for driver it seems collectioninsertdata will change the input data to include id on completion i am not sure driver still have this behaviour or not but would be a good idea to mention this sideeffect in docgenerally i think this kind of sideeffect isnt helpful user should be getting the result through callback if possible we should try to avoid it in
quick start installation link on the left menu bar is broken
this is a regression from dbartistsinsert name andy warhol genome pop art writeresult ninserted dbartistsinsert name quoted andy warhol genome pop art cannot use commands readmode degrading to legacy mode writeresult ninserted dbartistsfind id name andy warhol genome pop art id name quoted andy warhol genome pop art exit bye tmp mongoexport db test c artists connected to localhost warholgenomepop failed json error calling marshaljson for type bsonutilmarshald cannot marshal json error calling marshaljson for type bsonutilmarshald invalid character p after object key
last thursday we upgraded from the driver though we were targeting what was head at the time we now went to since then weve had thousands of unhandled exception errors with there are no users authenticated often during times of load on the mongo database that have only been fully fixed by an application restart various stack traces are below due to this issue we are rolling back the driver we have checked our mongod and mongos logs and cannot find anything abnormal with them as such i believe this is a driver issue an example from a read codejava mongo there are no users authenticated from raiseoperationfailure from validate from execute from execute from sendinitialquery from block in each from mongoretryablerbin readwithretry from each code an example from a write codejava mongo there are no users authenticated from raiseoperationfailure from validate from execute from block levels in updateone from mongoretryablerbin legacywritewithretry from mongoretryablerbin writewithretry from block in updateone from withsession from withsession from withsession from updateone from updateonewithclearcache code
possibly related to and noticed in the various serializers in bsonserializationserializers that the deserialize and serialize methods were ignoring the given ibsonserializationoptions is this by designi recently came across an issue by attempting to use the bsonrepresentationattribute on a collection egpublic list ids get set then i hit an overflowexception when calling tojson on my objectsystemoverflowexception arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow at value at bsonwriter type nominaltype object value ibsonserializationoptions options at mongodbbsonserializationbsonclassmapserializerserializememberbsonwriter bsonwriter object obj bsonmembermap membermap at mongodbbsonserializationbsonclassmapserializerserializebsonwriter bsonwriter type nominaltype object value ibsonserializationoptions options at mongodbbsonserializationbsonserializerserializebsonwriter bsonwriter type nominaltype object value ibsonserializationoptions options at mongodbbsonbsonextensionmethodstojsonobject obj type nominaltype ibsonserializationoptions options jsonwritersettings settings at mongodbbsonbsonextensionmethodstojsonobject obj type nominaltype jsonwritersettings settings at mongodbbsonbsonextensionmethodstojsonobject obj type nominaltype at mongodbbsonbsonextensionmethodstojsontnominaltype obj
the unofficial lua driver can insert chunks into gridfs with floattype chunksize for example the chunksize might be instead of bson type instead of type or perhaps pymongo should handle this buggy input betterexception infocodefile line in read chunkdata selfreadchunk file line in readchunk chunkdata chunktypeerror slice indices must be integers or none or have an index methodcodeis chunksize only int or int and float all are oki found a way that modifies from chunkdata chunk to chunkdata chunk to fix the bug
to import a simple json file its taking long time without getting completedno error messages
these properties are of limited value and needlessly add complexity to the bsondocument object model
the main oplog visibility refresh loop separates out setting the oplog read timestamp and notifying waiters calls coming in via the external api do not advancing the read timestamp in that code path causes the refresh loop to believe the oplog timestamp did not advance and thus not notify any waiters
hi i downloaded the and tried to created the osgi bundle when i deployed the bundle in my aem instance it is failing with the below error imported packages cannot be resolved please close this if it is not a bug and let me know how to fix this thanks muthu
i am using bsonvaluenull for querying in filter i am creating my filter like this buildersfiltereqtransactionkey bsonnullvalue buildersfiltereqtransactionkey stringempty in version this query is rendered as or but in version this query is rendered as or so is the value of bsonvaluenull is changed from null to bsonnull purposely or is it a defect
python import motor motordictkeys dictkeys theres no motorasyncio or motorclient so motor is effectively unusable also note on python there is no motorasyncio attribute im guessing the stuff under motorasyncio was moved into the toplevel namespace so the tutorial is inaccurate
it makes debugging much harder and nothing is hidden from us in the db anyway
when running an aggregation with group and first and last for root i get this error noformat e query error command failed operationtime ok errmsg assertion code codename unknownerror clustertime clustertime signature hash keyid aggregate failed noformat
as a dag engineer id like to add a triaging endpoint to cedar such that change points can be triaged ac triage endpoint added please see technical design for exact api to implement
for immediate release version released fixes issue in which the automation agent crashes when attempting to load an invalid certificate bundle
the following mapreduce runs successfully on a smaller collection in the same sharded db or on the same collection but on a nonsharded db mapv function emitthisv function emitthisv reducev function visid counts var count countsforeachfunction c count c return count function visid counts var count countsforeachfunction c count c return count resv mapv reducev query p fri jan js error uncaught exception map reduce failed final reduce failed result errmsg assertion assertion ok
can not compile driver make make entering directory homeranjudownloadsmongocdriver cc srcmongoclibmongocprivlamongocclientlosrcmongocmongocclientc in function error bsonerrorbuffersize undeclared first use in this function char errmsgbuf note each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears warning unused variable errmsgbuf char errmsgbuf recipe for target srcmongoclibmongocprivlamongocclientlo failedmake error leaving directory recipe for target allrecursive failedmake error
im getting this error mongoerror user is not allowed to do action on the issue is i can connect to the database using mongo shell and it does everything i want just fine but when i try it using nodejs it always gives me that error when i connect to the database and try to do any actions here is the basic code im using to connect code var uri mongoclientconnecturi user paperdoom password totallynotreal err db if err consolelogerr do stuff code
in the past we found that gcc had bugs that prevented us from using glibcxxdebug so we werent able to turn it on by default for dbgon builds or even stand up a dedicated builder we should investigate whether those bugs are resolved when we have a toolchain as it would help us to catch things like iterator invalidation bugs in our container usage
when upgrade mongoid to i accidentally updated mongo to too and theres many connection failures like followingmongoconnectionfailureerrorcannot connect to a replica set using seeds findmongoconnectionfailureerrorcould not connect to primary findafter reverting back to it works as before
we have a replica set of can run repairdatabase on master and it works finewe stepdown becomes masterwhen we attempt to repairdatabase on restartsprimary dbrepairdatabase errmsg exception nextsafe err not master and slaveokfalse code code ok it looks like it crashed and failed over to againlooked at the logs and we seefri sep warning clientcursoryield cant unlock bc of recursive lock ns prbluesprucesessions top opid active true locktype write waitingforlock false secsrunning op query ns prbluespruce query repairdatabase client desc conn msg index btreemiddle numyields fri sep warning clientcursoryield cant unlock bc of recursive lock ns prbluesprucesessions top opid active true locktype write waitingforlock false secsrunning op query ns prbluespruce query repairdatabase client desc conn msg index btreemiddle numyields fri sep warning clientcursoryield cant unlock bc of recursive lock ns prbluesprucesessions top opid active true locktype write waitingforlock false secsrunning op query ns prbluespruce query repairdatabase client desc conn msg index btreemiddle numyields then it keeps failing on startup and we see this exceptionfri sep user assertion getting readlockfri sep socket http response send the operation completed successfully sep unhandled windows exceptionfri sep ecfri sep external sort used files in secsfri sep new namespace prbluesprucesessionsidfri sep allocating new extent for prbluesprucesessionsid lenwhdr sep allocating new extent for prbluesprucesessionsid lenwhdr sep allocating new extent for prbluesprucesessionsid lenwhdr sep allocating new extent for prbluesprucesessionsid lenwhdr sep allocating new extent for prbluesprucesessionsid lenwhdr sep allocating new extent for prbluesprucesessionsid lenwhdr sep run command admincmd replsetheartbeat prodrudy v pv checkempty false from fri sep command admincmd command replsetheartbeat prodrudy v pv checkempty false from sep allocating new extent for prbluesprucesessionsid lenwhdr have tried wiping the db folder for and having it resync a few times but the error doesnt go away
the ensureid function will add an id field to a document being inserted in the case of inserting an id the library will return an objectidobjectid while a user found id will return a bsonelement we should always return a bsonelement we should always return a bsonvalue
nuget fails to find package mongocsharpdriver error shown up warning error trustfailure the authentication or decryption has failed warning an error occurred while loading packages from error trustfailure the authentication or decryption has failed unable to find package mongocsharpdriver
so we can ensure a shell script is run before we terminate a host this will allow users to properly clean up any external work tied to the host
as part of were moving away form executing static destructors in mongo programs c client users will still presumably be calling exit or returning from main and so running their destructors well want to test that this keeps working
see java driver currently defines a constant for this flag commongodbbytesresultflagerrset but its not referenced anywhere in the code
screen shot at noformat summary of latest execution tests ran in seconds succeeded were skipped failed errored the following tests failed with exit code jstestsshardingmergesplitchunkstestjs failure executing js file if youre unsure where to begin investigating these errors consider looking at tests in the following order jstestsshardingmergesplitchunkstestjs noformat screen shot at noformat summary of latest execution tests ran in seconds succeeded were skipped failed errored the following tests failed with exit code unknown if youre unsure where to begin investigating these errors consider looking at tests in the following order noformat noformat summary of latest execution tests ran in seconds succeeded were skipped failed errored the following tests failed with exit code unknown if youre unsure where to begin investigating these errors consider looking at tests in the following order noformat cc since this is probably because of how cedar test results are stored for the server
the first requirement for using backup is that you are using a replica setthe documentation does not describe the from scratch process of restoring from a backup to a replica setusing the documentation as is it is not possible follow steps to restore the same replica set that is required to use the service
our current rollback via refetch currently increments the rollback id only after the completion of rollback ie only after truncation of oplog consider a below scenario syncfixup rollback truncates the oplog shutdown happens herecolor incrementrollbackid persists the updated rollback id on node restart since we have truncated the oplog the node doesnt transition to rollback state again so we dont increment the rollback id this can lead to nodes silently completing the rollback without the other nodes knowing about it there are places in rollback and initial sync we do check that sync source havent rolled back during the process of rollbackinitial sync using this rollback id so its necessary to update the rollback id on rollback success note its not problem for rollback via rtt as we currently increment the rollback id before the rollback startoplog truncation
as of there are a couple of new documentsources in the enterprise module that havent been fully reviewed by a member of the query team
where to put the downloaded json file
wt doesnt support touch this should be noted at and wherever else it may occur
a neater mechanism needs to be put into the million collection test to extract information from serverstatus wiredtiger stats and compile that information to figure out stalls and test performance the correlation of the stalls with the checkpoint is to be observed again all the information extractable through the serverstatus we can potentially use statistics from wiredtiger we have histograms for operational latency we can also add the longest operation until now statistic which gets reset with the collection i will have to spend more time understanding how serverstatus gets some of these stats from wiredtiger and if we can use them
various doctests currently fail against modern versions of mongodb error messages and the output from certain commands have changed since mongodb update docs for failing tests to be server version agnostic or assume mongodb
not sure what this error means but its happening often will go away if the server is restarted and cookies are clearedits a simple iteratoractionviewtemplateerror no c decoder for this type yet on line of feedsourcedomainseach do showdomainname domainbson deserialize bson deserialize mongo readdocuments mongo receive mongo receivemessage mongo synchronize mongo receivemessage mongo sendinitialquery mongo refillviagetmore mongo numremaining mongo hasnext mongo each plucky all plucky tap plucky all send methodmissing findmany all all findtarget loadtarget methodmissing methodmissing call methodmissing each send methodmissing methodmissing paginator each paginator each haml call haml capturehaml haml withhamlbuffer haml capturehaml haml capture haml render haml render index warden call warden call warden catch warden call haml call passenger processrequest passenger mainloop passenger startrequesthandler passenger handlespawnapplication passenger safefork passenger handlespawnapplication passenger send passenger mainloop passenger startsynchronously passenger start passenger start passenger spawnrailsapplication passenger lookuporadd passenger spawnrailsapplication passenger synchronize passenger synchronize passenger spawnrailsapplication passenger spawnapplication passenger handlespawnapplication passenger send passenger mainloop passenger startsynchronously
we are getting duplicates of the same records returned from a query i suspect this is due to a failed chunk migration we are running and there is no chunk cleanup option in this versionwe are not able to serve all queries with the primaries because we are bound by cpu currentlyis there a fix for this issue in or an option we can use until we are able to upgrade to believe this is being addressed in as the secondaries are aware of the ranges and will take duplicates out before returning the set
problem statementrationale is going wrongcolor upgrading from endless running migrations screen at startup with error in devtoolscolor steps to reproduce could an engineer replicate the issue you’re reportingcolor mongodb compass after automatic upgrade from aur i thought it is the stable version but here i see that it is unreleased is this an issue in aurcolorcolor the running migrations screen loading without endcolorcolor expected results do you expect to happencolor dashboard should load and present me my favorite serverscolor actual results do you observe is happeningcolor loading screencolor additional notes additional information that may be useful to includecolor
the section change the size of the oplog is duplicated in the documentation
arbiters do not need to try to set up sessions collection currently they are confirmed sessions collection is not set up waiting until next sessions reap interval can not create configsystemsessions collection
the new datetoparts operator simplifies having multiple single date value extraction operators into a single one its syntax is code project parts datetoparts date isodatevalue timezone timezoneidentifier boolean code the timezone argument is optional and must evaluate to specify an olson timezone identifier such as europelondon or americanewyork or a utc offset string in the forms and if you specify a timezone argument it means that the date that you provided will be interpreted as it was in the given time zone the result of the operator is a subdocument with the broken down parts expressed in the optionally given time zone code parts year month day hour minute second millisecond code datetoparts also supports a third boolean argument if set to true instead of year month and day it returns the iso isoyear isoweekyear and isodayofweek fields representing an iso week date with the same date the example is represented as code parts isoyear isoweekyear isodayofweek hour minute second millisecond code the datefromparts operator does the opposite of the datetoparts operator and constructs a new date value from its constituent parts with the possibility of interpreting the given values in a different time zone its syntax is either code project date datefromparts year yearexpression month monthexpression day dayexpression hour hourexpression minute minuteexpression second secondexpression millisecond millisecondexpression timezone timezoneexpression code or code project date datefromparts isoyear isoyearexpression isoweekyear isoweekyearexpression isodayofweek isodayofweekexpression hour hourexpression minute minuteexpression second secondexpression millisecond millisecondexpression timezone timezoneexpression code each arguments expression needs to evaluate to a number this means the source can be either double numberint numberlong or decimal decimal and double values are only supported if they convert to a numberlong without any data loss notes before mongodb the argument millisecond to datefromparts is incorrectly spelled milliseconds until is resolved datefromparts does not accept an subdocument as argument and instead requires each single field to be specified until is resolved the field values to datefromparts can not underflow or overflow their expected range for example the day fields value needs to be in the range and the hour fields value needs to be in the range
currently when a document is edited and then the users hits refresh to refresh the documents the document keeps the this document has been modified update ui since we reset the documents when theyre fetched we should also clear this ui state gif document modified ui buggif
count on nonexistent collection returns with no error bug or feature
bisected down to commit running parallel mr jobs and killing mongod via cc mongod fails to start up due to an invalid record in a temp collectionnoformatfri feb warning soft rlimits too low number of files is should be at least feb db version pdfile version feb git version feb build info darwin leaflocal darwin kernel version thu aug pdt feb allocator tcmallocfri feb options fri feb journal dirdatadbjournalfri feb recover no journal files present no recovery neededfri feb assertion size is invalid size must be between and first element name mongod mongod mongod mongod mongod mongod mongod mongod mongod mongod mongod mongod mongod mongod mongod mongod mongod mongod main mongod start feb exception in initandlisten bsonobj size is invalid size must be between and first element name terminatingfri feb dbexit noformat
do an audit to make sure that client options including auth information in particular is not exposed in exception or log messages
expose the internalvalidatefeaturesasmaster inmemory value as a startup parameter extend it to control featurecompatibilityversion checks in the write command path create collection with collation create index create view internalvalidatefeaturesasmaster should not be allowed as a startup parameter for nodes running as a replset master or slave
this pages discusses a geo query for but that should then be a negative number
tutorial should cover configuring mongodb for connecting to an openldap server for authentication configuring mongodb for authorization either via rbac or openldap as per this is a lower priority as compared to the other tutorials if there is demand for it the priority may be bumped otherwise right now this is being considered for
integrate all the changes from in the connection model driver connection and remove the adapter for the shell
cat codephp test mongodbdrivermanager connecting to replica set with only secondary in seedlist skipif file php requireonce dir utilsbasicinc dsn manager new mongodbdrivermanagerdsn load fixtures for test bulk new mongodbdriverbulkwrite bulkinsertarrayid x y bulkinsertarrayid x y bulkinsertarrayid x y managerexecutebulkwritens bulk done expect done code where port is a secondary primary on currently fails with noformat fatal error uncaught exception runtimeexception with message timed out trying to select a server in noformat
with the resolution of things are definitely much improved however i still see some heavy stalls during what appears to be dirty writeback maybe checkpoints but not timealigned as id expect
i upgraded from mongoid to and started to get this kind of errors on some of my tests bq nomethoderror bq undefined method bsontype for im not sure where to look for a solution so i would like to know if there is any known compatibility issue between and that i might have missed that could be causing this thanks marco
this page shows the following command to be used when installing on prem mms rpmssudo rpm ivh this command results in an unknown option errorthe text should be edited to remove the double hyphen and replace with a single hyphen
noformatinsert query update delete getmore command flushes mapped vsize res faults locked db idx miss qrqw araw netin netout conn time format in dbserverstatuslocks totally changed we need to figure out what exactly we want to display therenoformat dbserverstatuslocks global acquirecount r w r w acquirewaitcount r w r w timeacquiringmicros r w r w deadlockcount r w r w acquirecount r w r w acquirewaitcount r w r w timeacquiringmicros r w r w deadlockcount r w r w database acquirecount r w r w acquirewaitcount r w r w timeacquiringmicros r w r w deadlockcount r w r w collection acquirecount r w r w acquirewaitcount r w r w timeacquiringmicros r w r w deadlockcount r w r w metadata acquirecount r w r w acquirewaitcount r w r w timeacquiringmicros r w r w deadlockcount r w r w oplog acquirecount r w r w acquirewaitcount r w r w timeacquiringmicros r w r w deadlockcount r w r w noformatwould also be nice to make the output not shift back and forth with the width of the string in locked it doesnt do that in
i does not work at the command sudo aptget update it gets about files but then end with a message could not resolve repomongodb if i ignore the message above and continue to the next step with sudo aptget install y mongodborg it says unable to locate package mongodborg
i have very strange behavior of mongo on out nimble server we use mongodb to run cache for our product cache consists of single capped collection with few indexed fields heres the stats for it db dbcachestats ns nimblecachecache count size avgobjsize storagesize numextents nindexes lastextentsize paddingfactor flags totalindexsize indexsizes capped max ok it runs on instance that have gbs of memory heres memory stats of the mongo instance dbserverstatusmem bits resident virtual supported true mapped the load on server isnt really high lock percentage is terrible however optmongobinmongostat connected to insert query update delete getmore command flushes mapped vsize res faults locked idx miss qrqw araw netin netout conn time all updates are on nonindexed fields all queries are using indexes the problem i have is very high disk io activity that causes that locks level above heres the output of iostat iostat xdm devsdk linux device rrqms wrqms rs ws rmbs wmbs avgrqsz avgqusz await svctm util sdk sdk sdk sdk sdk sdk sdk sdk sdk sdk sdk i have trying disabling journaling or increasing syncdelay parameter now its set to seconds no positive results so far the one thing i mentioned is that after mongo restart everything works pretty good for about minutes however after that period of time disk io starts raising and in few minutes device utilization reaches im really out of ideas of how to deal with it
mongo cannot start on laptops code zsh illegal hardware instruction code tracked down that this is because the isa targeting for the server build was upgraded in to sandybridge which uses avx instructions that are not handled by rosetta quote rosetta translates all instructions but it doesnt support the execution of some newer instruction sets and processor features such as avx and vector instructions quote he recommended special case downgrading the macos target isa to something that doesn’t generate avx until we have a native apple silicon build
problemduring a mongoperf run on wt get the following i network dbclientcursorinit call failederror running test error error doing query i query typeerror cannot read property opspersec of undefinedat runtests mongoperfruntests at i network trying reconnect to w network failed to connect to reason connection i network reconnect failed failed couldnt connect to server connection attempt failedfinished testingcodethe server log reports a i command cmd drop i command cmd drop i command cmd drop f invalid access at address f got signal segmentation fault begin backtrace backtraceprocessinfo mongodbversion gitversion uname sysname linux release version smp debian machine somap mongod mongod reprod
review and edit new documentation
text needs to be forbidden inside nor since all text queries in must be resolvable from the text indexoriginal ticket descriptionquotemongo crashes when you do a query with a nor that contains text see repro box to see how its donecodeinvalid access at address from thread signal segmentation fault mongod mongod mongod libsystemplatformdylib sigtramp mongod mongod mongod mongod mongod mongod threadproxy libsystempthreaddylib pthreadbody libsystempthreaddylib pthreadstructinit libsystempthreaddylib threadstart
weve caught a number of issues in the gridfs code during code review around implicit narrowing conversions of numeric values to help gain confidence that code functions as expected for files that have a file size not expressible as an unsigned integer we should add large file tests to our existing gridfs tests
from cr at head of file remove using typedefs using bsoncxxmakedocument etc ensure class client and class database need to be forwarddeclared remove if not if included header shouldnt be necessary
rts is restoring a corrupted update from history store to fix the unstable ondisk data store update with the reproducer from the following logs are generated while rts is restoring an update from history store noformat cstorage ctxinitandlistenmsgwiredtiger messageattrmessage txn rollbacktostable ondisk update aborted with start durable timestamp commit timestamp prepared false and stable timestamp cstorage ctxinitandlistenmsgwiredtiger messageattrmessage txn rollbacktostable history store update aborted with start timestamp durable timestamp stop timestamp type and stable timestamp cstorage ctxinitandlistenmsgwiredtiger messageattrmessage txn rollbacktostable history store update aborted with start timestamp durable timestamp stop timestamp type and stable timestamp cstorage ctxinitandlistenmsgwiredtiger messageattrmessage txn rollbacktostable history store update aborted with start timestamp durable timestamp stop timestamp type and stable timestamp cstorage ctxinitandlistenmsgwiredtiger messageattrmessage txn rollbacktostable history store update aborted with start timestamp durable timestamp stop timestamp type and stable timestamp cstorage ctxinitandlistenmsgwiredtiger messageattrmessage txn rollbacktostable history store update aborted with start timestamp durable timestamp stop timestamp type and stable timestamp cstorage ctxinitandlistenmsgwiredtiger messageattrmessage txn rollbacktostable history store update aborted with start timestamp durable timestamp stop timestamp type and stable timestamp cstorage ctxinitandlistenmsgwiredtiger messageattrmessage txn rollbacktostable history store update aborted with start timestamp durable timestamp stop timestamp type and stable timestamp cstorage ctxinitandlistenmsgwiredtiger messageattrmessage txn rollbacktostable history store update aborted with start timestamp durable timestamp stop timestamp type and stable timestamp cstorage ctxinitandlistenmsgwiredtiger messageattrmessage txn rollbacktostable history store update aborted with start timestamp durable timestamp stop timestamp type and stable timestamp cstorage ctxinitandlistenmsgwiredtiger messageattrmessage txn rollbacktostable history store update aborted with start timestamp durable timestamp stop timestamp type and stable timestamp cstorage ctxinitandlistenmsgwiredtiger messageattrmessage txn rollbacktostable history store update aborted with start timestamp durable timestamp stop timestamp type and stable timestamp cstorage ctxinitandlistenmsgwiredtiger messageattrmessage txn rollbacktostable history store update valid with start timestamp durable timestamp stop timestamp type and stable timestamp cstorage ctxinitandlistenmsgwiredtiger messageattrmessage txn rollbacktostable update restored from history store txnid startts durablets noformat rts forms a standard update from modify updates of history store while replacing a data store update during this process it uses the existing data store update as a base update to apply all the modify operations from the history store but in this situation the modify updates in the history store are from later timestamp than the data store leads to a wrong full update to be restored it is possible that the history store can have updates greater than the data store when eviction occurs in parallel to the checkpoint
the file etcmongodbconf that gets installed on debian and ubuntu systems from the repository has options related to replica pairs they are commented out since replica pairs are now deprecated in favor of replica sets it seems like the default config file should have options that demonstrate things you can do with replica sets this is probably particularly relevant to new users so they dont get confused as to what they should be using
missed this one it doesnt need to be part of the public api so can be deprecated in and moved to an internal package in
under the query option your example has one too many closing bracesthismongoexport d test c records q a gte out exportdirmyrecordsjsonshould bemongoexport d test c records q a gte out exportdirmyrecordsjson
ensure there is a evergreenyml file with evergreen configuration then run code speed evergreen c nonexistent validate evergreenevgyml a new version is available run evergreen getupdate install to download and install it error load project errors yaml line did not find expected key invalid configuration code i expected the invocation to fail due to a nonexistent configuration file but it seems to have validated the project file anyway if i move the default global configuration file behavior is as expected code speed mv evergreenyml aa speed evergreen c nonexistent validate evergreenevgyml problem loading configuration could find file nonexistent could not evergreen cli client configuration on the local system code
for the server it is appropriate for the macros that select the atomicwordatomicintrinsics to be cppdefines since there is no abi however for the driver we must make these part of the configh header so the choice of implementation is fixed at build time since otherwise the consuming client would need to define or risk an odr violation
trying to bsonappend a binary value with null data asserts code bsont ex bsoninitializer this asserts bsonappendbinary ex a bsonsubtypebinary null data code the assertion occurs here i think an empty binary value should be valid from bsonspecorg noformat binary subtype byte noformat additionally it seems we can decode json with an empty binary value code bsont ex bsoninitializer define jsons s char json jsona binary subtype bsoninitfromjson ex json strlenjson null code but we can get ubsan errors when copying a bsonvaluet of an empty binary value here code memcpy dstvaluevbinarydata srcvaluevbinarydata dstvaluevbinarydatalen code
we tested out the new mongorubydriver using head from nov and connection counts to our mongos increased to the point where it oomd multiple mongos and we had to roll back we have multiple clusters that each have many databases on them with moped it only creates connection per hostport pair it seems for example i opened up a rails console and connected to every database on one of our clusters i just ran some findcount commands running netstat only got result jonathan netstat an grep mongoip established then i switched to the mongorubydriver and reran the exact same command to connect to every database it created one connection per database jonathan netstat an grep mongoip established established established established established established established established established established established established established established established because of the large number of processes and threads we run this issue completely prevents us from switching to the new driver right now
compatibilitytestfornewerreleases failed on compatibility testshost wiredtiger developcommit diff files created during incremental backup should be copied in full files created during incremental backup should be copied in full move createbackup flag to block layer to detect around reopen add a late created table and backup around reopen to example revert changes to backup example program add randomized allocation size and closereopen to test program remove unused field nov utcevergreen subscription evergreen event task logs
right now the c driver depends on the server to inject id on the receiving end of an insert all of the other drivers generate it client side for usage after a fireforget insert
clean up operation objects for being dropped possible design legacy writecommand msg classes for each write type
theres no good way to see what the shard key is set up as for a collection we should have a shell helper that does this perhaps dbfoogetshardkey
coreautomationchecklist should probably be a link to the checklist referenced but it is not
hello ive been stuck for a couple of days trying to save a chunk i have not been able to find a single sample of this anywhere in your documentation or online can you please point to a good resourcei have an object in memory i need to wrap something with an id around it and save it to a chunk ive done that with a wrapper class and the code to save seems to work on deserializing the query for that id returns null i have not found any samples of saving and retrieving a chunk anywhere thank you any suggestions would be appreciatedmy code to save the chunkvar connectionstring propertiessettingsdefaultdbconnectionstring var client new mongoclientconnectionstringvar server clientgetservervar database servergetdatabasedbnamevar gfsphoto new mongogridfsserver dbname new mongogridfssettingsvar mc new mongochunkvaluegfsphotochunkssavemcmongochunk has two properties public guid id public object valueim trying this to retrieve the data but ch returns null var gfsphoto new mongogridfsserver dbname new mongogridfssettings var ch gfsphotochunksfindonequeryeqid mcid cpvalue not sure if this line is correct either its not hit due to the current errorthank youanatoly
version released allow an import existing to automation action to succeed for a deployment containing authenticated arbiters on which the hostname does not resolve locally to the loopback interface
the links for mongo shell ssl configuration on for below parameters point to mongotop instead of mongo which could be confusing for beginners code ssl sslpemkeyfile sslpemkeypassword sslcafile code
after branching the new version master should use the next versions signing keyreference
hitrying to load data from mongo to sql using ssis works fine for me as the dlls are registered automatically but and dont work fine i couldnt registers those dlls using gacutil i get error unkown error i am stuck here and couldnt proceed further i need the latest drivers as old drivers doesnt have featuresmy mongo source has many embedded documents with a dynamic schema how to do i load these embedded documents using ssis let me also know if there are any other better option to load embedded documents using ssisthanks in advanceregardsdeepak
what problem are you facing the bson node module does not work when using with vite which transforms it straight from a native esm module to javascript what driver and relevant dependency versions are you using i have faced this problem in version and also of the package steps to reproduce start a new project following vites instructions here install bson as a node package import it anywhere in the application for example in the entry file i dont think its necessary to call any methods on the imported object but just in case we are importing as such import as bson from bson later we call deserializestream like so bsondeserializestream boot up the local server with npm run serve or just vite in a terminal if you wait long enough for it load all the bundles you can monitor the network tab on the chrome dev tools you should see that nothing starts and you will spot this specific console error uncaught in promise referenceerror global is not defined at upon further inspection it seems the problem is in the following package the offending line in that file browserjs contains the following var performance globalperformance well this can never work because we are deploying our application in the browser so there is no global variable in a browser environment window is the global context whereas in a node environment there is a global variable that provides access to the global context which this package is assuming it will always run on this is not necessarily your fault but the package being referenced is extremely old last update was years ago so i cannot reasonably expect them to do anything about it hopefully you will be able to help me instead thank you
when trying to set value of one numerical type to the same number of different numerical type the update treats it as a noop and doesnt update the field
this is needed to perform a more complete validation in some cases where a positional projection is incompatible with other params for example findoneandreplaceupdate with returnnewdocument
the documentation says that the monitoring agent connects to cloudmongodbcom the monitoring agent actually connects to apiagentsmongodbcom the above is also true for the automation agent the backup agent still connects to apibackupmongodbcom – the docs are correct in this case
attempting to remove empty temporary map reduce collections fails tried deleting collections in a variety of ways none of which work dbruncommanddrop errmsg ns not found ok output from command mon mar query testcmd drop mon mar run command testcmd drop mon mar cmd drop mon mar query testcmd command drop tried dropping these collections through mongos as well as by logging in directly through the masters of each replica set
im running tests against a web api the api is spawned by the test process both open connections to mongo the tests run in the following sequence test code drops all collections test call web api api make changes to the db and returns a response test assert everything works fine with a single mongo node with a node replicaset primary secondary arbiter the following error occurs from the test code test and api connect using mongoclientconnect and a url like return same info from mongoadminreplsetgetstatus im still trying to further isolate the error condition so i can put up the simplest case any ideas codetitleerror uncaught typeerror statereadpreferencestrategiesha is not a function at at at callbacksemit at nullmessagehandler at socket at readableaddchunk at socketreadablepush at tcponread code codetitlemongoadminreplsetgetstatus set date mon jan aest mystate members id name health state statestr primary uptime optime optimedate mon jan aest electiontime electiondate mon jan aest configversion self true id name health state statestr secondary uptime optime optimedate mon jan aest lastheartbeat mon jan aest lastheartbeatrecv mon jan aest pingms syncingto configversion id name health state statestr arbiter uptime lastheartbeat mon jan aest lastheartbeatrecv mon jan aest pingms figversion ok code
on evergreen we dont want tests to continue to run if a failure is encountered in the jstestfuzz tasks
as well as add testing and complete migrate existing spec tests
use python mongoclient to connect db using account generated by linksprinternewtestdeployment”” linksprinternewtest””admin””users””add user” it prompts atentication failure is that anything wrong i just want to crate a accout by to connect database how to do
client operations over ssl will always fail in version if the client is from a mongocpoolt beginning in clients from a pool all share a set of sockets for server monitoring but use distinct perclient sockets for application operations such as queries writes etc when the pool creates sockets for monitoring it begins a nonblocking connect on each and uses poll to wait asynchronously for all of them to finish connecting when an individual client creates a socket for application operations the client connects the socket synchronously in the process of a series of refactorings mainly related to we introduced a new internal function mongocstreamwait that a pooled client uses to await connection on a socket before doing application operations on it we didnt retest ssl connections in pooled mode after those refactorings were completed this allowed a bug to slip through the new mongocstreamwait calls mongocstreampoll on a buffered tls stream but buffered tls streams dont implement poll so mongocstreampoll always errors invalid argument einval and the connection is considered failed symptom a find and mongoccursornext operation with a pooled client and ssl enabled fails with the error cursor failure failed to connect to target host
codephp manager new mongodbdrivermanagerdsn array arraycontext context debug stderrcodeleads to the debug log to be written to resource id in cwd
for the collection that has name field open validation tab on the validation tab set validation action error and validation level moderate set the following validation body codejava jsonschema bsontype object required name properties name bsontype string description must be a string and is required code go to the documents tab and insert the following document using json mode name use name filter to find this document in documents list try to modify this document in json mode and replace name field name with test field name try to save changes expected result the validation error should be shown actual result the documents list is blank
thread javalangthreadstate blocked at waiting to lock a commongodbdefaultserverdefaultserverstatelistener owned by at at at at locked a commongodbmultiservercluster at at at locked a commongodbdefaultserverdefaultserverstatelistener at locked a commongodbserverstatenotifier at at at at at at at at at locked ownable synchronizers locked a thread javalangthreadstate blocked at waiting to lock a commongodbmultiservercluster owned by at at at locked a commongodbdefaultserverdefaultserverstatelistener at locked a commongodbserverstatenotifier at at at at at at at at at locked ownable synchronizers locked a javautilconcurrentlocksreentrantlocknonfairsync
also leaving the update here for context ive created a minimal repro for the windows x spectron x nodejs fs api issue and asked about it in the electron slack lets see what comes out of that
the test suites toolsphp file includes various utility functions for printing objects many of these predated debug handlers for those objects so we should replace these with vardump using vardump would also ensure that tests get updated ifwhen new fields are added to these objects suggested functions to replace printwriteresult printwriteconcernerror printwriteerror getinsertcount getmodifiedcount getdeletedcount getupsertedcount getwriteerrors printserver
to help with a bug diagnosis it would be helpful to have a stack trace here then we can see on what codepath the error occurs without significant investigation and then figure out where we need to alter something along the way
code id id testfoo id id testfoo id id testfoo id id maxkey testfooerrorprinting stack failed couldnt find y id x e random late find y id x e random late failed couldnt find y id x e random late checkcheckrandom late var d d didnt jul uncaught exception assert failed couldnt find y id x e random late
currently the background thread will use autogetcollectionforreadcommand which will throw if the operation is interrupted for any reason this can happen if the server starts its shutdown sequence in which case all operations are interrupted including the background thread specifically we should use the uninterruptiblelockguard class to prevent exceptions from being thrown we should probably also move away from that particular dbraii helper since it will have some sideeffects like increasing the top stats etc
description an unprivileged user or program on microsoft windows which can create openssl configuration files in a fixed location may cause utility programs shipped with mongodb server versions less than and to run attacker defined code as the user running the utility credit rich mirch panel
when you highlight a node in the trend graph it selects the githash however you need to bring the mouse over to the githash link and this is hard to do without selecting a different node along the way