note this bug report is for jira service desk server using jira service desk cloud see the corresponding bug report panelclient detail we have a created mail handler for support and since few hours it has stopped bringing new emails sent to a preset support id as a ticket in jira please resolve this asap used host popgmailcom protocol securepop port as work around right now i have added a separate connection with imap and so on gmail settings side have disabled pop let me know once the pop connection is found working fine when you test it
comintellijutiluitreetabletreetabletree comintellijutiluitreetabletreetabletree javalangnoclassdeffounderror comintellijutiluitreetabletreetabletree at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at caused by javalangclassnotfoundexception comintellijutiluitreetabletreetabletree at at at more original exception comintellijutiluitreetabletreetabletree javalangclassnotfoundexception comintellijutiluitreetabletreetabletree at at at at at at at at at
after recent release confluence is not starting up we are aware of this issue and currently working to fix it as soon as possible
after upgrading sourcetree crashes whenever i click on a file to stage it
ive been trying to create and update blog entries via a python script but it keeps failing problem is that it will allow you to create a blog entry but if you try to update it via the script it gives you errors saying that you have an argument mismatch
paneltitleatlassian update dec the fix for the problem that caused the incident was released to all sites we found sites where the addon has been installed in the last few days that are affected by different problems we are still working towards fixing these sites and will keep reporting updates on this bug report panel summary connect addon such as gliffy balsamiq mockups or bobswift macros are failing to load with an unauthorised message this is not an exhaustive list some addon symptoms may include gliffy diagrams dont display on any page balsamiq mockups display in grey and not load bobswift addons show a loading message addon is not responding wait or cancel error message is shown when trying to edit some of the macros or visible in the browser console environment confluence cloud steps to reproduce navigate to a page with a gliffy diagram can be found by searching for macroname gliffy expected results the gliffy diagram is displayed actual results the diagram is not displayed the page renders correctly but where the diagram is located its blank no errors are shown on screen browser console and network tabs of the development tools show unauthorized for noformat noformat similar behaviour for other atlassian connect addons updates the fix was applied to all sites but there are some sites still experiencing problems if an addon was installed during the last days it is possible that the installation will still be broken we are taking actions to solve this scenario as well there is also a handful of sites with addon configurations that will need to be manually fixed and atlassian is contacting the plugin vendors to solve that situation
permissionsetter is removed from the confluence api in what i can see no deprecation just removed this brakes our product refinedwiki original theme for the new confluence versions here it is and here is it removed is this a mistake or intentionally this cause major problems for us
problem the documentation link for notifications on administration applications jira service desk configuration which will redirect users to will result in not found documentationpngthumbnail quote the requested url was not found on this server quote
paneltitleatlassian status as of march we have released a fix for those who have or may have been affected to get their preferred navigation experience hope it helps in case it still doesnt work please refresh your confluence page for the fix to kick in thank you for your patience warm regards elaine and the confluence team panel issue summary the side navigation experience stayed after choosing to try the new navigation steps to reproduce after seeing the modal to opt inout the new confluence navigation experience click on upgrade to the new navigation experience button expected results the ui should be updated to the new navigation experience actual results nothing happens the ui stays with the old side navigation experience workaround affected user can try the following steps to fix the issue clear browser local storage detailed steps will be provided soon go to the user profile avatar menu at the bottom left with the side navigation ui click the menu item under the new navigation section at the top of the menu this menu item may read as turn off… click on it anyway to turn on the new experience this should get the new navigation experience enabled for you in case it doesnt please let us know in the comments thank you
to reproduce edit a page in the rte create a link to an internal location eg a wiki page click the link nothing will happen or the property panel will appear in create a link to an external location eg click the link a new window will be opened to the external location if you save and edit the page again the behaviour persists internal links ok external links open in a window
issue summary user exports are not working in ie environment browser steps to reproduce open ie browser go to user management export users click download file expected results the user list is exported actual results error returned workaround use another browser that is not ie
when trying to move items through the workflow in the greenhopper wallboard gadget a communications breakdown error occurs moving tickets inside of greenhopper is perfectly fine i havent been able to find a way for the gadget to move items through transitions successfully jira greenhopper breakdownjpg
hii pull mercurial depot on linux server hg pull pulling from abort error version numberthanks
creating a new kanban rb either by creating a new project or just the view creates a view where the base query does not include the fixversion clauses this means that when releasing from the rb the issues which are released remain in view
note this bug report is for jira cloud using jira server see the corresponding bug report paneli have not been able to reproduce this exact problem but changing issue type seems to momentarily freeze the ui and sometime the issue type will flick right back to the original
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report panelaccording to clicking the arrow on the add calendar button should yield a modal with various options to browse for existing calendars to add currently when i click the arrow i get the create calendar modal like the other portion of the button
when a cvs changeset spans two disparate directories when viewing the changelog in each of these directories the given changeset will only appear in one of the directories it will be missing from the other directory
note this bug report is for jira software server using jira software cloud see the corresponding bug report panelon rapidboard moved an issue from in progress to waiting for qa got the following see screenshot
problem it relates to the following error occurs when connecting jira to a repository with dvcs plugin version code an error occurred whilst rendering this message please contact the administrators and inform them of this bug details orgapachevelocityexceptionmethodinvocationexception invocation of method loadorganizations in class comatlassianjirapluginsdvcswebworkconfiguredvcsorganizations threw exception javalangruntimeexception you have an error in your sql syntax check the manual that corresponds to your mysql server version for the right syntax to use near is not null and issuekey is not null order by rawnode node id asc at line at comatlassianjirapluginsjirabitbucketconnectorpluginrepositoryconfigurationtemplatesdvcsaddorganizationvm at at code fix upgrade to version or newer of dvcs plugin
i just tested this and it was working fine in version the following scenarios can reproduce this after outofthebox install of either stash or see comments alex lopez confirmed that the issue is also present in scenario add branch permissions pattern to limit write access to pattern feature to limit write access to after adding these permissions the expected behavior is for to have write access to but instead the following error is shown branch is readonly remote check your branch permissions configuration with the project administrator color scenario add branch permissions pattern branch to limit write access to pattern to limit write access to expected behavior is for to be able to write to but instead we get the readonly error here too
export jira data form errors an exception occurred exporting comatlassiancoreatlassiancoreexception error in action result error error exporting javaioioexception the character is an invalid xml character it would does not help that this char is an invalid one there should be also a hint where in which dataset this char is locatedi am not able to update from to or are there no changes in the databasemodel
summary tomcat is affected to the bug where secureniochannel fails with illegalargumentexception you can only read using the application read buffer provided by the handler this is a tomcat bug as per the following log appears in tomcatlog codejava severe orgapachecoyoteabstractprotocolconnectionhandlerprocess error reading request ignored javalangillegalargumentexception you can only read using the application read buffer provided by the handler at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at code symptoms increased heap usage after gc processing and gc activity potentially leading to performance issues if a heap dump is taken an analysis will show two leak suspects like the following occupying most of the heap codejava instances of orgapachetomcatwebsocketwssession loaded by javaneturlclassloader occupy bytes keywords javaneturlclassloader orgapachetomcatwebsocketwssession code and codejava instances of orgapachetomcatwebsocketwsframeclient loaded by javaneturlclassloader occupy bytes these instances are referenced from one instance of javautilhashmapnode loaded by keywords orgapachetomcatwebsocketwsframeclient javaneturlclassloader javautilhashmapnode code workaround use instead of within the appropriate connector of the serverxml file
summary while installing or upgrading bamboo the following error message is observed in the logs codejava error unsuccessful alter table vcslocation add constraint foreign key parentid references vcslocation error column vcslocationvcslocationid is not the same data type as referencing column vcslocationparentid in foreign key code this means hibernate failed to define relationships between the tables because the columns use different data type in microsoft sql server and since hibernate does not enforce constraints as its only a mapping tool to map java objects to the database it fails to add the constraint and outputs the error message above environment bamboo connected to microsoft sql server steps to reproduce install bamboo connect it to a microsoft sql server database upgrade bamboo to start bamboo during the upgrade process hibernate will try to map and create the relationship between tables expected results hibernate should create the relationship between tables as it does when using other database servers eg postgresql actual results hibernate fails to create the relationship between tables whose columns use different data types reason bamboo uses dialect which maps long fields to bigint previous dialect mapped longs to in bamboo new column parentid was added to vcslocation table with reference constraint to vcslocationvcslocationid parentid is bigint vcslocation remained
description jira targz source code not able to download in i issue only happen for jira targz download link zip download link and other version targz are working perfectly results source code able to download results code this xml file does not appear to have any style information associated with it the document tree is shown below nosuchkey the specified key does not exist code
i receive the following when setting up an account on the welcome screen if i click skip setup i can successfully add the account later
stack trace error oauth rpcxmlrpc exception executing sql update create table issueid bigint not null nextid bigint primary keyissueid javasqlsqlexception there is already an object named in the database at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at source at at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at
this is easiest to describe with an example lets say i have this setup according to the help text the represents the number of news items to display if one of the last news items entered does not contain all of these labels nothing appears in this case the last news items with qa meeting and minutes should appear the macro appears to be counting news items that do not meet this criteria when selecting what to display as a workaround i set the number to
issue summary when jira and confluence are connected so the jira issues macro can be used to retrieve issues from jira in confluence if ip allowlisting is enabled on jira anonymous users will not be able to view the information on the jira issues macro instead the following message is displayed anonymousissuepngthumbnail steps to reproduce i make sure to have the premium version of jira so ip allowlisting can be configured for it create a few issues in jira and have the project of these issues with public access enabled have confluence cloud open for public access and ensure that a single space is open for the public as well in that space add the jira issues macro to retrieve issues from the created jira project select the table view mode after ensuring that more than one issue is retrieved now configure ip allowlisting for jira feel free to also do it for confluence as well but this will not impact the results access the confluence page with the jira issues macro as an anonymous user not logged in to an atlassian account expected results the user should be able to view the issues on the confluence page if the jira project was not open for anonymous the table would be empty i if only a single issue is retrieved it should retrieve the issue as well actual results the following message is displayed for the table view quoteunable to locate jira server for this macro it may be due to application link configuration quote i for the single issue view it will display only the link to the issue and not the smart card for the jira issue macro workaround as an anonymous user tap the view these issues in jira button in the jira issues macro
clover database contains fileinfo objects for every source file one of fileinfo fields is an absolute path to given file when database is written it uses current platform file separator for file name for windows for linuxmacos however when database is read it interprets file name using again current platform file separator as a consequence when database is generated on windows and report generated on linux it cannot resolve file name properly it takes whole path as a single path segment resulting in paths like pathfromreportgenerationsourcepathdpathfrominstrumentedbuildfilejava as a consequence report generation does create html file containing source code with highlighted coverage
lwjdemacbookpro lwj ping bitbucketorgping bitbucketorg data bytes from bytes from bytes from bytes from bytes from bytes from bytes from bytes from bytes from bytes from ms bitbucketorg ping statistics packets transmitted packets received packet lossroundtrip minavgmaxstddev mslwjdemacbookpro lwjlwjdemacbookpro lwj udp connect no route to hostlwjdemacbookpro lwj traceroute bitbucketorgtraceroute warning bitbucketorg has multiple addresses using to bitbucketorg hops max byte ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms clwjdemacbookpro lwj bitbucketorgconnect no route to hostlwjdemacbookpro lwj git lsremote find host bitbucketorg in the netrc file using defaults trying tcpnodelay set connected to bitbucketorg port alpn offering cipher selection successfully set certificate verify locations cafile etcsslcertpemcapath none libressl sslconnect sslerrorsyscall in connection to stopped the pause stream closing connection unable to access libressl sslconnect sslerrorsyscall in connection to lwj
definition all of a sudden some users are unable to assign an issue to other users even though the users have the assignable user and assign issue permission using the permission helper you can validate the right permission exist but youre unable to get the desired user on the assignee field a list of users should be visible upon typing a character of a specific user result no user list is displayed with the result no option one or two users are returned on the list the specific user cant be searched nooptionpngthumbnail check the screen of the project for the createeditview and ensure that the assignee field is added
symptoms after upgrading to crowd from a previous version all active sso sessions are expired users are forced to login again steps to reproduce with crowd create a new user account user using a different browser to keep sessions separated login as user into the demo application verify that the session is created with crowds user session browser and by inspecting the contents of the cwdtoken table upgrade to crowd verified with crowd using crowd session browser verify that the session is still there but the last accessed column is empty the row is still in the database as evidenced by the attached screenshot but the new field lastaccessedtime has been created with a default value of note that this row will be automatically removed the next time crowd runs its scheduled expired session deletion task unconfirmed reload the page in the demo application expected outcome session initiated before the upgrade should still be valid the user should be able to continue using the demo application without log in again actual result session is destroyed by the upgrade the user is request to log in again to continue using the demo app