1 value
[ { "content": "A girl swims downstream 48 km and upstream 18 km taking 6 hours each time; what is the speed of the current?\n\n['A)2.2', 'B)2.3', 'C)2.1', 'D)2.5', 'E)2.4']", "role": "user", "uuid": "ea7b3222-3d9a-47e0-81b2-69c9bce2e133" }, { "content": "48 --- 6 DS = 8\n? ---- 1\n18 ---- 6 US = 3\n? ---- 1 S = ?\nS = (8 - 3)/2 = 2.5\nAnswer:D", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "e5af1471-1a30-40d7-89b6-53ecc2434b69" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.84, "complexity": 1.05, "correctness": 2.27, "helpfulness": 2.29, "instruction-following": 2.86, "safety": 5.2, "verbosity": 0.55, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1406 }
[ { "content": "By mixing two brands of tea and selling the mixture at the rate of Rs. 177 per kg. a shopkeeper makes a profit of 18%. If to every 2 kg of one brand costing Rs. 200 per kg, 3 kg of the other brand is added, then how much per kg does the other brand cost?\n\n['A)Rs. 110', 'B)Rs. 120', 'C)Rs. 140', 'D)None of these', 'E)Not determined']", "role": "user", "uuid": "fdd1c16d-056b-4c83-885e-60daefa1fd4d" }, { "content": "Explanation:\nLet the cost of the brand be Rs. X per kg.\nC.P. of 5 kg = (2 * 200 + 3 * x) = Rs. (400 + 3x)\nS.P of 5 kg = Rs. (5 * 177) = Rs. 885\n[885 - (400 + 3x)]/(400 + 3x) * 100 = 18\n24250 - 150x = 3600 + 27x\n177x = 20650 => x = 116 2/3\nSo, cost of the other brand = Rs. 116.66.\nAnswer is D", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "8dc78e0a-b684-4d0d-b32b-56f7920f514a" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.55, "complexity": 1.6, "correctness": 1.47, "helpfulness": 1.81, "instruction-following": 2.25, "safety": 4.85, "verbosity": 1.09, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1459 }
[ { "content": "If (A-B-C+D = 13) and (A+B-C-D = 3), what is the value of (B-D)^2?\n\n['A)4.', 'B)8.', 'C)12.', 'D)25.', 'E)64.']", "role": "user", "uuid": "2e9e485d-d772-4dc1-beb0-aac6137d62a4" }, { "content": "EQ1: A - B - C + D = 13\nEQ2: A + B - C - D = 3\n(1) Subtract EQ1 from EQ2\nA - B - C + D = 13\n- A +B - C - D = 3\n------------------------\n-2B + 2D = 10\n(2) Simplify\n-B + D = 5\nB - D = -5\n(B-D)^2 = (-5)^2 = 25\nMy answer: D", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "cf95b61c-e287-4a44-a2f8-695690cd90e3" } ]
{ "coherence": 3, "complexity": 1.24, "correctness": 2.51, "helpfulness": 2.49, "instruction-following": 3.11, "safety": 5.36, "verbosity": 0.63, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1454 }
[ { "content": "A trader mixes 80 kg of tea at 15 per kg with 20 kg of tea at cost price of 20 per kg. In order to earn a profit of 25%, what should be the sale price of the mixed tea?\n\n['A)23.75', 'B)22', 'C)20', 'D)19.2', 'E)None of these']", "role": "user", "uuid": "bedc6ba6-c0c5-4b91-9a8b-9943662b2eba" }, { "content": "C.P. of mixture = 80×15+20×20 /80+20=16\n∴ S.P. = (100+25)/100×16=20\nAnswer C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "61ba0846-2c63-40fe-bf30-48ff186958ca" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.84, "complexity": 1.95, "correctness": 2.39, "helpfulness": 2.39, "instruction-following": 3.33, "safety": 5.55, "verbosity": 1.28, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1265 }
[ { "content": "In how many different ways can the letters of the word 'OPTICAL' be arranged so that the vowels always come together?\n\n['A)120', 'B)720', 'C)4320', 'D)2160', 'E)None']", "role": "user", "uuid": "6ed57dd2-8e56-4fce-8178-0a9e4389c4e5" }, { "content": "The word 'OPTICAL' contains 7 different letters.\nWhen the vowels OIA are always together, they can be supposed to form one letter.\nThen, we have to arrange the letters PTCL (OIA).\nNow, 5 letters can be arranged in 5! = 120 ways.\nThe vowels (OIA) can be arranged among themselves in 3! = 6 ways.\nRequired number of ways = (120 x 6) = 720.\nOption B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "1c93e975-bf75-4271-ae88-6a152c437613" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.74, "complexity": 2.02, "correctness": 2.2, "helpfulness": 2.37, "instruction-following": 3.17, "safety": 4.62, "verbosity": 1.75, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1664 }
[ { "content": "The sum of the digits of a three digit number is 17, and the sum of the squares of its digits is 109. If we subtract 495 from the number, we shall get a number consisting of the same digits written in the reverse order. Find the number.\n\n['A)368', 'B)377', 'C)288', 'D)997', 'E)112']", "role": "user", "uuid": "c4c48e66-b0a2-40fd-8b0e-ce451024f94e" }, { "content": "Sum of the squares should be equal to 109. Only Options B and D satisfying. When we subtract 495, only 863 becomes 368\nAnswer:A", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "a2b63260-00cb-4c50-b488-f6ca073e0801" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.04, "complexity": 1.16, "correctness": 1.49, "helpfulness": 1.58, "instruction-following": 2.14, "safety": 5.48, "verbosity": 0.98, "verbosity-coeff": -0.2235 }
[ { "content": "Find avrg speed if a man travels at speed of 32km/hr up and 48km/hr dawn at an altitude of 230m.\n\n['A)25.8', 'B)26.8', 'C)38.4', 'D)34.4', 'E)29.8']", "role": "user", "uuid": "923ca107-92c5-4cfb-8651-ef7f8a29665f" }, { "content": "avg speed=2*x*y/(x+y)\n=2*32*48(32+48)=38.4\nANSWER:C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "9f74537d-d874-41e3-9984-7ea295b64301" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.82, "complexity": 1.93, "correctness": 2.35, "helpfulness": 2.45, "instruction-following": 2.66, "safety": 5.75, "verbosity": 1.06, "verbosity-coeff": -0.103 }
[ { "content": "In a box of 10 pens, a total of 3 are defective. If a customer buys 2 pens selected at random from the box, what is the probability that neither pen will be defective?\n\n['A)4/9', 'B)5/11', 'C)7/15', 'D)9/22', 'E)12/35']", "role": "user", "uuid": "4def87f4-4d5e-4720-9007-8ac99eb5ef07" }, { "content": "# defective pens = 3\n# good pens = 7\nProbability of the 1st pen being good = 7/10\nProbability of the 2nd pen being good = 6/9\nTotal probability = 7/10 * 6/9 = 7/15\nThe answer is C.", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "6cce962f-5c56-450e-b98e-964d8b0c6150" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.15, "complexity": 1.09, "correctness": 2.35, "helpfulness": 2.82, "instruction-following": 3.31, "safety": 5.98, "verbosity": 1.19, "verbosity-coeff": -0.2037 }
[ { "content": "In the first 10 overs of a cricket game, the run rate was only 3.2. What should be the rate in the remaining 40 overs to reach the target of 292 runs?\n\n['A)6.5', 'B)6.22', 'C)6.29', 'D)6.39', 'E)6.13']", "role": "user", "uuid": "398fef88-609e-45ac-b86b-94334bb0fa22" }, { "content": "Required run rate\n= [292 - (3.2 * 10)]/40\n= 260/40\n= 6.5\nAnswer: A", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "1f3b6a3b-c672-432b-b2d4-a0ca0731ff95" } ]
{ "coherence": 3, "complexity": 1.91, "correctness": 2.55, "helpfulness": 2.68, "instruction-following": 3.29, "safety": 4.23, "verbosity": 1.49, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1156 }
[ { "content": "Two trains are moving at 85 kmph and 70 kmph in opposite directions. Their lengths are 150 m and 100 m respectively. The time they will take to pass each other completely is?\n\n['A)5 25/31 sec', 'B)7 1/17 sec', 'C)7 2/2 sec', 'D)8 1/2 sec', 'E)7 1/9 sec']", "role": "user", "uuid": "13a3586e-8559-449e-bd7b-adab2d3b79e2" }, { "content": "70 + 85 = 155 * 5/18 = 775/18 mps\nD = 150 + 100 = 250 m\nT = 250 * 18/775 = 180/31 = 5 25/31 sec\nAnswer: A", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "cfda5ab4-6988-4bea-aaa2-d40804dcccd2" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.62, "complexity": 1.5, "correctness": 2.33, "helpfulness": 2.41, "instruction-following": 3.46, "safety": 4.58, "verbosity": 1.02, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1187 }
[ { "content": "If n is an integer and 101n^2 is less than or equal to 8100, what is the greatest possible value of n?\n\n['A)7', 'B)8', 'C)9', 'D)10', 'E)11']", "role": "user", "uuid": "b742adbe-392a-44cd-b1d5-0fb9efe56cd6" }, { "content": "101 * n^2 <=8100\nn^2 <=8100/101 which will be less than 81 since 8100/100 = 81 which is the square of 9\nNext closest value of n where n^2<=81 is 8\nAns B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "013d42f3-ecd7-4f2f-b143-7dbd44d939cd" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.31, "complexity": 1.11, "correctness": 1.89, "helpfulness": 2, "instruction-following": 2.33, "safety": 6.02, "verbosity": 0.9, "verbosity-coeff": -0.2003 }
[ { "content": "A certain company reported that the revenue on sales increased 40 % from 2000 to 2003, and increased 90 % from 2000 to 2005. What was the approximate percent increase in revenue for this store from 2003 to 2005?\n\n['A) 50 %', 'B) 36 %', 'C) 30 %', 'D) 32 %', 'E) 29 %']", "role": "user", "uuid": "bbec0c95-1977-43e7-bec3-6015f17ad0fc" }, { "content": "Assume the revenue in 2000 to be 100. Then in 2003 it would be 140 and and in 2005 190, so from 2003 to 2005 it increased by (190-140)/140=50/140=~29%.\nAnswer: B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "3ec3b0dd-7533-4c56-96e2-fc7f64b0cf2c" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.33, "complexity": 1.05, "correctness": 1.33, "helpfulness": 1.4, "instruction-following": 1.84, "safety": 5.28, "verbosity": 0.43, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1943 }
[ { "content": "In what time will a bus 200 m long cross in the road, if its speed be 72 km/hr?\n\n['A)15', 'B)20', 'C)14', 'D)10', 'E)12']", "role": "user", "uuid": "7c4054ed-88ff-4558-82af-67eb9707912c" }, { "content": "Speed = 72 * 5/18 = 20 m/sec\nTime taken = 200/20 = 10 sec.\nAnswer:D", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "44ca91b9-9c6d-4756-bbe6-d47a7db4346e" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.84, "complexity": 1.3, "correctness": 2.78, "helpfulness": 2.76, "instruction-following": 3.86, "safety": 5.59, "verbosity": 1.16, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1006 }
[ { "content": "Running 3/4th of his usual rate, a man is 14min late. Find his usual time in hours ?\n\n['A)6/4 hrs', 'B)3/4 hrs', 'C)9/4 hrs', 'D)3/4 hrs', 'E)7/10 hrs']", "role": "user", "uuid": "c0aef48d-2380-4f32-b198-66efba8de035" }, { "content": "Explanation:\nWalking at 3/4th of usual rate implies that time taken would be 4/3th of the usual time. In other words, the time taken is 1/3rd more than his usual time\nso 1/3rd of the usual time = 14min\nor usual time = 3 x 14 = 42min = 45/60 hrs = 7/10 hrs.\nAnswer: E", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "aa82cfdb-e62b-4c27-b659-0fb7aa675fb4" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.53, "complexity": 2, "correctness": 2.12, "helpfulness": 2.31, "instruction-following": 3.21, "safety": 5.79, "verbosity": 0.99, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1198 }
[ { "content": "By selling an article at Rs.600, a shopkeeper makes a profit of 25%. At what price should he sell the article so as to make a loss of 25%?\n\n['A)s.360', 'B)s.480', 'C)s.500', 'D)s.450', 'E)s.550']", "role": "user", "uuid": "38a96c97-3d3e-4b6e-9736-acea0533670c" }, { "content": "SP = 600\nProfit = 25%\nCP = (SP)*[100/(100+P)]\n= 600 * [100/125]\n= 480\nLoss = 25% = 25% of 480 = Rs.120\nSP = CP - Loss = 480 - 120 = Rs.360\nANSWER:A", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "f9cdf4d5-6d0a-4f42-81a2-90dee926d996" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.96, "complexity": 2.04, "correctness": 3, "helpfulness": 3.25, "instruction-following": 3.68, "safety": 3.78, "verbosity": 1.85, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1159 }
[ { "content": "In Orange County one fourth of the people are gathering mushrooms and one seventh of the people are collecting apples. What can be the number of people in Orange County?\n\n['A)56.', 'B)42.', 'C)85.', 'D)145.', 'E)252.']", "role": "user", "uuid": "16f28f9d-bf6e-4531-a607-8a657114eb74" }, { "content": "The number must be an integer and multiple of both 4 and 7.\nOnly option A fulfill this condition and hence is the answer.", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "56d8b183-4e9a-495b-9b6d-5596bf87457a" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.96, "complexity": 0.96, "correctness": 2.33, "helpfulness": 2.35, "instruction-following": 2.47, "safety": 7.51, "verbosity": 0.1, "verbosity-coeff": -0.157 }
[ { "content": "How many different possible arrangements can be obtained from the letters G, M, A, T, I, I, and T, such that there is at least one character between both I's?\n\n['A)360', 'B)720', 'C)900', 'D)1800', 'E)5040']", "role": "user", "uuid": "fc122919-f0d2-4571-9b3d-fb47140e6c12" }, { "content": "A= all possible permutations = 7!/2!2!\nB= permutations with II together = 6!/2!\nA-B = 900\nANSWER:C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "7ded0ac6-6d42-4811-b303-5cf00fb52ab2" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.59, "complexity": 2.16, "correctness": 2.39, "helpfulness": 2.37, "instruction-following": 3.07, "safety": 4.36, "verbosity": 1.52, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1669 }
[ { "content": "The percentage profit earned by selling an article for Rs. 1920 is equal to the percentage loss incurred by selling the same article for Rs. 1280. At what price should the article be sold to make 40% profit?\n\n['A)2000', 'B)2778', 'C)2299', 'D)2778', 'E)2240']", "role": "user", "uuid": "626bbbe6-5172-4c30-b2e0-a26d1eb9e93f" }, { "content": "Let C.P. be Rs. x.\nThen, (1920 - x)/x * 100 = (x - 1280)/x * 100\n1920 - x = x - 1280\n2x = 3200 => x = 1600\nRequired S.P. = 140 % of Rs. 1600 = 140/100 * 1600 = Rs. 2240.\nAnswer:E", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "868c465c-8f7b-4f91-9291-ce255498ee18" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.15, "complexity": 2.02, "correctness": 2.62, "helpfulness": 2.78, "instruction-following": 3.95, "safety": 4.97, "verbosity": 1.56, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1341 }
[ { "content": "A train 100 m long is running with a speed of 68 kmph. In what time will it pass a man who is running at 8 kmph in the same direction in which the train is going?\n\n['A)6 sec.', 'B)7 sec.', 'C)9 sec.', 'D)11 sec.', 'E)None']", "role": "user", "uuid": "345829da-7f0a-4970-bb7a-cfcba4aab9c7" }, { "content": "Solution\nSpeed of the train relative to man\t=( 68 - 8 )\n= 60 Kmph\n= 60 x 5 / 18\n=50/3 m/sec.\nTime taken by it to cover 100 m at (50 /3)m/sec\n= (100 x 3/50)sec\n= 6 sec.\nAnswer A", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "77d53708-a5c6-455a-a280-1e5b1d89b09e" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.98, "complexity": 1.55, "correctness": 2.88, "helpfulness": 2.92, "instruction-following": 3.93, "safety": 4.97, "verbosity": 1.41, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1217 }
[ { "content": "Find the least number of candidates in an examination so that the percentage of successful candidates should be 76.8%:\n\n['A)95', 'B)105', 'C)125', 'D)135', 'E)145']", "role": "user", "uuid": "e8e30a73-82ed-4faf-a2cb-c38119580585" }, { "content": "suppose no. of total candidates are 'y' and successful are 'x'.\n(x/y)*(100)=76.8 or x/y=0.768\nor y=x/0.768\nhere we need minimum value of y, which is obtained by minimum value of x.\nif put x=768 then y=1000\nnow we will try decrease value of x than we will find less value of y. so factorized 768 by 2 further.\nif put x=384 then y=500\nif put x=192 then y=250\nif put x=96 then y=125(answer)\nif put x=48 then y=62.5(not integer)\nso ans is 125\nANSWER:D", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "de5be563-c73e-4bf1-a8fd-54b85d74388e" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.49, "complexity": 2.1, "correctness": 2.21, "helpfulness": 2.1, "instruction-following": 2.92, "safety": 5.52, "verbosity": 2.14, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1874 }
[ { "content": "V is the volume of a cylinder; the radius r is 3.4. The height is 350% more than the radius. Which of the following is true?\n\n['A)100 < V < 300', 'B)300 < V < 500', 'C)500 < V < 700', 'D)700 < V < 900', 'E)900 < V < 1100']", "role": "user", "uuid": "28868bfb-d27a-4b41-9851-2f664c82e5b3" }, { "content": "As we see the answers are in form of range we can use approximation\nVolume of cylinder is πr^2h\nGiven π= 22/7 and r = 3.4 so r^2 ~ 12 and h = 4.5 * 3.4 ~ 15\nSo 22/7 * 12 * 15 = 566\nso answer should be\nC. 500 < V < 700\nAnswer : C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "8d719b4c-0a09-4491-be90-d69496a76f5f" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.59, "complexity": 1.53, "correctness": 1.83, "helpfulness": 1.99, "instruction-following": 2.35, "safety": 4.3, "verbosity": 1.54, "verbosity-coeff": -0.176 }
[ { "content": "By selling 24 pencils for a rupee a man loses 20%. How many for a rupee should he sell in order to gain 20%?\n\n['A)8', 'B)9', 'C)16', 'D)6', 'E)4']", "role": "user", "uuid": "19801ce6-21df-45ff-a6e3-d3851959dcb4" }, { "content": "80% --- 24\n120% --- ?\n80/120 * 24 = 16\nAnswer: C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "3b2cb4c5-e0c8-4f3e-abd1-39279bfa482c" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.9, "complexity": 1.58, "correctness": 2.39, "helpfulness": 2.47, "instruction-following": 2.92, "safety": 5.98, "verbosity": 0.4, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1686 }
[ { "content": "A 1200 m long train crosses a tree in 120 sec, how much time will I take to pass a platform 700 m long?\n\n['A)200 Sec', 'B)190 Sec', 'C)167 Sec', 'D)197 Sec', 'E)179 Sec']", "role": "user", "uuid": "3851920d-2b8f-45d9-a1fa-ea41906f8869" }, { "content": "L = S*T\nS= 1200/120\nS= 10 m/Sec.\nTotal length (D)= 1900 m\nT = D/S\nT = 1900/10\nT = 190 Sec\nAnswer: B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "a69c87a8-6358-44d7-bd2b-350486d57f17" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.55, "complexity": 1.88, "correctness": 2.16, "helpfulness": 2.35, "instruction-following": 3.46, "safety": 5.83, "verbosity": 1.06, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1142 }
[ { "content": "An employee’s annual salary was increased $5,000. If her new annual salary now equals $70,000, what was the percent increase?\n\n['A)15%', 'B)0.77%', 'C)20%', 'D)22%', 'E)24%']", "role": "user", "uuid": "fcee876d-bab6-4c67-bcd5-8e41c89cfe19" }, { "content": "New annual salary = $70,000\nSalary increase = $5,000.\nOriginal salary = $70,000 - $5,000.\n= $65,000\n%Increase = ($5,000/ $65,000 )*100\n=0.77%\nHence B.", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "0e487425-c00c-4464-b367-83b4cc353de0" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.7, "complexity": 1.07, "correctness": 2.25, "helpfulness": 2.33, "instruction-following": 2.66, "safety": 4.34, "verbosity": 0.95, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1287 }
[ { "content": "The cost to rent a small bus for a trip is x dollars, which is to be shared equally among the people taking the trip. If 10 people take the trip rather than 30, how many more dollars, in terms of x, will it cost per person?\n\n['A) x/6', 'B) x/12', 'C) x/15', 'D) 3x/40', 'E) 3x/80']", "role": "user", "uuid": "9312e399-6506-4c63-a1a7-2efefa987295" }, { "content": "Just plugging in values\nX= 300\nCost per person if we consider 10 = 30\nCost per person if we consider 30 = 10\nDifference between costs is 20 dollars.\nPlugging in the value of x into the answer choices, let's see which one yields a result of 20. And that is C.", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "45abba97-622f-4f64-b385-f3bfb94a474c" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.8, "complexity": 1.43, "correctness": 2.1, "helpfulness": 2.08, "instruction-following": 1.65, "safety": 4.73, "verbosity": 0.85, "verbosity-coeff": -0.2096 }
[ { "content": "A WORKS TWICE AS FAST AS B. IF B CAN COMPLETE A WORK IN 10 DAYS INDEPENDENTLY, THE NUMBER OF DAYS IN WHICH A AND B CAN TOGETHER FINISH THE WORK IS:\n\n['A)11/3 DAYS', 'B)10/3 DAYS', 'C)12/3 DAYS', 'D)3/12 DAYS', 'E)3/10 DAYS']", "role": "user", "uuid": "dc4295e3-d7a1-4f3b-9b55-9d26e5779530" }, { "content": "RATIO OF RATES OF WORKING OF A AND B = 2:1. SO, RATIO OF TIME TAKEN = 1:2\nA'S 1 DAY'S WORK = 1/5, B'S 1 DAY'S WORK = 1/10\n(A+B)'S 1 DAY'S WORK = (1/5+1/10)=3/10=10/3\nSO, A AND B TOGETHER CAN FINISH THE WORK IN 10/3 DAYS.\nCORRECT OPTION: B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "acffcfd2-96d5-4440-896d-2b85a6b1ea8d" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.15, "complexity": 1.28, "correctness": 3.05, "helpfulness": 3.07, "instruction-following": 3.93, "safety": 5.63, "verbosity": 0.97, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1105 }
[ { "content": "How many words can be formed by using all the letters of the word “DAUGHTER” so that vowels always come together & vowels are never together?\n\n['A)5120', 'B)1240', 'C)4320', 'D)6512', 'E)1204']", "role": "user", "uuid": "8ee243ec-e60e-4cee-b59d-618c470b3f1c" }, { "content": "Given word contains 8 different letters\nWhen the vowels AUE are always together we may suppose\nthem to form an entity ,treated as one letter\nthen the letter to be arranged are DAHTR(AUE)\nthese 6 letters can be arranged in 6p6 = 6!\n= 720 ways\nThe vowels in the group (AUE) may be arranged in 3! = 6 ways\nRequired number of words = 760 * 6 =4320\nAns: C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "a5467bf1-43d8-4feb-9bcd-b3f992a94b3c" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.39, "complexity": 1.87, "correctness": 1.95, "helpfulness": 2.06, "instruction-following": 3.31, "safety": 5.95, "verbosity": 1.56, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1085 }
[ { "content": "In a group of 18 children, there are twice as many girls as boys, and twice as many right-handed people as there are left-handed people. If a sixth of the boys are left-handed, how many girls are right-handed?\n\n['A)1', 'B)3', 'C)4', 'D)5', 'E)7']", "role": "user", "uuid": "b38e48f9-435e-46f3-8995-83a4146c75a2" }, { "content": "as per the question !!\ntotal number of boys = 6 , total number girls =12\nright handed = 12 , reft handed = 6\n1/6(Boys)= left handed = 1\nnumber of left handed people left = 5 = girls\ntotal number of right handed girls = 12 - 5 = 7\nE", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "c0fc54ad-b7fb-4459-b3ce-8fa25ac07446" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.82, "complexity": 0.93, "correctness": 1.84, "helpfulness": 2.1, "instruction-following": 1.72, "safety": 5.28, "verbosity": 0.53, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1796 }
[ { "content": "In how many ways can 10 people line up at a ticket window of a railway station?\n\n['A)36,28,800', 'B)34,82,800', 'C)33,44,800', 'D)33,28,800', 'E)None of these']", "role": "user", "uuid": "94acf9a9-ed8b-4bb9-94db-1b4a4f7b0705" }, { "content": "The required number of ways = number of permutations of 10 people taking all 10 at a time.\nP(10, 10) = 10!\n= 10 x 9 × 8 x 7 x 6 × 5 x 4 x 3 × 2 x 1\n= 36,28,800\nANSWER:A", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "23524bb8-c8b5-41aa-a01e-31dd06f58d2c" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.96, "complexity": 1.78, "correctness": 2.84, "helpfulness": 2.92, "instruction-following": 4.29, "safety": 4.27, "verbosity": 1.51, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1566 }
[ { "content": "All the stocks on the over-the-counter market are designated by either a 6 letter or 5 letter codes that is created by using the 26 letters of the alphabet. Which of the following gives the maximum number of different stocks that can be designated with these codes?\n\n['A)2(26^5)', 'B)26(26^4)', 'C)27(26^6)', 'D)26(26^5)', 'E)27(26^5)']", "role": "user", "uuid": "30347d1c-05d9-49f7-a9ca-cd9048e48fb4" }, { "content": "with 4 letters: 26^6\nwith 5 letters: 26^5\n26^6 + 26^5 = 27*(26^5)\nC", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "fb6e19ed-20b6-4d4f-866d-b0293714f32c" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.66, "complexity": 1.8, "correctness": 1.88, "helpfulness": 1.87, "instruction-following": 2.04, "safety": 4.15, "verbosity": 0.96, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1671 }
[ { "content": "If X gets 25% more than Y and Y gets 20% more than Z, the share of Z out of Rs.925 will be:\n\n['A)Rs. 300', 'B)Rs. 200', 'C)Rs. 250', 'D)Rs. 350', 'E)None of these']", "role": "user", "uuid": "fd9e0d95-072c-4414-bcf8-fbe6ffae6a72" }, { "content": "Z share = Z,\nY = 1.2Z\nX = 1.25×1.2Z,\nX+Y+Z =925\n(1.25× 1.2+1.2+1)Z=925\n3.7Z=925, Z=250\nAnswer: . C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "636b4471-0820-4507-b43b-ad9418149c59" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.94, "complexity": 1.77, "correctness": 2.59, "helpfulness": 2.7, "instruction-following": 3.21, "safety": 3.62, "verbosity": 0.97, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1185 }
[ { "content": "A lemonade stand sold only small and large cups of lemonade on Tuesday. 4/5 of the cups sold were small and the rest were large. If the large cups were sold for 7/6 as much as the small cups, what fraction of Tuesday's total revenue was from the sale of large cups?\n\n['A)7/31', 'B)7/15', 'C)10/21', 'D)17/35', 'E)1/2']", "role": "user", "uuid": "45bba012-4195-45ec-8ae1-6037bf526e69" }, { "content": "Let the total # of cups be 10.\n# of small cups sold 4/5*10=8;\n# of large cups sold 10-8=2;\nLet the price of small cup be $6, then the price of larges cup would be 7/6*6=$7;\nRevenue from small cups:8*$6=$48\nRevenue from large cups cups: 2*$7=$14;\nFraction of total revenue from large cups: 14/(14+48)=7/31.\nAnswer: A.", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "c4275c42-ecb1-4945-ad69-efd3665b4695" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.05, "complexity": 1.23, "correctness": 2.25, "helpfulness": 2.23, "instruction-following": 2.43, "safety": 5.52, "verbosity": 1.18, "verbosity-coeff": -0.2104 }
[ { "content": "What are the last two digits of (301*402*502*604*646*547*448*349)^2\n\n['A) 96', 'B) 76', 'C) 56', 'D) 36', 'E) 16']", "role": "user", "uuid": "a96989d4-9a07-4fd6-a7a3-72a8415f7f5d" }, { "content": "((301*402*502*604*646)*(547*448*349))^2\nIf you observe above digits, last digit are: 1,2,2,4,6,7,8,9; 3&5 are missing; so I have rearranged them so that multiplication will be easy for me as initial 4 digits have last two digits as 01,02,02,04,46 and final three as 47*48*49.\nSolving for only last two digits and multiplying them we get:( (04*04*46)(56*49))^2 = (36*44)^2=84^2=56\nHence answer is C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "0a4338a7-3196-4a4f-aece-f20dd4abd1bd" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.98, "complexity": 2.43, "correctness": 2.37, "helpfulness": 2.08, "instruction-following": 2.16, "safety": 4.66, "verbosity": 1.87, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1363 }
[ { "content": "An uneducated retailer marks all his goods at 50% above the cost price and thinking that he will still make 15% profit, offers a discount of 15% on the marked price. What is his actual profit on the sales?\n\n['A)12.50 %', 'B)27.50 %', 'C)14 %', 'D)14.50 %', 'E)None']", "role": "user", "uuid": "10ea8461-fcb3-48da-9340-94b0dcf103ef" }, { "content": "Sol.\nLet C.P. = Rs. 100. Then, marked price = Rs. 150.\nS.P. = 85% of Rs. 150 = Rs. 127.5.\n∴ Gain% = 27.50%.\nAnswer B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "f7494a91-42fe-4776-a35a-7f0972a4064c" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.11, "complexity": 1.73, "correctness": 2.74, "helpfulness": 2.92, "instruction-following": 3.95, "safety": 5.79, "verbosity": 1.72, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1239 }
[ { "content": "Ramu bought an old car for Rs. 42000. He spent Rs. 10000 on repairs and sold it for Rs. 64900. What is his profit percent?\n\n['A)12%', 'B)16%', 'C)18%', 'D)24.8%', 'E)23%']", "role": "user", "uuid": "b37c76a5-55ad-45af-8128-a44344d68303" }, { "content": "Total CP = Rs. 42000 + Rs. 10000 = Rs. 52000 and SP\n= Rs. 64900\nProfit(%) = (64900 - 52000)/52000 * 100\n= 24.8%\nAnswer:D", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "cbdc64de-ca42-4020-9406-1f6063accbde" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.96, "complexity": 1.6, "correctness": 2.61, "helpfulness": 2.72, "instruction-following": 3.97, "safety": 4.89, "verbosity": 1.24, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1132 }
[ { "content": "A 1200 m long train crosses a tree in 120 sec, how much time will I take to pass a platform 700 m long?\n\n['A)288', 'B)190', 'C)188', 'D)188', 'E)12']", "role": "user", "uuid": "37b102d2-9b8c-48af-979c-6d033fc6bab6" }, { "content": "L = S*T\nS= 1200/120\nS= 10 m/Sec.\nTotal length (D)= 1900 m\nT = D/S\nT = 1900/10\nT = 190 Sec\nAnswer:B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "1efad4a2-0bf6-4361-9be9-d31b21db116a" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.47, "complexity": 1.92, "correctness": 2.27, "helpfulness": 2.37, "instruction-following": 3.33, "safety": 5.28, "verbosity": 1.33, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1149 }
[ { "content": "The average age of 20 students of a class is 20 years. Out of these, the average age of 9 students is 11 years and that of the other 10 students is 24 years. The age of the 20th student is?\n\n['A)65', 'B)61', 'C)59', 'D)63', 'E)64']", "role": "user", "uuid": "a6dcc72e-eacd-410d-b1af-62372c156adb" }, { "content": "Age of the 20th student = 20*20 - (9*11+10*24) = 400-339 = 61 years\nAnswer is B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "66a493a4-528e-47d3-82dd-6d3d8044787e" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.96, "complexity": 1.22, "correctness": 2.23, "helpfulness": 2.51, "instruction-following": 3.19, "safety": 6.06, "verbosity": 0.7, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1205 }
[ { "content": "Find the odd man out. 15, 25, 30, 51, 85, 90, 115\n\n['A)15', 'B)25', 'C)51', 'D)90', 'E)115']", "role": "user", "uuid": "600efc67-7447-4e8e-bcb5-78823b98fb52" }, { "content": "Explanation :\nAll except 51 are multiples of 5\nAnswer : Option C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "210266e3-a4b9-4f9e-987b-0ca0e1691b7c" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.66, "complexity": 0.94, "correctness": 2.49, "helpfulness": 2.64, "instruction-following": 2.7, "safety": 4.21, "verbosity": 1.08, "verbosity-coeff": -0.085 }
[ { "content": "A retailer purchases shirts from a wholesaler and then sells the shirts in her store at a retail price that is 80 percent greater than the wholesale price. If the retailer decreases the retail price by 25 percent this will have the same effect as increasing the wholesale price by what percent?\n\n['A)26', 'B)37.5', 'C)35', 'D)44', 'E)50']", "role": "user", "uuid": "1cc6aa0c-2760-4fde-92c3-fffa74536678" }, { "content": "Answer: C= 35.\nAssume Rs. 100 to be the price at which the retailer buys from wholesaler.\n80% increase makes Retail price = 180.\nNow 25% decrease -> (1-25/100) * 180 = 135.\nNow compared to the wholesale price of 100, 35% increase is what will have the same effect as increasing the wholesale price.", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "5031169e-9071-48b3-a2e3-1d4c8733824b" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.43, "complexity": 1.74, "correctness": 2.66, "helpfulness": 2.9, "instruction-following": 3.23, "safety": 4.38, "verbosity": 1.16, "verbosity-coeff": -0.204 }
[ { "content": "Pane can make a handcrafted drum in 4 weeks. Zane can make a similar handcrafted drum in 6 weeks. If they both work together, how many weeks will it take for them to produce 15 handcrafted drums?\n\n['A)30', 'B)36', 'C)70', 'D)80', 'E)150']", "role": "user", "uuid": "627ca879-32a9-444a-9198-64f69c081637" }, { "content": "Method I: the rates solution\n“Pane can make a handcrafted drum in 4 weeks. Zane can make a similar handcrafted drum in 6 weeks.” Pane’s rate is (1 drum)/(4 weeks) = 1/4. Zane’s rate is (1 drum)/(6 weeks) = 1/6. The combined rate of Pane + Zane is\nR = 1/4 + 1/6 = 3/12 + 2/12 = 5/12\nThat’s the combined rate. We need to make 15 drums — we have a rate and we have an amount, so use the “art” equation to solve for time:\nT = A/R = 15/(5/12) = 15*(12/5) = (15/5)*12 = 3*12 = 36\nBTW, notice in the penultimate step, the universal fraction strategy: cancelbeforeyou multiply (Tip #3: ... -the-gmat/. Mane and Zane need 36 weeks to make 15 drums.\nAnswer = B.", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "a3bad48f-d161-4bd2-a2b6-c9eb6241e85a" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.98, "complexity": 1.43, "correctness": 2.61, "helpfulness": 2.66, "instruction-following": 3.13, "safety": 5.05, "verbosity": 1.34, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1285 }
[ { "content": "A person want to give his money of $2700 to his 3 children A,B,C in the ratio 2:3:4. What is the B's share?\n\n['A)$200', 'B)$900', 'C)$700', 'D)$600', 'E)$400']", "role": "user", "uuid": "08f33604-57ce-4f6d-aba1-e4f69feacb5e" }, { "content": "B's share = 2700*3/9 = $900\nAnswer is B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "3b4a1b62-2473-41de-8611-11bd36690405" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.21, "complexity": 0.27, "correctness": 3.13, "helpfulness": 3.41, "instruction-following": 3.66, "safety": 4.58, "verbosity": 0.43, "verbosity-coeff": -0.0879 }
[ { "content": "The ratio of ducks and frogs in a pond is 35 : 39 respectively. The average number of ducks and frogs in the pond is 152. What is the number of frogs in the pond ?\n\n['A)160', 'B)152', 'C)156', 'D)144', 'E)None']", "role": "user", "uuid": "a6483169-7813-44b6-b28a-9d2028ab2d55" }, { "content": "Solution:\nRatio of Ducks and Frogs in Pond,\n= 35 : 39.\nAverage of Ducks and Frogs in Pond,\n= 152.\nSo, total number of Ducks and Frogs in the Pond,\n= 2* 152 = 304.\nTherefore,\nNumber of Frogs, = (304 *39)/74 = 160.\nAnswer: Option A", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "b6af29b9-44e2-4ad3-88f3-2c78f35b7988" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.94, "complexity": 1.85, "correctness": 2.12, "helpfulness": 2.51, "instruction-following": 3.43, "safety": 6.65, "verbosity": 1.15, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1206 }
[ { "content": "Of the five numbers in a sequence, the first term is 10,000, and each of the following terms is 60% of the previous term. What is the value range of the five numbers?\n\n['A)8,704', 'B)9,750', 'C)9,975', 'D)9,984', 'E)10,736']", "role": "user", "uuid": "cdbb5e22-06a3-4a85-b815-797d976cc274" }, { "content": "1st number= 10,000\n2nd number = 60% of 10,000= 6000\n3rd number= 60% of 6000= 3600\n4th number = 60% of 3600= 2160\n5th number= 60% of 2160= 1296\nRange = 10,000-1296= 8704\nA is the answer", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "0a25acd0-81c6-4d7f-98b1-742f1cd3c3a3" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.92, "complexity": 1.42, "correctness": 2.61, "helpfulness": 2.62, "instruction-following": 3.09, "safety": 4.44, "verbosity": 0.96, "verbosity-coeff": -0.2012 }
[ { "content": "There are 300 seniors at Morse High School, and 40% of them have cars. Of the remaining grades (freshmen, sophomores, and juniors), only 10% of them have cars. If 15% of all the students at Morse have cars, how many students are in those other three lower grades?\n\n['A)600', 'B)900', 'C)1200', 'D)1350', 'E)1500']", "role": "user", "uuid": "f72333d9-9b1d-4237-afc4-cb6043fe1247" }, { "content": "Let the total no of students be n.\nThe no of seniors having cars is 40% of 300 i.e. 120.\nThe rest of the students with other three grades who have cars is 10% of (n-300).\nThe total no of students with cars is 15% of n.\nThus, 0.15n= 120+0.1(n-300)\nOn solving this, we get n=1800.\nHence, the no of students with other three grades is 1800-300, i.e. 1500 (E).", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "1082ad24-1d18-434b-8db5-084e312000a1" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.82, "complexity": 1.28, "correctness": 2.47, "helpfulness": 2.61, "instruction-following": 3.27, "safety": 5.52, "verbosity": 1.13, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1439 }
[ { "content": "A windmill is taking advantage of strong air currents in order to produce electrical energy. On a typical day the wind speed is around 20 mph and in that speed the windmill produces 400 kw/h (kilowatts per hour). On a stormy day a windmill produces 20% more energy. How much kw/h can three windmills produce in two hours on a stormy day?\n\n['A)2880.', 'B)4860.', 'C)5780.', 'D)5760.', 'E)6380.']", "role": "user", "uuid": "70308de6-f72f-4852-80be-542c3cde149b" }, { "content": "Efficiency per machine = 400 watt/hr\nEfficiency due to increase in wind speed = 400*120% => 480 watt/hr\nProduction by each machine in 2 hours is 480*2 => 960 watt\nProduction by 3 machines => 960 watt * 3 = 2880 watt\nAnswer will be (A)", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "f9517aaa-0949-4350-a3d0-533f3481de57" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.78, "complexity": 0.98, "correctness": 2.8, "helpfulness": 3.07, "instruction-following": 3.25, "safety": 6.41, "verbosity": 0.59, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1162 }
[ { "content": "Points A, B, C, and D, in that order, lie on a line. If AB = 2 cm, AC = 5 cm, and BD = 9 cm, what is CD, in centimeters?\n\n['A) 1', 'B) 2', 'C) 3', 'D) 6', 'E) 5']", "role": "user", "uuid": "4fad88a5-b902-4904-8752-47b0dc9b6742" }, { "content": "Putting a value to each point, lets use the following:\nA - 0\nB - 2 (AB = 2)\nC - 5 (AC = 5)\nD - 11 (BD = 9)\nCD is 11-5 = 6.\nAns D", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "7305f10f-4b84-492f-82b3-726ec6a232d8" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.82, "complexity": 0.51, "correctness": 1.97, "helpfulness": 2.31, "instruction-following": 2.45, "safety": 4.77, "verbosity": 0.46, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1855 }
[ { "content": "A person purchased a TV set for Rs. 2000 and a DVD player for Rs. 1500. He sold both the items together for Rs. 4000. What percentage of profit did he make?\n\n['A)14.28%', 'B)1.20%', 'C)15.21%', 'D)14.20%', 'E)10.32%']", "role": "user", "uuid": "f588d4cc-a616-4bf4-ba28-b92565acd24e" }, { "content": "The total CP = Rs. 2000 + Rs. 1500\n= Rs. 3500 and SP = Rs. 31150\nProfit(%) = (4000 - 3500)/3500 * 100\n= 14.28%\nAnswer: A", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "890e2c8a-2465-4394-983b-0a4f4d2a9d4a" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.33, "complexity": 1.29, "correctness": 1.39, "helpfulness": 1.59, "instruction-following": 2.33, "safety": 4.38, "verbosity": 0.91, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1286 }
[ { "content": "If 20% of a = b, then b% of 20 is the same as\n\n['A)2% of a', 'B)3% of a', 'C)4% of a', 'D)5% of a', 'E)7% of a']", "role": "user", "uuid": "530091a9-9ea5-4fec-a94e-428cb89abb0d" }, { "content": "20% of a = b\n=> b = 20/100a\nb% of 20 = (b/100)20 = [(20/100a)/100]20\n= (20 × 20 × a)/(100 × 100)\n= 4a/100 = 4% of a\nC)", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "62ba9703-9276-4187-9128-0a928a4fbe34" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.09, "complexity": 2.94, "correctness": 2.68, "helpfulness": 2.64, "instruction-following": 3.31, "safety": 4.19, "verbosity": 1.53, "verbosity-coeff": -0.122 }
[ { "content": "The length of a rectangular field is 7/5 its width. If the perimeter of the field is 384 meters, what is the width of the field?\n\n['A)50', 'B)60', 'C)11', 'D)80', 'E)90']", "role": "user", "uuid": "43e78525-94a7-4c4a-80eb-cd37f8bb525d" }, { "content": "Let L be the length and W be the width. L = (7/5)W\nPerimeter: 2L + 2W = 384, 2(7/5)W + 2W = 384\nSolve the above equation to find: W = 80 m and L = 112 m.\ncorrect answer D)80", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "ee95c3e4-c688-47cc-b133-d233bd45fdab" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.41, "complexity": 1.36, "correctness": 2.55, "helpfulness": 2.76, "instruction-following": 3.64, "safety": 4.93, "verbosity": 0.75, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1793 }
[ { "content": "Kamal will complete work in 20 days. If Suresh is 25% more efficient than Kamal, he can complete the work in --- days.\n\n['A)14', 'B)16', 'C)18', 'D)20', 'E)22']", "role": "user", "uuid": "ee63d49c-bafb-4924-9bf9-e3746f970b1b" }, { "content": "Explanation :\nWork done by Kamal in 1 day = 1/20\nWork done by Suresh in 1 day = (1/20) × (125/100) = 5/80 = 1/16\n=> Suresh can complete the work in 16 days\nAnswer : Option B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "f6e43026-1ac1-46bb-a5d9-8e490055f460" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.88, "complexity": 1.59, "correctness": 2.82, "helpfulness": 3.05, "instruction-following": 3.64, "safety": 5.79, "verbosity": 1.33, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1207 }
[ { "content": "A rectangular park 60 m long and 40 m wide has two concrete crossroads running in the middle of the park and rest of the park has been used as a lawn. If the area of the lawn is 2109 sq. m, then what is the width of the road?\n\n['A)1', 'B)2', 'C)3', 'D)4', 'E)5']", "role": "user", "uuid": "4e0504ae-b9ae-4af7-8f20-053b26824e02" }, { "content": "Explanation:\nArea of the park = (60 x 40) = 2400m2\nArea of the lawn = 2109m2\nArea of the crossroads = (2400 - 2109) = 291m2\nLet the width of the road be x metres. Then,\n60x +40x - x2 = 291\nx2 - 100x + 291 =0\n(x - 97)(x - 3) = 0\nx = 3. Answer: C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "1aea354f-de64-460b-bece-a14501622533" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.64, "complexity": 1.65, "correctness": 2.12, "helpfulness": 2.27, "instruction-following": 3.43, "safety": 5.91, "verbosity": 1.36, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1353 }
[ { "content": "Kathleen can paint a room in 4 hours, and Anthony can paint an identical room in 5 hours. How many hours would it take Kathleen and Anthony to paint both rooms if they work together at their respective rates?\n\n['A)8/15', 'B)40/9', 'C)15/8', 'D)9/4', 'E)15/4']", "role": "user", "uuid": "618f977c-dca7-4f9b-9605-09d3f8df0c4a" }, { "content": "(1/4 + 1/5)t=2\nt= 40/9\nAnswer: B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "c9946d0b-b09a-4a51-a396-c20f78f69833" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.62, "complexity": 0.97, "correctness": 2.18, "helpfulness": 2.31, "instruction-following": 3.29, "safety": 6.49, "verbosity": 0.33, "verbosity-coeff": -0.2181 }
[ { "content": "A train 200m long passes a standing man in 12 seconds. What is the speed of the train?\n\n['A)30km/hr', 'B)36km/hr', 'C)42km/hr', 'D)60km/hr', 'E)32km/hr']", "role": "user", "uuid": "25fb7ea2-848a-4842-8c4f-f103f9c7ade2" }, { "content": "Speed of the train = 200/12* 18/5 = 60km/hr\nAnswer is D", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "a38d5f08-88a2-44fd-a2e2-4c3c941efe52" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.8, "complexity": 0.94, "correctness": 2.47, "helpfulness": 2.43, "instruction-following": 3.31, "safety": 6.02, "verbosity": 0.37, "verbosity-coeff": -0.112 }
[ { "content": "A, B and C's age is in ratio 2:5:7. Find their ages if the sum of their age is 70 years.\n\n['A)10 , 25 and 35', 'B)5, 20 and 35', 'C)8, 20 and 32', 'D)11, 23 and 27', 'E)10, 20 and 30']", "role": "user", "uuid": "e1f3578c-77ac-4430-b94b-1efc6090eb20" }, { "content": "Let the age of A, B and C be 2x, 5x and 7x.\n2x + 5x + 7x = 70\n14x = 70\nx = 5\nThe ages are 10, 25 and 35.\nAnswer : A", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "df592fba-b26e-4b13-8c72-cd19815cb80b" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.27, "complexity": 1.75, "correctness": 2.88, "helpfulness": 3.09, "instruction-following": 3.95, "safety": 4.11, "verbosity": 1.26, "verbosity-coeff": -0.105 }
[ { "content": "How many zeros are the end of 380! ?\n\n['A)90', 'B)91', 'C)94', 'D)None', 'E)95']", "role": "user", "uuid": "a4f4e291-c88f-4ef6-9616-0d46dbdf41ff" }, { "content": "380! has 380/5+380/5^2+380/5^3=76+15+3=94 trailing zeros ( take only the quotient into account).\nAnswer: C.", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "44f1456b-b339-44e8-a2a6-c1139264b189" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.19, "complexity": 1.68, "correctness": 2.61, "helpfulness": 2.49, "instruction-following": 3.05, "safety": 4.25, "verbosity": 1.32, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1668 }
[ { "content": "Rose is two years older than Bruce who is twice as old as Chris. If the total of the age of Rose, B and Chris be 27 years, then how old is Bruce ?\n\n['A)8 years', 'B)10 years', 'C)12 years', 'D)14 years', 'E)16 years']", "role": "user", "uuid": "ccf1492c-3180-4e8d-8c7c-3f393deb2a5b" }, { "content": "Let Chris's age be x years. Then, Bruce's age = 2x years.Rose's age = (2x + 2) years.\n(2x + 2) + 2x + x = 27\n5x = 25\nx = 5.\nHence, Bruce's age = 2x = 10 years.\nB", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "5a1e61c4-a02a-42e0-b7aa-600c346819d0" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.05, "complexity": 1.37, "correctness": 2.41, "helpfulness": 2.57, "instruction-following": 3.76, "safety": 4.42, "verbosity": 0.97, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1111 }
[ { "content": "Insert the missing number\n1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, (....)\n\n['A)554', 'B)343', 'C)354', 'D)392', 'E)245']", "role": "user", "uuid": "5c16bae8-ec74-47b4-a4ee-2233f98abcb7" }, { "content": "Series is 1^3,2^3,3^3,4^3,5^3,6^3,7^3\n7^3=343\nANSWER:B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "6b767f40-f16a-4926-8593-9e9df1db4cca" } ]
{ "coherence": 3, "complexity": 1.65, "correctness": 3.09, "helpfulness": 3.19, "instruction-following": 3.84, "safety": 4.11, "verbosity": 1.52, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1 }
[ { "content": "How many integers between 100 and 500 are there such that their unit digit is even?\n\n['A)100', 'B)120', 'C)200', 'D)50', 'E)150']", "role": "user", "uuid": "b1248bae-294b-4491-a833-dbe733f64487" }, { "content": "400 numbers between - 100 and 400\nOut of which half would be even, half odd.\nNumber of even unit digit number = 200.\ncorrect option is C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "a1cd2390-a7c0-4f13-9006-0b26ecf4db08" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.06, "complexity": 1.54, "correctness": 1.38, "helpfulness": 1.32, "instruction-following": 1.5, "safety": 5.59, "verbosity": 0.97, "verbosity-coeff": -0.2215 }
[ { "content": "The sequence of numbers a1, a2, a3, ..., an is defined by an = 1/n - 1/(n+2) for each integer n >= 1. What is the sum of the first 60 terms of this sequence?\n\n['A)(1+1/2)/ (1/51 +1/ 52)', 'B)(1+1/2) – (1/61 +1/ 62)', 'C)(1+1/2)* (1/51 +1/ 52)', 'D)(1+1/2) + (1/51 +1/ 52)', 'E)(1/51 +1/ 52)']", "role": "user", "uuid": "d7803fbe-8c9a-43b3-954b-f06bf8454c90" }, { "content": "The answer would most certainly be[B]. But the question needs a slight modification.n>=1, since the answer does consider a1 under the sum.\nThe sequence is :\na1 = 1-1/3\na2 = 1/2 - 1/4\na3 = 1/3 - 1/5....\nWe can observe that the third term in the sequence cancels the negative term in the first. A similar approach can be seen on all the terms and we would be left with 1 + 1/2 from a1 and a2 along with -1/62 and -1/61 from a60 and a59 term which could not be cancelled.\nHence the sum = (1+1/2) – (1/61 +1/ 62)\nAnswer : B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "ad2769f6-4baf-4ef8-8b86-cf7bc4b25256" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.96, "complexity": 2.08, "correctness": 2.78, "helpfulness": 2.78, "instruction-following": 3.02, "safety": 4.85, "verbosity": 1.47, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1387 }
[ { "content": "For a certain art exhibit, a museum sold admission tickets to a group of 30 people every 5 minutes from 9:00 in the morning to 5:55 in the afternoon, inclusive. The price of a regular admission ticket was $10 and the price of a student ticket was $5. If on one day 3 times as many regular admission tickets were sold as student tickets, what was the total revenue from ticket sales that day?\n\n['A)$24960', 'B)$25920', 'C)$28080', 'D)$28350', 'E)$29160']", "role": "user", "uuid": "c24a7d59-6ea7-4468-ae4d-c916191000ae" }, { "content": "From 9:00 in the morning to 5:55 in the afternoon, inclusive there are 9*12=108 five-minute intervals, thus total of 108*30 tickets were sold.\nSay x student and 3x regular tickets were sold, then x+3x=108*30 --> x=27*30 and 3x=3*(27*30)=27*90.\nTherefore, the total revenue from ticket sales that day was 27*30*5+27*90*10=$28,350.\nAnswer: D.", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "6c9bff62-b6dc-43d5-8b60-fffd05081159" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.86, "complexity": 1.42, "correctness": 1.87, "helpfulness": 2.16, "instruction-following": 2.64, "safety": 3.8, "verbosity": 1.35, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1987 }
[ { "content": "A trader sells 85 meters of cloth for Rs. 8925 at the profit of Rs. 25 per metre of cloth. What is the cost price of one metre of cloth?\n\n['A)80', 'B)28', 'C)90', 'D)26', 'E)11']", "role": "user", "uuid": "0e244401-cfdc-4d4e-82df-3e268355bc2a" }, { "content": "Explanation:\nSP of 1m of cloth = 8925/85 = Rs. 105\nCP of 1m of cloth = SP of 1m of cloth - profit on 1m of cloth\n= Rs. 105 - Rs. 25 = Rs. 80.\nAnswer: A", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "63ccc04d-ec53-4bf3-ba8b-8d1809a65609" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.17, "complexity": 1.49, "correctness": 2.64, "helpfulness": 3.05, "instruction-following": 3.5, "safety": 5.09, "verbosity": 1.55, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1219 }
[ { "content": "Two trains of length 120 m and 320 m are running towards each other on parallel lines at 42 kmph and 30 kmph respectively. In what time will they be clear of each other from the moment they meet?\n\n['A)10 sec', 'B)22 sec', 'C)82 sec', 'D)20 sec', 'E)89 sec']", "role": "user", "uuid": "6897d487-3448-4c5e-b012-433100d66c2e" }, { "content": "Relative speed = (42 + 30) * 5/18 = 4 * 5 = 20 mps.\nDistance covered in passing each other = 120 + 320 = 440 m.\nThe time required = d/s = 440 /20 = 22 sec.\nAnswer:B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "c5d2785d-064c-424b-b877-ad7d9d5098c7" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.96, "complexity": 1.83, "correctness": 2.7, "helpfulness": 2.92, "instruction-following": 4.03, "safety": 5.09, "verbosity": 1.55, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1241 }
[ { "content": "The ratio between the sale price and the cost price of an article is 10:7. What is the ratio between the profit and the cost price of that article?\n\n['A)2:9', 'B)2:5', 'C)3:7', 'D)2:0', 'E)2:1']", "role": "user", "uuid": "dcbb4f11-b584-4976-9687-e8bea8112a70" }, { "content": "Let C.P. = Rs. 7x and S.P. = Rs. 10x.\nThen, Gain = Rs. 3x\nRequired ratio =3x : 7x = 3:7\nAnswer:C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "c1f2ebab-53bf-4666-9670-7faf4e1d7a19" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.76, "complexity": 1.15, "correctness": 2.62, "helpfulness": 2.8, "instruction-following": 3.93, "safety": 6.02, "verbosity": 0.62, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1727 }
[ { "content": "An Olympic diver received the following scores: 4, 3, 5, 2. The standard deviation of her scores is in which of the following ranges?\n\n['A)4.01 to 4.99', 'B)1.01 to 1.99', 'C)3.01 to 3.99', 'D)5.01 to 5.99', 'E)2.01 to 2.99']", "role": "user", "uuid": "1b4a1c1b-1056-4550-9364-f93ccf78f559" }, { "content": "4+3+7+2/4=4\n∣4−4∣^2 =0^2 = 0\n∣3−4∣^2 =1^2 = 1\n∣7−4∣^2 =3^2 = 9\n∣2−4∣^2 =2^2 = 4\nsqrt 14/4 =1.87\nAnswer : B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "affbc0c8-c369-4f86-abe2-ba68dfca8520" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.37, "complexity": 0.96, "correctness": 1.73, "helpfulness": 1.55, "instruction-following": 1.83, "safety": 4.77, "verbosity": 0.54, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1602 }
[ { "content": "An article is bought for Rs.500 and sold for Rs.700, find the gain percent?\n\n['A)33 1/7%', 'B)33 1/6%', 'C)33 1/3%', 'D)38 1/3%', 'E)40%']", "role": "user", "uuid": "eec2d82a-30a1-4208-bd7c-579a40e4455d" }, { "content": "500 ---- 200\n100 ---- ? => 40%\nAnswer:E", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "9e9d9ec3-32e6-4b40-8026-e20f3de90220" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.7, "complexity": 1.57, "correctness": 2.51, "helpfulness": 2.43, "instruction-following": 3, "safety": 5.95, "verbosity": 0.91, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1006 }
[ { "content": "In a box of 12 pens, a total of 6 are defective. If a customer buys 2 pens selected at random from the box, what is the probability that neither pen will be defective?\n\n['A)1/6', 'B)5/22', 'C)6/11', 'D)9/16', 'E)3/4']", "role": "user", "uuid": "f9df1646-c3fc-4c22-a624-5a15c1bfbda7" }, { "content": "Method- 1\nThere are 9 fine pieces of pen and 6 defective in a lot of 12 pens\ni.e. Probability of first pen NOT being defective = (6/12)\ni.e. Probability of Second pen NOT being defective = (5/11) [11 pen remaining with 5 defective remaining considering that first was defective]\nProbability of Both pen being NON-defective = (6/12)*(5/11) = 5/22\nAnswer: option B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "2711bef0-c9da-4545-ab68-8b4ed2ca44b4" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.9, "complexity": 1.35, "correctness": 2.37, "helpfulness": 2.76, "instruction-following": 2.64, "safety": 5.55, "verbosity": 1.4, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1942 }
[ { "content": "Ram sold two bicycles, each for Rs.990. If he made 10% profit on the first and 10% loss on the second, what is the total cost of both bicycles?\n\n['A)3000', 'B)4000', 'C)5000', 'D)4000', 'E)2000']", "role": "user", "uuid": "fa028753-0c04-47d3-856b-10706e0e77c0" }, { "content": "(10*10)/100 = 1%loss\n100 --- 99\n? --- 1980 => Rs.2000\nANSWER E", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "5fb3a1d2-a335-4d7a-86bf-b2d50cb87788" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.16, "complexity": 1.17, "correctness": 1.73, "helpfulness": 1.77, "instruction-following": 2.12, "safety": 5.32, "verbosity": 0.78, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1246 }
[ { "content": "If x < y < z and y - x > 5, where x is an even integer and y and z are odd integers, what is the least possible value A of z - x?\n\n['A)6', 'B)7', 'C)8', 'D)9', 'E)10']", "role": "user", "uuid": "315434c0-3653-4992-9894-0e03fa239bcd" }, { "content": "x<y<z\nTo find the least possible value for z-x; we need to find the values for z and x that can be closest to each other. If x is some even number, then what could be minimum possible odd z.\nIf x is some even number\ny-x>5; y>x+5; minimum value for y=x+5+2=x+7[Note: x+5 is as even+odd=odd and nearest odd greater than x+5 is x+5+2]\nMinimum value for z=y+2=x+7+2=x+9 [Note: z=y+2 because both z and y are odd. Difference between two odd numbers is 2]\nA=z-x = x+9-x= 9\nAns:D", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "aecb0b1d-111b-44a5-ae88-85787e417f1b" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.49, "complexity": 1.83, "correctness": 1.82, "helpfulness": 1.99, "instruction-following": 2.16, "safety": 5.05, "verbosity": 1.5, "verbosity-coeff": -0.2324 }
[ { "content": "The average height of 50 pupils in a class is 150 cm. Five of them whose height is 146 cm, leave the class and five others whose average height is 156 cm, join. The new average height of the pupils of the class (in cm) is ?\n\n['A)287 cm', 'B)151 cm', 'C)276 cm', 'D)287 cm', 'E)297 cm']", "role": "user", "uuid": "90e98452-2356-4b85-88ce-6a4cb6986d9f" }, { "content": "Total height = 150 * 50 = 7500 cm.\nNew average = [7500 - 5 * 146 + 5 * 156 ] / 50\n= 151 cm.\nAnswer:B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "b1629d78-7b61-4f86-b63d-accedba3ae79" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.02, "complexity": 0.46, "correctness": 2.35, "helpfulness": 2.66, "instruction-following": 3.68, "safety": 5.79, "verbosity": 1.05, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1208 }
[ { "content": "A man whose speed is 4 kmph in still water rows to a certain upstream point and back to the starting point in a river which flows at 1 kmph, find his average speed for the total journey?\n\n['A)5', 'B)4', 'C)4.5', 'D)3.75', 'E)3']", "role": "user", "uuid": "66e21760-beca-41bf-8b60-5e7865869ea3" }, { "content": "M = 4\nS = 1\nDS = 5\nUS = 3\nAS = (2 * 5 * 3) /8 = 3.75\nAnswer: D", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "08760c85-722b-4d33-b377-ea2a34c12471" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.82, "complexity": 1.21, "correctness": 2.08, "helpfulness": 2.35, "instruction-following": 3.27, "safety": 5.83, "verbosity": 0.36, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1086 }
[ { "content": "One water pump can fill half of a certain empty tank in 5 hours. Another pump can fill half of the same tank in 5.5 hours. Working together, how long will it take these two pumps to fill the entire tank?\n\n['A)1 7/13', 'B)5 5/8', 'C)3 1/4', 'D)5 5/21', 'E)3 1/2']", "role": "user", "uuid": "f4c9e161-97cb-4ca9-9b44-a90fdb51c0af" }, { "content": "One pump can fill a tank in 5 hours and another in 5.5 hours\nso the rate at which both can half fill the tank is (1/5+1/5.5) => 21/55\nThus half of the tank can be filled in 55/21\nso for filling the complete tank => 55/21*2 = 110/21 =5 5/21\nANSWER:D", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "ab8cc98b-6664-49f8-9769-cc53508b18d6" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.41, "complexity": 1.04, "correctness": 1.81, "helpfulness": 1.84, "instruction-following": 2.68, "safety": 5.52, "verbosity": 0.96, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1643 }
[ { "content": "An artist wishes to paint a circular region on a square poster that is 3.4 feet on a side. If the area of the circular region is to be 1/2 the area of the poster, what must be the radius of the circular region in feet?\n\n['A)1/pi', 'B)sqrt(2/pi)', 'C)1', 'D)2/sqrt(pi)', 'E)sqrt(5.78/pi)']", "role": "user", "uuid": "f796f969-7bf4-4009-89f4-1bff3b7c15bb" }, { "content": "Area of the poster is 3.4x3.4 = 11.56\n1/2 the area = 5.78\npi*r^2 = 5.78\nr^2 = 5.78/pi\nr = sqrt(5.78/pi) answer (E)", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "4e2b1fd8-b068-45fc-b740-e349526d8c45" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.7, "complexity": 1.41, "correctness": 2.18, "helpfulness": 2.23, "instruction-following": 3.27, "safety": 4.73, "verbosity": 0.33, "verbosity-coeff": -0.2118 }
[ { "content": "A multiple choice test consists of 4 questions, and each question has 5 answer choices. In how many Q ways can the test be completed if every question is unanswered?\n\n['A)24', 'B)120', 'C)625', 'D)720', 'E)1024']", "role": "user", "uuid": "d5aafa7d-3598-4a47-a2c9-d8e0354ee12b" }, { "content": "5 choices for each of the 4 questions, thus total Q of 5*5*5*5 = 5^4 = 625 ways to answer all of them.\nAnswer: C.", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "a0284728-b811-4052-8186-eb7b2381a1a4" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.96, "complexity": 1.64, "correctness": 2.62, "helpfulness": 2.68, "instruction-following": 3.09, "safety": 4.17, "verbosity": 1.34, "verbosity-coeff": -0.2123 }
[ { "content": "In a class of 5 students, average weight of the 4 lightest students is 40 kgs, Average weight of the 4 heaviest students is 45 kgs. What is the difference between the the maximum and minimum possible average weight overall?\n\n['A)2.8 kgs', 'B)3.2 kgs', 'C)3 kgs', 'D)4 kgs', 'E)2 kgs']", "role": "user", "uuid": "2d3877b7-2c19-49ec-b127-1b7c49b8b38e" }, { "content": "DETAILED SOLUTION\nIf there are an odd number of terms, say, 2n + 1, then the median is the middle term. And if average is lesser than the middle term, there will at least be n + 1 terms greater than the average. So, there will be more terms above the average than below it.\nHowever, this need not be the case when there are an even number of terms. When there are 2n distinct terms, n of them will be greater than the median and n will be lesser than the median. The average of these two terms can be such that there are n terms above the average and n below it.\nFor instance, if the numbers are 0, 1, 7, 7.5. The median is 4, average is 3.875. Average is less than the median. And there are more 2 numbers above the average and 2 below the average.\nCorrect Answer: Median is 4, average is 3.875.\nCorrect Answer: D", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "89e34448-2b61-4f07-9ca1-ca8bf18976d1" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.23, "complexity": 2.39, "correctness": 1.51, "helpfulness": 1.34, "instruction-following": 0.86, "safety": 4.97, "verbosity": 1.89, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1806 }
[ { "content": "A mixture of certain quantity of milk with 16 liters of water is worth 90 P per liter. If pure milk be worth Rs1.08 per liter, how proportion milk is there in the mixture?\n\n['A)5/2', 'B)5/1', 'C)5/7', 'D)3/5', 'E)1/2']", "role": "user", "uuid": "ae337483-cd4a-47ca-865d-40ecc5db411b" }, { "content": "The mean value is 90 P and price of water is 0 P\nBy the alligation rule : Quantity of milk / Quantity of water\n= (90 - 0) / (108 - 90)\n= 90 / 18\n= 5/1\nproportion milk is 5/1 there in the mixture\nB", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "5940bf19-bc49-4ab0-8760-19fc27e1ce10" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.66, "complexity": 1.26, "correctness": 1.51, "helpfulness": 1.72, "instruction-following": 1.75, "safety": 5.09, "verbosity": 0.91, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1205 }
[ { "content": "How many multiples of 8 are less than 1600, and also multiples of 64?\n\n['A)25', 'B)28', 'C)62', 'D)83', 'E)89']", "role": "user", "uuid": "11838b8a-ab17-4861-ad9e-42484b84ef92" }, { "content": "The LCM of 8 and 64 is 64. Divide 1600/64 = So A is your answer.", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "a275ec94-1cce-4251-a90b-daa3b6cce37d" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.82, "complexity": 1.38, "correctness": 2.43, "helpfulness": 2.2, "instruction-following": 2.35, "safety": 5.95, "verbosity": 0.59, "verbosity-coeff": -0.2263 }
[ { "content": "What is the lowest possible common multiple of 2 distinct integers, each greater than 150?\n\n['A)151', 'B)152', 'C)302', 'D)151*151', 'E)151*152']", "role": "user", "uuid": "d0210d74-009c-484e-a4fc-bbab0752f1f6" }, { "content": "The least common multiple of two numbers greater than 150 is 2(151) = 302, where the two distinct integers are 151 and 302.\nThe answer is C.", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "8a1e667d-5860-4ffa-8aa2-39718f055030" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.86, "complexity": 1.28, "correctness": 2.16, "helpfulness": 2.31, "instruction-following": 2.37, "safety": 5.24, "verbosity": 0.82, "verbosity-coeff": -0.2445 }
[ { "content": "If a student loses 5 kilograms, he will weigh twice as much as his sister. Together they now weigh 110 kilograms. What is the student's present weight in kilograms?\n\n['A)71', 'B)72', 'C)73', 'D)74', 'E)75']", "role": "user", "uuid": "466535aa-950c-4eca-b081-510d15e07624" }, { "content": "Let x be the weight of the sister.\nThen the student's weight is 2x+5.\nx + (2x+5) = 110\n3x = 105\nx = 35 kg\nThen the student's weight is 75 kg.\nThe answer is E.", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "9abfa0b5-5257-4d4a-8061-4681fbfc4717" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.11, "complexity": 1.2, "correctness": 2.12, "helpfulness": 2.49, "instruction-following": 2.98, "safety": 4.89, "verbosity": 0.22, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1387 }
[ { "content": "A certain debt will be paid in 52 installments from January 1 to December 31 of a certain year. Each of the first 8 payments is to be $410; each of the remaining payments is to be $65 more than each of the first 8 payments. What is the average (arithmetic mean) payment that will be made on the debt for the year?\n\n['A)443', 'B)450', 'C)465', 'D)468', 'E)475']", "role": "user", "uuid": "2f2e2e28-fd3c-4f02-affd-e9e5b434512e" }, { "content": "Total number of installments = 52\nPayment per installment for the first 8 installments = 410\nPayment per installment for the remaining 32 installments = 410+65=475\nAverage = (8*410 + 44*475)/52 = 465\nAnswer C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "44529a93-c9c9-4a89-b5ff-288b46edbb0f" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.8, "complexity": 0.89, "correctness": 2.25, "helpfulness": 2.41, "instruction-following": 3.05, "safety": 5.52, "verbosity": 0.4, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1928 }
[ { "content": "In Solution P, the proportion of water to alcohol is 3:1. In Solution Q, the proportion of water to alcohol is 2:1. If the two solutions are combined, what is the concentration of alcohol in the new solution if the original solutions were mixed in equal amounts?\n\n['A)25%', 'B)29%', 'C)33%', 'D)37%', 'E)41%']", "role": "user", "uuid": "1a750c70-5ddd-4444-bfd4-bb05608d9950" }, { "content": "Let V be the total volume of the new solution.\nThe amount of alcohol added from Solution P is (1/4)*V/2=(1/8)*V\nThe amount of alcohol added from Solution Q is (1/3)*V/2=(1/6)*V\nThe total amount of alcohol in the new solution is (1/8+1/6)*V=(7/24)*V\nThe alcohol concentration is 7/24=29% (approximately)\nThe answer is B.", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "a5f4a774-9688-479e-acbb-86a01ebfbd04" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.13, "complexity": 2.02, "correctness": 2.16, "helpfulness": 2.14, "instruction-following": 2.84, "safety": 5.87, "verbosity": 1.1, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1882 }
[ { "content": "How many cubes of edge 2 dm can be cut out of a meter cube?\n\n['A)366', 'B)289', 'C)276', 'D)125', 'E)298']", "role": "user", "uuid": "50dc792e-cf7f-4c5e-9176-78db65d3e022" }, { "content": "1 * 1* 1 = 2/10 * 2/10 * 2/10 * x\nx = 125\nAnswer:D", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "b37fc398-7160-4f7b-a1d8-389a822318a8" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.7, "complexity": 0.9, "correctness": 2.08, "helpfulness": 2.16, "instruction-following": 2.57, "safety": 5.48, "verbosity": 0.33, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1106 }
[ { "content": "The decimal 0.1 is how many times greater than the decimal (0.001)^4?\n\n['A)10^8', 'B)10^9', 'C)10^10', 'D)10^11', 'E)10^12']", "role": "user", "uuid": "b90b169e-d6fc-40a4-a53a-1ea4ba2e6f28" }, { "content": "0.1 = 10^-1\n(0.001)^4 = (10^-3)^4 = 10^-12\n10^11 * 10^-12 = 10^-1\nThe answer is D.", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "601f2d63-8e3b-4532-82f9-5a9e6167f8f3" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.86, "complexity": 1.03, "correctness": 1.87, "helpfulness": 1.85, "instruction-following": 2.14, "safety": 4.89, "verbosity": 0.35, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1879 }
[ { "content": "The length of a rectangle is increased by 25% and its breadth is decreased by 15%. What is the effect on its area?\n\n['A)1288', 'B)1299', 'C)10625', 'D)10000', 'E)2887']", "role": "user", "uuid": "291a8f2a-5e46-4b7c-a6ca-c9f6c3ed38b9" }, { "content": "100 * 100 = 10000\n125 * 85 = 10625\nAnswer: C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "1685fc43-72ed-4f1a-8a88-47dd0fed1e2d" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.61, "complexity": 0.71, "correctness": 1.88, "helpfulness": 2.06, "instruction-following": 2.74, "safety": 5.87, "verbosity": 0.77, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1185 }
[ { "content": "Huey's Hip Pizza sells two sizes of square pizzas: a small pizza that measures 9 inches on a side and costs $10, and a large pizza that measures 14 inches on a side and costs $20. If two friends go to Huey's with $30 apiece, how many more square inches of pizza can they buy if they pool their money than if they each purchase pizza alone?\n\n['A)5 square inches', 'B)10 square inches', 'C)15 square inches', 'D)25 square inches', 'E)34 square inches']", "role": "user", "uuid": "9e272dad-7fb7-4f7c-a82e-9839aef29a03" }, { "content": "In the first case each can buy one pizza of $10 and one pizza of $20.\nIn square inches that would be (9*9=81) for the small pizza and (14*14=196) for the large pizza. In total sq inches that would be (81+196)*2= 554 sq inches.\nIn the second case if they pool their money together they can buy 3 large pizzas. In terms of square inches that would be 3*196= 588 sq inches.\nHence, the difference is 34 square inches more (588-554).\nThe correct answer is E", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "1b8a511d-55c8-45ca-9f04-df9b840985fc" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.23, "complexity": 1.84, "correctness": 2.72, "helpfulness": 2.62, "instruction-following": 3, "safety": 4.66, "verbosity": 1.48, "verbosity-coeff": -0.2196 }
[ { "content": "In how many different ways can the letters of the word ‘SMART’ be arranged?\n\n['A)120', 'B)354', 'C)126', 'D)214', 'E)124']", "role": "user", "uuid": "69f645ce-78af-43d7-bb7e-38656282a445" }, { "content": "A\n120\nThe word SMART has 5 distinct letters.\nNumber of arrangements = 5!\n= 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 120", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "d49f5a7c-206a-4a37-a56d-3ad56e0bdde6" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.17, "complexity": 1.79, "correctness": 2.68, "helpfulness": 2.9, "instruction-following": 3.15, "safety": 3.52, "verbosity": 1.79, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1165 }
[ { "content": "How many bricks each measuring 22cm x 10.25cm x 8cm, will be needed to build a wall 9m x 7m x 10.5m\n\n['A)5600', 'B)3066', 'C)3055', 'D)7200', 'E)None of these']", "role": "user", "uuid": "23db7b3f-0660-4e57-a7c5-c3e537b0d57a" }, { "content": "Explanation:\nno. of bricks= volume of the wall/volume of 1 brick = (900 x 700 x 10.5) / (22 x 10.25 x 8) = 3066\nAnswer: B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "9f16004d-ed1d-412e-a387-aaca84da5c72" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.76, "complexity": 1.24, "correctness": 2.25, "helpfulness": 2.55, "instruction-following": 4.01, "safety": 5.48, "verbosity": 0.94, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1166 }
[ { "content": "Raju purchases 550 ml. of milk every day. If the cost of one litter of milk is Rs.44. How much amount will he pay in 45 days?\n\n['A)Rs.1098', 'B)Rs.1079', 'C)Rs.1089/-', 'D)Rs.1099', 'E)None of these']", "role": "user", "uuid": "24af45ac-a01e-4f58-a647-4f2a9117be89" }, { "content": "Explanation:\n500 ml cost Rs.22\n50 ml cost Rs.2.20\n:.550 ml cost Rs.24.20\nFor 44 days the cost of milk = 45 x 24.20\n= Rs.1089/-\nAnswer: Option C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "efcc2d94-4c31-4c1c-ba5a-2a73a8026ce3" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.57, "complexity": 1.06, "correctness": 1.9, "helpfulness": 2.29, "instruction-following": 2.62, "safety": 4.27, "verbosity": 1.11, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1179 }
[ { "content": "How many 4 digit numbers are there, if it is known that the first digit is odd, the second is odd, the third is prime, the fourth (units digit) is divisible by 3, and the digit 1 can be used only once?\n\n['A)20', 'B)150', 'C)384', 'D)300', 'E)320']", "role": "user", "uuid": "910b9ed5-b9ca-4af7-b885-2634d8501670" }, { "content": "4 options for the first digit: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9;\n5 options for the second digit: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9;\n4 options for the third digit: 2, 3, 5, 7;\n4 options for the fourth digit: 0, 3, 6, 9.\nFour digit # possible without the restriction (about the digit 2): 5*5*4*4=400\nNumbers with one 1-s, 1X1X 1*1*4*4=16.\nThus there are 400-16=384 such numbers.\nAnswer: C.", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "05583bea-3d35-4391-a8c7-a8e00abeac0a" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.8, "complexity": 1.81, "correctness": 2.37, "helpfulness": 2.2, "instruction-following": 3.05, "safety": 4.77, "verbosity": 0.97, "verbosity-coeff": -0.2141 }
[ { "content": "Find the no.of ways of arranging the boy and 7 guests at a circular table so that the boy always sits in a particular seat?\n\n['A)7!', 'B)8!', 'C)9!', 'D)10!', 'E)11!']", "role": "user", "uuid": "998d9e74-45f5-459a-916a-fda3c974eaac" }, { "content": "Ans.(A)\nSol. Total number of persons = 8 Host can sit in a particular seat in one way. Now, remaining positions are defined relative to the host. Hence, the remaining can sit in 8 places in 7P7 = 7! Ways ... The number of required arrangements = 7! x 1= 7! = 7! ways", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "fe2bc63b-2175-42a3-b055-3cda73532e1f" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.04, "complexity": 1.73, "correctness": 2.9, "helpfulness": 2.96, "instruction-following": 2.94, "safety": 4.3, "verbosity": 1.51, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1243 }
[ { "content": "How many 3 digit numbers can be formed from the digits 2,3,5,6,7\nand 9 which are divisible by 5 and none of the digits is repeated?\n\n['A)5', 'B)20', 'C)4', 'D)3', 'E)9']", "role": "user", "uuid": "a2951b1a-67e4-4b31-868b-9eb227418acb" }, { "content": "Since each desired number is divisible by 5,\nso we much have 5 at the unit place.\nThe hundreds place\ncan now be filled by any of the remaining 4 digits .\nso, there4 ways of filling it.\nRequired number of numbers = (1 * 5 * 4)\n= 20\nANSWER B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "61ea3839-2c88-4228-973d-17726854ca14" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.64, "complexity": 1.79, "correctness": 2.49, "helpfulness": 2.55, "instruction-following": 3.37, "safety": 6.22, "verbosity": 1.3, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1462 }
[ { "content": "The length of a room is 5.5 m and width is 3.75 m. What is the cost of paying the floor by slabs at the rate of Rs.800 per sq. metre.\n\n['A)16200', 'B)16350', 'C)16500', 'D)16750', 'E)16250']", "role": "user", "uuid": "bf9a5a1e-eee1-45e1-8df4-0b4bb665762c" }, { "content": "Area =5.5×3.75 sq. metre.\nCost for 1 sq. metre. = Rs.800\nHence, total cost\n=5.5×3.75×800=5.5×3000= Rs.16500\nAnswer is C.", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "b9a13a6b-c5ee-4608-b9ac-aca5c2ad01ef" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.05, "complexity": 1.41, "correctness": 2.39, "helpfulness": 2.53, "instruction-following": 3.66, "safety": 5.12, "verbosity": 1.02, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1174 }
[ { "content": "In a bucket there are 3 blue balls and 2 red balls. What is the probability of drawing at least one blue ball when drawing two consecutive balls randomly?\n\n['A)9/10', 'B)16/20', 'C)2/5', 'D)3/5', 'E)½']", "role": "user", "uuid": "876e608f-f9d7-40d6-91f4-0fd52ea820ef" }, { "content": "P(at least one blue) = 1 - P(no blue, so 2 red) = 1- 2/5*1/4 = 9/10.\nAnswer: A.", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "f4fc852a-051a-4923-941c-6c8d4b238c23" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.17, "complexity": 1.59, "correctness": 2.61, "helpfulness": 2.7, "instruction-following": 3.23, "safety": 4.73, "verbosity": 0.96, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1714 }
[ { "content": "If x < 0 and 0 < y < 1, which of the following has the greatest value Q?\n\n['A)x^2', 'B)(xy)^2', 'C)(x/y)^2', 'D)x^2/y', 'E)x^2*y']", "role": "user", "uuid": "2b00a2a3-3477-4732-b740-a4a60fbe47d8" }, { "content": "Given, x < 0 and 0 < y < 1\nLet, x = -2 and y = 1/2\nA. x^2 = (-2)^2 =4\nB. (xy)^2 = (-2*1/2)^2 =1\nC. (x/y)^2 = {-2/(1/2)}^2 = (-4)^2 =16\nD. x^2/y = (-2)^2 / (1/2) = 4*2 =8\nE. x^2*y = (-2)^2*(1/2) =2\nAnswer: option C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "746edb2a-310e-468b-add4-e61d66cd13fd" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.17, "complexity": 2.23, "correctness": 3.33, "helpfulness": 3.04, "instruction-following": 3.05, "safety": 4.81, "verbosity": 1.03, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1567 }
[ { "content": "An industrial loom weaves 0.128 metres of cloth every second. Approximately, how many seconds will it take for the loom to weave 28 metre of cloth ?\n\n['A)175 seconds', 'B)219 seconds', 'C)155 seconds', 'D)115 seconds', 'E)115 seconds']", "role": "user", "uuid": "cf5d180d-a753-469f-a7bd-5e6998b48382" }, { "content": "Explanation:\nLet the time required by x seconds.\nThen, More cloth means More time (Direct Proportion)\nSo,\n0.128 : 1 :: 28 : x => x = {\\color{Blue} \\frac{28\\times 1}{0.128}}\n=> x = 218.75\nSo time will be approx 219 seconds\nAnswer: B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "1e68fcca-7ba5-4242-af48-d5bfbd5474ce" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.86, "complexity": 1.49, "correctness": 2.35, "helpfulness": 2.39, "instruction-following": 3.56, "safety": 5.32, "verbosity": 1.74, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1178 }
[ { "content": "There are 600 boys in a hostel. Each plays either hockey or football or both. If 75% play hockey and 50% play football, how many play both?\n\n['A)120', 'B)150', 'C)200', 'D)180', 'E)160']", "role": "user", "uuid": "7134c274-af0b-42a4-b9b0-5847370bde8c" }, { "content": "n(A) = 75*600/100 = 450\nn(B) = 50*600/100 = 300\nn(AUB) = 600\nn(AnB) = 450+300-600 = 150\nAnswer is B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "a294a8a8-5ec6-4d64-b1a2-d9a0d1626414" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.82, "complexity": 1.8, "correctness": 2.12, "helpfulness": 2.27, "instruction-following": 2.86, "safety": 6.41, "verbosity": 1.35, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1536 }
[ { "content": "What is the possible value of 2*((1+1/100)^100)\n\n['A)5.4', 'B)6.4', 'C)7.4', 'D)8.4', 'E)4.4']", "role": "user", "uuid": "f3a5f146-2dcb-4e1f-b488-587ee940e8b4" }, { "content": "1+1/100=1.01\n1.o1^100==2.70\n2.70*2\n5.40 ans\nANSWER:A", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "92e56a6a-089b-4033-bc57-f38121bb3dfa" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.74, "complexity": 1.48, "correctness": 2.31, "helpfulness": 2.21, "instruction-following": 2.33, "safety": 4.27, "verbosity": 1.16, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1185 }
[ { "content": "A student is ranked 13th from right and 8th from left. How many students are there in totality ?\n\n['A)18', 'B)19', 'C)20', 'D)21', 'E)22']", "role": "user", "uuid": "19e2e069-3da2-44e4-9867-13d8fcdc1a6b" }, { "content": "From right 13 , From left 8\nTotal = 13+8-1 = 20\nANSWER:C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "be5d5b88-e34a-4013-a569-a8bee67af730" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.94, "complexity": 1.38, "correctness": 2.51, "helpfulness": 2.76, "instruction-following": 3.78, "safety": 5.09, "verbosity": 1, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1251 }
[ { "content": "A train 540 meters long is running with a speed of 54 kmph. The time taken by it to cross a tunnel 180 meters long is?\n\n['A)17 sec', 'B)14 sec', 'C)48 sec', 'D)87 sec', 'E)25 sec']", "role": "user", "uuid": "58b0280d-0ebb-4d26-b651-851458acf06d" }, { "content": "D = 540 + 180 = 720\nS = 54 * 5/18 = 15 mps\nT = 720/15 = 48 sec\nAnswer:C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "d3f184b3-09f1-4777-bd01-834cf9527c4d" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.68, "complexity": 1.56, "correctness": 2.57, "helpfulness": 2.62, "instruction-following": 3.97, "safety": 5.16, "verbosity": 0.9, "verbosity-coeff": -0.107 }
[ { "content": "If the salary of an employee is first increased by 20% and the decreased by 12%, then what is the change in his salary in percent?\n\n['A)5.9 % increase', 'B)5.6 % increase', 'C)4.6 % increase', 'D)1.6 % increase', 'E)5.7 % increase']", "role": "user", "uuid": "625ed96c-6d28-46d7-b3ad-d18f302b618f" }, { "content": "Explanation:\nLet the first change be denoted by ‘x’ and the second by ‘y’.\nThe net change is given by {x + y + (x*y)/100}%\nTherefore, the net change in salary is {20 + (-12) + (20*(-12))/100}\n= 8 – 2.4\n= 5.6% (as the sign is +ve, the change is increase)\nANSWER: B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "bfe28efc-75fb-4664-bff7-8b9171da46fc" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.82, "complexity": 2.1, "correctness": 2.62, "helpfulness": 2.76, "instruction-following": 3.37, "safety": 4.77, "verbosity": 1.99, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1329 }
[ { "content": "The majority owner of a business received 25% of the profit, with each of 4 partners receiving 25% of the remaining profit. If the majority owner and two of the owners combined to receive $40,000, how much profit did the business make?\n\n['A)$44,000', 'B)$54,000', 'C)$64,000', 'D)$84,000', 'E)$104,000']", "role": "user", "uuid": "1869380d-080b-4b1c-94a1-5f4c2929a533" }, { "content": "Let P be the total profit.\nP/4 + 1/2*(3P/4) = P/4 + 3P/8 = 5P/8 = 40000\nP = $64,000\nThe answer is C.", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "2114a8ac-aaa0-4680-b92f-35e957f70f5e" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.04, "complexity": 1.64, "correctness": 2.59, "helpfulness": 2.72, "instruction-following": 3.46, "safety": 3.54, "verbosity": 0.71, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1591 }