leave the private mode in the 1st room for me
bo che do rieng tu 0 trong phong doc di cho toi nho
kim tell lai i need to talk
kiem tra lai cai den tha
can you open the fridge for me
mo giup anh cai binh nong lanh nhe
turn off the tree light for me please
tat cho minh cai den cay di ban oi
em oi bat ho chi cai may massage len nhe
em oi bat ho chi cai may mat xa len nhe
it is the last one
dong ho minh cai voi tuoi voi
hey buddy can you give me a light in the distance
ban oi tang cho minh cai den cay 0 hanh lang truong sa nho
hey assistant can you help me with this bug
nay tro ly ao hay tat giup toi cai bong chum
can you turn off the fax machine in the reading room
ban oi tat gium minh cai may fax trong phong doc phia dong voi
i am going to go to my room to rest
tat 0 phong nghi ngoi em nhe
em oi mo ho chi cai camera nhe
em oi mo ho chi cai camera nhe
i will sleep in the bedroom for 2 3 hours
minh se di ngu trong phong ngu vao luc 23 gio
too weak increase the next one
yeu qua tang cho anh cai voi tuoi len voi
i will turn on the main light outside the car
mot luc nua thi bat cai den tru cong 0 san nha em
i am going to put the fan in the stairs for you
tang cai quat thong gio 0 cau thang cho chi nhe
open the door for me at 22.27
bat cho toi cai bong san ngoai cong luc 22 gio 27 phut nha
0 it is so bright can you turn on the new jam
sang qua ban dong cho minh cai rem voi
but people can not do it
bat giup minh cai van tuoi
reduce the blood pressure by 71% at 15 h 58
giam bong tru cong xuong 71% luc 15 gio 58 phut
can you increase the power of the bell
em oi tang giup anh cai den chum di
reduce the wind speed to 3
giam cai quat thong gio xuong 3 ho minh nho
can you help me to increase the number of lotus flowers
ban co the tang voi hoa senator giup minh duoc khong
i am just a little bit confused
dong cai manh cuon giup che voi
can you turn off the light for me
em oi tat gium anh cai bong voi
what is wrong with this dust collector check it out
cai may hut bui nay bi lam sao y kiem tra ho minh voi
keep trying
em bat cai 0 phong chinh cho anh
can you turn on the camera
em oi mo cho anh cai camera len voi
open the camera for me please
mo cho anh cai camera nha
can you increase my compact lens to 26% it is too dark
em oi tang ho anh cai bong compact len 26% em nhe toi qua
i am going to roll it
dong ho anh cai cua cuon voi em oi
it is so dark turn on the light
toi qua mo cai manh 0 dai sanh di
can you turn on the laptop for me
bat cho anh cai laptop tren gac xep em oi
find me a round lamp in the closet
kiem tra cho toi cai den tron 0 trong nha giu do nhe
hey can i have a flashlight
ban oi giam cho minh cai den tru cong
hey open the door for me
em oi mo giup anh cai man cua
can you open the flower for me
em oi mo cho anh cai dieu hoa trong phong tiep don
it is so bright i can see the lamp in the main room
choi mat qua dong ho minh cai rem 0 phong chinh voi
can you help me with the light
giam giup anh cai den compact voi
can you check my massage machine
em oi kiem tra giup chi cai may mat xa voi
the microwave is still on help me close it
hinh nhu cai lo vi song van mo dong giup anh voi
reduce the wall light by 64%
giam cho minh cai den tuong di 64% nhe
check for me dan compact
kiem tra giup minh den compact
it is raining so hard please close the door for me
mua to qua hay dong cho toi cai man cua
i am still in my room 2 hours and 32 minutes to relax
toi can 0 trong phong nghi ngoi 2 tieng 32 phut de thu gian
can you find me a flashlight
kiem tra giup minh cai den hat tuong voi
it is too dark i am going to use a wall hanging stick
toi qua bat cho anh cai bong treo tuong voi
my dad please turn on the speaker for me
ban oi mo cho minh loa nhe
i do not need the worm cut me off
toi khong can dung bong chum nua tat giup toi di
hey i am not home yet check the picture at 7.57 pm it is at the police station
em oi chut nua anh khong 0 nha kiem tra cai den tranh luc 19 gio 57 phut giup anh nhe no 0 nha giu do truong sa ay
i am going to sleep now
dong cho minh cai rem trong phong ngu voi
hey open the tap for me i need to flush
ban oi mo ho minh cai van tuoi voi minh can tuoi nuoc
touch of the guy bomb
tat cho toi cai bong
0 no i forgot to turn on the heater i will turn on the heater in the spring wine cellar in 11 hours 44 minutes
chet khong de y ham bi am mat roi mo cho minh cai may hut am 0 trong ham ruou mua xuan trong khoang 11 tieng 44 phut nhe
hey can i have a light in the yard at one.20 pm
ban oi bat cho minh cai den cay 0 hanh lang voi vao luc one gio 20 phut nhe
can you turn on the camera
mo ho minh cai camera len nhe
i am opening the tap for a shower i will close the tap at 6.28 pm
em oi chi dang mo van nuoc de ti nua tam em dong cho chi van nuoc luc 18 gio 28 phut nhe
this room is so hot turn on the air conditioner for me
phong doi nay nong qua mo cho toi cai dieu hoa nha
turn off the power and wait for 11 h 47 min
tat den tran giup toi vao luc 11 gio 47 phut
check the game machine
kiem tra cho anh cai may choi game voi
open the door for me it is so hot in here
mo cho minh cai rem cua de cho nang vao nha voi
i will use my fighter to attack the east
em oi tat giup anh cai may fax trong phong doc phia dong
the end of the life saving room tour
tiec tung 0 phong sinh hoat chung ket thuc roi
my friend the price of ice cream is too cold
ban oi giam giup minh cai may lanh voi lanh qua
close the grill in the bathroom for me
dong ho anh cai lo nuong 0 trong nha tam voi
0 yeah
tat bong de ban trong nha de xe cua duy
check the clock in the main room
kiem tra giup anh dong ho trong phong chinh nha
it seems to be a trap check the camera
hinh nhu co trom thi phai kiem tra giup toi cai camera
charlie out that is some talking radio over
nay tro ly ao tat gium toi cai radio voi
can you turn off the light for me at 9.51 pm
em oi ti luc 21 gio 57 phut tat den tron giup chi
can you close the door on the right
em dong cho anh cai lo suoi 0 dai sanh ben phai nhe
i am so bored can you increase the wall light
toi qua tang ho anh cai den tuong len nhe
in the evening i usually turn on the light
anh thay phong hoi toi hay bat bong hat len
can you help me with the kitchen is drawer
dong giup anh cai lo vi song 0 phong bep voi
assistant check the ball at the 3rd goal
tro ly oi kiem tra cai bong dung 0 ban cong so 3
em oi giam cho anh cai den compact tren gac xep voi xuong 33%
hey the warning light is not on check it again for me
em oi cai bong am tran no dang khong len kia kiem tra lai giup anh voi
can you make me a cup of coffee
em oi tat cho anh cai may pha cafe trong phong sinh hoat chung y
i am going to go get a fridge
em mo cho anh cai tu lanh voi
the pole at the 3rd desk is broken check it for me
cai bong dung 0 ban cong so 3 dang bi van de day kiem tra giup toi di
can you call my brother to play football
em oi giam ho anh cai bong tuyp duoc khong
can you check the front light for me why is it not on
ban oi kiem tra cho minh cai den ngu 0 hien truoc sao no khong sang nhi
hey open the flower for me please
ban oi mo cho minh cai dieu hoa 0 sanh
build a lotus flower garden in her bathroom
dong cai voi hoa senator trong phong tam cua ong ba di
hey can you pack 4 gems for me
ban oi dong cho to cai rem 0 phong tam nha
i help my son with the coffee machine in the living room
tat giup to cai may pha cafe trong phong sinh hoat chung nhe
but the gate was broken i checked with the guy in the statue
hinh nhu cai den cong bi hong cau kiem tra ho minh voi no 0 san thuong y
the other friend went to the kitchen number 8 to close the grill
ban kia vao nha bep so 8 dong cai lo nuong
ong chau kiem tra giup cai dong ho trong nha tam voi
can you reduce the wind speed to 3 in 12 hours 57 minutes
giam cho anh cai quat thong gio xuong so 3 trong 12 tieng 57 phut nha
i am going to finish this chicken
dong het rem vao cho anh nho
open the wind tunnel for me
mo quat thong gio len cho toi
open the door the room upstairs is far away
mo giup minh cai cua 0 phong truyen thong truong sa len voi
i am using a rubber band to tie the elastic
sang qua ban giam giup minh cai bong chum voi
turn off the wall hanging
tat ngay cho anh cai quat treo tuong tro li oi
my eyes are burning can you help me lower the pressure by 39%
em oi chi choi no mat roi giam giup chi bong am tran xuong 39%
the kitchen is suddenly out of power check the light in the kitchen
phong bep tu dung bi mat dien ban kiem tra ho minh cai den soi dot trong phong bep nha
the kitchen light is on follow me
cai den bep duoi garage y tang ho toi voi nhe
can you turn on the smell detector at 10.39 am
em oi luc 10 gio 39 phut bat ho chi cai may hut mui duoc khong
i want to go to sleep please turn on the light for me
toi muon di ngu tro ly ao hay bat giup toi cai den ngu len
it is morning already let us open the screen
troi sang roi mo cho minh cai manh len voi