the reducetaskexternalitcasetestmultilevelmergecombiningreducetask test failed with the following errorcodetestmultilevelmergecombiningreducetaskorgapacheflinkruntimeoperatorsreducetaskexternalitcase time elapsed sec failurejavalangassertionerror invoke method caused exception at at is the log sadly the test is not logging the exception at info level so we can not really understand whats going onill push a commit improving the logging
this security hole enables users to package scripts into filters which might then be executed by other users here is how to do it create a new filter use as full text search following string alerthello atlassian run the filter save this filter see what happens publish the filter to all other users and call it from another user scared
as an openshift engineer i want to ensure that olm doesnt upgrade wmco while wmco is upgrading the windows nodes this ensures that wmco can smoothly transition from one eus version of openshift to anotheracceptance criteriaa story or a pr to ensure that wmco is not upgraded while it is upgrading the nodesengineering detailsolm team has provided some info how to set the status of a olm managed operator to ensure that olm doesnt replace csv for upgrade
while executing below query for adding udf jargetting parse errorqueryadd jar orgapachehiveserviceclihivesqlexception error while compiling statement failed parseexception line cannot recognize input near
need a type registry adequate to define resource types and actions on the types for metaobj form items citation lists etc without requiring dependencies of content on citation or metaobj
initial job stories there are a set of job stories noted in the api column that the team can use for working on a poc this task is to identify where a few of these metrics could surface in the ui so that the team can work on a poc for displaying metrics in the ui
this bug was introduced in branch verified in master branch works as expected steps to recreate switch to branch network should have at least channels select a channel in drop down list once component is refreshed channel is switched
currently cachecreationcontrollerservicejs has lots of logic repeated in several functions although the context is different for some of the functions it should be possible to make more generic functions that can be reused across contexts for example the updatecache and createcache functions
few offline comments from we should not process pipeline report from datanode again during calculations we should consider only replication factor ratis pipelines
i picked you randomly feel free to find another person or assign back to me if youre swampedthe error message looks like the query was not finished when the assertion was checked in in addsession fnself in testgetlog assert error converting column in log e assert error converting column in query complete out of
see application controller spun up by gitops operator is unable to create events with default installation due to missing rbac rules acceptance criteria application controller should be able to create events with default installation of argocd instance
with the new architecture we want to refactor the ui to be more user friendly and more modernto do it the framework to use will be gwt
adding a test class for the pysparkinterpreter will keep the project from introducing regressions in using pyspark from within zeppelin
groovy doesnt yet support setting properties on nonstatic inner classes using named arguments as in code belowcodeclass myouterclass def foo def ic new myinnerclassfname roshan lname dawrani class myinnerclass def fname def lname def oc new myouterclassocfoocodethe code above fails with the messagenoformatfailed to invoke constructor public myouterclassmyinnerclassmyouterclass with arguments reason javalangillegalargumentexception wrong number of argumentsnoformatindicating that the implicit this reference is not being passed as the first argumentsupporting above usage may require significant changes possibly the bit related to this not being passed implicitly can be corrected in the meantime so that at least the following works finecodeclass myouterclass def foo def ic new myinnerclassfname roshan lname dawrani class myinnerclass map propmap def myinnerclassmap propmap thispropmap propmap def oc new myouterclassocfoocode
instead of hard coding the online repository urls in configxml or in production updatesxml make it possible to fetch those in dynamic manner using json format
ive found an issue with respect to class loading in harmony my measurements show that fixing this can give a pretty big burst on on oracle app server approx of scorethe issue is quite simple our classloader implementation does not support the caching of classes that were loaded not by this classloader it can be demonstratedboymoontmp cat classloadertestjavaimport javaiopublic class classloadertest public static void mainstring args throws exception myclassloader new myclassloadermy classloadergetsystemclassloader myclassloader new myclassloadermy load the hiclass with so hiclasss class loader is systemoutprintlnclassfornamehi true load the hiclass with systemoutprintlnclassfornamehi true class loader which just loads from specified directory static class myclassloader extends classloader private string dir public myclassloaderstring dir classloader parent superparent thisdir dir public class findclassstring name throws classnotfoundexception byte b loadclassdataname return defineclassname b blength private byte loadclassdatastring name throws classnotfoundexception try file file new filedirnameclass int length int filelength byte bytes new byte fileinputstream fis new fileinputstreamfile for int ilength i int b fisread if b throw new classformaterrorname else bytes byte b if fisread throw new classformaterrorname return bytes catch filenotfoundexception e throw new classnotfoundexceptionname catch ioexception e systemoutprintlne return null public class findloadedclasspublicstring name return superfindloadedclassname boymoontmp cat myhijava import javautilpublic class hi public static void mainstring args throws exception systemoutprintlnhi from systemgetpropertyjavavmvendor boymoontmp classloadertestclassfornamehi true classfornamehi true boymoontmp classloadertestclassfornamehi true classfornamehi true boymoontmp please note the lines in outputs
observed on our internal ci on a plain cmake build on at noformat mock function called more times than expected returning default value function call authorized object returns abandoned expected to be called once actual called twice oversaturated and active noformat
description of problemwhen businesscentral is started the exception is thrown the class javaxcryptocipher is not found by orgsonatypeplexus classesversionrelease number of selected component if applicablefedora patchsteps to unzip unzip brms over start server standalonesh will doactual resultsexception when the server is startedexpected resultsclean startadditional infothis problem seems to be reproducible only on fedora so it might be higher java version maven version or some other environment settingsthe problem can be fixed by addingtomodulessystemlayersbrmsorgsonatypeplexusmainmodulexml
at there is a broken link for component reference in autocomplete mixin section
when an amqp link producerconsumer is detachedclosed by the broker with an error clients must send a response detach frame if the link context was not set before the error occurred this leads to the broker experiencing an npe while processing the replynoformatjavalangnullpointerexception at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at
after starting to use maven multiple instances of the attached exceptions started occurring when multiple builds are using and installing modules of the same reactor i sanitized the module namemaven did not have this issue
with creation of release branch and without any release done for now we need to update the version on branch to
the common pattern of the new consumercodetry records consumerpoll process records catch wakeupexception consumerclosecodein which the close can commit offsets but since in the poll call we do the following trigger possibly update consumed position if there are some data from fetch before return the records possibly trigger another clientpolland if wakeup exception is thrown in it will lead to notreturned messages to be committed hence data loss
when the users dn contain commas eg cnsmith johncnusersdcexampledccom or other special characters login succeeds when the application is deployed on tomcat but fails when the application is deployed on websphere the reason is because websphere does not automatically escape the name returned from the jndi context and creation of the distinguishedname in springsecurityldaptemplate fails because the name string cannot be parsedper the workaround solution at i solved this by making a small change in springsecurityldaptemplatejava line as followsbeforedistinguishedname dn new distinguishednamesearchresultgetnameafterstring name new dn new distinguishednamename
this jira lists tasks for the next mllib releases qa api check binary api compatibility audit new public apis from the generated html doc scala java compatibility python coverage check experimental developerapi tags algorithms and performanceperformance list any other missing performance tests from sparkperf here alsrecommendall perftests in python perftests for transformers multilayerperceptron documentation and example code for new algorithms create jiras for updating the user guide for major components create jiras for example code update programming guide for towards end of qa update website merge duplicate content under examples
one of the ci pipelines is failing on the merge branch because of an extra tag
since the xcb plugin supports the dograb and nograb arguments unfortunately the implementation causes the qxcbconnection to be created with no grab support if neither of the arguments is providedpossible patchcodediff git asrcpluginsplatformsxcbqxcbintegrationcpp bsrcpluginsplatformsxcbqxcbintegrationcppindex asrcpluginsplatformsxcbqxcbintegrationcpp bsrcpluginsplatformsxcbqxcbintegrationcpp qxcbintegrationqxcbintegrationconst qstringlist parameters int argc char t use the dograb option to enforce grabbing endif mcangrab underdebugger nograbarg underdebugger dograbarg mcangrab underdebugger nograbarg underdebugger dograbarg underdebugger nograbarg dograbarg static bool cannotgrabenv qenvironmentvariableissetqtxcbnograbserver if cannotgrabenvcode
i try to create a new jsf project using the jboss tools wizard but the finish button does nothing im attaching the log file the issue occurs with the nightly build the eclipse stacktrace is attached
controljs contains the addloadevent function which is not licensed under apache we need to rewrite the function for inclusion in future apache click relases
avoids confusion when talking about things
javaioioexception javaioioexception javalangnullpointerexception at at at at at at at at source at at at at
as reported by hansi klose on user quotewe use a script to take on a regular basis snapshots and delete old oneswe recognizes that the web interface of the hbase master was not working any more because of too many open filesthe master reaches his number of open file limit of i run lsof i saw that there where a lot of tcp closewait handles open with the regionserver as targeton the regionserver there is just one connection to the hbase masteri can see that the count of the closewait handles grow each timei take a snapshot when i delete on nothing changeseach time i take a snapshot there are new closewait handlesquote
and fix a serious bug with ttl nodes in the release notes for should describe the problem and how it was workedaroundfixed
it would be handy to automagically be able to test jpa queries with a method likecodetestusingdatasetallxlsshouldmatchdatasethitsxlspublic list getallowedcustomers return emcreatenamedquerycustomers customerclassgetresultlistcodefor methods with signatures returning list currently i have functionality like code test usingdatasetallxls public void testcustomers throws exception idataset expected new xlsdatasetgetclassgetresourceasstreamhitsxls itablemetadata metadata expectedgettablemetadataexpectedgettablenames idataset real new pojodatasetemcreatenamedquerycustomers customerclassgetresultlist metadata assertionassertequalsexpected real codeandcodepublic class pojodataset extends defaultdataset public pojodatasetlist entities itablemetadata metadata try defaulttable table new defaulttablemetadata for object entity entities list values new arraylist for column column metadatagetcolumns valuesaddbeanutilsgetnestedpropertyentity columngetcolumnname tableaddrowvaluestoarray addtabletable catch exception e throw new illegalargumentexceptione codewith the column names in the metadata from the xls mapped to apache beanutils nested properties this approach only verifies the identities of the toplevel objects ok it can descend onetoone relations and doesnt cover the whole pojo structure it would be nice if this process could somehow be automated with arquillianpersistence
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panelsteps to reproduce edit a page go to insert other macros multimedia spinner appears macro browser page never loads
imagerepository is to be deprecated in favor of imagestream
currently we distinguished messages based on the eventclassname header this is to remove header based message distinguished and introduced the topic hierarchy based message model
this bug was imported from another system and requires review from a project committer before some of the details can be marked public for more information about historical bugs please read why are some bugs missing informationyou can request a review of this bug report by sending an email to please be sure to include the bug number in your request
following the change to the json payloads made on the counterfactual ui on branch will need updating to reference the renamed counterfactualsearchdomainunitdtofixed field
we were using default amq configuration with stomp protocol for a long time without any problems however recently we change the derby db to mysql database due to our large message sizes this set up worked without any problems in our test environments but in our production system amq is crashing after a while with follwoing errorsexception in thread activemq connection dispatcher javalangoutofmemoryerror java heap space at at at at at at at at at at at at at at messages like this then youll see thisexception in thread activemq connection dispatcher javalangoutofmemoryerror java heap spaceexception in thread activemq connection dispatcher javalangoutofmemoryerror java heap spaceexception in thread activemq connection dispatcher javalangoutofmemoryerror java heap spaceexception in thread activemq connection dispatcher javalangoutofmemoryerror java heap spaceexception in thread activemq connection dispatcher javalangoutofmemoryerror java heap spaceexception in thread activemq connection dispatcher javalangoutofmemoryerror java heap spaceexception in thread activemq connection dispatcher javalangoutofmemoryerror java heap spacein another attempt we got these messagesexception in thread activemq connection dispatcher javalangoutofmemoryerror java heap space at at at at at at at at at at at at at at log nested in javaxservletservletexception javalangoutofmemoryerror java heap spacejavalangoutofmemoryerror java heap space at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at log adminmessagejsp
as soon as the fuse runtime has built the final productized version we should switch to it for camel and all other used deps this also needs our model classes and archetypes regenerated
when a client is connected to follower and get disconnected and connects to a leader it gets session moved excpetion this is beacuse of a bug in the new feature of that we added in all the releases before do not have this problem the fix is to make sure the ownership of a connection gets changed when a session moves from follower to the leader the workaround to it in would be to swithc off connection from clients to the leader take a look at leaderservers java property in
in particular touchanddraghandleronflickable code f makefilerelease check entering directory cusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativetestsautoquickpointerhandlersflickableinterop call cusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativetestsautoquickpointerhandlersflickableinteroptargetwrapperbat releasetstflickableinteropexe o o txt start testing of tstflickableinterop config using qttest library qt shared dynamic release build by gcc pass tstflickableinteropinittestcase qwarn tstflickableinteroptouchtapbuttondragthreshold create could not initialize egl display error qwarn tstflickableinteroptouchtapbuttondragthreshold create when using angle check if is available pass tstflickableinteroptouchtapbuttondragthreshold pass tstflickableinteroptouchtapbuttonwithinbounds pass tstflickableinteroptouchtapbuttonreleasewithinbounds pass tstflickableinteroptouchdragflickablebehindbuttondragthreshold pass tstflickableinteroptouchdragflickablebehindbuttonwithinbounds pass tstflickableinteroptouchdragflickablebehindbuttonreleasewithinbounds pass tstflickableinteropmouseclickbuttondragthreshold pass tstflickableinteropmouseclickbuttonwithinbounds pass tstflickableinteropmouseclickbuttonreleasewithinbounds pass tstflickableinteropmousedragflickablebehindbuttondragthreshold pass tstflickableinteropmousedragflickablebehindbuttonwithinbounds pass tstflickableinteropmousedragflickablebehindbuttonreleasewithinbounds pass tstflickableinteroptouchdragslider pass tstflickableinteroptouchdragflickablebehindslider pass tstflickableinteropmousedragsliderdrag down on knob of knobslider pass tstflickableinteropmousedragsliderdrag sideways on knob of knobslider pass tstflickableinteropmousedragsliderdrag down on groove of knobslider pass tstflickableinteropmousedragsliderdrag sideways on groove of knobslider pass tstflickableinteropmousedragsliderdrag down on knob of grooveslider pass tstflickableinteropmousedragsliderdrag sideways on knob of grooveslider pass tstflickableinteropmousedragsliderdrag down on groove of grooveslider pass tstflickableinteropmousedragsliderdrag sideways on groove of grooveslider pass tstflickableinteropmousedragflickablebehindslider pass tstflickableinteroptouchdragflickablebehinditemwithhandlersdrag pass tstflickableinteroptouchdragflickablebehinditemwithhandlerstap pass tstflickableinteroptouchdragflickablebehinditemwithhandlersdragandtap pass tstflickableinteroptouchdragflickablebehinditemwithhandlerstapanddrag pass tstflickableinteropmousedragflickablebehinditemwithhandlersdrag pass tstflickableinteropmousedragflickablebehinditemwithhandlerstap pass tstflickableinteropmousedragflickablebehinditemwithhandlersdragandtap pass tstflickableinteropmousedragflickablebehinditemwithhandlerstapanddrag pass tstflickableinteroptouchdragsliderandflickable pass tstflickableinteroptouchanddraghandleronflickabletaponflickable pass tstflickableinteroptouchanddraghandleronflickabletaponlist pass tstflickableinteroptouchanddraghandleronflickabletapontable pass tstflickableinteroptouchanddraghandleronflickabledragonflickable pass tstflickableinteroptouchanddraghandleronflickabledragonlist pass tstflickableinteroptouchanddraghandleronflickabledragontable pass tstflickableinteroptouchanddraghandleronflickabletapdelayonflickable pass tstflickableinteroptouchanddraghandleronflickabletapdelayonlist pass tstflickableinteroptouchanddraghandleronflickabletapdelayontable pass tstflickableinteroptouchanddraghandleronflickabledragdelayonflickable pass tstflickableinteroptouchanddraghandleronflickabledragdelayonlist fail tstflickableinteroptouchanddraghandleronflickabledragdelayontable delegatehandleractive flickableismoving returned false failure location pass tstflickableinteroptouchanddraghandleronflickabletaponflickablewithnulltargets pass tstflickableinteroptouchanddraghandleronflickabletaponlistwithnulltargets pass tstflickableinteroptouchanddraghandleronflickabletapontablewithnulltargets pass tstflickableinteroptouchanddraghandleronflickabledragonflickablewithnulltargets pass tstflickableinteroptouchanddraghandleronflickabledragonlistwithnulltargets pass tstflickableinteroptouchanddraghandleronflickabledragontablewithnulltargets fail tstflickableinteroptouchanddraghandleronflickabletapdelayonflickablewithnulltargets flickablecontenty dragthreshold returned false failure location pass tstflickableinteroptouchanddraghandleronflickabletapdelayonlistwithnulltargets fail tstflickableinteroptouchanddraghandleronflickabletapdelayontablewithnulltargets delegatehandleractive flickableismoving returned false failure location pass tstflickableinteroptouchanddraghandleronflickabledragdelayonflickablewithnulltargets pass tstflickableinteroptouchanddraghandleronflickabledragdelayonlistwithnulltargets fail tstflickableinteroptouchanddraghandleronflickabledragdelayontablewithnulltargets flickablecontenty returned false failure location pass tstflickableinteropcleanuptestcase totals passed failed skipped blacklisted finished testing of tstflickableinterop error leaving directory cusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativetestsautoquickpointerhandlersflickableinterop error code touchdragflickablebehindslider code f makefilerelease check entering directory cusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativetestsautoquickpointerhandlersflickableinterop call cusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativetestsautoquickpointerhandlersflickableinteroptargetwrapperbat releasetstflickableinteropexe o o txt start testing of tstflickableinterop config using qttest library qt shared dynamic release build by gcc pass tstflickableinteropinittestcase qwarn tstflickableinteroptouchtapbuttondragthreshold create could not initialize egl display error qwarn tstflickableinteroptouchtapbuttondragthreshold create when using angle check if is available pass tstflickableinteroptouchtapbuttondragthreshold pass tstflickableinteroptouchtapbuttonwithinbounds pass tstflickableinteroptouchtapbuttonreleasewithinbounds pass tstflickableinteroptouchdragflickablebehindbuttondragthreshold pass tstflickableinteroptouchdragflickablebehindbuttonwithinbounds pass tstflickableinteroptouchdragflickablebehindbuttonreleasewithinbounds pass tstflickableinteropmouseclickbuttondragthreshold pass tstflickableinteropmouseclickbuttonwithinbounds pass tstflickableinteropmouseclickbuttonreleasewithinbounds pass tstflickableinteropmousedragflickablebehindbuttondragthreshold pass tstflickableinteropmousedragflickablebehindbuttonwithinbounds pass tstflickableinteropmousedragflickablebehindbuttonreleasewithinbounds pass tstflickableinteroptouchdragslider fail tstflickableinteroptouchdragflickablebehindslider compared values are not the same actual i expected failure location pass tstflickableinteropmousedragsliderdrag down on knob of knobslider pass tstflickableinteropmousedragsliderdrag sideways on knob of knobslider pass tstflickableinteropmousedragsliderdrag down on groove of knobslider pass tstflickableinteropmousedragsliderdrag sideways on groove of knobslider pass tstflickableinteropmousedragsliderdrag down on knob of grooveslider pass tstflickableinteropmousedragsliderdrag sideways on knob of grooveslider pass tstflickableinteropmousedragsliderdrag down on groove of grooveslider pass tstflickableinteropmousedragsliderdrag sideways on groove of grooveslider pass tstflickableinteropmousedragflickablebehindslider pass tstflickableinteroptouchdragflickablebehinditemwithhandlersdrag pass tstflickableinteroptouchdragflickablebehinditemwithhandlerstap pass tstflickableinteroptouchdragflickablebehinditemwithhandlersdragandtap pass tstflickableinteroptouchdragflickablebehinditemwithhandlerstapanddrag pass tstflickableinteropmousedragflickablebehinditemwithhandlersdrag pass tstflickableinteropmousedragflickablebehinditemwithhandlerstap pass tstflickableinteropmousedragflickablebehinditemwithhandlersdragandtap pass tstflickableinteropmousedragflickablebehinditemwithhandlerstapanddrag pass tstflickableinteroptouchdragsliderandflickable pass tstflickableinteropcleanuptestcase totals passed failed skipped blacklisted finished testing of tstflickableinterop error leaving directory cusersqtworkqtqtdeclarativetestsautoquickpointerhandlersflickableinterop error process finished with error exit status code
some parts of the code read system properties using systemgetproperty and some do it through propertyutils ive added a patch to read all config properties using propertyutils so that values specified in will be honoredi guess all thisll be obsolete if will get done but in the meantime itd be nice for the code to behave the same way for all propertiesthis issue occured again in not read
add support for a qtdir parameter with which the hardcoded paths in qmake can be overridden this makes it easier to have qt installed in a central server without requiring that every user has the same local mapping
corelibpro and guipro set config optimizefull which causes qmake to compile just those projects with we need to replicate that in cmake this touches work done in aka
repro create a date custom field assign it to a specific project context create an agile board that does not use that project configure the board to add the new date field to the issue detail view go back to the board and view an issues detail viewerror message is shown
a fix was made to the fabric many months ago so that iot contracts would be able to get access to the stable and accurate transaction timestamp this is critical to the functioning of iot contracts as we need to be able to securely tie an assets world state to the blockchain entry that created it in this function inexplicably returns nil nil losing a key function for iot smart contracts there is a lot of work going into broadcast networks for timestamping of keys although it is not obvious to the uninitiated that this will create identical timestamps on every peer as would the use of the original transaction timestamp being set once what we need is a stable and accurate timestamp that is available at endorsement time so that the entire readwrite set is timestamped with this value and so that we can store the time in our asset states we are hamstrung until we have this facility clarification we would like chaincode can get timestamp and store it in world state for future use since rw set created by endorser timestamp would need to be assigned prior to or during endorsement by whichever agent was responsible for defining the tx timestamp corollary is that timestamp matches transaction timestamp as stored in block discussions weve had discussion on the rocketchat chaincodedev and fabricsdknode groups and a possible stopgap was discussed where the sdk could set a timestamp and that could be propagated for now as the tx timestamp this works well even if when we go to sending parallel endorsements without an anchor however the flaw is that clients cannot be counted on to have decent accuracy and synchronization the ideal solution is to have a time service set the timestamp for any txid thus allowing each peer to ask for it by txid and getting the same value this requires access to a time server but does not require any level of time synchronization between peers unless logs are to be synchronized
when a repository has a submodule in a nested directory as opposed to directly in the project root pull request diffs cannot be displayed correctly for bitbucket server or newer the ui will display a message indicating the merge diff could not be created for older versions the ui will indicate the pull request has conflicts but none will be shown in the logs this manifests with an error similar to the following noformat info user get casisgpdefaultpullrequestautomergestrategy keyslug pull request failed automatic merging comatlassianbitbucketscmmergeexception the merge could not be completed automatically please clone keyslug checkout master and merge submodulebranch or commit manually resolving any conflicts and push the result at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at frames trimmed caused by javalangillegalstateexception could not create conflict file for submodule in path pathtosubmodule at at at at at at common frames omitted noformat
note same project weldingkit was compiled without problems in the same eclipseversion and after changing qt to version or there occur the following compile errors problems description resource location typeerrors itemsmake error line cc problemmake error line cc problemundefined reference to unwindresume line external location ciwmakebuildmingwopensourcesrcwinmainqtmainwincpp cc problemundefined reference to unwindresume line external location buildmingwopensourcesrccorelibtoolsqvectorh cc problemundefined reference to unwindresume line external location buildmingwopensourcesrccorelibtoolsqvectorh cc problemundefined reference to unwindresume line external location ciwmakebuildmingwopensourcesrcwinmainqtmainwincpp cc problemremarkthe path ciwmakebuildmingwopensource does not exist the file qtmainwincpp will be found in code line qbytearray cmdparam code line return result the file qvectorh will be found in code line xdsize dsize qtcatch const stdbadalloc dunicode dqtlargefilesupport dqtdll dqtguilib dqtcorelib dqtthreadsupport dqtneedsqmain idebug dgnuc srcuisingletransformmagnifierh o debugmocsingletransformmagnifiercppg c g frtti fexceptions mthreads wall dunicode dqtlargefilesupport dqtdll dqtguilib dqtcorelib dqtthreadsupport dqtneedsqmain idebug o debugmocsingletransformmagnifiero dunicode dqtlargefilesupport dqtdll dqtguilib dqtcorelib dqtthreadsupport dqtneedsqmain idebug dgnuc srcuiwaveletbandsh o debugmocwaveletbandscppg c g frtti fexceptions mthreads wall dunicode dqtlargefilesupport dqtdll dqtguilib dqtcorelib dqtthreadsupport dqtneedsqmain idebug o debugmocwaveletbandso dunicode dqtlargefilesupport dqtdll dqtguilib dqtcorelib dqtthreadsupport dqtneedsqmain idebug dgnuc srcuiwaveletbandsmagnifierh o debugmocwaveletbandsmagnifiercppg c g frtti fexceptions mthreads wall dunicode dqtlargefilesupport dqtdll dqtguilib dqtcorelib dqtthreadsupport dqtneedsqmain idebug o debugmocwaveletbandsmagnifiero dunicode dqtlargefilesupport dqtdll dqtguilib dqtcorelib dqtthreadsupport dqtneedsqmain idebug dgnuc srcuiwaveletimageh o debugmocwaveletimagecppg c g frtti fexceptions mthreads wall dunicode dqtlargefilesupport dqtdll dqtguilib dqtcorelib dqtthreadsupport dqtneedsqmain idebug o debugmocwaveletimageo name app appqrc o debugqrcappcppg c g frtti fexceptions mthreads wall dunicode dqtlargefilesupport dqtdll dqtguilib dqtcorelib dqtthreadsupport dqtneedsqmain idebug o debugqrcappo debugqrcappcppg enablestdcallfixup wlenableautoimport wlenableruntimepseudoreloc mthreads wl wlsubsystemwindows o lqtmaind in function undefined reference to undefined reference to leaving directory undefined reference to undefined reference to undefined reference to ld returned exit error error
currently we cannot load datasetloader because there is no module named podaacpodaac
the web services currently dont support header acceptencoding gzipgiven that the responses have a lot of duplicate data like the property names in json or the tag names in xml it shouldcompress very well and would save on bandwidth and download time when fetching a potentially large response like theones from and
the current configuration model for mapping permissions does not appear to be manageable by a tool that is trying to addremove permissions based on the presenceabsence of a specific subsystemthis is a critical issue for the provisioning mechanism which is not only producing the default configuration that could be simple enough but also allows the user to customize the default configuration and then preserve the user changes after applying a version update or a patch
the following doesnt get rendered properly
when using the qtp flex plugin you are forced to place your xml config files teaflex teaflexcustomxml in the plugin install location cprogram filesadobeflex plugin for mercury quicktest prothis is very limiting in the enterprise where users often dont have the privileges to write to all areas of their hard drives it also means that if multiple people share a machine they will have to overwrite each others filesthe location should either be configurable or the location should be a location that all users should have permission to write to such as documents and settingsuser
as a community member and indy node developer i need to have a python wrapper for indy crypto
unifiedpushoperatordown never stops firingadditionally unifiedpush is erroring unless it is manually deleted and then automatically recreated
close is success release is failed see img
the base name of the lock file created by init scripts needs to base name of the init script itself because services are only shutdown if their lock file is present currently the hadoop services do not have matching init scripts and lock filesthis is not a problem in the recent patches to move sqoop hive and hbase to similar templates but it shouldnt be overridable in the svc files the template should enforce any systemspecific lockdir locations and ensure the outputted init script has the same name as the lockfile
quay version dell emc ecs storageissueon quay ui navigate to repo build click on build id downloads logs the downloaded json log file contains garbed values also examining the api request we see ecs storage returns a not modified http code instead of a when we try downloading the filehowever on clicking the build id the build log loads fine in ui only downloading the logs produces a json file containing garbed valuesfollowing is response from ecs storage supportcodejavathe query string parameters sent by quay are not uri request parametersits sending the followingsignatureexpiresawsaccesskeyidfor a list of supported uri request parameters see the doc here code note ecs storage is not one of supported storage
integration tests run fine unless ejbs are instrumented by cobertura when adding instrumentation to the maven pom all tests fail with the following exceptionerror cdi beans module deployment failedjavaxenterpriseinjectunsatisfiedresolutionexception api type is not found with the qualifiers qualifiers for injection into field injection point field name samplebean bean owner qualifiers at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at at
moves caja container setup out of featuresopensocialreferencecontainerjs to featurescajacajajs as a result caja gadgets can run cajoled without requiring opensocialfeature libraries can use cajatamemodule to register a function which gets called to tame their apithe pom changes updates the version of caja to one which supports cajoled versions of prototype and jquery
connectorpunctuation should not be treated as whitespace character
problem error when access profile tool when profiles name contains more than one whitespace example jesus maria mendez perez error detected on our production instance
there are multiple click here to expand items in the document above
getload will need to create and close a new loadcontext and return the result of getloadloadcontext with respect to the metrics capacity
the tracking of execution time of coprocessor methods introduced in introduces calls to systemnanotime per coprocessor method per coprocessor this is resulting in a serious performance bottleneck in certain scenariosfor example consider the scenario where many rows are being ingested put in a table which has multiple coprocessors we have up to coprocessors this results in extra calls to systemnanotime per coprocessor preput postput poststartregionoperation and postcloseregionoperation which has in total ie times been seen to result in a increase of execution timei think it is generally considered bad practice to measure execution times on such a small scale per single operation also note that measurements are taken even for coprocessors that do not even have an actual implementation for certain operations making the problem worse
when a stanza contains characters which dont fit in a byte umlauts etc eg these get crippled by xmltokenizer bufferputbytec
genericdataarrays iterator currently doesnt implement removethe implementation is simple and makes the behaviour more consistent if youre working on an object that may or may not have been serialised
see bug compile of rc on windows currently not possible this is the windows commandline buildscript to reproduce codetitlebuildbatborderstylesolid some comments here set set set set set set set set set set cd d myqtbuilddir myqtsourcedirconfigure confirmlicense debugandrelease platform nomake tests nomake examples mp opengl desktop icu prefix myqtinstalldir openssl i myopenssldirinclude l myopenssldirlib pluginsqlpsql i mylibpqdirinclude l mylibpqdirlib l libpqdll nmake code
after adding falcon falconoozieelextensionjar is added to oozieserverlibext oozie war should be updated
the output of generatestackbrewlibrarysh contains two tags
needs to make sure it can process deployments before the ejbdeployer
i had a functioning cluster with core services installed hdfs zk yarn hbase namenode ha mode was enabled for hdfs and i stopped and started hdfs several times hdfs also has service configuration versions listed in the history the initial revision and then the namenode ha revisioni stopped all services and added a new service storm when starting hdfs back up the following is encounteredcodetraceback most recent call last file line in hdfsclientexecute file line in execute methodenv file line in install import params file line in from paramslinux import file line in fscheckpointdirs configsplit file line in getattr raise failconfiguration parameter selfname was not found in configurations dictionaryresourcemanagementcoreexceptionsfail configuration parameter dfsnamenodecheckpointdir was not found in configurations dictionarycodetaking a look at my hdfs history i have a new service config version that i did not create it shows that dfsnamenodecheckpointdir was removed
in a doclitwrapped wsdl awsdl we define the wrapper element in the inline schema which imports other xsd types from an xsd file bxsd running the sdo codegen on awsdl and bxsd will generate two sdo factories one for and one for now lets assume a java interface is used by the component and it has the following methodquote getquotestring symbol quote is a generated sdo classinterface getquote and getquoteresponse are the wrapper elements the sdo databinding gains access to the fatory for but not since the getquotegetquoteresponse is not referenced on this method as a result the sdo wrappingunwrapping data transformation will be broken as the sdo factory for is not registeredthe workaround is to use importsdo
new cves in sqlite apperaed could you please share your plans for fixing them in qt
i got a problem with the sendmailpyscript from the bindirectorywenn i try to send a mail to two torecipients from a phpscript onlythe first one will be delivered yes sendmailoption t is set phpinfo sendmailpath usrsbinsendmail tim no pythonguy but this doesnt look like theres a extraction of multiple commaseperated recipients if headerstartswithto if extract to header toaddrsappendto
summary users getting something has gone wrong when attempting to login steps to reproduce login to jira cloud to see the error expected results able to login successfully actual results the following error is seen somethingwrongpngthumbnail notes none none
this is what i see in the log and it just doesnt seem right digest generating secret for digest authentication digest done advertise initialized for process configured resuming normal operations server built feb parent created child process digest generating secret for digest authentication digest done child child process is running child acquired the start mutex child starting worker threads child starting thread to listen on port child starting thread to listen on port child starting thread to listen on port
write simple ml pipeline for spark convert to pmml model load to ignite predict on ignite
when inserting a javascript code inside a page the htmlresponsewriter outputs cdata javascript stuff the correct syntax would be with a double slash in front of cdata cdata javascript stuff
the spring framework version thats packaged with the connectorws needs to be upgraded from to
so i tied to evoke error reporting dialog with the following import java ee web project from right click in project explorer refactor change name hit ok which will result in errors from orghibernate stuffin case of jbds no error reporting dialog is shown works in jbti also tried orgeclipse open properties create jpa project file new other jpa open persistencexml which will result in npe from orgeclipse stuffand again in no error reporting dialog in case of jbds but works in jbt
there have been discussions on the list about removing the net inprocess mode this will reduce the complexity of the net codebasethis issue is still up for discussion
we upgraded jira from to a comment is added to an issue an email is sent out with the following textthe following issue has been resolved as configresolutionsgetconstantissuegetstringresolutionnametouppercasethe title of the email message starts with resolved even though we havent changed the status it is still assigned in the database
goalas an administrator i would like to deploy an openshift cluster to preexisting infrastructure hosted on an onpremise azure stack hub environmentproblemcustomers were able to deploy to azure stack hub in ocp but our global configuration in ocp doesnt support thisat a bare minimum we should be able to provide a userprovisioned infrastructure upi workflow for deploying openshift to azure stack hub however its likely many customers will want a fullyautomated deployment method so we should try to also deliver an installerprovisioned infrastructure workflowwhy is this important many of our public sector customers would like to move off and on to but missing support for azure stack hub will prevent them from being able to upgrading lifecycle information coreprevious workdependencies azure stack hub ipi deployment method requires access to local azure stack hub environment prioritized epics deliverables in scope not in scope develop arm templates for performing upi deployment on azure stack hub document upi deployment on azure stack hubestimate xs s m l xl xxl customers north america public sector and government agencies open questions
it appears that replica deletion regressed from replica deletion happens when a broker receives a stopreplicarequest with deletetrue ever since replica deletion has been async meaning the broker responds with a stopreplicaresponse simply after marking the replica directory as staged for deletion this marking happens by moving a data log directory and its contents such as to a marked directory like acting as a softdelete a scheduled thread later actually deletes the data it appears that the regression occurs while the scheduled thread is actually trying to delete the data which means the controller considers operations such as partition reassignment and topic deletion complete but if you look at the logs and data logs youll find that the softdeleted data logs havent actually wont get deleted it seems that restarting the broker actually allows for the softdeleted directories to get deletedheres the setupcode binzookeeperserverstartsh configzookeeperproperties export binkafkaserverstartsh export binkafkaserverstartsh binkafkatopicssh zookeeper create topic replicaassignment binkafkatopicssh zookeeper create topic replicaassignment binkafkatopicssh zookeeper delete topic cat ptxtpartitions topic partition replicas binkafkareassignpartitionssh zookeeper reassignmentjsonfile ptxt executecodehere are sample logscode info removed fetcher for partitions kafkaserverreplicafetchermanager info log for partition is renamed to and is scheduled for deletion kafkaloglogmanager info deleting index kafkalogoffsetindex info deleting index kafkalogtimeindex error exception in deleting moving it to the end of the queue kafkaloglogmanagerjavaiofilenotfoundexception no such file or directory at method at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at same appears on broker for after partition reassignment moves the replica off broker what the data logs showcode l okaraman wheel apr okaraman wheel apr leaderepochcheckpointdrwxrxrx okaraman wheel apr okaraman wheel apr okaraman wheel apr okaraman wheel apr okaraman wheel apr leaderepochcheckpointdrwxrxrx okaraman wheel apr okaraman wheel apr okaraman wheel apr leaderepochcheckpointdrwxrxrx okaraman wheel apr okaraman wheel apr okaraman wheel apr leaderepochcheckpointdrwxrxrx okaraman wheel apr pidmappingcodei ran the above test on the checkin preceding and it worked just fine
i have a server installed in fmy note the space in the pathit starts just fine using the standalonebat file within that folder but if i try to start the server from within eclipse using jboss tools beta i get this error in the consolejavalangnoclassdeffounderror fmycaused by javalangclassnotfoundexception fmy at at javasecurityaccesscontrollerdoprivilegednative method at at at at in thread mainive captured the command line used when i rightclick on the server in eclipse and debug here it is copied from process monitors process treecprogram server dorgjbossresolverwarningtrue djbossmodulessystempkgsorgjbossbyteman djavaawtheadlesstrue dorgjbossbootlogfile fmy djbosshomedir fmy classpath fmy orgjbossmodulesmain mp fmy jaxpmodule javaxxmljaxpprovider orgjbossasstandalone b localhost serverconfigstandalonexml
search for your components new and noteworthy issues queries completed batch jiras marked nn all completed jiras marked nn nn task jiras for this milestone all nn task jirasif no nn issues are found for batch check if there are issues that should have been labelled with labels newandnoteworthy and add them document the ones relevant for batch by submitting a pull request against if your prs commit comment is of the form comment create nn for close and your github users email address is the same as your jira one then this jira should be closed automatically when the pr is appliedif there is nothing new or noteworthy for batch for this milestone please reject and close this issue
kafkaapiplaintextconsumertest testlowmaxfetchsizeforrequestandpartition orgscalatestexceptionstestfailedexception timed out before consuming expected records the number consumed was at at at at at at at at at at
page crashes whenever i insert a new code block and try to paste in some code
from llapdaemon info orgapachehadoophiveconfhiveconf found configuration file info orgapachehadoophivellapllaputil using local dirs from environment warn orgapachehadoophivellapdaemonimplllapdaemon failed to start llap daemon with exceptionjavalangnumberformatexception for input string only at at at at at at codereason hivellapdaemonrpcport has been updated as only as part of the upgrade code as part of fix in set the config value as
because permission might have missed the conversion by some schools this permission should be added via a replacemerge into the conversion script
currently managing subtrees is done by adding the subentry and then modify all the entries selected by the subtreespecifciation by adding a new attribute pointing to the assciated subentry this is simply overkilling with millions of entries that means we may have to modify millions of them which will cost a hell of a time assuming that the server is capable of only modifications per second thats almost minutes for entries to be modifiedwe have to manage subtrees differently one option would be to filter the entries by evaluating them when they are manipulated everywhere we use subtrees aci schema not used yet triggers collectiveattributesof course it will slow down a bit those operations but we wont see the server stopped for minutes while processing a subtree addition removal or modificationplus the fact that some of the current operations are not handled correctly leaving invalid subentry references into many entries moveandrename for instance the old ref remains in entries
logistic regression is generating different result on breastcancerwisconsin dataset which is from uci repositorywe agree that logistic regression is a random algorithm but the results here are too differenttest environmentnoformatgpdb version postgresql greenplum database build on compiled by gcc gcc gcc compiled on jun version git revision cmake configuration time mon jun utc build type relwithdebinfo build system c compiler gcc c compiler gcc sqlnoformatselect from madliblogregr madlibtestdatalogbreastcancerwisconsintext sourcetable ytext dependentvarname xtext independentvarname maxiteration cgtext optimizer precision convergencethreshold as qnoformatthe result can be different due to randomness of logistic regressionresult with probability plpyspierror function madliblogregrcgstepfinaldouble precision over or underflow in conjugategradient step while updating coefficients input data is likely of poor numerical condition with probability
from jira create an applink to stash let it redirect to stash to create the reciprocal link click cancel the applink is only set up in one direction in stash try to create the applink back to jira it will tell you that the reciprocal link already exists and will only create a single link but this link cannot be used to retrieve issue details from jira noformat cant display issues either you dont have access to view them or they dont exist please contact your system administrator if you believe this is incorrect noformat deleted the applinks on both sides and tried to recreate the applinks starting from the stash side on the redirect to jira i get the following page at this point i cant get out of this error deleting applinks doesnt help the jira side keeps giving this error applinkcreationproblempng
when message version for consumeroffsets is the timestamp should be notimestamp otherwise message instantiation will fail
yulu found this in his local test fan yong could you please check if this is related with your recent patches no format orterun x ddstderrinfo mca mtl enablerecovery np hostfile homeyulujiasrvhosts x dlogfilehomeyulujiatmpdaosserveryululog x dlogmaskdebug x x crtph x x x x x x x x reporturi homeyulujiatmpuritxt daosserver c a homeyulujiatmp s homeyulujiatmpdaos d tmpdaosserver debug daos config read from debug warning using os env vars specify params in config instead extra debug active config saved to readonly starting spdk dpdk initialization eal detected lcores eal autodetected process type primary eal no free hugepages reported in eal multiprocess socket eal probing vfio support eal can only reserve pages from requested current is not enough please either increase it or request less amount of memory eal cannot init memory eal fatal cannot init memory failed to initialize dpdk debug warning nvme setup spdkenvoptsinit debug daos server listening on as access point bootstrap daos fi info dfaultinjectinit no config file fault injection is off daos server info serverinit module interface successfully initialized daos server info serverinit network successfully initialized daos server info serverinit server group attach info saved daos server info serverinit module vosrdbrsvcsecuritymgmtpoolcontobjrebuild successfully loaded daos bio warn bionvmeinit open etcdaosnvmeconf skip daos nvme setup daos server info serverinit service is now running daos drpc info drpclistenerrun starting drpc listener daos server info serverinit daos handle hashtable initialized daos vos err voscontopen failed to open committed dtx table rc daosioserver rlinkopdecref assertion rlinkrlref failed process received signal associated errno success error daos io server exited with error signal aborted no format
currently eg in orgeclipsevirgokernelservices project in the kernel git repository there are bundlor preferences stored in settingscomspringsourceserveridebundlorcoreprefs which refer to buildversions this is correctly reference on the subject panelhowever it is not possible to add a similar reference eg to buildproperties using the panel nor is it possible to add the existing buildversions reference after deleting it which is possible the panel prohibits references to properties files outside of the workspaceexpectation to be able to add path references to properties files even if they are outside of the workspacei consider this a bug rather than an enhancement since it is possible to see and delete a reference which it is not possible to add using the panel