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Which Old Testament character showed his faith by being willing to offer his son on an altar to God?
Abraham (Jam 2:21-22)
What significant event is recorded in Genesis chapters 1 and 2?
Creation (Gen 1 - 2)
What was inscribed above Jesus’ cross?
King of the Jews / This is Jesus, King of the Jews (Mark 15:26; Matt 27:27)
Whose mother placed him in an ark of bulrushes?
Moses (Exo 2:3)
For how many days and nights did it rain in the story of the flood?
Forty (Gen 7:12)
What was special about Jesus’ mother?
She was a virgin (Matt 1:23)
Who gave gifts to Jesus when he was a young child?
Wise men / magi (Matt 2:7-10)
What happened to Jonah after he was thrown overboard?
He was swallowed by a great fish (Jon 1:17)
In whose image was man created?
God’s (Gen 1:27)
How many apostles did Jesus choose?
Twelve (Luke 6:13)
What are the wages of sin?
Death (Rom 6:23)
Who is the first mother mentioned in the Bible?
Eve (Gen 4:1)
Who else, other than the wise men, came to visit Jesus when he was a small child?
Shepherds (Luke 2:16)
Who lied when he was asked to reveal the source of his great strength?
Samson (Jdg 16:15)
What was the name of the man Jesus’ mother was engaged to at the time she became pregnant?
Joseph (Matt 1:19)
Which book of the Bible records many of the hymns David wrote?
Psalms (Ps 1:1-150:6)
From what disaster did the Ark save Noah?
Flood (Gen 7:7)
What happened to Jesus forty days after his resurrection?
He ascended into heaven (Acts 1:3-11)
What animals did Jesus cause to run into the sea and drown?
Pigs (Matt 8:32)
On what were the Ten Commandments written?
Two tables of stone (Deut 5:22)
What did Jesus sleep in after he was born?
Manger (Luke 2:7)
What was man created from?
Dust of the ground (Gen 2:7)
What did Jesus do to each of the disciples during the Last Supper?
Washed their feet (John 13:1-5)
To which city did God ask Jonah to take his message?
Nineveh (Jon 1:2)
Who was David’s father?
Jesse (Ruth 4:22)
Which of the gospels appears last in the Bible?
John (Matt 1:1 - John 21:25)
What is the only sin that cannot be forgiven?
Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (Mark 3:29)
How did David defeat Goliath?
He hit him with a stone from his sling (1 Sam 17:49-50)
What did Joseph’s brothers do to get rid of him?
Threw him in a pit and then sold him to strangers (Gen 37:24-27)
Who wrote the letter to Philemon?
Paul (Phm 1:1)
In what was Jesus wrapped before he was buried?
Linen clothes (John 19:40)
What was the name of Moses’ brother?
Aaron (Exo 7:1)
What sin is Cain remembered for?
Murder (Gen 4:8)
“The Lord is my Shepherd,” is the opening line to which Psalm?
Psalm 23 (Ps 23:1)
What is the last book of the New Testament?
Revelation (Rev 1:1-22:21)
Who wrote the majority of the New Testament letters?
Paul (Rom 1:1 - Jude 1:25)
What was David’s occupation before he became king?
Shepherd (1 Sam 17:15)
Who hid two spies but claimed not to know of their whereabouts when asked?
Rahab (Josh 2:1-5)
Whose prayer resulted in his being thrown into a den of lions?
Daniel (Dan 6:7)
What was the apparent source of Samson’s strength?
Long hair (Jdg 16:17)
From which country did Moses help the Israelites escape from their lives of slavery?
Egypt (Exo 13:3)
Who was the fourth person in the fiery furnace along with Daniel’s friends?
An angel (Dan 3:28)
What did Joseph’s brothers do to deceive their father to cover up that they had sold Joseph into slavery?
Dipped his coat in the blood of a goat (Gen 37:31)
What kind of leaves did Adam and Eve sew together to make clothes for themselves?
Fig (Gen 3:7)
Who did Jesus say was the “father of lies”?
The devil (John 8:44)
What was the name of the tower that the people were building when God confused their language?
Tower of Babel (Gen 11:4,9)
What is the common name of the prayer that Jesus taught to his disciples?
The Lord’s Prayer (Matt 6:9)
Whose name means “father of a great multitude”?
Abraham (Gen 17:5)
Of what did Potiphar’s wife falsely accuse Joseph resulting in him being thrown into prison?
Rape (Gen 39:12-20)
Which sea did the Israelites cross through to escape the Egyptians?
Red Sea (Exo 13:18)
What is “more difficult than a camel going through the eye of a needle”?
A rich man entering the Kingdom of God (Matt 19:24)
For how many years did the Israelites wander in the wilderness?
Forty (Josh 5:6)
What does a “good tree” bring forth?
Good fruit (Matt 7:17)
Which small body part can “boast of great things”?
Tongue (Jam 3:5)
What was the name of Abraham’s first wife?
Sarah (Gen 17:15)
What did God do on the seventh day, after he had finished creating everything?
Rested (Gen 2:1-3)
On what day did the apostles receive the Holy Spirit?
Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4)
At the Last Supper, what items of food and drink did Jesus give thanks for?
Bread and wine (Matt 26:26-27)
When Jesus was in the wilderness, what was he tempted to turn into loaves of bread?
Stones (Matt 4:3)
What were the religious leaders called who continually tried to trap Jesus with their questions?
Pharisees and Sadducees (Mark 10:2)
What miracle did Jesus do for Lazarus?
Raised him from the dead (John 11:43-44)
On which mountain were the Israelites given the Ten Commandments?
Mt. Sinai (Exo 34:32)
Who was Solomon’s father?
David (1 Ki 2:12)
What job did Jesus’ earthly father, Joseph, do?
Carpenter (Matt 13:55)
How did Judas betray Christ?
With a kiss (Luke 22:48)
Solomon judged wisely over the rightful mother of a child, but how did he determine who the child belonged to?
Threatened to divide the child (with a sword) (1 Ki 3:25)
Whose father was prepared to sacrifice him on an altar?
Isaac (Gen 22:9)
At the age of twelve, Jesus was left behind in Jerusalem. Where did his parents find him?
In the temple (Luke 2:42-46)
When the disciples saw Jesus walking on water, what did they think he was?
A ghost (Matt 14:26)
What gift did Salome, daughter of Herodias, ask for after she danced for Herod?
John the Baptist’s head (Matt 14:6-8)
How did Samson kill all the people in the temple?
Pushed the pillars over and the temple collapsed (Jdg 16:30)
Which musical instrument did David play for Saul?
Harp / Lyre (1 Sam 16:23)
What was Esau doing while Jacob stole his blessing?
Hunting (Gen 27:1-3,23)
Why did Jacob initially send Joseph’s brothers into Egypt?
To buy corn (Gen 42:2-3)
Who was David’s great friend?
Jonathan (1 Sam 18:1)
Who said “thy God shall be my God”?
Ruth (Ruth 1:16)
Which of Christ’s belongings did the soldiers cast lots for after they had crucified him?
His (seamless) coat (Matt 27:35)
What does the name Emmanuel mean?
God with us (Matt 1:23)
What does James say we should do if we lack wisdom?
Ask God for wisdom, in faith (Jam 1:5)
Where did Jesus meet the woman of Samaria?
By a well (John 4:7)
Which disciple tried to walk on water, as Jesus did?
(Simon) Peter (Matt 14:29)
Why did Elimelech go to live in Moab with his family?
Famine in his home town (Ruth 1:1-2)
Who lied about the price they received for a piece of land and died as a result?
Ananias & Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11)
With whom did David commit adultery?
Bathsheba (2 Sam 11:4)
When the Prodigal Son returned, his father gave him a robe, shoes and what other item?
Ring (Luke 15:22)
How many books are there in the Bible?
Sixty-six (Gen 1:1 - Rev 22:21)
What are the names of Lazarus’ sisters?
Mary and Martha (John 11:1-3)
Where did Jonah go after being thrown overboard and reaching dry land?
Nineveh (Jon 3:3)
For what did Esau sell his birthright to Jacob? Answers on Page 26
A meal (Gen 25:30-34)
What happened to Elimelech in Moab?
He died (Ruth 1:3)
What does the shepherd in the parable of the lost sheep do once he realizes one is missing?
Goes and looks for it (Matt 18:12)
What is the name of the disciple who betrayed Jesus?
Judas Iscariot (Mark 14:10)
What golden animal did the Israelites make as an idol?
Calf (Exo 32:4)
Who did Jesus appear to first after his resurrection?
Mary Magdalene (Mark 16:9)
What job did Peter and Andrew do?
Fishermen (Matt 4:18)
Which prophet tried to flee from God when asked to preach God’s message in Nineveh?
Jonah (Jon 1:2-3)
What is the collective name of the stories Jesus told to convey his message?
Parables (Matt 13:10-13)
What was noticeable about Jacob’s twin brother, Esau, at birth?
He was red and hairy (Gen 25:25)
Who wanted to kill Jesus when he was a baby?
Herod (the Great) (Matt 2:13)
What did the earth look like in the beginning?
Without form and empty (Gen 1:2)