this issue of memoizing the children appears to still be calling issues embedded docs a few levels in will silently not save using head of master currently set to class foo include mongoiddocument embedsmany bars end class bar include mongoiddocument embeddedin foo embedsone deepest end class deepest include mongoiddocument embeddedin bar end f foocreate fchanged false fbarsnew fchanged true fsave true fbarsfirstbuilddeepest fbarsfirstchanged false fsave true fbarsfirstdeepestpersisted false foocollectionfindid fidfirst bars
hi after upgrading driver i cant parse oplog documents which contains set example json print op u o set a after getting element o it becomes and contains u
is there a way to set the timeout on a mongo cursorim aware of the following function but would like some more granularity between minutes and offsetflagsqueryflagsnocursortimeoutthankschristian
call may return a cached result that is from a less strict concern which is if concern param that is less strict than cached one then the cached result should be returned instead of making new getlasterror call
hello i have classes public class donation public objectid id get set public icollection items get set public class item public objectid id get set public icollection parentids get set example data id items id parentids i have the following c predicate findx xitemsanyd dparentidsanyp p behaviour emits find itemsparentids behaviour emits find itemsparentids elemmatch this breaks our production build working happily for several years now thanks
downloaded latest ubuntu build this morning from which unpacks to and identifies itself in the log file as having been built from a commit made yesterday ccontrol version ccontrol version ccontrol version openssl sep ccontrol allocatorattrallocatortcmalloc ccontrol none ccontrol environment ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol ccontrol system name version noformat tried and then seconds later sigsegv to confirm that i was actually sending a signal noformat date killall mongod sleep date killall sigsegv mongod tue mar est tue mar est noformat log shows that the sigsegv at worked but the seconds earlier at had no effect cindex build done building index indexname on ns nssattrindexnamelsidttlindexnssconfigsystemsessions c access at address c signal segmentation fault noformat ive also tried on a recent macos build and couldnt get to work
it is probably worth documenting an example of a partial wildcard index we anticipate this will be common since wildcard indexes can get very scope of impact to other mvp work and resources scope or design docs invision etc
the wtbtree and wtdatahandle structures split of flags with reserved for the wtdatahandle and for the wtbtree the wtdatahandle structure has used all of its flags and so theres no way to write a wtishs macro that checks the data handle flags so were using a wtbtree flag instead the flags should be split apart or reapportioned so that wtishs can use a wtdatahandle flag additionally the wtishs macro should move from cacheh to metah cc
this doc is about how to set up mongo on it says to do thissudo devsdfbut when i do that i get sudo not stat devsdf no such file or directorythe device apparently does not exist did you specify it correctlyi do have this brwrw root disk sep that doc be updated is there a better guide to setting up free version amazon with mongo
hiproblem the first two lines below in the insertdata function generate an error var db dbgetsiblingdbdbname var col dbgetcollectioncolnameerror javascript execution failed typeerror cannot call method getsiblingdb of undefined at i resolved it by renaming var dbreporter selenite vingtneuf
the bsoncorevalue type has an equal method that compares the value bytes while technically correct we should add more generalpurpose equality methods that check for semantic equality ie this could be done at the document andor value levels
descriptionas weve deprecated the perl driver please remove it and its icon from its fine if you move it into the community supported drivers scope of impact to other mvp work and resources scope or design docs invision etc
performance regression in dbcremove test inserts n empty documents into a collection then removes them with dbcremove timing code documents k m s s s s regression code the rate of document removals under is initially lower and also declines over time shown below whereas under it started higher and remained constant i observed on a longer run that the rate of removal continued to decline so would expect the size of the regression to increase with a larger number of documents continuing the trend seen with the two collection sizes measured above stack traces show significant time spent walking the tree so perhaps this is related to this issue repro script code dbssddb function start killall w mongod rm rf db mkdir p mongod storageengine wiredtiger dbpath logpath dbmongodlog fork sleep function insert for t in seq threads do mongo eval count every for var icount var bulk dbcinitializeunorderedbulkop for var jevery j i bulkinsert bulkexecute printi done wait function remove mongo eval t new date dbcremove t new date t start insert remove code
currently when the field is an array type operation on that field matches any inner element type array on that array field will match if the field has a nested array and it will not return results where the field itself is an array to check if a field is an array and if the array is not empty we can use the following query code dbcollectionfindanswersvendor elemmatch existstrue code to return the document if the field is an array no matter if it empty or not we can use the following query code dbcollectionfindor code it would be nice to add this to the document
stitch needs a way to see the result of an update operation that finds no document and so has to create a new document based on the query and update document an upsert one possibility is modifying so that it uses upsert behavior when the documentbson argument is null
hi i have a microservice based on mongo client all is well however after some days a query operations findxxx failed with errors as below incomplete read of message header read tcp use of closed network connection and the following query operations such as a lot of operations findxxx failed with errors like these context deadline exceeded there is no one connection between myserver and mongoserver when i type command netstat apn then i tried to capture tcp package by tcpdump also no one tcp package occured
added in version as per docs for the helper similar to the addtagrange helper need to be addedas a start ive attached two sample files which mirror the current addtagrange docs with minor changes
it appears that currently bsonbinarys constructor requires that it be passed a subtype that is in an enum of recognized subtypes there appear to be two issues with this per the user defined subtypes are a range of the current constructor appears to only allow the value preventing users from utilizing the remainder of the range fle added subtype there appears to be no way to use existing bsonruby libraries to storemanipulate data of this subtype as part of this work it appears that bsonbinary will need to change from storing a symbol type one of the enum values to the numeric subtype per the bson spec we would also need a compatibility layer to map from the numeric subtype to the existing symbol types also consider adding bson corpus tests with user defined type a currently undefined type
such command can be used to assess changes to the btree balancing techniques and debug performance issues
the test case for testing whether checkpoints can block cursor opens has been merged into the tree but isnt currently enabled in automated testing this ticket tracks enabling the test in a reliablestable way
the below example api request quoted on our documentation in get measurements of a disk for a mongodb process is incorrect as it does not specify that the user needs to insert the disk partition name codejava curl u digest i code the above request results in a error message i believe the example api request should be codejava curl u atlasusernameapikey digest i partition code note the user should be able to obtain the disk partition name by running thank you in advance for any assistance with improving this
apple released new macbooks and mac minis with apple silicon arm processors what do we need to do to be able to build mongosh for that architecture what do we need to do for the homebrew package to work for that architecture split into
running collmod with an invalid parameter seems to trigger an fassert on collectiondrop on standalone mongod with also triggers on if the second parameter is valid noformat i command cmd drop testtest i fatal assertion i aborting after fassert failure f got signal abort trap libsystemcdylibabort libsystempthreaddylibpthreadbody libsystempthreaddylibpthreadbody libsystempthreaddylibthreadstart end backtrace noformat
we require to have driver version in our projects but while installing it there are errors coming in envc file as below please let me know how can we fix this cc o srcenvos c pedantic wall ggdb dposixsource dmongohavestdint fpic dmongodllbuild srcenvc srcenvc in function ‘mongoenvsocketconnect’ error storage size of ‘aihints’ isn’t known struct addrinfo aihints warning implicit declaration of function ‘getaddrinfo’ status getaddrinfo host portstr aihints ailist warning implicit declaration of function ‘gaistrerror’ bsonerrprintf getaddrinfo failed s gaistrerror status error dereferencing pointer to incomplete type ‘struct addrinfo’ for aiptr ailist aiptr null aiptr aiptrainext warning implicit declaration of function ‘freeaddrinfo’ freeaddrinfo ailist warning unused variable ‘aihints’ struct addrinfo aihints recipe for target srcenvos failed make error
hi i have experienced some weird behavior like missing items when caching in spark after loading data from mongodb i have tried to replicate the problem with minimum code codescala case class itemname string value double loads collection with items name string value number val imported mongosparkloadsc readconfigtods val result importedcache printlnresultfiltervalue prints should be printlnresultunpersistfiltervalue prints code i have tried the same loading the data from a file same items exported using mongoexport and it works fine it always prints thats why i think that the problem is related with mongospark and not spark itself thanks alejandro
update to use the same travisyaml file from mongodbnative branch update packagejson engines with supported node versions
we used to generate code coverage on travis but stopped because it wasnt very accurate and we were migrating off travis anyway we should generate it on evergreen for a variety of oses and topologies and merge the reports together and upload them to codecov for the most accurate coverage
version released fix problem using the backup agent on windows with mongodbcr authentication
the build currently fails because the default boost on the system is too old vintage we currently require at least officially our mci hosts have newer boost packages available here are the changes needed to get the rhel build working before building run yum install add to the scons flags for all stages of the build add disablewarningsaserrors to the scons flags there seem to be some warnings when building with boost the proper boost library is now installed but the rhel build is now failing for other reasons
if the data is not perfectly synchronized and the mongod starts with fastsync then the secondary or slave will be permanently out of sync with the primary which may cause significant consistency problemsis this supposed to read not a perfect point in time snapshotthe line above talking about seeding with a snapshot which isnt the same as a perfect sync what i am guessing this means is if you only copy say of databases youre screwedat any rate this line and one above appear arent completely clear in what they mean
i am trying to use mongocxx driver version but when i am compiling the sample given in the docs i have the following issue codejava in file included from from from from from from from fatal error bsoncxxthirdpartymnmlstccorestringhpp no such file or directory include code i built and installed the driver as follows codejava cmake dcmakebuildtyperelease dcmakeinstallprefixusrlocal dcmakeprefixpathusrlocal sudo make epmnmlstccore make make installcode what do you think have i forgotten something
the stronglock primitive discussed with permits type system checked regions of locking and unlocking along with immediate debugging runtime checks for ordering inversions has a prototype implementation
whenever we return project variables we should first modify them based on the adminlevel settings if they exist exception route to getmodify branchrepo settings
mongodb does not support creating new unique indexes in sharded clusters and will not allow you to shard collections with unique indexes on fields other than the id fieldthis does not appear to be true
the driver currently depends on a snapshot release of the spock testing framework now that a proper release is out the driver should use it it should also be upgraded to the latest patch release of groovy as groovy is not compatible with java
monitoring agent changelogversion support for authentication using mongodb style client certificatesbackup agent changelogversion support for authentication using mongodb style client certificates
implement prose tests for data key and double encryption
hii am unable to work with dbeval functionafter passing bsondocument in evalargs it throws type cast errormy codeevalargs ea new evalargs bsonjavascript bjs new bsonjavascriptfunction return dbbarcount eacode bjsdbevaleathis returns nothing while the code runs in mongo shell when directly executedthanksanurag
as a diagnostic tool the lockmanagerdump function when invoked through an attached debugger logs a list of acquired and enqueued locks the lockinfo command also performs a similar function through the shellclient interface but with additional information on the clientoperationcontext objects associated with each grantedpending lock request since the lockmanagerdump function is used more widely as part of the shutdown procedure for stalled test runs in our ci system it would improve diagnostics to also include the clientopctx information in the logs when dumping the lock managers internal state through the debugger sample output noformat dumping lockmanager lock parallelbatchwritermode granted lockrequest mode x thread convertmode none enqueueatfront compatiblefirst debuginfo clientinfo desc opid pending lockrequest mode is thread convertmode none enqueueatfront compatiblefirst debuginfo clientinfo desc connectionid client opid noformat sample output with command information noformat dumping lockmanager lock parallelbatchwritermode granted lockrequest mode x thread convertmode none enqueueatfront compatiblefirst debuginfo clientinfo desc opid pending lockrequest mode is thread convertmode none enqueueatfront compatiblefirst debuginfo listdatabases lsid id clustertime clustertime signature hash keyid readpreference mode secondarypreferred db admin clientinfo desc connectionid client opid noformat
ideally every dynamic feature could be built in directly to the mongo binaries embedded not built at all no support or built as a plugin linux does something similar with its kernel where features can be specified as yesnoplugin we envision something similar for ssl for instance ssl support could be selected via withssl this would be very helpful for users who are building from source and dont need the additional complexity or failure modes of using plugins
add describevpcattribute to the minimum access policy so it looks likenoformat statement effect allow action resource effect allow action resource noformat
related commits at leastwith these two commits lines starting with logllerror are silently blackholed because llerror is an enum with value it means that mongolog cant return a nullstream since it is called by error and warning
codeс string indexboundsbuildersimpleregex if c q else if c a c z c a c z c c c code a link to the source code on github pvsstudio warning consider inspecting the c c expression the expression is excessive or contains a misprint indexboundsbuildercpp most likely the subexpression c c c this issue was originally reported in
google authenticator asks if the code is time based or counter based it would be useful if the cant scan the barcode link mentions that it was time basedincidentally i dont see cant scan the barcode mentioned anywhere in the documentation this should be added somewhere maybe the faq to answer the question how can i find the secret key so that i may configure multiple google authenticator apps to use the same accountthe answer is choose the google authenticator option in the ui and choose the cant scan the barcode link
propagate aborted up to the version and patch maybe document so that we dont need to grab all of the tasks to calculate this
hi i want to set a value to a bson element in c driver in last version this code works ok datevalue bsonvaluecreatedatevaluetouniversaltimetostringo but in the new version value only have get and i dont find how to set the value
hi i have implemented the lab through mongo university course plan and created a replica set of nodes and completed the lab my system was shut down abruptly and now when i am trying to start mongod on the same host i am seeing below log attached steps were taken to resolve the issue are resumed the hosts deleted the lock files from all the servers and restarted the server but faced the same issue
failed on ubuntu lobstercommit diff update to react eslint
it appears that find all is not using my index the supposition is that find all may be ignoring indexes other than basiccursor it would be advantageous if the query used the covered index without having to resort to a hintsample test collection schemanoformat id objectid a b c d e f g noformatindex on testnoformatdbtestensureindex a c id d name background true noformatquery without hint and query with hintnoformat basiccursorismultikey falsen falseindexonly falsenyields server btreecursor falsen falseindexonly truenyields a c id d server noformat
i think the following sequence of events will cause us to acknowlege a wmajority write that has been rolled back it requires that the write comes from mongos so the flag to not drop the connection on stepdown has been set mongos sends a write to a shard with wmajority write gets applied locally a majority of secondaries vote for a new primary and it wins the election without the original primary knowing the nodes that elected the new primary confirm the wmajority write to the old primary the updateposition command from those secondaries indicates a new term so the old primary steps down when stepping down we cancel all user operations and kill all noninternal connections but the connection that issued this write came from a mongos so it isnt closed the original primary and all the secondaries go into rollback and revert the write and successfully replicate the new op that the new primary writes on election the original primary is reelected the thread that issued the write on the original primary gets into awaitreplication sees that it is in state primary as exected and that the write its waiting for has already been confirmed on a majority and returns success if awaitreplicationinlock checked for interrupt before checking if the write was already satisfied then wed be okay since during stepdown we cancelled all running operations but we dont ever check for interrupt in awaitreplication if the writeconcern is already satisfied by the time we reach awaitreplication
currently we return a brokenpromise error code but this makes failures hard to debug and its often not clear from logs which promise was actually broken adding an invariant would help in this regard by providing a stacktrace for bfs that are hard to reproduce
operationcontextmarkkilled requires the caller to lock the client before calling it
on solaris we run into a blocker when using bsonextits exactly the same problem as described here it would be great to have this modification included into
the concurrency tasks run a javascript test that runs other javascript tests since resmokepy wont produce output until the outer javascript test finishes weve increased the timeoutsecs setting to what wed ordinarily use for the entire task for example the idle timeout for the concurrencyshardedwithstepdownsandbalancerwt is set to hours codeyaml tasktemplate name concurrencyshardedwithstepdownsandbalancerwt commands func do setup func run tests timeoutsecs hour timeout for each test vars resmokeargs suitesconcurrencyshardedwithstepdownsandbalancer storageenginewiredtiger code however the evergreen tasks are timing after running for hours without resmokepy producing any output quote started on oct am finished on oct am quote the and i did some debugging oct together and identified a line in agentcommandgo that was always setting the commands timeout to defaultidletimeout hours however even with sams changes the timeoutsecs still appears to not be getting respected agent logs the agent logs show that the evergreen agent is incorrectly setting the command timeout to hours noformat current command set to shellexec in run tests test set command timeout for shellexec in run tests test to noformat
an application that calls fork in a loop and then the forked processes call bsonoidinit will end up with the same oid if called within the same second because the implementation of bsonoidinit uses a cached perprocess random even if bsoncontextdisablepidcache is set introduced by
on november aws added a new field encryptionresponse to the decrypt message response from kms this is not documented here as of the filing of this ticket noformat encryptionalgorithm symmetricdefault noformat as a result and shell cannot work with aws kms
patchbuild example timedout build noformat echo all done exit all done task timed out shellexec noformat the task is noformat name tags dependson name debugcompilenosaslnossl commands func fetch build vars taskname debugcompilenosaslnossl command shellexec type test params workingdir mongoc script set o errexit set o xtrace topologyserver authnoauth sslnossl sh evergreenintegrationtestssh echo all done exit noformat and buildvariant noformat name displayname gcc rhel expansions cc gcc runon tasks debugcompile valgrind clang releasecompile clang nossl nosasl openssl noformat for some reason after the task finishes and even calls exit there are minutes that pass from the echo all done to evergreen deciding the task hit the configured timelimit even there were no other commands other then post that were left to be executed
drivercoremongocollectioncs line like keyf got mistakenly replaced with keyfi added the dollar sign and everything is all goodcouldnt find any usages of this method in the solution no unit tests thats probably slipped by undetected
outside of a sharded cluster the extracted uniquekey is only useful for replacedocuments mode we could avoid this work if in insertdocuments mode
uninitialized scalar variable the variable will contain an arbitrary value left from earlier computations use of an uninitialized uninit declaring variable data
in i am getting a serverselectiontimeouterror from the python driver as used by mlaunch the error produced is code pymongoerrorsserverselectiontimeouterror no replica set members match selector primary code this error provides just about no assistance in determining and resolving the problem the ruby driver produces the following message when server selection fails code mongonoserveravailable no primary server is available in cluster with the following servers have dead monitor threads code this message provides the following information addresses of all the servers in the cluster the state of each server server selection timeout used as a result it is much easier for the user to identify the reason for the failure and subsequently address it please consider adding similar diagnostics to the python driver
when trying to install the swift driver using the cocoa pods an error is being thrown unable to find a specification for mongoswift same happens using the swift package manager it tells the package mongoswift does not exist
spawn host page gql mutation to pauserestart host
this page could use a toc ideally the fields in the example document could link to more info about that field but that may not be possiblesee
the current implementation of the movechunk will have to be refactored to fit in the scheme of a commit protocol the new implementation should try to overlap as much work as possible making the happypath as cheap as possible at the expense of making the error path more expensive
issues with performance trend graphs screenshot from screenshot from screenshot from
below error is thrown while executing below line membershipprovider provider membershipproviders an unhandled exception of type mongodbdrivermongocommandexception occurred in systemwebdll additional information command createindexes failed text fields in index must all be adjacent
when i use cxx driver to insert a large of documents the memory of program is growing fast until then the program crashed i just test the insert function when i get rid of the insertion code the program run normallyhas the insert function any memory leak problemie like this minserttestdata bsontestdata
we have issue with holding bsonobj behaviour while holding values for duplicate keyswhen we create bson obj and append some keys with same name using c driver and prints it contains then it shows all four keys with different valueswhen we insert this created bsonobj into mongodb using c driver and check contains for perticuler row then it show that all keys having same value ie value of first keywhile the expected behaviour was the inserted row shall contain keys with same name but different valuesexample void somefuct dbclientconnection c cconnectlocalhost bsonobjbuilder b bsonobj p bobj coutdataptostringcstrendl string strtable somedbnametablename cinsertstrtable pbelow is output for on consol for cout insertimestamp insertimestamp insertimestamp insertimestamp then after insertion below query run from mongclient to display inserted contents of bsonobj id insertimestamp insertimestamp insertimestamp insertimestamp so table have columns with same keyname and same value which was not expectedkindy let us know on this behavior
the phongo build process sources if test phplibmongoc no then mongocmajorversionmongocmajorversion mongocminorversionmongocminorversion mongocmicroversionmongocmicroversion mongocversionmongocversion acsubstmongocmajorversion acsubstmongocminorversion acsubstmongocmicroversion acsubstmongocapiversion acsubstmongocversion acoutputsrcdirsrclibmongocsrcmongocmongocconfigh acoutputsrcdirsrclibmongocsrcmongocmongocversionh fi to be able to set the right mongocconstants but since there are now issues as does a cat on versioncurrent and versionrelease without taking into account that they might no longer live in the same directory this results in cat versioncurrent no such file or directory cat versionreleased no such file or directory cat versioncurrent no such file or directory cat versionreleased no such file or directory when running our phpize akin to autogensh it shows the errors once for libbson and once for libmongoc the cat needs to be done on the files in the right directory
currently a collection must exist before creating zones on it we want to be able to create zones on a collection before it exists so that they can take effect immediately when the collection is sharded
hi was trying the tutorial here cloned the repo switched to branch start npm install installed pods with pod install repoupdate launching the app with npx reactnative runios fails compiling it never launches the app environment macos big sur node xcode
see maximum index key length for details is not a link to anything
since the balancer is moving to the config server and we still want to have the pinger run as a way to discover connected mongos instances these two should be separated
mongodbtestrunner is just our combination of how we want metamocha to run it would be cool if we could instead have metamocha run as an executable that reads in a config file
the most common slow query in staging is on the amboyevgservicegroup collection see the attached
when starting the compass application first it says initializing the loading preferences the loading plugins then it get stuck in activating plugins when i open the devtool i see the error in the attached screenshot
about an hour after deploying to production the mongo shard servers ran out of connectionsafter restarting the application the connections drop back down again but start a slow and gradual increase in the number of connections being used we have rolled back to of the ruby driver and the problem has gone away
a new db is used and a query is executed against it causing the mongod process to crashstep to initiate mongo console to type use foo where foo is a new database name never used type watch process die horriblynote i made sure to clear out all data files to be sure i wasnt using a previously existant db
sometimes operations have wrong collection names take a lookfirst of all theres a leading question mark instead of first letter that should be papart from that first entry looks oksecond entry is wrong this query is one of several that are ran against pravdorubproductionanswers collection also it claims to be an update but doesnt look like one wheres actual update part of the querythird entry is also wrong answers id type is objectid not integer vkusers has integer idi am pretty positive that my code queries appropriate collectionsalso note that first and third queries are the same only collection name is different opid active false locktype read waitingforlock true op query ns ravdorubproductionvkusers query id client desc conn opid active false locktype write waitingforlock true op update ns ravdorubproductionvkusers query id uiq in client desc conn opid active false locktype read waitingforlock true op query ns ravdorubproductionanswers query id client desc conn
wiredtiger was changed in and to allow new tables to be created while a checkpoint is in progress when logging aka journal is enabled a table create simply flushes its metadata update to the log making it durable even if there is a crash before the checkpoint completes when logging is disabled the create operation will sync the metadata to disk it appears that this can cause some all of the checkpoints metadata changes durable before the checkpoint has completed leading to a window where the ondisk data is not consistent in the event of a crash
we are currently on
the config files in must be updated for libbson and libmongoc alternatively it would be nice if we could figure out a way to trigger libbson and libmongoc to configure themselves from
the atomic variable used in serviceexecutorfixedfixtureflattenrecursivescheduledtasks see here to track the recursion depth should be replaced by a threadlocal integer making it safe for multiple executor threads to run tasks without concurrently bumping up the recursion depth having a threadlocal variable to track recursion depth is necessary since another executor thread ie may start executing a task immediately after its been scheduled by another thread ie making it appear as the thread that scheduled the task is executing it recursively
i have installed mongodb ops manager i started the mongod instance on my machine and then started ops manager which started then i opened ops manager ui screen which asked me to register not able to register for mongodb ops manager whenever i submit the details to register i get below error message yikes server error please try again in a minute i have tried lot many times but get the same error please help resolve this issue
i am using gridfs to store large files before i upgraded from the driver i was getting the following intermittent error on large file uploads mb usrbinnodejs error uncaughtexception cannot read property of null datemon jul utc i upgraded to i now get the same intermittent error except it is now saying something about chunks out of orderi have seen online that others have had similar issues but am not sure i have seen a resolution to it was wondering if there were any known workarounds or causes of this thanks
made it so that if initial sync encounters a renamecollection it will fail and restart rather than proceeding and potentially corrupting data as it did in previous versions taht change is present starting in and we should make clear in the release notes for both that upgrading from may cause initial syncs to start failing especially if you are regularly using renamecollection or aggregation or mapreduce with out which performs a renamecollection internally
this patch build has the following error accessing the testhistory api noformat requestsexceptionshttperror server error internal server error for url noformat it is invoked from this source
if authentication is turned on in mongodb the examples and any use of the connector will fail due to the connector trying to run the internal db command splitvector as a result need to document that if using authtrue in mongodb need to ensure the users for the source and target dbs for the mapreduce have the following role assigned clustermanagereg in mongo shell runuse mongohadoopdbupdateuser reportsuser roles role readwrite db mongohadoop role clustermanager db admin if this is not set when a connector job is run it fails with an access control exception
we give a somewhat helpful error when the documents argument is not an iterable type or an empty iterable codepython traceback most recent call last file line in file usersshanegitmongopythondriverpymongocollectionpy line in insertmany raise typeerrordocuments must be a nonempty list typeerror documents must be a nonempty list clientttinsertmany traceback most recent call last file line in file usersshanegitmongopythondriverpymongocollectionpy line in insertmany raise typeerrordocuments must be a nonempty list typeerror documents must be a nonempty list clientttinsertmany traceback most recent call last file line in file usersshanegitmongopythondriverpymongocollectionpy line in insertmany raise typeerrordocuments must be a nonempty list typeerror documents must be a nonempty list code however when passing a single document or rawbsondocument to insertmany we get this unhelpful error codepython traceback most recent call last file line in file usersshanegitmongopythondriverpymongocollectionpy line in insertmany blkops file usersshanegitmongopythondriverpymongocollectionpy line in blkops file usersshanegitmongopythondriverpymongocollectionpy line in gen commonvalidateisdocumenttypedocument document file usersshanegitmongopythondriverpymongocommonpy line in validateisdocumenttype raise typeerrors must be an instance of dict bsonsonson typeerror document must be an instance of dict bsonsonson bsonrawbsonrawbsondocument or a type that inherits from collectionsmutablemapping traceback most recent call last file line in file pymongocollectionpy line in insertmany blkops file pymongocollectionpy line in gen commonvalidateisdocumenttypedocument document file pymongocommonpy line in validateisdocumenttype collectionsmutablemapping option typeerror document must be an instance of dict bsonsonson bsonrawbsonrawbsondocument or a type that inherits from collectionsmutablemapping code this issue caused some confusion in we should make the error message more helpful by better indicating what the problem is maybe something like this codepython clientttinsertmanyid traceback most recent call last file line in typeerror documents must be a list not a single document code
description we should remove the if qualifier since every backup is taking with csrs starting in scope of changes fixup step of stepsrestoreshardedclusterwithsnapshotsyaml to remove the if logic backport to
is it possible to copy the datamongodb directory that contains wt files and start a new mongodb installation with this directory i wanted to try but i had errors during startup like wiredtiger error srcmongodbstoragewiredtigerwiredtigerkvenginecpp filewiredtigerwt connection this may be due to the database files being encrypted being from an older version or due to corruption on disk wtpanic wiredtiger library panic wt encountered an illegal internal value so solutions are to make a dbcopy or a dump restore
when setting up mongodexe to run as a service on windows by specifying the install command line switch the dbpath and logpath options are correctly quoted when reinserted into the command line that gets set up to be run by the windows service controller config pidfilepath and perhaps others need the same quoting treatment otherwise paths and filenames that contain spaces will mess up the parsing of the command line leading to mongod services that dont start or dont start correctlyusers command linecodemongod install dbpath cmy mongo folder pidfilepath cmy mongo folderpidfilecoderesulting command linecodecmy mongo foldermongodexe dbpath cmy mongo folder pidfilepath cmy mongo folderpidfile servicecodewithout quotes reinserted around cmy mongo folderpidfile this is not going to work
when compiling mongoc and mongocxx i encountered an issue with the target bsoncxxtesting im using de release with and otherwise it cannot compile since im using gcc heres the console message codejava code built target bsoncxx built target bsoncxxtesting linking cxx executable testbsonexe cmakefilestestbsondirobjectsabsonbuildercppobjbsonbuildercpptext undefined reference to cmakefilestestbsondirobjectsabsonbuildercppobjbsonbuildercpptext undefined reference to cmakefilestestbsondirobjectsabsonbuildercppobjbsonbuildercpptext undefined reference to cmakefilestestbsondirobjectsabsonbuildercppobjbsonbuildercpptext undefined reference to cmakefilestestbsondirobjectsabsonbuildercppobjbsonbuildercpptext undefined reference to cmakefilestestbsondirobjectsabsonbuildercppobjbsonbuildercpptext undefined reference to cmakefilestestbsondirobjectsabsonbuildercppobjbsonbuildercpptext undefined reference to cmakefilestestbsondirobjectsabsonbuildercppobjbsonbuildercpptext undefined reference to error ld returned exit status make error make error make error code i couldnt find a way to fix it but all the other targets worked fine
problem passing a flat into numberint and numberlong has some inconsistent behavior correct r r incorrect r numberlongnumberminvalue r numberlongnumbermaxvalue r numberintnumberminvalue r numberintnumbermaxvalue
favorites should have the same type as recents new connection should feel more like a button or some other ui element i can click on and not like a section header
backup agent version released use notimeout cursors as a workaround for
i am doing a range query that uses a compound index it covers about results in java i run the query and iterate over all the results after the last result is read the cursorhasnext function hangs for over minutesif i look at the log when it finally returns it has yielded over timesthere is no other load on the server or the machine whats going on here
a change was introduced as part of that made wiredtiger depend on the intrinsics on linux which are not present on platforms the use of these intrinsics should be made conditional on the compilers target processor architecture
alerts about the expiration of the host