his expression had fallen , from the merry guy on his third cup of spiced wine to concerned .
my bravado fled once again , and if id been a puppy , id have put my tail between my legs .
this celebration wasnt about me .
it was the holidays .
once we left , id tell greg my feelings , whether he wanted to hear them or not .
this break-up would be the stuff of horror stories , or maybe cheesy romantic comedies .
at least , i hoped it was more like the latter .
i looked at ethan .
worry etched itself in the corners of his eyes .
you keep staring at mr. marine over there , huh ?
greg grabbed my leg under the table , squeezing hard .
i tried not to wince , but i mustve shown discomfort .
im not a marine .
ethan leaned forward , giving greg a harsh stare .
he knew something was up .
shit .
there goes dinner .
greg scoffed .
whatever .
you know what i mean .
besides , i was talking to my girlfriend , not you .
got a problem with that ?
what , you want to take her for a ride ?
he smirked , and i wanted to slap it right off his face .
too bad .
shes mine .
greg !
i couldnt believe the way he was talking .
my parents stared in horror , and redness formed in my fathers cheeks .
if things didnt settle down , hed get involved , and none of us would want that .
greg squeezed my leg harder as if to silence me , but i wouldnt sit by and let him abuse me like that .
let go of me .
that mightve been the worst thing to say because nolan jerked to his feet .
if you dont let my sister go , ill break your fingers .
nolan !
my mom cried out .
ethan stood up with him .
mia , come over here with your brother .
greg and i need to talk outside .
he turned to my parents .
im sorry about this , mr. and mrs. brooks .
itll just take a moment .
when he stared at greg again , blatant hostility and power oozed from his every pore , nearly choking me .
greg let me go , but i wasnt going to sit this out .
besides , my jerk boyfriend remained planted on his seat .
maybe he knew if the two of them went outside , he might get his ass kicked .
good for ethan .
i stood .
nolan ... ethan , please go back to eating .
ill talk to greg .
i took him by the wrist .
lets go .
greg huffed , but he followed me out to the gazebo in the backyard .
it was far enough away for us to have some privacy in case our discussion became heated .
what the hell is your problem ?
i couldnt contain my outrage at how he had acted .
hed never been this rude in front of my parents .
ethan and he didnt have a good first meeting , but this went beyond the greg i knew .
oh no .
what if this was my karma going to hell ?
the love potions magic might be burning my relationship while it built up what i had with ethan .
i wanted to punch my pillow .
multiple times .
my problem ?
disgust curled back gregs lip .
you are the one to talk .
you sit there ogling the soldier in front of my face .
who exactly is the problem here ?
my jaw dropped .
im seated in front of him !
what am i supposed to do ?
look at the ceiling or my plate the whole time ?
i cant help but look at him .
that sounded wrong .
i only hoped greg wouldnt take the slip out on me .
he shook his head .
thats not what im talking about , so dont pull that smart-alecky shit on me , mia .
i have the balls in this relationship , and im not fucking blind !
you watched him with lust in your eyes .
he reached for me , but i smacked his hands away .
i flared my nostrils , not in the mood to take his shit .
while i hadnt wanted to do this in front of my parents , this was fair game .
you know what ?
out of the corner of my eye , i spotted nolan jogging across the lawn toward us .
what ?
are you trying to start more shit ?
greg jerked me closer , but i slapped him .
were over .
thats what .
greg stared at me , his eyebrow cocked high .
he chuckled as if id told a funny joke .
youre kidding , right ?
youre putting this shit on me now of all times ?
youre such a dirty bitch .
name calling wont get us back together .
i grimaced , unable to believe id ever considered settling for him .
if ethan didnt want me , then i was better off alone .
far from it .
i walked away , not wanting to be near him any longer .
you think you can just walk away from me ?