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In Matthew’s account of the Sermon on the Mount, what was the first of the Beatitudes?
Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Matt 5:3)
Jesus appeared to his disciples after the resurrection beside which sea?
Sea of Tiberias (Galilee) (John 6:1; 21:1)
How many wise men does the Bible say came to visit Jesus?
It doesn’t say (Matt 2:1-12)
Where did Philip preach the good news about the Kingdom of God leading to many baptisms?
Samaria (Acts 8:12)
What did Paul do immediately after receiving his sight back?
He was baptized (Acts 9:18)
What was the name of the city where Elijah raised the widow’s son from the dead?
Zarephath (1 Ki 17:9-23)
Who said, “To obey is better than sacrifice”?
Samuel (1 Sam 15:22)
What was the name of a man who was given the Spirit of God, to enable him to become a good craftsman, and assist with the building of the tabernacle?
Bezaleel (Exo 31:2-3)
Which prophet told Jeroboam he would rule over ten tribes?
Ahijah (1 Ki 11:30-31)
What did Melchizedek give to Abram?
Bread and wine (Gen 14:18)
What argument prompted Jesus to tell his disciples that they would judge the twelve tribes in the kingdom?
Disputing who was the greatest disciple (Luke 22:24-30)
Who was king of the southern kingdom when the northern kingdom of Israel fell to Assyria?
Hezekiah (2 Ki 18:9-12)
The fifth trumpet in Revelation is a plague which was also a plague upon Egypt in Exodus. Which one?
Locusts (Rev 9:1-4)
In Zechariah, the prophet has a vision of a man riding a red horse and standing under what kind of tree?
Myrtle (Zec 1:8)
For how long did Abdon, son of Hillel, judge Israel?
Eight years (Jdg 12:13-14)
When the Israelites came to Elim, how many palm trees were there?
Seventy (Exo 15:27)
How many rivers did the river in Eden split into once it left the garden?
Four (Gen 2:10)
What was the name of the Sorcerer Paul met on the island of Cyprus?
Elymas (Bar-Jesus) (Acts 13:8)
How much did Ruth glean on her first day in Boaz’s field?
An ephah of barley (Ruth 2:17)
Who thanked King David for allowing his (David’s) son Absalom to return to Jerusalem?
Joab (2 Sam 14:22)
In the parable of the lamp, where is the candle to be “set once it is lit”?
In a candlestick (Luke 11:33)
“A wholesome (healing), tongue” is described as what?
A tree of life (Pro 15:4)
Three of David’s mighty men risked their lives against the Philistines to get him a drink of water from where?
A well of Bethlehem (2 Sam 23:15-16)
What feast was instituted when Queen Esther saved the Jews from destruction?
Purim (Est 9:24-26)
What was the name of the field where Abraham buried his wife?
Machpelah (Gen 23:19)
From which country did Solomon import horses?
Egypt (1 Ki 10:28)
What miracle did Jesus perform just before healing Legion of his unclean spirit?
Calming of the storm (Mark 4:39 - 5:2)
Why did Pharaoh give Joseph’s family the land of Goshen to live in?
To keep them separate as they were shepherds, which were an abomination to the Egyptians (Gen 46:34)
After the exile, the Israelites returned and started to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, but which other prophet along with Zechariah was sent to encourage the completion of the partly built temple?
Haggai (Hag 2:4)
At what place did the writer to the Thessalonians say he’d been given rough treatment?
Philippi (1 Th 2:2)
Who was well reported of at Lystra and Iconium?
Timothy (Acts 16:2)
In John’s first epistle which three things are said to testify and agree about Jesus?
The Spirit, the water and the blood (1 Jn 5:8)
In Proverbs, how shall the “man’s belly be satisfied”?
By the fruit of his mouth (Pro 18:20)
What did Rahab hide the two spies under?
Stalks of flax (Josh 2:6)
In years, roughly how long did Paul spend in Ephesus?
Three years (Acts 20:31)
Which gospel records the fewest of the miracles performed by Jesus?
John (John 1:1 - 21:25)
What does Psalm 16 say there is in “the Lord’s right hand”?
Pleasures for evermore (Ps 16:11)
Who walked barefoot and naked for three years at the Lord’s command?
Isaiah (Isa 20:2-3)
Who promised to give their daughters to Shechemites if they agreed to be circumcised, only to kill them instead three days later while they were still sore?
Sons of Jacob (Gen 34:13)
Which god did the people of Lystra think Paul was?
Mercurius (Hermes) (Acts 14:12)
What happened to the sun when the sixth seal was opened?
It became as black as sackcloth (of hair) (Rev 6:12)
What characteristics are attached to the breastplate mentioned in Thessalonians?
Faith and love (1 Th 5:8)
Of which animal were the kings of Israel told not to have lots?
Horses (Deut 17:14-16)
In Revelation, unclean spirits came out of the mouth of the dragon, in the form of what animals?
Frogs (Rev 16:13)
How old was Noah when the floods came?
600 (Gen 7:6)
Which animal skins, dyed red, were used as an offering to help make the tabernacle?
Rams (Exo 25:3-5)
Which king contributes words of wisdom in Proverbs chapter 31?
Lemuel (Pro 31:1)
In which Jewish month is the Passover?
Abib (Deut 16:1)
Who did Daniel see sitting in a throne in his vision of the four beasts?
The Ancient of Days (Dan 7:9)
The Ethiopian eunuch, held what office of responsibility to Candace, queen of the Ethiopians?
Treasurer (Acts 8:27)
How does Psalm 100 say we should come before the Lord’s presence?
With singing (Ps 100:2)
How many concubines did Solomon have?
300 (1 Ki 11:3)
How did Moses make the bitter waters of Marah drinkable?
Threw a piece of wood into the water (Exo 15:23-25)
How did Adam and Eve feel about their nakedness at first?
They were not ashamed (Gen 2:25)
Who deceived the worshippers of Baal into attending sacrifices only to destroy them all once they had arrived?
Jehu (2 Ki 10:18-28)
The branched candlestick in the tabernacle had its cups carved in the likeness of which plant?
Almond blossom (Exo 25:33)
What happened to the soldiers of Gideon who lapped the river water with their tongues like dogs?
They were chosen to fight against the Midianites (Jdg 7:5-7)
How many sections (or books) is the book of Psalms split into?
Five (Ps 1; 43; 73; 90; 107)
How old was Abraham’s first wife when she died?
127 years (Gen 23:1)
To what does the “seventy weeks” prophecy refer?
The coming of the Messiah (Dan 9:20-27)
To which tribe did Anna the prophetess belong?
Asher (Luke 2:36)
What part of Paul’s clothing did Agabus use?
Girdle (belt) (Acts 21:11)
David says in the Psalms that “adders’ poison is under their lips”. To whom is he referring?
Evil men (Ps 140:1-3)
Who was the father in law of Caiaphas, the high priest at the time of Jesus death?
Annas (John 18:13)
Who did Paul take with him on his first missionary journey?
Barnabas (Acts 13:4)
Jesus initially sent the twelve disciples to preach to which group of people?
House of Israel (Matt 10:5-6)
Where will the believers reign in the Kingdom of God?
On Earth (Rev 5:10)
Who did Joseph’s brothers sell him to?
Ishmaelites (Gen 37:28)
Who shall the “prayer of faith” save?
The sick (Jam 5:15)
Where did Delilah live?
Valley of Sorek (Jdg 16:4)
Who was Paul referring to when he said, “May the Lord grant mercy to his household, for he often refreshed me and was not ashamed of my chains”?
Onesiphorus (2 Tim 1:16)
How many elders witnessed Boaz’s agreement with the kinsman?
Ten (Ruth 4:2)
According to Job, what is the hope of “a tree that is cut down”?
It will sprout again (Job 14:7)
What should the Israelites not destroy when they besiege a city?
Trees for meat (Deut 20:19-20)
What offering did Gideon present to the Lord under the oak tree?
A young goat and some unleavened bread (Jdg 6:19)
On what island was Paul shipwrecked as he made his way to Rome?
Malta (Acts 28:1)
“An excellent wife” is a what to her husband?
A crown (Pro 12:4)
To what tribe did Samson belong?
Dan (Jdg 13:25)
In which book of the Bible would you find the record of Balaam and his donkey?
Numbers (Num 22:22-35)
What are Psalms 120-134 collectively known as?
The Songs of Degrees (or Ascents) (Ps 120 - 134)
When Joseph was in prison, whose dream did he correctly interpret to mean he would be restored to his job?
Butler (Gen 42:32-36)
What is “sanctified by the word of God and prayer”?
God’s creation (1 Tim 4:5)
In the parable of the good father, if a son asks for an egg, what would the good father not give him?
A scorpion (Luke 11:12)
Fearing that Saul wanted to kill him, what lie did David ask Jonathan to tell his father if asked why he wasn’t at the king’s table for the New Moon feast?
He had gone to Bethlehem for a family gathering (1 Sam 20:6)
What was the name of the field that Jacob requested to be buried in?
Machpelah (Gen 50:12-13)
How long did Noah live for after the flood?
350 years (Gen 9:28)
Paul, Timothy and who else sent their greetings to Thessalonica?
Silvanus (1 Th 1:1)
How many years did Jacob live for?
147 (Gen 47:28)
What animal is “better than a dead lion”?
A living dog (Ecc 9:4)
One of the ten plagues of Egypt was the plague of boils, but which number was it?
Sixth (Exo 9:8)
After being left behind in Berea, in which city did Silas and Timothy meet up with Paul?
Corinth (Acts 18:1-5)
Who told his wife not to worry that she was barren and said, “am not I better to thee than ten sons”?
Elkanah (1 Sam 1:8)
What does Job say is “poured out like water”?
His groanings (roarings) (Job 3:24)
A word “fitly spoken” is like what of gold set in pictures of silver?
Apples (Pro 25:11)
On which occasion in the Bible does it specifically say that believers sung a hymn?
Jesus and the disciples celebrating Passover (Matt 26:30)
To which city did Samson go down to and kill thirty men?
Ashkelon (Jdg 14:19)
Who was the Persian king when the rebuilding of the temple after the exile was finally complete?
Darius (Ezr 6:15)
What part of King Asa’s body was diseased?
Feet (1 Ki 15:23)
Which priest anointed Solomon?
Zadok (1 Ki 1:39)
Who does James say is the “source of every good and every perfect gift”?
Father of Lights (Jam 1:17)