _PŁ is a relaxation of in Definition <ref>. Compared to , we relax μ-strong convexity to μ-PŁ, and we also do not assume convexity of component functions f_i. We now state the following proposition, provided in Theorem 1 of <cit.>, which gives the convergence rate of <ref> for objectives belonging to _PŁ (L, μ, 0, ν). [<cit.>, Theorem 1]newpropositiongrabUBa Suppose that F ∈_PŁ (L, μ, 0, ν). Under Assumption <ref>, with constant step size η as η = 2/μ n K W_0 F(_0^1)-F^*+ν^2/Lμ^3n^2K^2/192H^2L^2ν^2, where W_0 denotes the Lambert W function, <ref> converges at the rate F(_n^K) - F^* = H^2 L^2 ν^2/μ^3 n^2 K^2 for K ≳κ. Proposition <ref> is a slightly different version compared to the original paper <cit.>; the differences are discussed in <ref>. We emphasize that <ref> provides a lower bound ΩL ν^2/μ^2 n^2 K^2 for arbitrary permutation-based SGD and Proposition <ref> shows that there exists an algorithm that converges at the rate of H^2 L^2 ν^2/μ^3 n^2 K^2. Note that the function class considered in the lower bound is a subset of the function class handled in the upper bound. Thus, <ref> matches the upper bound up to a factor of κ, if we ignore the term H and some polylogarithmic terms. Therefore, we can conclude that <ref> is optimal in terms of the convergence rate with respect to n and K. We defer the discussion of herding constant H to <ref>. §.§ Lower Bound without Component Convexity <ref> leads us to wonder if it is possible to tighten this κ gap. Our next theorem drops the assumption of component convexity in the lower bound and shows that we can close the gap and perfectly match the upper bound, if the problem is sufficiently ill-conditioned and the number of epochs is large enough. theoremgrabLBb For any n ≥ 104, L and μ satisfying κ≥ 8n, and K ≥max{κ^2/n, κ^3/2n^1/2}, there exists a 4-dimensional function F ∈_PŁL, μ, L/μ, ν and an initialization point _0 such that for any permutation-based SGD with any constant step size η, any weighted average iterate of the form as in <ref> satisfies F() - F^* = Ω( L^2 ν^2/μ^3 n^2 K^2). The proof is in <ref>. <ref> provides a sharper lower bound than the previous result with respect to κ. In our construction, some of the components f_i are nonconvex but the constructed objective F is actually strongly convex; however, for simplicity of exposition, we stated F as a member of a larger class _PŁ. Here we discuss the effect of nonconvex components on the convergence rate. Nonconvex components. Some of our component functions constructed in <ref> are concave in particular directions, and this is the key to obtaining an additional κ factor. <cit.> also observe that the presence of nonconvex components can slow down convergence. They prove that for a 1-dimensional objective F(x) = 1/n∑_i=1^n a_i/2x^2 - b_ix, where all a_i's are nonnegative, there exists a permutation that leads to exponential convergence, but also that this no longer holds if a_i's are allowed to be negative. It is an open problem whether the convergence rate of <ref> could be improved to match the lower bound in <ref> with respect to κ if we additionally assume component convexity. <ref> provides a sharper lower bound compared to <ref> with respect to κ. One should be aware, however, that the function classes considered in the upper bound (Proposition <ref>) and the construction in <ref> mismatch. Therefore, Proposition <ref> does not guarantee the H^2 L^2 ν^2/μ^3 n^2 K^2 convergence rate for the function constructed in <ref>. However, we argue that this issue can be addressed by extending Proposition <ref> to a wider function class, which is done in prop:grabUBb. [Extended version of <cit.>, Theorem 1]newpropositiongrabUBb Suppose that F ∈_PŁ (L, μ, τ, ν) and n ≥ H. Under Assumption <ref>, with constant step size η as η = 2/μ n K W_0 F(_0^1)-F^*+ν^2/Lμ^3n^2K^2/192H^2L^2ν^2, where W_0 denotes the Lambert W function, <ref> converges at the rate F(_n^K) - F^* = H^2 L^2 ν^2/μ^3 n^2 K^2 for K ≳κ (τ + 1). The proof of Proposition <ref> is in <ref>. We show that the function class considered in Proposition <ref> can be extended to _PŁ (L, μ, τ, ν) by following the proof step in Theorem 1 in <cit.> with slight modifications. The function class of the upper bound (Proposition <ref>) now includes the construction of the lower bound (<ref>). Therefore, when the objective is sufficiently ill-conditioned and a sufficiently many epochs are performed, our lower bound perfectly aligns with the upper bound in all factors, assuring that is indeed the optimal permutation-based SGD algorithm. §.§ Discussion of Existing Results In this section, we take a deeper look at previous researches that address permutation-based SGD. We mainly discuss the dimension dependency hidden in the upper bounds. Herding Bound. <cit.> prove that there exists an efficient Herding algorithm that achieves Assumption <ref> with H = √(d log n). Also, it is well known that H = Ω (√(d)) <cit.>. Thus, both Proposition <ref> and Proposition <ref> contain a dimension term in their convergence rates. Meanwhile, our lower bound results are based on fixed dimensional functions, so we can ignore the term H when we compare our lower bound results to the upper bound results. We also note that the assumption n ≥ H made in Proposition <ref> is quite mild if the dimension of F is independent of n. Comparison between Proposition <ref> and <cit.>, Theorem 1. In the original statement of Theorem 1 in <cit.>, the authors use slightly different assumptions. Instead of smoothness with respect to the L_2 norm, they assume L_2, ∞-smoothness as follows: ∇ f_i () - ∇ f_i ()_2 ≤ L_2, ∞ - _∞, ∀, ∈^d. <cit.> also define the herding bound H with respect to different choices of norms. Specifically, the authors consider max_k ∈{1, …, n}∑_i=1^k _σ(i)_∞≤ H_∞ with max_i_i_2 ≤ 1, and explain that combining the results from <cit.> and <cit.> gives H_∞ = 1. With these assumptions, the authors obtain the convergence rate of <ref> as the following: F(_n^K) - F^* = H_∞^2 L^2_2, ∞ν^2/μ^3 n^2 K^2. However, we believe that <ref> is not also free from dimension dependency, since the term L_2, ∞ is likely to contain the dimension dependency in general (e.g., L_2, ∞ = √(d)L holds when F() = L/2^2 for ∀∈^d). It is an open problem whether there exists a permutation-based SGD algorithm that gives a dimension-free upper bound while maintaining the same dependency on other factors. Revisiting <cit.>. We have discussed that the best-known upper bound of permutation-based SGD has dimension dependency. Earlier, we mentioned that our lower bound in <ref> improves upon previous results from Theorem 2 of <cit.> by a factor of n. In fact, the construction of <cit.> is based on a (2n+1)-dimensional function, and applying the upper bounds for <ref> to this function results in a convergence rate of 1/n K^2, due to the dimension dependency. More precisely, for the function constructed in <cit.>, H is proportional to √(n) and L is constant according to our L_2-norm-based notations, while we also have that H_∞ is constant and L_2, ∞ is proportional to √(n) following the notations in <cit.>. Thus, in terms of n dependency, we conclude that the actual gap between existing upper and lower bounds is n^2 rather than n, and that our results succeed in closing the gap completely. § CONCLUSION We have shown convergence lower bounds for without-replacement SGD methods, focusing on matching the upper and lower bound in terms of the condition number κ. Our lower bounds for on weighted average iterates tightly match the corresponding upper bounds under both strong convexity and convexity assumptions. We also constructed lower bounds for permutation-based SGD with and without individual convexity assumptions, which tightly match the upper bounds for in fixed-dimension settings, therefore implying that achieves the optimal rate of convergence. An immediate direction for future work is to investigate whether one can find lower bounds for arbitrary weighted average iterates of when η = Ω( 1/Ln). In the discussion following <ref> (<ref>), we outlined difficulties that arise in proving such a result for larger learning rates η = Ω( 1/Ln). We finally note that the power of general permutation-based SGD is not yet well-understood for the regime when the number of epochs is less than the condition number. <cit.> show that does not enjoy faster convergence than with-replacement SGD in this regime, and it is still unclear whether the same restriction holds for permutation-based SGD as well. §.§.§ Acknowledgments This work was supported by Institute of Information & communications Technology Planning & evaluation (IITP) grant (No. 2019-0-00075, Artificial Intelligence Graduate School Program (KAIST)) funded by the Korea government (MSIT). The work was also supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant (No. NRF-2019R1A5A1028324) funded by the Korea government (MSIT). CY acknowledges support from a grant funded by Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. abbrvnat § TEMP Here we prove <ref>, restated below for the sake of readability. * We prove the theorem statement for constants c_1 = 2415 and c_2 = 161. As the convergence behavior of SGD heavily depends on the step size η, we consider three step-size regimes and use different objective functions with slow convergence rates in each case. Then we aggregate the three functions to obtain the final lower bound, which will be the minimum among the lower bounds from each regime. Throughout the proof, we will assume n is even. If n is odd, then we can use a similar technique with Theorem 1 of <cit.>, which is to set n-1 nontrivial components satisfying the statement, add a single zero component function, and scale by n-1/n. To elaborate, we prove the following lower bounds for each regime. Here F_j^* is the minimizer of F_j for each j = 1, 2, 3. Note that the union of the three ranges completely covers the set of all positive learning rates, η > 0. * If η∈( 0, 1/μ n K), there exists a 1-dimensional objective function F_1 (x) ∈ (L, μ, 0, ν) such that with initialization x_0^1 = D satisfies 𝔼[ F_1 (x_n^K) - F_1^* ] = Ω( μ D^2 ). * If η∈[ 1/μ n K, 1/161 L n], there exists a 1-dimensional objective function F_2 (x) ∈ (L, μ, 0, ν) such that with initialization x_0^1 = ην n^1/2/27000 satisfies 𝔼[ F_2 (x_n^K) - F_2^* ] = Ω( L ν^2/μ^2 n K^2). * If η≥max{1/μ n K, 1/161 L n}, there exists a 1-dimensional objective function F_3 (x) ∈ (L, μ, 0, ν) such that with initialization x_0^1 = 0 satisfies 𝔼[ F_3 (x_n^K) - F_3^* ] = Ω( ν^2/μ n K). Now we define the 3-dimensional function F(x, y, z) = F_1(x) + F_2(y) + F_3(z), where F_1, F_2, and F_3 are chosen to satisfy the above lower bounds for ν replaced by ν/√(3). Note that scaling ν does not change the convergence rates above. Similarly, we denote the components by f_i(x, y, z) = f_1, i (x) + f_2, i (y) + f_3, i (z) for i = 1, …, n. If H_1, H_2, and H_3 are L-smooth and/or μ-strongly convex, then H(x, y, z) = H_1(x) + H_2(y) + H_3(z) satisfies μ≼min{∇^2 H_1(x), ∇^2 H_2(y), ∇^2 H_3(z) }≼∇^2 H(x, y, z) ≼max{∇^2 H_1(x), ∇^2 H_2(y), ∇^2 H_3(z) }≼ L , i.e., H() must be L-smooth and/or μ-strongly convex. Also, if H_1, H_2, and H_3 (each with n components h_1, i, h_2, i, and h_3, i) have bounded gradients (Assumption <ref>) for τ = 0 and ν = ν_0/√(3), then H(x, y, z) = H_1(x) + H_2(y) + H_3(z) satisfies ∇ h_i (x, y, z) - ∇ H(x, y, z) ^2 = ∇ h_1, i (x) - ∇ H_1(x) ^2 + ∇ h_2, i (y) - ∇ H_2(y) ^2 + ∇ h_3, i (z) - ∇ H_3(z) ^2 = ≤ν_0^2 for all i = 1, …, n, i.e., H(x, y, z) satisfies Assumption <ref> for τ = 0 and ν = ν_0. Since F_1, F_2, F_3 ∈ (L, μ, 0, ν/√(3)) by construction, we have F ∈ (L, μ, 0, ν) from the above arguments. Now suppose that we set D = ν/μ and initialize at the point ( ν/μ, ην n^1/2/27000, 0 ). If K ≥ 161 κ, then since 1/μ n K≤1/161 L n we can use the lower bound for F_2(y). The lower bound for this case becomes [ F (x_n^K, y_n^K, z_n^K) ] = Ω( min{ν^2/μ, L ν^2/μ^2 n K^2, ν^2/μ n K}) = Ω( L ν^2/μ^2 n K^2). If K < 161 κ, then we cannot use the lower bound for F_2(y). Hence the lower bound for this case becomes [ F (x_n^K, y_n^K, z_n^K) ] = Ω( min{ν^2/μ, ν^2/μ n K}) = Ω( ν^2/μ n K), which completes the proof. For the following subsections, we prove the lower bounds for F_1, F_2, and F_3 at the corresponding step size regimes. The proofs are similar to those of <cit.>, corresponding to the case M = B = 1 with slight modifications. §.§ temp Here we show that there exists F_1 (x) ∈ (L, μ, 0, ν) such that with x_0 = D satisfies 𝔼[ F_1 (x_n^K) - F_1^* ] = Ω( μ D^2 ). We define F_1 (x) ∈ (μ, μ, 0, 0) by the following components. f_i (x) = F_1(x) = μ x^2/2 Note that (μ, μ, 0, 0) ⊆ (L, μ, 0, ν) and F_1^* = 0 at x^* = 0 by definition. Also note that the components have no stochasticity, and hence we can drop the expectation notation, [·]. We can easily compute per-epoch updates as: x_0^k+1 = (1 - ημ)^n x_0^k, ∀ k = 1, …, K. Since x_0^1= x_0 = D and η≤1/μ n K, for any k = 1, …, K we have x_0^k+1 = (1 - ημ)^nk· D ≥( 1 - 1/nK)^nK· D ≥D/4, where the last inequality used ( 1 - 1/m)^m ≥1/4 for all m ≥ 2. Hence, for the final iterate we have x_n^K ≥D/4 and therefore F_1 (x_n^K) ≥μ/2( D/4)^2 = μ D^2/32, which concludes that 𝔼[ F_1 (x_n^K) ] = F_1 (x_n^K) = Ω( μ D^2 ). §.§ temp Here we show that there exists F_2 (x) ∈ (L, μ, 0, ν) such that with x_0^1 = ην n^1/2/27000 satisfies 𝔼[ F_2 (x_n^K) - F_2^* ] = Ω( L ν^2/μ^2 n K^2). For notational simplicity, we define _n as the set of all possible permutations of n/2 +1's and n/2 -1's, where n is a positive, even integer. We denote the set of randomly shuffled signs used in the k-th epoch by s^k = {s_i^k}_i=1^n∈_n. Let us define the function g_+1, g_-1 as follows. g_+1 (x) = ( L 1_x < 0 + μ_0 1_x ≥ 0) x^2/2 + ν x, g_-1 (x) = ( L 1_x < 0 + μ_0 1_x ≥ 0) x^2/2 - ν x We define F_2 (x) ∈ (L, μ, 0, ν) by the following components: f_+1 (x) = g_s_i^k (x) = ( L 1_x < 0 + μ_0 1_x ≥ 0) x^2/2 + ν s_i^k x for some μ_0 > 0, such that the finite-sum objective becomes F_2 (x) = 1/n∑_i=1^n f_i(x) = ( L 1_x < 0 + μ_0 1_x ≥ 0) x^2/2. Note that F_2^* = 0 at x^* = 0 by definition, and μ_0 is different from μ. (In fact, we set μ_0 = L/2415≥μ later in the proof, and ensure that the above definition indeed satisfies F_2 ∈(L, μ, 0, ν) because of the condition κ≥ 2415.) First we focus on a single epoch, and hence we write x_i instead of x_i^k, omitting the superscripts k for a while. We use the following three lemmas. newlemmalemone For (fixed) x_0 ≥ 0, 0 ≤ i ≤⌊n/2⌋, η≤1/161 L n, and L/μ_0≥ 2415, [ (L 1_x_i < 0 + μ_0 1_x_i ≥ 0) x_i ] ≤2/3 Lx_0 - η L ν/480√(i). newlemmalemtwo For (fixed) x_0 ≥ 0, 0 ≤ i ≤ n-1, and η≤1/161 L n, [ (L 1_x_i < 0 + μ_0 1_x_i ≥ 0) x_i ] ≤( 1 + 161/160 i η L ) μ_0 x_0 + 161/160ημ_0 ν√(i). newlemmalemthree If η≤1/161 L n, we have the followings. * For (fixed) x_0 < 0, we have 𝔼[ x_n ] ≥( 1 - 160/161η L n ) x_0. * If we initialize at x_0^1≥ 0, then we always have ℙ (x_n^k≥ 0) ≥1/2 for future start-of-epoch iterates. See Subsections <ref>, <ref>, and <ref> for the proofs of Lemmas <ref>, <ref>, and <ref>, respectively. If an epoch starts at (a fixed value) x_0 ≥ 0, then from Lemmas <ref> and <ref> we have [ x_n - x_0 ] = - η∑_i=0^n-1𝔼[ (L 1_x_i < 0 + μ_0 1_x_i ≥ 0) x_i ] = - η∑_i = 0^⌊n/2⌋𝔼[ (L 1_x_i < 0 + μ_0 1_x_i ≥ 0) x_i ] - η∑_i = ⌊n/2⌋ + 1^n-1𝔼[ (L 1_x_i < 0 + μ_0 1_x_i ≥ 0) x_i ] ≥ - η∑_i = 0^⌊n/2⌋( 2/3 Lx_0 - η L ν/480√(i)) - η∑_i = ⌊n/2⌋ + 1^n-1( ( 1 + 161/160 i η L ) μ_0 x_0 + 161/160ημ_0 ν√(i)) = - η( ∑_i = 0^⌊n/2⌋2/3 L + ∑_i = ⌊n/2⌋ + 1^n-1( 1 + 161/160 i η L ) μ_0 ) x_0 - η( - ∑_i = 0^⌊n/2⌋η L ν/480√(i) + ∑_i = ⌊n/2⌋ + 1^n-1161/160ημ_0 ν√(i)). Now we can bound the coefficient of the x_0 term by the following inequality: ∑_i = 0^⌊n/2⌋2/3 L + ∑_i = ⌊n/2⌋ + 1^n-1( 1 + 161/160 i η L ) μ_0 ≤( ⌊n/2⌋ + 1 ) 2/3 L + ( n - ⌊n/2⌋ - 1 ) L/2415( 1 + 1/160) ≤2/3 Ln + Ln/2400≤3/4 L n, where we use i η L ≤η L n ≤1/161. Also, the constant term can be bounded as: - ∑_i = 0^⌊n/2⌋η L ν/480√(i) + ∑_i = ⌊n/2⌋ + 1^n-1161/160ημ_0 ν√(i) ≤ - η L ν/480∫_0^⌊n/2⌋√(t) dt + 161/160ημ_0 ν∫_⌊n/2⌋ + 1^n√(t) dt ≤ - η L ν/480·2/3 ( ⌊n/2⌋ )^3/2 + 161/160ημ_0 ν·2/3( n^3/2 - ( n/2 )^3/2) ≤ - η L ν/480·2/3 ( n/3 )^3/2 + 161/160ημ_0 ν·2/3·2√(2)-1/2√(2) n^3/2 ≤ - η L ν/480·2/9 √(3) n^3/2 + 161/160ημ_0 ν·1/2 n^3/2 ≤ - η L ν n^3/2( 2/480 · 9 √(3) - 161/160 · 2 · 2415) ≤ - η L ν n^3/2/18000, where ⌊n/2⌋≥n/3 (for n ≥ 2) and 2/480 · 9 √(3) - 161/160 · 2 · 2415 > 1/18000. Hence we can conclude that [ x_n - x_0 ] ≥ - η( 3/4 L n x_0 - η L ν n^3/2/18000) and therefore [ x_n ] ≥( 1 - 3/4η L n ) x_0 + η^2 L ν n^3/2/18000. If an epoch starts at (a fixed value) x_0 < 0, then from Lemma <ref> we have [ x_n ] ≥( 1 - 160/161η L n ) x_0 ≥( 1 - 3/4η L n ) x_0. From the second statement of Lemma <ref>, we can observe that for all epochs we have ℙ (x^k_0) ≥1/2 because we initialize at a positive point x_0^1 ≥ην n^1/2/27000. Therefore, taking expectations over x_0, we can conclude that each epoch must satisfy [ x_n ] = ℙ(x_0 ≥ 0) [x_n | x_0 ≥ 0] + ℙ(x_0 < 0) [x_n | x_0 < 0] ≥ℙ(x_0 ≥ 0) (( 1 - 3/4η L n ) [x_0 | x_0 ≥ 0] + η^2 L ν n^3/2/18000 ) + ℙ(x_0 < 0) ( ( 1 - 3/4η L n ) [x_0 | x_0 < 0] ) ≥( 1 - 3/4η L n ) [x_0] + η^2 L ν n^3/2/36000. Since the above holds for all μ_0 ≤L/2415, we may choose μ_0 = L/2415, i.e., our function F_2 can be chosen as F_2 (x) = ( L 1_x < 0 + L/24151_x ≥ 0) x^2/2. Note that since κ≥ 2415 is equivalent to L/2415≥μ, we have F_2(x) ∈(L, L/2415, 0, ν) ⊆(L, μ, 0, ν). From here we focus on unrolling the per-epoch inequalities over all k, and hence we put the superscripts k back in our notation. If the starting point of an epoch satisfies 𝔼 [x_0^k] ≥ην n^1/2/27000, then we can easily observe that 𝔼[ x_0^k+1] = 𝔼[ x_n^k] ≥( 1 - 3/4η L n ) 𝔼 [x_0^k] + η^2 L ν n^3/2/36000 ≥( 1 - 3/4η L n ) ·ην n^1/2/27000 + η^2 L ν n^3/2/36000 = ην n^1/2/27000. Therefore, if we set x_0^1 ≥ην n^1/2/27000 then the final iterate must also maintain 𝔼 [x_n^K] ≥ην n^1/2/27000. Using η≥1/μ n K and Jensen's inequality, we can finally conclude that 𝔼[ F_2 ( x_n^K) ] ≥L/2 · 2415𝔼[ (x_n^K)^2 ] ≥L/4830𝔼[ x_n^K]^2 ≥L/4830·( ην n^1/2/27000)^2 ≥L/4830·( 1/27000·ν/μ n^1/2 K)^2 = Ω( L ν^2/μ^2 n K^2). §.§ temp Here we show that there exists F_3 (x) ∈ (L, μ, 0, ν) such that with x_0 = 0 satisfies 𝔼[ F_3 (x_n^K) - F_3^* ] = Ω( ν^2/μ n K). Let us define the function h_+1, h_-1 as follows. h_+1 (x) = Lx^2/2 + ν x, h_-1 (x) = Lx^2/2 - ν x We define F_3 (x) ∈ (L, L, 0, ν) by the following components: f_i (x) = h_s_i^k (x) = Lx^2/2 + ν s_i^k x such that the finite-sum objective can be written for some s ∈_n as: F_3 (x) = 1/n∑_i=1^n f_s_i(x) = L x^2/2. Note that (L, L, 0, ν) ⊆ (L, μ, 0, ν) and F_3^* = 0 at x^* = 0 by definition. First we focus on a single epoch, and hence we write x_i instead of x_i^k, omitting the superscripts k for a while. Since for i = 1, …, n we have x_i+1 = x_i - η∇ f_i (x_i) = x_i - η (L x_i-1 + s_i ν) = (1 - η L) x_i - ην s_i, we can sum up the iterates to obtain x_n = (1 - η L) x_n-1 - ην s_n = (1 - η L) ( (1 - η L) x_n-2 - ην s_n-1) - ην s_n ⋮ = (1 - η L)^n x_0 - ην∑_i=1^n (1 - η L)^n-i s_i. Now we can square both terms and take expectations over s ∈_n to obtain [x_n^2] = [ ( (1 - η L)^n x_0 - ην∑_i=1^n (1 - η L)^n-i s_i)^2 ] = (1 - η L)^2n x_0^2 - 2 (1 - η L)^n x_0ν[ ∑_i=1^n (1 - η L)^n-i s_i] + η^2 ν^2 [ ( ∑_i=1^n (1 - η L)^n-i s_i)^2 ] = (1 - η L)^2n x_0^2 + η^2 ν^2 [ ( ∑_i=1^n (1 - η L)^n-i s_i)^2 ], where the middle term is eliminated since [s_i] = 0 for all i. By Lemma 1 of <cit.>, we can bound [ ( ∑_i=1^n (1 - η L)^n-i s_i)^2 ] ≥ c ·min{ 1 + 1/η L, η^2 L^2 n^3 } for some universal constant c > 0. Since η≥1/161 L n, we can further lower bound the RHS by c'/η L for some univseral constant c' > 0. Then we have [x_n^2] = (1 - η L)^2n x_0^2 + η^2 ν^2 [ ( ∑_i=1^n (1 - η L)^n-i s_i )^2 ] ≥ (1 - η L)^2n x_0^2 + c' ην^2/L. From here we focus on unrolling the per-epoch inequalities over all k, and hence we put the k's back in our notations. Unrolling the inequalities, we obtain [(x_n^K)^2] ≥ (1 - η L)^2n [(x_n^K-1)^2] + c' ην^2/L ⋮ ≥ (1 - η L)^2nK (x_0^1)^2 + c' ην^2/L∑_k=0^K-1 (1 - η L)^2nk≥ c' ην^2/L, where we used x^1_0 = 0. Finally, from η≥1/μ n K we can conclude that [F_3 (x_n^K)] = L/2 [(x_n^K)^2] ≥c'/2ην^2 ≥c'/2ν^2/μ n K. §.§ temp In this subsection, we will prove the lemmas used in <ref>. §.§.§ temp * From here, we use the following definition throughout the proof for notational simplicity. Given a permutation of signs s = { s_i }_i=1^n∈_n, let us denote the partial sums as _i ≜∑_j=1^i s_j. For i=0, the statement is trivial since x_0 ≥ 0 and L/μ_0≥ 2415 implies [ (L 1_x_0 < 0 + μ_0 1_x_0 ≥ 0) x_0 ] = μ_0 x_0 ≤1/2415 Lx_0 ≤2/3 Lx_0. Hence we may assume that 1 ≤ i ≤⌊n/2⌋. First observe that [ . (L 1_x_i < 0 + μ_0 1_x_i ≥ 0) x_i | _i > 0 ] ≤ L [ . x_i | _i > 0 ], [ . (L 1_x_i < 0 + μ_0 1_x_i ≥ 0) x_i | _i ≤ 0 ] ≤μ_0 [ . x_i | _i ≤ 0 ], since (L 1_x <0 + μ_0 1_x ≥ 0) ≤ Lx and (L 1_x <0 + μ_0 1_x ≥ 0) ≤μ_0 x for all x ∈. By law of total expectations, we have [ (L 1_x_i < 0 + μ_0 1_x_i ≥ 0) x_i ] ≤ L (_i > 0) [ . x_i | _i > 0 ] + μ_0 (_i ≤ 0) [ . x_i | _i ≤ 0 ]. First we bound [ . x_i | _i > 0 ] for the former term. We can show that [ . x_i | _i > 0 ] = [ . x_0 - η·∑_j=0^i-1( ( L 1_x_j < 0 + μ_0 1_x_j ≥ 0) x_j + ν s_i+1) | _i > 0 ] = [ . x_0 - η·∑_j=0^i-1( L 1_x_j < 0 + μ_0 1_x_j ≥ 0) (x_0 + (x_j - x_0)) - ην_i | _i > 0 ] = x_0 [ . 1 - η·∑_j=0^i-1( L 1_x_j < 0 + μ_0 1_x_j ≥ 0) | _i > 0 ] = - η[ . ∑_j=0^i-1( L 1_x_j < 0 + μ_0 1_x_j ≥ 0) (x_j - x_0) | _i > 0 ] - ην[ . _i | _i > 0 ] ≤ x_0 [ . 1 - η·∑_j=0^i-1( L 1_x_j < 0 + μ_0 1_x_j ≥ 0) | _i > 0 ] = + η L ∑_j=0^i-1[ . | x_j - x_0 | | _i > 0 ] - ην[ . _i | _i > 0 ]. Now we use the following lemmas. newlemmalemfour If n ≥ 2 is an even number and 0 ≤ i ≤n/2, then √(i)/10≤[ | _i | ] ≤√(i). [<cit.>, Lemma 14] For all 0 ≤ i ≤ n, we have (_i > 0) = (_i < 0) ≥1/6. We defer the proof of <ref> to <ref>. Observe that the probability distribution of each _i is symmetric by our definition of _n. Therefore we have [ | _i | ] = P(_i > 0) [ | _i | | _i > 0 ] + P(_i = 0) [ | _i | | _i = 0 ] + P(_i < 0) [ | _i | | _i < 0 ] = P(_i > 0) [ _i | _i > 0 ] + P(_i < 0) [ - _i | _i < 0 ] = 2 P(_i > 0) [ _i | _i > 0 ]. Using Lemmas <ref> and <ref>, we can obtain √(i)/20≤[ | _i | ]/2≤[ _i | _i > 0 ] = [ | _i | ]/2 P(_i > 0)≤ 3 [ | _i | ] ≤ 3 √(i). We also use the following lemma, which is a simple application of Lemmas <ref> and <ref>. newlemmalemfive Suppose that x_0 ≥ 0, 0 ≤ i ≤ n, and η≤1/161 L n. Then we have [ | x_i - x_0 | ] ≤161/160( η L i x_0 + ην√(i)). We defer the proof of <ref> to <ref>. Now we bound the three terms of <ref> one by one. The first term can be bounded simply as x_0 [ . 1 - η·∑_j=0^i-1( L 1_x_j < 0 + μ_0 1_x_j ≥ 0) | _i > 0 ] ≤ (1 - ημ_0 i) x_0. For the second term of <ref>, we use <ref> to obtain [ . | x_i - x_0 | | _i > 0 ] ≤[ | x_i - x_0 | ]/(_i > 0)≤ 6 [ | x_i - x_0 | ], and then use <ref> to obtain η L ∑_j=0^i-1[ . | x_j - x_0 | | _i > 0 ] ≤ 6 η L ∑_j=0^i-1[ | x_j - x_0 | ] ≤ 6 η L ·161/160∑_j=0^i-1( η L j x_0 + ην√(j)) = 483/80( η^2 L^2 x_0 ∑_j=0^i-1 j + η^2 L ν∑_j=0^i-1√(j)) ≤483/80( η^2 L^2 x_0 ·1/2 i^2 + η^2 L ν·2/3 i^3/2) ≤483/160η^2 L^2 i^2 x_0 + 161/40η^2 L ν i^3/2. The last term of <ref> can be bounded using <ref> as - ην[ . _i | _i > 0 ] ≤ - ην√(i)/20. From Equations (<ref>)-(<ref>), we have [ . x_i | _i > 0 ] ≤ (1 - ημ_0 i) x_0 + 483/160η^2 L^2 i^2 x_0 + 161/40η^2 L ν i^3/2 - ην√(i)/20 = ( 1 - ημ_0 i + 483/160η^2 L^2 i^2 ) x_0 - ( 1/20 - 161/40η L i ) ην√(i) ≤( 1 + 3/160 · 161) x_0 - ην√(i)/40 , where the last inequality comes from η L i ≤η L n ≤1/161. Next we bound [ . x_i | _i ≤ 0 ] for the former term. We can show that [ . x_i | _i ≤ 0 ] ≤ x_0 + [ . | x_i - x_0 | | _i ≤ 0 ] ≤ x_0 + [ | x_i - x_0 | ]/(_i ≤ 0) ≤ x_0 + 6 [ | x_i - x_0 | ] (∵<ref>) ≤ x_0 + 6 ·161/160( η L i x_0 + ην√(i)) (∵<ref>) = ( 1 + 483/80η L i ) x_0 + 483/80ην√(i) = ( 1 + 3/80) x_0 + 483/80ην√(i), where the last inequality comes from η L i ≤η L n ≤1/161. Plugging in Equations (<ref>) and (<ref>) in (<ref>), we have [ (L 1_x_i < 0 + μ_0 1_x_i ≥ 0) x_i ] ≤ L (_i > 0) [ . x_i | _i > 0 ] + μ_0 (_i ≤ 0) [ . x_i | _i ≤ 0 ] ≤ L (_i > 0) ( ( 1 + 3/160 · 161) x_0 - ην√(i)/40) ≤ + μ_0 (_i ≤ 0) ( ( 1 + 3/80) x_0 + 483/80ην√(i)) = ( L (_i > 0) ( 1 + 3/160 · 161) + μ_0 (_i ≤ 0) ( 1 + 3/80) ) x_0 ≤ - ( L (_i > 0) ·1/40 - μ_0 (_i ≤ 0) ·483/80) ην√(i). Since (_i > 0) = 1 - (_i = 0)/2≤1/2 by symmetry and (_i ≤ 0) = 1 - (_i > 0) ≤5/6 by <ref>, we have L (_i > 0) ( 1 + 3/160 · 161) + μ_0 (_i ≤ 0) ( 1 + 3/80) ≤( 1/2( 1 + 3/160 · 161) + 5/6·1/2415·83/80) L ≤2/3L, where we use η L i ≤1/161, L/μ≥ 2415, and 1/2( 1 + 3/160 · 161) + 5/6·1/2415·83/80≤2/3. Also, by <ref> we have L (_i > 0) ·1/40 - μ_0 (_i ≤ 0) ·483/80 ≥( 1/61/40 - 5/6·1/2415·483/80) L = 1/480L, where we use η L i ≤1/161 and L/μ≥ 2415. Therefore we have [ (L 1_x_i < 0 + μ_0 1_x_i ≥ 0) x_i ] ≤2/3 Lx_0 - η L ν/480√(i). §.§.§ temp * Since η≤1/161 L n, we can easily prove using <ref> as follows. [ (L 1_x_i < 0 + μ_0 1_x_i ≥ 0) x_i ] ≤μ[ μ_0 x_i ] ≤μ_0 x_0 + μ_0 [ | x_i - x_0 | ] ≤μ_0 x_0 + μ_0 161/160( η L i x_0 + ην√(i)) ≤( 1 + 161/160 i η L ) μ_0 x_0 + 161/160ημ_0 ν√(i). §.§.§ temp * We divide the proof into three parts. In the first part we compare iterates to the case of using a quadratic function instead, sharing the same permutation. In the second part we assume x_0 < 0 and use Part 1 to prove the first result of the statement. In the third part we assume x_0 ≥ 0 and use Part 1 to prove the second result of the statement Part 1. For comparison, we define and use the same function used in <ref>: h_+1 (x) = Lx^2/2 + ν x, h_-1 (x) = Lx^2/2 - ν x, h_i (x) = h_s_i (x) = Lx^2/2 + ν s_i x such that the finite-sum objective can be written for some s ∈_n as: H (x) = 1/n∑_i=1^n h_s_i(x) = L x^2/2. Now let us think of run on the two functions F_2(x) and H(x), where both of the algorithms start from the same point x_0 and both share the same random permutation for all epochs. Let x_i, F and x_i, H be the output of the i-th iterate for on F_2(x) and H(x), respectively. Now we use mathematical induction on i to prove that x_i, F≥ x_i, H. Note that this statement holds for all cases, either x_0 ≥ 0 or x_0 < 0. Base case. For i = 0, we have x_0, F = x_0, H = x_0. Inductive Case. We assume x_i, F≥ x_i, H and divide into the following cases. Note that η≤1/161 L n implies 1 - ημ≥ 1 - η L ≥ 1 - 1/161 n≥ 0. * If x_i, F≥ x_i, H≥ 0, then we have x_i+1, F - x_i+1, H = x_i, F - x_i, H - η( ∇ F_2 (x_i, F) - ∇ H (x_i, H) ) = x_i, F - x_i, H - η( μ x_i, F + ν s_i - L x_i, H - ν s_i ) = (1 - ημ) x_i, F - (1 - η L) x_i, H≥ 0, since x_i, F≥ x_i, H≥ 0 and 1 - ημ≥ 1 - η L ≥ 0. * If x_i, F≥ 0 ≥ x_i, H, then we have x_i+1, F - x_i+1, H = x_i, F - x_i, H - η( ∇ F_2 (x_i, F) - ∇ H (x_i, H) ) = x_i, F - x_i, H - η( μ x_i, F + ν s_i - L x_i, H - ν s_i ) = (1 - ημ) x_i, F - (1 - η L) x_i, H≥ 0, since (1 - ημ) x_i, F≥ 0 and (1 - η L) x_i, H≤ 0. * If 0 ≥ x_i, F≥ x_i, H, then we have x_i+1, F - x_i+1, H = x_i, F - x_i, H - η( ∇ F_2 (x_i, F) - ∇ H (x_i, H) ) = x_i, F - x_i, H - η( L x_i, F + ν s_i - L x_i, H - ν s_i ) = (1 - η L) x_i, F - (1 - η L) x_i, H≥ 0. Hence by induction we have x_i, F≥ x_i, H for all i. From the above, we can observe that [x_n, F] ≥ [x_n, H] = (1 - η L)^n x_0. Part 2. For the next step, let us assume x_0 < 0. Suppose that we define φ(z) = 1 - 160/161 nz - (1 - z)^n. Then for z ∈ [0, 1 - (160/161)^1/n-1], we have φ'(z) = n ((1 - z)^n-1 - 160/161) ≥ 0 and hence φ(z) ≥φ(0) = 0. Also, we can observe that for n ≥ 2: ( 1 - 1/161(n-1))^n-1≥ 1 - 1/161 ⇒ 1 - ( 160/161)^1/n-1≥1/161 (n-1)≥1/161 n, which implies that η L ≤1/161 n≤ 1 - ( 160/161)^1/n-1. Hence we have φ(η L) ≥ 0, or (1 - η L)^n ≤ 1 - 160/161η L n, and for x_0 < 0 we have [x_n, H] = (1 - η L)^n x_0 ≥( 1 - 160/161η L n ) x_0. Applying Part 1, we can conclude that [x_n, F] ≥ [x_n, H] ≥( 1 - 160/161η L n ) x_0. Part 3. Now suppose that we initialize x_0 ≥ 0. For H(x) and some given permutation s ∈_n, we have x_n, H = (1 - η L)^n x_0 - ην∑_i=1^n (1 - η L)^n-i s_i. Now let us think of pairing two permutations s, s' ∈_n which satisfy s_i = -s_i' for all i. By definition, the set _n can be exactly partitioned into 1/2nn/2 disjoint pairs. Let us temporarily denote the final iterates obtained by choosing the permutations s and s' by x_n, H^s and x_n, H^s', respectively. Then we can observe that 1/2 (x_n, H^s + x_n, H^s') = (1 - η L)^n x_0 - ην∑_i=1^n (1 - η L)^n-i·( s_i + s_i'/2) = (1 - η L)^n x_0, which means that each pair of outcomes will be symmetric with respect to (1 - η L)^n x_0. Hence the whole probability distribution of (1 - η L)^-n x_n, H will stay symmetric with respect to the initial point x_0. Considering outputs after multiple epochs, we can sequentially apply the same logic to prove that the distribution of (1 - η L)^-nk x_n, H^k will always stay symmetric with respect to x_0^1 for all k. In other words, for each k, the distribution of outputs x_n, H^k conditioned only on the first epoch x_0^1 will be symmetric with respect to (1 - η L)^nk x_0 ≥ 0. This automatically implies that we must have (x_n, H^k ≥ 0) ≥(x_n, H^k ≥ (1 - η L)^nk x_0) ≥1/2 for any starting point x_0^1 ≥ 0. Finally, since Part 1 ensures x_n, F^k ≥ x_n, H^k, we can conclude that (x_n, F^k ≥ 0) ≥(x_n, H^k ≥ 0) ≥1/2. §.§.§ temp * From x_i+1 = x_i - η( (L 1_x_i < 0 + μ_0 1_x_i ≥ 0) x_i + νσ_i), we have for all i = 1, …, n: [ | x_i - x_0 | ] = [ | - η·∑_j=0^i-1( ( L 1_x_j < 0 + μ_0 1_x_j ≥ 0) x_j + ν s_i+1) | ] ≤η∑_j=0^i-1[ | ( L 1_x_j < 0 + μ_0 1_x_j ≥ 0) x_j | ] + ην[ | ∑_j=1^iσ_j | ] ≤η L ∑_j=0^i-1[ | x_j | ] + ην[ | _i | ] ≤η L i x_0 + η L ∑_j=0^i-1[ | x_j - x_0| ] + ην√(i). (∵<ref>) Now let us think of a sequence h(i) defined by h(0) = 0 and recursively as h(i) = η L i x_0 + η L ∑_j=0^i-1 h(j) + ην√(i), for i = 1, …, n. Then obviously h(i) monotonically increases since h(i) - h(i-1) = η L x_0 + η L h(i-1) + ην (√(i) - √(i-1)) > 0. We can plug in h(j) ≤ h(i) for all j = 0, …, i-1 to obtain h(i) ≤η L i x_0 + η L i h(i) + ην√(i), and hence h(i) ≤η L i x_0 + ην√(i)/1 - η L i. Also, by induction we have [ | x_i - x_0 | ] ≤ h(i), since the sequence [ | x_i - x_0 | ] satisfies a recurrence of the same form but with an inequality. Hence, from η L i ≤η L n ≤1/161 we get [ | x_i - x_0 | ] ≤η L i x_0 + ην√(i)/1 - η L i≤1/1 - η L n( η L i x_0 + ην√(i)) ≤161/160( η L i x_0 + ην√(i)). §.§.§ temp * We assume i ≥ 1, since the statement is vacuously true for i = 0. For the upper bound, we use [ | _i | ] ≤√(i) as in Lemma 12 of <cit.>. For the lower bound, we start from the following equation in Lemma 12 of <cit.>. [ | _i+1| ] = ( 1 - 1/n - i) [ | _i | ] + (s_i = 0), where we can explicitly compute for i = 1, …, n/2: (s_i = 0) = 1_i is evenii/2n-in-i/2/nn/2, i.e., s_i = 0 is possible if and only if i is even. We also use the following lemma. newlemmalemmortici For even, positive integers n, i with n ≥ 4 and 2 ≤ i ≤⌊n/2⌋, we have ii/2n-in-i/2/nn/2≥2/5√(i). See <ref> for a detailed proof of <ref>. First suppose that i ≥ 2 is an even integer. Then since i ≤n/2, we have [ | _i| ] = ( 1 - 1/n - i + 1) [ | _i-1| ] + (s_i-1 = 0) ≥( 1 - 2/n) [ | _i-1| ] + 1_i-1 is even2/5√(i-1) = ( 1 - 2/n) [ | _i-1| ] ≥( 1 - 2/n) ( ( 1 - 2/n) [ | _i-2| ] + 1_i-2 is even2/5√(i-2)) = ( 1 - 2/n)^2 [ | _i-2| ] + ( 1 - 2/n) 2/5√(i-2) ≥( 1 - 2/n)^2 [ | _i-2| ] + ( 1 - 2/n) 2/5√(i). We can also explicitly compute [ | _2| ] = 2 ·2 ·n-2n/2/nn/2 = 4 · (n-2)! (n/2)! (n/2)!/(n/2)! (n/2 - 2)! n! = 4 (n/2) (n/2 - 1)/n (n-1) = n-1/n-2 = 1 - 1/n-1≥ 1 - 2/n , from the fact that _2 = ± 2 occurs for n-2n/2 cases among a total of nn/2, and _2 = 0 otherwise. Unrolling the inequalities in (<ref>) (while maintaining the 1/√(i) term), we have [ | _i| ] ≥( 1 - 2/n)^2 [ | _i-2| ] + ( 1 - 2/n) 2/5√(i) ⋮ ≥( 1 - 2/n)^i-2[ | _2| ] + ( 1 - 2/n) ( ∑_p=0^i/2 - 2 ( 1 - 2/n)^2p) 2/5√(i) ≥( 1 - 2/n)^i-1 + ( 1 - 2/n) ( ∑_p=0^i/2 - 2 ( 1 - 2/n)^2p) 2/5√(i) (∵<ref>) ≥( 1 - 2/n) ( ∑_p=0^i/2 - 1 ( 1 - 2/n)^2p) 2/5√(i) = ( 1 - 2/n) ·1 - ( 1 - 2/n)^i/1 - ( 1 - 2/n)^2·2/5√(i) = ( 1 - 2/n) ·1/4/n - 4/n^2·( 1 - ( 1 - 2/n)^i) ·2/5√(i) ≥ 1 ·n/4·( 1 - 1/1 + 2i/n) ·2/5√(i) = n/4·2i/n + 2i·2/5√(i) = n/n + 2i·√(i)/5≥√(i)/10. In (<ref>) we use (1 - x)^r ≤1/1 + r x for all 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 and r ≥ 0. Note that we have to deal with the last iterate separately since <ref> applies only for i ≥ 2. Now suppose that i ≥ 1 is an odd integer. Then we have [ | _i+1| ] = ( 1 - 1/n - i) [ | _i| ] + 1_i is evenii/2n-in-i/2/nn/2 = ( 1 - 1/n - i) [ | _i| ] (∵ i is odd) and since i+1 is even, we can use the previous result as [ | _i| ] = n-i/n-i-1[ | _i+1| ] ≥n-i/n-i-1√(i+1)/10. Finally, since we have 2i + 1 ≤ n and (n-i)^2 (i+1) - (n-i-1)^2 i = (n-i)^2 + (2n - 2i - 1)i ≥ 0 implies n-i/n-i-1≥√(i)/√(i+1), we can conclude that [ | _i| ] ≥n-i/n-i-1√(i+1)/10≥√(i)/10. §.§.§ temp * From Theorem 1 of <cit.>, for all n ≥ 1 we have the expression n! = √(π(2n + α_n))·n^n/e^n, for some value 0.333 ≤α_n ≤ 0.354. Since i/2≥ 1, we have ii/2 = i!/((i/2)!)^2 = i^i/e^i·e^i/(i/2)^i√(π(2i + α_i))/π(i + α_i/2) = 2^i ·√((2i + α_i))/√(π)(i + α_i/2). Then we can compute ii/2n-in-i/2/nn/2 = √((2i + α_i))/√(π)(i + α_i/2)√((2(n-i) + α_n-i))/√(π)(n-i + α_(n-i)/2)√(π)(n + α_n/2)/√((2n + α_n)) = 1/√(π)√((2i + α_i))/(i + α_i/2)√((2(n-i) + α_n-i))/(n-i + α_(n-i)/2)(n + α_n/2)/√((2n + α_n)) ≥1/√(π)√((2i + 0.33))/(i + 0.354)√((2(n-i) + 0.33))/(n-i + 0.354)(n + 0.33)/√((2n + 0.354)) ≥1/√(π)√(2i)/1.354 i√((2(n-i)))/1.354(n-i)n/√(2.354n) = 2/1.354^2 √(2.354 π)√(n)/√(i(n-i)) ≥2/1.354^2 √(2.354 π)1/√(i)≥2/5 √(i), where 2/1.354^2 √(2.354 π) = 0.401157 …≥ 0.4 = 2/5. § TEMP Here we prove <ref>, restated below for the sake of readability. * We prove the theorem statement for constants c_1 = 2415 and c_2 = 161. Similarly as in <ref>, we use different objective functions for two step-size regimes and aggregate the functions to obtain the final lower bound. Here we also assume n is even, where we can easily extend to odd n's by the same reasoning as in <ref>. Here we prove the following lower bounds for each regime. Here F_j^* is the minimizer of F_j for j = 1, 2. * If η∈( 0, 1/μ n K), there exists a 1-dimensional objective function F_1 (x) ∈ (L, μ, 0, ν) such that with initialization x_0 = D satisfies 𝔼[ F_1 (x̂) - F_1^* ] = Ω( μ D^2 ). * If η∈[ 1/μ n K, 1/161 L n], there exists a 1-dimensional objective function F_2 (x) ∈ (L, μ, 0, ν) such that with initialization x_0 = Θ (ην n^1/2) satisfies 𝔼[ F_2 (x̂) - F_2^* ] = Ω( L ν^2/μ^2 n K^2). Now we define the 2-dimensional function F(x, y) = F_1(x) + F_2(y), where F_1 and F_2 are chosen to satisfy the above lower bounds for ν replaced by ν/√(2). Following the analyses in <ref>, from F_1, F_2, ∈ (L, μ, 0, ν/√(2)) (by construction) we have F ∈ (L, μ, 0, ν). Now suppose that we set D = ν/μ and initialize at the point ( ν/μ, ην n^1/2/27000). If K ≥ 161 κ, then since 1/μ n K≤1/161 L n we can use the lower bound for F_2(y). The lower bound for this case becomes [ F (x̂, ŷ) ] = Ω( min{ν^2/μ, L ν^2/μ^2 n K^2}) = Ω( L ν^2/μ^2 n K^2). If K < 161 κ, then we cannot use the lower bound for F_2(y), and the lower bound for this case just becomes [ F (x̂, ŷ) ] = Ω( ν^2/μ), which completes the proof. §.§ temp Here we show that there exists F_1 (x) ∈ (L, μ, 0, ν) such that with x_0 = D satisfies 𝔼[ F_1 (x_n^K) - F_1^* ] = Ω( μ D^2 ). We define the same F_1 (x) ∈ (μ, μ, 0, 0) as in <ref> by the following components. f_i (x) = F_1(x) = μ x^2/2 Note that (μ, μ, 0, 0) ⊆ (L, μ, 0, ν) and F_1^* = 0 at x^* = 0 by definition. We start from <ref> in <ref>, which gives x_0^k+1 = (1 - ημ)^nk· D ≥( 1 - 1/nK)^nK· D ≥D/4 for all k. Then for any weighted average x̂ we have x̂ = ∑_k=1^K+1α_k x_0^k/∑_k=1^K+1α_k≥∑_k=1^K+1α_k D/4/∑_k=1^K+1α_k = D/4 and therefore F_1 (x̂) ≥μ/2( D/4)^2 = μ D^2/32, which concludes that 𝔼[ F_1 (x̂) ] = F_1 (x̂) = Ω( μ D^2 ). §.§ temp Here we show that there exists F_2 (x) ∈ (L, μ, 0, ν) such that with x_0 = Θ (ην n^1/2) satisfies 𝔼[ F_2 (x_n^K) - F_2^* ] = Ω( L ν^2/μ^2 n K^2). We define the F_2 (x) ∈ (L, μ, 0, ν) as in <ref> by the following components: f_+1 (x) = g_s_i^k (x) = ( L 1_x < 0 + μ_0 1_x ≥ 0) x^2/2 + ν s_i^k x for some μ_0 > 0, such that F_2 (x) = 1/n∑_i=1^n f_i(x) = ( L 1_x < 0 + μ_0 1_x ≥ 0) x^2/2. Note that F_2^* = 0 at x^* = 0 by definition. We start from equation <ref> in <ref>, which gives 𝔼[ x_0^k+1] = 𝔼[ x_n^k] ≥( 1 - 3/4η L n ) ·ην n^1/2/27000 + η^2 L ν n^3/2/36000 = ην n^1/2/27000 for all k. If we set x_0≥ην n^1/2/27000 then all end-of-epoch iterates must maintain 𝔼 [x_n^k] ≥ην n^1/2/27000. This implies that for any weighted average x̂ we have 𝔼 [x̂] = [ ∑_k=1^K+1α_k x_0^k/∑_k=1^K+1α_k] = ∑_k=1^K+1α_k [ x_0^k ]/∑_k=1^K+1α_k≥∑_k=1^K+1α_k ην n^1/2/27000/∑_k=1^K+1α_k = ην n^1/2/27000. Finally, using η≥1/μ n K and Jensen's inequality we have 𝔼[ F_2 ( x̂) ] ≥L/2 · 2415𝔼[ x̂^2 ] ≥L/4830𝔼[ x̂]^2 ≥L/4830·( ην n^1/2/27000)^2 ≥L/4830·( 1/27000·ν/μ n^1/2 K)^2 = Ω( L ν^2/μ^2 n K^2). §.§ temp Here we prove <ref>, restated below for the sake of readability. * Suppose that c_1, c_2 are the same constants as in <ref>, and let c_3 = max{ c_1^3/2, c_2^3 }. We start from the proof of <ref> in <ref>, except that we view _0^1 - ^* = D as a separate constant instead of setting D = ν/μ. Then, if μ > 0 satisfies κ≥ c_1 and K ≥ c_2 κ, there exists some F_μ∈(L, μ, 0, ν) satisfying [ F_μ () - F_μ^* ] = Ω( min{μ D^2, L ν^2/μ^2 n K^2}). Here we can let μ = L^1/3ν^2/3/D^2/3 n^1/3 K^2/3 and F = F_μ to obtain [ F() ] = Ω( L^1/3ν^2/3 D^4/3/n^1/3 K^2/3). Also, we can check that K ≥ c_3 ν/L D n^1/2 implies κ = L^2/3 D^2/3 n^1/3 K^2/3/ν^2/3≥ c_3^2/3≥ c_1 and K ≥ c_3 L^2 D^2 n/ν^2 implies K ≥ c_3^1/3L^2/3 D^2/3 n^1/3 K^2/3/ν^2/3 = c_3^1/3κ≥ c_2 κ. Finally we have F ∈(L, μ, 0, ν) ⊆(L, 0, 0, ν) for all μ > 0, which completes the proof. § TEMP Here we prove <ref>, restated below for the sake of readability. * We start from the following lemma from <cit.>. [<cit.>, Lemma 3] Assume that functions f_1, …, f_n are convex and F, f_1, …, f_n are L-smooth. Then with step size η≤1/√(2) L n satisfies [ _0^k+1 - ^* ^2 ] ≤[ _0^k - ^* ^2 ] - 2 η n [ F (_0^k+1) - F(^*) ] + 1/2η^3 L ν^2 n^2. Note that the assumptions in <ref> of (L, μ, 0, ν) includes all the required conditions above, plus an additional condition that F is μ-strongly convex. From this additional condition, for all k we have [ F (_0^k+1) - F (^*) ] ≥μ/2[ _0^k+1 - ^* ^2 ]. Now we apply (<ref>) to only exactly half of the term involving [ F (_0^k+1) - F (^*) ] to obtain ( 1 + ημ n/2) [ _0^k+1 - ^* ^2 ] ≤[ _0^k - ^* ^2 ] - η n [ F (_0^k+1) -F (^*) ] + 1/2η^3 L ν^2 n^2. Since 0 ≤ημ n ≤η L n ≤1/√(2)≤ 1 implies 1/1 + ημ n/2≤ 1 - ημ n/3 and 2/3≤1/1 + ημ n/2≤ 1, we obtain [ _0^k+1 - ^* ^2 ] ≤1/1 + ημ n/2( [ _0^k - ^* ^2 ] - η n [ F (_0^k+1) -F (^*) ] + 1/2η^3 L ν^2 n^2 ) ≤( 1 - ημ n/3) [ _0^k - ^* ^2 ] - 2/3η n [ F (_0^k+1) -F (^*) ] + 1/2η^3 L ν^2 n^2. We derive two different types of weaker inequalities from (<ref>), as: [ _0^k+1 - ^* ^2 ] ≤( 1 - ημ n/3) [ _0^k - ^* ^2 ] + 1/2η^3 L ν^2 n^2, [ _0^k+1 - ^* ^2 ] ≤[ _0^k - ^* ^2 ] - 2/3η n [ F (_0^k+1) - F (^*) ] + 1/2η^3 L ν^2 n^2. From (<ref>), we can unroll the inequality to obtain [ _0^k+1 - ^* ^2 ] ≤( 1 - ημ n/3)^k [ _0^1 - ^* ^2 ] + 1/2η^3 L ν^2 n^2 ∑_j=0^K-1( 1 - ημ n/3)^j ≤( 1 - ημ n/3)^k [ _0^1 - ^* ^2 ] + 1/2η^3 L ν^2 n^2∑_j=0^∞( 1 - ημ n/3)^j = ( 1 - ημ n/3)^k [ _0^1 - ^* ^2 ] + 1/2η^3 L ν^2 n^2 1/1 - ( 1 - ημ n/3) = ( 1 - ημ n/3)^k D^2 + 3/2·η^2 L ν^2 n/μ (D := _0^1 - ^* ) ≤ e^- 1/3ημ n k D^2 + 3/2·η^2 L ν^2 n/μ which holds for all k. From (<ref>), we can rearrange terms as η n [ F (_0^k+1) - F (^*) ] ≤3/2[ _0^k - ^* ^2 ] - 3/2[ _0^k+1 - ^* ^2 ] + 3/4η^3 L ν^2 n^2 and average the inequality from k = ⌈K/2⌉ to K to obtain ≤η n/K - ⌈K/2⌉ + 1∑_k = ⌈K/2⌉^K[ F (_0^k+1) - F (^*) ] ≤1/K - ⌈K/2⌉ + 1( 3/2[ _0^⌈K/2⌉ - ^* ^2 ] - 3/2[ _0^K+1 - ^* ^2 ] ) + 3/4η^3 L ν^2 n^2 ≤3/2/K - ⌈K/2⌉ + 1[ _0^⌈K/2⌉ - ^* ^2 ] + 3/4η^3 L ν^2 n^2. Therefore we have 𝔼[ F (_tail) - F^* ] = 𝔼[ F ( 1/K - ⌈K/2⌉ + 1∑_k=⌈K/2⌉^K_n^k) - F^* ] = 𝔼[ F ( 1/K - ⌈K/2⌉ + 1∑_k=⌈K/2⌉^K_0^k+1) - F^* ] ≤1/K - ⌈K/2⌉ + 1∑_k=⌈K/2⌉^K[ F (_0^k+1) - F (^*) ] (∵Jensen's inequality) ≤3/2/K - ⌈K/2⌉ + 1·1/η n[ _0^⌈K/2⌉ - ^* ^2 ] + 3/4η^2 L n ν^2 (∵By (<ref>)) ≤3/η n K[ _0^⌈K/2⌉ - ^* ^2 ] + 3/4η^2 L ν^2 n ( ∵⌈K2⌉≤K2 + 1 ) ≤3/η n K( e^- 1/3ημ n ( ⌈K/2⌉ - 1 ) D^2 + 3/2·η^2 L ν^2 n/μ) + 1/2η^2 L ν^2 n ( ∵By (<ref>), for k = ⌈K2⌉) = 3 D^2/η n K e^- 1/3ημ n ( ⌈K/2⌉ - 1 ) + 9/2·η L ν^2/μ K + 1/2η^2 L ν^2 n ≤3D^2/η n K e^- 1/9ημ n K + 9/2·η L ν^2/μ K + 1/2η^2 L ν^2 n. Note that in the last inequality, K ≥ 5 implies ⌈K/2⌉ - 1 ≥K/3. Now we will divide into four possible cases according to how we choose η, and then derive that desired upper bound holds in each case from <ref>. Note that we have max{ 1, log( μ^3 n D^2 K^2/L ν^2) } = 1 if and only if K ≤e^1/2 L^1/2ν/μ^3/2 n^1/2 D, which is again equivalent to μ D^2 ≤e L ν^2/μ^2 n K^2. Case (a) Suppose that η = 1/√(2)Ln≤9/μ n Klog( μ^3 n D^2 K^2/L ν^2), where max{ 1, log( μ^3 n D^2 K^2/L ν^2) } = log( μ^3 n D^2 K^2/L ν^2). From <ref> we have 𝔼[ F (_tail) - F^* ] ≤3D^2/η n K e^- 1/9ημ n K + 9/2·η L ν^2/μ K + 1/2η^2 L ν^2 n ≤3 √(2) L D^2/K e^- 1/9 √(2)K/L / μ + 81/2L ν^2/μ^2 n K^2log( μ^3 n D^2 K^2/L ν^2) + 81/2L ν^2/μ^2 n K^2log^2 ( μ^3 n D^2 K^2/L ν^2) = ( L D^2/K e^- 1/9 √(2)K/L / μ + L ν^2/μ^2 n K^2). Case (b) Suppose that η = 1/√(2)Ln≤9/μ n K, where max{ 1, log( μ^3 n D^2 K^2/L ν^2) } = 1. From <ref> we have 𝔼[ F (_tail) - F^* ] ≤3D^2/η n K e^- 1/9ημ n K + 9/2·η L ν^2/μ K + 1/2η^2 L ν^2 n ≤3 √(2) L D^2/K e^- 1/9 √(2)K/L / μ + 81/2L ν^2/μ^2 n K^2 + 81/2L ν^2/μ^2 n K^2 = ( L D^2/K e^- 1/9 √(2)K/L / μ + L ν^2/μ^2 n K^2). Case (c) Suppose that η = 9/μ n Klog( μ^3 n D^2 K^2/L ν^2) ≤1/√(2)Ln, where max{ 1, log( μ^3 n D^2 K^2/L ν^2) } = log( μ^3 n D^2 K^2/L ν^2). From <ref> we have 𝔼[ F (_tail) - F^* ] ≤3D^2/η n K e^- 1/9ημ n K + 9/2·η L ν^2/μ K + 1/2η^2 L ν^2 n = μ D^2/3 log( μ^3 n D^2 K^2/L ν^2)·L ν^2/μ^3 n D^2 K^2 + 81/2L ν^2/μ^2 n K^2log( μ^3 n D^2 K^2/L ν^2) + 81/2L ν^2/μ^2 n K^2log^2 ( μ^3 n D^2 K^2/L ν^2) = L ν^2/μ^2 n K^2( 1/3 log( μ^3 n D^2 K^2/L ν^2) + 81/2log( μ^3 n D^2 K^2/L ν^2) + 81/2log^2 ( μ^3 n D^2 K^2/L ν^2) ) = ( L ν^2/μ^2 n K^2). Case (d) Suppose that η = 9/μ n K≤1/√(2)Ln, where max{ 1, log( μ^3 n D^2 K^2/L ν^2) } = 1. From <ref> we have 𝔼[ F (_tail) - F^* ] ≤3D^2/η n K e^- 1/9ημ n K + 9/2·η L ν^2/μ K + 1/2η^2 L ν^2 n = μ D^2/3 + 81/2L ν^2/μ^2 n K^2 + 81/2L ν^2/μ^2 n K^2 ≤L ν^2/μ^2 n K^2·( e/3 + 81 ) = ( L ν^2/μ^2 n K^2). Therefore <ref> holds for all cases, which completes the proof. § TEMP Here we prove <ref>, restated below for the sake of readability. * Similarly as in <ref>, we define objective functions for three step-size regimes and aggregate the functions to obtain the final lower bound. Here we also assume n is even, where we can easily extend to odd n's by the same reasoning as in <ref>. We will prove the following lower bounds for each regime. Here F_j^* is the minimizer of F_j for j = 1, 2, 3. * If η∈( 0, 1/μ n K), there exists a 1-dimensional objective function F_1(x) ∈(L,μ,0,ν) such that any permutation-based SGD with initialization x_0^1 = L^1/2ν/μ^3/2 n K satisfies F_1(x̂) - F_1^* = Ω( L ν^2/μ^2 n^2 K^2). * If η∈[ 1/μ n K, 1/L], there exists a 2-dimensional objective function F_2(y, z) ∈L,μ,0,√(2)ν such that any permutation-based SGD with initialization (y_0^1, z_0^1) = ν/2L, 0 satisfies F_2(ŷ, ẑ) - F_2^* = Ω( L ν^2/μ^2 n^2 K^2), where ŷ and ẑ share same weights α_k_k=1^K+1. * If η > 1/L, there exists a 1-dimensional objective function F_3(w) ∈(2L,μ,0,ν) such that any permutation-based SGD with initialization w_0^1 = ν/μ n K satisfies F_3(ŵ) - F_3^* = Ω( L ν^2/μ^2 n^2 K^2). Now we define the 4-dimensional function F() = F(x, y, z, w) = F_1(x) + F_2(y,z) + F_3(w), where F_1, F_2, and F_3 are chosen to satisfy the above lower bounds. Following the analyses in <ref>, we have F ∈ (2L, μ, 0, 2ν), which allows us to directly apply the convergence rates in the lower bounds of F_1, F_2 and F_3 to the aggregated function F. If K ≤κ/n, the second step-size regime becomes invalid. In this case, we define F(x, y, z, w) = F_1(x) + F_1(y) + F_1(z) + F_3(w) ∈ (2L, μ, 0, 2 ν). The final lower bound then becomes the minimum among the lower bounds obtained for the remaining two regimes. Note that we assumed κ≥ 4 and our constructed function is 2L-smooth and μ-strongly convex. Thus, κ≥ 4 is equivalent to μ≤L/2 throughout the proof. Finally, rescaling L and ν will give us the function F ∈ (L, μ, 0, ν) satisfying F() - F^* = ΩL ν^2/μ^2 n^2 K^2. For the following subsections, we prove the lower bounds for F_1, F_2, and F_3 at the corresponding step size regime. §.§ temp Here we show that there exists F_1 (x) ∈ (L, μ, 0, ν) such that any permutation-based SGD with x_0^1 = L^1/2ν/μ^3/2 n K satisfies F_1(x̂) - F_1^* = Ω( L ν^2/μ^2 n^2 K^2). We define F_1 (x) ∈ (μ, μ, 0, 0) by the following components: f_i(x) = μ/2x^2. Note that (μ, μ, 0, 0) ⊆ (L, μ, 0, ν) and F_1^* = 0 at x^* = 0 by definition. In this regime, we will see that the step size is too small so that x_n^k_k=1^K cannot even reach near the optimal point. We start from x_0^1 = L^1/2ν/μ^3/2 n K. Since the gradient of all component functions at point x are identical to μ x, regardless of the permutation-based SGD algorithm we use, we have x_n^k = x_0^1 (1 - ημ)^nk ≥L^1/2ν/μ^3/2 n K(1 - 1/nK)^nk≥L^1/2ν/μ^3/2 n K(1 - 1/nK)^nK (a) > L^1/2ν/μ^3/2 n K1/e(1 - 1/nK) (b)≥L^1/2ν/μ^3/2 n K1/2e. where (a) comes from lmm:thm1_2 and (b) comes from the assumption that n ≥ 2. Therefore, we have x̂ = ΩL^1/2ν/μ^3/2 n K for any nonnegative weights α_k_k=1^K+1. With this x̂, we have F_1(x̂) - F_1^* = μ/2x̂^2 = ΩL ν^2/μ^2 n^2 K^2. §.§ temp Here we show that there exists F_2 (y, z) ∈ (L, μ, 0, √(2)ν) such that any permutation-based SGD with (y_0^1, z_0^1) = ν/2L, 0 satisfies F_2(ŷ, ẑ) - F_2^* = Ω( L ν^2/μ^2 n^2K^2). Let us define the function g_+1, g_-1 as follows. g_+1 (x) = ( L 1_x < 0 + L/21_x ≥ 0) x^2/2 + ν x, g_-1 (x) = ( L 1_x < 0 + L/21_x ≥ 0) x^2/2 - ν x. Note that g_+1 and g_-1 are μ-strongly convex since μ≤L/2. We define F_2 (x) ∈ (L, μ, 0, √(2)ν) by the following components: f_i(y, z) = g_+1 (y) + g_-1 (z) if i ≤n/2, g_-1 (y) + g_+1 (z) otherwise. With this construction, the finite-sum objective becomes F_2 (y, z) = 1/n∑_i=1^n f_i(y, z) = ( L 1_y < 0 + L/21_y ≥ 0) y^2/2 + ( L 1_z < 0 + L/21_z ≥ 0) z^2/2. Note that F_2^* = 0 at (y^*, z^*) = (0, 0) by definition. We start at (y_0^1, z_0^1) = ν/2L, 0. We now use the following lemma to find the lower bound of y_n^k + z_n^k_k=1^K that holds for every permutation. newlemmagrabUBalmma Consider the optimization process whose setting is given as <ref>. For any t ≤n/2 - 1 and any k ∈{ 1, ⋯, K}, if y_2t^k + z_2t^k ≥ 0 holds, then y_2t+2^k + z_2t+2^k ≥1 - η L/21 - η Ly_2t^k + z_2t^k + η^2 L ν/2 holds regardless of which functions are used at the (2t+1)-th and the (2t+2)-th iterations of the k-th epoch. Consequently, if y_0^k + z_0^k ≥ην/3 - η L, y_n^k + z_n^k≥ην/3 - η L holds regardless of the permutation σ_k. The proof of the lemma is in <ref>. In our setting, y_0^1 + z_0^1 = ν/2L≥ην/3 - η L since η≤1/L. Thus, we have y_n^k + z_n^k ≥ην/3 - η L for every k ∈ [K]. For ŷ + ẑ, we get ŷ + ẑ = ∑_k=1^K+1α_k _0^k + _0^k/∑_k=1^K+1α_k ≥ην/3 - η L·∑_k=1^K+1α_k/∑_k=1^K+1α_k = ην/3 - η L > ην/3 = Ων/μ n K, and using the inequality 2(a^2 + b^2) ≥ (a + b)^2, F_2(ŷ, ẑ) - F_2(y^*, z^*) = ( L 1_y<0 + L/21_y≥0) ŷ^2/2 + ( L 1_z<0 + L/21_z≥0) ẑ^2/2 ≥L/4ŷ^2 + ẑ^2 ≥L/8(ŷ + ẑ)^2 = Ω(L ν^2/μ^2 n^2K^2). §.§ temp Here we show that there exists F_3 (w) ∈ (2L, μ, 0, ν) such that any permutation-based SGD with w_0^1 = ν/μ n K satisfies F_3(ŵ) - F_3^* = Ω( L ν^2/μ^2 n^2 K^2). We define F_3 (w) ∈ (2L, 2L, 0, 0) by the following components: f_i(w) = Lw^2. Note that (2L, 2L, 0, 0) ⊆ (2L, μ, 0, ν) and F_3^* = 0 at w^* = 0 by definition. In this regime, we will see that the step size is too large so that w_n^k_k=1^K diverges. We start from w_0^1 = ν/μ n K. Since the gradient of all component functions at point w are identical to 2 L w, we have for every k ∈ [K], w_n^k = 1 - 2 η L^nk w_0^1 ≥ 1^nkν/μ n K = Ων/μ n K, where we used the fact that n is even in the second step. Thus, regardless of the permutation-based SGD we use, we have ŵ = Ων/μ n K and F_3(ŵ) - F_3^* = L ŵ^2 = ΩL ν^2/μ^2 n^2 K^2. §.§ temp In this subsection, we will prove the lemmas used in <ref>. * Without loss of generality, assume y_2t^k ≥ z_2t^k. Since we assumed y_2t^k + z_2t^k is nonnegative, y_2t^k ≥ 0 holds. Depending on which function is used at (2t+1)-th iteration of k-th epoch, we consider following two cases: * y_2t+1^k = y_2t^k - η∇ h(y_2t^k) - ν and z_2t+1^k = z_2t^k - η∇ h(z_2t^k) + ν, * y_2t+1^k = y_2t^k - η∇ h(y_2t^k) + ν and z_2t+1^k = z_2t^k - η∇ h(z_2t^k) - ν. Note that y_2t+2^k + z_2t+2^k is independent of which function is used at (2t+2)-iteration of k-th epoch. This is because y_2t+2^k = 1 - ηL 1_y_2t+1^k < 0 + L/21_y_2t+1^k ≥ 0y_2t+1^k ±ην and z_2t+2^k = 1 - ηL 1_z_2t+1^k < 0 + L/21_z_2t+1^k ≥ 0z_2t+1^k ∓ην so that summation of y and z results in the canceling of ην terms. Case (a) For Case (a), y_2t+1^k = (1 - η L/2) y_2t^k + ην > 0 holds since y_2t^k ≥ 0, but the sign of z_2t^k and z_2t+1^k is undetermined. Thereby, we split the cases by the signs of z_2t^k and z_2t+1^k. First, assume z_2t^k < 0 and z_2t+1^k < 0. In this setting, y_2t^k ≥ 0, y_2t+1^k ≥ 0, z_2t^k < 0, z_2t+1^k < 0. Then, y_2t+2^k + z_2t+2^k =(1 - η L/2) y_2t+1^k + (1 - η L) z_2t+1^k =(1 - η L/2) ( (1 - η L/2) y_2t^k + ην) + (1 - η L) ( (1 - η L) z_2t^k - ην) =(1 - η L/2)^2 y_2t^k + (1 - η L)^2 z_2t^k + η^2 L ν/2 =(1 - η L/2)(1 - η L)(y_2t^k + z_2t^k) + η^2 L ν/2 + η L/2( (1 - η L/2)y_2t^k - (1 - η L)z_2t^k ) ≥(1 - η L/2)(1 - η L)(y_2t^k + z_2t^k) + η^2 L ν/2, where the last inequality holds because y_2t^k ≥ 0 and z_2t^k < 0. Next, assume z_2t^k ≥ 0 and z_2t+1^k < 0. In this setting, y_2t^k ≥ 0, y_2t+1^k ≥ 0, z_2t^k ≥ 0, z_2t+1^k < 0. Similarly, y_2t+2^k + z_2t+2^k =(1 - η L/2) y_2t+1^k + (1 - η L) z_2t+1^k =(1 - η L/2) ( (1 - η L/2) y_2t^k + ην) + (1 - η L) ( (1 - η L/2)z_2t^k - ην) =(1 - η L/2)^2 y_2t^k + (1 - η L)(1 - η L/2) z_2t^k + η^2 L ν/2 =(1 - η L/2)(1 - η L)(y_2t^k + z_2t^k) + η^2 L ν/2 + η L/2(1 - η L/2) y_2t^k ≥(1 - η L/2)(1 - η L)(y_2t^k + z_2t^k) + η^2 L ν/2. Finally, assume both z_2t^k ≥ 0 and z_2t+1^k ≥ 0. In this setting, y_2t^k ≥ 0, y_2t+1^k ≥ 0, z_2t^k ≥ 0, z_2t+1^k ≥ 0. Since 0 ≤ z_2t+1^k = (1 - η L/2)z_2t^k - ην, z_2t^k ≥ην/1 - η L / 2 holds. Then, y_2t+2^k + z_2t+2^k =(1 - η L/2) y_2t+1^k + (1 - η L/2) z_2t+1^k =(1 - η L/2) ( (1 - η L/2) y_2t^k + ην) + (1 - η L/2) ( (1 - η L/2) z_2t^k - ην) =(1 - η L/2)^2 y_2t^k + (1 - η L/2)^2 z_2t^k =(1 - η L/2)(1 - η L)(y_2t^k + z_2t^k) + η^2 L ν/2 + η L/2(1 - η L/2) (y_2t^k + z_2t^k) - η^2 L ν/2 ≥(1 - η L/2)(1 - η L)(y_2t^k + z_2t^k) + η^2 L ν/2. In the last inequality, we used the fact that y_2t^k ≥ 0 and z_2t^k ≥η L/1 - η L /2. We don't have to consider the case when z_2t^k < 0 and z_2t+1^k ≥ 0 hold, because z_2t+1^k = (1 - η L)z_2t^k - ην < 0 if z_2t^k < 0. Thus, we have proven the first inequality of the lemma for Case (a). Case (b) For Case (b), we consider three cases depending on the signs of y_2t+1^k and z_2t+1^k. First, assume y_2t+1^k ≥ 0 and z_2t+1^k < 0 hold. In this case, if z_2t^k ≥ 0, then z_2t+1^k = (1 - η L/2)z_2t^k + ην > 0; therefore, z_2t^k < 0 should hold. So in this setting, we have y_2t^k ≥ 0, y_2t+1^k ≥ 0, z_2t^k < 0, and z_2t+1^k < 0. Using this fact, y_2t+2^k + z_2t+2^k =(1 - η L/2) y_2t+1^k + (1 - η L) z_2t+1^k =(1 - η L/2) ( (1 - η L/2) y_2t^k - ην) + (1 - η L) ( (1 - η L) z_2t^k + ην) =(1 - η L/2)^2 y_2t^k + (1 - η L)^2 z_2t^k - η^2 L ν/2 =(1 - η L/2)(1 - η L)(y_2t^k + z_2t^k) + η^2 L ν/2 + η L/2( (1 - η L/2)y_2t^k - (1 - η L)z_2t^k - 2ην) =(1 - η L/2)(1 - η L)(y_2t^k + z_2t^k) + η^2 L ν/2 + η L/2( y_2t+1^k - z_2t+1^k ) ≥(1 - η L/2)(1 - η L)(y_2t^k + z_2t^k) + η^2 L ν/2. Second, assume y_2t+1^k < 0 and z_2t+1^k ≥ 0. If z_2t^k < 0, the setting becomes y_2t^k ≥ 0, y_2t+1^k < 0, z_2t^k < 0, z_2t+1^k ≥ 0 so that y_2t+2^k + z_2t+2^k =(1 - η L) y_2t+1^k + (1 - η L/2) z_2t+1^k =(1 - η L) ( (1 - η L/2) y_2t^k - ην) + (1 - η L/2) ( (1 - η L) z_2t^k + ην) = (1 - η L)(1 - η L/2)(y_2t^k + z_2t^k) + η^2 L ν/2. If z_2t^k ≥ 0, the setting becomes y_2t^k ≥ 0, y_2t+1^k < 0, z_2t^k ≥ 0, z_2t+1^k ≥ 0 so that y_2t+2^k + z_2t+2^k =(1 - η L) y_2t+1^k + (1 - η L/2) z_2t+1^k =(1 - η L) ( (1 - η L/2) y_2t^k - ην) + (1 - η L/2) ( (1 - η L/2) z_2t^k + ην) =(1 - η L)(1 - η L/2)(y_2t^k + z_2t^k) + η^2 L ν/2 + η L/2(1 - η L/2)z_2t^k ≥ (1 - η L)(1 - η L/2)(y_2t^k + z_2t^k) + η^2 L ν/2. Lastly, assume y_2t+1^k ≥ 0 and z_2t+1^k ≥ 0. If z_2t^k < 0, the setting becomes y_2t^k ≥ 0, y_2t+1^k ≥ 0, z_2t^k < 0, z_2t+1^k ≥ 0 so that y_2t+2^k + z_2t+2^k =(1 - η L/2) y_2t+1^k + (1 - η L/2) z_2t+1^k =(1 - η L/2) ( (1 - η L/2) y_2t^k - ην) + (1 - η L/2) ( (1 - η L) z_2t^k + ην) = (1 - η L)(1 - η L/2)(y_2t^k + z_2t^k) + η^2 L ν/2 + η L/2((1 - η L/2)y_2t^k - ην) = (1 - η L)(1 - η L/2)(y_2t^k + z_2t^k) + η^2 L ν/2 + η L/2y_2t+1^k ≥ (1 - η L)(1 - η L/2)(y_2t^k + z_2t^k) + η^2 L ν/2. If z_2t^k ≥ 0, the setting becomes y_2t^k ≥ 0, y_2t+1^k ≥ 0, z_2t^k ≥ 0, z_2t+1^k ≥ 0 so that y_2t+2^k + z_2t+2^k =(1 - η L/2) y_2t+1^k + (1 - η L/2) z_2t+1^k =(1 - η L/2) ( (1 - η L/2) y_2t^k - ην) + (1 - η L/2) ( (1 - η L/2) z_2t^k + ην) = (1 - η L)(1 - η L/2)(y_2t^k + z_2t^k) + η^2 L ν/2+ η L/2((1 - η L/2)(y_2t^k + z_2t^k) - ην) = (1 - η L)(1 - η L/2)(y_2t^k + z_2t^k) + η^2 L ν/2+ η L/2(y_2t+1^k + (1 - η L/2)z_2t^k ) ≥ (1 - η L)(1 - η L/2)(y_2t^k + z_2t^k) + η^2 L ν/2. We do not have to consider the case when y_2t+1^k and z_2t+1^k are both less than 0, because y_2t+1^k + z_2t+1^k ≥ 0 always holds. This can be shown by case analysis on the sign of z_2t^k: if z_2t^k ≥ 0, then y_2t+1^k + z_2t+1^k = (1 - η L/2)y_2t^k - ην + (1 - η L/2)z_2t^k + ην = (1 - η L/2)(y_2t^k + z_2t^k) ≥ 0, and if z_2t^k < 0, then y_2t+1^k + z_2t+1^k = (1 - η L/2)y_2t^k - ην + (1 - η L)z_2t^k + ην = (1 - η L)(y_2t^k + z_2t^k) + η L/2 y_2t^k ≥ 0. Therefore, we have proven the first inequality of the lemma for Case (b). Putting the results of Case (a) and (b) together, we have y_2t+2^k + z_2t+2^k ≥1 - η L/21 - η Ly_2t^k + z_2t^k + η^2 L ν/2 for any t ≤n/2 - 1 and any k ∈{1, ⋯, K}, proving the first part of the lemma. It now remains to prove the second part, namely that y_n^k + z_n^k ≥ην/3 - η L holds if y_0^k + z_0^k ≥ην/3 - η L. From the first part of the lemma, we can see that the updates over a single epoch can be bounded as y_n^k + z_n^k ≥1 - η L/21 - η Ly_n-2^k + z_n-2^k + η^2 L ν/2 ≥⋯ ≥1 - η L/2^n/21 - η L^n/2y_0^k + z_0^k + η^2 L ν/2·∑_i=0^n/2-11 - η L/2^i1 - η L^i = 1 - η L/2^n/21 - η L^n/2y_0^k + z_0^k + η^2 L ν/2·1 - (1 - η L/2)^n/2(1 - η L)^n/2/1 - (1 - η L/2)(1 - η L) = 1 - η L/2^n/21 - η L^n/2y_0^k + z_0^k + ην/3 - η L1 - (1 - η L/2)^n/2(1 - η L)^n/2 = ην/3 - η L + 1 - η L/2^n/21 - η L^n/2y_0^k + z_0^k - ην/3 - η L. This ends the proof of the lemma. For any t ≥ 2, the following inequality holds: 1 - 1/t^t > 1/e1 - 1/t. 1 + 1/t-1^t-1 < e t/t-1^t-1 < e t-1/t^t-1 > 1/e1 - 1/t^t > 1/e1 - 1/t. § TEMP Here we prove <ref>, restated below for the sake of readability. * Similarly as in <ref>, we define objective functions for four step-size regimes and aggregate the functions to obtain the final lower bound. Here we also assume n is even, where we can easily extend to odd n's by the same reasoning as in <ref>. We will prove the following lower bounds for each regime. Here F_j^* is the minimizer of F_j for j = 1, 2, 3, 4. * If η∈( 0, 1/2 μ n K), there exists a 1-dimensional objective function F_1(x) ∈_PŁ(L,μ,0,ν) such that any permutation-based SGD with initialization x_0^1 = L ν/μ^2 n K satisfies F_1(x̂) - F_1^* = Ω( L^2 ν^2/μ^3 n^2 K^2). * If η∈[1/2 μ n K, 2/nL], there exists a 1-dimensional objective function F_2(y) ∈_PŁL,μ,L/μ,ν such that any permutation-based SGD with initialization y_0^1 = ν/60L satisfies F_2(ŷ) - F_2^* = Ω( L^2 ν^2/μ^3 n^2 K^2). * If η∈[2/n L, 1/L], there exists a 1-dimensional objective function F_3(z) ∈_PŁL,μ,L/μ,ν such that any permutation-based SGD with initialization z_0^1 = 3ν/8nL satisfies F_3(ẑ) - F_3^* = Ω( L^2 ν^2/μ^3 n^2 K^2). * If η > 1/L, there exists a 1-dimensional objective function F_4(w) ∈_PŁ(2L,μ,0,ν) such that any permutation-based SGD with initialization w_0^1 = L^1/2ν/μ^3/2 n K satisfies F_4(ŵ) - F_4^* = Ω( L^2 ν^2/μ^3 n^2 K^2). Now we define the 4-dimensional function F() = F(x, y, z, w) = F_1(x) + F_2(y) + F_3(z) + F_4(w), where F_1, F_2, F_3, and F_4 are chosen to satisfy the above lower bounds. Following the analyses in <ref>, F is 2L-smooth and μ-strongly convex. Also, if four functions H_1, H_2, H_3, and H_4 (each with n components h_1, i, h_2, i, h_3, i, and h_4, i) satisfies Assumption <ref> for τ = τ_0 and ν = ν_0, then H() = H_1(x) + H_2(y) + H_3(z) + H_4(w) satisfies ∇ h_i () - ∇ H()^2 = ∇ h_1, i (x) - ∇ H_1(x)^2 + ∇ h_2, i (y) - ∇ H_2(y)^2 + ∇ h_3, i (z) - ∇ H_3(z)^2 + ∇ h_4, i (w) - ∇ H_4(w)^2 ≤τ_0 H_1(x) + ν_0^2 + τ_0 H_2(y) + ν_0^2 + τ_0 H_3(z) + ν_0^2 + τ_0 H_4(w) + ν_0^2 ≤ (2τ_0^2 H_1(x)^2 + 2ν_0^2) + (2τ_0^2 H_2(y)^2 + 2ν_0^2) + (2τ_0^2 H_3(z)^2 + 2ν_0^2) + (2τ_0^2 H_4(w)^2 + 2ν_0^2) ≤ 2τ_0^2 H_1(x)^2 +H_2(y)^2 + H_3(z)^2 + H_4(w)^2 + 8ν_0^2 = 2τ_0^2 H()^2 + 8ν_0^2 < 2τ_0 H() + 3ν_0^2. for all i = 1, …, n, i.e., H() satisfies Assumption <ref> for τ = 2τ_0 and ν = 3ν_0. Combining these results, we obtain F ∈_PŁ2L,μ,2L/μ,3ν, which allows us to directly apply the convergence rates in the lower bounds of F_1, F_2, F_3, and F_4 to the aggregated function F. Note that we assumed κ≥ 8n and our constructed function is 2L-smooth and μ-strongly convex. Thus, κ≥ 8n is equivalent to L/μ≥ 4n throughout the proof. Also, since we assumed K ≥κ^2/n, K ≥κ^2/n≥κ holds thus 1/2μ n K≤2/nL holds so all step size regimes are valid. Finally, rescaling L and ν will give us the function F ∈_PŁL, μ, L/μ, ν satisfying F() - F^* = ΩL^2 ν^2/μ^3 n^2 K^2. For the following subsections, we prove the lower bounds for F_1, F_2, F_3, and F_4 at the corresponding step size regime. §.§ temp Here we show that there exists F_1 (x) ∈_PŁ (L, μ, 0, ν) such that any permutation-based SGD with x_0^1 = L ν/μ^2 n K satisfies F_1(x̂) - F_1^* = Ω( L^2 ν^2/μ^3 n^2 K^2). We define F_1 (x) ∈_PŁ (μ, μ, 0, 0) by the following components: f_i(x) = μ/2x^2. Note that _PŁ (μ, μ, 0, 0) ⊆_PŁ (L, μ, 0, ν) and F_1^* = 0 at x^* = 0 by definition. In this regime, we will see that the step size is too small so that x_n^k_k=1^K cannot even reach near the optimal point. We start from x_0^1 = L ν/μ^2 n K. Since the gradient of all component functions at point x are identical to μ x, regardless of the permutation-based SGD algorithm we use, we have x_n^k = x_0^1 (1 - ημ)^nk ≥L ν/μ^2 n K(1 - 1/2nK)^nk≥L ν/μ^2 n K(1 - 1/2nK)^nK > L ν/μ^2 n K(1 - 1/nK)^nK(a) > L ν/μ^2 n K1/e(1 - 1/nK) (b)≥L ν/μ^2 n K1/2e. where (a) comes from lmm:thm1_2 and (b) comes from assumption that n ≥ 2. Therefore, we have x̂ = ΩL ν/μ^2 n K for any nonnegative weights α_k_k=1^K+1. With this x̂, we have F_1(x̂) - F_1^* = μ/2x̂^2 = ΩL^2 ν^2/μ^3 n^2 K^2. §.§ temp Here we show that there exists F_2 (y) ∈_PŁL, μ, L/μ, ν such that any permutation-based SGD with y_0^1 = ν/60L satisfies F_2(ŷ) - F_2^* = Ω( L^2 ν^2/μ^3 n^2K^2). We define F_2(y) by the following components: f_i(y) = g_1(y) if i ≤n/2, g_2(y) otherwise, where g_1(y) = L/2y^2 - ν y, g_2(y) = -L/21 - 2μ/Ly^2 + ν y. With this construction, the finite-sum objective becomes F_2(y) = 1/n∑_i=1^n f_i(y) = μ/2 y^2. Note that all the components are L-smooth and F is μ-strongly convex. Moreover, ∇ f_1(y) - ∇ F_2(y) = (Ly - ν) - μ y≤(L-μ)y + ν ≤ L y + ν = L/μ∇ F_2(y) + ν, ∇ f_n/2+1(y) - ∇ F_2(y) = -L1 - 2μ/Ly + ν - μ y≤(L - μ)y + ν ≤ L y + ν = L/μ∇ F_2(y) + ν, and thereby F_2 ∈_PŁL, μ, L/μ, ν. Also, we can easily verify F_2^* = 0 at y^* = 0. To simplify notation, we will write ∇ f_i(y) = a_i y - b_i temporarily. Then, a_i ∈L, -L1 - 2μ/L, b_i ∈ν, -ν holds and we can write y_n^k as y_1^k = y_0^k - η∇ f_σ_k(1)y_0^k = 1 - η a_σ_k(1)y_0^k + η b_σ_k(1), y_2^k = y_1^k - η∇ f_σ_k(2)y_1^k = 1 - η a_σ_k(2)y_1^k + η b_σ_k(2) = 1 - η a_σ_k(2)1 - η a_σ_k(1)y_0^k + η b_σ_k(2) + η b_σ_k(1)1 - η a_σ_k(2), ⋮ y_n^k = y_n-1^k - η∇ f_σ_k(n)y_n-1^k = ∏_i=1^n 1 - η a_σ_k(i) y_0^k + η∑_i=1^n b_σ_k(i)∏_j=i+1^n1 - η a_σ_k(j). Note that S := ∏_i=1^n 1 - η a_σ_k(i) = ∏_i=1^n 1 - η a_i is independent of the choice of σ_k, and thus A_σ := η∑_i=1^n b_σ(i)∏_j=i+1^n1 - η a_σ(j) is the term that we can control using permutation-based SGD. We now consider which permutation σ minimizes A_σ. Choose an arbitrary σ and assume there exists t ∈{1, ⋯, n-1 } such that f_σ(t) = g_2 and f_σ(t+1) = g_1. Then, define another permutation σ^' by σ^' (t) = σ (t+1), σ^' (t+1) = σ (t) and σ^' (i)= σ (i) for i ∈{1, ⋯, n }∖{t, t+1}. Let y_σ and y_σ^' as the value of y_n^k generated by σ and σ_1^' starting from the same y_0^k, respectively. Since b_σ(i)∏_j=i+1^n1 - η a_σ(j) = b_σ^'(i)∏_j=i+1^n1 - η a_σ^'(j) for i ∈{1, ⋯, n }∖{t, t+1}, we have y_σ - y_σ' = ∏_i=1^n 1 - η a_σ(i) y_0^k + η∑_i=1^n b_σ(i)∏_j=i+1^n1 - η a_σ(j) - ∏_i=1^n 1 - η a_σ^'(i) y_0^k + η∑_i=1^n b_σ^'(i)∏_j=i+1^n1 - η a_σ^'(j) = η( b_σ(t)∏_j=t+1^n1 - η a_σ(j) + b_σ(t+1)∏_j=t+2^n1 - η a_σ(j) - b_σ^'(t)∏_j=t+1^n1 - η a_σ^'(j) - b_σ^'(t+1)∏_j=t+2^n1 - η a_σ^'(j)) = η∏_j=t+2^n1 - η a_σ(j)· -ν1 - η L + ν - ν1 + η L 1 - 2μ/L - (-ν) = η∏_j=t+2^n1 - η a_σ(j)· 2 ημν > 0. Thereby, we can conclude that the permutation σ that minimizes A_σ should satisfy σ(i) ≤ n/2 for i ≤ n/2 and σ(i) > n/2 for i > n/2, i.e., f_σ(i) = g_1 for i ≤ n/2 and f_σ(i) = g_2 for i > n/2. Let σ^* denote such σ. With this permutation σ^*, A_σ^* becomes A_σ^* =ην·( 1 + η L (1 - 2 μ/L) )^n/2 ∑_i=0^n/2-1 (1 - η L)^i - ην·∑_i=0^n/2-1( 1 + η L (1 - 2 μ/L) )^i. Here, we introduce β := 1 - 2μ/L and m := n/2 to simplify notation a bit. Note that β≥ 1 - 1/m holds since we assumed L/μ > n. Then A_σ^* can be rearranged as A_σ^* =ην·( 1 + η L β)^m 1-(1-η L)^m/η L - ην·(1+η L β)^m - 1/η L β = ν/L β·( (1 + η L β)^m (β - 1) - β(1 + η L β)^m (1 - η L)^m + 1 ). Using lmm:thm2_1 (substituting η L to x), we have ν/L β·( (1 + η L β)^m (β - 1) - β(1 + η L β)^m (1 - η L)^m + 1 ) ≥η^2 m L ν/30. We now show a lower bound for S. S = ∏_i=1^n 1 - η a_i = 1 - η L^m 1 + η L β^m = (1 - η L (1 - β) - η^2 L^2 β)^m = (1 - η L ·2μ/L - η^2 L^2 (1 - 2μ/L) )^m >(1 - 2 ημ - η^2 L^2)^m ≥ (1 - 4 ημ)^m > 1 - 4 η m μ, (if 1/2 μ n K≤η < 2μ/L^2) (1 - 2 η^2 L^2)^m > 1 - 2 η^2 m L^2. (if 2μ/L^2≤η≤2/nL) We start at y_0^1 = ν/60L. Being aware of κ = 2L/μ in the construction, We first verify that ν/60L = ν/60LK/K≥ν/60Lκ^2/nK = 4Lν/60 μ^21/nK > L ν/240 μ^2 n K. For the case when 1/2 μ n K≤η < 2μ/L^2, y_n^1 = S y_0^1 + A_σ_1 ≥ (1 - 4 η m μ) L ν/240 μ^2 n K + η^2 m L ν/30 = L ν/240 μ^2 n K - η L ν/120 μ K + η^2 n L ν/60 (∵ n=2m) = L ν/240 μ^2 n K - η n L ν/601/2 μ n K - η ≥L ν/240 μ^2 n K. Applying this process in a chain, we then gain y_n^k ≥L ν/240 μ^2 n K for all k ∈{1, ⋯, K}. Therefore, regardless of the choice of {α_k}_k=1^K+1, ŷ = ΩL ν/μ^2 n K holds and F_2(ŷ) - F_2^* = μ/2ŷ^2 = ΩL^2 ν^2/μ^3 n^2 K^2. For the case when 2μ/L^2≤η≤2/nL, we have y_n^1 = S y_0^1 + A_σ_1 ≥ (1 - 2 η^2 m L^2) ν/60L + η^2 m L ν/30 = ν/60L. Applying this process in a chain, we then gain y_n^k ≥ν/60L for all k ∈{1, ⋯, K}. Therefore, regardless of the choice of {α_k}_k=1^K+1, ŷ = Ων/60L holds and F_2(ŷ) - F_2^* = μ/2ŷ^2 = Ω(μν^2/L^2) = Ω(L^2 ν^2/μ^3 n^2 K^2), where we used K ≥κ^2/n in the last step. §.§ temp Here we show that there exists F_3 (z) ∈_PŁL, μ, L/μ, ν such that any permutation-based SGD with z_0^1 = 3ν/8nL satisfies F_3(ẑ) - F_3^* = Ω( L^2 ν^2/μ^3 n^2K^2). We define F_3 (z) by the following components: f_i(z) = L/2z^2 - ν z if i = 1, -L/4(n-1)z^2 + ν/n-1z otherwise. With this construction, the finite-sum objective becomes F_3(z) = 1/n∑_i=1^n f_i(z) = L/4n z^2. Note that all the components are L-smooth and F is μ-strongly convex since we assumed L/4n≥μ. Moreover, ∇ f_1(z) - ∇ F_3(z) = Lz - ν - Lz/2n≤1 - 1/2nLz + ν ≤Lz + ν = 2n ∇ F_3(z) + ν≤L/μ∇ F_3(z) + ν, ∇ f_2(z) - ∇ F_3(z) = -Lz/2(n-1) + ν/n-1 - Lz/2n < Lz + ν = 2n ∇ F_3(z) + ν≤L/μ∇ F_3(z) + ν, and thereby F_3 ∈_PŁL, μ, L/μ, ν. Also, we can easily verify F_3^* = 0 at z^* = 0. Similarly as in (<ref>), we temporarily write ∇ f_i(y) = a_i y - b_i where a_i ∈L, -L/2(n-1), b_i ∈ν, -ν/n-1 holds. We then write y_n^k as S y_0^k + A_σ_k, where S := ∏_i=1^n 1 - η a_σ_k(i) = ∏_i=1^n 1 - η a_i is independent of the choice of σ_k, and A_σ := η∑_i=1^n b_σ(i)∏_j=i+1^n1 - η a_σ(j) is the term that we can control using permutation-based SGD. We will first find what permutation σ leads to the smallest A_σ. Choose arbitrary σ and assume that σ (1) ≠ 1. Define t := σ^-1 (1). We then define another permutation σ^' by σ^' (t-1) = 1, σ^' (t) = σ (t-1) and σ^' (i) = σ (i) for i ∈{1, ⋯, n}∖{t-1, t}. Let z_σ and z_σ^' as the value of z_n^k generated by σ and σ_1^' starting from the same z_0^k, respectively. We will show that z_σ_1 > z_σ_1^'. In a similar manner as (<ref>), z_σ - z_σ^' = S z_0^k + A_σ - S z_0^k - A_σ^' = η∏_j=t+2^n 1 + η L/2(n-1)·-ν/n-11 - η L + ν - ν1 + η L/2(n-1) - ν/n-1 = η∏_j=t+1^n 1 + η L/2(n-1)·η L ν/2(n-1) > 0 holds. Thus, we can conclude that the permutation σ satisfying σ(1) = 1 is the permutation that minimizes A_σ. Let σ^* denote such σ_1. With this permutation σ^*, A_σ^* becomes A_σ^* = ην( 1 + η L/2(n-1))^n-1 - ην/n-1∑_i=0^n-2( 1 + η L/2(n-1))^i = ην( 1 + η L/2(n-1))^n-1 - ην/n-1·(1 + η L/(2(n-1)))^n-1 - 1/η L /(2(n-1)) = 2ν/L - ( 1 + η L/2(n-1))^n-1( 2ν/L - ην). Note that η L ≤ 1, so 2ν/L - ην is nonnegative. Using lmm:thm2_5, we have 1 + η L/2(n-1)^n-1 < e^η L/2 < 1 + η L/2 + 5 η^2 L^2/32. Substituting (<ref>) to (<ref>) results A_σ^* > 2ν/L - (1 + η L/2 + 5η^2 L^2/32) ( 2ν/L - ην) = 3η^2 L ν/16 + 5 η^3 L^2 ν/32 > 3η^2 L ν/16. We start at z_0^1 = 3ν/8nL. Using S=(1 - η L)(1 + η L/2(n-1))^n-1 > 1 - η L, we have z_n^1 = S z_0^1 + A_σ^* ≥ (1 - η L) z_0^1 + 3η^2 L ν/16 = (1 - η L)3ν/8nL + 3η^2 L ν/16 = 3ν/8nL - 3ην/8n + 3η^2 L ν/16 = 3ν/8nL - 3 η L ν/162/nL - η ≥3ν/8nL. Applying this process in a chain, we then gain z_n^k ≥3ν/8nL for all k ∈{1, ⋯, K}. Therefore, regardless of the choice of {α_k}_k=1^K+1, ẑ = Ω3ν/8nL holds and F_3(ẑ) - F_3^* = L/4nẑ^2 = Ω(ν^2/n^3L) = Ω(L^2 ν^2/μ^3 n^2 K^2), where we used K ≥κ^3/2n^1/2 in the last step. §.§ temp Here we show that there exists F_4 (w) ∈_PŁ (2L, μ, 0, ν) such that any permutation-based SGD with w_0^1 = L^1/2ν/μ^3/2 n K satisfies F_4(ŵ) - F_4^* = Ω( L^2 ν^2/μ^3 n^2 K^2). We define F_4 (w) ∈_PŁ (2L, 2L, 0, 0) by the following components: f_i(w) = Lw^2. Note that _PŁ(2L, 2L, 0, 0) ⊆_PŁ (2L, μ, 0, ν) and F_4^* = 0 at w^* = 0 by definition. In this regime, we will see that the step size is too large so that w_n^k_k=1^K diverges. We start from w_0^1 = L^1/2ν/μ^3/2 n K. Since the gradient of all component functions at point w are identical to 2 L w, we have for every k ∈ [K], w_n^k = 1 - 2 η L^nk w_0^1 ≥ 1^nkL^1/2ν/μ^3/2 n K = ΩL^1/2ν/μ^3/2 n K, where we used the fact that n is even in the second step. Thus, regardless of the permutation-based SGD algorithm we use, we have ŵ = ΩL^1/2ν/μ^3/2 n K and F_4(ŵ) - F_4^* = L ŵ^2 = ΩL^2 ν^2/μ^3 n^2 K^2. §.§ temp In this subsection, we will prove the lemmas used in <ref>. For any even n ≥ 104, any 0 < x ≤2/n and any 1 - 2/n≤β < 1, let m=n/2. Then, the following inequality holds: (1 + β x)^m (β - 1) - β(1 + β x)^m (1 - x)^m + 1≥m x^2/30. To prove the lemma, we focus on the coefficients of x^k for 0 ≤ k ≤ 2m. Define a_k as the absolute value of x^k's coefficient in (1 + β x)^m (β - 1). Using the fact that 1-1/m≤β < 1 , a_k = |mkβ^k (β - 1) |≤m^k/k!·1/m = m^k-1/k!. Note that for k ≥ m+1, a_k is 0. Let b_k be x^k's coefficient in β(1 + β x)^m (1 - x)^m. While the sequence of coefficients {b_k} have alternating signs, we can define a positive sequence c_k which upper bounds the sequence |b_k|. Since (1 + β x)^m (1 - x)^m = (1 - (1 - β)x - β x^2)^m, |b_k| = β·∑_t=max0, k-m^⌊k/2⌋ (-β)^t (-(1-β))^k-2tm!/t!(k-2t)!(m-k+t)! ≤ 1 ·∑_t=max0, k-m^⌊k/2⌋β^t (1-β)^k-2tm!/t!(k-2t)!(m-k+t)! ≜ c_k Then x^k's coefficient in LHS of <ref> is lower bounded by -(a_k + c_k). For even k < m, we have c_k+1/c_k ≤ (1 - β) max_t ≤⌊k/2⌋m!/(t!(k+1-2t)!(m-k-1+t)!)/m!/(t!(k-2t)!(m-k+t)!) ≤1/mmax_t ≤⌊k/2⌋m-k+t/k+1-2t ≤1/mmax_t ≤⌊k/2⌋ (m-k+t) ≤1/m· m = 1. For odd k < m, we have c_k+1 = β^k+1/2m!/(k+1/2)!(m-k+1/2)! + ∑_t=0^k-1/2β^t (1-β)^k+1-2tm!/t!(k+1-2t)!(m-k-1+t)! < 1^k+1/2·m^k+1/2/(k+1/2)! + c_k · (1 - β) max_t ≤⌊k/2⌋m!/(t!(k+1-2t)!(m-k-1+t)!)/m!/(t!(k-2t)!(m-k+t)!) ≤m^k+1/2/(k+1/2)! + c_k. For k ≥ m, we have c_k+1/c_k ≤ (1 - β) max_t ≤⌊k/2⌋m!/(t!(k+1-2t)!(m-k-1+t)!)/m!/(t!(k-2t)!(m-k+t)!) ≤1/mmax_t ≤⌊k/2⌋m-k+t/k+1-2t ≤1/mmax_t ≤⌊k/2⌋ (m-k+t) ≤1/m·(m-k/2) ≤1/m·m/2 = 1/2. Using (<ref>), (<ref>) and (<ref>), we will show a_k + c_k ≤2· m^k-1/k! for 4 ≤ k ≤ 2m. Note that c_1 = (1-β)·m!/(m-1)!≤ 1. Also, we can easily prove ∑_i=0^pm^i/i!≤m^p/(p-1)! for ∀ m ≥ 3, ∀ 2 ≤ p ≤ m-1 using mathematical induction. Therefore, for k ≤ m, c_k ≤∑_i=0^k-1/2m^i/i!≤m^k-1/2/(k-1/2 - 1)! if k is odd, c_k ≤∑_i=0^k/2m^i/i!≤m^k/2/(k/2 - 1)! if k is even, and applying lmm:thm2_2 and lmm:thm2_3, we finally get c_k ≤m^k-1/k!. For k > m, c_k ≤ c_m ·(1/2)^k-m < m^m-1/m!·m/m+1·m/m+2·⋯·m/k = m^k-1/k!. Thus, we have proven a_k + c_k ≤2 · m^k-1/k! for 4 ≤ k ≤ 2m. This means that the absolute value of the x^k's coefficient of LHS of our statement is upper bounded by 2 · m^k-1/k! when 4 ≤ k ≤ 2m. We now consider the coefficient of x^k when k < 4. For k = 0, the coefficient is (β - 1) - β· 1 + 1 = 0. For k = 1, the coefficient is β m (β - 1) - β (β m - m) = 0. For k = 2, the coefficient is β^2 ·m2· (β - 1) - β·( (1- β)^2 ·m2 - β· m ) = β^2 ·m(m+1)/2 - β·m(m-1)/2. For fixed m, RHS is a qudratic with respect to β, and it is minimized when β is 1 - 1/m. Hence the above equation can be lower bounded by 1 - 1/m^2 ·m(m+1)/2 - 1 - 1/m·m(m-1)/2 =m/2 - 1 + 1/2m ≥2m/5. (m ≥ 10). For k=3, the coefficient is β^3 ·m3· (β - 1) - β·( -m3 + m ·β·m2 - m2·β^2 · m + m3·β^3 ) =β/6· m(m-1)(m-2) - β^2/2· m^2(m-1) + β^3/3· (m+1)m(m-1) . For fixed m, (<ref>) is a cubic function with respect to β. Differentiating this function, we get β^2 (m+1)m(m-1) - β m^2(m-1) + m(m-1)(m-2)/6 =m(m-1) ·β^2 (m+1) - β m + m-2/6 =m(m-1) ·β m (β - 1) + β^2 + m-2/6 ≥ m(m-1) · -β + β^2 + m-2/6 (∵β - 1 ≥ -1/m) = m(m-1) ·β (β - 1) + m-2/6 ≥ m(m-1) ·-1/m + m-2/6 (∵β≤ 1 & β - 1 ≥ -1/m) > 0. (∵ m ≥ 4) Thereby, (<ref>) is minimized when β is 1 - 1/m, and substituting such β to (<ref>) results 1 - 1/m/6· m(m-1)(m-2) - 1 - 1/m^2/2· m^2(m-1) + 1 - 1/m^3/3· (m+1)m(m-1) = -m^2/6 - 1/m + 1/3m^2 + 5/6 ≥ -m^2/6. Remind that x^k's coefficient in LHS of <ref> is lower bounded by -(a_k + c_k). Summing up (<ref>), (<ref>), and the fact that a_k + c_k ≤2 · m^k-1/k! for k ≥ 4, we obtain (1 + β x)^m (β - 1) - β(1 + β x)^m (1 - x)^m + 1 ≥2m/5 x^2 - m^2/6 x^3 - ∑_k=4^2m x^k ·2 · m^k-1/k! > 2/5 mx^2 - mx/6 mx^2 - ∑_k=4^∞ x^k ·2 · m^k-1/k! ≥2/5 mx^2 - 1/6 mx^2 - mx^2 ·2/m^2x^2·∑_k=4^∞(mx)^k/k! (∵ mx ≤ 1). For the last term, 1/m^2x^2·∑_k=4^∞(mx)^k/k! is an increasing function of mx so it is maximized when mx is 1. Thereby we can further extend the above inequality as: 2/5 mx^2 - 1/6 mx^2 - mx^2 · 2(e - 1 - 1/1! - 1/2! - 1/3!) ≥2/5 mx^2 - 1/6 mx^2 - 1/5mx^2 = 1/30 mx^2. For m ≥ 52 and even 4 ≤ k ≤ m, m^k-1/k! > m^k/2/(k/2 - 1 )! holds. We first consider the case when k ≥ 14. Since m ≥ k, it is sufficient to show m^k/2 - 2 > (k-1)!/(k/2 - 1 )!. Taking log on both sides, this inequality becomes k/2 - 2log m > ∑_i=k/2^k-1log i. Using ∑_i=k/2^k-1log i < ∫_k/2^klog x dx, we will instead prove following inequality when k ≥ 16: log m > ∫_k/2^klog x dx/k/2 - 2 = k log k - k/2logk/2 - k/2/k/2 - 2. Define f(X) := 2X log(2X) - X log X - X/X-2 = X log X + 2X log 2 - X/X-2. Then, / f'(X) = ( X log X + 2X log 2 - X/X-2)' = X - 2 log X - 4 log 2/(X-2)^2. We can numerically check that f'(k/2) > 0 holds for k ≥ 14. Therefore, for fixed m, _k ≥ 14 f( k/2) = 2⌊m/2⌋. We now have to prove log m > f( ⌊m/2⌋). Let s = ⌊m/2⌋. Then f( ⌊m/2⌋) becomes f( s ) = s log s + 2s log2 - s/s-2. Combining log m ≥log (2s) and log (2s) ≥s log s + 2s log 2 - s/s-2 ⟺ (s-2) log (2s) ≥ s log s + 2s log 2 - s ⟺ s ≥ (s+2) log 2 + 2 log s ⟸ s ≥ 26 ⟺ m ≥ 52, we have proven the statement. Now, we are left to prove the lemma for k < 14. Exchanging m^k/2 and k! in the statement of the lemma, we have m^k/2-1 > k!/k/2-1!. We can numerically check that * for k = 4, m ≥ 25 is sufficient, * for k = 6, m ≥ 19 is sufficient, * for k = 8, m ≥ 19 is sufficient, * for k = 10, m ≥ 20 is sufficient, * for k = 12, m ≥ 21 is sufficient, for (<ref>) to hold. This ends the proof of the lemma. For m ≥ 52 and odd 4 ≤ k ≤ m, m^k-1/k! > m^k-1/2/(k-1/2 - 1)! m^k-1/k! = m/k·m^k-2/(k-1)! > m/k·m^k-1/2/( k-1/2 - 1 )!≥m^k-1/2/( k-1/2 - 1 )!, where we used lmm:thm2_2 in the first inequality. This ends the proof. For x ≤ 1, the following inequality holds: e^x/2 < 1 + x/2 + 5x^2/32. Using Taylor expansion, e^x/2 = 1 + x/2 + x^2/8 + ∑_i=3^∞1/i!·x^i/2^i = 1 + x/2 + x^2/8 + x^2 ∑_i=3^∞1/i!·x^i-2/2^i ≤ 1 + x/2 + x^2/8 + x^2 ∑_i=3^∞1/i!·1/2^i = 1 + x/2 + x^2/8 + x^2 e^1/2 - 1 - 1/1! · 2 - 1/2! · 2^2 ≤ 1 + x/2 + x^2/8 + x^2/32 = 1 + x/2 + 5x^2/32. § TEMP * While <cit.> gained convergence rate for F ∈ℱ_PŁ (L,μ,0,ν), we found out that their result can easily be extended to F ∈ℱ_PŁ (L,μ,τ,ν) with a slight adjustment. We basically follow up the proof step in Theorem 1 of <cit.>. We first state 2 lemmas that will help us prove the proposition. [<cit.>, Lemma 2] newlemmagrabUBlmma Applying offline GraB to a function F ∈ℱ_PŁ (L,μ,τ,ν) with η n L < 1 results F(_n^K) - F^* ≤ρ^K (F(_0^1) - F^*) + η n L^2/2∑_k=1^K ρ^K-kΔ_k^2 - η n/4∑_k=1^Kρ^K-k∇ F(_0^k)^2, where ρ = 1 - η n μ/2 and Δ_k = max_m=1, ⋯ , n_m^k - _0^k for all k ∈ [K]. [Extended version of <cit.>, Lemma 3]newlemmagrabUBlmmb Applying offline GraB to a function F ∈ℱ_PŁ (L,μ,τ,ν) with η n L ≤1/2 results Δ_1 ≤ 2 η n ν + 2 η n (τ+1) ·∇ F(_0^1), and Δ_k ≤ 2η H ν + (2η H τ + 2η n) ·‖∇ F ( _0^k ) ‖ + ( 4η HL(τ+1) + 8η nL ) ·Δ_k-1 for k ∈ [K]∖{1}. We defer the proofs of the lemmas to <ref>. We start by finding the upper bound of ∑_k=1^K ρ^K-kΔ_k^2. From lmm:grabUBlmm2, we have Δ_k ≤ 2η H ν + (2η H τ + 2η n) ·∇ F ( _0^k ) + 4η HL(τ+1) + 8η nL ·Δ_k-1 for k ∈ [K] ∖{1}. Taking square on both sides and applying the inequality 3 a^2 + b^2 + c^2≥a + b + c^2, we get Δ_k^2 ≤ 3 η^2 (4 HL(τ+1) + 8nL )^2 Δ_k-1^2 + 12 η^2 H^2 ν^2 + 12 η^2 (Hτ+n)^2 ‖∇ F ( _0^k ) ‖^2. Similarly, for k=1, we have Δ_1^2 ≤ 8 η^2 n^2 (τ+1)^2 ‖∇ F(_0^1) ‖^2 + 8 η^2 n^2 ν^2. Hence, ∑_k=1^K ρ^K-kΔ_k^2 = ∑_k=2^Kρ^K-kΔ_k^2 + ρ^K-1Δ_1^2 ≤∑_k=2^Kρ^K-k( 3 η^2 (4 HL(τ+1) + 8nL )^2 Δ_k-1^2 + 12 η^2 H^2 ν^2 + 12 η^2 (Hτ+n)^2 ∇ F(_0^k)^2 ) + ρ^K-1( 8 η^2 n^2 (τ+1)^2 ∇ F(_0^1)^2 + 8 η^2 n^2 ν^2 ) ≤ 3 ρ^-1η^2 (4 HL(τ+1) + 8nL )^2 ∑_k=2^Kρ^K-(k-1)Δ_k-1^2 + 12η^2 H^2 ν^2/1 - ρ + 8 ρ^K-1η^2 n^2 ν^2 + 12 η^2 (Hτ+n)^2 ∑_k=2^K ρ^K-k∇ F(_0^k)^2 + 8 η^2 n^2 (τ+1)^2 ρ^K-1∇ F(_0^1)^2 From the assumption that H ≤ n, Hτ + n ≤ n(τ + 1) holds. Then, we get ∑_k=1^K ρ^K-kΔ_k^2 ≤ 3 ρ^-1η^2 (4 nL(τ+1) + 8nL )^2 ∑_k=1^Kρ^K-kΔ_k^2 + 12η^2 H^2 ν^2/1 - ρ + 8 ρ^K-1η^2 n^2 ν^2 + 12 η^2 n^2 (τ + 1)^2 ∑_k=1^K ρ^K-k∇ F(_0^k)^2. We now define our step size as: η = min1/64nL(τ + 1), 2/μ n K W_0 F(_0^1) - F^* + ν^2/Lμ^3 n^2 K^2/192H^2L^2ν^2. We focus on η≤1/64nL(τ + 1). With this step size range, ρ = 1 - η n μ/2≥ 1 - η n L/2 > 1/2 and η (4HL(τ + 1) + 8nL) ≤4HL(τ + 1)/64nL(τ+1) + 8nL/64nL(τ+1) ≤H/16n + 1/8(τ + 1) < 1/4 holds. Thereby, 3 ρ^-1η^2 (4 HL(τ+1) + 8nL )^2 ≤ 3 · 2 ·1/16 < 1/2. holds and (<ref>) becomes ∑_k=1^K ρ^K-kΔ_k^2 ≤24η^2 H^2 ν^2/1 - ρ + 32 ρ^Kη^2 n^2 ν^2 + 24 η^2 n^2 (τ + 1)^2 ∑_k=1^K ρ^K-k∇ F(_0^k)^2. Substituting this inequality to lmm:grabUBlmm1, we obtain F(_n^K) - F^* ≤ρ^K (F(_0^1) - F^*) + η n L^2/2∑_k=1^K ρ^K-kΔ_k^2 - η n/4∑_k=1^Kρ^K-k∇ F(_0^k)^2 ≤ρ^K (F(_0^1) - F^*) + 12 η^3 n L^2 H^2 ν^2/1 - ρ + 16 ρ^K η^3 n^3 L^2 ν^2 + 12η^3 n^3 L^2 (τ + 1)^2 ∑_k=1^K ρ^K-k∇ F(_0^k)^2 - η n/4∑_k=1^Kρ^K-k∇ F(_0^k)^2 ≤ρ^K (F(_0^1) - F^*) + 24 η^2 L^2 H^2 ν^2/μ + 16 ρ^K η^3 n^3 L^2 ν^2, where the last inequality holds because 12η^3 n^3 L^2 (τ + 1)^2 = η n/4· 48 η^2 n^2 L^2 (τ + 1)^2 ≤η n/4·48/64^2 ∵η≤1/64nL(τ + 1) < η n/4. The RHS of (<ref>) can further be extended as 1 - η n μ/2^K (F(_0^1) - F^*) + 16 η^3 n^3 L^2 ν^2 + 24 η^2 L^2 H^2 ν^2/μ ≤ e^-η n μ K/2F(_0^1) - F^* + ν^2/L + 24 η^2 L^2 H^2 ν^2/μ. Taking derivative of (<ref>) with respect to η, we can obtain η that minimizes (<ref>) is η = 2/μ n K W_0 F(_0^1) - F^* + ν^2/Lμ^3 n^2 K^2/192H^2L^2ν^2, where W_0 denotes the Lambert W function. By substituting this η to (<ref>), we finally obtain F(_n^K) - F^* = 𝒪̃H^2 L^2 ν^2/μ^3 n^2 K^2. In addition, to make use of such η to obtain (<ref>), the following condition 2/μ n K W_0 F(_0^1) - F^* + ν^2/Lμ^3 n^2 K^2/192H^2L^2ν^2≤1/64nL(τ + 1) must hold. Thus, we require K ≳κ (τ + 1) to guarantee the convergence rate. §.§ temp §.§.§ Proof for lmm:grabUBlmm1 * The update process within a k-th epoch can be written as: x_0^k+1 = x_0^k - η n ·1/n∑_t=1^n∇ f_σ_k(t)_t-1^k. Using smoothness and , = -1/2^2 - 1/2^2 + 1/2 - ^2, we get F(_0^k+1) ≤ F(_0^k) - η n ∇ F(_0^k),1/n∑_t=1^n∇ f_σ_k(t)_t-1^k + η^2 n^2 L/21/n∑_t=1^n∇ f_σ_k(t)_t-1^k^2 =F(_0^k) - η n/2∇ F(_0^k)^2 - η n/21/n∑_t=1^n∇ f_σ_k(t)_t-1^k^2 = + η n/2∇ F(_0^k)- 1/n∑_t=1^n∇ f_σ_k(t)_t-1^k^2 + η^2 n^2 L/21/n∑_t=1^n∇ f_σ_k(t)_t-1^k^2 ≤ F(_0^k) - η n/2∇ F(_0^k)^2 + η n/2∇ F(_0^k) - 1/n∑_t=1^n∇ f_σ_k(t)_t-1^k^2, where we used η n L < 1 in the last inequality. In addition, we can expand the last term as ∇ F(_0^k) - 1/n∑_t=1^n∇ f_σ_k(t)_t-1^k^2 = 1/n∑_t=1^n∇ f_σ_k(t)(_0^k) - 1/n∑_t=1^n∇ f_σ_k(t)_t-1^k^2 ≤1/n∑_t=1^n∇ f_σ_k(t)(_0^k) - ∇ f_σ_k(t)_t-1^k^2 (∵Jensen's Inequality) ≤L^2/n∑_t=1^n_0^k - _t-1^k^2 (∵smoothness) ≤ L^2 Δ_k^2. (∵Δ_k = max_m=1, ⋯ , n_m^k - _0^k ) Combining these two results, we get F(_0^k+1) ≤ F(_0^k) + η n L^2 Δ_k^2/2 - η n/2∇ F(_0^k)^2. Using the PŁ inequality, this inequality becomes F(_0^k+1) ≤ F(_0^k) + η n L^2 Δ_k^2/2 - η n/4∇ F(_0^k)^2 - η n/4∇ F(_0^k)^2 ≤ F(_0^k) + η n L^2 Δ_k^2/2 - η n μ/2 (F(_0^k) - F^*) - η n/4∇ F(_0^k)^2. Define ρ := 1 - η n μ/2. Subtracting F^* on both sides, we get F(_0^k+1) - F^* ≤ρ (F(_0^k) - F^*) + η n L^2 Δ_k^2/2 - η n/4∇ F(_0^k)^2. This inequality holds for all k ∈{ 1, ⋯, K}. Unrolling for entire epochs gives F(_0^K+1) - F^* ≤ρ^K (F(_0^1) - F^*) + η n L^2/2∑_k=1^K ρ^K-kΔ_k^2 - η n/4∑_k=1^Kρ^K-k∇ F(_0^k)^2. This ends the proof of the lemma. §.§.§ Proof for lmm:grabUBlmm2 * We first consider the situation after the first epoch. For m ∈ [n] and k ∈ [K]∖{1}, proper additions and subtractions give us _m^k = _0^k - η∑_t=1^m ∇f_σ_k(t) (_t-1^k ) = _0^k - η∑_t=1^m ∇f_σ_k(t) (_σ_k-1^-1 (σ_k (t))-1^k-1 ) - η∑_t=1^m ( ∇f_σ_k(t) (_t-1^k ) - ∇f_σ_k(t) (_σ_k-1^-1 (σ_k (t))-1^k-1 ) ) = _0^k - η∑_t=1^m ( ∇f_σ_k(t) (_σ_k-1^-1 (σ_k (t))-1^k-1 ) - 1/n ∑_s=1^n ∇f_σ_k-1(s) ( _s-1^k-1 ) ) - ηm/n ∑_s=1^n ∇f_σ_k-1(s) ( _s-1^k-1 ) - η∑_t=1^m ( ∇f_σ_k(t) (_t-1^k ) - ∇f_σ_k(t) (_σ_k-1^-1 (σ_k (t))-1^k-1 ) ) = _0^k - η∑_t=1^m ( ∇f_σ_k(t) (_σ_k-1^-1 (σ_k (t))-1^k-1 ) - 1/n ∑_s=1^n ∇f_σ_k-1(s) ( _s-1^k-1 ) ) - ηm ∇F ( _n^k-1 ) - ηm/n ∑_s=1^n ( ∇f_σ_k-1(s) ( _s-1^k-1 ) - ∇f_σ_k-1(s) ( _n^k-1 ) ) - η∑_t=1^m ( ∇f_σ_k(t) (_t-1^k ) - ∇f_σ_k(t) (_σ_k-1^-1 (σ_k (t))-1^k-1 ) ). Here, σ_k-1^-1 (t) indicates in which iteration is the t-th sample used at the (k-1)-th epoch and ∇ f_σ_k(t)_σ_k-1^-1 (σ_k (t))-1^k-1 indicates the gradient with respect to the same sample used in the t-th iteration of the k-th epoch, but which was computed previously in the (k-1)-th epoch. Using the triangle inequality, we gain _m^k - _0^k ≤η∑_t=1^m( ∇ f_σ_k(t)(_σ_k-1^-1 (σ_k (t))-1^k-1) - 1/n∑_s=1^n∇ f_σ_k-1(s)( _s-1^k-1) ) + η m ∇ F ( _n^k-1) + η m/n∑_s=1^n( ∇ f_σ_k-1(s)( _s-1^k-1) - ∇ f_σ_k-1(s)( _n^k-1) ) + η∑_t=1^m∇ f_σ_k(t)(_t-1^k ) - ∇ f_σ_k(t)(_σ_k-1^-1 (σ_k (t))-1^k-1) . Here, the first term in (<ref>) is the term in which Herding intervenes and it enables us to gain the upper bound. To do so, we first upper bound the norm of each component as ∇f_σ_k(t) (_σ_k-1^-1 (σ_k (t))-1^k-1 ) - 1/n ∑_s=1^n ∇f_σ_k-1(s) ( _s-1^k-1 ) ≤ ∇f_σ_k(t) (_σ_k-1^-1 (σ_k (t))-1^k-1 ) - 1/n ∑_s=1^n ∇f_σ_k-1(s) (_σ_k-1^-1 (σ_k (t))-1^k-1 ) + 1/n ∑_s=1^n ∇f_σ_k-1(s) (_σ_k-1^-1 (σ_k (t))-1^k-1 ) - 1/n ∑_s=1^n ∇f_σ_k-1(s) ( _s-1^k-1 ) ≤ ν+ τ ∇F (_σ_k-1^-1 (σ_k (t))-1^k-1 ) + L/n ∑_s=1^n _σ_k-1^-1 (σ_k (t))-1^k-1 - _s-1^k-1 ≤ ν+ τ( ∇F ( _0^k ) + ∇F ( _0^k-1 ) - ∇F ( _0^k ) + ∇F (_σ_k-1^-1 (σ_k (t))-1^k-1 ) - ∇F ( _0^k-1 ) ) + L/n ∑_s=1^n ( _σ_k-1^-1 (σ_k (t))-1^k-1 - _0^k-1 + _0^k-1 - _s-1^k-1 ) ≤ ν+ τ( ∇F ( _0^k ) + 2LΔ_k-1 ) + 2LΔ_k-1 = ν+ τ· ∇F ( _0^k ) + 2L( τ+ 1 ) ·Δ_k-1. Now, define z_t^k as z_t^k := ∇ f_σ_k(t)(_σ_k-1^-1 (σ_k (t))-1^k-1) - 1/n∑_s=1^n∇ f_σ_k-1(s)( _s-1^k-1)/ν + τ·∇ F ( _0^k ) + 2L( τ + 1 ) ·Δ_k-1 for t ∈ [n]. Then, z_t^k≤ 1 holds. We now apply Herding algorithm to upper bound the first term of (<ref>). Since z_t^k≤ 1, we then get following inequality for all m ∈ [n]: ∑_t=1^m( ∇ f_σ_k(t)(_σ_k-1^-1 (σ_k (t))-1^k-1) - 1/n∑_s=1^n∇ f_σ_k-1(s)( _s-1^k-1) ) ≤ H ( ν + τ·∇ F ( _0^k ) + 2L( τ + 1 ) ·Δ_k-1). For the remaining terms in (<ref>), we can upper bound each of them by ∑_s=1^n( ∇ f_σ_k-1(s)( _s-1^k-1) - ∇ f_σ_k-1(s)( _n^k-1) ) ≤∑_s=1^n∇ f_σ_k-1(s)( _s-1^k-1) - ∇ f_σ_k-1(s)( _n^k-1) ≤ L∑_s=1^n_s-1^k-1 - _n^k-1 ≤ L∑_s=1^n( _s-1^k-1 - _0^k-1 + _0^k-1 - _n^k-1) ≤ 2nL Δ_k-1 and ∑_t=1^m( ∇ f_σ_k(t)(_t-1^k ) - ∇ f_σ_k(t)(_σ_k-1^-1 (σ_k (t))-1^k-1) ) ≤∑_t=1^m∇ f_σ_k(t)(_t-1^k ) - ∇ f_σ_k(t)(_σ_k-1^-1 (σ_k (t))-1^k-1) ≤ L ∑_t=1^m_t-1^k - _σ_k-1^-1 (σ_k (t))-1^k-1 ≤ L ∑_t=1^m( _t-1^k - _0^k + _0^k - _0^k-1 + _0^k-1 - _σ_k-1^-1 (σ_k (t))-1^k-1) ≤ mL ( Δ_k + 2Δ_k-1). By summing up (<ref>)-(<ref>) and taking a max over m ∈{1, ⋯, n } on both side of (<ref>), Δ_k ≤η H ( ν + τ·‖∇ F ( _0^k ) ‖ + 2L( τ + 1 ) ·Δ_k-1) + η n ‖∇ F ( _0^k ) ‖ + η n/n· 2nL Δ_k-1 + η nL ( Δ_k + 2Δ_k-1) ≤η H ν + (η H τ + η n) ·‖∇ F ( _0^k ) ‖ + ( 2η HL(τ+1) + 4η nL ) ·Δ_k-1 + η nL Δ_k. Using η nL ≤1/2, we finally get Δ_k ≤ 2η H ν + (2η H τ + 2η n) ·‖∇ F ( _0^k ) ‖ + ( 4η HL(τ+1) + 8η nL ) ·Δ_k-1. We now move on to the first epoch case. By properly decomposing the term, we gain _m^1 = _0^1 - η∑_t=1^m ∇f_σ_1(t) ( _t-1^1 ) = _0^1 - η∑_t=1^m 1/n ∑_s=1^n ∇f_σ_1(s) ( _0^1 ) - η∑_t=1^m ( ∇f_σ_1(t) ( _0^1 ) - 1/n ∑_s=1^n ∇f_σ_1(s) ( _0^1 ) ) - η∑_t=1^m ( ∇f_σ_1(t) ( _t-1^1 ) - ∇f_σ_1 (t) ( _0^1 ) ). In a similar way to the technique we used above, we have _m^1 - _0^1 ≤η∑_t=1^m1/n∑_s=1^n∇ f_σ_1(s)( _0^1) +η∑_t=1^m( ∇ f_σ_1(t)( _0^1 ) - 1/n∑_s=1^n∇ f_σ_1(s)( _0^1) ) +η∑_t=1^m( ∇ f_σ_1(t)( _t-1^1) - ∇ f_σ_1 (t)( _0^1 ) ) ≤η∑_t=1^m∇ F _0^1 +η∑_t=1^m∇ f_σ_1(t)( _0^1 ) - 1/n∑_s=1^n∇ f_σ_1(s)( _0^1) +η∑_t=1^m L _t-1^1 - _0^1. Taking a max over m ∈{1, ⋯, n} in both sides, we gain Δ_1 ≤η n ‖∇ F ( _0^1 ) ‖ + η n ( ν + τ·‖∇ F ( _0^1 ) ‖) + η n L Δ_1 and using the fact that η n L ≤1/2, we finally obtain Δ_1 ≤ 2 η n ν + 2 η n (τ+1) ·∇ F(_0^1).
Non-Minimal Approximation for the Type-I Seesaw Mechanism
[ "Mikhail Dubinin", "Elena Fedotova" ]
[ "hep-ph", "astro-ph.CO" ]
bold Non-minimal approximation for the type-I seesaw mechanism normal .3cm 0.5 cm M. N. Dubinin^1,2, E. Yu. Fedotova^1 .7cm ^1 Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP MSU), M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie gory, GSP-1, 119991 Moscow, Russia ^2 MegaScience Center, National University of Science and Technology MISIS, Leninskiy Prospekt, 4, 119049, Moscow, Russia .5cm [l].9 E-mail: dubinin@theory.sinp.msu.ru, fedotova@theory.sinp.msu.ru 1cm A non-minimal approximation for effective masses of light and heavy neutrinos in the framework of a type-I seesaw mechanism with three generations of sterile Majorana neutrinos is considered. The main results are: (a) the next-order corrections to the effective mass matrix of heavy neutrinos due to terms O(θ M_D) are obtained, which modify the commonly used representation for the effective mass (M_D is a Dirac neutrino mass when the electroweak symmetry is spontaneously broken); and (b) the general form of the mixing matrix is found in non-minimal approximation parametrized by a complex 3 × 3 matrix satisfying a nontrivial constraint. Numerical analysis within the νMSM framework demonstrates the very small effect of new contributions of direct collider observables as opposed to their possible significance for § INTRODUCTION Numerous consequences of the exceptionally successful standard model (SM) of elementary particle physics based on the gauge symmetry SU(3)× SU(2)_L× U(1) have been confirmed by experiments on colliders and extracted particle beams. No significant deviations from the SM predictions were found, as a result of which it is considered as a mathematically consistent effective field theory for a very large energy scale. At the same time, it is obvious that SM is not a complete theory, since it cannot explain a number of observed phenomena not only in particle physics, but also in astrophysics and cosmology. One of the most well-known problems of SM is the problem of neutrino masses and neutrino oscillations <cit.>, which will be considered in this paper. The essense of the problem is the absence of clarity concerning what mechanism provides the observed neutrino mass spectrum and how neutrinos of one flavor disappear and turn into neutrinos of another flavor. Some still-unknown particles would be needed to analyse the neutrino puzzle. Let us mention that the solution of other equally well-known problems of SM, which are the problem of dark matter and dark energy in the Universe, as well as the problem of its baryon asymmetry (BAU) generation, like the neutrino problem, can also be associated with the SM extension by new particles and/or interactions. The inability of modern collider experiments to detect new particles may be due not only to their large masses, but also to extremely elusive interactions with SM particles, making their production extremely rare events. In other words, to detect feebly interacting particles, the requirements for the integrated luminosity of the beam(s) in the experiment must cross the 'intensity frontier'. A well-known example of a field-theoretic model, within the framework of which it is possible to solve a significant part of the above-mentioned problems by extending the set of SM particles with relatively light and weakly interacting new particles of the lepton sector, is the νMSM model (neutrino minimal standard model) <cit.>. It is an extension of the SM with the help of three Majorana neutrinos whose flavor states do not participate in gauge interactions (so-called sterile neutrinos, also called heavy neutral leptons, HNL). The masses of sterile neutrinos do not exceed the electroweak scale O (10^2) GeV and at the same time significantly exceed the value of the mass parameter Fv (F is the neutrino Yukawa coupling constant and v is the Higgs field vacuum expectation value equal to 174 GeV), as a result of which the mass generation mechanism (known as the seesaw type-I see Section <ref> below) works well for neutrino. Within the framework of the νMSM, it is not necessary to introduce a new mass scale for heavy fermions, the Majorana masses are comparable to the masses of light quarks and charged leptons. The number of sterile neutrinos should be at least three. At least two states of sterile neutrinos are necessary to explain the known experimental parameters Δ m^2_atm and Δ m^2_sol. However, none of these states are suitable for the role of a dark matter particle, since (1) their Yukawa constants are not sufficiently limited to form a moderate amount of dark matter within the framework of the Dodelson–Widrow mechanism <cit.>, and (2) the one-loop radiative decays of such states in the subdominant channel N_2,3→νγ with the energy E_γ = 1/2 M_2,3 <cit.> would produce too many gamma rays compared to the available astrophysical experimental data[ Note that the unidentified spectral line at the energy E ∼ 3.5 keV in the stacked X-ray spectra of dark-matter-dominated objects has been observed <cit.>. The signal distribution over the sky and the ratios of its strengths are consistent with predictions for decaying dark matter with the mass M_1 ≃ 7.1 ± 0.1 keV <cit.>.]. For these reasons, one more sterile neutrino (the HNL of the first generation[ Throughout the paper we will assume that there is a normal ordering in the HNL sector, i.e., M_1 < M_2 ≤ M_3.] added to the νMSM provides a suitable candidate for the role of dark matter. Adding three HNLs introduces 18 new parameters, 3 Majorana masses and 15 parameters of the Yukawa coupling matrix F. The mass of a DM sterile neutrino can be varied in the range ∼1–50 keV in the case of νMSM <cit.>. The baryogenesis of the νMSM is provided by the oscillation mechanism <cit.>. In the following, three generations of HNL are considered, which makes it possible to explain simultaneously the origin of the masses of standard (or active) neutrinos due to the seesaw mechanism, the existence of a dark-matter particle and the generation of baryon asymmetry. Significant limitations on the mixing parameter value for HNL in the νMSM model, as well as on the second- and third-generation HNL masses, which should be split very weakly <cit.>, are reviewed in <cit.>. In extensions of the SM lepton sector, the active neutrino flavor states and mass states can be related with the help of Pontecorvo–Maki–Nakagawa–Sakata mixing matrix U_ PMNS, ν_l L(x) = ∑_i (U_ PMNS)_li_i L(x), where ν_l L is the left-handed (LH) component of the flavour field, _i L is the LH component of the state possessing a mass m_i, i=1,2,3, and l=e, μ, τ <cit.>. The exact values of neutrino masses are unknown, but it follows from the existing data that there are at least three active neutrino mass eigenstates, neutrinos must be light, |(m_ν)_ll'| ≤ 1 eV (l,l'=e, μ, τ), <cit.> and the neutrino mass values are rather strongly split. The differences between them measured experimentally give the central values of mass parameters squared Δ m_sol^2 ≈ 7.54 × 10^-5 eV^2 and Δ m_atm^2 ≈ 2.43 × 10^-3 eV^2 <cit.>. This leaves two different possibilities of neutrino mass ordering: normal ordering (NO) m_1 < m_2 ≪ m_3 or inverse ordering (IO) m_3 ≪ m_1 < m_2. The mass of the lightest neutrino m_0 may vary from zero to 0.03 eV (NO) or 0.015 eV (IO) allowed by cosmological observations <cit.> (see also <cit.>). Within the νMSM, the lightest active neutrino is lighter than O (10^-5) eV <cit.>. The HNL masses responsible for active neutrino mass generation are rather strongly constrained both by direct searches <cit.> and cosmological considerations <cit.>. The analysis of lepton universality within the νMSM shows that M_2,3 > 173 MeV (264 MeV) for NO (IO) <cit.>, see also <cit.>. The recent investigation of BAU <cit.> implies the masses of HNL to be M_2,3≥ O(3) GeV. Historically, the motivation for considering right-handed (RH) neutrinos have appeared from the left-right symmetric extension of the SM <cit.> where the electroweak group of symmetry SU(2)_L × U(1)_Y was extended to the SU(2)_L × SU (2)_R × U(1)_B-L. The observed left chirality of the low-energy weak interactions in the model with left–right symmetry, usually attributed to the spontaneous breaking of this symmetry, implies the existence of a right-handed neutrino. It is commonly assumed that the effective mass (m_ν)_ll' can be presented as (m_ν)_ll' = - M_D M_M^-1 M_D^T in the limit M_D ≪ M_M, where M_D, M_M are Dirac and Majorana mass matrices of the LH and RH neutrinos (see details below). However, Eq. (<ref>) is a standard approximation of a more complicated expression including an additional 3 × 3 matrix θ (|θ| ≪ I) describing mixing of the active neutrinos with HNL. The contribution of the next-order terms in effective neutrino mass representations requires a separate study. In the following, Section <ref>, we investigate the standard approach for the type-I seesaw mechanism and consider the non-minimal approximations for effective masses of the active and sterile neutrinos. Nonstandard parametrization of the mixing inspired by diagonalization of the active-sterile neutrino mass matrix in the approach of <cit.> and a nontrivial relation for the parametrization matrix Ω_ nm have been obtained. The numerical analysis within the νMSM framework is performed in Section <ref>. Results are discussed in Section <ref>. A symmetric structure of effective and Majorana mass matrices as well as relations for M_D θ^T and θ^† M_D are analyzed in Appendix <ref>. Simple representations for the matrix Ω_ nm are considered in Appendix <ref>. A form of effective mass matrix of active neutrinos m_ν as function of U_ PMNS in standard and non-minimal approximations is derived in Appendix <ref>. § A MODEL WITH THREE RIGHT-HANDED NEUTRINOS The lagrangian of the SM extension by three right-handed neutrinos ν_R has the form (see e.g., <cit.>) L = L_SM + i ν_R ∂_μγ^μν_R- ( F l_L ν_R H̃ + M_M/2ν^c_R ν_R + h.c.), where l_L=(ν_L e_L)^T is the left-handed lepton doublet, ν_R is the right-handed neutrino [(ν_R)^c ≡ C ν_R^T, where C=i γ_2 γ_0 is the charge conjugation matrix], H is the Higgs doublet (H̃= ϵ_ij H^†, ϵ_ij antisymmetric tensor), F is the neutrino Yukawa coupling matrix, and M_M is the 3 × 3 Majorana mass matrix of the RH neutrinos, which does not break the SM gauge symmetry. After spontaneous electroweak symmetry breaking, the full neutrino mass term in Equation (<ref>) can be presented as 1/2 (ν_L ν^c_R) M( ν_L^c ν_R), where M= ( 0 M_D M_D^T M_M), M_D= F v is a 3 × 3 neutrino Dirac mass matrix (v=174 GeV is a vacuum expectation value of the Higgs doublet), and M_D, M_M are complex-valued in the general case. In the neutrino mass basis with the help of a unitary matrix U U= W · diag(U_ν,U_N^*), (U_ν,U_N on the one hand side and W on the other hand side are 3× 3 and 6× 6 matrices, respectively), one can define the diagonal mass matrix <cit.> U^† M U^* = ( m̂ 0 0 M̂), m̂ = diag(m_1, m_2, m_3), M̂ = diag(M_1, M_2, M_3), where m_i, M_i are masses of light and heavy neutrinos. The unitary diagonalization matrix W formally expressed as the exponential of an antihermitian matrix, see <cit.>, W = exp( 0 θ -θ^† 0 ) (where θ is a 3 × 3 complex matrix) converts the matrix M to a block diagonal form W^†( 0 M_D M_D^T M_M) W^* = ( m_ν 0 0 M_N) ≡M̃. Here, m_ν, M_N are effective Majorana mass terms for the LH and RH flavour neutrinos (see, e.g., <cit.>) which are related with m̂ and M̂ by m_ν = U_νm̂ U_ν^T, M_N = U_N^* M̂ U_N^†. The flavour states ν_L and ν_R and the mass states and N then can be related as <cit.> ( ν_L ν_R^c) = P_L U( N), where P_L is a left-helicity projector. §.§ Standard approximation Assuming that θ is “small,” it is sufficient to expand the rotation matrix (<ref>) up to O(θ^2) terms W = exp( 0 θ -θ^† 0 ) ≃( 1-1/2θθ^† θ -θ^† 1-1/2θ^†θ), thus, using (<ref>) and the requirement M̃_12=0, one can relate Dirac, Majorana and θ matrices θ≃ M_D M_M^-1, which yields the expressions m_ν ≃ - M_D θ^T ≃ - M_D M^-1_M M_D^T, M_N ≃ M_M +1/2 (θ^†θ M_M+M_M^T θ^T θ^*) ≃ M_M, where, in some cases, the terms O(θ^2) in (<ref>) are omitted, so Majorana mass matrices before and after rotation coincide. One can represent (<ref>) in terms of θ and M_D using the relations (<ref>) and (<ref>) (see Appendix <ref>) M_N ≃ (θ^-1 +θ^† )M_D. In the representation (<ref>), the flavour states of active neutrinos can be expressed as [see (<ref>)] ν_L ≃ ( 1- 1/2θθ^†) U_ν_L + θ U_N^* N_L, ν_R^c ≃ -θ^† U_ν_L + (1-1/2θθ^†) U_N^* N_L, where terms in front of _L and N_L have to be identified with PMNS and mixing matrices[ In general, the PMNS matrix can be presented as U_ PMNS = U_l^† (1 + η)U_ν <cit.>, where U_l diagonalizes the charged lepton mass matrix m_l, U_l m_l m_l^† U_l^†= diag(m_e^2, m_μ^2, m_τ^2), but throughout the paper, we assume that U_l=I. ] U_ PMNS≃ (1+η) U_ν, Θ_ m≃θ U_N^*. Here, the parameter η=-1/2 (θθ^†) is considered as a deviation from the unitarity. §.§ Non-minimal approximation One can, however, consider the expansion of the matrix W, see Equation (<ref>), up to O(θ^3)-terms W ≃( 1-1/2θθ^† θ - 1/6θθ^†θ -θ^† + 1/6θ^†θθ^† 1-1/2θ^†θ), where again, |θ| ≪ I. Then, the corresponding expressions (<ref>) can be presented as M̃_11 = - (θ M_D^T+M_D θ^T) + θ M_M θ^T + 1/6 (θθ^†θ M_D^T+ M_D θ^T θ^* θ^T) + 1/2 (θθ^† M_D θ^T+θ M_D^T θ^* θ^T) ≃ m_ν, M̃_22 = M_M+ (θ^† M_D+ M_D^T θ^*)- 1/2 (θ^†θ M_M + M_M θ^T θ^*) - 1/2θ^† (θ M_D^T+M_D θ^T) θ^* - 1/6 (θ^†θθ^† M_D+ M_D^T θ^* θ^T θ^*) ≃ M_N, M̃_12 = M_D - θ M_M -1/2(θθ^† M_D+M_D θ^T θ^*) - θ M_D^T θ^* + 1/2θ M_M θ^T θ^* + 1/6θθ^†θ M_M ≃ 0. One can note that the relation between Dirac, Majorana, and θ matrices can be defined in the form [see (<ref>)] M_M - 1/2 M_M θ^T θ^*-1/6θ^†θ M_M ≃θ^-1 M_D (1-1/2θ^T θ^*)-1/2θ^† M_D - M_D^T θ^*, which is more complicated than the expression (<ref>) of the standard approximation and can be converted to it if O(θ^2)-terms are neglected. As one can see, the relation between two mass scales M_D, M_M and θ is not so obvious, but analyzing the relation (<ref>) one can note that (see Appendix <ref>) O(θ^2 M_M) ∼ O(θ M_D). This allows one to express Equations (<ref>) and (<ref>) in terms of O(θ^n M_D), where n=-1,1,2,3. However, the O(θ^2 M_D) and O(θ^3 M_D) terms are much smaller than O(θ M_D), so in the following we will consider only the last one. Thus, the expressions for m_ν, M_N and M_M take the forms m_ν ≃ -θ M_D^T ≃ -M_D θ^T, M_N ≃ ( θ^-1 -1/3θ^†) M_D ≃ M_M + θ^† M_D, where the right forms can be obtained if one takes into account the relations (<ref>) and (<ref>), see Appendix <ref>. Analyzing the representation for the flavour states (<ref>) ν_L ≃ ( 1- 1/2θθ^†) U_ν_L + ( θ -1/6θθ^†θ) U_N^* N_L, ν_R^c ≃ (-θ^†+1/6θ^†θθ^†) U_ν_L + (1-1/2θ^†θ) U_N^* N_L, one can identify the PMNS and active-sterile mixing matrices with U_ PMNS≃(1 - 1/2θθ^†) U_ν, Θ_ nm≃( θ -1/6θθ^†θ) U_N^*. As far as |θ| ≪ 1, one can omit the terms O(θ^n), n>1 in the expressions (<ref>), so these forms coincide with ones of the standard approximation, see (<ref>). Using (<ref>) and (<ref>), one can obtain the difference between the effective mass of heavy neutrinos in standard and non-minimal approximations M_N m - M_N nm = 4/3θ^† F v. §.§ Parametrization of the mixing matrix Θ §.§.§ Standard approximation The expression I = M_N M_N^-1, with the help of (<ref>), (<ref>), (<ref>) and the assumption U_ PMNS≃ U_ν can be presented as I = -M_D^T U_ PMNS^* m̂^-1 U_ PMNS^† M_D U_N M̂^-1 U_N^T. One can rewrite (<ref>) in the form I= - (√(M̂^-1) U_N^T M_D^T U_ PMNS^* √(m̂^-1))(√(m̂^-1)U_ PMNS^† M_D U_N √(M̂^-1)) = Ω_ m^T Ω_ m, where Ω_ m = i √(m̂^-1)U_ PMNS^† M_D U_N √(M̂^-1) is an arbitrary complex orthogonal matrix (Ω_ m^T Ω_ m=I). Thus, the Dirac matrix can be parametrized as <cit.> M_D = - i U_ PMNS√(m̂)Ω_ m√(M̂) U_N^†, which together with (<ref>) leads to the expression for the mixing matrix Θ_ m≃θ U_N^* ≃ - i U_ PMNS√(m̂)Ω_ m√(M̂^-1). §.§.§ Non-minimal approximation The same procedure I = M_N M_N^-1 in the non-minimal case M_M ∼ O(θ M_D) leads to - [ √(M̂^-1) U_N^T (θ^-1-1/3θ^†) U_ν√(m̂)] [ √(m̂) U_ν^T (θ^T)^-1 U_N √(M̂^-1)] ≃ I, where M_N^-1≡ U_N M̂^-1 U_N^T and M_N is defined by Equations (<ref>) and (<ref>). If one denotes the expression in the right brackets of (<ref>) as Ω_ nm Ω_ nm = i √(m̂) U_ν^T (θ^T)^-1 U_N √(M̂^-1) and takes into account that the left side of (<ref>) concerns the unit matrix, then one can conclude using the identity Ω_ nm^-1Ω_ nm=I that the expression in left brackets is Ω_ nm^-1. Then, from Equation (<ref>) one can find the relation for Ω_ nm Ω_ nm^-1 = Ω_ nm^T+1/3M̂^-1 (Ω_ nm^-1)^* m̂. Defining θ with the help of (<ref>) θ≃ -i U_ν√(m̂) (Ω_ nm^-1)^T √(M̂^-1) U_N^T and using the definition of the mixing matrix Θ_, Equation (<ref>), one can write Θ_ nm≃θ U_N^* ≃ -i U_ PMNS√(m̂) (Ω_ nm^-1)^T √(M̂^-1), where again it was assumed that U_ν≃ U_ PMNS. Note that the mixing matrix Θ in approximations where M_M ≃θ^-1 M_D and M_M ≃ O (θ M_D) is parametrized in the same way. The difference is in the presence of requirements that must be met by an arbitrary 3 × 3 matrix Ω. The corresponding Yukawa coupling matrix in terms of Ω_ nm can be presented as F ≃i/v U_ PMNS√(m̂)Ω_ nm√(M̂) U_N^†. Note that the Dirac matrix in non-minimal approximation differs from (<ref>) by the parametrization matrix Ω_ nm and the sign because sign(Ω_ nm) ≠ sign(Ω_ nm^-1) whereas sign(Ω_ m) = sign(Ω_ m^-1), see (<ref>) and (<ref>). There is an infinite set of Ω matrices leading to the observed neutrino parameters <cit.>. In various mixing scenario frameworks, the matrix Ω_ m can be parametrized by means of three Euler angles (complex-valued in general), see <cit.>; one complex angle ω and the sign factor ξ = ± 1 <cit.>, or just by the unit matrix, see, e.g., <cit.>. It is desirable to relate a minimal and non-minimal matrices Ω_ m and Ω_ nm in order to consider the limit of the discussed approximations. However, one can find that the simple representation Ω_ nm = Ω_ n + Ω_ m, where Ω_ mΩ_ m^T=I, Ω_ nΩ_ n^T ≠ I is not relevant, see Appendix <ref>. §.§ Interactions of the Majorana fields with SM particles The charged-current (CC) and the neutral-current (NC) interactions of the Majorana fields with SM particles in terms of mixing parameter and U_ PMNS can be obtained as follows (see also <cit.>). Using the SM normalization conventions of <cit.> - g/√(2)ν_L γ^μ l_L W_μ^+ - g/√(2)l_L γ^μν_L W_μ^- -g/2 cosθ_Wν_L γ^μν_L Z_μ, where θ_W is the Weinberg angle, one can write the corresponding neutral and charged currents in the mass basis L_NC^ = g/2 c_W_L γ^μ U_ PMNS^† U_ PMNS_L Z_μ, L_CC^ = -g/√(2)l_L γ^μ U_ PMNS_L W_μ^- + h.c., L_NC^N = -g/2 c_WN_L γ^μΘ^†Θ N_L Z_μ - ( g/2 c_W_L U_ PMNS^†γ^μΘ N_L Z_μ + h.c. ), L_CC^N = - g/√(2)l_L γ^μΘ N_L W_μ^- + h.c. , where Θ is a minimal Θ_ m or a non-minimal Θ_ nm mixing matrix. It is instructive to note that the active neutrino mass matrix m_ν has the same representation for both M_M ≃θ^-1 M_D and M_M ∼ O(θ M_D) approximations (see Appendix <ref>) m_ν≃ U_ PMNSm̂ U_ PMNS^T. § NUMERICAL EXAMPLES As mentioned above, signals of sufficiently light HNL's are not observed in collider or beam-dump experiments. Experimental information is reduced to exclusion contours generated on the mass-mixing plane for different detectors. It should be noted that these exclusion contours use a model-independent phenomenological approach, in which only one HNL gives the observed signal, and the remaining two are strongly decoupled and practically do not affect the analysis. Within the framework of this approach, only two independent parameters are considered, the HNL mass and its coupling constant with an active neutrino, the generation of exclusion contours is carried out for the square of the mixing parameter as a function of mass for one flavor only, while the mixing for other flavors is assumed to be zero. Assumptions of this kind seem to be very strong and need to be translated for the case of a specific model. Suffice it to note that, even in the simple case of one generation of Majorana neutrinos <cit.>, the mixing parameter U=M_D/M_N depends on the mass of HNL, as a result of which the mapping of the active neutrino mass—HNL mass plane to the mixing squared—HNL mass plane is a triangle, not a rectangle. A part of the triangle for a limited region of HNL masses may look approximately like a rectangle due to the low mass of the active neutrino. In the following instructive example, we will vary the masses of the lightest neutrino and heavy neutrinos in the ranges (see <cit.>) m_0: 0 - 10^-5 eV, M_i: 1 - 50 keV for M_1, 1-100 GeV for M_2,3, parametrize the masses of active neutrinos as m_1^2 = m_0^2, m_2^2 = m_0^2+ Δ m_sol^2, m_3^2 = m_0^2+ Δ m_sol^2+ Δ m_atm^2 for NO or m_1^2 = m_0^2+ Δ m_sol^2, m_2^2 = m_0^2+ Δ m_sol^2+ Δ m_atm^2, m_3^2 = m_0^2 for IO and use the present central values of the known active neutrino sector parameters <cit.>. In addition, we will use phenomenologically convenient quantities (see, e.g., <cit.>) U_α I^2= |Θ_α I|^2, U_I^2=∑_α U_α I^2, U^2=∑_I U_I^2. Among the infinite set of Ω_ m matrices satisfying the requirement Ω_ m^T Ω_ m=I, we consider the following explicit forms Ω^' = I, Ω^”= - ( 1/√(2) -1/2 -1/2 1/3 √(2) 5/6 -1/2 2/3 1/3 √(2) 1/√(2)), Ω^”'_ NO = ( 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 -1 0 ), Ω^”'_ IO= ( 0 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 ), where Ω_ m=Ω^' corresponds to a naive explicit form used, e.g., in <cit.>; the form Ω_ m=Ω^” is not motivated by any special physical scenarios and used for numerical estimations in this section only; and Ω_ m=Ω^”' is a form inspired by a parametrization in <cit.> with fixed parameters ω=π/2, ξ=1 which (as was determined numerically) maximize the CP-asymmetry. The non-minimal parametrization matrix satisfying (<ref>) is chosen as (see, also, Appendix <ref>) Ω_ nm = diag (ω_1, ω_2, ω_3), where ω_i = √(1-1/3m_i/M_i). Results of evaluations for diagonal elements (m_ν)_ee, (m_ν)_μμ, (m_ν)_ττ with explicit forms Ω_ m as Ω^', Ω^”, Ω^”' are presented in Table <ref>, where first M_D is found using (<ref>) then (m_ν)_ll is evaluated with the help of (<ref>) and (<ref>). The results for all cases coincide [in accordance with (<ref>)] and are below the present experimental bounds. The dependence of U^2 as a function of masses of heavy neutrinos M_1 and M_2=M_3=M at m_0=10^-5 eV for NO is presented in Figure <ref>a, where one can see that its values are O(10^-9) and practically constant for all M. The qualitative behavior is similar for other cases. As a rule, the contributions of M_1 to U^2 are neglected (as was assumed e.g., in <cit.>); however, Figure <ref>a demonstrates that the dependence U^2(M_1) can be sizable in some cases. One can note that the minimal (maximal) value of U^2 is achieved at benchmark point BP_ min (BP_ max), where BP_ min: m_0=0, M_1=50 keV, M=100 GeV, BP_ max: m_0=10^-5 eV, M_1=1 keV, M=1 GeV. Numerical estimations of U^2 for different Ω_ m (Ω^', Ω^”, Ω^”') can be found in Table <ref>; based on these numbers, it is possible to come to a conclusion about the great complexity of heavy Majorana neutrinos observation. The relative difference |U^2_ nm-U^2_ m|/U^2_ nm for NO, IO and different Ω_ m (Ω^', Ω^”, Ω^”') at BP_ min (BP_ max) is presented in Table <ref>. One can see that it is quite small for Ω^', Ω^”'_ NO and is very large for Ω^”_ NO, which is a consequence of different representations for Ω_ m and Ω_ nm. Thus, the most relevant comparison can be performed for Ω_ m=Ω^' and Ω_ nm defined by (<ref>) and (<ref>) since for such representations of the parametrization matrix, it is possible to trace the limit from the standard approximation to the non-minimal one. The relative difference of U^2 obtained in the minimal and non-minimal approximations as a function of M_2=M_3=M for Ω^”' in the NO case is presented in Figure <ref>b. As one can see, the results for BP1 and BP3 coincide which is explained by the choice m_0=0 and the explicit form of Ω^”'. The behavior of the relative difference of U^2 at m_0=0 and m_0 ≠ 0 is different due to the contributions of M_1 to the mixing parameter. Thus, the approximation with two RH neutrinos is quite reliable at m_0=0 and Ω^”', while one should use a model with three HNL at m_0 ≠ 0. The relative difference for NO is rather small. Thus, in the cases where the limit of discussed approximations can be traced, the phenomenological consequences with a mixing parameter obtained in the non-minimal approximation can be hardly distinguished from the results of a standard approach (see examples in <cit.>) at present or future facilities. § CONCLUSIONS The paper is devoted to the investigation of the SM extension by the three generations of sterile Majorana neutrinos which recover the left–right symmetry between quarks and leptons. Experimental detection of particles of this kind would greatly affect our understanding of particle physics and cosmology. The analysis carried out is especially significant for models in which there is no additional nonstandard scale of particle masses, so that a well-known 'model-independent approach' to calculating constraints for the model parameter space may not be directly relevant to reality. A non-minimal approximation for effective masses of light and heavy neutrinos in the framework of a type-I seesaw mechanism with three generations of right-handed Majorana neutrinos was considered. It was found that the obtained next-order corrections to the effective mass matrix of HNL can influence the well-known results of the current order modifying them with O(θ M_D) corrections. Additional contributions to the effective masses of neutrinos were analysed and the regimes when they can be significant were defined. Following the method proposed in <cit.>, a parametrization of the mixing matrix was performed with the help of a complex 3 × 3 matrix Ω_ nm satisfying a nontrivial relation (<ref>) in the non-minimal approximation. The structure of effective and Majorana mass matrices was scrutinised and it was demonstrated that they are symmetric matrices, a fact which has not been discussed before. Useful relations were found for M_D θ^T and θ^† M_D, which allow one to express effective masses in a simple form. It is interesting to note that the modification of the mixing matrix does not change results for the effective mass matrix of active neutrinos m_ν in the non-minimal case. The obtained results were analyzed in detail within the νMSM framework. It was demonstrated that the approximation with two RH neutrinos is quite reliable at m_0=0, while one should use a model with three HNL at m_0 ≠ 0. New additional corrections to effective masses can be more pronounced when heavy neutrino masses are small and the lightest mass of active neutrino is of O(10^-5) eV. Numerical examples demonstrate that the relative difference in the mixing parameter obtained in standard and non-minimal approximations is negligibly small for all benchmark scenarios of the model where the limit of the discussed approximations can be traced. Thus, phenomenological consequences for the mixing parameter obtained in the minimal and non-minimal approximations can be hardly distinguished at current and future facilities. The question of the explicit form of the parametrization matrix Ω in standard and non-minimal approximations is still ambiguous. Various forms satisfying the requirement |θ| ≪ I and Ω_ mΩ_ m^T=I were considered with significantly different results. Effective masses of HNL in the standard and non-minimal approximations demonstrate noticeable differences due to new sizeable terms of effective heavy neutrino mass matrix. Note that O(θ M_D) corrections to the splitting of eigenvalues of M_M and M_N matrices can impact both the lepton-number-violating event rates at colliders <cit.> and leptogenesis in the early Universe <cit.> (see also <cit.>). The research was carried out within the framework of the scientific program of the National Center for Physics and Mathematics, project ”Particle Physics and Cosmology”. § SYMMETRIC MATRICES M_Ν, M_N, M_M AND RELATIONS FOR M_D Θ^T AND Θ^† M_D The elements of the matrix M̃, see (<ref>), have the forms M̃_11 = W_11^† M_D W_21^*+W_21^† (M_D^T W_11^*+M_M W_21^*) ≡ m_ν M̃_22 = W_12^† M_D W_22^*+W_22^† (M_D^T W_12^*+M_M W_22^*) ≡ M_N, M̃_12 = W_11^† M_D W_22^*+W_21^† (M_D^T W_12^*+M_M W_22^*) ≡ 0, M̃_21 = W_12^† M_D W_21^*+W_22^† (M_D^T W_11^*+M_M W_21^*) ≡ 0. Analysing (<ref>)–(<ref>), one can note that m_ν, M_N and M_M are symmetric matrices m_ν = m_ν^T, M_N = M_N^T, M_M = M_M^T, where for the last expression the relaton M̃_12-M̃_21^T=0 was used. In the standard approximation, a requirement M̃_12=0 [see (<ref>)] has a form θ M_M ≃ M_D - 1/2 (θθ^† M_D+M_D θ^T θ^*)-θ M_D^T θ^*. Multiplying (<ref>) by θ^T from the right side θ M_M θ^T ≃ M_D θ^T - 1/2 (θθ^† M_D θ^T +M_D θ^T θ^* θ^T)-θ M_D^T θ^* θ^T and omitting terms O(θ^3) (as far as |θ| ≪ I), one can find M_D θ^T ≃θ M_D^T, where the relation θ M_M θ^T = (θ M_M θ^T)^T [see (<ref>)] was applied. The same relation (<ref>) takes place for the non-minimal approximation, where instead of (<ref>) one should use Equation (<ref>). Multiplying (<ref>) by θ^-1 from the left side M_M ≃θ^-1 M_D - 1/2 (θ^† M_D +θ^-1 M_D θ^T θ^*)- M_D^T θ^* and using the relation (<ref>), one can rewrite the requirement M_M = M_M^T in the form θ^† M_D ≃ M_D^T θ^*. The relation (<ref>) is also relevant in the non-minimal approximation. The expression (<ref>) can be written as θ^†θ M_M - 1/2θ^†θ M_M θ^T θ^* -1/6θ^†θθ^†θ M_M ≃ θ^† M_D-1/2θ^†θθ^† M_D-1/2θ^† M_D θ^T θ^*-θ^†θ M_D^T θ^*, so, in the limit O(θ M_D) θ^†θ M_M ≃θ^† M_D, M_M θ^T θ^* ≃ M_D^T θ^*, which allows one to express (<ref>) as M_M ≃θ^-1 M_D -1/3θ^† M_D -1/2 M_D^T θ^* - 1/2θ^-1 M_D θ^T θ^*. The requirement M_M=M_M^T, (<ref>), with the help of (<ref>), leads to θ^-1 M_D+2/3θ^† M_D ≃ M_D^T (θ^-1)^T+2/3 M_D^T R^*. Multiplying (<ref>) by θ and θ^T from the left and right sides, one can obtain θθ^† M_D θ^T ≃θ M_D^T θ^* θ^T, which leads to the relation (<ref>). § A SIMPLE REPRESENTATION FOR THE MATRIX Ω_ NM Suppose that Ω_ nm = Ω_ n+Ω_ m, where Ω_ mΩ_ m^T=I, Ω_ nΩ_ n^T ≠ I. Inserting (<ref>) into (<ref>), one can find Ω_ m = 3 m̂^-1 [(Ω_ n^-1)^† - Ω_ n^*] M̂ - (Ω_ n^-1)^T, which must satisfy the requirement Ω_ m^-1 = Ω_ m^T, i.e., 3 M̂^-1[ Ω_ n^† - (Ω_n^*)^-1] m̂-Ω_ n ^T = 3 M̂ [(Ω_ n^-1)^*-(Ω_ n^*)^T] m̂^-1 - Ω_ n^-1. Assuming A = Ω_ n^T - Ω_ n^-1, A ≠ 0, Equation (<ref>) takes the form 3 M̂^-1 A^* m̂ + 3 M̂ A^* m̂^-1 - A = 0. One can note that there is no matrix A satisfying the relation (<ref>). Thus, the matrix Ω_ nm cannot be expressed by the form (<ref>). However, if one assumes that Ω_ nm is a diagonal matrix, then its form is defined explicitly as Ω_ nm = diag (ω_1, ω_2, ω_3), where ω_i = √(1-1/3m_i/M_i). § THE EFFECTIVE MASSES OF ACTIVE NEUTRINOS IN STANDARD AND NON-MINIMAL APPROXIMATIONS In the standard approach using the relations (<ref>), (<ref>), (<ref>) and Ω_ mΩ_ m^T = I, one can find m_ν≃ - M_D θ^T ≃ - θ M_N θ^T ≃ - θ U_N^* M̂ U_N^†θ^T = - ΘM̂Θ^T ≃ U_ PMNSm̂ U_ PMNS^T. In the non-minimal approximation, the expression for m_ν, (<ref>), with the help of (<ref>), is M_D ≃[ θ - 1/3 (θ^† )^-1] M_N, and (<ref>) can be presented as m_ν≃ - [ θ - 1/3 (θ^† )^-1] U_N^* M̂Θ^T. 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A Multi-Modal Simulation Framework to Enable Digital Twin-based V2X Communications in Dynamic Environments
[ "Lorenzo Cazzella", "Francesco Linsalata", "Maurizio Magarini", "Matteo Matteucci", "Umberto Spagnolini" ]
[ "eess.SP", "cs.LG", "cs.NI" ]
Reconfigurable Distributed Antennas and Reflecting Surface (RDARS): A New Architecture for Wireless Communications Chengzhi Ma, Xi Yang, Jintao Wang, Guanghua Yang, and Shaodan Ma, Senior Member, IEEE C. Ma, J. Wang and S. Ma are with the State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Macau, Macao SAR, China (e-mails: yc07499@um.edu.mo; wang.jintao@connect.um.edu.mo; shaodanma@um.edu.mo). X. Yang is with the Shanghai Key Laboratory of Multidimensional Information Processing, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China (e-mail: xyang@cee.ecnu.edu.cn). G. Yang is with the School of Intelligent Systems Science and Engineering and GBA and B&R International Joint Research Center for Smart Logistics, Jinan University, Zhuhai 519070, China (e-mail: ghyang@jnu.edu.cn). ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ Digital Twins (DTs) for physical wireless environments have been recently proposed as accurate virtual representations of the propagation environment that can enable multi-layer decisions at the physical communication equipment. At high frequency bands, DTs can help to overcome the challenges emerging in the high mobility conditions featuring vehicular environments. In this paper, we propose a novel data-driven workflow for the creation of the DT of a Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication scenario and a multi-modal simulation framework for the generation of realistic sensor data and accurate mmWave/sub-THz wireless channels. The proposed method leverages an automotive simulation and testing framework based on the Unreal Engine game engine and an accurate ray-tracing channel simulator. Simulations over an urban scenario show the achievable realistic sensor and channel modelling both at the infrastructure and at an ego-vehicle. Digital Twin, V2X, data-driven, mmWave/sub-THz § INTRODUCTION The sixth generation (6G) technology targets to revolutionize the mobility industry enhancing the role of wireless connections in car manufacturing. Indeed, connected vehicles can utilize the vehicle-to-everything (V2X) technology to communicate with other road users by means of cellular networks. The communication module of a connected vehicle working at high frequencies—in the mmWave and sub-THz bands—can offer a true Gb/s experience and deliver information more efficiently than through sensor detection and processing <cit.>. However, the use of higher frequency bands makes the wireless links prone to line-of-sight (LOS) blockages. The vehicles' movement and the rising density of urban buildings, which mostly determine the signal degradation, are the primary causes of discontinuous connectivity in the V2X environments <cit.>. As a possible countermeasure, the latest 6G paradigm envisions merging the physical and digital worlds <cit.>. It is widely acknowledged that the Digital Twin (DT) will be a key enabling technology to achieve this goal <cit.>. The DT aims at providing a high-fidelity digital representation of physical phenomena. This is obtained not only by integrating simulations and available data, but also by accounting for the entire phenomenon life-cycle, which provides up-to-date insights about the physical entity. Thus, a DT-enabled V2X network can get meaningful knowledge of the surrounding environment by collecting and processing a huge amount of data, providing real-time accurate channel estimation <cit.>. To create an accurate real-time digital reproduction of the physical environment, the envisioned DT has to use high-definition 3D maps and combine multi-modal sensory data from scattered devices and infrastructure nodes. The model needs to be continuously improved to enhance its decision accuracy and to refine its approximation of the physical world, as depicted in Fig. <ref>. Indeed, the demands for data reliability are stricter in dynamic scenarios than in static ones. Particularly, in scenarios with stringent time requirements and severe tolerance constraints, as in the case of V2X networks, where even a small model inaccuracy can have a remarkable impact on the decision process <cit.>. Real-time DTs have been researched in a variety of fields, including real-time remote monitoring and control in industry, risk assessment in transportation, and smart scheduling in smart cities <cit.>. The use of DT in the network has mostly concentrated on operation issues for wireless communications, including edge computing, network optimization, and service management <cit.>. By contrast, this paper focuses on simulating the real vehicular world using the real-time DT, with attention to the environment's physical modelling and wireless signal propagation. The main contributions can be summarized as follows: * a workflow for the creation of the DT of a vehicular urban/suburban environment from multi-sensor data acquired at the communication infrastructure or at an ego-vehicle; * a data-driven multi-modal simulation framework for V2X wireless communications leveraging a realistic automotive 3D simulation and testing software based on the renowned Unreal Engine game engine for the generation of realistic sensor data, and on an accurate ray-tracing wireless channel simulator. We present simulation results over an urban environment showing the sensing and channel generation realism achievable through the proposed framework. § DIGITAL TWIN-AIDED COMMUNICATIONS We consider a multi-user V2X communication system in which the communication infrastructure and the vehicular user equipment (VEs) are capable of multi-modal sensing, as they are equipped with multiple sensors (e.g., camera, LiDAR, radar) to perceive their surroundings. VEs can be also equipped with sensors to estimate their state—e.g., positioning systems and inertial measurement units (IMUs),—in terms of acting forces, position and orientation. The aim of each sensing entity is to build a digital replica of the real world from the perceived data. Owing to highly dynamic environments, V2X communications experience rapidly varying communication link conditions, which can greatly affect the communication performance and call for novel channel estimation techniques. As an example, Fig. <ref> shows the deep change in electromagnetic wireless propagation between a road-side unit and a VE when affected by vehicular blockage. Recent contributions in the literature, e.g., <cit.>, have emphasized the advantages of integrated communication and multi-modal sensing to provide effective solutions over a wide variety of tasks, including beam prediction, channel estimation, blockage prediction/hand-off, UE positioning and object detection. We believe that the availability of multiple sensors at the communication infrastructure and/or at VEs, and the challenging channel estimation conditions can benefit from the automotive simulation and testing framework <cit.>—commonly used for the validation of Autonomous Vehicles (AV) and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS),—for the construction of the DT of vehicular scenarios aimed at controlling physical communication equipment based on virtual sensors simulation and accurate channel generation. § A MULTI-MODAL SIMULATION FRAMEWORK FOR V2X COMMUNICATIONS In this section, we propose a workflow for the construction of the DT of physical urban/suburban environment and a multi-modal simulation framework to enable wireless communications. Fig. <ref> depicts the proposed workflow. The procedure is intended as an iterative approach, which constantly updates the DT from the acquired and preprocessed data. §.§ Digital Twin construction In the following, we briefly describe the sensory data acquisition, preprocessing and digital reconstruction steps, focusing on multi-sensor simulation and ray-tracing channel generation in the reconstructed 3D environment, which are the target of this contribution. Sensory data acquisition (a, b): the environment surrounding a sensing-capable network component (a VE or at the communication infrastructure) is perceived by means of multiple sensors, e.g., camera, LiDAR, and radar. Positioning and inertial measurement systems are also common on automated vehicles, providing information on the forces acting on the vehicle and on its position and orientation. Preprocessing of the acquired data (c, d): the acquired data is preprocessed by means of sensor fusion techniques to leverage the joint availability of diverse sensor data. Semantic instance segmentation is then performed to determine the 3D scene components—e.g., buildings, vehicles, fences, lamp posts, road marks, and vegetation. An effective method for LiDAR 3D point-cloud semantic segmentation is proposed by Zhuang et al. in <cit.>, where the authors exploit perceptual information from RGB images and spatio-depth information from point clouds to devise a collaborative fusion scheme. Digital 3D reconstruction (e): the identified 3D scene components are mapped to known 3D object models by means of procedural 3D reconstruction. Nishida et al. propose in <cit.> a system to generate a procedural model of a building from a single camera image, automatically estimating camera parameters and generating the building windows and doors geometry. A more general survey on accurate procedural modelling of virtual twins is provided in <cit.>. Materials matching (f): a material is associated to each 3D component class to enable the reconstructed 3D scenario for electromagnetic (EM) propagation simulations. For a thorough description of the EM relative permettivity and conductivity properties of several materials, we refer the reader to the ITU-R recommendation P.1238 <cit.>. Multi-modal simulation (g): the reconstructed 3D environment is integrated within the Midgard automotive software framework, designed by AnteMotion <cit.> for testing, simulating and validating Autonomous Vehicles (AV) and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). In particular, Midgard provides state-of-the-art realistic urban/suburban 3D simulation over different weather conditions relying on the Unreal Engine <cit.> real-time game engine. Midgard allows the simulation or integration of a wide variety of sensors—both static (for simulations at the communications infrastructure) and dynamic (moving jointly with the simulated vehicles): * RGB camera, provides standard coloured images and is defined for both a pinhole camera model and for real-life ultra wide-angle lenses (fisheye camera); * identification/segmentation cameras, identify objects perceived in the camera image, classifying each pixel based on the object type (semantic segmentation), separating pixels belonging to different observed objects (instance segmentation), or providing the bounding boxes associated to each object (multi-object identification); * optical flow camera, allows to represent the object movements associating to each image pixel its vertical and horizontal velocity and encoding them into RGB channels; * LiDAR, provides a 3D point cloud for a given number of channels (stacked vertical lasers) and a specified horizontal angular resolution; * inertial measurement unit, provides information on the state of the vehicle to which it is attached; * mmWave radar, for propagation on sensing that can be simulated through specialized ray-tracing software, e.g. <cit.>. Accurate wireless channel simulation (h): to achieve an accurate simulation of the wireless propagation channel, we utilized the Remcom Wireless InSite <cit.> specialized ray-tracing simulation software. A ray-tracing channel simulation software leveraging GPU hardware acceleration has also been introduced by Hoydis et al. in <cit.>. Ray-tracing propagation models have been proven to effectively simulate multi-path propagation and space-time channel dispersion <cit.>. The considerable progresses in computing architectures and the formulation of improved computational methods enable real-time performance for multi-sensor simulations and ray-tracing wireless propagation simulation. The reconstructed 3D model of the urban/suburban environment is imported within Wireless InSite, associating the corresponding material to each environment component. For each propagation ray between transmitter and receiver, the information provided by Wireless InSite includes the punctual details on received power, phase, direction of departure (DoD), direction of arrival (DoA), delay and Doppler shift (for moving Tx or Rx equipment). In the case of mmWave/sub-THz frequencies, the MIMO channel impulse response h at time instant t can be modelled as the sum over P paths <cit.>: h(t) = ∑_p=1^Pα_p e^j2πν_p ta_Rx(ϑ_p) a_Tx^T(φ_p) g(t - τ_p), where the amplitudes α_p are defined by path-loss and interactions with the propagation environment, ν_p is the Doppler shift of the pth path, a_Tx and a_Rx are, respectively, the Tx and Rx antenna array response vectors as a function of directions of arrival ϑ_p and directions of departure φ_p, and g(t) is the equivalent impulse response delayed by the path delay τ_p. §.§ Datasets generation Besides controlling physical equipment, the proposed simulation framework enables the generation of realistic datasets of synchronized multi-sensor data and accurate communication channels at the infrastructure and at the ego-vehicle, allowing realistic benchmarks definition and machine/deep learning algorithms training. To generate realistic vehicular traffic data, we utilized the Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO) simulation software <cit.>. SUMO is an open-source microscopic traffic simulation package that can efficiently handle large vehicular networks. The use of a vehicular traffic simulator requires the availability of an accurate map of the road network. To this aim, we propose to extend the preprocessing phase proposed in Fig. <ref> with a further step for road marks identification and HD lanes reconstruction, as in <cit.>. We notice that procedural 3D generation allows to build a wide variety of combinations of 3D and environmental features (e.g., building 3D structures, textures, weather conditions) to generate several diversified datasets. § SIMULATION RESULTS In this section, we present the results obtained over an urban scenario for the proposed multi-modal simulation framework. We assume that the sensory data acquisition, preprocessing and digital reconstruction procedures have already been performed, and the model of the 3D simulation scenario model is available. The first three columns of Fig. <ref> present the simulation results for three different virtual sensors—i.e., RGB camera (pinhole camera model), LiDAR unit and semantic segmentation camera—in Midgard from the point of view of a road-side unit (RSU) and of a vehicle moving in the scenario in the neighborhood of the RSU. The camera resolution has been set-up to 1920×1080 pixels, while the focal length is 16 mm and the camera sensor size is 36 mm x 20.25 mm. The semantic segmentation camera annotates each RGB camera pixel with a different color for each object type, distinguishing vehicles, buildings, curbs, pavements, fences and vegetation. The LiDAR unit emulates a realistic radar with 64 channels, a rotation frequency of 10 Hz and an horizontal resolution of 0.6 deg, providing a 3D point cloud of the RSU and vehicle surroundings. The figure shows the real-time realism and accuracy reached by the Midgard Unreal Engine-based automotive framework during simulation. The generation of the ray-tracing channel by means of Remcom Wirless InSite is presented in the last column of Fig. <ref> for both a transmitter at the infrastructure and at an ego-vehicle. During the materials matching phase, concrete has been selected for buildings structures, glass for vehicle and building windows, wood for fences, perfect electric conductor (PEC) for lamp posts, vehicle bodies, vehicle bumpers and wheel rims, and rubber for vehicle tires. § CONCLUSION In this paper, we proposed a novel workflow and a multi-modal simulation framework for the construction of a realistic DT of a physical scenario from multi-sensor acquisitions in dynamic vehicular environments. The developed DT is aimed at improving existing V2X communications by controlling physical equipment based on accurate virtual sensors and channel data. Moreover, the proposed multi-modal simulation framework allows the generation of realistic multi-sensor and ray-tracing channel datasets, enabling the definition of realistic benchmarks and the training of machine/deep learning algorithms. Simulations over an urban vehicular environment show the sensing realism achievable through the Unreal Engine-based automotive simulation framework and ray-tracing channel generation results both at the communication infrastructure and at an ego-vehicle. § ACKNOWLEDGMENT This paper was supported by the European Union under the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) of NextGenerationEU, partnership on “Telecommunications of the Future” (PE00000001 - program “RESTART”, Structural Project 6GWINET). IEEEtran
An $SU(5)\times U(1)^\prime$ SUSY GUT with a "vector-like chiral" fourth family to fit all low energy data, including the muon $g-2$
[ "Harshal Kulkarni", "Stuart Raby" ]
[ "hep-ph" ]
=1 *mps* 1.2 =10000 a,1]Harshal Kulkarnib,2]and Stuart Raby [a]Department of Physical Sciences, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata, Mohanpur, West Bengal 741246, India[b]Department of Physics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210, USA hck18ms056@iiserkol.ac.inraby.1@osu.eduAn additional generation of quarks and leptons and their SUSY counterparts, which are vector-like under the Standard Model gauge group but are chiral with respect to the new U(1)_3-4 gauge symmetry, are added to the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). We show that this model is a GUT and unifies the three SM gauge couplings and also the additional U(1)_3-4 coupling at a GUT scale of ≈ 5 × 10^16 GeV and explains the experimentally observed deviation of the muon g-2. We also fit the quark flavor changing processes consistent with the latest experimental data and look at the effect of the new particles on the W boson mass without obviously conflicting with the observed masses of particles, CKM matrix elements, neutrino mixing angles, their mass differences, and the lepton-flavor violating bounds. This model predicts sparticle masses less than 25 TeV, with a gluino mass ≈ 2.3 - 3 TeV consistent with constraints, and one of the neutralinos as the LSP with a mass of ≈ 480 - 580 GeV, which is a potential dark matter candidate. The model is string theory motivated and predicts the VL quarks, leptons, a massive Z' and two Dirac neutrinos at the TeV scale and the branching ratios of μ⟶ e γ, τ⟶μγ and τ⟶ 3μ with BR(μ⟶ e γ) within reach of future experiments. An SU(5)× U(1)^' SUSY GUT with a "vector-like chiral" fourth family to fit all low energy data, including the muon g - 2 [ March 30, 2023 ========================================================================================================================= § INTRODUCTION The Standard Model (SM) is very successful in predicting and explaining most of the experimental measurements. However, one of the discrepancies between the Standard Model and the experimental measurement that has been known for a long time is the muon anomalous magnetic moment. The discrepancy between the SM prediction and the measured value is <cit.> : Δ a_μ = a_μ^exp - a_μ^SM = 251(59) × 10^-11 In addition to that, the b ⟶ s l^+l^- transitions related to tests of lepton flavor non-universality in the observables R(K) and R(K^*)<cit.>, semi-leptonic branching ratios <cit.> and angular distributions <cit.> also showed deviations from the SM predictions. However, recent LHCb measurements <cit.> suggest that there is no lepton non-universality. It has been shown that an extension of the SM involving VL leptons that couple only with the muons can explain the discrepancy of the muon g - 2 <cit.>. It has also been shown that both the muon g - 2 and the b ⟶ s l^+l^- transitions related to tests of lepton flavor non-universality can be solved by introducing VL leptons, VL quarks and an additional massive Z' boson corresponding to the spontaneously broken U(1)_μ - τ<cit.>. However, in light of the recent evidence for the absence of lepton flavor non-universality, it is most appropriate to fit all of the Wilson coefficients, resulting from beyond the Standard Model physics, C_9, C_10, C_9' and C_10' of the effective Hamiltonian <cit.>: ℋ_eff = -4G_F/√(2)V_tbV_ts^*e^2/16 π^2∑_j = 9,10(C_j 𝒪_j + C'_j𝒪'_j) + h.c. where 𝒪_9 = (sγ_μ P_L b)(μγ^μμ), 𝒪'_9 = (sγ_μ P_R b)(μγ^μμ) and 𝒪_10 = (sγ_μ P_L b)(μγ^μγ_5 μ), 𝒪'_10 = (sγ_μ P_R b)(μγ^μγ_5 μ) to zero. This is what will be realized in our analysis, where we fit all the four Wilson coefficients within a value of ± 0.1. In addition, it was shown in <cit.> that an additional 4th family which is VL with respect to the SM but chiral with respect to the new spontaneously broken U(1)_3-4 symmetry solves the muon g - 2 anomaly without directly conflicting with experimental data. The analysis performed there, however, is restricted to the second and third families and is non-supersymmetric. However, since string theory gives a supersymmetric theory, in this paper, we generalize to include supersymmetry and present a complete analysis involving the three SM families and a VL-chiral family throughout. Finally, experimental evidence shows a deviation of the W boson mass from its value predicted by the SM <cit.>. It was shown in <cit.> that the W boson mass can be fit by considering VL leptons and an additional U(1) gauge group. In our analysis, we extend the model of <cit.> and also study the effect of the new vector-like chiral leptons of our model on the W boson mass. In our model, the third SM family, the left-handed VL family and their SUSY counterparts have charges +1 and -1 respectively under the new U(1)_3-4 gauge group and all other fermions and their sparticles are neutral. This model is motivated by heterotic string orbifold constructions <cit.> which give the full MSSM spectrum, states which are VL under the SM gauge group and chiral under new U(1)' gauge symmetries. In addition, there are many SM singlet scalars that break the additional gauge symmetries and give mass to the new vector bosons and the VL particles. In many previous constructions, the additional particles gained mass at the string scale; however, in this model, we consider the case when at least one of the families of the VL particles is light enough (∼ 1 TeV), hence making it possible to observe them in future experiments. We consider the Lagrangian involving this additional VL family and the corresponding sparticles, but the higher mass modes predicted by string theory are assumed to be integrated out. It will be seen that the model simultaneously fits the observed quark and lepton masses of the three SM families, the Higgs mass, the strong and U(1)_em gauge couplings, the CKM matrix elements, and neutrino mass differences and mixing angles. It also fits the muon anomalous magnetic moment and the deviation of the W boson mass from its SM value without violating the data from quark flavor changing processes (i.e. Lepton Flavor Violating (LFV) decay bounds) and the cosmological upper bound on the sum of neutrino masses, i.e. ∑_i = 1^3m_ν_i < 0.12 eV. The new VL leptons, VL quarks, Dirac neutrinos as well as the Z' boson all have mass at the TeV scale. The model being supersymmetric predicts all the sparticle masses less than 25 TeV and also gives a ≈ 480 - 580 GeV neutralino, which is the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) of the model and has the potential to be a dark matter candidate. § MODEL The model under consideration is the MSSM with three right-handed neutrinos, one additional generation of left-handed and right-handed chiral fields, and their supersymmetric counterparts – which correspond to the VL particles. Further, we also have an additional U(1)_3-4 under which the third SM family and the left-handed chiral part of the fourth additional generation are charged. This U(1)_3-4 gauge symmetry is spontaneously broken by the nonzero vacuum expectation value (VEV) of the scalar components of the superfields Φ and Φ̅. All the relevant scalar, fermionic fields of the model and their quantum numbers are given in terms of the superfields in the Table 1 below. The superpotential relevant for our analysis is: 𝒲 = - u_iy^u_ijq_jH_u - d_iy^d_ijq_jH_d - e_iy^e_ijl_jH_d - ν_iy^ν_ijl_jH_u - λ_LRUU Q H_u - λ_LRDD Q H_d - λ_LREE L H_d - λ_LRNN L H_u - λ_RLUQ U H_d - λ_RLDQ D H_u - λ_RLEL E H_u - λ_RLNL N H_d - Φ̅( λ_3Q q^3 Q + λ_UU U + λ_DD D + λ_3L l^3 L + λ_EE E + λ_NN N ) - Φ (λ_Q Q Q + λ_3Uu^3 U + λ_3Dd^3 D + λ_L L L + λ_3Ee^3 E + λ_3Nν^3 N) - λ_2Q_aQ q^a - λ_2L_aL l^a - λ_2U_au^a U - λ_2D_ad^a D - λ_2E_ae^a E - λ_2N_aν^a N - μ H_u H_d - μ_ΦΦ̅Φ where i,j = 1,2,3 and the Yukawa matrices y^u_ij, y^d_ij, y^e_ij and y^ν_ij are block diagonal due to the constraint of the Lagrangian being invariant under the U(1)_3-4 gauge symmetry. Almost all of the Yukawa parameters are taken to be real. The Yukawa couplings y^d_12, y^d_21, y^d_22, y^u_33 = y^d_33 = y^e_33 (in the GUT sense) and λ_3Q, λ_3U and λ_3D are taken to be complex to get the complex parameters in the CKM matrix. The 2⊕1 flavor structure of the SM families can, in principle, originate from a D_4 flavor symmetry <cit.>, however this is beyond the scope of the present paper. The quantities {λ_2Q_a, λ_2L_a, λ_2U_a, λ_2D_a, λ_2E_a, λ_2N_a} are effective μ-like parameters with mass dimension 1. We will present a detailed analysis of the flavor physics of all the three SM families. We consider the generic soft SUSY breaking Lagrangian: ℒ_soft = -1/6h^ijkϕ_i ϕ_j ϕ_k - 1/2b^ijϕ_i ϕ_j - 1/2 (m^2)^i_j ϕ^*jϕ_i - 1/2M_a λ_a λ_a where the scalar fields ϕ_i are the sparticle fields, the Higgs and new scalar fields of our model and the λ_a are the four gaugino fields. The RG flow of the soft SUSY breaking sparticle and gaugino mass parameters have also been analyzed. We also consider Majorana neutrino mass terms in the superpotential, given by the addition of: 𝒲_maj = 1/2 M_L N N + 1/2 M_R^abν̅^a ν̅^b + M_R N̅ν̅^3 . This then gives the Lagrangian terms for the fermions (in Dirac notation) ℒ_maj = -1/2M_L N_L^𝒞 N_L -1/2 M_R^ab( ν̅_L^a)^𝒞ν̅_L^b - (M_R N̅_L^𝒞ν̅_L^3+h.c.) + h.c. We take the Majorana mass terms M_L, M_R, M_R^ab to be much larger than the VEVs v_Φ, v_Φ̅ > v_H_u, v_H_d. Hence, we can integrate out the heavy states. The details of this calculation are presented in [sec:7.1]Appendix  <ref>sec:7.1. After integrating out the heavy states, we get an effective Lagrangian given by: ℒ^eff = (l^d_L)^C (y^ν_d e)^T H_u (M_R^-1)_e a y^ν_db l^b_LH_u + 1/M_Rλ_LRN (y^ν_33) (l^3_L)^C H_u L_L H_u - L̅_L^C( λ_2L_a l_L^a + λ_3 LΦ̅l^3_L + λ_L Φ L_L ) + 1/M_Lλ_RLNλ_RLNL̅_L^C H_d L̅_L H_d + h.c. This effective Lagrangian is considered for RG flow and for the physics below the right-handed Majorana neutrino mass scale. At the weak scale, the scalar fields obtain vacuum expectation values and the above effective Lagrangian becomes: ℒ^eff = (l^d_L)^C (y^ν_d e)^T (M_R^-1)_e a y^ν_db l^b_L v_H_u^2 + 1/M_Rλ_LRN y^ν_33 (l^3_L)^C L_L  v_H_u^2 - (N̅^'_L)^C( λ_2L_aν_L^a + λ_3 L v_Φ̅ν^3_L + λ_L v_Φ N^'_L ) - E̅^'_R ( λ_2L_a e_L^a + λ_3 L v_Φ̅ e^3_L + λ_L v_Φ E^'_L ) + 1/M_Lλ_RLNλ_RLNL̅_L^CL̅_L  v_H_d^2 + h.c. There are only 5 light neutrino states at the weak scale. Of these, one linear combination of {ν_L^1,  ν_L^2,  ν_L^3,  N^'_L} obtains mass at the heavier scale {∼ v_Φ, v_Φ̅}. This is a Dirac mass term and includes two Weyl spinors. The other 3 linear combinations only obtain mass at the scale of order v_H_u^2/M_R, etc. §.§ Quark and charged lepton masses We can write the 5 × 5 Dirac mass matrices as: e_R ℳ^e e_L = (e_Ri E_R  E'_R) [ v_H_dy^e_11 v_H_dy^e_12 0 0 λ_2E_1; v_H_dy^e_21 v_H_dy^e_22 0 0 λ_2E_2; 0 0 v_H_dy^e_33 0 v_Φλ_3E; 0 0 0 v_H_dλ_LRE v_Φ̅λ_E; λ_2L_1 λ_2L_2 v_Φ̅λ_3L v_Φλ_L v_H_uλ_RLE ][ e_Li; E'_L; E_L ] u_R ℳ^u u_L = (u_RiU_R U'_R) [ v_H_uy^u_11 v_H_uy^u_12 0 0 λ_2U_1; v_H_uy^u_21 v_H_uy^u_22 0 0 λ_2U_2; 0 0 v_H_uy^u_33 0 v_Φλ_3U; 0 0 0 v_H_uλ_LRU v_Φ̅λ_U; λ_2Q_1 λ_2Q_2 v_Φ̅λ_3Q v_Φλ_Q v_H_dλ_RLU ][ u_Li; U'_L; U_L ] d_R ℳ^d d_L = (d_RiD_R D'_R) [ v_H_dy^d_11 v_H_dy^d_12 0 0 λ_2D_1; v_H_dy^d_21 v_H_dy^d_22 0 0 λ_2D_2; 0 0 v_H_dy^d_33 0 v_Φλ_3D; 0 0 0 v_H_dλ_LRD v_Φ̅λ_D; λ_2Q_1 λ_2Q_2 v_Φ̅λ_3Q v_Φλ_Q v_H_uλ_RLD ][ d_Li; D'_L; D_L ] where we have assumed the scalar VEVs to be real. The weak scale Yukawa matrices and the dimension 1 parameters being used in the above computation are given in [sec:7.5]Appendix <ref>sec:7.5 and [sec:7.8]Appendix <ref>sec:7.8 for the two fit points. The VEVs v_H_u and v_H_d are related to the Higgs VEV by: v^2/2 = v_H_u^2 + v_H_d^2 and: tanβ = v_H_u/v_H_d These together imply: v_H_d = v/√(2(1+tan^2β)), v_H_u = v tanβ/√(2(1+tan^2β)) Denoting the electrically charged fermions by f = e, u, d, the mass basis is defined as: f̂_L = (U^f_L)^† f_L, f̂_R = (U^f_R)^† f_R The unitary matrices U^f_L and U^f_R diagonalize the Dirac mass matrices: (U^e_R)^†ℳ^e U^e_L = diag(m_e, m_μ, m_τ, m_E_1, m_E_2) (U^u_R)^†ℳ^u U^u_L = diag(m_u, m_c, m_t, m_U_1, m_U_2) (U^d_R)^†ℳ^d U^d_L = diag(m_d, m_s, m_b, m_D_1, m_D_2) where the m_E_a, m_U_a and m_D_a for a = 1,2 are the masses of the new charged fermions due to the introduction of a 4th vector-like chiral family. The masses are arranged in increasing order. §.§ The Extended CKM matrix From the U^f_L and U^f_R obtained after diagonalization, the extended CKM matrix can be given by: V_CKM = (U^u_L)^† P_5̅ U^d_L where P_5̅ = diag(1,1,1,1,0) is a projection operator. As can be clearly seen from above, the extended CKM matrix is not unitary. The 3 × 3 submatrix of this extended CKM matrix is the SM CKM matrix. We will show that the point in parameter space that we have considered will, within error, reproduce the observed quark and charged lepton masses for the 3 SM families and the CKM matrix. The weak scale CKM matrix for the two fit points can be found in [sec:7.6]Appendix <ref>sec:7.6 and [sec:7.9]Appendix <ref>sec:7.9. §.§ Neutrino mixing angles and mass differences From the effective Lagrangian at the weak scale mentioned earlier, the mass matrix for the light neutrinos is given by: ( [ ν_L^1 C ν_L^2 C ν_L^3 C N_L^' C N̅_L^' C ]) ( [ ( y^ν T (M_R^ab)^-1 y^ν )_11 v_u^2 ( y^ν T (M_R^ab)^-1 y^ν )_12 v_u^2 0 0 λ_2L_1; ( y^ν T (M_R^ab)^-1 y^ν )_21 v_u^2 ( y^ν T (M_R^ab)^-1 y^ν )_22 v_u^2 0 0 λ_2L_2; 0 0 0 λ_LRN y^ν_33v_u^2/M_R λ_3 L v_Φ̅; 0 0 λ_LRN y^ν_33v_u^2/M_R 0 λ_L v_Φ; λ_2L_1 λ_2L_2 λ_3 L v_Φ̅ λ_L v_Φ λ_RLN^2 v_d^2/M_L ]) ( [ ν_L^1; ν_L^2; ν_L^3; N_L^'; N̅_L^' ]) The set of parameters for the two fit points has been given in [sec:7.5.2]Appendix <ref>sec:7.5.2 and [sec:7.8.2]Appendix <ref>sec:7.8.2. The neutrino mass matrix M_ν can be diagonalized as follows: U_ν^T M_ν U_ν = diag(m_ν_1,m_ν_3,m_ν_3,m_ν_4,m_ν_5) From this, one can obtain the extended PMNS matrix given by: U_PMNS = (U_L^e)^† P_5̅ U_ν As can be clearly seen from the above definition, the extended PMNS matrix is not unitary. The 3 × 3 submatrix of this extended PMNS matrix is the standard PMNS matrix. This is the same as saying that, the PMNS matrix is the matrix that diagonalizes the neutrino mass matrix when it is represented in the basis in which the charged lepton mass matrix is diagonal. The three mixing angles (sin^2θ_12, sin^2θ_23, sin^2θ_13) can then be extracted from the PMNS matrix. The light neutrino masses are given by m_i = √(m_v_i^* m_v_i) (i = 1,2,3) and we get 2 neutrinos with mass of order 1 TeV. From the masses of the three light neutrinos we can get the three mass differences Δ m^2_12, Δ m^2_23 and Δ m^2_13. We also get the CP violating phase δ_CP and Jarlskog invariant defined by: J = Imag(U_PMNS^23 U_PMNS^13* U_PMNS^12 U_PMNS^22*) which is consistent with the 3σ confidence interval for δ_CP found in <cit.>. §.§ RG flow of the U(1)_3-4 coupling g' We consider two loop RG equations for the gauge couplings and 1 loop RG equations for the Yukawa parameters and for the soft SUSY breaking dimensionful parameters - the sparticle mass parameters, gaugino mass paramaters and the parameter h^ijk. We have an additional constraint on the value of the g' coupling due to the presence of a Landau pole at high energies. The RGE of the coupling g' to 1-loop is given by: dg'/d lnμ = g'^3/16π^2 (∑_i Q^'(i) - 3C(G)) Here C(G) = 0 in our case, since G = U(1)_3-4≡ U(1)^'. Q^'(i) is the U(1)^' charge. The sum is over all the supermultiplets which are charged under the U(1)_3-4 group. Hence, we get: dg'/d lnμ = 34 g'^3/16π^2 This implies: Λ_g' = μ_Z' exp(8π^2/34 g'(μ_Z')^2) where Λ_g' is the scale of the Landau pole. The plot for the scale of the Landau pole as a function of g'( ∼ 1 TeV) is given in Figure 1 above. For our case, we consider our model to hold true roughly up to M_GUT≈ 5 × 10^16 GeV and consider μ(Z') ∼ TeV scale, within reach of future experiments at the HL-LHC. This already gives a constraint g'(μ_Z') < 0.271 for the U(1)_3-4 coupling in our model. It should be noted that this is an estimate obtained only from the 1 loop RG equations and not considering the 2 loop effects or the 1 loop threshold corrections, which is what we will be considering for a more detailed analysis. §.§ Couplings of quarks and charged leptons with Z' The Lagrangian for the coupling of the quarks and charged leptons with the new Z' boson is given by: ℒ_Z' = g'Z'_μ(f^a_L [g^f_L]_abf^b_L + f^a_R [g^f_R]_abf^b_R) where f = u,d,e and g^f_L = (U^f_L)^† g_L U^f_L, g^f_R = (U^f_R)^† g_R U^f_R with the U(1)_3-4 charge matrices given by: g_L = g_R = diag(0,0,1,-1,0) In a completely analogous manner, the Z' gaugino similarly couples to the quarks, charged leptons and their sparticles. Since the structure of the Lagrangian is not different for them, we won't bother writing it down explicitly. It is worth noting that the Z' coupling is not symmetric in the 4 and the 4̅ families because of the difference in the U(1)_3-4 charges in the 4 and 4̅ families and the difference in the way the f_R and f_L are represented. The flavor-changing currents between the SM 1 and 2 families and the SM 2 and 3 families mediated by the Z' boson are small, leading to suppressed branching ratios for lepton flavor violating processes. This will be explicitly seen in the results of our model's analysis. § OBSERVABLES §.§ Masses of the particles We fit the SM quark and charged lepton masses by diagonalizing the 5 × 5 Dirac mass matrices mentioned in the previous section. The light SM neutrino masses are obtained as mentioned in the previous section. We get that U_ν^T M_ν U_ν is approximately diagonal (with the non-diagonal entries being ≲ 0.01 times the diagonal ones) and the PMNS matrix being approximately unitary. The tree level W and Z boson masses are given by: M_W = 1/2vg_SU(2), M_Z = 1/2v √(g_SU(2)^2 + g_U(1)^2) where v is the Higgs VEV, g_SU(2) = g_2 and g_U(1) = √(3/5)  g_1. However, there are contributions of the new vector-like chiral leptons to the W boson mass, which cause the value of the W boson to deviate from the SM value. W boson mass corrections have been discussed in <cit.>. In our case, we consider the correction to W boson mass due to vector-like chiral leptons given by <cit.>: δ M_W^2/M_W^2|_SM≈α_e cos^2(θ_W)/cos^2(θ_W) - sin^2(θ_W) T where the oblique parameter T is approximately given by: T ≈1/16 π sin^2(θ_W) cos^2(θ_W)2(m_L^-^2 - m_L^0^2)^2/3 M_Z^2 M^2_L with M^2_L = λ_L^2 v_Φ^2 + λ_2L_1^2 + λ_2L_2^2. The two fit points of our model predict a significant deviation of the W boson mass from its SM value. The Higgs mass is given by: m^2_h^0 = 1/2(m^2_A^0 + m^2_Z - √((m^2_A^0-m_Z^2)^2 + 4m^2_Zm^2_A^0sin^2(2β))) + Δ(m^2_h^0) where Δ(m^2_h^0) consists of the radiative corrections to the tree level Higgs mass. The precise expressions are given in detail in the [sec:7.2]Appendix <ref>sec:7.2. The Z^' boson mass in our model is given by: M_Z^' = g^'√(2(v_Φ^2 + v_Φ̅^2)) Its value for the two fit points can be found in Table 4. §.§ Masses of the sparticles We work in the Generalized Mirage Mediation (GMM) model <cit.> and set the boundary conditions for the sparticle and gaugino masses, and the trilinear soft coupling to be: M_a = M_s(l_a α + b_a g_a^2) A_ijk = M_s(-a_ijkα + γ_i + γ_j + γ_k) m^2_i = M_s^2(c_i α^2 + 4αξ_i - γ_i) where M_s = m_3/2/16π^2 (m_3/2 is the gravitino mass), b_a are the gauge β function coefficients for the gauge group a and g_a are the corresponding gauge couplings and ξ_i = ∑_j,k a_ijky_ijk^2/4 - ∑_a l_a g_a^2 C^a_2(f_i) with C^a_2(f_i) being the quadratic Casimir for the a'th gauge group corresponding to the representation to which the sfermion f_i belongs. The anomalous dimension γ_i and γ_i = 8π^2∂γ_i/∂ logμ is given by: γ_i = 2∑_a g_a^2 C^a_2(f_i) - ∑_y_i |y_i|^2 γ_i = 2∑_a g_a^4 b_a C^a_2(f_i) - ∑_y_i |y_i|^2 b_y_i We consider a universal parameter a_ijk = a_0 and a universal c_i = c_m for all the sparticles except for m^2_H_u and m^2_H_d for which we consider the coefficients c_H_u and c_H_d. Hence the input parameters for these soft SUSY breaking sector include M_s, l_a, α, a_0, c_m, c_H_u and c_H_d. The values for these input parameters at the GUT scale are mentioned in [sec:7.5.3]Appendix <ref>sec:7.5.3 and [sec:7.8.3]Appendix <ref>sec:7.8.3. The sparticle masses predicted by the model are all less than 25 TeV. The gluino mass is ∼  2.3 - 3 TeV and satisfies the bound > 1.9 TeV. The VL particle and the Z' masses are all of the ∼ TeV scale within reach of future experiments. The neutralino and chargino masses are found by diagonalizing the 7 × 7 and 2 × 2 matrices given in the [sec:7.3]Appendix <ref>sec:7.3. §.§ Lepton Non-Universality Our model gives rise to Lepton Non-Universality in the operators 𝒪_i = 9,10 and 𝒪'_i = 9,10. The effective contributions to the Wilson coefficients are given by: C_i = -g^'^2√(2)/G_F1/V_tbV_ts^*π/α_e1/2M_Z^'^2 g_eff,i and C'_i = -g^'^2√(2)/G_F1/V_tbV_ts^*π/α_e1/2M_Z^'^2 g'_eff,i with the couplings: g_eff,9 = [g^d_L]_23[g^e_R + g^e_L]_22, g_eff,10 = [g^d_L]_23[g^e_R - g^e_L]_22 and g'_eff,9 = [g^d_R]_23[g^e_R + g^e_L]_22, g'_eff,10 = [g^d_R]_23[g^e_R - g^e_L]_22 Our analysis presented here is only concerned with all the rare B decays i.e. the b ⟶ s μμ observables, LFU observables and the B_s ⟶μ^+ μ^- branching ratio. The relevant Wilson coefficients have been calculated by using the g matrices in [sec:7.7]Appendix <ref>sec:7.7 and [sec:7.10]Appendix <ref>sec:7.10 for the two fit points I and II respectively. Recent results <cit.> suggest that the rare B decay anomalies found earlier are not present and hence in this scenario, we must fit the Wilson coefficients to C^μ_9, C^μ_10, C^'^μ_9 and C^'^μ_10 to approximately zero. This is realized in our model where we fit them to 0.0 ± 0.1. §.§ Electric dipole moment of the muon Following <cit.>, the muon electric dipole moment is given by: d_μ = d^h_μ + d^Z_μ + d^W_μ where d^h_μ = - √(4πα_e)/16π^2 M_Higgs^2∑_i = 2,4,5 Im(λ_i2λ_2i) m_i g_h(r_i) where r_i = m_i^2/M_Higgs^2 and λ_ij are the Yukawa couplings between the charged leptons f_i and f_j. Since λ_i2 and λ_2i are real for both our fit points, d^h_μ = 0. d^Z_μ and d^W_μ are given by: d_μ^Z = √(4πα_e)/16π^2 M_Z^2∑_i=2,4,5 Im([g_L^Z]_i2 [g_R^Z*]_i2) m_i g_Z(r_i) where g_L^Z and g_R^Z are the left and right handed couplings of charged leptons to the Z boson. d_μ^W = √(4πα_e)/16π^2 M_W^2 Im([g_L^W]_42 [g_R^W*]_42) m_ν_4 g_W(r_4) Here r_4 = m_ν_4^2/M_W^2, and g_L^W and g_R^W are the left and right handed couplings of charged leptons to the W boson. The functions g_h(r_i), g_h(r_i) and g_h(r_i) can be found in <cit.>. The muon electric dipole moment in our model is consistent with the latest experimental data. §.§ Electric dipole moment of the electron Again following <cit.>, the electron electric dipole moment is given by: d_e = d_e^hVγ + d_e^WWγ where V = γ, Z and d_e^hVγ = √(4πα_e) g_ν^Vee g_s^ee/32 π^4∑_i,j = 2,4,5∫_0^1 dx Im(c_O^Vij) I^ij_hV where g_ν^Vee and g_s^ee are the SM couplings of the electron to vector bosons V = γ, Z and Higgs boson. Their precise expressions and those of other functions appearing in the above equation can be found in <cit.>. In our model d_e^hVγ is zero because c_O^Vij is purely real because the only complex charged lepton Yukawa coupling in our model is y_τ. The expression of d_e^WWγ is given by: d_e^WWγ = e g^2/256 π^4∑_j = 4,5∑_i = 1,2,3,4,5m_e m_i m_ν_j/M_W^2 Im([g_L^W]_ji [g_R^W*]_ji) ∫_0^1 dx I^ji_WW where I^ji_WW(x) = (1-x)/-x(1-x)M_W^2 + (1-x)m^2_i + x m_ν_j^2 ln(1-x)m^2_i + x m_ν_j^2/x(1-x)M_W^2 with j ∈{4,5}. We find that the electric dipole moment of the electron d_e for the two fit points of our model is consistent with the latest experimental bounds. §.§ Anomalous magnetic moment of the muon There are discrepancies between experiments and the SM prediction for the magnetic moment of the muon: Δ a_μ = a_μ^exp - a_μ^SM = 251(59) × 10^-11 The W and Z contributions to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon are very close to their SM values and hence we do not consider them here. Since we are working in the large tanβ regime, there might be sizeable contributions to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon from the Higgs. Moreover, there are SUSY contributions to the muon g - 2 as well and the Z' contribution can be sizeable due to the off-diagonal muon-Z' couplings to the VL leptons which contribute significantly to the muon g - 2 loop. The leading order contribution to the muon g - 2 is then given by: Δ a_μ = Δ a_μ^Z' + Δ a_μ^Higgs + Δ a_μ^SUSY where the leading order contribution to the muon g - 2 arising from the Z' coupling to leptons is given by (for example <cit.>): Δ a_μ^Z' = - g^'^2m_μ^2/8 π^2 M_Z'^2∑_a[(|[g^e_L]_2a|^2 + |[g^e_R]_2a|^2)F(x_a) + Re([g^e_L]_2a[g^e*_R]_2a) m_a/m_μG(x_a)] where x_a = (m_a/M_Z')^2 and F(x) = (5x^4 - 14x^3 + 39x^2 - 38x - 18x^2ln(x) + 8)/(12 (1 - x)^4) G(x) = (x^3 + 3x - 6xln(x) - 4)/(2 (1 - x)^3) and the Higgs contribution is given by <cit.>: Δ a_μ^Higgs≈ 21+tan^2β/16π^2m_μ m_μ^LE/v^2 where m_μ^LE = λ_2L_2λ_2E_2λ_RLE/m_E_1m_E_2 v_H_u and the SUSY contributions to the muon g - 2 are as given in <cit.>. In our analysis, we have found fit points with λ_2E_2 = 0 and hence, this gives a vanishing value of Δ a_μ^Higgs. The Δ a_μ^SUSY in our model are also smaller than the Δ a_μ^Z' and the muon g - 2 is hence dominated by Δ a_μ^Z'. It is worth mentioning that one might also solve the muon g - 2 anomaly by making λ_2E_2∼λ_2L_2 but keeping λ_RLE small enough (of the order of 10^-6). In such scenarios, the muon g - 2 is dominated by Δ a_μ^Higgs and the contribution of Δ a_μ^Z' is much smaller in these cases. §.§ Lepton Flavor violating processes The new Z' coupling induces the Lepton flavor violating decays μ⟶ e γ, τ⟶μγ and τ⟶μμμ. Apart, from this, there are also dominant SUSY contributions to BR(μ⟶ e γ) and BR(τ⟶μγ). There is a constraint on the branching ratios of these decays due to the latest experimental measurements giving rise to upper bounds on these branching ratios. Using the general expressions in <cit.>, we can calculate the branching ratios of μ⟶ e γ and τ⟶μγ. (See also <cit.>) The branching ratio for the process μ⟶ e γ is given by: BR(μ⟶ e γ) ≈1/Γ_μα_e m_μ^3/1024 π^4g^'^2/2 M_Z^'^2(|∑_a ∈ VL[g^e_L]_1a[g^e_R]_a2|^2 + |∑_a ∈ VL[g^e_R]_1a[g^e_L]_a2|^2) + BR(μ⟶ e γ)^SUSY The branching ratio for the process τ⟶μγ is given by: BR(τ⟶μγ) ≈1/Γ_τα_e m_τ^3/1024 π^4g^'^2/2 M_Z^'^2(|∑_a ∈ VL[g^e_L]_2a[g^e_R]_a3|^2 + |∑_a ∈ VL[g^e_R]_2a[g^e_L]_a3|^2) + BR(τ⟶μγ)^SUSY where the expressions for BR(μ⟶ e γ)^SUSY and BR(τ⟶μγ)^SUSY have been calculated using the equations (4.11) and (4.12) of <cit.>. For the branching ratio of τ⟶μμμ, we follow the reference <cit.> to get: BR(τ⟶μμμ) ≈1/Γ_τm_τ^3/1536 π^3g^'^4/M_Z^'^4(2|[g^e_L]_22[g^e_L]_23|^2 + 2|[g^e_R]_22[g^e_R]_23|^2 + |[g^e_L]_22[g^e_R]_23|^2 + |[g^e_R]_22[g^e_L]_23|^2) Our model predicts these branching ratios for these processes within the known experimental bounds. The fit points we have obtained give BR(μ⟶ e γ) within reach of future experiments. One of the fit points have a BR(μ⟶ e γ) that is reasonably close to the current experimental bound while the other fit point has a relatively smaller value of BR(μ⟶ e γ). §.§ Quark Flavor changing processes We will discuss three quark flavor changing processes, namely B_s - B̅_s, B_s ⟶μ^+ μ^-, and K_L ⟶μ^+ μ^- and show that the model predictions at the two fit points are consistent with latest experimental data. §.§.§ B_s - B̅_s mixing Adopting the numerical factors mentioned in <cit.> the relative change in the mixing matrix element due to the tree level Z^' mixing contribution to B_s ⟷B̅_s is given by: δ M_12≈(2.3 g^2/16π^2 M_W^2 (V_ts V_tb)^2)^-1g^'^2/M_Z^'^2 (|[ĝ^d_L]_32|^2 + |[ĝ^d_R]_32|^2 + 9.7Re([ĝ^d_L]_32[ĝ^d,*_R]_32)) Both the fit points of our model predict a deviation of δ M_12 < ± 6% from the SM which is consistent with the most recent theoretical uncertainty and experimental data. §.§.§ B_s ⟶μ^+ μ^- The new particles give rise to new physics contributions to the process B_s ⟶μ^+ μ^-. The effective Lagrangian relevant for our analysis is of the form: -ℒ^NP_eff = (s̅γ_μγ_5 b)([ĝ^d_L]_23 - [ĝ^d_R]_23) g^'^2/4 M_Z^'^2((μ̅γ^μμ)([ĝ^e_L]_22 + [ĝ^e_R]_22) + (μ̅γ^μγ_5 μ)([ĝ^e_R]_22 - [ĝ^e_L]_22)) Hence, in this model, the coefficient C^V_AA is given by: C^V_AA = C_SM(B_s) + g^'^2/4 M_Z^'^2 ([ĝ^d_L]_23 - [ĝ^d_R]_23)([ĝ^e_R]_22 - [ĝ^e_L]_22) where C_SM(B_s) = 4 G_F/√(2)α_e/2π sin^2θ_W V_ts^* V_tbη_Y Y_o(x_t) and η_Y = 1.012 quantifies the QCD corrections and Y_0(x_t) is the loop function given by: Y_0(x_t) = x_t/8(x_t-4/x_t-1 + 3x_t/(x_t - 1)^2log(x_t)) with x_t = m_t^2/M_W^2. The ratios of the branching fractions of our model and the SM are then given by: R^th_B_s ⟶μμ = BR(B_s ⟶μ^+ μ^-)/BR(B_s ⟶μ^+ μ^-)_SM = 1 + A_ΔΓy_s/1 + y_s |P_s|^2 Here, P_s = |P_s| e^iϕ_P = C^V_AA/C_SM(B_s), y_s = 0.065 and A_ΔΓ = cos(2ϕ_P - θ_S^B_s). To evaluate the phase θ_S^B_s, we follow <cit.>. Hence, we have: S(B_s) = S_0(x_t) + Δ S(B_s) = |S(B_s)| e^iθ_S^B_s where S_0(x_t) = 4x_t - 11x_t^2 + x_t^3/4(1-x_t)^2 - 3x_t^2 logx_t/2(1-x_t)^3 with x_t = m_t^2/M_W^2 and Δ S(B_s) = ([ĝ^d_L]_32/V_tb^* V_ts)^2 4 r/M_Z^'^2 g_SM^2 + ([ĝ^d_R]_32/V_tb^* V_ts)^2 4 r/M_Z^'^2 g_SM^2 + Δ S(B_s)_LR where r = 0.985, g_SM^2 = 4 G_F/√(2)α_e/2π sin^2θ_W and Δ S(B_s)_LR is evaluated using the equations (23) and (25) and using the relevant values in Table 1 and 3 of <cit.>. From the experimental values of B̅R̅(B_s ⟶μ^+ μ^-)<cit.> and the SM predictions <cit.>, it is known that: R^exp_B_s ⟶μμ = BR(B_s ⟶μ^+ μ^-)_exp/BR(B_s ⟶μ^+ μ^-)_SM = 0.75 ± 0.16 We find that the two fit points in our model predict R^th_B_s ⟶μμ that is consistent with the above experimental evidence. §.§.§ K_L ⟶μ^+ μ^- Following <cit.>, we get BR(K_L ⟶μ^+ μ^-) to be: BR(K_L ⟶μ^+ μ^-) = 2.08 × 10^-9[P_c(Y_K) + |V_cb|^2/λ^2 R_t |Y_A(K)| cos(β^K_Y)]^2 where λ = 0.226, β^K_Y = β - β_s - θ^K_Y (V_td = |V_td|e^-iβ, V_ts = -|V_ts|e^-iβ_s), θ^K_Y is the phase associated with Y_A(K). P_c(Y_K) is given by: P_c(Y_K) = 0.113 × (1 - λ^2/2) and the expressions of R_t and Y_A(K) are as mentioned below: R_t = |V_td|/|V_us||V_cb| and Y_A(K) = |Y_A(K)| e^iθ_Y^K = η_Y Y_0(x_t) + ([ĝ^e_R]_22 - [ĝ^e_L]_22)/M_Z^'^2 g_SM^2([ĝ^d_L]_21 - [ĝ^d_R]_21)/V_ts^* V_td The value for BR(K_L ⟶μ^+ μ^-) predicted by our model for the two fit points is consistent with the experimental bound of BR(K_L ⟶μ^+ μ^-) ≤ 2.5 × 10^-9. § METHODOLOGY We employ a mix of guesswork and χ^2 minimization technique in to find the fit points in the parameter space. The analysis has been performed by considering the two-loop RG equations for the gauge couplings and their one-loop threshold corrections and one-loop RG equations for the Yukawa parameters and the soft SUSY breaking parameters by analytically deriving the RG equations for this supersymmetric "VL-chiral" model from the most general expressions in <cit.>. We start with the 1-loop RG flow of the gauge couplings and find the value of the unified coupling α_unif at ≈ 5 × 10^16 GeV and then choose the mirage mediation boundary condition parameters and some initial guess for the Yukawa parameters and RG flow these parameters down to the weak scale via 2-loop RG equations for the gauge couplings and 1-loop RG equations for all the other parameters. The coupled differential RG equations are solved using . We also require precise gauge coupling unification with ϵ_3 = 0. With the weak scale results at hand, the value of α_GUT at the GUT scale and the GMM model parameters are then varied to get weak scale gauge couplings that are approximately close to the experimental values. Then the GUT scale Yukawa parameters are varied to fit the low energy observables approximately. Following that, a χ^2 function is constructed with the GUT scale parameters taken to be those found out from the previous analysis, which are known to give approximately good results at the weak scale. Then is used to minimize the χ^2 function and due to limited computing power, the code was terminated when the results were seen to saturate to particular values. The resulting input array then gives the set of GUT scale parameters of the theory. For the neutrino sector analysis, since we have integrated out the massive states at a mass scale of ≈ 10^12 GeV, from this point to the weak scale, we RG flow the Weinberg operator along with the other parameters by using the expressions analogous to the one in <cit.> from which we extract the neutrino mixing angles and mass differences and include them in the χ^2 minimization procedure. It should be noted that all the couplings associated with the neutrino fields (which are integrated out), have been set to zero while RG flowing the other parameters from the Majorana mass scale to the weak scale. For example, the yukawa couplings y^ν, λ_LRN, λ_RLN, λ_N and λ_3N are all set to zero. Hence the coupled differential RG equations are solved twice with appropriate initial conditions, once as we go down from the GUT scale to the Majorana scale and then again as we go down from the Majorana scale to the weak scale. It is also worth mentioning that the neutrino sector observables (mass differences and mixing angles) can be entirely controlled by changing the neutrino sector parameters: especially the parameters in the matrix y^ν_ij, λ_LRN and the mass parameters that go into the Majorana Lagrangian. Moreover, since these above-mentioned Yukawa parameters are not exceedingly large, changing them by reasonable amounts (roughly by 1 %, say) does not affect the RG flow of the other Yukawa parameters much and hence keeps the other low energy observables unchanged. Hence, we expect that the neutrino sector low energy observables can be easily controlled by varying only these parameters and they are sufficient to explain the low energy neutrino sector observables without affecting the other observables significantly. We find two fit points that fit the low energy observables and reasonably different BR(μ⟶ e γ). Hence, we simultaneously fit the CKM matrix, masses of the charged leptons and quarks at the weak scale, neutrino mixing angles, their mass differences, the strong and U(1)_em gauge couplings, and the Higgs mass. We solve for the muon g - 2 and also see that the W boson mass deviates from its SM value, without violating the experimental bounds of the electric dipole moments, the LFV processes μ⟶ e γ, τ⟶μγ, τ⟶μμμ, the quark flavor changing processes B_s ⟶μ^+ μ^-, K_L ⟶μ^+ μ^-, B_s ⟷B̅_s and the upper bound of 0.12 eV for ∑_i=1^3 m_ν_i obtained from cosmological observations. The input parameters that are being varied in our χ^2 analysis can be found in [sec:7.5]Appendix <ref>sec:7.5 and [sec:7.8]Appendix <ref>sec:7.8, and the observables that are being fitted can be found in Table 2 and Table 3. Since there are more input parameters than there are observables to fit, the possibility of another point in parameter space which can fit the low energy observables with different predictions is not excluded. § RESULTS §.§ Low energy observables All the gauge couplings and the Yukawa parameters satisfy g < 1.5 and α_y = Y^2/4π≲ 0.7 from the weak scale up to the GUT scale and hence the theory is perturbative up to the GUT scale. At the GUT scale, we have also imposed y_t = y_b = y_τ consistent with grand unification at the GUT scale.[y_ν_τ would also be equal in SO(10).] An interesting observation which can be made from the values of these couplings at the weak scale (See [sec:7.5]Appendix <ref>sec:7.5 and [sec:7.8]Appendix <ref>sec:7.8) is that although the values of these couplings have a different magnitude, the phases associated with these three parameters are the same, even at the weak scale. We have found two points in the parameter space which give very good fits for the CKM matrix, quark, lepton, Higgs mass, neutrino mass differences, mixing angles and the strong and U(1)_em gauge couplings. From the results of the mass squared differences, we can also see that the model favors normal ordering over inverted ordering for neutrino masses. The quark and lepton masses of the three SM families have been fit by following the precise values of the running mass parameters obtained at the M_Z scale as in <cit.>. The total number of input parameters in the model is 63 and the total number of fitted low-energy observables is 46. It might be possible to reduce the number of input parameters with some symmetry relations. This is however outside the scope of the present paper. The Wilson coefficients relevant for lepton non-universality in B decays are fit to ≈ 0 consistent with <cit.>. It is worth mentioning that the Wilson coefficients are sensitive to the coupling λ_3Q in a way that changing this parameter slightly, doesn't affect the CKM matrices or weak scale masses much, however, it leads to a change in the value of C^μ_9 that might deviate significantly from the value we are interested in. The reality of the Wilson coefficients can also be controlled reasonably by the real and imaginary parts of the Yukawa parameter λ_3Q which determines the coupling of the 3rd SM family quark doublet and the 4̅ quark doublet. The fit points also explain the muon g - 2 anomaly and satisfy the experimental bounds of the LFV and quark flavor changing processes, and give the BR(μ⟶ e γ) within reach of future experiments. Note that the fit point predictions for BR(μ⟶ e γ) range from 𝒪(10^-15) to 𝒪(10^-13) and one of these predictions is very close to the present experimental bound on BR(μ⟶ e γ). It is worth mentioning that BR(μ⟶ e γ) can be varied easily by changing the sparticle masses, i.e. by changing m_3/2 and c_m parameters within the GMM model. The loop contributions to the muon g - 2 from Z, W, and Higgs are very close to their SM values while the Z^' exchange with VL leptons in the loop completely accounts for the anomaly. These good fits can be obtained by considering a point in the parameter space with λ_3E = λ_3L = λ_3N = 0 that is, by turning off the interactions between the SM 3rd family leptons with the 4̅ leptons at the GUT scale. At the weak scale as well, these parameters have values of 0 for the two fit points as can be clearly seen from the weak scale Yukawa matrices given in [sec:7.5]Appendix <ref>sec:7.5 and [sec:7.8]Appendix <ref>sec:7.8. However, it is worth noting that the BR(τ⟶μγ) and BR(τ⟶μμμ) are sensitive to these couplings and changing them to 10^-6, say leads to an enhancement of BR(τ⟶μγ) and BR(τ⟶μμμ) probably within reach of future experiments. Points in the parameter space with slight perturbations of the input parameters considered will all flow towards the GUT scale parameters for which we have performed the analysis after χ^2 minimization. The Higgs mass is fine-tuned by varying the GMM parameters c_H_u and c_H_d at the GUT scale and leading order radiative corrections from the top, stop loops, and loops of the VL particles to the Higgs mass have been considered. It is natural to expect the requirement of some fine-tuning for the Higgs mass since the sparticle and gaugino masses are all of the order of 1 - 30 TeV which is necessary if we want to satisfy the gluino mass bound and BR(μ⟶ e γ) within the Generalized Mirage Mediation model. As a passing note, it is also worth mentioning that scaling v_Φ, v_Φ̅ and the effective μ-like dimension 1 parameters by the same factor keeps the CKM matrix and the SM quark and lepton masses almost unchanged. Also, λ_2N_1 and λ_2N_2 do not appear in our analysis and are hence unconstrained. The model also predicts masses of the VL leptons and quarks satisfying the experimental bounds and within reach of future experiments. The additional Z' gauge boson and also the two Dirac neutrinos have a TeV scale mass. All the computed and experimental values of all the low energy observables (fitted and unfitted) have been presented in the Table 2, Table 3 and Table 4 below. The model also gives sin^2(θ_W) = 0.23716 (for fit point I) and sin^2(θ_W) = 0.23740 (for fit point II) which are around 2.7% different from the experimental value of 0.23121. It is worth mentioning that the Leading Logarithmic Threshold (LLT) approximation used in calculating the threshold corrections for α_1 and α_2, which were then used to calculate sin^2(θ_W), is not consistent since the SU(2)_L × U(1)_Y symmetry is broken at a scale comparable to the scale at which we have integrated out the masses. Due to this symmetry breaking, we think of our model as the effective theory above the M_Z scale and the SU(3)_C × U(1)_em as the effective theory below the M_Z scale which allows us to consistently fit the gauge couplings α_3 and α_em and gives us a small theoretical uncertainty ∼ 2.7 % in the calculation of sin^2(θ_W). The Z boson mass is obtained from its tree level expression and is within 1 - 3% of the experimental value. The Higgs mass has been fine tuned within the 1σ bound of the experimental value. Under RG flow, the m^2_Φ and m^2_Φ̅ parameters are run down to negative values at the weak scale. However, even in that case, the parameters m^2_Φ + |μ_Φ|^2 and m^2_Φ̅ + |μ_Φ|^2 that appear in the classical potential for the new scalar fields are positive and satisfy the condition of (b_Φμ_Φ)^2 > (m^2_Φ + μ_Φ^2)(m^2_Φ̅ + μ_Φ^2) for U(1)^' symmetry breaking. The respective values of m^2_Φ and m^2_Φ̅ at the weak scale are given by -211.47 TeV^2 and -98.745 TeV^2 for the fit point I and -549.88 TeV^2 and -336.16 TeV^2 for the fit point II respectively. We see that the two fit points fit the known experimental low energy data pretty nicely with χ^2 values of 23.02 and 21.54 if one considers the W boson mass measurement of <cit.> and χ^2 values of 43.91 and 41.32 for the recent W boson mass measurements <cit.>. Thus we are not able to fit the new W mass measurement. They also solve the muon g - 2 with all Wilson coefficients consistent with recent experimental data. Moreover, as can be seen in Table 4 below, the new VL quarks and leptons predicted by the model all have masses at the TeV scale consistent with the experimental bounds in <cit.> and <cit.>. The new Z' gauge boson and the two Dirac neutrinos also have a mass of ≈ 1 TeV and hence all these particles are within reach of future experiments. The model also predicts a value of sin(δ_CP) = -0.622 and the Jarlskog invariant J = -0.0276 for the fit point I and sin(δ_CP) = -0.681 and the Jarlskog invariant J = -0.0277 for the fit point II, consistent with the 3σ confidence interval of δ_CP∈ [-3.41, -0.03] found in <cit.>. §.§ SUSY mass spectrum Our model predicts all the SUSY particles to have masses less than 25 TeV. The sparticle mass parameters for all quarks and leptons have been presented in the [sec:7.5.3]Appendix <ref>sec:7.5.3 and [sec:7.8.3]Appendix <ref>sec:7.8.3. We consider the Generalized Mirage Mediation (GMM) model and choose a universal c_m for all the sparticle mass parameters except the c_H_u and c_H_d Higgs parameters. With this choice, the RG flow of these mass parameters can be analyzed for the squarks and sleptons and it can be seen how they vary as the energy scale is reduced. Figure 2 and Figure 3 show the RG flows (for fit points I and II respectively) of the sparticle mass parameters m_squarks and m_sleptons from the GUT scale (which is ≈ 5 × 10^16 GeV) to the weak scale M_Z. We have plotted the sparticle mass parameters for the 3rd, 4, and 4̅ families. Despite the messy appearance, they tell us that on average, the squark mass parameters grow much faster as compared to the slepton mass parameters, and hence, on average, the values of the squark mass parameters are more than that of the slepton mass parameters at the weak scale M_Z. This is similar to what happens in the MSSM. We can see that the soft SUSY breaking mass parameters are all less than 24 TeV and, since the VL quark and lepton masses are less than 5 TeV, the scalar sparticle masses of all the squarks and sleptons are less than 25 TeV. We have also plotted the RG flow of the gaugino mass parameters M_a in Figure 4 and Figure 5 for fit points I and II respectively. The plots show an important difference between the MSSM and our supersymmetric model: Along with the gaugino mass parameters for the U(1) and SU(2) gauge groups, we see that the gluino mass parameter also decreases as we RG flow to the weak scale. This is however expected because unlike the MSSM, the strong SU(3) coupling increases with energy as can be seen in Figure 6 in the Appendix.[Note, we have demanded precise gauge coupling unification in our analysis.] The new Z' gaugino corresponding to the additional U(1)^' is the LSP of the model. From the plots, we see that the gaugino mass parameters (especially M_1, M_2 and M^') sharply fall from > 4 TeV to less than 1 TeV as we RG flow from the GUT scale to the weak scale. The fall is the sharpest for the gaugino mass parameter M^'. The model also predicts a gluino mass m_gluino = 2.3749 TeV for the fit point I and m_gluino = 3.0332 TeV for the fit point II, both of which are consistent with the constraint m_gluino≳ 1.9 TeV. The chargino and neutralino masses, calculated by diagonalizing the neutralino mass matrices given in the [sec:7.3]Appendix <ref>sec:7.3, are summarized in Table 5. We see that the two fit points give a light neutralino mass ranging from ≈ 480 - 580 GeV. From the SUSY mass spectrum, i.e., the sparticle mass parameters and the chargino, neutralino masses, we get that this neutralino is indeed the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) which makes it possible for this neutralino to be the dark matter candidate. § CONCLUSION In this paper, we have studied the Standard Model extended by including supersymmetry and a complete family of vector-like fermions, including right-handed neutrinos which are vector-like with respect to the Standard Model gauge group. In addition to that, we have introduced a new U(1)_3-4≡ U(1)^' gauge group under which the third SM family of quarks and leptons has a U(1)_3-4 charge of 1 while the left chiral part of the 4th family has a charge of -1. This model is also free of gauge anomalies. In this paper, we have considered a complete supersymmetric analysis of the 4^th vector-like chiral family along with the 3 SM families. Our supersymmetric model unifies the four gauge couplings at M_GUT≈ 5 × 10^16 GeV. We have also shown that our model can explain the anomalies in g - 2 without conflicting with other low-energy experimental data. The model also predicts the new VL quarks, leptons, 2 Dirac neutrinos and the Z^' gauge boson to have a mass at the TeV scale and also predicts the branching ratios of μ⟶ e γ, τ⟶μγ and τ⟶μμμ with μ⟶ e γ within the reach of future experiments, but with BR(τ⟶μγ) and BR(τ⟶μμμ) highly suppressed. The model predicts a mass spectrum of the supersymmetric particles with all sparticle masses < 25 TeV and also gives a light neutralino ≈ 480 GeV for the fit point I and ≈ 578 GeV for the fit points II, which is a potential dark matter candidate. Hence, we can see that indeed the "vector-like chiral" model of <cit.> can be made into a supersymmetric grand-unified model which not only solves the muon anomalies but also explains the deviation of other low energy data from the values predicted by the Standard Model. Moreover, the model predictions and the explained anomalies are not sensitive to the neutrino sector parameters and reasonable changes to these parameters do not change the model predictions and the low energy observables of the other sectors significantly. Hence, we do not rule out the possibility that our model predictions and results might also be obtained by a different fit point with reasonably different neutrino sector Yukawa and mass parameters. § APPENDIX §.§ Gauge coupling unification Our model unifies the 4 gauge couplings of the SU(3)_C × SU(2)_L × U(1)_Y × U(1)_3-4 at a GUT scale of M_G ≈ 5 × 10^16 GeV. The plot for the two-loop RG flow of the 4 gauge couplings is shown in the Figure 6. At the GUT scale M_G, we have: α_G = α_1(M_G) = α_2(M_G), ϵ_3 = α_3(M_G) - α_G/α_G where the parameter ϵ_3 in our model is zero, consistent with the expectation when SU(5) gauge group is broken down to SM gauge group via a Wilson line in an extra dimension. The model achieves unification of all the 4 gauge couplings at M_G and additionally solves the low energy anomalies. Since the RG flow analysis is at the two-loop level, we also consider one-loop threshold corrections to get the gauge couplings actually observed at low energies: 1/α_i(M_Z)_MS = 1 - α_i(M_Z)_DRΔα_i/α_i(M_Z)_DR + C_2(G_i)/12π where C_2(G_i) = N for SU(N) and = 0 for U(1). Δα_i is the threshold correction to the α_i(M_Z)_DR that depends on the sparticle and VL particle masses at the weak scale primarily. With the 2 loop RG equations and 1 loop threshold corrections taken into account, it gives the value of g' at the weak scale to be 0.2673 for fit point I and 0.2680 for fit point II. This is consistent with the bound of g^' < 0.271 found from the 1 loop RG equations. It is also worth noting that, in contrary to the SM and the MSSM, the g_3 coupling of SU(3)_C in this model is not asymptotically free and instead increases with energy, much like the other three gauge couplings. §.§ Integrating out the heavy neutrino states From the Lagrangian of our model, we can integrate out the heavy states. The equations of motion for the heavy fields give us: -δℒδ N_L^C = M_L N_L + λ_RLNL̅_L H_d + λ_2N_aν̅^a_L + λ_3 NΦν̅^3_L + λ_N Φ̅N̅_L = 0 -δℒδN̅_L^C = M_R ν̅^3_L + λ_LRN L_L H_u + Φ̅λ_N N_L = 0 -δℒδν̅_L^3^C = M_R N̅_L + y^ν_33 l^3_L H_u + λ_3 NΦ N_L = 0 -δℒδν̅_L^a^C = M_R^a bν̅^b_L + y^ν_a b l^b_L H_u + λ_2 N a N_L = 0 Then, solving for the heavy fields, we get: N_L = - 1/M_L( λ_RLNL̅_L H_d + λ_2N_aν̅^a_L + λ_3 NΦν̅^3_L + λ_N Φ̅N̅_L) ∼ - 1/M_L( λ_RLNL̅_L H_d ) ν̅^3_L = - 1/M_R( λ_LRN L_L H_u + Φ̅λ_N N_L ) ∼ - 1/M_R( λ_LRN L_L H_u ) N̅_L = -1/M_R( y^ν_33 l^3_L H_u + λ_3 NΦ N_L) ∼ -1/M_R( y^ν_33 l^3_L H_u ) ν̅^d_L = - M_R^-1^d a( y^ν_a b l^b_L H_u + λ_2 N a N_L) ∼ - M_R^-1^d a( y^ν_a b l^b_L H_u ) where we have neglected terms suppressed by two powers of the heavy mass scale. Now plugging these back into the original Lagrangian, we obtain the effective Lagrangian for just the light neutrino states: ℒ^eff = (l^d_L)^C (y^ν_d e)^T H_u (M_R^-1)_e a y^ν_db l^b_LH_u + 1/M_Rλ_LRN (y^ν_33) (l^3_L)^C H_u L_L H_u - L̅_L^C( λ_2L_a l_L^a + λ_3 LΦ̅l^3_L + λ_L Φ L_L ) + 1/M_Lλ_RLNλ_RLNL̅_L^C H_d L̅_L H_d + h.c. This effective Lagrangian is considered for RG flow and for the physics below the right-handed Majorana neutrino mass scale. §.§ Radiative corrections to the Higgs mass In our model, we consider the large tanβ regime with tanβ∼ 47.6. In this regime, we get |μ|^2 at the tree level as: |μ|^2 = 1/2(-2m^2_H_u - m_Z^2 + 2/tan^2β(m^2_H_d - m^2_H_u)) However, in our analysis, we consider radiative corrections to the Z boson mass, which reduces the μ further to approximately give: |μ|^2 ≈ -m^2_H_u - m_Z^2/2 - Σ_u^u where Σ^u_u corresponds to the radiative corrections and its exact expression is given in the Appendix of <cit.>. We also consider the contribution of the VL squarks along with those mentioned in <cit.>. Including the large radiative corrections from top quark, top squark <cit.> and VL particle masses <cit.>, the Higgs mass is given by: m^2_h^0 = 1/2(m^2_A^0 + m^2_Z - √((m^2_A^0-m_Z^2)^2 + 4m^2_Zm^2_A^0sin^2(2β))) + Δ_t(m^2_h^0) + Δ_VL(m^2_h^0) where Δ_t(m^2_h^0) = 3/4π^2cos^2α |y_t|^2 m_t^2 [ln(m_t_1m_t_2/m_t^2)] + Δ_threshold with Δ_threshold = c_t^2s_t^2[(m^2_t_2 - m^2_t_1)/m_t^2]ln(m^2_t_2/m^2_t_1) + c_t^4s_t^4[(m^2_t_2 - m^2_t_1)^2 - 1/2(m_t_2^4 - m_t_1^4)ln(m^2_t_2/m^2_t_1)]/m_t^4 and Δ_VL(m^2_h^0) ≈ -3v^2/48 π^2|λ_RLU|^4 |μ|^4/m_S_U^4 - 3v^2/48 π^2|λ_RLD|^4 |μ|^4/m_S_D^4 because in our model we have |λ_RLU| > |λ_LRU| and |λ_RLD| > |λ_LRD|. The angle α is determined by: tan(2α)/tan(2β) = m^2_A^0 + m_Z^2/m^2_A^0 - m_Z^2 m_t_1 and m_t_2 are the top squark masses, m_S_U and m_S_D is the scale of VL scalar stop and sbottom masses and m^2_A^0 = 2|μ|^2 + m^2_H_u + m^2_H_d. With tanβ∼ 47.6, this model gives a reasonable μ≈ 13.6 TeV for the fit point I and μ≈ 22.1 TeV for the fit point II. The Higgs mass can be easily fine tuned by varying c_H_u and c_H_d appropriately. §.§ The potential for the new scalar fields and self-consistency equations The classical scalar potential for the Φ and Φ̅ fields is given by: V(Φ, Φ̅) = (|μ_Φ|^2 + m^2_Φ)|Φ|^2 + (|μ_Φ|^2 + m^2_Φ̅)|Φ̅|^2 - (b_Φμ_ΦΦΦ̅+ c.c) + 1/2g^'^2(|Φ|^2 - |Φ̅|^2)^2 It can be easily seen that this potential is indeed bounded from below. To see this, note that, except for the D-flat directions i.e. when |Φ| ≠ |Φ̅|, the above potential is clearly bounded from below since the term quartic in fields dominates for large values of |Φ| and |Φ̅|. Now if |Φ| = |Φ̅|, then the condition for V(Φ, Φ̅) to be bounded from below is given by: 2|μ_Φ|^2 + m_Φ^2 + m_Φ̅^2 > 2 b_Φμ_Φ Minimizing the scalar potential: ∂ V/∂Φ = ∂ V/∂Φ̅ = 0 at v_Φ and v_Φ̅ and considering real VEVs v_Φ, v_Φ̅, we get the two self-consistency equations: (|μ_Φ|^2 + m^2_Φ)v_Φ - b_Φμ_Φ v_Φ̅ - g^'^2 v_Φ(v_Φ̅^2 - v_Φ^2) = 0 and (|μ_Φ|^2 + m^2_Φ̅)v_Φ̅ - b_Φμ_Φ v_Φ + g^'^2 v_Φ̅(v_Φ̅^2 - v_Φ^2) = 0 With μ_Φ = 19.8232 TeV and b_Φ = 11.6600 TeV for the fit point I and μ_Φ = 29.9013 TeV and b_Φ = 14.6578 TeV for the fit point II, the above two self-consistency equations are satisfied with VEVs v_Φ and v_Φ̅ mentioned in the [sec:7.5]Appendix <ref>sec:7.5 and [sec:7.8]Appendix <ref>sec:7.8 for the two fit points respectively. Hence, the new U(1)^' gauge symmetry is consistently broken by the VEVs of the new scalar fields. §.§ Chargino and Neutralino masses In the basis (Z^0, Φ^0, Φ̅^0, B^0, W^0, H^0_d, H^0_u) (where Z^0 is the gaugino corresponding to the new U(1)^'), the neutralino mass matrix is given by: M_N = [ M' -g'v_Φ -g'v_Φ̅ 0 0 0 0 ; -g'v_Φ 0 -μ_Φ 0 0 0 0 ; -g'v_Φ̅ -μ_Φ 0 0 0 0 0 ; 0 0 0 M_1 0 -√(3/5)g_1v_H_d/√(2) √(3/5)g_1v_H_u/√(2) ; 0 0 0 0 M_2 g_2v_H_d/√(2) -g_2v_H_u/√(2) ; 0 0 0 -√(3/5)g_1v_H_d/√(2) g_2v_H_d/√(2) 0 -μ ; 0 0 0 √(3/5)g_1v_H_u/√(2) -g_2v_H_u/√(2) -μ 0 ] where M', M_1, and M_2 are the weak scale values for the soft SUSY breaking gaugino mass parameters. The mass eigenstates can be obtained by diagonalizing this mass matrix using a unitary matrix N: N_i = N_ijψ^0_j where N_i are the mass eigenstates. Hence we get the diagonal neutralino mass matrix as: NM_NN^-1 = [ m_N_1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ; 0 m_N_2 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 m_N_3 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 m_N_4 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 m_N_5 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0 m_N_6 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0 m_N_7 ] Similarly, the chargino masses are given in terms of the M_2 gaugino mass and the Higgsino mixing parameter μ by: m^2_C_1, m^2_C_2 = 1/2[M_2^2 + |μ^2| + 2m_W^2 ∓√((M_2^2 + |μ^2| + 2m_W^2)^2 - 4|μ M_2 - m_W^2 sin(2β)|^2)] The predictions for these masses in our model are consistent with all the constraints and also imply that the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) of the model is the lightest neutralino. In our model, it has the potential to be a good candidate for dark matter. §.§ Input parameters at the fit point - Fit point I g_1 = g_2 = g_3 = g_4 = g_GUT = 1.4729, ϵ_3 = 0, M_GUT = 5.012 × 10^16 GeV tanβ = 47.59696, v_Φ = 3041.536 GeV, v_Φ̅ = 2391.531 GeV λ_2Q_1 = 843.086 GeV, λ_2Q_2 = 1149.109 GeV, λ_2L_1 = λ_2L_2 = 1300.727 GeV λ_2U_1 = 646.234 GeV, λ_2U_2 = 881.402 GeV, λ_2D_1 = 989.323 GeV, λ_2D_2 = 3104.476 GeV λ_2E_1 = -1837.064 GeV, λ_2E_2 = 0 GeV The remaining 50 input parameters are presented in the form of the Yukawa matrices at the GUT scale and the soft SUSY breaking parameters. Many of the entries in the Yukawa matrices are 0 and some of them are equal (in the GUT sense) which together give 38 of the model parameters. The Yukawa matrices at the GUT scale are: Y_u = [ 0.00000937 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 1.898317 e^ i0.789853 0.000000 1.705787 e^ -i0.000153 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.017169 1.616310 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.146814 e^ -i0.038278 2.193911 2.163913; ] Y_d = [ 0.002213 0.006113 e^ i1.193432 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.017042 e^ i0.933044 0.043694 e^ i0.768385 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 1.898317 e^ i0.789853 0.000000 2.565781 e^ -i0.000123 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000917 0.040027 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.146814 e^ -i0.038278 2.193911 0.797559; ] Y_e = [ 0.000224 0.000188 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000186 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 1.898317 e^ i0.789853 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.081866 0.467347 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.957657 2.959867; ] Y_ν = [ 2.192903 2.315101 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 1.847680 1.891011 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.759619 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 2.476346 1.943457 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.957657 2.066375; ] §.§.§ Quark and charged lepton Yukawa matrices at the weak scale Y_ν = [ 0.00001628 e^ i0.000001 0.000007 e^ i0.000066 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 1.000457 e^ i0.789853 0.000000 0.212161 e^ -i0.000153 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.018340 1.030141 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.143237 e^ -i0.038278 0.846612 0.737932; ] Y_d = [ 0.004910 e^ i0.542198 0.009242 e^ i1.094004 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.043988 e^ i0.860264 0.070637 e^ i0.786049 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.862762 e^ i0.789853 0.000000 0.507232 e^ -i0.000123 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.001187 0.056977 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.143237 e^ -i0.038278 0.846612 0.501296; ] Y_e = [ 0.000039 0.000002 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000103 -0.000084 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.472658 e^ i0.789853 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.028901 0.150963 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.118708 0.497205; ] §.§.§ RH Neutrino mass parameters and the neutrino mass matrix at the weak scale The mass parameters M_L, M_R and M_R^ab in the ℒ_maj of Equation (2.3) are given by: M_L = M_R = 8.55285 × 10^12 GeV M_R^ab = [ 1.450248 e^ -i0.159487× 10^11 3.369465 × 10^11 ; 3.369465 × 10^11 4.117877 e^ -i0.167092× 10^11; ] These contribute to 6 additional parameters. The neutrino mass matrix at the weak scale is given by: M_neutrino = [ 2.7816 e^ i0.4396× 10^-10 2.8478 e^ i0.6337× 10^-10 0.000000 0.000000 1300.727081 ; 2.8478 e^ i0.6337× 10^-10 2.952 e^ i0.9654× 10^-10 0.000000 0.000000 1300.727081 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 4.5650 × 10^-11 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 4.5650 × 10^-11 0.000000 361.055191 ; 1300.727081 1300.727081 0.000000 361.055191 2.1814 × 10^-14; ] All the entries in M_R^ab and M_neutrino are in GeV. §.§.§ Soft SUSY breaking parameters The GMM parameters for this fit point are given by: l_a = 1, α = 30, a_0 = 0, m_3/2 = 20 TeV, c_m = 14, c_H_u = 19.81999, c_H_d = 12.79353 Here, m_3/2 is the gravitino mass and we have taken a universal a_ijk = a_0. Hence, we have 6 soft SUSY breaking parameters. The weak scale soft SUSY breaking mass matrices are given by: m^2_Q = [ 223.953696 6.047421 e^ i3.135137 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 6.047421 e^ -i3.135137 223.721080 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 110.803934 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 151.289535 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 94.077908; ] m^2_u̅ = [ 219.191451 11.548647 e^ -i3.141563 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 11.548647 e^ i3.141563 219.194739 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 78.855963 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 28.764739 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 99.357419; ] m^2_d̅ = [ 224.930034 0.325380 e^ i3.074355 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.325380 e^ -i3.074355 224.164090 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 50.041348 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 133.993569 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 209.549257; ] m^2_L = [ 177.008701 e^ i-0.000000 51.893498 e^ -i3.141511 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 51.893498 e^ i3.141511 171.787289 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 122.499993 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 150.724394 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 90.356545; ] m^2_e̅ = [ 197.468017 1.279482 e^ i3.141585 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 1.279482 e^ -i3.141585 197.346591 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 95.752434 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 63.090522 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 126.769184; ] m^2_ν = [ 119.902142 100.622647 e^ -i3.141512 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 100.622647 e^ i3.141512 148.270196 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 182.846500 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 77.310330 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 5.566623; ] All the entries in the above matrices are in TeV^2. The weak scale gaugino mass parameters M_a are given by: M_1 = 628.093 GeV, M_2 = 992.049 GeV, M_3 = 2.28438 TeV, M_4 = 429.250 GeV §.§ Extended CKM matrix at the fit point V̂_CKM = [ 0.973997 e^ i0.137293 0.226529 e^ -i1.475268 0.003769 e^ i0.308875 0.000001 e^ i2.610939 0.000006 e^ i2.611603 ; 0.226416 e^ i1.982142 0.973174 e^ -i2.772616 0.040843 e^ i0.060402 0.000006 e^ i2.368311 0.000065 e^ i2.322401 ; 0.008076 e^ i1.505322 0.040214 e^ -i2.825819 0.999053 e^ i3.130504 0.000381 e^ i3.102532 0.000352 e^ i2.245719 ; 0.000045 e^ -i2.917042 0.000432 e^ -i1.357450 0.014505 e^ -i2.697973 0.023191 e^ i3.126263 0.001407 e^ -i0.013187 ; 0.000003 e^ i1.922230 0.000021 e^ -i2.239466 0.000684 e^ -i2.930490 0.997883 e^ i0.000004 0.060737 e^ -i3.140826; ] §.§ Z' couplings at the fit point ĝ^u_L = [ -0.000000434 0.000319 e^ -i3.141175 0.000069 e^ -i3.078618 0.000014 e^ i3.123712 0.000572 e^ -i0.000438 ; 0.000319 e^ i3.141175 -0.234369 0.050764 e^ -i3.084329 0.010336 e^ i3.123154 0.420433 e^ -i0.000778 ; 0.000069 e^ i3.078618 0.050764 e^ i3.084329 0.975915 0.010109 e^ -i0.656617 0.204143 e^ -i0.026670 ; 0.000014 e^ -i3.123712 0.010336 e^ -i3.123154 0.010109 e^ i0.656617 -0.000309 0.019742 e^ i0.053349 ; 0.000572 e^ i0.000438 0.420433 e^ i0.000778 0.204143 e^ i0.026670 0.019742 e^ -i0.053349 -0.741236; ] ĝ^u_R = [ -0.000001 0.000489 e^ i3.141260 0.000260 e^ i3.126864 0.001072 e^ i0.000509 0.000024 e^ i3.124938 ; 0.000489 e^ -i3.141260 -0.164348 0.087195 e^ i3.129088 0.360096 e^ i0.000731 0.008174 e^ i3.125094 ; 0.000260 e^ -i3.126864 0.087195 e^ -i3.129088 0.899619 0.417027 e^ i0.005909 0.015488 e^ -i2.956363 ; 0.001072 e^ -i0.000509 0.360096 e^ -i0.000731 0.417027 e^ -i0.005909 -0.734997 0.015339 e^ -i0.064909 ; 0.000024 e^ -i3.124938 0.008174 e^ -i3.125094 0.015488 e^ i2.956363 0.015339 e^ i0.064909 -0.000273; ] ĝ^d_L = [ -0.012083 0.052099 e^ -i1.606585 0.003798 e^ -i2.934006 0.096382 e^ -i1.969962 0.005864 e^ i1.173160 ; 0.052099 e^ i1.606585 -0.224384 0.000595 e^ i2.864449 0.416731 e^ i2.772071 0.025352 e^ -i0.368221 ; 0.003798 e^ i2.934006 0.000595 e^ -i2.864449 0.978368 0.185601 e^ i3.130980 0.011541 e^ -i0.032619 ; 0.096382 e^ i1.969962 0.416731 e^ -i2.772071 0.185601 e^ -i3.130980 -0.739172 0.044920 e^ i0.002430 ; 0.005864 e^ -i1.173160 0.025352 e^ i0.368221 0.011541 e^ i0.032619 0.044920 e^ -i0.002430 -0.002730; ] ĝ^d_R = [ -0.945118 0.224121 e^ -i0.001067 0.017158 e^ -i3.135415 0.002714 e^ i0.020878 0.036574 e^ -i3.120954 ; 0.224121 e^ i0.001067 -0.053144 0.002537 e^ i0.074178 0.000697 e^ -i3.129376 0.009398 e^ i0.012179 ; 0.017158 e^ i3.135415 0.002537 e^ -i0.074178 0.816818 0.028594 e^ -i0.001210 0.386166 e^ -i3.140173 ; 0.002714 e^ -i0.020878 0.000697 e^ i3.129376 0.028594 e^ i0.001210 0.000989 0.013362 e^ -i3.138935 ; 0.036574 e^ i3.120954 0.009398 e^ -i0.012179 0.386166 e^ i3.140173 0.013362 e^ i3.138935 0.180455; ] ĝ^e_L = [ -0.0000000322 0.000176 e^ i3.141593 0.000000 0.000024 -0.000024 ; -0.000176 -0.962904 0.000000 0.133323 -0.133958 ; 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000024 0.133323 0.000000 -0.018460 0.018548 ; -0.000024 -0.133958 0.000000 0.018548 -0.018636; ] ĝ^e_R = [ -0.0000000079 -0.000087 0.000000 0.000012 -0.000012 ; -0.000087 -0.962814 0.000000 0.137147 -0.130362 ; 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000012 0.137147 0.000000 -0.019536 0.018569 ; -0.000012 -0.130362 0.000000 0.018569 -0.017651; ] §.§ Input parameters at the fit point - Fit point II g_1 = g_2 = g_3 = g_4 = g_GUT = 1.4206, ϵ_3 = 0, M_GUT = 5.012 × 10^16 GeV tanβ = 47.62315, v_Φ = 3039.259 GeV, v_Φ̅ = 2388.616 GeV λ_2Q_1 = 838.027 GeV, λ_2Q_2 = 1147.758 GeV, λ_2L_1 = λ_2L_2 = 1290.611 GeV λ_2U_1 = 646.556 GeV, λ_2U_2 = 881.232 GeV, λ_2D_1 = 989.959 GeV, λ_2D_2 = 3100.593 GeV λ_2E_1 = -1823.503 GeV, λ_2E_2 = 0 GeV The remaining 50 input parameters are presented in the form of the Yukawa matrices at the GUT scale and the soft SUSY breaking parameters. Many of the entries in the Yukawa matrices are 0 and some of them are equal (in the GUT sense) which together give 38 of the model parameters. The Yukawa matrices at the GUT scale are: Y_u = [ 0.000009357 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 1.827175 e^ i0.790233 0.000000 1.188228 e^ -i0.000217 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.017894 1.618202 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.152240 e^ -i0.043436 2.194159 1.963979; ] Y_d = [ 0.002409 0.006097 e^ i1.192444 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.016879 e^ i0.925307 0.044389 e^ i0.785451 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 1.827175 e^ i0.790233 0.000000 2.381021 e^ -i0.000132 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.001168 0.040008 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.152240 e^ -i0.043436 2.194159 0.795780; ] Y_e = [ 0.000204 0.000184 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000186 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 1.827175 e^ i0.790233 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.073570 0.472727 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.861073 2.959575; ] Y_ν = [ 2.191883 2.316690 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 1.825601 1.838974 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 1.381811 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.785259 1.947156 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.861073 2.070352; ] §.§.§ Quark and charged lepton Yukawa matrices at the weak scale Y_u = [ 0.00001546 e^ i0.000001 0.000006 e^ i0.000060 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.989540 e^ i0.790233 0.000000 0.167705 e^ -i0.000217 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.018252 1.024819 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.140206 e^ -i0.043436 0.848179 0.723105; ] Y_d = [ 0.005125 e^ i0.510512 0.009232 e^ i1.085049 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.043864 e^ i0.862817 0.071353 e^ i0.800050 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.858954 e^ i0.790233 0.000000 0.493623 e^ -i0.000132 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.001492 0.053696 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.140206 e^ -i0.043436 0.848179 0.495800; ] Y_e = [ 0.000032 0.000011 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000104 -0.000083 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.472927 e^ i0.790233 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.028925 0.149592 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.118978 0.504921; ] §.§.§ RH Neutrino mass parameters and the neutrino mass matrix at the weak scale The mass parameters M_L, M_R and M_R^ab in the ℒ_maj of Equation (2.3) are given by: M_L = M_R = 1.2504 × 10^13 GeV M_R^ab = [ 1.812229 e^ -i0.268412× 10^11 4.947073 × 10^11 ; 4.947073 × 10^11 5.983751 e^ -i0.263383× 10^11; ] These contribute to 6 additional parameters. The neutrino mass matrix at the weak scale is given by: M_neutrino = [ 2.5793 e^ i0.4362× 10^-10 2.6209 e^ i0.6416× 10^-10 0.000000 0.000000 1290.610742 ; 2.6209 e^ i0.6416× 10^-10 2.7256 e^ i1.0088× 10^-10 0.000000 0.000000 1290.610742 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 4.6185 × 10^-11 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 4.6185 × 10^-11 0.000000 361.606446 ; 1290.610742 1290.610742 0.000000 361.606446 1.6712 × 10^-14; ] All the entries in M_R^ab and M_neutrino are in GeV. §.§.§ Soft SUSY breaking parameters The GMM parameters for this fit point are given by: l_a = 1, α = 30, a_0 = 0, m_3/2 = 25 TeV, c_m = 23, c_H_u = 19.42162, c_H_d = 36.76136 Here, m_3/2 is the gravitino mass and we have taken a universal a_ijk = a_0. Hence, we have 6 soft SUSY breaking parameters. The weak scale soft SUSY breaking mass matrices are given by: m^2_Q = [ 556.868567 8.408083 e^ i3.133000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 8.408083 e^ -i3.133000 556.200694 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 269.643182 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 395.189964 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 221.828595; ] m^2_u = [ 532.341519 15.608831 e^ -i3.141568 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 15.608831 e^ i3.141568 532.345994 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 270.150118 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 96.193666 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 293.824856; ] m^2_d = [ 560.954916 0.625278 e^ i3.116404 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.625278 e^ -i3.116404 558.846834 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 122.070633 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 369.859074 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 530.700060; ] m^2_L = [ 441.833308 106.881354 e^ -i3.141549 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 106.881354 e^ i3.141549 432.057854 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 259.406990 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 429.168777 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 250.349982; ] m^2_e = [ 533.723453 1.918893 e^ i3.141586 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 1.918893 e^ -i3.141586 533.557031 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 240.370308 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 205.618206 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 452.394311; ] m^2_ν = [ 321.872232 207.072839 e^ -i3.141549 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 207.072839 e^ i3.141549 393.081059 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 402.031334 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 152.922796 0.000000 ; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 168.027535; ] All the entries in the above matrices are in TeV^2. The weak scale gaugino mass parameters M_a are given by: M_1 = 811.985 GeV, M_2 = 1.27978 TeV, M_3 = 2.91131 TeV, M_4 = 544.317 GeV §.§ Extended CKM matrix at the fit point V̂_CKM = [ 0.973993 e^ i0.134100 0.226545 e^ -i1.517993 0.003769 e^ i0.230614 0.000001 e^ i2.529773 0.000006 e^ i2.530413 ; 0.226437 e^ i2.024459 0.973206 e^ -i2.769825 0.039961 e^ i0.048011 0.000006 e^ i2.358623 0.000066 e^ i2.315121 ; 0.007968 e^ i1.550805 0.039341 e^ -i2.808380 0.999126 e^ i3.132113 0.000376 e^ i3.096810 0.000345 e^ i2.243055 ; 0.000048 e^ -i2.313704 0.000388 e^ -i1.024620 0.011685 e^ -i2.644382 0.016906 e^ i3.123424 0.001051 e^ -i0.016141 ; 0.000003 e^ i1.870152 0.000016 e^ -i2.303574 0.000542 e^ -i2.967029 0.997915 e^ i0.000001 0.062285 e^ -i3.140812; ] §.§ Z' couplings at the fit point ĝ^u_L = [ -0.000000418 0.000312 e^ -i3.141265 0.000066 e^ -i3.089746 0.000010 e^ i3.119136 0.000562 e^ -i0.000345 ; 0.000312 e^ i3.141265 -0.232980 0.049228 e^ -i3.094530 0.007512 e^ i3.118696 0.419792 e^ -i0.000611 ; 0.000066 e^ i3.089746 0.049228 e^ i3.094530 0.977043 0.008631 e^ -i0.695958 0.199636 e^ -i0.021708 ; 0.000010 e^ -i3.119136 0.007512 e^ -i3.118696 0.008631 e^ i0.695958 -0.000142 0.014486 e^ i0.064603 ; 0.000562 e^ i0.000345 0.419792 e^ i0.000611 0.199636 e^ i0.021708 0.014486 e^ -i0.064603 -0.743921; ] ĝ^u_R = [ -0.000001265 0.000458 e^ i3.141333 0.000195 e^ i3.123410 0.001008 e^ i0.000400 0.000017 e^ i3.121793 ; 0.000458 e^ -i3.141333 -0.166148 0.070369 e^ i3.126002 0.365452 e^ i0.000573 0.006057 e^ i3.121893 ; 0.000195 e^ -i3.123410 0.070369 e^ -i3.126002 0.935430 0.337750 e^ i0.007258 0.011516 e^ -i2.865916 ; 0.001008 e^ -i0.000400 0.365452 e^ -i0.000573 0.337750 e^ -i0.007258 -0.769145 0.011738 e^ -i0.073905 ; 0.000017 e^ -i3.121793 0.006057 e^ -i3.121893 0.011516 e^ i2.865916 0.011738 e^ i0.073905 -0.000135; ] ĝ^d_L = [ -0.012002 0.051759 e^ -i1.646304 0.003709 e^ -i3.025590 0.096148 e^ -i2.012485 0.005999 e^ i1.130630 ; 0.051759 e^ i1.646304 -0.222950 0.000290 e^ -i2.555244 0.415680 e^ i2.769248 0.025932 e^ -i0.371040 ; 0.003709 e^ i3.025590 0.000290 e^ i2.555244 0.979294 0.181588 e^ i3.133261 0.011572 e^ -i0.029921 ; 0.096148 e^ i2.012485 0.415680 e^ -i2.769248 0.181588 e^ -i3.133261 -0.741462 0.046211 e^ i0.002368 ; 0.005999 e^ -i1.130630 0.025932 e^ i0.371040 0.011572 e^ i0.029921 0.046211 e^ -i0.002368 -0.002880; ] ĝ^d_R = [ -0.947128 0.220492 e^ -i0.003894 0.015890 e^ -i3.088481 0.002621 e^ i0.072084 0.034653 e^ -i3.069740 ; 0.220492 e^ i0.003894 -0.051328 0.002191 e^ i0.153794 0.000663 e^ -i3.078312 0.008763 e^ i0.063249 ; 0.015890 e^ i3.088481 0.002191 e^ -i0.153794 0.824729 0.028649 e^ -i0.001440 0.379471 e^ -i3.140449 ; 0.002621 e^ -i0.072084 0.000663 e^ i3.078312 0.028649 e^ i0.001440 0.000985 0.013041 e^ -i3.138984 ; 0.034653 e^ i3.069740 0.008763 e^ -i0.063249 0.379471 e^ i3.140449 0.013041 e^ i3.138984 0.172742; ] ĝ^e_L = [ -0.00000001 -0.000098 0.000000 0.000014 -0.000014 ; -0.000098 -0.962232 0.000000 0.134474 -0.135125 ; 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000014 0.134474 0.000000 -0.018793 0.018884 ; -0.000014 -0.135125 0.000000 0.018884 -0.018976; ] ĝ^e_R = [ -0.00000001 -0.000099 0.000000 0.000014 -0.000013 ; -0.000099 -0.963023 0.000000 0.136850 -0.129930 ; 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ; 0.000014 0.136850 0.000000 -0.019447 0.018464 ; -0.000013 -0.129930 0.000000 0.018464 -0.017530; ] § ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank Junichiro Kawamura for reading over the first draft and making some important comments. The work of S.R. is supported in part by the Department of Energy (DOE) under Award No. DE-SC0011726. The work of H.K. is supported by the KVPY fellowship of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India. unsrt
Wavelet Galerkin Method for an Electromagnetic Scattering Problem
[ "Bin Han", "Michelle Michelle" ]
[ "math.NA", "cs.NA", "35J05, 65T60, 42C40, 41A15" ]
Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2G1. bhan@ualberta.ca Department of Mathematics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA 47907. mmichell@purdue.edu Research supported in part by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada under grant RGPIN-2019-04276, NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship, and the Digital Research Alliance of Canada. addtoresetequationsection The Helmholtz equation is challenging to solve numerically due to the pollution effect, which often results in a huge ill-conditioned linear system. In this paper, we present a high order wavelet Galerkin method to numerically solve an electromagnetic scattering from a large cavity problem modeled by the 2D Helmholtz equation. The high approximation order and the sparse stable linear system offered by wavelets are useful in dealing with the pollution effect. By using the direct approach presented in our past work [B. Han and M. Michelle, Appl. Comp. Harmon. Anal., 53 (2021), 270-331], we present various optimized spline biorthogonal wavelets on a bounded interval. We provide a self-contained proof to show that the tensor product of such wavelets forms a 2D Riesz wavelet in the appropriate Sobolev space. Compared to the coefficient matrix of a standard Galerkin method, when an iterative scheme is applied to the coefficient matrix of our wavelet Galerkin method, much fewer iterations are needed for the relative residuals to be within a tolerance level. Furthermore, for a fixed wavenumber, the number of required iterations is practically independent of the size of the wavelet coefficient matrix. In contrast, when an iterative scheme is applied to the coefficient matrix of a standard Galerkin method, the number of required iterations doubles as the mesh size for each axis is halved. The implementation can also be done conveniently thanks to the simple structure, the refinability property, and the analytic expression of our wavelet bases. [2020]35J05, 65T60, 42C40, 41A15 Wavelet Galerkin Method for an Electromagnetic Scattering Problem Michelle Michelle ================================================================= arabic § INTRODUCTION AND MOTIVATIONS In this paper, we consider an electromagnetic scattering from a large cavity problem modeled by the following 2D Helmholtz equation Δu + ^2 u = f in Ω:=(0,1)^2, u=0 on ∂Ω\Γ, ∂u/∂ = 𝒯(u) + g on Γ, where > 0 is a constant wavenumber, Γ:=(0,1) ×{1}, f ∈ L_2(Ω), g ∈ H^1/2(Γ), is the unit outward normal, and 𝒯(u):=/2 _0^1 1/|x-x'|H^(1)_1(|x-x'|) u(x',1) dx', where denotes the Hadamard finite part integral, and H^(1)_1 is the Hankel function of the first kind of degree 1. In practice, such a scattering problem is often encountered in stealth/tracking technology. The Radar Cross Section (RCS) measures the detectability of an object by a radar system. The RCS of cavities in an object (e.g., a jet engine’s inlet ducts, exhaust nozzles) contributes the most to the overall RCS of an object. Therefore, accurate measurements of the RCS of these cavities are important. This is where numerical methods for the scattering problem come into play. The Helmholtz equation is challenging to solve numerically due to its sign indefinite (non-coercive) standard weak formulation and the pollution effect. As the wavenumber increases, the solution becomes more oscillating and the mesh size requirement becomes exponentially demanding. Consequently, the linear system associated with the discretization is often huge and ill-conditioned. Iterative schemes are usually preferred over direct solvers due to the expensive computational cost of the latter. It has been shown that high order schemes are better in tackling the pollution effect (e.g, <cit.>). Various high order finite difference, Galerkin, and spectral methods have been proposed in <cit.>. In this paper, we are interested in using a wavelet basis to numerically solve (<ref>) due to the following advantages. Our wavelet bases have high approximation orders, which help in alleviating the pollution effect. They produce a sparse coefficient matrix, which is more stable than that of a standard Galerkin method. The sparsity aids in the efficient storage of the coefficient matrix, while the enhanced stability of the linear system results in a much fewer number of iterations needed for iterative schemes to be within a tolerance level. §.§ Preliminaries on wavelets Wavelets are sparse multiscale representation systems, which have been successfully used in various applications such as data science, image/signal processing, and numerical analysis. They have been used to characterize various function spaces such as Sobolev and Besov spaces. Wavelets are built from refinable functions, which are functions that can be expressed as scaled and shifted versions of themselves. A good example of refinable functions is the B-spline function of order m (i.e, B_m for m∈), where B_1:=χ_(0,1] B_m:=B_m-1*B_1=∫_0^1 B_m-1(·-x) dx. Note that B_m∈ C^m-2(), its support is [0,m], and B_m|_(k,k+1) is a nonnegative polynomial of degree at most m-1 for all k∈. Another example is the Hermite cubic splines. Next, we present some formal definitions. The Fourier transform is defined by f(ξ):=∫_ f(x) e^- xξ d x, ξ∈ for f∈1 and is naturally extended to square integrable functions in 2. Recall that the Sobolev space τ with τ∈ consists of all tempered distributions f on such that ∫_ |f(ξ)|^2(1+|ξ|^2)^τ dξ<∞. If τ=0, then H^0()=L_2(). Let ϕ:={ϕ_1, …, ϕ_r}^𝖳 and ψ:={ψ_1, …, ψ_s}^𝖳 be in H^τ(ℝ) with τ∈. For J ∈, define the multiwavelet affine system in H^τ(ℝ) by 𝖠𝖲^τ_J(ϕ;ψ):= {ϕ^ℓ,τ_J;k: k ∈ℤ, ℓ =1,…,r }∪{ψ^ℓ,τ_j;k: j ≥ J, k ∈ℤ, ℓ=1,…, s }, where ϕ^ℓ,τ_J;k:=2^J(1/2 - τ)ϕ_ℓ(2^J·-k) and ψ^ℓ,τ_j;k:=2^j(1/2 - τ)ψ_ℓ(2^j·-k). Let 𝖠𝖲_J(ϕ;ψ):=𝖠𝖲^0_J(ϕ;ψ). We say that {ϕ;ψ} is a Riesz multiwavelet in H^τ(ℝ) if 𝖠𝖲^τ_J(ϕ;ψ) is a Riesz basis for H^τ(ℝ). I.e., (1) the linear span of 𝖠𝖲^τ_J(ϕ;ψ) is dense in H^τ(ℝ), and (2) there exist C_1, C_2 >0 such that C_1 ∑_η∈^τ_J(ϕ;ψ) |c_η|^2 ≤∑_η∈^τ_J(ϕ;ψ) c_ηη^2_H^τ()≤ C_2 ∑_η∈^τ_J(ϕ;ψ) |c_η|^2 for all finitely supported sequences {c_η}_η∈^τ_J(ϕ;ψ). If r=1, we often refer to a Riesz multiwavelet as a scalar Riesz wavelet. Throughout this paper, we shall use wavelets to refer to both scalar wavelets and multiwavelets. Let ϕ̃:={ϕ̃_1, …, ϕ̃_r}^𝖳 and ψ̃:={ψ̃_1, …, ψ̃_s}^𝖳 be in H^-τ(ℝ) with τ∈. We call ({ϕ̃;ψ̃},{ϕ;ψ}) a biorthogonal multiwavelet in (H^-τ(),H^τ()) (e.g., see <cit.>) if (1) {ϕ̃;ψ̃} and {ϕ;ψ} are Riesz multiwavelets in H^-τ(ℝ) and H^τ(ℝ) respectively, and (2) ^-τ_J(ϕ̃;ψ̃) and ^τ_J(ϕ;ψ) are biorthogonal to each other; i.e., ⟨ h,h̃⟩ =1 and ⟨ h,g̃⟩ =0, ∀ h, g ∈^τ_J(ϕ;ψ), h g, where g̃ is the unique element in ^-τ_J(ϕ̃; ψ̃) corresponding to a given element g∈^τ_J(ϕ;ψ) such that g,g̃=1. Then the following wavelet representations hold f = ∑_k ∈ℤ∑_ℓ=1^r⟨ f, ϕ̃^ℓ,-τ_J;k⟩ϕ^ℓ,τ_J;k + ∑_j=J^∞∑_k∈∑_ℓ =1^s⟨ f, ψ̃^ℓ,-τ_j;k⟩ψ^ℓ,τ_j;k, f ∈ H^τ() with the above series converging unconditionally in H^τ(). For a compactly supported (vector) function ψ, we say that ψ has m vanishing moments if ∫_ x^j ψ(x)dx=0 for all j=0,…,m-1. Furthermore, we define (ψ):=m with m being the largest of such an integer. §.§ Advantages of spline wavelets and literature on the construction of spline wavelets on an interval We refer interested readers to <cit.> and references therein for a review of wavelet-based methods in solving numerical PDEs. One common approach to handle a multi-dimensional problem (e.g., the model problem in (<ref>)) is to form a 2D Riesz wavelet by taking the tensor product of 1D Riesz wavelets on a bounded interval. Some advantages of using spline wavelets in numerical PDEs are their analytic expressions and sparsity. In order to effectively solve a linear system with an N× N coefficient matrix A, where N ∈, using an iterative scheme, the coefficient matrix A should generally have the following two key properties: (i) The condition numbers of the matrix A should be relatively small and uniformly bounded. (ii) The N × N matrices A have certain desirable/exploitable structures. To achieve item (i), Riesz wavelets on the interval [0,1] have been known to be able to theoretically achieve uniformly bounded condition numbers of their induced coefficient matrices A. However, to achieve practical condition numbers, we have to construct wavelets ψ as in <cit.> such that the condition numbers of _0(ϕ;ψ) are as small as possible, while it is also critical to construct as a few as possible boundary wavelets with simple structures such that the condition numbers of the induced Riesz wavelets on the interval [0,1] are not significantly larger than that of _0(ϕ;ψ) in a given Sobolev space. On the other hand, for general compactly supported Riesz wavelets on [0,1], one can only expect to achieve the suboptimal sparsity (N log N) for N × N matrices A. For item (ii), sparsity (i.e., the numbers of all nonzero entries of A are (N)) is one desirable feature, especially from the storage point of view. The sparsity can only be achieved by considering a spline refinable vector function ϕ such that ϕ is a piecewise polynomial of degree less than m and its derived wavelet ψ must have at least order m sum rules, i.e., (ψ)≥ m. This is because the entries of the coefficient matrix A are often linear combinations of ψ^(j)_n;k,ψ^(j)_n';k' for j=0,…,J with n,n'∈ and k,k'∈, e.g., J=1 for the problem in (<ref>) which we consider in this paper. If ψ^(j)_n;k, restricted on the support of ψ^(j)_n';k', is just one piece of some polynomial of degree less than m, then the condition (ψ)≥ m guarantees that ψ^(j)_n;k,ψ^(j)_n';k'=0 for a truly sparse coefficient matrix A in item (ii). In this paper, we are particularly interested in constructing spline Riesz wavelets {ϕ;ψ} and adapting them to the interval [0,1] such that the spline refinable vector function ϕ is a piecewise polynomial of degree less than m and the wavelet ψ has at least order m vanishing moments. We briefly review some related key studies on the construction of spline wavelets on a bounded interval. For comprehensive discussions on existing constructions of wavelets on a bounded interval (not limited to splines), we refer interested readers to <cit.>. Compactly supported biorthogonal B-spline wavelets based on <cit.> were adapted to [0,1] in the pivotal study <cit.>. Subsequent studies were done to address the shortcomings (e.g., high condition numbers and many boundary elements) of the construction presented in <cit.> (see <cit.>). It is important to mention that some infinitely supported B-spline wavelets have also been constructed on [0,1] (see <cit.> and references therein). However, the present paper only focuses on compactly supported biorthogonal wavelets, since we want to utilize the general construction in <cit.>. To the best of our knowledge, a general construction for infinitely supported biorthogonal wavelets on a bounded interval is not yet available. An example of compactly supported biorthogonal spline multiwavelets was constructed on [0,1] in the key study <cit.>. For compactly supported biorthogonal spline multiwavelets with symmetry, we can employ the approach presented in <cit.> to construct wavelets on [0,1]. However, one drawback of the previous construction is that the boundary wavelets have reduced vanishing moments. The direct approach in <cit.>, on the other hand, yields boundary wavelets that have the same vanishing moments as the interior wavelets, which allows us to maximally preserve the sparsity of the system. More importantly, it gives us all possible compactly supported boundary wavelets with or without prescribed boundary conditions, and the calculation does not explicitly involve the duals. §.§ Main contributions of this paper. We present a high order wavelet Galerkin method to solve the model problem in (<ref>). First, we present several optimized B-spline scalar wavelets and spline multiwavelets on [0,1], which can be used to numerically solve various PDEs. All spline wavelets presented in this paper are constructed by using our direct approach in <cit.>, which allows us to find all possible biorthogonal multiwavelets in L_2([0,1]) from any compactly supported biorthogonal multiwavelets in L_2(). Many existing constructions (e.g., <cit.>) are special cases of <cit.>. Since all possible biorthogonal multiwavelets in L_2([0,1]) can be found, we can obtain an optimized wavelet on [0,1] with a simple structure that is well-conditioned through an optimization procedure. We emphasize that it is insufficient to only construct a 1D Riesz wavelet on an interval. It is essential that we optimize the boundary wavelets such that their structures remain simple and the coefficient matrix associated with the discretization of a problem is as stable as possible. Second, we provide self-contained proofs showing that all the constructed wavelets on [0,1] form 1D Riesz wavelets in the appropriate Sobolev space; additionally, via the tensor product, they form 2D Riesz wavelets in the appropriate Sobolev space. In the literature (e.g. see <cit.>), the Riesz basis property is only guaranteed under the assumption that both the Jackson and Bernstein inequalities for the wavelet system hold, which may not be easy to establish (particularly the Bernstein inequality). Our proof does not involve the Jackson and Bernstein inequalities. We provide a direct and relatively simple proof, which does not require any unnecessary conditions on the wavelet systems. Third, our experiments show that the coefficient matrix of our wavelet basis is much more stable than that of a standard Galerkin method. The smallest singular value of the wavelet coefficient matrix has a lower bound instead of becoming arbitrarily small as the matrix size increases. Compared to the standard Galerkin coefficient matrix, when an iterative scheme is applied to the wavelet coefficient matrix, much fewer iterations are needed for the relative residuals to be within a tolerance level. For a fixed wavenumber, the number of required iterations is practically independent of the size of the wavelet coefficient matrix; i.e, the number of iterations is bounded above. In contrast, the number of required iterations for the standard Galerkin coefficient matrix doubles as the mesh size for each axis is halved. Spline multiwavelets generally have shorter supports compared to B-splines wavelets. The former requires much fewer boundary wavelets and their structures are much simpler than those of B-spline wavelets. Consequently, the boundary optimization is done more easily in multiwavelets. Thus, we tend to favour the use of spline multiwavelets over B-spline wavelets. Finally, the refinability structure of our wavelet basis makes the implementation of our wavelet Galerkin method efficient. §.§ Organization of this paper. In <ref>, we describe the derivation of the model problem in (<ref>). In <ref>, we present some optimized 1D Riesz wavelets on [0,1]. We also present a self-contained proof in <ref> showing that the wavelets on intervals constructed using our approach form a 2D Riesz basis in the appropriate Sobolev space through the tensor product. In <ref>, we discuss the implementation details of our wavelet Galerkin method. In <ref>, we present our numerical experiments showcasing the performance of our wavelets. § MODEL DERIVATION We summarize the derivation of the model problem in (<ref>) as explained in <cit.>. Several simplifying physical assumptions are needed. We assume that the cavity is embedded in an infinite ground plane. The ground plane and cavity walls are perfect electric conductors (PECs). The medium is non-magnetic with a constant permeability, μ, and a constant permittivity, ε. Furthermore, we assume that no currents are present and the fields are source free. Let E and H respectively denote the total electric and magnetic fields. So far, our current setup can be modelled by the following Maxwell's equation with time dependence e^-ω t, where ω stands for the angular frequency ∇×E - ωμH =0, ∇×H + ωεE=0. Since we assume that the ground plane and cavity walls are PECs, we equip the above problem with the boundary condition × E=0 on the surface of PECs, where is again the unit outward normal. We further assume that the medium and the cavity are invariant with respect to the z-axis. The cross-section of the cavity, denoted by Ω, is rectangular. Meanwhile, Γ corresponds to the top of the cavity or the aperture. We restrict our attention to the transverse magnetic (TM) polarization. This means that the magnetic field is transverse/perpendicular to the z-axis; moreover, the total electric and magnetic fields take the form E=(0,0,u(x,y)) and H=(H_x,H_y,0) for some functions u(x,y), H_x, and H_y. Plugging these particular E,H into (<ref>) and recalling the boundary condition, we obtain the 2D homogeneous Helmholtz equation defined on the cavity and the upper half space with the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition at the surface of PECs, and the scattered field satisfying the Sommerfeld's radiation boundary condition at infinity. By using the half-space Green's function with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition or the Fourier transform, we can introduce a non-local boundary condition on Γ such that the previous unbounded problem is converted to a bounded problem. See <ref> for an illustration. For the standard scattering problem, we want to determine the scattered field u^s in the half space and the cavity given an incident plane wave u^inc=e^α x-β (y-1), where α=sin(θ), β=cos(θ), and the incident angle θ∈ (-π/2,π/2). In particular, u^s=u-u^inc+e^α x+β (y-1), where u is found by solving the following problem Δ u + ^2 ε_r u = 0 in Ω, u=0 on ∂Ω\Γ, ∂ u/∂ = 𝒯(u) - 2β e^α x on Γ, where ε_r is the medium's relative permittivity and the non-local boundary operator 𝒯 is defined in (<ref>). In the model problem (<ref>), we assume that ε_r=1, and allow the source and boundary data to vary. For simplicity, we let Ω = (0,1)^2 in our model problem and numerical experiments. § 1D LOCALLY SUPPORTED SPLINE RIESZ WAVELETS IN L_2([0,1]) In this section, we construct Riesz wavelets ℬ^x and ℬ^y in L_2([0,1]) such that all elements in ℬ^x and ℬ^y satisfy the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition at the endpoint 0. All elements in ℬ^x also satisfy the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition at the other endpoint 1. Without loss of generality, we restrict our attention to the unit interval [0,1]. We denote the set of all finitely supported sequences u={u(k)}_k∈: →^r× s by 0rs. The Fourier series of u={u(k)}_k∈∈0rs is defined by u(ξ):=∑_k∈ u(k) e^- kξ for ξ∈, which is an r× s matrix of 2π-periodic trigonometric polynomials. In the literature, an element in 0rs is usually called a (matrix-valued) mask or filter. We recall a fundamental result of biorthogonal wavelets in L_2(). (<cit.> and <cit.>) Let ϕ,ϕ̃ be r× 1 vectors of compactly supported distributions and ψ,ψ̃ be s× 1 vectors of compactly supported distributions on . Then ({ϕ̃;ψ̃},{ϕ;ψ}) is a biorthogonal wavelet in 2 if and only if the following are satisfied (1) ϕ,ϕ̃∈ (2)^r and ϕ(0)^ϕ̃(0)=1. (2) ϕ and ϕ̃ are biorthogonal to each other: ϕ,ϕ̃(·-k)= (k) I_r for all k∈. (3) There exist low-pass filters a,ã∈0rr and high-pass filters b,b̃∈0sr such that ϕ=2∑_k∈ a(k)ϕ(2·-k), ψ=2∑_k∈ b(k)ϕ(2·-k), ϕ̃=2∑_k∈ã(k) ϕ̃(2·-k), ψ̃=2∑_k∈b̃(k) ϕ̃(2·-k), and ({ã;b̃},{a;b}) is a biorthogonal wavelet filter bank, i.e., s=r and [ ã(ξ) ã(ξ+π) b̃(ξ) b̃(ξ+π) ] [ a(ξ)^ b(ξ)^ a(ξ+π)^ b(ξ+π)^] =I_2r, ξ∈. (4) Both _0(ϕ;ψ) and _0(ϕ̃;ψ̃) are Bessel sequences in 2; i.e., there exists a positive constant C such that ∑_h∈_0(ϕ;ψ) | f, h|^2≤ Cf^2_2 ∑_h̃∈_0(ϕ̃;ψ̃) | f, h̃|^2≤ Cf^2_2, ∀ f∈2. Because all ϕ, ψ and ϕ̃, ψ̃ are assumed to have compact support in <ref>, it is known (e.g., <cit.> and <cit.>) that item (4) of <ref> can be replaced by (4') ψ(0)=0 and ψ̃(0)=0, i.e., every element in ψ and ψ̃ has at least one vanishing moment. If ã(ξ)a(ξ)^+ ã(ξ+π)a(ξ+π)^=I_r, then ã is called a dual mask of a. A filter a∈0rr has order m sum rules with a (moment) matching filter ∈01r if (0) 0 and [(2·)a]^(j)(0)=^(j)(0) [(2·)a(·+π)]^(j)(0)=0, ∀ j=0,…,m-1. More specifically, we define (a)=m with m being the largest such nonnegative integer. For any finitely supported matrix mask a∈0rr and m∈, if the mask a has at least one finitely supported dual mask, then <cit.> guarantees that there exists a finitely supported dual mask ã of a such that (ã)≥ m and all such finitely supported dual masks ã∈0rr can be constructed via the coset-by-coset (CBC) algorithm in <cit.> (also see <cit.>). Consequently, we can construct a biorthogonal wavelet filter bank ({ã;b̃},{a;b}) such that (b)=(ã)≥ m. If ϕ is a refinable vector function with mask a∈0rr, then we often normalize a matching filter by (0)ϕ(0)=1. The main tool used to construct a 1D Riesz wavelet on [0,1] is <cit.>. We outline its main ideas here. We begin by constructing a 1D Riesz wavelet on [0,∞). Define _j(H):= span{f(2^j ·):f ∈ H}, j ∈ and H ⊆ L_2(), where the overhead bar denotes closure in L_2(). Suppose we are given a compactly supported biorthogonal multiwavelet ({ϕ̃;ψ̃},{ϕ;ψ}) in L_2(). We form the set Φ := {ϕ^L}∪{ϕ(· -k): k ≥ n_ϕ}, where ϕ^L is a compactly supported left boundary refinable function satisfying desired boundary conditions and n_ϕ is a known integer, which is picked such that we retain as many interior refinable functions as possible. Next, we form the set Ψ:={ψ^L}∪{ψ(·-k):k ≥ n_ψ}, where n_ψ is a known integer, which is picked such that we retain as many interior wavelets as possible and ψ^L is the left boundary wavelet to be constructed. We need to make sure the following conditions hold. First, ψ^L⊆{ϕ^L(2·)}∪{ϕ(2· -k):n_ϕ≤ k < m_ϕ} for some m_ϕ∈, and ψ^L satisfies desired vanishing moments and homogeneous boundary conditions. Second, ψ^L is a basis for the finite-dimensional quotient space _1(Φ)/_0(Φ∪{ψ(· -k):k ≥ n_ψ}). Third, {ϕ^L(2·)}∪{ϕ(2·-k) : n_ϕ≤ k < m_ϕ} are finite linear combinations of elements in Φ∪Ψ. Then, the following relation must hold: ϕ^L(2·) = Ã_L^ϕ^L + B̃_L^ψ^L, where the symbol ∘ on the top represents a new vector function that is formed by appending the first few interior ϕ to ϕ^L and the first few interior ψ to ψ^L, and Ã_L^, B̃_L^ are known matrices. As long as the spectral radius of Ã_L is less than 2^-1/2, then the dual left boundary elements are well-defined compactly supported functions in L_2([0,∞)), and _0(Φ̃;Ψ̃)_[0,∞) and _0(Φ;Ψ)_[0,∞) are biorthogonal Riesz bases of L_2([0,∞)), where Φ̃:= {ϕ̃^L}∪{ϕ̃(·-k):k≥ n_ϕ̃}, Ψ̃:= {ψ̃^L}∪{ψ̃(·-k):k≥ n_ψ̃}, and n_ϕ̃,n_ψ̃ are known integers. We note that the dual refinable functions and wavelets are not explicitly involved in the actual construction. Thus, the computation is extremely convenient. The right boundary refinable function ϕ^R and wavelet ψ^R can be obtained by using the same procedure as above but applied to the reflected biorthogonal multiwavelet ({ϕ̃(-·);ψ̃(-·)},{ϕ(-·);ψ(-·)}). Afterwards, we can obtain a 1D Riesz wavelet in L_2([0,1]) by appealing to <cit.>. The previous procedure allows us to find all possible boundary wavelets, which serve as the basis of the finite dimensional quotient space mentioned earlier. For our wavelet basis on [0,1], we aim to keep the maximum number of interior elements, introduce the minimum number of boundary elements, and keep the support length of these boundary elements as short as possible. In order to improve the stability of the wavelet basis, we can find linear combinations of boundary wavelets by simultaneously minimizing the condition numbers of the matrices of inner products corresponding to our 1D wavelet basis and its first derivative. This optimization procedure is a heuristic way to make the coefficient matrix associated with the 2D wavelet basis (formed by the tensor product of 1D wavelet bases) is as stable as possible. At this moment, we do not know any systematic optimization procedure, which yields globally optimal linear combinations, and consequently the best possible wavelet basis on [0,1]. This warrants further investigation. There may also be other ways to further improve the stability of a wavelet basis (i.e., to reduce its condition number) such as orthonormalizing the coarsest, and introducing more boundary elements by keeping fewer interior elements. However, we do not pursue those directions in this paper. In the following examples, we denote f_j;k:=2^j/2f(2^j·-k). Given a refinable function ϕ, define (ϕ):=sup{τ∈: ϕ∈ (H^τ())^r}. We include the technical quantity (a), whose definition can be found in <cit.>, and is closely related to the smoothness of a refinable vector function ϕ via the inequality (ϕ) ≥(a). We define fsupp(ϕ) to be the shortest interval with integer endpoints such that ϕ vanishes outside fsupp(ϕ). The superscript bc in the left boundary wavelet ψ^L,bc means ψ^L,bc satisfies the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition at the left endpoint 0; i.e., ψ^L,bc(0)=0. Since ψ^R,bc=ψ^L,bc(1-·), we have ψ^R,bc(1)=0. The same notation holds for ϕ^L,bc and ϕ^R,bc. We do not include any information on the dual boundary refinable functions and wavelets in the following examples, since they do not play an explicit role in the Galerkin scheme. §.§ Scalar B-spline Wavelets on [0,1] We present three B-spline wavelets on [0,1]. Consider the scalar biorthogonal wavelet ({ϕ̃;ψ̃},{ϕ;ψ}) in <cit.> (see also <cit.>) with ϕ(0)=ϕ̃(0)=1 and a biorthogonal wavelet filter bank ({ã;b̃},{a;b}) given by a= {14,12,14}_[-1,1], b={-18,-14,34,-14,-18}_[-1,3], ã= {-18, 14, 34, 14, -18}_[-2,2], b̃={-14, 12, -14}_[0,2]. The analytic expression of ϕ is ϕ:=(x+1)χ_[-1,0) + (1-x)χ_[0,1]. Note that fsupp(ϕ)=[-1,1], fsupp(ψ)=fsupp(ψ̃)=[-1,2], and fsupp(ϕ̃)=[-2,2]. Furthermore, (a)=1.5, (ã) ≈ 0.440765, and (a)=(ã)=2. Let ϕ^L:=ϕχ_[0,∞)=ϕ^L(2·) + 12ϕ(2·-1). The direct approach in <cit.> yields ψ^L = ϕ^L(2·) - 56ϕ(2·-1) + 13ϕ(2· -2) and ψ^L,bc = 12ϕ(2·-1) - ϕ(2·-2) + 12ϕ(2·-3). For J_0 ≥ 2 and j ≥ J_0, define Φ^x_J_0 := {ϕ_J_0;k: 1≤ k ≤ 2^J_0-1}, Ψ^x_j := {ψ^L,bc_j;0}∪{ψ_j;k:1≤ k ≤ 2^j-2}∪{ψ^R,bc_j;2^j-1}, where ψ^R,bc=ψ^L,bc(1-·), and Φ^y_J_0 := Φ^x_J_0∪{ϕ^R_J_0;2^J_0-1}, Ψ^y_j := (Ψ^x_j\{ψ^R,bc_j;2^j-1}) ∪{ψ^R_j;2^j-1}, where ϕ^R=ϕ^L(1-·) and ψ^R=ψ^L(1-·). Then, ℬ^x:=Φ^x_J_0∪{Ψ_j^x : j≥ J_0} and ℬ^y:=Φ^y_J_0∪{Ψ_j^y : j≥ J_0} with J_0 ≥ 2 are Riesz wavelets in L_2([0,1]). See <ref> for their generators. Consider a biorthogonal wavelet ({ϕ̃;ψ̃},{ϕ;ψ}) with ϕ(0) = ϕ̃(0) =1 in <cit.> and a biorthogonal wavelet filter bank ({ã;b̃},{a;b}) given by a = {18,38,38,18}_[-1,2], b={364,964,-764,-4564,4564,764,-964,-364}_[-3,4], ã = {364,-964,-764,4564,4564,-764,-964,364}_[-3,4], b̃ = {18,-38,38,-18}_[-1,2]. The analytic expression of ϕ is ϕ:=12(x+1)^2 χ_[-1,0) + 12(-2x^2 +2x + 1) χ_[0,1) + 12(-2+x)^2 χ_[1,2]. Note that fsupp(ϕ) = [-1,2], fsupp(ψ)=fsupp(ψ̃)=[-2,3], and fsupp(ϕ̃)=[-3,4]. Furthermore, (a)=2.5, (ã) ≈ 0.175132, and (a)=(ã)=3. Let ϕ^L:=(ϕ(·+1) + ϕ)χ_[0,∞) = ϕ^L + 34ϕ(2· -1) + 14ϕ(2· -2) and ϕ^L,bc := 12(-ϕ(· + 1) +ϕ)χ_[0,∞) = 12ϕ^L,bc(2·) + 38ϕ(2· -1) + 18ϕ(2· -2). The direct approach in <cit.> yields ψ^L = ϕ^L(2·) - 114ϕ(2· -1) + 3112ϕ(2· -2) - 56ϕ(2· -3), ψ^L,bc1 = 2ϕ^L,bc(2·) - 4730ϕ(2· -1) + 1310ϕ(2· -2) - 25ϕ(2· -3), ψ^L,bc2 = 2ϕ(2· -1) - 6 ϕ(2· -2) + 6 ϕ(2·-3) - 2ϕ(2·-4). For J_0 ≥ 2 and j ≥ J_0, define Φ^x_J_0 := {ϕ^L,bc_J_0;0}∪{ϕ_j;k:1≤ k ≤ 2^J_0-2}∪{ϕ^R,bc_J_0;2^J_0-1}, and Ψ^x_j := {ψ^L,bc1_j;0,ψ^L,bc2_j;0}∪{ψ_j;k: 2≤ k ≤ 2^j-3}∪{ψ^R,bc1_j;2^j-1,ψ^R,bc2_j;2^j-1}, where ϕ^R,bc = ϕ^L,bc(1-·), ψ^R,bci = ψ^L,bci(1-·) for i=1,2, and Φ^y_J_0 := Φ^x_J_0∪{ϕ^R_J_0;2^J_0-1}, Ψ^y_j := (Ψ^x_j \{ψ^R,bc2_j;2^j-1}) ∪{ψ^R_j;2^j-1}, where ϕ^R = ϕ^L(1-·) and ψ^R = ψ^L(1-·). Then, ℬ^x:=Φ^x_J_0∪{Ψ_j^x : j≥ J_0} and ℬ^y:=Φ^y_J_0∪{Ψ_j^y : j≥ J_0} with J_0 ≥ 2 are Riesz wavelets in L_2([0,1]). See <ref> for their generators. Consider a biorthogonal wavelet ({ϕ̃;ψ̃},{ϕ;ψ}) with ϕ(0) = ϕ̃(0) =1 and a biorthogonal wavelet filter bank ({ã;b̃},{a;b}) given by a = {116,14,38,14,116}_[-2,2], b={-1128,-132,-1256,964,31256,-1132,-2364,3132,-2364,-1132,31256,964,-1256,-132,-1128}_[-6,8], ã ={1128,-132,1256,964,-31256,-1132,2364,3132,2364,-1132,-31256,964,1256,-132,1128}_[-7,7], b̃ = {116,-14,38,-14,116}_[-1,3]. The analytic expression of ϕ is ϕ:=16(x+2)^3χ_[-2,-1) + 16(-3x^3 - 6x^2 + 4)χ_[-1,0) + 16(3x^3 - 6x^2 + 4)χ_[0,1) - 16(-2+x)^3χ_[1,2]. Note that fsupp(ϕ)=[-2,2], fsupp(ψ)=fsupp(ψ̃)=[-4,5], and fsupp(ϕ̃)=[-7,7]. Furthermore, (a)=3.5, (ã)=0.858627, and (a) = (ã) = 4. Let ϕ^L = (ϕ(· + 1) + ϕ + ϕ(· -1)) χ_[0,∞), ϕ^L,bc1 = (-ϕ(· + 1) + ϕ(· -1)) χ_[0,∞), and ϕ^L,bc2=(23ϕ(· + 1) -13ϕ + 23ϕ(· -1)) χ_[0,∞). Also, [ϕ^L,ϕ^L,bc1,ϕ^L,bc2]^ =diag(1,12,14)[ϕ^L(2·),ϕ^L,bc1(2·),ϕ^L,bc2(2·)]^ + [78,34,1124]^ϕ(2· -2) + [12,12,13]^ϕ(2· -3) + [18,18,112]^ϕ(2· -4). The direct approach in <cit.> yields ψ^L :=ϕ^L(2·) - 52769ϕ^L,bc1(2·) + 27823ϕ^L,bc2(2·) -6169ϕ(2· - 2) + 2233943470ϕ(2· - 3) -47113173880ϕ(2· - 4) + 383221735ϕ(2· -5) - 18509173880ϕ(2· -6) + 269ϕ(2· -7), ψ^L,bc1 := 18ϕ(2· -3) - 12ϕ(2· -4) + 34ϕ(2· -5) - 12ϕ(2· -6) + 18ϕ(2· -7). ψ^L,bc2 := 18ϕ(2· -2) - 12ϕ(2· -3) + 34ϕ(2· -4) - 12ϕ(2· -5) + 18ϕ(2· -6), ψ^L,bc3 := -312500ϕ^L,bc1(2·) + 1475000ϕ^L,bc2(2·) - 38180000ϕ(2· -2) + 45173600000ϕ(2· -3) -1691800000ϕ(2· -4) + 17571800000ϕ(2· -5) - 34933600000ϕ(2· -6) + 2180000ϕ(2· -7), ψ^L,bc4 := 6125ϕ^L,bc1(2·) - 3072500ϕ^L,bc2(2·) + 186980000ϕ(2· -2) + 34532800000ϕ(2· -3) -661175000ϕ(2· -4) - 86631400000ϕ(2· -5) -295212800000ϕ(2· -6) + 35116000ϕ(2· -7) -698000ϕ(2· -8), ψ^L,bc5 := 111000ϕ^L,bc1(2·) - 4125ϕ^L,bc2(2·) + 695000ϕ(2· - 2) - 1361126000ϕ(2· - 3) - 69311260000ϕ(2· - 4) + 12163630000ϕ(2· -5) - 9253630000ϕ(2· -6) + 195000ϕ(2· -7), ψ^L,bc6 := 631000ϕ^L,bc1(2·) + 1291000ϕ^L,bc2(2·) -9932500ϕ(2· - 2) +1849770000ϕ(2· - 3) + 64081140000ϕ(2· - 4) - 644114000ϕ(2· -5) - 1735135000ϕ(2· -6) + 19132500ϕ(2· -7) - 6412500ϕ(2· -8). For J_0 ≥ 3 and j ≥ J_0, define Φ^x_J_0 := {ϕ^L,bc1_J_0;0,ϕ^L,bc2_J_0;0}∪{ϕ_j;k:2≤ k ≤ 2^J_0-2}∪{ϕ^R,bc1_J_0;2^J_0-1,ϕ^R,bc2_J_0;2^J_0-1}, and Ψ^x_j := {ψ^L,bc1_j;0,ψ^L,bc2_j;0,ψ^L,bc3_j;0,ψ^L,bc4_j;0}∪{ψ_j;k: 4≤ k ≤ 2^j-5}∪{ψ^R,bc1_j;2^j-1,ψ^R,bc2_j;2^j-1,ψ^R,bc3_j;2^j-1,ψ^R,bc4_j;2^j-1}, where ϕ^R,bc i = ϕ^L,bc i(1-·) for i=1,2, ψ^R,bc i = ψ^L,bc i(1-·) for i=1,…,4 , and Φ^y_J_0 := Φ^x_J_0∪{ϕ^R_J_0;2^J_0-1}, Ψ^y_j := (Ψ^x_j \{ψ^R,bc2_j;2^j-1,ψ^R,bc3_j;2^j-1,ψ^R,bc4_j;2^j-1}) ∪{ψ^R,bc5_j;2^j-1,ψ^R,bc6_j;2^j-1,ψ^R_j;2^j-1}, where ϕ^R = ϕ^L(1-·) and ψ^R,bci = ψ^L,bci(1-·) for i=5,6. Then, ℬ^x:=Φ^x_J_0∪{Ψ_j^x : j≥ J_0} and ℬ^y:=Φ^y_J_0∪{Ψ_j^y : j≥ J_0} with J_0 ≥ 3 are Riesz wavelets in L_2([0,1]). See <ref> for their generators. §.§ Spline Multiwavelets on [0,1] We present three spline multiwavelets on [0,1]. Consider a biorthogonal wavelet ({ϕ̃;ψ̃},{ϕ;ψ}) with ϕ(0)=(13,23)^, ϕ̃(0)=(1,1)^, and a biorthogonal wavelet filter bank ({ã,b̃},{a,b}) given by a ={[ 0 -1/16; 0 0 ], [ 0 3/16; 0 0 ], [ 1/2 3/16; 0 3/8 ], [ 0 -1/16; 1/2 3/8 ]}_[-2,1], b ={[ 0 -1/32; 0 -1/8 ], [ 3/8 -9/32; -3/2 15/8 ], [ 1/2 -9/32; 0 -15/8 ], [ 3/8 -1/32; 3/2 1/8 ]}_[-2,1], ã ={[ 3/32 -1/8; 0 0 ], [ -3/16 3/8; 0 0 ], [ 11/16 3/8; -3/32 3/8 ], [ -3/16 -1/8; 7/16 3/8 ], [ 3/32 0; -3/32 0 ]}_[-2,2], b̃ ={[ -3/32 1/8; 3/128 -1/32 ], [ 3/16 -3/8; -3/64 3/32 ], [ 5/16 -3/8; 0 -3/32 ], [ 3/16 1/8; 3/64 1/32 ], [ -3/32 0; -3/128 0 ]}_[-2,2]. The analytic expression of ϕ=(ϕ^1,ϕ^2)^ is ϕ^1(x) = (2x^2 + 3x + 1) χ_[-1,0) + (2x^2 -3x +1)χ_[0,1] and ϕ^2(x) = (-4x^2 + 4x)χ_[0,1]. Note that fsupp(ϕ)=fsupp(ψ)=[-1,1] and fsupp(ϕ̃)=fsupp(ψ̃)=[-2,2]. Furthermore, (a)=(ã)=1.5 and (a)=(ã)=3, and its matching filters v,ṽ∈ (l_0())^1 × 2 with v(0)ϕ(0)=ṽ(0)ϕ̃(0)=1 are given by v(0)=(1,1), v'(0)= (0,12), v”(0)=(0,-14), ṽ(0)=(13,23), ṽ'(0)= (0,13), and ṽ”(0)=(130,-15). Let ϕ^L := ϕ^1χ_[0,∞) and ϕ^L,bc :=ϕ^2χ_[0,∞). Note that ϕ^L=ϕ^L(2·) + 38ϕ^2(2·) - 18ϕ^2(2·-1) and ϕ^L,bc=34ϕ^L,bc(2·) + [1,34] ϕ(2·-1). The direct approach in <cit.> yields ψ^L := ϕ^L(2·) -916ϕ^L,bc(2·) + [34,- 116] ϕ(2·-1), ψ^L,bc :=ϕ^L,bc(2·) + [-2121512, 6574096] ϕ(2·-1) + [38771024, -40234096] ϕ(2·-2). For J_0 ≥ 1 and j ≥ J_0, define Φ^x_J_0 := {ϕ^L,bc_J_0;0}∪{ϕ_J_0;k: 1≤ k ≤ 2^J_0-1}, Ψ^x_j := {ψ^L,bc_j;0}∪{ψ_j;k:1≤ k ≤ 2^j-1}∪{ψ^R,bc_j;2^j-1}, where ψ^R,bc=ψ^L,bc(1-·), and Φ^y_J_0 := Φ^x_J_0∪{ϕ^R_J_0;2^J_0-1}, Ψ^y_j := (Ψ^x_j\{ψ^R,bc_j;2^j-1}) ∪{ψ^R_j;2^j-1}, where ϕ^R=ϕ^L(1-·) and ψ^R=ψ^L(1-·). Then, ℬ^x:=Φ^x_J_0∪{Ψ_j^x : j≥ J_0} and ℬ^y:=Φ^y_J_0∪{Ψ_j^y : j≥ J_0} are Riesz wavelets in L_2([0,1]). See <ref> for their generators. Consider a biorthogonal wavelet ({ϕ̃;ψ̃},{ϕ;ψ}) with ϕ(0)=ϕ̃(0)=(1,0)^ and a biorthogonal wavelet filter bank ({ã;b̃},{a;b}) given by a= {[ 14 38; -116 -116 ], [ 12 0; 0 14 ], [ 14 -38; 116 -116 ]}_[-1,1], b= {[ 0 0; 297 24679 ], [ -12 -154; 771164 29212761 ], [ 1 0; 0 1 ], [ -12 154; -771164 29212761 ], [ 0 0; -297 24679 ]}_[-2,2], ã= {[ -132432 -9129184; 3152 7608 ], [ 392432 133648; -9152 -176 ], [ -112 -169943776; 6791216 422514592 ], [ 5692432 64710944; -19651216 -3796 ], [ 24713648 0; 0 72917296 ],. .[ 5692432 -64710944; 19651216 -3796 ], [ -112 169943776; -6791216 422514592 ], [ 392432 -133648; 9152 -176 ], [ -132432 9129184; -3152 7608 ]}_[-4,4], b̃= {[ -14864 -758368; 0 0 ], [ 34864 17296; 0 0 ], [ 124 216187552; -6794864 -475358368 ], [ -6114864 -60521888; 20374864 6797296 ], [ 12197296 0; 0 746929814 ],. . [ -6114864 60521888; -20374864 6797296 ], [ 124 -216187552; 6794864 -475358368 ], [ 34864 -17296; 0 0 ], [ -14864 758368; 0 0 ]}_[-4,4]. The analytic expression of the well-known Hermite cubic splines ϕ=(ϕ^1,ϕ^2)^ is ϕ^1 := (1-x)^2 (1+2x) χ_[0,1] + (1+x)^2 (1-2x) χ_[-1,0), and ϕ^2 := (1-x)^2x χ_[0,1] + (1+x)^2x χ_[-1,0). Note that (ϕ)=[-1,1], (ψ)=[-2,2], and (ϕ̃)=(ψ̃)=[-4,4]. Then (a)=2.5, (ã)=0.281008, (a)=(ã)=4, and the matching filters , ∈012 with (0)ϕ(0)=(0)ϕ̃(0)=1 are given by (0,0)=(1,0), '(0)=(0,), ”(0)=”'(0)=(0,0), and (0)=(1,0), '(0)=(0,115), ”(0)=(-215,0), ”'(0)=(0,-2105). Let ϕ^L:=ϕ^1χ_[0,∞) and ϕ^L,bc:=ϕ^2χ_[0,∞). Note that ϕ^L=ϕ^L(2·) + [1/2,-3/4] ϕ(2· -1) and ϕ^L,bc=1/2ϕ^L,bc(2·) + [1/8,-1/8] ϕ(2· -1). The direct approach in <cit.> yields ψ^L := ϕ^L(2·) - 274ϕ^2(2·) + [413926352,215144]ϕ(2· -1) - [6236588,1191098]ϕ(2·-2) + [0,27122] ϕ(2·-3), ψ^L,bc1 := -212ϕ^L,bc(2·) + [1724,-5847488]ϕ(2· -1) + [115366,23361]ϕ(2· -2) + [-961,0]ϕ(2·-3), ψ^L,bc2 := 9316ϕ^L,bc(2·) + [-2352112,303513904] ϕ(2· -1) + [852732208,3571488]ϕ(2· -2) + [-428671,19544]ϕ(2· -3), ψ^L,bc3 := ϕ^L,bc(2·) - [41144,121488] ϕ(2· -1) + [3412196,-1987732] ϕ(2· -2) + [45976,0] ϕ(2·-3). For J_0 ≥ 2 and j ≥ J_0, define Φ^x_J_0 := {ϕ^L,bc_J_0;0}∪{ϕ_J_0;k: 1≤ k ≤ 2^J_0-1}∪{ϕ^R,bc_J_0;2^J_0-1}, Ψ^x_j := {ψ^L,bc1_j;0,ψ^L,bc2_j;0,ψ^L,bc3_j;0}∪{ψ_j;k:2≤ k ≤ 2^j-2}∪{ψ^R,bc1_j;2^j-1,ψ^R,bc2_j;2^j-1,ψ^R,bc3_j;2^j-1}, where ϕ^R,bc = -ϕ^L,bc(1-·), ψ^R,bci=ψ^L,bci(1-·) for i=1,2,3, and Φ^y_J_0 := Φ^x_J_0∪{ϕ^R_J_0;2^J_0-1}, Ψ^y_j := (Ψ^x_j\{ψ^R,bc3_j;2^j-1}) ∪{ψ^R_j;2^j-1}, where ϕ^R=ϕ^L(1-·) and ψ^R=ψ^L(1-·). Then, ℬ^x:=Φ^x_J_0∪{Ψ_j^x : j≥ J_0} and ℬ^y:=Φ^y_J_0∪{Ψ_j^y : j≥ J_0} with J_0 ≥ 2 are Riesz wavelets in L_2([0,1]). See <ref> for their generators. Consider a biorthogonal wavelet ({ϕ̃;ψ̃},{ϕ;ψ}) with ϕ(0)=(25,35,35)^, ϕ̃(0)=(58,58,58)^, and a biorthogonal wavelet filter bank ({ã;b̃},{a;b}) given by a= {[ 0 132 0; 0 0 0; 0 0 0 ], [ -132 0 532; 0 0 0; 0 0 0 ], [ 12 532 0; 0 1532 12; 0 -532 0 ], [ -132 0 132; 932 0 -532; 932 12 1532 ]}_[-2,1], b= {[ 0 164 -1256032; 0 0 0; 0 0 0 ], [ -433524128 3652262 -1345372384; -14 1336 -1118; 0 0 0 ], [ 27036032 -1345372384 3652262; 0 1118 -1336; 0 164 18 ], [ -433524128 -1256032 164; 14 0 0; -2764 18 164 ]}_[-2,1], ã= {[ -33512 47512 764; 113392 -4710176 -71272; 1375461312 -58751383936 -875172992 ], [ -17256 -209512 259512; 175088 20910176 -25910176; 12540704 261251383936 -323751383936 ], [ 85128 259512 -209512; -2113374151808 10326714151808 161873259488; 342111037952 -3714054151808 1932554151808 ],. . [ -17256 764 47512; 277513568 1932554151808 -3714054151808; 277513568 161873259488 10326714151808 ], [ -33512 0 0; 342111037952 -323751383936 261251383936; -2113374151808 -25910176 20910176 ], [ 0 0 0; 12540704 -875172992 -58751383936; 175088 -71272 -4710176 ], . . [ 0 0 0; 1375461312 0 0; 113392 0 0 ]}_[-2,4], b̃= {[ 414757664 -17719172992 -263921624; 33901 -47901 -56901; 0 0 0 ], [ 3775088 78793172992 -97643172992; 253 209901 -259901; 0 0 0 ], [ 1621143248 -97643172992 78793172992; 0 259901 -209901; -128477 2953 1253 ],. . [ 3775088 -263921624 -17719172992; -253 56901 47901; -482477 1253 2953 ], [ 414757664 0 0; -33901 0 0; -128477 0 0 ]}_[-2,2]. The analytic expression of ϕ = (ϕ^1,ϕ^2,ϕ^3)^ is ϕ^1 := (365x^3 + 725x^2 + 445x + 85) χ_[-1,0) + (-365x^3 + 725x^2 - 445x + 85)χ_[0,1], ϕ^2 := (1085x^3 - 36x^2 + 725 x) χ_[0,1], and ϕ^3 := (-1085x^3 + 1445x^2 - 365x)χ_[0,1]. Note that fsupp(ϕ)=fsupp(ψ)=[-1,1], fsupp(ϕ̃)=[-2,4], and fsupp(ψ̃)=[-2,3]. Furthermore, (a)=1.5, (ã)=2.056062, (a)=(ã)=4, and its matching filters v,ṽ∈ (l_0())^1 × 2 with v(0)ϕ(0)=ṽ(0)ϕ̃(0)=1 are given by v(0)=(58,58,58), v'(0)=(0,524,512), v”(0)=(0,-572,-518), v”'(0)=(0,-5216,-527), ṽ(0)=(25,35,35), ṽ'(0)=(0,325,1225), ṽ”(0)=(-275,0,-925), and ṽ”'(0)=(0,6175,-48175). Let ϕ^L:=58ϕ^1χ_[0,∞), ϕ^L,bc1:=ϕ^2χ_[0,∞), and ϕ^L,bc2:=ϕ^3χ_[0,∞). Note that ϕ^L:=ϕ^L(2·) + 25128ϕ^2(2·) + [-5128,0,5128]ϕ(2·-1), and [ ϕ^L,bc1; ϕ^L,bc2 ] = [ 1516 1; -516 0 ][ ϕ^L,bc1(2·); ϕ^L,bc2(2·) ] + [ 916 0 -516; 916 1 1516 ]ϕ(2·-1). The direct approach in <cit.> yields ψ^L := ϕ^L(2·) - [182143577558,13249577558] [ϕ^L,bc1(2·),ϕ^L,bc2(2·)]^ + [32455134620464,-2020152762376264,-90080962376264] ϕ(2· -1), ψ^L,bc := [8193200000,-4028130800000][ϕ^L,bc1(2·),ϕ^L,bc2(2·)]^ + [7033200000,11326992400000,58049147840000]ϕ(2· -1) + [-4770000,-2956250,6192475000]ϕ(2·-2). For J_0 ≥ 1 and j ≥ J_0, define Φ^x_J_0 := {ϕ^L,bc1_J_0;0,ϕ^L,bc2_J_0;0}∪{ϕ_J_0;k: 1≤ k ≤ 2^J_0-1}, Ψ^x_j := {ψ^L,bc_j;0}∪{ψ_j;k:1≤ k ≤ 2^j-1}∪{ψ^R,bc_j;2^j-1}, where ψ^R,bc=ψ^L,bc(1-·), and Φ^y_J_0 := Φ^x_J_0∪{ϕ^R_J_0;2^J_0-1}, Ψ^y_j := (Ψ^x_j\{ψ^R,bc_j;2^j-1}) ∪{ψ^R_j;2^j-1}, where ϕ^R=ϕ^L(1-·) and ψ^R=ψ^L(1-·). Then, ℬ^x:=Φ^x_J_0∪{Ψ_j^x : j≥ J_0} and ℬ^y:=Φ^y_J_0∪{Ψ_j^y : j≥ J_0} are Riesz wavelets in L_2([0,1]). See <ref> for their generators. § TENSOR PRODUCT RIESZ WAVELETS ON [0,1]^2 IN SOBOLEV SPACES Define ℋ:={u∈ H^1(Ω):u=0 on ∂Ω\Γ}. The weak formulation of the model problem in (<ref>) is to find u ∈ℋ such that a(u,v):=⟨∇u, ∇v⟩_Ω - ^2 ⟨u,v ⟩_Ω - ⟨𝒯(u), v ⟩_Γ = ⟨g, v ⟩_Γ - ⟨f, v⟩_Ω, ∀v ∈ℋ. The existence and uniqueness of the solution to (<ref>) have been studied in <cit.>. Relevant wavenumber-explicit stability bounds have also been derived in <cit.>, and in <cit.> with the non-local boundary operator approximated by the first-order absorbing boundary condition. In this section, we provide a general theory for proving Riesz wavelets on [0,1] in the Sobolev space H^1([0,1]). Then we show that their tensor products form Riesz wavelets in the Sobolev space ℋ. These general results can be directly applied to all our spline Riesz wavelets in L_2([0,1]) in <ref>. Recall that f∈ H^1([0,1]) if both f and its weak derivative f' belong to L_2([0,1]). For f∈ H^1([0,1]), we define f_H^1([0,1])^2:=f^2_L_2([0,1])+ f'^2_L_2([0,1]). For the sake of discussion, we define H^1,x([0,1]):={ f∈ H^1([0,1]) f(0)=f(1)=0} H^1,y([0,1]):={ f∈ H^1([0,1]) f(0)=0}. To prove our main results, we need the following lemma. Let η be a function supported inside [0,1]^d and η∈ H^(^d) for some >0. Then there exists a positive constant C such that ∑_j∈ |f,2^dj/2η(2^j·)|^2≤C f^2_L_2([0,1]^d), ∀ f∈L_2([0,1]^d). Define g:=η-η(·+e_1), where e_1:=(1,0,…,0)^∈^d. Note that η(·+e_1) is supported outside (0,1)^d. Because η∈ H^(^d), we have g∈ H^(^d) and g is a compactly supported function satisfying ∫_^d g(x) dx=0. By <cit.>, there exists a positive constant C such that ∑_j∈ ∑_k∈ |f, g_j;k|^2 ≤Cf_L_2(^d)^2, ∀ f∈L_2(^d), where g_j;k:=2^dj/2g(2^j·-k). Taking f∈ L_2([0,1]^d) in (<ref>) and noting that f, g_j;0= f, η_j;0, we trivially deduce from (<ref>) that (<ref>) holds. For the convenience of the reader, we provide a self-contained proof here. Note that g(ξ)=(1-e^iξ· e_1)η(ξ) and hence |g(ξ)| ≤min(ξ, 2) |η(ξ)|≤θ(ξ) |η(ξ)| (1+ξ^2)^/2 θ(ξ):=min(ξ,2)(1+ξ^2)^-/2. For f∈ L_2([0,1]^d), note that f, η(2^j·+e_1)=0 because η(2^j·+e_1) is supported outside (0,1)^d for all j∈. For f∈ L_2([0,1]^d), by Plancherel Theorem, we have f, 2^j/2η(2^j·)= f, g_j;0=(2π)^-df,g_j;0. Noting that g_j;0(ξ)=2^-dj/2g(2^-jξ) and using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, we have |f,g_j;0|^2 ≤ 2^-dj(∫_^d |f(ξ) θ(2^-jξ) η(2^-jξ)| (1+2^-jξ^2)^/2 dξ)^2 ≤(2^-dj∫_^d |η(2^-jξ)|^2 (1+2^-jξ^2)^ dξ) (∫_^d |f(ξ)|^2 θ^2(2^-jξ) dξ)=C_1 ∫_^d |f(ξ)|^2 θ^2(2^-jξ) dξ, where C_1:=∫_^d |η(ξ)|^2 (1+ξ^2)^ dξ<∞ because η∈ H^(^d). Therefore, for f∈ L_2([0,1]^d), ∑_j∈ | f,2^j/2η(2^j·)|^2 ≤ (2π)^-2d C_1 ∫_^d |f(ξ)|^2 ∑_j∈θ^2(2^-jξ)dξ≤ C_1 f_L_2([0,1]^d)^2 ∑_j∈θ^2(2^j·)_L_∞(^d). For any ξ∈^d {0}, there is a unique integer J∈ such that 2^J<ξ≤ 2^J+1. Hence, 2^J+j<2^jξ≤ 2^J+j+1 for all j∈ and ∑_j∈θ^2(2^j ξ) =∑_j≤ -Jθ^2(2^jξ)+∑_j>-Jθ^2(2^jξ) ≤∑_j≤ -J 2^2(j+J+1) +4∑_j>-J 2^-2(j+J) =5+1/3+2^2-2/1-2^-2. Consequently, we conclude that (<ref>) holds with C:=C_1 (6+2^2-2/1-2^-2)<∞ by >0. Let ({ϕ̃;ψ̃},{ϕ;ψ}) be a compactly supported biorthogonal (multi)wavelet in 2 with a finitely supported biorthogonal wavelet filter bank ({ã;b̃},{a;b}), as constructed in <ref>. Assume that ϕ∈ (H^1())^r, that is, every entry of ϕ belongs to the Sobolev space H^1(). Let (ℬ̃^x,ℬ^x) be a locally supported biorthogonal wavelet in L_2([0,1]), which is constructed by the direct approach in <cit.> from the given biorthogonal wavelet ({ϕ̃;ψ̃},{ϕ;ψ}) in 2, such that ℬ^x ⊆ H^1,x([0,1]), where ℬ^x:=Φ_J_0 ∪∪_j=J_0^∞Ψ_j with J_0∈∪{0} and Φ_J_0={ϕ^L_J_0;0}∪{ϕ_J_0;k n_l,ϕ ≤k≤2^J_0-n_h,ϕ}∪{ ϕ^R_J_0;2^J_0-1}, Ψ_j={ψ^L_j;0}∪{ψ_j;k n_l,ψ ≤k≤2^j-n_h,ψ}∪{ ψ^R_j;2^j-1}, for all j≥ J_0, where all ϕ^L, ϕ^R, ψ^L, ψ^R are finite subsets/vectors of functions in H^1,x([0,1]). The set ℬ̃^x is defined similarly by adding ∼ to all the elements in ℬ^x. Then ℬ^1,x:=[2^-J_0 Φ_J_0]∪∪_j=0^∞[2^-jΨ_j] must be a Riesz basis of the Sobolev space H^1,x([0,1]), that is, there exist positive constants C_1 and C_2 such that every function f∈ H^1,x([0,1]) has a decomposition f=∑_α∈Φ_J_0 c_α2^-J_0 α+∑_j=J_0^∞∑_β_j∈Ψ_j c_β_j 2^-j β_j with the above series absolutely converging in H^1,x([0,1]), and the coefficients {c_α}_α∈Φ_J_0∪{c_β_j}_β_j∈Ψ_j, j≥ J_0 satisfy C_1 (∑_α∈Φ_J_0 |c_α|^2+∑_j=J_0^∞∑_β∈Ψ_j |c_β_j|^2) ≤ f ^2_H^1([0,1]) ≤C_2 (∑_α∈Φ_J_0 |c_α|^2+∑_j=J_0^∞∑_β_j∈Ψ_j |c_β_j|^2), where f_H^1([0,1])^2:=f^2_L_2([0,1])+f'^2_L_2([0,1]). The same conclusion holds if the superscript x is replaced with y. Let us first point out a few key ingredients that we will use in our proof. First, we note that all the functions f in H^1,x([0,1]) and H^1,y([0,1]) satisfy f(0)=0. Our proof here only uses f(0)=0 and f(1) could be arbitrary. Hence, it suffices for us to prove the claim for H^1,x([0,1]) and the same proof can be applied to H^1,y([0,1]). Second, because ϕ is a compactly supported refinable vector function in H^1() with a finitely supported mask a∈0rr. By <cit.> (c.f. <cit.>), we must have (ϕ)>1 and hence (a)≥ 2 must hold. Hence, there exists >0 such that all [ϕ]', [ϕ^L]', [ϕ^R]', [ψ]', [ψ^L]', [ψ^R]' belong to H^() (see <cit.>). Because (a)≥ 2, the dual wavelet ψ̃ must have at least order two vanishing moments, i.e., (ψ̃)≥ 2. We define ψ̃(x):= ∫_x^∞ψ̃(t) dt, x∈. Because ψ̃ is compactly supported and (ψ̃)≥ 2, we conclude that the new function ψ̃ must be a compactly supported function and (ψ̃)≥ 1. Third, although all our constructed wavelets have vanishing moments, except the necessary condition (ψ̃)≥ 2, our proof does not assume that ψ^L, ψ^R, ψ, ψ̃^L, ψ̃^R have any order of vanishing moments at all. Let {c_α}_α∈Φ_J_0∪{c_β_j}_j≥ J_0, β_j∈Ψ_j be a finitely supported sequence. We define a function f as in (<ref>). Since the summation is finite, the function f is well defined and f∈ H^1,x([0,1]). Since (ℬ̃^x,ℬ^x) is a locally supported biorthogonal wavelet in L_2([0,1]) and H^1,x([0,1])⊆ L_2([0,1]), we have f:=∑_α∈Φ_J_0 c_α2^-J_0 α+∑_j=J_0^∞∑_β_j∈Ψ_j c_β_j 2^-j β_j= ∑_α∈Φ_J_0 f, α̃α+∑_j=J_0^∞∑_β_j∈Ψ_j f, β̃_̃j̃β_j, because we deduce from the biorthogonality of (ℬ̃^x,ℬ^x) that f, α̃=c_α 2^-J_0, f, β̃_j=2^-j c_β_j, j≥ J_0. Because (ℬ̃^x,ℬ^x) is a locally supported biorthogonal wavelet in L_2([0,1]), there must exist positive constants C_3 and C_4, independent of f and {c_α}_α∈Φ_J_0∪{c_β_j}_j≥ J_0, β_j∈Ψ_j, such that C_3 (∑_α∈Φ_J_0 2^-2J_0|c_α|^2+ ∑_j=J_0^∞∑_β_j ∈Ψ_j 2^-2j|c_β_j|^2) ≤f^2_L_2([0,1]) ≤C_4 (∑_α∈Φ_J_0 2^-2J_0|c_α|^2+∑_j=J_0^∞∑_β_j∈Ψ_j 2^-2j|c_β_j|^2). We now prove (<ref>). From the definition ψ_j;k:=2^j/2ψ(2^j·-k), it is very important to notice that [ψ_j;k]':= [2^j/2ψ(2^j·-k)]'= 2^j 2^j/2ψ'(2^j·-k)=2^j [ψ']_j;k. Define ℬ:={ g' g∈ℬ^1,x}=Φ̆_J_0∪∪_j=J_0^∞Ψ̆_j, where Φ̆_J_0:={[ϕ^L]'_J_0;0}∪{[ϕ]'_J_0;k n_l,ϕ ≤k≤2^J_0-n_h,ϕ}∪{ [ϕ^R]'_J_0;2^J_0-1}, Ψ̆_j={[ψ^L]'_j;0}∪{[ψ]'_j;k n_l,ψ ≤k≤2^j-n_h,ψ}∪{ [ψ^R]'_j;2^j-1}. That is, we obtain ℬ by replacing all the generators ϕ^L, ϕ, ϕ^R, ψ^R, ψ, ψ^R in ℬ^x by new generators [ϕ^L]', [ϕ]', [ϕ^R]', [ψ^R]', [ψ]', [ψ^R]', respectively. Note that all the elements in ℬ belongs to H^(). From (<ref>), noting that {c_α}_α∈Φ_J_0∪{c_β_j}_j≥ J_0, β_j∈Ψ_j is finitely supported, we have f'=∑_α∈Φ̆_J_0 c_αα+∑_j=J_0^∞∑_β_j∈Ψ̆_j c_β_jβ_j. Because every element in ℬ trivially has at least one vanishing moment due to derivatives, by <ref> with <cit.> or <cit.>, the system ℬ must be a Bessel sequence in L_2([0,1]) and thus there exists a positive constant C_5, independent of f' and {c_α}_α∈Φ_J_0∪{c_β_j}_j≥ J_0, β_j∈Ψ_j, such that (e.g., see <cit.>) f'^2_L_2([0,1]) =∑_α∈Φ̆_J_0 c_αα+∑_j=J_0^∞∑_β_j∈Ψ̆_j c_β_jβ_j^2_L_2([0,1])≤ C_5 (∑_α∈Φ_J_0 |c_α|^2+∑_j=J_0^∞∑_β_j∈Ψ_j |c_β_j|^2). Therefore, we conclude from the above inequality and (<ref>) that the upper bound in (<ref>) holds with C_2:=C_4+C_5<∞, where we also used J_0∈∪{0} so that 0≤ 2^-2j≤ 1 for all j≥ J_0. We now prove the lower bound of (<ref>). Define [η]^∘(x):=∫_x^1 η(t) dt, x∈[0,1], η∈L_2([0,1]). Because f(0)=0 and [β̃_j]^∘(1):=∫_1^1 β̃_j(t)dt=0, we have f, β̃_j=∫_0^1 f(t) β̃_j(t) dt=-∫_0^1 f(t) d [β̃_j]^∘(t)= -f(t)[β̃_j]^∘(t)|_t=0^t=1 +∫_0^1 f'(t) [β̃_j]^∘(t)dt= f', [β̃_j]^∘. Similarly, we have f, α̃= f', [α̃]^∘. It is important to notice that all these identities hold true for any general function f∈ H^1,x([0,1]). Therefore, c_α=2^J_0f, α̃=f',2^J_0 [α̃]^∘ c_β_j=2^jf, β̃_j= f', 2^j [β̃_j]^∘. It is also very important to notice that if ψ̃_j,k is supported inside [0,1], then 2^j [ψ̃_j;k]^∘(x):=2^j ∫_x^1 2^j/2ψ̃(2^j t-k)dt=ψ̃_j;k(x), where the function ψ̃ is defined in (<ref>). Define ℬ̆:= 2^J_0 [Φ̃_J_0]^∘∪∪_j=J_0^∞ 2^j [Ψ̃_j]^∘= Φ̆̃̆_J_0∪∪_j=J_0^∞Ψ̆̃̆_j, where Φ̆̃̆_J_0:={ ϕ̃^L_J_0;0}∪{ϕ̃_J_0;k n_l,ϕ̃ ≤k≤2^J_0-n_h,ϕ̃}∪{ ϕ̃^R _J_0;2^J_0-1}, Ψ̆_j= {ψ̃^L _j;0}∪{ψ̃_j;k n_l,ψ̃ ≤k≤2^j-n_h,ψ̃}∪{ ψ̃^R_j;2^j-1}. That is, we obtain ℬ̆ by replacing the generators ϕ̃^L, ϕ̃, ϕ̃^R, ψ̃^R, ψ̃, ψ̃^R in ℬ̃^x by new generators ϕ̃^L, ϕ̃, ϕ̃^R, ψ̃^R, ψ̃, ψ̃^R, respectively. Note that all elements in ℬ̆ belong to H^1/2(). As we discussed before, it is very important to notice that (ψ̃)≥ 2 and consequently, the new function ψ̃ has compact support and (ψ̃)≥ 1. Hence, combining <ref> with <cit.> for ψ̃, we conclude that the system ℬ̆ must be a Bessel sequence in L_2([0,1]) and therefore, there exists a positive constant C_6, independent of f' and {c_α}_α∈Φ_J_0∪{c_β_j}_j≥ J_0, β_j∈Ψ_j, such that ∑_α∈Φ_J_0 |c_α|^2+∑_j=J_0^∞∑_β∈Ψ_j |c_β_j|^2 =∑_α̃ ∈Φ̆̃̆_J_0 |f', α̃|^2 +∑_j=J_0^∞∑_β̃_j∈Ψ̆̃̆_j |f', β̃_j|^2≤C_6f'^2_L_2([0,1]), where we used the identities in (<ref>). Therefore, noting that f'^2_L_2([0,1])≤f^2_L_2([0,1])+f'^2_L_2([0,1]) =f^2_H^1([0,1]) trivially holds, we conclude from the above inequality that the lower bound in (<ref>) holds with C_1:= 1/C_6 <∞. Therefore, we prove that (<ref>) holds with f defined in (<ref>) for all finitely supported sequences {c_α}_α∈Φ_J_0∪{c_β_j}_j≥ J_0, β_j∈Ψ_j. Now by the standard density argument, for any square summable sequence {c_α}_α∈Φ_J_0∪{c_β_j}_j≥ J_0, β_j∈Ψ_j satisfying ∑_α∈Φ_J_0 |c_α|^2+∑_j=J_0^∞∑_c_β_j∈Ψ_j |c_β_j|^2<∞, we conclude that (<ref>) holds and the series in (<ref>) absolutely converges in H^1,x([0,1]). Because (ℬ̃^x,ℬ^x) is a locally supported biorthogonal wavelet in L_2([0,1]) and H^1,x([0,1])⊆ L_2([0,1]), for any f∈ H^1,x([0,1]), we have f=∑_α∈Φ_J_0 c_α2^-J_0 α+∑_j=J_0^∞∑_β_j∈Ψ_j c_β_j 2^-j β_j c_α:=2^J_0f, α̃, c_β_j:=2^jf, β̃_j, j≥J_0 with the series converging in L_2([0,1]). Note that we already proved (<ref>) for any f∈ H^1,x([0,1]) and hence (<ref>) must hold true. In particular, we conclude from (<ref>) that the coefficients of f∈ H^1,x([0,1]) in (<ref>) must satisfy (<ref>). Consequently, by (<ref>), the series in (<ref>) must converge absolutely in H^1,x([0,1]). This proves that ℬ^1,x is a Riesz basis of H^1,x([0,1]). Next, we show that the tensor product of Riesz wavelets on [0,1] forms a Riesz basis in the Sobolev space ℋ. Define ℬ_J_0,J:= (Φ^x_J_0⊗Φ^y_J_0) ∪{Φ^x_j ⊗Ψ^y_j ∪Ψ^x_j⊗Φ^y_j∪Ψ^x_j ⊗Ψ^y_j : J_0 ≤ j ≤ J-1}, where Φ^x_J_0, Φ^y_J_0, Ψ^x_j, and Ψ^y_j with j≥ J_0 are defined in <ref>. Note that when J=J_0, ℬ_J_0,J_0=Φ^x_J_0⊗Φ^y_J_0. The 2D Riesz wavelet in ℋ we shall employ is a scaled version of ℬ_J_0:=ℬ_J_0,∞ for a given natural number J_0. Given one-dimensional functions f_1,f_2: →, the two-dimensional function f_1 ⊗ f_2 is defined by (f_1 ⊗ f_2) (x,y) := f_1(x)f_2(y), where x,y∈. Furthermore, if F_1,F_2 are sets containing one-dimensional functions, then F_1 ⊗ F_2 := {f_1 ⊗ f_2 : f_1 ∈ F_1, f_2 ∈ F_2}. Using the corresponding results in <cit.> on Bessel sequences in L_2(^2) and using almost identical arguments as in the proof of <ref>, we can obtain the following result. we can conclude that the two-dimensional wavelet system ℬ^2D_J_0:= { 2^-J_0Φ^x_J_0⊗Φ^y_J_0}∪{ 2^-jΦ^x_j ⊗Ψ^y_j, 2^-jΨ^x_j⊗Φ^y_j, 2^-jΨ^x_j ⊗Ψ^y_j}_j=J_0^∞ must be a Riesz basis of the Sobolev space ℋ. Let ({ϕ̃;ψ̃},{ϕ;ψ}) be a compactly supported biorthogonal (multi)wavelet in 2 with a finitely supported biorthogonal wavelet filter bank ({ã;b̃},{a;b}), as constructed in <ref>. Assume that ϕ∈ (H^1())^r, that is, every entry of ϕ belongs to the Sobolev space H^1(). Let (ℬ̃^x,ℬ^x) and (ℬ̃^y,ℬ^y) be locally supported biorthogonal wavelets in L_2([0,1]), which are constructed by the direct approach in <cit.> from the given biorthogonal wavelet ({ϕ̃;ψ̃},{ϕ;ψ}) on the real line, such that ℬ^x ⊆ H^1,x([0,1]), where ℬ^x is defined in (<ref>)-(<ref>) with ϕ^R and ψ^R replaced by ϕ^R,x and ψ^R,x respectively. Define the set ℬ^y⊆ H^1,y([0,1]) similarly. Define ℬ̃^x and ℬ̃^y similarly by adding ∼ to all the elements in ℬ^x and ℬ^y respectively. Then, ℬ^2D_J_0:=Φ^2D_J_0∪∪_j=J_0^∞Ψ^2D_j, where Φ^2D_J_0:={ 2^-J_0 Φ^x_J_0 ⊗Φ^y_J_0} and Ψ^2D_j:= { 2^-j Φ^x_j ⊗Ψ^y_j, 2^-j Ψ^x_j ⊗Φ^y_j, 2^-j Ψ^x_j ⊗Ψ^y_j}, must be a Riesz basis of the Sobolev space ℋ, that is, there exist positive constants C_1 and C_2 such that every function f∈ℋ has a decomposition f=∑_α∈Φ^2D_J_0 c_α2^-J_0 α+∑_j=J_0^∞∑_β_j∈Ψ^2D_j c_β_j 2^-j β_j, which converges absolutely in ℋ and whose coefficients {c_α}_α∈Φ^2D_J_0∪{c_β_j}_β_j∈Ψ^2D_j, j≥ J_0 satisfy C_1 (∑_α∈Φ^2D_J_0 |c_α|^2+∑_j=J_0^∞∑_β_j∈Ψ^2D_j |c_β_j|^2) ≤ f ^2_H^1([0,1]^2)≤ C_2 (∑_α∈Φ^2D_J_0 |c_α|^2+∑_j=J_0^∞∑_β_j∈Ψ^2D_j |c_β_j|^2), where f^2_H^1([0,1]^2):=f^2_L_2([0,1]^2)+ ∂∂ x f^2_L_2([0,1]^2)+∂∂ y f^2_L_2([0,1]^2). Let {c_α}_α∈Φ^2D_J_0∪{c_β_j}_j≥ J_0, β_j∈Ψ_j^2D be a finitely supported sequence. We define a function f as in (<ref>). Since the summation is finite, the function f is well defined and f∈ℋ⊆ L_2([0,1]^2). Define ℬ̃^2D_J_0 by adding ∼ to all elements in ℬ^2D_J_0. Note that (ℬ̃^2D_J_0,ℬ^2D_J_0) is a biorthogonal wavelet in L_2([0,1]^2), because it is formed by taking the tensor product of two biorthogonal wavelets in L_2([0,1]). Hence, f:=∑_α∈Φ_J_0^2D c_α2^-J_0 α+∑_j=J_0^∞∑_β_j∈Ψ_j^2D c_β_j 2^-j β_j= ∑_α∈Φ_J_0^2D f, α̃α+∑_j=J_0^∞∑_β_j∈Ψ_j^2D f, β̃_̃j̃β_j, because we deduce from the biorthogonality of (ℬ̃^2D_J_0,ℬ^2D_J_0) that f, α̃=c_α 2^-J_0, f, β̃_j=2^-j c_β_j, j≥ J_0. Because (ℬ̃^2D_J_0,ℬ^2D_J_0) is a biorthogonal wavelet in L_2([0,1]^2), there must exist positive constants C_3 and C_4, independent of f and {c_α}_α∈Φ_J_0^2D∪{c_β_j}_j≥ J_0, β_j∈Ψ_j^2D, such that C_3 (∑_α∈Φ_J_0^2D 2^-2J_0|c_α|^2+ ∑_j=J_0^∞∑_β_j ∈Ψ_j^2D 2^-2j|c_β_j|^2) ≤f^2_L_2([0,1]^2) ≤C_4 (∑_α∈Φ_J_0^2D 2^-2J_0|c_α|^2+∑_j=J_0^∞∑_β_j∈Ψ_j^2D 2^-2j|c_β_j|^2). To prove (<ref>), it is enough to consider ∂∂ yf, since the argument used for ∂∂ xf is identical. From (<ref>), noting that {c_α}_α∈Φ_J_0^2D∪{c_β_j}_j≥ J_0, β_j∈Ψ_j^2D is finitely supported, we have ∂∂ yf=∑_α∈Φ̆_J_0^2D,y c_αα+∑_j=J_0^∞∑_β_j∈Ψ̆_j^2D,y c_β_jβ_j, where Φ̆^2D,y_J_0:={ 2^-J_0Φ^x_J_0⊗Φ̆^y_J_0} and Ψ̆^2D,y_j:= { 2^-jΦ^x_j ⊗Ψ̆^y_j, 2^-jΨ^x_j⊗Φ̆^y_j, 2^-jΨ^x_j ⊗Ψ̆^y_j}, Φ̆^y_J_0 and Ψ̆^y_j for j ≥ J_0 are defined as in (<ref>) with ϕ^R and ψ^R replaced by ϕ^R,y and ψ^R,y respectively. Every element in Φ̆^y_J_0∪∪_j=J_0^∞Ψ̆^y_j has at least one vanishing moment and belongs to H^() for some >0. Hence, every element in Φ̆_J_0^2D,y∪∪_j=J_0^∞Ψ̆^2D,y_j has at least one vanishing moment and belongs to H^(^2) for some >0. By <ref> and <cit.>, the system Φ̆_J_0^2D,y∪∪_j=J_0^∞Ψ̆^2D,y_j must be a Bessel sequence in L_2([0,1]^2). That is, there exists a positive constant C_5, independent of ∂∂ y f and {c_α}_α∈Φ_J_0^2D∪{c_β_j}_j≥ J_0, β_j∈Ψ_j^2D, such that ∂∂ yf^2_L_2([0,1]^2) =∑_α∈Φ̆_J_0^2D,y c_αα+∑_j=J_0^∞∑_β_j∈Ψ̆_j^2D,y c_β_jβ_j^2_L_2([0,1]^2)≤ C_5 (∑_α∈Φ_J_0^2D |c_α|^2+∑_j=J_0^∞∑_β_j∈Ψ_j^2D |c_β_j|^2). The upper bound of (<ref>) is now proved by applying a similar argument to ∂∂ x f, and appealing to the above inequality and (<ref>). Next, we prove the lower bound of (<ref>). Similar to (<ref>), for functions in L_2([0,1]^2), we define [η]^∘(x,y):= ∫_y^1 f(x,t) dt, (x,y)∈ [0,1]^2, η∈ L_2([0,1]^2). Since f(x,0)=0 for all x ∈ [0,1], we have f, β̃_j = f, [β̃_j]^∘ and f, α̃_j = f, [α̃_j]^∘ by recalling the tensor product structure of β̃_j and α̃. Therefore, c_α=2^J_0f, α̃=∂∂yf,2^J_0 [α̃]^∘ c_β_j=2^jf, β̃_j= ∂∂yf, 2^j [β̃_j]^∘. Define Φ̆̃̆^2D,y_J_0:={ 2^-J_0Φ̃^x_J_0⊗Φ̆̃̆^y_J_0} and Ψ̆̃̆^2D,y_j:= { 2^-jΦ̃^x_j ⊗Ψ̆̃̆^y_j, 2^-jΨ̃^x_j⊗Φ̆̃̆^y_j, 2^-jΨ̃^x_j ⊗Ψ̆̃̆^y_j}, where Φ̆̃̆^y_J_0 and Ψ̆̃̆^y_j for j ≥ J_0 are defined as in (<ref>) with ϕ̃^R and ψ̃^R replaced by ϕ̃^R,y and ψ̃^R,y respectively. Note that all elements in Φ̆̃̆^2D,y_J_0 and Ψ̆̃̆^2D,y_j must belong to H^(^2) for some >0. Applying <ref> and <cit.>, we have that the system Φ̆̃̆_J_0^2D,y∪∪_j=J_0^∞Ψ̆̃̆^2D,y_j is a Bessel sequence in L_2([0,1]^2) and therefore, there exists a positive constant C_6, independent of ∂∂ yf and {c_α}_α∈Φ_J_0^2D∪{c_β_j}_j≥ J_0, β_j∈Ψ_j^2D, such that ∑_α∈Φ_J_0^2D |c_α|^2+∑_j=J_0^∞∑_β∈Ψ_j^2D |c_β_j|^2 =∑_α̃ ∈Φ̆̃̆_J_0^2D,y |∂∂y f, α̃|^2 +∑_j=J_0^∞∑_β̃_j∈Ψ̆̃̆_j^2D,y |∂∂y f, β̃_j|^2≤C_6∂∂y f^2_L_2([0,1]^2), where we used the identities in (<ref>). The lower bound of (<ref>) is now proved with C_1:=1/C_6<∞ by the trivial inequality ∂∂ y f^2_L_2([0,1]^2)≤f^2_H^1([0,1]^2). The remaining of this proof now follows the proof of <ref> with appropriate modifications for the 2D setting. § IMPLEMENTATION In this section, we discuss some implementation details of our wavelet Galerkin method. By the refinability property, there exist well-defined matrices A^x_j,j', A_j,j', A_j,j'^R, B^x_j,j', B_j,j', and B_j,j'^R such that the following relations hold Φ^x_j = A^x_j,j' Φ^x_j', Ψ^x_j = B^x_j,j' Φ^x_j', Φ^y_j = [ A_j,j'; A^R_j,j' ] Φ^y_j', and Ψ^y_j = [ B_j,j'; B^R_j,j' ] Φ^y_j' ∀j < j'. Note that A^x_j,j' and B^x_j,j' contain the filters of all refinable functions and wavelets satisfying the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions at both endpoints. Meanwhile, A_j,j'^R and B_j,j'^R respectively contain the filters of right refinable functions and right wavelets satisfying no boundary conditions. For simplicity, we assume that ϕ^R(1)=ψ^R(1)=1. It follows that A_j,j' contains filters of left and interior refinable functions, and B_j,j' contains filters of left and interior wavelets. For J ≥ J_0, define ℬ_J_0,J:=Φ^2D_J_0 ∪∪_j=J_0^J-1 Ψ^2D_j, where Φ^2D_J_0 and Ψ^2D_j are defined in (<ref>). In our wavelet Galerkin scheme, our approximated solution is of the form u_J=∑_η∈ℬ_J_0,J c_ηη. Let ⊗ denote the Kronecker product, 0_m × n denote an m× n zero matrix, rows(·) denote the number of rows of a given matrix, and vec(·) denote the standard vectorization operation. Plugging the approximated solution into the weak formulation (<ref>), using test functions in ℬ_J_0,J, and recalling the relations in (<ref>), we obtain the linear system (R ([⟨v,w ⟩_(0,1) ]_v,w ∈2^-JΦ^x_J ⊗[⟨v,w ⟩_(0,1) ]_v,w ∈Φ^y_J) R^ - T) C=F, where R:=[R_1^,⋯,R_2(J-J_0)+2^]^ with R_1:= A^x_J_0,J⊗ A_J_0,J, R_J-J_0+2:= A^x_J_0,J⊗ A_J_0,J^R, R_ℓ :=[ B^x_J_0+ℓ-2,J⊗ A_J_0+ℓ-2,J; A^x_J_0+ℓ-2,J⊗ B_J_0+ℓ-2,J; B^x_J_0+ℓ-2,J⊗ B_J_0+ℓ-2,J ], R_J-J_0+ℓ+1 :=[ B^x_J_0+ℓ-2,J⊗ A^R_J_0+ℓ-2,J; A^x_J_0+ℓ-2,J⊗ B^R_J_0+ℓ-2,J; B^x_J_0+ℓ-2,J⊗ B^R_J_0+ℓ-2,J ], 2≤ℓ≤ J-J_0+1, S:=[S_0^,…,S_J-J_0^]^ with S_0:= 2^J_0/2A^x_J_0,J, S_ℓ := 2^(J_0 + ℓ -1)/2[ B^x_J_0+ℓ-1,J; A^x_J_0+ℓ-1,J; B^x_J_0+ℓ-1,J ], 1 ≤ℓ≤ J-J_0, T := [ 0_(rows(R)-rows(S)) × (rows(R)-rows(S)) 0_(rows(R)-rows(S)) ×rows(S); 0_rows(S) × (rows(R)-rows(S)) S[ ⟨𝒯(η),ζ⟩_Γ]_η,ζ∈ 2^-JΦ^x_JS^ ], F := [ 0_(rows(R)-rows(S)) × 1; S [⟨ g,v ⟩_Γ]_v ∈ 2^-JΦ^x_J ] -R vec([⟨ f, v w ⟩_Ω]_w ∈Φ^y_J,v ∈ 2^-JΦ^x_J), and C denotes the coefficients {c_η}_η∈ℬ_J_0,J properly arranged in a vector form. We make some important remarks regarding the assembly of the linear system. First, we further normalize each element in ℬ_J_0,J by |a(·,·)|^-1/2, where a(·,·) is defined in (<ref>). This makes the modulus of all diagonal entries of the coefficient matrix on the left-hand side of (<ref>) equal to 1. Second, we note that the assembly of the linear system can be done efficiently by exploiting the refinability structure. The inner products are computed only for the refinable functions at the highest scale level (i.e., elements of Φ^x_J and Φ^y_J). Third, following <cit.>, we rewrite the non-local boundary condition as 𝒯(v) = ∫_0^1 ln(|x-x'|) q_0(x-x')v(x') dx' + ∫_0^1 q_1(x-x')v(x')dx' + 1/π _0^1 v(x')/|x-x'|^2 dx', where q_0(s):= H^(1)_1(|s|)/2|s| + J_1( |s|)/π |s|ln(|s|) - 1/π|s|^2, q_1(s):=- J_1( |s|)/π |s|, and J_1 is the first order Bessel function of the first kind. Note that q_0(s) and q_1(s) are even analytic functions. The first integral in (<ref>) is only weakly singular. After properly partitioning this integral so that the weak singularity appears on an endpoint, we can use a combination of the Gauss-Legendre and double exponential quadratures to compute it. The second integral in (<ref>) can be handled by the Gauss-Legendre quadrature. Recall that if v ∈ C^1,α([c,d]) (i.e., the first derivative of v is α-Hölder continuous on the unit interval with 0 < α≤ 1), then _c^d v(x')/(x-x')^2 dx' := lim_ϵ→0 ( ∫_c^x-ϵ v(x')/(x-x')^2 dx' + ∫_x+ϵ^d v(x')/(x-x')^2 dx' - 2v(x)/ϵ ). See <cit.>. Then, the third integral of (<ref>) can be exactly computed by (<ref>), since the Riesz wavelets we employ have analytic expressions. § NUMERICAL EXPERIMENTS In what follows, we present several numerical experiments to compare the performance of our wavelet method, denoted by ℬ_J_0,J (see (<ref>)), and a standard Galerkin method, denoted by Φ^2D_J (see (<ref>)). We shall focus on the behaviour of the coefficient matrix coming from each scheme. The relative errors reported below are in terms of 2-norm. Assuming that the exact solution u exists, we define u-u_J_2^2:=2^-22∑_i=1^2^11∑_j=1^2^11 |u(x_i,y_j) - u_J(x_i,y_j)|^2, where (x_i,y_j) for i,j=0,…,2^11, and x_i+1-x_i=y_j+1-y_j=2^-11 for all i,j=0,…,2^11-1. Note that the above error is just an approximation of the error in the L_2 norm. In each table below, we report the relative errors u-u_J_2/u_2 obtained by using a direct solver (the backslash command in MATLAB). Since span(ℬ_J_0,J)=span(Φ^2D_J) for all J≥ J_0 and a direct solver is used to solve the linear system, the errors obtained from our wavelet and standard Galerkin methods are practically identical. That is why we report only a set of relative errors for a given wavelet basis and a wavenumber. We record the convergence rates (listed under `Order' and obtained by calculating log_2(u-u_J_2/u-u_J+1_2)). We also list the largest singular values σ_max, the smallest singular values σ_min, and the condition numbers (i.e., the ratio of the largest and smallest singular values) of the coefficient matrices coming from the wavelet and standard Galerkin methods. The `Iter' column lists the number of GMRES iterations (with zero as its initial value) needed so that the relative residual falls below 10^-8. Finally, the `Size' column lists the number of rows in a coefficient matrix, which is equal to the number of basis elements used in the numerical solution. We first apply our wavelet basis to solve a standard 2D Poisson equation to show that it produces a well-conditioned coefficient matrix. Our intention is to demonstrate the performance of our wavelet basis in solving a coercive PDE and compare it with its performance in solving our model problem in (<ref>), which is non-coercive. Consider the 2D Poisson equation Δ u = -8π^2 sin(2π x) sin(2 π y). The true solution is u=sin(2π x) sin(2π y). See <ref> for the numerical results. Consider the model problem (<ref>), where 𝒯 is defined in (<ref>), and f and g are chosen such that u=exp(xy)sin( x)sin(( + π/2)y). Additionally, we let = 4π, 8π, 16π. See <ref> for the numerical results. Consider the model problem (<ref>), where 𝒯 is defined in (<ref>), =32π, and f and g are chosen such that u=sin(π x)sin(√(^2-π^2) y ). See <ref> for the numerical results. To further improve the condition number of the coefficient matrix in our numerical experiments, we replace ϕ^L,bc1, ϕ^L,bc2, and ϕ^L in <ref> with ϕ^L,bc1 + 85100ϕ^L,bc2, -12ϕ^L,bc1+1110ϕ^L,bc2, and ϕ^L - 1314ϕ^L,bc1+814ϕ^L,bc2 respectively. That is, we replace ϕ^L,bc1, ϕ^L,bc2, and ϕ^L in <ref> with their linear combinations. Due to the large number of iterations and lengthy computation time for the standard Galerkin method, we only report the GMRES relative residuals for Φ^2D_J. More specifically, the `Tol' column associated with Φ_j^2D lists the relative residuals, when GMRES is used as an iterative solver with the maximum number of iterations listed in the `Iter' column associated with ℬ_J_0,J for J_0 ∈. We now discuss the results of our numerical experiments observed in <ref>. First, we observe that the largest singular values of coefficient matrices of both wavelet and standard Galerkin method do not change much as the scale level J increases (or equivalently the mesh size decreases). Second, the smallest singular values of coefficient matrices of the wavelet Galerkin method have a lower bound. In particular, they seem to converge as the mesh size decreases. This is in sharp contrast to the smallest singular values of coefficient matrices of the standard Galerkin method, which seem to become arbitrarily small as the mesh size decreases. In particular, the smallest singular values are approximately a quarter of what they were before as we halve the grid size of each axis. Not surprisingly, the condition numbers of the coefficient matrices of the standard Galerkin method quadruple as we increase the scale level, while those of the wavelet Galerkin method plateau. When an iterative scheme is used (here, we used GMRES), we see two distinct behaviours. In the standard Galerkin method, the number of iterations needed for the GMRES relative residuals to fall below 10^-8 doubles as we increase the scale level, while fixing the wavenumber. On the other hand, in the wavelet Galerkin method, the number of iterations needed for the GMRES relative residuals to fall below 10^-8 is practically independent of the size of the coefficient matrix; moreover, we often see situations, where only a tenth (or even less) of the number of iterations is needed. 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Boosting Source Code Learning with Data Augmentation: An Empirical Study
[ "Zeming Dong", "Qiang Hu", "Yuejun Guo", "Zhenya Zhang", "Maxime Cordy", "Mike Papadakis", "Yves Le Traon", "Jianjun Zhao" ]
[ "cs.SE", "cs.AI" ]
Kyushu University Corresponding author University of Luxembourg Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology Kyushu University University of Luxembourg Kyushu University The next era of program understanding is being propelled by the use of machine learning to solve software problems. Recent studies have shown surprising results of source code learning, which applies deep neural networks (DNNs) to various critical software tasks, e.g., bug detection and clone detection. This success can be greatly attributed to the utilization of massive high-quality training data, and in practice, data augmentation, which is a technique used to produce additional training data, has been widely adopted in various domains, such as computer vision. However, in source code learning, data augmentation has not been extensively studied, and existing practice is limited to simple syntax-preserved methods, such as code refactoring. Essentially, source code is often represented in two ways, namely, sequentially as text data and structurally as graph data, when it is used as training data in source code learning. Inspired by these analogy relations, we take an early step to investigate whether data augmentation methods that are originally used for text and graphs are effective in improving the training quality of source code learning. To that end, we first collect and categorize data augmentation methods in the literature. Second, we conduct a comprehensive empirical study on four critical tasks and 11 DNN architectures to explore the effectiveness of 12 data augmentation methods (including code refactoring and 11 other methods for text and graph data). Our results identify the data augmentation methods that can produce more accurate and robust models for source code learning, including those based on mixup (e.g., SenMixup for texts and Manifold-Mixup for graphs), and those that slightly break the syntax of source code (e.g., random swap and random deletion for texts). <ccs2012> <concept> <concept_id>10010520.10010553.10010562</concept_id> <concept_desc>Computer systems organization Embedded systems</concept_desc> <concept_significance>500</concept_significance> </concept> <concept> <concept_id>10010520.10010575.10010755</concept_id> <concept_desc>Computer systems organization Redundancy</concept_desc> <concept_significance>300</concept_significance> </concept> <concept> <concept_id>10010520.10010553.10010554</concept_id> <concept_desc>Computer systems organization Robotics</concept_desc> <concept_significance>100</concept_significance> </concept> <concept> <concept_id>10003033.10003083.10003095</concept_id> <concept_desc>Networks Network reliability</concept_desc> <concept_significance>100</concept_significance> </concept> </ccs2012> Boosting Source Code Learning with Data Augmentation: An Empirical Study Jianjun Zhao ======================================================================== § INTRODUCTION In recent years, there has been a growing trend in using machine learning for big code (ML4Code) <cit.> due to the power of machine learning (especially deep learning) in mining patterns from large corpora of code. The promising results of ML4Code in multiple downstream code tasks, such as code clone detection <cit.>, vulnerability detection <cit.>, and problem classification <cit.>, demonstrate its great potential in facilitating developers in practice. To produce programming language (PL) models with good performance, high-quality training data, and well-designed model architectures are crucial. While model architecture design can be informed by ideas from the natural language processing (NLP) field <cit.>, there is no shortcut to preparing high-quality training data. Generally, the data must be collected, cleaned, and manually labeled before use. All these processes are challenging, and especially, data labeling is the most time-consuming and labor-intensive task. For example, labeling only four libraries of code can take 600 man-hours <cit.>. As a result, it remains a challenging problem to prepare sufficient training data for PL models. In the fields such as computer vision (CV), data augmentation has been a widely-used technique to solve the aforementioned issue of the lack of labeled training data. Essentially, data augmentation generates new training data by modifying existing labeled data under the premise that these new data preserve the original semantics. For example, when training an image classification model, instead of using the original training data only, a common practice is to utilize image transformation techniques <cit.> to produce more diverse images. Existing studies <cit.> have shown that data augmentation can effectively improve the accuracy and robustness of the models being trained. Despite the remarkable attention data augmentation has already gained in other fields, its value in source code learning is not yet clarified. Most existing studies in ML4Code still stick to the design of more powerful model architectures (e.g., GraphCodeBERT <cit.>), more generic code representation techniques (e.g., token-based <cit.> or tree-based representation <cit.>), or learning strategies (e.g., using contrastive learning for code tasks <cit.>). Only a few works tend to study the problem of automatically enriching the code-related training data, such as <cit.> in which a series of code refactoring methods are introduced for data augmentation. However, as reported in their works, the performance of those methods is very limited, and more effective data augmentation methods in source code learning are still in demand. Contributions. In source code learning tasks, source code is often represented in two forms, namely, sequential data and structural data, when it plays the role of training data: the former is due to its analogy to texts, while the latter is realized via the abstract syntax tree (AST), a graph theoretical model that captures the relationship between different components of the code. Inspired by these two representations, we empirically study the problem of whether existing data augmentation approaches in natural language processing (NLP) (that handles text data) and graph learning (that handles graph data) are effective to improve the training quality in source code learning. Concretely, we first survey and categorize existing data augmentation methods in the literature, and we find 11 data augmentation methods from NLP and graph learning that are possible to be used in source code learning. Then, we adapt these methods to train code models and check their effectiveness in improving the accuracy and robustness of those models. We design our large-scale study in order to answer the following research questions: RQ1: Can existing data augmentation methods produce accurate code models? The results show that data augmentation methods that linearly mix feature vectors in code embedding, e.g., SenMixup, can enhance the accuracy by up to 8.74%, compared to the training without using data augmentation. Remarkably, the methods adapted from NLP and graph learning are more effective than the code-specific data augmentation technique, namely, code refactoring. RQ2: Can existing data augmentation methods produce robust code models? The results show that using data augmentation brings limited robustness improvement. Specifically, random swap, a method from NLP, performs the best and can reduce the attack success rate by 5.67%. RQ3: How does data volume affect the effectiveness of data augmentation methods? The results demonstrate that when training data is scarce, incorporating data augmentation can help to improve both the accuracy and robustness. For example, using SenMixup can improve the accuracy of CodeBERT by up to 11.69%, and data augmentation methods that slightly break the syntax can enhance the robustness by up to 38.47%. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that adapts data augmentation methods from NLP and graph learning and empirically studies the effectiveness of incorporating data augmentation into training code models. Specifically, in this study, we found that data augmentation methods from NLP and graph learning can outperform code refactoring, which is dedicated to source code learning. Moreover, we found that even though some data augmentation methods can produce training data that slightly break the syntax of the source code, they are still useful in improving the quality of training in source code learning. With these insightful findings, we pave the path to further research in boosting source code learning using data augmentation. Paper organization The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section <ref> introduces the background of this work. Section <ref> presents the adaptation of the data augmentation methods from NLP and graphs for source code learning. Section <ref> presents the design of our empirical study. Section <ref> details the experimental setup. Section <ref> analyzes the results of our experiments. Section <ref> discusses the main findings and limitations of our work. Section <ref> summarizes related works, and the last section concludes this paper. § BACKGROUND §.§ Source Code Learning In a nutshell, source code learning consists in learning the information from source code and using the learned information to solve the downstream tasks, such as automated program repair <cit.>, automated program synthesis <cit.>, automated code comments generation <cit.>, and code clone detection <cit.>. As mentioned in Section <ref>, code representation is a crucial technique that converts source code into a DNN-readable format to learn the features <cit.>. In this paper, we consider two widely-used code representations, namely sequential representation and structural representation, as follows: * Sequential representation transforms the source code into a sequence of tokens (in a similar way to handling text data), where a token is the basic component of the code, such as a separator, an operator, a reserved word, a constant, and an identifier. In this way, the original source code is processed to a number of tokens, e.g., “” is transformed to “[]”. Sequential representation keeps the context of the source code, which is useful for learning the syntactic information of source code. * Structural representation transforms the code into a graph that captures the relationship of different components in the code while preserving its syntax elements. The graph can be a abstract syntax tree (AST), a control flow graph (CFG), and a data flow graph (DFG). By using structural representation, we can learn a model that perceives the semantic information of the code. Indeed, graph neural networks (GNNs), a DNN architecture that is recently popular in source code analysis, is based on the structural representation of source code. §.§ Data Augmentation in Source Code Learning Despite the great advantages of DNN, there are two main bottlenecks that prevent DNNs from achieving high performance, 1) the lack of high-quality labeled training data and 2) the different data distribution between training data and testing data. One simple solution to these two problems is to increase the size and diversity of training data. Data augmentation <cit.> is proposed to automatically produce additional synthetic training data by modifying existing data without further human effort. Generally, data augmentation involves a family of well-designed data transformation methods. For instance, in image processing, commonly-used data augmentation methods include re-scaling, zooming, random rotating, padding, and adding noise <cit.>. Recently, software engineering researchers also considered data augmentation in source code learning <cit.>, and the proposed methods are known as code refactoring. In general, code refactoring, originally used for code simplification, involves a family of techniques that rewrite the syntactic structure of source code while keeping the semantic information <cit.>. Commonly-used code refactoring techniques include local variable renaming, duplication, dead store, etc. For instance, local variable renaming is a method that changes the names of a code element, including symbols, files, directories, packages, and modules. Technically, this method modifies the source code slightly but does not change the semantic behavior of the program. However, existing studies <cit.> have shown that these simple strategies have limited advantages in improving the performance of code models. In this study, inspired by the analogy of source code to texts and graphs (as mentioned in Section <ref>), we empirically investigate whether data augmentation methods from NLP (that handles text data) and graph learning (that handles graph data) can effectively enrich the diversity of training data for source code learning. § ADAPTING DATA AUGMENTATION METHODS FOR SOURCE CODE LEARNING As introduced in Section <ref>, source code can be represented in two ways, namely, as sequential data and as structural data. Inspired by these two representations, we investigate the effectiveness of the data augmentation methods from NLP and those from graph learning in source code learning. Specifically, we collect 7 data augmentation methods from NLP and 4 methods from graph learning, as shown in Fig. <ref>. Moreover, [(i)] * for methods from NLP, we make adaptations to them in order to handle source code, and the concrete adaptations are elaborated on in Section <ref>; * for methods from graph learning, we leverage abstract syntax tree (AST) and different code flows (e.g., control flow and data flow) to represent source code as graphs, and then apply the existing methods to achieve data augmentation, as explained in Section <ref>. §.§ NLP Data Augmentation Methods for Source Code Learning We follow recent survey papers <cit.> to collect the data augmentation methods for text data, and as a result, 7 methods are applicable to source code learning. These methods can be classified into three categories, namely, paraphrasing, noising-based methods and sampling-based methods, which are described as follows: * Paraphrasing can express the same information as the original form and has been commonly used in NLP <cit.>. In this paper, we select the Back-translation <cit.> method. * Noising-based methods slightly add noise to the original data but keep their semantic information <cit.>. In this paper, we employ four types of noise injection methods, namely, synonym replacement, random insertion, random swap, and random deletion. * Sampling-based methods generate new synthetic data by linearly mixing the latent embeddings instead of directly operating on the raw text data. Unlike paraphrasing or noising-based methods, sampling-based methods are task-specific and require both data and their label formats <cit.>. In this paper, we select two advanced sampling-based data augmentation methods used in NLP, namely WordMixup and SenMixup <cit.>. In the following, we elaborate on these 7 data augmentation methods and especially highlight the adaptations we have made in order to handle source code data. Back-translation (BT). This method translates the original text into another language and then translates it back to the original one to generate additional source code data. In source code learning, we implement BT by applying the English-French translation model <cit.> bidirectionally for each statement in a program. For example, in Fig. <ref>, after BT, we replace the statement “” in the original code with “” and “” respectively. Note that these alterations may slightly break the syntax of the code data, nevertheless, they are rather minor, and the original relation between the features and the label is still preserved in the code data. Synonym Replacement (SR). In NLP, this method randomly selects n words from a sentence and then replaces the selected words with one of its randomly chosen synonyms. Different from BT, to further enrich the diversity, SR usually refrains from substituting strings that are semantically similar to the original text data. Specifically, in source code learning, we first randomly select n statements from a program. Then, each of the n words is replaced with one of its synonyms that is selected at random. In Fig. <ref>, we randomly select one statement from a program and then replace it with another string that is generated from its synonyms chosen at random. Similar to the case of BT, this method also preserves the original relation between the features and the label in the code. Random Insertion (RI). In NLP, this method randomly inserts a random synonym of a random word into a sentence to generate augmented text data. Different from RI used in text data, we first select a random synonym of a random word in the chosen statement, then randomly insert this selected synonym into a random position of this statement. Generally, this process is repeated n times. In Fig. <ref>, we randomly insert the string that is generated from synonyms in a random position of the selected statement from the original code, i.e., “”. Again, this method is able to preserve the original relation between the features and the label in the code. Random Swap (RS). In NLP, this method randomly chooses two words in a sentence and then swaps their positions. Although the semantics of text data is, in general, sensitive to the order of words, within a limited level of word swapping, the text after RS is often still understandable to humans <cit.>. Therefore, RS can be used to produce augmented text data. In source code learning, we randomly select two statements of a program and swap their positions, and this process is usually repeated n times. In Fig. <ref>, we randomly select two statement “” and “”, and then swap their positions. Despite the minor alteration of the order of the selected statements, this method can still preserve the original relation between the features and the label in the code. Random Deletion (RD). This method randomly removes some words in a sentence or some sentences in a document, with a probability p, to generate augmented text data. In source code learning, we randomly delete words in a randomly chosen statement. In Fig. <ref>, we delete words in a statement with probability p=0.01. As a result, the operator “” is removed from the statement “” after RD program transformation. Similarly, this method is able to preserve the original relation between the features and the label in the code. In the following, we introduce two data augmentation methods based on Mixup <cit.>, a popular data augmentation approach in computer vision. Specifically, Mixup synthesizes new image data and their labels by linearly mixing the image features and the labels of two selected images. It has inspired the development of many data augmentation methods in other fields, including WordMixup and SenMixup in NLP, which are introduced as follows. WordMixup and SenMixup. Originally, WordMixup interpolates the samples in the word embedding space, and SenMixup interpolates the hidden states of sentence representations <cit.>. We slightly modify WordMixup and SenMixup to adapt to source code learning. As shown in Eq. (<ref>), there are two variants of Mixup in our study. The first one, denoted as WordMixup, interpolates samples in the embedding space of statement representation, and the second one, denoted as SenMixup, conducts the interpolation after a linear transformation and before it is passed to a standard classifier that generates the predictive distribution over different labels. Given two pairs (x^i,y^i) and (x^j,y^j), where x^i and x^j represent the code data, and y^i and y^j are their corresponding labels, the interpolated new data are obtained via WordMixup and SenMixup, as follows: x_𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑀𝑖𝑥^ij = λ x^i + (1 - λ) x^j x_𝑆𝑒𝑛𝑀𝑖𝑥^ij = λ f(x^i) + (1 - λ) f(x^j) y_𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑀𝑖𝑥^ij = λ y^i + (1 - λ) y^j y_𝑆𝑒𝑛𝑀𝑖𝑥^ij = λ y^i + (1 - λ) y^j Here SenMixup follows a similar workflow with <cit.>, and f(·) denotes a linear transformation method that is able to ensure that the input and the output have the same dimension. Moreover, x_𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑀𝑖𝑥^ij and x_𝑆𝑒𝑛𝑀𝑖𝑥^ij represent the new synthetic training data obtained by WordMixup and SenMixup respectively, and y_𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑀𝑖𝑥^ij and y_𝑆𝑒𝑛𝑀𝑖𝑥^ij are their labels. The parameter λ denotes the Mixup ratio, and according to <cit.>, it is sampled from a Beta distribution with a shape parameter α(λ∼Beta(α,α)). To better understand how the linear interpolation method works, we use an example to show the details of linearly mixing two different programs (Program A and B from Python800 with label 0 and label 1, respectively) as depicted in Fig. <ref>. First, we map a pair of programs into the vector space through CodeBERT <cit.> and transform their labels into one-hot vectors with 800 classes (see Data A ((X_i, Y_i)) and Data B ((X_j, Y_j)) in Fig. <ref>). Next, we linearly mix the code vectors and label vectors, respectively, of Data A and Data B as the augmented training data (X, Y) that could be used to train the model (see Data C in Fig. <ref>). §.§ Graph Learning Data Augmentation Methods for Source Code Learning Following a recent survey <cit.>, we collect four data augmentation methods from graph learning and apply them to source code learning. Note that this line of work is applicable to source code because of the structural representation (introduced in Section <ref>) of source code, i.e., source code can be transformed to graph structures, such as abstract syntax tree (AST) and different code flows (e.g., control flow, data flow) <cit.>, that can capture the relations between different components of the code. Based on the graph structure, we apply the methods from graph learning to augment additional training data for source code learning. The collected data augmentation methods and their applications to source code learning are introduced as follows: DropNode. As a similar approach to Dropout <cit.>, DropNode creates a large number of variants of one original graph by randomly removing a number of graph nodes along with the associated edges. As is well known, the original Dropout, which drops out units in a DNN during training, is a specific regularization approach to preventing DNNs from overfitting. In a similar way, DropNode is also used to alleviate the overfitting problem in the training of GNNs. In our study, for the purpose of data augmentation, we first transform the code data into graphs and then apply DropNode to produce the variants of the original graphs as the additional training data. Note that our node-dropping operation is under the premise that the missing part of nodes should not affect the semantics of the original graph, as suggested by <cit.>. DropEdge. In a similar way to DropNode, DropEdge stochastically drops graph edges with a fixed probability to create variants of the original graph. DropEdge improves the generalization and alleviates over-smoothing and over-fitting problems of GNNs, especially for deeper GNNs <cit.>. Subgraph. Unlike DropNode and DropEdge, this method generates an augmented graph via sampling a connected subgraph <cit.> from the original graph using a random walk. Similarly, this method is also required to keep part of the semantic information of the original graph. Manifold-Mixup. As a variant of Mixup, Manifold-Mixup <cit.> is designed for graph classification, by interpolating graph-level embedding. Technically, given two pairs (x_i^𝒢,y_i^𝒢) and (x_j^𝒢,y_j^𝒢) of graph data and their labels, the interpolated graph data pair (x_mix^𝒢,y_mix^𝒢) is calculated by: x_mix^𝒢 = λx_i^𝒢 + (1 - λ) x_j^𝒢 y_mix^𝒢 = λ y_i^𝒢 + (1 - λ) y_j^𝒢 § STUDY DESIGN In order to assess the effectiveness of the data augmentation methods in Section <ref> in source code learning, we design three research questions, as follows: [∙] * RQ1: Can existing data augmentation methods produce accurate code models? Accuracy is the basic metric to evaluate the performance of a trained model, and therefore, we first assess whether data augmentation methods from NLP and graph learning (as introduced in Section <ref>) are able to improve the accuracy of the code models, based on the comparisons with two baseline approaches, namely, the training approach that does not use any data augmentation method, and the training approach that only uses the simple code refactoring method (as introduced in Section <ref>). In this RQ, first, we prepare the original training data and randomly initialize code models, and then train these models using different data augmentation methods as listed in Fig. <ref>. Specifically, we compare these methods in terms of two metrics, namely, 1) the convergence speed of the model and 2) the final accuracy of the model with fixed training epochs. * RQ2: Can existing data augmentation methods produce robust code models? Since robustness <cit.> is another important metric that evaluates the generalization ability to handle unseen data of the trained model, we obtain multiple trained code models and study their adversarial robustness in this RQ. According to the literature <cit.>, data augmentation is helpful for improving the adversarial robustness of DNN models in other fields (e.g., computer vision). Thus, we also explore whether this conclusion also holds for code models. Concretely, we employ two state-of-the-art adversarial attacks, namely, MHM <cit.> and ALERT <cit.>, to evaluate the robustness improvement of the code models that are trained using data augmentation. * RQ3: How does data volume affect the effectiveness of data augmentation methods? Finally, since the initial purpose of data augmentation is to solve the problem of the lack of labeled data, it is necessary to further investigate the effectiveness of data augmentation methods in a more practical scenario, namely, the case when there is no sufficient training data. To do so, we reduce the size of the training set of each dataset and repeat the experiments in RQ1 and RQ2, and we then check whether data augmentation methods are still useful. § EXPERIMENTAL SETUP Our study considers two mainstream programming languages (Java and Python), four crucial downstream tasks (problem classification, bug detection, authorship attribution, and clone detection), 11 DNN model architectures, and two pre-trained PL models (CodeBERT and GraphCodeBERT). Table <ref> shows the details of datasets and models used in the experiments. §.§ Code Refactoring In total, we collect 18 code refactoring methods from the existing literature. Pour et al. <cit.> and Allamanis et al. <cit.> cover 10 code refactoring operators, e.g. local variable renaming, if loop enhance, and argument adding. Wei et al. <cit.> provides eight code refactoring methods, e.g. duplication, dead store, and unreachable loops/branches. In our experiment, for each code data, we randomly select one of these 18 code refactoring methods and apply it to the original code data to generate augmented code data. §.§ Source Code Learning Tasks and Datasets We introduce the tasks and datasets that are often used in source code learning and adopted in our experiments. * Problem classification is a typical source code learning task that classifies the target functions of source code. Given a series of problems with detailed descriptions and their corresponding candidate source code, the trained model will identify the problem that the code is trying to solve. Two recently released datasets, Java250 and Python800 <cit.>, are used in our empirical study for this task. Java250 is built for Java program classification, which has 250 classification problems, including 300 Java programs for each problem. Python800 is a dataset that is specially used for Python program classification tasks, containing 800 different problems with 300 solutions written by the Python program for each. * Bug detection is to determine whether a piece of code contains bugs. Generally, detecting bugs may be thought of as a binary classification problem. It is challenging to prepare a dataset for bug detection since it necessitates a pair of codes with and without bugs, where the process is ultimately identified by human programmers. The common method to gather such pairs is to automatically crawl versions of code before and after commits from GitHub. However, human effort is required to check if the commit is actually fixing a bug or causing a new bug. Refactory <cit.> and CodRep1 <cit.>, two open datasets designed for bug repair, are used in our study for this task. Specifically, Refactory includes 2,242 correct and 1,783 buggy Python programs which are written by real-world undergraduate students to finish 5 programming assignments. CodRep1 is a program repair dataset for Java, which includes 3,858 program pairs (buggy program and its fixed version) that are from real bug fixes. * Authorship attribution task involves identifying the writer of a given code fragment by inferring the characteristics of programmers from their published source code, which is crucial for granting credit for a programmer's contribution and is also helpful for detecting plagiarism. We use the dataset from Google Code Jam (GCJ) provided by the work <cit.>. * Clone detection focuses on checking whether two codes are semantically identical or not, which helps prevent bug propagation and makes software maintenance easier. We use the broadly recognized clone detection benchmark dataset BigCloneBench <cit.>, written by Java. §.§ Source Code Learning DNN Models There are two paradigms for code learning, 1) using task-specific programming language (PL) models and 2) using pre-trained PL models. * Code learning with task-specific PL models. This is a simple type of code learning where a code model is initialized randomly for a specific task and is trained using a task-related dataset from scratch. Generally, the trained models are lighter than the models using pre-trained PL models (e.g., 103 MB for BagofToken models vs. 487,737 MB for GraphCodeBERT models, as reported in our experiment) and can be deployed in machines with low computation resources. * Code learning with pre-trained PL models. Different from task-specific models, pre-trained models are trained on a broad set of unlabeled data and can be used for a wide range of downstream tasks with minimal fine-tuning. Due to its large input volume, pre-trained models usually have better accuracy and higher generalization ability <cit.>. First, pre-trained PL embedding models are trained using multi-language datasets, e.g., Java, C++, and Python. Then, given a dataset that targets a specific downstream task, such as code clone detection, we fine-tune the pre-trained model accordingly and produce the final model. We prepare at least 8 types of DNN models for each dataset, including pre-trained PL models and models trained from scratch. * Models trained from scratch. Seven types of models that need to be trained from scratch are studied, FNN (BagofToken) <cit.>, CNN (SeqofToken) <cit.>, Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) <cit.>, Graph Isomorphism Network (GIN) <cit.>, Graph Attention Networks (GATs) <cit.>, Gated Graph Sequence Neural Networks (GGNNs) <cit.>, and GraphSAGE (SAGE) <cit.>. FNN (BagofToken) is a basic mode type that only contains dense layers. CNN (SeqofToken) consists of both dense layers and convolutional layers. GCN is a variant of convolution neural networks that are specially employed to deal with graph-structured data. GIN generalizes the Weisfeiler-Lehman WL test, which maximizes the discriminative capacity of GNNs. In addition, we also use GCN-Virtual and GIN-Virtual. They employ virtual nodes to enhance the aggregation phase, which involves adding an artificial node to each graph and connecting it in both directions to all graph nodes. GAT is one of the popular GNN architectures, which mainly applies the attention mechanism to the process of graph message passing. GGNN is a variant of GNNs, which updates the new hidden state with a Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU). SAGE is a framework to map each node of a graph into the low-dimensional vector space, which is designed for inductive representation learning on large graphs. Especially a code graph is an inter-procedural graph of program instructions where the edges contain information about data flow and control flow. Thus, in the phase of data augmentation on training data, we linearly mix the vector generated by GNNs rather than the actual code. * Pre-trained models. Two pre-trained models, CodeBERT <cit.> and GraphCodeBERT <cit.>, are considered in our study. CodeBERT is a bimodal model trained by using data from multiple programming languages, such as C, C++, Java, and natural languages. It follows the same spirit as BERT and treats programs as sequences during pre-training. In order to consider the semantic-level structure of programs, GraphCodeBERT adds data-flow information to the training data that can produce a more precise code representation. §.§ Evaluation Metrics In our experiment, we evaluate the performance of trained DNN models from two perspectives, clean accuracy and model robustness. * Accuracy is a basic metric that calculates the % of correctly classified data over the entire test data. Here, clean accuracy means the accuracy of models on the original test data. These data generally follow the same data distribution as the training data. As another important metric, robustness reflects the generalization ability of DNN models. The common way to measure the robustness of models is to use adversarial attack methods to attack models and check to what extent the model can defend against these attacks. * Attack success rate (ASR) is used as the measurement of robustness, which calculates the % of successfully created adversarial examples. Only correctly predicted test samples are utilized to create adversarial examples while undertaking adversarial attacks. A higher ASR indicates that an attack method has strong performance; in turn, the robustness of the victim model is low. In this study, we adopt two different adversarial attack methods on source code that are widely used for pre-trained PL models, Metropolis-Hastings modifier (MHM) algorithm <cit.> and naturalness aware attack (ALERT) <cit.>. Both attacks replace the name of local variables in the program and force the model to produce wrong predictions accordingly. MHM applies the Metropolis-Hastings sampling methodology to get the name of the replacement variable, and ALERT uses the masked language prediction function of pre-trained models to search for substitutes. §.§ Implementation Details The implementation of all the data augmentation methods is based on pure Python and the Numpy package, which makes it easy to extend this study to support more techniques in the future. Moreover, we also provide a code refactoring generator, including 18 different code refactoring methods that support both Java and Python languages. The models, including BagOfToken and SeqOfToken, are built using TensorFlow2.3 and Keras2.4.3 frameworks. CodeBERT and GraphCodeBERT are built using PyTorch1.6.0. We set the training epoch to 50 for the above four models. All GNN models are implemented with the open-source library Pytorch Geometric (PyG) <cit.>. In the phase of the DNN training, the epoch we set for all tasks is 100. For the optimizer, we use Adam <cit.> with the learning rate 10^-3 for all the models. For the Mixup ratio that is set in augmenting training data, α=0.1 is our default setting. To alleviate overfitting, we adopt early stopping with patience 20. To lessen the impact of randomness, we train each model five times and report the average results with standard deviation. We conduct all graph learning experiments on a server with 2 GPUs of NVIDIA RTX A6000. § EVALUATION RESULTS §.§ RQ1: Can existing data augmentation methods produce accurate code models? First, we check the final accuracy of each trained model to explore if these data augmentation methods can improve the performance of models compared to models without using data augmentation and with using code refactoring, respectively. Table <ref> presents the test accuracy of BagofToken and SeqofToken models on original test data. First, for BagofToken, SenMixup achieves the best performance in four (out of five) datasets. More specifically, the results show that it outperforms No Aug by up to 4.09%, and on average, 2.27%, and Refactor by up to 6.63%, and on average, 3.82%. Surprisingly, in most cases (four out of five), the code refactoring method can not improve the accuracy of models compared to No Aug. Only in the clone detection task it brings a maximum 0.31% accuracy improvement. For SeqofToken models, again, SenMixup outperforms No Aug in four (out of five) datasets with accuracy improvements by up to 8.74% and 3.61% on average, and Refactor with accuracy improvements by up to 4.53% and 2.52% on average. The results recommend that when using traditional DNN models (e.g., FNN, CNN) to solve code classification tasks, SenMixup is a better choice for training data augmentation. Table <ref> presents the accuracy of GNNs on six datasets. For GCN, Manifold-Mixup shows the best performance in four (out of six) datasets with a maximum of 1.60% accuracy improvement and a 0.94% improvement on average compared to No Aug. Besides, compared to Refactor, Manifold-Mixup also brings an accuracy improvement by up to 1.53% and 0.90% on average. For GAT, GGNN, and SAGE, Manifold-Mixup still has outstanding ability in accuracy improvement since 9 out of 12 cases support this finding, where Manifold-Mixup defeats all other data augmentation methods for GGNN in four datasets. However, for GIN, GCN-Virtual, and GIN-Virtual, DropEdge achieves the best performance in three (out of six) cases, whereas Manifold-Mixup only has one case with the best accuracy improvement. In conclusion, these results suggest that Manifold-Mixup is the first choice for augmenting source code datasets when using GNN models to learn source code features since Manifold-Mixup has the best accuracy improvement in 14 (out of 24) cases compared to other techniques and brings a maximum 1.60% accuracy improvement in our experiments. Table <ref> presents the results of two pre-trained PL models. First of all, we observe that compared to the results of the above two types of models, SenMixup is not sufficient to improve the accuracy of pre-trained models (only a maximum of 0.77% accuracy improvement). By contrast, data augmentation methods that slightly break the syntax of source code, such as RS, are more effective and have a clear improvement (by up to 2.25%) compared to No Aug, and (by up to 3.01%) compared to Refactor. In GraphCodeBERT, where RS achieves the best accuracy improvement in four (out of six) datasets. Then, we check the convergence speed of models using different data augmentation methods. Fig. <ref> and Fig. <ref> depict the training logs of SeqofToken, GCN, and GraphCodeBERT models. From the results, we find that 1) models have similar convergence speed regardless of the used data augmentation methods, e.g., for Java250-SeqofToken, after 20 epochs, models have no significant accuracy improvements (except BT). This finding reflects that the execution (computation budget) cost of model training is similar regardless of the used data augmentation method. 2) Similar to findings that come from analyzing the final accuracy of models, there are two methods that have clearly better performance than others, SenMixup and RS. This indicates that, with limited computation budgets, these two methods are also recommended for practical use. Answer to RQ1: Data augmentation methods that linearly mix the code embedding, especially SenMixup, are effective in enhancing model performance with up to 8.74% accuracy improvement compared to the case without using data augmentation and up to 6.63% accuracy improvement compared to Refactor. Surprisingly, the data augmentation method that randomly swaps two statements and slightly breaks the syntax rules achieves the best results in pre-trained PL models with up to 2.25% accuracy improvement. §.§ RQ2: Can existing data augmentation methods produce robust code models? Adversarial robustness reflects how models handle the data with noise, which is an important characteristic that should be evaluated by the models. Table <ref> presents the attack success rate of two state-of-the-art attack methods on our trained models. First, the results demonstrate that data augmentation can not always enhance the robustness of models. Compared to the No Aug models, only four out of eight models trained by using data augmentation have higher robustness. This phenomenon is consistent with the conclusion drawn by previous work <cit.> that simply increasing the training data is not sufficient for improving the robustness of code models. Also importantly, in some cases, although data augmentation can help train a more robust model, the robustness improvement is insignificant, e.g., the greatest improvement is 5.98% (GraphCodeBERT-Refactor-BigCloneBench-ALERT). Then, we compare each data augmentation method. In CodeBERT, RS performs the best and has a relatively better robustness improvement in five (out of 12) cases, and reduces ASR by up to 5.10% under MHM attack and 3.69% under ALERT attack compared to No Aug. Besides, the second best one, RD reduces ASR by up to 5.67% in MHM and 2.66% in ALERT compared to No Aug. In GraphCodeBERT, RS still is the best choice for robustness improvement in five (out of 12) cases, which deduces ASR by up to 4.10% in MHM and 3.02% in ALERT compared to No Aug. Interestingly, based on pre-trained PL models, compared to Refactor, methods like RS that could sightly break the syntax of programs can produce more accurate and robust code models to solve downstream tasks. This finding can inspire future research that, when proposing new data augmentation methods, it is unnecessary to follow the program constraint to design the method. Finally, moving to tasks, based on the results, we recommend using RS to augment the training data when applying pre-trained PL models to source code learning because it has the best ability of robustness improvement in three (out of four) tasks. Answer to RQ2: Data augmentation has limited benefits in improving the adversarial robustness of code models, i.e., there is no method that can always improve the robustness of models across different datasets and models compared to not using data augmentation. Among these methods, RS is the relatively best one that produces the most robust models in 10 (out of 26) cases with a maximum ASR reduction of 5.67% compared to the case without using data augmentation. However, the syntax-preserved method Refactor only achieves the best in two cases. §.§ RQ3: How does data volume affect the effectiveness of data augmentation methods? Data augmentation methods are used to enrich the size and also the diversity of training data, especially in the scenario – lack of labeled training data. Therefore, it is necessary to explore whether data augmentation methods can be still effective in improving both the accuracy and robustness of DNN models when there is only a small size of training data. In this part, we keep only 10%, 5%, 3%, and 1% of training data (for the authorship attribution task, we keep 10% and 50% of training data since the size of original training data is relatively small, i.e., 528) and repeat the experiments conducted in Section <ref> and Section <ref>. We choose two mainstream pre-trained PL models for our study. Accuracy analysis. Table <ref>, Table  <ref>, and the upper part of Table <ref> present the results of clean accuracy. For problem classification tasks (Java250 and Python800), we can see that only in one case, CodeBERT (1%), data augmentation can improve the accuracy significantly (by up to 12.92% accuracy improvement). A similar phenomenon also happens in the clone detection task, we can see that only in GraphCodeBERT (5%), one data augmentation method (BT) has a huge positive impact on the performance of the model. In contrast, for bug detection and author attribution tasks, there is a method (SenMixup) that can always significantly improve the accuracy of models with a margin from 0.31% to 12.92%. In conclusion, SenMixup is still the recommended method that has the best results in 20 (out of 36) cases. Interestingly, two noising-based methods, SR and RI, that perform well when using the entire training data fail to produce accurate models after reducing the size of the training data. For example, in CodeBERT (1%), SR- and RI-produced models only have 37.06% and 27.03% accuracy, while the baseline method (No Aug) has 49.62%. Convergence speed analysis. Then, we check the convergence speed of models using different data augmentation methods. Fig. <ref> represents the training logs of CodeBERT (10%) and GraphCodeBERT (10%) models. From the results, we can see that 1) when data augmentation methods are used, the convergence speed of models is easily affected by a drop in the data scale. For instance, compared to the results of model training using the entire dataset, after 10 epochs, GCJ-CodeBERT has more significant accuracy improvement with data augmentation methods, i.e., RS, SenMixup, and WordMixup. Surprisingly, for Refactory-CodeBERT, the model training using SenMixup and WordMixup brings almost 70.00% significant accuracy improvement at 5^th epoch compared to other data augmentation methods as well as No Aug. Besides, we can find all data augmentation methods effectively improve the performance of accuracy in BigCloneBench-CodeBERT compared to No Aug after 20 epochs. This finding reflects that the smaller the training data, the more effective the data augmentation. This can be beneficial for us to select more effective data augmentation methods to reduce the time (computation budget) cost of models when the training data is in a very limited situation. 2) Compared to other data augmentation methods, models training using linear interpolation methods including SenMixup and WordMixup require more epochs to reach convergence, e.g., for GCJ-GraphCodeBERT, most data augmentation methods bring limited accuracy improvement after 30 epochs (except SenMixup). This phenomenon is similar to the findings in <cit.>, which reveals that data augmentation methods that strongly increase the complexity of training data require more epochs to converge. Robustness analysis. The lower part of Table <ref>, Table <ref>, and Table <ref> depict the results of the attack success rate of MHM and ALERT attack on two pre-trained PL models. For the authorship attribution task (GCJ), we can find that although SenMixup is the best data augmentation method that improves the accuracy of pre-trained models, it brings limited improvements in terms of robustness (e.g. 0.55% ASR reduction in GraphCodeBERT (50%) under ALERT attack). In contrast, the data augmentation method that slightly alters the syntactic structure, especially RI, can effectively improve the performance of robustness. For instance, RI reduces ASR by up to 38.47% in CodeBERT (50%) under MHM attack as well as 28.63% in CodeBERT (50%) under ALERT attack compared to No Aug. For program classification tasks (Java250 and Python800), we observe that as the size of data decreases from 10% to 1%, the magnitude of robustness improvement brought by data augmentation methods becomes larger, e.g., a maximum reduction in ASR from 2.19% (CodeBERT (10%) ) to 17.21% (CodeBERT (1%)) under MHM attack. For the clone detection task, interestingly, most data augmentation methods that slightly change the code structure (except RS and RD) do not work on the robustness improvement at smaller data scales (CodeBERT (1%) and GraphCodeBERT (1%)). The bug detection task Refactory also has a similar phenomenon. In conclusion, we recommend SenMixup as the best data augmentation method used for improving the robustness of pre-trained PL models since it has the best results in 36 (out of 72) cases. Besides, the noising-based data augmentation method BT, which fails to produce the best robust models when using the entire training dataset, brings the greatest ASR reduction (i.e., 10.17% in GraphCodeBERT (10%) under ALERT attack) in the experiment using GraphCodeBERT with four different data scales. Answer to RQ3: The selection of data augmentation methods becomes especially important when training data is scarce. Specifically, SenMixup is the best choice which outperforms No Aug by up to 11.69% in CodeBERT and 4.44% in GraphCodeBERT in terms of clean accuracy. However, the syntax-preserved method Refactor performs surprisingly worse, e.g., in 19 (out of 24) cases, Refactor harms the clean accuracy of models compared to no using data augmentation. Considering the robustness, RI can produce a model with up to 38.47% higher robustness than models trained without data augmentation. § DISCUSSION §.§ Is It Necessary to Use Data Augmentation in Source Code Learning? First, the most important question is whether it is necessary to use data augmentation when preparing code models. From our empirical study, the answer is yes. In the case of using a suitable data augmentation method, e.g., SenMixup, the trained models have higher accuracy (by up to 12.92%) and robustness (by up to 21.28%) than the models without using data augmentation. However, the results also demonstrate that when using pre-trained PL models, though data augmentation can still improve the performance of the model, the improvement is not significant compared to the case without pre-trained PL embeddings. The reason could be that, essentially, pre-training already plays the role of data augmentation that enhances the whole process of model training, and consequently, other data augmentation techniques become not as useful as they are in the cases without pre-training. An in-depth analysis of this phenomenon will be an interesting future research direction. §.§ Is It Necessary to Keep Syntax Rules in Data Augmentation for Source Code Learning? The previous research has shown that, for natural language, although the semantics of text data is sensitive to their syntactic change, it could remain readable to humans <cit.> and valid as additional training data if the change happens within a limited range that does not break the original relations between the text data and their labels. Indeed, that is why noising-based data augmentation methods, such as RI and RS (see Section <ref>), are still very useful in NLP, as shown by the recent study <cit.>. In the context of source code learning, our experimental results suggest a similar conclusion, namely, even though some data augmentation methods can produce training data that slightly break the syntax of the source code, these data are still useful in improving the quality of training in source code learning. Indeed, as reported by our experiments, the pre-trained PL models using the RS method can achieve higher accuracy (by up to 17.54%) and higher robustness (by up to 14.55%) than the models using the baseline Refactor method. Moreover, this find shows the naturalness of source code and is consistent with the famous software naturalness hypothesis <cit.>. §.§ Threats to Validity The internal threat to validity comes from the implementation of standard training and data augmentation methods. The code of model training for problem classification task (Java250, Python800) is taken from Project CodeNet <cit.>, bug detection task (CodRep1, Refactory) adopted from <cit.>, authorship attribution task (Google Code Jam) selected from the existing work <cit.>, and clone detection task (BigCloneBench) chosen from <cit.>. The implementation of SenMixup, WordMixup, and Manifold-Mixup comes from its original release <cit.>, especially, we adapt those original mixup-based data augmentation to source code learning. The implementation of EDA and BT comes from <cit.>, again we adapt them to code-related tasks. The implementation of Subgraph, DropNode, and DropEdge comes from its original release <cit.>. The code refactoring methods for the Java language come from the existing works <cit.>, and we adapt the implementation to the Python language. The external threats to validity lie in the selected code-related tasks, datasets, DNNs, and data augmentation methods. We consider four different code-learning tasks, including problem classification, bug detection, authorship attribution, and clone detection in our study, a total of six datasets for the above tasks. Especially two popular programming languages in the software community (Java and Python) are included. Remarkably, we apply eleven types of DNN models, including two mainstream pre-trained PL models. For data augmentation methods from code, code refactoring methods cover the most common ones in the literature. Data augmentation methods of NLP and graph learning come from the most classic method, which is comprehensively adopted from the number of citations of papers and the authoritativeness of published journals or conferences. The construct threats to validity mainly come from the parameters, randomness, and evaluation measures. Mixup-based data augmentation methods only contain the parameter λ that controls the weight of mixing two feature vectors. We follow the original recommendation of Mixup. The parameters of data augmentation methods from NLP and graph learning also follow the original release. We repeat each experiment five times to reduce the influence of randomness, and the results are reported as an average and standard deviation. For evaluation measures, we consider both accuracy and robustness, and the latter is used to evaluate the generalization ability of DNNs. § RELATED WORK We review related work about data augmentation for source code learning and empirical study on source code learning. §.§ Data Augmentation for Source Code Learning Data augmentation has achieved enormous success in the machine learning field <cit.>. Inspired by its success, recently researchers devoted considerable effort to leveraging the data augmentation technique in big code tasks to improve the performance of code models in terms of accuracy and robustness. Adversarial training <cit.>, which produces a set of adversarial examples to the training data, has been studied as the data augmentation method in code learning. Zhang et al. <cit.> proposed a code data augmentation method that employs the metropolis-Hastings modifier (MHM) algorithm <cit.> to improve the capability of deep comment generation models. Mi et al. <cit.> generated the additional data from Auxiliary Classifier generative adversarial networks (GANs). Besides, as a program transformation method that is specially designed for code, code refactoring has been used as a mainstream code data augmentation method. Yu et al. <cit.> designed program transformation rules for Java and evaluated the effectiveness of using these program transformations as code data augmentation in three big code-related tasks. Allamanis et al. <cit.> used four simple code rewrite rules as code data augmentation methods for improving the generalization of the code model. Compared with the above works, our study is the first one that assesses the effectiveness of three types of data augmentation methods for code learning, namely, the methods for code data, the methods for text data, and the methods for graph data. §.§ Empirical Studies on Source Code Learning Recently, many works conducted empirical studies to explore the topic of ML4Code. Chirkova et al. <cit.> conducted a thorough empirical study to evaluate the capabilities of using Transformer <cit.> to solve three downstream tasks related to code learning, including code completion, function naming, and bug fixing. Siow et al. <cit.> conducted an empirical study to evaluate existing program representation techniques. Zhang et al. <cit.> empirically analyzed current testing and debugging practices for machine learning programs. They revealed that the interaction with the platform execution environments could easily cause machine learning program failures, moreover, current debugging is insufficient to locate the fault in machine learning code well. This work is useful for programmers to improve the quality of the source code of machine learning. Jebnoun et al. <cit.> performed a comparative study to explore the distribution of code smells between machine learning and traditional applications. Yan et al. <cit.> conducted a comprehensive empirical study on code search using machine techniques. Their empirical evaluation results revealed that machine learning techniques are more effective for queries on reusing code. More recently, Hu et al. <cit.> empirically studied the distribution shift problem of code learning and defined five types of shift for code data. Steenhoek et al <cit.> experimentally reproduced nine DNN models and two widely used vulnerability detection datasets to help understand deep learning-based models in source code learning. Mastropaolo et al. <cit.> presented a comprehensive empirical study to evaluate the robustness of the code completion approach Github Copilot. Niu et al. <cit.> performed a comparative study to analyze recently developed pre-trained PL models to advance the understanding of these pre-trained PL models used in source code learning. Different from the existing empirical studies, our work investigates data augmentation on source code learning that has rarely been studied to date. § CONCLUSION Our empirical study highlights the importance of data augmentation in code learning and provides insights into the effectiveness of various augmentation methods for different downstream tasks and DNN models. Specifically, linear interpolation methods such as SenMixup and Manifold-Mixup are found to be effective in improving both the accuracy and robustness of most DNNs (except for pre-trained PL models), while methods e.g., random deletion (RD) and random swap (RS) that slightly break the syntax of source code were particularly effective for pre-trained PL models. Especially linear interpolation methods can handle the situation when the data scales are in very limited situation. Moreover, based on our findings from the three research questions, we open research directions for further improving the effectiveness of data augmentation in code-related tasks, with the ultimate goal of enhancing program understanding and accelerating software development. ACM-Reference-Format
Behavioral Differences is the Key of Ad-hoc Team Cooperation in Multiplayer Games Hanabi
[ "Hyeonchang Jeon", "Kyung-Joong Kim" ]
[ "cs.AI" ]
Behavioral Differences is the Key of Ad-hoc Team Cooperation in Multiplayer Games Hanabi Hyeonchang Jeon Artificial Intelligence Graduate School Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) Gwangju, Korea kevinjeon119@gm.gist.ac.kr * Kyung-Joong Kim School of integrated technology Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) Gwangju, Korea kjkim@gist.ac.kr ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== Ad-hoc team cooperation is the problem of cooperating with other players that have not been seen in the learning process. Recently, this problem has been considered in the context of Hanabi, which requires cooperation without explicit communication with the other players. While in self-play strategies cooperating on reinforcement learning (RL) process have shown success, there is the problem of failing to cooperate with other unseen agents after the initial learning is completed. In this paper, we categorize the results of ad-hoc team cooperation into Failure, Success, and Synergy and analyze the associated failures. First, we confirm that agents learning via RL converge to one strategy each, but not necessarily the same strategy, and that these agents can deploy different strategies even though they utilize the same hyperparameters. Second, we confirm that the larger the behavioral difference, the more pronounced the failure of ad-hoc team cooperation, as demonstrated using hierarchical clustering and Pearson correlation. We confirm that such agents are grouped into distinctly different groups through hierarchical clustering, such that the correlation between behavioral differences and ad-hoc team performance is -0.978. Our results improve understanding of key factors to form successful ad-hoc team cooperation in multi-player games. Hanabi, Ad-hoc cooperation, Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning § INTRODUCTION Many researches in Reinforcement Learning (RL) have successfully solved various problems in games such as Go<cit.> and Starcraft II<cit.>. The board game Hanabi, seen in Figure 1, provides new challenges in the multi-agent domain, given its distinctive features from other multi-agent environments. Although Hanabi is a cooperative game, it inhibits communication between players, forcing the game to interpret the implicit meaning of other players' actions. To understand this implicit meaning of other players, modeling of other players is used. The Theory of Mind (ToM)<cit.> is used to model the others' behaviors, beliefs, and intentions. By using the ToM, Bayesian Action Decoder (BAD) <cit.> successfully played Hanabi with two players in a self-play setting. However, there are limitations when determining a player's beliefs, particularly when an agent trained in self-play settings cooperates with unseen agents, called ad-hoc team cooperation. Since an agent trained via self-play scenarios has no prior knowledge regarding the unseen agents, this trained agent fails to play effectively with the unseen agents. There has been discussion on ad-hoc team play of agents trained by RL, especially in self-play settings, <cit.><cit.> but there is still limited understanding regarding the reasons for success and failure of cooperation in ad-hoc team play. For example, <cit.> reported that Actor Critic Hanabi Agent (ACHA), based on the Importance Weighted Actor Learner architecture (IMPALA)<cit.>, failed to cooperate with unseen agents despite ACHA successfully maneuvering in self-play settings. On the other hand, Rainbow<cit.>, which is a value-based RL agent, played well under ad-hoc cooperation with other Rainbow agents (trained with different random seeds). Although the Rainbow agent was successful with other Rainbow agents, it was found not successful in ad-hoc team play with unseen rule-based agents<cit.>. In this paper, we propose a method of analyzing the ad-hoc cooperation of agents trained by RL. This helps in understanding the reasons behind successful ad-hoc cooperation of agents. We found that the Rainbow agents often resulted in very similar players even with different random seeds. This makes ad-hoc team plays between Rainbow agents quite successful when working together, but is not very effective with unseen rule-based agents. In more detail, we categorize the ad-hoc cooperation results into three groups, Failure, Success, and Synergy. These are defined by comparing the self-play and ad-hoc performances. For failures, we applied hierarchical clustering and Pearson correlation analysis revealing that behavioral differences are key to successful ad-hoc cooperation. § BACKGROUNDS This section introduces ad-hoc cooperation and Hanabi cooperation. Table <ref> summarizes related works. §.§ The Cooperative Card Game Hanabi In this section, we introduce the overall gameplay mechanics of Hanabi and its associated research values. Hanabi is a cooperative, partially observable, multiplayer game with 2 to 5 players. The game consists of a total of 25 five colors(R, Y, G, B, W) and five ranks(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), with numbers distributed differently depending on the rank. There are two 2s, 3s, and 4s, one 5 and three 1s, for a total of 50 cards in deck. There are eight information tokens and three life tokens that are managed by the players. Players obtain higher scores by stacking the same color cards in order of rank. During the game, the players can take different actions as follows: Play, Hint Color, Hint Rank, and Discard. The action Play lets the player select a card from their hand, followed by determining whether the card is a score or a fail. For a failure, the player loses one life token. If not, the card is stacked, increasing the score. The action Discard allows a player to discard a selected card from their hand, then recover an information token which is used to provide hints to the others, and then the player draws a new card from the deck. The action Hint Color allows a player to use one hint token, allowing them to give another player a hint regarding a particular color. The player who receives the hint is given two positive information statements about which cards are which colors, as well as which colors do not correspond to a given card. Likewise, the action Hint Rank also the player to use one hint token to provide another player similar information as for Hint Color, but instead regarding information on the rank rather than color. Lastly, the game ends in three ways. First, when the players obtain a total score of 25. Second, when there are no remaining cards in the deck, the players take their last turn to play cards and increase the score of the stacked cards. Third, when the players fail to play a total of three times, the game ends and a score of 0 obtained. Therefore, the score ranges from 0 to 25. Hanabi has the following characteristics relevant to research. First, Hanabi is a cooperative game, but unlike other cooperative games, communication between players is prohibited. Therefore, players must interact with other players implicitly through actions. Here, the players not only need to communicate their intentions correctly through their actions, but must also understand the intentions of the other players. Secondly, this game is partially observable. However, unlike other partially observable games that do not allow game information of other players, players in Hanabi instead do not know their own information. Since this information directly connects to players' actions, cooperation in Hanabi depends on the other players in an intricate way. §.§ Hanabi Cooperation There are several studies on Hanabi. In the case of rule-based agents, Hanabi competition<cit.> introduces several rule-based agents participated in Hanabi competition. For such competition, the agents were implemented methods such as rule-based, Monte Carlo Tree Search(MCTS), and evolutionary methods such as genetic algorithms. HLE (Hanabi Learning Environment) <cit.> used SmartBot<cit.>, HatBot<cit.>, and WTFWThat<cit.> to compare the rule-based agents with different RL algorithms. Here, HLE implemented ACHA and Rainbow to compare their performance in self-play settings. BAD used the public belief Markov Decision Process(PuB-MDP) to construct a public belief and thus construct the agent models. Simplified Action Decoder(SAD)<cit.> achieved an average score of 24.08 out of 25, which promoted more exploratory actions. Search for Partially Observing Teams of Agents(SPARTA)<cit.> used a multi-agent policy search and achieved a state-of-the-art average score of 24.61. Another problem in Hanabi is ad-hoc team cooperation which is found in the HLE. In HLE, the ACHA agents who were trained under self-play setting, failed to cooperate with other ACHA agents who were trained with different machines. In the case of Rainbow agents, they were able to obtain decent scores in HLE. However, in <cit.>, the failure of ad-hoc cooperation between Rainbow and rule-based agents was similar to our initial findings, where we found that Rainbow agents failed to cooperate with agents that implement different strategies. <cit.>uses MAP-Elites to generate diverse agents for ad-hoc team settings. §.§ Ad-hoc Team Cooperation Ad-hoc team cooperation refers to an agent team of autonomous agents performing a task without any predefined cooperation <cit.>. Traditionally, Ad-hoc team cooperation was used in simple domains such as pursuit<cit.> and utility matrices<cit.>. These domains are fully observable and have low-dimensions and action spaces. Further, traditional approaches predefined the behavioral type of the agents so that they could not cooperate with unseen behavioral types among different agents. Recently, there have been many studies on more complex domains such as Half Field Offense(HFO)<cit.> based on the RoboCup 2D domain<cit.>, but these studies focused on past teammates with predefined types. There are also studies regarding ad-hoc teamwork with interesting methods such as the attention method in <cit.>, change point detection(CPD) in <cit.>. However, the main difference between existing ad-hoc cooperation domains and Hanabi is the ambiguity of agent roles. Since roles are not explicitly defined in the game, it may seem that everyone plays the same role, but this is not the case. This is because the most important feature of Hanabi is coordinating agents, which depends strongly on the other agents. Thus, in order for the game to end successfully, roles must be divided evenly. In particular, if an agent takes certain actions excessively, the other agents are forced to play accordingly. For example, if one agent utilizes too many Play actions, the other agent must focus on providing hints to prevent the game from ending, or alternatively use the Discard action to discard a card to properly manage hint tokens. These roles are not predetermined by the agents, but rather by the agents while playing. As such, these roles are not fixed, and agents may have to change roles periodically depending on the situation. Furthermore, there are many cases in Hanabi that are further limited by additional rules. This key difference makes Hanabi distinct from other ad-hoc cooperation domains. § AD-HOC TEAM PLAY ANALYSIS §.§ Categorization of Ad-hoc Team Play Before analyzing ad-hoc team cooperation, we define the results of ad-hoc team cooperation according to three outcomes: Failure, Success, and Synergy. We define the function AdHoc as the ad-hoc cooperation performance of agent a_1 and a_2 for a_1, a_2 ∈ A. The function SelfPlay represents the self-play performance of agent a ∈ A. For example, let agent a_1 has a self-play score of 20.1 and agent a_2 a self-play score of 20.8. If a_1 and a_2 obtain an ad-hoc play score of 17.3, this ad-hoc performance is classified as a Failure because the agents obtained a worse score than their individual self-play scores. If a_1 and a_2 instead obtain an ad-hoc play score of 20.5, the result is considered a Success since one of the agents obtained a better score, even if the other did not. Lastly, if an ad-hoc play score of 23.2 is obtained, the result is classified as Synergy since both agents outperform the individual self-play scores. The Failure condition is following: AdHoc(a_1, a_2) < min(SelfPlay(a_1),SelfPlay(a_2)) The Success of ad-hoc play lies between the minimum and maximum values of the self-play scores of each two agents, defined by concepts such as teacher and learner. To simplify, we define MinSelfPlay and MaxSelfPlay from <ref> as follows. MinSelfPlay = min(SelfPlay(a_1),SelfPlay(a_2)) MaxSelfPlay = max(SelfPlay(a_1),SelfPlay(a_2)) MinSelfPlay ≤ AdHoc(a_1, a_2) ≤ MaxSelfPlay Lastly, the Synergy condition occurs when two agents perform better than the maximum self-play performances. MaxSelfPlay < AdHoc(a_1, a_2) §.§ Analysis by Behavioral Difference To analyze the ad-hoc performance, we use three analyzing methods, hierarchical clustering, Pearson correlation, in conjunction with behavioral differences. Hierarchical clustering groups individuals based on similarities. This is especially useful when it is unknown how many groups will be determined. We cluster these agents to show the differences between Rainbow agents only and a mixture of Rainbow agents and rule-based agents. To analyze the ad-hoc team cooperation failure of Rainbow agents, we analyzed the differences in optimal behaviors as judged by each agent for the observations that came out through sampling. First, we replace the actions with one-hot vectors and then calculate the behavioral differences. We define the Behavioral Difference(BD) as follows: BD = ∑_n∈ N abs(x^n-y^n) for ∀ x^i,y^i ∈ X,Y For example, let agent X and agent Y have the different actions for three states and the same actions for two states. We obtain a BD of 6 since there are 2 measures for each different state. Finally, we use Pearson correlation coefficients to explain the behavioral differences and ad-hoc cooperation performance based on the behavioral differences as judged by Rainbow agents on the same state, which a significant impact on ad-hoc team cooperation. § EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND ANALYSIS §.§ Hanabi Agents This section introduces the agents used in the experiments. There are two types of agents: reinforcement learning agents and rule-based agents. Rainbow agents are trained in Rainbow networks and are reinforcement learning agents. All other agents except are rule-based agents. Internal, Outer agents were introduced in <cit.>. Both agents remember the all information about the cards. The difference between Internal and Outer is former considers the player's own cards, otherwise the latter considers the other players' cards. Van den Bergh agent was introduced in <cit.>. The Van den Bergh considers the usefulness of whether a card can be one of the stacks or not. IGGI, Piers agent were introduced in <cit.>. The characteristic of IGGI is considering how to discard intelligently. The Piers agent considers the additional condition rule to play more complex. Lastly, Flawed agent was also introduced in <cit.>. The Flawed agent has no strategic hint rules and risky action so that other player needs to give hint wisely. All the rule-based agents are set of specified rules. We describe the specified rules of rule-based agents in Table <ref>. Additionally, we used an rule-based agents code implementation from github[https://github.com/rocanaan/hanabi-ad-hoc-learning]. * PlaySafeCard: Play a playable card. * OsawaDiscard: Discard a discard-able card. * TellPlayableCard: Tell another player about a playable card. * TellDispensable: Tell another player a card should not be discarded. * PlayProbablySafeCard(0.25): Play a card that is playable with probability 0.25. * DiscardOldestFirst: Discard the oldest card in your hand. * TellPlayableCardOuter: Tell an other player an unknown hint about a playable card. * TellUnknown: Tell an other player any unknown hint about a card. * PlayIfCertain: Play a known card. * HailMary: If the deck and life tokens still remain, play a card that is playable with probability 0.0. * PlayProbablySafeCard(0.6): Play a card that is playable with probability 0.6. * TellAnyoneAboutUsefulCard: Tell another player about a useful unknown card. * DiscardProbablyUselessCard(0.99): Discard a card that is discard able with probability 0.99. * TellAnyoneAboutUselessCard: Tell another player about a useless unknown card. * TellMostInformation: Provide a hint that contains the most information. * DiscardProbablyUselessCard(0.0): Discard the most useless card with a threshold of 0.0. * TellRandomly: If an information token is available, tell a hint randomly. * DiscardRandomly: Discard a card randomly. The Rainbow agent was created using six extensions of Deep Q-Networks<cit.>. Double DQN(DDQN)<cit.> solves the Q-Networks' overestimation bias problem by separating the target and evaluation. Prioritized DDQN<cit.> improved the sample efficiency by using state frequency to sample more important states. Dueling DDQN<cit.> considered both state values and action advantages using two computations. Distributional DQN<cit.> aimed to learn the distributions of returns, which are traditionally used to learn the expectation of returns. Lastly, Noisy DQN<cit.> solves the limitations of high-dimensional action spaces by a adding noisy layer. Additionally, Rainbow network considers the multi-step target to bootstrap. Rainbow agents were seen to outperform all other agents. §.§ Rainbow Agent Ad-hoc Cooperation The Rainbow agents learned the two-player game for a total of 10,000 iterations with 10,000 steps for each iteration. The Rainbow network consisted of two fully-connected layers with 512 hidden units with 51 atoms to predict the value distributions. We trained via prioritized sampled data with a batch size of 32 and a discount factor of 0.99. We trained a total of 11 agents on each machine and proceeded learning two-player game mode. We considered the 9,950th and after of the total 10,000 iterations and selected them as experimental models. We implemented ad-hoc cooperation among 11 Rainbow agents. The results are reported in Figure 2. In Figure 2, most of the Rainbow agents play with unseen partners reasonably well, with the agents reported scores almost above 10. However, in the case of agent 7, despite its meaningful self-play score of 19.58, the agent failed to cooperate with the other agents. To analyze the Rainbow agents, we estimated the difference in max q-values among the Rainbow agents. The results show that agent 7 ultimately had a different decision process from the other agents, starting at about 50,000 states. §.§ Rule-based and Rainbow Agent Ad-hoc Cooperation The implemented rule-based agents are six, IGGI, Flawed, Piers, VDB, Internal, and Outer. We experimented with the these rule-based agents in combinations with Rainbow agents for 1,000 games as seen in Figure 3. In Figure 3, there are no Rainbow agents that achieved an ad-hoc performance better than 8. The highest score was 7.29 played by VDB and Rainbow 4. The results show only Failure performances between the rule-based agents and the Rainbow agents. The right figure in Figure 3 shows the behavioral differences between the Rainbow and rule-based agents for 700 games and 52,000 states. Using (<ref>), we observed behavioral differences among the rule-based agents and Rainbow agents. The results show that differences occur above 45,000 states. The results of ad-hoc performance are given in Table <ref>. All rule-based agents successfully cooperated with other rule-based agents, however, and Rainbow agents cannot cooperate with any other agents. To demonstrate the results for rule-based agents, we describe their self-play and ad-hoc performance in Table <ref>. In Table <ref>, the 'A1' and 'A2' columns represent the first and second agents, respectively, and the 'Ad-hoc' column is the ad-hoc cooperation score. Finally, the 'Self-play, A1' and 'Self-play, A2' columns are the self-play scores of the agents. The results of Table <ref> show that rule-based agents exhibit successful performance, even with some ad-hoc performances close to or better than the self-play scores. § ESTIMATING DISSIMILARITY We measured the dissimilarity via hierarchical clustering to estimate the cluster distance of the Rainbow agents and the rule-based agents, as seen in Figure 4. The results show that Rainbow agent 7 results in a distinctly different cluster from the other Rainbow agents. Comparisons between the Rainbow and rule-based agents show that rule-based agents have some similarity with one another, which is due to the sub-rules the rule-based agents share. Despite the failure of Rainbow agents to cooperate with each other, the distance from the rule-based agents was too far, resulting in the Rainbow agents were grouped similarly. We compare the dissimilarity between the triggered rules and Rainbow agents. This experiment aims to verify how similar the Rainbow agents are to the specified rules and ensure that there are no rules that interfere when cooperating with Rainbow agents. Except for the rules that make random action, we compared Rainbow agents 5 and 7 using 16 rules. We collected a thousand states for each rule when the specified rules were triggered. The experimental results show the triggered rules are quite different from the triggered rules' distributions. For a thousand states, there are no Rainbow agents who achieved above half similarity with any rules, as seen in Figure 6. Lastly, we analyzed the Pearson correlations between behavioral difference and ad-hoc performance, as seen in Figure 5. In Figure 5, the correlation between Rainbow agents' behavioral differences and ad-hoc performance is -0.978, and its scatter plot is on the left-hand side of the figure, which indicates a strong relationship between behavioral difference and ad-hoc score. However, the correlation between Rainbow agents and rule-based agents is -0.554, which is much weaker than that of only Rainbow agents. We analyzed this reason for this and concluded it was caused by the ad-hoc scores of Rainbow and rule-based agents themselves being lower than those of the Rainbow agents, and thus the width of the score is relatively lower, as seen in the right-hand side of Figure 5. § CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKS In Hanabi, the ad-hoc cooperation problem occurs when agents learning via reinforcement learning cooperate with agents that were not seen in self-play settings. This problem is caused by behavioral differences. To demonstrate this, we first defined three outcomes for ad-hoc cooperation: Failure, Success, and Synergy. Subsequently, we analyzed the experimental results using hierarchical clustering, confirming that the agents were grouped into different groups due to behavioral differences. We also considered the Pearson correlation coefficients of agent behavioral differences and ad-hoc cooperation, demonstrating that the larger the behavioral difference, the lower the ad-hoc play performance. Additionally, we examined detailed rules for the rule-based agents and the behavioral differences of Rainbow agents to ensure that these specific rules did not negatively interfere with cooperation, thus confirming that the Rainbow agents differ in a fundamental way by utilizing different rules. In future work, to overcome Rainbow agents' fixed actions regardless of the other agents considered, Diversity is All You Need(DIAYN)<cit.> may offer solutions to implementing diverse strategies. Since DIAYN can act in diverse ways in the context of skills, DIAYN may have a better attempt at handling diverse unseen agents. However, applying only DIAYN is not a solution, since the agent should be aware of the other agents' strategies and react accordingly. Therefore, DIAYN in conjunction with 'team aware' methods such as Bayesian Change Point Detection (BCPD)<cit.> may be key to solving the ad-hoc cooperation problem in Hanabi. This result is not only limited in the card game Hanabi, but also provides clues to consider when playing with diverse agents, rather than just optimizing the performance of self-play in order to work with diverse agents in the multi-agent settings. IEEEtran
Constraint of the Nuclear Dissipation Coefficient in Fission of Hypernuclei
[ "J. L. Rodríguez-Sánchez", "J. Cugnon", "J. -C. David", "J. Hirtz", "A. Kelić-Heil", "I. Vidaña" ]
[ "nucl-th" ]
APS/123-QED [Corresponding author: ]j.l.rodriguez.sanchez@udc.es CITENI, Campus Industrial de Ferrol, Universidade da Coruña, E-15403 Ferrol, Spain IGFAE, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, E-15782 Santiago de Compostela, Spain AGO department, University of Liège, allée du 6 août 19, bât. B5, B-4000 Liège, Belgium IRFU, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France IRFU, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France Physics Institute, University of Bern, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern, Switzerland GSI-Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, D-64291 Darmstadt, Germany INFN, Sezione di Catania, Dipartimento di Fisica “Ettore Majorana", Università di Catania, I-95123 Catania, Italy Experimental studies of nuclear fission induced by fusion, transfer, spallation, fragmentation, and electromagnetic reactions in combination with state-of-the-art calculations are successful to investigate the nuclear dissipation mechanism in normal nuclear matter, containing only nucleons. The dissipation mechanism has been widely studied by the use of many different fission observables and nowadays the dissipation coefficients involved in transport theories are well constrained. However, the existence of hypernuclei and the possible presence of hyperons in neutron stars make it necessary to extend the investigation of the nuclear dissipation coefficient to the strangeness sector. In this Letter, we use fission reactions of hypernuclei to constrain for the first time the dissipation coefficient in hypernuclear matter, observing that this coefficient increases a factor of 6 in presence of a single Λ-hyperon with respect to normal nuclear matter. Constraint of the Nuclear Dissipation Coefficient in Fission of Hypernuclei I. Vidaña March 30, 2023 ============================================================================ Introduction.– Dissipation mechanisms play an important role in nuclear physics and astrophysics to describe the dynamics of nuclei and neutron stars (NSs), respectively. In nuclear physics one of the most intensively investigated nuclear dynamics mechanism involving dissipation is the fission process, in which a heavy nuclear system is deformed until it splits into two lighter fragments with similar masses <cit.>. The general picture of this decay process naturally leads to the fission description in terms of a nuclear potential-energy surface as a function of the nuclear shape <cit.>, but its complete modeling also requires the knowledge of dynamic properties of the fissioning system, namely, the static nuclear configurations out of equilibrium, the coupling between collective and intrinsic degrees of freedom, and the dynamics of large amplitude collective motion. The dynamical evolution through the nuclear potential-energy landscape is dominated by the exchange of energy between the collective and intrinsic degrees of freedom, in which the transfer of energy is described as a dissipative process. According to a semiclassical picture, the most complete transport treatment is provided by approaches of motion based on the Langevin <cit.> or Fokker-Planck equation (FPE) <cit.>, where the viscosity coefficient appears as a free parameter. The collective coordinates usually exhibit a Brownian-like motion that can be simulated numerically as a random walk <cit.>. The simplicity of this approach together with its remarkable agreement with known data make it suitable for global studies of fission probabilities and other fission observables <cit.>. The presence of hyperons (baryons with strange content) in finite and infinite nuclear systems, such as hypernuclei and neutron stars, make it necessary to extend the investigation of the nuclear dissipation coefficient to the strangeness sector. Hypernuclei, bound systems composed of nucleons and hyperons, can be produced by several reactions (see e.g. Ref. <cit.>) where hyperons can be captured by nuclei since their lifetimes (∼ hundreds of ps) are longer than the characteristic reaction times (∼10^-23 s) <cit.>. The study of hypernuclei and their properties provides the opportunity to study baryon-baryon interactions <cit.> from an enlarge perspective and to extend, in this way, our present knowledge of conventional nuclear physics to the SU(3)-flavor sector <cit.>. In astrophysics the dissipation mechanisms also play a crucial role in the understanding of the oscillation modes of NSs, which have attracted interest for a considerable time. Significant effort has been aimed at understanding whether gravitational-wave emission sets the upper rotational frequency limit for pulsars, e.g., via the r-mode instability discovered by Andersson, Friedman, and Morsink <cit.> in 1998. This possibility is of particular interest since r-modes can lead to the emission of detectable gravitational waves in hot and rapidly rotating NSs. R-modes are predominantly toroidal oscillations (i.e., oscillations with a divergenceless velocity field and a suppressed radial component of the velocity) of rotating stars restored by the Coriolis force <cit.>, acting similar to Rossby waves in Earth’s atmosphere and oceans. It is of great importance to understand whether internal fluid dissipation allows the instability to develop in such systems or whether it suppresses the r-modes completely. There are many mechanisms in real NSs that compete with the gravitational wave driving of the r-mode. The instability can only develop when the gravitational radiation growth timescale is shorter than the damping timescales due to the various viscosity mechanisms, such as exotic bulk viscosity due to the presence of hyperons or quark matter <cit.>, and enhanced mutual-friction dissipation <cit.>. This defines a region in the spin-temperature parameter space where the r-mode instability is active. If the instability occurs, the star rapidly radiates its angular momentum via gravitational waves until the rotation frequency reaches the critical value, at which the r-modes become stable. This rapid process is accompanied by the NS reheating <cit.>. Therefore, the dissipation process suppresses this instability and makes cold and hot NSs effectively stabilized by shear and bulk viscosities <cit.>, respectively. Unfortunately, direct measurements of the shear and bulk viscosities in NSs do not exist yet. In this Letter, we propose to investigate the dissipation coefficient in hypernuclear matter following the methodology proposed in pioneering works on nuclear fission, in which fission cross sections <cit.>, charge distribution of fission fragments <cit.>, multiplicity of γ-rays, neutrons, and light-charged particles <cit.> were used to obtain the nuclear dissipation coefficient in normal nuclear matter. For the present work we take advantage of the data collected during the hypernuclei experiments <cit.> performed at the COSY-Jülich facility (Germany) by comparing the fission cross sections induced in heavy hypernuclei to dynamical calculations based on the FPE approach, which also allows us for the first time to study the dependence of the dissipation parameter on the number of hyperons that constitute the nuclear system. Theoretical framework.– The collision between the proton and target nuclei, the so-called spallation reaction, is described with the latest C++ version of the dynamical Liège intranuclear-cascade model (INCL) <cit.> coupled to the ablation model ABLA <cit.>, which are based on Monte Carlo techniques obeying all conservation laws throughout each reaction event. INCL describes the spallation reaction as a sequence of binary collisions between the nucleons (hadrons) present in the system. Nucleons move along straight trajectories until they undergo a collision with another nucleon or until they reach the surface, where they could possibly escape. The latest version of the INCL also includes isospin- and energy-dependent nucleus potentials calculated according to optical models <cit.>, isospin-dependent pion potentials <cit.>. INCL has been recently extended toward high energies (∼20 GeV) including new interaction processes, such as multipion production <cit.>, production of η and ω mesons <cit.>, and strange particles <cit.>, such as kaons and hyperons. Therefore this new version of INCL allows us to predict the formation of hot hyperremnants and their characterization in atomic (Z) and mass (A) numbers, strangeness number, excitation energy, and angular momentum. We remark that the good agreement of INCL calculations with experimental kaon production cross sections obtained from proton-induced reactions on light, medium-mass, and heavy nuclei at energies of few GeV <cit.>, as well as the reasonable description of hypernuclei production cross sections through strangeness-exchange reactions (π^+,K^+) <cit.>, allow us to guarantee a correct prediction of the excitation energy gained by the hyperremnants after the proton-nucleus collision. The hyperremnants enter then the deexcitation stage that is modeled by the code ABLA. This model describes the deexcitation of a nuclear system through the emission of γ-rays, neutrons, Λ-hyperons, light-charged particles, and intermediate-mass fragments (IMFs) or fission decays in case of hot and heavy compound nuclei. The particle emission probabilities are calculated according to the Weiβkopf-Ewing formalism <cit.>, being the separation energies and the emission barriers for charged particles calculated according to the atomic mass evaluation from 2016 <cit.> and the prescription given by Qu and collaborators <cit.>, respectively. The fission decay width is described by the Bohr-Wheeler transition-state model <cit.>, following the formulation given by Moretto and collaborators <cit.>: Γ_f^BW= 1/2 πρ_gs(E,J)∫_0^E-B_fρ_sp(E-B_f-ϵ,J) dϵ, where ρ_gs and ρ_sp are the level densities at the ground state and the fission saddle point, respectively, E is the excitation energy, J represents the angular momentum, and B_f is the fission-barrier height obtained from the finite-range liquid-drop model of Sierk <cit.> taking into account the influence of angular momentum and considering the ground-state shell effects <cit.>. In the case of hypercompound systems, the hyperenergy contribution Δ B_f^hyp released during the fission process due to the attractive YN force is added to B_f in Eq. <ref>. This hyperenergy Δ B_f^hyp is parametrized according to the description given by Ion and collaborators <cit.> as follows: Δ B_f^hyp = 0.51( m_Λ - m_n + S_n - S_Λ)/A^2/3, where m_Λ (S_Λ) and m_n (S_n) are the Λ and neutron masses (separation energies), respectively, and A is the mass number of the hypercompound nucleus. This equation leads to small increases in the fission barrier height up to Δ B_f ∼ 1 MeV that are, for instance, compatible with the results obtained from more sophisticated calculations based on Skyrme-Hartree-Fock approaches <cit.>. The slowing effects of nuclear dissipation are included by using the Kramers-modified Bohr-Wheeler model <cit.> as follows: Γ_f^K = [ √(1+ (β/2 ω_0)^2) -β/2 ω_0] Γ_f^BW, where β is the nuclear dissipation coefficient and ω_0 is the frequency of the harmonic oscillator describing the inverted potential at the fission barrier, calculated according to the liquid-drop model <cit.>. This equation provides the asymptotic value of the fission decay width, which is modified according to an analytical approximation to the solution of the one-dimensional Fokker-Planck equation <cit.>, developed by Jurado and collaborators in Refs. <cit.>, to take into account the time dependence of the fission-decay width. The Eq. <ref> was modified later to consider the initial quadrupole deformation of a compound nucleus, which provides a more realistic description of fission yields in the actinide region <cit.>. Under this approximation, the time-dependent fission-decay width is given as: Γ_f(t)= W_n (x = x_sd ; t, β)/W_n (x = x_sd ; t→∞, β)Γ_f^K, where W(x; t, β) is the normalized probability distribution at the saddle-point deformation x_sd, being the saddle-point deformations calculated according to Ref. <cit.>. Application to proton-induced fission reactions on hypernuclei.– In the 1990's an experimental campaign was carried out at the COSY-Jülich facility to measure the lifetime of Λ-hyperons in the nuclear medium using fission reactions of heavy hypernuclei as a tool to reconstruct the Λ-hyperon decay vertex. The measurements were performed by using the recoil shadow method <cit.>, which also allowed for the first time to determine the hypernuclear fission cross sections for two nuclear systems: ^238U and ^209Bi. In Figs. <ref> and <ref> we display the experimental cross sections obtained for hypernuclear fission reactions induced in ^238U and ^209Bi nuclei, respectively, as a function of the proton kinetic energy. These data are compared to INCL+ABLA calculations in which we have assumed different values for the dissipation parameter β: 4.5 (solid line), 20 (short-dashed line), and 40 (long-dashed line)× 10^21 s^-1. We can see that the hypernuclear fission cross sections decrease when increasing the value of the viscosity parameter, which is expected since the nuclear system evolves more slowly, needing more time to reach the saddle point configuration. This fact favors the cooling of the nuclear system by particle emission reducing the fission probabilities. In these calculations we also take into account the uncertainties in the nuclear level densities and fission barrier heights, which are displayed in the figures with dashed areas. These uncertainties do not exceed 18% of the total hypernuclear fission cross section, being the 16% of this uncertainty attributed to the fission barrier height. The comparison allows us to constrain the value of the viscosity coefficient for both nuclear systems, resulting in the values given in Table <ref>, where the uncertainties were calculated by propagating the uncertainty of each experimental fission cross section. The values are also compared to that obtained from spallation and fragmentation reactions of normal nuclei inducing fission. The results of Table <ref> are also displayed in Fig. <ref> to illustrate the evolution with the presence of Λ-hyperons in the nuclear system. Here we believe the nuclear dissipation coefficient is well constrained for normal nuclear matter taking into account the large number of nuclear fission experiments performed in the last decades, so the value of (4.5 ± 2.0) × 10^21 s^-1 is quite robust <cit.>. Applying the same calculations to hypernuclear matter we find that the value of the dissipation coefficient increases roughly a factor of 6 due to the presence of a Λ-hyperon and the linear extrapolation of our findings to a larger number of Λ-hyperons leads to higher dissipation coefficients, for instance, β = 75 × 10^21 s^-1 for hypernuclei containing three Λ-hyperons. We therefore conclude that the dissipation coefficient increases with the presence of hyperons, but we would like to remark here that for the nuclei used in this work there is only a single experimental data point and, thus, more measurements have to be performed to complete the evolution of the hypernuclei fission cross sections with the proton kinetic energy. Summary and conclusions.– The hypernuclei fission cross sections measured at the COSY-Jülich facility with high energetic protons impinging onto target nuclei of ^209Bi and ^238U are used for the first time to investigate the nuclear dissipation coefficient in the presence of hypernuclear matter. The experimental data were compared to a state-of-the art dynamical model that describes the proton-nucleus collision and the subsequent deexcitations through particle and cluster emission as well as nuclear fission. The comparison allowed us to constrain the dissipation parameter in fission of hypernuclear matter, resulting in an average value of (28 ± 12) × 10^21 s^-1 <cit.>. This finding is 6 times larger than that obtained for normal nuclear matter <cit.>, which implies that in presence of hyperons the conversion of intrinsic energy into collective motion goes much slower. We also conclude with this work that more experimental data are required to confirm the present results. This lack may be overcome with the construction of new facilities, such as the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) <cit.> at Darmstadt (Germany) and the High Intensity Heavy-ion Accelerator Facility (HIAF) <cit.> at Huizhou (China), together with the design of state-of-the art detectors for hypernuclear matter research and the increase of luminosity for the production of relativistic radioactive beams. The forthcoming experiments could provide unique opportunities to study hypernuclear matter in a large range of atomic numbers, from light to heavy nuclei, and to investigate hypernuclei in extreme proton-neutron asymmetry conditions far away from the stability valley. Measurement of other fission observables, such as the charge and mass distributions of the fission fragments as well as the multiplicity of emitted particles, in combination with relativistic proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus <cit.> collisions in inverse kinematics might shed light on the dependence of the dissipation parameter with the nuclear density and nuclear deformations, as already investigated with normal nuclei <cit.>. Moreover, the measurement of double-Λ hypernuclei fission reactions could be used to constrain the dissipation coefficient at a larger number of Λ-hyperons and to better understand the tendency shown in the Fig. <ref>. Therefore these kinds of experimental measurements could be helpful to extrapolate the values of the dissipation coefficient to hyperon matter in neutron stars. Acknowledgments.– We thank Dr. Alain Boudard, Dr. Davide Mancusi, and Dr. Sylvie Leray for enlightening discussions and Dr. Georg Schnabel for his technical support. This work was partially supported by the P2IO LabEx (ANR-10-LABX-0038) in the framework "Investissements d'Avenir" (ANR-11-IDEX-0003-01), managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) (France), and by the EU ENSAR2 FP7 project (Grant Agreement No. 654002). I.V. thanks the support of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 824093. J.L.R.-S. is thankful for the support by the Department of Education, Culture and University Organization of the Regional Government of Galicia under the Postdoctoral Fellowship Grant No. ED481D-2021-018 and by the "Ramón y Cajal" programme under the Grant No. RYC2021-031989-I, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR”. * 20 Meitner1939 L. Meitner and O. R. Frisch, Nature (London) 143, 239 (1939). Hahn1939 O. Hahn and F. Strassmann, Naturwissenschaften 27, 11 (1939). Moller2001 P. Möller, D. Madland, A. Sierk, and A. Iwamoto, Nature 409, 785 (2001). 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Provable Convergence of Tensor Decomposition-Based Neural Network Training
[ "Chenyang Li", "Bo Shen" ]
[ "cs.LG", "stat.ML" ]
Provable Convergence of Tensor Decomposition-Based Neural Network Training Chenyang Li, Bo Shen* Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology Corresponding Author: mailto:bo.shen@njit.edubo.shen@njit.edu ================================================================================================================================================================================== firstpage Abstract Advanced tensor decomposition, such as tensor train (TT), has been widely studied for tensor decomposition-based neural network (NN) training, which is one of the most common model compression methods. However, training NN with tensor decomposition always suffers significant accuracy loss and convergence issues. In this paper, a holistic framework is proposed for tensor decomposition-based NN training by formulating TT decomposition-based NN training as a nonconvex optimization problem. This problem can be solved by the proposed tensor block coordinate descent (tenBCD) method, which is a gradient-free algorithm. The global convergence of tenBCD to a critical point at a rate of 𝒪(1/k) is established with the Kurdyka Łojasiewicz (KŁ) property, where k is the number of iterations. The theoretical results can be extended to the popular residual neural networks (ResNets). The effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed framework are verified through an image classification dataset, where our proposed method can converge efficiently in training and prevent overfitting. § KEYWORDS Model Compression, Tensor Train Decomposition, Global Convergence, Gradient-free Training. § INTRODUCTION Neural network (NN) has revolutionized many facets of our modern society, such as image classification <cit.>, object detection <cit.>, speech recognition <cit.>, etc. These advances have become possible because of algorithmic advances, large amounts of available data, and modern hardware. Despite their widespread success and popularity, there still remains a significant challenge in executing NNs with many parameters on edge devices. For most embedded and Internet-of-Things (IoT) systems, the sizes of many state-of-the-art NN models are too large, thereby causing high storage and computational demands and severely hindering the practical deployment of NNs. For example, wearable robots <cit.>, such as exoskeletons, typically have limited processing power, memory, storage, and energy supply due to their small size and portability. In addition, these wearable devices rely on wireless communication with remote servers, as larger models would require more bandwidth and higher latency, leading to slower and less reliable performance. To address this issue, numerous model compression techniques are proposed in the literature, which can be summarized into the following categories. (1) Pruning <cit.>: this technique involves removing unnecessary connections or neurons from a pre-trained model. This can result in a smaller network with similar performance. (2) Quantization <cit.>: this involves reducing the number of bits required to represent the weights and activations in a neural network. For example, weights and activations may be represented using 8-bit integers instead of 32-bit floating-point numbers. (3) Structured sparsity <cit.>: this involves imposing a structured sparsity pattern on the weights of a model, such as by sparsifying entire rows or columns of weight matrices. (4) Knowledge distillation <cit.>: this involves training a smaller model to mimic the behavior of a larger, more complex model, using the outputs of the larger model as labels. (5) Low-rank approximation <cit.>: this technique involves approximating the weight matrices/tensors of a deep learning model with low-rank matrices/tensors. Among all model compression methods, low-rank approximation, especially tensor decomposition <cit.>, is an extremely attractive NN model compression technique since it can reduce the number of parameters in a model while maintaining a high level of accuracy. Specifically, tensor decomposition is a mathematical tool that explores the low tensor rank characteristics of large-scale tensor data, which stands out by offering an ultra-high compression ratio. By utilizing advanced tensor decomposition techniques like tensor train (TT) <cit.>, it is possible to achieve more than a 1,000× reduction in parameters for the input-to-hidden layers of neural network models <cit.>. Moreover, these compression methods can also enhance the classification accuracy in video recognition tasks significantly. Given such impressive compression performance, there has been a surge of interest in exploring the potential of tensor decomposition-based neural network models in prior research efforts <cit.>. Due to the benefits brought by the TT-based NN models, several TT-based NN hardware accelerators have been developed and implemented in different chip formats including digital CMOS ASIC <cit.>, memristor ASIC <cit.> and IoT board <cit.>. Although tensor decomposition shows strong compression performance, the training of tensor decomposition-based NN is a quite challenging task <cit.> because it involves tensor decomposition in NN training. In general, there are two ways to use tensor decomposition to obtain a compressed model: (1) Train from scratch in the decomposed format, and (2) Decompose a pre-trained uncompressed model and then retrain. In the first case, when the required tensor decomposition-based, e.g. TT-format model, is directly trained from scratch because the structure of the models is already pre-set to low tensor rank format before the training, the corresponding model capacity is typically limited as compared to the full-rank structure, thereby causing the training process being very sensitive to initialization and more challenging to achieve high accuracy. In the latter scenario, though the pre-trained uncompressed model provides a good initialization position, the straightforwardly decomposing full-rank uncompressed model into low tensor rank format causes inevitable and non-negligible approximation error, which is still very difficult to be recovered even after a long-time re-training period. No matter which training strategy with tensor decomposition is adopted, the training of NN heavily relies on gradient-based methods, which make use of backpropagation <cit.> to compute gradients of network parameters. These gradient-based methods are based on the Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) method <cit.>. In recent years, a considerable amount of research has been dedicated to developing adaptive versions of the vanilla SGD algorithm. These adaptive variants include AdaGrad <cit.>, RMSProp <cit.>, Adam <cit.>, and AMSGrad <cit.>. Despite the great success of these gradient-based methods, tensor decomposition always brings a linear increase in network depth, which implies training the tensor decomposition format NNs are typically more prone to the gradient vanishing problem <cit.> and hence being difficult to be trained well. This paper aims to address the current limitations and fully unlock the potential of tensor decomposition-based NN training. To achieve this objective, a holistic framework for tensor decomposition-based NN training is proposed, which formulates tensor train decomposition-based NN training as a nonconvex optimization problem. This problem can be solved by the proposed tensor block coordinate descent (tenBCD) methods. BCD is a gradient-free method that has been recently adapted to NN training <cit.>. The main reasons for the surge of attention of BCD algorithms are twofold. One reason is that they are gradient-free, and thus are able to deal with non-differentiable nonlinearities and potentially avoid the vanishing gradient issue. The other reason is that BCD can be easily implemented in a distributed and parallel manner, therefore in favor of distributed/federated scenarios. To summarize, the contributions of this paper are as follows: * A holistic framework is proposed for tensor decomposition-based NN training, which involves a highly nonconvex optimization problem. * An efficient tensor BCD (tenBCD) algorithm is implemented to solve the proposed optimization problem; * Convergence of the iterative sequence generated by the tenBCD algorithm is analyzed, which is proved to be globally convergent to a critical point at a rate of 𝒪(1/k). § BACKGROUND AND PRELIMINARIES In Section <ref>, the notation and basics of multi-linear/tensor algebra used in this paper are reviewed. Then, tensor train decomposition <cit.> is reviewed briefly in Section <ref>. Afterward, the tensor train fully-connected layer <cit.> is reviewed in Section <ref>. §.§ Notation and Tensor Basis Throughout this paper, scalars are denoted by lowercase letters, e.g., x; vectors are denoted by lowercase boldface letters, e.g., x; matrices are denoted by uppercase boldface, e.g., X; and tensors are denoted by calligraphic letters, e.g., X. The order of a tensor is the number of its modes or dimensions. A real-valued tensor of order-d is denoted by 𝒳∈ℝ^n_1× n_2×⋯× n_d and its entries by 𝒳(i_1, ⋯, i_d). The inner product of two same-sized tensors 𝒳 and 𝒴 is the sum of the products of their entries, namely, ⟨𝒳,𝒴⟩ =∑_i_1 ⋯∑_i_d X (i_1,… ,i_d) ·𝒴(i_1,… ,i_d). Following the definition of inner product, the Frobenius norm of a tensor 𝒳 is defined as 𝒳_F=√(⟨𝒳,𝒳⟩). §.§ Tensor Train (TT) Decomposition Given a tensor 𝒜∈ℝ^n_1× n_2×⋯× n_d, it can be decomposed to a sort of 3-order tensors via Tensor Train Decomposition (TTD) <cit.> as follows: 𝒜(i_1, i_2, ⋯, i_d) = 𝒢_1(:, i_1,:) 𝒢_2(:, i_2,:) ⋯𝒢_d(:, i_d,:) =∑_α_0, α_1⋯α_d^r_0, r_1, ⋯ r_d𝒢_1(α_0, i_1, α_1) 𝒢_2(α_1, i_2, α_2) ⋯𝒢_d(α_d-1, i_d, α_d), where 𝒢_k∈ℝ^r_k-1× n_k× r_k are called TT-cores for k= 1,2, ⋯, d, and r=[r_0, r_1, ⋯, r_d], r_0=r_d=1 are called TT-ranks, which determine the storage complexity of TT-format tensor. The representation of 𝒜 via the explicit enumeration of all its entries requires storing Π_k=1^d n_k numbers compared with ∑_k=1^d n_k r_k-1 r_k numbers if the tensor is stored in TT-format. §.§ Tensor Train Fully-Connected Layer Consider a simple fully-connected layer with weight matrix W∈ℝ^M × N and input x∈ℝ^N, where M=∏_k=1^d m_k and N=∏_k=1^d n_k, the output y∈ℝ^M is obtained by y=Wx. In order to transform this standard layer to TT fully-connected (TT-FC) layer, the weight matrix W is first tensorized to a d-order weight tensor 𝒲∈ℝ^(m_1× n_1) ×⋯×(m_d× n_d) by reshaping and order transposing. Then 𝒲 can be decomposed to TT-format: 𝒲((i_1, j_1), ⋯,(i_d, j_d))=𝒢_1(:, i_1, j_1,:) ⋯𝒢_d(:, i_d, j_d,:) Here, each TT-core 𝒢_k∈ℝ^r_k-1× m_k× n_k× r_k is a 4-order tensor, which is one dimension more than the standard one (<ref>) since the output and input dimensions of W are divided separately. Hence, the forward propagation on the TT-FC layer can be expressed in the tensor format as follows (the bias term is ignored here): 𝒴(i_1, ⋯, i_d)=∑_j_1, ⋯, j_d𝒢_1(:, i_1, j_1,:) ⋯𝒢_d(:, i_d, j_d,:) 𝒳(j_1, ⋯, j_d) where 𝒳∈ℝ^m_1×⋯× m_d and 𝒴∈ℝ^n_1×⋯× n_d are the tensorized input and output corresponding to x and y, respectively. The details about the TT-FC layer are introduced in <cit.>. As the TT-FC layer and the corresponding forward propagation schemes are formulated, standard stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithm can be used to update the TT-cores with the rank set r, which determines the target compression ratio. The initialization of the TT-cores can be either randomly set or obtained from directly TT-decomposing a pre-trained uncompressed model. § PROPOSED METHODOLOGY Consider N-layer feedforward neural networks with N-1 hidden layers of the neural networks. Particularly, let n_i ∈ℕ be the number of hidden units in the i-th hidden layer for i=1, …, N-1. Let n_0 and n_N be the number of units of input and output layers, respectively. Let W_i ∈ℝ^n_i × n_i-1 be the weight matrix between the (i-1)-th layer and the i-th layer for any i= 1, …, N. Let 𝒵:={(x_j, y_j)}_j=1^n ⊂ℝ^n_0×ℝ^n_N be n samples, where y_j's are the one-hot vectors of labels. Denote 𝒲{W_i}_i=1^N, X:=(x_1, x_2, …, x_n) ∈ℝ^n_0 × n and Y:=(y_1, y_2, …, y_n) ∈ℝ^n_N × n. §.§ Problem Formulation As shown in Figure <ref>, the weight in i-th layer, namely, W_i, can be transformed into a tensor 𝒲_i. The tensor can be further decomposed into TT-format. Therefore, tensor train decomposition-based NN training problem can be formulated as the following empirical risk (i.e., training loss) minimization: min_𝒲ℛ_n(Φ(X ; 𝒲), Y), subject to 𝒲_i = TTD(r_i) i=1, …, N where ℛ_n(Φ(X ; 𝒲), Y):=1/n∑_j=1^n ℓ(Φ(x_j ; 𝒲), y_j) with loss function ℓ: ℝ^n_N×ℝ^n_N→ℝ_+∪{0}, Φ(x_j ; 𝒲)=σ_N(W_N σ_N-1(W_N-1⋯W_2 σ_1(W_1 x_j))) is the neural network model with N layers. TTD(r_i) is the tensor train decomposition with rank r_i in (<ref>) for weight tensor 𝒲_i and σ_i is the activation function of the i-th layer (generally, σ_N≡Id is the identity function). Note that the NN training model (<ref>) is highly nonconvex as the variables are coupled via the NN architecture, which brings many challenges for the design of efficient training algorithms and also its theoretical analysis. To make Problem (<ref>) more computationally tractable, variable splitting is one of the most commonly used ways <cit.>. The main idea of variable splitting is to transform a complicated problem (where the variables are coupled nonlinearly) into a relatively simpler one (where the variables are coupled much looser) by introducing some additional variables. Considering general NN architectures, the regularized NN training model is applied here, which can reduce the original NN training model (<ref>). Specifically, the variable splitting model is: min _𝒲, 𝒱ℒ_0(𝒲, 𝒱) :=ℛ_n(V_N ; Y)+∑_i=1^Nτ_i(W_i)+∑_i=1^N s_i(V_i) subject to U_i =W_iV_i-1,V_i =σ_i(U_i), 𝒲_i = TTD(r_i) i=1, …, N, where ℛ_n(V_N ; Y):=1/n∑_j=1^nℓ((V_N)_: j, y_j) denotes the empirical risk, 𝒱:={V_i}_i=1^N,(V_N)_: j is the j-th column of V_N. In addition, τ_i and s_i are extended-real-valued, nonnegative functions revealing the priors of the weight variable W_i and the state variable V_i (or the constraints on W_i and V_i ) for each i=1, … N, and define V_0:=X. To solve the formulation in (<ref>), the following alternative minimization problem was considered: min_𝒲, 𝒱,𝒰,𝒢 ℒ(𝒲, 𝒱,𝒰,𝒢):= ℒ_0(𝒲, 𝒱)+γ/2∑_i=1^NV_i-σ_i(U_i)_F^2 +ρ/2∑_i=1^NU_i-W_iV_i-1_F^2+ τ/2∑_i=1^N𝒲_i - TTD(r_i)_F^2 where γ,ρ,τ>0 are hyperparameters for different regularization terms, 𝒰:={U_i}_i=1^N, and 𝒢:={𝒢_i}_i=1^N is the set of TT-cores 𝒢_i from i-th layer. The NN training model (<ref>) can be very general, where: (a) ℓ can be the squared, logistic, hinge, cross-entropy or other commonly used loss functions; (b) σ_i can be ReLU, leaky ReLU, sigmoid, linear, polynomial, softplus or other commonly used activation functions; (c) τ_i can be the squared ℓ_2 norm, the ℓ_1 norm, the elastic net, the indicator function of some nonempty closed convex set (such as the nonnegative closed half-space or a closed interval [0,1]); (d) s_i can be the ℓ_1 norm, the indicator function of some convex set with simple projection. Particularly, if there is no regularizer or constraint on W_i (or V_i), then τ_i (or s_i) can be zero. The network architectures considered in this paper exhibit generality to various types of NNs, including but not limited to the fully (or sparse) connected MLPs, convolutional neural networks (CNN) and residual neural networks (ResNets) <cit.>. As mentioned before, an existing TT-format NN is either 1) trained from randomly initialized tensor cores; or 2) trained from a direct decomposition of a pre-trained model. For the first strategy, it does not utilize any information related to the high-accuracy uncompressed model; while other model compression methods, e.g. pruning and knowledge distillation, have shown that proper utilization of the pre-trained models is very critical for NN compression. For the second strategy, though the knowledge of the pre-trained model is indeed utilized, because the pre-trained model generally lacks low TT-rank property, after direct low-rank tensor decomposition the approximation error is too significant to be properly recovered even using long-time re-training. Such inherent limitations of the existing training strategies, consequently, cause significant accuracy loss for the compressed TT-format NN models. To overcome these limitations, it is to maximally retain the knowledge contained in the uncompressed model, or in other words, minimize the approximation error after tensor decomposition with given target tensor ranks. In our formulation (<ref>), ℒ_0(𝒲, 𝒱) is the loss function of the uncompressed model while the regularization term 𝒲_i - TTD(r_i)_F^2 can encourage the uncompressed DNN models to gradually exhibit low tensor rank properties. §.§ Tensor BCD Algorithms Note that (<ref>) is a nonconvex optimization problem with multi-block variables. BCD is a Gauss-Seidel type method for a minimization problem with multi-block variables to update all the variables cyclically while fixing the remaining blocks at their last updated values <cit.>. A tensor BCD (tenBCD) algorithm is developed for solving (<ref>). In this paper, proximal terms are added to some sub-problems arising from the tenBCD algorithm for two major reasons: (1) To practically stabilize the training process; (2) To yield the desired “sufficient descrease” property for theoretical justification. At each iteration k, the tenBCD method with the backward order is considered for the updates of variables, i.e., the variables are updated from the output layer (layer N) to the input layer (layer 1). For each layer, the variables {V_i, U_i, W_i,𝒢_i} are updated cyclically for Problem (<ref>). Since σ_N≡Id, the output layer is paid special attention. The tenBCD algorithms for (<ref>) can be summarized in Algorithm <ref>. §.§.§ Optimization over V_i At iteration k, V_N can be updated through the following optimization problem V_N^k=argmin_V_N{s_N(V_N)+ℛ_n(V_N ; Y)+γ/2V_N-U_N^k-1_F^2+α/2V_N-V_N^k-1_F^2}, where s_N(V_N)+ℛ_n(V_N ; Y) is regarded as a new proximal function s̃_N(V_N). When i<N, V_i can be updated through the following optimization problem V_i^k=argmin_V_i{s_i(V_i)+γ/2V_i-σ_i(U_i^k-1)_F^2+ρ/2U_i+1^k-W_i+1^kV_i_F^2 }. For subproblem (<ref>), α/2V_N-V_N^k-1_F^2 is the proximal term, where α>0 is the positive coefficient. The above two problems (<ref>) and (<ref>) are simple proximal updates <cit.> (or just least squares problems), which usually have closed-form solutions to many commonly used NNs. For V_N^k-update, s_N(V_N)+ℛ_n(V_N ; Y) is regarded as a new proximal function s̃_N(V_N). Some typical examples leading to the closed-form solutions include: (a) s_i are 0 (i.e., no regularization), or the squared ℓ_2 norm, or the indicator function of a nonempty closed convex set with a simple projection like the nonnegative closed half-space and the closed interval [0,1]; (b) the loss function ℓ is the squared loss or hinge loss.[The V_N-update with hinge loss and other smooth losses is provided in Appendix <ref>.] §.§.§ Optimization over U_i At iteration k, U_N can be updated through the following optimization problem U_N^k=argmin_U_N{γ/2V_N^k-U_N_F^2+ρ/2U_N-W_N^k-1V_N-1^k-1_F^2 } U_i,i<N can be updated through the following optimization problem U_i^k=argmin_U_i{γ/2V_i^k-σ_i(U_i)_F^2+ρ/2U_i-W_i^k-1V_i-1^k-1_F^2 +α/2U_i-U_i^k-1_F^2} For subproblem (<ref>), α/2U_i-U_i^k-1_F^2 is the proximal term. The subproblem (<ref>) is a least-square optimization where the closed-form solution can be derived. The subproblem (<ref>) is a nonlinear and nonsmooth optimization where σ_i is ReLU or leaky ReLU. Accordingly, the closed-form solution to solve the subproblem (<ref>) is provided in Appendix <ref>. §.§.§ Optimization over W_i At iteration k, W_i,i=1,…,N can be updated through the following optimization problem W_i^k=argmin_W_i{τ_i(W_i)+ρ/2U_i^k-W_i V_i-1^k-1_F^2+τ/2𝒲_i - TTD(r_i)_F^2}, The closed-form solution to solve the above optimization problem can be obtained when τ_i is 0 (i.e., no regularization), or the squared ℓ_2 norm (i.e., weight decay), or the indicator function of a nonempty closed convex set with a simple projection like the nonnegative closed half-space and the closed interval [0,1]. §.§.§ Optimization over 𝒢_i At iteration k, 𝒢_i,i=1,…,N can be updated through the following optimization problem 𝒢_i^k = argmin_𝒢_i{τ/2𝒲_i^k - TTD(r_i)_F^2 +α/2𝒢_i-𝒢_i^k-1_F^2} where α/2𝒢_i-𝒢_i^k-1_F^2 is the proximal terms. This subproblem is implemented in TensorLy package <cit.>. §.§ Global Convergence Analysis of tenBCD In this section, the global convergence of Algorithm <ref> for Problem (<ref>) is established. Firstly, let h: ℝ^p→ℝ∪{+∞} be an extended-real-valued function, its graph is defined by Graph(h) :={(x, y) ∈ℝ^p×ℝ: y=h(x)}, and its domain by dom(h):={x∈ℝ^p: h(x)<+∞}. The subdifferential of a function is defined as follows.  Assume that f: ℝ^p → (-∞,+∞) is a proper and lower semicontinuous function. * The domain of f is defined and denoted by domf{x∈ℝ^p:f(x)<+∞} * For a given x∈domf, the Fréchet subdifferential of f at x, written ∂̂f(x), is the set of all vectors u∈ℝ^p that satisfy lim_y≠xinf_y→xf(y)-f(x) - ⟨u , y-x⟩/y-x≥ 0. * The limiting-subdifferential, or simply the subdifferential, of f at x, written ∂ f(x) is defined through the following closure process ∂ f(x):={u∈ℝ^p: ∃x^k →x,f(x^k) → f(x) and u^k ∈∂̂f(x^k) →u as k→∞}. Now, our first main lemma about the sufficient decrease property of the iterative sequence {𝒫^k:=({W_i^k}_i=1^N,{V_i^k}_i=1^N,{U_i^k}_i=1^N),{𝒢_i^k}_i=1^N}_k ∈ℕ from Algorithm <ref> is ready to be introduced. Given that α,γ,ρ,τ>0, {𝒫^k}_k ∈ℕ is the sequence generated by the tenBCD algorithm <ref>, then the sequence satisfies ℒ(𝒫^k) ≤ℒ(𝒫^k-1)-λ𝒫^k-𝒫^k-1_F^2. For the case that V_N is updated via the proximal strategy, λ:=min{α/2, γ+ρ/2,τ/2}. For the case that V_N is update via the prox-linear strategy, λ:=min{α/2, γ+ρ/2,τ/2, α+γ-L_R/2}, where ∇ℛ_n is Lipschitz continuous with a Lipschitz constant L_R and α>max{0, L_R-γ/2}. The inequality (<ref>) can be developed by considering the descent quantity along the update of each block variable, i.e., {V_i}_i=1^N, {U_i}_i=1^N, {W_i}_i=1^N, and {𝒢_i}_i=1^N. To begin with, the following notations are introduced. Specifically, W_<i:=(W_1, W_2, …, W_i-1), W_>i:=(W_i+1, W_i+1, …, W_N), and V_<i, V_>i, U_<i, U_>i,𝒢_<i,𝒢_>i are defined similarly. We will consider each case separately. §.§.§ Optimization over V_i V_N^k-block: at iteration k, there are two ways to update the variable: (1) proximal update with closed-form solution: the following inequality can be derived ℒ({W_i^k-1}_i=1^N, V_i<N^k-1, V_N^k,{U_i^k-1}_i=1^N, {𝒢_i^k-1}_i=1^N) ≤ ℒ({W_i^k-1}_i=1^N, V_i<N^k-1, V_N^k-1,{U_i^k-1}_i=1^N, {𝒢_i^k-1}_i=1^N)-α/2V_N^k-V_N^k-1_F^2. The above inequality (<ref>) is due to the fact that V_N^k is the optimal solution for subproblem (<ref>). (2) proximal-linear case: let h^k(V_N):=s_N(V_N)+ℛ_n(V_N ; Y)+γ/2V_N-U_N^k-1_F^2 and h̅^k(V_N):=s_N(V_N)+ℛ_n(V_N^k-1 ; Y)+⟨∇ℛ_n(V_N^k-1 ; Y), V_N-V_N^k-1⟩+α/2V_N-V_N^k-1_F^2 +γ/2V_N-U_N^k-1_F^2. By the optimality of V_N^k and the strong convexity[The function h is called a strongly convex function with parameter γ>0 if h(u) ≥ h(v)+⟨∇ h(v), u-v⟩+γ/2u-v^2.] of h̅^k(V_N) with modulus at least α +γ, the following holds h̅^k(V_N^k) ≤h̅^k(V_N^k-1) -α+γ/2V_N^k-V_N^k-1_F^2, which implies h^k(V_N^k) ≤ h^k(V_N^k-1) + ℛ_n(V_N^k ; Y)-ℛ_n(V_N^k-1 ; Y)-⟨∇ℛ_n(V_N^k-1 ; Y), V_N^k-V_N^k-1⟩ -(α+γ/2)V_N^k-V_N^k-1_F^2 ≤ h^k(V_N^k-1)-(α+γ-L_R/2)V_N^k-V_N^k-1_F^2, where inequality (<ref>) is due to the inequality (<ref>), the relationship between h^k(V_N^k-1) and h̅^k(V_N^k-1), and the relationship between h^k(V_N^k) and h̅^k(V_N^k). The inequality (<ref>) holds for the L_R-Lipschitz continuity of ∇ℛ_n, i.e., the following inequality by <cit.> ℛ_n(V_N^k ; Y) ≤ℛ_n(V_N^k-1 ; Y)+⟨∇ℛ_n(V_N^k-1 ; Y), V_N^k-V_N^k-1⟩+L_R/2V_N^k-V_N^k-1_F^2. According to the relationship between h^k(V_N) and ℒ({W_i^k-1}_i=1^N, V_i<N^k-1, V_N,{U_i^k-1}_i=1^N, {𝒢_i^k-1}_i=1^N), and the inequality (<ref>), ℒ({W_i^k-1}_i=1^N, V_i<N^k-1, V_N^k,{U_i^k-1}_i=1^N, {𝒢_i^k-1}_i=1^N) ≤ ℒ({W_i^k-1}_i=1^N, V_i<N^k-1, V_N^k-1,{U_i^k-1}_i=1^N, {𝒢_i^k-1}_i=1^N)-(α+γ-L_R/2)V_N^k-V_N^k-1_F^2. V_i^k-block (i<N): V_i^k is updated according to the following V_i^k←V_iargmin{s_i(V_i)+γ/2V_i-σ_i(U_i^k-1)_F^2+ρ/2U_i+1^k-W_i+1^kV_i_F^2}. Let h^k(V_i)=s_i(V_i)+γ/2V_i-σ_i(U_i^k-1)_F^2+ρ/2U_i+1^k-W_i+1^kV_i_F^2. By the convexity of s_i, the function h^k(V_i) is a strongly convex function with modulus no less than γ. By the optimality of V_i^k, the following holds h^k(V_i^k) ≤ h^k(V_i^k-1) - γ/2V_i^k-V_i^k-1_F^2. Based on the inequality (<ref>), it yields for ℒ(W_≤ i^k-1, W_>i^k, V_<i^k-1, V_i^k, V_>i^k, U_≤ i^k-1, U_>i^k, 𝒢_≤ i^k-1, 𝒢_>i^k) ≤ ℒ(W_≤ i^k-1, W_>i^k, V_<i^k-1, V_i^k-1, V_>i^k, U_≤ i^k-1, U_>i^k, 𝒢_≤ i^k-1, 𝒢_>i^k) - γ/2V_i^k-V_i^k-1_F^2 for i=1, …, N-1, where h^k(V_i^k) - h^k(V_i^k-1) = ℒ(W_≤ i^k-1, W_>i^k, V_<i^k-1, V_i^k, V_>i^k, U_≤ i^k-1, U_>i^k, 𝒢_≤ i^k-1, 𝒢_>i^k) - ℒ(W_≤ i^k-1, W_>i^k, V_<i^k-1, V_i^k-1, V_>i^k, U_≤ i^k-1, U_>i^k, 𝒢_≤ i^k-1, 𝒢_>i^k). §.§.§ Optimization over U_i U_N^k-block: similar to the inequality (<ref>), the descent quantity is established as follows ℒ(W_≤ N^k-1, V_<N^k-1, V_N^k, U_<N^k-1, U_N^k, 𝒢_≤ N^k-1) ≤ ℒ(W_≤ N^k-1, V_<N^k-1, V_N^k, U_<N^k-1, U_N^k-1, 𝒢_≤ N^k-1) - γ+ρ/2U_N^k-U_N^k-1_F^2, where the above inequality is because the objective function in subproblem (<ref>) is a strongly convex function with modulus at least γ+ρ. U_i^k-block (i<N): the following can be obtained ℒ(W_≤ i^k-1, W_>i^k, V_<i^k-1, V_≥ i^k, U_<i^k-1, U_i^k, U_>i^k,𝒢_≤ i^k-1, 𝒢_>i^k) ≤ ℒ(W_≤ i^k-1, W_>i^k, V_<i^k-1, V_≥ i^k, U_<i^k-1, U_i^k-1, U_>i^k,𝒢_≤ i^k-1, 𝒢_>i^k) - α/2U_i^k-U_i^k-1_F^2 for i=1, …, N-1 since U_i^k is the optimal solution for subproblem (<ref>). §.§.§ Optimization over W_i W_i^k-block (i≤ N): W_i^k is updated according to the following W_i^k→W_iargmin{r_i(W_i)+ρ/2U_i^k-W_iV_i-1^k-1_F^2+τ/2𝒲_i - TTD(r_i)_F^2}, where h^k(W_i)=r_i(W_i)+ρ/2U_i^k-W_iV_i-1^k-1_F^2+τ/2𝒲_i - TTD(r_i)_F^2 is a strongly convex function with modulus at least τ. Accordingly, the following holds ℒ(W_<i^k-1, W_i^k, W_>i^k, V_<i^k-1, V_≥ i^k, U_<i^k-1, U_≥ i^k, 𝒢_≤ i^k-1, 𝒢_> i^k) ≤ ℒ(W_<i^k-1, W_i^k-1, W_>i^k, V_<i^k-1, V_≥ i^k, U_<i^k-1, U_≥ i^k, 𝒢_≤ i^k-1, 𝒢_> i^k)-τ/2W_i^k-W_i^k-1_F^2, which is due to the relationship between h^k(W_i) and ℒ(W_<i^k-1, W_i, W_>i^k, V_<i^k-1, V_≥ i^k, U_<i^k-1, U_≥ i^k, 𝒢_≤ i^k-1, 𝒢_> i^k). §.§.§ Optimization over 𝒢_i 𝒢_i-block (i≤ N): the descent quantity for 𝒢_i can be derived as follows ℒ(W_<i^k-1, W_≥ i^k, V_<i^k-1, V_≥ i^k, U_<i^k-1, U_≥ i^k, 𝒢_< i^k-1, 𝒢_i^k, 𝒢_> i^k) ≤ ℒ(W_<i^k-1, W_≥ i^k, V_<i^k-1, V_≥ i^k, U_<i^k-1, U_≥ i^k, 𝒢_< i^k-1, 𝒢_i^k-1, 𝒢_> i^k)-α/2𝒢_i^k-𝒢_i^k-1_F^2, where the above inequality (<ref>) is due to the fact that 𝒢_i^k is the optimal solution for subproblem (<ref>). By summing up inequalities (<ref>) (or (<ref>)), (<ref>), (<ref>), (<ref>), and (<ref>), it yields the ℒ(𝒫^k) ≤ℒ(𝒫^k-1)-λ𝒫^k-𝒫^k-1_F^2, where λ:=min{α/2, γ+ρ/2,τ/2} (or λ:=min{α/2, γ+ρ/2,τ/2, α+γ-L_R/2}). From Lemma <ref>, the Lagrangian sequence {ℒ(𝒫^k)}__k ∈ℕ is monotonically decreasing, and the descent quantity of each iterate can be lower bounded by the discrepancy between the current iterate and its previous iterate. This lemma is crucial for the global convergence of a nonconvex algorithm. It tells at least the following four important items: (i) {ℒ(𝒫^k)}_k ∈ℕ is convergent if ℒ is lower bounded; (ii) {𝒫^k}_k ∈ℕ itself is bounded if ℒ is coercive and 𝒫^0 is finite; (iii) {𝒫^k}_k ∈ℕ is square summable, i.e., ∑_k=1^∞𝒫^k-𝒫^k-1_F^2<∞, implying its asymptotic regularity, i.e., 𝒫^k-𝒫^k-1_F→ 0 as k →∞; and (iv) 1/K∑_k=1^K𝒫^k-𝒫^k-1_F^2→ 0 at a rate of 𝒪(1 / K). Leveraging Lemma <ref>, we can establish the global convergence (i.e., the whole sequence convergence) of tenBCD algorithm <ref> in NN training settings. In contrast, <cit.> only establish the subsequence convergence of SGD in NN training settings. Such a gap between the subsequence convergence of SGD in <cit.> and the whole sequence convergence of tenBCD algorithm <ref> in this paper exists mainly because SGD can only achieve the descent property but not the sufficient descent property. It can be noted from Lemma <ref> that neither multiconvexity and differentiability nor Lipschitz differentiability assumptions are imposed on the NN training models to yield this lemma, as required in the literature <cit.>. Instead, we mainly exploit the proximal strategy for all nonstrongly convex subproblems in Algorithm <ref> to establish this lemma. Our second main lemma is about the subgradient lower bound. Under the same conditions of Lemma <ref>, let ℬ be an upper bound of 𝒫^k-1 and 𝒫^k for any positive integer k, L_ℬ be a uniform Lipschitz constant of σ_i on the bounded set {𝒫:𝒫_F≤ℬ}, and δ:=max{γ, α+ρℬ, α+γ L_ℬ, 2 ρℬ+ 2ρℬ^2, α + √(N)τℬ^N-1} (or, for the prox-linear case, δ:=max{γ, L_R+α+ρℬ, α+γ L_ℬ, 2 ρℬ+ 2 ρℬ^2, α + √(N)τℬ^N-1}), then for any positive integer k, there holds, dist(0, ∂ℒ (𝒫^k)) ≤δ∑_i=1^N[W_i^k-W_i^k-1_F+V_i^k-V_i^k-1_F+U_i^k-U_i^k-1_F+𝒢_i^k-𝒢_i^k-1_F] ≤δ̅𝒫^k-𝒫^k-1_F where δ̅:= δ√(4 N), dist(0, 𝒮):=inf _s∈𝒮s_F for a set 𝒮, and ∂ℒ(𝒫^k):=({∂_W_iℒ}_i=1^N,{∂_V_iℒ}_i=1^N,{∂_U_iℒ}_i=1^N,{∂_𝒢_iℒ}_i=1^N)(𝒫^k). The inequality (<ref>) is established via bounding each term of ∂ℒ(𝒫^k). Specifically, the following holds 0∈∂ s_N(V_N^k)+∂ℛ_n(V_N^k ; Y)+γ(V_N^k-U_N^k-1)+α(V_N^k-V_N^k-1), 0∈∂ s_N(V_N^k)+∇ℛ_n(V_N^k-1 ; Y)+γ(V_N^k-U_N^k-1)+α(V_N^k-V_N^k-1), (proximal-linear) 0=γ(U_N^k-V_N^k)+ρ(U_N^k-W_N^k-1V_N-1^k-1), 0∈∂τ_N(W_N^k)+ρ(W_N^kV_N-1^k-1-U_N^k) V_N-1^k-1^⊤+τ(W_N^k-TTD^k-1(r_N)), 0∈∂(τ/2𝒲_N^k - TTD^k(r_N)_F^2) +α(𝒢_N^k-𝒢_N^k-1), where (<ref>), (<ref>), (<ref>), (<ref>), and (<ref>) are due to the optimality conditions of all updates in (<ref>), (<ref>), (<ref>), (<ref>), and (<ref>), respectively. For i=N-1, …, 1, the following holds 0∈∂ s_i(V_i^k)+γ(V_i^k-σ_i(U_i^k-1))+ρW_i+1^k^⊤(W_i+1^kV_i^k-U_i+1^k), 0∈γ[(σ_i(U_i^k)-V_i^k) ⊙∂σ_i(U_i^k)]+ρ(U_i^k-W_i^k-1V_i-1^k-1)+α(U_i^k-U_i^k-1), 0∈∂τ_i(W_i^k)+ρ(W_i^kV_i-1^k-1-U_i^k) V_i-1^k-1^⊤+τ(W_i^k-TTD^k-1(r_i)), 0∈∂(τ/2𝒲_i^k - TTD^k(r_i)_F^2) +α(𝒢_i^k-𝒢_i^k-1), where (<ref>), (<ref>), (<ref>), and (<ref>) are due to the optimality conditions of all updates in (<ref>), (<ref>), (<ref>), and (<ref>), respectively. V_0^k≡V_0=X for all k, and ⊙ is the Hadamard product. Through the above relationship (<ref>), we have -α(V_N^k-V_N^k-1)-γ(U_N^k-U_N^k-1) ∈∂ s_N(V_N^k)+∂ℛ_n(V_N^k ; Y)+γ(V_N^k-U_N^k)=∂_V_Nℒ(𝒫^k), (∇ℛ_n(V_N^k ; Y)-∇ℛ_n(V_N^k-1 ; Y))-α(V_N^k-V_N^k-1)-γ(U_N^k-U_N^k-1) ∈∂_V_Nℒ(𝒫^k), (proximal-linear) -ρ(W_N^k-W_N^k-1) V_N-1^k-ρW_N^k-1(V_N-1^k-V_N-1^k-1)=γ(U_N^k-V_N^k)+ρ(U_N^k-W_N^k V_N-1^k)=∂_U_Nℒ(𝒫^k), ρW_N^k[V_N-1^k(V_N-1^k-V_N-1^k-1)^⊤+(V_N-1^k-V_N-1^k-1) V_N-1^k-1^⊤]-ρU_N^k(V_N^k-V_N^k-1)^⊤+τ(TTD^k(r_N)-TTD^k-1(r_N)) ∈∂ r_N(W_N^k)+ρ(W_N^k V_N-1^k-U_N^k) V_N-1^k^⊤+τ(W_N^k-TTD^k(r_i))=∂_W_Nℒ(𝒫^k), -α(𝒢_N^k-𝒢_N^k-1) ∈∂_𝒢_Nℒ(𝒫^k). For i=N-1, …, 1, the relationship (<ref>) implies -γ(σ_i(U_i^k)-σ_i(U_i^k-1)) ∈∂ s_i(V_i^k)+ρ(V_i^k-σ_i(U_i^k))+γW_i+1^k^⊤(W_i+1^k V_i^k-U_i+1^k)=∂_V_iℒ(𝒫^k), -ρW_i^k-1(V_i-1^k-V_i-1^k-1)-ρ(W_i^k-W_i^k-1) V_i-1^k-α(U_i^k-U_i^k-1) ∈γ[(σ_i(U_i^k)-V_i^k) ⊙∂σ_i(U_i^k)]+ρ(U_i^k-W_i^k V_i-1^k)=∂_U_iℒ(𝒫^k) , ρW_i^k[V_i-1^k(V_i-1^k-V_i-1^k-1)^⊤+(V_i-1^k-V_i-1^k-1) V_i-1^k-1]-ρU_i^k(V_i-1^k-V_i-1^k-1)^⊤+τ(TTD^k(r_i)-TTD^k-1(r_i)) ∈∂ r_i(W_i^k)+ρ(W_i^k V_i-1^k-U_i^k) V_i-1^k^⊤=∂_W_iℒ(𝒫^k), -α(𝒢_i^k-𝒢_i^k-1) ∈∂_𝒢_iℒ(𝒫^k). Based on the above relationships, and by the Lipschitz continuity of the activation function on the bounded set {𝒫:𝒫_F≤ℬ} and the bounded assumption of both 𝒫^k-1 and 𝒫^k, we have [ ξ_V_N^k_F≤αV_N^k-V_N^k-1_F+γU_N^k-U_N^k-1_F, ξ_V_N^k∈∂_V_Nℒ(𝒫^k),; (or ξ_V_N^k_F≤(L_R+α)V_N^k-V_N^k-1_F+γU_N^k-U_N^k-1_F) proximal-linear ; ξ_U_N^k_F≤ρℬW_N^k-W_N^k-1_F+ρℬV_N-1^k-V_N-1^k-1_F, ξ_U_N^k∈∂_U_Nℒ(𝒫^k),; ξ_W_N^k_F≤ 2 ρℬ^2V_N-1^k-V_N-1^k-1_F+ρℬV_N^k-V_N^k-1_F ; +τTTD^k(r_N)-TTD^k-1(r_N)_F, ξ_W_N^k ∈∂_W_Nℒ(𝒫^k),; ξ_𝒢_N^k_F≤α𝒢_N^k-𝒢_N^k-1_F, ξ_𝒢_N^k ∈∂_𝒢_Nℒ(𝒫^k), ] and for i=N-1, …, 1, [ ξ_V_i^k_F≤γ L_ℬU_i^k-U_i^k-1_F, ξ_V_i^k∈∂_V_iℒ(𝒫^k),; ξ_U_i^k_F≤ρℬV_i-1^k-V_i-1^k-1_F+ρℬW_i^k-W_i^k-1_F+αU_i^k-U_i^k-1_F, ξ_U_i^k∈∂_U_iℒ(𝒫^k),; ξ_W_i^k_F≤(2ρℬ^2+ρℬ)V_i-1^k-V_i-1^k-1_F+τTTD^k(r_i)-TTD^k-1(r_i)_F, 𝒢_W_i^k∈∂_W_iℒ(𝒫^k),; ξ_𝒢_i^k_F≤α𝒢_i^k-𝒢_i^k-1_F, ξ_𝒢_i^k ∈∂_𝒢_iℒ(𝒫^k). ] In addition, we have the following bound TTD^k(r_i)-TTD^k-1(r_i)_F≤√(N)ℬ^N-1𝒢_i^k-𝒢_i^k-1_F. Summing the above inequalities (<ref>),(<ref>), and (<ref>), the subgradient lower bound (<ref>) can be obtained for any positive integer k dist(0, ∂ℒ (𝒫^k)) ≤δ∑_i=1^N[W_i^k-W_i^k-1_F+V_i^k-V_i^k-1_F+U_i^k-U_i^k-1_F+𝒢_i^k-𝒢_i^k-1_F] ≤δ̅𝒫^k-𝒫^k-1_F, where δ:=max{γ, α+ρℬ, α+γ L_ℬ, 2 ρℬ+ 2ρℬ^2, α + √(N)τℬ^N-1}, (or, for the prox-linear case, δ:=max{γ, L_R+α+ρℬ, α+γ L_ℬ, 2 ρℬ+ 2 ρℬ^2, α + √(N)τℬ^N-1}).  A necessary condition for x to be a minimizer of a proper and lower semicontinuous (PLSC) function f is that 0∈∂ f(x). A point that satisfies (<ref>) is called limiting-critical or simply critical. Any iterative algorithm for solving an optimization problem over a set X, is said to be globally convergent if for any starting point x_0 ∈ X, the sequence generated by the algorithm always has an accumulation critical point. To build the global convergence of our iterative sequence {𝒫^k}_k ∈ℕ from Algorithm <ref>, the function ℒ(𝒲, 𝒱,𝒰,𝒢) needs to have the Kurdyka Łojasiewicz (KŁ) property as follows A real function f: ℝ^p → (-∞,+∞] has the Kurdyka Łojasiewicz (KŁ) property, namely, for any point u̅∈ℝ^p, in a neighborhood N(u̅,σ), there exists a desingularizing function ϕ(s)=cs^1-θ for some c>0 and θ∈ [0,1) such that ϕ'(|f(u)-f(u̅)|)d(0,∂ f(u))≥ 1 for any u∈ N(u̅,σ) and f(u)≠ f(u̅). The real analytic and semi-algebraic functions, which are related to KŁ property, are introduced below. A function h with domain an open set U ⊂ℝ and range the set of either all real or complex numbers, is said to be real analytic at u if the function h may be represented by a convergent power series on some interval of positive radius centered at u, i.e., h(x)= ∑_j=0^∞α_j(x-u)^j, for some {α_j}⊂ℝ. The function is said to be real analytic on V ⊂ U if it is real analytic at each u ∈ V <cit.>. The real analytic function f over ℝ^p for some positive integer p>1 can be defined similarly. A subset S of ℝ^p is a real semi-algebraic set if there exists a finite number of real polynomial functions g_ij,h_ij: ℝ^p →ℝ such that S=∪_j=1^q∩_i=1^m{u∈ℝ^p:g_ij(u)=0 and h_ij(u)<0 }. In addition, a function h:ℝ^p+1→ℝ∪+∞ is called semi-algebraic if its graph {(u, t)∈ℝ^p+1: h(u)=t } is a real semi-algebraic set. Based on the above definitions, the following lemma can be obtained. Most of the commonly used NN training models (<ref>) can be verified to satisfy the following * the loss function ℓ is a proper lower semicontinuous and nonnegative function. For example, the squared, logistic, hinge, or cross-entropy losses. * the activation functions σ_i(i=1 …, N-1) are Lipschitz continuous on any bounded set. For example, ReLU, leaky ReLU, sigmoid, hyperbolic tangent, linear, polynomial, or softplus activations. * the regularizers τ_i and s_i(i=1, …, N) are nonegative lower semicontinuous convex functions. τ_i and s_i are the squared ℓ_2 norm, the ℓ_1 norm, the elastic net, the indicator function of some nonempty closed convex set (such as the nonnegative closed half-space, box set or a closed interval [0,1]), or 0 if no regularization. * all these functions ℓ, σ_i, τ_i and s_i(i=1, …, N) are either real analytic or semialgebraic, and continuous on their domains. Accordingly, the objective function ℒ(𝒲, 𝒱,𝒰,𝒢) in (<ref>) has Kurdyka Łojasiewicz (KŁ) property. On the loss function ℓ: Since these losses are all nonnegative and continuous on their domains, they are proper lower semicontinuous and lower bounded by 0. In the following, we only verify that they are either real analytic or semialgebraic. * If ℓ(t) is the squared (t^2) or exponential (e^t) loss, then according to <cit.>, they are real analytic. * If ℓ(t) is the logistic loss (log (1+e^-t)), since it is a composition of logarithm and exponential functions which both are real analytic, thus according to <cit.>, the logistic loss is real analytic. * If ℓ(u ; y) is the cross-entropy loss, i.e., given y∈ℝ^d_N, ℓ(u ; y)=-1/d_N[⟨y, logy(u)⟩+⟨1-y, log (1-y(u))⟩], where log is performed elementwise and (y(u)_i)_1 ≤ i ≤ d_N:=((1+e^-u_i)^-1)_1 ≤ i ≤ d_N for any u∈ℝ^d_N, which can be viewed as a linear combination of logistic functions, then by (a2) and <cit.>, it is also analytic. * If ℓ is the hinge loss, i.e., given y∈ℝ^d_N, ℓ(u ; y):=max{0,1-⟨u, y⟩} for any u∈ℝ^d_N, by <cit.>, it is semialgebraic, because its graph is cl(𝒟), the closure of the set 𝒟, where 𝒟={(u, z): 1-⟨u, y⟩-z=0, 1-u≻ 0}∪{(u, z): z=0,⟨u, y⟩-1>0}. On the activation function σ_i: Since all the considered specific activations are continuous on their domains, they are Lipschitz continuous on any bounded set. In the following, we only need to check that they are either real analytic or semialgebraic. * If σ_i is a linear or polynomial function, then according to <cit.> is real analytic. * If σ_i(t) is sigmoid, (1+e^-t)^-1, or hyperbolic tangent, tanh(t):=e^t-e^-t/e^t+e^-t, then the sigmoid function is a composition g ∘ h of these two functions where g(u)=1/1+u, u>0 and h(t)=e^-t (resp. g(u)=1-2/u+1, u>0 and h(t)=e^2 t in the hyperbolic tangent case). According to <cit.>, g and h in both cases are real analytic. Thus, sigmoid and hyperbolic tangent functions are real analytic. * If σ_i is ReLU, i.e., σ_i(u):=max{0, u}, then we can show that ReLU is semialgebraic since its graph is cl( .𝒟), the closure of the set 𝒟, where 𝒟={(u, z): u-z=0, u>0}∪{(u, z): z=0,-u>0}. * Similar to the ReLU case, if σ_i is leaky ReLU, i.e., σ_i(u)=u if u>0, otherwise σ_i(u)=a u for some a>0, then we can similarly show that leaky ReLU is semialgebraic since its graph is cl(𝒟), the closure of the set 𝒟, where 𝒟={(u, z): u-z=0, u>0}∪{(u, z): a u-z=0,-u>0}. * If σ_i is polynomial, then according to <cit.>, it is real analytic. * If σ_i is softplus, i.e., σ_i(u)=1/tlog (1+e^t u) for some t>0, since it is a composition of two analytic functions 1/tlog (1+u) and e^t u, then according to <cit.>, it is real analytic. On τ_i(W_i), s_i(V_i): By the specific forms of these regularizers, they are nonnegative, lower semicontinuous and continuous on their domain. In the following, we only need to verify they are either real analytic and semialgebraic. * the squared ℓ_2 norm ·_2^2: According to <cit.>, the ℓ_2 norm is semialgebraic, so is its square where g(t)=t^2 and h(W)=W_2. * the squared Frobenius norm ·_F^2: The squared Frobenius norm is semiaglebraic since it is a finite sum of several univariate squared functions. * the elementwise 1-norm ·_1,1: Note that W_1,1=∑_i, j|W_i j| is the finite sum of absolute functions h(t)=|t|. According to <cit.>, the absolute value function is semialgebraic since its graph is the closure of the following semialgebraic set 𝒟={(t, s): t+s=0,-t>0}∪{(t, s): t-s=0, t>0}. Thus, the elementwise 1-norm is semialgebraic. * the elastic net: Note that the elastic net is the sum of the elementwise 1-norm and the squared Frobenius norm. Thus, by (c2), (c3), and <cit.>, the elastic net is semialgebraic. * If τ_i or s_i is the indicator function of nonnegative closed half-space or a closed interval (box constraints), by <cit.>, any polyhedral set is semialgebraic such as the nonnegative orthant ℝ_+^p × q={W∈ℝ^p × q, W_i j≥ 0, ∀ i, j}, and the closed interval. Thus, τ_i or s_i is semialgebraic in this case. We first verify the KŁ property of ℒ. From (<ref>), we have ℒ(𝒲, 𝒱,𝒰,𝒢) := ℛ_n(V_N ; Y)+∑_i=1^N r_i(W_i)+∑_i=1^N s_i(V_i) + γ/2∑_i=1^NV_i-σ_i(U_i)_F^2+ρ/2∑_i=1^NU_i-W_iV_i-1_F^2+ τ/2∑_i=1^N𝒲_i - TTD(r_i)_F^2, which mainly includes the following types of functions, i.e., ℛ_n(V_N ; Y), τ_i(W_i), s_i(V_i),V_i-σ_i(U_i)_F^2,U_i-W_iV_i-1_F^2,∑_i=1^N𝒲_i - TTD(r_i)_F^2. To verify the KŁ property of the function ℒ, we consider the above functions one. On ℛ_n(V_N ; Y): Note that given the output data Y, ℛ_n(V_N ; Y):=1/n∑_j=1^nℓ((V_N)_: j, y_j), where ℓ: ℝ^d_N×ℝ^d_N→ ℝ_+∪{0} is some loss function. If ℓ is real analytic (resp. semialgebraic), then ℛ_n(V_N ; Y) is real-analytic (resp. semialgebraic). On V_i-σ_i(U_i)_F^2 : Note that V_i-σ_i(U_i)_F^2 is a finite sum of simple functions of the form, |v-σ_i(u)|^2 for any u, v ∈ℝ. If σ_i is real analytic (resp. semialgebraic), then v-σ_i(u) is real analytic (resp. semialgebraic), and further |v-σ_i(u)|^2 is also real analytic (resp. semialgebraic) since |v-σ_i(u)|^2 can be viewed as the composition g ∘ h of these two functions where g(t)=t^2 and h(u, v)=v-σ_i(u). On U_i-W_iV_i-1_F^2: Note that the function U_i-W_iV_i-1_F^2 is a polynomial function with the variables U_i, W_i and V_i-1, and thus according to <cit.> and <cit.>, it is both real analytic and semialgebraic. On τ_i(W_i), s_i(V_i): All τ_i's and s_i's are real analytic or semialgebraic. On 𝒲_i - TTD(r_i)_F^2: Note that the function 𝒲_i - TTD(r_i)_F^2 is a polynomial function with the variables W_i, 𝒢_i. Since each part of the function ℒ is either real analytic or semialgebraic, ℒ is a subanalytic function <cit.>. Furthermore, by the continuity, ℒ is continuous in its domain. Therefore, ℒ is a KŁ function according to <cit.>.[Let h: ℝ^p→ℝ∪{+∞} be a subanalytic function with closed domain, and assume that h is continuous on its domain, then h is a KŁ function.] Based on Lemmas <ref>, <ref>, and <ref> and conclusions in <cit.>, the following main theorem can be obtained. Let {𝒫^k:=({W_i^k}_i=1^N,{V_i^k}_i=1^N,{U_i^k}_i=1^N),{𝒢_i^k}_i=1^N}_k ∈ℕ be the sequences generated from Algorithm <ref>. Suppose that τ_i and ℒ are coercive for any i=1, …, N. Then for any α,γ,ρ,τ>0 and any finite initialization 𝒫^0, the following hold * {ℒ(𝒫^k)}_k ∈ℕ converges to ℒ^*. * {𝒫^k}_k ∈ℕ converges to a critical point of ℒ. * If further the initialization 𝒫^0 is sufficiently close to some global minimum 𝒫^* of ℒ, then 𝒫^k converges to 𝒫^*. * Let θ be the KŁ exponent of ℒ at 𝒫^*. There hold: (a) if θ=0, then {𝒫^k}_k ∈ℕ converges in a finite number of steps; (b) if θ∈(0, 1/2], then 𝒫^k-𝒫^*_F≤ C η^k for all k ≥ k_0, for certain k_0>0, C>0, η∈(0,1); and (c) if θ∈(1/2, 1), then 𝒫^k-𝒫^*_F≤ C k^-1-θ/2 θ-1 for k ≥ k_0, for certain k_0>0, C>0. * 1/K∑_k=1^Kg^k_F^2→ 0 at the rate 𝒪(1 / K) where g^k∈ ∂ℒ(𝒫^k). Lispchitz differentiable property is a required for nonconvex optimizations with multi-block variables to build the convergence in the existing literature <cit.>. However, the NN training problem (<ref>) in this paper generally does not satisfy such a condition. For example, when ReLU activation is used. Theorem <ref> establishes the global convergence under a very mild condition that most NN models satisfy. Extension to ResNets <cit.>: the theoretical results in Theorem <ref> can be extended to ResNets by considering the following optimization problem min _𝒲, 𝒱ℒ_0(𝒲, 𝒱) subject to U_i=W_iV_i-1,V_i-V_i-1 =σ_i(U_i), 𝒲_i = TTD(r_i) i=1, …, N, where the residual term V_i-V_i-1 is considered instead of V_i. The corresponding algorithm can be easily modified from Algorithm <ref>. § CASE STUDY In this experiment, to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed method, NN model (<ref>) training with different compression ratios (determined by TT-rank r_i) is conducted on the image classification task. In terms of the NN model, ReLU activation, the squared loss, and the network architecture being an MLP with ten hidden layers are considered here. The number of hidden units in each layer is 2^9=512. The neural network is trained on the MNIST dataset, which is a handwritten digits dataset. The size of each input image is d_0=28×28=784 and the output dimension is d_11=10. The numbers of training and test samples are 60,000 and 10,000, respectively. For comparison, SGD is also considered as a benchmark method, where the learning rate is 0.001. For each experiment, the same mini-batch sizes (512) and initializations for all algorithms. All the experiments are repeated ten times to obtain the average performance. Specifically, all the weights {W_i}_i=1^N are initialized from a Gaussian distribution with a standard deviation of 0.01. The auxiliary variables {U_i}_i=1^N, state variables {V_i}_i=1^N, TT-cores {𝒢_i}_i=1^N are initialized by a single forward pass <cit.>. Under these settings, the training loss, training accuracy, and test accuracy are shown in Table <ref>. With a smaller CR (# of parameters after compression/# of parameters without compression), a higher training loss is observed. Our proposed method with CR<1 can outperform the uncompressed method and SGD. In addition, the curves of the training loss and test accuracy are plotted in Figure <ref>. Figure <ref> shows that the proposed method converges with different compression rates. The training loss of our proposed method also shows the monotone decreasing trend, which verified the statements in Theorem <ref>. Figure <ref> shows that, for different CR (<1), the test accuracy of our proposed method keeps increasing as the number of iterations increases. When CR=1 (the model without compression), the test accuracy increases first and then decreases. This result demonstrates that model compression can prevent overfitting. In addition, our proposed method with CR<1 can outperform SGD significantly in terms of test accuracy. § CONCLUSION In this paper, a holistic framework is proposed for tensor decomposition-based NN model compression by formulating TT decomposition-based NN training as a nonconvex optimization problem. The framework can be extended to other formats of tensor decomposition such as Tucker decomposition, and CP decomposition. For the first time in the literature on tensor decomposition-based NN model compression, global convergence is guaranteed for the proposed tensor BCD (tenBCD) algorithm. Specifically, tenBCD converges to a critical point at a rate of 𝒪(1/k), where k is the number of iterations. The empirical experiment shows that the proposed method can converge and run efficiently in practice. Compared with SGD, the proposed method can maintain a high compression rate and high accuracy simultaneously. § SOLUTIONS OF SOME SUBPROBLEMS In this section, we provide the solution to subproblem (<ref>), closed-form solutions to the ReLU-involved subproblem. §.§ Solutions to Subproblem (<ref>) Prox-linear algorithm to subproblem (<ref>): in the V_N-update of Algorithm <ref>, the empirical risk is involved in the optimization problems. It is generally hard to obtain its closed-form solution except for some special cases such as the case where the loss is the square loss. For other smooth losses such as the logistic, cross-entropy, and exponential losses, we suggest using the following prox-linear update strategies, that is, for some parameter α>0, the V_N-update in Algorithm <ref> is V_N^k=V_Nargmin{s_N(V_N)+⟨∇ℛ_n(V_N^k-1 ; Y), V_N-V_N^k-1⟩ +γ/2V_N-U_N^k-1_F^2+α/2V_N-V_N^k-1_F^2}, This V_N-update can be implemented with explicit expressions. Therefore, the specific uses of these tenBCD methods are very flexible, mainly depending on users' understanding of their own problems. The closed-form of the proximal operator of hinge loss: consider the following optimization problem u^*=uargmin g(u):=max{0,1-a · u}+γ/2(u-b)^2, where γ>0 The optimal solution to Problem (<ref>) is shown as follows hinge_γ(a, b)= b, if a=0, b+γ^-1 a, if a ≠ 0 and a b ≤ 1-γ^-1 a^2, a^-1, if a ≠ 0 and 1-γ^-1 a^2<a b<1, b, if a ≠ 0 and a b ≥ 1 . §.§ The Closed-form Solution to Subproblem (<ref>) From Algorithm <ref>, when σ_i is ReLU, then the U_i^k-update actually reduces to the following one-dimensional minimization problem u^*=uargmin f(u):=1/2(σ(u)-a)^2+γ/2(u-b)^2, where σ(u)=max{0, u} and γ>0. The solution to the above one-dimensional minimization problem can be presented in the following lemma. The optimal solution to Problem (<ref>) is shown as follows prox_1/2 γ(σ(·)-a)^2(b)={[ a+γ b/1+γ, if a+γ b ≥ 0, b ≥ 0,; a+γ b/1+γ, if -(√(γ(γ+1))-γ) a ≤γ b<0,; b, if -a ≤γ b ≤-(√(γ(γ+1))-γ) a<0,; min{b, 0}, if a+γ b<0. ]. § KEY PROOF OF THEOREM <REF> Based on Lemma <ref> and under the hypothesis that ℒ is continuous on its domain and there exists a convergent subsequence, the continuity condition required in <cit.> holds naturally, i.e., there exists a subsequence {𝒫^k_j}_j ∈ℕ and 𝒫^* such that 𝒫^k_j→𝒫^* and ℒ(𝒫^k_j) →ℒ(𝒫^*) , as j →∞ Based on Lemmas <ref>, <ref>, and <ref>, we can justify the global convergence of 𝒫^k stated in Theorem <ref>, following the proof idea of <cit.>. For the completeness of the proof, we still present the detailed proof as follows. Before presenting the main proof, we establish a local convergence result of 𝒫^k, i.e., the convergence of 𝒫^k when 𝒫^0 is sufficiently close to some point 𝒫^*. Specifically, let (φ, η, U) be the associated parameters of the KŁ property of ℒ at 𝒫^*, where φ is a continuous concave function, η is a positive constant, and U is a neighborhood of 𝒫^*. Let ρ be some constant such that 𝒩(𝒫^*, ρ):={𝒫:𝒫-𝒫^*_F≤ρ}⊂ U, ℬ:=ρ+𝒫^*_F, and L_ℬ be the uniform Lipschitz constant for σ_i, i=1, …, N-1, within 𝒩(𝒫^*, ρ). Assume that 𝒫^0 satisfies the following condition δ̅/λφ(ℒ(𝒫^0)-ℒ(𝒫^*))+3 √(ℒ(𝒫^0)/λ)+𝒫^0-𝒫^*_F<ρ, where δ̅=δ√(4 N), λ and δ are defined in Lemmas <ref> and <ref>, respectively. Under the conditions of Theorem 5, suppose that 𝒫^0 satisfies the condition (<ref>), and ℒ(𝒫^k)>ℒ(𝒫^*) for k ∈ℕ, then ∑_i=1^k𝒫^i-𝒫^i-1_F ≤ 2 √(ℒ(𝒫^0)/λ)+δ̅/λφ(ℒ(𝒫^0)-ℒ(𝒫^*)), ∀ k ≥ 1 𝒫^k ∈𝒩(𝒫^*, ρ), ∀ k ∈ℕ. As k goes to infinity, (<ref>) yields ∑_i=1^∞𝒫^i-𝒫^i-1_F<∞, which implies the convergence of {𝒫^k}_k ∈ℕ. We will prove 𝒫^k∈𝒩(𝒫^*, ρ) by induction on k. It is obvious that 𝒫^0∈𝒩(𝒫^*, ρ). Thus, (<ref>) holds for k=0. For k=1, we have from (<ref>) and the nonnegativeness of {ℒ(𝒫^k)}_k ∈ℕ that ℒ(𝒫^0) ≥ℒ(𝒫^0)-ℒ(𝒫^1) ≥ a𝒫^0-𝒫^1_F^2, which implies 𝒫^0-𝒫^1_F≤√(ℒ(𝒫^0)/λ). Therefore, 𝒫^1-𝒫^*_F≤𝒫^0-𝒫^1_F+𝒫^0-𝒫^*_F≤√(ℒ(𝒫^0)/λ)+𝒫^0-𝒫^*_F, which indicates 𝒫^1∈𝒩(𝒫^*, ρ). Suppose that 𝒫^k∈𝒩(𝒫^*, ρ) for 0 ≤ k ≤ K. We proceed to show that 𝒫^K+1∈𝒩(𝒫^*, ρ). Since 𝒫^k∈𝒩(𝒫^*, ρ) for 0 ≤ k ≤ K, it implies that 𝒫^k_F≤ℬ:=ρ+𝒫^* for 0 ≤ k ≤ K. Thus, by Lemma <ref>, for 1 ≤ k ≤ K, dist(0, ∂ℒ(𝒫^k)) ≤δ̅𝒫^k-𝒫^k-1_F, which together with the KŁ inequality (<ref>) yields 1/φ^'(ℒ(𝒫^k)-ℒ(𝒫^*))≤δ̅𝒫^k-𝒫^k-1_F By inequality (<ref>), the above inequality and the concavity of φ, for k ≥ 2, the following holds λ𝒫^k-𝒫^k-1_F^2 ≤ℒ(𝒫^k-1)-ℒ(𝒫^k)=(ℒ(𝒫^k-1)-ℒ(𝒫^*))-(ℒ(𝒫^k)-ℒ(𝒫^*)) ≤φ(ℒ(𝒫^k-1)-ℒ(𝒫^*))-φ(ℒ(𝒫^k)-ℒ(𝒫^*))/φ^'(ℒ(𝒫^k-1)-ℒ(𝒫^*)) ≤δ̅𝒫^k-1-𝒫^k-2_F·[φ(ℒ(𝒫^k-1)-ℒ(𝒫^*))-φ(ℒ(𝒫^k)-ℒ(𝒫^*))], which implies 𝒫^k-𝒫^k-1_F^2≤𝒫^k-1-𝒫^k-2_F·δ̅/λ[φ(ℒ(𝒫^k-1)-ℒ(𝒫^*))-φ(ℒ(𝒫^k)-ℒ(𝒫^*))]. Taking the square root on both sides and using the inequality 2 √(αβ)≤α+β, the above inequality implies 2𝒫^k-𝒫^k-1_F≤𝒫^k-1-𝒫^k-2_F+δ̅/λ[φ(ℒ(𝒫^k-1)-ℒ(𝒫^*))-φ(ℒ(𝒫^k)-ℒ(𝒫^*))]. Summing the above inequality over k from 2 to K and adding 𝒫^1-𝒫^0_F to both sides, it yields 𝒫^K-𝒫^K-1_F+∑_k=1^K𝒫^k-𝒫^k-1_F≤ 2𝒫^1-𝒫^0_F+δ̅/λ[φ(ℒ(𝒫^0)-ℒ(𝒫^*))-φ(ℒ(𝒫^K)-ℒ(𝒫^*))] which implies ∑_k=1^K𝒫^k-𝒫^k-1_F≤ 2 √(ℒ(𝒫^0)/λ)+δ̅/λφ(ℒ(𝒫^0)-ℒ(𝒫^*)), and further, 𝒫^K+1-𝒫^*_F≤𝒫^K+1-𝒫^K_F+∑_k=1^K𝒫^k-𝒫^k-1_F+𝒫^0-𝒫^*_F ≤√(ℒ(𝒫^K)-ℒ(𝒫^K+1)/λ)+2 √(ℒ(𝒫^0)/λ)+δ̅/λφ(ℒ(𝒫^0)-ℒ(𝒫^*))+𝒫^0-𝒫^*_F ≤ 3 √(ℒ(𝒫^0)/λ)+δ̅/λφ(ℒ(𝒫^0)-ℒ(𝒫^*))+𝒫^0-𝒫^*_F<ρ, where the second inequality holds for (<ref>) and (<ref>), the third inequality holds for ℒ(𝒫^K)-ℒ(𝒫^K+1) ≤ℒ(𝒫^K) ≤ ℒ(𝒫^0). Thus, 𝒫^K+1∈𝒩(𝒫^*, ρ). Therefore, we prove this lemma. We prove the whole sequence convergence stated in Theorem <ref> according to the following two cases. Case 1: ℒ(𝒫^k_0)=ℒ(𝒫^*) at some k_0. In this case, by Lemma <ref>, 𝒫^k=𝒫^k_0=𝒫^* holds for all k ≥ k_0, which implies the convergence of 𝒫^k to a limit point 𝒫^*. Case 2: ℒ(𝒫^k)>ℒ(𝒫^*) for all k ∈ℕ. In this case, since 𝒫^* is a limit point and ℒ(𝒫^k) →ℒ(𝒫^*), by Theorem 4 , there must exist an integer k_0 such that 𝒫^k_0 is sufficiently close to 𝒫^* as required in Lemma <ref> (see the inequality (<ref>)). Therefore, the whole sequence {𝒫^k}_k ∈ℕ converges according to Lemma <ref>. Since 𝒫^* is a limit point of {𝒫^k}_k ∈ℕ, we have 𝒫^k→𝒫^*. Next, we show 𝒫^* is a critical point of ℒ. By lim _k →∞𝒫^k-𝒫^k-1_F=0. Furthermore, by Lemma <ref>, lim _k →∞dist(0, ∂ℒ(𝒫^k))=0, which implies that any limit point is a critical point. Therefore, we prove the global convergence of the sequence generated by Algorithm <ref>. The convergence to a global minimum is a straightforward variant of Lemma <ref>. The 𝒪(1 / k) rate of convergence is a direct claim according to the proof of Lemma <ref> and lim _k →∞𝒫^k-𝒫^k-1_F=0.
Efficient Light Propagation Algorithm using Quantum Computers
[ "Chanaprom Cholsuk", "Siavash Davani", "Lorcan O. Conlon", "Tobias Vogl", "Falk Eilenberger" ]
[ "quant-ph", "physics.app-ph", "physics.comp-ph", "physics.optics" ]
chanaprom.cholsuk@uni-jena.de Abbe Center of Photonics, Institute of Applied Physics, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, 07745 Jena, Germany Abbe Center of Photonics, Institute of Applied Physics, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, 07745 Jena, Germany Max Planck School of Photonics, 07745 Jena, Germany Centre for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology, Department of Quantum Science, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia Abbe Center of Photonics, Institute of Applied Physics, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, 07745 Jena, Germany Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF, 07745 Jena, Germany falk.eilenberger@uni-jena.de Abbe Center of Photonics, Institute of Applied Physics, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, 07745 Jena, Germany Max Planck School of Photonics, 07745 Jena, Germany Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF, 07745 Jena, Germany Quantum algorithms can potentially overcome the boundary of computationally hard problems. One of the cornerstones in modern optics is the beam propagation algorithm, facilitating the calculation of how waves with a particular dispersion relation propagate in time and space. This algorithm solves the wave propagation equation by Fourier transformation, multiplication with a transfer function, and subsequent back transformation. This transfer function is determined from the respective dispersion relation and can often be expanded as a polynomial. In the case of paraxial wave propagation in free space or picosecond pulse propagation, this expansion can be truncated after the quadratic term. The classical solution to the wave propagation requires 𝒪(N log N) computation steps, where N is the number of points into which the wave function is discretized. Here, we show that the propagation can be performed as a quantum algorithm with 𝒪((logN)^2) single-controlled phase gates, indicating exponentially reduced computational complexity. We herein demonstrate this quantum beam propagation method (QBPM) and perform such propagation in both one- and two-dimensional systems for the double-slit experiment and Gaussian beam propagation. We highlight the importance of the selection of suitable observables to retain the quantum advantage in the face of the statistical nature of the quantum measurement process, which leads to sampling errors that do not exist in classical solutions. Efficient Light Propagation Algorithm using Quantum Computers Falk Eilenberger March 30, 2023 ============================================================= § INTRODUCTION Recently major breakthroughs toward outstanding performance in computation, communication, and sensing by leveraging quantum properties have been demonstrated. Although many quantum systems are still under ongoing investigation <cit.>, quantum computers <cit.> have potentially performed tasks or measurements, that cannot be done classically, e.g., in quantum sensing <cit.>, quantum communication <cit.>, and interferometry <cit.>. Quantum algorithms in particular have been expedited to overcome the boundary of the problems unsolvable by classical computation <cit.> and also speed up classical algorithms <cit.>. Recent accomplishments in wave physics have e.g. demonstrated quantum advantage for solving the Poisson equation <cit.>, computing the electromagnetic scattering cross sections <cit.>, and simulating non-classical interference phenomena <cit.>. Some of these have demonstrated exponential speedup over the best-known classical algorithms, highlighting the efficiency with which quantum algorithms can treat interference problems. Among the most prominent quantum algorithms are those which leverage the quantum Fourier transform (QFT) <cit.> to efficiently convert between real space and Fourier space representations. These include quantum phase estimation (QPE) <cit.>, and Shor's algorithm <cit.> among many others. From a physical point of view, Fourier transformations are a particularly powerful tool to solve linear differential equations, such as those encountered in wave propagation. Hence, solving wave propagation problems in quantum computers is an active area of research, as can be seen from recent works, consisting of wave equations under Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions <cit.> and the single-particle Schrödinger equation with various potential barriers <cit.>. Nevertheless, solving the wave propagation for modern optics remains unrealized so far. Unlike prior studies of wave propagation by quantum computers, we herein focus on solving wave propagation from the Helmholtz equation by implementing a Fourier transformation technique inspired by the classical beam propagation method (BPM). Classically, the BPM solves the Helmholtz equation by intermediate transfer of the wavefunction, which is discretized into N points in each dimension, into the Fourier domain using the Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT), the multiplication by a specific transfer function, and subsequent back transformation into real space. By implementing this procedure in quantum computers, we can exploit QFT and the here-demonstrated fast algorithm to implement the polynomial transfer functions to speed up the calculation. In addition, in this work, the difference between classical and quantum algorithms is demonstrated and compared. It is shown that only n=log_2N qubits are required to store the complete wavefunction, and we propose a method to implement polynomial transfer functions of order k-th with 𝒪((logN)^k) operations efficiently using a gate-based quantum computation algorithm. This implies the generalization of our QBPM being able to apply for an arbitrary light propagation. For demonstration purposes, we used Qiskit <cit.> to implement the QBPM and simulated it in a noiseless environment, i.e. on a quantum computer simulator. We showcase paraxial wave propagation (k = 2), in both one and two-dimensional environments. That is, we simulated the double slit experiment for one-dimensional propagation and Gaussian beam propagation in two lateral dimensions. § CLASSICAL WAVE PROPAGATION The propagation of electromagnetic, monochromatic waves in free space or in an isotropic media is described by the Helmholtz equation, ∇^2 U(r,ω)+k^2(ω)U(r,ω) = 0, where U(r,ω) is an arbitrary field and k(ω) is a wave vector, which is based on some dispersion relation ω=ω(k). A typical problem in wave propagation is finding the solution of the wave field U(r_⊥; z) given a specific wave frequency ω and a known initial value U_0(r_⊥) = U_0(r_⊥;z=0) defined along the transverse coordinates 𝐫_⊥, which are, 𝐫_⊥=x𝐞_x in case of one transverse dimension and 𝐫_⊥=x𝐞_x+y𝐞_y in case of two. One common approach for solving this problem is to first take the Fourier transform of the initial field with respect to the transverse coordinates <cit.> as depicted in Fig. <ref>. In case of a problem with one transverse dimension, this is given as: Ũ_0(α)=1/2π∫_-∞^∞U_0(x)e^-iα xdx, where α is the transverse wave number in x direction. To attain the propagated field in the frequency domain, we need to take the transfer function into account. If the transverse wave numbers are much smaller than the longitudinal wave numbers, i.e. α^2 ≪ k^2, the transfer function can be approximated by a quadratic polynomial, i.e. H(α;z,k) = e^i√(k^2 - α^2)z ≈ e^ikze^-iα^2/2kz. The propagated field in the frequency domain is then given by Ũ(α;z)≈Ũ_0(α)e^ikze^-iα^2/2kz, where the first exponent is just a fixed phase and can be ignored for many problems. Likewise, if we consider the dispersion of a temporal pulse, we can expand the dispersion relation into a Taylor series and truncate after the quadratic term, if the pulse is not too short (typically sub-picosecond) and the linear term can be removed by the introduction of a co-moving frame of reference. Finally, we take the inverse Fourier transform to obtain the propagated field in space U(x;z). The generalization of this to two or more transverse dimensions is straightforward. For a numerical solution, we discretize the wavefunction U(x) on N equidistant points in space x_γ=γΔx with γ∈ [-N/2,...,0,1,...,N/2-1], such that U^(0)_γ=U_0(γΔx) where U^(0)_γ is the discretized wavefunction. N=2^n is usually selected as a power of two, consistent with the number of qubits n in the quantum algorithm. The Fourier transformation with the FFT algorithm requires 𝒪(N log(N)) steps and yields the discretized Fourier amplitudes Ũ^(0)_γ at the frequencies α_γ=γΔα, where Δα=2π/(NΔ x). The solution then requires the multiplication of the transfer function for each discrete frequency H_γ=H(α_γ;z,k), which requires 𝒪(N) steps, yielding the Fourier amplitudes Ũ_γ(z) and a subsequent application of the inverse FFT to calculate U_γ(z). The overall cost of applying the algorithm is thus 𝒪(N log(N)). It should be noted that the algorithm does not find a perfect solution to the Helmholtz equation, because its discretization in real and Fourier spaces imply periodic boundary conditions in both spaces, yielding a non-vanishing discretization error. If an analytic solution I_Ref(x_γ;z), or any other reference solution for a particular initial field is known, we can measure the impact of the error on a wavefunction's intensity using e.g. a root-mean-square-error ϵ(z): ϵ(z) = √(∑_γ(I_Ref(x_γ;z)-I_γ(x_γ;z))^2/∑_γ I_Ref(x_γ;z)), where I_Ref(x_γ;z)=|U_Ref(x_γ;z)|^2 is the absolute value square of the analytic solution and I_γ(z)=|U_γ(x_γ;z)|^2 is the absolute value square of the numerically solved discrete solution. We shall later see that the QBPM introduces random errors in the measurement process and hence ϵ(z) is a statistically distributed quantity in its own right. Its distribution can be sampled over many repetitions N_sim and described by its mean error μ=ϵ and the standard error σ=(ϵ^2-ϵ^2)^1/2. § QUANTUM ALGORITHM FOR PROPAGATION To formulate the quantum algorithm for the wave propagation discussed above, we map the classical BPM steps onto quantum gates. All procedures are illustrated in Fig. <ref>. The step-by-step derivation for our proposed algorithm is as follows. * Selection of qubits: we create a wavefunction |ψ⟩ from n=log N qubits, the state of which can be described by an arbitrary superposition of its computational basis states |γ⟩ with γ∈ [-N/2,...,0,1,...,N/2-1], which can be represented as a binary number γ= -a_n-12^n-1 + ∑_j=0^n-2a_j2^j composed of its binary digits a_j∈{0,1} using the two's complement to indicate negative values. Mapping the N point wavefunction onto the n qubits already entails exponential enhancement of memory efficiency. * Initialization: We represent the initial wavefunction U^(0)_γ as |ψ_0⟩=∑_γU^(0)_γ|γ⟩. An efficient solution to this problem is not subject to this work. For the frequently encountered case of Gaussian beams, we can, e.g., make use of the Kitaev-Webb algorithm <cit.>. * Fourier domain: We perform a QFT on |ψ_0⟩ transforming the state into |ψ̃_̃0̃⟩=∑_γŨ^(0)_γ|γ⟩. Note that γ now indicates the wave number index. * Second-order propagation: In the Fourier space, we need to multiply each Ũ^(0)_γ term with the transfer function e^-iα_γ^2/2kz=e^iϕγ^2 with ϕ=-2π^2 z/N^2Δ x^2k. This represents a phase shift, which only depends on the fixed value of ϕ and the square of the state index γ. An efficient implementation can be done by rewriting γ in its binary form. This leads to (See details in Supplementary Material S1): γ^2 = ∑_j=0^n-14^ja_j +∑_j=0^n-2∑_l=0^j-12^j+l+1a_ja_l - ∑_l=0^n-22^n+la_n-1a_l. Note that j and l are qubit indices and that either a_j=1 or a_j=0 for all j. This allows for an efficient implementation of the transfer function operator, as we note the summands of the first sum have the value 4^j under the condition that qubit j is in the |1⟩ state and zero otherwise. Likewise, all summands of the middle sum have the value 2^j+l+1 under the condition that the qubit-pair j and l are both in their |1⟩ state and zero otherwise. The last term is for two's complement and of identical structure. The multiplication of the transfer operator Û can thus be decomposed into a series of phase gates and single-controlled phase gates, such that |ψ̃(z)⟩=Û|ψ̃_̃0̃⟩. Û=∏_j=0^n-1P̂^j(-4^jϕ)∏_j=0^n-2∏_l=0^j-1P̂^jl(-2^j+l+1ϕ)∏_l=0^n-2P̂^(n-1)l(-2^n+lϕ). Here P̂^j(ϕ)=[ 1 0; 0 exp(iϕ) ] acts on the |1⟩ state of the j-th qubit and likewise P̂^jl(ϕ) is the same but also controlled by qubit l. * The calculation of the final state |ψ(z)⟩ is done by subsequent application of the inverse QFT (IQFT). By measuring the final state, we collapse the field into a computational basis state with a probability of collapse being equal to the absolute value square of the wavefunction at this point in space, hence its intensity: p(x=x_γ)=|⟨γ||ψ(z)⟩|^2 ∝ I_γ(z). This is equivalent to measuring a single photon in the final wavefield on a camera with N pixels. The complete intensity distribution can be sampled from a series of N_s “single photon clicks", termed “shots". If the intensity distribution is not required, but some other measurable is sought-after, then a different approach for measurement may be better suited. Note, however, that any kind of sampling induces a sampling error, with - as opposed to the discretization error - is statistical in nature. The impact of both types of error can hence be separated from an ensemble average by calculating the statistical features of the RMSE with a fixed number of shots N_s over many simulations N_sim. If the sample based estimator is unbiased then a mean error μ is indicative of the discretization error and the standard error σ is indicative of sampling noise. Both QFT as well as the transfer function multiplication operation require 𝒪(n^2) operations, thus the entire calculations scales with 𝒪((log N)^2). As such, the QBPM is exponentially faster than the classical BPM algorithm. Although all above BPM and QBPM are derived based on the second-order approximation, it is crucial to note that our algorithm can also be applied for higher order polynomials α^k, as are required to e.g. model pulse propagation in dispersive media or to go beyond the paraxial approximation for large-angle wave propagation. A general formula can be found in the Supplementary Material S1 and it can be seen that the speedup is still maintained, as the scaling for these operations is 𝒪(n^k). § ONE-DIMENSIONAL PROPAGATION We now turn to implementing the above algorithm and presenting the double-slit experiment as a test case to validate the method's functionality and to investigate the relative impact of discretization error μ, which is a generic feature of the discretized solver, vs. the sampling noise σ, which is a feature of the measurement procedure inherent in quantum computers. The initial state was chosen as: U_0(x) = 1/√(2w) 1 |x-d/2|≤w/2, |x+d/2|≤w/2 0 Otherwise. Where the separation of the slits d is 0.5 mm, the width of each slit w = 0.1 mm, and the wavelength of the monochromatic light λ = 532 nm. The number of qubits is 15 qubits. The intensity pattern at the output is a function of z and the analytical solution is <cit.>: I_ref(x;z) = I_0 cos^2(πd/λsinθ) ^2(πw/λsinθ), where tanθ=x/z and I_0 is the maximum intensity in the center. §.§ Simulated interference pattern and Error analysis We now compare our quantum algorithm to the classical analytic solution for the double-slit experiment. As depicted in Fig. <ref>, we can see the result of the quantum simulation after different z propagation distances compared to the analytical solution. The result agrees well with the expected interference pattern. Both discretization error μ and sampling error σ depend on the propagation distance z and the number of shots N_s. In Fig. <ref>(a), both are plotted as a function of the propagation distance. The result indicates that the discretization error increases linearly with the propagation distance, and that it is larger than the sampling error except for z=0. This is an important finding, as it naturally gives a rise to a selection rule for the number of shots N_s,max, beyond which a reduction of the shot noise will not improve overall precision, beyond the systematic discretization error. For the given simulation, such a number can be estimated from the data shown in Fig. <ref>(b). While at z=0 the total error can be reduced with the inverse of the square root of N_s to an arbitrarily low value, a minimal error is evident for all z>0. For all investigated distances this likely occurs in our simulation at N_s,max≈10^6. As a complete reconstruction of the absolute value of the wavefunction by means of sampling does not appear to be a suitable mode of operation for a quantum simulator anyway, a more systematic investigation of this boundary is not undertaken. § TWO-DIMENSIONAL PROPAGATION In addition to the simulation of one-dimensional propagation as demonstrated in Sec. <ref>, we herein extend our propagation algorithm to two-dimensional propagation and select a Gaussian beam propagation in free space as a case study. §.§ Computational model The wave function is initialized by U^(0)_γ,ζ = A_0e^-(x_γ-x_0)^2+(y_γ-y_0)^2/w_0^2, where A_0 is the normalization constant and w_0 is the beam waist. As such, here, α and β are discretized by 2πγ/Δ xN and 2πζ/Δ yN, accordingly. In this example, we define the width at focal plane (w_0) at 0.05 m, wavelength (λ) at 532 nm, the number of qubits in each direction set to 5 qubits (10 qubits total), and the Gaussian is centered at the domain's center, such that x_0=y_0=0. For two-dimensional propagation, we can straightforwardly add one more coordinate into the circuit as the x and y coordinates are independent of each other. This implies that all steps remain the same as those of the one-dimensional case, hence the quantum algorithm will be duplicated for the other axis as depicted in Fig. <ref>. It should be noted that the dimensional independence is a feature of the dimensional independence of diffraction and not of the quantum algorithm. However, it can be exploited here, even if the input is not independent in x- and y-directions. The Gaussian beam is propagated with the propagating distance (z) as illustrated in Fig. <ref>. It is obvious that when z_r is larger, the Gaussian beam broadens, as expected. §.§ Observable and Error analysis As opposed to the 1D-case, we here aim to highlight the impact of a well-selected observable on the number of shots N_s required for a good estimation of some observable. As a test case, we estimate the beam waist w(z) as shown in Eq. <ref> as a function of the propagation distance, w_Q=∑_i=0^N-1∑_j=0^N-1((x_i-x_0)^2 + (y_j-y_0)^2 )P_ij, where x_i and y_j run from 0 to the position domain ranged N. Where at each position (x_i,y_j) we have measured the number of times the circuit collapses into this final state P_ij=N_ij/N_s. We compare it with the value obtained from classical discretized solution as shown below, w_ref=∑_i=0^N-1∑_j=0^N-1((x_i-x_0)^2 + (y_j-y_0)^2 )|U_ij|^2, where |U_ij| is the absolute value of the wavefunction. As opposed to the last section we here reference against the discrete approximation; hence the difference ϵ=w_Q-w_ref is exclusively caused by the sampling error. Again, we measure the standard error σ_w=(ϵ^2-ϵ^2)^1/2. Both values depend on the number of shots N_s and the propagation distance z and have been determined from N_sim=100 independent simulations. We now analyze the size of the standard error as a function of the propagation length and the number of shots. This data is displayed in Fig. <ref>. The data indicates that only N_s=100 already allows for a very good sampling precision of the beam waist radius. If a better approximation is required then the number of shots can be increased, and we observe an increase in precision of  1/N_s. Larger propagation distances inherit the more considerable error, consistent with the 1D case. This shows that the fact, that quantum computers require sampling, does not systematically ill-affect the efficiency of the algorithm; if a sufficiently well-behaved measureable is required, which we argue is a common use case, a very moderate number of shots is sufficient for a good estimation of the measurable. Nonetheless, as the propagation in the 2D case is more sophisticated than that in 1D, we also benchmarked our QBPM among four different cases, consisting of noisy quantum simulator, noiseless quantum simulator, classical discretized algorithm, and classical analytic solution to guarantee the accuracy of our algorithm. All of these comparisons agree well as can be seen in Supplementary Material S2. § CONCLUSION We have developed a quantum beam propagation algorithm based on the paraxial approximation. We show that our quantum algorithm can efficiently simulate beam propagation in both one and two dimensions by implementing only phase gates and controlled phase gates with an exponential speedup over the classical solution, based on the fast Fourier transformation. This allows for a low number of qubits and operations used for the propagation when compared with the classical counterpart. We also carry out a rigorous error analysis to give more insights into the role of the sampling error, which is a new source of errors, when quantum computers are used. We analyze two scenarios: the sampling of the absolute value squared of the wavefunction and find that the sampling error falls below the discretization error after only a few thousand shots N_s. In a second scenario, we only analyze a scalar measurable, in this case, the waist of a broadening gaussian beam. Here we find that a very good accuracy can be achieved with only a few hundred shots and hence the quantum advantage can be maintained for a broad range of scenarios. We further argue that our work does not merely add one more algorithm to the toolbox of quantum simulation. Instead, it bridges the gap between Fourier optics and quantum computation and lays the foundation for quantum computers as a tool to efficiently simulate more complex problems in photonics, such as Boson sampling or spontaneous conversion in photonic nanostructures. This work was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under grant numbers 13XP5053A (NanoscopeFutur-2D) and 13N16292 (ATOMIQS). The authors received funding from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) - CRC NOA 1375, B3 and Projektnummer 445275953. This research was supported by the German Space Agency DLR with funds provided by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action BMWK under grant numbers 50WM2165 (QUICK3). C.C. acknowledges a Development and Promotion of Science and Technology Talents Project (DPST) scholarship by the Royal Thai Government. We acknowledge the use of IBM Quantum services for this work. The views expressed are those of the authors, and do not reflect the official policy or position of IBM or the IBM Quantum team.
Amélioration de la qualité d'images avec un algorithme d'optimisation inspirée par la nature
[ "Olivier Parisot", "Thomas Tamisier" ]
[ "cs.CV" ]
L'amélioration de la qualité des images est un sujet d'intérêt dans le domaine de la vision par ordinateur. De nouvelles techniques sont régulièrement proposées afin de traiter efficacement le flou, le bruit, les problèmes de contraste et même la faible résolution (<cit.>). Ainsi, la sélection et l'application de transformations appropriées est une tâche complexe qui nécessite un savoir-faire et des outils spécifiques pour le traitement d'images. Dans un premier temps, il est essentiel d'utiliser des métriques pour guider le processus: à cet égard, l'évaluation de la qualité des images (IQA – Image Quality Assesment) vise à estimer automatiquement la qualité d'une image de manière à ce qu'elle corresponde à une évaluation humaine subjective (<cit.>). Par ailleurs, en recherche scientifique et en ingénierie, il est plus que jamais utile voire nécessaire de garantir la reproductibilité des expériences sur les jeux de données à base d'images en disposant de la trace des transformations effectuées (<cit.>). Un travail récent a montré qu'une information complète et rigoureuse au sujet des traitements effectués sur les images fait défaut dans une grande proportion d'articles scientifiques, ce qui peut compromettre l'interprétation des résultats obtenus (<cit.>). Nous pouvons faire une analogie avec l'apprentissage automatique lorsqu'il est appliqué sur des données numériques ou catégorielles: le prétraitement des données doit être documenté de manière précise pour aboutir à des modèles prédictifs significatifs et de confiance (<cit.>). L'approche que nous présentons procède par optimisation inspirée de la nature pour améliorer une image: elle s'appuie sur des méthodes standard d'évaluation de la qualité et elle construit la trace explicite de la séquence de transformations successivement opérées. Le reste de cet article est organisé comme suit. Tout d'abord, les travaux connexes sur l'évaluation de la qualité et l'optimisation inspirée par la nature pour les images sont brièvement présentés (Section <ref>). Ensuite, notre approche pour améliorer la qualité des images est introduit (Section <ref>). Un prototype est décrit (Section <ref>) et les résultats des expériences réalisées sont discutés (Section <ref>). Pour finir, nous concluons en ouvrant quelques perspectives (Section <ref>). § ETAT DE L'ART §.§ Evaluation de la qualité d'image De nombreuses approches d'évaluation de la qualité d'image ont été développées ces dernières années et une liste exhaustive a déjà été compilée par <cit.>. On peut distinguer deux grandes familles de techniques: * Les méthodes à référence complète (Full Reference IQA – FR-IQA) et à référence réduite (Reduced Reference IQA – RR-IQA) sont basées sur un référentiel d'images (brutes/déformées). * Les techniques sans référence (No Reference IQA – NR-IQA) et à l'aveugle (Blind-IQA) visent à estimer la qualité de manière non supervisée (<cit.>). Dans cet article, nous nous concentrons sur l'utilisation d'approches NR-IQA et Blind-IQA et parmi lesquelles nous pouvons citer: * BRISQUE (Blind/Referenceless Image Spatial Quality Evaluator) proposé par <cit.>: un score entre 0 et 100 est produit (0 pour une image de bonne qualité, 100 pour une qualité médiocre) . * NIMA (Neural Image Assessment) introduit par <cit.>: un ensemble de modèles de Deep Learning pour estimer la qualité esthétique et technique des images: un score entre 0 et 10 est produit (0 pour une image de mauvaise qualité, 10 pour une image de bonne qualité). En pratique, ces méthodes d'évaluation sont largement utilisées dans les benchmarks pour comparer l'efficacité des algorithmes de traitement d'images, comme décrit par <cit.>. Elles permettent de détecter avec une efficacité certaine les images de mauvaise qualité. §.§ Optimisation inspirée par la nature pour le traitement d'images A l'instar des réseaux neuromimétiques, de nombreuses approches de résolution de problèmes ou d'optimisation sont inspirées par des processus naturels, notamment les algorithmes évolutionnaires et l'optimisation par essaims de particules (<cit.>). Ces techniques sont fréquemment appliquées en vision par ordinateur pour diverses tâches telles que la réduction du flou et du bruit, la restauration et la segmentation (<cit.>). En particulier, <cit.> propose un algorithme génétique pour mettre en valeur automatiquement une image en la modifiant de manière progressive. Dans la suite de cet article, nous proposons une solution pour la génération de séquences ordonnées de transformations d'images en appliquant avec un algorithme guidé par les techniques d'évaluation de la qualité des images précédement citées. § APPROCHE L'élément central de l'approche est défini de la manière suivante: * Une image initiale. * Une séquence ordonnée de transformations appliquée sur l'image initiale (exemples: ajustement du contraste puis suppression du brouillard, suivi d'un ajustement de l'histogramme et d'un débruitage par variation totale, etc.). Au départ, cette séquence est vide. * Un score de qualité est évalué avec les méthodes d'évaluation de la qualité de l'image BRISQUE ou NIMA (esthétique ou technique). Cette étape est critique et pilote l'algorithme (la qualité sert ici de fitness de la solution, dans la terminologie utilisée pour les algorithmes évolutionnaires). Pour une image d'entrée donnée (I), en considérant une méthode d'évaluation de la qualité de l'image (M) et un nombre maximum d'époques (E), l'algorithme suivant calcule un ensemble de séquences ordonnées de transformations à appliquer sur l'image: * Une population est générée avec P images: chaque image est un clone de l'image initiale I sur laquelle une transformation aléatoire a été appliquée ou non. En effet, pour s'assurer que l'algorithme ne conduit pas à une image de moindre qualité, il est important de conserver au moins un clone non modifié de l'image initiale dans la population dans le cas où l'algorithme ne produit pas de meilleure solution. * Pendant E itérations : * La meilleure image présente dans la population ainsi qu'une autre image choisie au hasard sont clonées, puis une transformation aléatoire est appliquée pour chacune: les images nouvellement créées sont évaluées avec M et ajoutées à la population. * Une autre image est sélectionnée aléatoirement dans la population et est empilée avec l'image initiale (avec un poids aléatoire): l'élément nouvellement créé est évalué avec M et ajouté à la population. * Selon l'évaluation avec M des images présentes dans la population, les plus mauvaises images sont sélectionnées puis retirées de la population (pour toujours garder P images dans la population). * Le résultat final est l'image de la population consolidée ayant la meilleure estimation de qualité. La sortie de l'algorithme est alors une séquence ordonnée de transformations qui conduit à une amélioration de l'évaluation de la qualité de l'image. Pour éviter que l'image ne diffère trop de l'image initiale, nous avons ajouté un test comparant la similarité entre l'image produite et l'image initiale: si la similarité est trop faible (c'est-à-dire inférieure à un seuil prédéfini T), alors le score de l'image est fortement pénalisé et la dernière transformation appliquée n'est donc pas considérée comme acceptable. Le test est ici basé sur l'indice de similarité structurelle (Structural Similarity Index): en pratique, la valeur est proche de 1 lorsque les deux images sont similaires alors que la valeur est proche de 0 lorsque les images sont vraiment différentes. § IMPLEMENTATION ET EXPÉRIENCES L'algorithme a été implémenté dans un prototype Python. Divers composants open-source standards ont été intégrés. Le chargement et la transformation des images sont réalisés à l'aide de divers packages Python dédiés tels que openCV [<https://pypi.org/project/opencv-python/>] et scikit-images. [<https://pypi.org/project/scikit-image/>]. Le score BRISQUE est calculé grâce au package image-quality [<https://pypi.org/project/image-quality/>] et les scores NIMA sont fournis par une implémentation de Tensorflow [<https://github.com/idealo/image-quality-assessment>]. En utilisant ces composants, les transformations d'images suivantes peuvent être appliquées et combinées à la volée via notre prototype: * Débruitage via différentes méthodes: variation totale, moyennes non locales, ondelettes, bilatéral. * Ajustement du contraste et de la luminosité notamment via des algorithmes comme CLAHE (Contrast Limited Adaptive histogram equalization, <cit.>). * Traitement du background, notamment pour améliorer les images à faible luminosité (<cit.>). * Atténuation du brouillard via des modèles de Deep Learning comme Cycle-Dehaze (<cit.>). * Transformations morphologiques comme erosion et dilatation (<cit.>). * Reconstruction des détails avec des modèles comme Noise2Noise (<cit.>). * Empilage pondéré et/ou soustraction d'images. Ce code Python a été développé de manière à pouvoir être exécuté sur une infrastructure haute performance ayant la configuration matérielle suivante: 40 cœurs et 128 Go de RAM (CPU Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4210 @ 2,20 GHz) et NVIDIA Tesla V100-PCIE-32 Go. Plus précisémment, les librairies CUDA [<https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-zone>] et NUMBA [<http://numba.pydata.org/>] ont été utilisées autant que possible pour accélérer l'exécution de code sur cette infrastructure. § EXPÉRIENCES L'algorithme a d'abord été testé sur des photographies telles que Figure <ref> [<https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page>]. Dans l'exemple de l'image de la fusée, les transformations suivantes ont été appliquées sur une version volontairement altérée de la photographie initiale: désembrumage, empilement avec image initiale (avec poids à 0.8), débruitage par filtrage bilateral, augmentation du contraste, traitement de la netteté (avec beta à 0.95), augmentation du contraste, débruitage par filtrage bilateral, suppression du fond, augmentation du contraste, traitement de la netteté (beta: 1.05). Cette séquence ordonnée d'opérations permet d'améliorer la qualité mesurée de l'image dégradée (en se référant aux scores BRISQUE et NIMA). Dans un second temps, plusieurs jeux de données de référence en traitement d'images ont été considérées durant nos expérimentations: TID2013 avec 500 images déformées choisies au hasard (<cit.>) et LIVE avec 175 images bruitées (<cit.>). De plus, nous avons testé l'approche sur les benchmarks CID2013 et LOL: le premier contient 475 images capturées avec des appareils grand public comme les smartphones (<cit.>) et le second consiste en 485 images à faible luminosité (<cit.>). Les résultats du Tableau <ref> ont été obtenus avec les hyperparamètres suivants: NIMA-esthétique comme score d'évaluation de la qualité d'image ciblée, une population initiale de 20 images, 50 époques maximum et 0,5 comme similarité minimale. Selon nos différents essais, cette configuration de l'algorithme offre le meilleur compromis entre l'amélioration de la qualité et le temps d'exécution. Le score BRISQUE a été calculé par la suite pour estimer d'une autre manière et à posteriori la qualité des résultats de l'algorithme et la variance du bruit (Noise Variance) a été calculée pour mettre en évidence le niveau de bruit dans les benchmarks. D'après ces premières expériences, les scores de qualité (NIMA-esthétique et BRISQUE) sont meilleurs pour les images provenant des benchmarks TID2013 et LIVE après l'exécution de notre algorithme. Idem pour le bruit: notre algorithme tend à le réduire dans les images transformées pour ces benchmarks. Nous notons cependant que les résultats pour les images à faible luminosité sont partiellement satisfaisants (benchmark LOL). Même si les transformations calculées par notre algorithme augmentent le score NIMA-esthétique comme souhaité, elles ont tendance à dégrader le score BRISQUE et à augmenter le bruit. Ce problème montre les limites de NIMA et BRISQUE pour l'évaluation de la qualité des images à faible luminosité: ces méthodes ne devraient pas être utilisées pour guider la transformation de telles images. En ce qui concerne les performances de calcul, le temps nécessaire pour exécuter le prototype Python était raisonnable en utilisant l'infrastructure décrite ci-dessus (de quelques secondes à plusieurs dizaines de secondes par image, en fonction de leur résolution). Le temps d'exécution du prototype dépend pour l'essentiel de la méthode d'évaluation de la qualité appliquée: par exemple, l'évaluation NIMA-esthétique est réalisée en moyenne en moins de 100 millisecondes tandis que l'évaluation du score BRISQUE peut prendre plusieurs secondes. En pratique, ce temps peut être réduit en diminuant la taille des images avant évaluation (mais cela affecte également la précision des évaluations, ce qui n'est pas forcément souhaitable). § CONCLUSION AND PERSPECTIVES Cet article présente un algorithme d'optimisation inspirée de la nature améliorant la qualité mesurée d'une image avec le calcul d'une séquence ordonnée et reproductible de transformations à appliquer. Un prototype Python basé sur les méthodes d'évaluation de la qualité des images a été mis en oeuvre et testé sur diverses bases de données d'images de l'état de l'art. Divers partenaires académiques et opérationnels permettront de mettre en place des cas d'utilisation réels de l'approche (notamment en bio-informatique). En parallèle, nous améliorons le prototype en générant automatiquement le code source Python permettant de transformer les images, en nous inspirant de ce qui est proposé dans les approches AutoML (Automated Machine Learning). De plus, les futurs cas d'utilisation seront également utilisés pour améliorer le prototype proposé sur les images à faible luminosité. Enfin, les performances d'exécution seront renforcées en distribuant les calculs via des frameworks comme Spark. § REMERCIEMENTS Ce travail a été réalisé en utilisant la plateforme Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics opérée par le Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology. Dans ce cadre, nous remercions tout particulièrement Jean-François Merche et Raynald Jadoul pour leur support. rnti
Robustness of Bell Violation of Graph States to Qubit Loss
[ "Shahar Silberstein", "Rotem Arnon-Friedman" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
theoremTheorem lemma[theorem]Lemma The Center for Quantum Science and Technology, Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel Robustness of Bell Violation of Graph States to Qubit Loss Rotem Arnon-Friedman March 30, 2023 ========================================================== Graph states are special entangled states advantageous for many quantum technologies, including quantum error correction, multiparty quantum communication and measurement-based quantum computation. Yet, their fidelity is often disrupted by various errors, most notably qubit loss. In general, given an entangled state, Bell inequalities can be used to certify whether quantum entanglement remains despite errors. Here we study the robustness of graph states to loss in terms of their Bell violation. Treating the recently proposed linearly scalable Bell operators by Baccari et al., we use the stabilizer formalism to derive a formula for the extent by which the Bell violation of a given graph state is decreased with qubit loss. Our analysis allows to determine which graph topologies are tolerable to qubit loss as well as pinpointing the Achilles' heel of each graph, namely the sets of qubits whose loss jeopardizes the Bell violation. These results can serve as an analytical tool for optimizing experiments and protocols involving graph states in real-life systems. § INTRODUCTION Graph states <cit.> are special entangled states that can be characterized by a graph in which each vertex represents a qubit. They are defined to satisfy a set of “stabilizing constraints” applying to each qubit and its neighbors. The states are useful for many quantum tasks and technologies, ranging from quantum error correction <cit.>, to multiparty cryptographic protocols <cit.>, to all-photonic quantum repeaters <cit.> and computers <cit.>. As they hold such great importance, a vast amount of research is devoted to investigating their theoretical aspects and creating them in laboratories using different quantum technologies <cit.>. As graph states are entangled states, there exist Bell inequalities that can be violated by them <cit.>. The violation gives a very strong form of “certification” of the states <cit.>. These facts allow us to use graph states as a quantum resource in the so called device-independent (DI) setting. In the DI paradigm <cit.> one wishes to certify that an unknown quantum state is sufficiently good in order to accomplish a given task (e.g., the production of randomness <cit.>). This is done by measuring the state using uncharacterized devices and checking whether the resulting classical information, namely, the measurement outcomes, can be used to violate a Bell inequality <cit.>. In recent years, several Bell inequalities were developed specifically for graph states <cit.>. The inequalities differ in the number of prescribed measurement settings, the maximal violation ratio with respect to the classical bound and more. In this work we are interested in the robustness of the Bell violation of the inequalities to the loss of qubits. A loss of qubits is the most common source of error in many setups. Most drastically, attenuation causes loss when photonic qubits are being sent over a quantum communication channel <cit.>. Another reason to consider loss comes from the field of multipartite computation and cryptography <cit.>. Consider a setup in which a graph state is being used as a resource for some task where, say, each entity holds one qubit of the graph state. If one of the parties decides to stop participating in the protocol, this results, effectively, in the loss of a qubit. Ideally, one would like the protocol to be robust to this loss so the task can be accomplished regardless. Some studies regarding the effects of loss of qubits on graph states in the context of error correction have been performed, e.g., <cit.>. We stress that our work considers the DI setup, where the initial state, the set of possible measurements and the errors are unknown. Hence, the more demanding Bell violation is asked for, as apposed to having an error model and an error correcting code that can be used to handle qubit losses. <cit.> discussed the implication for specific types of hyper-graphs. Here we provide a general theorem for the violation of a lineally scalable Bell inequality <cit.> which can be applied to any graph state. Apart from the fundamental aspects, our findings can be used to construct loss-tolerant DI protocols that use graph states. Our main goal is to understand how the violation of the Bell inequality decreases when some qubits of a given graph state are lost (see Section <ref>). In addition, we show that for any graph state, when a qubit from the set of roots is lost there is no violation. We present several examples for loss-tolerant (Section <ref>) and loss-sensitive graph states (Section <ref>) and find that a redundancy of roots is beneficial to construct loss-tolerant graph states. In each example, we indicate which qubits are “more important” than others and how many qubits can be lost while still allowing to observe a violation of the Bell inequalities (see Table <ref> for a summary). Lastly, we explore the implication of the possibility of the set of lost qubits being unknown (Section <ref>). On top of the theoretical contribution, our results and examples are of relevance for experiments. Firstly, if loss is to be expected, one should clearly aim to create loss-tolerant graph states; our results show how many qubits can be lost for a given state while still presenting a Bell violation. Then, since some qubits are crucial for the violation, it is wise to treat them differently in an experiment. For example, have them as, e.g., atomic qubits or be measured right away, while others can be sent as photons. Thus, our work lays out important facts for consideration when developing experiments that produce graph states. § PRELIMINARIES §.§ Bell Scenarios We consider (N,2,2) Bell Scenarios, which can be thought of as “cooperative games” with N participating parties. Each participant i receives an input x_i∈ℐ_i={ 0,1} sampled from some probability distribution q({ x_i}_i=1^N), and produces an output y_i∈𝒪_i={ -1,1}. The score of the game is defined via a function v({ x_i} _i=1^N,{ y_i} _i=1^N). The behavior of the parties can be described by some conditional probability distribution P({y_i}_i=1^N| {x_i}_i=1^N), which is also called the strategy of the game. The score of a strategy is given by I(P) =∑_{ x_i} _i=1^N,{ y_i} _i=1^Nq({ x_i} _i=1^N) P({y_i}_i=1^N| {x_i}_i=1^N) v({ x_i} _i=1^N,{ y_i} _i=1^N) . A strategy is called local, or classical, if there exists a family of local processes ∀λ : { P_1^λ(y| x),…,P_N^λ(y| x)} and a distribution Q(λ) such that P({y_i}_i=1^N| {x_i}_i=1^N) = ∫ dλ Q(λ)Π_i=1^NP_i^λ(y_i| x_i) . A strategy is called deterministic if the set of outputs is predetermined for any set of inputs, i.e P({y_i}_i=1^N| {x_i}_i=1^N) = δ_(y_1,…,y_n) = f(x_1,…,x_n) , where f is some function of the inputs. Hence, a strategy is said to be local deterministic if it relies on a predetermined agreement of the outputs to each input separately. According to Fine's theorem <cit.>, any local strategy can be written as a convex combination of local deterministic strategies. The classical bound β_C of the game is defined as the maximal average score a local strategy can achieve. In Bell scenarios, the strategies which involve quantum resources can achieve better scores. A strategy which uses a quantum resource in this context is described by a quantum density matrix ρ acting on ⊗_i=1^Nℋ_i where {ℋ_i} _i=1^N are Hilbert spaces, and families of measurements ∀ i,∀ x_i∈ℐ_i:{Π_i(x_i, y_i)|y_i∈𝒪_i} ,∑_y_i∈𝒪_iΠ_i(x_i ,y_i)=𝕀_i , such that P({y_i}_i=1^N| {x_i}_i=1^N)=Tr(ρ⊗_i=1^NΠ_i(x_i,y_i)) . The quantum bound of the game β_Q is the maximal average score a quantum strategy can achieve. In a Bell scenario β_Q≥β_C. A correlator of the outputs is a function of the form ⟨ y_i_1··· y_i_k⟩({ x_i} _i=1^N)= ∑_{ y_i}_i=1^N y_i_1··· y_i_k P({y_i}_i=1^N| {x_i}_i=1^N) , where { i_1,…,i_k}⊆{ 1,…,N}. In many cases, I(P) is a linear combination of such correlators. For a quantum strategy Equation (<ref>) can be written as an operator expectation value ⟨ y_i_1··· y_i_k⟩({ x_i} _i=1^N) = ⟨ Y_i_1(x_i_1)… Y_i_k(x_i_k) ⟩ , where Y_i(x_i) = ∑_y_i∈𝒪_iy_i·Π_i(x_i,y_i). §.§ Graph States The (N,2,2) Bell inequalities examined in this paper are maximally violated by N-qubit states called graph states, which are defined as follows. Let G=(V,E) be a graph, where V={v_1,…,v_N} is the set of vertices (|V|=N) and E is the set of edges. Each of the qubits in the system is associated with a vertex in V. Denote by 𝒩_i^G the neighborhood of the vertex v_i, i.e., 𝒩_i^G = {j: (v_i,v_j)∈ E } and define 𝒩_i^G≡𝒩_i^G∪{i}. To every vertex v_i∈ V associate a stabilizing operator S_i^G≡ X_i⊗_j∈𝒩_i^G Z_j , where the identity operator acts on all sites not appearing explicitly. Note, that the operators {S_i^G}^N_i=1 commute with one another and therefore can be diagonalized simultaneously. The graph state |ϕ^G⟩ associated with the graph G is an N-qubit state defined as the unique[Generally, for a stabilizer code with n qubits and k stabilizers, the corresponding code space has 2^n-k states. This is proved by induction by adding one stabilizer at a time to the stabilizer group and showing that with each addition the number of eigenstates with eigenvalue 1 for all stabilizers is cut in half. For more information see <cit.>.] eigenstate of all the stabilizers with eigenvalue 1, i.e ∀ i∈{1,…,N} : S_i^G|ϕ^G⟩ = |ϕ^G⟩ . A node with the maximal number of neighbors n_max is called a root. Denote without loss of generality one of the roots by the index r. Define the following Bell operator maximally violated by graph states, proposed in <cit.> I_r^G[{Y_i(0)}_i=1^N,{Y_i(1)}_i=1^N] = n_max[Y_r(0) + Y_r(1)] ⊗_i∈𝒩_r^G Y_i(1) + [Y_r(0) - Y_r(1)]∑_i∈𝒩_r^G Y_i(0)⊗_j∈𝒩_i^G∖{r} Y_j(1) + ∑_i∉𝒩_r^G Y_i(0)⊗_j∈𝒩_i^G Y_j(1) . An example of a graph with two possible root vertices and n_max = 4 is shown in Figure <ref>. It is shown that this Bell operator has the following classical bound β_C=n_max+N-1 , and the maximal quantum violation is β_Q=(2√(2)-1)n_max+N-1 . The maximal expectation value in Equation (<ref>) can be achieved by using the following measurements and the graph state Y_i(0) = 1/√(2)(X_i+Z_i) i = r X_i otherwise Y_i(1) = 1/√(2)(X_i-Z_i) i = r Z_i otherwise . In this case[The * in I_r^G* in Equation (<ref>) stands for the specific choice of measurements described in Equation (<ref>)] I_r^G* = √(2)n_maxX_r⊗_i∈𝒩_r^G Z_i + √(2)Z_r∑_i∈𝒩_r^G X_i⊗_j∈𝒩_i^G∖{r} Z_j + ∑_i∉𝒩_r^G X_i⊗_j∈𝒩_i^G Z_j = √(2)n_maxS_r^G + √(2)∑_i∈𝒩_r^G S_i^G + ∑_i∉𝒩_r^G S_i^G . Notice that the above is a sum of the stabilizing operators associated to each vertex of the graph as in Equation (<ref>). For each one of the operators the corresponding graph state has eigenvalue 1 (This is part of the reason for which this Bell operator is maximally violated by graph states). Other examples of Bell inequalities violated by graph states were shown in <cit.>. Given a graph G=(V,E), let V' ⊂ V be any subset of vertices of G. The induced subgraph G[V'] is the graph whose vertex set is V' and whose edge set consists of all of the edges in E that have both endpoints in V'. An example of an induced graph of the graph in Figure <ref> is shown in Figure <ref>, where an excluded vertex is marked in red. In this paper we discuss the effect of loss of qubits on the violation of the Bell operators. When qubits are lost, it is natural to examine the violation of the Bell operator corresponding to the original graph or to the induced subgraph defined above. § RESULTS We now consider the effect of loss of qubits on the possibility of violating the Bell inequalities presented in Section <ref>. The loss-tolerance is determined by the decrease of the violation when losing qubits of the ideal graph state and while using the ideal measurements. §.§ Graph States' Violation of Bell Inequalities after Qubit Loss The quantitative effect of tracing out qubits on the expectation value of the operator in Equation (<ref>), for both the original graph and the induced graph, is the content of Theorem <ref>. Let |ϕ^G⟩ be a graph state defined on the graph G=(V,E), (|V|=N). Let ℒ be a set of indices ℒ⊆{ 1,…,N } of the lost qubits. Define the density matrix after qubit loss[The choice of representing the lost qubits by replacing them with ⊗_l ∈ℒ|0⟩_l⟨0|_l is arbitrary, the same results would have been obtained by replacing the lost qubit set with ⊗_l ∈ℒ|1⟩_l⟨1|_l or the totally mixed state.] ρ = Tr_ℒ( |ϕ^G⟩⟨ϕ^G| ) ⊗_l ∈ℒ|0⟩_l⟨0|_l . Denote by n_max the maximal number of neighbors of a vertex in the graph and by r an index of a vertex with the maximal number of neighbors such that r∉ℒ.[For r∈ℒ the equation holds for I_r^G*.] Define the sets 𝒲^G = 𝒩_r^G∖⋃_l ∈ℒ𝒩_l^G and 𝒯^G = {1,…,N}∖( ⋃_l ∈ℒ𝒩_l^G∪𝒩_r^G). Then, ⟨ I_r^G*⟩_ρ = ⟨ I_r^G[V∖{ v_l s.t l∈ℒ}]*⟩_ρ = √(2)n_max+√(2)|𝒲^G|+|𝒯^G| 𝒩_r^G∩ℒ = ∅ √(2)|𝒲^G|+|𝒯^G| otherwise , where I_r^G*, I_r^G[V∖{ v_l s.t l∈ℒ}]* are defined via Equation (<ref>). An example of a graph along with the sets 𝒲 and 𝒯 defined in Theorem <ref> is shown in Figure <ref>. The Bell operators maximally violated by the corresponding graph states described in Equation (<ref>) and Equation (<ref>) are a sum of stabilizing operators defined in Equations (<ref>). The following lemma describes the effect of tracing out qubits on the expectation value of each stabilizer; The proof of Theorem <ref> is a direct result of it. lemmauniverse Let G, ℒ, ρ be as in Theorem <ref>. Let S_i^G be the stabilizing operator associated with the vertex v_i∈ V corresponding to the graph G. Then, * ⟨ S_i^G⟩_ρ = 0 i ∈⋃_l ∈ℒ𝒩_l^G 1 otherwise * ⟨ S_i^G[V∖{ v_k s.t. k∈ℒ}]⟩_ρ = 0 i ∈⋃_l ∈ℒ𝒩_l^G 1 otherwise . The full proof of Lemma <ref> is shown in Appendix <ref>, with the main ideas mentioned here. It becomes apparent that after the partial trace, the remaining state is not a graph state of the induced graph. Stabilizing operators corresponding to neighbors of traced out qubits i ∈(⋃_l ∈ℒ𝒩_l^G) do not have expectation value 1 in the new state. The classical limits of the Bell operators corresponding to the graphs G and G[V∖{ v_l s.t l∈ℒ}] generally satisfy β^G[V∖{ v_l s.t l∈ℒ}]_C < β^G_C, since the number of vertices is smaller in the induced graph when ℒ≠∅. As shown in Theorem <ref>, the expectation values of the operators I_r^G* and I_r^G[V∖{ v_l s.t l∈ℒ}]* with respect to the density matrix in Equation (<ref>) are the same. Hence, it is more likely to observe violation of the operator I_r^G[V∖{ v_l s.t l∈ℒ}]*. Hence, one can gather the statistics performing measurements with respect to the original full graph and then compare the expectation value to the classical limit of the induced graph. When attempting to use graph states in scenarios in which qubit loss is dominant, the following theorem shows that for every graph, a loss of a root jeopardizes the violation. Let G, ℒ, ρ be as in Theorem <ref> and let ℛ be the set of all roots of G. Denote by ℬ={ I_r^G* | r∈ℛ} the set of Bell operators defined in Equation (<ref>) with the specific measurement bases defined in Equation (<ref>). Then, ∀ r' ∈ℛ if ℒ = {r'}, it follows that[In Equation (<ref>), ⟨ I_r^G[V ∖{r'}]*⟩_ρ is not always defined, it assumes r is also a root for the induced graph.] ∀ I_r^G*∈ℬ ⟨ I_r^G*⟩_ρ = ⟨ I_r^G[V ∖{r'}]*⟩_ρ < β_C^G[V ∖{r'}] < β_C^G . Let r,r' be as in the theorem conditions. First, assume that n_max of the induced graph remains unchanged so that β_C^G[V ∖{r'}] = N + n_max -2 and that r ≠ r'. If some root is lost, n_max + 1 stabilizers in Equation (<ref>) vanish according to Lemma <ref> (corresponding to the lost qubit and its neighbors). The coefficients of all stabilizers in Equation (<ref>) are 1, √(2) or √(2)n_max, meaning that the quantum bound is decreased at least by n_max + 1. Hence, ∀ I_r^G*∈ℬ ⟨ I_r^G*⟩≤β_Q^G - (n_max + 1) = (2√(2)-2)n_max+N-2 < β_C^G[V ∖{r'}] . If n_max is decreased, it follows that r' ∈𝒩_r^G which means that the expectation value is decreased by at least (√(2) + 1)n_max + √(2) - 1, meaning that there is a violation even though the classical limit is decreased by a larger amount. β_C^G[V ∖{r'}] < β_C^G as mentioned before so this holds for β_C^G as well. The cases where r = r' or when there is a single root are treated similarly. Theorem <ref> implies that when a root vertex is lost there is no violation of the classical limit and hence for every choice of graph state, the set of roots must be kept safe when attempting to use the Bell operator proposed in Equation (<ref>) as the operator for a Bell test. The margin by which the Bell operator is not violated is generally expected to decrease further with additional lost qubits. In some extreme examples this does not hold (such as graphs where roots belong to clusters which are almost disconnected and a whole cluster of qubits is lost). §.§ Examples In this section, we discuss several applications of Theorem <ref>. Different examples of graph states are examined, with the objective of identifying structures which are more likely to violate the classical limit, even when some qubits are lost. We start with well-known examples which are found to be loss-sensitive, move to loss-tolerant examples and in the end discuss the case where the set of lost qubits is unknown. In order to simplify the notation, induced graphs of the form G[V∖{ v_l s.t l∈ℒ}] are denoted by G'. In the entire section, N stands for the total number of vertices in the graph, as before. §.§.§ Loss-Sensitive Graph States Ring graph state. An example of a ring graph state is shown in Figure <ref>. The classical limit is given by β_C^Ring=N+1 and is reduced by 1 with every lost qubit (as long as the maximal number of neighbors remains 2). In this state, all the vertices are roots, and therefore as an immediate result of Theorem <ref> there is no violation when any qubit is lost. GHZ (“star”) graph state. The GHZ state is the graph state corresponding to a “star” graph (Figure <ref>) up to local unitaries. The classical limit is given by β_C^GHZ=2N - 2. If the qubit corresponding to the center vertex is lost, the expectation value of the Bell operator vanishes as shown in the proof of Theorem <ref>. If some other qubit is lost, the expectation value becomes ⟨ I^GHZ*_r⟩_ρ = ⟨ I^GHZ'*_r⟩_ρ = √(2)(N-2) < β_C^GHZ', β_C^GHZ . The GHZ example demonstrates that when neighbors of the vertex chosen as the root are lost, a major contribution to the Bell operator's expectation value vanishes. This leads to the understanding that in order to construct graph states that are robust to loss of qubits, it can be beneficial to choose a graph with a redundancy of roots. In order to maintain some violation of the classical limit it is sufficient to have one choice of root succeed. A graph with only one root is sensitive to loss of any neighbor of the root or the root itself and thus having more than one root might be helpful. On the other hand, if all qubits are roots according to Theorem <ref> there is no violation. Hence, more promising architectures must include several “clusters” of roots and their neighbors. This key insight leads to the construction of following examples. §.§.§ Loss-Tolerant Graph States “Two centered GHZ” graph state. Consider the “two centered GHZ” as in Figure <ref>. The graph has two root vertices connected to one another and several leaf vertices adjacent to each one of the centers. Denote the centers by r_1,r_2. The classical limit in this case is given by β_C^Two centered GHZ = 3/2N - 1. If r_1 or r_2 are lost there is no violation as implied from Theorem <ref>. On the other hand, suppose that a qubit corresponding to v_l, l ≠ r_1,r_2 is lost. Without loss of generality l∈𝒩(r_1). The expectation value of the Bell operator corresponding to r_2 is given by ⟨ I^Two centered GHZ*_r_2⟩_ρ = ⟨ I^Two centered GHZ'*_r_2⟩_ρ = (√(2) + 1/2)N -√(2) - 2 . Hence the classical limit is violated. If qubits adjacent to both r_1, r_2 are lost, there is no violation. However, if multiple qubits adjacent to the same root are lost there is always a violation of the Bell inequality corresponding to the induced graph, and in many cases also with respect to the full graph. The exact conditions are summarized in Table <ref>. The two centered GHZ example demonstrates that having more than one root enables robustness to loss of qubits. If a qubit adjacent to one of the roots is lost, it is possible to evaluate the Bell inequality with respect to the other root and maintain the violation. However, it allowed loss of qubits adjacent to only one of the roots. This can be improved upon by constructing graphs with a larger number of roots which will violate the Bell inequality as long as all neighbors of some root aren't lost. This leads to the following example. “Dense center graph state”. Consider the graph in Figure <ref> <cit.>. It is constructed of a complete graph in the middle and a leaf connected to each vertex in the complete graph. The classical bound in this case is given by β^Dense center_C = 3/2N - 1. As before, if one of the qubits from the complete-graph center is lost, there is no violation. Remarkably, for this graph, it is possible to violate the classical limit when several leaves are lost. The maximal number of lost qubits for which the remaining state still violates the classical limit can be calculated as follows. Every lost leaf qubit decreases the original quantum limit by √(2) + 1, i.e, ⟨ I^Dense center*_r⟩_ρ= ⟨ I^Dense center'*_r⟩_ρ = β_Q^Dense center -(√(2) + 1)|ℒ| . As a result, the violation is maintained as long as |ℒ| ≤√(2) - 1/√(2) N for the induced graph and |ℒ| ≤√(2) - 1/√(2) + 1 N for the full graph. The results are summarized in Table <ref>. Note that the complete graph in the center can be approximated by some other, lower degree k-regular graph. In this case, since n_max is smaller the amount of lost qubits allowed will be smaller. Although a smaller number of leaves can be lost in the dense center example compared with the two-centered GHZ example, the dense center graph has a better performance in terms of the number of leaves that can be lost in the worst case with respect to which set of leaves is lost. We remark that these two examples are complementary is some sense. The difference between the classical and the quantum bound is linear in n_max and hence the larger n_max is, the better. In order for a violation to hold when qubits are lost, the graph topology should protect n_max from changing. In the two-centered GHZ example n_max is large by making each root connected to many leaves while in the dense center example this is achieved by the roots being highly connected to one another. §.§.§ Unknown Set of Lost Qubits The previous sections discussed situations in which the set of lost qubits is known. This section is devoted to the scenario where this information is unavailable. In this case, the density matrix is a convex combination of density matrices in the form of Equation (<ref>), corresponding to all the possibilities of lost qubit sets and their probability. Thus, the expectation value of the Bell operator corresponding to the full graph should be calculated in a similar way as in the previous sections. It is the linear combination of all the expectation values as in Theorem <ref> with coefficients according to the probability for each density matrix in the convex sum. It is also natural to ask how the expectation value with respect to one of the possible induced graphs behaves in these cases. When the lost qubits were known, it was always better to evaluate the expectation value of the Bell operator of the induced graph. Interestingly, we find that this is no longer clear cut when the set of lost qubits is unknown. This should be taken into account when deciding which measurements to perform. For example, suppose that in the dense center graph example described in Section <ref> and in Figure <ref> there is probability p for a single qubit loss of one of the leaves (without knowing which). The density matrix is a sum of the following density matrices: (1-p)|ϕ^G⟩⟨ϕ^G| + 2p/N∑_ℒρ_ℒ (where ρ_ℒ is the density matrix corresponding to each possibility of lost qubit). For every choice of root there is a density matrix in the sum corresponding to the loss of the leaf adjacent to the chosen root. For the full graph Bell operator, as seen before, when this leaf is lost, there is no violation. However, the total state still violates the Bell inequality by a margin which decreases with larger p. In the limit of small p the violation approaches its maximal possible margin. On the other hand, choosing to focus on the Bell operator of one of the possible induced graphs, the violation in the limit p → 0 is dominated by the case where no qubit is lost, and as shown in Appendix <ref> in Lemma <ref>, the violation is not optimal since the expectation value of some stabilizers in the sum vanishes. Generally, this advantage of the full graph Bell inequality should be expected to hold up to some finite value of p. § DISCUSSION AND OPEN QUESTIONS In this work we have discussed the robustness of Bell violation of graph states to loss of qubits. We used the stabilizer formalism to derive a lemma which, for any given graph state, provides the exact decrease in the Bell violation for any subset of lost qubits. Provided a graph state, the results allow to determine how many qubits can be lost while still maintaining the violation. In addition, it allows to identify qubits that are more important and must be kept safe since their loss demolishes the violation. In particular, it was shown that the widely studied GHZ and ring topologies are susceptible to loss of any qubit, while other topologies such as the “two-centered GHZ” and “dense center” graphs presented in Section <ref> are more resilient. We find that for no-click events (scenarios in which, e.g., photon detectors are expected to detect a photon but they do not and thus it is known which qubits were lost) considering the Bell operator of the induced sub-graph of the remaining qubits better optimizes the violation. The expectation value of the Bell operator of the full graph and the induced graph in this case turn out to be the same, but the classical bound for the induced sub-graph is lower and hence the violation is more significant. In addition, we've discussed the scenario in which the information of which qubit is lost is unavailable. For these cases, we've demonstrated examples in which it is better to use the Bell operator corresponding to the full graph. For future work, the main lemma derived here can be used to optimize graph topologies with respect to different metrics of robustness. The relevant metric should arise from constraints in real experimental setups and depend on use-case specification for the graph state. For example, one could consider maximal loss of qubits where there is still a violation, maximal violation after a specified subset of qubits is lost, and so on. Furthermore, other sources of error such as bit flips and phase errors may be taken into account in the analysis. In addition, the stabilizer formalism approach used here to derive Lemma <ref> can be applied to other Bell inequalities violated by graph states as they are all sums of multiplications of the stabilizing operators. § ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank Ziv Aqua and Barak Dayan for insightful discussions and Thomas Vidick for helpful comments on the manuscript. This research was generously supported by the Peter and Patricia Gruber Award, the Daniel E. Koshland Career Development Chair, the Koshland Research Fund and the Minerva foundation with funding from the Federal German Ministry for Education and Research. § PROOF OF LEMMA <REF> * Express the graph states as follows |ϕ^G⟩ = ∑_s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ|α_s|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ⊗|s⟩_ℒ , where {|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ} _s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ| are normalized in the remaining N - |ℒ| dimensional Hilbert space. In addition, ∑_s ∈{ 0,1 }^|ℒ||α_s|^2=1 , since |ϕ^G⟩ is normalized. Hence ρ =Tr_ℒ[ (∑_s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ|α_s|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ⊗|s⟩_ℒ) (∑_s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ|α_s^*⟨ψ_s|_{1,…,N}∖ℒ⊗⟨ s |_ℒ) ] ⊗(⊗_l ∈ℒ|0 ⟩_l⟨ 0 |_l) = ( ∑_s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ||α_s|^2|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ⟨ψ_s|_{1,…,N}∖ℒ) ⊗(⊗_l ∈ℒ|0 ⟩_l⟨ 0 |_l) . The expectation values in Equation (<ref>) are calculated separately for each of the following cases * i ∉⋃_l ∈ℒ𝒩_l^G * i∈(⋃_l ∈ℒ𝒩_l^G)∖ℒ * i ∈ℒ (Relevant only for part a) The proof is divided into two parts. In Part A the eigenvalue equation (Equation (<ref>)) is used in order to calculate the action of the stabilizers S_i^G omitting their support on the lost qubits, on the states |ψ_s⟩ for all i ∈{1,…,N}, s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ|. These reduced operators are in fact the stabilizers of the induced graph S_i^G[V∖{ v_k s.t k∈ℒ}] for i∈{1… N}∖ℒ. In Part B the result is applied in order to calculate the expectation value of the stabilizing operators S_i^G,S_i^G[V∖{ v_k s.t k∈ℒ}]. Note that when stabilizers act on states |ψ_s⟩ in a reduced Hilbert space, it is to be understood that the identity operators in the complementary system are discarded. Part A: Calculating the Action of the Stabilizers on |ψ_s⟩. * For i ∉⋃_l ∈ℒ𝒩_l^G: S_i^G = S_i^G[V∖{ v_k s.t k∈ℒ}]. Using the eigenvalue equation S_i^G|ϕ^G⟩ = ∑_s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ|α_s S_i^G|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ⊗|s⟩_ℒ = ∑_s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ|α_s S_i^G[V∖{ v_k s.t k∈ℒ}]|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ⊗|s⟩_ℒ = ∑_s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ|α_s|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ⊗|s⟩_ℒ . For all |s⟩_ℒ, s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ| S_i^G|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ = S_i^G[V∖{ v_k s.t k∈ℒ}]|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ = |ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ , meaning that {|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ} _s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ| are eigenstates of S_i^G = S_i^G[V∖{ v_k s.t k∈ℒ}] with eigenvalue 1. * For i∈( ⋃_l ∈ℒ𝒩_l^G)∖ℒ S_i^G = S_i^G[V∖{ v_k s.t k∈ℒ}]⊗_l∈𝒩_i^G∩ℒ Z_l . Hence, S_i^G|ϕ^G⟩ = S_i^G[V∖{ v_k s.t k∈ℒ}]⊗_l∈𝒩_i^G∩ℒ Z_l∑_s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ|α_s|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ⊗|s⟩_ℒ = ∑_s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ|α_s( S_i^G[V∖{ v_k s.t k∈ℒ}]|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ) ⊗( ⊗_l∈𝒩_i^G∩ℒ Z_l|s⟩_ℒ) = ∑_s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ|α_s( S_i^G[V∖{ v_k s.t k∈ℒ}]|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ) ⊗[ ⊗_l∈𝒩_i^G∩ℒ Z_l( ⊗_l'∈ℒ|s_l'⟩_l') ] = ∑_s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ|α_s( S_i^G[V∖{ v_k s.t k∈ℒ}]|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ) ⊗( (-1)^∑_l∈ℒ∩𝒩_i^G s_l|s⟩_ℒ) = ∑_s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ|α_s|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ⊗|s⟩_ℒ , where in the third step |s⟩ = ⊗_l'∈ℒ|s_l'⟩_l'. For all |s⟩_ℒ, s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ| S_i^G[V∖{ v_k s.t k∈ℒ}]|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ = (-1)^∑_l∈ℒ∩𝒩_i^G s_l|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ , meaning that |ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ are eigenstates of S_i^G[V∖{ v_k s.t k∈ℒ}] with eigenvalues -1,1. The eigenvalue depends on the parity of the number of 1's in the string s ∈{ 0,1 }^|ℒ| in indices l ∈ℒ∩𝒩_i^G. The number of states |ψ_s⟩ with eigenvalue 1 is equal to the number of states with eigenvalue -1. This can easily be shown by proving a one-to-one correspondence between these two sets. Choose l' ∈ℒ∩𝒩_i^G (it is possible since ℒ∩𝒩_i^G is not empty). Notice that s = s_l_0,…,s_l',… ,s_l_|ℒ| and s = s_l_0,…,s̅_̅l̅'̅,… s_l_|ℒ| have opposite parity and therefore have opposite signs of their eigenvalues with respect to S_i^G[V∖{ v_k s.t k∈ℒ}]. * For i ∈ℒ using the eigenvalue equation as before S_i^G|ϕ^G⟩ = X_i⊗_j∈𝒩_i^G∖ℒZ_j⊗_l∈𝒩_i^G∩ℒ Z_l∑_s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ|α_s|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ⊗|s⟩_ℒ = ∑_s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ|α_s( ⊗_j∈𝒩_i^G∖ℒ Z_j|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ) ⊗( X_i⊗⊗_l∈𝒩_i^G∩ℒ Z_l|s⟩_ℒ) = ∑_s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ|α_s( ⊗_j∈𝒩_i^G∖ℒ Z_j|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ) ⊗[ X_i⊗⊗_l∈𝒩_i^G∩ℒ Z_l(⊗_l'∈ℒ|s_l'⟩_l') ] = ∑_s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ|α_s( ⊗_j∈𝒩_i^G∖ℒ Z_j|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ) ⊗[ (X_i|s_i⟩_i) ⊗⊗_l∈𝒩_i^G∩ℒ Z_l(⊗_l'∈ℒ∖{i}|s_l'⟩_l') ] = ∑_s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ|α_s( ⊗_j∈𝒩_i^G∖ℒ Z_j|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ) ⊗[(-1)^∑_l∈ℒ∩𝒩_i^G s_l|s̅_̅i̅⟩_i⊗(⊗_l'∈ℒ∖{i}|s_l'⟩_l') ] = ∑_s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ|α_s|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ⊗|s⟩_ℒ . Again, in the third step |s⟩ = ⊗_l'∈ℒ|s_l'⟩_l'. For all |s⟩_ℒ, s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ|, s = s_l_0,…,s_l_i,… ,s_l_|ℒ| α_s_l_0,…,s_l_i,… ,s_l_|ℒ|⊗_j∈𝒩_i^G∖ℒ Z_j|ψ_s_l_0,…,s_l_i,… ,s_l_|ℒ|⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ = (-1)^∑_l∈ℒ∩𝒩_i^G s_lα_s_l_0,…,s̅_̅l̅_̅i̅,… ,s_l_|ℒ||ψ_s_l_1,…s̅_̅l̅_̅i̅,…_l_|ℒ|⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ . Notice that for all i ∈ℒ |α_s_l_0,…,s_l_i,… ,s_l_|ℒ||= |α_s_l_0,…,s̅_̅l̅_̅i̅,…,s_l_|ℒ|| , since the operator ⊗_j∈𝒩_i^G∖ℒ Z_j is unitary, meaning that the states remain normalized after it is applied. Hence, for all s,s' ∈{0,1}^|ℒ| |α_s| =|α_s'| , since s,s' differ from one another by flipping a finite set of indices, and one can create a series of equalities transforming from |α_s| to |α_s'| by flipping one index at a time while maintaining the equality. Part B: Calculating the Expectation Values. * For i ∉⋃_l ∈ℒ𝒩_l^G, using the eigenvalue equation obtained in Equation (<ref>) ⟨ S_i^G⟩_ρ = Tr[ ( S_i^G∑_s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ||α_s|^2|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ⟨ψ_s|_{1,…,N}∖ℒ) ⊗( ⊗_l ∈ℒ|0 ⟩_l⟨ 0 |_l) ] = Tr_{ 1,…,N}∖ℒ[ ∑_s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ||α_s|^2 S_i^G|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ⟨ψ_s|_{1,…,N}∖ℒ] = Tr_{ 1,…,N}∖ℒ[ ∑_s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ||α_s|^2|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ⟨ψ_s|_{1,…,N}∖ℒ] = 1 . In the third step the qubits in ℒ are traced out, in the fourth step Equation (<ref>) is used, and the last step is correct due to the normalization of |ϕ^G⟩ as in Equation (<ref>). The exact same calculation holds for S_i^G[V∖{ v_k s.t k∈ℒ}]. * For i∈( ⋃_l ∈ℒ𝒩_l^G)∖ℒ ⟨ S_i^G⟩_ρ = ⟨ S_i^G[V∖{ v_k s.t k∈ℒ}]⊗_l∈𝒩_i^G∩ℒ Z_l⟩ = Tr[ S_i^G[V∖{ v_k s.t k∈ℒ}]⊗_l∈𝒩_i^G∩ℒ Z_l(∑_s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ||α_s|^2|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ⟨ψ_s|_{1,…,N}∖ℒ) ⊗( ⊗_l ∈ℒ|0 ⟩_l⟨ 0 |_l) ] = Tr[ ( ∑_s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ||α_s|^2 S_i^G[V∖{ v_k s.t k∈ℒ}]|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ⟨ψ_s|_{1,…,N}∖ℒ) ⊗(⊗_l ∈𝒩_i^G∩ℒ Z_l⊗_l ∈ℒ|0 ⟩_l⟨ 0 |_l) ] = Tr_{1,…,N}∖ℒ[∑_s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ||α_s|^2(-1)^∑_l∈ℒ∩𝒩_i^G s_l|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ⟨ψ_s|_{1,…,N}∖ℒ] = ∑_s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ|(-1)^∑_l∈ℒ∩𝒩_i^G s_l|α_s|^2 . In the fourth step Equation (<ref>) is used as well as the notation |s⟩ = ⊗_l'∈ℒ|s_l'⟩_l'. In Part A for i∈( ⋃_l ∈ℒ𝒩_l^G)∖ℒ, it was shown that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the eigenstates |ψ_s⟩ with eigenvalue 1 and the eigenstates with eigenvalue -1. In addition, in Equation (<ref>) it was shown that the coefficients α_s for all s∈{0,1}^|ℒ| have the same absolute value. As a consequence, the sum above vanishes. The exact same calculation holds for S_i^G[V∖{ v_k s.t k∈ℒ}] discarding the ⊗_l∈𝒩_i^G∩ℒ Z_l part in the calculation. * For i∈ℒ ⟨ S_i^G⟩_ρ = ⟨ X_i⊗_j∈𝒩_i^G∖ℒ Z_j⊗_l∈𝒩_i^G∩ℒ Z_l⟩ = Tr[ X_i⊗_j∈𝒩_i^G∖ℒ Z_j⊗_l∈𝒩_i^G∩ℒ Z_l( ∑_s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ||α_s|^2|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ⟨ψ_s|_{1,…,N}∖ℒ) ⊗( ⊗_l ∈ℒ|0 ⟩_l⟨ 0 |_l) ] = Tr[(⊗_j∈𝒩_i^G∖ℒ Z_j∑_s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ||α_s|^2|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ⟨ψ_s|_{1,…,N}∖ℒ) ⊗(⊗_l∈𝒩_i^G∩ℒ Z_l⊗_l ∈ℒ∖{i}|0 ⟩_l⟨ 0 |_l) ⊗( X_i|0 ⟩_i⟨ 0 |_i)] = Tr[(⊗_j∈𝒩_i^G∖ℒ Z_j∑_s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ||α_s|^2|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ⟨ψ_s|_{1,…,N}∖ℒ) ⊗(⊗_l∈𝒩_i^G∩ℒ Z_l⊗_l ∈ℒ∖{i}|0 ⟩_l⟨ 0 |_l) ⊗|1 ⟩_i⟨ 0 |_i] = 0 . The expression vanishes due to the partial trace on the i'th qubit. § EXPECTATION VALUE OF AN INDUCED GRAPH STABILIZER ON THE ORIGINAL STATE Let G, ℒ be as in Theorem <ref>, |ϕ^G⟩ the graph state corresponding to G and S_i^G as in Lemma <ref>. Then, ⟨ S^G[ V∖{ v_k s.t k∈ℒ}]_i⟩_ϕ^G = 0 i ∈⋃_l ∈ℒ𝒩_l^G 1 otherwise The proof is very similar to the proof of Lemma <ref>. Write |ϕ^G⟩ as in Equation (<ref>) and have, ⟨ S^G[ V∖{ v_k s.t k∈ℒ}]_i⟩_ϕ^G = ⟨ϕ^G| S^G[ V∖{ v_k s.t k∈ℒ}]_i|ϕ^G⟩ = (∑_s' ∈{0,1}^|ℒ|α_s'^*⟨ψ_s'|_{1,…,N}∖ℒ⊗⟨ s' |_ℒ) S_i^G[V∖{ v_k s.t k∈ℒ}]( ∑_s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ|α_s|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ⊗|s⟩_ℒ) = (∑_s' ∈{0,1}^|ℒ|α_s'^*⟨ψ_s'|_{1,…,N}∖ℒ⊗⟨ s' |_ℒ) ( ∑_s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ|α_s(-1)^∑_l∈ℒ∩𝒩_i^G s_l|ψ_s⟩_{1,…,N}∖ℒ⊗|s⟩_ℒ) = ∑_s ∈{0,1}^|ℒ|(-1)^∑_l∈ℒ∩𝒩_i^G s_l|α_s|^2 . In the third step we used Equation (<ref>). As in the proof of Lemma (<ref>) this sum vanishes when ℒ∩𝒩_i^G≠∅. unsrt
DR2: Diffusion-based Robust Degradation Remover for Blind Face Restoration
[ "Zhixin Wang", "Xiaoyun Zhang", "Ziying Zhang", "Huangjie Zheng", "Mingyuan Zhou", "Ya Zhang", "Yanfeng Wang" ]
[ "cs.CV" ]
[ DR2: Diffusion-based Robust Degradation Remover for Blind Face Restoration Zhixin Wang1 Xiaoyun Zhang1[2] Ziying Zhang1 Huangjie Zheng2 Mingyuan Zhou2 Ya Zhang1,3 Yanfeng Wang1,3[2] 1Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 3Shanghai AI Laboratory, 2The University of Texas at Austin {dedsec_z, xiaoyun.zhang, zyzhang2000, ya_zhang, wangyanfeng} @sjtu.edu.cn huangjie.zheng@utexas.edu, mingyuan.zhou@mccombs.utexas.edu March 30, 2023 ================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== < g r a p h i c s > figureDR2 uses Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models to remove degradation. The generative process is conditioned on the low-quality input after being diffused into a noisy status. As a result, DR2 predicts coarse faces _0 regardless of the degradation type. On severely degraded images, our final restoration results achieve high quality with fewer artifacts than previous arts <cit.>. ] [2]Corresponding author. Blind face restoration usually synthesizes degraded low-quality data with a pre-defined degradation model for training, while more complex cases could happen in the real world. This gap between the assumed and actual degradation hurts the restoration performance where artifacts are often observed in the output. However, it is expensive and infeasible to include every type of degradation to cover real-world cases in the training data. To tackle this robustness issue, we propose Diffusion-based Robust Degradation Remover (DR2) to first transform the degraded image to a coarse but degradation-invariant prediction, then employ an enhancement module to restore the coarse prediction to a high-quality image. By leveraging a well-performing denoising diffusion probabilistic model, our DR2 diffuses input images to a noisy status where various types of degradation give way to Gaussian noise, and then captures semantic information through iterative denoising steps. As a result, DR2 is robust against common degradation (blur, resize, noise and compression) and compatible with different designs of enhancement modules. Experiments in various settings show that our framework outperforms state-of-the-art methods on heavily degraded synthetic and real-world datasets. § INTRODUCTION Blind face restoration aims to restore high-quality face images from their low-quality counterparts suffering from unknown degradation, such as low-resolution <cit.>, blur <cit.>, noise<cit.>, compression <cit.>, . Great improvement in restoration quality has been witnessed over the past few years with the exploitation of various facial priors. Geometric priors such as facial landmarks <cit.>, parsing maps <cit.>, and heatmaps <cit.> are pivotal to recovering the shapes of facial components. Reference priors <cit.> of high-quality images are used as guidance to improve details. Recent research investigates generative priors <cit.> and high-quality dictionaries <cit.>, which help to generate photo-realistic details and textures. Despite the great progress in visual quality, these methods lack a robust mechanism to handle degraded inputs besides relying on pre-defined degradation to synthesize the training data. When applying them to images of severe or unseen degradation, undesired results with obvious artifacts can be observed. As shown in <ref>, artifacts typically appear when 1) the input image lacks high-frequency information due to downsampling or blur (1^st row), in which case restoration networks can not generate adequate information, or 2) the input image bears corrupted high-frequency information due to noise or other degradation (2^nd row), and restoration networks mistakenly use the corrupted information for restoration. The primary cause of this inadaptability is the inconsistency between the synthetic degradation of training data and the actual degradation in the real world. Expanding the synthetic degradation model for training would improve the models’ adaptability but it is apparently difficult and expensive to simulate every possible degradation in the real world. To alleviate the dependency on synthetic degradation, we leverage a well-performing denoising diffusion probabilistic model (DDPM) <cit.> to remove the degradation from inputs. DDPM generates images through a stochastic iterative denoising process and Gaussian noisy images can provide guidance to the generative process <cit.>. As shown in <ref>, noisy images are degradation-irrelevant conditions for DDPM generative process. Adding extra Gaussian noise (right) makes different degradation less distinguishable compared with the original distribution (left), while DDPM can still capture the semantic information within this noise status and recover clean face images. This property of pretrained DDPM makes it a robust degradation removal module though only high-quality face images are used for training the DDPM. Our overall blind face restoration framework DR2E consists of the Diffusion-based Robust Degradation Remover (DR2) and an Enhancement module. In the first stage, DR2 first transforms the degraded images into coarse, smooth, and visually clean intermediate results, which fall into a degradation-invariant distribution (4^th column in <ref>). In the second stage, the degradation-invariant images are further processed by the enhancement module for high-quality details. By this design, the enhancement module is compatible with various designs of restoration methods in seeking the best restoration quality, ensuring our DR2E achieves both strong robustness and high quality. We summarize the contributions as follows. (1) We propose DR2 that leverages a pretrained diffusion model to remove degradation, achieving robustness against complex degradation without using synthetic degradation for training. (2) Together with an enhancement module, we employ DR2 in a two-stage blind face restoration framework, namely DR2E. The enhancement module has great flexibility in incorporating a variety of restoration methods to achieve high restoration quality. (3) Comprehensive studies and experiments show that our framework outperforms state-of-the-art methods on heavily degraded synthetic and real-world datasets. § RELATED WORK Blind Face Restoration Based on face hallucination or face super-resolution <cit.>, blind face restoration aims to restore high-quality faces from low-quality images with unknown and complex degradation. Many facial priors are exploited to alleviate dependency on degraded inputs. Geometry priors, including facial landmarks <cit.>, parsing maps <cit.>, and facial component heatmaps <cit.> help to recover accurate shapes but contain no information on details in themselves. Reference priors <cit.> of high-quality images are used to recover details or preserve identity. To further boost restoration quality, generative priors like pretrained StyleGAN <cit.> are used to provide vivid textures and details. PULSE <cit.> uses latent optimization to find latent code of high-quality face, while more efficiently, GPEN <cit.>, GFP-GAN <cit.>, and GLEAN <cit.> embed generative priors into the encoder-decoder structure. Another category of methods utilizes pretrained Vector-Quantize <cit.> codebooks. DFDNet <cit.> suggests constructing dictionaries of each component (eyes, mouth), while recent VQFR <cit.> and CodeFormer <cit.> pretrain high-quality dictionaries on entire faces, acquiring rich expressiveness. Diffusion Models Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPM) <cit.> are a fast-developing class of generative models in unconditional image generation rivaling Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) <cit.>. Recent research utilizes it for super-resolution. SR3 <cit.> modifies DDPM to be conditioned on low-resolution images through channel-wise concatenation. However, it fixes the degradation to simple downsampling and does not apply to other degradation settings. Latent Diffusion <cit.> performs super-resolution in a similar concatenation manner but in a low-dimensional latent space. ILVR <cit.> proposes a conditioning method to control the generative process of pretrained DDPM for image-translation tasks. Diffusion-based methods face a common problem of slow sampling speed, while our DR2E adopts a hybrid architecture like <cit.> to speed up the sampling process. § METHODOLOGY Our proposed DR2E framework is depicted in <ref>, which consists of the degradation remover DR2 and an enhancement module. Given an input image suffering from unknown degradation, diffused low-quality information _t-1 is provided to refine the generative process. As a result, DR2 recovers a coarse result _0 that is semantically close to and degradation-invariant. Then the enhancement module maps _0 to the final output with higher resolution and high-quality details. §.§ Preliminary Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPM) <cit.> are a class of generative models that first pre-defines a variance schedule {β_1, β_2,...,β_T} to progressively corrupt an image _0 to a noisy status through forward (diffusion) process: q(_t | _t-1) = (_t; √(1 - β_t)_t-1, β_t ) Moreover, based on the property of the Markov chain, for any intermediate timestep t∈{1,2,...,T}, the corresponding noisy distribution has an analytic form: q(_t|_0) = (_t; √(α̅_t)_0, (1 - α̅_t)) = √(α̅_t)_0 + √(1 - α̅_t) where α̅_t := ∏_s=1^t (1 -β_s) and ∼(, ). Then _T ∼(, ) if T is big enough, usually T = 1000. The model progressively generates images by reversing the forward process. The generative process is also a Gaussian transition with the learned mean _θ: p_θ(_t-1 | _t) = (_t-1; _θ(_t, t), σ_t^2 ) where σ_t is usually a pre-defined constant related to the variance schedule, and _θ(_t, t) is usually parameterized by a denoising U-Net _θ(_t, t) <cit.> with the following equivalence: _θ(_t, t) = 1/√(α_t)(_t - 1 - α_t/√(1 - α̅_t)_θ(_t, t)) §.§ Framework Overview Suppose the low-quality image is degraded from the high-quality ground truth ∼𝒳() as = (, ) where describes the degradation model. Previous studies constructs the inverse function ^-1(·, ) by modeling p(| , ) with a pre-defined <cit.>. It meets the adaptation problem when actual degradation ^' in the real world is far from . To overcome this challenge, we propose to model p(| ) without a known by a two-stage framework: it first removes degradation from inputs and get x̂_0, then maps degradation-invariant x̂_0 to high-quality outputs. Our target is to maximize the likelihood: p_,(| ) = ∫p_(|_0) p_(_0|) d_0 = __0 ∼p_(_0|) [ p_(|_0)] , p_(_0|) corresponds to the degradation removal module, and p_(|_0) corresponds to the enhancement module. For the first stage, instead of directly learning the mapping from to _0 which usually involves a pre-defined degradation model , we come up with an important assumption and propose a diffusion-based method to remove degradation. Assumption. For the diffusion process defined in <ref>, (1) there exists an intermediate timestep τ such that for t > τ, the distance between q(_t|) and q(_t|) is close especially in the low-frequency part; (2) there exists ω > τ such that the distance between q(_ω|) and q(_ω|) is eventually small enough, satisfying q(_ω|)≈q(_ω|). Note this assumption is not strong, as paired and would share similar low-frequency contents, and for sufficiently large t ≈ T, q(_t|) and q(_t|) are naturally close to the standard (, ). This assumption is also qualitatively justified in <ref>. Intuitively, if and are close in distribution (implying mild degradation), we can find ω and τ in a relatively small value and vice versa. Then we rewrite the objective of the degradation removal module by applying the assumption q(_ω|)≈q(_ω|): p_(_0|) = ∫p(_0|_τ) p_θ(_τ|_ω) q(_ω| ) d_τd_ω ≈∫p(_0|_τ) p_θ(_τ|_ω) q(_ω| ) d_τd_ω p_θ(_τ|_ω) = ∏_t=τ+1^ω p_θ(_t-1|_t) By replacing variable from _ω to _ω, <ref> and <ref> naturally yields a DDPM model that denoises _ω back to _τ, and we can further predict _0 by the reverse of <ref>. _0 would maintain semantics with if proper conditioning methods like <cit.> is adopted. So by leveraging a DDPM, we propose Diffusion-based Robust Degradation Remover (DR2) according to <ref>. §.§ Diffusion-based Robust Degradation Remover Consider a pretrained DDPM p_θ(_t-1|_t) (<ref>) with a denoising U-Net _θ(_t, t) pretrained on high-quality face dataset. We respectively implement q(_ω | ), p_θ(_τ|_ω) and p(_0|_τ) in <ref> by three steps in below. (1) Initial Condition at ω. We first “forward" the degraded image to an initial condition _ω by sampling from <ref> and use it as _ω: _ω := _ω = √(α̅_ω) + √(1 - α̅_ω), ω∈{1,2,...,T}. This corresponds to q(_ω|) in <ref>. Then the DR2 denoising process starts at step ω. This reduces the samplings steps and helps to speed up as well. (2) Iterative Refinement. After each transition from _t to _t-1 (τ + 1 ⩽ t ⩽ω), we sample _t-1 from through <ref>. Based on Assumption (1), we replace the low-frequency part of _t-1 with that of _t-1 because they are close in distribution, which is fomulated as: _t-1 := Φ_N(_t-1) + (𝐈 - Φ_N)(_t-1) where Φ_N(·) denotes a low-pass filter implemented by downsampling and upsampling the image with a sharing scale factor N. We drop the high-frequency part of for it contains little information due to degradation. Unfiltered degradation that remained in the low-frequency part would be covered by the added noise. These conditional denoising steps correspond to p_(_τ|_ω) in <ref>, which ensure the result shares basic semantics with y. Iterative refinement is pivotal for preserving the low-frequency information of the input images. With the iterative refinement, the choice of ω and the randomness of Gaussian noise affect little to the result. We present ablation study in the supplementary for illustration. (3) Truncated Output at τ. As t gets smaller, the noise level gets milder and the distance between q(_t|) and q(_t|) gets larger. For small t, the original degradation is more dominating in q(_t|) than the added Gaussian noise. So the denoising process is truncated before t is too small. We use predicted noise at step τ (0 < τ < ω) to estimate the generation result as follows: _0 = 1/√(α̅_τ) (_τ - √(1 - α̅_τ)_θ(_τ, τ)) This corresponds to p(_0|_τ) in <ref>. _0 is the output of DR2, which maintains the basic semantics of and is removed from various degradation. Selection of N and τ. Downsampling factor N and output step τ have significant effects on the fidelity and “cleanness" of _0. We conduct ablation studies in <ref> to show the effects of these two hyper-parameters. The best choices of N and τ are data-dependent. Generally speaking, big N and τ are more effective to remove the degradation but lead to lower fidelity. On the contrary, small N and τ leads to high fidelity, but may keep the degradation in the outputs. While ω is empirically fixed to τ + 0.25T. §.§ Enhancement Module With outputs of DR2, restoring the high-quality details only requires training an enhancement module p_(|_0) (<ref>). Here we do not hypothesize about the specific method or architecture of this module. Any neural network that can be trained to map a low-quality image to its high-quality counterpart can be plugged in our framework. And the enhancement module is independently trained with its proposed loss functions. Backbones. In practice, without loss of generality, we choose SPARNetHD <cit.> that utilized no facial priors, and VQFR <cit.> that pretrain a high-quality VQ codebook <cit.> as two alternative backbones for our enhancement module to justify that it can be compatible with a broad choice of existing methods. We denote them as DR2 + SPAR and DR2 + VQFR respectively. Training Data. Any pretrained blind face restoration models can be directly plugged-in without further finetuning, but in order to help the enhancement module adapt better and faster to DR2 outputs, we suggest constructing training data for the enhancement module using DR2 as follows: = DR2(;N,τ) ⊛ k_σ Given a high-quality image , we first use DR2 to reconstruct itself with controlling parameters (N, τ) then convolve it with an Gaussian blur kernel k_σ. This helps the enhancement module adapt better and faster to DR2 outputs, which is recommended but not compulsory. Noting that beside this augmentation, no other degradation model is required in the training process as what previous works <cit.> do by using <ref>. § EXPERIMENTS §.§ Datasets and Implementation Implementation. DR2 and the enhancement module are independently trained on FFHQ dataset <cit.>, which contains 70,000 high-quality face images. We use pretrained DDPM proposed by <cit.> for our DR2. As introduced in <ref>, we choose SPARNetHD <cit.> and VQFR <cit.> as two alternative architectures for the enhancement module. We train SPARNetHD backbone from scratch with training data constructed by <ref>. We set N = 4 and randomly sample τ, σ from {50, 100, 150, 200}, {1 : 7}, respectively. As for VQFR backbone, we use its official pretrained model. Testing Datasets. We construct one synthetic dataset and four real-world datasets for testing. A brief introduction of each is as followed: ∙ CelebA-Test. Following previous works <cit.>, we adopt a commonly used degradation model as follows to synthesize testing data from CelebA-HQ <cit.>: = [(⊛ k_σ) ↓_r + n_δ]_JPEG_q A high-quality image is first convolved with a Gaussian blur kernel k_σ, then bicubically downsampled with a scale factor r. n_δ represents additive noise and is randomly chosen from Gaussian, Laplace, and Poisson. Finally, JPEG compression with quality q is applied. We use r = 16, 8, and 4 to form three restoration tasks denoted as 16×, 8×, and 4×. For each upsampling factor, we generate three splits with different levels of degradation and each split contains 1,000 images. The mild split randomly samples σ, δ and q from {3:5}, {5:20}, {60:80}, respectively. The medium from {5:7}, {15:40}, {40:60}. And the severe split from {7:9}, {25:50}, {30:40}. ∙ WIDER-Normal and WIDER-Critical. We select 400 critical cases suffering from heavy degradation (mainly low-resolution) from WIDER-face dataset <cit.> to form the WIDER-Critical dataset and another 400 regular cases for WIDER-Normal dataset. ∙ CelebChild contains 180 child faces of celebrities collected from the Internet. Most of them are only mildly degraded. ∙ LFW-Test. LFW <cit.> contains low-quality images with mild degradation from the Internet. We choose 1,000 testing images of different identities. During testing, we conduct grid search for best controlling parameters (N,τ) of DR2 for each dataset. Detailed parameter settings are presented in the suplementary. §.§ Comparisons with State-of-the-art Methods We compare our method with several state-of-the-art face restoration methods: DFDNet <cit.>, SPARNetHD <cit.>, GFP-GAN <cit.>, GPEN <cit.>, VQFR <cit.>, and Codeformer <cit.>. We adopt their official codes and pretrained models. For evaluation, we adopt pixel-wise metrics (PSNR and SSIM) and the perceptual metric (LPIPS <cit.>) for the CelebA-Test with ground truth. We also employ the widely-used non-reference perceptual metric FID <cit.>. Synthetic CelebA-Test. For each upsampling factor, we calculate evaluation metrics on three splits and present the average in <ref>. For 16× and 8× upsampling tasks where degradation is severe due to low resolution, DR2 + VQFR and DR2 + SPAR achieve the best and the second-best LPIPS and FID scores, indicating our results are perceptually close to the ground truth. Noting that DR2 + VQFR is better at perceptual metrics (LPIPS and FID) thanks to the pretrained high-quality codebook, and DR2 + SPAR is better at pixel-wise metrics (PSNR and SSIM) because without facial priors, the outputs have higher fidelity to the inputs. For 4× upsampling task where degradation is relatively milder, previous methods trained on similar synthetic degradation manage to produce high-quality images without obvious artifacts. But our methods still obtain superior FID scores, showing our outputs have closer distribution to ground truth on different settings. Qualitative comparisons from are presented in <ref>. Our methods produce fewer artifacts on severely degraded inputs compared with previous methods. Real-World Datasets. We evaluate FID scores on different real-world datasets and present quantitative results in <ref>. On severely degraded dataset WIDER-Critical, our DR2 + VQFR and DR2 + SPAR achieve the best and the second best FID. On other datasets with only mild degradation, the restoration quality rather than robustness becomes the bottleneck, so DR2 + SPAR with no facial priors struggles to stand out, while DR2 + VQFR still achieves the best performance. Qualitative results on WIDER-Critical are shown in <ref>. When input images' resolutions are very low, previous methods fail to complement adequate information for pleasant faces, while our outputs are visually more pleasant thanks to the generative ability of DDPM. §.§ Comparisons with Diffusion-based Methods Diffusion-based super-resolution methods can be grouped into two categories by whether feeding auxiliary input to the denoising U-Net. SR3 <cit.> typically uses the concatenation of low-resolution images and _t as the input of the denoising U-Net. But SR3 fixes degradation to bicubic downsampling during training, which makes it highly degradation-sensitive. For visual comparisons, we re-implement the concatenation-based method based on <cit.>. As shown in <ref>, minor noise in the second input evidently harm the performance of this concatenation-based method. Eventually, this type of method would rely on synthetic degradation to improve robustness like <cit.>, while our DR2 have good robustness against different degradation without training on specifically degraded data. Another category of methods is training-free, exploiting pretrained diffusion methods like ILVR <cit.>. It shows the ability to transform both clean and degraded low-resolution images into high-resolution outputs. However, relying solely on ILVR for blind face restoration faces the trade-off problem between fidelity and quality (realness). As shown in <ref>, ILVR Sample 1 has high fidelity to input but low visual quality because the conditioning information is over-used. On the contrary, under-use of conditions leads to high quality but low fidelity as ILVR Sample 2. In our framework, fidelity is controlled by DR2 and high-quality details are restored by the enhancement module, thus alleviating the trade-off problem. §.§ Effect of Different N and τ In this section, we explore the property of DR2 output in terms of the controlling parameter (N, τ) so that we can have a better intuitions for choosing appropriate parameters for variant input data. To avoid the influence of the enhancement modules varying in structures, embedded facial priors, and training strategies, we only evaluate DR2 outputs with no enhancement. In <ref>, DR2 outputs are generated with different combinations of N and τ. Bigger N and τ are effective to remove degradation but tent to make results deviant from the input. On the contrary, small N and τ lead to high fidelity, but may keep the degradation in outputs. We provide quantitative evaluations on CelebA-Test (8×, medium split) dataset in <ref>. With bicubically downsampled low-resolution images used as ground truth, we adopt pixel-wise metric (PSNR↑) and identity distance (Deg↓) based on the embedding angle of ArcFace <cit.> for evaluating the quality and fidelity of DR2 outputs. For scale N = 4, 8, and 16, PSNR first goes up and Deg goes down because degradation is gradually removed as τ increases. Then they hit the optimal point at the same time before the outputs begin to deviate from the input as τ continues to grow. Optimal τ is bigger for smaller N. For N = 2, PSNR stops to increase before Deg reaches the optimality because Gaussian noise starts to appear in the output (like results sampled with (N, τ)=(2,350) in <ref>). This cause of the appearance of Gaussian noise is that _t sampled by <ref> contains heavy Gaussian noise when t (t > τ) is big and most part of _t is utilized by <ref> when N is small. §.§ Discussion and Limitations Our DR2 is built on a pretrained DDPM, so it would face the problem of slow sampling speed even we only perform 0.25T steps in total. But DR2 can be combined with diffusion acceleration methods like inference every 10 steps. And keep the output resolution of DR2 relatively low (256^2 in our practice) and leave the upsampling for enhancement module for faster speed. Another major limitation of our proposed DR2 is the manual choosing for controlling parameters N and τ. As a future work, we are exploring whether image quality assessment scores (like NIQE) can be used to develop an automatic search algorithms for N and τ. Furthermore, for inputs with slight degradation, DR2 is less necessary because previous methods can also be effective and faster. And in extreme cases where input images contains very slight degradation or even no degradation, DR2 transformation may remove details in the inputs, but that is not common cases for blind face restoration. § CONCLUSION We propose the DR2E, a two-stage blind face restoration framework that leverages a pretrained DDPM to remove degradation from inputs, and an enhancement module for detail restoration. In the first stage, DR2 removes degradation by using diffused low-quality information as conditions to guide the generative process. This transformation requires no synthetically degraded data for training. Extensive comparisons demonstrate the strong robustness and high restoration quality of our DR2E framework. § ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (62271308), Shanghai Key Laboratory of Digital Media Processing and Transmissions (STCSM 22511105700, 18DZ2270700), 111 plan (BP0719010), and State Key Laboratory of UHD Video and Audio Production and Presentation. ieee_fullname figuresection tablesection § APPENDIX In the appendix, we provide additional discussions and results complementing <ref>. In <ref>, we conduct further ablation studies on initial condition and iterative refinement to show the control and conditioning effect these two mechanisms bring to the DR2 generative process. In <ref>, we provide (1) our detailed settings of DR2 controlling parameters (N,τ) for each testing dataset, and (2) show more qualitative comparisons on each split of CelebA-Test dataset in this section to illustrate how our methods and previous state-of-the-art methods perform over variant levels of degradation. § MORE ABLATION STUDIES In this section, we explore the effect of initial condition and iterative refinement in DR2. To avoid the influence of the enhancement modules varying in structures, embedded facial priors, and training strategies, we only conduct experiments on DR2 outputs with no enhancement. To evaluate the degradation removal performance and fidelity of DR2 outputs, we use bicubic downsampled images as ground truth low-resolution (GT LR) image. This is intuitive as DR2 is targeted to produce clean but blurry middle results. §.§ Conditioning Effect of Initial Condition with Iterative Refinement Enabled During DR2 generative process, diffused low-quality inputs is provided through initial condition and iterative refinement. The latter one yields stronger control to the generative process because it is performed at each step, while initial condition only provides information in the beginning with heavy Gaussian noise attached. To quantitatively evaluate the effect of initial condition, we follow the settings of S<ref> by calculating the pixel-wise metric (PSNR) and identity distance (Deg) between DR2 outputs and ground truth low-resolution images on CelebA-Test (8×, medium split) dataset. Quantitative results are shown in <ref>. We fix (N, τ) = (4, 300) and change the value of ω. When ω = 1000 = T, no initial condition is provided because 𝐲_1000 is pure Gaussian noise. As shown in the table, with iterative refinement providing strong control to DR2 generative process, the quality and fidelity of DR2 outputs are not evidently affected as ω varies. Qualitative results are provided in <ref>. With fixed iterative refinement controlling parameters, ω has little visual effect on DR2 outputs. Although the initial condition provides limited information compared with iterative refinement, it significantly reduces the total steps of DR2 denoising process. §.§ Conditioning Effect of Initial Condition with Iterative Refinement Disabled We conduct experiments without iterative refinement in this section to show that generative results bear less fidelity to the input without it. Without iterative refinement, DR2 generative process relies solely on the initial condition to utilize information of low-quality inputs, and generate images through DDPM denoising steps stochastically from initial condition. ω now becomes an important controlling parameter determining how much conditioning information is provided. We also calculate PSNR and Deg between DR2 outputs and ground-truth low-resolution images on CelebA-Test (8×, medium split) dataset. Quantitative results with different (ω, τ) are provided in <ref>. Note that PSNR and Deg are all worse than those in <ref>, and have a negative correlation with ω because less information of inputs is used as ω increases. Qualitative results are shown in <ref>. When ω⩾ 400, added noise in initial condition is strong enough to cover the degradation in inputs so the output tends to be smooth and clean. But as ω increases, the outputs become more irrelevant to the input because the initial conditions are weakened. Compared with results that were sampled with iterative refinement, the importance of it on preserving semantic information is obvious. § DETAILED SETTINGS AND COMPARISONS §.§ Controlling Parameter Settings As introduced in <ref>, to evaluate the performance on different levels of degradation, we synthesize three splits (mild, medium, and severe) for each upsampling task (16×, 8×, and 4×) together with four real-world datasets. During the experiment in <ref>, different controlling parameters (N, τ) are used for each dataset or split. Generally speaking, big N and τ are more effective to remove the degradation but lead to lower fidelity and vice versa. We provide detailed settings we employed in <ref> §.§ More Qualitative Comparisons For more comprehensive comparisons with previous methods on different levels of degraded dataset, we provide qualitative results on each split of CelebA-Test dataset under each upsampling factor in <ref>. As shown in the figures, for inputs with slight degradation, DR2 transformation is less necessary because previous methods can also be effective. But for severe degradation, previous methods fail since they never see such degradation during training. While our method shows great robustness even though no synthetic degraded images are employed for training.
Synthesizing Realistic Image Restoration Training Pairs: A Diffusion Approach
[ "Tao Yang", "Peiran Ren", "Xuansong xie", "Lei Zhang" ]
[ "cs.CV" ]
Synthesizing Realistic Image Restoration Training Pairs: A Diffusion Approach Tao Yang[1], Peiran Ren[1], Xuansong Xie[1], and Lei Zhang[2] [1]DAMO Academy, Alibaba Group [2]Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University yangtao9009@gmail.com, peiran_r@sohu.com, xingtong.xxs@taobao.com, cslzhang@comp.polyu.edu.hk March 30, 2023 ====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== empty In supervised image restoration tasks, one key issue is how to obtain the aligned high-quality (HQ) and low-quality (LQ) training image pairs. Unfortunately, such HQ-LQ training pairs are hard to capture in practice, and hard to synthesize due to the complex unknown degradation in the wild. While several sophisticated degradation models have been manually designed to synthesize LQ images from their HQ counterparts, the distribution gap between the synthesized and real-world LQ images remains large. We propose a new approach to synthesizing realistic image restoration training pairs using the emerging denoising diffusion probabilistic model (DDPM). First, we train a DDPM, which could convert a noisy input into the desired LQ image, with a large amount of collected LQ images, which define the target data distribution. Then, for a given HQ image, we synthesize an initial LQ image by using an off-the-shelf degradation model, and iteratively add proper Gaussian noises to it. Finally, we denoise the noisy LQ image using the pre-trained DDPM to obtain the final LQ image, which falls into the target distribution of real-world LQ images. Thanks to the strong capability of DDPM in distribution approximation, the synthesized HQ-LQ image pairs can be used to train robust models for real-world image restoration tasks, such as blind face image restoration and blind image super-resolution. Experiments demonstrated the superiority of our proposed approach to existing degradation models. Code and data will be released. § INTRODUCTION Deep neural networks (DNNs) <cit.> have been successfully used in a variety of computer vision tasks, including image classification <cit.>, object detection <cit.>, segmentation <cit.>, as well as image restoration <cit.>. In supervised learning, the amount and quality of labeled training data will largely affect the practical performance of trained DNN models. This problem becomes more crucial in real-world image restoration tasks <cit.>, where the aligned high-quality (HQ) and low-quality (LQ) training image pairs are very difficult to capture in practice. Early works mainly resort to using bicubic downsampling or some simple degradation models <cit.> to synthesize LQ images from their HQ counterparts, which however can only cover a very small set of degradation types. The real-world LQ images can suffer from many factors, including but not limited to low resolution, blur, noise, compression, ., which are too complex to be explicitly modeled. As a result, the DNN models trained on synthesized HQ-LQ training pairs can hardly perform well on real-world LQ images. To alleviate the above difficulties, some works have been proposed to first predict the degradation parameters <cit.> and then restore the HQ image with them in a non-blind way. They work well on some specific non-blind deblurring <cit.>, denoising <cit.> and JPEG artifacts removal <cit.> tasks. However, the degradation of real-world LQ images are often unknown and cannot be pre-defined, making it is hard, if not possible, to predict accurate degradation parameters. Some researchers attempted to collect real-world LQ-HQ pairs <cit.> by using long-short camera focal lengths, which only work in applications where similar photographing devices are used. Recently, a couple of handcrafted degradation models <cit.> have been proposed to model complex real-world degradations. Zhang <cit.> randomly shuffled blur, downsampling and noise degradations to form a complex combination. Wang <cit.> developed a high-order degradation model. While these methods can simulate a much larger scope of degradation types and have shown impressive progress in handling LQ images in the wild, the distribution gap between the synthesized and real-world LQ images remains large <cit.>. With the rapid advancement of deep generative networks <cit.>, methods have been developed to learn how to synthesize LQ images from their HQ counterparts. Lugmayr <cit.> learned a domain distribution network using unpaired data and then built HQ-LQ pairs with it. Similarly, Fritsche <cit.> synthesized LQ images by using DSGAN to introduce natural image characteristics. Luo <cit.> proposed a probabilistic degradation model (PDM) to describe different degradations. Most recently, Li <cit.> developed the ReDegNet to model real-world degradations using paired face images and transfer them to produce LQ natural images. However, this method largely relies on the HQ faces generated by blind face restoration models <cit.>, which limits its applications. In this work, we revisit the problem of HQ-LQ image pair synthesis, which is critical to the many image restoration tasks such as blind face restoration and real-world image super-resolution. Our idea is to seamlessly integrate the advantages of handcrafted degradation models and deep generative networks. We first train a generator, , the emerging denoising diffusion probabilistic model (DDPM) <cit.>, by using a large amount of real-world LQ images collected from the Internet. The trained DDPM can be used to generate realistic LQ images. When building HQ-LQ image pairs, we first adopt a handcrafted degradation model to synthesize initial LQ images from the input HQ images, which may fall into the distribution of real-world LQ images. To reduce the distribution gap, the initially synthesized LQ images are added with Gaussian noise and then denoised by the pre-trained DDPM. After a few steps, the distribution of synthesized LQ images will become closer and closer to the distribution of real-world LQ images. Finally, a set of realistic HQ-LQ training pairs can be synthesized, and they can be used to train robust DNN models for image restoration tasks. In summary, in this work we present a novel diffusion approach to synthesizing realistic training pairs for image restoration, targeting at shortening the distribution gap between synthetic and real-world LQ data. The synthesized HQ-LQ training pairs can be used for various downstream real-world image restoration tasks, as validated in our experiments of blind image restoration and blind image super-resolution. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first image degradation modeling method based on diffusion models. Codes will be made publicly available. § RELATED WORK §.§ Degradation Modeling Image degradation modeling is of great importance for many downstream tasks such as blind face restoration (BFR) <cit.> and blind image super-resolution (BISR) <cit.>. Bicubic downsampling has been popularly adopted in the research of single image super-resolution (SISR) <cit.>. Though it provides a common platform for comparison of SISR algorithms, models trained with this degradation strategy are of little avail, especially for real-world applications. Some works turned to use the classical degradation models <cit.>, which take the commonly observed noise, blur, and downsampling degradations into consideration. Unfortunately, they are far from enough to describe the complex unknown degradations in real-world LQ images. Zhang <cit.> proposed a random shuffling strategy to construct more complex degradations of blur, downsampling and noise. Concurrently, Wang <cit.> designed a high-order degradation model with several repeated degradation processes using the classical degradation model. These two methods managed to simulate diverse degradation combinations. Considering that real-world degradations are too complex to be explicitly modeled, some researchers attempted to learn a network to implicitly approximate the degradation process <cit.>. Nonetheless, it is challenging to learn such models due to the high illness of the problem. Blind Face Restoration. Face image restoration has attracted a lot of attentions <cit.>. Since facial images have specific structures, it is feasible to restore a clear face image from real-world degraded observations <cit.>. Many BFR methods have been proposed by resorting to exemplar images <cit.>, 3D facial priors <cit.>, and facial component dictionaries <cit.>. Recently, generative face prior has been widely used and shown powerful capability in BFR tasks <cit.>. It has been demonstrated that many LQ face images in the wild can be robustly restored. Researchers have also found that a learned discrete codebook prior can better reduce the uncertainty and ambiguity of face restoration mapping <cit.>. Blind Image Super-resolution. While significant progress has been achieved for non-blind SISR <cit.>, blind image super-resolution (BISR) remains very difficult. Bell-Kligler <cit.> introduced KernelGAN to estimate the blur kernel and then restore images based on it, which is prone to errors of estimated kernels. Following works jointly predicted the blur kernel and the HQ image. Gu <cit.> suggested an iterative correction scheme to achieve better results. Those methods focused on blur kernel estimation, while images in the wild suffer from much more complex degradations other than blur. Cai <cit.> and Wei et al. <cit.> respectively established an SISR dataset with paired LQ-HQ images collected by zooming camera lens. However, the model can be hardly generalized to other photographing devices. Some works exploited DNNs to learn the degradation process with unpaired data <cit.>. Lugmayr et al. <cit.> employed a cycle consistency loss to learn a distribution mapping network. Fritsche et al. <cit.> proposed DSGAN to generate LQ images. Luo <cit.> modeled the degradation as a random variable and learned its distribution. Li et al. <cit.> transferred the real-world degradations learned from face images to natural images. Although those methods have shown impressive results in some cases, their overall generalization performance in the wild remains limited. §.§ Deep Generative Network The generative adversarial networks (GANs) <cit.> have demonstrated much more powerful capability to synthesize HQ images than likelihood-based methods such as variational autoencoders (VAE) <cit.>, autoregressive models <cit.> and flows <cit.>. Recently, diffusion probabilistic models (DPMs) have emerged and shown promising performance in tasks of image generation <cit.>, image inpainting <cit.>, image-to-image translation <cit.>, text-to-image generation <cit.>, text-to-video generation <cit.>, etc. In particular, high quality image synthesis results were presented in <cit.>, which was extended and improved in <cit.>. Despite the great success, DPMs require hundreds of steps to simulate a Markov chain. Song et al. <cit.> proposed a denoising diffusion implicit model (DDIM) to accelerate the sampling speed. Very recently, DPMs have shown impressive results in text-to-image/video generation <cit.>. § PROPOSED METHOD §.§ Problem Formulation and Framework Let's denote by 𝒴 the space of original HQ images, by 𝒳 the space of synthetic LQ images, and by ℛ the space of real-world LQ images. Generally speaking, the spaces 𝒳 and ℛ are partially overlapped because synthetic LQ images can have similar statistics to the real-world LQ images. How large the overlapped subspace between 𝒳 and ℛ will be depends on the employed degradation model, denoted by d. For example, Zhang et al. <cit.> and Wang et al. <cit.> handcrafted sophisticated models to synthesize LQ data from their corresponding HQ images. Some works resorted to learning a mapping network from 𝒴 to ℛ by unsupervised learning <cit.> or transferring degradations <cit.>. Nonetheless, the distributions gap between synthesized and real-world LQ images remains large. Different from these previous efforts <cit.>, we aim to integrate the advantages of handcrafted degradation models and deep generative networks, more specifically, the denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPM) <cit.>, to synthesize realistic training pairs. As shown in Fig. <ref>, given an HQ image y∈𝒴, we first adopt a state-of-the-art degradation model <cit.> d to generate an initial LQ image x∈𝒳, , x=d(y). Usually, x shares some similar statistics and appearances to images in ℛ, while it still has certain distance to space ℛ. To make x closer to ℛ, we train a DDPM, which defines a Markov chain of diffusion steps to add random noise to data and then reverses the diffusion process to construct desired data samples from noise, to further transform x into r∈ℛ. The diffusion process will gradually convert the data of a complex distribution into the data of a simpler prior distribution 𝒫, , the isotropic Gaussian distribution. In other words, the distributions of images in 𝒳 and ℛ would become closer and closer during the diffusion process, and approach to the same isotropic Gaussian distribution finally. As depicted in Fig. <ref>, we denote by 𝒳_t and ℛ_t respectively the latent distributions of 𝒳 and ℛ after diffusing t steps. One can see that the domain gap between 𝒳_t and ℛ_t becomes more and more indistinguishable. Based on the above consideration, we first diffuse x by t steps to generate z, , z=q(x), which is more likely to fall into space ℛ_t. We then reverse z to obtain the final LQ image r, , r=p(z), using DDPM pre-trained on real-world LQ images. The whole HQ to LQ image synthesis process is illustrated by the solid red line in Fig. <ref>. Due to the powerful distribution approximation capability of DDPM, it is anticipated that the final LQ image r will fall into the space ℛ of real-world LQ images. Consequently, aligned HQ-LQ image pairs, , (y,r), can be obtained and used to train more robust image restoration models than those trained with (y,x). §.§ DDPM Model Training Degraded Image Dataset. Our method employs a DDPM to convert the HQ image into the LQ one, which is expected to meet the distribution of real-world LQ images. Therefore, a large-scale real-world LQ image dataset is needed to train the DDPM model first. Since most of the publicly available datasets are composed of HQ images <cit.> or synthetic LQ ones <cit.>, we build a large-scale degraded image dataset (DID) from scratch, which consists of 70,000 degraded face images and 30,000 degraded natural images. Some example images are shown in Fig. <ref>. We first collected a large number of images from the Internet, where each image contains at least one face. Then the facial portions are automatically detected, cropped and aligned <cit.>. Every face image is resized to have a resolution of 512× 512. We carefully prune the data to exclude occasional statues, paintings, . In addition, we tend to not harvest too many faces in a single group of photos in order to diversify the degradation types. Finally, 70,000 real-world degraded faces are collected. To tackle more general image restoration problems such as blind image super-resolution, we crawled another set of 30,000 real-world natural images with diverse sizes and contents from the Internet. Specifically, we use more than 200 keywords, which cover a large scope of categories, including human, animal, landscape, indoor scene, ., to search via Google Images. Different from face images, we keep the crawled images unchanged. Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models. Given a data point from a real data distribution x_0∼ q(x), it is interesting to learn a model distribution p(x) that could approximate q(x). To achieve this goal, DDPM <cit.> defines a forward diffusion process q, which produces a sequence of latents {x_1,x_2,...,x_T} by adding Gaussian noise in T steps. The step sizes are controlled by a variance schedule β_t∈(0,1), where t∈{1,2,...,T}. There is: q(x_t|x_t-1) :=𝒩(x_t:√(1-β_tx_t-1),β_t𝐈). In particular, the above equation allows us to sample a latent at an arbitrary step t directly, conditioned on the input x_0. Let α_t=1-β_t and α̅_t=∏_i=1^tα_i, we can write the marginal distribution as follows: q(x_t|x_0)=𝒩(x_t;√(α̅_t)x_0,(1-α̅_t)𝐈). With the help of reparameterization techniques <cit.>, x_t can be formulated as follows: x_t=√(α̅_t)x_0+√(1-α̅_t)ϵ,  where ϵ∼𝒩(0, 𝐈). Since α_t∈(0,1), x_T is equivalent to an isotropic Gaussian distribution when T→∞. Usually, T is set to 1,000. If the exact reverse distribution q(x_t-1|x_t) is known, we will be able to recreate the original samples from a Gaussian noise input. Unfortunately, q(x_t-1|x_t) depends on the entire data distribution. We need to learn a model p_θ to approximate it. It is worth noting that if β_t is small enough, q(x_t-1|x_t) will also be Gaussian, , p(x_t-1|x_t) :=𝒩(x_t-1;μ_θ(x_t,t),Σ_θ(x_t,t)). Model Training. With the collected DID, we train a DDPM to approximate its distribution. As illustrated on the left side of Fig. <ref>, during each optimization iteration, we diffuse a randomly sampled LQ image x_0 from DID for t steps, where t is randomly chosen from {0,1,,...,T-1}. According to Eqn. <ref>, we can easily compute x_t with a randomly generated Gaussian noise ϵ. In order to reverse the diffusing process, DDPM is designed to predict the noise ϵ on top of x_t and t. To this end, we can parameterize ϵ_θ(x_t,t) with a simplified loss function: L_simple=E_t,x_0,ϵ[||ϵ-ϵ_θ(x_t,t)||]. Different from Ho <cit.>, we use L_1 instead of L_2 loss here because L_1 loss is usually more resistant to overfitting and encourages less predictive features. Particularly, for the task of BISR, we randomly crop patches of resolution 256× 256 from the original image as input x_0. §.§ HQ-LQ Image Pair Synthesis With the DDPM model trained in Sec. <ref>, we are able to synthesize realistic LQ images from the HQ ones, as illustrated on the right side of Fig. <ref>. We first apply a handcrafted degradation model to the input HQ image to obtain an initial LQ image, and then iteratively add proper Gaussian noises to the initially synthesized LQ image for t steps, obtaining a noisy LQ image x_t. Note that x_t can be directly calculated according to Eqn. <ref> without time-consuming iterations. This is because mathematically, the merge of two Gaussian noises will result in another Gaussian noise. We then employ the pre-trained DDPM to predict the Gaussian noise ϵ added to x_t. With the predicted noise, we obtain a predicted x_0, which incorporates x_t to produce x_t-1. We iteratively perform the above operations for t times and finally obtain a synthesized LQ image. Generally speaking, the quality of the output LQ image depends on the setting of t. Since the DDPM model is trained to generate samples that meet the target distribution of real-world LQ images, our synthesized LQ images are more realistic than the manually synthesized ones, as we discussed in Sec. <ref>. In the aforementioned synthesizing process, one can see that the handcrafted degradation model d and the diffusion step t are important factors to the final results. In our experiments, we adopt the degradation model proposed by Wang <cit.> and randomly sample t from [0, 500] and [0, 250] for BFR and BISR, respectively. § EXPERIMENTS §.§ Experimental Setup To comprehensively evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed HQ-LQ training pair synthesis method, we perform experiments on both synthetic data (for quantitative evaluation) and real-world data (for qualitative evaluation). For each of the BFR and BISR tasks, we employ several open-sourced models and re-train them on our training pairs, and then apply them to the synthetic test data for objective evaluation. On the real-world test data, we invite seventeen human subjects to perform user-study and compare the visual quality of the restored HQ images. Test data. For the task of BFR, we use the first 5,000 HQ face images in the CelebA-HQ dataset <cit.> to simulate LQ images, while for the task of BISR, we use the 100 HQ images in the DIV2K validation dataset <cit.> to simulate LQ images. Apart from the synthetic test data, we also select 100 real-world LQ face images and 100 LQ natural images (excluded from DDPM pre-training) from the DID to qualitatively evaluate the performance of different BFR and BISR models in the wild. Evaluation metrics. As for the quantitative evaluation, the Fréchet Inception Distances (FID) <cit.>, the Learned Perceptual Image Patch Similarity (LPIPS) <cit.>, the Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and the Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM) <cit.> indices are used to measure the distance between the model output and ground-truth. Training details. When training a DDPM, we adopt the Adam optimizer <cit.> with a batch size of 16. The learning rate is fixed as 8× 10^-5. In particular, we adopt the exponential moving average (EMA) method with a decay coefficient of 0.995 during optimization to ensure the training stability. The model is updated for 700K iterations. In regarding to the training of downstreaming task (, BFR and BISR) models, we simply keep the training configurations in their original papers <cit.> unchanged, except when we train these models by using the HQ-LQ training pairs synthesized by our method. §.§ Selections of Initial Handcrafted Degradation and Diffusion Step In order to find out the effects of handcrafted degradation model d and diffusion step t on the synthesized HQ-LQ pairs, we conduct ablation studies by applying four representative handcrafted degradation models, , bicubic downsampling (denoted by Bicubic), the classical degradation model (denoted by Classical, see <cit.>), the one proposed by Zhang <cit.> and the one proposed by Wang <cit.>, to our method. We use the first 5,000 face images in FFHQ <cit.> as the HQ inputs, and generate four groups of LQ counterparts by our method with the four handcrafted degradation models. We calculate the FID <cit.> between each group of generated LQ images and the real degraded faces in our collected DID to evaluate the distribution distances. Handcrafted Degradation Model. The curves of FID versus diffusion step t are plotted on the top of Fig. <ref>. We see that when t=0 (, without applying the pre-trained DDPM), Bicubic has the worst FID, while Zhang <cit.> and Wang <cit.> are among the best. This indicates that the degradation models proposed by Zhang et al. <cit.> and Wang et al. <cit.> can better simulate real-world degraded data than bicubic downsampling and the classical degradation model. It is worth mentioning that all the four models can produce realistic LQ images (, low FID value) with a large enough step number t; however, a good degradation model should be able to generate LQ images that cover a large scope of LQ space. The models developed by Zhang <cit.> and Wang <cit.> demonstrate their superiority to bicubic downsampling and the classical degradation model. We choose the model proposed by Wang <cit.> due to its efficient implementation. Diffusion Step. A qualified HQ-LQ image pair should share the same content and structure in general. We calculate the PSNR of generated HQ-LQ pairs and plot the curve on the bottom of Fig. <ref>. One can see that all curves converge with the increase of diffusion step t. This is because the distributions of LQ images and real-world degraded images are getting closer during the diffusion process, and they approach to the same isotropic Gaussian distribution. In other words, with a large enough diffusion step t, we can produce LQ images with lower FID values. However, a large t will destroy the structure of synthesized LQs compared with their HQ counterparts. As shown in Fig. <ref>, the PSNR decreases when t grows. By our experiments, when the PSNR of an HQ-LQ pair is smaller than 24, the general structure of them will become inconsistent. Fig. <ref> shows some synthesized LQ images by our method with different steps t. One can see that the structures of synthesized LQ images become inconsistent with the HQ ones when t>500 / t>250 for face/natural images. We therefore randomly sample t from [0, 500] for the training pair synthesis of BFR, and sample t from [0, 250] for BISR. §.§ Experiments on Synthetic Test Images Blind Face Restoration. We validate the effectiveness of our approach by using four representative BFR models, , PSFRGAN <cit.>, HiFaceGAN <cit.>, GFPGAN <cit.> and GPEN <cit.>, whose training codes are publicly available so that we can re-train them by using the HQ-LQ image pairs synthesized by our method with their original training settings. We denote by PSFRGAN+, HiFaceGAN+, GFPGAN+ and GPEN+ the re-trained models on our training data. By applying those original and re-trained models on the synthetic LQ face images, we can calculate the FID, LPIPS, PSNR and SSIM indices by comparing the reconstructed HQ images with the ground-truth HQ images. The results are listed in Table <ref>. One can see that for each BFR method, the model trained on our synthesized training pairs can achieve better FID/LPIPS/PSNR/SSIM indices than its original counterpart in most cases. Fig. <ref> compares the BFR results on some degraded face images by original BFR models and their re-trained counterparts. It can be seen that GFPGAN <cit.> and GPEN <cit.> can produce reasonable face reconstructions while failing to tackle faces that are severely compressed or with large viewpoint variation. After re-training GFPGAN and GPEN with HQ-LQ training pairs synthesized by the proposed method, GFPGAN+ and GPEN+ succeed in restoring clearer faces with more vivid details in comparison with their original counterparts. More visual comparison results can be found in Sec. <ref>. Blind Image Super-Resolution. BISR aims to reconstruct HQ images with perceptually realistic details from the input LQ image with unknown degradation. We employ two categories of state-of-the-art algorithms in this experiment. The first category is GAN-based methods trained on unpaired real data, including ESRGAN-FS <cit.>, DASR <cit.>, Wang <cit.>, PDM-SRGAN <cit.>, F2N-ESRGAN <cit.>. All methods are re-trained on our DID. The second category is models trained with handcrafted HQ-LQ image pairs, including RealSR <cit.>, BSRGAN <cit.>, Real-ESRGAN <cit.>. All these three methods use RRDB <cit.> as the backbone with similar losses. The key difference among them lies in the training data. Therefore, we re-train a RRDB-based model <cit.> by using our synthesized training pairs with the training settings of Real-ESRGAN <cit.>, resulting in the RRDB+ model. The quantitative evaluation results on the test data are presented in Table <ref>. One can see that RRDB+ outperforms the competing methods in most of the metrics. In particular, compared with the original Real-ESRGAN model, our re-trained RRDB+ achieves similar LPIPS index but significantly better FID, PSNR and SSIM indices. Fig. <ref> presents the visual comparison of competing BISR methods on several synthesized LQ natural images. One can see that our method can better reconstruct realistic details and preserve the general structures, demonstrating the effectiveness of our HQ-LQ training pair synthesis methods. Comparing to Real-ESRGAN <cit.>, RRDB+ has clear advantages in inhibiting artifacts. §.§ Experiments on Images in the Wild Since our method targets at synthesizing realistic image restoration training pairs, it is necessary to conduct experiments on images in the wild. We select 100 face and 100 natural images from DID for evaluation. Blind Face Restoration. We apply the same four BFR methods as in Sec. <ref> to the 100 real-world LQ face images. Fig. <ref> shows the BFR results on two images. Due to the limit of space, we only show the results of GFPGAN <cit.>, GPEN <cit.> and GPEN+ here. More results can be found in Sec. <ref>. As can be seen, GPEN+ can better handle real-world degradations and produce more realistic results than GPEN and GFPGAN, mainly due to the more realistic image training pairs. To better evaluate the advantage of the proposed method, we conduct a user study as subjective assessment. For each of the four groups of BFR methods, , PSFRGAN vs. PSFRGAN+, HiFaceGAN vs. HiFaceGAN+, GFPGAN vs. GFPGAN+, GPEN vs. GPEN+, the BFR results are presented in pairs to 17 volunteers in a random order. The volunteers are asked to pick the better BFR image from each pair according to their perceptual quality. The statistics are presented in Fig. <ref>. One can see that in each group, the model trained with our synthesized data is more preferred. Blind Image Super-Resolution. Fig. <ref> shows the BISR results of ESRGAN-FS <cit.>, DASR <cit.>, BSRGAN <cit.>, Real-ESRGAN <cit.>, PDM-SRGAN <cit.>, F2N-ESRGAN <cit.>, and our RRDB+. It can be seen that the competing methods yield dirty outputs, , the second and third columns of Fig. <ref>, or tend to produce over-smoothed results, , the frog in the first row of Fig. <ref>, or fail to reconstruct photo-realistic details, , the eye in the second row of Fig. <ref>. With the help of the realistic HQ-LQ training pairs generated by our method, RRDB+ is capable of better handling complex degradations in the wild. More visual results can be found in Sec. <ref>. Since the commonly used quantitative metrics do not correlate well with human visual perception to image quality, we conduct a user study as subjective assessment. The BISR results of BSRGAN <cit.>, Real-ESRGAN <cit.>, PDM-SRGAN <cit.>, F2N-ESRGAN <cit.> and RRDB+ on 100 natural images from DID are presented to 17 volunteers in random order. The volunteers are asked to rank the five BISR outputs of each input image according to their perceptual quality. As presented in Fig. <ref>, our method RRDB+ receives the most rank-1 votes and the least rank-5 votes. § CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION We proposed, for the first time to our best knowledge, to train a DDPM to synthesize realistic image restoration training pairs. With a collected LQ image dataset, a DDPM was first trained to approximate its distribution. The pre-trained DDPM was then employed to convert the initially degraded image from its HQ counterpart into the desired LQ image, which fell into the distribution of real-world LQ images. With the synthesized realistic HQ-LQ image pairs, we re-trained the many state-of-the-art BFR and BISR models, and the re-trained models demonstrated much better realistic image restoration performance than their original counterparts both quantitatively and qualitatively. It should be noted that in our experiments, we collected a large scale degraded face dataset and a natural image dataset, respectively, as the target distributions to train the DDPM and synthesize HQ-LQ training pairs. In practice, the users can build their own LQ image dataset according to their needs, train the corresponding DDPM models and synthesize training pairs for different image restoration tasks. ieee_fullname § APPENDICES §.§ More BFR Results on Synthetic Faces This section shows more visual results of competing BFR methods on synthetic face images. As in the main paper, we compare the BFR results on degraded face images by the original BFR models, , GFPGAN <cit.> and GPEN <cit.>, and their re-trained counterparts on our training pairs, , GFPGAN+ and GPEN+. The visual comparisons are presented in Fig. <ref>. One can see that GFPGAN+ and GPEN+ generate superior results with finer details to their original counterparts. §.§ More BFR Results on Faces in the Wild This section shows more visual results of competing BFR methods on face images in the wild. As in the main paper, we compare our method with PSFRGAN <cit.>, HiFaceGAN <cit.>, GFPGAN <cit.> and GPEN <cit.>. The visual comparisons are presented in Fig. <ref>. It can be seen that our method can produce more realistic results. §.§ More BISR Results on Images in the Wild In this section, we show more visual comparison between our method with state-of-the-art BISR methods, including DASR <cit.>, PDM-SRGAN <cit.>, BSRGAN <cit.> and Real-ESRGAN <cit.>, in Fig. <ref>, from which we can see the superior performance of our method on BISR tasks. §.§ Comparison between GAN-based methods and our diffusion method on LQ image synthesis In order to demonstrate the superior performance of our proposed diffusion-based method in synthesizing LQ images to existing GAN-based methods <cit.>, we compute the FID values to evaluate the distribution distances between synthesized LQs and real LQs in DID. The quantitative results are presented in Table <ref>. It can be seen that our diffusion-based method outperforms existing GAN-based methods significantly. This is because GAN-based methods learn a direct mapping from HQs to LQs, which is hard to train due to the large distribution gap and unstable adversarial training, while our method employs an initial LQ image as the starting point, and use a pre-trained diffusion model to stably generate the final LQ image. During the reverse process of DDPM, the images are naturally constrained in the LQ space. In contrast, GAN-based methods only constrain the final outputs, and hence they are less stable in LQ image synthesis.
Three Guidelines You Should Know for Universally Slimmable Self-Supervised Learning
[ "Yun-Hao Cao", "Peiqin Sun", "Shuchang Zhou" ]
[ "cs.CV", "cs.LG" ]
figure/ 0
Analytics for "interaction with the service": Surreptitious Collection of User Interaction Data
[ "Feiyang Tang", "Bjarte M. Østvold" ]
[ "cs.SE" ]
Surreptitious Collection of User Interaction Data Norwegian Computing Center, Oslo, Norway {feiyang, bjarte}@nr.no Analytics for “interaction with the service”: Surreptitious Collection of User Interaction Data Feiyang Tang, Bjarte M. Østvold March 30, 2023 =============================================================================================== The rise of mobile apps has brought greater convenience and customization for users. However, many apps use analytics services to collect a wide range of user interaction data purportedly to improve their service, while presenting app users with vague or incomplete information about this collection in their privacy policies. Typically, such policies neglect to describe all types of user interaction data or how the data is collected. User interaction data is not directly regulated by privacy legislation such as the GDPR. However, the extent and hidden nature of its collection means both that apps are walking a legal tightrope and that users' trust is at risk. To facilitate transparency and comparison, and based on common phrases used in published privacy policies and Android documentation, we make a standardized collection-claim template. Based on static analysis of actual data collection implementations, we compare the privacy policy claims of the top 10 apps to fact-checked collection claims. Our findings reveal that all the claims made by these apps are incomplete. By providing a standardized way of describing user interaction data collection in mobile apps and comparing actual collection practices to privacy policies, this work aims to increase transparency and establish trust between app developers and users. § INTRODUCTION Mobile apps have enabled us to interact with technology in new ways, allowing app developers to collect large amounts of user interaction data with the help of analytics services such as AppsFlyer, Flurry, and Firebase Analytics. User interaction data includes actions taken by users, such as tapping buttons, scrolling through pages, and watching videos. Unfortunately, in their privacy policies apps often use vague phrases like “user's interaction with the service” to describe data collection without providing any further details. This lack of granularity exacerbates the problem of transparency, leaving users unsure of the scope and nature of the data being collected and the ways in which it is being used. As a result, users may feel a sense of mistrust towards apps, leading to a loss of confidence in their use. The relationship between transparency of data collection and user trust is crucial <cit.>. Without transparency, users cannot make informed decisions about what data they share and how it is used <cit.>, which can result in a sense of invasion of privacy. Additionally, data collected without proper transparency and control can be used for various purposes, including targeted advertising and user profiling, further eroding user trust. An example is the Yr app, which is the most popular weather app in Norway, developed by the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK). The app collects user interaction data to understand which features are frequently used, such as when users set their location to get localized forecasts. By analyzing this data, the app could potentially infer that a user is a frequent traveler, has family living in different locations, or is interested in travel-related products or services. Such profiling and inference could be used to target the user with location-based advertising, without the user's knowledge. However, the app's privacy policy[<https://hjelp.yr.no/hc/en-us/articles/360003337614-Privacy-policy>] is vague regarding the collection of user interaction data, as it lacks specific details on the types of data collected, as displayed below in the gray box. ! Privacy Policy of Yr ⋯ We use different tools to track the use on our app and website. This information gives us valuable information such as most popular pages and on what times Yr is being used the most. No information that can identify persons are available for Yr. ⋯ Our reading of NRK's privacy policy[<https://info.nrk.no/personvernerklaering/>] did not yield any specific information on Yr's data collection practices, as the policy is primarily focused on NRK's news services and their “interaction with the services” collection practices. This lack of transparency regarding the data collection practices of the Yr app is concerning, as it can erode user trust in the app and NRK as a whole. Recent studies have shown that even seemingly innocuous user interaction data can reveal sensitive information about individual users. For instance, emoji use and pages visited can be used to infer a user's preferred pool and political orientation, respectively <cit.>. Additionally, mobile biometric data associated with keystrokes and touchscreen gestures can be used to estimate soft attributes like age, gender, and operating hand <cit.>. These findings highlight the potential risks associated with collecting user interaction data, which can be used to infer sensitive information about individual users and subsequently be used for user profiling. Moreover, interaction data is not directly linked to identifying an individual and therefore may not be covered by major data protection regulations such as the GDPR. Most current research studying the privacy implications of analytic services has focused on determining whether personally identifiable information (PII) is being collected and transmitted to external analytics services <cit.>. Studies have also examined log data to understand user behavior <cit.>, and high-level analyses of user behavior data collection in mobile apps have been conducted <cit.>. §.§ Research Questions Building upon the introduction, the aim of this paper is to provide a more standardized and structured way of describing user interaction data and how is collected and used in mobile apps and furthermore to increase transparency by comparing the claims made by mobile apps in their privacy policies to their actual implementation of collection. This approach is motivated by the need to build user trust. In order to achieve this aim, we have devised a set of research questions: * What do apps say about their collection of user interaction data in their privacy policies? We refer to this as their privacy policy collection claims. * What types of user interaction data do apps actually collect in their implementations, and what are the means used for this collection? * How do the collection claims from the policies match up with the realities of the implementations? We shall refer to this as checking the claims. §.§ Contributions In this paper, we made several contributions to the understanding of user interaction data collection practices in mobile apps: * We analyze a corpus of privacy policies in mobile apps to identify the common phrasing used to describe the collection of user interaction data. We then create a standardized collection claim template for user interaction data based on the common phrasing and a vocabulary derived from Android documentation (Section <ref>). * We use static analysis to extract collection evidence from Android apps, identifying data types, relevant code and means of collection in layout files and bytecode (Section <ref>). * We provide an overview of user interaction data collection practices in 100 popular apps on Google Play, representing the top 10 popular categories. From this sample, we selected the most popular app from each category, 10 apps in total, and conducted a fact-check of their privacy policy collection claims using collection evidence (Section <ref>). § BACKGROUND Before delving into the specifics of our investigation, it is important to establish a foundation of knowledge on the topic of user interaction data collection in Android apps. This involves examining the human aspects of this issue, understanding the basic components of an Android app, and exploring common reverse engineering techniques used to analyze app behavior. Additionally, we will discuss what user interaction data entails, and how apps collect this data through various means such as logging interactions, timing interactions, and recording series of interactions. §.§ User Trust and Transparency Ensuring user trust and transparency in mobile app data collection is crucial. Clear, transparent, and reversible procedures can help establish user confidence and control over their data, leading to better user experiences and app adoption. Conversely, a lack of transparency can erode trust, create privacy concerns, and lead to user dissatisfaction or abandonment of the app. Research has shown that increased transparency is positively correlated with higher levels of trust among participants <cit.>, whereas low transparency can impede the adoption of mobile apps <cit.>. Given the importance of building trust and confidence among users, it is in the interest of app makers to prioritize transparency and user control. Such efforts can ultimately result in a better user experience and increased uptake of their apps. §.§ Android Reverse Engineering and Analytics Services APK files contain all the resources and bytecode necessary for Android apps to function, with several activities providing the user interface. Tools like apktool[<https://ibotpeaches.github.io/Apktool>] and Dex2Jar[<https://github.com/pxb1988/dex2jar>] can be used to decompile APKs and analyze analytics libraries. Analytics services like Firebase Analytics and Flurry Analytics enable developers to gather data on user behavior, engagement, and preferences. However, these services have raised concerns about data protection as they often automatically collect user data, thereby raising privacy concerns. Thus far, countries such as France, Italy, Austria, Denmark, and Norway have clearly stated that the use of Google Analytics violates GDPR <cit.>. Android apps can use these services by directly invoking third-party APIs or customizing their own analytics service by extending these APIs. The first approach involves calling third-party API methods directly in activities to log user engagement events, while the second approach enables developers to tailor data collection to their specific needs. § MAKING SENSE OF APP POLICIES ABOUT DATA COLLECTION To address RQ<ref>, we investigate how mobile apps disclose their collection practices for user interaction data in their privacy policies. To make sense of app policies we propose a standardized template of “data collection claims” as a single sentence in a restricted vocabulary. This sentence gives the essence of interaction data collection: the specific data types collected and the means of collection. §.§ Collection Vocabulary Our restricted collection vocabulary was developed by analyzing the Android system implementation documentation, as well as the APIs of the top 20 analytic services for Android apps listed on AppBrain <cit.>. §.§.§ Terms for Types of User Interaction Data The user interface of an Android app collects a variety of data types, such as touch events, sensor data, and text input. Based on a manual inspection of every single type of Android UI widget, we identified the following six types of interaction data and named them: * App presentation interaction data: This data arise from the consumption of content provided by the app. For example, the user plays a certain video for a period of time, spends minutes reading one specific page of the news. These interactions are often recorded by a logging system to keep track of the user's consumption habits. * Binary interaction data: This data arise from discrete user actions, such as tapping on a button or icon, or selecting a checkbox. * Categorical interaction data: This data arise from a selection from a set of predefined options or categories, such as choosing a value from a dropdown menu, selecting a radio button, or rating a product. * User input interactions data: This data arise from user input through an on-screen keyboard or another input method, such as entering text or numbers into a form field, or using voice input to perform a search or command. * Gesture interactions data: This data arise from gesture inputs and smooth and continuous movements of the user's finger on the screen, such as scrolling through a list, swiping left or right, pinching or zooming, or shaking the device. * Composite gestures data: This data arise from a combination of multiple gestures, such as tapping and holding, double tag, or drag and drop. §.§.§ Terms for Means of Collection We use the following terms to describe the means of user interaction data collection. * Frequency: This type of collection involves logging the frequency of the occurrence of a particular interaction. For example, an app might log the number of times a user taps on a specific button or selects a certain option from a drop-down menu. * Duration: This type of collection involves tracking the time a user spends engaging in a particular interaction. For example, an app might log the amount of time a user spends watching a particular video or reading a specific article. * Motion details: This type of collection involves monitoring the specific details of a user's interaction, such as the speed, direction, or angle of their finger movements on the screen. This type of data can be collected for interactions such as scrolling, swiping, or dragging. §.§ From Policies to Standardized Collection Claims We start by examining the privacy policies of publicly available mobile apps. We used the APP-350 Corpus <cit.>, which consists of 350 mobile app privacy policies that are annotated with privacy practices. Since APP-350 focuses on identifying personally identifiable information (PII) related sentences from the privacy policies, we only used their raw privacy policy HTML files for our analysis. §.§.§ Identifying Relevant Policy Parts To identify sentences related to user interaction data collection in privacy policies, a simple pre-trained language model was adopted. The model processes HTML files of privacy policies and extracts sentences that contain specific keywords and their synonyms. Natural language processing is performed using the spaCy <cit.> library with the model. This model is pre-trained on web text, which includes web forums, web pages, and Wikipedia. It can identify named entities, parts of speech, dependency parsing, and more. The WordNet module from the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK <cit.>) is also used to find synonyms for the extracted keywords. To validate the effectiveness of the model, we randomly selected 50 privacy policies from the APP-350 dataset and manually annotated them to identify sentences containing relevant information, the verbs used to describe data collection (e.g., “collect”, “track”), and the terms used to describe user interaction data (e.g., “usage of the app”, “interaction with the service”). By identifying the verb and the terms most commonly used to describe user interaction data we ensure that our privacy policy claim vocabulary is consistent with prevailing industry practices. The model successfully identified sentences related to user interaction data collection in 37 of the 38 files that contained such sentences, using keywords such as interaction, usage, statistics, experience, and analytics. We confirmed that the 37 identified files contained relevant sentences. Identifying the verbs used to describe data collection was more challenging, with 92% recall but only 84% precision due to similar verbs appearing in sentences that were not related to the context. After running the model on the 350 privacy policies and performing manual checks to eliminate any false positives, we identified common phrases used in these policies to describe the collection of user interaction data. From the 1411 identified sentences, we selected only the relevant verbs and nouns to compile the list of keywords shown below in Table <ref> and Table <ref>. §.§.§ A Template for Standardized Collection Claims In privacy policies, it is common for apps to use convoluted language to describe how user data is collected. To make these collection claims in privacy policy easier to read and compare across different apps, we created a standardized template that utilized the most frequently used verb, “collect”, and the most frequently used noun phrase, “user interaction data”. The resulting structure is as follows: ! Template for Standardized Collection Claims We collect the following types of user interaction data: ⟨types of data collected⟩, along with their ⟨means of collection⟩.[Refer to the claim vocabularies in Section <ref>] This standardized collection claim template can be combined with the collection evidence gathered through static analysis to check and the accuracy of privacy policy collection claims made by various apps. Also, the standardized language facilitates transparency and comparison between policies. We return to the subject of checking policy claims in Section <ref>. § DATA COLLECTION EVIDENCE To understand what user interaction data apps actually collect (RQ<ref>) and to check the apps' privacy policy collection claims (RQ<ref>) we analyze the Android apps' implementations: Firstly, we identified the data collection methods used in the app package (APK). Next, we extracted the relevant evidence from the app and mapped it to our collection vocabulary in Section <ref>. Lastly, we compared the evidence extracted from the app with the claims made in the privacy policy to evaluate the level of agreement between the two, which we refer to as claim checking. §.§ Identifying Data Collection Methods Data collection methods (DCMs) are methods defined by analytics services, such as Firebase Analytics, that allow app developers to log user interaction data. DCMs provide a standardized way for app developers to collect user interaction data and track app usage in order to analyze and understand user behavior. For example, the Firebase Analytics API provides the method to log user events, such as button clicks or screen views. Suppose we have a button in the app's UI, and we want to track when the user clicks on it. We can do this using Firebase Analytics by adding the following code to the button's : Here returns an instance of the Firebase Analytics object, and collects the button click interaction data with the string to Firebase Analytics. To determine how Android apps use analytics services, we identified DCMs from the top 20 Android analytic services, cf. Section <ref>. Matching the full signature of these methods in bytecode allows us to find direct invocations to analytics services. However, some apps use customized analytics services to do a more fine-grained collection, such as collecting motion details and duration. To do this, the apps implement their own analytics classes by extending the analytic services. To identify customized analytics, we use static analysis to identify the classes that invoke external DCMs. We then check whether these classes are invoked in any of the app's declared activities. If they are, we mark these classes as customized analytics services classes. §.§ Extracting Collection Evidence Next, we extracted evidence of actual data collection from the APK. Specifically, we analyze three types of information: (1) invocations to analytics services that logged user interaction data collection, (2) associated UI widgets, and (3) the callbacks triggered by registered listeners on these UI widgets. We utilized static analysis with FlowDroid <cit.> to associate DCM invocations with callbacks, listeners, and activities in the bytecode. We then compared the layout IDs of the associated UI widgets defined in the layout XML files to identify the relevant collection data types and means. The relationships between different parts of the extracted collection evidence in an Android app are shown in Fig. <ref>. The UI-related parts, such as layout files and defined UI widgets, provide information on the types of user interaction data (red section), while the bytecode provides details on the means of collection (blue section)[Note: The figure notation is as follows: 1-M means one-to-many, 1- means one-to-any (zero or more), and 1-1 means one-to-one.]. We return to the Yr weather app, the example app from Section <ref>. Based on the collection evince extracted from Yr's bytecode and layout files, we discovered that it collects detailed user interaction data using various types of UI widgets such as SearchView and Textfield. This data collection is linked to features such as changes in location, enabling forecast summary notifications, and opening the forecast graph. Building on this finding from static analysis, we propose the following more specific checked standardized collection claim: ! Checked Standardized Collection Claim for Yr ⋯ We collect the following types of user interaction data: app presentation, binary and categorical interactions, and user input interactions, along with their frequency. ⋯ § FINDINGS To address RQ<ref>, we conducted a manual inspection of 1411 sentences that described user interaction data collection in all 350 privacy policies within the APP-350 corpus, as outlined in Section <ref>. We examine whether the sentences in one privacy policy provide clear descriptions of the types of user interaction data collected and the means of collection. Our findings revealed that only 37% of the identified sentences contained clear statements on both the data types and means of collection, while 41% only discussed the means of collection and 22% mentioned only the data types. Here are the relevant sentences from two policies in the corpus. DAMI[<https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.blappsta.damisch>] states: “We may work with analytics companies to help us understand how the Applications are being used, such as the frequency and duration of usage.” Wish[<https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.contextlogic.wish>] states: “We may collect different types of personal and other information based on how you interact with our products and services. Some examples include: Equipment, Performance, Websites Usage, Viewing and other Technical Information about your use of our network, services, products or websites.” DAMI's privacy policy only discloses the means of collection, such as the frequency and duration of usage, without clearly explaining which type of user interaction data is collected. In contrast, Wish's privacy policy does mention some specific types of data collected, such as equipment and performance data, but it is unclear about which means of collection are used. The majority of identified sentences discuss the means of collection rather than specific data types, suggesting that organizations use the tactic of avoiding or minimizing disclosures about the types of user interaction data they collect in order to collect more data than users are aware of or comfortable with. To investigate RQ<ref>, we performed a static analysis on a sample of 100 free Android apps downloaded from the top 10 most popular categories on the German Google Play store[<https://play.google.com/store/apps?gl=DE>], as identified by AppBrain. In cases where the same app appeared in several categories, we moved to the next popular app in the second category to get a total of 100 distinct apps. Our analysis of the top 100 Android apps revealed that app developers placed a great deal of emphasis on understanding how frequently users interacted with different UI elements (which may correspond to different features or functionalities in the app), as frequency was the top means of collecting user interaction data across all UI types. We also found that the average number of interaction data collected varied significantly across different types of UI. It was also interesting to see that the high number of interaction data collected for the button UI type (also found in 76% of the apps), indicated that understanding button usage was a particularly important metric for app developers. Table <ref> compares collection practices across various app categories. Gaming apps collect a high percentage of Gesture data and send it to the analytics services later, likely due to the importance of tracking user finger motions for an optimal gaming experience. Entertainment, Shopping, and Travel apps tend to collect a high percentage of View data, indicating the importance of visual design customization and its consequences for the revenue stream of the app's service. Social and Utility apps concentrate on Button and Textfield data, reflecting their dependence on user input to perform actions and provide information. In summary, the result reveals differences in the app categories that prioritize understanding user interaction data depending on the UI type. This suggests that app developers may be focusing their efforts on understanding certain aspects of user behavior, such as how users view content, interact with buttons, or use gestures, depending on the specific goals and requirements of their app. Such insight could help app developers better tailor their data collection and analysis strategies to achieve their specific objectives. To address RQ<ref>, we manually inspected the privacy policy claims of the most popular app in each of the 10 categories on Google Play. We generated our checked collection claims by analyzing the actual data collection practices of each app and comparing them to the privacy policy claims published by the app. Our checked collection claims are made by combining the evidence gathered through static analysis and the proposed standardized claim template. The results are fact-check collection claims presented in Table <ref>. Our study uncovered inconsistencies between the claims made in privacy policies and the actual data types and means of collection used by popular apps on Google Play. Many apps do not fully disclose the types of data collected or the means of collection, often using vague language such as “collecting user interactions to improve the service”. Notably, some apps that may be perceived as having questionable data collection practices, such as TikTok and Amazon Prime Video, actually provided more detailed information on the types of data collected and the means of collection used. TikTok and Duolingo even provided specific examples of their data collection practices. However, we found that some apps from less controversial categories, such as the photography editing app Picsart and the payment platform PayPal, used opaque language in their privacy policies, leaving a large gap between their claims and our findings. The most extreme example was Booking.com, which extensively collects user interactions within the app, yet discloses almost no information in its privacy policy. These findings highlight the need for clearer and more comprehensive disclosures in privacy policies, particularly for apps that collect sensitive user data. §.§ Threats to Validity Firstly, our analysis is based on the invocation of the top 20 analytics services, so if an app uses a service outside of this list or develops its own analytics service from scratch, we will not detect it. Secondly, it is worth noting that our study is limited to analyzing data collection practices in Android apps. The information regarding claims on data types and means of collection were derived from the documentation of Android and related analytics libraries. Another limitation is that the APP-350 corpus is three years old, and privacy policies may have since changed. A more recent policy corpus could have led to new insights about current practices in user interaction data collection. Additionally, we only manually fact-checked 10 apps due to the complexity of fitting different UI types and callbacks into the fixed six data types and three means of collection. § RELATED WORK The related work can be categorized into two themes: code analysis, privacy policy analysis, policy generation, and the privacy implications of analytics services. Various studies have examined the extent to which information can be extracted from privacy policies <cit.>, particularly related to opt-out mechanisms <cit.>, purposes for app permission usages <cit.>, and sections relevant under the GDPR <cit.>. PrivacyFlash Pro <cit.> was proposed as a privacy policy generator for iOS apps that leverages static analysis to identify privacy-related code features. Other studies have focused on how analytics services can be used to capture user data. Alde <cit.> proposed a solution that uses both static and dynamic analysis to detect the key information analytics libraries collect, mostly on device-level information. On the other hand, PAMDroid <cit.> identifies personal data that flows into analytics services and defines it as a misconfiguration. These studies have contributed to the understanding of privacy policies and data collection practices in mobile apps. However, there is a lack of research specifically on the practices of user interaction data collection and the transparency of related claims in privacy policies. That is the subject of this paper. § CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK This paper addresses the lack of transparency in user interaction data collection practices in mobile apps. We proposed a standardized claim template for user interaction data collection and utilized static analysis to extract evidence of these claims from Android apps. Our analysis of 100 popular apps revealed that 89% of them collected user interaction data using various types and means. However, when we manually fact-checked the top 10 apps, we found incompleteness in all of their claims about such collection. This highlights the importance of clear and comprehensive claims related to user interaction data collection and the potential of standardized claims to increase transparency. There are limitations to our approach that point toward future work: Our analysis only included the top 20 analytics services, and our study was limited to Android apps. Moreover, our manual fact-checking of the 10 top apps relied on our interpretation of their policies. To address these limitations, future research could employ machine learning models to further automate the fact-checking process and get more comprehensive results. In conclusion, our study underscores the significance of complete claims related to user interaction data collection in mobile apps. The findings of our study provide a foundation for future research and policy efforts aimed at increasing transparency in mobile app data collection practices. § ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work is part of the Privacy Matters (PriMa) project. The PriMa project has received funding from European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 860315. splncs04
A new methodology to predict the oncotype scores based on clinico-pathological data with similar tumor profiles
[ "Zeina Al Masry", "Romain Pic", "Clément Dombry", "Christine Devalland" ]
[ "stat.AP", "q-bio.QM", "stat.ML" ]
First results from the JWST Early Release Science Program Q3D: Ionization cone, clumpy star formation and shocks in a z=3 extremely red quasar host Lillian Whitesell March 30, 2023 =================================================================================================================================================== Introduction: The Oncotype DX (ODX) test is a commercially available molecular test for breast cancer assay that provides prognostic and predictive breast cancer recurrence information for hormone positive, HER2-negative patients. The aim of this study is to propose a novel methodology to assist physicians in their decision-making. Methods: A retrospective study between 2012 and 2020 with 333 cases that underwent an ODX assay from three hospitals in Bourgogne Franche-Comté was conducted. Clinical and pathological reports were used to collect the data. A methodology based on distributional random forest was developed using 9 clinico-pathological characteristics. This methodology can be used particularly to identify the patients of the training cohort that share similarities with the new patient and to predict an estimate of the distribution of the ODX score. Results: The mean age of participants id 56.9 years old. We have correctly classified 92% of patients in low risk and 40.2% of patients in high risk. The overall accuracy is 79.3%. The proportion of low risk correct predicted value (PPV) is 82%. The percentage of high risk correct predicted value (NPV) is approximately 62.3%. The F1-score and the Area Under Curve (AUC) are of 0.87 and 0.759, respectively. Conclusion: The proposed methodology makes it possible to predict the distribution of the ODX score for a patient and provides an explanation of the predicted score. The use of the methodology with the pathologist’s expertise on the different histological and immunohistochemical characteristics has a clinical impact to help oncologist in decision-making regarding breast cancer therapy. Keywords: Breast Cancer, Oncotype DX, Clinico-pathological data, Machine Learning, Distributional Random Forest. § INTRODUCTION The Oncotype DX (ODX) test is a commercially available molecular test for breast cancer assay (Genomic Health) that provides prognostic and predictive breast cancer recurrence information for hormone positive, HER2-negative patients. The ODX test is based on 1A-level evidence and it is included in the main international clinical guidelines recommendations such as those of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO <cit.>) or the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) as well as in the last staging guidelines of AJCC 8th edition <cit.>. The ODX test is the most widely available molecular test used in the world. This assay analyzes 21 genes by RT-qPCR (16 cancer-related genes and 5 housekeeping genes) and aims to predict the risk of recurrence at 10 years by providing a recurrence score ranging from 0 to 100 and to estimate the benefit of adjuvant chemotherapy. Several retrospective and prospective studies have validated this test and its clinical utility. <cit.> have shown a correlation between ODX score and disease-free survival in patients with ER-positive/HER2-negative, node negative, tamoxifen-treated breast cancer, based on the NSABP B-14 trial. As for the chemotherapy benefits, <cit.> and <cit.> have evaluated the test using the studies related to NSABP-B20 and SWOG 8814. The prospective phase III trial TAILORx study <cit.> has modified the ODX score’s cutoff values (low risk <11, intermediate risk 11-25 and high risk >25) in order to avoid under-treatments of cancer. To be more precise, in the low group, the risk of recurrence at 5 years is very low (<10%) with hormonal therapy, which confirms the uselessness of adding a chemotherapy <cit.>. For the intermediate group, chemotherapy has a benefit only for women younger than 50 years old. For the high-risk group, the chemotherapy is highly recommended. Nevertheless, one third of women with hormone-receptor positive breast cancer have a lymph node disease. Thus, the prospective trial RxPONDER trial study analyzes the capacity of the ODX test to predict the benefit of chemotherapy for women with positive lymph node disease <cit.>. RxPONDER showed that postmenopausal patients with node involvement and an ODX score between 0 and 25 did not benefit from chemotherapy, whereas premenopausal patients with node involvement with 1-3 nodes and ODX scores between 0 and 25 benefited significantly from chemotherapy. Despite its proven value, the ODX test is not routinely used due to its high cost. For this reason, less than 20% of patients in Europe have access to the ODX test. Health-related economic study are performed to understand for which patients the assay is the most useful <cit.>. From this economic point of view, many alternative tools have been developed to predict this score. These tools are based on clinico-pathological data such as Magee equations <cit.> and the IHC4 score <cit.>. Indeed, many studies have shown the correlation between the results of the latter tools and the ODX score <cit.>. Few works used features with machine learning techniques in order to provide an ODX-based methodology to divide the patients into categories corresponding to low or high risk of cancer <cit.>. The aim of this paper is to propose a novel methodology to assist physicians in their decision-making. It is based on random forests for distributional regression as presented in <cit.> and <cit.>. This methodology creates links between a new patient and the cohort used for training based on clinico-pathological characteristics. These links can be used particularly to identify the patients of the training cohort that share similarities with the new patient and to predict an estimate of the distribution of the ODX score. This information is available to clinicians to help them better understand the probable clinical evolution of the tumor in order to optimize the treatment. Moreover, it enables knowledge capitalization by feedback and analysis of patient history. One of the consequences of this study is to weight the variability of the anatomo-pathological data, so this new methodology can adapt to the specificities of a cohort. § MATERIALS AND METHODS §.§ Dataset description The cohort is a retrospective study between 2012 and 2020 with 333 cases that underwent an ODX assay from three hospitals in Bourgogne Franche-Comté: Besançon, Belfort and Dijon. All patients have ER-positive and HER2-negative early breast cancer. Clinical and pathological reports were used to collect the data such as the age at diagnosis, the menopausal status, the treatment, the recurrence, the tumor size, the lymph node status, the histological type, the Nottingham grade, hormone receptors for estrogen (ER) expression, hormone receptors for progesterone (PR) expression, the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) status and the protein p53 and Ki67 proliferation index. Immunohistochemical staining was performed (Ventana Benchmark XT system®, Roche™) on the tumor block of ODX testing with UltraView Universal DAB detection with ER antibody (clone SP1; Roche/Ventana Medical Systems, Tucson, USA), PR antibody (clone 1E2; Roche/Ventana Medical Systems, Tucson, USA), HER2 antibody (clone 4B5; Roche/Ventana Medical Systems, Tucson, USA), Ki67 antibody (clone Mib-1, Dako, Glostrup, Denmark) and p53 antibody (clone DO-7, Dako, Glostrup, Denmark). The HER2 immunostaining was interpreted using the 2018 American Society of Clinical Oncology/College of American Pathologists guidelines <cit.>. The Ki67 proliferation index was evaluated by manual counting with counter on at least 200 tumor cells. The protein p53 was assessed by immunohistochemistry. The positive threshold is greater than 10% of the tumor cells' nuclei. The ODX test was realized by Genomic Health (Redwood City, CA, USA) and analyzed 21 genes by RT-qPCR from paraffin-embedded blocks of tumor tissue. The ODX score was obtained from the clinical reports. The three ODX categories were the same as the ones defined in the ODX‘s assays using TAILORx and RxPONDER: low risk (< 16), intermediate risk (16-25) and high risk (> 25). The institution review board approved this study. The cohort contains more than 50 features, from which we selected the most critical ones using feature importance in random forest and physicians' assessments. Table <ref> describes the tumor characteristics using the features selected for our study. §.§ Distributional Random Forest Random Forest <cit.> is a powerful machine learning algorithm that can be used for prediction in various settings and has been successfully applied in the field of medicine <cit.>. Our goal here is to predict the result of the expensive ODX test based on clinico-pathological features. We propose the use of Distributional Random Forest that provides a predictive distribution for the ODX score based on the clinico-pathological features. We shall expose the methodology for Random Forest and Distributional Random Forest. Standard regression links the mean of the response variable Y to a set of features X based on observations from a training sample of feature–response pairs, say (X_i,Y_i) for i=1,…,n. Random Forest (RF) prediction is an ensemble method that consists of the bootstrap aggregation <cit.> of randomized classification and regression trees (CART, <cit.>). The predictive mean can be written as the average Ŷ=1/B∑_b=1^B T_b(X), where T^1(X),…,T^B(X) corresponds to the prediction of the different trees built on different bootstrap samples. Each single tree prediction takes the form of an average across a neighborhood of X in the tree, i.e. T_b(X)=1/|R_b(X)|∑_X_i∈ R_b(X) Y_i, with R_b(X) being the region of the feature space that contains X in the tree T_b and |R_b(X)| the numbers of observations that fall into this region. Consequently, the Random Forest prediction (<ref>) has the equivalent form Ŷ=∑_i=1^n w_i(X) Y_i, with the Random Forest weights defined by w_i(X)=1/B∑_i=1^B 1_{X_i∈ R(X)}/|R_b(X)|, 1≤ i≤ n, and these weights are non-negative with sum 1 (probability weights). The main idea of Distributional Random Forest (DRF) relies on Equation (<ref>): the prediction Ŷ is the sample mean of the weighted sample Y_i with weights w_i(X) which can be seen as an approximation of the conditional distribution of Y given X. The cumulative distribution function F(y| X)=ℙ(Y≤ y|X) is thus approximated by F̂(y|X)=∑_i=1^n w_i(X) 1_{Y_i≤ y}. This idea was first suggested by Meinshausen <cit.> who proposed the construction of quantile regression forest by approximating the conditional quantile of Y given X by the quantiles of the weighted empirical distribution (<ref>). Figure <ref> presents a synthetic representation of the DRF procedure with the different steps: subsampling of the original sample, tree construction on each subsample, computation of the neighborhood/weight at the point to predict, averaging of weights given by the different trees that finally provide the predictive distribution. The Random Forest weights (<ref>) are interesting in themselves and provide relevant information in terms of similar/influential observations. Given a new feature X, the weight w_i(X) is interpreted as the proportion in which the observation Y_i contributes to the prediction of Y given X. Observations with the largest weights are interpreted as the nearest neighbors of X in terms of an implicit metric on the predictor space that is tailored for predicting the response, see <cit.>. The random forest weights make it possible to identify the most similar/influential individuals in the training data. Comparing X to these similar observations can help understand the relationship between X and Y. Finally, let us mention that the weights (<ref>)-(<ref>) depend on the specific structure of the trees that are used for prediction. Trees are grown by recursive binary splitting, maximising a homogeneity criterion; the goal is to partition the feature space into different regions that are as homogeneous as possible. In the standard CART algorithm, the variance is used as the homogeneity criterion, resulting in a partition adapted to the prediction of the mean. Several different splitting rules have been considered in the statistical literature that put the emphasis on the prediction of quantiles <cit.> or on the overall distribution <cit.>. A Distributional Random Forest is fitted to the whole data set. The software R with the package (Generalized Random Forest) is used to compute the random forest and the associated weights. When no new test set is provided, the method performs out-of-bag prediction on the training set. This means that, for each training example, all the trees that did not use this example during the training are identified (the example was ‘out-of-bag’), and a prediction for the test example is then made using only these trees. §.§ Applications of Distributional Random Forest DRF is a fully non-parametric and model-free method that performs probabilistic forecast and distributional regression. For a set of features X, it provides the full predictive distribution of the response variable Y, that is to say exhaustive information for its possible fluctuations knowing the features. The method is very informative and powerful (see Figure <ref>) as it provides: * (distributional regression) a predictive distribution for each new case that can be represented by a histogram; * (mean or median prediction) a predictive mean or median when a point estimate is needed - the mean is commonly used while the median is more robust to outliers; * (uncertainty assessment) a graphical assessment of the uncertainty with the shape of the histogram (either peaked or flat) or numerical statistics such as standard error or confidence interval for the prediction; * (classification) the probability of classes of particular interest can be instantly computed - for the ODX score, the classes ODX≤ 25 and ODX> 25 are considered; * (similar/influential patients) the patients in the cohort (training set) that are the most similar to a new case can be easily identified through the random forest weights that are interpreted as a measure of proximity - this proximity is meant in the sense of an implicit distance that is learnt by the model and that gives more importance to the relevant features; this information can allow the practitioner to make meaningful and informative comparisons between the new case and the patients from the cohort. §.§ Evaluation of predictive performance In order to evaluate the distributional random forest algorithm and compare it with concurrent methods, the theory of a proper scoring rule <cit.> is used. In probabilistic forecasting, a scoring rule compares a predictive distribution F and the outcomes y. It plays the role of a measure of error similar to the mean squared error in regression or the misclassification rate in classification. A scoring rule is strictly proper if the expected score is minimal when the predictive distribution F matches the outcome distribution. A strictly proper scoring rule can be used for the evaluation of probabilistic forecast and distributional regression <cit.>. The most popular scoring rule is the Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS) <cit.> and is defined by CRPS(F,y)=∫_ℝ (F(z)-1_{y≤ z})^2 dz. In a case where the predictive distribution F corresponds to a weighted sample (y_i)_1≤ i ≤ n with weights (w_i)_1≤ i≤ n, the CRPS is easily computed by CRPS(F,y)=∑_i=1^n w_i|y_i-y| -∑_1≤ i<j≤ nw_iw_j|y_i-y_j|. The first term compares the predictive distribution F and observation y (calibration) while the second term assesses the precision of the prediction (sharpness). This expression also shows that CRPS(F,y) is reported in the same unit as the observation y and that it generalizes the absolute error to which it is reduced if F is a deterministic forecast, that is to say a point measure. In order to evaluate the generalization capacity of the model, that is to say its predictive performance on a new sample, different validation methods can be used to assess the prediction error. Simple validation uses a training set to fit the model and an independent test set to compute error (CRPS). K-fold cross validation is more involved and splits the data into K groups that successively play the role of the test set. More precisely, K different models are fitted on training sets consisting of all folds but one which is left-out during training and used as a test set to compute the CRPS; this results in K different test errors which are averaged so as to obtain the K-fold cross validation error. In the specific case of bagging including our random forest method, the out-of-bag (OOB) method can be used instead. It usually provides similar results as K-fold cross validation but is much more numerically efficient since only one fit of the model is required. Indeed, due to resampling, a given observation does not belong to all the subsamples and one can consider the submodel aggregating all the trees that were trained without this observation; this submodel is then evaluated at the observation and the error (CRPS) is computed; averaging all these errors yield the OOB error. § RESULTS The DRF was applied to 333 patients to predict the ODX score using the 9 features presented in Table <ref>. In order to compare with the literature, we emphasize the classification into two classes (ODX≤ 25 and ODX>25). Before presenting the results of the DRF, we shall first present the evaluation of our model. Simple graphical diagnostics can be performed by considering the regression model deduced from DRF. The results of the regression are presented in Figure <ref>, where the predictive mean (Figure <ref>a) and predictive median (Figure <ref>b) versus the real ODX score are plotted. We can observe a rather good fit, and that an important proportion of the observations are within in their confidence intervals. In Figure <ref>a, the grey ribbon has a semi-amplitude equal to the standard error and accounting for uncertainty. The grey ribbon in Figure <ref>b represents the credibility interval with a level of 90%. Additionally, in order to assess the ODX probabilistic forecast, we compared the OOB predictive distribution and the actual observation for the ODX, for each observation. The prediction error is measured in terms of the CRPS introduced in Section <ref>. The different scores are represented in Figure <ref>a. The smaller the CRPS, the more accurate the forecast. We can observe that most of the predictions have a small or medium CRPS, which indicates the overall good quality of prediction. A smaller number of observations have a large CRPS, indicating individuals for whom the ODX score notably differs from what we might expect in comparison with the overall population. Together with the CRPS, the figure provides the results for the binary classification task (ODX≤ 25 or ODX> 25): classification errors are indicated with the color orange while the color blue corresponds to correctly classified observations. We can observe a good match between classification errors and a large CRPS, which confirms the ability of the CRPS to assess forecast quality. Then, for each patient, the DRF provides a predictive distribution represented by a histogram that can be compared with the actual ODX score. We also indicate the two class probabilities corresponding to the light-green/left or dark-green/right classes. We have selected three patients respectively with a low (Figure <ref>b, Patient A), medium (Figure <ref>c, Patient B) and large CRPS (Figure <ref>d, Patient C). The predictions associated to these patients can be considered "good", "average" and "bad", respectively. In Figure <ref>b we can observe a sharp predictive distribution (peaked histogram) and an ODX score close to the peak. In Figure <ref>c, the histogram is flatter, indicating more uncertainty, and the true ODX score is contained in a high probability region. In Figure <ref>d, the predictive distribution has also a large dispersion and the ODX score is contained in a low probability region, which means that the match between the two is poor. We insist on the fact that a large CRPS does not necessary mean a miss-classification of a patient as it can be seen for some of the higher CRPS values in Figure <ref>a. The CRPS considers the distributional regression and is not explicitly related to the binary classification presented here. Due to the impact of the classification of ODX in the two classes ODX≤ 25 and ODX>25, we shall present the detailed evaluation of the classification model deduced from DRF (see Table <ref>). This evaluation is based on the standard classification metrics such as confusion matrix and standard metrics. The standard metrics are as follows: Accuracy = TP+TN/TP +FP + FN + TN, Sensitivity = TP/TP +FN, Specificity = TN/FP + TN, Positive Predictive Value = TP/TP +FP, Negative Predictive Value = TN/FN+TN, F1-score = 2*Positive Predictive Value*Sensitivity/Positive Predictive Value+Sensitivity where TP is the number of patients correctly classified as ODX ≤25, FP is the number of patients incorrectly classified as ODX ≤25, TN is the number of patients correctly classified as ODX >25 and FN is the number of patients incorrectly classified as ODX >25. We have correctly classified 231 out of 251 patients (92%) in low risk and 33 of 75 patients (40.2%) in high risk. The overall accuracy is 79.3% and the p-value is less than 0.05. The proportion of low risk correct predicted value (PPV) is 82%. The percentage of high risk correct predicted value (NPV) is approximately 62.3%. The F1-score and the Area Under Curve (AUC) are of 0.87 and 0.759, respectively. The DRF will provide additional information such as the nearest neighbor patients, the distribution of the ODX score and the uncertainty prediction (see Figure <ref>). We now consider the 69 miss-classified patients with low and high risks. First of all, we notice that the majority of these patients have predictions that are close to the decision border (i.e. close to ODX=25). These patients are miss-classified because of the binary decision and additional information available with the DRF method shows either that the patient's ODX score is close to the decision border or that the neighborhood of the patient is not realistic because of limitations of the training cohort. This first part of the miss-classified patients might have a small CRPS as the CRPS accounts for the dispersion of the prediction and its bias. The second part of the miss-classified patients correspond to extreme values of the ODX score within our cohort. The nearest patients provided by the DRF for these miss-classified patients are thus less informative as they are taken within the cohort that is not representative of these outlier patients. In order to give more quantitative results, we compared the mean absolute difference for the ODX score, Ki67 and p53 between the 69 miss-classified patients and the weighted average value of their neighborhoods. The miss-classified patients have a mean absolute difference of ODX score compared to their neighborhood of 9.84 where the correctly classified patients have an average absolute difference of 6.29. In terms of Ki67 and p53, the average absolute difference is 24.56% and 5.77% respectively when the average absolute difference for the correctly classified patient is 16.77% for Ki67 and 5.84% for the p53 respectively. These classification results are then compared with state-of-the art techniques <cit.>. A detailed comparison is given in Table <ref>. § DISCUSSION ODX is the most commonly availabe breast genomic test used in early stage ER postive/HER2-negative breast cancer. It makes it possible to define patients who are unlikely to benefit from chemotherapy. The ODX score is based on 6 gene groups. These groups correspond to the markers analysis in pathological reports. Some have compared the ODX score to this immuno-histological data and proved the predictive relationship with the ODX score. Several studies were published using this clinicopathological data to predict the ODX score with different methods (see Table <ref>). The present study was realised to predict the ODX score from a specific regional cohort of 333 patients with clinical and immuno-histological data using Distributional Random Forest. This prediction is associated with a predictive error on the one hand, and the ability to determine the similar patients on the other hand. The proposed DRF model detected 82% of lower risk patients (ODX≤ 25) and 62.3% of high risk patients (ODX> 25). A few studies have proposed some prediction tools for the ODX score <cit.>. Each study is based on the specific categorization of patients according to the original ODX categories and TAILORx (see ODX Prediction Threshold in Table <ref>). The prediction results of the different studies are similar and based on clinico-pathological data. The tumor size, tumor grade and PR are used in all the six selected published studies as well as for our current study. The Ki67 is not used in <cit.> and <cit.>. In our study, we integrated the p53. The threshold used for the ODX score is different from one study to another. Our DRF model performs as well as the other prediction tools. The novelty is in providing additional information to the prediction (see Figure <ref>) such as the probability of classes (low and high risk), the similar profiles and the uncertainty prediction. The correct predicted values are 82.5% and 62.3% for low and high risk, respectively. We used the CRPS score to distinguish the best and worst prediction. The best results were obtained for ODX profiles below 16. The average Ki67, for the first best ten results, is under 14%, which corresponds to the low-risk profile of our previous study <cit.>. The average percentages of ER and PR are 93% and 77%, respectively, which fits into the same low risk profiles. When looking at the surrounding family and the profile of close patients, we observe that similar profiles vary between 0 and 25 for ODX. The similarities fall in the low risk profile. The Ki67 scores of similar profiles for the first ten results are below 25%. As for the results that are discordant, they lie in the high risk class. The averages of the ODX score, Ki67 and PR are respectively 46%, 36% and 22%. In addition, a negative correlation between ODX and PR for the best and worst results can be observed. The similar profiles for such cases have a high PR. This behavior is due to the small number of cases in the high risk category. An example of the worst prediction is a patient with a high ODX score and probability of lying in the high class of 50%. The real ODX score is 49 and the predicted ODX score is near to the cut-off. The average ODX score for the 10 first similar profiles is 31 and the distribution is centered around 25. The similar profiles are very dispersed, which is difficult to analyze. Most of the nearest neighbors have an SBR grade of 3. The prediction is bad, but nevertheless, the similar profiles have a low ODX score and a high SBR grade. The size of the cohort and the training and testing phase could impact the prediction results. In addition, we have an unbalanced cohort in our study, since we have less patients in the high risk class. In that case, the factors of the similar profiles that influences ODX score such as PR, Ki67 and p53 should be considered. The distribution of identical profiles allows the clinician to retrieve similar historical cases in terms of evolution. The proposed model can be applied even when there is missing data. It makes it possible to predict the low risk class with high certitude, which means no chemotherapy to plan. Our study is related to the dataset and it is therefore difficult to generalize to a different cohort because of known inter-cohort variability, especially on some biomarkers such as Ki67. § CONCLUSION This paper proposes a new methodology for oncotype scoring prediction. This methodology is based on distributional random forest and using 9 clinico-pathological features. It makes it possible to predict the distribution of the ODX score for a patient and provides an explanation of the predicted score by computing the probability of belonging to the low or high risk category and identifying the nearest similar profiles. The proposed Distributional Random Forest model detects 82% of lower risk patients (≤ 25) and 62.3% of patients with high risk (> 25). However, DRF presents certain limitations. The use of DRF with the pathologist’s expertise on the different histological and immunohistochemical characteristics has a clinical impact to help oncologist in decision-making regarding breast cancer therapy. The medico-economic interest of this strategy is obvious. Additional studies are needed to further validate the DRF method and improve knowledge extraction from pathological data. plainnat
Parallel Vertex Diffusion for Unified Visual Grounding
[ "Zesen Cheng", "Kehan Li", "Peng Jin", "Xiangyang Ji", "Li Yuan", "Chang Liu", "Jie Chen" ]
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
Parallel Vertex Diffusion for Unified Visual Grounding Zesen Cheng^1 Corresponding Author. Kehan Li^1 Peng Jin^1 Xiangyang Ji^3 Li Yuan^1,2 Chang Liu^3  Jie Chen^1,2 ^1 School of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Peking University ^2 Peng Cheng Laboratory ^3 Tsinghua University March 30, 2023 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ empty Unified visual grounding pursues a simple and generic technical route to leverage multi-task data with less task-specific design. The most advanced methods typically present boxes and masks as vertex sequences to model referring detection and segmentation as an autoregressive sequential vertex generation paradigm. However, generating high-dimensional vertex sequences sequentially is error-prone because the upstream of the sequence remains static and cannot be refined based on downstream vertex information, even if there is a significant location gap. Besides, with limited vertexes, the inferior fitting of objects with complex contours restricts the performance upper bound. To deal with this dilemma, we propose a parallel vertex generation paradigm for superior high-dimension scalability with a diffusion model by simply modifying the noise dimension. An intuitive materialization of our paradigm is Parallel Vertex Diffusion (PVD) to directly set vertex coordinates as the generation target and use a diffusion model to train and infer. We claim that it has two flaws: (1) unnormalized coordinate caused a high variance of loss value; (2) the original training objective of PVD only considers point consistency but ignores geometry consistency. To solve the first flaw, Center Anchor Mechanism (CAM) is designed to convert coordinates as normalized offset values to stabilize the training loss value. For the second flaw, Angle summation loss (ASL) is designed to constrain the geometry difference of prediction and ground truth vertexes for geometry-level consistency. Empirical results show that our PVD achieves state-of-the-art in both referring detection and segmentation, and our paradigm is more scalable and efficient than sequential vertex generation with high-dimension data. § INTRODUCTION Visual grounding is an essential task in the field of vision-language that establishes a fine-grained correspondence between images and texts by grounding a given referring expression on an image <cit.>. This task is divided into two sub-tasks based on the manner of grounding: Referring Expression Comprehension (REC) using bounding box-based methods <cit.>, and Referring Image Segmentation (RIS) using mask-based methods <cit.>. REC and RIS are chronically regarded as separate tasks with different technology route, which requires complex task-specific design. However, REC and RIS share high similarities and have respective advantages so that it is natural and beneficial to unify two tasks. Recently, unified visual grounding becomes a trend of visual grounding because it avoids designing task-specific networks and can leverage the data of two tasks for mutual enhancement <cit.>. The most advanced unified visual grounding paradigm represents boxes and masks as vertex sequences and models both REC and RIS as an autoregressive sequential vertex generation problem <cit.> which is solved by an autoregressive model <cit.>. Although this paradigm unifies REC and RIS in a simple manner, it is hard to scale to high-dimension settings, which causes inferior fitting to objects with complex contours. This flaw of sequential vertex generation paradigm mainly attributes to the sequential generation nature of its fundamental architecture, i.e., autoregressive model  <cit.>. Specifically, if upstream of vertex sequence is not precise enough, this paradigm easily gets stuck in a trap of error accumulation because upstream of sequence is stationary during subsequent generation. In Fig. <ref>(b), we can find that sequential vertex generation methods easily generate error vertexes when upstream vertexes don't hit the right object. Moreover, sequential vertex generation methods face efficiency problem when scaling to high-dimension data because the iteration for generation sharply increases with the dimension of data <cit.>. To tackle the issues of sequential vertex generation paradigm, we design parallel vertex generation paradigm to parallelly generate vertexes, which is more scalable for high-dimension data. Specifically, the parallel nature allows dynamic modification of all vertexes to avoid error accumulation and requires only a few iterations to accomplish generation, which ensures it is easier to scale to high-dimension data. Fig. <ref>(b) conceptually shows how our paradigm works. Noisy vertexes are first sampled and then are gradually refined to precise vertexes of the object. Recently, diffusion model <cit.> is demonstrated as an effective and scalable model when processing high-dimension generation tasks (Text-to-Image generation <cit.>) and discriminative tasks (Panoptic Segmentation <cit.>). The scalability of diffusion model mainly attributes to its parallel denoising mechanism. Diffusion model can easily scale to high-dimension settings by simply modifying the dimension of noise. To leverage the scalability, we adopt a diffusion model to instantiate parallel vertex generation paradigm as Parallel Vertex Diffusion (PVD) for more scalable unified visual grounding. Moreover, we find that there are two aspects for improving the convergence of PVD: (1) The coordinates of vertexes are not normalized so that the loss value has a high variance. (2) The vanilla training objective of PVD only considers point-level consistency and ignores the geometry-level consistency between prediction and ground truth vertexes. To implement this, we extra design Center Anchor Mechanism (CAM) to normalize coordinate values for stabilizing the optimization signal and Angle Summation Loss (ASL) to constraint geometry difference for achieving geometry consistency (Fig. <ref>). Extensive experiments are conducted for both REC and RIS on three common datasets (RefCOCO <cit.>, RefCOCO+ <cit.> and RefCOCOg <cit.>). On one hand, the empirical results show that PVD w/ CAM and ASL achieves SOTA on both REC and RIS tasks. On the other hand, the results also show that parallel vertex generation can better handle data with high-dimension and requires lower computation cost than sequential vertex generation paradigm. § RELATED WORK §.§ Visual Grounding Visual grounding is essentially an object-centric fine-grained image-text retrieval <cit.>, which has two forms: Referring Expression Comprehension (REC) at box level <cit.> and Referring Image Segmentation (RIS) at mask level <cit.>. Although they were parallel in the past, recent researches gradually focus on unified visual grounding because it requires little task-specific design and can leverage data from multiple tasks for mutual promotion. Referring Expression Comprehension. REC starts with the two-stage pipeline <cit.>, where region proposals are first extracted by a pretrained detector <cit.> and then ranked according to the reasoning similarity score with the referring expression. To tackle the two-stage pipeline's efficiency problem, researchers develop the one-stage pipeline to integrate location and cross-modal reasoning <cit.> into a single network for end-to-end optimization <cit.>. Referring Image Segmentation. RIS models the fine-grained referring object location as a pixel classification problem <cit.>. The main focus of RIS research is to design better cross-modal alignment and fusion, e.g., concatenate <cit.>, cross-modal attention mechanism <cit.>, visual reasoning <cit.>. Recent endeavors in RIS shift to simplify the pipeline of RIS system. EFN <cit.> couples the visual and linguistic encoder with asymmetric co-attention. LAVT <cit.> and ResTR <cit.> replace those complex cross-modal attention and reasoning with a simple stack of transformer encoder <cit.> layers. Unified Visual Grounding. Unified visual grounding has generally three types, i.e., two-stage paradigm <cit.>, multi-branch paradigm <cit.>, and sequential vertexes generation paradigm <cit.>. (1) Two-stage: Methods in the two-stage paradigm are built upon a pretrained detector (e.g., Mask R-CNN <cit.>) to first generate region proposals, and then referring expression is used to retrieve the most confident region as results <cit.>. (2) Multi-task: For breaking through the bottleneck of pretrained detector, multi-branch paradigm is proposed to assign task-specific branches to different tasks for joint end-to-end optimization <cit.>. (3) Sequential Vertex Generation: To simplify previous schemes and reduce optimization bias resulting from a multi-branch architecture <cit.>, SeqTR models both REC and RIS as a vertex generation problem <cit.> and adopt an autoregressive model <cit.> to sequentially generate vertices of objects, which is currently the most advanced unified visual grounding scheme <cit.>. Because of the sequential generation nature, SVG is easily trapped in error accumulation. This work proposes Parallel Vertex Generation to parallelly generate vertexes to avoid this issue. §.§ Generative Model for Perception Since Pix2Seq <cit.> first claims that sequence generation modeling is a simple and generic framework for object detection, generative model for perception is gradually gaining more attention. Following Pix2Seq, Pix2Seq v2 <cit.> is proposed as a general vision interface for multiple location tasks, e.g., object detection, instance segmentation, keypoint detection, and image caption. Although sequence generation modeling shows its potential, its fundamental generative architecture (autoregressive model) hard scales to high-dimension data <cit.>. Subsequently, Pix2Seq-D shows that diffusion model <cit.> is a better fundamental generative architecture for processing high-dimension task, i.e., panoptic segmentation <cit.>. Then researchers expand diffusion model to other high-dimension tasks, e.g., semantic segmentation <cit.> and pose estimation <cit.>. § METHOD §.§ Overall Pipeline For claiming the relationship between different components of our workflow (Fig. <ref>), we describe the training and inference processes of the overall pipeline. Training. An image-text pair {I, T} is input into visual and linguistic encoder to extract cross-modal features F_c (Sec.<ref>). The cross-modal features are then used to regress center point c (Sec.<ref>). To create the ground truth of parallel vertex diffusion, center point is used to normalize the vertexes sampled from bounding box and mask contour for acquiring ground truth vertex vector V̂ (Sec.<ref>). The final step is to calculate loss for optimization: ℒ = ℒ_c + ℒ_p + ℒ_g, where ℒ_c is the center point loss (Eq. <ref>) for optimizing center point prediction, ℒ_p is the point-to-point reconstruction loss (Eq. <ref>) for point level consistency, and ℒ_g is the angle summation loss (Eq. <ref>) for geometry consistency. The below sections will describe how to calculate these losses. Inference. Same as the training process, we first predict the center point c (Sec.<ref>). Then sampling a noisy state x_T from standard gaussian distribution 𝒩(0, I). The noise is iteratively denoised to clean vertex vector V_0 by denoiser f_θ (Sec.<ref>). Finally, denormalizing the coordinates of vertexes and convert the denormalized coordinates of vertexes to bounding box and binary mask by toolbox of COCO <cit.>. §.§ Cross-modal Feature Extraction The first step is to prepare cross-modal fusion features. An image-text pair {I∈ℝ^h× w×3, T∈ℕ^n} is first sampled from dataset, where h, w, and n denote the image height, the image width, and the number of words. Note that the words of text are already tokenized to related numbers by Bert tokenizer <cit.>. To encoder image, the image is input in visual backbone (e.g., ResNet <cit.>, Darnet53 <cit.>, Swin <cit.>) for acquiring multi-scale visual features {𝐅_v_1∈ℝ^h/8×w/8× d_1, 𝐅_v_2∈ℝ^h/16×w/16× d_2, 𝐅_v_3∈ℝ^h/32×w/32× d_3}. To encoder text, the word tokens of text are input in language backbone (e.g., Bert <cit.>) for obtaining linguistic features F_l∈ℝ^n× d_l. Specifically, the language backbone is the base bert model so that d_l is 768. Then we blend visual and linguistic features via element-wise multiplication <cit.> and adopt multi-scale deformable attention Transformer (MSDeformAttn) <cit.> for multi-scale cross-modal fusion: 𝐅_c_i = MSDeformAttn(MLP(σ(𝐅_v_i) ⊙σ(𝐅_l))), where ⊙ denotes element-wise multiplication, MLP(·) are three fully-connected layers and 𝐅_c_i∈ℝ^h_i× w_i× d denotes cross-modal features of i-th stage. d is set to 256. §.§ Center Anchor Mechanism The specific motivation of center anchor mechanism is to provide a coordinate anchor for converting coordinates to normalized offset values based on anchor, which is demonstrated to reduce the difficulty of coordinate regression <cit.>. Center Point Prediction. the first step is to locate the rough center point c ∈ℝ^2 of the object referred by text. Following previous advanced keypoint prediction network (e.g., centernet <cit.>, cornernet <cit.>), the center point is represented as a gaussian heatmap Y∈[0, 1]^h× w by a gaussian kernel: Y_ij = exp(-(i - c_i)^2+(j - c_j)^2/2σ^2), where σ^2 is an image size-adaptive standard deviation <cit.>. Firstly, we use this point representation method to generate target gaussian heatmap Y of ground truth center point c. Then the cross-modal features with largest spatial shape 𝐅_v_1 are used to generate prediction heatmap Y, i.e., Y = MLP(𝐅_v_1). Finally, a focal loss <cit.> is adopted as the training objective for optimization: ℒ_c=1/hw∑^h,w_i,j{ (1 - Y_ij)^αlog(Y_ij) ,Y_ij = 1, (1 - Y_ij)^βY_ij^αlog(1 - Y_ij) ,Y_ij < 1, . where α and β are hyper-parameters of the focal loss. Following previous works <cit.>, α and β are set to 2 and 4, respectively. For resolving the prediction heatmap to concrete coordinate, we set the point with peak value of prediction heatmap as the prediction center point c = {i_c, j_c}. Coordinate Normalization. To normalize a single point p = {i, j}, we adopt the scale and bias strategy: p̂ = (î, ĵ) = (i - i_c/h, j - j_c/w), where p̂ denotes the point after normalizing. §.§ Parallel Vertex Diffusion Parallel Vertex Diffusion (PVD) is the key component for implementing parallel vertex generation paradigm. In this paper, we mainly refer to the usage of diffusion model in Pix2Seq-D <cit.>. The network which supports the reverse process of diffusion model is named “Denoiser". Denoiser. Because normalized coordinates of vertexes are range in [0, 1], it needs to be scaled to [-b, b] for approximating gaussian distribution, where b is set to 1 <cit.>. Before inputting into denoiser, the noisy state x_t needs to be clamped to [-1, 1] and descaled from [-1, 1] to [0, 1]: V_t = (x_t / b + 1)/2, where x_t is the noisy state of t-th step, V_t is the noisy vertex vector of t-th step. Denoiser is the denoise function for reverse transition of diffusion model. Firstly, the Denoiser converts the noisy state x_t to vertex vector V_t by Eq. <ref>. Then the vertex vector is embedded to vertex embeddings 𝒬_t by 2D coordinate embedding <cit.>. The embeddings are input into transformer decoder <cit.> as queries and interacted with cross-modal features F_c. For keeping high-resolution features, three scales of cross-modal features are circularly utilized by different layer of the transformer decoder <cit.>. The circle is repeated L times. After transformer decoder, the embedding is normalized by time embedding ℰ_t and is projected to refined vertex vector V_t-1. Finally, The refined vertex vector is processed by DDIM step <cit.> for acquiring next noisy state x_t-1. To better understand the Denoiser, the detailed workflow is illustrated in Fig. <ref>. Training phrase. Suppose that we already sample a single image I and its corresponding box B∈ℝ^2× 2 and mask M∈{0, 1}^h× w from dataset. 182 Preparation: The first step is to extract and normalize the vertexes of the box and mask. The vertexes of box are left top corner and right bottom corner {p_b^lt = (i_b^lt, j_b^lt), p_b^rb=(i_b^lt, j_b^rb)}. To represent mask as point sets, we retrieve mask contour via a classical contour detection algorithm <cit.> implemented by opencv <cit.>. Then the mask contour is used to sample the vertexes of mask {p_m^1 = (i_m^1, j_m^1), ⋯, p_m^N=(i_m^N, j_m^N)}, where N is the sampling number of mask vertexes. The vertex set is finally normalized by center anchor mechanism (Sec. <ref>) and flattened to vertex vector (V̂∈ℝ^4+2N): V̂={î_b^lt, ĵ_b^lt, î_b^rb, ĵ_b^rb, î_m^1, ĵ_m^1, ⋯, î_m^N, ĵ_m^N}. 183 Forward transition: The normalized vertex vector V̂ is set as the initial state x_0 of diffusion model and is forward transitioned to noisy state x_t, i.e., q(x_t|x_0): x_t = √(γ(t))x_0 + √(1 - γ(t))ϵ, where ϵ and t are drawn from the standard normal distribution 𝒩(0, I) and uniform distribution 𝒰({1,⋯,T}), γ(t) denotes a monotonically decreasing function from 1 to 0. 184 Point constraint: For training the denoiser, the noisy state x_t is reversely transitioned to the noisy state x_t-1, i.e., p_θ(x_t-1|x_t). Following Bit Diffusion <cit.>, the noisy state x_t-1 is required to approach initial state x_0: ℒ_p = 𝔼_t∼𝒰({1,⋯,T}),ϵ∼𝒩(0, I)‖ f_θ(x_t, F_c,t) - x_0 ‖^2, where f_θ(·) is the parameterized Denoiser, x_t is derived by Eq. <ref> from x_0, F_c={𝐅_c_1, 𝐅_c_2, 𝐅_c_3} denotes all of the cross-modal features mentioned in Sec. <ref>. Eq. <ref> is point-to-point reconstruction loss. Inference phrase. To generate vertex vector of box and mask, it requires a series of state transitions x_T→⋯→ x_t →⋯→ x_0. Because T is set to a large value, x_T∈ℝ^4+2N follows standard normal distribution 𝒩(0, I). Specifically, we sample a noise x_T from standard normal distribution 𝒩(0, I) and iteratively apply Denoiser to denoise x_T to implement the state transition chain for generation. During the generation, the vertex coordinates contained in noise vector x_T are parallelly denoised to ground truth vertex coordinates, fully reflecting the characteristics of parallel generation. §.§ Geometry Constraint The main optimization constraint of vertex generation is point-to-point reconstruction loss (Eq. <ref>). This loss can modify the prediction vertex set to one by one approach the ground truth vertex set and does not consider the geometry difference between two sets. Inspired by point-in-polygon problem of computational geometry, we introduce a simple geometry algorithm (Angle Summation algorithm <cit.>) to make an optimization objective. Angle Summation. Computing the sum of the angles between the test point and each pair of points making up the polygon. As shown in <ref>, if this sum is equal to 360^∘ then the point is inside the polygon. As shown in <ref>, if this sum is less than 360^∘ then the point is outside the polygon. Therefore, we can calculate an angle summation map 𝒜∈(0, 360]^h× w according to the relative position between each pixel and vertexes of polygon V. The details of how to convert coordinates of polygon vertexes to angle summation polygon please refer to the appendix. Training Objective. According to the "Angle Summation", prediction vertexes V and ground truth vertexes V̂ are converted to prediction angle summation map 𝒜 and ground truth angle summation map 𝒜̂. The angle summation map reflects the global geometry of vertex vector so that we hope the prediction angle summation map to approach the ground truth angle summation for reducing geometry difference: ℒ_g = 𝔼_t∼𝒰({1,⋯,T})‖𝒜_t - 𝒜̂‖^2, where ℒ_g is named Angle Summation Loss (ASL). § EXPERIMENTS §.§ Experimental Setup Our model is evaluated on three standard referring image segmentation datasets: RefCOCO <cit.>, RefCOCO+ <cit.> and RefCOCOg <cit.>. The maximum sentence length n is set 15 for RefCOCO, RefCOCO+, and 20 for RefCOCOg. The images are resized to 640× 640. The sampling number of mask vertexes N is set by default to 36. Other data preprocessing operations are generally in line with the previous methods <cit.>. As for the total diffusion step T, it is set to 1000 during training phrase. During inference phrase, T is set to 4 because DDIM step is adopted for accelerating sampling speed <cit.>. Based on previous works <cit.>, mask IoU and det accuracy are adopted to evaluate the performance of methods. AdamW <cit.> is adopted as our optimizer, and the learning rate and weight decay are set to 5e-4 and 5e-2. The learning rate is scaled by a decay factor of 0.1 at the 60th step. We train our models for 100 epochs on 4 NVIDIA V100 with a batch size of 64. All of the quantitative analyses are based on the val split of RefCOCO dataset. §.§ Main Results Referring Expression Comprehension. Single-task part of Tab. <ref> reports the comparison results between our method and previous referring expression comprehension methods. From Tab. <ref>, our PVD boosts previous methods by a clear margin. For example, PVD based on Darknet53 <cit.> respectively surpasses TransVG <cit.> and TRAR <cit.> with +2.74∼+6.13% and +3.58∼+7.73% absolute improvement on RefCOCO+. The results show that our PVD generally achieves SOTA when compared to previous referring expression comprehension methods. Besides, we construct a stronger network based on Swin Transformer <cit.> for achieving higher effectiveness, which gets larger improvement than previous methods. Referring Image Segmentation. Single-task part of Tab. <ref> reports the comparison results between our method and previous methods. For comparing to previous SOTA, i.e., vision transformer-based methods (CoupleAlign, LAVT), we construct a stronger network based on Swin Transformer <cit.>. In this case, our PVD can outperform LAVT on all of datasets by +0.8∼+2.09% and CoupleAlign on most of datasets by +0.12∼1.4%, which demonstrates our PVD achieves SOTA for referring image segmentation task. Unified Visual Grounding. Multi-task part of Tab. <ref> and Tab. <ref> report the comparison results between our method and previous unified visual grounding methods. Compared to SOTA method (SeqTR), our parallel vertex generation paradigm (PVD w/ Darknet53) outperforms it by +0.74∼+1.46% for referring expression comprehension and +0.74∼+2.14% for referring image segmentation, which verifies the superiority of our paradigm. §.§ Quantitative Analysis How does the number of points affect the effectiveness? The main advantage of parallel vertex generation paradigm compared to sequential vertex generation paradigm is easier to scale to high-dimension tasks. To verify this statement, we check the effectiveness of two paradigm with different number of prediction points in Fig. <ref>. Note that the number of points reflects the dimension of task. The figure provides two justifications: (1) the performance of sequential vertex generation is bottlenecked at 18 points, which substantiates the dimension dilemma of sequential vertex generation paradigm (the network is perturbed by error accumulation with large number of points and is underfitting to complex object with a small number of points). (2) the performance of parallel vertex generation stably increases with the number of points, which demonstrates that our paradigm is more scalable to high-dimension tasks. The efficiency of Parallel Vertex Generation. Except for effectiveness, efficiency is also an aspect for verifying scalability. To further claim the advantage of parallel paradigm compared to sequential paradigm, we select several point settings (“9pts", “18pts", “27pts", “36pts") to benchmark the efficiency of two paradigms in Tab. <ref>. This table shows that the sequential paradigm is heavily impacted by the number of points and needs a large amount of extra computation overheads when scaling from a small number of points to a large number of points. For example, the inference speed becomes 4× of previous speed when scaling from “9pts" to “36pts". However, our paradigm only requires a little extra overhead to scale to high-dimension tasks. Specifically, the inference speed only increases +9ms when scaling from “9pts" to “36pts". The advantage of scalability. The scalability ensures that parallel vertex paradigm have favorable effectiveness and efficiency for a large number of points. This advantage makes methods based on our paradigm more robust to samples with complex contours than sequential paradigm. To quantitatively analyze the robustness, we define “Difficulty Degree" as the complexity metric and count the “Difficulty-IoU" density map of samples in Fig. <ref> and Fig. <ref>. The calculation details of the metric please refer to appendix. Comparing two figures, we can find that our paradigm still has high IoU for hard samples (“Difficulty Degree" > 0.2) but the IoU of sequential paradigm heavily decreases for hard samples, which justifies that the scalability to high-dimension tasks of our paradigm prompts better robustness to hard samples than seuqnetial paradigm. The effectiveness of Center Anchor Mechanism. As mentioned in Sec. <ref>, CAM is proposed to cope with the high variance of unnormalized prediction vertex coordinates. To verify the effectiveness of CAM, we conduct ablation experiments. Tab. <ref> shows that PVD w/ CAM boosts vanilla PVD by +1.86% Acc for referring expression comprehension task and +1.59% IoU for referring image segmentation task, which justifies the effectiveness of CAM. The effectiveness of Angle Summation Loss. Since the original training objective of PVD only achieves point-level constraint between prediction and ground truth vertexes, we propose ASL in Sec. <ref> for geometry constraint. In Tab. <ref>, PVD w/ ASL improves vanilla PVD by +1.79% Acc for referring expression comprehension task and +2.12% IoU for referring image segmentation task. Besides, ASL also improves PVD w/ CAM. These results comprehensively verifies the effectiveness of ASL. §.§ Qualitative Analysis As described in Sec. <ref>, our parallel vertex generation paradigm is more effective and efficient than sequential vertex generation paradigm, especially for hard samples. To qualitatively verify this point, we select some easy cases and hard cases to illustrate the grounding difference between two paradigm. Fig. <ref> shows that our parallel vertex generation paradigm generates high-quality vertexes of bounding box and mask contour but the sequential vertex generation paradigm easily hits error objects or generates inferior vertexes, which justifies our paradigm is more capable of grounding referring expression on the image. § CONCLUSION In this paper, we observe that the sequence vertex generation paradigm (SeqTR) is trapped in a dimension dilemma although it is by far the best paradigm for unified visual grounding. On one hand, limited sequence length causes inferior fitting to objects with complex contours. On the other hand, generating high-dimensional vertex sequences sequentially is error-prone. To tackle this dilemma, we build a parallel vertex generation paradigm to better handle high-dimension settings. Since the diffusion model can scale to high-dimension generation by simply modifying the dimension of noise, it is adopted to instantiate our paradigm as Parallel Vertex Diffusion (PVD) for pursuing highly scalable unified visual grounding. Subsequently, Center Anchor Mechanism (CAM) and Angle Summation Loss (ASL) are designed and introduced into vanilla PVD for improving convergence. Our PVD achieves SOTA on referring expression comprehension and referring image segmentation tasks. Moreover, PVD has a better fitting ability for objects with complex contours and requires fewer computation costs than SeqTR, which justifies our parallel paradigm is more scalable and efficient than sequential paradigm. ieee_fullname
Nearest-Neighbor Inter-Intra Contrastive Learning from Unlabeled Videos
[ "David Fan", "Deyu Yang", "Xinyu Li", "Vimal Bhat", "Rohith MV" ]
[ "cs.CV" ]
Nearest-Neighbor Inter-Intra Contrastive Learning from Unlabeled Videos David Fan Deyu Yang Xinyu Li Vimal Bhat Rohith MV Amazon Prime Video {fandavi, deyu, xxnl, vimalb, kurohith}@amazon.com March 30, 2023 =================================================================================================================================== empty Contrastive learning has recently narrowed the gap between self-supervised and supervised methods in image and video domain. State-of-the-art video contrastive learning methods such as CVRL and ρ-MoCo spatiotemporally augment two clips from the same video as positives. By only sampling positive clips locally from a single video, these methods neglect other semantically related videos that can also be useful. To address this limitation, we leverage nearest-neighbor videos from the global space as additional positive pairs, thus improving positive key diversity and introducing a more relaxed notion of similarity that extends beyond video and even class boundaries. Our method, Inter-Intra Video Contrastive Learning (IIVCL), improves performance on a range of video tasks. § INTRODUCTION The success of supervised deep learning for computer vision can largely be attributed to the availability of large-scale labeled datasets <cit.>, which are difficult and expensive to create. However, progress in compute and model representation capabilities has outpaced progress in dataset creation <cit.>. Self-supervised learning is the paradigm of learning from unlabeled data to decouple reliance upon large-scale labeled datasets. It has already shown great potential in NLP <cit.> for producing representations that generalize well to multiple tasks. -0.3cm Recently, a flavor of self-supervised learning known as contrastive learning / instance discrimination <cit.> has become dominant in vision through works such as MoCo <cit.> and SimCLR <cit.> which are competitive with supervised learning in image domain. More recently, contrastive learning works for video such as CVRL <cit.> and ρ-MoCo <cit.> are competitive with supervised learning. These works learn a representation from unlabeled data by pulling positive pairs closer and pushing negative samples apart in the embedding space. In the case of video, these positive pairs are generated through random augmentations of sub-clips from the same video <cit.>, while clips from other similar videos are never used as positives. By only considering clips that belong to the same video to be positive, works such as CVRL <cit.> and ρ-MoCo <cit.> neglect other semantically related videos that may also be useful and relevant as positives for contrastive learning. Fig. <ref> depicts such a scenario. Clips A and B from the same skiing video are the positive pair while video 2 (push-up) and video 3 (snowboarding) are negatives. Clips A and B are certainly more similar to each other than to the push-up and snowboarding videos, but the snowboarding video is far more similar to the positive anchor when compared to an indoor activity such as doing push-ups. Yet the relative similarity between skiing - snowboarding will never be exploited by methods such as CVRL <cit.> and ρ-MoCo <cit.>. This raises the question of what constitutes a desirable video representation; by focusing too much on local intra-video semantics, we may miss the larger picture and hierarchy of visual concepts. This might lead to overfitting to tasks that are similar to the pretraining dataset and thus hurt generalization. On the other hand, if we focus too much on global inter-video semantics, we may lose sight of granular details that are also important for video understanding. To balance the two, we propose learning notions of similarity both within the same video and between different videos, by leveraging inter-video nearest-neighbor (NNs) from the global space in addition to existing intra-video clips as positive pairs for contrastive learning. For any pair of intra-video clips, our method “Inter-Intra Video Contrastive Learning” () defines a second positive key as the most similar video found from a dynamically evolving queue of randomly sampled videos in the learned representation space, as shown in Fig. <ref>. The benefit of adding globally sampled NNs as positives is two-fold. First, NNs present additional diversity in viewpoint and scene orientation, which cannot be expressed through sampling subclips from the same video, as shown by comparing Fig. <ref> a) and b). This is true whether the subclips are augmented, shuffled or otherwise modified per the pretext task, so long as they belong to the same video. Image works such as NNCLR <cit.> show that improving positive key diversity leads to better generalization on image tasks, and we explore whether the same is true for video. Second, because the set of positive keys is expanded beyond the boundaries of a single video, it becomes possible to also learn from weaker yet relevant and useful positive pairs, such as the snowboarding-skiing example from Fig. <ref>. By combining these nearest-neighbor pairs with intra-video pairs as positives for contrastive learning, the model can learn notions of similarity both within the same video and between different videos, thus striking a balance between learning granular details and learning higher-level visual concepts. We then evaluate whether this leads to improved representations on downstream video tasks. In summary, our contributions are the following: (i) Unlike other video-based works, we go beyond single-video positives using only RGB by leveraging globally sampled nearest-neighboring videos as a simple and effective way to increase the semantic diversity of positive keys and introduce higher-level notions of similarity. (ii) We introduce as a novel yet simple self-supervised video representation learning method that learns a joint representation of both intra-video pairs and nearest-neighbors — without clustering nor multiple modalities. (iii) We demonstrate that striking a balance between local and global similarity leads to improved performance over existing intra-video contrastive learning methods <cit.> on video action recognition, action detection, and video retrieval — even in a few-shot learning setting. § RELATED WORK Self-supervised image representation learning. Earlier works focused on designing pretext tasks whose solution would yield a useful representation for downstream classification. Some pretext tasks include predicting the relative positioning of patches <cit.>, image rotation <cit.>, image colorization <cit.>, solving jigsaw puzzles <cit.>, and counting visual primitives <cit.>. While promising, these approaches were not competitive with fully-supervised representations <cit.>, partly because it is easy to learn shortcuts that trivially solve the pretext task. The re-emergence of contrastive learning elevated self-supervised image representation learning as a viable alternative paradigm to fully-supervised learning <cit.>. These methods encourage models to be invariant to multiple augmented views of the same image. <cit.> generates multiple views from the same image by splitting images into luminance and chrominance space. Some recent works such as <cit.> go beyond single-instance contrastive learning by using clusters to find semantically relevant positive pairs. Our work is similar to NNCLR <cit.> which uses nearest-neighbors for image contrastive learning, but differs in that we combine inter-video nearest-neighbors with intra-video positives for video contrastive learning, which brings unique challenges. Self-supervised video representation learning. Temporal information in videos enables the design of interesting pretext tasks that are not possible with images. Video in general is more challenging due to its temporal dimension. Pretext tasks for video self-supervised learning include predicting future frames <cit.>, the correct order of shuffled frames <cit.> or shuffled clips <cit.>, video rotation <cit.>, playback speed <cit.>, directionality of video <cit.>, motion and appearance statistics <cit.>, and solving space time cubic puzzles <cit.>. Other works have leveraged video correspondence by tracking patches <cit.>, pixels <cit.>, and objects <cit.> across adjacent frames. Several recent works have considered contrastive learning for video. These methods differ in their definition of positive and negative samples. Some works use different subclips of equal-length from the same video as positive samples <cit.>, or different frames from the same video <cit.>. <cit.> samples two subclips of different length from the same video to encourage generalization to broader context. Other works utilize optical flow in a cross-modal context; <cit.> uses optical flow to mine RGB images with similar motion cues as positives, while other works do not mine positives but instead learn from the natural correspondence between optical flow and RGB within the same video <cit.>, or within the same frame <cit.>. Another set of works utilize pretext tasks such as pace prediction <cit.>, clip shuffling <cit.>, or a combination of both <cit.>. In contrast, our work goes beyond local definitions of positives from a single-video and expands to globally sampled nearest-neighbor videos, but without using optical flow nor separate training phases like <cit.>. Unlike works such as <cit.>, our work uses the online representation space to pick NNs on the fly instead of pre-computing video clusters. Unlike methods such as <cit.> that go beyond single-video positives, our work only uses RGB frames. § INTER-INTRA VIDEO CONTRASTIVE LEARNING §.§ Contrastive loss Contrastive learning maximizes the similarity of a given embedded sample q with its embedded positive key k^+, while minimizing similarity to negative embeddings n_i. In the rest of this work, we refer to (q, k^+) as “positive pairs”. We utilize the InfoNCE loss <cit.> for self-supervised video representation learning, which is given below: ℒ^NCE(q, k^+, 𝒩^-) = -logexp(sim(q, k^+) / τ)/∑_k ∈{k^+}∪𝒩^-exp(sim(q, k) / τ) where τ > 0 is a temperature hyper-parameter and sim(·) denotes the similarity function — which in this work is the dot product (cosine) similarity between two ℓ_2 normalized vectors: sim(q, k) = q · k = q^Tk / (||q|| ||k||). §.§ Multi-Task Objective The manner in which positive pairs are sampled during contrastive learning introduces an inductive bias that has a significant impact on downstream task performance <cit.>. For example, works such as MoCo <cit.> and SimCLR <cit.> that use image augmentation encourage model invariance to different colors, crops, and orientations, potentially at the expense of other inductive bias. Intra-Video Contrastive Learning. Contrastive learning methods for video such as CVRL <cit.> and ρ-MoCo <cit.> use the embeddings of two subclips z_1 and z_2 from the same video as positives. Intra-video positive sampling teaches the model to identify whether two different clips correspond to the same video. Given a queue Q of randomly sampled embeddings, the intra-video contrastive loss is then: ℒ_Intra(z_1, z_2, Q) = ℒ^NCE(z_1, z_2, Q) Nearest-Neighbor Contrastive Learning. Motivated by the observation in Fig. <ref> that intra-video sampling excludes other semantically similar videos from ever being used as positives; we seek to expand the positive keyset beyond individual video boundaries to improve diversity. Offline positive sets are not suitable because they cannot be efficiently updated at every iteration or even at every epoch. Clustering to find similar videos requires additional hyperparameters. Thus, we maintain a queue Q that is updated with embeddings from each forward pass (design details in Sec. <ref>), which allows us to directly compute cosine similarities between the input video and queue. Given an embedded input video x and queue Q of randomly sampled embeddings across the dataset, we use the nearest-neighbor of x as its positive key: NN(x, Q) = argmax_z ∈ Q (x · z) Let z_1 and z_2 be the embeddings of two subclips from the same video. We use Q for both selecting the NN as a positive key and providing negatives (excluding the NN). Using the nearest-neighbor operation in Eq. <ref> to select the positive key for z_1 as NN(z_2, Q), and removing it from Q to form Q^- = Q ∖NN(z_2, Q), we have the NN contrastive loss: ℒ_NN(z_1, z_2, Q) = ℒ^NCE(z_1, NN(z_2, Q), Q^-) Combined Intra and Inter Training Objective We use the same backbone but separate MLP projection heads to process the intra-video and NN positive pairs. As each of these pretext tasks learns a different notion of similarity, we combine them via a multi-task loss. We also maintain two separate queues of embeddings: Q_Intra and Q_NN. Q_NN is used both to find the NN and provide negative keys (excluding the NN), while Q_Intra only provides negative keys. We expand on these details in section <ref>. Specifically, let f^q(·) and f^k(·) be the encoder and its offline momentum-updated version, g^Intra(·) and g^NN(·) be two separate MLP heads, and x_1 and x_2 be two subclips sampled from the same video. We first obtain the embeddings (z_1^Intra, z_2^Intra) and (z_1^NN, z_2^NN). z_1^Intra = g^Intra(f^q(x_1)); z_2^Intra = g^Intra(f^k(x_2)) z_1^NN = g^NN(f^q(x_1)); z_2^NN = g^NN(f^k(x_2)) After obtaining the embeddings, we combine Eqs. <ref> and <ref> to get the final training objective. Note that we use a symmetric loss but show only one side for simplicity. λ_Intra and λ_NN are tunable parameters that control the contribution of each loss, which in our work is 1.0 for both. An ablation for this is in Tab. <ref>. ℒ(z_1^Intra, z_2^Intra, z_1^NN, z_2^NN) = λ_Intra·ℒ_Intra(z_1^Intra, z_2^Intra, Q_Intra) + λ_NN·ℒ_NN(z_1^NN, z_2^NN, Q_NN) Note that class labels are not used and the model is free to learn its own notion of similarity. Over the course of pretraining, the model becomes better at picking semantically similar nearest-neighbor video clips while introducing additional diversity of positive samples that is not possible through sampling intra-video clips, as shown in Fig. <ref>. §.§ Pretraining Methodology §.§.§ Momentum Encoder and Queue We make several design choices that enable end-to-end learning from unlabeled videos using our method. As contrastive learning requires large batch sizes <cit.> and computing video embeddings is expensive, we use a FIFO queue that is updated with embeddings from a momentum encoder, similar to <cit.>. The momentum encoder's weights θ_k are updated as a moving average of the encoder's weights θ_q, with momentum coeff. m ∈ [0, 1), as given by Eq. <ref>. Thus the momentum encoder receives no gradients. θ_k ← m θ_k + (1 - m) θ_q We share the same encoder but utilize separate MLP heads when processing intra-video and nearest-neighbor positives. We also maintain two separate queues for each task. Note that the queue contains approximate representations of a large subset of pretraining data in memory and is dynamically updated “for free” since we only use embeddings that are already computed during the forward pass. Our method scales to large data and is more efficient than methods that utilize clustering such as <cit.>. Our method also allows for more up-to-date representations than methods that use an offline positive set <cit.>. §.§.§ Implementation Details Loss. The temperature τ = 0.1. λ_Intra = 1.0, λ_NN = 1.0. Encoder. For all experiments, we use a ResNet3D-50 8x8 slow pathway from <cit.> with He initialization <cit.>, unless otherwise indicated. Outputs are taken after the global average pooling layer to form a 2048-d embedding. Following <cit.>, we use a 3-layer projection MLP during pretraining only. The MLP has hidden dimension 2048 and final embedding dimension of 128 with no batch norm (BN). The MLP is then removed for downstream experiments. As mentioned above, we use two separate MLP heads for producing intra-video and NN embeddings. Pretraining Hyperparameters. We train for 200 epochs using SGD optimizer (momentum 0.9, weight decay 10^-4) with a total batch size of 512. BN statistics are computed per GPU. We linearly warmup the learning rate to 0.4 over the first 35 epochs, then use half-period cosine decay <cit.>. We use a queue storing 65536 negatives and shuffling-BN to avoid information leakage and overfitting <cit.>. The momentum encoder weights are updated per Eq. <ref> with an annealed momentum coeff. as in <cit.>, initialized to 0.994. Data and Augmentations We sample two 8-frame clips with a temporal stride of 8 from each video for self-supervised pretraining. We apply random shortest-side resizing to [256, 320] pixels, color jittering (ratio 0.4, p=0.8), grayscale conversion (p=0.2), Gaussian blur (p=0.5), horizontal flip (p=0.2), and random cropping to 224 × 224. § EXPERIMENTS §.§ Baselines CVRL <cit.> and ρ-MoCo <cit.> are two leading contrastive learning works that sample intra-video clips. We primarily compare against ρ-MoCo for ρ=2 (two clips per video), pretrained for 200 epochs on unlabeled K400, and call this baseline . The original paper does not test on all downstream datasets, so we rerun all downstream experiments (even those reported in the paper) for fair comparison. We compare our against to distill the effect of improved positive key diversity and balanced global-local context on downstream task performance. §.§ Action Recognition on UCF101, HMDB51, and Kinetics-400 Unless otherwise noted, we train on unlabeled K400 <cit.> (240K videos) for 200 epochs. After self-supervised pretraining, we transfer the learned weights to target datasets for downstream evaluation. We use two evaluation protocols that are popular in the literature for evaluating the quality of self-supervised representations: (i) Linear evaluation freezes the backbone and trains a linear classifier on the target dataset, and (ii) Finetuning trains the entire network end-to-end on the target dataset. We first report top-1 accuracy on three of the most popular action datasets. For UCF101 <cit.> and HMDB51 <cit.>, we report finetuning top-1 accuracy on split 1. UCF101 contains 9.5K/3.7K train/test videos with 101 action classes, and HMDB51 contains 3.5K/1.5K videos (mostly from movies) with 51 action classes. For K400 <cit.>, we report linear evaluation top-1 accuracy. Kinetics contains 240K/19K train/test videos with 400 action classes. We sample 8 × 8 clips for all datasets. At test-time, we use standard 10 (temporal) × 3 (spatial) crop evaluation <cit.>. We report the avg. of three runs. §.§.§ Comparison to state-of-the-art. In Table <ref>, we compare against state-of-the-art self-supervised methods in the literature that use only RGB frames (no optical flow nor audio), as well as our intra-video baseline using the protocols introduced at the beginning of Sec. <ref>. First, we compare against the baseline to distill the effect of improved positive key diversity and added global context on downstream performance. outperforms by 1.5% on UCF, 0.5% on HMDB, and by 0.3% on K400. The smaller performance delta on K400 may be due to the fact that linear evaluation is not as reflective of real performance as finetuning the entire network <cit.>. Consistent improvements over highlights the effectiveness of combining intra-video and nearest-neighbor sampling, compared to sampling only intra-video positives. Next, we compare against other methods. also outperforms works that trained for more epochs (e.g. VTHCL <cit.>) or used more frames during pretraining (e.g. SpeedNet <cit.>, VideoMoCo <cit.>). pretrained for 400 epochs surpasses CVRL <cit.> which pretrained for 2.5x more epochs using 2x more frames. To fairly compare against other video contrastive learning works, we also present results for a weaker version of our model trained for 200 epochs with a smaller backbone (R18) and smaller input resolution (128x128). Under this setting, our model still convincingly outperforms methods that use larger backbones such as VTHCL <cit.> and MemDPC <cit.>, and larger input resolution such as VideoMoco <cit.> and LSFD <cit.>. §.§ Action Recognition on Something-Something v2 To further demonstrate the effectiveness of nearest-neighbor sampling for video contrastive learning, we evaluate on Something-Something v2 <cit.> (SSv2), which is a challenging benchmark focused on understanding granular motions. Unlike UCF101 and HMDB51 which are very similar to K400, SSv2 distinguishes between directionality for the same higher-level action. For example "putting something into something" vs. "putting something next to something" are different action classes, as well as "moving something up" vs. "pushing something from right to left". We finetune on SSv2 using the same settings as <cit.>. marginally outperforms the baseline. As SSv2 is very different in nature from the K400 dataset which we pretrained on, these results further demonstrate that improving positive key diversity and introducing global similarity leads to more generalized video representations that outperform pure intra-video sampling-based methods. §.§ Action Detection on AVA Thus far, we have demonstrated that can generalize to new domains within the same task of action recognition. To test whether our method can also generalize to novel downstream tasks, we evaluate on the new task of action detection, which not only requires accurately classifying the action but also localizing the bounding box of the person performing the action. We evaluate on the AVA dataset <cit.> which contains 221K/57K training and validation videos, and report mean Average Precision (mAP) at IOU threshold 0.5. We follow <cit.> and use our self-supervised trained R3D-50 as the backbone for a Faster R-CNN detector. We then extend the 2D RoI features into 3D along the temporal axis, and apply RoIAlign and temporal global average pooling. The RoI features are then max-pooled and fed to a per-class sigmoid classifier. We also use a similar training schedule as <cit.>, except we train for only 20 epochs with batch size 64, and use an initial learning rate of 0.1 with 10x step-wise learning rate decay at epochs 5, 10, and 15. outperforms the baseline on the new task of action detection, on a dataset sourced from cinematic movies rather than Internet videos. also outperforms CVRL <cit.> despite CVRL being trained for 5x more epochs and using 2x more pretraining frames. As AVA is highly different from the unlabeled K400 videos used for pretraining (while UCF101 and HMDB51 are highly similar to K400), this further supports our hypothesis that improved positive key diversity and added global context through nearest-neighbor sampling improves generalization on video tasks. §.§ Ablations We perform a series of ablations to validate our design decisions. Unless otherwise indicated, we pretrain on full unlabeled K400 (240K videos), and the same settings as the main experiments, except for the ablated parameters. §.§.§ MLP Heads We first ablate the use of separate MLP heads during pretraining. We trained a version of that shares the MLP head for both intra-video and NN pairs. In this case, the pretraining loss fails to converge and downstream task results are poor. We hypothesize this is due to the different feature spaces learned for intra-video clips vs. inter-video NNs. Thus, we share the backbone but use separate MLP heads during pretraining. No MLP is used for downstream eval. §.§.§ Task Generalization of Intra and NN Weights In Table <ref>, we summarize the results from above sections in which outperformed on every dataset per task and per evaluation protocol. We also ablate our choice of λ_NN by providing results for (λ_Intra=0.0, λ_NN=1.0), and (λ_Intra=1.0, λ_NN=1.0). Note that (λ_Intra=0.0, λ_NN=1.0) corresponds to a pure NN sampling strategy that uses no intra-video pairs, aka a video-analog of NNCLR <cit.>. We summarize the average rank per task for each configuration. The best configuration achieves lowest average rank of 1.2. Pure NN sampling (video analog of NNCLR <cit.>) is surprisingly competitive with pure intra-video sampling on every task, despite learning zero local semantics during SSL pretraining. However, combining the intra and NN loss (λ_Intra=1.0, λ_NN=1.0) does not result in as large of a boost as expected. This may suggest that local and global information are complimentary, but may still provide orthogonal directions that are challenging to learn from. §.§ Effect of More Epochs and More NNs Table <ref> shows that downstream accuracy increases with the number of temporal samples per video and duration of pretraining. Due to limited compute we do not test more combinations, but expect further room for improvement. §.§ Few-Shot Learning Another way to measure the quality of a self-supervised representation is through data efficiency, or how performance varies with respect to the amount of data available for downstream classification <cit.>. Many works report that self-supervised representations are more data efficient than supervised representations <cit.>. We first compare against on UCF101 using the finetune protocol when training data is limited to 1%, 5%, and 20%, and the evaluation set remains the same. We observe that is more data efficient across all three subsets. We then compare against on K400 using the linear evaluation protocol when training data is limited to 1% and 10%, and the evaluation set remains the same. We observe similar improvements across both subsets for . For both UCF and K400, the delta between and is largest for the smallest training set of 1% data, indicating that inter-video nearest-neighbors are particularly helpful for generalizing to few-shot settings. We also significantly outperform the supervised baseline in which R3D-50 is initialized from scratch. See Table <ref>. §.§ Zero-Shot Video Retrieval We also evaluate on video retrieval where the extracted features are directly used to find the nearest-neighbors, so there is no further training. Following common practice <cit.>, we use test-set videos to search the k nearest-neighboring video samples from the train set. We evaluate using Recall at k (R@K), which means that the retrieval is correct if any of the top k nearest-neighbors are from the same class as the query. See Table <ref>. outperforms for all but one recall threshold on UCF and all recall thresholds on HMDB. This indicates that even without any downstream training, is better able to push similar videos of a different downstream dataset closer in the embedding space. § DISCUSSION §.§ Co-Occurrence of Semantic Classes During Pretraining Although labels are not used during self-supervised pretraining, we analyze the probability that a video in the negative queue belongs to the same class as the query video, to understand why the nearest-neighbor objective is beneficial. Assume the queue samples are uniformly sampled and that each class is balanced. Let the pretraining dataset have K balanced classes, and the queue have Q uniformly sampled samples where Q is smaller than the size of the dataset. Then the probability of the above event is 1 - [(K-1)/K] ^ Q, which is well over 0.9 for K=400 (number of classes in Kinetics-400), Q=1024. Note that this calculation also applies to approaches that sample negatives from the mini-batch; let Q be the mini-batch size. CVRL <cit.> uses a mini-batch size of 1024 during pretraining. Thus, it is extremely likely that videos belonging to same class as the query are pushed away in the embedding space as negatives in works like <cit.>. Our work does not address this issue by removing poor choices of negatives from the negative set, but rather leverages those similar videos as additional positive keys for a second loss term via the NN sampling strategy, thus providing additional sources of similarity to learn from that would otherwise be ignored. Additionally, by dynamically computing the positive key using the learned representation space and sampling videos globally, we allow the model to continually evolve its notion of semantic similarity; the quality of the chosen NNs improves as the model learns as demonstrated by Fig. <ref>. With intra-video positive pair sampling, the learned representation is not used to choose the positive pairs — two clips are simply randomly sampled from within a single video. §.§ Limitations and Future Work While the focus of our work was on improving the diversity of positive keys and balancing global with local notions of similarity, our method can be improved by reducing false negatives similar to works such as <cit.>. Our method could also be improved by leveraging audio-video correspondence <cit.> and exploring more nuanced ways to combine the intra and inter-video positives. § CONCLUSION We presented , which addresses limitations of existing self-supervised contrastive learning works for video <cit.> that sample only intra-video clips as positives. By leveraging nearest-neighboring samples from a global neighborhood as positives, we expand the positive keyset beyond individual video boundaries, thus improving the diversity of positive keys and blending global with local context. We then demonstrated that our method improves performance over a wide range of video-related tasks, compared to our intra-video contrastive learning baseline. Our method is simple, effective, and directly plugs into existing contrastive frameworks. scales to large datasets, unlike methods that require clustering or offline positive sets. We believe that our method has the potential to excel on large unstructured datasets, where self-supervised learning can reach its full potential for video understanding. ieee_fullname
Best-of-three-worlds Analysis for Linear Bandits with Follow-the-regularized-leader Algorithm
[ "Fang Kong", "Canzhe Zhao", "Shuai Li" ]
[ "cs.LG", "stat.ML" ]
1]Fang Kong 1]Canzhe Zhao 1]Shuai Li Corresponding author. [1]Shanghai Jiao Tong University [ ]{fangkong,canzhezhao, shuaili8}@sjtu.edu.cn Best-of-three-worlds Analysis for Linear Bandits with Follow-the-regularized-leader Algorithm [ ============================================================================================= The linear bandit problem has been studied for many years in both stochastic and adversarial settings. Designing an algorithm that can optimize the environment without knowing the loss type attracts lots of interest. <cit.> propose an algorithm that actively detects the loss type and then switches between different algorithms specially designed for different settings. However, such an approach requires meticulous designs to perform well in all settings. Follow-the-regularized-leader (FTRL) is another popular algorithm type that can adapt to different environments. This algorithm is of simple design and the regret bounds are shown to be optimal in traditional multi-armed bandit problems compared with the detect-switch type algorithms. Designing an FTRL-type algorithm for linear bandits is an important question that has been open for a long time. In this paper, we prove that the FTRL-type algorithm with a negative entropy regularizer can achieve the best-of-three-world results for the linear bandit problem with the tacit cooperation between the choice of the learning rate and the specially designed self-bounding inequality. § INTRODUCTION The linear bandit problem is a fundamental sequential decision-making problem, in which the learner needs to choose an arm to pull and will receive a loss of the pulled arm as a response in each round t <cit.>. Particularly, the expected value of the loss of each arm is the inner product between the pulled arm and an unknown loss vector. The learning objective is to minimize the regret, defined as the difference between the learner's cumulative loss and the loss of some best arm in hindsight. There are two common environments characterizing the schemes of the loss received by the learner. In the stochastic environment, the loss vector is fixed across all rounds and the learner only observes a stochastic loss sampled from a distribution with the expectation being the inner product between the feature vector of the pulled arm and the loss vector. In this line of research, it has been shown that the instance-optimal regret bound is of order O(log T) (omitting all the dependence on other parameters) <cit.>. Meanwhile, in the adversarial environment, the loss vector can arbitrarily change in each round. In this case, the minimax-optimal regret has been proved to be O(√(T)) <cit.>. While several algorithms are able to achieve the above (near) optimal regret guarantees in either stochastic environment <cit.> or adversarial environment <cit.>, these algorithms require prior knowledge about the regime of the environments. If such knowledge is not known a priori, the algorithms tailored to the adversarial environment will have too conservative regret guarantees in a stochastic environment. Also, without knowing such knowledge, the algorithms tailored to the stochastic environment may have linear regret guarantees in the adversarial environment and thus completely fail to learn. To cope with these issues, recent advances have emerged in simultaneously obtaining the (near) optimal regret guarantees in both the stochastic and adversarial environments, which is called the best-of-both-worlds (BoBW) result. For the special case of multi-armed bandit (MAB) problems, algorithms with (near) optimal regret in both adversarial and stochastic environments have been proposed <cit.>. In general, these algorithms can be divided into two approaches. The first approach achieves the BoBW regret guarantees by conducting statistical tests to distinguish between the stochastic and adversarial environments. Then it will perform an irreversible switch into adversarial operation mode if an adversarial environment is detected <cit.>. The other approach modifies the algorithms originally designed for adversarial bandits to achieve improved regret guarantee in the stochastic environment, without compromising the adversarial regret guarantee <cit.>. Compared with the first approach, the second approach has better adaptivity since it does not need to detect the nature of the environment. More importantly, the second approach may have a tighter regret guarantee, and the follow-the-regularized-leader (FTRL) type algorithm of <cit.> obtains regret guarantees that are optimal up to universal constants in both environments. For the linear bandit problem, while <cit.> achieve the BoBW result, their algorithm is based on the first approach, and hence still requires distinguishing between two kinds of environments. Therefore, a natural question is still open: Does there exist an FTRL-type BoTW algorithm for linear bandits, with the same adaptivity to both the adversarial and (corrupted) stochastic environments? In this paper, we give an affirmative answer to the above question, and hence solve the open problem of <cit.>. Specifically, we propose an algorithm based on the FTRL framework, which extends the similar idea of <cit.> for the MAB setting that runs a variant of FTRL with a special regularizer to handle both the stochastic and adversarial environments in the setting of the linear bandit. However, the extension is non-trivial as discussed by <cit.>, and our results require new ingredients regarding the theoretical analysis. In particular, the main challenge relies on regret analysis in the stochastic setting. Different from MAB problems, it is not easy to decompose the regret in stochastic linear bandits by the selecting times of each arm, since the number of arms can be huge and the exploration rate should depend on the linear structure. So we design the self-bounding inequality such that the regret is lower bounded by the product between the selecting times of all sub-optimal arms and a minimum reward gap Δ_min. Based on this special design to link the regret with the selecting times and the choice of the learning rate, we are able to bound the regret of our algorithm by O(log T) in the stochastic setting and O(√(T)) in the adversarial setting. As a preliminary step, our analysis also contributes some new ideas for the BoTW problem in other online learning models with linear structures such as linear Markov decision processes (MDPs). § RELATED WORKS Linear Bandits Linear bandit is a fundamental model in online sequential decision-making problems. Its stochastic setting is originally proposed by <cit.>, and first solved by <cit.> using the optimism principle. Subsequently, the regret guarantees of this problem have been further improved by several algorithms <cit.>. The adversarial setting dates back to <cit.>. The first O(√(T)) expected regret bound is obtained by the Geometric Hedge algorithm proposed by <cit.>. Latter, <cit.> establish the first computationally efficient algorithm achieving O(√(T)) regret guarantee based on the FTRL framework. <cit.> further obtain the regret guarantee that is minimax optimal up to a logarithmic factor. The recent work of <cit.> achieves the (near) optimal instance-dependence regret and minimax optimal regret in stochastic and adversarial environments respectively, via establishing a detect-switch type algorithm. For linear bandits in a corrupted stochastic setting, <cit.> first obtain an instance-dependent regret guarantee, with an additional corruption term depending on the corruption level C linearly and on T logarithmically. Subsequently, <cit.> attain the instance-independent bound in the same setting. For the more general setting of linear contextual bandits where the arm set may vary in each round and can even be infinite, <cit.> establish the sublinear instance-independent and/or instance-dependent regret guarantees. Remarkably, <cit.> obtain the near-optimal instance-independent regret guarantees for both the corrupted and uncorrupted cases with the leverage of a weighted ridge regression scheme. Best-of-Both-Worlds Algorithms The best-of-both-worlds (BoBW) algorithms aim to obtain the (near) optimal theoretical guarantees in both the stochastic and adversarial environments simultaneously, and have been extensively investigated for a variety of problems in the online learning literature, including MAB problem <cit.>, linear bandit problem <cit.>, combinatorial semi-bandit problem <cit.>, the problem of bandits with graph feedback <cit.>, online learning to rank <cit.>, the problem of prediction with expert advice <cit.>, finite-horizon tabular Markov decision processes <cit.>, online submodular minimization <cit.>, and partial monitoring problem <cit.>. In addition to investigating the BoBW results for stochastic and adversarial environments, devising algorithms that can simultaneously learn in the stochastic environment with corruptions also gains lots of research attention recently <cit.>. Particularly, algorithms with (near) optimal regret guarantees in adversarial, stochastic, and corrupted stochastic environments are typically called the best-of-three-worlds (BoTW) algorithms. In this work, we are interested in achieving the BoTW results in the linear bandit problem, but without using a detect-switch type algorithm similar to that of <cit.>. Instead, we aim to achieve the BoTW results for linear bandits by devising an FTRL-type algorithm, whose key idea is to leverage the self-bounding property of regret. Similar ideas have been used to obtain BoBW results <cit.> as well as the BoTW results <cit.> in various settings. § PRELIMINARIES In this section, we present the basic preliminaries regarding the linear bandit problem, in both the adversarial environments and stochastic environments (with possibly adversarial corruptions). We denote by D∈ℝ^d the finite arm set with d being the ambient dimension of the arm feature vectors <cit.>. We further assume that D spans ℝ^d and x_2≤ 1 for all x∈ D <cit.>. In each round t, the learner needs to select an arm x_t∈ D. Meanwhile, there will be an unknown loss vector θ_t∈ℝ^d determined by the environment. Subsequently, the loss ℓ_t(x_t) of the chosen arm x_t will be revealed to the learner. Particularly, ℓ_t(x_t)=⟨ x_t,θ_t⟩+ϵ_t(x_t) in linear bandits, with ϵ_t(x_t) being some independent zero-mean noise. The performance of one algorithm is measured by the regret (a.k.a., expected pseudo-regret), defined as R(T)=𝔼[∑_t=1^Tℓ_t(x_t)-∑_t=1^Tℓ_t(x^∗)] , where x^∗∈_x∈ D𝔼[∑_t=1^Tℓ_t(x)] is the best arm in expectation in hindsight, and the expectation is taken over the randomness of both the loss sequences ℓ_t and the internal randomization of the algorithm. For linear bandits in adversarial environment, θ_t is chosen by an adversary arbitrarily in each round t. In this work, we consider the non-oblivious adversary, which means that the choice of θ_t may potentially depend on the history of the learner's actions {x_τ}_τ=1^t-1 up to round t-1, in addition to the adversary's own internal randomization. Also, for ease of exposition, we assume ϵ_t(x_t)=0 for all t in the adversarial environment. In the following, we present the definition of a general environment, which is first formalized by <cit.> and subsumes the stochastic and corrupted stochastic environments as special cases. Let C>0 and Δ∈[0,2]^|D|. An environment is defined as the adversarial regime with a (Δ, C, T) self-bounding constraint, if for any algorithm, the regret satisfies R(T)≥∑_t=1^T∑_x∈ DΔ(x)ℙ(x_t=x)-C . The stochastic environment satisfies θ_t=θ for some fixed but unknown θ. Hence it has regret R(T)=𝔼[∑_t=1^T Δ(x_t)] with Δ(x)=⟨ x-x^∗,θ⟩ for all x∈ D. It follows that a stochastic environment is also an adversarial regime with a (Δ,0,T) self-bounding constraint. For this case, we assume the optimal arm x^* to be unique as previous works studying stochastic linear bandits <cit.> and BoTW problems <cit.>. For the corrupted stochastic environment, it is also satisfied that θ_t=θ for some unknown θ, but the learner now receives loss ℓ_t(x_t)=⟨ x_t,θ_t⟩+ϵ_t(x_t)+c_t, where c_t is the corrupted value chosen by the adversary in each round t and may depend on the historical information {(ℓ_τ,x_τ)}_τ=1^t-1. We note that the corrupted stochastic environment considered in this work is slightly more general than that considered by <cit.>, since we do not impose any structural assumptions over c_t, while they further assume c_t is linear in x_t. As aforementioned, the corrupted stochastic environment is also an instance of the adversarial regime with a self-bounding constraint. To see this, let C=∑_t=1^T|c_t| be the corruption level, indicating the total amount of the corruptions. Then a corrupted stochastic environment has regret satisfying Eq. (<ref>), and hence it is an instance of the adversarial regime with a (Δ, C, T) self-bounding constraint. § ALGORITHM In this section, we present the proposed algorithm for linear bandits in both adversarial and (corrupted) stochastic environments, and detail its pseudo-code in Algorithm <ref>. In general, our algorithm follows from the basic idea of FTRL that chooses the arm which minimizes the cumulative loss of past rounds together with the regularizer. In specific, at each round t, our algorithm computes the regularized leader q_t by solving the following optimization problem (Line <ref>): q_t ∈_p∈Δ(D)∑_s=1^t-1ℓ̂_s, p + ψ_t(p) , where Δ(D) is the probability simplex over D, ℓ̂_s is the loss estimate in round s to be defined later and ψ_t(p) is the regularizer. In this work, different from the complex (hybrid) regularizers used in previous works studying FTRL-type BoTW algorithms <cit.>, we simply choose the negative Shannon entropy as the regularizer: ψ_t(p) = β_t ∑_x∈ D p(x)ln p(x) , where β_t is the time-varying learning rate, whose concrete value is postponed to Theorem <ref>. Then, to permit enough exploration and control the variance of the loss estimates, our algorithm mixes the regularized leader q_t with a distribution π of the G-optimal design over the arm set D (Line <ref>): p_t = γ_t ·π + (1-γ_t)· q_t , where γ_t is a time-varying hyper-parameter to be chosen later. In particular, the G-optimal design distribution π is chosen such that π∈_ρ∈Δ(D) g(ρ), where g(ρ)=max _x ∈ Dx_V(ρ)^-1^2 and V(ρ)=∑_x ∈ Dρ(x) x x^⊤ for any ρ∈Δ(D). A similar exploration strategy can also be found in the work of <cit.>. Subsequently, our algorithm samples action from the mixed distribution p_t, and observes the corresponding loss ℓ_t(x_t) (Line <ref>). At the end of each round t, our algorithm constructs a least squares loss estimate ℓ̂_t(x) for each x∈ D (Line <ref>): ℓ̂_t(x) = x^⊤Σ_t^-1x_t ℓ_t(x_t) , where Σ_t = ∑_x∈ D p_t(x)xx^⊤ is the covariance matrix in terms of p_t. It is clear that ℓ̂_t is an unbiased estimate of the true loss ℓ_t, conditioned on p_t. Comparisons with Previous Methods At a high level, our algorithm and previous works achieving the BoTW results share the similar idea that using the FTRL framework together with a carefully chosen regularizer to achieve (near) optimal regret guarantees in both the adversarial and (corrupted) stochastic environments <cit.>. However, perhaps surprisingly, our algorithm uses a rather common negative entropy entropy as the regularizer. This brings the computational efficiency compared with their complex or even hybrid regularizers, but also requires new ingredients that are not leveraged in previous works to obtain the desired BoTW regret guarantees for linear bandits. Besides, compared with the algorithm of <cit.> that also obtains the BoTW regret guarantees for linear bandits, our algorithm departs from theirs significantly since we do not need to determine the nature of the environment, which is required by their detect-switch type algorithm. Consequently, our algorithm is conceptually simpler than that of <cit.> and has the same adaptivity to all kinds of environments. More importantly, our algorithm has a regret guarantee with the same order as that of <cit.> in adversarial environment, and a tighter regret guarantee than theirs in corrupted stochastic environment, as we shall see in the analysis. In the following theorem, we present the regret guarantees in all environments of Algorithm <ref>. thmthmregret Choose ψ_t(p) = β_t ∑_x∈ D p(x)ln p(x):= -β_t H(p), γ_t = ming(π)/β_t,1/2 where β_t is of the following value d√(ln T/ln |D|)+∑_τ=1^t-1d√(ln T/ln |D|)/√(1+ln |D|^-1∑_s=1^τ H(q_s) ) . Our algorithm <ref> satisfies that: * In the adversarial environment, the regret can be upper bounded by R(T) ≤ = Od√(Tln T ln(|D|T)) . * In the stochastic environment with corruption level C, the regret can be bounded by R(T) ≤ O d^2ln T ln (|D|T) /Δ_min + √(Cd^2ln T ln (|D|T)/Δ_min) . Discussions. Due to the simple design and the potential to achieve better theoretical guarantees like previous works for multi-armed bandits (MAB), we believe deriving BOTW analysis for an FTRL-type algorithm is worthwhile even though a detect-switch one exists. Our work provides a solution for the open problem in <cit.>. One of the main challenges is to discover the optimal exploration rate in the stochastic setting as pointed out by <cit.>. Similar to previous FTRL algorithms for the multi-armed bandit problem <cit.>, the instance-dependent regret mainly relies on the self-bounding inequality that lower bounds the regret by the selecting probability of arms. However, in linear bandits, the regret upper bound does not explicitly depend on the selecting probability of each arm due to the linear structure and simply decomposing the regret by the regret caused by each arm may bring the dependence on the number of arms, which is not realistic in linear bandit problem as the number of arms can be huge. So we mainly care about the minimum reward gap Δ_min that characterizes the problem hardness and designs the self-bounding inequality by treating all sub-optimal arms together as shown in Lemma <ref>. (Self-bounding inequality) Algorithm <ref> with Definition <ref> satisfies that R(T) ≥1/2∑_t=1^T (1-q_t(x^*))Δ_min - C . R(T) ≥∑_t=1^T ℓ_t(x_t) - ℓ_t(x^*) - C = ∑_t=1^T ℓ_t, p_t - p^* - C ≥∑_t=1^T (1-γ_t) ℓ_t, q_t - p^* - C = ∑_t=1^T (1-γ_t) ∑_x q_t(x) Δ(x) - C ≥1/2∑_t=1^T 1-q_t(x^*)Δ_min - C , where the last inequality holds by choosing γ≤ 1/2. The other key to achieving the BoTW results is the choice of the learning rate. Based on the standard analysis of the FTRL algorithm, the regret can be decomposed as R(T) ≤ O∑_t=1^T 1/β_t + (β_t+1 -β_t) H(q_t+1) . In the adversarial setting, we hope to get an O(√(T)) regret, the natural choice is to select β_t = O(√(t)) as both ∑_t 1/√(t) = O(√(t)) and ∑_t √(t+1)-√(t) = O(√(t)). While in the stochastic setting, we aim to get an O(log T) regret, so it would be natural to choose β_t = O(t) as H(q_t) tends to be 0 when the policy always selects the unique optimal arm. Inspired by the motivation that H(q_t) can be regarded as a constant term in the adversarial setting and a decreasing sequence that eventually tends to 0 in the stochastic setting, we set the learning rate β_t as O∑_τ=1^t 1/√(∑_s=1^τH(q_s) ). The cooperation of the specially designed self-bounding inequality and the choice of β_t_t contributes to the final results. The detailed proof is deferred to the next section. § THEORETICAL ANALYSIS This section provides the proof of Theorem <ref>. We first present some useful lemmas and the main proof would come later. The regret can be decomposed in the form of the cumulative entropy of exploitation probability q_t as the following lemma. (Regret Decomposition) By choosing β_t = c+∑_τ=1^t-1c/√(1+ln |D|^-1∑_s=1^τ H(q_s) ) and γ_t = ming(π)/β_t,1/2, the regret can be bounded as R(T)= Odln T/c√(ln |D|) + c√(ln |D|)√(∑_t=1^T H(q_t)) . R(T) = ∑_t=1^T ℓ_t(x_t) - ℓ_t(x^*) = ∑_t=1^T ℓ_t, p_t - p^* = ∑_t=1^T (1-γ_t) ℓ̂_t, q_t - p^* + ∑_t=1^T γ_tℓ_t, π - p^* ≤ ∑_t=1^T (1-γ_t) ℓ̂_t, q_t - p^* + ∑_t=1^T γ_t ≤ ∑_t=1^T (1-γ_t) ℓ̂_t, q_t - q_t+1 - D_t(q_t+1,q_t) + ψ_t(q_t+1) - ψ_t+1(q_t+1) + ψ_T+1(p^*) - ψ_1(q_1) + ∑_t=1^T γ_t = ∑_t=1^T (1-γ_t) ℓ̂_t, q_t - q_t+1 - D_t(q_t+1,q_t) + (β_t+1-β_t) H(q_t+1) + ψ_T+1(p^*) - ψ_1(q_1) + ∑_t=1^T γ_t ≤ ∑_t=1^T (1-γ_t) ℓ̂_t, q_t - q_t+1 - D_t(q_t+1,q_t)_part 1 + (β_t+1-β_t) H(q_t+1) +β_1 ln |D|+ ∑_t=1^T γ_t ≤ ∑_t=1^T 2d/β_t + (β_t+1-β_t) H(q_t+1)_part 2 +β_1 ln |D| ≤ ∑_t=1^T 2d/β_t + 2c √(ln |D| ∑_t=1^T H(q_t)) +cln |D| ≤ 2d ∑_t=1^T √(1+ln |D|^-1∑_s=1^t H(q_t))/c· t + 2c √(ln |D| ∑_t=1^T H(q_t)) +cln |D| ≤ Odln T/c√(ln |D|)√(∑_t=1^T H(q_t)) + c√(ln |D|)√(∑_t=1^T H(q_t)) . where Eq. (<ref>) holds due to x_t ∼ p_t, Eq. (<ref>) holds since ℓ̂_t is an unbiased estimator, Eq. (<ref>) is because ℓ_t, π - p^*≤ 1, Eq. (<ref>) is based on Lemma <ref>, Eq. (<ref>) holds according to Lemma <ref> and the choice of γ_t =min g(π)/β_t, 1/2≤ d/β_t, Eq. (<ref>) and (<ref>) are due to Lemma <ref> and the choice of β_t, the last inequality is based on Jensen's inequality. We next provide Lemma <ref>, <ref> and <ref> that is used in the above analysis. (Decomposition of FTRL, Exercise 28.12 in <cit.>) ∑_t=1^T ℓ̂_t, q_t - p^*≤ ∑_t=1^T ℓ̂_t, q_t - q_t+1 - D_t(q_t+1,q_t) + ψ_t(q_t+1) - ψ_t+1(q_t+1) + ψ_T+1(p^*) - ψ_1(q_1) . (Bound Part 1) ∑_t=1^T (1-γ_t) ℓ̂_t, q_t - q_t+1 - D_t(q_t+1,q_t)≤∑_t=1^T 2d/β_t . ∑_t=1^T (1-γ_t) ℓ̂_t, q_t - q_t+1 - D_t(q_t+1,q_t) ≤ ∑_t=1^T (1-γ_t)β_t ∑_x∈ Dq_t(x)exp(-ℓ̂_t(x)/β_t ) +ℓ̂_t(x)/β_t -1 ≤ ∑_t=1^T (1-γ_t)β_t ∑_x∈ Dq_t(x)ℓ̂^2_t(x)/β^2_t = ∑_t=1^T (1-γ_t)/β_t∑_x∈ Dq_t(x)ℓ̂^2_t(x) ≤ ∑_t=1^T 1/β_t∑_x∈ Dp_t(x)ℓ̂^2_t(x) , where Eq. (<ref>) is based on <cit.>, Eq. (<ref>) holds due to exp(-a)+a-1≤ a^2 when a≥ -1 and Lemma <ref>, Eq. (<ref>) is because q_t = (p_t - γ_t π)(1-γ_t) ≤ p_t/(1-γ_t). Recall that ℓ̂_t(x) = x^⊤Σ_t^-1 x_t ℓ_t(x_t). We have ℓ_t(x)^2 = ℓ_t(x_t)^2 x_t^⊤Σ_t^-1 x x^⊤Σ_t^-1 x_t ≤ x_t^⊤Σ_t^-1 x x^⊤Σ_t^-1 x_t and further, ∑_x p_t(x) ℓ_t(x)^2 ≤∑_x p_t(x)x_t^⊤Σ_t^-1 x x^⊤Σ_t^-1 x_t = x_t^⊤Σ_t^-1 x_t = (x_tx_t^⊤Σ_t) . Above all, ∑_x p_t(x) ℓ_t(x)^2≤∑ x x^⊤Σ_t = d . Lemma <ref> is then proved. (Bound Part 2) By choosing β_t = c+∑_τ=1^t-1c/√(1+ln |D|^-1∑_s=1^τ H(q_s) ), ∑_t=1^T (β_t+1-β_t)H(q_t+1) ≤ 2c √(ln |D| ∑_t=1^T H(q_t)) . Based on the definition of β_t, it holds that ∑_t=1^T (β_t+1-β_t)H(q_t+1) = ∑_t=1^T c/√(1+ln |D|^-1∑_s=1^t H(q_s) ) H(q_t+1) ≤ √(ln |D|)∑_t=1^T c/√(ln |D|+ ∑_s=1^t H(q_s) ) H(q_t+1) = 2√(ln |D|)∑_t=1^T c/√(ln |D|+ ∑_s=1^t H(q_s) ) + √(ln |D|+ ∑_s=1^t H(q_s) ) H(q_t+1) ≤ 2√(ln |D|)∑_t=1^T c/√(∑_s=1^t+1 H(q_s) ) + √(∑_s=1^t H(q_s) ) H(q_t+1) = 2c√(ln |D|)∑_t=1^T √(∑_s=1^t+1 H(q_s) ) - √(∑_s=1^t H(q_s) ) = 2c√(ln |D|)√(∑_s=1^T+1 H(q_s) ) - √( H(q_1) ) ≤ 2c√(ln |D|)√(∑_t=1^T H(q_t) ) , where the last two inequalities holds since H(q_t) ≤ H(q_1) = ln |D| for any t. Denote Σ(π) = ∑_x∈ Dπ(x) xx^⊤ and g(π) = max_x∈ D x^⊤Σ(π)^-1 x. By choosing γ_t = ming(π)/β_t,1/2, we have ℓ̂_t(x)/β_t ≥ -1 for all x∈ D. Since Σ_t = ∑_x p_t(x) xx^⊤ = ∑_x (1-γ_t)q_t(x) + γ_t π(x) xx^⊤≽∑_x γ_t π(x) xx^⊤ = γ_tΣ(π), we have Σ_t^-1≼1/γ_tΣ(π)^-1 . Further, x^⊤Σ_t^-1x_t ≤x_Σ_t^-1x_t_Σ_t^-1≤max_v∈ D v^⊤Σ_t^-1v ≤1/γ_tmax_v∈ D v^⊤Σ(π)^-1v = g(π)/γ_t . With the choice of γ_t, it holds that ℓ̂_t(x)/β_t = 1/β_t x^⊤Σ_t^-1 x_t ℓ_t(x_t) ≤1/β_t x^⊤Σ_t^-1 x_t ≤g(π)/β_t γ_t≤ 1 , The last inequality is due to the choice of β_t and the fact that g(π)≤ d. Recall that we have already decomposed the regret by the cumulative entropy of the exploitation probability q_t_t. The next lemma further links the cumulative entropy with the expected selecting times on sub-optimal arms. (Relationship between H(q_t) and regret) ∑_t=1^T H(q_t) ≤∑_t=1^T(1-q_t(x^*))lne|D|T/∑_t=1^T(1-q_t(x^*)) According to the definition of H(p) for a distribution p over D and the fact that the optimal arm x^* ∈ D is unique, we can bound H(p) as H(p) = ∑_x p(x)ln1/p(x) = p(x^*)lnp(x^*)+1-p(x^*)/p(x^*) + ∑_x≠ x^*p(x)ln1/p(x) ≤ p(x^*)1-p(x^*)/p(x^*) + ∑_x≠ x^*p(x)ln1/p(x) ≤ 1-p(x^*) + (|D|-1) ∑_x≠ x^*p(x)/|D|-1ln|D|-1/∑_x≠ x^*p(x) = (1-p(x^*)) 1+ln|D|-1/(1-p(x^*)) , where the last inequality is due to Jensen's inequality. Above all, ∑_t=1^T H(q_t) ≤ ∑_t=1^T (1-q_t(x^*)) 1+ln|D|-1/(1-q_t(x^*)) ≤ ∑_t=1^T (1-q_t(x^*)) 1+lnT(|D|-1)/∑_t=1^T(1-q_t(x^*)) ≤ ∑_t=1^T(1-q_t(x^*))lne|D|T/∑_t=1^T(1-q_t(x^*)) . Based on Lemma <ref> and <ref>, we are now able to upper bound the regret as below. R(T) ≤ Odln T/c√(ln |D|) +c√(ln |D|)√(∑_t=1^T H(q_t)) ≤ Odln T/c√(ln |D|) +c√(ln |D|)√(∑_t=1^T(1-q_t(x^*))lne|D|T/∑_t=1^T(1-q_t(x^*))_term A) ≤ Odln T/c√(ln |D|) +c√(ln |D|)√(lne|D|Tmaxe, ∑_t=1^T(1-q_t(x^*)) ) = Odln T/c√(ln |D|) +c√(ln |D|)√(lne|D|Tmaxe, ∑_t=1^T(1-q_t(x^*))) = O d√(ln T)·√(lne|D|Tmaxe, ∑_t=1^T(1-q_t(x^*))) , where Eq. (<ref>) holds since term A ≤∑_t=1^T(1-q_t(x^*)) ln |D|T if ∑_t=1^T(1-q_t(x^*)) > e and term A ≤ e ln e|D|^2T/(|D|-1)=O(elne|D|T) otherwise as ∑_t=1^T(1-q_t(x^*)) ≥ 1-q_1(x^*) = 1-1/|D|; Eq. (<ref>) is due to c=d√(ln T/ln |D|). Regret analysis in the adversarial setting. According to Eq. (<ref>), since ∑_t=1^T (1-q_t(x^*)) ≤ T, it holds that R(T) ≤ Od√(ln T)√(lne|D|T· T ) = Od√(Tln T ln(|D|T)) . Regret analysis in the stochastic setting with corruptions. According to Lemma <ref>, R(T) = (1+λ)R(T) - λ R(T) ≤ O( (1+λ)· d√(ln T)·√(lne|D|Tmaxe, ∑_t=1^T(1-q_t(x^*))). . -1/2λ∑_t=1^T (1-q_t(x^*))Δ_min +λ C ) ≤ O(1+λ)^2 d^2ln T ln (|D|T) /2λΔ_min + λ C = Od^2ln T ln (|D|T)/2λΔ_min + d^2ln T ln (|D|T) /Δ_min + λ d^2ln T ln (|D|T) /2Δ_min + λ C ≤ O d^2ln T ln (|D|T) /Δ_min + √(Cd^2ln T ln (|D|T)/Δ_min) , where Eq. (<ref>) holds since a√(x) - bx/2 = a^2/2b - 1/2 a/√(b) - √(bx)≤ a^2/2b for any a,b,x≥ 0; Eq. (<ref>) holds by choosing λ = √( d^2ln T ln (|D|T)/(2Δ_min)/ d^2ln T ln (|D|T)/(2Δ_min) +C ). Further, in the purely stochastic setting with C=0, we can conclude R(T) = O d^2ln T ln (|D|T) /Δ_min. § CONCLUSION In this work, we establish the first FTRL-type BoTW algorithm for linear bandits. Our algorithm does not distinguish between the (corrupted) stochastic and adversarial environments and hence has better adaptivity than the detect-switch type algorithm of <cit.> for the same setting. When using the negative Shannon entropy as a regularizer, we prove that our algorithm achieves O(d^2log^2 T/Δ_min+√(Cd^2log^2 T/Δ_min)) and O(d√(Tlog^2 T )) regret guarantees in corrupted stochastic and adversarial environments respectively. These results achieve similar or even better orderings than the previous detect-switch method <cit.> with a much simpler algorithmic design. And as a special case of linear MDP, we believe our analysis for linear bandits also provides new insights into the BoTW problem in linear MDPs. Stochastic linear bandit problem has a special property that the optimal result is the solution of an optimization problem which has no explicit form <cit.>. And our current approach provides a d/Δ_min dependence, a natural upper bound for the solution of this optimization problem. One interesting future direction would be to investigate such optimal exploration rates under FTRL-type algorithms and derive regret bounds in the stochastic setting that enjoys the form of the solution to the optimization problem like <cit.>. Analyzing the FTRL algorithm for the BoTW problem in linear MDPs is also an important future work. named
Controlling Fractional Difference Equations Using Feedback
[ "Divya D. Joshi", "Sachin Bhalekar", "Prashant M. Gade" ]
[ "math.DS", "26A33, 39A30" ]
Tracing chirality from molecular organization to triply-periodic network assemblies: Threading biaxial twist through block copolymer gyroids Gregory M. Grason Accepted xxxx xxxxxx xx. Received xxxx xxxxxx xx; in original form xxxx xxx xx ================================================================================================================================================ One of the most popular methods of controlling dynamical systems is feedback. It can be used without acquiring detailed knowledge of the underlying system. In this work, we study the stability of fractional-order linear difference equations under feedback. The stability results are derived for an arbitrary feedback time τ. We study the cases of τ=1 and τ=2 in further detail. The extension to the stability of fixed points under feedback for nonlinear fractional order difference equations with fixed points x_*=0 is also carried out. § INTRODUCTION Differential Equations have been used for modeling various phenomena in natural sciences for a long time. This modeling helps us in understanding the physical phenomena and controlling them if necessary. The differential equations have been found useful in modeling plethora of systems. They range from the spreading of diseases <cit.>, emotional self-regulation in romantic couples <cit.>, economic development and growth <cit.> to tumor growth <cit.>. This modeling is inadequate in certain systems and generalization is required. Fractional differential equations are the generalization of differential equations for systems with memory. The order of fractional differential equations could be real or even complex. Even though fractional calculus has been around for more than 300 years, fractional differential equations are applied in real world situations only in the past few decades. We find the first mention of fractional derivatives by Leibniz and L'Hospital as early as 1695 but the very first definition of fractional derivative was introduced by Liouville and Riemann in the second half of the 19th century. Thereafter several eminent mathematicians like Caputo, Hadamard, Grunwald, Letnikov, Riesz, and others gave various definitions for fractional derivatives. This development in the field of calculus opened the door for many other fields where fractional differential equations are an essential part of mathematical modeling. The systems defined by fractional differential equations are said to be non-local. The reason is that the future depends on its entire history. Thus, systems governed by fractional differential equations have long-term memory. Hence, fractional differential equations are ideal models for systems where memory plays an important role. Such systems are found in diverse fields. In the field of material science, fractional differential equations are used to define viscoelastic materials and their order determines the amount of viscosity and elasticity present in the materials <cit.>. Fractional order epidemic models of various diseases like COVID-19 <cit.>, Ebola <cit.>, HIV <cit.>, influenza A (H1N1) <cit.> have shown promising results that helped to understand, analyze and control the spread of these diseases. Seismological studies have shown that fractional order intensity measures for probabilistic seismic demand modeling applied to highway bridges have superior performance compared to traditionally used intensity measures. This improved efficiency and proficiency, at the same time, maintaining practicality and sufficiency <cit.> for seismological applications. Several books have been devoted to applications of fractional calculus in real-life applications <cit.> and recent applications of fractional calculus in the field of science and engineering can be found in <cit.>. Fractional order systems are different from integer order systems in several respects. However, they show phenomena observed in integer order systems such as chaotic or aperiodic behavior. In certain systems, chaos is not desired and several control schemes are designed to control the chaos. Two of the most popular control schemes are the Ott-Grebogi-Yorke method <cit.> and the Pyragas method <cit.>. For the first method, we need to know the stable and unstable manifold of the desired orbit. For fractional order systems, the presence of such manifolds itself is a matter of debate <cit.>. The method that can be used without any detailed knowledge of the systems is the feedback method suggested by Pyragas. We study the possibility of controlling fixed points using feedback and show that the method indeed works in the fractional case as well. In the case of systems with delay τ, the value of the current state depends on its value τ steps back. Such systems have applications both in modeling as well as control. Fractional differential equations with delay have found applications in control theory. Control theory deals with the control of dynamical systems, uses feedback in several cases and has wide applications. Controllers may be designed using a feedback mechanism. Here, the output of the system is fed back to the system through a controller to influence the behavior of the system and give the desired output. Stability analysis of delay differential equation with control is carried out by Bhalekar <cit.>. Controllers have been designed for controlling the fractional ordered systems with input delay <cit.>. The stability of the Cournot duopoly model with distributed time delays is discussed by Culda et al. in <cit.>. The existence of chaotic behavior, stability, and its synchronization of fractional ordered systems with delay have been studied for several systems like the Ikeda system <cit.>, logistic system <cit.> and Chen system <cit.>. The ongoing scenario in the world demands newer and updated knowledge of the spreading of diseases and their controllability. As discussed earlier, fractional-order differential equations are used for modeling epidemiological problems. Certain realistic situations demand the introduction of a delay in resulting equations and could lead to better modeling and prediction. A rich dynamical behavior is obtained for the infection model of fractional order with delay <cit.>. The fractional differential equations with delay have been studied in various contexts. Rihan et al. investigated the fractional order model of the interactions of tumor cells and the immune systems with two different time delays. The stability of the solutions was observed to have improved and the model leads to various complex behaviors <cit.>. Alzahrani et al. studied the adverse effect of untimely or delayed reporting of infectious diseases more realistically by using fractional differential equations with delay <cit.>. Fractional difference equations are a relatively much less studied models. Difference equations are the discretized versions of differential equations. The study of fractional difference equations can be seen as an approach to studying fractional differential equations by the finite difference method. Furthermore, if an integer-order difference equation is generalized to a fractional-order one, then it is able to model the memory properties in the system. This is due to the non-local property of the fractional order difference operator. In this generalization, all the values of the system from an initial point are considered while evaluating the new value. These equations demand fewer computational resources and are simpler to code. The stability conditions for difference equations of fractional order and even complex order have already been obtained by <cit.>. Stability results of two-term fractional difference equations are proposed by Brandibur and Kaslik <cit.>. Stability conditions are crucial for studying the control and synchronization of the systems. For systems of complex order, we have numerically investigated a fractional difference equation along with a delay term which can be viewed as a controller <cit.>. We observed that the parameter range over which chaos is obtained is reduced on the introduction of delay term for the complex fractional Lozi map. This can be viewed as a control. One of the simplest control is a case of a fixed point where the system gives steady output. Though the above work indicates that feedback can be useful for control in fractional order maps, we need rigorous analytic conditions for practical applications. The theory of fractional finite differences is initiated by Lubich <cit.> and Miller and Ross <cit.>. The topic is further developed by Atici and coworkers <cit.>. The stability analysis of these equations is presented in <cit.>. The chaotic systems of these kinds are employed in the image processing by Abdeljawad et al. <cit.>. Atici and Sengul introduced the fractional calculus of variations and derived the discrete Euler-Lagrange equation <cit.>. A tumor-growth in cancer is modelled by using the nabla-fractional difference equations in <cit.>. Ouannas, Batiha and Pham <cit.> proposed the theory and applications of chaotic difference equations of fractional order. These systems are recently used to model COVID-19 <cit.>. Fractional order Mandelbrot set and Julia sets are studied in <cit.>. This paper gives the stability analysis for stable fixed points for systems defined by fractional difference equations coupled with a delay term. The exact analysis is carried out for the linear system and is extended to the nonlinear maps. Stabilization or destabilization of fixed points of fractional order maps with feedback is studied. Because this is a discrete system, the control term can be added proportionally to the value at the previous time. This is unlike the differential equations studied above where the control term is within the integration and thus the control is also fractional order. This is a simpler and more practical case where the control at a given time depends on the value of variable τ steps back and not the entire history. We obtain the stability bounds for this system. The analysis is essentially for linear systems. However, we observe that the same analysis gives equally good stability bounds for nonlinear maps with appropriate linearization near the zero fixed point. In this work, we have considered the h- difference operator while defining the system. For simplicity, we have taken h=1. Therefore, τ has integer values. Fractional values of τ can be considered for h1. The plan of the paper is as follows. We give essential definitions followed by the model. We carry out stability analysis of the fractional order difference equations with delay. We show that the stability conditions can be expressed in an equivalent matrix form. We study the cases τ=1 and τ=2 in greater detail. The case of large τ is also discussed briefly. Several examples are given for linear and nonlinear systems to corroborate our results with numerical evidence in various systems. § PRELIMINARIES In this section, we have given some basic definitions. Let h>0, a∈ℝ, (hℕ)_a = {a,a+h,a+2h,…} and ℕ_∘ = {0,1,2,…}. (see <cit.>) The Z-transform of a sequence {y(n)}_n=0^∞ is a complex function given by Y(z)=Z[y](z)=∑_k=0^∞ y(k) z^-k where z ∈ℂ is a complex number for which the series converges absolutely. (see <cit.>) Let h > 0 , a ∈ℝ and (hℕ)_a = { a, a+h, a+2h, …}. For a function x : (hℕ)_a →ℂ, the forward h-difference operator is defined as (Δ_h x)(t)=x(t+h)- x(t)/h, where t ∈ (hℕ)_a. Throughout this article, we take a = 0 and h = 1. We write Δ for Δ_1. Now, we generalize the fractional order operators defined in [<cit.>]. For a function x : (hℕ)_a →ℂ the fractional h-sum of order α = u +ι v ∈ℂ, u>0 is given by (_aΔ_h^-αx)(t) = h^α/Γ(α)∑_s=0^nΓ(α+n-s)/Γ(n-s+1) x(a+sh), where, t=a+(α+n)h, n ∈ℕ_∘. For h=1 and a=0 , we have (Δ^-αx)(t) = 1/Γ(α)∑_s=0^nΓ(α+n-s)/Γ(n-s+1)x(s) = ∑_s=0^n( [ n-s+α-1; n-s; ]) x(s). Here, we used the generalized binomial coefficient ( [ μ; η; ]) =Γ(μ+1)/Γ(η+1)Γ(μ-η+1), μ ,η∈ℂ, Re(μ)>0, and Re(η)>0. If n ∈ ℕ_∘ then ( [ μ; n ]) =(μ + 1)/n!Γ(μ-n+1) =μ(μ-1)…(μ-n-1)/n!. For n ∈ℕ_∘ and α=u+ι v ∈ℂ, u>0, we define ϕ̃_α(n)= ( [ n+α-1; n; ]) =(-1)^n ( [ -α; n ]). Note: The convolution ϕ̃_α*x of the sequences ϕ̃_α and x is defined as (ϕ̃_α*x)(n)=∑_s=0^nϕ̃_α(n-s)x(s) ∴ (Δ^-αx)(n)=(ϕ̃_α*x)(n) . ∴ Z(Δ^-αx)(n)=Z(ϕ̃(n))Z(x(n)) =(1-z^-1)^-αX(z), where X is Z transform of x. (see <cit.>) The time-shifting property shows how a change in the discrete function's time domain alters the Z-domain. Z[x(k-n)]=z^-nX(z) Proof: From Definition 2.1 we have, X(z)=∑_k=0^∞x(k)z^-k. Consider k-n=m i.e., k=m+n. Thus, we write the z-transform equation as Z[x(k-n)]=∑_k=0^∞x(k-n)z^-k =∑_m=0^∞x(m)z^-(m+n) =∑_m=0^∞x(m)z^-mz^-n =z^-n∑_m=0^∞x(m)z^-m =z^-nX(z) For α∈ℂ, Re(α)>0, Z(ϕ̃_α(t))=1/(1-z^-1)^α. Proof: We have, Z(ϕ̃_α(t)) = ∑_j=0^∞ϕ̃_α(j)z^-j = ∑_j=0^∞( [ j+α-1; j ])z^-j = ∑_j=0^∞(-1)^j( [ -α; j ])z^-j = (1-z^-1)^-α. by using Newton's generalization of the Binomial Theorem. <cit.>. § MODEL Consider the fractional order linear difference equation x(t)=x_0+∑_j=0^t-1Γ(t-j+α-1)/Γ(α)Γ(t-j)(a-1)x(j). In this paper, we study the stability analysis of a fractional difference equation (<ref>) coupled with a delay term. §.§ Modeling Equation Introducing the delay term in the equation as bx(t-τ), we get x(t)=b x(t-τ)+x_0+∑_j=0^t-1Γ(t-j+α-1)/Γ(α)Γ(t-j)((a-1)x(j)), where, b ∈ℝ and a ∈ℂ. ∴ x(t+1)-b x(t+1-τ)=x_0+(a-1)(ϕ̃_α*x)(t). Taking Z-transform on both sides, we get zX(z)-zx_0-b z^(1-τ)X(z) = x_0/1-z^-1+(a-1)/(1-z^-1)^αX(z). ∴ X(z)(z-b z^(1-τ)-(a-1)/(1-z^-1)^α) = zx_0+x_0/1-z^-1, where |z|<1. §.§ Characteristic Equation From (<ref>), the characteristic equation of (<ref>) is (z(1-z^-1)^α-b(1-z^-1)^αz^(1-τ)-(a-1))=0, where the condition |z|<1 should be satisfied. Putting z=e^(it), we get, e^(it)(1-e^-it)^α-b(1-e^-it)^αe^(1-τ)it-(a-1) = 0, i.e. e^(it)(1-e^-it)^α-b(1-e^-it)^αe^(1-τ)it+1 = a. §.§ Matrix Representation Equation (<ref>) can be represented equivalently as the following system x(t) = x_0+∑_j=0^t-1Γ(t-j+α-1)/Γ(α)Γ(t-j)((a-1)x(j))+b y(t), y(t)=x(t-1) for τ=1. ∴ x(t+1) = x_0+(a-1)(ϕ̃_α*x)(t)+b y(t+1). Taking z-transform, we get zX(z)-zx_0 =x_0/1-z^-1+(a-1)/(1-z^-1)^αX(z)+b(zY(z)-zy_0), Y(z)=X(z)/z+x(-1). ∴ z(1-z^-1)^αX(z)-(a-1)X(z)-bz(1-z^-1)^αY(z) = x_0(1-z^-1)^α -1 +z(1-z^-1)^αx_0-bzy_0(1-z^-1)^α, zY(z)-X(z)=zx(-1). ∴[ z(1-z^-1)^α-(a-1) -bz(1-z^-1)^α; -1 z ] [ X(z); Y(z) ] =0. ∴ z(1-z^-1)^α-(a-1) -bz(1-z^-1)^α -1 z =0. i.e. z(1-z^-1)^α-b(1-z^-1)^α+1=a. This is the equation for the model with τ=1. Similarly, for τ=2 we get, z(1-z^-1)^α-(a-1) 0 -bz(1-z^-1)^α -1 (z-1)+1 0 0 -1 (z-1)+1 =0. We can generalize and write τ+1 dimensional determinant for delay τ as follows. z(1-z^-1)^α-(a-1) 0 0 … -bz(1-z^-1)^α -1 (z-1)+1 0 … 0 0 -1 (z-1)+1 … 0 ⋮ ⋱ ⋱ … ⋮ 0 … -1 (z-1)+1 0 0 0 … -1 (z-1)+1 =0. §.§ Boundary curve Separating real and imaginary parts of equation (<ref>), we get Re(a)=2^α(sin(t/2))^α(cos(απ/2+t(1-α/2))-bcos(απ/2+t(1-τ-α/2) ))+1, Im(a)=2^α(sin(t/2))^α(sin(απ/2+t(1-α/2))-bsin(απ/2+t(1-τ-α/2) )). Therefore, the parametric representation of the boundary condition is β(t)= {2^α(sin(t/2))^α(cos(απ/2+t(1-α/2))-bcos(απ/2+t(1-τ-α/2) ))+1, 2^α(sin(t/2))^α(sin(απ/2+t(1-α/2))-bsin(απ/2+t(1-τ-α/2) ))} , for t ∈ [0,2π] in the complex plane. If the complex number a lies inside this anticlockwise oriented simple closed curve β(t) then the system (<ref>) will be asymptotically stable. §.§ Stability Analysis with τ=1 Consider the delayed fractional order equation (<ref>) with τ=1. Let b=g_1(α), b=g_2(α) and b=g_4(α) be the bifurcation curves as shown in Figure <ref> in b α-plane which are the branches of the implicit curve g(b,α) = bαcos(1/2(1+α)(π-arctan(R/S))) -(-1+α)cos(1/2(π(1+α)-(-1+α)arctan(R/S))) +sin(1/2(πα-(-3+α)arctan(R/S))), where, R=-1+α+bα-bα^2 -√((1+bα)^2(1-2α+4bα+α^2))/bα, and S = -√(2)/bα(-(1+2(-1+b)b^2α^3 +b^2α^4+α^2-3b^2α^2-2α+2bα +(1-α-bα+bα^2)(√((1+bα^2) (1-2α+4bα+α^2)))))^1/2. Furthermore, define the curve b=g_3(α) as the straight line b=-1 in the b α-plane. We have the following stability results: 1. If b ∈ (-∞,g_4(α)) ∪ (g_1(α),∞), then the system (<ref>) is unstable. 2. If g_4(α)<b<g_3(α), then the boundary curve (<ref>) produces three disjoint regions; two of which are stable and one is unstable. 3. If g_3(α)<b<g_2(α), then the boundary curve (<ref>) generates a bounded region which is a stable region for the system. 4. If g_2(α)<b<g_1(α), then the single stable region in case 3 gets divided into two regions; one is stable and the other is unstable. 5. If b=g_2(α), then the curve (<ref>) is a smooth curve and the inside part is stable. 6. If b=g_3(α), then β(0)=β(π) and the stable region gets divided into two parts. 7. If b=g_1(α) or b=g_4(α), then the curve β will have cusps. Proof: The boundary curve β(t) defined by (<ref>) is closed because the initial point β(0) has the same value as that of final point β(2π). If β(t) is simple and its orientation is anticlockwise (positive) then the bounded part inside this curve is the stable region for the system (<ref>). As the parameter values change, the simple closed curve β(t) transforms to the non-simple curve i.e. a curve containing multiple points. Therefore, the region bounded by the branch of the non-simple curve β(t) with anticlockwise orientation is the required stable region for the system (<ref>). It is observed that the formation of cusps in β(t) is responsible for the generation of multiple points (self-intersections). Thus, the parameter values at which cusps are produced in β(t) are the points of bifurcation. At the cuspidal point β(t_0), the curve β(t)=(x(t),y(t)) cannot have the derivative β'(t)=y'(t)/x'(t). Here, x(t) and y(t) are the coordinates of the curve β(t). In this case, lim_t→ t_0β'(t) can take either 0/0 or ∞/∞ form. It is observed that at initial point t=0, this limit takes ∞/∞ form. Therefore, the initial point β(0) is responsible for the bifurcations in some cases. To check another possibility (i.e. 0/0 form), we solve the equations x'(t)=0 and y'(t)=0 simultaneously. We eliminate t between these equations and get a relation in the parameters b and α. This is carried out by squaring and adding the equations x'(t)=0 and y'(t)=0. Now, we get the value of t as functions of b and α. Substituting this t value in the equation y'(t)=0, we get the implicit expression (<ref>). This curve g(b,α)=0 has 3 branches viz b=g_1(α), b=g_2(α) and b=g_4(α) as shown in Figure <ref>. Note that, b=g_2(α) is the straight line b=1 in the b α-plane. Furthermore, the curve β(t) intersects itself at β(0) and β(π) as the parameter b passes through the value -1. At this intersection point β(0)=β(π), β'(t) does not exist at t=0,π and we have a bifurcation apart from cusps. Thus, b=-1 is also a bifurcation curve in the b-α plane. We denote it by b=g_3(α). If the b value is above the curve b=g_1(α), the orientation of the boundary curve β(t) becomes clockwise and hence the system becomes unstable for the values of 'a' in the bounded as well as unbounded regions described by β(t). As b passes through the curve b=g_1(α), the β(t) becomes multiple curves and generates stable and unstable bounded regions as shown in Figure <ref>. If we keep on decreasing the value of b the unstable part becomes smaller and vanishes at b=1. Note that β is smooth at t=0 for g_1(α)<b≤ g_2(α). If g_2(α)<b<g_3(α) then the β(t) is a simple closed curve with an anticlockwise orientation. Therefore, the region bounded by β(t) is the stable region and the unbounded part of the complex plane is the unstable region. As we take the values of b between the curves b=g_3(α) and b=g_4(α), β(t) produces two stable and one unstable bounded regions as shown in the Figure <ref>. The size of the unstable region increases if we decrease the value of b. At the bifurcation curve b=g_4(α), the stable regions vanish completely and the β(t) becomes a simple closed curve with clockwise orientation. Thus, the system is completely unstable for b<g_3(α). This proves the result. §.§ Illustrative Examples In this section, we provide corroborating evidence for stability results obtained in the above section for τ=1 and various values of b. We study various regions shown in Figure <ref>. Let us begin with the region that lies above g_1(α). We take b=18.3 and α=0.1 (Figure <ref>). Here, we observe a non-smooth curve β(t) with cusps on both ends. The number a=-2 lies inside the unstable region according to Figure <ref> and a=(0.4+0.4ι) which lies outside the curve, is unstable as well (Figure <ref>). The system is unstable for any value of parameter a. Now consider the region between b=g_1(α) and b=g_2(α). Consider b=2 and α=0.5. Here, the stability curve is divided into two parts (see Figure <ref>). Consider a system (<ref>) with a=-1.2. It is inside the stable region and we get a stable trajectory as seen in Figure <ref> For a=0.2, which lies in the unstable region we get an unstable solution (Figure <ref>). The solutions for the values of a lying outside the stability curve were checked and found unstable. On the boundary b=g_2(α) which is described by b=1 for any α. Consider the stability curve for α=0.4 and b=1(see Figure <ref>). It generates a single region. The quantity a=0.5 inside the curve leads to a stable solution. For a=-0.7ι outside the curve, an unstable solution is observed. For b in the region between b=g_2(α) and b=g_3(α), a single stable region (Figure <ref>) is observed. For α=0.3 and b=0.1, the value a=0.3 is inside this region and gives a stable solution (Figure <ref>). On the other hand, a=-0.4 lies outside the stable region and leads to an unstable solution (Figure <ref>). Examples with values of b on the boundary curves give limiting cases. For example b=g_2(α)=1 is the limiting value of b at which a single stable region is observed and for in the next region, we have one stable and one unstable region inside the stability curve. ( See Example 3.3, 3.2). Similarly for b=g_3(α)=-1 the values for t=0 and t=π touch each on the real axis and we have two stable regions. For b<g_3(α)=-1, we have 3 regions one of which is unstable. Consider the stability curve for α=0.7 and b=-1 (see Figure <ref>). Stable trajectories are observed for a=1.1+0.5ι and a=1.3-0.8ι (Figure <ref> and <ref> respectively). We checked the stability of the parameter values lying outside the curve and verified that they are unstable. Now we consider region lying between b=g_3(α) and b=g_4(α). The stability curve for α=0.2 and b=-3 is sketched as shown in Figure <ref>. The curve has three regions, two of which look identical due to symmetry with respect to the real axis. The system with a=(4+1.3ι) has a stable solution (see Figure <ref>). (Similarly, a=(4-1.3ι) leads to a stable trajectory.) Thus these two regions have stable solutions. On the other hand, for a in the third region (say, a=2), we observe unstable trajectories (see Figure <ref>). It was checked that the parameter values a lying outside the stability curve lead to unstable solutions. The last region lies below the curve b=g_4(α). Consider α=0.5 and b=-2.2, the curve β (see Figure <ref>) encloses a single region. There are no stable values of a inside or outside the region. Consider a=1.5 and a=2.8. Both values lead to unstable trajectories (see Figure <ref> and <ref>, respectively). § STABILITY RESULT FOR Τ=2 Now consider the delayed fractional order equation (<ref>) with τ=2. The dynamics is richer and leads to five boundary curves that demarcate qualitatively different behaviors. Let b=g_j(α), j=1,2,⋯,5 be the bifurcation curves in the b α-plane (cf. Figure <ref>) which are the branches of the implicit curve. g(b,α)= cos(1/2(πα-(-3+α)K)) -b(1+α)cos(1/2(πα-(3+α)K)) +bsin(1/2(1+α)(π-K)) +(α-1)sin(1/2(π(1+α)-(-1+α)K)), where, K=arccos(-2+2α-α^2+b^2(2+2α+α^2)/2(-1+α+b^2(1+α))). For any α∈(0,1), -1=g_5(α)<g_4(α)<g_3(α)<g_2(α)<g_1(α)=1. The stability results for the system (<ref>) with τ=2 are as follows: 1. If b ∈ (-∞,g_5(α)) ∪ (g_1(α),∞), then the system is unstable. 2. If g_5(α)<b<g_4(α), then the boundary curve β(t) generates four regions; of which the outer three are unstable and the central one is stable. 3. If g_4(α)<b<g_3(α), then the number of unstable regions reduces to one while the number of the stable region remains the same, i.e. one. The two unstable regions described in Case 2 merge with the stable region and hence the size of the stable region, in this case, is larger than that of in Case 2. 4. If g_3(α)<b<g_2(α), then the region produced by the boundary curve is a single closed curve which is stable. 5. If g_2(α)<b<g_1(α), then the boundary curve produces three regions, one stable and two unstable. Now we consider the boundary cases: 1. If b=g_5(α)=-1, then the curve β(t) has three regions and all the regions are unstable. 2. If b=g_4(α), then the curve β(t) has two regions, a stable region with two cusps on the right side and an unstable region. 3. If b=g_3(α), then the curve β(t) has a single stable region with a cusp on the left side. 4. If b=g_2(α), then the curve β(t) has a single region that is stable and has two cusps. 5. If b=g_1(α)=1, then the curve β(t) has two regions and both regions are unstable. Proof: As discussed in the proof of Theorem 3.1, as the parameter values change the simple closed curve β(t)=(x(t), y(t)) possesses multiple points and generates different bounded regions, in this case also. Among these, the regions with the anticlockwise oriented boundary are the stable ones. The multiple points are generated through the cusps. To find the conditions for the 0/0 form of lim_t→ t_0β'(t), we solve x'(t)=0 and y'(t)=0 simultaneously. Squaring and adding these equations, we get t=arccos(2(α-1)-α^2+b^2(α^2+2α+2)/2(b^2(1+α)+α-1)) . Substituting this value in the equation x'(t)=0, we get the expression for the existence of cusps in β(t) as equation (<ref>). This implicit curve g(b,α) has 5 branches namely b=g_j(α), j=1,2,⋯,5 as shown in Figure <ref>. These bifurcation curves produce 6 different regions labeled as A, B, C, D, E, and F of b- α plane (see Figure <ref>). We list our observations below: If the point (b,α) belongs to the region A i.e., if b>g_1(α), the boundary curve β(t) is a simple closed curve with a clockwise orientation. Thus, the regions inside as well as outside β(t) are unstable. In the region B, we have g_2(α)<b<g_1(α). Here, β(t) becomes a multiple curve and has two unstable and one stable bounded region. As b decreases in B, the range of stable region goes on increasing. If g_3(α)<b<g_2(α) (i.e. region C), β(t) becomes a simple closed curve with anticlockwise orientation. Thus the inside part of β(t) is the stable region and the outside part is unstable. As the value of b goes on decreasing, the stable region gets stretched horizontally and a cusp is formed for b=g_3(α). As b is further reduced i.e., when g_4(α)<b<g_3(α) (i.e. region D), the cusp on the boundary curve β(t) evolves into a loop-shaped structure of clockwise orientation making β a multiple curve with one stable and one unstable region. As the value of b moves closer towards g_4(α), the area of unstable regions increases. At the bifurcation curve b=g_4(α), two cusps are observed on the boundary curve β on the right side. In region E (g_5(α)<b<g_4(α)), both of the cusps on the right of β evolve into two unstable regions along with the previous unstable region on the left side. Thus, the boundary curve β(t) has 3 unstable regions and one stable region. Reducing the value of b further results in the reduction of the size of the stable region. When b reaches the bifurcation curve b=g_5(α), the stable region disappears completely, leaving the boundary curve β(t) with 3 unstable regions. These regions are unstable as a result of their clockwise orientation. In region F, i.e. for b<g_5(α) the boundary curve has four bounded unstable regions with a clockwise orientation. Thus, below the bifurcation curve g_5(α), the system becomes completely unstable for all values of a. As in the case of τ=1, we have checked all the above results numerically. § ASYMPTOTIC LIMIT OF LARGE DELAY We observe that we can stabilize a larger range of a values with τ=1 compared to τ=2. The reason is that there are more routes to instability for larger τ. We now consider the system (<ref>) for higher τ values. Let us take τ=20,21,40 and 41 for α=0.2. The boundary curves β have been plotted for the values of b=-0.5 and b=0.5 in the figures <ref> (a) and (b) respectively. In both figures, the stable region is in the center and is surrounded by the spring-like structure. This spring-like structure has a clockwise orientation and thus it is unstable. On the real axis, the upper bound is one. The lower bound is indicated intersection of the stability curve with the real axis. The lower bound of real stable a is at β(π) when τ is even and b is positive or τ is odd and b is negative. However, as we increase τ, the lower bound approaches β(π). For a given τ, the stable region depends slightly on whether τ is even or odd and the sign of b. This dependence reduces as we increase τ. The upper bound is fixed at t=0 for the boundary curve β(t), the lower bound approaches β(π). We find that for large τ, the stable range of a does not depend on the sign of b and is given by a=1+2^α(| b | -1). The b-a curves plotted in the figures <ref> and <ref> can be used to determine the values of feedback coefficient b to get the maximum stable range. As τ increases the b-a curve reaches a limiting region. As mentioned above, the stable b-a region is given by a=1 and a=1+2^α(| b | -1) as τ→∞. In a control system, the feedback term can be selected according to the requirements of the systems. We see that the maximum range of asymptotically stable fixed points can be obtained in the case of τ=1. So, one can use τ=1 to maximize the range of asymptotically stable fixed points of the system. Large delay can be used if the system requires enhanced chaos. § EFFICACY OF CONTROL FOR LARGE NEGATIVE MULTIPLIERS The range of stable real value of a ranges from 1-2^α to 1 for system (<ref>). The real range for integer order difference equation is between -1 and 1. There is a reduction in the real range for fractional order maps. Now a=-7 is outside stable range for any 0<α≤1. The stability of system (<ref>) depends on the feedback coefficient ‘b’ and the delay ‘τ’. For b=0 , we have system (<ref>) without feedback. Figure <ref> shows stability curves for system (<ref>) with α=0.25,τ=1, b=0 (in black) and b=6 (in red). The point a=-7 lies outside the black stability curve. It is enclosed within small stable region of the red curve. We analyze the stability of this point in both cases. We iterate the systems for t=500 time-steps. For b=0 case, the trajectory diverges and the solution is unstable (see Figure <ref>(a)). For b=6 case, the trajectory asymptotically converges to zero and the solution is stable(see Figure <ref>(b)). Thus large negative multipliers can be stabilized with feedback for τ=1. For the system (<ref>) with τ=2, the effect is less dramatic. Figure <ref> shows the stability curves for systems (<ref>) with α=0.5,τ=2, b=0 (in black) and b=-0.6 (in blue). In the first case b=0, the point a=-1.1 lies outside the black stability curve and has an unstable solution (see Figure <ref>(a)). In second case b=-0.6, the point a=-1.1 lies inside the blue stability curve and has a stable solution as seen in Figure <ref>(b). Thus, it is possible to stabilize a larger range of parameter values for a fractional order system by adding a feedback term with delay (system (<ref>)). The case of τ =1 gives the maximum range of stability with appropriate b and is recommended for control. § NONLINEAR MAPS Consider a fractional order map with a feedback control x(t)=x_0 + bx(t-τ)+1/Γ(α)∑_j=1^tΓ(t-j+α)/Γ(t-j+1)[f(x(j-1))-x(j-1)]. A steady-state solution of (<ref>) is called an equilibrium point. Thus, if x_* is an equilibrium point of (<ref>) then x_0=x_* implies x(t)=x_* for all t=1,2,⋯. Note that, the only equilibrium point of (<ref>) is x_*=0 when we have f(0)=0. Therefore, we consider the systems (<ref>) with equilibrium point x_*=0. In a neighborhood of the point x_*=0, we have f(x)≈ f(x_*)+(x-x_*)f'(x_*)=a x, where a=f'(0). Thus, the local stability properties of the nonlinear system (<ref>) at x_*=0 are the same as those of the linear system (<ref>). We consider only real values of a and b, in this case. Therefore, the stable region given by the curve β(t) defined by (<ref>) is bounded by the curves a=1, a=-2^α(1-b(-1)^τ) and the parametric curve a(t)=2^α(sin(t/2))^α(cos(απ/2+t(1-α/2))-sin(απ/2+t(1-α/2))(απ/2+t(1-τ-α/2) ))+1, b(t)=sin(απ/2+t(1-α/2))/sin(απ/2+t(1-τ-α/2)), t∈[0,2π] in the b-a plane. We denote these curves as b-a curves. Thus, the system (<ref>) can be controlled if the point (b,a) with a=f'(0) lies inside the region bounded by these curves. We consider the nonlinear systems (<ref>) of fractional order α and delay τ. The fractional logistic map in this model is defined by the equation (<ref>) with f(x)=λ x(1-x), where λ is a parameter and a=λ(1-2x_*)=λ. Similarly, the fractional cubic map is (<ref>) with f(x)=β x^3+(1-β)x, where a=3β x_*^2+(1-β)=1-β. Figure <ref> shows the stability regions of all these systems for the τ=1 for various values of α. We iterate these maps for T time-steps where T is large and the equilibrium or asymptotic equilibrium point is assumed to be stable if the convergence is obtained within δ. We know the boundaries of the stable fixed point in the b-a-plane a for linear system. For a=f'(0), we observe that the (b,a) values for stable fixed point lie in the analytically obtained bounds for both τ=1 and τ=2. For τ=1, we have plotted (b,a) values in Figure <ref> for α=0.25,0.5,0.75. It is observed for all the stable zero fixed points of the logistic, and cubic maps lie within the stable region defined by the b-a curves. We find that this b-a region indeed encloses the stability region and gives precise bounds. Thus if the stable equilibrium point is known, the required strength of feedback for which the equilibrium point is stabilized can be found. The uncontrolled case corresponds to b=0 and if we want to stabilize (or destabilize) the equilibrium point an appropriate value of b can be used and desired range of stability can be obtained. We have studied α=0.25,0.5,0.75 and τ=1. For τ=1, the stability region decreases in size with an increasing α. Figure <ref> confirms that the stable fixed point of the fractional maps lies within the curve enclosed by the α dependent b-a curves. Similarly, for τ=2, stability regions can be obtained for various values of α. The stable regions for the zero fixed point for logistic, and cubic map with fractional order α=0.5 and τ=2 lie within the stable region derived for linear case (see Figure <ref>). Now we consider the case of large τ. We consider the fractional logistic map defined by the equation (<ref>) with f(x)=λ x(1-x), where f'(0)=λ=a. We iterate this map for T=6×10^4 and the equilibrium point is assumed to be asymptotically stable if convergence is obtained within δ=10^-7. Here, we consider α=0.75 and τ=100. The triangular stability region encloses the asymptotically stable fixed points for the fractional logistic map. This is the generalized stable region for large τ. From the Figure <ref> it is clear that the range of stable region does not increase for any nonzero value of b. It decreases with larger | b|. Thus, the large delay is not useful in stabilizing the fixed point for the fractional system (<ref>) and the best results are obtained with τ=1. However, as mentioned above, larger τ can be used to destabilize the stable system. The control term in this model is a delay term with coefficient `b'. In figure <ref> (a) and (c), an increment in the range of nonzero stable fixed points can be seen. We observe that the proper selection of control parameter b results in an extension of the range of the stable fixed points of the system. The maximum range of the nonzero stable fixed points can be found with the help of the b-a curve for that particular α value the of fractional system. The range of the stability of nonzero fixed points is extended in presence of feedback. Preliminary numerical investigations indicate that the above conditions are necessary but not sufficient for the stability of nonzero fixed points. Further analytic investigations are needed to find the stability of nonzero fixed points. Figures <ref> (b) and (d) show the time series of the system. § DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION Fractional order systems with delay have been investigated in many contexts. In neural networks, numerous works have been done. In <cit.>, stability conditions, and the existence of Hopf bifurcation for fractional order BAM neural network (FOBAMNN) with delay have been established. In <cit.>, FOBAMNN with four delays has been turned into two delays and a correlation between stability and delay term has been studied. Investigation of fractional order neural network with multiple leakage delay shows that both fractional order and time delay are very important in controlling the transient behaviors of the FONN devised in <cit.>. The stability of fractional order triangle multi-delayed neural networks has been studied in <cit.>. A comparative study of integer order and fractional order delayed BAM neural network shows increased stability region <cit.>. In <cit.>, sufficient conditions for different delays for ensuring stability and generation of Hopf bifurcation have been demonstrated. Stability and bifurcation of an isovalent version of a fractional-order stage-structured predator–prey system have been investigated in <cit.>. Global asymptotic stabilization of fractional-order memristor-based neural networks (FMNNs) with time delay can be achieved by adjusting two groups of parameters as illustrated in <cit.>. The analysis of fractional order Bloch equation with delay shows behaviors ranging from damped oscillations to oscillations with increasing amplitude for various values of delay <cit.>. In this work, we carry out basic investigations in the context of fractional order diffference equations. Control of chaos in dynamical systems is an important aspect of studies in the theory of dynamical systems from viewpoint of applications. In integer order differential and difference equations, it is a well-studied problem both experimentally and theoretically. One of the simplest control schemes is feedback and the Pyragas method is one such method with feedback delay control to stabilize the chaotic systems. In this work, we studied systems defined by fractional difference equations coupled with a delay term. The delay term acts as a control in this system. We give analytic conditions for the stability of the fixed point of these systems for the arbitrary delay. More detailed analysis is carried out for τ=1 and τ=2 followed by analysis for asymptotic limit. A detailed analysis is carried out for τ=1 and τ=2. We give all bifurcation curves. They are given by g(b,α). For real maps, we give the generalized stable regions for τ=1, τ=2 and in the asymptotic limit. Using g(b,α), we obtain the upper and lower bound of b for particular α for which the stable regions exist. The stability region of a system depends on the fractional order α, delay τ, and the control parameter b. For nonlinear map f(x), the zero fixed point with slope 'a=f'(0)' in the same b-a range. The boundary curve (<ref>) may enclose stable and/or unstable region/s for multiple combinations of α, τ and b. The criterion for finding out the stable and unstable region is also given using the orientation of the curve. Finally, we have studied nonlinear systems with fixed point x_*=0. Thus the results apply to a broad range of systems and this is a practical scheme for control. Our analysis can be used to stabilize/destabilize the fractional order difference system by introducing the appropriate delay term. The chaotic systems can be stabilized by selecting the delay τ=1 whereas the stable system can be made unstable/chaotic by selecting a larger value for τ. § ACKNOWLEDGEMENT PMG and DDJ thank DST-SERB for financial assistance (Ref. CRG/2020/003993). plain
An axiomatization of matroids and oriented matroids as conditional independence models
[ "Xiangying Chen" ]
[ "math.CO", "05B35 (Primary) 52C40, 62B10, 62R01 (Secondary)" ]
Matroids and semigraphoids are discrete structures abstracting and generalizing linear independence among vectors and conditional independence among random variables, respectively. Despite the different nature of conditional independence from linear independence, deep connections between these two areas are found and still undergoing active research. In this paper, we give a characterization of the embedding of matroids into conditional independence structures and its oriented counterpart, which lead to new axiom systems of matroids and oriented matroids. Multipolar Acoustic Source Reconstruction from Sparse Far-Field Data using ALOHA[1] Yukun Guo[2] Abdul Wahab[3] [4] Xianchao Wang[2] March 30, 2023 =================================================================================== § INTRODUCTION For a finite ground set E we denote by 𝒜_E:={ (ij|K):K⊆ E,i≠ j∈ E\ K } the set of conditional independent statements (CI-statements) (ij|K) on E. We usually use the ground set [n]={1,…,n} and write 𝒜_n:=𝒜_[n] for convenience. A conditional independence structure (CI-structure) 𝒢⊆𝒜_E on E is a subset of 𝒜_E. Notational convention: In this paper we use the “Matúš notation". Subsets (possibly empty) are denoted by upper case letters, singletons are denoted by lower case letters, concatenation of letters means disjoint union of sets. In particular, i and j are exchangeable in the notation (ij|K) of a CI-statement. If the CI-structure 𝒢 is clear in the context, we write i j|K iff (ij|K)∈𝒢 and i j|K iff (ij|K)∉𝒢. If a condition is appeared as an axiom, it should be valid for all subsets and singletons of the ground set such that the expression makes sense, for example, subsets are assumed to be disjoint whenever they are written in concatenation. Let ξ=(ξ_1,…,ξ_n) be an n-dimensional random vector, and we denote “random variables ξ_i and ξ_j are conditionally independent given {ξ_l:l∈ K}" by i j|K. Then the CI-structure [[ξ]]:={(ij|K)∈𝒜_n: i j|K} satisfies the semigraphoid axiom <cit.> (SG) i j|K ∧ iℓ |jK ⇒ iℓ |K ∧ i j|ℓ K. A CI-structure is a semigraphoid if it satisfies the axiom (SG). As in the case of matroids and linear independence, there exist semigraphoids which does not come from the conditional independence among any random vector. The CI-structures coming from random vectors are not finitely axiomatizable <cit.>, however they are approximated by semigraphoids <cit.>. In <cit.> a geometric characterization of semigraphoids is given and is referred to as convex rank tests. A CI-statement (ij|K)∈𝒜_n is associated to the set of walls {𝐱∈ℝ^n:x_k_1≥⋯≥ x_k_s≥ x_i=x_j≥ x_ℓ_1≥⋯≥ x_ℓ_n-s-2} for k_1⋯ k_s=K and ℓ_1 ⋯ℓ_n-s-2=[n]\ ijK, in the permutohedral fan Σ_A_n. Semigraphoids are exactly the subsets 𝒢 of 𝒜_n such that the removal of all walls corresponding to the elements of 𝒢 from the permutohedral fan Σ_A_n results in a coarser fan. If the resulting fan is polytopal, that is, the normal fan of a polytope, then the semigraphoid is structural or a semimatroid, and the polytope is a generalized permutohedron <cit.>. Generalized permutohedra can be characterized in several ways <cit.>. A set function h 2^[n]→ℝ is submodular if h(∅)=0 and h(A)+h(B)≥ h(A∩ B)+h(A∪ B) for any A,B⊆ [n]. Submodular functions are bijectively corresponding to the generalized permutohedra as their support functions. Therefore a CI-structure 𝒢⊆𝒜_n is a semimatroid iff there is a submodular function h 2^[n]→ℝ such that 𝒢={ (ij|K)∈𝒜_n: h(iK)+h(jK)=h(ijK)+h(K) }=:[[h]]. Semimatroids encode the combinatorial data of generalized permutohedra: Two generalized permutohedra define the same semimatroid iff their face lattices are same. The lattice of semimatroids ordered by inclusion is isomorphic to the dual of the face lattice of the cone of submodular functions <cit.>. Submodular functions appear and are well investigated in various branches of mathematics. They are important in the modeling of conditional independence as well <cit.>. If ξ is an n-dimensional discrete random vector, that is, a random vector which takes finite number of values, and h_ξ 2^[n]→ℝ maps every subset S⊆ [n] to the Shannon entropy of the subvector ξ_S, then h is submodular and [[ξ]]=[[h_ξ]] <cit.>. The same also holds for the measures with finite multiinformation <cit.>, which contain the class of discrete random vectors and the class of regular normally distributed random vectors. A submodular function r 2^[n]→ℤ is the rank function of a matroid M on [n] if it is integer-valued, subcardinal r(A)≤ |A| ∀ A⊆ [n] and monotonic r(A)≤ r(B) ∀ A⊆ B⊆ [n]. A set S ⊆ [n] is independent in M if r(S)=|S| and otherwise dependent. Minimal dependent sets are circuits and maximal independent sets are bases of M. The basis polytope 𝒫_M⊆ [0,1]^n of the matroid M is the convex hull of the indicator vectors 𝐞_B=∑_i∈ B𝐞_i∈ℝ^n of all bases B of M. It is the generalized permutohedron whose support function is r. One of the most fascinating facts of matroids is that they can be defined in hundreds of different ways. The axiom systems arise from various areas of mathematics, they are elegant and define different natural looking objects that are indeed equivalent, however the equivalence can be far from obvious. This equivalence of axiomatically defined objects is called the “cryptomorphism". For instance, rank functions of matroids are cryptomorphic to polytopes whose vertex coordinates are 0 or 1 and edges are parallel to 𝐞_i-𝐞_j, by taking their basis polytopes. Classic axiom systems of matroids and the cryptomorphic among them can be found in the Appendix in <cit.>. Recently, matroids are proven to be cryptomorphic to Stanley-Reisner rings whose symbolic powers are Cohen-Macaulay <cit.> (see <cit.> for more commutative-algebraic axiom systems), tropical varieties of degree 1 <cit.>, supports of multiaffine Lorentzian polynomials <cit.> and simplicial complexes whose combinatorial atlases are hyperbolic <cit.>. In this paper, we show that matroids are cryptomorphic to semigraphoids satisfying a single additional axiom (MCI) and oriented matroids are cryptomorphic to oriented CI-structures satisfying the axioms (OCI1)-(OCI5). We assume that the reader is familiar with the terminologies and basic facts about matroids and oriented matroids, which can be found in <cit.>. § MATROIDS AS CI-STRUCTURES A matroid M on [n] with rank function r defines a CI-structure [[M]]:=[[r]]={ (ij|K)∈𝒜_n:r(iK)+r(jK)=r(ijK)+r(K) }. In other words, [[M]] is the semimatroid of the submodular function r. If M is loopless, one can recover its rank function from its CI-structure [[M]] recursively by r(∅)=0, r(singleton)=1 and r(ijK)= r(iK)+r(jK)-r(K) i j |K r(iK)+r(jK)-r(K)-1 i j|K. Alternatively, we can recover the independent sets ℐ(M) of the matroid M by ℐ(M)={S⊆ [n]:𝒜_S⊆ [[M]]}, where 𝒜_S:={ (ij|K):K⊆ S,i≠ j∈ S\ K }. Replacing a loop i∈ [n] by a coloop and replacing a coloop i by a loop correspond to the translation of matroid polytope by -𝐞_i and 𝐞_i, respectively. They do not affect the normal fan and thus the semimatroid stays unchanged. In this paper we consider loopless matroids as the representatives in every class of matroids on [n] whose base polytopes have the same normal fan. In <cit.>, Matúš connected conditional independence to matroid theory by embedding matroids into CI-structures and investigating their probabilistic representability, and introducing the matroid theoretic tools to the research of conditional independence. He stated that a CI-structure can be defined by a matroid iff the sets obtained by (<ref>) are the independent sets of a matroid whose CI-structure is again the original one. Here we characterize these CI-structures by axioms in type of inference rules. A CI-structure 𝒢⊆𝒜_n is defined by a loopless matroid M iff it satisfies (MCI) i j|K⇒ iℓ |jKL, (SG) i j|K ∧ iℓ |jK ⇒ iℓ |K ∧ i j|ℓ K. Moreover, the correspondence between matroids and CI-structures satisfying (MCI) and (SG) is one-to-one. Let M be a matroid on [n] with rank function r. The rank function axioms of matroids imply that i j|K in [[M]] iff r(iK)=r(jK)=r(ijK)=r(K)+1. From the second equality and submodularity r(ijK)+r(jKL)≥ r(ijKL)+r(jK) and monotonicity r(ijKL)≥ r(jkL) of r, we have r(ijKL)=r(jKL). This contradicts iℓ |jKL. So is (MCI) proven. The condition (SG) is the semigraphoid axiom. It is always satisfied by semimatroids. Now Let 𝒢⊆𝒜_n be a CI-structure satisfying (MCI) and (SG). We need to show that a function r 2^[n]→ℕ is uniquely defined by the recursion (<ref>) and it is the rank function of a matroid. To show the well-definedness of r(S) we apply induction on the cardinality c of S. For c∈{0,1} the function value r(S) is given by the initial condition. For c=2, r(ij)=1 if i j| and 2 otherwise. Assume that c≥ 3 and r(S) is uniquely defined for any S with |S|<c. What is left to check is that we got the same value r(ijkL) for |ijkL|=c by applying (<ref>) to different conditional (in)dependence statements, namely, r(ikL)+r(jkL)-r(kL) i j |kL r(ikL)+r(jkL)-r(kL)-1 i j|kL = r(ijL)+r(jkL)-r(jL) i k |jL r(ijL)+r(jkL)-r(jL)-1 i k |jL. * i j |kL and i k |jL: From (SG) we have i k|L. By i k |jL and (MCI) we have i j|L. Therefore r(ikL)+r(jkL)-r(kL) =r(iL)-r(L)-1+r(jkL) =r(ijL)+r(jkL)-r(jL)-1. The case i k |jL and i j |kL follows by symmetry. * i j |kL and i k |jL: By (MCI) we have i j|L and i k|L. * i j |kL and i k |jL: If i j|L, by (SG) we have i k|L. If i j|L, we have i k|L instead by (SG). In both cases the equality follows. To show that r is the rank function of a matroid, what is left to show is r(i_1⋯ i_s)-r(i_2⋯ i_s)∈{0,1}. Applying (<ref>) s-2 times, we have r(i_1⋯ i_s)-r(i_2⋯ i_s)=r(i_1)-r(∅)-a=1-a, where a=|{ (i_1i_s|i_2⋯ i_s-1),(i_1i_s-1|i_2⋯ i_s-2),…, (i_1i_2|) }\𝒢|. The condition (MCI) implies that at most one of (i_1i_s|i_2⋯ i_s-1), (i_1i_s-1|i_2⋯ i_s-2), …,(i_1i_3|i_2), (i_1i_2|) can be a conditional dependent statement, i.e. not in 𝒢, therefore a is either 0 or 1. We remark that sometimes it may be more convenient to write the condition (MCI) in the following form i j|K ∨ iℓ| jKL ∀ iℓ jKL⊆ [n]. Since semigraphoids satisfying (MCI) are cryptomorphic to loopless matroids, we call such CI-structures matroids as well, and we can read off the CI-structure from other formulations of the matroid. The following lemma will be used repeatedly. For any K⊆ [n] and i≠ j∈ [n]\ K, i j|K iff there is a circuit C such that ij⊆ C⊆ ijK and every circuit in ijK contains either both i,j or none of them. Let C be a circuit such that i∈ C⊆ iK. Then r(C)=r(C\ i). Together with r(iK)=r(K)+1 it contradicts the submodularity r(C)+r(K)≥ r(iK)+r(C\ i). If there is no circuit in ijK containing i,j, then i and j are coloops in ijK. Then r(ijK)=r(iK)+1, so we have i j|K. Now assume that i j|K and there is a circuit ijK' such that K'⊆ K. We want to show that there exists a circuit containing exactly one of i,j. From i j|K we have r(iK)+r(jK)=r(ijK)+r(K), and as ijK' is a circuit, r(ijK')=r(jK'). By submodularity r(jK)+r(ijK')≥ r(ijK)+r(jK') and monotonicity, we have r(jK)=r(ijK) and therefore r(iK)=r(K). So there is a circuit C' such that i∈ C'⊆ iK. We summarize the following characterizations for the conditional dependence (ij|K)∉ [[M]]. They are merely straightforward reformulations of the statements stated previously. Let M be a matroid on [n] and [[M]]⊆𝒜_n be the CI-structure associated to M. The following are equivalent for any K⊆ [n] and i≠ j∈[n]\ K: * i j|K. * r(iK)=r(jK)=r(ijK)=r(K)+1. * There exists a circuit C of M such that ij⊆ C⊆ ijK and every circuit in ijK contains either both i,j or none of them. * The set ij is a cocircuit (or equivalently, K is a hyperplane) in the restriction of M to ijK. * For any basis B of K, iB and jB are bases of ijK. * There exists a basis B of K such that iB and jB are bases of ijK. * Any wall of Σ_A_n corresponding to (ij|K) by (<ref>) is in some wall of the normal fan 𝒩(𝒫_M) of the base polytope 𝒫_M of M. In <cit.>, the notions of matroid operations are adapted to conditional independence. Let 𝒢⊆𝒜_n be a CI-structure. The deletion and contraction of 𝒢 by A⊆ [n] are 𝒢\ A:= { (ij|K)∈𝒢: ijK⊆ [n]\ A }, 𝒢/ A:= { (ij|K)∈𝒜_[n]\ A: (ij|KA)∈𝒢}, respectively. They reflect the marginalization and conditioning in probability theory. The dual of 𝒢 is 𝒢^∗:={ (ij|[n]\ ijK):(ij|K)∈𝒢}. The usual rules for matroid operations also work for CI-structure operations, e.g. deletion and contraction commute and are dual operations of each other. A CI-structure 𝒢' is a minor of a CI-structure 𝒢 if 𝒢' can be obtained from 𝒢 by applying any sequence of restriction and contraction. The direct sum of two CI-structures 𝒢_1⊆𝒜_E_1 and 𝒢_2⊆𝒜_E_2 is the CI-structure 𝒢_1⊕𝒢_2={ (ij|K)∈𝒜_E_1E_2: i∈ E_1,j∈ E_2 or ij⊆ E_1,(ij|K∩ E_1)∈𝒢_1 or ij⊆ E_2,(ij|K∩ E_2)∈𝒢_2} on E_1E_2. The operations on CI-structures are compatible with the operations on matroids, namely, [[M\ A]]=[[M]]\ A, [[M/ A]]=[[M]]/ A and [[M^∗]]=[[M]]^∗ for any matroid M on [n] and any A⊆ [n], and [[M_1⊕ M_2]]=[[M_1]]⊕ [[M_2]] for any matroids M_1,M_2 on disjoint ground sets <cit.>. In particular, being a matroid is a minor-closed property of CI-structures. In <cit.>, classes of CI-structures are investigated via forbidden minors. The CI-structures that are matroids, although having a short axiomatization by (MCI) and (SG), cannot be characterized by a finite set of forbidden minors. The class of CI-structures that are matroids cannot be characterized by a finite set of forbidden minors. Let 𝒢_m:=𝒜_m\{ (12|),(ij|K):ijK=[m] } for m≥ 4. In other words, 𝒢_m is the semimatroid defined by the sum of rank functions of matroids U_1,2⊕ U_m-2,m-2 and U_m-1,m, where U_r,m is the rank-r uniform matroid on [m]. Then 𝒢_m is not a matroid because (MCI) is violated by (12|),(13|245⋯ m)∉𝒢_m. However, any proper minor of 𝒢_m is a matroid as 𝒢_m\ 1≅𝒢_m\ 2≅ [[U_m-1]], 𝒢_m\ i≅ [[U_1,2⊕ U_m-3,m-3]] for any i∈ [m]\1,2 and 𝒢/j≅ [[U_m-2,m-1]] for any j∈[m]. § ORIENTED MATROIDS AS ORIENTED CI-STRUCTURES An oriented CI-structure on [n] is a map σ𝒜_ n→{ -1,0,1 }. In <cit.>, oriented gaussoids are introduced for modeling the signs of the partial correlations among regular normally distributed random vectors. General oriented CI-structures are introduced in <cit.>. For notions regarding oriented matroids we use the notations in <cit.>. A signed subset of [n] is a map X [n]→{-1,0,1}. Write X^+:=X^-1(1), X^-:=X^-1(-1) and X:=X^+X^-. A collection 𝒞 of signed subsets of [n] is the set of signed circuits of an oriented matroid on [n] if it satisfies (OC0) ∅∉𝒞, (OC1) 𝒞=-𝒞, (OC2) for all X,Y∈𝒞 with X⊆Y, either X=Y or X=-Y, (OC3) for all X,Y∈𝒞, X≠ -Y and e∈ X^+∩ Y^- there is a Z∈𝒞 such that Z^+⊆ (X^+∪ Y^+)\ e and Z^-⊆ (X^-∪ Y^-)\ e. If (OC0), (OC1) and (OC2) are satisfied, then (OC3) is equivalent to the following condition known as the strong elimination axiom: (OC3') For all X,Y∈𝒞, e∈ X^+∩ Y^- and f∈ (X^+\ Y^-)∪ (X^-\ Y^+), there is a Z∈𝒞 such that Z^+⊆ (X^+∪ Y^+)\ e, Z^-⊆ (X^-∪ Y^-)\ e and f∈ Z. If 𝒞 is a circuit signature of a matroid M, that is, 𝒞 consists of two opposite signed sets X and -X supported by C for each circuit C of M, then 𝒞 clearly satisfies (OC0)-(OC2). In this case, we only need to check the X,Y in (OC3) such that X and Y are a modular pair in M, that is, r(X)+r(Y)=r(X∪ Y)+r(X∩ Y). In this case, Z is unique. Let ℳ be an oriented matroid on [n] and 𝒞 be the set of signed circuits of ℳ. We associate an oriented CI-structure σ_ℳ𝒜_n→{-1,0,1} to ℳ by assigning σ_ℳ(ij|K)=0 whenever (ij|K)∈ [[ℳ]], and otherwise σ_ℳ(ij|K)=X(i)X(j) for any X∈𝒞 such that ij⊆X⊆ ijK. The following lemma ensures the well-definedness of σ_ℳ. If (ij|K)∉ [[ℳ]], then X(i)X(j)=Y(i)Y(j) for any X,Y∈𝒞 such that ij⊆X,Y⊆ ijK. Suppose that X(i)X(j)=-Y(i)Y(j). By (OC1), we can assume that X(i)=Y(i)=1 and X(j)=Y(j)=-1, that is, j∈ X^+∩ Y^- and i∈ X^+\ Y^-. The strong elimination axiom (OC3') implies that there is a Z∈𝒞 such that i∈Z⊆ iK and j∉Z, which contradicts Lemma <ref>. We prove that oriented matroids can be axiomatized in terms of oriented conditional independence. An oriented CI-structure σ𝒜_ n→{ -1,0,1 } is the associated oriented CI-structure σ_ℳ of an oriented matroid ℳ iff it satisfies (OCI1) σ(ij|K)≠ 0⇒σ(iℓ |jKL)=0, (OCI2) σ(ij|K)=σ(iℓ|jK)= 0⇒σ(ij|ℓ K)=σ(iℓ|K)=0, (OCI3) σ(ij|K)≠ 0 ⇒σ(ij|L)∈{0,σ(ij|K)} for any L⊆ K or L⊇ K, (OCI4) σ(iℓ|K)σ(ij|K)σ(jℓ|K)≤ 0, (OCI5) σ(iℓ|jK)σ(ij|ℓ K)σ(jℓ|iK)≥ 0. In this case, the oriented matroid ℳ can be determined uniquely from σ by first recovering the underlying matroid ℳ, and then assigning to each circuit C of ℳ two opposite signed circuits ± ({c_0,c∈ C:σ(cc_0|C\ cc_0)=1},{c∈ C:σ(cc_0|C\ cc_0)=-1}), where c_0∈ C can be chosen arbitrarily in each C. Let ℳ be an oriented matroid. By the construction of σ_ℳ, σ^-1(0) is the CI-structure associated to the underlying matroid ℳ, (OCI1) and (OCI2) are guaranteed by Theorem <ref>. The condition (OCI3) follows by definition and Lemma <ref>. If σ(iℓ|K)σ(ij|K)σ(jℓ|K)≠ 0, then by Lemma <ref>, there are signed circuits X,Y of ℳ such that ij⊆X, ℓ∉X, iℓ⊆Y and j∉Y. By (OC1) we can assume i∈ X^+∩ Y^-. Then by (OC3) there is a signed circuit Z of ℳ such that Z^+⊆ (X^+∪ Y^+)\ e and Z^-⊆ (X^-∪ Y^-)\ e. It follows from σ(jℓ|K)≠ 0 that jℓ⊆Z and σ(jℓ|K)=Z(j)Z(ℓ)=X(j)Y(ℓ)=X(i)σ(ij|K)Y(i)σ(iℓ|K)=σ(ij|K)σ(iℓ|K), so (OCI4) is proven. If σ(iℓ|jK)σ(ij|ℓ K)σ(jℓ|iK)≠ 0, then by Lemma <ref>, for any signed circuit X of ℳ such that X⊆ ijℓ K, either ijℓ⊆X or {i,j,l}∩X=∅, and there exists a signed circuit X such that ijℓ⊆X⊆ ijℓ K. Let X be such a signed circuit. Then we conclude (CI5) as σ(iℓ|jK)σ(ij|ℓ K)σ(jℓ|iK)=X(i)^2X(j)^2X(ℓ)^2=1. Now let σ𝒜_n→{-1,0,1} be such that (OCI1)-(OCI5) are satisfied, and let M be the loopless matroid obtained from the CI-structure σ^-1(0)⊆𝒜_n by Theorem <ref>. Let 𝒞 be the circuit signature (<ref>) of M. It follows by (OCI5) that the element c_0 in (<ref>) can be chosen arbitrarily in each C. Let X,Y∈𝒞 be such that X and Y are a modular pair in M. Let e∈ X^+∩ Y^-. By the construction (<ref>) we have X(x)=σ(xe|X\ xe) for all x∈X\ e and Y(y)=-σ(ye|Y\ ye) for all y∈Y\ e. Let C be the unique circuit of M such that C⊆ (X∪Y)\ e. Explicitly, C=[n]\cl^*(([n]\ (X∪Y))e), where cl^∗ is the closure operator of the dual matroid of M. Let f∈X\Y and g∈Y\X. The existence of f and g are ensured by the incomparability of circuits of a matroid. Because C is the unique circuit of M in (X∪Y)\ e, by the strong circuit elimination axiom of matroids, we have f,g∈ C. Let Z be the signed subset of [n] supported by C with Z(f)=X(f)=σ(ef|X\ ef) which is defined by (<ref>), that is, Z(z)=σ(zf|C\ zf)σ(ef|X\ ef). We show that Z is the desired circuit in the condition (OC3). Case 1: If z∈ C∩X\Y, then σ(zf|(X∪Y)\ zf)≠ 0 because r(X∪Y)=r((X∪Y)\ z)=r((X∪Y)\ f) and r(X∪Y)-1≤ r((X∪Y)\ zf) ≤ r(X\ zf)+r(Y)-r(X∩Y) =r(X)-1+r(Y)-r(X∩Y)=r(X∪Y)-1. It follows from σ(zf|C\ zf),σ(zf|X\ zf),σ(zf|(X∪Y)\ zf)≠ 0 and (OCI3) and (OCI5) that Z(z) =σ(zf|C\ zf)σ(ef|X\ ef)=σ(zf|(X∪Y)\ zf)σ(ef|X\ ef) =σ(zf|X\ zf)σ(ef|X\ ef)=σ(ez|X\ ez)=X(z). Case 2: If z∈ C∩Y\X, we need to show Z(g)=Y(g), and the rest of this case is same as Case 1. It follows from (OCI3) and (OCI5) that Z(g) =Z(f)σ(fg|C\ fg)=σ(ef|X\ ef)σ(fg|C\ fg) =σ(ef|X\ ef)σ(fg|(X∪Y)\ efg) =-σ(ef|X\ ef)σ(ef|(X∪Y)\ efg)σ(eg|(X∪Y)\ efg) =-σ(ef|X\ ef)σ(ef|X\ ef)σ(eg|Y\ eg)=-σ(eg|Y\ eg)=Y(g), where all σ-values are nonzero because of Lemma <ref>. Case 3: If z∈ C∩X∩Y, suppose in the contrary that X(z)=Y(z)=-Z(z). We have σ(ez|X\ ez)=X(z)=-Z(z) = -σ(zf|C\ zf)σ(ef|X\ ef) =-σ(zf|C\ zf)σ(zf|X\ zf)σ(ez|X\ ez), thus σ(zf|C\ zf)σ(zf|X\ zf)=-1. Similarly, σ(zg|C\ zf)σ(zg|Y\ zg)=-1 because σ(ez|Y\ ez) =-Y(z)=Z(z)=Z(g)σ(zg|C\ zg)=Y(g)σ(zg|C\ zg) =-σ(eg|Y\ eg)σ(zg|C\ zg)=-σ(ez|Y\ ez)σ(zg|Y\ zg)σ(zg|C\ zg). Therefore, σ(fg|C\ fg) =σ(zg|C\ zg)σ(zf|C\ zf)=σ(zg|Y\ zg)σ(zf|X\ zf) =σ(eg|Y\ eg)σ(ez|Y\ ez)σ(ef|X\ ef)σ(ez|X\ ez) =σ(eg|Y\ eg)(-Y(z))σ(ef|X\ ef)X(z) =-σ(eg|Y\ eg)σ(ef|X\ ef)=-Z(f)Z(g), which contradicts (<ref>). We have shown that an oriented CI-structure σ satisfying (OCI1)-(OCI5) defines an oriented matroid ℳ. The fact σ=σ_ℳ follows from (OCI3) and Lemma <ref>, namely, if σ(ij|K)≠ 0, then for any circuits C,C' of ℳ with ij⊆ C,C'⊆ ijK, we have σ(ij|C\ ij)=σ(ij|K)=σ(ij|C'\ ij). Oriented matroids are known to be cryptomorphic to chirotopes, which abstract the possible signs of Plücker coordinates of points in the Grassmannian. By the following Proposition, σ_ℳ can be obtained directly from the chirotope of ℳ. Let χ[n]r→{-1,0,1} be the chirotope of an oriented matroid ℳ on [n]. The oriented CI-structure σ_ℳ𝒜_n→{-1,0,1} associated to ℳ can be obtained from the chirotope χ by σ_ℳ(ij|K)=-χ(i,b_1,…,b_s,a_1,…,a_r-s-1)χ(j,b_1,…,b_s,a_1,…,a_r-s-1), where b_1⋯ b_s is a basis of K and a_1⋯ a_r-s-1 is a subset of [n]\ ijK such that χ(i,b_1,…,b_s,a_1,…,a_r-s-1)≠ 0 whenever it exists, and σ_χ(ij|K)=0 if no such a_1⋯ a_r-s-1 exists. Let σ_χ(ij|K) be the oriented CI-structure defined in the Proposition. It is easy to see that σ_χ(ij|K)=0 iff there is a basis b_1⋯ b_s of K such that iK or jK is not a basis of ijK in ℳ. By Proposition <ref>, this is equivalent to (ij|K)∈[[ℳ]]. Now assume that (ij|K)∉ [[ℳ]]. Let C be the circuit in ℳ such that ij⊆ C⊆ ijb_1⋯ b_s, then σ_χ(ij|K)=σ_χ(ij|C\ ij) coincides with the sign σ(i,j) defined in <cit.>, which gives back the original oriented matroid ℳ by <cit.>, therefore we have σ_χ=σ_ℳ. The well-definedness of σ_χ follows as well. § REMARKS ON REPRESENTATIONS OF MATROIDS In <cit.>, Matúš introduced representations of matroids in probability theory and information theory which lead to new insight into representability of matroids. A matroid M is probabilistically representable if its CI-structure coincides with the conditional independence among a discrete random vector ξ, that is, [[M]]=[[ξ]]=[[h_ξ]]. As the rank function of any connected matroid spans an extreme ray in the cone of submodular functions, the probabilistic representability is equivalent to the entropicness in the case of connected matroids, where a matroid is entropic if its rank function is a positive multiple of the entropy function of some discrete random vector. Linear and multilinear matroids are entropic <cit.>, however the direct sum of Fano matroid and non-Fano matroid is algebraic but not entropic <cit.>. The rank function of any algebraic matroids is the pointwise limit of a sequence of entropy functions <cit.>, such matroids are called almost entropic <cit.>. The dual of an almost entropic matroid is not necessarily almost entropic <cit.>, while a long standing open problem in matroid theory is whether the dual of any algebraic matroid is algebraic. A Gaussian conditional independence, however, can never represent an interesting matroid. A semigraphoid 𝒢⊆𝒜_n is a gaussoid if it satisfies the following axioms: (Int) {(ij|kL),(ik|jL)}⊆𝒢⇒{(ij|L),(ik|L)}⊆𝒢, (Comp) {(ij|L),(ik|L)}⊆𝒢⇒{(ij|kL),(ik|jL)}⊆𝒢, (WT) {(ij|L),(ij|kL)}⊆𝒢⇒ (ik|L) or (jk|L)∈𝒢. Gaussoids are introduced in <cit.> as an abstraction of the conditional independence among regular normally distributed random variables: If ξ is an n-dimensional regular normally distributed random vector whose covariance matrix is Σ, then [[ξ]]={(ij|K)∈𝒜_n:Σ_iK,jK=0}=:[[Σ]] is a gaussoid. The CI-structures coming from regular normally distributed random vectors are not finitely axiomatizable <cit.>, they are axiomatically approximated by gaussoids <cit.>. In <cit.> it was computationally verified that for 3≤ n≤ 8 no CI-structure corresponding to a connected matroid on [n] is a gaussoid. We confirm this computation by showing that a loopless matroid is a gaussoid iff it is a direct sum of copies of uniform matroids U_1,1 and U_1,2. Let M be a loopless matroid. Then [[M]] is a gaussoid iff M≅ U_1,1^⊕ m_1⊕ U_1,2^⊕ m_2. The necessity follows from the observation that [[U_1,1]]=[[(1)]] and [[U_1,2]]=[[( 1 0.1 0.1 1 )]] are gaussoids and [[Σ_1]]⊕[[Σ_2]]=[[Σ_1⊕Σ_2]] for any positive definite matrices Σ_1,Σ_2 <cit.>. Now assume that M is a loopless matroid on the ground set E such that [[M]] is a gaussoid. We deduce the following three inference rules for any ijℓ K⊆ E from (MCI), (SG), (Int) and (Comp): Claim 1. i j|K ⇒ i j|ℓ K. It follows by (MCI) from i j|K that iℓ|jK and jℓ|iK. And by (Int) we get iℓ|K. However by (SG) we have iℓ|K or i j|ℓ K from i j|K. Thus we have i j|ℓ K. Claim 2. i j|ℓ K ⇒ i j| K. It follows by (MCI) from i j|ℓ K that iℓ|K and jℓ|K. And by (Comp) we get iℓ|jK. However by (SG) we have iℓ|jK or i j|K from i j|ℓ K. Thus we have i j|K. Claim 3. i j| ⇒ iℓ |. By applying (MCI) we get iℓ |j and jℓ |j from i j|. Then iℓ| follows from (Int). By Claim 3, the ground set E can be partitioned into 2-element sets {a_ι,b_ι}, ι∈[m_2] and singletons {c_ι}, ι∈[m_1] such that a_ι b_ι| for any ι∈ [m_2] and i j| if i,j∈ E are in different blocks. By Claim 1 and Claim 2, for any two subsets K,K'⊆ E\ ij we have i j|K iff i j|K'. Therefore, the loopless matroid M is isomorphic to the direct sum of m_2 rank one uniform matroids on {a_ι,b_ι}, ι∈[m_2] and m_1 rank one uniform matroids on {c_ι}, ι∈[m_1]. § ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author would like to thank Thomas Kahle for his comments. Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) - 314838170, GRK 2297 MathCoRe.
Challenges facing the explainability of age prediction models: case study for two modalities
[ "Mikolaj Spytek", "Weronika Hryniewska-Guzik", "Jaroslaw Zygierewicz", "Jacek Rogala", "Przemyslaw Biecek" ]
[ "cs.LG", "eess.SP" ]
General Boolean Formula Minimization with QBF SolversThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 860621 and the MICINN project PROOFS (PID2019-109137GB-C21). Eduardo Calò10000-0003-3881-8994 Jordi Levy20000-0001-5883-5746 ================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ The prediction of age is a challenging task with various practical applications in high-impact fields like the healthcare domain or criminology. Despite the growing number of models and their increasing performance, we still know little about how these models work. Numerous examples of failures of AI systems show that performance alone is insufficient, thus, new methods are needed to explore and explain the reasons for the model's predictions. In this paper, we investigate the use of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) for age prediction focusing on two specific modalities, EEG signal and lung X-rays. We share predictive models for age to facilitate further research on new techniques to explain models for these modalities. Explainable Artificial Intelligence, Age prediction, EEG, X-rays § INTRODUCTION Models for age prediction have many interesting applications. Age can be a direct target of a model, for example in age prediction for forensics to identify the age of the offender, as well as indirect, for example, as an input feature. The list of examples is extensive, just to name a few: age prediction is useful feature in cancer diagnostics <cit.>, analyses of brain ageing lead to relevant features for predicting neurological disorders, such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder <cit.> or cognitive impairment <cit.>. Age prediction can be performed on modalities that differ in terms of structure and format. Just to list some of these modalities: 2d images of a person's face (features such as wrinkles, crow's feet, and age spots can be used to predict a person's age <cit.>), 1d voice recordings (features such as pitch, tone, and accent can be used to predict a person's age), series of nucleotides such as methylation data <cit.>, multiple series as in EEG <cit.> or single-channel images X-rays <cit.>. This variety of modalities creates a major challenge when trying to explain predictive models. It is because the most popular methods of explainable AI are agnostic to the structure of the model but they are not agnostic to the modality of the data <cit.>. If they are designed for tabular, image, or text data, it is difficult to transfer them to EEG signals or grayscale images. To address this problem, we created and shared a collection of benchmark models for two modalities that currently do not have representations suitable for explanations. § MATERIALS AND METHODS A series of models has been trained for the age prediction problem and are available on GitHub repository <https://github.com/pbiecek/challenges-xai-aging-aaai23>. The models vary in structure, ranging from linear regression models, which are interpretable by design, to tree based boosted models and multi-layer neural networks. The following sections summarise the data on which these models were trained. §.§ Age prediction with EEG data The first use case concerns predicting the metrical age of patients based on EEG data. The dataset containing 20,365 observations of patients aging from 16 to 70 has been gathered over the past 15 years across 32 hospitals and medical institutes in Poland. All recordings contain measurements from 19 electrodes placed according to the international 10-20 system <cit.> with sampling rates of 250, 256, or 500 Hz, depending on the used hardware. For the purposes of this analysis, only the data from healthy patients was used. The raw recording data has been preprocessed to extract 1,653 features for each observation. The first 1,368 features represent each of 8 frequency bands multiplied by the 171 values from the lower triangle of the coherence matrix. The remaining features correspond to the normalized band power from 15 frequency bands for each of the 19 channels. Using the extracted features two machine learning models were fitted, with the task of predicting the age of the patient – a Linear Regression model and a Multi-Layer Perceptron. Predictions on a holdout test set of 5,091 observations are presented in Figure <ref>. The linear regression achieves a Mean Absolute Error of 7.93 years, whereas the MLP network scores 7.23 in this metric. §.§ Age prediction with x-ray lung data The second use case is based on a new B2000 dataset with X-rays images. The data contains cases from two hospitals in Poland it is composed of adults and children X-rays. Each image is annotated with labels from 6 different classes: normal, pneumothorax, airspace opacification, fluid, cardiomegaly, and mass/nodule. As mentioned in <cit.>, images of children and adults should not be mixed in one class in the standard classification task. However, embeddings are representations of images, so we decided to use one of the few-shot learning methods, namely siamese networks. Few-shot learning helps to deal with a problem when a few examples in each class are present. We trained the Siamese network with 2,158 images for 20 epochs and a learning rate 0.0005. The backbone was EfficientNet-B0 of input size 224x224. The baseline vector (anchor vector) is compared with a positive and negative one, and the resulting values are passed to the triplet loss. The generated embeddings were vectors of length 512. The XGBoost regressor with squared loss and the CatBoost regressor were trained on embeddings retrieved from the model of the lowest validation loss to predict the age of a patient. After training, we clipped the age values below zero to zero. Obtained results are presented in Figure <ref>. § CONCLUSIONS To facilitate the development of XAI techniques for regression models that are needed to explain age prediction models in the healthcare domain, it is crucial to share with the XAI community specific cases on which such techniques can be benchmarked and validated. In this work, we have developed and shared age prediction models operating on two modalities for which there are currently no good explanatory techniques, that is, multidimensional series in the EEG signals and grayscale X-ray images. We hope that the availability of these models and validation samples will help in the development of new explanatory techniques for age prediction. 0.2in
NeurEPDiff: Neural Operators to Predict Geodesics in Deformation Spaces
[ "Nian Wu", "Miaomiao Zhang" ]
[ "cs.CV" ]
NeurEPDiff: Neural Operators to Predict Geodesics in Deformation Spaces Wu and Zhang Computer Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Virginia, VA,USA Computer Science, University of Virginia, VA, USA NeurEPDiff: Neural Operators to Predict Geodesics in Deformation Spaces Nian Wu 1,2Miaomiao Zhang2,3 March 30, 2023 ======================================================================= This paper presents NeurEPDiff, a novel network to fast predict the geodesics in deformation spaces generated by a well known Euler-Poincaré differential equation (EPDiff). To achieve this, we develop a neural operator that for the first time learns the evolving trajectory of geodesic deformations parameterized in the tangent space of diffeomorphisms (a.k.a velocity fields). In contrast to previous methods that purely fit the training images, our proposed NeurEPDiff learns a nonlinear mapping function between the time-dependent velocity fields. A composition of integral operators and smooth activation functions is formulated in each layer of NeurEPDiff to effectively approximate such mappings. The fact that NeurEPDiff is able to rapidly provide the numerical solution of EPDiff (given any initial condition) results in a significantly reduced computational cost of geodesic shooting of diffeomorphisms in a high-dimensional image space. Additionally, the properties of discretiztion/resolution-invariant of NeurEPDiff make its performance generalizable to multiple image resolutions after being trained offline. We demonstrate the effectiveness of NeurEPDiff in registering two image datasets: 2D synthetic data and 3D brain resonance imaging (MRI). The registration accuracy and computational efficiency are compared with the state-of-the-art diffeomophic registration algorithms with geodesic shooting. § INTRODUCTION Deformable image registration is a fundamental tool in medical image analysis, for example, computational anatomy and shape analysis <cit.>, statistical analysis of groupwise images <cit.>, and template-based image segmentation <cit.>. Among many applications, it is ideal that the transformation is diffeomorphic (i.e., bijective, smooth, and invertible smooth) to maintain an intact topology of objects presented in images. A bountiful literature has studied various parameterizations of diffeomorphisms, including stationary velocity fields <cit.>, B-spline free-form deformations <cit.>, and the large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping (LDDMM) <cit.>. In this paper, we focus on LDDMM, which provides a rigorous mathematical definition of distance metrics on the space of diffeomorphisms. Such distance metrics play an important role in deformation-based shape analysis of images, such as geometric shape regression <cit.>, longitudinal shape analysis <cit.>, and group shape comparisons <cit.>. Despite the advantages of LDDMM <cit.>, the substantial time and computational cost involved in searching for the optimal diffeomorphism on high-dimensional image grids limits its applicability in real-world applications. To alleviate this problem, a geodesic shooting algorithm <cit.> was developed to reformulate the optimization of LDDMM (originally over a sequence of time-dependent diffeomorphisms) equivalently in the tangent space of diffeomorphisms at time point zero (a.k.a., initial velocity fields). The geodesic is then uniquely determined by integrating a given initial velocity field via the Euler-Poincaré differential equation (EPDiff) <cit.>. This geodesic shooting algorithm demonstrated a faster convergence and avoided having to store the entire time-varying velocity fields from one iterative search to the next. A recent work FLASH has further reduced the computational cost of geodesic shooting by reparameterizing the velocity fields in a low-dimensional bandlimited space <cit.>. The numerical solution to EPDiff was rapidly computed with much fewer parameters in a frequency domain. In spite of a significant speedup, it still takes FLASH minutes to compute when the dimension of the bandlimited space grows higher. In this paper, we present a novel method, NeurEPDiff, that can fast predict the geodesics in deformation spaces generated by EPDiff. Inspired by the recent achievements on learning-based partial/ordinary differential equation solvers <cit.>, we develop a neural operator to learn the evolving functions/mappings of geodesics in the space of diffeomorphisms parameterized by bandlimited initial velocity fields. In contrast to current deep learning-based approaches that are tied to the resolution and discretization of training images <cit.>, our proposed method shows consistent performances on different scales of image resolutions without the need of re-training. We also define a composition of integral operators and smooth activation functions in each layer of the NeurEPDiff network to effectively approximate the mapping functions of EPDiff over time. To summarize, our main contributions are threefold: * We are the first to develop a neural operator that fast predicts a numerical solution to the EPDiff <cit.>, which is a critical step to generate geodesics of diffeomorphisms. * A composition of integral operators and smooth activation functions is defined to approximate the mapping functions of EPDiff characterized in the low-dimensional bandlimited space. This makes the training and inference of our proposed NeurEPDiff much more efficient in high-dimensional image spaces. * The performance of NeurEPDiff is invariant to image resolutions. That is to say, once it is trained, this operator can be tested on multiple image resolutions without the need of being re-trained. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed model in diffeomorphic image registration, we run experiments on both 2D synthetic data and 3D real brain MRIs. We first show that a trained NeurEPDiff is able to consistently predict the diffeomorphic transformations at multiple different image resolutions. We then compare the registration accuracy (via registration-based image segmentation) and computational efficiency of NeurEPDiff vs. the state-of-the-art LDDMM with geodesic shooting <cit.>. Experimental results show that our method outperforms the baselines in term of time consumption, while with a comparable registration accuracy. § BACKGROUND: GEODESICS OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS VIA EPDIFF In this section, we first briefly review the basic concepts of geodesic shooting, which generates geodesics of diffeomorphisms via EPDiff <cit.>. We then show how to optimize the problem of diffeomorphic image registration in the setting of LDDMM <cit.> with geodesic shooting <cit.>. Geodesic shooting via EPDiff. Let ^∞(Ω) denote the space of smooth diffeomorphisms on an image domain Ω. The tangent space of diffeomorphisms is the space V = 𝔛^∞(TΩ) of smooth vector fields on Ω. Consider a time-varying velocity field, {v_t} : [0,τ] → V, we can generate diffeomorphisms {ϕ_t} as a solution to the equation d ϕ_t/dt = v_t(ϕ_t), t ∈ [0, τ]. The geodesic shooting algorithm <cit.> states that a geodesic path of the diffeomorphisms (in Eq. (<ref>)) is uniquely determined by integrating a well-studied EPDiff <cit.> with an initial condition. That is, given an initial velocity, v_0 ∈ V, at t = 0, a geodesic path t ↦ϕ_t ∈^∞(Ω) in the space of diffeomorphisms can be computed by forward shooting the EPDiff equation ∂ v_t/∂ t =-K[(Dv)^Tm_t + Dm_t v_t + m_t div v_t], where D denotes the Jacobian matrix. Here K is an inverse operator of L: V → V^*, which is a positive-definite differential operator that maps a tangent vector v ∈ V into the dual space m ∈ V^*. This paper employs a commonly used Laplacian operator L = (-αΔ + e)^c, where α is a positive weight parameter, e denotes an identity matrix, and c is a smoothness parameters. A larger value of α and c indicates more smoothness. A recent model FLASH has later developed a Fourier variant of the EPDiff and demonstrated that the numerical solution to the original EPDiff can be efficiently computed in a low-dimensional bandlimited space with dramatically reduced computational cost <cit.>. Let (Ω) and Ṽ denote the space of Fourier representations of diffeomorphisms and velocity fields respectively. The equation of EPDiff is reformulated in a bandlimited space as ∂ṽ_t/∂ t =-K̃[(𝒟̃ṽ_t)^T ⋆m̃_t + ∇̃· (m̃_t ⊗ṽ_t) ], where ṽ_t and m̃_t are the Fourier transforms of velocity fields v_t and momentum m_t respectively. The 𝒟̃ represents Fourier frequencies of a Jacobian matrix D with central difference approximation, ⋆ is the truncated matrix-vector field auto-correlation with zero-padding, and ⊗ denotes a tensor product. The Fourier coefficients of a laplacian operator L is L̃(ξ_1 , …, ξ_d) = (-2 α∑_j = 1^d (cos (2πξ_j) - 1 ) + 1)^c, where (ξ_1 , …, ξ_d) is a d-dimensional frequency vector. LDDMM with geodesic shooting. Given a source image S and a target image T defined on a d-dimensional torus domain Ω = ℝ^d / ℤ^d (S(x), T(x):Ω→ℝ). The space of diffeomorphisms is denoted by (Ω). The problem of diffeomorphic image registration is to find the shortest path, i.e., geodesic, to generate time-varying diffeomorphisms {ϕ_t}: t ∈ [0,τ], such that a deformed source image by the smooth mapping ϕ_τ, noted as S(ϕ_τ), is similar to T. By parameterizing the transformation ϕ_τ with an initial velocity field ṽ_0, we write the optimization of diffeomorphic registration in the setting of LDDMM with geodesic shooting in a low-dimensional bandlimited space as E(ṽ_0) = λ Dist(S(ϕ_τ), T ) + 1/2ṽ_0 _Ṽ^2 s.t. Eq. (<ref>) and  (<ref>) Here, Dist(·,·) is a distance function that measures the dissimilarity between images and λ is a positive weighting parameter. The commonly used distance functions include the sum-of-squared intensity differences (L_2-norm) <cit.>, normalized cross correlation (NCC) <cit.>, and mutual information (MI) <cit.>. In this paper, we will use the sum-of-squared intensity differences. The ·_V represents a Sobolev space that enforces smoothness of the velocity fields. Despite a dramatic speed up of LDDMM with the reduced cost of Fourier EPDiff for shooting <cit.>, the numerical solution operator in Eq. (<ref>) does not scale well due to the introduced correlation and tensor convolutions. § OUR METHOD: NEUREPDIFF We introduce a novel network, NeurEPDiff, that learns the solution operator to EPDiff in a low-dimensional bandlimited space. Inspired by the recent work on neural operators <cit.>, we propose to develop NeurEPDiff, 𝒢_θ with parameters θ, as a surrogate model to approximate the solution operator to EPDiff. Once it is trained, our NeurEPDiff can be used to fast predict the original EPDiff with a given initial condition ṽ_0 on various resolutions of image grids. Given a set of N observations, {ṽ_0^n , ṽ^n }_n=1^N, where ṽ^n ≜{ṽ_1^n, ⋯, ṽ_τ^n} is a time-sequence of numerical solutions to EPDiff. The solution operator can be learned by minimizing the empirical data loss defined as E(θ) = 1/N∑_n=1^N ṽ^n - 𝒢_θ(v_0^n) _Ṽ^2 + β·Reg(θ), where β is a weighting parameter and Reg(·) regularizes the network parameter θ. Following the similar principles in <cit.>, we formulate 𝒢_θ as an iterative architecture ṽ_0 ↦ṽ_1 ↦⋯↦ṽ_τ, which is a sequence of functions carefully parameterized in the hidden network layers. The input ṽ_0 is first lifted to a higher dimensional representation by a complex-valued local transformation P̃, which is usually parameterized by a shallow fully connected neural network. We then develop a key component, called iterative evolution layer, with operations designed in the bandlimited space to learn the nonlinear function of EPDiff. *Iterative evolution layer. Let z̃∈ℂ^d be a d-dimensional complex-valued latent feature vector encoded from the initial velocity ṽ_0. An iterative evolution layer (with the number of J hidden layers) to update z̃_j ↦z̃_j+1, where j ∈{1, ⋯, J}, is defined as the composition of a nonlinear smooth activation function σ of a complex-valued linear transform W̃_j with a global convolutional kernel ℋ̃_j: z̃_j+1 := σ (W̃_jz̃_j + ℋ̃_j* z̃_j). The * represents a complex convolution, which is efficiently computed by multiplying two signals in a real space. Similar to <cit.>, we employ a complex-valued Gaussian error linear unit (CGeLU) that applies real-valued activation functions separately to the real and imaginary parts. With a smoothing operator K̃ to ensure the smoothness of the output signal, we have σ := K̃(GeLU (ℛ (·)) + i GeLU (ℐ (·))), where ℛ (·) denotes the real part of a complex-valued vector, and ℐ (·) denotes an imaginary part. We are now ready to introduce a formal definition of the NeurEPDiff 𝒢_θ developed in a bandlimited space as follows. The neural operator 𝒢_θ is defined as a composition of a complex-valued encoder P̃ (a decoder Q̃) (a.k.a. local linear transformations) to project the lower dimension function into higher dimensional space and vice versa, and a nonlinear smooth activation function σ of a local linear transform W̃ with a non-local convolution kernel ℋ̃ parameterized by network parameters, i.e., 𝒢_θQ̃∘σ(W̃_J, ℋ̃_J) ∘⋯∘σ(W̃_1, ℋ̃_1) ∘P̃. The ∘ denotes function composition, and the parameter θ includes all parameters from {P̃, Q̃, W̃, ℋ̃}. The network architecture of our proposed NeurEPDiff is shown in Fig. <ref>. §.§ NeurEPDiff For Diffeomorphic Image Registration This section introduces a new diffeomorphic image registration algorithm with our developed NeurEPDiff. We will first train a neural operator 𝒢_θ offline and then use it as predictive model in each iteration of the optimization of LDDMM (Eq. (<ref>)), where the numerical solution of EPDiff is required. In this paper, we use a sum-of-squares-distance (SSD) metric for image dissimilarity. The optimization E(ṽ_0) = 1/2λ^2 (S(ϕ_τ=1) - T _2^2 + 1/2ṽ_0 _Ṽ^2, s.t. Eq. (<ref>) & 𝒢_θ(ṽ_0). The final transformation ϕ_τ=1 is computed by Eq. (<ref>) after predicting {ṽ_t} from a well-trained network 𝒢_θ. *Inference. Similar to <cit.>, we employ a gradient decent algorithm to minimize the problem (<ref>). The three main steps of our inference are described below: * Forward geodesic shooting by NeurEPDiff. Given an initialized velocity field ṽ_0, we compute the transformation ϕ_τ by first predicting {ṽ_t} and then solving Eq. (<ref>). * Compute the gradient ∇_ṽ_τ E at the ending time point t=τ as ∇_ṽ_τ E = K̃ℱ( 1/λ^2 (S(ϕ_τ) - T) ·∇ (S(ϕ_τ)) ). Recall that ℱ denotes a Fourier transformation. * Backward integration to bring the gradient ∇_ṽ_τ E back to t=0 by integrating the reduced adjoint Jacobi field equations defined in <cit.>. Fig. <ref> visualize the process to optimize image registration with NeurEPDiff. § EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION To evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed model, NeurEPDiff, for diffeomoprhic image registration, we compare its performance with the original LDDMM with geodesic shooting <cit.> and a fast variant of LDDMM (FLASH) <cit.> on both 2D synthetic data and 3D real brain MR images with different levels of resolution. The training of NeurEPDiff in all our experiments is implemented on Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080Ti GPUs. We use ADAM optimizer <cit.> with the batch size as 20, learning rate of 1e^-3, and weight decay as 1e^-4, and the number of epochs as 500. For a fair comparison with the baseline algorithms that are optimized by gradient decent on CPU, we also test our model on CPU once it is trained. We evaluate the registration accuracy by performing registration-based segmentation and examine the resulting segmentation accuracy and runtime. To evaluate volume overlap between the propagated segmentation A and the manual segmentation B for each structure, we compute the dice similarity coefficient DSC(A, B) = 2(|A| ∩ |B|)/(|A| + |B|), where ∩ denotes an intersection of two regions <cit.>. §.§ Data *2D synthetic data. We first simulate 2200 “bull-eye” synthetic data (as shown in Fig <ref>) with the resolution 192^2 by manipulating the width a and height b of an ellipse, formulated as (x-96)^2/a^2 + (y-96)^2/b^2 = 1. We draw the parameters a, b randomly from a Gaussian distribution 𝒩(40, 4.2^2) for the outer ellipse, and a, b ∼𝒩(17, 1.6^2) for the inner ellipse. We then carefully down-sample the images to different resolutions of 64^3 and 128^3. The dataset is split into training (2000 volumes of resolution 64^2) and testing part (200 volumes of resolution 64^2, 128^2, and 192^2 respectively). 3D brain MRI. We include 2200 T1-weighted 3D brain MRI scans from Open Access Series of Imaging Studies (OASIS) <cit.> in our experiments. We randomly select 2000 of them and down-sampled to the resolution of 64^3 for training. The remaining 200 are re-sampled to the resolution of 64^3, 128^2, and 192^2 for testing separately. The 200 testing volumes include manually delineated anatomical structures, i.e., segmentation labels, which also have been carefully down-sampled to the resolution of 64^3, 128^3, and 192^3. All of the MRI scans have undergone skull-stripping, intensity normalization, bias field correction, and affine alignment. Ground truth velocity fields. We use numerical solutions to Fourier EPDiff in Eq. (<ref>) (i.e., computed by a Euler integrator) as the ground truth data for network training. More advanced integration methods, such as Runge–Kutta RK4, can be easily applied. In all experiments, we first run pairwise image registration using FLASH algorithm <cit.> on randomly selected images with lower resolution of 64^2 or 64^3. We then collect all numerical solutions to Fourier EPDiff as ground truth data. We set all integration steps as 10, the smoothing parameters for the operator K̃ as α=3.0, c=3.0, the positive weighting parameter of registration as λ=0.03, and the dimension of the bandlimited velocity field as 16. §.§ Experiments We first test our NeurEPDiff-based registration methods on 2D synthetic data and compare the final estimated transformation fields with the baseline algorithms. To validate whether our model is resolution-invariant, we train NeurEPDiff on images with lower resolution of 64^2, and then test its prediction accuracy on different levels of higher resolution (i.e., images with 128^2 and 192^2). We examine the optimization energy and compare it with all baseline algorithms. We further analyze the performance of NeurEPDiff on real 3D brain MRI scans. The convergence graphs of NeurEPDiff-based registration are reported at different image resolutions. To investigate the predictive efficiency of NeurEPDiff in terms of both time-consumption and accuracy, we compare the actual runtime of solving the original EPDiff by our method and all baselines. The registration accuracy is validated through a registration-based segmentation. Given a source image, we first run pairwise image registration with all algorithms and propagate segmentation labels of the template image to the number of 100 target images. We then examine the resulting segmentation accuracy by computing dice scores of the propagated segmentations and manually delineated labels. We report averaged dice scores of all images on four brain structures, including cortex, subcortical-gray-matter (SGM), white-matter (WM), and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). §.§ Results Fig. <ref> visualizes examples of registration results on 2D synthetic images with the size of 192^2. The comparison is on deformed source images and transformation fields estimated by our NeurEPDiff, FLASH <cit.>, and the original LDDMM with geodesic shooting <cit.>. Note that even though our method is trained on a low image resolution of 64^2, the predicted results are fairly close to the estimates from registration algorithms of both FLASH and LDDMM on a higher resolution of 192^2. The top panel of Fig. <ref> displays an example of the comparison between the manually labeled segmentations and propagated segmentations on 3D brain MRI scans (at the resolution of 192^3) generated by our algorithm NeurEPDiff and the baseline models. The bottom panel of Fig. <ref> reports the statistics of average dice scores over four brain structures from 100 registration pairs at different scales of image resolution. It shows that our method NeurEPDiff produces comparable dice scores. More importantly, the pre-trained NeurEPDiff at a lower resolution of 64^3 also achieves comparable results when tested on higher resolutions. The left panel of Tab. <ref> compares the runtime of solving the EPDiff equation with all methods on a CPU machine. It indicates that our method gains orders of magnitude speed compared to other baselines, while maintaining a comparable registration accuracy evaluated through the averaged dice (shown on the the right panel of Tab. <ref>). Overall, NeurEPDiff is approximately more than 10 times faster than FLASH and 100 times faster than LDDMM with geodesic shooting. Fig. <ref> demonstrates the convergence graphs of optimized total energy by our developed NeurEPDiff on different levels of resolution. It shows that our method consistently converges to a better solution than LDDMM at multiple different resolutions. However, it achieves a slightly worse but fairly close solution to FLASH <cit.>. Please refer to Sec. <ref> for more detailed discussions. § DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION We presented a novel neural operator, NeurEPDiff, to predict the geodesics of diffeomorphisms in a low-dimensional bandlimited space. Our method is the first to learn a solution operator to the geodesic evolution equation (EPDiff) with significantly improved computational efficiency. More importantly, the prediction capability of a pre-trained NeurEPDiff can be generalized to various resolutions of image grids because of its special property of resolution-invariance. To achieve this, we developed a brand-new network architecture, inspired by recent works on neural operators <cit.>, to approximate the nonlinear EPDiff equations as time-series functions carefully parameterized in the network hidden layers. A composition of network operators were defined in a complex-valued space to process the bandlimited signals of the velocity fields. We validated NeurEPDiff on both simulated 2D and real 3D images. Experimental results show that our method achieves significantly faster speed at different scales of image resolution. Interestingly, we also find out that the NeurEPDiff-based registration algorithm converges to an optimal solution with slightly higher energy compared to FLASH <cit.>. This may be due to a relaxed regularization on the smoothness of the velocity fields parameterized in the network, which often happens in learning-based approaches. A possible solution is to enforce a smooth convolutional kernel ℋ̃ <cit.> for each iterative evolution layer of our developed network architecture. This will be further investigated in our future work. Another potential future direction could be applying the network architectures developed in NeurEPDiff to learn another solution operator to predict transformations (Eq. (<ref>)), which will further speed up optimization-based and learning-based diffeomorphic registration algorithms <cit.>. *Acknowledgement. This work was supported by NSF CAREER Grant 2239977. splncs04
A quantum spectral method for simulating stochastic processes, with applications to Monte Carlo
[ "Adam Bouland", "Aditi Dandapani", "Anupam Prakash" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
QTrail-DB: A Query Processing Engine for Imperfect Databases with Evolving Qualities Maha Asiri, Mohamed Y. Eltabakh Computer Science Department, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), MA, USA. {mmasiri, meltabakh}@wpi.edu March 30, 2023 =============================================================================================================================================== empty Stochastic processes play a fundamental role in physics, mathematics, engineering and finance. One potential application of quantum computation is to better approximate properties of stochastic processes. For example, quantum algorithms for Monte Carlo estimation combine a quantum simulation of a stochastic process with amplitude estimation to improve mean estimation. In this work we study quantum algorithms for simulating stochastic processes which are compatible with Monte Carlo methods. We introduce a new “analog” quantum representation of stochastic processes, in which the value of the process at time t is stored in the amplitude of the quantum state, enabling an exponentially efficient encoding of process trajectories. We show that this representation allows for highly efficient quantum algorithms for simulating certain stochastic processes, using spectral properties of these processes combined with the quantum Fourier transform. In particular, we show that we can simulate T timesteps of fractional Brownian motion using a quantum circuit with gate complexity (T), which coherently prepares the superposition over Brownian paths. We then show this can be combined with quantum mean estimation to create end to end algorithms for estimating certain time averages over processes in time O((T)ϵ^-c) where 3/2<c<2 for certain variants of fractional Brownian motion, whereas classical Monte Carlo runs in time O(Tϵ^-2) and quantum mean estimation in time O(Tϵ^-1). Along the way we give an efficient algorithm to coherently load a quantum state with Gaussian amplitudes of differing variances, which may be of independent interest. arabic § INTRODUCTION Stochastic processes play a fundamental role in mathematics, physics, engineering, and finance, modeling time varying quantities such as the motion of particles in a gas, the annual water levels of a reservoir, and the prices of stocks and other commodities. One potential application of quantum computation is to better estimate properties of stochastic processes or random variables derived therefrom. A long line of works have shown that one can quadratically improve the precision of estimating expectation values of random variables, using quantum amplitude estimation and variants thereof <cit.>. For example, if one wishes to estimate the expectation value of a random variable that one can efficiently classically sample, then classical Monte Carlo methods require Θ(1/ϵ^2) samples to ϵ-approximate the mean, while quantum algorithms can do so using only Θ(1/ϵ) calls to the classical sampling algorithm in superposition. These algorithms are optimal in a black-box setting <cit.>. Such algorithmic approaches have received much attention as a potential application of quantum computation. For example, there has been much excitement about the possibility of using this approach for the Monte Carlo pricing of financial derivatives and risk analysis, e.g. <cit.>. However, achieving a practical quantum speedup for estimation of expectations over stochastic processes is challenging, even with potential future improvements in quantum hardware. This is for two reasons. First, in these algorithms one must simulate the underlying random variable/stochastic process in quantum superposition. That is, one needs to coherently prepare a quantum state which encodes the randomness used to generate the trajectory as well as a trajectory of the stochastic process under consideration. While in principle this can always be done in the same amount of time to classically simulate the process – for example by compiling the classical simulation down to Toffoli gates with uniform random seeds as input – in practice this can result in prohibitively large gate counts in the simulation circuit. Second, one must not only simulate the above simulation circuit once, but (O(1/ϵ)) in series in order to achieve the quadratic quantum speedup[It is however possible to perform lower-depth variants of the algorithm at the cost of decreased speedups <cit.> that are proportional to the number of times the simulation circuit is performed in series.]. The depth for the simulation circuit is therefore another bottleneck in obtaining speedups for quantum Monte Carlo methods. Due to these constraints, it has recently been noted that in certain future projections of quantum hardware development, the clockspeed overheads of quantum error correction might overwhelm the quadratic speedups for relevant parameter regimes <cit.>. For example, recent estimates of the effective error rate needed to implement financial derivative pricing in a practical setting using state of the art algorithms has revealed it might require many orders of magnitude improvements over existing hardware <cit.>. Fortunately, these quantum Monte Carlo algorithms naturally compound with any speedup in the process simulation. Therefore, a critical goal is to find a quantum speedup for simulating stochastic processes, or at the very least a more gate-efficient method of simulating such processes, to render these techniques practical in the future. Indeed, <cit.> noted that quantum walk methods can achieve such a speedup in certain cases, and used this to show a quantum algorithm for estimating the partition function of the Ising model exhibiting a quadratic speedup in both the error parameter ϵ^-1 and the mixing time of the corresponding random walk over classical methods. In a similar spirit there has been interest in efficient loading of particular probability distributions, such as the Gaussian distribution <cit.>, into quantum registers for future use in finance algorithms. §.§ Our results In this work we study the quantum simulation of stochastic processes for use in Monte Carlo algorithms. We focus on two questions: first, beyond quantum walks, are there scenarios can one create a coherent quantum simulation of a stochastic process using significantly fewer gates than trivially “quantizing” a classical simulation algorithm (i.e. compiling to Toffolis)? And second, could this create an end to end algorithm for an any potentially relevant applications which surpasses classical Monte Carlo? We answer both questions in the affirmative. First, we introduce a new notion of stochastic process simulation which we call the analog simulation of a process, as opposed to the digital simulation obtained by “quantizing” a classical algorithm. We then show that one can create a highly efficient analog simulation for Brownian motion (BM) and a generalization thereof known as fractional Brownian motion (fBM). In particular we show how to ϵ-approximately simulate a T-step Brownian motion process in merely Õ((T)(ϵ^-1)) qubits and even shorter circuit depth. There is a quantum algorithm to produce an ϵ-approximate analog simulation for fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter H∈ (0, 1], using a quantum circuit with O((T)+(ϵ^- 1/2H)) gates, O((T)+(ϵ^-1/2H)) depth, and O((T)+O(ϵ^-1/2H)) qubits. Here the input to the algorithm is a description of the parameters of the fractional Brownian motion – namely the drift, variance and the “Hurst parameter” which describes the amount of correlation or anti-correlation between subsequent steps of the Brownian motion. We define this more formally in Section <ref>. Our algorithm makes critical use of the quantum Fourier transform and spectral properties of fractional Brownian motion, as well as a recursive application of data loading algorithms which uses special properties of this spectrum. Additionally, we generalize these methods to a broader class of stochastic processes known as Lévy processes, albeit with weaker simulation guarantees. Second, we show how to use this new representation to obtain an end to end quantum algorithm for estimating properties of stochastic processes, which is faster than classical Monte Carlo. This is not straightforward, as our analog simulation makes use of the exponential size of Hilbert space to efficiently encode the stochastic process trajectories. This does not allow one to directly measure quantities readily available in the digital simulation. For example, one cannot easily read out the value of the process at a particular time, similar to how the HHL algorithm does not allow one to extract individual entries of the solution vector of a linear system <cit.>. Therefore, some work must be done to identify properties of stochastic processes which are easily extractable from this analog representation. To this end, we describe two quantities which are time averages of the stochastic processes which meet this criteria, which can be efficiently estimated by combining our analog simulation algorithm with quantum mean estimation algorithms <cit.>. For example, we show that one an efficiently price a certain over-the counter financial option currently traded – in particular, an option on realized variance – under a particular assumption about the evolution of the asset. We also show that one can create an efficient statistical test for anomalous diffusion in fluids. The first algorithm runs in time O((T)ϵ^-c) where 3/2<c<2 is a constant depending on certain parameters of the stochastic process. This is an improvement over classical Monte Carlo which runs in time O(Tϵ^-2), and incomparable[Here the algorithms are incomparabale as coming from the fact that our analog simulation introduces additional error terms into the simulation at order (ϵ^-1), which are exponentially suppressed in the digital simulation. ] to standard quantum mean estimation which runs in time O(Tϵ^-1). Our algorithm therefore creates a black-box quantum speedup compared to the best black-box classical algorithm. We leave open the question of whether our techniques can generate a genuine (white box) quantum speedup for estimating certain properties of stochastic processes. Here the central questions are a) to characterize what sorts of properties of fBM we can estimate with our methods and b) to determine if there exist faster classical methods for computing such properties than classical Monte Carlo sampling. For the particular quantities we consider here, there exist closed-form analytical formulae for these quantities, and therefore our results do not represent white-box speedups over the best possible classical algorithm. However, our technique easily generalize to (mildly) postselected subsets of the process trajectories, which quickly allow one to depart from the regime of closed-form analytical formulae. Therefore we expect that our techniques can easily price certain options or evaluate properties of sub/super diffusive fluids which do not have closed-form analytical formulae, and therefore could possibly represent white-box quantum speedups. As with all black-box speedups (including standard quantum mean estimation algorithms), the central question is whether or not faster classical algorithms exist beyond classical Monte Carlo despite the non-existence of closed form solutions. We discuss this further, as well as additional open problems, in Section <ref>. §.§ Analog vs digital simulation A discrete-time stochastic process S(T) is a description of a probability distribution over values v_1, v_2,… v_T of a particular quantity at specified times 1,2,… T. The differences between successive values v_i+1-v_i are referred to as the increments of the processes, which might be dependent on one another. For example, the stochastic process describing a particle subject to diffusion will have independent increments, while the process representing the annual water level in a reservoir will have positively correlated increments due to long-term drought cycles <cit.>. We say one can perform a quantum simulation of a stochastic processes if one can coherently produce a quantum state ψ representing the stochastic process. The complexity of this task might depend on the quantum representation of the stochastic process. For example, a commonly used representation (e.g. as mentioned in <cit.>) is to consider the quantum state ∑_v_1,v_2,… v_T√(p_v_1,v_2,… v_T)|v_1,v_2,… v_T⟩|g⟩ where p_v_1,v_2,… v_T is the probability the process takes values v_1,v_2,… v_T, |g⟩ is a garbage state entangled with the values, and the sum is taken over all possible values of the tuples v_1… v_T. In other words, the ket of the state encodes the trajectory of the process (i.e. the tuple of values v_1,v_2,… v_T), and the amplitude stores the probability that trajectory occurs. If one traces out the garbage qubits, the diagonal entries of the reduced density matrix are precisely the probability distribution of the stochastic process. We call this the digital representation of the stochastic process, because it meshes well with classical digital simulation algorithms. Namely, if one has a classical algorithm to sample from v_1,v_2,… v_T in time f(T), then it immediately implies a quantum algorithm to produce the digital representation in time O(f(T)) – simply by compiling the algorithm down to Toffoli gates, and replacing its coin flips with |+⟩ states[The coin flip registers then become the garbage register of the above state.]. Therefore there is no quantum slowdown for the digital simulation task in general. To the best of our knowledge, the best type of quantum speedup for digital simulation occurs via quantum walk algorithms as noted in <cit.>, where f(T) goes to √(f(T)) in certain cases. In this work we introduce a new representation of stochastic processes, which we call the analog representation. We first describe the analog encoding of a single trajectory (v_1,v_2,… v_T) of the stochastic process S(T) is defined as, |ψ_v_1,v_2,… v_T⟩=(1/v∑_i=1^T v_i|i⟩) Here the value of the process is encoded in the amplitude of the quantum state and the ket stores the time. This representation of the stochastic process manifestly takes advantage of the exponential nature of quantum states – as only O(log T) qubits are required to represent a T-timestep process. It is an analog representation as the values are stored in the amplitude of the state, rather than digitally in the value of the ket. An ϵ-approximate encoding of the trajectory of the stochastic process trajectory is a state such that |ψ'_v_1,v_2,… v_T⟩ - |ψ_v_1,v_2,… v_T⟩^2≤ϵ. Note that here the representation discards the normalization information, but we will later consider modifications of this formalism which keeps normalization information as well, at the cost of introducing an additional flag register which is 0 on the desired (sub-normalized) state. Preparing the analog encoding of a single trajectory of S(T) is equivalent to the task of preparing copies of a density matrix ρ= 𝔼_v_1,v_2,… v_T[ |ψ_v_1,v_2,… v_T⟩⟨ψ_v_1,v_2,… v_T|]. Such a density matrix represents a single trajectory of the stochastic process sampled according to the correct probabilities. However, for quantum Monte Carlo methods to estimate a function of a stochastic process, a stronger notion of coherent analog encodings for S(T) is required. The coherent analog representation of the stochastic process S(T) is defined as follows |S(T)⟩= ∑_v_1,v_2,… v_T√(p_v_1,v_2,… v_T)|ψ_v_1,v_2,… v_T⟩|g⟩ where |g⟩ is an orthonormal garbage register entangled with the trajectory v_1… v_T. In other words, we assume that tracing out the garbage register yields the state ρ = 𝔼_v_1,v_2,… v_T ∼ S|ψ_v_1,v_2,… v_T⟩⟨ψ_v_1,v_2,… v_T| . The garbage register essentially encodes the randomness needed to sample from the process trajectories. The coherent analog representation |S(T)⟩ of the stochastic process is compatible with quantum Monte Carlo methods and can be used as part of the simulation circuit/oracle for estimating a function of the stochastic process using the quantum amplitude estimation algorithm. An ϵ approximate analog encoding for |S_ϵ(T)⟩ is defined similarly where the trajectories generated are ϵ approximately correct. We note that a method of preparing ρ directly (e.g. by classically sampling random trajectories and then coherently preparing the trajectory states) is not compatible with amplitude estimation as it is not unitary. §.§ Proof sketch Our first result is to show that the mathematical structure of fractional Brownian motion – a fundamental stochastic process that can be used to model diffusion processes like the motion of particles in a gas – is particularly amenable to efficient analog simulation. §.§.§ Step 1: View in Fourier basis using the QFT Our algorithm is derived from combining spectral techniques with the quantum Fourier transform. The starting point is the classic spectral analysis of Brownian motion and its Wiener series representation as a Fourier series with stochastic coefficients. Brownian motion is a continuous time process, i.e. a probability distribution over continuous real-valued functions B(t):[0,1]→ℝ, with Gaussian increments between distinct times. There are several mathematical definitions of Brownian motion, but the most helpful is a description of its Fourier series due to Wiener (1924). Wiener observed that Brownian motion[Technically, this is the description of a Brownian bridge which has fixed start and end points. But this spectral analysis can be generalized to other forms of Brownian motion.] with zero drift and variance σ on the interval [0,1] can be written as B(t) = ∑_k=1^∞a_k/ksin(π kt) where the variables a_k are independent identically distributed (i.i.d.) Gaussian variables with mean 0 and variance 1. In other words, when viewed in frequency space, Brownian motion is extremely simple – its frequency components decouple from one another. The Wiener series representation gives rise to a family of classical spectral algorithms for simulating Brownian motion, which are commonly used in computational finance <cit.>. The basic idea is to discretize time to T timesteps, draw a set of random Gaussian variables a_k of diminishing variances (typically imposing some cutoff on the maximum frequency considered), and take their Fourier transform to obtain a trajectory of B(t). Classically this takes time O(Tlog T) via the fast Fourier transform algorithm <cit.>. Our first key observation is that this classical spectral algorithm offers an opportunity for a highly efficient quantum analog simulation for Brownian motion trajectories via the quantum Fourier transform (QFT). The QFT performs a Fourier transform over a vector of length T using only (T) qubits and quantum gates – essentially by exponentially parallelizing the FFT algorithm – and is at the is at the core of many quantum speedups, e.g. <cit.>. Therefore, if one could efficiently prepare a quantum state encoding the Fourier transform of a stochastic process, then by taking its QFT[For technical reasons we perform a Real version of quantum Fourier transform on such a vector known as the Discrete Sine Transform (DST), but this also admits an efficient quantum circuit implementation based on the QFT circuit.] one would obtain an analog simulation of the process. The problem of analog simulation therefore reduces to the problem of loading the stochastic coefficients of the processes' Fourier transform. This is the conceptual core of our quantum spectral algorithm. For Brownian motion we therefore need to efficiently load a quantum state where the amplitudes are distributed as independent Gaussians of diminishing variances[We note that this task is different than the one considered in <cit.>, as we are probabilistically loading the Gaussian into a single amplitude, rather than deterministically preparing a single quantum state with many amplitudes in the shape of a Gaussian.]. As we discuss next, the symmetries of the Brownian motion and the decoupling of the stochastic coefficients allows us to obtain a very efficient quantum analog simulation algorithm for the Brownian motion. A similar analysis holds for fractional Brownian motion as well. Here the Fourier coefficients of the process decouple as well to independent Gaussians, but the functional form of the diminishing variances is given by a power low function of the Hurst parameter which controls the amount of correlation between steps. For simplicity of presentation, we will sketch our algorithm for standard Brownian motion. The extension to fractional Brownian motion will later be shown in Section <ref> using similar ideas. §.§.§ Step 2: Efficient Gaussian loading Via the QFT, we have shown that to produce an analog simulation of a single trajectory of Brownian motion, we need to show how to efficiently prepare a quantum state encoding its Fourier transform. In other words, we need to prepare the state, |ϕ_a⃗⟩∝∑_k=1^Ta_k/k|k⟩ where the a_k ∼ N(0,1) and the series coefficients are independent Gaussian variables of decreasing variance according the function f(k)=1/k. We call this the “Gaussian loading problem” for the function f(k)=1/k – and in general one can consider this problem with different decay functions of the variance. The first step of our algorithm is to truncate the Fourier series to a finite number of terms L. That is, we instead prepare the state |ϕ_a⃗⟩∝∑_k=1^La_k/k|k⟩ This introduces a small amount of error in our simulation algorithm. However, as the function 1/k is rapidly diminishing as a function of k, we show that this only introduces a small amount of error in our simulation. More generally in one wishes to find an ϵ-approximate simulation algorithm, this only requires setting L=(ϵ^-1). We then give an efficient quantum for solving this truncated Gaussian loading problem, which we believe may be of independent interest. Our algorithm uses only O(L+log T + log(ϵ^-1)) qubits and computation time. Our algorithm applies to a variety of decay functions for the variance – which will play a key role in our generalization to fractional Brownian motion. This algorithm is the technical core of our results. The starting point for our Gaussian loading algorithm is highly efficient data loader circuits <cit.> for particular quantum states. These are circuit realizations of previous recursive constructions that used specialized quantum memory devices such as those of Grover and Rudolph <cit.> and Kerenidis and Prakash <cit.>. For any fixed values of the a_i, one can define a log-depth circuit to load the vector |ϕ_a⃗⟩, by now standard recursive doubling tricks – one simply computes how much ℓ_2 mass is on the first vs second half of the state, hard-codes this as a rotation angle between the first and second halves, and recurses in superposition. This results in a log-depth circuit for loading the state, where k is represented in unary. There are two issues which must be solved to apply this algorithm to our Gaussian loading problem. For one, this loading occurs in unary, and we are using a binary representations of k and T in our analog encoding, but this turns out to be a minor issue which can be solved with low-depth binary to unary converters (see Appendix <ref>). The second and more fundamental issue is that this only describes how to efficiently load a single state, and we wish to load the analog representation of the Brownian motion |B(t)⟩ in order to be compatible with quantum Monte Carlo methods. We solve this by applying the data loading algorithm twice recursively – which we call “data loading the data loader." The basic idea is that for any data loading algorithm 𝒜, it takes as input some rotation angles θ⃗, and outputs a state |𝒜(θ⃗)⟩. The data loading algorithms we consider are onto, in other words for any state |ψ⟩, there exists a setting of the angles |θ⟩ such that 𝒜(θ⃗)=|ψ⟩. Thus, given any distribution D over quantum states, this induces a classical probability distribution D' over vectors θ⃗. Therefore, if we could only efficiently load the quantum state corresponding to D', i.e. |D'⟩ = ∑_θ⃗√(D'(θ⃗))|θ⃗⟩ where D'(θ⃗) is the probability of θ⃗ in D', then by feeding this state into 𝒜 and tracing out the angle registers, this would efficiently allow us to prepare σ. If one considers applying this technique directly, however, it turns out to produce highly complex quantum circuits. While there exists a distribution D' over data loader angles to produce states of independent diminishing Gaussians, the joint distribution induced on angles is quite complicated. In particular, the angles are highly correlated with one another. In other words, the induced distribution on the angle θ_i applied at a particular stage of the algorithm is dependent on the prior angles applied. Therefore, to load the probability distribution on angles D' would be prohibitively costly – as it would require solving a highly correlated data loading problem across many qubit registers. This increases the complexity of the data loading circuit which reduces or eliminates our potential advantage from using the QFT. We circumvent this obstacle in two steps. First, we show one can highly efficiently load large vectors of i.i.d. Gaussians, i.e. where the Gaussian entries all have the same variance. This is because the induced distribution on data loader angles is independent – we show the angles decouple due to symmetries of the high-dimensional Gaussian, which mesh particularly well with the binary tree data-loading circuits. In fact the distribution on data loader angles θ⃗ turn out to have a closed form given in terms of the β and γ distributions due to the fact that the sum of squares of k i.i.d. Gaussians are distributed according to the γ(k/2) distribution. Therefore, there is a highly efficient circuit to load these angles - one just loads each angle register separately, and feeds it into the <cit.> circuits. This allows us to quickly prepare quantum states with i.i.d. Gaussian entries. Second, we show that we can efficiently convert such states into states with decreasing variances with a simple trick. The basic idea is to artificially inject diminishing variances with reversible addition – we first prepare prepare ∑_1^L b_k|k⟩ where the b_k∼ N(0,1) as described above, then prepare the state ∑_1^L 1/k|k⟩, and reversibly add their register mod L to produce ∑_k,k'=1^Lb_k/k'|k⟩|k'⟩|k+k' L⟩ we then measure the auxiliary register to get the value of l=(k+k' L). Post measurement, the amplitudes are b_k+l/k' – which looks like exactly what we desire, except the entries of the Guassian vector b have been permuted (shifted by l). The key observation, however, is that the iid Gaussian vector b⃗ is permutation invariant. Therefore b_k'+l/k' ranging over k' have the same distribution as i.i.d. Gaussian amplitudes with decaying variances, irrespective of the value of l. The same technique works for a wide variety of functional forms of diminishing variances, which we discuss in detail in the main text, as it is key to generalizing our algorithm to fractional Brownian motion. §.§.§ Sketch of end to end applications We also provide two end-to-end examples using our analog encoding which provide black-box speedups over classical Monte Carlo sampling. The first example entails the pricing of a variance swap. A variance swap is a financial instrument which pays out proportional to the mean squared volatility observed in a stock price – so the more volatile the stock, the more it pays out. It can be used as a hedge against volatility, and is traded as an over the counter option in financial markets. We show that we can use our analog encoding to efficiently price a variance swap in certain conditions. At a high level, our algorithm is efficient because the price of a variance swap is naturally a time average of a square of values of the volatility, and it is particularly easy to extract time averages from our analog encoding (as they are certain amplitudes of our state which are relatively large). Our algorithm works under a particular assumption about the time evolution of the price of the underlying asset. In particular, the asset must evolve by Geometric Brownian motion with changing variance, and where the variance evolves by fractional Brownian motion. By combining our algorithm with quantum mean estimation, we can ϵ-approximate the value of the option in time O((T)ϵ^-c) where 3/2<c=1+1/2H<2 where H is the Hurst parameter of the fBM. Our algorithm works better with higher Hurst parameters of the volatility. See Section <ref> for details. While this particular option has a closed-form analytical solution, we note we can easily apply post-selection on the fBM, for example over paths whose norm lies in a given interval, which would circumvent the possibility of an analytic solution. Our second example involves a statistical test to distinguish between different diffusive regimes in single- particle motion. While in ideal fluids particle positions evolve by Brownian motion, in particular sub or super-diffusive fluids, they evolve by fBM with a nontrivial Hurst parameter. We show that we can use our analog encoding for fBM to create a statistical test that distinguishes between a particle following an fBM with given Hurst parameter, or fBM with an alternative Hurst parameter, or even a simple case of a continuous-time-random walk. Our algorithm again runs in time Õ((T) ϵ^-c'), where c'>2 depends on the Hurst parameter of the fBM, rather than Õ((T)*N) in the classical case, where N is determined by the discretization used to sample its characteristic function. Unlike our prior application, here we do not run quantum mean estimation, but rather use our simulation directly to produce estimates of the average mean-squared-displacement of the particle under certain Hurst parameters, which is compared to the observed data. Therefore this application has a worse scaling in ϵ^-1 compared to classical, but a better scaling in T. As we will discuss shortly, this could still possibly generate a faster black-box algorithm than classical Monte Carlo in situations with large T. §.§ Generalizations and Open Problems There are many open problems remaining. Of course, the most direct one is whether or not our method can produce an end to end asymptotic speedup for computing properties of certain stochastic processes, as previously discussed. Here the basic issue is to identify interesting properties of fractional Brownian motion which are complicated enough to require classical Monte Carlo approaches. In this direction we believe considering functions of postselected subsets of trajectories is the most promising approach. Postselection typically takes one out of the regime of analytical formulae. For example, in computational finance, barrier options (which only can pay out if the price of the underlying asset breaches a certain value at some point in time) typically do not have analytical formulae and therefore are priced by Monte Carlo methods. Postselection slows both our quantum algorithm and classical Monte Carlo in unison, preserving the relative speedup of our method relatively to classical MC. Therefore, if one could find a postelected property of fBM for which the best classical estimation algorithm is classical MC, then this could yield a white-box speedup for our algorithm. Another possible direction to search for speedups is to consider other inner products one could compute with respect to Brownian Motion. We generalize our algorithm to the following: given a function f(t), one can efficiently evaluate its inner product with BM, i.e. |⟨f(T)|B(T)⟩|^2, assuming that one can prepare a quantum state encoding f(t) (for details see Section <ref>). Our given applications are the special case where f is the indicator function between times t_1 and t_2. One can ask if other functions might give a quantum speedup. In any case, quantifying such a speedup would require careful work. For one, there are many parameters at play. To quantify an end to end speedup, one would need to take into account that the parameter T is implicitly a function of ϵ (see e.g. <cit.>). For example if one must set T=O(ϵ^-1) vs T=O(ϵ^-2) vs T=O(ϵ^-1/2), then our method's black-box speedup becomes polynomial, but with differing degrees. We note that even if T=O(ϵ^-1), our method's savings in T pushes our algorithms' performance beyond that of standard quantum mean estimation – and the gap only grows if T is larger. Other factors might also affect the apparent speedup – for example if the quantity being estimated is invariant to high-frequency components of the stochastic process (as with a time average), then our algorithms' omission of high-frequency content might result in a better error scaling than our naive bounds, and potentially result in a Õ((T) ϵ^-c) algorithm where c<1. For this reason we believe quantifying potential asymptotic speedups for potential problems of interest to be an interesting line of inquiry. More broadly, we leave open the question of whether our techniques can be “de-quantized” in a similar spirit to <cit.>, i.e. if it is possible achieve a similar (T) dependence for sampling from values/times of fBM trajectories[However, we note that this would only “de-quantize” the applications which do not make use of quantum mean estimation/amplitude estimation, as the latter algorithms intrinsically require coherent state preparation and not probabilistic samples. ]. Another interesting direction is to explore what other stochastic processes might be amenable to efficient analog simulation. For example, would it be possible to give an efficient analog simulation for Geometric Brownian motion? The case of Brownian motion is particularly nice because its Fourier spectrum decouples. For a general stochastic processes, there are non trivial dependencies between the stochastic coefficients and the resources required for loading the joint distribution of the Fourier coefficients may be prohibitive. However there are more general families of stochastic processes with well-behaved spectra, One reason the Fourier spectrum of Brownian motion is well-behaved it that it is a stationary process, i.e. the joint probability distribution does not change when shifted in time. This cyclic shift symmetry is precisely the symmetry of the QFT, and therefore it might be possible to give simulations for other stationary processes. In another direction, our results use the fact that Brownian motion can be expressed as an integral over white noise – which is noise with i.i.d Gaussian Fourier components. In this spirit, in Section <ref> we generalize our algorithm to produce analog encodings of trajectories of Lévy processes. Lévy processes are stationary stochastic processes generalizing Brownian motion, which can be expressed as integrals over a linear combination of Poisson and Brownian noise. The quantum simulation method for Lévy process trajectories is obtained by quantizing the classical method that embeds the Toeplitz discrete integration operator into a circulant matrix <cit.>. The method remains efficient in the quantum setting with gate complexity O((log T, 1/ϵ)) as circulant matrices are diagonalized by the quantum Fourier transform and further the Fourier spectrum of Lévy noise is flat, similar to the spectrum of the white noise. However our simulation results for Lévy processes are weaker than those for fBM, as we can only provide an incoherent simulation of these processes due to the coupling of the Fourier coefficients, and therefore cannot combine this method with amplitude estimation. The stochastic integral method can be used to generate encodings of Itô processes that are defined as integrals over white noise and time. We leave open the question of whether the quantum spectral method can be generalized further to (fractional) integrals over white noise and Poisson shot noise– this family of stochastic processes includes Lévy and Itô processes as well as fractional Brownian motions. Indeed our extension to fractional Brownian motion – which can be expressed as a fractional integral of Brownian motion – is a step in this direction. There is also the more direct question of whether analog simulation results in smaller quantum circuits than digital simulation for stochastic processes of interest beyond Brownian motion, in a non-asymptotic setting relevant to potential future applications of error-corrected quantum computers. This was part of our original motivation for this line of work, and we hope our work spurs further efforts in this area. § PRELIMINARIES We introduce some preliminaries on stochastic processes and quantum computing in this section. In subsection <ref>, we begin with the defining the Brownian motion. More generally, our techniques are applicable to stochastic processes that can be written as stochastic integrals over time and over Brownian motion, these processes include the fractional Brownian motion and Itô processes. Subsection <ref> introduces the quantum Fourier transform and state preparation circuits that will be used for constructing the quantum encoding for the stochastic processes. §.§ Brownian motion and Itô processes The stochastic processes considered in this work are Brownian motion and its generalization to Itô processes. We first introduce the Brownian motion and then the more general processes that can be represented as integrals over Brownian motion. The Brownian motion is defined as follows, The Brownian motion is a stochastic process B: ^+→ such that: * B(0)=0 and B(t+h) - B(t) ∼ N(0, h) for all t, h ∈^+ where N(0,h) is the normal distribution with mean 0 and variance h. * For any finite subdivision 0< t_1 <t_2⋯ <t_n of time steps, the increments B(t_i+1) - B(t_i) are independent random variables. * Almost surely, t → B(t) is a continuous function. The existence of Brownian motion is not obvious from this definition, it was first demonstrated by Wiener <cit.> and a different alternate construction was given by Lévy <cit.>. Wiener obtained a stochastic Fourier series representation for the Brownian motion on [0,π], (Wiener <cit.>) For independent random variables a_i∼ N(0,1), the following Fourier series represents Brownian motion on the interval [0, π], B(t) = √( 1/ π ) a_0 t + √( 2/π) ∑_k≥1 a_k sin(kt) /k The Brownian motion on ^+ is obtained by concatenating independent Brownian motions on intervals [kπ, (k+1)π]. Discarding the drift term in the Wiener series, one obtains the Brownian bridge, which represents a Brownian path with the values at the start and end point fixed to 0. The Fourier series representation of the Brownian motion will also be used for the quantum simulation algorithm. More general stochastic processes can be defined as stochastic integrals over the Brownian motion. The stochastic integral ∫^t_0 f(s) dB_s= lim_N →∞∑_i ∈ [N] f(t_i) (B(t_i) - B(t_t-1) is defined as the limit over equal subdivisions t_i, i ∈ [N] of the interval [0,t] of the sum ∑_i ∈ [N] f(t_i) (B(t_i) - B(t_t-1). An important class of processes defined as stochastic integrals over Brownian motion is the fractional Brownian motion (fBM), a one parameter extension of Brownian motion for a Hurst parameter H∈ [0,1]. The fBM with Hurst parameter H=1/2 corresponds to standard Brownian motion. The fractional Brownian motion was first discussed by Lévy <cit.> as an integral over the standard Brownian motion. The fractional Brownian motion with Hurst exponent H ∈ [0, 1] is defined to be the stochastic process, fBM_H (t) := ∫^t_0 ( t- s)^H-0.5 dB_s eq2 Mandelbrot and Van Ness <cit.> provided an origin independent fractional Brownian motion given by the Weyl integral, this definition as well can be written in integral form as ∫^t_0 K_H(s-t) dB_s for a Kernel function depending only on the difference (s-t). The definition of fBM used for spectral simulation is that as a fractional integral of the white noise, the BM in turn can be viewed as integral of the white noise. Stochastic processes that can written as a linear combination of a stochastic integral over Brownian motion and a stochastic integral over time are called Itô processes. An Itô process has a representation of the form, X_t = X_0 + ∫σ_s dB_s + ∫μ_t dt In addition to fractional Brownian motion, we also develop quantum simulation methods for generating trajectories of Itô and Lévy processes that can be represented as stochastic integrals in section <ref>. §.§ Quantum computing preliminaries We introduce in this section the quantum Fourier transform and logarithmic depth state preparation circuits that are components of the quantum stochastic process simulation algorithm. The quantum Fourier transform is defined as follows, The quantum Fourier transform () is an N dimensional unitary matrix U with entries given by (U)_jk = e^2π i jk/N = ω^jk for 0≤ j, k ≤ n, where ω = e^2 π i/N is an N-th root of unity. The real and the imaginary part of the the quantum Fourier transform are known as the discrete cosine transform (DCT) and the discrete sine transforms (DST) respectively. It is well known that the quantum Fourier transform (QFT) can be implemented as a logarithmic depth circuit, an explicit implementation using Hadamard and phase gates is provided in Appendix <ref>. It also follows that the logarithmic depth circuit for the QFT can be used to implement the discrete sine and cosine transforms. The second quantum computing primitive that we use are the logarithmic depth state preparation circuits in quantum machine learning termed as data loaders <cit.>. The data loader circuit is a parametrized circuit that prepares the amplitude encoding |x⟩ for a vector x ∈^n. The data loader circuits are composed of recursive beam splitter (RBS) gates that are two qubit gates given as, RBS(θ) = [ 1 0 0 0; 0 cos(θ) sin(θ) 0; 0 -sin(θ) cos(θ) 0; 0 0 0 1 ]. The logarithmic depth data loader circuit is illustrated in Figure <ref>, it outputs the state |x⟩ on input |0^n⟩. The data loader can be viewed as a circuit based realization of binary tree data structure for state preparation. The angles for the beam splitter gates in the data loader are determined by the vector x that is being prepared by the circuit and are deterministic functions for quantum machine learning applications. For the quantum simulation of stochastic processes, the data loader is used with stochastic input, that is the input vector x is not fixed but drawn from a distribution over the unit sphere. The angles in the data loader circuit are thus drawn from a specific distribution, the explicit calculation of the angle distribution for the Haar random vector on the unit sphere will be an important part of the quantum algorithm for simulating Brownian motion trajectories. More explicitly, the angles for the data loader for vector x ∈^n are computed using a binary heap data structure where each node stores the sum of squares of the values in its subtree and an angle θ. Denoting the value stored at node j by r(j) and, the angle θ is given by θ= arccos(√(r(2j)/r(j))) where r(2j) is the sum of squares of the values stored in the left subtree for node j, that is cos^2(θ) = r(2j)/r(j) and sin^2(θ) = r(2j+1)/r(j). This description is useful for computing the distribution on the data loader angles for a Gaussian random vector. The data loader circuit produces a unary encoding for vector x using n qubits. It is further possible to convert the unary encoding into a binary encoding with a quantum circuit having depth poly-logarithmic in the dimension of the vector. The circuit for the unary to binary conversion is given in appendix <ref>. § QUANTUM ENCODINGS OF STOCHASTIC PROCESSES A discrete-time stochastic process S(T) is a description of a probability distribution over values v_1, v_2,… v_T of a particular quantity at specified times 1,2,… T. The differences between successive values v_i+1-v_i are referred to as the increments of the processes, which might be dependent on one another. A quantum simulation of a stochastic processes is a procedure to prepare quantum state ψ representing the stochastic process. The complexity of this task depends on the quantum representation of the stochastic process. We recall first the commonly used digital quantum encoding for a stochastic process and then introduce two different types of analog encodings. A digital representation for a quantum stochastic processes is defined as the state, ∑_v_1,v_2,… v_T√(p_v_1,v_2,… v_T)|v_1,v_2,… v_T⟩|g⟩ where p_v_1,v_2,… v_T is the probability the process takes values v_1,v_2,… v_T while |g⟩ is a garbage state entangled with the values, and the sum is taken over all possible values of the tuples v_1… v_T. The registers in the digital encoding store the entire trajectory of the process (i.e. (v_1,v_2,… v_T)), while the amplitude stores the probability that trajectory occurs. If one traces out the garbage qubits, the diagonal entries of the reduced density matrix are precisely the probability distribution of the stochastic process. We call this the digital representation of the stochastic process, because it meshes well with classical digital simulation algorithms. Namely, if one has a classical algorithm to sample from v_1,v_2,… v_T in time f(T), then it immediately implies a quantum algorithm to produce the digital representation in time O(f(T)) – simply by compiling the algorithm down to Toffoli gates, and replacing its coin flips with |+⟩ states. There is no quantum slowdown for the digital simulation task, but to the best of our knowledge, nor are there any quantum speedups. In this work we ask if quantum computation might admit faster algorithms for stochastic simulation tasks. We begin by introducing the analog representation where the values of the stochastic process are stored in the amplitudes. The analog encoding of a single trajectory (v_1,v_2,… v_T) of the stochastic process S(T) is the quantum state, |ψ_v_1,v_2,… v_T⟩=(1/v∑_i=1^T v_i|i⟩|0⟩). An ϵ-approximate encoding of the trajectory of the stochastic process trajectory is a state such that |ψ'_v_1,v_2,… v_T⟩ - |ψ_v_1,v_2,… v_T⟩^2≤ϵ. Here the value of the process is encoded in the amplitude of the quantum state and the ket stores the time. This representation of the stochastic process manifestly takes advantage of the exponential nature of quantum states – as only O(log T) qubits are required to represent a T-timestep process. It is an analog representation as the values are stored in the amplitude of the state, rather than digitally in the value of the ket. Preparing the analog encoding of a single trajectory of S(T) is equivalent to the task of preparing copies of a density matrix ρ= 𝔼_v_1,v_2,… v_T[ |ψ_v_1,v_2,… v_T⟩⟨ψ_v_1,v_2,… v_T|]. Such a density matrix represents a single trajectory of the stochastic process sampled according to the correct probabilities. However, for quantum Monte Carlo methods to estimate a function of a stochastic process, a stronger notion of coherent analog encodings for S(T) is required. The coherent analog representation of the stochastic process S(T) is a superposition analog representation of the corresponding trajectories, |S(T)⟩= ∑_v_1,v_2,… v_T√(p_v_1,v_2,… v_T)|ψ_v_1,v_2,… v_T⟩|g⟩ Additionally, there is a garbage register |g⟩ that encodes the randomness used to generate the corresponding trajectory. An ϵ approximate analog encoding for |S_ϵ(T)⟩ is a superposition over ϵ approximate trajectories √(p_v_1,v_2,… v_T)|ψ'_v_1,v_2,… v_T⟩ with ψ'_v_1,v_2,… v_T being ϵ approximate trajectories as in definition <ref>. § QUANTUM SIMULATION OF BROWNIAN MOTION The stochastic Fourier series representation of the Brownian motion (Theorem <ref>) provides a classical algorithm with complexity O(T log T) for simulating a Brownian path over T steps using the fast Fourier transform. It also suggests a quantum algorithm for generating analog encodings of Brownian trajectories on a quantum computer. The quantum algorithm first prepares the state |W⟩ = ∑_i ∈ [L]a_i/i|i⟩ obtained by truncating the Wiener series to a fixed number of terms L using a data loader circuit and then applies the quantum Fourier transform circuit. The number of terms L required to obtain an approximate representation of the Brownian path are much smaller than the number of time steps, for example taking L=200 terms in the series leads to an ℓ_2-norm error of 0.3 percent. The quantum simulation algorithms use O(L) gates and have complexity poly-logarithmic in T, and achieve a speedup over the classical simulator in the regime T ≫ L, We next describe an optimized algorithm for preparing analog encodings of Brownian motion with circuit depth O(log L) + log (T)), this algorithm will be used as a subroutine for generating the coherent analog encoding for fractional Brownian motions. There is a quantum algorithm for generating ϵ-approximate analog encodings of Brownian motion trajectories on T time steps that requires O(L + log T) qubits, has circuit depth O( log L + log T) and gate complexity O(L + polylog(T)) for L=O(1/ϵ). The poly-logarithmic gate complexity of the quantum Fourier transform further leads to the possibility of a potentially significant quantum speedup in for generating analog encodings of Brownian motion trajectories over T time steps T. A classical algorithm that writes down the Brownian motion trajectory over T time steps has complexity O(T). The quantum algorithm for simulating Brownian paths is presented as Algorithm <ref>. We describe the implementation of the different steps and then establish correctness of the algorithm. An efficient procedure for generating the random Gaussian state required for step 2 of algorithm <ref> is described in Section <ref>, this procedure uses the data loader circuit but with angles drawn from a certain distribution to ensure that the vector prepared is the random Gaussian state. The discrete sine transform matrix can be implemented as a quantum circuit with depth O(log T) as shown in appendix <ref>. The total circuit depth for the algorithm is therefore O(log L + log T), the number of qubits used is O(L+ log T) and the gate complexity is O(L + polylog(T)) as claimed. The correctness of the Algorithm <ref> is established in Lemma <ref>. The dependence of the ℓ_2 approximation error on the number of terms L retained in the Wiener series is examined in Section <ref>. §.§ Gaussian state preparation In order to prepare the Gaussian state in step 2 of the algorithm, we need to compute the distribution on the angles for a unary data loader for a uniformly random unit vector in S^n according to the Haar measure. Recall that a Haar random unit vector is obtained by choosing i.i.d. N(0,1) Gaussian random variables for the coordinates and rescaling to unit norm. Further, we show that for Haar random vectors, the angle distributions for the different angles in the data loader are independent and that these distributions can be specified exactly in terms of the gamma and beta distributions. We begin by recalling some of the useful properties of the beta and gamma distributions and then establishing the independence of the angle distributions for a uniformly random vector and explicitly computing the angle distributions. The Gamma distribution γ(a) has support ^+, it is parametrized by a>0 and has cumulative distribution function, Pr [ X ≤x ] = 1/ Γ(a) ∫^x_0 t^a-1 e^-t dt. Γ(a) is the Gamma function. The Beta distribution can be defined in terms of the Gamma distribution, The Beta distribution β(a,b) distribution is defined as Y_1/ Y_1 + Y_2 where Y_1∼γ(a), Y_2∼γ(b). The density function for the β(a,b) distribution is Γ(a)Γ(b)/Γ(a+b) x^α-1(1-x)^β-1. A sum of squares of k identically distributed N(0,1) Gaussian random variables can be expressed in terms of the Gamma distribution. The sum of squares ∑_i X_i^2/2 where X_i are k independent Gaussian random variables has distribution γ(k/2). This fundamental fact underlies the computation of the distribution for the data loader angles, a proof is provided in Appendix <ref> for completeness. In addition to the above fact, we require a lemma that computes the distribution of θ if sin^2(θ) has a β(a, b) distribution. If sin^2(θ) is distributed according to β(a,b), then θ has probability density function F(t)= Γ(a)Γ(b)/Γ(a+b)sin^2a-1(t) cos^2b-1(t). As sin^2(θ) is distributed according to β(a,b), we have that [sin^2(θ) ≤ t] = Γ(a)Γ(b)/Γ(a+b)∫^t_0 x^a-1(1-x)^b-1 dx. The function sin^2(θ) is monotone on the interval [0, π/2], [θ≤t] = [sin^2(θ)<sin^2(t)] = Γ(a)Γ(b)/Γ(a+b) ∫^sin^2(t)_0 x^α-1(1-x)^β-1 dx. Substituting x= sin^2(z) so that dx= 2sin(z) cos(z) dz, the integral above reduces to, Γ(a)Γ(b)/Γ(a+b) ∫^t_0 sin^2a-1(z) cos^2b-1(z) dz. It follows that the density function for θ is F(t) = Γ(a)Γ(b)/Γ(a+b)sin^2a-1(t) cos^2b-1(t) as claimed. Using the above probabilistic facts, we are now ready to compute the distribution of the data loader angles for a vector with coordinates given by i.i.d. Gaussian random variables. If the vector x∈^n stored in the binary data loader is uniformly random, the angle θ at node of height h has probability density function Γ(2^h-2)^2/Γ(2^h-1)sin^2^h-1-1(t) cos^2^h-1-1(t). The binary data loader for vector x ∈^n uses a binary heap data structure where each node stores the sum of squares of the values in its subtree and an angle θ. Denoting the value stored at node j by r(j) and, the angle θ is given by θ= arccos(√(r(2j)/r(j))) where r(2j) is the sum of squares of the values stored in the left subtree for node j, that is cos^2(θ) = r(2j)/r(j) and sin^2(θ) = r(2j+1)/r(j). If x ∈^n is a uniformly random vector then the values at the leaf nodes have distribution X_i^2 where X_i are independent N(0,1) random variables. The sum of squares 1/2∑_i ∈ [k] X_i^2 for a k independent N(0,1) random variables X_i has distribution γ(k/2) by Proposition <ref>. It follows from the definition of the beta distribution <ref> that for a node at height h (with the convention that the leaf nodes are at height 1), sin^2(θ)= r(2j+1)/r(j) has distribution β(2^h-2, 2^h-2). Applying Lemma <ref>, the angle θ for a node at height h has probability density function Γ(2^h-2)^2/Γ(2^h-1)sin^2^h-1-1(t) cos^2^h-1-1(t). We computed the distribution of the angles at the nodes for a for a uniformly random vector the angles at the nodes of the binary data loader. The next Lemma shows that these angles are in fact independent for uniformly random vectors. If the vector x∈^n stored in the binary data loader is a Haar random unit vector, the angles θ_i, θ_j stored at different nodes i, j are independent. If the nodes i,j are at the same height the angles are independent as they are functions of different i.i.d. Gaussian random variables. Without loss of generality let the h(i)≤ h(j) where h is the height of the nodes. If j does not lie on the path from the root to i, then the angles at i,j are independent as they are functions of different i.i.d. Gaussian random variables. It therefore suffices to show that for a given node j, the angles in the left sub-tree rooted at j are independent of the angle at j. The angles for the binary data loader are independent of the x, that is the angles are the same for x and cx for all c ∈. The angle at node j is a function ratio of the norms of the left and right subtrees, that is θ= arctan(√( r_2j+1/r_2j)). It follows that for i in the left-subtree rooted at j, the density function f(θ_i|θ_j)= f(θ_i | r_2j)= f(θ_i) establishing the independence of θ_i and θ_j. We are now ready to provide the procedure for generating the random Gaussian state in step 2 of Algorithm <ref>. The quantum state |R⟩ = 1/ Z_2∑_i ∈ [L] a_i|i⟩ where a_i are independent N(0,1) random variables can be prepared using the binary data loader construction with independent angles θ_i at height h distributed according to the density function Γ(2^h-2)^2/Γ(2^h-1)sin^2^h-1-1(t) cos^2^h-1-1(t). The result follows from the distribution of the angles θ_i at height h computed in Lemma <ref> and the independence of the angles θ_i established in Lemma <ref>. §.§.§ Correctness of the quantum algorithm We have described the quantum circuits implementing the steps of Algorithm <ref>, we are now ready to show that the algorithm produces the quantum states corresponding to superpositions over Brownian paths as claimed. The output of Algorithm <ref> is the quantum state |B_L⟩ = 1/Z_3∑_i ∈ [T] B_L (i π /T) |i⟩ representing the Brownian bridge with T time steps obtained by truncating the Wiener series to L terms. Algorithm <ref> outputs the quantum state obtained by applying the discrete sine transform to the state 1/ Z_3∑_k ∈ [L] a_k ⊕ j/ k|k⟩|0^log T - log L⟩ where j is the result of the measurement in step 3. The L dimensional vector a⃗ = (a_1, a_2, ⋯, a_L) has i.i.d. coordinates distributed according to N(0,1). The i.i.d. property is preserved if an arbitrary permutation σ∈ S_L is applied to a⃗. For all j ∈ [L] the mapping a_k→ a_k ⊕ j is a permutation as k_1⊕ j = k_2⊕ j implies that k_1= k_2. The vector a⃗_⃗j⃗ = (a_1⊕ j, a_2 ⊕ j, ⋯, a_L ⊕ j) therefore has the same distribution as a⃗ for all j. By Wiener's Theorem, it follows that the discrete sine transform applied to 1/ Z_3∑_k ∈ [L] a_k ⊕ j/ k|k⟩|0^log T - log L⟩ produces the state |B_L⟩ = 1/Z_3∑_i ∈ [T] B_L (i π /T) |i⟩. §.§ Coherent analog encoding for Brownian motion The coherent analog encoding for the Brownian motion is a superposition over the analog representation of the corresponding trajectories, along with the garbage register that encodes the randomness used for generating these trajectories, |S(T)⟩= ∑_v_1,v_2,… v_T√(p_v_1,v_2,… v_T)|ψ_v_1,v_2,… v_T⟩|g⟩ The algorithm for generating the coherent analog encoding for Brownian motion is a two step procedure, the first step creates the angle distributions in Lemma such that angles from these distributions when used in a unary data loader generate a Haar random unit vector. As the angle distributions are independent, these distributions are created on independent registers using a unary data loader. After the first phase the following quantum state is obtained ∑_θ_i ∏_i ∈[L-1] √(p(θ_i)) |θ_1, θ_2, ⋯, θ_L-1 ⟩. step1 The second step uses the angle registers to apply the rotations for a unary data loader in order to create the encoding of a L dimensional uniformly random vector on a second register. More precisely, the angles θ_i are stored up to some qubits of precisions and controlled rotations conditioned on these bits are applied to get a uniformly random Gaussian vector on the second register. The algorithm can therefore be viewed as 'data loading the data loader', the first step generates the angle distributions and the second step uses these angles to prepare a Gaussian state on an independent register. In addition, the second step appends an independent register in state ∑_k ∈ [L]1/ k^α| k ⟩ with exponent α depending on the Hurst parameter. The quantum state is obtained after the second step is, 1/ Z_1 ∑_θ_i ∏_i ∈[L-1] √(p(θ_i)) |θ_1, θ_2, ⋯, θ_L-1 ⟩ ∑_k ∈[L] 1/ k^α | k ⟩ ∑_i ∈[L] a_i | i ⟩ , step2 where the normalization factor 1/Z_1 ensures that the last two registers are normalized quantum states with unit norm. Using this state in step 3-5 of Algorithm <ref> generates an ϵ-approximate coherent analog encoding for Brownian motion, where ϵ depends on the number of terms L retained in the Wiener series. Assuming that the angles distributions for the θ_i in step 1 of the algorithm are generated to a fixed K bits of precision, the number of qubits needed is O(2^K L)=O(L) and the asymptotic resource requirements for generating the coherent analog encoding of Brownian motion are the same as the requirements for generating a single trajectory, There is a quantum algorithm for generating ϵ-approximate coherent analog encodings of Brownian motion with requires O(L + log T) qubits, has circuit depth O( log L + log T) and has gate complexity O(L + polylog(T)) for L=O(1/ϵ). The angle distributions for the θ_i are heavily concentrated at the higher levels of the tree, this can be used to further reduce the resource requirements for near term instantiations of the coherent analog encoding preparation procedure for Brownian motion. The quantum Monte Carlo method for estimating expectations over Brownian paths using the coherent analog encoding is described in Section <ref>. §.§ Quantum runtime and error analysis Algorithm <ref> offers a potentially significant speedup over classical algorithms for the problem of preparing an analog quantum representations of Brownian motion. The classical algorithm using the discrete Fourier transform has complexity O(T log T) while the quantum algorithm has complexity O(L+ (T)). The extent of the quantum speedup thus depends on the number of terms L retained in the Wiener series. We argue that choosing L to be a constant suffices to obtain good approximations of the Brownian path in the ℓ_2 norm. The expected ℓ_2 norm of the Brownian path E[ ∫^π_0 B(t)^2 dt] = 1/π ( 1+ ∑_k≥ 12/k^2) ≤1/π + π/3 can be calculated explicitly using Euler's celebrated summation of the series ζ(2) = ∑_k ∈ℕ1/k^2 = π^2/6. A more precise tail bound establishing the asymptotic rate of convergence of the ζ(2) series can be obtained as follows. The ζ(2) power series truncated at L terms can be approximated by the integral ∫^∞_L1/ x^2 dx = O(1/L). The expected truncation error E[ B(t) - B_L(t)^2] when the Wiener series is truncated to L terms is O(1/L) and as the error is a weighted sum of squares of Gaussian random variables B(t) - B_L(t)^2 is concentrated around O(1/L) with high probability. Thus L=O(1/ϵ) terms need to be retained to achieve ϵ-approximate analog encodings (Definition <ref>) for Brownian trajectories with high probability. The approximation of Brownian motion by a constant number of terms of the Wiener is illustrated in Figure 2. §.§ Fractional Brownian motion Algorithm <ref> can be used to prepare quantum representations of Fractional brownian motion (Definition <ref>) with arbitrary Hurst parameter H ∈ [0,1]. Wiener's Fourier series representation for the Brownian motion can be viewed as arising from the fact that Brownian motion is an integral over white noise where the white noise can be described as a stochastic Fourier series with i.i.d. Gaussian coefficients. Fractional Brownian motion in this view is a 'fractional' integral over the white noise, where the notion of fractional integral corresponds to the Lévy or the Mandelbrot definitions of the fBM given previously. Fractional integrals can be given different formulations, it suffices to determine the fractional integral of sin(kt) and cos(kt) to define it for functions having a well defined Fourier series. It can be shown that in the Fourier domain, the fractional integral with parameter α corresponds to Hadamard product by k^-1-α <cit.>. With the interpretation of fractional Brownian motion as a fractional integral over white noise it follows that the Fourier coefficients of the fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter H decay according to the power law with the k-th coefficient scaling as k^-H- 0.5. The quantum algorithm for simulating Brownian motion <ref> can be generalized to simulate fBM for an arbitrary Hurst parameter by changing the scaling of the power law exponent. The number of terms L retained in the stochastic Fourier expansion for the fBM are given by the number of terms required to approximate the power series ζ(t) for t ∈ [1,3]. For H=0, the power series ζ(1) is divergent and thus an arbitrarily large number of terms would be needed, for other values of H the convergence rate is the number of terms needed to approximate the zeta power series. Comparing with the previous calculation for Brownian motion, for H>1/2 fewer than 200 terms suffice to approximate the fractional Brownian motion up to 99.7% variance while for H<1/2 the number of terms N required to achieve this accuracy will be larger. The exact number of terms needed can be calculated from the value of ζ(1+2H), Similar to the case of Brownian motion, the dependence of the approximation error ϵ in the ℓ_2 norm can be computed by approximating the tail probability for ζ(1+2H) by the integral ϵ = ∫_L^∞ dx/x^1+2H = O(1/L^2H). The asymptotic error dependence for fractional Brownian motion with H>1/2 is better than O(1/ϵ). For example, only L=O(1/ϵ^1/2H) terms of the stochastic Fourier series need to be retained to approximate fBM with Hurst parameter H to ℓ_2 error of ϵ. The quantum algorithm for simulating fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter H is identical to Algorithm <ref> with the state ∑_k ∈ [L]1/k^H+ 0.5|k⟩ in step 1 of the algorithm. Analogous to the results for Brownian motion (H=1/2) in Theorem <ref>, we have the following result on the running time and resource requirements for simulating fractional Brownian motion. There is a quantum algorithm for generating ϵ-approximate analog encodings of fractional Brownian motion trajectories on T time steps that requires O(L + log T) qubits, has circuit depth O( log L + log T) and gate complexity O(L + polylog(T)) for L=O(1/ϵ^1/2H) where H∈ (0,1] is the Hurst parameter. Fractional Brownian motions for varying H parameters simulated using stochastic Fourier series with power law decay are illustrated in Figure 2. Fractional Brownian motion with H<1/2 is an important process in quantitative finance. In <cit.>, it is determined that via estimation of volatility from high frequency financial data that log-volatility time series behave like a fractional Brownian motion, with Hurst parameter of order 0.1. Modeling volatility this way allows one to reproduce the behavior of the implied volatility surface with high accuracy. This result is robust and has been demonstrated with thousands of assets. The truncated stochastic Fourier series captures the large scale variations on the Brownian path while filtering out the high frequency components.For most Monte Carlo estimation applications, the finer scale oscillations on the Brownian path can be safely ignored. The method of retaining only the leading coefficients of the Wiener series to get good approximations is an analogous to principal components analysis where only the leading eigenvalues of the covariance matrix are retained. The generalization of this method to arbitrary stochastic processes is formalized as the Karhunen-Loeve Theorem <cit.> in the stochastic processes literature. § QUANTUM SPECTRAL METHOD FOR STOCHASTIC INTEGRALS §.§ Lévy Processes The most general formulation of the quantum spectral method is applicable to stochastic integrals over Lévy processes. We begin with a definition of Lévy processes and stating some theorems about them. We assume we are given a filtered probability space (Ω, ℙ, 𝔽, ℱ_t). An adapted stochastic process X is called a Lévy Process if it satisfies the following criteria: * X_t-X_s is independent of ℱ_s, 0 ≤ s ≤ t ∞. * X has stationary increments, i.e. X_t-X_s has the same distribution as X_t-s, 0 ≤ s ≤ t ∞. * X is continuous in probability, i.e. lim_t → s X_t=X_s, where the limit is taken in probability. The following theorem gives the characteristic function of any Lévy process: Let X be a Lévy process with Lévy measure ν. Then, E[e^iuX_t]=e^-t ψ(u), where ψ(u) is given by: σ^2 u^2/2 -iα u + ∫_|x| ≥ 1 (1-e^iux) ν(dx) + ∫_|x| 1 (1-e^iux+iux) ν(dx). It is a consequence of the Lévy-Khintchine Theorem that any Lévy process X can be decomposed in the following manner, X_t=α t +σ B_t +Y_t + C_t, with B being a Brownian motion, Y being a pure-jump martingale with jumps bounded in absolute value by 1, and C_t being a compound Poisson process, with jumps greater than absolute value 1. The approach to quantum simulation of Lévy processes is to generate first the Lévy noise and then to apply to it an integration operator, which is then implemented efficiently using the Quantum Fourier transform. The method is probabilistic and analysis requires bounds on the the Fourier spectrum of the Lévy noise, in particular it requires that the ratio of the maximum and the minimum Fourier coefficients is bounded. Given a Lévy process X, we define Lévy white noise, Z, to be its generalized derivative: Z_t:=dX/dt-E[X_1]. Note that by the properties of Lévy processes, Lévy white noise is a zero-mean, stationary process, and Z_t || Z_s for s ≠ t. In order to establish the flatness of the Fourier spectrum of Lévy noises, we use the Wiener-Khintchine Lemma stated below to relate the Fourier coefficients to the auto-correlation function for the process. [Wiener-Khintchine] Let F(ω) be the Fourier Transform of Z, and G(ω) be the Fourier Transform of its autocorrelation function, R(τ). S(ω)=lim_T→∞𝔼|F(ω)|^2/2T=G(ω) We have S(ω)=1/2T∫_-T^T∫_-T^T𝔼(Z_uZ^*_v) e^-2π i(u-v)dudv=1/2T∫_-T^T∫_-T^T R(u-v)e^-2π i(u-v)dudv. Let τ=u-v. Then, the above equals 1/2T∫_-2T^2T R(τ)e^-2π i(τ)(2T-τ)dτ Now, we let T →∞, arriving at S(ω)=∫_-∞^∞R(τ)e^-2π i(τ)dτ=ℱ(R)[ω]=G(ω), the Fourier transform of R. The next claim shows that the Fourier transform The power spectrum S(ω) for Lévy white noise is flat, that is S(ω)= E[(Z_t)^2] for all frequencies ω. To see this, recall the fact that the power spectrum S of Lévy White noise can be obtained by taking the Fourier transform of its autocorrelation function R: S(ω)= ∫_-∞^∞e^- 2 i πτωR(τ)dτ The autocorrelation function R(τ) of the process Z is given by E[Z_t+τZ_t]. Now, given the properties of Lévy White noise, we have that R(τ)=σ^2δ_0(τ), where σ^2=E[(Z_t)^2]. Therefore, the power spectrum, S(ω), ℱ[σ^2δ_0], which is just the constant σ^2, for all ω. Applying Chebyshev's Inequality, we have the following bound on on the supremum of the Fourier coefficients of Lévy Noise, i.e. Ẑ_k: P(|Ẑ_k| M) ≤𝔼|Ẑ_k|^2/M^2=C/M^2, where the constant C is given by C=𝔼[Ẑ_k^2] §.§ Analog encodings for Lévy processes and stochastic integrals We develop a quantum spectral method that can be used to prepare quantum states representing stochastic integrals, the method is applicable to generating analog representations of integrals over Lévy processes. This includes integrals over time or over Brownian paths and Itô processes that are linear combinations of such integrals. The quantum spectral method is obtained by quantizing the classical spectral method for generating trajectories for the fractional Brownian motion <cit.>. The spectral method for stochastic processes is based on the observation that the discrete analog of an integral kernel of the form ∫^t_0 K(t-s) f(s) ds corresponds to multiplication of the vector f(x) by a lower triangular Toeplitz matrix in the discrete setting . We recall the definition of Toeplitz matrices and the closely related circulant matrices. A Toeplitz matrix T ∈^n × n is a matrix such that T_ij = f(i-j) for some function f: →, that is the entries of T are constant along the main diagonals. The integral ∫^t_0 K(t-s) f(s) ds can be approximated by discretizing the vector f(S) into T time steps and then multiplying the vector f(s) by the lower triangular Toeplitz matrix (T_K)_ij:= K(i-j) if i>j and 0 otherwise. Further, this is also equivalent to discretizing the Kernel into T time steps and then multiplying by the lower triangular Toeplitz matrix (T_f)_ij:= f(i-j). In the quantum setting, we will be computing the stochastic integrals ∫^t_0 K(t-s) μ(s) ds against a Lévy noise μ(s). This is achieved by multiplying the state corresponding to the amplitude encoding of the discretized kernel against the Toeplitz matrix T_μ. , that is |K⟩ = 1/K∑_t K(t) |t⟩ by the Toeplitz matrix T_μ generates the amplitude encoding for the function g(t) = ∫^t_0 K(t-s) μ(s) ds. Circulant matrices defined below <ref> are matrices generated by the cyclic shifts of some vector c. The spectral method for simulating stochastic integrals is based on the observation that Toeplitz matrices can be embedded into circulant matrices and that circulant matrices are diagonalized by the Fourier transform and their eigenvalues can be computed explicitly. A circulant matrix C ∈^n × n is a matrix such that C_ij = f((i-j) n) for some function f: →, that is the rows of the matrix C are generated by applying cyclic shifts to its first row. A Toeplitz matrix T_μ of dimension n can be embedded into a circulant matrix C_μ of dimension 2n as follows, C_μ = ( T_μ T_μ^' T_μ^' T_μ ) circmult where T_μ^'= (T_μ^R)^T where T_μ^R is the the reversed Toeplitz matrix with first column given by the reverse μ^R of μ. (The reverse x^R for x ∈^n is the vector with entries (x^R)_j = x_n-j of the first column of T_x). It is well known that circulant matrices are diagonalized by the Fourier transform, that is a circulant matrix C has a factorization of the form C=U (c) U^-1 where U is the unitary matrix for the quantum Fourier transform and c= ( C e_1 ) is the Fourier transform of the first column of C. The eigenvalues of the matrix C_K are thus determined by taking the Fourier transform of the first column which by construction is the vector (K, 0^T). The quantum representation of the stochastic integral ∫^t_0 K(t-s) μ(s) ds is obtained by multiplying the initial state | (K(s), 0^T)⟩ by the matrix C_μ. Multiplication by the matrix C_mu can be in turn implemented using the spectral decomposition C_mu =U (μ) U^-1, the unitaries U correspond to the quantum Fourier transform while the multiplication by the diagonal matrix can be implemented probabilistically using a post-selection step similar to that used in the HHL algorithm. The algorithm for preparing the representation of the stochastic integral is given as Algorithm <ref>. It is described for the case of integrals over a Lévy noise dμ_s. In particular, integrals over the Brownian motion can be obtained by taking μ_s= dB_s. We next establish the correctness of the algorithm and bound its success probability, Algorithm <ref> generates the amplitude encoding of ∫^t_0 K(s, t) dμ_s, requires O(T log T) resources and succeeds with probability at least 1/C^2 where C= min_i b_i/max_i b_i is the ratio of the maximum and minimum Fourier coefficients of the Lévy noise μ_s. We argue that Algorithm <ref> implements correctly the multiplication of the discretized kernel by the circulant matrix C_μ, that is step 6 generates the amplitude encoding of the result of the following matrix multiplication, ( T_μ T_μ^' T_μ^' T_μ ) ( K 0 ) The result of this matrix multiplication is an amplitude encoding of ∫^t_0 K(s, t) dμ_s concatenated with its reversal. Measuring the last qubit in step 7 yields either the amplitude encoding of ∫^t_0 K(s, t) dμ_s if the outcome is 0 and the amplitude encoding of the reversal of ∫^t_0 K(s, t) dμ_s if the outcome is 1. Applying the operation |i⟩→|T-i⟩ to the amplitude encoding of the reversal recovers the amplitude encoding for ∫^t_0 K(s, t) dμ_s. The matrix multiplication by the circulant matrix is implemented using the relation C_μ = (μ) ^-1 in steps 3-5 of the algorithm, steps 3 and 5 are unitary while step 4 involves post-selection. The success probability for the post-selection step 4 is at least min_i b_i/max_i b_i^2≥1/C^2. The analysis of the spectrum of Lévy processes in Section <ref> shows that for most Lévy processes C is a constant. The resources required for the algorithm are O(T log T) to compute the Fourier transform of the Lévy noise classically and truncate to L terms, the quantum resources needed are O(L log L + log^2T) operations for steps 2-4 of the algorithm. Note that although more general and applicable to Lévy processes with flat Fourier spectrum, Algorithm <ref> generates the amplitude encodings of trajectories of Lévy processes. Generating the coherent amplitude encoding for Lévy processes would require additional quantum resources compared to Brownian motion as the coefficients in the Fourier expansion of Lévy process are not independent except for the case of Brownian motion and loading a multi-variate distribution over the angles of a data loader is computationally more expensive than individually loading independent angle distributions as in the case of Brownian motion. § QUANTUM MONTE CARLO METHODS. Analog representations |S(T)⟩ of the stochastic process are compatible with standard quantum Monte Carlo methods and can be used as part of the simulation circuit (oracle) for estimating a function of the stochastic process using the quantum amplitude estimation algorithm. In this section, we provide a quantum Monte Carlo algorithm to estimate functions of stochastic processes given a coherent analog encoding. The method is described for fractional Brownian motion, but is applicable more generally to stochastic processes with coherent analog encodings. The goal of the algorithm is to estimate a degree d function f: S(t)^d → of the stochastic process. A linear function with d=1 corresponds to the expectation of an inner product E_v(t) ∼ S⟨f(t)|v(t)⟩. Time averages over the stochastic process are examples of linear functions with f(t) being a step function. Quadratic functions with d=2 correspond to mean square averages and variances of linear functions, and can be expressed as the inner product of a function with two copies of the trajectory of the stochastic process. The quantum Monte Carlo method is more efficient for low degree functions and for Hurst parameters H>1/2 for fractional Brownian motion. A general setting for which quantum Monte Carlo methods are applicable is that in which the function to be estimated can be encoded as an amplitude. That is, there is a circuit for unitary U such that, U |0⟩ = α|x⟩ |0⟩ + β|x^⊥ ⟩ |1⟩ the quantum amplitude estimation algorithm can then be used to estimate α to additive error ϵ using O(1/ϵ) queries, and further low depth variants of amplitude estimation can obtain a speedup that is proportional to the depth D to which the quantum circuit for U can be run on the quantum hardware. The quantum Monte Carlo algorithm is given as Algorithm <ref> where the goal is to estimate either E_B_H(t) [⟨f(t)|B(t)⟩/B(t) ] or E_B'_H(t) [⟨f(t)|B(t)⟩ ] where the expectation is over fractional Brownian motion trajectories and over trajectories B'_H(t) of bounded norm in the second case. Estimating E_B_H(t) [⟨f(t)|B(t)⟩/B(t) ] requires less quantum resources but is likely to have an analytic closed form for simple functions f as this is equivalent to computing the Fourier transform for f and computing an inner product with the Wiener series in the Fourier domain. Estimating E_B_H(t) [ ⟨f(t)|B(t)⟩ ] requires an additional norm computation and conditional rotation step in Algorithm <ref>, however the estimate produced does not have a closed form solution as the process in addition post-selects over Brownian paths of a certain norm, thus additional eliminating the additional structure in the Fourier domain arising from the Wiener series expansion. §.§ Proof of correctness The correctness proof shows that the estimates produced by algorithm <ref> are ϵ close to the true values in additive error. The analysis proceeds by analyzing in turn the errors due to truncation of the Wiener series for L terms, tracing out the auxiliary registers and other sources of error due to finite precision that are poly-logarithmic. If L=O(1/ϵ^1/2H) terms are retained in the stochastic Fourier series for fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter H, then E_B_H(t) [⟨f(t)|B_H(t)⟩/B_H(t) ] is approximated to additive error O(ϵ) for all test functions f(t). The Fourier series expansion for fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter H is B_H(t) = ∑_ka_k/k^H+0.5sin(kθ) for i.i.d. Gaussian random variables a_k, k ∈ℕ. The number of terms L that need to be retained in the stochastic Fourier series such that E[B_H(t) - B_L(t) ^2 ] ≤ϵ can be calculated as follows. The tail probability ∑_k≥ L+1 a_k^2/k^2H+1 is approximated by the integral ∫_L^∞ dx/x^1+2H = O(1/L^2H). Setting the tail probability to O(ϵ), it follows that L=O(1/ϵ^1/2H) terms of the stochastic Fourier series are needed to ensure that E[B_H(t) - B_L(t) ^2 ] ≤ϵ. As E[B_H(t)] is a constant, we have that E_B_H(t) [⟨f(t)|B_H(t)⟩/B_H(t) ] is approximated to additive error O(ϵ) for all test functions f(t). The second claim for the correctness of the quantum Monte Carlo method shows that tracing out the θ and j registers does not affect the expectations. Tracing out the θ and j registers does not change the expectation of the quantity being estimated, that is, E_B_H, j, θ(t) ⟨B_H, j, θ(t)|f(t)⟩ / B_H, j, θ(t) f = E_B_H(t) ⟨B_H(t)|f(t)⟩ / B_H(t) f The claim is equivalent to showing that after tracing out the θ and j registers, the states ∑_k ∈ [L]ã_̃k̃/k^α in the last register in equation (<ref>) represent uniformly random fractional Brownian paths. As the θ are chosen so tracing out the θ registers ensures that the ã_̃k̃ are i.i.d. Gaussian, it suffices to show that tracing out the j registers, the distribution the ã_̃k̃ remains spherically symmetric, ∑_j Pr[j] Pr [ ã | θ, j] = 1/ L ∑_k, j ã_k ⊕j^2 / k^2α = Cã^2 It follows that the states in the last register in equation (<ref>) when θ and j registers are traced out represent random fractional Brownian paths, so the quantity being estimated by the algorithm is E_B_H(t)⟨B_H(t)|f(t)⟩/B_H(t)f. With these auxiliary claims, we can complete the runtime analysis of the quantum Monte Carlo method and resources required for it, Algorithm <ref> estimates E_B_H(t) [⟨f(t)|B_H(t)⟩/B_H(t)] to additive error ϵ using O(L + log T) qubits, O( (L+ polylog(T) + G)/ϵf)= O( polylog(T)/ϵ^1+1/2H) gates where G is the number of gates in the circuit V for preparing |f⟩. Claim <ref> shows that that the amplitude being estimated by algorithm <ref> is E_B_H(t) [⟨f(t)|B_H(t)⟩/B_H(t) ]. There are two further sources of error, the first due to the finite precision for generating the distributions on the angles and the second due to truncation of the Wiener series to L terms, claim <ref> shows that the truncation error is O(ϵ) for L= O(1/ϵ^1/2H). Choosing log (1/ϵ) qubits to encode each angle further ensures that the errors due to the finite precision of the angle registers is O(ϵ). Thus, the estimate obtained in step 5 of the algorithm is an O(ϵ) additive error estimate for E_B_H(t) [⟨f(t)|B_H(t)⟩/B_H(t) ]. The number of qubits used is O(L + log T) where the O absorbs potential logarithmic factors due to higher precision on the angle registers. The oracle for the amplitude estimation circuit requires (L+ polylog(T) + G) gates and the amplitude estimation algorithm needs to simulate the oracle 1/ϵf times in step 5 of the algorithm to get the desired estimate, and the gate complexity bound follows. The classical Monte Carlo method for the task requires resources O (T /ϵ^2) while the quantum Monte Carlo method with using an oracle compiled from classical circuits would require O (T /ϵ). The gate complexity of the quantum Monte Carlo method using the fBM simulator is O( polyLog(T)/ϵ^c). It is incomparable to the black box quantum Monte Carlo method as it achieves an exponential speedup in T, the ϵ dependence is worse. It is more efficient than the classical Monte Carlo method in the regime c ∈ [1,2], that is for estimating function averages over fractional Brownian paths with H>1/2. The analysis of the quantum Monte Carlo method covers case 1 where E_B_H(t) [⟨f(t)|B_H(t)⟩/B_H(t) ]. The analysis of the post-selected quantum Monte Carlo method for estimating E_B'_H(t) [⟨f(t)|B_H(t)⟩ ] is not carried out explicitly as it depends on the post-selection procedure, however the post-selected variant is expected to be more useful in practice due to the lack of an analytic closed form solution for the quantity being estimated. §.§ Applications to Monte Carlo methods In this section, we provide two further examples of applications of the analog encoding of fractional Brownian motion to Monte Carlo methods. The first application is for pricing variance swap options, while the second is for statistical analysis of anomalous diffusion processes. In these end-to-end examples, we harness the O( polylog(T)/ϵ^c) speedup. §.§.§ Pricing Variance Swap options In this section, we consider the problem of pricing a variance swap. We assume we have a filtered probability space (Ω, ℱ, 𝔽, ℙ), where ℱ=(ℱ_t)_0≤ t ≤ T. The filtration ℱ represents the information available at a given time. We consider a model such that the price S and volatility σ, under a risk neutral measure ℚ, are given by S_t=e^∫_0^tσ_sdB_s+∫_0^t(r-1/2σ^2_s)ds and σ_t=B^H_t for a Brownian motion B and an independent Fractional Brownian motion B^H with Hurst parameter H. The stochastic volatility σ_t is itself a solution to a stochastic differential equation, for example the equation, dσ_t=σ_tdB^H_t, where B^H is a fractional Brownian motion corresponds to the case where the log-volatility is a fractional Brownian motion. Another common model for the stochastic volatility is, dσ_t=b(σ_t)dt+C(σ_t)dW_t where W is a Brownian motion that is correlated with the Brownian motion B driving the stock price process. In the above equation, b and C are deterministic functions of the volatility process which satisfy the necessary conditions for non-negativity and non-explosion. The log returns, R_i, are given by R_i=ln S_t_i+1-ln S_t_i= ∫_t_i^t_i+1(r-1/2σ^2_s)ds+ ∫_t_i^t_i+1σ_s dB_s ∼ N(∫_t_i^t_i+1(r-1/2σ^2_s)ds , ∫_t_i^t_i+1σ^2_sds) . A variance swap is an over-the-counter derivative that allows its holder to speculate on the future volatility of the asset price, without any exposure to the asset itself. In such a swap, one party pays amount that is based on the variance of the asset. The other party pays a fixed amount, i.e. the strike price, which is set so that the present value of the payoff is equal to zero. The realized variance of the asset price over a discretized time interval 0 ≤ t_t ≤ t_i+1≤ T is given by σ^2_realized = A/n∑_i=1^nR_i^2, where A is an annualization factor, and n+1 is the number of observed prices. The payoff of a variance swap is given N_var( σ^2_realized-σ^2_strike) In the above, N_var is called the variance notional. If we assume that the volatility follows a Fractional Brownian motion, we can use our analog encoding of Fractional Brownian motion, to compute the strike price, σ^2_strike=𝔼_ℚ[σ^2_realized| ℱ_t_0] since 𝔼_ℚ (σ^2_realized| ℱ_t_0) = A/n∑_i=1^n𝔼_ℚ ( R^2_i)=A/n∑_i=1^n𝔼_ℚ∫_t_i^t_i+1σ^2_sds. Let π denote the projective measurement onto time steps t_1 ≤ t ≤ t_n=T. The expectation value of π is equal to ∑_i=1^nR^2_i. and is thus equal to 𝔼_ℚ][σ^2_realized| ℱ_t_0] up to constant factors. Note that the above quantity can be computed using a quantum Monte Carlo method by modifying Algorithm <ref> to tag the amplitudes for time steps 1 to T in step 3. If the average is computed over all possible sample paths of the prices process S, then the realized variance has a closed form solution. Mild post-selection over the paths, for example choosing paths which whose norm is lies in the interval [B_min, B_max] suffices to ensure that ∑_i=1^nR^2_i does not have a closed form solution. The method described above prices the variance swap option assuming the volatility is an fBM. Pricing an option on realized variance where the log volatility is a fractional Brownian motion would require efficient quantum algorithms for generating analog encodings of geometric Brownian motion and more generally exponentiated fractional Brownian motions. Generating such encodings is an important open question for quantum finance. §.§.§ Anomalous Diffusion of Particles A second example is that of single-particle superdiffusion, an example of anomalous diffusion, in the context of molecular motion. Single-particle tracking is relevant for particles in microscopic systems as well as animal and human motion. Anomalous diffusion is common in (super)crowded fluids, e.g. the cytoplasm of living cells. We next define anomalous diffusion in terms of the mean square averages. The time-averaged mean-square-deviation (TAMSD) of a particle is a measure of the deviation of the position of a particle with respect to a reference position over time. Let X_t denote the position of the single particle at time t with t ∈ [T]. The TAMSD is then defined as: M_T(τ)= 1/T-τ∑_j=1^T-τ(X_j+τ-X_j)^2 The mean-square-displacement (MSD) of a particle with position X_t at time t and with PDF of displacement P(t,x) at time t is given by: ⟨ X^2(t)⟩= ∫_-∞^∞ x^2P(t,x)dx For a particle following a fractional Brownian motion trajectory, the mean TAMSD has the following scaling: ⟨ M(τ)⟩∝τ^2H, where H is the Hurst parameter of the fractional Brownian motion. The constant of proportionality is the diffusion coefficient, D. The TAMSD be used to classify anomalous diffusion behaviour of a single particle. We write M_T(τ,D,H) to make explicit its dependence on the Hurst parameter H as well as D. We assume that D is known. Calculating the TAMSD of the particles is telling of their diffusive behaviour; that is, it can distinguish between sub and super-diffusive behaviour. Superdiffusion is salient in the traveling behaviour of humans and spreading of infectious diseases <cit.>. It corresponds to fBM H 1/2, and long-range correlations between displacements and is thus well modeled by Fractional Brownian Motion with H>1/2. Sikora et. al in <cit.> proposed a statistical test using the TAMSD to characterize anomalous diffusion. It is known that if the particle trajectory X_t follows an fBM, (T-τ)M_T is distributed as generalized chi-squared, that is, as Y=∑_j=1^T-τλ_j(τ,D,H)U_j, where the U_j are distributed as i.i.d χ^2(1) or γ(1/2). The λ_j are the eigenvalues of the (T-τ) ×(T-τ) covariance matrix of the (Gaussian) vector of fBM increments [(B^H_1+τ-B^H_1), (B^H_2+τ-B^H_2),........(B^H_N+τ-B^H_T)]. This covariance matrix, Σ, that Toeplitz, has the following entries on the ith diagonal D/2[(i+τ)^2H-2i^2H+|i-τ|^2H]. The (100-α)% confidence interval for the test statistic M^T(τ) is given by, [DQ_α/2/T-τ, DQ_1-α/2/T-τ]. In the above, the Q_α/2 are quantiles such that Pr(Y Q_α/2) α/2 and Q_1-α/2 is such that Pr(Y Q_1-α/2) α/2. The null hypothesis H_0 such that X_t follows an fBM with given Hurst parameter, H_test. The alternative hypothesis, H_1, is such that the particle trajectory X_t is an fBM with a different Hurst parameter, or that the trajectory follows a continuous-time random walk. H_0 is rejected if the test statistic M^T(τ) falls outside of the above confidence interval. The authors in <cit.> use Monte Carlo Methods to estimate the power of this statistical test–that is, the probability that it rejects the null hypothesis, given that the alternative hypothesis is true. The power of the test is defined as, (M^T(τ)) ∉ [DQ_α/2/T-τ, DQ_1-α/2/T-τ]. Such a Monte Carlo test hinges on the calculation of the empirical probability that the test statistic M^T(τ) does not lie in the above interval. We can use our analog encoding of Fractional Gaussian noise (using that its spectrum, f(ω), is proportional to ω^1-2H) with given Hurst parameter H to output the following state: 1/T-τ ∑_j ∈[T]( B^H(j+τ)-B^H(τ)) |j⟩. eq21 If we assume the alternative distribution of X is a compound poisson process, a special case of a continous time random walk, we can use algorithm <ref> to obtain as output its amplitude encoding. Below is quantum Monte Carlo procedure to calculate the power of the statistical test, based on the method in <cit.>: * Calculate the eigenvalues λ_j for the Covariance matrix Σ. * Using the amplitude encoding for shifted fBM in equation (<ref>), generate R samples of (T-τ)M^T(D, H_test,τ). * Using the R above samples, calculate empirical quantiles Q_α/2 and Q_1-α/2 and the confidence interval in (<ref>). * Use the analog representation of wither fBM with a different Hurst parameter, or a Compound Poisson process, using algorithm <ref> to simulate the alternative distribution. * Estimate the value of the test statistic M^T(τ), using (<ref>) or (<ref>). * Set a random counter z to 0. If the test statistic from the last step falls out of the interval (<ref>) computed in step 3, then add 1 to z, else, add nothing to it. * Repeat the last 3 steps a total of L times, and the power of the test is given by z/L. Note that we can take a projective measurement, π, onto times t_1 ≤ t ≤ t_n=T. The expectation value of π is equal to M_T(τ)= 1/T-τ∑_j=1^T-τ(X_j+τ-X_j)^2, that is, the TAMSD. We can then use a simple modification of the Quantum Monte Carlo algorithm in <ref>, to compute the expectation of (<ref>). Our analog encoding can be used to distinguish between diffusive regimes where both the H_test and H under the alternative hypothesis are ≈ 0.4 and above, or if the alternative process is a Compound Poisson process. It is an open problem to use our analog encoding for very small H in order to detect subdiffusive regimes (e.g. as is the case with telomere motion). Another characterization of of single particle dynamics is its ergodicity, or lack thereof. Ergodicity is characterised by the equivalence of the MSD and the TAMSD in the limit of long trajectory times. That is lim_T →∞ M^T(τ)= ⟨ X^2(τ) ⟩ We define ⟨ M^N(τ)⟩ =1/N∑_i=1^NM^T_i(τ). That is, the mean of the TAMSD over N trajectories of the process. We also define ξ=⟨ M^N(τ)⟩/M^N(τ) The ergodocity of a stochastic process is characterized by the Ergodicity-Breaking parameter (EB), defined below: EB (τ)=⟨ξ^2⟩ -1 We can use the algorithm in <ref> via quantum amplitude estimation to estimate the EB for Levy Processes, as well as fBM for H 1/2. One can in turn use these calculations as benchmarks to characterize observed data, for example, via the distibution of ξ, or via large deviation statistics of ξ. § ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Iordanis Kerenidis for helpful discussions and an anonymous referee for detailed feedback on the manuscript. Adam Bouland's contribution to this publication was as a paid consultant and was not part of his Stanford University duties or responsibilities. alpha § QUANTUM CIRCUIT FOR THE DISCRETE SINE TRANSFORM. We next provide an implementation of the discrete sine transform as a depth O(log T) unitary matrix. The discrete sine transform is closely related to the Quantum Fourier Transform (QFT) and the logarithmic depth circuit for it uses a recursive decomposition similar to the QFT. We provide an implementation for the quantum Fourier transform as a quantum circuit of logarithmic depth using Hadamard and phase gates. The unitary matrix U_N for the N dimensional QFT with entries (U_N)_ij = ω_N^ij for N=2^k and ω_N= e^2π i/N can be implemented as a quantum circuit on 2k qubits with depth O(k log k). We give a recursive description of the circuit for the quantum Fourier transform. The base case is N=2, for this case U_2 is the Hadamard gate. Let x= (x_0, x_2, ⋯, x_N-1) be the input vector and let x_o = (x_1, x_3, ⋯, x_N-1) and x_e = (x_0, x_2, ⋯, x_N-2) be the even and odd components of x. Then the quantum Fourier transform satisfies the following recurrence for all j ∈ [N/2], (U_N x)_j = (U_N/2 x_e)_j + ω_N^j (U_N/2 x_o)_j (U_N x)_j+N/2 = (U_N/2 x_e)_j - ω_N^j (U_N/2 x_o)_j recQFT These recurrences allow us to give a recursive description for the quantum Fourier transform. Let H_i denote the Hadamard gate applied to the i-th qubit. Let CZ_k,l (ω_N^j) be the controlled phase shift with qubit k acting as control qubit, with the phase gate Z= [ 1 0; 0 ω_N^j ] being applied to qubit l. Then, U_N = σH_k CZ_k,1 (ω_N^2^k-2) CZ_k,2 (ω_N^2^k-1) ⋯CZ_k,k-1 (ω_N) U_N/2 Let us establish the correctness of this recursive decomposition. After the application of U_N/2 (on qubits 1 through k-1) on input state |x⟩, the quantum state ∑_j (U_N/2 x_e)_j| j, 0⟩ + (U_N/2 x_o)_j|j, 1⟩ is obtained. The product of the phase gates Π_j ∈ [k] CZ_k,j (ω_N^2^k-j) controlled on qubit k transforms this state to ∑_j (U_N/2 x_e)_j| j, 0⟩ + ω_N^j (U_N/2 x_o)_j|j, 1⟩. From equation (<ref>) it follows that the application of H_k transforms it to ∑_j (U_N x)_j| j, 0⟩ + (U_N x)_j+N/2|j, 1⟩. The permutation σ is a cyclic shift that moves the k-th qubit to the first position, this can be implemented by swapping the wires in the circuit. The final state is ∑_j (U_N x)_j| 0, j⟩ + (U_N x)_j+N/2|1, j⟩ which is the quantum Fourier transform of x. As the phase gates can be applied in parallel by making O(log k) copies of the control qubits, the depth of the QFT circuit requires 2k qubits and has depth is O(k log k). The discrete cosine and sine transforms are defined as DCT(x) = U_N/2 + U_N/2/2 x and DST(x) = iU_N/2 - iU_N/2/2 x. The QFT circuit can be used to implement the DCT and DST with the same complexity. The unitaries for the discrete cosine transform and the discrete sine transform can both be implemented as quantum circuits with 2k+1 qubits and depth O(k log k). The conjugate of the Fourier transform U_N/2 can be applied by conjugating all the controlled phase gates in the QFT circuit. Starting with the state |0⟩| U_N/2 x⟩ + |1⟩|U_N/2 x⟩ and applying the iH gate the states corresponding to DCT(x) and DST(x) are each obtained with probability 1/2. As the success probability is known exactly, the probabilistic procedure can be made to succeed with probability 1 using the exact amplitude amplification <cit.>. § THE SUM OF SQUARES OF K GAUSSIAN RANDOM VARIABLES The distribution of the the sum of squares of Gaussian random variables can be expressed in terms of the Gamma function. The random variable X^2/2 where X ∼ N(0,1) has distribution γ(1/2). Let G(x) be the cumulative distribution function for X^2/2 where X ∼ N(0,1), then, G(x) = [ |X| ≤√(2x)] = 2/√(2π) ∫^√(2x)_0 e^-t^2/2 dt Making the substitution so that t^2/2=y and t dt= dy ⇒ dt = dy/√(2y), G(x) = 1/√(π) ∫^x_0 y^-1/2 e^-y dy Thus G(x) is identical to the cdf for the Gamma distribution with a=1/2. The sum of squares ∑_i X_i^2/2 where X_i are k independent Gaussian random variables has distribution γ(k/2). This distribution is more commonly named as the χ^2 distribution with k degrees of freedom. This follows from the next lemma on the additivity of the gamma distribution under convolution. If Y_1∼γ(a), Y_2∼γ(b) then Y_1 + Y_2∼γ(a+b). The density function F for Y_1+ Y_2 is the convolution of the density functions for Y_1 and Y_2, that is, [ Y_1 + Y_2 = y] = F(y) = 1/ Γ(a) Γ(b) ∫_t t^a-1 (y-t)^b-1 e^-y dt Introducing variable z= t/y so that ydz= dt, F(y) = 1/ Γ(a) Γ(b) ∫_t>0 z^a-1 (1-z)^b-1 y^a+b-2 e^-y y dz = y^a+b-1 e^-y / Γ(a) Γ(b) ∫_z>0 z^a-1 (1-z)^b-1 dz = y^a+b-1 e^-y / Γ(a+b) The final step follows from the definition of the β(a,b) probability density function Γ(a)Γ(b)/Γ(a+b) x^a-1(1-x)^b-1. We showed that the density function for Y_1+ Y_2 is identical to the density function for γ(a+b). The proposition below is an immediate consequence of Lemmas <ref> and <ref>. The sum of squares ∑_i X_i^2/2 where X_i are k independent Gaussian random variables has distribution γ(k/2). § THE UNARY TO BINARY CONVERSION CIRCUIT We provide a logarithmic depth circuit that converts the unary amplitude encoding |x⟩ = ∑_i ∈ [n] x_i|e_i⟩ for a unit vector x ∈^n, x=1 to the binary encoding |x⟩ = ∑_i ∈ [n] x_i|i⟩. The unary encoding requires n qubits while the binary encoding uses only log n qubits, the convertor circuit operates on n+ log n qubits. The action of the unary to binary convertor circuit on the n+ log n qubits is given as, (∑_i ∈[n] x_i |e_i⟩ ) ⊗|0^logn ⟩ →|0^n⟩ ⊗(∑_i ∈[n] x_i |i⟩ ) convert The next proposition shows that the unary to binary conversion circuit can in fact be implemented with logarithmic depth. The unary to binary conversion circuit in equation (<ref>) can be implemented by a quantum circuit with depth O(log^2 n) and with O(n log n) gates and with O(n) ancilla qubits. Without loss of generality, let n=2^k be a power of 2. Given the unary encoding (∑_i ∈ [n] x_i|e_i⟩ ), the first bit of the binary encoding is given by the parity of the last n/2 qubits of the unary representation. The parity of n/2=2^k-1 qubits can be computed by a circuit with n CNOT gates and with depth 2(k-1) using O(n) ancilla qubits. The ancilla qubits store the partial parities and are erased at the end of the computation. Following the computation of the parity, apply controlled swap gates on qubits (i,i+n/2) for the unary representation with the parity qubit acting as control. Recall the two qubit swap gate has the following representation in the standard basis, SWAP = [ 1 0 0 0; 0 0 1 0; 0 1 0 0; 0 0 0 1 ]. The effect of the controlled swap gates is to move the index that is equal to 1 to the first n/2 qubits of the unary representation. The last n/2 qubits of the unary representation are equal to 0 following this step and are therefore erased at the end of the computation. The multiple controlled swap gates can be applied in parallel on n/2 qubits, this can be accomplished using the available O(n) ancilla qubits to copy the parity bits. Following these computations, we have computed 1 bit of the binary representation and are left with a unary encoding of size n/2. Continuing iteratively, we obatin unary to binary conversion circuit with total depth ∑_1≤ i < (k-1) (k-i) = O(k^2) = O(log^2n) is obtained. The number of gates needed for computing each bit of the binary representation is O(n), as there are O(log n) bits in the binary representation the total gate complexity is O(n log n). The maximum number of ancilla qubits O(n) are needed for computing the first bit of the binary representation, subsequent bits require fewer qubits. The claims on the resource requirements for the unary to binary conversion circuit follow.
Sim-to-Real Deep Reinforcement Learning based Obstacle Avoidance for UAVs under Measurement Uncertainty
[ "Bhaskar Joshi", "Dhruv Kapur", "Harikumar Kandath" ]
[ "cs.RO" ]
Sim-to-Real Deep Reinforcement Learning based Obstacle Avoidance for UAVs under Measurement Uncertainty Bhaskar Joshi*, Dhruv Kapur*, Harikumar Kandath ^† March 30, 2023 ======================================================================================================= *These authors contributed equally to this work ^†Bhaskar Joshi, Dhruv Kapur and Harikumar Kandath are with RRC, IIIT Hyderabad { }. Deep Reinforcement Learning is quickly becoming a popular method for training autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Our work analyzes the effects of measurement uncertainty on the performance of Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) based waypoint navigation and obstacle avoidance for UAVs. Measurement uncertainty originates from noise in the sensors used for localization and detecting obstacles. Measurement uncertainty/noise is considered to follow a Gaussian probability distribution with unknown non-zero mean and variance. We evaluate the performance of a DRL agent, trained using the Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm in an environment with continuous state and action spaces. The environment is randomized with different numbers of obstacles for each simulation episode in the presence of varying degrees of noise, to capture the effects of realistic sensor measurements. Denoising techniques like the low pass filter and Kalman filter improve performance in the presence of unbiased noise. Moreover, we show that artificially injecting noise into the measurements during evaluation actually improves performance in certain scenarios. Extensive training and testing of the DRL agent under various UAV navigation scenarios are performed in the PyBullet physics simulator. To evaluate the practical validity of our method, we port the policy trained in simulation onto a real UAV without any further modifications and verify the results in a real-world environment. Autonomous navigation, deep reinforcement learning, measurement noise, obstacle avoidance, proximal policy optimization, unmanned aerial vehicle. § INTRODUCTION Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are commonly used for various critical missions that often require navigation in unpredictable environments with obstacles and potential threats to the safety of the UAV<cit.>. While autonomous UAVs serve countless applications, navigation remains challenging due to a plethora of problems, such as environmental perception, limited sensing and processing capabilities, etc. Methods like velocity obstacles, artificial potential fields, etc. are used for obstacle avoidance in environments with low obstacle density, and accurate UAV localization and obstacle information <cit.>. Methods like SLAM <cit.> are effective in high obstacle-density environments, using data from sensors like cameras and LIDAR. This makes it too computationally complex for real-time implementation in UAVs. An increasingly popular approach for waypoint navigation amidst obstacles is to use Reinforcement Learning (RL)<cit.>. RL allows an agent to learn the optimal behaviour for a particular task through trial-and-error interactions with the environment. This makes RL a promising method for improving the autonomy of agents in various robotics applications <cit.>. Pham et al. <cit.> provide a framework for using reinforcement learning to enable UAVs to navigate a discretized unknown environment successfully. S. Ouahouah et al. <cit.> propose probabilistic and Deep Reinforcement Learning based algorithms for avoiding collisions in a discrete space environment. Villanueva et al. <cit.> present a method for better UAV exploration during training for navigational tasks by injecting Gaussian noise into the action space of a DRL agent. They found this to decrease the number of navigation steps, resulting in a shorter time of flight per task. All of the above approaches assume the data obtained from the sensors to be perfect. All the real-world sensors are noisy, and to the best of our knowledge, no studies have been conducted on the effects of measurement noise in the context of training and implementation of DRL-based algorithms for UAVs. Measurement noise makes the relative position of the obstacles and the target from the UAV uncertain. The environment is simulated in PyBullet <cit.>, a realistic physics simulator, where we train a DRL agent to control the UAV to avoid obstacles and reach a target location, subject to varying types of Gaussian noise and a varying number of obstacles. It is observed that training the agent with a certain level of measurement noise improves its obstacle-avoidance capabilities. In this context, the key contributions of this paper are given below. * This is the first study that systematically analyzes the effects of noisy sensor inputs on DRL-based waypoint navigation and obstacle avoidance for UAVs. * The measurement noise is modelled as a random variable sampled from a Gaussian distribution. Both training and evaluation of the well-known DRL algorithm, Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) is performed in the presence of measurement noise with different levels of the unknown mean and variance. The performance of the DRL agent trained with perfect measurements is compared with other agents trained with different levels of measurement noise. * We show that artificially injecting noise with carefully chosen variance into the existing measurement error improves the performance of the DRL agent when the measurement error has some unknown bias. * The policy trained in simulations can be directly deployed to a real-world environment for waypoint navigation and obstacle avoidance, using a CrazyFlie 2.1. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II contains an overview of the background concepts for our work. Section III provides the problem formulation. In Section IV, we explain our methodology. Section V includes all experimental results, both in simulation and in the real world. We summarize the results and discuss their implications, drawing the primary conclusion in Section VI. § PRELIMINARIES In this section, we introduce the key background concepts of this work. §.§ UAV Model A first-order linear UAV model with position coordinates [x, y]^T as output and velocity [v_x, v_y]^T as the control input is used here, as given by Eq. (<ref>). ẋ = v_x, ẏ = v_y Our current work assumes that the altitude z is held constant throughout the flight, constraining the UAV navigation to the XY plane. §.§ Deep Reinforcement Learning Reinforcement Learning is a method for an agent to learn the desired behavior through trial-and-error interactions with the environment. The agent receives an observation O_t i.e representation of the current state S_t and chooses an action A_t, receiving a new observation and a reward that determines the value of the action taken in that state. The agent's choice of action is dictated by its internal policy at the time π_t. A policy is simply a probability distribution over the set of all possible actions in the given state, describing the likelihood of choosing each action. π_t(a|s) = ℙ(A_t = a | S_t = s) The return is calculated as the sum of rewards, discounted by a factor that determines the relative importance of short-term rewards. The objective of RL is to maximize the expected return from its interactions with the environment. In Deep Reinforcement Learning, the policy is typically represented by a deep neural network, allowing interactions with more complex environments. §.§ Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) <cit.> is a deep reinforcement learning algorithm that iteratively updates a policy to maximize a reward signal. PPO employs a form of trust region optimization, which allows for better handling of non-stationary environments by limiting the size of policy updates. r_t(θ) = π_θ(a_t | s_t)/π_θ_old(a_t | s_t) PPO uses a clipped surrogate objective function to ensure that policy updates do not deviate too far from the previous policy, thereby avoiding large changes that could lead to destabilization of the learning process. This constraint encourages more stable learning and better convergence properties compared to other policy optimization algorithms. §.§ Measurement Noise Model and Denoising Algorithms The noise used in all of our simulations and experiments is sampled from Gaussian distributions with different combinations of the mean (μ) and standard deviation (σ). f(x) = 1/√(2πσ^2)e^-1/2(x-μ/σ)^2= 𝒩(μ, σ) There are several approaches to denoising (reducing the effect of measurement noise) a signal corrupted by Gaussian noise. Our primary focus is on two of them: The Bessel Low Pass Filter <cit.>, and the Kalman Filter <cit.> § PROBLEM FORMULATION The objective of the agent is to minimize the distance between the UAV and the target (d_target) within some acceptable error (ϵ_success), while at all times maintaining some minimum safety distance (ϵ_safe) to all obstacles d_o_i if possible. As a heuristic, at any given time, we only consider the obstacle closest to the UAV, asserting the minimum safety distance constraint on it (d_o > ϵ_safe), trivially satisfying the constraint on all other obstacles in the environment. Since sensors tend to be noisy, the localization estimate of the UAV is imprecise, as given below. x̂ = x + η_x ŷ = y + η_y η_x, η_y ∼𝒩(μ, σ) Here x and y denote the true position of the UAV and η_x and η_y are localization errors caused due to sensor noise. The position estimate deviating from the true position due to sensor noise makes the problem of obstacle avoidance a lot harder to tackle since uncertainty takes hold of the state observation at every step. Our study looks into how inherently robust a policy learned through deep reinforcement learning is to such noise, and if we can leverage certain techniques during training and evaluation to improve its performance. § METHODOLOGY The architecture of the methodology followed is shown in Fig. <ref>. §.§ The Environment The environment consists of multiple obstacles, the target location, and the initial position of the UAV. At the start of every episode, the UAV is randomly spawned at: x_0 = [ x_min + r_minor, y_g_0, z_min + z_max/2] y_g_0 ∼ Uniform(y_min + r_minor, y_max - r_minor) Next, the goal position is set as x_g = [ x_max - r_minor, y_min + y_max/2, z_min + z_max/2] Here, m_min and m_max specify the environment dimensions along the m-axis (m ∈{x,y,z}), and r_minor is the safety bound added to avoid the UAV from going out of bounds. Finally, the environment randomly generates a series of obstacles. It first chooses the total number of obstacles between a specified upper and lower bound. The obstacles are then positioned by distributing them along the x-axis based on the uniform distribution, along the y-axis based on the normal distribution, and at the default altitude (midpoint) along the z-axis. §.§.§ Observation Space The observation space of the environment is a continuous, distilled form of the state at any given time, encoding only the information required by the agent to learn a good policy. O_t = [ Δx_g_t Δy_g_t Δx_o_t Δy_o_t ] Δx_g_t and Δy_g_t are distances to the goal at time t along the x and y axes. Similarly, Δx_o_t and Δy_o_t are distances to the surface of the nearest obstacle (or wall). With localization noise, the x and y positions of the UAV are affected by noise and become x̂, ŷ. As such, the observation is also perturbed as given below. Ô_t = [ Δx̂_̂ĝ_t Δŷ_̂ĝ_t Δx̂_̂ô_t Δŷ_̂ô_t ] In the presence of a denoiser, the noisy position estimates, x̂ and ŷ, are denoised to yield x̃ and ỹ. This leads to the denoised form of the observation. Õ_t = [ Δx̃_̃g̃_t Δỹ_̃g̃_t Δx̃_̃õ_t Δỹ_̃õ_t ] Õ_t is the observation returned from the environment at time step t. §.§.§ Action Space The action space of our environment is also continuous. A valid action is any vector of the form. A = [ v_x v_y v_mag ] Here, v_x and v_y are the velocities of the UAV along the x and y directions, respectively. v_mag is the magnitude of the velocity vector. The velocity command can be computed from the action in the following way: v⃗ = [ v_x v_y ]/√(v_x^2 + v_y ^ 2)· v_mag §.§.§ Reward Function The environment has a dense reward function, giving the agent continuous feedback to learn from. At time step t, the reward is given by: R_t = R_s if dist to target < ϵ_success R_f if collided with an obstacle R_f if out of time (-R_d ‖[ Δ x_t Δ y_t ]‖ -R_major1_major - R_minor1_minor) otherwise Here, R_s > 0 is the success reward, R_f < 0 is the failure penalty, R_d > 0 is the distance penalty coefficient, R_minor > 0, and R_major > 0 are the minor and major bound breach penalties respectively. The agent is said to be "out of time" if it has neither successfully reached the target nor collided with an obstacle within a given time limit. 1_major and 1_minor are boolean variables that are set if the major and minor safety bounds of radius r_major and r_minor respectively have been breached and are unset if they have not. Each non-terminal time step has a small negative reward which is a function of its distance from the target, incentivizing the agent to get to the target location in the fewest possible steps. §.§ The Agent The agent is an instance of the Proximal Policy Optimization algorithm from stablebaselines3 <cit.>. Both, the actor and the critic, take as input the observation from the environment. The critic tries to learn the state value function, so its output is the perceived value of the input state. On the other hand, the actor tries to learn the policy. For the given input state, it tries to predict the mean value for each scalar in the action vector. It then samples an action value using the mean from a Gaussian distribution. It is important to note here that the focus of our work is not to create the best possible policy to navigate the environment, but rather to study the effects of noise on an arbitrary policy with an acceptable success rate. As such, we have chosen this vanilla PPO implementation without any modification for our experiments. §.§ The Effects of Noise The primary focus of our work is on the effects of observation space noise on the performance of the policy. We first trained multiple policies on different levels of unbiased noise and compared their training results, such as mean reward and mean episode duration over 100 episodes. For each trained policy, we run a baseline test by evaluating the policy in an environment with no noise (μ = 0, σ = 0). Once the baselines were established, we evaluated these policies in environments with different types of measurement noise as given below: * unbiased noise (μ = 0, σ≠ 0) * bias-only noise (μ≠ 0, σ = 0) * biased noise (μ≠ 0, σ≠ 0). While the effects of unbiased noise with unknown standard deviation (σ) can be mitigated quite effectively with the use of denoisers, as shown by our results in Section V, the same cannot be said about bias-only noise and biased noise with unknown mean (μ). Our experiments reveal that the policies trained using the above-described way tend to perform better when faced with biased noise, rather than with bias-only noise, indicating that performance in the presence of the latter can be improved by injecting carefully chosen unbiased noise on top of the biased localization estimate. Again, It is important to note here that we aren't treating biased noise in the same way as the other two noises; rather, we treat it as two separate noises — the first is the biased noise with none-to-low variance plaguing sensor readings, which cannot be fixed by using a filter, and the second is some unbiased noise that we inject into the existing sensor noise to improve the performance of the policy. §.§ Sim-to-Real Transfer For the physical experiments, we use a Crazyflie 2.1 with motion capture localization. The Crazyflie is equipped with motion capture markers, which allow us to localize the UAV in real-time with high precision, having full control over the perturbation of the observations. The motion capture data is streamed to our server, which first corrupts the position data using the noise generator, denoises it if necessary and then computes the observation, before passing it onto the policy. The policy sees the perturbed observation and generates the appropriate action. This action is converted into a velocity command for the UAV to follow and is then sent to the UAV. All of the above steps constitute a single time step. We define an episode as successful if the UAV reaches within some distance of the target. We are able to port the trained agent network to the UAV without any further modifications from training. § RESULTS This section covers the experimental results obtained during training and during evaluation, both in simulation and in a physical environment. The policies were trained on an RTX 2080 Ti GPU, taking around 5 hours to run for 5 million timesteps. Evaluation of a policy for 1000 episodes on a given combination of μ, σ, and denoiser takes around 10 minutes. The specific environment variables used during experimentation can be found in TABLE <ref>. All measurements are in meters. §.§ Training We trained 3 policies in environments with different degrees of unbiased noise to compare the effects of noise added to the observation during training as given below. * Policy 1: No Noise (μ=0, σ = 0) * Policy 2: Low Noise (μ=0, σ = 0.1) * Policy 3: High Noise (μ=0, σ = 1.0) Each policy was trained for 5 million time steps, in an environment with anywhere between 1 and 3 obstacles, placed at random at the start of every episode. Policy hyperparameters are mentioned in TABLE <ref>. We use two criteria to judge the quality of the training process for our policies — mean reward over the last 100 episodes and mean episode duration over the last 100 episodes. §.§.§ Mean Reward From Figure <ref>(a), we see that the mean reward for all three policies increases as training goes on. This indicates that the desired behaviour of avoiding obstacles and reaching the target in the fewest possible steps is being learned. Policy 2 (orange) has the highest mean reward, marginally beating out Policy 1. This is because the small noise (σ = 0.1) in the observation space during the training of Policy 2 caused the agent to explore more effectively, yielding a better policy. Policy 3 (green) performs the worst because the high variance (σ = 1.0) makes it difficult for the policy to identify patterns in its observations. §.§.§ Episode Duration Figure <ref>(b) shows the mean episode duration also reducing over training. This is because each non-terminal time step in the environment leads to a negative reward for the agent, incentivizing the agent to finish the episode as quickly as possible. §.§ Simulated Evaluations of Trained Policies We evaluated the trained policies in environments with varying degrees of bias and variance in the noise, with and without a denoiser (LPF and KF). Each evaluation took place in a randomly generated environment with anywhere between 0 to 3 obstacles placed at random at the start of every episode, for 1000 episodes, to guarantee confidence in our results. The LPF we have used for our experiments is the 2^nd order Bessel Low Pass filter with a cutoff frequency of 2, for which the transfer function <cit.> evaluates to H(s) = 3/s^2+3s+3 §.§.§ Unbiased Noise This subsection contains the evaluation results of the three trained policies in environments with varying degrees of unbiased noise (μ = 0, 0 ≤σ≤ 3.0, Δσ = 0.1), comparing their performances with and without a denoiser. We will be referring to the case with no standard deviation in the noise (σ = 0) as baseline for the remained of this subsection. Policy 1: Figure <ref>(a) visualizes the performance of Policy 1. At baseline, Policy 1 achieves a success rate of around 60%. We see a very quick dropoff in success rate as the standard deviation increases, with it falling to near 0% around σ = 2.0. This drop-off is slowed down significantly by the Low Pass and Kalman Filters, still achieving around 30% success rate at σ = 3. Policy 2: From Figure <ref>(b), to begin with, Policy 2 outperforms Policy 1 at baseline, achieving around 72% success rate. With a slight increase in σ, Policy 2's performance increases, peaking around 76% at σ = 0.5. Further increase in σ causes the performance to drop quickly, yet even at σ = 3.0, Policy 2 achieves a success rate of 56%, almost twice the success rate of Policy 1 even with the help of a denoiser. Augmenting Policy 2 with a denoiser creates a very robust controller, with a near-consistent 70% success rate across the whole standard deviation range. Policy 3: Figure <ref>(c) shows Policy 3 with near 0% success rate at baseline and for very small values of σ. Then at σ = 0.3 it jumps right up to 50% success rate, and then gradually falls off with a further increase in σ. When compared to Policy 1, Policy 3 performs much worse for smaller noises, but significantly better for large values of σ, performing nearly identical to Policy 1 with a denoiser beyond σ = 1.8. Stacking the LPF on top of Policy 3 gives us a similar trend, seemingly scaled horizontally. It takes slightly longer to climb up to 50% success rate, but its drop-off is also significantly more gradual, maintaining a near-constant 50% success rate after σ = 0.1. No such trend is seen for the Kalman Filter within our experimental range. §.§.§ Bias-only Noise This subsection contains the evaluation results of the three trained policies in environments with varying degrees of bias-only noise (0 ≤μ≤ 0.3, σ = 0, Δμ = 0.01), comparing their performances with and without a denoiser. Figure <ref> confirms the fact that the denoisers have no way of mitigating the negative effects of bias, as we see the same trend across the three cases for each policy. The success rate for Policy 1 decreases as bias increases (Figure <ref>(a)). Interestingly, Policy 2 is robust to bias up to a significant extent, all the way up to μ=1.2, beyond which it falls drastically (Figure <ref>(b)). The success rate for Policy 3 (Figure <ref>(c)) is too low to make any systematic inferences and can be attributed entirely to randomness. §.§.§ Biased Noise This subsection contains the evaluation results of the three trained policies in environments with varying degrees of biased noise (0 ≤μ≤ 0.3, 0 ≤σ≤ 3.0,Δμ=0.01,Δσ=0.1), comparing their performances without a denoiser. Policy 1: There are three regions of interest in Figure <ref>(a) — first, the small blue region on the bottom left indicates that the policy performs poorly for large values of μ with small values of σ. Second, the large blue region on the right indicates the policy's failure in the presence of high variance noise. Finally, the Red region spread diagonally downwards indicates that the negative effects of high bias can be mitigated to an extent by injecting unbiased noise with a certain value of σ, picked from this region. Consider performance at μ=2.0 — with σ = 0, the success rate is at 0%, but picking the right value, say σ=1.2 brings the success rate up to over 40%. We see it fade out as we move down, indicating the reduced effectiveness of this approach for larger values of μ. Policy 2: Policy 2 shows high success rates for a decent range of μ and σ (Figure <ref>(b)). We see the blue region in the bottom left coincides with the fall-off point in Figure <ref>(b) at μ=1.2. However, the red contour around the blue region suggests that the negative effects of the bias can be neutralized by carefully choosing a value for σ, increasing the success rate from around 35% to over 70%. Again, as expected, if bias and variance increase too much, the success rate starts to drop off as indicated by the fading to the bottom and to the right. Policy 3: Figure <ref>(c) aligns the trend set in Figure <ref>(c). For small values of σ, the policy performs very poorly, as indicated by the blue strip on the left. Beyond σ = 0.3, we see a quick spike in the success rate for smaller values of μ, with the success rate dropping as we move radially outward. The drop is a lot faster for an increase in μ as compared to an increase in σ, since Policy 3 was found to perform quite consistently for very high values of σ, but to perform poorly for all values of μ. The code for training and evaluation of the policies, with detailed results, can be found at https://github.com/dkapur17/DroneControl and the demo video could be found at https://youtu.be/ALTblQmQtHM §.§ Sim to Real Due to the high-level nature of our control policy, we were able to run the trained policy on a physical Crazyflie 2.1 without any further modifications. Figure <ref> shows the real-world environment we carried out our experiments in. The floating spherical obstacles in the simulated environment were replaced with cylindrical pipes of a diameter of 10 centimeters. The bounds of the environment were marked with white lines, defining the operating region for the UAV. The start and target positions are also marked, with the target position having a 10-centimeter radius around it to allow for a small completion error, similar to how it was in simulation (ϵ_success = 0.1). Due to the constraint on the number of trials, it is feasible to run in the physical environment, our primary focus was on evaluating the performances of Policy 1 and Policy 2, since they yielded promising results in simulation. The results obtained were consistent with those seen in the simulations. For confidence in our results, each test was run 5 times. We verify the improvement in performance for the policies against unbiased noise when they are provided with some support by a denoiser. More importantly, we verify the unexpected result of being able to improve performance in the presence of bias by adding variance to the localization estimate. Both policies were tested with a bias of 0.15 m. In the absence of any variance, the success rate is quite low as expected. Adding unbiased noise with σ = 0.8 improved performance, and both policies reached the target on all trials. Consistent with our simulation results, further increasing the standard deviation to σ=1.3 caused the success rate to plummet again. The results for the physical experiments can be found in TABLE <ref>. § CONCLUSION Our work studies the interaction between various forms of Gaussian Noise, and a Proximal Policy Optimization agent trained to control a UAV for obstacle avoidance in a continuous state and action space. This was done by both, training policies with different levels of unbiased noise, as well as by evaluating the policies on different kinds of noise — unbiased, bias-only and biased noise. We verified the function of a denoiser, by testing the trained policy in the presence of unbiased noise and saw an improvement in performance with the addition of a denoiser, such as the Low Pass Filter or the Kalman Filter. The key results from our work are two-fold — first, training the PPO agent with a small amount of state space noise leads to it learning a very stable policy, outperforming a policy trained without noise across the board when evaluated in noisy environments. Second, and the more surprising result, is that we can leverage the inherent robustness of the trained policy to unbiased noise to improve its performance in environments with high bias low variance noise. This can be done by artificially injecting unbiased noise into the sensor measurements, yielding perturbed observations, which are then fed into the policy, greatly improving the success rate. Our current study uses a simplified environment wherein the UAV's motion was constrained to a plane. In our future work, we look to allow the agent to control the UAV's altitude as well while also having it deal with obstacles at varying heights as well as with multiple agents. 00 b4 A. Budiyanto, A. Cahyadi, T. B. Adji and O. 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Mobile Mapping Mesh Change Detection and Update
[ "Teng Wu", "Bruno Vallet", "Cédric Demonceaux" ]
[ "cs.CV", "65D19", "I.4.5" ]
Audio-based Roughness Sensing and Tactile Feedback for Haptic Perception in Telepresence Bastian Pätzold, Andre Rochow, Michael Schreiber, Raphael Memmesheimer, Christian Lenz, Max Schwarz, and Sven Behnke Autonomous Intelligent Systems University of Bonn, Germany March 30, 2023 ========================================================================================================================================================================================= empty empty Mobile mapping, in particular, Mobile Lidar Scanning (MLS) is increasingly widespread to monitor and map urban scenes at city scale with unprecedented resolution and accuracy. The resulting point cloud sampling of the scene geometry can be meshed in order to create a continuous representation for different applications: visualization, simulation, navigation, etc. Because of the highly dynamic nature of these urban scenes, long term mapping should rely on frequent map updates. A trivial solution is to simply replace old data with newer data each time a new acquisition is made. However it has two drawbacks: 1) the old data may be of higher quality (resolution, precision) than the new and 2) the coverage of the scene might be different in various acquisitions, including varying occlusions. In this paper, we propose a fully automatic pipeline to address these two issues by formulating the problem of merging meshes with different quality, coverage and acquisition time. Our method is based on a combined distance and visibility based change detection, a time series analysis to assess the sustainability of changes, a mesh mosaicking based on a global boolean optimization and finally a stitching of the resulting mesh pieces boundaries with triangle strips. Finally, our method is demonstrated on Robotcar and Stereopolis datasets. § INTRODUCTION Benefiting from the development of 2D and 3D cameras and ranger devices such as RGB-D cameras and laser scanners, 3D point cloud of both indoor and outdoor environments can be easily and efficiently acquired <cit.> and processed to generate 3D maps which have many applications such as visualization, simulation and (autonomous) navigation. In dynamic environments such as cities, changes might happen at very different time scales: instantaneous (pedestrians, moving vehicles), hours (parked vehicles, garbage cans), days (temporary changes such as markets, road works,...), years (structural changes). We consider that a map should only contain sustainable objects/geometries, defined in this paper as having an expected lifespan greater than some application specific sustainability threshold T_s (for mapping purposes we consider T_s=1 month to be a good threshold between temporary and structural changes). This paper addresses the issue of change detection, sustainability assessment and map updating from heterogeneous (geometric) data with arbitrary quality (resolution and precision) coverage/viewpoint and acquisition dates. The updated mesh is a mosaic of the input meshes optimally exploiting their heterogeneity. The pipeline is shown in <Ref>. § RELATED WORK Long term localization <cit.> and mapping <cit.> are research topics in both robotics and computer vision communities. For long term mapping, the work presented here is related to three research areas as listed below: 3D change detection is widely researched <cit.>. For mobile mapping, there are two levels about change analysis, motion analysis along the sequences and changes detection during a long time. For motion analysis, the input data is a sequence, and for change detection, the inputs are several sequences from different times. For point cloud sequence, 3D Vector field based object analysis is used to get the motion and static objects <cit.>. Ray tracing is used to define dynamic and motion analysis based on iterated closest point is used to obtain the velocity <cit.>. Ray tracing and Dempster–Shafer Theory are used for change detection in <cit.>. In indoor environment, low cost RGB-D sensors are used for long term mapping, extend truncated signed distance function (TSDF) to handle changes during reconstruction<cit.>. Focus on point cloud analysis, occlusion and change analysis is proposed for long term mapping, and clustered objects are used to analyze, instead of single point<cit.>. Map update For 2D map update, considering seam line, difference geometry and illumination between different image, seam line optimization is widely researched <cit.>. But in 3D space, the problem becomes complicate, points or triangles are not grid and overlap is not regular. Point cloud is used to describe the map in most work <cit.>. And it is easy to update the map, add the new point cloud to the old point map. After all the dynamic objects are removed, the mesh can be generated <cit.>. In SLAM application, moving object is also an issue, use deep learning method to detect and remove dynamic objects in LiDAR-based SLAM <cit.>, semantic mapping based on Recurrent-OctoMap is proposed for a long-term semantic mapping on 3D-Lidar Data<cit.>, and boosted particle filter based change detection method is applied on definition digital maps <cit.>. Mesh stitching is a recurrent need in 3D model reconstruction, due the necessity to combine several individual data acquisitions to cover a whole scene. The Zippering algorithm <cit.> can be used to obtain a seamless representation with no overlap. To handle large scale reconstruction, after 3D constrained Delaunay triangulation, Graphcut is used to fuse several meshes <cit.>, but the result should be watertight, at the same time, the overlap area should be detected and the buffer is the non-overlap area. Joint alignment and stitching of non overlapping meshes method is proposed to stitch two part of meshes which do not have overlap areas <cit.>, after aligned, the vertices are linked using order assignments. Hole filling is also a way to link vertices to obtain a whole mesh <cit.>. The previous work most related to ours <cit.> tackles the three issues and proposes a pipeline similar to ours, but the focus is on scene reconstruction and the objective is simply to aggregate LiDAR point collected by two 2D range scanners with the same quality mounted on the same platform and acquired during a single acquisition. Our contributions relative to this work and the more specific works cited above can be summarized as follows: * A mesh based 3D change detection method based on combining distance and ray tracing criteria. * A time series analysis to define and assess the sustainability of changes on 3D meshes. * A global quadratic pseudo boolean optimization(QPBO) framework to create a mesh mosaic maximizing novelty and quality and minimizing seam lines that are then stitched by triangle strips. § CHANGE DETECTION §.§ Preprocessing The input of change detection method should be well registered surface meshes with viewpoint information: either a single viewpoint for all triangles (depth images, image space dense matching or fixed panoramic Lidar) or an optical center per point(Mobile, Aerial or Drone Lidar Scanning). In practice we used sensor meshing, creating triangles based on the pixel grid structure for image based point clouds or the regular scan structure (creating triangles based on successive points and successive scanlines) for Lidar (most Lidar sensors give access to this information which is can be preserved during the export). Because Lidar scans are at a very hugh frequency (typically  300kHz), the three viewpoints for each vertex of a triangle are always very close so choosing their barycenter is a good approximation to provide a triangle viewpoint. §.§ Consistency analysis Change detection in 3D space is more complex than in 2.5D space: in 2.5D (depth map on a regular grid), if depths disagree between the olde and newer depth maps, they are conflicting and the newest is kept. In 3D, using viewpoint information, each triangle of each mesh defines an empty volume of space (the tetrahedras formed by the triangle and its viewpoint), and intersection of a tetrahedra of one mesh with a triangle of the other can be conflicting or not, as shown in <ref>, such that conflict is an asymmetric relation. Note that because our inputs may have different resolutions, intersecting triangles with rays is not a robust conflict assessment as a small triangle could simply fit between rays, which justifies out choice for tetrahedra based visibility assessment. This justifies our choice for to define consistency for each triangle of each mesh by three possible cases illustrated in <ref>: * consistent: the triangle is close enough to a triangle of the other mesh. This is computed by thresholding (Kd tree accelerated) distance computation, and the list of close enough overlapping triangles from the other meshes is stored for each triangle. * conflicting: the triangle is not consistent and intersects the empty space of at least one newer triangle from another mesh, as areas 3 and 5.This is computed by ray tracing on non consistent triangles. * single: the triangle is neither consistent nor conflicting, meaning it has no counterpart in any other meshes, as areas 1, 2, 4 and 6. This is also computed by ray tracing For conflicting situation, if mesh A is collected after mesh B, only delete triangles which correspond to the orange area 5, and area 3 is kept in <Ref>. §.§ Time series analysis To analyze time series, we update time information of each triangle incrementally by processing our input meshes in acquisition order. Triangles conflicting with a newer acquisition are systematically removed as they correspond to an object that has disappeared. In the other cases, we simply list for each triangle all the consistent triangles from the other meshes, and the time information of consistent triangle is updated. We propose to assess the sustainability of a new object by requiring it to be confirmed by a new data source more than the sustainability threshold T_s after its first appearance in the data. After all meshes are processed, for each triangle, we know the time of first appeared, and the time of last observation. Thus we keep the sustainable triangles which are consistent for time T_s. § 3D MESH MOSAIC In this section, we aim at creating a mesh mosaic from the sustainable triangles defined in the previous section(cf <Ref>). §.§ Seam line optimization 2D mosaicking is a widely used method to stitch several images (possibly resampled) in the same geometry into a larger one in a way that minimizes radiometric jumps across seam lines <cit.>. To extend this concept into 3D meshes, the main issue is that 3D triangles do not coincide exactly as 2D pixels do, so what we want to keep as many non overlapping triangles as possible while minimizing the length of seams in the final mosaic. So while 2D mosaicking is a pixel labeling problem, 3D mosaicking is a boolean optimization problem to decide whether we keep each triangle or not. In our method, we construct a graph where nodes are triangle and having two types of edges: consistency edge between consistent triangles (of different meshes) and neighboring edges between neighbor triangles (of the same mesh). In order to obtain a mesh with maximum triangle area without overlap, and minimum seam lines, we minimize: E(𝐱) = ∑_p ∈𝒢ϕ_p(x_p) + λ∑_(p, q) ∈𝒩ψ_pq(x_p, x_q) In <Ref>, 𝐱 is the label result, 𝒢 is the graph, 𝒩 is neighbor, q and q are the nodes in the graph. For the data term, in order to keep maximum triangles and less minimum seam line, the nodes are divided into two types: boundary triangles and normal triangles. We keep less boundary triangles and more normal triangles. For the smooth term, there are two type of link between the nodes: triangle from the same mesh and triangle from different meshes. For the first situation, the neighbor triangles should have the same label; for the second situation, to avoid the overlap, these neighbor triangles should not selected both. To expand the formula with information from meshes, we write the mesh mosaic problem as minimizing optimization: E(𝐱) = λ_1 ∑_M_i∑_T^i_j ∈ M_i Q(T^i_j) x_i,j + λ_2 ∑_M_i∑_T^i_j∈ℬ_i L(T^i_j) x_i,j + λ_3 ∑_(T^i_1_j_1,T^i_2_j_2)∈𝒞 x^i_1_j_1· x^i_2_j_2 + λ_4 ∑_M_i∑_(T^i_j_1,T^i_j_2)∈𝒜_i L(T^i_j_1,T^i_j_2) · XOR(x_i,j_1,x_i,j_2) To define the optimization problem proposed, in <Ref>, we will use the following notations: * x_i^j ∈{0,1} is a boolean label on each triangle T^i_j of mesh M_i, indicating if the triangle is kept (1) or removed (0) in the mosaic. * Q(T^i_j) is the quality of triangle T^i_j, this can be a constant number, triangle area size, etc. * ℬ_i is the set of triangles of mesh M_i with at least one boundary edge. For a triangle T_i^j∈ℬ_i, we call L(T_i^j) the length of its boundary edge(s). * For two triangles T^i_j_1,T^i_j_2 of the same mesh M_i sharing an edge, L(T^i_j_1,T^i_j_2) is the length of their common edge. * 𝒞 is the set of all consistent pairs of triangles from two different meshes, which means they are below the distance threshold and that they overlap. * XOR(x_1,x_2)=x_1+x_2-2x_1 · x_2 the exclusive OR logical operator. where λ_1, λ_2, λ_3 and λ_4 are the weight balance, λ_3 is a large constant discouraging overlaps. The first two terms are the extension of data term, and the lats two terms are the extension of smooth term in <Ref>. The first term ensures that it takes as many input triangles as possible, and it encourages to keep triangles of highest quality. The second term counts the boundary triangle from the mesh, and we want to keep fewer boundary triangle, the third term make triangles from different mesh should have different labels, i.e. no overlap, and the last term encourage the result has less seam lines. A straightforward approach to the definition of quality is through resolution: higher resolution means more information on a given area in a scene. In the framework, seam lines and overlaps should be minimized, quality should be maximized (λ_1 is minus sign). Choosing a constant quality measure will naturally favor higher resolution as it will favor maximizing the number of triangles, thus the higher resolution mesh can be obtained. However other choices can be made for the quality metric to take into account other factors such as precision or certainty. Note that in our framework, quality has the priority over novelty only on parts of the scene that have not changed, but novelty has priority by construction on changing parts of the scene as the optimization runs on sustainable triangles only. §.§ Seam line stitching After seam line optimization, the result is a set of individual mesh parts (connected components of triangles selected by the seam line optimization). Thanks to the optimization minimizing seam length, these parts are quite compact, but they are not continuous across seams. To obtain a continuous mesh, stitching the parts across seams is necessary, which is performed in two steps: match the boundaries of each connected component, and then link the adjacent boundaries, more detail can be found in our previous paper <cit.>. § EXPERIMENTS We conducted our experiment on Robotcar dataset <cit.>, the laser sensors are mounted on the mobile car, and a long time series dataset is collected. Meshes can be generated from LiDAR point cloud from a 2D sensor, based on sensor topology <cit.>, and the sensor position can be retrieved after reconstruction. After mesh generation, meshes are registrated using global ICP method <cit.>. §.§ Change detection For Robotcar dataset, because the 2D range sensor is mounted on the bottom of the car, the ray to the road edge is nearly parallel to the road plane which bring large errors to the intersection in ray tracing. To overcome the shortage of intersection, the distance base method and visibility based method are combined. The distance based method is symmetrical, but the visibility analysis is not symmetrical. To make the method symmetrical, each triangle will store a time stamp, triangle is kept or removed depends the time and change detection result, so change detection method doesn't rely on the input order, both meshes are processed symmetrically. In the experiment, the occlusion is decided using the timestamp of the two triangles. In <ref>, using distance based method can only know the differences, as shown in <ref> and <ref>. Visibility analysis can tell the changed areas, as the red areas shown in <ref>. Because t_1 is after t_0, single area because of occlusion in magenta in time t_1 as shown in <ref>, we can not decide the areas are sustainable or not only with two inputs. After pair based change detection, time series analysis is used to know the consistent parts. §.§ Seam line optimization After change detection and time series analysis, unsustainable objects are removed, the seam line is optimized using QPBO <cit.>. A result is shown in <ref>, the meshes which are from 7 meshes. To proof the effective of optimization method, an updated model is used for comparison. The updated model is common used in point cloud change detection <cit.>. The updated model is just keeping the first observation. As shown in <ref>, the result of updated model depends on the input order of the mesh, the occluded hole is filled by several parts from different times shown in <ref>. The optimization method selects a whole piece avoid increasing seam line shown in <ref>. §.§ Mesh accuracy For Robotcar dataset, the used dataset is collected by a 2D sensor mounted on one car, when the car moves fast, triangles are large. Considering the property of 2D sensor(scan angle of the sensor has a big influence on point density), triangles on road boundary are large. Mesh accuracy(triangle size) is influence by the speed and trajectory of the car. For update model, result relies on the input order, and our method can select result with small triangles. As shown in <Ref>, area (a) means the out method obtain a result with less stitch area, and area (b) shows that even for the same area, the selection result can obtain a higher accuracy, triangles are smaller. §.§ Implement detail The pipeline is implemented using c++, based on CGAL library <cit.>. Computation speed is mainly influenced by the triangle number of the mesh and number of meshes. Considering there are several steps in the pipeline, the time for each step is shown. For the number is 2 or 6 means the first 2 or 6 mesh. The computer system is Ubuntu18.04, with 15.4G memory and CPU is Inter core i7-10510U. In <Ref>, if the number of triangles is large, then the QPBO improve optimization will take a long time, but when the number is 2, QPBO can solve the problem without improve method. Time 0s in <Ref>, means the running time is smaller than 1s. Seam line optimization step takes most to the time. §.§ Mesh stitching result After seam line optimization, the mesh is made of by several parts. The boundaries are stitched to obtain a whole mesh, a result is shown in <ref>. Considering point distance, some vertices are merged to avoid small triangle. §.§ Stéréopolis dataset Stéréopolis dataset <cit.> is also tested in the experiment. Due to the high accuracy of GPS and inertial measurement unit(IMU), the system produces a higher accuracy of the trajectory. Stéréopolis just collects same area dataset from two different times, in this situation, time series analysis can not be performed, to proof the third and forth steps of the workflow, we just removed the changed areas, the unsustainable objects are kept. As shown in <ref>, the results of distance base method and ray trace base method are listed. Because there are only two sequences, the changed objects base on ray trace method are removed in the mesh t_0, and all the triangles in mesh t_1 are kept. In the experiment, to avoid the influence of trees, in this example, the triangle in leaf areas are removed. Because the range sensor is on the top of the car, in the experiment, ray trace method obtains the same result as using both methods. After seam line optimization, the two parts are stitched together, the result as shown in <ref>. This example shows, the first mesh is more complete on the building facades and the second mesh is more complete on the ground. For the stitch step, the boundary line distance also considered, some points are merged as show in the yellow ellipses. For Stéréopolis dataset, it has a higher resolution, means has more triangles, the update model is also compared. In the experiment, points in leaf area are remained. For only two meshes, because the input order is fixed, it will not influence much the filling parts. As shown in <Ref>, compare to the update model, the optimization method can obtain more complete result, small area missing because occlusion as shown in (a), and less stitch area as shown in (b). § CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK In the paper, we propose an automatic pipeline for mesh map sustainable update. Using time series analysis to detect unsustainable changes, seam line is optimized using QPBO based method, all the remain sustainable parts are stitched to obtain a complete mesh. Our method can improve the sustainability and novelty of the map. In the method, only the meshes are used, no semantic information from images. In the scene, some unsustainable objects things, like cars, which are parking for a long time, in these cases, they can not be removed in the map. In this way our method can even handle data acquired simultaneously by multiple platforms at the same scene. In the current experiment, all the meshes are form LiDAR point cloud, because our inputs are meshes with sensor information, image sensors also can produce 3D model reconstruction result with lower expense. We can combine the mobile mapping system(MMS) with a stereo agent to improve the novelty with lower expense. Mesh processing depends on the 3D reconstruction method, in the current method, only a 2D range sensor is used to reconstruct the scene. Use 3D range sensors or multi sensors to reconstruct the scene to have a better mesh map. For 3D visualization, to consider the texture stitching is also an interesting topic. IEEEtran
Learning Transductions and Alignments with RNN Seq2seq Models
[ "Zhengxiang Wang" ]
[ "cs.CL" ]
Learning Transductions and Alignments with RNN Seq2seq Models Zhengxiang Wang zhengxiang.wang@stonybrook.edu Department of Linguistics Stony Brook University Stony Brook, NY 11794, USA Received: date / Accepted: date ======================================================================================================================================================= The paper studies the capabilities of Recurrent-Neural-Network sequence to sequence (RNN seq2seq) models in learning four string-to-string transduction tasks: identity, reversal, total reduplication, and input-specified reduplication. These transductions are traditionally well studied under finite state transducers and attributed with varying complexity. We find that RNN seq2seq models are only able to approximate a mapping that fits the training or in-distribution data. Attention helps significantly, but does not solve the out-of-distribution generalization limitation. Task complexity and RNN variants also play a role in the results. Our results are best understood in terms of the complexity hierarchy of formal languages as opposed to that of string transductions. Recurrent Neural Networks, sequence to sequence models, alignments, string transductions, attention, generalization abilities, formal language theory § INTRODUCTION Given the black-box nature of neural networks, learning formal languages has emerged as ideal proxy tasks for evaluating the expressive power and generalization capacity of neural networks <cit.>. Unlike real-world learning tasks, the underlying function generating a given formal language is typically known in advance. This makes possible a more flexible and complete control over data and, as a result, more fine-grained analyses of results obtained in experiments. Moreover, the rich tradition of studying formal languages offers critical insights into interpreting the learning results of neural networks, such as, from automata-theoretic perspectives <cit.>. The current paper examines the learning capabilities of Recurrent-Neural-Network sequence to sequence (RNN seq2seq) models, in the context of string transductions. It focuses on the abilities of various types of RNN seq2seq models to learn a series of four transduction tasks of varying complexity and generalize to unseen in-distribution and out-of-distribution examples. The tasks under analysis are four string-to-string functions, including, identity, reversal, total reduplication, and input-specified reduplication (see <ref> or <cit.> for a review). Previous works on RNN seq2seq models have only investigated identity <cit.>, reversal <cit.>, and total reduplication <cit.>, but not input-specified reduplication. To the best of our knowledge, this paper also represents the very first study that analyzes the learning behaviors of three major RNN seq2seq model variants with and without attention on these four transduction tasks altogether. Both in-distribution and out-of-distribution generalization abilities are studied to better understand models' generalization capacity, which is central to a more rigorous and interpretable science of machine learning and its reliable application in real world <cit.>. The concept of distribution is defined mostly relating to the input sequence lengths, as detailed in <ref>. Our results show that RNN seq2seq models tend to only learn a mapping that fits the training or in-distribution data. The attention mechanism that facilitates the internal information flow makes RNN seq2seq models a nearly perfect in-distribution learner with greatly improved out-of-distribution generalization abilities for all tasks. However, attentional models are not learning the underlying transduction functions either. Through unified training/evaluation conditions, we further analyze the complexity of learning the four tasks and the effect of RNN variants in the seq2seq models. The major contributions of our study are twofold. First, we present the very first comparative results of various types of RNN seq2seq models learning the four well-studied transduction tasks under highly controlled and reproducible experiments. Second, we provide novel characterizations of the four learning tasks based on the architectural consideration of RNN seq2seq models. We show that the complexity hierarchy of formal languages, as opposed to that of string transductions, better predict our results. The paper proceeds as follows. We review technical preliminaries about RNN seq2seq models in <ref> and introduce the four learning tasks in <ref>. Experimental setups, including data, model training details, and evaluation methods, are described in <ref>. We present the results in <ref>, which are summarized and further discussed in <ref>. The paper ends with a delineation of limitations and future works in <ref>. The source code, data, model training logs, trained models, and experimental results are open-sourced at <https://github.com/jaaack-wang/rnn-seq2seq-learning>. § PRELIMINARIES §.§ RNNs RNNs represent a neural network architecture that utilizes repeated application of a recurrent unit to process a variable-length sequence x = (x_1,...,x_T). At each time step t, the recurrent unit computes a vector h_t ∈ℝ^D × 1 by taking as inputs the embedding e_t of the current input symbol x_t (via an embedding layer E) and the previous hidden state h_t-1 h_t = f(h_t-1, e_t) where f(.) is a non-linear state transition function and varies among different variants of RNNs. The hidden state is commonly initialized as a zero vector. A non-initial hidden state h_t may be passed to an output layer to compute the probability distribution of the next symbol x̂_t+1 over an output alphabet Γ of size N, using a softmax activation function p(x̂_t+1, i=1 | x_t,...,x_1) = exp(w_ih_t)/∑_i'=1^N exp(w_i'h_t) where x̂_t+1, i=1 denotes x̂_t+1 being the i_th symbol ∈Γ using one-hot encoding and w_i ∈ℝ^1 × D is a weight vector associated with that symbol. For the purpose of sequence generation, the embedding ê_t+1 for x̂_t+1 along with h_t can be passed as inputs to the recurrent unit to compute the subsequent hidden states and output symbols via the iterative (or auto-regressive) application of Eq.(<ref>) and Eq.(<ref>). This study uses three common variants of RNNs <cit.>: Simple RNN (SRNN, ), Long Short-term Memory (LSTM, ), and Gated Recurrent Units (GRU, ). The main difference among these three types of RNNs lie in the construction of the recurrent unit, where LSTM and GRU come with additional gating mechanisms to control information flow across time steps, and LSTM has a cell state besides the hidden state. The mathematical details for the state transition functions of the three types of RNNs are provided in Appendix [app:rnnfs]A. For simplicity and interpretability, all RNNs in this study are single-layered and unidirectional. §.§ RNN seq2seq models A RNN seq2seq model is an encoder-decoder structure where both the encoder and decoder are RNNs <cit.>. Given a pair of variable-length sequences x = (x_1,...,x_T) and y = (y_1,...,y_T'), the encoder is a processor that consumes the input sequence x sequentially until the final hidden state h_T^enc is produced. The decoder is a generator that takes as initial inputs h_T^enc and a preset start symbol <s> and is trained to auto-regressively generate an output sequence ŷ = (ŷ_1,...,ŷ_T') to approximate y as much as possible. A preset end symbol </s> is also used to signal the termination of generation. Both the start and end symbols may be appended to x to help h_T^enc learn some useful information about sequence boundaries of the input sequence. In this study, we train three types of RNN seq2seq models, i.e., SRNN seq2seq, LSTM seq2seq, and GRU seq2seq, where the encoders and decoders are RNNs of same variant and with same hidden size. All the models are trained end-to-end by minimizing the cross-entropy loss between ŷ and y through mini-batch gradient descent. §.§ Attention Attention[Here we only consider the so-called “global attention" where the encoder's hidden states are all accessible.] is a mechanism that allows the decoder in a seq2seq model to access information from all hidden states H^enc∈ℝ^D × T of the encoder. It is first proposed to improve the performance of neural machine translation <cit.> and has later on been found to be a critical component of the Transformer architecture <cit.>. Attention has been hypothesized as external memory resources <cit.> or a “weighted skip connection” <cit.> to account for the success of seq2seq models augmented with attention. Formally, attention typically works as follows. At each decoding time step t, an attentional weight vector a_t∈ℝ^T × 1 can be computed by a_t,i = exp(score(h_t^dec, h_i^enc))/∑_i'=1^T exp(score(h_t^dec, h_i'^enc)) where a_t,i is a scalar weight that corresponds to the i_th hidden state h_i^enc of the encoder, and score a function that measures how well h_t^dec aligns with h_i^enc for i ∈{1,...,T}. A context vector c_t∈ℝ^D × 1 can be computed by weighing H^enc with a_t through matrix multiplication, then concatenated with the embedding for ŷ_t, and together consumed by the decoder to generate an output. There are many variants of the score functions as in Eq.(<ref>) <cit.>. This study uses a simple one as follows score(h_t^dec, h_i^enc) = v_a tanh(W_a[h_t^dec;h_i^enc]) where W_a∈ℝ^D× 2D and v_a∈ℝ^1 × D are learnt weights to reduce the concatenated hidden states [h_t^dec;h_i^enc] ∈ℝ^2D × 1 to an alignment score. tanh is a hyperbolic tangent function. § LEARNING TASKS §.§ Task description and FST characterizations We are interested in the following four learning tasks, representable by four deterministic string-to-string functions with an input alphabet Σ and an output alphabet Γ: (A) identity; (B) reversal; (C) total reduplication; (D) input-specified reduplication. For a given string w ∈Σ^*, f_A(w) = w, f_B(w) = w^R, f_C(w) = ww, and f_D(w, @^n) = ww^n, where w^R denotes the reverse of w and @ a special instruction symbol whose number of occurrence (i.e., n) signals the number of copies to make for w. For example, if w = abc and n=3, then f_A(abc) = abc, f_B(abc) = cba, f_C(abc) = abcabc, and f_D(abc, @@@) = abcabcabcabc. It is evident that f_A and f_C are two special cases of f_D as f_D(w, ϵ) = w and f_D(w, @) = ww, where ϵ means zero instruction symbol @. For all the functions, Σ = Γ, except f_D, where Σ∩Γ = Γ and Σ - Γ = {@}. Please note that, for the ease of discussion, we do not count @ when talking about Σ or input sequence lengths in the following sections. Traditionally, the four tasks are modelled with finite state transducers (FSTs) <cit.>. More concretely, f_A can be easily modelled by a 1-way FST where each input symbol is simply mapped to itself, whereas a 2-way FST that can read input sequences back and forth is required for modelling f_B and f_C. To model f_D, a 2-way FST enhanced with the capability of counting the number of instruction symbols is needed. As these four tasks require FSTs of increasing expressive capacity, they are characterized accordingly <cit.>, with f_A being a rational function, f_B and f_C regular functions, and f_D a polyregular function <cit.>. Under the FST-theoretic characterizations, f_D > f_B/f_C > f_A, where / means “unordered" and > is a “more complex than” relation for learning these tasks. §.§ In-distribution and out-of-distribution Given the deterministic nature of the four functions above, we define the concept of in-distribution and out-of-distribution in terms of the input sequences. For a model trained on input sequences of lengths ℒ (for all the functions) or with numbers 𝒩 of instruction symbol (only for f_D), in-distribution input sequences are those whose lengths ℒ'⊆ℒ and, where possible, whose numbers of instruction symbol 𝒩'⊆𝒩. Input sequences are out-of-distribution if either ℒ'∩ℒ = Ø or 𝒩'∩𝒩 = Ø. Distinguishing in-distribution and out-of-distribution input sequences allows us to examine a trained model's abilities to generalize to examples that are independent and identically distributed and those that are beyond, in relation to the distribution of the training examples. Furthermore, a trained model's out-of-distribution generalization ability reveals whether the model learns the underlying function or approximates the in-distribution data. §.§ Complexity hypothesis As discussed in <ref>, RNN seq2seq models take an encoder-decoder structure, where the decoder only “writes" after the encoder “reads" all the input symbols, unlike the read-and-write operation seen in FSTs. Moreover, since the domain of the four underlying functions is simply Σ^*, the input sequences see no dependency among their symbols, nor do the target sequences. It follows that, for a RNN seq2seq model to learn these tasks, the decoder must be able to store information about all the input symbols from the encoder and retrieve the output symbols in correct alignments with the input symbols. In this sense, the four learning tasks can be described as learning alignments or dependencies between the input and target sequences for RNN seq2seq models. Fig <ref> illustrates the conjectured mechanism for learning identity and reversal functions. Total reduplication and input-specified reduplication functions should be learnt in a similar process, as the outputs of these two functions can be seen as the concatenation of multiple identity functions applied in a sequence <cit.>. To learn input-specified reduplication, the decoder should additionally be able to count the number of instruction symbols. Accordingly, we propose the following task complexity hierarchy for RNN seq2seq models: input-specified reduplication (f_D) > total reduplication (f_C) > identity (f_A) > reversal (f_B). On the one hand, RNNs are notorious for the long-term dependency learning issue that comes with gradient based learning <cit.>. This makes retrieving information about the early input symbols more difficult than the recent ones for the decoder, resulting in more learning complexity for f_A than f_B. On the other hand, longer target sequences require more memory resources than the shorter ones for a RNN seq2seq model to learn the input-target alignments. As f_C produces target sequence strictly twice longer than that of f_A for any given string w, f_C > f_A. f_D is most complex to learn since its target sequence length may grow unboundly, as the number of instruction symbols increases unboundly. Finally, it is possible that f_A is no less complex than (≥) f_B for attentional RNN seq2seq models, since attention allows all the encoder's hidden states to be accessible at any decoding time step, potentially alleviating the long-term dependency learning issue identified in the RNNs without attention. Compared to the hierarchy established in <ref> with the FST-theoretic characterizations, a major difference here is the relative ranking between f_A and f_B. However, if we combine the input and target sequences together and take the transduction tasks as language recognition tasks, the hypothesis that f_A > f_B may be understood in terms of the complexity hierarchy of formal languages. For example, if we replace the arrow in Fig <ref> with # and concatenate the input and target sequences, we have a copy language w#w for f_A and a palindrome language w#w^R for f_B. According to the Chomsky’s hierarchy <cit.>, these two languages belong to context sensitive language (CSL) and context free language (CFL), respectively, where CSL is more complex than CFL. Similarly, the two respective languages corresponding to f_C and f_D are w#ww (CSL) and w#ww^n (at least CSL). Obviously, under the classic complexity hierarchy of formal languages, the languages associated with the four functions also imply that f_D > f_C > f_A > f_B, supplying a good insight into the complexity hypothesis proposed in this section. § EXPERIMENTAL SETUPS To ensure a fair evaluation of the learnability of the four tasks by RNN seq2seq models in a finite setting, we equipped all models with decently large parameter size such that the lack of sufficient capacity to fit the training data is not a bottleneck. For the same consideration, we also utilized various training techniques to improve the success rate of convergence for all the models. To make the results comparable across models of varying configurations and across different tasks, the input sequences and the training and evaluation conditions were deliberately set identical for every model trained and evaluated. §.§ Data To simulate a more realistic learning setting, we set Σ to be the 26 lowercase English letters. We sampled from Σ^* random strings of lengths 1-30 as the input sequences with the target sequences obtained by applying the four deterministic functions that represent the tasks. In-distribution strings are those of input lengths 6-15, available in the train, dev (development), and test sets. Out-of-distribution strings are those of input lengths 1-5 and 16-30, available only in the gen (generalization) set. For input-specified reduplication in particular, the in-distribution input sequences are of lengths 6-15, followed by 1-3 instruction symbols. The out-of-distribution input sequences can be of lengths 1-30 and with 1-6 instruction symbols, as long as either the length or the number of instruction symbols is unseen during training. For the train/dev sets, there are 1,000 input-target pairs per input length and where applicable, per instruction symbol number, so the amount of data for input-specified reduplication is three times larger than other tasks in terms of training. For test/gen sets, the number of input-target pairs is 5,000 on the same levels. The test and gen sets were made much larger than the train/dev sets for the sake of more reliable evaluations. The four datasets are mutually disjoint. More details about the data can be found in Appendix [app:data]B.1. §.§ Training details Models were constructed in PyTorch <cit.> and run on standard GPU from Google Colaboratory via Colab Pro^+ subscription. Each model consists of two embedding layers with embedding size 128, before the respective single-layered RNN encoder and decoder, both of hidden size 512. We initialized all trainable weights using Xavier initialization <cit.> to reduce the vanishing gradient problem associated with RNNs, as the input sequences get longer. We applied Adam optimizer <cit.> with 5e-4 learning rate and 1e-5 L2 weight decay rate and normalized gradients with maximum norm clipped at 1 <cit.> to alleviate or circumvent the exploding gradient problem common of training gradient based RNNs <cit.>. Details about the model size are provided in [app:model_size]B.2. To speed up convergence at the training time, we employed a technique called teacher forcing <cit.> to permit the decoders to access the real next symbols from the target sequences, instead of using the predicted next symbols as inputs. All models were trained up to 500 epochs with the train/dev sets performances evaluated every 10 epochs. The batch size is 1,000 and every batch only contained input sequences of same lengths to avoid padding, which changes the mapping of the input-target sequences. Training only stopped if one of the following conditions was met: (1) models run through all the epochs; (2) the full-sequence accuracy (see <ref>) on the dev set reaches 1.0; (3) the full-sequence accuracy on the train set and dev set exceeds 0.9999 and 0.995, respectively, at the same time. Models with the highest full-sequence accuracy on the dev set were saved and deployed to the test and gen sets and were trained and evaluated for three runs. The effectiveness of such training methods and procedures is demonstrated in Appendix [app:effectiveness_of_training]B.3. §.§ Evaluation methods We used the following three metrics to evaluate how well RNN seq2seq models learn the input-target alignments for the four tasks: full-sequence accuracy, first n-symbol accuracy, and overlap rate. All these metrics are measured from the initial output symbol to the end symbol </s> against the target sequences. Full-sequence accuracy measures the percentage of the target sequences being 100% correctly generated, whereas first n-symbol accuracy only measures the average proportion of the first n symbols being correctly generated for the target sequences. Overlap rate is the ratio of each generated output sequence ŷ = (ŷ_1,...,ŷ_n) overlapping with the corresponding target sequence y = (y_1,...,y_n), when compared in a pair-wise manner, on average for the target sequences. These three metrics provide well-rounded measurements of alignments between two sequences. When a more restrictive metric shows a low score and thus becomes less discriminative, there can be a more fine-grained alternative. In this study, we used the full-sequence accuracy as the main metric and reported the last two metrics only when necessary. § RESULTS The main results can be found in Table <ref> and Fig <ref>, which present full-sequence accuracy on aggregate and per-input-length levels, respectively. Of the three runs, we selected the one with best overall performance on the test and gen sets, weighted 40% and 60%, respectively. Related results measured in first n-symbol accuracy and overlap rate, are in Appendix [app:results]C for references. Since the results across these three metrics share similar patterns, unless particularly mentioned, findings based on full-sequence accuracy remain valid in terms of the other two metrics. This section also reports results obtained from follow-up experiments. §.§ Generalization behaviors As can be observed in Table <ref>, RNN seq2seq models, with or without attention, consistently achieve better aggregate full-sequence accuracy in the test sets than in the gen sets with a large average margin (i.e., at least 33%) for all the tasks. Even on the per-input-length level, depicted in Fig <ref>, the gen set full-sequence accuracy decreases as the difference between the unseen lengths and the nearest seen lengths increases most of the time. These strongly indicate that it is generally much more difficult for RNN seq2seq models to generalize to the out-of-distribution examples than the in-distribution ones. Empirically, RNN seq2seq models' out-of-distribution generalization abilities are rather restricted if longer unseen and untested input sequence lengths are also taken into account. It implies that RNN seq2seq models tend to learn to approximate only the distribution or a plausible mapping of the training data for given input sequence lengths, instead of the underlying data generation functions, if these functions are learnable at all. §.§ Attentional versus attention-less models The main results show straightforwardly that attention greatly helps models fit the train sets and generalize to the test/gen sets. Attentional models can all achieve (nearly) 100% aggregate full-sequence accuracy on both the train and test sets, whereas attention-less models cannot and almost always show a big train-test variance. Moreover, attentional models also outperform the attention-less counterparts in generalizing to the out-of-distribution examples. In other words, attentional RNN seq2seq models are stronger in-distribution learners with better out-of-distribution generalization abilities, compared to the attention-less ones. Besides, attention significantly improves learning efficiency. It is observed (see Appendix [app:effectiveness_of_training]B.3) that during training attentional models could converge within 160 epochs on average, whereas attention-less models often did not even with 500 epochs for all the learning tasks. Furthermore, Fig <ref> shows that the test set performance of the attention-less models goes down nearly as a function of the input length, which indicates the need of greater sample complexity for training. To further contrast the learning efficiency between attentional and attention-less models, we conducted a follow-up experiment in total reduplication, which appears to be the hardest task for the attention-less models to learn according to Table <ref>. We adopted the same training methods and procedures for this experiment, except that the attentional models used 1/4 training examples and 1/4 hidden size, and the attention-less models used 3 times more training examples and 3 times more training epochs, compared to their original setups. The results in Table <ref> show that by using only 1/12 training examples, 1/9 parameter size (see Appendix [app:model_size]B.2), and 1/3 training epochs, the attentional models still learn total reduplication better than the attention-less models across all the datasets. §.§ Task complexity The task complexity hypothesis formulated in <ref> is mostly borne out for attention-less models. Table <ref> and Fig <ref> show clear evidence that for each type of attention-less models, total reduplication is apparently more complex than identity, which is apparently more complex than reversal, on both aggregate and per-input-length levels in terms of full-sequence accuracy. Given the identical training and evaluation conditions for these three tasks indicated in <ref>, we argue that the complexity of learning these tasks is the major, if not only, attributable reason for the observed performance difference. However, it appears that input-specified reduplication does not turn out to be more complex than total reduplication, which goes against the hypothesis. We argue that this result is due to two reasons. First, the number of instruction symbols for training is only 1-3, which is far from representative of the generative capacity of input-specified reduplication. Second, the training data size for input-specified reduplication is three times larger than that for total reduplication in the main experiments. Our follow-up experiment in <ref> shows that when given same level sample complexity, attention-less models can learn total reduplication better than input-specified reduplication, as far as the train/test set performance is concerned. Nevertheless, further experiments are needed in order to establish the relative complexity of learning input-specified reduplication. Given the experimental setups of the study, the results for the four tasks are less informative of their complexity for attentional models. This is because attentional models can learn these tasks (nearly) perfectly for in-distribution examples (even with much less resources as shown in <ref>) and the out-of-distribution performance is less interpretable. §.§ RNN variants Overall, attentional SRNN models appear to have better out-of-distribution generalization abilities than the GRU/LSTM counterparts, whereas attention-less GRU/LSTM models are more expressive and can learn nearly all the tasks with apparent advantages over the related SRNN models. The only two exceptions are attentional GRU/LSTM models consistently generalizing better to the gen sets than the SRNN counterparts for identity, and attention-less SRNN models outperforming the attention-less GRU/LSTM models in both test/gen sets for reversal. Generally, LSTM seems to be better than GRU for most cases, regardless of the use of attention, but the difference is small and inconsistent across runs. Previous research <cit.> has shown that LSTM can learn counting. The results for input-specified reduplication, detailed in Fig <ref>, also show that on a per-instruction-symbol-number level and regardless of attention, LSTM models are more capable of generalizing to input sequences with unseen numbers of instruction symbols, whereas SRNN basically fail and GRU can generalize to a highly limited extent. Moreover, although attention helps models to generalize better as shown in the last section, both attention-less GRU and LSTM models exhibit overall better and more stable out-of-distribution generalization abilities when only the number of instruction symbols is unseen. However, they both perform poorly on input sequences of unseen lengths without attention. For unclear reasons, attentional SRNN models trained in this study can all reliably generalize to input sequences of longer unseen lengths with seen numbers of instruction symbols to an extent close to the respective train set performance, which, however, varies greatly across different runs. For example, our follow-up evaluation (see Appendix [app:follow_up_eval]C.4) shows that the best attentional SRNN model can generate input sequences with seen instruction symbol numbers and of up to 50 symbols with at least 46% full-sequence accuracy. Moreover, despite the low full-sequence accuracy of the best attentional SRNN model for input sequences with unseen instruction symbol numbers depicted in Fig <ref>, its first n-symbol accuracy and overlap rate are both overall better than that of the LSTM counterpart (see Appendix [app:input_spec_red_res]C.3). § DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION This study investigated how well the three major types of RNN seq2seq models, with and without attention, learn four transduction tasks that can be described as learning alignments between the input and target sequences. Through highly unified training/evaluation conditions, we compared the experimental results across tasks, models of varying configurations, and test/gen set performance, among other things. Unlike previous research, the input alphabet Σ for our experiments contains 26 unique symbols, instead of binary, making our results more meaningful to real-world tasks that concern, say, morpho-phonological transduction. The major findings are summarized below. Generalization abilities. RNN seq2seq models, regardless of the use of attention, are prone to learning a function that fits the training or in-distribution data. Their out-of-distribution generalization abilities are highly limited and only restricted to data that is more similar to the training data, for example, in terms of input sequence lengths. <cit.> shows similar results when a much wider range of input sequence lengths (with a binary Σ) is used for training and evaluating RNN seq2seq models learning identity and reversal functions. Attention. Attention makes learning alignments between input and target sequences much more efficient and robust. For all tasks, attentional models can almost always fit both train and test sets to (nearly) 100% full-sequence accuracy, even with greatly reduced training data size and model size, whereas attention-less models cannot and easily suffer from a big train-test variance due to a need of large sample complexity. Attentional models also show significantly stronger out-of-distribution generalization abilities than their attention-less counterparts. The impressive learning efficiency accelerated by attention echoes its original motivation; that is, “learning to align" <cit.>. Task complexity. We established the following task complexity for attention-less RNN seq2seq models: total reduplication > identity > reversal. This is different from the traditional FST-theoretic viewpoint based on string transductions, which treats reversal and total reduplication as a function class that is strictly more complex than identity. In contrast, this result can be better understood under the complexity hierarchy of formal languages, if the four transduction tasks are re-framed as language recognition tasks, as demonstrated in <ref>. We implied that input-specified reduplication should in principle be more complex than total reduplication for the greater need of memory resources to learn input-target alignments. However, this is not verified in this study, constrained by the lack of computational resources to set out the related experiment at a more proper scale. Since all the tasks are easy for attentional models to learn in an in-distributional setting, it is not attested whether a similar hierachy also applies for attentional models. RNN variants. The effect of RNN variants is a complicated one and appears to interact with other factors, e.g., the use of attention, and the task to learn. When attention is not used, LSTM/GRU models are expectedly and significantly more expressive than SRNN models for all tasks other than reversal, probably thanks to the additional built-in gating mechanisms that improve long-term memory <cit.> and thus reduce the sample complexity to learn input-target alignments. However, attentional SRNN model appears to have consistently greater out-of-distribution generalization performance for all tasks except identity, compared to attentional GRU/LSTM models. LSTM, in particular, exhibits a stronger counting ability for learning input-specified reduplication, regardless of the use of attention. The results presented above showcase the fruitfulness of utilizing formal language tasks to probe the learning capabilities of neural networks. Although alignments in the context of this study are “hard" alignments <cit.> or only refer to alignments of identical segments from input and target sequences, some fundamental conclusions drawn here should also stand for more complicated input-target alignment learning problem, such as machine translation. For example, <cit.> finds that reversing input sequences improves the performance of attention-less LSTM seq2seq models for machine translation. Our results on identity and reversal and the hypothesized task complexity hierarchy show exactly that. Because this is an empirical study, we want to bring to attention in the end the importance of not making hasty conclusions about negative learnability of certain tasks. Obviously, many factors play a role in the final performance of trained models, such as sample complexity, model complexity, training methods, etc. For instance, in our main experiments, attention-less SRNN models barely learn total reduplication, in line with <cit.>, but the follow-up experiment shows that what may appear as a learnability problem is just a training problem, constrained by both training data size and time. In fact, in the absence of a sound theoretical proof, it is not possible to make a claim about what is unlearnable for neural networks, because we cannot experiment exhaustively to validate such a universal claim. Nevertheless, we hope our study and some interesting puzzles brought up but left unaccounted for here may encourage more future works at the intersection of machine learning and formal language theory. § LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE WORKS Constrained by available resources, we are unable to conduct our research at a larger scale, such as using a wider range of input sequences lengths during training and evaluation for all tasks. This study also does not provide any systematic and quantitative analysis as to why the trained RNN Seq2seq models fail to generalize to out-of-distribution examples, which is an important step toward understanding how those models generalize. Furthermore, it is worth testing whether the observations made in this study still hold with bidirectional and/or multi-layered RNN seq2seq models, which are more commonly used in practice, as well as with different variants of attention. These, however, are not quite possible for this study to experiment out. We hope these limitations can be addressed in future studies. For future studies that continue the line of the current research, we suggest using a special case of input-specified reduplication, where the target sequence is simply as many copies of the input sequence as the input length. This makes possible unifying the input vocabulary and sample complexity for all the four tasks, but requires expensive computational resources, as the target length grows quadratically as the input length. In general, it is important to establish the learning complexity of RNN seq2seq models for some carefully-selected tasks, such as the four tasks in the study, which have well-established characterizations under FST and logic, among others <cit.>. Knowing what is more complex and less complex for a model class to learn is essential for understanding the learning capabilities of that model class. § ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The current research literally would not have been made possible without the continuous guidance and inspirations from Jeffrey Heinz. I am also grateful for Jordan Kodner, William Oliver, Sarah Payne, Nicholas Behrje for reading through the manuscript and providing helpful comments. I also thank the inspirations from Imane Machouahi Rifi. § A. MATHEMATICAL DETAILS OF THE RNN VARIANTS For convenience, the state transition function for RNNs from Eq.(<ref>) is reproduced below h_t = f(h_t-1, e_t) For SRNN, f is typically a sigmoid or hyperbolic tangent function. We used the latter. For LSTM, f takes what is known as an cell state c_t in addition to the hidden state h_t. At each time t, both states are updated as follows h_t = o_t * tanh(c_t) c_t = f_t * c_t-1 + i_t * c̃_t c̃_t = tanh(W_c[h_t-1; e_t] + b_c) o_t = sigmoid(W_o[h_t-1; e_t] + b_o) f_t = sigmoid(W_f[h_t-1; e_t] + b_f) i_t = sigmoid(W_i[h_t-1; e_t] + b_i) where [ . ; . ] denotes vector concatenation along the last axis. Eq.(<ref>-<ref>) are the equations for the output gate o_t, forget gate f_t, and input gate i_t, respectively, all of which are scalar values ∈ (0,1), thanks to the sigmoid activation function. Because of this numerical property, they are said to act as a filter to control the information flow inside the recurrent unit. The update of h_t is determined by o_t and c_t, whose update is determined by weighing c_t-1 and the temporarily updated cell state c̃_t with f_t and i_t, respectively. Inspired by LSTM, GRU takes a simplified state transition function as follows h_t = z_t * h_t-1 + (1 - z_t) * h̃_t h̃_t = tanh(W_h[r_t * h_t-1; e_t] + b_h) z_t = sigmoid(W_z[h_t-1; e_t] + b_z) r_t = sigmoid(W_r[h_t-1; e_t] + b_r) where z_t is the update gate, r_t the reset gate, and h̃_t the temporarily updated h_t. Here, h_t takes the place of both h_t and c_t as in LSTM, and z_t replaces LSTM's f_t and i_t. h_t is updated by weighing h_t-1 and h̃_t with z_t and (1-z_t), respectively. § B. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS §.§ B.1. Data Table <ref> summarizes the data size for the following tasks: identity, reversal, and total reduplication. For input-specified reduplication, the in-distribution input sequences (in the train/dev/test sets) are of lengths 6-15, followed by 1-3 instruction symbols. Per instruction symbol number, there are as many examples as the other tasks per input length, so the data size for input-specified reduplication is three times larger than that for the other tasks in terms of the respective train/dev/test sets. The out-of-distribution input sequences (in the gen set), on the other hand, can be of lengths 1-30 and with 1-6 instruction symbols. More concretely, the gen set for input-specified reduplication has a total of 750,000 input-target pairs and consists of two parts. One has input sequences of unseen lengths (1-5 & 16-30) followed by 1-6 instruction symbols, and the other has input sequences of seen lengths (6-15) but followed by 4-6 instruction symbols. The second part of the input sequences are from the test set to ensure the input sequences are identical across different numbers of instruction symbols. This is for evaluating if models learn to count the instruction symbols. Please note that, duplicates are mostly disallowed in each type of dataset where possible and each dataset is disjoint from other datasets for each given task. In gen sets, which contain input sequences of lengths 1 and 2, we randomly sampled 5,000 strings from Σ^|1| and Σ^|2| with duplicates to make the later evaluation unified and simpler. For the follow-up experiment in <ref>, the attentional models were trained on 1/4 of data from the original train/dev sets and reused the original test/gen sets. The attention-less models were trained on train/dev sets that are three times larger than the original ones, with all the four datasets re-generated from scratch to ensure each dataset remains disjoint from one another. For the follow-up evaluation mentioned in <ref>, we re-generated data for input sequences of lengths 31-50 and with 1-6 instruction symbol numbers following the original data generation protocol described above. §.§ B.2. Model size §.§ B.3. Effectiveness of training As reported in Table <ref>, most of the best models fitted the train sets to nearly 100%. This is also true for models in other runs, as the average standard deviation for the loss and full-sequence accuracy in the train sets for all the models is only around 0.04 and 0.12, respectively. Table <ref> provides details about the average number of epochs used over the three runs for each type of model from the main experiments. It is clear that attentional models can easily converge under the training methods and procedures of this study. When attention is not in use, only the SRNN models appear unable to fit total reduplication and input-specified reduplication. The problem is highly likely to do with insufficient amounts of training data and time, provided that we keep other hyperparameters unchanged. The evidence is the follow-up experiment in total reduplication in <ref>, which used more training data with extended number of epochs. Fig <ref> is the training log of one attenton-less SRNN model from the follow-up experiment with the other two runs showing similar training pattern. Despite the fluctuations in loss and other metrics, our training methods clearly led the models to convergence when enough training resources are given. Similar training patterns can also be found for attention-less GRU/LSTM models from the main experiments. The train-test variance is apparently only due to insufficient training data size, but not our training methods. § C. RESULTS §.§ C.1. Aggregate main results measured in other metrics Table <ref> and Table <ref> show the aggregate main results measured in first n-symbol accuracy and overlap rate, respectively. The results were selected from the same runs consistent with Table <ref>. Best results are in bold for the test and gen sets. §.§ C.2. Per-input-length main results measured in other metrics Fig <ref> and Fig <ref> show the main results measured in first n-symbol accuracy and overlap rate on a per-input-length level, respectively. §.§ C.3. More fine grained results on input-specified reduplication The results for input-specified reduplication per input length per instruction symbol number are presented in Fig <ref> and Fig <ref>, respectively. §.§ C.4. Follow-up evaluation Fig <ref> shows the result of the follow-up evaluation of the best attentional SRNN model generalizing to input sequences of longer unseen lengths with seen numbers of instruction symbols, as mentioned in <ref>. 0.2in
An Ontology-Based Capability Description of MTP Modules
[ "Christian Barth", "Tobias Klausmann", "Andreas Bayha", "Matthias Freund", "Kathrin Gerber" ]
[ "cs.SE" ]
An Ontology-Based Capability Description of MTP Modules Christian Barth1, Tobias Klausmann2, Andreas Bayha3, Matthias Freund1, Kathrin Gerber4 1Festo SE & Co. KG, Esslingen, Germany, {christian.barth, matthias.freund}@festo.com 2Lenze SE, Aerzen, Germany, tobias.klausmann@lenze.com 3fortiss GmbH, Munich, Germany, bayha@fortiss.org 4Festo Didactic SE, Denkendorf, Germany, kathrin.gerber@festo.com March 30, 2023 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= The MTP is an emerging standard for the software integration of process modules into a control system. The core concept of MTP is to separate process plants into autonomous modules called PEA which offer easy to use high level services. Applying the MTP concept leads to a modular production which can easily be adapted by adding, subtracting, or exchanging individual units. In order to leverage this flexibility, it is important to know the capabilities each PEA offers and expose them in a machine-readable way via its digital twin. As one realization of this requirement, this paper describes how a semantic annotation of MTP services using an ontology can be realised in conjunction with the AAS technology. MTP, Capabilities, Skills, Modular Production, AAS, Industry 4.0, Digital Twin § INTRODUCTION One of the key aspects of modern automation is the decentralization of automation logic with a service-based architecture. Individual components or modules consisting of multiple components offer easy to use and easy to integrate functionalities. The big advantage of this architecture is the possibility to adapt easily to changing requirements in the production process. The engineering effort to technically integrate the control logic of modules and components is very small due to standardized interfaces like MTP <cit.> or PackML <cit.>. Less optimized aspects of engineering are planning and purchasing. There have been first activities to systematically describe the capabilities of production modules <cit.>. In our paper, we build upon this, aligning with concepts of specifying and classifying the capabilities semantically as proposed in <cit.>. The goal is to create a formalism with which a flexible adaptation of production processes at minimal effort for most involved engineering domains is possible. With this approach the planning for example could be improved in the following way: During the conception phase of a plant, an abstract process is defined. This is used to derive a set of capability requirements needed to execute the planned actions. Based on the capability descriptions of modules proposed in this paper, it is then possible to compile lists of suitable candidates automatically, reducing significantly the effort to select appropriate modules. The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: Section <ref> gives an overview of the most relevant technologies for the paper topic. We start with a brief description of the MTP including its purpose and current state. This is followed by a summary of the AAS, while mentioning how AAS can complement the MTP technology. The third and most comprehensive subsection is about Capabilities & Skills. Besides a general description of the concept, we explain the use of ontologies to describe capabilities and their relations. Furthermore we introduce the capability submodel for AAS. In Section <ref>, we introduce our proposal for a capability ontology for PEA together with implications for the capability submodel, allowing for (semi-) automatic selection of modules. In Section <ref>, we describe and discuss the implementation of the approach with the example of a painting module, including a critical reflection of the limitations of the approach. The last section gives a summary of the paper and an outlook of possible future extensions. § STATE OF THE ART §.§ MTP Modular production is an approach to tackle the growing demand for shorter product lifespans, smaller lot sizes, and increased flexibility. To be able to implement this approach in the context of the process industry, several working groups of NAMUR (German user association of automation technology in process industries) and ZVEI (German association of automation technology vendors) are currently developing the MTP <cit.>. MTP thereby unifies the (automation) interface of a process module to enable its integration into any plant without the need for complex integration processes. This shall enable faster engineering & reconfiguration times for process plants as they can rely on a set of pre-engineered process modules. MTP files are based on AutomationML <cit.> and contain relevant information about a module type: A description of the provided communication and control interfaces of the components <cit.> (e.g. on an OPC UA server), an abstract representation of an HMI <cit.>, and a description of services (e.g. dosing or stirring) offered by the module <cit.>. The general structure of these services is standardized among others by means of a common state machine that each service must implement. However, MTP does not specify a common set of standard service functionalities but leaves the service design and naming to the module vendors. This makes finding the optimal module and service for a certain process step a complex task for the plant engineer. Important relationships between the domains of process engineering and (MTP based) automation of a process plant are discussed in <cit.>: Each MTP service realizes one or multiple process functions[Translated from German: "Prozesstechnische Funktion"] that can be separated into main functions and utility functions. While <cit.> gives examples for such functions (e.g. dosing, tempering, or pressure adjustment), no complete list is given. Each of these functions can also be characterized by different attributes that again are only listed exemplary (e.g. maximum throughput for dosing). The guideline also discusses the description of services offered by a module and/or of service requirements for a modular plant as well as a procedure for the manual or semi-automatic selection of process modules' services based on these process functions. However, <cit.> does not state how services can be described or annotated in a machine-readable way, which is necessary for the (semi-)automatic selection of modules' services. §.§ AAS To exchange information for components and modules, a digital twin <cit.> is a useful container of the necessary information. As one implementation of a digital twin, the AAS meta model <cit.> can be used. The meta model consists of several sub-elements. A selection is presented here to reflect the basic structure of an AAS: * The AAS entry element serves as a container with references to the SM of the AAS as well as an asset information sub element. * The asset information element contains one global unique asset Id and may contain several specific asset Ids which are only unique in a local specific scope of a plant or product line etc. Furthermore, the asset kind can be distinguished between type and instance assets, reflecting e.g. a product line or a single particular product. * The SMs contain a varying number of SME. * The SMEs express the information of an AAS, e.g. a textual string or a number. The SMEs can be nested in SMC. An overview of the AAS metamodel structure is presented in Figure <ref>. All AAS elements can be semantically annotated by using their attribute "semanticId". The AAS submodels are additionally identified by a globally unique Id and thus can be referenced in arbitrary information models. The SMEs can be referenced using the SM Id and a SME idShort path list inside the corresponding SM. In the scope of the BaSys 4.2 project[https://www.basys40.de/], a proposal has been made to represent modules specified by the MTP standard within Asset Administration Shells (AAS) <cit.>. The concept is currently being specified as an AAS submodel in the Industrial Digital Twin Association (IDTA)[https://industrialdigitaltwin.org/]. The IDTA is the host organization for AAS submodels as industry standards. Even though MTP explicitly focuses on the engineering phase of module types (i.e., aspects regarding the distribution of MTP files or the operation of a module are not discussed), there are two types of AAS models specified: an AAS for a type asset in which the MTP description file is attached or linked, and an AAS of an instance asset providing PEA-specific information which is relevant for actual operation of the module. These are for example the OPC UA endpoints and an identifier for the actual position and role of the module. The main benefit of having the MTP aspects represented in an AAS is to allow for relations and links between entities described in the MTP manifest and information modeled in other AAS submodels. These could e.g. be documentation or bill of material. §.§ Capabilities & Skills To achieve the previously mentioned flexibility improvements of automation, a systematically modelled description of the various parts of a production system is required. The PPR model <cit.> describes the aspects of production as a relationship between the products (e.g. work piece), the production process (e.g. recipes) and production resources (e.g. automation equipment). The capabilities and skills influence all three aspects and act as a connecting concept. In this paper we use the terms for capability and skill as defined in <cit.>: "Skills represent the parameterizable and executable functionality of hardware or software components, and capabilities provide a meta level description of their effects." Thereby, "meta level" refers to product, process and resource independence. In this paper, we distinguish between abstract capabilities and resource specific capabilities, refining the original capability term: An abstract capability provides a meta level description of an effect along with meta level properties for a detailed description, which can be defined in capability ontologies (see section <ref>). A resource specific capability <cit.> is based on the abstract capability and is only valid in the context of a resource. With the specified context, the meta level elements can be instantiated as model elements, for example by using the AAS meta model elements, see Section <ref>. The model elements can now be filled with information reflecting the context of the resource and the effect it can have in a production context. Capabilities have a describing nature and can not cause the desired effect in the real world. To achieve this, a skill is used, which is the executable counterpart of a capability. There are several options available to implement a skill as described in <cit.>. A skill is based on the information provided by a resource specific capability, potentially extending the level of detail of the model with e.g. environmental conditions or implementation specifics. With the resource specific capabilities and the skills available, a production process, which brings certain requirements to manufacture a product, can use the capabilities and the skills as follows: Based on the requirements, the resources can be queried in a two step procedure. First, a shallow match can be executed using the requirements and the resource specific capabilities, named capability matching. Following a successful capability matching step, a more detailed skill matching that takes the additional skill description into account can be conducted to assure that all requirements for the execution of process are met, see <cit.>. The two checks are described in more detail in <cit.>. §.§.§ Capability Ontologies An ontology is a formal representation of data and relations. It uses logically specified edges to model knowledge in a way that implicit relationships can be inferred by logic interpreters or reasoners. In this way, modelled information can be interpreted automatically and different sources of information can be combined effectively. The ontology is a semantic technology which offers high flexibility in modeling concepts. This leads to the problem of finding a suitable modeling structure. In <cit.>, a well-established approach has been chosen, which consists in dividing the modeled concepts in terms of general understanding, specific taxonomies, and actual data into so-called upper ontologies, domain ontologies, and application ontologies, respectively. Since the OWL[https://www.w3.org/OWL/] standard was chosen here, its import declaration can be used to represent dependencies between these ontologies. This C4I[downloadable at: https://www.w3id.org/basyx/c4i] ontology is presented in <cit.>. §.§.§ AAS Capability Submodel While ontologies are an adequate concept to model the abstract capabilities themselves, in order to identify capabilities of a given resource, these ontological descriptions need to be linked with the assets providing the actual skills and implementing these capabilities. As described in Section <ref>, when using the AAS for the asset's description, AAS SM are used to model the various aspects of production resources. The capability submodel proposed in <cit.> is dedicated for describing the capabilities provided by an asset. Figure <ref> gives an overview about these notions and their relations with each other: ontologies model the abstract capabilities themselves, while the AAS of the resources contain a capability submodel that describes the provided capabilities of this specific resource or resource type. Within the capability SM, the dedicated capability model element of the AAS meta model can be used to model the resource specific capabilities. Hereby, the semanticIDs of these capability elements reference the abstract capabilities in the ontology and associate them with the resource specific capabilities of the asset. Besides this reference to the abstract capabilities, the capability SM also contains the reference to the executable implementation of the capabilities, i.e. to the skills. In accordance with Fig. <ref> this reference is named realizedBy. A similar reference as between the capabilities and the skills can be seen between the capabilities' attributes and the skill's parameters: while abstract capabilities in ontologies describe which attributes are relevant for an abstract capability, the resource specific capabilities describe the actual values of the resource's capabilities. Finally, the skill which realizes the resource specific capability could determine this value for every skill execution via a parameter that is taken into account for the skills execution. An example for these notions could be the abstract capability dosing that can be further described with an attribute amount in an ontology. A concrete resource which implements dosing could then offer a resource specific capability dosing with a semantic ID to this ontology and an attribute amount with a value range of 0.2ml to 80.0ml. Finally, the skill which implements dosing can have a parameter amount that can be set to the value 65ml to make the skill dose this amount of liquid in it's next execution. With these three concepts of abstract capabilities, resource specific capabilities, skills and the references between them, one can seamlessly find related information: for every skill it is possible to see which capabilities it realizes; for every abstract capability it becomes possible to find resources that provide this capability by the skills in their implementation. § APPROACH As described in Section <ref>, a skill represents the parameterizable and executable functionality of hardware or software. Regarding the context of MTP, this is implemented by the concept of MTP services (cf. Section <ref>): While the implementation of a service may be hidden by the module vendor, services can be directly invoked on a module via a set of variables provided on a public OPC UA server. Furthermore, services can also be parametererized – the set of parameters for each service is thereby defined in the MTP file. Based on this analogy and the integration of MTP into the AAS described in Section <ref>, the MTP concept can be combined with the concept of capabilities described in Section <ref>. The motivation of separating the capability information into a representation within AAS on the one side and the ontology on the other side is the following: The ontology can be used as an industry wide single source of truth, providing generally valid relations between process functions, basic process operations, educts and products. By limiting the capability modelling in the ontology to these building blocks, one avoids high complexity and modifications making it easy to integrate it e.g. into an engineering tool. With the help of reasoners translations between the the different elements of the above-mentioned ontology content is possible. The AAS representation on the other hand is meant to hold implementation specific information, which can vary significantly from one application to another. By describing the combination of process functions used to implement the specific PEA service functionalities and associating them to the respective ontology elements all relevant information for selecting modules according to different requirement specification is accessible. The downside of the approach is that the tooling needs to support both AAS and ontology technologies. Since the AAS ecosystem offers solutions for various engineering use cases, the additional effort of implementing AAS support can be used in multiple applications. The approach presented above can be used to enrich the MTP ecosystem with the currently missing aspects of automatically finding/selecting PEA/services (cf. Section <ref>) that can be realized based on the capability approach. Hence, this section first presents an extension of the C4I ontology (cf. Section <ref>) that covers specific aspects of the process industries. After that, resulting implications on the capability submodel (cf. Section <ref>) are discussed. §.§ Ontology for MTP Modules As already discussed in Section <ref>, a meta model for a capability ontology was developed in <cit.>. For factory automation the authors propose a handling domain ontology on the basis of the VDI guideline 2860. However, for process automation no such domain ontologies exist so far. As was also described in <cit.>, it is reasonable to take existing state of the art into account. For this reason, we searched for an existing taxonomy for process automation tasks and found a suitable candidate in the TGL 25000 standard <cit.>. This standard offers a categorization of so called basic process operations[English translation from the German term Verfahrenstechnische Grundoperationen]. It also categorizes them based on three states of matter: solid, liquid and gas. Additionally it defines educt and product per operation following these three types. We created an process industries specific domain ontology based on the informations listed in the TGL standard <cit.>. To project the educts and products in the ontology, we introduced the object properties usesEduct and producesProduct. The example of distilling as depicted in Figure <ref> demonstrates how these concepts were realized in the ontology: The basic process operations of TGL 25000 <cit.> were modeled as classes under a class Basic Process Operation under the main class Capability as proposed in <cit.>. Additionally, we modelled the hierarchical categorization as a class hierarchy, as it can be seen in the example of distilling in Figure <ref>: Distilling is a subclass of separating. In addition to the hierarchical categorization we modelled a rule-based sub classification, further specifying the underlying principles of the capability as can be seen in the following: Distilling can also be described in terms of products it can produce or educts it uses. For both, in this example there are two possibilities as described in TGL 25000 <cit.>. Distilling can either produce a non-defined amount ("some") of liquid products and at least one solid product or it can produce only a non-defined amount of liquid products. For this it uses either some liquid educts or at least one solid educt. When designing a chemical process, the basic process operations define the modifications of the material and are thus key elements for the process technician. However, the technical realizations of these basic process operations are of importance as well as they heavily influence the application area and performance of a solution. Hence, describing the capabilities should always relate to both the basic process operation(s) a PEA can provide as well as the technical realization that is used to realize these operations. As already introduced in Section <ref>, the technical realization can be described based on process functions. To reflect this in the ontology, we introduced the concept of process functions as specialized category of capability. Figure <ref> shows the resulting main structure of the ontology and the defined process functions. As there is no standard listing all or at least a decent amount of process functions that can be used in the process industry (cf. Section <ref>), the process functions that have been added to the ontology can only be seen as exemplary until a standardization is done in this regard. Finally, the object property canBeRealisedBy was added to the ontology to describe possible realizations (i.e. process functions) for a basic process operation. Figure <ref> shows this for the example of the basic process operation distilling that can be realized by a combination of the three process functions dosing, storing and tempering. §.§ Implications for the Capability Submodel As presented in the last section, basic operation capabilities are defined in an process industries specific ontology. Taking the capability SM shown in Section <ref> as a basis, additional implications coming from the MTP structure have to be addressed: An MTP module consists of several components. Hence, the module may have to form a complex capability that reflects its function as a composition of the built-in components' capabilities. As an example, a painting module may consist of a tank, a pump, a valve, and a spray nozzle. While these components on their own have the capabilities store, pressure adjust, dose, and spray, they together form the complex capability paint which is also implemented by a specific skill. While ontologies are introduced in Section <ref> as a base for the definition of resource-neutral capabilities, a paint capability could also be realized by different resources and their related capabilities. For example, painting could also be realized by lowering the product into an immersion bath. To facilitate the manual or automatic selection of modules' services, both the complex capabilities and the specific underlying capabilities shall be exposed in the capability SM of the AAS. Furthermore, the composition relations between the capabilities are modeled as well. This approach can be applied for complex capabilities in general. For example the capability pick&place used in factory automation is composed of move and grasp, where grasp may be a composition of hold and release. § CASE STUDY PAINTING MODULE §.§ BaSys Demonstrator The mostly virtual BaSys demonstrator[https://github.com/eclipse-basyx/basyx-demonstrators] highlights concepts developed in the BaSys 4.0 and BaSys 4.2 projects. A downloadable version can be used to evaluate the different aspects of an AAS-centric production including the BaSyx middleware[https://www.eclipse.org/basyx/]. As part of the demonstrator, a fictional process of a tin assembly and painting is implemented. It is visualized using software from unity technologies[https://unity.com]. Fig. <ref> shows the layout of the virtual demonstrator. All resources that provide the automation functionalities used in the demonstrator have AAS representations with various SM describing technical data, capabilities, documentation, and control component interfaces (the latter being a BaSyx specific concept of wrapping skills of components and modules and offering unified execution interfaces and state information). The control component features adapters to translate commands and states to MTP or PackML and allows thus simultaneous orchestration of traditional integration methods from process industries and factory automation. The orchestration itself is implemented using Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) scripts for the process descriptions. These workflows are then evaluated and executed by the open source engine Camunda[https://camunda.com], starting and stopping the skills of the various components and controlling the respective states. §.§ Painting-Module One of the stations of the BaSys demonstrator is the painting module, a virtual PEA automated with the MTP standard. It features two reservoirs of paint, one with blue and one with yellow ink, both equipped with pumps and process valves. It offers three skills as MTP services: the paint service can color tins situated inside the module either in blue or in yellow by spraying. Additionally it offers a refill service for the reservoirs, and a self-cleaning service using water from a third tank. The user interface of the module is shown in Fig. <ref>. §.§ Capability SM realization To satisfy the reference route from ontologies to skill via the capability SM as shown in Fig. <ref>, we realized a capability SM for the painting module based on the equally named painting module example given in section <ref>. The realization is shown in Fig. <ref>. As already demonstrated in the example, the capability paint is a composition of the capabilities spray, dosing, store and pressure adjust. As per the structure introduced in Section <ref>, every capability has its own SMC with the contained capability SM meta model element and its underlying structure. With this, every capability can reference an abstract capability defined within an ontology. Furthermore, by expressing the whole structure, every capability can be expressed as a composition of other capabilities and allow for a realization reference to a matching skill. §.§ Limitations & Discussion In order to capitalize on a semantic capability description of production modules, it is key to have a common understanding of how to describe the capabilities. Our approach to use the established TGL 25000 standard for basic process operations and relate it to process functions is a good starting point. However, it needs to be completed and standardized to leverage its full potential in the engineering and operations phases. Especially the process functions are lacking an accepted and complete taxonomy as of now. For common applications, a universal ontology is generally possible, while it presumably remains necessary for vendors of specialized equipment to build upon this, and to extend the existing ontology with particular capabilities and their relations. It remains to be investigated further if all required extensions can be constructed from the elementary process functions of the universal ontology. The capability description is not a static document. While the original capability submodel of a PEA is supposed to be provided by the module vendor, it is possible that a PEA is used in a different function compared to what is has been designed for. In this case, the capability description might also be extended by the system integrator or plant owner. A limitation of the approach is the fact that validating the capabilities for a given requirement is not enough to ensure that the given module is capable of carrying out the actual task. Resources might have multiple constraints as in under which conditions capabilities can be offered up to which extend. In order to fully specify the scope of provided capabilities, as also briefly discussed in Section <ref>, a large number of attributes might be necessary leading to very complex descriptions which are difficult to standardize. This could already be the case for simple modules: a tempering unit, for example, might have numerous attributes like heating power, cooling power, temperature range, thermal stability, reaction time, backup power and many more. For the purpose of automatic selection of modules, it is important to compare these attributes among different PEA. This can be achieved with a standardized sets of attributes. The AAS provides a suitable framework to implement this using e.g. the technical data sheet submodel. We call a validation of capabilities including all their attributes a feasibility check. It gives more confidence in a suitable selection of modules, however, even with a feasibility check further validation might be needed. This could be done for example with virtual commissioning using simulation models of the given resources. § SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK In this paper, we have presented an approach to semantically describe the services offered by an MTP module. Therefore, an existing capability ontology has been extended by concepts that are specific to modules in the process industry. Additionally, the analogy of MTP services and skills has been highlighted. This analogy was then used to realize the semantic annotation of MTP services based on an existing capability submodel for the AAS. The proposed approach allows treating MTP services like any other form of skills. This has the benefit that enhanced tooling – e.g. for automatically selecting modules' services based on capability requirements – can be implemented in a generic way that is agnostic of any MTP or process industry specifics. This is particularly interesting for hybrid industries, which combine process automation and factory automation technologies, but it contributes also to a more homogeneous automation landscape in general. If the selection of modules can be fully automated, such tooling can be used for advanced Plug & Produce scenarios where modules' services are selected at runtime of a plant without extended engineering or planning phases. This provides the possibility to optimize the usage of the available resources such as PEA within a plant or even globally. The presented extensions of the capability submodel for the AAS that allow to describe the composition of capabilities can also be reused for applications within other domains like the factory automation and is thus another step towards unification between process and factory automation. Another interesting use case is the modelling of capability requirements, i.e. the capabilities a PEA needs from external devices in order to be complete for a given application. A use case for this would be direct module-to-module communication where either modules share equipment or together fulfill a common task where a redundant communication path is needed. § ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors were partially supported by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research in the scope of the project BaSys 4.2 (01IS16022). IEEEtran
Running couplings and unitarity in a 4-derivative scalar field theory
[ "Bob Holdom" ]
[ "hep-th" ]
bob.holdom@utoronto.ca Department of Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A7 We obtain the β-functions for the two dimensionless couplings of a 4d renormalizable scalar field theory with cubic and quartic 4-derivative interactions. Both couplings can be asymptotically free in the UV, and in some cases also in the IR. This theory illustrates the meaning of unitarity in the presence of a negative norm state. A perturbative calculation that accounts for the new minus signs shows that the optical theorem is identically satisfied. These minus signs also enter a discussion of tree-level scattering. For a certain setup involving colliding beams of particles we find even more intricate cancellations and quite normal behaviour at high energies. Running couplings and unitarity in a 4-derivative scalar field theory Bob Holdom ===================================================================== § INTRODUCTION We consider the following real scalar field theory in four spacetime dimensions, with four derivatives appearing in both the kinetic term and the cubic and quartic interaction terms, L_1=1/2∂_μϕ(+m^2)∂^μϕ+λ_3(∂_μϕ∂^μϕ) ϕ+λ_4(∂_μϕ∂^μϕ)^2. The scalar field ϕ=ϕ(x) is dimensionless, as are the couplings λ_3 and λ_4. We shall allow these couplings to have either sign. The mass term breaks a classical scale invariance. At low enough energies only the mass term survives and the field can be re-scaled to absorb the mass, leaving a free and massless theory. Our interest is then in the UV behaviour of the theory. Many of our results will be obtained by calculating with a finite mass and then taking the m→0 limit at the end. These mass independent results will exhibit the manner in which the scale invariance is broken quantum mechanically. We do not claim that this m→0 limit should be taken as the definition of the theory where m is identically zero to begin with. That theory has problems with its definition and cannot be handled directly by standard methods. The theory in (<ref>) can be. This theory also exhibits a simple shift symmetry ϕ(x)→ϕ(x)+c. A term has a shift symmetry if a derivative acts on every factor of ϕ(x), or if not, the term is equivalent to one that is by integration by parts. Since the field is dimensionless the shift symmetry excludes an infinite number of terms with dimensionless couplings. If the ϕ field couples to any other field then the shift symmetry must also be preserved by that coupling. The shift symmetry, along with the four derivative kinetic term and the lack of couplings with inverse mass dimensions, ensures that the theory is renormalizable. The two simpler theories, with λ_3=0 or λ_4=0 respectively, are also renormalizable, and sometimes our focus will be on one of those theories. Our first goal is to study the renormalization of (<ref>) and to obtain the one-loop β-functions for the couplings λ_3 and λ_4. We will display the flow diagram of the running couplings that shows their behaviour in both the UV and the IR, where by IR we mean scales that are still above the arbitrarily small mass m. Perhaps most notable is that there is a family of trajectories where both couplings are asymptotically free in both the UV and the IR. Our other goals are to study the unitarity of the theory and the behaviour of scattering at high energies. A higher derivative scalar field theory has been extensively studied in another context <cit.>. This is the theory of the conformal factor of the metric as extracted from an effective action related to the conformal anomaly, which in turn is generated by loops of light particles. A simple form of such a Lagrangian using conventional notation is L_ conf=-θ^2(σ)^2-ζ[2(∂σ)^2σ+(∂σ)^4]+γ e^2σ(∂σ)^2-λ e^4σ. The corresponding action has a global conformal symmetry, and this is what relates the coefficients in the second term and brings in the exponential factors in the last two terms, which are the mass and cosmological constant terms. The interest in (<ref>) is usually driven by its effective description of possible infrared physics whereas our interest in (<ref>) is in the UV. Calculations of β-functions for (<ref>) usually do not treat renormalization of (σ)^2 as a wave function renormalization, and so give different results. β-functions of the more standard type were given in <cit.>, but there are various minus sign and factor of 2 deviations from our results. Very recent results for the renormalization of (<ref>) have been given in <cit.>, without giving β-functions, and our results agree where they overlap. Other recent studies of higher derivative scalar theories have appeared in various contexts <cit.>, but without considering both the λ_3 and λ_4 couplings simultaneously. There is interest in these theories even with an assumed lack of unitarity due to the existence of a negative norm state. But there is more to the unitarity story than this. As far as we are aware, the authors of <cit.> were the first to look more closely at the optical theorem in higher derivative scalar theories and its relation to renormalizability. (One of their criteria for renormalizability appears to be equivalent to requiring the shift symmetry to apply only to terms with dimensionless couplings.) These authors derive an inequality from the optical theorem and weak coupling and show by example that it is satisfied only when the theory is renormalizable, with their positive example being the λ_3=0 theory. The authors refer to this as S-matrix unitarity, the fact that SS^†=1 can still hold, even though it no longer implies the standard bound on the size of amplitudes at high energies. Another motivation for the study of (<ref>) is its similarity to quantum quadratic gravity. The latter is also a renormalizable quantum field theory <cit.> with four derivatives in all terms except for a mass term with two derivatives. The mass term is the Einstein term and the two four-derivative interaction terms are curvature-squared terms with dimensionless couplings. The mass term again breaks a classical scale invariance, while the coordinate invariance of quadratic gravity is the analog of the shift symmetry of (<ref>). Quadratic gravity is a significantly more complex theory, and so the theory in (<ref>) is thus a useful proxy for quadratic gravity where we can much more easily obtain loop amplitudes, and where we can in particular investigate the optical theorem. With the completeness relation 1=∑_X∫ dΠ_X |X⟩⟨ X|/⟨ X|X ⟩ inserted on the RHS of -i(T-T^†)=TT^†, where S=1+iT, we see that there are new minus signs on the RHS of the optical theorem when some of the states |X⟩ have negative norm. These signs produce the cancellations among the terms on the RHS as observed by <cit.>. By focussing on the inequality satisfied by the RHS, those authors avoided calculating the one-loop amplitude appearing on the LHS of the optical theorem. In Section <ref> we shall use the λ_3=0 theory to calculate both the LHS and RHS to show that the optical theorem at order λ_4^2 is identically satisfied, both in the m→0 limit and for finite m. We can refer to the theory as having unitarity without positivity. We then argue that the structure of the theory puts constraints on the scattering experiments that can actually be physically realized. In Section <ref> we calculate the lowest order event rates in such scattering experiments and find that they can have high energy behaviour similar to theories with standard unitarity bounds. This is due to even more intricate cancellations brought about by the lack of positivity among the terms summed in an inclusive process. We have also found these types of cancelations for the scattering of gravitational degrees of freedom in <cit.> and for photon scattering in <cit.>, both in the context of quantum quadratic gravity. § RENORMALIZATION AND RUNNING COUPLINGS With the following transformations, ϕ =ψ_1-ψ_2, ψ_1 =1/m^2(+m^2)ϕ, ψ_2 =1/m^2ϕ, Lagrangian L_1 can be converted to Lagrangian L_2, L_2 =-m^2/2ψ_1ψ_1+m^2/2ψ_2(+m^2)ψ_2 +λ_3(∂ψ_1-∂ψ_2)^2(ψ_1-ψ_2) +λ_4(∂ψ_1-∂ψ_2)^4. L_2 is familiar for having the wrong sign kinetic term for ψ_2. We have chosen to keep the ψ_1 and ψ_2 fields dimensionless, since it is not difficult to account for the m^2 normalization of the kinetic terms in calculations. Note that the shift symmetry ϕ→ϕ+c corresponds to ψ_1→ψ_1+c and ψ_2→ψ_2.[That these two Lagrangians are the same can be deduced by substituting (<ref>) into the quadratic term in (<ref>), taking the difference with the quadratic terms in (<ref>), and then substituting (<ref>) and (<ref>) into the result to find zero after an integration by parts.] Lagrangian L_1 can be taken to define a propagator of double pole form, -i/(k^2+iϵ)(k^2-m^2+iϵ) . This gives Feynman diagrams where the number of propagators is effectively doubled, where each pair of propagators with the same momentum can be interpreted to bring in an additional zero-momentum vertex. The diagram can thus be evaluated by standard methods. But when the effective number of propagators grows to six or more then standard methods are not so well developed and this approach quickly becomes cumbersome. For the second Lagrangian L_2, the number of fields is doubled, and so each internal line can be one of the following two propagators, 1/m^2 i/k^2+iϵ, -1/m^2 i/k^2-m^2+iϵ. Only the first has the normal sign. The number of diagrams quickly grows with the number of internal lines, but standard methods can now more easily deal with, say, four propagators in a loop, rather than eight that would occur from L_1. We can suppose that either of these Lagrangians are composed of renormalized fields and renormalized couplings m, λ_3 and λ_4. These renormalized quantities are related to bare quantities via the renormalization constants ϕ_0=Z_ϕ^1/2ϕ, m_0^2=Z_m m^2, λ_30=Z_3λ_3 and λ_40=Z_4λ_4. A counterterm Lagrangian is constructed using these renormalization constants such that the total Lagrangian yields finite results at one-loop. The respective counterterm Lagrangians are L_1^ c.t. =1/2∂ϕ[(Z_ϕ-1)+(Z_ϕ Z_m-1)m^2]∂ϕ +(Z_ϕ^3/2 Z_3-1)λ_3(∂ϕ)^2ϕ +(Z_ϕ^2 Z_4-1)λ_4(∂ϕ)^4, L_2^ c.t. =-m^2/2ψ_1(Z_ϕ Z_m-1)ψ_1+m^2/2ψ_2[(Z_ϕ Z_m-1)+(Z_ϕ Z_m^2-1)m^2]ψ_2 +(Z_ϕ^3/2 Z_3-1)λ_3(∂ψ_1-∂ψ_2)^2(ψ_1-ψ_2) +(Z_ϕ^2 Z_4-1)λ_4(∂ψ_1-∂ψ_2)^4. The total Lagrangians L_1+ L_1^ c.t. and L_2+ L_2^ c.t. when written in terms of bare quantities take the same form as the original Lagrangians L_1 and L_2. We have used Z_ψ_1=Z_ψ_2=Z_ϕ. Either L_1 or L_2 can be used to extract the various renormalization constants. Using dimensional regularization with 2/ε=2/4-d-γ_E+ln(4π), we find the following results[Our calculations use a combination of Maple and Package-X <cit.> for Mathematica.] Z_ϕ Z_m-1 =-3λ_4/4π^21/ε, Z_ϕ -1 =5λ_3^2/8π^21/ε, Z_ϕ^3/2 Z_3-1 =-5λ_4/4π^21/ε, Z_ϕ^2 Z_4-1 =-5λ_4/4π^21/ε. The one-loop one-particle-irreducible diagrams that produce these ε-poles are those that involve one or two propagators, and the four diagrams corresponding to (<ref>), (<ref>), (<ref>), (<ref>) respectively are shown in Fig. <ref>.[The use of L_1 to calculate these diagrams is somewhat simpler, and if L_2 is used to extract Z_ϕ and Z_m, the one-loop corrections that emerge are in the form of the kinetic terms in L_1 after inserting ϕ=ψ_1-ψ_2.] There are also 3 and 4-point one-particle-irreducible diagrams that have more than two propagators, as shown in Fig. <ref>. Power counting arguments suggest that these diagrams should also have log divergences, similar to the diagrams in Fig. <ref>. But this is not the case; we find that the diagrams in Fig. <ref> are finite by explicit calculation using L_2. (For the first diagram in Fig. <ref> this was noted in <cit.>.) Why this is so is related to renormalizability. The diagrams in Fig. <ref> can be converted to 5, 6, 7 or 8-point functions by converting cubic vertices to quartic vertices. Power counting suggests that those diagrams also have log divergences. But there are no counter-terms with these numbers of fields, due to the shift symmetry, and so the absence of divergences for such diagrams must be due to the shift symmetry. It thus appears that the diagrams in Fig. <ref> are finite for this reason as well. The nature of the divergence in the first diagram in Fig. <ref>, which renormalizes the m^2∂ϕ∂ϕ term, is different from the other three. Other than the factor of p^2m^2, there is no further momentum dependence and thus no scale dependence from this tadpole-type diagram. If we define the anomalous dimensions as γ=1/2dZ_ϕ/dlnμ and γ_m=1/2dZ_m/dlnμ then we have γ=-γ_m=5λ_3^2/16π^2. The running of the mass is due entirely to the wave function renormalization and the mass term as a whole has no scale dependence. The other three diagrams in Fig. <ref> do introduce nontrivial scale dependence. The β-functions in d=4 dimensions are given by the residues of the 1/(4-d) poles in Z_3 λ_3 and Z_4 λ_4 respectively, dλ_3/dlnμ =-5/4π^2(λ_4λ_3+3/4λ_3^3), dλ_4/dlnμ =-5/4π^2(λ_4^2+λ_4λ_3^2). The second term in each β-function is due to the wave function renormalization. Clearly both couplings are asymptotically free in the UV when both are positive. For general signs, we show the flow diagram for the two couplings in Fig. (<ref>). Interesting behaviour occurs in the quadrants where λ_4<0. Then there are trajectories where both couplings are asymptotically free in both the UV and the IR, such that |λ_3| and |λ_4| reach maximum values at intermediate scales. The decrease of |λ_3| and |λ_4| in the IR will continue down to the scale of the mass, below which the theory is trivial. Our results for the β-functions depend on the normalizations and signs in our definition of the theory in (<ref>). For example it may be common to reverse the signs of the interaction terms, in which case (<ref>, <ref>) are transformed with λ_3→-λ_3 and λ_4→-λ_4. The resulting flow diagram is obtained from the one in Fig. (<ref>) by flipping it around the line λ_4=0. In <cit.> the λ_3=0 and λ_4=0 theories are treated separately, and so they obtain the λ_3^3 term in (<ref>) and the λ_4^2 term in (<ref>) (the latter is also obtained in <cit.>). Our results agree. With dimensional regularization we can reduce the number of spacetime dimensions d and look for 1/(2-d) poles, which would correspond to quadratic divergences in four dimensions. We find a 1/(2-d) pole only in one case, in the tadpole diagram associated with the mass renormalization. The other diagrams in Fig. <ref> are finite in two dimensions. § UNITARITY AND THE OPTICAL THEOREM First we give the full momentum dependent amplitudes corresponding to the last three diagrams in Fig. <ref>, after taking the m/E→0 limit. No infrared divergences are encountered in this limit. The Feynman amplitudes are a factor of i times the following two, three and four-point functions. The 1/ε poles appearing here are cancelled by the counterterms.[The overall sign of these results depends on the number of ψ_2 fields, as is the case for the tree-level vertices. The results presented assume an even number. This is also the case of interest for the optical theorem, since elastic scattering involves the same particles in the initial and final states.] Σ(p) =λ_3^2/(4π)^2(p^2)^2(10/ε+3+5log(-μ^2/p^2)) Γ_3(p,q) =λ_3λ_4/(4π)^2((80/ε+112/3)((pq)^2-p^2q^2). -8/3[(7 p^2 q^2+6 (pq)p^2 - (pq)^2) log(-μ^2/p^2) + ( 7 p^2 q^2+6 (pq) q^2-(pq)^2 ) log(-μ^2/q^2) .+(p^2 q^2 - 6 (pq)(p^2+ q^2) - 13 (pq)^2) log(-μ^2/(p+q)^2)]) Γ_4(s,t) =λ_4^2/(4π)^2((80/ε+112/3)(s^2+st+t^2)+i8/3π (7s^2+st+t^2). .+8/3 [(7 s^2 + s t + t^2) log(μ^2/s) + (s^2 + s t + 7 t^2) log(-μ^2/t) + (7 s^2 + 13 s t + 7 t^2) log(μ^2/s + t)]) Our focus shall be on the optical theorem for two-to-two scattering where we restrict to the λ_3=0 theory, and for which the four-point function Γ_4(s,t) is of interest. We have assumed that the four external particles are on-shell, and so the m/E→0 limit produces a four-point function that is a function of the Mandelstam variables s and t.[A similar result is obtained in <cit.>.] It is evaluated in the physical region where s>0,t<0,s+t>0 such that the imaginary part is displayed explicitly. For elastic scattering in the forward direction we are interested in Γ_4(s,0); twice its imaginary part is the s cut discontinuity that is related by the optical theorem to an inclusive cross section (with the initial state normalization factor omitted). We see from (<ref>) that this discontinuity is 7s^2/3π. Before checking the optical theorem we first mention some factors appearing in an exclusive cross section. Most importantly the ψ_2 state is a negative norm state, and this results in a factor (-1)^n_2 where n_2 is the number of ψ_2's in the initial and final states. The presence of the m^2 factors in the kinetic terms of L_2 also implies an additional normalization factor of 1/m^2 for each ψ_1 or ψ_2 state. These factors would seem to make the m→0 limit problematic, but this is not the case for the optical theorem. We can also comment on the LSZ reduction formulas that extract scattering amplitudes from the residues of the poles of Greens functions. For Lagrangian L_1 each external line is associated with two poles, and so the residues of the various products of poles give the scattering amplitudes. For Lagrangian L_2 the reduction formula is more standard, and indeed, the definition of ψ_1 and ψ_2 in (<ref>) and (<ref>) can be seen to leave just one pole for each external line. The RHS of the optical theorem involves the squares of tree-level, two-to-two amplitudes generated by the quartic interaction. They are summed over the possible final states for a fixed initial state with the factors we have just mentioned for each final state (but not for the initial state). We employ on-shell kinematics for all particles and express each amplitude in terms of s and m and the scattering angle in the centre-of-momentum frame. The angular integration of the sum of squares is done with a factor of 1/2 to avoid double counting, after which we finally let m/E→0. We find that the result is 7s^2/3π and so the optical theorem is satisfied. Any of the initial states, ψ_1ψ_1, ψ_2ψ_2 or ψ_1ψ_2 gives the same result. We can also consider the finite mass version of the optical theorem, and for this we restrict to the ψ_1ψ_1 initial state. For the LHS we evaluate the fourth diagram of Fig. <ref> without taking the m/E→0 limit and find that the discontinuity across the s cut is λ_4^2/30 m^4 π (21 s^4 θ(s) - 2/s (s-m^2 )^3 (21 s^2 + 8 m^2 s + m^4) θ(s-m^2). .+ s √(s (s-4 m^2)) (21 s^2 - 68 m^2 s +56 m^4) θ(s-4 m^2) ) . For the RHS we just avoid taking the m/E→0 limit in the previous evaluation of the RHS. The result is again (<ref>) and so this confirms the optical theorem for any m. Due to the negative sign of the θ(s-m^2) term, at large s the cancellations produce s^2 behaviour rather than the naive s^4/m^4 behaviour. This minus sign is due to a negative propagator when the LHS is calculated, and it is due to a negative norm when the RHS is calculated. So it is not a surprise that the optical theorem is satisfied. The theory is displaying unitarity without positivity. This more accurate description allows us focus on the actual nonstandard property of the theory, which is the lack of positivity. The RHS of the optical theorem becomes a cross section when multiplying by the normalization factor for the initial state (∝1/(sm^4)). It is this factor that introduces a minus sign for the ψ_1ψ_2 initial state, meaning that this cross section is negative. But ψ_2 does not describe an asymptotic state and so this initial state cannot be treated in isolation. The massive ψ_2 particle is unstable, decaying into 2ψ_1 or 3ψ_1 or any other light particles to which it couples. The proper time between the original production of the ψ_2 and its scattering must be less than the ψ_2 lifetime. There is another minus sign built into the ψ_2 production cross section, and so there are two minus signs, in the production and scattering cross sections respectively, that cancel in the product. We shall instead turn to high energies and short time scales so that both mass and decay effects are small. Within this context we can consider a standard scattering experiment involving the collision of two beams of particles. The two beams should be composed of nearly equal numbers of ψ_1 and ψ_2, since the ψ_2 or ψ_1 particles are produced through couplings that always involves the combination ψ_1-ψ_2 and so the two particles are equally likely to be produced. It appears that this setup can be treated in isolation and in this case it is a sum of probabilities that is positive. We develop this picture in the next section. If it was possible to have pure ψ_1 beams, for example by utilizing long enough times for the initial beams to be depleted in ψ_2's, due to their decay, then the cross section would behave like s/m^4 for large s. This violation of an upper bound, that is normally attributed to unitarity, is allowed when unitarity comes without positivity <cit.>. But there is a caveat regarding this picture of on-shell scattering at large s. It may be that the analog of parton showers occur in both the initial and final states, which would imply that the actual hard scattering occurs between highly virtual excitations of the ψ_1 and ψ_2 fields. Then on-shell particles and negative norm states are not actually involved in the hard scattering process. So it is still not certain that the s/m^4 behaviour can be realized. In any case, the on-shell picture with suitably inclusive differential cross sections could still provide a useful type of dual description, as it does in perturbative QCD. This is the view that was taken in <cit.> and the discussion of the next section can be viewed in this light. § A SCATTERING EXPERIMENT The sum or average over ψ_1 and ψ_2 in the initial state is trickier to deal with than an averaging over, for example, polarizations. As before we calculate for finite m first before taking the m/E→0 limit. Since intricate cancellations take place in this limit, we need to properly account for all mass effects before the limit is taken. We shall introduce a luminosity factor to better describe the initial state, since this factor is another source of mass dependence. We assume short time scales so that the effect of ψ_2 decay can be ignored. Consider the collision of two finite beams of particles, each containing both types of particles. A choice of initial state i=(A,B) corresponds to considering the collision of particles of type A in one beam with particles of type B in the other beam. And for a choice i we can consider the integrated luminosity L^ int_i such that its product with the cross section σ_i→ f gives the number of scattering events from initial state i to final state f. The integrated luminosity is an integral of the Lorentz invariant luminosity density S, <cit.> L^ int_i=∫ dtd^3x S, S=√((j_A j_B)^2-j_A^2 j_B^2). The 4-vector j^μ is a particle current density. j^μ is proportional to p^μ, and in particular j^μ=(ρ/E)p^μ where ρ is a particle density. Thus ρ/E is a Lorentz invariant constant and we can write S =ρ_Aρ_B/E_A E_B√((p_A p_B)^2-m_A^2 m_B^2). The actual values of ρ_A and ρ_B are functions of the respective momenta p_A and p_B of the particles A and B occurring in the beams. Now let us go to the centre-of-momentum frame where L^ int_iσ_i→ f =F_AB√(s)p_i/E_A E_Bσ_i→ f, F_AB =∫ dtd^3x ρ_Aρ_B. We have used √((p^μ_A p_Bμ)^2-m_A^2 m_B^2)=√(s)p_i, where p_i is the magnitude of the equal and opposite 3-momenta describing the initial state in this frame. F_AB describes the beams and has dimensions of inverse area. Also in this frame the exclusive differential cross section is dσ_i→ j/dΩ=(-1)^n_2/m^81/64π^2 sp_f/p_i| M_fi(s,θ)|^2, where Ω=(θ,ϕ) characterizes the direction of a final state 3-momentum, of magnitude p_f, relative to the initial state 3-momentum. Note that p_i, p_f, E_A, E_B are all determined from the value of s and the masses and from the constraint that all particles are on shell. We have mentioned the origin of the (-1)^n_2/m^8 factor above. The combination of (<ref>) and (<ref>) shows that the total number of scattering events in differential form is given by dN/dΩ=∑_i,f(-1)^n_2/64π^2F_AB1/E_A E_Bp_f/√(s)1/m^8| M_fi(s,θ)|^2. The sum over i and f sums over all combinations of ψ_1 and ψ_2 in the initial and final states that are kinematically allowed by the value of s being considered. Although we are only calculating this at tree level, the imposition of the on-shell constraints produces a lengthy expression. Cancellations occur in the m/E→0 limit as long as the particle densities that determine F_AB in the limit become independent of whether particles A and B are massive or massless. For example ρ_A and ρ_B can be functions of the velocities p_i/E_A and p_i/E_B respectively. First we consider the λ_3=0 theory, where the tree level diagram is just the quartic vertex. For our first example we simply set F_AB to a constant F. Then the leading term in the m/E→0 limit is dN/dΩ=8 λ_4^2F/s(5 cos(θ)^4+2 cos(θ)^2+1). For the second example we introduce an extra product of velocities, F_AB=(p_i^2/E_A E_B)F. Then the leading term in m/E→0 limit is dN/dΩ=8 λ_4^2F/s(35 cos(θ)^4+54 cos(θ)^2+15) As a third example we remove the luminosity factor altogether and simply sum the cross sections. Then the result is dN/dΩ=16 λ_4^21/s(5 cos(θ)^2+1). These results are all positive definite. Since the individual amplitudes grow like s^2, any term in the sum in (<ref>) has a factor that goes like (s/m^2)^4/s. We instead see that intricate cancellations produce 1/s behaviour at large s. This behaviour is the same as for theories that have standard unitarity bounds. We see that the cancellations are quite robust, leaving only the angular dependence sensitive to the precise beam description. We can also consider the same scattering experiment for the λ_4=0 theory. In this case each of the tree diagrams is a one-particle exchange diagram. Performing the sum over initial and final states as described above again gives a result that falls like 1/s at large s. The θ dependence now features a 1/sin(θ)^4 pole behaviour for forward and backward scattering, due to the exchange of (near) massless particles. For the same three examples the θ dependence is again positive definite. Going back to the λ_3=0 theory, we can consider the number of scattering events in (<ref>) without taking m/E→0. After doing the angular integration we display the result in Fig. <ref> for the two different choices of F_AB, both of which give positive definite results. In the second case the extra factors of velocity suppress the ψ_2 contribution close to the thresholds where these massive particles are slow. The suppression of the negative norm contributions means that the final positive result is larger. Trouble finally arrives for the third example we considered, the naive sum over cross sections, which gives a result that is not positive definite. Here we notice the 1/p_i factor in (<ref>), which is enhanced for a slow ψ_2 in the initial state. We have arrived back with an initial state that cannot be treated in isolation. § COMMENTS We have presented a number of standard calculations within a 4-derivative quantum field theory with a negative norm state. The results show more similarities to standard 2-derivative theories than might have been expected. Rather paradoxically, it is the negative norm state itself that makes these similarities possible. The optical theorem being satisfied and the good high energy behaviour of inclusive scattering rates are both due to the cancellations brought about by the negative norm state. On top of this we have a four dimensional scalar field theory that exhibits asymptotic freedom in the UV with a possible concurrent asymptotic freedom in the IR. One difference between 2 and 4 derivative theories involves the classical limit. The negative norm is a consequence of the manner in which the theory is quantized so as to ensure the propagation of positive energy only, and thus stability. There is no analog of negative norms in the classical theory, which instead directly exhibits negative energies and instabilities. We have mentioned that the theory becomes a free 2-derivative theory for wavelengths larger than 1/m, and it is only here that the classical wave solutions make sense. The classical limit of quantum quadratic gravity must similarly involve long wavelengths where Einstein gravity applies. At short wavelengths these theories are intrinsically quantum. Our approach to the theory has been strictly perturbative where, besides some unusual signs, standard Feynman methods apply. The perturbation theory displays a standard analytic structure. An example of a deviation from this strictly perturbative approach is the resummation of the one-loop self-energy to obtain a dressed propagator. As soon as this is done the causal structure of the theory changes due to the abnormal structure of the dressed propagator. The dressed ψ_2 propagates in a peculiar way over time scales of order its lifetime <cit.>. At the higher energies and shorter times scales of interest to our study here, it is appropriate to use the strictly perturbative approach. 99 ant I. Antoniadis and E. Mottola, “Four-dimensional quantum gravity in the conformal sector”, Phys. Rev. D45 (1992) 2013. 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Simultaneous generation and detection of energetic particle and radiation beams from relativistic plasma mirrors driven at kHz repetition rate
[ "Jaismeen Kaur", "Marie Ouillé", "Dan Levy", "Louis Daniault", "Axel Robbes", "Neil Zaïm", "Alessandro Flacco", "Eyal Kroupp", "Victor Malka", "Stefan Haessler", "Rodrigo Lopez-Martens" ]
[ "physics.plasm-ph", "physics.optics" ]
AIP/123-QED jaismeen.kaur@ensta-paris.fr We report on the first simultaneous measurement of high-order harmonics, relativistic electrons and low divergence proton beams generated from plasma mirrors driven at kHz repetition rate by relativistic-intensity milliJoule-energy femtosecond laser pulses. This setup enables detailed parametric studies of the particle and radiation spatio-spectral beam properties for a wide range of controlled interaction conditions, such as pulse duration and plasma density scale length. This versatile setup should aid in further understanding the collective laser absorption mechanisms at play during the laser-plasma interaction and in optimizing the secondary beam properties for potential applications. Simultaneous generation and detection of energetic particle and radiation beams from relativistic plasma mirrors driven at kHz repetition rate Rodrigo Lopez-Martens March 30, 2023 ============================================================================================================================================== § INTRODUCTION When an intense femtosecond laser pulse is tightly focused on an optically polished solid surface, it generates a thin layer of surface plasma with near-solid density, which becomes highly reflective for the incident laser light, and is therefore often called "plasma mirror" (PM). Progress in high-power laser technology going back almost two decades, in particular the generation of ultra-short laser pulses with high temporal contrast <cit.>, has enabled the exposure of PMs to peak electric field amplitudes that can drive relativistic plasma electron motion, making PMs potentially interesting sources of ultrashort energetic particle and radiation beams for applications. For typical lasers emitting around a central wavelength λ_0 = 800 nm, this occurs for peak focused intensities I_0 > 10^18 W/cm^2 or normalized vector potentials a_0 = √(I_0 [W/cm^2] λ_0^2 [μ m^2]/ 1.37× 10^18) > 1. In this so-called relativistic regime, the highly nonlinear PM response to laser light can lead to generation of high-order laser harmonics (HHG), relativistic electron bunches and energetic ion beams. HHG extends into the extreme ultra-violet (XUV) and even up to the X-ray <cit.> spectral ranges and corresponds to a train of attosecond pulses in the time domain <cit.>. Two main generation mechanisms have been identified in simulations and experiments: coherent wake emission (CWE) <cit.> and relativistic oscillating mirror (ROM) <cit.>. In CWE, the laser field injects vacuum-heated or so-called "Brunel" electrons <cit.> from the surface into the bulk of the plasma, forming a propagating electron density peak which excites plasma oscillations in its wake, finally leading to HHG. CWE is an ubiquitous mechanism in all HHG experiments on PMs <cit.> and is efficient even at intensities as low as I∼10^15 W/cm^2. ROM only comes into play at relativistic intensities, where the PM surface itself begins to oscillate at relativistic velocities, leading to a periodic frequency upshifting of the reflected light, resulting in HHG. In the relativistic regime, it is important to take electron motion into more detailed account, as in the more advanced relativistic electron spring <cit.> and coherent synchrotron emission <cit.> models. The relative contributions of relativistic HHG (RHHG) and CWE to the total emission depends mainly on the incident laser intensity <cit.> and the plasma gradient scale length <cit.>. These two HHG families are easily distinguishable experimentally through their different spectral widths, phase properties and divergence. In addition to HHG, PMs can also emit ultrashort relativistic electron bunches. It is possible to access different acceleration regimes by controlling the plasma conditions. For relatively long density gradients ( > λ_0), electrons are accelerated to multi-MeV energies by a laser wake-field produced inside the plasma gradient itself, a process which is only observed with few-optical-cycle driving pulses <cit.>. For sharper density gradients (≪λ_0), electrons ejected out of the plasma surface co-propagate with the reflected laser field in vacuum and subsequently gain large amounts of energy by vacuum laser acceleration <cit.>. The energy and charge of the electron beam emitted in this regime have been found to be correlated to RHHG emission <cit.> and anti-correlated to CWE <cit.>. Most of the experimental ion acceleration studies from PM have been focused on the beams emitted from the back-side of the target through the well-known target normal sheath acceleration (TNSA) mechanism <cit.>. TNSA-based ion sources show large beam divergences, varying from 10^∘ to 30^∘ depending on the driving laser and target parameters <cit.>. Often, additional collimation devices and special target geometries <cit.>, along with complicated target fabrication and handling are required to keep the beam collimated. However, in case of front-side ion acceleration, a different acceleration mechanism driven by Brunel electrons has been found to be more efficient than TNSA for the steepest plasma density gradients <cit.>. Acceleration takes place during the time of interaction of the laser pulse with the plasma and results in extremely low-divergence proton beams <cit.>. Such exceptional beam properties, useful for numerous potential applications <cit.> from a fairly simple target geometry warrants further exploration of this particular acceleration regime. Here, we report on the recent progress on HHG, electron and proton acceleration from relativistic PMs driven at kHz repetition rate. At the heart of this work is the simultaneous measurement of these three signals with a controlled surface plasma density gradient. A simultaneous measurement enables us to observe direct correlations between the signals whilst ensuring identical interaction conditions on target. These multiple diagnostics are a fine in-situ probe into the collective plasma dynamics and can be a powerful tool to better understand the rich underlying nonlinear physics. Previously such measurements have been limited to HHG and electrons <cit.>. We extend the previous work by additionally measuring the accelerated proton beams, characterizing them spectrally as well as spatially. At constant driving pulse energy and focused spatial beam distribution, we can vary the driving pulse duration between 4 fs and 1.5 ps, thus scanning over a wide range of intensities I ∼ 10^16 - 10^19 W/cm^2 and transitioning from the sub-relativistic to the relativistic regime, while observing all three emission types (HHG, electrons and protons) simultaneously. § EXPERIMENTAL SETUP §.§ Driving pulses The experiments were carried out in the Salle Noire laser facility at Laboratoire d’Optique Appliquée (LOA), delivering waveform-controlled, up to 2.5 mJ on-target, high-temporal contrast (> 10^10@10ps) laser pulses, centered around λ_0 = 780nm, with tunable pulse duration from 27 fs to sub-4 fs <cit.>. While maintaining the same on-target fluence (same energy contained within the same focal volume), the laser pulses can also be stretched up to 1.5 ps by adding group delay dispersion using an acousto-optic programmable dispersion filter (Dazzler, Fastlite) integrated into the laser chain. A schematic layout of the experimental set-up is illustrated in figure <ref>. Under vacuum, the p-polarised Main pulses are focused by an f/1.3 28^∘ off-axis parabolic (OAP) mirror (effective focal length f=54.4mm) onto a rotating, thick fused optical grade silica target at an incidence angle of θ_i = 55^∘, to a ≈ 1.8 μm FWHM spot. §.§ Plasma density gradient control A spatially overlapped, time-delayed Pre-pulse is created by picking-off ≈ 4% of the Main pulse through a holey mirror, decreasing its size by a factor ≈2 in a Galilean telescope, and sending it through a delay stage. It is collinearly recombined with the Main pulse through a second holey mirror (M1 in figure <ref>) before being focused to a 13 μ m FWHM spot with the same OAP. Its much larger size compared to the Main pulse leads to a spatially homogeneous plasma expansion on the target surface. The plasma density gradient scale length, ≈ L_0 + τ, is scanned by varying the lead time τ of the Pre-pulse before the Main pulse. Here, L_0 is the scale length increase due to the finite temporal contrast of the Main pulse. The plasma expansion velocity is measured with the spatial domain interferometer (SDI) technique <cit.>, detailed in section <ref>. The overlapped Pre-pulse (in grey scale) and Main pulse (in color-scale) beam profiles in-focus are shown in figure <ref>(f). Whether at fixed lead time or during a τ-scan, the spatial overlap of these two focal spots is extremely stable thanks to laser's excellent pointing stability and to the use of a retro-reflector and a low-wobble motorized translation stage in the Pre-pulse delay line. The retro-reflector produces an elliptical polarization state of the Pre-pulse, which is remediated by a half-wave plate that rotates the major axis of the ellipse into the p-polarization direction. §.§ Solid target and shot sequence A rotating target positioner refreshes the target surface at kHz repetition rate with precise control over shooting position and rotation speed, maintaining adequate shot spacing between consecutive laser shots <cit.>. To ensure identical shot-to-shot interaction conditions, the target surface is aligned with high precision to be perpendicular to the rotation axis with the help of a frequency-stabilized helium-neon laser in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer <cit.>. The residual target fluctuations in the normal direction are maintained <z_R/5 peak-to-valley, where z_R is the Rayleigh range of the driving laser. Angular fluctuations are reduced to <80 μrad peak-to-valley, limited by mechanical stress in the target's rotary bearing. A slow and a high-speed mechanical shutter (Uniblitz CS45, 45 mm diameter, 14 ms opening time), block the beams in front of the OAP for longer ∼1-s durations between acquisitions and control the shot sequence length, respectively. The target controller, made from an Arduino micro-controller board, (i) tracks the angular and radial positions of the laser-target interaction point and which of these positions have already been shot at, (ii) sets the target rotation speed according to the desired shot spacing (typically 100 μm), and (iii) triggers the shot sequence as well as the diagnostics detailed in section <ref>. For an acquisition, the target controller triggers the slow shutter opening and sets the target rotation speed. Once an angular position with a fresh target surface has been reached, the fast shutter opens and 14 ms later the diagnostics are triggered. After the desired acquisition time (typically 100 ms, thus averaging over 100 consecutive laser shots), the fast shutter closes, the target rotation slows down and the slow shutter closes. Once a full circle of shots at a given radius is completed, the target is translated laterally by typically 100 μm to commence a new circular shot pattern. We exclusively use SiO_2 as target material in the form of uncoated 5 inch diameter substrates, polished to λ/10 flatness on both faces. With a 100 μm shot spacing, these targets can in principle take 1.2 million consecutive shots per face, corresponding to 20 min of continuous operation at 1 kHz. In practice, we take ≈1000 acquisitions of ≈100 shots per day of experiment, so that one target lasts approximately one month. §.§ Diagnostics This experimental set-up has been designed to simultaneously detect three observables resulting from the laser-PM interaction, namely the emission of HHG radiation, energetic electrons, and proton beams. This is achieved with three dedicated diagnostics, illustrated in figure. <ref>b,c,d and detailed below. These are complemented by a fourth one consisting in recording the reflected laser beam's near-field beam profile, as illustrated in figure <ref>a. §.§.§ XUV spectrometer A rectangular hole in the screen for the near-field beam profile transmits light within the angular acceptance of the XUV spectrometer that spectrally characterizes the HHG emission. The spectrometer consists of an aberration-corrected, flat-field concave grating (Hitachi 001-0639, 600 groves/mm, incidence angle α = 85.3^∘, optimized for wavelenegths λ≈ 22-124nm) that images in the horizontal dimension the ∼1 μ m size HHG source spot on the PM surface, and spectrally disperses it onto an image plane. Beam propagation is hardly influenced in the vertical dimension which thus provides angular resolution to the resulting spectrograph. A single-stack micro-channel plate (MCP) coupled with a P46 phosphor screen (Photonis Scientific, APD 1 PS 97X79/32/25/8 I 40:1 P46) is placed in the image plane. It is finally imaged using a CCD camera (12-bit PCO Pixelfly VGA). Figure <ref>(a) shows a typical recorded XUV spectrograph. The MCP is time-gated for 200 ns synchronously with the laser pulses to suppress background signal from longer incoherent plasma emission. The P46 phosphor screen has a decay time of ≈ 300 ns enabling detection at kHz repetition rate. §.§.§ Electron diagnostics The angular electron distribution is measured with a scintillating screen <cit.> (Carestream Lanex fast), placed ∼ 20cm from the point of interaction, covering a small but sufficient angular range between the target normal and the specular direction, for 30^∘ < ϕ < 50^∘, where ϕ is the angle w.r.t the target normal in the plane of incidence. The front side of the Lanex-screen is covered with a 15 μ m thick aluminium foil to block visible light and low-energy electrons (E_k < 150keV). Detection of low-energy electrons is also suppressed by the substrate of the Lanex-screen. The green light emission of the Lanex-screen is imaged by a second CCD camera (12-bit, Pixelink PL-B957U) through an interferometric band-pass filter. The electron energy spectrum can be measured for ϕ = 38^∘ - 40^∘ by inserting a purpose-built electron spectrometer, comprising of a 0.5-mm pinhole and a pair of neodymium magnets (B_0≈ 80mT over ≈20mm). The magnetic field map has been measured with a Hall probe and injected into a numerical electron trajectory calculation to calibrate the electron energy vs. the position along the trace of deflected electrons on the Lanex-screen. §.§.§ Proton diagnostics Accelerated protons along the target normal are spectrally characterized using an in-house built Thomson parabola spectrometer (TPS). A 300 μ m pin-hole placed at about 60 cm from the point of interaction selects protons emitted along the target normal direction, which are then dispersed in energy and charge-mass ratio by a 2 kV/cm electric and an anti-parallel 300 mT magnetic field, created by 50 mm long electrodes and 15 mm long magnets, respectively. Figure <ref>(c) shows a typical recorded TPS trace. Protons can be easily distinguished from the heavier ions due to their unique charge-to-mass ratio. The TPS trace is recorded with another MCP-Phosphor screen assembly imaged by a third CCD camera (12-bit, Pixelink PL-B957U). Alternatively, angularly resolved proton spectra can be measured with a movable time-of-flight (TOF) detector. It consists of a 6 mm diameter MCP, placed ≈37.5 cm from the point of interaction, and mounted on a linear translation stage moving parallel to the target surface. This TOF-MCP has an angular acceptance of 0.9^∘, small enough to neglect the convolution owing to the finite size of the detector. The transient MCP current is read out using a KEYSIGHT MSOS804A 8 GHz oscilloscope capable of individually recording all ∼100 shots in one acquisition, when operated in segmented memory acquisition mode. Figure <ref>(d) shows a typical recorded TOF trace. § EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS §.§ Plasma density gradient measurement The plasma density profile on the target surface is a critical experimental parameter, be it for HHG <cit.>, electron acceleration <cit.>, or proton acceleration <cit.>. Its control requires a high temporal contrast of the femtosecond driving laser, typically such that its intensity remains <10^10W/cm^2 until <10ps before the pulse peak. This is 2 orders of magnitude below the intensity required to start field-ionizing<cit.> SiO_2, and also excludes possible multi-photon processes. If this is the case, a femtosecond Pre-pulse can create a preplasma with an initially quasi-step-like density profile, with an electron density n_0 in the half-space x<0, the x-direction being perpendicular to the target surface. The free expansion of such a plasma can be described by a 1D isothermal (i.e. constant electron temperature T_e) model <cit.> yielding a time-dependent exponential electron density profile that starts dropping at x=-c_st from n_0 towards vacuum like n(x,t) = n_0 exp[-x/ t -1], with a gradient scale length = t that linearly increases with the so-called ion sound velocity = √(Z k_BT_e/m_i), where Z is the ion charge state, k_B the Boltzmann constant, and m_i the ion mass. This implies that, as long as the absorption coefficient of the Pre-pulse by the target surface is intensity-independent, so that the resulting local electron temperature T_e is proportional to the local Pre-pulse fluence F, the local expansion velocity at every position is proportional to √(F). As a daily routine measurement, this characteristic velocity c_s of the plasma expansion initiated by the Pre-pulse is determined with the SDI technique introduced by Bocoum et al. <cit.>. The principle of SDI is to interfere light reflected off the expanded plasma with light reflected off an unperturbed part of the target surface. The light is considered to reflect on the critical-density surface at depth x_c, where the electron density is n_ccos^2θ_i, with n_c=ω_0^2 m_eϵ_0/e^2, the laser carrier angular frequency ω_0, the electron mass m_e, the vacuum permittivity ϵ_0 and the electron charge e. The phase shift due to the reflection at x = x_c rather than at the initial target-vacuum boundary at x=0 is given by (as in Bragg reflection) ϕ = 2ω_0/c x_ccosθ_i. Dephasing due to propagation through the low-density tail of the plasma is at least an order of magnitude smaller and is thus neglected. The measured phase shift as a function of the Pre-pulse lead time τ thus tracks the position x_c(τ) of the critical density surface. Imposing the exponential shape of equation <ref> (where time t is equivalent to τ) for the plasma density profile, this corresponds to the gradient scale length (τ) = x_c(τ)/ln[n_0/(n_ccos^2θ_i)]-1. Experimentally, SDI is implemented by inserting a periodic transmission mask of period a (in our case a hexagonal pattern of 3 mm holes with a period a=4mm) into the near-field of the main beam, as shown in figure <ref>, thus transforming it into the probe beam for SDI. Upon focusing by the OAP, this turns into its far-field diffraction pattern on the target surface. In the paraxial approximation, this is given by the probe beam's spatial Fourier-transform, which is again a hexagonal pattern of "probe spots" (each of the same ≈ 1.8 μm-FWHM size as the main beam focus) with a period d=λ_0 f/a, where λ_0 is the light wavelength. For λ_0=800nm we thus obtain d=10 μm. This means that the central (zeroth diffraction order) probe spot overlaps with the center of the Pre-pulse and thus with the nearly homogeneously expanding plasma with which the Main pulse would interact, while the surrounding hexagon of (first diffraction-order) probe spots overlaps with the wings of the 13-μm Pre-pulse spot, where the Pre-pulse fluence F_1 has dropped to ≈10% of its peak value F_0. The expanding plasma thus induces a phase shift Δϕ=ϕ_0-ϕ_1 between the central (zeroth order) and the surrounding hexagon of (first order) probe spots. In the simplest case, the first order spots probe an unaffected target surface, so that ϕ_1=0. In our case however, the first-order spots reflect off an expanding plasma "launched" by a finite local Pre-pulse fluence of F_1≈0.1F_0, with the fluence F_0 at the Pre-pulse center. Two assumptions are now required: (i) Relying on the 1D isothermal expansion model mentioned above, we can write how much smaller the local expansion velocity at the location of the first order probe spots, ^1, will be compared to its value, , at the center: ^1 = √(F_1/F_0). (ii) We set the maximum plasma density n_0 to be the same everywhere. By combining equations <ref> and <ref>, we deduce that the gradient scale length at the Pre-pulse center, , is proportional to the measurable phase shift Δϕ: (τ) = α Δϕ(τ), with α = λ_0/(4πcosθ_i)/{ln[n_0/(n_ccos^2θ_i)]-1}(1-√(F_1/F_0)). The measurement of Δϕ is made by observing, through an interferometric band-pass filter around λ_0=800nm, the modification of the probe beam's near-field profile (cf. Fig.<ref>a). As demonstrated in ref. <cit.> and illustrated in figure <ref>, the pattern reverses every time the phase shift Δϕ reaches an integer multiple of π. The pattern reversal is easily extracted from the recorded near-field images by tracing the "SDI contrast" defined as C=[S_b(τ)-S_d(τ)]/[S_b(τ)+S_d(τ)], where S_b and S_d are the integrated signals over selected image areas that are initially (at τ=0) bright and dark, respectively. As visible in the examples shown in the left column of figure <ref>, the SDI contrast oscillates and its extrema mark the times, τ, when the dephasing, Δϕ, has increased by π. The resulting dephasing curve, Δϕ(τ), is found to be linear (at least for the first ≈20ps or so), which through equation <ref> corresponds to a linearly increasing = τ, as expected from the 1D isothermal expansion model. Its slope is easily found by a fit on the linear range of data points and yields the sought-after expansion velocity, , that is then used to calibrate the gradient scale length in experiments. Although it only contributes logarithmically in equation <ref>, the choice of the n_0-value is a significant source of uncertainty. Barrier-suppression intensities for field ionization <cit.> predict ion charge states for the Pre-pulse and SDI probe pulse intensities in our experiments, which correspond to n_0≈100 n_c only. Field ionization may, however, not be the dominant ionization mechanism. Indeed, once the target is ionized, the laser only interacts inside the plasma skin depth, which is much shorter than a wavelength for a strongly overdense plasma. Then, ionization proceeds through collisional processes in the plasma bulk, possibly further increasing the ion charge states. Estimating the plasma ionization state (which may very well be inhomogeneous and time-dependent) is thus not straightforward. The -values shown in figure <ref> are all obtained with n_0=300 n_c, corresponding to fully ionized SiO_2. Figure <ref> shows a series of SDI measurements that answers the question whether the plasma expansion initiated by the Pre-pulse varies with laser pulse duration. Since neither the energy nor the spatial profile of the Pre-pulse vary with pulse duration, its fluence remains the same (≈50 J/cm^2) and only its intensity varies. The question thus comes down to whether the Pre-pulse absorption coefficient is intensity-dependent, which would lead to varying T_e and thus varying . The telescope and wave plate traversed by the Pre-pulse add a group delay and a third-order dispersion of ≈260fs^2 and ≈200fs^3, respectively. As a consequence, the 27 fs pulse is stretched to 38 fs with a peak intensity of 1.1×10^15W/cm^2, the 8 fs pulse is stretched to ≈100fs with a peak intensity of 0.5×10^15W/cm^2, and the 4 fs pulse is stretched to ≈200fs, with a profile dominated by a ≈40fs spike with a peak intensity of 0.7×10^15W/cm^2. As visible in figure <ref>, the three cases lead to very similar expansion velocities, with a variation clearly below the uncertainty of the SDI method itself. We conclude that the -value is independent of the Pre-pulse duration in the range covered by our experiments. This intensity independence corroborates the proportionality ∝√(F) used in the SDI-analysis. The slope of the Δϕ(τ)-curves decreases for longer delays, τ>20ps, indicating a decreasing velocity, , and thus a cooling of the plasma electrons through transfer of energy to the ions. The -values relevant to (most of) our PM experiments are however reached before these effect set in, such that the linear evolution, =τ+L_0, remains valid. §.§ Short and intermediate plasma density gradients All data reported here are acquired and integrated over 100 ms long bursts of laser pulses at 1 kHz repetition rate. Figure <ref> shows the simultaneously measured HHG, electron and proton spectra for a range of short to intermediate plasma density gradients, with relativistically intense main driving pulses of (a) 29 fs (a_0 = 1.0 for λ_0 = 800 nm) and (b) 4 fs (a_0 = 2.1 for λ_0 = 780 nm) duration. The gradient scale length is calculated, up to the small offset L_0, as -L_0=τ (top axis) from the plasma expansion velocity = 18 nm/ps, measured as described in section <ref>, and the Pre-pulse lead time τ (bottom axis). Each of the scans in figure <ref> have been individually normalized to its maximum value and hence the spectral intensity cannot be directly compared. The HHG spectrum (figure <ref> top frame) is angularly integrated over the full detected range of [-35 mrad, + 35 mrad]. The spectral response of the MCP has not been taken into account so as to enhance the visibility of higher harmonic orders. We can identify the two regimes for HHG: CWE-HHG at steep gradients (-L_0 < 0.03λ_0) and RHHG at more gentle gradients of -L_0 ≈ 0.03λ_0– 0.2λ_0 <cit.>. In the CWE regime, the intensity-dependence of the Brunel electron trajectories leads to a temporal aperiodicity of the emitted attosecond pulse train and, hence, to broadened harmonics in the spectral domain <cit.>. In contrast, the RHHG emission in the moderately relativistic regime (a_0∼ 1) is Fourier-limited <cit.>, corresponding to narrower spectral widths of the harmonics as compared to the CWE-HHG, as observed in figure <ref>(a) (top frame) with 29 fs driving pulse duration. However, this transition between the CWE and RHHG regimes becomes less distinct with shorter driving pulse durations (a_0>1) since the harmonics emerge in the spectrograph from the interference between fewer attosecond pulses. In figure <ref>(b), for a 4 fs driving pulse, around an optimal -L_0 ≈ 0.08λ_0, the HHG spectrum extends well beyond the CWE cutoff of 30 eV for an SiO_2 target, which is definitive proof of RHHG. The electron energy spectrum (figure <ref>, middle frame) is simultaneously measured at ϕ = 38^∘– 40^∘. These positions do not sample the center of the electron beam, which is located a few degrees closer towards the specular direction (see Fig. <ref>c), but they allow simultaneous detection of the HHG emission. At the steepest gradients, where the CWE-HHG is optimum, low electron energy and charge is measured for both driving pulse durations of 29 fs and 4 fs. This anti-correlation between the electron beam energy and charge and CWE-HHG has also been previously observed at sub-relativistic intensities with 30 fs driving laser pulses <cit.>. We measure electrons up to 1.5 MeV in energy in the relativistic regime for a_0>1. Higher energies are expected in the center of the electron beam. The apparent dip in the electron spectra at the optimal gradient for RHHG is suspected to be linked to a moving electron beam. Figure <ref> (bottom frame) shows the proton energy spectrum simultaneously measured with the TPS along the target normal direction (ϕ=0^∘). We observe that for both driving pulse durations, the proton energies benefit from the steepest plasma density gradients and are optimised for the same gradients as CWE-HHG, suggesting that Brunel electrons play an important role in the acceleration mechanism <cit.>. If an optimal plasma gradient exists for efficient acceleration of protons, it is below our resolution limit of L_0 ≈ 0.01λ_0. The highest proton energies of 0.25 MeV are obtained with 29 fs driving pulses for the steepest density gradients and drop below the detection threshold of 0.1 MeV for >0.1λ_0. The cut-off energy decreases to ≈0.15 MeV for shorter 4 fs driving pulses. Figure <ref>(a) shows the proton energy spectrum measured with the TPS for the steepest plasma density gradient and longer driving pulses obtained by adding positive group delay dispersion. We observe an optimum between 100 fs and 300 fs, yielding ≈ 0.45 MeV protons. In this acceleration regime, protons are accelerated only during the the interaction time of the pulse, hence they benefit from a longer driving pulse duration, despite the corresponding drop in laser intensity <cit.>. Figure <ref>(b)-(e) shows the angle-resolved proton energy spectrum measured with the moving TOF detector for four different driving pulse durations, 4 fs (b), 7 fs (c), 29 fs (d) and chirped 200 fs (e), at the steepest plasma gradient. In all cases, we observe a very low ≤ 4^∘ FWHM divergence of the proton beam. This is significantly lower than the 16^∘ FWHM reported earlier <cit.>, which may be the result of a higher temporal contrast ratio of the driving laser in our case. §.§ Long density gradients regime For long density gradients (≥λ_0), RHHG disappears due to the onset of chaotic electron dynamics in the near-critical-density layer <cit.> of the plasma density gradient. However, before getting reflected, the laser propagates through the sub-critical tail of the plasma density profile. In the zone of density ∼ n_c/10, few-cycle laser pulses < 10 fs are able to resonantly excite a strong plasma wakefield. Electrons can be injected into this laser wakefield by ionization and then get accelerated to relativistic energies. The plasma wavefront is rotated by the density gradient and electrons are pushed away from the specular direction <cit.>. Figure <ref> shows the electron spectra measured in this regime for gradient scale lengths up to ≈ 10λ_0, reaching up to 2.6 MeV. Note that the gradient scale lengths given by the top axis result from the same 18 nm/ps expansion velocity, as determined for the initial expansion phase with Pre-pulse lead times <20ps. As discussed in connection with figure <ref>, we know that the expansion slows down considerably at longer times, so that the true gradient scale lengths are certainly shorter than those indicated in Figure <ref>. § SUMMARY We have reported the first simultaneous measurements of HHG, electron beams and proton beams from a laser-driven PM. The kHz laser repetition rate allowed exploring a wide range of laser and plasma parameters. We have presented spectral measurements of HHG, electrons and protons as a function of controlled plasma density scale lengths ranging from 0.01λ_0 - 0.2λ_0 for three different driving pulse durations: 29 fs (a_0=1.0), 7 fs (a_0=2.0), and 4 fs (a_0=2.1). Such simultaneous measurements vastly expand the level of characterization of relativistic PMs. While ensuring identical interaction conditions on target, we observe direct correlations between the CWE-HHG and Brunel-dominated accelerated proton beams, and the anti-correlated emission of relativistic electron beams. We also observe direct correlation between the RHHG and the emitted electron beams. At extremely long density gradients, only with few-optical-cycle driving laser pulses, we measure up to 2.5 MeV electrons accelerated by the laser wake-field formed in the gradient. We also measured proton spectra for a wide range of driving pulse durations, from 4 fs up to 1.5 ps, at the steepest plasma density gradient, and find an optimum pulse duration range for proton yield, between 100 fs and 400 fs, under such conditions. These novel measurements of low-divergence (< 4^∘ FWHM) font-side-accelerated proton beams with a controlled density gradient hold intrinsic value of their own. The exceptional beam properties, along with the possibility of scaling with the driving laser energy to multi-MeV proton energy levels <cit.>, are promising for applications in the field of medicine, for example to produce radio-isotopes <cit.>. To conclude, this work is a decisive step towards a highly detailed characterization of fundamental PM dynamics and the optimal generation of energetic particle and radiation beams exploiting the high repetition rate of our laser system. Additionally, we have also implemented carrier-envelope phase control, with feedback at the full repetition rate of the laser system. This should enable the generation of isolated intense attosecond pulses <cit.> with high conversion efficiencies <cit.>, by controlling the collective plasma dynamics at a the sub-light-cycle level. 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Adv-Bot: Realistic Adversarial Botnet Attacks against Network Intrusion Detection Systems
[ "Islam Debicha", "Benjamin Cochez", "Tayeb Kenaza", "Thibault Debatty", "Jean-Michel Dricot", "Wim Mees" ]
[ "cs.CR", "cs.AI" ]
mymainaddress,mysecondaryaddress]Islam Debichamycorrespondingauthor [mycorrespondingauthor]Corresponding author islam.debicha@ulb.be mymainaddress]Benjamin Cochezmycorrespondingauthor benjamin.cochez@ulb.be mythirdaddress]Tayeb Kenaza mysecondaryaddress]Thibault Debatty mymainaddress]Jean-Michel Dricot mysecondaryaddress]Wim Mees [mymainaddress] Cybersecurity Research Center, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 1000 Brussels, Belgium [mysecondaryaddress]Cyber Defence Lab, Royal Military Academy, 1000 Brussels, Belgium [mythirdaddress]Computer Security Laboratory, Ecole Militaire Polytechnique, Algiers, Algeria Due to the numerous advantages of machine learning (ML) algorithms, many applications now incorporate them. However, many studies in the field of image classification have shown that MLs can be fooled by a variety of adversarial attacks. These attacks take advantage of ML algorithms' inherent vulnerability. This raises many questions in the cybersecurity field, where a growing number of researchers are recently investigating the feasibility of such attacks against machine learning-based security systems, such as intrusion detection systems. The majority of this research demonstrates that it is possible to fool a model using features extracted from a raw data source, but it does not take into account the real implementation of such attacks, i.e., the reverse transformation from theory to practice. The real implementation of these adversarial attacks would be influenced by various constraints that would make their execution more difficult. As a result, the purpose of this study was to investigate the actual feasibility of adversarial attacks, specifically evasion attacks, against network-based intrusion detection systems (NIDS), demonstrating that it is entirely possible to fool these ML-based IDSs using our proposed adversarial algorithm while assuming as many constraints as possible in a black-box setting. In addition, since it is critical to design defense mechanisms to protect ML-based IDSs against such attacks, a defensive scheme is presented. Realistic botnet traffic traces are used to assess this work. Our goal is to create adversarial botnet traffic that can avoid detection while still performing all of its intended malicious functionality. Intrusion detection systemBotnet attacksMachine learningEvasion attacksAdversarial detection. § INTRODUCTION Sophisticated methods of cybercrime, such as botnets, are becoming increasingly rampant. Given the severity of the threat, it is essential to have a defense mechanism that can detect all types of botnet traffic. Among these mechanisms, the use of intrusion detection systems dedicated to network analysis, known as NIDS, is gaining popularity. And given the difficulty of some signature-based NIDSs in detecting new botnet attacks or even variants of known botnet attacks, NIDSs based on machine learning algorithms have become more prevalent. These machine learning-based NIDS can detect not only variants of known attacks, but also novel attacks, also known as zero-day attacks <cit.>. Despite this encouraging achievement, many recent studies have shown that it is possible to fool the ML algorithms used in these detection methods <cit.>, as has been discovered previously in other application areas, such as computer vision <cit.>. These ML algorithms have been shown to be vulnerable to a variety of adversarial attacks, including poisoning, extraction, and evasion. Evasion attacks are studied in this paper because they are more realistic in cyber security scenarios than the other two types of attacks <cit.>. Evasion attacks can fool any ML model during its inference process by adding slight, often imperceptible, perturbations to the original instance sent to create so-called adversarial instances. The literature study shows that there has been considerable research on the impact of adversarial attacks on machine learning models <cit.>. However, their feasibility in domain-constrained applications, such as intrusion detection systems, is still in its early stages <cit.>. Adversarial attacks can be performed in either white-box or black-box settings. Many white-box adversarial attacks, originally developed for computer vision applications <cit.>, have been applied directly to network traffic without addressing domain constraints properly <cit.>. Aside from the issue of functionality preservation, white-box attacks necessitate knowledge of the target system's internal architecture. It is unlikely that an attacker would have access to the internal configuration of the ML model <cit.>, making a white-box attack in a realistic environment less likely <cit.>. As a result, recent research <cit.> has focused on designing adversarial network traffic in a black-box setting where the attacker has little or no knowledge of the defender's NIDS. Model querying <cit.> and transferability <cit.> are two methods for launching black-box attacks. An attacker can extract useful information such as the classifier's decision by sending multiple queries to the target NIDS, allowing the attacker to craft adversarial perturbations capable of evading the NIDS <cit.>. Although this approach achieves high success rates, it has two limitations. The first is that NIDSs are not designed to provide feedback when queried, unless side-channel attacks are used <cit.>. The second limitation is that it requires a relatively high number of queries to function properly, exposing the attacker to detection by a simple query detector <cit.>. As a result, for a realistic attack, the IDS querying approach is less feasible <cit.>. The transferability property of adversarial examples is used as an alternative black-box approach. Goodfellow et al. <cit.> were the first to investigate this property in computer vision, demonstrating that adversarial examples that fool one model can fool other models with a high probability without the need for the models to have the same architecture or be trained on the same dataset. An attacker can use the transferability property to launch black-box attacks by training a surrogate model on the same data distribution as the target model <cit.>. Sniffing network traffic is a simple way to accomplish this, especially in a botnet scenario where the attacker already has a foothold in the corporate network <cit.>. To the best of our knowledge, this paper represents the first proposal that exploits the transferability property to design a realistic black-box evasion attack by considering the constraints of the NIDS domain to create adversarial botnet traffic. This paper provides a dedicated framework for leveraging evasion attacks to mislead the NIDS into classifying botnet traffic as benign under realistic constraints. Three contributions are included in this work: * An in-depth analysis of the feasibility constraints required to generate valid adversarial perturbations while preserving the underlying logic of the network attack. * A new black-box adversarial algorithm that can generate valid adversarial botnet traffic capable of evading botnet detection without any knowledge of the target NIDS. * A defense that allows the proposed botnet evasion attack to be mitigated. This defense is inspired by adversarial detection and an ensemble method known as bagging. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Background and related work are presented in Section <ref>. The proposed method is explained in Section <ref>. Results and discussions are presented in Section <ref>. Concluding remarks and suggestions for possible follow-up work are given in Section <ref>. § BACKGROUND & RELATED WORK §.§ Background With the increasing research on evasion attacks, the feasibility of such attacks in the real world is gaining more and more attention, regardless of the application domain. It is possible to distinguish three criteria that influence the realism of such attacks, namely: knowledge restriction, domain constraints, and manipulation space. The focus of this paper is on the analysis of these criteria in the domain of network-based intrusion detection system. §.§.§ Knowledge Restriction Adversarial attacks come in three varieties: white-box, grey-box, and black-box. White-box attacks mean that the adversary knows everything about the model architecture and training dataset, in particular all the parameters and meta-parameters, which are, for example, the inputs and gradients in the case of neural networks, or the tree depth for decision trees. In addition, the adversary may also know the chosen cost function or the optimizer type in the case of neural networks. The gray-box attack, on the other hand, implies that the attacker has some limited knowledge of the target model. He may, for instance, know what data was used to train the model without knowing the type of model used or its internal architecture. A black-box attack occurs when the attacker does not know the architecture of the target model and the dataset used. Nevertheless, even without knowing anything about the model, it could still approach a decision boundary similar to that of the target model and thus fool it by querying the target model and receiving responses in the form of decisions or probabilities. An alternative black-box approach is known as "transferability" where the attacker can create his own model (i.e. surrogate model) with similar functionality to the target model in order to fool it by creating adversarial instances based on his surrogate model and then transferring these instances to the target model to fool it as well. Obviously, black-box attacks are more complicated to perform, not only due to lack of knowledge but also because they require more computational resources to accommodate these accumulated knowledge biases. §.§.§ Domain constraints Regarding the feasibility of adversarial attacks, it varies according to the domain in question as it is strongly limited by several constraints. Such constraints can be divided into two main categories: syntactic constraints and semantic constraints. Syntactic constraints refer to all constraints related to syntax. In their work, Merzouk et al. <cit.> identified three syntactic constraints that an adversarial instance must respect, namely out-of-range values, non-binary values, and multi-category membership. Out-of-range values are values that exceed a theoretical maximum value that cannot be exceeded. Non-binary values are entries that violate the binary nature of a feature, and multi-category membership are values that violate the concept of one-hot encoding. Semantic links represent the connections that various features may have with each other. It is challenging to identify precisely such constraints since they are specific to each application and to each particular feature used. Nevertheless, the work of Hashemi et al. <cit.>, and Teuffeunbach et al. <cit.> suggest an intuitive approach in the NIDS domain by categorizing the features into roughly three different groups with different semantic links. The first group includes features that can be directly modified by the attacker (e.g., the number of forwarding packets, the size of the forwarding packets, and flow duration). The second group concerns features that depend on the first group. They must be recalculated on the basis of the latter (e.g., number of packets/second or average forward packet size). The third group includes features that cannot be changed by the attacker (e.g., IP address, protocol number). §.§.§ Manipulation Space An essential property of a realistic adversarial instance is the ability of an attacker to modify its characteristics. In theory, it is possible to directly modify the features of adversarial instances. However, in real-world scenarios, this approach is considered unsuitable for certain domains, such as IDSs that analyze network traffic. This is mainly due to the fact that the feature extraction process (i.e., from raw traffic to feature space) is not a fully reversible process, unlike in other domains such as computer vision. This means that features can be extracted, modified, but not easily reintroduced into network traffic due to the semantic links between features. Moreover, direct feature modification requires full knowledge of the feature extraction process used by the IDS in order to respect the syntactic or semantic constraints assigned to them. We can therefore deduce that working on the feature space is not very realistic. For this reason, recent studies <cit.> propose to directly manipulate the network traffic, so that it is not necessary to know the features used, nor to transform the feature values into traffic form. In this way, we can distinguish two manipulation spaces, the feature-based and the traffic-based. §.§.§ Performance Metrics All IDS models can be analyzed in terms of their performance. To evaluate their performance, different evaluation metrics can be used. All of them are based on the confusion matrix represented in Table <ref>. Once all of the behavioral responses are classified, it is possible to determine evaluation metrics. Of these, the ones commonly used are : * Recall, also called the "detection rate", is the percentage of the patterns classified as malicious and which are indeed malicious. Recall = TP/(TP+FN) * Precision represents the percentage of relevant results instead of irrelevant results. Precision = TP/(TP+FP) * F-measure, also called the "F1 score", gives the performance of the combined recall and precision evaluation metrics, it’s the harmonic mean of both. It provides the system with the capacity to give relevant results and refuse the others. F-measure = (2 * Recall * Precision)/(Recall+Precision) §.§ Related work A common approach used by researchers in many areas is to focus on the theoretical aspect of the problem. In the case of adversarial machine learning, this entails focusing only on the feature level which is the ML representation of raw data after the feature extraction step <cit.>. Semantic and syntactic constraints, on the other hand, are two very important aspects to consider when transcribing a feature-represented instance into raw values in practice, and they are frequently overlooked or ignored. This implies that the realistic feasibility of adversarial attacks is not fully addressed <cit.>. Merzouk et al. <cit.> provide an in-depth analysis of the feasibility of some state-of-the-art white-box attacks against an IDS. The white-box adversarial algorithms studied are FGSM <cit.>, BIM <cit.>, C&W <cit.>, DeepFool <cit.> and JSMA <cit.>. They have shown that these adversarial algorithms produce invalid adversarial instances and thus do not meet any of the feasibility criteria for a realistic adversarial attack as discussed in Section <ref>. In addition to the issue of functionality preservation, white-box attacks require knowledge of the internal architecture of the target system. It is unlikely that an attacker would have access to the internal configuration of the ML model <cit.> , making it less likely that an attacker could perform a white-box attack in a realistic environment <cit.>. Recent research has focused on designing adversarial network traffic in a black-box setting where the attacker has limited or no information about the defender's NIDS <cit.>. Black-box attacks can be launched using two approaches: model querying <cit.> and transferability <cit.>. Studies have shown that by sending multiple queries to the target NIDS, an attacker can extract useful information such as the classifier's decision, which allows the attacker to craft adversarial perturbations capable of evading the NIDS <cit.>. Although achieving high success rates, this approach has two limitations: the first is that NIDSs are not designed to give feedback when queried, unless side-channel attacks are used <cit.>. The second limitation is that it requires a relatively high number of queries to work properly, which can expose the attacker to be easily detected using a simple query detector <cit.>. Thus, the IDS querying approach is less feasible for a realistic attack <cit.>. The second black-box approach is to rely on the transferability property of adversarial examples. This property was first explored by Goodfellow et al <cit.>, who show that adversarial examples that fool one model can fool other models with a high probability without the need to have the same architecture or be trained on the same dataset. An attacker can exploit the transferability property to launch black-box attacks by creating a surrogate model trained on data following the same distribution as the target model <cit.>. This can be easily done by sniffing network traffic <cit.>, especially in a botnet scenario where the attacker already has a foothold in the corporate network. Miller et al. <cit.> classify defenses against evasion attacks into two groups: robust classification and anomaly detection. The goal of robust classification is to accurately classify all adversarial instances (i.e., classify them as malicious in our case) while trying not to affect the performance of the classifier in the absence of adversarial attacks. The anomaly detection strategy, on the other hand, advocates detecting and treating adversarial instances rather than attempting to accurately classify them despite the attack. Adversarial training <cit.> was one of the first robust classification strategies to be proposed. Adversarial examples are added to the training set used to create the classifier as part of the data augmentation technique known as adversarial training. The correct label is given to these adversarial data in order to build a more robust classifier that can correctly classify samples even if they have been adversarially modified. This method, while showing good prospects in some areas of research, is subject to the problem of blind spots <cit.>, which means that if adversarial examples of a certain attack family are not included in the learning phase, the classifier may fail to be robust to these adversarial examples. Consequently, this implies that adversarial training could not be as effective against zero-day attacks, which are one of the key issues facing the intrusion detection sector. Moreover, the IDS may perform worse in its original classification job as a result of being retrained with adversarial instances <cit.>. Defensive distillation, which was originally used to lower the dimensionality of DNNs, is another adversarial defense presented in the literature <cit.>. Papernot et al. <cit.> suggest a distillation-based defense with the goal of smoothing the model's decision surface. Carlini and Wagner <cit.> demonstrated that defensive distillation is no more robust to adversity than unprotected neural networks. As such, this defense is broken using the C&W attack. To defend against adversarial assaults, one might discard any features that could be modified by the attacker without affecting the logic of network communication <cit.>. However, Apruzzese et al. <cit.> demonstrated that doing so has a negative influence on detector performance in non-adversarial conditions, for example, by generating more false alarms, which is extremely undesired for current cyber security platforms. This decrease in performance is due to the deleted features having a major influence on the underlying processes of the baseline detectors. Anomaly detection is an interesting alternative defensive mechanism against evasion attacks. One of the noted advantages is that correctly classifying adversarial examples is difficult, while detection is slightly simpler <cit.>. A supporting argument is that if a good robust classifier is created, then a good detector is obtained for free: detection can be performed when the decision of the robust classifier differs from the decision of the non-robust classifier <cit.>. Instead of trying to correctly classify the adversarial instance into its original class, this strategy recommends detecting the adversarial instance and treating it accordingly. The most common action is to reject the identified adversarial sample and prevent it from passing through the system <cit.>. Our proposed defense falls into the category of anomaly detection. § PROPOSED METHOD §.§ Threat scenario With the increasing use of machine learning-based NIDS, some research has focused on the possibility of evading these NIDS using adversarial attacks already well known in the field of computer vision, which have shown various weaknesses inherent in machine learning algorithms. In order to overcome these weaknesses, it is therefore essential to focus on the robustness of machine learning techniques in the cybersecurity domain. As shown in Figure <ref>, our work is based on a realistic scenario involving a connected computer device in an enterprise network infected with malware, making it part of the botnet controlled by a dedicated centralized server called Command and Control (C&C), which is designed to command a multitude of bots. Within this network, a NIDS using a neural network-based model is present to detect any form of attack on the network. In high-speed networks environment and considering the difficulties of analyzing each individual packet, it is realistic to consider that the NIDS is a flow-based system rather than a packet-based system. This NIDS therefore analyzes the flow data generated by the router based on the traffic outgoing/entering the network. All flows first pass through a flow exporter, which extracts the network features, as described in Table <ref>, containing the information of each network flow and sends it to the NIDS for preprocessing and classification. In this table, three groups can be highlighted: * The first one, with a green color, contains all the features that can be directly manipulated by an attacker. * The second one, highlighted in yellow, contains the features depending on the first group, and can therefore be manipulated indirectly. * The last group, with a red background, contains features that cannot be manipulated by an attacker. Concerning the temporal aspect of the execution, the processing of the network flow is done in real time on the NIDS, which processes the information online while its learning phase has been carried out offline. Concerning the knowledge assumptions, it is considered that the attacker has limited access to network data and has no information about the model and parameters of the NIDS used by the company. This means he can only intercept traffic that passes through his machine and gathers limited information about the benign traffic that passes through the bot's machine. In terms of requirements, our scenario assumes that the attacker has previously breached the network by infecting a machine with malware in order to connect to the C&C server. As a result, the attacker will be able to gather information about the benign traffic. Regarding the flow exporter, the attacker does not need to have knowledge about it or about the extracted features used by the NIDS since he acts directly on factors that he can manipulate in the traffic space. Given the recurring use of certain network factors (in particular, packet duration, number, and size) in botnet detection by state-of-the-art NIDSs, the attacker can assume that these factors are part of the set of features used by the NIDS. The attacker can retrieve these feature lists from known exporters such as Argus [https://openargus.org/], CIC-FlowMeter [https://github.com/CanadianInstituteForCybersecurity/CICFlowMeter] or nProbe [https://www.ntop.org/products/netflow/nprobe/] and from scientific papers <cit.> explaining the features used by NIDS models. The attacker has the ability to communicate with and target the infected computing device. It is therefore also considered that the attacker can manipulate, in both directions of communication, the duration of packet transmission, the number of packets sent and received, as well as the number of bytes sent and received, as shown in Table <ref>, respecting the semantic and syntactic constraints related to the network protocols used and maintaining the underlying logic of his malicious communications. In order to maintain the malware's full behavior, the attacker cannot directly act on certain features, such as the source and destination IP addresses or the type of service. In fact, the features highlighted in red in Table <ref> cannot be modified by the attacker, either directly or indirectly. Only the three green features: Dur, Out/InBytes, and TotPkts can be manipulated by the attacker. It should be noted that modifying the green features will result in some indirect changes to the yellow features. These changes should be taken into account in order to properly address the respect of semantic and syntactic constraints. To manipulate the network factors explained just before, the attacker can use the following three approaches: * Time manipulation attack: with this approach, it is possible to act on two time-related aspects during the attack. On the one hand, by reducing the frequency of the attack packets by increasing the sending time between packets of the same flow, as in the work of Zhijun et al. <cit.> which shows the implication of this variant on DoS attacks. On the other hand, by accelerating the frequency of attack packets in a moderate way by decreasing the time taken to send the packets. These two variants allow to influence directly the "Duration" feature and indirectly the "BytesPerSec" and "PktsPerSec" features. * Packet quantity manipulation attack: This attack can be carried out in two different manners. The first is packet injection, which suggests injecting new packets into the network flow by creating them directly, with tools such as Hping [http://www.hping.org/] or Scapy [https://scapy.net/], or by breaking a packet into several fragments, using packet fragmentation, so as to preserve the content and underlying logic of the packet without damaging its overall behavior. Packet fragmentation is, for example, used by some attacks such as the TCP fragment attack <cit.> or a DoS attack. A variant suggested by this possibility would be to resend the same packet multiple times using a tool like Tcpreplay [https://tcpreplay.appneta.com/]. The other way to do this is packet retention, which would be to not send a packet immediately, but rather to send it after a certain amount of time, thus adding that packet to the next flow, thus avoiding having more packets in a single flow. With the same idea of retention, another suggested possibility could be a modification of the general communication system used in the botnet attack to shorten the number of packets sent between the botnet devices. In both cases, this attack directly influences the "TotPkts" feature, and indirectly the "PktsPerSec" and "BytesPerPkt" features. * Byte quantity manipulation attack: Similar to the previous approach, there are two ways to perform this attack. The first is byte expansion. In the case where the communication is not encrypted, a suggestion would be to directly modify the payload to obtain the desired number of bytes. In case it is encrypted, it is assumed that the attacker knows the cryptographic suite used to encrypt the two-way communication channel. This would allow him to add padding using a tool like Scapy, calculate its encrypted version, and then verify that the packet size is the desired one. The addition of padding is known to both communicating parties, allowing the receiver to remove the unnecessary part and thus recover the original payload. The second method is byte squeezing. The idea is to reduce the number of bytes sent. To do this, it would be possible to compress the data to directly reduce the size of the payload using a tool like Zlib <cit.>. This is a common tool already used in the IoT domain to reduce the bytes exchanged, as explained in <cit.>. Another possibility would be to modify the general behavior of the botnet system by minimizing the content of the payload to be sent. This second possibility can only be done before the machine is affected by the malicious bot software, but can be proactively prepared by an attacker. Furthermore, whether it is byte expansion or byte compression, the attack directly influences the "OutBytes" and "InBytes" features, and indirectly the TotBytes, "BytesPerPkt", "BytesPerSec" and "RatioOutIn" features. As shown in Figure <ref>, There are four steps in the process of creating adversarial botnet traffic. During step 1, the attacker generates adversarial traffic that is specifically designed to bypass the surrogate models that the attacker previously trained using sniffed traffic. The attacker then receives and analyzes the adversarial traffic that managed to avoid detection by the surrogate models during step 2. During step 3, the attacker uses the transferability property to send adversarial botnet traffic to the defender NIDS. In step 4, the adversarial botnet traffic that successfully bypassed the defender NIDS will arrive at its final destination, the bot. §.§ Datasets To perform reproducible experiments, the CTU-13 <cit.> and CSE-CIC-IDS2018 <cit.> datasets were used to provide results that could be comparable to multiple datasets as well as a wider range of attacks. * CTU-13: This dataset, provided by the Czech Technical University in Prague, contains different labeled traffic from 13 different application scenarios. Each of them follows the same process, including a different botnet attack variant (Neris, Rbot, Virut, Murlo, Menti, NSIS.ay and Sogou). The process involves monitoring a network for both benign network communications and malicious traffic executed by the botnet attack. All of this traffic is extracted as PCAP files and then formatted as flows via the Argus tool, which turns raw network data into flows. * CSE-CIC-IDS2018: This dataset contains a set of computer attack scenarios, such as Brute-force, Heartbleed, Botnet, DoS, DDoS, or Web attacks. There are two variants of botnet attacks: Zeus and Ares. The network traffic for each scenario was extracted as a PCAP file and formatted by CICFlowMeter to provide a set of 83 network features for thousands of labeled network flows. This dataset, being relatively recent, provides consistent data following the dataset creation methodology present in <cit.>, allowing to have a reliable and realistic dataset. Other than botnets, CTU-13 and CSE-CIC-IDS2018 contain a variety of attack types. Because our research focuses solely on botnet attacks, all other attack types were removed to create a dataset containing only botnet attack records. To avoid incorporating potential biases when creating these new datasets, we relied on the work done by Venturi et al. <cit.>. Features were filtered to keep only those consistent for the study of botnet attacks and common to both datasets used. These features are those described in Table <ref>. Regarding CTU-13, the botnet attacks considered in this work are Neris, Virut, and Rbot. Other attacks were not included because they do not have enough malicious instances to provide consistent results. For CSE-CIC-IDS2018, after initially being indistinguishable in the original dataset, the Zeus and Ares botnet attacks were extracted into the same dataset (Zeus & Ares). To ensure the practicality of the present work, the CTU-13 and CSE-CIC-IDS2018 datasets were divided into two equivalent datasets and stratified according to the labels. These datasets are equivalent in terms of size and distribution, which represents more than 32,000 instances for each side. The first is used for training and evaluation of the model used by the defender. The second is used by the attacker to train the surrogate models independently. The attacker can obtain this data by sniffing the network. This is particularly possible in the case of a botnet scenario, as the attacker communicates bidirectionally with the infected device. The datasets for each side (defender and attacker) are split into a training dataset and a test dataset for validation with proportions of 75% and 25% respectively. Each training and test data subset is evenly split in terms of malicious and benign traffic. The datasets are separated in this manner to have the most balanced representation so as to avoid the problem of unbalanced data given that it is out of the scope of this study. The attacker and defender datasets thus follow similar but not identical distributions since they are not the same datasets. The arrangement of the datasets is illustrated in Figure <ref>. §.§ Preprocessing General preprocessing has already been performed on the dataset provided by Venturi et al. <cit.>, resulting in clean data where outliers, empty values, and non-TCP traffic were removed. Data filtering and "one-hot encoding" of categorical features were carried out. This encoding transforms the categorical data into a binary format that can be exploited by the model. However, some inconsistencies are present in the dataset provided by Venturi et al. <cit.>. By default, when the "OutBytes" and "InBytes" features are set to 0, the "RatioOutIn" feature is set to the maximum value present in the data set, simulating an infinite value. Since the ratio in this case is 0/0, we chose to replace it with 0 instead of a pseudo-infinite value, representing a zero byte exchange. For training the neural network algorithms, some additional preprocessing was applied to the training and test data. First, the data were normalized using a minmax scaling method, transforming the data to be projected to a value between zero and one, according to Eq. <ref>. Then, the labels undergo a one-hot encoding to transform them to binary values so that they can be processed by the MLP. X_scaled = X - min(X)/max(X) - min(X) where X is an instance and X_scaled is the normalized instance. §.§ ML-based NIDS As neural networks are increasingly used in the context of NIDS based on machine learning algorithms, a couple of them are chosen, as well as more classical ML algorithms. On the defender side, the defender uses a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Random Forrest (RF) and K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm as a model for his IDS. For the attacker, the same algorithms are chosen with different parameters and hyperparameters and trained with a different dataset. These three ML models were chosen in our work given their popular use in the IDS community <cit.>. All these algorithms follow the same training and testing process, as shown in Figure <ref>. Meta-parameters are chosen randomly to avoid having the same model parameters between the attacker and defender. Examples of meta-parameters are the the number of neighbors k defined in the KNN algorithm, the number of hidden layers or neurons in the DNN, or the number of estimators used in the RF. The choice to use several algorithms allows for more comparable results, especially in the case of transferability. Having several ML models allows for a better understanding of the impact of transferability of adversarial network traffic, both intra and cross-transferability. The meta-parameters of all models can be seen in Table <ref>. §.§ Proposed evasion attacks In order to generate adversarial perturbations, which are added to the malicious instances to make them benign, we propose two evasion attack variations formulated in Eq. <ref> and Eq. <ref> . x^t_adv(f) = Proj[x^t-1(f) + sign(benign_mean(f) - x^0(f)) * (c*t) * mean_ratio(f)] where x^0(f) is the initial value of the targeted network factor f in the instance, the sign function specifies the direction of the perturbation, c is a multiplicative coefficient that regulates the perturbation rate generated at each step t, benign_mean is the mean of the benign set of the targeted network factor f that the attacker can obtain from sniffing network traffic, mean_ratio is the ratio between the mean of the malicious set and the benign set of the targeted network factor f, and Proj is a projection function that projects the values of modified features that violate syntactic and semantic constraints into the space of valid values. These modified features are only network factors that the attacker can manipulate directly or indirectly, as represented by the green and yellow groups in Table <ref>. If the attacker manipulates one of the modifiable features shown in Table <ref> with green color, the Proj function will make sure that the dependents features will change values accordingly. For instance, changing the flow duration by the attacker will induce a change in "total packet by second" feature which equals number of packets divided by the flow duration. In nutshul, the projection function is what allows, when features are modified, to ensure that the domain constraints are respected. This enables the adversarial instances created to be valid and reversible in the targeted domain. In this manner, the malware's intended behavior is preserved. x^t_adv(f) = Proj[x^t-1(f) + sign(benign_mean(f) - x^0(f)) * (c*t) * |mean_diff(f)|] where mean_diff is the difference between the mean of the benign set and the malicious set of the targeted network factor f. In this case, mean_diff is an absolute value to avoid influencing the direction of added perturbations during adversarial generation. Although both methods yield similar results, we decided to use the second method (i.e. mean difference method as in Eq. <ref>) to conduct the experiments. This choice is purely for illustrative purposes, as the mean difference method is more intuitive and can be illustrated by Figure <ref> which shows how a malicious instance tends to become benign, and thus adversarial. Mean is the average of the benign data. The figure is shown in two dimensions for the sake of simplicity, but in reality the manipulation space is much larger because many factors are being manipulated. §.§ Adversarial instances generation To generate adversarial instances, the process illustrated in Figure <ref> is followed. During this process, the previously defined Eq. <ref> is applied during the execution of the adversarial generation step described in Algorithm <ref>. It is worth mentioning that this algorithm applies increasingly large perturbations to the initial malicious stream at each iteration, whenever the new adversarial instance is not classified as benign. Both formulas guarantee small initial perturbations and are modulated by the multiplicative constant c. To select the combinations of attacks (presented in Section <ref>) that should be applied to manipulate the network traffic flow, a method of masks is employed where each corresponds to a combination of the manipulable factors (i.e., the total number of packets, the transmission time of the packets, and the number of outgoing or incoming bytes in those packets). At each iteration, the masks are applied in a gradual manner by multiplying them by the previously generated perturbations using Eq. <ref> and Eq. <ref>. This ensures that only the perturbations needed at that current stage are applied to the selected factors. These masks follow a binary logic and represent 15 combinations. The representation of these masks with their corresponding manipulable factors is shown in Table <ref>. Once perturbations are applied at each stage, syntactic and semantic constraints are enforced, through the Proj() function, to respect the underlying logic of the malicious network communication. This projection function has a couple of actions: it allows to apply semantic and syntactic constraints to make adversarial instances valid. To do this, this function recalculates the dependent factors (i.e., the yellow group in Table <ref>) that depend on the directly manipulatable factors (i.e., the green group in Table <ref>). Furthermore, when a value obtained exceeds the maximum value listed in the entire test set, this value is projected to this maximum value to ensure that it is transcribed in its appropriate scope. Given that each dependent feature (in yellow) is linked to a modifiable feature (in green) via an easy and intuitive formula explained in Table <ref> (e.g., RationOutIn = OutBytes/InBytes), We chose not to list all of the formulae in Algorithm <ref>, instead providing a list of the corresponding dependent features as shown in Table <ref>, which are updated when an attacker manipulates one of the modifiable features to ensure semantic constraints are respected. This algorithm is feasible in that the attacker acts directly on the network traffic and not on the features. This means that it follows a so-called traffic-based methodology, which is more realistic than the feature-based one because the attacker only needs limited information about the defender, such as information about the network traffic he plans to attack. This allows us to assume black-box knowledge, which is not the case with feature-based manipulation, which requires white-box knowledge, such as access to the internal architecture of the intrusion detection system, its parameters, and the dataset used to train the ML model. It can be noted that our adversarial algorithm was designed to consider two objective functions: one to minimize the amount of modification in each factor and the other to minimize the number of modified factors. §.§ Strengthening adversarial robustness Since ML algorithms are inherently vulnerable to adversarial examples, it is necessary to find various approaches to defend them. After reviewing a range of defenses found in the literature, we found that many of them are not fully adapted to domain-constrained systems such as NIDS and that there is still room for improvement <cit.>, although some of them have the potential to reduce the impact of adversarial instances <cit.>. For this reason, a defense is proposed in this work. As shown in Figure <ref>, the proposed reactive defense follows the process illustrated in Figure <ref>. The defense itself is inspired by adversarial training <cit.>, adversarial detection <cit.>, and bagging as an ensemble method. The role of this defense is to act as an adversarial detector (filter) that is placed before the NIDS to prevent adversarial instances from being able to reach and fool the NIDS. The main idea of this defense is to train three MLP models in parallel, each taking as input a specific group of features in order to detect adversarial instances. There are thus three groups corresponding to features that can be directly manipulated by the attacker, features that depend on the first group, and features that cannot be modified. This arrangement corresponds to the manipulability of features in a realistic context, i.e., features that can be modified by the attacker. The instances used to train the three sub-detectors are divided into two classes: the first one contains benign and malicious instances, having been concatenated together and relabeled as clean (i.e., non-adversarial), the second class contains adversarial instances previously created based on malicious instances exclusively. Table <ref> illustrates the different data types used to better understand this distinction. Each of the three feature groups is assigned a particular weight. These weights are set during model training based on the overall detection rate of each detector. Once the predictions have been made by each sub-model for each test instance, they undergo a contextual discounting and then a Bayesian fusion, as defined in Eq. <ref>, where the prediction matrix is multiplied by the corresponding weights, and then the three resulting matrices are summed. Once this step is complete, the new values are normalized to obtain the final probabilities, where P_a represents the probability that the instance is adversarial, and P_c is the probability that it is clean. The result is a final prediction of whether an instance is adversarial or not, and thus is subject to rejection by the detector. P_a=∑_i=1^3 (P_a_i*w_i)/∑_i=1^3 (P_a_i*w_i)+∑_i=1^3 (P_c_i*w_i) P_c=∑_i=1^3 (P_c_i*w_i)/∑_i=1^3 (P_a_i*w_i)+∑_i=1^3 (P_c_i*w_i) Figure <ref> illustrates the use of MLP as a sub-detector, but it should be noted that these detectors can use different machine learning algorithms. This defense could even be used in a stacking scheme involving detectors, each using some specific machine learning algorithms. § EVALUATION This section discusses the findings of several experiments. First, those concerning the performance of the initial attacker and defender models are discussed based on different metrics, namely precision, recall and F1 score. These results concern the models trained with the CSE-CIC-IDS2018 and CTU-13 datasets. In a second step, results regarding the performance of the models in adversarial contexts are discussed. A preliminary study of the models trained with the CSE-CIC-IDS2018 dataset is investigated to see the impact of transferability between the same and different models as well as the training data. A study of the time taken by each attack is also considered, as well as an analysis of the differences in perturbation between the initial malicious instance and the adversarial instance. Then, a general comparison is made on the performance of the proposed adversarial generation algorithm across the botnet attacks present in each dataset. The last section includes the results of the proposed defense against the adversarial instances generated by the previously proposed evasion attack algorithm. §.§ Initial performance of ML-IDS models in clean settings To evaluate the initial performance of ML-IDS models trained in clean (i.e. non-adversarial) settings on both the attacker and defender sides, several metrics are used, namely: recall defined in Eq. <ref>; precision defined in Eq. <ref>; and f1-score defined in Eq. <ref>. ML-IDS models are requested to perform a binary classification to distinguish malicious from benign traffic in clean settings. As shown in Figure <ref>, the results for the initial performance of the attacker-side trained ML models yield metrics of 100% for all models trained with CSE-CIC-IDS2018. In the case of CTU-13, they are less significant. Nevertheless, all models have metrics above 96%. These results regarding the performance of ML-IDS on both datasets are comparable to those found in the literature <cit.>. These initial results show good performance in general. Models trained with CTU-13 perform somewhat less well than those trained with CSE-CIC-IDS2018. This may be due to the fact that CSE-CIC-IDS2018 contains only two botnet attacks, while CTU-13 contains five, forcing the models to expand their decision boundary to try to correctly classify all types of attacks into a single class (i.e., malicious). Regarding the performance of the defender-side trained ML models, presented in Figure <ref>, we can see slight variations in the metrics for the models trained with CTU-13. These variations are very small and of the order of 1% maximum. We can note that the model using a random forest gives a metric of 100%. For the models trained with CSE-CIC-IDS2018, the metrics are all at 100%, which gives identical performance to that of the attacker-side trained ML models. In general, the same observations can be made for the defender models, as the results are relatively similar. §.§ Performance of ML-IDS models in adversarial settings To study the impact of adversarial instances generated by our algorithm <ref>, as well as the effectiveness of transferring these adversarial instances created by the attacker to the models trained by the defender, the first experiment focuses on the CSE-CIC-IDS2018 dataset containing the Zeus & Ares botnet attacks. To measure the impact of adversarial instances, the detection rate metric, also called recall, is used <ref>. It measures the rate of adversarial instances detected by the ML-IDS as malicious. To do this, the attacker first generates adversarial instances for each model trained on his side (i.e., MLP, RF, and KNN). The adversarial instances generated for one model will be sent to the other models to evaluate the transferability property between the models trained by the attacker. The defender-trained models are different from the attacker-trained models in two aspects: i) they have different hyperparameters; ii) they are trained with different datasets. We test the effect of using the same or different hyperparameters on the transferability of adversarial instances from the attacker's models to the defender's models. It should be noted that the results of the experiments in the various tables always compare equal proportions for the defender and attacker with different data ( i.e. different contents). As shown in Figure <ref>, the size of the training (75%) and test data (25%) is the same for the attacker and defender because the original dataset is divided in half. Since the size of the data is the same, by saying that the data is different, we invariably mean its content. Table <ref> illustrates the performance of the adversarial transferability property between the attacker's trained models. It is worth mentioning that all the attacker's models are trained with the same data. As we can see, the diagonal values of the table are all zeros. This is to be expected since the adversarial instances were designed based on the decision boundary of this model, so testing on the same model will give a detection rate of 0%. We also notice that the adversarial instances generated based on MLP were able to drop the detection rate of RF and KNN to 0%, while the adversarial instances based on these two models were able to drop the detection rate to about 50%. Finally, we can see that on average, the detection rate dropped to 21.9%, which is a rather satisfactory result for the attacker. Table <ref> represents the impact of adversarial instances, generated using the attacker's model, against the defender's models. The particularity is that the defender uses, in this case, the same hyperparameters as the attacker's models. Only the dataset used during training changes. This allows, compared to Table <ref>, to see the effect of intra-transferability through the same models and the same hyperparameters using a different dataset for training, but also of inter-transferability through different models with the same hyperparameters. This gives concrete information about the impact of the training data and the model used on the transferability of adversarial instances. Compared to Table <ref>, Table <ref> shows slight changes in the effect of intra-transferability (i.e., the same model) as seen in the diagonal values ( 1% for RF and 3% for KNN) while the effect of cross-transferability remains similar in both tables. These results indicate that the attacker does not need to train his models with the same data as the defender, data with a similar distribution will be sufficient to make the transferability property work effectively. Table <ref> again shows the adversarial performance against the defender models. However, although the models use the same learning algorithms, this time they have different hyperparameters. This allows us to show the effect of intra-transferability and cross-transferability on different models with different hyperparameters as well as different training data sets. This table is therefore the one that provides the closest insight to the reality because, here, the attacker's knowledge is extremely limited since he neither knows the model used, nor the parameters or hyperparameters of the model, nor the data used to train the defender's model. This demonstrates the effect of transferability in a realistic context. The results provide a fairly similar detection rate between Table <ref> and Table <ref>, indicating that not using the same hyperparameters as the defender does not have a significant impact on the transferability of the adversarial instances.   From Table <ref>, we can see that not knowing the training data, hyperparameters, or model used by the defender does not prevent the attacker from creating adversarial instances and successfully transferring them to the defender's ML-IDS. The set of sub-tables in Table <ref> represents the average and maximum perturbation difference between the malicious instances and their adversarial counterparts using the CSE-CIC-IDS2018 dataset. Each of these tables represents the ML model used by the adversarial generation algorithm <ref> to craft the perturbations to be added to the manipulatable factors. Note that the duration factor "Dur" is expressed in seconds. The main observation that can be made from this set of tables is that the perturbations are rather small for all the manipulable factors and therefore feasible in realistic scenarios. It should be noted that these perturbations are influenced by the number of steps and the regulation coefficient c present in the adversarial generation algorithm <ref> and driven by the mean of each manipulable factor. After confirming from Table <ref> and Table <ref>, that the transferability property of adversarial instances allows the attacker to create an adversarial malicious instance to evade the defender's IDS without needing to know its internal architecture while ensuring that the needed perturbations are small enough to be feasible in realistic scenarios, we proceed to create adversarial instances for four botnet attacks, namely Neris, Rbot and Virut from the CTU-13 dataset and Zeus & Ares from the CSE-CIC-IDS2018 dataset. Note that the attacker and defender models are trained on different data as shown in Figure <ref> and have different hyperparameters as shown in <ref>. Table <ref> represents the detection rate of the attacker's models against adversarial botnet attacks. For each botnet type, the attacker generates adversarial instances corresponding to malicious botnets based on the decision boundaries of one of his models using the adversarial generation algorithm <ref>, and then tests these generated adversarial instances on other ML models. On average, we can see that the attacker managed to reduce the detection rate to 15.8%, 5.3%, 22.2% and 21.9% for Neris, Rbot, Virut and Zeus & Ares respectively. On the other hand, Table <ref> represents the detection rate of the defender's models against adversarial botnet instances generated previously by the attacker. On average, we can see that the attacker managed to reduce the detection rate of the models trained by the defender to 23.0%, 8.1%, 37.8% and 22.4% for Neris, Rbot, Virut and Zeus & Ares respectively. Using Neris as an example, the attacker generated adversarial instances corresponding to this malware traffic using the decision boundaries of his trained RF model. When testing the effectiveness of his generated adversarial instances on his other trained ML models (i.e., MLP and KNN), he achieves a detection rate of 34% and 22%, respectively, as shown in Table <ref> and 0% when tested on RF, since these instances are specifically designed to fool this particular trained model. The attacker then sends these RF-based generated adversarial instances to the defender IDS. The detection rates for the three ML models trained by the defender are 41%, 19%, and 23% for MLP, RF, and KNN, respectively, as shown in Table <ref>, resulting in an average of 28% for the defender models. This is a relative success for the attacker since their malicious traffic is only detected 28% of the time and has almost a three-quarter chance of evading the defender's installed intrusion detection systems in a black-box setting. Comparing Table <ref> and Table <ref>, we can observe that the adversarial instances generated by the attacker are, on average, more efficient on his own models than on the models of the defender who uses different training data and hyper-parameters. It can also be observed that intra-transferability has more impact than cross-transferability. Even if this loss is not negligible, the results show good performance on average, both through intra- and cross-transferability. The time taken to generate an adversarial instance for each of the botnet attacks and models is shown in Table <ref>. It seems that MLP is, for each of the attacks, the algorithm that consumes the most time to generate adversarial instances, followed by RF, which is an ensemble method. On the other hand, KNN seems to be the fastest algorithm to generate adversarial instances for the four botnet attacks, which would make it an interesting option if a trade-off between efficiency and time had to be made. §.§ Proposed Defense effectiveness As we discussed in section <ref>, the attacker is able to evade the defender's NIDS with a high success rate (i.e., a low detection rate) by relying solely on the transferability property of adversarial instances. Our proposed defense aims to negate the effect of the transferability property by adding an adversarial detector to filter out adversarial instances, allowing the NIDS to process only clean traffic. We first evaluate the performance of the proposed adversarial detector and its sub-detectors by generating adversarial instances based on the CTU-13 and CSE-CIC-IDS2018 datasets. During this analysis, each sub-detector is evaluated as shown in Figure <ref>. To measure this performance, various metrics are used: recall as defined in Eq. <ref>; precision as defined in Eq. <ref>; and F1-score as defined in Eq. <ref>. As shown in Figure <ref>, we can see that the first two sub-detectors are performing quite well, reaching more than 96% for each metric for CTU-13 and 99% for CSE-CIC-IDS2018, while the last one seems to be less efficient, with performances around 70%. We can also observe that the final detector performance after Bayesian fusion provides good performances, reaching 97% for CTU-13 and 100% for CSE-CIC-IDS2018. The poorer performance of the third detector can be explained by the fact that it is trained with the group of non-modifiable features. Since the value of these features does not change, it seems that the detector is not able to distinguish adversarial instances from clean instances, thus behaving randomly. We also note that the fusion of the three detectors slightly improved the overall performance of the proposed defense compared to the individual detectors. The inferior performance of the third detector does not seem to diminish the performance of the proposed defense due to the contextual discounting mechanism, which allows the performance of each individual detector to be taken into account during the fusion stage. After confirming that our proposed adversarial detector works as intended, we integrate it into our threat scenario. The attacker creates adversarial instances of the four adversarial botnet malware types, namely Neris, Rbot, Virut, and Zeus & Ares, using the adversarial instance generation algorithm on three ML model decision boundaries, namely MLP, RF, and KNN. The defender, on the other hand, uses an MLP-based NIDS to detect the malicious traffic. In this experiment, attacks are launched twice: the first with the defender's NIDS protected by our proposed adversarial defense and the second without protection. This is done to evaluate the effect of using such a defense mechanism on the performance of the defender's NIDS. The detection rate metric, also known as recall, is used to measure the performance of the NIDS in identifying malicious and benign traffic, but it is also used to assess the performance of the proposed adversarial detector in identifying adversarial and clean traffic. The results are presented in Table <ref>, consisting of three sub-tables: Table <ref> shows the performance results of the defender's MLP-based NIDS against adversarial instances with no adversarial defense. As already shown in Table <ref>, we see that the attacker has successfully decreased the performance of the defender's NIDS by dropping the average detection rate to 24.8%. Table <ref> reports the results regarding the ability of our proposed adversarial defense to detect the adversarial instances generated by the attacker. It can be seen that, on average, the proposed adversarial defense was able to detect 93.4% of the total adversarial botnet traffic sent by the attacker, thus protecting the NIDS from getting evaded by these adversarial instances. Table <ref> represents the detection rate of the defender's NIDS protected by our proposed adversarial defense. In fact, it shows the impact of adversarial instances that have made it through our adversarial detector and reached the NIDS. It can be seen from this table that NIDS has, on average, a detection rate of 96.9% for any type of machine learning model used for adversarial generation, across all botnet attacks. These results indicate that NIDS seems to be significantly more robust once the adversarial detection method is used, going from an average detection rate of 21.3% without defense, as shown in Table <ref>, to 96.9% when using the proposed adversarial detector. This also shows that NIDS is hardly affected by adversarial instances capable of passing the adversarial detector. §.§ Comparison with existing defensive strategies Several countermeasures against the evasion attacks have been proposed in the literature. However, many of them have been shown to be ineffective. Therefore, we decided in this work to compare our proposed defense with adversarial training, which is a state-of-the-art defense that has already demonstrated its effectiveness. To prevent adversarial training from undermining the effectiveness of the IDS in its primary task, we implement this defense in an anomaly detection manner, hence the name adversarial training detection. Indeed, adversarial data may be detected by comparing the classification of two models: a baseline model trained solely on non-adversarial samples and a robust adversarial model trained on both non-adversarial and adversarial samples. When applying the two models to a sample, one may assume that if the two models categorize it differently, the sample is adversarial. In principle, if the provided sample is not adversarial, the base model and robust model should correctly identify it. If the sample is adversarial, the base model will categorize it wrong, but the resilient model would classify it properly. Adversarial training detection defense is built by training a second defense-side MLP-based IDS on data sets with an equal mix of adversarial and non-adversarial samples. We then use the same adversarial instances created by the attacker to attack both models and record their predictions. We infer a final set of predictions by comparing these two sets of predictions so as to classify each instance as adversarial or non-adversarial. In Table <ref>, we can see that the achieved results are decent compared to the other state-of-the-art defenses. Our proposed defense slightly outperforms adversarial training detection with an average detection rate of 93.4% versus 92.6%. Furthermore, compared to other state-of-the-art defenses, our proposed defense is considered a reactive defense, as it does not change the overall performance of the defender's NIDS or general behavior. Therefore, this defense is a better choice when it comes to preserving the general performance of the model, which is not the case with adversarial training, for example, which reduces the performance of the underlying model. § CONCLUSION The potential of using NIDS based on machine learning algorithms raises intriguing security issues. Indeed, despite their impressive performance, these ML models are prone to various types of adversarial attacks, especially evasion attacks. Due to their prevalence and feasibility among all adversarial attacks, evasion attacks were considered in this paper to generate botnet adversarial attacks capable of evading the intrusion detection system. The proposed framework includes two main contributions. The first is a realistic adversarial algorithm capable of generating valid adversarial network traffic by adding small perturbations, thus evading NIDS protection with high probability while maintaining the underlying logic of the botnet attack. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first complete black-box botnet attack that proposes to evade NIDS by exploiting the transferability property, and without using any query method, with very limited knowledge of the target NIDS, which acts on the traffic space, while respecting the domain constraints. The second component of the proposed framework is a reactive defense that limits the impact of the proposed attack. This defense, inspired by adversarial detection, capitalizes on the fact that it does not change the initial performance of the NIDS since it provides an additional layer of security independent of the model. The proposed defense is considered modular because it uses an ensemble method called bagging yet can use any type of machine learning algorithm. In addition to this ensemble method, it also includes a contextual discounting method that improves the overall performance of the defense. The results showed that the proposed defense is able to detect most adversarial botnet traffic, showing promising results with respect to state-of-the-art defenses. Since the proposed framework is easily adaptable to other domains, evaluating its performance in other highly constrained domains would be an interesting future work. § DECLARATION OF COMPETING INTEREST The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper. § CREDIT AUTHORSHIP CONTRIBUTION STATEMENT Islam Debicha: Conceptualization, Software, Validation, Methodology, Writing - Original Draft. Benjamin Cochez: Software, Visualization, Writing - Original Draft. Tayeb Kenaza: Validation, Writing - Review & Editing, Supervision. Thibault Debatty: Validation, Writing - Review & Editing, Supervision. Jean-Michel Dricot: Validation, Writing - Review & Editing, Supervision. Wim Mees: Funding acquisition, Supervision. [l] < g r a p h i c s > Islam Debicha received his master's degree in Computer Science with a focus in network security in 2018. He is pursuing a joint Ph.D. in machine learning-based intrusion detection systems at ULB and ERM, Brussels, Belgium. He works at ULB cybersecurity Research Center and Cyber Defence Lab on evasion attacks against machine learning-based intrusion detection systems. He is the author or co-author of 6 peer-reviewed scientific publications. His research interests include defenses against adversarial examples, machine learning applications in cybersecurity, data fusion, and network security. [l] < g r a p h i c s > Benjamin Cochez received his master's degree in Cybersecurity from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). He works as a cybersecurity consultant for a consultancy company based in Brussels, and his main areas of interest are cloud security, endpoint security, machine learning and adversarial learning. [l] < g r a p h i c s > Tayeb Kenaza received a Ph.D. degree in computer science from Artois University, France, in 2011. Since 2017, he is the Head of the Computer Security Laboratory at the Military Polytechnic School of Algiers. He is currently a full professor in Computer Science Department at the same school. His research and publication interests include Computer Network Security, Wireless Communication Security, Intelligent Systems, and Data Mining. [l] < g r a p h i c s > Thibault Debatty obtained a master's degree in applied engineering sciences at the Royal Military Academy (RMA) in Belgium, followed by a master's degree in applied computer science at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). Finally, he obtained a Ph.D. with a specialization in distributed computing at both Telecom Paris and the RMA. He is now an associate professor at the RMA, where he teaches courses in networking, distributed information systems, and information security. He is also president of the jury of the Master of Science in Cybersecurity organized by the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), the RMA, and four other institutions. [l] < g r a p h i c s > Jean-Michel Dricot leads research on network security with a specific focus on the IoT and wireless networks. He teaches communication networks, mobile networks, the internet of things, and network security. Prior to his tenure at the ULB, Jean-Michel Dricot obtained a Ph.D. in network engineering, with a focus on wireless sensor network protocols and architectures. In 2010, Jean-Michel Dricot was appointed professor at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, with tenure in mobile and wireless networks. He is the author or co-author of more than 100+ papers published in peer-reviewed international Journals and Conferences and served as a reviewer for European projects. [l] < g r a p h i c s > Wim Mees is Professor in computer science and cyber security at the Royal Military Academy and is leading the Cyber Defence Lab. He is also teaching in the Belgian inter-university Master in Cybersecurity, and in the Master in Enterprise Architecture at the IC Institute. Wim has participated in and coordinated numerous national and European research projects as well EDA and NATO projects and task groups.
Enhancing COVID-19 Severity Analysis through Ensemble Methods
[ "Anand Thyagachandran", "Hema A Murthy" ]
[ "eess.IV", "cs.CV", "cs.LG" ]
Active target TPC for study of photonuclear reactions at astrophysical energies Presented at Zakopane Conference on Nuclear Physics 2022 M. Kuich^1e-mail: mkuich@fuw.edu.pl, M. Ćwiok^1, W. Dominik^1, A. Fijałkowska^1, M. Fila^1, A. Giska^1, Z. Janas^1, A. Kalinowski^1, K. Kierzkowski^1, C. Mazzocchi^1, W. Okliński^1, M. Zaremba^1, D. Grządziel^2, J. Lekki^2, W. Królas^2, A. Kulińska^2, A. Kurowski^2, W. Janik^2, T. Pieprzyca^2, Z. Szklarz^2, M. Scholz^2, M. Turzański^2, U. Wiącek^2, U. Woźnicka^2, A. Caciolli^3, M. Campostrini^4, V. Rigato^4, M. Gai^5, H. O. U. Fynbo^6 ^1Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland ^2Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow, Poland ^3University of Padova and INFN-PD, Padova, Italy ^4Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Legnaro, Italy ^5University of Connecticut, CT, USA ^6Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark March 30, 2023 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= Computed Tomography (CT) scans provide a detailed image of the lungs, allowing clinicians to observe the extent of damage caused by COVID-19. The CT severity score (CTSS) based scoring method is used to identify the extent of lung involvement observed on a CT scan. This paper presents a domain knowledge-based pipeline for extracting regions of infection in COVID-19 patients using a combination of image-processing algorithms and a pre-trained UNET model. Then, an infection rate-based feature vector is proposed for each CT scan. The severity of the infection is then classified into different categories using an ensemble of three machine-learning models: Extreme Gradient Boosting, Extremely Randomized Trees, and Support Vector Machine. The proposed system was evaluated on a validation dataset in the AI-Enabled Medical Image Analysis Workshop and COVID-19 Diagnosis Competition (AI-MIA-COV19D) and achieved a macro F1 score of 64%. These results demonstrate the potential of combining domain knowledge with machine learning techniques for accurate COVID-19 diagnosis using CT scans. The implementation of the proposed system for severity analysis is available at https://github.com/aanandt/Enhancing-COVID-19-Severity-Analysis-through-Ensemble-Methods.git COVID-19, CT-Scans, Infection Segmentation, Machine Learning Methods, Severity Analysis § INTRODUCTION The outbreak of COVID-19 has resulted in a substantial need for prompt and precise diagnostic testing to detect individuals who may have contracted the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Laboratory tests such as Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) <cit.> and antigen tests are commonly used for diagnosing COVID-19. While these tests detect the virus's presence from the respiratory samples <cit.>, but fail to provide an accurate analysis of the disease severity. Additional diagnostic tools are needed to assess the extent of lung damage. Radiological imaging of the chest, including chest radiography and CT scans, is essential to determine the severity of COVID-19 infections <cit.>. At the same time, chest X-rays do not furnish sufficient resolution to evaluate the extent of lung damage. CT scans provide a more detailed view of the lungs and can identify the distribution and area of infection. Clinicians can comprehend critical information to gauge the severity of the disease and deliver timely and effective treatment to the patients. Radiologists typically observe ground-glass opacities (GGO) <cit.>, which indicate lung inflammation but that do not obstruct the underlying pulmonary vessels. Consolidations are the advanced stage of GGO and hide the underlying vessels <cit.>. Pleural effusion occurs when fluid accumulates excessively in the pleural space surrounding the lungs and is a highly severe case of COVID-19 <cit.>. These clinical features are critical in identifying and diagnosing COVID-19 in patients <cit.>. In addition to GGO and consolidations, radiologists observe features such as the halo sign (central consolidations surrounded by GGO), the reverse halo sign (central ground-glass lucent area with peripheral consolidation), and crazy paving patterns. These features and their distribution provide crucial information to diagnose and manage COVID-19 patients <cit.>. Machine learning and deep learning methods have been extensively encountered to classify and segment the infection regions from the CT scans. The classification task between COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 is proposed in various studies such as <cit.>. Additionally, some studies have extended the classification task to include three categories - COVID-19, Community-acquired Pneumonia (CAP), and Normal, such as <cit.>. COVID-19 and CAP diseases share similar features; distinguishing between these two categories is crucial to monitor the progression of COVID-19, which tends to be much faster than that of CAP. These methods are performed well enough in classification but need to identify the severity of patients. Further, many research works have been focused on the infection region segmentation from CT scans that can be used for severity analysis. Generating large medical image datasets for infection segmentation is time-consuming and requires highly qualified domain experts to annotate the data. Different strategies are proposed to address the unavailability of the large corpus, such as semi-supervised method (small dataset is used for supervised training along with a large amount of unlabelled data) <cit.>, weakly supervised way (ground truth data used partially in training process) <cit.>, and unsupervised methods (without any ground truth data) <cit.>. A criterion on the volume of infection has been used as an indicator of the severity of infection <cit.> and classified the CT scans into different classes such as healthy, mild, moderate, severe, and critical. Radiologists commonly use the CT severity score (CTSS) to determine the extent of severity in COVID-19 patients <cit.>. The score ranges from 0 to 25 and is calculated based on the distribution and magnitude of abnormalities (lung involvement) seen on chest CT scans. A higher CTSS score indicates more severe lung damage, and this information is essential in making appropriate treatment decisions <cit.>. In line with this approach, we have developed an automatic method that categorizes CT severity into four classes: mild, moderate, severe, and critical. The proposed method employs various image processing algorithms and a pre-trained UNET model <cit.> to extract infected regions from CT scans. Then, an infection rate-based feature vector is proposed for each CT scan. Various classical machine-learning models and ensemble-based models learn these representative feature vectors to predict the severity classes for chest CT scans. A fully automatic severity analysis model can significantly reduce clinicians' time to assess a patient's condition. The paper is organized as follows: Section <ref> explains the dataset used in the study. Section <ref> presents the proposed method for segmenting relevant clinical features and classifying COVID-19 patients into different severity classes. Section <ref> discusses results and inferences. Finally, Section <ref> summarizes the present study. § DATASET The COVID-19-CT-Database (COVID-19-CT-DB) is provided as part of the "AI-enabled Medical Image Analysis Workshop, and COVID-19 Diagnosis Competition (AI-MIA-COV19D)" <cit.>. The CT scans were collected from September 1, 2020, to March 31, 2021. Four highly experienced medical experts annotated these CT scans (two radiologists and two pulmonologists). Generally, CT scans are volumetric data (3D scans) and are usually available in Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) and Neuroimaging Informatics Technology Initiative (NIfTI) formats. These two image formats represent the CT scan image in higher resolution, also known as Hounsfield Units (HU). Radiologists use a mapping table based on the HU values to identify the different parts of the CT scan images and lung abnormalities. The COVID-19-CT-DB dataset transforms the HU scale image into an 8-bit gray-scale (JPG) image. This down-sampling process introduces an information loss and reduction in the resolution of the CT scan images. The severity assessment challenge consists of 462 CT scans for training (456 patients' CT scans are used for training models) and 101 CT scans for validating the robustness of the trained model. The number of slices in each patient varies from a minimum of 27 to a maximum of 702 slices. The summary of the severity analysis dataset is shown in Table <ref>, and the description of severity categories are given in Table <ref>. The test data set consists of 231 CT scans. Five patients' data in the test dataset consists of coronal slices of the CT scan. The patient's ids for those CT scans are 'test_ct_scan_138', 'test_ct_scan_139', 'test_ct_scan_140', 'test_ct_scan_141', and 'test_ct_scan_197'. The training and validation dataset did not contain coronal slices of CT scans. § PROPOSED METHOD The proposed pipeline consists of two parts, lesion segmentation from the CT scan and quantifying the severity based on the infection rate. The proposed method uses various image processing algorithms, machine learning, and deep learning models to predict the severity score for COVID-19 patients. §.§ Infection Segmentation The infection segmentation pipeline uses domain knowledge to extract the lesion areas. Initially, the lung region is extracted from the chest CT image by a pre-trained UNET model. Then, the resultant image's contrast is enhanced by histogram hyperbolization <cit.>. Next, the pulmonary blood vessels are enhanced using the top-hat morphological operation <cit.>. Finally, the resultant image combines morphological operations to fine-tune the infection regions. The complete overview of the pipeline is shown in Algorithm <ref>. §.§.§ Lung Mask Generation The chest CT scan contains the lung region and organs like the trachea, diaphragm, heart, stomach, and tissues. This module aims to extract the lung region from the chest CT scan and remove the unnecessary areas from further analysis. A pre-trained UNET <cit.> model is used to extract the lung region from the CT scan images. This model is trained on the HU scale CT images, and the images in the given dataset are in JPG format. A linear transformation is applied to the JPG images to make them compatible with the input format for the UNET model. The UNET model is an end-to-end fully convolution neural network comprising a contraction and expansion path. The contracting path consists of 2D convolution layers, a nonlinear activation function, and average pooling layers. A high-dimensional feature map is finally generated. This feature map is up-sampled (by using transposed convolution) and concatenated with the feature map generated from the contracting path through skip connections. These concatenated feature maps are passed through 2D convolution layers and nonlinear activation functions in the expanding path to produce a segmentation mask from the feature map. This is primarily an encoder-decoder model. The lung mask involvement accounts for variations in the number of CT image slices across patients. An empirical threshold on the lung mask's involvement and a threshold on the number of slices from the middle region (slice number which lies between one-third to two-thirds of the total number of slices) are used to select the CT scan images for further analysis. The region of interest is extracted using the lung mask from the chest CT scan images. The segmented CT scan images are applied with a Gaussian filter to smooth the image without significantly reducing the sharpness of the edges. Further, this image is fed to the image enhancement module. The lung masks and extracted regions of interest from different categories of COVID-19 severity are shown in Fig. <ref>. §.§.§ Image Enhancement using Histogram Hyberbolization Histogram hyperbolization, introduced in <cit.>, is a non-linear image enhancement method that improves the contrast of an image by adjusting its perceived brightness levels. The primary objective of this approach is that it mimics the process of vision and could correspond to the radiologist's view of the image. .7!J(I) = c (exp[ log (1 + 1/c) * normcm[I]] - 1) where J(I) is the space-invariant hyperbolization transformation of the image I. c is an empirical threshold. normcm is the normalized cumulative distribution of the intensity histogram. The contrast-enhanced image contains infection regions and the pulmonary vessels. The contrast-enhanced lung region of the CT scan images using histogram hyperbolization is shown in Fig. <ref>. §.§.§ Morphological operations The present work mainly uses three commonly-used morphological operations: dilation, opening, and top-hat <cit.>. A kernel matrix (a rectangular kernel (3 x 3)) is used to convolve with the input image. The dilation operation chooses the maximum pixel value from each (3 x 3) neighborhood and replaces the center pixel. The erosion operation finds the minimum pixel value from the kernel neighborhood. The open morphological procedure removes any small foreground objects from the binary image by employing the erosion operation followed by the dilation operation. The top-hat transformation enhances blood vessel-like structures by subtracting the image from its open morphological image. Foreground-connected components are computed from the resultant image. A criterion on the size or area of involvement is used to retain the connected components. The OTSU adaptive binarization method <cit.> is applied to the contrast-enhanced image from the previous module. Morphological operation top-hat transform is applied to enhance and remove the blood vessels. The resultant image is then fed to morphological operations open and area-based foreground filter to remove the small connected components in the resultant image. The dilation operation is employed to fine-tune the boundary of the extracted infection region. The enhanced blood vessels and infection masks generated from the different severity classes are shown in Fig. <ref>. §.§ Lesion To Severity Score This section describes the various methods explored to identify the correlation between the infection regions in the CT images and their severity class. Inspired by the CTSS method, a weighted average on the percentage of infection in the left and right lungs is estimated. Further, various machine learning algorithms are experimented with to classify the CT scan into different severity classes. §.§.§ Weighted Average Method (WAM) The infection rate in the left and right lungs are estimated separately for each slice in the CT scan with the help of the infection mask and the UNET lung mask. In CTSS estimation, the right lung is divided into three lobes and the left into two lobes, and the radiologist visually determines each lobe's degree of involvement. The lobe scores are calculated by the percentage of infection involvement in each lobe <cit.>. An average score lobe across the CT scan slices and sum up to the final CTSS. In the WAM, a score ranging from one to four is assigned based on the rate of infection, one (0- 25% ), two (25 - 50% ), three (50 - 75% ), and four (75 - 100 % ). We employed a similar approach to the CTSS, a proportional weighted average method, to find the severity score for each CT scan slice. The right lung region is multiplied by a weight of three and the left lung region by two. The severity score is estimated by averaging the scores across the CT scan images. §.§.§ Non-linear Methods This study utilizes a feature vector with a dimension of 80 to represent a CT scan. Two features are extracted from each image, such as the left and right lung infection rates. Two methods are employed for a fixed-length representation of the CT scans. If the CT scan contains more than 40 slices, the slices are uniformly divided into forty regions, choosing the median slice features from each region. On the other hand, the feature vector is enhanced by computing the average percentage of infection from the available slices and appending it to generate an 80-dimensional vector. Machine learning models, including logistic regression (LR), gradient boost (Gboost), Ada boost, k-nearest neighbor (k-NN), naive Bayes (NB), random forest (RF), extreme gradient boosting (XGboost) <cit.>, extremely randomized tree (ERT) <cit.>, support vector machine (SVM), and voting based ensemble models, are employed to learn from these feature representations to predict the severity classes. The machine learning models are implemented with the help of the sklearn library in Python. § RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The proposed pipeline aims to identify the correlation between the severity class and the lung infection rate. The weighted average method finds a linear mapping between the infection rate and the severity classes, which yielded a macro F1 score of 0.43. This result led to the realization of the non-linear relationship between the infection rate and severity analysis, prompting the exploration of various machine-learning methods. The results of various classifiers are shown in Fig. <ref> and tabulated in Table <ref>. The machine learning models achieve better results (regarding macro F1 score) than the WAM except for logistic regression. The XGboost, ERT, and SVM serve top-3 performing models for the severity analysis. An ensemble of these models achieves the best-performing system in the experiments. The ensemble model can improve the accuracy and robustness of predictions, reduce over-fitting, and improve the model's generalization. The confusion matrices show that the mild class achieves higher classification accuracy and less misclassification with other classes. In the case of the moderate class, the trained models need clarification with the severe classes; the SVM, Ensemble, and RF models provide more misclassifications to the severe category than the mild category. Similarly, the severe class CT scans are misclassified into the mild and moderate classes. While the proposed pipeline works well, it has some class misclassification issues. While we have observed that the boundary detector has issues in some extreme cases, appropriate domain information is required to improve lung segmentation accuracy. The standard evaluation metrics, such as precision, recall, and macro F1 score, are used to evaluate the models. Precision refers to the proportion of true positives among all predicted positive instances. Recall measures the proportion of true positives among all actual positive instances. The Macro F1 score is a harmonic mean of precision and recall, providing an overall measure of model performance across all classes. It considers false positives and negatives and is a valuable metric for imbalanced classes. The performance of linear and non-linear classifiers is shown in Table <ref>. The baseline model is based on a convolutional neural network (CNN)- recurrent neural network (RNN) where the CNN is used as a feature extractor and RNN is used to model the sequence of features extracted from the CT scan images. The baseline model achieved a macro F1 score of 38%. It is observed from the Table <ref> that all non-linear models, except logistic regression, outperformed the baseline model. A voting-based ensemble of XGboost, ERT, and SVM models achieves the best result on the validation data. § CONCLUSION In this paper, we proposed a domain knowledge-based preprocessing pipeline to extract the relevant lesion regions. Infection rate-based features are proposed. Linear and non-linear models are used to predict the CT scan severity class. A voting-based XGboost, ERT, and SVM ensemble model achieves a macro F1 score of 64%. IEEEbib
ST360IQ: No-Reference Omnidirectional Image Quality Assessment with Spherical Vision Transformers
[ "Nafiseh Jabbari Tofighi", "Mohamed Hedi Elfkir", "Nevrez Imamoglu", "Cagri Ozcinar", "Erkut Erdem", "Aykut Erdem" ]
[ "cs.CV", "eess.IV" ]
Effects of Nb Doping on the Charge-Density Wave and Electronic Correlations in the Kagome Metal Cs(V_1-xNb_x)_3Sb_5 Hai-Hu Wen March 30, 2023 =================================================================================================================== Omnidirectional images, aka 360^∘ images, can deliver immersive and interactive visual experiences. As their popularity has increased dramatically in recent years, evaluating the quality of 360^∘ images has become a problem of interest since it provides insights for capturing, transmitting, and consuming this new media. However, directly adapting quality assessment methods proposed for standard natural images for omnidirectional data poses certain challenges. These models need to deal with very high-resolution data and implicit distortions due to the spherical form of the images. In this study, we present a method for no-reference 360^∘ image quality assessment. Our proposed ST360IQ model extracts tangent viewports from the salient parts of the input omnidirectional image and employs a vision-transformers based module processing saliency selective patches/tokens that estimates a quality score from each viewport. Then, it aggregates these scores to give a final quality score. Our experiments on two benchmark datasets, namely OIQA and CVIQ datasets, demonstrate that as compared to the state-of-the-art, our approach predicts the quality of an omnidirectional image correlated with the human-perceived image quality. The code has been available on <https://github.com/Nafiseh-Tofighi/ST360IQ> Vision Transformers, 360° image quality assessment § INTRODUCTION Virtual reality (VR) data has recently occupied an increasing share of multimedia data as the corresponding hardware, including Head Mounted Displays (HMD) and capture devices, has become more widely accessible to the end-users. Therefore, developing methods for evaluating the quality of omnidirectional images has also gained much attention from the researchers working in this area. Image quality assessment (IQA) has been thoroughly studied in the past twenty years <cit.>. Generally speaking, IQA algorithms can be classified into full-reference IQA (FR IQA), reduced-reference IQA (RR IQA), and no-reference IQA (NR IQA) <cit.>. FR IQA and RR IQA models need full and part reference image information, respectively, while NR IQA takes only the distorted image as input. In that sense, NR IQA measures subjective, perceptual quality of images. With the recent advances in deep learning, deep methods started to dominate the IQA literature. While the early examples employ convolutionals neural networks (CNNs) for predicting the image quality <cit.>, the more recent work considers self-attention and vision-transformers (ViT) <cit.> based architectures <cit.>. In general, the quality assessment literature for 360^∘ images follows the IQA literature as most of the existing work either suggest to directly use the same IQA methods proposed for natural images, or make small modification to those methods to deal with the spherical form <cit.>. Only very recently, CNN-based models specific to omnidirection images haves been proposed <cit.>. In our work, we propose a ViT-based framework for omnidirectional image quality assessment called ST360IQ. Up to our knowledge, there are no prior work that explores ViTs for evaluating the perceptual quality of 360^∘ images. Our framework estimates the overall image quality through a number of tangent viewports focusing on different parts of the spherical image. In particular, motivated by the relation between visual salience and image quality <cit.>, we sample these viewports from the salient parts of the omnidirectional data. We process each viewport independently through a spherical ViT-based module, and extract individual quality scores, which are then aggregated to obtain the final quality score. Using tangent viewports instead of the commonly used projections such as equirectangular projection (ERP) or cube-mapping allows us to deal with distorted visual data due to the spherical form more effectively. Moreover, our ViT-based formulation specifically designed for the omnidirectional data domain results in more accurate predictions than the state-of-the-art. § PROPOSED METHOD To address the challenge of learning to assess the quality of omnidirectional images, we propose a ViT-based method that utilizes a saliency-driven sampling technique to better capture important parts of panoramic content. Figure 1 shows a general overview of our model. In the saliency module, we first predict visually attractive parts of the panoramic image via an off-the-shelf visual saliency prediction model. Our sampling module then extracts tangent viewports from salient regions of the distorted image in ERP format. The main VQA module resembles the one used in <cit.>, but the patch encoding block is re-modeled from the ground up to deal with the special structure of 360^∘ images. To effectively encode input viewports into a sequence of tokens, we incorporate positional, geometric and source embeddings into the extracted sequence of tokens, and add a learnable classification token (CLS) to capture the global representation for the image. The corresponding 360° image quality score is predicted by the output of a fully connected layer on top of the final CLS token representation at the output of the Transformer encoder. Sampling Module. Most 360^∘ IQA datasets store images in the ERP format, which is the most popular spherical image representation, but is known to have significant distortions. To improve the model performance in 360^∘ IQA task, we utilize tangent image representation <cit.> to reduce the distortion of the viewports extracted from the ERP image. Moreover, to distinguish visually important parts of a panoramic image, we designed a sampling strategy motivated by the human visual attention mechanism. In particular, we employ the 360^∘ image saliency prediction model named ATSal <cit.> to predict salient regions of the panorama. In this way, one can assign a saliency score for each patch extracted from the omnidirectional image, which we utilize in our sampling module. Our main motivation behind our saliency-guided sampling scheme is to combine neural attention (self-attention) mechanism with human visual attention in a simple and intuitive manner. At the first step of the sampling module, an input image in ERP format is fed to the ATSal saliency prediction model to predict a saliency map showing which regions are most likely to attract attention. The mean shift algorithm is then applied to the extracted saliency map to better highlight the salient regions. Finally, we randomly sample 10% of regions wrt the mean saliency scores computed within each overlapping region extracted with a stride value of S. In this work, we utilize tangent image representation for 360^∘ images, which divide the sphere into several nearly Euclidean zones. Using the center points of each sampled salient region (Φ_n, θ_n), we construct a tangent image, which is free from the distortions observed in ERP images. In addition, this enables the model to gain more effective information from the same viewport size thanks to its wider field of view. As our model processes each tangent image separately during training, the quality scores of these tangent images are set to the ground truth quality score assigned to the whole image. Patch Encoder and Model Embeddings. After the sampling module, it is necessary to generate transformer input patches from selected viewports. Instead of the linear projection as used in the original ViT model <cit.>, we utilize ResNet-50 convolutional layers, <cit.> is used for encoding the patches. The embedding information is added at the top of the output of the patch encoder part. Position embeddings are added to the patches to retain positional information, such as standard vision transformer architecture, through each image patch. The model keeps the information about each viewport extracted from which region of the original input image with ERP as a consequence of Geometric embedding. This enables the model to learn better with the help of neighbor viewports correlation information. To this aim, the central data of each tangent viewport (Φ_n, θ_n) after normalizing are added to the patches as geometric embedding. Last but not least, source embedding is employed since each viewport is fed into the transformer encoder independently, and with this feature, the network has the opportunity of predicting even with a single or limited number of viewports. To achieve this, all tangent viewports extracted from a single ERP input image gain the same source embedding corresponding to their ERP index. This helps the model mark each tangent image comes from which input source. As a result of this architecture, the average score of all tangent images extracted from a single ERP input is reported as the final prediction score for each image. Model Training and Implementation Details. Input tokens of the vanilla Transformer used in this work have dimensions of D = 384, and we employ a patch size of P = 32. To make the model size equivalent to ResNet-50, we utilize a classic Transformer with six heads, 14 layers, 384 hidden sizes, and 1152 MLP size. For sampling, each input image is divided into regions by stride 16, and then 10% of those salient regions are selected, which gives empirically the best results. The training pipeline uses the mean absolute error (MAE) as the loss function. § EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Datasets. We evaluate the performance of our method using the commonly used CVIQ <cit.> and OIQA <cit.> datasets. CVIQ dataset contains 528 compressed images that are obtained by applying three widely used coding standards (JPEG, H.264/AVC, and H.265/HEVC) on 16 lossless images. OIQA dataset respectively consists of 16 raw, and 320 distorted 360^∘ images that are obtained from the raw images by applying four common distortion types (Gaussian blur, Gaussian noise, JPEG compression, and JPEG2000 compression) from five different levels. Following <cit.>, for our analysis, we randomly decompose the aforementioned datasets into train (∼80%) and (∼20%) test splits along the lossless/distortion-free image dimension. This results in 13 training and 3 test images for both datasets. By this way, we guarantee that the test images, apart from whether they are distorted or distortion-free, have not been seen during training. Performance Comparison. We evaluate the performance of our model with three widely used metrics, namely Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient (SRCC), Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PLCC), and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE). As commonly done, before computing PLCC and RMSE, we apply a five-parameter logistic function to the model's prediction. In Table <ref>-<ref>, we present the results of our model along with some traditional and learning-based metrics on the OIQA and CVIQ datasets. Most of these metrics are FR metrics and require an additional reference image. The remaining ones are NR metrics, within which MUSIQ <cit.> is the ViT-based model that we build our model on top of, and MC360IQA <cit.> and VGCN <cit.> are the NR models specifically designed for omnidirectional images. Our proposed ST360IQ model, in general, outperforms the state of the art models in predicting 360^∘ image quality on all tested images. Training and applying MUSIQ on the ERP images give worse results than most of the NR metrics including ours as ERP images suffers from additional spherical distortions, showing processing omnidirectional images needs special care, as we did in our proposed framework. Moreover, it is important to emphasize that for achieving these performances, our model does not require any pre-training involving IQA datasets that contain natural images. On the other hand, the highly competitive VGCN <cit.> does, which can be also partly seen in Table <ref> in that its performance decreases without proper pretraining (cf. VGCN* and VGCN+). Effect of Sampling Module. The performance of ST360IQ strongly relies on the utilized sampling strategies. We sample tangent viewports from a given spherical 360^∘ image, and estimate its quality score from these viewports, instead of processing the whole image. Moreover, motivated by the human attention mechanism, we consider a saliency-guided sampling scheme to select the tangent viewports. We evaluate the contribution of these strategies in Table <ref>. First, we replace the tangent images with the image regions directly cropped from the salient parts of the corresponding ERP images. This leads to a significant performance loss, validating our claim that inherent distortions in ERP images have a negative influence on the quality predictions. Second, instead of selecting salient viewports, we perform random sampling over the spherical image and extract viewports accordingly regardless of their salience. Again, we observe that such kind of strategy gives poor performance as compared to our full model. Effect of geometric and source embeddings. We assess the effect of using source and geometric embeddings on ST360IQ's performance by excluding them from the patch encodings. The results given in Table <ref> shows that adding geometric embeddings introduces significant performance gains. We conjecture that it allows the network to learn viewport-specific biases. Similarly, including source embeddings, in a way, let the model be aware of image-specific characteristics during training over the extracted salient viewports, further improving the prediction accuracies. § CONCLUSION We propose a spherical-ViT based no-reference omnidirectional IQA method called ST360IQ, which predicts the quality score of a 360^∘ image by processing the image by extracting the most salient viewports, and aggregating the local quality scores estimated from them. Using the ViT-architecture allows us to better model the geometry of the spherical structure and the viewport biases. The effectiveness of the suggested approach is demonstrated by the experiments on two common 360^∘ IQA datasets, which reveal that our model consistently attains the state-of-the-art performance. § ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported in part by KUIS AI Center Research Award, TUBITAK-1001 Program Award No. 120E501, GEBIP 2018 Award of the Turkish Academy of Sciences to E. Erdem, and BAGEP 2021 Award of the Science Academy to A. Erdem. IEEEbib
On the width of complicated JSJ decompositions
[ "Kristóf Huszár", "Jonathan Spreer" ]
[ "math.GT", "cs.CG", "57Q15, 57N10, 05C75, 57M15", "F.2.2; G.2.2" ]
Beyond Single Items: Exploring User Preferences in Item Sets with the Conversational Playlist Curation Dataset Filip Radlinski March 30, 2023 ================================================================================================================ Motivated by the algorithmic study of 3-dimensional manifolds, we explore the structural relationship between the JSJ decomposition of a given 3-manifold and its triangulations. Building on work of Bachman, Derby-Talbot and Sedgwick, we show that a “sufficiently complicated” JSJ decomposition of a 3-manifold enforces a “complicated structure” for all of its triangulations. More concretely, we show that, under certain conditions, the treewidth (resp. pathwidth) of the graph that captures the incidences between the pieces of the JSJ decomposition of an irreducible, closed, orientable 3-manifold yields a linear lower bound on its treewidth (resp. pathwidth ), defined as the smallest treewidth (resp. pathwidth) of the dual graph of any triangulation of . We present several applications of this result. We give the first example of an infinite family of bounded-treewidth 3-mani­folds with unbounded pathwidth. We construct Haken 3-mani­folds with arbitrarily large treewidth—previously the existence of such 3-manifolds was only known in the non-Haken case. We also show that the problem of providing a constant-factor approximation for the treewidth (resp. pathwidth) of bounded-degree graphs efficiently reduces to computing a constant-factor approximation for the treewidth (resp. pathwidth) of 3-manifolds. § INTRODUCTION Manifolds in geometric topology are often studied through the following two-step process. Given a piecewise linear d-dimensional manifold , first find a “suitable” triangulation of it, i.e., a decomposition of into d-simplices with “good” combinatorial properties. Then apply algorithms on this triangulation to reveal topological information about . The work presented in this article is motivated by this process in dimension d=3. Here every manifold can be triangulated <cit.> and questions about them typically admit algorithmic solutions <cit.>.[In higher dimensions none of these statements is true in general. See, e.g., <cit.>, <cit.> or <cit.>.] At the same time, the feasibility of a particular computation can greatly depend on structural properties of the triangulation in use. Over the past decade, this phenomenon was recognized and exploited in various settings, leading to fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) algorithms for several problems in low-dimensional topology, some of which are even known to be NP-hard <cit.>.[See <cit.> for an FPT algorithm checking tightness of (weak) pseudomanifolds in arbitrary dimensions.] Although these algorithms have exponential running time in the worst case, for input triangulations with dual graph of bounded treewidth they always terminate in polynomial (in most cases, linear) time.[The running times are given in terms of the size of the input triangulation, i.e., its number of tetrahedra.] Moreover, some of them have implementations that are highly effective in practice, providing useful tools for researchers in low-dimensional topology <cit.>. The theoretical efficiency of the aforementioned FPT algorithms crucially depends on the assumption that the dual graph of the input triangulation has small treewidth. To understand their scope, it is thus instructive to consider the treewidth of a compact 3-manifold , defined as the smallest treewidth of the dual graph of any triangulation of . Indeed, the relation between the treewidth and other quantities associated with 3-manifolds has recently been investigated in various contexts <cit.>. For instance, in <cit.> together with Wagner we have shown that the treewidth of a non-Haken 3-manifold is always bounded below in terms of its Heegaard genus. Combined with earlier work of Agol <cit.>—who constructed non-Haken 3-manifolds with arbitrary large Heegaard genus—this implies the existence of 3-manifolds with arbitrary large treewidth. Despite the fact that, asymptotically, most triangulations of most 3-manifolds must have dual graph of large treewidth <cit.>, this collection described by Agol has remained, to this date, the only known family of 3-manifolds with arbitrary large treewidth. The main result In this work we unravel new structural links between the triangulations of a given 3-manifold and its JSJ decomposition <cit.>. Employing the machinery of generalized Heegaard splittings <cit.>, the results developed in <cit.>, and building on the work of Bachman, Derby-Talbot and Sedgwick <cit.>, we show that, under suitable conditions, the dual graph of any triangulation of a given 3-manifold inherits structural properties from the decomposition graph that encodes the incidences between the pieces of the JSJ decomposition of . More precisely, in <Ref> we prove the following theorem. For any closed, orientable and irreducible 3-manifold with sufficiently complicated[The notion of “sufficiently complicated” under which we establish Theorem <ref> is discussed in <Ref>.] torus gluings in its JSJ decomposition , the treewidth and pathwidth of and that of the decomposition graph () of satisfy [b].425 ()≤ 18·(+1) [b].1 and [b].425 ()≤ 4·(3+1). An algorithmic construction Much work in 3-dimensional topology has been devoted to the study of 3-manifolds constructed by pasting together simpler pieces along their boundary surfaces via “sufficiently complicated” gluing maps, and to understand how different decompositions of the same 3-manifold interact under various conditions, see, e.g., <cit.>. <Ref> allows us to leverage these results to construct 3-manifolds, where we have tight control over the treewidth and pathwidth of their triangulations <cit.>. By combining <Ref> and <cit.> (cf. <cit.>), in <Ref> we prove the following result. There is a polynomial-time algorithm that, given an n-node graph G with maximum node-degree , produces a triangulation _G of a closed 3-manifold _G, such that * the triangulation _G contains O_(G· n) tetrahedra,[Similar to the standard big-O notation, O_(x) means “a quantity bounded above by x times a constant depending on Δ.” To ensure that eq:tw-inherit is satisfied, but not necessarily eq:pw-inherit, O_(G· n) tetrahedra suffice.] * the JSJ decomposition 𝒟 of _G satisfies (𝒟) = G, and * there exist universal constants c,c'>0, such that * (c / ) _G≤G≤ 18·(_G+1), and * (c' / ) _G≤G≤ 4·(3_G+1). Applications In <Ref> we present several applications of <Ref>. First, we construct a family of bounded-treewidth 3-manifolds with unbounded pathwidth (<Ref>). Second, we exhibit Haken 3-manifolds with arbitrary large treewidth (<Ref>). To our knowledge, no such families of 3-manifolds had been known before. Third, we show that the problem of providing a constant-factor approximation for the treewidth (resp. pathwidth) of bounded-degree graphs reduces in polynomial time to computing a constant-factor approximation for the treewidth (resp. pathwidth) of 3-manifolds (<Ref>). This reduction, together with previous results <cit.>, suggests that this problem may be computationally hard. We now give a preview of the proof of our main result. As the arguments for showing (<ref>) and (<ref>) are analogous, we only sketch the proof of (<ref>). To show that ()≤ 18(+1), we start with a triangulation of whose dual graph has minimal treewidth, i.e., () =. Following <cit.>, we construct from a generalized Heegaard splitting of , together with a sweep-out ={_x : x ∈ H} along a tree H, such that the genus of any level surface _x is at most 18·(()+1). If is not already strongly irreducible, we repeatedly perform weak reductions until we get a strongly irreducible generalized Heegaard splitting ' with associated sweep-out '={'_x : x ∈ H} along the same tree H. Crucially, weak reductions do not increase the genera of level surfaces <cit.>, thus 18·(()+1) is still an upper bound on those in '. Now, by the assumption of the JSJ decomposition of being “sufficiently complicated,” each JSJ torus can be isotoped in to coincide with a connected component of some thin level of '. This implies that, after isotopy, each level set '_x is incident to at most 18·(()+1)+1 JSJ pieces of . Sweeping along H, we can construct a tree decomposition of () where each bag contains at most 18·(()+1)+1 nodes of (). Hence ()≤ 18·(()+1) = 18·(+1). Organization of the paper In <Ref> we review the necessary background on graphs and 3-manifolds. <Ref> contains a primer on generalized Heegaard splittings, which provides us with the indispensable machinery for proving our main result (<Ref>) in <Ref>. In <Ref> we describe the algorithmic construction of 3-manifolds that “inherit” their combinatorial width from that of their JSJ decomposition graph (<Ref>). Then, in <Ref> we present the aforementioned applications of this construction (<Ref>). The paper is concluded with a discussion and some open questions in <Ref>. Selected results from 3-manifold topology we rely on are collected in the [app]Appendix. § PRELIMINARIES §.§ Graphs A (multi)graph G=(V,E) is a finite set V=V(G) of nodes[Throughout this paper we use the terms edge and vertex to refer to an edge or vertex in a 3-manifold triangulation, whereas the terms arc and node denote an edge or vertex in a graph, respectively.] together with a multiset E=E(G) of unordered pairs of not necessarily distinct nodes, called arcs. The degree d_v of a node v ∈ V equals the number of arcs containing it, where loop arcs are counted twice. G is k-regular, if d_v = k for all v ∈ V. A tree is a connected graph with n nodes and n-1 arcs. A tree decomposition of a graph G=(V,E) is a pair (𝒳={B_i:i ∈ I},=(I,F)) with bags B_i ⊆ V and a tree =(I,F), such that * ⋃_i ∈ I B_i = V (node coverage), * for all arcs {u,v}∈ E, there exists i ∈ I such that {u,v}⊆ B_i (arc coverage), and * for all v ∈ V, T_v = {i ∈ I:v ∈ B_i} spans a connected sub-tree of (sub-tree property). The width of a tree decomposition equals max_i ∈ I|B_i|-1, and the treewidth G is the smallest width of any tree decomposition of G. Replacing all occurrences of “tree” with “path” in the definition of treewidth yields the notion of pathwidth G. We have G≤G. §.§ Manifolds A d-dimensional manifold is a topological space , where each point x ∈ has a neighborhood homeomorphic to ℝ^d or to the closed upper half-space {(x_1,…,x_d) ∈ℝ^d : x_d≥ 0}. The latter type of points of constitute the boundary ∂ of . A compact manifold is said to be closed if it has an empty boundary. We consider manifolds up to homeomorphism (“continuous deformations”) and write _1 ≅_2 for homeomorphic manifolds _1 and _2. *3-Manifolds and surfaces The main objects of study in this paper are 3-dimensional manifolds, or 3-manifolds for short. Here we give a brief introduction to 3-manifolds tailored to our purposes. We refer the reader to <cit.> (and the references therein) for more details. All 3-manifolds and surfaces encountered in this article are compact and orientable. We let _g denote the closed, connected, orientable surface of genus g. We also refer to the d-dimensional torus and sphere as ^d and d, respectively (hence _0 = 2 and _1 = ^2). The genus g() of a (not necessarily connected) surface is defined to be the sum of the genera of its connected components. Triangulations and the treewidth of 3-manifolds A triangulation of a given 3-manifold is a finite collection of abstract tetrahedra glued together along pairs of their triangular faces, such that the resulting space is homeomorphic to . Unpaired triangles comprise a triangulation of the boundary of . Note that the face gluings may also identify several tetrahedral edges (or vertices) in a single edge (or vertex) of . Every compact 3-manifold admits a triangulation <cit.> (cf. <cit.>). Given a triangulation , its dual graph () is the multigraph whose nodes correspond to the tetrahedra in , and arcs to face gluings (<Ref>). For a compact 3-manifold , its treewidth (resp. pathwidth ) is defined as the smallest treewidth (resp. pathwidth) of the dual graph of any triangulation of . Incompressible surfaces and essential disks Given a 3-manifold , a surface ⊂ is said to be properly embedded in if ∂⊂∂ and (∖∂) ⊂ (∖∂). Given a properly embedded surface ⊂, an embedded disk D⊂ with int(D) ∩ = ∅ and ∂ D ⊂ a curve not bounding a disk on is called a compressing disk. If such a disk exists, is said to be compressible in , otherwise – and if is not a 2-sphere – it is called incompressible. A 3-manifold is said to be irreducible, if every embedded 2-sphere bounds a 3-ball in . A disk D ⊂ properly embedded in a 3-manifold is called inessential if it cuts off a 3-ball from , otherwise D is called essential. A compact, orientable, irreducible 3-manifold is called Haken if it contains an orientable, properly embedded, incompressible surface, and otherwise is referred to as non-Haken. Heegaard splittings of closed 3-manifolds A handlebody is a connected 3-manifold homeomorphic to a thickened graph. The genus g() of is defined as the genus of its boundary surface ∂. A Heegaard splitting of a closed, orientable 3-manifold is a decomposition = ∪_' where and ' are homeomorphic handlebodies with ∪' = and ∩' = ∂ = ∂' = called the splitting surface. Introduced in <cit.>, the Heegaard genus of is the smallest genus g() over all Heegaard splittings of . The JSJ decomposition A central result by Jaco–Shalen <cit.> and Johannson <cit.> asserts that every closed, irreducible and orientable 3-manifold admits a collection 𝐓 of pairwise disjoint embedded, incompressible tori, where each piece of the complement ∖𝐓 is either Seifert fibered[See <cit.> or <cit.> for an introduction to Seifert fibered spaces (cf. <Ref>).] or atoroidal[An irreducible 3-manifold is called atoroidal if every incompressible torus in is boundary-parallel.]. A minimal such collection of tori is unique up to isotopy and gives rise to the so-called JSJ decomposition (or torus decomposition) of <cit.>. We refer to this collection of incompressible tori as the JSJ tori of . The graph with nodes the JSJ pieces, and an arc for each JSJ torus (with endpoints the two nodes corresponding to its two adjacent pieces) is called the dual graph () of the JSJ decomposition of . § GENERALIZED HEEGAARD SPLITTINGS A Heegaard splitting of a closed 3-manifold is a decomposition into two identical handlebodies along an embedded surface. Introduced by Scharlemann and Thompson <cit.>, a generalized Heegaard splitting of a compact 3-manifold (possibly with boundary) is a decomposition of into several pairs of compression bodies along a family of embedded surfaces, subject to certain rules. Following <cit.>,[For an open-access version, see <cit.>.] here we give an overview of this framework. §.§ Compression bodies and forks A compression body is a 3-manifold with boundary obtained by the following procedure. * Consider the thickening × [0,1] of a closed, orientable, possibly disconnected surface , * optionally attach some 1-handles, each being of the form D × [0,1] (thickened edge, where the disk D is the cross-section), to ×{1} along D×{0}∪ D×{1}, and * optionally fill in some collection of 2-sphere components of ×{0} with 3-balls. We call ∂_- = ×{0}∖{filled-in 2-sphere components} the lower boundary of and ∂_+ = ∂ ∖∂_- its upper boundary. By construction, g(∂_+) ≥ g(∂_-). Note that, if ∂_- is empty, then is a handlebody. We allow compression bodies to be disconnected. A fork, more precisely an n-fork, is a tree with n+2 nodes V()={,,_1,…,_n}, where , called the root, is of degree n+1, and the other nodes are leaves. One of them, denoted , is called the grip, and the remaining leaves _1,…,_n are called tines. A fork can be regarded as an abstraction of a connected compression body , where the grip corresponds to ∂_+ and each tine corresponds to a connected component of ∂_-, see, e.g., <Ref>. Non-faithful forks In certain situations (notably, in the proof of <Ref>, cf. <Ref>) it is useful to also take a simplified view on a generalized Heegaard splitting. To that end, one may represent several compression bodies by a single non-faithful fork, where the grip and the tines may correspond to collections of boundary components. To distinguish faithful forks from non-faithful ones, we color the roots of the latter with gray, see <Ref>. 0.55 [scale=.9]faithful-forks (57.5,29.85) figureTwo faithful forks bundled into a non-faithful fork. The colors show the grouping of the tines. 0.36 [scale=.9]compbody-spine (47.25,40.25) Γ (-10,1) (102,1) figureSpines of a compression body and of a handlebody . Spines and sweep-outs of compression bodies A graph Γ embedded in a compression body is called a spine of , if every node of Γ that is incident to ∂_- is of degree one, and ∖ (Γ∪∂_-) ≅∂_+× (0,1], see <Ref>. Assume first that ∂_-≠∅. A sweep-out of along an interval, say [-1,1], is a continuous map f→[-1,1], such that f^-1(±1) = ∂_±, f^-1(t) ≅∂_+, if-t ∈ (0,1), Γ∪∂_-, if-t=0, and ∂_-, if-t ∈ (-1,0). Writing Σ_t = f^-1(t), we get a 1-parameter family of surfaces (except for Σ_0) “sweeping through” . For handlebodies, the definition of a sweep-out is similar, but it “ends at 0” with the spine: f^-1(1) = ∂, f^-1(t) ≅∂ if t ∈ (0,1), and f^-1(0) = Γ, see <Ref>. It is straightforward to adapt the definition of sweep-out in a way that, instead of an interval, we sweep a compression body along a (faithful or non-faithful) fork . Such a sweep-out is a continuous map f→ (where denotes a geometric realization of ) that satisfies very similar requirements to those in (<ref>), however, the components of the lower boundary ∂_- may appear in different level sets, see <Ref>. §.§ Generalized Heegaard splittings and fork complexes Heegaard splittings revisited Let be a 3-manifold, and {∂_1, ∂_2} be a partition of the components of ∂. A Heegaard splitting of (, ∂_1, ∂_2) is a triplet (_1, _2, ), where _1 and _2 are compression bodies with _1 ∪_2 =, _1 ∩_1 = ∂_+_1=∂_+_2 =, ∂_-_1 = ∂_1, and ∂_-_2 = ∂_2. The genus of the Heegaard splitting (_1, _2,) is the genus g() of the splitting surface . The Heegaard genus of is the smallest genus of any Heegaard splitting of (, ∂_1, ∂_2), taken over all partitions {∂_1, ∂_2} of ∂. For any partition {∂_1, ∂_2} of the boundary components of , there exists a Heegaard splitting of (, ∂_1, ∂_2). Generalized Heegaard splittings A generalized Heegaard splitting of a 3-manifold consists of * a decomposition = ⋃_i ∈ I_i into submanifolds _i ⊆ intersecting along closed surfaces (<Ref>), * for each i ∈ I a partition {∂_1_i, ∂_2_i} of the components of ∂_i that together satisfy an acyclicity condition: there is an ordering, i.e., a bijection ℓ I →{1,…,|I|}, such that, for each i ∈ I the components of ∂_1_i (resp. ∂_2_i) not belonging to ∂ are only incident to submanifolds _j with ℓ(j) < ℓ(i) (resp. ℓ(j) > ℓ(i)), and * a choice of a Heegaard splitting (^(i)_1, ^(i)_2, _i) for each (_i, ∂_1_i, ∂_2_i). Such a choice of splitting surfaces _i (i ∈ I) is said to be compatible with ℓ, see, e.g., <Ref>. Just as compression bodies can be represented by forks, (generalized) Heegaard splittings can be visualized via fork complexes, see <Ref> (cf. <cit.> for details). Sweep-outs of 3-manifolds A generalized Heegaard splitting of a 3-manifold induces a sweep-out f→ of along any fork complex that represents (here denotes a drawing, i.e., a geometric realization of the abstract fork complex ) by concatenating the corresponding sweep-outs of the compression bodies that comprise (cf. <Ref>). We also refer to a sweep-out f→ by the ensemble ={_x : x ∈} of its level sets, where Σ_x = f^-1(x). The width of a generalized Heegaard splitting For a generalized Heegaard splitting , the surfaces _i (i ∈ I) are also called the thick levels, and the lower boundaries ∂_-^(i)_1, ∂_-^(i)_2 are called the thin levels of . The width () of is the sequence obtained by taking a non-increasing ordering of the multiset {g(_i) : i ∈ I} of the genera of the thick levels. A generalized Heegaard splitting of a 3-manifold for which () is minimal with respect to the lexicographic order (<) among all splittings of is said to be in thin position. §.§ Weak reductions A Heegaard splitting (_1,_2,) of a connected 3-manifold is said to be weakly reducible <cit.>, if there are essential disks D_i ⊂_i (i=1,2)[The assumption that D_i is essential in the compression body _i implies that ∂ D_i ⊂∂_+_i = (i=1,2).] with ∂ D_1 ∩∂ D_2 = ∅, see <Ref>. In this case we also say that the splitting surface is weakly reducible. A generalized Heegaard splitting is weakly reducible, if at least one of its splitting surfaces is weakly reducible; otherwise is called strongly irreducible. Every 3-manifold possesses a strongly irreducible generalized Heegaard splitting and this fact can be exploited in various contexts (e.g., in the proof of <Ref>). The usefulness of such splittings is mainly due to the following seminal result. Let be a strongly irreducible generalized Heegaard splitting. Then every connected component of every thin level of is incompressible. Given a weakly reducible generalized Heegaard splitting with a weakly reducible splitting surface[For future reference we remind the reader that splitting surfaces, also called thick levels, correspond to grips in the faithful fork complex that represents the generalized Heegaard splitting .] and essential disks D_1 and D_2 as above, one can execute a weak reduction at . This modification amounts to performing particular cut-and-paste operations on guided by D_1 and D_2, and decomposes each of the two compression bodies adjacent to into a pair of compression bodies. Importantly, this operation results in another generalized Heegaard splitting ' of the same 3-manifold with (') < (). We illustrate weak reductions via <Ref> and refer to <cit.> for further details (notably, Figures 5.8–5.13 therein, but also Lemma 5.2.2, Figures 5.6 and 5.7, and Proposition 5.2.4), including an exhaustive list of instances of weak reductions.[In the open-access version <cit.> these are Proposition 4.2.3 and Figures 87–92 (as well as Lemma 4.2.2, Figures 85 and 86, and Lemma 4.2.4).] § THE MAIN RESULT In this section we prove Theorem <ref>. The inequalities (<ref>) and (<ref>) are deduced in the same way, thus we only show the proof of (<ref>) in detail, and then explain how it can be adapted to that of (<ref>). First, we specify what we mean by a “sufficiently complicated” JSJ decomposition. Given δ > 0, the JSJ decomposition of an irreducible 3-manifold is δ-complicated, if any incompressible or strongly irreducible Heegaard surface ⊂ with genus g() ≤δ can be isotoped to be simultaneously disjoint from all the JSJ tori of . Our goal is to prove that ()≤ 18(+1), where () is the dual graph of the δ-complicated JSJ decomposition of the irreducible 3-manifold . To this end, we set δ=18(+1) and fix a triangulation of , whose dual graph () has minimal treewidth, i.e., () =. Now, (<ref>) is established in four stages. [1. Setup] By invoking the construction in <cit.>, from we obtain a generalized Heegaard splitting of together with a sweep-out f→ along a non-faithful fork complex representing . By construction, is a tree with all of its nodes having degree one or three (<Ref>), moreover all non-degenerate level surfaces _x = f^-1(x) have genus bounded above by 18(+1). Let be the faithful fork complex representing . Note that is obtained from by replacing every non-faithful fork ∈ with the collection 𝒞_ of faithful forks that accurately represents the (possibly disconnected) compression body corresponding to . The inverse operation, i.e., for each ∈ bundling all faithful forks in 𝒞_ into (see <Ref>), induces a projection map π→ between the drawings (cf. Figures <ref>(i)–(ii)). Note that every fork, tine, or grip in corresponds to a collection of the corresponding items in and so the projection map is well-defined. [2. Weak reductions] In case is weakly reducible, we repeatedly perform weak reductions until we obtain a strongly irreducible generalized Heegaard splitting ' of . Since weak reductions always decrease the width of a generalized Heegaard splitting, this process terminates after finitely many iterations. Throughout, we maintain that the drawings of the associated faithful fork complexes follow . Let ' be the faithful fork complex representing the final splitting ', f'→' be the sweep-out of induced by ', and π''→ be the associated projection map (<Ref>(iii)). Due to the nature of weak reductions, 18(+1) is still an upper bound on the genus of any (possibly disconnected) level surface of π' ∘ f' →. As is irreducible, we may assume that no component of such a level surface is homeomorphic to a sphere (cf. <cit.>). It follows that the number of components of any level set of π' ∘ f' is at most 18(+1). [3. Perturbation and isotopy] We now apply a level-preserving perturbation π' π” on π', after which each thin level of ' lies in different level sets of π”∘ f' → (<Ref>(iv)). Since ' is strongly irreducible, its thick levels are strongly irreducible (by definition), and its thin levels are incompressible (by <Ref>). Moreover, all these surfaces have genera at most 18(+1). Hence, as the JSJ decomposition of is assumed to be δ-complicated with δ=18(+1), we may isotope all JSJ tori to be disjoint from all the thick and thin levels of '. Then, by invoking <cit.> we can isotope each JSJ torus of to coincide with a component of some thin level of ' (<Ref>(v)). As a consequence, every compression body of the splitting ' is contained in a unique JSJ piece of . [4. The tree decomposition of ()] First note that every level set (π”∘ f')^-1(x) is incident to at most 18(+1) +1 = 18+19 JSJ pieces of . The `plus one' appears, because if (π”∘ f')^-1(x) contains a JSJ torus, then this torus is incident to two JSJ pieces of . Also note that, because of the perturbation performed in the previous stage, each level set (π”∘ f')^-1(x) can contain at most one JSJ torus of . We now construct a tree decomposition (𝒳,T) of () of width 18(+1). Eventually, T will be a subdivision of (which is a tree) with nodes corresponding to the bags in 𝒳, which we now describe. By <cit.>, each leaf l of corresponds to a spine of a handlebody _l. We define a bag that contains the unique node of () associated with the JSJ piece containing _l. As we sweep through (cf. the arrows on <Ref>(2)), whenever we pass through a point x ∈ such that the level set (π”)^-1(x) contains a tine of ', one of four possible events may occur (illustrated in <Ref>(v)–(vi)): * A new JSJ piece appears. In this case we take a copy of the previous bag, and add the corresponding node of () into the bag. * A JSJ piece disappears. Then we delete the corresponding node of () from a copy of the previous bag. * Both previous kinds of events happen simultaneously. In this case we introduce two new bags. The first to introduce the new JSJ piece, the second to delete the old one. * If neither a new JSJ piece is introduced, nor an old one is left behind, we do nothing. Whenever we arrive at a merging point in the sweep-out (i.e., a degree-three node of ), we introduce a new bag, which is the union of the two previous bags. Note that the two previous bags do not necessarily need to be disjoint. It remains to verify that (𝒳,T) is, indeed, a tree decomposition of () of width at most 18+18. Node coverage: Every node of () must be considered at least once, since we sweep through the entirety of . Arc coverage: we must ensure that all pairs of nodes of () with their JSJ pieces meeting at a tine are contained in some bag. This is always the case for item:appears, because a new JSJ piece appears while all other JSJ pieces are still in the bag. It is also the case for item:disappears because a JSJ piece disappears but the previous bag contained all the pieces. In item:both a new JSJ piece appears and at the same time another JSJ piece disappears. However, in this case we first introduce the new piece, thus making sure that adjacent JSJ pieces always occur in at least one bag. Sub-tree property: This follows from the fact that a JSJ piece, once removed from all bags, must be contained in the part of that was already swept. Now, every JSJ piece incident to a given level set (π”∘ f')^-1(x) of the sweep-out must contribute a positive number to its genus. Hence, it follows that every bag can contain at most 18+19 elements (with equality only possible where a tine simultaneously introduces and forgets a JSJ piece). This proves inequality (<ref>). We start with the results from <cit.> yielding a fork-complex whose underlying space is a path, and the genus of the level sets of the associated sweep-out is bounded above by 4(3 + 1). Setting δ=4(3 + 1), the remainder of the proof is analogous with the proof of inequality (<ref>). § AN ALGORITHMIC CONSTRUCTION Here we establish <Ref> that paves the way to the applications in <Ref>. In what follows, denotes an arbitrary, but fixed, positive integer. Let G=(V,E) be a graph with |V|=n and maximum degree . <Ref> asserts that, in n time one can construct a triangulation _G of a closed, irreducible 3-manifold _G, such that the dual graph () of its JSJ decomposition equals G, moreover, the pathwidth (resp. treewidth) of G determines the pathwidth (resp. treewidth) of _G up to a constant factor. Our proof of <Ref> rests on a synthesis of work by Lackenby <cit.> and by Bachman, Derby-Talbot and Sedgwick <cit.>. In <cit.> it is shown that the homeomorphism problem for closed 3-manifolds is at least as hard as the graph isomorphism problem. The proof relies on a simple construction that, given a graph G, produces a closed, orientable, triangulated 3-manifold whose JSJ decomposition satisfies () = G. This gives the blueprint for our construction as well. In particular, we use the same building blocks that are described in <cit.>. However, as opposed to Lackenby, we paste together these building blocks via high-distance torus gluings akin to the construction presented in <cit.>. This ensures that we can apply <Ref> for the resulting 3-manifold _G and deduce the right-hand-side inequalities of eq:tw-inherit and eq:pw-inherit. The left-hand-side inequalities are shown by inspecting _G. We now elaborate on the ingredients of the proof of <Ref>. The building blocks We first recall the definition of the building blocks from <cit.>. Let k ∈ℕ be a positive integer. Consider the 2-dimensional torus ^2 = 1×1, and let ^2_k denote the compact surface obtained from ^2 by the removal of k pairwise disjoint open disks. We define (k) = ^2_k ×1. Note that the boundary ∂(k) of (k) consists of k tori, which will be the gluing sites. See <Ref> for the example of (3). We choose a triangulation (k) for (k) that induces the minimal 2-triangle triangulation of the torus (cf. <Ref>) at each boundary component. Note that (k) can be constructed from O(k) tetrahedra. An explicit description of (k) is given in <Ref>. 0.425 [scale=0.75]torus-3-holes (-47,37) (3) = (106,37) × 1 figureIllustration of (3). 0.55 [scale=0.75]torus-trg figureMinimal triangulation of the torus ^2. Overview of the construction of _G We now give a high-level overview of constructing _G from the above building blocks. Given a graph G=(V,E), for each node v ∈ V we pick a block _v≅(d_v), where d_v denotes the degree of v. Next, for each arc e = {u,v}∈ E, we pick a homeomorphism ϕ_e^2→^2 of sufficiently high distance (we discuss this notion below) and use it to glue together a boundary torus of _u with one of _v. After performing all of these gluings, we readily obtain the 3-manifold _G (cf. <Ref>(i)–(ii)). [name=Based on <cit.>, label=claim:jsj] The JSJ decomposition of _G satisfies () = G. For a proof of <Ref> we refer to <Ref>. High-distance torus gluings As already mentioned, to ensure that we can apply <Ref> to _G, we use torus homeomorphisms of “sufficiently high distance” to glue the building blocks together. This notion of distance, which is defined through the Farey distance, is somewhat technical. Thus, we refer to <cit.> for details, and rather recall a crucial result that makes the usefulness of distance in the current context apparent. There exists a computable constant K, depending only on the homeomorphism types of the blocks, so that if any set of blocks are glued with maps of distance at least K δ along their torus boundary components to form a closed 3-manifold , then the JSJ decomposition of is δ-complicated (cf. <Ref>). Triangulating the gluing maps We have already discussed that the block (k) admits a triangulation (k) with O(k) tetrahedra, where (k) induces a minimal, 1-vertex triangulation at each torus boundary of (k). It is shown in <cit.> that the gluings beading these blocks together can be realized as layered triangulations <cit.>. These triangulations manifest as “daisy chains” in the dual graph (_G) of the final triangulation _G, see <Ref>(iii). There exist torus gluings with distance at least D, that can be realized as layered triangulations using 2D tetrahedra. There exist universal constants c,c' > 0 such that (c / ) _G≤G and (c' / ) _G≤G. Since every node of G has degree at most , the construction of _G only uses building blocks homeomorphic to (1),…,(). Hence, for each v ∈ V the triangulation (d_v) of the block _v contains O() tetrahedra. This, together with the above discussion on triangulating the gluing maps implies that (upon ignoring multi-arcs and loop arcs, which are anyway not “sensed” by treewidth or pathwidth), the dual graph (_G) is obtained from G by * replacing each node v ∈ V with a copy of the graph ((d_v)) that contains O(Δ) nodes, and by * possibly subdividing each arc e ∈ E several times. Now, the first operation increases the treewidth (resp. pathwidth) at most by a factor of O(), while the arc-subdivisions keep these parameters basically the same, cf. <Ref>. Hence (_G)≤ O(G) and (_G)≤ O(G), and the claim follows. Let G=(V,E) be a graph. If G' is a graph obtained from G by subdividing a set F ⊆ E of arcs an arbitrary number of times. Then G'≤G+2 and G'≤max{G,3}. We have already shown thm:construction-jsj (<Ref>) and the left-hand-sides of the inequalities eq:tw-inherit and eq:pw-inherit (<Ref>). To prove the remaining parts of <Ref>, let δ = max{18(G + 1),4(3G + 1)} = O(G). By <Ref>, there is a computable constant K_ depending only on (1),…,() and hence only on , so that if we glue together the blocks via maps of distance at least K_δ, then the JSJ decomposition of _G is δ-complicated. By <Ref>, each such gluing map can be realized as a layered triangulation consisting of 2K_δ tetrahedra. Since G has at most n/2 arcs, these layered triangulations contain at most 2K_δ n/2 = K_δ n = O( K_G· n) = O_(G· n) tetrahedra altogether. Since the triangulated blocks (d_v) contain O(· n) tetrahedra in total, the triangulation _G of the manifold _G can be built from O_(G· n) ≤ O_(n^2) tetrahedra. Last, as it follows from <cit.>, the construction can be executed in quadratic time. § APPLICATIONS There exist 3-manifolds (_h)_h∈ℕ with _h≤ 2 and _hh→∞⟶∞. There exist Haken 3-manifolds (_k)_k∈ℕ with _kk→∞⟶∞. Using Theorem <ref>, the construction of bounded-treewidth (Haken) 3-manifolds with arbitrarily large pathwidth follows by taking _h = _T_h (with the notation of <Ref>), where T_h is the complete binary tree of height h. The construction of Haken 3-manifolds of arbitrary large treewidth is deduced by setting _k = _Grid(k), where Grid(k) denotes the k × k grid graph. See <Ref>. Obtained as JSJ decompositions, where the JSJ tori are two-sided, incompressible surfaces, all of these manifolds are Haken. Approximating the treewidth (resp. pathwidth) of closed, orientable 3-manifolds up to a constant factor is at least as hard as giving a constant-factor approximation of the treewidth (resp. pathwidth) of bounded-degree graphs. The argument for treewidth and pathwidth is the same. Given a graph G with maximum vertex degree , we use the polynomial-time procedure from <Ref> to build a 3-manifold with within a constant factor of G. An oracle for a constant-factor approximation of hence gives us a constant-factor approximation of G as well. Computing a constant-factor approximation of treewidth (resp. pathwidth) for arbitrary graphs is known to be conditionally NP-hard under the Small Set Expansion Hypothesis <cit.>. For proving <Ref>, however, we rely on the assumption that the graph has bounded degree. Thus the conditional hardness of approximating the treewidth (resp. pathwidth) of a 3-manifold does not directly follow. Establishing such a hardness result would add to the growing, but still relatively short list of algorithmic problems in low-dimensional topology that are known to be (conditionally) hard, cf. <cit.>. § DISCUSSION AND OPEN PROBLEMS We have demonstrated that 3-manifolds with JSJ decompositions with dual graphs of large treewidth (resp. pathwidth) and “sufficiently complicated” gluing maps cannot admit triangulations of low treewidth (resp. pathwidth). This provides a technique to construct a wealth of families of 3-manifolds with unbounded tree- or pathwidth that hopefully will prove to be useful for future research in the field. One obvious limitation of our construction is a seemingly heavy restriction on the JSJ gluing maps in order to deduce a connection between the treewidth of a 3-manifold and that of the dual graph of its JSJ decomposition. Hence, a natural question to ask is, how much this restriction on gluing maps may be relaxed while still allowing meaningful structural results about treewidth. In particular, we have the following question. Given a 3-manifold with JSJ decomposition and no restrictions on its JSJ gluings. Is there a lower bound for in terms of ()? Note that the assumption that we are considering the JSJ decomposition of is necessary: Consider a graph G=(V,E) and a collection of 3-manifolds {_v}_v ∈ V, where _v has (v) torus boundary components. Assume that we glue the manifolds _v along the arcs of G to obtain a closed 3-manifold . Without restrictions on how these pieces are glued together, this cannot result in a lower bound in terms of G: we can construct Seifert fibered spaces in this way, even if G=(V,E) is the complete graph with |V| arbitrarily large. At the same time, Seifert fibered spaces have constant treewidth, see <cit.>. What is the complexity of computing the treewidth of a 3-manifold? We believe that this should be at least as hard as computing the treewidth of a graph. § SELECTED RESULTS FROM 3-MANIFOLD TOPOLOGY In this appendix we collect important facts about the topology of 3-manifolds we rely on. We do not aim to reproduce their complete proofs; indeed, those are often quite technical or include lengthy case analyses. However, we do aim to give precise statements and references. §.§ Weak reductions The 3-torus ^3 = 1×1×1 is a closed 3-manifold built by identifying opposite faces of a solid cube K (<Ref>). It is well-known that ^3 has Heegaard genus ^3=3. A genus-three Heegaard splitting =(_1,_2,) of ^3 can be obtained as follows: Upon the face-identifications, the 1-skeleton of K becomes a bouquet -1.5pt < g r a p h i c s > of three circles. We let _1 = N_^3(-1.5pt < g r a p h i c s > ) be a closed regular neighborhood of -1.5pt < g r a p h i c s > in ^3, _2 be the closure of ^3∖_1, and = _1 ∩_2 be the resulting splitting surface (<Ref>). Note that D_1 and D_2 in <Ref> are essential disks in the handlebodies _1 and _2, respectively, and ∂ D_1 ∩∂ D_2 = ∅, hence the splitting =(_1,_2,) is weakly reducible. Now, a weak reduction at may be carried out as presented on <Ref>. We refer to <cit.> for details (cf. <cit.>). §.§ Seifert fibered spaces and JSJ decompositions A key assertion about the manifold _G constructed in <Ref> is <Ref>, according to which the dual graph () of the JSJ decomposition of _G satisfies () = G. This can be shown through the same argument that is outlined by Lackenby in <cit.>. However, while we use the same building blocks as Lackenby (namely the manifolds (k)), we glue them together via different (high-distance) maps. Therefore, some explanations are in order. To this end, closely following <cit.>, we recall some basic definitions and important results. Seifert fiberings A model Seifert fibering of the solid torus 1× D is a decomposition of 1× D into disjoint circles, called fibers, obtained as follows. Consider the solid cylinder [0,1] × D and identify its boundary disks {0}× D and {1}× D through a rotation by 2π p/q, where p and q are relatively prime integers with q > 0. After this identification the segment [0,1] ×{0} becomes a fiber 1×{0}, whereas every other fiber consists of q segments of the form [0,1]×{x}. Next, a Seifert fibering of 3-manifold is a decomposition of into disjoint circles (also called fibers), such that each fiber has a neighborhood homeomorphic to that of a fiber in some model Seifert fibering of 1× D via a fiber-preserving homeomorphism. A 3-manifold that admits a Seifert fibering is called a Seifert fibered space. The following classical result says that most Seifert fibered spaces admit a unique Seifert fibering. Every orientable Seifert fibered space admits a unique Seifert fibering up to fiber-preserving homeomorphism, except for: * 1× D, the solid torus (various model fiberings; see above), * 11 I, the orientable 1-bundle over the Möbius band (two fiberings), * Seifert fibered spaces over ℝP^2 with one exceptional fiber (two fiberings), * lens spaces L(p,q) including 3 and 1×2 (various fiberings), and * 111, the orientable 1-bundle over the Klein bottle (two fiberings). The manifolds (k) defined in <Ref> admit unique Seifert fiberings. The statement follows by observing that (k) is a Seifert fibered space over the torus, and so it does not belong to any of the exceptional manifolds mentioned in <Ref>. If an irreducible 3-manifold is a covering space of the interior of another 3-manifold , then is irreducible as well. [folklore, see <cit.>] For any compact, connected and orientable surface F (possibly with boundary) other than 2, the interior of F ×1 has ℝ^3 as its universal cover.[The claim holds for non-orientable surfaces as well with the exception of ℝP^2.] If F 2, it is well-known that the universal cover of F is ℝ^2. Indeed, for F ≅^2 a covering map ℝ^2 → F can be defined through the regular tiling of the Euclidean plane via squares, while for F ≅_g with genus g > 1 such a map can be obtained through the regular tiling of the hyperbolic plane via regular 4g-gons, with 4g such polygons meeting at each vertex <cit.>. If F has non-empty boundary, then by the theory of covering spaces <cit.> the interior of F has some universal cover 𝒳, and by the uniformization theorem <cit.>, this space 𝒳 – being a non-compact, open, simply-connected surface – must be homeomorphic to ℝ^2. As the universal cover of 1 is ℝ, it follows that the universal cover of F ×1 is ℝ^3. [folklore, see <cit.>] A 2-sided torus T ⊂ in an irreducible 3-manifold is compressible if and only if T either bounds a solid torus 1× D ⊂ or lies in a ball in . For any k ∈ℕ, (k) is irreducible and has incompressible boundary. The irreducibility of (k) is a consequence of <Ref> and <Ref>. Then, the incompressibility of ∂(k) follows from <Ref> by noting that ∂(k) is a union of tori and, by construction of (k), none of them bounds a solid torus or lies in a ball in (k). The manifold _G constructed in <Ref> is irreducible. Let G=(V,E) be a multigraph on n nodes with m arcs, and 𝐓 = {T_1,…,T_m} be the collection of pairwise disjoint tori T_i ⊂_G that are the images of the boundary tori of the manifolds _v ≅(d_v) after performing the torus-gluings in the construction of _G. Let us assume that _G is not irreducible, i.e., there is some reducing 2-sphere S ⊂_G. By definition, S does not bound a ball in _G. Note that S cannot be entirely contained in any of the building blocks _v ⊂_G, otherwise it would imply the reducibility of _v ≅(d_v), contradicting <Ref>. It follows that S ∩ (∪_i=1^m T_i) ≠∅. Thus, after an isotopy if necessary, we may assume that S intersects ∪_i=1^m T_i transversally, and the intersection S ∩ (∪_i=1^m T_i) is a union of pairwise disjoint closed curves α={α_1,…,α_ℓ} with ℓ being minimal. Now let α_j ∈α be a curve that is innermost in S, i.e., one of the two disks bounded by α_j in S, say D ⊂ S, does not contain any other curves from α. After relabeling if necessary, let T_j ∈𝐓 denote the torus for which α_j = S ∩ T_j. Note that, if α_j also bounds a disk D' ⊂ T_j, then D ∪ D' is a sphere entirely contained in one of the building blocks _w incident to T_j. Since _w is irreducible (<Ref>), D ∪ D' bounds a ball B ⊂_w, which can be used to eliminate α_j by first isotoping D inside B to coincide with D' and then pushing D' off the torus T_j, contradicting the minimality of α. Hence the disk D is essential in _w. However, this contradicts the incompressibility of T_j in _w (<Ref>). We follow the notation introduced in the proof of <Ref>. By <Ref>, each building block _v admits a unique Seifert fibering. In particular, each boundary component of _v has a uniquely determined fibering. Therefore, when two building blocks _u and _u' are glued together along boundary tori T ⊂∂_u and T' ⊂∂_u', the resulting 3-manifold is not Seifert fibered, unless the gluing map aligns the (identical) Seifert fiberings of T and T'. Now, it follows from the definition of distance <cit.> that gluing maps of distance at least one do not align these Seifert fiberings. (In fact, for any two fixed Seifert fiberings of the torus, there are precisely two maps that align them.) Hence, upon the manifold _G is constructed, the Seifert fibrations of adjacent building blocks induce different fibrations on each torus in 𝐓 = {T_1,…,T_m}. Now, by construction of the building blocks, none of the tori in 𝐓 bounds a solid torus (cf. <cit.>), therefore they are all incompressible (cf. <Ref>) and pairwise non-parallel. This implies that the building blocks _v (v ∈ V) are indeed the JSJ pieces of _G and the tori in 𝐓 comprise its JSJ tori. § TRIANGULATING THE BUILDING BLOCKS Here we describe the triangulation (k) of the building block (k) introduced in <Ref>. Topologically, (k) = ^2_k ×1, where ^2_k is obtained by removing the interiors of k pairwise disjoint disks from the torus ^2. To construct (k), first we triangulate ^2_k with 3k+2 triangles as shown in <Ref>. This triangulation of ^2_k naturally lifts to a decomposition of ^2_k × [0,1] into 3k+2 triangular prisms, each of which can be triangulated with three tetrahedra, see <Ref>. The construction of (k) is concluded by identifying the triangulations of ^2_k ×{0} and ^2_k ×{1} via the identity map. It immediately follows that (k) consists of 9k+6 = O(k) tetrahedra and induces a two-triangle triangulation at each boundary torus.
Multilevel Skeletonization Using Local Separators
[ "J. Andreas Bærentzen", "Rasmus Emil Christensen", "Emil Toftegaard Gæde", "Eva Rotenberg" ]
[ "cs.CG" ]
Parallel Vertex Diffusion for Unified Visual Grounding Zesen Cheng^1 Corresponding Author. Kehan Li^1 Peng Jin^1 Xiangyang Ji^3 Li Yuan^1,2 Chang Liu^3  Jie Chen^1,2 ^1 School of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Peking University ^2 Peng Cheng Laboratory ^3 Tsinghua University March 30, 2023 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ In this paper we give a new, efficient algorithm for computing curve skeletons, based on local separators. Our efficiency stems from a multilevel approach, where we solve small problems across levels of detail and combine these in order to quickly obtain a skeleton. We do this in a highly modular fashion, ensuring complete flexibility in adapting the algorithm for specific types of input or for otherwise targeting specific applications. Separator based skeletonization was first proposed by Bærentzen and Rotenberg in [ACM Tran. Graphics'21], showing high quality output at the cost of running times which become prohibitive for large inputs. Our new approach retains the high quality output, and applicability to any spatially embedded graph, while being orders of magnitude faster for all practical purposes. We test our skeletonization algorithm for efficiency and quality in practice, comparing it to local separator skeletonization on the University of Groningen Skeletonization Benchmark [Telea'16]. § INTRODUCTION A curve skeleton is a compact simplified representation of a shape, consisting only of curves. The act of skeletonization, in this context, is the computation of such a curve skeleton for a given input. For the remainder of this paper skeleton refers exclusively to curve skeletons. Various fields, including feature extraction, visualisation and medical imaging, care not only about shapes and objects, but also about their structures and features. In applications such as shape matching, the skeleton acts as a simplified representation of an object, allowing for reduced computation cost <cit.>, whereas in virtual navigation the curve skeleton can act as a collision free navigational structure <cit.>. The broad areas of application, and the different roles that skeletons play, lead to differing interpretations of exactly what the skeleton is. Although no widely agreed upon definition of skeletons exist, work has been done on narrowing down desirable properties of skeletons in the general case <cit.>. Instead of giving a formal definition, we will base our work on the evocative if imprecise definition of skeletons as simplified curve representations of the underlying structure and topology. In Figure <ref> we show skeletons of various input, to exemplify our definition. Many different approaches to skeletonization exist <cit.>, such as computing and pruning the medial surface <cit.>, computing mean curvature flow <cit.> or contracting meshes <cit.>. In a recent paper A. Bærentzen and E. Rotenberg present a new algorithm that bases itself on computing local separators <cit.>. We refer to this algorithm as the local separator skeletonization algorithm, LSS. This approach has the benefit that it requires only that the input be given as a spatially embedded graph, rather than a specific shape representation. This makes the method applicable to a wide variety of inputs, such as meshes, voxel grids or even input that does not necessarily represent a shape. In addition, the skeletons that it generates are of high quality, capturing features that contractive methods tend to miss. However, the algorithm is also computationally expensive. In this paper we present a multilevel algorithm for computing curve skeletons that we obtain by adapting LSS to a multilevel framework. Below, we start with some preliminaries and then present an overview of our contributions. Next, after a discussion of related work, we describe our approach to graph coarsening, projecting separators onto finer level graphs, and, finally, the multilevel skeletonization algorithm that builds on these components. We provide analyses of the algorithms in the paper and we test our work on a skeletonization benchmark. Our results show that our algorithm is orders of magnitude faster than that proposed by Bærentzen and Rotenberg while producing skeletons of comparable quality. §.§ Preliminaries We consider the discrete skeletonization problem, where both the input and output is represented by spatially embedded undirected graphs. Formally, we consider skeletonization of a graph G=(V,E) where each vertex is associated with a geometric position p_v∈ V∈ℝ^3. Note that we make no other assumptions about the graph, such as whether it is sampled from the surface of a manifold, created from a point cloud, or otherwise. In graph theory a vertex separator is a set of vertices whose removal disconnects the graph. In <cit.>, this notion is extended to local separators, defined as a subset of vertices, S⊂ V, that is a vertex separator of the subgraph induced by the closed neighbourhood of S. Likewise, the notion of a minimal local separator is defined as a local separator that is a minimal vertex separator of the subgraph induced by the closed neighbourhood. Intuitively, we cannot remove a vertex from a minimal local separator without the remaining set ceasing to be a local separator. For the rest of this paper, the term separator means local separator. §.§ Contributions The LSS algorithm computes skeletons through a three-phased approach. A large number of minimal local separators is computed, the minimal separators are selected using a greedy packing method, and, lastly, the skeleton is extracted from the packed set of minimal separators. A visualisation of these phases can be seen in Figure <ref>. As the algorithms for the first two phases play an intrinsic role in our algorithm, we give a brief description of these. Computing local separators is done through a two-step process. First a region growing approach is used to find a local separator. A vertex is picked, and we iteratively add to the separator an adjacent vertex and check if the neighbourhood is disconnected. We refer to this as growing a separator. Once a local separator has been found, it is heuristically minimised by removing vertices that would not destroy the separator. We refer to this as shrinking a separator. Because the running time of LSS is often dominated by the search for local separators, a sampling scheme is used to reduce computation. According to the scheme, vertices are selected for separator computation with probability 2^-x, where x is the number of previously computed separators that contain that vertex. Unfortunately, sampling only addresses the number of separators that need to be computed and not the time it takes to compute each separator. In this paper we address the latter issue using a multilevel approach. Specifically, we find separators on coarser versions of the graph and project them back up onto the original graph. Importantly, this allows us to set a patience threshold for the amount of computation that should be used to find a separator from a given vertex. When the threshold is exceeded we stop the search relying on a separator containing the given vertex to be found on a coarser level. §.§ Related Work Skeletonization, in terms of computing curve skeletons, is a diverse field not only in terms of interpretations of skeletons, but also in the algorithmic approaches. Several classifications of algorithms exist <cit.>, based on underlying traits of the algorithms. The interpretation that the curve skeleton should lie on the medial surface, gives rise to methods that, in a sense, extract a curve skeleton from the medial surface of the input <cit.>. Since the medial surface is highly sensitive to noise, so are the skeletons generated by these methods. A class of algorithms that are resilient to noise are the contractive methods, based on the concept of reducing the volume and surface area of the input until a skeleton is found <cit.>. In their simplest forms these algorithms require that the input be manifold, however it is possible to extend to other types of input <cit.>. A related notion for shape analysis is that of Reeb graphs <cit.>. These can be used for skeletonization, lending themselves to a topologically driven class of algorithms <cit.>. The resulting skeletons depend on a parameter, giving some flexibility in targeting specific properties of the output, but also requiring great care in the choice of the parameter. In addition there are algorithms that fit into classifications not presented here <cit.>. A very successful heuristic approach to the NP-complete problem of graph partitioning is that of multilevel algorithms <cit.>. Although the problem considered is different, we employ a similar multilevel scheme for vastly improving practical performance. Such multilevel schemes have been extensively studied <cit.>. § THE MULTILEVEL FRAMEWORK In its most general sense, the multilevel framework is a heuristic approach that aims to solve a problem by obtaining a solution to a smaller problem. Initially, a series of increasingly simplified approximations of the input is generated. We call this the coarsening phase, and the series of simplifications we call levels. Since the last level is small, computing a solution is much faster. In graph partitioning literature, this is called the partitioning phase; however, we will consider it in terms of solving a restricted problem. Then, the solution found on the last level is transformed into a solution on the input through uncoarsening. This process is also sometimes called projection and refinement, since uncoarsening from one level to the previous is often done by projecting onto the previous level, and then employing some refinement process to improve the solution according to some heuristic. By design, the multilevel framework is highly flexible. Various coarsening schemes can be used, that may prioritise preserving different properties of the input when simplifying. The restricted problem can be solved by any reasonable approach, and the refinement strategies can be adapted to suit the application. Our algorithm works by first coarsening the input into several levels of decreasing resolution. The details of this coarsening is described in Section <ref>. Once the hierarchy of graphs has been generated, we do a restricted search for local separators on each level of resolution. The details are covered in Section <ref>, but the intuition is that searching for large local separators is slow in practice, and by restricting our search we save computation. Since the separators found are small, this does however also mean that we are only able to capture small features of the structure. Since small features obtained on low resolution can represent large features on the original input, we obtain separators capturing features of varying sizes by searching for separators across every level. By projection and refinement, see Section <ref>, we then transform the minimal local separators found across the levels into minimal local separators on the input. These can then be packed and extracted by the approach of LSS. The procedure is visualised in Figure <ref>. §.§ Coarsening Given as input a graph, G=(V,E), we construct a sequence of increasingly simplified graphs, G_0,G_1,…,G_l s.t. G_0≻ G_1≻…≻ G_l where l=O(log n) and G_i≻ G_j denotes that G_j is a minor of G_i, and G_i=(V_i,E_i). Moreover G_0=G and ∀ i∈[0,l),|V_i|≥2|V_i+1|. We do this by a matching contraction scheme, in which we repeatedly construct and contract maximal matchings. Various approaches to such coarsening schemes exist in literature <cit.>, and from these, we choose to consider light edge matching. To construct G_i+1 from G_i, greedily find a maximal matching and contract it. Such a matching can be constructed in O(|E_i|) time by visiting vertices in a random order, matching them to an unmatched neighbour of smallest euclidean distance. We repeat this procedure until the number of vertices has been at least halved. In Figure <ref> we show some of the graphs obtained during coarsening of a triangle mesh resembling a statue of Neptune. Note that by contraction we always preserve the number of connected components. This is one of the homotopy-preserving properties of the algorithm. *Theoretical Analysis In the worst case, we may spend O(|V_i|) rounds of contraction in order to reach the desired number of vertices. This is a well known problem of matching contraction schemes on general graphs, but graphs obtained from the world of geometry tend to take a small number of rounds to contract <cit.>. A general bound on the time spent on the coarsening phase is then ∑_i=0^l(|V_i||E_i|)=|E|∑_i=0^l|V_i|=O(|V||E|). For graphs that are contracted in a constant number of rounds we get ∑_i=0^l|E_i| and if we furthermore have |E_i|=O(|V_i|), as is the case for triangle meshes and voxel grids, the bound becomes O(|V|). §.§ Restricted Separator Search For a given connected set of vertices, V', we refer to the subgraph induced by vertices adjacent to V', that are not in V' themselves, as the front of V' and denote it F(V'). A region growing based approach to computing local separators is given in <cit.>, where a separator, Σ, is iteratively grown until F(Σ) is disconnected. The approach uses an enclosing ball around the vertices of Σ to guide what vertex of F(Σ) is added next, and the connectivity of F(Σ) is then checked by traversal. As noted by the authors, it is possible to improve performance of the search by using a dynamic connectivity data structure to maintain the front, so that a traversal in every iteration is avoided. In addition to adapting the algorithm to use a dynamic connectivity data structure, we will also restrict the number of iterations the search performs. Given a vertex, v, set Σ_0=∅,F_0={v}, and then iteratively construct Σ_i=Σ_i-1∪{v_i∈ F(Σ_i-1)}, where v_i is the closest neighbour of the front to an enclosing sphere around Σ_i-1. Maintain F(Σ_i), update the enclosing sphere and repeat until F(Σ_i) is disconnected or empty, or |Σ_i| exceeds a threshold value. Pseudocode for this restricted separator search is shown in Algorithm <ref>. *Theoretical Analysis We analyse the complexity of this restricted separator search in terms of the graph G'=Σ∪ F(Σ) with n' vertices and m' edges, using the dynamic connectivity data structure of Holm, de Lichtenberg and Thorup with updates in amortized O(log^2n') time <cit.>. Since the size of the separator is at most α and we add one vertex each iteration, we use at most α iterations selecting the closest vertex from the front, updating the bounding sphere and maintaining the dynamic connectivity structure. Selecting the closest vertex is done naively with a scan through the front, taking O(n') time and updating the bounding sphere takes O(1) time each iteration. This gives a running time of O(α n'). Each edge in the dynamic connectivity structure is inserted and removed at most once, with each operation taking O(log^2n') amortized time, totalling O(m'log^2n'). The total running time is then O(α n'+m'log^2n'). In the general case we give no better worst case bound than O(α|V|+|E|log^2|V|). For graphs of bounded maximum degree we can bound the size of the front. Let Δ be the maximum degree of G, then n'=O(|Σ|Δ)=O(αΔ) and m'=O(αΔ^2). This gives a time of O(α^2Δ+αΔ^2log^2(αΔ)). In addition if we choose α to be a small constant, the bound is further improved to O(Δ^2log^2Δ). For graphs where Δ=O(1) as for voxel grids or knn-graphs, the search then becomes O(1). Note that for this bound to be applicable across the entirety of the algorithm, the degree needs to remain bounded through coarsening. §.§ Projection and Refinement For projecting separators to graphs of higher levels of detail, we employ a simple uncoarsening technique. By storing information about what vertices were contracted during coarsening, we can reverse the contractions that gave rise to the vertices of a given separator. Note however that a separator that has been projected in such a way is not guaranteed to be minimal. The simplest refinement scheme is thus one that uses the algorithm for minimising separators as in LSS. The minimising algorithm is a heuristic approach that seeks to minimise a separator such that the structure becomes that of a thin band. When used on separators that are obtained through projection, there is not necessarily much room for choice. Therefore we consider a variation of our refinement scheme, we thus choose to "thicken" the separators after projection, by adding the adjacent vertices if it would not destroy the separator. This gives the heuristic minimisation more options for creating separators of shorter length, as visualised in Figure <ref>. Projecting a separator can be done in linear time proportional to the size of the resulting separator, while the minimisation in worst case takes quadratic time (see Appendix <ref>). After processing each separator in this way, we obtain a set of minimal separators for the current level. If we accumulate separators indiscriminately, we will spend time projecting and refining separators that will ultimately be discarded due to overlapping. If we perform set packing on every level, we are going to be too eager in our efforts, discarding things that might not overlap once projected further. Intuitively, we would like to only discard separators if there is a large overlap. To do this, we associate with each vertex, v, of every graph, G_i, a capacity, c_v^i, equal to the sum of capacities of vertices contracted to obtain it. For vertices of G_0 we define the capacities as 1, formally ∀ v∈ V(G_0), c_v^0=1. In this way, the capacity of a given vertex is the number of vertices of the original input that it represents. We then modify the greedy set packing algorithm of LSS, so that we include a separator iff it would not cause any vertex to exceed its capacity. Since the capacities of G_0 are 1, this packing is equivalent to the original when applied to the highest level of resolution, and thus we will still have a non-overlapping set of separators at the end. Note however that this packing allows for duplicates to persist through packing, essentially reducing the capacities of vertices while providing no valuable information. To counteract this, we perform a filtering step using hashing to rid duplicates prior to the packing procedure. Filtering and packing in this way takes time linear in the sum of sizes of separators in the set. §.§ The Multilevel Skeletonization Algorithm With the details of the phases in place, we can then combine these to construct the multilevel skeletonization algorithm. Given a spatially embedded input graph, G=(V,E), and a threshold value α, we construct a curve skeleton by the following: Generate G_i from G_i-1 by coarsening, until |G_l|≤α for some l. This generates the sequence of graphs of decreasing resolution G_0,G_1,…,G_l where l=O(log|V|) and ∑_i=0^l|V_i|=O(|V|). Then, starting at the lowest resolution, G_l, find restricted separators. We do this by the restricted separator search, starting at each vertex with probability 2^-x, where x is the number of currently computed separators containing that vertex, using α as the restriction on the size of the search. After computing the separators for a level, we perform capacity packing, and then we project the computed separators to the next level and refine them. This process is repeated for every level until we arrive at the original graph. At this point, after performing capacity packing, we obtain a non-overlapping set of minimal separators from which we extract the skeleton, using the extraction procedure of LSS <cit.>. Pseudocode for this algorithm can be seen in Algorithm <ref>. *Theoretical Analysis For completeness' sake we consider then the complexity of the algorithm. Recall that the coarsening phase in the general worst case takes O(|V||E|) time, but for not too irregular input takes O(|V|) time. We then perform a restricted separator search from each vertex across every level, which is O(α|V|^2+|V||E|log^2|V|) in the general worst case, but O(α|V|) for graphs that retain constant bounded degree through coarsening. We consider then the time a single separator contributes to the total when expanding, filtering and packing. These operations are linear in the size of the separator on each level, which is worst case O(|V_i|) on level i. This totals ∑_i=0^lO(|V_i|)=O(|V|) for a single separator across all levels. Minimizing a single separator takes worst case O(|V_i|^2) on level i, which for a single separator contributes ∑_i=0^lO(|V_i|^2)=O(|V|^2) across all levels. We also perform packing on each level, linear in the sum of sizes of separators, which in total takes ∑_i=0^lO(|V_i|^2)=O(|V|^2) time. The general worst case bound then becomes O(|V|^3+|V||E|log^2|V|), which is an improvement over LSS. It is worth mentioning however, that in practice the running time for both LSS and our algorithm is heavily dominated by the search for separators, and that theoretically expensive procedures, such as minimisation, make up only a small fraction of the running time. § EXPERIMENTS In this work, our main objective was to make an algorithm that produces the same quality of skeletons as LSS <cit.>, only with improved running times, using new algorithmic ideas and algorithm engineering. As we will show in this section, the improvements to practical running times are very satisfactory. As for quality, it is our overall assessment that the quality has not been compromised by the speed-up. There is, however, no standard for how skeletons should be compared. In <cit.> it is remarked that quantifying the quality of skeletons is an open challenge, but we shall instead compare ourselves only to skeletons obtained by LSS, to quantify the deviation obtained by employing the multilevel approach. To do this, we will measure a number of metrics, namely the number of vertices in the skeleton, the number of leaf nodes, branch nodes, chordless cycles which estimates the genus of the input, and the directed Hausdorff distance in both directions. For our comparisons, it is the relationship between directed Hausdorff distances that matter, rather than the magnitudes. A high distance from an LSS skeleton to our skeleton, with a low distance the other way, could indicate that LSS captures a feature that our skeleton does not. Likewise for the inverse, which might indicate that we are capturing a feature that LSS does not deem to exist. We give our Hausdorff distances divided by the radius of a bounding sphere, to reduce influence from the differing scales of input. We run our tests on the Groningen Skeletonization Benchmark <cit.>, consisting of several triangle meshes of varying structure. The test are executed on HPC Cluster nodes with Xeon Gold 6226R (2.90GHz) CPUs, using 8 cores of a single CPU for each test. For running time measurements, tests are run three times, and the median value is reported. For comparisons we examine three algorithms, namely the local separator skeletonization algorithm (LSS) <cit.>, our multilevel algorithm using light edge matchings, described in Section <ref>, as contraction scheme (LEM) as well as with light edge matchings and thickened separators, described in Section <ref>, as the refinement scheme (LEMTS). We note that the variation of LSS with which we compare our algorithms also includes usage of a dynamic connectivity structure, so that the search procedures are identical up to the threshold parameter. *Implementation Our implementation is written in , built into a fork of the GEL library, and made publicly available <cit.>. This is the same library that contains LSS, and as such our algorithms use the same underlying data structures and subroutines. All programs are compiled using optimisation flags. Details regarding the dynamic connectivity structure are given in Appendix <ref>. We run the restricted searches in parallel internally on each level, using a simple fork-join pattern, identical to that of LSS. To account for the multilevel structure of our algorithm, we then pack using a single thread, project using at most two threads and repeat the pattern for the next level. The decision to use only two threads for projection stems from the fact that the overhead associated with spinning up threads quickly outweighs the benefits of parallel projection since there are often few separators after packing. §.§ Results Here we present our results in terms of measurements on the Groningen Skeletonization Benchmark. Initially we argue for our choice of α, showing how the threshold impacts both skeleton quality as well as running time. We then present a number of results relating to the skeletons themselves to showcase the quality of output. We then present our measurements of running times, as well as discuss interesting observations. Additional measurements are presented in Appendix <ref> and Appendix <ref>. *The Right Amount of Patience – Determining a Threshold Value α To show the effects of α on the running time, we consider a small test suite using subdivisions of a mesh to generate various sizes of input. This is done to ensure a similar underlying structure throughout the test. We test our multilevel algorithm for α=8,16,32,64,128 (see Figure <ref>). Not surprisingly, a lower threshold leads to a lower running time. However, there may be a trade-off between skeleton quality and threshold value, which we explore qualitatively. We visually examine the skeletons generated for our choices of α on , as seen in Figure <ref>. For very low values of α, the skeletons have few curves in areas that are relatively thick. With a low threshold, separators must be found on lower resolutions, which in turn means that few separators can be found. As we progress to higher values of α, the level of detail of the skeleton rises, up to a certain point. Intuitively, if the threshold is high enough that the details can be captured on the higher levels of detail, then we gain nothing from the lower resolution levels. It could be argued that α=16 or α=32 generates the most visually appealing skeletons for this particular input, however we find that α=64 offers the best trade-off for running time on other examined input such as that shown in Figure <ref>. Thus, we run the remainder of our tests using α=64. *Skeleton Quality In Figure <ref> we show some of the skeletons obtained by LSS, LEM and LEMTS. Note that both LEM and LEMTS appear smoother, while also reaching the features that LSS finds in many cases. In addition, it seems that for these inputs our methods find less spurious features, giving a cleaner result. When comparing LEM and LEMTS the differences are subtle. On it can be seen that the vertex where the front legs meet the body is positioned further to the left. This is due to LEMTS having a denser skeleton. On the other hand, LEMTS seems to not capture the structure of the groin area of as well as LEM. Although it appears as if LEMTS finds a cycle, this is not actually the case. The skeletal branch is, however, not positioned as one would expect. In addition, we also showcase a small excerpt of measurements from Appendix <ref>, which can be seen in Table <ref>. Here it is clear that LEM and LEMTS produce slightly simpler skeletons with fewer vertices, leaves, and branches. However, from visual inspection of the models it is clear that (at least for the models in the table) the missing details in the skeleton correspond to features which are so subtle that the skeletal details might be considered spurious. For all inputs of the benchmark except , there is little deviation in the genus compared to LSS. For context on the strange genus found on , we show the generated skeletons in Figure <ref>. Of note is that the mesh has several missing patches, which seems to cause spurious small separators to be found on all of the local separator based methods. We consider this an error case for all of the methods examined. *Running Time Although the running time of local separator skeletonization methods depends very much on the search for separators, which in turn depends on the structure of the input, we give the running times of the examined methods in Figure <ref> as a function of the number of vertices in the input, over the entirety of the Groningen Skeletonization Benchmark <cit.>. Remarkably, we find that the multilevel algorithm not only outperforms LSS by several orders of magnitude, but also that it seems to be less dependant on the underlying structure of the triangle meshes, giving what appears to be a slightly superlinear curve. This effect is even more pronounced when considering only the time to search for separators. Under assumptions about the degree of the graphs, we showed that searching was O(1) for a single separator and O(|V|) in total. This experiment seems to confirm that this assumption is fitting for classical input, as is the case with the triangle meshes of the Groningen Skeletonization Benchmark. In Table <ref> we show an excerpt of the running time measurements, including measurements of the phases of the algorithm. Here the vast gap in performance is clear, especially for , which is the largest input for which we have been able to run LSS, given a time frame of 20 hours. For this particular instance we achieve a running time that is almost a thousand times faster. Of note is that LEMTS spends more time on projection, as expected, but less time on packing than LEM. As stated previously, the search for separators is often the dominating phase, however there are types of input for which this is not the case, as evidenced by . The mesh consists of flat sheets with small details engraved, as can be seen in Figure <ref>. For both LSS and the multilevel algorithms, a large portion of the time is spent on packing and projection. This can occur if the separators are generally small and plentiful, so that many of them may quickly be found. For these are particularly present around the imprinted text on the top sheets. It is worth noting that this would likely also be an example for which the structure of the input matters greatly for the running time of our multilevel algorithms. § CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK We have proposed a multilevel algorithm for computing local separator-based curve skeletons, and shown that the approach is very efficient. We obtain a practical running time that appears near linear in the number of vertices of the input (see Figure <ref>) with up to thousandfold improvement in running time while not deteriorating the quality of the output substantially, if at all. This type of running time improvement makes separator-based skeletonization applicable as a tool in biomedical image analysis, including frame-by-frame skeletonization of videos <cit.>. The application to video skeletonization motivates an unexplored line of related work, namely that of efficiently dynamically updating skeletons in a series of related shapes. The multilevel approach offers great flexibility that has yet to be explored. It is easy to imagine coarsening schemes targeting specific structures of input, such as contracting clusters, rather than edges, on voxel input. These contraction schemes may provide new trade-offs between practical performance and skeleton quality. When applying coarsening to scale-free graphs, as might be the case for data visualisation or areas of application that are not classical for skeletonization, we move into a domain known from the field of graph partitioning to cause trouble for matching contraction schemes <cit.>. It is interesting to see if the improved practical performance, and the applicability to any spatially embedded graph, opens up for new areas of application of skeletons. § TIME MEASUREMENTS §.§ LSS c|c|c|c|c|c input vertices edges search (s) pack (s) total (s) 17674 124998 375000 2210.77 1267.03 3478.68 18020 75122 225599 3.99153 45.1806 49.2553 19465 103351 310989 25.8787 138.836 164.714 20304 928 2790 0.241744 0.0326365 0.276727 20306 300 894 0.0331013 0.0025101 0.0371508 21362 1828 5862 1.35847 0.311618 1.67805 21464 9041 26817 0.855021 0.163493 1.02239 21747 2918 8766 0.0958573 0.0691565 0.167391 21788 23062 69132 34.9016 7.44311 42.3761 22081 3970 11934 0.892292 0.485193 1.3761 22290 944 2832 1.28241 0.0388288 1.32425 22601 12554 37704 2.08853 2.40571 4.50452 22669 28738 86208 199.372 25.7059 225.13 22701 52784 158346 7008.77 396.256 7405.48 22711 2820 8460 1.23153 0.252354 1.49249 22808 9640 28920 4.3411 0.936791 5.28941 22826 56143 168453 4086.67 867.461 4951.25 23091 4120 12354 5.90686 0.169803 6.0869 711_dente 9337 28005 34.1009 4.06142 38.1319 armadillo 172974 518916 11448.4 3543.65 14997.0 armadillo_vc 106289 318861 3204.65 1383.1 4592.3 asiandragon9a 231606 694743 5918.86 2587.44 8507.07 ballJoint 137062 411180 20924.2 1264.41 22189.5 bird2 11718 35148 21.1993 5.67294 26.8925 bird3 46866 140592 502.613 119.191 625.678 bird4 187458 562368 15499.6 2143.4 17643.8 bird 11718 35148 21.455 5.69072 27.1211 bmw2 125424 375531 592.198 723.553 1313.84 bmw 70536 211048 30.796 175.206 205.87 boeing 3975 10811 0.0979876 0.0840983 0.185436 brain2 294016 882048 52170.7 6002.66 58175.3 bunny 34834 104288 871.727 128.254 1000.12 bun_zipper 34834 104288 875.806 125.535 1004.16 bun_zipper_res2 8260 24480 25.3724 4.08634 29.4296 bun_zipper_res3 2000 5775 1.02591 0.143932 1.17524 bun_zipper_res4 518 1425 0.0644569 0.00645594 0.0730992 chicken_high 135142 405420 18539.4 2860.69 21424.2 cow10 181839 545481 10713.4 3048.3 13762.7 cow2 185730 557184 10498.4 3797.46 14222.4 cow3 252054 756090 46773.5 9664.54 56448.4 cube2 98306 294912 5827.69 35.6819 5863.63 dog 18114 54336 36.1876 13.7726 49.996 dragon 435680 1307182 46615.4 20637.9 67255.9 ele12a 50488 151470 430.976 107.081 538.198 ele_fine 173026 519060 12251.0 2526.92 14778.7 elk2 35062 105186 132.307 98.1348 230.095 fertility 24994 75000 95.8574 42.1409 136.664 frog 37225 111669 325.885 102.875 431.331 gargoyle 25002 75000 221.986 68.5221 291.185 grandpiano 2904 8136 0.132531 0.0202437 0.154685 happy4 397569 1190310 7646.21 15731.9 23379.2 heart 23062 69132 34.0533 6.79733 40.8846 heptoroid 79056 237294 66.3978 109.493 176.037 hh2 197245 591230 25040.0 4864.86 29869.8 hh 49374 147871 649.029 180.944 830.178 hht 53754 161109 1115.03 214.659 1329.94 hippo 40367 121082 355.525 132.543 489.036 horse3 193934 581796 15966.7 1511.87 17478.4 horse9 89400 268187 1071.45 387.892 1458.51 horse 48485 145449 544.182 85.6915 628.3 hound2 200463 600913 5757.82 2253.16 7977.3 hound 12578 37592 7.98674 3.63663 11.6414 human_hand 49374 147871 611.868 172.992 783.473 humerus 35002 105000 303.445 37.4675 340.978 ico 40962 122880 583.475 5.22691 588.763 kitten3 54838 164508 1491.24 389.112 1884.23 kitten 137098 411294 18429.4 3380.57 21810.9 lion2 65648 196696 1304.7 378.208 1683.55 lion 184738 550783 10751.5 2252.04 12985.5 lucy 100697 302085 2067.93 1035.66 3104.06 memento 26277 78825 100.99 36.0391 137.863 micscope2 265410 792121 1947.31 1260.84 3206.91 micscope 4146 12355 0.373911 0.0657359 0.443446 m 25631 71054 1.14553 1.7946 2.95392 mouse2 403652 1210944 44112.1 8690.16 52701.7 mouse 6311 18921 2.92597 0.691586 3.62578 neptune 28052 84168 56.296 62.8555 119.232 noisydino2 23370 69872 67.7212 30.5944 98.2667 noisydino8a 31497 94485 174.728 45.5758 219.857 noisydino 23370 69872 69.0721 30.8234 100.0 pig2 225282 675840 46042.1 8980.69 54639.5 pig 3522 10560 2.13615 0.539077 2.67718 pipe 2820 8460 1.20779 0.253799 1.46849 rcube2 98306 294912 6511.13 63.371 6574.24 rcube 24578 73728 281.882 3.76864 285.555 rhino2 128342 384790 2160.26 859.125 3025.39 rhino 8075 24058 3.43115 1.16439 4.60909 rockerArm2 43213 129639 792.765 118.601 911.377 rockerArm 40177 120531 629.687 62.2081 692.141 rotor 2328 7104 0.168337 0.0910922 0.261838 sacrum 204710 614226 9076.89 6283.98 15415.7 sandal2 40316 119568 27.8837 14.9089 42.8545 sandal3 22473 66039 35.9975 9.61242 45.7281 sandal 2636 7608 0.150706 0.0515755 0.205492 scapula 116930 350784 24658.3 3220.81 27880.1 screwdriver 27152 81450 635.749 48.1479 683.989 seabowl 45095 135303 569.478 119.554 688.461 ship1 2526 7220 0.0986438 0.0514934 0.152607 ship2 38122 113189 13.0851 20.6763 33.8212 ship3 74544 222199 56.9407 168.925 225.95 spider 4675 13929 0.524195 0.252 0.780605 tomgun2 65638 196496 82.568 78.9012 161.01 tomgun 4177 12305 0.388707 0.112197 0.504491 walleye2 49518 146582 309.593 81.8352 389.27 walleye 3343 9286 0.927982 0.128176 1.06049 Runtime measurements of LSS on the Groningen Skeletonization Benchmark §.§ LEM c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c input vertices edges coarsen (s) search (s) project (s) pack (s) total (s) 17674 124998 375000 1.42035 13.4979 3.4347296 0.349129 16.8551 18020 75122 225599 0.713029 3.41843 6.5007303 10.2568 17.022 19465 103351 310989 1.20002 9.18989 9.410914 12.4392 26.8306 20304 928 2790 0.00472449 0.101381 0.022000955 0.000595655 0.119704 20306 300 894 0.00202366 0.0381954 0.012915355 0.000244554 0.0477475 21362 1828 5862 0.00957011 0.211413 0.03324375 0.00390133 0.249427 21464 9041 26817 0.0507172 0.605148 0.3172494 0.0488438 0.850748 21747 2918 8766 0.013928 0.16035 0.12938649 0.0353876 0.272814 21788 23062 69132 0.187331 2.19023 0.57236465 0.0442584 2.69455 22081 3970 11934 0.0225922 0.3726 0.10956878 0.0134095 0.463392 22290 944 2832 0.00453149 0.138593 0.018698548 0.000293809 0.154601 22601 12554 37704 0.0887529 0.95333 0.4130805 0.120493 1.35994 22669 28738 86208 0.274313 2.98669 0.51025489 0.0317114 3.5369 22701 52784 158346 0.473056 6.44374 0.28137197 0.00285178 7.15982 22711 2820 8460 0.0140559 0.318642 0.12283238 0.00448683 0.395761 22808 9640 28920 0.0650948 0.998223 0.20622033 0.0163558 1.17796 22826 56143 168453 0.512271 6.07731 1.0100605 0.0550804 7.14747 23091 4120 12354 0.0196667 0.455104 0.083162039 0.00300366 0.526664 711_dente 9337 28005 0.0641343 0.985219 0.22779954 0.0100632 9 armadillo 172974 518916 2.51794 19.0322 5.0844824 0.48021 24.3899 armadillo_vc 106289 318861 1.43063 11.3844 3.0456077 0.28918 14.4931 asiandragon10a 954227 2862226 14.0947 105.433 56.60956 7.17272 150.045 asiandragon9a 231606 694743 2.89486 23.9127 10.1410711 1.61975 32.5958 ballJoint 137062 411180 1.66799 15.7521 1.5901205 0.0301499 18.3389 bird2 11718 35148 0.092326 1.15743 0.35719044 0.0373765 1.44558 bird3 46866 140592 0.531434 4.70348 1.0330702 0.0722855 5.81154 bird4 187458 562368 2.23458 20.2136 2.6803021 0.134734 24.0237 bird 11718 35148 0.101527 1.13771 0.35191275 0.036676 1.42879 bmw2 125424 375531 1.53246 14.1645 7.991554 7.8399 26.958 bmw 70536 211048 0.699872 5.86059 3.613716 3.39631 11.5671 boeing 3975 10811 0.0174186 0.192201 0.140817 0.0562142 0.336693 brain2 294016 882048 3.57649 33.2128 5.1804536 0.266868 39.709 bunny 34834 104288 0.351915 3.78063 0.67709918 0.0480589 4.5399 bun_zipper 34834 104288 0.359259 3.79813 0.66139868 0.046271 4.5309 bun_zipper_res2 8260 24480 0.06046 0.86436 0.18984358 0.0197775 1.04349 bun_zipper_res3 2000 5775 0.0103474 0.197153 0.058296746 0.00757159 0.245245 bun_zipper_res4 518 1425 0.00334376 0.0538328 0.019278557 0.000693185 0.0692462 chicken_high 135142 405420 1.6475 15.2427 1.868914 0.041709 17.9348 cow10 181839 545481 2.13711 19.3315 4.4587347 0.226973 23.704 cow2 185730 557184 2.13695 18.7325 5.4557653 0.530463 23.8909 cow3 252054 756090 3.43701 28.0588 6.0824288 0.546523 34.7918 cow9 136988 410946 1.59892 14.5176 3.3032935 0.169401 17.7899 cube2 98306 294912 0.883138 11.2845 1.1164629 0.0178002 12.8058 dog 18114 54336 0.155731 1.79058 0.5426249 0.0481439 2.25427 dragon 435680 1307182 6.25851 49.6567 18.753684 3.42042 67.4554 dragon_vrip 435680 1307182 6.06857 49.8861 18.780025 3.46152 67.4061 dragon_vrip_res2 102112 303088 1.26637 10.3709 2.9057934 0.333104 13.3148 dragon_vrip_res3 24417 71126 0.230862 2.22082 0.7889312 0.0935623 2.91563 dragon_vrip_res4 5743 16431 0.0387931 0.47057 0.21363361 0.0264042 0.63171 ele12a 50488 151470 0.53858 5.01851 1.2827198 0.0729709 6.25953 ele_fine 173026 519060 2.29251 19.088 3.5553908 0.187306 23.2524 elk2 35062 105186 0.377056 3.53251 0.81446343 0.0563738 4.33083 fertility 24994 75000 0.234681 2.38572 0.7753682 0.0600592 3.03186 frog 37225 111669 0.362007 3.89609 1.0568452 0.153736 4.929 gargoyle 25002 75000 0.236856 2.72392 0.5215487 0.0393314 3.23942 grandpiano 2904 8136 0.0113828 0.175221 0.0559794 0.00671873 0.224557 happy4 397569 1190310 6.89638 49.6684 12.7328477 2.22244 64.2245 happy 543822 1631680 7.9146 66.7996 20.8506963 3.93399 87.752 heart 23062 69132 0.20292 2.16714 0.594186 0.0456437 2.69486 heptoroid 79056 237294 0.969235 6.84475 3.6109921 1.1477 10.5038 hh2 197245 591230 2.50199 20.7739 3.9906898 0.190638 25.4634 hh 49374 147871 0.517598 4.89417 1.366125 0.0889966 6.14942 hht 53754 161109 0.649063 5.36146 1.4218338 0.111029 6.83171 hippo 40367 121082 0.407343 4.28243 0.9159472 0.0617453 5.18609 horse3 193934 581796 2.46719 21.5099 4.4235634 0.160395 26.2848 horse9 89400 268187 1.02295 9.02118 2.4578347 0.153465 11.2601 horse 48485 145449 0.504898 5.10887 1.2762728 0.0669417 6.27845 hound2 200463 600913 2.21726 21.6746 5.4904756 0.53687 26.9504 hound 12578 37592 0.101115 1.15836 0.4332293 0.0557417 1.52113 human_hand 49374 147871 0.563042 4.92293 1.2874627 0.084787 6.17145 humerus 35002 105000 0.368269 3.59696 0.9222292 0.0306101 4.42637 ico 40962 122880 0.385356 4.70133 0.2181534 0.000810135 5.27336 kitten3 54838 164508 0.564621 5.72572 0.92238507 0.0368314 6.8351 kitten 137098 411294 1.63015 15.2895 1.9815453 0.0444201 18.0658 lion2 65648 196696 0.761081 6.9304 1.6788871 0.16808 8.70898 lion 184738 550783 2.2956 20.9184 3.6100428 0.288113 25.2353 lucy 100697 302085 1.20264 10.2482 2.5055618 0.201589 12.8405 memento 26277 78825 0.251496 2.57331 0.9146878 0.0917045 3.3258 micscope2 265410 792121 3.0882 29.8056 13.284129 3.11965 41.5345 micscope 4146 12355 0.020966 0.407153 0.0991788 0.0213976 0.502653 m 25631 71054 0.172642 1.23407 0.7839142 0.511338 2.2808 mouse2 403652 1210944 4.65876 47.6706 20.374639 7.6661 68.2746 mouse 6311 18921 0.0383902 0.652853 0.23409506 0.0430953 0.847976 neptune 28052 84168 0.312728 2.7382 1.0849813 0.230939 3.77785 noisydino2 23370 69872 0.235437 2.25831 0.7979447 0.0873257 2.91716 noisydino8a 31497 94485 0.319535 3.00893 0.9531643 0.0592822 3.78642 noisydino 23370 69872 0.223275 2.25698 0.8086116 0.0826377 2.92994 pig2 225282 675840 2.76833 24.2396 5.5608734 0.502856 30.1216 pig 3522 10560 0.0212906 0.286789 0.12774142 0.0229754 0.395927 pipe 2820 8460 0.0142335 0.321047 0.1244618 0.00482331 0.396382 rcube2 98306 294912 0.956272 11.0931 1.2481161 0.0166792 12.7712 rcube 24578 73728 0.184148 2.7447 0.28438118 0.00394089 3.11112 rhino2 128342 384790 1.48467 13.2432 3.2735371 0.26516 16.5302 rhino 8075 24058 0.0515384 0.736705 0.26798898 0.0347169 0.949532 rockerArm2 43213 129639 0.458789 4.56635 0.8497291 0.0225036 5.48141 rockerArm 40177 120531 0.40493 4.16544 0.8525191 0.0211871 5.00707 rotor 2328 7104 0.0119959 0.178435 0.09086232 0.0205675 0.257278 sacrum 204710 614226 2.81857 22.8123 3.8453268 0.223871 27.7257 sandal2 40316 119568 0.344412 3.9165 1.8148215 0.581826 5.66137 sandal3 22473 66039 0.203555 2.18896 0.782279 0.250619 3.01813 sandal 2636 7608 0.0122295 0.209453 0.10131738 0.0163152 0.288116 scapula 116930 350784 1.50627 12.7815 1.6220242 0.0559348 15.2969 screwdriver 27152 81450 0.256815 2.90263 0.54800159 0.022825 3.46602 seabowl 45095 135303 0.499152 4.7644 1.0131984 0.0813877 5.8672 ship1 2526 7220 0.0123951 0.149451 0.09039014 0.0201223 0.226589 ship2 38122 113189 0.339199 2.99193 1.5399452 0.589327 4.64253 ship3 74544 222199 0.862242 6.60576 3.8058408 4.91441 14.06 spider 4675 13929 0.0256434 0.364411 0.16410401 0.0562838 0.529353 tomgun2 65638 196496 0.651883 5.95249 2.2170524 0.441005 8.03167 tomgun 4177 12305 0.0214907 0.294542 0.1132001 0.0142692 0.384086 walleye2 49518 146582 0.471817 5.38596 1.4151858 0.535818 7.05759 walleye 3343 9286 0.0165995 0.314689 0.08863707 0.0095865 0.390043 Runtime measurements of multilevel skeletonization using Light Edge Matchings on the Groningen Skeletonization Benchmark §.§ LEMTS c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c input vertices edges coarsen (s) search (s) project (s) pack (s) total (s) 17674 124998 375000 1.37288 13.8259 6.1536268 0.252363 18.094 18020 75122 225599 0.70643 3.50639 12.0219301 9.39802 18.3356 19465 103351 310989 1.21294 9.41457 14.851733 9.8696 26.5518 20304 928 2790 0.00476734 0.105907 0.051260507 0.000753875 0.135355 20306 300 894 0.00249888 0.0371973 0.024086454 0.000285874 0.0506875 21362 1828 5862 0.00991051 0.210066 0.09045887 0.00351191 0.270029 21464 9041 26817 0.0559211 0.619575 0.69601524 0.0423914 0.996912 21747 2918 8766 0.014122 0.172405 0.29007067 0.0304931 0.338011 21788 23062 69132 0.193463 2.16468 1.28154913 0.0426115 2.93941 22081 3970 11934 0.0226519 0.380269 0.25070048 0.0123173 0.519388 22290 944 2832 0.00448527 0.139352 0.038550872 0.000262215 0.160744 22601 12554 37704 0.0975062 0.987717 0.851674 0.100677 1.54694 22669 28738 86208 0.286316 3.0546 1.04230053 0.0200472 3.79582 22701 52784 158346 0.461819 6.42563 0.44446955 0.00207974 7.17059 22711 2820 8460 0.014311 0.323639 0.29059017 0.00287403 0.458739 22808 9640 28920 0.0634594 1.03166 0.41110239 0.00978584 1.27532 22826 56143 168453 0.519806 5.99483 2.4316612 0.0505605 7.60915 23091 4120 12354 0.0194701 0.469513 0.189625955 0.00240466 0.575799 711_dente 9337 28005 0.0686141 0.998655 0.53344135 0.00867415 1.30378 armadillo 172974 518916 2.46986 19.1877 9.4305278 0.327339 25.8982 armadillo_vc 106289 318861 1.39404 11.5249 6.2142442 0.214773 15.7169 asiandragon10a 954227 2862226 14.0653 105.332 83.178314 4.52812 155.153 asiandragon9a 231606 694743 2.8553 24.0592 16.917632 1.13746 34.8331 ballJoint 137062 411180 1.67507 15.6877 3.3411102 0.020369 18.9884 bird2 11718 35148 0.0805309 1.14146 0.84050036 0.0315955 1.59471 bird3 46866 140592 0.50282 4.73525 2.300044 0.0632088 6.22924 bird4 187458 562368 2.40017 20.3605 5.5991965 0.101529 25.3824 bird 11718 35148 0.093867 1.13195 0.81265529 0.0290167 1.57061 bmw2 125424 375531 1.51884 14.236 12.5885782 6.99201 28.1195 bmw 70536 211048 0.691096 5.92067 6.792073 2.90765 12.4277 boeing 3975 10811 0.0177992 0.196806 0.26577117 0.0488982 0.379375 brain2 294016 882048 3.57092 33.3187 8.5313576 0.242088 40.9286 bunny 34834 104288 0.363232 3.79656 1.37544507 0.039346 4.79618 bun_zipper 34834 104288 0.352807 3.84765 1.29270687 0.0410116 4.79398 bun_zipper_res2 8260 24480 0.0529122 0.878866 0.39589784 0.0167918 1.11783 bun_zipper_res3 2000 5775 0.010301 0.204269 0.12545401 0.00639514 0.279434 bun_zipper_res4 518 1425 0.00291506 0.0560733 0.04312842 0.000641622 0.0777027 chicken_high 135142 405420 1.60237 15.1774 3.5583817 0.0341168 18.4927 cow10 181839 545481 2.17961 19.437 8.4240864 0.175242 25.198 cow2 185730 557184 2.18291 19.0676 10.1746708 0.399085 25.9429 cow3 252054 756090 3.47587 28.2994 9.7904799 0.352022 36.1018 cow9 136988 410946 1.61981 14.357 6.3390355 0.144272 18.8167 cube2 98306 294912 0.888989 11.229 2.1635131 0.0130268 13.1271 dog 18114 54336 0.157395 1.79984 1.2110295 0.0413447 2.50017 dragon 435680 1307182 6.19801 50.2347 24.6420235 3.22507 69.4672 dragon_vrip 435680 1307182 6.15461 50.2762 25.094422 3.18479 69.3239 dragon_vrip_res2 102112 303088 1.19471 10.4939 4.989363 0.250379 14.0577 dragon_vrip_res3 24417 71126 0.230291 2.25178 1.39281064 0.0784439 3.1478 dragon_vrip_res4 5743 16431 0.037996 0.472024 0.42511038 0.0251362 0.713175 ele12a 50488 151470 0.53404 5.03626 2.7621634 0.0612321 6.73142 ele_fine 173026 519060 2.37588 19.1998 6.5201373 0.151195 24.563 elk2 35062 105186 0.381521 3.61194 1.60635173 0.0517945 4.71299 fertility 24994 75000 0.244822 2.4305 1.8177949 0.0559833 3.44687 frog 37225 111669 0.389961 3.90161 2.3034716 0.128718 5.41558 gargoyle 25002 75000 0.256161 2.72948 1.14925343 0.0307409 3.48302 grandpiano 2904 8136 0.0110036 0.17332 0.12285781 0.00571585 0.257232 happy4 397569 1190310 6.93433 50.1269 16.0581559 1.75872 65.4557 happy 543822 1631680 8.00506 66.9676 25.5106596 3.69385 89.5235 heart 23062 69132 0.173748 2.15771 1.35531625 0.0421466 2.93709 heptoroid 79056 237294 0.916259 6.89268 7.5853171 0.811116 11.527 hh2 197245 591230 2.47622 20.8036 7.4632686 0.141546 26.6708 hh 49374 147871 0.549817 4.90281 2.5108662 0.0721409 6.57878 hht 53754 161109 0.622599 5.42222 2.9174229 0.0837678 7.35467 hippo 40367 121082 0.448026 4.35356 2.0381683 0.0544027 5.67898 horse3 193934 581796 2.42718 21.594 8.339175 0.119572 27.6041 horse9 89400 268187 0.997401 8.90845 5.3143602 0.116107 12.1142 horse 48485 145449 0.502791 5.17779 2.7604771 0.0542464 6.86374 hound2 200463 600913 2.27636 21.788 10.7396585 0.43615 28.8567 hound 12578 37592 0.104805 1.18453 0.9476307 0.05026 1.72187 human_hand 49374 147871 0.540201 4.91299 2.5593691 0.0726399 6.53822 humerus 35002 105000 0.353858 3.68623 1.8732058 0.0239917 4.85062 ico 40962 122880 0.367218 4.71673 0.2244697 0.000601861 5.29382 kitten3 54838 164508 0.556148 5.78029 1.6071862 0.0306763 7.14854 kitten 137098 411294 1.64587 15.2583 3.3345443 0.0400726 18.4326 lion2 65648 196696 0.697095 6.87126 3.0194409 0.141892 8.98981 lion 184738 550783 2.26651 21.0421 6.0643192 0.200554 26.2529 lucy 100697 302085 1.15179 10.2905 4.5310875 0.166912 13.5347 memento 26277 78825 0.2703 2.57669 2.1355263 0.0789704 3.78361 micscope2 265410 792121 2.99505 29.5575 21.684033 2.22369 43.0669 micscope 4146 12355 0.0204097 0.403439 0.19514139 0.0205848 0.536987 m 25631 71054 0.185894 1.24326 1.4135061 0.40673 2.45396 mouse2 403652 1210944 4.61188 47.9421 31.821861 5.08602 69.811 mouse 6311 18921 0.0384411 0.662394 0.52321536 0.0358318 0.972776 neptune 28052 84168 0.308124 2.76549 2.4149765 0.182575 4.22093 noisydino2 23370 69872 0.236898 2.26549 1.7555544 0.0726686 3.26698 noisydino8a 31497 94485 0.30512 3.03009 2.0297282 0.0489356 4.20738 noisydino 23370 69872 0.239336 2.25737 1.7335359 0.0699845 3.25217 pig2 225282 675840 2.69757 24.441 10.4396925 0.39946 31.8039 pig 3522 10560 0.0200319 0.306373 0.29780277 0.0225411 0.477153 pipe 2820 8460 0.0143922 0.328995 0.28918437 0.00284439 0.457443 rcube2 98306 294912 0.975693 11.1107 2.1495174 0.0140855 13.1207 rcube 24578 73728 0.186935 2.79348 0.52618835 0.00214423 3.2175 rhino2 128342 384790 1.44105 13.5052 6.3808746 0.215573 17.6696 rhino 8075 24058 0.0539976 0.736505 0.57325506 0.0331398 1.06554 rockerArm2 43213 129639 0.463274 4.54615 1.99677959 0.01904 5.82642 rockerArm 40177 120531 0.392621 4.1855 1.82895265 0.0141119 5.34244 rotor 2328 7104 0.0118651 0.181803 0.17895838 0.0197181 0.2917 sacrum 204710 614226 2.73006 22.9159 6.8929541 0.177687 28.8622 sandal2 40316 119568 0.346656 4.06497 3.8798318 0.430996 6.39904 sandal3 22473 66039 0.191946 2.23852 1.6852481 0.210204 3.33725 sandal 2636 7608 0.0121956 0.212033 0.1907273 0.0166909 0.325527 scapula 116930 350784 1.51976 12.8966 3.0576659 0.0464446 15.87 screwdriver 27152 81450 0.246062 2.97392 1.08712076 0.0162187 3.69605 seabowl 45095 135303 0.470481 4.82754 2.1035185 0.0734754 6.33133 ship1 2526 7220 0.0122548 0.160322 0.17935572 0.0204451 0.27645 ship2 38122 113189 0.328891 3.04911 3.2117841 0.473475 5.20903 ship3 74544 222199 0.866528 6.60474 7.1166426 3.51893 13.8594 spider 4675 13929 0.0240519 0.385193 0.3277413 0.0539168 0.607832 tomgun2 65638 196496 0.65928 6.10129 4.5972224 0.347689 8.98068 tomgun 4177 12305 0.0210423 0.299244 0.23149471 0.0134622 0.434965 walleye2 49518 146582 0.450784 5.3944 2.9724058 0.528678 7.53503 walleye 3343 9286 0.015999 0.311624 0.21487931 0.00890859 0.43915 Runtime measurements of multilevel skeletonization using Light Edge Matchings and Thickened Separators on the Groningen Skeletonization Benchmark § SKELETON COMPARISONS §.§ LSS and LEM c|c|c|c|c|c|c input Δvertices Δleafs Δbranches Δgenus H(LEM,LSS) H(LSS,LEM) 17674 -214 -6 -7 -2 0.242987 0.136002 18020 -132 0 2 0 0.0267864 0.0265365 19465 -563 -3 -35 2 0.0437028 0.0415616 20304 0 6 -1 -2 0.534996 0.365925 20306 1 1 0 0 0.13103 0.137122 21362 1 1 0 0 0.138338 0.0941336 21464 -94 -1 -1 0 0.0287383 0.0848934 21747 -4 0 0 0 0.0232842 0.0247181 21788 -39 -4 3 0 0.331518 0.253539 22081 -41 2 2 0 0.0191042 0.0364621 22290 -4 -8 2 -1 0.724273 0.584943 22601 -12 -4 6 0 0.0448619 0.0455526 22669 -106 1 1 0 0.144748 0.123809 22701 -4 2 -1 0 0.595045 0.353578 22711 -10 0 0 0 0.0529444 0.0371701 22808 -76 0 0 0 0.0371294 0.0360032 22826 -35 16 1 -4 0.263343 0.257184 23091 -29 0 -1 0 0.396678 0.28389 711_dente -10 -3 -2 0 0.474553 0.201984 armadillo -149 -17 -6 0 0.220078 0.165342 armadillo_vc -130 -19 -10 0 0.249026 0.0830985 asiandragon10a 485 63 27 1 - - asiandragon9a -303 -27 -3 0 0.146472 0.0809961 ballJoint -34 -9 -5 0 0.335091 0.128461 bird2 -40 -2 -2 0 0.0911887 0.0434792 bird3 -66 -6 -2 0 0.102782 0.0483936 bird4 -99 -6 -2 0 0.131071 0.0457664 bird -35 -1 -1 0 0.064136 0.0591958 bmw2 -61 -5 5 0 0.181548 0.165533 bmw -96 -10 0 0 0.140737 0.13919 boeing -6 4 2 0 0.0700192 0.0958734 brain2 -91 -51 -11 2 0.380483 0.274007 bunny -35 -13 -2 0 0.371084 0.218552 bun_zipper_res2 -23 -5 -5 -1 0.309635 0.228842 bun_zipper_res3 -10 -2 -1 -1 0.387004 0.224203 bun_zipper_res4 -1 0 0 0 0.237761 0.19944 bun_zipper -34 -12 -2 0 0.366736 0.184346 chicken_high -65 -25 -10 0 0.352596 0.128001 cow10 -204 -2 0 0 0.131613 0.0956342 cow2 -213 -1 0 0 0.0974546 0.0992171 cow3 -200 1 -2 0 0.161176 0.118553 cow9 145 15 3 1 - - cube2 -36 -1 -1 0 0.545168 0.322115 dog -58 -9 -4 0 0.0901815 0.058035 dragon -277 -35 -31 -2 0.221926 0.124984 dragon_vrip_res2 390 174 51 1 - - dragon_vrip_res3 307 152 39 1 - - dragon_vrip_res4 152 65 24 1 - - dragon_vrip 777 222 71 23 - - ele12a -87 -3 -1 0 0.185378 0.123558 ele_fine -196 -4 -6 0 0.187097 0.157745 elk2 -53 -1 -2 0 0.212646 0.251487 fertility -46 -3 -1 0 0.273804 0.0874419 frog -86 -2 0 0 0.22128 0.141774 gargoyle -56 -19 -10 0 0.318482 0.147751 grandpiano -4 0 0 0 0.164264 0.190796 happy4 -589 -409 -21 -100 0.199295 0.0887277 happy 982 308 58 44 - - heart -41 -7 5 0 0.336127 0.243949 heptoroid -245 0 0 0 0.0705061 0.068063 hh2 -100 -1 -2 0 0.193822 0.189663 hh -61 0 -3 0 0.17783 0.141936 hht -86 1 1 0 0.149574 0.174906 hippo -80 -17 -12 0 0.20746 0.153264 horse3 -190 -2 -3 0 0.130538 0.123331 horse9 -148 -2 -1 0 0.110968 0.101046 horse -95 -1 -1 0 0.112222 0.111066 hound2 -88 -20 1 0 0.17887 0.0557737 hound -25 0 2 -1 0.0854626 0.0731542 human_hand -64 -3 -1 0 0.181229 0.0866464 humerus -60 -4 -1 0 0.0959782 0.0774577 kitten3 -25 -5 0 0 0.234016 0.267631 kitten -46 -8 -1 0 0.26524 0.197679 lion2 -179 -56 -17 0 0.171686 0.118093 lion -246 -60 -18 1 0.206408 0.10091 lucy -175 -93 -13 0 0.163102 0.133512 memento -72 -1 -2 0 0.326454 0.226977 micscope2 -1447 1 -5 0 0.0999958 0.410087 micscope -6 -6 -5 2 0.0163587 0.526192 mouse2 -202 -19 -5 0 0.133177 0.0925803 mouse -2 -3 1 0 0.0942147 0.110964 m 44 15 6 1 0.0580312 0.181962 neptune -73 -16 -5 0 0.200924 0.0508065 noisydino2 -59 -10 -7 0 0.0858338 0.0586712 noisydino8a -63 -3 -3 0 0.0876304 0.0788599 noisydino -51 -6 -5 0 0.0871886 0.0806523 pig2 -233 -3 -1 0 0.281781 0.13851 pig -5 1 1 0 0.136812 0.185151 pipe -9 0 0 0 0.0608525 0.0367033 rcube2 -26 -2 -2 0 0.82234 0.37449 rcube -35 -1 -1 0 0.552556 0.481529 rhino2 -190 -52 -20 0 0.285996 0.107248 rhino -28 -13 -6 0 0.207169 0.124026 rockerArm2 -46 -1 -1 0 0.254169 0.157712 rockerArm -33 -1 -1 0 0.262787 0.147716 rotor -29 3 1 0 0.0792849 0.0977375 sacrum -147 -22 -12 -4 0.408094 0.169373 sandal2 -315 5 -6 -2 0.136338 0.0763513 sandal3 -95 16 -11 -6 0.148504 0.0690598 sandal 6 4 4 -2 0.102921 0.0923182 scapula -81 -10 -9 0 0.325198 0.170676 screwdriver -55 -2 -1 0 0.19814 0.0929329 seabowl -88 -19 -5 -1 0.366275 0.173513 ship1 2 -9 6 4 0.248314 0.187957 ship2 -79 2 -1 -6 0.196807 0.20017 ship3 -167 13 -5 -5 0.166875 0.23599 spider 12 -2 -2 0 0.0914775 0.0515585 tomgun2 -89 51 -9 -2 0.0771206 0.0655649 tomgun 3 -5 -2 0 0.045953 0.0647683 walleye2 -49 0 4 -1 0.133166 0.041185 walleye -1 -10 3 0 0.212548 0.0931524 Comparison between skeletons generated by LSS and LEM. The metrics denoted by Δ are relative to the skeletons of LSS, with negative values implying that LSS has more vertices, leafs, branches etc. Here H(LEM,LSS) denotes the directed Hausdorff distance between LEM and LSS, divided by the radius of a bounding sphere, and vice versa. §.§ LSS and LEMTS c|c|c|c|c|c|c input Δvertices Δleafs Δbranches Δgenus H(LEMTS,LSS) H(LSS,LEMTS) 17674 -173 -9 -7 0 0.255787 0.140655 18020 -141 0 8 0 0.0369842 0.0388943 19465 -416 11 -24 3 0.0355444 0.0382796 20304 1 9 -2 -2 0.331099 0.371398 20306 2 1 0 0 0.141557 0.175343 21362 3 3 0 0 0.0831445 0.205519 21464 -37 -1 -1 0 0.0287383 0.0847032 21747 -3 0 0 0 0.0122935 0.0121544 21788 -21 -1 4 0 0.316065 0.241109 22081 -36 1 0 0 0.0184155 0.0292149 22290 -3 -9 1 -1 0.701622 0.593782 22601 -13 -8 3 0 0.0505034 0.041482 22669 -95 1 1 0 0.107136 0.18301 22701 -1 2 0 0 0.47311 0.324789 22711 -4 0 0 0 0.0496445 0.0350731 22808 -79 0 0 0 0.0509979 0.0508452 22826 -23 17 2 -2 0.142766 0.179552 23091 -28 0 0 0 0.194078 0.142976 711_dente -9 -4 -2 0 0.461223 0.304697 armadillo -108 -17 -3 0 0.218784 0.145593 armadillo_vc -95 -17 -4 0 0.256114 0.149753 asiandragon10a 664 63 33 1 - - asiandragon9a -204 -26 0 0 0.149798 0.0878272 ballJoint -30 -9 -5 0 0.345708 0.107102 bird2 -24 0 1 0 0.0646921 0.0660722 bird3 -45 -6 -2 0 0.106499 0.0485063 bird4 -79 -6 -1 0 0.154138 0.0779006 bird -29 -1 -1 0 0.0540386 0.049263 bmw2 -49 -9 11 3 0.204429 0.154384 bmw -25 17 22 1 0.143202 0.139063 boeing 1 21 2 -9 0.0911128 0.0844408 brain2 -71 -50 -5 -1 0.442813 0.243605 bunny -29 -10 -1 -1 0.381509 0.185589 bun_zipper_res2 -21 -6 -4 0 0.332003 0.206632 bun_zipper_res3 -10 -4 -2 0 0.353706 0.228834 bun_zipper_res4 0 1 0 0 0.18867 0.390443 bun_zipper -35 -10 -3 -1 0.373315 0.186499 chicken_high -56 -25 -10 0 0.345959 0.104203 cow10 -129 -2 0 0 0.132759 0.0965579 cow2 -132 -1 1 0 0.145401 0.187487 cow3 -126 0 0 0 0.188258 0.10453 cow9 217 15 8 1 - - cube2 -35 -1 -1 0 0.502338 0.334772 dog -44 -9 -4 0 0.0854458 0.072164 dragon -222 -36 -26 -3 0.255397 0.11414 dragon_vrip_res2 412 170 52 1 - - dragon_vrip_res3 323 155 44 1 - - dragon_vrip_res4 149 64 22 1 - - dragon_vrip 824 227 74 19 - - ele12a -54 -3 0 0 0.174368 0.182298 ele_fine -158 -4 -3 0 0.202761 0.163576 elk2 -35 -1 -1 0 0.189953 0.170198 fertility -30 -3 -1 0 0.240033 0.165239 frog -65 -2 2 0 0.213764 0.176573 gargoyle -54 -21 -11 0 0.379466 0.147014 grandpiano 0 2 0 0 0.129011 0.162077 happy4 -560 -384 -22 -99 0.160472 0.100934 happy 1020 334 57 41 - - heart -21 -2 5 0 0.326899 0.232986 heptoroid -132 0 2 0 0.0975426 0.0763043 hh2 -70 2 -1 0 0.19555 0.170324 hh -44 0 0 0 0.169264 0.116556 hht -60 1 -1 0 0.177192 0.16365 hippo -64 -13 -6 0 0.19232 0.132381 horse3 -125 0 -1 0 0.119945 0.110306 horse9 -96 -2 -1 0 0.113884 0.103661 horse -66 -2 -2 0 0.0883287 0.0851157 hound2 -54 -16 2 0 0.190078 0.0818325 hound -22 -3 1 0 0.0846057 0.0696693 human_hand -46 -2 -1 0 0.147885 0.0809871 humerus -37 -6 -3 0 0.112056 0.0725165 kitten3 -18 -5 0 0 0.221592 0.306183 kitten -29 -5 1 0 0.271288 0.201393 lion2 -147 -55 -10 0 0.170177 0.121737 lion -203 -59 -19 1 0.209613 0.102484 lucy -173 -95 -17 0 0.181825 0.147681 memento -47 -1 -2 0 0.335567 0.234729 micscope2 -1188 7 5 0 0.107463 0.514925 micscope -8 0 -6 -1 0.0139525 0.73694 mouse2 -100 -15 2 0 0.122646 0.079835 mouse -3 -4 1 0 0.105162 0.14296 m 82 44 13 -1 0.0563222 0.19182 neptune -51 -15 -1 0 0.225756 0.0516766 noisydino2 -59 -10 -6 0 0.0938331 0.0921727 noisydino8a -49 -3 -2 0 0.0855693 0.0707761 noisydino -49 -4 -5 0 0.0789956 0.073725 pig2 -141 -3 0 0 0.275567 0.124252 pig -8 1 0 0 0.124846 0.152941 pipe -4 0 0 0 0.0496445 0.0350761 rcube2 -24 -1 -1 0 0.6971 0.583039 rcube -37 -2 -2 0 0.487541 0.225971 rhino2 -144 -46 -18 0 0.240027 0.211737 rhino -14 -7 -2 0 0.398101 0.126916 rockerArm2 -36 0 0 0 0.240848 0.250368 rockerArm -25 -1 -1 0 0.212998 0.0977234 rotor -23 7 5 0 0.0882883 0.0897212 sacrum -126 -28 -8 -1 0.427385 0.157824 sandal2 -241 10 -4 -2 0.0668588 0.0665051 sandal3 -73 17 -10 -6 0.0947857 0.0566952 sandal 7 4 3 -2 0.123407 0.0806454 scapula -65 -9 -8 0 0.332365 0.244491 screwdriver -36 -1 0 0 0.203488 0.104393 seabowl -77 -20 -4 -1 0.32748 0.206797 ship1 2 -6 1 2 0.215595 0.182269 ship2 -74 1 1 1 0.170628 0.168638 ship3 -164 -1 -4 -2 0.151358 0.160943 spider 31 -2 -2 0 0.0956197 0.0793788 tomgun2 -33 75 7 -2 0.0602913 0.032726 tomgun 10 -5 1 1 0.0462826 0.0491785 walleye2 -16 13 18 -3 0.150528 0.0501536 walleye -2 -11 2 0 0.212825 0.0933191 Comparison between skeletons generated by LSS and LEM. The metrics denoted by Δ are relative to the skeletons of LSS, with negative values implying that LSS has more vertices, leafs, branches etc. Here H(LEMTS,LSS) denotes the directed Hausdorff distance between LEMTS and LSS, divided by the radius of a bounding sphere, and vice versa § ON COMPUTING LOCAL SEPARATORS §.§ Dynamic Connectivity To speed up the check for disconnection of the front when computing local separators, Bærentzen and Rotenberg suggests <cit.> using a dynamic connectivity data structure such as the one by Holm, de Lichtenberg and Thorup <cit.>. This data structure uses a hierarchy of Euler Tour Forests to give O(log^2|V|) amortized update and query time. In practice, it can be beneficial to stop using the hierarchy, once forests reach small size. We have implemented the structure, integrated it into the local separator skeletonization implementation of GEL and tested the performance for various thresholds for when to stop using the hierarchy. The measurements are presented in Figure <ref>. What we found is that the performance increases with the size of the threshold, up to a point where the entirety of the hierarchy exists on a single level. In this manner, the data structure simply reduces to maintaining an augmented Euler Tour Forest. This is likely due to the specific access pattern when computing local separators, where edges are inserted and removed only once in a manner where separators that were inserted early are often removed before those inserted recently. We also examine and compare running times when using dynamic connectivity. In Figure <ref> we compare the old method to the one using dynamic connectivity (dyn), and find that for both meshes and voxels there is a large improvement. It is worth noting that this improvement seems even greater for voxels. §.§ Analysis of Minimising Separators Given a local separator Σ on a graph G with n vertices and m edges we describe the time it takes to minimise Σ. To smooth the attribute of a vertex, we have to consider the positions of that vertex' neighbours, giving a time complexity on the order of the degree of the vertex. Since we do this for every vertex in the separator, the time is proportional to the sum of degrees of vertices in the separator which is then bounded by two times the number of edges in the neighbourhood of the separator, by the handshaking lemma. Let m' be the number of edges in the closed neighbourhood of Σ, the time to smooth is then O(m'). Computing the heuristic after smoothing takes O(1) time per vertex, totalling in O(|Σ|) time. We then sort the vertices according to the smoothed attributes in O(|Σ|log|Σ|) time. After sorting we iteratively move vertices from the separator to front components. In the worst case we move only a constant number of vertices in each iteration, resulting in O(|Σ|) total iterations over a collection of O(|Σ|) vertices. Assuming we can move a vertex from one set to another in constant time, this step takes O(|Σ|^2) time. The total time it takes is then O(|Σ|^2+m'). Once again we can pessimistically bound both sets on the size of the graph s.t. |Σ|=O(n) and m'=O(m) but also m=O(n^2). The time it takes to shrink a single separator is then bounded by O(n^2) in the worst case.
MigraR: an open-source, R-based application for analysis and quantification of cell migration parameters
[ "Nirbhaya Shajia", "Florbela Nunes", "M. Ines Rocha", "Elsa Ferreira Gomes", "Helena Castro" ]
[ "q-bio.QM", "q-bio.CB" ]
MigraR: an open-source R-based application for analysis and quantification of cell migration mode = title]MigraR: an open-source, R-based application for analysis and quantification of cell migration parameters 1,4,9]Nirbhaya Shaji 2,3,9]Florbela Nunes 3]M.Ines Rocha 2,4]Elsa Ferreira Gomes 3]Helena Castro [1]FCUP – Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre s/n, 4169-007 Porto, Portugal. [2]ISEP – Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Politécnico do Porto, Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida 431, 4249-015 Porto, Portugal.. [3]i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto, Rua Alfredo Allen 208, 4200-135 Porto, Portugal. [4]INESC-TEC – Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência, Campus da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal. [9]These authors contributed equally to this work. Background and objective: Cell migration is essential for many biological phenomena with direct impact on human health and disease. One conventional approach to study cell migration involves the quantitative analysis of individual cell trajectories recorded by time-lapse video microscopy. Dedicated software tools exist to assist the automated or semi-automated tracking of cells and translate these into coordinate positions along time. However, cell biologists usually bump into the difficulty of plotting and computing these data sets into biologically meaningful figures and metrics. Methods: This report describes MigraR, an intuitive graphical user interface executed from the RStudioTM (via the R package Shiny), which greatly simplifies the task of translating coordinate positions of moving cells into measurable parameters of cell migration (velocity, straightness, and direction of movement), as well as of plotting cell trajectories and migration metrics. One innovative function of this interface is that it allows users to refine their data sets by setting limits based on time, velocity and straightness. Results: MigraR was tested on different data to assess its applicability. Intended users of MigraR are cell biologists with no prior knowledge of data analysis, seeking to accelerate the quantification and visualization of cell migration data sets delivered in the format of Excel files by available cell-tracking software. Conclusions: Through the graphics it provides, MigraR is an useful tool for the analysis of migration parameters and cellular trajectories. Since its source code is open, it can be subject of refinement by expert users to best suit the needs of other researchers. It is available at GitHub and can be easily reproduced. Shiny application Cell-tracking software Visualization R language [ [ March 30, 2023 ================== § INTRODUCTION Cell migration is an increasingly eminent area of research in biomedical sciences, with implications in fields as diverse as infection, immune response, embryo-genesis, and cancer <cit.>. The in-depth study of cells' migratory behavior holds promise to shed new light into these processes and ultimately translate into the development of innovative therapeutic strategies to ameliorate pathological conditions stemming from abnormal cell mobility. One powerful tool to study cell migration is time-lapse video microscopy. By imaging moving cells over several hours, this method captures both the temporal and the spatial dynamics of cell migration. Downstream image processing and cell tracking analyses by dedicated software (reviewed in <cit.>) then translate image sequences into numerical values. In their simplest version, cell trajectories are displayed as lists of x,y pixel coordinates along time. These coordinates, transformed into standard length measurements (μm), set the basis to compute biological meaningful quantitative metrics of single-cell migration, namely velocity, straightness and direction of movement, which can be ultimately used to draw informed conclusions about the mobile behavior of a population of cells. Transforming complex data sets into quantitative and insightful results is not an easy task for most biomedical researchers though. To perform basic tasks, such as graphical display of cell trajectories, plotting of Rose cell-tracking wind diagrams, and data refinement (based, for instances on the time window of data acquisition), cell biologists resort to dedicated ®MATLAB and RStudioTM software. However, the use of these tools requires an expert knowledge in computer science and mathematics rarely met by health scientists. In the last decade, some more accessible tools have been proposed by the community. A few are free and only some of those are open source (e.g. MotilityLab[<http://2ptrack.net/index.html>]/CelltrackR  <cit.>, CellMissy <cit.> or Ibidi <cit.>). The software tool presented in this manuscript was developed to meet the need of a group of biomedical researchers to have access to a free, user-friendly application to make analysis of cell motion. From their collaboration with computer scientists, emerged MigraR. MigraR is cross-platform, with an intuitive graphical user interface, running from open-source RTM and RStudioTM. With no need for expert knowledge in mathematical data analysis software, MigraR drastically simplifies the plotting and analysis of migration parameters and cell trajectories. Besides quantifying speed and straightness, MigraR also provides specific plots of directions and angles, and, importantly, enables users to filter datasets to improve the quality of their output results. Importantly, MigraR is publicly and freely available on a GitHub account to all interested parties to download and use. Since its source code is also open, it can be subject of refinement by expert users to best suit the needs of other researchers. § MATERIAL AND METHODS §.§ Related applications MigraR was developed to assist biomedical researchers in the analysis of cell trajectories and migration parameters. MigraR does not perform tracking of cells from time-lapse videos; rather, it processes data sheets of x,y coordinates along time that are delivered by upstream image processing and cell tracking software (reviewed in <cit.>). Launched from RStudioTM using the Shinny extension, MigraR is a fully open source, and user-friendly and interactive platform for uncomplicated analysis of cell migration parameters. Compared with analogous free and open source applications MigraR stands out for (Table <ref>): =0pt * enabling users to filter their datasets by re-scaling parameters such as time, velocity or straightness; * displaying the direction and angle of cell trajectories; * running independently of image analysis software (TrackMate <cit.>, Ibidi Chemotaxis Manual Tracking <cit.> and ADAPT <cit.>, currently not available, are Fiji/ ImageJ <cit.> plugins) and/or of proprietary numerical computing platforms (u-track <cit.> runs on ®MATLAB). §.§ Software description, download and execution MigraR is a graphical user interface (GUI) software implemented in R using the Shiny framework. MigraR can be accessible online via the Shinyapps.io server [<https://nirbhaya-shaji.shinyapps.io/migrar/>]. It runs in MS WindowsTM, Linux and macOS and requires prior installation of RTM and RStudioTM from website <cit.>. MigraR time complexity is O(n), where n is the data set length (all time steps of all the tracks). MigraR sources can be downloaded from GitHub account[<https://github.com/nirbhayashaji/MigraR.git>]. To execute MigraR, users must download the files server.R and ui.R to the working directory of RStudioTM and double click on the server.R file or open it using the file browser form RStudioTM. The file will open in RStudioTM, wherefrom it can be executed by clicking Run App <cit.>. MigraR will open in your default browser. To upload the cell tracking data, users simply have to click on the Browse button as seen in (Fig.<ref>, top left) listed first on the left panel. Users must be connected to the internet for the initial run so that the required packages can be installed. From there, no active internet connection is necessary for executing the application. The images in the manuscript that corresponds to the MigraR screens are also available in the GitHub for viewing in better clarity. The data used for those images are also available at GitHub. §.§ Data sets The data sources of MigraR are files (txt, csv or xlsx format) generated by dedicated cell-tracking software – an example (provided from ImarisTM) is shown in Fig.<ref>. In these files, data must be organized in four columns , with the fixed titles (as shown in Fig.<ref>) and in case of CSV files ',' separated as follows: column A) x coordinates; column B) y coordinates; column D) time; column E) TrackID (i.e., the cell track identifier, attributed by the cell tracking software). Note that decimal separator has to be '.'. The value of TrackID cannot be 0. If it happens MigraR shows a warning message and will ask the user to change the TrackIDs to non zero values. Some cell tracking software might also deliver z coordinates listed in one additional column – column C in the example of Fig.<ref>. If the data file does not display z coordinates, users must introduce one dummy (empty or randomly filled) column C. The upload of input files to MigraR is performed by clicking the Browse button below the Choose input file text as shown in Fig.<ref>. §.§ Computing temporal and spatial coordinates into migration metrics MigraR is a digital platform that performs the visual and quantitative inspection of cells' dynamic behavior. It is used after cells trajectories have been recorded by time-lapse microscopy and traced by dedicated cell tracking software. MigraR computes the resulting cells' coordinates along in time, providing users a set of insightful graphical and quantitative outputs. MigraR performs a 'cell-based' quantification of cell migration parameters, i.e., it carries out a calculation for each cell separately and, based on each individual result, determines the mean or median for the entire population of cells. This method is in contrast with 'step-based' metrics, for which the mean or median of all separate movement steps are calculated independent of which track it belongs to. Detailed information about advantages and disadvantages of each quantification methods can be found in dedicated literature <cit.>. We should stress that some relevant track analysis metrics, like mean squared displacement (MSD) or autocorrelation plots are not yet supported by MigraR <cit.>. One of MigraR functionalities is the graphical display of Rose plots. To draw these graphs, MigraR makes all tracks initiate from the (0,0) coordinate. To do so, the x,y coordinates at time zero (the first movie frame) of a given cell track are subtracted to all its x,y coordinates along time. MigraR also calculates the velocity and straightness of cell trajectories, employing the formulas provided in Table <ref>, and always taking into account the start and ending points of each cell trajectory. Straightness divides the displacement by the track Length. This gives a number between 0 and 1 (1 means a perfectly straight track). As we can see in Table<ref>, we compute a step-based speed (with one number for each coordinate in the track) and a cell-based approach for the straightness where the total track displacement is divided by the distance travelled in time by the cell (just one number for each track) <cit.>. For calculation of the angle of trajectories (θ), MigraR takes into account x,y standard coordinates at the end point of the analysis and uses on the trigonometry equation presented in Fig.<ref>. This calculation delivers the value of an angle (angle α in Fig.<ref>). Afterwards, MigraR makes the necessary adjustments according to the quadrant (Q1-Q4) of the x,y chart in which cells finalize their trajectories, as follows: Q1 (x>0, y>0), θ1 = α1; Q2 (x<0, y>0), θ2 = 180 - α2; Q3 (x<0, y<0), θ3 = 180 + α3; Q4 (x>0, y<0), θ4 = 360 - α4. Angles of trajectories are displayed by MigraR in the form of histograms. In its current version, MigraR accommodate a band width adjustment tool for data refinement based on the number of data points and their distribution - this will avoid biased interpretations, which are particularly tricky in the case of datasets consisting of few cell tracks. For users looking for more refined methods to detect directionality, we suggest alternative tools <cit.>. Finally, to have a visual representation of the direction of movement (left or right), MigraR calculates the cosine of θ, and attributes a color code to the resulting values. The cosine value of 1 (yellow color) indicates that cells move to the right, parallel to the x axis; the cosine value of -1 (red color) indicates that cells move to the left, parallel to the x axis; the cosine value of zero (orange color) indicates that cells move up or down. Similarly using the sin value, the vertical movement is represented using colors blue and green for up and down movements respectively. §.§ Experimental details for the illustrative data sets used for this report The illustrative data set used in this manuscript was obtained by time-lapse microscopy recording of migrating cells, following previously described methodology <cit.>. Briefly, murine bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BMDCs) <cit.>, pulsed for 3 hours with 10μ g/ml LPS were embedded in bovine type I collagen and loaded into a silicon chip mounted on a glass-bottom microscopy chamber slide. Upon polymerization of the collagen/cells mix, medium containing the chemokine CCL21 was added to the microscopy chamber slide. Videos were captured at 10 x magnification in an inverted Leica DMI 6000 FFW (LEICA Microsystems) microscope, equipped with an automated stage, and control of atmosphere (5% CO2, 37C). The same points in multiple wells were imaged every 4 min for approximately 16 hrs. Movies were subsequently processed in Fiji/ImageJ software <cit.>, prior to automated cell tracking in proprietary software ImarisTM (Bitplane). § RESULTS AND DISCUSSION §.§ The four (main) windows of MigraR MigraR offers an intuitive graphical user interface for plotting and calculating cell migration parameters. MigraR automatically calculates velocity, straightness and direction of movement based on the spatial and temporal coordinates listed on the uploaded data file. The workflow of MigraR is organized in four windows (Trajectories, Velocity, Straightness, and Direction), which can be selected from the respective tabs at the top of the large right side panel (Fig.<ref>). MigraR also have a window named DataTable that lets the user see the raw and calculated data that they are using. The Trajectories window (accessible from the Trajectories tab). The Trajectories window depicts the visual projection of single-cell trajectories (Fig.<ref>). These can be visualized according to three View Mode options, available on the left panel: * the Normal view mode is the default option, which provides a close-to-real projection of cell trajectories along the x,y axes; * in the Track ID mode, individual cell trajectories are distinguished based on color; * in the Rose Plot option, the starting positions of each cell trajectory are normalized to x,y origin (0,0). Scales of x,y axes can be adjusted using scroll bars on the bottom-right. By clicking on the Download plot button at the bottom of the charts, users can download the plot as an image file of .png type. The Velocity and Straightness windows (Fig.<ref>) display box and whisker charters, plotted from the velocity and straightness values that MigraR computes for set of cell trajectories under analysis. Velocity values refer to the average velocity that each cell assumes along its trajectory. Straightness values refer to the behavior of each cell between the first and the last time point of its trajectory. By pressing the Download plot buttons, users can generate and save the plot as .png files. However, the analysis of tracking data is sensitive to biases and artefacts. The user must be careful when using measures like straightness, specially between different datasets <cit.>, <cit.>. In particular, there is a warning message in the straightness analysis window that this analysis is meaningful for tracks of equal length. Download the Velocity data and Download the Straightness data buttons generate .csv files listing the values of velocity and straightness displayed on the corresponding plots. These .csv files can be used for subsequent comparative and statistical analyses between different data sets using dedicated software. The Direction window (Fig.<ref>) is presented with two options, which can be chosen from the radio buttons on the left panel. On the first, Direction of Trajectories, users can visualize and download plots where cell trajectories appear in different colors based on the direction of the movement. These cell trajectories plots are available in both their Normal View and Rose Plot modes. In the first pair of plots, cells are colored with a red-to-yellow gradient according to their horizontal directional choices: cells moving to the left are colored red; cells moving to the right are colored yellow. In the second pair of plots, cells are colored with a blue-to-green gradient according to their vertical directional choices: cells moving to the up are colored blue; cells moving to the down are colored green. The second option, Angle of Trajectories, shows the frequency of cell trajectories moving within the range of 0-360 angles, over intervals of 4 degrees. Data are plotted both as column chart (Angle Frequency) and Rose Plot. These plots, as well as the corresponding data sets are available for download using buttons similar to the ones in the previous windows. It will be useful if these features were complemented with common track analysis methods not yet included in the tool, displacement analysis, such as mean square displacement (MSD), and angle analysis, direction autocorrelation <cit.>. §.§ Visualizing Directional and Random movements In Fig.<ref>, we show representative graphical outputs generated by MigraR, starting from two distinct sets of data: one of the datasets (upper panels, ‘Directional movement’) compiles the trajectories of cells exposed to a chemoattractant placed on their left; the other dataset (lower panels, ‘Random movement’) refers to cells that, in the absence of a specific migratory stimulus, moved randomly. Notably, all five graphical displays produced by MigraR translate the different directional choices of cells in each of the experimental conditions under analysis. §.§ The adjustments function of MigraR All MigraR windows run in parallel with adjustment functions, which can be operated from the left side panel of the graphical interface. Here, users can find three sliders to filter the data sets based on the following parameters: Time, Velocity (Speed), and Straightness as shown in Fig.<ref>. Artifacts are unavoidable in data sets generated by high throughput analysis <cit.>. Applying limits or thresholds on these variables is thus desired when cell tracking has been performed fully automatically, albeit it needs to be performed cautiously to avoid elimination of relevant data points. With MigraR adjustment functions, users can refine their data sets to exclude outliers resulting from inaccurate tracking [e.g. cells that do not move (most likely dead cells), or to cells that move too fast and/or move with straightness values equal to 1 (corresponding to straight lines, unlikely to occur in nature)] Particularly useful is the possibility to filter data sets based on time intervals – with this option, users can look into the dynamics of cell migration at different instants of movie acquisition and chose the most appropriate interval for their analysis. A Reset button, at the bottom of this panel, allows users to go back to the original data set. Importantly, these scroll bars work inter-connectedly between windows, i.e. scrolling one of these bars in one window automatically adjusts the same scroll bar in the remaining windows. § CONCLUSION Cell migration is an increasingly trendy area of research - related publications grew from 1 per year in the early 1970's to >21'000 last year - with potential applications in several branches of health and biological sciences. Powerful commercial tools are available to assist researchers in the complex analysis, visualization and quantification of cell migration. These are nonetheless commercialized at prohibitive prices to groups with poor financial resources. As alternative, researchers can resort to open-source solutions, some of which not requiring computational experience (MotilityLab/CelltrackR  <cit.>, CellMissy <cit.> or Ibidi <cit.>). We expect to democratize the use of cell migration solution with MigraR, a user-friendly, free solution and open-source to all end-users, which has been developed to meet the needs of a group of biomedical researchers. As future work, we intend to include some other usual features not yet supported by MigraR. Acknowledgements.This work is financed by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT- Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, within project UIDB / 50014 / 2020. cas-model2-names
Spacecraft Anomaly Detection with Attention Temporal Convolution Network
[ "Liang Liu", "Ling Tian", "Zhao Kang", "Tianqi Wan" ]
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CV" ]
Zhao Kang Zkang@uestc.edu.cn 1 School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China. 2 Beijing Aerospace Institute for Metrology and Measurement Technology, Beijing, China. Spacecraft Anomaly Detection with Attention Temporal Convolution Networks Liang Liu 1 Ling Tian 1 Zhao Kang 1 Tianqi Wan 2 Received: date / Accepted: date =================================================================================================== Spacecraft faces various situations when carrying out exploration missions in complex space, thus monitoring the anomaly status of spacecraft is crucial to the development of the aerospace industry. The time series telemetry data generated by on-orbit spacecraft contains important information about the status of spacecraft. However, traditional domain knowledge-based spacecraft anomaly detection methods are not effective due to high dimensionality and complex correlation among variables. In this work, we propose an anomaly detection framework for spacecraft multivariate time-series data based on temporal convolution networks (TCNs). First, we employ dynamic graph attention to model the complex correlation among variables and time series. Second, temporal convolution networks with parallel processing ability are used to extract multidimensional features for the downstream prediction task. Finally, many potential anomalies are detected by the best threshold. Experiments on real NASA SMAP/MSL spacecraft datasets show the superiority of our proposed model with respect to state-of-the-art methods. § INTRODUCTION Deep space of the solar system has numerous satellites in orbit collecting planetary data for exploration missions such as Tianwen-1's high-resolution multispectral imagery and magnetic monitoring missions around Mars. These satellites have made great contributions to scientific research and resource and environmental exploration. The internal systems of these spacecraft are composed of various sophisticated technologies such as telemetry sensing, navigation control, and many others, which make the system structure complicated <cit.>. Furthermore, spacecraft operate in an extremely complex deep space environments and are confronted with unforeseen anomalies and failures. Therefore, it is vital to effectively and timely detect anomalies in components of spacecraft to ensure its reliable, safe, and continuous operation during exploration missions <cit.>. For on-orbit spacecraft, the most commonly used method is to collect real-time operation data of each component from multi-sensors <cit.> to monitor the status of internal spacecraft. These data are converted into electrical signals and transmitted to the ground telemetry center, where the original variable information of each channel is restored through the signal demodulation technology <cit.>. Then, pattern discovery and anomaly detection analysis can be performed on such telemetry data, which are multidimensional time series <cit.>. In fact, spacecraft telemetry anomaly detection is an intractable problem. There are thousands of telemetry channels that need to be monitored and data have sophisticated patterns. It is impossible for domain experts to observe each channel and manually mark anomalies in a predefined range <cit.>. Many data-driven anomaly detection methods have been proposed for multivariate time series data <cit.>. These approaches build a mathematical model for spacecraft normal pattern from telemetry data to detect anomalies without using any prior knowledge of experts. Some representative statistical models are autoregressive moving average (ARMA) <cit.>, gaussian mixture <cit.>, and autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) <cit.>. However, these models perform poor facing huge, non-linear and high-dimensional time series data. Inspired by the success of deep learning, many anomaly detection methods are built upon deep neural networks <cit.>. Due to the lack of labels, most methods follow an unsupervised learning scheme <cit.>, which learns normal and expected behavior of telemetry channel by predicting <cit.> or reconstructing expected errors <cit.>. They use some popular architectures, including long short-term memory networks (LSTMs) <cit.>, auto-encoders (AE) <cit.>, generative adversarial networks (GANs) <cit.>, and Transformer <cit.>. These deep learning methods have achieved significant performance improvements for time-series anomaly detection. However, there are several downsides in applying them to spacecraft telemetry data. First, most existing methods need to construct a separate model to monitor each telemetry channel, which fails to consider the potential correlations in real spacecraft datasets. Second, they require long training time to support complex computation. To this end, we propose an anomaly detection framework for spacecraft multivariate time series data based on temporal convolution networks (TCNs). Spacecraft data including the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) satellite and the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) rover <cit.> are applied to verify the effectiveness of our proposed framework. Specifically, the main contributions are: * First, we exploit dynamic graph attention to model the complex correlation among variables and capture the long-term relationship. * Second, the TCNs with parallel processing ability is used to extract multidimensional features. * Third, the static threshold method is applied to detect potential anomalies in real-world spacecraft data. § RELATED WORK Recently, deep neural network architectures have achieved leading performance on various time series anomaly detection tasks. Especially, LSTMs and RNNs can effectively process time-series data, capturing valuable historical information for future prediction. Based on LSTMs, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory designs an unsupervised nonparametric anomaly thresholding approach for spacecraft anomaly detection <cit.>; Park et al. <cit.> propose variational auto-encoders that fuse signals and reconstruct expected distribution. Most telemetry data are multi-dimensional due to the interrelation of components in the satellite's internal structure. As illustrated in Fig. <ref>, each curve corresponds to a variable (or channel) in spacecraft multivariate time series, and an anomaly in one channel of the spacecraft also causes abnormality in other channels. For online anomaly detection task, they have to create a model for each variable and simultaneously invoke multiple trained models, which are inefficient. Therefore, the above methods cannot detect anomalies due to the complex correlations among multivariate. Consequently, the methods considering multivariable and their potential correlations have received extensive attention. For example, NASA Ames Research Center proposes a clustering-based inductive monitoring system (IMS) to analyze archived system data and characterize normal interactions between parameters <cit.>. Su et al. <cit.> utilize stochastic variable connection and planar normalizing flow for multivariate time series anomaly detection, which performs well in datasets of NASA. Zhao et al. <cit.> utilizes the graph attention method to capture temporal and variable dependency for anomaly detection. Li et al. <cit.> adopts GANs to detect anomalies by considering complex dependencies between multivariate. Zong et al. <cit.> introduce deep auto-encoders with a gaussian mixture model. Chen et al. <cit.> directly built a transformer-based architecture that learns the inter-dependencies between sensors for anomaly detection. Although these methods have made a significant improvement in anomaly detection, there are still some shortcomings. For example, RNNs processing the next sequence need to wait for the last output of the previous sequence. Therefore, modeling long-time series data requires a long time, which leads to inefficient detection and does not meet the real-time requirement for spacecraft telemetry anomaly detection. Additionally, most models have high complexity and are not suitable for the practical application of spacecraft anomaly detection. Bai et al. <cit.> firstly propose TCNs that have parallel processing ability and also model historical information with exponential growth receptive field. In recent years, many studies have verified the effectiveness of TCNs for long time series <cit.>. However, anomaly detection based on TCNs has not been investigated. Therefore, this paper develops a multivariate temporal convolution anomaly detection model for complex spacecraft telemetry data. § METHODOLOGY The proposed spacecraft multivariate telemetry data anomaly detection method aims to detect anomalies at entity-level <cit.> instead of channel-level since the overall status is more noteworthy and less expensive to observe. Let X∈ℛ^w × m denotes the multivariate time series, where w is the length of input timestamp and m is the number of feature (or called variable) of input. Given a historical sequence {x_t-w,...,x_t-1}, our goal is to predict its value at the next time step t. Based on it, we can calculate the anomaly score and threshold, and finally output y_t ∈{0, 1}, indicating whether it is anomalous or not at timestamp t. Considering the imbalance between anomalous and normal spacecraft telemetry data, we set the model to learn a normal mode by offline training and to monitor the anomalies online. The overview of our proposed spacecraft anomaly detection architecture is shown in Fig. <ref>, which consists of three modules: (a) Given a multivariate time-series sequence, we apply 1-D convolution to extract high-level features and use dynamic attention to capture temporal and variable relations. (b) Concatenate the outputs of the dynamic attention layer and convolution layer, and perform multi-stack temporal convolution to encode multivariate time-series representation. c) Multi layered perceptron (MLP) is used to map the encoding representation to predict future values. We minimize the residuals between predicted and observed values to update the model until convergence. §.§ Graph Attention Mechanism As aforementioned, spacecraft multivariate telemetry time series have complex interdependence. We use graph structure to model the relationships between variables <cit.>. Given an undirected graph 𝒢=(𝒱, ℰ), where 𝒱 denotes the set of vertices (or nodes) and ℰ⊆𝒱×𝒱 is a set of edges. Multivariate time series X = [x_t-w,...,x_t-1] ∈ℛ^w × m and x_i={x_i^(1),x_i^(2),...,x_i^(m)}∈ℛ^m, where i denotes the i-th time step (or node i), which can be considered as w nodes and x_i is feature vector corresponding to each node. It can be used to capture temporal dependencies. At the same time, to sufficiently capture the relationship of variables, the feature matrix can be transformed into X^ T=[x^(1),...,x^(m)] ∈ℛ^m × w, x^(i) = {x^(i)_t-w, x^(i)_t-w+1,...,x^(i)_t-1}∈ℛ^w. We capture temporal and variable dependencies according to its importance in the fully connected graph as shown in Fig. <ref>. Specifically, graph attention block is based on graph attention networks (GATs) <cit.>. Taking temporal attention for example, it learns a weighted averaged of the representation of neighbor nodes as follows: x_i = σ(∑_j ∈𝒩_iα_ij x_j ) where x_i denotes the output representation of temporal attention on x_i, σ is a nonlinear activation function, and the attention score α_ij is normalized across all neighbors j ∈𝒩_i by softmax. α_ij=softmax(e(x_i,x_j))=exp(e(x_i, x_j))/∑_k ∈𝒩_iexp(e(x_i, x_k)) where scoring function e(x_i, x_j) is defined as: e_ij=e(x_i,x_j)=LeakyReLU(a^T· [Wx_i||Wx_j]) which measures the importance of features of neighbor j to node i, || denotes concatenation operation, a and W are trainable parameters. In fact, GATs are static attention and can deteriorate the model fitting capability <cit.>. This is because the learned layers a and W are applied consecutively, and thus can be collapsed into a single linear layer. We apply dynamic graph attention by changing the order of operations in GATs. Concretely, after concatenating, a linear transformation is applied and then an attention layer is utilized after the activation function. Mathematically, dynamic attention can be defined as below: e_ij=e(x_i, x_j) = a^TLeakyReLU(W· [x_i||x_j]) §.§ Temporal Convolution Encoding As aforementioned, existing methods do not consider the model complexity and long training time. TCNs have proved to be superior to LSTMs and RNNs in terms of computational speed and ability to mine historical information for very long time series. We utilize TCNs as a backbone network to learn the representation of time series. TCNs are an improved architecture that overcomes the limitations of RNNs-based models, which are not able to capture the property of long time series and have low computational efficiency. TCNs' parallel structure makes it appealing to boost the efficiency of spacecraft anomaly detection. TCNs use a 1-D fully-convolutional network as architecture and zero padding to guarantee the hidden layer be the same size as the input, and also apply causal convolution. Suppose convolution filter F={f_1, f_2, ..., f_K}, where K denotes the size of convolution kernel. The mathematical of the element x_t-1 by causal convolution can be defined as follow: F(x_t-1) = ∑^K_k=1f_kx_t-1-K+k It can be observed from the above equation that the ability to process long sequence data is limited unless a large number of layers are stacked, which will make the task inefficient due to limited computing resources. The dilated convolution enlarges the receptive field with limited layers so that each convolution output contains a wide range of information. Dilated convolution reduces the depth of a simple causal convolution network. It also ensures that the output and input size are the same by skipping the input value in a given time step. As the network deepens, its receptive field covering each input in history expands exponentially. The dilated convolution with dilated factor d=1,2,4 is shown in Fig. <ref> and the mathematical expression can be formulated as: F_d(x_t-1)=∑^K_k=1f_kx_t-1-(K-k)d Finally, the residual connection is applied, which has been proven to be effective for neural network training. In addition, skipping connection through across-layer manner is also adopted to fully transmit information and avoid vanishing gradient problem in a deep network. The output of residual can be formulated as: F(x_t-1) = F_d(x_t-1) + x_t-1 §.§ Spacecraft Anomaly Detection The whole procedure of our proposed Attention Temporal Convolution Network (ATCN) for spacecraft anomaly detection is shown in Fig. <ref>. We train the model on normal data to predict telemetry. We minimize the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) loss ℒ=RMSE(x̂,x) between predicted output sequence x̂ and observed sequence x, to update the online model. When a detection job arrives, the online model computes the anomalous score sequence s by the deviation level between the input sequence and prediction sequence to find the threshold. Then, the error sequence s is compared with the calculated threshold value. If an error at a certain time step exceeds the threshold, the data at this position is considered as an abnormal value. § EXPERIMENTS §.§ Datasets We use real-world spacecraft datasets to verify the effectiveness of our model, including MSL and SMAP <cit.>, which are two public datasets of NASA spacecraft. The statistics of them are shown in Table <ref>, including the number of variables, size of the training set, size of testing set, the proportion of anomaly in the testing set, and partial variable information. We first normalize the training and testing dataset. Taking training set as an example, x:=x - min (X_train)/max (X_train) - min (X_train) where max (X_train) and min (X_train) are the maximum value and the minimum value of the training set respectively. §.§ Baseline We compared our model performance with state-of-the-art unsupervised anomaly detection methods, including reconstruction model (R-model) and prediction model (P-model): * KitNet <cit.> is the first work to use auto-encoder with or without ensembles for online anomaly detection. * OmniAnomaly <cit.> proposes a variational auto-encoder with gated recurrent units for multivariate time series anomaly detection. * GAN-Li <cit.> and MAD-GAN <cit.> are unsupervised multivariate anomaly detection method based on GANs. They adopt LSTM-RNN as the generator and discriminator model to capture the temporal correlation of time series distributions. * LSTM-VAE <cit.> aims at fusing signals and reconstructing their expected distribution. * LSTM-NDT <cit.> is a univariate time series detection method based on LSTM with a novel nonparametric anomaly thresholding approach for NASA datasets. * DAGMM <cit.> utilizes a deep auto-encoder to generate error sequence and feeds into Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) for anomaly detection. * MTAD-GAT <cit.> captures time relationships and variable dependency with jointly optimizing a forecasting-based model and a reconstruction-based model. * GTA <cit.> develops a new framework for multivariate time series anomaly detection that involves automatically learning a graph structure, graph convolution, and modeling temporal dependency using a Transformer-based architecture. These methods mainly model temporal dependency or multivariate correlation to detect anomalies by reconstruction or prediction model. We implement our method and all its variants with Pytorch version 1.6.0 with CUDA 10.2. The overall experiments are conducted on Tesla T4 GPU, 32G. §.§ Evaluation Metrics We evaluated the performance of various methods by the most frequently used metrics in the anomaly detection community, including Precision, Recall, and F1 score over the testing set: Precision =TP/TP+FP Recall =TP/TP+FN F1 =2 × Precision × Recall/Precision + Recall where TP, FP, FN are the numbers of true positives, false positives, and false negatives. Following the evaluation strategy in <cit.>, we use point-wise scores. In practice, anomalies at one time point in time series usually occur to form contiguous abnormal segments. Anomaly alerts can be triggered in any subset of the actual anomaly window. Therefore, the entire anomalous segment is correctly detected if any one time point is detected as anomaly by the model. The implementation of ATCN is publicly available[ The code is available at < https://github.com/Lliang97/Spacecraft-Anonamly-Detection>]. 1) Data preprocessing: We perform a data standardization before training to improve the robustness of our model. Data preprocessing is applied on both training and testing set: x=x - min X_train/max X_train - min X_train where max X_train and min X_train are the maximum value and the minimum value of the training set respectively. §.§ Experimental Setup We set the historical sliding window size to 100 and predict the value at the next timestamp. Moreover, the dropout strategy was applied to prevent overfitting and dropout rate is fixed to 0.1. The models are trained using the Adam optimizer with a learning rate initialized as 1e^-3 and batch size as 256 for 100 epochs. Table <ref> summarises the network configuration details. For anomaly detection on each test dataset, we apply a grid search on all possible anomaly thresholds and choose the best threshold to report F1 score. §.§ Result and Analysis The experimental results of various anomaly detection approaches on two datasets are reported in Table <ref>. It can be seen that our method shows superior performance and achieves the best F1 score 0.9272 for SMAP and 0.9613 for MSL. Specifically, we can draw the following conclusions. * Compared to the newest method GTA published in 2021, our model achieves 2.31% and 5.02% F1 improvement on two datasets respectively. Similarly, the precision is also boosted by 6.28% and 3.15% on SMAP and MSL, respectively. MTAD-GAT has comparable performance as GAT on SMAP. * Our method surpasses OmniAnomaly and DAGMM in most cases. Though OmniAnomaly captures temporal dependencies by stochastic RNNs, it ignores the correlations between variables, which is vital for multivariate times-series anomaly detection. The performance of DAGMM is not satisfactory since it does not consider historical temporal information. Therefore, it is important to dig the correlated information in terms of variable and temporal features. * LSTM-NDT creates a model for each telemetry channel, which leads to high expensive for modeling. It produces poor performance on MSL. * GAN-based anomaly detection methods GAN-Li and MAD-GAN give inferior performance because they fail to fully consider the correlations between variables. * Most methods use RNNs to capture temporal dependency, which is limited by the need to retain historical information in memory gates, restricting the ability to model long-term sequences and being subject to long computing times. TCNs with multi-stack dilated convolution and residual connection can capture long sequence that provides more pattern information and be calculated in parallel. Thus, our proposed model has clear advantages compared with existing models, which makes it attractive for spacecraft telemetry anomaly detection. We give an example of anomaly detection results on MSL in Fig. <ref>. When spacecraft telemetry data arrive, the residuals of predicted data and actual data are calculated to obtain anomaly scores, based on which threshold is calculated to determine whether it is an anomaly on each timestep. The blue line represents the curve of the anomaly score, the orange line denotes the calculated threshold, and the red line can be recognized as the anomalous segment. It can be seen that the detected outliers are mostly consistent with the true outliers, indicating the accuracy of our proposed anomaly detection algorithm. In order to observe the influence of long-term time series on the model, we set different window sizes, i.e., w=[20, 40, 60, 80, 100], to predict the value at the next timestamp. Then, the F1, precision, and recall are shown in Fig. <ref>. We can observe that F1 reaches the highest value at w=100, so our model can capture the relationships in long time series. §.§ Ablation Study To verify the necessity of each component in our method, we exclude variable attention, temporal attention, and the dynamic attention was replaced with original graph attention respectively to see how the model performs after these operations. As shown in Fig. <ref>, our original model always achieves the best F1, which verifies that the dynamic graph attention capturing correlations benefits model performance. On the other hand, the performance will degrade if the variable or temporary relationship information are removed, which validates the importance of relationship modeling in dealing with multivariate time series anomaly detection. Since using different thresholds will reach different results, the anomaly detection model was tested with two other statistical threshold selection methods to verify its robustness. With multivariate time series of N observations, we compute an anomaly score as S={S_1, S_2,..., S_N} for every observation. Specifically, the epsilon method <cit.> and Peak Over Threshold (POT) <cit.> method were adopted to select threshold in offline train period. Epsilon method calculates the threshold ϵ based on error sequence S according to ϵ = μ(S)+zσ(S), where ϵ is determined by: ϵ=argmax(ϵ)=Δμ(S) / μ(S) + Δσ(S) / σ(S) /|S_a|+|P_seq|^2 where μ is expectation and σ is standard deviation. Δμ(S) = μ(S) - μ({S_i ∈ S | S_i < ϵ}) Δσ(S) = σ(S) - σ({S_i ∈ S | S_i < ϵ}) S_a = {S_i ∈ S | S_i > ϵ} P_seq = sequence of S_a POT is the second theorem in Extreme Value Theory (EVT) and is a statistical theory to find the law of extreme values in a sequence. The advantage of EVT is that it does not need to assume the data distribution and learns the threshold by a generalized Pareto distribution (GPD) with parameters. The GPD function is as follows: F(s) = P(th - S > s | S < th ) ∼(1 + γ s/β) ^ - 1/γ where th is the initial threshold, γ and β are shape and scale parameters of GPD, and S is any value in {S_1, S_2,...,S_N}. The portion below the threshold th is denoted as th - S and it is empirically set to a low quantile. Then, the values of parameters γ̂ and β̂ are obtained by Maximum Likelihood Estimation. The final threshold can be calculated by: th_F≃ th - β̂/γ̂((qN/N_th)^-γ̂-1 ) where q is the proportion of S < th, N_th denotes the number of S < th. From Table <ref>, it can be concluded that the proposed ATCN model has competitive performance with respect to above two threshold selection approaches. We observe that epsilon method has achieved very close results benefiting from appropriate modeling of outliers. The POT method does not work well in terms of F1 because it has two parameters that need to be empirically fine-tuned. § CONCLUSIONS This paper proposes a model for spacecraft anomaly detection task. A temporal convolution networks-based architecture to process multivariate time-series was designed. In particular, the dynamic graph attention module was utilized to learn the correlation between variables and times and perform weighted embedding. After that, a temporal convolution networks module was designed to learn the patterns of the spacecraft data and detect anomalies. Experiments on two real-world NASA spacecraft datasets show that our method outperforms baselines in terms of F1, Precision, and Recall. Thus, it is helpful for operator to localize and understand anomalies. In the future, the researchers plan to investigate online training model toward the employment of proposed method in future spacecraft. spmpsci
Multi-agent Distributed Model Predictive Control with Connectivity Constraint
[ "Andrea Carron", "Danilo Saccani", "Lorenzo Fagiano", "Melanie N. Zeilinger" ]
[ "cs.MA", "math.OC" ]
This research has been supported by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR) under the PRIN 2017 grant n. 201732RS94 “Systems of Tethered Multicopters”. First]Andrea Carron Second]Danilo Saccani Second]Lorenzo Fagiano First]Melanie N. Zeilinger [First]Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. (email {carrona, mzeilinger}@ethz.ch) [Second]Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, Milano, Italy. (email: {danilo.saccani, lorenzo.fagiano}@polimi.it) In cooperative multi-agent robotic systems, coordination is necessary in order to complete a given task. Important examples include search and rescue, operations in hazardous environments, and environmental monitoring. Coordination, in turn, requires simultaneous satisfaction of safety critical constraints, in the form of state and input constraints, and a connectivity constraint, in order to ensure that at every time instant there exists a communication path between every pair of agents in the network. In this work, we present a model predictive controller that tackles the problem of performing multi-agent coordination while simultaneously satisfying safety critical and connectivity constraints. The former is formulated in the form of state and input constraints and the latter as a constraint on the second smallest eigenvalue of the associated communication graph Laplacian matrix, also known as Fiedler eigenvalue, which enforces the connectivity of the communication network. We propose a sequential quadratic programming formulation to solve the associated optimization problem that is amenable to distributed optimization, making the proposed solution suitable for control of multi-agent robotics systems relying on local computation. Finally, the effectiveness of the algorithm is highlighted with a numerical simulation. Control under communication constraints (nonlinearity); Nonlinear cooperative control; Coordination of multiple vehicle systems; Multi-agent systems; Nonlinear predictive control; Networked systems; § INTRODUCTION In the last two decades, many applications employed cooperative multi-agent setups, for example, environmental monitoring, search and rescue operations and exploration of unknown environments. Compared to single-agent setups, multi-robot systems can solve certain tasks faster and more robustly, moreover some tasks can just not be solved by a single agent. However, to successfully deploy a multi-agent system, it is necessary to simultaneously guarantee safety and communication network connectivity, <cit.>. The former is commonly formulated in the form of satisfaction of safety critical state constraints, like collision avoidance with obstacles and other agents. The latter requires the existence of a multi-hop communication path between each pair of agents in the communication network. In most distributed multi-agent problems, connectivity is usually assumed rather than enforced, see for example <cit.>. However, the loss of connectivity can lead to the failure of the controller as information cannot propagate throughout the whole network. Guaranteeing connectivity in multi-robot systems is particularly challenging due to the time-varying nature of the communication network that depends on the agents relative positions. Contributions: In this work, we propose a multi-agent model predictive controller (MPC) for tracking that can simultaneously guarantee satisfaction of safety critical and connectivity constraints. The latter is enforced by imposing a constraint on the second smallest eigenvalue of the Laplacian matrix. The proposed controller maintains the MPC theoretical results of closed-loop constraint satisfaction and convergence. Moreover, we propose a Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) reformulation of the original nonlinear optimal control problem that is amenable to distributed implementation, i.e., it relies on local communication. Related Work: In the last decades, model predictive control received a considerable attention thanks to its capability of systematically handling state and input constraints. The application of MPC to control multi-agent and distributed systems has also been widely studied, see for example <cit.> and <cit.>. While there is a variety of techniques, the approach most relevant to this paper is the work presented by <cit.> and <cit.>, where the authors present a tracking MPC formulation for nonlinear constrained systems. <cit.> were among the first to consider connectivity in a control problem. The work introduces the concept of geometric robust connectivity, which however, in the examples presented induces unwanted chattering behavior of the agents' inputs. Alternative approaches for formation control have been presented in <cit.>, but they enforce the maintenance of local connections, which can be very restrictive. An alternative approach, based on enforcing connectivity on the adjacency matrix, is introduced in <cit.>, however, the resulting controller cannot be computed using only local information. The successful idea of using the Fiedler eigenvalue, see <cit.>, to preserve connectivity is introduced in <cit.>. In <cit.>, the authors make direct use of the Fiedler eigenvalue, while in <cit.>, the authors exploit the determinant of the reduced Laplacian. Applications of the two proposed methods to the problem of formation control and rendezvous problems, as well as the integration of radio signal strength maps are considered in <cit.>. In <cit.>, a more efficient distributed method for computing the Fiedler eigenvalue is presented, and in <cit.>, the authors introduce two connectivity maintenance algorithms for Lagrangian and port-Hamiltonian non-linear systems, respectively. Finally, we refer the readers to <cit.> for a unified framework for connectivity maintenance. To the best of authors' knowledge, this is the first work where connectivity is imposed as constraint using an optimization-based control framework. Moreover, while some of the aforementioned approaches provide heuristics to satisfy constraints, to the best of the authors' knowledge none of the previous results provide formal guarantees. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section <ref>, we introduce the problem setup. Section <ref> and <ref> describe the proposed method and an SQP-based solution for the resulting optimization problem, respectively. In Section <ref>, we validate the controller with numerical simulations. Finally, Section <ref> concludes the paper. § PROBLEM FORMULATION This section introduces the agents dynamics and their constraints, as well as the communication assumptions. Finally, we formally introduce the problem we aim to solve. §.§ Agents Dynamics and Constraints We consider a swarm of M agents, each of them modeled as a non-linear time-invariant dynamical system of the form x_i(k+1) = f_i(x_i(k),u_i(k)), p_i(k) = C_ix_i(k), where x_i ∈ℝ^n_i, u_i ∈ℝ^m_i, and p_i ∈ℝ^o_i are the state, input, and position of agent i, respectively. In most robotics applications, the position vector is either 2 or 3-dimensional, i.e., o_i = 2 or 3. Let us denote with (x̅_i, u̅_i) an equilibrium of system (<ref>), and we assume that each agent is able to measure its own state x_i. Let us consider, without loss of generality, that the position of the system p_i is at the top of the state vector x_i and introduce the operator ψ (p_i) = [p_i^T,0, …, 0]^T∈ℝ^n_i that generates a vector of the dimension of x_i with first entry, corresponding to the position p_i of the i-th robot. The agents' dynamics (<ref>) are position invariant, i.e. ∀ p_j ∈ℝ^o_i, x_i, u_i, f_i(x_i+ψ(p_j),u_i)=x_i(k+1)+ψ(p_j). Assumption <ref> is in particular satisfied when the position is the output of an integrator and no forces or moments depend on it, which is a standard condition in many ground and aerial robots. The state and input variables are constrained to lie within the following sets x_i ∈𝕏_i, u_i ∈𝕌_i. Finally, by stacking the state of each agent in a vector and similarly for the inputs, we obtain the swarm state x=col_i∈M x_i and input u=col_i∈M u_i. §.§ Communication Network and Generalized Connectivity In the proposed setup, agent i can communicate with spatially close neighbours, i.e., all agents contained within a set _i (p_i), centered at the agent's position p_i: ψ(p_i) ∈𝕏_i. For example, assume that agents i and j have a communication set _l(p_l)={q:p_l - q_2 ≤ d }, with l∈{i,j} and d > 0 being their maximum communication range. Thus, the agents are able to communicate if and only if p_i - p_j_2 ≤ d. The communication network is defined as an undirected and time-varying communication graph (k)=(, (k)), where the set of nodes ∈M represents the agents in the network, and the set of edges (k) ⊂× contains the pairs of agents {i,j}, which can communicate with each other at time k. (k) can change over time as the edges depend on the agents' relative position. The set of neighbors of node i, including i itself, is denoted by N_i = {i}∪{j | {i,j}∈(k)}⊆. The state of the agent i with the state of its neighbours is denoted x_N_i. To include possible interactions between neighbouring subsystems we consider also the following coupling state constraint: c(x_N_i) ≤ 0. Constraint (<ref>) is left purposely general since it can represent any coupling between neighbouring subsystems. A typical example in multi-robot systems is collision avoidance between neighbours. The Laplacian matrix L∈ℝ^M × M of a graph  is defined as L = D - A, where A is the adjacency matrix and D is the degree matrix of the graph. The adjacency matrix A ∈ℝ^M × M is a square symmetric matrix with elements A_ij≥ 0 such that A_ij = 0 if {i, j}∉(k), A_ii = 0, and A_ij >0 otherwise. The matrix D ∈ℝ^M × M is a diagonal matrix where D_ii = ∑_j=1^M A_ij. A graph is said to be connected if there is a sequence of edges between any pair of vertices. A measure for the graph connectivity is given by the second smallest eigenvalue λ_2 of the Laplacian matrix L of the graph , also called the Fiedler eigenvalue or connectivity eigenvalue, see for example <cit.>. When the graph  is connected, the connectivity eigenvalue λ_2 is strictly positive, i.e., λ_2(L) > 0. Making the adjacency matrix A dependent on the agents' state x_i may lead to a loss of connectivity in specific scenarios. We define a smooth function ϕ(x_i,x_j) such that ϕ(x_i,x_j) > 0 if and only if p_i - p_j_2 ≤ d and ϕ(x_i,x_j) = 0 otherwise. The function ϕ(x_i,x_j) is used to weigh the inter-agent links in the adjacency matrix, i.e., by setting A_ij = ϕ(x_i,x_j). The connectivity condition (<ref>) thus becomes state dependent λ_2(L(x)) > 0. Condition (<ref>) is often referred to as generalized connectivity, see <cit.>. In the next sections, we will make use of the following result, providing that both eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Laplacian matrix L are differentiable under the following assumption: The second smallest eigenvalue λ_2(L(x)) of the graph Laplacian matrix is simple ∀ k≥ 0. (Theorem 1 in <cit.>) Let Assumption <ref> hold, and let X_0 be a real symmetric n× n matrix. Let v_0 be a normalized eigenvector associated with a simple eigenvalue λ_0 of X_0. Then a real-valued function λ and a vector function v exist for all X in some neighbourhood 𝒩(X_0)∈ℝ^n× n of X_0, such that: λ(X_0)=λ_0, v(X_0)=v_0, and Xv=λ v, v^Tv=1, X∈𝒩(X_0). Moreover, the functions λ and v are ∞ times differentiable on 𝒩(X_0), and the differentials at X_0 are: dλ = v_0^T(dX)v_0 and dv=(λ_0 I_n-X_0)^+(dX)v_0 where X^+ denotes the Moore-Penrose inverse of matrix X and I_n denotes the n-by-n identity matrix. In order for λ and v to be differentiable at X_0 we require that λ_0 is simple, but this does not exclude the possibility of multiplicities among the remaining n-1 eigenvalues of X_0. This assumption is usually implicitly considered in approaches for connectivity maintenance, see for example <cit.>. In our simulations, this assumption is always verified; however, to formally guarantee the assumption, it can also be enforced through a nonlinear constraint in the proposed FHOCP. §.§ Problem Statement Based on the defined setup, the problem addressed in this paper is formally stated in the following. Consider a swarm of M robots with dynamics (<ref>) and subject to constraints (<ref>), (<ref>). The agents' initial condition x(0) = x_0 satisfies the generalized connectivity condition λ_2(L(x_0)) > 0. Given M reference targets r = [r_1, …, r_M]^T, such that λ_2(L([ψ(r_1), …, ψ(r_M)]^T)) > 0, determine control inputs u such that generalized connectivity condition (<ref>) and constraints (<ref>) are satisfied at all times k>0 and, if feasible, lim_k→∞ p(k) - r_2 → 0. § MPC WITH CONNECTIVITY CONSTRAINT In this section, we introduce a method to solve Problem <ref> that simultaneously takes into account the non-linear dynamics of the agents (<ref>), state and input constraints (<ref>) and (<ref>), and the connectivity constraint (<ref>). To this aim, we propose a nonlinear tracking MPC inspired by the work in <cit.>, where an artificial reference is considered as an additional decision variable. Problem (<ref>) is cast as the following Finite Horizon Optimal Control Problem (FHOCP), where x(j|k) denotes the open-loop prediction of the variable x at time j+k predicted at time k. min_U,x̅,u̅,r̅ ∑_i=1^MJ_i(x,U_i,x̅_i,u̅_i,r_i,r̅_i) subject to: x_i(0|k)=x_i(k) x_i(j+1|k)=f_i(x_i(j|k),u_i(j|k)) ∀ j∈ℕ_0^N-1 p_i(j|k)=C_i x_i(j|k) ∀ j∈ℕ_0^N x̅_i = f_i(x̅_i,u̅_i) x_i(N|k)=x̅_i r̅_i = C_i x̅_i x_i(j|k)∈𝕏_i ∀ j∈ℕ_0^N c(x_N_i(j|k))≤ 0 ∀ j∈ℕ_0^N u_i(j|k)∈𝕌_i ∀ j∈ℕ_0^N-1 λ_2(L(x(j|k))) >0 ∀ j∈ℕ_0^N ∀ i∈ℕ_1^M, where U_i is the input sequence of agent i over a prediction horizon N ∈ℕ, U=col_i∈{1,…,M} U_i the vector containing all the input sequences, J_i is the cost function of agent i, which depends on input, state, reference and artificial reference of agent i, and ℕ_i^j indicates the integers from i to j. Constraints (<ref>)-(<ref>) represent the initial condition and dynamics of the system, constraints (<ref>)-(<ref>) pertain to state and input, (<ref>) is the terminal constraint, and (<ref>) the connectivity one. Notice that Problem (<ref>) couples the agents via constraint (<ref>), which couples neighbouring agents, and connectivity constraint (<ref>), which couples the state of all the agents in the system. Since coupling constraints of the form (<ref>) have been widely addressed in the distributed MPC literature, see for example <cit.>, we will mainly focus on how to treat the connectivity constraint (<ref>) in the following. The different ingredients defining the FHOCP (<ref>) are described in the following subsections. §.§.§ Cost Function Given the reference r_i for each agent, the cost function considered in (<ref>) is defined as J_i(x,U,x̅_i,u̅_i,r_i,r̅_i)) = ∑_j=1^N-1 l_i(x_i,(j|k)-x̅_i,u_i,(j|k)-u̅_i)+ +l_i,N(r̅_i-r_i), where l_i(·,·):ℝ^n_i×ℝ^m_i→ℝ is the stage cost function and l_i,N(·):ℝ^o_i→ℝ is an offset cost that weighs the distance between the final position of the predicted trajectory, i.e., the artificial reference, and the reference r_i. Let us consider the following standard assumption, see <cit.>, on the stage and offset cost. Consider the cost function (<ref>). The stage cost function l_i(·,·) is positive definite, and the offset cost l_i,N(·) is a positive definite, convex subdifferentiable function. §.§.§ Connectivity Constraint As mentioned in Section <ref>, defining the adjacency matrix A via the weight function ϕ(x_i,x_j) renders the connectivity condition state-dependent. We consider continuously differentiable functions ϕ, allowing us to compute the Jacobian and Hessian with of the Laplacian L with respect to the state, ultimately needed to solve the optimization problem. As an example, in <cit.>, the following position-dependent function has been considered: ϕ(p_i,p_j)=e^-p_i-p_j _2^2 / 2σ^2, where σ is a scalar parameter computed such that e^-ρ_c^2 / 2σ^2=ϵ, with ϵ being a (small) user-defined threshold and ρ_c a communication radius. Alternatively, other bounded continuously differentiable functions can be considered, for example ϕ(p_i,p_j)=-0.5 tanh(τp_i-p_j_2 -τρ_c)+0.5, where τ is a user-defined parameter that allows to tune the slope of the function depending on the communication radius ρ_c. The strict inequality imposed by constraint (<ref>) cannot be directly implemented in a nonlinear programming (NLP) solver. A common approach is to tighten the constraint. To this aim, let us consider an arbitrary small minimum value of the Fiedler eigenvalue λ_2 >0 and let us impose λ_2(L(x_(j|k))) ≥λ_2 instead of constraint (<ref>). §.§.§ Terminal Ingredients Since, especially for nonlinear systems, the design of a (possibly time-varying) terminal region can be particularly challenging, in this work, we consider a terminal equality constraint corresponding to a steady-state (see (<ref>)). There are many alternatives that can enlarge the domain of attraction of the approach at the cost of increased complexity in the definition of the terminal ingredients, see e.g. the work proposed by <cit.>. However, including the connectivity constraint in the computation of terminal ingredients is non trivial problem, and it is left as an open research direction. §.§.§ Theoretical analysis Before stating the results of the proposed approach, let us consider the following assumption. For the given initial condition x_i(0) ∀ i ∈1,…,M, there exists a vector of input sequences U of length N∈ℕ that generates an obstacle free trajectory, preserves the connectivity constraints (<ref>), and allows each agent to reach the reference r_i. Assumption <ref> implies that there exists a sequence of inputs sequences that allows the system to reach the target without violating the constraints. In case the target is not reachable, the proposed formulation allows to reach the closest reachable steady state, for more details see <cit.>. The following proposition summarizes the theoretical guarantees of the proposed MPC control scheme. Let Assumptions <ref>, <ref> and  <ref> hold, and assume that the FHOCP (<ref>) at time k = 0 is feasible. Then, problem (<ref>) is recursively feasible and, by selecting a prediction horizon N≥N, the system controlled by solving the FHOCP (<ref>) in a receding horizon fashion, converges to the reference r while satisfying the generalized connectivity condition (<ref>) and constraints (<ref>) and (<ref>), ∀ k≥0. In the following, we provide a sketch of the proof of this result. The aforestated result comes directly from the use of the terminal equality constraint (<ref>) and classic arguments from MPC theory, see for example <cit.>. The proof is divided in two parts; first we show that problem (<ref>) is recursively feasible and then, we show that under Assumptions  <ref>, <ref> and  <ref> the system's position converges to the target. Recursive feasibility: As standard in MPC (see e.g., <cit.>), given a feasible solution of the FHOCP (<ref>) at time k denoted as U_i^*(k)={u_i^*(0|k),… …,u_i^*(N-1|k)} we can define the following candidate solution at time k+1: Û_i(k+1)={u_i^*(1|k),…,u_i^*(N-1|k),u̅_i^*} leading to the candidate state trajectories X̂_i(k+1)={x_i^*(1|k),…,x_i^*(N-1|k), x̅^*_i}, ∀ i ∈ℕ_1^M. It is easy to show that the candidate trajectory is a feasible solution for problem (<ref>), thanks to the state and connectivity constraint satisfaction of the terminal equality constraint (see constraints (<ref>) (<ref>), (<ref>) and  (<ref>)) and thanks to the invariance of the steady-state x̅_i under the terminal steady-state control action u̅_i. Convergence: Under Assumptions <ref> and <ref>, thanks to the results on the convergence of tracking MPC in <cit.>, the state converges to the target, i.e., lim_k→∞p(k) -r _2→ 0. Note that the results presented in Proposition <ref> remain valid also in the presence of a time-varying reference r, thanks to the offset cost in (<ref>), as shown in <cit.>. § DISTRIBUTED SQP-BASED SOLUTION The FHOCP (<ref>) is an NLP due to the nonlinearities introduced by the system dynamics (<ref>) and the nonlinear constraint (<ref>). Addressing the problem in a centralized way would require communicating the state of all agents to a single unit, and then computing the solution and sending back the optimizer in real-time. This may be impractical in many cases, due to delays and limited computation capabilities. To avoid the use of a central-unit, we propose an SQP-based solution, for more details see <cit.>, that is amenable to distributed optimization. In order to obtain the SQP formulation, we first write the FHOCP (<ref>) as min_z f_NLP(z) s.t.: g(z)=0, h(z)≤ 0, -λ_2(L(z))+λ_2≤ 0 , where z is the optimization variable that includes both state and input. It can be noticed that we have highlighted constraint (<ref>) in (<ref>). In this section, we aim to show how the gradient of the connectivity constraint and the related term of the Hessian of the Lagrangian, which will be better defined in the following paragraph, can be analytically computed. Sequential quadratic programming computes a solution to (<ref>) by iteratively solving quadratic programs that locally approximate the original NLP at the current solution estimate ẑ_j. At each iteration, the solution Δ z of the quadratic subproblem min_Δ z ∇ f_NLP(ẑ_j)^TΔ z + 1/2Δ z^T HΔ z s.t.: g(ẑ_j)+∇ g(ẑ_j)Δ z=0, h(ẑ_j)+∇ h(ẑ_j) Δ z≤ 0, -λ_2(L(ẑ_j))+λ_2-. ∂λ_2(L(ẑ_j))/∂ z|_ẑ_jΔ z≤ 0 , is used to update the current solution estimate, where ∇ f_NLP, ∇ g and ∇ h denote the gradients of f_NLP, g and h, respectively. In the above optimization problem, the matrix H denotes the Hessian of the Lagrangian L of (<ref>), where L is defined as L(z,μ^g,μ^h,μ^λ) = f_NLP(z)+μ^g^T g(z)+μ^h^T h(z)-μ^λλ_2(L(z)), and μ^g,μ^h, and μ^λ are the Lagrange multipliers. The Hessian, in general, can be approximated, e.g. with Broyden–Fletcher-Goldfarb–Shanno (BFGS) algorithm, see <cit.>, or exactly computed. Also the gradients required to solve (<ref>), can be analytically or numerically computed. In this paper, we provide a result that shows how the gradient and the Hessian of the Lagrangian term related to the connectivity constraint (<ref>) can be analytically computed by exploiting Theorem <ref>. In fact, according to (<ref>), we can write: ∂λ_2 /∂ x_i = v_2^T ∂ L/∂ x_i v_2 = ∑_j∈N_i∂ A_ij/∂ x_i (v_2^i-v_2^j), where v_2^i is the i-th entry of the eigenvector v associated with the second smallest eigenvalue λ_2 of the Laplacian L. Furthermore, by differentiating a second time (<ref>), we obtain that the second derivative of the Fiedler eigenvalue with respect to the state x can be written as: ∂^2λ_2/∂ x_ix_j= [ ∂ v_2/∂ x_j]^T [ ∂ L/∂ x_iv_2 ]+ v_2^T ( ∂^2 L/∂ x_i x_j) v_2+ v_2^T ∂ L/∂ x_i∂ v_2/∂ x_j, where ∂ v_2/∂ x_i is derived by (<ref>). In the following, we show that the QP-subproblem (<ref>) maintains the graph structure inherited from the communication network, and thus can be solved using distributed optimization techniques, such as the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) (see <cit.>). In the original problem (<ref>), the coupling among neighbouring agents is imposed by constraints (<ref>) and (<ref>), i.e., the coupling state constraint and the connectivity constraint. By definition, the first only couples neighbouring agents, and thus also its linearization in (<ref>) preserves the same sparsity pattern imposed by the communication network. Regarding the connectivity constraint, it is possible to write (<ref>) such that it only depends on local information. In fact, the smallest eigenvalue λ_2 of the Laplacian matrix L and the associated eigenvector v_2 can be computed in a distributed fashion by following the approach proposed in <cit.>, which makes use of a modified power-iteration method. Finally, the Jacobian (<ref>) and Hessian (<ref>) of the second smallest eigenvalue of the Laplacian only depend on local information. In particular for the Jacobian, it is possible to see that the summation in (<ref>) runs only over the neighbouring agents thus requiring only local information. The Hessian computation in (<ref>) comprises three terms. The computation of the first and third terms require only local information as they involve a multiplication with the derivative of the Laplacian with respect to the state of agent i. The same argument holds for the second term as it involves the second derivative of the Laplacian with respect to the state of agent i and j. To conclude, the SQP-based algorithm to solve optimization problem (<ref>) is summarized in Algorithm <ref>. In Algorithm <ref>, the parameter α_j is determined in order to produce a sufficient decrease in a merit function that combines the objective with measures of constraint violation, see <cit.>, to avoid steps that reduces the objective function but increases the violation of the constraints. In general, the Hessian of the Lagrangian L may not be positive definite. However, to guarantee the convergence of the SQP-based algorithm, it is necessary that the obtained approximation of H is positive definite. When this is not the case, there exists various approaches to find a positive definite approximation, see for example <cit.>. § NUMERICAL EXAMPLE We provide two numerical examples to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The simulations are performed in MATLAB^ on a Quad-Core Intel Core i7 (2.8 GHz, 16 GB) machine under MS Windows, using CasADI to compute the derivative needed to define the QP (<ref>) and to solve each iteration of the SQP. For both examples, we consider a swarm of vehicles, each one described by the following non-linear time-invariant dynamics: x_i(k+1) = f(x(k),u(k)), [ p_x_i(k+1); p_y_i(k+1); θ_i(k+1); γ_i (k+1) ] = ( p_x_i(k)+T_s cos(θ_i(k))v_i(k) p_y_i(k)+T_s sin(θ_i(k))v_i(k) θ_i(k) + T_s v_i(k)/Ltan(γ_i(k)) γ_i(k)+T_s δ_i(k) ), p_i(k) = Cx_i(k), where T_s=0.1 is the sampling time, L=0.005 is the wheelbase of the agent, p_xi, p_yi represent the position of the agent, θ_i the yaw angle and γ_i the steering angle. The input of the system is represented by the commanded velocity v_i and steering rate δ_i. The yaw angle of each agent is constrained to be within the set [-π, π], while the steering angle γ_i∈[-π/2, π/2], defining the set of state constraints 𝕏_i. The velocity of each agent is instead limited in the range [-4, 4] m/s and the steering rate |δ_i|≤1, defining the set of input constraints 𝕌_i. Each agent has a circular communication set _i(p_i)={q:p_i - q_2 ≤ρ_c } with a communication radius ρ_c=2 m. To define the adjacency matrix, we consider the following function ϕ(p_i,p_j)=-0.5tanh(10p_i - q_2-10ρ_c)+0.5. Furthermore, to avoid collisions between different agents, we consider an obstacle avoidance constraint in the FHOCP, by setting as forbidden area a ball with diameter ρ_a = 1 m around the agent position. Thus, we impose the collision avoidance constraint p_i - p_j_2 ≥ρ_a. As a first example, we present a scenario where a swarm of M=10 agents has to cross the workspace, while avoiding collisions with other agents and with a circular obstacle centered at ξ_o and of radius ρ_o , see Fig. <ref>. Thus, we consider the following FHOCP min_U,x̅,u̅,r̅ ∑_i=1^M J_i(x,U,x̅_i,u̅_i,r̅_i,r_i) subject to: x_i(0|k)=x_i(k), x_i(j+1|k)=f(x_i(k|t),u_i(k|t)), ∀ j ∈ℕ_0^N-1, x_i(j|k)∈𝕏_i, ∀ j ∈ℕ_0^N, u_i(j|k)∈𝕌_i, ∀ j ∈ℕ_0^N-1, p_i(j|k)-ξ_o _2≥(ρ_a/2+ρ_a/2), ∀ j ∈ℕ_0^N, ||p_i(j|k)-p_l(j|k) ||_2≥ρ_a, ∀ l ∈N_i, ∀ j ∈ℕ_0^N, x̅_i = f(x̅_i,u̅_i), x_i(N|k)=x̅_i, u̅_i ∈𝕌_i r̅_i = C x̅_i, λ_2(L(x))≥ 0.1, ∀ i ∈ℕ_1^M, the considered tracking cost function is J_i(x,U,x̅_i,u̅_i,r̅_i,r_i)=∑_j=1^N-1|x_i(j|k)-x̅_i|_Q+ +|u_i(j|k)-u̅_i|_R +|r̅_i-r_i|_Q_2, where Q=I_4, R=0.5 I_2, Q_2=5 I_4 and the selected prediction horizon is N=10. The obtained NLP, is solved with Algorithm <ref>. Fig. <ref> shows the closed-loop trajectories of the agents applying the control law obtained by solving (<ref>), either when constraint (<ref>) is implemented (Fig. <ref>) or without (Fig. <ref>). The value of the Fiedler eigenvalue λ_2(L(x)) during the two simulations is shown in Fig. <ref>. The red line shows the behaviour of the eigenvalue when the connectivity constraint (<ref>) is not implemented. As it can be noticed, when the red agent in Fig. <ref> circumnavigates the obstacle, the eigenvalue drops to 0 meaning that the graph is disconnected and the network has no connectivity. The blue line, instead, depicts the value of λ_2(L(x)) when constraint (<ref>) is implemented. As it can be noticed in Fig. <ref>, in this case, the red agent reduces its velocity and circumnavigates the obstacle on the other side to keep communication with the rest of the swarm. The second scenario, shown in Fig. <ref>, represents a leader-follower approach where M=4 agents are considered. The leader, depicted as a red triangle in Fig. <ref>, follows a time-varying reference r_1 that drives the leader through a series of obstacles. To this aim, the cost function of problem (<ref>) is replaced with the following one: J(x_1,U,x̅_1,u̅_1,r̅_1,r_1) = ∑_j=1^N-1|x_1(j|k)-x̅_1|_Q+ +|u_1(j|k)-u̅_1|_R +|r̅_1-r_1|_Q_2. Fig. <ref> shows the simulation at time k=0,15, 25 and 40. The communication graph is highlighted in blue. It can be noticed that the connectivity constraint (<ref>) forces the follower agents to follow the leader to maintain the communication. § CONCLUSIONS This paper presented a multi-agent model predictive controller able to enforce network connectivity by imposing a constraint on the connectivity eigenvalue while guaranteeing input and state constraint satisfaction. To implement the proposed approach based on only local computation, we propose a SQP reformulation of the original nonlinear optimal control problem. Numerical simulations show the effectiveness of the approach.
An elementary method to compute equivariant convolutional kernels on homogeneous spaces for geometric deep learning
[ "Vincent Knibbeler" ]
[ "math.RT", "cs.AI", "53Z50 (Primary) 68T07, 16Z05, 43A85 (Secondary)" ]
We develop an elementary method to compute spaces of equivariant maps from a homogeneous space of a Lie group to a module of this group. The Lie group is not required to be compact. More generally we study spaces of invariant sections in homogeneous vector bundles, and take a special interest in the case where the fibres are algebras. This latter case has a natural global algebra structure. We classify the resulting automorphic algebras for the case where the homogeneous space has compact stabilisers. This work has applications in the theoretical development of geometric deep learning and also in the theory of automorphic Lie algebras. Quantum estimation of a charge distance from a hole-spin qubit in Si quantum dots Filippo Troiani^2 March 30, 2023 ================================================================================= Mathematics Subject Classification: 53Z50, 68T07, 16Z05, 43A85, Keywords: geometric deep learning, equivariant convolutional kernels, automorphic Lie algebras, homogeneous space, geometric Frobenius reciprocity § INTRODUCTION Let G be a Lie group and X a homogeneous space of G. That is, a smooth manifold with transitive G-action: for any two points x_0,x∈ there exists g∈ G with g x_0=x. Let V be a representation of G and denote the space of G-equivariant maps → V by GV={K:→ V | K(gx)=gK(x) ∀ g∈ G, ∀ x∈}. We develop an elementary method to compute this space. More generally, for any closed subgroup H of G and representation W of H we compute the G-invariant sections of the homogeneous vector bundle G×_H W over G/H, as we explain in detail in Section <ref>. In Section <ref> we replace V by an algebra with compatible G-module structure, and study the algebra of -equivariant maps →. This investigation is motivated on one hand by recent developments of geometric deep learning, and on the other hand by the expanding horizons of research on automorphic Lie algebras. The connection between these two topics has not been studied so far, but they are dealing with closely related problems. This paper can be read without knowledge of deep learning and automorphic Lie algebras, because we only tackle the differential geometric problem described above. Nonetheless we give a brief description of the two areas in this introduction and explain why they motivate our objective. One can skip to Section <ref> from here. Artificial intelligence is currently developing at a rapid pace and there is a great need for mathematics in this field, as is explained in the recent survey article by Kutyniok <cit.>. A particular challenge where researchers are looking to mathematics for answers is the search for good architectures of deep neural networks. One approach to this problem is the highly active field of geometric deep learning. Two surveys articles on geometric deep learning appeared in May 2021, by Bronstein, Bruna, Cohen and Veličković <cit.> and Gerken et al. <cit.> and another by Weiler, Forré, Verlinde and Welling <cit.> appeared only a month later. We will not attempt to provide an overview of the literature but simply refer to the combined literature reviews in these three works, which we would not be able to improve. We do mention however the paper of Cohen, Weiler, Kicanaoglu and Welling <cit.> and Cheng et al. <cit.>, which highlight the importance of convolution with equivariant kernels. These papers inspired this research: we compute spaces of equivariant kernels. We start our slightly longer summary of the geometric deep learning that motivated this paper with Cohen, Geiger and Weiler's description of equivariant convolutional networks on homogeneous spaces <cit.>. The features of such convolutional networks are sections of homogeneous vector bundles G×_H V, which can be presented as maps f:G→ V such that f(gh)=h^-1f(g) for all h∈ H (see Section <ref> for more details). The authors use the fact that cross-correlation on the group eq:cross(κ⋆f)(g)=∫_Gκ(g^-1h)f(h)h is equivariant under the group G in the sense that κ⋆ (u· f)=u· (κ⋆ f), ∀ u∈ G, granted that h is a left-invariant measure on G[cross-correlation is sometimes called convolution in the literature, although the term convolution is classically reserved for the operation (κ∗ f)(g)=∫_Gκ(gh^-1)f(h) h, which is not G-equivariant.]. The map κ:G→(V ,V_out) is called the kernel, or the filter, and the group acts as u· f=f∘ u^-1. The main result of <cit.> shows that κ⋆ takes sections of G×_H V_in to sections of G×_H V_out if and only if κ descends to a section of the homogeneous vector bundle G×_H× H(V_in,V_out) defined by the right action of H× H on G×(V_in,V_out) given by (g,m)·(h_1,h_2)=(h_2^-1 g h_1, ρ_out(h_2)^-1 m ρ_in(h_1)). Geometric deep learning developed further in the papers by Cohen, Weiler, Kicanaoglu and Welling <cit.> and Cheng et al. <cit.> where one considers convolutional networks on manifolds M in general, rather than homogeneous spaces specifically. This adds another level of abstraction that we briefly describe. For a comprehensive treatment, we refer to <cit.>. Lacking a transitive group action on a manifold M, one has to find another way to move a filter over the manifold. The solution proposed in <cit.> is to use parallel transport. The i-th feature space is the space of sections Γ_i of a vector bundle π_i:E_i→ M. Features f_i are elements of Γ_i. The kernel is defined by a map K:T_x^*M→(π_in^-1(x^*), π_out^-1(x^*)) on the tangent space of M at the point x^*, and the convolution is then defined by an integral of the form eq:convolution (K∗f_in)(x)= ∫_B⊂T_x^*M K(v) f_in|_exp_x v(x) ^d v where f_in| _exp_x v(x) is the parallel transport of f_in(exp_x v) along the geodesic from exp_x v to x, and d the dimension of M. The tangent space T_x^*M is isomorphic to R^d. A family of such isomorphisms parametrised by M is called a gauge. A choice of gauge allows us to consider the kernel as a map K: R^d →(V_in, V_out) where we keep notation light by using the same letter K, and renaming the fibres. Because the choice of gauge is arbitrary, convolution has to be invariant under any gauge transformation in the structure group G⊂(d, R). The action of the structure group on the feature spaces is denoted ρ_in:G→(V_in) and ρ_out:G→(V_out). Weiler et al. <cit.> show that the convolution is invariant under gauge transformations if an only if K(g v)=(g)^-1 ρ_out(g) K(v)ρ_in(g)^-1, g∈ G, v∈ R^d. Cheng et al. <cit.> show that if the maps Γ_in→Γ_out between feature spaces satisfy some reasonable conditions, then they are of the form (<ref>). We propose to compute the space of G-equivariant kernels K on R^d by considering the G-orbits in R^d separately. Although it is not always a trivial task to combine the results on these orbits in order to describe the kernels on R^d, the advantage is that the computation of equivariant kernels on the orbits, homogeneous spaces , can be done with simple methods that work equally well for noncompact groups as for compact ones. Therefore we will be looking for the G-equivariant maps → V where V=^*⊗ V_out⊗ V_in^*. The special case ⊗ V_in=V_out comes with an associative algebra structure (matrix multiplication) and is therefore most interesting to us (the case V_in=V_out also allows the use of biases in neural networks and this case is highlighted in the discussion of <cit.> due to interesting analogies in physics). To ensure the integrals (<ref>) and (<ref>) are finite, the kernels are often required to have compact support. We want to study equivariant kernels for noncompact groups G, which do not have compact support, so we do not impose this condition. The reader interested in convolution is advised to keep this in mind. Automorphic Lie algebras were introduced in relation to integrable systems in mathematical physics by Lombardo and Mikhailov <cit.>. They are Lie algebras of meromorphic maps from a Riemann surface into a finite dimensional Lie algebra g which are equivariant with respect to a group Γ acting discretely on and on g by automorphisms, and have some restriction on the poles. The best known examples are the twisted loop algebras L( g, σ, m)={f: C^∗→ g Laurent polynomial | f(e^2π i/m z)=σ f(z)} where σ is an automorphism of order m of the Lie algebra g. Twisted loop algebras are used in concrete realisations of affine Kac-Moody algebras. These are however somewhat misleading examples because they are the only simple automorphic Lie algebras due to the landmark papers by Kac and Mathieu <cit.>: loop algebras are highly exceptional. The algebra of Onsager <cit.> gives a better impression of the nature of the topic. In the original work of Onsager, it is not at all obvious that this Lie algebra O fits in the framework of automorphic Lie algebras, but Roan showed that this is indeed the case <cit.>, with the construction of an isomorphism O≅{f: C^∗→[2] Laurent polynomial | f(z^-1)=σ f(z)} where [2] is the Lie algebra of traceless complex 2× 2 matrices and σ is an order 2 automorphism thereof. The Onsager algebra is not simple, the commutator subalgebra [ O, O] is a nontrivial ideal. The involved action of the 2 element group on C^∗ given by z ↦ z^-1 has nontrivial stabilisers at z=1 and z=-1. The automorphic Lie algebra evaluates to a lower dimensional algebra at these points than elsewhere. This is the more typical situation. In fact, many automorphic Lie algebras with [2] as target Lie algebra are isomorphic to the Onsager algebra, even if the involved group actions are more complicated. Examples abound in <cit.>. Before the recent work of Lombardo, Veselov and the author <cit.>, the groups Γ used in the construction of automorphic Lie algebras had been finite. The successful study of algebras of [2]-equivariant matrices shows that the infinite discrete groups are in reach, and there is an optimism that we can start to understand automorphic Lie algebras in various geometries. A first step in this direction, studied in this paper, is to simplify the situation to the case of continuous (Lie) groups (which contain the desired discrete groups) and their homogeneous spaces. This enables us to obtain subalgebras of the desired automorphic Lie algebras. There are methods to compute invariants of discrete groups from other invariants, such as transvection <cit.>, Rankin-Cohen brackets and modular derivatives <cit.>. These methods have been proven effective in the development of automorphic Lie algebras by Lombardo, Sanders and the author <cit.> and Lombardo, Veselov and the author <cit.>, but they do have a weakness: you need an invariant to start with, before you can compute more of them. The subalgebras of automorphic Lie algebras that can be computed with the method of this paper provide a starting point for discrete methods and further study of automorphic Lie algebras in new geometries. Various examples have been selected to illustrate the theory and inspire further development of geometric deep learning and automorphic Lie algebras. § INVARIANT SECTIONS OF HOMOGENEOUS VECTOR BUNDLES Throughout this section, let be a homogeneous space of a Lie group G, and V a representation of G. Our main practical contribution is this Elementary method to compute all G-equivariant maps → V. 1 Choose a base point x_0∈. 2 Determine H G_x_0={g∈ G | g x_0=x_0}. 3 Find a map f:→ G such that f(x)x_0=x. 4 Compute a basis {v_1,…,v_n} for the invariants V^H. The maps x↦ f(x)v_1,…,x↦ f(x)v_n constitute a basis for GV. A few comments are in order. If f:→ G is such that f(x)x_0=x then x↦ f(x)H is an isomorphism → G/H. Existence of this map is equivalent to transitivity of the action of G on . It is well known that such a map can be chosen to be smooth near any point, but in general there is no such map that is globally smooth[There is a smooth map f:→ G such that f(x)x_0=x if and only if the H-bundle G→ is isomorphic to the trivial bundle × H→. Indeed, given such f, one can construct a map G→× H by g↦(g x_0,f(g x_0)^-1g). This is a bijection with inverse (x,h)↦ f(x)h, and hence an isomorphism of H-bundles. For the converse, suppose that ϕ:× H→ G is an isomorphism of H bundles, i.e. a smooth bijection such that ϕ(x,h)x_0=x. Then we can define a smooth map f:→ G is such that f(x)x_0=x by f(x)=ϕ(x,1).]. It is not well known how to find a map like f and we are in fact not aware of a general method to tackle this problem. Luckily it is easy to do for many of the cases that appear in geometric deep learning applications. It is for instance trivial for Euclidean spaces n≅(n)/(n) and for spherical spaces n≅(n+1)/(n) it can be solved with the Gram-Schmidt process. For hyperbolic spaces we did not find a general approach. The 2-dimensional case is simple enough and for the 3-dimensional case we present an ad hoc solution in Example <ref>. The computation of the invariants V^H is simplified by moving to the Lie algebra level. That is, one determines a basis B for the Lie algebra h of the Lie group H and solves the system of linear equations h v=0 for v∈ V and h∈ B. The complicating factor of this step is that the dimension of V can be very large in deep learning applications. Finzi, Welling and Wilson <cit.> approached this problem using singular value decompositions, and they made their software library publicly available. Arriving at the solution, we can also see why we do not impose conditions on the maps we consider. It is the action of G that determines the properties of equivariant maps on homogeneous spaces. For example, if the action is smooth, so are the maps. Before we prove that the method works, we give an example. [The hyperbolic plane 2] The hyperbolic plane can be realised as the space of complex numbers τ=x+iy with positive imaginary part, y>0. The group (2,R) acts transitively on by Möbius transformations [ a b; c d ]·τ=aτ+b/cτ+d. If we let (2,R) act on (R^2) by conjugation then we can define the space of (2,R)-equivariant maps →(R^2). This example fits in the setting above with =, =(2,R) and V=(R^2). To see this, we must check that (2,R) can take one point in , say i, to an arbitrary point τ=x+iy∈. A group element that does this is f(τ)=[ √(y) x/√(y); 0 1/√(y) ]. To carry out our method we pick a point x_0=i∈ and determine that the subgroup H of (2,R) fixing i is (2). The map f defined above satisfies f(x)x_0=x, so the only part that is possibly challenging is already taken care of. It remains to compute a basis for (R^2)^(2). For instance we can take v_1=[ 1 0; 0 1 ], v_2=[ 0 -1; 1 0 ]. We then arrive at a basis of the space of equivariant matrix-valued maps given by τ↦ f(τ)v_i f(τ)^-1, i=1,2. This first basis element is given by the identity matrix and the second reads τ=x+iy↦[ x/y -x^2+y^2/y; 1/y -x/y ]. As a bonus we have in this case a real algebra structure, where the product is the pointwise matrix multiplication. Identifying the above matrix with the imaginary unit provides an isomorphism to the algebra of complex numbers. We will now proof that this computational method gives the correct answers. Maps → V can be identified with sections of the trivial vector bundle × V. We will generalise this set-up to homogeneous vector bundles, following Cohen et al. <cit.> and Aronsson <cit.>, which are nontrivial bundles over defined by a representation of H rather than G, known for their role in the celebrated Borel-Weil theorem. The invariant sections of homogeneous vector bundles are easily determined. These are then mapped onto the desired space of equivariant maps → V. The following is a standard construction of a homogeneous vector bundle (see for instance <cit.>). Let W be a H-module and define a right action of H on G× W by (g,v)h=(gh,h^-1v). The orbit space (G× W)/H is denoted G×_H W. An element of this space is of the form [g,w]={(gh,h^-1w) | h∈ H}. Together with the projection map π :G×_H W→ G/H, [g,w]↦ gH this is a W-bundle over G/H. It carries a G-action given by g_1[g,w]=[g_1g,w]. This action restricts to linear maps between fibres and descends to a transitive action on G/H. The vector space Γ (G/H, G×_H W) of sections s becomes a G-module by the action (g_1 s)(gH)=g_1 s(g_1^-1gH). Notice that we have started with a representation W of H and ended up with a representation of G. These representation are commonly reformulated in the language of maps. Let denote the maps →, where is R or C, and V the maps → V. The sections of the homogeneous vector bundle G×_H W can be identified with the maps GHW= {f:G→ W | f(gh)=h^-1f(g), ∀ h∈ H, ∀ g∈ G} with G-action (g_1· f)(g)=f(g_1^-1 g). The sections of the trivial vector bundle G/H× V can be identified with the maps GH⊗ V≅{f:G→ V | f(gh)=f(g), ∀ h∈ H, ∀ g∈ G} with G-action (g_1· f)(g)=g_1 f(g_1^-1 g) (where the field is considered as the trivial representation of H). If G is compact then GHW is known as the representation of G induced by the representation W of H. For locally compact groups G such as the Lie groups we work with, induced representations have been defined as various subrepresentations of GHW. Mackey required functions to be L^2 (square integrable) with respect to a well chosen measure <cit.>, and Moore worked with L^1 functions <cit.>. For our simpler objective it is neither desirable nor necessary to make any of these restrictions. Let V be a representation of G and W a representation of H. Let denote the trivial representation of H. Then Φ:GHW→GH⊗ V, Φ(f)(g)=gf(g) is an isomorphism of G-representations if and only if W is the restriction of V to H. Let us denote the restriction of V to H by GHV. Suppose that W=GHV. Then Φ(f)∈GH⊗ V whenever f∈GHW since Φ(f)(gh)=ghf(gh)=gf(g)=Φ(f)(g), so that Φ is well defined. It has an inverse given by Φ^-1(f̃)(g)=g^-1f̃(g) and the G-linearity follows from the computation Φ(g_1· f)(g) =Φ(f∘ g_1^-1)(g) =gf(g_1^-1 g) =g_1g_1^-1gf(g_1^-1 g) =g_1Φ(f)(g_1^-1 g) =(g_1·Φ(f))(g), which completes the proof of one direction. Suppose now that Φ is an isomorphism of G-modules. We show first that W=V as vector spaces. Let G=⊔_x∈g_x H and for each w∈ W define the map g_x h↦ h^-1 w, which is an element of GHW. Therefore Φ sends it to an element g_x h↦ g_x w ∈ V. Taking g_x=1 we find that W⊂ V. In the other direction we have an easier construction because for each v∈ V the constant map g↦ v is in GH⊗ V. The inverse of Φ sends this map to the map g↦ g^-1v in GHW. With g=1 we see that V⊂ W. To see that the action of H on W is such that W= GHV we write out the equivariance condition for g↦ f(g)=g^-1v in GHW while we keep track of the actions we are using with subscripts: h·_W (g^-1·_Vv)=h·_Wf(g)=f(gh^-1)=(gh^-1)^-1·_Vv=h·_V (g^-1·_Vv). Putting g=1 we get h·_W v=h·_V v and we conclude that W=GHV. The space GHW^G corresponds to the space of constant maps G→ W^H. This provides an isomorphism GHW^G≅ W^H. If f∈GHW^G then f(g)=g· f(g)=f(1) hence f is constant. If f(g)=w then hw=hf(g)=f(gh^-1)=w hence w∈ W^H and f is a constant map G→ W^H. Vice versa, any constant map G→ W^H is clearly contained in GHW^G. The obvious isomorphisms GH≅G/H and GH⊗ V≅G/HV of representations provide an isomorphism (GH⊗ V)^G≅GV where GV are the G-equivariant maps → V. Let V be a representation of G. The space of equivariant maps GG/HV corresponds to the algebra of maps gH↦ gv where v∈ V^H. This provides an isomorphism GG/HV≅ V^H. We map the constant maps G→ V^H that constitute GHW^G by Lemma <ref> onto GG/HV using the isomorphism Φ of Lemma <ref>. Theorem <ref> reduces the infinite dimensional problem of determining the invariants in G/HV to the finite dimensional problem to determine V^H. It finishes the proof of our method to compute equivariant convolutional kernels. The statement of Theorem <ref> for compact groups also follows from the Frobenius reciprocity theorem as can be found in many textbooks. There is also a version of Frobenius reciprocity that allows for noncompact groups, but it is much harder to find in the literature. We found it in the excellent but advanced book by C̆ap and Slovák, <cit.>, where they describe it as a geometric version of Frobenius reciprocity, and use it to understand G-invariant geometric structures on G/H. We apply the method to a second common example. [The sphere 2] The sphere is compact and the equivariant maps on the sphere are therefore described in the existing literature of geometric deep learning (cf. <cit.>, <cit.> and <cit.>). This makes it a good example to illustrate our alternative approach to this problem. For convenience we will work with the homogeneous space C≅(2)/(1) where (2)=(2)/± acts on the Riemann sphere C= C ∪{∞} by Möbius transformations, rather than the more obvious 2≅(3)/(2). Stereographic projection 2→ C takes one description to the other. The complex irreducible representations (irreps) of (2) can be realised as V_n= C⟨ x^n,x^n-1y, x^n-2y^2,…,y^n⟩ where an element of g∈(2) acts on a polynomial p∈ V_n by (g· p)(x,y)=p(g^-1(x,y)). If p∈ V_2m then p(-x,-y)=p(x,y) so that V_2m is a representation of (2)/±≅(3). All irreps of SO(3) are obtained this way. Any complex representation of a compact group such as (2) and (3) is a direct sum of irreps. See for instance <cit.> or another textbook on this topic. We carry out our elementary method to compute (2) CV_2m. As base point we choose x_0 0∈ C. The subgroup of (2) stabilising 0 is H={±[ a 0; 0 a ] | a∈ C, | a| =1}. We need a map f: C→(2) such that f(Z) sends 0 to Z. For instance, we can define[The map f is not continuous at Z=∞ but this poses no problem. A continuous solution does not exist because (2) and C×(1) are topologically inequivalent.] f(Z)= {[ ±1/√(1+| Z| ^2)[ 1 Z; -Z 1 ] if Z∞,; ±[ 0 -1; 1 0 ] if Z=∞. ]. Our next step is to determine V^H. In this case we quickly find that V_2m^H= C x^m y^m. Thus we find the solution: (2) CV_2m the one-dimensional space spanned by the map Z↦ f(Z)x^my^m where f(Z)x^my^m= {[ (x-Zy)^m(Zx+y)^m/1+| Z| ^2 if Z∞,; (-1)^mx^my^m if Z=∞. ]. It was explained in <cit.> that this problem can be solved using knowledge of spherical harmonics (see e.g. <cit.>). With our approach we do not need to know bases of spherical harmonics a priori. Such bases appear automatically in the computation, because the coefficients of an equivariant vector form a basis for the spherical harmonics. To find these coefficients we rewrite (x-Zy)^m(Zx+y)^m/1+| Z| ^2 = 1/1+| Z| ^2(∑_i=0^m mi x^m-i(-Zy)^i) (∑_j=0^m mj(Zx)^m-jy^j) = 1/1+| Z| ^2∑_i=0^m ∑_j=0^mmimj x^2m-i-j y^i+j (-Z)^iZ^m-j = ∑_ℓ=0^2m x^2m-ℓ y^ℓ[1/1+| Z| ^2∑_i+j=ℓmimj (-1)^i Z^iZ^m-j] and find in square brackets a basis for the spherical harmonics of degree m. We end this section with the important specialisation to tangent vector fields. The tangent bundle of a homogeneous space can be studied in the framework of homogeneous vector bundles, using the isomorphism eq:tangent bundle T(G/H)≅G×_H g/h of vector bundles over G/H described by Sharpe in <cit.>. The symbols g and h denote the Lie algebras of the groups G and H respectively. Combining Lemma <ref> and (<ref>) we obtain The space of G-invariant tangent vector fields on is isomorphic to ( g/ h)^H. If H is connected then one can write ( g/ h)^H in purely Lie algebraic terms as N_ g( h)/ h where N_ g( h) is the normaliser {A∈ g | [A,B]∈ h ∀ B∈ h} of h in g. When H is the trivial group, Corollary <ref> reduces to the well known fact that the space of left-invariant vector fields on a Lie group is isomorphic to its Lie algebra. § FIXED POINT SUBALGEBRAS OF HOMOGENEOUS ALGEBRA BUNDLES In this section we investigate what happens when the fibres of the homogeneous vector bundles have the structure of an algebra. Throughout this section we assume that G is a Lie group and H a closed subgroup, and that is an -algebra and H-representation and these two structures are compatible in the sense that h(aa_1)=(ha)(ha_1) for all h∈ H and a,a_1∈. GH has an algebra structure defined by (ff_1)(g)=f(g)f_1(g), where f,f_1∈GH and g∈ G. The invariants GH^G form a subalgebra. We will take the algebra structure of GH into account and write GH to emphasize this. A subalgebra of invariants will be called an automorphic algebra. The automorphic algebra GH^G will be denoted GH. The linear isomorphisms obtained in the previous section are algebra isomorphisms in the setting of the current section. We state the results but omit the elementary proofs. In the context of invariant sections of homogeneous bundles and equivariant maps we have respectively the following results. * The automorphic algebra GH corresponds to the algebra of constant maps G→^H. * If G acts on by algebra isomorphisms, then the automorphic algebra GG/H corresponds to the algebra of maps gH↦ ga where a∈^H. This provides isomorphisms GH≅GG/H≅^H of algebras. The isomorphism class of GH does not depend on G. The full group only plays a role in the realisation of the algebra. [Automorphic Lie algebras on the Riemann sphere] Lombardo and Sanders classified automorphic Lie algebras on the Riemann sphere with target algebra [2] <cit.> (elements of these Lie algebras are invariants of a finite group). Their analysis starts with the observation that the map C^2→[2], [ x; y ]↦[ xy -x^2; y^2 -xy ] is [2]-equivariant with respect to left multiplication on C^2 and the adjoint action (conjugation) on [2]. We recover this observation with the approach of this paper, where we consider C^2∖{0} as [2]-space. The stabiliser of x_0[ 1; 0 ] is A={[ 1 b; 0 1 ] | b∈C}=e^C[ 0 1; 0 0 ]. A map f:C^2∖{0}≅[2] with f(x)x_0=x is given by [ x; y ]↦[ x -y/r^2; y x/r^2 ], r^2=x^2+y^2. and provides an isomorphism C^2∖{0}≅[2]/A. The space of A-invariants in [2] is spanned by [ 0 1; 0 0 ]. Hence, by Theorem <ref>, the space of [2]-equivariant maps C^2∖{0}→[2] is spanned by [ x; y ]↦([ x -y/r^2; y x/r^2 ])[ 0 1; 0 0 ]=[ -xy x^2; -y^2 xy ]. Theorem <ref> is not necessary to compute this example. For example, if V_n is the irreducible representation of [2] with highest weight n, then we know from representation theory that we have the isomorphisms of [2]-modules (V_n)≅ V_n⊗ V_n^∗≅ V_n⊗ V_n≅ V_2n⊕ V_2n-2⊕…⊕ V_0. With Schur's lemma we can then see that there is precisely one equivariant map C^2∖{0}→gl(V_n) of homogeneous order 0, 2, 4, …, 2n, up to multiplicative constant, and these can be computed by brute force. It is however difficult to say anything about the algebra structure of this space based only on the representation theory of [2]. Here we find the value of Theorem <ref> for this example, as it shows that the solution space is conjugate to the space of A-invariants. If we define the nilpotent operator E for a representation ρ_n:[2]→(V_n) by E=ρ_n[ 0 1; 0 0 ] then any power of E is fixed by A (because ρ_n(A)=e^ C E and (e^ c E)E^n=e^ c (E)E^n=E^n). Moreover, the minimal polynomial of E is λ^n+1, thus gl(V_n)^A=C[E]≅C[T]/(T^n+1), and we have an isomorphism C[T]/(T^n+1)→[2]C^2∖{0}gl(V_n) of algebras given by T↦[[ x; y ]↦(ρ_n[ x -y/r^2; y x/r^2 ]) E]. This cyclic algebra is of course a subalgebra of any automorphic Lie algebra defined by restricting the above actions of [2] to one of its subgroups. If we replace V_n by a reducible representation U then the algebra gl(U)^A is no longer abelian. In the context of convolutional networks, the target representations are spaces of real matrices. In the context of automorphic Lie algebras we are interested in target spaces with algebra structures. For this reason we will emphasize the intersection of these special cases, where W==(U). When we involve the algebra structure, we will write gl(U) instead of (U). Due to the Skolem-Noether theorem we know than any automorphism of gl(U) is inner, i.e. of the form m↦ r m r^-1 for some r∈(U). Hence any homomorphism ρ:H→gl(U) is of the form ρ(h)m=σ(h)mσ(h)^-1 where σ is a homomorphism H→(U), that is, a projective representation of H. Recall that the endomorphism ring of an irrep is a division ring due to Schur's lemma, and that a real division ring is isomorphic to either the real numbers R, the complex numbers C or the quaternions H due to Frobenius' theorem. Real irreps are said to be of real type, complex type or quaternionic type accordingly. Combining these facts with the complete reducibility of representations of compact groups we obtain the following corollary of Lemma <ref>. Let K be a compact subgroup of G and let U be a real projective representation of K. Then there is an isomorphism of algebras GKgl(U)≅⊕_rgl(r, R)⊕⊕_cgl(c, C)⊕⊕_hgl(h, H) where r ranges over the multiplicities of projective K-irreps in U_C of real type, c ranges over the multiplicities of conjugate pairs of projective K-irreps in U_C of complex type, and h ranges over the multiplicities of pairs of projective K-irreps in U_C of quaternionic (or symplectic) type. We refer to Bourbaki <cit.> for a general method to determine the type of an irrep of a simple Lie algebra. [Common compact stabilisers] All two- and three-dimensional model geometries in the sense of Thurston <cit.> have compact stabilisers K with connected component isomorphic to the trivial group or (2) or (3). The hyperbolic, spherical and Euclidean geometries n, n and n have stabilisers (n) in their isometry groups and stabilisers (n) in their orientation preserving isometry groups. These cases are therefore expected to be most common in applications and deserve special attention. The group (2) has only one irrep of real type: the trivial representation. All nontrivial irreducible projective representations of (2) are of complex type. Hence G(2)gl(U)≅gl(r, R)⊕⊕_cgl(c, C) where r= U^(2), cf. Example <ref>. The irreducible projective representations of (3) correspond to the irreps of its double cover (2). There is precisely one irrep of (2) of any finite dimension. It is of real type when the dimension is odd (and the representation descends to a representation of (3)) and of quaternionic type if the dimension is even, so that G(3)gl(U)≅⊕_rgl(r, R)⊕⊕_hgl(h, H). [Quaternions] Let V_1 be the natural representation of (2) of 2 complex-dimensions. It is of quaternionic type. Hence V_1⊕ V_1 has a basis in which (2) is represented by matrices with real entries. Let U be the corresponding (4 real-dimensional) representation. Then gl(U) is a real representation of (2)/±≅(3) (and of its extensions). We write down a basis for gl(U)^(3) to confirm it is isomorphic to the quaternions. With the embedding C^∗↦(2,C) given by a+bi↦[ a b; -b a ] we construct real matrices ρ_U([ a+bi -c+di; c+di a-bi ])= [ a b -c d; -b a -d -c; c d a -b; -d c b a ] for the representation ρ_U:(2)→(U). The matrices that commute with the image of this representation are spanned by the identity matrix and I=[ 0 -1 0 0; 1 0 0 0; 0 0 0 -1; 0 0 1 0 ], J=[ 0 0 -1 0; 0 0 0 1; 1 0 0 0; 0 -1 0 0 ], K=[ 0 0 0 -1; 0 0 -1 0; 0 1 0 0; 1 0 0 0 ]. These matrices satisfy I^2=J^2=K^2=IJK=- and provide the isomorphism gl(U)^(3)≅ H. [Hyperbolic space] In this example we will compute the algebra of maps from hyperbolic 3-space to the algebra of matrices gl(U) from Example <ref>, which are equivariant under the Lorentz group, and exhibit its isomorphism to the quaternion algebra. Hyperbolic 3-space 3 will be identified with the hyperboloid model; 3={(t,x,y,z)∈ R_≥ 1× R^3 | -t^2+x^2+y^2+z^2=-1} a component of a level set of the quadratic form Q(t,x,y,z)=-t^2+x^2+y^2+z^2. The group of linear transformations preserving Q is denoted (1,3) and corresponds to the group of automorphisms of 3. The connected component G^+(1,3) containing the identity acts transitively on 3 (as we will find below) and the stabiliser subgroups are isomorphic to (3). There is an isomorphism of real Lie groups between ^+(1,3) and (2, C), which can be understood using the Weyl representation that we now describe. The space of 2× 2 hermitian matrices of determinant 1 has two connected components distinguished by the sign of the trace. Its component of matrices with positive trace is in one-to-one correspondence with Hyperbolic space by the map ϕ:(t,x,y,z)↦ A=[ t+z x-iy; x+iy t-z ]. The group (2, C) acts on this space by [g]A=gAg^* where g^* is the conjugate transpose of g (it is easy to see that gAg^* is hermitian and has determinant 1. To argue that its trace is positive we can use the fact that [2] is connected, so that gAg^* is in the same connected component as A ^*=A). When this action of (2, C) is translated to 3 using ϕ one finds an isomorphism (2, C)→^+(1,3). We will continue this example using the Weyl representation. We choose a base point x_0 (1,0,0,0)∈3. Its stabiliser is H(2). To find a map f:3→(2, C) such that f(x)x_0=x, we need to solve eq:Lorentz gg^*=A for g∈(2, C). Since A is hermitian, we can write it as A=PDP^* with D=(λ^+,λ^-) where λ^±=t±√(t^2-1) are the eigenvalues of A and P∈(2) (uniquely defined up to right multiplication by (ζ,ζ^*), ζ∈(1)). We then find a solution to (<ref>) given by g=P√(D)P^* where √(D) is defined as (√(λ^+),√(λ^-)), and hence an explicit isomorphism 3→(2, C)/(2), (t,x,y,z)↦± g (2). The matrix g thus constructed reads eq:g g=1/√(2)√(t+1)[ t+1+z x-iy; x+iy t+1-z ]. Let us write down a basis for the automorphic algebra (1,3)^+3gl(U) where U is the representation defined in Example <ref> in which we computed a basis {1,I,J,K} for gl(U)^(3). The group element (<ref>) acts on U with the matrix ρ_U(g)=1/√(2)√(t+1)[ t+1+z 0 x -y; 0 t+1+z y x; x y t+1-z 0; -y x 0 t+1-z ] and on gl(U) by conjugation with this matrix. Applying g to I,J and K respectively yields I =([ 0 -1 0 0; 1 0 0 0; 0 0 0 -1; 0 0 1 0 ]), J =([ x y -t-z 0; y -x 0 t+z; t-z 0 -x y; 0 -t+z y x ]), K =([ -y x 0 -t-z; x y -t-z 0; 0 t-z -y -x; t-z 0 -x y ]). Together with the identity matrix, these form a basis for (1,3)^+3gl(U) due to Theorem <ref>. The quaternion algebra can thus be presented by matrix-valued functions on hyperbolic space equivariant under the Lorentz group. Bogatskiy et al. <cit.> designed a Lorentz group equivariant network to be used for the study of particle physics. The equivariance is incorporated as another learning task in this network, rather than being hard wired. § DISCUSSION We have described how the problem of computing all vector-valued equivariant maps on a homogeneous space can be reduced to finite dimensional linear algebra with a geometric version of Frobenius reciprocity. If G is compact then one can take the alternative approach of Fourier analysis to find the invariants. Representations of compact groups are completely reducible, so that L^2() and V decompose into irreps, and each pair of isomorphic irreps in these respective modules gives rise to one invariant in L^2()⊗ V≅ L^2(,V). Such an approach is presented by Lang and Weiler <cit.> and Lombardo, Sanders and the author in <cit.>. The hard part of this approach is the determination of the decomposition of L^2(). For important cases the solution is readily available. E.g. the decomposition of L^2((2)) is known from classical Fourier analysis and L^2((3)/(2)) from harmonic analysis on the two dimensional sphere. The approach presented in this paper has the advantage that G can be noncompact, Fourier analysis is not needed, irreps of G need not be determined and neither do isotypical components of L^2(). This simple approach is possible because the domains considered here are G-orbits, hence any equivariant map is determined by one value, contrary to the situation of automorphic Lie algebras where /G is a Riemann surface. This also shows the disadvantage of our approach. If is not a homogeneous space, there is more work to be done. For the study of algebra structures our construction has a second advantage: it preserves the algebra structure. For this reason there is no need to compute structure constants and find normal forms after the invariants are determined, which is one of the major challenges in the research on automorphic Lie algebras to date. Another natural approach to solve a Lie group-invariance constraint is to start with differentiation and reduce it to a linear problem defined by the generators of the Lie algebra. Finzi, Welling and Wilson <cit.> used this approach in the context of geometric deep learning. The authors show how the resulting linear system can be effectively solved using the singular value decomposition in case the representation is finite dimensional, and they made their software library publicly available. For the infinite dimensional representation GHW considered in this paper, and commonly in geometric deep learning, the linearised problem is a system of partial differential equations. Solving this system is much harder than the method presented in this paper, and is therefore no longer practical. However, our results reduce the problem of finding G-invariants in the infinite dimensional function space to finding H-invariants in the finite dimensional representation W of H. For high-dimensional representations W the approach and software of <cit.> can be used to compute W^H and complete the computation of GHW^G. We hope that the simplicity of the presented method, and its applicability to noncompact groups, will make it useful to the designers of convolutional neural networks with symmetries. For example, the authors of <cit.> express their interest in computing (3)-equivariant convolutional kernels on a particular homogeneous space but did not yet proceed because (3) is not compact. This should no longer be an obstacle. Furthermore, we hope that this material shall serve as a starting point for the study of automorphic Lie algebras in unexplored geometries such as hyperbolic 3-space or Siegel upper-half space, and uncover new Lie structures. § ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to Jan E. Gerken, Sara Lombardo, Fahimeh Mokhtari, Jan A.  Sanders and Maurice Weiler for helpful and stimulating discussions.
MizAR 60 for Mizar 50
[ "Jan Jakubův", "Karel Chvalovský", "Zarathustra Goertzel", "Cezary Kaliszyk", "Mirek Olšák", "Bartosz Piotrowski", "Stephan Schulz", "Martin Suda", "Josef Urban" ]
[ "cs.AI", "cs.LG", "cs.LO", "cs.SC" ]
Quantifying the Effects of Magnetic Field Line Curvature Scattering on Radiation Belt and Ring Current Particles [ March 30, 2023 ================================================================================================================= As a present to Mizar on its 50th anniversary, we develop an AI/TP system that automatically proves about 60 of the Mizar theorems in the hammer setting. We also automatically prove 75 of the Mizar theorems when the automated provers are helped by using only the premises used in the human-written Mizar proofs. We describe the methods and large-scale experiments leading to these results. This includes in particular the E and Vampire provers, their ENIGMA and Deepire learning modifications, a number of learning-based premise selection methods, and the incremental loop that interleaves growing a corpus of millions of ATP proofs with training increasingly strong AI/TP systems on them. We also present a selection of Mizar problems that were proved automatically. § INTRODUCTION: MIZAR, MML, HAMMERS AND AITP In recent years, methods that combine machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI) and automated theorem proving (ATP) <cit.> have been considerably developed, primarily targeting large libraries of formal mathematics developed by the ITP community. This ranges from premise selection methods <cit.> and hammer <cit.> systems to developing and training learning-based internal guidance of ATP systems such as E <cit.> and Vampire <cit.> on the thousands to millions of problems extracted from the ITP libraries. Such large ITP corpora have further enabled research topics such as automated strategy invention <cit.> and tactical guidance <cit.>, learning-based conjecturing <cit.>, autoformalization <cit.>, and development of metasystems that combine learning and reasoning in various feedback loops <cit.>. Starting with the March 2003 release<http://mizar.uwb.edu.pl/forum/archive/0303/msg00004.html> of the MPTP system <cit.> and the first ML/TP and hammer experiments over it <cit.>, the Mizar Mathematical Library <cit.> () and its subsets have as of 2023 been used for twenty years for this research, making it perhaps the oldest and most researched AI/TP resource in the last two decades. §.§ Contributions The last large Mizar40 evaluation <cit.> of the AI/TP methods over MML was done almost ten years ago, on the occasion of 40 years of Mizar. Since then, a number of strong methods have been developed in areas such as premise selection and internal guidance of ATPs. In this work, we therefore evaluate these methods in a way that can be compared to the Mizar40 evaluation, providing an overall picture of how far the field has moved. Our main results are: * Over 75 of the Mizar toplevel lemmas can today be proved by AI/TP systems when the premises for the proof can be selected from the library either by a human or a machine. This should be compared to 56 in Mizar40 achieved on the same version of the MML. Over 200 examples of the automatically obtained proofs are analyzed on our web page.<https://github.com/ai4reason/ATP_Proofs> * 58.4 of the Mizar toplevel lemmas can be proved today without any help from the users, i.e., in the large-theory (hammering) mode. This should be compared to about 40.6 achieved on the same version of the MML in Mizar40. In both cases, this is done by a large portfolio of AI/TP methods which is limited to 420 of CPU time. * Our strongest single AI/TP method alone now proves in 30 40 of the lemmas in the hammering mode, i.e., reaching the same strength as the full 420 portfolio in Mizar40. * Our strongest single AI/TP method now proves in 120 60 of the toplevel lemmas in the human-premises (bushy) mode (Section <ref>), i.e., outperforming the union of all methods developed in Mizar40 (56). * We show that our strongest method transfers to a significantly newer version of the MML which contains a lot of new terminology and lemmas. In particular, on the new 13370 theorems coming from the new 242 articles in MML version 1382, our strongest method outperforms standard E prover by 58.2, while this is only 56.1 on the Mizar40 version of the library where we do the training and experiments. This is thanks to our development and use of anonymous <cit.> logic-aware ML methods that learn only from the structure of mathematical problems. This is unusual in today's machine learning which is dominated by large language models that typically struggle on new terminology. §.§ Overview of the Methods and Experiments The central methods in this evaluation are internal guidance provided by the ENIGMA (and later also Deepire) system, and premise selection methods. We have also used several additional approaches such as many previously invented strategies and new methods for constructing their portfolios, efficient methods for large-scale training on millions of ATP proofs, methods that interleave multiple runs of ATPs with restarts on ML-based selection of the best inferred clauses (leapfrogging), and methods for minimizing the premises needed for the problems by decomposition into many ATP subproblems. These methods are described in Sections <ref>, <ref>, and <ref>, after introducing the MML in Section <ref>. Section <ref> describes the large-scale evaluation and its final results, and Section <ref> showcases the obtained proofs. § THE MIZAR MATHEMATICAL LIBRARY AND THE MIZAR40 CORPUS Proof assistant systems are usually developed together with their respective proof libraries. This allows evaluating and showcasing the available functionality. In the case of Mizar <cit.>, the developers have very early decided to focus on its library, the MML (Mizar Mathematical Library) <cit.>. This was done by establishing a dedicated library committee responsible for the evaluation of potential Mizar articles to be included, as well as for maintaining the library. As a result, the MML became one of the largest libraries of formalized mathematics today. It includes many results absent from those derived in other systems, such as lattices <cit.> and random-access Turing machines <cit.>. All the data gathered and evaluations performed in the paper (with the exception of version-transfer in Section <ref>) use the same Mizar library version as the previous large evaluation <cit.> and all subsequent evaluation papers. This allows us to rigorously compare the methods and evaluate the improvement. That version of the library, MML 1147, when exported to first-order logic using the MPTP export <cit.> corresponds to 57897 theorems including the unnamed toplevel lemmas. For a rigorous evaluation in the hammering scenario, we will further split this dataset into several training and testing parts in Section <ref>. § ENIGMA: ATP GUIDANCE AND RELATED TECHNOLOGIES ENIGMA <cit.> stands for “Efficient Learning Based Inference Guiding Machine”. It is the first learning-guided ATP that in 2019 achieved large improvements over state-of-the-art saturation ATPs <cit.>, and the main ingredient of the work reported here. This section summarizes previously published research on ENIGMA and also the related methods that were used to undertake the large-scale experiments done here (Section <ref>). §.§ Saturation Theorem Proving Meets Machine Learning Saturation Provers: State-of-the-art automated theorem provers, like E Prover <cit.> and Vampire <cit.>, perform the search for a contradiction, first translating the input first-order logic problem into a refutationally equivalent set of clauses. Then the prover operates the proof search using the given clause algorithm. In this algorithm, the proof state is split into two subsets, the set P of processed clauses, and the set U of unprocessed clauses. Clauses in U are ordered by a heuristic evaluation function. In each iteration of the main loop, the (heuristically) best clause in U is picked. This given clause g is then simplified with respect to all clauses in P. If it is not redundant, it is used in turn to simplify all clauses in P. After that, all generating inferences between g and the remaining clauses in P are performed. Both the newly generated clauses and the simplified clauses from P are then completely simplified with respect to P, heuristically evaluated, and added to U. This process continues until the empty clause emerges (or until the system runs out of resources). Training Data: As of E 1.8 <cit.>, E maintains an internal proof object <cit.> which allows it to inspect all proof clauses and designate all clauses that have been selected for processing and are part of the proof, as positive training examples. All clauses that have been selected for processing, but not contributed to the proof, are designated as negative training examples. Clauses that have not been processed at all are neither positive nor negative, reducing the total number of training examples to typically thousands of processed clauses, as opposed to millions of clauses generated. E allows the user to request the actual proof object, or to provide any combination of positive and negative training examples. Examples are provided in separate batches and are also annotated as positive or negative for easy processing. ML-Based Selection: Selection of the right given clause is critical in E, and an obvious point for the use of machine learning (ML). The positive and negative examples are extracted from previous successful proof searches, and a machine learning model is trained to score the generated clauses or to classify them as useful (⊞) or useless (⊟). E Prover selects the given clause from a priority queue, where the unprocessed clauses are sorted by various heuristics. ENIGMA extends E Prover with an additional queue where clauses positively classified by the ML model are prioritized. The ENIGMA queue is used together with the standard E selection mechanisms, typically in a cooperative way where roughly half of the clauses are selected by ENIGMA. This approach proved to be the most efficient in practice. Parental Guidance: Later ENIGMA <cit.> introduced learning-based parental guidance, which addresses the quadratic factor when doing all possible inferences among the processed clauses in classical saturation-based provers. Instead, an ML model is trained to prevent inferences between the parent clauses that are unlikely to meaningfully interact. When such an inference is recognized by the model as useless with a high degree of confidence, the child clause is not inserted into the set of unprocessed clauses U but its processing is postponed. To maintain completeness, the clause can not be directly discarded since the ML model might be mistaken. Instead, the clause is put into a “freezer” from which it can be retrieved in the case the prover runs out of unprocessed clauses. As opposed to the above clause selection models, this method affects the standard E selection mechanism because the clause is not inserted into any queue. ENIGMA clause selection models and parental (generation) models can be successfully combined. This is schematically illustrated in Figure <ref> (left). Multi-Phase ENIGMA: ML-based multi-phase clause selection was introduced in <cit.> to deal with computationally expensive (slow) ML models, like graph neural networks (GNNs). In a two-phase selection model, a faster model is used for preliminary clause filtering, and only the clauses that pass are evaluated by the slower model. The fast model is expected to over-approximate on positive classes so that only clauses classified with high confidence as negatives are rejected. When parental guidance is added to the mix, this leads to a three-phase ENIGMA. This is schematically illustrated in Figure <ref> (middle). Aggressive forward subsumption is an additional logic-complete pruning method based on efficient subsumption indexing in E <cit.>. We use it to eliminate many redundant generated clauses before calling more expensive ML methods (GNN) for clause evaluation. For the effect of such methods, see some of the 3-phase ENIGMA examples in Section <ref>. Training: Strong ENIGMAs are typically developed in many prove-learn feedback loops <cit.> that proceed as follows. (1) The training data T are curated from (previous) successful proof searches. (2) A model M is trained on data T to distinguish positive from negative clauses. (3) The model M is run with the ATP (E), usually in cooperation with the strategy used to obtain the training data. Then we go to step (1) with the new data obtained in step (3). The loop, illustrated in Figure <ref> (right), can be repeated as long as new problems are proved. We run this loop for several months in this work. §.§ Gradient Boosted Decision Tree Classifiers and Features ENIGMA supports classifiers based on Gradient Boosted Decision Trees (GBDTs). In particular, we experiment with XGBoost <cit.> and LightGBM <cit.>. Both frameworks are efficient and can handle large data well both in training and evaluation. For learning, we represent first-order clauses by numeric feature vectors. A decision tree is a binary tree with nodes labeled by conditions on the values of the feature vectors. Given a clause, the tree is navigated to the leaf where the clause evaluation is stored. Both frameworks work with a sequence (ensemble) of several trees, constructed in a progressive way (boosting). The frameworks differ in the underlying algorithm for the construction of decision trees. XGBoost constructs trees level-wise, while LightGBM leaf-wise. This implies that XGBoost trees are well-balanced. On the other hand, LightGBM can produce much deeper trees, and the tree depth limit is indeed an important learning meta-parameter that can be optimized. ENIGMA extracts various syntactic information from a first-order clause and stores them in the feature vector of the clause. Given a finite set of features, each feature is assigned an index in the feature vector, and the corresponding feature value is stored at this index. For example, a typical clause feature is the clause length. ENIGMA supports the following. Vertical Features are constructed by traversing the clause syntax tree and collecting all top-down oriented symbol paths of length 3. Additionally, to abstract from variable names and to deal with possible collisions of Skolem symbols, all variables are replaced by a special name ⊙ and all Skolem symbols by . Horizontal Features introduce for every term f(t_1,…,t_n), a new feature f(s_1,…,s_n), where s_i is the top-level symbol of t_i. Count Features include the clause length, literal counts, and similar statistics. Conjecture Features embed the conjecture to be proved in the feature vector. Thusly, ENIGMA is able to provide goal specific predictions. Parent Features represent a clause by features (concatenated or summed) of its parents. Feature Hashing is an important step towards large data in ENIGMA <cit.>. It significantly reduces the feature vector size and thusly allows handling of larger data. Each feature is represented by a unique string identifier. This string is passed through the hashing function and the hash modulo the selected hash base is used as the feature index. Symbol Anonymization allows to abstract from specific symbol names <cit.>. During the extraction of clause features, all symbol names are replaced by symbol arities, keeping only the information whether the symbol is a function or a predicate. In this way, a decision tree classifier does not depend on symbol names, at the price of symbol collisions, which are however empirically mitigated by collecting longer paths as features. §.§ Graph Neural Network (GNN) Classifiers Anonymizing graph neural networks provide an alternative approach for abstracting from specific terminology. ENIGMA uses <cit.> a symbol-independent GNN architecture initially developed for guiding tableaux search <cit.> implemented in TensorFlow <cit.>. A set of clauses is directly represented by a hypergraph with three kinds of nodes for clauses, subterms/literals, and symbols. Relationships among the objects are represented by various graph edges, which allow the network to distinguish different symbols while abstracting from their names. The GNN layers perform message passing across the edges, so the information at every node can get to its neighbors. This allows the network to see how the symbols are used without knowing their names. We always classify the new clauses together with the initial clauses which provide the context for the meaning of the anonymized symbols. During the ATP evaluation, predictions of hundreds of generated clauses are computed at once in larger batches, with the context given both by the initial and the processed clauses. The context can be either fixed, containing an initial segment of the initial and processed clauses, or it can be a shifting context using a window of clauses with the best GNN evaluation. §.§ Additional Related Techniques GPU Server Mode allows using GPUs for real-time evaluation <cit.>. To reduce the GPU overhead of model loading, we developed a Python GPU server, with preloaded models that can distribute the evaluation over several GPUs. E Prover clients communicate with the server via a network socket. We fully utilize our physical server 36 hyperthreading Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6140 CPU @ 2.30 cores, 755 of memory, and 4 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti GPUs. when we run 160 instances of E prover in parallel. Running both the server and clients on the same machine reduces the network communication overhead. Leapfrogging addresses the problem of evolving context when new given clauses are selected <cit.>. We run ENIGMA with a given abstract limit and generate a larger set of clauses. Then we run a premise selection on these generated clauses (e.g., only processed clauses), take the good clauses, and use them as input for a new ENIGMA run. A related split/merge method involves repeatedly splitting the generated clauses into components that are run separately and then merged with premise selection. This is inspired by the idea that harder problems consist of components that benefit from such divide-and-conquer approaches. Deepire is an extension <cit.> of Vampire <cit.> by machine-learned clause selection guidance, generally following the ENIGMA-style methodology. It is distinguished by its use of recursive neural networks for classifying the generated clauses based solely on their derivation history. Thus Deepire does not attempt to read “what a clause says”, but only bases its decisions on “where a clause is coming from”. This allows the clause evaluation to be particularly fast, while still being able to recognize and promote useful clauses, especially in domains with distinguished axioms which reappear in many problems. § LEARNING PREMISE SELECTION FROM THE When an ATP is used over a large ITP library, typically only a small fraction of the facts are relevant for proving a new conjecture. Since giving too many redundant premises to the ATP significantly decreases the chances of proving the conjecture, premise selection is a critical task. The most efficient premise selection methods use data-driven or machine-learning approaches. If T is a set of theorems with their proofs and C is a set of conjectures without proofs, the task is to learn a (statistical) model from T, which for each conjecture c ∈ C will rank (or select a subset of) its available premises according to their relevance for producing an ATP proof of c. Two main machine learning settings can be used. In Multilabel classification, premises used in the proofs are treated as opaque labels and a machine learning model is trained to label conjectures based on their features. Binary classification aims to recognize pairwise-relevance of the (conjecture, premise) pairs, i.e. to estimate the chance of a premise being relevant for proving the conjecture based on the features of both the conjecture and the premise. The first setting is suitable for simpler, fast ML methods, like k-NN or Naive Bayes – these are described in Section <ref>. The second setting (Section <ref>) allows using more powerful ML architectures, like GBDTs and GNNs (Sections <ref> and <ref>). However, this setting also requires selecting negative examples for training <cit.>, which increases its complexity. §.§ Multilabel Premise Selection (, , ) Naive Bayes and k-nearest neighbors were the strongest selection methods in the Mizar40 evaluation <cit.>. In this work, we improve them and apply them together with newer methods. k-NN (): The k-nearest neighbours algorithm, when applied to premise selection, chooses k facts closest to the conjecture in the feature space and selects their dependencies. Already known modifications of the standard k-NN include considering the number of dependencies of facts (proofs with more dependencies are longer and thus less important) as well as TF-IDF (rare features are more important) <cit.>. Additionally, we realize that we do not need to fix the k. Instead, we consider a small k and if the number of scored dependencies is too low, we increase the k and update the dependencies. This is repeated until the requested number of predictions is obtained. The k-NN-based predictions with fixed k will be denoted, e.g., by 512, while with variable k this will be feavar, where fea specifies the features used. Naive Bayes (): The sparse Naive Bayes algorithm estimates the relevance of a fact F by the conditional probability of F being useful (estimated from past proof statistics) under the condition of the features being present in the conjecture (again estimated from statistics). We also consider extended features of F, i.e., features of F and features of facts proved using F. Together with premise selection-specific weights this improves on the basic Naive Bayes and has already been used in HolyHammer and later Sledgehammer. A complete derivation of the algorithm is discussed in <cit.>. The Naive Bayes predictions will be denoted by fea. These algorithms can be parametrized by more complex features. We considered: for constants and paths (Section <ref>) in the term graph, for subterms, for anti-unification features <cit.>, for online ENIGMA features discussed in Section <ref> and for the union of all above. Finally, these algorithms also support the chronological mode, which in the learning phase discards proofs that use facts introduced after the current conjecture in the Mizar canonical order (). This slightly weakens the algorithms, but is compatible with the previous Mizar40 premise selection evaluation <cit.>. These will be marked by ^chrono. Dependent Selection with RNNs (): Premise selection methods were originally mainly based on ranking the facts independently with respect to the conjecture. The highest ranked facts are then used as axioms and given to the ATP systems together with the conjecture. Such approaches (used also with GBDTs), although useful and successful, do not take into account that the premises are not independent of each other. Some premises complement each other better when proving a particular conjecture, while some highly-ranked premises might be just minor variants of one another. Recurrent neural network (RNN) encoder-decoder models <cit.> and transformers <cit.> (language models) turn out to be suitable ML architectures for modeling such implicit dependencies. Such models have been traditionally developed for natural language processing, however, recently they are also increasingly used in symbolic reasoning tasks <cit.>, including premise selection <cit.>. §.§ Premise Selection as Binary Classification (, ) Gradient Boosted Decision Trees (): We use GBDTs (LightGBM) also for premise selection in the binary mode. They are faster to train than the deep learning methods, perform well with unbalanced training sets, and handle well sparse features. We fix the LightGBM hyperparameters here based on our previous experiments with applying GBDTs to premise selection <cit.>. In the binary setting, the GBDT scores the pairwise relevance of the conjecture and a candidate premise. Because the number of possible candidates is large (all preceding facts in the large ITP library), we first use the cheaper k-nearest neighbors algorithm to pre-filter the available premises. The predictions from LightGBM will be denoted as below. Dependent Selection with GNNs (): The message-passing GNN architecture described in Section <ref> can also be applied to premise selection. Like RNNs, it can also take into account the dependencies between premises. As the GNN is relatively slow, we will use it in combination with a simpler premise selection method, such as k-NN, preselecting 512 facts. We will denote GNN predictions by below. Both and , can be indexed with the threshold on the score (like 0.1 or -1), used to differentiate useful and useless clauses. §.§ Ensemble Methods for Premise Selection () There are several ways how we can combine the premise selection methods discussed in previous subsections. Naturally, using different methods for different strategies works well, however, we also found that combining the predictions obtained from several methods and using them for a single prover run gives good and complementary results. Since prediction scores resulting from different algorithms are often incomparable <cit.>, we only use the rankings produced by the various methods and based on this we create a combined ranking. We have compared several ways to combine rankings in previous work <cit.> and found that several averages work well: arithmetic mean, minimum, and geometric mean, with the harmonic mean giving experimentally the best results. Additionally, we add weights to the different combined methods. The weights give more priority to a stronger prediction method, but allow it to benefit from the simpler ones overall (by picking up some lost facts). Given predictions from n different methods and method weights w_1,…,w_n, assume that a fact has been ranked as r_1-th by the first method until and r_n-th by the last one. Then, the ensemble method would give that fact a score of 1/∑_i=1^nw_i/r_i. The scores of the facts obtained in this way are sorted, to get a ranking of all facts. The ensemble predictions will be denoted by , with methods and their weights in the super and subscript, for example ,,0.25,0.25,0.5. §.§ Subproblem Based Premise Minimization () The proof dependencies obtained by successful ATP runs typically perform better as data for premise selection than the dependencies from the human-written ITP proofs <cit.>. However, some Mizar proofs are hundreds of lines long and it is so far unrealistic to raise the 75 ATP performance obtained here in the bushy setting to a number close to 100. This means that if we used only ATP-based premise data, we would currently miss in the premise selection training 25 of the proof dependency information available in the MML. To remedy that, we newly use here subproblem based premises. The idea behind this is that a theorem with a longer Mizar proof consists of a series of natural deduction steps that typically have to be justified. Once ATP proofs of all such steps (we call them subproblems) for a given toplevel theorem are available, they can be used to prune the (overapproximated) set of human-written premises of the theorem. Such minimization also increases the chance of proving the theorem directly. In more detail, we consider the following approaches: (1) Use the premises from only ATP-proved subproblems, ignoring unproved subproblems. (2) Add to (1) all explicit Mizar premises of the theorem (possibly ignoring some background facts). (3) Add to (2) also the (semi-explicit) definitional expansions detected by the natural deduction module. (4) Add to (3) also some of the background premises, typically those ranked high by the trained premise selectors. When using (1) and (3), we were able to prove more than 1000 hard theorems (see Table <ref> in Section <ref>). We also use (3) as additional proof dependencies for ATP-unproved theorems when training premise selectors (Section <ref>). § STRATEGIES AND PORTFOLIOS Strategies: E, ENIGMA, Vampire and Deepire are parameterized by ATP strategies and their combinations. While ENIGMA-style guidance typically involves the application of a larger (neural, tree-based, etc.) and possibly slower statistical model to the clauses, standard ATP strategies typically consist of much faster clause evaluation functions and programs written in a DSL provided by the prover. Such programs can again be invented and learned in various ways for particular classes of problems. For the experiments here we have used many ATP strategies invented automatically by the BliStr/Tune systems <cit.>. They implement feedback loops that interleave targeted parameter search on problem clusters using engines like ParamILS <cit.>, with a large-scale evaluation of the invented strategies used for evolving the problem clustering. Starting from few strategies, BliStr/Tune typically evolve each strategy on the problems where the strategy performs best. During our experiments with the systems we have developed several thousand E Prover strategies, many of them targeted to Mizar problems. Some of these are mentioned in the experiments in Section <ref>. Robust Portfolios: Larger AI/TP systems and metasystems rely on portfolios <cit.> of complementary strategies that attack the problems serially or in parallel using a global time limit. In the presence of premise selection and multiple ATPs, such portfolios may consist of tens to hundreds of different methods. The larger the space of methods, the larger is the risk of overfitting the portfolio during its construction on a particular set of problems. For example, naive construction of “optimal” portfolios by using SAT solvers for the set-cover problem (where each strategy covers some part of the solution space) often leads to portfolios that are highly specialized to the particular set of problems. This is mitigated in more robust methods such as the greedy cover, however, the overfitting there can still be significant. E.g., a 14-strategy greedy cover built in the Mizar40 experiments <cit.> solved 44.1 of the random subset used for its construction, while it solved only 40.6 of the whole MML, i.e., 8 less. To improve on this, we propose a more robust way of portfolio construction here, based again on the machine-learning ideas of controlling overfitting. Instead of simply constructing one greedy cover C (with a certain time budget) on the whole development set D and evaluating it in the holdout set H, we first split D randomly into two equal size halves D_1 and D_2. Then we construct a greedy cover C_1 only on D_1, and evaluate its performance also on D_2 and the full set D. This is repeated n times (we use n=1000), which for large enough n typically guarantees that the greedy cover C_1^i will for some of the random splits D_1^i, D_2^i overfit very little (or even underfit). This can be further improved by evaluating the best (strongest and least overfitting) covers on many other random splits and selecting the most robust ones. We use this in Section <ref> to build a portfolio that performs only 3.5 worse on the (unseen) holdout set than on the development set used for its construction. § EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS §.§ Bushy Experiments and Timeline The final list of all 43717 Mizar problems proved by ATPs in our evaluation is available on our web page.<http://grid01.ciirc.cvut.cz/ mptp/00proved_20210902> The approximate timeline of the methods and the added solutions is shown in Table <ref>. This was continuously recorded on our web page,<https://github.com/ai4reason/ATP_Proofs> which also gives an idea of how the experiments progressed and how increasingly hard problems were proved. The large evaluation started in April 2020, as a follow-up to our work on ENIGMA Anonymous <cit.>. By combining the methods developed there and running with higher time limits, the number of problems proved by ENIGMA in the bushy setting reached 65.65 in June 2020. This was continued by iterating the learning and proving in a large Malarea-style feedback loop. The growing body of proofs was continuously used for training the graph neural networks and gradient boosted guidance, which were used for further proof attempts, combined with different search parameters and later used also for training premise selection. This included many grid searches on a small random subset of the problems over the thousands of differently trained GNNs and GBDTs corresponding to the training epochs, and then evaluating the strongest and most complementary ENIGMAs using the differently trained GNNs and GBDTs on all, or just hard (the so far ATP-unproved), problems. The total number of the saved snapshots of the GNNs corresponding to the training epochs and usable for the grid searches and full evaluations reached 15920 by the end of the experiments in September 2021.For the grid searches, this was compounded by further parameters of the ENIGMA and E strategies. The longest GNN training we did involved 964 epochs and 12 days on a high-end NVIDIA V100 GPU card.We generally use the same GNN hyper-parameters as in <cit.> with the exception of the number of layers that varied here between 5 and 12, providing tradeoffs between the GNN's speed and precision. The GNN training occasionally (but rarely) diverged after hundreds of epochs, which we handled by restarts. The total number of proofs that we trained the ENIGMA guidance on eventually reached more than three million, which in a pickled and compressed form take over 200. Since the full data do not fit into the main memory of even large servers equipped for efficient GPU-based neural training, we have programmed custom pipelines that continuously load, mix and unload smaller chunks of data used for the ENIGMA training. For many problems, we obtained hundreds of different proofs, while for some problems we may have only a single proof. This motivated further experiments on how and with what frequency the different proofs should be represented in the training data. This was a part of the larger task of training data normalization, which included, e.g., removing or pruning very large proof searches in the training data that would cause memory-based GPU crashes. The 75 milestone was reached on July 26 2021<https://github.com/ai4reason/ATP_Proofs/blob/master/75percent_announce.md> by using the freshly developed 2 and 3-phase ENIGMAs, together with differently parameterized leapfrogging (Section <ref>) runs. The strongest single 3-phase ENIGMA strategy has reached 56.4 performance in 30 on the bushy problems when trained and evaluated in a rigorous train/dev/holdout setting <cit.>. This best ENIGMA uses a parental threshold of 0.01, 2-phase threshold of 0.1, and context and query sizes of 768 and 256. Its (server-based) GNN has 10 layers trained on at most three proofs for each problem in the training set. See also Section <ref> for its evaluation on a set of completely new 13 370 problems in 242 new articles of a later version of MML. §.§ Training Data for Premise Selection After several months of running the learning/proving loop in various ways on the problems, we used the collected data for training premise selection methods. In particular, at that point, there were 41504 ATP-proved problems for which we typically had many alternative proofs and sets of premises, yielding 621642 unique ATP proof dependencies. Since in the hammering scenarios we can also analyze the human-written proofs and learn from them, we have added for each ATP-unproved problem P its premises obtained by taking the union of the ATP dependencies of all subproblems of P. In other words, we use subproblem-based premise minimization (Section <ref>) for the remaining hard problems. This adds 16651 examples to the premise selection dataset. This dataset of 638293 unique proof dependencies is then used in various ways for training and evaluating the premise selection methods on MML. In comparison with the Mizar40 experiments this is about six times more proof data. As usual in machine learning experiments, we also split the whole set of Mizar problems into the training, development, and holdout subsets, using a 90 : 5 : 5 ratio. This yields 52125 problems in the training set, 2896 in devel, and 2896 in the holdout set. §.§ Training the Premise Selectors We first train kNN and naive Bayes in multiple ways on the training subset using the different features (Section <ref>) and their combinations. For training the GNN and LightGBM, we first use kNN-based pre-selection to choose 512 most relevant premises for each problem. When training, we add for each example its positives (the real dependencies) and subtract them from the 512 premises pre-selected by kNN, thus forming the set of the negatives for the example. The GNN and LightGBM are thus trained to correct the mistakes done by kNN (a form of boosting). When predicting, this is done in the same way, i.e., first we use the trained kNN to preselect 512 premises which are then ranked by the GNN/LightGBM. We use both score thresholds (e.g., including all premises with score better than 0, -1 or -3), and fixed-sized slices as in other premise selection methods. With the same best version of ENIGMA, the strongest GNN-based predictor (-1) solves 1089 problems compared to 870 solved when using the baseline kNN, which is a large (25.2) improvement. The GNN also outperforms LightGBM, which seems to overfit more easily on the training data. Table <ref> shows the detailed performance on the devel and holdout sets of the main methods used in the evaluation. §.§ ENIGMA Experiments on the Premise Selection Data First, to train ENIGMA on the premise selection problems, we perform several prove/learn iterations with ENIGMA/GBDT on our premise slices. In loop (1), we start with three selected slices -1, 0.1, and 64, which were found experimentally to be complementary. We evaluate strategy 1 () on the three slices obtaining 20604 proved training problems. We train several decision tree (GBDT) models with various learning hyperparameters (tree leaves count, tree depth, ENIGMA features used). We use all the training proofs available. In loop (2), we evaluate several ENIGMA models trained on  (bushy problems) to obtain additional training data. After few training/evaluation iterations, the training data might start accumulating many proofs for some (easier) problems solved by many strategies. From loop (2) on, we, therefore, use only a limited number of proofs per problem. We either select randomly up to 6 proofs for each problem, or we select only specific proofs (e.g., the shortest, longest, and one medium-length proof). In loop (3), additional training data are added by ENIGMA/GNN runs on the premise slices, with GNN trained on the GBDT runs. In loop (4), we consider training data from 7 additional slices (variants of , , ), obtained by running ENIGMA models trained of bushy problems. In loop (5), we extend the training data with bushy proofs of unsolved training problems obtained by our various previous efforts. Starting from 1215 solved development problems, we ended up with 1735 problems solved after the fifth iteration. While we train GBDT models only on few selected slices, we evaluate the models on many more, up to 56, development slices covering all families , , , , and . We report the increasing number of training problems (trains) and the total of number of solved development problems by all the evaluated strategy/slice pairs (devel union). Since every strategy/slice pair is evaluated in 10 seconds, we construct the greedy cover of best 42 strategy/slice pairs, to approximate the best possible result obtainable in 420 (see columns devel cover). Since the development set has not been used in any way to train the GBDT models, we can see this as an approximation of the best possible result on the holdout set. We reach 55.59 of problems solvable in 420, only with ENIGMA/GBDT models. To compare this result to other methods, we construct compatible greedy covers for E Prover in auto-schedule mode, and for Vampire in CASC mode, that is, in their respective strongest default settings. We evaluate both provers on all 56 development slices, with 30 limit per problem. For each prover, we construct a greedy cover of best 14 slices, again approximating the best possible result obtainable in 420. BliStr/Tune is our previously invented portfolio of 15 E strategies for Mizar bushy problems. We evaluate all 15 strategies on all 56 slices with 2 seconds per problem. Similarly, the greedy cover of length 210 is constructed. The column pairs specifies the greedy cover length considered in each case. The time limit for each strategy/slice pair is 420/𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑠. The training data obtained in five loops were finally used to train new ENIGMA/GNN models for premise selection slices. Various GNN models were trained (various numbers of layers, networks from various epochs) and evaluated with the limit of 5. As before, we construct the greedy cover of length 84 to simulate the best possible run in 420. ENIGMA/GNN performs even better then ENIGMA/GBDT, solving 57.66 problems. The two ENIGMA/* portfolios cover together 1701 development problems (in 840), suggesting a decent complementarity of the methods. Note that only the ENIGMA/GBDT strategies can cover up to 1735 (see column devel on the left), which is 59,9 of the development set. Most of our ENIGMA models are combined with the baseline strategy . This together with are two strategies invented by BliStr/Tune <cit.> which perform well on premise selection data. We additionally use another two older BliStr <cit.> strategies and which perform well on bushy problems. We usually combine training data only from strategies with compatible term ordering and literal selection setting. However, data from strategies with incompatible orderings, were found useful when used in a reasonably small amounts. Few other BliStr and Vampire strategies, together with E in the auto mode, are used to gather additional solved development problems. With all our methods (ENIGMA & BliStr/Tune) and with additional Vampire runs of selected strategies, we have solved more than 62.7 development problems. These results provide training data for the construction of the final holdout portfolio, as described in the next section. §.§ Final Hammer Portfolio With the large database of the development results of the systems run on the premise slices, we finally construct our ultimate hammering portfolio. For that, we use the robust portfolio construction method described in Section <ref>. In particular, we randomly split the development set into two equal-sized parts, and compute the 420 greedy cover using our whole database of results on the first part. This greedy cover is evaluated on the second part, thus measuring the overfitting. This randomized procedure is repeated one thousand times. Then we (manually) select the 20 strongest and least overfitting portfolios and evaluate each of them on 80 more random splits, thus measuring how balanced they are on average. Typically, they reach up to 60.5 performance on the whole devel set, so we choose a threshold of 59.5 on the 160 random halves to measure the imbalance. The most balanced portfolio wins with 135 of the 160 random halves passing the threshold. This final 420-second portfolio has 95 slices that solve 1749 (60.4) of the devel problems and 1690 (58.36) of the holdout problems. Table <ref> shows the initial segment of 13 slices of this portfolio with the numbers of problems solved. The full portfolio is presented in Table <ref>. The first number t is the number of seconds to run the slice. The base column specifies the ATP strategy used, and ENIGMA describes what kinds of ENIGMA models are used (if any). We can see that GNN models dominate the schedule with fast runs. The schedule is closed by longer runs, notably also GBDT models, which while evaluated in a single-CPU setting, need several seconds to load the model. This means that we are favoring the GNN ENIGMAs thanks to the use of the preloaded GNN server, and a further improvement is likely if we also preload the GBDT models. Our single strongest GNN-based strategy solves 1178 of the holdout problems in 30 using the -1 predictions. This is 39.5, which is only 1.1 less than the 40.6 solved by the full 420 portfolio constructed in the Mizar40 experiments. §.§ Transfer to MML 1382 In the final experiment, we run for 120 the best trained ENIGMA (3-phase, see Section <ref>) on the bushy problems from a new version of Mizar (1382) that has 242 new articles and 13370 theorems in them. ENIGMA not only never trained on any of these articles, but also never saw the new terminology introduced there. We also run the standard E auto-schedule for 120 on the new version. ENIGMA proves 37094 (52.7) of the 70396 problems in the new library, while the E auto-schedule proves 24158 (34.32) of them. ENIGMA thus improves over E by 53.55 on the new library. We compare this with the old MML, where the trained ENIGMA solves 34528 (59.65) of the 57880 problems, and E solves 22119 (38.22), i.e., the relative improvement there is 56.10. Surprisingly, just on the new 13370 theorems – more than half of which contain new terminology – the ratio of ENIGMA-proved to E-proved problems is 5934 to 3751, i.e., ENIGMA is here better than E by 58.20. These numbers show that the performance of our anonymous <cit.> logic-aware ML methods, which learn only from the structure of mathematical problems, is practically untouched by the transfer to the new setting with many new concepts and lemmas. This is quite unusual in today's machine learning which seems dominated by large language models that typically struggle on new terminology. § PROOFS As the main experiments progressed from spring 2020 to summer 2021, we have collected interesting examples of automatically found proofs and published their summary descriptions on our web page. As of September 2021 there were over 200 of such example proofs, initially with ATP length in tens of clause steps, and gradually reaching hundreds of clause steps. Initially these were proofs found in the bushy setting, with proofs done in the chainy (premise-selection) setting added later, typically to show the effect of alternative premises. One of the earliest proofs that we put on the web page<https://bit.ly/3Spmf26> is þNEWTON:72<https://bit.ly/3ILEkEp> proving that for every natural number there exists a larger prime: The ENIGMA proof<https://bit.ly/3Z2iXo3> starts from 328 preselected Mizar facts which translate to 549 initial clauses. The search is guided by a particular version of the GNN running at that time (April 2020) on the CPU. Since this is relatively costly, the proof search generated only 2856 nontrivial clauses in 6, doing 734 nontrivial given clause loops. The final proof takes 83 clausal steps, and uses 38 of the 328 initially provided steps. Many of them replay the arithmetical arguments done in Mizar. An interesting point is that the guided prover is here capable of synthesizing a nontrivial witness (n! + 1) by using the supplied facts, after which the proof likely becomes reasonably straightforward given the knowledge in the library (see the Appendix for a more detailed discussion of this example). In general, using the supplied facts together with the trained learner for guided synthesis of nontrivial witnesses seems to be one of the main improvements brought by the ENIGMA guidance that contributed to the new proofs in comparison with the Mizar40 evaluation. This led us to start research of neural synthesis of witnesses and conjectures for AI/TP settings <cit.>. Arithmetical reasoning, and other kinds of “routine computation” in general, have turned out to be areas where ENIGMA often gradually improved by solving increasingly hard Mizar problems and learning from them. Such problems include reasoning about trigonometric functions, integrals, derivatives, matrix manipulation, etc. From the more advanced results done by 3-phase ENIGMA, this is, e.g., a 619-long proof of þSINCOS10:86<https://bit.ly/3StOHzV> found in 60, doing a lot of computation about the domain and range of arcsec,<https://bit.ly/2YZ0OgX> and a 326-long proof of þFDIFF_8:14,<https://bit.ly/3IuYHV0> found in 31, about the derivative of tan (ln x).<https://bit.ly/3SdZjTq> The first proof uses 83 Mizar facts, starting with 1025 preselected ones. Its proof search took 5344 nontrivial given clauses and generated over 100k nontrivial clauses in total, making the 3-phase filtering and the use of the GPU server essential for finding the proof efficiently. The second proof uses 55 Mizar facts, 3136 given clause loops and it generated 26.6k nontrivial clauses. The reader can see on our web page that there are many solved problems of such “mostly computational” kind, suggesting that such learning approaches may be suitable for automatically gaining competence in routine computational tasks, without the need to manually program them as done, e.g., in SMT solvers. This has motivated our research in learning reasoning components <cit.>. Two less “computational” but still very long ATP proofs found by 3-phase ENIGMA are þBORSUK_5:31<https://bit.ly/3KzuPJY> saying that the closure of rationals on (a,b) is [a,b],<https://bit.ly/3C0Lwa8> and þIDEAL_1:22<https://bit.ly/3Z7UPQC> saying that commutative rings are fields iff ideals are trivial:<https://bit.ly/3BWqR6K> The Mizar proof of þBORSUK_5:31 takes 80 lines. ENIGMA finds a proof from 38 Mizar facts that uses 359 clausal steps in 4883 given clause loops. On the 400k generated clauses, the multi-phase ENIGMA mechanisms work as follows. 133869 clauses are frozen by parental guidance, 83871 are then filtered by aggressive subsumption, and 64364 by the first-stage LightGBM model. 125489 remaining “good” clauses are gradually evaluated (in 176 batched calls) by the GNN server, using a context of 1536 processed clauses. The ENIGMA proof of þIDEAL_1:22 uses 48 Mizar facts and takes 493 clausal steps in 4481 given clause loops. One example of an ATP proof made possible thanks to the premise selector noticing alternative lemmas in the library is þFIB_NUM2:69.<https://bit.ly/3YWIfE6> This theorem, called in the MML “Carmichael's Theorem on Prime Divisors”, states that if m divides the n-th Fibonacci number (Fib n), then m does not divide any smaller Fibonacci number, provided m, n are prime numbers.<https://bit.ly/3oGBdRz> The Mizar proof has 122 lines, uses induction and we cannot so far replay it with ATPs. The premise selector, however, finds a prior library lemma þFIB_NUM:5<https://bit.ly/3ExtvmS> saying that , from which the proof follows, using 159 clausal steps, 4214 given clause loops and 32 Mizar facts. Finally, an example of a long Deepire proof<https://bit.ly/3klDrJr> using a high time limit is þORDINAL5:36,<https://bit.ly/3SrPyRN> i.e., the ϵ_0= ω^ω^ω^... formula for the zeroth epsilon ordinal:<https://bit.ly/3SozGPM> The search took 38065 given clause loops and 504. The proof has 1193 clausal steps, using 49 Mizar facts. Deepire's very efficient neural guidance took only 18 of the total time here. § CONCLUSION: AI/TP BET COMPLETED In 2014, after the 40 numbers were obtained by Kaliszyk and Urban both on the Flyspeck and Mizar corpora, the last author publicly announced three AI/TP bets<http://ai4reason.org/aichallenges.html> in a talk at Institut Henri Poincare and offered to bet up to 10000 EUR on them. Part of the second bet said that by 2024, 60 of the MML and Flyspeck toplevel theorems will be provable automatically when using the same setting as in 2014. In the HOL setting, this was done as early as 2017/18 by the TacticToe system, which achieved 66.4 on the HOL library in 60 and 69 in 120 <cit.>. One could however argue that TacticToe introduced a new kind of ML-guided tactical prover that considerably benefits from targeted, expert-written procedures tailored to the corpora. This in particular showed in the large boost on HOL problems that required induction, on which standard higher-order ATPs traditionally struggled. In this work, we largely completed this part of the second AI/TP bet also for the Mizar library. The main caveat is our use of more modern hardware, in particular many ENIGMAs using the GPU server for clause evaluation. It is however clear (both from the LightGBM experiments and from the very efficient and CPU-based Deepire experiments) that this is not a major issue. While it is today typically easier to use dedicated hardware in ML-based experiments, there is also growing research in the extraction of faster predictors from those trained on GPUs that can run more efficiently on standard hardware. § ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The development of ENIGMA, premise selection and other methods used here, as well as the large-scale experiments, benefited from many informal discussions which involved (at least) Lasse Blaauwbroek, Chad Brown, Thibault Gauthier, Mikolas Janota, Jelle Piepenbrock, Stanislaw Purgal, Bob Veroff, and Jiri Vyskocil. The funding for the multi-year development of the methods and for the experiments was partially provided by the ERC Consolidator grant AI4REASON no. 649043 (ZG, JJ, BP, MS and JU), the European Regional Development Fund under the Czech project AI&Reasoning no. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000466 (KC, ZG, JJ, MO, JU), the ERC Starting Grant SMART no. 714034 (JJ, CK, MO), the Czech Science Foundation project 20-06390Y and project RICAIP no. 857306 under the EU-H2020 programme (MS), ERC-CZ project POSTMAN no. LL1902 (JJ, BP), Amazon Research Awards (JU) and the EU ICT-48 2020 project TAILOR no. 952215 (JU). § FURTHER PROOF DETAILS AND DISCUSSION §.§ Further proof details of NEWTON:72 We show the full proof of þNEWTON:72 – For every natural number there is a larger prime – without the clausification steps in Figure <ref>. [ht] < g r a p h i c s > ENIGMA's proof of NEWTON:72. The verbatim ENIGMA proof is available online.<https://bit.ly/3Z2iXo3> The original conjecture is as follows. Note that stating twice the primality is an artifact of the Mizar encoding. Then the conjecture is negated. It is not the case that for every (natural number) X1 there is a prime (natural number) X2 with X2 > X1. After that the X1 (the number a bigger prime exists for) gets skolemized into esk1_0. Since this is now negated, instead of “there is a X6” we get a “for all X6” with X6 is not prime, or X6 is ≤ that number. In the following inference, the prover synthesizes the term x1!+1 “plus(fact1(X1),n1)” (called witness from now on) for the first time. This then goes into the conjecture here: which essentially says: Once this is established, the four cases are handled in relatively straightforward way in the proof. §.§ NEWTON:72 as an example of ML-guided deductive synthesis A simplified core behind the above-explained synthesis of the nontrivial witness X1!+1 in the proof is the combination of the following two Mizar theorems þNEWTON:39 and þNEWTON:41: When resolved, the unification leads to essentially substituting for n in þNEWTON:39, and thus synthesizing the instance which is the required witness (j divides l!, hence it indeed cannot divide l!+1). This demonstrates how (A) (learning-guided) resolution-based synthesis differs from (B) pure learning-guided synthesis or enumeration. In (A), the learner recommends the clauses that should be resolved (parental guidance) or the single (given) clause that is relevant wrt. a set of already selected clauses (standard GBDT/GNN guidance). This recommendation may or may not fully understand what will be the result of the resolution. It is quite likely just a “hunch” that combining the two facts may be interesting enough, and the actual deductively synthesized witness comes as a surprise that is here “computed” by the logical calculus. Whereas in (B), we require the learner (e.g. a language model <cit.>, GNN2RNN <cit.>, or an MCTS-guided synthesis framework <cit.>) to “come up with the term on its own, based on looking at the situation”. This is plausible in situations where the mathematician has already seen and recognizes the pattern/trick, or analogizes, transferring the terminology as in GNN2RNN. The better and larger the pattern recognition and analogizing database and capability, the surer the mathematician will be in directly coming up with the witness. Approach (A) thus seems more exploratory and applicable to new problem-solving situations, reinforcing weaker hunches by deduction/computation leading to possibly novel and surprising discoveries and values. While approach (B) seems useful in known situations, relying more on direct and sufficiently confident recall and memorization of the likely values. Approach (A) is more a hunch about the method or direction that should be used. E.g., we may feel we should somehow combine results X, Y, and Z, compute a particular derivative/integral, solve a set of equations/constraints, look for an inductive hypothesis, etc., without knowing the result. While approach (B) is more a direct hunch/recall of the solution rather than of the process leading to it. There is likely again a feedback loop between Type-A and Type-B ML-guided problem-solving approaches. Type-A is more indirect and works by pointing to and invoking further uncertain procedures and searching with them. If reasonably successful in a particular kind of situation, the confidences rise and may lead all the way to more direct Type-B guesses. Which when successful may shorten parts of the Type-A searches, making those more successful too, etc. §.§ Further Sample Proof Graphs To give the readers a sample of the complexity of the more advanced ENIGMA proofs described in Section <ref>, we include the graphical representation of three of them here (Figure <ref>, <ref>, <ref>). We again omit the clausification part from them. Since these are large graphs with hundreds of nodes (which may further consist of quite complex clauses), we refer interested readers also to our web page where the graphs can be viewed interactively as SVG images.[<http://grid01.ciirc.cvut.cz/ mptp/enigma_prf_graph/t72_newton_nice.proof1.svg>][<http://grid01.ciirc.cvut.cz/ mptp/enigma_prf_graph/t31_borsuk_5.proof1.svg>][<http://grid01.ciirc.cvut.cz/ mptp/enigma_prf_graph/t14_fdiff_8.proof1.svg>][<http://grid01.ciirc.cvut.cz/ mptp/enigma_prf_graph/t86_sincos10.proof1.svg>][<http://grid01.ciirc.cvut.cz/ mptp/enigma_prf_graph/t22_ideal_1.proof1.svg>] [ht] < g r a p h i c s > ENIGMA's proof of þFDIFF_8:14. [ht] < g r a p h i c s > ENIGMA's proof of þSINCOS10:86. [ht] < g r a p h i c s > ENIGMA's proof of þBORSUK_5:31.
DeepVigor: Vulnerability Value Ranges and Factors for DNNs' Reliability Assessment
[ "Mohammad Hasan Ahmadilivani", "Mahdi Taheri", "Jaan Raik", "Masoud Daneshtalab", "Maksim Jenihhin" ]
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AR", "B.8.1; I.4.9" ]
1]Mohammad Hasan Ahmadilivani 1]Mahdi Taheri 1]Jaan Raik 1,2]Masoud Daneshtalab 1]Maksim Jenihhin [1]Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia [2]Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden [1]{mohammad.ahmadilivani, mahdi.taheri, jaan.raik, maksim.jenihhin}@taltech.ee [2]masoud.daneshtalab@mdu.se DeepVigor: VulnerabIlity Value RanGes and FactORs for DNNs' Reliability Assessment [ March 30, 2023 ================================================================================== firstpage Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) and their accelerators are being deployed ever more frequently in safety-critical applications leading to increasing reliability concerns. A traditional and accurate method for assessing DNNs' reliability has been resorting to fault injection, which, however, suffers from prohibitive time complexity. While analytical and hybrid fault injection-/analytical-based methods have been proposed, they are either inaccurate or specific to particular accelerator architectures. In this work, we propose a novel accurate, fine-grain, metric-oriented, and accelerator-agnostic method called DeepVigor that provides vulnerability value ranges for DNN neurons' outputs. An outcome of DeepVigor is an analytical model representing vulnerable and non-vulnerable ranges for each neuron that can be exploited to develop different techniques for improving DNNs' reliability. Moreover, DeepVigor provides reliability assessment metrics based on vulnerability factors for bits, neurons, and layers using the vulnerability ranges. The proposed method is not only faster than fault injection but also provides extensive and accurate information about the reliability of DNNs, independent from the accelerator. The experimental evaluations in the paper indicate that the proposed vulnerability ranges are 99.9% to 100% accurate even when evaluated on previously unseen test data. Also, it is shown that the obtained vulnerability factors represent the criticality of bits, neurons, and layers proficiently. DeepVigor is implemented in the PyTorch framework and validated on complex DNN benchmarks. The work is supported in part by the European Union through European Social Fund in the frames of the “Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) programme” (“ITA-IoIT” topic), by the Estonian Research Council grant PUT PRG1467 “CRASHLES” and by Estonian-French PARROT project “EnTrustED”. § INTRODUCTION Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have recently emerged to be exploited in a wide range of applications. DNN accelerators have also penetrated into safety-critical applications e.g., autonomous vehicles <cit.>. Therefore, several concerns are raised regarding developing and utilizing DNN accelerators in the realm of safety-critical applications, one of them being the reliability. Reliability of DNNs concerns their accelerators' ability to perform correctly in the presence of faults <cit.> originating from either the environment (e.g., soft errors, electromagnetic effects, temperature variations) or inside of the chip (e.g., manufacturing defects, process variations, aging effects) <cit.>. As shown in Fig. <ref>, faults may occur in different locations of accelerators either in memory or logic components and they influence the parameters (e.g., weights and bias) and intermediate results (layers' activations) of neural networks that can decrease their accuracy drastically <cit.>. By technology miniaturization, the effect of Single Event Transient (SET) and Single Event Upset (SEU) faults in devices is increasing thereby jeopardizing the reliability of modern digital systems <cit.>. Recently, several works have been published on the assessment and improvement of the reliability of a variety of DNNs as well as on different levels of system hierarchy <cit.>. Reliability assessment is the process of modeling the target DNN accelerator and measuring its reliability with respect to the corresponding quantitative evaluation metrics. Reliability assessment is the underlying procedure for improving reliability since it presents how the system could be influenced by threats as well as which locations of the system are more vulnerable to them. Therefore, it is the very first and principal phase of a reliable design process. Throughout the literature, reliability assessment methods for DNNs are mainly categorized into two major classes: fault injection (FI) and resilience analysis. The majority of the works assess the reliability of DNNs relying on FI, which provides realistic results on the impact of different fault models on the system's execution and is performed directly on the target platform (accelerator's software <cit.> or RTL model <cit.>, FPGA <cit.>, GPU <cit.>). FI outputs different evaluations for DNNs' reliability by accuracy loss, vulnerability factors, or fault classification <cit.>. Moreover, fine-grain evaluations for finding critical bits can be performed by exhaustive FI or an optimized method in <cit.>. Nevertheless, FI methods are prohibitively time-consuming and carry a high complexity due to the need to inject an enormous amount of faults into a huge number of DNN parameters as well as time instances to reach an acceptable confidence level <cit.>. The more fine-grain evaluation is required the more sophisticated experiments should be performed. In addition, most faults in a FI experiment on DNNs are masked <cit.> and are thus unnecessarily examined. Furthermore, the outcome of such assessment is application/platform specific which can not be generalized for other platforms <cit.>. Resilience analysis methods cope with the drawbacks of FI. They analyze the function of DNNs mathematically and have the potential to evaluate their reliability with arbitrary metrics. Therefore, resilience analysis methods can provide a deeper insight into the reliability evaluations of DNNs with lower complexity. Moreover, they can be conducted in different fault-tolerant designs on various platforms <cit.>. Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) algorithm is leveraged in <cit.> to obtain the contribution of neurons to the output to express their criticality and apply protections to improve the reliability of DNN accelerators. The sensitivity of DNN's filters is obtained by Taylor expansion with given error rates in <cit.> for designing an error-resilient and energy-efficient accelerator. The conducted resilience analyses in these works are not able to provide reliability measurement metrics and detailed vulnerability evaluations. Moreover, they combine the criticality scores of neurons over individual outputs of the DNNs, thus resulting in missing important information about the resilience of DNNs as a whole. Mahmoud et al. <cit.> proposed different heuristics for vulnerability estimation of feature maps without FI. These estimations which are more coarse grain than the LRP-based methods, lead to hardening the accelerators, however, the accuracy of the vulnerability estimation methods is remarkably lower than that of fault-injection methods. The aforementioned papers on resilience analysis methods have focused mainly on finding the most critical neurons/weights in a DNN to protect them against faults in a fault-tolerant design. In addition, they do not explain sufficiently how a fault propagates through the network and influence its outputs. Fidelity framework <cit.> is proposed to take advantage of both FI and analyzing DNN accelerators to provide reliability metrics. However, it requires detailed information of the accelerator architecture/implementation. To the best of our knowledge, there is no accelerator-agnostic resilience analysis method for DNNs that can compete with FI in terms of reliability evaluation to be less time-consuming, and accurate with fine-grain metrics enabling different reliability improvement techniques. In this research work, we introduce the concept of neurons' vulnerability ranges expressing whether or not a fault at the output of neurons would misclassify the network. Thus, it enables a comprehensive reliability study with a novel resilience analysis method called DeepVigor where the vulnerability factors of layers, neurons, and bits in a DNN are obtained. The contributions in this work are: * Proposing DeepVigor, a novel accurate, metric-oriented, and accelerator-agnostic resilience analysis method for DNNs reliability assessment faster than fault injection; * Introducing and acquiring vulnerability ranges for all neurons in DNNs, assisted by a fault propagation analysis, providing accurate categorization of critical/non-critical faults; * Providing fine-grain vulnerability factors as reliability evaluation metrics for layers, neurons, and bits in DNNs, compared with and validated by fault injection. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: the resilience analysis method is presented in Section <ref>, and the experimental setup and results are provided in Section <ref>. The applicability of the method is discussed in Section <ref>, and the work is concluded in Section <ref>. § DNN RELIABILITY ASSESSMENT WITH DEEPVIGOR §.§ Fault Model In this work, the fault propagation analysis is performed at the outputs of DNN neurons. However, they will cover a vast majority of internal faults of the neurons occurring inside the MAC units and also a large portion of faults in the weights and neurons' input activations. It is assumed that only one neuron has an erroneous output per execution due to faults which is a common assumption in the literature <cit.>. For validation by FI, the single-bit fault model has been applied. While the multiple-bit fault model is more accurate, it requires a prohibitively large number of fault combinations to be considered (3^n - 1 combinations, where n is the number of bits). Fortunately, it has been shown that high fault coverage obtained using the single-bit model results in a high fault coverage of multiple-bit faults <cit.>. Therefore, a vast majority of practical FI and test methods are based on the single-bit fault assumption. Single bitflip faults are injected randomly at neurons' outputs and once per execution. §.§ Fault Propagation Analysis Fig. <ref> depicts an overview of the rationale behind the DeepVigor method. A tiny neural network with few layers and neurons with given inputs, golden (fault-free) activation values (inside of neurons), and weights (on the arrows) is shown. The golden classification output is class1. A fault changes the neuron's output by δ which is the difference between the golden and faulty activation values. This δ that can have either a negative or a positive value will be propagated to the output layer and may change the classification result. The fault propagation will make a difference on each output class as Δ_1 and Δ_2. Misclassification happens when the value of the output neuron class2 gets higher than that of neuron class1. Thus, the propagation of the fault can be traced from the neuron to the output and a problem for misclassification can be expressed as shown in Fig. <ref>. By solving the problem of misclassification condition in the output, the value for δ is obtained as a vulnerability threshold that expresses how much a fault should influence the neuron to misclassify the network. Therefore, a vulnerability value range for the neuron is acquired. In this example, the range (-∞, -5.39) is a vulnerable range and [-5.39, +∞) is non-vulnerable range. This idea is generalized for a DNN including multiple output classes and other corresponding functions in this paper. §.§ The DeepVigor Method The steps of the proposed DNNs' resilience analysis method (DeepVigor) and its validation are illustrated in Fig. <ref>. As shown, an analysis is performed on a set of data (i.e., set1, training set) and outputs the vulnerability value ranges as well as the vulnerability factors. Furthermore, FI is performed on the same and different data (i.e., set2, test set) to validate the outcomes of the analysis. The steps of DeepVigor are as follows: Step1 - Gradient-based Initialization: In the first step, a neuron is examined whether or not to be processed for the vulnerability analysis. For this purpose, assuming a neural network consisting of L layers with N output classes in C = {c_1, c_2, ..., c_N}. Neuron k at layer l is selected to be examined. The neuron's output is corrupted by adding a sample positive or negative value as ϵ_k^l to its output and the feed-forward of the network is executed over a batch of input data. A loss function ℒ is defined in Equation (<ref>) as: ℒ = sigmoid(∑_j=0^N(ℰ_c_t - ℰ_c_i)) where c_t is the golden top class and ℰ_c_t and ℰ_c_i are the erroneous output values corresponding to the respective classes. The loss function computes the summation of differences between the value of the golden top class and the other outputs in the corrupted network and applies a sigmoid function. The golden top class is what the fault-free DNN outputs as its classification whether or not it is correctly classified. ℒ represents the impact of the neuron's erroneous output on the golden top class of the network. When the gradient of ℒ w.r.t. the corrupted neuron's output for one input is zero, it means that any error at this neuron's output does not change the output classification. Considering a batch of inputs, if the gradients are zero for a portion of inputs larger than a threshold, the neuron is disregarded for the vulnerability analysis. In case most of the gradients are not zero, a range for searching the vulnerability value is initialized. Considering ϵ_k^l is a positive value for one input, in case the gradient is positive, there is a minimum value 0 < δ_k^l < ϵ_k^l for the neuron that if error δ_k^l is added to its output (by a fault at its inputs or the output value itself) the network's golden classification would change. But if the gradient is negative, then δ_k^l should be searched through the values larger than ϵ_k^l. A similar scenario is valid for negative values of ϵ_k^l. Step2 - Neurons' Vulnerability Analysis: In this step, the vulnerability ranges of neurons under analysis are obtained. Let R_NV(l,k,x) = [r_lower,r_upper] be a Range of Non-vulnerable Values for a k-th neuron at layer l with input data x. The bounds of range R for x are calculated as follows: r_upper = min(δ_k^l), δ_k^l>0 , ℰ_c_t < ℰ_c_i, i ≠ t r_lower = max(δ_k^l), δ_k^l<0 , ℰ_c_t < ℰ_c_i, i ≠ t where c_t and c_i are the golden top class and any other output class, respectively, and ℰ_c_t and ℰ_c_i are the erroneous output values corresponding to the respective classes. Equation (<ref>) finds the maximum negative and minimum positive values induced at the corresponding neuron that do not lead to misclassifying the input data from the golden classification. Further, a Range of Vulnerable Values R_VV(l,k,x) for a k-th neuron at layer l with input data x is equal to R_VV = (-∞,r_lower) ∪ (r_upper,∞). Note, the equation is applied for a single input data. In the case of a data set X containing T input data x_j the R_NV and R_VV will get refined and will be equal to intersections of their respective ranges over all inputs x_j as follows: R_NV(l,k) = ⋂^T_j=1R_NV(l,k,x_j) R_VV(l,k) = ⋂^T_j=1R_VV(l,k,x_j) The outcome of solving the equations for each neuron and merging the results over all inputs will be the vulnerability value ranges for each class separately, each range specifies the impact of a fault on changing the neuron value whether it influences the network classification result or not. Fig. <ref> depicts different cases for vulnerability ranges over all numbers. Three vulnerability ranges are identified as follows: * Non-vulnerable range: If a fault lay an effect on the neuron output in this range, no misclassification happens (hachured-green sections in Fig. <ref>); * Vulnerable range: If a fault makes a difference at the output of the neuron in this range, the output will be misclassified (cross hachured-red sections in Fig. <ref>); * Semi-vulnerable range: If a fault causes the neuron value to move as an amount in this range, this fault may cause a misclassification (dashed-grey sections in Fig. <ref>). Cases d-f in Fig. <ref> happen when the portion of zero gradients in step1 is less than the threshold and more than 1-threshold. Step3 - Bitflip Mapping: In this step, DeepVigor maps the neurons' bitflipped values over input data on the vulnerability value ranges to indicate fine-grain vulnerability factors as metrics for the DNNs' reliability. For this purpose, the inputs used in step2 and obtained vulnerability value ranges are fed to the network and in each bit of each neuron, bitflips are performed. In each bitflip, the difference in the new value of the target neuron is calculated and compared with the corresponding vulnerability range. Based on the range of what the bitflip maps, the bit is considered vulnerable or non-vulnerable, respectively. By this analysis, the number of vulnerable bits of the neurons is obtained over the inputs. Hence, vulnerability factors of each layer (LVF), neuron (NVF), or bit (BVF) of the DNN can be defined as equations (<ref>), (<ref>), and (<ref>), respectively. Vulnerability factors express the probability of misclassifying the network in case of the occurrence of a bitflip at the target element. LVF = #vulnerable bits in layer/#inputs ×#layer's neurons × word length× 100 NVF = #vulnerable bits in neuron/#inputs × word length× 100 BVF = #vulnerable times for bit/#inputs × 100 §.§ Validating DeepVigor By Fault Injection As illustrated in Fig. <ref>, DeepVigor results are validated by means of FI over the input data and categorizing faults based on the vulnerability value ranges. The steps of the validation process of DeepVigor are as follows: Step1 - Random Fault Injection: According to the adopted fault model, when one input is fed to the network, a random single bitflip is injected into a random neuron in a layer. This process is repeated several times for one input depending on the number of neurons and word length of data to reach a 95% confidence level and 1% error margin based on <cit.>. The required number of faults is obtained by Equation (<ref>) where N = word length ×#layer's neurons that represents the total number of bits in the output of a layer. #layer's random faults = N/1 + (0.01^2 ×N - 1/1.96^2 × 0.5^2) Step2 - Fault Categorization: Once a fault is injected, a difference is produced in the output of the neuron in comparison with the golden model. In this step, the produced difference by a fault at the neuron's output is compared with the obtained vulnerability ranges, and faults are categorized as: * Non-critical fault: The produced difference is in the non-vulnerable range. * Critical fault: The produced difference is in the vulnerable range. Step3 - Validating DeepVigor: To validate DeepVigor by FI, injected faults are propagated to the output and the network classification output is examined. The accuracy of the method is defined based on the two metrics as follows: * True non-critical faults: Percentage of faults that are categorized as non-critical and do not change the classification at the output; * True critical faults: Percentage of faults that are categorized as critical and change the classification at the output. Another metric for validating the outputs of DeepVigor is the correlation between LVF and DNN's accuracy loss. This correlation shows that the obtained vulnerability factors from DeepVigor represent the criticality of the components properly. Since other vulnerability factors (NVF and BVF) are calculated using the same vulnerability ranges, by validating LVF, they will be also liable metrics for the resilience analysis, consequently. § EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS §.§ Experimental Setup All DNNs, steps of DeepVigor, and its validation are implemented in PyTorch and run on NVIDIA 3090 GPU. To explore different DNN structures, six representative DNNs trained on three datasets are examined for the experimental results. We have experimented with two 5-layer MLPs (one with Sigmoid and one with ReLU) trained on MNIST, two LeNet-5 with 3 convolutional (CONV) layers, 2 max-pooling (POOL) layers, and 2 fully-connected (FC) layers trained on MNIST and CIFAR-10, AlexNet with 5 CONV, 3 POOLs, 2 batch normalization (BN) and 3 FCs trained on CIFAR-10, and VGG-16 with 13 CONV, 13 BNs, 5 POOLs and 2 FCs trained on CIFAR-100. The respective networks' accuracy on the corresponding test sets are 94.64%, 90.55%, 90.4%, 66.15%, 72.73%, and 69.41%. Data representation in this work is 32-bit floating point IEEE-754 and the word length in equations (<ref>)-(<ref>) is 32 bits. For validation, a layer-wise statistical random FI is performed that satisfies a 95% confidence level and 1% error margin. In the first step of DeepVigor ϵ_k^l is considered -/+10000 for range initialization and the whole search range is [-5 × 10^5, 5 × 10^5]. Finding δ_k^l in all networks by a logarithmic search is performed for negative and positive numbers separately, considering a 0.05 difference from the main value. Also, based on empirical explorations the threshold of neurons' zero-gradients for inputs is considered 98% for all experiments. Corresponding experiments are performed on the whole sets of training (as the input data set1) and test (as the input data set2) data. §.§ Results and Validation We analyze all neurons of the representative DNNs with training sets as the input data set1 by DeepVigor and obtain the vulnerability ranges. In the fault categorization step, faults are categorized into critical and non-critical classes with an accuracy close to 100%. Throughout the results from FI experiments, DeepVigor identified 66.63% to 99.42% of faults as non-critical over different layers of analyzed networks. For validation, Table <ref> presents the range of obtained accuracy values of the method through all layers of DNNs in terms of true non-critical and critical faults. It is observed that the accuracy of the method for categorizing non-critical faults is 99.950% to 100% and for critical faults ranging from 99.955% to 100% for the same data set. The minor error seen in the results is due to: 1) Considered error in finding vulnerability values, 2) FI results in "NaN" values in 32-bit floating point IEEE-754 while the computations are being done on a GPU. We have categorized them as critical faults, 3) the effect of few inputs with non-zero gradients in step1 as described in <ref>. We have also experimented with FI on the test sets (input data set2) to see the validity of the analysis on different sets reported in Table <ref>. As it can be seen, similar high accuracy values to input data set1 are obtained. To validate the vulnerability factors, Fig. <ref> illustrates the correlation between LVF and accuracy loss for a layer-wise FI on AlexNet. As demonstrated, there is a close relationship between the LVF obtained from DeepVigor and accuracy loss in FI, either the input sets are similar or different. This correlation is observed similarly in the results for all experimented DNNs. Therefore, LVF represents the vulnerability of layers competently. DeepVigor also provides NVF and BVF metrics as vulnerability factors for neurons and bits, respectively. As a representative example, Fig. <ref> depicts NVF for layer conv3 of LeNet5-mnist and LeNet5-cifar10 that the more vulnerable neurons can be identified. In this figure, the number of neurons is sorted in each DNN separately, in the ascending order of NVF. Also, BVF for all neurons in DNNs is obtained and the results show that the most significant bit of exponents is the most vulnerable bit in most cases. §.§ Run-Time Analysis DeepVigor enables a fine-grain reliability evaluation for DNNs faster than exhaustive FI. In our experiments, step1 of DeepVigor have removed up to 48% of neurons' vulnerability analysis to be processed in step2. Moreover, the range initialization in step1 has accelerated the search for finding the vulnerability values for 50% to 99% of neurons in step2 among the DNNs. Based on our experiments, a complete vulnerability range (as in Fig. <ref>) for one neuron can be obtained by 9.1 times feed-forward execution per neuron on average. While an exhaustive FI experiment runs the feed-forward by the number of bits (32 in our case) per neuron. Therefore, DeepVigor requires 3.5 times fewer feed-forwards translating into a similar amount of speed-up in run-time. The run-time of DeepVigor depends on: * Backpropagation execution by the number of neurons step1 (one for positive and one negative numbers per neuron); * Feed-forward execution by the number of searches for finding a positive or negative δ_k^l per neuron, in which the best case is 0 searches (in case of zero gradients), the moderate case is 14 searches (in case of limited range initialization), and the worst case is 22 searches; * Vulnerability analysis of the neurons in the last layer is performed by simplified mathematics similar to Fig. <ref> and requires no iterative feed-forward or searching process through a wide range of numbers; * Bitflip mapping is merely performing a bitflip at each neuron and a comparison with the obtained vulnerability ranges. § DISCUSSION DeepVigor method is validated in the previous section, and it is shown how it can evaluate the reliability of DNNs proficiently with shorter run-times than FI. Vulnerability ranges enable a fine-grain and accurate resilience evaluation for neural networks. They are not limited to representing the single bitflip fault model and the outcome of the analysis is valid for an erroneous output for the neurons covering several fault models. This method enables an accelerator-agnostic analysis for DNNs and results can be applied to different accelerators. The outputs of DeepVigor provide different possibilities for exploiting techniques of reliability improvement, including: * Selective bits/neurons/layers hardening in accelerators based on the obtained BVF/NVF/LVF metrics; * Fault-aware mapping for neurons on the processing elements of accelerators as in <cit.>; * Applying range restriction for neurons' or layers' outputs for preventing faults propagation as in <cit.>. § CONCLUSIONS In this work, a novel resilience analysis method for DNNs reliability assessment named DeepVigor is proposed. The output of this method is the vulnerability value ranges for all neurons through the DNNs which result in vulnerability factors for all layers, neurons, and bits of the DNN, separately. The method is validated extensively by fault injection and its feasibility to categorize non-critical and critical faults on complex DNNs with 99.9% to 100% accuracy is demonstrated. Moreover, vulnerability factors obtained by the proposed analysis provide fine-grain criticality metrics for DNNs' components leading to different reliability improvement techniques. The DeepVigor method is very proficient in the evaluation and explanation of the reliability of DNNs with shorter run-times than fault injection. IEEEtran
Multi-Microphone Speaker Separation by Spatial Regions
[ "Julian Wechsler", "Srikanth Raj Chetupalli", "Wolfgang Mack", "Emanuël A. P. Habets" ]
[ "eess.AS", "cs.LG", "cs.SD" ]
Sublinear drag regime at mesoscopic scales in viscoelastic materials C. L. N. Oliveira March 30, 2023 ====================================================================== We consider the task of region-based source separation of reverberant multi-microphone recordings. We assume pre-defined spatial regions with a single active source per region. The objective is to estimate the signals from the individual spatial regions as captured by a reference microphone while retaining a correspondence between signals and spatial regions. We propose a data-driven approach using a modified version of a state-of-the-art network, where different layers model spatial and spectro-temporal information. The network is trained to enforce a fixed mapping of regions to network outputs. Using speech from LibriMix, we construct a data set specifically designed to contain the region information. Additionally, we train the network with permutation invariant training. We show that both training methods result in a fixed mapping of regions to network outputs, achieve comparable performance, and that the networks exploit spatial information. The proposed network outperforms a baseline network by 1.5 dB in scale-invariant signal-to-distortion ratio. Speaker Separation, PIT, Multi-Channel, Regions § INTRODUCTION When capturing a mixture of multiple speakers with an array of microphones, the signals contain information related to the speakers' identities and their positions. The speakers' identities, thereby, are encoded in the spectral structure of the individual microphone signals. The positions are implicitly represented in time differences of arrival and attenuation differences of the received speech signals caused by the relative positioning of the source and array. This information can be exploited to separate the speakers from each other, as required, e.g., by automatic speech recognition systems <cit.>, hearing aids <cit.>, or communication systems <cit.>. Speaker separation systems are typically implemented as DNN that estimate a mask for each speaker from a feature representation of the microphone signal(s). Subsequently, the mask is applied element-wise to a feature representation of the microphone signal(s) to estimate the features of the individual speakers. Each speaker's features are transformed back to the time domain such that they can be processed separately. During training the DNN, the so-called permutation problem occurs. As all speakers are instances of the class “speaker”, there are multiple possibilities (speaker permutations) to assign the masks to the individual speakers. A prominent solution to address the permutation problem is deep clustering, where mixture features are mapped to vectors <cit.>. The permutation problem is addressed by using a vector-affinity-based loss. An alternative solution is PIT <cit.>, where a reconstruction loss of all permutations is computed, and only the smallest loss amongst the permutations is used to update the DNN. However, PIT does not scale well with the number of speakers. In <cit.>, the authors avoided the permutation problem by consistently selecting a permutation based on the relative speaker positions (distance or angle) w.r.t. the microphone array. Note that fixing the permutation based on relative positions does not enable to infer the speaker positions from the estimated outputs. To extract a single source from a defined target area, <cit.> train DNN that exploit location information implicitly given in the DNN inputs. Alternative approaches <cit.> provide the target DOA explicitly to the separation system such that it extracts the respective source. In some application scenarios, the control rights of speakers can be defined by their positions. Consider, for example, a car environment where only the driver should be able to control specific applications with their voice (e.g., an autopilot system). Single-source extraction methods <cit.> may not be suitable for such scenarios, as all sources are required, whereas methods that are explicitly provided with the target DOA as input may exhibit problems with spatially extended or angularly overlapping regions <cit.>. To relate a DNN output to a specific spatial region, the main contributions of this paper are 1) to introduce the task of multi-source separation with sources located in fixed pre-defined regions, where the desired output signals are assigned to associated regions by enforcing a one-to-one correspondence between regions and network outputs, 2) to propose a training data generation scheme with a task-based spatial data distribution, i.e., to construct the training data such that the speaker positions are restricted to pre-defined spatial regions, and 3) to apply the recently proposed triple-path structure <cit.> for multi-source separation in the time domain, where individual DNN layers model inter-channel, short-term, and long-term information. § PROBLEM FORMULATION Consider an in-car scenario where the speech of S ∈ℕ^+ speakers is captured by a ULA with M ∈ℕ^+ microphones mounted, e.g., on the rear mirror. The set of positive integers is given by ℕ^+. The m^th∈{1,…,M} discrete time-domain microphone signal 𝐲_m ∈ℝ^T× 1 is a mixture of the S reverberant speech signals 𝐱_m^(s)∈ℝ^T× 1, i.e., 𝐲_m = ∑_s=1^S𝐱_m^(s), where s ∈{1, …, S} is the speaker index, T ∈ℕ^+ is the length of the signals in time samples, and ℝ is the set of real numbers. In a car, the speaker positions can be restricted to R ∈ℕ^+ distinct regions with index r ∈{1, …, R} (e.g., the passenger seats). We denote the set of speakers from region r by 𝒮^(r) and define the mixture in region r by 𝐱^(r)_m = ∑_s ∈𝒮^(r)𝐱^(s)_m. In the present work, we tackle the problem of separating speech sources belonging to different pre-defined, fixed spatial regions. In addition, each output signal is associated with one region. This association allows to directly identify, e.g., the driver, such that region-specific control rights can be implemented in a human-machine interface. This problem can be understood as a specific MIMO signal estimation problem. More formally, the objective is to obtain estimates 𝐱^(r)_m_ref of the reverberant speech mixtures per region at a reference microphone m_ref based on the M microphone signals 𝐲_m. In this work, we assume a single active speaker per region (i.e., R=S). § SEPARATION ARCHITECTURE The employed DNN is a modified version of the recently proposed AmbiSep <cit.>, referred to as SpaRSep, where masking in a learned TF domain <cit.> is used for separation (see Figure <ref>). The encoder performs short-time analysis and converts the M time-domain inputs to sub-sampled, positive TF representations, i.e., 𝐘_m = Encoder(𝐲_m),   𝐘_m∈^N× F_+, where N is the number of time frames, and F is the number of features. The masking network generates one positive real-valued mask M_r for each source region r, which is multiplied with the encoder output of the reference microphone channel, 𝐘_ref. The masked representations are converted back to the time domain by the decoder. Encoder-Decoder: A 1D convolution layer of F filters with a kernel-size equivalent to 1 ms duration and 50% stride, followed by ReLU activation, is used as the encoder. The decoder comprises a transpose-1D convolution layer with the same parameters as the encoder. The encoder and decoder are applied independently to the input and output channels, respectively. Note that the weights are shared across the channels. Masking network: Figure <ref> shows a block diagram of the masking network. The input multi-channel TF representation is first passed through a LayerNorm layer <cit.> followed by a linear layer, and is then segmented into Q chunks of size K with 50% overlap. The chunked TF representation is fed to P concatenated TPB. Each TPB comprises three transformer encoder layers <cit.>, one inter-channel, one intra-chunk, and one inter-chunk transformer. The inter-channel transformer models the relationships across the microphone channels (i.e., spatial information) in the input at each time frame. The intra-chunk transformer models the short-time relations in the input, while the inter-chunk transformer models the global relations across the chunks. The output of the last TPB is passed through a PReLU layer. As opposed to <cit.>, the signals are flattened along the channel dimension before being fed to a linear layer to compute R outputs. The chunking operation is inverted using overlap-add, and the corresponding output is passed through an output gate. The gated output is then passed through a linear layer with ReLU activation to predict positive-valued masks. All layers in the architecture, except for the inter-channel transformers, process the inputs independently across the channels, making the architecture amenable to a parallel implementation across the channels. An important feature of the architecture is that the number of parameters in the model is independent of the number of input microphones M (which is the sequence dimension in the inter-channel transformer) and sources S. Only the output size of the linear layer after all TPB depends on the number of regions R. § PROPOSED REGION-BASED SEPARATION To preserve the region information on the R separated signals 𝐱^(r)_m_ref, we propose to assign each of the R output channels to a specific (different) region r. We propose to implement that assignment in two steps. First, we propose to generate training data where the speaker positions are limited to the respective regions (one speaker per region). We train SpaRSep to maximize the commonly used SI-SDR <cit.> (also, cf. <cit.>). Typically, speaker separation systems are trained with PIT, where DNN updates are based on the speaker permutation that yields the lowest loss. An illustration of permutations for three speakers is given in Figure <ref>. As the proposed training data generation yields data where the speaker permutation can be fixed according to spatial regions, PIT could converge to a permutation that preserves the region information. In other words, the estimated speech signals may consistently be ordered according to the regions. However, it is unclear how PIT determines the order and whether PIT will converge to a region-dependent permutation. Consequently, we propose to consistently assign each region to a specific DNN output during training. That way, we ensure that the DNN is trained with a region-dependent permutation. Additionally, the computational load during training is reduced compared to PIT, most notably when the number of regions increases: While PIT scales factorially, the fixed mapping scales linearly with the number of regions R. For example, when training with a fixed mapping for three regions, we always update the DNN with one of the six possible permutations, e.g., one shown in Figure <ref>. § EXPERIMENTAL SETUP This section briefly describes the simulation of the data sets and gives the parameters of the employed DNN architecture. Datasets: To model an in-car environment, we simulated RIR for a car-sized shoe-box room (3 m, 2 m, 1.5 m) with typical in-car reverberation times from 0.05-0.1 seconds in steps of 0.01 <cit.> (slightly exceeding values from <cit.> to accommodate for different materials like glass ceilings). The room contains a ULA with M=3 microphones and 8 cm inter-microphone spacing where the central microphone was placed at (0.5 m, 1 m, 1 m). Additionally, there are three distinct cuboid regions where speakers can be active (referred to as `driver' (D), `co-driver' (C), `backseats' (B)). The 'driver' and `co-driver' region-centers (cubes with an edge length of 0.5 m) were placed at (1.25 m, 0.5 m, 1 m) and (1.25 m, 1.5 m, 1 m), respectively. The `backseats' region consists of a cuboid region three times the size of one individual front region, placed 1 m behind the `driver'/`co-driver' regions (see Figure <ref>). Fifty points were randomly sampled from the two smaller regions (D and C), 150 from the bigger one (B). Per region, the source positions were split into three disjoint subsets (60%, 20%, 20%) as basis for training, validation, and test sets, respectively. Based on source and microphone positions, RIR were simulated using <cit.>. They were convolved with speech according to the Libri3Mix <cit.> description in the configurations `mix_clean' and `min' to obtain the reverberant speech signals at the microphones. The sampling frequency was 16 kHz, and the length of training and validation files was four seconds. To form a single training/validation/test example, three reverberant speech signals, one per region, were added. We refer to that test set as FC. For the test, we additionally created a set with simulated microphone self-noise by adding spatio-temporal white Gaussian noise with a signal-to-noise ratio ∈ [20,30] dB w.r.t. all reverberant speakers. We refer to this test set as WN. To show that the DNN can assign the speakers to the regions even if not all regions have an active speaker simultaneously, we create a third test set referred to as PO. There, the speakers start speaking successively with a delay of two seconds. The speaker order is determined randomly. Overall, the training, validation, and each test set consist of 9'300, 3'000, and 3'000 samples, respectively. Model Details: We trained two copies of the SpaRSep architecture as described in Section <ref> for 100 epochs using an initial learning rate of 15e-5 and a batch size of one sample. One copy was trained using PIT (as in <cit.>), and one copy was trained using the fixed mapping as motivated and proposed in Section <ref>, both times employing SI-SDR as loss function. For the variant without PIT, we enforced the source from the `driver region' be mapped to output 1, `co-driver' to 2, `backseats' to 3. The encoder was set to encode the waveform signals using a window length of 16 samples and a hop size of 8 samples, outputting a representation with F=128 features. The resulting features were chunked with a chunk size of K=250 and passed through a concatenation of P=4 TPB. The model comprises approximately 4.2 million parameters. § PERFORMANCE EVALUATION For all datasets, our performance evaluation is based on two metrics that we calculate by averaging over all 3'000 test samples per set[Audio examples can be found at <https://www.audiolabs-erlangen.de/resources/2023-ICASSP-SSBRIPS>.]. We report the SI-SDR <cit.> of the reconstructed estimates and the SI-SDRi over the mixture, namely both the mean over all regions and per region (denoted by, e.g., `driver' as indicated in Figure <ref>). The model comprises approximately 4.2 million parameters, and training the models on an NVIDIA A100 SXM4 reserved only for this training took 109.5 h and 107.4 h for the variants with and without PIT, respectively. Further, as a multi-channel separation baseline where spatial information is not explicitly modeled, we trained an implementation of the MC ConvTasNet <cit.> to maximize the SI-SDR of the reconstructed signals in combination with PIT. Note that MC ConvTasNet is not a task-specific baseline, i.e., it is not designed for region-based separation. The model comprises approximately 4.9 million parameters, and training on an NVIDIA GeForce RTX2080 Ti took 53.1 h. Table <ref> shows the evaluation results for the three test sets. For the FC set, which matches the training condition, MC ConvTasNet obtained an average SI-SDRi of 16.8 dB, whereas SpaRSep <cit.> obtained an average SI-SDRi of 18.3 dB for both training conditions, with PIT and with the proposed fixed permutation at the output. Note that SpaRSep consistently outperforms MC ConvTasNet, indicating that the triple-path structure is indeed advantageous for modeling spatial information. The SI-SDRi is approximately equal for all regions, which is also illustrated in Figure <ref> for the SpaRSep model trained with the proposed fixed mapping. Each dot represents the SI-SDRi per test point as described in Section <ref>. The mean SI-SDRi values per point range between 15.9 and 20.4 decibels, represented by the diameter. Since the input SI-SDR is higher for regions D and C compared to region B, accordingly,the output SI-SDR is also higher for regions D and C. This difference stems from the mixing procedure, where the anechoic input signals are normalized and scaled as per the LibriMix definitions <cit.>, but the reverberation introduces different direct-to-reverberation ratios for the spatial regions. Further, even for the short reverberation times of the car scenario, the backseat signals have a lower direct-to-reverberation ratio and it is challenging to recover the reverberation tail. The performance is degraded by roughly 1.0 dB for the WN set, which is a condition not seen during training. The model trained on noise-free data can thus be expected to generalize to real measurements, including microphone self-noise out of the box. For the PO set, we see that the model trained with fixed output mapping is superior to the PIT model. For both trained models, the metrics are higher by 4 - 5 dB compared to the FC set. Since partial overlap is a more likely scenario in a natural human conversation than fully concurrent speakers, this is a welcome finding. The performance similarity between the models with and without PIT suggested that the PIT model may have learned a fixed output mapping. Table <ref> shows the different permutations obtained. For 99.8 % of the examples (for the FC set), the PIT model output a common permutation of C-B-D. Interpreting this as a fixed permutation, we see that the confusions happen only between regions D↔B and C↔B. The output permutation is found to be only slightly sensitive to the evaluation condition. For all test sets, ≥99.8 % of the samples were output in the `majority permutation'. The fixed-mapping model generates output with the desired fixed permutation `D-C-B' most of the time (≥99.9 %). For the PO set, there were no confusions at all, indicating that spatial information was properly learned. Note that due to the random order of speaker onsets, this indicates that the assignment of speakers to regions also reliably works when only one source is active. When confusion occurs for the fixed-mapping model, it is found to be between one of the front regions (D, C) and the back region (B). Intuitively, this is expected since the possible ranges of DOA of sources from the two front regions are non-overlapping, and the proposed architecture with fixed output mapping can generate region-specific outputs. For each of the two front regions, respectively, and the back region, there exists a range of DOA that is common for both regions. In Figure <ref>, these overlap regions are indicated by blue dotted lines merging at the array center. Note that the distinguishability of two sources located in such an overlap region is influenced by their different direct-to-reverberation ratios. Since random combinations of one point from every region were simulated, the mean SI-SDRi does not degrade noticeably. To interpret the representations computed by the separation network, and especially to probe the spatial processing discussed before (i.e., the inter-channel modeling), we studied the inter-channel attention for scenarios where only one source is active in one of the regions and the sources in the other regions are silent. Figure <ref> shows the average attention weights (M × M matrices) computed in the eight heads of the inter-channel transformer of the first TPB, which is also the first transformer layer in the network, directly after the encoder. The attention weights are averaged over all time frames of 10 different test samples. We see that irrespective of the active source region, the average attention weights have a fixed pattern, i.e., the network computes representation based on fixed spatial processing in the first inter-channel transformer layer. This behavior is observed for the model trained with fixed output mapping as well as the model trained with PIT. Specific patterns computed by a few heads are also similar between the two models, e.g., head 8 of the fixed-order model and head 2 of the PIT model. We interpret this behavior as a sort of signal-independent beamforming, where the network learns a fixed spatial pre-processing of the encoded signals before signal-dependent separation is performed. The inter-channel transformers in the other TPB are found to compute active source region-specific attentions. § CONCLUSION We formulated the task of source separation that preserves region information. We proposed to address that task by a special training data generation scheme and by training with fixed correspondences of regions to separated sources on the network output. The employed transformer-based network architecture was shown to learn spatial features. We conclude that networks can be trained to separate sources and preserve regional information. § ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors gratefully acknowledge the scientific support and HPC resources provided by the Erlangen National High Performance Computing Center (NHR@FAU) of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU). [SI-SDR] DNNdeep neural network DOAdirection-of-arrival DOAdirections-of-arrival FCfull concurrent test set MC ConvTasNetmulti-channel extension of ConvTasNet MIMOmultiple-input multiple-output PITpermutation invariant training POtest set with partial overlap PReLUParameterized ReLU ReLUrectified linear unit RIRroom impulse response SI-SDRscale-invariant signal-to-distortion ratio SI-SDRiimprovement in SI-SDR SpaRSepseparator network based on spatial regions TFtime-feature TPBtriple-path block ULAuniform linear array WNfull concurrent with white noise test set IEEEbib
Projectability disentanglement for accurate and automated electronic-structure Hamiltonians
[ "Junfeng Qiao", "Giovanni Pizzi", "Nicola Marzari" ]
[ "physics.comp-ph", "cond-mat.mtrl-sci" ]
junfeng.qiao@epfl.ch Theory and Simulations of Materials (THEOS), and National Centre for Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials (MARVEL), École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland Theory and Simulations of Materials (THEOS), and National Centre for Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials (MARVEL), École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland Laboratory for Materials Simulations (LMS), Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland Theory and Simulations of Materials (THEOS), and National Centre for Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials (MARVEL), École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland Laboratory for Materials Simulations (LMS), Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland Maximally-localized Wannier functions (MLWFs) are a powerful and broadly used tool to characterize the electronic structure of materials, from chemical bonding to dielectric response to topological properties. Most generally, one can construct MLWFs that describe isolated band manifolds, e.g. for the valence bands of insulators, or entangled band manifolds, e.g. in metals or describing both the valence and the conduction manifolds in insulators. Obtaining MLWFs that describe a target manifold accurately and with the most compact representation often requires chemical intuition and trial and error, a challenging step even for experienced researchers and a roadblock for automated high-throughput calculations. Here, we present a very natural and powerful approach that provides automatically MLWFs spanning the occupied bands and their natural complement for the empty states, resulting in Wannier Hamiltonian models that provide a tight-binding picture of optimized atomic orbitals in crystals. Key to the success of the algorithm is the introduction of a projectability measure for each Bloch state onto atomic orbitals (here, chosen from the pseudopotential projectors) that determines if that state should be kept identically, discarded, or mixed into a disentangling algorithm. We showcase the accuracy of our method by comparing a reference test set of 200 materials against the selected-columns-of-the-density-matrix algorithm, and its reliability by constructing Wannier Hamiltonians for 21737 materials from the Materials Cloud. Projectability disentanglement for accurate and automated electronic-structure Hamiltonians Nicola Marzari March 30, 2023 ============================================================================================= § INTRODUCTION In periodic crystals, the electronic structure is usually described using one-particle Bloch wavefunctions. While choosing a basis set that is also periodic to describe these wavefunctions can often be beneficial, an alternative approach is to adopt localized orbitals in real space. One such choice of orbitals are Wannier functions (WFs), that can be obtained by Fourier transforming the periodic wavefunctions from reciprocal to real space. WFs are not unique, as they depend on the choice of the gauge (i.e., the choice of the phases of the wavefunctions) at each point in the Brillouin zone (BZ). Maximally-localized Wannier functions (MLWFs) <cit.> are obtained by a gauge choice that is optimized to provide the most localized set of WFs, i.e., those that minimize the sum of their quadratic spread in real space <cit.>. Having a very localized representation of the electronic structure not only provides an insightful analysis of chemical bonding in solids, but also brings a formal connection between the MLWF centers and the modern theory of electric polarization <cit.>. Moreover, the real-space locality of MLWF allows for accurate and fast interpolation of physical operators <cit.>, enabling calculations of material properties that require dense samplings of the BZ, such as Fermi surface, orbital magnetization <cit.>, anomalous Hall conductivity <cit.>, and spin Hall conductivity <cit.>, to name a few. Practically, one obtains MLWFs starting from a set of Bloch wavefunctions, calculated e.g., from density-functional theory (DFT). Often, these Bloch states are projected onto some localized orbitals (usually chosen by the user) to generate initial guesses for MLWFs. In an insulator, by minimizing the spread functional <cit.> which measures localization, one can obtain a set of MLWFs, i.e., “Wannierize” a material. The Wannierization contains an additional disentanglement step <cit.> if the target Bloch states are not isolated from other band manifolds. For such entangled bands—metals or the conduction bands of insulators—one needs to first identify the relevant Bloch states that will be used to construct MLWFs, and then mix or “disentangle” these from all the Bloch states <cit.>. Practically, the choices for the initial projections and states to be disentangled substantially influence the shape and the quality of the final MLWFs. In recent years, a lot of effort has been devoted to obtaining high-quality MLWFs and automate the Wannierization procedure. Focus of the research can be categorized into the following classes: [label=(*)] * Novel minimization algorithms, such as: the symmetry-adapted WF method that adds constraints to impose the symmetries of the resulting WFs <cit.>; the simultaneous diagonalization algorithm that directly minimizes the spread functional for an isolated (or “Γ-only”) system <cit.>; the partly-occupied WF method, where the total spread is directly minimized in one step <cit.>, rather than performing a two-step minimization for its gauge-invariant and gauge-dependent parts as in the standard procedure <cit.>; or the variational formulation, that combines single-step optimization with manifold optimization to make the minimization algorithm more robust <cit.>; * new forms for the spread functional, such as the selectively localized WFs (SLWFs) for which only a subset of WFs of interest are localized and a penalty term is added to constrain the position of the WF centers <cit.>, or the spread-balanced WF method, that adds a penalty term to distribute the spread as uniformly as possible among all WFs <cit.>; * targeting a subset of orbitals, e.g. SLWF for a subset of MLWFs <cit.> or the optimized projection functions method where starting projections for the Wannierization are generated from a larger group of initial ones <cit.>; * matrix manifold algorithms instead of projection methods to construct a smooth gauge in a non-iterative way <cit.>; * basis-vector decomposition of the density matrix, e.g. the selected columns of the density matrix (SCDM) algorithm <cit.>, that starts from the density matrix of the system and uses QR decomposition with column pivoting (QRCP) to automatically generate an optimal set of basis vectors from the columns of the density matrix. At the same time, high-throughput (HT) calculations have become increasingly popular for materials discovery and design. Calculations and results managed by workflow engines are collected into databases of original calculations, such as the Materials Project <cit.>, AFLOW <cit.>, OQMD <cit.>, CMR <cit.>, and the Materials Cloud <cit.>, or aggregated, as in NOMAD <cit.>. Thanks to recent research advances on Wannierization algorithms, it starts now to be possible to run HT Wannierizations for many materials and generate tight-binding (TB) models that reliably describe their physics. So far, several attempts have been made in this direction. <cit.> gathered 195 Wannier TB Hamiltonians and applied post-processing symmetrization to study strained III-V semiconductor materials. <cit.> implemented the SCDM algorithm and designed a protocol to determine automatically the remaining free parameters of the algorithm; this protocol, implemented into automated workflows, was verified to work well for band interpolations on a set of 200 structures (metals, or valence and conduction bands of insulators) and 81 insulators (valence bands only). <cit.> accumulated a Wannier TB Hamiltonian database of 1771 materials using the standard hydrogenic orbital projections. However, there are still several challenges for an accurate and automated HT Wannierization, some of which might be more relevant depending on the research goal and the specific property to compute: MLWFs should be able to faithfully represent the original band structure, often (e.g., for transport properties) at least for those bands close to the Fermi energy; MLWFs should resemble the physically intuitive atomic orbitals for solids that would enter into Bloch sums; the algorithm should be fully and reliably automated and the implementation should be efficient for HT calculations. To overcome the challenges mentioned above, in this paper we present a new methodology for automated Wannierization. First, we choose physically-inspired orbitals as initial projectors for MLWFs, that is, the pseudo-atomic orbitals (PAOs) from pseudopotentials <cit.>. Then, for each state |n 𝐤⟩ (n is the band index, 𝐤 is the Bloch quasi-momentum) we decide if it should be dropped, kept identically, or thrown into the disentanglement algorithm depending on the value of its projectability onto the chosen set of PAOs, replacing the standard disentanglement and frozen manifolds based only on energy windows. This approach naturally and powerfully targets the TB picture of atomic orbitals in crystals, as it will also become apparent from our results. Moreover, we fully automate this approach and implement it in the form of open-source <cit.> workflows. To assess its effectiveness and precision, we compare the quality of the band interpolation and the locality of the Wannier Hamiltonians generated with the present approach, which we name as projectability-disentangled Wannier functions (PDWFs), with the results from the SCDM algorithm <cit.>. Statistics from 200 materials demonstrate that PDWFs are more localized and more atomic-like, and the band interpolation is accurate at the meV scale. Furthermore, to demonstrate the reliability and automation of our method and workflows, we carry out a large-scale high-throughput Wannierization of 21737 materials from the Materials Cloud<cit.>. To set the context for the following paragraphs, here we briefly summarize the notations for WFs; a detailed description can be found in Refs. <cit.>. WFs | w_n 𝐑⟩ are unitary transformations of Bloch wavefunctions |ψ_m𝐤⟩, given by |w_n 𝐑⟩ = V/(2 π)^3∫_BZd𝐤e^-i𝐤·𝐑∑_m=1^J or J_𝐤|ψ_m 𝐤⟩ U_m n 𝐤, where 𝐤 and 𝐑 are the Bloch quasi-momentum in the BZ and a real-space lattice vector, respectively; m is the band index, and n is the Wannier-function index (running from 1 to the number of WFs J). For an isolated group of bands, J is equal to the number of bands, and the U_m n 𝐤 are unitary matrices; for entangled bands, the number of bands considered at each k-point is J_𝐤≥ J, and the U_m n 𝐤 are semi-unitary rectangular matrices. MLWFs are the minimizers of the quadratic spread functional <cit.> Ω=∑_n=1^J[⟨ w_n 0|𝐫^2| w_n 0|-⟩|⟨ w_n 0|𝐫| w_n 0|⟩|^2]. Since <ref> is a minimization problem with multiple local minima, initial guesses for U_m n 𝐤 substantially influence the optimization path and the final minimum obtained. In order to target the most localized and chemically appealing solution, <cit.> used hydrogenic wavefunctions |g_n⟩ (i.e., analytic solutions of the isolated hydrogenic Schrödinger equation) to provide a set of sensible initial guesses |ϕ_n 𝐤⟩, after projection on the space defined by the relevant Bloch states: |ϕ_n 𝐤⟩ = ∑_m=1^J or J_𝐤|ψ_m 𝐤⟩⟨ψ_m 𝐤 | g_n|.⟩ The projection matrices A_mn𝐤 = ⟨ψ_m 𝐤 | g_n|$⟩, after Löwdin orthonormalization <cit.>, form the initial guesses forU_m n 𝐤. We underline that while the gauge of Bloch wavefunctions|ψ_m 𝐤⟩is arbitrary (i.e.,|ψ_m 𝐤 ⟩ U_m n 𝐤are also solutions of the electronic structure problem), <ref> is invariant to such gauge freedom since|ψ_m 𝐤⟩ ⟨ψ_m 𝐤 | g_n |=⟩ ∑_i |ψ_m 𝐤⟩ U_mi𝐤 U_im𝐤^†⟨ψ_m 𝐤 | g_n |$⟩ where U_𝐤 are arbitrary unitary matrices. For entangled bands, the “standard” disentanglement approach <cit.> uses energy windows to choose the disentanglement and frozen manifolds: an (outer) disentanglement window that specifies a larger space of Bloch states that one could mix to obtain a smaller disentangled manifold to localize, together with a manifold defined by an (inner) frozen window that is taken as is. § RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS §.§ Pseudo-atomic-orbital projections In addition to the hydrogenic orbitals discussed above, alternative starting guesses for the Wannierization can be used. For instance, in pseudopotential plane-wave methods, PAOs are localized orbitals originating from the pseudopotential generation procedure <cit.>. In this procedure, for each element, atomic wavefunctions of an isolated atom are pseudized to remove the radial nodes and are localized functions around the atom; spherical harmonics with well-defined angular-momentum character (s, p, d, or f) are chosen for their angular dependency. PAOs are commonly used for analyzing the orbital contributions to band structures, as the basis set for non-iterative construction of TB Hamiltonians <cit.>, or as projectors in DFT+Hubbard calculations <cit.>. In order to understand the contribution of each orbital | g_n⟩ to a Bloch state |ψ_m 𝐤⟩, we define a measure of projectability as the square of the inner product between |ψ_m 𝐤⟩ and | g_n⟩: p_nm𝐤 = | ⟨ g_n | ψ_m 𝐤|⟩|^2; the projectability of |ψ_m 𝐤⟩ onto all PAOs is then defined as p_m𝐤 = ∑_n p_nm𝐤. If the projectors | g_n⟩ are complete for |ψ_m 𝐤⟩, then p_m𝐤 = 1. The band projectability is a very useful criterion to identify the orbital character of the bands; this is exemplified in <ref>, where we show the projectability of the bands of graphene onto 2s and 2p PAOs for carbon. It is immediately apparent how one can easily identify states in the conduction manifold that have a strong 2p and 2s component. Compared with the hydrogenic projections, which is the method used by default in <cit.> and its interface code to <cit.> (called ), PAOs are better adapted to each element since they come exactly from the pseudopotential used in the actual solid-state calculation. Moreover, in pseudopotentials with semicore states, the PAOs for semicores are nodeless and those for valence wavefunctions have at least one radial node (so as to be orthogonal to the semicore states with same angular momentum); thus band projectability can clearly differentiate semicore from valence, making PAOs more convenient than the hydrogenic orbitals, for which the user would need to manually set the correct radial functions for both semicore and valence projectors. For these reasons, we use in this work the PAOs as initial and more accurate projections. If needed, higher energy orbitals not included in the pseudopotential file can be constructed, for example, using solutions of Schrödinger equation under confinement potential <cit.> (see also discussion in <ref>). §.§ Projectability disentanglement As mentioned, the standard disentanglement approach selects the disentanglement and frozen manifolds via two energy windows <cit.>. We refer to this as energy disentanglement (ED). However, since bands have dispersions across the BZ, a fixed window for all k-points might not be an optimal choice. Taking the graphene band structure (<ref>) as an example, the bands which have large projectability are mixed with many free-electron bands (grey in the figure), which have zero projectability. In this case, one is faced with several options for the outer and inner energy windows, each with different shortcomings: [label=(*)] * If the inner window includes free-electron bands, the final MLWFs are mixtures of 2s, 2p atomic orbitals and free-electron bands, delocalizing the resulting MLWFs; * if the outer window excludes both the free-electron bands and the atomic-orbital states inside free-electron bands, the WFs lack the anti-bonding part of the bonding/anti-bonding closure <cit.>, again degrading the localization of WF; * if the upper bound of the inner window is set to its maximal allowed value, i.e. the blue dashed line positioned at the minimum of free-electron bands in <ref>, and all the DFT eigenstates are included in the outer window, the disentanglement algorithm <cit.> will extract an optimally smooth manifold, at the expense of decreasing the chemical representability of the atomic-orbital bands in the free-electron region; in other words, the MLWFs obtained lose the information of the TB atomic orbitals in this chemical environment (see <ref>). The graphene case highlights the limitations of the standard ED. Instead, we propose here to select the disentanglement and frozen manifolds based on the projectability p_m𝐤 of each state on the chosen PAOs (i.e., states are selected irrespective of their energy, but rather based on their chemical representativeness). Specifically, we select states based on two thresholds and : [label=(*)] * If p_m𝐤 < , the state ψ_m𝐤 is discarded. * If p_m𝐤≥ , the state ψ_m𝐤 is kept identically. Crucially, all states for which ≤ p_m𝐤 < are thrown in the disentanglement algorithm. Optimal numerical values for and are discussed later. In the case of graphene, identifies the fully atomic-orbital states inside the free-electron bands, while removes the fully free-electron bands from the disentanglement process, preventing the mixing of atomic and free-electron states. The two thresholds and constitute the parameters of the disentanglement process, replacing the four defining energy windows (the lower and upper bounds of the outer and inner energy windows). Ideally, if PAOs were always a complete set to describe valence and near-Fermi-energy conduction bands, the PD would select the most relevant Bloch states and accurately interpolate these DFT bands. However, since the PAOs are fixed orbitals from isolated single-atom calculations for each element, if the chemical environment in the crystal structure is significantly different from that of pseudopotential generation, then the total projectability p_m𝐤 might be smaller than 1 for bands around the conduction band minimum (CBM) or even for valence bands. In such cases, one solution is to increase the number of PAOs, i.e., adding more projectors with higher angular momentum, as we will discuss in <ref>. However, since one almost always wants to correctly reproduce valence bands (plus possibly the bottom of the conduction) but at the same time keep the Wannier Hamiltonian small for computational reasons, we suggest to additionally freeze all the states that sit below the Fermi energy in metals (or below the CBM for insulators) and also those a few eV above (typically, 2eV or so). Such a combination of PD+ED gives accurate interpolation of bands below and around the Fermi energy (or band edges for insulators), as well as maximally restoring the atomic-orbital picture. We stress here that, even if we call the resulting Wannier functions PDWFs for clarity, our optimal suggestion is to always also freeze the states in the energy window mentioned above, as we discuss in the next sections. §.§ Comparison We choose four prototypical materials to discuss the present method: graphene, silicon, copper, and strontium vanadate (). Graphene is a difficult case where atomic-orbital states highly mix with free-electron bands; silicon tests the Wannierization of both valence and conduction bands of an insulator; copper is a test on a metal; and represents the class of (metallic) perovskites. We compare the shapes, centers, and spreads of the resulting MLWFs using the five methods mentioned earlier: hydrogenic projection with ED (i.e., the standard approach), SCDM, PAO projection with ED, PAO projection with PD, and PAO projection with PD+ED. §.§.§ Graphene The original and interpolated band structures for the five methods discussed are shown in <ref>. The blue dashed lines in <ref> indicate the top of the inner energy window, which is set optimally (and manually) to just below the free-electron bands, to freeze as much as possible the atomic-orbital states but exclude any free-electron state. For PD and PD+ED, we choose = 0.85 and = 0.02 (we will discuss later on the choice of these thresholds). Comparing <ref> and <ref>, one sees that ED produces similar bands irrespective of using hydrogenic or PAO projection. However, as shown in <ref> (first and third row), the MLWFs for the two cases fall into slightly different minima: MLWFs from hydrogenic projection with ED are p_z and hybridized s ± p orbitals pointing towards the center of the hexagon, while MLWFs from PAO with ED are p_z, p_x, and s ± p_y. Both the PAO with PD and PAO with PD+ED cases reach the same set of MLWFs, p_z, p_x, and s ± p_y, but with larger spreads than the PAO with ED, since the PD and PD+ED freeze more states, giving thus less freedom for maximal localization. Nevertheless, the interpolated bands of the PAO with PD and PAO with PD+ED cases can much better reproduce the atomic-orbital states inside the free-electron bands. Finally, compared to other cases, SCDM includes some free-electron bands, some of which can be even reproduced by the Wannier interpolation. However, in order to follow those free-electron bands, abrupt changes of character and band derivative are needed in the conduction band. As required by Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem<cit.>, this results in a denser 𝐤-space sampling needed to obtain a good interpolation quality. Moreover, the MLWFs are much more delocalized and do not resemble atomic orbitals: as shown in <ref>, the last two MLWFs for SCDM are floating away from the graphene 2D lattice, blurring the TB picture of atomic orbitals in solids. §.§.§ Silicon The SCDM method obtains four front-bonding and four back-bonding MLWFs, while all other cases lead to atom-centered s and p MLWFs, as shown in <ref>. While overall the SCDM bands (<ref>) seem to reproduce relatively better the higher conduction bands, they fail to correctly reproduce the bottom of the conduction band near the X point, induce more wiggles around X and W, and have much larger spreads. Due to the low projectability of Bloch states around X (p_m𝐤 around 0.83), the CBM is not correctly reproduced in the PAO with PD, as these are not frozen in PD with the current choice of = 0.95 and = 0.01. To explicitly freeze the CBM, would need to be lowered below 0.83. However, such kind of decrease will also result in freezing some high-energy conduction bands, degrading the localization. PD+ED overcomes this by explicitly freezing the near-Fermi-energy and low-projectability states at the CBM, but still only freezing those atomic-orbital states in the high-energy conduction bands that possess high projectability (see <ref>), thus improving band interpolation. We note that adding d PAOs increases the CBM projectability (from 0.83 to 0.99) and restores a high-quality band-structure interpolation within the PD method: as shown in <ref>, the low-energy conduction bands are correctly reproduced once we regenerate a silicon pseudopotential including 3d PAOs. Therefore, PD is sufficient to obtain an accurate band interpolation if enough PAOs are included (we will also discuss this later in <ref>). For completeness, we show the SCDM interpolation using the regenerated pseudopotential in <ref>: the added d PAOs help select a larger manifold thanks to the increased projectability, enabling SCDM to reproduce higher conduction bands, as well as fixing the wrong interpolation at the W point. In general, adding more PAOs improves interpolation quality in cases where the target bands have low projectability, at the price of increased computational cost. PD+ED is a better option for reaching a good interpolation accuracy while keeping the size of the corresponding TB model small. §.§.§ Copper and Results for copper and are only shown in the SI (<ref>), since the conclusions are the same: PD+ED consistently provides the best interpolation quality among all methods we consider, while not requiring to increase the size of the Hamiltonian model, and results in WFs that resemble atomic orbitals or their hybridization. §.§ High-throughput verification In this section we discuss the applicability of the present PDWF method to obtain, in a fully automated way and without user input, WFs for any material. In order to assess quantitatively its performance, we compare it to SCDM, that can also be fully automated (see Ref. <cit.>). In all results that follow, we exclude semicore orbitals in both methods, since these low-energy states correspond to almost flat bands and do not play any role in the chemistry of the materials. We compare quantitatively the band interpolation quality between the two methods and the corresponding WF centers and spreads on the 200-structure set used in Ref. <cit.> for both occupied and unoccupied bands, totalling 6818 MLWFs for each method. In accordance with Refs. <cit.>, the band interpolation quality is measured by the average band distance, η_ν = √(∑_n𝐤f̃_n𝐤 (ϵ_n𝐤^DFT - ϵ_n𝐤^Wan)^2 /∑_n𝐤f̃_n𝐤), and the max band distance, η_ν^max = max_n𝐤( f̃_n𝐤| ϵ_n𝐤^DFT - ϵ_n𝐤^Wan| ), where f̃_n𝐤 = √(f^DFT_n𝐤(E_F+ν, σ) f^Wan_n𝐤(E_F+ν, σ)) and f(E_F+ν, σ) is the Fermi-Dirac distribution. Here E_F+ν and σ are fictitious Fermi levels and smearing widths which we choose for comparing a specific range of bands. Since the Wannier TB model describes the low-energy valence electrons, it is expected that the band interpolation deviates from the original in the higher conduction band region. Therefore, the higher ν is, the larger η_ν is expected to be. In the following paragraphs, we will use η_0 and η_2 to compare bands below and + 2eV, respectively; σ is always fixed at 0.1eV. In the supplementary information <ref>, we provide comparisons between the Wannier-interpolated bands and the DFT bands for both PDWF and SCDM, their respective band distances, and the Hamiltonian decay plots for each of the 200 materials. We discuss these properties in the following. §.§.§ Projectability thresholds and automation For PDWF, we set the maximum of the inner window to the Fermi energy + 2eV for metals, or to the CBM + 2eV for insulators, to fully reproduce states around Fermi energy or the band edges. We also specify the two additional parameters and . From our tests, in most cases = 0.95 and = 0.01 already produce very good results. However, since chemical environments vary across different crystal structures, the two parameters are not universal and influence the quality of band interpolation. <Ref> shows the variation of band distances w.r.t. and for several materials. For (<ref>), η_0 and η_2 reach a minimum at two different sets of parameters, i.e. = 0.99, = 0.01 and = 0.97, = 0.01, respectively. In some cases, the variation of η w.r.t. and can be non-monotonic and display multiple local minima: For instance, in (<ref>) at = 0.01, η_2 decreases from = 0.90 to 0.95 but increases from = 0.95 to 0.98 and finally reaches a local minimum at = 0.99. In other cases, η can be quite stable and largely independent of the parameters: E.g., for (<ref>), η_2 reaches the same minimum for = 0.99 to 0.88. Therefore, we implement an iterative optimization workflow to automatically find the optimal values for and , in order to fully automate the Wannierization procedure. The workflow is released as part of the package <cit.>. First, we run a QE band structure workflow to get the reference DFT bands for calculating η_2; in addition, the DFT bands are also used to calculate the band gap of the material. Second, we run an optimization workflow with the following settings: The maximum of the inner window is set to Fermi energy + 2eV for metals and CBM + 2eV for insulators, respectively; and are set to the defaults of 0.95 and 0.01, respectively. Third, if the average band distance η_2 is less than a threshold (set to 10meV here), the workflow stops; otherwise, the workflow iterates on a mesh of and , i.e. decreasing from 0.99 to 0.80 with step size -0.01, and = 0.01 or 0.02, until η_2 ≤ threshold. If η_2 is still larger than the threshold after exhausting all the parameter combinations, the workflow will output the minimum-η_2 calculation. §.§.§ Band distance To compare quantitatively the band interpolation quality of SCDM and PDWF, we Wannierize the 200 structures mentioned earlier and calculate their band distances with respect to the corresponding DFT bands. We choose η_2 and η_2^max to compare near-Fermi-energy bands. The histograms of the band distances for the 200 structures are shown in <ref>. To directly compare SCDM and PDWF, the mean and median value of η of the 200 calculations are shown as vertical lines in each panel. For PDWF, the mean η_2 is 4.231meV, to be compared with 11.201meV for SCDM. For η_2^max (that is a more stringent test of the quality of interpolation) the PDWF method also performs better, with a η_2^max = 36.743meV vs. 84.011meV for SCDM. We can also observe this trend in <ref>: For η_2 and η_2^max, the PDWF histogram bins are much more clustered towards η = 0. Note that in the cumulative histograms of η_2, at η = 20meV, the PDWF cumulative count is closer to the total number of calculations (200). This indicates that the PDWF has a higher success rate in reducing the interpolation error below 20meV. Similarly, for η_2^max, PDWF has a higher success rate in reducing the interpolation error under 100meV (to get a better overview of η and η^max, we further show the same histograms of η in a wider range 0100meV, and η^max in range 0500meV, in <ref>). To reduce the effect of major outliers, we can also compare the interpolation accuracy of successful calculations, i.e., excluding the outlier calculations which have significantly large band distances. As shown in <ref>, the η_2^≤ 20, i.e., the average of all the calculations for which η_2 ≤ 20meV, indicates that PDWF (2.922meV) is twice as good as SCDM (5.280meV), and also has a higher success rate: for η_2^≤ 20, 193 / 200 = 96.5% of the structures have η_2 ≤ 20meV, while for SCDM it is 183 / 200 = 91.5%. More details are listed in <ref>. In summary, PDWF provides more accurate and robust interpolations, especially for bands around the Fermi energy or the band gap edges, which are the most relevant bands for many applications. Last but not least, a higher energy range can be accurately interpolated by increasing the number of PAOs (see <ref>). §.§.§ MLWF centers Since we are aiming at restoring a tight-binding atomic-orbital picture with PDWF, we compare the distance of the WF centers from the nearest-neighboring (NN) and next-nearest-neighboring (NNN) atoms, again both for SCDM and PDWF. For each method, we compute d_NN and d_NNN, i.e., the average distance of all the 6818 MLWFs from the respective NN and NNN atoms. If d_NN is 0, then the atomic-orbital picture is strictly preserved. However, this is unlikely to happen since there is no constraint on the WF centers during both the disentanglement and the localization, and the final PDWFs, resembling atomic orbitals, are optimized according to the chemical environment. Still, if a WF center is much closer to the NN atom than to the NNN atom, then one can still assign it to the NN atom, preserving the atomic-orbital picture. <Ref> shows the histograms for d_NN and d_NNN for the two methods. The PDWF average d_NN = 0.43 is smaller than the SCDM d_NN = 0.53, and correspondingly the PDWF d_NNN = 2.19 is instead larger than the SCDM d_NNN = 2.11. This can also be observed in <ref>: The overlap of the d_NN and d_NNN histograms is smaller for PDWF than for SCDM. To further understand the overlaps, we plot the histogram of the ratio d_NN / d_NNN of each MLWF in the insets of <ref>. For a MLWF, if d_NN / d_NNN = 1, then the MLWF is a bonding orbital centered between two atoms; while if d_NN / d_NNN≪ 1, then it can be regarded as an (almost) atomic orbital. The histogram of the ratio of SCDM has a long tail extending towards 1.0, i.e., there are a large number of SCDM MLWFs sitting close to bond centers; on the contrary, the vast majority of the PDWF MLWFs are closer to the NN atom. We can further compare the effect of maximal localization on the WF centers. The WFs from the projection matrices A_mn𝐤 are strictly atom-centered, i.e. d_NN = 0. The inset of <ref> shows the histogram of the initial WFs, i.e., after disentanglement and before maximal localization, and the final MLWFs, i.e., after maximal localization, for PDWF. If one chooses d_NN≤ 0.1 as the criterion for atom-centered MLWFs, then 5594/6818 = 82.0% of the initial WFs and 2045/6818 = 30.0% of the final MLWFs are atom-centered. The disentanglement and maximal localization improve the band interpolation, but since there is no constraint on the WF center in the spread functional <ref>, many of the final MLWF centers are not atom-centered. As a comparison, for SCDM, 955/6818 = 14.0% of the initial WFs and 1823/6818 = 26.7% of the final MLWFs are atom-centered. For completeness, the statistics and histograms of initial and final d_NN, d_NNN, and d_NN / d_NNN are shown in <ref> and <ref>. In summary, for PDWF, most of the initial WFs (after disentanglement and before maximal localization) are atom-centered; many drift a bit away from atom centers during the localization, but the MLWFs are still much closer to the NN than to NNN atoms. For SCDM, most of the initial WFs are away from atom centers, and maximal localization pushes some of the WFs back to atoms, but there is still a large number of MLWFs for which an atom representing the WF center cannot be clearly identified. To exactly fix the MLWFs to atomic positions, one needs to add constraints to the spread functional <cit.>, at the cost of potentially having worse interpolators. However, this is beyond the scope of the current work, and here we rely on the atom-centered PAO projectors to guide the MLWFs towards the atomic positions, so that the final MLWFs are optimally localized and atom-centered. §.§.§ MLWF spreads Next, we investigate the spread distributions of SCDM and PDWF. Usually, we want localized MLWFs to restore the TB atomic orbitals. <Ref> shows the histograms of the spread distributions for the two methods. The SCDM spreads have a long tail extending over 10 ^2 in <ref>, due to its inclusion of free-electron states in the density matrix, thus resulting in more delocalized MLWFs as discussed earlier (see e.g. <ref>). On the contrary, the PDWF selects and freezes atomic-orbital states from the remaining bands, leading to much more localized MLWFs, thus much more clustered in a narrow range of 04^2, and already at 5^2 the cumulative histogram almost reaches the total number of MLWFs (see <ref>). This can be interpreted as follows: The PAO initial projections guide the spread minimization toward the (local) minimum resembling spherical harmonics, whereas the SCDM-decomposed basis vectors are designed to be mathematical objects spanning as much as possible the density matrix, but result in WFs for which it is harder to assign definite orbital characters. We can further compare the average initial (after disentanglement but before maximal localization) and final (after disentanglement and maximal localization) spreads between the two methods, as shown in <ref> and corresponding histograms in <ref>. Maximal localization is needed to bring SCDM spreads, from the initial Ω^i = 30.82^2 to the final Ω^f = 3.54^2; For PDWF, the initial Ω^i = 2.72^2 is already excellent, and much better than the final Ω^f for SCDM; localization then brings it to an optimal Ω^f = 1.41^2. §.§.§ Hamiltonian decay Finally, we compare the decay length of the Wannier gauge Hamiltonian between the two methods in <ref>. Thanks to the localization of MLWFs, the expectation values of quantum mechanical operators in the MLWF basis, such as the Hamiltonian H(𝐑), decay rapidly with respect to the lattice vector 𝐑 (exponentially in insulators<cit.> and properly disentangled metals). To compare this decay for the Hamiltonian matrix elements, we approximate the norm of the Hamiltonian as ‖ H(𝐑) ‖ = ‖ H(0) ‖exp(- ‖𝐑‖/τ), where τ measures the decay length. Then τ is fitted by least squares to the calculated ‖ H(𝐑) ‖; as shown in <ref>, the Hamiltonian of PDWF decays faster than SCDM for , which is selected here to represent the general trend between PDWF and SCDM Hamiltonians. <ref> shows the histogram of τ for the 200 materials; the mean τ are 2.266 for PDWF and 2.659 for SCDM, respectively, indicating that the PDWF Hamiltonian decays faster than SCDM, consistent with the better band interpolation of PDWF discussed in <ref>. §.§ High-throughput Wannierization Based on the above verification, we run a HT Wannierization using PDWF for 21737 materials, selected from the non-magnetic materials of the MC3D database <cit.>. <Ref> shows the band distance histograms for η_2 and η_2^max. Overall, the statistics follow the same trend as the 200 materials set in <ref>: the average η_2 and average η_2^max are 3.685 meV and 42.768 meV, respectively. Note in <ref> the η_2 is not truncated at 10meV, but rather due to the automated optimization workflow: results that have η_2 larger than a threshold (10meV) are further optimized with respect to and , thus improving the average band distance η_2. In <ref> we show several other statistics for the band distances. The excellent interpolation quality of PDWF can be assessed, for instance, from the number of systems with η_2 ≤ 20meV, that are ≈ 97.8% of all the calculations (21259 / 21737); the corresponding bands distance calculated on these 21259 calculations is η_2^≤ 20 = 2.118meV. This remarkable result show how automated and reliable Wannierizations can now be deployed automatically both for individual calculation and for HT application. §.§ Additional PAOs for high-energy high-accuracy interpolation Based on the HT Wannierization results, one can identify cases where the interpolation quality can be further improved by increasing the number of PAOs. Typically, the number of PAOs is determined during pseudopotential generation, and they are usually the orbitals describing low-energy valence electrons. In some cases, the bonding/anti-bonding combinations of these PAOs are not sufficient to span the space of target conduction bands, leading to a loss of interpolation quality. We use silicon as an example to illustrate the difficulties of accurately describing its CBM <cit.>, which is not located at any high-symmetry k-point, but along the Γ-X line. The common choice of one s and three p hydrogenic or PAOs projectors per atom results in oscillations in the Wannier-interpolated bands at the meV level. To remedy this, one can use a larger set of PAOs, e.g., by regenerating a silicon pseudopotential including d PAOs as discussed in <ref>. However, generating a new pseudopotential requires extensive testing and validation, therefore another solution could be using a set of PAOs different from the pseudopotential ones. To compare this second approach, we test here also PAOs obtained from the code <cit.>, and Wannierize silicon using one s, three p, and five d PAOs per atom using ED. This provides a much better description of the CBM, as shown in <ref> Moreover, the additional d orbitals allow to raise the inner energy window and better reproduce a larger number of conduction bands, as shown in <ref>, which might be beneficial for some applications. For completeness, we also show the WF spreads and shapes of d orbitals in <ref>. However, there are some caveats to this approach. When using external PAOs, ideally one should generate them using the same pseudization scheme as the pseudopotentials used in the DFT calculations. The PAOs from are instead generated using a different scheme, resulting in lower projectabilities (smaller than one even for the valence bands, as shown in <ref>). In such case, PD cannot reproduce the original bands (see <ref>), thus ED (with a higher inner energy window) is needed to obtain accurate interpolation (see <ref>). In comparison, the pseudopotential PAOs which we regenerated with 3d orbitals (as discussed in <ref>) are better projectors for the wavefunctions. Indeed, the first 12 bands have projectabilities almost equal to 1, and as a consequence PD itself already provides accurate band interpolation (all the low-energy conduction states are frozen since their projectabilities are high, see <ref>). Moreover, we mention that when adding additional projectors one needs to make sure that they have the correct number of radial nodes: e.g., the gold pseudopotential from SSSP <cit.> contains 5s+5p semicore states, and 6s+5d orbitals for valence electrons. If one wants to add an additional 6p orbital, it is important to ensure that the 6p orbital has one radial node, such that it is orthogonal to the nodeless 5p semicore state; Otherwise, the Bloch wavefunctions would project onto the 5p semicore state, and PD would only disentangle the 5p semicore states instead of the 6p orbitals contributing to bands above the Fermi energy. In summary, including more projectors can further improve the interpolation quality, but at the expense of increasing the number of orbitals in the model. The combination of PD and ED enables to improve the interpolation quality of low-projectability states while keeping the TB model size small. Automatic checks could be implemented in the future in the workflows to detect whether the projectability drops below a certain threshold, and in that case either raise a warning or automatically add more projectors. § CONCLUSIONS We present an automated method for the automated, robust, and reliable construction of tight-binding models based on MLWFs. The approach applies equally well to metals, insulators and semiconductors, providing in all cases atomic-like orbitals that span both the occupied states, and the empty ones whose character remains orbital-like and and not free-electron-like. The method is based on the band projectability onto pseudo-atomic orbitals to select which states are kept identically, dropped, or passed on to the established disentanglement procedure. We augment such projectability-based selection with an additional energy window to guarantee that all states around the Fermi level or the conduction band edge are well reproduced, showing that such a combination enables accurate interpolation even when minimal sets of initial atomic orbitals are chosen. This results in compact Wannier tight-binding models that provide accurate band interpolations while preserving the picture of atomic orbitals in crystals. We refer to the method collectively as projectability-disentangled Wannier functions (PDWF). The Wannierization process is implemented as fully automated workflows. We compare PDWFs with the other method that is also fully automated, namely SCDM. We show with a detailed study of 200 structures that PDWFs lead to more accurate band interpolations (with errors with respect to the original bands at the meV scale), and are more atom-centered and more localized than those originating from SCDM. The high accuracy in band interpolations, the target atomic orbitals obtained, and the low computational cost make PDWFs an ideal choice for automated or high-throughput Wannierization, which we demonstrate by performing the Wannierization of 21737 non-magnetic structures from the Materials Cloud MC3D database. § METHODS We implement the PAO projection in the executable inside (QE) <cit.>; the PD and PD+ED methods are implemented on top of the code <cit.>. In terms of the practical implementation, computing PAO projections is more efficient in both computational time and memory than the SCDM QR decomposition with column pivoting (QRCP) algorithm, since the A_mn𝐤 matrices (i.e., the inner products of Bloch wavefunctions with PAOs) can be evaluated in the plane-wave G vector space, rather than requiring a Fourier transform and decomposition of very large real-space wavefunction matrices. Furthermore, since the HT Wannierization can be computationally intensive, we implement a “k-pool parallelization strategy” inside , similarly to the main code of QE, to efficiently utilize many-core architectures by parallelizing over “pools” of processors for the almost trivially-parallel computations at each k-point. Test results show that k-pool parallelization significantly improves the efficiency of (benchmarks are shown in <ref>). The DFT calculations are carried out using QE, with the SSSP efficiency (version 1.1, PBE functional) library <cit.> for pseudopotentials and its recommended energy cutoffs. The HT calculations are managed with the infrastructure <cit.> which submits QE and calculations to remote clusters, parses, and stores the results into a database, while also orchestrating all sequences of simulations and workflows. The automated workflows are open-source and hosted on <cit.>. The workflows accept a crystal structure as input and provide the Wannier-interpolated band structure, the real-space MLWFs, and a number of additional quantities as output. Semicore states from pseudopotentials are automatically detected and excluded from the Wannierizations, except for a few cases where some semicore states overlap with valence states; in such cases, all the semicore states are Wannierized, otherwise the band interpolation quality would be degraded, especially for SCDM. A regular k-point mesh is used for the Wannier calculations, with a k-point spacing of 0.2, as selected by the protocol in <cit.>. MLWFs are rendered with VESTA <cit.>. Figures are generated by <cit.>. § DATA AVAILABILITY All data generated for this work can be obtained from the Materials Cloud Archive (<https://doi.org/10.24435/materialscloud:v4-e9>). § CODE AVAILABILITY All codes used for this work are open-source; the latest stable versions can be downloaded at <http://www.wannier.org/>, <https://www.quantum-espresso.org/>, <https://www.aiida.net/>, and <https://github.com/aiidateam/aiida-wannier90-workflows>. The modifications to the codes mentioned above implemented for this work will become available in the next releases of () and . § ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We acknowledge financial support from the NCCR MARVEL (a National Centre of Competence in Research, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, grant No. 205602), the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Project Funding (grant 200021E206190 “FISH4DIET”). The work is also supported by a pilot access grant from the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS) on the Swiss share of the LUMI system under project ID “PILOT MC EPFL-NM 01”, a CHRONOS grant from the CSCS on the Swiss share of the LUMI system under project ID “REGULAR MC EPFL-NM 02”, and a grant from the CSCS under project ID s0178. § AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS J. Q. implemented and tested the PDWF method on selected materials. G. P. and N. M. supervised the project. All authors analyzed the results and contributed to writing the manuscript. 50 fxundefined [1] ifx#1 fnum [1] #1firstoftwo secondoftwo fx [1] #1firstoftwo secondoftwo noop [0]secondoftwo ref[1]@startlink#1@href href[1]#1@endlink anitize@url [0]` 12`$12`&12`#12`1̂2`_12`%12 startlink[1] endlink[0] rl [1]href #1 @bib@innerbibempty [Marzari and Vanderbilt(1997)]Marzari1997 author author N. Marzari and author D. Vanderbilt, title title Maximally localized generalized Wannier functions for composite energy bands, https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevb.56.12847 journal journal Phys. Rev. B volume 56, pages 12847 (year 1997)NoStop [Souza et al.(2001)Souza, Marzari, and Vanderbilt]Souza2001 author author I. Souza, author N. Marzari, and author D. Vanderbilt, title title Maximally localized Wannier functions for entangled energy bands, https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevb.65.035109 journal journal Phys. Rev. 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Non-Linear Signal Processing methods for UAV detections from a Multi-function X-band Radar
[ "Mohit Kumar", "Keith Kelly" ]
[ "eess.SP" ]
Agile RF Systems LLC, CO, USA Non-Linear Signal Processing methods for UAV detections from a Multi-function X-band Radar. Mohit Kumar, Keith Kelly =========================================================================================== This article develops the applicability of non-linear processing techniques such as Compressed Sensing (CS), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Iterative Adaptive Approach (IAA) and Multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) for the purpose of enhanced UAV detections using portable radar systems. The combined scheme has many advantages and the potential for better detection and classification accuracy. Some of the benefits are discussed here with a phased array platform in mind, the novel portable phased array Radar (PWR) by Agile RF Systems (ARS), which offers quadrant outputs. CS and IAA both show promising results when applied to micro-Doppler processing of radar returns owing to the sparse nature of the target Doppler frequencies. This shows promise in reducing the dwell time and increase the rate at which a volume can be interrogated. Real-time processing of target information with iterative and non-linear solutions is possible now with the advent of GPU-based graphics processing hardware. Simulations show promising results. Compressed Sensing radar processing, Iterative Adaptive Algorithm, Principal Component Analysis, X-band phased array radars, UAV § INTRODUCTION The main goal of CS is to use optimization methods to recover a sparse signal from a small number of non-adaptive measurements. The radar measurements can be viewed as sparse in both time and Doppler space and are possibly sampled at sub-Nyquist rates, which breaks the relationship between the number of samples acquired and the perfect recovery of radar parameters like delay, velocity, and target angle. The recovery of essential micro-Doppler signatures from the UAV target through the sparse representation of the signal in the frequency domain and following optimization of the sparse signal's l_1 norm using CS can improve the classification accuracy of various UAV targets. Additionally, MIMO-based virtual aperture formation can impart a better spatial resolution for the small spatial footprint UAV targets. IAA is another Doppler resolution enhancement technique that is considered in this article and it shows a promising application for UAV detections with few pulses. Prior to CS, filtering is accomplished using PCA-based decomposition into eigen sub-spaces to get rid of clutter contamination principally due to sidelobes pointing towards the ground. We develop a unified theory for the applicability of these non-linear processing methods and show their enhancements for better UAV detection using simulations. A common theoretical framework is developed for ease of understanding and applicability of these techniques.For the US Air Force, Agile RF Systems (ARS) has finished developing a portable weather radar (PWR) system built on phased arrays and a four-quadrant architecture. It can be mounted on a roof or tower. It has a sealed radome that provides wind, rain, snow, hail, and sand protection. The CS, IAA and PCA methods elaborated in this article are with reference to this phased array design. The Figure <ref> depicts the conceptual representation of the various sub-sections of this phased array radar. The data from the quadrant-based four-phased array centers can be processed by the signal processor and backend processing algorithms implemented in servers. This radar is based on quadrant-level processing to implement a 4-channel MIMO architecture. This article makes use of this hardware platform to demonstrate non-linear processing which also has a quadrant-wise aperture for MIMO related enhancements. Recent advances in computational methods and increased computing capacity for real-time radar operations have greatly increased the use of non-linear processing in radars and communication. For radar applications, the design complexity is typically higher, and a variety of computational techniques can be used to achieve the desired properties. <cit.>. Today's modern phased array radars are able to switch beams faster and are based on inertia-less electronic phase programmability for observing different directions. With such a rapid observation capacity is needed a software framework that can extract information from the least number of acquired samples and pulses, aiding in reducing the dwell time of radar in a specific direction. This ultimately results in overall increase at the rate at which targets can be revisited or surveilled. This article combines the power of non-linear CS, IAA and PCA to make this advancement into the next generation of radar processing and develops a theoretical understanding with modeling of signal, clutter and noise spaces for non-linear processing.Taking a peek into CS, if x is a sparse vector, we can try recovering it from the knowledge of observation vector y by solving the following optimization problem: arg min_x ||x||_0 subject to y = Θx This search is, however, NP-hard and can be replaced by its closest convex norm, the l_1 norm <cit.>. The equation above can thus be reformulated as: arg min_x ||x||_1 subject to y = Θx where Θ is the reconstruction matrix. This condition is influenced by the incoherence of the matrix (the sensing matrix), as well as the sparsity of the initial vector x <cit.>. The literature offers a number of solutions to this optimization issue. To locate the sparse approximation of the incoming signal x in a dictionary or matrix ψ, basis pursuit is used in CS. The Dantzig selector, basis pursuit denoising (BPDN), total variation (TV) minimization-based denoising, etc. are additional commonly used formulations for reliable data recovery from noisy measurements <cit.>. The squared l_2-norm of the error between the reconstructed signal y and the sparse signal x̂ in the case of BPDN should be less than or equal to ϵ for the obtained solution. arg min_x ||x||_1 subject to ||y - Θx||_2^2≤ϵ We can also solve BPDN in its Lagrangian form, which is an unconstrained optimization problem and can be rewritten as: x̂ = arg min_xλ||x||_1 + ||y - Θx||_2^2. The primal-dual interior-point technique and fixed-point continuation are two well-known algorithms that have been applied to the aforementioned equation. Algorithms for linear programming, such as the simplex algorithm known as BP-simplex and the interior-point algorithm known as BP-interior, can also be used to solve the optimization problem in equation <ref>. These are solvers for convex problems. In this article, we seek to develop formulations of the MIMO, CS and PCA operations with PWR as the platform for UAV detections which is a novel combination of non-linear processing techniques not explored before in literature. The data from the four sub-aperture channels are processed by the signal processor and backend processing algorithms implemented in servers kept in an enclosed thermally controlled chamber as part of PWR radar hardware. To enable MIMO and CS-related enhancements, the signal processor implemented in the radar server would need modifications to incorporate MIMO, CS and PCA-related data processing. These non-linear processing methods would eventually lead to the development of low-cost, power-efficient, and small-size radar systems that can scan faster and acquire larger volumes than traditional systems. Here we briefly present the evolution of these methods. Many previous works on CS methods allow recovery of sparse, under-sampled signals from random linear measurements <cit.>. In <cit.>, authors present Xampling as a sub-Nyquist framework for signal acquisition and processing of signals in a union of subspaces. We are not utilizing Xampling for analog-to-digital conversion. All processing techniques are after the Nyquist rate ADC conversions in fast time. <cit.> has used CS to enhance micro-Doppler signatures of drones however, what is lacking is a common framework of understanding and evaluating other non-linear methods like IAA that is presented in our article and how IAA compares against CS in terms of performance. In <cit.>, an optimal dwell time is evaluated for effectiveness to capture at least one full rotation of the blades. They have commented on the total dwell time required but they don't discuss the sampling rate requirement over the dwell time. The article <cit.> serves as a good introduction to and a survey about compressed sensing. In <cit.> authors analyze the number of samples required for perfect recovery under noiseless conditions. They have devised a good theoretical framework which we have extended to PCA and IAA under clutter and noise conditions. In <cit.>, authors have summarized a whole set of optimization routines that can be used to reconstruct a signal using CS. Authors in <cit.> developed the beginning of a mathematical theory of super-resolution. They illustrated that you can super-resolve point sources with infinite precision i.e. recover the exact locations and amplitudes by solving a simple convex optimization problem, which can essentially be reformulated as a semi-definite program. This holds provided the distance between the sources meet a certain criteria. The article <cit.> talks about a method that exploits the difference in the statistics of the returns from sea clutter and the target to improve detection performance. On the other hand, we selected PCA as the dominant approach to remove clutter echoes by suppressing clutter eigen-vectors and also removing few noise eigen-vectors to enhance SNR. In <cit.>, authors discuss Subspace space–time adaptive processing (STAP) algorithms to eliminate clutter. However, estimation of clutter sub-space is a severe limitation. This article explores using CS and IAA-based reconstruction of micro-Doppler for small UAV targets from fewer pulses, such that we do not lose micro-Doppler characteristics for the detection and classification of these targets. Traditionally using Fourier transform on these fewer pulses will degrade the resolution to such an extent that the nearby micro-Doppler features cannot be identified. This aspect is simulated using CS and IAA performance versus FFT-based reconstruction and the benefits can be readily observed. The MIMO formulation is also presented which aids in better spatial resolution indeed needed to support the accurate localization of these small targets. Figure <ref> gives the basic conceptual processing steps needed for building up this system. As would be evident later that for CS-based recovery from a minimum number of pulses, the pulses must be randomly transmitted in different elevation states (in the case of PWR radar) thus we need a random ray (direction) selector to send out a pulse. At the receiver, we would need to segregate all the pulses together for a ray and process along the slow time (pulse) axis for Doppler super-resolution. IAA however, doesn't have this requirement which can be one of its advantages as compared to CS. Uniform sampling, in case of IAA, also aids in PCA-based clutter suppression which would not work for the non-uniformly sampled received echo. In that case, we need to wait for all the pulses to go out in all directions (rays) for PCA and CS to start. In case of IAA, however, we can start as soon as one ray (direction) echoes have been received.There is an urgent need for faster scanning for a drone detection radar system because these small objects are highly agile and maneuvering. A really fast update is required to surveillance and track the full space for drones and swarms of drones to keep an eye on their ever-changing activities and strategies. We need counter UAS systems like PWR equipped with very fast scan strategies using very few pulses in a direction and still able to recover high-resolution Doppler features from detected drones. These non-linear processing techniques would aid PWR in achieving this goal. §.§ Portable Weather Radar (PWR) All the techniques discussed in this article are being developed with reference to ARS PWR weather radar sensor. PWR is a flexible and agile radar due to the phase spin architecture and central Radar System Controller (RSC) <cit.>. This radar is based on a phased array design and is inherently very different from parabolic dish antenna radars like D3R <cit.>. The radar located at the Greeley radar test facility is shown in Figure <ref>(a). The phase gradient that the phased array controller uses is coordinated by the RSC, along with the motor control for azimuth positioning and rotation. The FPGA logic in Software defined radio (SDR) has a programmable register interface that enables the RSC to change a broad range of operational radar parameters. The RSC uses alternate horizontal and vertical polarization to allow transmit pulses with a Linear Frequency Modulated Chirp (LMFC) waveform in the SDR. The Host Processor in the local cabinet receives the filtered radar returns from the multichannel receive hardware and processes them there. The beamforming network and phased array antenna for PWR underwent extensive testing. Array calibration and aperture beam pattern data were collected to confirm expected aperture performance. An internal Radar Target Simulator (RTS) was created to test the complete functionality of the radar system with the calibrated aperture. The RTS was positioned for this test in far-field of the aperture (Figure <ref> (b)). The PWR waveform was received by RTS, a digital time delay was applied, and the result was transmitted back to the PWR while it was still in receive mode. An accurate estimate of the combined beam pattern and all four quadrants was confirmed by determining the peak value from the returned waveform in PWR at each elevation. The two-way combined H-pol antenna pattern is shown in Figure <ref> (c) measured with the help of RTS. The two-way pattern sidelobes are approximately 25 dB below the mainlobe peak power and the 3dB beamwidth measured is 1.4 deg confirming good phase/time alignment of all quadrant channels in the combined pattern. With a similar setup of RTS, using MIMO Coherent implementation, we expect to measure  0.9 to 1 deg of 3 dB beamwidth, improvements coming through the four-quadrant based MIMO signal processing. To remove any spatial ambiguity, PWR was co-located with the CSU-CHILL radar and concurrently gathered weather observations. This was done to determine the PWR data products' level of quality for SISO-based radar operations. It has been described here so that it can serve as a standard by which to compare the efficacy of MIMO. Data comparisons between these two radars were carried out while PWR rotated at a constant quarter RPM and CHILL transmitted in the eastern region for the same 14 elevation states. Let's examine one of the light rain cases that both radars recorded on May 31, 2022. Figure <ref>(a) and (d) show the reflectivity field for CHILL and PWR radars respectively while (b) and (e) shows the comparison of differential reflectivity between the two. Figure <ref>(c) and (f) show the differential phase being encountered going through the storm from these radars. The top plots are from the CHILL radar and the bottom ones are from PWR. The CHILL radar was scanning only the eastern sector while the PWR did the whole 360-degree coverage. Both radars observed 14 elevation states and the 2 deg elevation state is shown in the figures. Several of the bright thunderstorm features that both radars picked up in the southeast can be seen distinctly in these figures. All of the level 2 products were subjected to this comparison. With nine times larger antenna dimensions than PWR, we can easily see the CHILL radar's high spatial resolution. With MIMO Coherent processing, the spatial resolution of PWR is anticipated to improve without a physical size increase in an effort to resolve the weather storm features better.PWR can be very easily configured for sensing both weather and drone targets. This is the hardware platform developed at ARS currently being used for weather sensing. Using a separate processing chain shown in Figure <ref>, we can easily expand its capabilities for drone target detection using non-linear processing. It is fully capable of MIMO aperture extension because of its four quadrants transmit and receive channels and on similar terms, because of its software-defined capabilities in terms of beam agility and waveforms, it is an ideal platform for testing out non-linear techniques. Spectrogram and smoothed-pseudo Wigner-Ville distribution are two time-frequency representation techniques that have been widely used to analyze drone micro-Doppler signatures. Furthermore, a number of classification methods based on micro-Doppler signatures have been reported for classifying drones of various sizes, types, and loads, as well as drones and people, dogs, and birds. The radar antennas in real-world ground-based surveillance radar systems must scan rapidly to cover a large spatial area of up to 360°. This implies that the radar beam's dwell period on any given target is quite short (which is, usually, a few tens of milliseconds). Thus, when adopting the conventional fast Fourier transform (FFT) for Doppler processing, the radar Doppler resolution is very poor and the accurate micro-Doppler signatures of drones are difficult to discriminate. § METHODS §.§ PCA and CS Formulation for micro-Doppler enhancement Radar echoes from drones can be identified, categorized, and tracked using Micro-Doppler. A spinning blade is a feature of the majority of drones, including single-rotor, quadrotor, six-rotor, and even hybrid vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) drones. They are typically active in low-altitude airspace, are small, and fly slowly <cit.>. The rotating movement of rotating blades can modulate the incident radar wave and produce an additional micro-Doppler on the base of the body Doppler contributed by the flying motion of the drone body. Micro-Doppler signals are thought to be quite useful signatures for radar-based drone detection and classification <cit.>.The importance of micro-Doppler for drone detections cannot be overstated. Using lengthy FFT sizes in traditional signal processing, drone detections can be more accurately resolved at higher Doppler resolutions. In general, greater Doppler resolution is associated with longer radar dwell times (sending out more pulses for longer FFTs). However, the maximum radar dwell period for a functional radar sensor applies. A practical radar system should be able to track targets more quickly and look quickly in all directions to search the entire volume. The secret to observing such a micro-Doppler is the radar dwell time. The dwell period should be sampled quickly enough to improve the Doppler resolution of our spectral analysis. CS and IAA-based non-linear processing can break this relation of linear dependence of resolution to the number of pulses required to observe micro-Doppler features of drones <cit.>.Prior to performing CS/IAA, we begin with PCA to get rid of clutter contamination of the drone echo. The cleaned-up signal can then go through spectral analysis. §.§ PCA decomposition of Clutter Consider a radar transceiver, similar to <cit.> that transmits a pulse train: x_T(t) = ∑_p=0^P-1 h(t-pτ), 0 ≤ t ≤ Pτ. consisting of P equally spaced pulses h(t). The pulse-to-pulse delay τ is referred to as the PRI, and it's reciprocal 1/τ is the PRF. The entire span of the signal in equation <ref> is called the coherent processing interval (CPI). Let L Doppler-producing drone targets make a scene. The pulses travel back to the transceiver after reflecting off the L targets. Three parameters are used to describe each target: a complex amplitude α_l that is proportional to the target's radar cross-section (RCS), a Doppler radial frequency υ_l that is proportional to the target-radar closing velocity, and a time delay τ_l that is proportional to the target's distance from the radar. We can write the received signal as: x(t) = ∑_p=0^P-1∑_l=0^L-1α_l h(t - τ_l - pτ)e^-jυ_lpτ. It might be convenient to express the signal as a sum of single frames: x(t) = ∑_p=0^P-1x_p(t) where x_p(t) = ∑_l=0^L-1α_l h(t - τ_l - pτ)e^-jυ_lpτ. This is the case when the target can be characterized using a single velocity, υ_l, however, in case of micro-Doppler frequencies we have a band of frequencies around the main body Doppler component comprising the micro-Doppler (Δυ_l) as: x_p(t) = ∑_l=0^L-1∑_i=0^I-1α_l h(t - τ_l - pτ)e^-j(υ_l+Δυ_i)pτ. I are the number of micro-Doppler components.Additionally, in practice, this signal is contaminated with noise and clutter: x(t) = ∑_p=0^P-1[x_p(t) + ω_p(t) + C_p(t)]. where ω(t) is a zero mean wide-sense stationary random signal with auto-correlation r_ω(s) = σ^2δ(s) and C(t) is the clutter component. A synonymous equation quantized in time would be: x(n) = ∑_p=0^P-1[x_p(n) + ω_p(n) + C_p(n)]. In order to decrease its effect on micro-Doppler features, removing the clutter component is necessary. The equation <ref> can be thought to be composed of signal, noise and clutter sub-spaces. Let the mean values of x_p(n) be μ_p. Then the mean subtracted received signal can be written as: x(n) = ∑_p=0^P-1(x_p(n) - μ_p). Forming the auto-correlation matrix R_xx of x(n) and performing SVD decomposition on it yields, R_xx = USV^T. Sorting out the eigenbasis vectors in U in descending order, we get the largest principal components in the received signal. If clutter is supposed to be the dominant return signal component, we can set the corresponding eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue in S to zeros. The rest of the received signal x_p(t) is projected to remaining eigenvectors and sum them up as follows to reconstruct signal and noise: x_recons(n) = ∑_p=0^P-1∑_d=0^D-1u_d(n)x_p(n). u_d's span the eigenvector space comprising of signal and noise sub-spaces minus the clutter sub-space as that eigenvector is not part of this space. The signal and noise sub-spaces are orthogonal to each other. We can also reduce noise power by considering only a few noise eigenvectors and adding them up to the signal sub-space. This might improve SNR. A demonstration of this is part of the simulations section. A point worth noting is that we can figure out clutter power by averaging out the received signal whose mean will give an estimate of clutter power centered at DC. Based on this, we can come to know which eigenvector should be removed to nullify the clutter sub-space, if clutter is not the most dominant echo in the received signal.If we compare PCA with MTI clutter filter, we can observe that MTI removes the clutter component while low-frequency micro-Doppler components can also get completely suppressed, which would decrease the distinction of micro-Doppler features and finally influence the classification accuracy of drone targets. After the clutter signal has been suppressed, we go to CS step for enhancing micro-Doppler features. Micro-Doppler spectral lines can have better distinction when they are CS processed.Apart from the primary signal Doppler, a few micro-Doppler lines, and clutter, which have high values, the majority of the entries in the spectral domain of drone targets are zeros or low values. Only the primary Doppler and a few high spectral lines caused by micro-Doppler may remain after removing clutter. In order to improve drone classification and identification using fewer pulse samples, CS may be able to provide high-resolution Doppler components for such a sparse signal. If we use fewer pulses to give the same resolution as with, say, 10 times the number of pulses, then we are effectively reducing the dwell time on the target and can potentially spin faster as in the case of PWR. This faster scanning radar can track and do multiple functions at the same time which may mean portable systems like PWR, is able to accomplish weather surveillance, track, and surveillance UAVs. §.§ CS-based enhancement of Doppler Space The clutter-suppressed received signal can now be processed by CS to better resolve the micro-Doppler frequencies with relatively fewer random measurements. The premise is CS would be able to provide a higher resolution Doppler space with few samples as against conventional FFT processing which would need a sufficiently larger number of measurements or pulses to give the same resolution as CS. The first stage of CS is multiplying the random measurement matrix, ψ(n) with x(n): y(n) = ∑_p=0^P-1ψ_p(n)[x_p(n) + ω_p(n) + C_p(n)]. where ψ_p(n) ∈ℝ^MxN or ℂ^MxN and y(n) ∈ℝ^M or ℂ^M. The number of measurements taken is much lesser than the length of the input signal, i.e., M<<N. To further reduce the number of measurements which are necessary for perfect reconstruction, the measurement matrix must be incoherent with the basis in which the signal is sparse. The inputs to the reconstruction algorithm are the measurement vector y(n) and reconstruction matrix Θ where, Θ = ψξ∈ℝ^MxN or ℂ^MxN. ξ is the basis vector of the space where x(n) is sparse. Thus x(n) can be written as: x(n) = ∑_p=0^P-1s_p(n)ξ_p(n). s∈ℝ^N is the sparse coefficient vector of length N. The optimization problem expressed as l_1 norm (for reconstruction) can thus be expressed as: ŝ = arg min_s ||s||_1 subject to Θs = y The estimate of x(n), i.e., x̂ can be obtained from ŝ by taking its inverse transform. Some of the other types of this same optimization problem with noise included and a lagrangian form of the above equation were discussed in the paragraphs preceding equations <ref> and <ref>. It is shown in the literature <cit.> that for a noise-free case, the estimation of parameters (α_l, τ_l, υ_l)_l=0^L-1 without micro-Doppler frequencies can be recovered using 3L samples using a Xampling framework and assuming Finite Rate of Innovation (FRI) samples. However, with micro-Doppler and the presence of noise, there are likely more samples required for perfect recovery. Simulations do confirm the fact that the number of slow time, pulse measurements required for a higher resolution Doppler reconstruction is sufficiently less so that either the radar can be made to scan faster or it can be made to accomplish multi-functions like weather detections and forecasting too. The software-defined phased array architecture of PWR is ideally suited for drone detection and weather surveillance. §.§.§ SNR The SNR is linked to the attenuation that the signal receives going through the link which is very obvious based on the CS model. However, noise power can be reduced in the prior step of PCA with fewer noise eigenvectors considered for the reconstruction of the received signal. Certainly, this can improve SNR and it is demonstrated in simulations too. §.§ MIMO and CS Framework The multi-function PWR radar is capable of MIMO because of its four-quadrant array structure. So we should be able to use quadrant-wise MIMO formulation along with CS. This gives the benefit of virtual array formation without the addition of physical array elements, and also it is cost-effective since each element is not required to have an RF and IF hardware chain associated, and only four channels are sufficient to make use of quadrant MIMO benefits instead of hundreds if not thousands of channels for a full MIMO implementation.The quadrant MIMO system is equivalent to the spatial convolution of the transmit and receive quadrant phase centers and the formation of virtual array elements beyond the physical aperture size. The virtual array dimensions are 1.5 times the physical array (in both axes) as evident from Fig. <ref>. Equivalently, this would give the beamwidth reduction by the same factor and the spatial resolution will improve. The PWR system provides a very cost-effective MIMO radar system using a quadrant phased array structure. One of the main challenges of an element-wise MIMO radar is coping with complicated systems in terms of cost, high computational load, and complex implementation, which have been traded very well using quadrant MIMO in PWR radar hardware. To demonstrate quadrant MIMO processing, we assume transmissions using the same LFM waveforms from all the quadrants, however, we would transmit sequentially from quadrants in a time-multiplexed manner. The data cube received by the quadrants would have to be processed to form the virtual array data cube. Let the data collected when quadrant 1 transmits (from all four receive quadrants) given by: Ph_r = [ M_11 M_12; M_13 M_14 ] Where the first subscript tells the transmit quadrant and the second signifies the receive. The coherent data matrix after all transmissions is given by: Vi_r = [ M_21 M_11+M_22 M_12; M_23+M_31 M_13+M_24+M_31+M_41 M_14+M_42; M_333 M_43+M_43 M_44; ] This matrix includes 5 additional virtual phase centers corresponding to five additional quadrants to make it a total of 9 quadrants. For PWR, each entry in the column is 12λ wide and high, the third row and column would give it an extra 12λ height and width to the receive aperture due to virtual quadrants <cit.>.Extending our discussion further about MIMO and CS, let's revisit equation <ref> for a sparse scene with L drone targets. The received signal at the q_th quadrant after demodulation to baseband for a single frame is in turn given by: x_q(t) = ∑_l=0^L-1∑_m=0^M-1α_l h(t - τ_l - pτ)e^-jυ_lpτe^-j β_m,qς. where ς=sine(θ_l) is the azimuth angle of the l^th drone target relative to the quadrant θ_l. Also note that, β_m,q = (ζ_qξ_m)(f_cλ/c + 1), f_c is the carrier frequency radiated from the quadrant and ζ_q,ξ_m∈Vi_r. Again y(n) can be written as: y(n) = ∑_p=0^P-1ψ_p(n)[x_p,q(n) + ω_p(n) + C_p(n)]. and then forming s, an sparse coefficient matrix using basis ι as: x(n) = ∑_p=0^P-1∑_q=0^M-1s_p,q(n)ι_p,q(n). The optimization problem expressed as l_1 norm (for reconstruction) can now be expressed as: ŝ = arg min_s ||s||_1 subject to Θs = y The minimal number of transmit times the number of receive channels required for perfect recovery of L targets in noiseless settings is ≥ 2L with a minimal number of ≥ 2L samples per receiver and ≥ 2L pulses per transmitter <cit.>. This is true for Xampling and an FRI framework used in conjunction with CS. In PWR, quadrant MIMO offers four transmit and nine receive channels (four physical and five virtual quadrants), thus L=18 drone targets can be resolved in a CPI or dwell time τ. For this recovery, 36 samples are needed per pulse and 36 pulses are needed per transmitter quadrant for perfect recovery of Doppler for these L targets. This arithmetic is different for a noisy link but then most probably we don't have that many drone targets too. Only in the case of drone swarms, we may need to be detecting more targets, however, it would be quite a coincidence to get so many of them in a CPI or dwell (one direction) otherwise. This result also implies that many more targets can be perfectly resolved in DoA sense by using MIMO virtual elements and this framework allows CS theory to be applied for calculating the number of pulses required for a perfect Doppler recovery for all these targets as well. §.§ An Iterative Approach to solve the dwell time limitation for a fast scanning drone radar The Doppler resolution of the temporal signal can be increased by using the super-resolution algorithms that are frequently used in array processing, such as minimal variance distortionless response (MVDR) and multiple signal classification (MUSIC). To estimate the covariance matrix or carry out eigen analysis, these algorithms typically need a number of signal snapshots. Some algorithms, like MUSIC, require knowing the number of sources up front as well. However, in surveillance radar, the Doppler processing is carried out over the slow-time samples (over pulses) at each range increment. As a result, there is only one available temporal snapshot. It is also unclear how many target Doppler and micro-Doppler sources there will be. Consequently, it is impossible to use the traditional super-resolution methods. Unlike the conventional MVDR and MUSIC algorithms in which many snapshots are required to estimate the covariance matrix, IAA can work well with only a few or even one snapshot to achieve super-resolution. The formulation of this method is elaborated next. It is similar to the one highlighted in <cit.>. The basis steering vectors defined on the grid points that either have the frequency present or not span the output space of the Doppler processor. We can, henceforth, write the outcome of the Doppler process as: y = A(f)s + ω + C. where ω(n) is a zero mean wide-sense stationary random signal with auto-correlation r_ω(s) = σ^2δ(s) and C(n) is the clutter component. A(f) =[a(f_1) a(f_2) ... a(f_k)] is PxK dimension where P is the number of pulses and K is the number of finite points in the Doppler grid. s is a vector of the amplitudes of frequencies at the grid locations k=1,2,...,K. The clutter and noise matrix can be defined as: Q(f_k) = R-P_ka(f_k)a^H(f_k). R =A(f)PA^H(f) is the auto-correlation matrix of the input and P is a K×K diagonal matrix, whose diagonals P_k = |s_k|^2, k = 1,2,...,K contains the powers at each Doppler frequency on the Doppler grid. The cost function is given by: Ξ = (y - s_ka(f_k))^HQ^-1(y - s_ka(f_k)). Minimizing the cost function with respect to s_k gives <cit.>: ŝ_k = a^H(f_k)R^-1y/a^H(f_k)R^-1a(f_k). Since the iteration requires R, which depends on the unknown powers, it must be implemented as an iterative approach. The initialization can be done by letting R equal to the identity matrix I_P. The steps are shown in Algorithm <ref>. Both IAA and CS are capable to enhance the Doppler resolution with fewer pulses, however, CS needs a random pulse transmission within the dwell time. It relies on non-uniform sampling within the dwell time. The pulse time left vacant because a pulse cannot be transmitted in CS can be used for transmitting pulses in other directions though, however, it can make radar operations complex. On the other hand, IAA works with a uniform sampling of the dwell time. §.§ Simulations and Discussions In this section, we show the feasibility and practicality of non-linear methods discussed in earlier sections by simulations using PWR radar parameters and features. We begin by simulating a few micro-Doppler frequencies making an echo of length 512 samples. This comprises a main Doppler echo from the base motion of the UAV and there are micro-Doppler from the rotary motion of the blade movement modulating the primary echo signal. The signal is corrupted by clutter from the elevation sidelobes of PWR simulated as zero Doppler component being added up to the received echo. The PCA formulation described in an earlier section is used next for the removal of clutter sub-space and reconstruction of the time domain signal for further processing. Current methods including MTI, CLEAN, etc can not realize the real-time removal of ground clutter without suppressing nearby micro-Doppler components. That is why PCA is adopted to remove the clutter components in the echo signal. Figure <ref> (a) depicts clutter centered at DC and the micro-Doppler components and the main Doppler signal. If clutter is always a dominant signal in the received echo, then it is pretty easy to remove the highest valued eigenvector from the SVD decomposition, however, if it is not, then we need to figure out the DC power by averaging out the samples and looking at average power. This should be able to give us an estimate of the eigenvector which has similar power levels as the mean power. After that is made sure, we can remove it from our reconstruction process to get rid of clutter. Next, this signal is processed using CS. The time domain and the frequency domain of the echo for CS processing are shown in Fig. <ref> (a) and (b). Random 32 samples (out of 512) are picked from x(t) (Fig. <ref>) and the recovery of the sparse frequency domain is accomplished from these random samples using l_1 minimization. The recovered high-resolution frequency and time domain samples from the lower dimensional signal are shown in Figure <ref> (a) and (b). Exact recovery of the higher dimensional signal is possible due to sparsity in the frequency domain. The frequency analysis of the lower dimensional signal is shown in Fig. <ref> which is the Fourier transform of the first 32 samples from the sequence of the original 512 samples. The loss of resolution is evident and the modulations due to micro-Doppler cannot be observed. This would lead to faulty classification results for the UAV type and detection of UAV based on certain micro-Doppler features. It is to be noted that CS needs random K=32 samples from a set of N=512 echo samples. The N can be considered here to be the number of pulses where we reduced it to K << N. Thus only K pulses are sufficient to reconstruct the micro-Doppler features of the UAV echo which can easily reduce the dwell time and overall scan time of the radar. These pulses would need to be randomly transmitted in the larger dwell time of N pulses, scanning other elevation states to cover up the total volume in the case of PWR for example. With this, the N pulses would be transmitted at random in different elevation states and they can be all clubbed together in the signal processor. This is a little complex and would need the beam switching time every pulse instead of every dwell in case of uniform sampling of pulses. The IAA however, doesn't rely on non-uniform random sampling and is simulated next. Figure <ref> shows the same setup of micro-Doppler frequencies. Instead of the CS-based reconstruction, we are using IAA for recovery. It is shown that super-resolution can be achieved using a single snapshot of data samples. The IAA iteration was setup simulating three peaks of the micro-Doppler base echo and the modulations from the rotation of the blades of the quadcopter similar to the one for CS and then using K(32 pulses) << N(512 pulses) that are much lesser than the higher dimensions (512) in the frequency domain required to reconstruct a higher resolution frequency response. We can clearly see that the sidelobes are very low for IAA-based reconstruction. To achieve a similar level of sidelobe performance, a very aggressive taper would be needed for FFT-based recovery that would lead to quite a bit of SNR loss. IAA can achieve higher Doppler resolution with even higher SNR than the conventional FFT with more pulses for one snapshot. With this, micro- Doppler signatures of drones can be clearly discriminated, which greatly benefits the subsequent classification of drones. The higher Doppler resolution can also help to separate the slow-moving targets and the ground clutter at zero Doppler, and therefore improve the detectability of multi-rotor drone which usually moves very slowly. Using IAA can avoid the taper loss in FFT-based Doppler processing and the overall radar detection performance for all targets is also improved. If we compare it with CS technique, CS works with random non-uniform sampling that is unconventional and as we said earlier about it's applicability to PWR, we converged on a scheme in which different elevation states would be selected at random for transmission of a pulse, that scheme is complicated as compared to uniformly sampled IAA. Having said this, it is worth noting that CS can be extended to fast time sampling using Xampling and FRI principles so that lower sampling ADCs are sufficient for below the Nyquist rate sampling of fast time signals. Hence both schemes have their own pros and cons and should be judiciously used. § CONCLUSION We looked into and simulated PCA for clutter mitigation explored CS and IAA for micro-Doppler and spectral retrievals, MIMO for spatial estimation of drone UAV targets. A unified theoretical framework was developed that stitches together all these non-linear areas towards drone micro-Doppler enhancement for detections from phased array PWR multi-function radar sensor. Both IAA and CS were found to be very useful to recover micro-Doppler drone features so that those targets can be efficiently detected and classified using fewer pulses than conventional FFT processing. The drawbacks and applicability of each one of these techniques were discussed. 999 mohit2020 M. Kumar and V. Chandrasekar, "Intrapulse Polyphase Coding System for Second Trip Suppression in a Weather Radar," in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 58, no. 6, pp. 3841-3853, June 2020. candes2014 E.J. 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Roadmap towards Meta-being
[ "Tianyi Huang", "Stan Z. Li", "Xin Yuan", "Shenghui Cheng" ]
[ "cs.CY" ]
[ [ March 30, 2023 ================== Correspondence to: Shenghui Cheng (chengshenghui@westlake.edu.cn) Metaverse is a perpetual and persistent multi-user environment that merges physical reality with digital virtuality. It is widely considered to be the next revolution of the Internet. Digital humans are a critical part of Metaverse. They are driven by artificial intelligence (AI) and deployed in many applications. However, it is a complex process to construct digital humans which can be well combined with the Metaverse elements, such as immersion creation, connection construction, and economic operation. In this paper, we present the roadmap of Meta-being to construct the digital human in Metaverse. In this roadmap, we first need to model and render a digital human model for immersive display in Metaverse. Then we add a dialogue system with audio, facial expressions, and movements for this digital human. Finally, we can apply our digital human in the fields of the economy in Metaverse with the consideration of security. We also construct a digital human in Metaverse to implement our roadmap. Numerous advanced technologies and devices, such as AI, Natural Language Processing (NLP), and motion capture, are used in our implementation. This digital human can be applied to many applications, such as education and exhibition. § INTRODUCTION Since the invention of the camera in 1839, photos have been used to present the appearances of great characters in history for nearly two hundred years. However, photos cannot satisfy our desire to interact with someone. With the development of computers, Metaverse which is widely considered to be the next revolution of the Internet makes this desire come to the truth <cit.>. Metaverse is a perpetual and persistent multi-user environment with the mergence of physical reality with digital virtuality <cit.>. It is based on the convergence of technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR) <cit.>, and thus enables multi-sensory interactions with virtual environments, digital objects, and people. Our desire to interact with someone can be implemented on the digital humans in Metaverse <cit.>. They are autonomously-animated virtual people driven by AI and deployed in many applications, such as healthcare, customer service, and education. However, it is complex to construct a digital human which can be well combined with the elements in Metaverse, such as immersion creation, connection construction, and economic operation. In this paper, we present the roadmap of Meta-being to construct the digital human in Metaverse. In this roadmap, we first need to model and render a digital human model for immersive display in Metaverse. Then we add a dialogue system with audio, facial expressions, and movements for this digital human. Finally, we can apply our digital human in the fields of the economy in Metaverse with the consideration of security. In this way, we can appreciate the motions and speakings of digital humans and interact with them in Metaverse as in physical reality. Meta-being is a complex process. As we can see from Fig. <ref>, many advanced technologies and devices are used to perform our Meta-being. Our contributions are summarized as follows: * We present the roadmap for the Meta-being of digital humans. * We construct a digital human to implement Meta-being. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews the Metaverse and digital human beings. In Section 3, we give the roadmap of Meta-being. In Section 4, we construct a digital human to implement Meta-being. In the end, we conclude the paper in Section 5. § DIGITAL HUMAN BEINGS IN METAVERSE The term Metaverse was invented and first appeared in Neal Stevenson’s science fiction novel Snow Crash published in 1992 <cit.>. It represented a parallel virtual reality universe created from computer graphics to make users worldwide access and connect through goggles and earphones. Digital humans as an important part of Metaverse are computer-generated and computer-controlled characters with a human-like appearance and can simulate human face-to-face interactions <cit.>. At the same time, with the development of artificial intelligence, intelligent digital human has become one of the new development directions. Digital humans are often used in education, movies, games, and other fields. Each application domain requires different attributes at different levels, such as autonomous behaviour, natural language communication, recognition of real people, etc. Different intelligent decision-making techniques, such as artificial neural networks, need to be used to build a virtual human framework. Noma et al. <cit.> created a digital human presenter based on the JackTM animated agent system in 2000. The input to this system is in the form of spoken text with embedded commands (mostly related to the digital presenter's body language). The system then has the digital humans as a presenter with presentation skills in real-time 3D animation synchronized with the voice output. However, due to technical limitations, their digital human cannot synchronize lip movement with sound, and the movements are not smooth and natural enough. In 2012, Rizzo et al. <cit.> developed a digital human, SimCoach, which could provide healthcare information and support, especially for military members, veterans, and their important ones. Specifically, SimCoach breaks down barriers to online care by providing confidential assistance for military members and others in exploring and accessing healthcare content and facilitating on-site care. However, SimCoach's anthropomorphic degree is not high, and the interaction with users is insufficient. And he can only provide support for specific groups of people and specific medical problems. Due to technical limitations, these digital humans are not so much like virtual digital humans but like computer systems with human images. In recent years, a group of virtual people such as Miquela Sousa has appeared <cit.>. They exist in the network (e.g., social media), and the robot-focused representations are highly anthropomorphic and interactive. Some researchers think although they live in the virtual world as humans live in the real world, with “jobs", “emotions", and “thoughts", they are neither real humans nor real phenomena, but over time digital humans will be considered human in social media, which is seen as a simulated environment <cit.>. Though the ethical issues that come with it will be a considerable challenge to tackle. § META-BEING The digital cyberspace of Metaverse includes immersion creation, hardware support, text interpretation, audio processing, connection construction, economy operation, and security protection <cit.>. To create a digital human which can be well combined with the above elements, we propose the roadmap towards Meta-being as follows. 1) The body and the face of our digital human should be modeled. 2) The resulting model should be rendered in detail. 3) We should give an immersive display of our digital human in Metaverse by some display technologies, like VR and holographic projection. 4) We should generate a dialogue system with audio, facial expressions, and movements for this digital human. 5) We can apply our digital human in the fields of the economy in Metaverse with the consideration of security. As we can see, Meta-being is a complex process. Many advanced technologies and devices, such as 3D modeling, AI, and VR, are used to perform our Meta-being. This roadmap is demonstrated in Fig. <ref>. §.§ Modeling and Rendering For a digital human in Meta-being, we should construct and then render a digital human model <cit.>. To this end, we first need a human body model as a reference. This model can be an adult or a child with an athletic body with relevant muscle mass and no significant body fat <cit.>. Some 3D scanning technologies, such as TEN24, can be used to capture the reference model <cit.>. Second, we can use 3D Face Modeling technologies, like triangulation <cit.>,3D Morphable Model <cit.>, to construct the face of our digital human by the reference photos in detail. Finally, in the rendering step, we add the hair and clothes to our modeling digital human and fine-tune the appearance structures, such as the color and texture of the skin. In this modeling, the triangulation set, T={t_1,t_2,...,t_n} is along with a texture map set, A={a_1,a_2,...,a_n}, on all of the face triangles. The photo set V'={v'_1,v'_2,...,v'_k} taken with a calibrated camera in Metaverse can be computed as V' = f(T,A) a_i for a given triangulation t_i can be estimated directly from the actual photo set, V={v_1,v_2,...,v_k}, where v_j is along with the same camera angle of v'_j, as follows. A = f^-1(T,V) Thus V' from equation (<ref>) depends only on T and V. With the assumption that the photos along with the triangulation constraints are sufficient to define a unique face, our goal is to get the maximum Similarity U for the actual photo set and the photo set from Metaverse as max_t_i∑_j=1^k∑_i=1^nU(v_j,v'_j|t_i) Finally, in the rendering step, we add the hair and clothes to our modeling digital human of Turing and fine-tune the appearance structures, such as the color and texture of the skin. Fig. <ref> shows the modeling process and the resulting model with different poses. §.§ Immersive Display For the immersion creation in Metaverse, immersive VR mainly presents virtual environments using cave automatic virtual environments or head-mounted displays, which can provide users with a strong and immersive feeling of presence in a 3D virtual world. The immersive display of digital humans is a critical part of immersion creation in Metaverse for us to interact with digital humans. Existing immersive display methods of digital humans are usually based on predefined elements, including body motions and facial expressions. This could preclude the immersive feeling of human interaction with a digital human in the Metaverse since these elements may be different from the real ones with limited predefined elements. To address this issue, we should capture many real scenes and use those images or videos to generate new ones and update the scenes in the metaverse within a short period of time, possibly in real-time eventually. Computational imaging may provide a promising solution to capture scenes efficiently in a low-cost, low-bandwidth manner with the help of deep learning <cit.>. §.§ Adding Operations For a Meta-being digital human, we also need to create the dialogue system, body movements, and facial expressions for our model. The dialogue of our digital human is mainly based on our QA system generated by NLP algorithms <cit.>. This system first classifies the questions from users by automatic speech recognition and then extracts the relevant answers <cit.>. The intent of the question could be understood by identifying the starting phrase or words of this question. To answer the question, we can identify areas of interest from the voluminous content for this question and find the related paragraphs, and then score each sentence in the related paragraphs by the number of proper nouns, the similarity between this sentence and the question, and so on. A sentence can be considered a part of the answer if its score is above a particular threshold. Human motion capture, like Xsens MVN motion capture, can be used to get the body motions and for digital human <cit.>. It tracks the motion of the human body defined by a biomechanical model consisting of some segments, like the neck, head, shoulders, feet, and so on. For each body segment B, all kinematic quantities are expressed in a standard, local coordinate frame L, which is a right-handed Cartesian coordinate system. Given the sensor S, we can obtain the position of each segment ^Lp_B and corresponding orientation ^LBq by ^LBq = ^LSq ⊗ ^BSq^* and ^Lp_B = ^Lp_S+ ^LBq ⊗ ^Br_BS⊗ ^LBq^* where ^BSq denotes the relative orientation of the sensor w.r.t. the body, ^Br_BS denotes the position of the sensor w.r.t. the segment origin expressed in the segment frame, ⊗ denotes the quaternion multiplication, and * denotes the complex conjugate of the quaternion. §.§ Applied in Metaverse The economic operation in Metaverse is for exchanging virtual goods through a blockchain digital system. Digital humans are one type of the most important virtual goods in Metaverse. The applications of Meta-being digital humans are driven by interaction and social connection. For example, interaction with digital recreations of historical figures has existed for almost a decade, e.g., an interactive life-size video of Abraham Lincoln that is used at the National Civil War Museum. In this case, education has become an important application of Meta-being digital humans. By Meta-being digital humans with an artistic style, the children’s attention can be well attracted during the learning process. Also, proposing a Meta-being digital human curriculum with a ready-to-use software package would also improve/update the engineering quality and provide a unique educational experience for students <cit.>. Widespread adoption of the Metaverse comes with many unique threats to user privacy and security, especially in the interaction with digital humans. Biometric data reveals a host of personally identifiable information which can in turn be used to potentially manipulate users on a psychological level through the creation of avatars that are adaptable to user preferences <cit.>. AI may have the capability of privacy protection through algorithms that automatically and dynamically detect user privacy references from diverse contexts in the Metaverse <cit.>. An AI-powered security system will emerge in the Metaverse. § THE IMPLEMENTATION OF META-BEING As an implementation of Meta-being, we have made a digital human of Alan Mathison Turing by modeling the digital human model of Turing and then creating dialogue and movement functions, including body motions and facial expressions. Then in Metaverse, we can appreciate the body motions, facial expressions, and speakings of digital Truing. We also can talk to our digital Turing in Metaverse. Our digital Truing can be applied to many applications, such as education and exhibition. By mixing VR and AR, our digital Truing can explain computer knowledge to students and introduce new products to consumers in an immersive environment. We display three interesting action sequences of our Turing model in Fig. <ref>-<ref>. Holographic projection technology breaks the traditional presentation of images by combining 3D technology and holographic technology <cit.>. It has become a hot application technology in the Metaverse for immersion display <cit.>. By holographic projection, we have presented our digital Turing at some expositions. Fig. <ref> shows an example of our presentation. As we can see, our vivid digital Turing is well integrated with the stage’s background. § CONCLUSION In this paper, we have presented the roadmap for the Meta-beings to make digital humans can be better combined with the elements in Metaverse. In this roadmap, we model the body and face of a digital human in a 3D space. Then, in the rendering step, we add clothes and appearance details to our model. We also need to create a dialogue system, body movements, and facial expressions for this model. In this manner, we can appreciate its motions and speaking and interact with him in Metaverse as in physical reality. It is a complex process to implement our Meta-being on a digital human. Many advanced technologies and devices, such as AI, NLP, and motion capture, are used to perform our Meta-being. As an example, we implement our Meta-being on Turing, a great scientist of computer science. plainnat
Three-loop matching coefficients for heavy flavor-changing currents and the phenomenological applications
[ "Wei Tao", "Zhen-Jun Xiao", "Ruilin Zhu" ]
[ "hep-ph" ]
Generation-based Code Review Automation: How Far Are We? Xin Zhou Singapore Management University Singapore xinzhou.2020@phdcs.smu.edu.sg Kisub Kim**Corresponding author. Email: kisubkim@smu.edu.sg Singapore Management University Singapore kisubkim@smu.edu.sg Bowen Xu Singapore Management University Singapore bowenxu@smu.edu.sg DongGyun Han Royal Holloway, University of London UK donggyun.han@rhul.ac.uk Junda He Singapore Management University Singapore jundahe@smu.edu.sg David Lo Singapore Management University Singapore davidlo@smu.edu.sg March 30, 2023 ====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== § INTRODUCTION Double heavy quark systems such as the J/ψ, Υ, B_c, and B_c^* mesons are an ideal probe to study Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). The non-relativistic Quantum Chromodynamics (NRQCD) effective theory is a powerful theoretical framework to deal with the production and decay of double heavy quark systems where quarks move with small relative velocity u <cit.>. Within the framework of NRQCD factorization, a physical observable can be separated into a perturbatively calculable short-distance coefficient (matching coefficient) multiplied with the nonperturbative NRQCD long-distance matrix element (wave function at the origin). Thus NRQCD provides the possibility to systematically study double heavy quark systems with higher order calculation in powers of two small parameters α_s and u. The matching coefficients can be calculated by matching between perturbative QCD and perturbative NRQCD. In the past three decades, various matching coefficients of double heavy quark systems have been computed to higher order using NRQCD effective theory. For equal heavy quark masses case, the two-loop correction to the vector current was first obtained in Refs. <cit.>. Then two-loop corrections to vector, axial-vector, scalar and pseudo-scalar currents were accomplished in in Ref. <cit.>. The three-loop correction to the vector current was investigated in a variety of literature  <cit.>. And three-loop calculation allowing for all four currents were available in Refs. <cit.>. The phenomenological applications for the leptonic decays of J/ψ, Υ and the threshold production of top quark-antiquark pairs can be found in the literature <cit.>. For two different heavy quark masses case, the first one-loop calculation for pseudo-scalar current can be found in Ref. <cit.>. And in Refs. <cit.> one can find the one-loop QCD corrections to pseudo-scalar and vector currents combined with higher order relativistic corrections. Two-loop corrections to pseudo-scalar and vector currents were calculated in the literature  <cit.>. At the three-loop level, the pseudo-scalar, vector and scalar currents have been numerically evaluated in Ref. <cit.>, Ref. <cit.> and Ref. <cit.>, respectively. For phenomenological applications of matching coefficients in B_c and B_c^* mesons, one can refer to various literature <cit.>. The matching coefficients and the wave function at the origin are two important building blocks of phenomenological predictions for double heavy quark systems. For a complete N^3LO perturbative QCD calculation of physical quantities such as decay constants, decay widths, cross sections, we need consider the N^3LO corrections to both the matching coefficients and the wave functions at the origin <cit.>. The higher-order perturbative correction to the wave function at the origin can be calculated using the potential NRQCD effective theory <cit.>. For the heavy quarkonia with two equal masses such as J/ψ and Υ, the wave functions at the origin up to N^3LO are available in various literature <cit.>. For the unequal mass case, the NLO result of the wave function at the origin can be obtained from Ref. <cit.> and various research on the perturbative corrections to potentials can be found in Refs. <cit.>. Nevertheless, higher-order corrections to the wave function at the origin for unequal masses are still missing in the literature. In this paper we will complete the computation of three-loop QCD corrections to the matching coefficients for vector, axial-vector, scalar and pseudo-scalar currents with two different heavy quark masses, where the axial-vector case is achieved for the first time. We will not attempt to calculate the rigorous N^3LO expression of the wave function at origin for the double heavy quark system with different masses based on the pNRQCD effective theory, but employ the scale relation to obtain the N^3LO correction to the wave functions at the origin for the vector B_c^* meson and the pseudo-scalar B_c meson from the known result for the equal-mass heavy quarkonium. After the three-loop matching coefficients are combined with the N^3LO corrections to the wave functions at the origin, the resultant decay constants for B_c^* and B_c will test the perturbative convergence in the NRQCD effective theory. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Sec. <ref>, we introduce the matching formula between QCD and NRQCD. In Sec. <ref>, we describe details of our calculation procedure. In Sec. <ref>, we present the three-loop analytical results of the renormalization constants and corresponding anomalous dimensions in NRQCD. In Sec. <ref>, we present our numeric results of the matching coefficients up to N^3LO. In Sec. <ref>, the phenomenological applications of three-loop matching coefficients to the cb̅ mesons are presented. Sec. <ref> contains a summary. § MATCHING FORMULA   The heavy flavor-changing currents in the full QCD are defined by j_v^μ = ψ̅_b γ^μψ_c, j_p = ψ̅_b iγ_5 ψ_c, j_a^μ = ψ̅_b γ^μγ_5 ψ_c, j_s = ψ̅_b ψ_c, which can be expanded in terms of NRQCD currents as follows, j_v^0 = 0+ 𝒪(u^2), j_v^i = 𝒞_vj̃_v^i + 𝒪(u^2), j_p = 𝒞_pj̃_p + 𝒪(u^2), j_a^0 = 𝒞_a,0j̃_a^0 + 𝒪(u^2), j_a^i = 𝒞_a,ij̃_a^i + 𝒪(u^3), j_s = 𝒞_sj̃_s + 𝒪(u^3), where u refers to the small relative velocity between the bottom and charm, 𝒞_v,𝒞_p,𝒞_a,0,𝒞_a,i, 𝒞_s are the matching coefficients for the heavy flavor-changing vector, pseudo-scalar, the zeroth component of axial-vector, the space-like component of axial-vector, and scalar currents, respectively. And the NRQCD currents read j̃_v^i = φ_b^†σ^i χ_c, j̃_p = - i φ_b^†χ_c, j̃_a^0 = φ_b^†χ_c, j̃_a^i = 1/4 m_rφ_b^†[σ^i,k⃗·σ⃗] χ_c, j̃_s = -1/2m_rφ_b^†k⃗·σ⃗χ_c, where φ_b^† and χ_c denote 2-component Pauli spinor fields annihilating the b̅ and c quarks, respectively, and j̃_p=- i j̃_a^0 means 𝒞_p=𝒞_a,0. |k⃗|= m_r u refers to the small half relative spatial momentum between the bottom and charm. m_r=m_b m_c/(m_b+m_c) is the reduced mass with bottom mass m_b and charm mass m_c. The heavy flavor-changing currents in Eq. (<ref>) and Eq. (<ref>) can be related to the on-shell unrenormalized vertex functions in QCD and NRQCD which we denote by Γ_J and Γ_J with J∈{v,p,(a,0),(a,i),s}, respectively. Then the matching coefficients can be determined through the conventional perturbative matching procedure. Namely, one performs renormalization for the on-shell vertex functions in both perturbative QCD and perturbative NRQCD sides, then solves the matching coefficient order by order in α_s. The matching formula with renormalization procedure reads √(Z_2,b Z_2,c) Z_J Γ_J = 𝒞_J(μ_f,μ,m_b,m_c) √(Z_2,bZ_2,c) Z_J^-1 Γ_J + 𝒪(u^2), where the left part in the equation represents the renormalization of full QCD current while the right part represents the renormalization of NRQCD current. 𝒪(u^2) denotes higher order relativistic corrections in powers of the relative velocity u between the bottom quark b̅ and the charm quark c, and in this paper we will calculate higher-order QCD corrections up to 𝒪(α_s^3) but at the lowest order in u. At the leading-order (LO), we set 𝒞_J=1, while in a fixed high order QCD correction calculation, the matching coefficient 𝒞_J(μ_f,μ,m_b,m_c) depends NRQCD factorization scale μ_f and QCD renormalization scale μ. In on-shell (OS) scheme, NRQCD quark field renormalization constants Z_2,b=Z_2,c=1. Z_J is NRQCD current renormalization constant in the modified-minimal-subtraction (MS) scheme and Z_p=Z_a,0. Z_J is QCD current on-shell renormalization constant, i.e., Z_v=Z_a,0=Z_a,i=1, Z_p=Z_s=(m_b Z_m,b+m_c Z_m,c)/(m_b+m_c). Z_2 and Z_m are QCD quark field and mass on-shell renormalization constants, respectively. The three-loop analytical results of the QCD quark field and mass on-shell renormalization constants allowing for two different non-zero quark masses can be found in literature <cit.>, which can be evaluated to high numerical precision with the package  <cit.>. The QCD coupling MS renormalization constant can be found in literature <cit.>. § CALCULATION PROCEDURE  Our high-order calculation consists of the following steps. * First, we use  <cit.> to obtain Feynman diagrams and corresponding Feynman amplitudes. By  <cit.>, we decompose every Feyman amplitude into several Feynman integral families. * Second, we use  <cit.>/ <cit.>/ <cit.> based on Integration by Parts (IBP) <cit.> to reduce every Feynman integral family to master integral family. * Third, based on symmetry among different integral families and using + + , we can realize integral reduction among different integral families, and further on, the reduction from all of master integral families to the minimal set <cit.> of master integral families. * Last, we use  <cit.>, which is a proof-of-concept implementation of the auxiliary mass flow method <cit.>, equipped with  <cit.>/ <cit.> to calculate the minimal set family by family. In order to obtain the finite results of high-order QCD corrections, one has to perform the conventional renormalization procedure <cit.>. Equivalently, We can also use diagrammatic renormalization method <cit.> with the aid of the package  <cit.>, which at N^3LO sums contributions from three-loop diagrams and four kinds of counter-term diagrams, i.e., tree diagram inserted with one α_s^3-order counter-term vertex, one-loop diagram inserted with one α_s^2-order counter-term vertex, one-loop diagram inserted with two α_s-order counter-term vertexes, two-loop diagrams inserted with one α_s-order counter-term vertex. Our final finite results by these two renormalization methods are in agreement with each other. We want to mention that all contributions up to NNLO have been evaluated for general gauge parameter ξ and the NNLO results of the matching coefficients for the heavy flavor-changing currents are all independent of ξ, which constitutes an important check on our calculation. At N^3LO, we work in Feynman gauge. To check the correctness of our results, we also calculated the three-loop matching coefficient for the flavor-changing heavy quark pseudo-scalar current with keeping the linear ξ-dependence terms and we have verified these terms vanish in the final results of the matching coefficient. Therefore, we conjecture the matching coefficients, the NRQCD current renormalization constants and the corresponding anomalous dimensions for flavor-changing heavy quark currents are gauge invariant up to all order of α_s. By FeynCalc, there are 1, 1, 13, 268 bare Feynman diagrams for the QCD vertex function with every heavy flavor-changing current at tree, one-loop, two-loop, three-loop orders in α_s, respectively. Some representative Feynman diagrams up to three loops are displayed in Fig. <ref> and Fig. <ref>. In the calculation of multi-loop diagrams, we have allowed for n_b bottom quarks with mass m_b, n_c charm quarks with mass m_c and n_l massless quarks appearing in the quark loop. To facilitate our calculation, we take full advantage of computing numerically. Namely, before generating amplitudes, m_b and m_c are chosen to be particular rational numbers values <cit.>. Following the literature <cit.>, we employ the projectors constructed for the heavy flavor-changing currents to obtain intended QCD vertex functions, which means one need extend the projectors for various currents with equal heavy quark masses in Eq.(7) and Eq.(8) of Ref. <cit.> to the different heavy quark masses case. We choose q_1=m_c/m_b+m_cq+k and q_2=m_b/m_b+m_cq-k denoting the on-shell charm and bottom momentum, respectively, and present the projectors for the heavy flavor-changing currents as P_(v),μ = 1/2(D-1)(m_b+m_c)^2(m_c/m_b+m_cq + m_c ) γ_μ(-m_b/m_b+m_cq + m_b ), P_(p) = 1/2(m_b+m_c)^2(m_c/m_b+m_cq + m_c ) γ_5 (-m_b/m_b+m_cq + m_b ), P_(a,0),μ = -1/2(m_b+m_c)^2(m_c/m_b+m_cq + m_c ) γ_μγ_5 (-m_b/m_b+m_cq + m_b ), P_(a,i),μ = -1/2(m_b+m_c)^2{1/D-1m_c/m_b+m_c(m_c/m_b+m_cq + m_c ) γ_μγ_5(m_b/m_b+m_cq + m_b ) +1/D-1m_b/m_b+m_c(-m_c/m_b+m_cq + m_c ) γ_μγ_5(-m_b/m_b+m_cq + m_b ) - 1/D-22 m_b m_c/m_b+m_c(m_c/m_b+m_cq + m_c ) -k_μ + γ_μk/k^2γ_5 (-m_b/m_b+m_cq + m_b) }, P_(s) = 1/2(m_b+m_c)^2{m_c/m_b+m_c(m_c/m_b+m_cq + m_c ) 1(m_b/m_b+m_cq + m_b) +m_b/m_b+m_c(-m_c/m_b+m_cq + m_c ) 1(-m_b/m_b+m_cq + m_b) +2 m_b m_c/m_b+m_c(m_c/m_b+m_cq + m_c) k/k^2(-m_b/m_b+m_cq + m_b) }, where the small momentum k refers to relative movement between the bottom and charm, q represents the total momentum of the bottom and charm, q_1^2=m_c^2, q_2^2=m_b^2, q^2=(m_b+m_c)^2+𝒪(k^2) <cit.>, q· k=0. With the help of projectors, the on-shell heavy flavor-changing current vertex functions in full QCD can be obtained as Γ_v = [ P_(v),μΓ_(v)^μ] , Γ_p = [ P_(p)Γ_(p)] , Γ_a,0 = [ P_(a,0),μΓ_(a)^μ] , Γ_a,i = [ P_(a,i),μΓ_(a)^μ] , Γ_s = [ P_(s)Γ_(s)] , where Γ_(v)^μ, Γ_(p), Γ_(a)^μ, Γ_(s) denote QCD amplitudes with tensor structures for the vector, pseudo-scalar, axial-vector, scalar currents, respectively. Since contributions from soft, potential and ultrasoft loop momenta in full QCD and NRQCD are identical, thus they drop out from both sides of the matching formula in Eq. (<ref>). Then we set Γ_J=1 <cit.> in Eq. (<ref>) and Γ_J turns into the hard part of the full QCD, which entirely determines the matching coefficients to all orders. To match with NRQCD and obtain the matching coefficients, one need extract the contribution from the hard region in full QCD amplitudes for the heavy flavor-changing currents. For the vector current, the pseudo-scalar current and the zeroth component of the axial-vector current case, we can simply set the small momentum k=0 in the QCD amplitudes. However, for the space-like component of the axial-vector current and the scalar current case, since NRQCD currents include contributions at 𝒪(k/m_r) from Eq. (<ref>) and Eq. (<ref>), accordingly, one need first introduce the small momentum k to momenta in the QCD amplitudes and then series expand propagator denominators with respect to k up to 𝒪(k) in the hard region of loop momenta <cit.>, which will cancel k^2 in the denominators of the projectors in Eq. (<ref>) and Eq. (<ref>) so that we can obtain the finite final results as k^2 → 0. Due to the expansion in powers of k, the number and powers of propagators in Feynman integrals constituting the amplitudes for the space-like component of the axial-vector current and the scalar current will remarkably increase compared with the vector current case, the pseudo-scalar current and the zeroth component of the axial-vector current case. In our practice, the total number of propagators in a three-loop Feynman integral family is 12 for the former two currents and 9 for the latter three currents. In our calculation, the most difficult and time-consuming is the reduction from three-loop Feynman integrals with rank 5, dot 4, and 12 propagators to master integrals. By trial and error, we find it is more appropriate for Fire6 <cit.> to deal with this problem than  <cit.> or  <cit.>. For every heavy flavor-changing current, after using ++ to achieve the minimal set of master integral families from all of master integral families based on symmetry among different integral families, the number of three-loop master integral families is reduced from 830s to 26, meanwhile the number of three-loop master integrals is reduced from 13000s to 300. § NRQCD CURRENT RENORMALIZATION CONSTANTS  After implementing the quark field and mass on-shell renormalization, and the QCD coupling constant MS renormalization, the QCD vertex function gets rid of ultra-violet (UV) poles, yet still contains uncancelled infra-red (IR) poles starting from order α_s^2. The remaining IR poles in QCD should be exactly cancelled by the UV divergences of Z_J in NRQCD, rendering the matching coefficient finite. With the aid of the obtained high-precision numerical results, combined with the structures and features of NRQCD current renormalization constants investigated in other known literature <cit.>, we have successfully reconstructed the exact analytical expressions of the NRQCD renormalization constants for the heavy flavor-changing currents through the PSLQ algorithm and numerical fitting recipes <cit.>. Here we directly present the final results as following Z_J(x, μ^2_f m_b m_c ) =1+(α_s^(n_l)(μ_f)/π)^2Z_J^(2)(x) +(α_s^(n_l)(μ_f)/π)^3Z_J^(3)(x, μ^2_f m_b m_c )+𝒪(α_s^4). Z_v^(2)(x ) =π^2C_F1/ϵ(3x^2+2x+3/24(1+x)^2C_F+1/8C_A), Z_v^(3)(x, μ^2_f m_b m_c ) = π^2C_F{ C_F^2 [3 x^2-x+3/36ϵ ^2 (x+1)^2 +1/ϵ( 19 x^2+5 x+19/36 (x+1)^2-2 /3ln 2 . . +x^3-4 x^2-2 x-3/12 (x+1)^3ln x +1/6ln (x+1) +3 x^2-x+3 /12 (x+1)^2lnμ _f^2/m_b m_c)] + C_F C_A [ x/216ϵ ^2 (x+1)^2 + 1/ϵ( 39 x^2+148 x+39/162 (x+1)^2. . -x+11 /48 (x+1)ln x +1/4ln (x+1) +11 x^2+8 x+11/48 (x+1)^2lnμ _f^2/m_b m_c)] +C_A^2 [ -1/16 ϵ ^2+1/ϵ( 2/27+1/6ln2-1/24ln x+1/12ln (x+1) + 1/24lnμ _f^2/m_b m_c)] + C_F T_F n_l[ 3 x^2+2 x+3/108ϵ ^2 (x+1)^2 -21 x^2+58 x+21/324 ϵ (x+1)^2 ] +C_A T_F n_l [ 1/36 ϵ ^2-37/432 ϵ] +C_F T_F n_b x^2 /15ϵ (x+1)^2 +C_F T_F n_c 1 /15ϵ (x+1)^2 }. Z_p^(2)(x ) = π^2C_F1/ϵ(x^2+6 x+1/8 (x+1)^2C_F+1/8C_A), Z_p^(3)(x, μ^2_f m_b m_c ) = π^2C_F{ C_F^2 [ 3 x^2-x+3/36ϵ ^2 (x+1)^2 +1/ϵ(19 x^2+29 x+19/36 (x+1)^2-2 /3ln 2 . . +x^4-5 x^3-22 x^2-x+3 /12 (x-1) (x+1)^3ln x+1/6ln (x+1) +3 x^2-x+3/12 (x+1)^2lnμ _f^2/m_b m_c)] + C_F C_A [ -5 x/24ϵ ^2 (x+1)^2 + 1/ϵ( 26 x^2+93 x+26/108 (x+1)^2. . +-x^2+2 x+11 /48 (x-1) (x+1)ln x+1/4ln (x+1)+ 11 x^2+36 x+11 /48 (x+1)^2lnμ _f^2/m_b m_c)] +C_A^2 [ -1/16 ϵ ^2+1/ϵ( 2/27+1/6ln 2-1/24ln x+1/12ln (x+1)+1/24lnμ _f^2/m_b m_c)] + C_F T_F n_l[ x^2+6 x+1/36 ϵ ^2 (x+1)^2-7 x^2+30 x+7/108 ϵ (x+1)^2] +C_A T_F n_l [ 1/36 ϵ ^2-37/432 ϵ] +C_F T_F n_b x^2 /15ϵ (x+1)^2 +C_F T_F n_c 1 /15ϵ (x+1)^2 }. Z_a,i^(2)(x ) = π^2C_F1/ϵ(3x^2+4x+3/24(1+x)^2C_F+1/24C_A), Z_a,i^(3)(x, μ^2_f m_b m_c ) = π^2C_F{C_F^2/ϵ[171 x^2-296 x+171/216 (x+1)^2-ln 2/3 +-57 x^4+89 x^3+274 x^2+89 x-57/216 (x-1) (x+1)^3ln x] + C_F C_A [ -22 x^2+31 x+22/432ϵ ^2 (x+1)^2 + 1/ϵ( 379 x^2+675 x+379/1296 (x+1)^2-ln 2/18. . -5 x+11/144 (x+1)ln x+1/9ln (x+1) +11 x^2+13 x+11/144 (x+1)^2lnμ _f^2/m_b m_c)] +C_A^2 [-1/48 ϵ ^2+1/648 ϵ(34+72 ln2-9 ln x+18 ln (x+1)+9 lnμ _f^2/m_b m_c)] + C_F T_F n_l[ 3 x^2+4 x+3/108ϵ ^2 (x+1)^2 -21 x^2+41 x+21/324 ϵ (x+1)^2 ] +C_A T_F n_l [1/108 ϵ ^2-53/1296 ϵ] }. Z_s^(2)(x ) = π^2C_F1/ϵ(3x^2+10x+3/24(1+x)^2C_F+1/24C_A), Z_s^(3)(x, μ^2_f m_b m_c ) = π^2C_F{C_F^2/ϵ[57x^2+146x+57/216(x+1)^2-ln2/3] + C_F C_A [-11 x^2+41 x+11/216ϵ ^2 (x+1)^2 + 1/1296 ϵ(379 x^2+1086 x+379/(x+1)^2-72 ln2 . . -9 (5 x+11) /x+1ln x+144 ln (x+1)+9 (11 x^2+28 x+11) /(x+1)^2lnμ _f^2/m_b m_c)] +C_A^2 [-1/48 ϵ ^2+1/648 ϵ(34+72 ln2-9 ln x+18 ln (x+1)+9 lnμ _f^2/m_b m_c)] + C_F T_F n_l[3 x^2+10 x+3/108ϵ ^2 (x+1)^2 -21 x^2+74 x+21/324 ϵ (x+1)^2 ] +C_A T_F n_l [1/108 ϵ ^2-53/1296 ϵ] }, where C_A=3, C_F=4/3 and T_F=1/2 are QCD constants and we have defined a dimensionless parameter x representing the ratio of two heavy quark masses x= m_c m_b. Then the corresponding anomalous dimension γ̃_J for the heavy flavor-changing NRQCD currents is related to Z_J by <cit.> γ̃_J(x, μ^2_f m_b m_c ) ≡d lnZ_J d lnμ_f ≡-2 ∂Z_J^[1]/∂lnα_s^(n_l)(μ_f) =(α_s^(n_l)(μ_f)/π)^2 γ̃_J^(2)(x ) +(α_s^(n_l) (μ_f)/π)^3γ̃_J^(3)(x, μ^2_f m_b m_c )+𝒪(α^4_s), where Z_J^[1] denotes the coefficient of the 1/ϵ pole in Z_J, and within the NRQCD frame we use μ_f to denote the NRQCD factorization scale, so that both Z_J and γ̃_J explicitly depend on μ_f but not the QCD renormalization scale μ <cit.>. Explicitly, γ̃_J^(2) and γ̃_J^(3) read γ̃_v^(2)(x ) =-π^2C_F [C_F 3 x^2+2 x+3/6(x+1)^2+C_A/2], γ̃_v^(3)(x, μ^2_f m_b m_c ) = π^2C_F{ C_F^2 [ -19 x^2+5 x+19/6 (x+1)^2+4 ln 2 +-x^3+4 x^2+2 x+3/2 (x+1)^3ln x-ln (x+1) +-3 x^2+x-3 /2 (x+1)^2lnμ_f^2/m_b m_c] +C_F C_A [ -39 x^2+148 x+39/27 (x+1)^2+x+11 /8( x+1)ln x -3/2ln (x+1) -11 x^2+8 x+11/8 (x+1)^2lnμ_f^2/m_b m_c] +C_A^2 [ -4/9-ln 2+1/4ln x-1/2ln (x+1) -1/4lnμ_f^2/m_b m_c] +C_F T_F n_l 21 x^2+58 x+21/54 (x+1)^2 +37/72 C_A T_F n_l -2 x^2 /5 (x+1)^2 C_F T_F n_b -2/5 (x+1)^2 C_F T_F n_c }. γ̃_p^(2)(x ) = -π^2C_F [x^2+6 x+1 /2 (x+1)^2C_F+C_A /2], γ̃_p^(3)(x, μ^2_f m_b m_c ) = π^2C_F{ C_F^2 [ -19 x^2+29 x+19/6 (x+1)^2+4 ln 2 +-x^4+5 x^3+22 x^2+x-3 /2 (x-1) (x+1)^3ln x-ln (x+1)+-3 x^2+x-3/2 (x+1)^2lnμ_f^2/m_b m_c] +C_F C_A [ -26 x^2+93 x+26/18 (x+1)^2--x^2+2 x+11 /8(x-1)(x+1)ln x -3/2ln (x+1) -11 x^2+36 x+11/8 (x+1)^2lnμ_f^2/m_b m_c] +C_A^2 [ -4/9-ln 2+1/4ln x-1/2ln (x+1) -1/4lnμ_f^2/m_b m_c] +C_F T_F n_l 7 x^2+30 x+7/18 (x+1)^2 +37/72 C_A T_F n_l -2 x^2 /5 (x+1)^2 C_F T_F n_b -2/5 (x+1)^2 C_F T_F n_c }. γ̃_a,i^(2)(x ) = -π^2C_F [C_F 3 x^2+4 x+3/6(x+1)^2+C_A/6], γ̃_a,i^(3)(x, μ^2_f m_b m_c ) = π^2C_F{ C_F^2 [-171 x^2+296 x-171/36 (x+1)^2+2 ln 2 +57 x^4-89 x^3-274 x^2-89 x+57 /36 (x-1) (x+1)^3ln x] +C_F C_A [-379 x^2+675 x+379/216 (x+1)^2+ln 2/3 +5 x+11/24( x+1)ln x -2/3ln (x+1) -11 x^2+13 x+11/24 (x+1)^2lnμ _f^2/m_b m_c] +C_A^2 [ -17/54-2 /3ln 2+1/12ln x-1/6log (x+1)-1/12lnμ_f^2/m_b m_c] +C_F T_F n_l 21 x^2+41 x+21/54 (x+1)^2 +53/216 C_A T_F n_l }. γ̃_s^(2)(x ) = -π^2C_F [C_F 3 x^2+10 x+3/6(x+1)^2+C_A/6], γ̃_s^(3)(x, μ^2_f m_b m_c ) = π^2C_F{ C_F^2 [-57 x^2+146 x+57/36 (x+1)^2+2 ln 2] +C_F C_A [-379 x^2+1086 x+379/216 (x+1)^2 +ln 2/3 +5 x+11 /24 (x+1)ln x-2/3ln (x+1)-11 x^2+28 x+11/24 (x+1)^2lnμ _f^2/m_b m_c] +C_A^2 [-17/54-2 /3ln 2+1/12ln x-1/6ln (x+1)-1/12lnμ_f^2/m_b m_c] +C_F T_F n_l 21 x^2+74 x+21/54 (x+1)^2 +53/216 C_A T_F n_l }. Note that the above analytical expressions of Z_a,i and γ̃_a,i for the space-like component of the heavy flavor-changing axial-vector current are new. The obtained Z_J and γ̃_J have been checked with several different values of m_b and m_c. To verify the correctness of our results, on the one hand, one can check that the above Z_J (also γ̃_J) is symmetric/invariant under the exchange m_b↔ m_c meanwhile n_b↔ n_c, on the other hand, in the equal quark masses case x=1, our Z_J and γ̃_J are in full agreement with the known results in Refs. <cit.>. In our calculation, we include the contributions from the loops of charm quark and bottom quark in full QCD, which however are decoupled in the NRQCD. To match QCD with NRQCD, one need twice apply the decoupling relation <cit.> of α_s : α_s^(n_l+1)(μ)/α_s^(n_l)(μ) = 1-α_s^(n_l)(μ)/π (1-I_0 ϵ )/3 ϵT_F + ( α_s^(n_l)(μ)/π)^2 T_F {C_A (I_0^2 ϵ(4 ϵ ^3+4 ϵ ^2-11 ϵ -10)/8 (ϵ -2) (2 ϵ +1) (2 ϵ +3). . -5/24 ϵ) +C_F (-I_0^2 ϵ(4 ϵ ^3-7 ϵ -1)/4 (ϵ -2) (2 ϵ -1) (2 ϵ +1)-1/8 ϵ)+T_F (1-I_0 ϵ )^2/9 ϵ ^2} + 𝒪(α_s^3), where I_0= e^γ_E ϵ (ϵ -1) Γ (ϵ -1) (μ ^2/m_Q^2)^ϵ and m_Q is the on-shell mass of the decoupled heavy quark. Besides, we can evolve the strong coupling from the scale μ_f to the scale μ with renormalization group running equation <cit.> in D=4-2 ϵ dimensions as following α_s^(n_l)(μ_f)= α_s^(n_l)(μ)(μ/μ_f)^2ϵ[1+α_s^(n_l)(μ)/πβ_0^(n_l)/4ϵ((μ/μ_f)^2ϵ-1)+ 𝒪(α_s^2)] . To calculate the values of the strong coupling constant α_s, we also use the renormalization group running equation <cit.> in D=4 dimensions as α_s^(n_l)(μ)= 4π/β_0^(n_l)L_Λ[1-b_1 ln L_Λ/β_0^(n_l)L_Λ+b_1^2(ln^2 L_Λ-ln L_Λ-1)+b_2/(β_0^(n_l)L_Λ)^2+𝒪((1/L_Λ)^3)], where L_Λ=ln(μ^2/Λ_QCD^(n_l)^2), b_i=β_i^(n_l)/β_0^(n_l). And β_0, β_1, β_2 are the one-loop, two-loop and three-loop coefficients of the QCD β function <cit.>, respectively, which read β_0^(n_l)=11/3C_A-4/3 T_F n_l, β_1^(n_l)=34/3C_A^2-20/3 C_A T_F n_l-4 C_F T_F n_l, β_2^(n_l)=2857/54C_A^3-(1415/27 C_A^2+205/9 C_A C_F-2C_F^2) T_F n_l+(158/27 C_A+44/9 C_F) T_F^2 n_l^2. In our numerical evaluation, n_b=n_c=1, n_l=3 are fixed through the decoupling region from μ=0.4 GeV to μ=7 GeV, and the typical QCD scale Λ_QCD^(n_l=3)=0.3344GeV is determined using three-loop formula with the aid of the package  <cit.> by inputting the initial value α_s^(n_f=5)(m_Z=91.1876GeV)=0.1179. § MATCHING COEFFICIENTS  Following Refs. <cit.>, the dimensionless matching coefficient 𝒞_J for the heavy flavor-changing currents can be decomposed as: 𝒞_J(μ_f,μ,m_b,m_c) =1+α_s^(n_l)(μ)/π𝒞_J^(1)(x) +(α_s^(n_l)(μ)/π)^2 (𝒞_J^(1)(x)β_0^(n_l)/4lnμ^2/m_b m_c. . +γ̃_J^(2)(x)/2lnμ_f^2/m_b m_c+𝒞_J^(2)(x)) +(α_s^(n_l)(μ)/π)^3{(𝒞_J^(1)(x)/16β_1^(n_l)+𝒞_J^(2)(x)/2β_0^(n_l))lnμ^2/m_b m_c +𝒞_J^(1)(x)/16β_0^(n_l)^2ln^2 μ^2/m_b m_c +1/8(dγ̃_J^(3)(x,μ_f^2/m_b m_c)/d lnμ_f-β_0^(n_l)γ̃_J^(2)(x))ln^2μ_f^2/m_b m_c +1/2(𝒞_J^(1)(x) γ̃_J^(2)(x)+γ̃_J^(3)(x,1))lnμ_f^2/m_b m_c +β_0^(n_l)/4γ̃_J^(2)(x)lnμ_f^2/m_b m_c  lnμ^2/m_b m_c + 𝒞_J^(3)(x) } +𝒪(α_s^4), where n_l=3 denotes the massless flavours. 𝒞_J^(n)(x)(n=1,2,3), as a function of x=m_c/m_b, independent of μ and μ_f, corresponds to the nontrivial part at 𝒪(α_s^n) of 𝒞_J. It's well known that 𝒞_J and 𝒞_J^(n)(x) satisfy the following symmetry properties <cit.>: 𝒞_J(μ_f,μ,m_b,m_c)=𝒞_J(μ_f,μ,m_c,m_b)|_ n_b↔ n_c, 𝒞_J^(n)(x)=𝒞_J^(n)(1/x)|_ n_b↔ n_c. The nontrivial one-loop piece 𝒞_J^(1)(x) can be analytically achieved as: 𝒞_v^(1)(x)=3/4C_F(x-1/x+1 ln x-8/3), 𝒞_p^(1)(x)=3/4C_F(x-1/x+1 ln x-2), 𝒞_a,i^(1)(x)=3/4 C_F (x-1/x+1 ln x-4/3), 𝒞_s^(1)(x)=3/4 C_F (x-1/x+1 ln x-2/3). And the nontrivial two-loop and three-loop pieces in Eq. (<ref>) are 𝒞_J^(2)(x) and 𝒞_J^(3)(x), respectively, which following the convention of Refs. <cit.>, can be further decomposed in terms of different color/flavor structures: 𝒞_J^(2)(x) = C_F C_F 𝒞_J^FF(x)+C_F C_A 𝒞_J^FA(x) +C_F T_F n_b 𝒞_J^FB(x) +C_F T_F n_c 𝒞_J^FC(x) +C_F T_F n_l 𝒞_J^FL(x), 𝒞_J^(3)(x) = C^3_F 𝒞_J^FFF(x)+C_F^2 C_A 𝒞_J^FFA(x) +C_F C_A^2 𝒞_J^FAA(x) +C_F^2 T_F n_l 𝒞_J^FFL(x) +C_F C_A T_F n_l 𝒞_J^FAL(x) +C_F T_F^2 n_c n_l 𝒞_J^FCL(x) +C_F T_F^2 n_b n_l 𝒞_J^FBL(x) +C_F T_F^2 n_l^2 𝒞_J^FLL(x) +C_F T_F^2 n_b n_c 𝒞_J^FBC(x) + C_F^2 T_F n_c 𝒞_J^FFC(x) +C_F C_A T_F n_c 𝒞_J^FAC(x)+ C_F T_F^2 n_c^2 𝒞_J^FCC(x) + C_F^2 T_F n_b 𝒞_J^FFB(x)+C_F C_A T_F n_b 𝒞_J^FAB(x)+C_F T_F^2 n_b^2 𝒞_J^FBB(x). Due to limited computing resources, we choose to calculate the matching coefficient 𝒞_J at three rational numerical points: the physical point {m_b=475/100 GeV, m_c=150/100 GeV} (i.e.,x=x_0=150/475), the check point x=1/x_0 and the equal mass point x=1, respectively. The results 𝒞_J obtained at the physical point and the check point verify the symmetric features of 𝒞_J and 𝒞_J^(n)(x) in Eq. (<ref>). Our results 𝒞_J obtained at the equal mass point x=1 are consistent with the known results 𝒞_J for all four currents in the equal quark masses case in the literature <cit.>. Furthermore, our calculation have verified the three-loop matching coefficients for the heavy flavor-changing pseudoscalar current and the zeroth component of the heavy flavor-changing axial-vector current are identical, i.e., 𝒞_p≡𝒞_a,0. To confirm our calculation, we have also calculated 𝒞_p and 𝒞_v at the reference point {m_b=498/100 GeV, m_c=204/100 GeV}, where our results agree with the known results in Refs. <cit.>. In the following, we will present the highly accurate numerical results of 𝒞_J^(2)(x) and 𝒞_J^(3)(x) at the physical heavy quark mass ratio x=x_0=150/475 with about 30-digit precision. The various color-structure components of C_v^(2)(x_0) and C_v^(3)(x_0) read: 𝒞_v^FF(x_0) = -13.71289080533129643353786882415, 𝒞_v^FA(x_0) = -6.585499135192203408065908804167, 𝒞_v^FB(x_0) = 0.0947676481125652606487968503976, 𝒞_v^FC(x_0) = 0.585796563729044305159251023619, 𝒞_v^FL(x_0) = 0.486237497534452686364818186481. 𝒞_v^FFF(x_0) =20.18969417129305999911571842286 , 𝒞_v^FFA(x_0) = -203.4349264860295194232572876813, 𝒞_v^FAA(x_0) = -102.7968727737777422224763578788, 𝒞_v^FFL(x_0) = 50.93775016890326146248907065956, 𝒞_v^FAL(x_0) = 40.22574662383519955538190917802, 𝒞_v^FCL(x_0) = -0.776339576123527777867508257477, 𝒞_v^FBL(x_0) =-0.0556259617628169261333544284783 , 𝒞_v^FLL(x_0) = -2.08814878247962216692347776970, 𝒞_v^FBC(x_0) = 0.0903048438843974616499880474411, 𝒞_v^FFC(x_0) = -1.6854789447153670526748653364, 𝒞_v^FAC(x_0) = 0.464663487323886298396191419941, 𝒞_v^FCC(x_0) = 0.166410566769625472334622650374, 𝒞_v^FFB(x_0) = -0.125493504901815435721244899040, 𝒞_v^FAB(x_0) = -0.207735042283005003179604843189, 𝒞_v^FBB(x_0) = 0.0155302263395316874159466507910. The various color-structure components of C_p^(2)(x_0) and C_p^(3)(x_0) read: 𝒞_p^FF(x_0) = -13.2664163032173887184051674623, 𝒞_p^FA(x_0) =-8.01693280168379244869854709253, 𝒞_p^FB(x_0) =0.128918313022470380156209778800 , 𝒞_p^FC(x_0) = 0.709389226649688045706906749579, 𝒞_p^FL(x_0) =0.0583586106180016483840747484073 . 𝒞_p^FFF(x_0) = -19.1073059443195339789160242369, 𝒞_p^FFA(x_0) = -199.368217320524804838849517451, 𝒞_p^FAA(x_0) = -108.136868017309597645533701505, 𝒞_p^FFL(x_0) = 54.7202915496511304152624843564, 𝒞_p^FAL(x_0) = 40.1950559961352476805071968834, 𝒞_p^FCL(x_0) = -0.72340116280534841918416586699, 𝒞_p^FBL(x_0) = -0.019622466229502871214841024261, 𝒞_p^FLL(x_0) = -1.2331473244200630628135034057, 𝒞_p^FBC(x_0) = 0.157356536599972434859830922842, 𝒞_p^FFC(x_0) =4.93713785637736911159215602248 , 𝒞_p^FAC(x_0) = -0.837019369825724302408030392435, 𝒞_p^FCC(x_0) = 0.256031525456388447241169171007, 𝒞_p^FFB(x_0) = 1.74108819472094062081877632041, 𝒞_p^FAB(x_0) = -0.675630407239784126013977083266, 𝒞_p^FBB(x_0) = 0.030203809353562550021046660214. The various color-structure components of C_a,i^(2)(x_0) and C_a,i^(3)(x_0) read: 𝒞_a,i^FF(x_0) = -7.55810100985517328528944527445, 𝒞_a,i^FA(x_0) = -4.00029433499832597188660997837, 𝒞_a,i^FB(x_0) = 0.01402013116548156662918961686909, 𝒞_a,i^FC(x_0) = 0.1451892135460458985527809307761, 𝒞_a,i^FL(x_0) = 0.06421749358957698454852728485104. 𝒞_a,i^FFF(x_0) = -8.42643917300377651280522219395, 𝒞_a,i^FFA(x_0) = -93.2038302986321307103761492345, 𝒞_a,i^FAA(x_0) = -63.7233070196452524188390331877, 𝒞_a,i^FFL(x_0) = 30.26464969513072132366156126441, 𝒞_a,i^FAL(x_0) = 21.16033670918183535060836071864, 𝒞_a,i^FCL(x_0) = -0.3153222090952701782698048799971, 𝒞_a,i^FBL(x_0) = -0.04600893146925268206019173772344, 𝒞_a,i^FLL(x_0) = -0.5156996834396487701112794535693, 𝒞_a,i^FBC(x_0) = -0.0118687507006037939590736816982, 𝒞_a,i^FFC(x_0) = 1.972145133214113574301216956655, 𝒞_a,i^FAC(x_0) = -0.2648389457862748902646421554436, 𝒞_a,i^FCC(x_0) = 0.005739492344304311786485592038925, 𝒞_a,i^FFB(x_0) = 0.468239957569145876297846606135, 𝒞_a,i^FAB(x_0) = -0.128836049327094055088259653772, 𝒞_a,i^FBB(x_0) = -0.0047313889291568923452785036443. The various color-structure components of C_s^(2)(x_0) and C_s^(3)(x_0) read: 𝒞_s^FF(x_0) = -6.96020737354849312657205418357, 𝒞_s^FA(x_0) = -4.12970820397051570036738297443, 𝒞_s^FB(x_0) = 0.048170796075386686136602545271, 𝒞_s^FC(x_0) = 0.268781876466689639100436656736, 𝒞_s^FL(x_0) = -0.363661393326874053432216153222. 𝒞_s^FFF(x_0) = -12.6512824902497489841790999287, 𝒞_s^FFA(x_0) = -91.3076763843495687930187876995, 𝒞_s^FAA(x_0) = -67.2034246352357623358462321068, 𝒞_s^FFL(x_0) = 31.12323218543900065296825277243, 𝒞_s^FAL(x_0) = 19.49987491622541782889333507621, 𝒞_s^FCL(x_0) = -0.262383795777090819586462489511, 𝒞_s^FBL(x_0) = -0.0100054359359386271416783335057, 𝒞_s^FLL(x_0) = 0.3393017746199103339986949104357, 𝒞_s^FBC(x_0) = 0.0551829420149711792507691937024, 𝒞_s^FFC(x_0) = 4.4105666464862568415402096694718, 𝒞_s^FAC(x_0) = -0.6861454400278606762848799078670, 𝒞_s^FCC(x_0) = 0.09536045103106728669303211267177, 𝒞_s^FFB(x_0) = 1.1373781611175929139065523549900, 𝒞_s^FAB(x_0) = -0.318775996588438248091557753877, 𝒞_s^FBB(x_0) = 0.00994219408487397025982150577842. From the above numerical values, we find the dominant contributions in 𝒞_J^(2)(x_0) and 𝒞_J^(3)(x_0) come from the components corresponding to the color structures C_F^2, C_FC_A, C_F^2C_A and C_FC_A^2, and the contributions from the bottom and charm quark loops are negligible. Fixing the renormalization scale μ=μ_0=3GeV, m_b=4.75GeV, m_c=1.5GeV, and setting the factorization scale μ_f=1.2 GeV, Eq. (<ref>) then reduces to 𝒞_v =1-2.067273 α_s^(3)(μ_0)/π-29.29166(α_s^(3)(μ_0)/π)^2 -1689.867(α_s^(3)(μ_0)/π)^3 +𝒪(α_s^4), 𝒞_p =1-1.400607 α_s^(3)(μ_0)/π-27.80076(α_s^(3)(μ_0)/π)^2 -1781.283(α_s^(3)(μ_0)/π)^3 +𝒪(α_s^4), 𝒞_a,i =1-0.7339400 α_s^(3)(μ_0)/π-18.16765(α_s^(3)(μ_0)/π)^2 -922.7452(α_s^(3)(μ_0)/π)^3 +𝒪(α_s^4), 𝒞_s =1-0.06727332 α_s^(3)(μ_0)/π-15.46391(α_s^(3)(μ_0)/π)^2 -935.4686(α_s^(3)(μ_0)/π)^3 +𝒪(α_s^4). With the values of α_s^(n_l=3)(μ) calculated by the renormalization group running equation Eq. (<ref>), we investigate the renormalization scale dependence of the matching coefficients 𝒞_J for the heavy flavor-changing currents at LO, NLO, NNLO and N^3LO accuracy in Fig. <ref>. The middle lines correspond to the choice of μ_f=1.2 GeV for the NRQCD factorization scale, and the upper and lower edges of the error bands correspond to μ_f=0.4 GeV and μ_f=2 GeV, respectively. We also present our precise numerical results of the matching coefficients 𝒞_J at LO, NLO , NNLO and N^3LO in Table <ref>, where the uncertainties from μ_f and μ are included. From Eq. (<ref>), Fig. <ref> and Table <ref>, one can find the higher order QCD corrections have larger values, especially, the O(α_s^3) correction looks quite sizable, which confirms the nonconvergence behaviors of the matching coefficients investigated in previous literature <cit.>. From Fig. <ref> and Table <ref>, it seems that both the NRQCD factorization scale dependence and the QCD renormalization scale dependence become larger at higher order. Note, at each truncated perturbative order, the matching coefficient 𝒞_J is renormalization-group invariant <cit.>, e.g., at N^3LO, 𝒞_J obeys the following renormalization-group running invariance: 𝒞_J^ N^3LO(μ_f,μ,m_b,m_c) =𝒞_J^ N^3LO(μ_f,μ_0,m_b,m_c) +𝒪(α_s^4), where 𝒞_J^ N^3LO(μ_f,μ,m_b,m_c) has dropped the 𝒪(α_s^4) terms in Eq. (<ref>). So the μ-dependence of the N^3LO results is at the 𝒪(α_s^4) order. Though the μ-dependence is suppressed by α_s^4, the coefficients of α_s^4 in above equation contain μ-independent terms such as 𝒞_J^(3)(x) and lnμ_f, which come from the 𝒪(α_s^3) order in Eq. (<ref>), and have considerably large values by aforementioned calculation within the framework of NRQCD factorization. As a result, these terms will lead to a significantly larger renormalization scale dependence at N^3LO. From Fig. <ref>, we also find the NRQCD factorization scale μ_f has a dominant influence on the higher order QCD corrections. When μ_f decreases, both the convergence of α_s expansion and the independence of μ will improve. Since the matching coefficients on their own are nonphysical, in order to obtain a reliable higher order correction to a physical quantity, the large α_s-expansion nonconvergence and the strong scale dependence of the matching coefficients at higher order especially 𝒪(α_s^3) have to be compensated by other higher order corrections. Within the NRQCD effective theroy, physical quantities such as the beauty-charmed meson B_c and B^*_c decay constants are factorized to the matching coefficients multiplied with the long-distance nonperturbative NRQCD matrix elements (the Schrödinger wave functions at the origin), therefore we not only need to calculate the higher order QCD corrections to the matching coefficients, but also need to perform the higher order corrections to the wave functions at the origin. Besides, it is also indispensable to take into account higher order relativistic corrections, resummation techniques and so on ( also see Refs. <cit.> for more discussions). § PHENOMENOLOGICAL ANALYSIS  Before starting our discussions about phenomenological applications of the matching coefficients, one can review related discussions in Refs. <cit.>. For an explicit example, one can also see Eq.(4) in Ref. <cit.>, where the leptonic decay width of Υ meson was calculated up to N^3LO within NRQCD and pNRQCD effective theory and a large cancellation between three-loop perturbative QCD corrections to the matching coefficient and N^3LO perturbative corrections to the wave function at the origin was presented. As following, we will confirm this phenomenon is also in the cb̅ meson systems and evaluate three-loop corrections to the decay constants, leptonic decay widths and corresponding branching ratios of the beauty-charmed mesons B_c and B^*_c. We use the following formulas  <cit.> to compute the decay constants f_B_c^* of the vector B_c^* meson and f_B_c of the pseudoscalar B_c meson: f_B_c^*=2 √(N_c/m_B_c^*) [𝒞_v+d_v E_B_c^*/12(8/M-3/m_r)]  |Ψ_B_c^*(0)|, f_B_c=2 √(N_c/m_B_c) [𝒞_p-d_p E_B_c/4m_r]  |Ψ_B_c(0)|, where M=m_b+m_c, m_r=m_b m_c/(m_b+m_c) is the reduced mass, m_B_c^* and m_B_c are the masses of the vector and pseudoscalar cb̅ mesons, respectively. Note that, in our calculation we do not employ the expansion m_B_c^*(m_B_c)=m_b+m_c+E_B_c^*(E_B_c) as Refs. <cit.> (in Table <ref> and Table <ref> we will see the influence from the expansion is small), but directly adopt the following physical values <cit.> for the cb̅ mesons masses: m_B_c=6.274 GeV,   m_B_c^*=6.331 GeV. d_v and d_p are matching coefficients between QCD and NRQCD in sub-leading order of relative velocity for the vector B_c^* meson and pseudoscalar B_c meson, respectively. One-loop results of d_v and d_p can be found in Refs. <cit.> d_v=1-α_s^(n_l)(μ)/πC_F(x+1)^2/3 x^2-2 x+3(4 /3 +(x-1) (7 x^2+6 x+7) /4 (x+1)^3ln x+4 lnμ_f ^2/m_b m_c)+𝒪(α_s^2), d_p=1+α_s^(n_l)(μ)/π C_F (x^2+98 x+1/18 (x+1)^2-(x-1) (7 x^2+46 x+7) /12 (x+1)^3ln x-4/3lnμ_f ^2/m_b m_c)+𝒪(α_s^2). E_B_c^* and |Ψ_B_c^*(0)| are the binding energy and the wave function at the origin for B_c^*, respectively, while E_B_c and |Ψ_B_c(0)| are for B_c. In the previous sections, we have calculated higher-order perturbative corrections to the matching coefficient by extracting the hard contribution using the NRQCD effective theory. Similarly, the higher-order perturbative corrections to the binding energy and the wave function at the origin can be calculated allowing for the soft, potential and ultrasoft contributions from the Coulomb potential, non-Coulomb potentials and ultrasoft gluon exchange using the potential NRQCD effective theory (pNRQCD) <cit.>. Since the pseudoscalar meson B_c(1^1S_0) and vector meson B_c^*(1^3S_1) are respectively the lowest-lying spin-singlet and spin-triplet S-wave bound state, i.e., B_c and B_c^* have different spin quantum numbers, E_B_c and |Ψ_B_c(0)| are slightly different (see Refs. <cit.>) from E_B_c^* and |Ψ_B_c^*(0)|, respectively. However, the binding energies of the double heavy quark systems are spin-independent up to NLO (see Refs. <cit.>), hence E_B_c^NLO≡ E_B_c^*^NLO, which can be obtained from Refs. <cit.> as E_B_c^NLO≡ E_B_c^*^NLO= E^(0){1+α_s^(n_l)(μ_f) /π[β _0^(n_l)(ln( μ _f/2 m_r C_F α_s^(n_l)(μ_f))+11/6)-4/3 C_A ]}, where E^(0)=-m_r/2(α_s^(n_l)(μ_f)C_F)^2, n_l=3. For simplicity, we have set the pNRQCD factorization scale equal to the NRQCD factorization scale μ_f [ This is not a problem because, in strict fixed order computations it is not necessary to distinguish between factorization scales as they all cancel to the required accuracy once all contributions to an observable are added <cit.>.], which separates contributions coming from the hard and soft momentum regions. α_s^(n_l)(μ_f) can be translated into α_s^(n_l)(μ) by the coupling running equation in Eq.(<ref>). Based on Eq. (<ref>) and Eq. (<ref>), the NLO results in Eq. (<ref>), Eq. (<ref>) and Eq. (<ref>) are sufficient for the N^3LO calculation of the decay constants. For phenomenological analysis of the pseudoscalar B_c meson, we will use the approximation |Ψ_B_c(0)|≈ |Ψ_B_c^*(0)|, so that the only missing piece in Eq. (<ref>) and Eq. (<ref>) is |Ψ_B_c^*(0)|. In order to obtain |Ψ_B_c^*(0)|, we employ the scale relation explored by Collins et al. <cit.>: |Ψ_B_c^*(0)|=|Ψ_J/ψ(0)|^1-y |Ψ_Υ(0)|^y, where y∈[0.3,0.4] with the central value y=y_c=ln((1+m_c/m_b)/2)/ln(m_c/m_b) [ The central value y=y_c=ln((1+m_c/m_b)/2)/ln(m_c/m_b) can be exactly derived from the scale law of the wave function at the origin: |ψ_μ^n(0)|^2=f(n,a)(Aμ)^3/(2+a) for any reduced mass μ and any class of power-law potentials V(r)=A r^a+C, where f(n,a) is only a function of the radial quantum number n and the power a. To cover the uncertainties from various potentials, the maximal (minimal) value of y is simply taken to be 0.4 (0.3) independent of the quark masses. For more details, see Ref. <cit.> (where y=0.35 was chosen as the only optimal solution) .] is the scale power. |Ψ_J/ψ(0)| and |Ψ_Υ(0)| are the wave functions at the origin for the vector heavy quarkonia J/ψ and Υ, respectively. From literature <cit.>, the full N^3LO corrections to the wave function at the origin for the lowest-lying vector heavy quarkonium QQ̅ can be expressed as |Ψ_QQ̅^V(0)|^2/|Ψ_QQ̅^(0)(0)|^2= 1+α_s^(n_f)(μ_f) /π6 β^(n_f)_0 L_s+c_ψ,1^C/4 +(α_s^(n_f)(μ_f) /π)^2 {3/2β _0^(n_f)^2 L_s^2 +L_s/24[9 β _1^(n_f)-18 β_0^(n_f)^2+12 β _0^(n_f) c_ψ,1^C+8 π ^2 C_F (3 C_A+2 C_F)] +1/144[2 π ^2 C_F (162 C_A+89 C_F)+9 c_ψ,2^C] } + (α_s^(n_f)(μ_f) /π)^3π ^2 { C_A^3 [-L_s/4+L_m/4-ln(C_F)-π ^2/12+1/2] +C_A^2 C_F [ -2/3 L_s^2+L_s (4/3 L_m+4ln 2+17/18)-L_m^2/6 + L_m(31/9-ln 2) +2/9ln(C_F) (9 ln(C_F)+12 ln 2-44)] +C_A C_F^2 [-9/4L_s^2 +L_s (9 /2L_m+4ln 2-25/54)-3 /8L_m^2 + L_m(61/9-ln 2) +4/3ln(C_F) (4 ln(C_F)+ln 2-10)] + C_A C_F [2 β_0^(n_f) L_s^2+ L_s/72(β_0^(n_f)(423-12 π ^2) -218 T_F n_f )] +C_F^3 [-3/2 L_s^2+L_s (3 L_m-8 ln 2+47/18)-L_m^2/4 +L_m(2ln 2+59/36) +8/9ln(C_F) (3 log(C_F)-9 ln 2+2)] +C_F^2 T_F [L_s(2/15-59/27 n_f) +L_m/15] +β_0^(n_f) C_F^2 [4 /3L_s^2+L_s(53/16-π ^2/9) ] +1/π ^2[ 5/4β_0^(n_f)^3 L_s^3 +β_0^(n_f)L_s^2/32(27 β_1^(n_f)-54 β_0^(n_f)^2+20 β_0^(n_f) c_ψ,1^C) + L_s/32(12 β_0^(n_f)^3-12 β_1^(n_f)β_0^(n_f)+3 β_2^(n_f)-8 β_0^(n_f)^2 c_ψ,1^C. . +4 β_1^(n_f) c_ψ,1^C+5 β_0^(n_f) c_ψ,2^C) +c_ψ,3^C+c_ψ,3^nC/64] +δ_1^us}+𝒪(α_s^4), where |Ψ_QQ̅^(0)(0)|^2=(mα_s^(n_f)(μ_f)C_F)^3/(8π), L_s=ln[μ_f/(mα_s^(n_f)(μ_f)C_F)], L_m=ln(μ_f/m), m is the mass of Q, n_f is flavours lighter than Q, and the non-logarithmic terms of the Coulomb, non-Coulomb and ultrasoft corrections read c_ψ,1^C = 2.62290 - 1.61351 n_f, c_ψ,2^C = 1800.745 - 193.4887 n_f + 3.50376 n_f^2, c_ψ,3^C = -39854.2 + 2005.08 n_f + 19.79845 n_f^2 + 3.61806 n_f^3, c_ψ,3^nC = -44754.7 - 3126.52 n_f, δ_1^us = 353.06. Equivalently, Eq. (<ref>) can be simplified in a numerical form |Ψ_QQ̅^V(0)|^2/|Ψ_QQ̅^(0)(0)|^2= 1+ α_s^(n_f)(μ_f) [L_s (5.252113122 -0.3183098862 n_f)-0.1283989789 n_f +0.2087238344] +(α_s^(n_f)(μ_f))^2 [L_s^2(0.06754745576 n_f^2-2.229066040 n_f . . +18.38979483) + L_s(0.02072049126 n_f^2-0.3544823646 n_f+1.327477963) +0.02218780425 n_f^2-1.225281344 n_f+22.60088339] +(α_s^(n_f)(μ_f))^3 [L_s^3(-0.01194501275 n_f^3+0.5912781313 n_f^2 -9.756089166 n_f . . +53.65849041) +L_s^2(0.001670726641 n_f^3 -0.06791901544 n_f^2 . . +0.6172398127 n_f-6.696584076) +L_s (14.99593242 L_m . . -0.009572483336 n_f^3+0.8198924520 n_f^2 -23.92535721 n_f +192.0183234) +0.001823251079 n_f^3+0.009977039176 n_f^2 -0.5651253308 n_f +50.45825046 -1.461867625 L_m^2+25.28876373 L_m ]+𝒪(α_s^4). With |Ψ_QQ̅^V(0)| known, we can obtain |Ψ_J/ψ(0)| and |Ψ_Υ(0)| as following Ψ_J/ψ(0) =Ψ_QQ̅^V(0)|_m→ m_c,n_f→ n_l, Ψ_Υ(0) =Ψ_QQ̅^V(0)|_m→ m_b,n_f→ n_l+1, where n_l=3 denotes the massless flavours. Furthermore, we use the decoupling relation in Eq. (<ref>) (but up to 𝒪(α_s^3)) to translate α_s^(n_l+1)(μ_f) into α_s^(n_l)(μ_f), which can further be translated into α_s^(n_l)(μ) by the coupling running equation in Eq. (<ref>) (but up to 𝒪(α_s^3)). By Eq. (<ref>), we can finally express |Ψ_B_c^*(0)| in power series of α_s^(n_l=3)(μ) and we have checked the obtained series expansion in α_s^(n_l=3)(μ) of |Ψ_B_c^*(0)| obeys the renormalization-group running invariance as Eq. (<ref>). As following, we will present the numeric results for the matching coefficients d_v and d_p for sub-leading order relativistic corrections, the binding energies, the wave functions at the origin, the decay constants, leptonic decay widths and corresponding branching ratios for the pseudoscalar and vector cb̅ mesons. In spirit of perturbation theory, through all our calculations we expand all of above quantities in power series of α_s^(n_l=3)(μ) by the decoupling relation with coupling running, and truncate them up to a fixed order. Choosing the scale power y=y_c and fixing the factorization scale μ_f=1.2 GeV, the renormalization scale μ=μ_0=3 GeV, m_b=4.75GeV, m_c=1.5GeV, we present the α_s-expansion of these quantities in Table <ref> and Table <ref>, where the leading-order of the wave functions at the origin and the decay constants are determined by Eq. (<ref>), Eq.(<ref>) and Eq.(<ref>) as: |Ψ^(0)_B_c(0)|^2=|Ψ^(0)_B_c^*(0)|^2 =(m_rα_s^(n_l=3)(μ)C_F)^3/π, f_B_c^*^(0) =2√(N_c/m_B_c^*)|Ψ^(0)_B_c^*(0)|, f_B_c^(0) =2√(N_c/m_B_c)|Ψ^(0)_B_c(0)|. From Table <ref> and Table <ref>, we find the influences of d_v, d_p, E_B_c^* and E_B_c on the decay constants in Eq. (<ref>) and Eq. (<ref>) are inconsiderable compared with the matching coefficients 𝒞_v and 𝒞_p. Both 𝒞_v (𝒞_p) and |Ψ_B_c^*(0)| (|Ψ_B_c(0)|) have a large α_s-expansion nonconvergence at the third order, however, after a large cancellation between the matching coefficient and the wave function at the origin, the perturbative α_s-expansion of the decay constant becomes convergent up to N^3LO.
Conceptual Modeling and Artificial Intelligence: A Systematic Mapping Study
[ "Dominik Bork", "Syed Juned Ali", "Ben Roelens" ]
[ "cs.SE", "cs.AI" ]
dominik.bork@tuwien.ac.at 0000-0001-8259-2297 TU Wien, Faculty of Informatics, Business Informatics Group Favoritenstr. 9-11 1040 Vienna Austria syed.juned.ali@tuwien.ac.at 0000-0003-1221-0278 TU Wien, Faculty of Informatics, Business Informatics Group Favoritenstr. 9-11 1040 Vienna Austria ben.roelens@ou.nl 0000-0002-2443-8678 Open Universiteit, Faculty of Science, Information Science Group Valkenburgerweg 177 6419 AT Heerlen The Netherlands Ghent University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Business Informatics Research Group Tweekerkenstraat 2 9000 Ghent Belgium In conceptual modeling (CM), humans apply abstraction to represent excerpts of reality for means of understanding and communication, and processing by machines. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is applied to vast amounts of data to automatically identify patterns or classify entities. While CM produces comprehensible and explicit knowledge representations, the outcome of AI algorithms often lacks these qualities while being able to extract knowledge from large and unstructured representations. Recently, a trend toward intertwining CM and AI emerged. This systematic mapping study shows how this interdisciplinary research field is structured, which mutual benefits are gained by the intertwining, and future research directions. <ccs2012> <concept> <concept_id>10011007.10011006</concept_id> <concept_desc>Software and its engineering Software notations and tools</concept_desc> <concept_significance>500</concept_significance> </concept> <concept> <concept_id>10010147.10010178</concept_id> <concept_desc>Computing methodologies Artificial intelligence</concept_desc> <concept_significance>500</concept_significance> </concept> </ccs2012> [500]Software and its engineering Software notations and tools [500]Computing methodologies Artificial intelligence Conceptual Modeling and Artificial Intelligence: A Systematic Mapping Study Ben Roelens March 30, 2023 =========================================================================== § INTRODUCTION In the last 60 years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become of strategic importance for organizations as it enables them to realize technological development in support of efficiently discovering and delivering innovative products and services <cit.>. In particular, AI benefits from a large amount of available data to build intelligent applications and support fact-based decision making <cit.>. AI refers to software and/or hardware systems designed by humans that, given a complex goal, act in the physical or digital dimension by perceiving their environment through data acquisition, interpreting the collected structured or unstructured data, reasoning on the knowledge or processing the information derived from this data, and deciding the best action(s) to take to achieve the given goal <cit.>. AI systems are developed in domains like Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, Knowledge Representation, Automated Reasoning, Multi-agent Systems, etc. <cit.>. Although AI offers a vast range of opportunities for more efficient use of data in a digitized world, the quality of the data poses a significant challenge for organizations <cit.>. This implies that the data collection should be well embedded with the existing domain knowledge across different organization units to obtain consistent data sets. Furthermore, AI systems act as a black box that yields non-explainable results, which prevents a clear understanding and control of the followed process by human stakeholders. One can employ Conceptual Modeling (CM) techniques to tackle these challenges of AI systems as this domain has adopted a broad focus on enterprise-wide models and the complete business-to-IT domain <cit.>. CM enables the formal description of some aspects of the physical and social world around us for purposes of understanding and communication <cit.>. In the context of AI systems, four relevant CM purposes can be distinguished: (i) representing a system <cit.>, (ii) analyzing the properties of a system <cit.>, (iii) (re-)designing a to-be system <cit.>, and (iv) generating code to realize a system <cit.>. However, the value of CM is primarily appreciated in the collaboration between business architects and IT stakeholders, which results in a limited impact inside the organization <cit.>. The combined use of CM and AI techniques defines the CMAI (i.e., Conceptual Modeling & Artificial Intelligence) domain, which offers the opportunity to enhance the advantages and eliminate some of the disadvantages within the individual domains <cit.>. The combined value of CMAI is increased from two directions, the value added by CM to AI and, from the opposite direction, the value that AI adds to CM. This leads to the following characterization of research contributions in the CMAI domain <cit.>: (i) Exaptation, i.e., combining existing solutions from both fields to target a specific problem (e.g., <cit.>); (ii) CM-driven, i.e., (re-)designing CM techniques combined with existing AI techniques to target a specific problem (e.g., <cit.>); (iii) AI-driven, i.e., (re-)designing AI techniques combined with existing CM techniques to target a specific problem (e.g., <cit.>); and (iv) CM- & AI-driven, i.e., (re-)designing both AI and CM techniques to target a specific problem (e.g., <cit.>). Given the recency of the CMAI domain, getting a complete conceptualization is essential to increase the understanding of the domain and guide future research efforts. This conceptualization will be realized by performing a systematic mapping study (SMS) on the relevant literature <cit.>. An SMS is preferred to a systematic literature review in this case as it enables to structure the overall body of knowledge through multiple categorization taxonomies <cit.>. Furthermore, these taxonomies support visual exploration to efficiently gain insights into the new CMAI domain. Literature reviews and mapping studies in the CMAI domain exist (see Sect. <ref>). Still, existing works only focus on separated aspects of the AI and or CM domain, thereby preventing a comprehensive analysis of existing research and future research opportunities. We automated the first part of the search process to enable such a comprehensive analysis of the CMAI domain. This included an automated extraction of the bibliometric data and the source files that resulted from the search queries' execution, which also enabled further filtering on the obtained paper sets regarding research discipline, publication type, and document length. Afterwards a manual analysis was feasible to assess the relevance of the content for the CMAI domain and to classify the papers according to the different categorization taxonomies, which we developed while being influenced from existing works: research type (influenced by <cit.>), contribution type (influenced by <cit.>), modeling purpose (influenced by <cit.>), AI domain (influenced by <cit.>), and AI modeling value (influenced by <cit.>). Sect. <ref> will provide more details on the development of the taxonomies. Afterward, we analyze how modeling languages and AI techniques have been combined throughout the last three decades. Furthermore, we present a web knowledge base[<http://me.big.tuwien.ac.at/cmai> currently only accessible to the reviewers. We will make it publicly available with the publication of this article.] that allows others to replicate the findings of this mapping study and to perform customized search queries in the CMAI domain. We will continuously update this web knowledge base to enable explorative search in the CMAI domain to the entire research community. Finally, implications for future CMAI research are derived based on these analyses. This paper is structured as follows. Sect. <ref> discusses related systematic literature reviews and mapping studies in the CM, AI, and CMAI domains. The research method that was followed for performing the mapping study is detailed in Sect. <ref>, while Sect. <ref> gives an answer to the proposed research questions. The CMAI web knowledge base is briefly introduced in Sect. <ref> and Sect. <ref> presents the implications for future research. A discussion of the validity and reliability of the findings is presented in Sect. <ref>, after which this paper is concluded in Sect. <ref>. § RELATED WORK This section provides an overview of related work, i.e., related systematic literature reviews and mapping studies. As our research is positioned in the intersection of CM and AI, related works are first presented covering CM, followed by those works on AI. Eventually, we will report on existing works related to the combination of the two domains. In the CM field, systematic literature/mapping studies exist that review the use of a particular (group of) modeling language(s). In work proposed by Wolny et al. <cit.>, research on the Systems Modeling Language (SysML) between 2005 and 2017 is analyzed. This general-purpose architecture modeling language is an OMG standard for Systems Engineering applications <cit.>. In particular, Wolny et al. <cit.> execute a mapping study of 579 publications to get an overview of existing research topics and groups, to identify publication trends, and to uncover missing links in the research domain. A broader view is adopted in other studies, which focus on the use of modeling languages for a particular purpose. Febrero et al. <cit.> report on a mapping study of 503 papers to develop a taxonomy of modeling languages for software reliability. La Rosa et al. <cit.> analyze 66 publications in a systematic literature review about business process variability modeling. The authors provide a comparative evaluation of the used languages to identify relevant modeling features, provide selection criteria among modeling approaches, and identify research gaps in the domain. In work by Silva et al. <cit.>, the use of CM for Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is investigated, which includes the creation or automatic execution of software systems starting from these models. In particular, the authors conduct a literature survey to develop a unified model that identifies and relates the essential concepts of MDE. Wortmann et al. <cit.> present an analysis about the use of CM languages and techniques in a particular application domain, namely Industry 4.0. The extended mapping study reviews 408 publications to overview expected CM benefits, addressed Industry 4.0 concerns, CM languages used, applied research methods, involved countries and institutions, publication venues, and the temporal evolution of publication activities. Research in the AI domain has been studied by Lu <cit.>, who performed a long-term mapping study of 7522 articles covering multiple angles in the AI domain: evolution through time, applications in industries, and challenges and future directions. Pournader et al. <cit.> present a systematic analysis of AI applications in Supply Chain Management. In particular, 150 studies are analyzed to discuss the present and future state of the domain and the clusters of knowledge that currently exist. Numerous systematic literature reviews and mapping studies are related to the CMAI domain by means of the fact that they cover at least a subset of the CMAI domain. The first category analyzes the interplay between CM and a selected AI technology or AI domain. For example, in <cit.>, a systematic literature review is conducted to give an overview of 38 state-of-the-art research papers on implementing NLP in user stories. In particular, the authors focus on the contribution of NLP, the specific approaches that were used, and the challenges of using NLP in user story research. A similar focus is adopted by Zhao et al. <cit.>, who analyze the use of NLP for Requirements Engineering. The authors present an SMS of about 404 relevant studies to conceptualize the studied combinations along with the following aspects: state of the literature, state of empirical research, research focus, tool development, and the usage of NLP technologies. Zaidi et al. <cit.> review the use of CM for Machine Learning and vice versa. In total, ten papers are analyzed in detail to discuss the combined use of both and the challenges and opportunities related to this combination. The second group of related works reviews the added value of applying one specific CM language in the AI domain. The work proposed by Goncalvez et al. <cit.> discusses the use of iStar extensions, which is a goal modeling language for documenting requirements in software development. Although the literature review considers a wide range of application areas, 19 papers are identified covering the use of iStar to model agents, adaptive systems, autonomic systems, intelligent environments, and robotic systems. Liu et al. <cit.> performed a literature review on the use of fuzzy Petri Nets to formalize knowledge representation and reasoning in rule-based expert systems. In total, 99 papers are analyzed to give an overview of existing theories and models, review the use of fuzzy Petri Nets in different application fields, and discuss current research trends and future research opportunities. The third category of related works reviews CMAI research in a particular application domain. In work proposed by Lee et al. <cit.>, the development and use of multi-agent modeling techniques and simulations are analyzed in the context of production design and development, production planning and control, and supply chain management. To this end, the authors review 114 applications to describe the state-of-the-art literature and to identify significant issues and a future vision for multi-agent modeling research. The preceding discussion of related works shows the impressive amounts of work that analyze individual aspects of either CM or AI, or a very focused (e.g., application domain specific) combination of the two fields. To the best of our knowledge, the study we propose in this paper is the first of its kind by aiming for a broad, comprehensive, and inclusive scope on CM and AI that is not limited to particular modeling languages, AI techniques, or application domains. § RESEARCH METHOD In the paper at hand, we report the findings of an SMS. Such studies aim "at exploring broad research areas by classifying the most representative studies in a particular subject and investigating generic research questions." <cit.>. Choosing an SMS over a Systematic Literature Review <cit.> was motivated by the goal to classify and thematically analyze the vast body of literature on CM and AI instead of, e.g., identifying best practices <cit.>. Furthermore, our search focus is broad, aimed to respond to generic research questions <cit.>. We followed the SMS research protocol proposed by Petersen et al. <cit.> which is widely adopted and well recognized in the community (for exemplary applications, see <cit.>). The protocol is composed of five phases (see Fig. <ref>), which will be discussed in the remainder of this paragraph. §.§ Phase 1: Definition of research scope Typically for SMS, the research scope is broad, and the research interest, which is formalized by the research questions, is generic <cit.>. In our SMS, we thus concentrated on responding to the following research questions: RQ-1: What is the state of the literature on CMAI? We want to know, who are the main contributors in the field, what types of reseaerch are contributed, and where is CMAI research published (i.e., the publication venues). RQ-2: Which type of research is performed in CMAI? We want to know which type of research is primarily reported on in CMAI (e.g., solution, evaluation, etc.) and also which contribution type the research offers to the scientific community (e.g., concepts, algorithms, etc.). RQ-3: Which modeling languages are combined with AI? We want to investigate which languages are used in combination with AI techniques. RQ-4: Which AI techniques are combined with CM? We want to explore which AI techniques are used in combination with CM languages. RQ-5: What are the mutual benefits of combining CM and AI? We want to know the benefits CM brings for AI and, vice versa, the benefits AI brings for CM. RQ-6: Which collaboration communities exist for CMAI? We want to know, what are the most active collaboration communities conducting CMAI research and on which topics they work on. For many of the proposed research questions, we are interested in the current state and the longitudinal development (i.e., the trend analysis) of the CMAI research. §.§ Phase 2: Conduct search Following the guidelines proposed by Kitchenham et al. <cit.>, an SMS search query should be generic and guided by the topic of the study. Consequently, our search query combines the terms that best characterize Conceptual Modeling and Artificial Intelligence. The potential risk of having too many hits as a result of the broad search query can, to some extent, be mitigated by the fact that we are only interested in works intersecting both domains. Our study is based on the following logically structured search query that was also influenced by related previous SMSs (see Sect. <ref>): Q = ( CM_i) ( AI_j), where CM_i∈ {"conceptual modeling" OR "metamodel" OR "meta-model" OR "domain specific language" OR "modeling formalism" OR "modeling tool" OR "modeling language" OR "modeling method" OR "model driven" OR "model-driven" OR "mde"} , and AI_j∈ {artificial intelligence" OR "ai" OR "machine learning" OR "ml" OR "deep learning" OR "dl" "neural network" OR "genetic algorithm" OR "smart" OR "intelligent}. In the executed query, we added the plural forms, e.g., "modeling languages" and the British English version, e.g., "modelling method" where applicable. We executed the query on the five well respected scientific databases ACM Digital Library, IEEE Explore, Science Direct, Scopus, and Web of Science. We took the deliberate choice to rather be more generic with our search terms, e.g., including "smart" and "intelligent" for the AI search query part, instead of including not scientifically curated databases like Google Scholar. §.§ Phase 3: Screening of papers In the third step of an SMS, inclusion and exclusion criteria need to be defined to separate the relevant and irrelevant papers. For the study at hand, two following generic inclusion criteria were defined: [label=IC-*:] * Publications reporting on the combination of CM and AI (decided based on title, abstract, and keywords); * Peer-reviewed publications (i.e., articles in journals, conferences or workshops, and book chapters). We applied the following list of exclusion criteria to identify and exclude irrelevant papers: [label=EC-*:] * Publications considering only CM or AI; * Publications not written in English; * Publications for which the full text is not available; * Extensions of already considered publications (we used the extended version); * Non-Peer-reviewed and non-scientific publications (e.g., editorials, tutorials, books, extended abstracts); * Publications not related to Computer Science (e.g., social sciences, chemistry); and * Publications with less than five or more than 100 pages. The search was performed on 20th May 2021 on all five databases and yielded a total number of 27,255 potentially relevant documents (see Fig. <ref>). We retrieved the results from Scopus using the available API. The API response provided us with all the relevant information about the publications. We downloaded all the values from the online search portal for IEEE, ACM, Science Direct, and Web of Science. Once we had the downloaded citations, we transformed the BibTeX files to CSV. Once we had the CSVs of all the individual datasets, we removed the duplicates, which yielded 18,335 remaining documents. Fig. <ref> shows the number of results retrieved from the respective sources and the remaining number of unique hits after removal of the duplicates based on title and DOI (if present). We then removed all the publications that did not belong to the Computer Science discipline using the classification of the search databases (e.g., Science Direct). That resulted in 12,680 remaining documents. Afterward, only conference papers, book chapters, and journal articles (IC-2) were considered. We thus filtered based on document type (IC-2 and EC-5), which yielded 12,680 remaining documents. In the next step, we further applied a page length filter (EC-7), decreasing the number of remaining documents to 10,944, thereby concluded the filtering based on bibliometric data and metadata. In the final stage of the search process, we manually reviewed the remaining 10,944 documents. We first downloaded the abstracts of all documents, read them, and decided on the relevance to our study. In this stage, 888 documents remained relevant (IC-1, EC-1). We then tried to retrieve all full-texts (EC-3) of these 888 documents, read them entirely, applied the remaining exclusion criteria (EC-2 and EC-4), and mapped them to our multi-faceted classification scheme. Eventually, 460 documents were considered relevant and were mapped. The generic and broad search query can explain the considerable effect of the filtering, which removed 98.32% of the documents. For example, many documents were found that only considered CM in combination with the term 'smart,' i.e., modeling in smart cities <cit.>. We also learned and consequently excluded studies that use the term 'meta-model' not in the sense we consider it relevant in the Computer Science domain. Many studies, e.g., from the mechanical engineering domain, use the term to relate to an artificial object that imitates the behavior of a physical thing for means of analysis and simulation <cit.>. §.§ Phase 4: Keywording of Abstracts In the fourth step of the SMS procedure proposed by Petersen et al. <cit.>, the authors of the SMS read the abstracts of the relevant papers and "look for keywords and concepts that reflect the contribution of the paper" <cit.>. Once all authors of this paper read a representative sample of paper abstracts, we conducted a brainstorming session to identify relevant facets to characterize the CMAI research field and respond to the research questions introduced at the outset adequately. In the following, we will introduce the classification schemes, which will be used in Sect. <ref> to map the relevant literature into a coherent structure. §.§.§ Research type taxonomy Papers can be categorized according to four different types of research: Vision, Solution, Evaluation, and Experience. This taxonomy is adopted from <cit.> and further refined based on <cit.> (see Table <ref>). §.§.§ Contribution type taxonomy The literature will be classified according to five different types of research contributions: Discussion, Concepts, Methods, Algorithms, and Tools. The precise definition of this classification structure is given in Table <ref>, which is an extension based on <cit.>. §.§.§ Modeling taxonomy The modeling taxonomy reflects the wide range of CM purposes included in our SMS. The taxonomy incorporates studies spanning from pure Representation purposes as stressed by, e.g., Mylopoulos <cit.>, Nelsen et al. <cit.> amongst others <cit.>, to means of using conceptual models (i.e., the resulting artefact of the CM process <cit.>) to Analyze an existing system under study , e.g., by means of simulations of model queries <cit.>. Furthermore, the taxonomy includes the use of conceptual models to (Re-)Design or even automatically Generate the Code of a new system, i.e., treating models "as central artefacts in the software engineering process” <cit.>. §.§.§ AI Modeling Value Taxonomy In this taxonomy, we are interested in analyzing the benefit/value that AI brings for CM. The two main groups of stakeholders of conceptual models are the creators and the users of a model <cit.>. With regard to model creation, AI can help to (semi-)automate or even automate parts of the development process by data acquisition and interpretation <cit.>. On the other hand, AI may facilitate model use by analyzing model data and providing relevant information, and/or processing the model content to identify action(s) that achieve the goals of model users <cit.>. §.§.§ AI Taxonomy The AI field is even more extensive than CM and composes many techniques applicable to different contexts. It is therefore not surprising that there exists not yet a commonly agreed-upon definition of AI. Existing definitions are furthermore very diverse spanning the metaphors thinking humanly, acting humanly, thinking rationally, and acting rationally (cf. <cit.> for an overview of selected AI definitions). For our SMS, we adopted a recently proposed AI taxonomy that composes eight AI domains and 16 AI subdomains <cit.> (see Table <ref>). The taxonomy has been proposed in response to the lack of a common definition of AI and to account for the heterogeneity of AI research. It, therefore, is expressive enough to cover the broad scope we want to apply in our SMS. §.§ Phase 5: Data Extraction and Mapping The final phase of our SMS, as proposed by Petersen et al. <cit.>, is the data extraction and mapping phase. We set up a shared Google Docs spreadsheet to collaborate remotely. The taxonomies were pre-configured in the spreadsheet to ease the mapping process. We conducted weekly meetings to discuss the progress, streamline the taxonomies, and develop a coherent and consistent evaluation of the papers. Once we finished the mapping, we applied several data processing steps to generate insights and visualizations. All findings of this step will be presented in detail in the Sect. <ref>. § FINDINGS In this section, we present the findings of our SMS. The research questions will be responded to by explaining the results of mapping the remaining relevant papers to the individual taxonomies introduced at the outset. As our SMS comprises 460 eventually relevant papers, some results of categories like the used CM language or the countries the study authors are affiliated with exceed the space and hamper visual representation when presenting all individual results. In such cases, we will define a threshold that constrains the values shown in this paper. A comprehensive analysis of all results is provided in the accompanying web knowledge base (see Sect. <ref>). The presentation of the findings is structured as follows: Sect. <ref> provides a bibliometric analysis, reporting, e.g., on a longitudinal overview of CMAI research and the most active contributors to the field; Sect. <ref> then reports on the content of the CMAI contributions, e.g., how often a CM language is used in combination with AI techniques; and eventually, Sect. <ref> reports on an analysis of the CMAI research communities. §.§ Bibliometric Analysis As a response to RQ-1, this section describes the current state of the literature on CMAI research, including an analysis of (i) the number of papers and the (ii) the publication types over time. Moreover, this also includes an analysis of the (iii) main contributors to CMAI research and (iv) the primary publication venues used. §.§.§ Longitudinal overview of CMAI research Fig. <ref> depicts the number of papers per year, which shows a zigzag pattern with a positive trend. Note that the figure for 2021 only shows the results until the 20th of May. The first two papers in the CMAI domain date back to 1988, and the number increased to a maximum of 50 in 2019. The domain took off slowly as 15% of the publications were published between 1988 and 2005. Afterward, the growth has steadily accelerated, which resulted in 48.9% of the publications since 2015. Hence, it can be concluded that there has been a growing interest in the combined use of CM and AI techniques, which shows the increasing relevance of the CMAI domain in the last three decades. Fig. <ref> shows that the work in the CMAI domain is currently mainly published as conference papers (i.e., 60.4% of publications in the period 2019-2021) and journal articles (i.e., 37.7% of publications in the period 2019-2021). This mutual ratio has remained relatively stable over time, with a mean of 63.7% conference papers (i.e., 293 of 460) and 34.1% (i.e., 157 of 460) journal articles since 1988. The absolute number of book chapters fluctuates between 0 and 5 over the years. §.§.§ Main contributors The publication share per country is given in Fig. <ref>, which includes all countries with more than five contributions. To identify the countries, we analyzed the geographical location of all authors' affiliations. This resulted in 26 countries for the 1,186 authors in the dataset. The five most contributing countries, which account for 39.2% of the publications, are distributed between North America and Europe, including the United States (60 publications), France (47 publications), Spain (47 publications), Germany (41 publications), and Canada (40 publications). Table <ref> analyzes the institutions that are most active in CMAI research. The leading institution that published relevant research is the Complutense University of Madrid in Spain (14 papers), particularly the Research Group on Agent based Social and Interdisciplinary Applications (GRASIA) of the Department of Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence. Notably, three Canadian universities are part of the five most active institutions (i.e., the University of Toronto, McGill University, and the University of Montreal), besides the Ege University of Turkey. §.§.§ Publication channels Table <ref> gives an overview of the most popular journals and conferences that published CMAI research. These provide a good starting point for authors searching for channels to distribute CMAI research. Nevertheless, the journals and conferences in Table <ref> only account for 16.5% of the publications in the dataset, which illustrates the fragmentation that currently still exists in the domain. This is not surprising, as this SMS is the first effort to provide a broad overview of the CMAI field. Regarding the journals, Expert Systems with Applications is the most popular by disseminating ten papers since 2005. The conference that published most CMAI research (i.e., 12 publications) is the International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS). §.§ Content Analysis As a response to RQ-2 through RQ-5, this section contributes the content analysis of the surveyed CMAI research. This includes (i) a meta-analysis of the research and contribution types (Sect. <ref>); (ii) an analysis of the CM facet (modeling languages and modeling purpose) in Sect. <ref>; (iii) an analysis of the AI facet in Sect. <ref>; and (iv) an analysis of the combined use of CM and AI in Sect. <ref>. §.§.§ Meta Analysis In a meta analysis, we are interested to classify the research type (see Table <ref>) and the contribution type (see Table <ref>) of CMAI research. Research type. The majority of CMAI research (i.e., 436 occurrences) is oriented towards solving a particular problem and demonstrating the applicability of a proposed solution (see Fig. <ref>). The second most occurring research type is evaluation, which was observed in 179 cases. In 172 papers (i.e., 37.4% of the dataset), the proposed solution is supplemented by an evaluation, which is in line with the Design Science Research (DSR) methodology <cit.>. DSR research proposes a solution with an evaluation to complete the iterative build-and-evaluate loop, i.e., DSR research includes the development of a new artifact and the use of this artifact to solve a particular problem <cit.>. Vision and experience papers remain a niche in the CMAI domain with respectively 16 and 1 occurrence(s) since 1988. Contribution type. The main contribution types of CMAI research are concepts (204 occurrences), followed by algorithms (192 occurrences), methods (105 occurrences), tools (34 occurrences), and discussions (17 occurrences). Although tools are only presented as an explicit research contribution to a limited extent, we observed that 294 papers in the dataset use some form of tool support, of which 19.7% is openly available via a public link. Fig. <ref> further shows that algorithms have been the dominant contribution type since 2016, which can be explained by the rising application of AI techniques as Machine Learning, Genetic Algorithms, NLP, etc. 20% of the papers in the dataset make multiple contributions, with the following occurrences: concepts & algorithms (49 occurrences), concepts & methods (27 occurrences), methods & algorithms (10 occurrences), concepts & tools (2 occurrences), methods & tools (2 occurrences), algorithms & tools (1 occurrence), and concepts & methods & algorithms (1 occurrence). These combinations show that multiple artifacts may be needed to address a broad problem, which also corresponds to the DSR perspective. §.§.§ CM Analysis In the following, an analysis is performed concerning the used modeling language and the modeling purpose taxonomy (see Table <ref>). Modeling Language. The publication share per modeling language (group) is given in Fig. <ref>, which includes all languages with more than five occurrences in the dataset. These languages represent 90.6% of the modeling languages and 87.8% of the publications in the survey data. The modeling languages are roughly evenly distributed between being specific to the targeted problem domain (i.e., Domain-Specific Modeling Languages (DSMLs), Domain Ontologies, and UML (i.e., Unified Modeling Language) Profiles with 276 occurrences), and the following general-purpose modeling languages (i.e., a total of 214 occurrences): UML, Petri Nets, Ecore (i.e., part of the Eclipse Modeling Framework), Entity Relationship models, Goal models, Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN), and SysML. Modeling Purpose. Fig. <ref> gives an overview of the modeling purpose in the CMAI research papers. The most occurring purpose over time is the use of conceptual models to create a descriptive representation of the system under study (282 occurrences). Notably, the purpose of representation is often a precursor for the other purposes, as manifested by the following observed combinations: representation & analysis (72 occurrences), representation & (re-) design (26 occurrences), representation & (re-) design & analysis (41 occurrences), and representation & code generation (6 occurrences). Since 2010, model-based code generation has gained importance in the CMAI field and currently occupies the second position with an incidence of 153. The use of CM for simulation or query analysis (106 occurrences) and (re-)designing a future version of the system (68 occurrences) remains relatively stable with only slight fluctuations over time. §.§.§ AI Analysis The analysis of the AI domain follows subsequently. First, the results for the mapping to the AI domain and subdomain are reported, followed by the mapping results concerning the value AI brings to CM. AI subdomain. Note that the AI subdomains Connected and Automated vehicles, AI Ethics, and Philosophy of AI were not found in the dataset and are therefore not represented in Fig. <ref>. The occurrences of all remaining 13 (of the 16 introduced) AI subdomains (cf. Table <ref>) are presented in Fig. <ref>. Over the complete dataset, the AI subdomains can be classified according to the frequency with which they have been addressed in the CMAI domain: Multi-agent systems (139 times), Knowledge representation (123 times), Machine learning (117 times), Optimization (82 times), NLP (37 times), Automated reasoning (31 times), Planning and Scheduling (16 times), Searching (12 times), Robotics and Automation (11 times), AI Services (8 times), Computer vision (5 times), Common sense reasoning (3 times), Audio processing (1 time). When analyzing the evolution, the fast growth of the Machine Learning domain since 2016 stands out. Besides, a slight increase can be observed for NLP use since 2019. Nevertheless, this rise in importance needs to be confirmed in the future. This is in contrast to the other domains, which show a flattening pattern over time – albeit the increase in the total number of publications (cf. Fig. <ref>). AI value to CM. Fig. <ref> shows that AI brings value to the CM domain in 254 papers. The main benefit can be categorized as Model Use - Processing, which was observed 163 times. This category has been clearly dominant since 2004, followed by Model Use - Analysis (34 occurrences), Model Creation - Automated (33 occurrences), and Model Creation - Semi-Automated (30 occurrences). The occurrence of these benefits fluctuates between 1 and 10 over the 3-year intervals, so the mutual importance of these benefits changes regularly. §.§.§ CM and AI Analysis In the following, we report on the findings on the combination of CM and AI. We first analyze the combination between modeling language and AI technique before combining three taxonomies to further dig into the most occurring combinations in CMAI research. CM language and AI technique. Fig. <ref> gives an overview of the combined use of modeling languages and AI techniques. The most popular combination is using DSMLs with Multi-Agent Systems (67 occurrences). This type of modeling language is also commonly used with Machine Learning (32 occurrences), Deep Learning (16 occurrences), and NLP (11 occurrences). Another language that stands out is UML, which is combined with AI techniques as Genetic Algorithms (50 times), Machine Learning (20 times), NLP (13 times), and Multi-Agent Systems (10 times). Other remarkable combinations are the use of Petri Nets with Fuzzy sets (13 occurrences) and the one of a Domain Ontology with Multi-Agent Systems (11 occurrences). All remaining combinations in Fig. <ref> have less than ten occurrences in our dataset. Modeling language, modeling purpose, and AI value to CM. Fig. <ref> shows the most commonly used CM languages, their modeling purpose, and the value AI brings to CM. In line with the analysis in Fig. <ref>, we see that Model Use - Processing is the primary value offered by AI to CM. In particular, this value is mainly realized in the context of UML (82 occurrences) and DSMLs (47 occurrences). Although the other benefits of AI to CM are less frequent, UML and DSMLs are also mainly employed to realize these. This goes hand in hand with the modeling purpose (see right side of Fig. <ref>), which shows that DSMLs and UML are applied for the different modeling purposes with a total incidence of respectively 289 and 126. This demonstrates broader usability compared to the other languages in the dataset. AI technique, contribution type, and modeling purpose. Fig. <ref> gives an overview of the contribution type and modeling purpose in combination with the different AI techniques. Overall, it can be observed that algorithms are developed as the main contribution for most AI techniques, such as Genetic Algorithms, Machine Learning, NLP, Deep Learning, etc. These algorithms are mainly combined by descriptive models representing the system under study. Besides, concepts and methods are particularly relevant for model representation in the context of Multi-Agent Systems and Machine Learning. For these techniques, the languages also support the purposes of analysis, code generation, and (re-)design. The development of tool support as an explicit research contribution is still immature in the current CMAI research, so frequently occurring combinations cannot yet be identified. §.§ Research Community Analysis In the following, we present the results of a co-authorship analysis performed on our dataset aimed at responding to RQ-6. Fig. <ref> shows the research communities contributing to the domain of CMAI. It shows all 1,186 authors in our dataset and all co-authorships. Nodes in the graph represent authors, and edges between nodes represent co-authorship, i.e., connected nodes have at least one co-authored paper. In total, the analysis yielded 330 communities comprising between 1 and 28 members (i.e., collaborations through a co-authored paper in our dataset). When digging into the community analysis, we were interested in identifying the most active CMAI research communities in our dataset based on (i) the size of the community (i.e., the number of nodes), and (ii) the strength of the community (i.e., the number of co-authored documents). The sub-communities sharing more than two authors are present in the same color, while communities sharing a bridge author or bridge edge (like the community visualized in Fig. <ref>) have different colors. We ranked the communities first based on their size, followed by their strength. Table <ref> summarizes the five most active communities. Each community is described by its central author(s), the total number of authors, and the total number of publications. We furthermore used the dataset and particularly analyzed the papers authored by these five communities. Consequently, Table <ref> also shows the specific contributions and focus of the five most active CMAI research communities. In the following, we will briefly describe these five communities, Figs. <ref> and <ref> further visualize the two most active CMAI research communities. Community centering Houari Sahraoui and Manuel Wimmer: This community consists of 28 authors with ten documents in our dataset. The community has two sub-communities centered at Manuel Wimmer and Houari Sahraoui. Houari Sahraoui co-authored five publications, Manuel Wimmer is co-author of four publications in our dataset. These two communities work primarily on CMAI with Genetic Algorithms in the AI domain used for Code Generation and Representation in the modeling domain. This community primarily uses Ecore and UML Class Diagrams as modeling language. The analysis further showed that Wael Kassentini bridges the two sub-communities. Community centering Eric Yu, Li Jiang, John Mylopolous, and Zhixue Wang This community consists of 27 authors who contributed 12 documents to our dataset. It comprises four sub-communities centered at Eric Yu, Li Jiang, John Mylopolous, and Zhixue Wang. Eric Yu is the most active author for this community, co-authoring eight publications. This community is primarily focused on Machine Learning for the AI domain and Representation & Analysis for the CM domain. Some works are also related to Multi-Agent Systems and Automated Reasoning for the AI domain and Code Generation and Analysis for the CM domain. The most common combination is using the Goal Model language with Machine Learning. Goal Models and other DSMLs are used for representation analysis, while Machine Learning is primarily used to support Model Processing and Model Analysis. Mylopolous and Wang further focus on Automated Reasoning and on using DSMLs for Code Generation. Community centering Kardas Geylani and Moharram Challenger This community consists of 17 authors with ten publications. Kardas Geylani and Moharram Challenger are the most active authors for this community, co-authoring eight publications. This community is primarily focused on Knowledge Representation with Multi-Agent Systems and using modeling for Code Generation. DSMLs are used in several cases. Community centering Vivianne Torres Da Silva: This community consists of 17 authors with seven publications. Vivianne Torres Da Silva is the most active author for this community co-authoring all seven publications. This community is primarily focused on Multi-Agent Systems for the AI domain and Code Generation and Representation for the conceptual modeling domain. Some works are also related to Multi-Agent systems and Automated Reasoning. This community's most commonly applied modeling languages are UML Profiles and DSMLs, which are used for Representation, Analysis, and Code Generation. Community centering Rubén Fuentes-Fernández This communtiy consists of 13 authors with eight publications in our dataset. Rubén Fuentes-Fernández is the most active author with seven publications. This community is very similar to the community centering Kardas Geylani and Moharram Challenger because it also focuses on Multi-Agent Systems and the use of DSMLs for Code Generation and Representation. § CMAI WEB KNOWLEDGE BASE In addition to the SMS we report with this article, we present a web-based knowledge base for our SMS that provides easy access to and enables efficient exploration of the publications, active authors, and prominent venues related to CMAI research. Our platform supports keyword-based search for publications, authors, and venues. All the searched publications are further tagged with the CM and AI taxonomies introduced in Sect. <ref> (see Fig. <ref>). The CMAI web knowledge base can be accessed via <http://me.big.tuwien.ac.at/cmai>[Please use the following credentials to log in, we will openly release the web knowledge base only with the publication of this article: U: j@g.com, PW: 123]. The CMAI web knowledge base is intended to support the researchers interested in the CMAI domain and make the relevant resources easily accessible using our search platform. The platform initially supports the following use cases: Publications search Our platform supports searching for publications based on keywords. The search query for publications is matched with the title and abstract of all publications in the CMAI SMS dataset. Fig. <ref> shows the publications results page. The results page shows the total number of publications matching the search query. The title of each search result is a hyperref linking to the DOI of the paper, allowing users to navigate to the full text of a publication directly. The results page also allows the user to see the abstract of a search result by clicking the "see the abstract" button. The user can also further filter the results using the three taxonomies: AI, CM, and Research Method (for research type and contribution type). The filtering allows multiple selections of taxonomy values, and the results are then evaluated based on the intersection of these taxonomy values. The user is also allowed to filter papers based on the publication year. By default, all the taxonomy values part of the search results are selected. In the left part of Fig. <ref>, one can see the details of the AI technique taxonomy with all taxonomy chosen values and the corresponding number of results indicated. Each publication is further tagged with the corresponding taxonomy value (see the right side of Fig. <ref>). Authors search The CMAI web knowledge base allows users to search for the authors in our SMS by searching for author names in the query. The results page shows the total number of authors matching the search query. Furthermore, all publications in the dataset that those authors co-authored are presented. The platform also supports the filtering of results based on the taxonomies of the SMS, publication year, and the affiliation country of the author. Venue search The CMAI web knowledge base allows users to search for relevant venues matching a search query. The results show the total number of venues matching the query and all the publications in the dataset that have been published at this venue. The results can be further filtered using the taxonomies of the SMS. Note that for all three uses cases, the platform also supports the search with an empty string, then showing all results of the dataset. § IMPLICATIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH Based on the insights of Sect. <ref>, we can derive the following implications for future research. First, the bibliometric analysis shows that CMAI research is topical, given the growing interest in the domain since 2015. This is also evinced by a panel discussion with the topic 'Artificial Intelligence meets Enterprise Modelling' at the Forum of the Practice of Enterprise Modeling (PoEM) workshop in 2019 <cit.> and several workshops organized at international CM conferences (e.g., the CMAI workshop at Modellierung (since 2020) <cit.>, the MDE Intelligence workshop at MoDELS (since 2019) <cit.>, the CMAI workshop at ER (since 2020) <cit.>, and the International Workshop on Business Process Innovation with Artificial Intelligence (since 2017) <cit.> at BPM. This indicates that current CMAI research is primarily CM-driven, in which the CM techniques are (re-)designed by existing AI techniques to target a specific problem. This observation shows that much potential is left for the CM community to provide value by (re-)designing AI techniques in combination with the use of CM (i.e., AI-driven research). In this respect, the CMAI web knowledge base (Sect. <ref>) supports researchers interested in the different aspects of the CMAI domain and makes the relevant resources easily accessible using the search functionality. The meta-analysis indicates that CMAI research is very suited to be guided by a Design Science Research methodological perspective  <cit.>, as problems are addressed by the realization of different contributions (i.e., concepts, methods, algorithms, and tools) and iterative build-and-evaluate loops are needed. As such, the application of a design cycle offers the opportunity to realize a research contribution that combines both scientific rigor and practical relevance <cit.>. The combined analysis shows that concepts and methods are particularly relevant for model representation in the context of Multi-Agent Systems and Machine Learning. At the same time, algorithms are developed as the main contribution for most AI techniques, such as Genetic Algorithms, Machine Learning, NLP, Deep Learning, etc. These algorithms are mainly combined by descriptive models representing the system under study. Besides, Vision and Experience papers are highly welcomed to supplement current CMAI research efforts, as this type of research is currently still underrepresented in the CMAI domain. Given the current tool support, the meta-analysis also shows a need for openly available tools, which are presented as an explicit contribution of the research. This will foster the application of CMAI concepts, methods, and algorithms and reinforce the reproducibility of the presented results. The content analysis of the papers reveals that DSMLs and UML are the mainly used modeling languages in the CMAI domain. Given their broader usability compared to the other languages, they provide an exciting starting point for future research in the field. Model-based code generation, Machine Learning, and NLP gained importance during the last decade, which offers an opportunity for future research in the CMAI domain. Besides, no research is currently available in the AI subdomains Connected and Automated vehicles, AI Ethics, and Philosophy of AI. It would be helpful to investigate whether multidisciplinary CMAI research projects could be beneficial to fill this gap. § THREATS TO VALIDITY We will report on the threats to validity related to our SMS in the following. We will refer to the widely adopted generic set of validity threats proposed by Wohlin et al. <cit.>: Construct validity, Internal validity, External validity, and Conclusion validity. As we report on an SMS, the presented results reflect the investigated domain (i.e., CM and AI in our case) but naturally cannot be generalized. Consequently, external validity is not an issue, and the following discussion will concentrate on the remaining threats. Moreover, in the conclusion validity, we will relate to the specific reliability threats of mapping studies in Software Engineering that have been proposed in <cit.>. Although SMSs are intended to provide an unbiased and complete overview of a specific domain of interest, such studies are still prone to validity threats. Most importantly, it needs to be stated that all results reported in this paper are only based on the sample of documents that (i) were found by our search query and that (ii) fit our inclusion and exclusion criteria. As soon as one of these parameters is altered, the results will also significantly change. As we aimed to provide a comprehensive overview of the CMAI domain, we designed the search query as inclusive as possible to enable a subsequent manual analysis and mapping. Consequently, we included search terms like 'intelligent' and 'smart,' which increased the initial hits with many papers that did not meet the inclusion/exclusion criteria and were dropped throughout the process. Still, this general query ensured we did not miss relevant work. Looking at the inclusion and exclusion criteria, we focused on the intersection of CM and AI and high-quality, peer-reviewed works. In response to the latter argument, we omitted Google Scholar from the database selection and defined appropriate exclusion criteria (e.g., excluding non-scientific articles, imposing a minimum paper length, etc.). With respect to internal validity, it needs to be stated that our SMS only covers the published works, i.e., it is prone to the publication bias. Moreover, we also only consider works written in English. Reliability also threatens the results presented in this paper. A study is reliable if the results are the same if the mapping is performed a second time. Here, we see the issue that it might not always be decidable, which taxonomy values can be mapped to a specific paper. Although we related our taxonomies to related works and established definitions, we arguable see a threat. Taxonomies like modeling purpose or AI modeling value have a subjective part, while many others like the modeling language and AI technique taxonomies are objective (and therefore considered more reliable). To mitigate this reliability threat, we conducted pilot mappings and conducted regular meetings throughout the mapping phase where we discussed the indistinct cases. Moreover, we set up a shared Google Docs spreadsheet with the pre-configured taxonomies. This ensured that all authors were able to track the entire mapping process, and it made sure that (i) only valid taxonomy classes were mapped to a paper, and (ii) that within one category only the proper taxonomy was applied. To ensure replicability, we transparently followed a rigorous research methodology. We further developed and openly shared a web knowledge base for our SMS to trace the mapping process and reproduce the results we presented. We also mitigated the fishing problem <cit.> because we were entirely open and curious about the state of research in the CMAI domain. Not a single paper of one of the authors is part of the dataset. Finally, all conclusions were drawn after the analysis, when the findings materialized. § CONCLUSION To the best of our knowledge, this article is the first to systematically and comprehensively analyze the state of research that combines CM and AI. Starting from 27,255 documents, 460 relevant ones have been identified, systematically analyzed, and mapped to respond to several research questions. With this SMS, we reported on the current state of CMAI research and the most used modeling languages and AI techniques in this domain. We further analyzed which combinations of modeling languages and AI techniques are most frequent and investigated the purpose and value of such a combination. The study at hand also showed the most active research communities and the publication channels that are used to publish CMAI research by applying network analysis. Our mapping study revealed a dominance of DSMLs and UML as the primary modeling languages used in CMAI research. Given their purpose- and stakeholder-specific design, DSMLs seem to provide an exciting starting point for many CMAI researchers. Especially, DSMLs are frequently combined with Multi-Agent Systems, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, while the UML is most often combined with Genetic Algorithms, Machine Learning, and NLP. We further found that quite some research exists in combining Petri Nets with AI; most often, these works combine it with Fuzzy Sets. AI is generally most often used to process the information provided by a conceptual model, whereas CM is most often used for representation with a recent update of code generation purposes. Although the first works in CMAI date back to the late 1980s, the field is gaining more and more traction in recent years, most probably also influenced by the popularity of AI research. Our dataset shows that 48.9% of the publications have been published since 2015. Since 2011, 67% of all CMAI papers in our dataset have been published. With the expected continued increase of interest in CMAI research, we believe this article plays an essential role in structuring the state of research, showing vital research areas and areas that are still open for initial contributions. Developing the CMAI web knowledge base further enables efficient exploration of the CMAI domain. The platform is available via <http://me.big.tuwien.ac.at/cmai>. ACM-Reference-Format
Neural Group Recommendation Based on a Probabilistic Semantic Aggregation
[ "Jorge Dueñas-Lerín", "Raúl Lara-Cabrera", "Fernando Ortega", "Jesús Bobadilla" ]
[ "cs.IR" ]
1,3]Jorge Dueñas-Lerín 2,3]Raúl Lara-Cabrera 2,3]Fernando Ortega 2,3]Jesús Bobadilla [1]Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain [2]Departamento de Sistemas Informaticos, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain [3]KNODIS Research Group, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain Neural Group Recommendation Based on a Probabilistic Semantic Aggregation [ ========================================================================= Recommendation to groups of users is a challenging subfield of recommendation systems. Its key concept is how and where to make the aggregation of each set of user information into an individual entity, such as a ranked recommendation list, a virtual user, or a multi-hot input vector encoding. This paper proposes an innovative strategy where aggregation is made in the multi-hot vector that feeds the neural network model. The aggregation provides a probabilistic semantic, and the resulting input vectors feed a model that is able to conveniently generalize the group recommendation from the individual predictions. Furthermore, using the proposed architecture, group recommendations can be obtained by simply feedforwarding the pre-trained model with individual ratings; that is, without the need to obtain datasets containing group of user information, and without the need of running two separate trainings (individual and group). This approach also avoids maintaining two different models to support both individual and group learning. Experiments have tested the proposed architecture using three representative collaborative filtering datasets and a series of baselines; results show suitable accuracy improvements compared to the state-of-the-art. § INTRODUCTION Personalization is one of the fields of AI that has a greater impact on the lives of individuals. We can find a multitude of services that provide us with a personalized choice of news, videos, songs, restaurants, clothes, travels, etc. The most relevant tech companies make extensive use of personalization services: Amazon, Netflix, Spotify, TripAdvisor, Google, TikTok, etc. These companies generate their personalized recommendations using RS <cit.> applications. RS provide to their users personalized products or services (items) by filtering the most relevant information regarding the logs of items consumed by the users, the time and place that took place, as well as the existing information about users, their social networks, and the content of items (texts, pictures, videos, etc.). We can classify RS attending to their filtering strategy as demographic <cit.>, content-based <cit.>, context-aware <cit.>, social <cit.>, CF <cit.> and filtering ensembles <cit.>. Currently, the MF <cit.> machine learning model is used to obtain accurate and fast recommendations between input data (votes). MF translates the very sparse and huge matrix of discrete votes (from users to items) into two dense and relatively small matrices of real values. One of the matrices contains the set of short and dense vectors representing users, whereas the second matrix vectors represent items. Each vector element (real value) is called the `hidden factor value’, since it represents some complex and unknown relationship between the input data (votes). Whereas MF machine learning models are fast and accurate, they also present a remarkable drawback: they cannot detect, in their hidden factors, the complex non-linear relationships between the input data. NN can solve this problem through their non-linear activation functions. NN based RS <cit.> make a compression of information by coding the patterns of the rating matrix in their embeddings and hidden layers <cit.>. These embeddings play the role of the MF hidden factors, enriching the result by incorporating non-linear relations. The most well-known NN base RS approaches are GMF and MLP <cit.>. GR <cit.> is a subfield of the RS area where recommendations are made to sets of users instead of to individual users (e.g.: to recommend a movie to a group of three friends). As in the regular RS, the goal is to make accurate recommendations to the group. In this case, several policies can be followed; the most popular are: a) to minimize the mean accuracy error: to recommend the items that, on average, most like to all the group members, and b) to minimize the maximum accuracy error: to recommend the items that does not excessively dislike to any of the group members. It is important to state that there are not open datasets containing group information to be used by group recommendation models; for this reason, generally randomly generated groups are used for training and testing research models. Regardless of the machine learning approach used to implement GR RS, the most notable design concept is to establish where to locate the aggregation stage to convert individual information to group information. The general rule is: the sooner the aggregation stage, the better the performance of GR <cit.>. There are three different locations where group information can be aggregated into a unified group entity: a) before the model, b) in the model, and c) after the model. The most intuitive approach is to combine individual recommendations into a unified group recommendation (option c) <cit.>. This approach is known as IPA and requires processing several individual recommendations followed by rank aggregation. However, the process is slow and not particularly accurate. On the other hand, to consider the entire group for the recommendation, we should work before or inside the model (options a or b). These approaches are known as GPA. Aggregating group information before the model requires working with the user-item interaction matrix in a higher-dimensional space, which can lead to misinformation problems. To aggregate group information in the model, we need to work with the user`s hidden vector in the low-dimensional space. Aggregating several hidden vectors from individual users into a unified virtual user hidden vector <cit.> avoids compute the model predictions several times and makes the rank aggregation stage unnecessary. In addition, it takes advantage of operating with condensed information coming from the MF compression of information: the virtual user can be obtained simply by averaging the representative short and dense vectors of the users group; this is efficient and accurate. An interesting question is: Can NN operate the same way that MF does to obtain virtual users and generate recommendations? First, note that many NN based RS models compress the user embedding in a different latent space than the item embedding, and it can be a problem; then, the NN non-linear ensemble representations are more complex than the MF hidden factor representations; consequently, simply averaging the ensembles of the users in the group does not automatically ensure a representative virtual user embedding. Furthermore, model-based aggregations (option ‘b’ in the previous paragraph) are model dependent, and then it is necessary to design and test different solutions for different NN based RS models. Whereas the NN latent spaces are the state-of-the-art to catch users and items relations, some other machine learning approaches have been designed, such as the use of the random walk with restart method <cit.> providing a framework to relate users, items, and groups, and to exploit the item content and the profiles of the users. A three-stage method <cit.> is proposed to increase the precision and fairness of GR, where binary MF, graphs and the dynamic consensus model are processed sequentially. Some relevant and current GR research aims to make use of the concept of member preference (influence or expertise) concept, based on similarity and trust. The key idea is to detect the group leaders as group members that are trusted more than others and have more influence than others. In <cit.>, fuzzy clustering and an implicit trust metric are combined to find neighborhoods. GR based on an average strategy applied to user preference differences <cit.> has been combined with trusted social networks to correct recommendations. An aggregation approach for GR mimics crowd-sourcing concepts to estimate the level of expertise of group members <cit.>; it is implemented using parameters of sensitivity and specificity. The impact of social factors on a GR computational model is evaluated in <cit.>, using the expertise factor, the influences of personality, preference similarities, and interpersonal relationships. In this paper, we present how we can generate GR using NN based RS by training the model using raw CF data (i.e., the ratings of individual users to the items without any additional information). The GR have been tested using the two most popular implementations of NN based RS: GMF and MLP. As stated previously, to make recommendations to groups using NN based RS, information of the individual users must be aggregated. The chosen information aggregation design is to merge the users of the group in the input vector that feeds the user embedding of the NN. This aggregation design is not novel, since it has been used by <cit.> applied to a MLP architecture. However, our approach combines several innovative aspects in comparison to the state of the art. On the one hand, the aggregation of the users in the group is a probabilistic function rather than a simple multi-hot encoding <cit.>; this better captures the relative importance of users in the input vector that feeds the NN, moreover: this aggregation approach serves as front-end for any NN GR model. On the other hand, we propose the use of a simple RS NN model (GMF) instead of the deepest MLP one <cit.>; the hypothesis is that complex models overfit GR scenarios, since they are designed to accurately predict individual predictions, whereas GR must satisfy an average of the tastes in the group of users, that is, GR should be designed to generalize the set of individual tastes in the group. Furthermore, the proposed architecture just needs a single training to provide both individual recommendations and group recommendations; particularly, the model is trained by only using individual recommendations (as in regular RS). Once the model is trained to return individual predictions, we can fill the input vector by aggregating all the users in the group, then feed-forward the trained model and finally obtain the recommendation for the group of users. Anyway, the impact of these innovative aspects can be evaluated in <ref>, where we empirically compare the proposed aggregation designs with respect to the main baseline <cit.> In summary, the GR state-of-art presents the following drawbacks: a) Some research relies on additional data to the CF ratings, such as trust or reputation information that is not available on the majority of datasets, b) different proposals make the aggregation of individual users before (IPA) or after (Ranking) the model, making it impossible to benefit from the machine learning model inner representations (GPA), and c) The proposed GR neural model solutions tend to apply architectures designed to make individual recommendations, rather than group ones; this leads to the model overfitting and to a low scalability referred to the number of users in a group. To fill the gap, our proposed model: a) Acts exclusively on CF ratings, b) Makes user aggregation in the model, and c) Its model depth and design enables adequate learning generalizations. Additionally, the provided experiments test the proposed model according to different aggregation strategies to set the group labels used in the learning stage. In contrast, a notable limitation of our architecture and the experiments is the lack of testing on particularly demanding scenarios such as cold start in groups users, extremely sparse data sets, impact of popular item bias, and fear GR. The rest of the paper is structured as follows: <Ref> introduces the tested models and aggregation functions; <Ref> describes the experiment design, the selected quality measures, the chosen datasets and shows the results obtained; <Ref> provides their explanations; and <Ref> highlights the main conclusions of the article and the suggested future work. § PROPOSED MODEL In CF interactions (purchase, viewing, rating, etc.) between users and items are stored in a sparse matrix since it is common for users to interact only with a small proportion of the available items and, in the same way, only a small percentage of existing users interact with the items. The sparsity levels of this matrix is around 95-98% as shown in <ref>. To handle this sparsity, current CF models based on NN <cit.> work with a projection of users and items into a low-dimensional latent space using Embedding layers. Embedding layers are a very popular type of layer used in NN that receive as input any entity and return a vector with a low-dimensional representantion of the entity in a latent space. These vectors are commonly named latent factors. In order to transform the entity into its low-dimensional representation, the embedding layer first transforms the entity into a one hot encoding representation (typically using a hash function). <Ref> sumarizes this process. In the context of CF, two Embedding layers are required: one for the users and the other for the items. Later, both Embedding layers are combined using a NN architecture (see <Ref>). For example, the aphormented models GMF and MLP uses a Dot layer and a Concatenate layer followed by some fully connected dense layers as architectures, respectively. Formally, we define a NN model Φ that predicts the rating that a user u will give to an item i (r̂_u,i) combining the latent factors provided by the Embedding layer (Emb_L) of the user u (l⃗_⃗u⃗) and the the item i (l⃗_⃗i⃗): Emb_L(u) = l⃗_⃗u⃗ Emb_L(i) = l⃗_⃗i⃗, Φ (l⃗_u, l⃗_i) = r̂_u,i As stated in <ref>, when working with GR, a straightforward strategy is IPA <cit.>. This strategy makes a prediction for each member of the group and then performs an aggregation. This strategy does not treat the group as a whole. If we have a group of users G = {u_1, u_2, ..., u_n}, the prediction of the rating of this group G to an item i (r̂_G,i) is computed as the average value of the individual predictions: r̂_G,i = 1G∑ _u ∈ Gr̂_u,i = 1G∑ _u ∈ GΦ(l⃗_⃗u⃗, l⃗_⃗i⃗) On the other hand, the GPA strategies take into account the group as a whole. It should be noted that the order of users within the group and the length of it should not affect the aggregation; thus, the aggregations should meet the constraints of: permutation invariant and fixed result length <cit.>. Our goal with the GPA strategy is to be able to obtain a prediction r̂_G,i with a single forward propagation and to treat the group as a whole entity. We can achieve this by aggregating the latent factors of each user that belongs to the group to obtain the latent factor of the group l⃗_G. Once the latent factors of the group are aggregated, the model Φ can be used to compute the predictions: Emb_L(G) = l⃗_G r̂_Gi = Φ(l⃗_G, l⃗_i) The aggregation of group latent factors in embedding layers can be achieved by modifying the input of the NN. As mentioned previously, Embedding layers have as input a one hot representation of the entities. This approach is adequate when performing individual predictions, however, for group recommendations, we need to apply a multi-hot representation to the users Embedding layer, i.e., we encode the group by setting multiple inputs of the user Embedding layer (the inputs related with the users that belong to the group) to a value higher than 0. This encoding allows us to take into account all group users at the same time for the extraction of latent factors of the group l⃗_G. The simplest aggregation, which is used by the DeepGroup model <cit.>, is to use as input for embedding a constant value proportional to the size of the group. We define the input of the user's Embedding layer for the user u as EmbeddingInput_Average(u) = 1/G if u ∈ G 0 if u ∉ G We call this aggregation `Average' since the embedding layer will generate the group latent factor equal to the average of the latent factors of all users in the group. RS can give better predictions the more information they have about users, so to take advantage of this fact, we have tested the `Expertise' aggregation in which we give a weight to the users proportional to the number of votes they have entered into the system. Let R_u the number of ratings of the user u, the input of the users' Embedding layer for the user u is defined as EmbeddingInput_Expertise(u) = R_u/∑ _g ∈ GR_g if u ∈ G 0 if u ∉ G In addition to the `Expertise' aggregation, we also proposed the `Softmax aggregation as a smooth version of the `Expertise' aggregation. In this case, the input of the users' Embedding layer for the user u is defined as EmbeddingInput_Softmax(u) = e^R_u/∑ _g ∈ G e^R_g if u ∈ G 0 if u ∉ G In <Ref> we can see where the equations fit in the group recommendation process. The first step is to generate the multi-hot vector with some of the described aggregation (<ref>). This vector (multi-hot representation of the group) is fed into the embedding layer to obtain a vector of the latent factors of the groups l⃗_G (<ref>). Once the latent factors of the group and the item are obtained, they are used to feed the model Φ (GMF or MLP) and produce the rating prediction for the group G on the item i (<ref>). In <Ref> we can find an example with some users (13, 24, 30 and 42) with different rating counts (<Ref>), their input values to the users' Embedding layer in a multi-hot fashion (<Ref>), their individual latent factors (<Ref>), and the final group latent factors with different aggregations (<Ref>). § EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION In this section, we show the experiments carried out to validate the aggregation proposed in this manuscript. As previously stated, the experiments have been performed using the most popular NN based RS architectures: GMF and MLP. We have chosen these two architectures because they are the best known and offer the best results for individual predictions. However, the aggregation strategies proposed can be applied to any NN architecture based on Embedding layers. The choice of datasets has been made considering that: a) there are no open datasets containing information on group voting; and b) GMF and MLP models should be trained using individual voting, since the proposed aggregations allow computing predictions for groups on already trained models. For these reasons, we have chosen the following gold standard datasets in the field of RS:  <cit.>, the most popular dataset in the research of RS;  <cit.>, a dataset smaller than to measure the performance of the aggregation in datasets with a lower number of users, items, and ratings; and , a dataset with a range of votes higher than the . Other popular datasets such as or have not been selected due to the high computational time required to train and test the models. The main parameters of the selected datasets can be found in <Ref>. The generation of synthetic groups has been carried out in such a way that all groups have voted at least 5 items in test. In this way, it is possible to evaluate both the quality of the predictions and the quality of the recommendations to the groups as detailed below. Groups of different sizes (from 2 to 10 users) have been generated. For each group size, 10000 synthetic groups have been generated. The generation of a group has been carried out following the following algorithm: * Define the size of the group S. * Random select 5 items rated in test by at least S users. * Find all users who have rated the 5 items selected in 2. * If we found fewer than S users, go back to 2. Otherwise, random select S users and create a group. To measure the quality of the predictions for the group, we have calculated the mean absolute error MAE = 1/#groups∑_G1/G·I_G∑_u ∈ G∑_i ∈ I_G|r̂_G,i - r_u,i|, the mean squared error MSE = 1/#groups∑_G1/G1/G·I_G∑_u ∈ G∑_i ∈ I_G( r̂_G,i - r_u,i)^2, and mean maximum group error MAX = 1/#groups∑_Gmax_u ∈ Gmax_i ∈ I_G|r̂_G,i - r_u,i|, where I_G denotes the items rated by the group G To measure the quality of the recommendations for the group, we have calculated the NDCG score NDCG@N = 1/#groups∑_GDCG_G@N/IDCG_G@N, DCG_G@N = ∑_i ∈ X_G^Nr̅_G,i/log_2(pos_G(i)+1), IDCG_G@N = ∑_i ∈ T_G^Nr̅_G,i/log_2(ipos_G(i)+1), where N is the number of items recommended to the group (in our experiments N=5 according to the generation of synthetic groups), X_G^N is the set of N items recommended to the group G, pos_G(i) is the position of the item i in the group's G recommendation list, T_G^N is the set of the top N items for the group G, ipos_G(i) is the ideal rank of the item i for the group G, and r̅_G,i is the average rating of the users belonging to the group G for the item i. We can see the results of the experiment executed with these scores in <ref> (MAE), <ref> (MSE), <ref> (Max), and <ref> (NDCG). The cells with the best results have been highlighted, while the standard deviation of each metric is in parentheses. All results are analyzed in <ref>. All experiments have been run using an NVIDIA Quadro RTX 8000 GPU with 48 GB GDDR6 of memory, 4,608 NVIDIA Tensor Cores and a performance of 16.3 TFLOPS. We are committed to reproducible science, so the source code of all experiments with the values of the parameters used and their random seeds have been shared on GitHub[<https://github.com/KNODIS-Research-Group/neural-cf-for-groups>]. § DISCUSSION The main goal of this research is to evaluate different aggregation techniques to make recommendations to groups. As shown in <Ref>, we can see different trends according to: a) the models used; b) the way group information is aggregated; c) the datasets on which they act; and d) the size of the groups. Focusing on the models, we can see how MLP, which has several hidden layers, obtains a lower MAE; however, GMF, a simpler model, obtains a lower MSE. Although the MLP model has great power in these types of problem, it seems to overfit, generating very good recommendations for some users in the group but bad ones for the rest, hence achieving higher MSE values. On the other hand, the GMF model can obtain smaller maximum errors in each group, which means that no user in the group is badly affected by the recommendation. In the results, we can also observe how the models with higher maximum errors lead to a poorer order of items according to user preferences and obtain worse performance in the NDCG metric. Looking at the aggregation of users, we can see that the best performing user aggregation is the average, followed by a very similar performance by the Softmax. However, the use of expert user weighting without softmax produces worse results. Based on the results, we can observe that in models that do not use a deep architecture, with several hidden layers, the IPA and GPA strategies produce similar results when the aggregation function is a linear transformation of latent factors (GMF). However, we can see how the non-linearity of MLP produces different results between both two strategies. Regarding the different datasets, we can see that there is a clear trend in the models that achieve the best results in complex datasets with a large number of users, items, and votes, such as Movilens or MyAnimeList, while in the FilmTrust dataset, with a smaller number of votes, there is no clear trend. In terms of group size, as more users have the group, the probability of finding discrepancies between user preferences increases. Therefore, we can see how a larger group size leads to higher values in all error metrics. § CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK With the irruption of NN in the world of CF, the possibilities of their ability to find non-linear patterns within user preferences to generate better predictions are opening up. To use these systems to generate a recommendation for a group of users, we need to aggregate their preferences. As we have seen in this research, there are several key points at which aggregation can be performed. GPA strategies do the aggregation before or inside the model, so they have the advantage of taking into account the preferences of the entire group and that a single feedforward step generates the prediction. Unlike the IPA strategy, which requires multiple predictions for each user and performs the aggregations after the model. In this study, we have tested how different approaches to perform GPA work in different datasets comparing different metrics. As future work, there are two key factors to consider. First, in this research, the researchers have designed user aggregation techniques presented to the models; in future work, these functions will be explored by different machine learning models. The second key point is that in this work models perform a knowledge transfer from the model trained for individuals to make group predictions; it is shown that although the models have high performance (MAE improvement), they tend to overfit when working in groups (larger errors in group prediction leading to worse MSE). To solve this problem, future work will try to perform a specialization training stage for groups after individual training. § DECLARATIONS The authors of this paper declare that they have no conflict of interest. This work has been co-funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) under grants PID2019-106493RB-I00 (DL-CEMG) and the Comunidad de Madrid under Convenio Plurianual with the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid in the actuation line of Programa de Excelencia para el Profesorado Universitario. § DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT The , and dataset along with the source code of the experiments that support the findings of this study are available in GitHub's repository [<https://github.com/KNODIS-Research-Group/neural-cf-for-groups>]. plain
Molecular Property Prediction by Semantic-invariant Contrastive Learning
[ "Ziqiao Zhang", "Ailin Xie", "Jihong Guan", "Shuigeng Zhou" ]
[ "q-bio.BM", "cs.LG" ]
Resource-efficient Direct Characterization of General Density Matrix Lijian Zhang March 30, 2023 ==================================================================== Contrastive learning have been widely used as pretext tasks for self-supervised pre-trained molecular representation learning models in AI-aided drug design and discovery. However, exiting methods that generate molecular views by noise-adding operations for contrastive learning may face the semantic inconsistency problem, which leads to false positive pairs and consequently poor prediction performance. To address this problem, in this paper we first propose a semantic-invariant view generation method by properly breaking molecular graphs into fragment pairs. Then, we develop a Fragment-based Semantic-Invariant Contrastive Learning (FraSICL) model based on this view generation method for molecular property prediction. The FraSICL model consists of two branches to generate representations of views for contrastive learning, meanwhile a multi-view fusion and an auxiliary similarity loss are introduced to make better use of the information contained in different fragment-pair views. Extensive experiments on various benchmark datasets show that with the least number of pre-training samples, FraSICL can achieve state-of-the-art performance, compared with major existing counterpart models. § INTRODUCTION Nowadays molecular property prediction (MPP) based on deep learning techniques has been a hot research topic of the AI-aided Drug Discovery (AIDD) community <cit.>. As most of the molecular properties that drug discovery studies concern require in vivo or in vitro wet-lab experiments to measure, labeled data for MPP tasks are typically scarce, because it is expensive and time-consuming to acquire such data <cit.>. On the contrary, there are large amounts of public available unlabeled data <cit.>. Therefore, how to use these large-scale unlabeled molecular data to train deep neural networks to learn better molecular representations for MPP tasks, is of great interest to the AIDD community. Recently, as self-supervised pre-trained models (e.g. BERT <cit.>, MoCo <cit.> and SimCLR <cit.>) have shown significant superiority in the fields of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Computer Vision (CV), self-supervised learning (SSL) has become a mainstream method of utilizing large-scale unlabeled molecular data in MPP study. These SSL methods typically use some inherent features within or between samples to construct pretext tasks, so that unlabeled data can be leveraged to train deep models in a self-supervised learning manner <cit.>. Contrastive learning, masked language model and predictive learning are the currently three categories of methods to design pretext tasks in MPP studies <cit.>. Inspired by SimCLR, contrastive learning methods aim at learning representations through contrasting positive data pairs against negative ones <cit.>. Original molecular structures are augmented into multiple views, and views generated from the same molecule are typically used as positive data pairs, while views of different molecules are taken as negative ones <cit.>. The way to generate molecular views is crucial to the design of contrastive learning pretext tasks for molecular representation learning. As a kind of special objects, molecules can be represented by different methods, including molecular fingerprints <cit.>, SMILES <cit.>, IUPAC <cit.>, and molecular graph. These different molecular representation methods therefore can naturally be leveraged to generate views for contrastive learning. For instance, the DMP <cit.> and MEMO <cit.> models are designed in this way. Following the practice in CV, another widely used category of methods tries to add noise into molecular structures to generate transformations of the original molecules. These noise-adding operations include deleting atoms, replacing atoms, deleting bonds, deleting subgraph structures etc. MolCLR <cit.> and GraphLoG <cit.> are such representative models. Although the noise-adding methods for view generation have been widely used in CV studies <cit.>, when applying these methods into MPP tasks, a fact that has not been noticed by the researchers is that molecules are very sensitive to noise. Arbitrarily modifying the topological structure of a molecule with noise, the generated new structure may represent a totally different molecule. For instance, as shown in Fig. <ref>(a), adding noise into an dog image by randomly masking some area will not change the semantic of the generated view, which is still a yellow dog. However, in Fig. <ref>(b), for an acetophenone molecule, deleting a subgraph leads to a benzene molecule, indicating that acetophenone's chemical semantic is completely changed. And small modification to molecular structure can lead to dramatic changes in the properties of modified molecules, including both bio-activity and other physio-chemical properties. Concretely, from the PubChem database we can find that the LogP value of acetophenone in Fig. <ref>(b) is 1.58, while that of benzene is 2.13. The difference is almost 35%. Therefore, it is unreasonable to treat these two views (molecules) as a positive pair for contrastive learning. Aiming at solving this semantic inconsistency problem, this paper proposes a Fragment-based Semantic-Invariant Contrastive Learning molecular representation model, named FraSICL. A semantic-invariant molecular view generation method is developed, in which a molecular graph is properly broken into fragments by changing the message passing topology while preserving the topological information. A multi-view fusion mechanism is introduced to FraSICL to make better use of the information contained in views of different fragments and avoid the impact of randomness. In addition, an auxiliary similarity loss is designed to train the backbone Graph Neural Network (GNN) to generate better representation vectors. Our contribution are summarized as follows: * We raise the semantic inconsistency problem in molecular view construction for molecular constrastive learning and develop an effective method to generate semantic-invariant graph views by changing message passing topology while preserving the topological information. * We propose a novel Fragment-based Semantic-Invariant Contrastive Learning molecular representation model for effective molecular property prediction, which is also equipped with a multi-view fusion mechanism and an auxiliary similarity loss to better leverage the information contained in unlabeled pre-training data. * Extensive experiments show that compared with SOTA pre-trained molecular property prediction models, the proposed FraSICL can achieve better prediction accuracy on downstream target tasks with less amounts of unlabeled pre-training data. § METHOD Here, we first formally define semantic-invariant molecular view in Sec. <ref>, then propose a semantic-invariant molecular view generation method in Sec. <ref> and a multi-view fusion scheme in Sec. <ref>. Finally, we present the structure of the Fragment-based Semantic-Invariant Contrastive Learning (FraSICL) molecular representation model in Sec. <ref> and its loss functions in Sec. <ref>. §.§ Semantic-invariant Molecular View In Sec. <ref>, we give an example to illustrate how noise-adding operations may lead to semantic inconsistency and consequently false positive pairs. Here, we will formally define semantic-invariant molecular view. Given a molecule m and its molecular graph G = {V,E,X_atom,X_bond} (hydrogen-depleted) where V denotes the set of nodes that represent the atoms, E denotes the set of edges between nodes, representing the bonds. X_atom and X_bond are feature matrix of atoms and bonds respectively. A transformation function F(·) is used to generate a molecular graph view (or simply molecular view) G' of G, i.e., G'=F(G) and G'={V',E',X'_atom,X'_bond}. In what follows, we first define two types of semantic inconsistent views. If there is another molecule m_2 whose molecular graph is G_2, and G_2=G'=F(G), i.e., the view G' of m is the same as the molecular graph G_2 of m_2, then we say G' is a semantic-conflict view of m with regard to (w.r.t.) m_2. If there exists another molecule m_2 whose molecular graph is G_2, and G'_2=F(G_2)=G'=F(G), i.e., the view G' of m is the same as a view G'_2 of m_2. Then, we say G' is a semantic-ambiguity view of molecule m w.r.t. molecule m_2. Both semantic-conflict views and semantic-ambiguity views will lead to false positive pairs for molecular representation contrastive learning. For example, assume that a Graph Neural Network g(·) serves as an encoder to embed the molecular graphs into latent graph embeddings _G=g(G). If we ignore the randomness in the encoder, it is obvious that, for molecule m, if it has a semantic-conflict view w.r.t. molecule m_2, i.e., G'=F(G)=G_2, then the representation of G' embedded by the graph neural network will be the same as that of G_2. That is, _G'=g(G')=_G_2=g(G_2). In this case, as _G and _G' are considered as a positive pair in contrastive learning, _G and _G_2 are consequently used as a positive pair. In another word, the contrastive loss will implicitly make the representations of molecule m and m_2 to be close. However, as claimed before, the molecular properties of different molecules may be greatly different, so that they cannot be used as a positive pair for contrastive learning. Therefore, semantic-conflict views will lead to false positive pairs and degrade learning performance. On the other hand, if a semantic-ambiguity view is generated as defined in Def. <ref>, i.e., F(G_2)=G'=F(G), indicating that the contrastive loss will make _G and _G', _G_2 and _G' to be close in the embedding space, thus _G and _G_2 to be close too. That is, the representations of molecules m and m_2 are consequently close by contrastive learning. So semantic-ambiguity views will also lead to false positive pairs. To boost the performance of contrastive learning for MPP, we should avoid the generation of both semantic-conflict views and semantic-ambiguity views. That is, we generate only semantic-invariant views, which are defined as follows: Given a view G' of molecule m with graph G, if G' is neither a semantic-conflict view nor a semantic-ambiguity view w.r.t. any other molecules, then we say G' is a semantic-invariant view of m. In next section, we will give a method to generate semantic-invariant views. §.§ Semantic-invariant View Generation According to Def. <ref> in Sec. <ref>, semantic-invariant views should be neither semantic-conflict views nor semantic-ambiguity views. Besides, from the perspective of prediction, they should also be discriminative. That is, they can be encoded into different representations by neural network encoders. In this section, to achieve these goals, we propose a semantic-invariant view generation method. In our previous study <cit.>, to better capture the hierarchical structural information of molecules, a chemical-interpretable molecule fragmentization method FraGAT is proposed. By considering acyclic single bonds as boundaries between functional groups, the FraGAT model proposes to randomly breaking one of the acyclic single bonds to generate two graph fragments corresponding to some chemical meaningful functional groups. The experimental results show that learning representations by chemical meaningful molecular graph fragments can achieve good predictive performance for MPP tasks. Inspired by these findings, our semantic-invariant view generation method is designed as follows: Given a molecule m, its molecular graph can be denoted as an annotated graph G = {V, E, X_atom, X_bond}. The atom feature matrix X_atom and the bond feature matrix X_bond are computed according to Tab. <ref>. Then, remove one of the acyclic single bonds e_ij from E, we obtain G' = {V, E', X_atom, X_bond} where E' = E - {e_ij}. We accept G' as a view to be generated, i.e., a semantic-invariant view. As the graph G' consists of two disconnected molecular graph fragments, it is also called fragment-pair view. From the discrimination perspective, G' is a different graph from the original molecular graph G, so that it will make GNN encoders to generate a different representation. Furthermore, as all the acyclic single bonds in a molecule are unique, breaking different acyclic single bonds will lead to different fragment-pair views, whose representations after a GNN encoder will also be different. That is, the generated views for a molecule are discriminative. Then, is G' a real semantic-invariant view of molecule m according to Def. <ref>? Let us check. On the one hand, as the atom feature matrix X_atom is not modified, the numbers of bonds of the two vertex i and j of the broken bond e_ij encoded in the atom feature vectors of the generated G' remain the same as that in the original molecular graph G. However, the modified E' indicates that there is no edge between i and j, so that the numbers of bonds encoded in the atom feature vectors are not consistent with that in the topological structure. The degrees of node i and j in graph G' are lower than the numbers of bonds of i and j encoded in X_atom. In another word, G' is not a valid molecular graph of any molecule. Furthermore, from the graph perspective, because G' consists of two disconnected subgraphs, and no any valid molecule corresponds to a disconnected graph. Therefore, G' cannot be a semantic-conflict view w.r.t. any molecule according to Def. <ref>. On the other hand, since only one single bond is removed in view G', this discrepancy can only be discovered at nodes i and j, and the numbers of bonds of i and j encoded in X_atom must be only 1 larger than the degrees of i and j, so the removed edge can only be between i and j, and the removed edge can only be a single bond. Thus, there is no other molecular graph G_2 that can generate the same G'. Similarly, from graph perspective, the graph G of molecule m cannot be equal to the disconnected graph of any view generated from any other molecule. In summary, G' cannot be a semantic-ambiguity view w.r.t. any molecule according to Def. <ref>. Finally, from the perspective of graph rewiring <cit.>, the topological information about the broken edge is encoded in the atom feature matrix X_atom. So our method preserves the topological structural information of the original molecular graph, but propagates message between nodes through a different topology. Thus, it realizes local decoupling of the input graph topology and the message passing topology. Moreover, compared with randomly breaking any edges in the molecular graph, our method can generate chemical meaningful graph fragments to benefit the prediction of molecular properties, which has been demonstrated in the experiments of previous work <cit.>. In conclusion, our method is expected to generate better positive pairs, which will help to train neural networks to generate better molecular representations by contrastive learning. §.§ Multi-view Fusion The number of acyclic single bonds of an organic molecule is often large, so there are various fragment-pair views can be generated from one molecule by our proposed view generation method. As demonstrated in the experiments of some existing work <cit.>, different fragment pairs contain different information about functional groups that constitute a molecule, which shows different predictive performance. So, to ensure that the information of the functional groups that determine molecular properties and are contained in the fragment pairs can be obtained by the neural network, in FraSICL, we no longer randomly generate fragment-pair views as other contrastive learning models do. Instead, a multi-view fusion mechanism is introduced as follows: Given a molecule with N_b breakable acyclic single bonds, all of the N_b fragment-pair views are generated and the representations of these fragment-pair views are calculated by a GNN encoder. Then, a Transformer encoder is exploited to fuse these representations by the multi-head attention (MHA) mechanism to produce a representation vector that contains information of all of the fragment pairs, named fragment view. The details of fragment-pair view fusion are delayed to the next section. The fragment view and the molecule view ( i.e., the original molecular graph) are used as two views of a molecule for contrastive learning. §.§ Model Structure The structure of the FraSICL model is shown in Fig. <ref>. Given a molecule m with molecular graph G_mol={V, E, X_atom, X_bond}, the model computes the representations of two views via two branches: the left branch is the molecule view branch for generating molecular view, and the right one is the fragment view branch for generating the fragment view. In the molecule view branch, a GNN g_mol(·) is used as an encoder to capture the representation of the molecular graph _mol=g_mol(G_mol). Attentive FP <cit.> is employed as the graph encoder in this work. Then, following the structure of MolCLR <cit.>, _mol is fed to a projection head l_mol(·) and a regularization function norm(·) to produce the projection of the molecule view _mol=norm(l_mol(_mol)). The structure of a projection head is shown in Fig. <ref>. And the regularization function is norm()̌ = /, which can make the length of the projection vector be 1. And for the fragment view branch on the right, all of the N_b breakable acyclic single bonds are enumerated and broken by the method proposed in Sec. <ref> to generate N_b fragment-pair views G_frag^1={V,E_1,X_atom,X_bond}, …, G_frag^N_b={V,E_N_b,X_atom,X_bond}. Then, a GNN g_frag(·) is used as an encoder to compute the representation of each fragment-pair view _frag^i=g_frag(G_frag^i). Attentive FP is also used here. Note that since there are two disconnected components in each fragment-pair view G_frag^i, g_frag(·) will read out these two subgraphs separately and produce two subgraph embeddings. The representation of a fragment-pair view is obtained by element-wisely adding its two corresponding subgraph embeddings for permutation-invariant property. Then, as described in Sec. <ref>, a multi-view fusion mechanism is introduced for leveraging all of the information related to functional groups contained in the N_b fragment-pair views. Specifically, a Transformer encoder T(·) is employed, which uses the representations of fragment-pair views _frag^i as input tokens, and computes the interaction relationships between the fragment-pair views by the multi-head attention (MHA) mechanism. The resulting attention scores serve as weights to fuse the representations and obtain _frag^i. By summing up all of the representations of N_b fragment-pair views, we can get the representation of fragment view _fv = ∑_i=1^N_b_frag^i. Finally, the representation _fv of the fragment view goes through a projection head l_fv(·) and a normalization layer to get _fv = norm(l_fv(_fv)). Following the structure of MolCLR, the two projections _mol and _fv are used to calculate contrastive loss. And when finetuning on the downstream tasks, the model will output one of the representations _mol or _fv of a molecule to serve as learned molecular representation. A downstream prediction head f(·) will use this representation as input, and predict the molecular property by y=f(_mol) or y=f(_fv). In addition, representations _frag^i of N_b fragment-pair views of a molecule goes through another projection head and a normalization layer to produce projection _frag^i = norm(l_frag(_frag^i)). Inner product of these projections are computed to generate a similarity matrix S={s_ij | s_ij = <_frag^i, _frag^j>}, S ∈ℝ^N_b × N_b, where <·,·> denotes the inner product of two vectors. The usage of this similarity matrix S will be introduced in the next section. §.§ Loss Functions The training of FraSICL in the pre-training phase is illustrated in Fig. <ref>. Here, given a batch of N molecules, the model will calculate the projections _mol and _fv of each molecule. Then, contrastive learning is performed between all samples in a batch. The view pair (i.e. molecule view and fragment view) of each sample is a positive pair, as shown by the red line, and the view pairs of other samples in the batch are negative pairs, as shown by the blue line in the figure. The NT-Xent Loss is used for contrastive learning: ℒ_mol^i = loge^(sim(_mol^i,_fv^i)/τ)/∑_k=1^N1{k i}(e^(sim(_mol^i,_mol^k)/τ)+e^(sim(_mol^i,_fv^k)/τ)) ℒ_fv^i = loge^(sim(_mol^i,_fv^i)/τ)/∑_k=1^N1{k i}(e^(sim(_fv^i,_mol^k)/τ)+e^(sim(_fv^i,_fv^k)/τ)) where inner product similarity is adopted for sim(_mol^i,_fv^i), and τ is a temperature parameter. The sum of all contrastive losses of a batch of molecules is denoted as ℒ_clr=∑_i=1^N ℒ_mol^i + ∑_i=1^N ℒ_fv^i. In addition, although the representations of different fragment-pair views have been fused, from the perspective of contrastive learning, the representations of different fragment-pair views of the same molecule should also be as close as possible. And as demonstrated in previous study <cit.>, representations of some fragment pairs of a molecule are highly predictive on the downstream tasks, while some others are less effective. So, we hope that the representations of fragment-pair views can use information from each other to train the GNN encoder to extract better representations. To this end, an additional auxiliary loss ℒ_sim is introduced to improve the similarity between representations of fragment-pair views of a molecule, based on the similarity matrix S. Since the inner product of two normalized vectors is equivalent to cosine similarity, and the maximum value of cosine similarity is 1, assuming a molecule k have N_b^k fragment-view pairs, the elements of the similarity matrix are s_ij^k = <_frag^k,i, _frag^k,j>, our auxiliary similarity loss of molecule k is: ℒ_sim^k = 1/(N_b^k)^2∑_i=1^N_b^k∑_j=1^N_b^k (s_ij^k-1)^2 i.e., as shown in Fig. <ref>, the sum of L2 loss between each element of the similarity matrix S and that of an all-one matrix. Denote the similarity loss of a batch of molecules as ℒ_sim=∑_k=1^N ℒ_sim^k, then the loss for pre-training the FraSICL model is: ℒ = γℒ_sim + ℒ_clr where γ is a hyper-parameter to adjust the influence of the auxiliary similarity loss. § EXPERIMENTS §.§ Baseline experiments Experimental setting. To construct the pre-training dataset, 200K molecules are randomly sampled from the pre-training dataset of MolCLR, where 10 million molecules are gathered from the PubChem database <cit.>. The amount of pre-training data is generally smaller than that of the other baseline models, as shown in Tab. <ref>. 5% of the pre-training data are randomly selected as a validation set for model selection. 7 downstream tasks from MoleculeNet <cit.> are used as downstream target tasks for the baseline experiments. Scaffold splitting is used on each downstream task, with an 8:1:1 ratio for the training/validation/test sets. When transferring a pre-trained FraSICL model to the target tasks, different strategies can be applied, including using which branch of the model for producing molecular representations, and whether to finetune the pre-trained model (PTM) on target tasks. In the baseline experiments, we adopt the more complex fragment view branch for molecular representations, and finetune the model together with prediction head on the target tasks. Compared baseline models. Seven state-of-the-art self-supervised pre-training models for molecular representation learning are used as baseline models for comparison, including MolCLR <cit.>, DMP <cit.>, MEMO <cit.>, GROVER <cit.>, GraphLoG <cit.>, PretrainGNNs <cit.> and KPGT <cit.>. The experimental results are shown in Tab. <ref>, where the data of baseline models are cited from the original papers of these models. The best score on each dataset is bold, and the second-best is underlined. Results and analysis. As shown in Tab. <ref>, FraSICL achieves the best predictive performance on 5 of the 7 downstream MPP tasks, and the second on another one. As the number of pre-training samples used by FraSICL is only 200K, which is the least among these compared baseline models, the experimental results show that FraSICL can make better use of the information contained in the graph fragments of molecules to produce molecular representations with better predictive performance. Compared with the MEMO model that uses the same amount of pre-training data, the predictive performance of FraSICL on the 7 downstream tasks is significantly improved, even exceeds 20% on the BBBP dataset. And compared with the models such as GROVER and DMP-TF, FraSICL can achieve comparable or even higher predictive performance with only about 1/50 training samples. These results show the superiority of FraSICL to the existing models on molecular property prediction tasks. §.§ Experiments with different transferring settings Experimental setting. In the baseline experiments, we choose finetuning the more complex and predictive fragment view branch as the transferring setting. In this section, other transferring settings are tested, i.e., the combinations of different branches and different fine-tuning strategies. Experiments are carried out on the BBBP, ClinTox, ESOL and FreeSolv datasets. Four transferring settings are evaluated, which are denoted as FraSICL-ft-mol, FraSICL-ft-frag, FraSICL-fr-mol, FraSICL-fr-frag, where ft represents finetuning the PTM, fr represents freezing the PTM, mol indicates using molecule views and frag indicates using fragment views. Results and analysis. The experimental results are shown in Tab. <ref>. Since the two branches of FraSICL are asymmetric, the structure of the fragment view branch is more complex and has stronger learning capability. Thus, as is revealed by the experimental results, FraSICL-ft-frag achieves the best performance on 3 of the 4 target tasks. However, a more complex model structure indicates that it is more likely to suffer overfitting on the downstream tasks. So, when transferring to the FreeSolv dataset with only 642 samples, the performance of FraSICL-ft-frag is slightly inferior to that of FraSICL-ft-mol. In addition, compared with freezing the pre-trained model, finetuning model allows the PTM to obtain information about specific molecular properties from the supervised loss, thereby the generated molecular representations are more relevant to the target task. Thus a large improvement on the performance is achieved. §.§ Influence of the auxiliary similarity loss Motivation. The auxiliary similarity loss, i.e., Equ. (<ref>) introduced in Sec. <ref>, is designed for making the fragment-pair views to learn from each other to better leverage the information encoded in different fragment-pair views. However, it is intuitive that when the auxiliary loss takes an excessively dominant role in the total training loss, the model may tend to generate exactly the same representation vectors for different fragment-pair views to decrease the similarity loss. On this occasion, the representation vectors of fragment-pair views will not contain any information about the topological structure, showing a model collapse phenomenon. Thus, the influence of the hyperparameter γ is crucial. Experimental setting. In this section, experiments are conducted to test the influence of the auxiliary similarity loss by setting different γ. In these experiments, γ is set to 0.1, 0.01, 0.005 and 0 respectively, where γ=0 indicates training without the similarity loss, which can be regarded as an ablation study. Here, the transferring setting is the same as the baseline experiments, i.e., finetuning the fragment view branch. Results and analysis. Results are shown in Tab. <ref>. As shown in Tab. <ref>, the auxiliary similarity loss has an obvious impact on the predictive performance. When γ=0, i.e., training without the similarity loss, the predictive performance is not superior to that of the other three models trained with the auxiliary similarity loss, which demonstrates that the auxiliary similarity loss can indeed promote the model to produce more predictive representations. And when γ=0.1, the model achieves even worse results than γ=0 on 3 of the 4 downstream tasks, which reveals that a large value of γ may make the similarity loss be harmful to the model and lead to performance degradation. § CONCLUSION This paper focuses on the semantic inconsistency problem that may occur when using noise-adding operations to generate new views for contrastive learning in self-supervised molecular property prediction studies. To solve this problem, this paper first defines semantic-invariant molecular view by introducing two types of semantic inconsistent views that may lead to false positive pairs and consequently poor performance. Then, a semantic-invariant view generation method is proposed. The views generated by this method will not cause semantic inconsistency, which realizes the decoupling of the input graph topology and the message passing topology of GNNs. Thus, this method is expected to promote the GNN encoders to extract better molecular representations. Based on the semantic-invariant views, a Fragment-based Semantic-Invariant Contrastive Learning (FraSICL) molecular representation model is developed. FraSICL is an asymmetric model with two branches, the molecule view branch and the fragment view branch. A multi-view fusion mechanism is also introduced to make better use of the information contained in the views of different fragment pairs. Furthermore, an auxiliary similarity loss is designed to train the backbone GNN to produce better representations. Baseline experiments are conducted on 7 target tasks, and experimental results show that FraSICL achieves state-of-the-art predictive performance with the least number of pre-training data. Further experiments demonstrate that in our model finetuning is effective in boosting performance and the auxiliary similarity loss can improve the predictive accuracy if a proper hyperparameter γ is selected. These findings reveal that FraSICL can make better use of the information of pre-training samples and generate representations with superior predictive performance. unsrt
Nonlinear heat transfer in tokamak fusion reactors
[ "F. Michael Russell", "Juan F. R. Archilla", "José L. Más", "Rob Witty" ]
[ "physics.plasm-ph", "nlin.PS" ]
School of Computing and Engineering, University of Huddersfield, HD1 3DH, United Kingdom [Corresponding author: ]archilla@us.es Group of Nonlinear Physics, Department of Applied Physics I, Universidad de Sevilla, ETSI Informática, Avda Reina Mercedes s/n, 41012-Sevilla, Spain Group of Applied Nuclear Physics, Department of Applied Physics I, Universidad de Sevilla, ETSI Informática, Avda Reina Mercedes s/n, 41012-Sevilla, Spain Tree-Meta Systems Ltd., Swindon, SN1 4BG, UK Tokamak fusion reactors produce energetic He ions that penetrate surfaces less than 20 micron and neutrons that spread throughout the reactor. Experiments with similar swift He ions in heavy metals show that the vibronic coupling of nonlinear lattice excitations creates quasi-one dimensional mobile lattice excitations, called quodons, which are decoupled from phonons, move ballistically at near sonic speed and propagate easily in metals and insulators. They can couple to and transport electric charge, which allows their observation in experiments. They rapidly disperse heat throughout a reactor and carry charge through electrical insulators. It is predicted that at high output powers, quodons created by He ions and neutrons might adversely impact on cryogenic systems. 63.20.Pw, 63.20.Ry, 05.45.-a, Nonlinear heat transfer in tokamak fusion reactors Rob Witty March 30, 2023 ================================================== § INTRODUCTION Fusion of hydrogen isotopes deuterium and tritium produces 3.5 MeV He ions and 14 MeV neutrons. The aim is to extract as much as possible of this energy to generate electrical power and generate tritium from the lithium isotope ^6Li by neutron capture. The neutrons disperse their energy throughout the reactor, making it difficult to isolate and utilize their energy, leaving the He ions as the dominant source of energy for generation of electrical power. Inevitably, both will predominantly hit and penetrate metallic surfaces where they will lose energy by interactions with atoms as they propagate. It is the nature of these interactions that we examine here, especially the nonlinear interactions associated with very energetic particles. It is well known that swift charged particles cause interstitials, ionization, plasmas and phonons when passing through a solid <cit.>. All of these except phonons are highly localised to the path of the moving particle. Typically, a 3.5 MeV He ion penetrates less than 20 microns in a material, the heat generated spreading thereafter slowly by diffusion. The removal of heat from this thin layer can be increased by use of heat-pipes or liquid coolants. However, it has been known for several decades that essentially loss-free transport of kinetic energy is possible following nonlinear atomic interactions involving high energy particles in solids <cit.>. Evidence for this was found in previously unexplained linear, track-like, imperfections in crystals of the layered mineral muscovite <cit.>. Measurements on some of these tracks showed unique evidence of Rutherford scattering, consistent with positrons emitted from decay of ^40K atoms in the crystals <cit.>. Later, evidence for the transport of positive charge resulting from beta-emission also from ^40K, showed that the positive charge was carried by mobile, highly localized, nonlinear lattice excitations called quodons <cit.>. They are consequence of the vibronic coupling of the lattice nonlinear vibrations with an electron of hole <cit.>. Quodons remained largely unknown because they occur only within a solid material and when neutral, or carry no charge, they are difficult to observe or detect. Only after they capture a charge can they be detected easily. The remarkable natural process for recording moving positive charges in muscovite enabled quodons to be studied in some detail. Fig. <ref> shows a thin slice of a crystal showing multiple fossil tracks created by a relativistic He ion as it slows down. The vast majority of very high energy particles at 5 km depth underground are neutrinos, which are not recorded, and muons. The muons can create swift protons but much fewer He ions. The rate of energy loss of heavier ions is so high that few manage a path of mm. The decoration on the main track shown is greater than that on singly charged particles. Hence, the track is most likely due to an He ion. The fan-shaped tracks of lattice excitations are typically a few centimetres long. The true picture in three dimensions is like a bottle-brush. Time-of-flight measurements on quodons created by 4 MeV He ions indicate they move at slightly sub-sonic speed, of between 1 to 2 km/s, as discussed below. The recording process in muscovite operates only at temperatures exceeding 700 K, and some fossil tracks of quodons carrying a positive charge can exceed 0.40 m in length, limited by size of available crystals. This illustrates the stability of quodons against minor lattice defects and decoupling from phonons. This is also demonstrated by the ease with which quodons propagate through interfaces between different materials, often initially delayed by them annealing structure defects <cit.>. The reality of mobile excitations capable of propagating orders of magnitude further than the stopping range of alpha particles was demonstrated in an experiment in which 5 MeV alphas bombarded, at near grazing incidence, a muscovite crystal edge in a vacuum causing atoms to be ejected from the opposite edge 7 mm distant from the irradiation edge <cit.>. Later was it shown that quodons can capture and carry for considerable distances a negative or positive charge at ambient temperatures without any applied voltage to drive the electric current <cit.>. One reason for the difficulty of studying quodons is that they can propagate through electrical insulators, such as used in coaxial cables, thus short-circuiting to ground any charge they might carry <cit.>. Experiments must take this into account. The finding that quodons could exist and carry charge through electrical insulators, such as PTFE <cit.>, led to the development of the triple-filter technique, which enabled conduction-currents to be separated from quodon-currents <cit.>. For the first time, this enabled quodons to be studied in any material. Quodons created by alpha particles in the energy range 0.5 to 5 MeV were found to exist and propagate in metals, semiconductors and insulators, both inorganic and organic. Their fossil tracks in muscovite crystals shows they can be created by energetic collisions as low as 50 eV <cit.>. § QUODON TIME OF FLIGHT EXPERIMENT The approximate speed of quodons in various materials was examined by time-of-flight technique. Figure 2 shows the plot of quodon-current flowing through a copper wire following the start of irradiation with alpha particles at the time indicated by an arrow. The current was detected within 1 second of starting irradiation; it is limited by the shortest sampling rate of one second. Measurements on samples of iron and PTFE with much shorter flight paths gave the same shape of current plot, also limited by the sampling rate. The subsequent decrease in current is due to lack of free electrons available to be carried by the quodons not a decrease in the fluence of quodons, which stays constant. The speed of quodons in copper estimated in this way is of similar magnitude to the sonic speed of 2.3 km/s. Most quodons are neutral and they acquire an electric charge in the material and also from the alpha particles. The proof is that when the current stabilizes, it equals the fluence of the alphas multiplied by 2e <cit.>, but they are created at the same rate as during the peak current. Based on experiments with 5 MeV He ions, quodons can exist and propagate through 0.7 m of PTFE, 2 m of iron and 1.1 km of copper, the maximum lengths of samples dictated by limitations of the Faraday Box used <cit.>. For the first time, we use these results to examine the possible consequences of the generation of quodons in prototype tokamak fusion reactors. For this purpose, we suppose that stable nonlinear lattice excitations, of whatever type of excitation, propagate ballistically at near sonic speed for distances comparable to prototype reactor structures. Since the aim of the reactors is to generate electricity, we examine the limiting case where all the energy of the alphas is deposited in metals. This ignores their energy spectrum from degradation in the plasma. We do this because, for given electrical power output, any reduction in the energy of the He ions leaving the plasma requires an increase in their numbers and thus of quodons. § EFFECT OF QUODONS ON A TOKAMAK Consider a tokamak producing 500 MW of electrical power. Future designs of generators might achieve 45% thermal efficiency, needing near 1000 MW of heat. About 80% of this energy comes from neutrons and 20% from He ions <cit.>. In existing designs both the He ions and the neutrons contribute to the creation of quodons. As quodons have both energy and momentum, the efficiency of creation of quodons depends on the atomic mass of the swift particle and the average atomic mass of irradiated material Hence, quodons created by swift He ions will play a major role in transporting heat ballistically from irradiated materials. Experiments showed that quodons cannot propagate through a gas or vacuum. Based on experimental results <cit.> of irradiating samples of tantalum and tungsten with He ions, each He ion of 3.5 MeV hitting a heavy metal would generate at least 10^4 quodons, each of average energy about 1 eV. The experiments consists of recording the peak quodon current and the fluence of the alphas creating that current in different metals. Qualitatively, they are similar to Fig. <ref>. The number of He ions required for 20% of 1 GW is approximately 3.5× 10^20 s^-1 The total number of quodons generated per second at 500 MW power level is then ≃ 3.5×10^24 Hence, the total power carried by quodons created by the He ions is  560 kW This is swept through both metals and insulators in the reactor body, causing a progressive rise in temperature of components. For comparison, the total refrigeration power at 4.5 K (helium) at ITER is ≃ 75 kW <cit.>. There is also installed a cooling power of 1300 kW at 80 K (nitrogen). However, as the quodons will get to coldest parts which are in a vacuum system they cannot escape and will dump their energy there. Therefore, it is needed only to consider the cooling power at near zero. This simplistic calculation assumes the He ions interact and lose energy individually. In practice, the ions arrive at a location randomly, leading to a spectrum of quodon energies. As there is no know way to stop quodons or concentrate them locally to generate steam, we conclude that commercial fusion powers might not be possible with current reactor designs. Here, only the kinetic or thermal energy carried by quodons is considered. Quodons also transport charge and have been shown to propagate through electrical insulators. The effect of quodon-currents on superconducting magnet systems is unknown. Preliminary studies have been made of how to degrade or reflect quodons in an attempt to screen critical components from the expected quodon flux. § CONCLUSIONS Experiments have shown that irradiating solid materials with helium ions of up to 5 MeV creates mobile nonlinear lattice excitations, called quodons, that move ballistically. They are created by the vibronic coupling of nonlinear lattice vibrations. They can couple with electric charge and transport it, which makes it possible to measure them. These quodons can propagate appreciable distances, of similar scale to components in fusion reactors, in contiguous materials at ambient temperatures. Propagating ballistically, they transport heat much faster than by conduction. They can transport heat through conventional thermal insulating materials as well as through metals. As the thermal power created by fusion devices increases towards commercial power levels, the quodons might lead to overloading of cryogenic systems. There is no known way to stop or exclude quodons from regions consisting of the same or different materials that are contiguous. More information is needed about the types and properties of nonlinear excitations created by swift particles. Use of the triple-filter-technique in time-of-flight measurements would enable separation of sub-sonic from super-sonic quodons for clarification of their properties and significance in fusion reactors. It any experimental work it is essential to minimize short-circuiting of quodon-currents through insulators. § ACKNOWLEGMENTS FMR wishes to thank Chris Eilbeck, Leornor Cruzeiro and Larissa Brizhik for useful and enlightening discussions on both the dynamic and electronic aspects of quodon interactions with matter. § FUNDING JFRA wishes to thank projects MICINN PID2019-109175GB-C22 and Junta de Andalucia US-1380977.
Extremal Kerr black holes as amplifiers of new physics
[ "Gary T. Horowitz", "Maciej Kolanowski", "Grant N. Remmen", "Jorge E. Santos" ]
[ "hep-th", "astro-ph.HE", "gr-qc", "hep-ph" ]
=1 verbose,tmargin=0.75in,bmargin=1in,lmargin=0.75in,rmargin=0.75in,columnsep=0.25in ⌈⌉ ⌊⌋ @addto@macro =10000  #1eq. (#1) 2.5pt=0pt=0pt >∼ 2.5pt=0pt=0pt <∼
Mitigating the Effect of Class Imbalance in Fault Localization Using Context-aware Generative Adversarial Network
[ "Yan Lei", "Tiantian Wen", "Huan Xie", "Lingfeng Fu", "Chunyan Liu", "Lei Xu", "Hongxia Sun" ]
[ "cs.SE" ]
Mitigating the Effect of Class Imbalance in Fault Localization Using Context-aware Generative Adversarial Network Yan Lei^1,2∗ *Corresponding author., Tiantian Wen^1, Huan Xie^1, Lingfeng Fu^1, Chunyan Liu^1, Lei Xu^3, Hongxia Sun^4 ^1School of Big Data & Software Engineering Chongqing University, Chongqing, China ^2Peng Cheng Laboratory, ShenZhen, China ^3Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd., Qingdao, China ^4Qingdao Haidacheng Purchasing Service Co., Ltd., Qingdao, China {yanlei, tiantianwen, huanxie, lingfengfu, chunyanliu}@cqu.edu.cn, {xulei1, sunhongxia}@haier.com =============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== Fault localization (FL) analyzes the execution information of a test suite to pinpoint the root cause of a failure. The class imbalance of a test suite, the imbalanced class proportion between passing test cases (majority class) and failing ones (minority class), adversely affects FL effectiveness. To mitigate the effect of class imbalance in FL, we propose : a data augmentation approach using Context-aware Generative Adversarial Network for Fault Localization. Specifically, uses program dependencies to construct a failure-inducing context showing how a failure is caused. Then, leverages a generative adversarial network to analyze the failure-inducing context and synthesize the minority class of test cases (failing test cases). Finally, augments the synthesized data into original test cases to acquire a class-balanced dataset for FL. Our experiments show that significantly improves FL effectiveness, promoting MLP-FL by 200.00%, 25.49%, and 17.81% under the Top-1, Top-5, and Top-10 respectively. fault localization, class imbalance, program dependencies, generative adversarial network § INTRODUCTION To reduce debugging cost <cit.>, it is essential to develop effective approaches in the software debugging process. In the literature, various fault localization (FL) approaches ( <cit.>) have been proposed to pinpoint potential locations of faulty code over the past several decades. <ref> shows the typical workflow of FL, spectrum-based fault localization (SFL) <cit.> and deep learning-based fault localization (DLFL) <cit.>. FL executes the test cases of a test suite and collects the coverage information (denoted as coverage matrix) and test results (represented as errors) of each test case. The coverage matrix and errors are raw data for FL. In the raw data, each row of the coverage matrix represents the coverage information of a test case, and each column corresponds to the coverage information of a statement in all test cases of a test suite. Specifically, for an element x_ij in the coverage matrix, x_ij=1 means that the i-th test case executes the j-th statement and otherwise x_ij=0; for an element e_i in the errors, e_i=1 denotes that the i-th test case is a failed test case and otherwise e_i=0. After the raw data have been acquired, many FL approaches use them directly as input, and develop different suspiciousness evaluation algorithms (SFL using correlation coefficients and DLFL using neural networks) to evaluate the suspiciousness value for each statement. Finally, FL outputs a ranked list of program statements in descending order of suspiciousness values for manual or automated debugging <cit.>. Thus the raw data is indispensable for conducting effective FL. There are two classes of test cases: passing test cases and failing ones. In practice, failing test cases are much less than passing test cases. It leads to a class imbalance problem in the raw data, the data with failing labels are much less than the data with passing labels. The existing studies <cit.> have shown that the class imbalance problem inevitably introduces a bias <cit.> into the suspiciousness evaluation of FL and adversely affects FL effectiveness. Since failing test cases are usually irregularly distributed and occupy a very small portion in the input domain, it is difficult to directly generate valid failing test cases in practice to address the imbalance problem. Inspired by the recent wide use of data augmentation approaches <cit.>, we can augment the raw data of FL by synthesizing new raw data with failing labels to acquire balanced raw data, the class ratio between the raw data with failing labels and passing labels is balanced. In this way, a suspiciousness evaluation algorithm of FL can afterward utilize the class-balanced raw data to improve its accuracy. Based on the above analysis, we seek a data augmentation solution to the raw data of FL for addressing the class imbalance problem in FL. Generative adversarial network (GAN) <cit.> is amongst the most popular data augmentation approach. However, a failure-inducing context is useful for FL to acquire a reduced searching scope, and the original GAN does not consider a failure-inducing context into its data augmentation process, causing the augmentation to be potentially inaccurate. It means that we should further incorporate a failure-inducing context into GAN to guide its data augmentation for FL. Therefore, we propose : a data augmentation approach using Context-aware Generative Adversarial Network for Fault Localization, to mitigate the effect of class imbalance in FL. analyzes program dependencies via program slicing <cit.> to construct a failure-inducing context, showing how a subset of statements propagates among each other to cause a program failure. Then, combines the failure-inducing context into a generative adversarial network to devise a context-aware generative adversarial network, which can synthesize the raw data of FL with failing labels. Finally, we add the new synthesized failing raw data into the original raw data to acquire class-balanced raw data, where the data with failing labels have the same number as the data with passing labels. To evaluate our approach , we design and conduct large-scale experiments on six representative subject programs. We apply for six state-of-the-art FL approaches, and further compare with two representative data optimization approaches. The experimental results show that our approach improves the effectiveness of the six state-of-the-art FL approaches, and outperforms the two representative data optimization approaches. Specifically, the experimental results indicate that our approach compared with the six state-of-the-art FL approaches improves the effectiveness of fault localization by 125.34%, 56.32%, and 59.71% respectively on Top-1, Top-5, and Top-10 metrics on average. The main contributions of this paper can be summarized as follows: * We propose a data augmentation approach , which synthesizes failing raw data for mitigating the effect of class imbalance problem in FL. * We present a context-aware generative adversarial network which integrates a failure-inducing context into the data augmentation process of a generative adversarial network to guide data synthesization for FL. * We conduct large-scale experiments and compare our approach with six state-of-the-art FL approaches and two representative data augmentation approaches, showing that significantly improves fault localization effectiveness. * We open source the replication package online including all relevant code[https://anonymous.4open.science/r/CGAN4FL-B448]. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section <ref> introduces background information. Section <ref> presents our approach . Section <ref> and Section <ref> show the experimental results and discussion. Section <ref> discusses related work and Section <ref> draws the conclusion. § BACKGROUND §.§ Generative Adversarial Network Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) <cit.> is a deep learning framework that learns to generate adversarial data.  <ref> shows the basic framework of a GAN. GAN contains two components: the generator G and the discriminator D. The generator G is responsible for generating fake data that look like real data from the latent variable z while the discriminator D distinguishes whether the data belongs to raw data or generated data as accurately as possible. G and D are aggressive since they compete in order to accomplish their own objectives. The purpose of the model training is to minimize the loss of G and maximize the loss of D. Specifically when a generator has a lower loss, it means that the generated data is almost identical to real data; and when a discriminator obtains a higher loss, it means that it is hard to discriminate between real and generated data. This adversarial learning situation can be formulated as Eq. (<ref>) with parametrized networks G and D. min _Gmax _D V(G, D)= 𝔼_x ∼ p_data [log D(x)]+ 𝔼_z ∼ p_z[log (1-D(G(z))] In Eq. (<ref>), p_data (x ) and p_z ( z ) represent the real data probability distribution defined in data space 𝒳 and the probability distribution of z defined in latent space 𝒵. V ( G, D ) is a binary cross entropy function that is commonly used in binary classification problems<cit.>. It should be noted that G maps z from 𝒵 into the element of 𝒳, while D takes an input x and determines whether x is real data or fake data generated by G. Since the goal of D is to identify real or fake samples, V ( G, D ) is a natural choice for this goal with its ability to solve binary classification problems. From the perspective of D, if the input data is real, the output of D should be close to maximum; if the input data comes from G, D will minimize its output. Thus, the log_ ( 1-D ( G ( z ) ) ) term is added to Eq. (<ref>). At the same time, G plans to cheat D and thus it tries to maximize D’s output when the input data is generated by it. Consequently, D tries to maximize V ( G, D ) while G tries to minimize V ( G, D ), forming a type of adversarial relationship. The existing studies <cit.> have shown that the class imbalance problem of raw data adversely affects FL effectiveness, and it is crucial to address the class imbalance problem in FL. One of the best merits of GAN is that they generate data that is similar to real data. Due to this merit, they have many different applications in the real world, generating images, text, audio, and video that are indistinguishable from real data<cit.>. Inspired by the merit of GAN, our study utilizes the ability of GAN to mitigate the effect of class imbalance in FL via synthesizing minority class data for acquiring a class-balanced dataset. §.§ Fault Localization Fault localization (FL) typically collects and abstracts the runtime information of a test suite as the raw data (the coverage matrix and errors in  <ref>); then takes the raw data as input to evaluate the suspiciousness value for each statement; finally outputs a ranked list of program elements in descending order of suspiciousness values. There are many granularity types of program elements, statements, methods, and files. Our study adopts the most widely-used granularity type of program elements, statements. This section will introduce two popular FL techniques (spectrum-based fault localization and deep learning-based fault localization), and they all use the raw data in <ref> as input for suspiciousness evaluation. Our experiments will also apply our approach for these FL techniques to evaluate its effectiveness. Spectrum-based Fault Localization (SFL). SFL <cit.> has been intensively studied in the literature. A program spectrum is a measurement of runtime behavior<cit.>, which records the runtime information of a test suite. An early study by Collofello and Cousins<cit.> suggests that such spectra can be used for software fault localization. By comparing program spectra on passed and failed test cases, program elements can be ranked. As shown in Figure <ref>, the program is executed on the test suite to obtain the execution information. Specially, the test suite T = { t1, t2, ..., tM} with M test cases contains at least one failing test case and the program P = {s1, s2, ..., s_N} has N statements. The M× N matrix records the coverage information which include execution information of each statement for all tests in the test suite T. X_ij represents the execution of the j-th statement s_j for the i-th test t_i , where i ∈{ 1, 2, . . . , M}, j ∈{ 1, 2, . . . , N}. For instance, X_ij = 1 represents the statement s_j is executed by the test t_i , and X_ij = 0 otherwise. The element e_i corresponds to the result of the test t_i that e_i=1 represents that the test t_i fails, and e_i=0 otherwise. The basic idea of SFL is that the suspiciousness of a statement should increase when it is executed more frequently by failing test cases; its suspiciousness should decrease when it is executed more frequently by passing test cases. To implement the above idea, SFL uses the raw data (coverage matrix and errors) to define the four variables for each statement. Let s_j be a statement in the program. Eq. (<ref>) defines the four variables for s_j as follows: a_np(s_j) = | {i| x_ij = 0 ∧ e_i = 0}| a_nf(s_j) = | {i| x_ij = 0 ∧ e_i = 1}| a_ep(s_j) = | {i| x_ij = 1 ∧ e_i = 0}| a_ef(s_j) = | {i| x_ij = 1 ∧ e_i = 1}| Where, a_np(s_j) and a_nf(s_j) represent the numbers of test cases that do not execute the statement s_j and return the passing and failing test results, respectively; a_ep(s_j) and a_ef(s_j) stand for the numbers of test cases that execute s_j, and return the passing and failing testing results, respectively. Based on the four variables, SFL devises many suspiciousness evaluation formulas to evaluate the suspiciousness of a statement<cit.>. The existing work <cit.> has empirically identified the three most effective SFL formulas (Ochiai<cit.>, DStar[The ‘*’ in Dstar formula is usually assigned to 2.]<cit.>, and Barinel<cit.>) in locating real faults. Since our study focuses on locating real faults, our experiments use the three SFL formulas. Based on the four variables defined in Eq. (<ref>), Eq. (<ref>), Eq. (<ref>) and Eq. (<ref>) show the definitions of the three SFL formulas to compute the suspiciousness of a statement s_j. Ochiai(s_j) =a_ef(s_j)/√( ( a_ef(s_j)+a_nf(s_j) ) × ( a_ef(s_j)+a_ep(s_j) ) ) Dstar (s_j)= a_ef(s_j)^*/a_ep(s_j)+ a_nf(s_j) Barinel (s_j)= 1-a_ep(s_j)/a_ep(s_j)+a_ef(s_j) Deep Learning-based Fault Localization (DLFL). DLFL <cit.> has recently attracted much attention and acquired promising results. The basic idea of DLFL is that it utilizes the learning ability <cit.> of neural networks to learn a FL model which reflects the relationship between a statement and a failure.  <ref> shows the typical architecture of DLFL. DLFL usually has three parts: input layer, deep learning component with several hidden layers, and output layer. Next, we will introduce three representative DLFL approaches, MLP-FL<cit.>, CNN-FL<cit.> and RNN-FL<cit.>, and our experiments apply our approach to the three DLFL approaches to evaluate its effectiveness. In the input layer, DLFL takes the raw data (coverage matrix and errors) in <ref> as input. Specifically, k rows of the coverage matrix and its corresponding errors vector, the coverage information of k test cases and their corresponding test results, are used as input. As shown in <ref>, these k test cases are the rows starting from the i-th row, where i∈{ 1,1+ k,1+2k,… ,1+ ( ⌈ M/k ⌉ -1 )× k }. In the part of deep learning components, different fault localization methods use different neural networks. For example, MLP-FL<cit.> uses multi-layer perceptron, CNN-FL<cit.> adopts convolutional neural network, and RNN-FL<cit.> utilizes recurrent neural network. In the output layer, the model uses sigmoid function to make sure that the output results are between 0 and 1. Each element in the result of sigmoid function could differ from its corresponding element in the target vector. The parameters of the model are updated using the backpropagation algorithm with the intention of minimizing the difference between training result y and errors vector e (the errors in  <ref>). The network is trained iteratively. Finally, DLFL learns a trained model, which can reflect the relationship between a statement and a failure. With the trained model, DLFL can evaluate the suspiciousness value for statements. § APPROACH This section will introduce our approach : a data augmentation approach using Context-aware Generative Adversarial Network for Fault Localization. As shown in  <ref>, first uses program dependencies to construct a failure-inducing context; then combines the failure-inducing context into the GAN training to learn a context-aware GAN model; finally uses the trained context-aware GAN model to generate new failing raw data until a class-balanced dataset is acquired, where the raw data with failing labels have the same number as the raw data with passing labels. §.§ Failure-inducing Context Construction A failure-inducing context shows how a subset of program elements (statements) act on each other to cause a failure, and it is useful for FL to acquire a reduced searching scope. Therefore, we intend to integrate a failure-inducing context into the GAN training to guide its data augmentation. To implement the above idea, adopts the widely-used program dependencies via program slicing <cit.> to construct a failure-inducing context, showing the dependencies between a subset of statements that cause a failure. The program slicing technique <cit.> extracts the program dependencies among statements to pick out a subset of statements whose execution leads to the incorrect output (a failure). A few approaches have evaluated the effectiveness of dynamic slices in fault localization<cit.>. The subset of statements is a program slice, a failure-inducing context in our approach . Thus, we define a failure-inducing context as follows: 0.46 A failure-inducing context: statements that directly or indirectly affect the computation of the faulty output value of a failure through chains of dynamic data and/or control dependencies. To compute a failure-inducing context using program slicing, we use the following slicing criterion contextSC. contextSC = ( outStm,outVar,failTest ) In Eq. (<ref>), outStm is an output statement whose value of a variable (outVar) is incorrect in the execution of a failing test case (failTest). Dynamic slicing collects runtime information along the execution path of a test case, the set of executed statements of a test case. It means that a test case with a smaller set of executed statements is usually easier for a dynamic slicing tool to perform efficient instrumentation and produce compressed traces for space optimization. Thus, for multiple failing test cases, the one with the least executed statements usually is beneficial for the efficiency of constructing a failure-inducing context. From the efficiency aspect, will choose the failing test case having the least executed statements to construct a slicing criterion in Eq. (<ref>). Suppose that a failure-inducing context has K statements. It means that these K statements interact with each other to cause an incorrect output (a program failure). Since the statements not in the failure-inducing context do not affect the incorrect output, we combine the failure-inducing context via keeping the coverage information of these statements in the failure-inducing context and removing others. Thus, finally acquires a new M × K matrix called context matrix which records the execution information of the failure-inducing context in the test suite. §.§ Context-aware GAN Model Training After constructing a failure-inducing context, we acquire a M × K context matrix from the original M × N matrix (original raw data). The context matrix shows the runtime information of these statements whose execution leads to the incorrect output of a program. uses the context matrix as the input of the GAN model, trains the GAN to generate a new synthesized vector by the discriminating network D and the generating network G with all failing test cases selected from the context matrix as samples. It means that will learn the features of all failing test cases, the newly synthesized test cases will cover the common feature of all failing test cases. Thus, will mark the newly synthesized test cases (the newly synthesized vectors with the same structure of raw data) as failing labels. We add the new failing synthesized test cases to the context matrix and form a new matrix (new raw data) whose failing data and passing data are balanced. Finally, the new raw data are used as the new input for the FL approach (SFL and DLFL) to improve its effectiveness. The model training part of  <ref> shows the specific training procedure. trains D (discriminator) first to initiate the training procedure of the GAN model. selects the K-dimensional vector [ y_1, y_2, …, y_K ], and inputs it into G (generator) after noise processing to obtain the generated data [z_1, z_2, …, z_K ] (the synthesized data). Then, it further selects the original failing test cases in the original raw data ([x_i1, x_i2, … , x_iK ], i∈{ 1, 2, … , M } and e_i=1) as the real data, and uses the generated data [ z_1, z_2, … , z_K ] as the generated sample to be spliced together and input them into D (discriminator). D gives label 1 to real data [ x_i1, x_i2, … , x_iK ], and 0 to generated data [ z_1, z_2, … , z_K ]. The difference between D's output score and the label is trained using loss backpropagation. After D training is complete, starts G training with the fixed parameters of D. In the G training process, D and G are regarded as a whole. [ y_1, y_2, … , y_K ] processed by the noise is used as the input, and then G outputs generated data [ z_1, z_2, … , z_K ]. The discriminator D with fixed parameters is used for scoring. The difference between the output score and label 1 is used as the loss backpropagation to train G. Throughout the GAN model training process, G is weak at the beginning, and D can easily distinguish between real data and generated data. With the gradual increase of training G, D cannot distinguish between real data and generated data. Eq. (<ref>) is the training process of the minimax two-player game between generator G and discriminator D. D maximizes the objective function to identify whether the generated data [ z_1, z_2, …, z_K ] are fake. In contrast, G constantly minimizes the distribution difference between the real data and the generated data, minimizing D's discrimination of generated data. Finally, a Nash equilibrium<cit.> is reached. §.§ Class-balanced Raw Data Generation After context-aware GAN training, learns a context-aware GAN model which generates synthesized failing data (the new synthesized failing vectors with the same structure as the original raw data) for FL. The trained model will generate synthesized failing data and add them to the original raw data until we acquire a class-balanced dataset, where the number of failing vectors and the number of passing vectors are the same in the new raw data. inputs the new class-balanced raw data into the suspiciousness evaluation algorithm of the FL approach to mitigate the effect of the class imbalance problem in FL. Finally, with the new class-balanced raw data, FL outputs a ranked list of all statements in descending order of suspiciousness values. §.§ An Illustrative Example To illustrate how the methodology of works, <ref> shows an example of applying . As shown in <ref>, there is a faulty program P with 16 statements including a fault at line 3, in which the number 0 should be 6 instead. We use one SFL approach (GP02<cit.>) to locate the faulty statement for our illustrative example. The cells below each statement indicate whether the statement is executed by the test case or not (0 for not executed and 1 for executed). The cells below the `Result' which is the errors vector for the coverage matrix as shown in <ref> represent whether the test result of a test case is failing or passing (1 for falling and 0 for passing). The original test suite is class-imbalanced since it has four passing test cases (t_2, t_3, t_4, and t_5) and two failing test cases (t_1 and t_6). For acquiring a class-balanced dataset, we need to generate two pieces of new raw data with failing labels. first uses the failing test case t_1 to compute the failure-inducing context using program slicing. According to Eq. (<ref>), we set (S_14, d1, t_1) as the slicing criterion since the output value of the variable d1 in the output statement S_14 is incorrect when executing the failing test case t_1. As shown in <ref>, the failure-inducing context regarding t_1 is { S_1, S_3, S_7 ,S_14}. Then, based on the failure-inducing context, uses GAN to generate two pieces of synthesized failing raw data (t_7 and t_8) marked with yellow in <ref>. Finally, adds the two failing synthesized failing test cases into the context matrix to form a new raw data, and GP02 uses the new raw data to conduct the suspiciousness evaluation for each statement. The bottom rows are the FL results of original GP02 and GP02 with , the two ranked lists of statements in descending order of suspiciousness in <ref> marked with different colors. Without using , the ranked list of the statements using GP02 marked with blue is { S_7,S_8,S_9, S_12,S_10,S_11,S_14,S_15,S_16,S_1,S_2,S_3,S_13,S_4, S_5,S_6}. After applying our approach , the ranked list of the statements using GP02 is { S_7, S_3,S_1,S_14}. We can observe that the faulty statement S_3 is ranked 12th place with the original raw data while ranks the faulty statement S_3 2nd place. It means that yields better FL results than the original GP02, mitigating the effect of the class imbalance in FL. § EXPERIMENTS §.§ Datasets To evaluate the effectiveness of our approach , we adopt the Defects4J <cit.> that has been widely used in the software testing and debugging community <cit.>. We use all the six representative subject programs of Defects4J[https://github.com/rjust/defects4j] ( Chart, Closure, Math, Mockito, Lang, and Time) and all faults from these programs are real faults.  <ref> summarizes the information of the six subject programs. For each program, it lists a brief functional description (column `Description’), the number of faulty versions used (column `Versions’), the number of thousand lines of statements (column `LoC(K)’), the number of test cases (column `Test’). Since it is time-consuming to collect the inputs (raw data) of the six large programs of Defects4J, we reuse the coverage matrix and the errors collected by Pearson  <cit.>. §.§ Experiment Settings For every faulty version of the six subject programs shown in  <ref>, we set the training period of context-aware GAN model to 1,000, and the dimension of hidden variable z defined in latent space 𝒵 to 100. Our experiments were conducted on a 64-bit Linux server with 40 cores of 2.4GHz CPU and 252GB RAM. The operating system is Ubuntu 20.04. §.§ Evaluation Metrics We adopt the four widely-used FL evaluation metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of our approach. Their definitions are as follows: * Number of Top-K<cit.>: It is the number of faulty versions with at least one faulty statement that is within the first K position of the rank list produced by the FL technique. In the previous study, many respondents view fault localization as successful only if it can localize bugs in the top 10 positions from a practical perspective <cit.>. Following the prior work <cit.>, we assign K with the value of 1, 5, and 10 for our evaluation. A higher value of Top-K means better FL effectiveness. * Mean Average Rank (MAR)<cit.>: For a faulty version, the average rank is the mean rank of all faulty statements in the rank list. MAR is the mean average value for the project that includes several faulty versions. A lower value of MAR indicates better FL effectiveness. * Mean First Rank (MFR)<cit.>: It first computes the rank that any of the statements are located first for a faulty version. Then compute the mean value of the ranks for the project. A lower value of MFR shows better FL effectiveness. * Relative Improvement (RImp)<cit.>: This metric can see the improvement of one fault localization approach relative to another fault localization approach. It is to compare the total number of statements that need to be examined to find the first faulty statement using versus the number that needs to be examined by using baselines. A lower value of RImp indicates better FL effectiveness. §.§ Research Questions and Results To evaluate the effectiveness of our approach, we design and conduct the experiments to investigate the following research questions: * RQ1: How does perform in localizing real faults compared with original state-of-the-art FL approaches? This RQ aims at investigating whether improves FL effectiveness after applying our approach. If the effectiveness of the FL approach increases after applying , it means that can mitigate the effect of class imbalance in FL. * RQ2: How effective is as compared with the representative data optimization approaches? This RQ is to further verify the ability of to mitigate the effect of class imbalance in FL via comparing other representative data optimization approaches. If outperforms other representative data optimization approaches, it means that is more effective than other representative approaches in addressing the class imbalance problem of FL. * RQ3: Does each component contributes to the effectiveness of ? This RQ is to check whether each component of (a GAN or a failure-inducing context) contributes to the effectiveness of . We use three cases: original FL (denoted as baseline), only using GAN (denoted as CGAN4FL(GAN)), using GAN and failure-inducing context (denoted as CGAN4FL(GAN+context)). If we acquire a FL effectiveness relationship: CGAN4FL(GAN+context) > CGAN4FL(GAN) > baseline, it means that the GAN (due to CGAN4FL(GAN) > baseline) and the failure-inducing context (due to CGAN4FL(GAN+context) > CGAN4FL(GAN)) both contribute to . RQ1. How does perform in localizing real faults compared with original state-of-the-art FL approaches? There are two main types of FL: spectrum-based fault localization (SFL) and deep learning-based fault localization (DLFL). Recent studies <cit.> have shown the most effective SFL approaches (Dstar <cit.>, Ochiai <cit.>, and Barinel <cit.>) and DLFL approaches (MLP-FL <cit.>, CNN-FL <cit.>, and RNN-FL <cit.>) in locating real faults. Thus, we use the six state-of-the-art FL approaches as the baselines and apply to them to compare their effectiveness. For details of these FL approaches, please refer to Section <ref>.  <ref> shows the Top-K, MAR, and MFR results of the comparisons of the FL baselines and our approach . It illustrates two scenarios: a baseline without using (referred to as baseline) and using (referred to as ). For the convenience of reading, we bold the experimental results in the tables, indicating which approach performs better. As shown in  <ref>, significantly outperforms all the baselines. For SFL approaches, take Ochiai as an example. The number of faults that can locate is 50, 123, and 177 for the Top-1, Top-5, and Top-10 metrics, respectively. The results denote the Top-1, Top-5, and Top-10 metrics have increased by 31.58%, 8.85%, and 13.46% as compared with Ochiai. For DLFL approaches, take MLP-FL as an example. The number of faults that can locate is 27, 64, and 86 for the Top-1, Top-5, and Top-10 metrics, respectively, the Top-1, Top-5, and Top-10 metrics have increased by 200.00%, 25.49%, 17.81% as compared with the MLP-FL. Furthermore, the MFR and MAR metrics show that the rank of is lower than that of baselines for all six FL techniques. The results show that can always locate one buggy line first and find all buggy lines with the least effort.  <ref> visually shows the MFR distribution of the FL baselines and . The results show that significantly improves FL effectiveness.  <ref> shows the RImp distribution of our approach vs the six FL baselines. As shown in  <ref>, all RImp values are less than 100%, showing that our approach improves all the baselines after applying . Take the MLP-FL as an example. MLP-FL will examine 987.94 lines on average to locate the first bug in all faulty versions (MFR), while only checks 259.24 lines of code. Thus, the value of RImp is 26.24%, indicating that for locating the first faulty statement, the number of statements to be checked by is 26.24% of the original MLP-FL. [boxrule=0pt, frame empty] Summary for RQ1: In RQ1, we discuss the effectiveness of the six state-of-the-art FL approaches using and without using . The experimental results show that is effective to improve FL effectiveness by mitigating the effect of class imbalance in FL. RQ2. How effective is as compared with the representative data optimization approaches? To further evaluate the ability of to mitigate the effect of class imbalance in FL, we compare our approach with two representative data optimization approaches, resampling <cit.> and undersampling <cit.>. Resampling and undersampling acquire a class-balanced dataset by replicating minority samples and removing the majority samples, respectively. For more details, resampling and undersampling can refer to Gao   <cit.> and Wang   <cit.>, respectively.  <ref> shows the Top-K, MAR, and MFR results of the two representative data optimization approaches and our approach . As shown in  <ref>, outperforms resampling and undersampling in all cases of SFL and most cases of DLFL. Taking Ochiai as an example, the number of faults can locate is 50, 123, and 177 for Top-1, Top-5, and Top-10 metrics, respectively. The results indicate that the Top-1, Top-5, and Top-10 metrics have increased by 284.62%, 136.54%, and 126.92% respectively as compared with undersampling, and increased by 47.06%,33.70%, and 40.48% respectively as compared with resampling. Furthermore, the MFR and the MAR of are lower than the two representative data optimization approaches in almost all cases, showing that performs better than the two representative approaches. Furthermore,  <ref> visually shows the MFR distribution of resampling, undersampling, and , indicating that is the best of these three scenarios except for one case of resampling is better in CNN-FL.  <ref> shows the RImp distribution under two scenarios: vs resampling and vs undersampling. As shown in  <ref>, the RImp values of all the cases are less than 100% except for one case of vs resampling in CNN-FL. Thus, we can conclude that performs better than resampling and undersampling in addressing the class imbalance problem in FL. [boxrule=0pt, frame empty] Summary for RQ2: In RQ2, we compare with two representative data optimization approaches, resampling and undersampling. The experimental results show that is more effective than the two representative data optimization approaches in almost all cases for mitigating the effect of class imbalance in FL. RQ3. Does each component contributes to the effectiveness of ? To check whether each component contributes to the effectiveness of , we use Wilcoxon-Signed-Rank Test (WSR) <cit.> to verify whether the effectiveness relationship (CGAN4FL(GAN+context) > CGAN4FL(GAN) > baseline) is satisfied or not, where CGAN4FL(GAN+context), CGAN4FL(GAN), and baseline denote using GAN and failure-inducing context, only using GAN, and original FL respectively. For each FL approach, we perform two paired Wilcoxon-Signed-Rank tests (CGAN4FL(GAN+context) vs CGAN4FL(GAN) and CGAN4FL(GAN) vs baseline) by using the ranks of the faulty statements as the pairs of measurements.  <ref> shows the statistical results of all the tests at the σ level of 0.05.  <ref> shows the statistical results of all the tests at the σ level of 0.05. The `conclusion’ column gives the conclusion according to p-value. Take Ochiai as an example. For CGAN4FL(GAN) vs baseline, the the p-value of greater, less, and two-sided are 1, 2.68e-08, and 5.36e-08 respectively. According to the definition of WSR, it means that the MFR value of CGAN4FL(GAN) (Ochiai using CGAN4FL(GAN)) is less than that of the baseline (original Ochiai), leading to a BETTER result. For CGAN4FL(GAN+context) vs CGAN4FL(GAN), the p-value of greater, less, and two-sided are 1, 1.43e-03, and 2.86e-03 respectively. It means that the MFR value of CGAN4FL(GAN+context) (Ochiai using our approach ) is less than that of CGAN4FL(GAN) (Ochiai using CGAN4FL(GAN)), also leading to a BETTER result. From the table, we can observe that both CGAN4FL(GAN) vs baseline and CGAN4FL(GAN+context) vs (GAN) obtain BETTER results in all cases, meaning that the effectiveness relationship CGAN4FL(GAN+context) > CGAN4FL(GAN) > baseline is satisfied. Thus, each component of contributes to its effectiveness. [boxrule=0pt, frame empty] Summary for RQ3: In RQ3, we make statistical comparisons in two scenarios: CGAN4FL(GAN+context) vs CGAN4FL(GAN) and CGAN4FL(GAN) vs baseline. The experimental results show that the effectiveness relationship CGAN4FL(GAN+context) > CGAN4FL(GAN) > baseline holds. Thus, we can conclude that each component of (failure-inducing context and GAN) contributes to its effectiveness. § DISCUSSION §.§ Threats to Validity The implementation of baselines and our approach. Our implementation of baselines and may potentially contain bugs. For the three SFL approaches (Dstar, Ochiai, and Barinel), we implement them according to their formulas and then manually test their correctness. For the three DLFL approaches (MLP-FL, RNN-FL, and CNN-FL), we acquire the source code of CNN-FL from the authors and implement the other two DLFL approaches via replacing the deep learning component with MLP and RNN from the source code of CNN-FL. Since a neural network has many parameters for its construction (learning rate, batch size), some parameters of MLP-FL, RNN-FL, and CNN-FL may differ from the original paper. Besides the implementation of baselines, we implement our pipeline of failure-inducing context construction, context-aware GAN model training, and class-balanced raw data generation, which may also potentially include bugs. To mitigate those threats, we check our code implementation rigorously and make all relevant code publicly available (see the footnote in Section <ref>). The generalizability. We conduct our experiments on the real faults dataset benchmark, Defects4J, which is widely used in fault localization and program repair community. Although the subject programs selected in our experiments are all from the real world and our approach performs well on these programs, it may be not effective for other programs since no dataset can cover all possible cases of faults in practice. Thus, it is worthwhile to conduct more experiments on more large-sized programs with real faults to further verify the effectiveness of our approach in mitigating the effect of class imbalance in FL. §.§ Reasons for Is Effective Our experiments demonstrate that is more effective than the compared baselines. The main reasons are threefold: (1) takes full advantage of the program dependency to capture the statements closely related to the faulty statements. In other words, the utilization of program slicing removes the fault-irrelevant statements precisely. (2) The GAN is a powerful model that could generate synthesized samples that are like real samples. More importantly, we provide the GAN model with the expert knowledge in software debugging (the fault-relevant statements obtained by program slicing), which could potentially improve the accuracy and efficiency of the model. (3) The advantages of both the program analysis technique (the program slicing) and the advanced generative network (the GAN model) are well combined by to gain the high-quality generated input data. Further, the high-quality and class-balanced input data could be beneficial to the state-of-the-art SFL and DLFL approaches. § RELATED WORK §.§ Fault Localization Spectrum-based fault localization (SFL) <cit.> and Deep learning-based fault localization (DLFL) <cit.> are the two most popular FL approaches. Researchers have proposed many SFL techniques (Tarantula<cit.>, Ochiai<cit.>, Jaccard<cit.>, and DStar<cit.>), and enhanced program spectrum (<cit.>) and a test suite (<cit.>) for more improvement. With a large number of SFL techniques, many studies <cit.> have explored the best SFL techniques. Yoo  <cit.> have found that there is no SFL technique claiming that it can outperform all others under every scenario. Even if the best SFL technique does not exist. The existing studies <cit.> have found a group of optimal SFL techniques, the group of optimal SFL techniques cannot outperform each other whereas they can outperform all the other SFL techniques outside the group. DLFL <cit.> uses deep learning to locate a fault and recently attracts much attention. Wang propose the FL approach BPNN-FL<cit.> using BP neural network model as a pipeline for learning input and output relationships. Then, Wong  <cit.> improve their BPNN-FL approach by removing irrelevant statements. Similar to the idea of Wong , many researchers directly use the raw data as training data, and propose different DLFL approaches using different neural networks (MLP-FL<cit.>, CNN-FL<cit.>, and RNN-FL<cit.>). In contrast to devising an effective FL approach, our work focuses on addressing the class imbalance problem in FL and can be used in tandem with these FL approaches. §.§ Class Imbalance In recent decades, researchers have proposed many methods to address the class imbalance problem. The typical methods are data-level, algorithm-level, hybrid, and ensemble learning methods. The data-level methods add a preprocessing step to mitigate the effect of class imbalance in the learning process<cit.>. The algorithm-level methods create or modify deep learning algorithms for addressing the class imbalance problem<cit.>. The hybrid methods combine algorithm-level and data-level methods <cit.>. The ensemble learning methods <cit.> use ensembles to increase the accuracy of classification by training several different classifiers and combining their decisions to output a single class label. Specifically, with regard to ensemble learning methods, there are lots of different approaches, SMOTEBoost<cit.>, RUSBoost<cit.>, IIVotes<cit.>, EasyEnsemble<cit.>, and SMOTEBagging<cit.>. These works focus on addressing the class imbalance problem in the artificial intelligence field. In contrast, our work focuses on mitigating the effect of class imbalance in a different research field (fault localization). § CONCLUSION In this paper, we propose : a data augmentation approach that uses context-aware GAN to mitigate the effect of the class imbalance in FL. embraces two main ideas: (1) data augmentation is a potential and effective solution to the class imbalance problem in FL; (2) a failure-inducing context is useful for guiding and acquiring a more precise data augmentation process. To implement the above ideas, we use program dependencies to construct a failure-inducing context showing how a failure is caused, and integrate the context into a generative adversarial network to learn the features of minority class and synthesize minority class data for generating a class-balanced dataset for FL. The experiments show that our approach is effective to mitigate the effect of class imbalance in FL. In the future, we intend to use more large-sized program to further verify our approach, and explore other generative networks for more improvement. § ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work is partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 62272072), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. 2022CDJDX-005), and the Major Key Project of PCL (No. PCL2021A06). IEEEtran
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[ "Yutian Chi", "Chenglong Shen", "Long Cheng", "Bingkun Yu", "Bin Miao", "Yuming Wang", "Tielong Zhang", "Zhuxuan Zou", "Mengjiao Xu", "Zonghao Pan", "Zhenpeng Su", "Jingnan Guo", "Dongwei Mao", "Zhihui Zhong", "Zhiyong Zhang", "Junyan Liu", "Can Wang", "Zhiyong Wu", "Guoqiang Wang", "Sudong Xiao", "Kai Liu", "Xinjun Hao", "Yiren Li", "Manming Chen", "Yang Du" ]
[ "physics.space-ph" ]
Chenglong Shen clshen@ustc.edu.cn 0000-0001-9315-4487]Yutian Chi Institute of Deep Space Sciences, Deep Space Exploration Laboratory, Hefei 230026, China Deep Space Exploration Laboratory/School of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China CAS Center for Excellence in Comparative Planetology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China CAS Key Laboratory of Geospace Environment, Department of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China Institute of Deep Space Sciences, Deep Space Exploration Laboratory, Hefei 230026, China Deep Space Exploration Laboratory/School of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China CAS Center for Excellence in Comparative Planetology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China Deep Space Exploration Laboratory/School of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China CAS Center for Excellence in Comparative Planetology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China Anhui Mengcheng Geophysics National Observation and Research Station, University of Science and Technology of China, Mengcheng, Anhui, China CAS Center for Excellence in Comparative Planetology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Graz, Austria CAS Key Laboratory of Geospace Environment, Department of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China Institute of Deep Space Sciences, Deep Space Exploration Laboratory, Hefei 230026, China Deep Space Exploration Laboratory/School of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China CAS Center for Excellence in Comparative Planetology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China Deep Space Exploration Laboratory/School of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China CAS Center for Excellence in Comparative Planetology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China Deep Space Exploration Laboratory/School of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China CAS Center for Excellence in Comparative Planetology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China CAS Key Laboratory of Geospace Environment, Department of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China CAS Key Laboratory of Geospace Environment, Department of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China CAS Key Laboratory of Geospace Environment, Department of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China CAS Key Laboratory of Geospace Environment, Department of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China CAS Key Laboratory of Geospace Environment, Department of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China CAS Key Laboratory of Geospace Environment, Department of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China Institute of Space Science and Applied Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, China Institute of Space Science and Applied Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, China Deep Space Exploration Laboratory/School of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China CAS Center for Excellence in Comparative Planetology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China Deep Space Exploration Laboratory/School of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China CAS Center for Excellence in Comparative Planetology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China Deep Space Exploration Laboratory/School of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China CAS Center for Excellence in Comparative Planetology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China Deep Space Exploration Laboratory/School of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China CAS Center for Excellence in Comparative Planetology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China Shanghai institute of satellite engineering, Shanghai, China Tianwen-1 spacecraft <cit.> is China's first Mars exploration mission. The Mars Orbiter Magnetometer (MOMAG) is a scientific instrument aboard the Tianwen-1 mission that is designed to study magnetic fields at Mars, including the solar wind to the magnetosheath and the ionosphere. Using the first Tianwen-1/MOMAG data that is publicly available, we present interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME) and stream interaction region (SIR) catalogues based on in-situ observations at Mars between November 16, 2021, and December 31, 2021. We compared the magnetic field intensity and vector magnetic field measurements from Tianwen-1/MOMAG and Mars Atmospheric Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN)/MAG during the ICME and SIR interval and found a generally good consistency between them. Due to MAVEN's orbital adjustment since 2019, the Tianwen-1/MOMAG instrument is currently the almost unique interplanetary magnetic field monitor at Mars. The observations indicate that the MOMAG instrument on Tianwen-1 is performing well and can provide accurate measurements of the vector magnetic field in the near-Mars solar wind space. The multi-point observations combining MOMAG, MINPA, and MEPA on board Tianwen-1 with MAG, SWIA, and STATIC on board MAVEN will open a window to systematically study the characteristic of ICMEs and SIRs at Mars, and their influences on the Martian atmosphere and ionosphere. § INTRODUCTION Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and Stream Interaction Regions (SIRs) are the two common large-scale disturbances in the heliosphere, driving extreme space weather in Earth's and planetary environment <cit.>. CMEs are large-scale eruptions of plasma and magnetic flux transferring huge energies from the lower solar corona into interplanetary space. Interplanetary CMEs (ICMEs), the interplanetary counterpart of CMEs, are the major cause of severe space weather, especially around the solar maximum <cit.>. SIRs are mainly created by the interaction between fast solar wind streams (emanating from coronal holes) and the low-speed streams arising in the streamer belt <cit.>. If SIRs persist for more than one solar rotation, they can also be referred to as Corotating Interaction Regions (CIRs, ). At Earth, ICMEs can cause intense geomagnetic storms <cit.>, extensive ionospheric anomalies <cit.>, and disturbances in the atmosphere-ionosphere coupling system <cit.>, and trigger a wide array of undesirable consequences, including disruption in satellite systems, damage to the ground-based electric power grids, and interruptions of high-frequency communications and satellite navigation systems <cit.>. SIRs passing the Earth can cause recurrent geomagnetic storms <cit.>, change the energetic particle environment near Earth <cit.> and produce periodic oscillations in the ionosphere <cit.>. In contrast to Earth, Mars lacks global intrinsic magnetic fields but possesses localized crustal fields <cit.>. Thus, the ICMEs/SIRs carry the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and have direct access to the Martian atmosphere/ionosphere. Many previous studies used multiple spacecraft in-situ observations and numerical simulations to investigate the interaction between solar transient events and the Martian atmosphere. During the passage of the solar transient events (ICMEs), the solar wind interaction region was compressed <cit.>, and the cold ion escape of the Martian atmospheric rates increased <cit.>, which both indicate that the interaction between ICMEs and Mars is a significant factor in the evolution of the Martian atmosphere <cit.>. SIRs can cause strong perturbations in the martian-induced magnetosphere and ionosphere <cit.>. The high energetic particles accelerated by shocks associated with ICMEs and SIRs can also cause an enhancement in the ionospheric ionization <cit.>. The ICMEs/SIRs passing Mars can strongly affect the martian environment. Studying the in-situ characteristics of ICMEs/SIRs at Mars is critical for understanding the evolution of the Martian atmosphere and ionosphere. The solar wind parameters near Mars have been continuously monitored by Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) since 2014, Mars Express (MEX) spacecraft since 2003, and Tianwen-1 since November 2021. Tianwen-1 spacecraft <cit.> is China's first Mars exploration mission, launched on 23 July 2020, with a primary mission target of studying environment characteristics around Mars. The Mars Orbiter Magnetometer (MOMAG) <cit.>, one of the orbiter's seven payloads, monitors the magnetic fields around Mars to learn more about its space environment and how it interacts with the solar wind. Since 16 November 2021, the MOMAG instrument on board the Tianwen-1 spacecraft has been continuously measuring the local magnetic field conditions around Mars, and its reliability has been verified by <cit.>. Despite the fact that MAVEN and Tianwen-1 are primarily planetary missions, both spacecraft repeatedly crossed the Martian magnetosphere and spent significant amounts of time in the solar wind, recording huge solar transient structures, such as ICMEs and SIRs. The MAVEN spacecraft <cit.> was launched on 18 November 2013 and has investigated the interactions of the Sun and the solar wind with the Mars magnetosphere and upper atmosphere for 8 years. The Magnetometer (MAG) <cit.> and the Solar Wind Ion Analyzer (SWIA) <cit.> on board MAVEN measure the intensity and direction of the magnetic field, density, temperature, bulk flow velocities, and dynamic pressure around Mars. Instruments on board the MAVEN and Tianwen-1 can simultaneously detect the arrival of ICMEs and SIRs. The multi-point observations combining Tianwen-1 and MAVEN provide an opportunity to systematically study the characteristic of ICMEs and SIRs, and their influences on the Martian atmosphere and ionosphere. In this work, we use the Tianwen-1 and MAVEN in-situ observations to identify ICME and SIR events and give a detailed description of those five events. The layout of this paper is as follows. Section 2 briefly describes the in-situ magnetic field and solar wind plasma observations from the Tianwen-1 and MAVEN, and the criteria to identify ICMEs and SIRs used in this study. In section 3, we present the first two ICMEs detected by the Tianwen-1 spacecraft and give a comparison of the magnetic field observations from Tianwen-1 and MAVEN during the two ICMEs. In section 4, we present the first three SIRs detected by Tianwen-1 and the properties of SIRs near Mars. A summary of our main results and discussion are presented in the final section. § DATASET AND CRITERIA Figure <ref> presented the orbits of Mars, Venus, Mercury, STEREO-A, and Earth in Heliocentric Earth Ecliptic (HEE) coordinates from 16 November 2021 to 31 December 2022. The orbital tracks are colour coded (from light to dark) to represent time (earlier to later). During that time, the Sun-centred longitudinal separation angles of Mars from Earth changed from ∼159.3^∘ to 135.9^∘. In this study, we adopt the interplanetary magnetic field vector data from MOMAG on board Tianwen-1 and MAG on board MAVEN, and the solar wind plasma data from MAVEN/SWIA. All the data used in this paper are shown in the Mars Solar Orbital (MSO) coordinate system, with the x-axis pointing from Mars to the Sun, the z-axis aligned with Mars' rotation axis, and the y-axis completing the system. MAVEN orbits Mars in a ∼4.5 hours orbit, while Tianwen-1 orbits Mars in a 7.8 hours orbit. Figure <ref> shows the orbit of Tianwen-1 and MAVEN in the period of 16-18 November 2021. Tianwen-1 orbits Mars in a steeply inclined elliptical plane with a periapsis of around 1.08 Mars radii (RM) and an apoapsis of about 4.17 RM (red lines in Figure 2). According to Tianwen-1's orbit, the MOMAG spends around 50%–75% of its time in the solar wind, detecting the magnetic field in the solar wind on the dawn-dusk side. MAVEN's orbit plane has a 75 inclination, with a periapsis between 150 and 200 km (1.04-1.06 RM) and an apoapsis between 5,900 and 6,000 km (2.74-2.77 RM) (blue lines in Figure 2). It is apparent that the duration's of MOMAG magnetic field data and MAVEN/MAG magnetic field data in the solar wind are different. Thus, considering the differences in Tianwen-1 and MAVEN orbits, the observations from MAVEN are complementary to those measured from Tianwen-1. The combination of solar wind measurements from Tianwen-1 and MAVEN in-situ observations will be extremely useful in understanding the characteristics of ICMEs and SIRs at Mars. The MAVEN spacecraft and Tianwen-1 spacecraft frequently cross the bow shock. The selection criteria for MAVEN's undisturbed solar wind periods are based on the observations of the solar wind speed |v|> 200 km/s, normalized magnetic field fluctuation levels σB/|B|< 0.15, altitude R > 500km, and √(()T/|v|) <0.012 <cit.>. We define the sudden increase in magnetic field intensity as the Tianwen-1 spacecraft crossing the bow shock <cit.>. For each orbit, the time Tianwen-1 entered the solar wind from the magnetic sheath and the time the solar wind entered the magnetic sheath can be easily confirmed. The period between the two passes was chosen as Tianwen-1's solar wind period <cit.>. Although the signatures of ICMEs can vary significantly, they still can be distinguished from the surrounding solar wind by a particular magnetic field and solar wind plasma signatures. The criteria used to identify ICMEs on Mars are similar to those on Earth <cit.>: 1) higher magnetic-field strength compared to its surroundings, 2) reasonably monotonic, smooth rotating magnetic field direction, 3) abnormally lower proton temperature, 4) decreasing plasma velocity, 5) lower plasma beta (β). Please be aware that none of these signatures can be observed in all ICMEs. A structure is recognized as an ICME when it fits at least three of five criteria. A special type of ICMEs that satisfy the aforementioned 5 criteria are also called Magnetic Clouds (MCs) <cit.>. <cit.> identified 24 ICMEs using MAVEN/MAG and SWIA data from 2014 December 6 to 2019 February 21 and presented statistical characteristics of ICMEs at Mars with an average magnetic field strength of 5.99 nT, the density of 5.27 cm^-3, the velocity of 394.7 km s^-1, the dynamic pressure of 1.34 nPa. The increasing velocity profile and the significantly enhanced total perpendicular pressure are critical criteria in determining the boundaries of SIR <cit.>. The compressed and enhanced magnetic field, the increased proton density and temperature are other important criteria to identify SIRs. <cit.> identified 126 SIRs from 2014 October to 2018 November at Mars, and discovered that the average length of SIRs is around 37.0 h, the mean velocity is 430 km s^1, and the mean maximum magnetic field intensity is 11 nT at 1.5 AU. § ICME EVENTS Based on the criteria mentioned in Section 2 and the observations from Tianwen-1/MOMAG and Maven/MAG, we identified 2 ICME events from 16 November to 31 December 2021. Figure <ref> (a–f) shows the total magnetic field intensity (B), the elevation (θ) and azimuthal ϕ angles of magnetic field direction in the MSO coordinate system, three components of the magnetic field in the MSO coordinate system (B_x, B_y, and B_z) from MAVEN/MAG (black asterisks) and Tianwen-1/MOMAG (red asterisks). As shown in Figure <ref>, the Tianwen-1/MOMAG magnetic data are comparable with MAVEN/MAG data. Panels (g-k) show the solar wind speed, plasma density, total dynamic pressure, proton temperature, and plasma beta from MAVEN/SWIA. We only used the plasma and magnetic field data points in the undisturbed solar wind, whose selected criteria are introduced in Section 2. As indicated by the purple shadow region in Figure <ref>, an obvious ICME (ICME-1) was detected near Mars from 00:00UT on 10 December to 14:10UT on 11 December lasting about 38hr. The ICME's front boundary is well determined, as the directional discontinuity in the elevation angle θ , B_x, B_y, and B_z magnetic field components (panels b, d-f). The trailing boundary of the ICME is determined by the sharp enhancement in the plasma density and dynamic pressure (panels h and i). The structure exhibits characteristics of a typical ICME including enhanced magnetic field strength, monotonous, smooth changing magnetic field vector, decreasing velocity, lower plasma density and lower plasma beta. According to the MAVEN solar wind selection criteria <cit.>, no undisturbed solar wind data were measured from MAVEN from 06:09 UT to 19:50 UT on December 10, 2021 (indicated by black lines). As shown in Figure <ref> (j), the plasma temperature during that time is significantly higher than the background solar wind, which might influence the selection of undisturbed solar wind. Thus, for this region, we only use the first 4 of 5 criteria (the solar wind speed |v|> 200 km/s, normalized magnetic field fluctuation levels σB/|B|< 0.15, altitude R > 500km) to select the undisturbed solar wind. The signal of Tianwen-1 across the bow shock is also not noticeable in MOMAG observations during that time. The possible reason is that the arrival of ICME can dramatically alter the overall morphology of the Martian bow shock <cit.>. According to Tianwen-1/MAG and MAVEN/MOMAG observations, ICME-1 has a stronger magnetic field intensity (panel a) than the surrounding solar wind. The average magnetic field strengths of detected from Tianwen-1/MAG and MAVEN/MOMAG are 7.29 nT and 6.74 nT, respectively. In panel (b), the magnetic field elevation angles (θ) from MAG and MOMAG both show distinct rotation from -90 to 90. The magnetic field vectors B_x, B_y, and B_z, as shown in panels (d-f), from Tianwen-1/MOMAG and MAVEN/MAG are rotating simultaneously. According to the rotation of the magnetic field, ICME-1 also can be identified as an SWN-type MC. Figure <ref> indicates that Tianwen-1/MOMAG is performing well and the magnetic field observations from Tianwen-1/MOMAG and MAVEN/MAG can complement each other. Compared with the typical ICME parameters at Mars studied by <cit.>, ICME-1 has a higher magnetic field intensity (7.02 nT), a higher velocity (438.88 kms^-1), a lower plasma density (1.82 cm^-3), and comparable dynamic pressure (0.57 nPa). Those parameters indicate that ICME-1 is corresponding with a strong CME event. Figure <ref> shows the second ICME (ICME-2) detected by Tianwen-1 and MAVEN spacecraft. An ICME (shown as the purple shadow) lasted about 44h from 00:00 UT on 29 December 2021 to 20:00 UT on 30 December 2021. During this period, the interplanetary observations show obvious ICME signatures with enhanced magnetic field strength, smoothly rotated magnetic field vector, decreasing velocity, low proton temperature, and lower plasma beta. The data from Tianwen-1/MOMAG in the interval of CME-2 reveal comparable magnetic field strength and vector with MAVEN/MAG in panels (d-f). During the ICME-2 interval, MAVEN is only in the undisturbed solar wind for a short time, as shown in panels (d-f). The Tianwen-1/MOMAG data are crucial for identifying the ICME-2 boundary and displaying the magnetic field direction rotation. ICME-2 has a higher magnetic field intensity (6.33 nT), a lower velocity (335.55 kms^-1), a lower plasma density (6.37 cm^-3), and comparable dynamic pressure (1.20 nPa), compared with the typical ICME parameters at Mars studied by <cit.>. The mean values of the two ICMEs' parameters are shown in Table <ref>. cccc|cccccc The begin and end time of CMEs detected by Tianwen spacecraft at Mars 2*No. 2*Shock Time Begin Time End Time 6cMean Values in the Ejecta of the Ejecta of the Ejecta B B_s V_sw T_p N_p P_dp (UT) (UT) (UT) (nT) (nT) (km/s) (10^5K) (cm^-3) nPa 1 —— 2021-12-10T00:00 2021-12-11T14:10 7.02 4.99 438.88 13.59 1.82 0.57 2 —— 2021-12-29T00:00 2021-12-30T20:00 6.33 1.67 335.55 7.03 6.37 1.20 § SIR EVENTS Based on the SIRs' criteria, we identified 3 SIR events from 16 November to 31 December 2021. The SIR catalogue and mean parameters of the SIR are shown in table 2. During 18-19 November 2021, a SIR event (SIR-1) was recorded by the Tianwen-1 and Maven spacecraft as illustrated in Figure <ref>. The purple shade region in the figure shows the beginning and end times of the SIR. From 18 November 13:00UT to 19 November 13:00UT, SIR-1 lasts about 24 hours, which is shorter than the average duration of SIRs at Mars <cit.>. During this period, the SIR-1 shows a compressed magnetic field, compressed proton number density, increased temperature, and continuously increased solar wind speed. No clear forward or reverse shocks associated with SIR-1 are observed. The maximum magnetic field of SIR-1 is 9.5 nT. The velocity of the SIR increased from ∼390 km/s to 518.53 km/s, with an average value of 415.04 km/s. The simultaneous decrease in proton density and increase in proton temperature can be used to identify a stream interface. The blue vertical line in figure <ref> shows the time of stream interface at 03:40 UT on November 19, which was also identified by <cit.>. From 16 December to 18 December 2021, the Tianwen-1 and Maven spacecraft detected another SIR event (SIR-3). The two events (SIR-1 and SIR-3) are separated by an interval of 27.7 days, approximately corresponding to one solar rotation. As shown in Figure <ref>, the purple shade region indicates the interval of the SIR. The interval of the SIR lasts only 23hr, much less than the typical duration of SIRs at Mars <cit.>. A clear forward shock is characterised by simultaneous sharp increases in magnetic field intensity, bulk velocity, proton density and dynamic pressure at 06:00UT on December 16, 2021. The velocity in the interval of SIR-3 increased from about 300 kms^-1 to 545 kms^-1, with an average value of 446.9 kms^-1. The maximum magnetic field of SIR-3 was detected by MAVEN/MAG at 9.5 nT and Tianwen-1/MOMAG at 8.8 nT, which is a little less than the average magnetic field of SIR obtained by <cit.>. The average magnetic field intensity of SIR-3 is 4.95 nT. The maximum and mean density of SIR-3 are 20 cm^-3 and 6.01 cm^-3, respectively. Due to a lack of continuous plasma data in the solar wind, it is hard to identify the stream interface of SIR-3. The blue vertical line in figure <ref> indicates a possible stream interface for SIR-3, with increased proton temperature and decreased proton density at 19:50 UT on December 16. Comparing the parameters in SIR-1 and SIR-3, the average parameters in the two SIRs are comparable. It indicates that these two fast solar wind streams are from the same coronal hole and are observed in two adjacent solar rotations. cccc|cccccc The begin and end time of SIRs detected by Tianwen spacecraft at Mars 2*No. Begin Time End Time Time of 6cMean Values in the SIR of the SIR of the SIR Stream Interface B B_s V_sw T_p N_p P_dp (UT) (UT) (UT) (nT) (nT) (km/s) (10^5K) (cm^-3) nPa 1 2021-11-18T13:00 2021-11-19T13:00 2021-11-19T03:40 5.33 2.12 415.04 16.38 5.73 1.62 2 2021-12-02T11:00 2021-12-03T19:30 2021-12-02T21:15 9.06 2.93 428.47 19.35 9.33 2.61 3 2021-12-16T06:00 2021-12-17T04:00 2021-12-16T19:50 4.95 1.80 446.95 19.51 6.01 1.78 As shown in Figure <ref>, the grey shade shows the interval of SIR-2 detected by Tianwen-1 and MAVEN spacecraft. A pair of forward–reverse shocks bounding SIR-2 are observed at about 11:00UT on December 2 and 19:30UT on December 3, respectively. The forward shock is identified by the simultaneous increase in the magnetic field, bulb velocity, proton density, and dynamic pressure. The characteristics of reverse shock are a sharp increase in bulk velocity, a decrease in the magnetic field, proton density, and dynamic pressure. It should be noted that only approximately 4% of SIRs are associated with the forward–reverse shock pair <cit.> at Mars. The SIR-2 last about 32.5 hr, which is comparable to the average duration of SIRs on Mars. The velocity of SIR-2 increased from ∼300 km/s to 581.02 km/s, with an average value of 428.47 km/s. The mean magnetic field of SIR-2 is 9.06 nT, showing a significant enhancement over the surrounding solar wind. If the SIR rotates following the solar rotation, one more SIR should be detected by Tianwen-1 and Maven 27 days after SIR-2. We surveyed the in-situ observations from Tianwen-1 and MAVEN in the period of 28-31 December 2021. Only one typical ICME was recorded during that time, as shown in Figure <ref>. After the interval of ICME-2, a clear increase in bulk velocity and temperature, and a decrease in proton density and pressure are shown in Figure <ref>. It indicates that the structure would be composed of a SIR and an ICME or complex ejecta. Figure <ref> shows the position of Mars, Venus, Mercury, Earth and STA. We will research the evolution of SIRs from 1 AU to 1.52 AU and predict the arrival time of SIRs <cit.> in the future by combining in-situ observations from the Wind spacecraft close to Earth and the STA spacecraft with the SIR catalogue <cit.>. § CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSIONS The Tianwen-1 mission is China's first Mars exploration mission. The MOMAG on Tianwen-1 can make high-quality measurements of vector magnetic field in near-Mars space. The magnetic field data between November 16 and December 31 2021 from MOMAG are released to the public recently. We present ICME and SIR catalogues using the first available magnetic field measures from Tianwen-1/MOMAG, as well as the observations from MAVEN/MAG and SWIA. The magnetic field observations from MOMAG and MAG provide a unique opportunity to jointly measure and compare the vector magnetic field in the interval of ICMEs and SIRs. As we presented in the paper, the total magnetic field intensity, the elevation (θ) and azimuthal (ϕ) component of magnetic field direction and the three components of the magnetic field (B_x, B_y, and B_z) in the MSO coordinate measured by Tianwen-1/MOMAG are comparable to the observations from MAVEN/MAG. Given that MAVEN altered its orbit and shortened its time in the solar wind, the Tianwen-1/MOMAG data is currently the almost unique interplanetary magnetic field monitor at Mars. We are looking forward to further studies of ICMEs and SIRs near Mars using the multiple observations from Tianwen-1 and MAVEN. Those observations can advance our understanding of the characteristics of SIRs and ICMEs near Mars. Future, the multipoint observations combining BepiColombo, STEREO, Wind, SOHO, Tianwen-1, and Maven would provide a unique opportunity to address the origin and propagation of ICMEs from the solar surface to 1.52 AU. As shown in Figure <ref>, during that time, these spacecraft have the chance to be in alignment (conjunction), which will help us to address some of the unresolved issues of CME evolution in the heliosphere. It also provides a chance to investigate the evolution of SIR basic properties and related shock from 1AU to 1.52AU, when combined with measurements from Wind or STEREO-A at 1AU. The arrival of ICMEs and SIRs can disrupt the entire Martian upper atmosphere-ionosphere-magnetosphere system and have a significant impact on the instantaneous rates of ion loss in the Martian atmosphere <cit.>. The Mars Ion and Neutral Particle Analyzer (MINPA) <cit.> and the Mars Energetic Particles Analyzer (MEPA) <cit.> on board Tianwen-1 can detect low energy ions, neutral particles, electron, proton, alpha-particle and heavy ions in the space plasma environment of Mars. The observations from MOMAG, MINPA, and MEPA on board the Tianwen-1 spacecraft will show the response of the Martian upper atmosphere-ionosphere-magnetosphere system to the ICMEs or SIRs. All Tianwen-1 magnetic field data are available through the Planet Exploration Program Scientific Data Release System (<>) or you can download the data used in the paper directly from the official website of the MOMAG team (<http://space.ustc.edu.cn/dreams/tw1_momag/>). We would like to thank the entire MOMAG team for providing data access and support. All MAVEN data used in this paper are available from NASA’s Planetary Data System (<https://pds-ppi.igpp.ucla. edu/mission/MAVEN/MAVEN/>). This work is supported by grants from the NSFC (42130204, 41904151, 42188101, 42074222), the Strategic Priority Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDB41000000) and the CNSA pre-research Project on Civil Aerospace Technologies (Grant D020104). aasjournal
Label Distribution Learning from Logical Label
[ "Yuheng Jia", "Jiawei Tang", "Jiahao Jiang" ]
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
On the Regret of Online Edge Service Hosting t1 Sharayu Moharir Received: date / Accepted: date =============================================== Label distribution learning (LDL) is an effective method to predict the label description degree (a.k.a. label distribution) of a sample. However, annotating label distribution (LD) for training samples is extremely costly. So recent studies often first use label enhancement (LE) to generate the estimated label distribution from the logical label and then apply external LDL algorithms on the recovered label distribution to predict the label distribution for unseen samples. But this step-wise manner overlooks the possible connections between LE and LDL. Moreover, the existing LE approaches may assign some description degrees to invalid labels. To solve the above problems, we propose a novel method to learn an LDL model directly from the logical label, which unifies LE and LDL into a joint model, and avoids the drawbacks of the previous LE methods. Extensive experiments on various datasets prove that the proposed approach can construct a reliable LDL model directly from the logical label, and produce more accurate label distribution than the state-of-the-art LE methods. § INTRODUCTION Multi-label learning (MLL) <cit.> is a well-studied machine learning paradigm where each sample is associated with a set of labels. In MLL, each label is denoted as a logical value (0 or 1), indicating whether a label can describe a sample. However, the logical label cannot precisely describe the relative importance of each label to a sample. To this end, label distribution learning (LDL) <cit.> was proposed, in which real numbers are used to demonstrate the relative importance of a label to a certain sample. For example, Fig. 1(a) is a natural scene image, which is annotated with three positive labels (“Sky", “Mountain" and “Sea") and one negative label (“Human") as shown in Fig. 1(b). Since the relative importance of each label to this image is different, for example, the label “Mountain" is more important than the label “Sea", the real numbers (also known as the description degree) in Fig. 1(c) can better describe this image. The description degrees of all labels constitute a label distribution (LD). Specifically, if d^l_x represents the description degree of the label l to the instance x, it's subject to the non-negative constraint d^l_x∈[0,1] and the sum-to-one constraint ∑_l d^l_x=1. LDL aims to predict the LD for unseen samples, which is a more general paradigm than the traditional MLL. In LDL, a training set with samples annotated by LDs is required to train an LDL model. Unfortunately, the acquisition of label distributions of instances is a very costly and time-consuming process. Moreover, in reality, most datasets are only annotated by logical labels, which cannot be used directly by the existing LDL methods. Then a question naturally arises: can we directly train an LDL model from the logical labels? Recently, label enhancement (LE) <cit.> was proposed to partially answer this question. Specifically, LE first recovers the label distributions of training samples from the logical labels and then performs an existing LDL algorithm on the recovered LDs. Following <cit.>, many variants of LE were proposed, such as <cit.>, <cit.> and <cit.>. We refer the readers to the related work for more details. To achieve LE, those methods generally construct a linear mapping from the features to the logical labels directly, and then normalize the output of the linear mapping as the recovered LDs. However, those LE methods may assign positive description degrees to some negative logical labels. Moreover, as all the positive logical labels are annotated as 1, simply building a mapping from features to the logical labels is unreasonable, which will not differentiate the description degrees to different labels. Last but not least, the LE-based strategy is a step-wise manner to predict LD for unseen samples, which may lose the connection between LE and LDL model training. In this paper, we come up with a novel model named DLDL, i.e., Directly Label Distribution Learning from the logical label, which gives a favorable answer to the question “can we directly train an LDL model from the logical labels". The major contributions of our method are summarized as follows: * Our model is the first attempt to combine LE and LDL into a single model, which can learn an LDL model directly from the instances annotated by the logical labels. By the joint manner, the LE and LDL processes will better match each other. * We strictly constrain the description degree d^l_x to be 0 when the logical value corresponding to the label l is 0. The constraint will avoid assigning positive description degrees to the negative logical labels. * The existing LE methods usually minimize a least squares loss between the recovered LD and the logical label, which can not differentiate the description degrees of different labels. The proposed model avoids this fidelity term, and uses KL-divergence to minimize the difference between the recovered LD and the predictive LD, which is a better difference measure for two distributions. Extensive experiments on six benchmark datasets clearly show that the LD recovered by our method is better than that recovered by state-of-the-art LE methods on the training set, and the prediction performance of our model on the testing set also achieves state-of-the-art results compared to the traditional step-wise strategy. The structure of the paper is as follows. Firstly, we briefly review the related works on LDL and LE in Section 2. Secondly, we present the technical details of our model in Section 3. Then, the experimental results and analyses are presented to prove the effectiveness of our model in Section 4. Finally, conclusions and future working directions are drawn in Section 5. § RELATED WORKS Notations: Let n, m and c represent the number of samples, the dimension of features, and the number of labels. Let x∈ℝ^m denote a feature vector and y∈{0,1}^c denote its corresponding logical label vector. The feature matrix and the corresponding logical label matrix can be denoted by 𝐗=[x_1;x_2;…;x_n]∈ℝ^n× m and 𝐘=[y_1;y_2;…;y_n]∈{0,1}^n× c, respectively. Let 𝒴={l_1, l_2, …, l_c} be the complete set of labels. The description degree of the label l to the instance x is denoted by d^l_x, which satisfies d^l_x∈[0,1] and ∑_l d^l_x=1, and the label distribution of x_i is denoted by d_i=(d^l_1_x_i,d^l_2_x_i,…,d^l_c_x_i). §.§ Label Distribution Learning LDL is a new machine learning paradigm that constructs a model to predict the label distribution of samples. At first, LDL were achieved through problem transformation that transforms LDL into a set of single label learning problems such as PT-SVM, PT-Bayes <cit.>, or through algorithm adaptation that adopts the existing machine learning algorithms to LDL, such as AA-kNN and AA-BP <cit.>. SA-IIS <cit.> is the first model that specially designed for LDL, whose objective function is a mixture of maximum entropy loss <cit.> and KL-divergence. Based on SA-IIS, SA-BFGS <cit.> adopts BFGS to optimize the loss function, which is faster than SA-IIS. Sparsity conditional energy label distribution learning (SCE-LDL) <cit.> is a three-layer energy-based model for LDL. In addition, SCE-LDL is improved by incorporating sparsity constraints into the objective function. To reduce feature noise, latent semantics encoding for LDL (LSE-LDL) <cit.> converts the original data features into latent semantic features, and removes some irrelevant features by feature selection. LDL forests (LDLFs) <cit.> is based on differentiable decision trees and may be combined with representation learning to provide an end-to-end learning framework. LDL by optimum transport (LDLOT) <cit.> builds an objective function using the optimal transport distance measurement and label correlations. §.§ Label Enhancement The above mentioned LDL methods all assume that in the training set, each sample is annotated with label distribution. However, precisely annotating the label distributions for the training samples is extremely costly and time-consuming. On the contrary, many datasets annotated by logical labels are readily available. To this end, LE was proposed, which aims to convert the logical labels of samples in training set to label distributions. GLLE <cit.> is the first LE algorithm, which assumes that the LDs of two instances are similar to each other if they are similar in the feature space. LEMLL <cit.> adopts the local linear embedding technique to evaluate the relationship of samples in the feature spaces. Generalized label enhancement with sample correlations (gLESC) <cit.> tries to obtain the sample correlations from both of the feature and the label spaces. Bidirectional label enhancement (BD-LE) <cit.> takes the reconstruction errors from the label distribution space to the feature space into consideration. All of these LE methods can be generally formulated as min_𝐖||𝐗𝐖-𝐘||_F^2+ϕ (𝐗𝐖,𝐗), where 𝐗 and 𝐘 are the feature matrix and logical label matrix, ·_F denotes the Frobenius of a matrix, 𝐖∈ℝ^m× c builds a linear mapping from features to logical labels, and ϕ (𝐗𝐖,𝐗) models the geometric structure of samples, which is used to assist LD recovery. After minimizing Eq. (<ref>), those methods usually normalize 𝐗𝐖 as the recovered LD. Although those LE methods have achieved great success, they still suffer from the following limitations. Firstly, the fidelity term that minimizes the distance between the recovered LD 𝐗𝐖 and the logical label 𝐘 is inappropriate, because the logical labels are annotated as the same value and the linear mapping will not differentiate the description degrees for different labels. Besides, the Frobenius norm is also not the best choice to measure the difference between two distributions. Secondly, Eq. (<ref>) doesn't consider the restriction of the label distribution, i.e. ∀ i, 0≤d_i ≤y_i, ∑_l d^l_x_i=1. Although those LE methods performs a post-normalization to satisfy those constraints, they may assign positive description degrees to some negative logical labels. Furthermore, to predict the LD for unseen samples, those methods need to first perform LE and then carry out an existing LDL algorithm. The step-wise manner does not consider potential connections between LE and LDL. § THE PROPOSED APPROACH To solve the above mentioned issues, we propose a novel model named DLDL. Different from the previous two-step strategy, our method can directly generate a label distribution matrix 𝐃 = [d_1;d_2;…;d_n] ∈ℝ^n× c for samples annotated by logical labels and at the same time construct a weight matrix 𝐖∈ℝ^m× c to predict LD for unseen samples. We use the following priors to recover the LD matrix 𝐃 from the logical 𝐘. First, as each row of 𝐃 (e.g., d_i) denotes the recovered LD for a sample, it should obey the non-negative constraint and the sum-to-one constraint to make it a well-defined distribution, i.e., 0_c≤d_i≤1_c and d_i1_c=1, where 0_c, 1_c∈ℝ^c denote an all-zeros vector and an all-ones vector, and 0≤d_i≤1 means each element of d_i is non-negative and no more than 1. Moreover, to avoid assigning a positive description to a negative logical label, we require that 0≤d_i≤y_i, ∀ i. Reformulating the above constraints in the matrix form, we have 0_m× c≤𝐃≤𝐘, 𝐃1_c = 1_n, where 0_m× c is an all-zeros matrix with size m× c, and the above inequalities are held element-wisely. Second, we utilize the geometric structure of the samples to help recover the LDs from the logical labels, i.e., if two samples are similar to each other in the feature space, they are likely to own the similar LDs. To capture the similarity among samples, we define the local similarity matrix 𝐀=[A_i j]_n × n as A_i j= exp(-x_i-x_j_2^2 / 2σ^2), if x_j ∈𝒩(x_i) 0, otherwise. 𝒩(x_i) denotes the k-nearest neighbors of x_i, and σ^2>0 is a hyper-parameter. Based on the constructed local similarity matrix 𝐀, we can infer that the value of ||d_i-d_j|| is small when A_ij is large, i.e., min_𝐃 i,j∑A_ij||d_i-d_j||_2^2 =tr(𝐃^T𝐆𝐃), in which tr( ·) denotes the trace of a matrix, and 𝐆=𝐀̂-𝐀 is the graph Laplacian matrix and 𝐀̂ is a diagonal matrix with the elements Â_i i=∑_j=1^n A_i j. By taking the above priors into consideration, the LD matrix 𝐃 can be inferred from the logical label matrix 𝐘, i.e., 𝐃min tr(𝐃𝐆𝐃^T)+||𝐃||_F^2 s.t. 0_m× c≤𝐃≤𝐘, 𝐃1_c=1_n, where an additional term 𝐃_F^2 is imposed as regularization. Based on the recovered LD, we adopt a non-linear model that maps the features to the recovered LD, which can be used to predict the LD for unseen samples. Specifically, the non-linear model is formulated as P_ij=1Zexp(∑^m_k=1 X_ikW_kj), where 𝐖 is the weight matrix, 𝐏=[P_ij]_n× n is the prediction matrix, and Z=∑^c_j=1exp(∑^m_k=1 X_ikW_kj) is a normalization term. To infer the weight matrix 𝐖, we minimize the KL-divergence between the recovered label distribution matrix 𝐃 and the prediction matrix 𝐏, because KL-divergence is a good metric to measure the difference between the two distributions. Accordingly, the loss function for inferring 𝐖 becomes 𝐖minKL(𝐃,𝐏)+||𝐖||_F^2, where the widely-used squared Frobenius norm is imposed to control the model complexity. To directly induce an LD prediction model from the logical labels, we combine Eqs. (<ref>) and (<ref>) together and the final optimization problem of our method becomes: 𝐃,𝐖minKL(𝐃,𝐏)+α tr(𝐃𝐆𝐃^T)+β||𝐃||_F^2+γ||𝐖||_F^2 s.t. 0_m× c≤𝐃≤𝐘, 𝐃1_c=1_n, in which α, β and γ are hyper-parameters to adjust the contributions of different terms. By minimizing Eq. (<ref>), the proposed model can recover the LD for samples with logical labels, and simultaneously, can predict LD for unseen samples through Eq. (<ref>). Then, some restrictions to the label distribution matrix 𝐃 should be attached to Λ(𝐃). Specifically, considering that d^l_x∈[0,1] and if Y_i j=0, the corresponding description degree d^l_j_x_i, i.e., D_i j, should be 0, which means that D must satisfy 0≤𝐃≤𝐘, where 0∈ℝ^n× c is a matrix of all zeros and “𝐀≤𝐁” means that every element in 𝐀 is less than or equal to the corresponding element in 𝐁. So the final loss function of the LE process can be written as: Λ(𝐃) =i,j∑A_ij||d_i-d_j||_2^2 + ||𝐃||_F^2 =tr(𝐃^T𝐆𝐃) + ||𝐃||_F^2, s.t. 0≤𝐃≤𝐘, 𝐃1_c=1_n, in which 1_c is a vector of size c with all of its elements equals to 1. To make LDL predictions, we need a prediction matrix 𝐏∈ℝ^n× c and make it close to the label distribution matrix 𝐃. We adopt a non-linear predictive model and train the weight matrix 𝐖 to achieve this. In detail, we specify P_ij=1Zexp(∑^m_k=1 X_ikW_kj), in which Z=∑^c_j=1exp(∑^m_k=1 X_ikW_kj). Moreover, instead of the least squares loss function, we take the KL-divergence to measure the division from the label distribution matrix 𝐃 to the prediction matrix 𝐏, since it can better represent the difference between the two probability distributions. By adding the widely-used squared Frobenius norm to control the scale of 𝐖, we can obtain the loss function Ω(𝐃,𝐖) of the LDL process: Ω(𝐃,𝐖)=KL(𝐃,𝐏)+||𝐖||_F^2. Since our model is a combination of LE and LDL, we optimize Λ(𝐃) together with Ω(𝐃,𝐖). By introducing three penalty coefficient α, β and γ, the overall optimization objective can be written as 𝐃,𝐖minKL(𝐃,𝐏)+α tr(𝐃𝐆𝐃^T)+β||𝐃||_F^2+γ||𝐖||_F^2 s.t. 0≤𝐃≤𝐘, 𝐃1_c=1_n. §.§ Optimization Eq. (<ref>) has two variables, we solve it by an alternative iterative process, i.e., update 𝐖 with fixed 𝐃, and then update 𝐃 with fixed 𝐖. §.§.§ Update W When 𝐃 is fixed, the optimization problem (<ref>) with respect to 𝐖 can be formulated as follows: 𝐖min KL(𝐃,𝐏)+γ||𝐖||_F^2. Expanding the KL-divergence and substituting P_ij in Eq. (<ref>) into Eq. (<ref>), we obtain the objective function of 𝐖 as T(𝐖)= ∑_i ln∑_jexp(∑_k X_i k W_k j) +γ||𝐖||_F^2 -∑_i,j D_i j∑_k X_i k W_k j. Eq. (<ref>) is a convex problem, we use gradient descent algorithm to update 𝐖, where the gradient is expressed as ∂ T( 𝐖)∂ W_k j= ∑_iexp(∑_k X_i k W_k j) X_i k∑_jexp(∑_kX_i k W_k j) -∑_i D_i j X_i k+2γ W_k j. §.§.§ Update D With fixed 𝐖, the optimization problem (<ref>) regarding 𝐃 is formulated as 𝐃min KL(𝐃,𝐏)+αtr(𝐃𝐆𝐃^T)+β||𝐃||_F^2 s.t. 0≤𝐃≤𝐘, 𝐃1_c=1_n. Eq. (<ref>) involves multiple constraints and diverse losses, we introduce an auxiliary variable 𝐁 = 𝐃∈ℝ^n× c to simplify it, and the corresponding augmented Lagrange equation becomes 𝐃,𝐁min KL(𝐃,𝐏) +αtr(𝐃^T𝐆𝐃) +β||𝐃||_F^2 +<Φ,𝐁-𝐃> +τ/2||𝐁-𝐃||^2_F s.t. 0≤𝐁≤𝐘, 𝐁1_c=1_n, where Φ∈ℝ^n× c is the Lagrange multiplier, and τ is parameter to introduce the augmented equality constraint. Eq. (<ref>) can be minimized by solving the following sub-problems iteratively. 1) 𝐃-subproblem: Removing the irrelated terms regarding 𝐃, the 𝐃-subproblem of Eq. (<ref>) becomes 𝐃min KL(𝐃,𝐏) +αtr(𝐃^T𝐆𝐃) +β||𝐃||_F^2 +<Φ,𝐁-𝐃> +τ/2||𝐁-𝐃||^2_F. Eq. (<ref>) is solved when its gradient regarding 𝐃 vanishes, leading to 𝐃=(𝐗𝐖+Φ+τ𝐁)(2β+α(𝐆+𝐆^T)+τ)^-1. 2) 𝐁-subproblem: When 𝐃 is fixed, the problem (<ref>) can be written as 𝐁min <Φ,𝐁-𝐃> +τ/2||𝐁-𝐃||^2_F s.t. 0≤𝐁≤𝐘, 𝐁1_c=1_n. Let b̂=[b_1^T;b_2^T;⋯;b_n^T]∈ℝ^nc=vec(𝐁), where b_i is the i-th row of 𝐁 and vec(·) is the vectorization operator. Then, the problem (<ref>) is equivalent to: b̂min b̂^T Σb̂ - (2d̂^T+2/τϕ̂^T) b̂ s.t. 0_nc≤b̂≤ŷ, ∑_j=c(i-1)+1^cib̂_j=1 (∀ 0≤ i≤ n ), in which d̂, ϕ̂ and ŷ represent vec(𝐃), vec(Φ) and vec(𝐘), respectively, and b̂_j is the j-th element of b̂. Eq. (<ref>) is a quadratic programming (QP) problem that can be solved by off-the-shelf QP tools. The detailed solution to update 𝐃 in Eq. (<ref>) is summarized in Algorithm 1. §.§.§ Initialization of W and D The above alternative updating of 𝐖 and 𝐃 needs an initialization of them. As is suggested by <cit.>, we initialize 𝐖 as an identity matrix and we initialize 𝐃 by the pseudo label distribution matrix in <cit.>. The pseudo code of DLDL is finally presented in Algorithm 2. § EXPERIMENTS §.§ Real-World Datasets We select six real-world datasets from various fields for experiment, and samples in each dataset are annotated by LDs. The statistics of the six datasets are shown in Table <ref>. Natural Scene <cit.> is generated from the preference distribution of each scene image, SCUT-FBP <cit.> is a benchmark dataset for facial beauty perception, RAF-ML <cit.> is a multi-label facial expression dataset, SCUT-FBP5500 <cit.> is a big dataset for facial beauty prediction, Ren_CECps <cit.> is a Chinese emotion corpus of weblog articles, and Twitter_LDL <cit.> is a visual sentiment dataset. To verify whether our method can directly learn an LDL model from the logical labels, we generate the logical labels from the ground-truth LDs. Specifically, when the description degree is higher than a predefined threshold δ, we set the corresponding logical label to 1; otherwise, the corresponding logical label is 0. In this paper, δ is fixed to 0.01. §.§ Baselines and Settings In this paper, we split each dataset into three subsets: training set (60%), validation set (20%) and testing set (20%). The training set is used for recovery experiments, that is, we perform LE methods to recover the LDs of training instances; the validation set is used to select the optimal hyper-parameters for each LE algorithms; the testing set is used for predictive experiments, that is, we use an LDL model learned from the training set with the recovered LDs to predict the LDs of testing instances. In the recovery experiment, for our method DLDL, α and γ are chosen among {10^-3,10^-2,⋯,10,10^2}, β is selected from {10^-3,10^-2,⋯,1,10}, and the maximum of iterations t is fixed to 10. We compare DLDL with five state-of-the-art LE methods, each configured with suggested configurations in respective literature: * FLE <cit.>: α, β, λ, γ are chosen among {10^-3,10^-2,⋯,10,10^2}. * GLLE <cit.>: λ is chosen among {10^-3,10^-2,⋯,1}. * LEMLL <cit.>: the number of neighbors K is set to 10 and ϵ is set to 0.2. * LESC <cit.>: β is set to 0.001 and γ is set to 1. * FCM <cit.>: the number of clustering centers is set to 10 times of the number of labels. In the predictive experiment, we apply BFGS-LLD <cit.> algorithm to predict the LDs of testing instances based on the recovered LDs by performing the five baseline LE methods. Note that our model can directly predict the LDs without an external LDL model. As suggested in <cit.>, we adopt three distance metrics (i.e., Chebyshev, Clark and Canberra) and one similarity metric (i.e., Intersection) to evaluate the recovery performance and the predictive performance. §.§ Evaluation Metrics As suggested in <cit.>, we adopt three distance metrics (i.e., Chebyshev, Clark and Canberra) and one similarity metric (i.e., Intersection) to evaluate the recovery performance and the predictive performance. The formulas of the four evaluation metrics are summarized in Table 2, where d denotes the ground-truth LD vector and d̂ denotes the recovered or predicted LD vector. In addition, Dis and Sim represent the distance metric and the similarity metric, respectively. The “↓" after the distance measures means “the smaller the greater", while the “↑" means “the larger the greater". §.§ Results §.§.§ Recovery Results In this subsection, we calculate the distances and similarities between the ground-truth LD and the LD recovered by each LE method via four evaluation metrics on each dataset. Table <ref> shows the detailed recovery results, where all methods are ranked according to their performance and the best average rank on each metric is shown in boldface. In addition, the “↓" after the metrics means “the smaller the greater", while the “↑" means “the larger the greater". Based on the recovery results, we have the following observations: * DLDL achieves the lowest average rank in terms of all the four evaluation metrics. To be specific, out of the 24 statistical comparisons (6 datasets × 4 evaluation metrics), DLDL ranks 1st in 79.2% cases and ranks 2nd in 16.7% cases, which clearly shows the superiority of our approach in LE. * On some datasets, our method achieves superior performance. For example, on SCUT, REN and FBP, DLDL significantly improves the results compared with other algorithms in terms of the Chebyshev and Intersection. * Although the average ranks of FLE and GLLE are low, they do not perform well on all datasets as DLDL does. Specifically, FLE performs poorly on SCUT and RAF, and GLLE performs poorly on NS, REN and Twitter. From this point of view, DLDL is more robust to different datasets than comparison algorithms. We can also see that in the REN dataset, our algorithm has a significant improvement in the results against Chebyshev, Cosine and Intersection compared with other algorithms. This is probably because the ground-truth labels in this dataset is mostly zero, which fits well with the restriction to the LD in our algorithm. Moreover, Fig. <ref> shows the recovery results of a typical sample on the Twitter dataset. For this sample, the logical values corresponding to the label 1, 4, 5, 6, 8 are all 0, indicating that these labels cannot describe this sample. However, the five comparison methods still assign positive description degrees for these invalid labels. Differently, DLDL avoids this problem, and produces differentiated description degrees fairly close to the ground-truth values. §.§.§ Predictive Results In this subsection, BFGS-LLD is used as the predictive model to generate the LDs of testing instances for the five comparison methods, while our model can directly predict the LDs of testing instances. Then, we rank all methods and highlight the best average rank on each metric in boldface. The detailed predictive results are presented in Table <ref>. In addition, BFGS-LLD is trained on the ground-truth LDs of the training instances and its results are recorded as the upper bound of the prediction results. From the reported results, we observe that: * DLDL achieves the lowest average rank in terms of the three evaluation metrics (i.e., Clark, Canberra and Intersection). Specifically, out of the 24 statistical comparisons, DLDL ranks 1st in 62.5% cases and ranks 2nd in 8.33% cases. In general, DLDL performs better than most comparison algorithms. * In some cases, the performance of our approach even exceeds the upper bound. For example, on SCUT dataset, DLDL performs better than the BFGS-LLD trained on the ground-truth LDs in terms of all the four evaluation metrics, which shows that our model has considerable potential in learning from logical labels. This may be interpreted as that the alternative optimization of the weight matrix 𝐖 and the label distribution matrix 𝐃 can excavate some hidden information in the deep layers of the training instance space. In Figure 3, we visualize one of the recovery results in the Twitter dataset. Because of the high quality of the recovered label distributions on the training datasets, the LDL results of DLDL is also excellent. So in Figure 6, it's obvious that the description degrees generated by DLDL is also similar to the ground-truth ones. §.§ Further Analysis §.§.§ Ablation Study In order to verify the necessity of the involved terms of our approach, we conduct ablation experiments and present the results on Chebyshev in Tables <ref> and <ref>, where α, β and γ are hyper-parameters to adjust the contributions of different terms. When one of hyper-parameters is fixed to 0, the remaining ones are determined by the performance on the validation set. From the results, we observe that the performance of DLDL becomes poor when the term controlled by β is missing, indicating that it is critical to control the smoothness of the label distribution matrix 𝐃. In general, DLDL outperforms its variants without some terms, which verify the effectiveness and rationality of our model. §.§.§ Significance Test In this subsection, we use the Bonferroni–Dunn test at the 0.05 significance level to test whether DLDL achieves competitive performance compared to other algorithms. Specifically, we combine the recovery results with the predictive results to conduct the Bonferroni-Dunn test, that is, the number of algorithms is 6 and the number of datasets is considered as 12 (2 groups of experiments × 6 datasets). Then, we use DLDL as the control algorithm with a critical difference (CD) to correct for the mean level difference with the comparison algorithms. The results are shown in Fig. <ref>, where the algorithms not connected with DLDL are considered to have significantly different performance from the control algorithms. It is impressive that DLDL achieves the lowest rank in terms of all evaluation metrics and is comparable to FLE, GLLE and LEMLL based on all evaluation metrics. § CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK This paper gives a preliminary positive answer to the question “can we directly train an LDL model from the logical labels". Specifically, we propose a new algorithm called DLDL, which unifies the conventional label enhancement and label distribution learning into a joint model. Moreover, the proposed method avoids some common issues faced by the previous LE methods. Extensive experiments validate the advantage of DLDL against other LE algorithms in label enhancement, and also confirm the effectiveness of our method in directly training an LDL model from the logical labels. Nevertheless, our method is still inferior to the traditional LDL model when the ground-truth LD of the training set is available. In the future, we will explore possible ways to improve the predictive performance of our algorithm. named
Data-Driven Classifications of Video Game Vocabulary
[ "Nicolas Grelier", "Stéphane Kaufmann" ]
[ "cs.HC" ]
Probabilistic Uncertainty-Aware Risk Spot Detector for Naturalistic Driving Tim Puphal, Malte Probst and Julian Eggert The authors are with the Honda Research Institute (HRI) Europe, Carl-Legien-Str. 30, 63073 Offenbach, Germany (e-mail: tim.puphal@honda-ri.de; malte.probst@honda-ri.de; julian.eggert@honda-ri.de) March 30, 2023 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= As a novel and fast-changing field, the video game industry does not have a fixed and well-defined vocabulary. In particular, game genres are of interest: No two experts seem to agree on what they are and how they relate to each other. We use the user-generated tags of the video game digital distribution service Steam to better understand how players think about games. We investigate what they consider to be genres, what comes first to their minds when describing a game, and more generally what words do they use and how those words relate to each other. Our method is data-driven as we consider for each game on Steam how many players assigned each tag to it. We introduce a new metric, the priority of a Steam tag, that we find interesting in itself. This allows us to create taxonomies and meronomies of some of the Steam tags. In particular, in addition to providing a list of game genres, we distinguish what tags are essential or not for describing games according to players. Furthermore, we provide a small group of tags that summarise all information contained in the Steam tags. § INTRODUCTION In the last two decades, game analytics has gained a lot of interest <cit.>. According to Su, Backlund and Engström, “game analytics is the process of identifying and communicating meaningful patterns that can be used for game decision making” <cit.>. They present a classification of game analytics into four groups: game development analytics, game publishing analytics, game distribution channel analytics and game player analytics. In this paper, we focus on game player analytics. Our aim is to understand the vocabulary used by players to speak about video games. More precisely, we are interested in how players describe games: what are the most important words, what are the most used words, and so on. In our study, we rely exclusively on Steam tags: groups of words that players can freely assign to games. Some examples are Strategy, Card Battler, Agriculture, Ninja, Difficult and Free to Play. In total, there exist 427 Steam tags. For a more comprehensive explanation of Steam tags, please refer to Subsection <ref>. §.§ From beliefs to facts In <cit.>, Drachen et al. observe that game analytics “is in its infancy and the available knowledge is heavily fragmented, not the least due to Game Analytics interdisciplinary nature and the lack of knowledge sharing between academia and industry”. As industry researchers, the goal of our paper is to build bridges with academia. Drachen et al. add that “the root cause of these problems is the lack of a framework for organizing current knowledge and prioritising interesting problems” <cit.>. They introduce the concept of stylised facts for mobile game analytics (although we believe that the concept is essential to game analytics in general) in order to better connect industry and academia. However, they argue that the available knowledge and data are too fragmented and incomplete to establish stylised fact. Thus, they introduce two “proto-stylised fact concepts which describe situations where less empirical validation is available: beliefs and hypothetical stylised facts” <cit.>. The aim is to “provide a roadmap for structuring current knowledge and building towards a situation where stylised facts can be generated and validated”. Beliefs are statements supported by virtually no empirical evidence, whereas hypothetical stylised facts are supported by some empirical evidence. However, they are still not stylised facts, since “while there maybe some available empirical evidence supporting these hypothetical stylised facts, it is clearly not enough to rigorously, generally, support them”. Establishing hypothetical stylised facts help in obtaining stylised fact, which is essential for the research field (see <cit.> for a detailed argumentation). In this paper, we provide empirical evidence for several hypothetical stylised facts. Some of which we introduce, while others were already beliefs in the industry, for instance that genre is one of the most crucial pieces of information when describing a video game. We aim at presenting our findings in a quantitative manner, and to provide an interpretation of the metrics we introduce. §.§ Taxonomies and meronomies In Section <ref>, we present a data-driven taxonomy of all Steam tags. This consists in doing a hierarchical classification, where we divide the tags into categories and subcategories. Those are referred to as “taxa”. Each tag is put into one of the taxa of lower rank, which are themselves grouped into taxa of higher rank. Our taxonomy has a tree-like structure, but others may be more network-like, with one child having several parents. We also provide in Section <ref> two data-driven meronomies of some Steam tags. A meronomy differs from a taxonomy as it deals with part-whole relationships, whereas a taxonomy is a classification of discrete elements. Using mathematical notation, a meronomy can be thought of as a partially ordered set where the elements are sets and the relation considered is inclusion (we have A ≤ B if A is a subset of B). Here, our aim is to better understand how some tags relate to each other. Using a data-driven approach, we establish some relation between tags, for instance that 2D Platformer is a subtag of Platformer, and that Sailing is a subtag of Naval. §.§ A focus on game genres A part of our study concerns game genres. In particular, we are interested in finding a complete list of game genres, and to understand how much genre matters to players. Arsenault observes that many websites allow the user to search through video games while filtering by genre <cit.>. However, no two websites seem to agree on what the list of genres is. For instance, he mentions GameSpot's system (at the time of his writing) that does a taxonomy of the genres: genres are subdivided into subgenres, thus creating 157 categories. He gives some examples: * Action → Shooter → First-Person → Fantasy, * Miscellaneous → Puzzle → Action, * Strategy → Real-Time → Fantasy. Arsenault notes that “while every category is unique and independent in principle, some of the lower-tiered descriptors appear as sub-branches of multiple genres” <cit.>. He adds that “the levels or branches themselves are not named, which means there is no basis on which to compare them”, and “comparing all 2nd-level classes would probably amount to comparing apples to oranges to shoes to faith”. He concludes: “One thing that these different taxonomies highlight is the fluidity and impreciseness of the concept of genre itself, and how it is used in actually describing games”. The same issues are noted by Heintz and Law <cit.>: * Genres are not clearly or consistently defined, * The relation between genres is unknown, * Definitions are based on completely different aspects, * Different sources use different sets of genres. Steam provides a set of tools for developers and publishers named Steamworks. They provide a taxonomy of Steam tags <cit.>. Tags are divided into several taxa: Genres, Visual Properties, Themes & Moods, Features, Players, Other Tags, Software, Assessments, Ratings etc, Hardware/Input and Funding etc. The taxon Genres, which is our main focus here, is split into three taxa: Super-Genre, Genre and Sub-Genre. This taxonomy is to be understood with the broad definition of a taxonomy, in which a child may have several parents. For instance, Heist is a sub-genre and also a theme. Flight is a sub-genre and also a feature. Experimental is a super-genre and a genre. One objective of this paper is to challenge Steam's taxonomy and investigate whether players concur with it. Classifying video games into genres is valuable for studying and comparing meaningful categories. For instance, in the literature we can find studies on what genres are the most successful <cit.> (and also <cit.> although the study is about board games instead of video games), how considering games from the same genre is important for deciding on a release date <cit.>, how genre relates to players motivations, gender and localisation <cit.>, or what are their usability profiles <cit.>. All these studies use a list of genres, but do not discuss much (or not at all) whether it makes sense to discuss about genres, whether the list is comprehensive, and so on. A more industry-oriented reason for establishing a comprehensive list of game genres, along with definitions and relationships between the genres, comes from trailer making. Lieu, who was involved in the creation of the trailers of Half-Life: Alyx, Among Us and The Long Dark among others, asserts that a trailer of a video game must first clearly establish its genre <cit.>. Therefore, it is crucial to have an exact understanding of what a genre is. Moreover, Lieu details what a trailer should show according to the game genre <cit.>. Similarly, Carless, who is the founder of GameDiscoverCo, a video game discoverability consultancy firm, believes that game genre is “what [their] users want to see information about”. In a database meant for people working in the video game industry, Carless “care[s] most that the main genres are in Genre and are easy to see and sort” ([Carless, personal communication]). §.§ The Steam tags In this paper, we rely solely on Steam data. More precisely, we study the user-generated tags on Steam. There exists a total of 427 tags that players have assigned to the 50757 games in Steam. Those tags, consisting of groups of words or acronyms like Action RPG, MOBA or Open World, are freely assigned to games by players, who can also invent new ones. There exist many papers relying on Steam data, for instance Steam players reviews <cit.> or Steam user accounts <cit.>. Some of these studies use Steam tags, but there are only used as tools for filtering games, and are not the topic of study. To the best of our knowledge, there are only three papers that truly study Steam tags per se. First, Windleharth et al. do in <cit.> a conceptual analysis of Steam tags. They discuss and classify Steam tags into categories, some containing many elements like Gameplay genre, and some containing only one elements like Relationships which contains only the tag Remake. Windleharth et al. rely on their own expertise to determine what tags are genre tags. In this paper, we use a data-driven approach with the same goal in mind. A second paper that studies Steam tags is <cit.>, in which Li and Zhang examine how genre tags are related to each other. Finally, in <cit.>, Li uses correlation between Steam tags related to gameplay to obtain a list of 29 “factors”. Those factors are not necessarily Steam tags but rather groups of highly correlated Steam tags. For instance, the factor Rogue contains the Steam tags Dungeon Crawler, Rogue-like and Rogue-lite. We compare our method to theirs in Section <ref>, and argue why ours is more reliable. We also compare our results with theirs in Sections <ref> and <ref>. All players are free to assign to games some of the already-existing Steam tags, or even to add new ones. For a game, Steam shows “tags that were applied to the product by the most users”. Steam shows at most 20 tags for any game, sorted by decreasing order of number of players who assigned the tag. The exact number of players who assigned a tag is not directly shown on Steam, but can be found in the source code of the page. To obtain the data of how many players assigned a tag to a game, we used SteamSpy's API. There are 13848 games with 20 tags shown on Steam, and therefore 50757-13848=36909 games with fewer than 20 tags. One can make the experience of adding a new tag to a game with fewer than 20 tags, and have the surprise of not having their newly added tag shown in Steam. The reason for that is that Steam only shows tags that were assigned by at least 5 players. Steam does not explicitly mention this, but we could check it by going over all games. Since anyone can add any set of nonsensical words as a tag, this is probably for the best. It is important to note that Steam does not offer a definition of the tags, one sufficient reason being that tags are freely added and invented by players (as can been seen in the inconsistent capitalisation and hyphenation of the tags). Therefore, players interpret by themselves the meanings of the tags. For our study, this comes with pros and cons. Since “genres are not clearly or consistently defined” <cit.>, we may, thanks to Steam tags, find consensuses about what a given genre is. We believe that there exists some common understanding of what, say, an adventure game is. By an equivalent of the law of large numbers, Steam tags can help decipher what the definition is. However, there are also cases when players are clearly referring to distinct things while using the same tag, which perturbs our analysis. One easily spotted example is the tag Football, which sometimes refers to soccer, and sometimes to American football. An another example is the tag Fighting. For some games, it seems that the tag is used to state the genre of the games, whereas in other games it may be used to merely inform that there is some fighting in the game. This motivates why some tags have several parents in Steamworks' taxonomy <cit.>. Several of our results rely on computing the Pearson correlation coefficient between tags. We point out another difficulty we face, that stems from the nature of the database. One would expect some pairs of tags to have an extremely low correlation (around -1), for instance: 2D and 3D, First-Person and Third Person[We follow Steam spelling with a hyphen in First-Person but none in Third Person.], Singleplayer and Multiplayer, and so on. Indeed, a priori, a game is either in 2D or 3D, either has a first-person or third person viewpoint, and is either a singleplayer or a multiplayer game. To compute the correlation, we create a matrix with one entry per game, and one column per tag. There is a value of 1 if the tag is assigned to the corresponding game, and 0 otherwise. We compute a correlation of -0.17 for 2D and 3D, 0.04 for First-Person and Third Person, and 0.10 for Singleplayer and Multiplayer. We investigated what was the cause of these surprisingly high correlation coefficients. There are games that use 2.5D or isometric representations. Those are mixes of 2D and 3D features. We found that generally, whenever the tag 2.5D or Isometric is assigned to a game, the tags 2D and 3D are also (wrongly) assigned to the game by players. This is why the correlation is closer to 0 than to -1. Concerning the viewpoint, there are many shooter games using the third person view that change for a first-person view when the player is aiming. In those games, we found that both tags First-Person and Third Person are assigned. Similarly, if a game contains a singleplayer campaign and a multiplayer mode, then both tags Singleplayer and Multiplayer are usually assigned. In conclusion, one has to be very careful when exploiting pairs of tags with low correlation, since one might miss a few relevant pairs. Steam does not provide the information of how many players assigned tags to a given game. However, the number of players who assigned the most given tag of a game G gives us a lower bound on the number of players who assigned tags to G. Using this method, we know that there are at least 15843 games for which at least 100 players assigned some tags. We said that Steam shows at most 20 tags for a game. This is not exactly true in the source code. Indeed, there are a few games, 235 to be exact, with 21 tags. They all share a common property: The 21st tag is VR Only, and is assigned by precisely one player. This is probably a feature added by Steam. We make the choice of removing this tag from the database, since it was not added by real players. §.§ Our contributions In Section <ref> we present a new concept: the priority of a tag for a game. We show that this is a useful notion, for we establish as a hypothetical stylised fact that tags with the highest priority are what players think about first when describing the game (see Section <ref> for a formal definition of priority and a formal statement of the hypothetical stylised fact). On the other hand, tags with low priority are what players deem interesting about the game, but which only come later to their minds. Using this concept of priority, we give empirical evidence in Section <ref> for the following hypothetical stylised fact: Game genre is what players think about first when describing a game. Consequently, we believe that this is also what they want to hear about first when discovering a new game, confirming the soundness of Lieu's practices in trailer making <cit.>. On a related note, using a data-driven approach we establish a list, as comprehensive as possible, of game genres. Our aim here is to encompass all words that players may consider as game genres. The list can be found in Appendix <ref>. We provide in Section <ref> a meronomy of the tags (not necessarily about genre) with broadest meanings. In particular, we find a set of seven tags with broadest meanings, that we name the “capital tags”. There are four properties that we want the capital tags to satisfy. First, they should form a rather short list. As we have 7 capital tags out of the 427 Steam tags, this is clearly satisfied. Secondly, for any game, at least one of these tags should be assignable to the game. Thirdly, those tags should not be redundant. Finally, any other tag should be a more refined version of some of the capital tags. We show in Section <ref> that the capital tags satisfy this three last properties. This implies that the capital tags summarise all information contained in Steam tags. We provide a second meronomy in Section <ref>, that aims at reducing the number of Steam tags without loosing information, by merging synonymous tags together. We propose a method for doing so as well as finding a representing tag for each group of merged tags. § THE PRIORITY OF STEAM TAGS In <cit.>, Li and Zhang defines a graph that aims to accurately represent the Steam tags. There is one vertex per tag, and two tags are connected by an edge if they are both assigned to a same game. The edges are weighted according to how many games have both tags assigned to them. The authors discard some edges by using the “Narrow by tag” feature in Steam. We find the authors' results difficult to interpret due to their chosen methodology. First, it is not clear what the Steam “Narrow by tag” feature does. Additionally, the authors connect two tags T and T' with an edge even if for the game G to which they are both assigned, the tag T is the most assigned tag to G and T' is the least assigned tag to G, without discussing the rationale behind this decision. It seems wrong to us to connect the two tags with an edge since T is apparently essential for describing G whereas T' is not so much relevant. In <cit.>, Li computes correlation between tags. The analysis is more precise than in <cit.> since when a tag T is assigned to a game, a weight is associated to T. If for a given game G, the tag T is the tag most assigned to G, then T obtains a weight of 20. If G has 20 tags and T is the least assigned, it obtains a weight of 1. More generally, the n-th most assigned tag obtains a weight of 20-n+1. We point out two issues. First, Li does not discuss whether it makes sense to use these weights, and how to interpret them. Secondly, the distributions of the number of players who assigned tag varies greatly over all games. For instance, the two most assigned tags to the game HITMAN 2 are Stealth (10373 players) and Assassin (819 players). The ratios of the number of players for these tags is therefore 819/10373≈ 0.08. If we do the same with the same with the game Golf It!, we find that the most assigned tag is Multiplayer (249 players) and the second most assigned is Mini Golf (243 players). This time, the ratio is 243/249≈ 0.98. With Li's method, those ratios would be 19/20 = 0.95 for both games <cit.>. In this section, we define, interpret and study a new metric, that will be used in all later sections for the taxonomies and meronomies. It is a more refined version of what was proposed by Li <cit.>. For each Steam tag, we define what we call its priority for a given game. The priority of a tag T for a given game G is a score that ranges from 0 to 1. Let t_T denote the number of players who assigned to the game G the tag T. Similarly, let t_max denote the maximum over all tags assigned to G of the number of players who assigned the tag. The priority of T for G is equal to t_T/t_max. A fictional example is shown in Table <ref>. In particular, any game with at least one tag has a tag with priority 1: the tag that was assigned to it by the largest number of players. If a tag was not among the 20 most assigned tags to a given game, then its priority is 0 (recall that Steam only shows the 20 most assigned tags). We choose this metric as we are interested in identifying how players think about games. Let us consider all positive priorities over all games and tags. We compute a mean of 0.60, a median of 0.61 and a standard deviation of 0.28. This shows that the priority contains some information, as the standard deviation is quite high. There are two compatible reasons as to why not all tags have the same priority for a given game G. First, it may be that some players assign much fewer tags than other players. This would imply that the tags with highest priority correspond to what players think about first when describing G. The second reason would be that players do not perfectly agree on what tags are best suited to describe G. This second reason would imply that the tags with highest priority are what players agree upon for describing G, and that their opinions diverge on the tags with low (but non-zero) priority. We argue that the first reason is the most important, and present the following hypothetical stylised fact: For a given game G, the tags with highest priority correspond to what players think about first when describing G. We provide empirical evidence supporting Hypothetical Stylised Fact <ref>. The fact is hypothetical as defined in <cit.> because our methods for supporting it cannot establish it for good. This could be done if we had access to a database of the tags assignment per player, but this is not publicly available. We consider two tags: Shooter and FPS. “FPS” stands for “first-person shooter”, and is a subgenre of shooter game <cit.>. Therefore, anyone who thinks that a given game G is an FPS would also agree that it is a shooter game. We consider all of the 1867 games to which both tags Shooter and FPS are assigned, with FPS having the highest number of players. If Hypothetical Stylised Fact <ref> were wrong, for each game we should have very similar priorities for both tags. Indeed all players who assigned the tag FPS would also assign the tag Shooter. In contrast, we believe that some players assign only a few tags, corresponding to what comes first to their mind. Under this hypothesis, we would expect some players to only assign the tag FPS, but not the tag Shooter as it is less important to them, or because they consider it to be already implied by the tag FPS. The histogram in Figure <ref> illustrates the ratios between the priority of FPS and Shooter. We observe a long tail phenomenon; also the mean is equal to 0.76 and the median to 0.83. This implies that for half of the considered games, less than 83% of those players who assigned the tag FPS also assigned the tag Shooter. We apply the same method for the tags Online Co-Op and Co-op [Steam tags are case sensitive. We follow the Steam capitalisation which may differ from tag to tag.]. Obviously, a game with an online co-op mode thereby contains a co-op mode. However, when we consider the 1171 games to which both tags Online Co-Op and Co-op are assigned, with Online Co-Op having the highest number of players, we observe again a long tail phenomenon in Figure <ref>. The mean is equal to 0.73 and the median 0.80. The natural explanation to this long tail phenomenon and to these low means and medians is Hypothetical Stylised Fact <ref>: Many players only assign a few tags to a game, the ones that come first to their mind. We have shown here the results for only two pairs of tags, for which the numbers of corresponding games were important (1867 and 1171, respectively). We tested other pairs, and for all of them we obtained similar results, but due to lack of space we do not show them here. Also, the number of games was significantly lower. Some examples of those pairs are Top-Down Shooter and Top-Down (655 games), Football and Sports (165 games), Traditional Roguelike and Rogue-like [Once again we follow the spelling of Steam, where rogue-like is not always written with a hyphen.] (102 games). In Figure <ref>, we observed histograms with a peak around a priority of 0.9 and a long tail. Recall that we were considering pairs of tags where the first tag implies the second. We argued that causality was not perfectly reflected in the tag distributions, because of the long tail phenomenon. However, the position of the peak still indicates that there is a high correlation. As a comparison, let us do the same for two tags which are a priori not correlated. In Figure <ref>, we applied the same method as before on the tags RPG and Multiplayer. Those are intuitively not correlated since there are multiplayer RPGs (for instance MMORPGs), but also many singleplayer RPGs. We observe that the histogram is rather constant; there is no strong peak around 1. This is a first hint that useful information might be contained in the correlation between tag priorities. We use this idea of considering the correlation for our meronomies in Section <ref>. We point out an issue that we discovered concerning the priority. Although we still believe the notion to be of interest, and that it brings useful information, we think that the notion could be refined and improved in future work. It seems that for some reason unknown to us, the priority of some tags behave erratically. Let us consider for instance the tag Free to Play. We consider three free to play games: Dota 2, Team Fortress 2 and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. For the first two games, Free to Play has a priority of 1. However, the second tag with highest priority for Dota 2 is MOBA with a priority of 0.33, whereas for Team Fortress 2 it is Hero Shooter with a priority of 0.99. It is quite intriguing to us how the priorities of the second tags with highest priorities can be so different. This phenomenon occur regularly with the tag Free to Play. We do not understand why the priority of the second most assigned tag can differ so much, when both games are equally free to play. We fear that for Dota 2, the tag Free to Play pushes all other priorities to very low values, thereby introducing noise in the data. Concerning Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, the priority of Free to Play is 0. The reason for this can be easily understood: The game was released in 2012 and made free to play only in 2018. We believe that the tags were mostly assigned soon after the release of the game, and that is why Free to Play is not amongst the 20 most assigned tags. This motivates even further the fact that the method should be refined, with a particular emphasis on the tag Free to Play. § A TAXONOMY OF STEAM TAGS In this section, we categorise all of the Steam tags through a taxonomy. In Section <ref>, we defined the notion of priority of a tag for a game, and established that it contained some information. In particular, we gave empirical evidence for Hypothetical Stylised Fact <ref>, stating that for a given game G, tags with high priorities correspond to what players think about first when describing G. In this section, we consider tags one by one, and for each tag we look at its priority distribution over all games for which the priority is non-zero. This allows us to define the taxa of higher rank into which we classify the Steam tags. §.§ The taxa of higher rank At the highest level, we have three taxa: High priority tags, Medium priority tags and Low priority tags. Let us start with the taxon Low priority tags. §.§.§ Low priority tags According to Hypothetical Stylised Fact <ref>, those tags correspond to what few players deem interesting for describing a game, and that is not what they think about first. We define this taxon as the set of tags whose priority median is at most 0.45. There are 80 tags in this taxon. We chose this threshold using our own expertise of the video game industry. Tags with higher priority medians seem to us to come significantly faster in players' minds when describing a game. We present in Table <ref> the tags with the lowest priority median, along with the number of games to which they are assigned. One could argue that we do not have enough data to deal with tags that are assigned to very few games. However, for the taxon of Low priority tags, we think that if a tag was seldomly assigned, it supports even more the claim that this tag is not what players think about first when describing a game. Nonetheless, among the Low priority tags, there are some that are assigned to thousands of games. We show them in Table <ref>. We find those tags especially interesting. Players do not use those tags as their primary descriptors for a game, yet they are still assigned to many games. This gives us an interesting learning: Having a low priority does not mean that the tag is not important. Indeed, it is important for players to know whether a game has singleplayer or multiplayer modes. It is just not what is the most essential to describe a game. In Subsection <ref>, we delve deeper into the tags Singleplayer and Multiplayer. §.§.§ High priority tags Before defining the taxon of High priority tags, let us first consider priority histograms of tags that clearly should be in that taxon. Three are depicted in Figure <ref>. We observe that these histograms roughly look like Dirac functions centred at 1. We want to define our High priority tags taxon as the set of tags whose histograms look similarly to those three. To allow for some wiggle room, we decided to define the taxon as the set of tags whose priority median is sufficiently high, at least 0.574803, and whose maximum value in the histogram is obtained for a priority of at least 0.765644. Both thresholds were decided using our own expertise of video games. The median threshold was chosen so that the tag Twin Stick Shooter would be in that taxon, as its priority median is exactly that value, but not Underground and Conversation that were following. The maximum value threshold was chosen such that Tabletop would be a High priority tag, but not 2.5D and Lore-Rich that were following. With this definition, we have 155 High priority tags. By looking at these tags, it seems that nearly all of them are about genre. We discuss this in further detail in Subsection <ref>. §.§.§ Medium priority tags We have one last taxon of higher rank for all of the remaining 192 tags. When looking at the histograms, we distinguish three types of shapes. Figure <ref> depicts them. We have curves that look like Gaussian curves, as with 2D, curves that look rather constant, like the one of Open World, and curves with two peaks, like the one of PvE. However, it seems that these types of shapes do not procure any insightful meaning. Indeed, one can see in Figure <ref> three histograms of other Medium priority tags. Observe that they are all similar to the one of 2D. However, we do not see any similarity between 2D, 1990's, Military and Robots beyond the fact that they are Medium priority tags. It seems to us that in this case, the shape of the histogram does not bring us any further insight. §.§ The taxa of lower rank In this subsection, we divide taxa of higher rank into several taxa. Our most interesting comments concerns High priority tags, thus we focus on their study. §.§.§ The taxon of High priority tags Interestingly, all High priority tags related to gameplay are genre names: Adventure, RPG, Farming Sim and so on. Furthermore, nearly all tags commonly understood as genre tags are in the High priority tags taxon. We consider this finding to be one of the main contributions of this paper. We can now define “genre tags” as “gameplay related tags with high priority”. Also, it provides empirical evidence for Hypothetical Stylised Fact <ref>: Genre is indeed what players think about first when describing a game. Some tags are assigned to fewer than 100 games. We believe that this is too few games for qualifying those tags as “genres”. We create a taxon for those tags that have high priority median, but that are assigned to too few games. Those are: BMX, Cycling, Motocross, Skateboarding, Tennis, Baseball, Lemmings, Wrestling, Mini Golf, Social Deduction, Warhammer 40K, Roguevania, Medical Sim, LEGO, Outbreak Sim, Pinball, Spelling, Golf, Jet and Action RTS. Steam products are not limited to video games, strictly defined. Other products are also available, and their corresponding tags are all in the High priority tags taxon. This is unsurprising, as if these products were deemed to be games, then the following High priority tags would undoubtedly qualify as game genres: Utilities, Audio Production, Video Production, Animation & Modeling, Design & Illustration, Photo Editing, Software Training and Web Publishing. On a related note, we also have the tags Game Development and Programming which are more about making than playing video games. Those tags we put on a separate taxon. In Subsection <ref>, we provide further evidence to support our decision to treat those tags as an independent taxon. In total, we divide the taxon of High priority games into four taxa: game genres (which are gameplay related tags), tags assigned to too few games, tags related to products that are not video games, and the miscellaneous tags. In this last taxon we find: Free to Play, Indie, Early Access, Massively Multiplayer, e-sports, Sexual Content, Nudity, LGBTQ+, Dinosaurs, Mechs, Cats, Experimental, Noir, Lovecraftian and Western. We list the learnings we obtain from these tags being High priority tags. Unsurprisingly, players care about whether the game is free. We indeed expect players to mind how much they have to pay for a game, which is why Free to Play is a High priority tag. Secondly, the tags Indie, Early Access, Massively Multiplayer and e-sports provide a lot of information about the type of game, even though those are not genres. Players know better how much money was invested into the game, whether the game is entirely finished, whether it involves a lot of interactions with other players, and whether it is made for e-sports. This tag in itself is full of information. It implies that the game is hard to master, that it has a multiplayer mode, and that it is competitive. The presence of the tags Sexual Content and Nudity is also not surprising, as they can be important filters for players to know whether they want to play a game. Next, we have the tags LGBTQ+, Dinosaurs, Mechs and Cats[Interestingly, players are more interested in cats than in dogs. Indeed Cats has a median priority of 0.60 with a maximum value in the histogram at 0.96, whereas for the tag Dog those values are 0.56 and 0.45, respectively.] which are themes that players think to be so important that they are worth mentioning right away when describing a game. Similarly, Experimental, Noir, Lovecraftian and Western are ambiances of high importance for players when describing a game. We believe that game developers can benefit from knowing that these themes and ambiances matter particularly to players. §.§.§ The taxon of Medium priority tags As we said, our most interesting comments are for High priority tags. In particular, we showed in Figure <ref> that the priority histogram was not sufficient for classifying the Medium priority tags into meaningful taxa. Thus, for the rest of the section, we only discuss why a few tags widely regarded as genres were put into the Medium priority tags taxon. Those tags are: FPS, Shooter, Fighting, Stealth, Hack and Slash, Survival, Survival Horror, Horror, MOBA, 4X, RTS, Grand Strategy, Trading Card Game, Match 3, Hidden Object and MMORPG. We still believe that those tags should be considered as genre, and explain why they were misclassified. Concerning FPS, Shooter, Fighting, Stealth, Hack and Slash, Survival, Survival Horror and Horror, they have relatively low priority medians because they are often used by players to say that some elements from these genres appear in a game. For instance, if it is possible to fight in a game, then the tag Fighting will surely appear with medium priority. Fighting is not the genre of the game, but it corresponds here to a gameplay element. Let us take another example with FPS and Shooter. The most assigned tags to the game Fallout 4 are Open World, Post-apocalyptic, Exploration and RPG. In our opinion, those tags indeed describe well this game. With a lower priority, we find also the tags Shooter and FPS. It is true that there are FPS elements in the game, which occur for instance when the player is aiming, therefore it is understandable that the tag appears with a medium priority. The takeaway is that tags may have different purposes and connotations. There are tags that might be used as genres, but also sometimes used to merely describe some gameplay elements. If it were a common practice to distinguish the two things and have a tag FPS - genre and a tag FPS - gameplay, we believe that the former would be put into the High priority tags taxon while the latter would be rightly classified as a Medium priority tag. It was most surprising to us to discover that MOBA is in that taxon. We expected it to only appear as a High priority tag. However, its priority median is quite low, with a value of 0.48, making it even closer to Low priority tags than High priority tags. After investigation, it appears that the tag is often assigned with a medium priority to team-based multiplayer games, even when they do not belong to the MOBA genre. It seems that players and the industry have a different understanding of the tag. Concerning the remaining tags, 4X, RTS, Grand Strategy, Trading Card Game, Match 3, Hidden Object and MMORPG, they seem to be overshadowed by other tags preferred by players. For instance 4X, RTS and Grand Strategy are overshadowed by Strategy, Turn-Based and Real-Time. Trading Card Game often appears after Card Game and Card Battler. Match 3 and Hidden Object are overshadowed by Puzzle. Likewise, MMORPG is regularly chosen only after RPG, Multiplayer and Massively Multiplayer. This is why, although they have a high priority median, their occurrence peak in the histogram is not close to a priority value of 1. §.§ List of genres comparison Using our data-driven approach, we have now obtained a list of genre tags. It can be found in Appendix <ref>. Those are mainly in the High priority taxon, and we presented in Paragraph <ref> a list of tags that should still be considered as genre tags, although they were classed as Medium priority tags. We compare our list to Li's <cit.> and to the one in Steamworks <cit.> as they are both made from Steam tags. It would be interesting to compare ours to all genre lists. However, for the sake of brevity, we concentrate solely on those two lists. Li's list, although also being made from a data-driven approach, serves a different role than ours <cit.>. His aim was to extract from Steam tags a reasonably small list of genre tags that would allow one to characterise all games, whereas our goal is to find an extensive list of genres. Consequently, Li's list contains 29 genres, and ours contains 127 tags. Still, the comparison is interesting as there are a few tags which are in Li's list but not in ours. Those are: Soccer, Resource Management, Music and Classic. For each genre, Li associates a group of correlated gameplay tags. Concerning Soccer, the group contains Soccer, Football and Sports. This choice seems strange to us, for then according to Li's list all sports game would be considered as soccer games. In our genre list, we have the tag Sports instead of Soccer, which seems more reasonable. The same happens with Resource Management that we would replace by Management and Music that we would replace by Rhythm. Concerning Classic in Li's list, its presence follows from the fact that Li considers Classic and Cult Classic to be related to gameplay. We disagree with that statement, although we cannot substantiate our belief with data. Similar to ours, Steamworks' list of genre tags strives for comprehensiveness <cit.>. Our list contains 127 tags whereas theirs contains 140. The two lists share 112 tags in common, which indicates that they mostly agree with each other. Let us start with the 15 tags that are in our list but not in Steamworks'. It is worth noting that despite Steamworks appearing to have all of the Steam tags (whether genre-related or not), some tags are actually absent. The genre tags in our list that do not even appear on Steamworks are: Cooking, Creature Collector, Party Game, Puzzle-Platformer and Roguelike Deckbuilder. More interestingly, there are a few tags that are High priority tags related to gameplay (which we thus consider as genre tags), which are not considered as genre tags by Steamworks. We provide the list here: Archery, Automation, Boxing, Deckbuilding, Fishing, Hunting, Naval Combat, Vehicular Combat, Otome and Parkour. All those tags were classed as Features in Steamworks instead of genres, except for Otome and Parkour which are classed as Themes & Moods. We think that the fact that those are High priority tags supports the idea of considering them as genre tags. We present the 28 tags that are in Steamworks' list of genre tags but not in ours. Some are High priority tags about gameplay that we removed in Paragraph <ref> because they were assigned to fewer than 100 games. Indeed, it seems to us that tags assigned to too few games cannot really define a genre. Those tags are: BMX, Baseball, Cycling, Golf, Medical Sim, Mini Golf, Motocross, Outbreak Sim, Roguevania, Pinball, Skateboarding, Spelling, Tennis and Wrestling. There are also a few High priority tags that we did not put into our list of genre tags because we deem that they are not clearly enough related to gameplay. Those are Programming, e-sports and Experimental. The remaining tags are all Medium priority tags, and are therefore not part of our genre lists. Our findings indicate that those are not words that first come to players mind when describing a game, and supports the idea of not considering them as genres. The tags are: Basketball, Bowling, Football, Hacking, Hockey, Open World, Skating, Skiing, Snowboarding, Soccer and Investigation. § TWO MERONOMIES OF STEAM TAGS In this section, we propose two meronomies of some Steam tags. In Section <ref>, we classified the tags into taxa, where two tags in the same taxa share some properties (related to their priority distributions). In Section <ref>, we use totally different methodologies, for different goals. In the resulting meronomies, we say that a tag A is a part of a broader tag B, or equivalently that A is a meronym of B. The first meronomy we present focuses on the tags with the broadest meanings. We aim at finding the most general tags, and to see how they relate to each other. In particular, we focus on the tags at the top of the meronomy, the ones that are parts of no others, but all others tags are parts of them. We name them the “capital tags”. We claim that the capital tags are interesting because they form the smallest set of words that one needs to describe all video games (without going into detail). The second meronomy aims at finding synonymous tags. We believe that one can reduce the number of Steam tags without loosing too much information, as many tags share similar meanings. Our aim is to find those groups of tags, and for each one to find one representative. §.§ The method The method starts the same for both meronomies. The idea is to look at pairs of tags A and B that are correlated enough, and then check whether A or B appears more often. If B appears more often, we declare that A is a meronym of B. Intuitively, A should indeed be a part of B, as they are correlated and B appears more often, ergo has a broader meaning. For each game G, we have an entry with 427 values (the number of Steam tags), where the value is the priority of the corresponding tag for the game G. As there are at most 20 tags with positive priority for any given game, it implies that at least 407 values are equal to 0. We compute the Pearson correlation coefficient for all pairs of tags. A natural idea would be to take all pairs with correlation above some threshold and be done with it. The issue is that many tags are assigned to very few games. Thus, their priority is 0 for virtually all games. This induces a bias, and two of such tags will have a strong correlation even though they are hardly related. To tackle this issue, we consider all pairs of tags A and B with correlation above 0.1, and then compute what we call their local Pearson correlation coefficient. It is equal to the Pearson correlation coefficient, but it is computed only on games to which at least one of A or B is assigned. For the first meronomy, we keep only the pairs with local Pearson correlation coefficient above -0.7, over all pairs with (global) Pearson correlation above 0.1. For the second meronomy, we take all pairs with local Pearson coefficient above -0.6, while keeping a global Pearson correlation threshold of 0.1. Let us motivate the choice of these thresholds. For the global threshold, the lower it is, the better for the soundness of the results. However, getting it lower increases a lot the number of pairs of tags for which we have to compute the local Pearson correlation. As we have 428 tags, there are 4282=91378 pairs to consider. This is computationally quite expensive, which is why we only consider pairs with correlation above 0.1. There are 2197 of those pairs. As mentioned earlier, we have concerns with the global correlation approach in that it may produce some false positives (pairs with high correlation that are not closely related). However, we do not anticipate the occurrence of a false negative, that is a pair of tags with similar meanings but low correlation. For the local threshold of the first meronomy, the value -0.7 may seem extremely low. However, as we do the computation only on the games to which at least one of the tags is assigned, this diminishes drastically the correlation value. Indeed, there are proportionally much more games to which only one tag is assigned, since we removed all games to which none are assigned. Thus, with a local threshold of -0.7, we are actually considering only 652 pairs of tags out of the 2196 that have global correlation above 0.1. Getting the threshold even lower would make us consider pairs that are actually not so much related, according to our own video game expertise. We present the result in Subsection <ref>. We study what happens when we set the local threshold to -0.6 in Subsection <ref>. There are only 361 pairs with local correlation above this threshold. The choice of the value was again made using our own video game expertise. We chose the lowest value such that the pairs were indeed synonymous in our opinion. §.§ The capital tags Now that we have a list of 652 pairs of tags with high correlation, we compute for each pair A, B whether A or B appears more. We construct an oriented graph with the tags as vertices and an edge from tag A to tag B if B occurs more often than A. This graph is unreadable as there are too many vertices and edges. However, we are mainly interested in the vertices that have the most incoming edges, as they correspond to tags with the broadest meanings. Figure <ref> shows the subgraph induced by the vertices V with at least 9 incoming edges (that is the subgraph where the vertex set is V, and we show only edges between vertices in V). We observe that there are seven vertices with no outgoing edges, that we name the capital tags. One might observe that the graph shown in Figure <ref> does not perfectly correspond to a meronomy. We tackle this issue at the end of the subsection, as we want first to focus on the capital tags. The seven capital tags are Multiplayer, Singleplayer, Action, Casual, Adventure, Strategy and Anime. They correspond to tags that are correlated with a lot of other tags, and that occur more than them. The name is a reference to the seven capital sins from Christian teachings. Thomas Aquinas uses the word “capital” for the following reason: Accordingly a capital vice is so called, in the first place, from “head” taken in the proper sense, and thus the name “capital” is given to a sin for which capital punishment is inflicted. It is not in this sense that we are now speaking of capital sins, but in another sense, in which the term “capital” is derived from head, taken metaphorically for a principle or director of others. In this way a capital vice is one from which other vices arise, chiefly by being their final cause <cit.>. We posit that a similar phenomenon exists with tags, where the capital tags serve as the directors of the other Steam tags, much like how the capital vices act as the head of other vices. The seven capital tags encompass all others, as stated in the following hypothetical stylised fact: All tags are parts of the capital tags. By construction, our seven capital tags are tags that are correlated with a lot of other tags, and that occur more often than them. This is already some justification for Hypothetical Stylised Fact <ref>. We add some more evidence at the end of the subsection when we define a meronomy of the tags in Figure <ref>. Before that, we state and establish another hypothetical stylised fact. First, we need to define the following concept: We say that a game G is covered by a set of tags 𝒯 if at least one of the tags in 𝒯 is assigned to G. The capital tags form a very small group of tags such that nearly all games are covered by this set. Hypothetical Stylised Fact <ref>, although being quantitative in essence, is not perfectly mathematically defined. One reason for this is that the Steam tag are assigned by players. So all rules and observations should suffer from a few counterexamples, as the data is significantly noisy. On another note, it is computationally too hard to check Hypothetical Stylised Fact <ref>. If one wanted to check all sets of seven tags for instance, that would be 4287≈4.97 · 10^14 sets of tags to test. One can see in Table <ref> that our choice of capital tags does cover nearly all games. We show the percentage of games covered by each of the capital tag. We also show the percentage for the set consisting of the tag of the line and all the ones above. The tags are sorted by decreasing percentage of games covered. We also do the same when considering only games with 20 tags. Games with fewer tags can be misleading, as it may simply be that not enough players assigned tags, and if more players did, then surely some of them would have assigned a capital tag. We observe that Table <ref> strongly supports Hypothetical Stylised Fact <ref>. As argued, it is not computationally possible to test all sets of seven games. Still, we present another set that could have been a fitting candidate: 2D, 3D, 2.5D, Isometric, Third Person, First-Person and Top-Down. All games are either in 2D, in 3D, or in some mix of the two: 2.5D or isometric. We even add Third Person and First-Person which imply that the game is in 3D, but give more information about the representation. The same holds with Top-Down and 2D. Therefore, one might expect to cover all games with these seven tags. This is not the case, as only 47% of the games are covered, and only 85% of the games with 20 tags are covered. This again supports Hypothetical Stylised Fact <ref>, as it substantiates the claim that the capital tags are very few while covering essentially all games. For the sake of curiosity, we extended the capital tags with as few tags as possible in order to cover even more games. This was done by hand by looking at which games were not covered yet, and finding what tags were assigned to most of them. By adding the tags Arcade, RPG, Simulation, Survival, Puzzle and Horror to the capital tags, we cover 96.73% percent of games, and 99.78% percent of games with 20 tags. Unsurprisingly, several of those new tags can be found in Figure <ref>: Puzzle, RPG and Simulation. We make a few side-remarks that we deem interesting. First, we observe that for six of the capital tags, the percentage of games covered is less than the one of games with 20 tags covered. The only one for which it decreases is Casual, which goes from 43% to 42%. Moreover, the increase for the six others is quite different from tag to tag. The biggest increase in terms of scale factor happens with Multiplayer (scale factor of 1.69). Intuitively, the games with 20 tags are the most mainstream. This supports the idea that mainstream games on Steam more often offer multiplayer modes, and that they tend to be less casual. We also note that the second biggest increase is with Singleplayer (scale factor of 1.46). This tells us that even though Multiplayer and Singleplayer are classified in the Low Priority taxon (see Subsection <ref>), they are actually assigned to many games, and would perhaps be assigned to all games if all games had 20 tags assigned to them. Therefore, low priority tags should not be thought of as of less importance. They are not what players think about first when describing a game, but may still be a feature that should be mentioned at a later step. Recall that a meronomy deals with part-whole relationships. Mathematically, a meronomy can be seen as a partially ordered set (poset). A partial order, denoted by ≤, must satisfy three properties: * Transitivity: if A≤ B and B≤ C then A≤ C, * Reflexivity: we have A ≤ A, * Antisymmetry: if A≤ B and B≤ A, then A=B. We can see in Figure <ref> that the relation depicted is not perfectly a partial order. Indeed, let us say that A is a part of B, denoted by A≤ B, if there is an arrow from A to B. The graph in Figure <ref> looks a lot like a Hasse diagram. A Hasse diagram of a poset ≤ is a representation where there is an edge from A to B if A≤ B and there is no C such that A≤ C ≤ B. This is a useful and concise way of representing posets. For the graph in Figure <ref> to be a Hasse diagram, one simply has to remove the edges from Puzzle, Atmospheric, Story Rich and Fantasy to Singleplayer. Thus, we are implying that we consider Sports to be a part of Simulation, which itself is a part of Strategy. Likewise, we say that Fantasy is a part of RPG, which itself is a part of Adventure. Let us mention some other relationships, not depicted in Figure <ref>, but that are present in the larger graph (which we did not represent as there are too many edges to be readable). We have arrows from Co-op to Multiplayer and Action. There is an arrow from Cute to Colorful, itself being connected to 2D and Casual. Management is connected to Singleplayer and Simulation. Finally, we want to mention PvP being connected to Multiplayer. As all these relations are quite sensible, this supports our idea of looking at that graph as the Hasse diagram of some poset, or equivalently to establish a meronomy of those tags. We now have evidence for Hypothetical Stylised Fact <ref>: All tags are parts of the capital tags. By only adding or removing a few edges, we have obtained a meronomy for the tags of Figure <ref> that could be extended further to the other tags. In this meronomy, we have seen that the capital tags are the ones at the top: All other tags are meronyms of the capital tags. Finally, we make a concluding remark about the capital tags. Four of them are game genres: Action, Adventure, Strategy and Casual (although it is debatable whether it is a genre, this is how it is considered in Steamworks' and our genre list <cit.>). Two other tags give important information about the game, even though they are not genres: Singleplayer and Multiplayer. We suspect that the remaining tag, Anime, is actually an error. First, it is the tag among the capital tags that covers the smallest number of games. Secondly, the 11 tags that have an edge directed to it in the graph are: JRPG, Visual Novel, Otome, Dating Sim, Romance, Female Protagonist, Sexual Content, NSFW, Hentai, Nudity and Mature. We observe that the five latter tags refer to sexual content, and share a similar meaning. This might induce a bias, giving to much weight to tags related to sexual content, therefore wrongly putting Anime as a tag with many incoming edges in the graph. §.§ The synonymous tags As detailed in Subsection <ref>, we now use a local correlation threshold of -0.6. We deem the pairs of tags that have a local correlation that high to be synonymous. In Subsection <ref>, all edges were oriented from a tag to another: there was an arrow from A to B if B appears much more often than A. In this subsection, we are also interested in knowing when tags appear mostly together. Indeed, this would be the best examples of tags being synonymous. When tags appear mostly together, we draw a mutual edge: an arrow that points towards both ends. To decide what kind of edge to draw, we do the following: For the tags A and B, we compute X_A, X_B, X_A∪ B and X_A∩ B which denote how many times A was assigned to a game but not B, how many times B was assigned to a game but not A, how many times at least one of A or B was assigned, and how many times both were assigned, respectively. We define r_A:=X_A/X_A∪ B, r_B:=X_B/X_A∪ B and r_A∩ B:=X_A∩ B/X_A∪ B. If the maximum of these three ratios is r_A, then we draw an arrow from B to A. If it is r_B, then we draw an arrow from A to B. If it is r_A∩ B, then we draw a mutual arrow between A and B. Before running the program on the tags, we remove a few of them. The reason for this is that there are tags which are correlated with a lot of other tags, and that are assigned to many games. Those are the ones we mentioned in Subsection <ref>. We remove the capital tags in addition to 2D, Shooter, Puzzle, Atmospheric, Simulation, Story Rich and Fantasy (which are amongst the other tags with the highest number of edges oriented towards them in Figure <ref>). Keeping those tags would distort the result and show only correlation between those tags and few others. Also, we use the information we obtained in Subsection <ref>. Recall that we classified the tags into three taxa of higher rank: High priority tags, Medium priority tags and Low priority tags. In the oriented graph of this subsection, we draw dotted red arrows for edges where the two involved tags are not from the same taxon. Indeed, not being in the same taxon may be a hint that these tags are not synonymous after all, since they are not used in the same way by players, although being highly correlated. Some synonymous tags are shown in Figure <ref>. Due to lack of space, we only depict the examples we find most meaningful. As a first simple example, we have an edge from Crowdfunded to Kickstarter. As wanted, the meanings of those two tags are very close. Let us consider the subgraph induced by Naval Combat, Naval and Sailing. The arrow from Sailing to Naval is natural, as the meanings are close and Sailing implies Naval. However, Naval Combat and Naval are not so much synonymous. Indeed, one is understood as a game genre, whereas the other merely indicates that a game involves ships. This is why the information from Subsection <ref>, depicted by the dotted red arrow, does matter. Although it is inevitable that Naval Combat and Naval be correlated, it seems wrong to treat them as synonyms. Likewise, the arrow from Turn-Based to Turn-Based Strategy is treacherous, as one is a gameplay element, and the other is a game genre. More generally, we believe that no red arrow should be taken into account. We make one exception for the edge from Trading Card Game to Card Game. Indeed, we argued in Subsection <ref> that Trading Card Game was one of the few tags that are misclassified by our method, and that it should actually be treated as a genre. On another note, we have a group of tags related to non-games, that we mentioned in Subsection <ref>. All those tags can be considered as one group of tags related to products offered by Steam that are not games. When looking at Figure <ref>, a natural idea is to give a name for all these groups of synonymous tags. This name would be a representative of the group, the one that is most general. For instance, the group (Crowfunded, Kickstarter) would be represented by Kickstarter. Similarly, the group of platformer tags would be represented by Platformer. But how would one deal with the group that contains card game tags and rogue-like tags? Intuitively, this group should be split in two. Likewise, what about the group of tags not related to games? It would seem natural to have most of those tags represented by Utilities, but it is no clear what should happen to Education, as the only edge incident to it is incoming, and not outgoing. We detail in the next paragraph a formal explanation on how to deal with these situations, which results in a grouping that is in accordance with our intuition. Let G be a directed graph with labeled vertices. First merge all mutual edges of G. For a mutual edge e={u,v}, keep arbitrarily one of the two labels u or v. Let H denote the same graph as G with the orientations of the edges removed, resulting in an unoriented graph. Let us denote by W_1,…,W_k the vertex sets of the k connected components of H. We denote by V_1,…,V_k the same vertex sets considered in G. Let us consider the subgraph G_i of G induced by V_i, for some 1≤ i≤ k. We say that G_i is well-oriented if there exists a unique vertex v ∈ V_i such that for each u≠ v in V_i, there exists a directed path from u to v in G_i. Making an abuse of notation, we say that G is well-oriented if each G_i is well-oriented. Going back to the example in Figure <ref>, we see that most connected components are well-oriented. Moreover, for the group of platformer tags, Platformer is the unique tag that can be reached via directed paths from all other tags in the group. However, the group with card game tags and rogue-like tags is not well-oriented. Now, what we suggest for splitting into well-oriented groups is the following: Given the graph G, remove as few edges as possible to make it well-oriented. To the best of our knowledge, this problem has not been previously studied. However, we believe it is interesting from both a theoretical perspective and for practical applications: an efficient algorithm would be needed for naming the synonym groups. We do not know of any fast algorithm for solving the problem, and wonder whether it is NP-hard. Nonetheless, on the small example we are considering now, we solve the problem by hand. In Figure <ref>, it suffices to remove the edges from Roguelike Deckbuilder to Rogue-lite and Rogue-like to obtain a well-oriented graph. We therefore obtain the group (Card Battler, Deckbuilding, Trading Card Game, Roguelike Deckbuilder, Card Game) represented by Card Game, and the group (Roguevania, Action Roguelike, Traditional Roguelike, Rogue-lite, Rogue-like) represented by either Rogue-lite or Rogue-like. Similarly, the group of tags not related to video games is not well-oriented. To make it well oriented, one has to remove the edge from Software Training to either Education or Utilities. Although in this case we solved the problem by hand, it would be very useful to have efficient algorithms for solving this problem for general directed graphs. This would allow us to deal with the synonymous tags on a larger scale. Finally, we observe that the graph is very similar to the graph of a poset, as was the case in Figure <ref>. One could remove the dotted red edges, merge the vertices connected by a mutual edge, and remove the edges we mentioned to make the graph well-oriented. Now it suffices to remove a few edges that give only redundant information, like the one from Photo Editing to Utilities or the one from Roguevania to Rogue-lite/Rogue-like. Our approach yields a meronomy of synonymous tags, with the topmost tags serving as representatives of their respective groups. § CONCLUSION We proposed several hypothetical facts, such as the notion that players primarily associate games with their genre. To support this claim, we introduced the concept of priority of Steam tags and demonstrated its relationship to players' perceptions of games. Moreover, our approach enabled us to create a data-driven taxonomy that provides a comprehensive list of genres. We found a set of seven tags, the capital tags, which roughly summarise all information contained in the Steam tags. Those are Multiplayer, Singleplayer, Action, Casual, Adventure, Strategy and Anime, although we argued why the presence of this last tag in the list is dubious at best. We found the tags Multiplayer and Singleplayer extremely interesting as they are capital tags, assigned to thousands of games, but are Low priority tags. We showed how some tags can be merged without loosing too much information. We proposed a criterion for finding a representative of a merged group, and ask whether there exists an efficient algorithm for applying this method. We list some further improvements that can be made to our study. We stated that the notion of priority might need to be refined in order to be more consistent, by taking the example of the tag Free to Play. Although considering priority histograms allowed us to define an interesting taxonomy, this method has some limit. In particular for Medium priority tags, we could not find a meaningful way of subdividing this taxon into taxa (see Figure <ref>). Maybe some other ideas could allow one to establish a meaningful data-driven classification of Medium Priority tags. Secondly, our method is biased towards games available on Steam, and we acknowledge that this may limit the generalisability of our findings. Also, we note that our computations assume an equal impact for all games. However, according to Orland <cit.>, in 2014, over a quarter of registered games on Steam had never been played. Thus, we believe it would be beneficial to consider player engagement metrics, such as the number of players or total hours played, and to weight games accordingly in our computations. We noticed that some Low priority tags are assigned to thousands of games, like Multiplayer and Singleplayer. We believe that they should be investigated further, to better understand how players think about them. Using the knowledge of capital tags, we developed a method for identifying synonymous tags. It would be intriguing to apply this method in a database where synonymous tags are intelligently merged. Our expectation is that, in such a scenario, Anime would no longer be considered a capital tag. § LIST OF VIDEO GAME GENRES * 2D Fighter, 2D Platformer, 3D Fighter, 3D Platformer, 4X * Action, Action RPG, Action Roguelike, Action-Adventure, Adventure, Arcade, Archery, Arena Shooter, Auto Battler, Automation, Automobile Sim * Base-Building, Battle Royale, Beat 'em up, Board Game, Boxing, Building, Bullet Hell * CRPG, Card Battler, Card Game, Casual, Character Action Game, Chess, Choose Your Own Adventure, City Builder, Clicker, Collectathon, Colony Sim, Combat Racing, Cooking, Creature Collector * Dating Sim, Deckbuilding, Diplomacy, Dungeon Crawler * Education, Exploration * Farming Sim, Fighting, Fishing, Flight, FPS * God Game, Grand Strategy * Hack and Slash, Heist, Hero Shooter, Hidden Object, Horror, Hunting * Idler, Immersive Sim, Interactive Fiction * JRPG * Life Sim, Looter Shooter * Management, Match 3, Metroidvania, Mining, MMORPG, MOBA, Mystery Dungeon * Naval Combat * On-Rails Shooter, Open World Survival Craft, Otome * Parkour, Party Game, Party-Based RPG, Platformer, Point & Click, Political Sim, Precision Platformer, Programming, Puzzle, Puzzle-Platformer * RPG, Racing, Real Time Tactics, Rhythm, Rogue-like, Rogue-lite, Roguelike Deckbuilder, RTS, Runner * Sandbox, Shoot 'Em Up, Shooter, Side Scroller, Simulation, Sokoban, Solitaire, Souls-like, Space Sim, Spectacle fighter, Sports, Stealth, Strategy, Strategy RPG, Survival, Survival Horror * Tabletop, Tactical RPG, Third-Person Shooter, Time Management, Top-Down Shooter, Tower Defense, Trading, Trading Card Game, Traditional Roguelike, Trivia, Turn-Based Strategy, Turn-Based Tactics, Twin Stick Shooter, Typing * Vehicular Combat, Visual Novel * Walking Simulator, Wargame, Word Game
CHESS: A Framework for Evaluation of Self-adaptive Systems based on Chaos Engineering
[ "Sehrish Malik", "Moeen Ali Naqvi", "Leon Moonen" ]
[ "cs.SE", "cs.NE" ]
Align and Attend: Multimodal Summarization with Dual Contrastive Losses Bo He^1Part of this work was done when Bo was an intern at Adobe Research., Jun Wang^1, Jielin Qiu^2, Trung Bui^3, Abhinav Shrivastava^1, Zhaowen Wang^3 ^1University of Maryland, College Park ^2Carnegie Mellon University ^3Adobe Research {bohe,abhinav}@cs.umd.edu, junwong@umd.edu, jielinq@andrew.cmu.edu, {bui,zhawang}@adobe.com March 30, 2023 ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== plain There is an increasing need to assess the correct behavior of self-adaptive and self-healing systems due to their adoption in critical and highly dynamic environments. However, there is a lack of systematic evaluation methods for self-adaptive and self-healing systems. We proposed CHESS, a novel approach to address this gap by evaluating self-adaptive and self-healing systems through fault injection based on chaos engineering (CE). The artifact presented in this paper provides an extensive overview of the use of CHESS through two microservice-based case studies: a smart office case study and an existing demo application called Yelb. It comes with a managing system service, a self-monitoring service, as well as five fault injection scenarios covering infrastructure faults and functional faults. Each of these components can be easily extended or replaced to adopt the CHESS approach to a new case study, help explore its promises and limitations, and identify directions for future research. § INTRODUCTION Self-adaptive systems (SAS) and self-healing systems (SHS) are becoming increasingly important in fields such as the Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, and smart cities <cit.>. These systems are designed to operate in highly dynamic environments and are expected to handle uncertainty and unanticipated behavior, as well as provide fault tolerance and resilience. However, due to the complexity and dynamic nature of these systems, it is challenging to anticipate all possible scenarios that these systems will encounter. This is particularly important for the evaluation of these systems, which requires assessing the correct behavior of these systems. There has been a growing concern among researchers about the lack of systematic evaluation for SAS and SHS <cit.>. A recent systematic mapping study found that only a small percentage of studies in this field focus on evaluating previously developed applications <cit.>. In addition, there are limited tools available to support evaluations based on runtime measures, with most studies focusing on evaluating the models used to design the system <cit.>. These models, however, may not take into account all potential scenarios that a system may encounter during operation. While runtime models offer a solution to these limitations, they also come with their own challenges, such as maintenance and the need for model creation <cit.>. Hence, there is a need for mechanisms to evaluate SAS and SHS based on runtime measures that consider potential scenarios a system may encounter during operation. To fill this gap, our earlier work proposed CHESS, an approach for the systematic evaluation of self-adaptive and self-healing systems that build on chaos engineering principles <cit.>. CHESS systematically perturbates the system-under-evaluation and records how the system responds to those perturbations. The artifact[ CHESS artifact on Zenodo: <https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6817763>] presented in this paper provides an extensive overview of the use of CHESS through two microservice-based case studies: a smart office case study and an existing demo application called Yelb. Concretely, the artifact consists of (i) predefined functional and infrastructural level fault injection scenarios, (ii) a self-monitoring service that presents extensive logs for the deployed services' normal and abnormal behaviors, (iii) the managing system service that reacts to the system's abnormal behavior traces and brings the system back to a stable condition, and (iv) a comparison of the service failure and cascading effects with and without deployment of the managing system service. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In <ref>, we summarize self-adaptive and self-healing systems for the microservice architecture, evaluation of these systems based on CE, and position CHESS in the landscape of self-adaptive system artifacts. <ref> presents the design and architecture of CHESS, along with the microservice-based case studies and test scenarios considered for the fault injection. <ref> describes how to use the artifact with both of the case studies and presents the results of the fault injection scenarios. We conclude in <ref>, including discussions of the artifact's applicability and directions for future work. § BACKGROUND AND POSITIONING OF THE ARTIFACT We briefly introduce the basics of SAS and SHS, and their evaluation in the context of microservices architecture, and highlight how CHESS complements the existing artifacts for engineering self-adaptive systems. §.§ Self-Adaptive System for Microservices Architecture Self-adaptive systems are a class of software systems that have the ability to automatically adapt to changes in their environment <cit.>. At a high level, these systems can be seen as comprising a managed system that is controlled by a managing system, generally realized through a MAPE-K feedback loop <cit.>. Self-adaptive systems for microservices architecture can bring multiple benefits, such as increased scalability, improved reliability, and reduced maintenance costs. Studies have suggested that there is an overall improvement in the management of microservices-based applications, allocation of microservices among the available servers, quality attributes such as performance, scalability, and resilience through the introduction of self-healing, self-management, and self-optimization properties <cit.>. Furthermore, an architecture-based self-adaptation framework with a MAPE-K feedback loop for a microservice as a managed system shows a reduced cost of ownership and faster self-adaptation <cit.>. On the other hand, the introduction of microservices architecture, as a managing system, can improve the self-adaptation capabilities of systems for various measures such as run-time data analysis <cit.>. Some challenges in developing a self-adaptive system based on microservices include developing monitoring and adaptation mechanisms for ensuring quality attributes; determining the level of distribution, observability, and granularity for deploying control components; and determining mechanisms for evaluation of the given quality attributes <cit.>. §.§ Evaluation of SAS and SHS based on Chaos Engineering The evaluation of self-adaptive and self-healing systems is an important aspect of their design and deployment. In our previous work <cit.>, we defined the evaluation of self-adaptive and self-healing systems as "an approach to determine if a system meets objectives under operation, identify areas in which the system performs as well as desired or predicted, and provide evidence to the value and applicability of the system." Several approaches to the evaluation of SAS and SHS include model-based evaluation <cit.>, metric-based evaluation <cit.>, model checking <cit.>, and runtime testing and verification <cit.> each with its benefits and limitations. However, none of these evaluation approaches are viable for evaluation covering the execution of the system under real-life failure scenarios. Therefore, to address this gap, we introduce a mechanism that builds on chaos engineering principles. Chaos engineering (CE) is the practice of intentionally causing and studying controlled chaos within software systems operating in realistic environments, with the goal of increasing the systems' resilience and ability to handle unforeseen circumstances <cit.>. The core tenets of CE can be outlined as four main principles, which include formulating hypotheses based on the steady-state behavior of systems, introducing variations to real-world events, conducting experiments in a production environment, and automating these experiments for continuous execution. Our approach evaluates the systems through a systematic process that involves exposing the system to faults and testing its ability to recover from such perturbations. §.§ Positioning of the Artifact Artifacts play a vital role in advancing the field of self-adaptation. They serve as tangible examples of the algorithms and techniques developed by researchers, allowing for their evaluation and assessment. In addition, artifacts provide problematic scenarios and solutions that can inspire further research, as well as facilitate the comparison of results among different studies. The self-adaptive exemplars website[ <http://self-adaptive.org/exemplars/>] gives an overview of re-usable artifacts produced by researchers and engineers in the self-healing and self-adaptive community. Various existing artifacts focus on web-based systems, microservices architecture, or cloud environments that assist in the evaluation of the managed systems. Znn.com <cit.> is a web-based information system that mimics real-world systems and provides an experimental environment to facilitate the evaluation. The exemplar applies a self-adaptive framework, Rainbow and presented an evaluation of the self-adaptive system based on a benchmark. Hogna <cit.> is a platform for deploying self-managing web applications on the cloud. It automates operations, monitors the health of the applications, extracts metrics, and analyzes performance data based on a model to create and execute an action plan. K8-Scalar <cit.> is an exemplar that allows the evaluation of different self-adaptive approaches to autoscaling container-orchestrated services. It is based on Docker, and Kubernetes, and extends a generic testbed for scalability evaluation of large-scale systems called Scalar. SEAByTE <cit.> enhances the automation of continuous A/B testing of a microservice-based system. Furthermore, exemplars such as SWIM <cit.>, DARTSim <cit.>, and RDMSim <cit.> consist of managed systems which can assist in the evaluation of external adaptation managers. The present artifact represents a departure from existing artifacts in the field, as it prioritizes the evaluation of managing systems by inducing faults within the managed system. Thus, as opposed to primarily focusing on the creation of new self-adaptive approaches, it supports one of the critical tasks of software engineering research, i.e., the systematic evaluation of novel approaches. This aligns with the growing desire to produce artifacts in self-adaptation that support industry-relevant research <cit.>. § CHESS In this section, we present the architecture of CHESS, the demo applications used for testing, and the test scenarios for fault injection. §.§ Design and Architecture Figure <ref> presents a detailed architecture for the CHESS approach. It consists of four main modules: containerized deployment cluster (CDC), system monitor, system manager, and fault injection. These modules are presented below. Containerized Deployment Cluster (CDC) This artifact discusses the process of introducing faults into microservice-based applications deployed in a containerized environment using Kubernetes (K8s). The environment details are shown in Table <ref>. The K8s cluster starts with a total of 20 GB memory and 4 CPUs to ensure that it has sufficient resources to run the demo applications. To make the demo applications accessible from outside the cluster, we have configured the K8s cluster with MetalLB, which is an addon that enables external IP services in K8s. In addition, the Istio service mesh is installed in the cluster to monitor the microservices traffic flow and to provide an easy way to manage the traffic between microservices. In order to visualize the data traffic and services' status, we have installed Grafana, Kiali, and Prometheus monitoring tools. Grafana is used to visualize the data traffic, while Kiali is used to visualize the services' status. Prometheus is used to query data metrics from its database and to store the data for later analysis. The combination of these tools provides a complete solution for monitoring microservices-based applications and for evaluating the fault tolerance of these applications. System Monitor The system monitor module monitors the status of the running services and performs necessary checks to ensure their validity. Its purpose is to observe the behavior of the system under various conditions, distinguish the system's normal behavior patterns from abnormal ones, and alert the system manager in case of any abnormal behavior. System Manager The system manager module plays a crucial role in ensuring the continuous operation of services deployed in the CDC. The primary responsibility of the system manager module is to receive abnormal system behavior alerts from the system monitor module and handle the recovery phase of the services that encounter faults. In this artifact, the system manager adopts a rule-based approach for fault recovery. The recovery process is automated and follows a set of predefined rules, which have been configured for the selected demo applications. The use of the system manager module also enables us to compare the impact of faults, known as the blast radius, for different fault injection scenarios, both with and without the system manager. This helps us to evaluate the effectiveness of the system manager in mitigating the effects of faults in the running services. Fault Injection The fault injection module follows the principles of Chaos Engineering (CE) to induce faults in the deployed application services. A set of chaos experiments is carefully designed and scripted, for each fault injection scenario, in order to inject the desired faults into the services. A chaos experiment template is shown in Table <ref>. A chaos experiment first defines the steady state with a probe function and a check against a tolerance. Once the steady state is met, the chaos action method is called to inject the respective fault, using the service_name and namespace arguments to identify the service. A pause before or after the fault injection can also be added. A virtual environment in Python is prepared with "chaostoolkit" and "chaostoolkit-Kubernetes" libraries to execute the chaos injection scripts. Each chaos injection generates chaos logs, which can be used for system observation purposes. §.§ Demo Applications for Testing The artifact uses the smart office case study from our earlier paper <cit.> and an open source example application named Yelb[ The Yelb application was reused from <https://github.com/mreferre/yelb>] as the demo applications for chaos injection and testing. Smart Office Case Study The smart office case study consists of nine services, including three input services (temperature sensor, motion sensor, and external weather), two control services (heating control, light control), two actuator services (heating actuator, light actuator), an MQTT broker, and a user interface. The control services retrieve periodic sensing data and weather data, then use rules to control heating and lighting actuators. The service graph for the smart office case study is shown in Figure <ref>. Yelb Application The Yelb application consists of four services: a user interface service, an application server (appserver) service, a redis server service, and a database service. It allows users to vote for their preferred restaurant among given options, and updates a pie chart based on the number of votes received for each option. The Istio view of the service graph for the Yelb application is shown in Figure <ref>. §.§ Test Scenarios for Fault Injection Chaos Engineering allows the injection of two types of faults in a running application: infrastructure level and functional level. In the context of microservices-based applications deployed in a CDC cluster, the infrastructure level faults include the faults that occur due to issues with CDC configurations and resources. These faults can be mostly injected using predefined functions available within various chaos toolkits. The functional level faults are unique to the application and require some additional knowledge of the application's backend logic and data flow. Chaos Engineering provides support for functional level faults, which can be injected by writing custom probes and action methods for a specific scenario and calling them in a chaos experiment script. The artifact presents 5 fault injection scenarios, 4 using the smart office case study and 1 using the Yelb app. * a deployed sensor is down unexpectedly. * a deployed sensor sends erroneous readings. * a running service is down abruptly. * a running service is delayed. * a running service is loaded with a high service request rate (SRR). Table <ref> presents an overview of faults injected with respect to the fault level and the target application. The infrastructure level fault injection is executed on the system service in a black-box manner. The infrastructure & functional level fault execution is performed in a grey-box manner where some additional access to the service's functional status is required. § EXPERIMENTS The artifact is available in a virtual machine. The directory structure for artifact implementation is shown in Figure <ref>. §.§ How to use the artifact: Smart-Office Scenarios There are four main steps, along with two optional steps for online data visualization, to run the artifact for the smart-office scenarios (refer to Table <ref>). The first step is to create or start the K8s cluster by running the script cluster.py. This will create a new minikube-based K8s cluster with 4 CPUs and 2000 MB of memory. The newly created cluster will be configured with metalLB load balancer and have istio mesh installed, with istio-injection enabled and monitoring tools installed. Next, you can deploy the demo application's services for a specified scenario by running the script system_monitor.py X Y. The value for X represents the scenario number and can be 1, 2, 3, or 4 to run FS-1, FS-2, FS-3, or FS-4, respectively. The value for Y is either 0 if you want to run the system monitor alone, or 1 if you want to run the system monitor with the system manager to recover the services from failures. To view the running deployments and services in the k8s cluster, run the command: kubectl get all. Step three involves activating the virtual chaos environment for chaos injection. Then, run the chaos command chaos run scenario-X.yml to inject a failure corresponding to the running scenario. Where, scenario-X represents the chaos experiment to be injected, and X can be 1, 2, 3, or 4 for FS-1, FS-2, FS-3, or FS-4, respectively. Finally, you can use online monitoring tools to examine the online monitoring data for service statuses and traffic flow. If desired, the Kiali dashboard and Grafana dashboard can be launched in separate terminals to observe the service data metrics. §.§ How to use the artifact: Yelb-App Scenario The execution process for the Yelb application scenario involves four main steps, with two additional optional steps for online data visualization, as described in Table <ref>. The first step is to create the K8s cluster, followed by the deployment of demo application services. The app-server service can be enabled for auto-scaling using the horizontal pod auto-scaling (HPA) functionality of K8s by running the following command: kubectl autoscale deployment yelb-appserver –cpu-percent=10 –min=1 –max=20. The parameters cpu-percent, min, and max represent the dedicated CPU percentage, the minimum number of replicas to be running, and the maximum number of replicas that can run under heavy load, respectively. These values can be adjusted based on the available resources in the cluster. In the third step, the pods' logger is executed by running the shell script numpods.sh. This script records changes in the number of replicas over time and writes the results to a log file, which can later be analyzed to understand the relationship between the number of active users and the usage of CPU resources, and the increase or decrease in replicas. The fourth step is to run the scripted chaos for the fast voting onto the yelb-appserver. Finally, for real-time data observation, the Kiali dashboard and Grafana dashboard can be launched in separate terminals, as an optional step. §.§ Results Smart-Office Scenarios The first four scenarios (FS1, FS2, FS3, and FS4) are designed to evaluate the effect of chaos injection and failures on a running system, both with and without the deployment of a system management service. They provide a comparison of the system's behavior when it fails to recover from an injected fault and when it successfully recovers to evaluate the system's behavior and recovery capabilities. Figure <ref> depicts the system monitor output for FS-1 when run without a management service (i.e., running python3 system_monitor 1 0). In this scenario, an injected fault in the form of data corruption leads to a cascading failure that the system is unable to recover. On the other hand, Figure <ref> shows the system monitor output for FS-1 when run with a management service (i.e., running python3 system_monitor 1 1). In this case, the system manager is able to quickly identify and recover from the failed service, resulting in a much smoother and more efficient recovery process. Yelb-App Scenario The FS5 evaluates the scalability of services deployed in a Kubernetes cluster by imposing different loads on the service. The resulting log file captures two types of data: information about all running pods (obtained through kubectl get pods) and data on HPA deployment (obtained through kubectl get hpa). The log is updated every 30 seconds and records the name, status, number of restarts, and age of each running pod (as shown in Figure <ref>), and the name, CPU targets, minimum and maximum number of pods, number of replicas, and age of the HPA deployment (as shown in Figure <ref>). This log can be analyzed to uncover patterns in the service's performance and resource utilization over time. For example, Figure <ref> presents sample data extracted from observing generated log files. The extracted data depicts a dramatic increase in CPU usage and the number of replicas over a 22-minute period. § CONCLUDING REMARKS Contributions This paper presents an artifact that provides a detailed overview of how the CHESS approach can be used to evaluate a system's resilience and ability to recover from various types of faults. The implemented modules highlight the effectiveness of the system monitoring and system managing services in detecting and mitigating failures in the system. The artifact consists of (i) predefined functional and infrastructural level fault injection scenarios, (ii) a self-monitoring service that presents extensive logs for the deployed services’ normal and abnormal behaviors, (iii) the managing system service that reacts to the system abnormal behavior traces and brings the system back to the stable condition, and (iv) a comparison of the service failure and cascading effects with and without deployment of the managing system service. The artifact is available on Zenodo,^<ref> and a demo video is on YouTube.[ Artifact demo video: <https://youtu.be/CBcaPJgpi-o>] Applicability The artifact provides the SEAMS community with support for one of the critical tasks of software engineering research, i.e., the systematic evaluation of novel approaches. It aligns with the growing desire to produce self-adaptation artifacts that support industry-relevant research <cit.> by using chaos engineering to systematically observe containerized applications in Docker <cit.>. Artifact components are reusable, extendable, and modifiable for new case studies. Existing fault scenarios can be combined and expanded to create complex ones. The custom fault injection scripts can inspire exploration of grey-box level fault injection and testing. Future work Directions of interest include exploring the use of observability data and system logs for chaos engineering-controlled data synthesis. In addition, techniques for the automated selection of regions for chaos experiments based on the health and performance status of services are also of interest. Finally, the inclusion of contextual information, such as ontologies or knowledge graphs, can also be considered to enhance fault injection targeting. Acknowledgments This research is supported by the Research Council of Norway through the cureIT project (#300461) and used resources provided by the Experimental Infrastructure for Exploration of Exascale Computing (eX3), supported by the Research Council of Norway (#270053) . -1.7cm
Tracing chirality from molecular organization to triply-periodic network assemblies: Threading biaxial twist through block copolymer gyroids
[ "Ishan Prasad", "Abhiram Reddy", "Gregory M. Grason" ]
[ "cond-mat.soft", "cond-mat.mtrl-sci" ]
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts 01003, USA Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts 01003, USA Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts 01003, USA grason@umass.edu Chirality transfer from the level of molecular structure up to mesoscopic lengthscales of supramolecular morphologies is a broad and persistent theme in self-assembled soft materials, from biological to synthetic matter. Here, we analyze the mechanism of chirality transfer in a prototypical self-assembly system, block copolymers (BCPs), in particular, its impact on one of the most complex and functionally vital phases: the cubic, triply-periodic, gyroid network. Motivated by recent experimental studies, we consider a self-consistent field model of ABC* triblock copolymers possessing an end-block of chain chemistry and examine the interplay between chirality at the scale of networks, in alternating double network phases, and the patterns of segmental order within tubular network domains. We show that while segments in gyroids exhibit twist in both polar and nematic segmental order parameters, the magnitude of net nematic twist is generically much larger than polar twist, and more surprising, reverses handedness relative to the sense of polar order as well as the sense of dihedral twist of the network. Careful analysis of the intra-domain nematic order reveals that this unique chirality transfer mechanism relies on the strongly biaxial nature of segmental order in BCP networks and relates the biaxial twist to complex patterns of frame rotation of the principal directors in the intra-domain texture. Finally, we show that this mechanism of twist reversal leads to chirality selection of alternating gyroid networks in ABC* triblocks, in the limit of very weak chirality . Tracing chirality from molecular organization to triply-periodic network assemblies: Threading biaxial twist through block copolymer gyroids Gregory M. Grason March 30, 2023 ================================================================================================================================================ § INTRODUCTION Chirality transfer, from local interactions between constituents to complex and self-organized patterns of order on larger length scales, pervades material systems <cit.>, from chiral magnets <cit.> to biological <cit.> and synthetic <cit.> self-assemblies. Perhaps the simplest example is the cholesteric phase <cit.>, where non-centrosymmetric interactions of anisotropic subunits, such as rod-like mesogens or biopolymers, stabilize states of mean alignment in which a molecular director rotates helically along an axis perpendicular to itself. Remarkably, the templating to orientation order (handedness and pitch of this rotation) is manifested at length scales several orders of magnitude larger than those molecular constituents. In self-organized states with both positional and orientational order, like twist-grain boundary (SmC*) <cit.>, helical nanofilament <cit.> and blue phases <cit.>, the mechanisms and outcomes of chirality transfer are often far more complex owing to additional levels of hierarchy introduced in multiple, coupled order parameters. In this article we describe the mechanisms of chirality transfer to triply periodic network phases of soft, self-assembling molecules, focusing on a particular example of block copolymer (BCP) melts <cit.>. On one hand, BCPs provide a prototypical system for understanding self-assembly in a much broader class of supramolecular systems <cit.>. Beyond this, the chemical versatility of BCPs <cit.> enables numerous routes to engineering nanostructured materials with controlled functions that rely on their complex self-assembled structures. Even in the absence of intrinsic chirality, triply-periodic networks <cit.> – like the double-gyroid (DG), double-diamond (DD), or double-primitive (DP) phases – are among the most structurally intricate and functionally vital states that form in BCPs and soft supramolecular systems more broadly. Grossly speaking, these phases are composed of two networks of tubular domains that are divided by a slab-like matrix domain <cit.>, the undulating shape of which closely approximates a finite-thickness variant of the associated triply periodic minimal surface <cit.> (e.g. G or D minimal surfaces, respectively). The tubular domains – of distinct chemical composition from the matrix region – connect in multi-valent junctions (e.g. 3- and 4-valent connections), with each single constituent network interlinking with its partner to form an intercatened double network <cit.>. The unique combination of nanoscopic dimensions, polycontinuous topology, and triply periodic symmetries of self-assembled double networks imbue them with remarkable functionality<cit.>, from photonic architectures appearing in birds, beetles, and butterflies <cit.>, to hybrid plasmonic or photonic metamaterials <cit.>. Notably the most exotic of these targeted properties, such as topologically-protected wave propagation and negative refraction, require control over the centrosymmetry of the networks, in other words, they require chirality at the network scale <cit.>. Among the cubic double-network phases, gyroid networks possess a unique capacity for chirality, in that each constituent single-gyroid network is chiral <cit.>. However, in the simplest case, i.e. linear AB diblock where the composition of each tubular network is the same (say, A-type), the stable DG phase is achiral with two enantiomeric single-gyroid domains arranged in an inversion-symmetric fashion according to the Ia3̅d symmetry <cit.>. Introducing more components, such as linear ABC triblocks, opens up the possibility of breaking this “exchange symmetry” between network domains, leading to alternating double networks where one tubular network domain is A-type, its complement is C-type, both of which are divided by a B-type matrix <cit.>. Indeed, experimental <cit.> and theoretical <cit.> studies of ABC melts show windows of alternating DG (aDG), the morphology shown in Fig. <ref>, the chirality of this structure can be identified as right- or left-handed, according to the sense of dihedral rotation between the 3-fold axes of adjacent nodes in a single network domain <cit.>. Although each tubular domain of the aDG is chiral at the mesoscopic network scale(with space group I4_1 3 2) nearly all triblock systems are achiral at the molecular level. Hence, for achiral BCP the chirality of the phase that forms is determined randomly via spontaneous symmetry breaking <cit.>, limiting possibilities to exploit the functional utility of the chiral variant of this complex nanostructure. Recent experiments by Wang et al. <cit.> give evidence that the left- vs. right- symmetry is broken in triblocks possessing a chiral A- block (which we refer to as ABC* triblocks), in their case stereopure polylactide (PLLA). Depending on whether the polylactides are D- or L-type, the P(D/L)LA blocks have a preference to compose the single-gyroid domain of a particular handedness, in effect selecting the net chirality of the formed aDG from the chirality of the molecular constituents. This observation raises a basic question: How does the left- vs. right-gyroid network symmetry couple to the organization of chiral chain segments within those domains? Prior studies of chiral diblocks have shown the ability to transfer the chirality of a chain backbone to columnar phases, known as helical cylinder H* phase <cit.>. These observations have been rationalized by the orientational self-consistent field (oSCF) theory of chiral diblocks, that couples the statistical confirmations of random walking BCPs with gradient free energy of chiral segments within nanophase-separated domains <cit.>. This oSCF theory links the mesoscopic helicity of H* domains with the threading of handed cholesteric segment twist within the tubular domains of the chiral block, provided that the preference for chiral twist of those segments (i.e. the preferred inverse cholesteric pitch) is sufficiently strong <cit.>. In this article, we describe the mechanism of chirality transfer from the segment-scale to the mesoscale network chirality in this class of chiral ABC BCP based on the orientational self-consistent field (oSCF) theory. We show that segmental twist is most pronounced in the (tensorial) nematic order, and surprisingly, reverses the handedness of not only the polar segmental order but also the mesoscopic twist of the single-gyroid domain itself. We show that this chirality reversal derives from unique features of twist in a biaxial order parameter field. Finally, we show that the thermodynamics of the subdomain pattern of twist has the ability to select the equilibrium chirality of aDG phases of ABC* triblocks, even in the limit of weakly-anisotropic segmental interactions. § SELF-CONSISTENT FIELD THEORY OF INTRA-DOMAIN SEGMENT TEXTURE We begin by analyzing the intrinsic patterns of segmental order in alternating networks of ABC triblocks with isotropic interactions (see Appendix <ref> for details of oSCF theory). In this limit, the enthalpy of segment interactions is described by local coupling of purely scalar composition fields, ϕ_α( ), the volume fraction of type-α(=A,B,C) segments at , with a mean-field free energy of the standard Gaussian chain BCP form <cit.>, F_ iso/k_B T = ρ_0 ∫ d^3 {χ_ABϕ_Aϕ_B + χ_BCϕ_B ϕ_C + χ_ACϕ_A ϕ_C } - ρ_0 V/N S [ϕ_A , ϕ_B , ϕ_C ] , where ρ_0 is the segment density, N is the total segment number in chain, V is the total volume and χ_αβ is the Flory-Huggins parameter describing (scalar) interactions between α- and β-type segments. The inhomogeneous composition profiles in combination with the incompressibility constraint, ∑_αϕ_α () =1, lead self-consistently to spatially varying chemical potentials for segments that reduce the random-walk entropy of the total ρ_0 V/N chains in the system, encoded in the mean-field entropy functional S[ϕ_A , ϕ_B , ϕ_C ]. We consider a melt of ABC triblocks composed of N_α = f_α N α-type segments, where N is the total chain length. We focus mainly on the case of symmetric end blocks f_A=f_C=(1-f_B)/2, equal segment lengths a in each block, and the possibility of segmental chirality only in the A block. For given (scalar) interaction parameters and block lengths, self-consistent solutions of this isotropic model, eq. (<ref>), solve the equilibrium composition profiles as well as the end-distribution functions q^±(,n), which gives the partial statistical weight of random-walk chain segments diffusing from its respective A or C free ends to the n segment at position , from which the mean-field partition function of the entire chain is Z = ∫ d^3 q^+(,n)q^-(,n) <cit.>. End-distributions determine not only the scalar composition profiles, ϕ_α() = V/N Z∫_n∈α dn   q^+(,n)q^-(,n), but also mean-field orientational order parameters <cit.>: the (vectorial) polar order, p_α () = V a/N Z∫_n∈α dn   J (n,) where J (n,) = (q^+ q^- - q^- q^+ )/6; and the (tensorial) nematic order, Q_α () = Va^2/N Z∫_n∈α dn ( K (n,) - I/3 Tr[ K(n,)] ), with the tensor elements K_ij=(q^+ ∂_i ∂_j q^-+q^- ∂_i ∂_j q^+ - ∂_i q^+ ∂_j q^- - ∂_i q^- ∂_j q^+)/60, where I is the identity and i,j,k are spatial indices [Here, we use the result for the large-N (Gaussian) limit of the freely-jointed chain model, which gives identical results for ϕ and p as the Edwards chain (a.k.a. Gaussian thread) model and only a different numerical prefactor for Q <cit.>]. Notably, spatially modulated phases imply anisotropy in the chain configurations, hence all ordered phases imply non-vanishing patterns of both polar and nematic order in the underlying segments, even in the absence of explicit segmental anisotropy. While p_α () tracks the orientation of segments by distinguishing between the “head to tail” orientation of segments along the chain, the tensorial order parameter Q_α () tracks only the axis of segment alignment, as is familiar to molecular theories of liquid crystallinity <cit.>. However, because these order parameters encode distinct orientational symmetries (i.e. head-to-tail vs. axial orientation) they exhibit quite distinct spatial patterns and magnitudes, even in the same ordered morphology <cit.>. Crudely speaking, the polar order tends to splay from the center of domains, roughly normally to the inter-material dividing surface (IMDS) between them. Nematic order is far more complex, showing a narrow zone of tangential alignment at the IMDS as well as a director that shows predominantly normal alignment deep in the brush zone. Even more significant is that intrinsic nematic order becomes biaxial in curved morphologies, exhibiting a secondary (minor) director field along the axis of convex curvature, in addition to principal normal alignment of the brush-like domains. Given the coexistence of both types of order and the distinctions between their patterns, it is not a priori clear whether the thermodynamically relevant measure of segment chirality derives from polar or nematic order. § INTRINSIC TWIST OF ALTERNATING NETWORK DOMAINS: POLAR VS. NEMATIC We compare the twist of both polar and nematic order parameters, of the A end block, defined in the case of liquid crystals as the lowest-order pseudo-scalar gradients of _A and _A <cit.>, Tw_≡_A · (×_A) ; Tw_≡_A · (×_A), For the most commonly studied chiral texture, the uniaxial cholesteric, both Tw_ and Tw_ have a simple interpretation – the (+/-) sign indicates (right/left) handedness of the director winding and the magnitude is inversely proportional to the pitch <cit.>. Here, we focus on the twist of end-block, A, segments composing a tubular network domain, but in Appendix <ref> we analyze an example of twist in matrix domains, as well as computational details. In Fig. <ref>A-B, we compare the distributions of polar and nematic twist of the A-domain in three SCF-predicted alternating network phases of ABC triblocks, right- and left-handed aDG (denoted as aDG_ r and aDG_ l) and the alternating double-diamond (aDD), for the common parameters χ_ABN =χ_BCN =0.37χ_ACN=41 and f_A =f_C= 0.24. First, we note from the spatial maps (projected on the AB IMDS) that there is a coexistence of regions of positive and negative twist (both polar and nematic) for all networks. As the aDG_ r and aDG_ l are related by an inversion symmetry, local regions of positive twist on one structure map onto regions of negative twist on the corresponding (inverted) enantiomeric network domain. Fig. <ref>C plots the spatial average of the A segments of both types of twist as a function of segregation strength for all three networks. First, we note that there is zero net twist in aDD, which derives from the fact that as a mirror symmetric structure, Fd3̅m, any local “patch” of positive segment twist maps onto an equivalent patch of negative segment twist. For the chiral aDG domains, on the other hand, positive and negative twist do not balance, and each domain includes an enantiomeric excess of one sign of twist. The net polar twist, which increases with inter-block segregation strength, is equal and opposite on the two aDG domains following the same sign of twist as the dihedral twist itself (i.e. ⟨ Tw_⟩ <0 in the left-handed network domain and vice versa). The nematic twist is similarly non-zero and increasing with segregation strength for the chiral aDG domains. However, it exhibits two key differences from the polar twist. First, the magnitude of the mean twist, when rescaling for the intrinsic dependencies on the characteristic chain dimension a N^1/2, is significantly greater for nematic order than for polar order. Second, the net sign of nematic twist is reversed relative to the polar twist as well as relative to the sense of dihedral rotation of the gyroid network itself (i.e. ⟨ Tw_⟩ >0 in the left-handed network domain and vice versa). To understand the stronger magnitude and reversed sense of nematic twist relative to polar, it is illustrative to consider the twist textures in cross-sections of the A-block domain strut of aDG_ l (the planar cut shown in Fig. <ref>C). First, we note that polar order (Fig. <ref>A) tends to orient radially away from the strut axis in Appendix <ref>. To be more precise, as described previously <cit.> and analyzed in Appendix <ref>, polar order predominantly follows the gradients of segment composition, so that to a first approximate _A ∝ - ϕ_A, which can be expected purely on symmetry grounds for sufficiently weak segregation, and broadly due to the extension of chain trajectories normal to the IMDS. Because × (ϕ_A) = 0, the polar twist is only non-zero if the polar director deviates from -ϕ_A. As these deviations are evidently quite small (see Fig. <ref>), it follows that the degree of polar twist is vanishingly small in aDG domains, as well as for any other ordered BCP domain structure, in the absence of orientational segment interactions. Fig. <ref>B shows the the spatial pattern of nematic twist in aDG_ l domain, for comparison. We note again the larger magnitude of scaled nematic twist, but also, and more striking, the spatial regions of local left- vs. right-handed twist in the strut cross-section have largely swapped places relative to polar twist. For example, along the semi-major directions of the elliptical domain sections, the polar twist is negative (i.e. left-handed) following the dihedral twist of the domain. In contrast, the semi-minor directions of the cross-section exhibit positive (i.e. right-handed) nematic twist. We next consider the origins of this reversal of segmental twist. § CHIRALITY REVERSAL VIA BIAXIAL TWIST The nature of nematic twist in aDG domains is far more complex because segmental order is biaxial. Unlike biaxial nematic phases of mesogens <cit.>, here biaxiality derives from the anisotropically curved domain shapes realized by BCP packing <cit.>. A biaxial order parameter <cit.> can be decomposed into the degree of alignment S along a major axis and a weaker degree of alignment 0<R<S along a minor axis ⊥, where these directions correspond to the principal directions of _A with the largest two eigenvalues, (_A)_ij = S (n_i n_j - 1/3δ_ij) + R (m_i m_j - 1/3δ_ij). Note that both the directors ( and ) and the order parameter magnitudes (S and R) can vary spatially according to the directions and degree of segmental alignment. Note also that the first two directors define a third axis ≡× [It is straightforward to show that the eigenvalues of _A are given by the projections into these principal directions: (_A)_n n = (2S - R)/3; (_A)_m m = (2R - S)/3; and (_A)_l l = -(S+R)/3.]. Given this parameterization, the nematic twist can be split into three contributions (see Appendix <ref> for details) , Tw_ = S^2 · ( ×) + R^2 · (×) + 2S R [ (·∇) ] . The first two terms represent the twist of the major and minor director, respectively, while the third term is unique to the biaxial textures (i.e. S and R are non-zero). We refer to this as biaxial twist, and it measures the rate of rotation of major and minor directors along the mutually perpendicular co-director , as well as the degree of biaxial order. Figure <ref>D-E plots the nematic twist and these three constituent components in the cross-section of the aDG_ l strut in the core of A domain (i.e. in the region ϕ_A ≥ 0.9). Notably, the spatial pattern and sign of nematic twist follows closely to the polar twist, consistent with the fact that in the core of the domain, the principal nematic director aligns with the polar order parameter (as shown in Fig. <ref>B). Similar tendency of to lock in orientation along composition gradients also implies a relatively weak measure of major twist, consistent with the vanishingly small magnitude of · (×) in Fig. <ref>E. On the other hand, While there is a reasonably strong degree of minor director twist, · (×), as shown in Fig. <ref>E, the magnitude of alignment in the minor direction is relatively weak (i.e. R^2≪ S^2) and the net contribution from minor twist is negligible. Finally, the distribution of biaxial twist, in Fig. <ref>D, shows that it is of a substantially larger magnitude and reversed in sense of chirality from major and minor twist. From Fig. <ref>E, we observe that the frame twist, [ (·∇) ], is comparable in magnitude to the twist of the minor director (with a reversed sense), but as this term is weighted by the product of the magnitude of major and minor axis alignment (i.e. S × R) it dominates the over minor twist. Because the contribution from biaxial twist dominates over the negligible contributions from the major and minor twist, it sets the net nematic twist and accounts for the reversal of chirality in the nematic order of segments relative to the mesoscopic twist of the aDG networks themselves. The geometry of biaxial twist can be illustrated in terms of the integral curves of the co-director , with the local twist corresponding to the frame rotation of and along these curves. Fig. <ref>A shows one such curve within an A domain of aDG_l, which spans between dihedral nodes and winds, like a solenoid, around the strut. Along these solenoidal trajectories, the rotation of the and frame experiences both left- and right-handed regions of twist, as highlighted in Fig. <ref>B, but notably, the degree of biaxiality, as measured by the product S × R also varies around this looping “orbit” as shown <ref>C. The accumulated rotation of the frame (i.e. integrating the director frame twist along the curves) is plotted in Fig. <ref>D, for a series of varying radial distances r (mid-strut) of orbits relative to the strut. Notably, the frame rotation is net negative, consistent with the overall left-handed writhing of grossly helically winding around the left-handed network strut. However, the biaxial order in these curves is relatively larger in regions of counter-rotating, right-handed, frame twist, which correspond to the red “top/bottom" portions of the looping paths in Fig. <ref>A-B. We note that these counter-twisting regions correspond to the most eccentric regions of the elliptical cross-sections in Fig. <ref>, in other words, regions of highly anisotropic domain curvature. As described previously <cit.>, anisotropic domain curvature is directly correlated with degree of biaxial segment order in BCP domains. Hence, the co-location of counter-twist and enhanced biaxiality leads these “counter-revolutionary" pockets of segmental order to dominate the net nematic twist in gyroidal networks, that is, they make left-handed network domains overall more favorable to right-handed twist. This bias of strong biaxiality in counter-twisting regions is evident in the 2-point histograms within the A domain of aDG_l showing the frequency of points as a function of both their frame twist, [ (·∇) ], and S × R. While points are apparently nearly evenly distributed between right- and left-handed frame twist, right-handed twist regions tend to skew towards larger biaxial order, biasing the product of these quantities (the biaxial twist) to positive (i.e. right-handed) values for a left-handed gyroid network domain. Overall, this analysis reveals how biaxiality, qualitatively and quantitatively, alters the nature of chiral organization, particularly in cases where the principal director is predominantly locked to the normals of iso-density in a SmA-like fashion. § THERMODYNAMICS OF ALTERNATING NETWORKS IN ABC* TRIBLOCKS: WEAK CHIRALITY With the analysis for the intrinsic twist in ABC networks (i.e. with isotropic segment interactions) in mind, we consider the thermodynamic consequences for the coupling of self-assembly to segmental chirality in ABC* triblocks. The dominance of nematic twist over the polar twist in aDG domains argues that the most significant anisotropic chiral interactions have nematic symmetry, and to a good approximation the effects of potentially polar interaction terms can be neglected. As such, the minimal free energy model includes the lowest gradients in _A familiar from the -tensor theories of chiral mesogens (e.g. blue phases) <cit.>, F^*_ nem[ _A] = 1/4∫ d^3 x{ K_0 [ (∇·_A)_i ]^2 + K_1 [(∇×_A)_ij+2 q_0 (_A)_ij]^2}, where (∇·)_i=_j Q_ij, (∇×)_ij= ϵ_i l k_l Q_kj and summation over repeated indices is implied. Here K_0 and K_1 are elastic constants for divergence and curl of _A, which we set onto an equal value K = K_0 = K_1 for this study [Elastic constants for the tensor order parameter, K_0 and K_1, can be related to the standard Frank constants for the nematic director for splay, twist, and bend as well as gradients of S, for uniaxial textures. <cit.>]. Segmental chirality, q_0 ≠ 0, parameterizes the free energy preference for non-zero segment twist: q_0 >0 corresponds to a preference for ⟨ Tw_⟩ <0, which is a thermodynamic bias for left-handed cholesteric twist. Incorporating chiral (nematic) segment interactions leads to a total free energy that combines the (mean-field) enthalpy and entropy of the scalar BCP melt model, eq. (<ref>), with the chiral nematic gradient free energy of eq. (<ref>), F_ tot = F_ iso +F^*_ nem . In general, anisotropic segment interactions lead to a self-consistent coupling of random-walk chain configurations and the orientational order parameters, which take the form of self-consistent locally-aligning fields <cit.>. However, for the purposes of the present study, we restrict our attention to the limit of weakly-anisotropic segmental interactions. As described in Appendix <ref>, formally this limit corresponds to a thermodynamic expansion in the elastic constant K, where the lowest order term derives simply from computing chiral nematic gradient contribution in eq. (<ref>) above, from the intrinsic nematic texture, i.e. the biaxial state _A (K → 0), analyzed above in Figs. <ref>- <ref>. To assess the thermodynamic consequence of intrinsic twist on the assembly of alternating networks of ABC* triblocks, we consider two regions of the large parameter space of ABC triblocks <cit.>, in particular symmetric end-block composition (f_A=f_C), with unfrustrated interactions (χ_AB N = χ_BC N=0.37χ_AC N), for relatively weak (χ_AB N = 16) and intermediate (χ_AB N = 26) segregation strengths, and for a range of effective chiral coupling strengths q_0 (see Appendix <ref>). We first discuss the intermediate segregation, shown in Fig. <ref>A. As in the case of purely scalar interactions, studied previously in ref.  <cit.>, with increasing mid-block fraction, we observe a sequence of alternating lamellar (Lam) to aDG - alternating (square) cylinder (aCyl) to alternating (BCC) spheres (aSph) phases. However, it is important to note that for any q0 ≠ 0 the left vs. right aDG degeneracy is broken, and again, due to the predominance of biaxial twist in aDG domains, the thermodynamically selected network chirality is of the reversed handedness with respect to the sense of cholesteric segment twist preferred by same sign of q_0. The expansion of the windows of stable chiral aDG phases relative to achiral competitors with increasing strength of segmental chirality q_0, is another notable effect which derives from the unique natural twist of segment packing in gyroidal domains, even in the absence of chirality in constituent segments themselves. Fig. <ref>B shows a similar composition-chirality plane for weaker segregation, as previously reported <cit.>, this regime includes a stability window of aDD intermediate to aDG and aSph. Again, we note that outward tilt of aDG/aDD phase boundaries with increasing q_0. Given the appearance of a triple point between aDG_ r, aDG_ l and aDD in this phase diagram, it is interesting to note that Wang et al. observe that PI-PS-PLA with racemic lactic acid blocks form at aDD phase, while the stereopure (L or D type) PLA blocks lead to chiral aDG phases <cit.>. This suggests that the experimental system may be similarly placed close to a triple point between these three phases, though it remains to be understood how to precisely map the magnitudes of chiral nematic free energy parameters onto this experimental system, and more generally, how the broader structure and stability of alternating diblock phases will vary as segmental interactions become larger. For sufficiently strong anisotropic and chiral interactions, it can be expected that the twist in segment packing alters the shape of the composition profiles themselves away from the intrinsic, or isotropic, SCF model predictions <cit.>. § CONCLUSION In summary, we have shown that chirality transfer in alternating network phases of BCPs falls into an unusual category. The preference for handed rotation at the molecular level (backbone orientation of chiral blocks) is a reverse sense of the thermodynamically selected mesoscopic twist of the cubic network (inter-node dihedral). The scenario relies on the fact that the twist of both the polar order parameter and the principal director of the nematic order parameter are screened by strong SmC-like anchoring to the scalar composition gradients. The residual, dominating twist, therefore, emerges from the strongly biaxial texture of segmental order in BCP gyroids, and its specific chiral gradients. Notably this “anti-sense" coupling to mesoscopic chirality of the network is also distinct from recently explored mechanisms of mesogenic packing and chirality transfer in gyroidal liquid crystal phases <cit.>, wherein the principal director is understood to co-rotate with the “easy” 70.5^∘ inter-nodal twist shown in Fig. <ref>. We also note that this mechanism of chirality transfer is distinct from previously studied mechanisms for BCP*s, notably for H* and DG phases of chiral diblocks <cit.>. In those cases, in the absence of segmental chirality, the equilibrium phases are achiral. To overcome the entropic coupling that locks the director to composition gradients, the free energy gain for threading chiral segment packing must be sufficiently strong. This leads to a threshold value of q_0 below which the structure remains mesoscopically achiral; and above which it breaks inversion symmetry. In this case, equilibrium alternating networks of ABC triblocks spontaneously break chiral symmetry. The preference for chiral segment packing needs to only tip the balance between otherwise thermodynamically degenerate enantiomeric phases. Hence, at the mean-field level, chirality transfer occurs in the limit of arbitrarily weak chiral strength. It remains to be studied, how the domain shapes of alternating networks are modified in the presence of strong nematic chiral couplings, which could, in principle, “unwind" the handedness reversal effect studied here for weak chirality and would be consistent with the twist preferences of (polar) strongly chiral diblocks in the DG assemblies <cit.>. If that were the case, it would suggest an even more complex scenario, where the left vs. right. handedness selection of network formed by the chiral block in alternating gyroids is itself a function of the chiral strength, switching from anti-chiral to homo-chiral transfer when going from weakly to strongly chiral BCP* systems. § ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are grateful to E. Thomas, R.-M. Ho and R. Kamien for valuable discussions regarding this work, and further to C. Burke for input on resolution limits of intra-domain twist. This research was supported by US AFOSR under Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development Award 18IOA088. Simulations where performed using the UMass Cluster at the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center. § ORIENTATIONAL SELF-CONSISTENT FIELD THEORY Here we summarize the key theoretical ingredients for the oSCF theories of ABC triblocks with generalized couplings between freely-jointed chain random walks and either polar or nematic orientational field interactions. The complete details and derivations of this formalism can be found in refs. <cit.>. Here, we describe only elements necessary to analyze chirality transfer in the limit of weakly anisotropic couplings. In general, we consider mean-field interactions of the form described by local functions of the order parameters. For example, the standard (Flory-Huggins) model of chain mixtures includes an enthalpic free energy of interactions between unlike components in terms of overlap between scalar composition profiles, ϕ_α (), which for the case of ABC copolymers, this takes the form, F_ scal[ ϕ_α () ] = ρ_0 ∫ d^3 {χ_ABϕ_A ϕ_B +χ_BCϕ_B ϕ_C +χ_CAϕ_C ϕ_A } . Additionally, we consider the possibility of orientational interactions described by functionals of either vector (polar) or tensorial (nematic) form, F_ pol[ p_α () ] and F_ nem[ Q_α () ], respectively. Where these functionals depend on local values of the order parameters and their gradients. These orientational couplings give rise to self-consistent vectorial and tensorial fields, which are denoted as w_α and W_α respectively, representing the anisotropic interactions between chain segments at the mean-field level, and derive from the saddle point equations: w_α, i ( x ) = ρ_0 δ F_ pol/δ p_α,i ( x ) , and W_α, ij ( x ) = ρ_0 δ F_ nem/δ Q_α,ij ( x ) , where index α refers to chemical component (i.e. A, B, or C type) and i and j are spatial indices. These anisotropic interaction fields bias the random-walk chain statistics through diffusion-like equations for the segment distributions, q^±( x, n), given respectively by, ±∂ q^±/∂ n = 1/6[a ∇ - w_α ()]^2 q^± - ω_α( x ) q^±, (polar) and ±∂ q^±/∂ n = a^2/6∇^2 q^± -a^2/15∂_i [ W̃_α, ij( x) ∂_j q ] - ω_α( x ) q^±, (nematic) , where W̃_ij = (W_ij-W_ji)/2- (δ_ij/3)  Tr [ W] is the traceless, symmetric part of W_ij and ω_α( x ) is the self-consistent chemical potential fields that couple to the scalar composition profiles for component α. The self-consistency conditions for the ω_α ( x) fields follow from the standard saddle-point conditions relating to the functional derivatives δ F_ scal/δϕ_α ( x) and the incompressibility constraint, ∑_αϕ_α ( x ) =1. As the anisotropic self-consistent fields bias the random walk statistics of chains, they couple to the mean-field orientational order parameters, providing a complete set of self-consistency conditions for the generalization of block copolymer melts to the case of anisotropic interactions: p_α ( x) = V/6 N Z∫_n ∈α dn [ a J (, n) - 2 w ( x) q^+ q^-] , (polar) and Q_α () = V/N Z∫_n∈α dn {a^2 ( K (, n) - I/3 Tr[ K(, n)] ) - 8 W̃( x) q^+ q^-}, (nematic) where J (, n) and K (, n) are vectorial and tensorial segment-flux operators defined in the main text. In the limit where the anisotropy goes to zero (i.e. F_ pol→ 0 and F_ nem→ 0), the self-consistent vectorial and tensorial fields vanish. In this case, p_α Q_α derive only from spatial derivatives of q^±(n,), corresponding to the form of the “intrinsic” polar and nematic order parameters given in the main text eqs. (2) and (3). We note that these intrinsic order parameters have an explicit dependence on N which can be deduced by considering the natural length scales of the microphase separation. The characteristic size of BCP domains scale with the r.m.s. size of an unperturbed Gaussian chain, N^1/2a, with an additional dependence on values of χ_αβ N and f_α. This implies that all spatial variation in q^± occurs on a length scale that grows as N^1/2a. Hence, spatial derivatives of the form that enter eqs. (2) and (3) in the main text are made dimensionless by multiplication by N^1/2a (i.e. ∂̅_i → N^1/2a ∂_i). Recasting these derivative conditions in terms of reduced coordinates, it is clear that N^1/2 p_α and N Q_α are functions that only depend on χ_αβ N and f_α. § INTRINSIC ORDER PARAMETER AND TWIST To evaluate the intrinsic order parameters, and the sub-domain patterns of twist, we compute the chain distribution functions q^±(n,) for ABC triblocks using the PSCF code <cit.>. We then compute the polar and nematic order parameters using eqs. (<ref>) and (<ref>), and a finite-difference approximation to the spatial derivatives of q^±(n,) defined on the computational grid of the SCF solution. Polar and nematic order parameters require spatial derivatives of q^±(n,) and the resolution of segment twist is another spatial derivative of the order parameter. Thus, converged oSCF solutions require especially high grid resolution, even beyond the demands for the free energy of standard SCF theory (i.e. isotropic Flory interactions) <cit.>. To determine the resolution limits of twist calculations we analyze the nematic twist (which requires higher resolution than polar twist) as a function of the grid resolution in Fig.  <ref>. We observe that nematic twist eventually converges with sufficiently large numbers of spatial grid points, in a way that increases with the segregation strength. Fitting that limiting convergence to an asymptotic power law, we extrapolate to limiting values in the hypothetical infinite grid resolution limit. Results for Fig. <ref>C are based on 320^3 grid elements, while the phase diagrams, at much lower segregation strengths, are based on 192^3 spatial grids. In Fig. <ref>, we consider the mean nematic twist in all three domains of an aDG phase for the variable asymmetry between the end blocks for a fixed midblock fraction f_B=0.52. This shows that when f_A ≠ f_C the matrix itself also develops a net chirality in segment twist. Notably, the decreasing length relative length one of the two ends (say, the A block) leads to a transfer to the chirality of twist from the tubular domain to the matrix. For example, when f_A < f_C the net twist of the matrix layer has the sign of the A domain twist, and this behavior inverts when f_A > f_C. § ALIGNMENT OF POLAR AND NEMATIC DIRECTORS WITH COMPOSITION GRADIENTS Ref.  <cit.> described the general “anatomy" of the segmental order parameters of BCP domains in detail. Here we focus on the relative alignment between polar order parameter and isocontours of segment composition for the A domain, composing a single gyroid domain of aDG. The isocontours of density are normal to -∇ϕ_A/|∇ϕ_A|, and in Fig. <ref>A we plot the histogram of the dot product of p̂_A and these isocontour normals, showing that these directions are predominantly parallel. The principal director of nematic order is in general more complex due to a strong tangential alignment effect that takes place at the IMDS. However, as the interface between network A and matrix B is very narrow is well-segregated morphologies, this tangentially aligning zone makes up a small fraction of the morphology. As a consequence polar, and principal directors of the nematic, are on average very well aligned, as shown in Fig. <ref>B. § DECOMPOSITION OF BIAXIAL TWIST We decompose the twist of a biaxial nematic order parameter parameterized by a principal director, , and biaxial director, , which are mutually perpendicular (i.e. ·=0), and the Q_ij tensor, Q_ij =Q^n_ij+ Q^m_ij , where, Q^n_ij= S ( n_i n_j - δ_ij/3) ; Q^m_ij= R ( m_i m_j - δ_ij/3) , where magnitudes S and R, along with directors, may vary in space. We can relate this description to the three principal eigenvalues of Q_ij, λ_1 = 1/3 (2S - R) ; λ_2 = 1/3 (2R - S) ; λ_3 = -1/3 (S + R) . From this we compute the twist of the tensor OP, Q·( × Q ) = Tw_n+ Tw_m+ Q^n ·( × Q^m )+ Q^m ·( × Q^n ) , where Tw_μ = Q^μ·( × Q^μ ) is simply the twist of the principal or secondary (biaxial) director, e.g. Tw_n = Q^n_ijϵ_jkℓ∂_k Q^n_ℓ i =Q^n_ijϵ_jkℓ[ (∂_k S) ( n_ℓ n_i - δ_ℓ i/3)+ S(n_i ∂_k n_ℓ+n_ℓ∂_k n_i) ] = S(∂_k S) /3ϵ_jkℓ( n_ℓ n_j + δ_ℓ j/3) + 2S^2/3 n_j ϵ_jkℓ∂_k n_ℓ - S^2/3ϵ_jkℓ n_ℓ∂_k n_j = S^2 · (× ) where we used the fact that terms that are symmetric in any two indices vanish when contracted with ϵ_jkℓ. Note that the index μ = n, m refers to the principal or secondary component of Q. Likewise, Tw_m =R^2 · (× ). Notice that gradients of the OP magnitudes do not generate unaxial twist. Now we examine the cross term, Q^m ·( × Q^n ), beginning with the curl tensor, ( × Q^n )_ij = ϵ_jkℓ[ (∂_k S) ( n_ℓ n_i - δ_ℓ i/3)+ S(n_i ∂_k n_ℓ+n_ℓ∂_k n_i) ] , When we contract the first term with Q^m_ij we get R (∂_k S) ϵ_jkℓ( m_i m_j - δ_ij/3) ( n_ℓ n_i - δ_ℓ i/3) = - R (∂_k S) /3ϵ_jkℓ (n_ℓ n_j +m_ℓ m_j ) = 0 where we have used · =0 and the symmetry of (n_ℓ n_j +m_ℓ m_j ) under the interchange of indices. Now contracting Q^m_ij with the second term in the curl tensor ( × Q^n )_ij S R ϵ_jkℓ( m_i m_j - δ_ij/3) n_i ∂_k n_ℓ= -S R/3ϵ_jkℓ n_j∂_k n_ℓ =-S R/3· (× ) . Contracting Q^m_ij with the third term in the curl tensor ( × Q^n )_ij gives S R ϵ_jkℓ( m_i m_j - δ_ij/3) n_ℓ∂_k n_i =S R [ m_i (∂_k n_i) ϵ_jkℓ m_j n_ℓ - 1/3ϵ_jkℓ n_ℓ∂_k n_j ] = SR {·[ (·) ] + 1/3· (× ) } , where = × , is the eigendirection of the smallest eigenvalue of Q. Combining all three terms we have, Q^m ·( × Q^n ) =SR ·[ (·) ] . For the other “cross twist" term we have Q^n ·( × Q^m ) =SR n_i (∂_k m_i) ϵ_jkℓ n_j m_ℓ = - SR ·[ (·) ] =  SR ·[ (·) ] , where we used the fact that ∂_i (·) =0 so, ·( ∂_i ) = -·( ∂_i ). Thus, putting the pieces together we have three total terms in the OP twist, Q·( × Q ) = S^2  · (× )+R^2  · (× )+ 2SR  ·[ (·) ] . § MEAN FIELD THERMODYNAMICS OF CHIRAL NEMATIC ABC* TRIBLOCK MELTS: WEAKLY-ANISOTROPIC LIMIT Here we derive the weakly-anisotropic limit of the chiral nematic model of ABC triblocks described in the main text, summarized by the gradient free energy expression in eq. (<ref>) (i.e. with chiral anisotropic mean-field interactions in A block only). Following the eq. (<ref>), we have the self-consistent tensorial field equation W_A, ij ( x ) = ρ_0 δ F_ nem/δ Q_A, ij ( x ) = ρ_0 K {-1/4∇^2 ( Q_A)_ij+2 q_0 (∇× Q_A)_ij+q_0^2 ( Q_A)_ij} where again we are considering the single constant approximation K_0=K_1=K. We now consider solutions of the self-consistent equations in the limit of weakly-anisotropic interactions, which is based on a thermodynamic perturbation expansion around the K → 0 limit, which is the case of the standard (purely scalar) SCF theory <cit.>, referred to here as the “intrinsic field” limit. Following standard perturbation theory approaches, we denote the values of self-consistent fields g() as an expansion in powers of K, g() = g^(0) () + K g^(1) () + K^2 g^(2) () … where g^(M)() describes the K^M order correction to the intrinsic field limit of the field g(). Based on this definition and the form of eq. (<ref>), it is clear that intrinsic limit of tensorial self-consistent field vanishes, i.e. W_A^(0) = 0, where as all other self-consistent field quantities remain non-zero in this limit, most notably the nematic tensor field itself (i.e. Q_A^(0) is given by equation (3) in the main text). The total free energy then has the form, F = F^(0) + K/4∫ d^3 x { K_0 [ (∇· Q^(0)_A)_i ]^2 + K_1 [(∇× Q_A^(0))_ij+2 q_0 ( Q_A^(0))_ij]^2} + O(K^2) with the second term corresponding to the lowest order non-vanishing correction to the intrinsic field limit due to anisotropic segment interactions. Note that because the intrinsic limit is a saddle point with respect to the scalar fields, corrections to the free energy due to first-order corrections in ϕ_α and ω_α lead to corrections of the mean-field free energy at O(K^2). Therefore, in the limit of K → 0, we consider only the first-order contribution of anisotropy, as in eq. (<ref>), deriving from the chiral nematic gradient free energy of the intrinsic field Q^(0)_A. To evaluate the free energies of competing morphologies in Fig. <ref>, we compute the intrinsic limit SCF solutions for competing phases for a variable range of domain periodicities centered around the equilibrium state (i.e. in the absence of anisotropic interactions). We then evaluate the nematic order parameters of the A block and compute the gradient free energy contributions from eq. (<ref>). Combining these with the isotropic mean free energies in eq. (<ref>), we minimize the total free energy over the domain periodicities, which may shift the equilibrium domain spacing by a few percent.
Adversarial Attacks to Direct Data-driven Control for Destabilization
[ "Hampei Sasahara" ]
[ "eess.SY", "cs.SY" ]
DDFM: Denoising Diffusion Model for Multi-Modality Image Fusion Zixiang Zhao^1,2 Haowen Bai^1 Yuanzhi Zhu^2 Jiangshe Zhang^1 Shuang Xu^3 Yulun Zhang^2 Kai Zhang^2 Deyu Meng^1 Radu Timofte^2,4 Luc Van Gool^2 ^1Xi’an Jiaotong University ^2Computer Vision Lab, ETH Zürich ^3Northwestern Polytechnical University ^4University of Wurzburg Received: date / Accepted: date ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ empty empty This study investigates the vulnerability of direct data-driven control to adversarial attacks in the form of a small but sophisticated perturbation added to the original data. The directed gradient sign method (DGSM) is developed as a specific attack method, based on the fast gradient sign method (FGSM), which has originally been considered in image classification. DGSM uses the gradient of the eigenvalues of the resulting closed-loop system and crafts a perturbation in the direction where the system becomes less stable. It is demonstrated that the system can be destabilized by the attack, even if the original closed-loop system with the clean data has a large margin of stability. To increase the robustness against the attack, regularization methods that have been developed to deal with random disturbances are considered. Their effectiveness is evaluated by numerical experiments using an inverted pendulum model. § INTRODUCTION Advances in computing power and an increase in available data have led to the success of data-driven methods in various applications, such as autonomous driving <cit.>, communications <cit.>, and games <cit.>. In the field of control theory, this success has sparked a trend towards direct data-driven control methods, which aim at designing controllers directly from data without the need for a system identification process <cit.>. One prominent scheme is the Willems' fundamental lemma-based approach <cit.>, which provides explicit control formulations and requires low computational complexity <cit.>. Meanwhile, in the context of image classification, it has been reported that a data-driven method using neural networks is susceptible to adversarial attacks <cit.>. Specifically, adding small perturbations to images that remain imperceptible to human vision system can change the prediction of the trained neural network classifier. This type of vulnerability has also been observed in different domains such as speech recognition <cit.> and reinforcement learning <cit.>. Influenced by those results, adversarial attacks and defenses have become a critical area of research on data-driven techniques. Most work on control system security focuses on vulnerabilities of control systems themselves and defense techniques with explicit model knowledge against attacks exploiting these vulnerabilities, such as zero-dynamics attack analysis <cit.>, observer-based attack detection <cit.>, and moving target defense <cit.>. In addition, there have also been recent studies on data-driven approaches, such as data-driven stealthy attack design <cit.> and data-driven attack detection <cit.>. However, the vulnerability of data-driven control algorithm has received less attention, and there is a need for dedicated techniques to address this issue. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the robustness of direct data-driven control methods against adversarial attacks, and to provide insights on how to design secure and reliable data-driven controller design algorithms. The aim of the attacker is to disrupt the stability of the closed-loop system by making small modifications to the data. As the worst-case scenario, we first consider a powerful attacker who has complete knowledge of the system, the controller design algorithm, and the clean input and output data. Subsequently, we consider gray box attacks where we assume that the adversary has access to the model and the algorithm but not the data, and additionally may not know design parameters in the algorithm. Effectiveness of crafted perturbations without partial knowledge is known as the transferability property, which has been confirmed in the domain of computer vision <cit.> and reinforcement learning <cit.>. We observe that the data and parameter transferability property holds in direct data-driven control as well. Our first contribution is to demonstrate the vulnerability of direct data-driven control. We introduce a specific attack, which we refer to as the directed gradient sign method (DGSM), based on the fast gradient sign method (FGSM), which has originally been developed for efficient computation of a severe adversarial perturbation in image classification <cit.>. The idea behind FGSM is to calculate the perturbation vector in the direction of the gradient of the cost function while limiting each element's absolute value to a specified small constant. DGSM is an adaptation of this method, designed to destabilize the targeted control system. DGSM calculates the gradient of the eigenvalues of the resulting closed-loop system and determines the perturbation in the direction that makes the system less stable. Fig. <ref> illustrates a demonstration of DGSM applied to a discrete-time linear system. It is shown that while the system can be stabilized by using clean data where the resulting eigenvalues are far from the unit circle it can be made unstable by a small but sophisticated perturbation. Second, we investigate defense methods using regularization. We consider two regularization approaches: the first is the certainty-equivalence regularization that links the direct data-driven control with the indirect one via system identification using the ordinary least-square estimation <cit.>. The second is the robustness-inducing regularization that ensures robustness against noise <cit.>. We demonstrate that both approaches can improve robustness against adversarial attacks and compare their effectiveness. §.§ Organization and Notation The paper is organized as follows. Sec. <ref> reviews key concepts of direct data-driven control based on the fundamental lemma and discusses a technique for generating adversarial perturbations used in image classification with neural networks. In Sec. <ref>, we outline the attack scenario and present the adversarial method adapted for direct data-driven control that leads to destabilization. Sec. <ref> provides experimental evaluation to discuss the vulnerabilities of interest and the improvement in robustness through regularization. Finally, Sec. <ref> concludes and summarizes the paper. We denote the transpose of a matrix M by M^ T, the trace and the spectrum of a square matrix M by (M) and σ(M), respectively, the maximum and minimum singular values of a matrix M by σ_ max(M) and σ_ min(M), respectively, the max norm of a matrix M by M_ max, the right inverse of a right-invertible matrix M by M^†, the positive and negative (semi)definiteness of a Hermetian matrix M by M≻ (≽) 0 and M≺ (≼) 0, respectively, and the component-wise sign function by sign(·). § PRELIMINARY §.§ Data-Driven Control based on Fundamental Lemma We first review the direct data-driven control based on the Willems' fundamental lemma <cit.>. Consider a discrete-time linear time-invariant system x(t+1)=Ax(t)+Bu(t)+d(t) for t∈ℕ where x(t)∈ℝ^n is the state, u(t)∈ℝ^m is the control input, and d(t)∈ℝ^n is the exogenous disturbance. Assume that the pair (A,B) is unknown to the controller designer but it is stabilizable. We consider the linear quadratic regulator (LQR) problem <cit.>, which has widely been studied as a benchmark problem. Specifically, design a static state-feedback control u(t)=Kx(t) that minimizes the cost function J(K)=∑_i=1^n∑_t=0^∞{x(t)^ TQx(t) + u(t)^ TRu(t)}|_x(0)=e_i with Q≽ 0 and R≻ 0 where e_i is the ith canonical basis vector. It is known that the cost function can be rewritten as J(K)=(QP)+(K^ TRKP) where P≽ I is the controllability Gramian of the closed-loop system when A+BK is Schur. The objective of direct data-driven control is to design the optimal feedback gain using data of input and output signals without explicit system identification. Assume that the time series U_0 :=[u(0) u(1) ⋯ u(T-1)]∈ℝ^m× T and X :=[x(0) x(1) ⋯ x(T-1) x(T)] ∈ℝ^n× (T+1) are available. The first and last T-long time series of X are denoted by X_0∈ℝ^m× T and X_1∈ℝ^m× T, respectively. Letting D_0:=[d(0) d(1) ⋯ d(T-1)]∈ℝ^m× T, we have the relationship X_1-D_0 = [B A]W_0, where W_0:=[U_0^ T X_0^ T]^ T. We here assume that rank W_0 = n+m holds. This rank condition, which is generally necessary for data-driven LQR design <cit.>, is satisfied if the input signal is persistently exciting in the noiseless case as shown by the Willems' fundamental lemma <cit.>. The key idea of the approach laid out in <cit.> is to parameterize the controller using the available data by introducing a new variable G∈ℝ^T× n with the relationship [K^ T I]^ T =W_0G. Then the closed-loop matrix can be parameterized directly by data matrices as A+BK = [B A]W_0G = (X_1-D_0)G. The LQR controller design can be formulated as [ min_P,K,G (QP)+(K^ TRKP); s.t. X_1GPG^ TX_1^ T-P+I≼ 0; P ≽ I and (<ref>); ] by disregarding the noise term. However, it has been revealed that the formulation (<ref>) is not robust to disturbance <cit.>. To enhance robustness against disturbance, a regularized formulation has been proposed: [ min_P,K,G (QP)+(K^ TRKP)+γΠ G; s.t. X_1GPG^ TX_1^ T-P+I≼ 0; P ≽ I and (<ref>); ] with a constant γ≥0 where Π:=I-W_0^†W_0 and · is any matrix norm. The regularizer γΠ G is referred to as certainty-equivalence regularization because it leads to the controller equivalent to the certainty-equivalence indirect data-driven LQR with least-square estimation of the system model when γ is sufficiently large <cit.>. Meanwhile, another regularization that can guarantee robustness has been proposed: [ min_P,K,G (QP)+(K^ TRKP)+ρ (GPG^ T); s.t. X_1GPG^ TX_1^ T-P+I≼ 0; P ≽ I and (<ref>); ] with a constant ρ≥0. The regularizer ρ (GPG^ T) plays the role to reduce the size of the matrix GPG^ T to achieve the actual stability requirement (X_1-D_0)GPG^ T(X_1-D_0)^ T-P+I≼ 0 using the constraint X_1GPG^ TX_1^ T-P+I≼ 0. We refer to the latter one as robustness-inducing regularization. For reformulation of (<ref>), (<ref>), and (<ref>) into convex programs, see <cit.>. §.§ Fast Gradient Sign Method The fast gradient sign method (FGSM) is a method to efficiently compute an adversarial perturbation for a given image <cit.>. Let L(X,Y;θ) be the loss function of the neural network where X∈𝒳 is the input image, Y∈𝒴 is the label, and θ is the trained parameter, and let f:𝒳→𝒴 be the trained classification model. The objective of the adversary is to cause misclassification by adding a small perturbation Δ∈𝒳 such that f(X+Δ)≠ f(X). Specifically, the max norm of the perturbation is restricted, i.e., Δ_ max≤ϵ with a small constant ϵ>0. The core idea of FGSM is to choose a perturbation that locally maximizes the loss function. The linear approximation of the loss function with respect to Δ is given by L(X+Δ,Y;θ)≃ L(X,Y;θ)+∑_k,ℓ(∇_XL(X,Y;θ))_kℓΔ_kℓ where the subscript (·)_kℓ denotes the (k,ℓ) component. The right-hand side of (<ref>) is maximized by choosing Δ_kℓ=ϵ sign(∇_XL(X,Y;θ))_kℓ, whose matrix form is given by Δ = ϵ sign(∇_XL(X,Y;θ)). FGSM creates a series of perturbations in the form increasing ϵ until misclassification occurs. In the next section, we apply this idea to adversarial attacks on direct data-driven control for destabilization. § ADVERSARIAL ATTACKS TO DIRECT DATA-DRIVEN CONTROL §.§ Threat Model This study considers the following threat model: The adversary can add a perturbation (Δ U, Δ X) to the input and output data (U_0,X). Additionally, the adversary knows the system model (A,B), the data (U_0,D_0,X), and the controller design algorithm. This scenario is depicted in Fig. <ref>. The controller K̂ is designed using the perturbed data (Û,X̂):=(U_0+Δ U,X+Δ X), which results in the closed-loop matrix A+BK̂. The attack objective is to destabilize the system by crafting a small perturbation such that the closed-loop matrix has an eigenvalue outside the unit circle. Additionally, we consider gray-box attacks where the adversary has access to the system model (A,B) and the controller design algorithm but not the data (U_0,D_0,X), and additionally may not know the design parameters γ and ρ. In this case, a reasonable attack strategy is to use hypothetical input Û and disturbance D̂_0 and calculate the corresponding state trajectory X̂. We refer to effectiveness of the attack without knowledge of the data as the transferability across data. Additionally, when the design parameters are unknown, hypothetical design parameters γ̂ or ρ̂ are also used. We refer to the effectiveness in this scenario as the transferability across parameters. We numerically evaluate the transferability properties in Sec. <ref>. §.§ Directed Gradient Sign Method We develop the directed gradient sign method (DGSM) to design a severe perturbation Δ:=(Δ U, Δ X) that satisfies Δ_ max≤ϵ with a small constant ϵ>0. Let Λ(U_0,X,Δ):=σ(A+BK̂) denote the eigenvalues of the closed-loop system with the direct data-driven control (<ref>) or (<ref>) using the perturbed data (Û,X̂). The aim of the attack is to place some element of Λ(U_0,X,Δ) outside the unit circle. The core idea of DGSM is to choose a perturbation that locally shifts an eigenvalue in the less stable direction. We temporarily fix the eigenvalue of interest, denoted by λ_i(U_0,X,Δ), and denote its gradient with respect to Δ by ∇_Δλ_i(U_0,X,Δ). The linear approximation of the eigenvalue with respect to Δ is given by λ_i(U_0,X,Δ)≃λ_i(U_0,X,0)+∑_k,ℓ∇_Δλ_i(U_0,X,Δ)) Δ_kℓ. We choose Δ_k ℓ such that the right-hand side of (<ref>) moves closer to the unit circle. Specifically, DGSM crafts the perturbation Δ = ϵ sign(Π_λ_i(∇_Δλ_i(U_0,X,Δ))) where Π_λ_i:ℂ^(m+n)×(2T+1)→ℝ^(m+n)×(2T+1) is defined by Π_λ_i(Z):= λ_iZ+λ_iZ with Z:=∇_Δλ_i(U_0,X,Δ). The role of the function Π_λ_i is illustrated in Fig. <ref>. Suppose that Z_kℓ faces the direction of λ_i. More precisely, the angle between λ_i and Z_kℓ, denoted by ϕ, is less than π/2, which leads to Π_λ_i(Z_kℓ)>0. We now suppose that the angle between λ_i and another element Z_k̃ℓ̃, denoted by ϕ̃, is greater than π/2. Then we have Π_λ_i(Z_k̃ℓ̃)<0. In both cases, owing to the function Π_λ_i, the perturbed eigenvalue moves closer to the unit circle as depicted in the figure. By aggregating all components, the linear approximation of the perturbed eigenvalue λ̂_i is given by λ̂_i≃λ_i+ϵ ∑_k,ℓ sign(Π_λ_i(Z_kℓ))Z_kℓ, which is expected to be placed outside the unit circle by increasing ϵ. DGSM performs the procedure above for every λ_i for i=1,…,n increasing ϵ until the resulting system is destabilized. Its algorithm is summarized in Algorithm 1, where {ϵ_k} denotes possible candidates of the constant ϵ in the ascending order. Algorithm 1 finds a perturbation Δ with the smallest ϵ in {ϵ_k} such that the resulting closed-loop system becomes unstable. 0 §.§ Scaled-DGSM We also consider the scaled-DGSM, a minor extension of DGSM. For multi-input systems, the scales of each input can differ, i.e., u_i_∞≠u_j_∞ for i≠ j where u_i denotes the ith row of U_0. To account for those differences, the magnitude of the perturbation is scaled based on the corresponding signal. Specifically, the scaled-DGSM generates the scaled input perturbation δ_u_i = u_i_∞δ^ ori_u_i where δ_u_i and δ^ ori_u_i denotes the ith row of the scaled input perturbation and that of the original input perturbation created by Algorithm 1, respectively. The state perturbation is also scaled similarly in the scaled-DGSM. § NUMERICAL EXPERIMENTS §.§ Experimental Setup We evaluate our adversarial attacks through numerical experiments. We consider the inverted pendulum <cit.> with sampling period 0.01 whose system matrices are given by A=[ [ 0.9844 0.0466 0.0347; 0.0397 1.0009 0.0007; 0.0004 0.0200 1.0000 ]], B=[ [ 0.25; 0; 0 ]]. 0 We consider two systems: an artificial one of a marginally unstable Laplacian system A=[ [ 1.01 0.01 0; 0.01 1.01 0.01; 0 0.01 1.01 ]], B=I considered in <cit.>, and a practical one of a three-tank chemical process =0.33 A=[ [ 0.96 0 0; 0.04 0.97 0; -0.04 0 0.90 ]], B=[ [ 8.80 -2.30 0 0; 0.20 2.20 4.90 0; -0.21 -2.2 1.90 21 ]] considered in <cit.>. =3 We set the weight matrices to Q=I and R=10^-5I. The input signal is randomly and independently generated by u(t)∼𝒩(0,1). We consider the disturbance-free case, i.e., d(t)=0. The time horizon is set to T=10. The 2-induced norm is taken as the matrix norm in (<ref>). The gradient ∇_Δ(λ_i(U_0,X,Δ)) is computed by the central difference approximation <cit.>. 0 §.§ Vulnerable Instance We first demonstrate that the direct data-driven control can be vulnerable. Consider the Laplacian system (<ref>) with the disturbance parameter d=0.05. The magnitude of the adversarial perturbation is set to ϵ=0.1. The controller is designed using the certainty-equivalence regularization (<ref>) with a regularization parameter λ=10^-3. The results are shown in Fig. <ref>. Despite the perturbed data appearing similar to the original one, the resulting closed-loop system becomes unstable due to the adversarial attack. Indeed, the eigenvalues of the closed-loop system with the original input signal are {0.0011,-0.0076,0.0315}, while those with the perturbed signal are {0.0037, 0.1730,1.0179}. The max norm and the maximum singular value of the random disturbance and the adversarial perturbation are described in TABLE <ref>. There is a significant difference between the maximum singular values, as opposed to the max norm. This result supports the hypothesis in Sec. <ref> that DGSM creates a perturbation with small individual elements but a large maximum singular value. §.§ Robustness Improvement by Regularization We examine the improvement in robustness through regularization by comparing DGSM with a random attack where each element of Δ takes ϵ or -ϵ with equal probability. Let N_ all and N_ unstable denote the total number of samples and the number of the samples where the resulting closed-loop system is unstable, respectively. In addition, let ϵ̅ denote the minimum ϵ such that N_ unstable/N_ all≥τ for a given threshold τ∈[0,1]. We set N_ all=50 and τ=0.8. Fig. <ref> depicts the curves of ϵ̅ with varying γ for DGSM and the random attack when using the certainty-equivalence regularization (<ref>). First, it is observed that the magnitude of the adversarial perturbation necessary for destabilization increases as the regularization parameter γ increases. This result implies that the regularization method originally proposed for coping with disturbance is also effective in improving robustness against adversarial attacks. Second, the necessary magnitude in DGSM is approximately 10% of that in the random attack, which illustrates the significant impact of DGSM. Fig. <ref> depicts the curves of ϵ̅ with varying ρ when using the robustness-inducing regularization (<ref>). This figure shows results similar to Fig. <ref>. Consequently, both regularization methods are effective for adversarial attacks. Next, we compare the effectiveness of the two regularization methods. We take γ=0.1 and ρ=10^-5 such that the resulting closed-loop performances J(K) are almost equal. Fig. <ref> depicts N_ unstable/N_ all with the two regularized controller design methods (<ref>) and (<ref>) for varying ϵ. It can be observed that the robustness-inducing regularization (<ref>) always outperforms the certainty-equivalence regularization (<ref>). §.§ Transferability We consider transferability across data where the data (U_0,D_0,X) is unknown and DGSM uses a hypothetical input Û_0 whose elements are also randomly and independently generated by 𝒩(0,1) and D̂_0=0. Fig. <ref> depicts the curves of ϵ̅ with varying γ for DGSM without knowledge of data and that with full knowledge when using the certainty-equivalence regularization (<ref>). This figure shows that DGSM exhibits the transferability property across data. Subsequently, we examine transferability across design parameters where the regularization parameter γ in addition to the data (U_0,D_0,X) is unknown. We use γ=0.1 as a hypothetical parameter. Fig. <ref> depicts the corresponding curves As in the transferability across data, the results confirm the transferability property across parameters. §.§ Discussion The regularization methods described by (<ref>) and (<ref>) provide a quantitative condition to ensure stability: The resulting closed-loop system with the certainty-equivalence regularization is stable when γ and the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) defined by SNR:=σ_ min(W_0)/σ_max(D_0) are sufficiently large <cit.>. That with the robustness-inducing regularization is stable when ρ is sufficiently large and σ_ max(D_0) is sufficiently small <cit.>. One may expect that DGSM crafts a severe input perturbation such that its maximum singular value is large but its elements are small. However, for the single-input system, σ_ max(Δ U)=ϵ√(T) for any Δ U whose elements take ϵ or -ϵ. This means that the input perturbations made by DGSM and the random attack have the same maximum singular value. § CONCLUSION This study has investigated the vulnerability of direct data-driven control, specifically focusing on the Willems' fundamental lemma-based approach with two regularization methods, namely certainty-equivalence regularization and robustness-inducing regularization. To this end, a new method called DGSM, based on FGSM which has been originally been proposed for neural networks, has been introduced. It has been demonstrated that direct data-driven control can be vulnerable, i.e., the resulting closed-loop system can be destabilized by a small but sophisticated perturbation. Numerical experiments have indicated that strengthening regularization enhances robustness against adversarial attacks. Future research should include further tests of the vulnerability with various types of data and systems under different operating conditions, a theoretical analysis of DGSM, and exploration of novel defense techniques for reliable direct data-driven control. For example, detection of adversarial perturbations <cit.> is a promising direction. Finally, for a more comprehensive understanding of the vulnerability, more sophisticated attacks should be considered. The parameters in the simulation in Fig. <ref> are as follows. The system is a marginally unstable Laplacian system 0 A=[ [ 1.01 0.01 0; 0.01 1.01 0.01; 0 0.01 1.01 ]], B=I considered in <cit.>. Each element of the disturbance D is randomly generated from 𝒩(0,d^2) with d=0.05. The weight matrices are Q=I and R=10^-3I. The time horizon is set to T=15. The magnitude of the adversarial perturbation is set to ϵ=0.16. The controller is designed using the certainty-equivalence regularization (<ref>) with a regularization parameter γ=10^-3. IEEEtran
The $CFK^\infty$ Type of Almost L-space Knots
[ "Fraser Binns" ]
[ "math.GT", "57K18" ]
L>l<#1 mathbb #1AMSa"39metatheoremMetatheorem[section] theoremTheorem[section] lemma[theorem]Lemmametalemma[theorem]Metalemmacorollary[theorem]Corollaryconjecture[theorem]Conjectureproposition[theorem]Propositiondefinitiondefinition [theorem] Definitionclaim[theorem]Claimexample [theorem] Exampleremark [theorem] Remarkquestion [theorem] Questionconstruction [theorem] Constuctionthm[theorem]Theoremprop[theorem]Propositionlem[theorem]Lemmacor[theorem]Corollarydefinitionrem[theorem]Remarkdefin[theorem]Definition1Department of Mathematics, Boston Collegebinnsf@bc.eduThe ^∞ type of Almost L-space knots Fraser Binns March 30, 2023 =================================== Heegaard Floer homology and knot Floer homology are powerful invariants of 3-manifolds and links respectively. L-space knots are knots which admit Dehn surgeries to 3-manifolds with Heegaard Floer homology of minimal rank. In this paper we study almost L-space knots, which are knots admitting large Dehn surgeries to 3-manifolds with Heegaard Floer homology of next-to-minimal rank. Our main result is a classification of the ^∞(-) type of almost L-space knots. As corollaries we show that almost L-space knots satisfy various topological properties, including some given by Baldwin-Sivek <cit.>. We also give some new cable link detection results. § INTRODUCTION Heegaard Floer homology is a package of invariants in low dimensional topology due to Ozsváth-Szabó <cit.>. We will be interested in the 3-manifold invariant, which is due to Ozsváth-Szabó <cit.>, and the knot invariant which is due independently to Ozsváth-Szabó <cit.> and J.Rasmussen <cit.>. The three manifold invariant, denoted (-), satisfies the following rank inequality; ((Y))≥ |H_1(Y;)| Here Y is a rational homology sphere and |H_1(Y;)| is the number of elements in H_1(Y;). This equation results from the fact that an appropriate decatigorification of (Y) yields |H_1(Y;)|. An L-space is a rational homology sphere for which inequality <ref> is tight. Understanding the geometric and algebraic properties of L-spaces is of central interest in low dimensional topology and the subject of Boyer-Gordon-Watson's “L-space conjecture" <cit.>. Dehn-surgery is a well studied operation on 3-manifolds. Let q∈ and K be a knot in S^3. q-surgery on K, denoted S^3_q(K), is the manifold obtained by removing a tubular neighborhood of K from S^3, then regluing it with framing determined by q. An L-space knot is a knot K for which S^3_n(K) is an L-space for for some n∈^≥ 0. The knot Floer homology of L-space knots is well understood, by work of Ozsváth-Szabó <cit.>. In this paper we will study almost L-space knots. The following definitions are due to Baldwin-Sivek <cit.>. Let Y be a rational homology sphere. We call Y an almost L-space if ((Y))=|H_1(Y;)|+2. We note that there is no rational homology sphere with ((Y))=|H_1(Y;)|+1, as the decatigorification from (Y) to |H_1(Y;)| respects parity. Almost L-spaces are thus the rational homology spheres for which inequality <ref> is “almost tight". There is a question of whether or not this is quite the “correct" definition for almost L-spaces. See Section <ref> for some discussion. <cit.> A knot K in S^3 is called an almost L-space knot if there exists an n≥ 2g(K)-1 such that ((S^3_n(K)))=n+2. As we will see, there are a number of equivalent definitions of almost L-space knots. The reason to include the condition n≥ 2g(K)-1 is that if K is an L-space knot then ((S^3_2g(K)-2(K)))=2g(K). We turn our attention now to knot Floer homology. The strongest version of knot Floer homology is the filtered chain homotopy type of a chain complex ^∞(-). This is a finitely generated chain complex over [U,U^-1] equipped with two gradings; the U grading and the Alexander grading. Our main result is a classification of ^∞(-) for almost L-space knots; Let K be an almost L-space knot. Then ^∞(K) has the filtered chain homotopy type of one of the following complexes; * A staircase complex direct sum a box complex. * An almost staircase complex. The definitions of the complexes referred to in this theorem are deferred to Section <ref>. They are illustrated, however, in Figures <ref>, <ref>, <ref> and <ref>. We note in contrast that an L-space knot has ^∞ given by a staircase complex, as proven by Ozsváth-Szabó <cit.>. It is straightforward to construct examples of almost L-space knots with ^∞(-) of type 2 by taking (2,2g(K)-3)-cables of L-space knots. Examples of knots with ^∞ of type 1 include the figure eight, the mirror of 5_2, T(2,3)# T(2,3), 10_139, and 12n_725. There are many almost staircase complexes which do not arise as the complexes of (2,2g(K)-3)-cables of L-space knots or as box plus staircase complexes. The author is unaware if any such complex arises as ^∞(K) for some K. Indeed, the author is likewise unaware of a classification of staircase complexes realised as ^∞(K) for some K. We prove Theorem <ref> by adapting the techniques Ozsváth-Szabó use in classifying the ^∞ type of L-space knots. With Theorem <ref> at hand we can obtain the following result; *stabilityProposition <ref> Let K be a knot of genus g. K is an almost L-space knot if and only if ((S^3_p/q(K)))=p+2q for all p/q≥ 2g-1. This is an analogue of the result that if K is a knot of genus g then K is an L-space knot if and only if ((S^3_p/q(K)))=p for all p/q≥ 2g-1. We prove this result with the aid of Hansleman-Rasmussen-Watson's immersed curve interpretation of the surgery formula in bordered Floer homology <cit.>. ^∞(-) comes equipped with a grading called the Maslov grading. The differential lowers the Maslov grading by 1 while the U action decreases it by 2. There is a weaker version of ^∞(K), denoted (K), that carries only a Maslov grading and an Alexander grading. Theorem <ref> can be sharpened somewhat via the following proposition; *prop:delta0Proposition <ref> \beginprop:delta0 Suppose K is an almost L-space knot with the ^∞ type of a box plus staircase complex. Then (K,0) is supported in a single Maslov grading. \endprop:delta0 This proposition is proven using involutive knot Floer homology <cit.> and Sarkar's basepoint moving map <cit.>. This result can perhaps be though of as a relative version of a result of Hanselman-Kutluhan-Lidman concerning the geography problem for ^+(Y,𝔰)– another version of Heegaard Floer homology – for 𝔰 a self conjugate spin^c structure, with (Y,𝔰) of next to minimal rank <cit.>. A number of topological properties of L-space knots can be deduced from the classification of their ^∞-type – for example that they are strongly-quasi-positive and fibered. Likewise Theorem <ref> allows us to show that almost L-space knots satisfy or almost satisfy various strong topological properties. *genus1classCorollary <ref>[<cit.>] Suppose K is a genus one almost L-space knot. Then K is T(2,-3), the figure eight knot or the mirror of the knot 5_2. This result is the analogue of the fact that the only genus one L-space knot is T(2,3). *compCorollary <ref> The only composite almost L-space knot is T(2,3)# T(2,3). This is the analogue of Baldwin-Vela-Vick's result that L-space knots are prime <cit.>*fiberedCorollary <ref>[<cit.>] The mirror of 5_2 is the only almost L-space knot which is not fibered. This is the analogue of the fact that L-space knots are fibered. *taukCorollary <ref> Suppose K is an almost L-space knot for which |τ(K)|< g_3(K). Then K is the figure eight knot. Here τ(-) is a knot invariant due to Ozsváth-Szabó <cit.>. Note that |τ(K)|≤ g_3(K) for all K. This result is the analogue of the fact that for L-space knots K, τ(K)=g_3(K). The only almost L-space knots that are not strongly quasi-positive are the figure eight knot and the left handed trefoil. This is the analogue of the fact that L-space knots are strongly quasi-positive. In a different direction, Theorem <ref> allows us to recover a result of Hedden; *HeddCorollary <ref>[<cit.>] Suppose K is a knot and ((K_n))=n+2. Then K is a non-trivial L-space knot and n=2g(K)-1. Here K_n indicates the core of n-surgery on K. We again prove this with the aid of Hanselman-Rasmussen-Watson's immersed curve invariant. From here we can obtain some link detection results for cables of L-space knots using the same arguments as were used by the author and Dey for similar purposes in <cit.>. Let K_p,q denote the (p,q)-cable of K. Here p indicates the longitudinal wrapping number while q indicates the meridional wrapping number. We have the following; *HFKcablesProposition <ref> Suppose K is an L-space knot. If a 2-component link L satisfies (L)≅(K_2,4g(K)-2). Then L is a (2,4g(K)-2)-cable of an L-space knot K' such that (K')≅(K). Here we orient (2,2n)-cables as the boundary of annuli. Moreover we have a stronger result for link Floer homology, an invariant due to Ozsváth-Szabó <cit.>; *HFLcablesProposition <ref> Suppose K is a L-space knot and L satisfies (L)≅(K_m,2mg(K)-m). Then L is a (m,2mg(K)-m)-cable of an L-space knot K' with (K')≅(K). In fact, the conclusion that K' is an L-space knot in the above two Propositions follows from the fact that (K)≅(K'), as is also true for the corresponding results in <cit.>. This observation follows either from examining the immersed curve invariant or a result of Lidman-Moore-Zibrowius <cit.>. As a corollary we have the following detection results; Knot Floer homology detects T(2,3)_2,2 and T(2,5)_2,6 amongst two component links. Here these two links are again oriented as the boundary of annuli. The corresponding result for Link Floer homology is the following; Link Floer homology detects T(2,3)_m,2m and T(2,5)_m,6m. Note that T(2,3) and T(2,5) are L-space knots. The above two results thus follow directly from Propositions <ref> and  <ref>, Ghiggini's result that knot Floer homology detects T(2,3) <cit.>, and Farber-Reinoso-Wang's result that knot Floer homology detects T(2,5) <cit.>. We also give a characterization of links with the same link Floer homology type as the (m,mn)-cables of almost L-space knots for large n, generalizing work of the author and Dey <cit.>; *almostLspacecablesProposition <ref> Let K be an almost L-space knot. Suppose L is a link such that (L)≅(K_m,mn) with m>2g(K)-1. Then L is the (m,mn)-cable of an almost L-space knot K' such that (K')≅(K). By combining the above result and Corolllary <ref> we can also deduce the following; *genus1almostLspacecablesProposition <ref> Link Floer homology detects the (m,mn)-cables of T(2,-3), the figure eight knot and the mirror of 5_2 for n>1. We conclude this introduction with some questions; Is there a version of the L-space conjecture for almost L-spaces? The L-space conjecture posits an equivalent characterization of L-spaces in terms of both an orderability condition on their fundamental groups, and whether or not they admit taut foliations <cit.>. Given a property that L-space knots exhibit, it is natural to ask if almost L-space knots too exhibit that property. For example, L-space knots do not have essential Conway spheres by a result of Lidman-Moore-Zibrowius <cit.>, so it is natural to ask the following; Do almost L-space knots have essential Conway spheres? This paper is organised as follows. In Section <ref> we review aspects of the Heegaard Floer homology package relevant to subsequent sections. In Section <ref> we give some alternate characterizations of almost L-spaces and prove Proposition <ref> and Proposition <ref>. In Sections <ref>, <ref>, and <ref> we prove Theorem <ref>. In Section <ref> we give the applications. §.§ Acknowledgements The author would like to thank his advisor John Baldwin for numerous helpful conversations as well as Jen Hom, Mihai Marian, Allison Moore and Liam Watson. He would like to thank Subhankar Dey and Duncan McCoy for some useful comments on an earlier draft. He is especially grateful to Hugo Zhou for explaining how to understand a key step in Section <ref>, as well as Francesco Lin for drawing his attention to Hanselman-Lidman-Kutluhan's result <cit.>, which lead him to the proof of Proposition <ref>. § A REVIEW OF HEEGAARD FLOER HOMOLOGY In this section we review background material on Heegaard Floer homology with an emphasis on aspects of the theory which will play a role in subsequent sections. §.§ Heegaard Floer homology for closed 3-manifolds Heegaard Floer homology, denoted (-), is an invariant of three manifolds due to Ozsváth-Szabó. It is defined using Heegaard diagrams, symplectic topology and analysis <cit.>. It can be defined with integer coefficients but we will take coefficients in /2 throughout this paper. (Y) splits as a direct sum over equivalence classes of non-vanishing vector fields on Y called ^c-structures. Let Y be a rational homology sphere. There is a non-canonical bijection between the set of ^c-structures on Y and H_1(Y;). Suppose Y is given by performing n-surgery on a knot K in S^3. Then K determines a canonical bijection between ^c(Y) and /n≅ H_1(Y;) as follows. Observe that the trace of n surgery, X_n(K), gives a cobordism from S^3_n(K) to S^3. Fix a Seifert surface Σ for K. Consider the surface Σ obtained by capping off Σ in X_n(K). Suppose 𝔰 is a ^c structure over S^3_n(K) that admits an extension 𝔱 over X_n(K) with the property that ⟨ c_1(𝔱),[Σ]⟩ -n≡ 2i2n. Then the map 𝔰↦ i is an isomorphism by a result of Ozsváth-Szabó <cit.>. §.§ Knot Floer homology There is a version of Heegaard Floer homology for knots in S^3 called knot Floer homology. This invariant is due independently to Ozsváth-Szabó <cit.> and J. Rasmussen <cit.>. The strongest version of knot Floer homology is denoted ^∞(-). This form of the invariant takes value in the category of finitely generated filtered chain complexes of [U,U^-1]-modules up to filtered chain homotopy equivalence. We will often conflate the ^∞-type of such a complex and the associated graded equiped with the induced differential. These complexes carry a grading called the Maslov grading. The U action lowers the Maslov grading by 2, and induces another grading on ^∞(-), called the U grading. The subcomplex generated by generators of U-grading 0 is denoted (K), and has homology denoted by (K). The other grading is called the Alexander grading. Ozsváth-Szabó showed that ^∞(K) determines (S^3_q(K)) for all q∈ <cit.>. §.§ Chain Complexes for almost L-space knots Theorem <ref> states that the chain complexes of almost L-space knot admit particularly simple models. That is, there exist particularly simple models of their chain homotopy type. Throughout this paper we shall use i to indicate the U-grading on ^∞ and j to indicate the Alexander grading. To make the statement of Theorem <ref> we need the following definitions; A staircase complex is a set of generators { x_i}_1≤ i ≤ N∪{ y_i}_1≤ i ≤ N+1 where N∈^≥ 0 such that x_i and y_i only differ in i coordinate while x_i and y_i+1 only differ in j coordinate, and the non-trivial differentials are given by ∂ x_i = y_i + y_i+1 for 1≤ i≤ N. An example of such a complex is shown in Figure <ref>. Let N∈^≥ 0. A type 1 almost staircase complex is a complex admitting a basis {x_i}_0<|i|≤ N+1∪{y_i}_0< |i|≤ N∪{z} such that; * x_i and y_i-1 only differ in i coordinate while x_i and y_i only differ in j coordinate. * Suppose x_-1 is of bigrading (a,b). Then z is of bigrading (a-1,b) and x_1 is of bigrading (a-1,b+1). * The non-trivial components of the differential are given by; * ∂ y_i = x_i + x_i+1 for i≠±1, * ∂ y_±1=x_± 2+x_1+x_-1, * ∂ x_±1=z. An example of such a complex is shown in Figure <ref>. The N=0 case corresponds to the case of the left handed trefoil. Let N∈^≥ 1. A type 2 almost staircase complex is a complex admitting a basis {x_i}_0<|i|≤ N∪{y_i}_0<|i|≤ N∪{z} such that; * For i<0x_i and y_i only differ in i coordinate while x_i-1 and y_i only differ in j coordinate. For i>0x_i and y_i only differ in j coordinate while x_i and y_i+1 only differ in i coordinate * Suppose y_-1 is of bigrading (a,b). Then z is of bigrading (a,b+1) and y_1 is of bigrading (a-1,b+1). * The non-trivial components of the differential are given by; * ∂ y_i = x_i + x_i+1 for i<0, * ∂ y_i = x_i + x_i-1 for i>0, * ∂ y_± 1=x_-1+x_1, * ∂ z=y_0+y_1. An example of such a complex is shown in Figure <ref>. Almost staircases of type 1 arise as (2,2g(K)-3)-cables of L-space knots while almost staircase complexes of type 2 do not. This can be deduced using Hanselman-Watson's cabling formula for knot Floer homology in terms of immersed curves <cit.>. Indeed, the author is unaware of examples of almost staircase complexes of type 2 which arise as the knot Floer homology of some knot. A box complex is a complex with of generators x_3,x_4,x_1,x_2 with coordinates (0,0), (0,1), (1,0) and (1,1) respectively, up to overall shift in bigrading, differentials given by; * ∂ x_2 = x_1 + x_4 * ∂ x_2 = ∂ x_4 = x_3. * 0 otherwise. An example of such a complex is shown in Figure <ref>. With these definitions at hand, the statement of Theorem <ref> is made rigorous. We note however that there is a degree of overlap between complexes of type one and complexes of type two in the statement of Theorem <ref>. Namely, in light of Proposition <ref>, box plus staircase complexes for knots K with ((K,1))=2 can arise as almost staircase complexes. Note that the mirror of 5_2, T(2,3)#T(2,3), 10_139 and 12n_725 all satisfy this property. § SOME REMARKS ON ALMOST L-SPACES AND ALMOST L-SPACE KNOTS In this section we give some equivalent definitions of almost L-spaces and almost L space knots. First we give a definition of almost L-spaces in terms of of ^+ Let Y be a rational homology sphere. The following conditions are equivalent; * Y is an almost L-space. * ((Y,𝔰))=1 aside from for a unique ^c structure 𝔰_0 for which ((Y,𝔰_0))=3. * ^+(Y,𝔰)≅τ^+ aside from in a unique ^c structure 𝔰_0 for which ^+(Y,𝔰_0)≅τ^+⊕[U]/U^n for some n. * ^+_red(Y,𝔰)≅0 aside from in a unique ^c structure 𝔰_0 for which ^+_red(Y,𝔰_0)≅[U]/[U^n] for some n. Here τ^+ indicates a tower [U,U^-1]/U and ^+_red(Y,𝔰) is the submodule of ^+_red(Y,𝔰) generated by elements that are not in the image of U^n for sufficiently large n. The proof is routine. 1 2 is just our definition of almost L-space. To see that 2 3, note that in general ^+(Y,𝔰)=τ^+⊕^+_red(Y,𝔰). Now considering the long exact sequence induced by the short exact sequence; 0 [r] (Y,𝔰) [r, ""] ^+(Y,𝔰) [r, "U"] ^+(Y,𝔰) [r] 0 we see that ^+(Y,𝔰)≅τ^+ unless 𝔰=𝔰_0. In the latter case observe that for each summand of ^+_red(Y,𝔰) we find two generators of (Y,𝔰_0). It follows that ^+_red(Y,𝔰_0)≅[U]/U^n for some n≥ 0. 3 4 follows from the definition. 4 2 follows immediately from the long exact sequence used above. A similar statement can be made for ^-; Let Y be a rational homology sphere. The following conditions are equivalent; * Y is an almost L-space. * ^-(Y,𝔰)≅τ^- aside from in a unique ^c structure 𝔰_0 for which ^-(Y,𝔰_0)≅τ^+⊕[U]/U^n for some n. * ^-_red(Y,𝔰)≅0 aside from in a unique ^c structure 𝔰_0 for which ^-_red(Y,𝔰_0)≅[U]/[U^n] for some n. Here τ^- indicates a tower [U] and ^-_red(Y,𝔰) is the U torsion submodule of ^-(Y,𝔰). The proof is again routine. This follows just as in the case of the previous proposition but applying the following short exact sequence; 0 [r] ^-(Y,𝔰) [r, "U"] ^-(Y,𝔰) [r, ""] CF(Y,𝔰) [r] 0 Note that one might reasonably have given a stronger definition of almost L-spaces as rational homology spheres with, say, ^+(Y;)≅τ^+⊕/2. It is not clear to the author if this would be a better definition. We now give the following alternate characterisation of almost L-space knots; Let K be a knot of genus g. K is an almost L-space knot if and only if ((S^3_p/q(K)))=p+2q for all p/q≥ 2g-1. We find it convenient to prove this proposition by way of Hanselman-Rasmussen-Watson's immersed curve interpretation of bordered Floer homology <cit.>. This invariant can be thought of as assigning to each knot K a closed multi-curve Γ(K) in the infinite strip [0,1]×, punctured at the points {0}×. Pulling γ(K) tight we obtain a collection of straight line segments. This is called a singular pegboard diagram in <cit.>. There is a unique such segment which is not vertical. Let m denote its slope. Let n be the number of vertical line segments, counted with multiplicity. Note that n-m is even. We will apply the following proposition of Hanselman; Let K be a knot with m and n as above ((S^3_p/q(K)))=|p-qm|+n|q|. We now prove Proposition <ref>. We first prove the forward direction. If K is an almost L-space knot, Theorem <ref> implies that m=2g(K)-1, n=2g(K)+1. Proposition <ref> immediately implies that ((S^3_p/q(K)))=p+2q for all p/q≥ 2g(K)-1. For the opposite direction suppose that there exist p,q such that p/q≥ 2g(K)-1 and ((S^3_p/q(K)))=p+2q. We first show that K is an L-space knot or an almost L-space knot. Note that Proposition <ref> implies that, with m,n as above p+2q=n|q|+|mq-p|. Since K cannot be the unknot U as ((S^3_p/q(U)))=p, we have that 2g(K)-1>0 and may take p,q≥ 0, so that p+2q=nq+|mq-p|. Suppose m> p/q. Then 2pq+2=n+m, so that 2m+2≥ n+m and m+2> n. But n-m∈ 2^≥ 0, so that n=m in which case K is an L-space knot and p/q=m-1. Otherwise we have that n=m+2. It follows in turn that ((S^3_s(K)))=s+2 for any sufficiently large s so that K is an almost L-space knot. We conclude this section with the following proposition, taking as given Theorem <ref>; Suppose K is an almost L-space knot with the ^∞-type of a box plus staircase complex. Then (K,0) is supported in a single Maslov grading. Suppose K is an almost L-space knot with the ^∞-type of a box plus staircase complex. We first show that (K,0) is supported in a single grading. Consider Hendricks-Manolescu's involution ι on ^∞(K) <cit.>. Observe that ι^2 yields Sarkar's basepoint pushing map <cit.>. Thus ι^2 is determined up to filtered chain homotopy by the ^∞-type of K by a result of Zemke <cit.>. Consider the components of ι and Sarkar's basepoint pushing map acting on the box complex. Endow the box complex with the generators x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4 as in Definition <ref>. Let e denote U^-1x_3. Sarkar's basepoint pushing map is given by x_1↦ x_1, x_4↦ x_4, e↦ e and x_2↦ x_2+e. Suppose that z is not of the same Maslov grading as e and x_2. Observe that the component of ι(x_2) in (U,A)-grading (0,0) is given by either e+x_2 or x_2, while ι(e)=e. Neither of these maps square to Sarkar's basepoint pushing map, so we have a contradiction and that z is of the same Maslov grading as e and x_2. § ^∞ OF ALMOST L-SPACE KNOTS AS A BIGRADED VECTOR SPACE WITHOUT MASLOV GRADINGS In this section we determine ^∞ as a bigraded vector space for almost L-space knots without Maslov grading. We apply similar techniques as used by Ozsváth-Szabó <cit.> in the proof of the corresponding result for L-space knots. Recall that (S^3_n(K)) admits a /n grading. We first determine the grading in which ((S^3_n(K),[i]))=3. Suppose K is an almost L-space knot and n≥2g(K)-1 is an integer. Then ((S^3_n(K)),[i]) is 1 unless [i]=0, in which case it is 3. The set of ^c structures admit a conjugation action which induces an isomorphism on (S^3_n(K)). This action sends (S^3_n(K),[i]) to (S^3_n(K),[-i]). Since there is a unique ^c structure in which (S^3_n(K)) is not one, it follows that this ^c structure is self conjugate. There are potentially two such ^c structures, namely 0 and n/2 if n is even. We show that the latter case is impossible. Since n≥ 2g(K)-1 we have that n/2≥ g(K). However, it follows immediately from Ozsváth-Szabó's surgery formula  <cit.> that (S^3_n(K);[i]) is of rank 1 for i≥ g(K), a contradiction. We note in passing that if K is an L-space knot then ((S^3_2g(K)-2(K),[g(K)-1])=3. Before proceeding we introduce some notation. ^∞ is a ⊕ graded complex, where the grading (i,j) indicates a U-grading of j and an Alexander grading of i. We denote by C(f(i,j)=0) the subcomplex of the associated graded consisting of generators of grading (i,j) satisfying f(i,j)=0. Set X_m={i≤ 0,j=m}, Y_m={i=0,j≤ m-1}. Let UX_m be the complex generated over {i< 0,j=-1}. Following, Ozsváth-Szabó's approach in the L-space knot setting <cit.>, observe that we have a pair of short exact sequences; 0[d] 0[r] C{UX_m}[r] C(UX_m∪ Y_m}[r] C{Y_m}[d][r] 0 C{X_m∪ Y_m}[d] C{X_m}[d] 0 This yields a pair of exact triangles in homology shown in Figure <ref>. As noted by Ozsváth-Szabó <cit.>, the composition of the two horizontal maps is zero. We first extract the following lemma from work of Ozsváth-Szabó <cit.>; Suppose H_*(X_m∪ Y_m)≅, H_*(UX_m∪ Y_m)≅^3. Then 1≤(H_*(X_m))≤ 2. Suppose H_*(X)≅^n. In this specific context the exact triangles from Figure <ref> yield; ^n[dr] H_*(Y)[dr][ll,"c"] ^n[ll,"d"] ^3[ur, "b"] [ur, "a"] If a is injective then H_*(Y)≅^n-1, d has kernel of rank 1, b must have image of rank 1, and c must have kernel of rank 1. Since the composition of the two horizontal maps must be trivial it follows that 1≤ n≤ 2. If a is trivial then d is injective and H_*(Y)≅^n+1 whence b has image of rank 2 and c has kernel of rank 2. It follows that the image of c∘ d is of rank n-1 or n-2, whence n=1 or n=2 since the composition of the two maps is trivial. Suppose H_*(X_m∪ Y_m)≅^3, H_*(UX_m∪ Y_m)≅. Then 1≤(H_*(X_m))≤ 2. This follows from the proof of the previous lemma, after dualizing, noting that we are working over a field. Of course we are interested in computing H_*(0,m) rather than H_*(X_m). We now relate these quantities. We have the following; * Suppose (H_*(X_m))=2. Then (H_*(0,m)) is one of (H_*({i<0,j=m}))-2,(H_*({i<0,j=m})) or (H_*({i<0,j=m}))+2. * Suppose (H_*(X)_m)=1. Then (H_*(0,m)) is either (H_*({i<0,j=m}))-1 or (H_*({i<0,j=m}))+1. * Suppose (H_*(X_m))=0. Then (H_*(0,m))=(H_*({i<0,j=m})). There is a short exact sequence; 0[r] C{i<0,j=m}[r] C{i≤ 0,j=m}[r] C(0,m)[r] 0 giving the exact triangle on homology shown in Figure <ref>. The result follows directly. We proceed now to compute the rank of H_*(0,n)– i.e. (K,n)– for each n. Suppose K is an almost L-space knot. Then ((K,A))≤ 1 for |A|>1. Given Lemma <ref>, this follows directly from work of Ozsváth-Szabó in the setting in which K is an L-space knot as opposed to an almost L-space knot <cit.>. Moreover we have the following; Suppose K is an almost L-space knot. Then there is a d∈ 2 such that: * H_*(X_2)≅ 0, H_*(Y_2)≅_d or; * H_*(X_2)≅_d, H_*(Y_2)≅0. Moreover case (1) holds if the Maslov grading of the generator of minimal Alexander grading at least 2 is odd, while condition (2) holds if it is even. Again this follows directly from work of Ozsváth-Szabó in the setting in which K is an L-space knot as opposed to an almost L-space knot <cit.> given Lemma <ref>. It remains to determine H_*({(0,j)}) for |j|≤ 1. To do so we combining Lemmas <ref>, <ref> and <ref> and obtain the following; * Suppose (H_*(i<0,j=1))=0. Then (H_*(i≤ 0,j=1))=(H_*(0,1)) is 1 or 2. * Suppose (H_*(i<0,j=1))=1. Then; * If (H_*(i≤ 0,j=1))=2 then (H_*(0,1)) is either 1 or 3. * If (H_*(i≤ 0,j=1))=1 then (H_*(0,1)) is either 0 or 2. We seek to exclude the case that (H_*(0,1))=3. Suppose K is an almost L-space knot. Then (H_*(0,1))≠3 If (H_*(0,1))=3 then (H_*(i≤ 0,j=1))=(H_*{i<0,j=0})=2. We have the following cases; * (H_*{i≤ 0,j=0})=1 so that (H_*(0,0))=1 or 3 by Lemma <ref>. * (H_*{i≤ 0,j=0})=2 so that (H_*(0,0))=02 or 4 by Lemma <ref>, a contradiction since this rank should be odd. It thus remains to exclude the case that (H_*(i≤ 0,j=1))=2, (H_*(0,1))=3 and (H_*{i≤ 0,j=0})=1. This is straightforward as H_*(i≤0,j=-1)≅ H_*(i=-1,j≤ 0)≅ H_*(i=0,j≤ 1), which is of rank zero or 1, as can be seen by applying the exact sequences in Figure <ref> to determine H_*(Y_2). Applying the exact triangle in Figure <ref> we find that that (H_*(0,-1)) is 0,1 or 2, a contradiction, since it is supposed to be 3. We also exclude the case that H_*(0,1)≅ 0; Suppose K is an almost L-space knot. Then H_*(0,1)≇0 We note that if we counted all knots which admit a positive L-space surgery as almost L-space knots then this lemma would be false. In particular there there exist L-space knots K with H_*(0,1)≅ 0. For any such K, ((S^3_2g(K)-2(K)))=2g(K). Suppose H_*(0,1)≅ 0. Then we must have that H_*(i≤ 0,j=1)≅ H_*(i<0,j=0)≅. We have two cases according to Lemma <ref>. Applying the exact triangle in Figure <ref> in each instance we have that; * If (H_*(j=0,i≤ 0))=1 then (H_*(0,0)) is 0 or 2, both of which are even, a contradiction. * If (H_*(j=0,i≤ 0))=2 then (H_*(j=-1,i<0))=2. Since (H_*(j=-1,i≤ 0))=(H_*(i=-1,j≤ 0))≤ 1 as in the previous lemma, it follows that H_*(0,-1) is either 1, 2 or 3, a contradiction. We are thus left with the cases; * (H_*(i<0,j=1))=0 and (H_*(i≤ 0,j=1))=(H_*(0,1)) is 1 or 2 * (H_*(i<0,j=1))=1 and (H_*(i≤ 0,j=1))=2 and (H_*(0,1))=1. * (H_*(i<0,j=1))=1 and (H_*(i≤ 0,j=1))=1 and (H_*(0,1))=2. We now compute H_*(0,0), again by cases according to whether (H_*(i≤ 0,j=1))=(H_*(i<0,j=0)) is 1 or 2; * If (H_*(i<0,j=0))=2 then (H_*(0,0)) is 0,1,2,3 or 4 by Lemma <ref>. The even cases are excluded as (H_*(0,0)) must be odd and we must have that (H_*(i≤ 0,j=0))=1. * If (H_*(i<0,j=0))=1 then (H_*(0,1)) is 0,1,2 or 3 by Lemma <ref>. The even cases are excluded as before and we must have that (H_*(i≤ 0,j=0))=2. In sum we have the following possibilities; (K,1)≅ or ^2 while (K,0)≅ or ^3. § MASLOV GRADINGS We now proceed to compute the Maslov gradings of the bigraded vector spaces produced in the previous section. We proceed again by cases, following the argument given by Ozsváth-Szabó for their corresponding step in the L-space knot case. Essentially this amounts to keeping track of the Maslov gradings in the exact triangles shown in Figure <ref> and Figure <ref>. Specifically we apply the fact that the maps f,a,e,b in Figure <ref> preserve the Maslov grading, while maps c and d each lower it by 1. Likewise we use the fact that in Figure <ref> the maps a and b preserve the Maslov grading while map c decreases it by 1. We assume throughout this section that the genus of the almost L-space knot in question is strictly greater than one. We are safe in this assumption as genus 1 almost L-space knots are rank at most two in their maximal Alexander grading and the only such knots are T(2,-3), the mirror of 5_2 and the figure eight knot by results of Ghiggini <cit.> and Baldwin-Sivek <cit.>– see Corollary <ref>. Suppose K is an almost L-space knot of genus at least two. Let x be the generator of lowest Alexander grading strictly greater than 1. Let m be the Maslov grading of x and A be its Alexander grading. We have that either; m is odd and one of the following holds; 1ai)(K,1)≅_m+1 and (K,0)≅_m. 1aii)(K,1)≅_d and (K,0)≅_m-1⊕_d-1⊕_d-1 1bi)(K,1)≅_m-1⊕_m-2 and (K,0)≅_m-3 1bii)(K,1)≅_a⊕_m-1 and (K,0)≅_a-1⊕_m-2⊕_a-1 or m is even and one of the following holds; 2ai)(K,1)≅_m+1-2A and (K,0)≅_m-2A 2aii)(K,1)≅_b and (K,0)≅_m-2A+1⊕_b-1⊕_b-1 2bi)(K,1)≅_m-2A+1⊕_m-2A, (K,0)≅_m-2A+1 2bii)(K,1)≅_b⊕_m-2A+3, (K,0)≅_b-1⊕_b-1⊕_m-2A+2 We proceed by cases; * Suppose m is odd and, per Lemma <ref>, H_*(i<0,j=1)≅ 0. * Suppose H_*(0,1)≅_d. It follows that H_*(i≤ 0,j=1)≅_d, whence in turn H_*(i< 0,j=0)≅_d-2. * Suppose H_*(0,0)≅_a. Then H_*(i≤ 0,j=0)≅_b⊕_c. Then a=b and d-2=c. It follows that H_*(i<0,j=-1)≅_a-2⊕_d-4. It follows in turn that d-3=a-2. Indeed, H_*(i≤ 1,j=-1)≅_d-4. We then find that d-4-2(A-1)=m-2A-1, so that d=m+1. * Suppose H_*(0,0)≅_a⊕_b⊕_c. Then without loss of generality d-2=c-1 and H_*(i≤ 0,j=0)≅_a⊕_b, so that H_*(i< 0,j=-1)≅_a-2⊕_b-2. It follows without loss of generality that d-3=b-2. Indeed, H_*(i≤ 1,j=-1)≅_a-2. We then find that a-2-2(A-1)=m-2A-1, so that a=m-1. * Suppose H_*(0,1)≅_a⊕_b. Then H_*(i≤ 0,j=1)≅_a⊕_b. * If H_*(0,0)≅_c then H_*(i≤ 0,j=0)≅_b-2, c-1=a-2. It follows that H_*(i<0,j=-1)≅_b-4. Thus a-3=b-4. As before we find that a=m-1. * If H_*(0,0)≅_c⊕_d⊕_e then without loss of generality e-1=a-2, d-1=b-2 and H_*(i≤ 0,j=0)≅_c. It follows that c-2=b-3 or a-3. Suppose c-2=b-3. Then we find that a-2-2(A-1)=m-2A-1 so that a=m-1. Suppose c-2=a-3 then we find that b=m-1. * Suppose m is even and, per Lemma <ref>H_*(i<0,j=1)≅_a. Then a=m-2(A-1). Moreover; * Suppose H_*(0,1)≅_b. Then H_*(i≤ 0,j=1)≅_a⊕_b and H_*(i<0,j=0)≅_a-2⊕_b-2 * Suppose H_*(0,0)≅_c. Suppose a-2=c-1 and H_*(i≤ 0,j=0)≅_b-2. It follow that H_*(i< 0,j=-1)≅_b-4, a contradiction. Thus b-2=c-1, and H_*(i≤ 0,j=0)≅_a-2. It follows that b-3=a-4. * Suppose H_*(0,0)≅ F_c⊕_d⊕_e. Then without loss of generality c-1=a-2,d-1=b-2 and H_*(i≤ 0,j=0)≅_e. It follows that e-2 is b-3. * Suppose H_*(0,1)≅_b⊕_c. It follows without loss of generality that c-1=a and H_*(i≤ 0,j=1)≅_b while _b-2≅ H_*(i<0,j=0). * Suppose H_*(0,0)≅_d. Then H_*(i≤ 0,j=0)≅_b-2⊕_d and H_*(i< 0,j=0)≅_b-4⊕_d-2. It follows that b-3=d-2, a-3=d-2. * Suppose H_*(0,0)≅_d⊕_e⊕_f. It follows that f-1=b-2 without loss of generality. Similarly H_*(i≤ 0,j=0)≅_d⊕_e. Thus H_*(i<0,j=-1)≅_d-2⊕_e-2. Thus {d-2,e-2}={b-3,c-3} i.e. without loss of generality d=b-1,e=c-1 § THE FILTRERED CHAIN HOMOTOPY TYPE OF ^∞ In this section we seek to determine the filtered chain homotopy type of ^∞ of almost L-space knots. We have 8 cases to deal with according to Lemma <ref>, although we will see that there is a certain amount of degeneracy amongst these cases. We again assume throughout this section that the genus of the almost L-space knot in question is strictly greater than one. Again we are safe in this assumption as genus 1 almost L-space knots are rank at most two in their maximal Alexander grading and the only such knots are T(2,-3), the mirror of 5_2 and the figure eight knot by results of Ghiggini <cit.> and Baldwin-Sivek <cit.>– see Corollary <ref>. Let K be an almost L-space knot of genus strictly greater than 1. Then there exists an integer d such that either; * H_*(i=0,j>1)≅_0 and there is an even integer d<0 with H_*(i=0,j<-1)≅_d and H_*(|i|≤ 1)≅_d+1. * There is an odd integer d<0 such that H_*(i=0,j>1)≅_0⊕_d and H_*(i=0,j<-1)≅ 0 and H_*(|i|≤ 1)≅_d-1. H_*(i=0,j<-1)≅ H_*(j=0,i<-1)≅ H_*(j=2,i≤ 0)≅ H_*(X_2), up to appropriate gradings shifts. Moreover, H_*(Y_2)=H_*(i=0,j≤ 1). Lemma <ref> shows that (H_*(X_2),H_*(Y_2)) is either (_d,0) or (0,_d) with d even in either case. H_*(i=0,j>1) can be computed using the is a short exact sequence; 0[r] C(i=0,j≤ 1)[r] C(i=0)[r] C(i=0,j>1)[r] 0 which yields exact triangle on homology; H_*{i=0,j≤ 1}[rr] H_*(i=0)≅_0[dl] H_*(i=0,j> 1)[ul,] It follows that H_*(i=0,j>1) is _0 or _0⊕_d according to whether or not H_*{i=0,j≤ 1} is _d-1 for some d or 0. Note here that Ozsváth-Szabó show that d-1<0 <cit.>, so the top map is necessarily trivial. There is another short exact sequence; 0[r] C{i=0,j< -1}[r] C{i=0,j≤ 1}[r] C{i=0,|j|≤ 1}[r] 0 giving an exact triangle on homology; H_*{i=0,j< -1}[rr,] H_*{i=0,j≤ 1}[dl] H_*(i=0,|j|≤ 1)[ul] H_*(i=0,|j|≤ 1)≅_d or _d+1 in the case that that (H_*(X_2),H_*(Y_2)) is either (,0) or (0,). For grading reasons this determines the filtered chain homotopy type of the chain complex C((x,y):|y-x|>1), just as in the case for L-space knots. We seek to determine the rest of the chain complex. Suppose K is an almost L-space knot and (H_*(0,0))=1. Then ^∞(K) is an almost staircase complex. We know that H_*(i=0)≅_0 and that (H_*(0,i))≤ 1 for i≠±1, 1≤(H_*(0,±1))≤ 2. Moreover, in (K)– which is identified with H_*(i=0)– the (M,A)-gradings of the 5 generators of smallest A-grading are either (0,d),(1,d+1),(-1,d-1),(A,d),(-A,d-2A) if d is odd or (0,d),(1,d+1),(-1,d-1),(-A,d),(A,d+2A) if d is even. We have a number of cases; * If d is even then; * if A>1 then H_*(i=0,j≤ 1)≅ 0 and H_*(i=0,j≥ A)≅_0. This forces C(i=0) to be of the desired form – i.e. as determine by the ^∞-type of an almost staircase complex of type 2– perhaps with the addition of components of the differential from (0,0) to (0,-A-1)– if there exists a generator of this grading – and from (0,-1) to (0,-A'), where A' is the smallest integer A'>A+1 for which C(0,-A') is non-trivial. C(j=0) is determined similarly, up to the addition of two components of the differential. In ^∞ the resulting additional 4 components of the differential can be removed by a filtered chain homotopy. In order that ∂^2=0 there must be two diagonal components to the differential on ^∞(K), as shown in Figure <ref>. * if A=1 then the fact that H_*(i=0)≅_0, H_*(i=0,j≤ 1)≅_d+2, H_*(i=0,j≤ -1)≅_d, H_*(i=0,j< -1)≅ 0 determines C(i=0), perhaps with the addition of components of the differential from (0,0) to (0,-2)– if there exists a generator of this grading – and from the generator of Maslov grading d-1 in bigrading (0,-1) to (0,-A'), where A' is the smallest integer A'>2 for which C(0,-A) is non-trivial. C(j=0) is determined similarly, up to the addition of two components of the differential. In ^∞ the resulting additional 4 components of the differential can be removed by a filtered chain homotopy. In order that ∂^2=0 there must be two diagonal components to the differential on ^∞(K), as shown in Figure <ref>. * If d is odd then; * if A>1 then H_*(i=0,j≤ 1)≅_d-1 and H_*(i=0,j>1)≅_0⊕_d. This once again determines C(i=0), perhaps up to the addition of two components of the differential one from a generator of bigrading (0,A+1)– if such a generator exists – to the generator of grading (0,0) and from (0,A') to (0,1) where A' is the smallest A'>A+1 such that C(0,A') is non-trivial. C(j=0) is determined similarly, up to the addition of two components of the differential. In ^∞ the resulting additional 4 components of the differential can be removed by a filtered chain homotopy. In order that ∂^2=0 there must be two diagonal components to the differential on ^∞(K), as shown in Figure <ref>. * if A=1 then the fact that H_*(i=0)≅ H_*(i=0,j>1)≅_0, H_*(i=0,j≤ 1)≅ 0, H_*(i=0,j≤ 1)≅ 0 determines C(i=0) as being of the desired form perhaps with addition of two unwanted components. One of these components is from the generator of bigrading (0,2)– if it exists – to the generator of grading (0,0), the other is a component from from (0,A') to the generator in bigrading (0,1) of Maslov grading d+1 where A' is the smallest A'>2 such that C(0,A') is non-trivial. C(j=0) is similarly determined. In ^∞ the resulting additional 4 components of the differential can be removed by a filtered chain homotopy. In order that ∂^2=0 there must be two diagonal components to the differential on ^∞(K), as shown in Figure <ref>. To deal with the case that (H_*(0,0))=3 we first understand the behavior of the complex near the diagonal; Suppose K is an almost L-space knot and (H_*(0,0))=3. Then up to a filtered change of basis C_*({|j-i|≤ 1}) is the direct sum of a box complex and a staircase complex. We proceed by cases according to (H_*(0,1)). Suppose H_*(0,1)≅_a, H_*(0,0)≅_a-1^2⊕_d, H_*(0,-1)≅_a-2. Note that these Maslov gradings are determined by Lemma <ref>. Let x,y_1,y_2,z,w be the respective generators. Note that there is a unique from ∂ can take on C(i=0|j|≤ 1) such that H_*(i=0,|j|≤ 1)≅_d, up to a basis change in C(0,0). It follows from here that (C(i,j:|j-i|≤ 1),∂) is determined up to the addition of diagonal components of ∂. The only way to add diagonal components is to have diagonal components from w to U^n+1x,U^nw for some n or vice versa. A filtered change of basis removes these components. Suppose now that H_*(0,1)≅_m⊕_d, H_*(0,0)≅_m-1^2⊕_d-1. Then we have that H_*(0,-1)≅_m-2⊕_d-2. Note that these Maslov gradings are determined by Lemma <ref>. Let x_1 be the generator of H_*(0,1) of Maslov grading m, y_1 be the generator of H_*(0,1) of Maslov grading d, x_2,x_3 be the generators of H_*(0,0) of Maslov grading m-1, y_2 be the generator of H_*(0,0) of Maslov grading d-1, x_4 be the generator of H_*(0,-1) of Maslov grading m-2 and y_3 be the generator of H_*(0,-1) of Maslov grading d-2. Suppose m-1∉{d,d-1,d-2}. Consider the restriction of the differential to C(i=0,|j|≤ 1). Then after a basis change we may take ∂ x_1=x_2. Since m-1≠ d,d-1, we have ∂ x_3=x_4. The remaining component of the differential is then determined. Specifically, after mirroring we may assume that y_1 is the generator that persists and the remaining component of the differential is ∂ y_2=y_3. We then have that in C(|j-i|≤ 0) the y generators form a single staircase and the x generators form boxes. The question remains over whether or not there are diagonal components. By inspection these come in pairs and can be removed by a filtered change in basis. We now deal individually with the cases m=d+1, m=d and m=d-1; * m=d+1 * Suppose the Maslov grading d-2 generator is not the one which persists to H_*(i=0,|j|≤ 1). Then there is a component of ∂ from the Maslov index d-1 generator to the Maslov index d-2 generator. We have the following subcases; * Suppose the generator of H_*(0,1) of Maslov index d generator does not persist to H_*(i=0,|j|≤ 1). Then it has a component to the generator of H_*(0,-1) of Maslov index d-1. The Maslov index d+1 generator must have a component to one of the generators of H_*(0,0) of Maslov index d. Such a ∂ clearly cannot be extended to C(|j-i|≤ 1) a contradiction. * Suppose the generator of H_*(0,1) of Maslov index d persists. After a change of basis this determines the vertical components of the differential and it is readily observed that C(|j-i|≤ 1) is the direct sum of a staircase and a box complex. * Suppose the Maslov index d-2 generator does persist to H_*(i=0,|j|≤ 1). This is impossible because it is of the wrong Maslov grading. * m=d. In this case the chain complex is thin and so splits as a direct sum of boxes and staircases by work of Petkova <cit.>. * m=d-1 * Suppose the Maslov index d-3 generator is not the one which persists to H_*(i=0,|j|≤ 1). After a change of basis we may assume the differential has a component from a single Maslov index d-2 generator to it. We have the following cases; * Suppose the other generator of H_*(0,0) of Maslov grading d-2 does not persist to H_*(i=0,|j|≤1). Then there is a component of the differential from the the generator of H_*(0,1) of Maslov index d-1 to it and indeed the whole vertical complex is determined. Indeed, the whole complex is seen to be a staircase complex plus a box complex. There can be no diagonal components to the differential for for grading reasons. * Suppose the generator of H_*(0,0) of Maslov index d-2 persists to H_*(i=0,|j|≤ 1). Then the vertical components of ∂ are determined by the Maslov gradings. It is readily observed that this does not extend to a differential on C(|j-i|≤ 1). This determines the complex up to addition of additional arrows between C(i,j:|j-i|≤ 1), C(i,j:j-i>1), C(i,j:i-j>1). In order that H_*(i=0)≅ H_*(j=0)≅_0 it is readily seen that the staircases from C(|j-i|>1) and C(|j-i|<1) connect to form a large staircase. We now show that up to filtered chain homotopy there are no diagonal components; Suppose K is an almost L-space knot and (H_*(0,0))=3. Then ^∞(K) is the direct sum of a box complex and a staircase complex. Before proving this result we find it convenient to broaden our definition of staircase complexes to include their duals. We proceed with this in mind. We have shown that ^∞(K) contains a box complex and a staircase complex. Call them B and C respectively. We need to show that there is no component of ∂ from C to B after a filtered change of basis. The fact that there is no component from C to B then follows by dualizing the complex and the fact we have broaden our definition of staircase complexes. Suppose towards a contradiction that there is some component of ∂ from C to B. Consider the generators of lowest j-grading. Amongst these consider that of the highest i grading. There is a unique such generator, call it z. Let x_1, x_2,x_3,x_4 be the generators of C ordered as in Figure <ref>. Consider the components of ∂ z in C which has the lowest j grading. Amongst these consider those with the lowest i grading. Suppose this generator is x_4. In order that ∂^2=0, we must have that ∂ z has a component z' of the same j grading such that ∂ z' has a component x_3, or there is a component of the differential to x_1. In the first case either a filtered change of basis z'↦ z'+x_4 or z↦ z+x_2 removes both unwanted components of the differential. In the second case the change of basis z↦ z+x_2 removes the unwanted components of the differential. We proceed now to the case that the generator is x_3. Performing the filtered change of basis z↦ z+x_1 or z↦ z+x_4 removes the unwanted components of the differential. Suppose this generator is x_2. In order that ∂^2=0 we have that there is a generator z' with the same j grading as z such that ⟨∂ z,z'⟩≠ 0 and that there is a component of the differential from z' to x_4. In fact, again in order that ∂^2=0, we must also have a component of ∂ from z' to x_1. Performing a filtered change of basis z'↦ z'+x_2 removes the unwanted components of the differential. Suppose this generator is x_1. We must have a generator z' of the same j grading as z such that there is a component of the differential from z to z' and there is a component of ∂ from z' to x_3. The filtered change of basis z'↦ z'+x_1 then removes the unwanted components of the differential. § APPLICATIONS In this section we prove the applications advertised in the introduction. Suppose K is a genus one almost L-space knot. Then K is T(2,-3), the figure eight knot, or the mirror of the knot 5_2. Theorem <ref> implies that if K is an almost L-space knot then the rank of (K) in Alexander grading 1 is at most two. The result then follows immediately from Baldwin-Sivek's classification of nearly fibered knots <cit.>– i.e. genus one knots with knot Floer homology of maximal Alexander grading of rank two – and Ghiggini's classification of genus 1 knots with knot Floer homology of rank one in their maximal Alexander grading <cit.>. The only composite almost L-space knot is T(2,3)# T(2,3). Let K be an almost L-space knot. Knots of genus at most 1 are prime. If g(K)>2 then ((K,g(K)-1))=((K,g(K)-1))=1 by a result of Baldwin-Vela-Vick <cit.>. It follows that K cannot be prime just as it does in the L-space case <cit.>. Suppose g(K)=2 and K=K_1# K_2. Then since (K)≅(K_1)⊗(K_2) and (K) is trivial in Alexander gradings ≥ 2 and of Maslov grading 0 in Alexander grading 2, it follows that K_1, K_2 are both genus 1 <cit.>, fibered <cit.> and strongly quasi-positive <cit.>. It follows that K_1=K_2=T(2,3). It is readily checked that T(2,3)# T(2,3) is indeed an almost L-space knot.   The mirror of 5_2 is the only almost L-space knot which is not fibered. If K is an almost L-space knot with g(K)>1 then the rank of the knot Floer homology of K in the maximal Alexander grading is 1 by Theorem <ref>. It follows that K is fibered by work of Ghiggini <cit.> and Ni <cit.> Suppose K is an almost L-space knot for which |τ(K)|< g_3(K). Then K is the figure eight knot. This follows immediately from Theorem <ref> and Corollary <ref>. The only almost L-space knots that are not strongly quasi-positive are the figure eight knot and the left handed trefoil. If K is an almost L-space knot of genus strictly greater than 1, the result follows immediately from Theorem <ref>, Corollary <ref> and Hedden's result that knot Floer homology detects if fibered knots are strongly quasi-positive <cit.>. For the genus 1-case, the result follows from Corollary <ref> together with the fact that the mirror of 5_2 is strongly quasi-positive while the figure eight knot and T(2,-3) are not. We now recover a result of Hedden;   Suppose K is a knot and ((K_n))=n+2. Then K is a non-trivial L-space knot and n=2g(K)-1. Recall here that K_n denotes the core of n-surery on K. Again we find it helpful to think of surgery in terms of Hanselman-Rasmussen-Watson's immersed curve invariants. The immersed curve invariants of almost L-space knots are determined by Theorem <ref>. It follows that if K is an almost L-space knot then ((K_n))>n+2. Indeed, we have that if K is neither an L-space knot nor an almost L-space knot then ((K_n))≥((S^3_n(K)))>n+2. Likewise it follows immediately from the classification of immersed curves for L-space knots that if K is an L-space knot then ((K_n))=n+2 if and only if K is non-trivial and n=2g(K)-1. In sum we have that ((K_n))=n+2 if and only if K is an L-space knot and n=2g(K)-1. Suppose K is an L-space knot. If a 2 component link L satisfies (L)≅(K_2,4g(K)-2). Then L is a (2,4g(K)-2)-cable of an L-space knot K' such that (K')≅(K). Applying <ref>, this result follows as in the proof of <cit.>. Suppose K is an L-space knot (L)≅(K_m,2mg(K)-m). Then L is a (2,2mg(K)-m) cable of an L-space knot K' with (K')≅(K). Applying <ref>, this result follows as in the proof of <cit.>. We now give a characterizations of cables of (m,mn) cables of almost L-space knots for sufficiently large m. Let K be an almost L-space knot. Suppose L is a link such that (L)≅(K_m,mn) with m>2g(K)-1. Then L is the (m,mn)-cable of an almost L-space knot K' such that (K')≅(K). Suppose K is as in the statement of the theorem. The same argument as used by the author and Dey in <cit.> implies that L is the (m,mn)-cable of some knot K' such that ((K'_m))=m+4 and Δ_K'(t)=Δ_K(t). We now show that K' is either an L-space knot or an almost L-space knot. Let γ be the immersed curve invariant of K'. Applying Proposition <ref>, we have that m+4≥((S^3_m(K'))=|m-a|+b≥ m where b is the number of vertical components in a singular pegboard diagram for γ counted with multiplicity and a is the slope of the unique segment which is not vertical. Suppose m< a. Then a+b≤ 2m+4<2a+2. b-a is an even non-negative integer. It follows that b=a+2 or b=a. If b=a then K' is an L-space knot, as shown by an application of Proposition <ref>. If b=a+2 then K' is an almost L-space knot as shown by an application of Proposition <ref>. If m≥ a then we have that b-a≤4. However, this yields only one new case, namely b-a=4. In this case it can be observed from the immersed curve formula for (K_m) that ((K_m))≥ m+6. Suppose now that K' is an L-space knot. Then m=2g(K')-2, as can be seen from Proposition <ref>. Since (K'_m,mn)≅(K_m,mn), K_m,mn and K'_m,mn have the same genus. Applying work of Gabai <cit.>, Neumann-Rudolph <cit.> and Rudolph <cit.>, it in turn follow that K and K' have the same genus, contradicting m>2g(K)-1. Thus K' is an almost L-space knot. It remains to show that (K')≅(K). Observe that since K and K' share the same Alexander polynomial. Theorem <ref> and Proposition <ref> imply that Δ_K(t) determines (K) for almost L-space knots, completing the proof. Link Floer homology detects the (m,mn)-cables of T(2,-3), the figure eight knot and the mirror of 5_2 for n>1. Let K be one of the knots in the statement of the proposition. Suppose L is a link such that (L)≅(K_m,mn) for some n>1. Proposition <ref> implies that L is as (m,mn) cable of an almost L-space knot K' with the same (-) type as K. Proposition <ref> shows that there are only 3 genus one almost L-space knots, namely those listed in the statement of the proposition. They are each distinguished by their Alexander polynomials, concluding the proof. amsalpha
Geometric dual and sum-rank minimal codes
[ "Martino Borello", "Ferdinando Zullo" ]
[ "math.CO", "cs.IT", "math.IT" ]
Anyon condensation in the string-net models Fiona J. Burnell March 30, 2023 =========================================== The main purpose of this paper is to further study the structure, parameters and constructions of the recently introduced minimal codes in the sum-rank metric. These objects form a bridge between the classical minimal codes in the Hamming metric, the subject of intense research over the past three decades partly because of their cryptographic properties, and the more recent rank-metric minimal codes. We prove some bounds on their parameters, existence results, and, via a tool that we name geometric dual, we manage to construct minimal codes with few weights. A generalization of the celebrated Ashikhmin-Barg condition is proved and used to ensure minimality of certain constructions. Keywords: Sum-rank metric codes; minimal codes; geometric dual; bounds. Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 94B05, 51E20. Secondary: 94B65, 94B27 § INTRODUCTION Sum-rank metric constitutes a bridge between the more classical Hamming and rank metrics, which may be considered as its special cases. It has been used implicitely first in <cit.> and explicitely introduced in the context of network coding in <cit.>. One of the main reasons why this metric has been in the spotlight in recent years is the fact that sum-rank metric codes outperform the more classical ones in terms of the required field size to construct codes achieving the Singleton bound in the corresponding metric <cit.>. This is due to the existence of the so-called linearized Reed–Solomon codes, a family of maximum sum-rank distance (MSRD) codes with polynomial field sizes. In the survey paper <cit.>, the interested reader may find a very detailed summary on properties and applications of sum-rank metric codes in distributed storage systems, network coding, and multi-antenna communication. The main purpose of this paper is to further study the structure, parameters and constructions of minimal codes in the sum-rank metric, recently introduced in <cit.>. Minimal codes are classical objects in the Hamming metric rich of connections with different areas of mathematics, such as cryptography <cit.>, finite geometry <cit.>, and combinatorics <cit.>. One of the main concerns about these objects is to find bounds on their parameters. In particular, one difficult problem is to know how short they can be and to construct short minimal codes. In <cit.> lower bounds on the length of minimal codes are proved, whereas in <cit.> the best known upper bounds on the length of the shortest minimal codes are presented. These last are implicit existence results. Some short constructions are illustrated in <cit.> and in the upcoming <cit.>. More recently, minimal codes in the rank metric have been introduced <cit.> together with some bounds and construction. In particular, their geometry is studied, in connection with linear sets. Such codes reveal to be useful in the construction of MRD codes <cit.> or for the covering problem in the rank metric <cit.>. Still a direct application to cryptography of these objects is missing from the party, even if rank-metric minimal codes may be used to construct minimal codes in the Hamming metric. We will show that the same holds for minimal sum-rank metric codes. After recalling some main definitions and results in the preliminary Section <ref>, we introduce the main object of the paper in Section <ref>: exploiting the geometry of sum-rank metric codes studied in <cit.>, we prove first that minimal sum-rank metric codes correspond to collections of linear sets whose union forms a strong blocking set, that is a set of points in the projective space whose intersection with every hyperplane spans the hyperplane. This allows to easily get a bound on the maximum weight of minimal sum-rank metric codes, together with a characterization of minimal MSRD codes. Standard equations allow us to prove some bounds on the parameters of minimal sum-rank metric codes (see Theorem <ref>) presented also in their asymptotic version. We then focus on some existence results of short minimal sum-rank metric codes, obtained by implicit counting arguments. Section <ref> is devoted to a tool that we call geometric dual: we make use of the dual of _q-subspaces of _q^m-vector spaces studied in <cit.> to build the dual of systems associated to sum-rank metric codes and we call geometric dual the code associated to these dual systems. We prove first that such object is well-defined and we show a sort of MacWilliams' relations between the generalized weight enumerators (see Theorem <ref>). Moreover, we prove that the geometric dual is involutory. In Section <ref>, we come back to the core of the paper, which are minimal codes in the sum-rank metric. By the correspondence between sum-rank metric codes and Hamming-metric ones, we first highlight a generalization of the celebrated Ashikhmin-Barg condition, which is a sufficient condition on the weight distribution for a code to be minimal (see Theoreom <ref>). All one-weight codes result to be minimal, but remarkably there are many more one-weight codes in the sum-rank metric than in the two more classical ones. After recalling three families of one-weight sum-rank metric codes introduced in <cit.>, we read the property of being one-weight in the geometric dual, which exchanges the role of hyperplanes and points. As a consequence, we get that partitions in scattered linear sets yield one-weight codes. Doubly extended linearized Reed-Solomon of dimension 2, which correspond partition of the projective line in scattered linear sets, are short minimal codes (that meet the bound in Theorem <ref>) whose geometric dual are one-weight which are short minimal codes for quadratic extensions. We use this partition of the projective line to construct a partition of higher dimension projective spaces, yielding other examples of one-weight codes. Another construction may be done with canonical subgeometries. Finally, we show that every sum-rank metric code can be extended to a one-weight code, showing that there are several examples of one-weight codes with different geometric structures. In the last part of the section, we study some two-weight codes: these can be easily obtained by considering proper subsets of mutually disjoint scattered linear sets and taking the geometric dual of the associated codes (see Theorem <ref>). Thanks to the Ashikhmin-Barg condition, we have that if the number of blocks is sufficiently large, then such codes are minimal (see Theorem <ref>). We finally present some examples of minimal two-weight codes with two blocks and, quite remarkably, in dimension 3 we are able to prove the minimality by direct geometric arguments for codes not satisfying the Ashikhmin-Barg condition (see Theorem <ref>). Let us point out that their associated Hamming metric codes have few weights and in some cases they are two-weights: this make them particularly interesting for several reasons including quantum codes and strongly regular graphs; see <cit.>. § PRELIMINARIES In this section we will briefly recall the main results of the theory of sum-rank metric codes and linear sets, which we will use in the rest of the paper. §.§ Basic notions on sum-rank metric codes Throughout the paper, 𝐧=(n_1,…,n_t) ∈ℕ^t denotes an ordered tuples with n_1 ≥ n_2 ≥…≥ n_t and N = n_1+…+n_t. We use the following compact notations for the direct sum of vector spaces _q^m^=⊕_i=1^t_q^m^n_i. Let start by recalling that the rank of a vector v=(v_1,…,v_n) ∈_q^m^n is defined as (v)=_ (⟨ v_1,…, v_n⟩_) and the sum-rank weight of an element x=(x_1 ,…, x_t) ∈_q^m^ is w(x)=∑_i=1^t (x_i). If t=1, then the sum-rank weight is simply the rank, whereas if n_1=…=n_t=1, the sum-rank weight coincides with the Hamming weight. The sum-rank metric constitues then a bridge between the rank and the Hamming metrics. We also call rank-list of x=(x_1,…,x_t) ∈_q^m^ the vector ((x_1),…,(x_t)). Hence, the sum-rank weight of a vector corresponds to the sum of the entries of its rank-list. A (linear) sum-rank metric code is an _q^m-subspace of _q^m^ endowed with the sum-rank distance defined as d(x,y)=w(x-y)=∑_i=1^t (x_i-y_i), where x=(x_1 , … , x_t), y=(y_1 , …, y_t) ∈_q^m^. Let ⊆_q^m^ be a sum-rank metric code. We will write that is an [,k,d]_q^m/q code (or [,k]_q^m/q code) if k is the _q^m-dimension of and d is its minimum distance, that is d=d()=min{d(x,y) x, y ∈, x ≠ y }. Let ⊆_q^m^𝐧 be a linear sum-rank metric code. Let G=(G_1|…| G_t) ∈_q^m^k × N be a generator matrix of , that is a matrix whose lines generate , with G_1,…,G_t ∈_q^m^k ×n_i. We define to be nondegenerate if the columns of G_i are -linearly independent for i∈{1,…,t} (this is independent of the choice of G; see <cit.>). We will only consider nondegenerate codes in this paper and this is not a restriction since we can always embed a sum-rank metric code in a smaller space in which it results to be nondegenerate, preserving its metric properties. So, throughout this paper we will omit the term nondegenerate and all codes considered will be nondegenerate. For sum-rank metric codes the following Singleton-like bound holds; see also <cit.>. Let 𝒞 be an code. Then d ≤ N-k+1. An code is called a Maximum Sum-Rank Distance code (or shortly MSRD code) if d=N-k+1. The next result classifies the -linear isometries of _q^m^ equipped with the sum-rank distance, cfr. <cit.> and <cit.>. Before stating it, we need the following notation. Let ℓ:=|{n_1,…,n_t}| and let n_i_1,…,n_i_ℓ be the distinct elements of {n_1,…,n_t}. By λ(𝐧)∈^ℓ we will denote the vector whose entries are λ_j:=|{k n_k=n_i_j}|, j∈{1,…,ℓ}. For a vector v=(v_1,…, v_ℓ)∈ℕ^ℓ, we define S_v=S_v_1×⋯× S_v_ℓ, where S_i is the symmetric group of order i and naturally acts on the blocks of length i. Similarly, we denote by (v, _q) the direct product of the general linear groups of degree v_i over _q, i.e. (𝐯, _q) = (v_1, _q)×…×(v_t, _q). The group of _q^m-linear isometries of the space (_q^m^,d) is ((_q^m^∗)^t×(, _q)) ⋊𝒮_λ(), which (right)-acts as (x_1 , …, x_t)· (𝐚,A_1,…, A_t,π) ⟼ (a_1x_π(1)A_1 |…| a_tx_π(t) A_t). We use the -linear isometries of the whole ambient space to define the equivalence of sum-rank metric codes. Two sum-rank metric codes _1, _2 are equivalent if there is an -linear isometry ϕ, such that ϕ(_1)=_2. The set of equivalence classes of sum-rank metric codes is denoted by ℭ. §.§ The geometry of sum-rank metric codes We will recall now some results from <cit.>, on the connections between sum-rank metric codes and some sets of subspaces. The following definition extends the notion of projective systems and q-systems; cfr. <cit.>. An [𝐧,k,d]_q^m/q-system (or simply an [𝐧,k]_q^m/q-system) U is an ordered set (U_1,⋯,U_t), where, for any i∈{1,…, t}, U_i is an _q-subspace of _q^m^k of dimension n_i, such that ⟨ U_1, …, U_t ⟩__q^m=_q^m^k and d=N-max{∑_i=1^t__q(U_i∩ H) | H is an _q^m-hyperplane of _q^m^k}. Moreover, two [𝐧,k,d]_q^m/q-systems (U_1,…,U_t) and (V_1,…, V_t) are equivalent if there exists φ∈(k,_q^m) and σ∈𝒮_t, such that φ(U_i) = a_iV_σ(i), for every i∈{1,…,t}. We denote the set of equivalence classes of [𝐧,k,d]_q^m/q-systems by 𝔘[𝐧,k,d]_q^m/q. The following result allows us to establish a connection between systems and codes. Let be an [,k,d]_q^m/q. Let G=(G_1|…| G_t) be a generator matrix of . Let U_i ⊆_q^m^k be the _q-span of the columns of G_i, for i∈{1,…,t}. The sum-rank weight of an element x G ∈, with x=(x_1,…,x_k) ∈_q^m^k is w(x G) = N - ∑_i=1^t _(U_i ∩ x^⊥), where x^⊥={y=(y_1,…,y_k) ∈_q^m^k ∑_i=1^k x_iy_i=0}. In particular, the minimum distance of reads as follows d=N- max{∑_i=1^t _(U_i ∩ H) H_q^m_q^m^k }. So (U_1,…,U_t) in an [,k,d]_q^m/q-system. Note that, as a consequence of (<ref>), the rank-list of a codeword x G of is given by (n_1-_(U_1 ∩ x^⊥),…,n_t-_(U_t ∩ x^⊥)). As in <cit.>, we can then observe that there is a one-to-one correspondence between equivalence classes of sum-rank nondegenerate [𝐧,k,d]_q^m/q code and equivalence classes of [𝐧,k,d]_q^m/q-systems via two maps Ψ : ℭ[𝐧,k,d]_q^m/q →𝔘[𝐧,k,d]_q^m/q Φ : 𝔘[𝐧,k,d]_q^m/q →ℭ[𝐧,k,d]_q^m/q, that act as follows. For any []∈ℭ[𝐧,k,d]_q^m/q, let G=(G_1|…| G_t) be a generator matrix of . Then Ψ([]) is defined as the equivalence class of [𝐧,k,d]_q^m/q-systems [U], where U=(U_1,…,U_t) is defined as in Theorem <ref>. In this case U is also called a system associated with . Viceversa, given [(U_1,…,U_t)]∈𝔘[𝐧,k,d]_q^m/q, define G_i as the matrix whose columns are an _q-basis of U_i for any i. Then Φ([(U_1,…,U_t)]) is the equivalence class of the sum-rank metric code generated by G=(G_1|…| G_t). In this case is also called a code associated with U. See <cit.> for the proof that these maps are well-defined. §.§ Supports We start by observing that a sum-rank metric code in _q^m^𝐧 can also be seen as an -subspace in ⊕_i=1^t _q^m_i × n_i. For every r ∈{1,…,t}, let Γ_r=(γ_1^(r),…,γ_m^(r)) be an ordered -basis of _q^m, and let Γ=(Γ_1,…,Γ_t). Given x=(x_1, … ,x_t) ∈_q^m^, with x_i ∈_q^m^n_i, define the element Γ(x)=(Γ_1(x_1), …, Γ_t(x_t)) ∈Π, where x_r,i = ∑_j=1^m Γ_r (x_r)_ijγ_j^(r), i ∈{1,…,n_r}. In other words, the r-th block of Γ(x) is the matrix expansion of the vector x_r with respect to the -basis Γ_r of _q^m and this also preserves its rank; cfr. <cit.>. Let x=(x_1,…, x_t)∈_q^m^𝐧 and Γ=(Γ_1,…,Γ_t) as above. The sum-rank support of x is defined as the space _𝐧(x)=(colsp(Γ_1(x_1)), …, colsp(Γ_t(x_t))) ⊆^, where colsp(A) is the -span of the columns of a matrix A. As proved in <cit.> for the rank-metric case, the support does not depend on the choice of Γ and we can talk about the support of a vector without mentioning Γ. For more details see <cit.>. §.§ Generalized weights Generalized rank weights have been introduced several times with different definitions, see e.g. <cit.>, whereas the theory of sum-rank generalized weights is more recent and first introduced in <cit.>. In this paper we will deal with the definition given in <cit.> and more precisely to the geometric equivalent, which can be derived as for the rank metric in <cit.>. For more details we refer to <cit.>. Let be an [𝐧,k,d]_q^m/q sum-rank metric code and let U=(U_1,…,U_t) be an associated system. For any r ∈{1,…,k}, the r-th generalized sum-rank weight is d_r()=N- max{∑_i=1^t _(U_i ∩ H) H_q^m_q^m^kr }. In order to keep track of the metric properties of the code, as done in <cit.>, we can define the generalized sum-rank weight enumerator of a code, which extend the classical weight enumerator of a code (up to the addition of X^N). Let be an [𝐧,k,d]_q^m/q sum-rank metric code and let U=(U_1,…,U_t) be an associated system. For any r ∈{1,…,k}, the r-th generalized sum-rank weight enumerator is W_^r(X,Y)=∑_w=0^N A_w^r X^N-wY^w, where A_w^r is the number of _q^m-subspace of _q^m^k of codimension r such that w=N- ∑_i=1^t _(U_i ∩ H). Clearly, the first generalized sum-rank weight enumerator corresponds with the classical weight enumerator. §.§ The associated Hamming-metric codes Every sum-rank metric code can also be regarded as an Hamming-metric code as shown in <cit.> (see also <cit.> for the rank-metric codes). For a collection of multisets (_1,m_1), …, (_t,m_t) of (k-1,q^m). We can define their disjoint union as _i=1^t (_i,m_i)=(,m), where =_1∪…∪_t, and m(P)=m_1(P)+…+m_t(P) for every P∈(k-1,q^m). For every n-dimensional _q-subspace U of _q^m^k, it is possible to associate the multiset (L_U,m_U), where L_U is the _q-linear set defined by U (see next subsection), that is L_U={⟨ u⟩__q^m| u∈ U∖{ 0}}⊆(k-1,q^m), and m_U(⟨ v⟩__q^m)=q^w_L_U(⟨ v⟩__q^m)-1/q-1. This means that the multiset (L_U,m_U) of (k-1,q^m) has size (counted with multiplicity) q^n-1/q-1. We can now apply this procedure to the elements of an [𝐧,k]_q^m/q system (U_1,…,U_t). In this way we can define the multiset (U_1,…,U_t)= _i=1^t (L_U_i,m_U_i). Then (U_1,…,U_t) is a multiset of points of size q^n_1+… +q^n_t-t/q-1 in (k-1,q^m). Hence, we can give the following definition. Let be a linear sum-rank [𝐧,k]_q^m/q code. Let (U_1,…,U_t) be a system associated with . Any code ^H ∈Ψ((U_1,…,U_t)) is called an associated Hamming-metric code to . The weight distribution of the Hamming-metric code associated with a sum-rank-metric codes can be determined as follows. For x ∈𝔽_q^m^n denote by w_H(x) the Hamming weight of x, that is the number of its non-zero components. Let G=(G_1 | … | G_t)∈^k× N be a generator matrix of an code, and let v ∈^k ∖{0}. Denote by G_∈^k× M to be any generator matrix of a Hamming-metric code ^H in Ψ((U_1,…,U_t)), where M= q^n_1+…+q^n_t-t/q-1. Then w_(vG_)= ∑_i=1^tq^n_i-q^n_i-(vG_i)/q-1. In particular, the minimum distance of ^ is given by d(^)= min_𝐫∈S(){∑_i=1^tq^n_i-q^n_i-r_i/q-1}, where S() is the set of rank-lists of . §.§ Linear sets Let V be a k-dimensional vector space over _q^m and consider Λ=(V,_q^m)=(k-1,q^m). Let U be an -subspace of V of dimension n. Then the point-set L_U={ u_𝔽_q^m : u∈ U∖{ 0}}⊆Λ is called an -linear set of rank n. Another important notion is the weight of a point. Let P=⟨ v⟩__q^m be a point in Λ. The weight of P in L_U is defined as w_L_U(P)=_(U∩⟨ v⟩__q^m). An upper bound on the number of points that a linear set contains is |L_U| ≤q^n-1/q-1. Furthermore, L_U is called scattered (and U as well) if it has the maximum number q^n-1/q-1 of points, or equivalently, if all points of L_U have weight one. Blokhuis and Lavrauw provided the following bound on the rank of a scattered liner set. The rank of a scattered -linear set in (k-1,q^m) is at most mk/2. A scattered -linear set of rank km/2 in (k-1,q^m) is said to be maximum scattered and U is said to be a maximum scattered -subspace as well. In the next result we summarize what is known on the existence of maximum scattered linear sets/subspaces. If mk is even, then there exist maximum scattered subspaces in _q^m^k. We refer to <cit.> for further details on linear sets and their connections. § MINIMAL SUM-RANK METRIC CODES AND CUTTING SYSTEMS In this section we introduce the notion of sum-rank metric minimal codes and we investigate their parameters. The geometry of minimal codes have been important in order to construct and give bounds in both Hamming and rank metric (see <cit.>), via the so called strong blocking sets. These, introduced first in <cit.> in relation to saturating sets, are sets of points in the projective space such that the intersection with every hyperplane spans the hyperplane. In <cit.> strong blocking sets are referred to as generator sets and they are constructed as union of disjoint lines. They have gained very recently a renovated interest in coding theory, since <cit.>, in which they are named cutting blocking sets and they are used to construct minimal codes. Quite surprisingly, they have been shown to be the geometric counterparts of minimal codes in <cit.>. §.§ Definition and first properties In this subsection we introduce minimal codes in the sum-rank metric and their geometry, together with some structure results. Let be an [𝐧,k]_q^m/q sum-rank metric code. A codeword c ∈ is said minimal if for every c'∈ such that _𝐧(c')⊆_𝐧(c) then c'=λ c for some λ∈_q^m. We say that is minimal if all of its codewords are minimal. An [𝐧,k]_q^m/q system (U_1,…,U_t) is called cutting if for any hyperplane H of 𝔽_q^m^k ⟨ U_1∩ H,…, U_t∩ H⟩_𝔽_q^m=H, that is, if L_U_1∪…∪ L_U_t is a strong blocking set in (k-1,q^m). The following is a generalization of the geometric characterization of minimal codes in the Hamming and in the rank metric <cit.>. A sum-rank metric code is minimal if and only if an associated system is cutting. Thanks to this correspondence, we can easily prove, as in <cit.>, a bound on the maximum weight of a minimal sum-rank metric code. Let be an [𝐧,k]_q^m/q minimal sum-rank metric code and denote by w() the maximum weight of the codewords in . Then w()≤ N-k+1. Let (U_1,…,U_t) be a system associated with . Since is minimal, by Theorem <ref>, for any hyperplane H of 𝔽_q^m^k we have ⟨ U_1∩ H,…, U_t∩ H⟩_𝔽_q^m=H, which implies ∑_i=1^t _𝔽_q(U_i∩ H)≥ k-1. By Theorem <ref> the maximum weight of is w()=N-min{∑_i=1^t _𝔽_q(U_i∩ H) H is an 𝔽_q^m-hyperplane of 𝔽_q^m^k}, and by (<ref>) the assertion follows. We can provide a characterization of MSRD codes which are minimal. An MSRD code with parameters [𝐧,k]_q^m/q is minimal if and only if it is a one-weight code with minimum distance N-k+1. Let be an MSRD, that is its minimum distance is d=N-k+1. By Theorem <ref>, we also know that w()≤ N-k+1, therefore d=w()= N-k+1. The converse trivially holds. We consider now the Standard Equations, extending <cit.>. Let us recall here that N K_q^m=∏_i=0^K-1q^N-q^i/q^K-q^i denotes the number of K-dimensional subspaces of _q^m^N and it is called the Gauss binomial coefficient. Let U=(U_1,…,U_t) an [𝐧,k]_q^m/q-system and let Λ_r={ W W is an r-dimensional 𝔽_q^m-subspace of 𝔽_q^m^k }. Then ∑_W ∈Λ_r, i ∈{1,…,t} |W ∩ U_i∖{0}| =(q^n_1+…+q^n_t-t)k-1 r-1_q^m. The assertion follows from the fact that for any i ∈{1,…,t}, <cit.> implies ∑_W ∈Λ_r |W ∩ U_i∖{0}| =(q^n_i-1)k-1 r-1_q^m, and ∑_W ∈Λ_r, i ∈{1,…,t} |W ∩ U_i∖{0}| = ∑_i ∈{1,…,t}(∑_W ∈Λ_r |W ∩ U_i∖{0}| ). §.§ Bounds on the parameters of minimal sum-rank metric codes By extending a minimal sum-rank metric code by adding new columns and/or blocks we get a minimal code as well. Let be a minimal sum-rank metric code with parameters [𝐧,k]_q^m/q. Let ' be the code generated by G', where G' is obtained by adding any columns or blocks to any generator matrix G of . Then ' is minimal. This is an immediate consequence of Theorem <ref>. In view of Proposition <ref>, it is natural to look for short minimal sum-rank metric codes, when the number of blocks is given. The Standard Equations allow to prove the following bound on the parameters of minimal sum-rank metric codes. Let be an [𝐧,k]_q^m/q minimal sum-rank metric code. If t≥ k, then (q^n_1+…+q^n_t-t)(q^m(k-1)-1)≥ (q-1)(k-1)(q^km-1) If t≤ k-1 then (q^n_1+…+q^n_t-t)(q^m(k-1)-1)≥ t(q^⌊k-1/t⌋-1)(q^km-1). By Theorem <ref>, for any hyperplane ∑_i ∈{1,…,t}_𝔽_q (H∩ U_i)≥ N-w()≥ k-1, therefore ∑_i ∈{1,…,t} |H ∩ U_i∖{0}|≥ (q-1)(k-1). It follows that ∑_H ∈Λ_k-1, i ∈{1,…,t} |H ∩ U_i∖{0}| ≥ (q-1)(k-1)k 1_q^m, so that, by Lemma <ref>, (q^n_1+…+q^n_t-t)k-1 1_q^m≥ (q-1)(k-1)k 1_q^m, which is (<ref>). If t≤ k-1, then (<ref>) implies that _(U_i ∩ H)≥⌊k-1/t⌋, for any i ∈{1,…,t} and for any hyperplane H. Arguing as before we obtain (<ref>). Let be an [𝐧,k]_q^m/q minimal sum-rank metric code. If t≥ k, then, for large q, N ≥ t+m+⌈log_q(k)⌉, If t≤ k-1 then, for large q, N≥⌊k-1/t⌋+m+⌈log_q(t)⌉+t-1. Noting that q^N-t+1+(t-1)q≥ q^n_1+…+q^n_t the asymptotic bounds follow. For t=N (Hamming-metric case), the bound (<ref>) becomes N≥⌈(q^m)^k-1/(q^m)^k-1-1· (k-1)⌉. This last is in general slightly weaker than the known lower bound on the length of minimal codes (see <cit.>), recently improved in <cit.> and <cit.> for large k. Note that for k=2, the above bound is sharp. For t=1 (rank-metric case), the bound (<ref>) reduces to N≥ m+k-1, which is exactly the bound proved for rank-metric codes <cit.>, which is shown to be sharp for k=2 and for k=3, the last with some additional conditions on m (see <cit.> for the precise statement). Bound (<ref>) is tight for every q, m, t=q+1 and k=2 as we will show in Remark <ref>. Moreover, for k=3 and q>2, consider a code associated with the [𝐧,3]_q^m/q-system U=(U_1,…,U_t), where U_1 is a scattered -subspace of dimension m+2 (which exists under some conditions, see again <cit.>) and U_2,…,U_t any -subspaces of dimension one spanned by random nonzero vectors in _q^m^k. By <cit.> and Theorem <ref>, is a minimal sum-rank metric code with N=m+2+t-1=m+t+1 which gives the equality in bounds (<ref>) (for t≥ 3) and (<ref>) (for t=2). §.§ Existence of minimal codes A first result immediately follows from <cit.> on the existence of minimal codes in the rank metric. For any m,k≥ 2, t and n_2,…,n_t, there exists a minimal code of parameters [(2k+m-2,n_2,…,n_t),k]_q^m/q. <cit.> ensures the existence of a minimal _q^m-linear rank-metric code of length 2k+m-2 of dimension k. Then we can extend such a code to a minimal sum-rank metric code via Proposition <ref>. However, the codes described in Proposition <ref> are quite unbalanced, since we look only to the first block and we do not care of the rest. The following result will give a more general existence condition. We follow the proof of <cit.> to give a condition on the parameters which ensures the existence of a minimal sum-rank metric code. The main difference with the proof of <cit.> consists in computing the size of the analog of the set denoted by 𝒫 in <cit.>. If n_i≥ m for any i ∈{1,…,t} and (q^mN-1)(q^m(N-1)-1)/(q^mk-1)(q^m(k-1)-1)-1/2∑_i_1,…,i_t=2^m1/q^m-1∏_r=1^tm i_r_q ∏_j_r=0^i_r-1 (q^n_r-q^j_r) ( q^mi_r-1/q^m-1-1 ) is positive, then there exists a linear sum-rank metric code with parameters [𝐧,k]_q^m/q which is minimal. Denote by 𝒬 a set of nonzero representatives of the one-dimensional _q^m-subspaces of _q^m^k. A non-minimal linear code in 𝔽_q^m^𝐧 is any sum-rank metric code containing an element of the following set 𝒫={ (x,y) ∈𝒬^2 x y, supp^srk(x)⊆supp^srk(y) or supp^srk(y)⊆supp^srk(x) }. Therefore, the number of minimal sum-rank metric codes in 𝔽_q^m^𝐧 is at least N k_q^m- |𝒫| N-2 k-2_q^m=N-2 k-2_q^m( (q^mN-1)(q^m(N-1)-1)/(q^mk-1)(q^m(k-1)-1) - |𝒫| ), and hence if we prove that (q^mN-1)(q^m(N-1)-1)/(q^mk-1)(q^m(k-1)-1) - |𝒫|>0, then we ensure the existence of a minimal sum-rank metric code. Finally we compute the size of 𝒫 as follows: 2 |𝒫| =∑_i=1^tm |{ (x,y) ∈𝒬^2 x y, w(y)=i, supp^srk(x)⊆supp^srk(y) }| = ∑_i_1,…,i_t=1^m∑_y ∈𝒬, w(y)=i_1+…+i_t |{ x ∈𝒬 x y, supp^srk(x)⊆supp^srk(y) }| = ∑_i_1,…,i_t=1^m∑_y ∈𝒬, w(y)=i_1+…+i_t |{ x ∈𝒬 x y, supp^rk(x_ℓ)⊆supp^rk(y_ℓ) ∀ℓ∈{1,…,t}}| =∑_i_1,…,i_t=2^m1/q^m-1∏_r=1^tm i_r_q ∏_j_r=0^i_r-1 (q^n_r-q^j_r) ( q^mi_r-1/q^m-1-1 ). If n_i≥ m for any i ∈{1,…,t} and for sufficiently large q, if N≥ 2k+tm-(t+1), then there exists a linear sum-rank metric code with parameters [𝐧,k]_q^m/q which is minimal. As in the proof of <cit.> we have the (<ref>) is greater than q^2m(N-k)-1/2(q^m-1)^t+1∑_i_1,…,i_t=2^m∏_r=1^tm i_r_q q^i_r(m+n_r), which is greater than (with the same arguments as in the proof of <cit.>) q^2m(N-k)-f(q)^t/2(q^m-1)^t+1·∑_i_1,…,i_t=2^m q^∑_r=1^t 2mi_r-i_r^2+n_ri_r, where f(q):=∏_i=1^∞q^i/q^i-1. Now, by simple analytic arguments, the largest exponent in the sum on the right is tm^2+mN, so that, for q large enough, we get q^2m(N-k)-f(q)^t/2· q^tm^2+mN-mt-m. The thesis again follows by analytic arguments. § THE GEOMETRIC DUAL OF SUM-RANK METRIC CODES In this section we define a new operation which take an element in ℭ[𝐧,k,d]_q^m/q and it associates to it an element in ℭ[𝐧',k,d]_q^m/q, where 𝐧=(n_1,…,n_t) and 𝐧'=(mk-n_1,…,mk-n_t). It involves systems and we call it geometric dual. We will show some of its properties and, in the next section, we will show how this object helps in constructing minimal sum-rank metric codes. §.§ Dual of -subspaces of _q^m-vector spaces Let V be an _q^m-vector space of dimension k and let σ V × V →_q^m be any nondegenerate reflexive sesquilinear form of V and consider [ σ': V × V ⟶ _q; (x,y) ⟼ Tr_q^m/q (σ(x,y)), ] where V is seen as an -vector space of dimension mk. So, σ' is a nondegenerate reflexive sesquilinear form on V seen as an -vector space of dimension km. Then we may consider ⊥ and ⊥' as the orthogonal complement maps defined by σ and σ', respectively. For an _q-subspace U of V of dimension n, the _q-subspace U^⊥' is the dual (with respect to σ') of U, which has dimension km-n; see <cit.>. An important property that σ' satisfies is that the dual of an _q^m-subspace W of V is an _q^m-subspace as well and W^⊥'=W^⊥. Moreover, the following result will be widely used in the paper. Let U be an -subspace of V and W be an _q^m-subspace of V. Then _(U^⊥'∩ W^⊥)=_(U∩ W)+_(V)-_(U)-_(W). In <cit.>, it has been proved that if we replace σ by another form with the same properties, with this procedure we obtain an -subspace of V which turns out to be Γ L(k,q^m)-equivalent to U^⊥'. For this reason, from now on we will assume that σ is fixed and we will just write U^⊥', without mentioning the form σ used. §.§ Geometric dual We are now ready to give the definition of geometric dual of an _q^m-linear sum-rank metric code, taking into account the dual described in Section <ref>. Let be an [,k,d]_q^m/q and let U=(U_1,…,U_t) be an associated system to with the property that U_1∩…∩ U_t does not contain a 1-dimensional _q^m-subspace. Then a geometric dual ^⊥_𝒢 of (with respect to ⊥') is defined as ', where ' is any code associated with the system (U_1^⊥,…,U_t^⊥). In the above definition we need that U_1∩…∩ U_t does not contain a 1-dimensional _q^m-subspace, otherwise (U_1^⊥,…,U_t^⊥) would not be a system. Indeed, suppose that (U_1^⊥,…,U_t^⊥) is not a system, then ⟨ U_1^⊥',…, U_t^⊥'⟩__q^m⊆ H, where H is an _q^m-hyperplane of _q^m^k. This implies that U_1^⊥'+…+U_t^⊥'⊆ H, and by duality U_1∩…∩ U_t⊇ H^⊥, a contradiction since __q^m(H^⊥)=1. We will now prove that the geometric dual of a linear sum-rank metric code is well-defined and we will give a relation on the weight distributions among the two codes. Let be an [,k,d]_q^m/q sum-rank metric code, with =(n_1,…,n_t), and let U=(U_1,…,U_t) be an associated system to . Assume that U_1∩…∩ U_t does not contain any 1-dimensional 𝔽_q^m-subspace of 𝔽_q^m^k. Then, up to equivalence, a geometric dual ^⊥_𝒢 of does not depend on the choice of the associated system and on the choice of code in [], hence ⊥_𝒢 is well-defined. The parameters of ^⊥_𝒢 are [(km-n_1,…,km-n_t),k]_q^m/q. The generalized weight enumerators of and ^⊥_𝒢 are related as follows w_^k-r(X,Y)= X^tmk-trm-NY^trm-Nw_^⊥_𝒢^r(X,Y). In particular, d_1()=d_k-1(^⊥_𝒢)+N-t(k-1)m. We now prove that ⊥_𝒢 is well-defined on the equivalence classes of linear sum-rank metric codes, that is, the geometric dual of equivalent codes are equivalent (note that this also implies that the geometric dual does not depend on the choice of the system). Let ' be a code equivalent to and let U'=(U_1',…,U_t') be an associated system to '. Then U and U' are equivalent systems and hence there exist ρ∈𝒮_t, a_1,…,a_t ∈_q^m^* such that for every i ∈{1,…,t} U_i'=a_i U_ρ(i). Note that this also implies that U_1'∩…∩ U_t' does not contain any 1-dimensional 𝔽_q^m-subspace of 𝔽_q^m^k, since the U_i's satisfy this condition. Then for every i ∈{1,…,t} (U_i')^⊥'={v ∈𝔽_q^m^k σ'(v,a_i u)=0 ∀ u ∈ U_ρ(i)}=a_i^-1 U_ρ(i)^⊥', since σ'(v,a_i u)=Tr_q^m/q(a_iσ (v,u))=σ'(a_iv, u). This implies that the systems (U_1^⊥',…,U_t^⊥') and (U_1'^⊥',…,U_t'^⊥') are equivalent and hence ^⊥_𝒢 and '^⊥_𝒢 are equivalent as well. So, we proved that ⊥_𝒢 is well-defined. Now, observe that the code ^⊥_𝒢 has dimension k since ⊥' does not change the dimension of the ambient space of the U_i's. Since _(U_i^⊥')=mk-_(U_i) for any i, it follows that ^⊥_𝒢 has parameters [(km-n_1,…,km-n_t),k]. To determine the r-th generalized sum-rank weight enumerator of we need to compute N-∑_i=1^t_(U_i∩ W), for any _q^m-subspace W of _q^m^k of dimension r, where N=n_1+…+n_t. By Proposition <ref>, we obtain that N-∑_i=1^t_(U_i∩ W)=N-∑_i=1^t_(U_i^⊥'∩ W^⊥)+tmk-N-trm= tmk-N -∑_i=1^t_(U_i^⊥'∩ W^⊥)+N-trm, which correspond to a weight appearing in the (k-r)-th generalized sum-rank weight enumerator of ^⊥_𝒢 plus N-trm. Therefore, if W_^k-r(X,Y)=∑_w=0^N A_w X^N-wY^w W_^⊥_𝒢^r(X,Y)=∑_w=0^N B_w X^tmk-N-wY^w, we have that A_w=B_w-N+trm, for any w. Therefore, W_^⊥_𝒢^r(X,Y) =∑_w'=0^N B_w'X^tmk-N-w'Y^w' =∑_w=0^N B_w-N+trm X^tmk-w-trmY^w-N+trm = ∑_w=0^N A_w X^tmk-trm-wY^w-N+trm, that is the assertion. With the notation of Theorem <ref> and by denoting G a generator matrix of , by Remark <ref> we have that the rank list of the codeword xG is (n_1-_(U_1∩ x^⊥),…,n_1-_(U_t∩ x^⊥)), which, by Proposition <ref>, is equal to (m-_(U_1^⊥'∩⟨ x⟩__q^m),…,m-_(U_t^⊥'∩⟨ x⟩__q^m)). The geometric dual is involutory. This immediately follows by the definition of geometric dual and from the fact that ⊥' is involutory. The geometric dual operation can be applied to both Hamming and rank metric. In the first case, the geometric dual of a Hamming-metric code of length n and dimension k will give a sum-rank metric code with parameters [(mk-1,…,mk-1),k]_q^m/q, which is far from being an Hamming-metric code. For rank-metric codes with parameters [n,k]_q^m/q, the geometric dual gives a rank-metric code as well, with parameters [mk-n,k]_q^m/q. § MINIMAL CODES WITH FEW WEIGHTS In this section we will mainly deal with explicit construction of minimal codes in the sum-rank metric. We will make extensive use of the geometric dual introduced above. As in the Hamming and in the rank metrics (see e.g. <cit.>), all the one-weight sum-rank metric codes are minimal. Let be an [𝐧,k]_q^m/q sum-rank metric. If all the codewords of have the same sum-rank metric weight then is a minimal sum-rank metric code. The main difference is that in Hamming and rank metrics, simplex codes are essentially the only one-weight codes; see <cit.>. In the sum-rank metric, we have more examples as we will see later on and as it has been proved in <cit.>. Another way to get examples, is to obtain information on minimal codes in sum-rank metric by looking at the associated Hamming-metric codes, cfr. Section <ref>. Let be an [𝐧,k]_q^m/q sum-rank metric code. Then is minimal if and only if any associated Hamming-metric code ^H is minimal. Thanks to the above proposition, we can use some conditions proved in the Hamming-metric to ensure that a Hamming-metric code is minimal. More precisely, we will now describe a generalization of the celebrated Ashikhmin-Barg condition (see <cit.>). Let be an [𝐧,k]_q^m/q sum-rank metric code. Denote by δ_max=max_r ∈ S(){q^n_i-q^n_i-r_i/q-1} and δ_min=min_r ∈ S(){q^n_i-q^n_i-r_i/q-1}, where S() is the set of rank-lists of . If δ_max/δ_min< q^m/q^m-1, then the code is minimal. Let ^H be an associated Hamming-metric code to . The minimum distance of ^H is δ_min and its maximum weight is δ_max. By <cit.> and because of the assumptions on δ_min and δ_max, the code ^H is minimal. Since the sum-rank metric code is minimal if and only if ^H is a minimal code in the Hamming-metric, the assertion is proved. If a sum-rank metric code satisfies the assumption of Theorem <ref>, we say that it satisfies the AB-condition. In the following subsections, we will first see old and new constructions of one-weight sum-rank metric codes (proving that this is a very large family) and then we will show examples of minimal codes with few weights, where some of them satisfy the AB-condition and some of them do not. §.§ Sum-rank one-weight codes Some constructions of one-weight codes have been given in <cit.>, which can be divided in three families: * orbital construction (extending the simplex code); * doubly extended linearized Reed-Solomon; * linear sets construction. In particular, the last two constructions give 2-dimensional one-weight codes in the sum-rank metric, whereas the first one give constructions of any dimension. In <cit.>, the authors also showed that the last two families cannot be obtained from the orbital construction. It is natural to ask whether or not there are examples of one-weight codes which cannot be obtained from the orbital constructions also for larger dimensions. We start by recalling the orbital construction. Let 𝒢 be a subgroup of (k,q^m) and consider the action ϕ_𝒢 of 𝒢 on _q^m^k∖{0}, that is [ ϕ_𝒢 : 𝒢× (_q^m^k∖{0}) ⟶ _q^m^k∖{0}; (A,v) ⟼ vA. ] For any n and r such that r divides m, this action naturally induces an action also on the n-dimensional _q^r-subspaces of _q^m^k with kernel 𝒢∩𝔻_q^r, where 𝔻_q^r={α I_k α∈_q^r^*}. In order to get a shorter code, we can consider the action of the group 𝒢=𝒢/(𝒢∩𝔻_q^r) on the n-dimensional _q^r-subspaces of _q^m^k, that we denote by ϕ_𝒢^r,n. Finally, we say that 𝒢≤(k,q^m) is transitive if the action ϕ_𝒢^m,1 is transitive; see <cit.> for a more detailed discussion. [Orbital construction <cit.>] Let U be an _q-subspace of _q^m^k of dimension n over _q. Let 𝒢≤(k,q^m) be a transitive subgroup and let 𝒪=(ϕ_𝒢^1,n(A,U))_A ∈𝒢 be the orbit (counting possible repetition) of the action of ϕ_𝒢^1,n. When 𝒢 is the Singer subgroup of GL(k,q^m) we call the orbit 𝒪 an n-simplex. A sum-rank metric code associated with the system 𝒪=(U_1,…,U_t) is an [(n,…,n),k]_q^m/q one-weight sum-rank metric code. Let 𝒪 and 𝒪' two distinct orbits as in the above construction, the system obtained by plugging together 𝒪 and 𝒪' gives rise to a one-weight code and the considered system is union of orbits. So, in order to provide a construction of a sum-rank metric code which is one-weight but does not arise from the orbital construction, we need to show that a system associated with cannot be obtained as union of orbits. We now read the property of being one-weight in the geometric dual of the code. Let be an [𝐧,k]_q^m/q sum-rank metric code and let (U_1,…,U_t) be an associated system. Assume that U_1∩…∩ U_t does not contain any 1-dimensional 𝔽_q^m-subspace of 𝔽_q^m^k. Then is a one-weight code if and only if ^⊥_𝒢 is a one-weight code with respect to the generalized weights of order k-1, that is d_k-1(^⊥_𝒢)=N- ∑_i=1^t __q (U_i^⊥'∩⟨ w ⟩_𝔽_q^m), for any w ∈_q^m^k∖{0}. In particular, if d_1() tm then ⋃_i=1^t L_U_i^⊥'=(k-1,q^m). The code is one-weight if and only if w_^1(X,Y) only presents one monomial, that is w_^1(X,Y)= (||-1) X^N-d_1()Y^d_1(). By Theorem <ref>, this happens if and only if w_^⊥_𝒢^k-1(X,Y) presents only one monomial, and hence the first part of the assertion. For the last part, observe that if is one-weight, by the first part of the assertion we have ∑_i=1^t_(U_i^⊥'∩⟨ w⟩__q^m)=∑_i=1^t w_L_U_i^⊥'(⟨ w⟩__q^m)=tmk-N-d_k-1(^⊥_𝒢), for any w ∈_q^m^k∖{0}. Suppose that ⋃_i=1^t L_U_i^⊥'(k-1,q^m). Then, because of (<ref>), we can only have that tmk-N=d_k-1(^⊥_𝒢). Theorem <ref> implies also that d_1()=d_k-1(^⊥_𝒢)+N-t(k-1)m, and hence d_1()=tm, a contradiction. By Proposition <ref>, and more precisely from (<ref>), a partition in scattered linear set gives a one-weight code. Indeed, the construction of doubly extended linearized Reed-Solomon code with parameters [(m,…,m,1,1),2]_q^m/q can be read via an associated system (U_1,…,U_q+1) with the following properties: * _(U_i)=m for every i∈{1,…,q-1}; * _(U_q)=_(U_q+1)=1; * U_i's are scattered -subspaces of _q^m^2. Since in _q^m^2 the hyperplanes coincide with the 1-dimensional _q^m-subspaces of _q^m^2 and since the code is MSRD, we have ∑_i=1^q+1_(U_i∩⟨ w ⟩__q^m)=1, for any w ∈𝔽_q^m^2∖{0}. Therefore, these codes are one-weight codes and by Proposition <ref> they are also minimal codes. Moreover, they meet the lower bound (<ref>). By Proposition <ref>, the geometric dual of a doubly extended linearized Reed-Solomon code is a one-weight code with parameters [(m,…,m_q-1 times,2m-1,2m-1),2]_q^m/q. Note that for m=2, such code meets the lower bound (<ref>). We give its generator matrix in the next remark. In particular, a partition in scattered subspaces/linear sets gives via Proposition <ref> a one-weight code with nonzero weight equals to N-t(k-1)m+1. We can determine a generator matrix for the geometric dual of a 2-dimensional doubly extended linearized Reed-Solomon code. Let α_1,…,α_q-1∈𝔽_q^m having pairwise distinct norm over and define U_i={(x,a_i x^q) x ∈_q^m}, for any i ∈{1,…,q-1}. Consider the following sesquilinear form σ' ((x,y),(z,t)) ∈𝔽_q^m^2 ↦Tr_q^m/q(xt-yz) ∈. Then U_i^⊥'={ (y^q,a_i^q^n-1y) y ∈_q^m}={ (y,a_i^q^n-1y^q^n-1) y ∈_q^m}, for any i, since σ'((x,a_i x^q),(y^q,a_i^q^n-1y))=Tr_q^m/q(a_i^q^n-1xy-a_ix^q y^q)=0, for every x,y ∈𝔽_q^m. By definition of σ' we also have that ⟨ (1,0)⟩_^⊥'={ (α,β) α,β∈_q^m and Tr_q^m/q(β)=0 } and ⟨ (0,1)⟩_^⊥'={ (α,β) α,β∈_q^m and Tr_q^m/q(α)=0 }. Therefore, if B={b_1,…,b_m} is an -basis of and C={c_1,…,c_m-1} is an -basis of (Tr_q^m/q), then a generator matrix for the geometric dual of a 2-dimensional linearized Reed-Solomon code is as follows: * the i-th blocks has as j-th column (b_j^q,a_i b_j), for i ∈{1,…,q-1} and j ∈{1,…,m}; * the q-th block has as j-th column (b_j,0) if j ∈{1,…,m} and (0,c_j-m) if j ∈{m+1,…,2m-1}; * the last block has as j-th column (0,b_j) if j ∈{1,…,m} and (c_j-m,0) if j ∈{m+1,…,2m-1}. In the Remark <ref>, we have seen that we can find q-1 maximum scattered -linear set in (1,q^m) which are pairwise disjoint and cover (1,q^m) except for two points (which can be arbitrarily chosen). We can use this fact to construct partition in scattered -linear sets for higher dimensions. [partition in scattered linear sets] We start with the plane: consider P=⟨ v⟩__q^m a point in (2,q^m) and a line ℓ=(W,_q^m) not passing through P. Denote by ℓ_1=(W_1,_q^m),…,ℓ_q^m+1=(W_q^m+1,_q^m) the lines through P and denote by Q_i=ℓ∩ℓ_i=⟨ v_i⟩__q^m for any i ∈{1,…,q^m+1}. For any i ∈{1,…,q^m+1} consider U_i,1,…,U_i,q-1 maximum scattered -subspaces of W_i for which the associated linear sets form a partition of ℓ_i∖{P,Q_i}, which exists because of Remark <ref>. Consider U_q^m+2,1,…,U_q^m+2,q-1 maximum scattered -subspaces of W for which the associated linear sets form a partition of ℓ∖{Q_1,Q_2}. The -linear sets associated with U_i,j's together with ⟨ v ⟩_, ⟨ v_1 ⟩_ and ⟨ v_2 ⟩_ give a partition in scattered -linear sets of (2,q^m). This gives a code of parameters [(m,…,m_(q-1)(q^m+2) times,1,1,1),3]_q^m/q whose geometric dual has parameters [(2m,…,2m_(q-1)(q^m+2) times,3m-1,3m-1,3m-1),3]_q^m/q. For larger dimension: suppose that we have U_1,…,U_r scattered -subspaces with the property that the associated linear sets cover a projective space of dimension k-1. Consider a point P=⟨ v ⟩__q^m∈(k-1,q^m) and a hyperplane H not passing through P, then we can proceed to cover with scattered linear sets all of the lines through P, except for the point P and the intersection of the line with H. As we have done for the plane, adding the U_i's and ⟨ v ⟩__q to these subspaces, we obtain a family of scattered subspace covering the entire space. The above construction contains a large number of blocks. It is possible, under certain restrictions, to consider a smaller number of subspaces with the use of canonical subgeometries. A canonical subgeometry of (k-1,q^m) is any (k-1,q) which is embedded in (k-1,q^m). The following result gives condition on k and m which allows us to construct a partition of (k-1,q^m) in canonical subgeometries. There exists a partition of (k-1,q^m) into canonical subgeometries if and only if (k,m)=1. Suppose that (k,m)=1 and let U_1,…,U_t be -subspaces of _q^m of dimension k such that L_U_1,…,L_U_t a partition of (k-1,q^m) into canonical subgeometries, with t=(q^mk-1)(q-1)/(q^m-1)(q^k-1). A code associated with (U_1,…,U_t) has parameters [(k,…,k),k,(t-1)k]_q^m/q and it is one-weight. Its geometric dual has parameters [(k(m-1),…,k(m-1)),k,t(k-1)]_q^m/q, via Theorem <ref>. §.§.§ Lift construction In this section we describe a procedure to construct one-weight sum-rank metric codes starting from any sum-rank metric code, extending the construction described in <cit.>. Let U_1,…,U_t be _q-subspaces in _q^m^k and define M=max{∑_i=1^t w_L_U_i(P) | P ∈(k-1,q^m)}. Define ℳ(U_1,…,U_t) the lift of U_1,…,U_t as a vector of -subspaces whose entries are * U_1,…,U_t; * c copies of ⟨ v ⟩__q^m and a d-dimensional subspace of ⟨ v ⟩__q^m, for any P=⟨ v ⟩__q^m∈(k-1,q^m), where M-∑_i=1^t w_L_U_i(P)=c · m+d with c,d ∈ℕ and d<m. Clearly, by construction ∑_U ∈ℳ(U_1,…,U_t) w_L_U(P)=M, for every point P∈(k-1,q^m). So, consider ∈Φ ([ℳ(U_1,…,U_t)]) then by applying Proposition <ref> we obtain that ^⊥_𝒢 is a linear one-weight sum-rank metric code of dimension k. Any code in Φ([ℳ(U_1,…,U_t)]) will be called the lifted code of U_1,…,U_t. In the next result we show that we can construct a one-weight sum-rank metric code starting from any sum-rank metric code. Every sum-rank metric code can be extended to a one-weight code. Let (U_1,…,U_t) an associated system to and G=(G_1|…|G_t) a generator matrix of such that the column span of G_i is U_i for any i. Consider the lift ℳ(U_1^⊥',…,U_t^⊥')=(U_1^⊥',…,U_t^⊥',W_t+1,…,W_s). Let 𝒟∈Φ([ℳ(U_1^⊥',…,U_t^⊥')]), then by duality U_1^⊥'∩…∩ U_t^⊥' does not contain any one-dimensional _q^m-subspace and hence by Theorem <ref> 𝒟^⊥_𝒢 is a one-weight code and a system associated with 𝒟^⊥_𝒢 is (U_1,…,U_t,W_t+1^⊥',…,W_s^⊥'), and hence it is an extension of , since a generator matrix of 𝒟^⊥_𝒢 has the following shape (G_1|…|G_t|G_t+1|…|G_s), where the the column span of G_i is W_i^⊥' for any i ∈{t+1,…,s}. In the following result we prove that there are linear sum-rank metric codes which cannot be obtain from the orbital construction for any possible value of the dimension, already proved in <cit.> in the two-dimensional case. For every k, there are one-weight sum-rank metric codes which are not equivalent to a sum-rank metric code obtained from the orbital construction. Consider a [n,k]_q^m/q sum-rank metric code (that is, a rank-metric code) with the property that n>m. Let U be any system associated with and consider ℳ(U) the lift of U and follow the proof of Theorem <ref> to construct a one-weight sum-rank metric code '. Since U is the only -subspace in ℳ(U) having dimension larger than m, then in ℳ(U) there cannot the an orbit of U and hence ' cannot be obtained as (union) of orbital constructions. In the proof of the above theorem, we started from a rank-metric code, but then we can start from any code whose associated systems do not form an orbit under a transitive group of an -subspace of dimension greater than m. In <cit.>, the author showed that in some cases extending an MSRD code by adding new blocks does not preserve the property of being MSRD. §.§ Constructions of two-weight minimal sum-rank metric codes In this section we will give examples of minimal sum-rank metric codes with two weights, in some cases by using the AB-condition and some other by exploiting the geometry behind them. Let us start with the first construction. Consider t mutually disjoint scattered 𝔽_q-linear sets L_U_1,…,L_U_t in (k-1,q^m) of rank n_1, … , n_t, respectively, with n_1≥…≥ n_t. Suppose also that L_U_1∪…∪ L_U_t≠(k-1,q^m). Denote by (U_1^⊥',…,U_t^⊥') the geometric dual of a code associated with (U_1,…,U_t). The metric properties of the above construction are described in the following result. Let be as in Construction <ref>. Its parameters are [(mk-n_1,…,mk-n_t),k]_q^m/q and it has two distinct nonzero weights: tm and tm-1. Moreover, its set of rank-lists is S()={ (m,…,m),(m-1,m,…,m),(m,m-1,…,m),…,(m,…,m,m-1) }. Let start by observing that (U_1^⊥',…,U_t^⊥') is a system with parameters [(mk-n_1,…,mk-n_t),k]_q^m/q. By Theorem <ref>, the weights of (U_1^⊥',…,U_t^⊥') correspond to the possible values that the following expression can assume tm- ∑_i=1^t _(U_i^⊥'∩⟨ w ⟩_𝔽_q^m), where w ∈𝔽_q^m^k∖{0}. Since the L_U_i's are scattered and disjoint, we have that _(U_i^⊥'∩⟨ w ⟩_𝔽_q^m)∈{0,1} and can be one at most for one i ∈{1,…,t} for every w, hence the weight distribution is determined. The possible rank-lists of the codewords of (U_1^⊥',…,U_t^⊥') (see Remark <ref>) correspond to determine (m-_𝔽_q(U_1∩⟨ w ⟩_𝔽_q^m),…, m-_𝔽_q(U_t∩⟨ w ⟩_𝔽_q^m)), because of the assumptions on the L_U_i's, we have that either _𝔽_q(U_1∩⟨ w ⟩_𝔽_q^m)=0 for any i or there exist j ∈{1,…,t} such that _𝔽_q(U_j∩⟨ w ⟩_𝔽_q^m)=1 and _𝔽_q(U_i∩⟨ w ⟩_𝔽_q^m)=0 for any the remaining values of i. The codes with the parameters as those in Construction <ref> all arise from Construction <ref>. If is a sum-rank metric code with the parameters as in Construction <ref> then can be obtain as in Construction <ref>. Assume that is an [𝐧,k]_q^m/q sum-rank metric code with n=(mk-n_1,…,mk-n_t) and with two distinct weights tm and tm-1. Denote by N=n_1+…+n_t and let (U_1,…,U_t) any system associated with . By Theorem <ref>, we have that for any hyperplane of _q^m^k ∑_i=1^t _(U_i ∩ H) ∈{ tm(k-1),tm(k-1)+1 }, and applying Proposition <ref> we obtain ∑_i=1^t _(U_i^⊥'∩⟨ w ⟩__q^m) ∈{ 0,1 }, for any 1-dimensional _q^m-subspace of _q^m^k. Therefore, for any point P ∈(k-1,q^m) we have that ∑_i=1^t w_L_U_i^⊥'(P) ∈{ 0,1 }, and so L_U_i^⊥''s are pairwise disjoint scattered _q-linear sets. Thanks to Theorem <ref>, we can determine the weight distribution of the Hamming metric codes associated with those in Construction <ref>. An associated Hamming metric code to the codes of Construction <ref> has length N=tkm-n_1…-n_t, dimension k and exactly |{n_1,…,n_t}|+1 nonzero distinct weights, which are δ_max=∑_i=1^tq^mk-n_i-q^mk-n_i-m/q-1, w_j=q^mk-n_j-q^mk-n_j-m+1/q-1 + ∑_i∈{1,…,t}∖{j}q^mk-n_i-q^mk-n_i-m/q-1, j ∈{1,…,t}, and δ_min=q^mk-n_t-q^mk-n_t-m+1/q-1 + ∑_i=1^t-1q^mk-n_i-q^mk-n_i-m/q-1. By taking into account the set of rank-lists of a code as in Construction <ref> determined in Theorem <ref>, by Proposition <ref> the possible weights of an associated code is given by the following formula q^mk-n_j-q^mk-n_j-m+1/q-1 + ∑_i∈{1,…,t}∖{j}q^mk-n_i-q^mk-n_i-m/q-1, for any j ∈{1,…,t} and by ∑_i=1^tq^mk-n_i-q^mk-n_i-m/q-1. Therefore, the number of distinct weights is given by the number of the different n_i's plus one. In the case in which n_1=…=n_t=n, such codes are two-weight Hamming metric codes, with weights δ_max=t·q^mk-n-q^mk-n-m/q-1, and δ_min=q^mk-n-q^mk-n-m+1/q-1 + (t-1)·q^mk-n-q^mk-n-m/q-1. Note also that if the n_i's are not all equal, then from a two-weight code in the sum-rank metric we obtain an Hamming metric code with more than two weights. This is a remarkable difference with the rank metric. Let be a code as in Construction <ref> with n_1=…=n_t=n. If t>(q-1)·q^m/q^m-1, then is minimal and it satisfies the AB-condition. We will prove the minimality of with the aid of the AB-condition. To this aim δ_max/δ_min= t(q^m-1)/q^m-q+(t-1)(q^m-1)=1+q-1/tq^m-q-t+1, since t>(q-1)q^m/(q^m-1) we have δ_max/δ_min < q^m/q^m-1 and hence Theorem <ref> implies the assertion. Consider Construction <ref> by using more than (q-1)·q^m/q^m-1 mutually disjoint subgeometries (which exists for instance when (m,k)=1, see Theorem <ref>). The above theorem implies that Construction <ref> gives minimal codes. Note that in the above result if we consider t=2 and q>2, then the AB-condition is not satisfied (it is indeed satisfied for q=2). In the next result, we show that when t=2, even if the AB-condition is not satisfied, Construction <ref> still gives minimal codes and the two rank-metric codes defined by the two blocks are not minimal. Let U_1 and U_2 be two trivially intersecting scattered _q-subspaces of dimension m contained respectively in W_1 and W_2, where W_1 and W_2 are two distinct 2-dimensional 𝔽_q^m-subspaces of _q^m^3. The geometric dual (U_1^⊥',U_2^⊥') of a code associated with (U_1,U_2) is a minimal sum-rank metric code, which satisfies the AB-condition if and only if q=2. Moreover, the codes associated with U_1^⊥' and U_2^⊥', respectively, are not minimal. Let start by computing the possible dimension of intersection between the U_i^⊥''s and the _q^m-subspaces of _q^m^3 with dimension either one or two with the aid of Proposition <ref>: _𝔽_q(U_i^⊥'∩ W^⊥)=_𝔽_q(U_i∩ W)∈{0,1,m}, for any 2-dimensional 𝔽_q^m-subspace W and _𝔽_q(U_i^⊥'∩ W^⊥)=m if and only if W=W_i, for any i ∈{1,2}, also _𝔽_q(U_i^⊥'∩⟨ w⟩_𝔽_q^m^⊥)=_𝔽_q(U_i∩⟨ w⟩_𝔽_q^m)+m∈{m,m+1}, for any 1-dimensional 𝔽_q^m-subspace ⟨ w⟩_𝔽_q^m. In terms of linear sets, this means that w_L_U_i^⊥'(P) ∈{0,1,m} and w_L_U_i^⊥'(ℓ) ∈{m,m+1}, for any point P and any line ℓ of (2,q^m). We now show that (U_1^⊥',U_2^⊥') is a cutting system (which is equivalent to show that (U_1^⊥',U_2^⊥') is minimal by Theorem <ref>), which is equivalent to show that any line ℓ of (2,q^m) meets L_U_1^⊥'∪ L_U_2^⊥' in at least two points. Note that since L_U_1^⊥' and L_U_2^⊥' have rank 2m, which is greater than m+1, then every line meet L_U_1^⊥' and L_U_2^⊥' in at least one point. Denote by P_1 and P_2 the points defined by W_1^⊥' and W_2^⊥', respectively. Let ℓ be any line through P_1, since P_1 P_2 and P_1 ∉ L_U_2^⊥', then ℓ meets L_U_2^⊥' in at least another point. Therefore, |ℓ∩ (L_U_1^⊥'∪ L_U_2^⊥')|≥ 2. Similar arguments can be performed when considering lines through P_2, so assume that ℓ is a line not passing through neither P_1 nor to P_2. Since all the points different from P_1 and P_2 have weight either one or zero and the weight of ℓ is either m or m+1, then |ℓ∩ L_U_1^⊥'|≥ 2 and hence (U_1^⊥',U_2^⊥') is a cutting system. Finally, we show that U_1^⊥' and U_2^⊥' are not cutting. Indeed, by contradiction assume that U_1^⊥' is a cutting system. Any line ℓ through P_1 has weight m+1, since w_L_U_1^⊥'(P_1)=m and L_U_1^⊥'∩ℓ has at least two points. This implies that all the lines through P_1 are contained in L_U_1^⊥' and hence |L_U_1^⊥'| ≥ (q^m+1)q^m+1, which is a contradiction to the fact that |L_U_1^⊥'| ≤q^2m-1/q-1 by (<ref>). Now, let δ_max=2(q^(k-1)m-q^(k-2)m)/q-1 and δ_min=2q^(k-1)m-q^(k-2)m+1-q^(k-2)m/q-1. Then δ_max/δ_min<q^m/(q^m-1) if and only if --3q^m+2+q^m+1/(-q^m+q-q^m+1)(q^m-1) <0 and hence if and only if -3q^m+2+q^m+1<0, and, since it can be rewritten as q^m(q-3)<-2, this happens if and only if q=2. Therefore, the assumption of Theorem <ref> are satisfied if and only if q=2. Let U_1={(x,x^q,0) x ∈𝔽_q^m} and U_2={(0,x,x^q) x ∈𝔽_q^m}. It is easy to see that they satisfy the assumptions of Theorem <ref>. Consider σ' as the following sesquilinear form σ' ((x,y,t),(x',y',z')) ∈𝔽_q^m^3 ↦Tr_q^m/q(xx'+yy'+zz') ∈_q. Then U_1^⊥'= { (x^q^m-1,-x,y) x,y ∈_q^m} and U_2^⊥'= { (y,x^q^m-1,-x) x,y ∈_q^m}. Therefore, a generator matrix of 𝒞(U_1^⊥',U_2^⊥') is G=( [ a_1^q^m-1 … a_m^q^m-1 0 … 0 a_1 … a_m 0 … 0; -a_1 … -a_m 0 … 0 0 … 0 a_1^q^m-1 … a_m^q^m-1; 0 … 0 a_1 … a_m 0 … 0 -a_1 … -a_m ])∈_q^m^3× 4m, where {a_1,…,a_m} is an -basis of _q^m. In the above example, we may replace x^q with any scattered polynomial; see <cit.> and the references therein. In the next result we show that when t=2 in Construction <ref> with n_1 and n_2 having a distinct value, then the code obtained satisfies the AB-condition if n_1 and n_2 are enough close distinct numbers. Let U_1 and U_2 be two trivially intersecting scattered _q-subspaces of dimension n_1 and n_2=n_1-r with 1≤ r ≤ m, respectively. The geometric dual (U_1^⊥',U_2^⊥') of a code associated with (U_1,U_2) is a minimal sum-rank metric code which satisfies the AB-condition. As in the previous proof, we start by computing the possible dimension of intersection between the U_i^⊥''s and the _q^m-subspaces of _q^m^k with dimension k-1: _𝔽_q(U_i^⊥'∩⟨ w⟩__q^m^⊥)=_𝔽_q(U_i∩⟨ w⟩__q^m)+(k-1)m-n_i∈{(k-1)m-n_i, (k-1)m-n_i+1}, for any one-dimensional _q^m-subspace ⟨ w⟩__q^m in _q^m^k. Therefore, by Remark <ref> we have that the rank lists of the code (U_1^⊥',U_2^⊥') are (m,m), (m-1,m) and (m,m-1). Considering (U_1^⊥',U_2^⊥')^H we have δ_max=q^km-n_1-q^(k-1)m-n_1+q^km-n_2-q^(k-1)m-n_2/q-1 and δ_min=q^km-n_1-q^(k-1)m-n_1+1+q^km-n_2-q^(k-1)m-n_2/q-1. Replacing n_1=n_2+r, δ_max/δ_min<q^m/q^m-1 is equivalent to --2q^m+1-q^r+m+q^r+q^m+1/(-q^m+q-q^r+m+q^r)(q^m-1) <0 and hence -2q^m+1-q^r+m+q^r+q^m+1<0, which holds true as m≥ r and r≥ 1. Therefore, the assertion follows by applying Theorem <ref>. § ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The first author was partially supported by the ANR-21-CE39-0009 - BARRACUDA (French Agence Nationale de la Recherche). The second author was supported by the project “VALERE: VAnviteLli pEr la RicErca" of the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” and by the Italian National Group for Algebraic and Geometric Structures and their Applications (GNSAGA - INdAM). He is very grateful for the hospitality of the Université Paris 8, France, where he was a visiting researcher for two weeks during the development of this research. abbrv
Experimental investigation of the effect of topological insulator on the magnetization dynamics of ferromagnetic metal: $BiSbTe_{1.5}Se_{1.5}$ and $Ni_{80}Fe_{20}$ heterostructure
[ "Sayani Pal", "Soumik Aon", "Subhadip Manna", "Sambhu G Nath", "Kanav Sharma", "Chiranjib Mitra" ]
[ "cond-mat.mes-hall" ]
Corresponding author:chiranjib@iiserkol.ac.in Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata, Mohanpur 741246, West Bengal, India We have studied ferromagnetic metal/topological insulator bilayer system to understand magnetization dynamics of ferromagnetic metal (FM) in contact with a topological insulator (TI). At magnetic resonance condition, the precessing magnetization in the metallic ferromagnet (Ni_80Fe_20) injects spin current into the topological insulator (BiSbTe_1.5Se_1.5), a phenomenon known as spin-pumping. Due to the spin pumping effect, fast relaxation in the ferromagnet results in the broadening of ferromagnetic resonance linewidth (Δ H). We evaluated the parameters like effective Gilbert damping coefficient (α_eff), spin-mixing conductance (g_eff^↑↓) and spin current density (j_S^0) to confirm a successful spin injection due to spin-pumping into the BiSbTe_1.5Se_1.5 layer. TIs embody a spin-momentum locked surface state that span the bulk band-gap. It can act differently to the FM magnetization than the other normal metals. To probe the effect of topological surface state, a systematic low temperature study is crucial as surface state of TI dominates at lower temperatures. The exponential growth of Δ H for all different thickness combination of FM/TI bilayers and effective Gilbert damping coefficient (α_eff) with lowering temperature confirms the prediction that spin chemical bias generated from spin-pumping induces surface current in TI due to spin-momentum locking. The hump-like feature of magnetic anisotropy field (H_K)of the bilayer around 60K suggests that the decrease of interfacial in-plane magnetic anisotropy can result from exchange coupling between the TI surface state and the local moments of FM layer. Valid PACS appear here Experimental investigation of the effect of topological insulator on the magnetization dynamics of ferromagnetic metal: BiSbTe_1.5Se_1.5 and Ni_80Fe_20 heterostructure Sayani Pal, Soumik Aon, Subhadip Manna, Sambhu G Nath, Kanav Sharma & Chiranjib Mitra March 30, 2023 ======================================================================================================================================================================= § INTRODUCTION Spintronics is one of the emerging fields that has witnessed remarkable progress on both fundamental and technological fronts over the past couple of decades. Phenomena like spin-orbit torque <cit.>, spin hall effect<cit.>, giant magnetoresistance <cit.>, tunnelling magnetoresistance <cit.>, domain wall motion <cit.> provide basics for applications in memory devices<cit.>, storage technology<cit.>, logic gates <cit.> and magnetic sensors <cit.>. These devices utilise the spin degrees of freedom of electron and their interaction with orbital moments through spin-orbit coupling. Complete knowledge on the process of generation, manipulation and detection of spin degrees of freedom or the spin current is essential for widespread applications in this field. If one focuses on the currently available spin current generation processes, spin-pumping <cit.> is definitely the most efficient method among them where the precessing magnetization of ferromagnetic (FM) layer in a ferromagnetic multilayer device injects spin current into the adjacent layer by transferring spin angular momentum. The concern now should be on spin pumping with new materials <cit.> having large spin torque, essential for significant spin-charge interconversion. Topological insulators (TI) are the new class of materials that have strong spin-orbit coupling (SOC) <cit.>, capable of exerting spin-orbit torque (SOT) to the magnetic moments of ferromagnet which is essential for spintronic applications<cit.>. Three-dimensional(3D) TIs have received considerable attention for several possibilities in many scientific arenas including spintronics <cit.>. 3D TIs have an insulating bulk with a narrow band gap and gapless two-dimensional (2D) spin polarized surface states. Conduction electrons on the surface state of TI behave as Dirac fermions whose direction of motion is uniquely specified by its spin direction due to spin-momentum locking <cit.>. There has been a significant development in the field of spin-transport phenomenon in FM/TI systems in recent years. Effect of spin pumping can be witnessed in the enhanced Gilbert damping coefficient (α_eff) value of the ferromagnet. The enhancement is governed by spin-torque parameter of the interface or the mixing conductance (g_eff^↑↓). Spin transfer at the interface is believed to be analogous to scattering in transport theory. Once the spin current reaches the TI layer, it starts loosing the spin polarization there due to spin diffusion. The mechanism of spin diffusion into TI should affect the magnetization of FM differently than normal metal because of the exotic nature of TI surface state. For a complete understanding of the effect TI surface state on FM magnetization dynamics, low temperature study is necessary because surface state of TI dominates at lower temperatures. In this paper, we present the study of spin-pumping from Ni_80Fe_20 into BiSbTe_1.5Se_1.5. We confirm a successful spin injection into the BiSbTe_1.5Se_1.5 layer from the obtained values of the spin-transport parameters like α_eff, g_eff^↑↓ and spin current density (j_s^0) in our experiment. In low temperature measurements of FWHM and Gilbert damping coefficients we have witnessed exponential enhancement at lower temperatures which has a connection with the spin chemical bias induced surface current in TI. For further investigation of the effect of TI surface state on the FM magnetization we have done low-temperature measurements of effective magnetization and anisotropy field. The anisotropy field of in-plane magnetization shows a hump-like pattern around 60K and then decreases with further decrease in temperature. It supports the theory of exchange coupling between the TI surface state and FM layer which acts normal to the TI/FM interface. § SAMPLE PREPARATION AND CHARACTERIZATION For this particular work, we have prepared different thickness combinations of topological insulator(TI)/ferromagnet(FM) bilayer heterostructure. BiSbTe_1.5Se_1.5(BSTS) has been taken as the TI material and Permalloy(Ni_80Fe_20) has been used as the ferromagnetic material. BSTS thin films were grown on silicon (Si 111) substrate using pulsed laser deposition(PLD) technique <cit.>. The target material was prepared using 99.999% pure Bi, Sb, Te, and Se in a 1:1:1.5:1.5 stoichiometric ratio. The films were deposited through ablation of the target by a KrF excimer laser (248 nm, 25 ns pulsed width) at a low repetition rate of 1Hz and 1.2 J cm^-2 laser fluence keeping the substrate temperature fixed at 250^0 C and the chamber partial pressure at 0.5 mbar (base pressure 2 × 10^-5 mbar) with a continuous flow of Ar gas. After deposition, TI films were immediately transferred into the thermal evaporation chamber for ferromagnet deposition. Commercially available 99.995% pure permalloy (Ni_80Fe_20) pallets were used for deposition. Py film was deposited <cit.> on top of TI film at a rate of 1.2Å (crystal monitor: Inficon SQM 160) keeping the chamber pressure fixed at 1× 10^-6 torr (base pressure 1× 10^-7 torr). For characterization of the films X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) imaging and atomic force microscopy (AFM) facilities have been used. X-ray reflectometry technique has been used for thickness measurements here. For convenience we are defining the BSTS of different thickness as follows: 10nm BSTS as BSTS1, 21nm BSTS as BSTS2, 28nm BSTS as BSTS3, 37nm BSTS as BSTS4. § RESULTS AND DISCUSSION For a systematic study of FM/TI bilayer system, we have done in-plane FMR measurements in reflection mode geometry using a short circuited CPW as shown in fig.<ref>. We have shown typical FMR signal at different microwave frequencies for Py(15nm)/BSTS1 sample in fig.<ref>a, frequency dependence of the field linewidth (Δ H vs. f) in fig.<ref>b and the resonance field (f vs H) in fig.<ref>c. These give us valuable information about the magnetization dynamics in ferromagnet which can be described within the framework proposed by Landau, Lifshitz and Gilbert, dM⃗/dt=-γM⃗×H⃗_⃗e⃗f⃗f⃗ + α_eff/M_SM⃗×d M⃗/dt where, γ is the gyromagnetic ratio, M⃗ is the magnetization vector, M_S is the saturation magnetization, H_eff is the effective magnetic field which includes the external field, demagnetization and crystalline anisotropy field and α_eff is the effective Gilbert damping coefficient of the system. For a given magnetic material at ferromagnetic resonance, the resonance field and frequency follows Kittel equation<cit.> given by, f=γ/2π√((H+H_k)(H+H_k+4π M_eff)) where H, H_k and 4π M_eff are the external applied field, magnetic anisotropy field and effective magnetization respectively. We have obtained H_k and 4π M_eff for different FM/TI bilayer systems by fitting the Kittel equation to the f vs. H curve as shown in fig.<ref>c. The obtained 4π M_eff value contains saturation magnetization(4π M_s) and other anisotropic contributions. We can evaluate 4π M_s value by analysing the thickness dependent measurement of 4π M_eff of the FM layer. In the lower thickness region of the ferromagnetic thin films, 4π M_eff is inversely proportional to the film thickness and follows the equation<cit.>, 4π M_eff=4π M_s -2K_s/M_s d where K_S is the surface anisotropy constant and d is the thickness of the FM film. The slope of the linear fit gives the anisotropy field contribution to 4π M_eff and the intercept gives the 4π M_s value as shown in fig.<ref>d. The 4π M_eff does not depend on the thickness variation of BSTS at room temperature. The 4π M_s value for bare Py and Py/BSTS bilayer sample is 10.7kOe and 8.48 kOe respectively. The K_s value have decreased from 0.092 ± 0.008 erg/cm^2 in bare Py film to 0.091 ± 0.015 erg/cm^2 in Py/BSTS2 bilayer. So interfacial anisotropy constant,K_i(=K_s^Py/TI-K_s^Py) for the Py/BSTS2 sample is -0.001 erg/cm^2. From the negative value of K_i we can ensure an in-plane magnetic anisotropy (IMA) in the Py/BSTS interface at room temperature. A detailed discussion of IMA has been provided in the last section where the temperature variation of H_k is discussed. The damping coefficient can be determined by analysing the FMR linewidth (Δ H) at different frequencies. Δ H is the full linewidth at half maximum of the FMR absorption spectra. It contains both the intrinsic and extrinsic contributions to the damping. Linewidth due to intrinsic Gilbert damping(α_eff) is directly proportional to the resonance frequency(f) and follows the equation<cit.>, Δ H=Δ H_0+(2πα_eff/γ) f Here Δ H_0 describes inhomogeneous linewidth broadening due to different extrinsic contributions like magnetic inhomogeneities, surface roughness and defects in the sample. We have evaluated the α_eff values by fitting the Δ H vs f curve for different FM/TI systems as shown in fig.<ref>b. This α_eff consists of Gilbert damping in the bulk ferromagnet(α_FM) and the enhanced damping(Δα_SP) resulting from spin pumping into the adjacent TI layer <cit.>. α_eff=α_FM+Δα_SP In FM/NM heterostructure, spin current arises in the non magnetic layer as FM magnetization precession pumps spin angular momentum into the NM layer and the spin chemical potential gradient due to spin flip relaxation in NM aids the spin angular momentum transfer. This cost of angular momentum in the magnetic layer is brought about by the rapid relaxation of magnetization precession which in turn is enabled by the resonance (FMR) condition, where the angular momentum transfer is maximum. The associated spin current is related to the rapidly decaying magnetisation precession (dM⃗/dt) which in turn exerts a further torque M⃗×d M⃗/dt that is related to the net spin current (I_S) into the FM. Thus the dynamics of magnetization in TI/FM bilayer system can be modelled <cit.> as follows by incorporating this additional torque term into the original LLG equation, dM⃗/dt=-γM⃗×H⃗_eff + α_FMM⃗×d M⃗/dt + γ/M_S VI⃗_S where I⃗_S ∝M⃗×d M⃗/dt I_S is the net spin current (I_S^pump-I_S^back) pumped into the TI layer. I_S contains the FM magnetization precession induced spin pump current (I_S^pump) into the NM as well as the spin accumulation driven spin back flow current (I_S^back) into the FM. A non magnetic layer is not an ideal spin sink. So spin accumulation in the NM layer creates a non-equilibrium chemical potential imbalance near the interface which results I_S^back into the FM. The spin-back-flow current reduces the total spin-pump current generated by the magnetization precession. We can extract the α_FM value from the total α_eff value by performing the FM thickness(t_FM) dependent measurement of α_eff for a particular thickness of the TI layer. α_eff varies linearly with the inverse thickness of the ferromagnet<cit.> as shown in the following equation, α_eff=α_FM+gμ_B/4π M_s t_FM g_eff^↑↓ and Δα_SP=α_SP/t_FM=gμ_B/4π M_s t_FM g_eff^↑↓ where, g,μ_B and g_eff^↑↓ are the g-factor, Bohr magneton and the effective spin mixing conductance respectively. The conductance parameter, g_eff^↑↓ governs the transport of spin current into the adjacent NM layer from FM and is proportional to the torque acting on the FM in the presence of spin accumulation in the NM layer. The derivation of g_eff^↑↓ is based on the magnetoelectronic circuit theory <cit.> for spin transport at the FM/NM interface. In fig <ref>a we can see the linear fit of α_eff vs t_FM^-1. In this heterostructure, damping coefficient value for all the different thicknesses of the Py got enhanced in comparison to our previously reported <cit.> α value for bare Py thin films where the obtained value of α was in the range of 0.004 to 0.008 . This clearly gives the evidence of spin injection into the BSTS layer from the Py layer due to spin pumping. Here the α_FM and α_SP values obtained for Py/BSSTS2 from the linear fit (Eq.<ref>) are 0.00639± 0.0009 and 0.15102± 0.0204 nm respectively. Using the 4π M_s value obtained from Eg.<ref> we can determine the g_eff^↑↓ value. We obtained g_eff^↑↓=0.526× 10^19±0.071 × 10^19 m^-2 for the Py/BSTS bilayer film using Eq.<ref>. It is in the range of previously reported g_eff^↑↓ value of other combination of ferromagnet and TI bilayer structures <cit.>. We can also calculate the spin current density(j_s^0) of the FM/TI heterostructure using the g_eff^↑↓ value in the following equation<cit.>: j_s^0=g_eff^↑↓γ^2 h_m^2ħ[4π M_s γ+√((4π M_s)^2 γ^2+4ω^2)]/8πα^2[(4π M_s)^2γ^2+4γ^2] Here γ, h_m, ħ, ω, α are the gyromagnetic ratio, microwave magnetic field, Planck's constant, Larmour precession frequency and effective Gilbert damping parameter respectively. Using Eq.<ref> the j_s^0 value for Py/BSTS2 was calculated to be 0.978× 10^6± 0.133×10^6 Jm^-2 in our experiment. For this particular bilayer system of Py and BSTS2, the value of spin-mixing conductance and spin current density do not differ significantly from the other high SOC heavy metals <cit.>. But studies on CoFeB/BS by Jamali et al. found the g_eff^↑↓ and j_s^0 value to be in the range of 1.2-14× 10^19 m^-2 and 2.6-10× 10^6 Am^-2 respectively <cit.>. They suggest that the interfacial SOC can enhance the pumped surface current into the TI and depending upon the strength of SOC of the surface state one can get lager spin mixing conductance. There are not many theories which can explain the spin-pumping formalism that explicitly includes the SOC at the interface of FM/TI. We believe that in our case the spin injection into the TI layer is largely influenced by the interface. In the next section, we report the TI thickness-dependent study of α_eff to understand how the surface and bulk of TI affect the magnetization damping of FM at room temperature. For non-magnetic metals (NM), α_eff in general increases exponentially with increasing NM thickness and then gets saturated after reaching a certain thickness value of NM. It can be described by the conventional spin diffusion theory <cit.> for FM/NM where the relaxation of spin current in the NM layer was assumed solely as a property of NM material. Later the theory was modified by including the FM/NM interfacial spin-orbit interaction (SOI) in the formulation. But a TI/FM heterostructure does not necessarily fit the equation proposed by Tserkovnyak et al. as the topological surface state (TSS) and bulk can influence the spin transfer mechanism differently than NM. One can see from fig.<ref>b that for bilayer structures of Py(15nm)/BSTS2(t) there is a sudden jump of α_eff from the α_FM value, 0.0074 and then with the thickness variation of TI layer in the range of 10nm to 37nm, α_eff increases slowly from 0.015 to 0.02. The TI thickness dependence of α_eff for Py(15nm)/BSTS(t) bilayer is almost linear. It indicates an efficient spin-sink nature of the TI bulk with increasing thickness at least at room temperature <cit.>. In the final section, we have focused on low-temperature measurements to understand the effect of topological surface state on magnetization relaxation. We performed temperature dependent study of FMR linewidth (FWHM), enhanced Gilbert damping coefficient(α_eff), anisotropy field (H_k) and effective magnetization (4π M_eff). For different thickness combinations of Py/BSTS bilayer, we obtained the Δ H variation with temperature. It enhances exponentially with decreasing temperature that fits exp(-T/T_0) as shown in fig.<ref>. The characteristic temperatures for T_0 are 74.45± 6.89 K, 52.25± 3.61 K and 60.76± 4.46 K for Py(15nm)/BSTS3, Py(15nm)/BSTS2 and Py(20nm)/BSTS2 respectively. For bare Py(15nm) film, we can note that there is no significant variation in Δ H at low temperatures compared to the TI/FM bilayers <cit.>. For further understanding, the temperature variation of α_eff has also been studied for Py(20nm)/BSTS2 as shown in fig. <ref>b). From the enhancement of α_eff value for Py(20nm)/ BSTS2, the spin pumping effect is very evident even at room temperature. At low temperatures, the enhancement in α_eff is even more pronounced and increases exponentially with decreasing temperature. Comparing the afore-mentioned low temp behaviour of Δ H and α_eff with the resistivity vs. temperature data of BSTS2 we can say that the enhancement is most prominent at the lower temperature region where the surface state of TI starts to dominate. The low temperature behaviour of α_eff and Δ H is in line with the model given by Abdulahad et al. <cit.>. The spin chemical potential bias due to spin-pumping of FM can generate pure spin current into the bulk of TI and spin current along the surface of TI. The injected spin current subsequently gets converted into charge current due to spin momentum locking property of the surface state of TI. We attribute the origin of exponential increase of α_eff and Δ H at lower temperature to the spin chemical potential bias induced surface current in TI. The increased surface current into the TI at lower temperature corresponds to the rapid relaxation of magnetization precession of FM which reflects in the exponential increase of FMR linewidth and damping constant of the ferromagnet. To further investigate the effect of TI surface state on the magnetization of FM, we studied the temperature variation of 4π M_eff and H_k for Py(20nm)/BSTS2. In fig.<ref>a, 4π M_eff increases monotonically as saturation magnetization increases with lowering temperature, except for the temperature range of 130K to 50K. The anomaly in 4π M_eff is related to the anisotropy energy of the FM. It reflects in fig.<ref>b where we can see a hump-like feature of H_K in the same temperature region as that of 4π M_eff. The temperature variation of H_k is concomitant with the resistivity vs temperature behavior of the BSTS2 sample. At room temperature, there is an in-plane magnetic anisotropy (K_i=-0.0011erg/cm^2) that we already have evaluated from Eq.<ref> before. From the fig.<ref>b we can see that IMA increases with lowering temperature until a certain temperature (around 70K) is reached. As temperature goes down below 70K, the in-plane magnetic anisotropy (IMA) becomes weaker. The decrease in IMA can be justified with the argument proposed by Abdulahad et al. <cit.>. Several theoretical as well as experimental predictions confirm the existence of gapless topological surface states even after transition metal deposition on TI <cit.>. These surface states can couple with the local moments of the FM layer through exchange interaction without any long-range ferromagnetic order. According to model given by Abdulahad et al. this exchange coupling acts perpendicular to the TI surface. Due to the exchange interaction between the FM layer and TI surface state, the IMA can decrease at low temperatures where the surface state dominates and the surface state dominance of the TI can be witnessed in the same temperature region (fig.<ref>a) below which the IMA starts getting weaker. § CONCLUSIONS In summary, by measuring the parameters like enhanced Gilbert damping coefficient, spin mixing conductance and spin current density, we can conclude a significant spin pumping into BiSbTe_1.5Se_1.5 from Ni_80Fe_20. However, to understand the surface and/or bulk state contribution of TI, low temperature measurements were necessary as surface state dominates at low temperature that we have seen from resistivity vs temperature data of BSTS. Our experiment shows an exponential growth of FWHM and effective damping coefficient with decreasing temperature. The magnetic anisotropy field and effective magnetization show anomaly in a particular temperature region. Both the results are concomitant with the resistivity data of the TI sample, BSTS. From the low temperature data, we can conclude that a combined effect of spin-pumping induced surface current in TI and the exchange interaction between the surface state of TI and ferromagnetic layer are responsible for such behaviour of the heterostructure. Our results supports the model proposed in a previous literature by Abdulahad et al. § ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors sincerely acknowledge the Ministry of Education, Government of India and Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) (grant no: EMR/2016/007950), and Department of Science and Technology (grant no. DST/ICPS/Quest/2019/22) for financial support. S.P. acknowledges the Department of Science and Technology(DST)-INSPIRE fellowship India, S. A. acknowledges the Ministry of Education of the Government of India, and S.M. acknowledges the Council Of Scientific and Industrial Research(CSIR), India, for research fellowship. 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Effects of Nb Doping on the Charge-Density Wave and Electronic Correlations in the Kagome Metal Cs(V$_{1-x}$Nb$_{x}$)$_{3}$Sb$_{5}$
[ "Xiaoxiang Zhou", "Yongkai Li", "Zhe Liu", "Jiahao Hao", "Yaomin Dai", "Zhiwei Wang", "Yugui Yao", "Hai-Hu Wen" ]
[ "cond-mat.supr-con" ]
These authors contributed equally to this work. National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures and Department of Physics, Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Microstructures, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China These authors contributed equally to this work. Centre for Quantum Physics, Key Laboratory of Advanced Optoelectronic Quantum Architecture and Measurement (MOE), School of Physics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China Beijing Key Lab of Nanophotonics and Ultrafine Optoelectronic Systems, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China Material Science Center, Yangtze Delta Region Academy of Beijing Institute of Technology, Jiaxing 314011, China These authors contributed equally to this work. ymdai@nju.edu.cn National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures and Department of Physics, Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Microstructures, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China zhiweiwang@bit.edu.cn Centre for Quantum Physics, Key Laboratory of Advanced Optoelectronic Quantum Architecture and Measurement (MOE), School of Physics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China Beijing Key Lab of Nanophotonics and Ultrafine Optoelectronic Systems, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China Material Science Center, Yangtze Delta Region Academy of Beijing Institute of Technology, Jiaxing 314011, China Centre for Quantum Physics, Key Laboratory of Advanced Optoelectronic Quantum Architecture and Measurement (MOE), School of Physics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China Beijing Key Lab of Nanophotonics and Ultrafine Optoelectronic Systems, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China hhwen@nju.edu.cn National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures and Department of Physics, Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Microstructures, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China The transport and optical properties of the Nb-doped Cs(V_1-xNb_x)_3Sb_5 with x = 0.03 and 0.07 have been investigated and compared with those of the undoped CsV_3Sb_5. Upon Nb doping, the charge-density wave (CDW) transition temperature T_CDW is suppressed, and the superconducting temperature T_c rises. The residual resistivity ratio decreases with Nb doping, suggesting an increase of disorder. For all compounds, the optical conductivity in the pristine phase reveals two Drude components (D1 and D2). The substitution of Nb causes an increase of D1 alongside a reduction of D2 in weight, which implies a change of the Fermi surface. The total Drude weight is reduced with increasing Nb content, signifying an enhancement of electronic correlations. Below T_CDW, while the optical conductivity clearly manifests the CDW gap in all materials, the gapped portion of the Fermi surface shrinks as the Nb content grows. A comprehensive analysis indicates that the change of the Fermi surface, the enhancement of electronic correlations, the shrinkage of the removed Fermi surface by the CDW gap, and the increase of disorder may all have a considerable impact on the interplay between the CDW and superconductivity in Cs(V_1-xNb_x)_3Sb_5. Effects of Nb Doping on the Charge-Density Wave and Electronic Correlations in the Kagome Metal Cs(V_1-xNb_x)_3Sb_5 Hai-Hu Wen March 30, 2023 =================================================================================================================== The kagome lattice has generated substantial interest, as its electronic structure consists of flat bands, Dirac points and saddle points, which support a myriad of exotic quantum phenomena <cit.>. When the Fermi level is situated near the saddle point, i.e. at the van Hove filling, the ground state of the kagome lattice system sensitively depends on the local U and nearest-neighbor V Coulomb interactions <cit.>, resulting in a rich phase diagram that comprises charge or spin bond order <cit.>, unconventional superconductivity <cit.>, ferromagnetism <cit.>, charge-density wave (CDW) <cit.> and spin-density wave (SDW) <cit.>. Recently, a new family of kagome metals (A = K, Rb, Cs) with an ideal two-dimensional kagome network of V has been discovered <cit.> and, moreover, multiple saddle points formed by V-3d orbitals have been identified near  <cit.>, setting the stage for the investigation of the theoretically predicted exotic quantum states at the van Hove filling. These kagome metals undergo a CDW transition at T_CDW = 78, 103, and 94 K, respectively, before entering a superconducting phase below T_c = 0.93, 0.92, and 2.5 K, respectively <cit.>. The suppression of the CDW order via pressure <cit.>, uniaxial strain <cit.>, or chemical doping <cit.> leads to an enhancement of superconductivity, suggesting a competition relation between the CDW and superconductivity. In addition, the CDW order in , which has been demonstrated to be three-dimensional in nature <cit.>, occurs in tandem with a giant anomalous Hall effect <cit.> and rotation symmetry breaking <cit.>. While theoretical calculations have proposed a chiral flux phase with broken time-reversal symmetry for the CDW order in  <cit.>, which may account for the anomalous Hall effect, experimental evidence for time-reversal symmetry breaking remains controversial <cit.>. Extensive studies suggest that the CDW in is an electronically driven charge order <cit.>, where the saddle point or Fermi surface (FS) nesting plays a key role <cit.>, but on the other hand, evidence for an electron-phonon coupling driven charge order has also been reported <cit.>. To date, the nature of the CDW in and how it is interwoven with superconductivity remain elusive. In general, an effective approach to studying the interplay between different orders is to chemically dope the material and then examine the doping evolution of the intertwined orders. Following this strategy, we investigate the transport and optical properties of the Nb-doped (Nb-CVS) with x = 0.03 (Nb0.03) and 0.07 (Nb0.07), and compare them with those of the undoped (CVS). The Nb substitution suppresses T_CDW and enhances T_c, consistent with the competition between the CDW and superconductivity. The Nb doping also leads to a drop of the residual resistivity ratio, pointing to a rise of the disorder level. The optical conductivity in the pristine phase can be well described by two Drude components (D1 and D2) for all compounds. However, the weight of D1 (D2) increases (decreases) with increasing x, which implies a change of the FS. The total weight of the Drude components is reduced as the Nb concentration grows, indicating an enhancement of electronic correlations. In the CDW state, while the CDW gap is clearly observed in the optical conductivity for all compounds, the gapped portion of the FS shrinks with increasing Nb content. Further analysis hints that the change of the FS, the enhancement of electronic correlations, the shrinkage of the gapped FS by the CDW order, and the increase of disorder may cooperatively act on the entanglement between the CDW and superconductivity in Nb-CVS. High-quality single crystals of (Nb-CVS) with x = 0.03 (Nb0.03) and 0.07 (Nb0.07) were synthesized using a self-flux method <cit.>. Figure <ref>(c) shows the T-dependent resistivity ρ(T)/ρ(300 K) of CVS (T_CDW = 92 K; T_c = 3.08 K), Nb0.03 (T_CDW = 77 K; T_c = 4.2 K) and Nb0.07 (T_CDW = 58 K; T_c = 4.4 K). The arrow indicates the CDW transition for each compound. The bottom inset displays ρ(T)/ρ(300 K) in the low-temperature region, highlighting the superconducting transition. It is noticeable that the isovalent Nb substitution leads to a suppression of the CDW order and an enhancement of superconductivity. The top inset of Fig. <ref>(c) shows that the residual resistivity ratio (RRR) decreases with increasing Nb content, indicating a rise in the disorder level. We measured the near-normal-incidence reflectivity R(ω) of Nb-CVS on a newly cleaved surface with the light polarized in the ab planes using a Bruker Vertex 80V Fourier transform spectrometer. In order to obtain the absolute R(ω), we adopted an in situ gold (or silver) evaporation technique <cit.>. Data in the frequency range of 50–12 000  were collected at numerous temperatures from 300 down to 5 K, followed by an extension of R(ω) to 50 000  at room temperature achieved through an AvaSpec-2048×14 optical fiber spectrometer. Figures <ref>(a) and <ref>(b) show R(ω) up to 4000  at several representative temperatures for Nb0.03 and Nb0.07, respectively. For both compounds, above T_CDW, such as T = 300 K (red solid curve), the low-frequency R(ω) is very high and exhibits a Hagen-Rubens [(1-R) ∝√(ω)] response, which is the characteristic of a metal; below T_CDW, for example T = 5 K (blue solid curve), a pronounced suppression in R(ω) occurs at about 1300 , signifying the opening of the CDW gap. The behavior of R(ω) in Nb-CVS closely resembles that in the undoped compounds <cit.>. Nevertheless, as shown in Fig. <ref>(d), a comparison of R(ω) at 5 K for CVS (purple solid curve), Nb0.03 (blue solid curve), and Nb0.07 (red solid curve) reveals that the CDW-induced suppression in R(ω) becomes weaker and shifts to lower frequency with increasing Nb content, hinting at a weaker FS modification and a smaller CDW gap in Nb-CVS. To gain more straightforward information, we obtained the real part of the optical conductivity σ_1(ω) through a Kramers-Kronig analysis of the measured R(ω) <cit.>. For both Nb0.03 and Nb0.07, as depicted in Figs. <ref>(a) and <ref>(b), respectively, the low-frequency σ_1(ω) at T > T_CDW, e.g. T = 300 K (red solid curve), is characterized by a conspicuous Drude response, consistent with the metallic nature of these materials. Below T_CDW, such as T = 5 K (blue solid curve), the opening of the CDW gap is evidenced by a dramatic suppression of σ_1(ω) below about 1200  alongside a recovery of the lost spectral weight [the area under the σ_1(ω) spectrum] at higher frequencies <cit.>. The CDW gap value Δ_CDW can be extracted from the difference optical conductivity, Δσ_1(ω) = σ^T < T_CDW_1(ω) - σ^P_1(ω), where σ^T < T_CDW_1(ω) and σ^P_1(ω) represent σ_1(ω) at temperatures below T_CDW and that in the pristine phase, respectively. Figure <ref>(c) displays Δσ_1(ω) at T = 5 K for CVS (purple solid curve), Nb0.03 (blue solid curve), and Nb0.07 (red solid curve), in which the zero-crossing point corresponds to 2Δ_CDW. It is obvious that Δ_CDW diminishes with increasing Nb content. Figure <ref>(d) plots the doping dependence of T_CDW (blue solid triangles) and Δ_CDW (red solid circles). While both are suppressed by the Nb substitution, the suppression of T_CDW is greater than that of Δ_CDW. This effect gives rise to an enhancement of 2Δ_CDW/k_BT_CDW with increasing Nb content, as traced out in Fig. <ref>(e). We next examine the effects of Nb doping on σ_1(ω). As shown in Fig. <ref>(a), while the low-frequency σ_1(ω) spectra for all three compounds are dominated by a Drude-like response, the weight of the Drude peak is suppressed with increasing Nb doping. In order to quantitatively investigate the doping dependence of the optical properties in Nb-CVS, we fit the measured σ_1(ω) to the Drude-Lorentz model σ_1(ω) = 2π/Z_0 [ ∑_kω^2_p,k/τ_k(ω^2+τ_k^-2) + ∑_jγ_jω^2ω_p,j^2/(ω_0,j^2 - ω^2)^2 + γ_j^2ω^2], where Z_0≃ 377 Ω is the vacuum impedance. The first term is a sum of Drude components, which describe the optical response of free carriers or intraband transitions. Each Drude term has a plasma frequency ω_p and a quasiparticle scattering rate 1/τ. Here, ω_p^2 and 1/τ correspond to the spectral weight and the width of the Drude profile, respectively. The second term is a sum of Lorentzian oscillators, which are used to model localized carriers or interband transitions; ω_0, γ, and ω_p refer to the resonance frequency, linewidth, and plasma frequency (strength), respectively. For all three compounds [Figs. <ref>(b)–<ref>(d)], the low-frequency σ_1(ω) at 300 K (orange solid curve) can be well described by the superposition (black dashed line) of a narrow Drude (D1, red shaded area) and a broad Drude (D2, blue hatched area) component. Recent optical studies on revealed a Drude component, a strong localization peak which has been assigned to a displaced Drude response, and multiple absorption bands arising from interband transitions in the far-infrared range <cit.>. In contrast, the optical spectra of our  <cit.> and Nb-CVS [Figs. <ref>(c) and <ref>(d)] samples only exhibit a plain Drude profile in the same spectral range. No localization peak or extra absorption bands are observed, suggesting that the Drude response is not displaced in our samples, and the low-energy interband transitions are much weaker. This discrepancy is likely to originate from the difference in between samples grown by different groups, because an upward shift of has been demonstrated to significantly enhance low-energy interband transitions <cit.>. We notice that in our samples <cit.> is much lower than that from the calculations in Refs. <cit.>, accounting for the absence of observable low-energy interband transitions in the optical spectra of our samples. Furthermore, we would like to stress that the two-Drude fit we employed here and in our previous work <cit.> does not conflict with the Drude plus displaced Drude model used in Refs. <cit.>, as both the Drude and displaced Drude components are associated with intraband transitions, compatible with the multiband nature of these compounds. In our previous work on CVS <cit.>, D1 with a smaller 1/τ has been assigned to the electron band near the Γ point and the Dirac bands near the K point; D2, which features a larger 1/τ, has been associated with the saddle-point bands near the M point, because saddle points in the proximity of act as scattering sinks that will give rise to strong quasiparticle scattering <cit.>. The fit returns ω_p of the two Drude components for all compounds. Figure <ref>(i) depicts the evolution of ω_p,D1^2 (red solid circles) and ω_p,D2^2 (blue solid squares) with Nb concentration. ω_p,D1^2 increases and ω_p,D2^2 decreases with Nb doping, indicating an expansion of the FS formed by the electron band near Γ or the Dirac bands near K and a shrinkage of the FS derived from the saddle-point bands near M. Recent first-principles calculations <cit.> and angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES) <cit.> studies on Nb-CVS have revealed that the Nb substitution pushes the electron band at Γ downward and simultaneously shifts the saddle-point bands near M upward, which leads to an expansion of the electron pocket at Γ and a shrinkage of the FS formed by the saddle-point bands near M, in agreement with our optical results. The total weight of the two Drude components ω_p,D1^2 + ω_p,D2^2 [purple solid diamonds in Fig. <ref>(i)] decreases with increasing x, which correctly describes the effect observed from Fig. <ref>(a). Such a decrease in the total weight of the Drude components cannot be explained by the crystallographic disorder introduced by Nb doping, because disorder is expected to affect the width of the Drude profile which corresponds to the quasiparticle scattering rate 1/τ, but has no influence on the weight of the Drude profile, i.e. the integral of the Drude peak in σ_1(ω). The Drude weight is proportional to n/m^∗, where n and m^∗ represent the carrier density and the effective mass, respectively. The decrease of the Drude weight may originate from a decrease of n, an increase of m^∗, or the combination of both effects. As the isovalent substitution of Nb for V is not expected to cause effective carrier doping, the decrease of ω_p,D1^2 + ω_p,D2^2 is likely to arise from an increase of m^∗, which suggests an enhancement of electronic correlations in Nb-CVS. Such a change of electronic correlations induced by isovalent substitution has been observed in the 122 family of Fe-based superconductors BaFe_2(As_1-xP_x)_2 <cit.>. In BaFe_2(As_1-xP_x)_2, since the ionic radius of P is smaller than that of As, the substitution of P for As introduces chemical pressure which reduces the Fe-As/P bond length, thus increasing the overlap between the Fe and As/P atoms. As a consequence, the width of Fe bands is enlarged and the electronic correlations are reduced, resulting in an increase of the Drude weight with increasing P concentration. Here in CVS, although the V-3d orbitals crossing are subject to strong electronic correlations <cit.>, the electronic correlations in this material have been found to be weak due to the hybridization between the V-3d and the Sb-p orbitals <cit.>. The substitution of Nb for V expands the lattice parameters <cit.>, because the ionic radius of Nb is larger than that of V. The expansion of the lattice parameters reduces the hybridization between the V-3d and Sb-p orbitals, which is most likely to be responsible for the enhancement of electronic correlations in Nb-CVS. Having examined the effect of Nb doping on σ_1(ω) in the pristine phase, we proceed to the analysis of σ_1(ω) in the CDW state. Figure <ref>(e) compares σ_1(ω) of CVS (purple solid curve), Nb0.03 (blue solid curve) and Nb0.07 (red solid curve) at 5 K. For all compounds, the low-frequency σ_1(ω) is suppressed due to the formation of the CDW gap. However, the suppression of the low-frequency σ_1(ω) becomes weaker and shifts to lower frequency upon Nb doping, indicating that the removed FS by the CDW gap shrinks and the value of Δ_CDW decreases. As shown in Figs. <ref>(f)–<ref>(h), the measured σ_1(ω) at 5 K (cyan solid curve) for all three materials can also be well described by the Drude-Lorentz model (black dashed curve). In addition to D1 (red shaded area) and D2 (blue hatched area) which have been used for the fit in the pristine phase, an extra Lorentz component L (green hatched area) is required to describe the gap feature in σ_1(ω). While D1 becomes very narrow in width, the spectral weight of D2 is dramatically suppressed due to the opening of the CDW gap, and the removed spectral weight from D2 is transferred to L <cit.>. Hence, the weight of L, i.e. ω_p,L^2, reflects the removed FS or density of states (DOS) near by the CDW gap. Figure <ref>(i) shows that ω_p,L^2 (green solid triangles) decreases with increasing Nb content, indicating that a smaller portion of the FS is removed by Δ_CDW in Nb-CVS. The present experimental results may shed light on the interplay between the CDW and superconductivity. The evolution of σ_1(ω) with doping in Nb-CVS has revealed that the isovalent Nb substitution induces a change of the FS or electronic structure, an enhancement of electronic correlations, and a shrinkage of the removed FS by Δ_CDW. Furthermore, the transport properties of Nb-CVS have proclaimed an increase of disorder caused by Nb substitution. All these effects may have a considerable impact on the CDW and superconductivity in this system. (i) Many studies have attested to the importance of the saddle point or FS nesting in stabilizing the CDW order in  <cit.>. The upward shift of the saddle-point bands near M induced by Nb doping moves the saddle point away from , degrading the nesting of the saddle points or FS, which may be responsible for the suppression of the CDW order. In addition, recent work on Sn- and Ti-doped CVS suggests that superconductivity in CVS relies on the electron pocket derived from the Sb-p_z orbitals near Γ <cit.>. Therefore, the expansion of the electron pocket near Γ may account for the enhancement of superconductivity in Nb-CVS. (ii) Previous theoretical calculations have documented that the ground state of a kagome system is sensitive to electronic correlations <cit.>. In transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), electronic correlations have been demonstrated to suppress the charge susceptibility or CDW order <cit.> but promote the spin susceptibility or spin fluctuations <cit.>, which are believed to mediate unconventional superconductivity <cit.>. In this sense, the enhancement of electronic correlations induced by Nb doping in Nb-CVS may also play an important role in suppressing the CDW order and elevating T_c. Moreover, the larger 2Δ_CDW/k_BT_CDW in Nb-CVS may also be related to the enhancement of electronic correlations. (iii) A theoretical model by Bilbro and McMillan <cit.> shows that CDW order and superconductivity compete to open an energy gap on the common portion of the FS, which may occur in the system <cit.>. In Nb-CVS, as a smaller portion of the FS is removed by Δ_CDW, more DOS near is available for superconducting pairing, leading to the enhancement of T_c. (iv) Previous studies on TMDs <cit.> and cuprates <cit.> have revealed that disorder suppresses T_CDW by reducing the CDW correlation length and raises T_c, serving as an important tuning parameter for the competition between CDW and superconductivity. Here in Nb-CVS, the partial replacement of V with Nb inevitably introduces disorder to the V kagome planes. The increase of disorder has been evidenced by the decrease of RRR with increasing Nb content, as shown in the top inset of Fig. <ref>(c). Hence, the disorder arising from Nb substitution may also act as a key factor in manipulating the interplay between the CDW and superconductivity in Nb-CVS. Taking all the above facts into account, we deduce that the change of FS, the enhancement of electronic correlations, the shrinkage of CDW-gapped FS, and the increase of disorder may cooperatively manipulate the CDW and superconductivity in the family. The question of which effect plays a dominant role calls for further studies. In summary, through examining the evolution of σ_1(ω) with Nb doping in Nb-CVS for both the pristine and the CDW phase, we found that: (i) The pristine-phase σ_1(ω) consists of two Drude components, denoted by D1 and D2, for all Nb-CVS and CVS compounds. D1 increases while D2 decreases in weight with Nb doping, suggesting a change of the FS. (ii) The total weight of the Drude components diminishes with increasing Nb content, which signifies an enhancement of electronic correlations. (iii) While the CDW gap is clearly resolved in σ_1(ω) for all compounds, the removed spectral weight by the CDW gap becomes smaller as the Nb content grows, indicating that a smaller portion of the FS is gapped. Considering these observations and the fact that Nb doping introduces disorder in the V kagome planes as evidenced by the decrease of RRR with x, a comprehensive analysis hints that the change of the FS, the enhancement of electronic correlations, the shrinkage of the CDW-gapped FS, and the increase of disorder may all play a role in manipulating the CDW order and superconductivity in Nb-CVS. Further studies are required to distinguish the dominant factor. We thank Xinwei Fan, Huan Yang and Shunli Yu for helpful discussions. We acknowledge financial support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants No. 12174180, 11874206, 12061131001, 92065109, 11734003 and 11904294), the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2020YFA0308800), Jiangsu shuangchuang program, the Beijing Natural Science Foundation (Grants No. Z210006, Z190006). Z.W. thanks the Analysis & Testing Center at BIT for assistance in facility support. 81 natexlab#1#1bibnamefont#1#1bibfnamefont#1#1citenamefont#1#1url<#>1urlprefixURL [Ko et al.(2009)Ko, Lee, and Wen]Ko2009PRB authorW.-H. Ko, authorP. A. Lee, and authorX.-G. Wen, journalPhys. Rev. B volume79, pages214502 (year2009). [Guo and Franz(2009)]Guo2009PRB authorH.-M. Guo and authorM. Franz, journalPhys. Rev. B volume80, pages113102 (year2009). [Yu and Li(2012)]Yu2012PRB authorS.-L. Yu and authorJ.-X. Li, journalPhys. Rev. B volume85, pages144402 (year2012). [Kiesel and Thomale(2012)]Kiesel2012PRB authorM. L. Kiesel and authorR. Thomale, journalPhys. Rev. 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Probing generalized neutrino interactions with DUNE Near Detector
[ "Pantelis Melas", "Dimitrios K. Papoulias", "Niki Saoulidou" ]
[ "hep-ph" ]
=1 justification = raggedright, singlelinecheck = false @subsection 0.3ex>-0.75em-1.1ex∼ 0.3ex<-0.75em-1.1ex∼ #1 #1 SU(2)_L ⊗ SU(2)_R ⊗ U(1)_B-L neutrinoless double beta decay 𝒞𝒫𝒞𝒫𝒯𝒫𝒯𝒞2𝒵_2Łℒet al.h.c.#1⟨ #1⟩#1 to #1 pt lepton flavour violation lepton number violation CEνNS EνES lepton flavour violation lepton number violating SU(3)_c ⊗ SU(2)_L ⊗ U(1)_YSU(3)_c ⊗ SU(3)_L ⊗ U(1)_XSU(3)_c ⊗ SU(3)_L ⊗ U(1)_X ⊗ U(1)_N 21SU(3) ⊗ SU(2) ⊗ U(1) #1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1 unsrtpmelas@fnal.govdkpapoulias@phys.uoa.grNiki.Saoulidou@cern.ch We explore the prospects of constraining general non standard interactions involving light mediators through elastic neutrino-electron scattering events at the DUNE Near Detector (ND). We furthermore consider the special cases of light vector mediators in motivated models such as U(1)_B-L, U(1)_L_μ - L_τ, E_6 and left-right symmetry. The present analysis is based on detailed Monte Carlo simulations of the expected DUNE-ND signal taking into account detector resolution effects, realistic backgrounds as well as On-Axis and Off-Axis neutrino spectra. We show that the high intensity neutrino beam available at Fermilab can place competitive constraints surpassing those of low-energy neutrino searches and direct detection dark matter experiments. Probing generalized neutrino interactions with DUNE Near Detector N. Saoulidou ================================================================= § INTRODUCTION Neutrinos are currently the least understood among all particles in the Standard Model (SM). Contrary to the SM predictions, they are massive and mix with each other as suggested by the discovery of neutrino oscillations in propagation <cit.>. Unambiguously, this phenomenon stands out as the clearest evidence of neutrino physics beyond the SM, prompting intense efforts to underpin the ultimate origin of neutrino mass generation <cit.>. On the theoretical side, massive neutrinos are predicted in a wide class of theoretical models beyond the SM, ranging from simple scalar or fermionic extensions to extended gauge symmetries and Grand Unified Theories (GUT), see e.g. Ref. <cit.>. Another common feature in such models is the existence of new intermediate gauge bosons that lead to modifications of the electroweak gauge structure <cit.>. Heavy vector bosons <cit.> have been extensively searched for in the light of LHC data <cit.>. They often lead to charged lepton flavor violating processes <cit.> as well as they induce novel neutrino interactions <cit.>. New physics interactions involving massive neutrinos and new mediators may lead to significant alterations in astrophysical phenomena such as the evolution and cooling mechanism of massive stars <cit.> as well as in a modification of the recorded signal at highly sensitive terrestrial experiments <cit.>. Here we focus on the latter case. In particular we are interested to explore the attainable sensitivities of the Deep Underground Neutrino Detector (DUNE) <cit.> on various new physics scenarios using elastic neutrino electron scattering (EνES) events expected to be measured at the Near Detector (ND) facility. The Liquid Argon detector i.e. the main component of the 75 ton DUNE-ND will be exposed to the world's most intense beam of high-energy ν_e, ν̅_e, ν_μ, ν̅_μ produced by the Long Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) <cit.> at Fermilab. It has been recently pointed out that measurements will be a valuable tool for the determination of the neutrino flux at the GeV scale <cit.>. For the DUNE setup in particular, through measurements the flux normalization uncertainty can be reduced down to 2%, while the flux shape uncertainty can be reduced significantly <cit.>. Moreover, the anticipated large exposure combined with the significantly improved background rejection capabilities, makes the ND complex to be a favorable facility for probing several physics opportunities <cit.>. This unique experimental setup has motivated a plethora of studies which considered various attractive physics scenarios within and beyond the SM. For instance, Ref. <cit.> explored the possibility to determine the weak mixing angle away from the Z^0-pole and found that a 2% precision is possible. Massive neutrinos imply that non-trivial electromagnetic neutrino interactions are possible and various such aspects were examined in Refs. <cit.>. Moreover, the existence of novel vector-type bosons was analyzed in a series of recent works in the framework of different promising scenarios in which the new particles are contributing to <cit.> or produced via meson decays before in turn they decay to SM particles, see e.g. Refs. <cit.>. Finally, interesting scenarios leading to sub-GeV dark matter production via dark photon decays were explored in Refs. <cit.>, while a proposal for axion-like particles searches at the DUNE-ND was given in Ref. <cit.>. In this work, we first focus on the most general exotic neutrino interactions contributing to EνES and examine their impact in the detectable signal at the DUNE-ND. In particular, we analyze the new physics effects that may occur in the presence of novel mediators predicted in the framework of neutrino generalized interactions (NGI) <cit.>. Thus, all possible Lorentz invariant interactions are taken into account in a model independent way <cit.>. Contrary to Ref. <cit.> which focused on NGIs with heavy mediators, here we consider light mediators which allows us to explore the explicit dependence of the mediator mass for the given NGI in question. Let us also note that while numerous studies analyzed light mediators of vector-type previously (see e.g. Refs. <cit.>), in this work the axial-vector, scalar, pseudoscalar and tensor NGI contributions are examined for the first time. We then proceed our analysis by considering motivated scenarios leading to vector-type NGIs such as the U(1)_B-L and U(1)_L_μ - L_τ gauge symmetries, as recently done in Ref. <cit.>. Going one step further, the left-right (LR) symmetric model <cit.> as well as the different realizations of the string-inspired E_6 symmetry <cit.> are taken into consideration for the first time in the present work. For all the aforementioned cases we obtain the projected sensitivities of the DUNE-ND by paying special attention in performing realistic simulations of the detected signal taking into account systematic effects as well as realistic backgrounds. We furthermore compare our extracted sensitivities with existing ones stemming from available experimental data from EνES (TEXONO <cit.>) and coherent elastic neutrino nucleus scattering–often called CEνNS–(COHERENT <cit.> and Dresden-II <cit.>) measurements as well as from solar neutrino experiments (Borexino <cit.>), direct dark matter detection experiments (XENONnT <cit.> and LZ <cit.>) and high-energy colliders. The remainder of the paper has been organized as follows. First, in Sec. <ref> we describe the new physics scenarios considered in the present work and define the respective cross sections within and beyond the SM. Then, in Sec. <ref> we describe our main procedure for simulating the EνES-induced signal at the DUNE-ND as well as our strategy for the extraction of sensitivities. Whenever necessary we also discuss the additional experiments taken into account. Next, in Sec. <ref> we discuss the results obtained in the present study, while in Sec. <ref> we summarize our main conclusions. Additional details are given in the Appendix. § THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK We now proceed by introducing the various interactions channels explored in the present work, for which the corresponding cross sections are given and the relevant model parameters are defined. After a brief description of the well-known SM case our discussion will be mainly focused on the new physics contributions to predicted in the framework of NGIs with light mediators. We then turn our attention to the implications of the heavy vector mediators predicted in the framework of unification models such as the E_6 and left-right symmetry. §.§ EνES through SM interaction Channel Within the context of the SM, EνES is a well-understood weak interaction process with a tree-level differential cross section given by <cit.> [dσ_ν_α/d T_e]_SM = G_F^2m_e/2π[(g_V + g_A)^2 +(g_V - g_A)^2(1-T_e/E_ν)^2 -(g_V^2-g_A^2)m_e T_e/E_ν^2] , where G_F is the Fermi constant, E_ν is the incoming neutrino energy, while m_e and T_e denote the electron mass and recoil energy, respectively. Here, g_V and g_A denote the flavor-dependent vector and axial-vector couplings g_V=-1/2+2sin^2θ_W + δ_α e, g_A=-1/2+ δ_α e , with θ_W being the weak mixing angle for which we adopt the PDG value sin^2 θ_W =0.23857 as obtained in the MS renormalization scheme <cit.>. It is important to note that ν_e–e^- interactions receive contributions from both neutral-current and charged-current interactions, while ν_μ, τ–e^- interact via the neutral-current only. The Kronecker delta δ_ae in the definition of g_V accounts for this fact. For the case of antineutrino scattering, the corresponding cross section is given by Eq.(<ref>) with the substitution g_A → - g_A. Finally let us stress that for the few GeV neutrino energy accessible at DUNE, radiative corrections <cit.> amount to only few per mille corrections and hence they can be safely ignored, thus leaving the weak mixing angle as the only source of theoretical uncertainty. §.§ EνES through light novel mediators Neutrino nonstandard interactions (NSI) has become the subject of extensive research using both low- <cit.> and high-energy <cit.> neutrino scattering as well as oscillation <cit.> data (for motivations, UV complete models and several applications of NSI see e.g. <cit.>). While NSIs usually assume the existence of a new vector (or axial-vector) type mediator, the NGI framework considered in the present work accommodates a wider class of interactions below the electroweak symmetry breaking scale that arise from the Lagrangian <cit.> ℒ_NGI=G_F/√(2)∑_X=S, P, V, A, T α=e,μ,τC_α,α^f,P[ν̅_αΓ^X L ν_α][f̅Γ_X P f] . In the above Lagrangian, Γ_X= {1, iγ_5, γ_μ, γ_μγ_5, σ_μν} (with σ_μν=i/2[γ_μ,γ_ν]) which enables a phenomenological study of all possible Lorentz-invariant structures corresponding to X= {S, P, V, A, T} interactions in a model-independent way. NGIs lead to corrections in both (for f= {u,d}) <cit.> and (for f=e) <cit.> cross sections. Here we focus on the latter. The dimensionless coefficients quantify the strength of the interaction X with respect to the Fermi constant through the relation C_α,α^f,P=(√(2)/G_F) (g_X^2/(q^2+m_X^2)), while m_X and g_X denote the mass and coupling of the respective mediator. Since through or measurements only products of couplings g_ν X g_f X can be probed, for later convenience in our DUNE-based analysis we take the coupling to be g_X = √(g_ν X g_e X). For sufficiently light vector and axial-vector mediators, the corresponding differential cross sections are taken from the SM one given in Eq.(<ref>) and the replacement <cit.> g'_V/A=g_V/A+g_ν V/A· g_e V/A/2√(2)G_F(2m_e T_e + m_V/A^2) . At this point, it should be stressed that the aforementioned general vector NGIs are not particularly interesting since they do not follow from anomaly-cancellation. We are thus motivated to emphasize their connection to well-known anomaly-free models such as those arising in the framework of extra U(1)_B-L or U(1)_L_μ - L_τ gauge symmetries. Interestingly in the former case, the differential cross section is identical to the general vector NGI one described above, see e.g. the discussion of Refs. <cit.>. In the latter case instead, contributions arise from the kinetic mixing induced at the one loop-level as described in Ref. <cit.>. Then, the corresponding vector coupling can be expressed in the form <cit.> g'_V= g_V ±α_em/3 √(2)π G_Flog(m^2_τ/m_μ^2)g_ν V· g_e V/(2m_e T_e + m_V^2) , where the plus (minus) sign accounts for ν_τ(ν_μ) scattering off electrons, while for ν_e only SM interactions are allowed. Finally, the scalar, pseudoscalar and tensor cross sections can be cast in the form  <cit.> [dσ_ν_α/dT_e]_S =[g^2_ν S· g^2_eS/4π(2m_e T_e + m_S^2)^2]m_e^2 T_e/E_ν^2 , [dσ_ν_α/d T_e]_P = [ g^2_ν P· g^2_eP/8π(2m_e T_e + m_P^2)^2]m_e T_e^2/E_ν^2 , [dσ_ν_α/d T_e]_T =m_e· g^2_ν T· g^2_eT/2π(2m_e T_e + m_T^2)^2·[1+2(1-T_e/E_ν)+(1-T_e/E_ν)^2-m_e T_e/E_ν^2] . We should finally stress that, unlike the X=V,A cases, for X=S,P,T there is absence of interference with the SM cross section. §.§ Left-Right Symmetry A heavy neutral vector boson, Z^', occurs in models based in the SU(2))_L⊗ SU(2)_R⊗ U(1)_B-L gauge group <cit.>[ A charged gauge boson arises as well, however it is not relevant for the neutral-current interactions we are interested in the present work.]. As explained in Ref. <cit.> LR symmetric models are particularly appealing because of their ability to incorporate parity violation alongside gauge symmetry breaking, rather than requiring manual intervention as in the SM. Within the context of LR symmetry the corresponding differential cross sections are obtained from Eq.(<ref>) through the substitutions g_L → f_L^LR and g_R → f_R^LR <cit.> f_L^L R= 𝒜 g_L + ℬ g_R , f_R^L R= 𝒜 g_R + ℬ g_L , and the definitions 𝒜 = 1+sin^4 θ_W/1-2 sin^2 θ_Wγ , ℬ =sin^2 θ_W (1-sin^2 θ_W)/1-2 sin^2 θ_Wγ , where γ=(M_Z^0 / M_Z^')^2 (Z^0 is the SM vector boson). Note, that the left- and right-handed SM couplings g_L and g_R are related to the vector and axial-vector couplings defined in Eq.(<ref>) according to g_L = g_V+g_A/2 , g_R = g_V-g_A/2. §.§ E_6 models Turning our attention to GUTs, we are intended to explore potential signatures–detectable at the DUNE-ND via measurements–that could arise from the new interactions predicted in the presence of the primordial E_6 gauge symmetry. Being a rank-6 group, E_6 yields two novel neutral gauge bosons associated to the two new hypercharges, namely χ and ψ, which follow from the respective extra U(1) symmetries present in E_6/SO(10) and in SO(10)/SU(5), see e.g. Ref. <cit.>. The corresponding quantum numbers for Y_χ and Y_ψ are listed in Table <ref>. As explained in Ref. <cit.>, in the low-energy regime E_6 yields a single U(1) symmetry that is written as a combination of U(1)_χ and U(1)_ψ symmetries. Then, a one-parameter family of models is defined with hypercharge Y_β =Y_χcosβ +Y_ψsinβ , where Q=T^3+ Y represents the charge operator. The modifications to the SM couplings that follow from the low-energy effective Lagrangian have been previously written as <cit.> f_L = g_L+ ε_L , f_R = g_R+ ε_R , where the new E_6-induced contributions take the form ε_L= 2 γsin ^2θ_W(3 c_β/2 √(6)+s_β/3√(5/8))^2 , ε_R= 2 γsin ^2θ_W(c_β/2 √(6)-s_β/3√(5/8))(3 c_β/2√(6)+s_β/3√(5/8)) , while γ is defined as previously and the abbreviations c_β=cosβ, s_β=sinβ have been used. While any value of cosβ is allowed, here we will focus on the three most notable E_6 models i.e., the (χ, ψ, η ) model with cosβ=(1, 0, √(3/8)) <cit.>. Notice that for cosβ = - √(5/32) a full cancellation occurs and is not sensitive to E_6 models for this particular case. § STATISTICAL ANALYSIS §.§ Simulation of signal at the DUNE-ND Neglecting acceptance and resolution effects (see the discussion below) the expected event rates with respect to the electron recoil energy at DUNE-ND can be evaluated from the expression [dN/d T_e ]_λ =t_run N_e N_POT∑_α∫_E_ν^min^E_ν^maxdE_νdΦ_ν_α(E_ν)/dE_ν[dσ_ν_α/d T_e ]_λ , where t_run and N_e stand for the total running period of the experiment and the number of electron targets at the 75 ton ^40Ar DUNE-ND, while dΦ_ν_α(E_ν)/dE_ν is the corresponding incoming neutrino flux for the different flavors ν_α taken from <cit.>. Here N_POT=1.1 × 20^21 denotes the number of protons on target (POT) per year assuming a 120 GeV proton beam <cit.>. The lower integration limit is trivially obtained from the kinematics of the process and reads E_ν^min = ( T_e + √(T_e^2 + 2 m_e T_e))/2, while the upper limit corresponds to the endpoint of the incoming neutrino energy distribution. Finally, λ accounts for SM interactions as well as the various new physics interactions predicted within the context of NGI, or E_6 and LR symmetries. Following Ref. <cit.>, we consider a recoil energy threshold T_e^th=50 MeV and restrict our analysis in the range T_e^th≤ T_e ≤ T_e^max with T_e^max=20 GeV. For the various On-Axis and Off-Axis locations, example spectra as a function of the total electron energy E_e = T_e + m_e are shown in Figs. <ref> and <ref> which correspond to the neutrino and antineutrino modes, respectively. For the sake of comparison between the different NGIs X={S,P,V,A,T}, the differential event rates are presented as normalized distributions in order to make evident the various spectral shapes. Moreover, the upper (lower) panels are plotted assuming a small (large) mediator mass of m_X=10 MeV (m_X=1 GeV) from where a significant dependence on the mediator mass is found. As recently pointed out in Ref. <cit.>, the main backgrounds coming from charged-current quasielastic (CCQE) neutrino scattering on LArTPC and π^0 missidentification can be vetoed by a cut on E_e θ_e^2 <cit.>, where θ_e denotes the scattering angle. Therefore, in what follows we choose to express the signal in terms of the quantity E_e θ_e^2. From the kinematics of the process one has 1 - cosθ_e = m_e 1-y/E_e, where y= T_e/E_ν denotes the inelasticity which takes values in the range T_e^th/E_ν≤ y ≤ 1. Since is forward peaked, the electron recoil energy can be expressed in terms of E_e θ_e^2 as T_e = E_ν(1 - E_e θ_e^2/2 m_e) with E_e θ_e^2 < 2 m_e being an upper limit imposed by the kinematics of the process. Therefore, for the DUNE-ND it is more convenient to evaluate the expected neutrino signal in E_e θ_e^2 space through the expression [dN/d E_e θ_e^2]_λ =t_run N_e N_POT∑_α∫_E_ν^min^E_ν^maxdE_νdΦ_ν_α(E_ν)/dE_ν[dσ_ν_α/d E_e θ_e^2 ]_λ , where dσ_ν_α/d E_e θ_e^2 = E_ν/2 m_edσ_ν_α/d T_e |_T_e = E_ν(1 - E_e θ_e^2/2 m_e) . We have verified that the effect of energy resolution σ_E_e/E_e = 10% / √(E_e/GeV) considered in Refs. <cit.> is negligible, in agreement with Ref. <cit.>, thus in our analysis only the effect of angular resolution will be considered. On the other hand, regarding the scattering angle taking a usual Gaussian function can overestimate the smearing of the angular resolution, since the azimuthal angle is important when applying the smearing. For this reason, the finite angular resolution of DUNE-ND is taken into account by following closely the procedure of Ref. <cit.>. Taking the neutrino beam to be in the ẑ direction and letting the true scattering angle to be θ_e^t, the true electron momentum vector is simply written as p̂^t_e=(sinθ_e^t  x̂,0,cosθ_e^t ẑ). The latter is related to the reconstructed momentum vector through the relation <cit.> p̂_e^reco=R_ŷ(θ_t)R_ẑ(ϕ_2)R_ŷ(θ_1)R_ŷ(-θ_e^t)p̂^t_e , where R_î(α) denotes the rotation matrix about the axis î through the angle α, while the reconstructed angle θ_e^reco is given by θ_e^reco=cos^-1(ẑ·p̂_e^reco). The rotations are performed in order to have control on the smearing. In particular, R_ŷ(-θ_e^t) rotates the electron momentum in the z-axis. The next two rotations are performed to apply the smearing, first around the y-axis to modify the polar angle, and the second around the z-axis to modify the azimuth. The final rotation is performed to undo the first rotation. We calculate the reconstructed event spectrum based on the following procedure. First, we choose randomly the electron recoil T_e and initial neutrino E_ν energies in a given bin of (E_ν, T_e) from which we determine the values of the electron energy E_e and the true polar angle theta θ_e^t. Then, we calculate the true (E_e θ_e^2)^t event spectrum that corresponds to the given (E_ν, T_e) bin using Monte Carlo integration. For each bin, we furthermore evaluate the reconstructed electron momentum by performing the rotations given in Eq.(<ref>) as follows: for each θ_e^t, we choose a new angle θ_1 from a Gaussian distribution with σ_θ being the angular resolution, while a new angle ϕ_2 is randomly chosen from a uniform distribution within [0, 2π]. Then, we obtain the reconstructed angle θ_e^reco from which we construct the (E_e θ_e^2)^reco event spectrum in the given (E_ν, T_e) bin. We finally repeat the procedure for the other bins and sum up the individual event spectra. Assuming purely SM interactions, the expected event spectra at DUNE-ND corresponding to the different On-Axis and Off-Axis locations are depicted as a function of the true (E_e θ_e^2)^t (blue) and reconstructed (E_e θ_e^2)^reco (red) in Fig. <ref>. The calculation assumes 1 yr in neutrino mode (solid lines) and 1 yr in antineutrino mode (dashed lines), while for each mode the detector is assumed to be located half time On-Axis with the rest time shared between the various Off-Axis locations. As can be seen from the plot, the effect of angular smearing is rather significant allowing the calculated event spectra to extend far beyond the physical cutoff E_e θ_e^2 < 2 m_e, as expected when resolution effects are ignored.[We have verified that our calculated event spectra are in excellent agreement with Ref. <cit.>.] From the calculated spectra, it can be deduced that the expected signal will be dominated by the On-Axis induced-events which amounts to 82% (81%) of the total signal for the case of neutrino (antineutrino) mode. Unless otherwise mentioned, in the remainder of the paper the present calculations will always assume reconstruction only for the case of the scattering angle, while the superscript “reco" is dropped for convenience. For completeness, we also show the expected event rates projected in the reconstructed scattering angle and reconstructed electron energy space in the left and right panel of Fig. <ref>, respectively. We find that most of the electrons will scatter within a forward cone with angle 10–20 mrad with respect to the incident neutrino beam, while their angular distribution will not extend beyond 150 mrad. Regarding the electron energy distribution, most of the scattered electron population will have E_e ≤ 5 GeV, while for energy E_e ≥ 10 GeV the expected signal is practically zero. A comparison of the E_e θ_e^2, θ_e and E_e distributions between the different locations is given in the Appendix <ref>. Turning to beyond the SM scenarios, in Fig. <ref> we illustrate the expected NGI event spectra, calculated for the benchmark parameters g_X=5.7· 10^-5 and m_X=10 MeV. The pure SM spectra are superimposed for comparison. It is also interesting to notice the effect of destructive interference for the case of the axial interaction. If present, NGIs may induce spectral features which makes them particularly interesting. For instance, the shapes of the scalar and pseudoscalar spectra are characteristically different compared to those of the rest interactions, as shown in the left and right panels of Fig. <ref> assuming g_X=4.5· 10^-4 and m_X=150 keV. Interestingly–and unlike the previous case–for the latter benchmark point a constructive interference is found for both vector and axial vector cases. §.§ Sensitivity analysis at DUNE-ND Having developed the necessary machinery for accurately simulating the expected event spectra we proceed by performing a sensitivity analysis of the physics scenarios in question with the goal to explore the attainable sensitivities at DUNE-ND. To this purpose, we rely on the following χ^2 function fitting simultaneously On-Axis and Off-Axis spectra and using shape and normalization information χ^2 = 2 ∑_k = ν/ν̅ ∑_j= loc ∑_i=1^20[N^ijk_exp - N^ijk_obs + N^ijk_obs logN^ijk_obs/N^ijk_exp] + ( α_1/σ_α_1)^2 + ( α_2/σ_α_2)^2 , where the index i runs over the reconstructed E_e θ_e^2 bins for which we consider 20 evenly spaced values in the range [0, 10 m_e], while j runs over the different On-Axis and Off-Axis locations of the ND i.e. {0,6,12,18,24,30} m, and finally k accounts for neutrino and antineutrino mode. Here, the expected number of events are taken to be N_exp = N_SM· (1+ α_1) + N_bkg· (1+α_2) with the background events being the sum of CCQE and missidentified π^0 events as N_bkg = N_π^0^missID + N_CCQE. For the observed events we consider the sum of SM and new physics events namely N_new that we add to the background events. Note, that N_new=N_SM + N_X(g_X, m_X) for X=S,P,T since there is no interference between the interaction X and the SM, while for X=V,A, due to interference with the SM one has N_new=N_X(g_X, m_X), i.e the SM contribution is included in N_X. Similarly, for the case of E_6 one has N_new=N_E_6(m_Z^', cosβ) while for left-right symmetry N_new=N_LR(m_Z^'). We furthermore consider two nuisance parameters α_1 and α_2 with σ_α_1=5% and σ_α_2= 10% to account for the normalization uncertainties of the DUNE neutrino flux and background, respectively. At this point we wish to devote a separate paragraph in order to discuss our current assumptions regarding the background event rates. Since we have not available background events corresponding to the various Off-Axis locations we simply rescale the On-Axis background rates by the exposure time, achieving a conservative estimate. While this approximation neglects the shape of the background events corresponding to Off-Axis locations, we however expect this to have a rather negligible impact on our sensitivities for the following reasons. First because our sensitivities are dominated by the On-Axis events, and second because we expect that shape uncertainties are indirectly accounted for in the rather large background normalization uncertainty. §.§ Other experiments §.§.§ COHERENT The COHERENT collaboration has measured events on a 14.57 kg CsI <cit.> detector and on a 24 kg liquid argon (LAr) <cit.> detector, both located at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS). At the SNS muon neutrinos are produced from pion decay at rest (π-DAR) π^+ →μ^+ + ν_μ which are prompt with the beam, while delayed ν_e and ν̅_μ are generated from the subsequent muon decay μ^+ → e^+ + ν_e + ν̅_μ. We employ the Michel spectrum which adequately describes the neutrino distributions <cit.>. We simulate the event spectra for the CsI[For CsI, we consider the full data reported in 2021 <cit.>.] and LAr COHERENT detectors taking into account the detector specifications, systematic uncertainties and backgrounds[Namely, steady state backgrounds and beam related neutrons.] and we express our reconstructed signal using the time and energy binning reported by the corresponding data release (see Refs. <cit.>). In particular, for the CsI measurement we consider 11 time bins in the range [0,6] μ s and 9 energy bins expressed in photoelectrons (PE) in the range [0,60] PE. Similarly for the case of LAr we consider 10 time bins in the range [0,5] μ s and 12 energy bins expressed in units of electron equivalent energy in the range [0,120] keV_ee. An as realistic as possible sensitivity analysis is performed following the analysis strategy of Ref. <cit.>. Let us finally note that even though our results regarding COHERENT are mainly driven by the CsI data, we nonetheless perform a combined analysis of CsI+LAr data. §.§.§ Dresden-II For the first time, a suggestive evidence of was recently announced by the Dresden-II Collaboration using reactor antineutrinos  <cit.>. The experiment used a 3 kg germanium detector exposed to reactor antineutrinos emitted from the Dresden-II boiling water reactor, and collected data for an ON/OFF period corresponding to 96.4/25 days. Due to its close proximity to the reactor core the experiment is dominated by epithermal neutron backgrounds and electron capture peaks in ^71Ge. During the beam ON period a very strong preference over the background-only hypothesis was found in the data that is consistent with a CEνNS-induced signal in the low-energy measured spectrum, while the data collected during the beam OFF period are consistent with the null hypothesis. We consider the antineutrino spectrum from Ref. <cit.> taking into account all the relevant fissible isotopes, i.e., ^235U, ^238U, ^239Pu, ^242Pu and ^238U(n, γ) as well as the natural abundances of Ge, as done in Ref. <cit.>. To simulate the background, we reproduce the background model parametrized in terms of seven free parameters as detailed in the supplemental material of Ref. <cit.>. Our simulated signal is then expressed in terms or reconstructed electron equivalent energy using 130 bins evenly distributed over the range [0.2,1.5] keV_ee. Finally, our statistical analysis proceeds through a simultaneous fit of background model parameters and new physics model parameters following Ref. <cit.>. §.§.§ TEXONO In the present work we also consider existing data of measured events reported by the TEXONO collaboration <cit.>. The experiment observed exploiting reactor antineutrinos emerged from the Kuo-Sheng Nuclear reactor using a 187 kg CsI(Tl) detector. Unlike the Dresden-II case, for the case od TEXONO we adop the reactor antineutrino energy distribution from <cit.> for E_ν> 2 MeV, while for E_ν < 2 MeV we consider the theoretical estimations from Ref. <cit.> and we finally assume an overall normalization of 6.4 × 10^12 cm^-2 s^-1. Our simulated signal is expressed in units of events/(kg· day · MeV) for which we consider 10 bins in the range [3,8] MeV following Ref. <cit.>, while our statistical analysis is based on the assumptions of Ref. <cit.>. § RESULTS AND DISCUSSION We now turn to our statistical analysis, by first focusing on the NGI sensitivities. Figure <ref> illustrates the excluded regions at 90% C.L. after 7 yrs of neutrino data collection at DUNE-ND, for the various interactions X. We have verified that the sensitivity remains essentially unchanged when a total running time of 5 yr (neutrino mode) + 5 yr (antineutrino mode) is assumed. To highlight the impact of angular resolution, the results are demonstrated for the case of ideal resolution (dashed lines) as well as for σ_θ = 1^o (solid lines), from where a slight reduction of the sensitivity reach becomes evident. The depicted contours allow for a relative comparison of the expected sensitivity on the various NGIs from where it can be deduced that the least (most) constrained is the scalar (tensor) case. This is due to the fact that the scalar cross section is suppressed by a factor m_e T_e/E_ν^2 compared to the leading terms of either vector, axial vector or tensor cross sections. Similarly, the pseudoscalar interaction is suppressed by a factor T_e^2/E_ν^2 compared to the latter ones (the scalar is suppressed by a factor 2 m_e/T_e compared to the pseudoscalar case). Before we proceed–and in connection to the background-related discussion made above–let us stress that we have furthermore checked that increasing the background by a factor two has no visible impact on the results. It is interesting to compare the attainable DUNE-ND sensitivities obtained in this work with existing constraints coming from further experimental probes. As pointed out in Ref. <cit.> for the case of the general vector case discussed up to now is identical to the anomaly-free vector B-L scenario, thus in order to compare our present results we choose the latter. Then, in Fig. <ref> we show the limits for the case of vector B-L (top-left), U(1)_L_μ - L_τ (top-right) gauge symmetric models and scalar (bottom) mediators by superimposing existing limits from various experimental probes. Specifically, we compare the DUNE-ND with low-energy neutrino experiments such as those looking for like COHERENT <cit.> and solar neutrinos e.g. Borexino <cit.>. The COHERENT (combined CsI+LAr data) sensitivities for the vector B-L and scalar cases are taken from the analysis of Ref. <cit.> [Let us note that Ref. <cit.> obtained constraints for the general vector case, which here is recasted to the B-L case as follows: for m_V > 300 keV which corresponds to the CEνNS-induced region, the B-L COHERENT limit is roughly obtained from the general vector case reported in <cit.> through the shift g_B-L≈ 3 g_V, while for m_V < 300 keV corresponding to the low-energy EνES-induced region it holds g_B-L = g_V. Finally the narrow region corresponding to destructive interference (see the left panels of Figs.8 and 10 in Ref. <cit.>) is irrelevant for B-L considered here.], while for the L_μ - L_τ scenario the sensitivities are extracted in the present work following the analysis of the latter study. Similarly, the XENONnT and LZ constraints for the vector and scalar cases are adapted from Ref. <cit.>, while the L_μ - L_τ constraints are obtained for the first time in this work.[Projected sensitivities from futuristic measurements at direct dark matter detection experiments are reported in Ref. <cit.>.] Turning to solar neutrino analyses, for the vector B-L case the constraints are taken from Ref. <cit.> which performed a spectral analysis of Borexino Phase-II data, while the L_μ - L_τ limits are taken from the analysis of Ref. <cit.>. We furthermore show the corresponding limits obtained from high energy collider data, recasted to the vector B-L case using the https://gitlab.com/philten/darkcastDarkcast software package. Specifically, we illustrate limits from electron beam-dump experiments <cit.> as well as limits from ATLAS <cit.> extracted from dielectron resonance measurements. Also shown are existing B-L limits from BaBar <cit.>, CMS <cit.> and LHCb <cit.> Dark Photon analyses. Regarding L_μ - L_τ, we include limits from BaBar <cit.>, CMS <cit.>, and ATLAS <cit.> obtained from 4 μ searches and LHCb <cit.>.[These limits are obtained from A^'→μ^+ μ^- and recasted to the L_μ - L_τ scenario.] Finally the limits on (g-2)_μ are obtained based on the Appendix B of Ref. <cit.>. As a general remark, it should be stressed that in all cases, DUNE-ND is expected to place competitive constraints to those derived from low-energy solar, dark matter direct detection and experiments and complementary to high energy colliders. A few comments are in order. The NGI cross section is enhanced significantly for low T_e, thus making the dark matter direct detection experiments favorable locations to probe the parameter space with very low masses m_X. Indeed, as can be seen from the plots, LZ and XENONnT dominate the limits for low mediator masses because of their very low-energy threshold detection capabilities. On the other hand, COHERENT dominates the limits in the parameter space for m_X >10 MeV. However, it is important to clarify that CEνNS-based limits such as those coming from COHERENT are extracted from nuclear recoil measurements, and therefore they apply only under the assumption of universal couplings between the mediators X=S,P,V,A,T and electrons g_e X or quarks g_q X. Thus, in the general case the DUNE-ND by exploiting the highly intense LBNF beam–which peaks in the ballpark of few GeV neutrino energy–has the prospect to place the most stringent limits for m_X > 100 MeV up to few GeV. It is also interesting to notice that for the special case of L_μ - L_τ symmetric model, DUNE-ND is expected to rule out the COHERENT limits with significant complementarity to LZ, XENONnT and Borexino. This is mainly because of the highly intense muon neutrino beams available at Fermilab. For the scalar case instead, the projected DUNE-ND sensitivities will not offer competitive sensitivities compared to direct dark matter detection experiments. We are now turning our attention on exploring the sensitivity of DUNE-ND on LR and the various E_6 models. In this case, the phenomenological parameter of interest is the mediator mass entering through the parameter γ= (M_Z^0/M_Z^')^2. By performing a χ^2 analysis in the same spirit as previously, we obtain the sensitivity profiles depicted in the left panel of Fig. <ref>. As can be seen the least (most) stringent constraints on the mediator mass correspond to the ψ (χ) case of E_6 symmetry. In the right panel of Fig. <ref> we demonstrate a comparison of the LR sensitivities between DUNE-ND and the other neutrino scattering experiments explored in the present study such as COHERENT, Dresden-II and TEXONO. We find that DUNE-ND will be able to place the most stringent constraint on Z^' mass. Let us also note that for the case of the relevant expressions for calculating the E_6 and LR contributions are given in the Appendix <ref>. In the lower panel of of Fig. <ref> we explore the full spectrum of E_6 models by allowing the value of cosβ to vary freely. The corresponding allowed areas extracted in the present work by analyzing the COHERENT, Dresden-II and TEXONO data are superimposed for comparison. Likewise the LR case, the projected DUNE-ND sensitivities are promising to improve by a factor ∼ 2 compared to those of the latter experiments. As can be seen there is a sharp sensitivity loss for cosβ=- √(5/32) due to the cancellation involved in both and cross sections as explained previously. Moreover, the COHERENT and Dresden-II experiments have zero sensitivity on the ψ model since another cancellation is involved in the cross section for cosβ=0 on the relevant couplings, see e.g. Eqs.(<ref>), (<ref>) in Appendix <ref> and Ref. <cit.>. Hence, we conclude that DUNE-ND is not only expected to improve over previous constraints but at the same time it is clearly complementary to existing measurements. Before closing, a summary of our results regarding the DUNE-ND sensitivity on E_6 and LR models along with a comparison with the rest neutrino experiments analyzed in the present work is given in Table. <ref>. § CONCLUSIONS In this work we have simulated EνES-induced signals in the context of model-independent NGIs that are expected to trigger the DUNE-ND. To this purpose, we performed Monte Carlo simulations of the reconstructed signal in E_e θ_e^2 space taking into account detector-specific effects such as angular resolution, systematic uncertainties and realistic backgrounds on the analysis of On-Axis and Off-Axis spectra. For the first time, we have examined the prospects of constraining light axial-vector, scalar, pseudoscalar and tensor mediators at the ND complex using events. Moreover, we considered particular models such as those arising from U(1)_B-L, U(1)_L_μ - L_τ, LR and E_6 gauge symmetries. We have furthermore performed a comparison of the projected DUNE-ND sensitivities with additional experimental probes. In particular we considered the data from the reactor neutrino experiment TEXONO, data from COHERENT and Dresden-II, solar neutrino data from Borexino, low-energy data from direct dark matter detection experiments such as XENONnT and LZ as well as high-energy collider data. In all cases we find that by exploiting the intense LBNF neutrino beam in conjunction with the multi-ton Liquid Argon detector, DUNE-ND has promising prospects to constrain a considerable part of the parameter space in question, offering complementary results to low-energy neutrino and direct dark matter detection experiments. We finally conclude that future DUNE-ND data will offer a powerful tool for placing the most stringent constraints in the range m_X >100 MeV up to few GeV regarding NGIs as well to improve the current bounds on the vector boson mass M_Z^' by a factor of two in the context of LR and E_6 symmetric models. § ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are indebted to Yuber F. Perez-Gonzalez for valuable discussions regarding the event rate reconstruction procedure. We also thank the authors of Ref. <cit.> for useful correspondence. This work was supported by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I.) under the “3rd Call for H.F.R.I. Research Projects to support Post-Doctoral Researchers” (Project Number: 7036). § NORMALIZED PDF EVENT SPECTRA AT DUNE-ND Figure <ref> shows the reconstructed SM signal events as a function of the electron energy E_e (left), scattering angle θ_e (center) and E_e θ^2 space (right), after 3.5 years of data collection in neutrino mode. The results are presented for the various On-Axis and Off-Axis locations, as done in Figs. <ref> and <ref> . However, here they are illustrated as normalized PDFs in order to appreciate the spectral shape differences among the various detector locations. As expected, when projecting to E_e, the On-Axis (30 m) event spectra appear as having the wider (narrower) distribution since the On-Axis neutrino energy distribution peaks at higher energy. The opposite behavior is found in the scattering angle projected PDF spectra. The latter is understood since the On-Axis event spectra are the most boosted ones, and therefore they will be detected with smaller scattering angles. Finally the E_e θ_e^2 projection appears as the combination of the E_e and θ_e distributions. § RELEVANT EXPRESSIONS FOR CEΝNS The SM cross section in terms of the nuclear recoil energy T_A reads (d σ/dT_A)_SM = G_F^2 M/π𝒬_V^2 (1 - M T_A/2 E_ν^2) , with M being the nuclear mass, |𝔮⃗|= √(2 M T_A) denotes the magnitude of the three-momentum transfer and 𝒬_V is the vector weak charge written as 𝒬_V = [ 2(g_u^L + g_u^R) + (g_d^L + g_d^R) ] Z F_Z(|𝔮⃗|^2) + [ (g_u^L + g_u^R) +2(g_d^L + g_d^R) ] N F_N(|𝔮⃗|^2) . Here, F_Z(|𝔮⃗|^2) and F_N(|𝔮⃗|^2) are the nuclear form factors for protons and neutrons, respectively, while the vector weak charge 𝒬_V is expressed in terms of the P-handed couplings for the quark q={u,d} as g_u^L = ( 1/2-2/3sin^2 θ_W ) , g_d^L = ( -1/2+1/3sin^2 θ_W ) , g_u^R = (-2/3sin^2 θ_W ) , g_d^R = (1/3sin^2 θ_W ) . In the context of LR symmetry, the SM couplings g_q^P are substituted by the corresponding f_q^P as <cit.> f^L_u= 𝒜 g_u^L + ℬ g_u^R , f^L_d= 𝒜 g_d^L + ℬ g_d^R , f^R_u= 𝒜 g_u^R + ℬ g_u^L , f^R_d= 𝒜 g_d^R + ℬ g_d^L , where the 𝒜 and ℬ parameters are defined as in Eq.(<ref>). For the case of the E_6 model, the SM couplings are modified as follows f_u^L = g_u^L + ε_u^L , f_d^L = g_d^L + ε_d^L , f_u^R = g_u^R + ε_u^R , f_d^R = g_d^R + ε_d^R , where the new physics is encoded in the ε_q^P couplings according to <cit.> ε_u^L= -4 γsin^2 θ_W (c_β/√(24)-s_β/3√(5/8))(3 c_β/2 √(24)+s_β/6√(5/8)) , ε_d^R= -8 γsin^2 θ_W (3 c_β/2 √(24)+s_β/6√(5/8))^2 , ε_d^L= ε_u^L=-ε_u^R .
Frequency-dependent Discrete Implicit Monte-Carlo Scheme for the Radiative Transfer Equation
[ "Elad Steinberg", "Shay I. Heizler" ]
[ "physics.comp-ph", "astro-ph.IM", "physics.plasm-ph" ]
elad.steinberg@mail.huji.ac.il Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University, 9190401 Jerusalem, Israel shay.heizler@mail.huji.ac.il Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University, 9190401 Jerusalem, Israel This work generalizes the discrete implicit Monte-Carlo (DIMC) method for modeling the radiative transfer equation from a gray treatment to an frequency-dependent one. The classic implicit Monte-Carlo (IMC) algorithm, that has been used for several decades, suffers from a well-known numerical problem, called teleportation, where the photons might propagate faster than the exact solution due to the finite size of the spatial and temporal resolution. The Semi-analog Monte-Carlo algorithm proposed the use of two kinds of particles, photons and material particles that are born when a photon is absorbed. The material particle can `propagate' only by transforming into a photon, due to black-body emission. While this algorithm produces a teleportation-free result, it is noisier results compared to IMC due to the discrete nature of the absorption-emission process. In a previous work [Steinberg and Heizler, ApJS, 258:14 (2022)], proposed a gray version of DIMC, that makes use of two kinds of particles, and therefore has teleportation-free results, but also uses the continuous absorption algorithm of IMC, yielding smoother results. This work is a direct frequency-dependent (energy-dependent) generalization of the DIMC algorithm. We find in several one and two dimensional benchmarks, that the new frequency-dependent DIMC algorithm yields teleportation-free results on one hand, and smooth results with IMC-like noise level. Frequency-dependent Discrete Implicit Monte-Carlo Scheme for the Radiative Transfer Equation Shay I. Heizler0000-0002-9334-5993 ============================================================================================ § INTRODUCTION The radiative transfer equation (RTE) is the key equation for modeling the transport of photons that interact with the matter, calculating the specific intensity of the phase space density of photons <cit.>. Solving the RTE is crucial for understanding many astrophysical phenomena (e.g. supernova, shock breakout etc.) <cit.>, as well as the modeling of inertial confinement fusion (ICF) <cit.> and in general high energy density physics (HEDP) <cit.>. The RTE is the Boltzmann equation for photons, where the main physical events are absorption and black-body emission through the opacity of the material, which is usually a function of the temperature and the density of the material (under the assumption that the matter itself is in local-thermodynamic equilibrium, and the electrons are distributed with the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution with a given temperature) <cit.>. In addition, scattering terms may be involved also, which can be elastic like the Thomson approximation or inelastic using the full Compton treatment <cit.>. The Boltzmann equation is an integro-differential equation, where in the three-dimensions the phase space contains 7 independent variables, 3 spatial, 3 velocity components (usually replaced by energy and direction) and time <cit.>. A full analytic solution is rare, and can be achieved in very simplified problems. For general purposes, and specifically in higher dimensions, numerical solution are used, where the two main approaches is solving numerically the deterministic Boltzmann equation for photons, or using statistical approaches, such as Monte-Carlo techniques. The most common approximations for solving the deterministic Boltzmann equation are the spherical harmonics method (also known as the P_N approximation), where the intensity is decomposed into its moments <cit.>, and the discrete ordinates method (also known as the S_N method) where the intensity is solved on some discrete selected ordinates <cit.>. The statistical approaches use a particle based Monte-Carlo (MC) approach, where the most common one for radiative transfer is called the implicit Monte-Carlo (IMC) method, by Fleck and Cummings <cit.>. The major innovation in IMC was the implicitization of the Boltzmann equation <cit.>. Since the radiation is coupled to the matter via black-body emission, the explicit way to solve the radiation transport is to use the temperature from the beginning of the time-step. In optically-thin media, this assumption is reasonable, where the matter and the radiation may differ significantly. However, in optically-thick media, where the radiation and matter energy may be both large, but similar to each other, there is a need for very small time-steps in order to keep the solution stable. Fleck and Cummings <cit.> have offered an implicit version of radiative Monte-Carlo by finite-differencing the matter energy equation, and substituting it into the radiation Boltzmann equation. This enables the use of sufficiently large time steps, even in optically thick media, and enables the radiative transfer to be modeled using reasonable computer resources. The second novelty of IMC is the use of implicit (or continuous) absorption algorithm <cit.>. Instead of treating the mechanism of absorption as discrete statistically events, the photon deposits its energy along its track in the spatial cells. This algorithm enables significantly smoother results than the naïve explicit MC. The IMC algorithm, with some modifications and improvements is being used during the last five decades <cit.>. However, IMC suffers from a well-known numerical disadvantage, called teleportation, where the photons propagate faster than they should due to finite spatial resolution and time-steps <cit.>. In the simplest IMC implementation, when photons reach a cold opaque cell, they are absorbed in the outer part of the cell, due to the small mean free path (mfp), changing slightly the temperature of the cell. In the next time-step, the photons that are emitted due to black-body emission are sampled uniformly from the whole volume of the cell, which causes artificial propagation. Moreover, at a finite spatial resolution, this may lead to a certain `magic' time-step in which the results are correct, while deceasing the time-step further, increases the numerical error <cit.>. One elegant way to solve this problem, called semi-analog MC (SMC) and proposed by Ahrens and Larsen <cit.>, uses two kind of particles, photons and matter-particles. A photon propagates with the speed of light c in the medium until it is absorbed, where it becomes a material particle (with zero-velocity). The material particle can transform into a photon due to a black-body emission process. In this way, the creation of photons can only be from the positions that they were absorbed, and the teleportation errors are avoided. Unfortunately, this scheme is explicit, and thus, enforces a small time-step when involving optically thick regions. Recently, in a seminal work, Poëtte and Valentin offered an implicit version of SMC, ISMC, that enables the use of sufficiently large time steps <cit.>. This new method offers a new implicitization technique that changes the RTE and the matter energy equation to be linear in both the radiation specific intensity and the matter-energy, and can be modeled via Monte-Carlo techniques using photons and material particles. The method was verified against one-dimensional gray benchmarks involving opaque media, yielding results that did not suffer from teleportation errors. Later, the ISMC method was generalized to frequency-dependent problems, yielding excellent results against many benchmarks, gray and frequency-dependent, both in 1D and 2D geometries (in both XY and RZ symmetries) <cit.>. Another important work was published recently by Poëtte, Valentin and Bernede, that cancels the teleportation error within the frame of legacy (gray) IMC codes, called nssIMC (for no-source-sampling IMC) <cit.>. The work presents the very few modifications that have to be done in legacy IMC codes, where the classic source sampling is canceled, and the source events are treated as `collisions events', thus teleportation is avoided. However, nssIMC converges slower than ISMC in both the spatial resolution and finite time steps (please see Fig. 3 in <cit.>). In addition, nssIMC produces noisier results in a given resolution comparing to ISMC (Fig. 4 in <cit.>) and is less robust. Therefore, where the ISMC modifications are allowable, the authors recommend to opt for ISMC rather than nssIMC. However, both SMC and ISMC yield noisier results compared to IMC, due to the discrete treatment of the absorption and black-body emission processes. In addition, since the total number of particles, both photons and material particles is constant, problems that have a big difference between the heat-capacities of the radiation and the material requires a large statistic to converge. Recently a new algorithm was offered, called discrete implicit Monte-Carlo (DIMC) <cit.> that uses the idea of two kinds of particles on one hand, and thus yields teleportation-free results, and uses the algorithm, of continuous (implicit) absorption on the other hand, yielding smooth results as IMC. This is attainable due to an algorithm that avoids the population of particles from exploding, and retaining the correct angular and spatial distributions. DIMC was derived using the IMC linearization, but this wasn't a mandatory choice, it could have been derived via the ISMC linearization and implicitization as well. This algorithm was tested against several gray benchmarks, both in 1D (with or without hydrodynamics) and 2D. In this work we expand the DIMC method to include frequency-dependent problems. The new frequency-dependent DIMC method will be examined against all the the frequency-dependent benchmarks that were tested using ISMC in <cit.>. We repeat the frequency-dependent benchmarks from <cit.>, adding to each figure the comparable DIMC result. This work is structured as follows: In Sec. <ref> we present the frequency-dependent version of DIMC. In Sec. <ref> we present several 1D frequency-dependent benchmarks, while in Sec. <ref> we present a 2D frequency-dependent benchmark. We finish with a short conclusions section in Sec. <ref>. § FREQUENCY-DEPENDENT DIMC The basic derivation is the classic derivation of IMC implicitization and linearization. For the case of elastic (Thomson) scattering, the RTE and the coupled energy-balance equation for the material energy are <cit.>: 1/c∂ I(r,Ω,ν,t)/∂ t+Ω·∇ I(r,Ω,ν,t) = [t] -(σ_a(ν,T)+σ_s(ν,T))I(r,Ω,ν,t)+σ_a(ν,T)B(ν,T) +σ_s(ν,T)∫_4πI_ν(r,Ω',t)/4πdΩ' ∂ e(T)/∂ t =c ∫_0^∞[σ_a(ν',T)(∫_4πI(r,Ω',ν',t)dΩ'-4π B(ν',T))dν' ], where I(r,Ω,ν,t) is the radiation specific intensity for a unit space r, unit direction Ω and unit frequency ν at time t, σ_a(ν,T) is the absorption cross-section (opacity) which is a function of the material temperature T and the frequency, σ_s(ν,T) is the scattering cross-section, e(T) is the thermal energy per unit volume of the medium, c is the speed of light and B(ν,T)=2hν^3/c^2(exp(hν/k_BT)-1)^-1 is the Planck function (h is the Planck constant and k_B is the Boltzmann constant). Note that the frequency integration over B(ν,T) is called the frequency integrated Planck function which equals to B(T)=aT^4/4π and a is the radiation constant. We define a convenient function which is the ratio of the Planck function to the frequency integrated one b(ν,T)≡ B(ν,T)/B(T)=4π B(ν,T)/aT^4. The basic idea behind IMC, is to define the Fleck parameter, f=1/1+βσ_a,P(T) c Δ t where β≡∂ aT^4/∂ e is the ratio between the radiation and material heat capacities <cit.> (which is taken at the beginning of the time-step), Δ t is the discretized time-step and σ_a,p(T) is the Planck opacity σ_a,p(T)≡∫_0^∞σ_a(ν,T)b_ν dν (also taken at the beginning of the time-step). In a matter of fact, taking the heat-capacity and the opacities at the beginning of the time-step prevents the classic implementation of IMC to be a fully implicit algorithm <cit.>. Finite-differencing Eq. <ref> and using the definition of β yields (where the index n denotes the previous time step and n+1 the current time step): B^n+1(T)=B^n(T)f+(1-f)∫_0^∞∫_4πσ_a,ν'/σ_a,p(T)I(r,Ω',ν',t)/4πdΩ'dν' i.e., B^n(T)=a(T^n)^4/4π and b^n(ν,T)≡ B^n(ν,T)/B^n(T)=4π B^n(ν,T)/a(T^n)^4. Substituting Eq. <ref> in Eqs. <ref>, yields the final frequency dependent IMC equations: 1/c∂ I(r,Ω,ν,t)/∂ t+Ω·∇ I(r,Ω,ν,t)= -(σ_a(ν,T)+σ_s(ν,T))I(r,Ω,ν,t) +fσ_a(ν,T)b^n(ν,T)B^n(T)+σ_s(ν,T)∫_4πI_ν(r,Ω',ν',t)/4πdΩ'+ (1-f)σ_a(ν,T)b^n(ν,T)/σ_a,p(T)∫_0^∞∫_4πI(r,Ω',ν',t)σ_a(ν',T)/4πdΩ'dν' ∂ e(T)/∂ t=c f(∫_0^∞∫_4πσ_a(ν',T)I(r,Ω',ν',t)dΩ'dν'-σ_a,p(T)aT^4). These are the basic frequency-dependent IMC equations, where in addition to the physical scattering term (which is proportional to the frequency-integrated specific intensity), there is an additional, “effective" scattering term which is proportional to 1-f. This effective scattering term, replaces the explicit process of absorption and black-body emission, which enables the use of large time-steps, with f<1. The implicitization and linearization of DIMC is the same as classic IMC, i.e., linear only in I (as opposed to ISMC that is linear in both I and e <cit.>), and the matter-energy is treated via Eq. <ref>. The difference from classic IMC is that the material energy is also represented by material particles, where the sum of the energy of the material particles inside a numerical cell is exactly the total energy of the matter in the cell. Photons are allowed to be created only in positions of material particles, and are absorbed continuously, generating new material particles. To prevent population explosion, an algorithm of merging material particles weighted by their energy was derived, and limits at the end of the time step the number of material particles to be approximately 10-30 in each cell. For a more complete description of the DIMC algorithms, the algorithm of photon creation, the single photon propagation and the algorithm of material particle merging, see <cit.>. The only difference in the frequency-dependent algorithm is that when a new radiation photon is emitted or when there is an effective scattering event, the photon's new frequency is sampled in the same manner as in the emission case in frequency-dependent IMC and ISMC. The propagation is determined via the frequency-dependency of the opacity. We note that as in classic IMC, the Monte-Carlo particles that represent the photons are not photons per se, but rather `packets of energy', which represent large number of photons (calculating real number of photons is unrealistic). As a consequence, there is not a direct relation between the frequency of the energy-packet and its energy, which may represent many low (or high)-energy photons. The main sub-steps of each time advancement in the DIMC scheme are as follows: * The temperature of a cell is calculated from e (which is equal to the sum of energies from all the material particles in a given cell). * The values for f and β are calculated using the values at the beginning of the time step. * A given number of new photons N_photon (packets of energy) is created (a parameter by the user), where the total energy of the photons are determined by the black-body emission VΔ tf∫σ_a,p(T)cB(ν,T)dν (V is the volume of the cell), as classic IMC. New positions for the photons are sampled randomly from the positions of the material particles in the cell, weighted by their energy. Each packet of energy has the same energy, where its energy is then subtracted from the energy of the cell as well as from the sampled material particle. The frequency of the photon is sampled as in IMC, by randomly sampling the distribution ∫σ_a(ν,T)b(ν,T)dν/σ_a,P(T). Since the emission depends explicitly in the opacity σ_a, we build a (numerical) cumulative spectral distribution of the integral above, sampling uniformly from the opacity-Planck-weighted integrated distribution (for more details, please see section IVA in <cit.>). For the detailed algorithm of photon creation please see algorithm 1 in <cit.> which appears in the appendix. * If there are external radiation sources/boundary conditions, new radiation photons are created with their corresponding frequency distribution. * Radiation photons are transported with a velocity c where the distances for a collision d_collision, moving to a neighboring cell d_mesh or free flight d_time are calculated. The minimal distance is then taken and the reduction in the energy of the photon (a packet of energy, as explained previously) is then calculated continuously by Δ E=E_photon(1-exp(-fσ_a(ν)d)). This energy difference is then saved for when a new material particle is created. * If there is a collision, the photon is scattered and with a probability of (1-f)σ_a(ν)/((1-f)σ_a(ν)+σ_s(ν)) a new frequency is sampled from the same distribution as before (i.e., only for the effective scattering). * Once the photon exits the cell or reaches the end of the time step, the position of a new material particle is determined by averaging the photon energy loss track (see algorithm 2 in <cit.> which appears in the appendix). A new material particle is created at that location and its energy is equal to the sum of the energies that were deposited by the photon. The position of a new material particle when a photon crosses the boundary between cells, is not necessarily right at the boundary, but rather is determined by the track length of the photon in the old cell, due to the photon's deposition of energy inside the old cell. * Since each photon creates at least material particle in each time step, material particles are merged until we reach some desired number N_material particles in cell. The merging process retains the “center of mass" (where here mass is the energy) of the material particles energy (see algorithm 3 in <cit.> which appears in the appendix). We note again that the main difference between DIMC and classic IMC is in the source sampling; the total energy of the cell is a global quantity. Therefore, DIMC should be consistent at least as classic IMC, and is better at avoiding teleportation errors. We note that we haven't presented a theoretical proof that the DIMC algorithms are unbiased. However, from the numerical examples that are presented above, we see no evidence for bias. Our main concern of a source of bias, was the material particles merging algorithm. We performed extensive numerical checks with different methods of merging the material particles. Our proposed algorithm had the least bias among all of the tested methods, that included in addition to our method also Russian Roulette and a comb sort algorithms. § 1D TESTS In <cit.> we have collected the well-known frequency-dependent radiative transfer benchmarks that appear in the literature and tested the ISMC algorithm with them. In this section we use these benchmarks to test the new DIMC scheme in frequency-dependent scenarios in one-dimension, which includes the frequency-dependent benchmarks that was offered lately by Olson <cit.> and by Densmore et al. <cit.>, in several optical depth. §.§ Olson 2020 1D The frequency-dependent Olson 1D benchmark <cit.> is a frequency-dependent extension setup to the optically thin source gray test that was introduced previously in <cit.>. The source term is a black body with a temperature of 0.5 keV whose spatial extent is given by Q(x)=B(0.5 keV)exp(-693· x^3), and is turned on at time t=0 and turned off at time ct=2. The initial temperature in the domain 0⩽ x ⩽ 4.8 (cm) is set to be T(t=0)=0.01T_ keV (T_ keV represents the temperature in the units of keV) and we run the simulation until a time ct=4 using reflective boundary conditions at both ends. The material is composed of carbon-hydrogen foam, whose frequency-dependent opacity (in units of cm^2g^-1) is given by: κ_a(ν,T)=min(10^7,10^9(T/T_ keV)^2) hν<0.008 keV 3· 10^6 (0.008 keV/hν)^2/(1+200·(T/T_ keV)^1.5) 0.008 keV<hν<0.3 keV 3· 10^6 (0.008 keV/hν)^2√(0.3 keV/hν)/(1+200·(T/T_ keV)^1.5)+4· 10^4(0.3 keV/hν)^2.5/1+8000(T/T_ keV)^2 hν >0.3 keV. The macroscopic absorption cross-section is given by σ_a(ν,T)=ρκ_a(ν,T), where ρ=0.001 g/cm^3. The heat capacity is given by: ρ C_V = aT_ keV^3H(1+α+(T+χ)∂α/∂ T) α = 1/2e^-χ/T(√(1+4e^χ/T)-1) ∂α/∂ T = χ/T^2(α-1/√(1+4e^χ/T)) where χ =0.1T_keV and H=0.1. For all of the schemes we use a spatial resolution of 128 equally spaced cells and set a constant time step of Δ t = 10^-13. We have tried to achieve comparable noise level in the material temperature field between IMC, ISMC and DIMC. In the IMC and DIMC cases, we create 500 new photons each time step and limit the total number to be 4· 10^3, while in the ISMC case we create 5· 10^3 new photons each time step and limit the total number of particles to be 10^5. For the reference solution, we use the one calculated using a high order P_N scheme presented in <cit.>. Fig. <ref>(a) shows the material temperature for different times compared with the reference solution, and the radiation energy density is shown in Fig. <ref>(b). The frequency-dependent DIMC method yields the correct result and agrees well with both the IMC and ISMC solutions and the reference solution as well. As in the ISMC results, there is a difference between the discrete results of the different MC schemes and the smooth curves of the P_N, near the tails of the distributions, where the radiation intensity drops by several orders of magnitudes. Since all three methods are converge to the same solution with an infinite number of particles, we choose for the comparison of the efficiency between the different schemes the number of particles required to achieve a similar noise level in the matter energy (since in most cases this quantity is more informative than the radiation energy). Thus, the noise level in the material temperature is almost comparable in all three methods while in the radiation field the noise level in ISMC is lower than both IMC ad DIMC, as expected. However, the total number of particles of the ISMC run is higher by two magnitudes than the other two methods. That is because both IMC and DIMC need relatively low statistics to yield smooth material profiles, and in ISMC the noise levels of radiation and matter are similar. This means that for a given statistic, ISMC is much noisier than IMC or DIMC. For achieving similar level of noise using ISMC needs an overall run time that was a factor of 9.5 longer than the IMC run. §.§ Densmore et al. 2012 Densmore et al. <cit.> (and also Cleveland et al. <cit.>) have presented one-dimensional frequency-dependent benchmarks with varying optical depth: optically thin material, medium-level (intermediate) opacity and optically thick material. In addition, they introduced a combination of two different materials or zones, i.e. the heat wave that initially propagates in optically thin material, `crashes' into an optically-thicker “wall". The optically-thick media problems emphasize the difference between IMC, which exhibits a teleportation error, while ISMC and DIMC should be spatially converged at a lower spatial resolution with no teleportation error, even in frequency-dependent problems. First, in the single opacity Densmore et al. benchmark, the opacity has this form: σ(x, ν, T) = σ_0(x)/(hν)^3√(k_BT) where σ_0(x)=10keV^7/2 for the optically-thin medium, σ_0(x)=100keV^7/2 for the optically-intermediate medium and σ_0(x)=1000keV^7/2 for the optically-thick medium. The heat capacity is set to be C_V=10^15erg/T_ keV/cm^3. The initial temperature in the domain 0⩽ x ⩽ 5 (cm) is 1 eV, the left boundary is a black body bath source with a temperature of 1keV and the right boundary is a reflecting wall. The spatial resolution is taken to be small, 64 evenly spaced cells (for presenting the teleportation in opaque problems in IMC). The test is run to a time of t=1 ns with a constant time step of Δ t = 0.01 ns. For all of the runs we create 10^5 photons per time step and limit the total number of photons to be 10^6. The reference solution that we compare to is taken from Densmore et al. <cit.>. The material temperature profiles at t=1 ns for all three methods along with the reference solution are shown in Fig. <ref>. We can see that there is a good agreement between the three methods and the reference solution for the first two tests (optically thin and intermediate-opacity problems), while in the third test (optically thick), the IMC requires a spatial resolution of 256 cells in order to avoid teleportation errors, as opposed to the ISMC or DIMC that give a good result even with 64 cells. As a matter of fact, the DIMC yields even better results comparing to reference solution than ISMC. Again, all three methods converge to the same solution with an infinite number of particles and spatial resolution. Therefore, in this problem we choose for the comparison of the efficiency between the different schemes, the required spatial resolution for convergence. In this metric, IMC needs four times higher resolution for achieving the same accuracy as ISMC and DIMC. Next, Densmore et al. offered a two-media benchmark, testing the handling of sharp transition from an optically thin to an optically thick regime. The domain (with equally spaced cells throughout) is set to 0⩽ x ⩽ 3 (cm), and the opacity is σ_0(x)= 10 keV^7/2/cm x<2 cm, 1000 keV^7/2/cm x≥ 2 cm. In Fig. <ref> we show the material temperature for the two-media benchmark (Fig. <ref>(b) is zoomed on the interface zone). As in the optically thick single-medium benchmark, we see that when optically thick material is present, the new DIMC algorithm (as well as the ISMC algorithm) requires less spatial resolution than IMC in order to achieve convergence, due to teleportation toward the opaque material in low spatial resolution in the IMC simulation. One again, DIMC yields even better accuracy with the reference solution than ISMC. § OLSON 2020 2D TEST In this section we present a frequency-dependent implementation of the new DIMC scheme in a full two-dimensional problem, using the most complex 2D problem presented in Olson <cit.>. In this problem, a complex-geometry 3.8 cm square on each side, composed of intermediate-opaque (thus, no teleportation errors should appear in the IMC simulations) aluminum blocks surrounded by the same foam from the previous 1D Olson benchmark problem. The exact setup is shown in Fig. <ref>. The aluminum blocks have the same density as the foam and their heat capacity has the same functional form as the foam (Eq. <ref>), but with H=0.5 and χ=0.3T_ keV. The opacity for the aluminum blocks is given by: κ_a(ν,T)=min(10^7,10^8T/T_ keV) hν<0.01 keV 10^7 (0.01 keV/hν)^2/(1+20·(T/T_ keV)^1.5) 0.01 keV<hν<0.1 keV 10^7 (0.01 keV/hν)^2/(1+20·(T/T_ keV)^1.5) + 10^6(0.1 keV/hν)^2/1+200·(T/T_ keV)^2 0.1 keV<hν<1.5 keV 10^7 (0.01 keV/hν)^2√(1.5 keV/hν)/(1+20·(T/T_ keV)^1.5) + 10^5(1.5 keV/hν)^2.5/1+1000·(T/T_ keV)^2 hν >1.5 keV. The computational region is divided into 380 equally spaced cells in each axis with reflecting boundaries. A black-body source, Q(r)=B(0.5 keV)exp(-18.7· r^3), is turned on at time t=0, and remains on for the entire duration of the simulation. A constant time step of Δ t = 10^-13 s is used, 2· 10^6 new particles are created each time step, and we limit the total number of particles to be 2.5· 10^7 for all of the schemes. First, in Fig. <ref>(b-d) we show a colormap of the radiation energy density in the entire domain as well as a reference from <cit.> (Fig. <ref>(a)). All MC methods, IMC, ISMC and DIMC agree very well with each other through the computational domain, and a good qualitative agreement with the P_N reference data, including all geometrical patterns. Next, Fig. <ref> shows slices along the diagonal for (a) the material temperature and (b) the radiation energy density, along with reference P_N data from <cit.>. Again, there is a good agreement between all methods in the range 0⩽ r⩽√(0.5). Farther away from the origin, the sharp discontinuity in the material properties causes a small difference between the MC methods and the reference solution. § CONCLUSIONS In this work we have presented a frequency-dependent (energy-dependent) generalization to the discrete implicit Monte-Carlo (DIMC) scheme that was introduced recently <cit.>. The DIMC is a classic IMC implementation on one hand, but on the other hand uses the concept of two-kind of particles for avoiding teleportation errors, as introduced by Ahrens and Larsen <cit.> and later by Poëtte and Valentin <cit.>. The main idea is when a photon continuously loses its energy due to absorption, a material particle is created, which is static. The new photons that emerge due to black-body emissions are sampled only from the locations of material particles, and thus, teleportation errors are avoided. DIMC has been checked before in gray opacity scenarios <cit.>, and this work completes the generalization and the testing to frequency-dependent opacity problems. We have seen in the optically-thin problems, both in 1D and the 2D problems that the DIMC yields good results compared to the reference solution, and yields smoother results than ISMC, with comparable noise level as IMC. On the other hand, ISMC required two order of magnitudes more particles in order to converge at the same noise noise level. In optically-thick benchmarks, DIMC yields the best results, having no teleportation error even with a very low spatial resolution, like the ISMC results, while IMC needed a spatial resolution four times higher in order to achieve similar results.The results of the numerical examples, show no reason to think that the DIMC algorithms are biased, however, a consistent proof of unbiasedness is reserved for future work. In addition, the benchmarks were run with continuous frequency dependency, but the results should be valid also for a finite number of groups, i.e., in multigroup problems, which could be another direction for future work. § APPENDIX: THE FUNDAMENTAL DIMC ALGORITHMS In this appendix we present the fundamental algorithms of DIMC that were presented previously in the gray DIMC paper <cit.>. An outline of the photon creation process is given in algorithm <ref>. The full photon propagation algorithm is shown in algorithm <ref>. The merging algorithm for the material particles is presented in algorithm <ref>. ieeetr
Modality-Agnostic Debiasing for Single Domain Generalization
[ "Sanqing Qu", "Yingwei Pan", "Guang Chen", "Ting Yao", "Changjun Jiang", "Tao Mei" ]
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI", "cs.LG" ]
Modality-Agnostic Debiasing for Single Domain Generalization Sanqing Qu^1This work was performed at JD.com , Yingwei Pan^2, Guang Chen^1Corresponding author , Ting Yao^2, Changjun Jiang^1, Tao Mei^2 ^1Tongji University, ^2JD.com {2011444, guangchen, cjjiang}@tongji.edu.cn, {panyw.ustc, tingyao.ustc}@gmail.com, tmei@live.com March 30, 2023 ================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ Deep neural networks (DNNs) usually fail to generalize well to outside of distribution (OOD) data, especially in the extreme case of single domain generalization (single-DG) that transfers DNNs from single domain to multiple unseen domains. Existing single-DG techniques commonly devise various data-augmentation algorithms, and remould the multi-source domain generalization methodology to learn domain-generalized (semantic) features. Nevertheless, these methods are typically modality-specific, thereby being only applicable to one single modality (e.g., image). In contrast, we target a versatile Modality-Agnostic Debiasing (MAD) framework for single-DG, that enables generalization for different modalities. Technically, MAD introduces a novel two-branch classifier: a biased-branch encourages the classifier to identify the domain-specific (superficial) features, and a general-branch captures domain-generalized features based on the knowledge from biased-branch. Our MAD is appealing in view that it is pluggable to most single-DG models. We validate the superiority of our MAD in a variety of single-DG scenarios with different modalities, including recognition on 1D texts, 2D images, 3D point clouds, and semantic segmentation on 2D images. More remarkably, for recognition on 3D point clouds and semantic segmentation on 2D images, MAD improves DSU by 2.82% and 1.5% in accuracy and mIOU. § INTRODUCTION Deep neural networks (DNNs) have achieved remarkable success in various tasks under the assumption that training and testing domains are independent and sampled from identical or sufficiently similar distribution <cit.>. However, this assumption often does not hold in most real-world scenarios. When deploying DNNs to unseen or out-of-distribution (OOD) testing domains, inevitable performance degeneration is commonly observed. The difficulty mainly originates from that the backbone of DNNs extracts more domain-specific (superficial) features together with domain-generalized (semantic) features. Therefore, the classifier is prone to paying much attention to those domain-specific features, and learning unintended decision rule <cit.>. To mitigate this issue, several appealing solutions have been developed, including Domain Adaptation (DA) <cit.> and Domain Generalization (DG) <cit.>. Despite showing encouraging performances on OOD data, their real-world applications are still limited due to the requirement to have the data from other domain (i.e., the unseen target domain or multiple source domains with different distributions). In this work, we focus on an extreme case in domain generalization: single domain generalization (single-DG), in which DNNs are trained with single source domain data and then required to generalize well to multiple unseen target domains. Previous researches <cit.> demonstrate that the specific local textures and image styles tailored to each domain are two main causes, resulting in domain-specific features for images. To alleviate this, recent works <cit.> design a variety of data-augmentation algorithms to introduce diversified textures and image styles. The DG methodologies are then remolded with these data-augmentation algorithms to facilitate the learning of domain-generalized features. Nevertheless, such solution for single-DG is typically modality-specific and only applicable to the single modality inputs of images. When coming a new modality (e.g. 3D point clouds), it is difficult to directly apply these techniques to tackle single-DG problem. This is due to the fact that the domain shift in 3D point clouds is interpreted as the differences of 3D structural information among multiple domains, instead of the texture and style differences in 2D images <cit.>. Figure <ref> conceptually illustrates the issue, which has been seldom explored in the literature. In this paper, we propose to address this limitation from the standpoint of directly strengthening the capacity of classifier to identify domain-specific features, and meanwhile emphasize the learning of domain-generalized features. Such way completely eliminates the need of modality-specific data augmentations, thereby leading to a versatile modality-agnostic paradigm for single-DG. Technically, to materialize this idea, we design a novel Modality-Agnostic Debiasing (MAD) framework, that facilitates single domain generalization under a wide variety of modalities. In particular, MAD integrates the basic backbone for feature extraction with a new two-branch classifier structure. One branch is the biased-branch that identifies those superficial and domain-specific features with a multi-head cooperated classifier. The other branch is the general-branch that learns to capture the domain-generalized representations on the basis of the knowledge derived from the biased-branch. It is also appealing in view that our MAD can be seamlessly incorporated into most existing single-DG models with data-augmentation, thereby further boosting single domain generalization. We analyze and evaluate our MAD under a variety of single-DG scenarios with different modalities, ranging from recognition on 2D images, 3D point clouds, 1D texts, to semantic segmentation on 2D images. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superior advantages of MAD when being plugged into a series of existing single-DG techniques with data-augmentation (e.g., Mixstyle <cit.> and DSU <cit.>). More remarkably, for recognition on point cloud benchmark, MAD significantly improves DSU in the accuracy from 33.63% to 36.45%. For semantic segmentation on image benchmark, MAD advances DSU with mIoU improvement from 42.3% to 43.8%. § RELATED WORK §.§ Domain Adaptation Over the last decade, many efforts have been devoted to domain adaptation (DA) to address the OOD issue <cit.>. DA methods are developed to utilize the labeled source domain and the unlabeled out-of-distributed target domain in a transductive learning manner. Existing DA approaches can be briefly grouped into two paradigms, i.e., moment matching <cit.> and adversarial alignment <cit.>. DA methods have achieved significant progress in many applications, e.g., object recognition <cit.>, semantic segmentation <cit.>, and object detection <cit.>. Nevertheless, the requirement of both source and target domain data during training significantly limits their practical deployment. Besides, in DA manner, DNNs are typically coupled with source and target domains, affecting their capacity to generalize to other domains. In this work, we focus on a more challenging scenario where DNNs are required to generalize well to multiple unseen domains. §.§ Domain Generalization Different from DA, domain generalization (DG) expects to learn generalized DNNs with the assistance of multiple source domains <cit.>, without the access to target domain. Currently, DG methods can mainly be categorized into three dimensions, including domain alignment, data augmentation/generation, and ensemble learning. Most existing DG methods <cit.> belong to the category of domain alignment. Their motivation is straightforward: features that are invariant to the source domain shifts should also be generalized to any unseen target domain shift. Data generation is another popular technique for DG <cit.>. The goal is to generate diverse and rich data to boost the generalization ability of DNNs. Existing methods typically remould the Variational Auto-encoder (VAE) <cit.>, and the Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) <cit.> to execute diversified data generation. Ensemble learning <cit.> commonly learns multiple copies of the same model with different initialization and then utilizes their ensemble for final prediction. As the variant of ensemble learning, weight averaging <cit.>, domain-specific neural networks <cit.>, and domain-specific batch normalization <cit.> have recently achieved promising results. Nevertheless, it is non-trivial to directly apply these DG techniques for single domain generalization. §.§ Single Domain Generalization Single domain generalization (single-DG) is an extreme case of domain generalization, where DNNs are trained with only one source domain data and required to perform well to multiple unseen target domains. It is more challenging than DA and DG, yet indeed more realistic in practical applications. To address this challenging problem, several methods <cit.> have designed various data augmentation algorithms to enhance the diversity and informativeness of training data. In <cit.>, the authors propose a style-complement module to synthesize images from diverse distributions. In <cit.>, synthesized feature statistics are introduced to model the uncertainty of domain shifts during training. To regulate single-DG training, <cit.> applies a variety of visual corruptions as augmentation and designs a new attention consistency loss. A novel image meta-convolution network is developed in <cit.> for capturing more domain-generalized features. Nevertheless, most methods are modality-specific and only applicable to image inputs. When we encounter a new data modality, they are commonly not available to deploy. The reason behind is that for different data modalities, domain shifts tend to be different. For example, the differences in 3D geometry structure among multiple domains are the origin of domain shifts for point clouds, instead of style and texture differences in 2D images. Our work delves into this limitation and targets for proposing a general and versatile framework for single-DG that is agnostic to data modality. § METHODOLOGY §.§ Preliminary We consider an extreme case in generalization: single domain generalization (single-DG), where the goal is to train DNNs with single source domain 𝒟_S that perform well to multiple unseen target domains: {𝒟_T^1, 𝒟_T^2,…, 𝒟_T^Z}. In particular, we consider the K-way classification. We denote 𝒟_S = { (x_i, y_i)}^n_i=1, where x∈𝒳⊂ℝ^X, y∈𝒴⊂ℝ^K. The whole DNN architecture is represented as F = g ∘ f, where f: ℝ^X→ℝ^D denotes the feature extractor and g: ℝ^D→ℝ^K is the classifier. This setting is guaranteed under a general assumption in domain generalization: There are domain-generalized features e_g in the domain 𝒟_S whose correlation with label is consistent across domains, and domain-specific features e_s whose correlation with label varies across domains. Classifiers that rely on domain-generalized features e_g perform much better on new unseen domains than those that depend on domain-specific features e_s. In this setting, directly applying the vanilla empirical risk minimization (ERM) <cit.> on 𝒟_S commonly results in a sub-optimal model that does not generalize well to unseen domains. The main reason originates from that the feature extractor f often extracts more domain-specific features e_s together with domain-generalized features e_g <cit.>. DNNs trained with SGD often count on the simplest features <cit.>, which leads to a tendency for the classifier g to overemphasize e_s and pay less attention to e_g, resulting in unintended decision rules. Prior methods <cit.> have designed various data-augmentation algorithms to encourage the feature extractor g to learn more domain-generalized features e_g and suppress those domain-specific features e_s. However, these algorithms are typically modality-specific, and largely limited to images. Instead, we propose to mitigate this limitation by directly strengthening the capacity of classifier for identifying domain-specific features, and meanwhile emphasising the learning of domain-generalized features. That completely eliminates the requirement of modality-specific data augmentations, pursuing a versatile and modality-agnostic paradigm for single-DG. Technically, we present a novel modality-agnostic debiasing (MAD) framework. MAD integrates the basic backbone for feature extraction with a new two-branch classifier structure. One branch is the biased-branch that identifies those domain-specific features e_s with a multi-head cooperated classifier. The other is that learns to capture the domain-generalized features e_g with the knowledge derived from the biased-branch. Figure <ref> illustrates the detailed architecture of our MAD. §.§ Identifying Domain-specific Features There have been some efforts <cit.> in domain generalization to realize domain-specific features e_s and domain-generalized features e_g separation. Nevertheless, most of them require multiple training domains and pre-defined domain labels, making them inapplicable for single-DG. Moreover, <cit.> has pointed out that given a trained classifier, it is non-trivial to uniquely decompose the classifier weight into domain-specific and domain-generalized terms, especially with only one source domain data. To alleviate these issues, we propose a simple yet effective domain-specific feature identification strategy. Our motivation is straightforward: since the vanilla classifier trained with SGD will inadvertently focus more on those domain-specific features, the weights of the trained classifier can be considered as an indicator of those features. Nevertheless, a single vanilla classifier is typically not effective to locate all domain-specific features. The reason is that there commonly exist multiple factors that contribute to domain-specific features. Taking the identification of “elephants" and “cats" as an example, the hypotheses “elephants tend to be found in grasslands", and “elephants tend to have wrinkled skin" are both beneficial for classification. When we deploy classifiers to the real world, these hypotheses are domain-specific and superficial, and might result in severe performance degradation. For images, there are several factors typically correlated to domain-specific features, such as the background contexts <cit.>, the texture of the objects <cit.>, and high-frequency patterns that are almost invisible to the human eye <cit.>. That motivates us to design a biased-branch that identifies more domain-specific features with a multi-head cooperated classifier g_bias: ℝ^D→ℝ^K× M. Specifically, we apply the cooperation cross-entropy loss to learn this branch as: ℒ_C-CE = 𝔼_x, y∑_k=1^K -1_[k=y]logexp(max(v_k(x)))/∑_j=1^Kexp(max(v_j(x))), where v_k(x)= g_bias(f(x))[k, :] ∈ℝ^M denotes the logits of multi-head classifier for the k-th category of sample x, and M is the number of classification heads. Note that we do not enforce all heads of the biased-branch classifier to correctly predict each sample. Instead, we only need one of them to accurately identify it. That is, all heads are encouraged to cooperate with each other for classification. The spirit behind is that domain-specific features do not represent the truly domain-generalized semantics. Thereby, for a particular-type domain-specific features, they are not necessarily present in all samples. Since the max function is not differentiable in Eq. (<ref>), we approximate this function with the log-sum-exp during our implementation. In general, the sweet spot for M is set within the range from 1 to D//K - 1. Its value depends on the dimension and factors introduced domain-specific features. In our implementation, we perform cross validation to choose a good value for M, but it is worth noting that the performance is relatively stable with respect to this choice (see more discussions in Sec. <ref>). §.§ Learning to Debias Based on the proposed biased-branch, we have an indicator to those domain-specific features. A follow-up question is how to suppress those domain-specific features in favor of focusing more on those desired domain-generalized features. Here, we introduce another general-branch classifier g_gen : ℝ^D→ℝ^K to capture those domain-generalized features. Let W_bias∈ℝ^K× M× D and W_gen∈ℝ^K× D be weights of the multi-head biased classifier and the domain-general classifier, respectively. An intuitive solution is to enforce orthogonality between W_bias and W_gen in Eq. (<ref>) during learning the classifier g_gen in Eq. (<ref>): ℒ_CE = 𝔼_x, y∑_k=1^K -1_[k=y]logexp(u_k(x))/∑_j=1^Kexp(u_j(x)), ℒ_Reg = 1/K∑_k=1^K W_bias[k,:] W_gen[k,:]^T _F^2. Here u_k(x)= g_gen(f(x))[k] ∈ℝ represents the logit of classifier g_gen for the k-th category of input sample x. However, if we optimize the whole network (including the feature extractor f, biased-branch classifier g_bias, and general-branch classifier g_gen) simultaneously at the beginning, there is no guarantee that the classifier g_gen will pay more attention to those domain-general features. To address this issue, we introduce a two-stage learning mechanism to enable the interaction between the two branches. Technically, in the first stage, we only introduce Eq. (<ref>) and Eq. (<ref>) to optimize the network, encouraging the biased-branch classifier to learn those domain-specific features and expecting the weight of general-branch classifier W_gen to evade the territory of domain-specific features. Then, in the second stage, we apply Eq. (<ref>), Eq. (<ref>) and Eq. (<ref>) together to optimize the entire network. Accordingly, the overall optimization objective is: min_f, g_bias, g_genℒ_C-CE + ℒ_Reg + 1_[pro ≥ T]·ℒ_CE, where all loss terms are equally weighted, pro denotes the overall training progress, T is a hyper-parameter that determines when to trigger the second stage learning. In general, the choice of T depends on the training dataset size and task difficulty. In our implementation, for recognition task, we typically set T = 3 epochs (50 epochs in total). As for semantic segmentation, we set T = 6% of the iterations in total. Algorithm. <ref> presents the Pseudo-code of our MAD. § EXPERIMENTS We evaluate the effectiveness of MAD for single domain generalization (single-DG) via various empirical evidences on a series of tasks, including recognition on images, point clouds, texts, and semantic segmentation on images. Here we include several single-DG methods as baselines for performance comparison: (1) ERM <cit.> directly applies the vanilla strategy to train source model. (2) AugMix <cit.> utilizes stochastic and diverse augmentations, and a formation to mix multiple augmented images to generate diverse samples. (3) pAdaIN <cit.> swaps feature statistics between the samples applied with a random permutation of mini-batch, (4) Mixstyle <cit.> adopts linear interpolation on feature statistics of two instances to generate synthesized samples. (5) DSU <cit.> characterizes the feature statistics as uncertain distribution to model domain shift. (6) ACVC <cit.> introduces more severe image augmentations, including image corruptions and Fourier transform. Recall that our MAD is able to directly strengthen the capability of classifier to identify domain-specific features, and meanwhile emphasize the learning of domain-generalized features. Therefore, MAD can be seamlessly incorporated into these methods to further boost performances. Note that MAD discards the additional biased-branch and only employs the feature extractor plus general-branch classifier at inference. That is, when plugging MAD into existing methods, there is no increase in computational cost. §.§ Single-DG on Image Recognition Setup and Implementation Details: We validate the proposed method on two image datasets: PACS <cit.>, a widely-used benchmark for domain generalization with four domains: Photo (P), Art Painting (A), Cartoon (C), and Sketch (S). VLCS <cit.>, another commonly adopted benchmark for domain generalization with four different domains: VOC2007 (V), LabelMe (L), Caltech101 (C), SUN09 (S). In our implementation, we adopt the ResNet-18 <cit.> pretrained on ImageNet <cit.> as backbone. We apply the SGD optimizer with momentum 0.9. The batch size is set to 64. We set the learning rate to 2e-3/1e-3 for PACS/VLCS. Experiments are conducted on a Tesla P40 GPU with PyTorch-1.5. Following <cit.>, we split the training domain into training and validation subsets, and select the best-performing model on validation set to report the OOD performances. Experiment Results: We first conduct experiments on PACS, shown in Table <ref>. The main domain shift in this dataset is derived from style differences, and most data augmentation methods manifest higher performances than ERM baseline. Though these methods have achieved good performances, our MAD still manages to further improve their performance consistently. For example, MAD boosts up the overall accuracy of ACVC from 63.61% to 65.87%. Table <ref> further summarizes the performance comparison on VLCS. The domain shift of this dataset mainly comes from background and view point changes. The scenes in VLCS vary from urban to rural, and the viewpoint tends to favor the side view or non-classical view. As a result, existing data augmentation methods which mainly introduce diverse styles obtain relatively smaller performance gains on VLCS dataset compared to those on PACS. Even in this case, MAD significantly improves the overall accuracy of ERM from 59.56% to 62.95%. Especially when taking “LabelMe" as source domain, our MAD leads to near 10% improvement in average accuracy. Similar to the observations on PACS, the consistent performance improvements are attained when integrating existing data augmentation approaches with MAD. In particular, MAD increases the accuracy of ACVC from 61.25% to 63.82%. §.§ Single-DG on Point Cloud Recognition Setup and Implementation Details: Different from 2D vision, 3D vision has various modalities to represent data, such as voxel grid, 3D mesh and point cloud. Among them, point cloud is the most straightforward and representative modality, which consists of a set of points with 3D coordinates. To verify the generality of MAD, we conduct experiments on the 3D point cloud domain adaptation dataset PointDA-10 <cit.>, which consists of three domains: ShapeNet (SH), ScanNet (SC), and ModelNet (M). In our implementation, we adopt the PointNet <cit.> as backbone, and apply the SGD optimizer with momentum 0.9. The batch size is set to 64. We set the learning rate to 1e-3. Experiments are executed on a Tesla P40 GPU with PyTorch-1.5. For model selection, similar to the experiments on images, we split the training domain into training and validation subsets, and choose the model with maximal accuracy on validation set to report the OOD performance. Experiment Results: Table <ref> lists the performance comparison on PointDA-10. An observation is that the existing data augmentation methods on 2D images do not work well on 3D point clouds. The representative methods, e.g., Mixstyle and DSU, are even inferior to ERM. We speculate that this may be the results of the different types of domain shifts, which typically lie in geometric differences in point clouds rather than texture and style differences in 2D images. Moreover, there is no one-to-one correspondence and order between points, making it difficult to directly generate new point clouds by interpolating two point clouds. This somewhat reveals the weakness of data augmentation, when generalizing to different modalities. MAD, in comparison, benefits from decoupling domain-specific features and domain-generalized features, and constantly enhances these methods. In particular, MAD improves the overall accuracy of ERM/Mixstyle/DSU from 34.57%/33.78%/33.63% to 37.91%/38.16%/36.45%. The results basically indicate the advantage of MAD across different modalities. §.§ Single-DG on Text Classification Setup and Implementation Details: In addition to 2D images, and 3D point clouds, we further conduct experiments on cross-domain text classification. We choose the Amazon Reviews <cit.> as the benchmark, which contains four different domains on product review, including DVDs (D), Kitchen appliance (K), Electronics (E), and Books (B). The dataset has already been pre-processed into a bag of features (unigrams and bigrams), losing all word order information. Following <cit.>, we take the 5,000 most frequent features and represent each review as a 5,000-dimentional feature vector. Following <cit.>, we employ an MLP as feature extractor. We apply the SGD optimizer with momentum 0.9. The batch size is set to 64. We set the learning rate to 1e-3. Experiments are conducted on a Tesla P40 GPU with PyTorch-1.5. We adopt the same model selection strategy as in image and point cloud recognition. Experiment Results: The results shown in Table <ref> clearly verify the effectiveness of MAD in comparison to the existing methods. Similar to the observations on 2D images and 3D point clouds, MAD also exhibits performance improvement to existing approaches on text modality. For example, MAD boosts up the accuracy of ERM on Books domain by 3.09%, and leads to 0.94%, 0.89%, and 1.40% gain in overall accuracy to Mixup, Mixstyle, and DSU, respectively. The improvements empirically prove the impact of MAD on text modality. §.§ Single-DG on Semantic Segmentation Setup and Implementation Details: The aforementioned experiments mainly focus on the single-DG recognition of 1D texts, 2D images and 3D point clouds. In this section, we experiment with 2D images segmentation. As a fundamental ability for autonomous driving, semantic segmentation models often encounter severe performance degeneration due to scenarios change. Here, we conduct experiments on GTA-5 <cit.> → Cityscape <cit.> datasets, the most widely-used benchmark on semantic segmentation domain adaptation. The experiments are based on FADA released codes <cit.>, using DeepLab-V2 <cit.> segmentation network with ResNet-101 <cit.> as backbone. We apply the SGD optimizer with momentum 0.9. The batch size is set to 8. We set the learning rate to 5e-4. Experiments are implemented on 4 Tesla P40 GPUs with PyTorch-1.5. Mean Intersection over Union (mIOU) and mean Accuracy (mAcc) for all objects categories are adopted as evaluation metric. Experiment Results: As a pixel-level classification task, semantic segmentation is much harder than image-level recognition. Table <ref> details the results, demonstrating the superiority of MAD against baselines. Specifically, MAD contributes an mIOU increase of 1.9% and 1.5% to ERM and DSU, respectively. The results again verify the merit of MAD on semantic segmentation on 2D images. §.§ Experiments Analysis Ablation Study: To examine the contribution of different components within MAD, we first conduct extensive ablation studies on texts, images, and point clouds recognition. Table <ref> summarizes the results. Here, MAD (one-stage) refers to a degraded version of MAD without two-stage learning mechanism. That is, we optimize the biased-branch g_bias and the general-branch g_gen simultaneously. MAD (single-head) indicates that we only capitalize on a single-head classifier in the biased-branch to capture those domain-specific features. As shown in Table <ref>, both the multi-head classifier design and the two-stage learning mechanism are effective. The two components complement to each other and both manage the general-branch classifier g_gen to focus more on those domain-generalized features. Hyper-parameter Sensitivity: Next, we study the hyper-parameter sensitivity of M and T on text classification task. M is the number of the biased-branch classifiers, and T denotes the second-stage training threshold. As shown in Figure <ref>, the accuracies are relatively stable when each hyper-parameter varies. In our implementation, we set T to 3. Since M depends on the factors of the introduced domain-specific features, its value differs for different datasets. We set M to 3 for PointDA-10 and GTA-5, 5 for VLCS, and 7 for PACS and Amazon Review. Low-frequency Component vs High-frequency Component: As pointed out in <cit.>, the low-frequency component (LFC) is much more generalizable than high-frequency component (HFC), i.e., LFC typically represents those domain-generalized (semantic) features, and HFC denotes those domain-specific (superficial) features. Here, we conduct experiments in the “LabelMe" domain of the VLCS benchmark to verify whether MAD encourages classifier to pay more attention to those domain-generalized features, i.e., the LFC. Specifically, for each instance in the validation subset, we decompose the data into LFC and HFC w.r.t different radius thresholds r via applying Fourier transform and inverse Fourier transform. Then, we train the vanilla ERM classifier, the ERM classifier equipped with MAD separately, and evaluate them on LFC and HFC. Figure <ref> depicts the results, where r=12/16 low (solid line) denotes the LFC and r=12/16 high (dashed line) denotes the HFC. As shown in this figure, ERM w/ MAD performs much better on LFC than vanilla ERM, with an accuracy improvement of nearly 10%. The results confirm the effectiveness of MAD in improving single-domain generalization, and MAD indeed encourages classifiers to pay more attention to those domain-generalized features (LFC). §.§ Visualization In addition to quantitative performance comparisons, we further present some qualitative illustrative results. Figure <ref> (a) first visualizes the confusion matrix on PACS benchmark. The classification model is trained on “Cartoon" domain and evaluated on unseen domain “Sketch". The results show that ERM w/ MAD is less confusing for most categories when testing in unseen domains compared to vanilla ERM. Then, Figure <ref> (b) illustrates an example for semantic segmentation. The visualization demonstrates that MAD can enhance the ERM baseline to achieve more precise segmentation results under domain shift, especially for the driveable areas. § CONCLUSION In this paper, we delve into the single domain generalization (single-DG) problem. Different from existing methods that introduce modality-specific data augmentation techniques, we propose a general and versatile modality-agnostic debiasing (MAD) framework for single-DG. MAD starts from the viewpoint of directly strengthening the capability of classifier for identifying domain-specific (superficial) features, and meanwhile emphasizing the learning of domain-generalized (semantic) features. Technically, we have devised a novel two-branch classifier, where a biased-branch is responsible for identifying those superficial features, while the general-branch is encouraged to focus more on those semantic features. MAD is appealing in view that it can be seamlessly incorporated into existing methods to further boost up performances. We have evaluated the effectiveness and superiority of MAD for single-DG via various empirical evidences on a series of tasks, including recognition on 1D texts, 2D images, 3D point clouds, and semantic segmentation on 2D images. In all tasks, MAD can facilitate the state-of-the-art methods to achieve better performance without bells and whistles. Acknowledgment: This work was partially supported by Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Major Project (No.2018SHZDZX01), ZJ Lab, and Shanghai Center for Brain Science and Brain-Inspired Technology, and the Shanghai Rising Star Program (No.21QC1400900). § MORE DETAILS ABOUT DATASETS In the main paper, we have validated the effectiveness of our Modality-Agnostic Debiasing (MAD) framework in a variety of single domain generalization (single-DG) scenarios with different modalities, including recognition on 1D texts, 2D images, 3D point clouds, and semantic segmentation on 2D images. Here we provide more details about the adopted datasets in the main paper. The statistics are listed in Table <ref>. In an effort to qualitatively show the domain shifts in different benchmarks, we further illustrate some examples in Figure <ref>. One major observation is that the domain shifts vary a lot between benchmarks. For example, the domain shifts in images (Figure <ref> (a), (b), (d)) mostly result from the changes for image contexts, styles, and viewpoints. In point clouds (Figure <ref> (c)), the domain shifts primary correspond to geometric variations. Existing single-DG methods are commonly designed for images by devising various data augmentation algorithms to introduce various textures and image styles, making them modality-specific and only applicable to the single modality inputs of images. In contrast, MAD proposes to directly enhance the classifier's ability to identify domain-specific features while emphasizing the learning of domain-generalized features. In this way, a versatile modality-agnostic single-DG paradigm is established by completely eliminating the need for modality-specific data augmentations. MAD is also appealing due to the fact that it can be seamlessly incorporated into existing single-DG methods to further boost up performances. § MORE RESULTS FOR LOW-FREQUENCY COMPONENT VS. HIGH-FREQUENCY COMPONENT For images, Low-frequency component (LFC) is commonly considered as domain-generalized features, while High-frequency component (HFC) is regarded as domain-specific features <cit.>. Here, we provide more results to support the capacity of MAD enforcing classifiers to pay more attention to domain-generalized features, i.e., LFC. Here we conduct additional experiments in the “Photo" and “Art" domains on PACS benchmark. Implementation details are the same as in the main paper. That is, for each instance in the validation subset, we decompose the image into LFC and HFC w.r.t different radius threshold r via applying Fourier transform and inverse Fourier transform. Then, we train the ERM and the ERM w/ MAD, separately, and evaluate them on LFC and HFC. The results are summarized in Figure <ref>, where r= 12/16 low represents the LFC and r=12/16 high depicts the HFC. As shown in this figure, we can conclude that MAD consistently encourages the classifier focus more on those domain-generalized features. § MORE RESULTS FOR SEMANTIC SEGMENTATION VISUALIZATION Semantic segmentation models often suffer from performance degradation due to scenario changes. We exhibit more visualization results of semantic segmentation in Figure  <ref>. These examples further demonstrate the effectiveness of MAD when integrated into existing data-augmentation based methods (e.g., DSU <cit.>). ieee_fullname
Building Krylov complexity from circuit complexity
[ "Chenwei Lv", "Ren Zhang", "Qi Zhou" ]
[ "quant-ph", "cond-mat.quant-gas", "cond-mat.str-el", "hep-th" ]
They contribute equally to this work. Department of Physics and Astronomy, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 47907, USA They contribute equally to this work. School of Physics, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710049 zhou753@purdue.edu Department of Physics and Astronomy, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 47907, USA Purdue Quantum Science and Engineering Institute, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA Krylov complexity has emerged as a new probe of operator growth in a wide range of non-equilibrium quantum dynamics. However, a fundamental issue remains in such studies: the definition of the distance between basis states in Krylov space is ambiguous. Here, we show that Krylov complexity can be rigorously established from circuit complexity when dynamical symmetries exist. Whereas circuit complexity characterizes the geodesic distance in a multi-dimensional operator space, Krylov complexity measures the height of the final operator in a particular direction. The geometric representation of circuit complexity thus unambiguously designates the distance between basis states in Krylov space. This geometric approach also applies to time-dependent Liouvillian superoperators, where a single Krylov complexity is no longer sufficient. Multiple Krylov complexity may be exploited jointly to fully describe operator dynamics. Building Krylov complexity from circuit complexity Qi Zhou March 30, 2023 ================================================== In the past few years, significant progress has been made in the study of non-equilibrium quantum phenomena, ranging from eigenstate thermalization to quantum information scrambling <cit.>. A central task of these studies is to explore how local quantum information spreads to the vastly large degree of freedom in a many-body system <cit.>. Some commonly used theoretical tools include the out-of-time-order correlator and Loschmidt echoes, among the many others <cit.>. Krylov (K-) complexity has recently been introduced as a new probe of quantum information spreading in non-equilibrium dynamics <cit.>. In the Heisenberg picture, a local operator may evolve into a non-local one in quantum dynamics. K-complexity traces such operator size growth and thus provides physicists with deep insights to many fundamental questions in non-equilibrium dynamics <cit.>. The study of K-complexity is based on the Lanczos algorithm <cit.>. In the Heisenberg picture, an operator is denoted by 𝒪̂(t)=∑_m,n𝒪_mn|m⟩⟨n|, where t is the time, |m⟩ is a set of orthogonal eigenstates and 𝒪_mn are the matrix elements. 𝒪̂(t) may be regarded as a state in the operator space and thus can be denoted as |𝒪(t))≡∑_m,n𝒪_mn|m⟩⊗|n⟩. Using the Krylov basis |𝒪_n), an ordered set of mutual orthogonal operators, |𝒪(t))=∑_n ϕ_n(t)|𝒪_n), where |𝒪_0)=|𝒪(t=0)). |𝒪_n≠0) is generated by commutators of 𝒪̂_0 and Ĥ recursively using the Lanczos algorithm. For instance, |𝒪_1)=b_1^-1|[H,𝒪_0]), where the normalization constant b_1 is introduced such that (𝒪_n|𝒪_n)=(𝒪_0|𝒪_0). The inner product in operator space is defined as (A|B)=(A^† B). The other Krylov basis states are defined recursively by |𝒪_n)=b_n^-1(|[H,𝒪_n-1])-b_n-1|𝒪_n-2)). K-complexity is defined as C_K(t)=∑_n n|ϕ_n(t)|^2, which can be viewed as the expectation value of the Krylov operator K̂_𝒪=∑_n n |𝒪_n)(𝒪_n|. Intuitively, Eq.(<ref>) describes the mean width of a wavepacket in the Krylov space and thus quantitatively measures how the size of the operator increases as time goes by. Whereas it was hypothesized that C_K has the fastest growth in a chaotic system <cit.>, recent studies have shown that similar behaviors of C_K may arise in non-chaotic systems <cit.>. Despite the exciting development in the study of K-complexity, a fundamental question remains. The Lanczos algorithm only provides an ordered Krylov basis but does not supply a distance among them. To obtain the operator size described by Eq.(<ref>), |𝒪_n) are assumed to be equally spaced. As such, any quantitative results of K-complexity are built upon the choice that the distance between |𝒪_n) and |𝒪_0) has been chosen as n. In practice, substituting n by any other function h(n) shall change all results of K-complexity. At a more fundamental level, without prior knowledge of the geometry of the operator space, any choice of the distance between |O_n) could be regarded as ambiguous. It is thus desirable to define K-complexity rigorously by specifying the geometry of the Krylov space where |𝒪_n) live. Here, we show K-complexity can be systematically established from circuit (C-) complexity, a concept that originated from quantum computation and is now being widely used in many other areas including high energy physics and condensed matter physics <cit.>. In quantum computation, C-complexity describes the smallest number of gates to reach a target state from a reference state. It can be visualized using Nielsen's geometric approach, which provides a metric for operators such that C-complexity is given by the geodesic in the space of circuits <cit.>. Compared to other definitions of the metric in operator space, such as the trace distance <cit.>, a unique advantage of circuit complexity is that the distance between operators has a clear physical interpretation. A longer(shorter) path corresponds to more (less) gates required to evolve from one operator to the other. Applying circuit complexity to non-equilibrium quantum dynamics, it can be understood as the shortest time to reach a desired state and thus allows experimentalists to optimize quantum controls <cit.>. We have found that K-complexity measures the height of the time-dependent operator along a particular direction in the operator space. For instance, in systems with SU(2) symmetry, the metric of all operators involved in quantum dynamics forms a sphere. As shown in Fig. <ref> (A), the initial operator |𝒪(0)) is placed at the south pole. The length of a trajectory starting from the south pole along a big circle provides us with the circuit complexity. Projecting this trajectory to the z-axis, the K-complexity is the height of the final operator measured from the south pole. Our results also show that the distance between Krylov basis states is rigorously determined by the circuit complexity. Here, the Krylov basis states correspond to strips along latitudes on the sphere. Such a distance turns out to be variable once it becomes easier or more difficult to change the operators in some directions in the operator space. We note that the geometric interpretation of K-complexity has recently been studied in an elegant work by Caputa et al <cit.>. It was argued that the K-complexity corresponds to the area of a certain region, using the Fubini-Study metric to define the metric of the operator space <cit.>. Compared to such an inner product of operators, the physical meaning of C-complexity used here is more clear in quantum dynamics. We find that it is more appropriate to interpret K-complexity as a length rather than an area. Furthermore, our approach applies to time-dependent Liouvillian superoperators, a largely unexplored problem in the study of K-complexity. As we will show, it requires multiple K-complexity to fully describe the operator growth in the most generic case where Liouvillian superoperators are time-dependent. In the operator space, the Heisenberg equation of motion is recast into a similar form as the Schrödinger equation, -i∂_t|𝒪(t))=ℒ̂|𝒪(t)). where the Liouvillian superoperator becomes ℒ̂=Ĥ⊗𝕀̂-𝕀̂⊗Ĥ^T. When a dynamical symmetry exists, this equation has simple analytical solutions. For instance, when ℒ̂ is written as ℒ̂=B𝒮̂_x, 𝒮̂_x=∑_n=0^2ℓ-1 b_n|𝒪_n+1)(𝒪_n|+ h.c. where b_n= √((n+1)(2ℓ-n)), 2ℓ is an integer denoting the total number of Krylov basis states, and B is a constant. One can define 𝒮̂^+=∑_n b_n|𝒪_n+1)(𝒪_n| and 𝒮̂^-=∑_n b_n|𝒪_n)(𝒪_n+1|. 𝒦̂_𝒪 and 𝒮̂^± provide three generators of SU(2), as recognized by Caputa et al <cit.>. [𝒦̂_𝒪,𝒮̂^±]=±𝒮̂^±, [𝒮̂^+,𝒮̂^-]=2(𝒦̂_𝒪-ℓ). This dynamical symmetry can be easily seen by noting that Eq.(<ref>) corresponds to the spin operator 𝒮̂_x of a total spin-ℓ, 𝒮̂_y=(𝒮̂^+-𝒮̂^-)/(2 i) and 𝒮̂_z=𝒦̂_𝒪-ℓ, and the constant B corresponds to the strength of the magnetic field acting on the spin. Eq.(<ref>) thus can be viewed as the Schrödinger equation for a spin-ℓ subject to a constant magnetic field in the x-direction. Alternatively, ϕ(t) in Eq.(<ref>) can be regarded as the time-dependent wavefunction in a lattice model where the tunneling amplitude is denoted by b_n. For Liouvillians with dynamical symmetry, the propagator 𝒰̂=𝒯e^i∫ℒ̂dt, where 𝒯 is the time-ordering operator, can be parameterized using the generators of the symmetry group in the same manner as the evolution of a quantum state. For SU(2), 𝒰̂=e^iψ𝒮̂_ze^iθ𝒮̂_xe^iφ𝒮̂_z. It evolves the initial operator |𝒪(0)) to a generalized coherent state |𝒪(t))=𝒰̂|𝒪(0))=|𝒞_θ,φ,ψ) <cit.>. Eq.(<ref>) allows us to define circuit complexity and its underlying geometry. In the most generic case, the Liouvillian superoperator in Eq. <ref> is given by ℒ̂=B_x𝒮̂_x+B_y 𝒮̂_y+B_z𝒮̂_z. The operator dynamics thus can be viewed as the evolution of a spin-ℓ subject to a magnetic field B⃗(t)=(B_x, B_y, B_z). The circuit complexity denotes the shortest time to reach a target state under the constraint that the strength of the magnetic field is fixed, i.e., |B⃗|=√(B_x^2+B_y^2+B_z^2)≡ B <cit.>. This amounts to fixing the metric of the operator space  <cit.>, ds^2=ℓ^2 dt^2(B_x^2+B_y^2+B_z^2). Noting that d𝒰̂𝒰̂^-1=i ℒ̂ dt, equations (<ref>) shows that dθ, dψ and dφ are determined by B⃗. Using Tr(Ŝ_iŜ_j^†)=δ_i,j, B_i=x,y,z can be expressed in terms of ψ, θ, φ, dψ, dθ and dφ. In the content of circuit complexity, it amounts to defining a cost function F^2=ℓ^2 Tr(d𝒰̂𝒰̂^-1(d𝒰̂𝒰̂^-1)^† ) <cit.>. Substituting such expressions to Eq.(<ref>), we obtain the following metric ds^2= ℓ^2(dθ^2+dψ^2+dφ^2+2cos(θ)dφ dψ). This is the metric of a 3-sphere. We note that Eq.(<ref>) can be understood as an expansion of the coherent state using |𝒪_n), which plays the roles of eigenstates of 𝒮̂_z in the usual spin problem. To be explicit, ϕ_n(t)=e^-iℓ (φ+ψ)cos^2ℓ(θ/2)√((2ℓ)!/n!(2ℓ-n)!)μ^n, where μ=itan(θ/2)e^iψ. As such, φ controls the global phase, ψ denotes the relative phase between ϕ_n. And θ determines the amplitude distribution of |ϕ_n|^2. Very often, two operators with the same global phase can be identified as the same one. As such, the state C-complexity is defined as the minimum of C-complexity to the final state with different φ but the same ψ and θ. Since Eq. <ref> is a quadratic form of dφ, extremizing Eq. <ref> by setting dφ=-cos(θ)dψ reduces a 3-sphere to a 2-sphere ds^2= ℓ^2(dθ^2+sin^2(θ)dψ^2). Each point on the 2-sphere is equivalent to a coherent state |𝒞'_θ,ψ)≡|𝒞_θ,ψ,0). Since the geodesics of a 2-sphere are big circles, the state C-complexity could be visualized as the length of the arc along a big circle connecting the initial and the final operators, or equivalently, the polar angle θ, as shown in Fig. <ref>. Since |𝒞'_θ,ψ) form an overcomplete basis, we could expand |𝒪_n) using |𝒞'_θ,ψ), |𝒪_n)=2ℓ+1/4π∫sin(θ) dθ dψ f_n(θ,ψ)|𝒞'_θ,ψ), in the same manner as expanding the eigenstates of 𝒮̂_z using spin coherent states, where |f_n(θ,ψ)|^2=|ϕ^*_n|^2_φ=0 is centered around θ_n=arccos(1-n/ℓ). This is precisely the Husimi Q-representation of |𝒪_n)(𝒪_n| using the coherent state of operators <cit.>. On the 2-sphere, |𝒪_0) and |𝒪_2ℓ) are placed at the south and the north poles, respectively. Each other |𝒪_n≠ 0) corresponds to a strip along a latitude with a finite width. The projection of the strip to the z-axis is equally spaced and the height of the strip measured from the south pole linearly increases with n. In other words, each |𝒪_n) can be assigned a unique coordinate on the z-axis, n. This is directly a consequence of the metric tensor in Eq.(<ref>). We conclude that once the metric of the operator space is fixed in the study of C-complexity, the distance between basis states in the Krylov space is uniquely determined. Since the weight of |𝒪(t)) in |𝒪_n) is given by |ϕ_n(t)|^2, K-complexity defined in Eq.(<ref>) could be viewed as the height of |𝒪(t)) measured from the south pole, in the same manner as the expectation value of 𝒮̂_z of a spin. This is the physical meaning of K-complexity in the geometric representation of C-complexity. For the dynamics generated by ℒ̂=B𝒮̂_x in Eq.(<ref>), the evolution of the operator is equivalent to a spin processing about the x-axis. The state C-complexity, which equals the polar angle θ, grows linearly as a function of time, C=ℓθ(t)=ℓ Bt. K-complexity, the height of the final operator is equivalent to the average value of 𝒮̂_z of a spin, C_K=ℓ-ℓcos(B t). The same discussions apply to SU(1,1), where b_n in Eq. <ref> is replaced by √((n+1)(2k+n)), and k is the Bargmann index, a counterpart of ℓ in SU(2). The state C-complexity could be visualized using a hyperbolic surface embedded in Minkowski space. As shown in Fig. <ref>(B), each point on the hyperbolic surface is an SU(1,1) coherent state in the operator space, |C_θ,ψ')=e^ikψ/cosh^2k(θ/2)∑_n √(Γ(2k+n)/Γ(2k)n!)μ̃^n|𝒪_n) where μ̃=itanh(θ/2)e^iψ. C is the length of the arc connecting the initial and final operators on the hyperbolic surface and grows linearly as a function of time, C=kBt. The Krylov basis states again correspond to strips on this surface. On the z-axis, |𝒪_n) are equally spaced, and C_K is the height of the final operator measured from the initial operator placed at the bottom of the hyperbolic surface. When C-complexity grows linearly, the height of the final operator grows exponentially. This provides a geometric interpretation of the exponentially growing K-complexity, C_K(t)= kcosh(B t)-k. The metric of operator space, for instance, the 2-sphere in Eq.(<ref>), depends on ds defined in Eq.(<ref>). In the study of C-complexity, it is known that the metric of the operator space could change if a different ds is used. Physically, this originates from that it may be easier (or more difficult) to implement certain gates than others <cit.>. For instance, in SU(2), one may choose ds^2=ℓ^2 dt^2(B_x^2+B_y^2+λ^2B_z^2). λ>1 (λ<1) means that it is more difficult (easier) to implement the gate in the z-direction ℒ̂_z. An alternative understanding is that one seeks the least time to access the target state under a different constraint. The new choice means that √(B_x^2+B_y^2+λ^2B_z^2) other than |B| is fixed. The metric of the operator space becomes ds^2= ℓ^2(dθ^2+dψ^2+dφ^2+2cos(θ)dφ dψ) +ℓ^2(λ^2-1)(cos(θ)dφ+dψ)^2. When λ=1, it reduces to the previous result of a 3-sphere in Eq.(<ref>). The state C-complexity is obtained by minimizing the above metric, dφ=-λ^2cos(θ)/1+(λ^2-1)cos^2(θ)dψ. We obtain ds^2= ℓ^2(dθ^2+λ^2sin^2(θ)/1+(λ^2-1)cos^2(θ)dψ^2). When λ=1, Eq.(<ref>) reduces to the previous result of a 2-sphere in Eq.(<ref>). When λ≠ 1, Eq.(<ref>) describes a deformed sphere, as shown in Fig. <ref>A. The height of a point on the sphere with a polar angle θ measured from the south pole now becomes h(θ)=ℓ∫_0^θ√(1-cos^2(θ')/(λ^-2sin^2(θ')+cos^2(θ'))^3)dθ' When λ≠ 1, the Krylov basis states |𝒪_n) are no longer equally spaced. C_K(t) in Eq. (<ref>) needs to be modified such that it gives rise to the height of the final operator |𝒪(t)), C_K(t)=∑_n h(θ_n) |ϕ_n(t)|^2. As a result, the time dependence of C_K changes, as shown in Fig. <ref>B. Our geometric approach also applies to time-dependent Liouvillian superoperators. The simplest case is a quantum quench, where the dynamics is determined by ℒ̂ and ℒ̂' before and after t^*, respectively. For instance, in the case of SU(2), ℒ̂=B𝒮̂_x (ℒ̂'=B𝒮̂_z) when t<t^* (t>t^*). The trajectory on the 2-sphere is no longer along the longitude but the latitude when t>t^*. For simplicity, we consider only undeformed spheres. The generalization to λ≠ 1 is straightforward. Though the operator 𝒪(t) is still evolving, C_K remains a constant and thus cannot capture the quantum dynamics when t>t^*. This can be simply seen from the definition of C_K in Eq.(<ref>), in which only the amplitude of ϕ_n is included. Nevertheless, the relative phase between ϕ_n must be included, since the full dynamics happens on a 2-sphere and the polar angle ψ of this 2-sphere is precisely the relative phase between ϕ_n. State C-complexity C that fully exploits the metric of a 2-sphere can naturally capture the dynamics under an arbitrary time-dependent Liouvillian superoperator. For instance, the shortest path connecting the initial and final operators in this quench dynamics is along another longitude, as shown in Fig. <ref>A. Apparently, this path can be accessed using another time-independent Liouvillian superoperator ℒ̂”=B𝒮̂_y. Since a single K-complexity is no longer sufficient when the Liouvillian superoperator is time-dependent, multiple K-complexity may be used. In SU(2), we can define another set of Krylov basis states, |𝒪'_n)=e^-iπ𝒮̂_y/2 |𝒪_n), which play the same role as eigenstates of 𝒮̂_x in a spin problem. On the 2-sphere, |𝒪'_n) corresponds to another set of strips, as shown in Fig. <ref>A. Correspondingly, |𝒪(t)) may be expanded using |𝒪'_n) as |𝒪(t))=∑_nϕ'_n(t)|𝒪'_n), and another K-complexity is defined C_K'=∑_n n|ϕ'_n|^2. As shown in Fig.<ref>B, when t<t^*, C_K increases with increasing t while C_K' remains unchanged. After t>t^*, whereas C_K stops growing, C_K' begins to change. As such, at any time t, C_K and C_K' could jointly determine |𝒪(t)) on the 2-sphere, in the same manner as uniquely determining a spin on the Bloch sphere using the expectation values of both Ŝ_z and Ŝ_x in spin tomography <cit.>. Similar results can be straightforwardly obtained for SU(1,1). In conclusion, we have shown that K-complexity can be rigorously established from C-complexity in the presence of dynamical symmetry. Our method provides a clear geometrical picture and physical meaning of K-complexity. Our results can be generalized to other symmetry groups, which are expected to bring even richer physics bridging geometry and quantum information spreading in non-equilibrium dynamics. Q.Z. acknowledges useful discussions with Pawel Caputa. This work is supported by DOE DE-SC0019202, and the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science through the Quantum Science Center (QSC), a National Quantum Information Science Research Center. RZ is supported by NSFC (Grant No.12074307) and National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2018YFA0307601). 41 fxundefined [1] ifx#1 fnum [1] #1firstoftwo secondoftwo fx [1] #1firstoftwo secondoftwo noop [0]secondoftwo ref[1]@startlink#1@href href[1]#1@endlink anitize@url [0]` 12`$12`&12`#12`1̂2`_12`%12 startlink[1] endlink[0] rl [1]href #1 @bib@innerbibempty [Polkovnikov et al.(2011)Polkovnikov, Sengupta, Silva, and Vengalattore]Nonequilibrium2011 author author A. Polkovnikov, author K. Sengupta, author A. Silva, and author M. Vengalattore, title title Colloquium: Nonequilibrium dynamics of closed interacting quantum systems, /10.1103/RevModPhys.83.863 journal journal Rev. Mod. 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Prototype-based Embedding Network for Scene Graph Generation
[ "Chaofan Zheng", "Xinyu Lyu", "Lianli Gao", "Bo Dai", "Jingkuan Song" ]
[ "cs.CV" ]
Prototype-based Embedding Network for Scene Graph Generation Chaofan ZhengEqual contribution. Xinyu Lyu^∗ Lianli GaoCorresponding author. Bo Dai Jingkuan Song School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China mailto:zheng_chaofan@foxmail.comzheng_chaofan@foxmail.com, mailto:lianli.gao@uestc.edu.cnlianli.gao@uestc.edu.cn ================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== Current Scene Graph Generation (SGG) methods explore contextual information to predict relationships among entity pairs. However, due to the diverse visual appearance of numerous possible subject-object combinations, there is a large intra-class variation within each predicate category, , “man-eating-pizza, giraffe-eating-leaf”, and the severe inter-class similarity between different classes, , “man-holding-plate, man-eating-pizza”, in model's latent space. The above challenges prevent current SGG methods from acquiring robust features for reliable relation prediction. In this paper, we claim that the predicate's category-inherent semantics can serve as class-wise prototypes in the semantic space for relieving the challenges. To the end, we propose the Prototype-based Embedding Network (PE-Net), which models entities/predicates with prototype-aligned compact and distinctive representations and thereby establishes matching between entity pairs and predicates in a common embedding space for relation recognition. Moreover, Prototype-guided Learning (PL) is introduced to help PE-Net efficiently learn such entity-predicate matching, and Prototype Regularization (PR) is devised to relieve the ambiguous entity-predicate matching caused by the predicate's semantic overlap. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method gains superior relation recognition capability on SGG, achieving new state-of-the-art performances on both Visual Genome and Open Images datasets. The codes are available at <https://github.com/VL-Group/PENET>. § INTRODUCTION Scene Graph Generation (SGG) is a fundamental computer vision task that involves detecting the entities and predicting their relationships in an image to generate a scene graph, where nodes indicate entities and edges indicate relationships between entity pairs. Such a graph-structured representation is helpful for downstream tasks such as Visual Question Answering <cit.>, Image Captioning <cit.>, and Image Retrieval <cit.>. Existing SGG models <cit.> typically start with an object detector that generates a set of entity proposals and corresponding features. Then, entity features are enhanced by exploring the contextual information taking advantage of message-passing modules. Finally, these refined entity features are used to predict pairwise relations. Although many works have made great efforts to explore the contextual information for robust relation recognition, they still suffer from biased-prediction problems, preferring common predicates (,“on”, “of”) instead of fine-grained ones (,“walking on”, “covering”). To address the problem, various de-biasing frameworks <cit.> have been proposed to obtain balanced prediction results. While alleviating the long-tailed issue to some extent, most of them only achieve a trade-off between head and tail predicates. In other words, they sacrifice the robust representations learned on head predicates for unworthy improvements in the tail ones <cit.>, which do not truly improve the model's holistic recognition ability for most of the relations. The origin of the issue lies in the fact that current SGG methods fail to capture compact and distinctive representations for relations. For instance, as shown in Fig. <ref>, the relation representation, derived from Motifs' latent space, is heavily discrete and intersecting. Hence, it makes existing SGG models hard to learn perfect decision boundaries for accurate predicate recognition. Accordingly, we summarize the issue as two challenges: large Intra-class variation within the same relation class and severe Inter-class similarity between different categories. Intra-class variation. The intra-class variation arises from the diverse appearance of entities and various subject-object combinations. Specifically, entities' visual appearances change greatly even though they belong to the same class. Thus, represented as the union feature containing subject and object entities, relation representations significantly vary with the appearances of entity instances, , various visual representations for “pizza” in Fig. <ref>(c) vs. Fig. <ref>(d). Besides, the numerous subject-object combinations of predicate instances further increase the variation within each predicate class, , “man-eating-pizza” vs. “giraffe-eating-leaf” in Fig. <ref>(c) and Fig. <ref>(e). Inter-class similarity. The inter-class similarity of relations originates from similar-looking interactions but belongs to different predicate classes. For instance, as shown in Fig. <ref>(a) and Fig. <ref>(c), the similar visual appearance of interactions between “man-pizza” and “man-plate” make current SGG models hard to distinguish “eating” from “holding”, even if they are semantic irrelevant to each other. The above challenges motivate us to study two problems: 1) For the intra-class variation, how to capture category-inherent features, producing compact representations for entity/predicate instances from the same category. Moreover, 2) for the inter-class similarity, how to derive distinctive representations for effectively distinguishing similar-looking relation instances between different classes. Our key intuition is that semantics is more reliable than visual appearance when modeling entities/predicates. Intuitively, although entities/predicates of the same class significantly vary in visual appearance, they all share the representative semantics, which can be easily captured from their class labels. Dominated by the representative semantics, the representations of entities and predicates have smaller variations within their classes in the semantic space. Besides, the class-inherent semantics is discriminative enough for visual-similar instances between different categories. Therefore, in conjunction with the above analysis, modeling entities and predicates in the semantic space can provide highly compact and distinguishable representations against intra-class variation and inter-class similarity challenges. Inspired by that, we propose a simple but effective method, Prototype-based Embedding Network (PE-Net), which produces compact and distinctive entity/predicate representations for relation recognition. To achieve that, the PE-Net models entity and predicate instances with compact and distinguishable representations in the semantic space, which are closely aligned to their semantic prototypes. Practically, the prototype is defined as the representative embedding for a group of instances from the same entity/predicate class. Then, the PE-Net establishes matching between entity pairs (, subject-object (s, o)) and their corresponding predicates (p) for relation recognition (, ℱ(s, o) ≈p). Besides, a Prototype-guided Learning strategy (PL) is proposed to help PE-Net efficiently learn this entity-predicate matching. Additionally, to alleviate the ambiguous entity-predicate matching caused by the semantic overlap between predicates (, “walking on” and “standing on”), Prototype Regularization (PR) is proposed to encourage inter-class separation between predicate prototypes for precise entity-predicate matching. Finally, we introduce two metrics, , Intra-class Variance (IV) and Intra-class to Inter-class Variance Ratio (IIVR), to measure the compactness and distinctiveness of entity/predicate representations, respectively. In summary, the main contributions of our work are three folds: * We propose a simple yet effective method, , Prototype-based Embedding Network (PE-Net), which produces compact and distinctive entity/predicate representations and then establishes matching between entity pairs and predicates for relation recognition. * Moreover, Prototype-guided Learning (PL) is introduced to help PE-Net efficiently learn such entity-predicate matching, and Prototype Regularization (PR) is devised to relieve the ambiguous entity-predicate matching caused by the predicate's semantic overlap. * Evaluated on the Visual Genome and Open Images datasets, our method significantly increases the relation recognition ability for SGG, achieving new state-of-the-art performances. § RELATED WORK We categorize the related works of SGG into the following fields: Vanilla Scene Graph Generation Model and Unbiased Scene Graph Generation Framework. Vanilla Scene Graph Generation Model. Numerous models have been proposed to solve the scene graph generation task from different perspectives in recent years. Early methods <cit.> attempted to detect objects and relations with independent networks, ignoring the rich contextual information. Afterward,  <cit.> firstly proves that the contextual information can significantly improve the relation prediction and hence introduces an iterative message-passing mechanism to refine the features of objects and relations.  <cit.> further emphasizes the importance of contextual information between objects and utilizes the BiLSTM to encode the object and edge contextual information. Moreover, to avoid suffering from noisy information during message passing, <cit.> and <cit.> design sparse structures to improve the model's context modeling capability. In addition, prior knowledge is also helpful for relation prediction.  <cit.> explores the statistical patterns of object co-occurrence for refining relation predictions. Besides,  <cit.> encodes the commonsense knowledge into the model to improve the few-shot recognition ability. However, due to the imbalanced data distribution, the vanilla SGG models struggle to recognize the fine-grained tail predicates. Unbiased Scene Graph Generation Framework. Recently, various de-biasing SGG frameworks have been proposed to tackle the biased predictions problem.  <cit.> proposes a counterfactual causality method to remove the effect of context bias.  <cit.> constructs a hierarchical tree structure from the cognitive perspective to make the tail predicates receive more attention.  <cit.> compensates the disadvantages of over-sampling and under-sampling and proposes a bi-level sampling method.  <cit.> creates a balanced learning process by constructing a balanced predicate learning space and semantic adjustment.  <cit.> explicitly cleans the noisy annotations on the datasets to balance the data distribution.  <cit.> introduces a predicate lattice to figure out the fine-grained predicate pairs that are hard to distinguish. Despite alleviating the biased problem to some extent, these methods improve the prediction performance of tail predicates at the expense of head ones, which do not truly improve the model’s holistic recognition ability. Our work generates compact and distinctive entity/predicate representations by utilizing a prototype-based modeling method and cleverly-designed learning strategies, which achieves superior relation recognition performance on both head predicates and tail ones with a simple but effective framework. § METHOD The whole pipeline of our Prototype-based Relation Embedding (PE-Net) is illustrated in <ref>. Following the previous works <cit.>, we utilize an object detector (, Faster R-CNN <cit.>) to generate a set of entity proposals with corresponding features. Moreover, the features extracted from the union box between two entities are used to represent their corresponding predicates. Given entity and predicate features, the Prototype-based Embedding Network (PE-Net) models subject (s), object (o), and predicate (p) instances with prototype-based compact and distinguishable representations. Then, the PE-Net matches subject-object pairs ((s, o)) with the corresponding predicates (, ℱ(s, o) ≈p) in the common embedding space for relation recognition. To achieve that, we propose a Prototype-guided Learning (PL), to help PE-Net learn the entity-predicate matching. Furthermore, to relieve the ambiguous matching problem caused by the predicate's semantic overlap, Prototype Regularization (PR) is proposed to encourage inter-class distinction for accurate entity-predicate matching. §.§ Prototype-based Embedding Network The procedure of Prototype-based Embedding Network (PE-Net) can be divided into two steps: 1) Prototype-based Modeling for producing compact and distinctive entity and predicate representations. 2) Prototype-guided Entity-Predicate Matching for relation recognition. Prototype-based Modeling. The Prototype-based Embedding Network (PE-Net) models entity/predicate instances with prototype-based compact and discriminative representations shown in Fig. <ref>. Concretely, the representations of subject (s), object (o), and predicate (p) are modeled below: s = 𝐖_s t_s + v_s, o = 𝐖_o t_o + v_o, p = 𝐖_p t_p + u_p, where 𝐖_𝐬, 𝐖_𝐨, and 𝐖_𝐩 are learnable parameters. Moreover, 𝐖_s t_s, 𝐖_o t_o and 𝐖_p t_p are the class-specific semantic prototypes obtained from their class labels' word embedding (GloVe <cit.>), , t_s, t_o and t_p. Based on the class-specific prototypes, the instance-varied semantic contents v_s, v_o and u_p are utilized to model the diversity of each instance from the same subject, object, and predicate class. Practically, v_s are obtained as: g_s = σ(f((𝐖_𝐬t_s) ⊕ h(x_s))) v_s = g_s⊙ h(x_s), where f(·) is a fully connected layer, h(·) is the visual-to-semantic function used to transform the visual feature into semantic space, and ⊕ is the concatenation operation. Moreover, σ(·) is the sigmoid activation function, ⊙ is the element-wise product, and x_s is the visual features of subject instances from the detector. Utilizing the gate mechanism in <ref>, the class-irrelevant information is eliminated from the original visual feature x_s producing consistent representations within class. In addition, we derive v_o in the same way following <ref>. Similarly, predicate's instance-varied semantic content u_p is defined as: g_p = σ( f( ℱ(s,o) ⊕ h(x_u) ) ) u_p = g_p⊙ h(x_u), where x_u is the union feature of subject and object, and ℱ(·, ·) denotes the feature fusion function. Prototype-guided Entity-Predicate Matching. Then, for relation recognition, we match subject instance (s) and object instance (o) with the corresponding predicate instance (p) in the common semantic space. Practically, the entity-predicate matching is shown below: ℱ(s, o) ≈p, where ℱ(s, o) is defined as: ReLU(s+o) - (s-o)^2. However, the predicate representation varies with the subject-object pair, which prevents PE-Net from efficiently learning the matching. Therefore, we perform an equivalent transformation on <ref>, deriving a deterministic matching objective as follows: ℱ(s, o) - u_p≈𝐖_p t_p, where ℱ(s, o) - u_p is defined as relation representation r, which should be matched to its corresponding predicate prototype 𝐖_p t_p (represented as c in the following sections). §.§ Prototype-guided Learning To help PE-Net efficiently match relation representations with corresponding predicates in <ref>, we devise a learning strategy, , Prototype-guided Learning (PL), which makes relation representations close to their corresponding prototypes. In practice, PL consists of two constraints: cosine similarity and Euclidean distance. Firstly, we have to increase the cosine similarity between the relation representation r and its corresponding prototype c_t, which is implemented as the following loss function: ℒ_e_sim = - logexp(⟨r, c_t⟩ / τ)/∑_j=0^Nexp(⟨r, c_j⟩ / τ), where · denotes the unitary operation, τ is a learnable temperature hyper-parameter, t is subscript for the ground truth class, and N is the number of predicate categories. Since the cosine similarity only considers angle-based relative distance, it may fail to make relation representations and corresponding prototypes close to each other in the Euclidean space. To the end, we further impose the Euclidean distance constraint. It encourages the relation representation r close to its corresponding prototypes c_t while keeping the distances with others in Euclidean space. Practically, we first calculate the distances between the relation representation r and each class prototype c_i obtaining the distances set G = { g_i}_i=0^N, where g_i is computed as: g_i = r - c_i_2^2. Then, we sort the distance set B = G∖{g_t} (excluding g_t) in increasing order and obtain the sorted distance set as B' = {b'_i} _i = 0^N-1. Furthermore, the top k_1 smallest distances of B' are averaged as the distance g^- to negative prototypes: g^- = 1/k_1∑_i=0^k_1-1 b'_i. Together with the distance to the positive prototype g^+ = g_t, we further construct the triplet loss: ℒ_e_euc = max(0, g^+ - g^- + γ_1), where γ_1 is a hyper-parameter to adjust the distance margins between relation representations and the negative prototypes. §.§ Prototype Regularization To alleviate the ambiguous matching caused by the semantic overlap between predicates, we propose a Prototype Regularization (PR) to encourage inter-class separation by enlarging the distinction between prototypes for precise entity-predicate matching. Correspondingly, according to the constraints imposed in <ref>, we first calculate the cosine similarity between predicate prototypes obtaining the similarity matrix as follows: S = C·C^⊤ = (s_ij) ∈ℝ^(N+1) × (N+1), where C=[c_0; c_1;...; c_N] is the predicate prototype matrix, and C is obtained by normalizing the vectors in it. Moreover, s_ij represents the cosine similarity between prototype c_i and c_j. Then, we should reduce each pair of prototypes' cosine similarity to make them distinctive in the semantic space. Therefore, we introduce the l_2,1-norm of S and minimize it: ℒ_r_sim = S_2,1= ∑_i=0^N√(∑_j=0^N s_ij^2). However, only regularized by the cosine similarity, some predicates are still not distinctive enough against others. Thus, we enlarge their distances in the Euclidean space for further distinction. To achieve that, we calculate the Euclidean distance between two prototypes obtaining the distance matrix D = (d_ij) ∈ℝ^(N+1) × (N+1) with d_ij computed as: d_ij = c_i - c_j_2^2, where d_ij indicates the Euclidean distance between prototype c_i and c_j. For each prototype, we should distance it from others. Therefore, we sort the elements in each row of matrix D in increasing order, obtaining D' = (d'_ij) ∈ℝ^(N+1) × (N+1), and select the top k_2 smallest values of each row to widen them: d^- = 1/(N+1)k_2∑_i=0^N∑_j=1^k_2 d'_ij, ℒ_r_euc = max (0, - d^- + γ_2), where γ_2 is another hyper-parameter used to adjust the distance margins. §.§ Scene Graph Prediction During the training stage, the final loss function ℒ for our PE-Net is expressed as: ℒ = ℒ_r_sim + ℒ_e_sim + ℒ_r_euc + ℒ_e_euc . During the testing stage, with the relation representation r, we choose the class of prototypes with the highest cosine similarity as the prediction result: res_r = iarg max ({q_i | q_i = ⟨r, c_i⟩ / τ}), where q_i indicates the similarity between relation representation r and prototype c_i. § EXPERIMENTS §.§ Datasets Visual Genome (VG). The Visual Genome (VG) dataset consists of 108,077 images with average annotations of 38 objects and 22 relationships per image. In this paper, we adopt the most widely used split <cit.>, which contains the most frequent 150 object categories and 50 predicate categories. Specifically, the dataset is divided into a training set with 70% of the images, a testing set with the remaining 30%, and 5k images from the training set for validation. Open Images (OI). We conduct experiments on Open Image V6 dataset, which has 126,368 images for training, and 1813 and 5322 images for validation and testing. It contains 301 object categories and 31 predicate categories. §.§ Evaluation Protocol Visual Genome (VG). We evaluate our method on three sub-tasks, including Predicate Classification (PredCls), Scene Graph Classification (SGCls), and Scene Graph Detection (SGDet). Following the recent works <cit.>, we take Recall@K (R@K) and mean Recall@K (mR@K) as the primary evaluation metrics. Moreover, we also report the zero-shot Recall@K (zs-R@K) that measures the model's generalization in dealing with the unseen relation triplets during training. Due to the imbalanced data distribution of VG dataset, R@K focuses on the common predicates with abundant samples, and mR@K prefers the tail predicates. Therefore, we introduce the Mean@K (M@K), which averages the R@K and mR@K for evaluating the model's overall performance on SGG. In addition, the Intra-class Variance (IV) and Intra-class to Inter-class Variance Ratio (IIVR) are introduced to measure the compactness and distinctiveness of entity/predicate representations. Intuitively, lower values of IV and IIVR indicate higher quality for representations. Open Images (OI). Following the previous works <cit.>, we utilize the Recall@50 (R@50), weighted mean AP of relations (wmAP_rel), weighted mean AP of phrase (wmAP_phr) as the evaluation metrics. The score_wtd is calculated as: score_wtd = 0.2 ×R@50 + 0.4 ×wmAP_rel + 0.4 ×wmAP_phr. §.§ Implementation Details Following the previous works <cit.>, we adopt the Faster R-CNN <cit.> with ResNeXt-101-FPN <cit.> provided by <cit.> to detect objects in the image. The parameters of the detector are frozen during training. In particular, we set k_1, k_2, γ_1, and γ_2 as 10, 1, 1, and 7. Additionally, the PE-Net is trained by an SGD optimizer with 60k iterations. The initial learning rate and the batch size are set to 10^-3 and 8. All experiments are implemented with PyTorch and trained with an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 GPU. §.§ Comparisons with State-of-the-art Methods Visual Genome. To evaluate PE-Net's capability on scene graph generation, we compare it with several state-of-the-art SGG methods on Visual Genome dataset under all three sub-tasks. The results are shown in <ref>. Generally, our method achieves superior performance compared to other SGG models. Concretely, PE-Net(P) outperforms the VCTree by 7.5%, 6.5%, and 3.7% at mR@100 and by 2.7%, 0.7%, and 0.9% at R@100 on PredCls, SGCls, and SGDet. It also outperforms the recent SGG model, RU-Net, by 0.5% and 1.2% at R@100 and mR@100 on PredCls. In addition, the full PE-Net outperforms VCTree by 15.9%, 10.6%, 7.2%, and RU-Net by 9.6%, 4.3%, 3.7%, at mR@100 on three subtasks, respectively. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of our model. Moreover, to explore PE-Net's potential capability of solving the long-tail problem for SGG, we equip it with the advanced re-weighting method <cit.>. Then, we compare PE-Net-Reweight with Motifs <cit.> de-biased by several existing state-of-the-art de-biasing methods. The results are summarized in <ref>. We find that our PE-Net-Reweight pushes the performance on unbiased SGG to a new level. For instance, compared with Motifs-GCL, we achieve an absolute performance advantage, outperforming it by 17.0%, 10.2%, and 8.9% at R@100 on PredCls, SGCls, and SGDet tasks, and by 2.5%, 1.7% at mR@100 on PredCls, SGCls tasks, respectively. Benefiting from the prototype-aligned distinctive representations, the PE-Net has the potential to tackle the biased problem in SGG. In addition, we report the zero-shot recall results to verify the generalization of our method in handling the unseen relation triplets in the training set. As shown in <ref>, our model outperforms the vanilla Motifs and VCTree by 15.53%, 5.40%, 3.49%, and 15.38%, 4.45%, 2.91% at zs-R@100 on PredCls, SGCls, and SGDet. Although TDE significantly improves the zero-shot performance by removing the effect of context bias, Motifs-TDE and VCTree-TDE are still surpassed by our PE-Net with 2.69%, 2.03%, 0.7%, and 3.29%, 2.53%, 0.4% on three tasks, respectively. We owe the strength to the Prototype-based Modeling of our PE-Net, which models entity and predicate in the semantic space, significantly improving the model's analogical reasoning capability on unseen relation triplets. Open Images. To verify the generality of our method on different datasets, we conduct experiments on Open Images and present the results in <ref>. Consistent with the performance on VG, PE-Net also achieves competitive results on Open Images dataset. Specifically, our method exceeds the BGNN with a large margin of 2.7% on average at four metrics, and outperforms RU-Net by 1.2%, 2.5%, and 1.4% at wmAP_rel, wmAP_phr, and score_wtd, respectively. It powerfully confirms PE-Net's generalization on handling relation recognition under different data distributions. §.§ Measuring Representation Modeling of PE-Net To certify the assumption that our PE-Net is capable of producing compact and distinctive representations for entity and predicate, we conduct both quantitative and qualitative studies in <ref> and <ref>, respectively. Notably, we only conduct experiments on the PredCls task, which eliminates the impact of entities' mis-classification made by detectors. Quantitative Analysis. To quantitatively evaluate the quality of the entity's and predicate's representations (, degree of intra-class compactness and the inter-class distinctiveness), we evaluate and make comparisons between PE-Net and previous methods <cit.> with IV (Intra-class Variance) and IIVR (Intra-class to Inter-class Variance Ratio). Moreover, the experimental results are shown in <ref>. Firstly, our PE-Net yields more compact entity and predicate representations than previous methods, , 0.74 9.73 on IV-O and 1.06 1.41 on IV-R compared with Motifs. That illustrates the effectiveness of our Prototype-based Modeling in PE-Net. Also, the representations learned by our model are more distinguishable, , 0.24 1.93 on IIVR-O and 1.67 2.72 on IIVR-R compared with Motifs. We owe it to the effectiveness of our PR, which significantly alleviates the ambiguous entity-predicate matching by encouraging predicate prototypes away from each other. Qualitative Analysis. For an intuitive illustration of PE-Net's capability of yielding compact and distinguishable representations, we visualize the feature distribution of entities and predicates taking advantage of the t-SNE technique, shown in <ref>. Comparing <ref>(a) with <ref>(b), we observe that PE-Net produces more compact and distinctive entity representations than Motifs, intuitively illustrating the advantages of modeling instances in the semantic space than from visual appearances. In addition, the relation feature distribution of Motifs shown in <ref>(c) is of large intra-class variance and severe inter-class overlap. In this case, it is hard for SGG models to learn a perfect decision boundary for accurate relation recognition. On the contrary, the relation representations learned by our PE-Net are of high-level inter-class distinctiveness and intra-class compactness, which intuitively demonstrates our method's superiority and explains why our method achieves excellent relation prediction performance. §.§ Ablation Studies To verify the effectiveness of each component of the proposed PE-Net, we conduct ablation studies on PL and PR under the VG dataset, and the results are summarized in <ref>. Exp 1, PE-Net is trained without PL and PR, which directly uses a linear classifier to classify the relation representation defined in <ref>. Exp 2, PE-Net is trained with PL, which discards the ℒ_r_sim and ℒ_r_euc in <ref>. Exp 3, PE-Net is trained with both PL and PR, , <ref>. When constrained by PL in Exp 2, the model outperforms the baseline (, Exp 1) on all metrics under three sub-tasks (, 25.4% 20.0% at mR@100, and 70.1% 68.2% at R@100 on PredCls). This verifies that PL effectively helps PE-Net to establish matching between entities and predicates for accurate relation recognition. Furthermore, after being integrated with PR in Exp 3, our PE-Net obtains significant gains on mR@K (, 33.8% 25.4% at mR@100 on PredCls), which demonstrates PR's effectiveness in enlarging the distinction between prototypes achieving reliable entity-predicate matching. However, we observe that the improvement of mR@K brings a slight drop at R@K. That is because our model can reasonably classify some predicates (head classes) into their corresponding fine-grained ones (tail classes), , from “on” to “standing on/laying on/walking on”. And the drops of Recall on those head predicates are inevitable, which is also observed in fine-grained classification <cit.> and long-tailed tasks <cit.>. §.§ Visualization Results To verify that our proposed PE-Net is capable of making reliable relation recognition, we make a comparison between scene graphs generated by Motifs <cit.> (in purple) and our method (in green) in <ref>. In the first example, our method predicts informative relations such as “car-parked on-street” and “building1-across-street” instead of “car-on-street” and “building1-near-street”. Similarly, in the second example, our method generates fine-grained predicates, , “wearing” and “riding”. These results demonstrate that our method has a stronger predicate recognition ability than Motifs, which generates accurate relations for comprehensive scene understanding. § CONCLUSION In this work, we propose a novel Prototype-based Embedding Network (PE-Net), which produces compact and distinctive entity/predicate representations for SGG task. Towards this end, the PE-Net models entity and predicate instances with prototype-based representations and then matches entity pairs with predicates for relation recognition. Moreover, we propose a Prototype-guided Learning strategy (PL) and Prototype Regularization (PR) to help PE-Net efficiently learn entity-predicate matching. Finally, our method achieves new state-of-the-art performances on both Visual Genome and Open Images datasets, which demonstrates the effectiveness of our methods. Broader Impact and Limitations. Our work presents a powerful and efficient SGG method, which predicts relations between entities without message-passing module. The merit greatly reduces the computational complexity and enables SGG to be widely used in real-world applications, such as autonomous driving and intelligent robotics. However, our method is sensitive to the detector's recognition ability for entities, which limits its performance on SGCls and SGDet subtasks. Therefore, a more robust modeling method should be explored in further work. Acknowledgment. This study is supported by grants from National Key R&D Program of China (2022YFC2009903/2022YFC2009900), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 62122018, No. 62020106008, No. 61772116, No. 61872064), Fok Ying-Tong Education Foundation(171106), SongShan Laboratory YYJC012022019, and Open Research Projects of Zhejiang Lab (No. 2019KD0AD01/011). ieee_fullname
Discovering Hierarchical Process Models: an Approach Based on Events Clustering
[ "Antonina K. Begicheva", "Irina A. Lomazova", "Roman A. Nesterov" ]
[ "cs.AI" ]
Frequency-dependent Discrete Implicit Monte-Carlo Scheme for the Radiative Transfer Equation Shay I. Heizler0000-0002-9334-5993 ============================================================================================ Process mining is a field of computer science that deals with discovery and analysis of process models based on automatically generated event logs. Currently, many companies use this technology for optimization and improving their processes. However, a discovered process model may be too detailed, sophisticated and difficult for experts to understand. In this paper, we consider the problem of discovering a hierarchical business process model from a low-level event log, i.e., the problem of automatic synthesis of more readable and understandable process models based on information stored in event logs of information systems. Discovery of better structured and more readable process models is intensively studied in the frame of process mining research from different perspectives. In this paper, we present an algorithm for discovering hierarchical process models represented as two-level workflow nets. The algorithm is based on predefined event clustering so that the cluster defines a sub-process corresponding to a high-level transition at the top level of the net. Unlike existing solutions, our algorithm does not impose restrictions on the process control flow and allows for concurrency and iteration. Keywords: process mining; Petri nets; workflow nets; process discovery; hierarchical process model; event log § INTRODUCTION Over the past decade, companies whose processes are supported by various information systems have become convinced of the need to store as much potentially useful information about the execution of processes within the system as possible. This was facilitated by the qualitative development of areas related to the extraction of valuable information from recorded data, which helps to correct the work of organizations in time and, thus, save and increase their resources. Process mining is a field of science that provides a palette of tools for extracting the logic of system behavior, as well as modeling and optimizing the processes occurring in it. In particular, process mining methods allow you to find inconsistencies between the planned and actual behavior of the system, and also timely track the appearance of inefficient or incorrect behavior. Despite the fact that more and more attention is being paid to preserving the optimal amount of necessary information about the execution of processes, process execution data is not always available in a convenient format and with the necessary degree of detail, since system logs are generated automatically. Process discovery is aimed at extracting processes from event logs and their representation in the form of a model. Most of the available process discovery methods provide a model with the same level of detail as a given event log <cit.>. Because of this, a promising area for research is the task of discovering a more readable process model from a detailed event log, while preserving important information about the process execution for experts. Readability can be provided in various ways. The most commonly used methods are filtering rare behavior from the original event log, skipping "minor" events (the significance of an event is assessed according to the chosen methodology), and abstraction, where some events are considered indistinguishable from each other. In our study, we consider the latter approach, when more readable models are the result of model abstraction — they are more compact and have an optimal level of detail for the work of experts than what could be obtained by direct discovery methods. In order not to lose important information, we are dealing not only with abstract (high-level) models, but also with hierarchical models that store low-level information in the form of sub-processes. Thus, in this paper, we propose an algorithm for discovering hierarchical process models from event logs. Processes are modeled with workflow nets <cit.>, a special subclass of Petri nets for modeling a control flow of business processes. This study continues our previous study <cit.>, in which we have proposed an approach to discover abstract models for processes without cycles. Here we provide a more general solution by overcoming the prohibition of cyclic behavior. Hierarchical models allows us to have a high-level view of the model by “folding” the behavior of an individual sub-process into a high-level transition with the ability to unfold it back. So, at the top level there is a high-level model, in which each individual transition corresponds to a sub-process built from low-level events. The history of the detailed behavior of the process is recorded in a low-level log. Regarding the number of levels in the hierarchy, we will only use two levels — high and low, but the algorithm can naturally be extended to any number of levels. The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 presents the review of related research. Section 3 gives theoretical preliminaries and definitions used in the text. In Section 4, we discuss the basics of the hierarchical process discovery algorithm. Section 5 presents the main discovery algorithm and the proof of its correctness. Section 6 reports the outcomes from the experimental evaluation. In Section 7, we conclude the paper and discuss the possible future work directions. § RELATED WORK Research connected with our paper can be classified into approaches to abstracting event logs and process models and approaches to discovering hierarchical process models from event logs. The recent work <cit.> gives a comprehensive review of approaches and methods that can be applied for low-level events abstraction. The authors divide the methods according to: the learning strategy (supervised or unsupervised), the structure of the process models (strictly sequential or with interleaving), the low-level events grouping approach (deterministic or probabilistic), the nature of the processed data (discrete or continuous data). For instance, the method presented in <cit.> is a supervised method that converts a low-level event log into its high-level representation using detected behavioral patterns, such as sequence, selection, parallelism, interleaving and repetition. A supervised approach to event abstraction was also presented in <cit.>. This method takes a low-level event log and transforms it to an event log at the desired level of abstraction, using behavioral patterns: sequence, choice, parallel, interleaving and repetition of events. This technique allows us to obtain a reliable mapping from low-level events to activity patterns automatically and construct a high-level event log using these patterns. Another supervised event abstraction method was discussed in <cit.>. The nature of this method is as follows. We annotate a low-level event with the correct high-level event using the domain knowledge from the actual process model by the special attribute in an event log. In addition, this paper assumes that multiple high-level events are executed in parallel. This allows us to interpret a sequence of identical values as the single instance of a high-level event. A general approach to the representation of multi-level event logs and corresponding multi-level hierarchical models was studied in <cit.>. The authors especially note that this approach can combine multiple formalisms for representing different levels in a multi-level process models. There are many ways of abstracting process models by reducing their size in order to make them more convenient to work with. Each method may be useful depending on a group of interrelated factors: the abstraction purposes, the presence of certain patterns and constructs, and the specifics of modeling notation. Reducing the size of the model by abstraction can be done as the “convolution” of groups of elements, or implemented by throwing some parts away (insignificant in a particular case). The importance of the low-level event log abstraction is emphasized, among the others, in <cit.>. The researchers determine, which level of abstraction is appropriate for a particular case in different ways, but the main criterion is that the model should be readable and understandable. In <cit.>, the abstraction of a process model occurs through “simplification” automatically: a user determines only the desired degree of detail, but not the actual correctness of identifying high-level events. Conversely, the paper <cit.> stressed the importance of the abstraction level dependence on the domain expert knowledge. Petri nets <cit.> can also be extended by adding the hierarchy as, e.g., in Colored Petri nets (CPN) <cit.>. Hierarchy also allows one to construct more compact, readable and understandable process models. Hierarchy of CPN models can be used as an abstraction, in the case of two levels: a high-level abstract model and a low-level refined model. In our paper the high-level model is a model with abstract transitions. An abstract transition refers to a Petri net subprocess, which refines the activity represented by this high-level transition. The complete low-level (“flat”) process model can be obtained from a high-level model by substituting subprocesses for high-level transitions. “Flat” synthesis (when process model and log are at the same-level) is a standard process discovery problem, which has been extensively studied in the literature. A wide range of process discovery algorithms supports the automated flat process model synthesis <cit.>. Inductive miner <cit.> is one of the most widely used process discovery algorithm that produces well-structured process models recursively built from building blocks for standard behavioral patterns. They can be potentially used for constructing high-level process models. However, this technique does not take the actual correspondence between low-level events and subprocesses. In <cit.>, the authors also used the recognition of behavioral patterns in a process by a structural clustering algorithm and then define a specific workflow schema for each pattern. In <cit.>, a two-phase approach to mining hierarchical process models was presented. Process models here were considered as interactive and context-depen­dent maps based on common execution patterns. On the first phase, an event log is abstracted to the desired level by detecting relevant execution patterns. An example of such pattern is the maximal repeat that captures typical sequences of activities the log. Every pattern is then estimated by its frequency, significance, or some other metric needed for accurate abstraction. On the second phase, Fuzzy miner discovery algorithm <cit.> adapted to process maps discovery is applied to the transformed log. FlexHMiner <cit.> is a general algorithm based on process trees implemented in ProM software. The authors stresses the flexibility of this approach: to identify the hierarchy of events, the method supports both supervised methods and methods using the general knowledge on a process. The limitations of this method include the fact that each of the sub-processes can be executed only once, which means that the method is not suitable for processes with cycles. Detecting high-level events based on the patterns of behavior in an event log does not make it possible to refine the accuracy of abstraction based on the general knowledge of the system or provide it only partially. Patterns provide only the ability to change the scale, but not to participate in the selection of correct high-level events. This could be useful only for a superficial analysis. However, there is a real risk of combining unrelated low-level events into a single high-level event only because they are executed sequentially, but not because they belong to the same logical component of a system. A large amount of literature is devoted to the problem of discovering structured models from event logs. Researchers offer different techniques to improve the structure of discovered models, e.g., in <cit.>, and to produce already well-structured process models <cit.>. Different ways of detecting subprocesses in event logs using low-level transition systems were discussed in <cit.>. These papers do not consider mining hierarchical process models from event logs. In our previous paper <cit.>, we presented an algorithm for the discovery of a high-level process model from the event log for acyclic processes. The method takes the initial data about abstraction in the form of a set of detailed events grouped into high-level ones, which means that any method of identifying abstract events can potentially be used, including those based on expert knowledge. Moreover, the algorithm is based on event logs pre-processing. This includes converting an initial event log into a high-level form and improving a target high-level process model After pre-processing, we can use any of the existing process discovery algorithms suitable for the same-level (flat) process discovery. Both possibilities of using existing approaches as components make the earlier proposed algorithm flexible. This paper expands the conditions of the applicability of the algorithm from <cit.> since it only works for acyclic models. For the algorithm to find and process potential cycles in the event log, we will reuse the method for detecting the repetitive behavior in a event log proposed in <cit.>, which partially covers the general solution of the cycle detection problem. § PRELIMINARIES By we denote the set of non-negative integers. Let X be a set. A multiset m over a set X is a mapping: m : X →, where – is the set of natural numbers (including zero), i.e., a multiset may contain several copies of the same element. For an element x∈ X, we write x∈ m , if m(x) >0. For two multisets m,m' over X we write m⊆ m' iff ∀ x∈ X: m(x) ≤ m'(x) (the inclusion relation). The sum, the union and the subtraction of two multisets m and m' are defined as usual: ∀ x∈ X: (m+m')(x)=m(x)+m'(x), (m∪ m')(x)=max(m(x),m'(x)), (m-m')(x)=m(x) - m'(x), if m(x) - m'(x) ≥ 0, otherwise (m-m')(x)= 0. By ℳ(X) we denote the set of all multisets over X. For a set X, by X^* with elements of the form ⟨ x_1,…, x_k ⟩ we denote the set of all finite sequences (words) over X, ⟨⟩ denotes the empty word, the word of zero length. Concatenation of two words w_1 and w_2 is denoted by w_1· w_2. Let Q ⊆ X be a subset of X. The projection _Q : X^* → Q^* is defined recursively as follows: ⟨⟩_Q = ⟨⟩, and for σ∈ X^* and x ∈ X: (σ·⟨ x⟩) _Q= σ_Qif x∉ Q σ_Q·⟨ x ⟩if x ∈ Q We say that X = X_1 ∪ X_2 ∪…∪ X_n is a partition of the set X if for all 1≤i,j≤n such that i≠ j we have X_i ∩ X_j = ∅. §.§ Petri Nets Let P and T be two disjoint finite sets of places and transitions respectively, and F : (P × T) ∪ (T × P) → be an arc-weight function. Let also A be a finite set of event names (or activities) representing observable actions or events, τ — a special label for silent or invisible action, λ : T → A∪{τ} is a transition labeling function. Then N = (P,T,F, λ) is a labeled Petri net. Graphically, a Petri net is designated as a bipartite graph, where places are represented by circles, transitions by boxes, and the flow relation F by directed arcs. A marking in a Petri net N = (P,T,F, λ) is a function m : P → mapping each place to some number of tokens (possibly zero). Hence, a marking in a Petri net may be considered as a multiset over its set of places. Tokens are graphically designated by filled circles, and then a current marking m is represented by putting m(p) tokens into each place p ∈ P. A marked Petri net (N,m_0) is a Petri net N together with its initial marking m_0. For transition t ∈ T, its preset (denoted t) and its postset (denoted t) are defined as sets of its input and output places respectively, t = {p | F(p,t)≠ 0} and t= {p | F(t,p)≠ 0}. A transition t ∈ T is enabled in a marking m, if for all p ∈t, m(p) ≥ F(p,t). An enabled transition t may fire yielding a new marking m', such that m'(p) = m(p) - F(p,t) + F(t,p) for each p ∈ P (denoted mλ(t) m', or just m→ m'). A marking m' is reachable from a marking m, if there exists a sequence of firings m=m_0 → m_1 →… m_k=m'. By Nm we denote the set of all markings reachable from marking m in a net N. Let (N,m_0) be a marked Petri net with transitions labeled by activities from A∪{τ}, and let m_0 a_1 m_1 a_2… be a finite or infinite sequence of firings in N, which starts from the initial marking m_0 and cannot be extended. Then a sequence of observable activities ρ, such that ρ = ⟨ a_1, a_2,…⟩_A, is called a run, a run is a sequence of observable activities representing a variant of Petri net behavior. For a finite run ρ, which corresponds to a sequence of firings m_0a_1…a_km_k, we call m_0 and m_k its initial and final markings respectively. A transition t∈ T is called dead for a marked net (N,m_0), if for each reachable marking m∈Nm_0, t is not enabled in m. In our study we consider workflow nets — a special subclass of Petri nets <cit.> for workflow modeling. A workflow net is a (labeled) Petri net with two special places: i and f. These places mark the beginning and the ending of a workflow process. A (labeled) marked Petri net N = (P,T,F,λ, m_0) is called a workflow net (WF-net) if the following conditions hold: * There is one source place i∈ P and one sink place f∈ P, such that i = f = ∅. * Every node from P ∪ T is on a path from i to f. * The initial marking m_0 in N contains the only token in its source place. Given a WF-net, by [i] we denote its initial marking with the only token in place i, and by [f] — its final marking with the only token in place f. An example of a workflow net that simulates a simple process of handling ticket refund requests, is shown in Fig. <ref> <cit.>. Here p_0 is the source place, and p_6 — the sink place. Soundness <cit.> is the main correctness property for workflow nets. A WF-net N = (P,T,F,λ, [i]) is called sound, if * For any marking m ∈ R (N,[i]), [f]∈Nm; * If for some m ∈ R (N,[i]), [f]⊆ m, then m=[f]; * There are no dead transitions in N. §.§ Event Logs Most information systems record history of their process execution into event logs. An event record usually contains case ID, an activity name, a time step, and some information about resources, data, etc. For our study, we use case IDs for splitting an event log into traces, timestamps — for ordering events within each trace, and abstract from event information different from event names (activities). Let A be a finite set of activities. A trace σ is a finite sequence of activities from A, i.e., σ∈ A^*. By # a(σ) we denote the number of occurrences of activity a in trace σ. An event log L is a finite multi-set of traces, i.e., L ∈ℳ(A^*). A log L' is called a sub-log of L, if L'⊆ L. Let X ⊆ A. We extend projection _X to event logs, i.e., for an event log L ∈ M(A^*), its projection is a sub-log L_X, defined as the multiset of projections of all traces from L, L_X(σ_X) = L(σ) for all σ∈ L. An important question is whether the event log matches the behavior of the process model and vice versa. There are several metrics to measure conformance between a WF-net and an event log. Specifically, fitness defines to what extend the log can be replayed by the model. Let N be a WF-net with transition labels from A, an initial marking [i], and a final marking [f]. Let σ be a trace over A. We say that trace σ = ⟨ a_1, … , a_k⟩ perfectly fits N, if σ is a run in N with initial marking [i] and final marking [f]. A log L perfectly fits N, if every trace from L perfectly fits N. § DISCOVERING HIERARCHICAL WF-NETS §.§ Hierarchical WF-Nets Let A denote the set of low level process activity names. Let A = {α_1, α_2, …, α_k} denote the set of sub-process names, which represent high-level activity names, respectively. Here we define hierarchical workflow (HWF) nets with two levels of representing the process behavior. The high level is a WF-net, whose transitions are labeled by the names of sub-processes from A. The low level is a set of WF-nets corresponding to the refinement of transitions in a high-level WF-net. Transitions in a low level WF-net are labeled by the names of activities from A. Below we provide the necessary definitions and study the semantics of HWF-nets. An HWF-net is a tuple 𝒩 = (N, N_1, N_2, …, N_k,ℓ), where: * N = (P, T, F, λ, [i]) is a high-level WF-net, where λT→A is a bijective transition labeling function, which assigns sub-process names to transitions in N; * N_i = (P_i, T_i, F_i, λ_i, [i]_i) is a low-level WF-net for every i ∈ [1, k] with a transition labeling function λ_i T_i → A_i, where A_i ⊆ A is a subset of low level activities for N_i; * ℓA→{N_1, N_2, …, N_k} is a bijection which establish the correspondence between a sub-process name (transition in a high-level WF-net) and a low-level WF-net. Accordingly, every transition in a high-level WF-net 𝒩 has a corresponding low-level WF-net modeling the behavior of a sub-process. The example of an HWF-net is shown in Figure <ref>. We only show the refinement of two transitions t_1 and t_2 in the high-level WF-net N with two low-level WF-nets N_1 and N_2. They represent the detailed behavior of two sub-processes α_1 and α_2 correspondingly. We next consider the operational semantics of an HWF-nets by defining its run. For what follows, let 𝒩 = (N, N_1, N_2, …, N_k, ℓ) be an HWF-net. Let m be a reachable marking in a high-level WF-net of an HWF-net 𝒩 and T_m be a set of transitions enabled at m. Intuitively, a set of transitions enabled in a high-level WF-net m corresponds to a set of sub-processes for which we can start to fire their low level transitions. If some transitions in a high-level WF-net enabled at m share common places, then there is a conflict, and we can choose, which sub-process to start, while the other sub-rocesses corresponding to conflicting transitions in a high-level WF-net will not be able to run. If some transitions in a high-level WF-net enabled at m do not share common places, then they are enabled concurrently, and we can start all sub-processes corresponding to these concurrently enabled transitions using the ordinary interleaving semantics. The firing of a transition in a high-level WF-net will be complete when the corresponding sub-process reaches its final marking. For instance, let us consider the HWF-net shown in Figure <ref>. After firing high-level transition t_3 and executing a corresponding sub-process α_3 (not provided in Figure <ref>), two high-level transitions t_1 and t_2 become enabled. They do not share common places, i.e., high-level transitions t_1 and t_2 are enabled concurrently. Thus, the corresponding sub-processes α_1 (low-level WF-net N_1) and α_2 (low-level WF-net N_2) can also be executed concurrently. We can obtain a sequence ρ = ⟨α_3, e_1, e_5, e_2, e_6, α_4 ⟩, which will represent a possible run of an HWF-net from Figure <ref>. High-level activities α_3 and α_4 should also be replaced with corresponding sub-process runs. Lastly, we give a straightforward approach to transforming an HWF-net 𝒩 = (N, N_1, N_2, …, N_k, ℓ) to the corresponding flat WF-net denoted by 𝐟𝐥(𝒩) = (P, T, F, λ, [i]). We need to replace transitions in a high-level WF-net with their sub-process implementation given by low-level WF-net corresponding by ℓ. When a transition t in a high-level WF-net N is replaced by a low-level WF-net N_i, we need to fuse a source place in N_i with all input places of t and to fuse a sink place in N_i with all output places of t. For instance, the flat WF-net 𝐟𝐥(𝒩) constructed for the HWF-net, shown in Figure <ref>, is provided in Figure <ref>. We replaced transition t_1 with N_1 and transition t_2 with N_2 as determined by the labels of low-level WF-nets. This figure also shows the double-line contours of corresponding high-level transitions. Proposition <ref> gives the main connection between an HWF-net and its flat representation. Let 𝒩 = (N, N_1, N_2, …, N_k, ℓ) be a HWF-net, and 𝐟𝐥(𝒩) be the corresponding flat WF-net. A sequence ρ is a run in 𝒩 if and only if ρ is a run in 𝐟𝐥(𝒩). In other words, the set of all possible runs of a HWF-net is exactly the same as the set of all possible runs of the corresponding flat WF-net. Proof of this proposition directly follows from the construction of the flat WF-net and from the way we define the sequential semantics of a hierarchical WF-net. To sum up, the constructive representation of the HWF-net sequential semantics fully agrees with the ordinary Petri net firing rule and the definition of a run discussed in Section 3. §.§ Problem Statement Let L be a log over a set A of activities, and let A=A_1∪ A_2 ∪…∪ A_k be a partition of A. Let also A = {α_1, α_2,…α_k} be a set of high-level activities (sub-process names). The problem is to construct a HWF-net 𝒩= (N,N_1,N_2,…,N_k,l), where for each i∈ [1, k], N_i is a sub-process (WF-net) labeled by α_i over the set of activities A_i. Runs of 𝒩 should conform to traces from L. We suppose that partitioning A into subsets A_1, … A_k is made either by an expert, or automatically based on some information contained in extended action records, such as resources or data. In Section <ref> we give two examples of partitioning activities for a real log. Then we consider that a sub-process is defined by its set of activities, and we suppose that sets of activities for two sub-processes do not intersect. If it is not the case and two sub-processes include some common activities like 'close the file', one can easily distinguish them by including resource or file name into activity identifier. One more important comment concerning partitioning activities: we suppose that it does not violate the log control flow. Specifically, if there are iterations in the process, then for a set of iterated activities B and for each sub-process activities set A_i, we suppose that either B∩ A_i = ∅, or B⊆ A_i, or A_i⊆ B. Note that this is a reasonable requirement, taking into account the concept of a sub-process. If still it is not true, only a part of A_i activities are iterated, then the partition can be refined, exactly A_i can be splitted into two subsets, within and out of iteration. §.§ Basics of the Proposed Solution Now we describe the main ideas and the structure of the algorithm for discovery of hierarchical WF-net from event log. Let once more L be a log with activities from A, and let A=A_1∪ A_2 ∪…∪ A_k be a partition of A. Let also A = {α_1, α_2,…α_k} be a set of high-level activities (sub-process names). A hierarchical WF-net 𝒩 consists of a high-level WF-net N with activities from A= {α_1,…,α_k}, and k sub-process WF-nets N_1,N_2,…,N_k, where for each N_i, all its activities belong to A_i. Sub-process WF-nets N_1,N_2,…,N_k can be discovered directly. To discover N_i we filter log L to L_i = L_A_i. Then we apply one of popular algorithms (Inductive Miner) to discover WF-model from the log L_i. Fitness and precision of the obtained model depend on the choice of the discovery algorithm. Discovering high-level WF-model is not so easy and is quite a challenge. Problems with it are coursed by possible interleaving of concurrent sub-processes and iteration. A naive solution could be like follows: in the log L replace each activity a∈ A_i by α_i — the name of the corresponding sub-process. Remove 'stuttering', replace wherever possible several sequential occurrences of the same high-level activity by one such activity. Then apply one of popular discovery algorithms to the new log over the set A of activities. However, this does not work. Consider examples in Fig. <ref>. Fragment (a) in Fig.<ref> shows two concurrent sub-processes β and γ, going after sub-process α, which consists of just one transition. After replacing of low level activities with the corresponding sub-process names and removing stuttering, for the fragment (a), we get runs ⟨α, β, γ, …⟩, ⟨α, γ, β, …⟩, ⟨α, β,γ, β, γ, …⟩, ⟨α, γ, β, γ, β,…⟩, etc. Fragment (b) in Fig. <ref> shows a cycle. The body of this cycle is the sequence of two sub-processes β and γ. Among runs for the fragment (b) we also have ⟨α, β, γ, …⟩, ⟨α, β,γ, β, γ, …⟩. So, iterations should be considered separately. Discovering high-level WF-nets for acyclic models (logs without iteration) was studied earlier in <cit.>, where all details can be found. Here we call this algorithm as Algorithm 𝔄_0 and illustrate it with the example in Fig. <ref>(a). The algorithm 𝔄_0 to discover a high-level WF-model from a log L without iterations reduces this problem to the classical discovery problem, which can be solved by many popular algorithms, such as e.g. Inductive Miner. Therefore, we parameterize Algorithm 𝔄_0 with Algorithm 𝔇 for solving classical discovery problem. Algorithm 𝔄_0(𝔇): Step 1. For all traces in L, replace low level activities with the corresponding sub-process names and remove stuttering. Step 2. For each trace σ with more than one occurrence of the same activity replace σ with the set of all possible clones of σ by removing for each activity α, all its multiple occurrences except one, and by removing (newly formed) stuttering. For example, the trace ⟨α, β,γ, β, γ, …⟩ will be replaces by two traces ⟨α, β,γ, …⟩ and ⟨α, γ, β, …⟩ obtained by keeping the first occurrences of β and γ, and correspondingly by keeping the first occurrence of γ and the second occurrence of β. In this example, constructing clones by keeping other occurrences of γ does not generate new traces. Step 3. Let L be the log resulting from executing two previous steps. To obtain a high-level WF-net N, apply a popular algorithm 𝔇 to discover a WF-net from event log L. It was proved in <cit.> that if an algorithm used in Step 3 of the Algorithm 𝔄_0 for each input log L discovers a WF-net perfectly fitting L, then the Algorithm 𝔄_0, given a log L without repetitive behavior, produces a HWF-net 𝒩, such that 𝐟𝐥(𝒩) perfectly fits L. Now we come to logs with repetitive behavior. The main idea here is to represent a loop body as a subset of its activities. Then a body of a loop can be considered as a sub-process with a new loop sub-process name. To discover repetitive behavior we use methods from <cit.>, which allow to determine causal, concurrency, and repetitive relations between events in an event log. Actually, for our purpose we need only repetitive relations and based on them loop discovery. The algorithm in <cit.> (we call it here as Algorithm 𝔅) allows us to discover elementary loop bodies as sets of their activities and process them recursively, starting with inner elementary loops. Thus, at every iteration we deal with a loop body without inner loops. To obtain a sub-trace, corresponding to a loop body with a set of activities B from a log trace σ we construct the projection σ_B. After filtering all current traces this way, we get an event log for discovering a WF-net modeling the loop body behavior by applying Algorithm 𝔄_0. Then the result high-level WF-net is built recursively by substituting discovered loop bodies for loop sub-process names, starting from inner loops. § ALGORITHM FOR DISCOVERING HWF-NETS FROM LOW LEVEL EVENT LOGS Here we describe our discovery algorithm in more details. Let A be a set of activities and L — a log over A. Let then A=A_1∪…∪ A_k be a partition of A, where for i∈ [1, k], A_i is a set of activities of a sub-process α_i and A= {α_1, …, α_k} — a set of sub-process names. Then Algorithm 𝔄(𝔇) constructs a HWF-net 𝒩 = (N, N_1, N_2, …, N_k,ℓ) with high-level WF-net N = (P, T, F, λ, [i]), where λT→A and for each α_i∈A, ℓ(α_i) = N_i, sub-process name α_i corresponds to low-level WF-net N_i in 𝒩. Algorithm 𝔄(𝔇): By B we denote a set of loop body names with elements {β, β',…} and by ℓ_B — a function which maps a name from B to a WF-net that implements the loop body. For a WF-net N, denote by (N) a WF-net that is a loop with body N. Step 0. Set B= ∅ and ℓ, ℓ_B to be two functions with empty domains. Step 1. Apply Algorithm 𝔅 to L to find a set B of activities of some inner elementary loop body. If there is no repetitive behavior in L, go to Step 2, otherwise do the following. Construct the projection L_B and apply Algorithm 𝔄_0(𝔇) to it (with respect to the partition A=A_1∪…∪ A_k). Let N be the result high level WF-net over the set A of sub-process names, N_i_1,…, N_i_j — result WF-nets for sub-processes with names α_i_1,…, α_i_j respectively (for each α_i, such that A_i⊆ B, for sub-processes within the loop body), and let β be a new name. Then * For each β'∈B, if there is a transition labeled by β' in some of N_i_1,…, N_i_j or N, replace this transition with sub-process (ℓ_B(β')), as was done when constructing a flat WF-net in Subsection <ref>, substitute inner loops in the loop body. Remove β' from A, B and from the domains of ℓ and ℓ_B. * Add β to B and extend ℓ_B by defining ℓ_B(β) = N. Extend also ℓ by defining ℓ(A_i_1) = N_i_1, …, ℓ(A_i_j) = N_i_j. * Replace by β all occurrences of activities from B in L and remove stuttering. * If for some i∈ [1… k], B⊆ A_i, then add β to A_i (and respectively to A) as one more activity. Otherwise, add β to A, as well as add {β} to partition of A. (Thus, β is both an activity and a process name, which should not be confusing.) Repeat Step 1. Step 2. Apply Algorithm 𝔄_0(𝔇) to current log L with respect to the current partition of activities. Let N be a result high level WF-net. Step 3. While B is not empty, for each β∈B, replace a transition labeled by β in N with the sub-process (ℓ_B(β)), as it is done in Step 1. The resulting net N is a high-level WF-net for the HWF-net constructed by the Algorithm. Its low-level WF-nets are defined by function ℓ, also built during the Algorithm operation. Correctness of the Algorithm 𝔄(𝔇) is justified by the following statement. Let A be a set of activities and L — a log over A. Let also A=A_1∪…∪ A_k be a partition of A, and A= {α_1, …, α_k} — a set of sub-process names. If Algorithm 𝔇 for any log L' discovers a WF-net N', such that N' perfectly fits L', then Algorithm 𝔄(𝔇) constructs a HWF-net 𝒩 = (N, N_1, N_2, …, N_k,ℓ), such that 𝐟𝐥(𝒩) perfectly fits L. To prove that the HWF-net built using Algorithm 𝔄(𝔇) perfectly fits the input log, provided that Algorithm 𝔇 discovers models with perfect fitness, we use three previously proven assertions. Namely, * Theorem in <cit.> states that when 𝔇 is an discovery algorithm with perfect fitness, Algorithm 𝔄_0(𝔇) discovers a high-level WF-net, whose refinement perfectly fits the input log without repetitions (the log of an acyclic process). * In <cit.> it is proved that, given a log L, Algorithm 𝔅 correctly finds in L all repetitive components that correspond to supports of T-invariants in the Petri net model for L. * Proposition <ref> in Subsection <ref> justify correctness of refining a high-level WF-net by substituting sub-process modules for high-level transitions. With all this, proving the Theorem is straightforward, though quite technical. So, we informally describe the logic of the proof here. Let Algorithm 𝔇 be a discovery algorithm, which discovers a perfectly fitting WF-net for a given event log. At each iteration of Step 1, an inner elementary repetitive component in the log is discovered using Algorithm 𝔅. Activities of this component are activities of an inner loop body, which itself does not have repetitions. Then a WF-net N for this loop body is correctly discovered using Algorithm 𝔄_0(𝔇), the loop itself is folded into one high-level activity β, and N is kept as the value ℓ_B(β). WF-nets for sub-processes within the body of this loop are also discovered by Algorithm 𝔄_0(𝔇) and accumulated in ℓ. If loop activity β is itself within an upper loop body, then with one more iteration of Step 1, the upper loop N' is discovered, the transition labeled with β in it is replaced with N, and N' is itself folded into a new activity. After processing all loops, the Algorithm proceeds to Step 2, where after reducing all loops to high-level activities, Algorithm 𝔄_0(𝔇) is applied to a log without repetitions. In Step 3 all transitions labeled with loop activities in a high-level and low-level WF-nets are replaced by WF-nets for these loops, kept in ℓ_B. So, we can see that while Algorithm 𝔄_0(𝔇) ensures perfect fitness between acyclic fragments of the model (when loops are folded to transitions), Algorithm 𝔅 ensures correct processing of cyclic behavior, and Proposition <ref> guarantees that replacing loop activities by corresponding loop WF-nets does not violate fitness, the main algorithm provides systematic log processing and model construction. § EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION In this section, we report the main outcomes from a series of experiments conducted to evaluate the algorithm for discovering two-level hierarchical process models from event logs. To support the automated experimental evaluation, we implemented the hierarchical process discovery algorithm described in the previous section using the open-source library PM4Py <cit.>. The source files of our implementation are published in the open GitHub repository <cit.>. We conducted experiments using two kinds of event logs: * Artificial event logs generated by manually prepared process models; * Real-life event logs provided by various information systems. Event logs are encoded in a standard way as XML-based XES files. Conformance checking is an important part of process mining along with process discovery <cit.>. The main aim of conformance checking is to evaluate the quality of process discovery algorithm by estimating the corresponding quality of discovered process models. Conformance checking provides four main quality dimensions. Fitness estimates the extent to which a discovered process model can execute traces in an event log. A model perfectly fits an event log if it can execute all traces in an event log. According to Theorem 1, the hierarchical process discovery algorithm yields perfectly fitting process models. Precision evaluates the ratio between the behavior allowed by a process model and not recorded in an event log. A model with perfect precision can only execute traces in an event log. The perfect precision limits the use of a process model since an event log represents only a finite “snapshot” of all possible process executions. Generalization and precision are two dual metrics. The fourth metric, simplicity, captures the structural complexity of a discovered model. We improve simplicity by the two-level structure of a discovered process models. Within the experimental evaluation, we estimated fitness and precision of process models discovered from artificially generated and real-life event logs. Fitness was estimated using alignments between a process model and an event log as defined in <cit.>. Precision was estimated using the complex ETC-align measures proposed in <cit.>. Both measures are values in the interval [0, 1]. §.§ Discovering HWF-Nets from Artificial Event Logs The high-level source for generating artificial low-level event logs was the Petri net earlier shown in Figure <ref>. In this model, we refined its transitions with different sub-processes containing sequential, parallel and cyclic executions of low-level events. The example of refining the Petri net from Figure <ref> is shown in Figure <ref>, where we show the corresponding flat representation of an HWF-net. Generation of low-level event logs from the prepared model was implemented using the algorithm presented in <cit.>. Afterwards, we transform a low-level event log into a high-level event log by grouping low-level events into a single high-level event and by extracting the information about cyclic behavior. The corresponding high-level WF-net discovered from the artificial low-level event log generated from the WF-net shown in <ref> is provided in Figure <ref>. Intuitively, one can see that this high-level WF-net is rather similar to the original Petri net from Figure <ref>. As for the quality evaluation for the above presented high-level model, we have the following: * The discovered high-level WF-net perfectly fits the high-level event log obtained from a low-level log, where we identified cycles and grouped activities correspondingly. * The flat WF-net obtained by refining transitions in a discovered high-level WF-net almost perfectly fits (0.9534) a low-level log. The main reason for this is the combination of the coverability lack and the straightforward accuracy indicators of the algorithm. * Precision of the flat WF-net is 0.3729, which is the result of identifying independent sub-processes generalizing the behavior recorded in an initial low-level event log. Other examples of process models that were used for the artificial event log generation are also provided in the main repository <cit.>. §.§ Discovering HWF-Nets from Real-Life Event Logs We used two real-life event logs provided by BPI (Business Process Intelligence) Challenge 2015 and 2017 <cit.>. These event logs were also enriched with the additional statistical information about flat process models. The BPI Challenge 2015 event log was provided by five Dutch municipalities. The cases in this event log contain information on the main application and objection procedures in various stages. A flat low-level WF-net for case f1 discovered using the Inductive miner is shown in Figure <ref>. It is easy to see that this model is absolutely inappropriate for the visual analysis. The code of each event in the BPI Challenge 2015 event log consists of three parts: two digits, a variable number of characters, and three digits more. From the event log description we know that the first two digits and the characters indicate the sub-process the event belongs to, which allows us to assume an option of identifying the sub-processes. We used the first two parts of the event name to create the mapping between low-level events and sub-proces names. After applying our hierarchical process discovery algorithm in combination with the Inductive Miner, we obtained a high-level model presented in Figure <ref> that is far more comprehensible than the flat model mainly because of its size. The BPI Challenge 2017 event log pertains to a loan application process of a Dutch financial institute. The data contains all applications filed trough an online system from 2016 till February of 2017. Here, as a base for mapping low-level events to sub-proces names, we used the mark of the event type in its name — application, offer or workflow. Thus, a mapping could be based on various features of event data dependint on the expert's needs. The flat model for this data is presented in Figure <ref>, which is also difficult to read because of its purely sequential representation. Applying the principle of mapping low-level events in the BPI Challenge 2017 event log described above, we obtained the high-level WF-net shown in Fig. <ref>, which clearly demonstrates sub-processes (if necessary, they can be expanded) and their order. Table <ref> shows fitness and precision evaluation for flat and high-level WF-nets discovered from real-life BPI Challenge 2015 and 2017 event logs. Fitness 1 shows the fitness evaluation between the flat WF-net constructed from the high-level WF-net by refining transitions with low-level subprocesses. Fitness 2 shows the fitness evaluation between the high-level WF-net and an event log with low-level events grouped into sub-processes. This confirms the formal correctness results of the hierarchical process discovery algorithm. Similar to the experimental results for artificial event logs, here we also observe a decrease in the precision for the identification of sub-processes, therefore, generalizing traces in an initial low-level event log. § CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK In this research, we provide a new process discovery technique for solving the problem of discovering a hierarchical WF-net model from a low-level event log, based on “folding” sub-processes into high-level transitions according to event clustering. Unlike the previous solutions, we allow cycles and concurrency in process behavior. We prove that the proposed technique makes it possible to obtain hierarchical models, which fit event logs perfectly. The technique was also evaluated on artificial and real event logs. Experiments show that fitness and precision of obtained hierarchical models are almost the same as for the standard “flat” case, while hierarchical models are much more compact, more readable and more visual. To implement our algorithm and check it on real data we used Python and one of the most convenient instruments for process mining at the moment — the PM4Py <cit.>. The implementation is provided in the public GitHub repository <cit.>. In further research, we plan to develop and evaluate various event clustering methods for automatic discovery of hierarchical models. elsarticle-num
Automatic Generation of an Efficient Less-Than Oracle for Quantum Amplitude Amplification
[ "Javier Sanchez-Rivero", "Daniel Talaván", "Jose Garcia-Alonso", "Antonio Ruiz-Cortés", "Juan Manuel Murillo" ]
[ "quant-ph", "cs.SE" ]
Automatic Generation of an Efficient Less-Than Oracle for Quantum Amplitude Amplification Javier Sanchez-Rivero1, Daniel Talaván1, Jose Garcia-Alonso2, Antonio Ruiz-Cortés3, and Juan Manuel Murillo4 1COMPUTAEX Foundation 2University of Extremadura 3University of Seville 4COMPUTAEX Foundation and University of Extremadura March 30, 2023 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== Grover's algorithm is a well-known contribution to quantum computing. It searches one value within an unordered sequence faster than any classical algorithm. A fundamental part of this algorithm is the so-called oracle, a quantum circuit that marks the quantum state corresponding to the desired value. A generalization of it is the oracle for Amplitude Amplification, that marks multiple desired states. In this work we present a classical algorithm that builds a phase-marking oracle for Amplitude Amplification. This oracle performs a less-than operation, marking states representing natural numbers smaller than a given one. Results of both simulations and experiments are shown to prove its functionality. This less-than oracle implementation works on any number of qubits and does not require any ancilla qubits. Regarding depth, the proposed implementation is compared with the one generated by Qiskit automatic method, UnitaryGate. We show that the depth of our less-than oracle implementation is always lower. This difference is significant enough for our method to outperform UnitaryGate on real quantum hardware. § INTRODUCTION The arrival of the noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) era <cit.> where quantum computers with several qubits (quantum bits) are available <cit.> has enabled the possibility of testing the theoretical work on quantum algorithms on real devices <cit.>. This fact has enabled a great research effort that is currently being devoted to the optimization of existing algorithms and to the creation of new ones. Quantum algorithms usually take a fully superposed state as starting point and manipulate it to reach another quantum state where some of the states have increased amplitude. These states are the most probable solution to the problem being addressed. The possibility of having superposition states and the way amplitudes are manipulated means that certain problems can be solved more efficiently by quantum computers than by classical ones <cit.>. A well-known example of this is Grover's algorithm. Grover presented <cit.> a quantum algorithm that searches in an unordered sequence faster than any known classical algorithm. Grover's algorithm works by combining two quantum operations. The first one marks (by giving it a π-phase) the desired quantum state. This marking operation is known as oracle. The second operation aims to amplify the amplitude of the marked state. This operation is called diffusion operator or diffuser. In order to reach such amplification it is often needed to repeat the pair oracle-diffuser several times. The generalisation of Grover to amplify multiple states is Amplitude Amplification (AA) <cit.>. In this paper we present the implementation of an oracle that performs a less-than operation. Taking as input a quantum state in which qubits encode natural numbers (including 0), this oracle gives a π-phase to those numbers less than a given one. In addition, a classical algorithm is provided that automatically generates the quantum circuit corresponding to the oracle for any number of qubits. The complexity function of this less-than operation is 𝒪(√(N/M)), where N is the number of naturals encoded in the quantum state and M (1≤ M≤ N) is the number of naturals less than the given number. Thus, the complexity function is bounded above by 𝒪(√(N)) (better than classical 𝒪(N) for an unordered sequence of naturals). Moreover, the provided implementation avoids the use of ancilla qubits and produces circuits with a depth low enough to be realizable in real quantum hardware. The result presented here is part of a research work that aims to achieve reusable and composable quantum operations. For example, from the less-than a greater-than oracle can be easily obtained, and by combining both, ranges of integers can also be produced. The rest of the paper is organised as follows. Next, in Section <ref> the background of this work is provided. Then, a detailed description of the classical algorithm for the automatic generation of the less-than implementation is presented in Section <ref>. Results of simulations and experiments on real quantum hardware are discussed on Section <ref>. A study of the efficiency of the generated oracle is provided in Section <ref>. Finally, the conclusions and future work are presented in Section <ref>. § BACKGROUND The oracle has been identified as a pattern for quantum algorithms <cit.>. An oracle can be thought as a black box performing a function that is used as an input by another algorithm <cit.>. Thus, how an Oracle works is not a matter of concern for the algorithm that uses it. These features make oracles a good tool for quantum software reuse. Apart of Grover's, many other algorithms employ oracles. Some well known examples are Deutsch-Jozsa <cit.>, Simon <cit.> or Bernstein-Vazirani <cit.>. There are two main types of oracles described in the literature <cit.>, probability oracles and phase oracles. On one hand, probability oracles are common in quantum optimization procedures. On the other hand, phase oracles are used in quantum algorithms (such as Grover's) and encode a function in the phase of the quantum states. In the case of Grover's algorithm, the function implemented by the oracle recognises the desired states. As mentioned above, the less-than oracle implemented in this work is a phase oracle. Thinking of oracles in terms of black boxes favours the reusability of quantum software. One would then expect any reusable software to have the best possible quality attributes. Today's quantum devices are subject to decoherence. Thus, the depth of the executing circuits is a key aspect to maximise their reliability. The greater the depth of a circuit, the more it is exposed to decoherence and the lower its reliability <cit.>. Therefore, if the depth of the circuit that implements a quantum algorithm is not taken into account, it can end up producing a result that is indistinguishable from pure noise <cit.>. So keeping depth of oracles optimised, contributes to optimise their quality attributes and their chance to be reused. In order to properly contextualise the depth of the circuit associated to the oracle proposed in this paper, we compare it to UnitaryGate, the generation method implemented in Qiskit <cit.>. This method is based on <cit.>. There are other automatic methods for oracle generation, such as <cit.>, however, as Qiskit is one of the most used quantum SDKs, we have chosen to compare the performance of the less-than implementation with UnitaryGate generated circuit, as also does <cit.>. In addition, our method avoids the use of ancilla qubits. In this paper not only the concept of the oracle is provided, also a classical algorithm is detailed to automatically generate an efficient implementation of the proposed less-than oracle. This algorithm could be included as a pattern for the less-than problem in intelligent code generators such as the one mentioned in <cit.>. This implementation improves the one provided by UnitaryGate in terms of depth, the achieved improvement is enough to outperform it in real quantum hardware. § ALGORITHM FOR THE AUTOMATIC GENERATION OF THE ORACLE In this section we detail the classical algorithm designed to automate the building of the oracle circuit. This oracle will mark with a π-phase all quantum states which represent natural numbers strictly smaller than a given one. The oracle is represented by a unitary matrix of the form: [ -1 ; ⋱ ; -1 3c+.7-.5[0pt][0pt]20; 1 ; ⋱ ; 3c+.7-.5[0pt][0pt]20 1; ] The classical algorithm we propose is based on the idea that, in order to compare the binary representation of two natural numbers n_1 and n_2, it is needed to look for the first bit (starting at the most significant one) which differs in these two numbers. Once this bit is found, it is compared for the two numbers, the one whose bit is 0 is the smaller one. E.g. when comparing[In numbers like 101_2 the 2 in the subindex means that it is a binary number.] n_1=111_2 = 7 and n_2=101_2=5, the most significant bits are both equal to 1, the second most significant bits differ. The bit which is 0 belongs to n_2, hence n_2 is the smaller one. The pseudocode of this algorithm is detailed in <ref>. It follows an explanation which describes it in detail. The algorithm needs as inputs the number of qubits n and a natural number m where 0<m<2^n. As stated before, the output of our algorithm produces a quantum circuit with n qubits which gives a π-phase to all states representing natural numbers strictly smaller than m. For the algorithm to work as intended is needed to initialise all qubits to a uniform superposition of 0s and 1s by applying a Hadamard gate to each one. The first step of the algorithm is converting the number m to binary form, m_ = b_n-1… b_0, with n bits[In the case n=4 and m=3, the binary form would be m_=0011.]. This is always possible because m<2^n. After that, it proceeds to check the first bit (most significant) of m_binary, b_n-1. If it is 1, hence m≥ 2^n-1, then the gates XZX are applied to the qubit q_n-1 of the quantum circuit (<ref>). This gives a π-phase to the states of the form |0 q_n-2… q_0⟩, which represent numbers smaller than 2^n-1, thus smaller than m. XZX ⊗ I^⊗ (n-1) |q_n-1… q_0⟩ = = - 1√(2) |0 q_n-2… q_0⟩ + 1√(2) |1 q_n-2… q_0⟩ where I^⊗ (n-1) is the identity gate applied to n-1 qubits, in this case the least significant ones. Else, if b_n-1 is 0, an X gate is applied to q_n-1, which will be reversed at the end of the circuit. The next step is general for the rest of the positions, i∈{n-2,…,0}. If b_i is 0, an X gate is applied to q_i. In case b_i is 1, the gates I^⊗ (n-i-1)⊗ X · CZ^⊗ (n-i)· I^⊗ (n-i-1)⊗ X are applied to {q_n-1,…,q_i}. This gives a π-phase to the states |b_n-1… b_i+1 0 q_i-1… q_0⟩. As explained before, if the i-th bit of m_ is 1, all numbers with 0 in the i-th bit and the same n-i-1 first bits as m_ (b_n-1… b_i+1) are smaller than m. Finally, an X gate is applied to each q_i such that b_i=0, ∏_i=0 : b_i=0^n-1 I^⊗ (n-i-1)⊗ X ⊗ I^⊗ (i) This is done because another X gate was applied to them in previous steps of the algorithm, so operation (<ref>) returns these qubits to the initial state, except for a possible π-phase. As an illustrative example of the algorithm output, we show the oracle generated taking m=11=1011_2 in figure <ref>. From this point, the implementation of the greater-than oracle mentioned above is trivial. Even more, the oracles greater-than and less-than can be composed in a way that, by combining them, we obtain ranges of integers. These oracles also satisfy the commutative and associative properties. Although this aspect is not exploited in this work it is one of the key motivations behind it. This combinations and further examples of less-than oracles may be found in the repository included in [sec:code-data]Code and Data. § RESULTS The best way to show the functionality of the less-than oracle implementation presented in this work is through simulations of different examples of the generated circuits and experiments on real quantum devices[The code for the automatic generation and the data of the simulations and experiments can be found in [sec:code-data]Code and data.]. For this paper, we have used Qiskit <cit.> for generating the quantum circuits and running the experiments. We show the results of amplifying the desired states as described by chapter 6 of <cit.>. As stated before, to realise that Amplitude Amplification a diffusion operator is applied after the oracle. Depending on the fraction N/M (being M the number of desired states and N the total number of states), we need to repeat the pair oracle-diffuser several times, with a maximum of ⌈π/4√(N/M)⌉ times. In figure <ref>, we show an example of the full circuit implementing the operation less-than 42 with 6 qubits. All our results are generated by running the circuit several times, each of those runs is called shot. Each shot is the result provided by measuring after running the circuit. Hence, the output of one shot is just one state. Figures in this section represent the relative frequency (y-axis) of each state (x-axis) measured in the several shots realised. The results shown are generated by running 20,000 shots of each circuit. This choice is based on the maximum number of shots allowed in IBM real quantum devices. This is done to properly compare simulations and real experiments. §.§ Simulations Simulations shown in this section were run on a standard laptop[CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz, 2701 Mhz. RAM: 8GM.] and execution time ranged between 8 and 10 seconds for each of them. Figures <ref> and <ref> are examples with 6-qubit circuits. Figure <ref> shows the result of the less-than 42 amplification. The desired state is a superposition of the first 42 states: 1√(42)∑_i=0^41 |i⟩ The pair oracle-diffuser had to be repeated 2 times to reach maximum amplification of the desired state. Full circuit can be seen in Figure <ref>. It can be seen that the results are exactly as we would expect save for minor frequency differences. This is due to the number of shots simulated. The frequency of each number tends to the theoretical value (1/42 in this case) when the number of shots tends to infinity. Figure <ref> displays results of the less-than 13 operation. In contrast with results in figure <ref>, in this case there are some small occurrences of non-desired states. The cause of this is that the best amplification possible, which occurs with 1 iteration, is not exactly 100%. Results from less-than 4 operation on a 4-qubit circuit are shown in figure <ref>. In this case, the number of iterations of the pair oracle-diffuser is also 1, however the amplification reaches 100% measurement probability of the desired states. The main objective of this example is to compare a simulation with an execution on a real quantum device. Such results are available in the next section. The numbers used to perform the less-than operations in this section (42, 13 and 4) have been chosen to showcase that Amplitude Amplification, even in absence of noise, does not always perfectly amplify the desired states. §.§ Experiments on real quantum hardware We have run the last simulation, less-than 4 amplification on a 4-qubit circuit, on a real quantum device with 20,000 shots as well. We have chosen this operation specifically because for 4 qubits the full amplification circuit is the one with lower depth. Results of the experiment can be seen in figure <ref>. The error is noticeable, which is an expected behaviour with real quantum hardware. Despite these errors, the desired states have a combined frequency of ≈ 63%, even though they are 4 states out of 16 in total, 25%. Hence we managed to amplify the measurement probability of the desired states by a ≈ 2.5 factor on an actual quantum device. The device used for this experiment was an IBM machine, ibm_nairobi, on November 18th, 2022 13:22 UTC. This device uses a Falcon r5.11H processor. The calibration data of the device at the time of the experiment can be found in the repository in [sec:code-data]Code and data. § EFFICIENCY OF THE GENERATED ORACLE In this section we focus on two main aspects related with efficiency: number of qubits and depth. The number of qubits is crucial given that in current quantum devices the number of available qubits is very limited <cit.>. Depth (the number of consecutive gates) represents the physical implementation time for the algorithm <cit.>. On actual quantum hardware only low-depth circuits are realizable, otherwise the noise dominates the result <cit.>. §.§ Qubits The method we propose does not use any ancilla qubits. The only required qubits are the ones needed for the full superposition of N states, being N=2^n, where n is the number of qubits. Hence, our method is as efficient as possible in terms of number of qubits. §.§ Depth To give context to the depth of our method, we have chosen to compare the depth with the oracle circuit automatically generated by Qiskit method UnitaryGate. The UnitaryGate method needs as input a unitary matrix. In this case, the matrix we use as input is the one stated in matrix (<ref>). In order to do the comparison we generate the same circuit with both methods for each number k with 0<k<N. To properly compare the two methods, we have transpiled all circuits to one of the IBM quantum computers. The backend used was fake_washington_v2 which has the same properties (gate set, coupling map, etc.) as the real one. The results of the evaluations are shown on Figure <ref>. The dots and triangles are the mean depth of the less-than oracle circuits and the UnitaryGate generated ones, respectively. The vertical bars represent the maximum and minimum depth for that number of qubits. The scale is logarithmic. While for 4 qubits the minimum depth of UnitaryGate is lower than the maximum depth of our method, this happens for circuits with different k. We have checked that the depth of the circuits generated by the algorithm we propose is always lower than their counterparts generated by UnitaryGate. The depth for every circuit with 7 qubits can be seen on Figure <ref>. The same plot for the remainder numbers of qubits can be found on section <ref>. The main result from this analysis is that for each number our method produces a circuit with lower depth than Qiskit method UnitaryGate and that difference grows with the number of qubits. The largest differences occur for low numbers (<N/2) with a high number of qubits. It can be noted that oracle circuits for numbers which are powers of 2 have reduced depths with both methods. Even in these cases, our method is a great improvement from Qiskit UnitaryGate. For instance, our oracle implementation for the less-than 32 operation with n=7 qubits has a depth of 11. The one generated by UnitaryGate has a depth of 1625. Next, we show that UnitaryGate generated oracle circuit fails at being usable on real quantum hardware in cases where our method is successful. We have conducted again the experiment displayed at figure <ref> but using the UnitaryGate instead of our method to generate the circuit. This experiment was executed on the IBM machine ibm_nairobi, on November 18th, 2022 13:00 UTC. The device had the same calibration for both experiments. The results of the experiment are shown on figure <ref>. In the experiment carried out with our method, the desired states had a combined frequency of ≈ 63%. These states are 4 states out of 16 in total, 25%. On the other hand, in the new experiment with the method UnitaryGate, these states have a combined frequency of ≈ 31%. Our method increased the probability of the desired states by a ≈ 2.5 factor, while UnitaryGate method increased it by a ≈ 1.2 factor. As these two experiments were conducted using the same hardware with the same calibration, the only difference is the depth of the circuits. Therefore, we believe depth is the reason our method provides a much more satisfactory result than UnitaryGate. § CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK We have presented a classical algorithm capable of building a phase-marking oracle circuit that performs a less-than operation. To exemplify its functionality, some experiments were conducted on both simulations and real quantum hardware. We have made a study on efficiency, focusing on number of qubits and depth. We have shown that no ancilla qubits are required. It has also been shown that the depth of this oracle implementation is always lower than the one generated by Qiskit automatic methods. This depth difference is significant enough for our method to outperform the Qiskit method on real quantum hardware. As mentioned above, the oracle proposed in this work is the first step in the creation of a bigger set of oracles including ones like greater-than or range of integers. By combining these and other, similar, oracles we expect to be able to create a set of efficient tools for working with integers that can be reused as black box operations. These tools can then be composed by quantum software developers in the creation of complex algorithms. § ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work has been financially supported by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation of the Spanish Government through the QUANTUM ENIA project call - Quantum Spain project, by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under project PID2021-124054OB-C31, by the Regional Ministry of Economy, Science and Digital Agenda, and the Department of Economy and Infrastructure of the Government of Extremadura under project GR21133, and by the European Union through the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan - NextGenerationEU within the framework of the Digital Spain 2026 Agenda. We acknowledge the use of IBM Quantum services for this work. The views expressed are those of the authors, and do not reflect the official policy or position of IBM or the IBM Quantum team. We are grateful to COMPUTAEX Foundation for allowing us to use the supercomputing facilities (LUSITANIA II) for calculations. § CODE AND DATA Data and code can be found in https://github.com/JSRivero/Less-than-oraclehttps://github.com/JSRivero/Less-than-oracle. IEEEtran
Observational Causal Inference in Novel Diseases: A Case Study of COVID-19
[ "Alexander Peysakhovich", "Yin Aphinyanaphongs" ]
[ "stat.AP" ]
Building Krylov complexity from circuit complexity Qi Zhou March 30, 2023 ================================================== A key issue for all observational causal inference is that it relies on an unverifiable assumption - that observed characteristics are sufficient to proxy for treatment confounding. In this paper we argue that in medical cases these conditions are more likely to be met in cases where standardized treatment guidelines do not yet exist. One example of such a situation is the emergence of a novel disease. We study the case of early COVID-19 in New York City hospitals and show that observational analysis of two important thereapeutics, anti-coagulation and steroid therapy, gives results that agree with later guidelines issued via combinations of randomized trials and other evidence. We also argue that observational causal inference cannot be applied mechanically and requires domain expertise by the analyst by showing a cautionary tale of a treatment that appears extremely promising in the data, but the result is due to a quirk of hospital policy. Building Krylov complexity from circuit complexity Qi Zhou March 30, 2023 ================================================== § INTRODUCTION Evaluating the effectiveness of therapies is a primary problem in medicine. The gold standard is the use of randomized trials <cit.>. However, randomized trials can be expensive and time-consuming. A second form of evidence is the use of non-randomized data (e.g. data obtained during normal hospital operation) to perform observational causal inference. The biggest issue with observational causal inference is that patient treatment assignment is not randomized - in particular that treatment assignment and outcome are correlated aka. confounded <cit.>. Thus, unlike in a randomized trial, a positive (or negative) difference between treated and control groups does not necessarily mean that the treatment causes this difference. A large set of observational causal inference methods (e.g. propensity score based methods <cit.>, model adjustment based methods <cit.>, or doubly robust methods <cit.>) attempt to deal with the issue by removing the confounding using observed characteristics of the patients. In essence this creates a synthetic treatment and control group where now treatment is `as good as random.' The key assumption behind all of these methods is that observed characteristics are sufficient to proxy for the confounding <cit.>. However, this assumption is by definition unverifiable and so in general the credibility of an effect derived by observational causal inference comes down to whether the “deconfounding” is likely to be sufficient (or not). In medicine some conditions have well entrenched treatment plans. In this case, we either explicitly lack the ability to match treated patients to a `similar' control. This is because when a patient that meets criteria for treatment is not treated it is for a specific reason that makes that patient `special' (perhaps for unobservable reasons) and thus not necessarily a good match for a treated patient. By contrast, sometimes we do not have well entrenched treatment plans. For example, in the case of novel diseases where information changes day to day, doctors have little experience with the disease, and different doctors may choose to take different actions for similar patients. In this case we argue that observational causal inference can be extremely useful as there will be considerable overlap between treated and control distributions. We study the case of the early COVID-19 outbreak in New York City. During this phase there were two major causes of patient degradation - thrombotic events (clotting) <cit.> and inflammation <cit.>. We use observational causal inference to look at the effectiveness of two therapies - aggressive anti-coagulation and the use of steroids. We show that general use of therapeutic anti-coagulation (relative to prophylactic) appears not to have obvious benefits. By contrast, we show that steroid therapy does have positive effects. This is precisely the guidance that emerged over the next year of COVID-19 treatment due to randomized trials <cit.>. There is no statistical test for whether the de-confounding assumption holds <cit.>. Thus observational causal inference requires analysts to get their hands dirty with understanding the data generating process. We show a cautionary tale - an example of a therapy, factor XA inhibitors, where patients who receive it appear to have better outcomes, even after adjusting for other observed factors. However, this positive association is unlikely to be causal - rather, patients who are deemed well enough to be discharged from the hospital were often given a factor XA inhibitor prescription and started on the treatment in their last few days. Taken together, we argue that observational causal inference can be especially useful in the context of novel diseases where a lack of treatment protocols creates the necessary overlap in treated/control distributions. While observational results are not guaranteed to be causal without additional assumptions, knowledge of the data generating mechanism by the analyst can make these assumptions more plausible. Observational causal inference results should be used as complements to physician knowledge to help come up with treatment plans as well as generating potential hypotheses to be verified in more expensive randomized trials. § DATASET We use a de-identified dataset of patients admitted to a New York area hospital system for COVID19 between March and May of 2020. For all of the patients we construct a set of covariates including demographics (age, sex, race/ethnicity, smoking status), known comorbidities (prior myocardial infarction, heart failure, vascular disease, dementia, pulmonary disease, rheumatoid disease, peptic ulcer disease, diabetes, cancer, liver disease, HIV/AIDS, and the compound Charlson Score), out-patient medications (whether the patient was taking analgesics, antihistamines, antiarthritics, antifungals, antibiotics, antiparasitics, anticoagulants, antihyperglycemics, tumor necrosis inhibiting agents, antineoplastics, antiparkison drugs, antiplatelet drugs, antivirals, cardiovascular drugs, contraceptives, cough preparations, CNS drugs, autonomic drugs, diuretics, gastrointestinal drugs, hormones, immunosuppressants, muscle relaxants, pre-natal vitamins, psychotherapeuric drugs, sedatives, smoking deterrents, thyroid drugs, or vitains), as well as the first lab taken within the first 36 hours of hospital stay (we use 36 hours as we have access to lab result times rather than lab order times, see below for more description of labs used), and summary statistics (mean, min, max) of vital signs (heart rate, oxygen saturation, blood pressure, temperature, respiratory rate) from the first 24 hours of hospital stay. §.§ Lab Values Not all patients have all lab values. To deal with this we first drop all labs with more than 20% missing values. As an exception to rule we keep D-dimer (a measure of coagulation) as a covariate in our anti-coagulation analyses. It is missing for 25% of patients, but we have prior knowledge that is used by clinicians in treatment assignment for anti-coagulation. Many of these labs are extremely right skewed, so we use a log transformation to normalize them. In addition, we see some examples of values outside of biological plausibility due to data quality issues. To deal with these we perform a winsorization at the 99th percentile for each lab. The final list of labs that we use are: Albumin, Alkaline Phosphate, ALT, AST, Bilirubin, Blood Urea Nitrogen, C-Reactive Protein, Calcium, Chloride, Creatinine, D-Dimer, Eosonophils, Ferritin, Hematocrit, LDH, Lymphocytes, Platelet Volume, Monocytes, Neutrophils, Potassium, Protein, Prothrombin Time, Sodium, WBC. §.§ Outcome Measure Construction As our primary outcome of interest we use 21 organ support free days (21OSFD). We chose this measure after consulting with physicians working in our hospital as this measure is employed in existing randomized trials (e.g. https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/record/NCT04359277) or <cit.>. The 21 organ support free days measure is the number of days that a patient does not require pressors, renal replacement therapy, hi flow oxygen, or invasive mechanical ventilation. Patients that die during the course of their stay receive a -1 for the measure. We look at patients that are admitted at least 21 days before the end of our observation period, thus we do not have censoring in our data. § TREATMENTS STUDIED We study two treatments: aggressive anti-coagulation therapy and steroids. We describe the medical details of each treatment that guide some of our analysis choices below. §.§ Anticoagulation A major driver of adverse outcomes in COVID-19 patients is thrombosis <cit.>. The standard protocol for dealing with clotting is the use of anti-coagulation (AC). AC is typically broken down into two doses - a smaller or prophylactic dose which is used to prevent clots from forming and a larger or therapeutic dose which is typically given when a clot is already detected <cit.>. At the time this data was collected, there was major debate about whether the prevalence of thrombotic events in COVID patients should lead to a more aggressive AC strategy. Here we evaluate the use of such an aggressive strategy. Note that almost all patients at our hospital receive some form of anticoagulation therapy during their stay - 92% patients in our data receive some AC with median time to first AC dose of 8 hours, so we are not evaluating a “no AC” arm. We focus on two possible strategies: aggressive early AC versus a more conservative strategy of beginning with prophylactic and moving to a larger dose later if it is needed. We define our treatment as individuals either receive therapeutic levels (treatment) or only prophylactic (control) levels of AC for their first 72 hours in the hospital. We remove individuals who receive more than one level of AC during this period.[The 72 hour window was chosen after consultation with physicians. Varying the window to be 24, 48, 72, or 96 hours does not change the main results. The tradeoff is that using a larger window decreases our sample size since we remove patients that receive multiple levels of AC during the window of study.] The definition of therapeutic AC includes all intravenous Heparin, Rivaroxban, Warfarin, Dabigatran, or high dose (≥60mg) Enoxaparin. Preventative/prophylatic AC includes subcutaneous heparin with ≤ 15,000 units per 24 hours, or low dose (less than 60mg) Enoxaparin. The vast majority of AC treatment in our sample is Heparin. From speaking to clinicians, we know that D-dimer was used as an indicator of possible severe clotting during this time. We see in our data that almost all patients with extremely high (>3000 ng/mL) D-dimer levels receive aggressive AC. For this reason, we restrict our analysis to patients with D-dimer levels below 3000. Overall 23 % of our sample receives the aggressive treatment. Figure <ref> below shows the observed probability of aggressive treatment by baseline D-dimer as well as distribution of D-dimer by treatment group. We see that there is substantial overlap in the `elevated' category which also makes up the majority of our patients. §.§ Steroid Therapy A second major driver of adverse outcomes for COVID-19 patients is is inflammation-mediated lung injury. A treatment for inflammation is the use of glucocorticoids (steroids). In our analysis patient is deemed to be receiving steroid treatment if they receive steroids (Dexamethasone, Hydrocortisone, or Prednisone) within their first 72 hours of hospital admission. Here our complete cases analysis includes 2282 patients with 190 (approximately 8%) of them receiving the steroid treatment. Unlike in the AC analysis we do not have exclusion criteria based on lab results as we did not learn of any single lab that was used by all clinicians. Rather, combinations of factors led some (but not others) to treat using steroids. The prevailing consensus at the time of the COVID19 outbreak in New York City was mixed <cit.> with randomized trials <cit.> only available much later. Though after randomized trials the use of steroids became common, in our sample, however, we see that only ∼ 8 % of our patients receive steroids in their first 72 hours of hospital stay. § RESULTS For both treatment we look at 3 analyses: first, the overall (unadjusted) correlation between treatment and outcome. Second, we adjust for our observed covariates in a linear regression and report the coefficient on treatment. Third, we perform propensity score matching. To do the propensity score matching we use a logistic regression on the full set of covariates to construct the propensity scores. Because most units are not treated, we matched 3 control units per 1 treated unit with a caliper of size .05. All analyses were done using the R package Matching <cit.>. We estimate the average treatment effect on the treated (ATT) in our propensity score match. Recent work as shown that regression in observational data estimates something close to the ATT <cit.> when the proportion of treated individuals is small (as in both our cases), so this makes our estimates comparable. §.§ Overlap Analysis We investigate the quality of our matching analysis by looking at overlaps in propensity scores as well as pre-and-post match balance on the covariates. Because we have a large number of covariates, we show only `important' ones in the balance plot. We select these important covariates by running two cross-validated L1 regularized regressions using the R package glmnet <cit.> predict the outcome and the treatment. We then take the union of the set of covariates selected by these models (note that in theory only variables which affect both the outcome and the treatment are actually confounders so this is a very conservative selection). Figure <ref> shows the propensity score distributions for both treatments. We see that there are some unmatchable samples (examination of our data shows that these examples appear to be very sick patients that receive aggressive treatment). However, there is a large overlap in distributions which allows for matching. We drop 84 (approximately 33 %) treated patients in our matching for AC analysis and 44 (∼ 23 %) treated patients in our steroid analysis. Figure <ref> shows balance plots[We used the R package cobalt (<https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/cobalt/index.html>) to generate these plots.] for both treatments for the `important' variables as defined above. We see that the propensity matching produces relatively comparable distributions in terms of means in both treatments. §.§ Causal Effect Estimates Finally, we show our causal effect estimates in Figure <ref>. We see that without balance/adjustment that there is a baseline negative association between both treatments and outcome. Thus, baseline sicker patients are more likely to receive both treatments. However, after adjustment or matching we see that there is now a positive association between steroid treatment and outcome (regression point estimate 1.34 and 95% CI = [.11,.257] p<.05, matching point estimate 1.36 and 95% CI = [-.13, 2.85] p=.07). By contrast we see little effect of more aggressive AC therapy with point estimates near 0 (regression point estimate -.55 with 95% CI = [-1.82, .75], matching point estimate -.27 with 95% CI = [-1.8 .8]). §.§ External Validation Our observational results, derived from data in the early months of the pandemic, are consistent with treatment policies which evolved over the course of the pandemic <www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/therapies/antithrombotic-therapy/>) as well as by randomized trial data showing no beneficial effect of starting aggressive therapeutic level AC compared to standard care <cit.>. Other observational studies hint at heterogeneous effects <cit.>. We lack the statistical power to look for anything other than a main effect in our population (recall the rule of thumb that testing a single heterogeneous cut requires about 16 × the data compared to testing a main effect <cit.>). By contrast, steroids (in particular, Dexamethasone) have been shown to be effective at reducing adverse events in COVID patients in randomized trials <cit.> with other observational work looking for heterogeneous effects <cit.>. Steroid therapy is a standard tool in practitioners treating COVID patients <https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/management/clinical-management/hospitalized-adults–therapeutic-management/>). § CONCLUSION AND CAUTION While the prior sections may seem to suggest that observational causal inference is relatively straightforward in cases where treatment plans are not set in stone, this is quite far from the truth. Here we will argue that causal inference is not simply a statistical exercise, but one which requires knowledge about the underlying data generating process from the analyst. We consider another class of anti-coagulant drugs, factor XA inhibitors (FXI). These drugs are different from the mostly Heparin based AC that we considered earlier in two ways: first, they affect a different part of the clotting pathway than Heparin <cit.>, second they are available in oral form while most of the AC we considered before is either subcutaenous or intravenously administered. We consider a naive definition of treatment where we define a patient as treated (N_treated=318) if they received any factor XA inhibitors during their time in the hospital (N_control = 1963). We perform the same analyses (linear model with adjusting, propensity score matching) as in the main analysis. Figure <ref> shows the balance plots (as above we show only `important' variables selected via Lasso regressions) as well as the the effect estimates. The model results appear to show that FXI has a large (the size of steroids) protective affect on patients. However, this is likely an artifact of the data generating process - we know that at the time these data were collected patients who were to be discharged from the hospital were prescribed Factor XA inhibitors as out-patient treatment and started on them before the discharge occurred. Note that a part of our erroneous conclusion comes from the way we define the treatment variable - by looking at individuals who ever receive treatment rather than individuals who receive the treatment early in their stay (as in the AC/steroids analyses). We do note that there appear to be some hints in the results that something is off. First, we see that the baseline correlation between treatment and outcome is weakly positive. This means that in general we do not see the relationship that we see in steroid/AC treatments where more sick patients are more likely to get the treatment. While there are plausibly reasons for this, it does signal us to be somewhat cautious. Second, we see that even after matching we have an imbalance in the important covariates. This further suggests that very different individuals are receiving treatment and control. The key point remains that while observational causal inference can be a useful tool in medicine especially during times when treatment guidelines are not set in strong. In both the AC and steroid treatments we cleanly recover results that are confirmed by randomized control trials. However, gaining knowledge from observational studies requires carefully defining treatment variables and understanding the data generating process as our factor XA example shows. ACM-Reference-Format
Visual-Policy Learning through Multi-Camera View to Single-Camera View Knowledge Distillation for Robot Manipulation Tasks
[ "Cihan Acar", "Kuluhan Binici", "Alp Tekirdağ", "Wu Yan" ]
[ "cs.RO", "cs.AI" ]
Adaptive Dereverberation, Noise and Interferer Reduction Using Sparse Weighted Linearly Constrained Minimum Power Beamforming This work was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) – Project ID 390895286 – EXC 2177/1. Henri Gode and Simon Doclo Department of Medical Physics and Acoustics and Cluster of Excellence Hearing4all, University of Oldenburg, Germany {henri.gode, simon.doclo}@uni-oldenburg.de March 30, 2023 ==================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== empty empty The use of multi-camera views simultaneously has been shown to improve the generalization capabilities and performance of visual policies. However, the hardware cost and design constraints in real-world scenarios can potentially make it challenging to use multiple cameras. In this study, we present a novel approach to enhance the generalization performance of vision-based Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms for robotic manipulation tasks. Our proposed method involves utilizing a technique known as knowledge distillation, in which a pre-trained “teacher” policy trained with multiple camera viewpoints guides a “student” policy in learning from a single camera viewpoint. To enhance the student policy's robustness against camera location perturbations, it is trained using data augmentation and extreme viewpoint changes. As a result, the student policy learns robust visual features that allow it to locate the object of interest accurately and consistently, regardless of the camera viewpoint. The efficacy and efficiency of the proposed method were evaluated both in simulation and real-world environments. The results demonstrate that the single-view visual student policy can successfully learn to grasp and lift a challenging object, which was not possible with a single-view policy alone. Furthermore, the student policy demonstrates zero-shot transfer capability, where it can successfully grasp and lift objects in real-world scenarios for unseen visual configurations. § INTRODUCTION In recent years, the field of deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has seen rapid progress in robot control and manipulation applications, with vision-based RL algorithms being particularly noteworthy due to their ability to learn directly from high-dimensional visual inputs such as images, point clouds or videos <cit.>-levine2018learning<cit.>. However, one of the most significant challenges for these algorithms remains the generalization of learned skills to new and diverse situations. To address this issue, researchers have employed various data randomization<cit.> and augmentation methods, including changes to background color, texture, and other parameters <cit.>laskin2020reinforcement-hansen2021generalization<cit.>. While these techniques have shown effectiveness in learning representations of high-dimensional data, their generalization capabilities are limited to the features acquired from a fixed viewpoint perspective. To overcome this limitation, researchers have explored various techniques to enhance the generalization capabilities of vision-based RL algorithms. One approach involves training the algorithm using multiple viewpoints to recognize objects from different perspectives. For example, to develop visuomotor manipulation skills, researchers often employ a third-person camera view that captures the robot and environment from the outside, as well as a first-person (egocentric) camera that is linked to the robot's end-effector. The third-person camera allows visuomotor policy to view the environment and robot from a wide static perspective and results in a better understanding of the environment. In contrast, the egocentric camera provides a closer yet restricted observation due to its inability to view the robot arm and environment in full scope. The perspective of the egocentric camera changes according to the position of the end-effector, which can lead to important visual features becoming obscured. It is also feasible to use both egocentric and third-person cameras simultaneously, which improves the generalization capability and performance of visual policy <cit.><cit.>. In a simulation environment, it is possible to use multiple third-person and egocentric cameras together to obtain better results without having any limitations. On the other hand, in real-world scenarios, increasing the number of cameras incurs higher hardware costs and design constraints. In this paper, we propose a method for learning a robust manipulation policy that can generalize to unseen visual configurations, using a single camera. Our approach leverages knowledge distillation to transfer privileged multiple-view information from a teacher policy to a student policy that observes the task using information only from a single camera. By learning from the teacher policy's rich multi-view information, the student policy can acquire robust features that can consistently locate the object of interest, regardless of the single-camera viewpoint. First, a teacher policy is trained with multiple views gathered from fixed viewpoints to learn more generalizable representations. Then, a student with a single-camera viewpoint is trained to imitate the action of the teacher policy. To enhance robustness against camera location, the camera locations and parameters are constantly changed, in addition to data augmentation techniques such as random cropping and color jiggering. Consequently, the single-camera student can learn the same actions as the teacher from heavily augmented and perturbed camera positions. This enables the student policy to perform manipulation tasks using a single-camera observation and as a result, makes it more practical and efficient for real-world applications. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that explores the transfer of privileged multiple-view teacher information to a randomized single-view student for learning robot manipulation tasks. To this end, the main contributions in this work can be summarized as follows: * A novel and robust visual-policy learning by transferring privileged multiple-view information of the teacher to the single-camera view student. * The use of randomized camera views during training, allowing the student policy to learn to adapt to different camera angles and positions. * Investigation on the effect of the number of third-person camera views for knowledge distillation from the multiple-view teacher to the single-view student. § RELATED WORK §.§ Vision-based Reinforcement Learning The overall goal of vision-based reinforcement learning is to enable agents to learn from visual inputs, such as images or videos, in order to perform tasks in complex environments. To extract high-level features and improve the sample efficiency of vision-based RL algorithms, CURL method is proposed <cit.>. This method employs contrastive loss to ensure consistency between an image and its augmented version. Many works also focus on data augmentation methods such as random shift, random crop, color jitter, and applying Gaussian noise, and random convolutions for learning robust representations from the raw input image <cit.>-hansen2021generalization<cit.>. Data augmentation and CURL are also successfully implemented for real-world robotic tasks <cit.>. One limitation of these methods is that they may not be adequate to handle more intricate forms of variation, such as variations in viewpoint or camera parameters. §.§ Knowledge Distillation The procedure of using the knowledge of a pre-trained neural network model to enhance the capabilities of another one is referred as knowledge distillation (KD) <cit.>. Most commonly the pre-trained model, called the “teacher", is used to provide additional annotation for the data samples to be used along with the ground truth labels while training another model from scratch. This enriches the limited information conveyed by the ground truth labels. As a result, the model trained with such enhanced information, called the “student", can achieve performance beyond its original capacity and even outperform the teacher. In the context of reinforcement learning, KD has been employed for various tasks, such as policy distillation <cit.> which proposes distilling the knowledge of a large and accurate policy network, called the teacher, into a smaller and faster policy network, called the student. §.§ Privileged Provision Recently, KD is utilized in learning vision-based urban driving <cit.>, in-hand object reorientation <cit.>, and quadrupedal locomotion over challenging environments <cit.> <cit.> where the teacher policy that has access to privileged information in a simulation environment is used to guide the student policy that has only access to sensory information available in the real world. The student policy is then deployed and successfully tested in a variety of challenging real-world environments. Similary, KD is also applied for zero-shot generalization of visual policies <cit.>. At first, weak image augmentation is used to train an expert policy. Then, using imitation learning with strong augmentations, a student network learns to mimic the expert policy. Even though it has been demonstrated that strong augmentations can offer robust representation learning for a range of visual policy tasks in diverse simulation contexts, generalization capabilities are restricted to features acquired through a single fixed viewpoint only. § PRELIMINARIES The reinforcement learning environment is defined as a Markov Decision Process (MDP) tuple ⟨ S,A,p,r,γ⟩: S is the continuous state space, A is continuous action space, p(s_t+1|s_t,a_t) is the state transition model where probability density of the next state s_t+1∈ S given s_t ∈ S and a_t ∈ A, r is the reward function, and γ∈ (0, 1] is the discount factor. Episode length is denoted by T. The objective of an RL algorithm is to find an optimal policy π: S → A to maximize the expected return. In order to determine the policy distribution π(a_t|s_t), we employ an actor-critic model. As our algorithm of choice, we use the Soft Actor-Critic (SAC) <cit.>, a state-of-the-art off-policy maximum entropy deep reinforcement learning algorithm due to its good performance in sparse reward setups. The optimal policy equation of SAC is shown below: π^* = max_π∑_t𝔼_(s_t, a_t) ∼ρ_π[ r(s_t, a_t) + α H(π(· | s_t)) ] where the temperature parameter, denoted as α, controls the stochasticity of the optimal policy by determining the relative importance of the entropy term compared to the reward. § APPROACH §.§ Problem Formulation In visual policy learning, the agent perceives the environment through cameras and therefore, the environment is only partially observable. This makes the problem formulation a Partial Observability Markov Decision Process (POMDP) instead of a standard MDP. As a result, the state vectors s_t in (<ref>) are replaced with observations, denoted as o. These observations are obtained by encoding RGB images collected from the environment [I^1,...I^N] via a function f before being provided to the policy module: o := f([I^1,...I^N]) where I∈ℝ^C × H × W Typically f is parameterized by a neural network (NN) ϕ and learned using gradient-based optimization techniques. Since neural networks fail to generalize when training data lacks diversity, increasing the number of unique views N by using more cameras can improve the performance. As a result, there is a natural trade-off between hardware cost and performance since utilizing many camera devices to process diverse views of the environment typically provides robust policies against domain variations at the expense of increased hardware demand. To break such a trade-off, we propose training a privileged teacher policy π_t(a|o_t) using multiple camera views from the simulation environment and later distilling the learned policy to train a non-privileged student policy π_s(a|o_s) that works with only single-view observations. In this way, while the hardware cost of deploying π_s is limited to a single camera, it can provide similar performance to π_t. Our objective is to find the optimal student policy π_s^* that minimizes the knowledge distillation (KD) loss. The KD loss measures the discrepancy between the student policy and the teacher policy: π_s^* := π_sargmin L_KD(π_s,π_t) Let I_e and [I_t^1...I_t^N] denote RGB images captured from the egocentric and the N third-view cameras. Since the teacher policy has access to more privileged information, it can learn better generalizable visual representations. We can formally describe the teacher and student policies as, z Even though the camera position of the single-view student is perturbed at each episode and strong augmentation is applied at each frame, the multi-view teacher has fixed camera observations so that the student can learn suitable actions to take for different camera viewpoints. §.§ Implementation Details The teacher operates with images collected from a single egocentric camera (I_e) and N stationary third-person view cameras ([I_t^θ_1,...I_t^θ_N]) while the student uses the view of a single third-person view camera (I_t^θ_k). o_t := f_ϕ t(I_e, [I_t^θ_1,...I_t^θ_N]) o_s := f_ϕ s(I_t^θ_k) where θ_k ∼ U(0,θ_max) To make the student robust against environmental perturbations, we apply domain randomization and sample the camera angle θ_k randomly from a uniform distribution that ranges from 0 to θ_max. Both the teacher and the student have the same network architecture comprised of a 12-layer convolutional encoder with a single-layer self-attention module and a SAC policy. We use the PyTorch <cit.> implementation of SAC as in <cit.>. Knowledge Distillation: Our use of KD stems from a similar principle that motivated the DAgger <cit.> which reduces the distribution shift from the learned policy with data from an expert policy. Different than DAgger, our expert is not a human, instead we use a pre-trained teacher policy. To train the student, we use two sources of information: the actions and encoded features provided by the teacher. To distill the first information into the student, the mean squared error (MSE) between the student π_s and teacher π_t policies is minimized: L_KD :=π_s(o_s) - π_t(o_t) The student policy π_s is updated by minimizing this loss using the transition batch sampled from experiences replay buffer 𝒟. The updated student policy is then used to collect more data, which is added to 𝒟 and used for the next iteration of the policy update. During the training of the teacher, only the loss of the critic is used to update the weights of the encoder network for learning the representation space. For training the student encoder, instead of using the gradients of critic to update the student encoder we implement two methods. The first one is inspired by <cit.> where we align the pairwise similarity matrix of teacher observations C_t with that of the student observations C_s by minimizing the following loss: L_sim := ∑_i∑_jC_T^ij - C_S^ij_F^2 Different to <cit.>, We use the cosine distance to quantify the pairwise similarities between different observations: C := C/o_[i,:]o_[i,:]^T; C := oo^T; o∈ℝ^b×(cwh) Here o is the flattened version of the observation tensor o ∈ℝ^b × c × w × h. Notice that the i^th row and j^th column of C represents the following value: C^ij := o^(i)o^(j)/o^(i)o^(j)_2 In the second one, the distillation objective is to minimize the Euclidean distance between the features of the teacher and student. Thus, the second method tries to minimize the sum of all the squared differences between the teacher encoder output and the predicted student output: L_MSE := o_t - o_s_2 Our results, to be presented in the next section, show that minimizing the Euclidean distance between features yields superior performance for the student policy when compared to the pairwise similarity method. This finding suggests that minimizing the Euclidean distance provides better distillation for learning high-level visual features. Curriculum Learning: To make the student robust against environmental perturbations we apply domain randomization and permute the camera angle θ_k and camera parameters. We utilize a simple curriculum training that gradually increases the range of camera parameters of the student as the training develops to ensure continues policy learning. Our intuition is that gradually increasing the camera parameters increases the difficulty level of the task. It is also possible to utilize more efficient automatic curriculum learning methods like ALP-GMM <cit.>, Automatic Curriculum Learning through Value Disagreement <cit.>, where the complexity of the task is determined by the performance of student policy. Data Augmentation: To improve the generalization ability of the policies, we employ two techniques for data augmentation during training: pixel shifting and color augmentation. These techniques help to expose the models to a more diverse range of visual inputs, which in turn can improve their ability to perform the task in a wider variety of scenarios. Specifically, we randomly shift the pixels of the images in two dimensions and apply color augmentation techniques such as changing the brightness, contrast, and saturation. By applying these techniques, we aim to make the policies more robust to changes in lighting, and other environmental factors that may be present in real-world scenarios. Setup Details: Multiple cameras can be employed to capture various viewpoints and enhance the generalization capability of visual-policy learning. Our study focuses on the utilization of two-camera and three-camera setups to train an expert visual policy. The two-camera setup comprises a first-person (egocentric) camera attached to the robot's end-effector and a third-person camera positioned in front of the robot to capture a bird's eye view of the table and robot. The three-camera setup consists of a first-person camera and two third-person cameras positioned in front and on the side of the robot, respectively. During the training of the student policy, we employ only one of the third-person cameras to capture the visual information. More precisely, we use a single third-person camera placed in front of the robot. When training a student policy, only one of the third-person cameras is used, but the camera parameters and view are randomly changed. By constantly changing the camera view and parameters, the training data becomes more diverse, and the student policy can learn to adapt to different camera angles and positions. This allows the student policy to generalize better to new, unseen camera views, which is crucial for applications where the camera position and orientation may not be known or fixed. In our context, the visual policy is responsible for generating control actions that enable the robot to perform a given task. The action space includes control over the 3-DoF end-effector position along the X, Y, and Z axes, 1-DoF rotation control on the yaw-axis, and 1-DoF gripper control. To train the teacher and student policies, we use 84x84 RGB camera images as observations. We train the teacher policies using a sparse reward scheme with a fixed time horizon, in which the agent gets rewarded only if the task is completed successfully. Achieving a task successfully results in reward at each subsequent time step, and accumulates until the end of the episode, which encourages the agent to complete the task as quickly as possible. Task Definition: The tasks in our experiments require the robot to grasp either a cube or a mug and lift it to a predetermined height from its initial position. While cubes and spheres have a symmetrical shape that makes it easier for visual policies to learn grasping strategies, the lack of symmetry in the mug presents a greater challenge. The task is further complicated by the visual localization and the sparse reward signal, which require the agent to infer object positions solely from high-dimensional RGB camera pixel data. To increase the diversity of training data, objects are randomly spawned at different positions on the table for each episode. This ensures that the agent learns to adapt to different object positions, enhancing its ability to perform the task in novel scenarios. § RESULTS §.§ Simulation Experiments In order to evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed approach, we conducted experiments using a 7 degree-of-freedom Franka Panda Emika manipulator equipped with a two-fingered parallel gripper in a PyBullet simulation environment <cit.>. To train the teacher policies π_t, we used a combination of first-person, front, and side camera views, as illustrated in Figure <ref>(a). We introduced a significant level of randomization to the camera position and parameters, such as field of view (fov) and aspect ratio to increase the robustness of the student policies π_s. PyBullet facilitated this by employing a synthetic camera specified by two 4 by 4 matrices: the view matrix and the projection matrix, allowing for the rendering of images from arbitrary camera positions for each episode. We provide a few examples in Figure <ref>(b) to showcase the different camera perspectives used during the training of the student policies in the simulation environment. For all teachers and students trained, we use the same data argumentation methods described in section <ref>. In the simulation environment, for each task we used a 3D-mouse to collect 50 human demonstrations (total of 5K transitions), which were added to the replay buffer to aid in training the multi-camera view expert teachers in a sparse reward setting. This method of using demonstrations has been shown to be effective in improving the learning process and accelerating the convergence of the RL algorithms <cit.>. During the training process, we keep only the most recent 50K transitions in the replay buffer. The training results of teacher policies π_t using different numbers of camera views and the corresponding results of the student policies distilled from them to lift the mug and cube objects are presented in Figure <ref>. For the cube object, all teacher policies have successfully learned the task, but the single-camera view teacher policy π_t1cam had a lower performance than the multiple camera-view teacher policies π_t2cam and π_t3cam. More importantly, for the mug object, the single-camera view teacher policy π_t1cam was unable to effectively learn the task. Overall, these results demonstrate the importance of utilizing multiple camera views for learning complex tasks more such as lifting asymmetric objects (eg. mugs) effectively. Table <ref> presents the results of evaluating the performance of teacher and student policies on lifting the cube and mug objects across 100 random front-camera views. All results are averaged across three different runs. The performances of six different policies are compared, including single-camera teacher policy π_t1cam, two-camera multi-view teacher policy π_t2cam, three-camera multi-view teacher policy π_t3cam, and three student policies π_s_t1cam, π_s_t2cam, and π_s_t3cam, distilled from the corresponding teacher policies. The results indicate that the students distilled from multi-view teachers, π_s_t2cam and π_s_t3cam, outperform the students distilled from single-camera teachers, π_s_t1cam, as well as all the multi-view teacher policies π_t2cam and π_t3cam, in both cube and mug lifting tasks. Notably, the multi-camera view to single-camera view distillation approach enables the single-camera view student policy to learn and perform the task of lifting the mug object, despite the single front-view camera teacher was unable to accomplish this. This highlights the effectiveness of the multi-camera view to single-camera view distillation in enhancing the capabilities of the single-camera view visual policy. Ablation Studies: In addition to our main experiments, we conducted ablation studies to investigate the effect of feature alignment between the teacher and student observations. As shown in Figure <ref>, we compared two different alignment methods: minimizing the euclidean distance between the features of the teacher and student (eq. <ref>) and aligning the pairwise similarity matrix of teacher observations with that of the student observations (eq. <ref>). Our results indicate that the former method provides better results, suggesting that direct feature alignment is more effective for knowledge distillation in our framework. This analysis provides insights into the importance of feature alignment in knowledge distillation and its impact on the performance of the student policy. §.§ Real Robot Experiments To validate the zero-shot policy transfer capability of the proposed framework, experiments were conducted in a real-world environment using the Panda robot with a Panda Hand gripper and an intel RealSense D435i RGBD camera as shown in Figure <ref>. Polymetis robot control framework <cit.> was used to control the robot and the gripper position. The visual policies trained for each of the aforementioned lifting tasks, i.e. mug and cube, in the simulation were directly transferred to the real-world setting without any further training. Figure <ref> shows snapshots of the robot successfully executing these tasks with a random camera viewpoint. In order to evaluate the performance of student policies, we tested them under random camera views for cube and mug tasks as shown in Figure <ref> and Figure <ref> respectively. As π_s_t3cam had demonstrated overall better performance than π_s_t2cam in simulation, we selected it for evaluation in real-world experiments. Table <ref> and Table <ref> show the average success rates of cube and mug lifting tasks for different random views in these figures, respectively. The success rate is defined as the percentage of successful lifts out of the total number of trials. The results show that the student policy π_s_t3cam outperforms the student policy trained with a single camera view π_s_t1cam in all camera viewpoints. As for the mug lifting task, there is no corresponding π_s_t1cam policy available as the single-camera view teacher was unable to learn the task in the simulation environment. Notably, the average success rates were lower than those obtained in simulation. This can be attributed to the domain gap between simulation and the real-world. The single-view teacher policy, on the other hand, was unable to lift the object in any of these random camera views, despite being trained in simulation with the data augmentation method as well. Moreover, we conducted an analysis to evaluate the impact of the robot state on the performance of the proposed approach. The joint states of the robot, denoted by q∈ℝ^7 (representing seven degrees of freedom joint angles), were augmented with visual features to train both the teacher and student policies. The results presented in Table <ref> demonstrate that incorporating robot joint angles leads to performance improvements for zero-shot policy transfer in a real-world setup. These findings highlight the need for further research to bridge the gap between simulation and reality and improve the transferability of policies learned in simulation to real-world scenarios. The video attachment[<https://youtu.be/CnDQK9ly5eg>] demonstrates the successful lifting of a cube and mug objects by the robot from various random angles and positions. The video showcases the robot performing the task from a front view and successfully lifting the objects consecutively, demonstrating the ability of the student policy to learn robust visual features and accurately and handle camera location perturbations in real-time. § CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK In conclusion, we proposed a multi-camera view to single-camera view distillation approach for enhancing the performance of a single-view camera robot policy. The proposed method enables a single-view policy to learn from a pre-trained teacher policy, which has been trained with multiple camera viewpoints, enabling the teacher policy to transfer accurate and robust features to the student policy. To make the student policy robust against unseen visual camera configurations, we utilized a combination of data augmentation techniques and variations in camera location and parameters. The experimental results demonstrated that our approach can enhance the performance of a single-view camera policy, and successfully lift the challenging object even when the single-camera view teacher policies fail. Therefore, this approach has the potential to make visual policy learning more practical and cost-effective in settings where using multiple cameras may not be feasible in the first place or where camera calibration is not required. Future work will focus on investigating the use of point-cloud or deep image-based representations to further enhance the robustness and generalization capabilities of visual policy learning, potentially leading to improved performance in zero-shot sim-to-real transfer scenarios. By incorporating more diverse set of objects and longer horizon complex tasks in our experiments, we seek to enhance the practicality and versatility of the proposed approach, making it suitable for a wide range of robotic manipulation applications in real-world scenarios. -2cm § ACKNOWLEDGMENT This research was supported by grant no. A19E4a0101 from the Singapore Government’s Research, Innovation and Enterprise 2020 plan (Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering domain) and administered by the Agency for Science, Technology, and Research. This work is also supported by the A*STAR Computational Resource Centre through the use of its high performance computing facilities. ieeetr
Dynamical Bose-Hubbard model for entanglement generation and storing
[ "Maciej Kościelski" ]
[ "quant-ph", "cond-mat.quant-gas" ]
Effects of Nb Doping on the Charge-Density Wave and Electronic Correlations in the Kagome Metal Cs(V_1-xNb_x)_3Sb_5 Hai-Hu Wen March 30, 2023 =================================================================================================================== This work presents a theoretical study of a protocol for dynamical generation and storage of the durable, highly entangled Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state in a system composed of bosonic atoms loaded into a one-dimensional optical lattice potential. A method of indicating entanglement in the system is also presented. The system ground-state can be either in the superfluid phase or in the Mott insulator phase. The wave functions of atoms in the superfluid phase are delocalised over the whole lattice and overlap. In the Mott phase, the wave functions are localised around lattice sites. The GHZ state is being generated in the superfluid phase and stored in the Mott insulator phase. It is achieved by a linear change of the potential depth in an optical lattice filled with atoms of two species. The numerical method used to describe the system is based on the exact diagonalisation of the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian. A quantum correlator indicating the level of multi-mode entanglement is introduced. Finally, it is shown that the value of the correlator indicates generation of the GHZ state. The appearance of the GHZ state is confirmed by the numerical representation of the state. Streszczenie Niniejsza praca przedstawia teoretyczną analizę protokołu do wytwarzania i przechowywania trwałego, maksymalnie splątanego stanu Greenbergera-Horne'a-Zeilingera (GHZ) w układzie złożonym z bozonów w jednowymiarowej sieci optycznej. Przedstawiona jest również metoda wykrywania splątania w układzie. Stan podstawowy układu może występować w fazie nadciekłej albo w fazie izolatora Motta. W przypadku fazy nadciekłej funkcje falowe opisujące atomy są zdelokalizowane w ramach całej sieci i mogą się przekrywać. W fazie Motta funkcje falowe są zlokalizowane wokół oczek sieci. Stan GHZ jest wytwarzany w fazie nadciekłej, a przechowywany w fazie izolatora Motta. Jest to osiągnięte poprzez liniową zmianę głębokości potencjału pułapkującego sieci optycznej wypełnionej bozonowymi cząstkami dwóch rodzajów. Użyta metoda numeryczna opiera się na ścisłej diagonalizacji hamiltonianu Bosego-Hubbarda. Wprowadzony zostaje korelator kwantowy służący do pomiaru poziomu splątania. Wartość korelatora wskazuje na występowanie stanu GHZ. Jego wytworzenie potwierdza również analiza numerycznej reprezentacji uzyskanego stanu. § ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS empty I would like to express my gratitude to the people who have supported me throughout my academic endeavours. My supervisors: dr hab. Emilia Witkowska, prof. IP PAS and dr hab. Jan Chwedeńczuk – thank you for the initial idea of this work, the valuable suggestions on the thesis, and everything I have learnt from you. Everyone who gave me a consultation on writing and proofreading in English – thank you for your scrupulosity and patience. I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to everyone who has supported me emotionally during the writing of the thesis. empty arabic CHAPTER: MOTIVATION AND RELATION TO OTHER WORK The aim of this work is to present a method for generating and storing an entangled state in a system composed of ultracold atoms loaded into an optical lattice. The considered system and protocol can be realised experimentally with nowadays techniques <cit.>. The method can be exploit for experimental generation of entanglement in the many-body system. It can also be used as a framework for theoretical studies of multi-mode entanglement. The main concept underlying this work is entanglement <cit.>. Discussion of this phenomenon starts with the groundbreaking paper by Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen from 1935 <cit.>. In that paper, the authors showed that in quantum theory a measurement conducted on one particle can give a certain information about the result of some measurement on another particle. They proven that this is independent of the interval separating the particles, what implies a non-local correlation between observables. In the same year, another paper was published by Erwin Schrödinger where entanglement has been discussed as a general phenomenon of quantum theory <cit.>. The phenomenon of entanglement can be understood in the following way: A group of quantum-mechanical objects are in entangled state if one can not describe behaviour of each of them separately, but rather has to consider the state of the whole system in order not to lose any information about the behaviour of its parts. Entanglement has already been proven to be of great importance in many areas like quantum information <cit.>, quantum cryptography <cit.> and other branches of quantum theory. Another important field that exploits entanglement is quantum metrology, the idea of which is to perform precise measurements of physical quantities, for example in quantum interferometry <cit.>. Entanglement is a distinctive feature of quantum theory. It gives plenty of possibilities to experimentally test the advantage of quantum theory over the classical theory in describing physical phenomena <cit.>. The entangled states can be produced using many techniques: in quantum optics (with photons <cit.>), solid state physics <cit.> or cold matter physics (using ions or neutral gases of ultracold atoms <cit.>). One of the most extensively exploited entangled states is the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state, which is the maximally entangled state. It was first proposed in <cit.> to test the fundamental issue of non-locality in quantum theory. For a system of M qubits (each qubit from orthonormal basis {|0⟩, |1⟩}) the GHZ state is defined as |GHZ⟩ := |0⟩^⊗ M+|1⟩^⊗ M/√(2). This state has been found useful in quantum information theory <cit.>. As a superposition of two macroscopic states it is fragile to decoherence, and thus, difficult to be produced in laboratory, in particular for a large number of qubits. The first successful attempt to produce it was made in 1999 with use of three photons <cit.>. The state-of-the-art experiments achieve a GHZ state composed of up to 27 qubits <cit.>. This work, following <cit.>, proposes a protocol allowing to create the GHZ state using an arbitrary number of bosonic atoms in optical lattice. This work focuses on a system composed of bosonic atoms loaded into an optical lattice potential. The ultracold regime is considered so that the Bose-Hubbard model can be used as an approximation giving sufficient description of the system <cit.>. The system can be observed in two distinct thermodynamic phases <cit.> – the superfluid phase characterised by the presence of Bose-Einstein condensate <cit.> and the Mott insulator phase characterised by the fact that all particles are well-localised at the lattice sites. This thesis is motivated by the results of two papers <cit.>. In <cit.> the authors propose a protocol for generation and storage spin-squeezed states in the Mott phase. Additionally, they show that the protocol allows one to generate the GHZ state and store it in the optical lattice. The idea of this thesis is to characterise and prove that indeed the highly entangled state can be generated and stored in the Mott insulator phase using the above method. To quantify the level of entanglement in this thesis a generalised notion of the correlator defined in <cit.> is used. The generalisation bases on the theorems [the:Theorem1] and [the:MaxC], which are proved in appendices. The value of the correlator is bounded from above for separable (non-entangled) states. Breaking the bound proves that the state is entangled <cit.>. It was also shown that the correlator quantifies the level of entanglement in the system <cit.>. CHAPTER: DESCRIPTION OF THE PROBLEM In quantum statistical physics, there are two classes of particles – fermions and bosons. Fermionic particles ([fermions]) are characterised by the property that any wave function describing a set of them is anti-symmetric due to exchange of the particles. This leads to an important fact that only one fermion can occupy a state described by specific quantum number. The other type of particles – [bosons] – is characterised by the symmetry of the wave function due to exchange of particles. This gives a possibility of arbitrary many bosons taking the exact same quantum state. This work examines bosonic particles at ultra-low temperatures of the order of hundreds of nanokelvins. A gas composed of bosons at such low temperatures exhibits a phase transition to the so-called Bose-Einstein condensate. This phenomenon was theoretically predicted in 1924 by Satyendra Nath Bose <cit.> and Albert Einstein <cit.>. It was experimentally realised for the first time in 1995 by Eric Cornell, Carl Wieman et al. <cit.> and, independently, in the same year by Wolfgang Ketterle et al. <cit.>. In 2001, the experiments were honoured with the Nobel prize in physics <cit.>. In a bosonic gas below the critical temperature T_c (usually T_c ∼ 100 nK for atoms) a macroscopic number of particles tends to occupy the lowest energy state. The macroscopic quantum state composed of the bosons occupying the ground state is called the [Bose-Einstein condensate] (BEC). The amount of BEC in a gas can be expressed by a notion of the [condensate fraction] f_c := ⟨n_0|⟩/N, where ⟨n_0|$⟩ is the average number of particles in the lowest energy state, andNis the total number of particles in the gas. A gas withf_c≈1is called pure condensate. All the particles forming BEC are indistinguishable. It allows to apply a quantum operation to a large set of particles simultaneously. For this reason, using cold gases, one has more potentiality in manipulating many-body quantum systems than using solid states. Thanks to those properties, a whole branch of research projects exploiting BEC has emerged. They include investigations of interference of two condensates <cit.>, applications of BEC in quantum metrology <cit.>, producing solitons <cit.>, Feshbach resonances <cit.> and squeezed or entangled states <cit.> in Bose-Einstein condensate. Experiments on the generation of BEC are being conducted all over the world including KL FAMO laboratory in Toruń <cit.> and even in space <cit.>. This research investigates an ultracold gas of bosonic atoms, which may exhibit a Bose-Einstein condensation. It will be referred to when discussing the condensate fraction in the further sections. It is, however, worth mentioning that BEC is not the key aspect of the study. This work examines bosonic atoms loaded into an optical lattice, which might have properties of BEC in some regime of parameters what will be discussed in Section [sec:phaseDiagram]. In other ranges of parameters, the system is in the Mott insulator phase. In the end it is worth noting that this study investigates a finite number of particles; thus, referring to thermodynamic phenomena such as BEC cannot be considered in a strict sense. § OPTICAL LATTICE The protocol proposed in this thesis relies on optical lattice – a device, which, using lasers, creates an effective periodic trapping potential for ultracold atoms. An optical lattice is made of counter-propagating laser beams. To keep the atoms in the optical lattice potential, they are first cooled down to ultra-low temperatures of the order of hundreds of nanokelvins using various methods of cooling and trapping <cit.>. The whole setup is closed in a vacuum chamber to isolate the system from the environment to avoid undesirable effects, e.g. scattering with other particles. The atomic gas is also very dilute to prevent many-body scattering events. Those events would lead to emergence of molecules, which would not be trapped by the optical lattice leading to vaporisation of the atoms in a short time. §.§ Potential of the lattice The counter-propagating laser beams are tuned in such a way that the electro-magnetic field forms a standing wave. Following <cit.>, in the one-dimensional case, the electric field 𝐄 of the standing wave can be written as 𝐄(x,t) = ê_⊥Ẽ(x) sin(ω_L t) := ê_⊥ E_0 sin(k_L x)sin(ω_L t), with ê_⊥– the unit [polarisation vector] perpendicular to the x-axis, Ẽ(x)–[field amplitude] in each point x of space, E_0– amplitude of the electro-magnetic field, k_L=2 πλ_L[wavevector] of the monochromatic light of [wavelength] λ_L, ω_L=2 π cλ_L–[angular frequency] of the light and t– time. If a neutral atom is surrounded by such a field it induces an atomic dipole moment 𝐩: 𝐩(x,t) = ê_⊥αẼ(x) sin(ω_L t), where α being called [complex polarisability] is dependent on the frequency ω_L of the light <cit.>. Interaction of the atom with the field creates [dipole potential] V: V(x) = - 1/2∫_0^2 π/ω_L𝐩·𝐄 dt = - Re(α) | Ẽ|^2 = = - Re(α) E_0^2 sin^2(2 π/λ_L x), where integral denotes time-averaging over one period of the optical wave <cit.>. It is apparent that two counter-propagating laser beams of wavelength λ_L can create a potential with [spatial period] d:=λ_L2 for a neutral atom. This periodic structure of the potential with ability to trap atoms is called [optical lattice]. The following Figure <ref> presents a sketch of the one-dimensional optical lattice. The red arrows illustrate laser beams while the sinusoidal line the potential created by the standing electro-magnetic wave. What is highly useful is that one can precisely control parameters of the lattice such as geometry of the lattice and its depth during the experiment by changing the frequency of the laser beams, their intensity and the angle between them. Using two counter-propagating laser beams one gets one-dimensional periodic structure of the lattice potential. One can create two- or three-dimensional structures with four or six laser beams (see Figure <ref>). The elementary cell of the lattice is cubic when the laser beams are perpendicular. A system of triclinic symmetry can be also created when changing the angles between the laser beams. In the whole lattice there are thousands of atoms, usually few per one site. However, one can very precisely control the number of atoms in each site. The opportunity of changing so many parameters makes optical lattices a basic element of many experiments like the most precise device available to humans – the optical lattice clock <cit.>. §.§ Parameters of the lattice This work models bosonic atoms loaded into the one-dimensional optical lattice potential V(x) = - Re(α) E_0^2 sin^2 ( 2 π/λ_L x ) =: V_0 sin^2 ( k_L  x ), whereV_0:=- Re(α) E_0^2is called [lattice depth] or [lattice height],k_L = 2π/λ_Lis the wave number of trapping light, andd=λ_L/2is the spatial [period of the lattice]. For typically used lasers,λ_L≈800nm. Usingk_Land massmof a single atom, one can introduce a natural energy scale, E_R := k_L^2 ħ^2/2 m = h^2/2 m λ_L^2. In further sections the [recoil energy]E_Ris used as the energy unit. This value is typically close to2.4 ·10^-30 J. In the numerical calculations, dimensionless variables like Ṽ_0 := V_0/E_R are used. The value ofṼ_0in this study is usually in the rangeṼ_0∈[3, 45]. This thesis examinesN=6atoms onM=6lattice sites, it also assumes periodic boundary conditions. The system can be thus modelled using the Bose-Hubbard model <cit.> introduced in the next paragraph. § THE BOSE-HUBBARD MODEL The dynamics of the optical lattice filled with bosons can be approximately described by the so-called [Bose-Hubbard model] <cit.>. The approximation assumes that the particles are localised near the lattice sites, the tunnelling of the particles between the lattice sites can only occur between the nearest-neighbour sites and that the only possible states are those in the lowest energy band. In this work an ultracold gas composed of a few bosonic atoms with repulsive interaction in two internal statesAandB, loaded into a three-dimensional potential of an optical lattice is considered. It is assumed that tunnelling is only possible along thexdirection while transversely the atoms are described by a localised wave function that can be approximated by a Gaussian function with a characteristic lengthL_⊥. The optical lattice potential in thex-direction isV(x)(<ref>). In the absence of the lattice, the system is homogeneous and the atoms are confined in a [flat-bottom potential] <cit.>. After reduction of the perpendicular directions, the effective one-dimensional system Hamiltonian reads ℋ̂ = ∑_σ=A,B∫ dx ( Ψ̂_σ^†(x) ĥΨ̂_σ(x) + g_σσ/2Ψ̂_σ^2†(x) Ψ̂_σ^2(x) ) + g_AB∫ dx Ψ̂_A^†(x)Ψ̂_B^†(x)Ψ̂_B(x)Ψ̂_A(x) with the single-particle Hamiltonian ĥ = -ħ^2/2 md^2/dx^2 + V(x) andΨ̂_σ(x)– the field operator annihilating a boson in stateσat positionx. The interaction coefficientsg_σσ'=g^3D_σσ'/(2 πL_⊥^2)are determined by the transverse confinement lengthL_⊥and by the coupling constants in three dimensionsg^3D_σσ'=4πħ^2 a_σσ'/m, wherea_σσ'is thes-wave scattering length for one atom in the stateσand the other one inσ',mis the atomic mass andħis the Planck constant. This study assumes repulsive interaction between atoms in the two states, withA ↔Bsymmetry leading tog_AA = g_BB, and an adjustable inter-species couplingg_AB, restricting to the phase-mixing regime:g_AB<g_AA<cit.>. The motion of a particle in a periodic potential formed by an optical lattice can be conveniently described by the band theory, and the system Hamiltonian (<ref>) can be considered in the basis of Bloch functionsψ_l,q(x, t)<cit.>. These are eigenfunctions of the single-particle Hamiltonian (<ref>) and posses required translational properties. The Bloch functions can be constructed numerically in the plane wave basis as described in <cit.>. As the next step, the Hamiltonian is rewritten in the basis of Wannier functionsw(x-x_i,t)localised around lattice sites, wherex_idenotes position of theisite, in the lowest energy band. The Wannier functions can be conveniently constructed from the Bloch statesψ_l=1,q(x,t)in the following way w(x-x_i,t) = ( d/2 π) ^1/2∫_q ∈ 1BZ dq e^-i q x_i ψ_l=1,q(x,t). Summation in Equation (<ref>) extends over wave vectors belonging to the 1st[Brillouin zone] (1BZ),-k_L< q ≤k_L. The two-component Hamiltonian is then ℋ̂ = -∑_i, j J(i-j) (â_i^†â_j + b̂_i^†b̂_j) + 1/2∑_i,j,k,l U^AA_i,j,k,lâ^†_i â^†_j â_k â_l + 1/2∑_i,j,k,l U^BB_i,j,k,lb̂^†_i b̂^†_j b̂_k b̂_l + ∑_i,j,k,l U^AB_i,j,k,lâ^†_i b̂^†_j â_k b̂_l , whereâ_i^†(orb̂_i^†) creates a particle in the single-particle Wannier statew(x-x_i,t)of the lowest energy band (l=1) localised on theisite, in the internal stateA(orBrespectively). The commutation relations between those operators are presented in the equations (<ref>). The Bose-Hubbard model considers only states in the lowest energy band, which is justified as long as the excitation energies to the higher bands are much larger than the energies involved in the system dynamics. In general, if the lattice heightV_0(t)is being varied in time, the Wannier functions, and hence the hopping and interaction parameters depend on time J(i-j) = - d/2π∫_q ∈ 1BZ d q E_q e^-i (i-j)d q U^σσ'_i,j,k,l = g_σσ'∫ dx w(i)w(j)w(k)w(l), wherew(i)=w(x-x_i). Due to the orthonormality of the Wannier functions, the tunnelling termsJ(i-j)are independent on the dimension while the interaction parameters are not, as the Wannier function factorises in the respective spatial dimensions. In the [tight-binding] limit when the lattice height is larger than the recoil energyE_R=ħ^2k_L^2/(2m)and the Wannier functions are well-localised around each lattice site, the tunnelling and interaction terms fall off rapidly with the distance|x_i - x_j|. By keeping only the leading terms in (<ref>), one obtains the Bose-Hubbard model ℋ̂_BH = ℋ̂_hopp + ℋ̂_int, where ℋ̂_hopp = - J∑_< i,j> =1^Mâ_i^†â_j - J∑_< i,j> =1^Mb̂_i^†b̂_j, ℋ̂_int = U_AA/2∑_i=1^Mn̂^A_i (n̂^A_i - 1) + U_BB/2∑_i=1^Mn̂^B_i (n̂^B_i - 1) + U_AB∑_i=1^Mn̂^A_i n̂^B_i. In the above expressions J:=J(1), U_σσ':=U^σσ'_0,0,0,0 and n̂^A_i:=â_i^†â_i, n̂^B_i:=b̂_i^†b̂_i. In the shallow lattice, however, for V_0 ≪ 1, all the terms in (<ref>) have to be taken into account. A schematic illustration of the Bose-Hubbard model is depicted in Figure <ref>. The first and second term in (<ref>) is called [hopping term] (<ref>) and [interaction term] (<ref>) respectively. The sums in the hopping term go over neighbouring indices (|i-j| =1). Theâ_i^†andb̂_i^†operators are [creation operators] of an atom in statesAandBoniofMlattice's sites. They obey commutation relations [α̂_i,β̂^†_j] = δ_ijδ_αβ, [α̂^†_i,β̂^†_j] = [α̂_i,β̂_j] = 0, forα= a, bandβ= a, b. The [atoms number operators]n̂_i^αare defined as: n̂^A_i := â_i^†â_i,    n̂^B_i := b̂_i^†b̂_i, and [total atoms number operator]N̂is defined as: N̂ := N̂^A + N̂^B := ∑_i=1^Mn̂_i^A + ∑_i=1^Mn̂_i^B, whereN̂^α:=∑_i=1^M n̂_i^αare total atoms number operators of typeα. TheU_AA, U_BB, U_ABandJparameters depend onV_0– depth of the lattice potential. A more detailed discussion of the dependence of valuesJ, U_AA, U_BB, U_ABonV_0is presented in Section [sec:deepLattice]. In the proposed protocol, parameters of the Bose-Hubbard model are time-dependent, as a change of the lattice heightV_0is induced. ChangingV_0is necessary to cross the system from the superfluid to the Mott insulator phase. In the simulations, the symmetry between typeAandBparticles is assumed and: U := U_AA(V_0) = U_BB(V_0) = 0.95^-1 U_AB(V_0) ≥ 0. ForV_0a linear dependence on time is considered: V_0(t) = V_i + (V_f - V_i)t/τ, where the lattice depthV_0changes fromV_itoV_fin timeτ, which is referred to as [ramp time]. § THE NOTATION §.§ Fock basis This work uses the Fock basisℱto describe the system. Any element of the Fock basis of an optical lattice withMlattice sites andNparticles of two types (AandB) in the considered model can be written in the form |n^A_1; n^B_1⟩⊗|n^A_2; n^B_2⟩⊗⋯⊗|n^A_M; n^B_M⟩≡|n^A_1, ..., n^A_M; n^B_1, ..., n^B_M⟩, wheren^α_iis the number ofαtype particles onilattice site, so n̂^α_i |n^A_1, ..., n^A_M; n^B_1, ..., n^B_M⟩ = n^α_i |n^A_1, ..., n^A_M; n^B_1, ..., n^B_M⟩, ∑_α=A,B∑_i=1^M n^α_i = ∑_α=A,B N^α = N and creation/annihilation operators for typeAwork so that â_i |n^A_1, ..., n^A_i, ..., n^A_M; { n_i^B }⟩ = √(n^A_i-1)|n^A_1, ..., n^A_i-1, ..., n^A_M; { n_i^B }⟩, â^†_i |n^A_1, ..., n^A_i, ..., n^A_M; { n_i^B }⟩ = √(n^A_i)|n^A_1, ..., n^A_i+1, ..., n^A_M; { n_i^B }⟩ (where{ n_i^B } = n^B_1, ..., n^B_M), analogically for typeB. Any state|Ψ(t)⟩can be then written in the form: |Ψ(t)⟩≡∑_ψ∈ℱ|ψ⟩⟨ψ||Ψ(t)⟩ =: ∑_ψ∈ℱ c_ψ (t) |ψ⟩, where the complex numbersc_ψ(t):=⟨ψ|Ψ(t)|$⟩ are called decomposition coefficients of the state |Ψ(t)⟩ in the Fock basis ℱ. Similarly, any operator acting on the whole lattice is also considered in the Fock basis: 𝒪̂ = ∑_ψ,ψ'∈ℱ|ψ⟩⟨ψ|𝒪̂|ψ'⟩⟨ψ'| =: ∑_ψ,ψ'∈ℱ𝒪_ψ,ψ'|ψ⟩⟨ψ'| and the complex numbers 𝒪_ψ,ψ' are the elements of the matrix representing the operator 𝒪̂ in the Fock basis. It is the vector/matrix representation, where states are represented by vectors while operators by matrices. In this way, any operation (like the calculation of an average) can be translated to a numerical multiplication or addition of matrices and vectors. §.§ Single-site operators In this study, quantum states describing multiple lattice sites are examined. Sometimes, the operators used in the work act on the whole state, however, other times they act only on a single lattice. It is thus convenient to introduce the notation below. An operator acting on a single site state is marked by a superscript with parentheses. For instance, 𝒪̂^(j) operator acts on a state describing j lattice site only. For any operator 𝒪̂^(j) acting on a state describing a single lattice site, one can define an operator 𝒪̂_j acting on a state describing the whole lattice such that 𝒪̂_j := ^(1)⊗⋯⊗^(j-1)⊗𝒪̂^(j)⊗^(j+1)⊗⋯⊗^(M) and ^(k) are identity operators acting on state describing k  lattice site. One can note here that the mathematical form of 𝒪̂^(j) operators with different values of j is the same. However, by changing the value of j in the superscript of the operator 𝒪̂^(j) one changes the physical interpretation of the operator, because it acts on another lattice site. On the other hand, changing the lower index of 𝒪̂_j, changes also the mathematical form of this operator. This thesis uses also operators of form: 𝒪̂ = ∑_j=1^M 𝒪̂_j, like the spin operators defined in Subsection [sec:SpinOperators] or: 𝒪̂ = ⊗_j=1^M 𝒪̂^(j), like the Ŝ_rot operator defined in Section [sec:CorrelatorChoice]. Operators of the structure (<ref>) and (<ref>) act on the state describing the whole lattice applying the same operation to each of the lattice sites. §.§ Spin operators This work utilises the below defined collective spin operators Ŝ_x, Ŝ_y, Ŝ_z: Ŝ_x := ∑_j=1^M1/2 (â^†_jb̂_j + b̂^†_jâ_j) Ŝ_y := ∑_j=1^M1/2i (â^†_jb̂_j - b̂^†_jâ_j) Ŝ_z := ∑_j=1^M1/2 (â^†_jâ_j - b̂^†_jb̂_j). The operators obey cyclic commutation relations: [ Ŝ_j, Ŝ_k ] = ϵ_jkl i Ŝ_l, with ϵ_jkl being the Levi-Civita symbol. Note that the average values of Ŝ_x, Ŝ_y, Ŝ_z operators span a generalised Bloch sphere of radius N2. It means that the length of the [collective spin] ⟨Ŝ|$⟩ is | ⟨Ŝ|⟩| := √(⟨Ŝ_x|^⟩2+⟨Ŝ_y|^⟩2+⟨Ŝ_z|^⟩2) = N/2. The Hamiltonian (<ref>) conserves the number of particles; thus, the collective spin is also conserved during the evolution. § VERY DEEP LATTICES – HARMONIC APPROXIMATION In the limit of V_0/E_R ≫ 1, the Wannier functions can be approximated by Gaussian functions whose width is set by the frequency associated with each lattice site minimum <cit.>. Therefore, w(x)≈( k_L^2/π)^1/4( V_0/E_R)^1/8 e^-√(V_0) k_L^2 x^2/2. This is a sufficient approximation to obtain the interaction coefficient U^ Gauss_σσ' (t) /E_R≈√(32/π)a_σσ' d/L_x L_y(V_0/E_R)^1/4 . Figure <ref> (a) presents the interaction terms calculated exactly from (<ref>), compared with the approximated formula (<ref>). It can be easily observed that for V_0/E_R>1, the interaction terms beyond the terms involving nearest neighbours can be neglected as compared with the latter ones as expected <cit.>.In the case of the hopping parameters J(i-j), the Gaussian approximation gives a relative error growing with the lattice height <cit.>. The hopping matrix element can be conveniently approximated by the width of the lowest band in the one-dimensional Mathieu equation <cit.>, yielding to J_ app/E_R≈4/√(π)(V_0,x/E_R)^3/4 e^-2√(V_0,x/E_R), for the nearest neighbours, i.e. |i-j|=1. Figure <ref> (b) shows the tunnelling terms calculated exactly and using the above formula. Indeed, as long as V_0/E_R>1, the leading nearest neighbour term dominates. This work operates in the regime3 < V_0/E_R < 40; thus, the terms other thanU^σσ'_0000 =: U_σσ'andJ(1) =: Jare omitted. The values used in the numerical calculations are computed from (<ref>) and (<ref>). They are presented in Figure <ref>. § PHASE DIAGRAM OF GROUND STATES The Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian describes many-body system. One can then investigate its thermodynamic properties. As this thesis deals with systems with finite number of particles, the thermodynamic limit cannot be achieved. However, for simplicity, the terminology from statistical physics is used, because in finite systems there appear analogous phenomena as in thermodynamics of infinite systems. The following subsections describe two interesting regimes of the phase diagram of the ground states of the Hamiltonian. Those are Mott insulator regime and superfluid regime. In order to calculate the phase diagram at zero temperature, a numerical program to compute the ground states of the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian for different numbers of particles per siteν:=N/MandU/Jratios was prepared. ForM = 8sites in the lattice andU_AA = U_BB,U_AB = 0.95 U_AA, the variance of particle numbers and condensate fraction were calculated for different values ofJand different total numbers of atomsN. The results are presented in subsections [subs:MI] and [subs:SF]. §.§ Mott insulator phase In the regime, where J ≪ U_σσ', the hopping term becomes negligible. The atoms become localised as probability of hopping between different lattice sites becomes very small. The interaction between atoms is repulsive (U_σσ'≥ 0) and the system is translationally invariant; thus, the system tends to occupy the states with homogeneous distribution of atoms over the lattice. The ground states of the system are realised with exactly one atom per site for N=M. This regime is called the [Mott insulator phase] <cit.>. It is interesting as in this regime, the interaction between atoms at neighbouring sites is suppressed and many-body properties such as entanglement can be “frozen”. To verify if the system is in the Mott insulator phase, the variance of the population of particles in each site is used: _i := Δ^2 (n̂^A_i + n̂^B_i) ≡⟨(n̂^A_i + n̂^B_i)^2|-⟩⟨n̂^A_i + n̂^B_i|^⟩2. It tends to zero for each site i in the Mott regime. The diagram of δ_1 is plotted in Figure <ref>. §.§ Superfluid phase The hopping term becomes the most important in the Hamiltonian when J ≫ U_σσ'. In this regime the system is [superfluid] – the wave functions of atoms are spatially delocalised and atoms can easily interact with each other <cit.>. This study employs the notion of [superfluid fraction] to indicate the existence of the superfluid phase. In the case of this work, the superfluid fraction is equal to [condensate fraction] <cit.> f_c := 1/N M∑_i=1^M ∑_j=1^M ∑_α=a,b⟨α̂_i^†α̂_j|,⟩ which measures the amount of atoms in the zero quasi-momentum mode. Figure <ref> shows interpolated values of f_c– a measure of condensate fraction and superfluid fraction as well – depending on J/U_σσ and N/M. § ENTANGLEMENT Entanglement is one of the key features of quantum systems. As being unique for quantum mechanics, it witnesses non-classicality of physical systems <cit.>. It can also be used as a resource in quantum information protocols such as dense coding or quantum teleportation <cit.>. In the linear-algebraic terms of quantum theory, entanglement is a property of a multipartite system, which is described by non-separable density operator. To explain what is non-separability, first definition of [separability] has to be introduced. A quantum state described by the density operatorρ̂_sepis [separable] if the operator can be written in the form ρ̂_sep = ∫ dλ p(λ) ⊗_j=1^M ρ̂^(j)(λ), whereρ̂^(j)(λ)is a density operator describing state ofjofMparts of the system andp(λ)is probability distribution over some random variableλ. If a state cannot be described in a form (<ref>), it is called [non-separable] or [entangled]. This work considers entanglement between modes as the parts of the system are lattice sites. If the examined parts of the system were particles, then one would deal with entanglement between particles. §.§ Quantum correlator The goal of this thesis is to produce an entangled state; thus, it has to be justified whether created states are entangled. Following the discussion from <cit.>, a similar measure of entanglement is used in this work – the quantum correlator defined below: | 𝒞_e⃗|^2 := | ⟨⊗_j=1^M Ŝ_e⃗^(j)|⟩|^2. TheŜ_e⃗^(j)operators are spin operators ine⃗direction acting onjlattice site, defined as Ŝ_e⃗^(j) := e⃗·Ŝ⃗^(j)≡e⃗· (Ŝ_x^(j), Ŝ_y^(j), Ŝ_z^(j))^T, wheree⃗is a three-dimensional vector of complex numberse_x, e_y, e_z(independent ofj) such that its scalar product with any unit vector of real numbersn⃗is no greater than one: ∀_n⃗: |n⃗|=1 | e⃗·n⃗| ≤ 1 (the choice of the above condition is explained in Appendix [app:CumbersomeInequality]) and Ŝ_x^(j) := 1/2( â^(j)^†b̂^(j) + b̂^(j)^†â^(j)), Ŝ_y^(j) := 1/2( â^(j)^†b̂^(j) - b̂^(j)^†â^(j)), Ŝ_z^(j) := 1/2( â^(j)^†â^(j) - b̂^(j)^†b̂^(j)). What is worth mentioning is that the value of calculated on a mixed state withN=Mparticles inMlattice sites is limited by the following bound: | 𝒞_e⃗|^2 ≤1/4, which is proved in Appendix [app:MaxCorrelator]. It has to be noted that the definition (<ref>) of the correlator, represents a whole class of possible correlators, which differ by the direction ofe⃗. Application of the correlator as a witness of entanglement in a given physical problem requires a careful choice of the directione⃗. In the context of the Bose-Hubbard model it is shown in Section [sec:CorrelatorChoice]. A special case is, e.g.| 𝒞_+ |^2 correlator withŜ_e⃗^(j) = Ŝ_+^(j) := Ŝ_x^(j) + Ŝ_y^(j), which was used in <cit.> and in this work in Section [sec:CorrelatorChoice]. §.§ as a witness of entanglement In the thesis, states with equal number of particles and lattice sites (N=M) are investigated. For these states, Condition (<ref>) necessary for separability of modes is presented and proven as below. Assuming that a density matrixρ̂_sepdescribing some system is separable, one can write as follows: | 𝒞_e⃗|^2 ≡| [ ρ̂_sep⊗_j=1^M Ŝ_e⃗^(j)] |^2 =[1]=| ∫ dλ  p(λ) ∏_j=1^M [ ρ̂^(j)(λ) Ŝ_e⃗^(j)] |^2 ≤[2]≤∫ dλ  p(λ) ∏_j=1^M | [ ρ̂^(j)(λ) Ŝ_e⃗^(j)] |^2 ≤[3]≤ 2^-2M. The above holds since:[1]the state is separable ((<ref>)),[2]a square of a modulus of mean value of a random variable is no greater than a mean value of square of modulus of the random variable[For any complex random variable X the following holds: ⟨(|X|-|⟨X||⟩)^2|≥⟩0. As a consequence |⟨X||⟩^2≤⟨|X|^2|$⟩ because⟨|X||=⟩|⟨X||⟩. and[3]is just a special case of the equation: ∫ dλ  p(λ) ∏_j=1^M | [ ρ̂^(j)(λ) Ŝ_e⃗^(j)] |^2 ≤(N/2 M)^2M withN=M, which is proved as Theorem [the:Theorem1] in Appendix [app:CumbersomeInequality]. From the above it is apparent that for any separable state withN = M, the value of| 𝒞_e⃗|^2is less than2^-2Mfor all directionse⃗: | 𝒞_e⃗|^2 ≤ 2^-2M (for separable states). The value2^-2Min Inequality (<ref>) is called [separability bound] in this thesis, because breaking it would prove that the state cannot be considered a separable state. It would indicate that there is entanglement between the modes in the system. This work uses| 𝒞_e⃗|^2as a measure of entanglement in a multi-mode system. All the states with>2^-2Mare [entangled] and the states with=14are called [fully entangled], because14is the maximum possible value of as proved in <cit.> for|𝒞_+|^2and in Appendix [app:MaxCorrelator] for anye⃗. The value It is worth noting that the state is entangled if for anye⃗occurs>2^-2M. On the other hand, for a given entangled state there may be such vectore⃗for which the separability bound (<ref>) is not broken. To prove that the state is entangled one needs to find a propere⃗as done in Section [sec:CorrelatorChoice]. Moreover, if one finds that the value of is lower than2^-2M, for alle⃗allowed by Condition (<ref>), it does not have to mean that the state is separable. § GENERATING ENTANGLEMENT IN OPTICAL LATTICE This subsection briefly argues why entanglement can be generated in the system studied in this work. To give a better understanding, first, the Hamiltonian of the model is presented in the Fourier space. Then it is shown that the model takes the form of the one-axis twisting model and the consequences of this fact are discussed. The Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian (<ref>) can be written in the momentum representation as follows (see, e.g. <cit.>): ℋ̂_BH = ∑_q ϵ_q ã̂_q^†ã̂_q + ∑_q ϵ_q b̂̃̂_q^†b̂̃̂_q + + ∑_q_1, q_2, k[ U_AA/2Mã̂_q_1-k^†ã̂_q_2+k^†ã̂_q_1ã̂_q_2 + U_BB/2Mb̂̃̂_q_1-k^†b̂̃̂_q_2+k^†b̂̃̂_q_1b̂̃̂_q_2] + + ∑_q_1, q_2, kU_AB/Mã̂_q_1-k^†b̂̃̂_q_2+k^†ã̂_q_1b̂̃̂_q_2, whereã̂_q^†andb̂̃̂_q^†are creation operators of a particle with quasi-momentumqin stateAandBrespectively: â_i^† = 1/√(M)∑_q e^- q x_iã̂_q^†, b̂_i^† = 1/√(M)∑_q e^- q x_ib̂̃̂_q^† withx_ibeing the position ofilattice site and ϵ_q = - 2 J cosq d, wheredis the spatial distance separating lattice sites. In the superfluid phase, when condensate fraction (<ref>) is close to one, most of the atoms tend to occupy the zero momentum mode. In this regime, the following part of the Hamiltonian (<ref>) can be considered, to effectively describe the system: ℋ̂_BH, q=0 = ϵ_0Ñ̂_0^A + ϵ_0Ñ̂_0^B + U_AA/2MÑ̂_0^A^2 + U_BB/2MÑ̂_0^B^2 + U_AB/MÑ̂_0^AÑ̂_0^B, whereÑ̂_0^A, Ñ̂_0^Bare numbers of atoms in the zero momentum mode defined as Ñ̂_0^A := ã̂_0^†ã̂_0, Ñ̂_0^B := b̂̃̂_0^†b̂̃̂_0. Assuming that the system is in the superfluid phase with condensed fractionf_c≈1, one might expect that⟨Ñ̂_0^A+Ñ̂_0^B|≈⟩Nand therefore the Bose-Hubbard model for q=0 takes the form: ℋ̂_BH, q=0 = U_AA+U_BB - 2 U_AB/2MŜ_z_0^2 + U_AA-U_BB/2MŜ_z_0Ñ̂_0 + + U_AA+U_BB+4 U_AB/8MÑ̂_0^2 + ϵ_0Ñ̂_0, where Ŝ_z_0 := 1/2( Ñ̂_0^A - Ñ̂_0^B), Ñ̂_0 := Ñ̂_0^A + Ñ̂_0^B. The first term in (<ref>) has the form of the famous one-axis twisting model <cit.>. Here thezcomponent of the collective vector refers to the zero-momentum mode only. It is already widely understood that the one-axis twisting model, from the initial spin-coherent state, generates squeezed and entangled states, including Schrödinger cat state <cit.>. The latter one is nothing else as the rotated GHZ state that this thesis focuses on. Taking this into account, one can expect that the Bose-Hubbard model generates squeezed and entangled states in the superfluid regime. Therefore, the idea of this work, as explained in Subsection [sec:Protocol], is to generate an entangled state in the superfluid phase and then shift the system to the Mott insulator phase by rising the lattice height. § THE INITIAL STATE It is already well-recognised that squeezing and entanglement in an optical lattice can be generated from the initial spin-coherent state <cit.>. The spin-coherent state can be conveniently prepared in numerical simulation using the following procedure. One starts the simulation from the ground state|GS^A⟩of the Hamiltonian (<ref>), with additional condition of all particles being in theAstate. The ground state is calculated numerically. An example forN=M=2is given in the Appendix [app:Neq2]. The|GS^A⟩state is then exposed to rotation around they-axis of the generalised Bloch sphere to obtain [spin-coherent state]|GS^+⟩: |Ψ(t=0)⟩ = |GS^+⟩ := e^-π/2Ŝ_y|GS^A⟩, whereŜ_yoperator is defined by (<ref>). The spin-coherent state is then evolved according to the Schrödinger equation: iħ∂/∂ t|Ψ(t)⟩ = ℋ̂_BH(t) |Ψ(t)⟩. In this thesis the equation is solved numerically. The equation can be solved analytically only forN=M=2and constant Hamiltonian. The solution for theN=M=2case is presented in Appendix [app:Neq2]. § THE PROTOCOL This section proposes a protocol for generating entangled states. The protocol exploits the existence of two phases in the optical lattice. It is achieved by using a model of an optical lattice filled with ultracold atoms. At the beginning, the lattice is prepared in a ground state of bosonic atoms in one internal stateA. Then aπ/2-pulse is applied to create a superposition of two internal states of atoms (it is the spin-coherent state (<ref>)). The system being in superfluid phase is evolved dynamically to create entanglement. During evolution, the lattice depth is being increased to reach Mott insulator phase and eventually stop the interaction to freeze the state. The quantum correlator𝒞_e⃗defined in the next section [sec:QuantumEntanglement] is used to quantify entanglement in the 6-partite system. The study finds that the appropriate choice of parameters in the protocol allows one to create maximally entangled Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state. The protocol follows the method presented in <cit.>. This thesis presents an analysis of entanglement in the system and introduces tools similar to those presented in <cit.> to measure entanglement in a more general case. < g r a p h i c s > (a) At the beginning, in a shallow optical lattice, ultracold bosons in an internal state A are prepared in the superfluid phase. The number of atoms is equal to the number of lattices. (b) Then a π/2-pulse is applied to put each atom in a coherent superposition of two internal states A and B. As the system is in the superfluid phase, non-linear interaction between atoms starts the generation of quantum correlations in the system. (c) Depth of the lattice is being gradually increased to perform adiabatic change of the Hamiltonian and shift the system from the superfluid to the Mott-insulator phase and freeze the created correlations. Reprinted from <cit.>. CHAPTER: METHODS § STRATEGY The research started from investigating the ground states of the Hamiltonian (<ref>) for different parameters of the lattice. It was done to get a better understanding of the phase diagram of the system and to find the numerical values of the parameters leading to Mott insulator phase and superfluid phase (Section [sec:phaseDiagram]). Then a numerical program (Appendix [app:NumericalProgram]) was prepared to calculate the ground states of the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian with different values of its parameters. To construct the Hamiltonian, the Fock basis (Subsection [sec:FockBasis]) was used. The states were represented by vectors whose components correspond to the coefficients of decomposition in the basis. The operators, such as the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian, were represented by matrices in the same basis. Values of condensate fraction (<ref>) and particle number variance (<ref>) for these states were calculated to specify for which range of parameters one deals with Mott or superfluid regime. The results are shown in figures <ref> and <ref>. From the phase diagram, the appropriate parameters of the system were found to create a protocol for freezing the states. The idea was to evolve the state in the superfluid regime so it would become entangled and adiabatically shift the system into Mott regime to “freeze” the entanglement. Next, a numerical program was written to solve numerically the Schrödinger equation using the Runge-Kutta method <cit.>. The initial state was prepared numerically according to Section [sec:initialStatePreparation]. During evolution the program was also calculating values of other observables such as fluctuations of particles number_i(<ref>), superfluid fractionf_c(<ref>) and correlator (<ref>). A linear increase of the lattice potential was assumed what is easily achievable in an experiment. The aim was to verify whether it is possible to generate entanglement in the lattice and store it in Mott insulator phase, and possibly to find a protocol, which gives the most entangled state. Simulations for different ramp timesτwere run to analyse the resulting states. To examine the entanglement in the system, Inequality (<ref>) was derived and used as a criterion for separability. The value of was employed as a measure of entanglement. § COMPUTER TOOLS To perform numerical simulations, programming languages such as , and were used. The research involved and libraries in code, , , and in code and package in the code to ensure efficient computations. All the simulations were prepared in the framework of GNU/Linux operating system Ubuntu. To increase the computational efficiency, the fact that the Hamiltonian matrix is sparse was exploited and special techniques for operating on sparse matrices were applied. A brief description of the computer program realising the simulations is presented in the Appendix [app:NumericalProgram]. CHAPTER: RESULTS This work presents a method of generating and storing entangled states of a few bosonic atoms in an optical lattice potential described by the Bose-Hubbard model. To prove that there is entanglement in the system, a family of correlators was introduced in Subsection [subs:Correlator]. The value of is a measure of entanglement in the system as shown in Subsection [subs:Witness]. To validate that the correlator can be used as a witness of entanglement, another important result of this thesis – Theorem [the:Theorem1] leading to separability bound (<ref>)– was proven. In the previous chapters, the Bose-Hubbard model describing one-dimensional optical lattice was introduced (Section [sec:BoseHubbardModel]). Then it was shown that this model can be mapped into one-axis twisting model and allows producing entangled states (Section [sec:HamiltonianIn0q]). A protocol generating entangled states, using the spin-coherent state (<ref>) as the initial state, was described in Section [sec:Protocol]. The protocol consists of the following steps: First, the spin-coherent state|GS^+⟩(<ref>) is created in the lattice. The lattice is tuned so that the system remains in the superfluid regime to enable entanglement generation. Then the lattice potential height is slowly increased to adiabatically shift the system to the Mott regime where the dynamics slows down and the level of entanglement is frozen. The following Section [sec:Tuning] presents how to determine the parameters of the model (number of particles per siteνand the lattice potential heightV_0) allowing to operate the lattice from superfluid to Mott insulator regime. The form of the states produced by the protocol is discussed in Section [sec:InternalStructure]. For some ramp time, the resulting state (<ref>), at the end of the evolution, is the GHZ state. In Section [sec:CorrelatorChoice] it is shown how to find a correlator proving that this state is the maximally entangled state. At the end, Section [sec:Breaking] demonstrates that indeed the protocol produces entangled states and specifically the maximally entangled state. § TUNING THE TRAP The goal of this work was to create and store an entangled state. As shown in Section [sec:HamiltonianIn0q], Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian creates entanglement in a system in the superfluid regime. On the other hand the Mott insulator phase is necessary to freeze the state. This section presents how to choose the proper values of the number of particles per siteνand the lattice potential heightV_0to prepare the system in the superfluid phase and shift it to the Mott insulator phase. The Mott insulator phase is only achievable for integer number of particles per lattice site <cit.>, as it is apparent from the phase diagram of the Bose-Hubbard model (Figure <ref>). This study examines a system with one particle per lattice site (N = M). It has an additional feature that in the deep Mott regime the system can be described as a spin-1/2chain <cit.>. Due to computational limitations, it was chosen to consider a system with six lattice sites (M=6). A simulation with linear change of potential from3 E_Rto45 E_Rin a very long time (ramp timeτ=10000 ħ/E_R) was run to provide adiabatic evolution. The variance of particles' number and condensate fraction was calculated to investigate for which ranges of potential there is Mott insulator or superfluid phase. < g r a p h i c s > A plot showing the condensate fraction f_c (<ref>) and the variance of the number of particles in the first site δ_1 (<ref>) as a function of the lattice potential V_0 during adiabatic evolution of the system (V_0 changing slowly from 3 to 45 E_R). As observed in Figure <ref>, the condensate fractionf_cis close to one and the system is in the superfluid regime for small values of the lattice's potential (V_0 ≲ 4 E_R). In this regime, the high value of condensate fractionf_callows entanglement generation (as explained in Section [sec:HamiltonianIn0q]). When increasingV_0to around30 E_R, the variance of number of particles in lattice siteδ_itends to zero (Figure <ref>). It indicates that the system arrives at the Mott regime with exactly one atom per lattice site. The interaction between the atoms is hindered. The change of the system's parameters is then suppressed and one can expect to be able to “freeze” the resulting state. § INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF THE STATE To investigate the protocol (Section [sec:Protocol]), simulations of the system withN=M=6for different ramp timesτwere run. In <cit.> it was shown that the states at the end of the ramp are of the form: |Ψ⟩_MI, N= 6 = c_60( |𝒮_6,0⟩ + |𝒮_0,6⟩) + c_51(|𝒮_5,1⟩ + |𝒮_1,5⟩) + + c_42(|𝒮_4,2⟩ + |𝒮_2,4⟩) + c_33 |𝒮_3,3⟩, where|𝒮_N_A,N_B⟩(withN_A+N_B=N=M) are defined as |𝒮_N_A,N_B⟩ := ∑_{n^A_i }: ∑_i n^A_i=N_A, n^A_i ≤ 1 ∑_{n^B_i }: ∑_i n^B_i=N_B, n^A_i + n^B_i ≤ 1 |{n^A_i}; {n^B_i}⟩≡ ≡1/N_A! N_B!∑_σ∈ S_M∏_k=1^N_A∏_l=N_A+1^N_A+N_Bâ^†_σ(k)b̂^†_σ(l) andS_Mare all permutations of a set withMelements. Example|𝒮_N_A,N_B⟩states using notation introduced in (<ref>): |𝒮_6,0⟩ = |1,1,1,1,1,1;0,0,0,0,0,0⟩, |𝒮_1,5⟩ = |1,0,0,0,0,0;0,1,1,1,1,1⟩ + |0,1,0,0,0,0;1,0,1,1,1,1⟩ + + |0,0,1,0,0,0;1,1,0,1,1,1⟩ + |0,0,0,1,0,0;1,1,1,0,1,1⟩ + + |0,0,0,0,1,0;1,1,1,1,0,1⟩ + |0,0,0,0,0,1;1,1,1,1,1,0⟩. Values ofc_ABfactors in|Ψ⟩_MI, N= 6state can be well approximated by: c_60 = 1/2^3,    c_51 = 1/2^3 e^ϕ_51,    c_42 = 1/2^3 e^ϕ_42,    c_33 = 1/2^3 e^ϕ_33, whereϕ_51, ϕ_42andϕ_33numbers are from range[0, 2π[. From the results of simulations presented in Figure <ref> it can be concluded that the values ofϕ_51, ϕ_42andϕ_33phases depend linearly on the ramp timeτ. < g r a p h i c s > This figure shows internal structure of the final state for different ramp times τ. The upper plot demonstrates the norm of coefficients c_N_AN_B whose values are close to 1/2^3 as expected. The lower plot shows phases of the coefficients, which are linearly changing with the value of τ. The value τ=19100 is marked with horizontal line. For this ramp time, one gets ϕ_42≈0 and ϕ_51≈π/2≈ϕ_33, and therefore the state is a superposition of two phase-states (<ref>)– which is the GHZ state. To rewrite the resulting state|Ψ⟩_MI,N=6the phase-state|ϕ⟩_MIcan be defined: |ϕ⟩_MI := ( ⊗_j=1^6â^(j)^†+e^ϕb̂^(j)^†/√(2)) withbeing the vacuum Fock state. Expressing|𝒮_N_A,N_B⟩in terms of phase-states leads to: 3/4(|𝒮_6,0⟩+|𝒮_0,6⟩) = |0⟩_MI + |π⟩_MI + |π/3⟩_MI + |2π/3⟩_MI + |4π/3⟩_MI + |5π/3⟩_MI, 1/2(|𝒮_5,1⟩+|𝒮_1,5⟩) = |0⟩_MI - |π⟩_MI - ( |π/2⟩_MI + |3π/2⟩_MI), 3/4(|𝒮_4,2⟩+|𝒮_2,4⟩) = 2|0⟩_MI + 2|π⟩_MI - ( |π/3⟩_MI + |2π/3⟩_MI + |4π/3⟩_MI + |5π/3⟩_MI), 1/2|𝒮_3,3⟩ = |0⟩_MI - |π⟩_MI + ( |π/2⟩_MI + |3π/2⟩_MI). From (<ref>) and (<ref>) it is apparent that the state at the end of the ramp|Ψ⟩_MI,N=6defined in (<ref>) can be written as a linear combination of phase-states. Moreover, fore^ϕ_42=1andϕ_51=ϕ_33=π/2it simplifies to the superposition of only two phase-states: |Ψ⟩ := |Ψ⟩_MI,N=6.|_ϕ_42=0, ϕ_51=ϕ_33=π/2 = e^π / 4/√(2)(|0⟩_MI-|π⟩_MI) = = e^π / 4/√(2)( ⊗_j=1^6â^(j)^†+b̂^(j)^†/√(2) - ⊗_j=1^6â^(j)^†+b̂^(j)^†/√(2)) . The above form of the state at the end of the ramp suggests that it is the GHZ state (<ref>) (up to a phase factor between the two of superposed states). From the results of the simulation it is evident that the GHZ state can be produced whenτ≈ 19000 E_R/ħ(see Figure <ref>). § CHOICE OF THE PROPER CORRELATOR To prove that the state|Ψ⟩defined by Equation (<ref>) is entangled, the correlator of the form (<ref>) is used. The reasoning below demonstrates how to choose the directione⃗appearing in the definition of the correlator (<ref>) to make it useful for the system generated by the protocol. It is done for arbitrary number of sitesM; thus, in this section the state|Ψ⟩takes more general form than (<ref>): |Ψ⟩ = C/√(2)( ⊗_j=1^Mâ^(j)^†+b̂^(j)^†/√(2) - ⊗_j=1^Mâ^(j)^†+b̂^(j)^†/√(2)) , withCbeing some phase factor (complex number of norm one). To find a proper directione⃗the following reasoning can be carried out: If in each of M lattice sites there is exactly one atom, the lattice can be seen as a chain of M qubits, where atom in state A denotes |0⟩ and atom in state B denotes |1⟩. The GHZ state will be then represented in the Fock basis by |GHZ⟩ := 1/√(2)(|0⟩^⊗ M + |1⟩^⊗ M) ≐1/√(2)(⊗_j=1^M â^(j)^† + ⊗_j=1^M b̂^(j)^†). The analysis presented here is very general. Therefore the notation typical for description of qubits as introduced in quantum information tasks is used. Note, however, that the state |0⟩^⊗ M can also be expressed using the Fock state basis (see Subsection [sec:FockBasis]), then |0⟩^⊗ M≐|1,1,...,1;0,...,0⟩. The correlator (<ref>) gives the largest possible value for e⃗ such, that Ŝ^(j)_e⃗ = Ŝ_+^(j) (see Subsection [subs:Correlator]), as | 𝒞_e⃗^GHZ|^2 := | ⟨⊗_j=1^M Ŝ_+^(j)|⟩|^2 = | ⟨GHZ|⊗_j=1^M â^(j)^†b̂^(j)|GHZ|⟩|^2 = 1/4 and 1/4 is the largest possible value of the correlator as proved in Appendix [app:MaxCorrelator]. Assuming that the state (<ref>) is the rotated maximally entangled state, one can find a rotation operator Û^(j) acting on single qubit such that ⊗_j=1^M Û^(j)^†|Ψ⟩=|GHZ⟩ and then: 1/4= | ⟨GHZ|⊗_j=1^M Ŝ_+^(j)|GHZ⟩|^2 = | ⟨Ψ|⊗_j=1^M Û^(j)Ŝ_+^(j)Û^(j)^†|Ψ⟩|^2. From the above, it is clear that one can use Ŝ_rot:=⊗_j=1^M Ŝ_rot^(j):=⊗_j=1^M Û^(j)Ŝ_+^(j)Û^(j)^† operator to prove entanglement of the |Ψ⟩ state. With Û^(j)Û^(j)^† = ^(j) being ansatz it can be found that sufficient conditions for Û^(j)^† fulfilling (<ref>) are Û^(j)^†â^(j)^† = â^(j)^† + b̂^(j)^†/√(2), Û^(j)^†b̂^(j)^† = â^(j)^† - b̂^(j)^†/√(2), because ⊗_j=1^M Û^(j)^†|Ψ⟩ = ⊗_j=1^M Û^(j)^†C/√(2)( ⊗_j=1^M â^(j)^†+b̂^(j)^†/√(2) - ⊗_j=1^M â^(j)^†+b̂^(j)^†/√(2)) = = C/√(2)( ⊗_j=1^M ( Û^(j)^†â^(j)^†+b̂^(j)^†/√(2)) - ⊗_j=1^M ( Û^(j)^†â^(j)^†+b̂^(j)^†/√(2)) ) = = C/√(2)( ⊗_j=1^M â^(j)^† + ⊗_j=1^M b̂^(j)^†) = C |GHZ⟩. From (<ref>) it is evident that: Û^(j)â^(j)^† = â^(j)^† + b̂^(j)^†/√(2) Û^(j)b̂^(j)^† = â^(j)^† - b̂^(j)^†/√(2), and Ŝ_rot := ⊗_j=1^M Ŝ_rot^(j) := ⊗_j=1^M Û^(j)â^(j)^†b̂^(j)Û^(j)^† = ⊗_j=1^M Û^(j)â^(j)^† (Û^(j)b̂^(j)^†)^† = = ⊗_j=1^M /2(â^(j)^†â^(j) - â^(j)^†b̂^(j) + b̂^(j)^†â^(j) - b̂^(j)^†b̂^(j)) = ⊗_j=1^M ( Ŝ^(j)_z + Ŝ^(j)_y ). The Û^(j) operator is then rotation among z and y axes: Û^(j) = e^- π/2Ŝ^(j)_z e^π/2Ŝ^(j)_y, what is a unitary matrix, and thus, fulfils the ansatz. One can also easily check that Ŝ_rot^(j) belongs to the family of operators Ŝ_e⃗^(j)(<ref>) with e⃗=(0,1,) fulfilling Condition (<ref>). From the above it is apparent that measuring the value of|⟨Ŝ_rot|⟩|^2on the final state|Ψ⟩(<ref>) one gets14what is greater than2^-12and proves non-separability of the state. It is worth mentioning that theŜ_+^(j)operator was rotated, but conversely, the state could be rotated to get the GHZ state and theŜ_+^(j)operator used to prove entanglement. The next section presents the results of calculations of | 𝒞|^2 := |⟨Ŝ_rot|⟩|^2 = |⟨⊗_j=1^M ( iŜ^(j)_z + Ŝ^(j)_y ) |⟩|^2 in numerical simulations. § BREAKING THE SEPARABILITY BOUND Following the results analysed in Section [sec:Tuning], it was chosen to operateV_0between3 E_Rand40 E_R, to ensure that at the beginning the system remains superfluid (what guarantees entanglement generation) and it ends up in the Mott insulator phase (so that evolution is frozen). The lattice height was changed linearly during timeτ. To check what is the optimal speed of changing the potential, simulations with differentτ's were run and value of indicating entanglement in the system at the end of evolution was observed. The results are presented in Figure <ref>. < g r a p h i c s > Each point on the plot represents a value of some variable at the end of the evolution for given τ. The upper subplot shows the final values of together with the separability bound 2^-12 (red dashed line) and the maximal possible value of (blue line). The lower subplot presents phases ϕ_N_AN_B. The horizontal line marks τ=19100 for which the value of the correlator is maximal. For that ramp time ϕ_42≈0 and ϕ_51≈π/2≈ϕ_33 what gives GHZ-like state (see Section [sec:InternalStructure]). It can be observed that for ramps with ramp timeτ∈ [ 2600, 35700 ]the value of correlator on the final state, at the end of evolution, is greater than the separability limit2^-12. It indicates that the state cannot be described by the separable state, and therefore that there is entanglement in the system (see Subsection [subs:Witness]). Moreover, forτ≈ 19000 E_R/ħthe value of the correlator approaches the value0.232which is close to14. It is the maximum possible value of the correlator (see Appendix [app:MaxCorrelator]). At the same time the values of the phases of the nonzero coefficients of decomposition of the state in the Fock state basis (see Section [sec:InternalStructure]) take the valuesϕ_42≈0andϕ_51≈π/2≈ϕ_33. These values are expected when the GHZ state (<ref>) is realised in the system (see Section [sec:InternalStructure]). In the following, a single evolution of the state in a ramp with ramp timeτ=19000 E_R/ħwill be considered to investigate how the entanglement does emerge in the system. The results of the simulation are presented in Figure <ref>. Value of during the evolution is marked with the solid green line. The red dashed line represents the separability bound (<ref>). < g r a p h i c s > Horizontal axis marks the time of evolution and lattice height V_0 (which changes linearly with t). Vertical axis symbolises value of the correlator. Green line marks value of during evolution of the system. Red dotted line represents the bound for separable states for M=6 subsystems and blue solid line the maximal possible value of –1/4. It is evident that the system breaks the separability bound and approaches highly entangled state. It is apparent that after time2365 E_R/ħthe state must be entangled as the value of is greater than the separability bound. The blue line marks14– the maximum possible value of the correlator. After time10000 E_R/ħvalue of the correlator approaches14and the state becomes almost maximally entangled. When the lattice depthV_0exceeds30 E_R, the system is in the Mott insulator phase (see Figure <ref>). Thanks to that, evolution of the state is frozen and the value of the correlator does not change anymore. Noticeably, it is a result of a numerical experiment, where decoherence processes are not taken into account. The above demonstrates that it is possible to use an optical lattice filled with a few bosonic atoms to create and store the maximally entangled state. To prove that, the correlator of form (<ref>) was used. This work shows that the family of correlators can be used to measure entanglement in an optical lattice. As is a well-defined physical observable, it might be measured in a real experiment. CHAPTER: SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION The thesis presents a protocol for generation and storage of the maximally entangled GHZ state in the Mott phase. The method can be realised experimentally with a few ultracold atomic bosons loaded into one-dimensional optical lattice potential. It can be achieved by simply preparing all the atoms in one internal state, applyingπ/2-pulse before the evolution and linearly changing the lattice height. Numerical results forN=6particles onM=6lattice sites are shown. The author has also observed a similar behaviour forN=M=4case. The same effects are expected to occur for an arbitrary large number of particles as long as the decoherence effects can be neglected. What is worth mentioning is that in the model used in the study, the number of particles per lattice site is exactly equal to one, change of the potential is slow enough that the system evolves adiabatically and are no particle losses. In the work, the correlator was also defined. It measures the level of entanglement in the system and is a generalisation of the correlator proposed in <cit.>. To generalise the applicability of the correlator from <cit.>, analytical proofs of two inequalities: (<ref>) and (<ref>) are provided. Inequality (<ref>) is used to indicate entanglement in an optical lattice filled with an arbitrary number of particles. This inequality defines a more general class of correlators that can be used to indicate entanglement in a system. Inequality (<ref>) gives the bound for the value of the generalised correlator . It is valid for a more general class of operators and any state with the number of atoms equal the number of lattice sites. It was proven numerically that the maximal value of the correlator can be achieved when the GHZ state is generated and stored (Figure <ref>) in the system composed of a few ultracold atoms loaded into the optical lattice potential by using the presented protocol (Section [sec:Protocol]). The scheme can be implemented experimentally with present-day techniques and the correlator can be measured using for example quantum-gas microscopy <cit.>. The advantage of using a system with a few atoms is the high level of control one has, both for the preparation and for the measurement. The strength of the presented method is the possibility of scaling up the system size step by step by increasing the number of lattice sites or the spatial dimension. The discovered method has a potential to allow exploration of the boundary between the microscopic and the macroscopic world. CHAPTER: PROOF OF INEQUALITY [3] This appendix contains a proof of Inequality[3](<ref>). To prove the inequality, first, Lemma [lem:Pauli] is introduced. The lemma is then used to prove Theorem [the:Theorem1], which forN=Mis identical with Inequality[3](<ref>). The sum of the modulus square of expectation value of spin operators Ŝ_e⃗^(j) defined in (<ref>) on subsystems ρ̂^(j) of any separable state ⊗_j=1^M ρ̂^(j) with N atoms over M lattice sites is no greater than N2: ∑_j=1^M | [ ρ̂^(j)Ŝ_e⃗^(j)] | ≤N/2. The left-hand side of Inequality (<ref>) can be first rewritten as follows: | [ ρ̂^(j)Ŝ_e⃗^(j)] | = | [ ρ̂^(j) e_x Ŝ_x^(j)] + [ ρ̂^(j) e_y Ŝ_y^(j)] + [ ρ̂^(j) e_z Ŝ_z^(j)] | = = | e_x ⟨Ŝ_x^(j)|_⟩ρ̂^(j) + e_y ⟨Ŝ_y^(j)|_⟩ρ̂^(j) + e_z ⟨Ŝ_z^(j)|_⟩ρ̂^(j)| = = | e⃗·( ⟨Ŝ_x^(j)|_⟩ρ̂^(j), ⟨Ŝ_y^(j)|_⟩ρ̂^(j), ⟨Ŝ_z^(j)|_⟩ρ̂^(j))^T | = = | e⃗·⟨Ŝ^(j)|⟩_ρ̂^(j)|, where ⟨Ŝ^(j)|⟩_ρ̂^(j):=( ⟨Ŝ_x^(j)|_⟩ρ̂^(j), ⟨Ŝ_y^(j)|_⟩ρ̂^(j), ⟨Ŝ_z^(j)|_⟩ρ̂^(j))^T. Expression (<ref>) can be further investigated introducing unit vectors n⃗^(j)=(n_x^(j),n_y^(j),n_z^(j))^T parallel to ⟨Ŝ^(j)|⟩_ρ̂^(j), i.e.: n_x,y,z^(j):= ⟨Ŝ_x,y,z^(j)|_⟩ρ̂^(j)/| ⟨Ŝ^(j)|⟩_ρ̂^(j)|. Using this notation, Expression (<ref>) takes the following form: | e⃗·⟨Ŝ^(j)|⟩_ρ̂^(j)| = | ⟨Ŝ^(j)|⟩_ρ̂^(j)| | e⃗·n⃗^(j)|. In this work they are considered only those e⃗=(e_x,e_y,e_z) vectors, which scalar product with any unit vector of real numbers n⃗ is no greater than one: ∀_n⃗: |n⃗|=1 | e⃗·n⃗| ≤ 1. This condition is necessary to obtain the following boundary for the expression from (<ref>): | e⃗·⟨Ŝ^(j)|⟩_ρ̂^(j)| ≤| ⟨Ŝ^(j)|⟩_ρ̂^(j)|. Using the above inequality, the left-hand side of Inequality (<ref>) can be then bounded in the following way: ∑_j=1^M | [ ρ̂^(j)Ŝ_e⃗^(j)] | ≤∑_j=1^M | ⟨Ŝ^(j)|⟩_ρ̂^(j)| = | ⟨Ŝ|⟩| = N/2 as the average value of the collective spin ⟨Ŝ|$⟩ on any state with well-defined number of particlesN, is equal toN2(see Subsection [sec:SpinOperators]). It is worth noting that: | e⃗·n⃗| = | e_x n_x + e_y n_y + e_z n_z | = = ( |e_x|^2  n_x^2 + |e_y|^2  n_y^2 + |e_z|^2  n_z^2 + 2 ( Re  e_x  Re  e_y + Im  e_x  Im  e_y )n_x n_y + + 2 ( Re  e_y  Re  e_z + Im  e_y  Im  e_z )n_y n_z + 2 ( Re  e_z  Re  e_x + Im  e_z  Im  e_x )n_z n_x )^1/2 Based on the above, an obvious consequence is that when considering suche⃗=(e_x,e_y,e_z)vectors that fulfil the following conditions: Re  e_x  Re  e_y = Re  e_y  Re  e_z = Re  e_z  Re  e_x = 0, Im  e_x  Im  e_y = Im  e_y  Im  e_z = Im  e_z  Im  e_x = 0, |e_x|, |e_y|, |e_z| ≤ 1, Inequality (<ref>) holds, and thus, also the inequalities (<ref>) and (<ref>) hold. The class of vectors satisfying (<ref>) is narrower than of those satisfying (<ref>). The only vectorse⃗that fulfil (<ref>) are of the form: ( α, β, 0 ), ( α, β, 0 ), ( α, 0, β), ( α, 0, β), ( 0, α, β) or( 0, α, β), withα, β∈ℝand-1 ≤α, β≤ 1. It is worth checking first whether Inequality (<ref>) is broken fore⃗defined by (<ref>) withα,β=±1before numerically searching fore⃗that fulfils the more general Condition (<ref>). With Lemma [lem:Pauli] proven, the main statement of this appendix can be proved: For separable quantum states ∫ dλ  p(λ) ⊗_j=1^M ρ̂^(j)(λ) of N atoms on M lattice sites: ∫ dλ  p(λ) ∏_j=1^M | [ ρ̂^(j)(λ) Ŝ_e⃗^(j)] |^2 ≤(N/2 M)^2M. Inequality (<ref>) is proved for any separable state with well-defined total number of atoms and for operators Ŝ_e⃗^(j) defined in Subsection [subs:Correlator] with e⃗ fulfilling (<ref>). Because the integral in (<ref>) is just an average over probability distribution p(λ), Theorem [the:Theorem1] holds true if for all λ ∏_j=1^M | [ ρ̂^(j)(λ) Ŝ_e⃗^(j)] |^2 ≤(N/2 M)^2M. Proving Inequality (<ref>) is then sufficient to prove Theorem [the:Theorem1]. Proof of Inequality (<ref>) starts form noting that the 2M root of the left-hand side of (<ref>) can be seen as a geometric mean. Knowing that the geometric mean is no greater than the arithmetic mean[One can prove that for M non-negative numbers {a_i} their geometric mean is bounded from above by their arithmetic mean: √(∏_i=1^M a_i)≤1/M∑_i=1^M a_i. As in <cit.>.], one can write: √(∏_j=1^M | [ ρ̂^(j)(λ) Ŝ_e⃗^(j)] | )≤1/M∑_j=1^M | [ ρ̂^(j)(λ) Ŝ_e⃗^(j)] |. Raising both sides of (<ref>) to the power of 2M, one gets a bound for the left-hand side of (<ref>): ∏_j=1^M | [ ρ̂^(j)(λ) Ŝ_e⃗^(j)] |^2 ≤( 1/M∑_j=1^M | [ ρ̂^(j)(λ) Ŝ_e⃗^(j)] | )^2M. Now Lemma [lem:Pauli] (which holds true for all separable states with exactly N atoms and for any e⃗ fulfilling (<ref>)) can be applied to write ( 1/M∑_j=1^M | [ ρ̂^(j)(λ) Ŝ_e⃗^(j)] | )^2M≤( 1/M·N/2)^2M. The above presented reasoning proves that Inequality (<ref>) holds true and by this that Inequality (<ref>) also holds true. In the special case, whenN=MTheorem [the:Theorem1] is identical with Inequality[3](<ref>): ∫ dλ  p(λ) ∏_j=1^M | [ ρ̂^(j)(λ) Ŝ_e⃗^(j)] |^2 ≤(1/2)^2M. It is worth noting here that the whole proof of Lemma [lem:Pauli], and thus, the proof of Theorem [the:Theorem1] are based on Condition (<ref>) imposed on vectore⃗. That is why (<ref>) is imposed one⃗when defining theŜ_e⃗^(j)operator (<ref>) and the correlator𝒞_e⃗(<ref>) in Subsection [subs:Correlator]. CHAPTER: MAXIMUM VALUE OF The modulus of the quantum correlator 𝒞_e⃗ squared calculated on a mixed state with N = M atoms on M lattice sites is bounded from above by 14: |𝒞_e⃗|^2 = |⟨⊗_j=1^M Ŝ_e⃗^(j)|⟩|^2 ≤1/4. The proof starts from considering the 𝒞_+:=⟨⊗_j=1^M Ŝ_+^(j)|$⟩ correlator: 𝒞_+ = [ ρ̂⊗_j=1^M Ŝ_+^(j)] = ∑_ψ p_ψ⟨ψ|⊗_j=1^M â^(j)^†b̂^(j)|ψ|,⟩ with vectors|ψ⟩and probabilitiesp_ψconstituting the density matrix of the mixed stateρ̂describing the whole system, i.e.ρ̂ = ∑_ψ p_ψ|ψ⟩⟨ψ|. The|ψ⟩vectors can be represented in the Fock basisℱ: ∑_ψ p_ψ⟨ψ|⊗_j=1^M â^(j)^†b̂^(j)|ψ|=⟩∑_ψ p_ψ∑_α, α' ∈ℱ c_α^ψ c_α'^ψ^*⟨α'|⊗_j=1^M â^(j)^†b̂^(j)|α|,⟩ whereα, α'address states of the Fock basis andc_α^ψare coefficients of decomposition of the|ψ⟩state in the Fock basis, i.e.c_α^ψ=⟨α|ψ|$⟩. Now the state ρ̂ giving the maximal value of 𝒞_+ will be found and this maximal value will be calculated. First, one can note that the action of the operator ⊗_j=1^M â^(j)^†b̂^(j) on the state |α⟩ gives non-zero vector only when |α⟩=|0,...,0;1,...,1⟩. This is because with N = M all the other states have zero particles of B-type in some lattice site j and the correlator acting on them returns zero. The resulting vector is ⊗_j=1^M â^(j)^†b̂^(j)|0,...,0;1,...,1⟩ = |1,...,1;0,...,0⟩. It is clear now that the only non-zero terms in the expression on the left-hand side of Equation (<ref>) are those with |ψ⟩ containing |0,...,0;1,...,1⟩ and |1,...,1;0,...,0⟩ states. Therefore, the state ρ̂ giving the maximal value of |⟨⊗_j=1^M Ŝ_+^(j)||⟩^2 should be a pure state of form: ρ̂^* = |θ,φ⟩⟨,| with |θ,φ⟩ := sinθ|0,...,0;1,...,1⟩ + e^φcosθ|1,...,1;0,...,0⟩, where θ∈[ 0, 2 π[ and φ∈[ 0, 2 π[. The value of |𝒞_+|^2 can be calculated explicitly for this state: | ⟨θ,φ|⊗_j=1^M Ŝ_+^(j)|θ,φ|⟩|^2 = | sinθ⟨θ,φ|1,...,1;0,...,0|⟩|^2 = sin^2 θ cos^2 θ. This value is maximised for sin^2 θ = 1/2 = cos^2 θ. Therefore, the maximum value of |𝒞_+|^2 is 14: max_ρ̂| 𝒞_+|^2 = max_ρ̂| [ ρ̂⊗_j=1^M Ŝ_+^(j)] |^2 = max_θ̂,̂ ̂φ̂| [ ρ̂^* ⊗_j=1^M Ŝ_+^(j)] |^2 = 1/4. This way Inequality (<ref>) is proved for the special case 𝒞_e⃗=𝒞_+. In the following, this result is generalised for any e⃗. First, one can note that there exists such unitary operator Û_e⃗ that: ⊗_j=1^M Ŝ_e⃗^(j) = Û_e⃗^†⊗_j=1^M Ŝ_+^(j)Û_e⃗. The value of on some state ρ̂ can be then expressed by | 𝒞_+|^2 calculated on another state ρ̂':=Û_e⃗ρ̂ Û_e⃗^† so that max_ρ̂| 𝒞_e⃗|^2 = max_ρ̂| [ ρ̂ Û_e⃗^†⊗_j=1^M Ŝ_+^(j)Û_e⃗] |^2 = max_ρ̂| [ Û_e⃗ρ̂ Û_e⃗^†⊗_j=1^M Ŝ_+^(j)] |^2 = = max_ρ̂'| [ ρ̂' ⊗_j=1^M Ŝ_+^(j)] |^2 = 1/4 according to (<ref>). Inequality (<ref>) must hold true, since, as shown above, the maximum value of is 14. toc CHAPTER: NUMERICAL PROGRAM A single simulation consisted of two stages. In the first stage, a program written in was creating operators' matrices (particularly the matrix of the components of the Hamiltonian (<ref>)) and computing the initial state by solving the eigenproblem of the Hamiltonian. In the second stage, another program written in , was first applyingπ/2-pulse and then realising the numerical evolution of the state and calculating values of observables during the evolution. The input arguments of the first program were the numbers of particles and sites (NandM) and the parameters of the lattice. First, the program generated the Fock space for givenNandM. In the created Fock space, matrices representing the Hamiltonian and other observables were obtained. Then the eigenproblem for the Hamiltonian's matrix has been solved to find the initial ground state. The matrices of the operators as well as the ground state were sent as the input for the second program. The second program, basing on the output from the first one, was rotating the initial state byπ/2-pulse and evolving it. Every time step of the evolution consisted of calculation of the Hamiltonian for a given moment of time and Runge-Kutta evolution according to Schrödinger equation. Every few time steps, the values of interesting observables were calculated to get an insight into the evolution. toc CHAPTER: EVOLUTION FOR N=2: ANALYTICAL RESULTS In this appendix a semi-analytical method used to describe the dynamics of the system withN=M=2is presented. It is a result of <cit.>. The Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian (<ref>) can be considered in the Fock state basis. This thesis uses the following notation for the elements of the Fock basis forN=M=2: |1⟩ =|2,0;0,0⟩, |2⟩=|1,1;0,0⟩, |3⟩=|0,2;0,0⟩, |4⟩ =|1,0;1,0⟩, |5⟩=|1,0;0,1⟩, |6⟩=|0,1;1,0⟩, |7⟩=|0,1;0,1⟩, |8⟩ =|0,0;2,0⟩, |9⟩=|0,0;1,1⟩, |10⟩=|0,0;0,2⟩. For instance, using this notation, one can write:b̂^†_2 b̂_1 |8⟩=√(2)|9⟩. The matrix of the Hamiltonian takes block diagonal form in the basis:Ĥ_BH=diag{ℋ̂_AA, ℋ̂_AB, Ĥ_BB}, with representation ofĤ_ABtaking the form Ĥ_AB≐( [ U_AB -2 J -2 J 0; -2 J 0 0 -2 J; -2 J 0 0 -2 J; 0 -2 J -2 J U_AB; ]) in basis{|4⟩, |5⟩, |6⟩, |7⟩}and representations ofĤ_AA,Ĥ_BBin bases{|1⟩, |2⟩, |3⟩},{|8⟩, |9⟩, |10⟩}respectively, taking the form Ĥ_AA≐( [ U_σσ -2 √(2) J 0; -2 √(2) J 0 -2 √(2) J; 0 -2 √(2) J U_σσ; ]) ≐Ĥ_BB. The initial spin-coherent state|GS^+⟩(<ref>) is defined as the ground state with condition of all atoms being in theAstate, rotated by thee^-i π/2Ŝ_yoperator: |GS^+⟩ = e^-i π/2Ŝ_y|GS^A⟩. As all the particles in|GS^A⟩are in theAstate, it is enough to consider theℋ̂_AApart of the Hamiltonian only. The eigenvalues of this operator areE_1=Ω_AA-/2,E_2=U_AA,E_3=Ω_AA+/2, whereΩ_AA±=U_AA±√(64J^2+U_AA^2)and the corresponding eigenstates |Ψ_1⟩ = 1/𝒩_1( |1⟩ + Ω_AA+/4√(2)J |2⟩ + |3⟩), |Ψ_2⟩ = 1/√(2)( -|1⟩ + |3⟩), |Ψ_3⟩ = 1/𝒩_3( |1⟩ + Ω_AA-/4√(2)J |2⟩ + |3⟩), with𝒩_1^2=2+Ω_AA+^2/(32J^2)and𝒩_3^2=2+Ω_AA-^2/(32J^2). The|GS^A⟩state is then |GS^A⟩=|Ψ_1⟩=∑_w=1^10 c^A_w |w⟩ wherec⃗^A=(1,Ω_AA=/4√(2)J,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)^T/𝒩_1, asE_1is the lowest eigenvalue. Thee^- iŜ_y π/2operator in the basis (<ref>) takes the form ( [ 1/2 0 0 -1/√(2) 0 0 0 1/2 0 0; 0 1/2 0 0 -1/2 -1/2 0 0 1/2 0; 0 0 1/2 0 0 0 -1/√(2) 0 0 1/2; 1/√(2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1/√(2) 0 0; 0 1/2 0 0 1/2 -1/2 0 0 -1/2 0; 0 1/2 0 0 -1/2 1/2 0 0 -1/2 0; 0 0 1/√(2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1/√(2); 1/2 0 0 1/√(2) 0 0 0 1/2 0 0; 0 1/2 0 0 1/2 1/2 0 0 1/2 0; 0 0 1/2 0 0 0 1/√(2) 0 0 1/2 ]) and the spin-coherent state is |Ψ(0)⟩ = |GS^+⟩ = e^- iŜ_y π/2|GS^A⟩ = ∑_w c_w(0) |w⟩, where c⃗_w(0)=(2√(2), a/2, 2√(2),4,a/2,a/2,4,2√(2),a/2,2√(2) )^T1/√(8^2 + a^2) anda=Ω_AA+/J. If the HamiltonianĤ_BHis constant, the solution to the Schrödinger equationi ħ∂_t |Ψ(t)⟩ = ℋ̂_BH|Ψ(t)⟩is: |Ψ(t)⟩=e^-i t ℋ̂_BH/ħ|Ψ(0)⟩. In the general case, when the Hamiltonian depends on time, the evolution of state can be calculated numerically. As the time-independent case (<ref>) can be solved analytically it is still quite cumbersome in general. However, assuming the symmetric case withU_AA=U_BBthe result simplifies to: |Ψ(t)⟩ = ∑_w c_w(t) |w⟩, where c_1(t)=2Je^-itΩ_AA-/2/√(64J^2+U_AAΩ_AA+), c_2(t)=√(Ω_AA+)e^-itΩ_AA-/2/2√(2ω_AA), c_4(t)=2Je^-itΩ_AB+/2[ Ω_AB+ - Ω_AA+ + e^i t ω_AB(Ω_AA+ - Ω_AB-)]/√(ω^2_AB(64J^2 + Ω_AA+^2)) , c_5(t)=e^-itU_AB/2/2√(2 ω^2_AB (64J^2 + U_AAΩ_AA+))× ×[ Ω_AA+ω_AB cos(tω_AB/2) +i (64J^2+Ω_AA+U_AB) sin(tω_AB/2) ] , andc_3(t)=c_8(t)=c_10(t)=c_1(t),c_6(t)=c_5(t),c_7(t)=c_4(t),c_9(t)=c_2(t), withω_σσ' = √(64J^2 + U_σσ')andΩ_σσ' ±=U_σσ'±ω_σσ'. Thec_6-c_10coefficients can be expressed in terms ofc_1-c_5due to the symmetry in respect of exchange of the type of the particle, resulting from the equality of interaction coefficientsU_AA=U_BB. IfU_AA≠ U_BBthose coefficients differ and take more complex forms. It is worth mentioning, that in the limit ofJ→ 0the coefficientsc_1, c_3, c_4, c_7, c_8, c_10tend to zero, thus only the states with exactly one atom in each lattice site contribute to the state|Ψ⟩. It holds also when the non-symmetric case is considered. unsrt]
Channel Estimation for Underwater Visible Light Communication: A Sparse Learning Perspective
[ "Younan Mou", "Sicong Liu" ]
[ "eess.SP", "cs.IT", "cs.LG", "math.IT" ]
@headings oddhead evenhead oddfoot evenfoot empty theoremTheorem observation[theorem]Observation lemma[theorem]Lemma remarkRemark propositionProposition corollaryCorollary sequation DoWhileDoWhileGBKsong Submitted paper Channel Estimation for Underwater Visible Light Communication: A Sparse Learning Perspective Younan Mou, and Sicong Liu*, Senior Member, IEEE, Younan Mou and Sicong Liu are with the Department of Information and Communication Engineering, School of Informatics, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China. (Corresponding Author: Sicong Liu. email: liusc@xmu.edu.cn). March 30, 2023 ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ empty1 The underwater propagation environment for visible light signals is affected by complex factors such as absorption, shadowing, and reflection, making it very challengeable to achieve effective underwater visible light communication (UVLC) channel estimation. It is difficult for the UVLC channel to be sparse represented in the time and frequency domains, which limits the chance of using sparse signal processing techniques to achieve better performance of channel estimation. To this end, a compressed sensing (CS) based framework is established in this paper by fully exploiting the sparsity of the underwater visible light channel in the distance domain of the propagation links. In order to solve the sparse recovery problem and achieve more accurate UVLC channel estimation, a sparse learning based underwater visible light channel estimation (SL-UVCE) scheme is proposed. Specifically, a deep-unfolding neural network mimicking the classical iterative sparse recovery algorithm of approximate message passing (AMP) is employed, which decomposes the iterations of AMP into a series of layers with different learnable parameters. Compared with the existing non-CS-based and CS-based schemes, the proposed scheme shows better performance of accuracy in channel estimation, especially in severe conditions such as insufficient measurement pilots and large number of multipath components. underwater visible light communication, compressed sensing, sparse learning, deep-unfolding neural networks, channel estimation § INTRODUCTION Realization of high-speed underwater communication system provides an important guarantee for the exploration and development of marine resources. At present, acoustic waves are widely used in underwater communication systems, but the performance is subject to strong frequency dependent attenuation, resulting in a transmission bandwidth of up to a few hundred kHz <cit.>. In contrast, underwater visible light communication (UVLC) owns hundreds of THz unlicensed bandwidth for communication , and it also has the advantages of high security, low cost and low link delay, etc<cit.>. The optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OOFDM) technology has been widely applied in UVLC systems, which effectively mitigates the impact of frequency selective fading and supports high-rate transmission <cit.>. The study on channel modeling and estimation is among the key directions in the field of UVLC research. It is critical for the UVLC system to obtain accurate channel state information in order to support high-speed and reliable underwater transmission. However, due to the complex underwater environment, the transmission of light waves is affected by many complex conditions such as absorption, scattering and turbulence <cit.>, which brings great difficulties to the effectiveness and accuracy of the modelling and estimation of UVLC channels. In existing research of UVLC channels, the main stream of channel modelling is to obtain the modelling and parameters of the UVLC channel impulse response (CIR) through Monte Carlo numerical simulations <cit.>. However, realistic complicated trajectories and states of millions of photons need to be simulated, which costs high computational complexity <cit.>. As for the channel estimation methods, a method for UVLC channel estimation is proposed based on inter-symbol frequency-averaging and intra-symbol frequency-averaging <cit.>. However, due to the complex underwater environment, the accuracy of channel estimation is still a great bottleneck limiting the link performance of the UVLC system <cit.>. Considering channel estimation for wireless communications, if some prior information such as channel sparsity can be introduced, the compressed sensing (CS) based methods might be utilized to improve the performance. As for UVLC channel estimation, this becomes a difficult problem because it is difficult for the UVLC channel to be sparse represented in the time and frequency domains as is done for wireless communications. To this end, in this paper, we extract the inherent sparsity of the UVLC channel frequency response (CFR) and present its sparse representation in the distance domain of the propagation links, thus formulating a novel CS-based framework of UVLC channel estimation. This makes it possible to use sparse recovery techniques to achieve better performance of channel estimation. However, the restricted isometry property (RIP), i.e., a coherence metric, of the measurement matrix of the CS-based model for the UVLC channel is not as satisfactory as that of wireless communication channels due to the mechanism of sparse representation in the multipath distance domain. This might limit the performance of CS-based algorithms in sparse recovery problem solving. Hence, deep learning techniques widely applied in various fields of wireless communications is introduced to solve the sparse recovery problem with unsatisfactory RIP property. Specifically, model-driven deep-unfolding neural network models are devised according to the physical characteristics of the system, which can significantly reduce the data requirement and time consumption in training <cit.>. Inspired by this, the classical iterative sparse recovery algorithm of approximate message passing (AMP) <cit.> is decomposed into a series of layers of deep neural networks (DNN) with learnable parameters, and thus a model-driven deep learning method is constructed to realize the estimation of the CFR of the UVLC. The rest of this paper is structured as follows: The CFR model of the UVLC system is established in Section +2; Section +3 formulates the proposed CS-based framework of UVLC channel estimation, and presents the sparse recovery scheme based on model-driven deep-unfolding neural networks; Section +4 reports the simulation results of the proposed scheme with discussions; Finally, the paper is concluded in Section +5. § SYSTEM MODEL Considering the important role of UVLC in marine applications, we mainly investigate the visible light channel in the seawater environment in this paper. Since the optical properties in seawater are only affected by the medium of seawater, the underwater propagation of light waves is affected by the combined effect of the inherent attenuation of pure water and the absorption and scattering of plankton, dissolved substances and suspended particles in the water <cit.>. Therefore, it can be approximated that the optical properties of seawater are divided into two parts: absorption and scattering <cit.>, resulting in severe attenuation of light waves in seawater. To sum up, the total attenuation coefficient of the light wave propagation in seawater can be described as c( f ) = a( f ) + b( f ), where a( f ) and b( f ) are the absorption and scattering coefficients of seawater, respectively, and their sum c( f ) is the total absorption coefficient of light wave propagation seawater. The total attenuation coefficient of light wave propagation in seawater with respect to frequencies <cit.> is shown in Fig <ref>. It can be shown that the attenuation coefficient of light wave propagation in seawater changes irregularly with frequency, which makes the impact of frequency selectivity more detrimental to the system. Therefore, the OOFDM technology can be adopted to combat against the severe frequency selective fading of seawater channels. Note that the available bandwidth of optical spectrum can be up to several hundreds of THz, and the bandwidth actually used is limited by the bandwidth of the transmitter and the receiver, which is usually below of GHz and commonly tens of MHz, Thus, the attenuation coefficient as illustrated in Fig. 1 can be considered approximately regarded as quasi-linear. The channel attenuation coefficient can be modeled as a quasi-linear model c( f ) = c_1f + c_2 , so the CFR of the underwater wireless optical channel can be rewritten as <cit.> H(f) = αe^ - ( c_1f + c_2)s, where α is the attenuation factor of light propagating underwater; s is the distance that light propagates underwater. In addition to the absorption and scattering of the seawater itself, in the complex and changeable marine environment, the UVLC signals can be shielded, reflected or refracted, which leads to the visible light propagation in a number of paths as shown in Fig <ref>. Therefore, the actual received signal is the superposition of the line-of-sight (LoS) path and multiple non-line-of-sight (NLoS) paths. Then, the CFR of the underwater visible light channel is rewritten as <cit.> H( f ) = ∑_l = 0^L -1α _le^ - ( c_1f + c_2)s_l, where α _l and s_l are the attenuation factor and propagation distance of the l -th path, respectively; The frequency f = f_b + f_c is composed of the baseband signal frequency f_b and the optical carrier frequency f_c ; L represents the number of LoS and NLoS paths. A number of pilot subcarriers with equal spacing are employed to estimate the CFR of the UVLC system. Assuming that P uniformly spaced pilot subcarriers are used, the pilot frequency ranges from f_min to f_max with the pilot frequency interval of Δ f = ( f_max - f_min)/( P - 1) . Thus, the frequency of each pilot subcarrier is given by f_i = f_min + iΔ f , 1 < i < P . Then, the received i -th pilot subcarrier can be represented by H( f_i) = ∑_l = 0^L - 1α _le^ - [ c_1( f_min + iΔ f) + c_2]s_l, the received pilots { H( f_i)} _i = 1^P can be regarded as the measurement data of the CFR. § CHANNEL ESTIMATION SCHEME FOR UNDERWATER VISIBLE LIGHT COMMUNICATION BASED ON SPARSE LEARNING In order to make better use of the sparsity of the CFR in the distance domain, Eq. <ref> is rewritten as H( f_i) = ∑_l = 0^L - 1α _le^ - [ c_1( f_min + iΔ f) + c_2]s_l = ∑_l = 0^L - 1ω _l^i ·λ _l, where we define some channel parameters as ω _lΔ = e^ - c_1Δ fs_l and λ _lΔ = α _le^ - ( c_1f_min + c_2)s_l for the convenience of modelling and representation. Note that {λ _l,0 ≤ l ≤L - 1} is only related to the propagation distance s_l of a specific UVLC path. When the value of the channel parameters {λ _l,0 ≤ l ≤L - 1} and the path distance s_l is obtained, the value of the attenuation factor α _l can be calculated. Considering that in the actual seawater environment, the number of UVLC paths L between the transmitter and receiver is limited, the distances of all the L paths {s_l}_l = 0^L-1 are only a few values selected out of the distance domain, leading to the sparsity of the CFR in the distance domain, which is explained later in detail. To facilitate the sparse representation of the distance domain, we can discretize the continuous distance s_l into discrete values, i.e., n_lΔ s , where n_l is the quantization coefficient, and Δ s is the minimum quantization step size of the path. In practical application, a proper step size of Δ s can be determined to make a good tradeoff between computational complexity and channel estimation accuracy. Increasing the step size can reduce the computational complexity, while it will also lead to a degradation in the accuracy of channel estimation. In the UVLC system, we can formulate the channel measurement vector using the received pilots, which is actually the sampling of the CFR as given by y = [ H( f_1),H( f_2), ⋯ ,H( f_P)]. At this point, the channel estimation problem is transferred into a parametric sparse recovery problem, which can be solved effectively using CS-based methods by fully exploiting the sparse characteristics of the CFR in the distance domain. Therefore, a CS-based UVLC channel measurement model is established as y = Φx + w, where the observation matrix Φ∈ℂ^P × N is expressed as Φ = [ [ v_0 v_1 ⋯ v_N - 1; v_0^2 v_1^2 ⋯ v_N - 1^2; ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮; v_0^P v_1^P ⋯ v_N - 1^P ]], where v_k = e^ - c_1Δ fΔ s · k is the quantized expression of the parameter ω _l ; w is the background noise vector; The unknown vector x = [ x_0,x_1, ⋯ ,x_N - 1]^T is a sparse vector containing L non-zero elements. For the convenience of expression, x is called the channel sparse proxy vector. The subscripts of each element of x ranging from 0 to N-1 are related to the distance from 0 to ( N - 1)Δ s in the distance domain, respectively. The length N of the vector x is determined by the NLoS path with the maximum distance s_max in the UVLC channel, i.e., N = ⌈s_max/Δ s⌉. For any element x_k in the channel sparse proxy vector x , if there exists a path with the distance of s_l = k ·Δ s in the UVLC channel, then the value of x_k is the distance-quantized expression of λ _l , i.e., x_k = α _le^ - ( c_1f_min + c_2)k ·Δ s ; Otherwise, if the path does not exist, the corresponding element is simply zero, i.e., x_k = 0 . In the UVLC channel environment, the actual number of paths L between the transmitter and receiver is limited, so the distances of all the L paths {s_l}_l = 0^L-1 are only a few values selected out of the discretized distance domain, i.e., L ≪ N . Thus, the channel sparse proxy vector x is a sparse vector reflecting the sparse characteristics of the CFR in the distance domain. The distance of each path is corresponding to a unique element of the channel proxy sparse vector x . Then, the support Ω of the sparse vector x , i.e., the set of the subscripts of the non-zero elements, is given by Ω = {⌊s_l/Δ s⌋| l = 0, ⋯ ,L - 1.}. As formulated in the CS-based UVLC channel measurement model in Eq. <ref> , the channel measurement vector y has been represented as the product of an observation matrix and an unknown sparse vector x . Note that the observation matrix Φ is much underdetermined, i.e., the number of columns of the observation matrix is much larger than the number of rows. This means that the amount of measurement data is much less than that of the size of the unknown vector to be reconstructed. The performance of the CS-based methods for sparse recovery is very much related to the mutual incoherence property (MIP) of the observation matrix Φ, which is a sufficient condition for the restricted isometric property (RIP) <cit.>. RIP can be also regarded as a metric to indicate the incoherence of the observation matrix, which is an important constraint affecting the performance of CS-based methods <cit.>. Since it is easier for the MIP to be quantitatively evaluated, it is used to measure the incoherence of the observation matrix in this paper. Specifically, the MIP of the observation matrix Φ of the CS-based UVLC channel measurement model in Eq. <ref> is defined as μ = max_0 ≤ j,k ≤ N - 1,j k| ⟨φ _j,φ _k⟩|/φ _j_2·φ _k_2, where φ _j and φ _k represent the j -th and k -th columns of the observation matrix Φ , respectively; ⟨φ _j,φ _k⟩ is the inner-product of the two column vectors. According to Eq. <ref>, it can be derived that the MIP of the observation matrix given in Eq. <ref> is generally not small, and even might be close to one in some extreme case, resulting in weak RIP. In this case, the classical CS-based methods for sparse recovery will suffer from significant performance degradation, or even do not work <cit.>. To this end, we utilize the deep learning technology to enhance the sparse recovery methods for sparse UVLC channel estimation. Specifically, a deep sparse-learning-based framework of UVLC channel estimation is formulated as shown in Fig. <ref>. The classical iterative sparse approximation algorithm of AMP is mimicked by a deep-unfolding neural network. The parameters of each layer of the network can be learnt in training. Considering the bottleneck of weak RIP of the observation matrix, we need to relieve the constraint on the incoherence of the observation matrix, and find another approach to compensate for the capability of sparse recovery. Through the data-driven approach in deep learning, we can obtain some inherent features out of the UVLC channel apart from sparsity <cit.>. In this way, the performance of deep sparse learning enabled channel estimation in UVLC environments can be significantly improved. The proposed scheme of sparse learning based UVLC channel estimation (SL-UVLC) consists of two phases, i.e., the training phase and inference phase, which is summarized in Algorithm 1. In Algorithm 1, x̂_t is the channel sparse proxy vector recovered by the t -th layer; v_t is the residual of the t -th layer, and b_tv_t - 1 is called the OnsagerCorrection term; σ _t is the standard deviation estimate of v_t ; B_t and ζ _t are the learnable parameters that vary with the number of layers, where B_t is initialized by the observation matrix, i.e., B_tΔ = Φ^H , and ζ _t is used to control the fidelity of the soft threshold function η(∙ ; ∙) , which is expressed as [η(r_t ; ζ_t, σ_t)]_i =η(|r_t, i| ; ζ_t, σ_t) =sgn(r_t, i) max(|r_t, i|-ζ_t σ_t, 0). The loss function L_t( Θ) of the t -th layer is given by L_t(Θ)=1/D∑_d=1^Dx̂_T(y^(d) ; Θ)-x^(d)_2^2, where x^( d ) and y^( d ) represent the ground-truth channel sparse proxy vector and the channel measurement vector of the d -th training data sample, respectively, and x̂_T( y^( d );Θ) is the estimated channel sparse proxy vector which is the output of the network. In the training phase of Algorithm 1, using the UVLC channel training dataset {( y^d,x^d)}_d = 1^D , the learnable network parameters Θ = {B_t,ζ _t}_t = 1^T of the sparse learning based model-driven deep-unfolding networks are trained layer-wise to extract the inherent features of the UVLC channel. When optimizing the t-th layer, the network parameters learned by the previous layer is fixed, and the learnable parameters Θ = {B_t,ζ _t}_t = 1^T of the current t -th layer is trained. The loss function L_t( Θ) is jointly optimized by back propagation and the stochastic gradient descent. If L_t( Θ) < L_t - 1( Θ) , the number of network layers is increased by one and the training is continued to the next layer; Otherwise if L_t( Θ) > L_t - 1( Θ) , the training terminates and the final number of layers is set as T = t - 1 . In the inference phase of Algorithm 1, the realistic channel measurement vector y are input into the trained network, and a single feed-forward operation can be used to efficiently estimate the sparse proxy vector x̂ . Then, the channel parameters {λ _l,0 ≤ l < L} , the propagation distance s_l and the attenuation factor α _l can all be obtained from x̂ according to Eq. <ref>, which realizes the estimation of the UVLC channel. § SIMULATION RESULTS In this section, the performance of the proposed SL-UVCE scheme for UVLC channel estimation based on sparse learning is evaluated by simulations with respect to the amount of available measurement pilots and the number of paths of the UVLC channel. The existing non-CS-based least squares (LS) scheme <cit.> and the classical CS-based algorithm of orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP) <cit.> are also evaluated for comparison. The simulation parameters used for UVLC channel estimation are listed in Table 1. For the training phase, randomly generate the training set {( y^d,x^d)}_d = 1^D of size D = 1000 according to the system model in Section +2, and generate the testing set {( y^s,x^s)}_s = 1^S of size S = 100 in a similar way to prevent overfitting of the deep-unfolding neural network. The Adam optimizer is adopted to optimize the learnable network parameters Θ = {B_t,ζ _t}_t = 1^T with the learning rate l_r = 0.01 . The performance of UVLC channel estimation is evaluated by normalized mean square error (NMSE) defined as NMSE=𝔼[x-x̂_2^2/x_2^2], where x̂ represents the estimated channel sparse proxy vector result ; ∙_2 and 𝔼[∙] denotes the l_2 -norm and the expectation operator, respectively. The performance of the proposed scheme of UVLC channel estimation with respect to the amount of available measurement pilots is reported in Fig. <ref>. It is observed from Fig. <ref> that the proposed SL-UVCE scheme achieves satisfactory performance in estimating the realistic UVLC channel. It is shown that the NMSE decreases with the amount of available measurement pilots for the proposed scheme. With less than 70 pilots, the NMSE of the proposed scheme can reach below 10^ - 2 , which can already support reliable underwater wireless broadband transmission in case of severe channel conditions like offshore areas with relatively large number of channel paths. In comparison, it can be observed from Fig. <ref> that the performance of both the classical CS-based algorithm of OMP and the conventional non-CS-based LS scheme hardly improve with the pilot amount, which validates the effectiveness of the proposed scheme in estimating the complex UVLC channel. It is also observed that the CS-based OMP algorithm outperforms the LS scheme, because the sparse characteristics of the UVCL channel is utilized. However, due to the weak RIP condition of the observation matrix of the CS-based UVLC channel estimation model, the accuracy of the sparse recovery of the channel is limited. On the contrary, the proposed SL-UVCE scheme has introduced the deep-unfolding neural network to better extract the sparse features of the UVLC channel and to learn the inherent channel characteristics other than sparseness. Therefore, in case of insufficient pilots, the proposed scheme can achieve significant performance improvement compared with the benchmark schemes. The performance of the proposed scheme of UVLC channel estimation with respect to the number of channel paths is reported in Fig. <ref>. It is shown from the simulation results in Fig. <ref> that, the proposed SL-UVCE scheme can achieve satisfactory performance of UVLC channel estimation in condition of different number of channel paths. Even in severe underwater conditions such as offshore areas with a relatively large number of channel paths, the proposed scheme can also reach high accuracy of channel estimation. It can also be noted from Fig. <ref> that, the proposed scheme significantly outperforms the CS-based and non-CS-based benchmark schemes, which verifies the capability of the proposed scheme in the sparse feature extraction from the UVLC channel and the sparse recovery of CS-based measurement model with weak RIP for severe seawater environments. § CONCLUSION In this paper, a compressed sensing (CS)-based framework of underwater visible light communication (UVLC) channel estimation has been established to exploit the sparsity of the channel frequency response (CFR) of the UVLC in the distance domain. A scheme of sparse learning based underwater visible light channel estimation (SL-UVCE) has been proposed to solve the formulated sparse recovery problem. The inherent sparsity of the CFR in the distance domain corresponding to multiple channel paths has been fully utilized to formulate the sparse representation of the UVLC channel. Moreover, in order to overcome the problem of weak RIP of the CS-based UVLC measurement model, a model-driven deep-unfolding neural network mimicking the iterations of the iterative sparse approximation algorithm has been devised, which can learn deeper features other than sparsity of the UVLC channel. Simulation results have verified the accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed SL-UVCE scheme, which significantly outperforms the existing CS-based and conventional non-CS-based benchmark schemes, especially in complex conditions, such as insufficient available pilots or severe seawater environments with more channel paths. It is promising for the proposed scheme to be applied in realistic complex environments like offshore and shallow sea waters to satisfy the requirements of effective and reliable broadband underwater transmission. IEEEtr
Modeling and Analysis on Efficiency Degradation of Lithium-ion Batteries
[ "Zihui Lin", "Dagang Li" ]
[ "eess.SY", "cs.SY", "physics.data-an" ]
* State of Efficiency (SOE) is proposed as a performance indicator of lithium-ion battery in terms of energy efficiency. * The degradation trajectory of SOE for NCA lithium-ion batteries is studied and a linear model is proposed to describe SOE degradation trend. * A number of factors that affect SOE have been identified and studied, including ambient temperature, discharge current, and cutoff voltage. * We found NCA lithium-ion batteries have very weak memory effect on SOE under changing operating conditions, which is helpful when designing an efficient BESS. Anyon condensation in the string-net models Fiona J. Burnell March 30, 2023 =========================================== lithium-ion battery Energy efficiency SOE § INTRODUCTION Unlike traditional power plants, renewable energy from solar panels or wind turbines needs storage solutions , such as BESSs to become reliable energy sources and provide power on demand <cit.>. The lithium-ion battery, which is used as a promising component of BESS <cit.> that are intended to store and release energy, has a high energy density and a long energy cycle life <cit.>. The performance of lithium-ion batteries has a direct impact on both the BESS and renewable energy sources since a reliable and efficient power system must always match power generation and load <cit.>. However, battery's performance can be affected by a variety of operating conditions <cit.>, and its performance continuously degrades during usage. The degradation can be classified into two parts: when the equipment is at rest (static) and when it is in use (operational) <cit.>. In a static condition, the factors that determine degradation are temperature, State of Charge (SOC), and rest time, whereas during dynamic operation, the factors that determine degradation are rate (power), depth of discharge, and heat <cit.>. Regarding lithium-ion battery as an energy storage device, most studies are currently focused on its capacity management, charging rate, and cycle times <cit.>. A BMS of a BESS typically manages the lithium-ion batteries' State of Health (SOH) and Remaining Useful Life (RUL) in terms of capacity (measured in ampere hour) <cit.>. As part of the management of BESS, it has been possible to estimate and predict SOH and RUL. SOH is a key indicator for the estimation of battery life by focusing primarily on the maximum capacity that the battery is currently capable to supply. SOC indicates the capacity that the battery currently can provide at the present time. Estimating the SOC can provide insight into the battery's current capacity, while the SOH trajectory can help predict the battery's life regarding its capacity. Despite the fact that the battery's capacity is one of the most critical performance indicators, little attention has been paid to the battery's efficiency as it ages. The efficiency of lithium-ion batteries greatly affects the efficiency of BESSs, which should minimize energy loss during operations. This becomes increasingly important when more renewable energy sources are connected to the grid and handled by BESSs <cit.>. As the core energy storage component, if the batteries can only return an unexpected small fraction of the energy that is used to charge them, that will become a big problem for both the BESSs and the power grid as a whole. Coulombic Efficiency (CE) <cit.> was used as an indicator of lithium-ion battery efficiency in the reversibility of electrical current <cit.>, which actually has a direct relationship with the battery's capacity <cit.>. It should be noted, however, that capacity and energy are not equivalent. Since the energy levels of lithium-ions are different during the redox reaction, regeneration requires more electromotive force than discharge due to the different voltage levels <cit.>. Therefore, even if lithium-ion battery has a high CE, it may not be energy efficient. Battery's energy efficiency is critical to the sustainability of the planet due to its broad application <cit.>. Researchers have investigated BESS applications to maintain an acceptable level of efficiency <cit.>. A study has also been conducted on the energy efficiency of electric vehicles <cit.>. The optimal battery SOC range for battery vehicles has been estimated by analyzing the relationship between battery energy efficiency and battery SOC range <cit.>. There has also been discussion of the energy efficiency of NiMH batteries as they are applied to grid frequency control at various discharge currents <cit.>. To the best of the author's knowledge, there is still no study yet focusing on what factors will, and how they affect the energy efficiency of lithium-ion batteries in the long run across their entire life cycle. The following are the contributions of this study: * State of Efficiency (SOE) is proposed as a performance indicator of lithium-ion battery in terms of energy efficiency. * The degradation trajectory of SOE for NCA lithium-ion batteries is studied and a linear model is proposed to describe SOE degradation trend. * A number of factors that affect SOE have been identified and studied, including ambient temperature, discharge current, and cutoff voltage. * We found NCA lithium-ion batteries have very weak memory effect on SOE under changing operating conditions, which is helpful when designing an efficient BESS. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the SOE is presented along with its relationship to CE and SOH, as well as the adopted data set. In Section 3, the SOE trajectories of batteries is analyzed in a variety of application scenarios. We verify the linear relationship between SOE and cycle number by using time series analysis, and present the SOE degradation trend model and its regression results. Finally, in Section 4, we discuss the phenomena caused by changes in ambient temperature, discharge current, and cut-off voltage separately. § ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF LITHIUM-ION BATTERY §.§ The NASA battery degradation data set For this study, we use data set which is provided by the Prognostics Center of Excellence (PCoE) at NASA Ames <cit.>. In these experiments <cit.>, 18650-size NCA lithium-ion batteries continue to work until End of Life (EoL) is reached, thereby providing data over battery lifespan. This is helpful to see how energy efficiency has changed over time. These experiments, as shown in tbl:1, are designed to reduce battery performance in a controlled way. The test scheme, as shown in tbl:2, is with a test matrix that included four cut-off voltages (2.7V, 2.5V, 2.2V and 2.5 V), three discharge currents (1A, 2A, and 4A), four ambient temperatures (4°C, 24°C, 43°C), and two stopping criteria (20% and 30% capacity fade). In most cases, an individual battery's operating conditions are different from those of other batteries, and remain constant throughout the test. As a result, this data set captures battery degradation data under various scenarios, which is suitable for analyzing battery efficiency under a wide range of operating conditions. Each cycle, batteries are fully charged in CC-CV (Constant Current, Constant Voltage) mode and discharged in CC (Constant Current) mode to a certain depth, which is regulated by cut-off voltage. Throughout the cycle, voltage and current at the battery terminal are collected, which can be used to calculate how efficiently energy is reproduced in the specific cycle. Additionally, the data set includes a group of batteries utilising multiple load current levels (1A, 2A, and 4A) as ambient temperature steps from 24°C to 44 °C. The study will use this group of batteries to investigate the characteristics of energy efficiency. Due to the particular characteristics of this group, the series of cycles has been divided into three continuous parts so that uniform data can be collected. According to some studies, a fresh battery's CE may exceed 100% because the internal electrochemical characteristics are not stable in the initial cycles <cit.>. Furthermore, the documentation of the data set indicates that there are abnormalities due to software errors or other unknown causes, such as stopping the test before reaching the specified cut-off voltage. Considering that the purpose of this study is to determine the characteristics of lithium-ion battery's energy efficiency throughout its lifespan, as well as to identify the trend of SOE and the influence of relevant operating conditions on it, the first cycle as well as some special abnormal cycles for each battery have been excluded. §.§ State of efficiency As an energy intermediary, lithium-ion batteries are used to store and release electric energy. An example of this would be a battery that is used as an energy storage device for renewable energy. The battery receives electricity generated by solar or wind power production equipment. Whenever there is a demand from the grid, the stored electric energy is released. Inevitably, this process involves the dissipation of energy. As a result of polarization, the battery's energy dissipates during the charge-discharge process because coulomb losses from non-productive chemical side reactions and the battery's terminal voltage drops when current flows through it <cit.>. Therefore, while batteries are in operation, they lose energy during both cycle aging and calendar aging, and the amount varies depending on how they are used. fig:1 shows energy conservation in the application of battery. Energy dissipates during charging and discharging, and the energy in and out of the battery remains balanced. E_charge=E_discharge+E_dissipate, where E_discharge and E_dissipate represent the energy released during discharge and the energy dissipated during battery operation. The dissipated energy in operation can be expressed as E_dissipate=E_disCycle+E_disCalendar, where E_disCycle and E_disCalendar represent the dissipated energy during the cycle aging and calendar aging. Existing researches have studied SOH, which refers to the maximum remaining capacity of a battery over its rated capacity, that is, the capacity performance of a battery. In contrast to SOH, SOE focuses on the battery's efficiency in using energy, as discharge energy in a battery is always less than charge energy. The USA PNGV battery test manual <cit.> gives a intuitive definition of round-trip efficiency, but does not have a strict specific test protocol. PNGV round-trip efficiency is defined as Round-trip Efficiency = watt · hours(discharge)/watt · hours(regen)× 100 %. Considering batteries are energy storage devices, we propose a calculation of battery efficiency based on the ratio of output energy to input energy. As this study aims to evaluate the energy efficiency of a complete charging and discharging process, SOE is defined as SOE=E_discharged/E_charged , where battery efficiency is calculated as the ratio between the amount of energy the battery can supply during discharge and the amount of energy it consumes during charging. The charged energy is the accumulation of power during charging: E_charged=∫_t_0^t_nP_charge(t)dt=∫_t_0^t_nV_charge(t)I_charge(t)dt , where P_charge (t) is the charging power as a function of time, which is obtained by multiplying V_charge (t) and I_charge (t), that is, the product of voltage and current at the terminal of the battery. It is common practice in industrial applications to sample discretely, then eq:5 can be simplified as E_charged=∑_i=0^n-1P_chargeΔ t=∑_t=0^n-1V_chargeI_chargeΔ t_i , Similarly, we can also measure the energy during discharge. Hence, in this study, SOE is evaluated as SOE=E_discharged/E_charged=∑_i=0^n-1V_dischargeI_dischargeΔ t_i/∑_i=0^n-1V_chargeI_chargeΔ t_i. where V_discharge, I_discharge, V_charge and I_charge are provided in the data set and Δ t_i is calculated by their timestamp. §.§ Coulombic efficiency and energy efficiency CE as a battery parameter to monitor the magnitude of side reactions <cit.> is defined as CE = C_discharge/C_charge, where C_discharge is the discharge capacity of a battery at a single cycle, and C_charge is the charge capacity of the battery in the same cycle. By definition, CE is the ratio of discharge capacity over charge capacity of a lithium-ion battery. Because capacity is measured by the total charge flow to/from the electrode and the total capacity of lithium-ion batteries is usually cathode-limiting, CE can be expressed as the ratio between the amount of lithium-ions or electrons returning to cathode and the amount of lithium-ions or electrons departing from cathode in a full cycle, as indicated in eq:8. A battery's CE refers to its ability to regenerate Li+ or electrons. In an ideal battery, where there are no side reactions at the electrodes, lithium-ions or electrons should flow solely as a result of reversible electrochemical reactions with CE equal to 100%. Realistic batteries, however, exhibit numerous side reactions between the electrode and the electrolyte. Due to the presence of irreversible side reactions in the battery, the CE is always less than 100%. Generally, modern lithium-ion batteries have a CE of at least 99.99% if more than 90% capacity retention is desired after 1000 cycles <cit.>. However, the coulombic efficiency of a battery cannot be equated with its energy efficiency. This is due to the fact that lithium atoms participate in redox reactions at different energy levels. The overpotential that is consumed during charging cannot be recovered during discharging. Due to the internal resistance of the battery, some energy must be consumed to overcome the resistance, which limits the battery's ability to achieve 100% energy efficiency <cit.>. fig:2 illustrates the charging/discharging process with both 100% CE, corresponding to different electrical energy efficiencies. For the ideal 100% energy efficiency in (a), the charge/discharge curves are perfectly symmetrical, meaning that the stored lithium-ions have the same energy level as in both the charge and discharge phases. Nevertheless, the electrons of the charge phase have a higher energy level than the electrons of the discharge phase in (b), which will result in an energy efficiency of only 90%. (c) represents a very low energy conversion efficiency of the battery, where 50% of the energy is wasted in the charging/discharging process despite the fact that 100% of capacity is available. §.§ SOH versus SOE Numerous studies have been conducted on SOH for energy storage batteries. Served as a measure of the battery's aging process, SOH is commonly calculated as SOH=Q_max/Q_rated, where Q_max and Q_rated represent the battery's maximum discharge capacity with its rated capacity. RUL is defined by the number of cycles a battery can undergo before its capacity deteriorates and reaches EoL which is typically defined as when the battery has only 80% of its rated capacity left. fig:3 illustrates typical SOE and SOH trends as the battery ages over a number of cycles. Due to the wide range of use scenarios included in the data set, including different discharge intensities and depths in various ambient temperatures, these batteries exhibit distinctly different trajectories in terms of their SOH and SOE. As an example, when the battery B0005 is tested at an ambient temperature of 24°C, with a discharge current of 2A and a cutoff voltage of 2.7V, its SOE is essentially above 0.83 while its SOH is continuously reduced to less than 0.70. As a comparison, B0033 was also evaluated at 24°C, but is subjected to a higher intensity (4A current) and a deeper (2.0V cutoff voltage) discharge, it's SOE is around 0.7. The efficiency of B0005 was 0.86 when its capacity had decayed to about 0.8, whereas B0033's SOE was only 0.73 with similar SOH. In spite of the high discharge temperature of 43°C, the SOH of B0029 drops very rapidly, but it is almost always above 0.83 in terms of SOE. One of the extreme cases was the testing of B0045 at 4°C. Even though its SOH was very low (less than 0.5 throughout the test), it had a relatively high efficiency of about 0.78. As illustrated in these examples, SOH and SOE differ in how they explain battery performance. Generally, SOH describes the health of a battery in terms of its ability to release Coulombs. While SOE describes the efficiency of a battery as an energy storage medium in terms of the ratio of energy transfer during charging and discharging. To quantitatively analyze the correlation between SOE and SOH, we used the person correlation coefficient (PCC). the PCC is calculated as follows: PCC = ∑(SOE - SOE)(SOH - SOH)/√(∑(SOE-SOE)^2·∑(SOH-SOH)^2) . As shown in the tbl:4, there is no obvious correlation between SOH and SOE during battery aging. However, it is a necessity to evaluate the efficiency of batteries in energy storage scenarios. § MODELING STATE OF EFFICIENCY §.§ Trend of SOE Trajectory A battery undergoes a series of charging and discharging cycles during its aging process. For the data set used, the SOH of each battery decreases over time until it reaches the end-of-experiment condition (20% or 30% capacity fade). According to eq:7, we calculate the SOE for each battery in each of its charging/discharging cycle. fig:4 shows the trajectory of SOE (between 0 and 1) over cycles for each battery during the aging process. These batteries' SOE trajectories all show a flat or slightly downward (decreasing) trend. In other words, a somewhat linear trend is observed, despite different level of fluctuations is also present at different conditions. §.§ Linearity of the SOE trajectory In this subsection we want to test and prove that the SOE trajectory is indeed linear as we observed in the previous subsection. For this purpose, we first calculate the first difference of the SOE time series, which removes the first-order trend from the original trajectory; if the resulting first difference has not trend any more, then we can say that the original trajectory has a linear trend. The first difference for SOE_t is expressed as Δ _SOE_t = SOE_t - SOE_t-1 , To determine whether the Δ _SOE shows no trend, we use The Mann-Kendall (MK) Trend Test.The MK Trend Test <cit.> is used to analyze time series data for consistently increasing or decreasing trends. MK trend test is also used in trend detection in hydrologic data<cit.>. For the time series Δ _SOE with the actual number of cycles performed in the experiment of n (sample size), the MK trend test first calculates S: S=∑_k=1^n-1∑_j=k+1^nsgn(Δ _SOE_j - Δ _SOE_k), where sgn(x)={[ 1 if x>0; 0 if x=0; -1 if x<0 ].. An MK test analyzes the sign of the difference between all data and its predecessors. Throughout the time series, each value is compared with its preceding value, giving n(n - 1) / 2 pairs of sign values. Intuitively, the number of sign values indicates the tendency of a trend's present. The variance of S is then calculated as VAR(S)=1/18(n(n-1)(2 n+5)-∑_k=1^p q_k(q_k-1)(2 q_k+5)), where p represents the number of tie groups of the time series SOE, and q_k represents the number of data of k tie groups. For the test statistic, transform S into Z_MK as follows: Z_M K={[ S-1/V A R(S) if S>0; 0 if S=0; S+1/V A R(S) if S<0 ] . Using the python package <cit.> of MK trend test, the Δ _ SOE series of each battery were examined and the results are shown in tbl:5. The z-table can be used to calculate the probability (p value). Assuming a 5% significance level, if the p value is less then 0.05, then the alternate hypothesis is accepted, which indicates the presence of a trend, whereas if the p value is greater than 0.10, then the null hypothesis is accepted, indicating the absence of a trend. As the p value of results for these batteries in tbl:5 are greater than 0.10, we reject the null hypothesis, and confirm that there's no consistently increasing or decreasing trend in the first difference of the SOE series. Therefore, the SOE trend of these batteries should obey a linear trend. §.§ SOE linear model and regression results As discussed earlier, the SOE trajectories of the NCA lithium-ion batteries all show a linear trend throughout their lifetime, we propose a linear SOE model, with the following formula: SOE_t = α t + η +υ _t, where a is the slope of the trend, t is the cycle number, η is the energy efficiency of the battery at the beginning of the test, and υ _t is the fluctuation around the linear trend. As the fluctuations, which arise from stochasticity, are not dependent on the trend, we can represent the trend of SOE of a specific NCA lithium-ion battery under a certain operating condition with two parameters: the slope α and the initial value (the intercept) η. SOE_t = α t + η . Batteries in the data set that have been aged under various operating conditions. We use least squares regression to fit the SOE trajectories of every battery using SOE model presented as eq:16. A selection of regression results are shown in fig:5. As the operating conditions of these batteries differ mainly in terms of ambient temperature, discharge current, and cutoff voltage. To collectively visualize the effect of different operating conditions on the energy efficiency of the battery, a summary of the results is shown in fig:6. As shown in fig:6 (a), a straight line represents a specific operating condition during the battery life cycle. Longer lines indicate a longer battery life. The blue, green, and red lines correspond to ambient temperatures of 4°C, 24°C, and 43°C respectively. A thinner line indicates a lower discharge current, whereas a thicker line indicates a higher discharge current, and a thick line with edge indicates discharge current of 4A. Dark colors represent deep cutoff voltages, and light colors are for high cutoff voltages. fig:6 (b) shows the SOE ranges of the batteries. Each horizontal bar represents an SOE range from a particular test case. Meanwhile, the rest of the batteries age under constant operation. Right-handed bars have a higher SOE, whereas left-handed bars have a lower SOE. At the beginning of the test, the SOE is located on the right side of the bar. As the battery ages, the SOE shifts to the left. Longer bars indicate a battery with a wider range of SOE during the test, which means these batteries show a more obvious decline in SOE during the test. § ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION §.§ SOE trends and ranges under different operating conditions The test schema specifies that EoL conditions occur when battery capacity drops below a certain level, at which point the test is terminated. As a result, the batteries undergo a variation in the number of cycles. Depending on the rate at which battery capacity is degraded, SOE trajectories vary in length. Among all the constant operating conditions included in the data set, batteries has the longest life at 24°C, followed by 4°C, and the shortest at 43°C. However, contrary to SOH, the batteries with the highest SOE were tested at 43°C, 1A. This suggests that discharge current may have a greater effect on SOE than ambient temperature. Continuous cycling decreases the energy efficiency of most batteries. Batteries, which is discharged at 4°C 2A current, despite having a relatively long RUL, had a relatively lower SOE than those discharged at 4°C 1A. It is possible that the higher discharge current may have contributed to an extended RUL, but resulted in a suppressed SOE for batteries at extra low temperatures. It is interesting to note that these batteries suffer severely from lower cutoff voltages in terms of SOE at 4°C ambient temperature. The SOE of batteries discharged at 4°C 1A with a voltage of 2.0V and 2.2V has a value of approximately 0.75, while other batteries of the same group with a relatively higher cutoff voltage, have a value of approximately 0.8. Cycled batteries at 43°C exhibit rapid degradation in terms of SOH, but their SOE appears to be least affected by discharge current and cutoff voltage. When tested at 24°C with a 2A discharge current, batteries exhibit a long RUL and a high SOE. In these batteries, the cutoff voltage appears to have a mitigating effect on SOE, and RUL and SOE may be affected by differences in the manufacturing process. When the batteries were tested with 4A at the same temperature, their SOE was again suppressed by the discharge current. It is noteworthy that the data set does not include the 24°C 1A test case. Based on all the results in the data set, it appears that this approach will result in higher efficiency and RUL. The range of SOE for these batteries is determined by the slope of the trend and the number of cycles. Batteries that have a relatively long RUL and a high tendency to degrade have a longer SOE range. Batteries operating at 24°C 2A have a high initial SOE and a wide SOE range. These characteristics indicate that the batteries' energy efficiency is relatively good at the beginning of the test and decreases as they age. In contrast, batteries that operate at 43°C have a narrow SOE range, primarily due to their short RUL. 4°C 2A batteries have little tendency to decrease with a higher cutoff voltage, so they also have a narrow SOE range. §.§ Influence of operating conditions on SOE Operating conditions have a significant impact on the efficiency of a battery. Based on the data set used in this study, ambient temperature, cutoff voltage, charge current, and discharge current were all considered operating conditions, as shown in fig:7. Different combinations of ambient temperature, cutoff voltage, and discharge current are tested on different groups of batteries. However, the charge current for all batteries is the same. The B0038, B0039, and B0040 batteries had test conditions that changed during the aging period as opposed to the other groups with constant operating conditions. Initially, the ambient temperature is 24°C, but after the first 11 cycles, it changes to 43°C. Discharge current is initially 4A, is reduced to 1A when the temperature rises to 43°C, and then increases to 2A. Consequently, this battery group consists of three periods of constant operation: 24°C, 4A, 43°C, 1A, and 43°C, 2A. fig:8 shows the SOE curves after removing the first and last cycles, as well as the 11th cycle (the jump from 24°C to 43°C). There is the lowest efficiency (24°C, 4A) in the first period, and the highest efficiency (43°C, 1A) in the second period. The efficiency decreases during the last period (43°C, 2A), but still outperforms the other group operating at 43°C, 4A. This group of batteries may indicate that energy efficiency can be adjusted under different operating conditions without causing memory effects. fig:9 (a) shows that a battery with a lower discharge current is more energy efficient. Higher discharge currents allow a battery to operate at higher power, but they may also negatively affect the battery's SOE. A B0034 discharged at 4A has a SOE of roughly 0.73. On the other hand, the B0007 discharged at 2A has an SOE of more than 0.85, at the same ambient temperature and cutoff voltage. Battery performance increases at higher ambient temperatures, as shown in fig:9 (b) . From 4°C to 24°C, the SOE of a 2A discharged battery improved by almost 0.12; from 24°C to 43°C, the SOE of a 4A discharged battery improved by approximately 0.09. Discharging batteries at different depths can be achieved by using different cutoff voltages. When a battery is discharged to an extended depth, more energy is released during a single discharge cycle. An increase or decrease in discharge depth, for example, from 2.7V to 2.5V, generally has a limited effect on the SOE, as shown in fig:9 (c). It should be noted, however, that at ambient temperatures of 4 degrees or 24 degrees, 2.2V or 2.0V cutoff voltages will result in a significantly lower SOE than those at higher cutoff voltages. Using the B0029 as an example, at a depth of discharge of 2.0V, the SOE is only 0.76; other batteries in the group, the B0032 and B0032, with cutoff voltages of 2.5V and 2.7V, have SOEs exceeding 0.86. §.§ Implications and suggestions Based on NASA's experimental data, we identified some interesting observations and patterns concerning battery energy efficiency. Some of them make sense intuitively, while some are somewhat surprising, nonetheless in many cases they are quite different from the currently existing degradation patterns for SOH or SOC. Clearly, it would be worthwhile to delve further into the reasons underneath these findings, but these observations and patterns themselves can already serve as valuable references when it comes to using these batteries and designing efficient-aware BESSs in the future. As expected, SOE also gradually degrades just like SOH as the battery ages, but at a much slower pace: when operated under the same conditions, the overall energy efficiency degradation is rarely greater than 4% throughput its lifespan when its SOH reaches the 70% stopping point. In comparison, changes in operating conditions on the other hand have a much larger impact on energy efficiency that can easily result in more than 20% difference in SOE. What is more, SOE does not seem to exhibit a significant `memory effect': when the operating conditions of a battery changes, in the following cycles its SOE will change immediately and reaches a comparable level as if it has been operated under those conditions all along, irrespective of its previous operating conditions. These behaviors of SOE suggested that, old batteries that are currently considered unusable due to capacity loss, may actually still be useful efficiency-wise, since under the favorable operating conditions, their energy efficiency will not be much different from that of new batteries. There is still considerable potential for these batteries to provide efficient energy caching for renewable energy, and capacity loss can always be compensated by quantity. In this way, retired batteries can largely be reused for storage purposes such as caching the renewable energy in a cost-effective, more environmentally friendly and efficient manner. Comparing to aging, operating conditions are much larger factors that determine the energy efficiency of a battery. For BESS, the performance of batteries varies due to production deviations, inhomogeneous aging, and temperature differences within the cluster. With a battery pack containing batteries with differing SOEs and SOHs, the overall energy efficiency of BESS may be adversely affected. In order to maximize the performance and efficiency of a battery pack, active balancing must be implemented in order to equalize the performance of these batteries. First, intensive discharging at high current always has a negative impact on energy efficiency, therefore to improve the overall efficiency of a BESS, we should carefully control the discharge current of individual batteries and keep them balanced and at a lower level. On the other hand, although it has been well received that both low and high temperatures have a detrimental effect on battery capacity or SOH, the effect of higher ambient temperatures on SOE, however, is essentially positive. In other words, the battery's energy efficiency can be improved when the temperature is kept warm within its normal operating range. Low temperatures have a further negative effect on SOE: deep discharge of a battery under low temperature conditions results in a rapid drop in energy efficiency; while as at higher temperatures, SOE is generally not sensitive to deep discharge towards low cut-off voltages. The fact that SOE does not have a significant memory effect can also inspire us when designing battery management algorithms for BESS. For example, we can be more tolerant to short-term in-efficient operations, such as large-current and deep discharging in cold environment, for emergency situations without worries of long-term damage on SOE, as long as we can resume favorable conditions after the situation is resolved. This gives us more flexibility to handle demand surges or deal with circumstances in the grid or the solar or wind farms that undergo unusual situations. Of course, because our data is much limited, whether extreme intensive use of the batteries under a lengthy period of unfavorable conditions will do irreversible harm to the energy efficiency still needs further investigations with additional experiments and data. This is also part of our future work. § CONCLUSIONS Efficiency of batteries, particularly those used in ESSs, will have a significant impact on power systems. In this study, we proposed SOE as an indicator of the battery's performance, and evaluated the SOE of NCA lithium-ion batteries in the well-known data set. Our study examined the SOE trends of these batteries under a variety of operating conditions. On the basis of the test of linear trend, we developed a SOE trend model that is applicable to this data set. We also discussed how different operating conditions under different scenarios affected the SOE of the batteries. Results of the regression of the SOE trend model have shown that increasing ambient temperature and decreasing discharge current have a positive impact on energy efficiency. The results also indicated that at low ambient temperatures, the battery's energy efficiency may be significantly reduced when operating at an extremely low cutoff voltage. As both aging and operating conditions have an impact on energy efficiency, BMS controllers should monitor the parameters of each battery, including terminal voltage, ambient temperature, charging and discharge current, so as to ensure performance for energy efficiency. There are a number of limitations to this study that should be acknowledged. The size of the data set currently used restricts further analysis of the impact of a wide range of operating conditions on SOE trends. As our analysis is based on NCA lithium-ion batteries, it may be necessary to develop more complex models to estimate the energy efficiency of different lithium-ion batteries under a broader range of scenarios. elsarticle-num
The energetic particle environment of a GJ 436 b-like planet
[ "D. Rodgers-Lee", "P. B. Rimmer", "A. A. Vidotto", "A. J. Louca", "A. M. Taylor", "A. L. Mesquita", "Y. Miguel", "O. Venot", "Ch. Helling", "P. Barth", "E. Lacy" ]
[ "astro-ph.EP", "astro-ph.SR" ]
firstpage–lastpage xxxx Tracing chirality from molecular organization to triply-periodic network assemblies: Threading biaxial twist through block copolymer gyroids Gregory M. Grason Accepted xxxx xxxxxx xx. Received xxxx xxxxxx xx; in original form xxxx xxx xx ================================================================================================================================================ A key first step to constrain the impact of energetic particles in exoplanet atmospheres is to detect the chemical signature of ionisation due to stellar energetic particles and Galactic cosmic rays. We focus on GJ 436, a well-studied M dwarf with a warm Neptune-like exoplanet. We demonstrate how the maximum stellar energetic particle momentum can be estimated from the stellar X-ray luminosity. We model energetic particle transport through the atmosphere of a hypothetical exoplanet at orbital distances between a=0.01-0.2au from GJ 436, including GJ 436 b's orbital distance (0.028 au). For these distances we find that, at top-of-atmosphere, stellar energetic particles ionise molecular hydrogen at a rate of ζ_ StEP,H_2∼ 4×10^-10-2×10^-13 s^-1. In comparison, Galactic cosmic rays alone lead to ζ_ GCR, H_2∼2× 10^-20-10^-18 s^-1. At 10au we find that ionisation due to Galactic cosmic rays equals that of stellar energetic particles: ζ_ GCR,H_2 = ζ_ StEP,H_2∼ 7×10^-18 s^-1 for the top-of-atmosphere ionisation rate. At GJ 436 b's orbital distance, the maximum ion-pair production rate due to stellar energetic particles occurs at pressure P∼ 10^-3bar while Galactic cosmic rays dominate for P>10^2bar. These high pressures are similar to what is expected for a post-impact early Earth atmosphere. The results presented here will be used to quantify the chemical signatures of energetic particles in warm Neptune-like atmospheres. planetary systems – planets and satellites: atmospheres – cosmic rays – methods: numerical – stars: low-mass – stars: winds, outflows § INTRODUCTION Spectroscopic observations with JWST <cit.> and future dedicated exoplanet missions, such as Ariel <cit.>, will characterise the composition of exoplanet atmospheres. Chemical models have predicted that energetic particles lead to specific chemical signatures in exoplanet atmospheres, such as H_3O^+ for gas giants <cit.>. <cit.> produced synthetic JWST and Ariel transmission spectra of a sub-Neptune and showed that absorption due to H_3O^+ should be observable. The detection of such a chemical signature would be a key step to constrain the energetic particle fluxes impacting on planets outside the solar system. Here, we focus on modelling the fluxes of two types of energetic particles: stellar energetic particles from the host star (also known as stellar cosmic rays) and Galactic cosmic rays from the interstellar medium (ISM). In the future, it may be possible to disentangle the effect of stellar energetic particles and Galactic cosmic rays by detecting chemical signatures of energetic particles for exoplanets at different orbital distances <cit.>. Galactic cosmic rays interact with, and their fluxes are suppressed by, the magnetised winds of low-mass stars (e.g. <cit.> for the Sun and <cit.> for solar-like stars). Previous studies have focused on calculating the Galactic cosmic ray fluxes in the habitable zone <cit.> and at the orbital distance of known exoplanets for a number of well-studied solar-type <cit.> and M dwarf stars <cit.>. Here, our aim is to combine the energetic particle transport through the stellar system with the subsequent transport through the exoplanet atmosphere. We relate the maximum energy of the stellar energetic particles accelerated by stellar flares to stellar magnetic field strength, following <cit.>, and show how this can be related to stellar X-ray luminosity. Previous studies have investigated the distribution of stellar energetic particles in the Trappist-1 and AU Mic systems <cit.>. In the latter case, following a perturbation of the interplanetary medium by a coronal mass ejection (CME). Separately, the propagation, and chemical effect, of energetic particles through a number of Earth-like <cit.> and hot Jupiter/brown dwarf <cit.> atmospheres has been studied. Here, we focus on the environment of the warm Neptune exoplanet GJ 436 b. GJ 436 b is scheduled for JWST observations and is also an Ariel target <cit.>. We calculate the ionisation rate, ion-pair production rate and skin-depth equivalent dose rate due to energetic particles at different heights in the exoplanet atmosphere. In addition to studying GJ 436 b, we also investigate the effect of artificially changing the exoplanet's orbital distance on these quantities. The energetic particle ionisation rate is an important input for studying disequilibrium chemistry in exoplanet atmospheres, with chemical kinetic models such as ARGO <cit.>. Here, for simplicity, we do not account for the effect of planetary magnetic fields. However, planetary magnetic fields will reduce the energetic particle fluxes penetrating the exoplanet atmosphere <cit.>. This study has been separated into two companion papers. This paper (Paper I) focuses on characterising the energetic particle environment of a GJ 436 b-like planet. The paper is structured as follows: Section <ref> introduces the models that are used for the energetic particle transport and in Section <ref> our results are presented. The discussion and conclusions are given in Sections <ref> and <ref>. Paper II () will focus on the chemical consequences of the energetic particles for this system. § ENERGETIC PARTICLE SPECTRA We consider the transport of both Galactic cosmic rays from the ISM and stellar energetic particles, described in Sections <ref> and <ref>. In this section we also describe our method to construct the stellar energetic particle spectra. Fig. <ref> shows a schematic of the system indicating the two sources of energetic particles. The exoplanet atmosphere profiles that we use are described in Section <ref>. Using these, we then model the energetic particle propagation through the exoplanet atmosphere, which is described in Section <ref>. §.§ Galactic cosmic ray fluxes The Galactic cosmic ray fluxes throughout the GJ 436 system were previously calculated <cit.> using a diffusion-advection cosmic ray transport model <cit.>. The stellar wind velocity and magnetic field profile are important quantities to model the cosmic ray transport through the stellar system. The Galactic cosmic ray fluxes that we adopt here correspond to `Case A' from <cit.>, using the stellar wind properties from <cit.>. Fig. <ref> shows the differential intensity, j (i.e. the number of energetic particles per unit area, steradian, time and kinetic energy), as a function of energetic particle kinetic energy for the Galactic cosmic rays. The black line represents the Galactic cosmic ray fluxes at the orbital distance of GJ 436 b (∼0.03au). The coloured lines represent j at the different orbital distances between a=0.01-0.2au. For the temperature pressure profiles in Section <ref>, we focus on a range of orbital distances between a=0.01-0.2au in increments of 0.01 au. We select the Galactic cosmic ray fluxes from the cosmic ray transport model closest to these orbital distances. However, the cosmic ray transport uses a logarithmic grid and due to the model resolution some of the lines overlap. This occurs at larger orbital distances, for a>0.11 au in all but one case, where the fluxes are already very similar (see Fig. <ref>). Thus, the overlap will not affect our results significantly. The Galactic cosmic ray fluxes vary significantly for ≲ 10GeV energy cosmic rays depending on the orbital distance considered. The fluxes for ≲ 10GeV energy cosmic rays are also much smaller than the values observed at Earth <cit.> at all of the orbital distances considered here. Case A corresponds to a stellar wind model which is more magnetically-dominated than the more thermally-dominated wind <cit.>. Fig. 2 from <cit.> shows the stellar wind velocity and magnetic field profiles for Case A and B. For Case A, the surface stellar magnetic field adopted was B_⋆=4G, the stellar wind terminal velocity, v_∞, was found to be 1250 km s^-1 and the stellar mass loss rate was Ṁ_̇⋆̇=1.2× 10^-15M_⊙ yr^-1. The astrospheric size (R_ast), which determines how far the Galactic cosmic rays must travel through the stellar wind, was calculated using v_∞ and Ṁ_̇⋆̇ to be 33 au <cit.>. Another important quantity for the transport model is the assumed Galactic cosmic ray spectrum outside of the astrosphere. A model fit to the local interstellar spectrum (LIS) for Galactic cosmic rays <cit.> from Voyager 1 data <cit.> was used as the boundary condition for these simulations. Finally, the assumed turbulence properties for the stellar wind are important by dictating the diffusion of the Galactic cosmic rays from the ISM through the astrosphere. For more details see <cit.>. §.§ Stellar energetic particle fluxes Unlike the LIS for Galactic cosmic rays, less is known about stellar energetic particle spectra. It is generally assumed that stars more active than the Sun will produce higher fluxes of stellar energetic particles <cit.>. The higher flux is expected due to the increased flare energies and flaring rate of active stars <cit.>. It is also very likely for active stars that stellar energetic particles will be accelerated to higher energies than for the Sun. The Sun itself has been inferred to accelerate particles to GeV energies from γ-ray observations <cit.>. Considering the maximum energy that stellar energetic particles are accelerated to by their host star is important because the energy loss rate for energetic particles is energy dependent. The energy loss rate for GeV energy particles is much lower than for ∼MeV energy particles <cit.>. Thus, GeV energy particles are far more penetrating than ∼MeV energy particles and can, for instance, lead to showers of secondary particles that can reach the surface of a rocky exoplanet <cit.>. Following <cit.>, there are three quantities that we use to obtain a stellar energetic particle spectrum. These are (i) the power law index for the spectrum, (ii) the total energy available to produce stellar energetic particles and (iii) the maximum stellar energetic particle momentum (p_ max) before the spectrum decays exponentially. The power law index is set to be α=2 <cit.> such that dN/dp ∝ p^-αe^-p/p_ max, where N and p are the number and momentum of the particles, respectively. The total luminosity injected in stellar energetic particles (L_CR) that we adopt is 0.1P_SW, where P_SW=Ṁ_̇⋆̇v_∞^2/2 is the stellar wind kinetic power. This is in line with efficiency estimates from supernova remnants <cit.>. We calculate L_CR=6× 10^25 erg s^-1 for GJ 436 with Ṁ_̇⋆̇=1.2× 10^-15M_⊙ yr^-1 and v_∞=1250 km s^-1. §.§.§ Maximum stellar energetic particle momentum In <cit.>, the Hillas criterion <cit.> was used to estimate the maximum stellar energetic particle momentum that the Sun would have accelerated particles to in the past. The Hillas criterion posits that the maximum energy achieved by an accelerator is limited by the accelerator size, i.e. if the accelerated particle's Larmor radius is larger than the accelerator region it will escape. Using the Hillas criterion, the maximum momentum, p_max, of accelerated particles from a star can be expressed as p_max/p_max,⊙ = ( β_⋆ B_⋆ R_⋆/β_⊙ B_⊙ R_⊙) where R_⊙ and R_⋆ are the solar and stellar radii, respectively. B_⊙ and B_⋆ are the surface solar and stellar magnetic field strengths, respectively. B_⊙=1.3G and p_max,⊙=0.2GeV/c. The parameters β_⊙ and β_⋆ are the solar and stellar shock velocity in units of the speed of light, respectively. Here, we assume β_⋆∼β_⊙ as a first approximation. We consider flare accelerated particles injected at ∼1.4R_⋆ rather than particles accelerated by CMEs <cit.>. Eq. <ref> is the same as Eq. 7 from <cit.> for the Sun. The only difference is that R_⋆ is also included in Eq. <ref>. The Zeeman Doppler Imaging (ZDI) technique has provided average large-scale stellar magnetic field strengths for hundreds of low-mass stars <cit.>. This technique has traditionally focused on active stars which generally have strong magnetic fields, best suited for the observations. However, transiting exoplanets are typically detected around less active stars because increased stellar activity, in the form of stellar spots, tends to obscure exoplanet signatures. Thus, the overlap between these samples is currently extremely limited and stellar magnetic field strengths for less active stars often must be estimated. For instance, <cit.> presented the relation between stellar X-ray luminosity (L_ X) and the large-scale magnetic flux (Φ) derived from a large sample of stars with ZDI maps, as L_ X≈ 10^-13.7Φ^1.80± 0.20erg s^-1 where Φ = 4π R_⋆^2⟨ |B|⟩ (Mx) and ⟨ |B|⟩ is the average large-scale magnetic field strength derived using the ZDI technique. Using Eq. <ref>, we can now re-write Eq. <ref> in terms of L_ X as p_max/p_max,⊙ = ( B_⋆ R_⋆^2/B_⊙ R_⊙^2 ) (R_⊙/R_⋆) = (Φ/Φ_⊙) (R_⊙/R_⋆) = ( L_ X,⋆/L_ X,⊙)^γ(R_⊙/R_⋆). where γ = 0.56^-0.06_+0.125. Thus, in the absence of a magnetic field strength measurement the maximum stellar energetic particle momentum can be estimated using the stellar X-ray luminosity. Here however, we have used B_⋆=4 G for GJ 436 to be consistent with <cit.>[As mentioned in <cit.>, B_⋆=4 G was chosen because the stellar wind model from <cit.> with this B_⋆ value predicts an X-ray luminosity that is consistent with what is observed for GJ 436.]. This results in p_ max=0.3GeV/c using Eq. <ref>. In comparison, using Eq. <ref>, we find p_ max = 0.1-0.7 GeV/c for L_ X,⊙ = 2.7× 10^26-4.7×10^27 erg s^-1 <cit.> with γ=0.56 and L_ X,⋆=5.7×10^26 erg s^-1 for GJ 436 <cit.>. We construct the stellar energetic particle spectrum close to the surface of the star using the values motivated above for L_CR, α and p_ max. This spectrum is used in the energetic particle transport equation <cit.> to calculate the resulting differential intensity, j, as a function of orbital distance. Fig. <ref> shows j as a function of energetic particle kinetic energy for stellar energetic particles at different orbital distances. The black line represents the energetic particle fluxes at the orbital distance of GJ 436 b (∼0.03au). The coloured lines represent j at different orbital distances between a=0.01-0.2au in increments of 0.01 au. The stellar energetic particle fluxes vary significantly for ≲ 10GeV energy cosmic rays depending on the orbital distance considered. The stellar energetic particle fluxes are much higher than the Galactic cosmic ray fluxes at MeV energies (see Fig. <ref>). For ≳GeV energies the Galactic cosmic rays begin to dominate due to the exponential cut-off assumed for the stellar energetic particle spectrum; this is similar to what <cit.> found in their Fig. 4. For a more active/younger star than GJ 436 it would be reasonable to assume a higher cut-off energy, as motivated by Eq. <ref> which would result in stellar energetic particles dominating up to higher energies <cit.>. Other methods for estimating stellar energetic particle spectra use relationships between solar far-UV <cit.>, X-ray flare energy <cit.> or starspot size <cit.> and >10MeV proton flux. This is similar to our scaling of the overall spectra with stellar wind kinetic energy. The stellar energetic particle spectrum is normalised using these proton fluxes once a spectral shape has been selected. The shape of the spectrum is often based on a solar energetic particle event <cit.>, as adopted by <cit.> and <cit.> for instance, or the strongest ground level enhancement event measured on Earth <cit.>. This is the main difference between our model and those based on solar energetic particle events. The spectral shape obtained from our model depends on stellar magnetic field strength which varies from star to star. As mentioned above, we consider flare accelerated particles rather than those from CMEs as stellar CME properties remain elusive <cit.>. However, <cit.> recently modelled the expected stellar energetic particle fluxes from a CME associated with a young solar-like star and found higher maximum particle energies for higher CME speeds. On the other hand, previous stellar wind simulations including CMEs <cit.> have suggested that strong solar-like CMEs may be suppressed by a large-scale dipole stellar magnetic field of 75 G which would affect the corresponding stellar energetic particle fluxes. <cit.> showed for the AU Mic system how the stellar energetic particle flux distribution reaching the planetary orbits is strongly altered by the passage of a CME. To complicate matters further, solar CME-CME interactions account for more than 25% of the major geomagnetic storms observed <cit.>. Using models, <cit.> suggest that successive CMEs can lead to extreme conditions at Earth. Thus, it would be expected that stellar CME-CME interactions will also affect the associated stellar energetic particle fluxes. §.§ Exoplanet atmosphere model The exoplanet atmosphere density (n(z)) in units of cm^-3, is important for the propagation of the energetic particles through the exoplanet atmosphere. The 1D temperature pressure profiles for a Neptune-like planet in the GJ 436 system are found using the radiative transfer code HELIOS <cit.>. We assume an adiabatic atmosphere for pressures, P>1 bar[We have not included any internal temperature in the HELIOS models. Thus, taking into account that the radiative gradient is proportional to the planet luminosity, no adiabat will occur for our HELIOS models. Setting an internal temperature in HELIOS could not be done for the temperature pressure profiles considered due to non-convergence effects. We instead include an adiabat for P> 1 bar. This is a reasonable approximation given the uncertainties in internal temperatures and opacities for exoplanet atmospheres.]. The density is then calculated using the ideal gas law for the entire atmosphere. The profiles, shown in Fig. <ref>, are calculated for a Neptune-like planet at different orbital distances, a, ranging from 0.01-0.2 au in steps of 0.01 au which includes GJ 436 b's observed orbital distance (i.e. 0.028 au). The required inputs for HELIOS are the planetary parameters (i.e. mass, radius and orbital distance), the opacities and chemical abundances of included species and the stellar spectrum. For the opacities we make use of the line lists from the DACE database <cit.> and we only take the most relevant species into account (i.e. CH_4, CN, CO, CO_2, H_2O, H_2S, NH_3, NaH, PH_3, SiO, TiO, and VO) considering solar elemental abundance <cit.> in chemical equilibrium <cit.>. The stellar XUV spectrum is taken from the MUSCLES survey <cit.>. For higher wavelengths PHOENIX models were used and stitched to the XUV spectrum. The stellar and planetary parameters for the GJ 436 system are given in Table <ref>. For the HELIOS models where the planet had an orbital distance (period) <0.069 au (<10 days), the model assumed a tidally locked planet, with no heat-redistribution. Planets with orbital distances ≥ 0.069 au were not assumed to be tidally locked anymore and global heat-redistribution was included. The final temperature pressure profiles are averaged over the irradiated hemisphere. §.§ Energetic particle transport in exoplanet atmospheres The energetic particle propagation through the exoplanet atmosphere is performed using a Monte Carlo model <cit.>. Here, we briefly outline the method which is described in detail in <cit.>. The model is based on the continuous slowing down approximation where the energetic particles travel through a column density, n(z)dz, of the exoplanet atmosphere. Here, we take 5× 10^5 particles to ensure that the fluctuations per energy bin are negligible. In order to calculate the energetic particle energy losses for each height element, dz, in the exoplanet atmosphere, each energetic particle is assigned two values: an individual kinetic energy, E, such that the energetic particle energies are normalised to match the top-of-atmosphere fluxes shown in Fig. <ref> and a random number, N, of uniform distribution between 0 and 1. The random number is compared with the energetic particle `optical depth', σ^ ion_ p,X n(z)dz, for the cell dz where σ^ ion_ p,X(E) is the ionisation cross section. The subscript `X' refers to the ionisation cross sections for H_2 and He from <cit.> and <cit.>. If N<σ^ ion_ p,X n(z)dz, the energetic particle collides and loses energy. This requires that σ_ max,X n(z)dz<1, where σ_ max,X is the maximum cross section value for H_2 and He. Following <cit.>, based on <cit.>, the average energy loss per collision, W, is given by W = 7.92E^0.082+4.76, where W and E have units of eV. For this model, we assume that the atmosphere is composed of 80% H_2 and 20% He. We have adopted the same expression for W for H_2 and He. This step is repeated for each height element and new random numbers are assigned. The transport for stellar energetic particles and Galactic cosmic rays is treated separately. This is because if the fluxes are combined, the energetic particle flux is dominated by the stellar energetic particles and the high-energy Galactic cosmic rays are poorly sampled by the Monte Carlo method. In our model we assume that the energetic particle fluxes are isotropically distributed at the top of the atmosphere, as shown in Fig. <ref>. We also do not account for the effect of a planetary magnetic field. First, a planetary magnetic field would act to deflect low-energy energetic particles towards the magnetic poles. Thus, the energetic particle fluxes would no longer be isotropically distributed at the top of the atmosphere and only particles with Larmor radii comparable to or larger than the planetary radius would penetrate the magnetosphere. Second, while diffusion tends to isotropise energetic particle fluxes, such as for Galactic cosmic rays, the stellar energetic particles are more influenced by advection processes at such small orbital distances <cit.>. Thus, for close-in exoplanets the stellar energetic particle fluxes may be higher on the side of the exoplanet facing the star which we do not account for in our model. The quantities, presented in Section <ref>, relevant for chemical modelling of exoplanet atmospheres are the ionisation rate, ζ(s^-1), and the ion-pair production rate, Q = nζ ( cm^-3 s^-1). Following <cit.>, the ionisation rate of molecular hydrogen, ζ_ H_2, by protons is calculated from the energetic particle differential intensities, j(E), as: ζ_ H_2 = 4π∫^E_ max_I( H_2) j(E)[1+ϕ(E)]σ^ ion_ p,H_2(E) dE where I(H_2)=15.603eV is the ionisation potential of H_2 and E_ max is the maximum energy of the energetic particle spectrum. The parameter, ϕ(E), is a correction factor that accounts for additional ionisation of H_2 by secondary electrons given by: ϕ(E) = 1/σ^ ion_ p,H_2(E)∫^E_ e,max_I( H_2)1/σ^ ion_ p,H_2(E)dσ^ ion_ p,H_2(E)/dE_ e_P_ e(E,E_ e)σ^ ion_ e(E_ e) dE_ e, where E_ e (eV) is the secondary electron energy, σ^ ion_ e(E_ e) (cm^2) is the ionisation cross section of H_2 by electrons and P_ e(E,E_ e) is the probability density that a secondary electron with energy E_ e is produced as a result of an initial ionising proton of energy E. This probability density is represented in terms of the total ionisation cross-section (σ^ ion_ p,H_2(E), cm^2), and differential cross-section (dσ^ ion_ p,H_2(E)/dE_ e, cm^2 MeV^-1). From <cit.>, dσ^ ion_ p,H_2(E)/dE_ e = A(E)/1+(E_ e/E_0)^2.1, where E_0=8.3eV. Given that, by definition: ∫_0^∞ P_ e(E,E_ e) dE_ e = 1, A(E) can be expressed as A(E) = Cσ^ ion_ p,H_2(E) where the value of C is determined from numerical integration. In addition to being important for chemical modelling, energetic particles will impact life on other planets leading to increased mutation rates <cit.>. The equivalent dose rate, Ḋ (Sv s^-1), which is the energy absorbed per unit time and mass, provides a measure of how damaging energetic particle fluxes are for life-forms. We estimate the skin-depth equivalent dose rate from primary protons as: Ḋ∼ 2π W ∫^E_ max_E_ minE j(E)/R(E) dE where W=2 is the radiation weighting factor for protons and R(E) ( g cm^-2) is the proton range in water[https://physics.nist.gov/PhysRefData/Star/Text/PSTAR.html.]. The quantity E j(E) in Eq. <ref> represents the particle number flux in an energy bin, dE. We have assumed that the energetic particles only impact from above. In Section <ref>, we present Ḋ in units of mSv day^-1. § RESULTS Here we present our results for the energetic particle propagation in the atmosphere of a GJ 436 b-like planet at different orbital distances. Using the energetic particle fluxes (shown in Fig. <ref>) and the atmospheric profiles (Fig. <ref>), we calculate the ionisation rate (Section <ref>), the ion-pair production rate (Section <ref>) and the skin-depth equivalent dose rate (Section <ref>). §.§ Ionisation rates Fig. <ref> shows ζ_ H_2 from Galactic cosmic rays (Fig. <ref>(a)) and stellar energetic particles (Fig. <ref>(b)) as a function of pressure for different orbital distances (a=0.01 - 0.2 au) with different coloured lines. The black line represents ζ_ H_2 at the orbital distance of GJ 436 b. The grey dotted line denotes P=1 bar. At the top of the atmosphere, ζ_ H_2 from Galactic cosmic rays varies by approximately two orders of magnitude ranging from ∼ 1.7 × 10^-20 - 10^-18 s^-1 between a=0.01-0.2au, shown in Fig. <ref>(a). In comparison, the LIS for Galactic cosmic ray protons results in a higher value of ζ_ H_2∼ 1.6 × 10^-17 s^-1 <cit.>. For the orbital distances considered in Fig. <ref>(a), the top-of-atmosphere ζ_ H_2 from Galactic cosmic rays is largest at the largest orbital distance of 0.2 au. This is because the Galactic cosmic ray fluxes are highest at the LIS values in the ISM which are then suppressed as they travel inwards through the stellar wind. The Galactic cosmic rays diffuse into the stellar system from the ISM. At the same time, the Galactic cosmic ray fluxes are suppressed by advection processes due to the expanding magnetised stellar wind. In Fig. <ref>(a), ζ_ H_2 starts to decrease rapidly between P∼ 10^-1-10^1 bar, depending on the orbital distance considered. This illustrates that the Galactic cosmic rays travel essentially unimpeded through the exoplanet atmosphere in regions where the density is relatively low (P≤10^-1bar). For stellar energetic particles (Fig. <ref>(b)), ζ_ H_2 begins to decrease rapidly at P∼ 10^-3 bar. The top-of-atmosphere ζ_ H_2 values vary by approximately three orders of magnitude ranging from ∼ 2 × 10^-13 - 4× 10^-10 s^-1. In contrast to ζ_ H_2 from Galactic cosmic rays, the highest top-of-atmosphere ζ_ H_2 values for the stellar energetic particles are found at the smallest orbital distances. This is because the stellar energetic particles originate from a ∼point source close to the stellar surface, causing the fluxes to decrease with increasing orbital distance (Fig. <ref>) as they are advected by and diffuse through the stellar wind in our model. As mentioned above, the reverse is true for Galactic cosmic rays which have the lowest fluxes closest to the star (Fig. <ref>) as they originate from the ISM. The stellar energetic particle values for ζ_ H_2 decrease much more rapidly with increasing pressure than the Galactic cosmic ray values (compare the black lines from Figs. <ref>(a) and <ref>(b), for instance). This is because the stellar energetic particles are predominantly at ∼MeV energies which have a higher energy loss rate than ≳GeV energy cosmic rays. Thus, in the upper atmosphere stellar energetic particles dominate while in deeper parts (P≳ 100bar) Galactic cosmic rays are more important. Transmission spectroscopy with JWST and Ariel will likely probe regions between P∼ 10^-4-10^-1 bar for H_2-rich atmospheres <cit.>. Thus, for the atmospheres and orbital distances (a=0.01-0.2au) that we consider here for the GJ 436 system, transmission spectroscopy with JWST and Ariel would probe regions where stellar energetic particles are more likely to impact the chemistry than Galactic cosmic rays (also see Section <ref> where the ion-pair production rates are discussed). While ionisation and dissociation by energetic particles, including photons, are likely the main sources of chemical disequilibrium in the upper atmosphere, vertical mixing and chemical quenching are likely the dominant sources of disequilibrium chemistry deeper in the atmosphere <cit.>. This trend will be dependent on the specific nature of the temperature profile. Cooler atmospheres, especially those of rocky planets, may have other sources of disequilibrium <cit.>. Very hot atmospheres may never experience chemical quenching <cit.>. The total ζ_ H_2 from energetic particles as a function of pressure can be calculated by summing the individual ζ_ H_2 values shown in Fig. <ref> for Galactic cosmic rays and stellar energetic particles[Alternatively, the top-of-atmosphere energetic particle fluxes could have been summed. However, as described in Section <ref>, we treat the stellar energetic particle and Galactic cosmic ray transport separately.]. These ionisation rates can be used to study the energetic particle-induced chemistry in an exoplanet atmosphere, similar to <cit.>. <cit.> studied the hot Jupiter, HD 189733 b, orbiting its K dwarf host star at 0.031 au, similar to GJ 436 b's orbital distance of 0.028 au. As discussed in Section <ref>, the fact that the adopted stellar energetic particle spectra are different, in combination with the different temperature-pressure profiles, may result in different chemical tracers for energetic particles. The main difference in the stellar energetic particle spectra is that our spectra has more ∼GeV energy particles at 0.03 au, which penetrate further into an exoplanet atmosphere. As shown in Fig. <ref>, the top-of-atmosphere values ζ_ H_2 values from stellar energetic particles are all larger than those due to Galactic cosmic rays for a=0.01-0.2au. However, at 10 au we find that the value of ζ_ H_2=7× 10^-18 s^-1 due to stellar energetic particles is the same as that obtained from Galactic cosmic rays. The Galactic cosmic ray fluxes, and the resulting ionisation rates, are highest at large orbital distances where they have travelled through relatively little of the stellar wind. Galactic cosmic rays from the ISM lose energy as they diffuse through the stellar wind. At the same time, stellar energetic particle fluxes decrease with distance from the star. Thus, for an exoplanet at an orbital distance >10 au in the GJ 436 system it is more likely that any observable chemical signatures of energetic particles from the upper atmosphere will be due to Galactic cosmic rays rather than stellar energetic particles. Additionally, as mentioned above, the (higher energy) Galactic cosmic rays lose their energy less rapidly with increasing atmospheric pressure/density in comparison to the (lower energy) stellar energetic particles. This means, for an exoplanet at an orbital distance >10 au in the GJ 436 system, that Galactic cosmic rays will likely be the dominant source of ionisation due to energetic particles at all heights in the atmosphere. This should be true for many systems, as discussed in <cit.>, though the exact orbital distance where this occurs will be system-dependent due to different stellar wind conditions. For instance, Fig.3 of <cit.> shows the effect of assuming two different stellar wind models on the Galactic cosmic ray spectra at various orbital distances for the GJ 436 system. The difference between these stellar wind models is that for one model the wind is more magnetically-dominated (Case A adopted here), whereas the other is more thermally-dominated (Case B). Thus, the value of ζ_ H_2 from Galactic cosmic rays at 10 au would decrease somewhat if we had adopted the thermally-dominated stellar wind, largely due to the larger astrosphere resulting from this stellar wind model. For other systems which are dominated more by advective processes <cit.>, the difference in Galactic cosmic ray ζ_ H_2 values at large distances assuming different astrosphere sizes would be more significant. §.§ Ion-pair production rates The ion-pair production rate, Q=nζ, convolves the number density of the exoplanet atmosphere with the ionisation rate. It gives an indication of where in the exoplanet atmosphere the energetic particles will be important for chemistry by creating the most ions. Thus, high Q values correspond to regions where the energetic particles should be most important. Fig. <ref> and <ref> show the ion-pair production rate, Q, as a function of pressure from Galactic cosmic rays and stellar energetic particles, respectively for different orbital distances. The maximum Galactic cosmic ray Q value occurs at P∼ 10-10^2bar (rightmost green line in Fig. <ref>). For stellar energetic particles instead, the maximum Q value occurs much higher in the atmosphere between P∼ 10^-3-10^-2bar, with a much greater value (rightmost blue line). Here, we have ignored the diffusion of ions. For comparison, Fig. <ref> shows the ion-pair production rate for Galactic cosmic rays (Q^ GCR, green dashed line) and stellar energetic particles (Q^ StEP, blue dot-dashed line) at the orbital distance of GJ 436 b as a function of pressure. The thin solid black line represents the combination of both. The blue shaded region illustrates where Q^ StEP>Q^ GCR and the green shaded region shows where Q^ GCR>Q^ StEP which occurs at ∼1 bar for GJ 436 b. The fact that Galactic cosmic rays are more important than stellar energetic particles at 10-10^3 bar is interesting because it has been suggested that a ∼10^2bar atmosphere is expected for a post-impact early Earth atmosphere <cit.>. This suggests that Galactic cosmic rays could have been the dominant ionisation source deep in the atmosphere at this time. <cit.> and <cit.> calculate the ion-pair production rate from Galactic cosmic rays and solar/stellar energetic particles for an Earth-like atmosphere and for Prox Cen b, respectively. Fig. 6 of <cit.> shows broadly the same behaviour as our results: Q^ GCR peaks at a lower value than Q^ StEP, but occurs at a higher pressure/lower altitude. The main difference is that for our model atmosphere for GJ 436 b, Galactic cosmic rays dominate for a broad range of high pressures. The fact that our maximum Q^ StEP value peaks at ∼10^-3bar reflects that our assumed stellar energetic particle spectrum decays exponentially at a relatively low cosmic ray kinetic energy. For a more active star, we would expect the maximum Q^ StEP value to occur at a higher pressure. In terms of the range of values for Q^ StEP and Q^ GCR, our peak Q^ GCR value is lower than that found in <cit.> which is reasonable since our top-of-atmosphere Galactic cosmic ray spectrum (Fig. <ref>) is reduced in comparison to values observed at Earth. Our peak Q^ StEP value lies between the maximum values found in <cit.> and <cit.> which is again consistent since our stellar energetic particle fluxes at ∼ 10-100MeV energies lie between those assumed for the Earth-like atmosphere and for Prox Cen b. Our stellar energetic particle fluxes are higher for GJ 436 b mainly because it orbits much closer to its star than the Earth orbits the Sun, while they are lower than for Prox Cen b. At the same time, it is complex to compare values since Q depends not only on the incident energetic particle fluxes but also on the density profile of the planetary atmosphere. Additionally, <cit.> include the effect of an Earth-like planetary magnetic field which introduces a low-energy particle cut-off, i.e. energetic particles below a certain energy (510 MeV in their case for latitudes of around 60^∘) cannot penetrate the planet's magnetosphere and do not contribute to Q. In this context, this indicates that our results represent the largest possible values for Q and that exoplanetary magnetic fields would generally result in a decrease of the values obtained for Q. It is likely that the Q^ StEP values would be more affected than Q^ GCR. This is because the top-of-atmosphere stellar energetic particle spectra are dominated by low-energy particles, whereas the peaks of the Galactic cosmic ray spectra occur closer to GeV energies (see Fig. <ref>). §.§ Skin-depth equivalent dose rates While warm Neptune exoplanets are not expected to be habitable we can calculate the skin-depth equivalent dose rate for these planets. In the future, the same procedure can be applied to stars like GJ 436 that could have terrestrial planets in their habitable zones. Fig. <ref> shows the skin-depth equivalent dose rate from energetic particles as a function of pressure for Galactic cosmic rays (green dashed line) and stellar energetic particles (blue dot dashed line) at a=0.2au, which is the inner edge of the habitable zone for the GJ 436 system. The thin black line represents the combination of both. The grey star and magenta pentagon represent the average equivalent dose rate at Earth's surface due to Galactic cosmic rays (9× 10^-4mSvday^-1, including however secondary electrons, muons and γ-rays) and background radiation sources (7× 10^-3mSvday^-1). Here we have used the temperature pressure profile at 0.2 au, described in Section <ref>, assuming the same planetary mass and radius as before. For Galactic cosmic rays, the equivalent dose rate is approximately constant for P<1bar. Again in comparison to <cit.>, our maximum equivalent dose rates are lower (higher) for Galactic cosmic rays (stellar energetic particles). It is important to note that <cit.> consider a terrestrial planet atmosphere whereas we are still considering a hydrogen dominated atmosphere which affects the energetic particle transport in the exoplanet atmosphere. In turn, this will impact the dose rates that are calculated. For these equivalent dose rates, and for chemical modelling that include our energetic particle ionisation rates, it is particularly important to consider how constant these rates would be in time. We discuss this further in Section <ref>. While indirect detections of exoplanetary magnetic fields remain challenging, Fig. 9 of <cit.> shows that the biological dose rate decreased significantly with increasing magnetic moments for two different atmospheric column depths. This indicates that our results represent an upper limit in the case that the exoplanet possesses a magnetic field. § DISCUSSION §.§ How continuous are stellar energetic particle fluxes? Stellar energetic particle fluxes may vary on timescales of days, depending on stellar activity. Galactic cosmic ray fluxes are more likely to be approximately constant on these timescales. Instead, they vary with the solar cycle <cit.>, for instance, and will also vary on stellar evolutionary timescales <cit.>. Similar to <cit.>, we plot the flare rate as a function of the maximum momentum of the stellar energetic particles in Fig. <ref>. This is based on the relation between flare frequency and flare energy (dN/dE_ flare∝ E_ flare^b, where the power law index b varies from star to star). Flare energies are related to the stellar energetic particle maximum momenta via p_ max∼ E_ flare^1/2, normalised for ∼GeV energetic particle energies at E_ flare∼ 10^33erg and assuming that E_ flare∼ B_⋆^2 <cit.>. The underlying relation between flare rate and energy is plotted in Fig. <ref>. The relation between flare rate and energy, and therefore the relation between flare rate and maximum stellar energetic particle momentum is unknown for GJ 436. Thus, in Fig. <ref>, we plot the flare rate versus maximum stellar energetic particle momentum for the Sun and a number of M dwarfs. In Fig. <ref>, the solid blue line is a fit to the solar flare frequency versus flare energy for a broad range of flare energies using solar observations and Kepler observations of superflares from solar-type stars <cit.>. The solid black line is 10 times the solar flare frequency fit (i.e. 10× E dN/dE_ flare, where dN/dE_ flare∝ E_ flare^-1.8) from <cit.>, which is what would be expected for a solar-type star with a rotation period between 5-10 days. The grey shaded region is ± 0.5dex of this value. The solid green line reflects a fit of the flare rate versus energy for an M dwarf with a rotation period of ∼27 days from <cit.> using TESS data. This M dwarf is selected because it is relatively similar to GJ 436 in terms of stellar effective temperature (3850 K) and has a relatively long rotation period. The grey dashed lines are a number of flare rate fits for M dwarfs with similar spectral types to GJ 436 but with unknown rotation periods <cit.>. Using 10 times the solar flare rate, Fig. <ref> shows that the value of p_ max=0.3 GeV/c (kinetic energy of 50 MeV) assumed for GJ 436 corresponds to a flare rate of 0.04 day^-1, i.e. a flare capable of accelerating particles to this momentum occurs approximately every 25 days with E_ flare=3× 10^31erg (see Fig. <ref>). Considering the grey shaded region for the flare rate corresponds to a range of a flare every 7 or 72 days. While <cit.> suggest that the flare rates given by the dashed grey lines are likely to be associated with stars with P_ rot<10 days (in comparison to GJ 436 with P_ rot∼ 44days), it is interesting to note that the flare rate given by the solid green line is for an M dwarf with P_ rot∼ 27days. This rotation period is similar to the Sun's rotation period but with a flare rate 2 orders of magnitude larger than the Sun's. If GJ 436 had such an elevated flare rate, flares capable of accelerating particles to 50 MeV energies would occur approximately once per day. Fig. <ref> <cit.> also shows that the power law fit for the flare rate varies from star to star. Thus, determining stellar flare rates is important to understand how continuous stellar energetic particle fluxes of a certain energy are. Comparing flare rates with chemical recombination rates in the future would shed light on whether the chemistry in exoplanet atmospheres could reset between flares with associated stellar energetic particles. §.§ Connection to habitability Understanding exoplanet habitability, and detecting the signature of life as we know it from an exoplanet, is a key goal of modern astronomy. Energetic particles are one of the many factors thought to affect exoplanet habitability <cit.>. For instance, energetic particles can drive the formation of prebiotic molecules <cit.> that are important for the origin of life. On the other hand, high energetic particle fluxes may be detrimental to existing life by contributing to ozone depletion <cit.> which blocks harmful UV radiation reaching the surface of an Earth-like planet. Studying exoplanets that are not expected to be habitable (such as GJ 436 b), but that will be observed in greater numbers, can provide important information about the conditions present in other stellar systems. While hydrogen dominated gas giants are not generally thought to be conducive to life, <cit.> have suggested how life might survive in the cloud decks of these planets, and <cit.> have found unique biosignature gas compositions for microbial life as we know it in H_2-rich environments. Prebiotically relevant molecules, such as the amino acid glycine, may also form more easily on charged cloud particles <cit.>. <cit.> suggested muons (which are on-average spin-polarised) that reach Earth's surface could be responsible for the chirality of the DNA helix by interacting with biological molecules. In this context, it will be of interest in the future to calculate the muon fluxes associated with our (proton) energetic particle fluxes for a terrestrial planet. While genetic mutation rates are known to increase with increasing radiation dose <cit.>, it remains unclear what the ultimate effect of high radiation doses due to energetic particles would be on the development of life on another planet. Lifeforms that use radiation energy for metabolism <cit.> may dominate instead. In our model, we have assumed that the top-of-atmosphere stellar energetic particle fluxes are isotropic. In reality, stellar energetic particles will travel along spiral flux tubes which would result in anisotropic top-of-atmosphere fluxes. This type of transport can be modelled with the focused transport equation, for instance <cit.>. For tidally locked planets, if the stellar energetic particle flux is not isotropic, one side of the atmosphere, facing toward the star, will likely receive more stellar energetic particles than the side facing away from the star. This angular dependence could affect the energetic particle environment and could introduce heterogeneous chemistry in the upper atmosphere, depending on chemical timescales and efficiency of atmospheric circulation. This could be explored by 3D models, and is outside the scope of this paper. An anisotropic energetic particle flux could also have implications for habitability. Again, exoplanetary magnetic fields will complicate the picture further. For instance, <cit.> considered the impact of an Earth-like magnetic field and indicated that <510 MeV energy particles were not able to penetrate an Earth-like magnetosphere at latitudes around 60^∘. The atmospheres of the planets considered here are roughly analogous to the most extreme transient post-impact atmospheres predicted for the early Earth <cit.>. We can consider the energetic particle flux at different pressures as analogous particle radiation environments for a post-impact early Earth. If Earth post-impact had a 100 bar H_2 atmosphere, as proposed by <cit.>, then Galactic cosmic rays determine the surface irradiation environment, and the irradiation dose is much lower than if Earth post-impact had a relatively more tenuous atmosphere, at <10 bar. Then the irradiation is much more severe and due to stellar energetic particles. This is relevant for habitability around small cool stars, such as GJ 436, where the 0.2 au case is at the inner edge of the liquid water habitable zone of the system. This is also relevant for prebiotic chemistry driven by energetic particle-driven chemistry in aqueous solutions, either on the surface or in aerosols <cit.>. § CONCLUSIONS In this paper, we consider the effect of the stellar magnetic environment and planetary atmosphere on the energy dependence and intensity of energetic particles as applied to the well-studied M dwarf system, GJ 436. GJ 436 b is a warm Neptune planet orbiting at 0.028 au from its host star (scheduled for JWST observations and an Ariel target). We have coupled a stellar wind model with an energetic particle transport model for the large-scale stellar system. We have then propagated the top-of-atmosphere energetic particle fluxes through the atmosphere of a warm Neptune-like exoplanet at various orbital distances from GJ 436, using temperature pressure profiles from the radiative transport code HELIOS. We consider two sources of energetic particles: Galactic cosmic rays and flare-accelerated stellar energetic particles. We show how the maximum momentum that the stellar energetic particles are accelerated to can be related to the stellar X-ray luminosity. Thus, our input stellar energetic particle spectrum reflects in some sense the activity of the star. To our knowledge, no other model relates the cut-off energy of the stellar energetic particle spectrum to a stellar property. The high energy cut-off is very important because the highest energy particles (i.e. GeV energies) are those that can reach the surface of an Earth-like planet, for instance. Our calculations have assumed that the stellar energetic particle fluxes are constant in time up to our calculated maximum stellar energetic particle momentum. These would be associated with a ∼10^31 erg flare which would occur once every ∼25 days assuming 10 times the solar flare rate for GJ 436. We calculate top-of-atmosphere energetic particle fluxes as a function of star-planet separation. We also model the transport of energetic particles through a hydrogen-dominated gas giant atmosphere at orbital distances of a=0.01-0.2au. The peak top-of-atmosphere ionisation rate for Galactic cosmic rays is ∼ 10^6 times less than the peak ionisation rate for stellar energetic particles at orbital distances between a=0.01-0.2au. However, the stellar energetic particles do not penetrate as deep into the atmospheres. This is because for GJ 436, the stellar energetic particle spectrum that we adopt has a lower cutoff energy than for the Galactic cosmic rays. At the orbital distance of GJ 436 b, we find that the ion-pair production rate, Q (cm^-3 s^-1), peaks at ∼ 100bar for Galactic cosmic rays and 10^-3bar for stellar energetic particles. We also estimate the skin-depth equivalent dose rate from the primary energetic particles as a function of height in the hydrogen-dominated atmospheres. Given the close-in orbital distance of the inner edge of GJ 436's habitable zone (0.2 au), the top-of-atmosphere equivalent dose rates that we calculate are substantial (10^4mSv day^-1). However, an important future step would be to study the effect of a planetary magnetic field on our results. The stellar energetic particle fluxes decrease with distance from the star and we assume that they are isotropic at the top of the exoplanet atmosphere. At small orbital distances, the fluxes drop close to 1/r^2 as advection processes dominate. At the same time, the magnetised, expanding stellar wind suppresses Galactic cosmic ray fluxes, and so the greater the distance from the star, the more intense the Galactic cosmic ray spectrum. A future step would be to study the effect of anistropic stellar energetic particle fluxes as they travel along magnetic flux tubes. We find that, at a distance of 10 au, the top-of-atmosphere molecular hydrogen ionisation rates from stellar energetic particles and Galactic cosmic rays are equal. Top-of-atmosphere ionisation by energetic particles is dominated by Galactic cosmic rays for a>10au. Ionisation by energetic particles at the top of the atmosphere is dominated by stellar energetic particles for a<10au. We anticipate that most of the ion chemistry will happen at P< 1 μbar, and so the ion chemistry will be determined by stellar energetic particles and UV photons for planets within 10 au based on the top-of-atmosphere ionisation rates that we found. Clouds might also form in GJ 436 b's atmosphere because of the low atmospheric temperatures. Their formation and its effects on the atmospheric structure and the chemistry are, however, neglected in this paper. The chemical consequences of these trends and specific predictions for ion-neutral chemistry will be discussed in more detail in Paper II <cit.>. § ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS DRL would like to acknowledge that this publication has emanated from research conducted with the financial support of Science Foundation Ireland under Grant number 21/PATH-S/9339. DRL, ALM and AAV acknowledge funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 817540, ASTROFLOW). DRL wishes to acknowledge the Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC) for the provision of computational facilities and support. Research reported in this publication was supported by the Royal Irish Academy. ChH acknowledges funding from the European Union H2020-MSCA-ITN-2019 under Grant Agreement no. 860470 (CHAMELEON). OV acknowledges funding from the ANR project `EXACT' (ANR-21-CE49-0008-01), from the Centre National d'Études Spatiales (CNES), and from the CNRS/INSU Programme National de Planétologie (PNP). PB acknowledges a St Leonard’s Interdisciplinary Doctoral Scholarship from the University of St Andrews. We would like to thank the referee for helpful comments which improved the manuscript. § DATA AVAILABILITY The output data underlying this article will be available via zenodo.org upon publication. mnras § FLARE RATES Section <ref> discusses how continuous stellar energetic particle fluxes can be considered for GJ 436. Fig. <ref> relates the flare rate to a maximum stellar energetic particle momentum. This is based on the underlying relation between flare rate and flare energy which is plotted in Fig. <ref>. The solar flare rate is a fit to solar and stellar super-flare data from <cit.> with a flare frequency relation of dN/dE_ flare∝ E_ flare^-1.8. The grey shaded region surrounding the solid black line, representing 10 times the solar flare rate, is ± 0.5dex. While the flare rate for GJ 436 is unknown, given the maximum stellar energetic particle momentum that we assume, we indicated the frequency of flares accelerating to this momentum in Section <ref>.
Sample Complexity Analysis for Adaptive Optimization Algorithms with Stochastic Oracles
[ "Billy Jin", "Katya Scheinberg", "Miaolan Xie" ]
[ "math.OC" ]
DDFM: Denoising Diffusion Model for Multi-Modality Image Fusion Zixiang Zhao^1,2 Haowen Bai^1 Yuanzhi Zhu^2 Jiangshe Zhang^1 Shuang Xu^3 Yulun Zhang^2 Kai Zhang^2 Deyu Meng^1 Radu Timofte^2,4 Luc Van Gool^2 ^1Xi’an Jiaotong University ^2Computer Vision Lab, ETH Zürich ^3Northwestern Polytechnical University ^4University of Wurzburg Received: date / Accepted: date ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ Several classical adaptive optimization algorithms, such as line search and trust region methods, have been recently extended to stochastic settings where function values, gradients, and Hessians in some cases, are estimated via stochastic oracles. Unlike the majority of stochastic methods, these methods do not use a pre-specified sequence of step size parameters, but adapt the step size parameter according to the estimated progress of the algorithm and use it to dictate the accuracy required from the stochastic approximations. The requirements on stochastic approximations are, thus, also adaptive and the oracle costs can vary from iteration to iteration. The step size parameters in these methods can increase and decrease based on the perceived progress, but unlike the deterministic case they are not bounded away from zero due to possible oracle failures, and bounds on the step size parameter have not been previously derived. This creates obstacles in the total complexity analysis of such methods, because the oracle costs are typically decreasing in the step size parameter, and could be arbitrarily large as the step size parameter goes to 0. Thus, until now only the total iteration complexity of these methods has been analyzed. In this paper, we derive a lower bound on the step size parameter that holds with high probability for a large class of adaptive stochastic methods. We then use this lower bound to derive a framework for analyzing the expected and high probability total oracle complexity of any method in this class. Finally, we apply this framework to analyze the total sample complexity of two particular algorithms, STORM <cit.> and SASS <cit.>, in the expected risk minimization problem. § INTRODUCTION The widespread use of stochastic optimization algorithms for problems arising in machine learning and signal processing has made the stochastic gradient method and its variants become overwhelmingly popular despite their theoretical and practical shortcomings. Adaptive stochastic optimization algorithms, on the other hand, borrow from decades of advances in deterministic optimization research, and offer new paths forward for stochastic optimization to be more effective and even more applicable. Adaptive algorithms can avoid many of the practical deficiencies of contemporary methods (such as the tremendous costs of tuning the step sizes of an algorithm for each individual application) while possessing strong convergence and worst-case complexity guarantees in surprisingly diverse settings. Adaptive optimization algorithms have a long and successful history in deterministic optimization and include line search, trust region methods, cubic regularized Newton methods, etc. All these methods have a common iterative framework, where at each iteration a candidate step is computed by the algorithm based on a local model of the objective function and a step size parameter that controls the length of this candidate step. The candidate step is then evaluated in terms of the decrease it achieves in the objective function, with respect to the decrease that it was expected to achieve based on the model. Whenever the decrease is sufficient, the step is accepted and the step size parameter may be increased to allow the next iteration to be more aggressive. If the decrease is not sufficient (or not achieved at all) then the step is rejected and a new step is computed using a smaller step size parameter. The model itself remains unchanged if it is known that a sufficiently small step will always succeed, as is true, for example with first- and second-order Taylor models of smooth functions. The analysis of such methods relies on the key property that the step size parameter is bounded away from zero and that once it is small enough the step is always accepted and the objective function gets reduced. When stochastic oracles are used to approximate the objective function and its derivatives, the models no longer have the same property as the Taylor models; steps that decrease the model might not decrease the function, no matter how small the step size is. Thus all stochastic variants of these methods recompute the model at each iteration. The requirement on the stochastic model is then that it achieves a Taylor-like approximation with sufficiently high probability. This also means that steps may get rejected even if the step size parameter is small, simply because the stochastic oracles fail to deliver desired accuracy. Despite this difficulty, one can develop and analyze stochastic variants of adaptive optimization methods. Recently developed stochastic variants of line search (which we will call step search, since unlike the deterministic version the search direction has to change on each iteration, thus the algorithm is not searching along a line) include <cit.>. Stochastic trust region methods have been analyzed in <cit.>, and an adaptive cubic regularized method based on random models has been analyzed in <cit.>. For all these methods, bounds on iteration complexity have been derived, either in expectation or in high probability, under the assumption that stochastic oracles involved in approximating the objective function deliver sufficiently high accuracy with sufficiently high probability. While this probability is usually fixed, the accuracy requirement of the oracles is adaptive and depends on the step size parameter. Specifically, the smaller that parameter is, the more accurate the oracles need to be, in order to maintain the Taylor-like behavior of the model used by the algorithm. In most applications, having more accurate stochastic oracles implies a higher per-iteration cost. Furthermore, unlike the deterministic case, the step sizes in the stochastic case are not bounded away from zero due to possible oracle failures, and bounds on the step size parameter have not been previously derived. This creates significant difficulty in the analysis of the total oracle complexity of such methods because the oracle costs could be arbitrarily large as the step size parameter goes to zero. In this paper, we derive a lower bound on the step size parameter for a general class of stochastic adaptive methods that encompasses all the algorithms in the preceding paragraph. This enables us to derive a bound on the total oracle complexity for any algorithm within this class and specific stochastic oracles arising, for example, from expected risk minimization. Our key contributions are as follows: * Provide a high probability lower bound on the step size parameter for a wide class of stochastic adaptive methods using a coupling argument between the stochastic process generated by the algorithm and a one-sided random walk. * Derive a framework for analyzing expected and high probability total oracle complexity bounds for this general class of stochastic adaptive methods. * Apply these bounds to STORM <cit.> and SASS <cit.> to derive their total sample complexity for expected risk minimization, and show they essentially match the complexity lower bound of first-order algorithms for stochastic non-convex optimization <cit.>. We consider a continuous optimization problem of the form min_x ∈^m ϕ(x), where ϕ is possibly non-convex, (twice-)continuously differentiable with Lipschitz continuous derivatives. Neither function values ϕ(x), nor gradients ∇ϕ(x) are assumed to be directly computable. Instead, given any x ∈^m, it is assumed that stochastic approximations of ϕ(x), ∇ϕ(x), and possibly ∇^2 ϕ(x) can be computed, and these approximations may possess different levels of accuracy and reliability depending on the particular setting of interest. Many adaptive stochastic algorithms have been developed recently <cit.> that use these stochastic approximations to compute an ε-optimal point x_ε, which means ϕ(x_ε)-inf_xϕ(x) ≤ε if ϕ is convex or ∇ϕ(x_ε)≤ε if ϕ is non-convex. In the next section, we will introduce the general framework that encompasses these methods and discuss particular examples in more detail. In <Ref>, we discuss the stochastic process generated by the algorithmic framework, including the stochastic step size parameter. In <Ref>, we derive a lower bound on the step size parameter which holds in high probability. In <Ref>, we use this lower bound to derive abstract expected and high probability total oracle complexity for any algorithm in this framework. In <Ref>, we particularize these bounds to the specific examples of first-order STORM <cit.> and SASS <cit.> algorithms to bound their total sample complexity when applied to expected risk minimization. We conclude with some remarks in <Ref>. § ALGORITHM FRAMEWORK AND ORACLES We now introduce and discuss an algorithmic framework for adaptive stochastic optimization in Algorithm <ref>. The framework is assumed to have access to stochastic oracles, that for any given point x can generate random quantities f(x,ξ_0)≈ϕ(x) (via zeroth-order oracle), g(x,ξ_1) ≈∇ϕ(x) (first-order oracle) and, possibly, H(x,ξ_2)≈∇^2 ϕ(x) (second-order oracle). At each iteration, given x_k, a stochastic local model m_k(x_k+s) : ^m→ of ϕ(x_k+s) is constructed using g(x,ξ_1) and possibly H(x,ξ_2). Using this model, a step s_k(α_k) is computed so that m(x_k+s_k(α_k)) is a sufficient improvement over m_k(x_k), where α_k is the step size parameter, which directly or indirectly controls the step length. The iterate x_k and the trial point x_k^+ =x_k+s_k(α_k) are evaluated using the zeroth-order oracle f(x_k,ξ_0,k), f(x_k^+,ξ_0,k^+). If these estimates suggest that sufficient improvement is attained, then the step is deemed successful, x_k^+ is accepted as the next iterate, and the parameter α_k is increased up to a multiplicative factor; otherwise, the step is deemed unsuccessful, the iterate does not change, and α_k is decreased by a multiplicative factor. Unlike in the deterministic case, new calls to all oracles are made at each iteration even when the iterate does not change. We now discuss how various methods fit into the general framework. For each method we give the form of m_k(x_k+s), in terms of g_k=g(x_k,ξ_1,k) and H_k=H(x_k,ξ_2,k), s_k(α_k) and the sufficient reduction criterion in terms of f_k^0=f(x_k,ξ_0,k) and f_k^+=f(x_k^+,ξ^+_0,k). §.§ Step search method In the case of the step search (SS) methods in <cit.> the particulars are as follows. Quantities f_k^0 f_k^+ and g_k are random outputs of the stochastic oracles and H_k is some positive definite matrix (e.g., the identity). * m_k(x_k+s)=ϕ(x_k)+ g_k^Ts+1/2α_ks^TH_ks, * s_k(α_k)=-α_k H_k^-1g_k * Sufficient reduction: f_k^0-f_k^+ ≥ - g_k^Ts_k(α_k)-r Here ∈ (0,1), and r is a small positive number that compensates for the noise in the function estimates. We will discuss the choice of r after we introduce conditions on the oracle outputs f(x,ξ_0) and g(x,ξ_1). * SS.0. Given a point x, the oracle computes a (random) function estimate f(x,ξ_0) such that ℙ_ξ_0 ( ϕ(x) - f(x, ξ_0)< ϵ_f + t ) ≥ 1-δ_0(t), for some ϵ_f≥0 and any t>0. * SS.1. Given a point x and the current step size parameter α, the oracle computes a (random) gradient estimate g(x, ξ_1) such that ℙ_ξ_1 (g(x, ξ_1)-∇ϕ(x)≤max{ϵ_g, min{τ, κα}g(x, ξ_1) })≥ 1-δ_1 for some nonnegative constants ϵ_g, κ, τ and δ_1. In <cit.>, ϵ_f=0 and δ_0(t)≡ 0, which means that the zeroth-order oracle is exact, and r = 0. In <cit.>, ϵ_f>0 and δ_0(t)≡ 0, which means that the zeroth-order oracle has a bounded error with probability one, and r = 2ϵ_f. In <cit.>, ϵ_f>0 and δ_0(t)= e^-λ t, for some λ >0, which means the error can take any probability if less than ϵ_f, and the tail of the error decays exponentially beyond ϵ_f. In <cit.>, r > 2 sup_x _ξ_0 [ ϕ(x) - f(x, ξ_0) ]. In <cit.>, ϵ_g=0 and δ_1<1/2. In <cit.>, ϵ_g>0 and δ_1 is sufficiently small with a more complicated upper bound. In <cit.>, is finite, thus τ is κ. In <cit.>, is infinity, and τ is simply assumed to be some constant intrinsic to the oracle. §.§ Trust region method Stochastic trust region (TR) methods that fall into the framework of Algorithm <ref> have been developed and analyzed in <cit.>. In the case of TR algorithms, f_k^0, f_k^+, g_k, and (possibly) H_k are random outputs of the stochastic oracles, and * m_k(x_k+s)=ϕ(x_k)+g_k^Ts+1/2s^T H_ks, * s_k(α_k)=min_s: s≤α_km_k(x_k+s) * Sufficient reduction: f_k^0-f_k^++r/m_k(x_k)-m_k(x_k+s_k(α_k))≥ * Additional requirement for a successful iteration: g_k≥θ_2 α_k, for some θ_2>0. The requirements for the oracles are as follows. In the case of first-order analysis in <cit.>, the following first-order oracle is assumed to be available. * TR1.1. Given a point x and the current trust-region radius α, the oracle computes a gradient estimate g(x, ξ_1) such that ℙ_ξ_1 (g(x, ξ_1)-∇ϕ(x)≤ϵ_g+κ_egα)≥ 1-δ_1. Here, κ_eg and δ_1 are nonnegative constants. In the second-order analysis, the following first- and second-order oracles are used: * TR2.1. Given a point x and the current trust-region radius α, the oracle computes a gradient estimate g(x, ξ_1) such that ℙ_ξ_1 (g(x, ξ_1)-∇ϕ(x)≤ϵ_g+κ_egα^2)≥ 1-δ_1. Here, κ_eg and δ_1 are nonnegative constants. * TR2.2. Given a point x and the current trust-region radius α, the oracle computes a Hessian estimate H(x, ξ_2) such that ℙ_ξ_2 (H(x, ξ_2)-∇ϕ(x)≤ϵ_h+ κ_ehα)≥ 1-δ_2. Here, κ_eh and δ_2 are nonnegative constants. ϵ_h and ϵ_g are assumed to equal 0 in <cit.> but are allowed to be positive in <cit.>. In terms of the zeroth-order oracles, the three works make different assumptions. Specifically, in <cit.>, as in <cit.>, the zeroth-order oracle is assumed to be exact. In <cit.> the zeroth-order oracle is the same as in <cit.>. For the first-order analysis in <cit.>, however, the zeroth-order oracle is as follows. * TR1.0. Given a point x and the current trust-region radius α, the oracle computes a function estimate f(x, ξ_0) such that _ξ_0(f(x, ξ_0) - ϕ(x)≤κ_efα^2) ≥ 1 - δ_0, where κ_ef and δ_0 are some nonnegative constants. For the second-order analysis in <cit.>, the zeroth-order oracle requirements are tighter. * TR2.0. Given a point x and the current trust-region radius α, the oracle computes a function estimate f(x, ξ_0) such that _ξ_0(f(x, ξ_0) - ϕ(x)≤κ_ef1α^3) ≥ 1 - δ_0 and _ξ_0[f(x, ξ_0) - ϕ(x) ] ≤κ_ef2α^3 where κ_ef1, κ_ef2 and δ_0 are some nonnegative constants. In <cit.>, r = 0. In <cit.>, r > 2ϵ_f + 2/λlog 4. §.§ Cubicly regularized Newton method The cubicly regularized (CR) Newton method in <cit.> also fits the framework of Algorithm <ref> with * m_k(x_k+s)=ϕ(x_k)+g_k^Ts+1/2s^T H_ks+1/3α_ks^3, * s_k(α_k)=min_s m_k(x_k+s), * Sufficient reduction: f_k^0-f_k^+/m_k(x_k)-m_k(x_k+s_k(α_k))≥. The zeroth-order oracle is assumed to be exact, that is f_k^0=ϕ(x_k) and f_k^+=ϕ(x_k+s_k(α_k)). The following first- and second-order oracles are used. * CR.1. Given a point x and the current parameter α, the oracle computes a gradient estimate g(x, ξ_1) such that ℙ_ξ_1 (g(x, ξ_1)-∇ϕ(x)≤κ_egα^2) ≥ 1 - δ_1, where κ_eg and δ_1 are nonnegative constants. * CR.2. Given a point x, and the current parameter α, the oracle computes a Hessian estimate H(x, ξ_2) such that ℙ_ξ_2 (H(x, ξ_2)-∇^2 ϕ(x)≤κ_ehα) ≥ 1 - δ_2, where κ_eh and δ_2 are nononegative constants. The actual conditions on the oracles in <cit.> are different from what we present above and are as follows: ℙ_ξ_1, ξ_2 (g(x, ξ_1)-∇ϕ(x)≤κ_egs^2 and (H(x, ξ_2)-∇^2 ϕ(x))s≤κ_ehs^2) ≥ 1 - δ, for some κ_eg , κ_eh and δ. Here, s is the trial step obtained from minimizing the cubicly regularized model. By taking δ_1 = δ_2 = δ/2 and α = O(1/σ) (where σ is the penalty parameter used in the cubic regularization and the constant in the big-O can be chosen according to Lemma 5.1 of <cit.>), these oracles imply (<ref>) by Lemma 5.1 of <cit.>. It is apparent that all of the algorithms that we discussed above rely on oracles whose accuracy requirements change adaptively with α. It is also clear that for many settings, the higher the accuracy requirement is, the higher the oracle complexity is. For example, if a stochastic oracle is delivered via sample averaging, then more samples are needed to provide a higher accuracy. Therefore, to bound the total oracle complexity of the algorithm, we need to bound the accuracy requirement over the iterations, or equivalently provide a lower bound for the parameter α. §.§ Notions of the stochastic process When applied to problem (<ref>), Algorithm <ref> generates a stochastic process (with respect to the randomness underlying the stochastic oracles). Specifically, let (X_k)_k≥ 0 be the random iterates with realizations x_k, let (G_k)_k≥ 0 be the gradient estimates with realizations g_k, and let (𝒜_k)_k ≥ 0 be the step size parameter values with realizations α_k. The prior works that analyze different algorithms of the framework <ref> define this stochastic process rigorously, with appropriate filtrations. Here for brevity, we will omit those details, as we do not use them in the analysis. We now define a stopping time for the process. For ε > 0, let T_ε be the first time such that a specified optimality condition is satisfied. For all the settings considered in this paper, T_ε=min{k: ∇ϕ(x_k)≤ε} if ϕ is non-convex, and T_ε=min{k: ϕ(x_k) - inf_x ϕ(x) ≤ε} if ϕ is strongly convex. We will refer to T_ε as the stopping time of the algorithm. The following property is crucial in the analysis of algorithms in the framework of <Ref>. [Properties of the stochastic process generated by the adaptive stochastic algorithm] The random sequence of parameters 𝒜_k generated by the algorithm satisfies the following: (i) For all k, 𝒜_k ∈{γ𝒜_k-1, min{, γ^-1𝒜_k-1}}, and (ii) There exist constants α̅> 0, and p>1/2, such that for all iterations k < T_ε, if 𝒜_k ≤α̅ then (𝒜_k+1 = γ^-1𝒜_k|ℱ_k) ≥ p. Here, ℱ_k denotes the filtration generated by the algorithm up to iteration k. The algorithms in <cit.> all satisfy Assumption <ref>, under appropriate lower bounds on the oracle probabilities δ_0, δ_1 (and δ_2). In the next section, under Assumption <ref>, we derive a high probability lower bound on α_k as a function of the number of iterations n, α̅, p, and γ. Throughout the remainder of this paper, we will use q to denote 1-p. § HIGH PROBABILITY LOWER BOUND FOR THE STEP SIZE PARAMETER The following theorem provides a high probability lower bound for α_k. Suppose Assumption <ref> holds for Algorithm <ref>. For any positive integer n, any ω > 0, with probability at least 1 - n^-ω - cn^-(1+ω ), we have either T_ < n or min_1 ≤ k ≤ nα_k ≥α̅γγ^(1+ω)log_1/2q n =α̅γ n^-(1+ω)log_1/2q 1/γ, where c = 2√(pq)/(1-2√(pq))^2 and q = 1-p. The proof of this theorem involves two steps. First, in <Ref>, we show that for n<T_ε, the sequence of step size parameters 𝒜_k generated by the algorithm can be coupled with a random walk on the non-negative integers. This reduces the problem to that of bounding the maximum value of a one-sided random walk in the first n steps. We then derive a high probability upper bound on this maximum value in <Ref>. Before moving to its proof, we illustrate the theorem using some plots and comment on some implications of the theorem. Illustration of <Ref>. <Ref> illustrates the high probability bound provided by <Ref>. The solid curves depict the lower bounds given by the theorem for α̅ = 1, ω = 1, p = 0.8, and for varying values of γ. In comparison, the dotted lines correspond to one-sided random walks 𝒵_k that start at α̅ = 1. At each step, 𝒵_k+1 = γ𝒵_k with probability 1-p, and 𝒵_k+1 = min{1, γ^-1𝒵_k} with probability p. The proof of <Ref> shown later implies that there is a coupling between the sequence of parameters 𝒜_k generated by the algorithm and 𝒵_k, such that 𝒜_k ≥𝒵_k, in other words, the sequence of parameters 𝒜_k generated by the algorithm stochastically dominates 𝒵_k. Remarks on <Ref>. * For fixed n, γ, and α̅, the lower bound is a function of p. It increases as p increases. Specifically, the exponent of n changes with p, and the exponent goes to 0 as p goes to 1. Hence as p goes to 1, this lower bound simplifies to α̅γ, which matches the lower bound in the deterministic case. * When p is close to 1 (i.e. when the stochastic oracles are highly reliable), this lower bound decreases slowly as a function of n, since the exponent of n is close to 0. Alternatively, when the stochastic oracles are not highly reliable, increasing the value of γ allows the algorithm to maintain a slow decrease of the step size. * Enlarging γ as p decreases makes intuitive sense for the algorithm. When p is large, an unsuccessful step is more likely to be caused by the step size being too large rather than the failure of the oracles to deliver the desired accuracy. On the other hand, when p is small, unsuccessful iterations are likely to occur even when the step size parameter is already small. Thus in the latter case, larger γ values help avoid an erroneous rapid decrease of the step size parameter. * If we choose γ=(1/2q)^-1/4 then the minimum step size is lower bounded by α̅γ n^-1/2 with high probability. This coincides with the typical choice of the step size decay schemes for the stochastic gradient method applied to non-convex functions. The theorem implies that we can even bound α by a constant times α̅ with high probability, provided we set γ as a function of n. Let Assumption <ref> hold for Algorithm <ref>, then for any positive integer n, any ω > 0, and any β < 1/2, if γ≥max{1/2, (1/2q)^log(2β)/(1+ω)log n}, then with probability at least 1 - n^-ω - cn^-(1+ω ), where c = 2√(pq)/(1-2√(pq))^2,we have either T_ < n or min_1 ≤ k ≤ nα_k ≥βα̅. This follows from <Ref> by substituting in the specified value of γ. In the remainder of this section, we prove <Ref> in two steps. §.§ Step 1: reduction to random walk We will use a coupling argument to obtain the reduction to a random walk. Let {_k}_k=0^∞ denote the random sequence of parameter values (whose realization is {α_k}_k=0^∞), for Algorithm <ref>. Let us assume, WLOG, that _0 = γ^j α̅, for some integer j≤0. (Recall here that 0 <γ < 1.) Then we observe that 𝒜_k = γ^Y̅_kα̅, where {Y̅_k}_k=0^∞ is a random sequence of integers, with Y̅_0 =j≤ 0, which increases by one on every unsuccessful step, and decreases by one on every successful step. Moreover, by Assumption (<ref>), whenever k < T_ and Y̅_k ≥ 0, the probability that it decreases by one is at least p. Define Y_k as follows: Y_k = Y̅_k if k ≤ T_, Y_k = Y_k-1 - 1 w.p. p Y_k-1 + 1 w.p. 1-p if k > T_. In other words, Y_k follows the algorithm until T_, and then behaves like a random walk with downward drift p after T_. We now couple {Y_k}_k=0^∞ with a random walk {Z_k}_k=0^∞ which stochastically dominates Y_k. Consider the following one-sided random walk {Z_k}_k=0^∞, defined on the non-negative integers. Z_0 = 0, Z_k+1 = Z_k +1, w.p. 1-p, Z_k-1, w.p. p, if Z_k ≥ 1, 0, w.p. p, if Z_k = 0. There exists a coupling between Z_k and Y_k, where Z_k stochastically dominates Y_k. Initially, Z_0=0 and Y_0 ≤ 0. For each k, we show how to update Z_k to Z_k+1 according to how Y_k changes to Y_k+1. We consider two cases depending on whether k < T_ or k ≥ T_. Case 1: k < T_. If Y_k≤ -1, we update Z_k+1 from Z_k according to <Ref>, independently of how Y_k changes to Y_k+1. If Y_k ≥ 0, then we first check if Y_k increased or decreased. Let p' be the probability that Y_k+1 = Y_k -1 on this sample path. Since Y_k ≥ 0, we know by <Ref> that p' ≥ p. Now, if Y_k+1 = Y_k + 1, then we set Z_k+1 = Z_k + 1. On the other hand, if Y_k+1 = Y_k - 1, then we set Z_k+1 = Z_k + 1 with probability 1 - p/p', and Z_k+1 = max{Z_k-1, 0} with probability p/p'. Note that these probabilities are well-defined because p' ≥ p. Case 2: k ≥ T_. If Y_k+1 = Y_k + 1, then set Z_k+1 = Z_k+1. Otherwise, if Y_k+1 = Y_k-1, then set Z_k+1 = max{Z_k-1, 0}. Observe that under this coupling, Z_k ≥ Y_k on every sample path. Moreover, {Z_k} and {Y_k} have the correct marginal distributions. For Y_k, this is easy to see, since it evolves according to its true distribution and we are constructing Z_k from it. For Z_k, on any step with k ≥ T_, Z_k+1 evolves from Z_k correctly according to <Ref> by construction. On a step with k < T_ there are two cases: 1) Y_k ≤ -1, and 2) Y_k ≥ 0. In the first case, the update from Z_k to Z_k+1 clearly follows <Ref>. This is also true in the second case, since there the probability that Z_k increases is (1-p') + p'(1-p/p') = 1-p. To summarize, we have exhibited a coupling between {Z_k} and {Y_k}, under which Z_k ≥ Y_k on any sample path. §.§ Step 2: upper-bounding the maximum value of the random walk We now derive a high probability upper bound on the maximum value reached by the random walk. Let N(l, n) be the random variable that denotes the number of times Z_k=l in the first n steps of the random walk. By definition of N(l, n), we have N(l, n) > 0 if and only if state l is visited in the first n steps of the random walk. The next proposition upper bounds the probability that N(l, n) > 0. Let q=1-p. We have (N(l,n) >0 ) ≤(n-l+1) 1-(q / p)/1-(q / p)^l+1(q/p)^l + 2 √(pq)/(1-2 √(p q))^2(2q)^l. First, observe that (N(l, n) > 0) remains unchanged if we change the state space from {0, 1,2, …} to {0, 1,2, …, l} and modify the walk to hold in state l with probability q (instead of moving from l to l+1 with that probability). This defines a Markov chain on {0,1,2,…, l}, and let P be its transition matrix. Noting that P_0,l^m is the probability that the Markov chain is in state l at time m, we see that (N(l,n) >0 ) ≤∑_m=l^n P_0, l^m. The matrix P is explicitly diagonalized in [1, Section XVI.3]. By (3.16) in that section, P_0,l^m=1-(q/p)/1-(q / p)^l+1(q/p)^l -2 q/l+1(q/p)^l-1/2∑_r=1^l[sinπ r/l+1][sinπ rl/l+1][2 √(pq)cosπ r/l+1]^m/1-2 √(p q)cosπ r/l+1. The absolute value of the sum appearing in (<ref>) can of course be bounded above by ∑_r=1^l(2 √(p q))^m/1-2 √(p q)=l (2 √(p q))^m/1-2 √(p q) and this readily yields P_0, l^m≤1-(q/p)/1-(q / p)^l+1(q/p)^l + 2 p/1-2 √(p q)(q/p)^l+1/2(2 √(p q))^m. Summing (<ref>) over m=l, …, n and using (<ref>), we obtain the bound on (N(l,n) >0 ) claimed in the proposition. The bound for Proposition <ref> is essentially tight, as the decay of (N(l,n) >0 ) is not faster than geometric; q^l is a lower bound. With the above proposition at hand, Theorem <ref> is proved by choosing an appropriate level l, for which (N(l,n) =0 ) is high. Let q=1-p. By Proposition <ref>, we have: (N(l,n) >0 ) ≤(n-l+1) 1-(q / p)/1-(q / p)^l+1(q/p)^l + 2 √(pq)/(1-2 √(p q))^2(2q)^l. In other words, (N(l,n) =0 ) ≥ 1-(n-l+1) 1-(q / p)/1-(q / p)^l+1(q/p)^l - 2 √(pq)/(1-2 √(p q))^2(2q)^l ≥ 1- n (q/p)^l - 2 √(pq)/(1-2 √(p q))^2(2q)^l. Let a>0 be a parameter to be set later, and take l=alog(n). Then, the above inequality implies: (N(l,n) =0 ) ≥ 1- n (q/p)^alog(n) - 2 √(pq)/(1-2 √(p q))^2(2q)^alog(n) = 1- n^1-alog(p/q) - 2 √(pq)/(1-2 √(p q))^2n^-alog(1/(2q)). Let a = 1+ω/log (1/2q). Then, a log(p/q) ≥ a log(1/2q) = 1+ω, so (N(l,n) =0 )≥ 1- n^-ω - 2 √(pq)/(1-2 √(p q))^2n^-(1+ω). In other words, with probability at least 1 - n^-ω - cn^-(1+ω) with c = 2√(pq)/(1-2√(pq))^2, the random walk will remain below l=(1+ω)log_1/2q n in the first n steps. By construction of the coupling, with the above probability, we know the α parameter in the algorithm either remains above γ^alog nα̅ = γ^(1+ω)log_1/2q nα̅ throughout the first n steps, or the algorithm has reached its stopping time in n steps. § EXPECTED AND HIGH PROBABILITY TOTAL ORACLE COMPLEXITY We now use the tools derived in the previous section to obtain abstract expected and high probability upper bounds on the total oracle complexity of <Ref>. In <Ref>, we will derive concrete bounds for the total oracle complexity of two specific algorithms (STORM and SASS), and the specific oracles arising in expected risk minimization. The cost of an oracle call may depend on the step size parameter α and the probability parameter 1-δ, thus we denote the cost by (α, 1-δ). We will use (α) in the paper to simplify the notation because for all algorithms in the class, δ can be treated as a constant. Moreover, the cost of an oracle call is a non-increasing function of α for all algorithms developed so far that fit into the framework. (α) is nonincreasing in α. For a positive integer n, let (n) be the random variable which denotes the total oracle complexity of running the algorithm for n iterations. In other words, (n) = ∑_k=1^n (𝒜_k). §.§ Abstract expected total oracle complexity We now proceed to bound (min{T_ϵ, n}) in expectation, where n is an arbitrary positive integer. Let <Ref> and <Ref> hold in Algorithm <ref>. For any positive integer n, we have [(min{T_ϵ, n})] ≤ n ∑_l=1^nmin{ 1, n(q/p)^l + 2 √(pq)/(1-2 √(p q))^2(2q)^l}·(α̅γ^l) + n (α̅). First, observe that if the α_k parameters are all above some value α^* in the first n steps, then by <Ref>, (n) ≤ n ·(α^*). Therefore, for any integer l ≥ 0, we have ((min{T_ϵ, n}) > n ·(α̅γ^l)) ≤(N(l+1,n) > 0). By Proposition <ref>, (N(l+1,n) >0 ) ≤ n (q/p)^l+1 + 2 √(pq)/(1-2 √(p q))^2(2q)^l+1. This implies ((min{T_ϵ, n}) > n ·(α̅γ^l)) ≤min{ 1, n(q/p)^l+1 + 2 √(pq)/(1-2 √(p q))^2(2q)^l+1}. By the definition of expectation, [(min{T_ϵ, n})] = ∑_i=0^n ·(α̅γ^n)i ·((min{T_ϵ, n}) = i) ≤∑_l=0^n-1((min{T_ϵ, n}) ∈ (n ·(α̅γ^l) , n ·(α̅γ^l+1)]) · n (α̅γ^l+1) + ((min{T_ϵ, n}) ∈ [0 , n (α̅)]) · n (α̅) ≤∑_l=0^n-1((min{T_ϵ, n})> n (α̅γ^l) ) · n (α̅γ^l+1) + n (α̅) ≤∑_l=0^n-1min{ 1, n(q/p)^l+1 + 2 √(pq)/(1-2 √(p q))^2(2q)^l+1}· n (α̅γ^l+1) + n (α̅). §.§ Abstract high probability total oracle complexity We now proceed to bound (T_) in high probability, using <Ref>. Let <Ref> and <Ref> hold in Algorithm <ref>. For any ω > 0 and positive integer n, with probability at least 1-(T_> n)- n^-ω - cn^-(1+ω ), (T_)≤ n·(α^*(n)), where α^*(n)= α̅γ n^-(1+ω)log_1/2q 1/γ , and c is as defined in <Ref>. If γ is chosen to be at least max{1/2, (1/2q)^log(2β)/(1+ω)log n} for some β < 1/2, then α^*(n) ≥βα̅, thus (T_)≤ n·(βα̅). Let _𝗋𝗐(n) be the total oracle complexity of the first n iterations with the corresponding sequence of parameters α_k induced by the one-sided random walk (that is, the sequence defined by α_k = α̅γ^Z_k, where Z_k is defined in <Ref>). In other words, _𝗋𝗐(n) = ∑_k=1^n (α̅γ^Z_k). With probability 1 - (T_ > n), we have T_≤ n, which implies (T_)≤_𝗋𝗐(T_) ≤_𝗋𝗐(n). Here, the first inequality is by <Ref> and <Ref>, and the second inequality is by T_≤ n. The same arguments used in the proof of <Ref> show that with probability at least 1 - n^-ω - c n^-(1+ω), we have min_1 ≤ k ≤ nα̅γ^Z_k≥α^*(n). Thus, with at least this probability, _𝗋𝗐(n) ≤ n·(α^*(n)). Putting these together with a union bound, the result follows. The second part of the theorem follows from substituting in the specific choice of γ. § APPLYING TO STORM AND SASS In this section, we demonstrate how the generic oracle complexity bounds in the previous section can be applied to concrete combinations of oracles and algorithms. We will consider the specific setting of expected risk minimization and two algorithms, first-order STORM and SASS, which are described earlier in the paper and fully analyzed in <cit.> and <cit.>, respectively. For each case, we will state the bounds on (α) as a function of α, and use those bounds in conjunction with the known bounds on T_ (that have been derived in previous papers), to obtain a bound on the total oracle complexity for each algorithm. The results we obtain are the first ones that bound the total oracle complexity of STORM and SASS, and we show that both algorithms are essentially near optimal in terms of total gradient sample complexity. When deriving these results, for simplicity of presentation, we omit most of the constants involved in the specific bounds on T_ and specific conditions on various algorithmic constants. For all such details, we refer the reader to <cit.> and <cit.>. We will include short comments regarding these constants, but otherwise replace them with a O(·) notation. Problem Setting: Expected risk minimization (ERM) can be written as min_x∈^mϕ(x)=_d ∼𝒟[l(x,d)]. Here, x represents the vector of model parameters, d is a data sample following distribution 𝒟, and l(x,d) is the loss when the model parameterized by x is evaluated on data point d. This problem is central in supervised machine learning and other settings such as simulation optimization <cit.>. For this problem, it is common to assume the function ϕ is L-smooth and is bounded from below, and gradients of functions ∇_x l(x, d) can be computed for any d∼𝒟, so we will consider this setting in this section. In this setting, the zeroth- and first-order oracles are usually computed as follows: f(x, 𝒮) = 1/|𝒮|∑_d∈𝒮l(x,d), g(x, 𝒮) = 1/|𝒮|∑_d∈𝒮∇_x l(x,d), where 𝒮 is the “minibatch" - that is a set of i.i.d samples from 𝒟. Generally, |𝒮| can be chosen to depend on x. In what follows we will refer to the total number of times an algorithm computes l(x,d) for a specific x and d as its total function value sample complexity and the number of times the algorithm computes ∇ l(x,d) as its total gradient sample complexity. The total (oracle or sample) complexity of the algorithm is defined as the sum of these two quantities. §.§ Total sample complexity of first-order STORM We first consider the first-order stochastic trust region method (STORM) as introduced and analyzed in <cit.>. The algorithm uses zeroth- and first-order oracles defined in TR1.0 and TR1.1 in <Ref>. Trust region algorithms are usually applied to nonconvex functions and the stopping time of STORM is defined as T_ = min{k: ∇ϕ(x_k)≤}. In Section 3.3 of <cit.>, it is shown that Assumption <ref> is satisfied with α̅= /ζ, where ζ is a moderate constant that depends on κ_eg, L and some constant chosen by the algorithm. In <cit.>, the oracle costs of STORM in the ERM setting are briefly discussed under the following assumptions on l(x, d). * Function value: It is assumed that there is some σ_f ≥ 0 such that for all x, _d∼𝒟[l(x,d)] ≤σ_f^2. * Gradient: It is assumed that _d ∼𝒟 [∇_x l(x, d)] = ∇ϕ(x), and that there is some σ_g ≥ 0 such that for all x, _d∼𝒟∇_x l(x,d)-∇ϕ(x)^2≤σ_g^2. The cost of each oracle call is the number of samples in the associated minibatch 𝒮. By applying Chebyshev's inequality it is easy to bound the oracle costs of TR1.0 and TR1.1. * Cost of TR1.0 with parameter α: _0(α) = σ_f^2/δ_0κ_ef^2α^4, * Cost of TR1.1 with parameter α: _1(α) = σ_g^2/δ_1κ_e g^2α^2. Below we substitute the specific oracle costs into <Ref> to obtain the expected total sample complexity for the first-order STORM algorithm. Specifically, we will bound the total sample complexity of STORM [(min{T_, n})] by deriving bounds on the the expectation of the total function value sample complexity _0 and the total gradient sample complexity _1, where _0(n) = ∑_k=1^n _0(𝒜_k),   _1(n) = ∑_k=1^n _1(𝒜_k)  and (n)=_0(n)+_1(n). Let p = 1 - δ_0 - δ_1 and q = 1 - p. For the first-order STORM algorithm, for any iteration budget n ∈^+, and γ > (2q)^1/4, we have [(min{T_, n})] ≤ O(nlog_p/q(n) ( σ_f^2/^4 n^4log_q/pγ + σ_g^2 /^2 n^2log_q/pγ)). If γ≥(q/p)^log c/log n for some constant c > 1 (so that n^log_q/pγ≤ c), the above simplifies to be [(min{T_, n})] ≤ nlog(n) · O(σ_f^2/^4 + σ_g^2/^2). By Theorem <ref>, the total expected cost of the zeroth-order oracle over n iterations is bounded above by: [_0(min{T_, n})] ≤ n ∑_l=1^nmin{ 1, n(q/p)^l + 2 √(pq)/(1-2 √(p q))^2(2q)^l}·_0(α̅γ^l) + n _0(α̅) ≤ n∑_l=1^nmin{1, n(q/p)^l}·_0(α̅γ^l)_=:A + 2n√(pq)/(1-2√(pq))^2∑_l=1^n(2q)^l·_0(α̅γ^l)_=: B + n _0(α̅). For the zeroth-order oracle, _0(α) = σ_f^2/δ_0κ_ef^2α^4 = O(σ_f^2/α^4). We use this to calculate upper bounds for A and B. First, we consider A. Note that min{1, n(q/p)^l} = 1, if and only if l ≤log_p/q(n). Therefore, A ≤∑_l=1^log_p/q(n)_0(α̅γ^l) + n∑_l ≥log_p/q(n)( q/p)^l _0(α̅γ^l) ≤∑_l=1^log_p/q(n) O(σ_f^2/α̅^4γ^4l) + n∑_l ≥log_p/q(n)( q/p)^l O(σ_f^2/α̅^4γ^4l) ≤ O(σ_f^2/α̅^4) ( ∑_l=1^log_p/q(n)1/γ^4l + n∑_l ≥log_p/q(n)( q/p)^l 1/γ^4l) ≤ O(σ_f^2/^4) ( log_p/q(n) ·(1/γ^4)^log_p/q(n) + n(q/pγ^4)^log_p/q(n)1/1 - q/pγ^4) = O(σ_f^2/^4 log_p/q(n) n^log_p/q(1/γ^4)) = O(σ_f^2/^4 log_p/q(n) n^4log_q/pγ). Next we bound B. We have B = ∑_l=1^n(2q)^l·_0(α̅γ^l) ≤∑_l=0^∞(2q)^l· O(σ_f^2/α̅^4γ^4l) ≤ O(σ_f^2/^4) ( 1/1 - 2q ·1/γ^4) = O(σ_f^2/^4) . Using these bounds on A and B in the expression for [_0(min{T_ϵ, n})], we obtain the bound on the total function value sample complexity as O(σ_f^2/^4 n log_p/q(n) n^4log_q/pγ). A similar calculation using the cost of the first-order oracle yields the bound O(σ_g^2/^2 n log_p/q(n) n^2log_q/pγ) for [_1(min{T_ϵ, n})]. Since (min{T_ϵ, n})= _0(min{T_ϵ, n})+_1(min{T_ϵ, n}) by definition, the result follows. Let us discuss the implications of Theorem <ref>. In <cit.>, a lower bound on the total gradient sample complexity for stochastic optimization of non-convex, smooth functions is derived and shown to be, in the worst case, C(1/^4), for some positive constant C. This complexity lower bound holds even when exact function values ϕ(x) are also available. We note that the definition of complexity in <cit.> is the smallest number of sample gradient evaluations required to return a point x with [∇ϕ (x)] ≤, which is different from (T_ϵ) which we are aiming to bound here. We believe that the lower bound in <cit.> applies to our definition as well, but this is a subject of a separate study. In <cit.>, it is shown that [T_] ≤C_1/^2 for some C_1 sufficiently large that depends on δ_1, δ_0, κ_eg, L and some algorithmic constants. Thus, if n = C_1/^2 in inequality (<ref>) of Theorem <ref> , as long as γ is sufficiently large, we obtain [(min{T_, n})] ≤ O( (σ_f^2/^6 + σ_g^2/^4) log(1/) ). In particular, the total gradient sample complexity is O(σ_g^2/^4log(1/)), which essentially matches the complexity lower bound as described in <cit.> up to a logarithmic factor. The total function value sample complexity is worse than that of the gradient if σ_f^2 is large. However, if σ_f^2≤ O(σ_g^2^2), the total sample complexity bound of STORM matches the lower bound up to a logarithmic factor. We note now that choosing n = C_1/^2 in Theorem <ref> does not in fact guarantee that T_<n, since for STORM, only a bound on [T_] has been derived. However, this statement can be made true in probability, thanks to <Ref>, by simply applying Markov inequality for n = C_2 C_1/^2 (where C_2 > 1). For the first-order STORM algorithm applied to expected risk minimization, let n be chosen such that n ≥ C_2 C_1/^2 (for some C_1 sufficiently large so that C_1/^2≥[T_], and any C_2>1), and γ be chosen so that γ≥max{1/2, (1/2q)^log(2β)/(1+ω)log n} (for some β≤1/2, and any ω > 0). Then, with probability at least 1-1/C_2- O(n^-ω), (T_) ≤ O(σ_f^2/^6 + σ_g^2/^4). The theorem is a simple application of <Ref> to the specific setting. * Compared to the expected total sample complexity bound, this high probability bound is smaller by a log factor. * In <cit.>, a first-order trust region algorithm similar to STORM with the same first-order oracle (i.e. TR1.1 with ϵ_g = 0), but with an exact zeroth-order oracle (i.e. TR1.0 with κ_ef=δ_0=0) is analyzed. In this case, it is shown that (T_ > n) ≤exp(-C_1n) (for some constant C_1 depends on δ_1), for any n ≥C_2/^2 (with some sufficiently large C_2). Using a similar application of <Ref>, we can show that as long as γ is sufficiently large, the total gradient sample complexity of that trust region algorithm is bounded above by O(σ_g^2/^4) with probability at least 1 - exp(-C_1n) - O(n^-ω) (which is a significant improvement over the probability in Theorem <ref>). * Another first-order trust region algorithm, with weaker oracle assumptions than those in <cit.> is introduced and analyzed in <cit.>. This algorithm relies on the first-order oracle as described in TR1.1 and the zeroth-order oracle as described in SS.0. For this algorithm, it is shown that (T_ > n) ≤ 2exp(-C_1n) + exp(-C_2) (C_2 being any positive constant), where n = C_3C_2/^2 for some sufficiently large C_3 and some positive C_1 that depends on δ_0 and δ_1. Thus, again, using <Ref> we can show that as long as γ is sufficiently large, the total sample complexity of the first-order trust region algorithm in <cit.> is bounded above by O(σ_f^2/^6 + σ_g^2/^4) with probability at least 1-2 exp(-C_1n) - exp(-C_2) - O(n^-ω). §.§ Total sample complexity of SASS We now consider the SASS algorithm[This algorithm was also referred to as ALOE in <cit.>. Its name has been changed to SASS since <cit.>.], analyzed in <cit.> and described in <Ref>. By Proposition 1, 2 and 4 of <cit.>, <Ref> is satisfied, with α̅ as given in the propositions. In the empirical risk minimization setting, the following assumptions on l(x, d) are made in <cit.>. * Function value: It is assumed that l(x,d) - ϕ(x) is a subexponential random variable and that there is some σ_f ≥ 0 such that for all x, _d∼𝒟[l(x,d)] ≤σ_f^2. For example, if l(x,d) is uniformly bounded, then l(x,d) - ϕ(x) is subexponential. * Gradient: It is assumed that _d ∼𝒟 [∇_x l(x, d)] = ∇ϕ(x), and that for some M_c, M_v≥ 0 and for all x, _d∼𝒟∇_x l(x,d)-∇ϕ(x)^2≤ M_c+M_v∇ϕ(x)^2. This assumption is fairly general and is studied in the literature <cit.>. For non-convex functions, the stopping time is defined as T_ = min{k: ∇ϕ(x_k)≤}, same as in the case of STORM. For strongly convex functions, the stopping time is defined as T_ = min{k: ϕ(x_k) - inf_x ϕ(x) ≤}. To achieve the desired accuracy, oracles SS.0 and SS.1 have to be sufficiently accurate in the sense that ϵ_f and ϵ_g have to be sufficiently small with respect to . In the case of expected risk minimization, the oracles can be implemented for any ϵ_f and ϵ_g by choosing an appropriate mini-batch size. Thus, here we will first fix and then discuss the oracles that deliver sufficient accuracy for such , for the theory in <cit.> to apply. Oracle Costs per Iteration. In <cit.>, it is shown that given the desired convergence tolerance , sufficiently accurate oracles SS.0 and SS.1 can be implemented for any step size parameter α as follows: * Zeroth-order oracle: Proposition 5 of <cit.> shows that a sufficiently accurate zeroth-order oracle can be obtained by using a minibatch of size _0(α) = O(σ_f^2/^4), for the non-convex case, O(σ_f^2/^2), for the strongly convex case. Note that the cost of the zeroth-order oracle is independent of α. * First-order oracle: Proposition 6 of <cit.> implies that a sufficiently accurate first-order oracle can be obtained by using a minibatch of size _1(α) = O(M_c/^2 + M_v/min{τ, κα}^2), for the non-convex case, O(M_c/ + M_v/min{τ, κα}^2), for the strongly convex case. The cost of the first-order oracle is indeed non-increasing in α, so <Ref> is satisfied. For simplicity of the presentation and essentially without loss of generality, we will assume τ≥κα̅. Substituting these bounds into <Ref>, we obtain the following expected total sample complexity. For the SASS algorithm applied to expected risk minimization, for any iteration budget n ∈^+, and any γ > (2q)^1/2, we have * Non-convex case: [(min{T_, n})] ≤ O(σ_f^2/^4· n + M_c/^2· n + M_v · n ( n^log_p/q(1/γ^2)log_p/q(n) )). * Strongly convex case: [(min{T_, n})] ≤ O(σ_f^2/^2· n + M_c/· n + M_v· n ( n^log_p/q(1/γ^2)log_p/q(n) )). Moreover, if γ≥(q/p)^log c/2log n for some constant c > 1 (so that n^log_p/q(1/γ^2)≤ c), the above simplifies to * Non-convex case: [(min{T_ϵ, n})] ≤ O(n (σ_f^2/^4 + M_c/^2 + M_v log(n))). * Strongly convex case: [(min{T_ϵ, n})] ≤ O(n (σ_f^2/^2 + M_c/ + M_v log(n))). Since the cost of each call to the zeroth-order oracle (<ref>) is independent of α, the total function value sample complexity over n iterations is simply obtained by multiplying (<ref>) by n. The cost of the first-order oracle (<ref>) consists of two parts, _1(α) = _1,1(α) + _1,2(α). The first part, _1,1(α), is O(M_c/^2). Since this is independent of α, the total contribution of this part to the total gradient sample complexity over n iterations is n _1,1(α), which is bounded by O(M_c/^2 n). The second part of the cost of the first-order oracle is _1,2(α) := O(M_v/min{τ, κα}^2). By Theorem <ref>, the total expected cost over n iterations from this part is bounded above by: n ∑_l=1^nmin{ 1, n(q/p)^l + 2 √(pq)/(1-2 √(p q))^2(2q)^l}·_1,2(α̅γ^l) + n _1,2(α̅) ≤ n∑_l=1^nmin{1, n(q/p)^l}·_1,2(α̅γ^l)_=:A + 2n√(pq)/(1-2√(pq))^2∑_l=1^n(2q)^l·_1,2(α̅γ^l)_=: B + n _1,2(α̅). Note that the expression above only involves _1,2(α) for α≤α̅. Therefore, by our earlier assumption that τ≥κα̅, we have _1,2(α) = O(M_v/κ^2α^2) = O(M_v/α^2) (since κ is a constant). We now use this to calculate upper bounds for A and B. Using similar arguments as the proof of <Ref>, we have A = O(M_v/α̅^2 log_p/q(n) n^log_p/q(1/γ^2))  and  B = O(M_v/α̅^2) . Together with the previous arguments, the result follows. In <cit.>, the iteration bound on T_ϵ is shown to be C_1/^2+log_1/γα_0/α̅ in the non-convex case, and C_2log1/+log_1/γα_0/α̅ in the strongly convex case (for some C_1 and C_2 sufficiently large) in high probability. Thus, we can select n appropriately and derive the high probability bound on the total sample complexity of SASS using <Ref>. For the SASS algorithm applied to expected risk minimization, let n ≥C_1/^2+log_1/γα_0/α̅ in the non-convex case, and n ≥ C_2log1/+log_1/γα_0/α̅ in the strongly convex case. For any ω > 0, with probability at least 1-2exp(-C_3n) - O(n^-ω) (for some C_3 >0), we have * Non-convex case: (T_) ≤ O((1/^2+log_1/γα_0/α̅)·( σ_f^2/^4 + M_c/^2 + M_v/^4(1+ω)log_2q(γ))). * Strongly convex case: (T_) ≤ O( ( log1/+log_1/γα_0/α̅ )·(σ_f^2/^2 + M_c/ + M_v(log1/)^2(1+ω)log_2q(γ)) ). If γ∈[ max{1/2, (1/2q)^log(2β)/(1+ω)log n}, (α̅/α_0)^1/cn ], where β is any constant smaller than 1/2, and c is any constant in (0,1), the above simplifies to * Non-convex case: (T_) ≤ O(1/^2·( σ_f^2/^4 + M_c/^2 + M_v/β^2)). * Strongly convex case: (T_) ≤ O(log1/·( σ_f^2/^2 + M_c/ + M_v/β^2)). The bounds (<ref>) and (<ref>) follow by using (<ref>) and (<ref>) in <Ref>, and Theorem 3.8 of <cit.>. The bounds (<ref>) and (<ref>) follow from (<ref>) and (<ref>), respectively, by using the fact that γ lies in the appropriate range and log_1/γα_0/α̅≤ cn with c ∈ (0,1). In the non-convex case, we have 1/^2 + log_1/γα_0/α̅ = O(1/^2) and M_v/^4(1+ω)log_2q(γ) = 𝒪(M_v/β^2) when γ lies in the specified range. It is worth noting that c ∈ (0,1) implies there is some n= O(1/^2) that satisfies n ≥C_1/^2+log_1/γα_0/α̅. The result for the strongly convex case follows similarly. * We consider some of the implications of <Ref> below. Similar implications hold for the expected total sample complexity. * In the non-convex case, from (<ref>), the total function value sample complexity is O(σ_f^2/^6) and the total gradient sample complexity is O(M_c/^4 + M_v/^2). In particular, the total gradient sample complexity matches that of SGD, and it essentially matches the complexity lower bound as described in <cit.> (for a different definition of complexity). Specifically, if σ_f=0 (i.e., function values are exact), the lower bound in <cit.> applies and the total sample complexity of SASS matches it. * If M_c=0 (sometimes referred to as the interpolation case), then the total gradient sample complexity reduces to O(M_v/^2). Hence, the total gradient sample complexity matches that of SGD under interpolation <cit.>. * In the strongly convex case, the total function value sample complexity is O( σ_f^2/^2log1/) and the total gradient sample complexity is O( (M_c/ + M_v)log1/). In particular, the total gradient sample complexity matches that of SGD up to a logarithmic term. § CONCLUSION We analyzed the behavior of the step size parameter in <Ref>, an adaptive stochastic optimization framework that encompasses a wide class of algorithms analyzed in recent literature. We derived a high probability lower bound for this parameter, and as a result, developed a simple strategy for controlling this lower bound. For many settings, having a fixed lower bound on the step size parameter implies an upper bound on the cost of the oracles that compute the gradient and function estimates. We developed a framework to analyze the expected and high probability total oracle complexity for this general class of algorithms, and illustrated the use of it by deriving total sample complexity bounds for two specific algorithms - the first-order stochastic trust region (STORM) algorithm <cit.> and a stochastic step search (SASS) algorithm <cit.> in the expected risk minimization setting. We showed that the sample complexity of both these algorithms essentially matches the complexity lower bound of first-order algorithms for stochastic non-convex optimization <cit.>, which was not known before. § ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to thank James Allen Fill for pointing out useful references and the proof of Proposition <ref>. This work was partially supported by NSF Grants TRIPODS 17-40796, CCF 2008434, CCF 2140057 and ONR Grant N00014-22-1-2154. Billy Jin was partially supported by NSERC fellowship PGSD3-532673-2019. alpha
Incomplete Multi-View Multi-Label Learning via Label-Guided Masked View- and Category-Aware Transformers
[ "Chengliang Liu", "Jie Wen", "Xiaoling Luo", "Yong Xu" ]
[ "cs.CV", "cs.LG" ]
Probabilistic Uncertainty-Aware Risk Spot Detector for Naturalistic Driving Tim Puphal, Malte Probst and Julian Eggert The authors are with the Honda Research Institute (HRI) Europe, Carl-Legien-Str. 30, 63073 Offenbach, Germany (e-mail: tim.puphal@honda-ri.de; malte.probst@honda-ri.de; julian.eggert@honda-ri.de) March 30, 2023 ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= As we all know, multi-view data is more expressive than single-view data and multi-label annotation enjoys richer supervision information than single-label, which makes multi-view multi-label learning widely applicable for various pattern recognition tasks. In this complex representation learning problem, three main challenges can be characterized as follows: i) How to learn consistent representations of samples across all views? ii) How to exploit and utilize category correlations of multi-label to guide inference? iii) How to avoid the negative impact resulting from the incompleteness of views or labels? To cope with these problems, we propose a general multi-view multi-label learning framework named label-guided masked view- and category-aware transformers in this paper. First, we design two transformer-style based modules for cross-view features aggregation and multi-label classification, respectively. The former aggregates information from different views in the process of extracting view-specific features, and the latter learns subcategory embedding to improve classification performance. Second, considering the imbalance of expressive power among views, an adaptively weighted view fusion module is proposed to obtain view-consistent embedding features. Third, we impose a label manifold constraint in sample-level representation learning to maximize the utilization of supervised information. Last but not least, all the modules are designed under the premise of incomplete views and labels, which makes our method adaptable to arbitrary multi-view and multi-label data. Extensive experiments on five datasets confirm that our method has clear advantages over other state-of-the-art methods. § INTRODUCTION Since the development of representation learning methods, data analysis technology based on simple single-view data has become more and more difficult to meet diverse application requirements. In the past few years, data acquisition technology has flourished, and multi-view data from various media or with different styles are ubiquitous, providing more possibilities for comprehensively and accurately describing observation targets. Simply put, multiple observations, obtained from different observation angles for the same thing, could be regarded as multi-view data <cit.>. For example, retinal images captured at four different positions constitute a four-view retinal dataset <cit.>; the features extracted from the target image with different feature extraction operators can also form a multi-view dataset <cit.>. More typically, multi-view or multi-modal datasets composed of multimedia data such as text, pictures, and videos have been widely used in many applications such as web page classification <cit.>. As a result, multi-view learning emerges as the times require, and a large number of methods based on subspace learning, matrix factorization, and graph learning have been proposed <cit.>. Most of these methods seek to obtain a consistent representation of multiple views to characterize the essential attributes of objects. On the other hand, since the core of multi-view learning is representation learning, researchers usually combine it with downstream tasks to improve the application value and evaluate the learning effect <cit.>. That is, multi-view learning can be divided into clustering and classification, according to whether supervised information is available. Further, in the single-label classification task, a sample is only labeled with one category, which is obviously against the distribution of information in nature <cit.>. For example, a bird picture is likely to contain the category of `sky' or `tree'. Therefore, although multi-label classification still faces more challenges than single-label classification, its broad application prospects are attracting a lot of research enthusiasm. Based on this, a complex fusion task, i.e., multi-view multi-label classification (MvMlC) is put on the agenda. proposed a matrix factorization-based MvMlC model, which attempts to enforce alignment of different views in the kernel space to exploit multi-view complementarity and explore more latent information <cit.>. A Bernoulli mixture conditional model is proposed to model label dependencies and employ a variational inference framework for approximate posterior estimation <cit.>. Researchers have conducted extensive researches in the field of MvMlC, however these works assume that all views and labels are complete, which is often violated in practice. For example, if a web page contains only text and images, then the video view of the page is not available. To avoid the negative effects of missing views as much as possible, some multi-view learning works try to mask unavailable views or restore missing views <cit.>. Similarly, manual annotation is likely to miss some tags due to mistakes or cost, which inevitably weakens the supervision information of multi-label. To solve the issue, some works focusing on incomplete multi-label classification have been developed in recent years <cit.>. Although these methods designed for incomplete multi-view or incomplete multi-label learning have achieved surprising fruits, most of them are not able to cope with the both incomplete cases simultaneously. To this end, we propose a general MvMlC framework, termed Label-guided Masked View- and Category-Aware Transformers (LMVCAT), which can handle the multi-view data with arbitrary missing-view and missing-label. In addition, unlike traditional methods to learn low-level representations of samples, deep neural networks based LMVCAT is capable to extract high-level features of samples, which is of great benefit for learning complex multi-category semantic labels. In recent years, transformer, designed for natural language processing, has shown its dominance in the image and other fields, which clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of the self-attention mechanism <cit.>. Inspired by this, our LMVCAT is also designed based on the transformer with self-attention mechanism which can provide a global receptive field for each view <cit.>. Overall, our model is composed of four parts: a masked view-aware encoder, an adaptively weighted multi-view fusion module, a label-guided sample-level graph constraint, and a subcategory-aware multi-label classification module. Specifically, the four parts of our LMVCAT are motivated by the following points: 1) breaking the inter-view barriers to aggregate multi-view features can fully exploit the complementary information of multiple views, so we design a view-aware module to integrate all views while extracting sample-specific high-level representations; 2) different discrimination ability of views means the different contributions to the final classification, so an adaptively weighted strategy that automatically learns the weight factor of each view is needed <cit.>; 3) compared with single-label data, multi-label data naturally enjoys richer label similarity information, so it is of great significance to utilize label smoothness (manifold) to guide sample encoding; 4) it is well known that multi-label data is with non-negligible inter-class correlations, thus we adopt a category-aware module that learns correlations in the subcategory embedding space to collaboratively predict labels <cit.>. Apart from those, it needs to be emphasized that we consider the possibility of missing labels and missing views in all components of our model. So it is no doubt that our LMVCAT is a general MvMlC framework that is comfortable with all kinds of multi-view multi-label data. Our contributions are summarized as follows: * To the best of our knowledge, this is the first Transformer-based incomplete multi-view multi-label learning framework capable of handling both incomplete views and labels. The proposed masked view-aware self-attention module could avoid the missing views' negative effects to information interaction across views. Similarly, our category-aware module is designed to mine latent inter-class correlations in the subcategory embedding space to improve the expressiveness. * Label manifold is fully exploited. Although the multi-label information is fragmentary, we still try our best to construct an approximate similarity graph based on incomplete labels to guide the encoding process of samples, which further strengthens the discrimination power of high-level semantic features. * Different views contribute different importance to the prediction, so we introduce an adaptively weighted fusion method to balance this importance instead of simply adding multiple views. Sufficient experimental results confirm the effectiveness of our LMVCAT. § PRELIMINARIES §.§ Formulation In this section, we define our main problem as follows: Given input multi-view dataset 𝖣= {𝖷,𝖸}, which contains n samples. For i-th sample, 𝖷_i is composed of m views with dimension d_v, i.e., 𝖷_i={x_i^(v)∈ℝ^d_v}_v=1^m, or for v-th view, 𝖷^(v)={x^(v)_i∈ℝ^d_v}_i=1^n. 𝖸_i∈{0,1}^c is a row vector that denotes the label of i-th sample and c is the number of categories. To describe the missing cases, we let 𝖶∈{0,1}^n× m be the missing-view indicator matrix, where 𝖶_ij=1 represent j-th view of sample i is available, otherwise 𝖶_ij=0. Similarly, we define 𝖦∈{0,1}^n× c as the missing-label indicator matrix, where 𝖦_ij=1 represents j-th category of sample i is known, otherwise 𝖦_ij=0. All missing information of feature 𝖷 and label 𝖸 will be set as `0' in the data-preparation stage. And our goal of multi-view multi-label learning is to train a model which can correctly predict multiple categories for each input sample. §.§ Related Works A matrix completion based MvMlC method, termed as lrMMC, which forces common subspace to be low rank to satisfy the assumption of matrix completion <cit.>. However, lrMMC is incapable of adapting to missing-view or missing-label data. MVL-IV, an incomplete multi-view learning method, attempts to exploit the connections between views <cit.>. As another incomplete multi-view single-label learning model, iMSF cleverly divides the incomplete multi-view classification tasks into multiple complete subtasks <cit.>. There is a limitation to both methods that MVL-IV and iMSF only consider the incompleteness of views. On the contrary, MvEL, a method aiming to capture the semantic context and the neighborhood consistency, could only handle the incomplete multi-label case <cit.>. In recent years, there are few approaches to consider double missing cases except iMvWL<cit.> and NAIML<cit.>. iMvWL simultaneously maps multi-view features and muti-label information to a common subspace. And a correlation matrix is introduced to enhance the projection from label space to embedding subspace. NAIML copes with the double incomplete problem based on the low-rank hypothesis of sub-label matrix, which also implicitly exploits the sub-class correlations. In addition, because the iMvWL and NAIML are well suited to datasets with both view and label incompleteness, we focus on evaluating these two methods in our comparison experiments. § METHOD In this section, we elaborate on each component of our model, including view-aware transformer, label-guided graph constraint, multi-view adaptively weighted fusion, and category-aware transformer. §.§ VFormer As we all know, the key to success of multi-view learning is the complementarity among views, which are not available in single-view data. To this end, we design a view-aware transformer encoder (VFormer for short) to aggregate complementary information during the cross-view interaction. Before this, it needs to be considered that different views may have different feature dimensions, so for convenience, we map the original multi-view data to the embedding space with the same dimension by a stack of Multilayer Perceptrons (MLP) {_θ^(v)}_v=1^m, which can also be seen as a preliminary feature extraction operation, i.e., _θ^(v): 𝖷^(v)∈ℝ^n× d_v→𝖷^(v)∈ℝ^n× d_e. These embedding features of multiple views are stacked into a feature sequence 𝖷∈ℝ^n× m × d_e, like a sentence embedding tensor composed of some word embedding vectors, as the input tensor of the VFormer. The structure of our VFormer is similar to that of the encoder in the typical transformer <cit.>, and the main difference is that we introduce a missing view indicator matrix in the calculation of multi-head self-attention scores to prevent missing views from participating in the calculation of attention scores. Our masked multi-head self-attention encoder is characterized as follows: For each sample embedding 𝖷_i ∈ℝ^m× d_e, we project it linearly to get its queries, keys, and values by h groups projective matrices, i.e., {𝖶^𝗊_t,𝖶^𝗄_t,𝖶^𝗏_t}_t=1^h with head number h. To mask the embedding features according to missing-view distribution, we define a fill function to fill zero value with -1e^9 and construct a mask matrix of sample i: 𝖬_i =w_i^Tw_i ∈ℝ^m× m, where w_i is i-th row vector of 𝖶. Then we calculate view correlations 𝖠_t and output 𝖧_t: 𝖠_t=softmax(fill((𝖷_i𝖶^𝗊_t)(𝖷_i𝖶^𝗄_t)^T𝖬_i)/√(d_h)) 𝖧_t = 𝖠_t(𝖷_i𝖶^𝗏_t), where d_h=d_e/h, 𝖶^𝗊_t, 𝖶^𝗄_t, 𝖶^𝗏_t ∈ℝ^d_e × d_h, and 𝖧_t∈ℝ^m× d_h. The masked self-attention mechanism is shown in the Fig. <ref>, it is worth noting that we fill the attention values with -1e^9 so that the softmax will ignore the corresponding missing views when calculating the attention scores. And then, we concatenate all outputs to produce a new embedding feature w.r.t sample i: 𝖧 = Concat(𝖧_1,...,𝖧_t) ∈ℝ^m× d_e. To sum up, all views of the same sample will exchange information during the parallel encoding process in our VFormer. As a result, the private information of each view is shared to some extent by other views. Other operations on VFormer are shown in the Fig. <ref>(a). Finally, our VFormer can be formulated as: :𝖷→𝖹∈ℝ^n× m× d_e. §.§ Label-Guided Graph Constraint Unlike single-label samples maintaining an invariant label distance (√(2) by Euclidean distance), multi-label samples naturally hold uneven distribution in label space, which offers the possibility to guide the high-level representation learning based on label similarity. Simply put, the label manifold assumption means that if two samples are similar, their labels should also be similar <cit.>. In turn, we utilize label similarity to construct a sample-level graph constraint to guide the representation learning. As shown in Fig. <ref>(b), the similarity vector from sample 1 to other samples is calculated to guide the embedding encoding of sample 1. Before that, we define the label similarity matrix 𝖳: 𝖳=(𝖸⊙𝖦)(𝖸⊙𝖦)^T./(𝖦𝖦^T), where ‘⊙’ is Hadamard product and ‘./’ denotes the division of corresponding elements. Notably, 𝖳∈ [0,1]^n× n is normalized by 𝖦𝖦^T, where (𝖦𝖦^T)_ij is referring to the number of known categories in both 𝖸_i and 𝖸_j. In other words, for two samples, the larger the number of common positive tags, the more similar they are. In addition, the similarity of two embedding features is calculated in cosine space, i.e., for sample i and j, their similarity in view v is defined as: 𝖲_ij^(v)=(⟨ z_i^(v)· z_j^(v)⟩/z_i^(v)z_j^(v)+1)/2, where ⟨·⟩ denotes the vector dot product operation. z_i^(v) and z_j^(v) are two embedding features from view v that are output by VFormer. In order to learn sample neighbor relationships from labels, we let label similarity be the target and feature similarity be the learning object. The graph constraint loss ℒ_gc is formulated as: ℒ_gc = -1/2mN∑_v=1^m∑_i=1^n∑_j i^n(𝖳_ijlog𝖲^(v)_ij +(1-𝖳_ij)log(1-𝖲^(v)_ij))(𝖶_iv𝖶_jv), where N=∑_i,j𝖶_iv𝖶_jv denotes the number of available sample pairs in view v. We introduce 𝖶_iv𝖶_jv to mask the calculation of loss w.r.t missing views. §.§ Adaptively Weighted Fusion As mentioned above, VFormer encodes an embedding feature for each view of each sample (i.e., 𝖹∈ℝ^n× m× d_e). In order to obtain a consistent common representation to uniquely describe the corresponding sample, we propose an adaptively weighted fusion strategy to fuse multi-view embedding features before final classification. The fusion feature z̅_̅i̅ of sample i is defined as follows: z̅_̅i̅=∑_v=1^me^a^γ_vz_i^(v)𝖶_iv/∑_ve^a^γ_v𝖶_iv, where a_v is a learnable scalar weight of v-th view and γ is a adjustment factor. Apparently simple as Eq. (<ref>) seems, it serves two purposes: i) Distinct from other methods to treat all views equally, we flexibly assign each view different weighting coefficients, which help to maintain or highlight the differences of discriminative ability among views. ii) Unusable views must be ignored in multi-view fusion to avoid negative effects, so missing-view indicator matrix is introduced in our fusion module. Stack all z̅_̅i̅ and we can get output tensor 𝖹̅∈ℝ^n× d_e for next classification. §.§ CFormer and Classifier In the real world, multiple categories of samples are not independent of each other. How to leverage the multi-label correlations to make our model more discriminative is the main concern in the subsection. Instead of learning a category correlation graph, similar to <cit.>, we directly map each category to the feature space and leverage the self-attention mechanism to capture the category correlations. In more detail, c class tokens {cls^i∈ℝ^d_e}_i=1^c are randomly initialized before training and input to category-aware transformer (CFormer for short) with fusion features of samples (i.e., the input of CFormer is {z̅_̅i̅,cls^1,...,cls^c}_i=1^n). Similar to the structure of VFormer, CFormer allows the fusion features and category tokens to share information, which enjoys two major benefits: On the one hand, the view-fusion features aggregate all subcategory information according to similarities among them, which makes the embedding features encoded by CFormer closer to their relevant class tokens. On the other hand, the information interaction across categories implicitly promotes the learning of category relevance. It should be pointed out that we do not introduce the missing-label mask here because mining the category correlation information requires the participation of all class tokens. And for any sample i, the output tensor of our CFormer is {z_i,cls^1_i,...,cls^c_i}∈ℝ^(c+1)× d_e. We split the output into two parts, i.e., consensus representation {z_i} for the main classification purpose and {cls^1_i,...,cls^c_i} for the representation learning of class tokens. As shown in Fig. <ref>, c+1 linear classifiers {_z,{_i}_i=1^c} are connected in parallel to the outputs of CFormer, where the classifier _z predicts the final result 𝖯_z∈ [0,1]^n× c. While each other classifier _i only predicts the value of its own category so we can get another prediction 𝖯_c∈ [0,1]^n× c from all class tokens. Finally, we define a masked binary cross-entropy function as our multi-label classification loss: ℒ_mbce = -1/C∑_i=1^n∑_j=1^c(𝖸_ijlog(𝖯_ij) +(1-𝖸_ij)log(1-𝖯_ij) )𝖦_ij, where C = ∑_i,j𝖦_i,j denotes the number of available labels and 𝖯 is the prediction. 𝖦 is introduced to prevent unknown labels from participating in the calculation of loss. As a result, we can obtain a main classification loss ℒ_mc and an ancillary classification loss ℒ_ac according to ℒ_mbce for 𝖯_z and 𝖯_c, respectively. Overall, our total loss function is : ℒ = ℒ_mc+ αℒ_gc+ βℒ_ac, where α and β are penalty coefficients. § EXPERIMENTS §.§ Experimental Setting Datasets. In the experiments, we use five multi-view multi-label datasets as same as <cit.>: (1) corel5k <cit.>: The corel5k dataset contains 5000 image samples with 260 classes and we use 4999 samples in the experiments. (2) Pascal07 <cit.>: The popular Pascal07 dataset has 9963 images covering 20 types of tags. (3) Espgame <cit.>: 20770 samples and 268 categories of Espgame are used in our experiments. It is no doubt that it is a large-scale database. (4) IAPRTC12 <cit.>: As a benchmark database, IAPRTC12 is composed of 20,000 high-quality natural images and we use 19627 images and 291 tags in the experiments. (5) Mirflickr <cit.>: The Mirflickr is collected from the social photography site Flickr, which is made up by 25000 images. 38 types of annotations are selected in the experiments. For the above five multi-view multi-label datasets, each dataset contains six views, i.e., GIST, HSV, HUE, SIFT, RGB, and LAB. Data processing. To evaluate the performance of various multi-view multi-label learning methods on incomplete datasets, following <cit.>, we treat the five datasets as follows to simulate the incomplete case: (1) For each view, we randomly remove 50% of samples while guaranteeing that at least one view is available for each sample. (2) For each category, we randomly select 50% of positive tags and negative tags as unknown labels. Comparison. We select eight top methods to compare to our LMVCAT. Six methods, i.e., lrMMC, MVL-IV, MvEL, iMSF, iMvWL, and NAIML, are introduced in section <ref>. In addition, we add two advanced methods, named C2AE <cit.> and GLOCAL <cit.>, to expand the evaluation experiments. C2AE is a canonical correlated autoencoder network, which learns a latent embedding space to bridge feature representations and label information. GLOCAL exploits the global and local label correlations on the representation learning, which is also an application of label manifold. However, C2AE and GLOCAL are both single-view multi-label classification methods, and only iMvWL and NAIML are designed for the datasets with both missing views and missing labels. Therefore, we have to do extra alterations to the rest of the methods. Like <cit.> and <cit.>, average values of available views are filled into unusable views for MvEL and lrMMC. And as to MVL-IV and iMSF, we set missing tags to be negative tags. C2AE and GLOCAL are independently conducted on each view and the best results are reported. All parameters of these comparison methods are set as recommended in their papers or codes for a fair comparison. Evaluation. Different from <cit.> and <cit.>, we only select AP (Average Precision), RL (Ranking Loss), and AUC (adapted Area Under Curve) as our metrics due to the weak discrimination of HL (Hamming Loss). Note that 1-RL is used instead of RL in our results so that the higher the value, the better the performance. The implementation of our method is based on MindSpore and Pytorch framework. §.§ Experimental Results and Analysis Table <ref> to <ref> show the performance of the nine methods on five incomplete datasets (some of the results are quoted from <cit.> and <cit.>). Table <ref> lists the results on the datasets with complete views and labels. All experiments are repeated 10 times to avoid outlier results as much as possible, and we list the mean and standard deviation of 10 tests in these tables. Values in parentheses represent the standard deviation. Fig. <ref> and Fig. <ref> show more results w.r.t different missing and training sample rates. From Table <ref> to <ref>, we can summarize the following observations: * Our method achieves overwhelming advantages on all three metrics of the five datasets, especially on the most representative AP metric. For example, the AP value of our model exceeds the second-best NAIML by about 7% and 5% on the Corel5k and Espgame datasets respectively, which verifies the superiority of our method. * Both iMvWL and NAIML reach relatively better performance compared to the first four methods, which benefits from good compatibility to double incomplete data. As a deep method with stronger fitting ability, C2AE performs mediocrely due to the lack of multi-view complementary information. Though GLOCAL is a single-view method, the full exploitation of label correlations helps it achieve surprising results on several datasets. * From Table <ref>, we can find that, although our LMVCAT is an incomplete method, it still works well with complete datasets. Specifically, on the Corel5k dataset, the AP value of our method is about 14 percentage points ahead of the second-best GLOCAL. As shown in Fig. <ref>, we respectively plot the histogram of three metrics in different missing-view and missing-label ratios by fixing another ratio on the corel5k dataset. These results verify that both incomplete views and partial labels are harmful for efficient classification. In addition, an interesting phenomenon is that when the incompleteness ratio is relatively small, missing labels have a greater impact on the performance, and conversely, the negative impact of missing views is greater. As shown in Fig. <ref>, we conduct experiments on Corel5k and Mirflickr datasets with 50% available views, 50% known tags and different training sample ratios. It is clear that, as the proportion of training samples in the total increases, the performance of our method gradually goes up. §.§ Hyperparameters Study There are three hyperparameters, i.e., α, β, and γ in our LMVCAT. To study the optimal parameters selection, we list the performance of our method on different parameter combinations in Fig. <ref>. All datasets used in parameters study are with 50% missing-view ratio, 50% missing-label ratio, and 70% training samples. As can be seen in Fig. <ref> (a) and (b), for Corel5k dataset, the optimal parameters α and β are located in the range of [5,10] and [0.05,0.5], respectively, and for Pascal07 dataset, the optimal parameters α and β are located in the range of [10,100] and [0.001,0.5], respectively. As to γ, obviously, our method is insensitive to it from Fig. <ref> (c) and (d). In our experiments, γ is uniformly set to 2. §.§ Ablation Study To study the effectiveness of each component of our method, we perform experiments with following altered methods. For the complete LMVCAT, we remove graph constraint, CFormer, and adaptively weighted module sequentially. Besides, we take off the missing-view indicator and missing-label indicator in our model so that the incomplete views and weak labels are completely exposed to the network. As can be seen in Table <ref>, our label-guided graph constraint plays a key role and all experiments confirm that each component of our LMVCAT is beneficial and necessary. § CONCLUSION In this paper, we propose a general transformer-based framework for MvMlC, which skillfully exploits label manifold to guide the representation learning. And its innovative view- and category-awareness realize multi-view information interaction and multi-category discrimination fusion. An adaptively weighted fusion strategy is also introduced to balance the view-specific contribution. In addition, missing-view and weak label problems are specifically avoided throughout the network. Extensive experiments support the conclusion of the effectiveness of our method. § ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work is supported by Shenzhen Science and Technology Program under Grant RCBS20210609103709020, GJHZ20210705141812038, Shenzhen Fundamental Research Fund under Grant GXWD20220811173317002, and CAAI-Huawei MindSpore Open Fund under Grant CAAIXSJLJJ-2022-011C.
Align and Attend: Multimodal Summarization with Dual Contrastive Losses
[ "Bo He", "Jun Wang", "Jielin Qiu", "Trung Bui", "Abhinav Shrivastava", "Zhaowen Wang" ]
[ "cs.CV" ]
Align and Attend: Multimodal Summarization with Dual Contrastive Losses Bo He^1Part of this work was done when Bo was an intern at Adobe Research., Jun Wang^1, Jielin Qiu^2, Trung Bui^3, Abhinav Shrivastava^1, Zhaowen Wang^3 ^1University of Maryland, College Park ^2Carnegie Mellon University ^3Adobe Research {bohe,abhinav}@cs.umd.edu, junwong@umd.edu, jielinq@andrew.cmu.edu, {bui,zhawang}@adobe.com March 30, 2023 ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== The goal of multimodal summarization is to extract the most important information from different modalities to form summaries. Unlike unimodal summarization, the multimodal summarization task explicitly leverages cross-modal information to help generate more reliable and high-quality summaries. However, existing methods fail to leverage the temporal correspondence between different modalities and ignore the intrinsic correlation between different samples. To address this issue, we introduce Align and Attend Multimodal Summarization (), a unified multimodal transformer-based model which can effectively align and attend the multimodal input. In addition, we propose two novel contrastive losses to model both inter-sample and intra-sample correlations. Extensive experiments on two standard video summarization datasets (TVSum and SumMe) and two multimodal summarization datasets (Daily Mail and CNN) demonstrate the superiority of , achieving state-of-the-art performances on all datasets. Moreover, we collected a large-scale multimodal summarization dataset BLiSS, which contains livestream videos and transcribed texts with annotated summaries. Our code and dataset are publicly available at  <https://boheumd.github.io/A2Summ/>. § INTRODUCTION With the development in multimodal learning, multimodal summarization has drawn increasing attention <cit.>. Different from traditional unimodal summarization tasks, such as video summarization <cit.> and text summarization <cit.>, multimodal summarization aims at generating summaries by utilizing the information from different modalities. With the explosive growing amount of online content (, news, livestreams, vlogs, ), multimodal summarization can be applied in many real-world applications. It provides summarized information to the users, which is especially useful for redundant long videos such as livestream and product review videos. Previous multimodal summarization methods <cit.> leverage the additional modality information but can only generate the main modality summary, , either a video summary or a text summary, severely limiting the use of complementary benefits in the additional modality. Recently, multimodal summarization with multimodal output (MSMO) has been explored in several studies <cit.>, which aim at generating both video and text summaries using a joint model. Compared to previous methods, which only produce a unimodal summary, MSMO provides a better user experience with an easier and faster way to get useful information. However, we find that the existing MSMO methods still have the following limitations. First, even if both modalities are learned together, the correspondence between different modalities is not exploited. For example, given a video and its transcripts, which are automatically matched along the time axis, no existing method utilizes the mutual temporal alignment information and treats the two modalities separately. Second, previous works adopt simple strategies to model the cross-modal correlation by sequence modeling and attention operation <cit.>, which requires a large number of annotated multimodal data which is hard to obtain. Motivated by the above observations, we propose a novel architecture for multimodal summarization based on a unified transformer model, as shown in Figure <ref>. First, to leverage the alignment information between different modalities, we propose alignment-guided self-attention module to align the temporal correspondence between video and text modalities and fuse cross-modal information in a unified manner. Second, inspired by the success of self-supervised training <cit.>, which utilizes the intrinsic cross-modality correlation within the same video and between different videos, we propose dual contrastive losses with the combination of an inter-sample and an intra-sample contrastive loss, to model the cross-modal correlation at different granularities. Specifically, the inter-sample contrastive loss is applied across different sample pairs within a batch, which leverages the intrinsic correlation between each video-text pair and contrasts them against remaining unmatched samples to provide more training supervision. Meanwhile, the intra-sample contrastive loss operates within each sample pair, which exploits the mutual similarities between ground-truth video and text summaries and contrasts the positive features against hard-negative features. To facilitate the research of long video summarization with multimodal information, we also collected a large-scale livestream video dataset from the web. Livestream broadcasting is growing rapidly, and the summarization of livestream videos is still an unexplored area with great potential. Previous video summarization datasets consist of short videos with great variations in scene transitions. On the contrary, livestream videos are significantly longer (in hours as opposed to minutes) and the video content changes much more slowly over time, which makes it even harder for the summarization task. Besides, there has been a lack of annotated datasets with focus on transcript summarization, which can be a great complement to the livestream video summarization. Therefore, we collect a large-scale multimodal summarization dataset with livestream videos and transcripts, which are both annotated with ground-truth summaries by selecting important frames and sentences. To summarize, our contributions include: * We propose , a unified transformer-based architecture for multimodal summarization. It can handle multimodal input with time correspondences which previous work neglects. * We present dual contrastive losses that account for modeling cross-modal information at different levels. Extensive experiments on multiple datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of our design. * A large-scale Behance LiveStream Summarization (BLiSS) dataset is collected containing livestream videos and transcripts with multimodal summaries. § RELATED WORK Video Summarization. Current techniques for video summarization can be divided into two categories, unsupervised and supervised. Unsupervised learning approaches, including <cit.> utilize different hand-crafted features to score and select the video frames without the human-annotated summaries. DR-DSN <cit.> explores an unsupervised reward function to tackle video summarization. GLRPE <cit.> attempts to apply self-attention with relative position representation for unsupervised video summarization. With the help of the annotated video summarization datasets <cit.>, numerous supervised learning methods <cit.> have been proposed in recent years to summarize videos. Among them, DSNet <cit.> formulates supervised video summarization as a temporal interest detection process. RSGN <cit.> utilizes LSTM and GCN to model frame-level and shot-level dependencies. iPTNet <cit.> jointly trains the video summarization task and correlated moment localization task to utilize additional moment localization data samples to boost the video summarization performance. Text Summarization. In general, text summarization can be categorized into two groups: (i) Extractive summarization <cit.> generates output summary by identifying the salient parts of the input document. NN-SE <cit.> develops a neural attention model to select sentences or words of the input document as the output summary. SummaRuNNer <cit.> employs RNN for extractive summarization. Miller <cit.> adopts clustering algorithm in the feature space to select important sentences. (ii) Abstractive summarization <cit.> performs the summarization by paraphrasing the important parts of the input document. Lead3 <cit.> applies the attentional encoder-decoder RNN for the task of abstractive text summarization. However, those approaches are designed for pure unimodal summarization that doesn't consider cross-modal alignment and fusion. Recently, StreamHover <cit.> presents an unsupervised model for transcript summarization and collects a livestream transcript summarization dataset. Inspired by it, we collect a new livestream dataset with a much larger scale and richer multimodal annotations for the multimodal summarization task. Multimodal Summarization. Existing work <cit.> commonly utilize additional complementary modalities to enhance the feature representation for the primary modality, however, they typically generate summaries from a single modality. For example, CLIP-It <cit.> builds a language-guided framework to obtain a summary video conditioned on the text. MMS <cit.> learns joint representations of text and images and outputs text summaries. Recently, multimodal summarization with multimodal output (MSMO) has been explored in several studies. Zhu et al. <cit.> propose the first MSMO model and collect a multimodal summarization dataset with text and image modalities. Li et al. <cit.> extend it with video-based news articles and adopt conditional self-attention for text and video fusion. Recently, Fu et al. <cit.> collect a multimodal dataset with more modalities included such as audio and transcript. § METHOD §.§ Overview Given the untrimmed multimodality input (video, text, and sound), the multimodal summarization task aims at selecting the most important parts from each modality. Figure <ref>(a) illustrates an overview of our framework. The input to our model is the multi-modality (, video and transcribed text in our case) with N video frames and M sentences. Since each transcribed sentence has its start time and end time, the video and text modalities can be automatically aligned by the corresponding timestep. The overall architecture can be divided into three parts: the input embedding (Sec. <ref>), the multimodal alignment and fusion (Sec. <ref>), and the loss function (Sec. <ref>). §.§ Input Embedding Similar to previous work <cit.>, we use pre-trained feature extraction models (, GoogleNet <cit.> and RoBERTa <cit.>) to extract deep neural features for each frame and sentence. After feature extraction, features from different modalities are projected into a common C-dimensional embedding space by a linear fully connected (FC) layer. Specifically, we denote the generated video and text features as F∈ℝ^𝐍× 𝐂 and S∈ℝ^𝐌× 𝐂, respectively. For each modality, there is a special token “[CLS]” prepended at the start of the feature sequences, which enables a holistic representation. Following BERT <cit.>, we add a learnable position embedding to each feature sequence so that the order information can be incorporated. To utilize the time correspondence information between the video frames and text sentences, we add an additional learnable segment-based positional embedding at the input stage. More precisely, each sentence has its own timestep information denoted as [t_s, t_e], where t_s and t_e denote the start and the end time index of each sentence. We note that a single text sentence usually corresponds to several video frames, making M ≤ N. For all frames inside each time index window {F_i}_i∈[t_s, t_e], the segment embedding is shared across these frames and the corresponding sentence. After adding these positional embeddings, the input sequences to the multimodal transformer from both modalities are concatenated along the time axis, denoted as X ∈ℝ^(M+N)× C. §.§ Multimodal Alignment and Fusion Alignment-Guided Self-Attention. A core component of is the alignment-guided self-attention module which allows us to exploit the time correspondence between video and text modalities. Inspired by the superior advantages of Transformers <cit.> in modeling different modalities (, visual, language, and audio) on various multimodal tasks (, visual question answering <cit.>, vision-language pre-training <cit.>), we adopt the transformer architecture to align and fuse our multimodal input. However, for the multimodal summarization task, the inputs are often untrimmed videos and text sentences, which are dominated by irrelevant backgrounds. Directly applying global self-attention across inputs from all modalities may introduce extra noise to the multimodal fusion process. Motivated by this observation, we propose the alignment-guided self-attention module to fuse the input across different modalities. We formulate this process by using a masked self-attention operation in Figure <ref>(b). Specifically, an attention mask A∈ℝ^(N+M)× (N+M) initialized with all 0 is defined to indicate the timestep alignment information, where N and M denote the length of the video and text feature sequences, respectively. For the intra-modality modeling, we follow the standard procedure with global attention operation, where features from the same modality can attend to each other such that all entries corresponding to intra-modality attention are filled with value 1 in the attention mask. For the cross-modality attention between video and text input, we only fill in the entries from the same segment with value 1. For example, suppose the k^th sentence S_k corresponding to the time index window [t_s, t_e]. We consider the frames which also lie into the same time window [t_s, t_e] to be the same segment, denoted as {F_i}_i∈[t_s, t_e]. Then, we assign the elements of attention mask as follows A[N+k, t_s: t_e] = 1. The attention mask is then applied to the attention matrix computed by the standard self-attention approach <cit.>: Q =XW_Q, K=XW_K, V = XW_V, D_i,j = A_i,jexp(Q_iK_j^T/√(D))∑_k A_i,kexp(Q_iK_k^T/√(D)), Z =X+DV W_O, where i,j∈[1, M+N] are the entry indices of the matrix, X is the concatenated input from video and text modalities, and W_Q,W_K,W_V,W_O∈ℝ^C× C are the linear projection matrices for generating the query, key, value, and the output. Multi-head attention <cit.> is also adopted to improve the capacity of the attention module. In this way, we explicitly utilize the alignment correspondence between different modalities, avoiding the negative impacts caused by noisy background frames or irrelevant sentences. Mixture-of-Modality-Experts. Based on the mixture-of-modality-experts transformer <cit.> in the multimodal tasks, after the self-attention layer, we introduce two different experts to jointly model features from different modalities including the video expert (Video-FFN), and text expert (Text-FFN) rather than the standard shared FFN <cit.>. Score Prediction. Finally, on top of the cascaded transformer blocks, two separate score prediction branches assign relevance scores to each frame and each sentence. Based on predicted scores, two different procedures are followed to generate the final summary. For the standard video summarization datasets (, SumMe <cit.> and TVSum <cit.>), based on the pre-processed KTS <cit.> segmentation results, segment-level scores are computed from frame-level scores, and the final video summary is generated by selecting top 15% of video durations by Knapsack algorithm. For the multimodal summarization datasets (, Daily Mail <cit.>), the frames and sentences with the top highest scores are selected to generate the final summary prediction for the video and text modalities separately. §.§ Loss Function We employ three different loss functions to train our model, including the classification loss and the novel dual contrastive losses, which consist of the inter-sample contrastive loss and the intra-sample contrastive loss. Classification Loss. We apply the focal loss <cit.> for the importance score classification, which handles the class imbalance issue by down-weighting losses for well-classified samples. The details are shown below: ℒ_cls_m=-1/N∑_i=1^N {[ -α(1-p_i)^γlog(p_i), if y_i=1; -(1-α) p_i^γlog(1-p_i), if y_i=0 ]. ℒ_cls = ℒ_cls_video + ℒ_cls_text where m could be either video or text, and p_i is the predicted score for each frame/sentence while y_i is the ground-truth label. If y_i=1, it indicates the i^th frame/sentence is the key-frame/key-sentence. The final classification loss is the sum of the two single modality losses. Inter-Sample Contrastive Loss. Driven by the success of contrastive learning in the image-language pre-training tasks <cit.>, we want to utilize the intrinsic relationships between each input video and text pair. As shown in Figure <ref>(c), given a batch of B sample pairs, we design an auxiliary inter-sample contrastive loss to predict which of the B^2 possible video-text pairs across a batch correctly matches and belongs to the same sample. Specifically, we use the pre-pended [CLS] token as a holistic representation for each video and text sample. Similar to CLIP <cit.>, we maximize the cosine similarity of the video embedding [CLSV] and the text embedding [CLST] from B real pairs in the batch while minimizing the cosine similarity of embeddings from the B^2 - B incorrect pairs. Specifically, the inter-sample contrastive loss is calculated as ℒ_inter = 𝔼_z∼[CLSV]_j, z^+∼[CLST]_j, z^-∼ℐ_k≠ j[CLST]_kℓ(z,z^+,z^-) + 𝔼_z∼[CLST]_j, z^+∼[CLSV]_j, z^-∼ℐ_k≠ j[CLSV]_kℓ(z,z^+,z^-) where ℓ(z,z^+,z^-) is the standard contrastive loss <cit.> with the following equation: ℓ(z,z^+,z^-) = - log( exp(z^T · z^+/τ)/exp(z^T · z^+/τ) + ∑_kexp(z^T · z^-_k/τ)) and τ is a learnable temperature parameter. Intra-Sample Contrastive Loss. While the above inter-sample contrastive loss only considers the relationship across different samples, however, for the summarization task, to correctly detect the key-frames and key-sentences from each untrimmed video and text input, more fine-grained information modeling, in particular, is crucial. It would require the model to accurately distinguish the key-frames and key-sentences from the background frames and less-related sentences. Intuitively, the human-annotated key-frames and key-sentences share mutual information with each other. Meanwhile, they both should reveal the most salient parts from the original untrimmed video and text sequences. For instance, for a cooking recipe video with transcribed text, the annotated key-frames and key-sentences should clearly reveal the instructions for each step. More importantly, these key-frames and key-sentences should be deeply correlated with each other and share similar high-level semantic meanings. Motivated by this observation, we propose the intra-sample contrastive loss which is calculated within each video and text pair sample rather than across different sample pairs. Specifically, we assign features associated with the pre-defined ground-truth key timesteps as positive pairs for both modalities. To form the contrastive pairs, as pointed out by <cit.>, the quality of the negative samples is of vital importance for the effectiveness of contrastive learning. Therefore, we need to select the hard negative samples for video and text separately. Specifically, since the pre-annotated non-key timesteps are negative samples, based on the prediction scores for each frame (p_i_i=1^N) and sentence (q_i_i=1^M), we argue that the wrongly classified timesteps with highest prediction scores are hard-negative samples. Intuitively, for a long untrimmed video, due to the time dependencies, the frames adjacent to the key-frames have very similar visual contents and should also be treated as the key-frames. However, if these frames are selected as the hard-negative samples, it tends to confuse the model and may hurt the final performance. Therefore, we exclude those timesteps before selecting the hard-negative samples. As shown in Figure <ref>(a), given the ground truth (GT) key-frame label, we first expand the key-frame segments on both sides to include more adjacent frames as dummy key-frames. Then, based on the predicted scores for each timestep, we select timesteps with top-k highest scores but not in the expanded GT key-frame labels as hard-negative samples. Here, k_video=⌊N/r⌋, k_text=⌊M/r⌋, r is a hyper-parameter controlling the total number of selected hard-negative samples. In this way, we form contrastive pairs for both video and text modalities. Formally, we denote the positive frames, hard-negative frames, positive sentences, and hard-negative sentences as ℐ_PF, ℐ_HNF, ℐ_PS, and ℐ_HNS, respectively. As shown in Figure <ref>(b), the proposed intra-sample contrastive loss is applied as follows: ℒ_intra = 𝔼_z∼ℐ_PF, z^+∼ℐ_PS, z^-∼ℐ_HNFℓ(z,z^+,z^-) + 𝔼_z∼ℐ_PS, z^+∼ℐ_PF, z^-∼ℐ_HNSℓ(z,z^+,z^-) where ℓ follows the same contrastive equation as Eq. <ref>. Overall Loss. The final loss is the combination of the above three losses, ℒ=ℒ_cls + β·ℒ_inter + λ·ℒ_intra where β and λ are hyper-parameters controlling the trade-off between three loss components. § EXPERIMENTS §.§ Datasets and Implementation Details Datasets. We evaluate on two standard video summarization datasets (SumMe <cit.> and TVSum <cit.>), two multimodal summarization datasets (Daily Mail <cit.> and CNN <cit.>), and a new Behance LiveStream Summarization (BLiSS) dataset. TVSum dataset consists of 50 videos pertaining to 10 categories. SumMe dataset consists of 25 videos capturing multiple events. Daily Mail dataset contains 1,970 samples and CNN dataset contains 203 samples, which are crawled from the news website including video, images, text articles, and captions. We follow the same data split as <cit.>. The BLiSS dataset consists of 13,303 pairs of livestream videos and transcribed text, with annotated summaries for both modalities. Evaluation Metrics. For SumMe and TVSum datasets, following previous work <cit.>, we evaluate the video summarization dataset by the F1 score metric. However, as pointed out by <cit.>, the performance of F1 evaluation is mostly determined by the pre-processing segmentation step, and a random method is able to reach similar performance scores. As a result, they propose to utilize rank order statics (Kendall's τ <cit.> and Spearman's ρ <cit.>) as alternative evaluation metrics which are more reliable compared to F1 score. For multimodal summarization datasets, we evaluate the generated text summary by ROUGE <cit.> following previous works <cit.>. Specifically, R-1, R-2, and R-L represent ROUGE-1, ROUGE-2, and ROUGE-L F1 scores, respectively, which are widely used to calculate the n-grams overlapping between the output text summary and ground truth text summary. Same as <cit.>, the cosine image similarity is measured between the features of the predicted video summary and ground-truth video summary. Implementation Details. For standard video summarization datasets (SumMe and TVSum), we follow previous work <cit.> and use the pre-extracted GoogLeNet <cit.> feature as the video input. To collect the corresponding text modality, we adopt the pre-trained image caption model GPT-2 <cit.>[https://huggingface.co/nlpconnect/vit-gpt2-image-captioning] to generate the caption for each frame. Next, for all the text modality input, we apply the pre-trained RoBERTa <cit.>[https://huggingface.co/distilroberta-base] to extract textual features for each sentence. For multimodal summarization datasets (Daily Mail and CNN), we use the same feature extractor as <cit.>. For the BLiSS dataset, pre-trained CLIP <cit.> and RoBERTa <cit.> are adopted to extract features for each frame and each sentence. The focal loss <cit.> with α = 0.25 and γ = 2.0 is adopted for the classification loss. More dataset-specific training/testing details and hyper-parameter choosing are described in the supplementary material. §.§ BLiSS Dataset Behance[http://behance.net/] is a public website with a large amount of livestream videos created by artists showing their work process. The videos are generally hours long and accompanied with transcripts of streamers' speeches. We follow previous work StreamHover <cit.> to expand their dataset to a much larger scale with more modalities. Data Collection. We collected 674 livestream videos with transcripts and other metadata. Each video was further divided into 5-minute long clips for human annotation. Annotators were instructed to select the key sentences from transcripts, and write the text summary and key phrases in their own words for the entire clip. For each video, we also obtained its thumbnail animation from the website, and selected the most similar frame to the thumbnail from each clip as ground truth key-frames. More details about the collection process are elaborated in the supplementary material. Comparison with Existing Multimodal Datasets. The BLiSS dataset is much larger than the standard video summarization datasets (SumMe and TVSum) and multimodal summarization datasets (Daily Mail and CNN). BLiSS has 13,303 data samples and 1,109 total video hours, which is much longer than TVSum (3.5 hours) and Daily Mail (44.2 hours). For the text modality, the total number of text tokens is 5.4M (BLiSS), greater than 1.3M (Daily Mail) and 0.2M (CNN). There are other multimodal summarization datasets for the abstractive text summarization task with additional image or video modalities. For example, MSMO <cit.>, MMSS <cit.>, VMSMO <cit.> and How2 <cit.>. However, none of them have aligned video and text modalities. We also annotated the abstractive text summary for each livestream video, but in this paper, we only focus on the extractive text summary task. Furthermore, we keep some metadata, including the title, streamer information, and audio modality for further potential research. §.§ Results SumMe and TVSum Datasets. We compare the proposed method with the previous state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods on SumMe <cit.> and TVSum <cit.> datasets in Table <ref>. We first observe that achieves the best performance on both datasets. Except for the F1 score metric, our is slightly worse than CLIP-It <cit.> but still higher than it for the other two metrics on the TVSum dataset. CLIP-It also adopts transformer architecture to fuse different modalities by cross-attention, which takes in the generated video caption as text modality. However, it ignores the time correspondence between video and text modalities. Instead, our aligns cross-modality information and exploits the intrinsic correlation between the video and text at different granularities by our inter-sample and intra-sample contrastive losses. In addition, the state-of-the-art method iPTNet <cit.> utilizes an additional moment localization dataset Charades-STA <cit.> to help address the data scarcity problem but results in a much longer training time, however, without utilizing extra datasets, our can still outperform it on all the metrics, which strongly justifies the superiority of our design. Daily Mail and CNN Datasets. As shown in Table <ref>, we also compare our with previous methods on the CNN <cit.> and Daily Mail <cit.> datasets. Since the text modality of CNN and Daily Mail datasets do not have time information, we only apply the inter-sample and intra-sample contrastive losses without the alignment-guided self-attention module. We first observe that can indeed greatly benefit from leveraging the multimodal information, which boosts the text summary metric by 1-2% ROUGE F1 score and increases the video summary cosine similarity by 0.9%. Compared to the state-of-the-art multimodal method M^2SM <cit.>, which utilizes additional transcript extracted from videos as the bridge between video and text modality, is better by 3% and 2.4% in ROUGE-1 F1 score on two datasets respectively. For the video summarization, our transformer-based can outperform multimodal summarization method M^2SM <cit.> and state-of-the-art video summarization model CLIP-It <cit.> by 1%. BLiSS Dataset. We validate on the livestream videos from the BLiSS dataset by comparing it with existing video and text summarization methods. As shown in Table <ref>, when comparing with video summarization methods DSNet-AF <cit.> and CLIP-It <cit.>, our achieves the best results on the video cosine similarity metric. Although CLIP-It also utilizes the additional text modalities by the cross-attention operation, can still outperform it by 1%. Compared to the extractive text summarization method SummaRuNNer <cit.> and the abstractive text summarization method BART <cit.>, outperforms both of them by at least 3% on all the ROUGE scores. It further demonstrates the superior effectiveness of on livestream videos. §.§ Ablation Studies To further investigate the contribution of each component in , we conduct ablation studies in Table <ref>. We first observe that adding the text modality input can enhance the final results of video summarization. However, as we mentioned before, without alignment of video and text modalities, directly applying global attention between untrimmed video and text input tends to introduce too much noise and result in inferior performance. After we align and attend the video and text modalities with the proposed alignment-guided self-attention module, we can improve the F1 score by 1%. Furthermore, for the dual contrastive losses, it is obvious that a consistent gain can be achieved by adding either one of these two losses. In particular, introducing the intra-sample contrastive loss significantly increases the performance by 2.5%. It proves that exploring the intrinsic mutual correlation between video and text and mining hard negative samples can greatly enhance the ability to localize the important frames and sentences. In addition, two contrastive losses are complementary to each other. When incorporating all three proposed components together, our approach boosts the final performance from 50.5% to 55.0%. §.§ Visualization Figure <ref> shows the visual comparison between baseline and . We observe that the typical errors of the baseline model can be addressed by the proposed alignment module and dual contrastive losses, such as missing detection of important segments and inaccurate summary boundary prediction. It further verifies the effectiveness of . More visualizations on the BLiSS dataset are provided in the supplementary material. § CONCLUSION In this paper, we present , a novel unified transformer-based framework for multimodal summarization. is designed to align and attend different modalities by leveraging time correspondences that previous methods neglect. Also, we introduce dual contrastive losses to exploit the inter-sample and intra-sample cross-modality information. Extensive experiments on multiple datasets validate the effectiveness of our . In addition, we collect a large-scale multimodal summarization dataset focusing on livestream videos and transcripts. We hope it can be beneficial for further research in this area.
Spatial Attention and Syntax Rule Enhanced Tree Decoder for Offine Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition
[ "Zihao Lin", "Jinrong Li", "Fan Yang", "Shuangping Huang", "Xu Yang", "Jianmin Lin", "Ming Yang" ]
[ "cs.CV" ]
SS-TD Z.Lin et al. South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China linzihao2637@gmail.com, maxgundam@hotmail.com, eehsp@scut.edu.cn CVTE Research, Guangzhou, China {lijinrong, linjianmin, yangming}@cvte.com Pazhou Lab, Guangzhou, 510330, China eehsp@scut.edu.cn GRGBanking Equipment Co. Ltd. Guangzhou, China yxu8@grgbanking.com Spatial Attention and Syntax Rule Enhanced Tree Decoder for Offline Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition Zihao Lin1 Jinrong Li2 Fan Yang1Shuangping Huang13Xu Yang4 Jianmin Lin2Ming Yang2 March 30, 2023 =================================================================================================================== Offline Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition (HMER) has been dramatically advanced recently by employing tree decoders as part of the encoder-decoder method. Despite the tree decoder-based methods regard the expressions as a tree and parse 2D spatial structure to the tree nodes sequence, the performance of existing works is still poor due to the inevitable tree nodes prediction errors. Besides, they lack syntax rules to regulate the output of expressions. In this paper, we propose a novel model called Spatial Attention and Syntax Rule Enhanced Tree Decoder (SS-TD), which is equipped with spatial attention mechanism to alleviate the prediction error of tree structure and use syntax masks (obtained from the transformation of syntax rules) to constrain the occurrence of ungrammatical mathematical expression. In this way, our model can effectively describe tree structure and increase the accuracy of output expression. Experiments show that SS-TD achieves better recognition performance than prior models on CROHME 14/16/19 datasets, demonstrating the effectiveness of our model. § INTRODUCTION Offline handwritten mathematical expression recognition (HMER) has many applications like searching for questions in education, recording payment in finance, and many other fields. However, it is a challenge to recognize handwritten mathematical expression (HME) due to ambiguity of handwritten symbols and complexity of spatial structures in the expression. It means HMER should not only correctly recognize the symbols but also analyze the relationship between them, which put forward great difficulties in the recognition performance. With the rapid advancement of deep learning-based methods for HMER, some studies have proposed string decoder <cit.> with handwritten mathematical expression images as input and LaTeX strings of expression as predicted targets. However, their works emphasize symbol recognition but seldom consider structure information, which leads to the unsatisfactory result in the recognition of expressions with complex structures like √(2+√(2)) . Moreover, in recent years, research based on tree decoder <cit.> which focuses on the structure was emerging in the field of HMER. The methods based on tree decoder inherently represent expression as tree structures which is more natural for HMER. Among them, Zhang et al. <cit.> proposed a tree decoder (DenseWAP-TD) to predict the parent-child relationship of trees during decoding procedure, which achieved the best recognition performance at that time. Although the tree decoder models the tree structure of HMEs explicitly, the structure prediction accuracy may decrease as they only use the node symbol information to predict the node structure. What's more, as shown in Fig.1(c), the previous methods output an ungrammatical expression in which the symbol `2' can not have a `Subscript' relation with the symbol `∑'. It means the previous tree decoders may lack the syntactic rules to generate the grammatical expressions. In order to solve the above problems, inspired by the DenseWAP-TD model <cit.> , we proposed a novel tree decoder (SS-TD) integrating spatial attention and syntax rules which is shown in Fig.2. First, we introduce spatial attention mechanism to predict the parent node, which effectively improves the structure accuracy. What’s more, for purpose of reducing the generation of ungrammatical mathematical expressions, we transform the grammar of the relationship between expression symbols into the syntax mask and introduce it into the process of relation prediction. The comparison results shown in Fig.1 illustrate that our model can deal with the problems of the previous method. To further confirm the effectiveness of our model, we conduct the experiments on CROHME dataset. The results show that our model consistently achieves higher recognition rates over many other methods, demonstrating the effectiveness of our model for offline HMER. The main contributions of this paper are as follows: ∙ We proposed a new tree decoder (SS-TD) which can effectively adapt encoders of other methods to achieve higher recognition performance. ∙ To improve the structure accuracy, we introduce spatial attention enhancement to predict node information. Besides, we introduce syntax masks to constrain the generation of ungrammatical mathematical expressions. ∙ We demonstrate the advantage of SS-TD on the CROHME14/16/19 dataset by experiments and achieve very competitive results. § RELATED WORKS Early traditional methods <cit.> employed sequential approaches, which implemented symbol recognition and structural analysis separately. Recognition errors might be accumulated constantly in these methods. On the other hand, some studies <cit.> handled it as a global optimization to settle the problem of error accumulation, but made the process more inefficient. Recently, deep learning-based encoder-decoder approaches were investigated by many studies on offline HMER. Some of them used string decoder to generate LaTeX strings. WAP <cit.> proposed by Zhang et al. employs a fully convolutional network encoder and an attention-equipped decoder, which achieved state-of-the-art at that time on CROHME 14/16 datasets. Then, Zhang et al. <cit.> proposed a DenseNet encoder to improve the WAP, which is also employed in our model. Wu et al. <cit.> proposed an adversarial learning strategy to overcome the difficulty about writing style variation. However, these studies lack structure relationship awareness, which leads to inevitable errors in some complex mathematical expression recognition. Some works <cit.> employed tree decoder for various tasks, which is more natural to represent the structure. In this regard, some studies employed tree decoders to model the structure of mathematical expression. For online HMER, Zhang et al. proposed a tree decoder method SRD <cit.> to generate tree sequence of expressions. Wu et al. <cit.> treated the problem as a graph-to-graph learning problem, which essential is the same as the tree decoder. On the other hand, for offline HMER, Zhang et al. proposed a tree-structured decoder (DenseWAP-TD), which decomposes the structure tree into a sub-tree sequence to predict the parent-child nodes and the relationship between them. However, the existing methods based on tree decoder attempt to take syntactic information into account, which still could not guarantee the grammatical accuracy of the output expression. Yuan et al. <cit.> incorporated syntax information into an encoder-decoder network, which gave us a lot of inspiration. As described above, although some tree decoders have been proposed, there is still a great challenge on how to further improve the accuracy in offline HMER and effectively combine semantic information into the network. For the purpose of solving these problems, we integrate spatial attention mechanism and syntax rules into the tree decoder to deal with complex mathematical expressions and adapt to the syntactic rationality of expressions as much as possible. § PROPOSED METHOD Our model takes the input HME images and yields the symbol tree structure as shown in Fig.2. We adopt an encoder to extract the feature vector sequence of the expression images. The decoder takes the feature sequence as input and then yields sequential triples step by step. Each triple which represents the sub-tree structure includes a child node, a parent node, and the relationship between parent-child nodes, represented as (y_t^c,y_t^p,y_t^rel). The child node y_t^c is composed of the predicted symbol and its tree sequence order. The predicted parent node y_t^p is one of the previous child nodes y_1,2...,t-1^c which has best match with current child node y_t^c in the semantic and spatial information. The connection relationship y_t^rel between current parent and child nodes is represented as 6 forms: Above, Below, Sup, Sub, inside, and Right. Just like the previous methods based on encoder-decoder <cit.> , we also employ DenseNet to encode the HME images I∈ R^H× W× C and extract the feature vector sequence E={ h_i }∈ R^H'× W'× D, where h_i∈ R^D. Then, the feature sequence is input into the child decoder and the parent decoder respectively to recognize the symbol step by step. For the purpose of modeling the expression structure, the decoder of SS-TD consists of three prediction modules: 1)the child node prediction module shown as ChildN.P in Fig.2 and Fig.3 to predict the current child node information y_t^c; 2)the parent node prediction module shown as ParentN.P in Fig.2 and Fig.3 to predict the parent node y_t^p from the previous child nodes which has best match with current child node; 3)the relationship prediction module shown as Relation.P in Fig.2 and Fig.3 to predict the relationships y_t^rel between parent and child nodes which are mentioned above. Consequently, the prediction modules yield the triples which can be transformed to the symbol tree structure. At last, we traverse the tree structure to obtain the strings. §.§ Child Node Prediction Module Like the previous tree decoder-based method DenseWAP-TD, we also adopt a parent decoder and a child decoder to recognize the child node symbol in sequence as shown in Fig.3. These two decoders generate a tuple including the symbol and its recognition order, which is defined as child node information. The parent decoder consists of two Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) layers and an attention block as shown in the left part of Fig.3. It takes the previous child node y_t-1^c and its hidden state s_t-1^c as input, and outputs the parent context vector c_t^p and its hidden state s_t^p, which is also the input of the child decoder and the other two modules ParentN.P and Relation.P which shown in the right of Fig.3: c_t^p=∑_i=1^L a_ti^p h_i s_t^p=GRU_2^p(c_t^p,ŝ_t^p) where h_i is the i-th element of feature map E. L=H'× W'. s_t^p is the prediction of current parent hidden state. a_t^p={ a_ti^p} is the current parent attention probabilities which is computed as follows: ŝ_t^p=GRU_1^p(y_t-1^c,s_t-1^p) a_t^p=f_att^p(ŝ_t^p,a_1,2...,t-1^p) where f_att^p represents attention function followed the DenseWAP-TD <cit.> . The structure of child decoder is almost the same as the parent decoder. The decoder inputs the previous parent node y_t-1^p and its hidden state s_t^p, and outputs the child context vector c_t^c and its hidden state s_t^c. We take the previous parent node y_t-1^p, the child node hidden state s_t^c and its context vector c_t^c as input to compute the probability of each output predicted child node p(y_t^c): p(y_t^c)=softmax(W_out^c(W_ey_t-1^p+W_hs_t^c+W_cc_t^c)) where W_out^c∈ R^S is a full connection layer parameter. S is the size of the recognition symbol set. The classification loss of child node prediction module is: L_c=-∑_t=1^Tlog(p(y_t^c)) During the test process, we use the previous one-hot vector of the parent decoder and the child decoder in greedy algorithm to predict the child node: ŷ_t^c=max_y^c p(y_t^c) where y^c represents all the symbols in the symbol set. §.§ Spatial Attention-based Parent Node Prediction Module We treat predicting the parent node as finding previous child nodes which have the best match with current child node. We define the order of previous child nodes as the parent node position ŷ^pos, which is the predicted target in this module. We first use the semantic information representing the hidden state of the nodes to predict the parent nodes. We employ Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) architecture to obtain the semantic energy factor e_ti^mem which is shown as the MLP_1 block in Fig.3: e_ti^mem=v_mem^Ttanh(W_mems_t^p+U_mems_1,2...,t-1^c) where e_ti^mem is the semantic energy of i-th element at decoding step t. s_t^p is the hidden state of parent decoder. s_1...t-1^c are the hidden states of child nodes in history. However, only using semantic information to predict the parent node may lead to inevitable error especially when facing the identical symbols of expression. Thus, we introduce spatial attention mechanism to alleviate the prediction error of parent node. The spatial information of the parent node and previous child nodes is represented as the attention distribution a_t^p and a_1,2...,t-1^c respectively. The spatial energy factor is computed as follows: e_ti^alpha=v_alpha^Ttanh(W_alphap(a_t^p)+U_alphap(a_1,2...,t-1^c)) where e_ti^alpha is the spatial energy of i-th element at decoding step t. p(·) represents adaptive pooling. The size of its output vector is 4×32. We further employ the gate mechanism to control the input of updated spatial position information as shown in the ParentN.P block of Fig.3. The gate mechanism is computed as follows: g_t=σ (W_ygy_t-1^c+U_sgs_t-1^c) e_ti^position=e_ti^mem+g_t⊙ e_ti^alpha G_ti^position=σ e_ti^position where ⊙ means the element-wise product. The loss of the parent node prediction module is defined as a cross entropy loss: L_pos=-∑_t-1^T∑_i=1^L[G̅_ti^positionlog(G_ti^position)+(1-G̅_ti^position)log(1-G_ti^position)] where G̅_ti^position represent the ground-truth of the parent node. If i-th child node in history is the current parent node, G̅_ti^position is 1, otherwise 0. In the testing stage, we compute the parent node position ŷ^pos: ŷ^pos=max_g G^position And then the prediction of parent node ŷ^p is obtained by using the ŷ^pos which also represents the child node order. After that, we put it into the child decoder to predict the child node. §.§ Syntax Rule-based Relation Prediction Module In order to predict the grammatical expression, we introduce syntax rules into the relation prediction module. Two crucial syntax rules related to conjunction relations are summarized as follows: ∙ Different mathematical symbols have different restrictions of connection relation, like the `∑' can not have the `Inside' relation with other symbols. ∙ Each mathematical symbol cannot have repeated connection relations at the same time, like one symbol can not have 'Right' relation with two other symbols. Then, to integrate these rules into the model training process, we creatively put forward the syntax mask representing the mathematical connection relationship. According to the two syntax rules, we define the syntax mask of mathematical symbols. If the mathematical symbols can be connected to its related symbol in a relation of Right, Sup, Sub, Above, Below, Inside, the corresponding syntax mask value is 1, otherwise 0. For the first syntax rule which is regarded as the prior knowledge, the mask of it could be obtained in advance as shown in Table.1. For example, the mask of the symbol `+' is `100000' since it only has one relation `Right'. Besides, we group some symbols which have the same syntax mask, such as the Letter as shown in Table 1. In addition, we deal with the symbols which can be represented as different syntax masks by the logical `OR' operator. For example, the mask of symbol `e' is `111000' when it represents the lowercase letter, while the mask is `110000' when it represents the irrational constant. To sum up, the mask of `e' is `111000∥110000=111000', where `∥' is the logical `OR' operator. We present the static syntax mask matrix as R_static∈ R^C× 6, and the static syntax mask of parent node as m_t^s∈ R^6: m_t^s = y_t^pR_static where y_t^p is the one-hot vector of the symbol in the current parent node. On the other hand, for the second syntax rule, we need to acquire information about the previous relations between parent-child nodes. To solve the problem, we propose a dynamic mask matrix R_dynamic^t which is initialized into an all-zero matrix to store the historical relations in step t. For example, when the parent node and its relationship are predicted to be `∖sqrt' and `Inside', the value of the corresponding row of `∖sqrt' and the corresponding column of `Inside' in R_dynamic^t should be updated as `1'. The dynamic syntax mask of parent node is represented as m_t^d∈ R^6: m_t^d = y_t^pR_dynamic^t-1 m_t = m_t^s⊗ m_t^d where ⊗ is the logical exclusive or operator. The update of dynamic mask matrix R_dynamic^t is computed as follows: R_dynamic^t = R_dynamic^t-1 + y_t^p^Ty_t^rel where y_t^p^T represents the transposition of the parent node y_t^p. As shown in Fig.3, We compute the probabilities of the relation prediction p(y_t^rel) as follows: p(y_t^rel)=softmax(m_t⊙ (W_out^rel(W_cpc_t^p+W_ccc_t^c))) where ⊙ represents multiplication element by element. The classification loss of relation prediction module is computed as follows: L_rel=-∑_t=1^Tlog(p(y_t^rel)) In the testing stage, we take the relation of maximum probability as final prediction relation: ŷ^rel=max_y^rel p(y_t^rel) where y^rel represent the relations set. §.§ Total Loss We use an attention self-regularization loss to speed up network convergence. Specifically, a Kullback-Leibler divergence is employed to measure the difference in the distribution of attention generated by parent and child decoder: L_alpha=∑_t=1^Tâ_t^plog(â_t^p/a_t^p) Thus, the training objective of the SS-TD is to minimize the loss as follows: L=λ_1L_c+λ_2L_pos+λ_3L_rel+λ_4L_alpha where, λ is the weight of each term. § EXPERIMENTS §.§ Dataset We verified our proposed model on the CROHME dataset <cit.>  which is the most widely used for HMER. The CROHME training set contains 8835 HMEs, 101 math symbol classes. There are 6 common spatial math relations (Above, Below, Right, Inside, Superscript and Subscript) in our implementation. We evaluate our model on CROHME 14/16/19 test set. Among them, the CROHME 2014 test set contains 986 HMEs, which is evaluated by most advanced model. And CROHME 2016 and 2019 test sets are collected and labeled for research after that, which contain 1147 and 1119 HMEs. §.§ Implementation Details For the training loss, we set λ_1=λ_2=λ_3=1 in our experiment indicating the same importance for the modules, and set λ_4=0.1. Following the DenseNet-WAP <cit.> , We employ DenseNet as the encoder, which is composed of three DenseBlocks and two Transition layers. Each DenseBlock contains 48 convolution layers. The convolution kernel size is set to 11×11 for computing the coverage vector. Our model follows the previous tree decoder-based method DenseWAP-TD using two decoders to recognize the symbols, which has redundant parameters. We first simplify the parameters to optimize the model, where the dimensions of child attention, parent attention and memory attention are set to 128 instead of 512 and the embedding dimensions of both child node and parent node are set to 128 instead of 256. As shown in the second row of Table 2, the parameters are reduced by near half and the inference speed increases by more than 50 ms without affecting the recognition performance. Regarding this, we take the same parameters into SS-TD to pursue better performance. Due to the introduced syntax masks, the complexity of our model is quite more than the simplified DenseWAP-TD, in which the gap is still smaller than that between DenseWAP-TD and simplified DenseWAP-TD. We utilized the Adadelta algorithm [29] for optimization and conduct on experiments. Besides, the framework was implemented in Pytorch. Experiments were conducted on 2 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090. §.§ Ablation Experiment In order to verify the performance improvement of SS-TD brought by the integration of spatial attention and syntax rules, we conduct ablation experiments on CROHME 14 datasets. As shown in Table 3, after we introduce spatial attention mechanism, the Exp.Rate_tree increases by 1.54% and the WER_pos decreases by 1.52%. To further prove the improvement is due to the spatial attention mechanism itself instead of the attention parameters, we compare the precision(%)/Params(M) of attention employed and attention not employed, in which the value of attention employed is 10.79 and 0.12 higher than attention not employed. In addition, as shown in Fig.4, the result predicted by only using semantic information is the symbol `1' which is incorrect obviously. And the attention distribution of child node symbols correctly indicate the right symbol `n'. Hence the spatial attention enhancement achieved improvements and this demonstrates the importance of spatial information for the parent node position. On the other hand, as illustrated in the third row and the forth row of Table 3, the performance has a great improvement on the whole after adding static and dynamic syntax masks. It is worth noting that the gap between Exp.Rate_tree and Exp.Rate_latex becomes smaller, which indicates the grammar accuracy of the output tree structures has great improvement. In general, after the enhancement we introduce into the model, Exp.Rate_tree and Exp.Rate_latex increase by 2.55% and 2.34%, WER_pos and WER_pos decrease by 1.92% and 1.41%, respectively, which validates the effectiveness of the spatial attention and syntax rules. §.§ Performance Comparison The comparison among our model and the early algorithms on CROHME 14/16/19 is listed in the Table 4. All the experiment results in Table 4 are selected from published papers. Our model is implemented without using data enhancement and beam search strategies. Obviously, the Exp.Rate_latex of SS-TD is 52.48% on CROHME 2014, 55.29% on CROHME 2016, and 54.32% on CROHME 2019. Specifically, compared with the baseline model DenseWAP-TD, our model is 3.33% better on CROHME 2014 and 6.68% better on CROHME 2016 than DenseWAP-TD which demonstrates the effectiveness of our improvement. However, the competitive performance of our method is still lower than some string decoder-based methods, such as <cit.> and <cit.> . The former uses an additional weakly supervised branch to achieve 53.35% on CROHME 14, the latter uses large scale input images from data augmentation and beam search decoding to achieve 57.72%/61.38% ExpRate on CROHME 16/19 which take longer to decode iteratively. Indeed, our method pursues the expression spatial structure resolution too much and loses part of the recognition performance of the symbols, which is the main problem that we want to break through in the future. § CONCLUSION In this paper, we proposed a new tree decoder model integrating spatial attention and syntax rules, which not only improve the structure prediction accuracy, but also decrease the apparent grammar error of mathematical expressions. We illustrate the great performance of SS-TD for offline HMER through the ablation study and comparisons with the advanced methods on CROHME datasets. In the future work, we will further improve the generalization and performance of SS-TD. § ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work has been supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.62176093, 61673182), the Key Realm Research and Development Program of Guangzhou (No.202206030001), and the GuangDong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation (No.2021A1515012282). splncs04
Advantage of Hardy's Nonlocal Correlation in Reverse Zero-Error Channel Coding
[ "Mir Alimuddin", "Ananya Chakraborty", "Govind Lal Sidhardh", "Ram Krishna Patra", "Samrat Sen", "Snehasish Roy Chowdhury", "Sahil Gopalkrishna Naik", "Manik Banik" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Differential voltage analysis for battery manufacturing process control
[ "Andrew Weng", "Jason B. Siegel", "Anna Stefanopoulou" ]
[ "eess.SY", "cs.SY" ]
Harris' criterion and Hardy inequalites on graphs Marcel Schmidt ================================================= Voltage-based battery metrics are ubiquitous and essential in battery manufacturing diagnostics. They enable electrochemical “fingerprinting” of batteries at the end of the manufacturing line and are naturally scalable, since voltage data is already collected as part of the formation process which is the last step in battery manufacturing. Yet, despite their prevalence, interpretations of voltage-based metrics are often ambiguous and require expert judgment. In this work, we present a method for collecting and analyzing full cell near-equilibrium voltage curves for end-of-line manufacturing process control. The method builds on existing literature on differential voltage analysis (DVA or dV/dQ) by expanding the method formalism through the lens of reproducibility, interpretability, and automation. Our model revisions introduce several new derived metrics relevant to manufacturing process control, including lithium consumed during formation and the practical negative-to-positive ratio, which complement standard metrics such as positive and negative electrode capacities. To facilitate method reproducibility, we reformulate the model to account for the “inaccessible lithium problem” which quantifies the numerical differences between modeled versus true values for electrode capacities and stoichiometries. We finally outline key data collection considerations, including C-rate and charging direction for both full cell and half cell datasets, which may impact method reproducibility. This work highlights the opportunities for leveraging voltage-based electrochemical metrics for online battery manufacturing process control. § INTRODUCTION Decreasing the cost and environmental footprint of battery “gigafactories” worldwide relies on continuously improving the manufacturing process through data-driven process control. To place the scale of manufacturing data in context, consider a battery factory that supplies enough cells to produce one electric vehicle (EV) per minute <cit.>. Since the number of cells needed for each EV is on the order of hundreds for pouch cells and thousands for cylindrical cells, the cell production rate would need to exceed ∼100 cells per minute for pouch cells and ∼1,000 cells per minute for cylindrical cells. Every cell produced will generate voltage and current time-series data as part of the formation process, which is the last step of battery manufacturing when cells are charged for the very first time to create the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) <cit.>. Voltage and current data from the battery formation process can be continuously and automatically collected, stored, and analyzed to develop smart manufacturing process specifications or tolerances, ensuring that all cells leaving the factory have a guarantee on performance, lifetime, and safety <cit.>. Using voltage-based measurements is appealing from a manufacturing standpoint since they can be measured using existing formation cyclers. This data may be directly collected as part of the formation protocol or immediately after the formation protocol completes but before the cells are taken off of the formation cyclers <cit.>. Thus, collecting voltage-based data bears no additional capital costs to a factory. Since the number of formation cyclers grows with the production volume, the voltage-based metrics will also naturally scale as factory throughput increases. When full cell voltage data is carefully collected and analyzed, they can be used to derive physically-interpretable, electrochemical metrics, or features, that provide insights into the thermodynamic and kinetic properties of the cell. A slow-rate (C/20) full cell voltage curve can, for example, be analyzed using incremental capacity analysis (ICA) <cit.> or differential voltage (dV/dQ) analysis <cit.> to understand thermodynamic cell properties such as active material losses and lithium inventory losses. The data can be collected immediately after the formation cycles complete. Unlike cell dissections and electrode harvesting, voltage-based analysis is non-destructive. The same cell that is analyzed in manufacturing can thus be tracked throughout its remaining life, either through accelerated cycle life testing in a lab or through fleet telemetry of real-world usage inside of an EV. The ability to establish an electrochemical “fingerprint” on the pristine cells immediately after manufacturing can help improve lifetime prediction models <cit.> which, in turn, be can be used to improve the manufacturing process. However, caution is needed when setting manufacturing specifications based on voltage-based data. Without careful data collection and interpretation, manufacturing tolerances may be set too tightly, increasing reject rates and lowering production throughput, or too loosely, which may increase production throughput in the short term but lead to lifetime and safety issues after years of usage in the field. Ultimately, manufacturing specifications must also be set based on an understanding of long-term consequences to performance, lifetime, or safety. The voltage-based electrochemical features can facilitate understanding trade-offs between production throughput and long-term reliability, but only if they are carefully designed and interpreted. We note that voltage-based electrochemical features do not replace the need for more advanced end-of-line metrology methods in the factory, including X-ray <cit.> and ultrasonic imaging <cit.>, which may be necessary for catching non-electrochemical related cell defects. Rather, the voltage-based features complement root-cause analyses by providing basic electrochemical metrics about the system such as the as-manufactured electrode capacities, cyclable lithium inventory, and negative-to-positive ratio (NPR). Currently, factories are not taking full advantage of voltage-based measurements at the end of line which may be relevant to long term cell lifetime and durability, partly owing to difficulties in data interpretation. Resolving the complex electrochemical details using full-cell voltage data alone is inherently challenging, since these measurements reflect a combination of thermodynamic and kinetic factors originating from nearly every cell component and their interactions with each other. These inherent difficulties are compounded by a general lack of clear literature guidance on best practices for collecting and analyzing voltage data. As a result, commonly reported electrochemical metrics derived from voltage data, such as modeled electrode capacities from dV/dQ analysis often differ in both data collection and analysis methods, limiting their interpretability and reproducibility. To overcome these challenges, recent work, such as those by <cit.> are essential for enabling reproducible extraction of electrochemical features derived from voltage data. The goal of this work is thus to guide experimental and analysis considerations needed to enable reproducible voltage-based battery manufacturing diagnostics. To accomplish this, we revisit a popular analysis technique through the lens of battery manufacturing: the differential voltage analysis, or dV/dQ, model. We will detail the experimental and analysis considerations to facilitate data reproducibility and interpretability. § A MANUFACTURING CASE STUDY Here, we showcase an example of how the differential voltage analysis method can be used for continuous monitoring of cell electrochemical features at the end of the manufacturing process. We highlight the various electrochemical metrics, or features, that can be extracted using the method and their significance for manufacturing process control. The study consists of two cell batches made on the same manufacturing line and made using the same active materials ( positive electrode and graphite negative electrode). However, the two cell batches were made two years apart and differed in cell design parameters, including electrode loading targets and number of layers. Cells from the first batch, from <cit.>, had nominal capacities of 5.0 Ah and were built in 2018 (n=21). Cells from the second batch, from <cit.>, had nominal capacities of 2.37 Ah and were built in 2020 (n=40). For these cells, we restricted the cell population to those having full cell data collected at room temperature (RT) (n=20) to match the measurement conditions from <cit.>. A table comparing relevant design parameters is given in Table S1. We will refer to these two datasets as Mohtat2021 and Weng2021, respectively. Figure <ref> shows the general analysis workflow and lists the electrochemical features extracted by the model. In this example, full cell voltage data (V_full) was collected on every manufactured cell after the formation cycling completed (Section <ref>). Each dataset was analyzed using the differential voltage analysis model (Section <ref>). The model consisted of two pre-computed functions, and , representing the positive and negative electrode near-equilibrium reference potential curves, respectively (Section <ref>). The same functions were used to analyze data from both Mohtat2021 and Weng2021, since the batches shared the same positive and negative electrode chemistries. The differential voltage model was then used to extract electrochemical features which include positive and negative electrode capacities (Q̃_p, Q̃_n), the capacity of lithium available for cycling (Q̃_Li), the capacity of lithium lost to the SEI (Q̃_SEI), electrode lithium stoichiometries when the full cell is discharged (x̃_0, ỹ_0), and cell design information including the practical negative-to-positive capacity ratio (NPR_practical) and the excess negative electrode capacity (Q̃_n,excess). The `tildes' on each variable name indicate that they are estimates which may be different from the true parameters due to the “inaccessible lithium problem,” which will be further explained in Section <ref>. These extracted features can then be analyzed to determine whether machine parameter adjustments are needed in upstream manufacturing processes such as those in electrode coating or in electrolyte fill (E-fill). Figure <ref> show an example data visualization of the analysis outputs. An example model fitting result is also provided in Figure S1. Panel A uses box-and-whisker plots to compare compares several example metrics derived from the differential voltage analysis, including Q̃_p, Q̃_n, Q̃_SEI, and NPR_practical. The full-cell C/20 discharge capacity, Q_full, is also provided for reference. Since the Mohtat2021 and Weng2021 cells used different numbers of electrode sheets, all of the capacity values reported here have been normalized to the respective electrode areas, enabling a head-to-head comparison. The following sections discusses how to interpret each group of features in the context of manufacturing process control. §.§ Monitoring Electrode Capacities and Loadings Figure <ref>A shows extracted values of positive and negative electrode capacities, Q̃_n and Q̃_p, for every cell in this study. In a manufacturing context, the availability of data on Q̃_n and Q̃_p on every batch of cells in production, without needing cell dissections, can help to identify deviations from electrode loading set-points, e.g. due to electrode processing variations. These electrode-level variations would be difficult to detect by relying on full cell capacity check data alone, since capacity variability at the electrode level may not manifest in full cell capacity checks (Section <ref>). We also found that the Mohtat2021 cells had, on average, 16% higher positive electrode areal capacity and 17% higher negative electrode areal capacity compared to the Weng2021 cells. However, according to the cell design parameters (Table S1), Mohtat2021 cells should have only 7% higher positive electrode areal capacity and 9% higher negative electrode areal capacity based on differences in the active material loading targets. The gap between the the targeted and modeled capacities suggest that the as-built cells did not match their target loadings, and that electrode coating process parameters may need to be adjusted. §.§ Monitoring Lithium Consumed During Formation Figure <ref>A also compares the amount of lithium consumed during formation, Q̃_SEI, for all cells in this study. For the Mohtat2021 cells, the mean value was measured to be 0.35 mAh/cm^2, while the Weng2021 cells measured 0.12 mAh/cm^2. Mohtat2021 cells thus lost nearly three times more lithium during formation than compared to the Weng2021 cells. This result can be verified graphically by inspecting the voltage curve alignments from the fitting results which shows that the positive electrode is less lithiated at 0% SOC, reflecting the fact that extra lithium was irreversibly consumed to form the SEI and cannot return to the positive electrode on discharge (Figure S1). The increase in lithium consumption rate during the formation of the Mohtat2021 cells suggests a poorer quality of electrolyte or a less passivating negative electrode formulation. Note that both cell builds shared the same formation protocol, so differences in lithium consumption cannot be attributed to differences in the formation protocol. This example highlights a scenario in which the electrolyte filling process parameters may need to be inspected, or the quality of the electrolyte itself may need to be verified. The increased lithium consumption in the Mohtat2021 cells also helps to explain why, although the Mohtat2021 cells had 16% higher positive electrode areal mass loading than the Weng2021 cells, the full cell capacities of the Mohtat2021 cells were only 3% higher on average. Thus, although the Mohtat2021 cells were designed with higher areal capacities than the Weng2021 cells, most of the benefits to full cell capacity were lost due the increased lithium consumption rate during formation. §.§ Measuring “Margin to Lithium Plating” Using the Practical NP Ratio Since the Mohtat2021 cells had consumed more lithium during formation compared to the Weng2021 cells, the Mohtat2021 negative electrodes will also be less lithiated when the full cell is charged to 100% SOC. The Mohtat2021 cells will therefore have a wider margin of negative electrode capacity before the negative electrode is fully lithiated and lithium plating begins to occur, a result that can be visually seen in Figure S1. Thus, Mohtat2021 cells should, in theory, be less prone to lithium plating compared to the Weng2021 cells. A metric that quantifies the capacity margin before lithium plating occurs is the negative to positive ratio (NPR). The differential voltage analysis provides such a metric, known as the practical NPR, or NPR_practical, which we develop in Section <ref>. The for Mohtat2021 cells was measured to be 1.24, compared to 1.14 for the Weng2021 cells, confirming that the Mohtat2021 cells have a higher negative electrode capacity margin to protect against lithium plating. In order for the Weng2021 cells to achieve the same as the Mohtat2021 cells, either the positive electrode loading target would need to decrease, or the negative electrode loading target would need to increase. §.§ Electrode Manufacturing Variability Turning to Figure <ref>B, we next show how the differential voltage analysis outputs can be used to identify differences in electrode manufacturing variability from batch to batch. We immediately see that Mohtat2021 cells showed higher variability in the full cell capacity. The histograms of Q̃_n and Q̃_p reveal that the origin of the higher full cell capacity variability stems from the positive electrode loading, not the negative electrode loading. In fact, the negative electrode loading for Weng2021 cells had higher variability compared to the Mohtat2021 cells, yet this increased variability did not manifest in the full cell capacity. This result is expected considering the fact that the practical NP ratio of all cells are greater than 1, and hence, variations in the negative electrode capacities will mainly manifest in the excess negative electrode capacity rather than the full cell capacity. Thus, to decrease the full cell capacity variability in the Mohtat2021 cells, the manufacturer should focus on tightening the variability in the cathode manufacturing process, not the anode manufacturing process. §.§ Parameter Correlations Figure <ref>B finally presents correlation plots between every individual output variable of the differential voltage analysis model. One application of studying correlations is to understand which electrode-level parameters correlate to full cell capacity and hence directly impacts measurable cell performance. The correlation matrix reveals that, within each batch of cells, the positive electrode capacity correlates to full cell capacity. However, the correlation breaks when comparing across different batches of cells since the Mohtat2021 consumed more lithium during formation (Section <ref>). This result highlights the reality that multiple cell manufacturing factors, including electrode loadings, lithium consumption during formation, and the negative electrode excess capacity, all play a role in determining the full cell capacity. Achieving a certain full cell capacity outcome therefore requires coordinated control across multiple manufacturing processes. In summary, this section highlighted the utility of applying the differential voltage analysis method to extract electrochemical metrics at the end of the cell manufacturing line. These metrics can then be directly used to adjust process upstream manufacturing process parameters such as those in electrolyte manufacturing or electrolyte filling. All of the data presented in this section were directly outputted from the differential voltage method without needing any electrode-level degradation analysis. Since the method can run on data collected during battery formation, no additional work is necessary to extend the analysis to new cells coming off the manufacturing line, making the method highly scalable. § DIFFERENTIAL VOLTAGE ANALYSIS METHOD §.§ Model Selection Near-equilibrium (i.e. slow-rate) full cell voltage curves have been widely used to understand dominant cell degradation modes such as loss of active material (LAM) and loss of lithium inventory (LLI) <cit.>. The appeal of these techniques is easy to appreciate: full cell data is easier and faster to collect than materials-level characterization data which often requires cell tear-down and electrode harvesting. Such types of analyses have been introduced under different names, including differential voltage analysis (DVA or dV/dQ) <cit.>, incremental capacity analysis (ICA) <cit.>, open-circuit voltage models <cit.>, and voltage-fitting analysis <cit.>. While all of these methods rely on full cell voltage curve data, their data analysis approaches are different. In differential voltage (or dV/dQ) methods, the voltage is differentiated with respect to capacity and plotted against capacity. The resulting data reveals peaks and troughs that can be attributed to either the positive or negative electrode. In incremental capacity (or ICA) methods, the capacity is differentiated with respect to voltage and plotted against voltage. The features observed from ICA are no longer linearly separable, but through careful data interpretation, distinct degradation modes can still be inferred <cit.>. Other variations of differential analysis have also been recently introduced which leverage signals such as expansion <cit.> and pressure <cit.>, but since these methods require measurements beyond full voltage, they are omitted from present consideration. Since the exact method for extracting the electrode-level parameters vary from author to author, comparing results across different papers is complicated. Notably, some authors use full cell data alone, assigning features of interest and graphically inferring degradation metrics such as lithium inventory and electrode capacity losses <cit.>, while others leverage half-cell “reference curves” <cit.> to build a model of the full cell voltage as a function of the electrode-level parameters <cit.>. In a battery manufacturing context, a quantitative and reproducible voltage-based analysis method is needed. The method must be quantitative in order to resolve minute differences in manufacturing process parameters which could have large, long-term consequences to battery performance, lifetime and safety. The method must also be reproducible in order to scale. Out of all of the available voltage curve analysis methods, the “voltage fitting method”, documented by <cit.>, provides the best balance between mathematical rigor and interpretability. We therefore choose this method as the basis for extracting electrochemical features for manufacturing diagnostics. Note that, in this work, we use the words “differential voltage analysis” and “voltage fitting analysis” interchangeably since they refer to the same fundamental model construction. §.§ Model Formulation The differential voltage model seeks to decompose the full cell near-equilibrium (i.e. open circuit) voltage curve into its constituent half-cell positive and negative potential curves vs Li/Li^+. The half-cell curves, also sometimes called “reference curves” <cit.>, then provide information about thermodynamic states of the cell, including positive and negative electrode capacities, positive and negative electrode lithium stoichiometries as a function of the full cell state of charge (SOC), and the capacity of cyclable lithium inventory. We now proceed with a quantitative treatment of the model, using Figure <ref> as a visual guide. The fundamental state equation of the model is an assertion of voltage conservation between the half-cell near-equilibrium potentials and the full cell near-equilibrium potential given by V_full(q) = (y) - (x), where V_full is the full cell near-equilibrium (i.e. open-circuit) voltage and and are the positive and negative electrode near-equilibrium potential curves versus Li/Li^+, respectively. q is a vector of capacities in the full cell domain and is related to the cell SOC, z ∈ [0,1], by the relation z = q/Q_full where Q_full is the measured capacity of the full cell. x∈[0,1] and y∈[0,1] are vectors of lithium stoichiometries in the negative and positive electrodes, respectively. Note that x and y are sometimes also reported as θ_n and θ_p by other authors. The lithium stoichiometries are governed by the half-cell reactions xLi^+ + xe^- + C_6 →Li_xC_6 (Negative, charging) LiM→Li_yM + (1-y)Li^+ + (1-y)e^- (Positive, charging), where the first reaction represents the intercalation of lithium into graphite, and the second reaction describes the release of lithium from any intercalation positive electrode such as (NMC), nickel cobalt aluminum (NCA), iron phosphate, etc. Equation <ref> assumes that both electrodes are at near-equilibrium, meaning that the current densities used to acquire the curves are sufficiently small so that over-potential contributions can be neglected. Note that while some authors attempt to use V_full to extract kinetic information such as resistance increase <cit.>, we focus our analysis on extracting only thermodynamic quantities to limit the number of modeled output parameters and improve solution uniqueness. To ensure negligible kinetic effects, V_full(q) must be collected at a sufficiently slow rate (see Section <ref>). The reference half-cell curves (y) and (x) may be obtained experimentally, e.g. via coin cell testing (see Section <ref>). The terms in Equation <ref> can be mapped to a common, full capacity basis q. Charge conservation requires that this mapping be affine (linear plus an offset). We can therefore define the following basis transformation equations: x(q) = x_0 + q/Q_n y(q) = y_0 - q/Q_p, where Q_n and Q_p are the total negative and positive electrode capacities, respectively, and (x_0,y_0) are the negative and positive electrode stoichiometries in the fully discharged state. These equations are derived under the boundary condition that q = 0 corresponds to the fully discharged state, with (x,y) = (x_0,y_0). Equations (<ref>, <ref>) can be inverted to obtain q(x) = Q_n(x - x_0) q(y) = Q_p(y_0 - y), which can be used to map lithium stoichiometries to the shared capacity basis. Note that, under this construction, q is allowed to take on negative values. For example, when x=0, q = -Q_nx_0 < 0, according to Equation <ref>. Negative q values can be interpreted as “virtual capacities,” that is, capacity present in the electrodes but is inaccessible from the perspective of the full cell due to the full cell minimum voltage constraint. We can also define a complementary set of variables describing the lithium stoichiometries in the fully-charged state, (x_100,y_100), which can be written as x_100 = x_0 + Q_full/Q_n y_100 = y_0 - Q_full/Q_p. Q_full is a known quantity from the full cell data and is not considered to be a modeled parameter. Hence, (x_100,y_100) are not independent model parameters. In summary, knowledge of four parameters θ = {Q_n, Q_p, x_0, y_0} provides a complete description of the model from Equation (<ref>). These parameters bear physical meaning, since (Q_n,Q_p) are related to the total electrode capacities and (x_0, y_0) predict lithium stoichiometry-dependent electrode potentials. These model parameters can then be used to derive additional electrochemical features relevant to battery manufacturing diagnostics, as will be described in Section <ref>. Note that the choice of model parameters are not unique. For example {Q_n, Q_p, x_100, y_100} is an equally valid set of parameters. For the remainder of this work, we will continue to use the {Q_n, Q_p, x_0, y_0} basis with the recognition that the model can always be reformulated using another set of four basis states using Equations (<ref>,<ref>). The goal of the model is then to identify a unique combination of model parameters θ that provides the best fit against the measured voltage data. The optimization problem can be solved by implementing an error function E(q : θ) = (y_0 - q(y)/Q_p) - (x_0 + q(x)/Q_n)_V_full(q) - V_meas(q), where V_meas(q) is the experimentally-measured full cell voltage curve and the domain of q is now restricted to the full-cell domain spanning (0,Q_full). The model returns an optimal parameter-set which minimizes an error function of the form θ_opt = *argmin_θ∑_q(λ|E(q : θ)|^2 + (1-λ)|dE(q : θ)/dq|^2). The first term inside the summation is the voltage error and the second term represents the differential voltage error. λ∈ [0,1] is a weight parameter, i.e. when λ=1, the contribution from the differential voltage signal is ignored. The optimization problem can be solved using standard non-linear least-squares solvers which are available in most scientific programming languages such as Python or Matlab. Note that, in Figure <ref>, plotted full cell voltage data corresponds to the modeled data, and the measured voltage data is omitted for simplicity. A real-world comparison of measured versus modeled full cell voltages is available in Figure S1. Variations the optimization method exist in the literature. For example, <cit.> set λ=1 and implemented additional constraints based on full cell voltage limits, i.e. V_max = (y_100) - (x_100) and V_min = (y_0) - (x_0). With this approach, the model-predicted full cell capacity is guaranteed to match the measured value. However, solution convergence becomes more challenging in the presence of these additional constraints which could make the solution space ill-conditioned. <cit.> included the differential voltage (dV/dQ) curves in the error function to assign preferential weight the phase transition features (Figure <ref>B) and to negate the effects of impedance mismatch between the full cell and coin cell form factors. However, these dV/dQ methods reported previously are generally not fully automated, often requiring manually adjusting model parameters through graphical user interfaces <cit.> and evaluating goodness-of-fit by visually inspecting peak alignments. Overall, a “one-size-fits-all“ optimization scheme is not known to exist yet. The specific details of the optimization may therefore need to be tuned to perform optimally for a given system. §.§ Model Extension: Accounting For the Inaccessible Lithium Problem So far, we have laid the groundwork for the differential voltage analysis method. In this section, we outline a fundamental challenge with interpreting and reproducing model outputs known as the “inaccessible lithium problem.” This issue was alluded to by <cit.> and recently expanded upon by <cit.>. In this section, we first describe how this issue affects interpretation of the model outputs in a manufacturing context. We then propose corrections to the differential voltage analysis model to clarify the interpretation of the model outputs. The “inaccessible lithium problem” is summarized as follows. The model state equation assumes that and are defined for the entire range of lithium stoichiometries spanning y∈[0,1] and x∈[0,1], respectively. Yet, half-cell potential curves are generally experimentally unattainable over the entire range of stoichiometries. For example, for layered oxide positive electrode systems such as NMC, full delithiation would render the host material thermodynamically unstable, impacting the reversibility of lithium intercalation reaction. Full lithiation of the layered oxide particles is also experimentally challenging due to massive kinetic limitations towards the fully lithiated state <cit.>. These kinetic limitations explain why it is so difficult to “fully discharge” a positive electrode half cell; even when discharging at small C-rates, the potential tends to rebound above 3V vs Li/Li^+ after resting. Near-equilibrium potential data on layered-oxide positive electrodes can only be feasibly obtained within a restricted stoichiometry window, which is determined by the voltage limits of coin cell data collection. Defining and as the minimum and maximum observable lithium stoichiometry in the positive electrode, it must be the case that > 0 and < 1. An analogous situation applies to the graphite negative electrode, with > 0 and < 1, though the resulting errors from assuming ≈ 0 and ≈ 1 are generally understood to be more benign, since lithium transport in graphite is generally more facile. To proceed with the analysis, practitioners must either implicitly or explicitly assume that the tested range of potentials (e.g. 3.0V to 4.3V for layered oxide positive electrodes) correspond to the full range of lithium stoichiometries, i.e. (, , , ) ≈ (0, 1, 0, 1), and proceed with the analysis method as described in Section <ref>. However, this simplification will lead to errors in the model outputs. To demonstrate the magnitude of this error, we compare the positive and negative electrode capacities calculated using differential voltage analysis from Section <ref> to the true electrode capacities, which can be calculated by combining the theoretical capacities with the cell design parameters, according to: Q = m · f · n_faces· A · Q_theor, where Q is the electrode capacity in Ah, m is the electrode areal loading target in g/cm^2, f is the mass fraction of active material in the electrode, n_faces is the number of active electrode faces, A is the electrode area per face, excluding overhanging regions, in cm^2, and Q_theor is the theoretical capacity of the material in Ah/g. The resulting calculations, summarized in Table <ref>, show that the estimated positive electrode capacity is only 54% to 55% of the true positive electrode capacity, while the estimated negative electrode capacity is 87% to 89% of the true negative electrode capacity. This result was demonstrated on both the <cit.> and the <cit.> datasets, suggesting some level of generality. The gross underestimation of positive electrode capacity can be primarily attributed to the fact that the layered oxide positive electrode material used in these works retain significant lithium inventory even above the coin cell upper cut-off potential of 4.3V vs Li/Li^+, and consequently, ≫ 0. We thus conclude that ignoring the inaccessible lithium problem (Equation <ref>) will likely lead to inaccurate reporting of true electrode capacities and stoichiometries, especially for layered oxide positive electrode materials such as NMC. This issue could affect the ability to directly use modeled electrode capacities to convert into electrode loadings using Equation <ref>. Unfortunately, the inaccessible lithium problem is a fundamental limitation of the coin cell data collection process used to initialize V_pos and V_neg in the model. Knowing that the inaccessible lithium problem can lead to large errors in the model outputs (x, y, Q_n, Q_p), we reformulate the model by defining `tilde' variables (x̃, ỹ, Q̃_n, Q̃_p), to represent estimated parameters. The state equation can then be re-written as: V_full(q) = (ỹ) - (x̃) where x̃(q) = x̃_0 + q/Q̃_n ỹ(q) = ỹ_0 - q/Q̃_p. This modified system is identical to the original system, but recognizes the fact that the modeled lithium stoichiometries and electrode capacities may, in general, be different from the true values which are not observable due to the limitations in coin cell data collection for and . The estimated parameters can then be related to the true parameters by the following relations: Q̃_p = Q_p(-) Q̃_n = Q_n(-) ỹ_0 - ỹ_100 = y_0 - y_100/ - x̃_0 - x̃_100 = x_0 - x_100/ - . This system of equations has more unknowns than equations, highlighting the difficulty in recovering the true parameters from the model alone. Ideally, the true lithium stoichiometries may be experimentally measured, e.g. via inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) <cit.>. True capacities may also be calculated using information about the electrode design (Equation <ref>). Without more measurements, further assumptions are needed to fully resolve the estimated model parameters, e.g. x̃_100≈ x_100 and ỹ_0≈ y_0. Despite the data interpretation challenges introduced by the inaccessible lithium problem, we highlight several applications of the model outputs which remain unaffected by this problem. First, calculations of differences in electrode capacities are not affected. This is because the error terms in Equations <ref> and <ref> cancel when taking ratios of capacities. This fact explains why literature reports of losses of active material (LAM) and our analysis of electrode capacity loading differences from Section <ref> are still valid even though the inaccessible lithium problem may render absolute values of Q_n and Q_p inaccurate. Second, the inaccessible lithium problem also does not impact the process of searching for an optimal set of model parameters (Equation <ref>) since the domain for optimization is strictly only within the full cell capacity window, i.e. q ∈ (0, Q_full). Missing data beyond the limits of the observable full cell voltage data is therefore inconsequential to the optimization. Overall, the inaccessible lithium problem effectively introduces an optional post-processing step in which the model output parameters may be converted into true parameters using Equations <ref>, <ref>, <ref> and <ref>. This final step would require additional input not provided for by the differential voltage model. Yet, even without knowing the true model parameters, the estimated model outputs remain useful for estimating differences in parameters such as electrode capacities. The main contribution of the model extension, including the introduction of the tilde variables, is thus to clarify that the model outputs must be interpreted as estimates of the true values due to the limitations in constructing and from data. §.§ Extended Model Outputs for Manufacturing Diagnostics This section defines and discusses several additional electrochemical features relevant for battery manufacturing process control: the lithium consumed during formation () the practical negative-to-positive ratio () and the total cyclable lithium inventory (). These features can be calculated directly from the optimized parameters of the modified model θ̃_opt = {Q̃_n, Q̃_p, x̃_0, ỹ_0}. In light of the previous discussion on the “inaccessible lithium problem”, we make a distinction between estimated model parameters, denoted with tildes, and true model parameters. To aid understanding, expressions in this section will be given for both true values and estimated values, where appropriate. §.§.§ Lithium Consumed During Formation The capacity of lithium consumed during formation, , is analogous to the first cycle Coulombic efficiency metric <cit.>, defined as ratio of discharge and charge capacity during formation. However, unlike Coulombic efficiency, which requires slow-rate charge-discharge cycles to calculate, provides a consistent measure of lithium consumption even when the formation protocol consists of complex charge-discharge cycles involving multiple C-rates and partial SOC windows, as is the case with modern formation protocols <cit.>. Conveniently, since can be obtained through the analysis of voltage data after formation completes, this metric enables the recovery of information about lithium consumed during formation even if formation data is missing. We define the estimated capacity of lost lithium inventory due to formation, Q̃_SEI, as Q̃_SEI = q() - q() = q(x̃ = 1) - q(ỹ = 0) This formula can be understood by considering that, before formation, the positive electrode stoichiometry is at its highest value, y_max, since all of the cyclable lithium has not yet left the positive electrode. For the same reason, the negative electrode stoichiometry is at its lowest value, x_min. After formation completes, the lithium lost to the SEI will not return to the positive electrode during discharge, causing the highest possible stoichiometry value in the positive electrode to decrease by q() - q(). Equation <ref> can alternatively be interpreted as the capacity of unoccupied lithium sites in the positive electrode when the negative electrode is fully delithiated. We note that the calculation assumes that the positive electrode voltage curve and capacity is unchanged during formation. Previous studies have shown that this assumption may not be true <cit.>, which would introduce another error contribution to this calculation which warrants further studies. From a manufacturing standpoint, if the positive electrode system is known to be the same from batch-to-batch, then may still be used to detect differences in the SEI formation process. §.§.§ Re-Interpreting the Negative to Positive Ratio The negative to positive ratio (NPR) is a common term used in battery design and generally refers to the ratio of negative to positive electrode capacities. The optimization of NPR is sometimes referred to as `capacity balancing' <cit.>, not to be confused with the process of balancing series-connected cells. Conventional wisdom suggests that the NPR be must greater than one to prevent over-lithiation of the negative electrode during charging. Increasing NPR also implies less utilization of the negative electrode, which could be advantageous in silicon-containing systems where volume expansion is a major contributor to cycle life degradation <cit.>. However, increasing the NPR requires putting in more negative electrode active material into the cell without increasing usable energy content, which decreases the cell energy density. Adding more negative electrode loading could also increase the surface area for SEI reactions which could be detrimental to calendar life. The NPR is therefore a critical cell design metric that should be optimized and tracked during manufacturing. In this section, we first review the most commonly-held definition of the NPR and identify some conceptual gaps preventing a clear interpretation of this metric. We then propose a revised, more practical definition of the NPR which enables a more physically-grounded assessment of the lithium plating risk. Issues With Conventional Definitions of NPR. To begin, consider a common definition of the NPR based on areal loadings and theoretical electrode capacities: NPR_theor = m_nQ_n,theor/m_pQ_p,theor. In this equation, m_n and m_p are the electrode active material mass loadings in grams, and Q_n,theor and Q_p,theor are the theoretical capacities in units of mAh/g. Applying this formula to the example |graphite systems from <cit.> and <cit.> yields calculated NPR values of 0.62 for Mohtat2021 and 0.63 for Weng2021 (Table <ref>). This result would suggest that these cells designs have undersized negative electrode capacities and are at risk for lithium plating. However, this assessment assumes that all of the theoretical capacity of the positive electrode (279.5mAh/g) can be utilized, which is not true due to the inaccessible lithium problem (Section <ref>). This definition of NPR, while theoretically valid, is therefore not practically useful in a manufacturing context. Repeating the calculation but using the estimated values Q̃_n and Q̃_p to define NPR_conventional = Q̃_n/Q̃_p leads to yet another definition of NPR found in literature. This definition partly excludes the inaccessible lithium in the positive electrode since Q̃_p and Q̃_n are bounded by observable potentials in the coin cell data used to construct and , respectively. However, this definition remains ambiguous because the calculated value of NPR will change based on the choice of potential ranges chosen for the half-cell reference potential curves which can vary across different datasets. NPR definitions based on (Q̃_n, Q̃_p) therefore do not guarantee reproducibility across different authors and datasets. Definition of Practical NPR. In this section, we develop a practically relevant and consistent definition of the NPR, which we call “Practical NPR.” We first return to the original motivation of comparing relative loadings of positive and negative electrode capacities from a cell design perspective, which is to determine whether the negative electrode will become over-lithiated when the cell is fully charged to 100% SOC. A sensible boundary condition is to set the NPR equal to unity if the negative electrode is completely lithiated when the full cell is at 100% SOC (i.e. x_100 = 1). An NPR greater than 1 would then indicate that there exists some excess negative electrode capacity at 100% SOC, which can serve as a margin to protect again lithium plating during charge. Under this construction, we realize that a practical NPR definition must then be dependent on two factors: the voltage at which 100% SOC is defined, and how much lithium was consumed during formation. The voltage at which 100% SOC is defined becomes relevant since higher voltages requires more utilization of both the positive and the negative electrodes, thereby decreasing the excess negative electrode capacity. How much lithium was consumed during formation becomes relevant because more lithium consumed during formation decreases the negative electrode lithium stoichiometry in the fully charged state, x_100, which effectively increases the negative electrode excess capacity. In fact, since SEI formation continues over the life of the cell, x_100 will continue to decrease, which will effectively increase the negative electrode excess capacity over life. Loss of negative active material, on the other hand, could have the opposite effect by shrinking the negative electrode curve <cit.>. Overall, a practical NPR definition cannot be a static metric, but one which changes after formation and over the life of a cell based on the competition between different degradation modes such as lithium inventory loss and active material loss. Given the above realizations, we now define the Practical NPR as NPR_practical = 1 + Q̃_n,excess/Q_full, where Q̃_n,excess = q() - q(x_100) = q(x̃=1) - q(x̃_100) represents the measured excess capacity in the negative electrode when the cell is fully charged. The Practical NPR correctly accounts for the sensitivity to the full cell upper cutoff voltage window, where increasing voltage windows leads to decreasing NPRs (i.e. less protection against lithium plating). The definition is also sensitive to changes in the electrode stoichiometries (x_100) over life, and is therefore able to account for the increase in the Practical NPR over life as lithium loss shifts x_100 to lower values over life. Applying the Practical NPR definition to the dataset from Weng2021 and Mohtat2021 yields values of 1.14 and 1.24. This calculation shows that, after formation, the Mohtat2021 cells have more negative electrode excess capacity than the Weng2021 cells. The difference between the calculated practical NPRs can be attributed to more lithium consumed during formation for the Mohtat2021 cells (Section <ref>), which increased the negative excess capacity (Section <ref>). By contrast, none of the other definitions of NPR could distinguish this fact, since those definitions do not consider the lithium lost during formation. A summary comparison of different NPR calculation methodologies is provided by Table <ref>. §.§.§ Total Cyclable Lithium Inventory The total cyclable lithium inventory in the system is imperative to track over life, since lithium inventory depletion is a primary reason for capacity loss in standard lithium-ion batteries <cit.>. <cit.> proposed that the total cyclable lithium inventory can be accounted for from the equation Q̃_Li = x̃_0Q̃_n + ỹ_0Q̃_p. In this equation, the first term captures the lithium trapped in the negative electrode due to the full cell minimum voltage constraint. Meanwhile, the second term includes both the cyclable lithium within the full cell operating voltage window and the inventory of lithium above the full cell maximum voltage. To gain a deeper intuition into Equation (<ref>), we can rewrite the same equation on the basis of the shared capacity vector q as Q̃_Li = [q() - q(y_100)]_V > V_max + [q(y_100) - q(y_0)]_Cyclable + [q(y_0) - q()]_V < V_min = q() - q(). Equation <ref> shows that the total lithium inventory consists of three components: the lithium available in the positive electrode above the full cell upper cut-off voltage (first term), the lithium available within the full cell voltage window (second term), and the lithium available in the negative electrode below the full cell lower cut-off voltage (third term). Note that if ≈ 0 is assumed, then the third term drops out and Q_Li becomes simply a statement of the total lithium inventory remaining in the positive electrode after discounting for lithium lost to the SEI. By combining Equations (<ref>) and (<ref>), it can be verified that Q̃_p = Q̃_Li + Q̃_SEI, which clarifies the fact that all of the lithium inventory in the system originates from the positive electrode. §.§.§ Note on Degradation Diagnostics: From Absolute Capacities to Capacity Losses The differential voltage analysis method may be repeated on full cell voltage datasets collected over the course of a cycle life or calendar aging test for the aged cell system. Taking {Q̃_n', Q̃_p', Q̃_Li'} to be model outputs from the aged cell, the following familiar quantities can be defined <cit.>: = 1 - Q̃_n'/Q̃_n = 1 - Q̃_p'/Q̃_p = 1 - Q̃_Li'/Q̃_Li, where is the loss of active material in the positive electrode, is the loss of active material in the negative electrode, and is the loss of lithium inventory. Conveniently, these equations are equally valid for both true model parameters (e.g. Q) and observed model parameters (e.g. Q̃), and therefore, the `inaccessible lithium problem' introduced in Section <ref> does not affect the numerical outcome of the study of capacity losses over the lifetime of a cell. Finally, we note that the definition of lithium inventory loss given by Equation <ref> does not provide any information on where the lithium is physically lost. It is generally understood that a primary pathway for lithium loss is through electrolyte reactions at the negative electrode to form the SEI. However, lithium can also be irreversibly trapped in the negative and positive electrodes due to electrical isolation of particles, which could occur either due to physical fracturing of active material particles <cit.> or islanding of entire particles due to loss of adhesion to the binder material <cit.>. A more general expression for the loss of lithium inventory can be expressed as the sum of lithium trapped in each component: LLI = LLI_pos + LLI_neg + LLI_SEI + LLI_plating. In this equation, the first two terms represent lithium trapped inside lithiated but electrically-isolated positive and negative electrode particles, the third term represents the lithium trapped in the negative electrode SEI <cit.>, and the last term represents dead lithium lost to lithium plating <cit.>. It is important to recognize that differential voltage analysis analysis cannot be used to decompose or LLI into their constituent parts. Differential voltage analysis thus only reveals the quantity of lithium lost without providing information about where the lithium was lost. This limitation is fundamental to the technique, since different breakdowns of yield identical voltage features <cit.>. More advanced, materials-level characterization, will be needed to fully understand the sources of lithium loss. § DISCUSSION §.§ Data Collection Considerations Collecting high-quality lab data is a starting point for ensuring that the differential voltage analysis results are reproducible. We therefore dedicate this section to discussing basic experimental considerations to enable reproducible differential voltage analysis for a given cell chemistry, using Figures <ref> and <ref> as guides. §.§.§ Obtaining Full-Cell Near-Equilibrium Potential Curves Differential voltage analysis requires the cell voltage curves to be collected at near-equilibrium conditions so that kinetic effects may be ignored. Without an assumption of near-equilibrium, Equation <ref> would require additional terms to capture overpotential effects, complicating the analysis. A natural question that follows is “at what C-rate does the voltage data needed to be collected at to constitute near-equilibrium conditions?” This question is especially salient in battery manufacturing contexts, where the speed of diagnostic tests need to be as fast as possible. In work by previous authors, C-rates ranging between C/20 and C/30 are most commonly used to obtain voltage curves at near-equilibrium conditions. For example, <cit.> used C/25 curves for both differential voltage analysis and incremental capacity analysis, <cit.> used C/30 curves, and <cit.> used a fixed current value which translated into C-rates ranging between ∼C/10 and ∼C/30, depending on the cell type. Using our own datasets, we studied the effect of C-rate on the shape of the voltage and differential voltage curves in Figure <ref>. Panel A shows an example charge dataset collected on an |graphite system, with C-rates ranging between 1C and C/100. The result shows that the C/20 charge rate achieves a capacity of 2.50Ah, which is within 1% of the capacity of 2.52Ah measured at C/100. The corresponding differential voltage curves, shown in Panel C, shows that the C/20 rate provides peak features that are closely aligned with the near-equilibrium limit at C/100. (Note that, in this panel, each line is offset by an arbitrary constant α for clarity.) Therefore, in our dataset, C/20 appeared to be a reasonable C-rate to capture a near-equilibrium condition. While C-rates ranging between C/20 and C/30 appear to provide viable input datasets for past work, this result may not always be true for all cell types in manufacturing. Notably, cells having higher energy densities may experience more kinetic limitations, and cells having larger form factors could experience more electrode-level lithium concentration heterogeneities. In both cases, even slower C-rates may be required to resolve the features in the differential voltage plots. Work by <cit.> further suggested that the performance of voltage fitting methods deteriorates at higher C-rates due to peak smearing. Overall, more work is needed to quantify the effect of C-rate on the analysis outputs as well as the generalizability of C-rate setpoints across different cell chemistries and cell designs. The directionality of charge must also be considered. Figure <ref>B,D show that the voltage and dV/dQ features on discharge are, similar, but not identical, to those on charge. At C/100, the low-SOC peaks, which correspond to graphite features, appear to have sharper peaks on discharge. An additional peak also appears in the discharge data, which can be attributed to the graphite 2L staging reaction (see Figure <ref>C). Practically speaking, the presence of the charge-discharge asymmetry suggests that the differential analysis outputs may be different depending on whether the charge or discharge curves are used. The extent of these differences should be further studied, which we leave as future work. §.§.§ Obtaining Half-Cell Near-Equilibrium Potential Curves Electrode near-equilibrium potential curves can either be obtained experimentally from scratch using coin cell testing <cit.> or downloaded from open-access databases such as LiionDB <cit.>. In either case, due caution is necessary for several reasons. First, the majority of datasets report half-cell potentials versus lithium stoichiometries, but since there is no common voltage range setting, different half-cell datasets will lead to different modeled outputs for electrode capacities and stoichiometries (see Section <ref>). Second, the experimental procedures used to obtain the curves may differ, with some authors using continuous currents, while other authors obtaining `quasi-static', or `pseudo-OCV' curves, by combining data collected after some voltage period at each SOC, similar to the galvanostatic intermittent titration (GITT) technique <cit.>. While the latter method could theoretically provide a more accurate near-equilibrium potential curve, fewer data points are typically collected to ensure the test finishes within a reasonable time. As a result, some characteristic features related to phase transitions in the negative electrode (Figure <ref>C) may be lost <cit.>. A third reason for exercising caution when using half-cell data obtained from literature is that the current direction is sometimes not reported, yet current direction materially impacts the features seen in the voltage curves. Figure <ref> shows that the current direction influences the voltage (and differential voltage) features for both a graphite negative electrode (Panels A,C) and an positive electrode (Panels B,D). At the negative electrode, a hysteresis gap between the lithiation and the delithiation curves exists, which persists across consecutive charge-discharge cycles. The characteristic differential voltage feature occurring at ∼2.3 Ah, corresponding to the stage 2 transition, is sharper and higher in magnitude in the lithiation direction. The staging reactions 2 through 4 are also distinctly different. In particular, the staging reaction 2L appears sharper on lithiation and the stage 4L reaction appears sharper on delithiation <cit.>. At the positive electrode, a large kinetic limitation is observed at the end of the lithiation curve, causing the lithiation capacity to be measurably lower than the delithiation curve across multiple cycles. The observation of poor kinetics during lithiation of the positive electrode has been experimentally confirmed by <cit.> and thoroughly discussed in <cit.>. Overall, charge-discharge asymmetry exists at the material level for both the positive and the negative electrodes. For high-fidelity differential voltage analysis, the current direction used to obtain the electrode potential curves should be aligned against what is used for the full cell. Doing so will improve the model's ability to fully describe the full cell voltage curve using the electrode potential curves. §.§.§ Data Logging Frequency and Data Smoothing The data logging rate and filtering method will affect the smoothness of the collected voltage curves and its derivatives. It is generally recommended to over-sample than under-sample to minimize data loss. Noise in the over-sampled data can be overcome by post-processing the data using filtering methods. A common approach is to use a Savitzky-Golay filter <cit.> which is included as part of most scientific programming languages. Note, however, that the process of selecting filtering parameters, such as window size and polynomial order, may introduce distortions in the data, decreasing the reproducibility of modeled results <cit.>. To improve model reproducibility, more studies are needed to understand the degree to which data filtering strategies impact model outputs, which we leave as future work. §.§ Comments on Factory Deployment Here, we summarize how a battery manufacturer might deploy the differential voltage analysis method in the battery factory for online process control and quality control applications. We also highlight the remaining knowledge gaps that may prevent deployment today which warrant further research. Enabling the differential voltage analysis in manufacturing requires both half-cell and full-cell data collection. The half-cell data only needs to be collected once. The data, once vetted, can be stored as part of the model input parameters and be re-used to analyze all full cell data belonging to the same family of positive and negative electrode material sets, e.g. across multiple cell batches and production lines. The largest barrier to method deployment is then in the acquisition of the full cell near-equilibrium data. As discussed previously, current methods for differential voltage analysis generally require around 20 hours in order to collect the full cell voltage trace. If the measurement method is to be deployed on every cell coming out of formation, then the production throughput will decrease. Considering that the industry trend is to decrease formation times <cit.>, any additional process that will make the total time on test longer may be untenable. To improve the adoption of the method, we propose several pathways. First, rather than collecting the full cell voltage data after formation, the voltage data during the formation process itself may be processed for differential voltage analysis. To our knowledge, this method has yet been reported in academic literature, and is the subject of future work. Second, a study should be conducted to understand the influence of higher C-rates on the modeled parameters. Historically, some of the challenges with differential voltage analysis arose in the analysis of aged cells, where the effective current density increases as the cell capacity decreases. For example, at 50% capacity retention, a “C/20” charge step would only take approximately 10 hours to complete since the C-rate is defined with respect to the nominal (pristine) cell capacity. In battery manufacturing, we are only concerned with studying the electrochemical state of the pristine cells without consideration for aging. Hence, the C-rates traditionally thought to be necessary to enable differential voltage analysis may be too conservative in a manufacturing context. A future study of the influence of C-rate on the modeled electrochemical parameters will provide some necessary guidance in this direction. Finally, not every cell may need to be fingerprinted. For example, retaining and measuring several dozen cells (out of hundreds of thousands built per day) could provide enough statistical information to track day-to-day changes in electrochemical process parameters. These measurements can still be made on formation equipment, and would only require a small, dedicated number of formation cyclers, to be withheld for this purpose. This partitioning method can also encourage the adoption of more advanced characterization methods such as computed tomography (CT) <cit.>, ultrasound imaging <cit.>, and strain measurements <cit.>. Measuring all of these parameters on the same cell could enable a more complete perspective on the cell electrochemical and mechanical state, enabling deeper insights. §.§ Improving Method Reproducibility Besides logistical challenges of deployment, another major and perhaps larger obstacle preventing adoption of the differential voltage method is the difficulties with implementation and interpretation of model outputs. These difficulties stem from a lack of literature guidance on a standard, rigorous method to implement the fitting model and an absence of understanding of how sensitive the model outputs are to small differences in input datasets, including both full cell and half cell data. This work sought to clarify the model interpretation by enabling a quantified understanding of model errors due to the inaccessible lithium problem (Section <ref>). We also discussed elementary data collection considerations needed to enable a working model (Section <ref>). Several avenues may be taken to further improve reproducibility of the electrochemical features derived from the differential voltage analysis method. First, model input sensitivities need to be better understood. This work introduced several input sensitivity considerations including C-rate and current direction (charge versus discharge). However, a discussion on sensitivity to temperature was not covered by this work. Moreover, a quantitative assessment of the input-output sensitivities have not yet been completed. A logical next step is thus to quantify model output differences due to these differences in model inputs. Another important consideration involves understanding the optimizer's ability to find the optimal solution θ_opt. Reproducibility requires that there exists a global minimum value of the error function defined by Equation <ref> and that the optimizer can converge to this value. However, in general, neither condition is guaranteed since the objective function is, in general, non-convex. The solution uniqueness for the positive electrode parameters Q̃_p and y_0 may be especially challenging for NMC systems which are relatively featureless (Figure <ref>). Some past efforts have been made to understand how model output parameter uncertainty increased as the data collection voltage window decreased <cit.>. These studies should be expanded. A better understanding here will enable practitioners to quantify how much of the variability in model-predicted outputs, such as those shown in Figure <ref>, are due to true manufacturing variability versus model uncertainty. Finally, it must be recognized that all of the electrochemical features extracted using the differential voltage model are estimates of the true values (Section <ref>). Experimental verification of model-predicted outputs, such as positive electrode capacity, negative electrode capacity, lithium lost to SEI, cyclable lithium inventory, and negative to positive ratios, can be challenging to obtain, but may be necessary to obtain confidence in the model-predicted outcomes. § CONCLUSION This work clarified how the differential voltage analysis method can be automated to improve online battery manufacturing process control. Using an example manufacturing dataset, we demonstrated how modeled outputs, such as positive and negative electrode capacities, lithium lost to form the SEI, and negative to positive ratios, can be used to gain insight into the sources and consequences of manufacturing variability. In our example, we found that the source of variability in full cell capacity for one batch of cells is due to variations in positive electrode loadings. We also detected a three-fold difference in the amount of lithium consumed consumed to the SEI between two different cell batches, a conclusion we were able to make without observing any data from the formation cycles or using any destructive analytical methods. To facilitate adoption of the differential voltage analysis method in manufacturing, we detailed the mathematical formalism required to implement the method as well as the input data requirements. We extended the base model formulation to explicitly account for model parameter errors due to the inaccessible lithium problem. Using the reformulated model, we defined an expanded set of electrochemical features which included the lithium consumed during formation, the practical NP ratio, the excess negative electrode capacity, and the total cyclable lithium. When combined, these features provide a “fingerprint” of the electrochemical state of the pristine cell which can then be used to adjust parameters in various manufacturing steps including electrode manufacturing and the formation process. Besides clarifying the model implementation details, this work also recognized the importance of obtaining high-quality experimental data, which includes both full cell and half-cell data, to enable reproducible results. We identified several basic data collection considerations, including the C-rate, current direction (charge versus discharge), and data smoothing method, as being potential factors affecting model output reproducibility. With an improved awareness of the nuances involved with model construction, model output interpretation, and data collection, the battery community can be better positioned to deploy the differential voltage analysis method in factories, driving continuous improvement in the battery manufacturing process. § DATA AVAILABILITY This study presented datasets from multiple works. The cell test dataset from <cit.> is available at <https://doi.org/10.7302/7tw1-kc35>. The cell test dataset from <cit.> are available for download at <https://doi.org/10.7302/pa3f-4w30>. All source code used to analyze the datasets and generate the plots are available at <https://github.com/wengandrew/dvdq>. The differential voltage analysis code was written in MATLAB. The data post-processing tools and data visualizations were developed in Python. unsrtnat
Isocurvature Constraints on Scalar Dark Matter Production from the Inflaton
[ "Marcos A. G. Garcia", "Mathias Pierre", "Sarunas Verner" ]
[ "hep-ph", "astro-ph.CO", "gr-qc" ]
1.1 @width
General Boolean Formula Minimization with QBF Solvers
[ "Eduardo Calò", "Jordi Levy" ]
[ "cs.AI", "cs.CC", "cs.LO" ]
E. Calò and J. Levy Utrecht University, the Netherlands e.calo@uu.nl <https://www.uu.nl/staff/ECalo> IIIA, CSIC, Spain levy@iiia.csic.es <https://www.iiia.csic.es/ levy> General Boolean Formula Minimization with QBF SolversThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 860621 and the MICINN project PROOFS (PID2019-109137GB-C21). Eduardo Calò10000-0003-3881-8994 Jordi Levy20000-0001-5883-5746 ================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================ The minimization of propositional formulae is a classical problem in logic, whose first algorithms date back at least to the 1950s with the works of Quine and Karnaugh. Most previous work in the area has focused on obtaining minimal, or quasi-minimal, formulae in conjunctive normal form (CNF) or disjunctive normal form (DNF), with applications in hardware design. In this paper, we are interested in the problem of obtaining an equivalent formula in any format, also allowing connectives that are not present in the original formula. We are primarily motivated in applying minimization algorithms to generate natural language translations of the original formula, where using shorter equivalents as input may result in better translations. Recently, Buchfuhrer and Umans have proved that the (decisional version of the) problem is Σ_2^p-complete. We analyze three possible (practical) approaches to solving the problem. First, using brute force, generating all possible formulae in increasing size and checking if they are equivalent to the original formula by testing all possible variable assignments. Second, generating the Tseitin coding of all the formulae and checking equivalence with the original using a SAT solver. Third, encoding the problem as a Quantified Boolean Formula (QBF), and using a QBF solver. Our results show that the QBF approach largely outperforms the other two. § INTRODUCTION The minimization of complex Boolean expressions is a longstanding problem in logic. The first algorithms developed in the 1950s, e.g., the works of Quine, McCluskey <cit.>, and Karnaugh <cit.> paved the way for extensions and optimizations in the following years (e.g., the Petrick's method <cit.>, and the Espresso heuristic logic minimizer <cit.>, i.a.). These works have focused on obtaining minimal equivalent representations in specific canonical forms (e.g., conjunctive normal form (CNF) or disjunctive normal form (DNF)), and confined the studies to a limited set of connectives. Here, we are interested in the general Boolean formula minimization, where no assumptions are made in the form of the input formula or the output. In fact, our minimization methods allow us to use distinct sets of connectives for the input and the output. We frame Boolean minimization (i.e., finding the logically equivalent shortest formula(e) to a given one) as a Quantified Boolean Formulae (QBF) satisfiability problem and design an algorithm that consistently finds the shortest equivalents of a given formula. We compare this algorithm with a brute force baseline, and an approach based on SAT. §.§.§ Motivation. We have two distinct motivations behind our work, which lay very far from each other. Our first motivation is shared in <cit.>, where the authors present qbf2epr, a tool that translates QBF to formulas in effective propositional logic (EPR). Their aim is to generate benchmarks for EPR and compare solvers for QBF and EPR. Similarly, our formula minimization problem, encoded as QBF, generates benchmarks for QBF solvers and allows us to compare SAT and QBF techniques. The automated deduction community is divided into sub-communities (e.g., SAT, QBF, SMT, MaxSAT, EPR), which try to solve distinct classes of problems, from SAT which is NP-complete, to EPR which is NEXPTIME-complete, passing by QBF which is PSPACE-complete, and each one has its own competition and set of benchmarks. However, many ideas that proved effective in one area (like learning in SAT) have been exported to others. In this sense, problems that could be solved with two distinct technologies, like ours, contribute to comparing the level of maturity reached in each area. Our second motivation relates to a use case of minimization algorithms in natural language processing. Grasping the meaning of logical formalisms is a crucial task for many scholars, yet sometimes even experienced logicians might have trouble deciphering a complex formula. Techniques from natural language generation <cit.>, and in particular logic-to-text generation methodologies <cit.>, can be used for simplifying and translating logical formulae into optimally intelligible text in natural languages (NLs) (such as English, Mandarin, or Korean), which can effectively explain formulae to systems' users. For example, given the following first-order formula: ∃ x ( Problem ( x ) ∧∀ y ( Researcher ( y ) → Interested ( y , x ) ) ) we want a system that can automatically generate a faithful and comprehensible explanation, via the following (or another semantically equivalent) text: There is a problem that every researcher finds interesting. What are the characteristics that a formula should have to become a suitable input for a logic-to-text translation system? One aspect that one might want to look at is length. Brevity has surrounded linguistic debate at least since <cit.>. Arguably, shorter utterances should be preferred over longer ones and unnecessary prolixity should be avoided. This principle might also apply to logical formulae. Intuitively, a short formula, rather than a longer logical equivalent, should be better suited to be translated into NL. In this paper, we tackle exclusively the logical aspect of the problem. We focus on propositional logic, a formalism in which equivalence is decidable, and limit our examination to formulae's length,[We define length as the number of symbols (i.e., predicates and connectives, parentheses excluded) contained in a formula.] aiming only for the shortest equivalents to a given formula. §.§.§ Related Work: Formula Minimization. Boolean formula minimization is a natural optimization problem in the second level of the Polynomial-Time Hierarchy Σ^p_2. Indeed, the problem is used by <cit.> to motivate the definition of the Polynomial Hierarchy. Its decisional version can be formulated as the following problem: Given a Boolean formula, prove the existence of a (smaller) formula (in the same set of variables) that gets the same evaluation of the given formula, for all possible assignments of the variables. The fact that both sets of quantified variables, as well as the time to evaluate the formulae, are bounded in the input proves its inclusion in Σ^p_2. As we will see in Section <ref>, this corresponds to our brute-force algorithm. It is assumed that both the given formula and its minimization are circuits or formulae of the same form. However, in our implementation, we leave open the possibility to use distinct sets of connectives. Apart from some completeness proofs for some particular forms of the input and output, the proof for the general form had eluded researchers until <cit.> proved Σ^p_2-completeness of the problem. The optimization of complex Boolean expressions has been studied extensively in electronic circuits, where practical matters (i.e., complex circuits take up physical space and costs more resources in their implementation) make it crucial to find optimal circuit representations. Well-known minimization methods include the Quine-McCluskey algorithm <cit.> and the Karnaugh map <cit.>. In the Karnaugh map, Boolean results are transferred from a truth table onto a two-dimensional grid, where each cell position represents one combination of input conditions, while each cell value is the corresponding output value. Optimal groups of 0s and 1s are identified, which represent the terms of a canonical form that can be used to write a minimal expression. The Quine–McCluskey algorithm finds all the prime implicants of a function and uses them in a chart to find (i) the essential prime implicants of the function, and (ii) other prime implicants that are necessary to cover the function. The method is functionally identical to the Karnaugh map, but its tabular form makes it more efficient to employ in computer systems. However, despite this long history of research and attempts to extend well-established methods (e.g., <cit.> tries to implement the XOr operator in the Quine-McCluskey algorithm), most work has focused on a limited set of connectives and canonical forms (e.g., CNF or DNF). For our scope, we need a more general approach where all connectives could be tackled, on demand. §.§.§ Quantified Boolean Formulae. Quantified Boolean Formulae (QBFs) are an extension of propositional logic, where universal and existential quantifications are allowed <cit.>. The use of quantifiers results in a greater expressive power than classic propositional logic. If all variables occurring in a QBF ϕ are bound, then ϕ is called closed. QBFs often assume a canonical prenex conjunctive normal form (PCNF) ϕ = ∃x⃗∀y⃗∃z⃗⋯ψ, where the portion containing only quantifiers and bound variables is called the prefix, followed by ψ that is a quantifier-free Boolean formula with conjunctions over clauses, called the matrix. The QBF satisfiability problem <cit.> consists of determining, for a given QBF ϕ, the existence of an assignment for the free variables, such that ϕ evaluates to true under this assignment. Hence, ϕ is true iff, there exists a truth assignment to x⃗, such that, for all truth assignments to y⃗, there exists a truth assignment to z⃗,…such that ψ is true. Several QBF solvers have been developed over time,[<http://www.qbflib.org>] and applications of QBFs technologies range from AI to planning <cit.>. QBF solvers only use to provide the instantiation of most externally existentially-quantified variables x⃗, since for the other ones, instantiation depends on previous universal variables z⃗= f(y⃗). In this work, we exploit QBFs to encode and solve the Boolean minimization problem. §.§.§ Structure of the Paper. The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section <ref> introduces the algorithms that we employ in our experiments and the QBF encoding we develop. Section <ref> illustrates the experiments we carry out, comparing the three aforementioned approaches, and shows the results. We present some reflections on possible future directions in Section <ref>. § ALGORITHMS In our experimentation, we analyze three algorithms that we will call brute-force, SAT-based, and QBF-based. The brute-force algorithm (see Alg. <ref>) is the algorithm that we mention in Section <ref> as proof that formula minimization is in Σ_2^p. Two formulae ϕ and ψ are equivalent iff ϕ↔ψ is a tautology. Like TAUT, the formula equivalence problem is CoNP-complete. However, considering that we test the equivalence for all formulae ψ smaller than ϕ, the average time for the calls to equivalent(ϕ,ψ) is the same as considering ψ a random formula smaller than ϕ. Then, the average time required by the function call is only 𝒪(|ϕ|). Notice that in this situation, half of the calls finish after checking one assignment, 1/4 after checking two assignments, etc. Hence, on average we check ∑_i=1^2^|ϕ| i1/2^i< 2 assignments in every call. We can also estimate the number of calls to this function as follows. The number of distinct complete trees of size n that we can construct with k binary symbols is k^n. If the trees can have any form, then the computation is more complicated. Let 𝒞 be the set of possible binary symbols (hence, we are not considering Not) and 𝒱 be the set of possible leaves. The number of forms of trees with m binary nodes and m+1 leaves is given by the recurrence f(m) = ∑_i=0^m-1 f(i) f(m-i-1) that define the Catalan numbers C_m. The number of distinct trees will be C_m |𝒞|^m |𝒱|^m+1. Using this Stirling approximation, this can be approximated as 4^m/√(π)m^3/2 |𝒞|^m |𝒱|^m+1. As a function of the tree size n=2m+1, this is 𝒪((4|𝒞||𝒱|)^n/2 / n^3/2) calls to the equivalent function. The second algorithm (see Alg. <ref>) is based on the use of a SAT solver and the Tseitin encoding of the two formulae that we want to prove equivalent. Given two formulae ϕ, ψ, we can find, in linear time |ϕ|+|ψ|, a CNF formula Γ such that the two formulae are equivalent iff Γ is not satisfiable. At first sight, it may not look reasonable to use a SAT solver to check a property that on average only requires linear time. However, experiments show that, in practice, we still can get some gain with respect to the brute-force algorithm (see Section <ref>). The third algorithm (see Alg. <ref>) is based on the use of a QBF solver. Here, instead of testing every possible minimal formula ψ, we test every possible depth δ. This supposes a significant improvement since there is a linear number of depths to try, instead of an exponential number of formula candidates. Second, instead of a Tseitin encoding of the candidate, we compute a scheme of the candidate. The equivalence between the original formula and this scheme can be encoded as a QBF formula with three quantifier alternations: ∃x⃗.∀y⃗.∃z⃗.Γ. In Alg. <ref>, these three sets of variables are represented as ∃^(1), ∀^(1), and ∃^(2) and individual variables are named x, y, and z, respectively. If the QBF formula is true, the values we got for variables x∈∃^(1) will encode the minimal formula. Notice that QBF solvers only provide the instantiations of the most external existentially-quantified variables, since the values of the other existentially-quantified variables depend on more externally universally-quantified variables.[In the case of using a QBF solver unable to provide these instantiations, we cannot compute the minimal equivalent formula.] Basically, for every node i of the scheme and every truth constant, variable y of the original formula, or connective c, we have a variable x_c^i that gets the value true when at position i we have the connective c (resp. variable y or constant). The constraints CNF({x_false + ∑_y∈∀^(1) x_y + ∑_c∈𝒞 x_c = 1}) ensure that one, and only one, of them get the value true. Variables in ∀^(1) are just the set of variables in the original formula. The original formula and the scheme are equivalent if for all assignments to these variables, both the original formula and scheme get the same evaluation. Variables in z^i∈∃^(2) encode the truth values for every possible subformula at position i of the scheme or of the Tseitin encoding of the original formula. The clauses in the QBF formula encode restrictions of the form [ x^i_→ z^i; x^i_y →(z^i↔ y); x_c^i → (z^i ↔ z^i· 1 c z^i· 2) ] The intended meanings of these constraints are: if at position i of the scheme we have the constant false, the sub-scheme is evaluated to false, if there is an original variable y∈∀^(1), it is evaluated to y, and if there is a connective c∈𝒞, then the sub-scheme gets the same value as the connective c operated on the evaluations z^i· 1 of the left-child of i and the evaluation z^i· 2 of the right-child. Notice that the size of the QBF formula we get is 𝒪(2^depth(ϕ)· (|𝒞|+|Vars(ϕ)|)). Assuming that the original formula is balanced, in practice 2^depth(ϕ)≈ |ϕ|. Therefore, we could consider it a polynomial encoding. Notice also that we do not make a profit from the commutativity and associativity of most connectives. When in a node of the scheme we put a Not, we only use one of the children, and in the case of putting a variable, we do not use any of the children. To avoid useless search in the QBF solver we can force all these useless nodes to be fixed to a dummy value by adding the constraints CNF({x^i_→ x^i· 2_dummy}) and CNF({(x^i_y ∨ x^i_dummy∨ x^i_false) → (x^i· 1_dummy∧ x^i· 2_dummy)}). In this approach, we only bound the depth of the scheme. If we also want to limit its size, we can add the encoding of some cardinality constraint that bound the number of nodes in the schema that are distinct from the dummy: ∑_i x^i_dummy≤ size_bound § EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS We conduct some experimentation with our algorithms. The three algorithms are implemented in Python 3 and are publicly available at <https://gitlab.nl4xai.eu/eduardo.calo/QBF-boolean-minimization>. In the case of the SAT-based algorithm, we use the Python module python-sat[<https://github.com/pysathq/pysat>] as SAT solver. In the case of the QBF-based algorithm, we use the CAQE <cit.> QBF solver, although any other QBF solver that accepts QDIMACS standard[<http://www.qbflib.org/qdimacs.html>] input and output may be used. For every size in s=1,…,20, we generate 100 random formulae of size s and minimize them using the three algorithms. We make sure that all syntactically distinct formulae are generated with the same probability. However, we do not take into account the commutativity and associativity of connectives or other formula equivalences. Formulae of size s are generated over a set of √(s) variables[Using s/c or s^c variables does not seem to affect substantially the results.] and connectives 𝒞={Not, And, Or} and minimization are searched among formulae with connectives 𝒞'={Not, And, Or, Implies}. We use a cluster with 11 calculating nodes with 2 Intel Xeon CPUs at 2.2 GHz with 10 cores/CPU and 92 GB of RAM. We set a time-out of 20,000s. The brute-force and the SAT-based algorithms reach the time-out in some instances for s=15,18,19,20. These values are not considered in the computation of the mean and median times. Therefore, these mean and median values are abnormally low. In Figure <ref> (left), we show the average and median (logarithm of) CPU time required by each one of the algorithms as a function of the size of the input formula. We clearly observe that the QBF-based algorithm outperforms the other two algorithms, which seem to require exponential time on the size of the input. We also observe that the SAT-based is consistently better than the brute-force algorithm (a constant distance between the functions, in logarithmic axes, means an improvement of constant factor). This is quite surprising since, as we mention in Section <ref>, the computation of the formula equivalence can be done in linear average time. It is also remarkable that, in the case of brute-force and SAT-based, there is a significant difference between the average and median time. The reason, as we comment in detail below, is the significant variability in the times required by each instance. The same effect produces a fluctuation in the values of the average time. We can conclude that, although in most of the instances (attending to the median), the three algorithms minimize the formula in less than one second, for sizes smaller than 20, just a few instances make brute-force and SAT-based require around 1h on average when the size is around 20. In Figure <ref> (right), we show the average and median (logarithm of) CPU time as a function of the size of the obtained minimal formula. Here the differences between the mean and median times are smaller. Hence, we can conclude that the size of the output determines the time required by the algorithms. Again, it is clear that the QBF-based algorithm outperforms the other two. We still observe that the median time is smaller than the average time, which indicates that significant variability still exists. Curiously, the times depend on the parity of the formula sizes: even-size formulae are easier than odd-size formulae. The reason could be that, except in the case of negation, the rest of the connectives are binary. In Figure <ref> (left), we show how the average size of the minimized formula grows with respect to the size of the original formula. We observe that the growth is close to the square root of the original size. Recall that we generate random formulae of size s and with √(s) variables. Curiously, we observe that odd-size formulae are simplified more than even-size formulae, although the reason for this is not clear. In Figure <ref> (right), we show the distribution of sizes of the minimized formulae (for original formulae of sizes 20 and 8). As mentioned above, we observe significant variability in CPU times, for the brute-force and SAT-based algorithms. In Figure <ref>, we sort the instances in decreasing order of CPU time and represent, in double logarithmic axes, these times for the 100 instances. We observe that this representation is close to a line (truncated on the top due to time-outs) with an increasing (negative) slope when the size increases. This implies that the CPU time in these algorithms follows a power-law probability distribution, where the time required by a few instances is responsible for most of the average time. The standard solution in these situations is to use some kind of restart policy or some randomization of the algorithm. In our case, we could randomize the order of the candidates to minimal formulae. However, since we want to obtain the minimal equivalent formula, we cannot randomize the order of the sizes of formulae that we try. § CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK In this paper, we have analyzed the practical use of three algorithms for general Boolean formula minimization. A simple algorithm that proves that the problem is in Σ^p_2, one based on the use of a SAT solver to check formula equivalences, and one that uses a Tseitin encoding of a formula's scheme and a QBF solver. We show that the third one clearly outperforms the other two. Therefore, the use of QBF solvers represents the state-of-the-art for the Boolean minimization problem. Our experiments have been limited to Boolean formulae. The first natural extension of this work would be to see if this or similar methods could scale up to other (more expressive) formalisms, e.g., first-order logic (FOL). This would open up a range of interesting research questions, as in FOL, equivalence is undecidable. Adapting the QBF approach would probably not be feasible, yet, a semi-brute force approach, e.g., using a first-order theorem prover, could prove successful. splncs04
The Localized Union-of-Balls Bifiltration
[ "Michael Kerber", "Matthias Söls" ]
[ "cs.CG", "math.AT" ]
Review on the Feasibility of Adversarial Evasion Attacks and Defenses for Network Intrusion Detection Systems [ March 30, 2023 =============================================================================================================== We propose an extension of the classical union-of-balls filtration of persistent homology: fixing a point q, we focus our attention to a ball centered at q whose radius is controlled by a second scale parameter. We discuss an absolute variant, where the union is just restricted to the q-ball, and a relative variant where the homology of the q-ball relative to its boundary is considered. Interestingly, these natural constructions lead to bifiltered simplicial complexes which are not k-critical for any finite k. Nevertheless, we demonstrate that these bifiltrations can be computed exactly and efficiently, and we provide a prototypical implementation using the CGAL library. We also argue that some of the recent algorithmic advances for 2-parameter persistence (which usually assume k-criticality for some finite k) carry over to the ∞-critical case. § INTRODUCTION In the past years, the theory of multi-parameter persistent homology has gained increasing popularity. This theory extends the theory of (single-parameter) persistent homology by filtering a data set with several scale parameters and observing how the topological properties change when altering the ensemble of parameters. Most standard examples define two scale parameters, where the first one is based on the distance within the data set and the second one on its local density. The motivation for that choice is an increased robustness against outliers in the data set. Localized bifiltrations. We suggest a different type of bifiltration where the second parameter controls the locality of the data. Let P be a finite set of data points in Euclidean space ^d and q∈^d a further point that we call the center. For two real values s,r≥ 0, we define L_s,r=(⋃_p∈ P B_s(p))∩ B_r(q) where B_α(x) is the ball of radius √(α) centered at x (taking the square root is not standard, but will be convenient later). In other words, we consider the union of balls around the data points (as in many applications of persistent homology), but we limit attention to a neighborhood around the center. It is immediate that L_s,r⊆ L_s',r' for s≤ s' and r≤ r' so L:=(L_s,r)_s,r≥ 0 is a nested sequence of spaces. We define the collection of spaces L to be the absolute localized bifiltration, see Figure <ref> for an illustration. The goal of this paper is to compute a combinatorial representation of this bifiltration: a bifiltration of simplicial complexes which is homotopy equivalent to the absolute localized bifiltration at every choice (s,r) of parameters. Alternatively, we consider the variant where all points of L_s,r on the boundary of B_r(q) are identified (see Figure <ref>). This version gives rise to a bifiltration that we call the relative localized bifiltration. This sometimes reveals more local information around q (as in Figure <ref>) and is more frequently used in applications (see related work below). Again, we are asking for an equivalent simplicial description. An interesting feature of these localized bifiltrations is that topological changes arise along curves in the two-dimensional parameter space spanned by s and r. The perhaps simplest example is obtained by setting d=1, q=0 and P={1}. Then, L_s,r≠∅ if and only if r+s≥ 1. Hence, the empty and non-empty regions are separated by a line in the parameter space. This implies that any equivalent simplicial bifiltration is ∞-critical, meaning that there is no integer k for which it is k-critical. See Figure <ref> for an illustration of k-criticality. Given that ∞-critical simplicial bifiltrations are obtained from such a simple construction, we pose the question whether such bifiltrations allow for an efficient algorithmic treatment. In this paper, we focus on the first step, the generation of such bifiltrations. This requires to compute, for every simplex its entry curve, that is, the boundary between the region of the parameter space where the simplex is present and where it is not present (see Figure <ref>). A natural idea might be to reduce to the k-critical case, approximating the entry curve by a staircase with k steps (a sequence of horizontal and vertical segments). However, to ensure an accurate approximation, the value of k might be quite high which complicates the algorithmic treatment and introduces another parameter to the problem. Also, resorting to an approximation is unsatisfying, especially for the generation step which is only the first step in the computational pipeline: while a discretization might suffice for many tasks, it restricts the possibilities of subsequent steps. We therefore advocate the computation of an exact representation instead. Contributions. We give algorithms to compute absolute and relative localized bifiltrations exactly and efficiently. The entry time of every simplex into the bifiltration is described by a curve in the 2-dimensional parameter space that consists of line segments and parabolic arcs. In the absolute case, a simplicial bifiltration is obtained using alpha complexes (also known as Delaunay complexes) and the Persistent Nerve Theorem. To determine the entry curve of a (Delaunay) simplex, we solve a convex minimization problem on the dual Voronoi polytope parameterized in s. We show that the solutions yield a polygonal chain within the Voronoi polytope, and every line segment translates to one arc of the entry curve in the parameter space. We also describe an efficient algorithm to compute the entry curves of all simplices in amortized constant time per simplex. In the relative case, we use a variant of the Persistent Nerve Theorem for pairs. However, the Voronoi partition does not satisfy the prerequisites of this Nerve theorem; we show how to subdivide the Voronoi cells for planar inputs to overcome this problem. The entry curves of simplices are determined by the same convex optimization problem as in the absolute case, but now asking for a maximal solution, and can be treated with similar methods. We provide a prototypical implementation[<https://bitbucket.org/mkerber/demo_absolute_2d/src/master/>] of the absolute case in the plane, based on the Cgal library. This software allows us to visualize the entry curves of localized bifiltrations and serves as a starting point for subsequent algorithmic studies of ∞-critical bifiltrations. We argue that an algorithmic treatment is in reach by showing that barcode templates of such bifiltrations are computable with the same strategy as in the 1-critical case. Related work. Applying the homology functor with field coefficients to absolute (relative) localized bifiltrations leads to persistence modules which we call absolute (relative) localized persistence modules. Horizontal and vertical slices of the relative localized persistence module are known as persistent local homology (PLH) modules in literature, see the survey <cit.>. A persistent version of local homology was first considered by Bendich et al. <cit.> to infer the local homology of a stratified space given by a point cloud. Their PLH modules are defined via extended persistence diagrams <cit.> and the inherent two parameters (s and r in our notation) are taken into account through vineyards <cit.>. The study of stratified spaces with the help of PLH is continued in <cit.>, where points of stratified spaces are clustered into same strata. In <cit.> and <cit.>, PLH modules are computed with modified alpha complexes. Skraba and Wang <cit.> define two variants of PLH and show how both of them can be computed via approximations by Vietoris-Rips complexes. A further application is given by Ahmed, Fasy and Wenk who define a PLH based distance on graphs used for road network comparison <cit.>. The work mentioned above relies on relative versions of PLH. A persistence module similar to a horizontal slice of an absolute localized persistence module is used by Stolz <cit.> for outlier robust landmark selection. Von Rohrscheidt and Rieck <cit.> consider (samples of) tri-persistence modules to measure how far a given neighborhood of a point is from being Euclidean to obtain the "manifoldness" of point clouds. These tri-persistence modules are obtained by removing the open ball B^o_t(q) from L_s,r. PLH modules of a filtration (L_s,r∩∂ B_r(q))_s≥ 0 in combination with multi-scale local principal component analysis are used in <cit.> to extract relevant features for machine learning from a data set. Other applications of variants of persistent local (co)homology include <cit.>, <cit.> and <cit.>. Our work suggests bifiltrations for multi-parameter persistence. Other natural constructions of bifiltrations resulting from point-set inputs are the density-Rips bifiltration <cit.>, the degree-Rips bifiltration <cit.> and the multi-cover filtration <cit.>; see <cit.> for a comparison of these approaches in terms of stability properties. In all these approaches, the second scale parameter models the density of a point, which is different from our approach where it rather models the locality with respect to a point q. Computational questions in multi-parameter persistence have received a lot of attention recently, including algorithms for visualization <cit.>, decomposition <cit.>, compression <cit.> and distances <cit.>. In all aforementioned approaches, the input is assumed to be a simplicial bifiltration that is at least k-critical (and usually even 1-critical), so none of these algorithms is readily applicable to the filtrations computed in this work. The ∞-critical bifiltrations appearing in our work yield persistence modules that fulfill the tameness conditions of Miller<cit.>. In <cit.> the foundations to vastly generalize the aforementioned k-critical setting are laid. However, it is of rather theoretical nature and in contrast, we propose an inital setup for a concrete algorithmic treatment which might be followed along the suggested route in <cit.> (see Section 20). § THE ABSOLUTE CASE We need the following concepts to formally state our problem: For s,r∈, we write (s,r)≤ (s',r') if s≤ s' and r≤ r'. A bifiltration is a collection of topological spaces X:=(X_s,r)_s,r≥ 0 such that X_s,r⊆ X_s',r' whenever (s,r)≤ (s',r'). A bifiltration is finite simplicial if each X_s,r is a subcomplex of some simplicial complex . A map of bifiltrations ϕ:X→ Y is a collection of continuous maps (ϕ_s,r:X_s,r→ Y_s,r)_s,r≥ 0 that commute with the inclusion maps of X and Y. Two bifiltrations are equivalent if there is a map ϕ:X→ Y such that each ϕ_s,r gives a homotopy equivalence (i.e., there exists a map ψ:Y→ X with each ψ_s,r being a homotopy inverse to ϕ_s,r). For a finite point set P in ^d, called sites from now on, and a center point q∈^d (not necessarily a site), we consider the bifiltration L defined by L_s,r=(⋃_p∈ P B_s(p))∩ B_r(q) with B_s(p) the set of points in distance at most √(s) from p. Our goal is to compute a finite simplicial bifiltration that is equivalent to L. Localized alpha complexes. The filtration L_s,∞ is the union-of-balls filtration, one of the standard filtration types in persistent homology (with one parameter). It is also well-known that alpha complexes <cit.> provide a practically feasible way of computing an equivalent simplicial representation (at least if d is small). We summarize this technique next; the only difference is that we localize the alpha complexes with respect to B_r(q), which introduces a second parameter but results in no theoretical problem: For a site p, its Voronoi region is the set of points in ^d for which p is a closest site: (p):={x∈^d|x-p≤x-p' ∀ p'∈ P}. Every (p) is closed and convex. The restricted cover _s,r:={U_s,r(p)| p∈ P} is given by U_s,r(p):=B_s(p)∩ B_r(q)∩(p). For every s,r≥ 0, we have that ⋃_p∈ P U_s,r(p)=L_s,r. The localized alpha complex is the nerve of _s,r, that is, the abstract simplicial complex that encodes the intersection pattern of the restricted cover elements: A_s,r:= _s,r= {{p_0,…,p_k}⊆ P| U_s,r(p_0)∩…∩ U_s,r(p_k)≠∅}. See Figure <ref> for an illustration. All U_s,r(p) are closed and convex, and U_s,r(p)⊆ U_s',r'(p) for (s,r)≤ (s',r'). With these conditions, the Persistent Nerve Theorem <cit.> ensures that there is a homotopy equivalence between L_s,r and A_s,r for every s,r≥ 0, and moreover, these homotopy equivalences commute with the inclusion maps of L_s,r and A_s,r. Hence, the bifiltrations are equivalent. Assuming that the sites are in generic position, that is, not more than k+2 sites lie on a common k-dimensional sphere for 1≤ k≤ d-1, the complexes A_s,r are subcomplexes of the Delaunay triangulation of P, whose size is known to be at most O(n^⌈ d/2⌉) <cit.> and which can be computed efficiently, especially in dimensions 2 and 3<cit.>. Entry curves. We further specify what it means to “compute” the finite simplicial bifiltration A: computing the Delaunay triangulation of P yields all simplices belonging to A. For each simplex σ∈ A, we want to compute an explicit representation of its active region, defined as R_σ:={(s,t)∈^2|σ∈ A_s,r}. The active region is closed under ≤ in ^2, meaning that if (x,y)∈ R_σ, the whole upper-right quadrant anchored at (x,y) also belongs to R_σ. We call the boundary of the active region the entry curve of σ. See Figure <ref> for an illustration of a family of entry curves. To understand the structure of the entry curve, we define for σ=(p_0,…,p_k) the polytope V_σ:=(p_0)∩…∩(p_k). Then, letting p be some point of σ, we have that σ∈ A_s,r if and only if V_σ∩ B_s(p)∩ B_r(q)≠∅. Since V_σ is convex, there is a unique point p̂∈ V_σ as well as q̂∈ V_σ with minimal distance to p as well as q. We write s_0:=p-p̂^2, s_1:=p-q̂^2 and r_1:=q-q̂^2. The active region R_σ lies in the half-plane s≥ s_0. Moreover, restricted to the half-plane s≥ s_1, R_σ is bounded by the line r=r_1, that is, the area above that line is in R_σ and the area below the line is not. The first part follows because by definition, for s<s_0, the intersection V_σ∩ B_s(p) is empty. Likewise, for r<r_1, the intersection V_σ∩ B_r(q) is empty, so R_σ is contained in the half-plane r≥ r_1. Moreover, for s≥ s_1, the point q̂ lies in V_σ∩ B_s(p), so the intersection V_σ∩ B_s(p)∩ B_r(q) is non-empty if and only if q̂∈ B_r(q), which is equivalent to r≥ r_1. It remains to compute the entry curve in the s-range [s_0,s_1]. For that, we want to compute for each such s, what is the minimal r-value for which V_σ∩ B_s(p)∩ B_r(q)≠∅. This minimal r-value, in turn, is simply the distance of q to the set V_σ∩ B_s(p). We will study this geometric problem in the next subsection; the solution will give us a parameterization of the boundary of the active region R_σ by line segments and parabolic arcs. Minimizing paths. Slightly generalizing the setup of the previous paragraph, let p,q∈^d, and let V be a closed convex polytope in ^d, that is, the intersection of finitely many closed half-spaces in ^d. Let p̂,q̂ be the points in V with minimal distance to p and q, respectively. Note that p=p̂ is possible if p∈ V, and p̂∈∂ V otherwise. This holds likewise for q. We set s_0:=p-p̂^2 and s_1:=p-q̂^2. For any s∈ [s_0,s_1], the intersection V∩ B_s(p) is not empty, and we let γ_s denote the point in that intersection that is closest to q. See Figure <ref> for an illustration of the case d=2. The proofs of the next two statements are elementary and only exploit convexity of V and that consequently, the distance function to q restricted to V has only one local minimum. The proofs are in Appendix <ref>. We have that p-γ_s^2=s. In particular, the function p-γ_s^2 is strictly increasing for s∈ [s_0,s_1]. The function γ: [s_0,s_1]→^d, s↦γ_s is continuous and injective. It follows that γ defines a path in ^d which we call the minimizing path for (V,p,q). A minimizing path in the plane is displayed in Figure <ref> (in blue). Because of the following lemma, we henceforth assume wlog that we only consider instances (V,p,q) where V is full-dimensional. The statement follows easily by the Pythagorean Theorem – see Appendix <ref>. Let V be a polytope in ^d contained in an affine subspace W. Let p,q∈^d and p',q' be the orthogonal projections of p and q to W, respectively. Then, the minimizing path of (V,p,q) equals the minimizing path of (V,p',q') up to a shift in the parameterization. A face of a convex polytope V is the intersection of V with a hyperplane H such that all of V lies in one of the closed half-spaces induced by H. Let γ be the minimizing path of (V,p,q) and let F be a face of V. Then, γ∩ F, the part of γ that runs along F, is a subset of the minimizing path of (F,p,q). Let x be a point on γ∩ F. By definition, x=γ_s for some s, that is, x is the closest point to q in V∩ B_s(p). Since F⊆ V, x is also the closest point to q in F∩ B_s(p), so x lies on the minimizing path of F. By the Face Lemma, we know that the part of the minimizing path of (V,p,q) that runs along ∂ V coincides with the minimizing paths of its faces. It remains to understand the minimizing path in the interior of V. The central concept to understand this sub-path is the following simple definition: The bridge of (V,p,q) is the (possibly empty) line segment V∩pq, where pq is the line segment of p and q. Let γ denote the minimizing path of (V,p,q). Then, the bridge is a subset of γ. Moreover, every point on γ that does not belong to the bridge lies on ∂ V. Fix a point x on the bridge and let s:=x-p^2. It is simple to verify that s∈ [s_0,s_1]. We argue that x=γ_s: indeed, the point x is the closest point to q in B_s(p) (as it lies on pq), and since it also lies in V, it minimizes the distance to q for the subset V∩ B_s(p). That proves the first part. For the second part, assume for a contradiction the existence of a point y=γ_s for some s∈ [s_0,s_1] that is in the interior of V, but not on the bridge. Since y must lie on the boundary of V∩ B_s(p), and is not on ∂ V, it must lie in the interior of some spherical patch of ∂ B_s(p). The distance function to q, restricted to the (d-1)-dimensional sphere ∂ B_s(p) has no local minimum except at the intersection of pq with the boundary, but since y does not lie on the bridge, it is not that minimizing point. Hence, moving in some direction along the spherical patch decreases the distance to q, contradicting the assumption that y=γ_s. The Bridge Lemma tells us that the minimizing path runs through the interior of V at most along a single line segment, the bridge; before and after the bridge, it might have sub-paths on the boundary. Figure <ref> gives an example where all three sub-paths are present. The minimizing path of (V,p,q) is a simple path starting at p̂ and ending at q̂, and every point on the path lies on the bridge of some face of V. In particular, the path is a polygonal chain. It is clear that the path goes from p̂ to q̂ and is simple because γ is injective. Since every point x on the path lies in the relative interior of some face F, the Face Lemma implies that x lies on the minimizing path of (F,p',q') (with p', q' the projections in the subspace of F), and the Bridge lemma implies that x lies on the bridge of F. Hence, the path is contained in a union of finitely many line segments, and therefore is a polygonal path. Algorithm. Let σ be a Delaunay simplex, V its Voronoi polytope, and p one of the closest sites. We follow the natural approach to compute the minimizing path for (V,p,q) first. Then, for every line segment ab on the minimizing path, we use the parameterization s=p-((1-t)a+tb)^2 r=q-((1-t)a+tb)^2, which for t∈ [0,1] yields a branch of the entry curve. Both s and r are quadratic polynomials in t, therefore the resulting curve is a parabola or line – see Appendix <ref> for a simple proof. To compute the minimizing path, we outline the construction and defer details to Appendix <ref>: we compute the points p̂ and q̂ which are the start- and endpoint of that path. Then we compute the bridges of V and of all its faces. This yields a collection of line segments and we compute the induced graph whose vertices are endpoints of bridges (in this graph, bridges can be split into sub-segments if the endpoint of another bridge lies in the interior). This graph can be directed such that the distance to p increases along every edge. In this graph, we walk from p̂ to q̂ to compute the minimizing path; the only required predicate is to determine the next edge to follow at a vertex x. This is the edge along which the distance to q drops the most which can be easily determined by evaluating the gradient of the (squared) distance function to q restricted to the outgoing edges. We sketch the complexity analysis of this algorithm, again defering to Appendix <ref> for details: Let N be the size of the Delaunay triangulation. Computing all bridges over all Delaunay simplices is linear in N. Writing f for the number of faces of V, the graph constructed for V consists of f bridges. Since bridges do not (properly) cross, the constructed graph for V has still O(f) edges, and the traversal to find the minimizing path is done in O(f) as well. This immediately yields the complexity bound. Let P be n points in general position in ^d where d is constant. Let N be the size of the Delaunay triangulation of P. We can compute the entry curves of all Delaunay simplices in time O(N). § IMPLEMENTATION We have implemented the case of absolute localized bifiltrations in the plane using the Cgal library. Our code computes the Delaunay triangulation <cit.> and computes the minimizing path for each simplex, using a simplified algorithm for the plane. For the minimizing path of a Delaunay vertex, we refer to Figure <ref> for an illustration: The path is obtained by starting in p and following the bridge until the boundary is hit. The path must continue in one of the two directions along the boundary and follows the boundary until q̂ is met (see the red path in Fig. <ref>). The decision on which direction to follow can be answered by projecting q to the supporting line of the boundary segment that is hit by the bridge and going towards that projection point q' (the bridge might also hit the boundary in a vertex; we ignore this degenerate case in our prototype). All geometric predicates required for this implementation are readily available in the geometric kernel of Cgal <cit.>. For the absolute, planar problem, it was possible to work exclusively with the Delaunay triangulation, avoiding the explicit construction of the Voronoi polytope, but this will probably not be possible for other variants. In either case, the exact geometric computation paradigm of Cgal guarantees that the obtained parameterization is an exact representation of the simplicial bifiltration for the input data. § THE RELATIVE CASE Relative localized bifiltrations. To better fit the situation studied in this section, we re-define (s,r)≤ (s',r') if s≤ s' and r≥ r'. With this poset, we can define bifiltrations, finite simplicial bifiltrations, and equivalence in an analogous way as in Section <ref>. We extend these notions to pairs: A bifiltration of pairs is a collection of pairs of topological spaces (or simplicial complexes) (X,A):=(X_s,r,A_s,r)_s,r≥ 0 such that X and A are bifiltrations and A_s,r⊆ X_s,r. We have a finite simplicial bifiltration of pairs if X is a finite simplicial bifiltration, and A_s,r is a subcomplex of X_s,r (which implies that also A is finite simplicial). We call two bifiltrations of pairs (X,A) and (Y,B) equivalent if there is an equivalence ϕ:X→ Y such that the restriction maps (ϕ|_A_s,r)_s,r≥ 0 yield an equivalence of A and B. For a finite point set P, a center q and s,r≥ 0, set L_s=⋃_p∈ P B_s(p) for the union of balls and rq for the open ball around the center. Then the relative localized bifiltration is the following collection of pairs of spaces := (L_s,L_s∖rq)_s,r≥ 0. Indeed, it can be checked easily that this construction yields a bifiltration of spaces (notice the contravariance in the r-parameter). Our computational task is to find a finite simplicial bifiltration of pairs equivalent to it. What is the significance of this bifiltration? Note first that in general, a pair of bifiltrations (X,A) induces a (relative) persistence module (H_n(X_s,r,A_s,r))_s,r≥ 0, leading to H_n()=(H_n(L_s,L_s∖rq))_s,r≥ 0, which we call the localized relative persistence module. By excision and the fact that all pairs are “good pairs” <cit.>, we have isomorphisms <cit.> H_n(L_s,L_s∖rq)≅ H_n(L_s∩ B_r(q),L_s ∩∂ B_r(q))≅H̃_n(L_s∩ B_r(q)/ (L_s ∩∂ B_r(q))) with H̃ denoting reduced homology. These isomorphisms imply that the relative localized persistence module corresponds point-wise to the space considered in Figure <ref> (right). Moreover, the excision isomorphism commutes with the inclusion maps L_s⊆ L_s' for s≤ s' which implies that the rows of the localized relative persistence module (with fixed r) are isomorphic to the module (H_n(L_s∩ B_r(q),L_s ∩∂ B_r(q)))_s≥ 0 which was studied in <cit.>,<cit.>, <cit.>. Also the columns of the bifiltration (with s fixed) have been studied earlier in <cit.>. Hence, the localized relative bifiltration encodes both types of modules of local persistent homology studied in previous work (see Appendix <ref> for a summary of basic notions). We also remark that the computation of the relative localized persistence module can easily be reduced to the case of absolute homology via the well-known coning construction <cit.>, yielding isomorphisms H_n(X,A)≅H̃_n(X∪ω∗ A) for pairs of topological spaces (X,A) with ω denoting a new vertex. These isomorphisms are functorial, yielding an isomorphism between the relative persistence module of a pair of bifiltrations and the absolute persistence module of a bifiltration (using reduced homology). Moreover, if the pair (X,A) is finite simplicial, so is X∪ω∗ A. Nerves of pairs. To obtain an equivalent pair of finite simplicial complexes, we will define suitable covers for L_s and L_s∖rq and construct the corresponding nerve complexes. For a (compact) topological space X, a cover _X of closed sets is good if the intersection of any subset of cover elements of _X is empty or contractible. In particular, a closed convex cover (as used in Section <ref>) is good because convex sets are contractible, and a non-empty intersection of convex sets is convex. For a pair (X,A) of spaces with A⊆ X closed, a closed cover _X of X induces a cover _A of A by restricting every cover element to A. We say that the cover _X is good for the pair (X,A) if _X and _A are both good covers. With this definition, we obtain the following version of the Persistent Nerve Theorem; it follows directly from the results of <cit.> and we summarize the argument in Appendix <ref>. Let A⊆ X ⊆ℝ^d and _X be a good cover for the pair (X,A). Then the spaces X and _X are equivalent via a map ϕ:X→ _X, and the restriction map of ϕ to A yields a homotopy equivalence of A and _A. Moreover, the map ϕ is functorial which means that if X⊆ X' and A⊆ A', the cover _X' is obtained by enlarging each element of _X (or leaving it unchanged) and is a good cover for the pair (X',A'), then the maps ϕ and ϕ' commute with the inclusion maps X→ X' and _X→ _X', and the restricted maps to A and A' commute with the inclusion maps A→ A' and _A→ _A'. This (rather bulky) theorem implies the following simple corollary in our situation: If we can find a filtration of (good) covers _s for the union of balls L_s, such that for every r≥ 0, the induced cover _s,r on L_s∖qr is a good cover, then the pair (Nrv _s,Nrv _s,r)_s,r≥ 0 is a finite simplicial bifiltration of pairs equivalent to the localized relative bifiltration. A good cover in the plane. A natural attempt to construct a good cover for (L_s,L_s∖rq) would be to consider the cover induced by the Voronoi regions of P, namely {(p)∩ B_s(p) | p ∈ P}, similar as in Section <ref>. While this cover is good for L_s, it is not good for the pair, because the removal of an (open) ball can lead to non-contractible cover elements and intersections; Figure <ref> illustrates several problems. While the Voronoi cover itself does not work, we show that after suitably subdividing the Voronoi cells into convex pieces, the induced cover is good for the pair (L_s,L_s∖rq). We will give the construction and will informally explain en passant why it removes all obstructions for being good that are visible in Figure <ref>. The construction has two parts: first, we split the Voronoi cell (p) that contains q into two pieces, by cutting along the line pq (we assume for simplicity that q lies in the interior of some Voronoi cell). This initial cut ensures in particular that q does not lie in the interior of a cover set anymore; this is a necessary condition because otherwise, removing a sufficiently small open ball rq yields a non-simply connected set in the induced cover for L_s∖rq (compare radius r_1 in Figure <ref>). This cut also avoids configurations where (p)∩ B_s(p) gets disconnected because B_r(q) is touching B_s(p) from the inside; we refer to the proof of Lemma <ref> in Appendix <ref> for details. To understand the second part of the construction, we call a line segment or ray e problematic if the distance function to q, restricted to e, has a local minimum in the interior of e. This is equivalent to the property that the orthogonal projection of q on the supporting line of the segment lies on e. Observe in Figure <ref> that both for radius r_2 and r_3, the issue comes from a problematic edge (for r_2, the edge between V_1 and V_2 is problematic, for r_3, the edge between V_2 and V_3 is problematic). In the second part of the construction, we go over all problematic edges in the Voronoi diagram of P. For every such edge e, let q̂ denote the orthogonal projection of q on that edge. The line segment qq̂ cuts through one of the polygons P incident to e, and we cut P using this line segment into two parts. This ends the description of the subdivision. We denote the set of 2-dimensional polygons obtained as S_2(P,q). See Figure <ref> for an illustration. Note that the cuts introduced here cut every problematic edge into two non-problematic sub-edges and also avoids that a polygon gets disconnected when removing B_r(q). Importantly, all cuts introduced are line segments on lines through q. This implies that no two of the cuts can cross. Moreover, no edge arising from a cut can be problematic. This leads to the following theorem, whose complete proof is given in Appendix <ref> The cover {L_s∩ V| V∈ S_2(P,q)} is good for (L_s,L_s∖rq)_s,r≥ 0. Every cut increases the number of polygons by one, and the number of edges by at most 3. Since we introduce at most one cut per Voronoi edge, plus one initial cut, the complexity of the subdivision is O(n). Entry curves. It is left to compute the entry curves of every simplex in the nerve induced by S_2(P,q). The described method generalizes also to higher dimensions assuming a subdivision inducing a good cover is available, but we keep the description planar for simplicity. In this case, every simplex σ represents a polygon, edge, or vertex of the planar subdivision defined by S_2(P,q), which we denote by V. Note that σ has two entry curves: one for L_s and one for L_s∖rq. The former is simple to describe: since L_s does not depend on r, the entry curve is determined by the line of the form s=p-p̂^2, with p a closest site to V and p̂ the closest point to p in V. For L_s∖rq, we fix s and search for the largest r such that B_s(p)∩ V∖rq is not empty. This is equivalent to finding the point on V∩ B_s(p) with maximal distance to q, which is the opposite problem to what was considered in Section <ref>. For brevity, we restrict the discussion to the case of bounded polytopes V, postponing the (straight-forward) extension to unbounded polytopes to Appendix <ref>. We set q^∗ as a point in V with maximal distance to q, s_0:=p-p̂^2 and s_1:=p-q^∗^2. For s∈ [s_0,s_1], we define Γ_s to be a point with maximal distance to q in the set V∩ B_s(p). The maximizing problem is not as well-behaved as the minimization problem: for general polytopes V, the point Γ_s might not be unique, and there can be discontinuities in the image of Γ; see Figure <ref> for an example. However, such problems are caused by local extrema on the boundary of B_s(p)∩ V which can be excluded for the polytopes of S_2(P,q). Hence, we can define the maximizing curve Γ:[s_0,s_1]→Γ_s and infer (proof in Appendix): For V∈ S_2(P,q), the point Γ_s is unique and the curve Γ is continuous. The structure of the curve Γ is similar to its minimizing counterpart γ. The Dimension Reduction Lemma and the Face Lemma also hold for Γ, with identical proofs. We define the anti-bridge as the intersection of V with the ray emanating from p in the direction -pq (see Figure <ref>). With that, we obtain the statement that the anti-bridge is part of Γ, and the rest of Γ lies on ∂ V, with an analogue proof as for the bridge lemma. This leads to The maximizing path Γ is a subset of the union of all anti-bridges over all faces of V. In particular, it is a polygonal chain. The theorem also infers a way to compute the entry curve of σ constructing and traversing a graph obtained by anti-bridges. We omit further details which are analogous to the minimization case, and yield the same bound as in Theorem <ref>. § BARCODE TEMPLATES FOR INFINITY-CRITICAL BIFILTRATIONS We demonstrate in this section that representing a bifiltration via non-linear entry curves does not prevent an efficient algorithmic treatment. We focus on the case of the computation of barcode templates as introduced by Lesnick and Wright <cit.>. The idea is as follows: restricting a bifiltration to a line of positive slope (called a slice) gives a filtration in one parameter, and hence a persistence barcode. While we cannot associate a persistence barcode to the bifiltration <cit.>, the collection of barcodes over all slices yields a wealth of information about the bifiltration. The software library RIVET[<https://rivet.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html#>] provides a visualization of these sliced barcodes for finite simplicial bifiltrations. To speed up the visualization step, RIVET precomputes all combinatorial barcodes, that is, it clusters slices together on which the simplices enter the filtration in the same order – it is well-known that the barcode combinatorially only depends on this order, not the concrete critical values. The barcode template is then, roughly speaking, the collection of all these combinatorial barcodes. Barcode templates have also been used for exact computations of the matching distance of bifiltrations <cit.>. All aforementioned approaches assume the bifiltration to be 1-critical, which means in our notation that the active region of every simplex σ is the upper-right quadrant of a point v_σ∈^2. We argue that this restriction is unnecessary: indeed, the combinatorial barcode is determined by the order in which the slice intersects the entry curves of all simplices. For a finite set M of points in ℝ^2, a non-vertical line partitions M into (M_↑,M_↓,M_on), denoting the points above the line, below the line, and on the line, respectively. Let I denote the set of intersection points of pairs of entry curves. If two slices have the same partition of I, they have the same combinatorial barcode. Let ℓ_1, ℓ_2 be slices with different barcodes. This means, that there is at least one pair of simplices (σ,τ) for which the entry curves are intersected in a different order. When continuously transforming ℓ_1 into ℓ_2, we therefore have to cross an intersection point of these entry curves, and hence the partition changes. Using standard point-line duality <cit.> which is known to preserve above/below orders of points and lines, we obtain at once: Let dual(I) be the line arrangement obtained by the dual of all points in I. Every region of this arrangement is dual to a set of slices with the same combinatorial barcode. We mention that this result generalizes the well-studied 1-critical case: the entry curve of every σ consists of a vertical and a horizontal ray emanating from a point v_σ in this case, and the curves of σ and τ intersect in the join of v_σ and v_τ. Hence I is the union of all pairwise joins of the critical values of all vertices. Computationally, the only complication consists in computing the intersection points of the entry curves, which have a more complicated structure than in the 1-critical case. However, if the curves are semi-algebraic (and of small degree), as in the case studied in this paper, computing these intersection points is feasible and efficient software is available <cit.>. § CONCLUSION Localized persistence modules are, on the one hand, a suitable set of examples for further algorithmic work in the pipeline of ∞-critical multi-parameter persistence. On the other hand, because one-dimensional sub-modules of the module have been considered in the context of applications, we hope that the module itself can be of use in applied contexts. There are many natural follow-up questions for our work: most directly, the only obstacle to extend our relative approach in higher dimensions is the subdivision scheme which is currently only proved for ^2. Another future task is the implementation of our approaches beyond the absolute case in the plane. Such implementations are well in-reach, given that all underlying geometric primitives are provided by the Cgal library. One aspect we have not touched upon is stability. A natural assumption is that if P and P' as well as the centers q and q' are -close in the L_∞-distance, then the localized bifiltrations for (P,q) and (P',q') are -interleaved <cit.>. This claim is true (and straight-forward to prove) if we re-define the notion B_α(x) to be ball of radius α around x (instead of √(α) as in this work). While our non-standard notion for balls prevents us from making this claim, we point out that it simplifies the description of the entry curves. In the standard notion, the parameterization in (<ref>) in Section <ref> would involve square roots and therefore does not yield parabolic arcs. We decided to favor the simplicity of the entry curves in this work. We hope that our initial efforts will result in an algorithmic treatment of multi-parameter persistence that can cope with ∞-critical filtrations with comparable efficiency as in the 1-parameter case. A natural next question is whether minimal presentations of ∞-critical filtrations can be computed efficiently, generalizing the recent approaches from <cit.>. Localizing the union-of-balls filtration in a center yields more fine-grained information about the point set in the vicinity of the center. We pose the question whether and how this information can be leveraged in the numerous application domains of topological data analysis. We speculate that even in situations where the data set does not contain a canonical center location, considering a sample of centers and analyzing the ensemble of localized bifiltrations yields a more discriminative topological proxy then the union-of-balls filtration. § MISSING PROOFS Proof of Lemma <ref>. Note first that the statement is true for s=s_1 by definition. Also by definition, γ_s∈ B_s(p), so p-γ_s^2≤ s. Assume for a contradiction that p-γ_s^2<s for some s∈ [s_0,s_1). This implies that γ_s lies in the interior of B_s(p) so there exists an >0 small enough, such that B_(γ_s)⊂ B_s(p), and therefore also B_(γ_s)∩ V ⊂ B_s(p)∩ V. However, the distance function to q, restricted to V has no local minimum except at q̂ because of convexity, and γ_s≠q̂ for s<s_1. Therefore, there exists a point in B_(γ_s)∩ V that is closer to q than γ_s, contradicting the definition of γ_s. Proof of Lemma <ref>. For continuity, consider a sequence (s_n)_n∈ that converges to s. The sequence (γ_s_n) is bounded because every γ_s lies in B_s_1(p). It hence suffices to show that any accumulation point of the sequence (γ_s_n) equals γ_s. So, consider an accumulation point x∈^d and assume for a contradiction that x≠γ_s. Let (t_n) denote a subsequence of (s_n) such that (γ_t_n) converges to x. Since all γ_t_n lie in V, and V is closed, it follows that x∈ V. Moreover, since p-γ_t_n^2=t_n by the previous lemma and because the squared distance function to p is continuous, we have that p-x^2=s. Hence, x∈ V∩ B_s(p). Since γ_s∈ V∩ B_s(p) as well, by convexity, the line segment xγ_s lies in that set too. Notice that the squared distance function to p restricted to segments has no local maximum, thus the squared distance to p is strictly smaller than s throughout the interior of xγ_s. Since the closest point to q in V∩ B_s(p) is unique and x≠γ_s is assumed, we have that q-x^2>q-γ_s^2. The continuity of the distance function implies that there exist neighborhoods U_x around x and U_γ_s around γ_s such that the distance from q to any point in U_x is strictly greater than the distance from q to any point in U_γ_s. Pick a point y∈ U_γ_s∩ xγ_s. As said before, its squared distance to p is s'<s. On the other hand, since the γ_t_n converge to x and t_n converge to s, we can find some m∈ such that s'<t_m and γ_t_m lies in U_x. By definition, γ_t_m is the closest point to q in V∩ B_t_m(p). But y lies in V∩ B_s'(p)⊆ V∩ B_t_m(p) as well, and its distance to q is smaller, a contradiction. This proves the the continuity. Injectivity follows directly from the previous lemma. Proof of Lemma <ref>. By the Pythagorean Theorem, the point minimizing the distance to q also minimizes the distance to q', implying that the minimizing paths of (V,p,q) and (V,p,q') are the same. Furthermore, with δ:=√(p-p'), we have that V∩ B_s(p)=V∩ B_s-δ(p'). Hence, the minimizing paths of (V,p,q') and (V,p',q') differ only in a parameter shift by δ. Proof of Theorem <ref>. We use the notation of <cit.>. According to their Definition 1.2, in the category of covered spaces, there is a morphism (A,U_A)→ (X,U_X). This gives rise to the following commutative diagram of spaces A [hookrightarrow]d [swap]lρ^(A)_SBlowup(U_A) rρ^(A)_N[hookrightarrow]d Nrv (U_A)[hookrightarrow]d X [swap]lρ^(X)_SBlowup(U_X) rρ^(X)_N Nrv (U_X) where Blowup(X) is the blowup complex of the cover, which can be thought of as a product space of the space X and the nerve Nrv(U_X), and ρ_S, ρ_N are the canonical projection maps. Because the vertical arrows are inclusions, it follows that ρ^(A)_S is the restriction of ρ^(X)_S to A, and the same holds for the ρ_N maps. Since the covers U_A and U_X are both good, the maps ρ_N are homotopy equivalences (Thm 5.9, part 2a in <cit.>). Moreover, our covers are “sufficiently nice” to guarantee all prerequisites of Corollary 5.16 in <cit.>, certifying that also the maps ρ_S are homotopy equivalences. Finally, taking the homotopy inverse τ^(X)_S to ρ^(X)_S, we can observe at once that its restriction to A is a homotopy inverse to ρ^(A)_S. The same holds for the homotopy inverse of ρ^(X)_N, proving the first part of the theorem. The functoriality follows from exactly the same diagram and argumentation, using the morphisms between the covered spaces (X,U_X)→ (X',U_X') and (A,U_A)→ (A',U_A'), respectively. Proof of Theorem <ref>. The major technical result required is that for any polygon in S_2(P,q), no additional local extrema appear when intersecting with L_s. For each polygon V∈ S_2(P,q), if V∩ L_s≠∅, the distance function to q restricted to the boundary of V∩ L_s contains only one local minimum. Consequently, it contains also only one local maximum, and the set ∂(V∩ L_s)∖rq is empty or connected for every r≥ 0. With that statement, it is simple to prove that the cover induced by S_2(P,q) is good for the pair (L_s,L_s∖rq): First of all, it is clearly good for L_s since all induced cover elements are convex. For L_s∖rq, the intersection of two cover elements is a subset of the intersection of two polygons in S_2(P,q). By our construction, no such edge has a local minimum of the distance function in its interior, implying that removing rq leaves a connected line segment as intersection, implying that the intersection of two cover elements is contractible. Higher-order intersections happen only in points which is good too. We are left to argue that each cover element is contractible. So, fix V∈ S_2(P,q) and consider, for (s,r) fixed, the induced cover element V∩ L_s∖rq. Every point in this set is path-connected to a point of ∂(V∩ L_s) that is not in rq, just by moving in the direction opposite to q until the boundary is hit. Lemma <ref> certifies that all these boundary points are connected to each other, implying that the cover element is connected. It remains to show that every cover element is simply connected. Indeed, V∩ L_s is simply connected, and the only possibility to change this would be if rq would entirely lie with V. However, the initial cut in the construction of S_2(P,q) makes sure that q is not in the interior of any polygon. This completes the proof of Theorem <ref>; it is only left to show Lemma <ref>. We first observe that V∩ L_s=V∩ B_s(p) for a (unique) site p because V is subset of a Voronoi region of some site p. Hence, ∂(V∩ B_s(p)) consists of line segments which are part of ∂ V and circular arcs that belong to B_s(p). Clearly, the value γ_s, which is defined as the (unique) point in minimal distance to q, lies on the boundary (otherwise, q would be inside V which is excluded by the construction of S_2(P,q)) and is a local minimum. We argue that there is no other local minimum. Assume that x is a local minimum on ∂(V∩ B_s(p)). Let r:=q-x^2. There are three cases for the location of x which all lead to the conclusion that x=γ_s: * x lies in the interior of a line segment e of ∂ V. This implies that x is the projection of q on the Voronoi edge e' that contains e, and this edge is problematic by definition. By construction, a cut is performed at x, for the polygon adjacent to V that is closer to q. Because x lies in the interior of a line segment of ∂ V by assumption, V must be the polygon further away from q. But that implies that x is the only intersection point of B_r(q) and V, and so, x=γ_s. * x lies at a vertex of ∂ (V∩ B_s(p)). There are two sub-cases: if x is a point where two line segments meet (with an angle of less than π), then B_r(q) can only touch V in x if x is the only point in the intersection of V and B_r(q). This means again that x=γ_s. If x is a point where a line segment and a circular arc of B_s(p) meet, the angle between the line segment and the tangent of the circle in x is necessarily smaller than π, and the same argument applies. * The last case is that x lies in the interior of a circular arc of B_s(p). Note that the line pq intersects B_s(p) in two points, and the only possible location of a local minimum is the intersection point closer to q. Now, if q lies inside B_s(p), this implies that q is closer to p than x, and since x lies in the Voronoi region of p, so does q. It follows that V arose from the Voronoi region that contains q, and the initial cut of S_2(P,q) has cut that region using the line pq. This is a contradiction to the assumption that x lies in the interior of a circular arc. Hence, q lies on or outside B_s(p), and thus x lies on the line segment pq. Therefore, x lies on the bridge of (V,p,q), and the Bridge lemma implies that x=γ_s. This proves the first part of the Lemma. Since the ∂(V∩ B_s(p)) is homeomorphic to a circle, two local maxima would imply two local minima, contradicting the first part. Finally, since ∂(V∩ L_s)∖rq is simply a superlevel set of the distance function, two components would imply the existence of two local maxima, one in each component. Proof of Lemma <ref>. The following two properties of V∈ S_2(P,q) are direct consequences of Lemma <ref>. The furthest point to q on V∩ B_s(p) is unique. Note first that every furthest point must necessarily be on the boundary, and is also a furthest point on the boundary. If there were two distinct furthest points, they are in particular local maxima of the distance function to q on the boundary, which contradicts Lemma <ref>. The distance to q has no local maximum except at q^∗. Assume that there is a second local maximum. Again, both that maximum and q^∗ are also local maxima on the boundary. For s large enough, this implies that the two points are also local maxima of V∩ B_s(p), again contradicting Lemma <ref>. Re-inspecting the proof of Lemma <ref>, the second lemma lets us invoke the analogous argument to prove that p-Γ_s^2=s for all s such that p-p̂^2≤ s≤p-q^∗^2. The first lemma guarantees that the proof of Lemma <ref> is valid also for the maximizing path Γ. § COMPUTATIONAL DETAILS Building bridges. We have given a point set P⊂^d, a Delaunay simplex σ={p_0,…,p_k} and a q∈^d with d a constant. We write V for the intersection of the Voronoi regions of p_0,…,p_k. We set p:=p_0 and want to construct the bridge of (V,p,q). First, we compute the projections p' and q' of p and q to the subspace S that supports V. This can be done by iteratively projecting to bisector hyperplanes (p,p_1),…,(p,p_k) in O(k)=O(d)=O(1) time. V is the intersection of half-spaces in S, and they can be easily obtained through the co-facets of σ: If {p_0,…,p_k,p_k+1} is a co-facet, the corresponding half-space is bounded by the intersection of the bisector of p and p_k+1 and contains p. Let f=f_σ be the number of co-facets of σ. To compute the bridge, we parameterize the line through p' and q' via tp'+(1-t)q' and compute for every bounding half-space of V its intersection with the p'q'-line (which requires to compute the intersection of the line with the bounding hyperplane in S). This yields a parameter range (∞,t_0] or [t_0,∞), and the intersection of all these ranges yields an interval [t_1,t_2] which we intersect with [0,1] to obtain the bridge. This costs O(f) time. Hence, with N the number of simplices in the Delaunay triangulation, the total cost to compute all bridges is ∑_σ∈Del(P) O(f_σ) = O(∑_σ∈Del(P)#{co-facets of σ})=O(∑_σ∈Del(P)#{facets of σ}) =O(∑_σ∈Del(P) (d+1))=O(N). Details on graph construction. Again, let V be a Voronoi polytope. We construct a graph G whose vertices are the endpoints of bridges of faces of V and whose edges are induced by the bridges. Note that a bridge runs through the interior of a face except at its endpoints. Since the interiors of faces are disjoint, it follows that two bridges cannot cross. However, the endpoint of a bridge b_1 can lie in the interior of another bridge b_2, so a bridge might contribute several edges to G. In this case, we say that the b_1 splits b_2. Every split increases the number of edges by one. We argue that a bridge can, however, only be split at most 2^d+1 times, which is a constant as d is constant. Indeed, the bridge of a polytope W' can only split the bridge of W if W' is a co-face of W. But the number of co-faces of W is at most 2^d+1 because W is a Voronoi polytope given by k≤ d+1 sites {p_1,…,p_k}, and each co-facet is given by a subset of these sites. The algorithm to compute G is then straight-forward: Let σ be the Delaunay simplex that corresponds to V. For every co-face τ of σ in the Delaunay complex, we split its bridge by iterating over all faces of τ that are co-faces of σ and check whether one of the bridge endpoints lies on the bridge of τ. If so, we split that bridge accordingly. After having finished splitting the bridge of τ, we add the resulting subdivided bridge segments into G. By the analysis above, with m the number of faces of V, constructing G has a complexity of O(m). Details on computing the minimizing path. Given the graph G as above for V, we compute the minimizing path for (V,p,q). We first consider G as directed, such that along every edge, the distance to q is decreasing. By definition and the Structure Theorem (Theorem <ref>), the minimizing path must be a directed path along G. We first compute the starting point p̂ of the path. This point is a vertex of G: by the Structure Theorem, it is contained in some bridge, and it cannot lie in the interior of that bridge because then, moving along the bridge towards p would yield a point in V with smaller distance to p, contradicting the minimality of p̂. Hence we can find p̂ in O(m) time, with m the number of faces of V, by just computing the distance to p for each vertex of G and taking the minimum. The same argument shows that also q̂ can be computed in O(m) time. To construct the minimizing path, we simply walk along edges of G starting from p̂ until we encounter q̂. At every vertex x on this path, we have to decide which outgoing edge defines the minimizing path. For each outgoing edge, the squared distance to q decreases, and the minimizing path follows the edge where the squared distance has the steepest decrease. This can be easily determined by the derivative: For each outgoing edge e, let ℓ be the line supporting the edge. The squared distance function to q along ℓ is a quadratic function, so its derivative is a line. We evaluate the derivative at x for all outgoing edges and follow the edge with the smallest derivative. If two or more derivatives are equal, we choose the edge with smallest second derivative (which is a constant). Note that no two edges can have equal first and second derivative, as this would imply that the squared distance to q remains constant, contradicting the uniqueness of the minimizing path. The complexity of finding the next edge is then proportional to the number of outgoing edges. Since every edge is considered at most in one step of the walk, the complexity of computing the minimizing path is bounded by O(m). Putting everything together, we need O(N) time (with N the number of Delaunay simplices) to compute the bridges and O(m_σ) time for computing the minimizing path for σ, with m_σ the number of co-faces of σ. Hence the total complexity is O(N)+∑_σ∈Del(P) O(m_σ) = O(N+∑_σ∈Del(P)#{co-faces of σ}) =O(N+∑_σ∈Del(P)#{faces of σ})=O(N+ N· 2^d+1)=O(N). Γ_s for unbounded polygons. If V is unbounded, q^∗, the furthest point from q in V, does not exist. Instead, it is simple to see that q-Γ_s→∞ for s→∞. Hence, unlike in the absolute case and unlike in the case of bounded polygons, the entry curve does not become constant eventually, but contains a non-constant arc towards ∞ in s-direction. Nevertheless, the curve Γ remains a continuous injective curve also in this case, and the Structure Theorem (Theorem <ref>) holds also in this case with identical proof, except that the polygonal chain contains one ray. This ray is either the anti-bridge, if an infinite part of it lies in V, or it is a part of an unbounded boundary edge of V. The parameterization of the ray is then given as in (<ref>) from Section <ref>, with a the starting point of the ray, b any further point of the ray, and t ranging in [0,∞). This still yields a ray or (unbounded) parabolic arc. § PARAMETERIZED CURVES The goal of this section is to prove: Let p,q,a,b be points in ^d. Then the parameterized curve s =p-((1-t)a+tb)^2 r =q-((1-t)a+tb)^2 with t∈ [0,1] is the arc of a parabola or of a line. Rewriting the parameterization in vector form, we obtain ([ s; r ])=u t^2 + v t + w with u,v,w∈^2. If u and v are lineary dependent, we obtain the equation of a line, as one can easily check. Otherwise, there is an affine transformation that maps (u,v) to (e_1,e_2), and after a suitable translation, the parameterization is ([ s; r ])=e_1 t^2 + e_2 t=([ t^2; t ]) which is a parabola. The proof is completed by noting that affine transformations map parabolas to parabolas <cit.>. § HOMOLOGY Relative homology. Given a topological space X and a subspace A⊆ X, the induced boundary maps on quotient chain groups ∂_n: C_n(X)/C_n(A)→ C_n-1(X)/C_n-1(A) yield a chain complex with relative homology groups H_n(X,A):=ker(∂_n) / im(∂_n+1). Thus, while considering relative homology, one "ignores" the subspace A in some sense. There is a connection between relative and absolute homology which greatly increases one's intuition: If A is a nonempty closed subspace of X that is a deformation retract of some neighborhood in X, then the pair of spaces (X,A) is called a good pair. For good pairs it holds that H_n(X,A)≅H̃_n(X/A). (see e.g. <cit.> for details). Local homology. Given a point q∈ X, the n-dimensional local homology group of X at q is defined to be the relative homology group H_n(X,X ∖ q). These groups study the local topological structure of X near q. Assuming that single points are closed in X, excision yields H_n(X,X∖ q) ≅ H_n(U,U∖ q) for any open neighborhood U of q <cit.>. Further, notice that if X is a m-dimensional manifold then the local homology groups are trivial for n≠ m <cit.>. See <cit.> for an algorithm to detect dimensions of manifolds sampled by point clouds. Persistent local homology modules. To account for the influence of noise, a persistent version of local homology was introduced in <cit.>. This concept was adapted by Skraba and Wang <cit.> where two types of persistence modules got studied. Before giving the definitions, remember some notation: As before, P⊂ℝ^d is a finite set of points, L_s=⋃_p∈ PB_s(p) and q is the center. For s<s', r>r' and all maps induced by inclusion, a persistent local homology module of r-type is given by the diagram ⋯→ H_n(L_s,L_s∖ B^o_r(q))→ H_n(L_s,L_s∖ B^o_r'(q)) →⋯, one of s-type by ⋯→ H_n(L_s∩ B_r(q),L_s∩∂ B_r(q))→ H_n(L_s'∩ B_r(q),L_s'∩∂ B_r(q) ). Two scenarios are studied here: in case of r-type modules one fixes the offsets L_s and varies the scope of locality, whereas for s-type modules the shape gets thickened inside a fixed radius ball. A connection to classical local homology groups is given by the following direct limits <cit.>. H_n(L_s,L_s∖ q)=lim_r→ 0H_n(L_s,L_s∖ B^o_r(q))=lim_r→ 0H_n(L_s∩ B_r(q),L_s∩∂ B_r(q)).