Why do horses have to be put down if they break a leg?
Horsies have bodies built to always be able to stand or move around. They're not meant to lay down a lot. Now, if a horsie breaks its leg, it has to rest that leg for it to heal. But if it rests that leg, the horsie will get sicker and sicker. Remember, the horsie's body is not meant to rest its legs, it's built assuming it can always move.
How much pollution did nuclear weapon testing cause?
The 50s and 60s have been posited as a potential start to the potential Anthropocene epoch, partly due to the fact there is now a sedimental record of when nuclear testing began. 1952 is approximately the time this record became global rather han concentrated around test sites
If all the gangs in the U.S.A. united, would they be able to take over the country?
Playing Devil's advocate. Don't forget, that just because the gang is located in the US, that doesn't mean they don't have members, support, money, and arms from other places. The Mexican gangs we have in the Southwest and West Coast are aligned with the major Mexican drug cartels ( and look at all the havoc they are causing in Mexico). Russian gang members, Chinese Triads, The Mafia- they are all gangs and all of them would have ties to members in their homelands. Additionally, with all the corruption taking place in Eastern Europe, South and Central America, you might be able to gather political support as well. So as far as your local street gang, combining them would probably be underwhelming. But when you combine them with more organized gangs (Russian mob, Chinese Triads, Italian Mafia, Mexican drug cartels) , with the support from their foreign based associates, it might be a little more interesting.
Why don't we just trow radioactive waste into space instead of storing it?
In addition to what other people have said, radioactive waste wouldn't be first in line for the space trip. It stops being dangerous eventually; lots of other kinds of waste stop being dangerous never.
What do you hate the most about people?
I hate that people know better, but don't do better. ​ Example: Global warming is bad. Planting trees would (probably) fix it. You could plant an entire rainforest and some moron would come along and turn it into a stack of paper.
What do you do when you cannot sleep?
Severe insomniac checking in. I have a few methods, but YMMV. Focus everything on the feeling of your toes moving. If you've done any meditation you might be familiar with tactile visualization. It's basically that. Just let the sensation of your toes and how they feel against the covers (or the air, if you're a monster) take up all of your concentration. Listen to classical music, rain, white noise. Whatever relaxes you personally. Change locations. If you can't sleep on the bed, maybe the couch will be better. I even sleep on the floor sometimes.
What is your worst breakup story?
Not a successful breakup story, but definitely the worst one for me. My bf threatened me with a knife cause I hadn't allowed him to leave my flat to kill himself with said knife and blaming it on me in his suicide letter. I ended up having the worst panic attack in my entire life and staying with him.
How would you react to seeing someone in real life that you knew was being harassed as a social media target?
If I knew about it, I’d give them an encouraging smile and try to do something to cheer them up a bit (depends on where we are, as an example; in a coffee shop I’d offer to pay for their coffee or something similar)
What's something you should know and remember easily, but often forget?
Left and Right associations of my first two languages. English being my third language I can remember them fine (Private school, reading books, watching movies) but I always forget which side is which for my first two languages and for so many years I've tried different tricks to remember them but i cant. Left and Right are permanently embedded in my mind and refuse to let any other language's directions to interfere with their job.
What's the best/quickest way to access the dark web?
Download tor browser and Google the hidden wiki. Super basic dark web stuff but it's a start. Be careful though. It's an FBI honeypot
What company does everyone hate that you have had actually good experience with?
Pretty much all of them. My internet is fine and it's a good price. My airline flights are uneventful. The only place I consistently hate going is Walmart.
What was your worst job interview experience?
Very first interview. Was 16. Applied for a catering place down the road from my house. Note: very nervous anxious kid. Got dressed nicely, filled out application, answered a few questions (probably poorly, mind you). Interview then flip my application over to a side I did not know exist. You feel like a special kind of dumb when you dont fill out the back side of a job application. We both knew it was over at that point and the interviewer just went through the motions.
What is the highest amount of alcohol you've consumed in a single night?
Only time I've been black out drunk: tool about 12-14 doubles shots which equaled about half a bottle of vodka. Drank beer throughout the night and played about 5 rounds of pong. Plus pulled about a quart of a bottle of sugar cane rum from a bottle that was being passed around. I was still drunk at 10AM. Never again.
Why are woman's pockets smaller than men's pockets?
Probably based off of design conventions from a past time. Maybe figuring all women had purses and cell phones weren’t a thing? I’m spitballing but it seems ignorant bigger pockets aren’t commonplace
Have you heard of mercury filled hollow swords in the US prior to the Civil War?
In researching this, it seems almost unanimous that such blades have never been manufactured in enough quantity to be used in warfare if even manufactured at all. On a similar note, and one that might have caused the original thought of mercury filled blades, there have been blades with ball bearing filled channels cut into them. These seem to generally be swinging/chopping style blades and the ball bearing channels are rather short compared to the blade length so I am not sure they served a lot of purpose.
Why can some plants grow roots from a cutting, yet Florist flowers cannot?
Florist flowers do not grow roots after being bought because of two things. First, and most commonly, they are not fresh. They have probably sat for weeks in fertilizer infused water, which makes them look and smell fresh, but kills the buds of the roots IIRC. If you bought them specifically fresh, and they don't sprout roots, it is either that they are annual, or have been cut too high in order to fit into a shallow vase.
What made u happy today?
My aunt just passed away and my family has been having gatherings to support my cousin and uncle . My dad and I have been setting up food stuffs, tbh it's one of the things I'm semi competent at and it's something I enjoy. It made me happy to have a place in this event even though we are not close.
What is the creepiest phone called you have ever made or received?
Telemarketer called during dinner. Kept on jabbering even though I tried to be polite. So I got creepy with her. Asked her what she was wearing. Started getting real personal with my questions. When she tried to transfer me to her boss I told her I would only talk to her. When I stepped it up a notch (down maybe? Into the gutter?) and got REALLY Creepy, she finally hung up. Never heard from them again.
What's your favourite TV show nobody has heard of?
The Young Offenders, sort of a sequel retelling of some bits of the movie (on UK netflix) but the TV show is about two wee lads from Cork, hilarious, heartfelt, best Irish comedy series since Father Ted for my money.
Would this design for a lava boat work?
There are quite a few problems with the concept of a lava boat. I'm no engineer, so I won't comment on the design, but even a perfectly crafted "lava boat" would be wholly ineffective. Lava is much more viscous than water. A lava boat wouldn't float in it so much as it would sit on top. Further, the lava transferring heat to the tungsten would cool the lava down so that it started to become a solid. Assuming the design itself was functional, the moment you set it in a "pool" of lava, the lava would harden and the boat would be stuck. EDIT: Lava is more viscous than water.
Why do we accept absurdities when we're dreaming?
The prefrontal cortex in your brain is responsible for rational decision making. When you dream, your prefrontal cortex experiences decreased activity. Because this cortex isn't firing as it normally is when you're awake, you lose your sense of reality and are more willing to accept absurdities. In some people, this cortex fires likes normal when dreaming and they're able to tell they are hallucinating and control their dream. This is one theory on how lucid dreaming happens.
What is the scariest/weirdest thing you have ever seen that no-one believes you about?
Not scary, but weird. When I was like 4 or 5 I swear a duck flew by my family's front door and looked in the little window on it's way by and said my name in a weird quack, like the aflac duck. Everyone says it was probably a dream, and makes fun of me for it. But I'm still convinced it really happened.
What's the worst super power that exists/that you can think of?
The ability to give everyone but yourself awesome super powers. The best thing you can do is make everyone in the world immensely better than you, and when you achieve that they won't need you any more. You could still make a lot of money and stuff, but I can't even imagine the burning jealousy.
What’s a full meal that is relatively easy to cook, but will impress people?
Salmon. Literally get olive oil, put it on the fish, season with salt and pepper and put in the oven. Literally so easy. You saved a trip to mcdonalds to eat a healthy meal.
Why didn't Thanos from Avengers Infinity Wars just use the Infinity Stones to create more resources and planets for living space?
Because using the stones to kill half of all life was never his original plan. He saw the effects of overpopulation on Titan and suggested a mass cull, then set out to kill half the population of planets manually. He wasn't actively searching for the stones until much later, and only as a means of speeding up his existing campaign. By the time he actually has them he's too set on his idea to be reasoned with.
Why do we get food cravings for really specific things like ice cream or french fries at seemingly random times?
Our hypothalamus activates when it senses a nutrient deficiency, causing us to start seeking out new and different food sources in order to supply the needed substance. Unfortunately for us, our hypothalamus doesn't know what foods contain what nutrient - only calming down when the deficiency is remedied. Experiments in laboratory animals show that while this mechanism works very well when there are only, say, two kinds of food available, it has little efficacy when that number is raised to, say, fifty. They instead develop regularly changing fixations of certain food items, despite their lack of the deficient nutrient, a bit like human food cravings. TL;DR: take a multivitamin.
Why do you identify Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?
Pro-lifers would be much easier to tolerate if they took a different approach: allow for choice, advocate life. I mean seriously, how hard would it be to stop harrassing people at clinics, etc? Pass out literature about options for adoption, INSTEAD of pictures of dead fetuses. Conservatives really need some new "brand management" people.
Why do people say that traveling around the world makes you a better person?
Because you experience more. You see and feel other people's cultures that are different from your own. You have the potential to gain an understanding for what it is like to be different, to live as other people live. On a different level, simply being around and witnessing the beauty that the world has to offer is uplifting enough to perhaps change the way you reflect back onto the world.
How does a person develop a sense of humor?
Humor is a good indicator of IQ. If you laugh at someone's jokes, chances are they are of even or even slightly greater IQ. Of course, this varies from social setting to personal backgrounds. For example, a low IQ person, perhaps a baby, would find fart noises and googly eyes funny. But if you did that to an adult, like your boss or professor, they would not receive the same amount of satisfaction from that "joke". In a sense, there is a "Joke IQ". Low humor often is noises, sound effects, and actions. Middle humor is often stories or jokes that are pre-made (knock knock, pickup lines, etc). Higher IQ humor is often witty remarks or ironic / snarky comments. This however does sometimes lead to someone seeming rude or mean. Being able to judge if a joke will be received well or not is a sign of better developed social skills.On the other side, it also is a reason why many men attract women via jokes. The better the joke, the "higher the IQ". It's a subliminal message. Additionally, if I made a joke about 9/11 to someone who's parents died in the act, it would not be funny at all. The background supersedes the humor in this situation. If I made this joke to a child, they would not be able to understand the gravity of the situation, so they also would not be able to find humor in the joke. So TLDR: Humor is not actually innate. It it something that is gained through social interaction, factoring in social context, historical context, and audience. Humor and IQ are more or less, intertwined.
What factors caused India and China to have such large populations?
It's more geographical than historical. You need to feed a large population. India and China have lots of suitable farmland. Farming takes a great deal of labor so the more people in your family, the better you can farm, encouraging a large population. Nowadays with modern farming methods and fertilizer, you can produce even more food to support a larger population into the billions. The other regions that have comparable farmland are the fertile crescent (Middle East) and the Nile flood plains, and the United States. The fertile crescent spanning the Mediterranean, Black, and Red Seas is where farming originally began. However, the history of conflicts there have not allowed stable farming in that region. Despite supporting the Ancient Egyptians, the Nile's flood plains have been in decline. Lastly, the US is recently settled and most of the farming goes towards exports and animal feed.
What’s your favorite memory of the hardest time in your life?
God, the hardest time for me was when I tried to kill myself. Took more pills than I could count. Depression is a sneaky demon. Went to try to die in my parents bed, the thought of never hearing my mom laugh again knocked me off my delusion. I called someone in time. I’m grateful that I was saved that day, I hurt for a long time, it’s been years of healing, and my mom has since passed, but I know I will never be that low again. Anyway, I guess my favorite memory from that time is that I grew. I learned it’s not the end. It’s been the stepping stone for me many times. Darkness comes often, but there is always a light. I sound stupid and cliche. Sorry. But truly, I’m a survivor. If you ever feel you can’t make it, you can. You absolutely can.
Are their stars and galaxies in all directions?
There are stars and galaxies in all directions. However, the astronaut would only be able to see them if there was enough visible light coming from those stars and galaxies to light them up bright enough to be seen. And the light has to reach the astronaut in the first place too. So there are many more galaxies out there where the light just hasn't had the time to reach us. Also, there are other galaxies that are moving away from us, while we are also moving away from them. Both ours and the other galaxies are emanating light, but since both galaxies are moving away from each other, the light from one galaxy will never reach the other.
What’s your “small world we live in” experience?
I live in a tiny town in Pennsylvania. I was on visiting Oxford in England with my mother. A woman approached me and asked if I was from “(my county) in Pennsylvania.” I said “Er. Yes?” And she proceeded to tell me that her husband’s family is from the town ~40 minutes from mine, so she recognized my accent. I had heard of her in-laws, though I had met them. Still. Literally 3500 miles from home and this stranger could tell where I lived.
How long should you wait before moving in with you SO?
I moved in with my now wife after 6 weeks. We've been married decades since then and have a wonderfully loving relationship. Relationships aren't about timing, they're about communication, transparency, trust, honesty, understanding and tolerance. As long as you're both comfortable to moving in together the timing is irrelevant
What is a food creation that you came up with that tastes delicious, but sounds gross until you try it?
Wasn't me but I had a table order a shot of Kahlúa (coffee flavored liquor) and mix it with a Shirley Temple (sprite and grenadine). He had a name for it, but can't think of it at the moment. Black Shirley temple? I don't know. Anyway, asked the bartender to make it, he said he's never heard of it. All of my coworkers and I agreed it had to be the grossest combination for a drink we've heard. We all decided to try it. Turns out it tastes like a chocolate espresso covered cherry and is absolutely delicious!
What is your best story from any of the Fallout games?
Not really a story, but in fallout 3 I saved JUST before you leave the vault. Now whenever I play I just load that save and relive the magic of leaving the vault and experiencing the ruthless wasteland.
Why do you get that weird vortex sound when you let both of your back windows down when driving?
I don't do that, but I've found that if I open the front passenger window a little bit and the window behind it a little bit, there's a nice (fairly quite) circulation in my car, with a slight breeze on the back of my neck. Anyone here do what OP said?
If the moon has an effect on tides, why does a small body of water not move, like a puddle or a bath?
The short answer is that ponds and baths do have tides. The effect is just tiny. Really, in general, the effect of the moon pulling on water is a very very small one. It's just that the oceans are so huge that these small effects add up into a noticeable one.
What question have you always wanted to ask lesbians, but haven't had the chance?
Ok, so you are a lipstick. Is your wife also a lipstick? Curious, is all. My main friends were lesbians long ago and I was the lucky enough to be considered the cool guy. I did notice back then(90’s, Usa) that there were defined ‘gender’ roles for most couples.and I use that term for lack of a better term, sorry. Butch or lipstick were the terms I am familiar. I really can’t think of a better way. Anyway, are these still the norm?
Is age really just a number in a relationship, or should people date people who are close in age?
In reality, it just doesn't work. If you have an 18 year old and a 40 year old, there are generations between them. The see the world in vastly different ways. Not to mention the psychological issues that seem to be present when someone wants to date someone twice their age. But if they can make it work, more power to them.
What's a place you've revisited that you find, sadly, isn't the place that you remembered?
When I was little there was this great science museum in my city that had a really cool dinosaur exhibit. I remembered these gigantic life size replicas of dinosaurs. Went as an adult and I was taller than almost all of the dinosaurs, which were cheap looking animatronics. They were so much more impressive when I was small.
Has nuclear weapons testing had any appreciable effect on the planet’s background radiation and/or surface temperature?
> over 2000 nuclear bombs were detonated in unpopulated areas Only about 200 were detonated in the atmosphere. The rest were underground. > We know that the bombs in Nagasaki and Fukushima I assume you mean Hiroshima. > blasts would have dissipated across the planet and its atmosphere Fallout from atmospheric tests did move through the atmosphere at long distances. Not the blast effects. There were health effects from the radiation for populations downwind of them, and populations living in the northern hemisphere (which is where most of the atmospheric testing took place). But that doesn't seem to be what you're really asking about. > Did they contribute to global warming (knowing that the blasts release immense amounts of heat) or is the effect negligible compared to the proliferation of fossil fuel use. The amount of heat from a nuclear weapon is intense on a local scale but small on a global scale. To put it into perspective, the Sun globally deposits the equivalent of 117 thousand Hiroshima-sized bombs per minute onto the Earth. The issue with global warming/climate change isn't the energy that is added to the atmosphere, it's whether the energy is kept in. Carbon dioxide acts like a one-way window in which the energy of the Sun can come in but not go out again. This is an important distinction: no amount of burning of fossil fuels is going to raise the temperature directly. But it will make it so that the Sun's energy gets trapped more easily, which will raise the temperature on average globally. (It should also be noted that climate change is more complicated than just warming — in many places it will translate to extreme cold as well.)
If "Kent State" happened today, what would be the outcome?
Lots of cell phone videos of the incident. Within 24 hours we would have the complete background on anyone involved including any stupid thing that they ever posted on social media. There would be thousand different narratives about what happened. Instead of one unified story that everyone could agree on and rally around there would be so many stories to splinter the outrage. Protests would sizzle as everyone tried to make it about them and their pet cause however tangentially related it might be.
How do batteries store power?
Batteries contain chemicals that, when they react with each other, produce electricity. The exact formulas vary by battery type, with Lithium Ion, lead acid, and Nickel-metal hydride being common types, the latter best known for rechargeable batteries in the AA shape and size. All the different types have their own advantages and disadvantages. As the reaction consumes all the original chemicals leaving only the byproducts behind, the battery gets weaker and drains until it runs out and dies. Rechargeable batteries are made of materials that will reverse the reaction if you push electricity back the opposite way. But that reverse reaction is never perfect and you don't get the original from-the-factory chemical makeup, or the materials take some damage over time, so each recharging is never quite as good as the last one. The chemical formulae for rechargeables are more well known because the charger needs to know how to tell if the battery is fully charged or unhealthy, lest the battery overheat and the chemicals escape with gooey results.
What was the biggest lie of your generation?
"We will fund the NHS with this £350m we currently send to the EU" Granted, they said that it 'could be used' to fund the NHS, but the implication was strong enough that the majority of the country would vote to leave the EU. Pretty big lie (more misleading than lying) that will affect this generation indeed.
What the most funny/memorable or unpleasant winter holiday experience you've had?
Our good family friends came over for Christmas (per tradition) and brought along their grandfather who, uh, died just after dinner. That was fun. A week later, my girlfriend dumped me. Ah, Christmas of 08: the shittiest Christmas I've ever had.
For those who no longer believe in "blood is thicker than water", what is your story?
Random Fact: The full phrase is: Blood of the covenant is thicker than water of the womb. The actual phrase meant that the friends you choose will stay at your side longer than your family members.
What neurologically is happening when a song "gets old" from hearing it too often?
Your brain wants you to live, when you hear/taste/feel something it considers 'good' for you the brain rewards you and thats actually why you feel good. Next time it gets this stimulus its not quite as needed/exciting so it makes you feel slightly less good, everytime it gets less and less untill its just normal, or even bad and this makes you look for something else (another song). This system is more suited for finding food, or a mate but same process applies
What is that falling feeling that you suddenly wake up too when you are sleeping?
It's called a hypnic jerk or "sleep start" it's the result of a mechanism of the brain that is engaged during sleep. The motor cortex of the brain basically goes offline for conscious movement, IE we are paralyzed while sleeping. This is to prevent a person from dreaming they were running, and actually running as they slept. It's a safety mechanism and usually it is not engaged until we are well asleep, and it usually disengages before we wake up. If the timing is off you get one of two problems. Hypnic Jerk is when it starts to relax muscle control while a person needs those muscles to hold their position, like resting your head on your hands, or leaning against wall. As you lose control of the muscles, your body panics and control is handed back over to you, causing you to jerk awake. Similar to unplugging somebodies xbox controller while they are racing in a car, and when you plug it back in they spin out because they were madly mashing buttons. The opposite of the hypnic jerk is the night terrors aka sleep paralysis where the body keeps the person paralyzed for too long and they start to wake up but not so much that the paralysis fades. A person in this state will find on waking up that they can't move their bodies, this results in immediate panic. They are also unable to control their breathing, so this internal panic, without the ability to breath faster, results in a feeling of not getting enough oxygen, or a weight on your chest.
How do you cope with dreadful colleagues?
That one is a though one, I feel sorry for you as I know how that feels. Sometimes one needs to analyse just WHY our colleagues are dreadful in the first place, are we talking plain evil here or are we talking someone who just don't like you? In my case - I've come to notice I'm something of a size for people to handle, I'm very sensitive to my surroundings and I am very forthright which can sometimes get me into hot waters with my colleagues no matter where I work. Learning to understand people is a lifelong job, sometimes I've used various techniques to stop feeling bad about myself at work, some more successful some less successful. This all differ from person to person. You have to ask yourself if the job is the right one for you, or if you're willing to pay the price of your colleagues constant battle with you, can you somehow turn that into a battle FOR you WITH them instead of against? If not - it may be time to leave for another job, and try to keep your job while seeking that other job. If you do - keep the motivational thoughts of the fact you're gonna get a new job soon while you're seeking work and keep working at your current job, it should lift your spirits somehow and make you feel that sense of freedom and being in control of your life. Good luck!
Do deep sea ecosystems follow the normal seasons?
They are much less exposed to change. Most of the changes in ecosystems like reefs occur due to diurnal - crepuscular - nocturnal - crepuscular - diurnal shifts along with the environment being much more open to variable processess like erosion and sea forces. In deep sea areas, we don’t see a lot of change due to constant pressure, light amount (not a lot) along with the conductance of water not changing at all so the temp stays at around 4 degrees permanently.
If you could leave a Yelp style review on your ex, what would it say?
INITIAL REVIEW Item in decent shape, slightly worn but that is expected with 2nd hand/refurbished product. Exterior mostly attractive. Product was initially useful - emotionally supportive, spontaneous, understanding and patient. Unfortunately over 6 years the wear and tear became too much to deal with, item no longer functioned as advertised, and item had to be returned. PERFORMANCE Excellent technology and automotive support, however zero function with housework like cooking or cleaning - item received from supplier lacking this functionality and it appears as if self-care was not even programmed nor an afterthought. Do not even consider this item if you're looking for sexual release. The lower unit on this item is woefully undersized for the job. The entire product lacks endurance or stamina to perform beyond 45 seconds. Instead you need to rely solely on the soft moist interior unit located inside the head of the product, which is fine, I've done this with other products and been fully satisfied with the outcome, but this product begins to make whining noises after about 5 minutes and at some points will start asking "are you close?" This function is completely ridiculous and counterintuitive. You will need probably need to buy an external battery powered unit separate to meet your needs. This product started off advertising as emotionally mature and available but over time you'll start to realize that function isn't fully programmed. It's like they didn't finish it. It will tell you it wants to marry you, raise a family, and have a life with you but without actual intent. However if you do not have these desires and only want a product to play League of Legends with you from the distance of another room in your painfully cold household, I totally recommend this. Oh another plus is that this item is gainfully employed and very responsible in the workforce. You will not have financial worries, mostly, sometimes this product malfunctions and becomes very materialistic though and attempts to buy your affection, but later will break down and complain that you only care about money. This ties in with the emotionally mature section above - this product has a conflict with sharing financial information and will at all costs refuse to inform you of any financial problems until it is too late. You will also outgrow this product rapidly as it has zero interest in keeping up to date via patches, personal growth, well being, or education. It seems to be stuck on the College 2.0 patch, which had to be installed twice because the initial patch failed to complete and the supplier had to pay all the expenses related to this, the second patch also failed and now the product is ineligible for further support. APPEARANCE As I stated under my initial review the item was fairly attractive upon first sight. It had a few minor dings, it was overweight, but with the initial performance of the product I was willing to look past that. Unfortunately as the performance went down, the appearance took a hit as well. Hygiene is well programmed in this product but no mention of health, well-being or personal growth. The weight gain upon initial purchase was incredible and no matter what I tried to do, I could not revert this process. This product arrives in a tshirt, a button up, and khakis. Most of the themes and skins for the product are similar to this, but occasionally you'll find a stained pajamas theme, sometimes an anime tshirt/torn jeans/backwards baseball cap theme. Accessories include knockoff/counterfeit "expensive" guitars, all Super Smash Bros and Street Fighter iterations, a 24 pack of Natty Lite, and a jailbroken android phone. FINAL REVIEW Overall I would give this product maybe a 4/10. If you are looking for a short term solution this would be a cheap and easy purchase, depending on your needs. However my tastes have refined as I have aged so I would not purchase this again. (actually I guess this is more like an Amazon review. My Yelp reviews kind of read like a page from my diary so it'd be more of a long-winded rant instead.)
What is your funniest childhood memory?
I have stared into my screen trying to find a funny memory for way too long so I'm just gonna say the first thing that came to mind, my cat jumped up on the couch to be in my lap and he jumped right onto a plate of food lol
What was the worst mistake you made, socially?
During my junior year of high school I finally got to go out with a guy whom I had had a crush on since freshman year. At first it seemed like a dream come true but as the year went on he became more and more insecure. I ended up avoiding some of my closest friends for almost the entire span of our relationship (which lasted a year and a half) because me talking to them made him uncomfortable. I tried salvaging those same relationships after it ended but most were too damaged to save. My biggest regret is that I let him control me enough to where I would be totally okay with ditching my best friends.
Why is grilling associated with men while cooking is associated with women?
Cooking isn't really associated with women. As an industry it's dominated by men. However as a house chore it was traditionally the woman's job, because the man was working. Bbqs are seen as a chill time with the boys, usually on a weekend when the man actually has time to cook, thus it's seen as manly.
Why does our "real" voice sound different to other people rather than sound like how we think it does when we speak?
You are hearing the sound waves created in your body THROUGH your body. Your vocal folds vibrate inside of you and that's what you hear. Try plugging your ears and speaking. You can still hear yourself AND feel the vibrations of the sounds you are making. So what others hear is only the sound waves escaping your body. You are hearing and feeling the vibrations, which is why you sound different to yourself
What's the biggest lie you have told under oath?
Given the divorce rates. This is probably the most common lie under oath. I, , take you, , to be my lawfully wedded(husband/wife), to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.
What's is the most ridiculous thing that you've ever been reprimanded for?
When I was in Grade 3 my class spent a whole month focussing our lessons around the First Fleet and settlement in Australia. We drew maps, we read stories, math lessons were made about food rations and passenger numbers etc. It was kinda fun. At the end of the month we had a day where we all had to dress up like 1700's first fleeters settling in Australia, had a small field trip in the morning and a wrap up party in the afternoon. At the party, we had a old school dance. A boy tripped me over and I fell face first onto the ground. In the flurry of dancers, I got kicked in the side. I was in total pain and crawled (a bit dramatic I admit) to a chair. I was then thoroughly reprimanded for making a scene and disrupting the dance.
If insurance companies draw a profit, wouldn't we be better off on average just saving the money we would've paid towards insurance in case of that emergency?
Some people with a lot of money already do that. It's called evidence of financial responsibility and they can have that in lieu of liability insurance (although those people often have something called umbrella coverage to help protect their assets). However, if you don't have an extra $500K-$1M lying around then you need insurance in case you accidentally cause somebody's death or permanent disability and end up being sued for an amount like that.
Who are the worst kind of Redditors?
The kind who will read your reply to a reply and avoid the context, then twist your words out of the context and basically call you a racist or make it seem like you have a problem with a group of people. For example: Not even an hour ago I was responded to a question about why door greeters at places like WalMart jobs are even a thing. What are they there for. I replied and said that they hire disabled people as well as old people because they get a huge insurance claim, by they I mean the company, when one of them passes away or gets hurt. And family of that person never receives any of the claim. That the antitheft comments as the company proposed is just a go to and not the real reason. Some dude responded and said that it seems like I just have a problem with disabled people being hired. No dude. My problem is when a company uses a system to make bank off a disabled person and mislabel it as something else. So yeah, you guys that hop into a comment thread without reading the previous comments first. You redditors suck.
How do you get over losing your best friend?
You realise that everything happens for a reason and that it's not worth living in the past, it's time to focus in the present. Open your eyes to other people in your life who spend energy on you and care for you. I'm assuming by 'losing' you mean growing apart and that they didn't pass away, either way best wishes to you and just remember time heals
In chess, why is the king given the least steps to move i.e. one step at a time?
It's a matter of game balance, which is critical in most strategy-based games of move and counter-move. The king is ultimately the most IMPORTANT piece because his defeat is the only way to win. If he were one of the most POWERFUL pieces on top of that, able to move large distances across the board, the whole strategy of using your other pieces would suffer as a result. You wouldn't try to use your armies as much to support your play either by having them block access to your king or by taking out your enemy's army. So those other pieces would become less valuable strategically and the king would get used a lot more.
What country would win a food fight?
USA hands down, our food and portion sizes are huge compared to other countries. I mean can you imagine getting hit in the face with a 36 oz. T-bone steak with a naked potato on the side?
Why does psychological stress increases the risk of a heart attack?
Psychological stress raises blood pressure. Fun Fact: psychosomatic illness (illness caused by the mind) is a real thing and can cause many different type of maladies, including heart attack.
How do I help my dad realize that an important event I may get to go to cannot be skipped?
Can you arrange travel and all logistics to your event with a teammate/coach or are you reliant on your dad/family to make this happen? If so, I would just go and deal with the consequences later (if it really is a once in a lifetime experience as you say)
How are McDonald’s burgers so cheap?
i cant really tell you how the burgers are cheap, but i know they arent high profitable. fast food restaurants make most of their profit from fountain drinks. they sell those things for a couple dollars, but it only costs them a few pennies for the supplies to make one. that is their big money maker. thats why they always ask you if you want anything to drink if you dont buy one. either they are breaking even or losing money by selling food. drinks is their big money and they know it. its also why they bathe the fries in salt. salt makes you thirsty and makes you buy a drink if you didnt. one time i got in trouble for bringing in my own bottled water to drink and i feel awkard every time i pull one out at a fast food place.
What was the tipping point that convinced you to quit your job?
There were multiple reasons I quit one of my last jobs. I was promised a raise that was double what I was making, and didn't get it. My favourite manager quit (one of the only reasons I stayed as long as I did). I worked more hours than the new manager, was the store's trainer, and one of the only people with a key to the store (the manager didn't even have one). I was constantly coming in before my shift or having to stay later because the owner wouldn't tell us about sales that we would be having for the weekend, so those hours were making sure we had enough inventory to survive the weekend without running out of things before the next produce shipment on Tuesday morning. I was miserable all the time. I was so tired that I couldn't focus on studying for schoolwork. I worked almost everyday. However, the tipping point wasn't until I had worked so many hours and was on my feet so long that previous back problems kicked back in and I had to take muscle relaxers before I went in to my shift. My old manager called me up and said he had a job for me at his new work, and I took it immediately. I became so much happier!
What are some of the stupidest but also funniest white elephant gifts you've ever given or received?
Work white elephant was supposed to be $5-$10. I picked a big box. It was a coffee maker, way over the price range but not a fancy coffee maker. I don't drink coffee generally, never owned a coffee pot. Lady had bought it but it didn't fit where she wanted it or some such. Thought about using it for tea, but never got around to it. Used the box (with the pot in it) as a space heater stand until I met my now husband. Sold it to him when we were first dating, as his died and he LOVES coffee, for like $10. Then we moved in together and married so I'm still stuck with the thing.
How do space crafts gain velocity as a result of another planets gravitational field?
The trick is that you approach the planet so that its orbit is bringing it towards you, and leave travelling in the same direction that the planet is orbiting. Relative to the planet you leave at the same speed that you approached, but relative to the rest of the solar system you've gained speed. Think of a ball bouncing off the front of a moving train. From the point of view of the train, the ball bounces away with the same speed that it approached the train, but that means it's moving much faster relative to the ground when it bounces away.
When some gave devs make in game trailers, how finished is the game/product used?
Generally a little bit of trickery and A LOT of careful selection. A significant portion of a game's life is spent on refininement, polish, bug fixing, etc. It's not too tough to make a game look good for five minutes (not even five consecutive minutes, just a few nice clips) and then edit those clips into a trailer. It doesn't even have to play nice yet. Since the video is essentially staged, you can do things like avoid objects that don't work right yet but still have them in the scene, carefully place baddies to look like they're intelligently coming after the player even if they're not, etc.
Can you just keep recycling hydroponics water rather than adding more water to the system?
You could, but you would have to take some things into account, most of which could be solved reasonably easily: 1) as plants do their thing, they lose water from their leaves and transfer it to the air (called transpiration). This would reduce the amounts of water in the hydroponic reservoir. As plant on Mars would be in a closed system though (greenhouse for example), you could use a dehumidifier or something of the like to reharvest this water from the air and return it to the reservoir. 2) certain waste products would gradually build up in the water as it gets recycled. These could end up being toxic to the plants. Using a very good filtration system, you could return the water to its original purity periodically or even in line. 3) every time a plant is harvested, unless you dehydrate it totally and return that water to the system, you will lose some as you take it out as food/biomass. Other than that, water is water. You can totally use the same water indefinitely in a closed system.
What Is something you thought would be a much bigger problem in adult life than it turned out to be?
Marriage proposals. I seriously thought there was one person out there for you and it was your mission to find them. Made me wonder how you were supposed to know they were the one when they proposed. what if you accepted the wrong proposal? What if they weren't your soul mate? I guess this is what Disney movies did to me as a kid.
Does slavery exist in the modern world and what can people do to stop it?
Human trafficking affects men, women and children so yes, it’s very real. It happens everywhere, even in first world countries. We first have to bring awareness because a lot of people don’t even give it a second thought. Then we need to take action. Make it a big enough issue to bring up to your representatives, donate to organizations that fight human trafficking, and as part of the public, be vigilant and know the signs of when this type of abuse is being carried out.
What was something that you believed to be "common sense" that turned out to be complete false?
You never have right of way on the road. It's common sense to drive defensively and expect the unexpected. But I have seen enough videos of people just knowingly getting themselves into accidents because they had right of way. It's insanely easy to kill and be killed in a car. Just have that in mind when you get behind the wheel
When we sometimes glance at an analog clock, why does it seem that second is much longer than usual?
It's known as the Stopped Clock Illusion. Basically, when we move our eyes, our brain recives a messy blur, and sorta dumps that bit of time from our stream of consciousness. So when our eyes focus, our brain is tricked into thinking we've been looking at the clock for longer than we really have. Super cool!
What is the weirdest/creepiest thing you have found out about anyone in your family online?
In my mid twenties I started having trouble passing background checks and credit checks. I was turned down for several good jobs. Later, I tried applying for a department store credit card and was informed I already had a line of credit with them. Confused, I had it canceled, since I knew it wasn't mine. When I was thirty, because I couldn't get a good job, I qualified for housing assistance in my county, but after applying and being denied several apartments due to an eviction, I couldn't not let it go this time. I had only rented one apt in my life and had not been evicted. Thus began quite an investigation in to myself. After several background checks that I paid for, I learned that from the age of six or so, it appears my mom stole my identity. Car loans, credit cards, you name it. I even found a record of an apt she had rented when I was 8/9, in my name, with my ss, in an adjacent town. Why she had a "secret" apt is beyond me. My mom is now 76. When I confronted her about it she cried, said she didn't do it then hung up on me.
Why doesn't Einstein's logic to equate gravity with spacetime curvature apply to electromagnetism too?
I'm only going to address your title question: The difference is that the gravitational charge carried by matter happens to be exactly equal to the inertial mass of that matter. This is an amazing "coincidence" that makes Einstein's argument possible. The same is not true for electric or any other kind of charge. Mathematically, if you write down F = ma, the "m" there is the inertial mass. And if you write down a gravitational force F, it depends on the gravitational charge "m" also. So when you set F = ma, the masses on the left and right hand sides cancel out. The same is not true for electromagnetism.
Has a US supreme court justice ever been removed from office?
Abe Fortas was asked to resigned by Earl Warren instead of facing impeachment. He was even put forth as a potential Chief Justice nominee, but later became embroiled in several ethics controversies regarding possible bribes. He resigned in 1969. William Douglas also came very close to impeachment in the 50s and 60s. Twice Congress initiated impeachment proceedings, but twice Congress failed to formally impeach. Douglas resigned from the court about five years after the second impeachment attempt. The only successful impeachment (i.e. the formal process of charging the official with misconduct) was of Associate Justice Samuel Chase, who was acquitted in 1805. This case is actually quite important, because Chase had not committed a crime. Impeachment was pursued because his political opponents had not liked some of his decisions. The fact that the Senate acquitted him, with some of his opponents voting in favor of acquittal, is a watershed in American history and the history of Judicial Review. Since then, most judges who are impeached are impeached because of criminal or ethical violations, not for political reasons (i.e. I don't like how you voted, so off with you!) To my knowledge, all other justices of the USSC had either retired voluntarily or died in office. edit = grammar/syntax
What would you do if you were locked in a room with someone who is guilty of animal cruelty?
I would sit down with them and calmly explain why what they've done is wrong, how the animals can feel pain as well, and how they should consider how they would feel if such things were done to them or the ones they loved most. Then I'd give them a moment to let what I've said to them sink in. After that moment passes I would ask a simple question: do you feel remorse for what you've done? If they say yes, I will pat them on the shoulder and tell them that there is hope for them yet and I am sorry for the trials they will face. If they say no, I will know I have no need to feel bad for them no matter how much they suffer, because they are lost and broken beings. Either way they answer, I beat them viciously after allowing them a few minutes; this time is spent letting them relax now that I seem to be done as well as allowing me to psyche myself up for the physical destruction I intend to bring upon them. To me animal cruelty is only a step or two above child molestation on the scumbag scale, and they deserve whatever comes to them short of death. edit: I a word
What are some things that mark the transition of a teen to a responsible, mature adult?
For me it was the first time I bought groceries without buying anything with excessive processed sugar in it. But I was like 24 when that happened, so I wasn't exactly going from teenager to adult. More, immature adult to responsible adult.
What is the difference between a 'filled Julia set' and a 'Julia set'?
In the dynamics of iterating a complex rational function, the Julia set is the complement of the Fatou set. The Fatou set is the union of basins of attraction of attracting or neutral fixed points. So the Julia set is where the dynamics are chaotic, while the Fatou set is where the dynamics are regular. If the function being iterated is actually a polynomial, the Julia set is also the boundary of the basin of attraction of infinity. The complement of the basin of attraction of infinity together with the Julia set form the filled Julia set, the set of points with bounded orbit. The boundary of the filled Julia set is the Julia set.
Should sexual preferences be normal conversation like hobbies when dating?
Depends. Do you foresee it becoming an issue? Then yes. For instance, I am in the grey area between sexual and asexual. For me, sexual attraction is rare, and only after a very strong relationship has been formed. Since I don't even know going into a relationship whether I will be attracted to the person or not, I feel that it is my responsibility to tell them that. I have only been in one relationship, but when my boyfriend asked me out, that was the first thing I told him, even before accepting the offer, since I know for most people that would be a dealbreaker. Basically, if you feel that you are outside of the norm, in a way that could cause conflict, then yes, I would suggest bringing that up. Also, if there is a specific thing you look for, that maybe a reason to do so Yes, it may be awkward for a first date, but it might help things out later on.
What words or sayings have had their meanings changed based on their connotations?
My folks used to take in foreign exchange students. They don’t call themselves that though. I guess the word “foreign” has bad connotations or something. They always wanted to be called hostages.
What’s something that is likely to exist and commercially available in 15 years that most people think isn’t possible?
A conversational AI that passes the Turing test (can't be told apart from a real human). 15 years may be optimistic but it's certainly possible with the incredible rate of AI innovation the last 5 years.
Is there a standard formula for obtaining a new diameter for a sphere where its mass remains the same but its density is changed?
Volume is mass / density. And the volume of a sphere is just 4 pi r^3 /3. The formula follows from substituting the equation for the volume of a sphere, into the equation relating volume mass and density, and then solving for r.
What motivates you to keep living?
My chronic illness has taken me away from my job, school, social life, any chance of finding a partner willing to love someone with a chronic illness, and I now live with my parents who care for me and pay all my bills .I often think how easy it would be to give up. .but then I think of my brothers and how they will look to me on how to model their lives and how to react to disaster and tragedy. I don't want them to see me give in or lose to my depression. I want them to know that life is worth living through, that they matter more to me than any trouble that comes for matter how much my illness takes away from my health and life that I will not roll over.that their love is worth living for.
Is there a difference in temperature change in a 100W monitor vs a 100W heater?
No, you cannot escape the inevitable conversion to heat. The difference in temperature of the room once the system has reached steady state will be negligible^1 . They have different heat capacities though so the initial temperature rises will differ.^2 The temperature change of the objects themselves will be different due to differences in surface area–imagine how hot a small resistor would get dissipating 100W (it would glow/melt) compared to a person's body temperature. ^1 a trivial amount more of the monitor's EM radiation will exit the system if you have windows, because glass is opaque to the radiation given out by the space heater (almost completely infrared). edit:^2 the initial temperature changes depend on the heat transfer properties of the object too (just as for cool down)
How many of you type out a comment but never post it because you realize that you are in no way qualified to be making comments about the issue being discussed?
Actually, I have the opposite problem a lot of the time. I'm very qualified to post about certain controversial topics. After reading extremely biased articles about these topics and the (often) totally passionate yet completely ignorant comments pertaining to said article, I start writing out a well-reasoned comment showing both sides of the issue (with good sources!) and trying to explain the more complex concepts behind the issue in layperson's terms. I say, I only start doing this because after finishing about a quarter of what I write, I re-read through some of the comments, become extremely frustrated, and give up. This is why I delete. Honestly, I've found it isn't worth the effort. When I first started posting on reddit, it was. But lately when I have written these comments, they are often ignored, downvoted because of disagreement with popular (and oftentimes uninformed) opinion, or are magnets for "intellectual" bullies that are looking more for something to fight about than for rational discourse on a subject. I don't care if a person agrees with me or not. I do care about if a person who disagrees with me treats me with respect. I guess you could call me disheartened. I still want to "fight the good fight" but at least for me, the effort isn't worth it to me. So it goes.
If you won $2 million, what would be the first 5 things you would do with it?
1.)Buy my grandmother a headstone. 2.) Buy my mothers home and her and my brothers cars. 3.) Pay for my grandfathers sister to come see him. 4.) Pay for my brothers college education. 5.) Make it so my mother/grandfather never has to work again in her life.
What is the part of the Brain that controls Sexual desire and could it be safely removed?
There is no one part of the brain solely responsible for sexual arousal and desire. Sexual desire stems from many interacting subsystems of the nervous system, including the visual system, the somatosensory system, the limbic system, the prefrontal cortex, and numerous high-level processing areas. And no, the neural systems underlying sexual desire definitely could not be safely removed, without severe impairment resulting. That said, it is entirely possible to do something else (more complicated than surgical removal) to the brain to greatly reduce sexual desire. A flood of a certain hormone or a certain neurotransmitter to the right area would probably be effective, but then the problem becomes a practical one, or getting the right chemicals in the right place.
What was the last straw that made you quit your job?
Was already quitting as I'm moving to another city in a month, but this made me focused on never returning (even though I had agreed to work a little whenever I'm in town. It's a tennis club. I've been working with coaching kids. I've accepted extremely bad working hours and a lot of stuff working there over the last year, prioritizing working for the club because I knew they needed me to be there. Basically accepting less work, a less secure job and lower pay because I've known that they would struggle to replace me. Was supposed to work at the summer camp this week and next week (tomorrow). The summer camp lasts all day, so it's finally more convenient working hours and full days. Even quit my other job at a gas station so that I would be able to work this week. Two weeks ago, they told me that they would prioritize someone else. Two weeks ago. One week before I was supposed to work. I didn't know how to react. To top it off; I was supposed to get some sort of proof that I've worked there for my CV. They were supposed to text/call me when they had written it, so that I could come and collect it. I've heard nothing. They didn't even answer my text about it. Will get that sorted out this week though. Might have to show up just to remind them.
What inanimate object that you can find in your home would be the most difficult to fight if it came to life?
Any small particle. Breathe it in, works its way into your bloodstream & into your brain.blood clot. You're done for. As far as actual objects go, idk, that award might go to my well pump & piping. It would hit me with scalding hot water, flood my home, might electrocute me at worst or short-circuit everything I have at best. It would suck.
What are some movie/TV cliches you're tired of seeing?
I can’t even think of a specific situation, but it happens all the time in movies and TV. When a situation could be cleared up in a few minutes by the characters actually communicating, instead of one person storming off or misunderstanding. I hate having to sit through unnecessary drama that sometimes lasts for half a season because of this. This happens in romance novels fairly often, too.
Why are all cop cars not unmarked?
Much of crime prevention comes not from being able to observe crimes but being present to deter them. If all cars were unmarked, then much of that deterrent effect would be lost, as police cars would not be easily identifiable.
How are jet engines able to pump compressed air and fuel into an extremely high pressure compression chamber without back flow?
The pressure drop across the turbine is about the same as the pressure rise across the compressor. The difference between the two though is the volume of gas passing through due to the temperature change. The turbine passes several times the volume of hot gas and hence produces more work than the work done by the compressor on the cold gas, even though the pressure change is the same. Work = pressure times volumetric flow rate for gas flow.
If the earliest predictions were right and the final general election was Hillary vs. Jeb, how would the race look like?
Polls would be a lot closer for one. Clinton would barely ever mention Jeb's name without attaching George W Bush's to it. Jeb will go after the e-mails and her terrible approval ratings. Clinton's main advantage will be that Democrats like her more than Republicans like Jeb. So Clinton's job will be to keep maintain excitement, while Jeb will be to get Republicans excited. Jeb will effectively be forced to get a strong conservative on his ticket, probably somebody like Walker. Clinton will probably put more emphasis on youth for her VP. Basically, the election would be a toss-up at this point, slight advantage Clinton.
How do imports and exports between countries work?
It is both government and business trading. In some countries there is no difference between the two. At the macro level it’s not hard. Goods made in one country get sold in another country. Once you start digging into specifics it gets more complicated. Global trade usually benefits both countries economically and politically. But problems can also arise. For example, the cost of labor in places like China and India is much lower than in the US. Therefore, a product manufactured in India will be much cheaper than if it were manufactured in America. The workers overseas benefit because they get to have jobs, and American consumers benefit because we get cheaper products. So who gets left out? American workers. This is why people get angry about trade imbalance and overseas manufacturing. An industry might move production overseas and so that means those jobs aren’t available for American workers. America’s job market is shifting to focus on tech jobs and services rather than manufacturing products, and people who would normally have those manufacturing jobs feel left behind and forgotten. And it’s not just manufacturing, either, although that is the easiest example. Countries normally attempt to control this phenomenon by imposing taxes called tariffs. If China is out-competing Americans in a certain industry, the government might impose taxes on Chinese products. This is intended to drive up the price on those products and make them less competitive. It’s a complicated and dangerous game, because trade works both ways. If we impose a tax on Chinese products, China will look for something we export or something we need, and put a tax on that in retaliation. Taxes intended to hurt competitors and help Americans could very easily backfire by driving up prices and hurting American consumers. As for the currency problem, that’s not a huge deal. People generally agree on the value of a product, so by looking at a price of that product in different countries they can establish a rough equivalency between currencies. So for example, 1€ is about $1.20. There are banks and traders that will convert one currency to another. But little actual currency changes hands. Most of it is done with ledgers and credit rather than hard cash. But there’s a catch. A currency’s value is also decided by those traders and speculators. Certain currencies might be more useful or more stable. The US dollar, for example, is globally accepted and considered extremely stable, so people are confident in it. But if a country has economic problems (like Venezuela for example) then people lose confidence in that currency. They say, “I can’t trust this money to hold its value, so you need to pay me a premium to accept some risk.” Or maybe they just stop accepting it altogether. The relative value of currencies are always fluctuating slightly as traders make these kinds of judgments. If a country has problems and becomes unstable, the value of their currency might plummet as people avoid it and look for more stable alternatives.
What's your favourite fact about bears?
Bears are a great example to teach the topic of evolution to people who don't really get it. A lot of people seem to think that evolution is is a conscious choice towards survival. Something along the lines of "ocean levels are rising, we'd better evolve gills". Brown bears are the original creature in their evolutionary chain. During the ice age when snow covered the globe, a bear was randomly born with a mutated hair color gene that made it white. A white bear is significantly better at sneaking up on prey in a snow covered world, so white bears never went hungry. They were fat, happy, and produced more offspring. Enough so to become a distinct species with a considerable population.
How much money do you spend on food per month?
I spend around $300-$600 a month mostly eating out at restaurants. I could half that buying food in bulk and cooking meals each week, but that's way too time consuming.
What is the most basic thing you forget all the time?
Usually my water bottle before I leave for work, everything else I have down to not mess up. Even if it means checking my pockets and bag five times before I leave, I still manage to forget my water bottle. Which really sucks on morning when I go to the gym.