If Wikipedia is having a hard time raising money to support increasing infrastructure costs, why don't they try a distribute computing framework similar to Folding at Home or SETI?
Bittorrent works because : You start it, you wait, and some unknown time later your file arrives. The content is static and unchanging Web needs to be interactive, click-page-now. That's never going to happen with a massively distributed application across average users on todays networks. Also, you say 'editting of articles may complicate design' - well that's a massive understatement if ever there was one. In your idea, imagine I edit a page, and update one of these 'signed, small chunks of data' with it. How on earth do all the other chunks holding an older version of the page get updated? Some of them may not even be online at the time. The storms of traffic generated as hosts come online every day and hunt for new or updated chunks would slow the hosting users connection to a crawl.
What tv/movie scene made a significant impact in your life?
In Forest Gump where Jenny marries Forest at the end of the movie. I realised that love is bullshit. Forest desperately loved Jenny his whole life and all she could manage was to throw him a bone a marry him at the end if her own life. She settled because he was there and she had no one else. I hated both their guts, her for doing it and him for accepting it as ok. It's affected how I view relationships particularly when ex's suddenly want to try again out of the blue. I think I'm seen by people as stable and nurturing but I don't want someone to settle for me because they are going blind at 40 and think I'll be good enough to take care of then (yes that happened) or are drug addicted and think I'll be good stable support while they detox (yes that happened too). I'm a sucker for a sob story and wanting to do the right thing by people. Watching that movie made me realise I'd rather be alone forever than have someone settle for me as their last option.
What is the most clever lyric you've ever heard?
No matter what, happens next I shouldn't be afraid Because, I know, today has been, the most perfect day, I've ever seen. Videotapes by Radiohead (In Rainbows album's last lyrics). Just played this song, I'm sure we could all go on forever.
What's the point of sham elections?
it reinforces the idea that the leader is in charge. it takes obedience from a passive acceptance to an act. in the example of North Korea that's pretty much the entire culture; it's just one on a list of things that you have to do, and look like you want to, or you die horribly. kicker being not only do you spend a huge amount of time on these performances you can never truly tell who is not preforming and genuinely enthusiastically praising dear leader. further kicker is that since this is such a huge part of your life it's easiest to just give in and chose to actually love dear leader just as an axiom of the world. Water is wet, fire is hot, and you love dear leader; it's just a thing. In less terrifying autocracies there often is some semblance of a democracy. in the USSR there were internal party elections for a lot of things, and since just about everyone is part of the party that's democracy, right? the real call was behind closed doors, but this was how things were supposed to work on paper. I don't know if this is true, but it wouldn't shock me if there were some positions in the government that actually were elected from a roster of party favorites. Today in Russia the elections exist to show how much power Putin has. He's blatant about stuffing the ballot box because his supporters LIKE that he's an autocrat. His narrative is that democracy nearly killed the country in the 90's and his firm hand on the reins is the only thing preventing a backslide. then we have not so healthy democracies where the public knows the election is mostly rigged, but not entirely. There the election exists so the leader can say they are not an autocrat even though they totally are; but if they came out and said that it would mean civil war.
What form of martial arts or other forms of training can actually come in handy in a fight?
Lots of krav maga cultists on reddit. In street fighting, wrestling is a bad idea. Fast, efficient, takedowns, Elbow strikes to the face, kicks to the knees. Practice, practice, practice. A boxer who trains everyday is going to beat a hobbyist martial artist.
What "phase" did you go through that you're embarrassed about now?
That "old music is so much better than any current mainstream music" phase. Ugh. I would've probably been one of those kids that comment on youtube with "I'm only 12 and I love this type music."
Why are people so unwilling to believe politicians can change their viewpoints on things over time?
It is not unbelievable a person can change their viewpoints. It is not frequent, but it happens. It is far more believable that a politician will cynically adopt whatever viewpoints will get them elected. People don't want their elected officials to change their viewpoint on the things they find important, so historical consistency is important. It is less about not believe people can change their minds, and more about not elected one.
What's the best improvised food you've made by luck?
One summer we had a garden. The harvest was all over the place, but we got a lot of pumpkins, cilantro, and basil. The cilantro went to seed so I made a fried rice with bacon, diced pumpkin fried in the bacon fat, basil leaves and the coriander seeds from the cilantro plant. Unstoppably good. The fried brown rice, bacony pumpkin bits, fragrant basil and coriander seed just worked perfectly.
What is the best story-telling rap song you've ever heard?
2 Chainz - Birthday Song it tells the story of the plagued Rapper that has everything and yet nothing, see this excerpts: "They ask me what I do and who I do it for" Like really, can you feel the pain ? wht does he do and who does he really do it for ? "All I want for my birthday is a big booty ho" What does a person that has everything money can buy wish for ? Love. "She got a big booty so I call her Big Booty" He's calling things what they are - no need to beat around the bush, he has lost his will to live so yeah that's the best story-telling rap, possibly ever made
Does smoking heat you up at all or significantly?
I am not a scientist, but I thermal images of different people smoking cigarettes in a laboratory setting to answer your question and you can actually see heat being drawn from their extremities (like fingers, toes, and ears). Smoking may distract you, and make you feel warm, but it is proved to reduce the heat from your extremities, if not your overall body temp.
When something is called "odorless," does it actually have no odor or can humans just not smell it?
an odor is particles of a substance hitting the olfactory receptors in your nose, which your brain interprets as smell. thus, everything that can be dispersed into air could have a smell. if we can't smell it it can be either because it is in such a low concentration that it does not trigger the receptors in the nose or we simply have no corresponding receptors and thus we are unable to detect the particles dispersed in the air as a smell
How does splitting an atom create so much energy using the law of conservation of energy?
Normal energy in chemical reactions comes from the bonds between electrons and the positively charged nucleus. Energy in nuclear reactions come from the bonds between nucleons (protons and neutrons). It's not that splitting an atom inherently liberates energy, but that some atomic nuclei are in high-energy states, and letting them fall into a lower energy state liberates energy. This is akin to the fact that splitting molecules in general doesn't liberate energy, but splitting hydrocarbons does, because they have so much energy stored in their bonds. You can't burn ash, and similarly you can't get more energy from the byproducts of nuclear decay (this isn't entirely true - usually the results are sometimes still unstable, but less so, and they can fall apart a handful more times before getting to fully stable products).
When have you been ignored or dismissed by a medical professional and it turned out to be serious?
I went to a Rural Health Clinic because my leg hurt and I could barely walk. They dismissed my claims and told me it was a sprained ankle, gave me some Ibuprofen and sent me home as "if it were broken, you wouldn't be able to walk." I kept a homemade splint on it and got around with crutches until my grandmother took me to a real hospital to get an x-ray. Turns out I was walking around on a stress break, but because of the splint and the crutches (my mother thought I was faking the entire time) it had already begun to heal.
What names don't age well?
I think the boys names, Caden, Braden, Jayden, Raiden etc are all going to age poorly. Also find it fascinating that names like Jennifer, Brittany and some others like Jessica and Tara. took a nosedive after the 80’s and 90’s. They just seemed to be everywhere growing up and seem pretty rare among younger Millennials and those younger than them.
What is something that will instantly make you snap?
I will snap instantly if someone threatens violence in a serious manner, and never speak to them again. For instance, a friend and I were working on a website for another friend. Unpaid, it was a hobby. Internet thing, different countries. One friend decided to "quit", the other threatened public violence which he claimed he could do with no one doing anything about the situation. Stopped all contact, immediately. Saying you could beat someone severely in broad daylight with witnesses and you could get away with it, nope nope nope.
What is the nicest thing you've done?
Not THE nicest thing I've ever done, but this is the first thing I thought of: I was in line at a gas station which was taking forever to get through. As soon as I was up, I bought a Nurse waiting behind me her chocolate milk and sandwich. Her reaction was priceless, she was astonished someone would do that. Her response was "No one has ever bought Chocolate Milk for me." After that I ran over a homeless man to balance myself out.
What exactly were the changes made to the Ottoman legal system that earned Suleiman the title "Kanuni"?
I'll try to answer your question, sorry if it doesn't satisfy you. While some credited Süleyman as the creator or compiler of the Kanun (Ottoman secular laws), it's somewhat incorrect. Sultan Bayezid II was the first one who ordered the compilation of all the kanuns of the empire, thus creating the Kanun-i Osmani. However, this first kanun was mostly about the obligations of the taxpayer (re'aya) and the timar holder and only included a handful of penal laws. These penal statutes were incorporated into the general law book because the punishment of criminals was the responsibility of the members of the military class and thus formed an integral part of the main theme of the secular law. However, penal statutes often appear in the law codes haphazardly, making it difficult to understand the legal procedure from arrest through punishment. This is where Süleyman came in, he brought Islamic and bureaucratic laws and punishments into harmony with each other and perfected the criminal code of the Kanun-i Osmani. Compared to only 52 penal statutes in Bayezid's law, Süleyman's has 93, and these additions didn't just elaborate and complete the older laws. They also deal with many offences not touched in the earlier codes at all, such as sodomy and other sexual perversions, false testimony, the forging of documents, the counterfeiting of coins, unfounded denunciation, disturbing public order and decency, and others. Furthermore, they also include many additional statutes on criminal procedure. Another change in the law is the structure of the penal code itself. Bayezid's laws divide penal codes into two, offences punishable by fines and/or strokes and those entailing capital or severe corporal punishment. Süleyman's code abolished this and arranged the statutes according to offences only and not, as before, according to penalties, making it more systematic than the older one. Süleyman's code wasn't the final version of the Ottoman law though, as later in the 17th century a new and the most comprehensive form of the Ottoman kanun law was compiled Sources: "The Studies of Old Ottoman Criminal Law" by Uriel Heyd
What is easy in the movies but hard in real life?
Handgun accuracy. It's POSSIBLE to be as good as they are in movies, but only in highly controlled environments, and only by dedicating your LIFE to that kind of speed and accuracy. Center mass at 25 meters is good. But people in films are firing one handed from like 40 meters away, rushing their shots like crazy, and landing headshots. lolno
What do you think the future will look like 100+ years from now?
I honestly think we will come to a point where we humans aren't really moving physically. I think we will be immersed in a world environment. Much like the matrix. We will have our beds laying there like vegetables, but in our mind we are going places and having real life experiences. We could control robots to take care of us. I'm not sure if this will happen within 100 years, but I ultimately see this happening sometime. The more real virtual reality becomes, it wouldn't no wonder why some people wouldn't want to be in that world 24/7.
What's the best ice cream flavour?
I have the base for peach lavender ice cream cooling down right now. Peaches are fresh picked from our tree, were drizzled with honey and dried lavender flowers, and roasted. I hope it's good.
What should be more expensive?
Meat. The ways we manage to bring down to price of meat to consumers is appalling. It should be expensive and somewhat of an occasional treat. I know it's probably not a popular opinion but it's a serious issue for the world as we know it
What is the best thing you have bought from/found in a pound/dollar shop?
Back when I was in high school, I bought a couch for $1. I took the back seats out of my friends astro van and replaced them with the couch. It stayed there for a couple years
What is the biggest web of lies you've ever ended up in as a result of trying to cover up one small lie?
I have elements of my own history that I've completely fictionalized to the point that people who know me well believe them. There are a number of lies that I've told so many times I believe them. Sometimes it makes me very sad, because to know me, you'd probably think me a well-rounded and rational person.
What do your parents do that mildly annoys you?
They make it to where I can’t tell them anything. Example. Got married, moved to a new town, still in school and got a part time job that is very flexible and pays well at a liquor store. Heaven forbid I work at a liquor store. So for the past 5 months my parents have not asked me anything regarding my life. My husband gets questions like what he’s been up to and detailed questions asking how everything is going for him. But now since I work at a liquor store they’ve limited all conversation with me. I confronted my mom about it and she was like “we just don’t talk about it.” and started a new conversation. I enjoy the work and people, are you really gonna condemn me for being happy?
Would it make sense for the government to allow people to pay back student loans with pre-tax dollars?
Not really--basically, this gives you a discount on student loans, but only after the fact. The government loses out on money, but it doesn't go toward making education accessible. Provisions like the student loan interest deduction are more beneficial, because they act as a discount on the interest rate rather than the principal. Most people who default on student loans actually do have the ability to pay, though they may not be aware of the options available for lowering the minimum monthly payments.
What is the biggest lie you told your parents, which they believed?
My parents are incredibly traditional-minded, which doesn't bode well for me, being LGBT and whatnot. The amount of journal entries and browser history searches I've had to explain away is ridiculous. The worst offender, though, was the time I had to try and convince my parents that my chest binder was a sports bra I borrowed from a friend for gym class that I forgot to give back. I'm so far back in the closet with them, I can see Narnia.
What's the weirdest thing a stranger has come up to you and said?
In the crowd at a music festival a few years back, with my hands in the air, and a complete stranger walked up and said “Nice pit hair”. Then tugged my pit hair, and disappeared into the crowd. I’ll never forget that.
How are voter ID laws in the USA discriminatory?
In many parts of America many people do not have IDs, the elderly and poor especially. There is no law requiring a person to get an ID, mainly because if they did they would have to give the IDs for free and the states make money off of the registration and renewal of them. The elderly can often get these IDs for free, but they often have trouble getting tho the registration agencies because most don't drive. The poor are often lucky enough to pay their bills on time, much less having the $25+ to register/renew an ID. It all goes back to the way the US voting laws were initially conceived and abuses that occurred after the civil war through the civil rights era with racist laws specifically written to kill the right to vote for poor blacks and minorities.
Does the rotation of a beam affect its bending?
To the second question: if the viscous fluid is flowing past the beam, the rotation would generate a non-zero lift force (parts of the beam moving towards the fluid would be subjected to different pressure than the other side), so it would bend. I am unsure about the second question. It would definitely bend in a different direction due to gyroscopic effects. If the force's direction stay static while the beam rotates, you would have a very dynamic system that would wobble all over the place.
Why are weigh-ins always several days prior to a fight, allowing fighters to potentially enter the ring at a completely different weight, rather than right before the fight?
Basically it gives fighters time to adjust their weights, not take the fight, work out new terms of the fight, etc. If you held it prior to the fight, and someone didn't make weight, you would have a stadium full of people and a maybe fight. So you work out all the details before that happens.
What is sound like in space?
Sound is vibration in the air picked up by your eardrums. Since space is just vacuum no sound exists. If you however are within a spacecapsule that gets hit by something you will hear it because the vibrations will travel through the capsules walls and the air too your ears.
How the first measuring ruler was made and what makes a millimetre a millimetre?
The first standard ruler was based on measurements of the foot of the Roman statesman Agrippa. There have been lots of other standard rulers for different units often with the same name. In 1793 the meter were defined using astronomical measurements to be exactly 1/10000th the distance between the North Pole and the equator. The idea was that no matter where you are in the world you can make the same observations and come up with the same answer. Before this you could bring a ruler from England to India to make standard sized tea containers to bring back to England only to find out your ruler had increased in length due to the heat making all your measurements off. Currently the length of a meter is defined using the speed of light in a vacuum. If you have the right instrument you would be able to recreate a standard ruler anywhere you are.
Who is the most interesting person you know and why?
A friend of mine. He's been through a lot, and he's experienced a lot. He always has a story to tell, and despite us being nearly the same age, it feels like he's done so many more things than I. He has, for an example, been thrown out of several countries and are still banned from some of them. He has also had a lot of jobs, and met a lot of people. He's an overall interesting person, and I enjoy hearing stories from his past.
What cover song sucked compared to the original?
Nearly any cover of a Beatles or Zeppelin song. For Beatles, they generally try to just make Ringo's part more flashy, but the thing about Ringo is that while he wasn't flashy, his part always fit really well with the rest of what was happening. For Zeppelin people just can't pull off Bonham. In both cases I like covers when someone actually does something different with them. Joe Cocker's With a Little Help from my Friends and Tori Amos' Down by the Seaside are excellent examples of people taking songs and making them their own.
What was the first purchase you made with your own money as a kid?
A humidor for my dad's pipe tobacco for a Christmas gift. I was 12. I had my first job at a pony track walking ponies giving kids rides. I made minimum wage which, at the time, was $1.60. For a 12 year old that was a LOT of money! I thought I was rich! I would give anything to go back to those days.
What unique new year's tradition does your family do?
I remember from when I was a kid that my grandmother would call her oldest child (my mother) at midnight on NYE every year. I don't know if my mother has continued this tradition with my older brother (I'm estranged from my mother).
What was the first movie you remember seeing in the cinema?
Batman (1989). I am sure that I saw other movies in the theaters before this, but I really remember this one. Especially because the movie theater oversold the tickets and there was literally NOWHERE to sit.people were sitting in the aisles. Good movie.
What are you currently striving for?
I'm striving to have a healthy baby in six months. I'm also striving to keep our household afloat while my fiance finds a better job. On top of that I'm striving to relaunch my career as an audio engineer/producer. the hope is once fiance finds a better job, I can quit my office manager job and do part time internships again. Lets me get great hands on experience, make contacts, and won't take me away from the baby too much. It's a lot, but right now, it's easier for me to strive for too much than to be floating aimless with no goals.
What is the best drunk decision you have ever made?
To get married. I hadn't known her for long and was leaving the country. I was resigned to never seeing her again, but one night before I left she happened to call when I was sitting at a bar. Not call for any serious reason; just to say what's up. And I said, "Let's get married. You can come with me." Dear Abbey would have advised against it. But Dutch courage told me to go for it. So I went for it. If I hadn't been drinking when she called, I probably would still be single. Instead, 2.5 years later, I'm sitting here with a wonderful wife and son, watching Quick Change on a rainy afternoon. Best decision I ever made.
Why is liking to earn Karma (Karma whoring) so taboo?
Because the people who like earning karma end up resorting to tactics that generally make Reddit worse, like "shotgunning" replies to all of the top comments in a rising post, instead of trying to think of something interesting or entertaining to add to the post.
What are the movies that I should watch, but aren't on the "usual" must see list?
The Seven Samurai is a classic, anything else by Kurosawa is well worth your time edit: My bad, I got so excited about Kurosawa love that I forgot we're looking for not on the usual must see lists. In this case i'd suggest checking out "Red Beard", it doesn't get nearly the love it deserves.
What food do you eat differently than other people?
I learned it from a "life hack" video so other people out there are probably doing this as well but I now like to tear the bottom off of a frosted cupcake .and then place it upside down on top to eat for even distribution
What's the strangest dream you've ever had?
I was a prisoner being held in a psychic interregnum in the 22nd century. My life and everything I believed to be real, was an illusion. I was struggling to wake up fully, but could hear the doctor types surrounding me saying things like "He's coming around, we need more sedative! Hurry!" And someone saying "If he comes too, you'd better tell Talbot." When I woke up, it seemed so real that for a few minutes I was on the verge of believing it. I know it's exactly the sort of thing that Twilight zone stories are made of, but in my case it genuinely happened and remains the strangest dream I've ever had.
What strange misconception did you have as a child?
The sun was like a human being and it's mother was the moon. Whenever it got cloudy I thought that the sun had to go inside and was being yelled at by his mother for doing something wrong. If it was a cloudy/rainy day the sun was grounded lol. I don't know if that counts as a misconception but I just love sharing it. I was a cute child
What's you favorite music to fall asleep to?
For a long time, after my college days, I used to fall asleep almost every single night to one of the cds from the Dave Matthews/Tim Reynolds: live at Luther College cd. I would often never make it past "#41" on the first cd. Great album.
What was the biggest obstacle when moving in with your SO?
Finding time to still have our alone time. We live in a relatively small house so unfortunately the living room is the only room to comfortably hang out in and we enjoy unwinding after work differently. Right now we are moving a tv/playstation/computer into an extra room to remedy this.
Why do some cars say "0 miles to empty" but keep driving and don't actually run out of gas?
Low fuel lights and sensors like that give you like a 10 mile grace period after they say they are empty. Plus those gauges don't measure the fuel in the pump, lines, filters, and such that run to the fuel injectors.
What helps you when interviewing for a job?
Something that stuck with me from a previous employer. Know the company that you want to work for. Say your interviewing for an Large business, nationwide. Know exactly what they do in the facility you are interviewing for. Showing a little interest and do a little research. Throw there statistics back at them. They won't expect it and they'll know you want the job.
Who is the television food “personality” that you dislike the MOST?
hi i'm charles stiles, mystery diners Not sure if you can count him as a food personality since he neither has personality nor deals directly with food, but Charles Stiles from Mystery Diners is lovably bad. release the drone
What is a throwaway comment that a teacher made to you (or about you in your presence) that has stuck with you forever?
I had an 8th grade teacher tell me I didn't write something and I just copied it because it sounded too professional. Since then I toned down my writing style and every time I have written something since I try to make sure it doesn't sound like it's plagiarized.
Why can we only tell when something (our home, for example) smells different than usual when we enter it and not be able to tell when we exit into fresher air?
The reason is that we ignore/reduce constant stimuli. It is easier to notice for touch. You notice primary when something changes. You notice when someone first touch your arm but notice less when they keep there hand there. You feel the chair when you sit down but not when you are sitting on it. The small works similarity. You smell thing when you first encounter them but the you notice them less and less. If it did not work that way you would smell yourself all the time and all other thing in your surrounding. You would be overwhelmed by the constant smells and would not notice when something changes. The same with touch where you would always notice you clothes. It is new things that are important to us not what is there all the time.
What's weird in real life but cool in college?
In my dorm room I used to line a mop bucket with a trash bag, fill it with beer and ice, turn on some music, prop my door open and wait for a party to materialize. Turns out, that isn't very cool in my current life. Neighborhood associations are lame.
What is your "crazy ex" story?
The only person I would consider a crazy-ex was a compulsive liar that I dated for a couple of months. She was a coworker of mine at my first job and we arranged our first date when we were working. Later that day I was talking with her on the phone and she informed me that she loved me. It freaked me out a little bit because we knew each other for about a week at this point. But we were in high school and I was just glad to have a girlfriend. Over the next couple of months she stood me up a few times, but I had a good time on the dates she did make. But I started to feel distant from her. She was getting upset that I wasn't saying "I love you" to her. I started realizing that the two of us had next to nothing in common. This ranged from bigger things like life ambitions to smaller things like person taste in entertainment. And she made quite the big deal out of how she couldn't believe that I liked certain things and I didn't like her choices. She wasn't aware of something called personal preference. I also started finding little lies popping up. She could never keep here stories straight and I started not trusting her. Anyway, I had self esteem issues and stuck with the relationship for a couple of months. I started wanting to get out of it, because I knew it wasn't going to work. I had never broken up with someone before and I knew it was going to crush her. I was weak and an idiot. I stopped calling her (granted she never noticed because she called me probably 29 out of 30 times). I spent most of our conversations trying to find my words and get the courage to break up with her, always failing. Finally after a week of this she asks me if I want to break up. I said "yes" and sure enough she freaks out, crying. When she asked why I list basically everything I said in the previous paragraph. The conversation ends and I fell a bit better that I finally got that over with. Fast forward a couple of days and we both are working together. I hadn't been thinking about the next time I'd see her. And she broke down crying again. I manager spent some time consoling her in the locker room. Over the next week a few different coworkers who I considered friends started to distance themselves form me. Finally I confronted one of them about what was going on to discover that they all thought I was a jerk because I broke up with this girl because we didn't like the same music. This is apparently what she had been telling everyone. She picked one thing out of the laundry list of reasons I gave her and focused on that. This damaged numerous friendships and tainted my reputation. That wound up taking a long time to restore. But the fun doesn't stop there. Over the next several years I kept running into this girl. And she would regularly propose that we get back together. Nope. Just nope. If I spotted her I would do everything in my power to not be seen by her. It was getting ridiculous. But the last time I talked to her was quite satisfying. I was at the mall to make a final payment on an item I had on layaway. I enter the store and there she was, behind the counter. She must have recently started because I had never seen her over the previous few months. So she's chatting with me as I'm making my payment and she, once again, asks if I want to get together. I simply ask her "You do know you just sold me an engagement ring, right?" TL;DR: I had a compulsive liar girlfriend who tainted other friendships I had but still wanted to be with me. In the end she asked me out while selling me an engagement ring for someone else.
Do you think someone would break into a car for some quarters sitting out in the open?
Depends where you live. Someone broke into my car in Vancouver and took a pack of gum on the front seat. After it happened, people warned me to empty all items from the car, empty the glove compartment and leave it open so thieves could see there was nothing to take.
Is there a limit to how viscous intravenous medications can be?
Thinning out a medication isn't necessarily an accurate depiction as most medications would not be delivered as a 100% solution in an IV. Many would be solids even. So, diluting them would be necessary for the IV in order to administer the medication slowly as opposed to as instantly as a shot or pill instead. Dilution in saline, for example, to a lower concentration of medication would result in a solution with a viscosity sufficiently similar to blood that it would present no deliverability challenges (at least I can't think of any example where this would not be the case). That said, viscosity alone would not necessarily be problematic, however, it would have effects on other aspects of the treatment. For example, if as viscous as something like honey, it may need to be delivered at a slower rate to ensure the bloodstream can sufficiently dissolve the medication which of course ultimately affect the treatment if it slows the delivery of medication. Significantly higher viscosities are also likely to be avoided due to deliverability (e.g. how much pressure does the nurse/doctor/machine need to apply to deliver the medication). Just to be clear, viscosity, concentration, dose, etc are not interchangeable. You can change the viscosity of a solution by changing non-drug components. Edited to more clearly respond to the initial question.
What is your code word or phrase and when/why do you use it?
"Canadian" as a code word for "black". I don't want my kids to think skin color is a detail that needs to be discussed, so when my wife and I do refer to certain situations where one of us is curious as to the skin color of a person, my kids are insulated. They'll just grow up thinking we have a fascination for discussing Canadian people. tl;dr: When we stereotype, we blame Canada.
Is sugar really as addictive as cocaine?
The problem with sugar addiction is that people in many cultures show you love by pushing sugar at you in the form of pie or bread or mashed potatoes or whatever, and they'll say moderation is key. If someone is an alcoholic, you would NEVER dangle a bottle of their favorite drink in front of their face and talk to them about moderation, but people do it with food addicts all the time. Additionally, you know logically that your body can live without many addictive substances like nicotine, alcohol, heroin, etc, but food is a daily requirement. It's anecdotal, but if you look at obesity rates since the introduction of the low fat suggestion of the US government, there seems to be a trend. Sugar in and of itself may not be as harmful as cocaine, but I've never had a family event where multiple people would be super offended if I didn't snort some of their newest batch of coke. Also, the poorer you are does not make cocaine more accessible. Sugar, on the other hand.
Which stores would be successful if they sold items only pertaining to the name of the store?
Forever 21: immortality for a cheap price Apple Store and Banana Republic: just some stores dedicated to your favorite fruits Lids: we all lose the tops of our ziploc boxes, now we know where to go Loft: selling apartments
If you could tell your past self anything, what would it be?
[SERIOUS] Hey past self, remember when you went to a University and thought it would be okay to switch from cannabis to methadone? Sure, you sold percocets back in the day just to have a little bit of extra money in your pocket but now look at you. Methadone. Why choose that? Maybe you did not care for the side effects of it. You weren't clueless, you just wanted to experience and I get that. Do you realize how heartbroken your parents would be to hear about your daily usage of methadone? I hope you will not make that mistake again. I have been off methadone for over two years.
What used to be considered trashy but now is very classy?
Being fat was considered a sign of wealth and beauty back in the renaissance. Rich healthy people could afford food, while poor people were skinny and sickly.
If someone already diets and exercises, what is the most healthy, supplemental way to help shred fat to get those abs popping?
I don’t know what is your exercise routine, but try to do a pot of abdominal exercises (sit ups, planks, shoulder taps,leg raises.) and in your diet try to reduce the carbs the max you can, and keep eating the proteins. An no I don’t have a six-pack, I exercise a lot but I won’t stop eating my carbs, It isn’t worth it for me.
Why are there only trial-stations for console games but not for PC games in stores?
Probably too hard to sufficiently control so that players can't screw around with the computer. Also, probably not a big market, as PC games are sold digitally a lot and also have download demos sometimes.
Why does rubbing a minor injury immediately after it happens soothe the pain?
This phenomenon is called the "Pain Gate Theory". When you injure yourself, pain signals travel from the site of injury to your brain. When you do something else to that part of the body, for example rubbing it with your hand, this also sends signals to your brain. However, because both signals are coming from the same part of the body, only one signal can "enter" your brain at a time. And this can be thought of as a gate. The gate only allows one signal at a time. And it just so happens that other stimuli such as pressure, vibrations, touch, etc. have priority over the incoming pain signal. You feel less pain because you are interpreting other signals form the injured body part, instead of the pain Hope that helps. Source: Medical Student
How do you link to a spot on another page?
If you're linking to a specific comment, right under the comment is an option that says "permalink". Click that and then cut/paste the link. Otherwise, if it's just a page with text, it would have to have been formatted in a specific way for this to work.
How do you personally push through unwanted comments and regards from other people that may hurt you?
Anything someone says is always a reflection of them. As a kid, did you ever notice that the severity of punishments often depended on the adult's mood? For example, you broke something. If the adult is in a bad mood, spankings/groundings might follow. However, if the adult is in a good mood, you might not be punished at all - 'we all accidentally break something from time to time, that's just part of being human. I know you learned from this and will be more careful next time.' In both cases, the circumstances are exactly the same, and the reactions reveal more about the other person than they do you. Same thing with nasty comments, etc. from other people now - consider the source. Why, exactly, is this person saying this thing in this way? Perhaps they're immature, perhaps they're ignorant, perhaps they're oblivious. Perhaps they're cruel and have not yet learned kindness. Unkind things might actually have a silver lining of being helpful, too, once you've had some time to process them past the immediate emotional reaction. Sometimes people who don't like you will say things to you your friends don't dare to - and if you are able to run with that, you might be a better person for it.
What are you secretly really into?
My boyfriend is secretly a stuffed animal freak. We have a whole room dedicated to them. Everytime we go somewhere he comes back with both arms filled. I'll never forget the first time he did it, he's dropping them left and right, looks me dead in the eyes and says, "Don't tell anybody, I'm a stuffed animal freak." I laughed and this is the first time I've told anyone. I should delete this after a while.
Why aren't people more respectful?
I think there is a popular thought that people should have to earn your respect. I think this is backward. I choose to be respectful to others because I am a respectful person, not because I bother to judge everyone I meet as worthy or not.
What's the weirdest thing you seen in an airport?
I saw an older lady sitting in the main concourse in JFK, in tears - alone, and looking confused. So I sat down next to her and asked what was wrong. She told me that she had never been in an airport before, was confused and afraid, trying to get to a family funeral - unsure what to do or where to go (plus, she was hard of hearing, and that only complicated things). She was just overwhelmed - like I had never seen before - and was apparently ready to give up, and take a taxi back to her Queens apartment. So I accompanied her through security, and to her departure gate, explaining to the attendant that she couldn't hear instructions well, and to please help her out.
Why are todays generation/young people afraid to commit romantically?
Loaded question, statistically incorrect. A better way to word it would be, why are the people you experience afraid to commit. Statistically millennials are moving back towards marriage even though the generation before them had the highest divorce rate AND plummeting marriage rates.
Why did so many major cities in Texas develop more inland than on the coast line?
Galveston was much more important relatively until the hurricane. It was the biggest city in Texas in 1900. The hurricane changes everything overnight. The 2nd part of the answer: Railroads. That's where the cattle heads were and where the oil and cotton got freighted out from. That became much more important than harbors in the 19th and 20th centuries.
What do you like about your job?
I love my job, I love that I meet so many different people and get to help them at their most vulnerable and distressing times, and are with them throughout their recovery. I’m a psych nurse, couldn’t imagine doing anything else. There are sad and awful circumstances with some patients but there are laughs and funny times too.
How often is the "N" word used by you or people you know?
I have never heard it in real life. I hear it mostly from comedians, second in music, and third in movies/TV. My cousin is half and a rapper and he doesn't even use the word. The closest is that my mom has lately been calling black people negros. She never did this before I have no idea what is going on.
What's the worst place you have laughed uncontrollably?
When the small turbo-prop plane hit really bad turbulence and dropped a bit. Ladies screamed. Children cried. I was laughing hysterically. Wife was unimpressed. Which of course made the laughing worse. 10/10.
What's the worst thing you ever saw done to a substitute teacher?
I didn't see it but everyone knew about it. A really old computing teacher was locked in a cupboard by students and forced to sing to get out. She wasn't an actual substitute teacher, but she was covering a class that wasn't hers and was working part-time I think.
What can't you tell your friends because it would crush them?
I know that you failed out of college and that has really damaged your self-esteem, but you can't just be a baby sitter for your family friend the rest of your life. Go back to school, you're a smart kid.
To those who lost loved ones, when did you start to feel better again?
You sound like me. I lost my dad in October. To liver cancer. He had just turned 58. Since we're going through basically the same situation, I can honestly say I feel your pain. I am just starting now to get back to feeling like myself again, and I know I still have a long way to go. I was lucky enough to meet a great man shortly after this happened and have had the support now of a devoted partner to help me feel better. I've spent a lot of time with my mom and my brother, and a lot of time with my friends. No matter how hard it is, leave the house. Get out. Go anywhere. Get out of town for a while to reset. Take the time you need. Don't rush yourself. But DO SOMETHING, anything. Don't let it keep you locked away living in the past. That trap is too easy. Let yourself have your moments. If you feel like you have to cry, cry, no matter what you're doing. If you're angry, be angry. Then let it pass and say "ok, that was my moment of grief today, the rest of the day will be fine." It'll come over you in waves. Just ride it out. They get further apart, and more manageable. That's what I've been finding so far. And talk about your dad. Don't talk about his death. Talk about him, with family, with friends, with the internet, with your journal, whoever. Just talk about him. It keeps a little part of him alive. It will give you strength. I wish you luck. You and I both will get better in time.
Why do crazy people often times look crazy?
In general, I would say that "crazy" individuals often have a hard time taking care of themselves. That might explain bad teeth, bad hair, bad skin, strange tics or habits, etc. If you mean the way someone's eyes look, then I'm not really sure. Although a lot of fear and anxiety is readily viewed in someone's eyes, so it could be that there's a lot of stuff flying past their vision at all times.
What dream felt so real, that when you woke up everything was confusing?
I believe in the Mandela Effect. Every time I switch between realities life is confusing. I get agitated more easily, and subtle things feel out of place. It has been approximately one month since my last shift between realities.
When you look through someone else's eyeglasses and everything appears blurry, is that how they see when they don't wear their glasses?
Almost, but not really. The correction of the lenses will look like an inversion of the focal length of the person they're corrected for when viewed by a person with 20/20 vision. So if someone is nearsighted, their glasses bring the focal length outward more. To someone with perfect vision, wearing these glasses will make them see what it's like to be farsighted, not nearsighted. If someone is farsighted, their glasses bring the focal length inward more. To someone with perfect vision, wearing these glasses will make them see what it's like to be nearsighted, not farsighted. EDIT: It's blurred to the same degree, just in the opposite direction.
What was your reaction when you realised that life is meaningless suffering, then you die?
I entered my first depressive state when i discovered the concept of death at age 9 by watching people jump off the Twin Towers live on tv on 9/11. The concept of an infinite afterlife beyond death actually terrified me and was one of the main anxieties that came from that discovery. When I finally truly understood i was an atheist I had a huge sense of relief that life was actually meaningless. I embraced it. Ever since i've been handling the ebb and flow of dealing with that meaninglessness.
What is a song that makes you feel extremely sad and will make you cry?
Mad World-Gary Jules. It is extremely moving to me. I like listening to it every now and then. It's such a potent song to me. I don't really connect with the song, as in, I don't think the lyrics apply to me but it can be pretty depressing. I think the song says a lot though, not like most music now days.
What's the worst thing you've woken up to after getting black out drunk?
Not as bad as some of the others, but my friend who was also drunk had my foot in his mouth. Our sober friend (who is much,much smaller) was trying his best to pry him away from my feet. Ill never forget the confusion I felt in that moment.
What warning sign or disclaimer most has the opposite of its intended effect?
"This program is intended for a mature audience. Viewer discretion is advised." As a kid, I understood this to mean: "This program will probably be awesome. But you should definitely change the channel if your parents are around. Make sure you watch it later though."
If you have been in love with someone who is already in a relationship for the past 3 years,how would you confess your love to them or just hide it?
I didn’t say I was in love, because I wasn’t. but I definitely did feel something for her. We had been close friends for well over 3 years by then. Didn’t go too well. Her boyfriend was up north for school, she was in a neighboring state, lost that friendship for awhile. But it all worked itself out, and she actually did appreciate that I came forth with my thoughts and feelings rather than hide them from her. Not entirely sure if her boyfriend (whom I was also friends with) ever found out I did that. But I’m glad that I was able to keep that friendship alive despite the long distance. To sum it all up, if it’s fun and open type of friendship with someone. and you just need to get it off your chest, go for it. Bottling up those kind of feelings whether it be love or not starts to mess with you at some point. If you have to put the friendship on hold, so be it. But in my case, I knew we would continue our friendship because that’s just how close we were, I just knew it would take some time.
Why does it takes only minutes for a bank to withdraw money from your checking but days to refund it?
When you make a purchase they're taking money from an account that they know has the funds to cover the cost of something - When you're getting a refund or a payment from somebody else their money has been taken (maybe by the same institution, but it may be from another bank) and it needs to be verified that this money can be withdrawn [like it wont overdraft an account] before it can be sent to you. If you're getting a refund from a retailer those refunds typically don't go through until they've batched out.
How can I get over the fact that people drink/party?
Why does it bother you? Is your girlfriend out getting drunk, or having the odd drink with friends? those are two totally different things. You can ignore this if youd like, but what about exposing yourself to people who drink socially (I dont mean binge drinking, I mean a beer with dinner with friends) so that you don`t associate alcohol with being drunk?
How do cells understand/know their niche on the human body?
It's a combination of signals from the environment and the cell itself. Generally there are a multitude of receptors on the surfaces of cells that perform a biochemical function inside the cell in response to a molecule outside. These serve as signal transducers and the signal gets propagated down into the cell to cause some kind of action (through chemical/physical interactions). There are also times when the signals are taken up by the cell. There are cases where cells "talk" to each other by having surface receptors that recognize one another, or they can form junctions between each other and the signals pass through junctions into neighboring cells. The signal does not need to be a small molecule, a lot of times the physical properties of the space that the cells occupy can act as a signal. We know that for example stiffness of the nearby area can affect certain proteins which can then send that signal down again to let the cell "know" what environment they are in, such as knowing if the cell is near a blood vessel (more elastic) or near bone (stiffer). There is also the other side of that, which is the cell itself. During differentiation, the cells undergo differential protein expressions and remodel their chromatin differently. What results is cells that are made of not only different parts, but are rewired in different ways. That way a certain signal in one type of cell can have different effect than in another type of cell. This is how an increase in one hormone can cause different changes in different tissue types (the receptors are "wired" up to different pathways).
Why is everyone so worked up about 3D printing?
It could be bad news for a lot of manufacturing companies and retailers. A lot of industries are safe (you can't 3D print food) but a company that just makes plastic toys and the like could lose nearly all of its business to 3D printers. Expect a powerful anti-3D printer lobby from those types of companies.
What are peoples experiences with apprenticeships?
It depends on how much you want to put in to it. My experience hasn't been easy. Depending on the place you are getting your app. the people you deal with in person or on the phone can make things easier or harder for you. Never loose or let your blue book (or what ever it is where ever you live) out of your site.unless you mail or hand it into the app. board. Always be nice and polite to the people you deal with. As soon as you have your hours GO TO SCHOOL! Do what ever you need to get things done fast. The longer you wait the less money you earn. Don't cheat on hours! It's better to get the exp. in the long run instead of being a Journeyman that knows next to nothing. If you are a hands on worker you'll have a good time learning as you make money. In my experience it's the best way to learn if you get in with a good company.
If you had to get fat, what food would you eat nonstop?
Tablet I guess. It's literally the most unhealthy thing you can consume. I suck at eating and the prospect of eating tablet makes me sick but if I wanted to gain weight I'd just eat a pound of it every day. It's the most disgustingly fattening food possible.
What modern golden age have we unfortunately missed?
The golden age of Truth. The Information Age has turned into the Disinformation Age. With the ability to spread information globally, we saw the rise of things like Wikipedia and thought all was dandy. Then social networks and the internet in general made it easy spread falsehoods. We’re just on the cusp of digital forgery to become so good that political opponents will be able to create a real video of their opponent saying whatever they want in their own voice and it will be indistinguishable from the real thing. That’s going to be scary when video/audio of a scenario is no longer evidence of whether or not something actually happened. Game development. The consolidation of developers into big business has stifled competition and limited our choices. Now devs come out with the same variation of a $60 game over and over and over because large business will only invest in something they know will win. They are more risk averse. Starting part of your business in China. Starting an enterprise using China to reduce costs used to be a gold mine if you could pull it off, but this time has come and gone. Now the growing tensions between the nations make it a lot harder along with a maturing middle class, rising wages, and a slowing economy. If you’re there it’s still very lucrative, but getting in the door now is just a bit too late. Garage sale bargains. You used to be able to find a special baseball card worth $1000s or and old vintage synthesizer for cheap at garage sales or on EBay, but with the information all now so accessible, everyone knows how much things should cost. No more bargain bins. Everything is properly priced.
Was there any talk of gun control after the JFK assassination?
You can bet that a lot of people were happy Huey Long was gone. That aside, there had already been a major piece of gun control legislation passed in 1934, the National Firearms Act. As for JFK, his assassination was added to assassinations of MLK, Malcom X, and RFK and was part of the impetus for the Gun Control Act of 1968, which, among other things, effectively banned direct mail order of firearms to non-licensed persons, which is how Oswald got his rifle.
What gives you purpose in life?
I have metastatic cancer, and 3 months to live according to my oncologist. My purpose in life is laughing with my kids, talking with my family, watching movies with my husband, enjoying sunsets and all those other little things that are so important now. My life is remarkably enjoyable these days.
Which Star Wars books are worth being read even if you are not a die-hard fan?
The Republic Commando books by Karen Travis, in my opinion the best Starwars series out there, she does an amazing job of making her characters feel real and human.
What's something that's considered fairly expensive, but you don't mind buying on a regular basis?
Only for long flights, but first class is worth it. The ability to sleep through the flight is fantastic. Pro tip, show up to the airport early and update at the kiosk usally shaves hundreds of dollars off buying it in advance.
To all the people who worked in animal harvest factories, how long did it take you to get used to animal slaughter and what are the working conditions truly like?
I live on a small farm where we used to raise and slaughter rabbits wholesale to sell. Working conditions were outside in pretty weather with dad cracking jokes while we casually(and painlessly) cycled through dozens of rabbits.
When did we start celebrating birthdays?
The concept of a calendar as a way to track the beginning and end of the year was related directly to predicting the best time to plant and the best time to harvest. While nomadic and semi-nomadic peoples hold the seasons in some importance, the concept of the harvest would only date 10,000-12,000 years ago when people in the Fertile Crescent began farming. I know birthdays were celebrated by ancient Romans, the tradition would be a tribute with a flat cake and a fruit on top. The oldest holidays typically celebrated in the West are clustered towards the end of the calendar year because they are associated with harvest festivals from other cultures. People at more northern latitudes harvest earlier so our earliest harvest holiday falls in October and is a tradition from Northern Europe. Historically, Halloween and Christmas were both celebrated in a similar fashion, the most important tradition being the feast, like our observance in North America of Thanksgiving. The harvest and feast are thought to be a declaration of life at the start of the long, dark winter when little food will grow. BTW: I think the date given to Christmas is a result of it originally being the feast of Saturnalia, a Roman holiday. Since the Romans harvested later, the harvest holiday falls later in the year. I may be in error about it, and the best way to find out it post my incorrect answer on the internet.
Why don't you tell the truth?
Because people would rather hear & believe what they want. So even if 100% truth is told, people will only listen to what they want to. and they choose to take everything personally & get overly emotional because they can't handle it. I've learned to let people live in their ignorant bliss. Life is better this way.
What's a great movie that you never want to see again?
The Sixth Sense. It was great the first time, especially the ending. I had to watch it the second time just to get the "rules." Once I knew the secret, the magic was gone. Still a great movie though.
If alcohol is supposed to impair judgement, why do politicians and businessmen drink during meetings?
I do not know of any formal meetings where politicians imbibe. Businessmen do it for the same reason anyone else does: it makes you relaxed, and less confrontation, unless you imbibe too much. But that is kind of old school business. Yes, it does still happen, but most companies have policies against any sort or alcohol intake during company time.