00 so much water i will get you some water in the main computer room
nhieu nuoc the nay dong cho anh cai van nuoc 0 phong ve sinh so 9 nhe
heat the microwave oven at 15 h 38
dong cho minh cai lo vi song luc 15 gio 38 phut voi nha
no one else is here i will turn off the light for you
khong con ai nua roi em tat cho anh cai den chum nha
increase the main lamp by 97%
tang cho anh cai den tru cong 97% em nhe
my team is too strong please use your potion to help me
phong doi nong qua hay mo dieu hoa giup anh nha
i am going to talk about you
em oi tat ho anh cai bong tha nhe
can you give me a massage
cau oi tat may mat xa giup minh
can you reduce the amount of water in the tank
em oi giam giup anh luong nuoc cua cai voi hoa senator cai
i will get you a washing machine
em oi tat cho anh cai may rua bat voi
at 4 h 12 increase the working light in the study room to 83% peace
vao luc 4 gio 12 phut thi tang cai den lam viec 0 trong phong hoc len muc 83% ho minh nhe
bat cho minh cai den ban 9 tieng 34 phut nha
we are going to increase the light it is a bit dark
tang cho minh cai den minh thay no hoi toi
not too many am i fucking
tat giup minh cai may fax voi
hey can you help me with the watch in the main room it is out of battery
em oi kiem tra giup chi cai dong ho 0 phong chinh voi hinh nhu no het pin roi
i just turned on the camera at the main gate
lam on hay mo camera 0 cong chinh
hey turn off the game i forgot to turn it off
em oi tat ho anh cai may choi game nha nay anh quen khong tat
reduce the wall fan in the bathroom 3 levels
giam cho chi cai quat treo tuong trong phong di 3 muc
2 3 0 4 4 4
23 gio 16 phut roi tat den led di
hey it is too dark in the room turn on the light for me
em oi trong phong toi qua nhi bat cho anh cai bong chum len voi
i am not sure if i can get the last one
tat giup minh cai den hat tuong di choi qua
i am going to die i am using the blue ball
em tro li oi tat giup anh cai bong san
the sleeper is not working i will check it for you
cai bong ngu khong hoat dong em kiem tra giup anh voi
hey can you check the soundproofing lamp
em oi dat lich cho anh kiem tra cai den am tran voi nha
it is too late assistant please close the door for the guest room
oi muon qua roi tro ly oi dong giup chi cai cua cuon trong phong khach di
can you turn on the light
bat cho anh cai den op tuong nha
but i think the quarter is fine
mo cai cua cuon 0 sanh
i will use the game console
kiem tra cho minh cai may choi game
i do not need you in my study anymore babe
anh khong can rieng tu trong phong doc nua dau em nhe
you are loud so turn it off
may in keu to the tat di em
it is too small i will ask hoa senator to help me
nuoc chay be qua tang voi hoa senator len giup to nhe
night what are you overcooking red zooming boat
nay mo radio 0 phong cuoi len giup minh voi
can you turn off the light in the study room
lat nua tat cho anh cai den lam viec 0 phong hoc nhe
open the lid and leave it for 8 hours at room temperature
mo tam 8 tieng 6 phut 0 nha bep nha
turn off the light and turn on the power at 4.21 pm
luc 16 gio 21 phut thi tat den soi dot di nha
start to check the mail fax on phone number below
tat cho chi cai may fax 0 phong doc phia dong
turn on the power in the front yard i am going out now
bat cho anh cai dien 0 san truoc len anh chuan bi ra ngoai gio
turn off the vacuum cleaner
tat giup toi cai may hut am nhe
reduce the number of the light from the set to 33%
giam giup anh cai den compact 0 gac xep giam xuong 33%
can you check my coffee machine
em oi kiem tra cho chi cai may pha cafe voi
reduce the brightness of the light bulb to save electricity
giam do sang cai bong tha xuong cho tiet kiem dien
check the clock in room 9
kiem tra dong ho 0 phong chinh
it is so bright turn on the light in the main room
troi sang qua dong cho anh cai rem 0 phong chinh vao di
mo ho anh cai van tuoi voi
it is still dark i will check the lights
nay gio khong thay sang nhi kiem tra cho minh cai den compact voi
can you close the curtain in long is room
em oi em dong cai man cuon trong phong cua long nha
can you give me the power plug on the top
em kiem tra cho anh cai den cong 0 san thuong voi
can you open the left window
co the mo cho minh cai rem cua duoc khong
hey can i have a roll of ice cream
em oi dong cho anh cai manh cuon
can you help me put the smell out in the wine cellar
em oi bat ho anh cai may hut mui trong ham ruou
i will close the door
dong cho minh cua cuon
please check the light for me
lam on hay kiem tra cai den giup toi
at 22.28 please turn on your mosquito repellent
ban oi tam 22 gio 28 phut ban bat giup minh cai den ngu len nhe
when it is 4.12 pm increase the working time in the meeting
khi nao den 4 gio 12 phut thi em tang cho anh cai den lam viec 0 trong phong hoc len nha
you are so stupid turn off the light
sang trung the nay tat cai bong tron de
can you reduce the wall hanging
em oi giam cai quat treo tuong cho chi voi
increase the drop rate to 36%
tang cai bong tha den muc 36% nho
today is a music festival please turn on the radio
hom nay co ca nhac mo giup toi cai radio nhe
can you turn on the machine
em oi bat giup anh cai may fax
can i have a light and a bottle of water
em oi kiem tra cho anh cai den tranh 0 dai sanh nhe
can you check the wall
em oi kiem tra cho anh cai den tuong
turn off the light and follow me guys
tat den soi dot di giup minh voi ban oi
close the opening in the other direction
dong cho toi cai cua cuon 0 phong khach
you are so brave you dare to let me down
den sang the giam cho minh cai den am tran xuong voi
reduce the paint to 16%
giam cho anh cai bong san xuong con 16% di
please open the mosquito net for me
hay mo cho minh cai quat hut mui len
close the door and hide in the bathroom
dong voi nuoc trong phong tam lai di
it is getting dark i will check the blood of the legs
tu nhien hoi toi nhi ban kiem tra cho minh cai bong op tran voi
hey close the door for me please
ban oi dong giup minh cai cua cuon voi
at that time i was in the office and had to leave the room about 2 hours and 17 minutes later i returned
luc do toi dang 0 trong phong lam viec va phai ra khoi phong thi khoang do 2 tieng 17 phut sau toi quay lai
the room is so dark i can not open the door
phong toi qua mo cho toi cai rem cua len voi
i am playing hide and seek
nay tro ly ao dong man cua
open the speaker in the front of the case
mo loa 0 phong doc cua khoi
assistant reduce the smell of the 4th level
tro ly oi giam gium cai quat hut mui xuong muc 4
bat giup cai bong huynh quang cai em oi
that is a medium i would offer
tat cho minh cai may hut am voi
giam cho minh cai bong tuyp voi
it is a bit hot i will turn up the fan
hoi nong tang cai quat thong gio len so 2 ho minh nho
i am so hungry turn off the stove light the firewood
choi qua tat giup anh cai den cay voi
tat bong tha nhi
tat bong tha nhe
close the microwave at 3.38 pm
dong cai lo vi song ho anh luc 15 gio 38 phut
hoi qua bat giup anh cai may hut mui
can you open the roll for me
mo giup anh cai manh cuon
can you turn on the smell detector in mi is bedroom
em oi bat cho anh cai may hut mui 0 phong ngu cua my
he did not give me the file until 6.13 pm
dong cho toi cai van tuoi luc 6 gio 13 phut
can you check my watch in the cinema room
em oi kiem tra cho anh cai dong ho 0 trong phong xem phim nhe
give me a 1000 years
tang cai van tuoi giup toi voi
close the drain hole on the right side
ban oi dong ho minh cai lo suoi 0 dai sanh ben phai voi
is that just me
giam cho minh bong tuyp xuong 58% nhe
do not find it
dong van nuoc 0 nha tam di
enough close the door
du roi dong voi tuoi di em
please help me to put the lotus flower in the room of the old man
dong giup minh cai voi hoa senator 0 trong phong tam cua ong ba nhe
hey can you lower the blind down a bit
em oi giam giup anh cai bong chum xuong di
please turn on the light
giup anh tang do sang cai den tron len voi
i need to do something private turn off the camera for me
minh can lam mot chut chuyen rieng tu tat cho minh cai camera di nho
at 22.57 check to see if i am going to sleep
vao luc 22 gio 57 phut kiem tra giup toi cai den ngu nha
my assistant gave me a kick
tro ly tat cho minh bong am tran
can you turn on the fan
bat cho anh cai van tuoi len cho no tuoi cay ti
please close the microwave at 5.38 pm it is not working
em oi nho dong cho anh cai lo vi song nhe vao luc 15 gio 38 phut ay khong chay day
i do not want to go out
nha toi qua bat cho minh bong chum
close the microwave in the kitchen for me
dong lo vi song 0 phong bep cho anh