it had become almost like a tradition to have the big dinner on christmas eve , then open presents and have leftovers on christmas day .
what i really needed to do was find jessa .
she still wasnt answering her phone , and i needed to get in contact her before the six oclock deadline .
a note on my front door was visible even from this distance .
who wouldve left it ?
jessa wouldve called , and id received no new calls or texts .
weird .
going to the door , i noticed the note was scribbled in big bold letters .
not written by anyone i knew , but the text itself scared me .
we know where you live .
you dared to poison one of our kind .
youll regret that mistake .
call 555-7889 , or ill hunt you down .
my heart leapt in my throat .
what had i gotten myself into ?
should i call or try to hide ?
no , i would be foolish to hide .
id see what they wanted .
thats all i could do .
i dialed the number .
to my surprise , mr .
sexy didnt answer .
it was another man .
at least , it really didnt sound like him .
you better make a potion to fix whatever you did .
if you dont , youll live to regret it .
the mans voice was a rumbling purr , and i nearly dropped the phone .
i ... i dont know what youre talking about .
my keys jiggled as i tried to insert them in the doorknob , but a strange man with a cell phone to his ear opened it .
i think you do .
my phone slipped from my grip .
surprise slammed into me .
the man clenched his fist around my throat , cutting off my air , as he pulled me into my home .
youre going to do whatever you can to make sure this gets fixed .
you poisoned my father , and youll damn well fix him .
he flung me like a doll , and my head slapped the wall .
i slumped to the floor .
within a span of seconds , he was on me again .
get up .
please , stop .
my voice sounded weak even to my own ears .
i dont know what youre talking about .
who is your father ?
while i had a feeling it might be whoever had been poisoned , i had no idea why this stranger was pissed off at me and at my home .
the werewolves were after me , but this guy was taking it personally .
you know who im talking about .
stop playing dumb .
he lifted me to my feet and his nostrils flared .
he bent closer to my neck , and i stopped breathing .
my pulse rapidly beat in my chest , and i couldnt hold back the fear crashing through me .
no , dont show fear to werewolves .
who do i smell on you ?
i dont know this individual .
why does he smell like a werewolf ?
i backed up , but he followed me , keeping his nose just a little above my skin .
his breath caressed me , but i didnt feel any lust or allure .
maybe partially because he was a hot but still psycho werewolf , and i knew how crazy werewolves could be , after meeting mr .
sexy at jessas shop .
why should i tell you ?
better not to lie and say i didnt know .
who knew what hed do then ?
youll tell me .
if you dont he shook his head .
theres no time to get into this .
fix a potion for my father .
ill find whoever this is .
werewolves dont intrude on my fathers territory .
they are dealt with .
tell that to whoever attacked him and changed him !
i slapped a hand over my mouth , feeling stupid for having said too much .
damn it , damn it , damn it !
he jerked back from me .
what ?
no .
my pack doesnt do that .
were not the kind of people who go out changing others into our kind .
if we did , people would know about us ... .
he trailed off and his face fell .
oh fuck !
balling his hands , he slammed a fist into the wall near my head .
i screamed as part of the wall rained down on me .
if i got far enough away , i could work up my magic enough to get off a spell or two .
i might be able to escape .
let go of the fear .
hopefully my supernatural muscles were more up to par than theyd been during my first werewolf encounter .
muttering an incantation , i breathed in and out , forcing myself to remain calm .
the previous meeting with a werewolf had been bad , because i hadnt known they existed , but now one was in my house !
if i shattered the illusion of normalcy , my neighbors would recognize the fact my house was on fire from freaking fireballs on the curtains .
the werewolf looked at me dead on .
dont weave your magic on me .
if i wanted to kill you , youd be dead .
he nodded his head to the wall .
who told you to make the initial potion ?
i ... i dont know his name .
he was tall , muscularumarrogant ?
what else could i say ?
if only jessa had taken down mr. sexys information , instead of just accepting cash from whoever came in who wanted to get involved with magic .
but then again , she had his number .
i patted my pockets , searching for my cell phone , but then i remembered : my phone was outside .
you do realize you described half the people in my pack , dont you ?