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Which disciple asked Jesus to show them the Father? | Philip (John 14:8) |
What did Athaliah do when she saw her son, Ahaziah, was dead? | Destroyed the rest of the royal family (2 Ki 11:1) |
Who had a bed 13.5 foot long by 6 foot wide? | Og (Deut 3:11) |
Whose handkerchiefs were able to heal the sick? | Paul (Acts 19:12) |
How did Daniel react to the vision by the river Hiddekel? | He felt ill and weak (Dan 10:8) |
Which Old Testament prophet was given a book to eat by God? | Ezekiel (Eze 3:2) |
What was the name of the centurion who looked after Paul on the journey to Rome? | Julius (Acts 27:1) |
Which book of the Bible comments that “dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savor?” | Ecclesiastes (Ecc 10:1) |
“Bread gained by deceit is sweet to a man”, but what shall his mouth be filled with afterwards? | Gravel (Pro 20:17) |
What does Zechariah see in a vision that destroys the houses of thieves and liars? | A thirty foot flying roll (Zec 5:1-4) |
How long did it take Solomon to build his own house? | Thirteen years (1 Ki 7:1) |
At which battle were the Israelites defeated because Joshua attacked without seeking God’s guidance first? | Ai (Josh 7:5-12) |
In the parable of the debtors, one owed 500 denarii (pence), but how much did the other one owe? | Fifty (Luke 7:41) |
What was the name of the man who was paralyzed and had been bedridden for eight years? | Aeneas (Acts 9:33) |
How old was Abram when he first became a father? | Eighty-six years (Gen 16:16) |
How old was David when he died? | Seventy (2 Sam 5:4) |
How long was Noah’s ark? | 300 cubits / 450 feet (Gen 6:15) |
During Paul’s third missionary journey, roughly for how long did he minister in the school of Tyrannus at Ephesus? | Two years (Acts 19:10) |
What does James say “envying and strife in your heart” brings? | Confusion and every evil work (Jam 3:16) |
Which honorable counselor was waiting for the Kingdom of God? | Joseph of Arimathea (Mark 15:43) |
One of the Ten Commandments forbids the coveting of a neighbor’s property. Which one? | Tenth (Exo 20:17) |
What did God specifically command concerning the eating of the thanksgiving offering that the Israelites made? | They must eat it on the day it is offered. (Lev 7:15; 22:30) |
Which tribe’s blessing from Jacob said they would “dwell at the haven of the sea”? | Zebulun (Gen 49:13) |
Jesus accused the Pharisees of hypocritically paying tithes on herbs, and omitting which weightier matters of the law? | Judgment, mercy, and faith (Matt 23:23) |
Which king of Heshbon would not let the Israelites pass through his land? | Sihon (Deut 2:30; Jdg 11:19-20) |
What occasion did David write Psalm 105 for? | Bringing the ark back to Jerusalem (1 Chr 15-16) |
Which one of the Ten Commandments was an instruction not to lie (bear false witness)? | Ninth (Exo 20:16) |
What was the name of the god that Barnabas was called at Lystra? | Jupiter (Zeus) (Acts 14:12) |
How many horns did the ram in Daniel’s vision have? | Two (Dan 8:3) |
Onesimus, was a run away slave from which city? | Colosse (Col 4:9; Phm 1:12) |
The disciple Thomas was also known as Didymus, but what does this name mean? | Twin (John 11:16 / Strongs G1324) |
Which king decreed that the Jews could return to their land to rebuild the temple? | Cyrus (Ezr 1:1-3) |
Isaiah took a cake of what to heal Hezekiah? | Figs (2 Ki 20:7) |
Who prayed, “I pray thee, open his eyes that he may see?” | Elisha (2 Ki 6:17) |
How many silver shekels did Jeremiah pay to Hanameel for a field in Anathoth? | Seventeen (Jer 32:9) |
In the love poetry of Song of Solomon the lady’s hair is described as a flock of which animal? | Goats (Song 4:1) |
What is the first offering made to the Lord recorded in the Bible? | Cain’s fruit of the ground (Gen 4:3) |
In Revelation 22, who does it say has the right to the tree of life? | Those that do God’s commandments (Rev 22:14) |
In Proverbs, what metal is the “tongue of the just” likened to? | Silver (Pro 10:20) |
Which three tribes camped on the northern side of the tabernacle in the wilderness? | Dan, Asher, Naphtali (Num 2:25-29) |
To where did Paul & Silas flee after upsetting the Jews at Thessalonica? | Berea (Acts 17:10) |
How many silver pieces would each Philistine lord give to Delilah if she betrayed Samson? | 1,100 (Jdg 16:5) |
In the parable about a fig tree, when you see the “tree putting forth leaves”, what is near? | Summer (Matt 24:32) |
According to Proverbs, how do those “seeking death” acquire their wealth? | By lying (Pro 21:6) |
In the prophecy of Isaiah, where will a little child play in the kingdom age? | Over the hole of a snake (Isa 11:8) |
In Genesis, who was buried under an oak tree below Bethel? | Deborah (Rebekah’s nurse) (Gen 35:8) |
What color was the High Priest’s robe? | Blue (Exo 28:31) |
Who does Paul thank God for because their “faith and love grew exceedingly”? | The Thessalonians (2 Th 1:3) |
Which nation does Jeremiah say is dwelling in Gad? | Ammon (Jer 49:1) |
In which city were Paul and Barnabas worshipped as gods? | Lystra (Acts 14:8-12) |
What does the name Israel mean? | Prevails with God (Gen 32:28) |
What must an Israelite do when “building a new house”? | Build a guard rail around the roof (Deut 22:8) |
Which prophet said, “Out of Egypt have I called my son”? | Hosea (Hos 11:1) |
“Deceit is in the heart of them that”... do what? | Imagine evil (Pro 12:20) |
Jesus quotes a portion of text from the Old Testament in connection with the parable of the vineyard owner, “The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner:”, but which Old Testament book did this come from? | Psalms (Mark 12:10; Ps 118:22) |
Where did Paul leave the sick Trophimus? | Miletum (Miletus) (2 Tim 4:20) |
In a battle against the Syrians, what killed 27,000 of them in the city of Aphek? | A wall fell on them (1 Ki 20:30) |
What weight of gold was Solomon recorded as acquiring in one year? | 666 talents (1 Ki 10:14) |
Who addresses an epistle to the “twelve tribes which are scattered abroad”? | James (Jam 1:1) |
Who was killed by a wet blanket? | Benhadad (2 Ki 8:15) |
In the parable of the Prodigal Son, what portion would the son have received? | A third (Deut 21:17; Luke 15:12) |
What did Elisha throw into Jericho’s water supply to “heal” it? | Salt (2 Ki 2:21) |
With what unusual weapon did Shamgar slay 600 Philistines? | A cattle prod (ox goad) (Jdg 3:31) |
In which tribe was the city of Ramoth-Gilead? | Gad (Deut 4:43) |
Why do the four and twenty elders in Revelation give thanks to God? | God has taken his power and commenced his reign (Rev 11:17) |
David refers to the tribe of Judah as his what in the Psalms? | His lawgiver (royal scepter) (Ps 60:7) |
When Isaiah describes the desolation of the last days, a man shall “cast his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, to the moles” and the what? | Bats (Isa 2:20) |
Who gave thanks to the Lord when she saw the baby Jesus? | Anna the Prophetess (Luke 2:36-38) |
Children in the region of what age were to be killed, in the hope that the young Jesus would also be killed? | Two years and under (Matt 2:16) |
Who is described in the Psalms as “spreading himself like a green bay tree”? | The wicked (Ps 37:35) |
Aeneas was confined to bed for eight years suffering from the palsy, but which town did he dwell in? | Lydda (Acts 9:32-33) |
Where was Solomon anointed? | Gihon (1 Ki 1:38) |
Christ was led away to which high priest first? | Annas (Luke 3:2; John 18:13) |
Whose mother does Paul greet in the letter to the Romans? | Rufus’ (Rom 16:13) |
Which Psalm does Paul quote from in his exhortation at Antioch? | Psalm 2 (Acts 13:33; Ps 2:7) |
“The legs of the lame hanging limp” are like what in the mouth of fools? | A parable (Pro 26:7) |
How does Peter say a husband should treat his wife? | With honor (1 Pe 3:7) |
After being told by God to remain in Gerar, who told the men there when questioned that his wife was merely his sister? | Isaac (Gen 26:1-7) |
Why does David say “the daughters of Judah should be glad”? | Because of the judgments of the Lord (Ps 48:11; 97:8) |
For how many shekels of silver did Abraham purchase the field of Machpelah? | 400 (Gen 23:16) |
In Ezekiel’s prophecy, who is said to be the “mother of Jerusalem”? | A Hittite (Eze 16:3) |
Who did Jesus say was “not far from the Kingdom of God”? | One of the Scribes (Mark 12:28-34) |
Who succeeded Herod the Great after his death? | Archelaus (Matt 2:22) |
On Paul’s journey to Rome, at what location did he meet brethren whom he thanked God for? | Appii forum (Acts 28:15) |
Proverbs describes a “fair woman without discretion” as like a jewel of gold in what? | A pig’s snout (Pro 11:22) |
What does the name Abram mean? | High father / Father of heights (Gen 17:5 / Strong’s H87) |
How many begotten sons of David are named in the Bible? | Nineteen (1 Chr 3:1-9) |
In Luke’s account of the Sermon on the Mount to who does Jesus say “God is kind”? | The unthankful and the evil (Luke 6:35) |
How many cities did the Levites possess? | Forty-eight (Josh 21:41) |
The angel said to Mary that Jesus would “reign over the house” of which Old Testament character? | Jacob (Luke 1:33) |