1 value
[ { "content": "A tradesman by means of his false balance defrauds to the extent of 30%? in buying goods as well as by selling the goods. What percent does he gain on his outlay?\n\n['A)79%', 'B)58%', 'C)44%', 'D)69%', 'E)43%']", "role": "user", "uuid": "162c2d9a-3cc9-4cac-8eeb-fb34432b24eb" }, { "content": "g% = 30 + 30 + (30*30)/100\n= 69%\nAnswer: D", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "d3504bd8-34ae-404d-b516-61f3621a8536" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.76, "complexity": 1.78, "correctness": 2.27, "helpfulness": 2.18, "instruction-following": 2.86, "safety": 6.02, "verbosity": 0.89, "verbosity-coeff": -0.136 }
[ { "content": "Series Problem like 4 12 x 44 46 132 134 begin of the Skype highlighting 44 46 132 134 end of the Skype highlighting. Find x?\n\n['A)13', 'B)14', 'C)15', 'D)16', 'E)17']", "role": "user", "uuid": "79d03bbc-dc4a-4846-ae71-071ba9a04d12" }, { "content": "134-132=2\n46-44=2\nx-12=2\nx=14\nANSWER:B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "51ac8981-94cc-45c1-b406-657c8c528dcd" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.07, "complexity": 1.45, "correctness": 2.68, "helpfulness": 2.82, "instruction-following": 2.96, "safety": 5.05, "verbosity": 1.27, "verbosity-coeff": -0.0768 }
[ { "content": "70% of the employees in a multinational corporation have VCD players, 75 percent have microwave ovens, 80 percent have ACs and 85 percent have washing machines. At least what percentage of employees has all four gadgets?\n\n['A)15%', 'B)5%', 'C)10%', 'D)20%', 'E)25%']", "role": "user", "uuid": "6bfdb25a-67af-4558-bdaf-99ff9bd74b61" }, { "content": "Given a population where A% has a certain characteristic X and B% has another characteristic Y (assuming both aren't exclusive), then you get the minimum overlap by assuming that the entire population that doesn't have X has characteristic Y, therefore the minimum portion of the population that has both characteristics is:\nB-(100-A) %\nSo given A=70 for employees with VCD players and B=75 for employees with microwave ovens, at least:\n75-(100-70)=45% have both. Then take the output and repeat with the other appliances.\nA=45 for employees with both VCD players and microwaves, B=80 for ACs\n80-(100-45)=25%\nA=25 for employees with VCD players, microwaves and ACs, B=85 for washing machines\n85-(100-25)=10%\nAnswer C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "6c54fd90-72ba-401c-bbcd-cc77880b3fb2" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.96, "complexity": 1.82, "correctness": 2.21, "helpfulness": 2.18, "instruction-following": 2.55, "safety": 5.32, "verbosity": 1.79, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1332 }
[ { "content": "If |a+b|=|a-b|, then a*b must be equal to:\n\n['A)1', 'B)-1', 'C)0', 'D)2', 'E)-2']", "role": "user", "uuid": "cadd6ab9-51bd-40e1-a3dd-ee14ab87e960" }, { "content": "so, let b≠0b≠0\nDistance of aa from bb, equals the distance of aa from -bb\nDraw this on a number line, aa must equal zero\nsame logic holds for a≠0a≠0\nSo either aa or bb = 0, ab=0ab=0\nor just solve using our normal absolute value method, two cases:\n(a+b)=(a−b)(a+b)=(a−b)\nb=0\n−(a+b)=(a−b)−(a+b)=(a−b)\n−a−b=a−b−a−b=a−b\na=0\nso ab=0\nANSWER:C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "b598afc8-5b0c-49b3-9b1b-a67f7675796b" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.86, "complexity": 2.06, "correctness": 2.55, "helpfulness": 2.21, "instruction-following": 2.66, "safety": 4.85, "verbosity": 1.9, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1475 }
[ { "content": "In a simultaneous throw of pair of dice .find the probability of getting the total more than 7\n\n['A)4/5', 'B)5/12', 'C)7/9', 'D)12/7', 'E)4/3']", "role": "user", "uuid": "1dda5a57-120b-4974-85be-60f48f25b6c9" }, { "content": "Here n(S)=(6*6)=36\nlet E=event of getting a total more than 7\n={(2,6),(3,5),(3,6),(4,4),(4,5),(4,6),(5,3),(5,4),(5,5),(5,6),(6,2),(6,3),(6,4),(6,5),(6,6)}\nP(E)=n(E)/n(S)=15/36=5/12\nAns: B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "ba5c0fd9-d862-41be-b673-c759cf3105ac" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.11, "complexity": 1.55, "correctness": 2.88, "helpfulness": 2.98, "instruction-following": 3.95, "safety": 5.2, "verbosity": 1.11, "verbosity-coeff": -0.0896 }
[ { "content": "If x is less than y by 35% then y exceed x by:\n\n['A)33.33%', 'B)25%', 'C)75%', 'D)53.85%', 'E)None of these']", "role": "user", "uuid": "7b094801-eddf-4b97-bd63-e9a1ca61a1e0" }, { "content": "Using formula (x/(100-x)*100) where x is Percentage decrease (here it is 35%)\n=> 35/(100-35)*100\n=53.85%\nANSWER:D", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "4fc67df0-f1c7-4b02-b0a2-3ebaa1ccdd35" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.88, "complexity": 1.9, "correctness": 2.35, "helpfulness": 2.35, "instruction-following": 3.17, "safety": 5.16, "verbosity": 1.11, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1146 }
[ { "content": "For each month of a given year except December, a worker earned the same monthly salary and donated one-tenth of that salary to charity. In December, the worker earned N times his usual monthly salary and donated one-fifth of his earnings to charity. If the worker's charitable contributions totaled one-sixth of his earnings for the entire year, what is the value of N?\n\n['A)8/5', 'B)22', 'C)3', 'D)11/3', 'E)4']", "role": "user", "uuid": "8f180e8a-84c2-4943-9b2f-21148373cb56" }, { "content": "Let monthly salary for each of the 11 months except December was x, then\n11x*1/10 + Nx*1/5 = 1/6(11x + Nx);\n11/10 + N/5 = 1/6(11 + N)\n11+2N/10 = 11+N/6 =>66+12N = 110+10N =>2N=44\nN = 22\nAnswer: B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "3d40a5cb-a35e-43ec-b21a-3ed4962cb2db" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.07, "complexity": 1.4, "correctness": 2.57, "helpfulness": 2.84, "instruction-following": 3.17, "safety": 4.7, "verbosity": 0.69, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1652 }
[ { "content": "The ratio of present ages of X and Y is 4:5. Which of the following cant be the ratio of ages of X and Y, 20 years ago?\n\n['A)2:4', 'B)9:10', 'C)2:3', 'D)3:5', 'E)3:6']", "role": "user", "uuid": "893d4671-084f-4059-82b7-7b9a30cf2af7" }, { "content": "9:10\nas ratio of X:Y can not be more than 4:5 earlier.\nANSWER:B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "035361f7-3641-4c66-8019-9491486dfc55" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.47, "complexity": 0.74, "correctness": 1.82, "helpfulness": 2, "instruction-following": 2.31, "safety": 5.52, "verbosity": 0.5, "verbosity-coeff": -0.178 }
[ { "content": "There are two examinations rooms A and B. If 10 students are sent from A to B, then the number of students in each room is the same. If 20 candidates are sent from B to A, then the number of students in A is double the number of students in B. The number of students in room A is:\n\n['A)50', 'B)120', 'C)100', 'D)60', 'E)40']", "role": "user", "uuid": "407ba62c-43b1-4356-92b0-f32683a23809" }, { "content": "Explanation:\nLet the number of students in rooms A and B be x and y respectively.\nThen, x - 10 = y + 10 x - y = 20 .... (i)\nand x + 20 = 2(y - 20) x - 2y = -60 .... (ii)\nSolving (i) and (ii) we get: x = 100 , y = 80.\nThe required answer A = 100.\nAnswer:C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "a8aea959-9372-477f-9bab-2a957bf40132" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.76, "complexity": 1.6, "correctness": 2.06, "helpfulness": 2.18, "instruction-following": 3.64, "safety": 4.62, "verbosity": 1.08, "verbosity-coeff": -0.101 }
[ { "content": "What is the sum of odd integers from 35 to 95, inclusive?\n\n['A)2,015', 'B)1,500', 'C)1,240', 'D)1,120', 'E)1,100']", "role": "user", "uuid": "fe70c831-10cb-425e-ae08-e57a94bafefa" }, { "content": "Number of odd integers = (95-35)/2 + 1\n= 60/2 + 1\n= 31\nSum of odd integers = (35+95)/2 * 31\n=2015\nAnswer A", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "ebd5e2ea-e26d-4c0f-be33-52f51838c10e" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.76, "complexity": 1.78, "correctness": 2.41, "helpfulness": 2.55, "instruction-following": 3.37, "safety": 5.09, "verbosity": 1.62, "verbosity-coeff": -0.2194 }
[ { "content": "10^25 - 260 is divisible by all of the following except:\n\n['A)A.10', 'B)B.8', 'C)C.5', 'D)D.4', 'E)E.2']", "role": "user", "uuid": "3f4d9b13-d118-4253-aad5-189e87983a8f" }, { "content": "The last three digits ( 1000 - 260 ) 740\n740 is divisible by 10,4,2,5\n740 is not evenly divisible by 8 so the answer is B) 8", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "60b03e67-1548-46ec-93c3-4d850513aaad" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.76, "complexity": 1.83, "correctness": 2.35, "helpfulness": 2.31, "instruction-following": 2.04, "safety": 4.81, "verbosity": 1.12, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1233 }
[ { "content": "In a certain game, you perform three tasks. You flip a quarter, and success would be heads. You roll a single die, and success would be a odd. You pick a card from a full playing-card deck, and success would be picking a red color card. If exactly one of these three tasks is successful, then you win the game. What is the probability of winning?\n\n['A)5/8', 'B)9/16', 'C)1/8', 'D)7/16', 'E)3/8']", "role": "user", "uuid": "8877d7c3-b503-416a-bbd9-926ef668300d" }, { "content": "Event(1): Probability of getting head in a flip of coin = 1/2\nEvent(2): Probability of getting odd in a roll of dice = 3/6 = 1/2\nEvent(3): Probability of getting red color in a pack of card = 26/52 = 1/2\nProbability of winning is having exactly one successful event is:\nP(success 1)* P(Fail 2)* P(Fail 3) + P(Fail 1)* P(Success 2)* P(Fail 3) + P(Fail 1)* P(Fail 2)* P(Success 3)\n= 1/2*1/2*1/2 +1/2*1/2*1/2 +1/2*1/2*1/2\n=1/8 + 1/8 +1/8\n=3/8\nAnswer :E", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "85a80599-707b-4f2c-8d95-ef38499e0c3a" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.72, "complexity": 1.97, "correctness": 2.39, "helpfulness": 2.33, "instruction-following": 3.11, "safety": 4.03, "verbosity": 1.21, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1554 }
[ { "content": "Rahul went to purchase a Nokia mobile handset, the shopkeeper told him to pay 20% tax if he asked the bill. Rahul manages to get the discount of 5% on the actual saleprice of the mobile and he paid the shopkeeper Rs. 3325 without tax. Besides he manages to avoid to pay 20% tax on the already discounted price, what is the amount of discount that he has gotten?\n\n['A)750', 'B)375', 'C)875', 'D)525', 'E)625']", "role": "user", "uuid": "9ef4795e-b553-4c88-9883-b04d5b0bd09b" }, { "content": "Explanation:\nCP = 100, SP (with tax) =120\nNew SP = 100 - 5 = 95\n\\therefore Effective discount = 120 - 95 = 25\nSo, at SP of 95 ----> discount = 25\nand at SP of 3325 -----> discount = 25/95=3325=875.\nAnswer: C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "7ad926ed-ab72-4378-9ef5-16034fe51a7f" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.37, "complexity": 1.24, "correctness": 1.62, "helpfulness": 1.89, "instruction-following": 2.68, "safety": 5.71, "verbosity": 0.98, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1207 }
[ { "content": "The length of each side of square A is increased by 100 percent to make square B. If the length of the side of square B is increased by 75 percent to make square C, by what percent is the area of square C greater than the sum of the areas of squares A and B?\n\n['A)75%', 'B)80%', 'C)145%', 'D)150%', 'E)180%']", "role": "user", "uuid": "1d8ff819-5d8b-4010-bf62-ff38b2f12f28" }, { "content": "Let length of each side of square A be 10\nArea of A = 10^2 = 100\nSince , length of each side of square A is increased by 100 percent to make square B\nlength of each side of square B = 2*10 = 20\nArea of B = 20^2 = 400\nSince , length of the side of square B is increased by 75 percent to make square C\nlength of each side of square C= 1.75*20 = 35\nArea of C= 35^2 = 1225\nDifference in areas of C and cummulative areas of A and B = 1225 -(400+100) = 725\npercent is the area of square C greater than the sum of the areas of squares A and B = (725/500) * 100 % = 145%\nAnswer C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "7c9a26bd-2932-4e10-ad24-471daca90f81" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.94, "complexity": 2.06, "correctness": 2.39, "helpfulness": 2.45, "instruction-following": 3.37, "safety": 4.19, "verbosity": 1.75, "verbosity-coeff": -0.2339 }
[ { "content": "Gill drives 120 miles from Los Angeles to San Diego to fetch a package. On her way there she drives at 40 miles per hour. On her way back she drives 50% faster. What is Gill's average velocity R for the round trip?\n\n['A)24 miles per hour', 'B)48 miles per hour', 'C)50 miles per hour', 'D)53 1/3 miles per hour', 'E)68 miles per hour']", "role": "user", "uuid": "38fd524e-39c2-4508-935e-39d83dce0e48" }, { "content": "Here's an Average Speed question in which the prompt gives you almost all of the immediate numbers needed to work with.\nDriving from LA to SD, we have a distance of 120 miles and a speed of 40 miles/hour.\nD = (R)(T)\n120 = (40)(T)\n120/40 = 3 = T\n3 hours to drive to SD\nOn the way back, she drives 50% FASTER. Gill's return speed is (1.5)(40) = 60 miles/hour.\nD = (R)(T)\n120 = (60)(T)\n120/60 = 2 = T\n2 hours to drive to SD\nTotal Distance = 240 miles\nTotal Time = 3+2 = 5 hours\nAverage Speed = 240/5 = 48 miles/hour\nFinal Answer:\nB", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "db0d6181-0b36-4575-835a-335428700e99" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.64, "complexity": 1.6, "correctness": 2.21, "helpfulness": 2.16, "instruction-following": 3.27, "safety": 5.48, "verbosity": 1.46, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1603 }
[ { "content": "What should come in the place of the question mark(?) in the following equation?\n69012 – 20167 + (51246 ÷ 6) = ?\n\n['A)57385', 'B)57286', 'C)57476', 'D)57368', 'E)None of these']", "role": "user", "uuid": "6bff358c-8b74-47fb-834f-d65c3ad471ec" }, { "content": "? = 48845 + 51246⁄6 = 48845 + 8541 = 57386\nAnswer E", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "d26eb4f3-431c-4fc2-94d8-5f06a7b7a615" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.16, "complexity": 0.97, "correctness": 1.24, "helpfulness": 1.46, "instruction-following": 2.14, "safety": 4.4, "verbosity": 0.77, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1218 }
[ { "content": "Find the average marks of all the students in 2 separate classes, if the average marks of students in the first class of 58 students is 67 and that of another class of 52 students is 82.\n\n['A)74.1', 'B)56.3', 'C)67.8', 'D)79.7', 'E)19.4']", "role": "user", "uuid": "f2477a95-8be9-4968-84f7-739883bc327b" }, { "content": "Sum of the marks for the class of 58 students = 58 * 67 = 3886\nSum of the marks for the class of 52 students = 52 * 82 = 4264\nSum of the marks for the class of 110 students =\n3886 + 4262 = 8150\nAverage marks of all the students = 4200/80\n= 74.1\nAnswer:A", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "dfd1ca03-a08f-4315-a01a-73867cd4f545" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.68, "complexity": 0.96, "correctness": 1.63, "helpfulness": 1.96, "instruction-following": 3, "safety": 6.06, "verbosity": 1.08, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1132 }
[ { "content": "A, B and C, each working alone can complete a job in 6, 8 and 12 days respectively. If all three of them work together to complete a job and earn $ 1170, what will be B's share of the earnings?\n\n['A)$390', 'B)$520', 'C)$1080', 'D)$1170', 'E)$630']", "role": "user", "uuid": "aa4de541-c619-4af2-af3d-9b8dd60ae6e7" }, { "content": "Explanatory Answer\nA, B and C will share the amount of $1170 in the ratio of the amounts of work done by them.\nAs A takes 6 days to complete the job, if A works alone, A will be able to complete 1/6 th of the work in a day.\nSimilarly, B will complete 1/8th and C will complete 1/12th of the work.\nSo, the ratio of the work done by A : B : C when they work together will be equal to 1/6 : 1/8 : 1/12\nMultiplying the numerator of all 3 fractions by 24, the LCM of 6, 8 and 12 will not change the relative values of the three values.\nWe get 24/6 : 24/8 : 24/12 = 4 : 3 : 2.\ni.e., the ratio in which A : B : C will share $1170 will be 4 : 3 : 2.\nHence, B's share will be 3*1170/9 = 390.\ncorrect choice is (A)", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "22de2c16-2b2d-4e30-9b7d-632dc2e0a1a5" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.13, "complexity": 0.88, "correctness": 3.02, "helpfulness": 3.21, "instruction-following": 2.82, "safety": 4.19, "verbosity": 0.99, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1273 }
[ { "content": "The average expenditure of a man for the first five months is Rs.240 and for the next seven months it is Rs.130. If he saves Rs.290 in that year, his monthly average income is :\n\n['A)Rs.140', 'B)Rs.150', 'C)Rs.160', 'D)Rs.200', 'E)none']", "role": "user", "uuid": "caf5ef00-d317-44aa-bf3f-ea140c996f1f" }, { "content": "Explanation:\nTotal income = Rs.(240×5+130×7+290)=Rs.2400\nAverage monthly income\n= Rs. (2400/12)=Rs.200\nCorrect Option: D", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "e2e0e8de-7d6a-4e2e-aa8a-833f6a7ef1d2" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.98, "complexity": 1.58, "correctness": 2.33, "helpfulness": 2.51, "instruction-following": 3.29, "safety": 4.93, "verbosity": 0.86, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1193 }
[ { "content": "Two tailors X and Y are paid a total of Rs. 550 per week by their employer. If X is paid 120 percent of the sum paid to Y, how much is Y paid per week?\n\n['A)200', 'B)250', 'C)300', 'D)400', 'E)500']", "role": "user", "uuid": "9eb06965-716f-44c1-a6dd-c8b3cf4efd73" }, { "content": "Let z = 120% of z = 550\nz+120/100z=550\n11/5z=550\nz=250\nANSWER B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "f50d6a06-fe61-4ddd-9747-1e538a42b762" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.53, "complexity": 1.51, "correctness": 1.85, "helpfulness": 1.98, "instruction-following": 2.47, "safety": 5.63, "verbosity": 1.26, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1196 }
[ { "content": "How many liters of water must be evaporated from 50 liters of a 2 percent sugar solution to get a 4 percent sugar solution?\n\n['A)20', 'B)25', 'C)30', 'D)35', 'E)40']", "role": "user", "uuid": "ff2c0989-0747-46cc-a19c-ba00c8abba2d" }, { "content": "Let x be the amount that needs to be evaporated.\n0.02(50) = 0.04(50-x)\n0.04x = 2 - 1\nx = 1/0.04 = 25 liters\nThe answer is B.", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "a95ff387-9282-4038-82ba-0481c52bbd3f" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.17, "complexity": 1.13, "correctness": 2.27, "helpfulness": 2.35, "instruction-following": 2.66, "safety": 4.93, "verbosity": 0.56, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1828 }
[ { "content": "One soap can be made out of the scraps obtained while preparing 11 soaps. How many soaps can be prepared out of the scrap obtained out of 251 soaps. (Take all possibilities)\n\n['A)24', 'B)25', 'C)26', 'D)27', 'E)28']", "role": "user", "uuid": "864757f6-f0f5-4184-922a-b306cbf8c07a" }, { "content": "From 242 soap scraps, we can make 242/11 = 22 soaps., which results in two more soaps. So, it now becomes 24 soaps and scraps of 2 soaps from 242 soaps. From the scrap of remaining 9 (=251-242) soaps, and together with the scraps of the two soaps already present, we can prepare one more soap. So total 25 soaps are possible.\nANSWER:B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "c773fbe8-370b-41cc-86fb-2e827187925d" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.7, "complexity": 1.88, "correctness": 2.21, "helpfulness": 2.39, "instruction-following": 2.7, "safety": 5.2, "verbosity": 2.08, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1306 }
[ { "content": "In a class of 230 students, 130 study Spanish and 100 study French. If a student must study at least one of these two languages, what percent of the students study French but NOT Spanish?\n\n['A)80%', 'B)44%', 'C)30%', 'D)20%', 'E)10%']", "role": "user", "uuid": "51ce5bab-305f-4ba3-8285-4551f0df7cc1" }, { "content": "No of students study french= 230- No of students study spanish = 230-130=100\n% of the students study french but not spanish = (100/230)*100 % = 44 %\nAnswer:B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "4d737e09-512a-448c-84cb-a403dd3fe1c4" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.78, "complexity": 1.08, "correctness": 2.02, "helpfulness": 2.1, "instruction-following": 1.87, "safety": 5.24, "verbosity": 1.07, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1743 }
[ { "content": "Two friends decide to get together; so they start riding bikes towards each other. They plan to meet halfway. Each is riding at 6 MPH. They live 36 miles apart. One of them has a pet carrier pigeon and it starts flying the instant the friends start traveling. The pigeon flies back and forth at 18 MPH between the 2 friends until the friends meet. How many miles does the pigeon travel?\n\n['A)54', 'B)66', 'C)80', 'D)36', 'E)96']", "role": "user", "uuid": "3840e94b-2753-48ce-8427-b58c20bf2cee" }, { "content": "A\n54\nIt takes 3 hours for the friends to meet; so the pigeon flies for 3 hours at 18 MPH = 54 miles", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "c60bb184-1d51-485a-ad6b-fc63e20f5171" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.09, "complexity": 1.33, "correctness": 2.57, "helpfulness": 2.8, "instruction-following": 2.8, "safety": 4.32, "verbosity": 0.94, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1414 }
[ { "content": "A certain sum of money doubles itself in 10 years in how much many years will it trible itself at the same rate?\n\n['A)20 years', 'B)17 years', 'C)97 years', 'D)27 years', 'E)29 years']", "role": "user", "uuid": "c5f831f1-cce7-4c94-9533-b6c77a7984d1" }, { "content": "100 ---- 100 --- 10\n100 --- 10\n--------------------\n300 ---- 20 years\nAnswer: A", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "47b30c65-8101-48e1-9834-e2a07e0feda1" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.64, "complexity": 1.1, "correctness": 1.89, "helpfulness": 1.83, "instruction-following": 2.06, "safety": 4.19, "verbosity": 0.42, "verbosity-coeff": -0.121 }
[ { "content": "George's drawer has 7 loose black socks, 11 loose blue socks, and 8 loose white socks. If George takes socks out of the drawer at random, how many would he need to take out to be sure that he had at least two matching pairs of socks in two different colors?\n\n['A)10', 'B)12', 'C)14', 'D)16', 'E)18']", "role": "user", "uuid": "beb1f5c3-0f7c-4584-840e-117f5c9ae7cb" }, { "content": "The worst case scenario is choosing 11 blue socks. Then he would need 3 more socks to be sure of a matching pair of black socks or white socks.\nThe answer is C.", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "e2fed3a9-626e-4eb3-9569-775e4ef1373e" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.09, "complexity": 1.65, "correctness": 2.06, "helpfulness": 2, "instruction-following": 1.88, "safety": 4.54, "verbosity": 1.09, "verbosity-coeff": -0.2234 }
[ { "content": "If there are 200 questions in a 3 hr examination. Among these questions are 10 type A problems, which requires twice as much as time be spent than the rest of the type B problems. How many minutes should be spent on type A problems?\n\n['A)17.14286 min', 'B)62 min', 'C)70.1346 min', 'D)74 min', 'E)76.1346 min']", "role": "user", "uuid": "cae4b4fa-a1c3-4971-a51d-e74cf65f4cfd" }, { "content": "x=time for type B prolems\n2x=time for type A problem\ntotal time=3hrs=180min\n190x+10*2x=180\nx=180/210\nx=0.72\ntime taken for type A problem=10*2*0.857143=17.14286min\nANSWER:A", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "598f6201-e300-4f71-b834-457f003fd75c" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.49, "complexity": 1.67, "correctness": 2.2, "helpfulness": 2.16, "instruction-following": 2.74, "safety": 4.97, "verbosity": 1.48, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1148 }
[ { "content": "Calculate the average marks of a student who obtained 56, 60, 72, 85 and 80 marks (out of 100) in Geography, History and Government, Art, Computer Science and Modern Literature ?\n\n['A)71.6', 'B)70.6', 'C)80.6', 'D)60.6', 'E)50.6']", "role": "user", "uuid": "2adadf06-2e1a-463c-853e-151b0f28f71a" }, { "content": "Explanation:\nAverage = (56+60+72+85+80 )/ 5 = 70.6.\nAnswer: B) 70.6", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "4454de25-6fb9-4ec3-a670-a2ae1aac6110" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.17, "complexity": 0.82, "correctness": 2.43, "helpfulness": 2.78, "instruction-following": 3.29, "safety": 4.54, "verbosity": 0.68, "verbosity-coeff": -0.0995 }
[ { "content": "In what time will a railway train 60 m long moving at the rate of 36 kmph pass a telegraph post on its way?\n\n['A)8 sec', 'B)7 sec', 'C)2 sec', 'D)6 sec', 'E)9 sec']", "role": "user", "uuid": "d3383859-9711-4790-975f-7211eba6b747" }, { "content": "T = 60/36 * 18/5\n= 6 sec\nAnswer:D", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "b355b779-2358-499b-bf1f-ddec3cbaeb9d" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.61, "complexity": 1.41, "correctness": 2.45, "helpfulness": 2.53, "instruction-following": 3.15, "safety": 5.67, "verbosity": 1.23, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1054 }
[ { "content": "There are 30 students in a certain geometry class. If two thirds of the students are boys and three fourths of the boys are under six feet tall, how many boys in the class are under six feet tall?\n\n['A)6', 'B)12', 'C)15', 'D)24', 'E)27']", "role": "user", "uuid": "1c938599-a511-4433-8ecf-070d29a0cca4" }, { "content": "30*2/3 *3/4= 15\nAnswer: C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "afe03099-e6fc-4785-aa66-fa7447b49190" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.84, "complexity": 0.5, "correctness": 2.74, "helpfulness": 2.82, "instruction-following": 3.82, "safety": 5.09, "verbosity": 0.38, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1854 }
[ { "content": "Ajay spends 10 per cent of his salary on house rent, 5 percent on food, 15 percent travel, 10 percent on clothes and the remaining amount of Rs.27000 is saved. What is Ajay’s income?\n\n['A)Rs.60000', 'B)Rs.80500', 'C)Rs.60700', 'D)Rs.45000', 'E)None of these']", "role": "user", "uuid": "57079ddf-994e-4823-be04-a7a11f939787" }, { "content": "Explanation:\nSavings = Income – expenditure\n100 – (10+5+15+10) = 60%\n60% of income = Rs.27000\n:. Income = 27000 x 100/60 = Rs. 45000.\nAnswer: Option D", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "2c7534cf-ad1d-4992-919f-30d99674eeee" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.88, "complexity": 0.93, "correctness": 2.31, "helpfulness": 2.61, "instruction-following": 3.25, "safety": 4.5, "verbosity": 0.58, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1214 }
[ { "content": "If a^2bc^2 = b^3 , which of the following must be true?\nI. ac = b^2\nII. b = 0\nIII. a^2c^2 = 1\n\n['A)I', 'B)II', 'C)III', 'D)none', 'E)I&II']", "role": "user", "uuid": "2e136cb0-7e70-48e6-9710-71dfa9ef1d6a" }, { "content": "D", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "83c5ad38-ebd9-4bdc-bf69-9013277fd4e4" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.7, "complexity": 1.11, "correctness": 1.57, "helpfulness": 1.39, "instruction-following": 1.23, "safety": 4.38, "verbosity": 0.08, "verbosity-coeff": -0.2058 }
[ { "content": "P and Q invested in a shop. The profits were divided in the ratio of 4 : 6 respectively. If P invested Rs. 55,000, the amount invested by Q is:\n\n['A)48000', 'B)40000', 'C)35000', 'D)60000', 'E)None']", "role": "user", "uuid": "edd53722-9444-42a4-bc5d-909d57d8ecd5" }, { "content": "Suppose Q invested Rs. y. Then, 50000/y = 4/6 or y = [50000 x 6/ 4] = 75000.\nAnswer E", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "7ac87162-7dcb-4ed9-9d21-b79ef37a0b86" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.47, "complexity": 0.77, "correctness": 1.62, "helpfulness": 1.79, "instruction-following": 2.06, "safety": 4.48, "verbosity": 0.52, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1201 }
[ { "content": "Right triangle ABC is to be drawn in the xy-plane so that the right angle is at A and AB is parallel to the y-axis. If the x- and y-coordinates of A, B, and C are to be integers that are consistent with the inequalities -6 ≤ x ≤ 2 and 4 ≤ y ≤ 9 , then how many different triangles can be drawn that will meet these conditions?\n\n['A)54', 'B)432', 'C)2,160', 'D)2,916', 'E)148,824']", "role": "user", "uuid": "fd6547d9-d03c-49f8-b991-2553083d3068" }, { "content": "We have the rectangle with dimensions 9*6 (9 horizontal dots and 6 vertical). AB is parallel to y-axis and AC is parallel to x-axis.\nChoose the (x,y) coordinates for vertex A: 9C1*6C1;\nChoose the x coordinate for vertex C (as y coordinate is fixed by A): 8C1, (9-1=8 as 1 horizontal dot is already occupied by A);\nChoose the y coordinate for vertex B (as x coordinate is fixed by A): 5C1, (6-1=5 as 1 vertical dot is already occupied by A).\n9C1*6C*8C1*5C1=2160.\nAnswer: C.", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "c17293e4-d030-4f0f-b93f-847c55eaec60" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.49, "complexity": 1.57, "correctness": 1.96, "helpfulness": 2.06, "instruction-following": 2.82, "safety": 4.77, "verbosity": 0.84, "verbosity-coeff": -0.2267 }
[ { "content": "The average of first five multiples of 7 is\n\n['A)21', 'B)6', 'C)9', 'D)12', 'E)15']", "role": "user", "uuid": "51588df1-509d-45a2-9f96-588b4753a8de" }, { "content": "Solution\nAverage\t= 7(1+2+3+4+5) / 5\n= 105 / 5.\n= 21\nAnswer A", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "fc3a5be0-d845-4dc6-860a-b788d91fa48b" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.98, "complexity": 1.73, "correctness": 2.7, "helpfulness": 2.82, "instruction-following": 3.31, "safety": 5.05, "verbosity": 1.38, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1001 }
[ { "content": "The speed at which a man can row a boat in still water is 15 kmph. If he rows downstream, where the speed of current is 3 kmph, what time will he take to cover 60 metres?\n\n['A)33', 'B)88', 'C)66', 'D)12', 'E)99']", "role": "user", "uuid": "619c1d7b-5428-4d37-ad5c-fb9f29f80737" }, { "content": "Speed of the boat downstream = 15 + 3 = 18 kmph\n= 18 * 5/18 = 5 m/s\nHence time taken to cover 60 m = 60/5 = 12 seconds.\nAnswer: D", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "67a29392-7e1d-4c00-a340-72de2633f2e7" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.98, "complexity": 1.2, "correctness": 3.17, "helpfulness": 3.46, "instruction-following": 4.21, "safety": 5.32, "verbosity": 1.09, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1222 }
[ { "content": "If x is divisible by 2, 14, and 11, which of the following must be the least multiple of x?\n\n['A)308', 'B)154', 'C)70', 'D)44', 'E)20']", "role": "user", "uuid": "ddd3c564-58f4-4212-8cf0-93ed4f0d923c" }, { "content": "If x is divisible by 2,14 and 11,then x must be a multiple of 2,7 and 11.\nHence,the least multiple of x will be 2*7*11=154.\nANSWER:B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "b9d87b26-d5f7-479e-841d-e025d6700b52" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.13, "complexity": 1.81, "correctness": 2.8, "helpfulness": 2.86, "instruction-following": 2.68, "safety": 5.09, "verbosity": 1.29, "verbosity-coeff": -0.2285 }
[ { "content": "If each digit in the set A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} is used exactly once, in how many ways can the digits be arranged?\n\n['A)720', 'B)830', 'C)940', 'D)1050', 'E)1160']", "role": "user", "uuid": "809ae088-337b-44dc-a927-9004f94ded81" }, { "content": "6! = 720\nThe answer is A.", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "ca772e50-fb0e-4c54-ac82-b0274812d131" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.84, "complexity": 0.48, "correctness": 2.66, "helpfulness": 2.82, "instruction-following": 3.04, "safety": 4.09, "verbosity": 0.61, "verbosity-coeff": -0.2125 }
[ { "content": "In a row of 30 seats, six team of 4 persons each will be seated. The members of any one team always sit together in four consecutive seats in the same order. Different teams may be adjacent or separated by empty seats. In how many ways can the six teams be seated in the 30 seats?\n\n['A)(6!)(6!)', 'B)12!/6!', 'C)12C6', 'D)30C12', 'E)30C6*6']", "role": "user", "uuid": "db757492-8ccb-4619-bddd-5fe11b3d268a" }, { "content": "There are total 30 seats, but 4 members of 6 different groups always sit together and in same sequence...\nSo the group can be taken as one seat, making the total as 12 seats..\n12 seats include 6 empty chairs as total 6*4 chairs are filled in 30 seats and these 6 seats will be identical while the other 6 would be different as each consists of different group..\nAns 12!/6!\nB", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "b1737782-38a2-430b-8f38-b26c2f0190bd" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.12, "complexity": 1.71, "correctness": 1.74, "helpfulness": 1.78, "instruction-following": 1.92, "safety": 5.91, "verbosity": 1.38, "verbosity-coeff": -0.2098 }
[ { "content": "If 100!/x is not an integer, which of the following could be the value of x?\n\n['A)5^24', 'B)7^16', 'C)11^9', 'D)13^6', 'E)17^6']", "role": "user", "uuid": "a7d9501f-75e8-4cbf-b5ab-5f4d356b86ec" }, { "content": "he answer will be a number which doesn't completely divide 100!\nNo of 5's in 100! = 24\nNo of 7's in 100! = 16\nNo of 11's in 100! = 9\nNo of 13's in 100! = 7\nNo of 17's in 100! = 5\nThere are 5 seventeens in 100! , however we are dividing by 17^6 , so this can not divide 100!\nHence our answer will be E", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "eb5cdbcc-9e17-4b76-bad2-2f1ca4d3d6f4" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.41, "complexity": 2.12, "correctness": 2.04, "helpfulness": 1.88, "instruction-following": 2.14, "safety": 4.97, "verbosity": 1.27, "verbosity-coeff": -0.2238 }
[ { "content": "What will come in place of the x in the following Number series? 4, 10, 22, 46, 94, x\n\n['A)170', 'B)164', 'C)210', 'D)168', 'E)190']", "role": "user", "uuid": "13747c29-4e54-4636-bca9-4f275f2a7502" }, { "content": "There are 2 functions here: (Multiply by 2 and Adding 2 to get the next number in the series)\n4 x 2 + 2 = 10\n10 x 2 + 2 = 22 etc\nHence : 94 x 2 + 2 = 190\nCorrect Answer is E", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "656829c1-6852-4985-8dea-07e597809477" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.68, "complexity": 1.79, "correctness": 2.35, "helpfulness": 2.47, "instruction-following": 2.98, "safety": 4.05, "verbosity": 0.91, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1021 }
[ { "content": "If the sum of two numbers is 60 and the H.C.F and L.C.M of these numbers are 3 and 120 respectively, then the sum of the reciprocal of the numbers is equal to:\n\n['A)2/9', 'B)4/5', 'C)1/6', 'D)6/6', 'E)3/9']", "role": "user", "uuid": "660665bf-17d5-4f5a-83c5-3393a2713b1a" }, { "content": "Let the numbers be a and b.\nThen, a + b = 60 and ab = 3 * 120 =360.\nRequired sum = 1/a + 1/b = (a + b)/ab = 60/360 = 1/6.\nANSWER:C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "2d2284ba-0440-4a13-8389-3dce47121229" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.15, "complexity": 2.39, "correctness": 3.05, "helpfulness": 3.17, "instruction-following": 3.68, "safety": 5.4, "verbosity": 1.52, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1128 }
[ { "content": "If two integers x,y (x>y) are selected from -5 to 6 (inclusive), how many cases are there?\n\n['A)62', 'B)66', 'C)70', 'D)74', 'E)78']", "role": "user", "uuid": "665432dc-dba4-416d-97c2-1f096722b282" }, { "content": "There are 12 integers from -5 to 6 inclusive.\n12C2 = 66.\nThe answer is B.", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "8f4fbfc6-5f68-4f5a-beb7-657bc2f9431a" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.07, "complexity": 1.25, "correctness": 2.61, "helpfulness": 2.74, "instruction-following": 3.25, "safety": 5.16, "verbosity": 0.95, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1242 }
[ { "content": "If the area of a circle is 64pi square feet, find its circumference.\n\n['A)16 pi feet', 'B)28 pi feet', 'C)38 pi feet', 'D)48 pi feet', 'E)58 pi feet']", "role": "user", "uuid": "974ec9e8-28d3-46c0-bbf9-35b7868ff95f" }, { "content": "The area is given by pi *r* r. Hence\npi * r *r = 64 pi\nr * r = 64; hence r = 64 feet\nThe circumference is given by\n2 * pi * r = 2 * pi * 8 = 16 pi feet\ncorrect answer A", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "f48d96b8-aeaa-475a-8997-055a69097349" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.9, "complexity": 1.34, "correctness": 2.27, "helpfulness": 2.39, "instruction-following": 2.76, "safety": 5.2, "verbosity": 0.85, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1543 }
[ { "content": "A certain essay consists of 12 paragraphs. Each paragraph contains at least 110 words but not more than 120 words. Which of the following could be the total number of words in the essay?\n\n['A)1430', 'B)1540', 'C)1640', 'D)1740', 'E)1840']", "role": "user", "uuid": "93176eaa-84ef-40f6-939c-000fad8680d4" }, { "content": "lets consider minimum no of words ... 12 * 110 = 1320\nLets consider maximum no of words .... 12*120= 1440\nanswer should be one of these two values or should lie between these two values ...\nonly 1 option A - 1430", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "d1195ee9-b8b1-4ec8-b709-35e16e622643" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.53, "complexity": 1.08, "correctness": 1.84, "helpfulness": 1.93, "instruction-following": 1.61, "safety": 4.97, "verbosity": 1.11, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1926 }
[ { "content": "If x = 1- 3t and y = 2t - 3, then for what value of t does x = y?\n\n['A) 5/2', 'B) 3/2', 'C) 2/3', 'D) 4/5', 'E) 0']", "role": "user", "uuid": "e1a57bb6-2e0b-42ea-bd20-10d689563d5b" }, { "content": "We are given x = 1 – 3t and y = 2t – 3, and we need to determine the value for t when x = y. We should notice that both x and y are already in terms of t. Thus, we can substitute 1 – 3t for x and 2t – 3 for y in the equation x = y. This gives us:\n1 – 3t = 2t – 3\n4 = 5t\n4/5 = t\nThe answer is D.", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "1b96e797-8d02-47dc-a4cf-97bbbd2cf061" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.88, "complexity": 1.68, "correctness": 2.57, "helpfulness": 2.53, "instruction-following": 3.43, "safety": 3.89, "verbosity": 1.19, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1626 }
[ { "content": "A reduction of 20% in the price of salt enables a lady to obtain 20 kgs more for Rs.100, find the original price per kg?\n\n['A)12.6', 'B)1.21', 'C)1.25', 'D)12.4', 'E)12.7']", "role": "user", "uuid": "3d7cc2a5-fe9c-4ca6-a5c7-986cbed5fe47" }, { "content": "100*(20/100) = 20 --- 20\n? --- 1 => Rs.1\n100 --- 80\n? --- 1=> Rs.1.25\nAnswer: C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "71b04ea3-6353-4db8-abc9-55d9e2a87b95" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.43, "complexity": 1.5, "correctness": 1.56, "helpfulness": 1.69, "instruction-following": 2.33, "safety": 4.97, "verbosity": 0.67, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1306 }
[ { "content": "In 1995, the Johnsons spent $800 on the family’s water bills. Anticipating that water rates would increase in 1996 by 50%, the Johnsons cut back their water usage. By how much must the Johnsons have reduced their 1996 water usage to pay exactly the same amount E in 1996 as they paid in 1995?\n\n['A)33 1⁄3%', 'B)40%', 'C)50%', 'D)66 2⁄3%', 'E)100%']", "role": "user", "uuid": "997c9a1e-aef2-486e-aacd-8ba827bdaa3d" }, { "content": "water rate increases by 50 % in 1996 means 150% of rate in 1995. to pay exactly the same amount E in 1996 as they paid in 1995, water use should decrease in the same ratio\n150-> 100 means 1/3 rd= 33(1/3) %.A", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "402e10ef-c6a1-473a-9464-d37de788fa95" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.41, "complexity": 1.55, "correctness": 1.55, "helpfulness": 1.49, "instruction-following": 1.67, "safety": 6.18, "verbosity": 0.89, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1572 }
[ { "content": "If (1+p)q=q, which of the following must be true?\n\n['A)p=-1 or q=0', 'B)p=0 or q=0', 'C)p=1 or q=1', 'D)p=-1 or q=-1', 'E)p=0 or q=1']", "role": "user", "uuid": "d6876175-0f7e-4637-a87d-f97ceef3ee82" }, { "content": "By only having pq=0, we cannot say answer is B as A and E options also satisfy the condition pq=0. ans B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "5089d925-a267-4034-a8fd-2e6998c810d1" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.35, "complexity": 1.68, "correctness": 1.8, "helpfulness": 1.58, "instruction-following": 1.73, "safety": 4.21, "verbosity": 1.01, "verbosity-coeff": -0.2112 }
[ { "content": "Of the three numbers, the first is twice as second and three times the third. The average of the three numbers is 55, and the three numbers in order are?\n\n['A)116,58,36', 'B)90,45,30', 'C)126,63,36', 'D)108,54,36', 'E)None of these']", "role": "user", "uuid": "d4607154-18f6-4b0e-a606-9f6fa0c45c04" }, { "content": "Explanation :\nSolution: Let A =x,\nB =x/2, C = x/3.\n=x + x/2 + x/3 / 3 = 55\nBy solving we will get x = 90.\nHence A= 90\nB= 90/2= 45\nC= 90/3 = 30\nAnswer : B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "b0f78703-5071-4ccb-8209-e13cdca78f55" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.18, "complexity": 1.86, "correctness": 1.87, "helpfulness": 2.08, "instruction-following": 3.07, "safety": 4.62, "verbosity": 0.88, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1207 }
[ { "content": "A and B start a business with Rs.6000 and Rs.8000 respectively. Hoe should they share their profits at the end of one year?\n\n['A)3:3', 'B)3:4', 'C)3:8', 'D)3:1', 'E)3:2']", "role": "user", "uuid": "ba6dcec2-eb5d-4950-8f7c-06c7b5cd6745" }, { "content": "They should share the profits in the ratio of their investments.\nThe ratio of the investments made by A and B =\n6000 : 8000 => 3:4.Answer: B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "7872f3ef-3978-4e7a-aabe-9c1193012e73" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.94, "complexity": 1.39, "correctness": 3, "helpfulness": 3.05, "instruction-following": 3.7, "safety": 5.28, "verbosity": 1.17, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1125 }
[ { "content": "A train travels from New York to Chicago, a distance of approximately 840 miles, at an average rate of 60 miles per hour and arrives in Chicago at 7:00 in evening, Chicago time. At what hour in the morning, New York time, did the train depart for Chicago? (Note : Chicago time is one hour earlier than New York time)\n\n['A)3:00', 'B)4:00', 'C)5:00', 'D)6:00', 'E)7:00']", "role": "user", "uuid": "3e0dba15-05a0-4361-9605-af6b0f7e8ce8" }, { "content": "7:00 in evening in Chicago = 8:00 in evening in New York. So, the train was in Chicago 8:00 in the evening, New York time.\nThe trip took T=D/R=840/60=14 hours. Therefore, the train depart from New York at 8:00 - 14 hours = 6:00 in the morning, New York time.\nAnswer: D.", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "1b1ee699-be21-4460-a408-b4a48bc01a7a" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.78, "complexity": 1.13, "correctness": 2.35, "helpfulness": 2.53, "instruction-following": 2.96, "safety": 4.17, "verbosity": 1.01, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1278 }
[ { "content": "Two persons start running simultaneously around a circular track of length 300 m from the same point at speeds of 15 km/hr and 25 km/hr. When will they meet for the first time any where on the track if they are moving in opposite directions?\n\n['A)76 seconds', 'B)16 seconds', 'C)18 seconds', 'D)27 seconds', 'E)19 seconds']", "role": "user", "uuid": "d56cb608-4155-4e24-a178-4b740fc01951" }, { "content": "Time taken to meet for the first time anywhere on the track\n= length of the track / relative speed\n= 300 / (15 + 25)5/18 = 300* 18 / 40 * 5 = 27 seconds.\nAnswer: D", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "4b7dc41f-2edd-4126-a000-c25944e3b89f" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.82, "complexity": 1.7, "correctness": 2.59, "helpfulness": 2.82, "instruction-following": 3.54, "safety": 6.06, "verbosity": 1.21, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1166 }
[ { "content": "A group of 7 fishermen chartered a boat for a day to fish for flounder. The boat costs x dollars per day to rent. If the group can find 2 more fishermen on the docks who are willing to come aboard and share the rental costs, how much less will the rental cost be per person in terms of x?\n\n['A)x/70', 'B)2x/63', 'C)3x/70', 'D)3x/10', 'E)3x/7']", "role": "user", "uuid": "7dd44e85-4dca-4eea-851b-4613a4fdd9de" }, { "content": "cost of boat per day = x\ncost per person =x/7\nif three more persons afre there, cost =x/9\ndifference = x/7-x/9\n=2x/63\nAns B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "4141d78c-7898-4f16-b1c9-389d3eeb53b5" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.45, "complexity": 1.35, "correctness": 2.23, "helpfulness": 2.43, "instruction-following": 3.21, "safety": 4.93, "verbosity": 1.04, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1478 }
[ { "content": "Find the last non-zero digit of 30^2345\n\n['A)1', 'B)2', 'C)3', 'D)4', 'E)5']", "role": "user", "uuid": "6bf6fe5c-a665-41b5-9472-3a66d87a785e" }, { "content": "30^2345=(3*10)^2345=3^2345*10^2345\nso 30^2345 has 2345 zeroes,the last non-zero digit of 30^2345 will be same as unit digit of 3^2345\n3^2345=3^(4*586+1)=> 3^1=3\nlast non-zero digit of 30^2345= 3\nANSWER:C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "f857ac34-3e82-4fb5-b7fe-b6ea5d70ac79" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.88, "complexity": 2.25, "correctness": 2.61, "helpfulness": 2.64, "instruction-following": 2.86, "safety": 4.85, "verbosity": 1.83, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1615 }
[ { "content": "The speed of a bus increases by 2 km after every one hour. If the distance travelling in the first one hour was 35 km. what was the total distance travelled in 12 hours?\n\n['A)552 km', 'B)502 km', 'C)492 km', 'D)422 km', 'E)487 km']", "role": "user", "uuid": "44b8be9b-4e45-4c25-8a22-7f8230c46c87" }, { "content": "Explanation:\nGiven that distance travelled in 1st hour = 35 km\nand speed of the bus increases by 2 km after every one hour\nHence distance travelled in 2nd hour = 37 km\nHence distance travelled in 3rd hour = 39 km\n..\nTotal Distance Travelled = [35 + 37 + 39 + ... (12 terms)]\nThis is an Arithmetic Progression(AP) with\nfirst term, a=35, number of terms,n = 12 and common difference, d=2.\nThe sequence a , (a + d), (a + 2d), (a + 3d), (a + 4d), . . .\nis called an Arithmetic Progression(AP)\nwhere a is the first term and d is the common difference of the AP\nSum of the first n terms of an Arithmetic Progression(AP),\nSn = n/2[2a+(n−1)d]\nwhere n = number of terms\nHence, [35+37+39+... (12 terms)]\n= S12 = 122[2 × 35 +(12 − 1)2]\n= 6[70 + 22] = 6 × 92 = 552\nHence the total distance travelled = 552 km\nAnswer: Option A", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "494c947c-9ce3-4f31-bd6c-d5924f69563e" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.09, "complexity": 1.57, "correctness": 2.62, "helpfulness": 2.94, "instruction-following": 3.48, "safety": 4.73, "verbosity": 1.66, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1177 }
[ { "content": "There are two circles of different radii. The are of a square is 784 sq cm and its side is twice the radius of the larger circle. The radius of the larger circle is seven - third that of the smaller circle. Find the circumference of the smaller circle.\n\n['A)18', 'B)99', 'C)12', 'D)07', 'E)11']", "role": "user", "uuid": "b3da9292-9762-402e-b4cc-b384964de8ed" }, { "content": "Let the radii of the larger and the smaller circles be l cm and s cm respectively. Let the side of the square be a cm.\na2 = 784 = (4)(196) = (22).(142)\na = (2)(14) = 28\na = 2l, l = a/2 = 14\nl = (7/3)s\nTherefore s = (3/7)(l) = 6 Circumference of the smaller circle = 2∏s = 12∏ cm.\nAnswer: C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "e4b85e87-9e2f-4192-b4ca-cbf4d721bda0" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.86, "complexity": 1.49, "correctness": 2.14, "helpfulness": 2.25, "instruction-following": 3.21, "safety": 4.25, "verbosity": 1.24, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1118 }
[ { "content": "A photo-mat shop charges $0.50 for the first photo inside a film, and 40% cents less for each additional photo. How many photos can we develop with $52.58 if each film contains 36 photos?\n\n['A)4 films and 12 photos', 'B)5 films and 6 photos', 'C)5 films and 14 photos', 'D)6 films and 4 photos', 'E)6 films and 28 photos']", "role": "user", "uuid": "a06d1914-003c-4efb-91ff-acab7b461bd1" }, { "content": "1st photo = 0.55\nSubsequent = 0.50*0.6=0.30\nPrice of 1 full film=0.55+0.33*35=12.1\nPrice of 4 full film = 12.1*4=48.4\n52.58-48.4=4.18\n4.18=0.55+0.33x\nx=11\n52.58--->5 full films and 1+11=14 photos\nAnswer: C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "d4655b9d-9daf-4c46-8dcd-2c2119e64974" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.45, "complexity": 1.78, "correctness": 1.6, "helpfulness": 1.76, "instruction-following": 2.86, "safety": 5.44, "verbosity": 1.64, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1536 }
[ { "content": "Evaluate: 98612 / 22*11*70 = ?\n\n['A)700.4', 'B)704.4', 'C)740.4', 'D)744.4', 'E)700.0']", "role": "user", "uuid": "2b8bfb33-5d33-4507-b98c-f2a3abb276ba" }, { "content": "According to order of operations, 22?11?70 (division and multiplication) is done first from left to right\n22/11 = 2* 70 = 140\nHence\n98612 / 24*11*70 = 98612 / 140 = 704.4\ncorrect answer B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "6c2973b5-36f1-4203-abd9-e2621fba0fb8" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.8, "complexity": 1.42, "correctness": 2.2, "helpfulness": 2.35, "instruction-following": 2.08, "safety": 3.95, "verbosity": 0.98, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1137 }
[ { "content": "A mixture of 70 liters of wine and water contains 10% water. How much water must be added to make water 12 ½% of the total mixture?\n\n['A)7', 'B)8', 'C)4', 'D)2', 'E)9']", "role": "user", "uuid": "2147174a-c017-4894-a62a-7992a0057b9e" }, { "content": "70 * (10/100) = 7\nWine Water\n87 1/2% 12 1/2%\n87 1/2% ------- 63\n12 1/2% -------? => 9-7=2\nAnswer: D", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "5a550f14-2c2f-449b-a598-49977f49a62f" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.47, "complexity": 0.96, "correctness": 1.77, "helpfulness": 2.02, "instruction-following": 2.04, "safety": 5.32, "verbosity": 0.59, "verbosity-coeff": -0.131 }
[ { "content": "A feed store sells two varieties of birdseed: Brand A, which is 65% millet and 35% sunflower, and Brand B, which is 40% millet and 60% safflower. If a customer purchases a mix of the two types of birdseed that is 50% millet, what percent of the mix is Brand A?\n\n['A)40%', 'B)45%', 'C)50 %', 'D)60 %', 'E)55 %']", "role": "user", "uuid": "d582225f-0b8a-4e57-bbd5-28f98b8deed1" }, { "content": "Yes there is a simple method :\nConsider the following method\nBrand A : 65% millet and 35% sunflower\nBrand B : 40% millet and 60% safflower\nMix : 50% millet\nHere the weighted average is 50%,\nNow Brand A has 65% millet, which is 15% more than the weighted average of mix = + 0.15 A --------------- I\nSimilarly, Brand B has 40 % millet, which is 10 % less than the weighted average of mix = - 0.10B ------------ II\nNow, both Brand A and Brand B are combined to give a 50% mix containing millet, so equate I and II\nimplies, 0.15 A = 0.10 B\nTherefore A/B = 0.10/0.15 = 2/3\nA : B : (A + B) = 2 : 3 : (3+2) = 2 : 3 : 5\nWe have to find, percent of the mix is Brand A i.e. A : (A + B) = 2 : 5 = (2 / 5) * 100 = 40 %\nHere is a pictorial representation :\nBrand A= 65%------------------------15% or 0.15 above average, A times-----------------Total below = + 0.15 A\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Average = 50% or 0.50\nBrand B = 40%--------------------------10% or 0.10 below average, B times-----------------Total above = - 0.10 B\nSince the amount below the average has to equal the average above the average; therefore,\n0.15 A = 0.10 B\nA/B = 2/3\nA:B: Total = 2:3:5\nTherefore\nA/Total = 2:5 = 40 %", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "cbfe1a6a-dff7-4a34-965f-aecca8d67553" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.72, "complexity": 2.2, "correctness": 2.37, "helpfulness": 2.1, "instruction-following": 1.98, "safety": 4.5, "verbosity": 1.61, "verbosity-coeff": -0.2263 }
[ { "content": "X does a work in 30 days. Y does the same work in 45 days. In how many days they together will do the same work?\n\n['A)18', 'B)12', 'C)20', 'D)30', 'E)15']", "role": "user", "uuid": "29186652-6b01-4771-af7c-5a423eb5b305" }, { "content": "X's 1day's work= 1/30\nY's 1 day's work=1/45\n(X+Y)'s 1day's work= (1/30+1/45)=1/18\nboth together will finish the work in 18 days.\ncorrect option is A", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "c97034de-8e89-44c8-b292-a37f5925fc8b" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.96, "complexity": 1.63, "correctness": 2.66, "helpfulness": 2.74, "instruction-following": 3.91, "safety": 5.28, "verbosity": 1.26, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1159 }
[ { "content": "A rectangular football field is fenced on all four sides. The length of the football field is 3 times the length of its breadth. The cost of fencing the field was $360. The football management has decided to change the dimensions of field by increasing the breadth by 50% of its original value and reducing the length by 25% of its original value and fence the field again.. What will be the cost of the new fencing?\n\n['A)$360', 'B)$180', 'C)$425', 'D)$337.5', 'E)$415']", "role": "user", "uuid": "f0480475-33ee-4e7b-afdd-ce0def84d0cd" }, { "content": "Let's take x to be the breadth. Then the length of the football field is 3x.\nThe perimeter of the old football field is x + 3x + x + 3x = 8x.\nNow, for the new football field:\nThe new breadth = 1.5 times old breadth = 1.5x\nThe new length is 0.75 times old length = (.75)3x = 2.25x\nSo the new perimeter is 1.5x + 2.25x + 1.5x + 2.25x = 7.5 x.\nfor old perimeter rate is $360\nFor new perimeter = (360 * 7.5)/8\n= 337.5\nAns - D", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "43b3b9fe-4b68-45ec-bd5d-2b0d3c165e60" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.61, "complexity": 1.53, "correctness": 2.29, "helpfulness": 2.49, "instruction-following": 3.45, "safety": 3.89, "verbosity": 1.52, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1508 }
[ { "content": "In February Wilson’s earnings were 40 percent of his family’s total income. In March Wilson earned 25 percent less than in February. If the rest of his family’s income was the same in both months, then, in March, Wilson’s earnings were approximately what percent Q of his family’s total income?\n\n['A) 15%', 'B) 17%', 'C) 24%', 'D) 30%', 'E) 33%']", "role": "user", "uuid": "58ebadaa-1bb3-4e47-b62e-40a6754255dd" }, { "content": "Lets suppose the Total Family income in Feb = 100x\nWilson's earning in Feb = 40% of 100x = 40x\nEarnings of remaining family in Feb = 100x - 40x = 60x\nWilson's earning in March = 75% of Wilson's Feb earnings = 75% of 40x = 30x\nEarnings of remaining family in March = Earnings of remaining family in Feb = 60x\nThus Wilson's earning as % of Total family income in March Q= 30x/ (30+60)x = 30x/90x = 33.33%\nThus Answer is E", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "90ee4f86-efd5-4587-afa8-96821564f385" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.74, "complexity": 2.08, "correctness": 2.21, "helpfulness": 2.21, "instruction-following": 2.23, "safety": 5.36, "verbosity": 0.83, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1794 }
[ { "content": "Sandy bought 65 books for $1480 from one shop and 55 books for $920 from another shop. What is the average price that Sandy paid per book?\n\n['A)$38', 'B)$18', 'C)$99', 'D)$27', 'E)$20']", "role": "user", "uuid": "7910a88d-7059-474b-8a3e-0e80b39675a0" }, { "content": "average price per book = (1480 + 920) / (65 + 55) = 2400 / 120 = $20\nThe answer is E.", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "143fc1f9-2092-48d4-90a6-3a99a11e7120" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.39, "complexity": 0.47, "correctness": 2.61, "helpfulness": 2.68, "instruction-following": 3.39, "safety": 4.89, "verbosity": 0.85, "verbosity-coeff": -0.169 }
[ { "content": "A certain automobile company’s best-selling model is the Speedster. The Speedster, like all of their other models, comes in coupe and convertible styles. 2/3 of the current inventory is Speedsters, of which 4/5 are convertibles. If there are 40 vehicles that are not Speedsters, how many Speedster convertibles are there?\n\n['A)30', 'B)64', 'C)60', 'D)70', 'E)90']", "role": "user", "uuid": "61adc9e7-34a6-4c7a-bbc1-377d013be3b4" }, { "content": "Total Vehicle = 2/3 of speedster + 1/3 of others.\nSpeedster convertibles = 2/3 total vehicle * 4 /5\nGiven : 1/3 constitutes 40 Vehicles. hence 2/3 constitutes 80\nSpeedster convertibls = 80 * 4/5 = 64\nB", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "f17f7d5a-e217-481d-9a7f-25138bebd2eb" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.92, "complexity": 1.55, "correctness": 2.33, "helpfulness": 2.53, "instruction-following": 2.84, "safety": 5.12, "verbosity": 1.28, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1253 }
[ { "content": "If Rs.7500 are borrowed at C.I at the rate of 4% per annum, then after 2 years the amount to be paid is?\n\n['A)Rs.544', 'B)Rs. 8112', 'C)Rs.820', 'D)Rs.639', 'E)Rs.897']", "role": "user", "uuid": "a4383886-da5d-4a9d-96ac-1595b2be5ed3" }, { "content": "Explanation:\nExplanation:\nA = 7500(26/25)2 =Rs. 8112\nAnswer:B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "076b77af-afaa-416c-a68a-b22163b2afae" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.68, "complexity": 0.96, "correctness": 1.99, "helpfulness": 2.29, "instruction-following": 3.66, "safety": 5.24, "verbosity": 1.06, "verbosity-coeff": -0.0948 }
[ { "content": "10 camels cost as much as 24 horses, 16 horses cost as much as 4 oxen and 6 oxen as much as 4 elephants. If the cost of 10 elephants is Rs. 170000, find the cost of a camel?\n\n['A)3278', 'B)2669', 'C)2770', 'D)Rs.6800', 'E)2791']", "role": "user", "uuid": "8789c884-9a0d-4234-9e68-0dc7e0e680fa" }, { "content": "Cost of the camel = P\n10 camels = 24 horses\n16 horses = 4 oxen\n6 oxen = 4 elephants\n10 elephants = Rs.170000\nP = Rs.[(24 * 4 * 4 * 170000)/(10 * 16 * 6 * 10)]\nP = Rs.(65280000/9600) => P = Rs.6800\nAnswer: D", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "2ac7d452-4ee0-410f-94c5-8c7097f75fb2" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.68, "complexity": 1.12, "correctness": 2, "helpfulness": 2.12, "instruction-following": 3.64, "safety": 5.16, "verbosity": 1.25, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1235 }
[ { "content": "In how many different Q ways can 4 ladies and 4 gentlemen be seated at a round table so that all ladies sit together?\n\n['A)70', 'B)288', 'C)576', 'D)10,080', 'E)20,160']", "role": "user", "uuid": "6f0aecb1-7818-4494-9b3e-5c253f7353ae" }, { "content": "Treat the 4 ladies as one object, now you have 5 objects to arrange around a table (m1,m2,m3,m4,women). This can be done in (5-1)! ways\nAnd there are 4! ways to arrange ladies among themselves\nAnswer Q= (4!)^2 = 576 or C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "8a5b3a45-505b-4420-a972-547b0fe8f476" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.64, "complexity": 1.74, "correctness": 2.33, "helpfulness": 2.27, "instruction-following": 2.78, "safety": 5.01, "verbosity": 1.18, "verbosity-coeff": -0.2057 }
[ { "content": "In a box of 11 pens, a total of 3 are defective. If a customer buys 2 pens selected at random from the box, what is the probability that neither pen will be defective?\n\n['A)5/11', 'B)16/33', 'C)28/55', 'D)38/77', 'E)45/88']", "role": "user", "uuid": "683e53ad-e902-4676-abd8-35317d2afb67" }, { "content": "# defective pens = 3\n# good pens = 8\nProbability of the 1st pen being good = 8/11\nProbability of the 2nd pen being good = 7/10\nTotal probability = 8/11 * 7/10 = 28/55\nThe answer is C.", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "86c7ddac-ef40-46ea-bf75-6f54b8a8e5b6" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.19, "complexity": 1.11, "correctness": 2.49, "helpfulness": 2.92, "instruction-following": 3.29, "safety": 5.79, "verbosity": 1.16, "verbosity-coeff": -0.2152 }
[ { "content": "how many such letters pairs r in word FRONTIER having same no. of letters left between them in the word as they have in the series\n\n['A)1', 'B)2', 'C)3', 'D)4', 'E)5']", "role": "user", "uuid": "c4231f22-8ac7-45d2-a3db-009a38f24ad1" }, { "content": "the no of letters between the specific two letters when we write in the alphabetical order should be same as the number of letters between those two letters in the given word\ntwo are possible\n1)letters 'o' and 'n'\n2)'n' and 'r'......( middle letters are o,p,q i.e 3 letters in alphabetical order & in the given word t,i,e i.e 3 letters)\nso 2 such pairs are possible\nANSWER:B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "4e615302-1666-4340-8be0-75782ad4c2e9" } ]
{ "coherence": 2, "complexity": 1.43, "correctness": 1.89, "helpfulness": 1.89, "instruction-following": 2.08, "safety": 4.25, "verbosity": 1.99, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1013 }
[ { "content": "Two trains are running in opposite directions with the same speed. If the length of each train is 120 m and they cross each other in 12 sec, then the speed of each train is?\n\n['A)10', 'B)18', 'C)63', 'D)36', 'E)72']", "role": "user", "uuid": "d37cd9b2-54bc-4336-a7a6-6a49df113faf" }, { "content": "Let the speed of each train be x m/sec.\nThen, relative speed of the two trains = 2x m/sec.\nSo, 2x = (120 + 120)/12 => x = 10\nSpeed of each train = 10 m/sec.\n= 10 * 18/5 =- 36 km/hr.\nANSWER:D", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "bb8a685e-27dc-47fd-a3ed-19c213a7531f" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.45, "complexity": 2.02, "correctness": 2.21, "helpfulness": 2.35, "instruction-following": 3.54, "safety": 5.01, "verbosity": 1.74, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1044 }
[ { "content": "A division of a company consists of six men and five women. If two of these employees are randomly selected as representatives of the division, what is the probability that both representatives will be female?\n\n['A)1/6', 'B)2/5', 'C)2/11', 'D)5/12', 'E)7/15']", "role": "user", "uuid": "dd514702-f349-4e1a-b4de-dec465395e54" }, { "content": "Total number of ways to select 2 members = 11C2 = 55\nTotal number of ways to select 2 females = 5C2 = 10\nP(two females) = 10/55 = 2/11\nThe answer is C.", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "8578f01f-fe02-450d-90ab-5427583280fb" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.56, "complexity": 1.17, "correctness": 2.78, "helpfulness": 3, "instruction-following": 3.7, "safety": 5.24, "verbosity": 1.01, "verbosity-coeff": -0.2229 }
[ { "content": "A can do a work in 15 days and B in 20 days. If they work on it together for 8 days, then the fraction of the work that is left is\n\n['A)8/17', 'B)7/15', 'C)3/15', 'D)8/15', 'E)1/15']", "role": "user", "uuid": "dfffe258-1a1f-44e3-854a-b0dd24f45ba3" }, { "content": "Person ( A ) ( B ) ( A+B )\nTime - ( 15 ) ( 20 ) (-)\nRate - ( 20 ) ( 15 ) ( 35 )\nWork -(300) (300) (300)\ntherefore A+B requires (300/35) days to complete entire work\nFor 1st 4 days they work 35 * 8 = 280\nRemaining work is 300 - 280 = 20\nRemaining fraction of work is = 20/300 = 1/15\nAnswer E", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "8662180d-d7d3-46ad-80c0-b4de2ff041ac" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.21, "complexity": 1.49, "correctness": 1.73, "helpfulness": 1.67, "instruction-following": 2.02, "safety": 4.7, "verbosity": 0.95, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1456 }
[ { "content": "If 1 kilometer is approximately 0.6 mile, which of the following best approximates the number of kilometers in 4 miles?\n\n['A)12/5', 'B)12/3', 'C)12/4', 'D)12/6', 'E)12/2']", "role": "user", "uuid": "36c01c61-6516-41aa-8381-7e7236717c62" }, { "content": "1 km is approxmately equal to 0.6 miles\nSo 4 km = 4*0.6 = 2.4 miles . Multiple & divide by 10\ni.e 2.4*10/10 = 24/10 = 12/5\nAnswer : A", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "c58beaa5-0dbf-4cca-9654-54e27db5a1cd" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.62, "complexity": 1.68, "correctness": 2.02, "helpfulness": 2.06, "instruction-following": 1.75, "safety": 5.09, "verbosity": 1.41, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1828 }
[ { "content": "Two pipe A and B fill a tank in 6 hours and 8 hours respectively.and C empty that tank in 12 hour.if all three pipe open together in empty tank then how much time it take to fill the tank?\n\n['A)19/3', 'B)23/2', 'C)24/5', 'D)18', 'E)16']", "role": "user", "uuid": "03a1d102-a4c9-493b-824a-9a6b304e1283" }, { "content": "all three pipe resultant fill tank in 1 hour=[1/6+1/8-1/12]=5/24\ntotal time taken to fill tank=24/5 hour\nanswer C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "fa62d0ef-b6d2-4724-8c87-d6cfba7aa423" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.88, "complexity": 0.93, "correctness": 2.61, "helpfulness": 2.57, "instruction-following": 3.04, "safety": 6.02, "verbosity": 0.79, "verbosity-coeff": -0.0945 }
[ { "content": "A man can swim in still water at 4.5 km/h, but takes twice as long to swim upstream than downstream. The speed of the stream is?\n\n['A)3', 'B)7.5', 'C)2.25', 'D)1.5', 'E)4']", "role": "user", "uuid": "e6b8e6bd-2341-4c90-a159-9a11f5e802bb" }, { "content": "M = 4.5\nS = x\nDS = 4.5 + x\nUS = 4.5 + x\n4.5 + x = (4.5 - x)2\n4.5 + x = 9 -2x\n3x = 4.5\nx = 1.5\nANSWER:D", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "bba70fd9-1862-404f-af16-b31d28af97a8" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.59, "complexity": 1.11, "correctness": 1.94, "helpfulness": 2, "instruction-following": 2.39, "safety": 4.29, "verbosity": 0.62, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1268 }
[ { "content": "What is the lowest positive integer that is divisible by each of the odd integers between 13 and 19, inclusive?\n\n['A)3×17×19×21', 'B)13*15*17*19', 'C)7×15×17×19', 'D)7×15×19×21', 'E)15×17×19×21']", "role": "user", "uuid": "a2c15845-15a8-40c4-bfea-cb103d05f3c6" }, { "content": "We should find the LCM of 13,15 = 3*5, 17, 19--> LCM = 3*5*13*17*19 = 13*15*17*19.\nAnswer: B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "0cd1b4b1-bb41-4f93-abc0-0cdc4ba8cbbf" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.82, "complexity": 1.71, "correctness": 2.2, "helpfulness": 2.33, "instruction-following": 2.49, "safety": 4.38, "verbosity": 0.94, "verbosity-coeff": -0.2325 }
[ { "content": "Crew A can build a complete car in 20 minutes and Crew B can build a complete car in 25 minutes. If both crews work independently and start at the same time, what is the shortest amount of time Q it could take for 10 cars to be complete?\n\n['A)111 1/9 minutes', 'B)115 2/5 minutes', 'C)116 minutes', 'D)120 minutes', 'E)125 minutes']", "role": "user", "uuid": "2facf172-2339-4b8d-994b-09f1fc367ab5" }, { "content": "A builds 4 cars in 80 min\nB builds 4 cars in 100 min\nSo A builds another car in another 20 min (i.e total 5 cars)\nB builds another car in another 25 minutes (i.e, total 5 cars)\nHowever, A can build another car in next 20 min (i.e total 6 cars)\nSo total time Q= 125 min by B, which is > 120 min by A\nB - 4 cars, A - 6 cars\nAnswer = D", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "fcc8f403-5d13-44e9-996e-3857fec3810c" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.23, "complexity": 1.69, "correctness": 1.63, "helpfulness": 1.77, "instruction-following": 2.16, "safety": 6.73, "verbosity": 1.37, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1257 }
[ { "content": "A bag contains 50p,Rs.1/- and Rs2/- coins in the ratio of 4:2:1 respectively. If the total money in the bag is Rs.60/-. Find the number of 50p coins in that bag?\n\n['A)20 coins', 'B)40 coins', 'C)60 coins', 'D)70 coins', 'E)None']", "role": "user", "uuid": "b0c7bbfe-5052-42bc-b706-2028810baa41" }, { "content": "50paisa : Rs.1/- : Rs.2/- = 4 : 2 : 1 ---> coins ratio\n= 2 : 2 : 2 ----> money ratio\nRs.2/- * 10 coins = Rs.20/-\nRs.1/- * 20 coins = Rs.20/-\n50 Paisa * 40 coins = Rs.20/-\nThen 50 paisa coins in that bag = 40 coins\nB)", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "ec7756f6-c60d-411d-a42f-456bcfc59fa3" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.66, "complexity": 1, "correctness": 1.92, "helpfulness": 2.21, "instruction-following": 2.23, "safety": 5.59, "verbosity": -0.09, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1162 }
[ { "content": "A man bets on no. 16 on a roulette wheel 14 times and losses each time. On the 15th span he does a quick calculation and finds out that the no. 12 had appeared twice in the 14 spans and is therefore, unable to decide whether to bet on 16 or 12 in the 15th span. Which will give him the best chance and what are the odds of winning on the bet that he takes?\n\n['A)Either 37 ;30:1', 'B)Either ;35:1', 'C)Either 15;15:12', 'D)Either 21;35:1', 'E)Either 17;35:12']", "role": "user", "uuid": "f51dd4a0-3b5f-4778-b105-5c3ab13a51a0" }, { "content": "Each of the span is an independent event and the outcome of the 15th span will not depend on the outcome of the earlier spans.\nEither ;35:1\nB)", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "60cf6ac4-eab2-4689-b3db-85b1d57ea00d" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.25, "complexity": 1.34, "correctness": 1.47, "helpfulness": 1.59, "instruction-following": 1.38, "safety": 4.48, "verbosity": 1.06, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1221 }
[ { "content": "If Tim had lunch at $50.50 and he gave 10% tip, how much did he spend?\n\n['A)$30.60', 'B)$60.60', 'C)$70.60', 'D)$55.55', 'E)$50.60']", "role": "user", "uuid": "d23454c7-7bf4-40d1-9384-2887a257bdd7" }, { "content": "The tip is 20% of what he paid for lunch. Hence\ntip = 20% of 50.50 = (10/100)*50.50 = $5.05\nTotal spent\n50.50 + 5.05 = $55.55\ncorrect answer D", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "caba90d5-a6cf-40cf-ad7c-37609bdb16da" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.74, "complexity": 0.84, "correctness": 2.31, "helpfulness": 2.37, "instruction-following": 2.08, "safety": 3.7, "verbosity": 1.35, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1038 }
[ { "content": "If two dice are thrown simultaneously, then find the probability that the sum of numbers appeared on the dice is 2?\n\n['A)5/6', 'B)7/36', 'C)5/36', 'D)1/36', 'E)12/36']", "role": "user", "uuid": "2ca919d3-3959-4cd1-a3e8-b7812223e79d" }, { "content": "The sum of numbers appeared is 2.\nTherefore, the required probability = n(E)/n(S) = 1/36.\nANSWER:D", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "c34be357-f727-4d3b-b619-b38c22ea2f75" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.96, "complexity": 1.56, "correctness": 2.78, "helpfulness": 3.02, "instruction-following": 3.58, "safety": 5.36, "verbosity": 1.51, "verbosity-coeff": -0.0921 }
[ { "content": "At a particular pizza shop, a pizza can be created from any combination of 3 different types of spice, 7 different types of meat, among which are pepperoni and anchovies, and 4 different types of cheese. If a customer at the shop decides to order a pizza with 1 type of spice, 2 types of cheese, and 4 types of meat but without pepperoni and anchovies together, how many possible ways to garnish the pizza are available to the customer?\n\n['A)6', 'B)35', 'C)120', 'D)450', 'E)740']", "role": "user", "uuid": "630aec87-137a-4fb5-bed3-3f7ff77608dd" }, { "content": "Number of possible ways to select 1 type of spice = 3c1 = 3\nNumber of possible ways to select 2 types of cheese = 4c2 = 6\n(Here we can pick our answer as D- 450 since it is the only answer that is divisible by 3*6= 18 , but most likely on the GMAT there will be more another answer that will be divisible by 18 )\nNumber of possible ways to select 4 types of meat but without pepperoni and anchovies together\n= Total number of ways without any restriction - Total number of ways in which pepperoni and anchovies together\n= 7c4 - 5c2\n=35 - 10\n=25\nPossible ways to garnish the pizza are available to the customer = 3*6 * 25\n=450\nAnswer D", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "c0f892b6-93ef-420a-80d4-e0c8a6e5df41" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.92, "complexity": 1.4, "correctness": 2.9, "helpfulness": 3.02, "instruction-following": 3.74, "safety": 5.24, "verbosity": 1.28, "verbosity-coeff": -0.2115 }
[ { "content": "A is a working and B is sleeping partners in a business. A puts in Rs. 5000 and B puts in Rs.6000. A receives % of the profit for managing the business and the rest is divided in proportion to their capital. What does each get out of a profit of Rs. 880?\n\n['A)770', 'B)266', 'C)297', 'D)260', 'E)277']", "role": "user", "uuid": "866136e0-8667-4530-86bc-ddc55021a41a" }, { "content": "Total profit = Rs. 880\nA's share for managing the business i.e\n\\inline 12\\frac{1}{2} % = \\inline \\frac{25\\times 880}{200}=Rs.110\nRemaining profit of A and B as per their capital = 880 - 110 = Rs. 770\nRatio of amounts = 5000 : 6000 = 5 : 6\nSum of ratios = 5 + 6 = 11\nA's share = \\inline 770\\times \\frac{5}{11}= Rs.350\nA's total share = 350 + 110 = Rs. 460\nB's share = \\inline 770\\times \\frac{6}{11}=Rs.420\nAnswer:A", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "22cfa6d6-1932-4938-87ae-107452fbce4e" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.98, "complexity": 1.46, "correctness": 2.45, "helpfulness": 2.55, "instruction-following": 3.41, "safety": 5.36, "verbosity": 1.07, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1247 }
[ { "content": "If Tim had lunch at $50 and he gave 20% tip, how much did he spend?\n\n['A)A)$60.00', 'B)B)$35.42', 'C)C)$60.60', 'D)D)$21.56', 'E)E)$78.45']", "role": "user", "uuid": "1d3915d0-91ef-49a8-a108-75b97d8a9dca" }, { "content": "The tip is 20% of what he paid for lunch.\ntip = 20% of 50.00 = (20/100)*50.00 = = $10.00\nTotal spent\n50.00 + 10.00 = $60.00\ncorrect answer is A)$60.00", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "46f0f51f-b56a-4be7-ba31-e0ae85fb340e" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.39, "complexity": 1.14, "correctness": 3.25, "helpfulness": 3.54, "instruction-following": 3.21, "safety": 2.84, "verbosity": 1.62, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1049 }
[ { "content": "Johnny borrows $50,000 from Tony at 3% daily interest compounded daily. How much does Johnny owe Tony after 4 weeks?\n\n['A)50000*0.02^28', 'B)50000*1.12', 'C)50000*2.12', 'D)50000*1.03^28', 'E)(50000*1.02)^28']", "role": "user", "uuid": "c00fcc75-fb48-499d-b9f5-00c0ee9cac65" }, { "content": "A=A= P(1+r100)^n\nSo, A=50000(1+3/100)^7∗4\nSo, A= 50000(1.03)^28\nHence answer will be (D)", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "28bc3985-a9bb-4e05-9d9e-8532ed078114" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.74, "complexity": 1.63, "correctness": 1.75, "helpfulness": 1.9, "instruction-following": 1.96, "safety": 5.2, "verbosity": 1.22, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1097 }
[ { "content": "What is the relationship between the fractions 14/15 and 37/40.\n\n['A)14/15 = 37/40', 'B)14/15 < 37/40', 'C)14/15 > 37/40', 'D)cannot bedetermined', 'E)None']", "role": "user", "uuid": "3eca8454-e38f-4f2b-889f-b8f9e42b8113" }, { "content": "Take LCM of both 15, 40 we get 120\n(14*8)/(15*8) = 112/120\n(37*3)/(40*3) = 111/120\nSo 14/15>37/40\nANSWER:C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "81170ee0-71c1-41bd-b294-511956ab081f" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.7, "complexity": 1.98, "correctness": 2.25, "helpfulness": 2.29, "instruction-following": 2.82, "safety": 5.4, "verbosity": 1.34, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1349 }
[ { "content": "Addison High School’s senior class has 160 boys and 200 girls. If 75% of the boys and 84% of the girls plan to attend college, what percentage of the total class plan to attend college?\n\n['A)75', 'B)79.5', 'C)80', 'D)83.5', 'E)84']", "role": "user", "uuid": "ad0791d3-dfe4-4f83-8b9a-d3bf57d532d6" }, { "content": "Number of boys attending the party : 0.75*160 = 120\nnumber of girls attending the party: 0.84*200 = 168\nTotal attending = 120+168 = 288\nTotal people = 160+200 = 360\n% of people attending = 288/360 = 80%. C is the correct answer", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "d23263bb-12ef-47f5-ac74-0026cd138b78" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.27, "complexity": 1.59, "correctness": 3, "helpfulness": 2.96, "instruction-following": 3.15, "safety": 5.16, "verbosity": 1.38, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1384 }
[ { "content": "A train passes a station platform in 36 seconds and a man standing on the platform in 20 seconds. If the speed of the train is 54 km/hr, what is the length of the platform?\n\n['A)120 m', 'B)240 m', 'C)300 m', 'D)400 m', 'E)None of these']", "role": "user", "uuid": "f065d690-c3e2-4f24-ad05-aa4116f59888" }, { "content": "Speed = (54 * 5/18) m/sec = 15 m/sec. Length of the train = (15 x 20)m = 300 m. Let the length of the platform be x meters. Then, (x + 300)/36 = 15 ==> x + 300 = 540 ==> x = 240 m.\nANSWER:B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "da120c0a-dfaf-4149-8757-f5918688cae5" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.92, "complexity": 1.99, "correctness": 2.74, "helpfulness": 3, "instruction-following": 4.54, "safety": 4.77, "verbosity": 1.69, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1284 }
[ { "content": "In measuring the sides of a rectangle, one side is taken 5% in excess, and the other 4% in deficit. Find the error percent in the area calculated from these measurements.\n\n['A)0.2%', 'B)0.4%', 'C)0.6%', 'D)0.8%', 'E)1%']", "role": "user", "uuid": "326aebd5-5bb9-497a-81ef-58686fee682e" }, { "content": "Let x and y be the sides of the rectangle. Then, Correct area = xy.\nCalculated area = (105/100)*x * (96/100)*y = (504/500 )(xy)\nError In measurement = (504/500)xy- xy= (4/500)xy\nError % = [(4/500)xy*(1/xy) *100] % = (4/5) % = 0.8%.\nANSWER D 0.8%", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "420934e2-9f97-47c7-824a-5575a7e57465" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.98, "complexity": 2.74, "correctness": 2.72, "helpfulness": 2.57, "instruction-following": 3.04, "safety": 4.05, "verbosity": 2, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1445 }
[ { "content": "A word consists of 9 letters; 5 consonants and 4 vowels.Three letters are choosen at random. What is the probability that more than one vowel will be selected ?\n\n['A)17/49', 'B)17/42', 'C)17/87', 'D)17/29', 'E)17/12']", "role": "user", "uuid": "53ff3f33-6a20-478c-b029-31c774e53eaf" }, { "content": "Explanation:\n3 letters can be choosen out of 9 letters in {\\color{Black} {^9}C_3} ways.\nMore than one vowels ( 2 vowels + 1 consonant or 3 vowels ) can be choosen in {\\color{Black} \\left ( {^4}C_2\\times {^5}C_1 \\right )+{^4}C_3} ways\nHence,required probability = {\\color{Black} \\frac{\\left ( {^4}C_2\\times {^5}C_1 \\right )+{^4}C_3}{{^9}C_3}} = 17/42\nAnswer: B) 17/42", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "b31cfaac-31a0-4787-b968-896d499c4df7" } ]
{ "coherence": 3.33, "complexity": 1.44, "correctness": 2.8, "helpfulness": 3.02, "instruction-following": 3.74, "safety": 5.71, "verbosity": 1.41, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1792 }
[ { "content": "For each of her sales, a saleswoman receives a commission equal to 20 percent of the first $500 of the total amount of the sale, plus 35 percent of the total amount in excess of $500. If the total amount of one of her sales was $800, the saleswoman’s commission was approximately what percent of the total amount of the sale?\n\n['A)22%', 'B)24%', 'C)25%', 'D)26%', 'E)28%']", "role": "user", "uuid": "873aa5d4-20d0-405f-aa84-8df7b4ecae8d" }, { "content": "Total sales =800\nComission = (20/100)*500+ (35/100)*300\n=100 + 105\n=205\n%Comission =(205/800)*100=25.6~ 26%\nAnswer is D", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "104e4d8b-ae3d-43f6-ae59-25ed3d00825e" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.68, "complexity": 1.7, "correctness": 2.04, "helpfulness": 1.92, "instruction-following": 2.84, "safety": 5.83, "verbosity": 1.25, "verbosity-coeff": -0.2236 }
[ { "content": "The sum of two consecutive number is 49. Which is the larger number?\n\n['A)42', 'B)43', 'C)25', 'D)45', 'E)46']", "role": "user", "uuid": "41d2ba22-0f01-4192-8c8f-df88c31207fe" }, { "content": "Let consecutive number be x, x+1\nTherefore sum of the consecutive number is x + x+1=49\n2x+1=49\n2x=48\nx=24\nTherefore larger number is x+1=25\nANSWER:C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "5771dbe8-da64-4e10-8fc4-93b371a669d9" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.98, "complexity": 1.37, "correctness": 3, "helpfulness": 3.05, "instruction-following": 3.23, "safety": 5.63, "verbosity": 1.3, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1402 }
[ { "content": "What is the next number of the following sequence\n3,7,13,21,?\n\n['A)22', 'B)31', 'C)41', 'D)35', 'E)42']", "role": "user", "uuid": "fecb13f9-8267-4beb-b54b-ea751f1dfaf4" }, { "content": "2^2-1=3\n3^2-2=7\n4^2-3=13\n5^2-4=21\n6^2-5=31\nANSWER:B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "3371e63b-3070-4129-ab05-6156fed9bdd8" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.49, "complexity": 1.16, "correctness": 2.29, "helpfulness": 2.33, "instruction-following": 2.86, "safety": 4.07, "verbosity": 1.18, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1198 }
[ { "content": "Consider below info to be a table:\nAMOUNT OF BACTERIA\nTIME - AMOUNT\n1PM - 10gms\n4PM - x gms\n7PM - 12.1 gms\nData for a certain biology experiment are given in the table above. If the amount of bacteria present increased by the same factor during each of the two 3-hour periods shown, how many grams of bacteria were present at 4PM ?\n\n['A)12.0', 'B)12.1', 'C)12.2', 'D)12.3', 'E)11.0']", "role": "user", "uuid": "12aaa691-18c7-4719-9b20-c24f62456738" }, { "content": "let say the factor is x, the at 7PM quantity = 10 (i.e. quantity @1PM)* x^2 =12.1 => x^2 =1.21 or x = 1.1 => @4PM quantity = 10x =10*1.1 =11.\nAnswer E", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "47d5a5bb-a8b2-41d5-9773-c0e0d7348bc4" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.35, "complexity": 1.02, "correctness": 2.14, "helpfulness": 2.04, "instruction-following": 2.78, "safety": 5.4, "verbosity": 0.4, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1037 }
[ { "content": "A train covers a distance of 12 km in 10 min. If it takes 6 sec to pass a telegraph post, then the length of the train is?\n\n['A)110 m', 'B)120 m', 'C)160 m', 'D)180 m', 'E)140 m']", "role": "user", "uuid": "45fd957c-5a3f-436d-ad0b-11483bdc04b3" }, { "content": "Speed = (12/10 * 60) km/hr = (72 * 5/18) m/sec = 20 m/sec.\nLength of the train = 20 * 6 = 120 m.\nAnswer: B", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "dbe805a0-8f28-46e2-99a2-bec68576e453" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.98, "complexity": 1.84, "correctness": 2.72, "helpfulness": 2.92, "instruction-following": 4.11, "safety": 5.87, "verbosity": 1.54, "verbosity-coeff": -0.0992 }
[ { "content": "In the equation ax^2 + bx + c = 0 a, b, and c are constants, and abc # 0. If one root of the equation is -2, and b = 10a then which of the following is c equal to?\n\n['A)a/12', 'B)a/8', 'C)6a', 'D)8a', 'E)16a']", "role": "user", "uuid": "af88a729-06fd-4dba-8488-602387f153e2" }, { "content": "The sum of the roots is = -b/a = -10a/a = -10. Let the other root be x. Thus, x-2 = -10\nx = -8. Again, the product of the roots is -2*-8 = 16. Thus, c/a = 16. c = 16a.\nE.", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "036ed667-681f-491c-9514-a3277430cd2b" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.84, "complexity": 1.42, "correctness": 1.97, "helpfulness": 2.1, "instruction-following": 1.63, "safety": 5.59, "verbosity": 0.43, "verbosity-coeff": -0.207 }
[ { "content": "If p^2 – 8p + 15 = q, and p is a positive integer between 1 and 10, inclusive, what is the probability that q < 0?\n\n['A)1/10', 'B)1/5', 'C)2/5', 'D)3/5', 'E)3/10']", "role": "user", "uuid": "55c715b8-ca62-4032-9e03-04bd006b08e8" }, { "content": "(p-5)(p-3) = q\np = 4 for this to be true, so\n1/10\nAns :A", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "bdcbacf3-9ebf-4414-9545-ae2fa8b3b231" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.49, "complexity": 1.19, "correctness": 1.93, "helpfulness": 1.83, "instruction-following": 2.2, "safety": 5.32, "verbosity": 0.46, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1848 }
[ { "content": "A train leaves Mumabai at 9 am at a speed of 40 kmph. After one hour, another train leaves Mumbai in the same direction as that of the first train at a speed of 50 kmph. When and at what distance from Mumbai do the two trains meet?\n\n['A)276', 'B)271', 'C)200', 'D)278', 'E)268']", "role": "user", "uuid": "41da980e-ed5f-4082-b149-e5cedf774a55" }, { "content": "When the second train leaves Mumbai the first train covers 40 * 1 = 40 km\nSo, the distance between first train and second train is 40 km at 10.00am\nTime taken by the trains to meet\n= Distance / relative speed = 40 / (50 -40) = 4 hours\nSo, the two trains meet at 2 p.m. The two trains meet 4 * 50\n= 200 km away from Mumbai.\nAnswer: C", "role": "assistant", "uuid": "042cb6f9-2fb6-4e98-ac0e-a5e6e9d01770" } ]
{ "coherence": 2.78, "complexity": 1.43, "correctness": 2.37, "helpfulness": 2.61, "instruction-following": 3.31, "safety": 5.83, "verbosity": 1.23, "verbosity-coeff": -0.1194 }