note this bug report is for jira service desk server using jira service desk cloud see the corresponding bug report panelusers cant log tickets on
note this bug report is for jira software server using jira software cloud see the corresponding bug report panelits an exception thrown in compyxisgreenhopperjirafeedback you think youre not in ondemand because youre looking for studiofooter to check that and thats no longer present
there was a serverside template injection vulnerability in confluence server and data center in the widget connector an attacker is able to exploit this issue to achieve path traversal and remote code execution on systems that run a vulnerable version of confluence server or data center affected versions all versions of confluence server and confluence data center before version from version before the fixed version for from version before the fixed version for and from version before the fixed version for fix confluence server version is available for download from confluence server version is available for download from confluence server version is available for download from confluence server version is available for download from confluence server version is available for download from for additional details see the full advisory
when in full screen mode there is now white space to the left of the top review buttons with the file header below them this takes up valuable vertical screen real estate
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report panelcq appears to be waiting for a lock that is locked by the index which is currently trying to process a large amount of daemon tid nid waiting on condition javalangthreadstate waiting parking at sunmiscunsafeparknative method parking to wait for a javautilconcurrentlocksreentrantlocknonfairsync at at at thread is a doeditquestionactionthread id thread name user id type summary amckague webrequest hour minutes secondsthe only threads that are getting stuck are cq threads see screenshot why would we be blocking on a lucene lock in cqcq stuck
summary bulk edit issues doesnt redirects to the bulk edit wizard from system saved filters environment atlassian cloud steps to reproduce go to a system saved filter example my open issues click bulk edit those issues expected results the bulk operation wizard is shown actual results the link redirects to the first filter in the list notes for saved filters by users it works as expected enter the query used by the filter in the search field
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panelwhen i enter a new recurring calendar entry and select an enddate eg or i keep getting the following error german and cant save the entry ungültiges datum angegeben es sollte so aussehen as far as i can remember this worked in the previous version
if the user has not accessed create branch before and is part of the group of customers who have labs enabled they will see the two messages overlapped see attached screenshotlets change this so that if labs is enabled the help tip does not display
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panelsteps to reproduce open confluence editor paste in a piece of rendered css eg observe as the page freezes and chrome throws an error this happens even with the use of code block macro chrome seems to get lost as it cant differentiate between the rendering metadata and the string itself issue seems to be macos chromespecific doesnt occur in firefox under mac nor chrome under linux not tested on windows if the pasted text isnt rendered theres no error
summary user unable to check a checkbox in confluence page when browsing using confluence mobile app in iphone steps to replicate create a test page in confluence and add a checkbox in it install confluence mobile app in iphone access the test page in confluence mobile app observed behaviour user unable to check the checkbox uploadpngthumbnail expected behaviour user should be able to check the checkbox
in version of confluence previous to when delegating user management to jira users could change their password in confluence as well as in jira in confluence when using connector legacy atlassian jira and earlier the option readwrite is no longer available on the user directories section see screenshot and screenshoot in confluence when using connector atlassian jira the option readwrite is available on the user directories section see screenshot
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report panelsteps to create an event in timeline view for what say test for who give it a save the now draganddrop the event on the calendar to another datethe what data disappears what the
summary attempting to move an issue task story etc that has subtasks from one project to another cannot be done as at the final step the user is given an error quote at least one of the issues you are trying to move has been recently updated by another user please cancel and start again quote environment jira cloud steps to reproduce create one issue with one or more subtasks attempt to move that issue to another project map the destination status to reach the final step once the user clicks confirm at the final step the error is thrown at least one of the issues you are trying to move has been recently updated by another user please cancel and start again of course trying again yelds the same result expected results the issue is moved together with its subtasks actual results an error message is thrown quoteat least one of the issues you are trying to move has been recently updated by another user please cancel and start again quote workaround one workaround would be to create a task in the destination project and move only the subtasks however this is not practical for situations when the user needs to move multiple tasks together with their subtasks
be oauthd against an applinkd jira revoke your oauth token in jira refresh bbs click create jira issue youll get an error jip is returning this as an unknown error codejava errorscontextnullmessagethe server may be unreachable please ensure you are running jira or higherexceptionnamecomatlassianintegrationjirajiracommunicationexceptionapplicationnamejira twoapplicationurl however jira is rejecting the oauth token codejava warn anonymous problem encountered authenticating oauth client for url error was tokenrejected with parameters oauthproblemtokenrejectedcode we should consider returning a more meaningful error from jip so we can reset to the you need to login state on the create issue dialog this is a relatively minor edge case bug after another refresh in bbs you get the normal not logged in to jira flow
there is an issue with the edit review details button in our crucible instance which is pretty much stopping us dead in our tracks i get different errors and i have attached screenshots of both upon page refresh click the edit review details button we get the following error crucibleerrornotrespondingpngthumbnail instead of reload click close then done and click the edit review details button now the error becomes crucibleerroreditdetailsundefinedpngthumbnail there is a error pane behing the empty edit review pane which contains the following errors code error not found error a comopensymphonyxworkconfigconfigurationexception was encountered there is no action mapped for namespace cru and action name editdetailsundefined check if there is such an action name with such namespace defined in the xworkxml and also if such an action class exists check also the log to see if the action class is successfully loaded code
i am new to sourcetree it crashes when i do a publish to remote i have attached a dump from my mac from from reply to switching from systemembedded git hi i tried this and i still get the same error as a separate note not sure if this is relevant but when i go to upload the git option is greyed out see attachment because of this i also tried making the changes you recommended to the mercurial setting thanks craig
just installed and imported data xml from in version we used jira bamboo plugin v and im happy to see that the jirabamboo integration now is a part of the base system problem in the project view under builds there is a listing of builds associated with the project the links to bamboo for some builds are incorrect there is an extra added at the end of the build number becomes it seems to only affect builds that are older than a month
investigate if getting the head information from lucene is feasible and faster than getting it somehow from infdb see one solution could be to add a new doctype that maps logicalpath branch headrevisionid
export a page as delete the space import the view recently updatedtestexport contentspacename
issue summary manual installation of jira windows service using servicebat doesnt work it appears that the batch script is broken environment windows steps to reproduce perform a clean installation of jira without installing it as a service manually install the service using servicebat codejava servicebat install jiracode or perform an upgrade to jira without installing it as a service manually install the service using servicebat codejava servicebat install jiracode expected results service successfully installed actual results windows service failed to install the error was unexpected at this time is thrown codejava cprogram filesatlassianjiratestbinservicebat install jira neither the javahome nor the jrehome environment variable is defined service will use the bundled jre failing that service will try to guess them from the registry installing the service using catalinahome cprogram filesatlassianjira using catalinabase cprogram filesatlassianjira ignoring javahome using jrehome cprogram filesatlassianjirabinjre using jvm cprogram filesatlassianjirabinjrebinserverjvmdll was unexpected at this time code workaround we have tested the below workaround on windows server open a new windows cmd as an administrator please go the the jira installation directory eg codejava cd cprogram filesatlassianjira code set the following windows environment variable as below codejava set jrehomejre code this is basically pointing to the jrehome in this step the path jre should be the path of the jre and shouldnt contain spaces you can also us an absoulute path like this codejava set code the path in this case should use the character form the one without spaces once the jrehome path is set and you are still in the installation directory cprogram filesatlassianjira run the service command as below codejava binservice install jira code this should allow the service to be installed
note this bug report is for jira software cloud using jira software server see the corresponding bug report panel
too many changed files in one commit sourcetree hangs up show preview this commit autogenerated source codes about files
i installed sourcetree for windows with the new tab view and started it no repos main window local repositiories add folder i added folders and renamed them to and look bookmarksxml after this action codejava arrayoftreeviewnode xmlnsxsd xmlnsxsi false false folder true false false new folder true code in the xml we have and foldercolor then add a repository in the local folder dropdown there is new folder instead of folder look bug i aborted adding a repository and closed sourcetree bookmarksxml after closing codejava arrayoftreeviewnode xmlnsxsd xmlnsxsi false false folder true false false folder true code now there is folder and folder i started sourcetree again there is only the folder all repos my newly created folders arent there anymore bug
issue summary when an project is archived during routine jira project housekeeping it isnt removed from automation for jira rules no warning is presented during the project archive warning of impact to multiproject automation rules steps to reproduce set up a multiproject automation rule in automation for jira archive one of the included projects view the automation rules log there will be a failure message similar to expected results a warning should be presented when archiving or deleting projects that are included in multiproject automations suggested resolution to this bug if a project is archived which is included in any multiproject automations present a warning to the user to indicate which automations are impacted prompt for remove project from automations if yes fix the impacted automations to remove the project if no opt to cancel the archive or to continue anyway actual results project is archived or deleted failure is listing in the impacted automation rule logs jql search failed for some issues value with id does not exist for the field project workaround after archiving or deleting projects check ever automation rule for failures then edit impacted rules to remove the archived or deleted projects
security auditing tests performed on a jira bug issue and project tracking software locally running instance shown that at least two vulnerabilities regarding user enumeration were found within the software case logged in whenever a logged user accesses the url with parameter name filled with a non existent user of the system the message the specified user could not be found is shown this vulnerability grants the possibility for a low level privileged user to enumerate other users of the system including higher level privileged users the image below describes this behavior case unlogged from the main login page it is possible to enumerate system users by inserting wrong passwords three times this procedure triggers a captcha verification for that user however the captcha verification doesnt appear for non existant users the first image below describes this behavior the second one describes the lack of it disclaimer a thorough scan may be done to find out if the captcha function is a mandatory feature or if it can be disabled if it can case shouldnt be a enumeration
issue summary the inspect permissions plugin does not know about unlicensed users from jsd jira service desk steps to reproduce requires a confluence instance that is linked to a jira service desk notice that we do not properly handle permissions for any unlicensed users coming from the jira service desk expected results we handle the unlicensed users from jira service desk in some way actual results we dont handle them workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior a workaround will be added here when available
a commit may add or modify many many files with a lot of diffs when click on a commit from history or search view bottom right window will try to load all the diffs of this commit tree view defaults select the top folder this make sourcetree not response for a really long time see demo video in attachment for more detail try the demo project to experience for yourself
hello i get this error while trying to push the commitegidiocode git pushwarning pushdefault is unset its implicit value is changing ingit from to to squelch this messageand maintain the current behavior after the default changes use git config global pushdefault matchingto squelch this message and adopt the new behavior now use git config global pushdefault simplesee help and search for for further informationthe mode was introduced in git use the similar instead of if you sometimes use older versions of gitpassword for counting objects donedelta compression using up to threadscompressing objects donewriting objects kib bytess donetotal delta reused delta rpc failed http code the remote end hung up unexpectedlyfatal the remote end hung up unexpectedlyeverything uptodatecode
issue summary indexing will break in version and later if the team custom field was ever renamed steps to reproduce upgrade or install advanced roadmaps to rename team custom field perform any action that trigger indexing such as creatingeditingtransitioning issue that has value for team custom field expected results action is successful issue index is updated actual results action proceeds but issue index is not updated the below exception is thrown in the atlassianjiralog file noformat warn xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx secureworkflowuidispatcherjspa javalangillegalstateexception team custom field id cannot be found javalangruntimeexception javalangillegalstateexception team custom field id cannot be found at at at caused by javalangillegalstateexception team custom field id cannot be found at at noformat workaround rename the team field back to its initial name team i renaming issue fields would affect the saved filters that refers them in jql make sure to update the jql of those saved filters as well reference indexing breaks after upgrading to advanced roadmaps to jira when team field was renamed
this is due to an extra security check added to fisheye when retrieving entity links the existing smart commits plugin was not looking up the available entity links for a repo in the context of a user
select of last entry in top navigation bar results in dropdown menu in jira the last entry has been selected only arrow down button selected the dropdown menu in jira selction fields menu entry and arrow down are unique selection of last used action needs one click more for usability this is a step backward or a bug
summary when attempting to download an attachment from a page using the file attachment macro the attachment fails to download environment cloud expected results attachment should download actual results attachment does not download confluence displays a page cannot be found page an error like the following can be seen in the developer console of the web browser noformat noformat notes the files appear to be in the file system as they are represented as a which is present when attempting to preview one of these attachments the preview is displayed without any error if the issue is with a word doc it appears that you can expand the attachment information panel click the edit in office button save a new version of the attachment
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report panelon the itim tool training link is to a location that is no longer found
at the moment this is very annoying lets fix this so that we get real logs from our users
create a new page add the note macro eg notehello worldnote save when viewing the html source the col element generated by the macros is not closed expected the col element closed like this will creates issues for eg a clienteg xmlrpc which expects well formed xml i going to try a workaround using server side tidy but this should not be necessary
various agmp classes seem to be stopping people who are logged in from using jirasee for more details
it appears that the problem identified in orion concerning the start of servlet initialisation before the completed sevletcontext intialisation is also present with websphere tested with was in previous release of jira it does not cause problem due to an effective test in jiraconfigurationjava codejavaprivate configurationinterface getconfig if config null config instanceof nullconfig orion bug the servlet is inited before the servletcontext has been initialised therefore plugin configurations are null this bug appears to have been fixed in orion to work around this bug if there are no plugins available then we probably arent initialised yet if pluginmanagergetplugins null pluginmanagergetpluginssize if config null config new nullconfigjira plugin has not loaded yet no properties available else list configurations getwebworkpluginconfigurations if configurationsisempty config new nullconfigno webwork plugins else config new delegatingconfigurationconfigurationinterface configurationstoarraynew configurationinterface return config code i performed a migration of ours inhouse plugin done with tomcat eclipse from jira to jira since it is done i tried to deploy on qualication server and i encountered the mentionned problem in jira defaultpluginmanager is as follows codejavapublic class defaultpluginmanager implements pluginmanager private hashmap plugins public defaultpluginmanagerpluginstatestore store list pluginloaders moduledescriptorfactory moduledescriptorfactory thisplugins initialize all plugins the first time throws pluginparseexception public void init throws pluginparseexception public collection getplugins return pluginsvalues code and in jira defaultpluginmanager is as follows codejavapublic class defaultpluginmanager implements pluginmanager private hashmap plugins public defaultpluginmanagerpluginstatestore store list pluginloaders moduledescriptorfactory moduledescriptorfactory initialize all plugins the first time throws pluginparseexception public void init throws pluginparseexception thisplugins new hashmap public collection getplugins return pluginsvalues code a npe throws at the servlet intialisation done before the servletcontext initialisation calling pluginmanagergetplugins i have locally resolved this problem declarating a component codexml combnpparibasjirapluginpluginmanager code where addondefaultpluginmanager a corrected copy of defaultpluginmanager and addonpluginmanager copy of jirapluginmanager extends addondefaultpluginmanager the only correction is the initialisation of the hashmap plugins codejavapublic class addondefaultpluginmanager implements pluginmanager private hashmap plugins new hashmap private hashmap plugintopluginloader will store a plugin as a key and pluginloader as a value public addondefaultpluginmanagerpluginstatestore store list pluginloaders moduledescriptorfactory moduledescriptorfactory code let me know if there is better way to correct this problem rgds vincent
when using the jira issues macro with height equals to everything works fine however if inserting the jira issues macro inside the expand macro and having height equals to the jira issues macro is not displayed correctly setting the height to works perfectly see attached screenshots when jira issues macro is being used jiraissuesmacropng when jira issues macro is being used inside the expand macro expandjiraissuesmacropng
it happens with trunk on both zeus and unicorn but only happens with jira there are more than projects in there and it happens with sysadmin admin and developer users
issue summary on the legacy editor if you create a layout and insert a heading or inside of it the macro will work but scroll arrows will be displayed when accessing the page on view mode the text will be cut off as well i this bug only affects the legacy editor i this bug only affects windows i wasnt able to reproduce it on macos steps to reproduce create a page using the legacy editor add a layout on it and a heading or inside of it publish the page expected results the layouts should render properly screenshot taken from macos actual results the layouts are cut off and have scroll arrows workaround on this behavior affects google chrome and edge but it doesnt affect firefox so if possible load the page on firefox or editing the page and adding a new line after the heading would fix it
hisince two days i am trying to create a pull request to merge two branches but the page does not show me any conflicts and the differences and displays a message we are unable to load this page hence not able to display the conflicts and merge the branches the snapshot of the error is as look into the issue asap and let us know in case of any further requirement
installing fisheyecrucible with windows installer does not set the initial and maximum memory pool in the windows service this will cause the java application to have oome
the following plugins are required by jira but have not been started atlassian jira plugins project config plugin comatlassianjirajiraprojectconfigplugin embedded gadgets plugin comatlassiangadgetsembedded gadget dashboard plugin comatlassiangadgetsdashboard opensocial plugin comatlassiangadgetsopensocial gadget directory plugin comatlassiangadgetsdirectory atlassian jira plugins gadgets plugin comatlassianjiragadgets i have tried the answer on this page but to no avail i have resolved this issue it was some plugins timing out so i followed the advice regarding setting the timeout parameter for plugins in binsetenvsh i added problems went away now running fine
hi chrome on my computer is telling me that your ev ssl certificate is invalid because one of upstream certificates expired a few days ago this also seems to block sourcetree on mac os x seems not to agree about the expiry date and therefore works
it looks a bit ugly when user uses russian german i believe as well language supportmetestprojectслужбаподдержки vs nice and simple english version supportmetestprojectservicedeskengjpgthumbnail
the new source browser libraries look like they have support for elixer if you switch to the old source browser those libraries render and syntax highlight elixer files properly
confluence export functionality page and space are not working eg pdf xml html word cloud environment confluence to reproduce export space space tools content tools export export page go to page on the space elipsis export to pdf expected result able to export the page and space actual result the progress bar stuck on progress workaround no workaround
existing dvcs plugin in jira software will break because of the following reason dvcs plugin exhaustively uses rest api version of bitbucketorg however version api is deprecated and is in the process of being removed more details available here bitbucketorg is improving user privacy in order to be gdpr compliant this means that the rest api will change these changes will break the dvcs plugin more details are available here jira software should release updates to the existing versions in order to avoid breaking dvcs in production bitbucketorg has provided jira software with a guarantee that all existing production version will continue to work up until september customers have time to upgrade dvcs until that otherwise the dvcs plugin will break past that date this issue only affects customers who have integration with bitbucketorg customers with existing integration of github and github enterprise dont need to upgrade workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behaviour a workaround will be added here when available noformat noformat
summary copypaste of a subset of a table in excel spreadsheet into confluence page editor exhibits strange behaviors in various scenarios depending on the context of the paste environment cloud steps to reproduce open an excel spreadsheet and fill in some test data then copy to clipboard paste into a test confluence page expected results a new table with the same content of the copied data is created where the data was pasted actual results pasting table into empty page appears to paste normally however placing cursor by mouse in or out of the table does not work pasting the table into a page with text appears to paste the table as text confluence detects the table as a table however the table editor options have no effect on the table when editing publishing the page will make the table appear normally pasting the table into a single cell of a new table appears to work normally and has no apparent negative effects notes na best is to paste the data into a single cell of a new inserted table alternatively publish the page this will convert it to a proper table then edit the page again
when i open sourcetree i get a white and black rectangle with no visible features i can still use the rightclick menu if i have any tabs open but i get no visual feedback i have tried wiping my preferences using these instructions and reinstalling to no avail the attached screenshot is the sourcetree error in front of my browser window
were using crowd against our ldap directory users in the ldap directory have uppercase credentials when logging into fisheye through crowd users must supply their credentials with uppercase it doesnt work when they try with lowercase other applications confluence jira seems to ignore the case it is not uncommon to see the same user credentials twice in the crowd admin console one with uppercase and one with lowercase i suggest that the case sensitivity is simply removed from fisheye so it works like confluence and jira
i have a file that has both staged and unstaged changes when in the loghistory tab i will only be able to see the changes from the first area i click on i open the application and click my file in the staged area i will see my changes i click on the same file in the unstaged area and see nothing in the diff if i switch tabs and go back to loghistory and click on unstaged i see the unstaged changes click on staged and see nothing going to the file status tab shows me all my information
caused by orgspringframeworkdaotransientdataaccessresourceexception statementcallback sql for drop index you must give both the table and the index name in the form tablenameindexname nested exception is javasqlsqlexception for drop index you must give both the table and the index name in the form tablenameindexname caused by javasqlsqlexception for drop index you must give both the table and the index name in the form tablenameindexname
clover currently reports a single test result for parameterized testsmethods which have been run multiple times with varying parameters
summary both in jira server and cloud its possible to configure a project outgoing email address in the projects notification scheme as in jira server users have to configure their own smtp server to send jira notifications no validation is made towards the address set in the notification scheme however in jira cloud to use a custom email address users have to verify their domain and add dkimspf records to their dns recently the jira cloud import is no longer replacing the projects email address with the cloud one which bypasses the dkimspf validation steps to reproduce on a jira server configure a custom email address in the notification scheme export the xml backup import on jira cloud expected results the projects custom email address is replaced with jiraatlassiannet actual results the custom email address is imported over notes a side effect of this bug is that jira emails will be rejected by remote mail servers as atlassian wont have the necessary permissions to send emails on behalf of the custom domain validate the domain as per
note this bug report is for jira service desk cloud using jira service desk server see the corresponding bug report summaryfunction everbreached is a case sensitive function without capital b error below will be thrownnoformatmissing duration argument example of valid durations an argument eg will have it throwsnoformatfunction everbreached expected arguments but received steps to reproduce create a few jira service desk issues with sla go to jira issue navigator search for the issue with jql time to first response everbreached or time to first response expected resultfunctions should be case current resultits usage need to meet its case sensitive
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report panelsteps to reproduce ensure your user has no personal space and no favourite spaces click add page leave the template as start with a blank page click next boom see attachmentexpected behaviour allow the user to create a page and prompt for a location disallow by some method more friendly than throwing an exceptionthis was tested on which is currently running
users that use ie can no longer move cards to in progress or log work to the cards when using internet explorer they were able to do these tasks up until yesterday they can perform these actions if they use google chrome is ie not supported see attachment for internet explorer version
you can resize the sourcetree main window by clicking and dragging the left bottom right and both bottom corners of the window you cannot resize the window by the top edge or top corners this is one of many many issues introduced in please do better testing before releasing new versions it seems with each update that bug is fixed and more are added for the last few years i have been using source tree it has been going consistently downhill
created an application link between stash and fisheye made sure it was using oauth and that the consumer token was created enabled debug logging and profiling in stash noformat warn root switching to log level info comatlassianstash switching to log level error comatlassianeventremote switching to log level warn orgspringframework switching to log level warn orghibernate switching to log level info comhazelcastutilhealthmonitor switching to log level noformat edited a file locally committed pushed noformat fkraemer echo testing stash x fecru integration again filetxt fkraemer git add filetxt fkraemer git commit m testing stash x fecru integration again testing stash x fecru integration again file changed insertion fkraemer git push origin master counting objects done delta compression using up to threads compressing objects done writing objects bytes bytess done total delta reused delta to master master fkraemer noformat this was written in stash logs noformat debug fkraemer get adminlogging no values found in any valid locale for key stashwebheaderinboxpullrequests and locales debug fkraemer get restinboxlatestpullrequestscount caspinboxrestinboxresource retrieving pull request count for user felipe kraemer debug fkraemer get admin no values found in any valid locale for key stashwebheaderinboxpullrequests and locales debug fkraemer get restinboxlatestpullrequestscount caspinboxrestinboxresource retrieving pull request count for user felipe kraemer debug get scmspstashrepogitinforefs casisspluginauthenticationprovider attempting authentication with authenticator comatlassianstashstashauthcrowdssocrowdssoauthhandler debug get scmspstashrepogitinforefs caspacicrowdssoauthenticationhandler skipping crowd sso as it is not enabled debug get scmspstashrepogitinforefs casisspluginauthenticationprovider attempting authentication with authenticator comatlassianstashstashauthenticationcrowdhttpauthhandler debug get scmspstashrepogitinforefs casisspluginauthenticationprovider attempting authentication with authenticator comatlassianstashstashauthenticationremembermeauthhandler debug get scmspstashrepogitinforefs no values found in any valid locale for key providermanagerprovidernotfound and locales debug get scmspstashrepogitinforefs casisspluginauthenticationprovider attempting authentication with authenticator comatlassianstashstashauthcrowdssocrowdssoauthhandler debug get scmspstashrepogitinforefs caspacicrowdssoauthenticationhandler skipping crowd sso as it is not enabled debug get scmspstashrepogitinforefs casisspluginauthenticationprovider attempting authentication with authenticator comatlassianstashstashauthenticationcrowdhttpauthhandler debug get scmspstashrepogitinforefs casisspluginauthenticationprovider attempting authentication with authenticator comatlassianstashstashauthenticationremembermeauthhandler debug get scmspstashrepogitinforefs no values found in any valid locale for key providermanagerprovidernotfound and locales debug get scmspstashrepogitinforefs casisspluginauthenticationprovider attempting authentication with authenticator comatlassianstashstashauthcrowdssocrowdssoauthhandler debug get scmspstashrepogitinforefs caspacicrowdssoauthenticationhandler skipping crowd sso as it is not enabled debug get scmspstashrepogitinforefs casisspluginauthenticationprovider attempting authentication with authenticator comatlassianstashstashauthenticationcrowdhttpauthhandler debug get scmspstashrepogitinforefs casiuserdefaultuserservice authenticating user fkraemer debug get scmspstashrepogitinforefs casiapluginhttpauthenticationsuccesshandler onauthenticationsuccess delegating to comatlassianstashinternaluserrecentlyaccessedrepositoriesauthenticationsuccesshandler debug get scmspstashrepogitinforefs casiapluginhttpauthenticationsuccesshandler onauthenticationsuccess delegating to comatlassianstashinternalauthremembermeauthenticationsuccesshandler debug get scmspstashrepogitinforefs casiapluginhttpauthenticationsuccesshandler onauthenticationsuccess delegating to comatlassianstashpluginauthcrowdinternalcrowdssoauthenticationhandler debug get scmspstashrepogitinforefs casiapluginhttpauthenticationsuccesshandler onauthenticationsuccess delegating to comatlassianstashinternalauthsessioncreatingauthenticationsuccesshandler debug get scmspstashrepogitinforefs casiapluginhttpauthenticationsuccesshandler onauthenticationsuccess delegating to comatlassianstashinternalauthredirectingauthenticationsuccesshandler debug get scmspstashrepogitinforefs casiapluginhttpauthenticationsuccesshandler onauthenticationsuccess none of the plugins handled authentication success debug fkraemer get scmspstashrepogitinforefs comatlassianstashscmbasecommand executed usrbingit httpbackend debug post scmspstashrepogitgitreceivepack casisspluginauthenticationprovider attempting authentication with authenticator comatlassianstashstashauthcrowdssocrowdssoauthhandler debug post scmspstashrepogitgitreceivepack caspacicrowdssoauthenticationhandler skipping crowd sso as it is not enabled debug post scmspstashrepogitgitreceivepack casisspluginauthenticationprovider attempting authentication with authenticator comatlassianstashstashauthenticationcrowdhttpauthhandler debug post scmspstashrepogitgitreceivepack casiuserdefaultuserservice authenticating user fkraemer debug post scmspstashrepogitgitreceivepack casiapluginhttpauthenticationsuccesshandler onauthenticationsuccess delegating to comatlassianstashinternaluserrecentlyaccessedrepositoriesauthenticationsuccesshandler debug post scmspstashrepogitgitreceivepack casiapluginhttpauthenticationsuccesshandler onauthenticationsuccess delegating to comatlassianstashinternalauthremembermeauthenticationsuccesshandler debug post scmspstashrepogitgitreceivepack casiapluginhttpauthenticationsuccesshandler onauthenticationsuccess delegating to comatlassianstashpluginauthcrowdinternalcrowdssoauthenticationhandler debug post scmspstashrepogitgitreceivepack casiapluginhttpauthenticationsuccesshandler onauthenticationsuccess delegating to comatlassianstashinternalauthsessioncreatingauthenticationsuccesshandler debug post scmspstashrepogitgitreceivepack casiapluginhttpauthenticationsuccesshandler onauthenticationsuccess delegating to comatlassianstashinternalauthredirectingauthenticationsuccesshandler debug post scmspstashrepogitgitreceivepack casiapluginhttpauthenticationsuccesshandler onauthenticationsuccess none of the plugins handled authentication success debug fkraemer post scmspstashrepogitgitreceivepack casicgcdefaultcachedcommitgraphsource checking repositoryrefschangedevent for ref changes on has changes is fork only deletions debug fkraemer post scmspstashrepogitgitreceivepack casirsautoautorefsynclistener spstashrepo not updating status synchronization is either not enabled or not available debug fkraemer post scmspstashrepogitgitreceivepack comatlassianstashscmbasecommand executed usrbingit httpbackend debug fkraemer post scmspstashrepogitgitreceivepack comatlassianstashscmbasecommand executed usrbingit config get gcauto debug casiidefaultchangesetindexingservice request for indexing received debug fkraemer post scmspstashrepogitgitreceivepack comatlassianstashscmbasecommand executed usrbingit catfile p refsheadsmastermailmap debug casiidefaultchangesetindexingservice starting indexing with indexers debug post adminlogging comatlassianstashscmbasecommand executed usrbingit revlist all dateorder parents debug fkraemer post scmspstashrepogitgitreceivepack casiprpullrequestrescopebucketprocessor spstashrepo scheduled rescope request for branch refsheadsmaster debug fkraemer post scmspstashrepogitgitreceivepack caerimplremoteeventlistener got remoteevent debug comatlassianstashscmbasecommand executed usrbingit foreachref refsheads refstags debug fkraemer post scmspstashrepogitgitreceivepack caerimplremoteeventlistener got remoteevent debug fkraemer post scmspstashrepogitgitreceivepack casijiimplindexeventlistener limit exceeded branch event dropped refidrefsheadsmaster typeupdate debug fkraemer post scmspstashrepogitgitreceivepack casijiimplindexeventlistener limit exceeded issue changed event dropped for branch refidrefsheadsmaster typeupdate debug casiprpullrequestrescopebucketprocessor spstashrepo processed rescope requests debug casijiraidxjirakeyindexer indexed matching jira keys debug comatlassianstashscmbasecommand executed usrbingit revlist ignoremissing stdin debug casiidefaultchangesetindexingservice scanning for deleted changesets debug comatlassianstashscmbasecommand executed usrbingit revlist ignoremissing stdin debug casiidefaultchangesetindexingservice indexed changesets debug fkraemer get projectsspreposstashrepobrowse comatlassianstashscmbasecommand executed usrbingit catfile t refsheadsmaster debug fkraemer get projectsspreposstashrepobrowse comatlassianstashscmbasecommand executed usrbingit lstree refsheadsmaster debug fkraemer get projectsspreposstashrepobrowse no values found in any valid locale for key stashwebheaderinboxpullrequests and locales debug fkraemer get projectsspreposstashrepobrowse casipwfrequestcacheclientpagedatahandler context stashbranchlayoutactionsdropdown was required already ignoring debug fkraemer get restinboxlatestpullrequestscount caspinboxrestinboxresource retrieving pull request count for user felipe kraemer debug fkraemer get projectsspreposstashrepobrowsefiletxt comatlassianstashscmbasecommand executed usrbingit catfile t refsheadsmasterfiletxt debug fkraemer get projectsspreposstashrepobrowsefiletxt comatlassianstashscmbasecommand executed usrbingit revlist refsheadsmaster filetxt debug fkraemer get projectsspreposstashrepobrowsefiletxt no values found in any valid locale for key stashwebheaderinboxpullrequests and locales debug fkraemer get projectsspreposstashrepobrowsefiletxt casipwfrequestcacheclientpagedatahandler context stashbranchlayoutactionsdropdown was required already ignoring debug fkraemer get projectsspreposstashrepobrowsefiletxt comatlassianstashscmbasecommand executed usrbingit catfile t debug fkraemer get projectsspreposstashrepobrowsefiletxt casisgdefaultgitcommandfactory using git catfile to retrieve content for filetxt at debug fkraemer get projectsspreposstashrepobrowsefiletxt comatlassianstashscmbasecommand executed usrbingit catfile p debug fkraemer get restinboxlatestpullrequestscount caspinboxrestinboxresource retrieving pull request count for user felipe kraemer debug fkraemer get admin no values found in any valid locale for key stashwebheaderinboxpullrequests and locales debug fkraemer get restinboxlatestpullrequestscount caspinboxrestinboxresource retrieving pull request count for user felipe kraemer debug fkraemer get adminlogging no values found in any valid locale for key stashwebheaderinboxpullrequests and locales debug fkraemer get restinboxlatestpullrequestscount caspinboxrestinboxresource retrieving pull request count for user felipe kraemer noformat fisheye logs have not reported any indexing activity near that time noformat debug fisheye defaultnotificationmanagerprocessnotifications processing notifications debug fisheye defaultnotificationmanagerprocessnotifications processing notifications debug fisheye defaultnotificationmanagerprocessnotifications processing notifications debug fisheye defaultnotificationmanagerprocessnotifications processing notifications debug fisheye systemresourcemonitormonitoringtaskrun debug fisheye defaultnotificationmanagerprocessnotifications processing notifications debug fisheye defaultnotificationmanagerprocessnotifications processing notifications debug fisheye systemresourcemonitormonitoringtaskrun debug fisheye defaultnotificationmanagerprocessnotifications processing notifications debug fisheye defaultnotificationmanagerprocessnotifications processing notifications debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get changelogstashrepo debug fisheye actiondispatcherservletdoit mapped action changelog to class comcenquafisheyewebchangelogservlet pi stashrepo debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye baserevisioncachevisitmatchingstringterms findmatching entityclass for computed in debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye timeroutput querying providers memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput querying providers at start delegatingrepositorysearcher time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye changeset query repstashrepo dir towardspast debug fisheye lucenehelpercollectsearchresultsinbatches search in batches sort query repstashrepo debug fisheye specificrepositorysearcherfindactivityitemsforrep specificrepositorysearcherfindrecentchangesets retrieved changesets from stashrepo in debug fisheye specificrepositorysearcherfindactivityitemsforrep specificrepositorysearcherfindrecentchangesets retrieved all changesets in debug fisheye timeroutput querying providers at end delegatingrepositorysearcher time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput querying providers time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye timeroutput commitmsgrender memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput commitmsgrender time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe at time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput commitmsgrender memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput commitmsgrender time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe at time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput commitmsgrender memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput commitmsgrender time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe at time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye changelogservletdoviewdir changelogviewdirpage for in then for render debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get changelogstashrepo debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye systemresourcemonitormonitoringtaskrun debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request post debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye timeroutput load sub tree memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye timeroutput load sub tree time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in post debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get fecommitcalendardorepnamestashrepocontextchangelogoutputtypehtml debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get fecommitcalendardorepnamestashrepocontextchangelogoutputtypehtml debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye changeset query repstashrepo dtimemillis dir towardspast debug fisheye lucenehelpercollectsearchresultsinbatches search in batches sort query repstashrepo dtimemillis debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye defaultnotificationmanagerprocessnotifications processing notifications debug fisheye defaultnotificationmanagerprocessnotifications processing notifications debug fisheye defaultnotificationmanagerprocessnotifications processing notifications debug fisheye defaultnotificationmanagerprocessnotifications processing notifications debug fisheye systemresourcemonitormonitoringtaskrun debug fisheye defaultnotificationmanagerprocessnotifications processing notifications debug fisheye defaultnotificationmanagerprocessnotifications processing notifications debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get changelogstashrepo debug fisheye actiondispatcherservletdoit mapped action changelog to class comcenquafisheyewebchangelogservlet pi stashrepo debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye baserevisioncachevisitmatchingstringterms findmatching entityclass for computed in debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye timeroutput querying providers memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput querying providers at start delegatingrepositorysearcher time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye changeset query repstashrepo dir towardspast debug fisheye lucenehelpercollectsearchresultsinbatches search in batches sort query repstashrepo debug fisheye specificrepositorysearcherfindactivityitemsforrep specificrepositorysearcherfindrecentchangesets retrieved changesets from stashrepo in debug fisheye specificrepositorysearcherfindactivityitemsforrep specificrepositorysearcherfindrecentchangesets retrieved all changesets in debug fisheye timeroutput querying providers at end delegatingrepositorysearcher time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput querying providers time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye timeroutput commitmsgrender memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput commitmsgrender time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe at time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput commitmsgrender memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput commitmsgrender time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe at time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput commitmsgrender memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput commitmsgrender time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe at time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye changelogservletdoviewdir changelogviewdirpage for in then for render debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get changelogstashrepo debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request post debug fisheye timeroutput load sub tree memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye timeroutput load sub tree time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in post debug fisheye defaultnotificationmanagerprocessnotifications processing notifications debug fisheye defaultnotificationmanagerprocessnotifications processing notifications debug fisheye systemresourcemonitormonitoringtaskrun debug fisheye defaultnotificationmanagerprocessnotifications processing notifications debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get changelogstashrepo debug fisheye actiondispatcherservletdoit mapped action changelog to class comcenquafisheyewebchangelogservlet pi stashrepo debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye baserevisioncachevisitmatchingstringterms findmatching entityclass for computed in debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye timeroutput querying providers memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput querying providers at start delegatingrepositorysearcher time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye changeset query repstashrepo dir towardspast debug fisheye lucenehelpercollectsearchresultsinbatches search in batches sort query repstashrepo debug fisheye specificrepositorysearcherfindactivityitemsforrep specificrepositorysearcherfindrecentchangesets retrieved changesets from stashrepo in debug fisheye specificrepositorysearcherfindactivityitemsforrep specificrepositorysearcherfindrecentchangesets retrieved all changesets in debug fisheye timeroutput querying providers at end delegatingrepositorysearcher time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput querying providers time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye timeroutput commitmsgrender memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput commitmsgrender time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe at time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput commitmsgrender memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput commitmsgrender time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe at time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput commitmsgrender memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput commitmsgrender time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe at time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye changelogservletdoviewdir changelogviewdirpage for in then for render debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get changelogstashrepo debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request post debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye systemresourcemonitormonitoringtaskrun debug fisheye timeroutput load sub tree memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye timeroutput load sub tree time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get fecommitcalendardorepnamestashrepocontextchangelogoutputtypehtml debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in post debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get fecommitcalendardorepnamestashrepocontextchangelogoutputtypehtml debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye changeset query repstashrepo dtimemillis dir towardspast debug fisheye lucenehelpercollectsearchresultsinbatches search in batches sort query repstashrepo dtimemillis debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request in get debug fisheye defaultnotificationmanagerprocessnotifications processing notifications debug fisheye defaultnotificationmanagerprocessnotifications processing notifications debug fisheye defaultnotificationmanagerprocessnotifications processing notifications debug fisheye systemresourcemonitormonitoringtaskrun debug fisheye defaultnotificationmanagerprocessnotifications processing notifications debug fisheye defaultnotificationmanagerprocessnotifications processing notifications debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request get changelogstashrepo debug fisheye actiondispatcherservletdoit mapped action changelog to class comcenquafisheyewebchangelogservlet pi stashrepo debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye baserevisioncachevisitmatchingstringterms findmatching entityclass for computed in debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye timeroutput querying providers memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput querying providers at start delegatingrepositorysearcher time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye changeset query repstashrepo dir towardspast debug fisheye lucenehelpercollectsearchresultsinbatches search in batches sort query repstashrepo debug fisheye specificrepositorysearcherfindactivityitemsforrep specificrepositorysearcherfindrecentchangesets retrieved changesets from stashrepo in debug fisheye specificrepositorysearcherfindactivityitemsforrep specificrepositorysearcherfindrecentchangesets retrieved all changesets in debug fisheye timeroutput querying providers at end delegatingrepositorysearcher time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput querying providers time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on stashrepo waited ms to acquire debug fisheye timeroutput commitmsgrender memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput commitmsgrender time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe at time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput commitmsgrender memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput commitmsgrender time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe at time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput commitmsgrender memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput commitmsgrender time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe at time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye timeroutput describe time millis memusage heapsize freemem debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye changelogservletdoviewdir changelogviewdirpage for in then for render debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release debug fisheye repositoryhandlerelease release engine on stashrepo waited ms to release noformat its pm right now and fisheye hasnt indexed that changeset yet in fisheye the repository is configured to use the system default settings for updates and in the default settings i have disabled polling on noncvs repos to ensure that fisheye could respond to refs changed notifications published by stash
sorry my english is not very good。i from china i use the latest version of macos and the latest version of sourcetree。before that there will be a simple flow chart herenow i reinstalled the software and reimported the project but it is still like this
when closing an issue that is part of a sprint that hasnt been started yet the issue is removed from the sprint it doesnt happen for sprints that are already started also tested this on the previous jira agile version and this doesnt happen it seems to affect only jira agile version
when viewing a fe repository settings page several of the settings such as linkers now have a large cyan banner at the topthere are default linkers defined for all repositories they will be used in addition to any you define herehowever there are no linkers defined globally the defaults linkers page confirms thisno linkers defined perhaps this is a documentation issue or the text needs to say that global settings could override or there is a bug in detecting global settings and merging them inthis happens with linkers permissions allow process and hidden directories
i am calling with this content codejson idsomeidtypepagetitlebetter retros gdpr keysas valuedateparticipants goodasd votesasd badasd votesasdasd votes representationstorage code focus on part this page says i can use it this way and it referes to this issue which marked as resolved but i get why is it when according to an error i am using api incorrectly it should be at least this blocks me from moving to gdpr world workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior a workaround will be added here when available
use calendar on a page and it will show as an unknown macro note that it was working previously on qaeac with and the upgrade to seems to have disabled it
when anonymous user mentions someone in a page simplementioncontentpayload constructor will fail trying to obtain the string value for originatinguserkeygetstringvalue as originatinguserkey will be null
symptoms you will not be able to edit or transition any issues that contain a sign in any field this occurs only when sql logging has been enabled the following will appear in your atlassianjiralog codenone error xxxxxx securecommentassignissuejspa caught exception while attempting to perform action from workflow on issue xxxxx javalangillegalargumentexception illegal group reference at at at at at code or noformat error cxue securecommentassignissuejspa caught exception while attempting to perform action from workflow on issue javalangindexoutofboundsexception no group at javautilregexmatcherstartunknown source at javautilregexmatcherappendreplacementunknown source at javautilregexmatcherreplacefirstunknown source at javalangstringreplacefirstunknown source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at noformat cause to format sql jira is using stringreplacefirst which is using regexp replacement string as second argument so it treats sign as a special character for replacing groups in regexp workaround this only occurs when sql logging is enabled so you can just disable sql logging to avoid the issue
sourcetree for macos had several argument and command injection bugs in mercurial and git repository handling an attacker with permission to commit to a repository linked in sourcetree for macos is able to exploit this issue to gain code execution on the system from version of sourcetree for macos this vulnerability can be triggered from a webpage through the use of the sourcetree uri handler affected versions versions of sourcetree for macos starting with before version are affected by this vulnerability fix upgrade sourcetree for macos to version or higher from acknowledgements atlassian would like to credit zhang tianqi tophant for reporting this issue to us for additional details see the full advisory
the new branch icon in the toolbar with the little and the arc going up to the right looks strange next to merge maybe its because the arcs look asymmetric i liked the old one much better with the same style now used for the branches section in the source list clicking on the branch toolbar item displays a sheet which allows both creating and deleting branches in fact the tooltip is create or delete branches it makes no sense that only should be represented in the toolbar item i think you should match the sidebar icon style also in the sheet the icon for new branch should be a circle with a in it contrasting the circle with for delete branches
summary it is not possible to create a jira backup on jira cloud either with the create backup for cloud or the create backup for server option environment atlassian cloud jira steps to reproduce create a backup on a jira cloud instance using either the create backup for cloud or the create backup for server either with or without attachments enabled expected results a backup is created actual results the error message woah something went wrong unexpected error during export has occurred is displayed the below exception is thrown in the log file noformat info sysadmin starting ondemand backup info sysadmin generated task id info sysadmin ondemand backup finished long running task ondemandbackup info sysadmin exporting entities via the external export database long running task ondemandbackup info sysadmin trying to acquire lock for completing an export long running task ondemandbackup info sysadmin successfully retrieved the lock long running task ondemandbackup info sysadmin starting process for cloning main database to export database long running task ondemandbackup info sysadmin clearing data from export database long running task ondemandbackup info sysadmin ignoring these tables in export long running task ondemandbackup info sysadmin cloning main database to export database command has started long running task ondemandbackup error sysadmin there was an error executing the clone command pgrestore error while processing toc pgrestore error from toc entry function dropflywaytable jira pgrestore could not execute query error function dropflywaytable already exists with same argument types command was create function dropflywaytable returns integer language plpgsql as begin begin drop table flywaysche warning errors ignored on restore long running task ondemandbackup info sysadmin unlocked the export database so now others may use it long running task ondemandbackup error sysadmin failure during task executing tasks service comatlassianondemandbackupmanagerbackuppolicybackupmanagerexception error problemduringexport comatlassianjiraexceptiondataaccessexception unable to complete the export due to an error in the cloning command at at at at at at at at caused by comatlassianjiraexceptiondataaccessexception unable to complete the export due to an error in the cloning command at at at at at long running task ondemandbackup warn sysadmin fails to provide text via configured resource bundle cant find resource for bundle javautilpropertyresourcebundle key backupmanagerproblemduringexport trying to resolve directly noformat workaround none notes fix is currently being implemented
after switching from to estimateremaining estimates and time worked are lost or counted incorrectly look at the attachments for i have over remaining estimate after switch timewokred lostjpg none same problem for original estimate and time worked workaround set a start date sufficiently older in the past say months ensuring that statistics for your versions are generated
restarted sourcetree for the first time in a week or so alerted that i was several release behind so ran the update now it crashes when i try to run it
so i was trying to make some gadgets work on jdog i was getting the login approve button on jdog i clicked it and got redirected to jbac where i approved access once back in jdog id still get the login approve button i tried to then reduce the jdog oauth consumer from jbac but when i clicked delete id get an error popup with something along the lines of failed to remove oauth consumer i tried this several times with the same result refreshed the page and the consumer was still there i then visited to look at my access tokens but got this noformat comatlassiantemplaterendererrenderingexception javalangnullpointerexception consumer at at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at caused by javalangnullpointerexception consumer at at at at at at at at at at at at at at more noformat when i went back to the oauth consumers page the consumer was gone i readded it and now works again i can also get the gadgets to authenticate very weird i know and not the best of bug reports but it happend
commycompanytodoproverviewresourcescommycompanytodoproverviewpanel commycompanytodoproverviewresourcescommycompanytodoproverviewpanel also it would be amazing if i have an opportunity to ask some questions related to the ocumentationtutorials in some panel below the article and as for this paricular one i crave for source code
note this bug report is for jira server using jira cloud see the corresponding bug report panelfor custom field text readonly unable to set default value as there is no input box to enter a default value this is while in edit configuration not in createviewedit screens tested with browsers chrome firefox
over the past week my team has been encountering more and more frequent merge too large to display messages in pr overview with no apparent correlation to pr size and none particularly largeat first it seemed like the merge would eventually display after a couple of browser refreshes but now things are just stuck unable to use
hi recently i got a pop up to update source tree and i did update it to now i am not able to push code it keeps complaining on authentication failure the credentials are correct because i can log in using terminal git bash and through browsercan you please suggest a version i can update to to get rid of the issue
i have created this project successfully but cannot view it although i am a member of administrator group
note this bug report is for jira cloud using jira server see the corresponding bug report panelsteps to login as the user and navigate the users profile edit the profile in the upload dialog upload the attached image and saveexpected resultthe avatar is displayed correctly on the profile pageactual resultthe image is not displayed js error thrown in the browser consoleenvironmentie browser running on windows
even though there is still no way to go directly from a commit to the source from that commit now the tab is completely ruined as well it is now impossible to list the sources of a previous commit instead of the useless button which i doubt anyone uses please create a way to go directly from commit to source and give us the option back to browse the source from a specific commit you now have to browse manually to the source and paste the commit id in the url which is just rubbish and when you are at it please also allow that version to be downloaded through zip file or something
sourcetree or any other version windows please qa your app before releasing it to the public this is beyond broken
going to now results inhttp status could not execute action action adminjirastudiosupportrequest not found or could not be initialized class not foundjavalangillegalargumentexception action adminjirastudiosupportrequest not found or could not be initialized class not found at at at at
do a search for customer field content it should bring up one or two issuesclick xml view you can see that the link is cut at custom
ive imported data from jira with successwhen i try to export i get error exception occurred exporting comatlassiancoreatlassiancoreexception error in action result errorerror exporting javaioioexception the character is an invalid xml charactercomatlassiancoreatlassiancoreexception error in action result errorerror exporting javaioioexception the character is an invalid xml character at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at
note this bug report is for jira server using jira cloud see the corresponding bug report summary comments in jira have a link at the top right of the comment box with a chain icon that links to that specific comment when clicked in chrome clicking on this wont focus on the comment it will be highlighted but the user still needs to scroll manually through the page to find it environment chrome version jira works normally in jira steps to reproduce open an issue with multiple comments click on the chain icon expected results the page refreshes and the comment is in focus on the screen and highlighted actual results the page refreshes but the comment is only highlighted no errors in the browser console notes it works as expected in firefox
subtask quick create form has time tracking field even though the time tracking field is not added to any screen subtask quick create form has time tracking field even though the time tracking field is not added to any screen step to reproduce create a project create a screen and exclude time tracking field from it use the screen in step in a screen scheme then issue type screen scheme associate the issue type screen scheme to the project created in step create a parent task create a subtask create a new subtask using the quick create form as shown in the screenshot notimetrackingfieldaddedtoscreenpng click on the button create the original estimate will not be save into the newly created subtask the atlassianjirawebinfclassesjpmxml has the following configuration noformat jirasubtaskquickcreateformfields summaryissuetypeassigneetimetracking noformat so the quick create form does not respect the screen this causing confusion for the reporter as it is requesting for the original estimate this is tested in jira
issue summary when you try to add a custom field with special characters or accents in its name to show in the filter results gadget on a dashboard it doesnt consider the added custom field steps to reproduce add a filter results gadget to a dashboard select to show a custom field with special characters screen shot at save it the custom field doesnt show in the gadget expected results the gadget should show the custom field selected actual results there is no error showing in the requests that the browser is doing and the custom field is not showing in the gadget results workaround for now it would be necessary to remove the special character or accents from the custom field
summary setup wizard warnings do not render html links when setting up a data source connection they should also be strings as right now they are just strings written as notes in the properties files they should be internationalized steps to reproduce install confluence click on production installation enter license select sql server from dropdown external database data source this occurs with mysql and oracle data source setups as well expected results warnings render both the text and html properly as shown in the jdbc configuration screenshot dbconfigjdbcpngthumbnail actual results text renders properly but html is not rendered so the html is just displayed as raw code the warnings are also redundant and could be merged into a single warning see the datasource setup screenshot dbconfigpngthumbnail notes for example currently for sql server we have some redundant warnings for jtds drivers if we look at either the jdbc or data source warnings we can see that both of these warn to use the jtds driver instead of the standard ms drivers both warnings link to similar information as well if possible a tech writer should look over these and make sure they are updated for the latest versions of confluence
i just noticed the following crash in the log codejava error dispatcherunhandledexceptionhandler for called with systemioioexception cannot locate resource at msinternalappmodelresourcepartgetstreamcorefilemode mode fileaccess access at systemiopackagingpackagepartgetstreamfilemode mode fileaccess access at systemiopackagingpackwebresponsecachedresponsegetresponsestream at systemiopackagingpackwebresponsegetcontenttype at systemwindowsmediaimagingbitmapdecodersetupdecoderfromuriorstreamuri uri stream stream bitmapcacheoption cacheoption guid clsid boolean isoriginalwritable stream uristream unmanagedmemorystream unmanagedmemorystream safefilehandle safefilehandle at systemwindowsmediaimagingbitmapdecodercreatefromuriorstreamuri baseuri uri uri stream stream bitmapcreateoptions createoptions bitmapcacheoption cacheoption requestcachepolicy uricachepolicy boolean insertindecodercache at systemwindowsmediaimagingbitmapframecreatefromuriorstreamuri baseuri uri uri stream stream bitmapcreateoptions createoptions bitmapcacheoption cacheoption requestcachepolicy uricachepolicy at systemwindowsmediaimagingbitmapframecreateuri bitmapuri requestcachepolicy uricachepolicy at atlassianfasttreeimagetreeitempartensureiconsupdated at atlassianfasttreeimagetreeitempartrenderdrawingcontext context at atlassianfasttreetreeitempresenteronrenderdrawingcontext drawingcontext at systemwindowsuielementarrangerect finalrect code seems sidebar related which was removed wasnt it some kind of strange carry over from a prior version on this pc ive not be able to run a stable version of the app since the pre days but yet it works fine at home
hello lately when the users create a ticket this ticket is automatically assigned to the projecte lead normally according to the workflow the ticket should be assigned to another user furthermore in the issue details the current assignee is this another user but this user does not see any issue assigned to him when i try to filter the issues then i see that the assignee is the project lead could it be that there is somewhere a contradiction in the assignements
hello sourcetree os windows pro problem create empty without any files private repository on github try to clone it by sourcetree for windows get the crash of sourcetree application workaround adding at least one file to repository license for example
steps to reproduce create a template insert instructional text on the template make the instructional text relativley unique insert more text below it make sure the text doesnt include any words from the instructional text save the template create a page from the template enter a title make sure the title doesnt include any words from the instructional text and save the page without replacing the instructional text just leave it alone search for the string in the instructional text the page will get returned in the search which is not correct behaviour when the user gets to the page they may be confused because the view page will not display the instructional text which is correct behaviour
it should also warn the admin that if external users are allowed login ui is different
there are three portlets that need to define a filter to use and these can then possibly not be availabel to someone using the dashboard two of the portlets draw themselves wider than the default and look wrong also note that they all have a blank header row
histarted from may we can not access git repo https from china anymore not sure if there is anything you can do but i recalled i used godaddy before the websites hosted on godaddy can be blocked from time to time when this happened normally i can call godaddy and they will fix the problem in several hours not sure how they did this thoughthanksjervis
i lost connectivity during a push and now i cannot push any morecode hg pushpushing to sshhgbitbucketorgfactorchainfactorchainsearching for changesabort stream ended unexpectedly got bytes expected abort abandoned transaction foundremote run to clean up transactioncoderunning hg recover tells me there is nothing wrongcode hg recoverno interrupted transaction availablecodeand yet when i try to push again i get the same errori even recloned everything and tried a new push getting the same errorat this point noone in the company is able to push any changes which is severely impacting us
on eaccrucible in a new review when i select add content and click explore repository the spinner shows but the dialog never returns
sourcetree crashes intermittently im not sure if any one thing causes it its crashed after i chose a menu item as well as just sitting by itself heres the text from the mac os problem report dialog codeprocess sourcetree path applicationssourcetreeappcontentsmacossourcetree identifier comtorusknotsourcetreenotmas version code type native parent process launchd responsible sourcetree user id datetime os version mac os x report version anonymous uuid crashed thread dispatch queue comapplemainthread exception type excbadaccess sigsegv exception codes thread crashed dispatch queue comapplemainthread libobjcadylib objcretain comtorusknotsourcetreenotmas comappleappkit comappleappkit comappleappkit comappleappkit comappleappkit comappleappkit comappleappkit comappleappkit comappleappkit comapplefoundation nskeyvaluenotifyobserver comapplefoundation nskeyvaluedidchange comapplefoundation comappleappkit comappleappkit comappleappkit comappleappkit comappleappkit comappleappkit comappleappkit comappleappkit comappleappkit comapplefoundation nskeyvaluenotifyobserver comapplefoundation nskeyvaluedidchange comapplefoundation comtorusknotsourcetreenotmas libdispatchdylib dispatchcallblockandrelease libdispatchdylib dispatchclientcallout libdispatchdylib comapplecorefoundation cfrunloopisservicingthemaindispatchqueue comapplecorefoundation cfrunlooprun comapplecorefoundation cfrunlooprunspecific comapplehitoolbox runcurrenteventloopinmode comapplehitoolbox receivenexteventcommon comapplehitoolbox blockuntilnexteventmatchinglistinmodewithfilter comappleappkit dpsnextevent comappleappkit comappleappkit comappleappkit nsapplicationmain comtorusknotsourcetreenotmas thread dispatch queue comapplelibdispatchmanager libsystemkerneldylib libdispatchdylib dispatchmgrinvoke libdispatchdylib dispatchmgrthread thread libsystemkerneldylib machmsgtrap libsystemkerneldylib machmsg comapplecorefoundation cfrunloopservicemachport comapplecorefoundation cfrunlooprun comapplecorefoundation cfrunlooprunspecific comappleappkit nseventthread libsystempthreaddylib pthreadbody libsystempthreaddylib pthreadstart libsystempthreaddylib threadstart thread comapplensurlconnectionloader libsystemkerneldylib machmsgtrap libsystemkerneldylib machmsg comapplecorefoundation cfrunloopservicemachport comapplecorefoundation cfrunlooprun comapplecorefoundation cfrunlooprunspecific comapplefoundation comapplefoundation nsthreadmain libsystempthreaddylib pthreadbody libsystempthreaddylib pthreadstart libsystempthreaddylib threadstart thread javascriptcoreblockfree libsystemkerneldylib psynchcvwait libsystempthreaddylib pthreadcondwait comapplejavascriptcore jscblockfreeingthreadmain comapplejavascriptcore wtfwtfthreadentrypointvoid libsystempthreaddylib pthreadbody libsystempthreaddylib pthreadstart libsystempthreaddylib threadstart thread javascriptcoremarking libsystemkerneldylib psynchcvwait libsystempthreaddylib pthreadcondwait comapplejavascriptcore jscwaitfornextphase comapplejavascriptcore jscgcthreadmain comapplejavascriptcore wtfwtfthreadentrypointvoid libsystempthreaddylib pthreadbody libsystempthreaddylib pthreadstart libsystempthreaddylib threadstart thread javascriptcoremarking libsystemkerneldylib psynchcvwait libsystempthreaddylib pthreadcondwait comapplejavascriptcore jscwaitfornextphase comapplejavascriptcore jscgcthreadmain comapplejavascriptcore wtfwtfthreadentrypointvoid libsystempthreaddylib pthreadbody libsystempthreaddylib pthreadstart libsystempthreaddylib threadstart thread javascriptcoremarking libsystemkerneldylib psynchcvwait libsystempthreaddylib pthreadcondwait comapplejavascriptcore jscwaitfornextphase comapplejavascriptcore jscgcthreadmain comapplejavascriptcore wtfwtfthreadentrypointvoid libsystempthreaddylib pthreadbody libsystempthreaddylib pthreadstart libsystempthreaddylib threadstart thread javascriptcoremarking libsystemkerneldylib psynchcvwait libsystempthreaddylib pthreadcondwait comapplejavascriptcore jscwaitfornextphase comapplejavascriptcore jscgcthreadmain comapplejavascriptcore wtfwtfthreadentrypointvoid libsystempthreaddylib pthreadbody libsystempthreaddylib pthreadstart libsystempthreaddylib threadstart thread javascriptcoremarking libsystemkerneldylib psynchcvwait libsystempthreaddylib pthreadcondwait comapplejavascriptcore jscwaitfornextphase comapplejavascriptcore jscgcthreadmain comapplejavascriptcore wtfwtfthreadentrypointvoid libsystempthreaddylib pthreadbody libsystempthreaddylib pthreadstart libsystempthreaddylib threadstart thread javascriptcoremarking libsystemkerneldylib psynchcvwait libsystempthreaddylib pthreadcondwait comapplejavascriptcore jscwaitfornextphase comapplejavascriptcore jscgcthreadmain comapplejavascriptcore wtfwtfthreadentrypointvoid libsystempthreaddylib pthreadbody libsystempthreaddylib pthreadstart libsystempthreaddylib threadstart thread comapplecfsocketprivate libsystemkerneldylib select comapplecorefoundation cfsocketmanager 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comappleimagecapturecore systemlibraryframeworksimagecapturecoreframeworkversionsaimagecapturecore comapplerawcamerabundle systemlibrarycoreservicesrawcamerabundlecontentsmacosrawcamera liblangiddylib usrlibliblangiddylib comapplehitoolbox systemlibraryframeworkscarbonframeworkversionsaframeworkshitoolboxframeworkversionsahitoolbox comapplesecurityhi systemlibraryframeworkscarbonframeworkversionsaframeworkssecurityhiframeworkversionsasecurityhi comapplecolorsync systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworkscolorsyncframeworkversionsacolorsync comappleae systemlibraryframeworkscoreservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksaeframeworkversionsaae comapplecoreimage systemlibraryframeworksquartzcoreframeworkversionsaframeworkscoreimageframeworkversionsacoreimage libavfaudiodylib systemlibraryframeworksavfoundationframeworkversionsaresourceslibavfaudiodylib comapplehiservices systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworkshiservicesframeworkversionsahiservices comappleapplicationservices systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaapplicationservices comapplenetauth systemlibraryprivateframeworksnetauthframeworkversionsanetauth comapplemultitouchsupportframework systemlibraryprivateframeworksmultitouchsupportframeworkversionsamultitouchsupport libsystemdnssddylib usrlibsystemlibsystemdnssddylib comappleinkframework systemlibraryframeworkscarbonframeworkversionsaframeworksinkframeworkversionsaink comappleids systemlibraryprivateframeworksidsframeworkversionsaids comapplescalableuserinterface systemlibraryframeworksquartzcoreframeworkversionsaframeworksscalableuserinterfaceframeworkversionsascalableuserinterface comappleimagekit systemlibraryframeworksquartzframeworkversionsaframeworksimagekitframeworkversionsaimagekit comapplecoretext systemlibraryframeworkscoretextframeworkversionsacoretext comappleimcore systemlibraryprivateframeworksimcoreframeworkversionsaimcore comapplemediaaccessibility systemlibraryframeworksmediaaccessibilityframeworkversionsamediaaccessibility comapplesystemconfiguration systemlibraryframeworkssystemconfigurationframeworkversionsasystemconfiguration liblaunchdylib usrlibsystemliblaunchdylib comapplevimage systemlibraryframeworksaccelerateframeworkversionsaframeworksvimageframeworkversionsavimage comapplesecurityfoundation systemlibraryframeworkssecurityfoundationframeworkversionsasecurityfoundation comappleaddressbookcontactsfoundation systemlibraryprivateframeworkscontactsfoundationframeworkversionsacontactsfoundation comappleldapframework systemlibraryframeworksldapframeworkversionsaldap libopenscriptingutildylib usrliblibopenscriptingutildylib comapplequicklookuiframework systemlibraryframeworksquartzframeworkversionsaframeworksquicklookuiframeworkversionsaquicklookui comappleqd systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksqdframeworkversionsaqd libcginterfacesdylib systemlibraryframeworksaccelerateframeworkversionsaframeworksvimageframeworkversionsaresourceslibcginterfacesdylib external modification summary calls made by other processes targeting this process taskforpid threadcreate threadsetstate calls made by this process taskforpid threadcreate threadsetstate calls made by all processes on this machine taskforpid threadcreate threadsetstate vm region summary readonly portion of libraries writable regions region type virtual cg backing stores cg image cg raster data cg shared images coreanimation coredata coreimage dispatch continuations foundation image io js jit generated code js jit generated code reserved reserved vm address space unallocated js vm register file reserved reserved vm address space unallocated js garbage collector kernel alloc once malloc malloc admin memory tag memory tag opencl sqlite page cache stack guard stack vmallocate webkit malloc data image linkedit text unicode mapped file shared memory total total minus reserved vm space model bootrom processors intel core ghz gb smc graphics intel iris pro intel iris pro builtin memory module bank gb mhz memory module bank gb mhz airport spairportwirelesscardtypeairportextreme broadcom bluetooth version services devices incoming serial ports network service wifi airport serial ata device apple ssd gb usb device internal memory card reader usb device apple internal keyboard trackpad usb device hub usb device bluetooth usb host controller thunderbolt bus macbook pro apple inc glad to see this got reopened im still seeing the crash under heres the text from the mac os problem report dialog for the possibly new crash code process sourcetree path applicationssourcetreeappcontentsmacossourcetree identifier comtorusknotsourcetreenotmas version code type native parent process responsible sourcetree user id datetime os version mac os x report version anonymous uuid sleepwake uuid time awake since boot seconds time since wake seconds crashed thread dispatch queue comapplemainthread exception type excbadaccess sigsegv exception codes thread crashed dispatch queue comapplemainthread libobjcadylib objcretain comtorusknotsourcetreenotmas comappleappkit comappleappkit comappleappkit comappleappkit comappleappkit comappleappkit comappleappkit comapplefoundation nskeyvaluenotifyobserver comapplefoundation nskeyvaluedidchange comapplefoundation comappleappkit comappleappkit comappleappkit comappleappkit comappleappkit comappleappkit comappleappkit comappleappkit comappleappkit comapplefoundation nskeyvaluenotifyobserver comapplefoundation nskeyvaluedidchange comapplefoundation comtorusknotsourcetreenotmas libdispatchdylib dispatchcallblockandrelease libdispatchdylib dispatchclientcallout libdispatchdylib comapplecorefoundation cfrunloopisservicingthemaindispatchqueue comapplecorefoundation cfrunlooprun comapplecorefoundation cfrunlooprunspecific comapplehitoolbox runcurrenteventloopinmode comapplehitoolbox receivenexteventcommon comapplehitoolbox blockuntilnexteventmatchinglistinmodewithfilter comappleappkit dpsnextevent comappleappkit comappleappkit comappleappkit nsapplicationmain comtorusknotsourcetreenotmas thread dispatch queue comapplelibdispatchmanager libsystemkerneldylib libdispatchdylib dispatchmgrthread thread libsystemkerneldylib machmsgtrap libsystemkerneldylib machmsg comapplecorefoundation cfrunloopservicemachport comapplecorefoundation cfrunlooprun comapplecorefoundation cfrunlooprunspecific comappleappkit nseventthread libsystempthreaddylib pthreadbody libsystempthreaddylib pthreadstart libsystempthreaddylib threadstart thread javascriptcoreblockfree libsystemkerneldylib psynchcvwait comapplejavascriptcore jscblockfreeingthreadmain comapplejavascriptcore wtfwtfthreadentrypointvoid libsystempthreaddylib pthreadbody libsystempthreaddylib pthreadstart libsystempthreaddylib threadstart thread javascriptcoremarking libsystemkerneldylib psynchcvwait comapplejavascriptcore jscwaitfornextphase comapplejavascriptcore jscgcthreadmain comapplejavascriptcore wtfwtfthreadentrypointvoid libsystempthreaddylib pthreadbody libsystempthreaddylib pthreadstart libsystempthreaddylib threadstart thread javascriptcoremarking libsystemkerneldylib psynchcvwait comapplejavascriptcore jscwaitfornextphase comapplejavascriptcore jscgcthreadmain comapplejavascriptcore wtfwtfthreadentrypointvoid libsystempthreaddylib pthreadbody libsystempthreaddylib pthreadstart libsystempthreaddylib threadstart thread javascriptcoremarking libsystemkerneldylib psynchcvwait comapplejavascriptcore jscwaitfornextphase comapplejavascriptcore jscgcthreadmain comapplejavascriptcore wtfwtfthreadentrypointvoid libsystempthreaddylib pthreadbody libsystempthreaddylib pthreadstart libsystempthreaddylib threadstart thread javascriptcoremarking libsystemkerneldylib psynchcvwait comapplejavascriptcore jscwaitfornextphase comapplejavascriptcore jscgcthreadmain comapplejavascriptcore wtfwtfthreadentrypointvoid libsystempthreaddylib pthreadbody libsystempthreaddylib pthreadstart libsystempthreaddylib threadstart thread javascriptcoremarking libsystemkerneldylib psynchcvwait comapplejavascriptcore jscwaitfornextphase comapplejavascriptcore jscgcthreadmain comapplejavascriptcore wtfwtfthreadentrypointvoid libsystempthreaddylib pthreadbody libsystempthreaddylib pthreadstart libsystempthreaddylib threadstart thread javascriptcoremarking libsystemkerneldylib psynchcvwait comapplejavascriptcore jscwaitfornextphase comapplejavascriptcore jscgcthreadmain comapplejavascriptcore wtfwtfthreadentrypointvoid libsystempthreaddylib pthreadbody libsystempthreaddylib pthreadstart libsystempthreaddylib threadstart thread comapplensurlconnectionloader libsystemkerneldylib machmsgtrap libsystemkerneldylib machmsg comapplecorefoundation cfrunloopservicemachport comapplecorefoundation cfrunlooprun comapplecorefoundation cfrunlooprunspecific comapplecfnetwork comapplefoundation nsthreadmain libsystempthreaddylib pthreadbody libsystempthreaddylib pthreadstart libsystempthreaddylib threadstart thread comapplecfsocketprivate libsystemkerneldylib select libsystempthreaddylib pthreadbody libsystempthreaddylib pthreadstart libsystempthreaddylib threadstart thread dispatch queue comapplerootutilityqos libsystemkerneldylib read comapplefoundation comtorusknotsourcetreenotmas comtorusknotsourcetreenotmas comtorusknotsourcetreenotmas comtorusknotsourcetreenotmas comtorusknotsourcetreenotmas comtorusknotsourcetreenotmas libdispatchdylib dispatchcallblockandrelease libdispatchdylib dispatchclientcallout libdispatchdylib dispatchrootqueuedrain libdispatchdylib libsystempthreaddylib pthreadwqthread libsystempthreaddylib startwqthread thread libsystemkerneldylib workqkernreturn libsystempthreaddylib startwqthread thread libsystemkerneldylib workqkernreturn libsystempthreaddylib startwqthread thread libsystemkerneldylib workqkernreturn libsystempthreaddylib startwqthread thread libsystemkerneldylib workqkernreturn libsystempthreaddylib startwqthread thread libsystemkerneldylib workqkernreturn libsystempthreaddylib startwqthread thread libsystemkerneldylib workqkernreturn libsystempthreaddylib startwqthread thread libsystemkerneldylib workqkernreturn libsystempthreaddylib startwqthread thread libsystemkerneldylib workqkernreturn libsystempthreaddylib startwqthread thread libsystemkerneldylib workqkernreturn libsystempthreaddylib startwqthread thread libsystemkerneldylib workqkernreturn libsystempthreaddylib startwqthread thread libsystemkerneldylib workqkernreturn libsystempthreaddylib startwqthread thread dispatch queue comapplerootutilityqos libsystemkerneldylib read comapplefoundation comtorusknotsourcetreenotmas comtorusknotsourcetreenotmas comtorusknotsourcetreenotmas comtorusknotsourcetreenotmas comtorusknotsourcetreenotmas comtorusknotsourcetreenotmas libdispatchdylib dispatchcallblockandrelease libdispatchdylib dispatchclientcallout libdispatchdylib dispatchrootqueuedrain libdispatchdylib libsystempthreaddylib pthreadwqthread libsystempthreaddylib startwqthread thread crashed with thread state rax rbx rcx rdx rdi rsi rbp rsp rip rfl logical cpu error code trap number binary images comtorusknotsourcetreenotmas applicationssourcetreeappcontentsmacossourcetree organdymatuschaksparkle beta applicationssourcetreeappcontentsframeworkssparkleframeworkversionsasparkle comgrowlgrowlframework applicationssourcetreeappcontentsframeworksgrowlframeworkversionsagrowl clkernels clkernels clkernels clkernels clkernels clkernels clkernels clkernels comapplefileprovider systemlibraryprivateframeworksfileproviderframeworkfileprovider clkernels clkernels clkernels clkernels clkernels clkernels clkernels clkernels dyld usrlibdyld comappleframeworkcorewifi systemlibraryprivateframeworkscorewififrameworkversionsacorewifi libsysteminfodylib usrlibsystemlibsysteminfodylib comappleaccelerate accelerate systemlibraryframeworksaccelerateframeworkversionsaaccelerate comappledebugsymbols systemlibraryprivateframeworksdebugsymbolsframeworkversionsadebugsymbols comapplecoremediaauthoring systemlibraryprivateframeworkscoremediaauthoringframeworkversionsacoremediaauthoring comapplecoreui systemlibraryprivateframeworkscoreuiframeworkversionsacoreui libsystemmallocdylib usrlibsystemlibsystemmallocdylib comappleaddressbookcontactsdata systemlibraryprivateframeworkscontactsdataframeworkversionsacontactsdata libcginterfacesdylib systemlibraryframeworksaccelerateframeworkversionsaframeworksvimageframeworkversionsalibrarieslibcginterfacesdylib comapplecoreduetdaemonprotocol systemlibraryprivateframeworkscoreduetdaemonprotocolframeworkversionsacoreduetdaemonprotocol libsystemsecinitdylib usrlibsystemlibsystemsecinitdylib comappleappkit systemlibraryframeworksappkitframeworkversionscappkit comappleapplicationservicesats 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libsystemblocksdylib usrlibsystemlibsystemblocksdylib comapplequicklookframework systemlibraryframeworksquicklookframeworkversionsaquicklook libextensiondylib usrliblibextensiondylib comappleiosurface systemlibraryframeworksiosurfaceframeworkversionsaiosurface libcompilerrtdylib usrlibsystemlibcompilerrtdylib comapplecoreutils systemlibraryprivateframeworkscoreutilsframeworkversionsacoreutils comappletcc systemlibraryprivateframeworkstccframeworkversionsatcc comappleappcontainer systemlibraryprivateframeworksappcontainerframeworkversionsaappcontainer libcgcmsadylib systemlibraryframeworkscoregraphicsframeworkversionsaresourceslibcgcmsadylib libcmphdylib usrliblibcmphdylib comapplecorebluetooth systemlibraryframeworkscorebluetoothframeworkversionsacorebluetooth libopenscriptingutildylib usrliblibopenscriptingutildylib libdiagnosticmessagesclientdylib usrliblibdiagnosticmessagesclientdylib libmachodylib usrlibsystemlibmachodylib comappleopenscripting systemlibraryframeworkscarbonframeworkversionsaframeworksopenscriptingframeworkversionsaopenscripting comapplemediakit systemlibraryprivateframeworksmediakitframeworkversionsamediakit comapplemetadata systemlibraryframeworkscoreservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksmetadataframeworkversionsametadata comapplecoreservicesinternal systemlibraryprivateframeworkscoreservicesinternalframeworkversionsacoreservicesinternal comapplehelp systemlibraryframeworkscarbonframeworkversionsaframeworkshelpframeworkversionsahelp comapplehitoolbox systemlibraryframeworkscarbonframeworkversionsaframeworkshitoolboxframeworkversionsahitoolbox comappleimagecapture systemlibraryframeworkscarbonframeworkversionsaframeworksimagecaptureframeworkversionsaimagecapture comapplecoredata systemlibraryframeworkscoredataframeworkversionsacoredata comappleqtkit systemlibraryframeworksqtkitframeworkversionsaqtkit comappleaudiocoreaudio systemlibraryframeworkscoreaudioframeworkversionsacoreaudio libcorestoragedylib 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libsystemnotifydylib usrlibsystemlibsystemnotifydylib libglimagedylib systemlibraryframeworksopenglframeworkversionsalibrarieslibglimagedylib libdispatchdylib usrlibsystemlibdispatchdylib libautodylib usrliblibautodylib comapplespeechrecognitionframework systemlibraryframeworkscarbonframeworkversionsaframeworksspeechrecognitionframeworkversionsaspeechrecognition comapplesecurity systemlibraryframeworkssecurityframeworkversionsasecurity comapplemediaaccessibility systemlibraryframeworksmediaaccessibilityframeworkversionsamediaaccessibility comapplegss systemlibraryframeworksgssframeworkversionsagss comapplerawcamerabundle systemlibrarycoreservicesrawcamerabundlecontentsmacosrawcamera comapplecommonpanels systemlibraryframeworkscarbonframeworkversionsaframeworkscommonpanelsframeworkversionsacommonpanels comapplescriptingbridge systemlibraryframeworksscriptingbridgeframeworkversionsascriptingbridge comappleopendirectory systemlibraryframeworksopendirectoryframeworkversionsaopendirectory comappleairplaysupport systemlibraryprivateframeworksairplaysupportframeworkversionsaairplaysupport comapplecollaboration systemlibraryframeworkscollaborationframeworkversionsacollaboration libvdspdylib systemlibraryframeworksaccelerateframeworkversionsaframeworksveclibframeworkversionsalibvdspdylib comapplebackupframework systemlibraryprivateframeworksbackupframeworkversionsabackup comappletonekit systemlibraryprivateframeworkstonekitframeworkversionsatonekit comappleapplesysteminfo systemlibraryprivateframeworksapplesysteminfoframeworkversionsaapplesysteminfo comappleperformanceanalysis systemlibraryprivateframeworksperformanceanalysisframeworkversionsaperformanceanalysis comapplecfnetwork systemlibraryframeworkscfnetworkframeworkversionsacfnetwork comapplecoremediaio systemlibraryframeworkscoremediaioframeworkversionsacoremediaio libsystemconfigurationdylib usrlibsystemlibsystemconfigurationdylib comappledesktopservices systemlibraryprivateframeworksdesktopservicesprivframeworkversionsadesktopservicespriv libcabidylib usrliblibcabidylib comapplespeechrecognitioncore systemlibraryprivateframeworksspeechrecognitioncoreframeworkversionsaspeechrecognitioncore comappleopencl systemlibraryframeworksopenclframeworkversionsaopencl comapplecoreservicescarboncore systemlibraryframeworkscoreservicesframeworkversionsaframeworkscarboncoreframeworkversionsacarboncore comappleapplejpeg systemlibraryprivateframeworksapplejpegframeworkversionsaapplejpeg comappleae systemlibraryframeworkscoreservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksaeframeworkversionsaae libspindumpdylib usrliblibspindumpdylib comappleaccounts systemlibraryframeworksaccountsframeworkversionsaaccounts comappleclouddocs systemlibraryprivateframeworksclouddocsframeworkversionsaclouddocs comappleheimdal systemlibraryprivateframeworksheimdalframeworkversionsaheimdal comapplecoresymbolication systemlibraryprivateframeworkscoresymbolicationframeworkversionsacoresymbolication comapplediscrecording systemlibraryframeworksdiscrecordingframeworkversionsadiscrecording comapplequartzframework systemlibraryframeworksquartzframeworkversionsaquartz comapplequicklookuiframework systemlibraryframeworksquartzframeworkversionsaframeworksquicklookuiframeworkversionsaquicklookui libremovefiledylib usrlibsystemlibremovefiledylib comapplenetfs systemlibraryframeworksnetfsframeworkversionsanetfs comappleaddressbookframework systemlibraryframeworksaddressbookframeworkversionsaaddressbook comappleimagecapturecore systemlibraryframeworksimagecapturecoreframeworkversionsaimagecapturecore comapplecoreimage systemlibraryframeworksquartzcoreframeworkversionsaframeworkscoreimageframeworkversionsacoreimage comapplecoreservicesosservices systemlibraryframeworkscoreservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksosservicesframeworkversionsaosservices libavfaudiodylib systemlibraryframeworksavfoundationframeworkversionsaresourceslibavfaudiodylib comapplecoreduetdebuglogging systemlibraryprivateframeworkscoreduetdebugloggingframeworkversionsacoreduetdebuglogging comappletrustevaluationagent systemlibraryprivateframeworkstrustevaluationagentframeworkversionsatrustevaluationagent libvmiscdylib systemlibraryframeworksaccelerateframeworkversionsaframeworksveclibframeworkversionsalibvmiscdylib libsystemstatsdylib usrlibsystemlibsystemstatsdylib comappleubiquity systemlibraryprivateframeworksubiquityframeworkversionsaubiquity external modification summary calls made by other processes targeting this process taskforpid threadcreate threadsetstate calls made by this process taskforpid threadcreate threadsetstate calls made by all processes on this machine taskforpid threadcreate threadsetstate vm region summary readonly portion of libraries writable regions region type virtual activity tracing cg backing stores cg image cg raster data cg shared images coreanimation coreimage coreui image data foundation image io js jit generated code js jit generated code reserved reserved vm address space unallocated js garbage collector kernel alloc once malloc malloc admin memory tag memory tag opencl stack guard stack vmallocate webkit malloc data image linkedit text unicode mapped file shared memory total total minus reserved vm space model bootrom processors intel core ghz gb smc graphics intel iris pro intel iris pro builtin memory module bank gb mhz memory module bank gb mhz airport spairportwirelesscardtypeairportextreme broadcom bluetooth version services devices incoming serial ports network service wifi airport serial ata device apple ssd gb usb device internal memory card reader usb device apple internal keyboard trackpad usb device hub usb device bluetooth usb host controller thunderbolt bus macbook pro apple inc code
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report panelthe cluster builds have been failing for a long time need to get these green before the next release suggests it is environmental and not related to the change to the workday version perhaps rerun one of the older green builds to confirm
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report summary when visiting a page in confluence with jira issues macro a stack trace will be seen environment confluence steps to reproduce visit or create a page on the instance with jira issues macro instead of page loading you receive below stack trace expected results generally page should load without problem actual results noformat javalangruntimeexception error rendering template for decorator root at caused by javalangruntimeexception error rendering template for decorator page at caused by orgapachevelocityexceptionmethodinvocationexception invocation of method getdisplayableitems in class comatlassianconfluenceplugindescriptorwebconfluencewebinterfacemanager threw exception netsfhibernatelazyinitializationexception failed to lazily initialize a collection at templateincludesmenumacrosvm at caused by netsfhibernatelazyinitializationexception failed to lazily initialize a collection at caused by netsfhibernatehibernateexception collection was evicted at raise a support request in the atlassian cloud project at supportatlassiancom to have support apply the fix to your instance no downtime is required