summary some existing confluence instances still have the searchbox macro on pages instead of the new livesearch one since these pages will display as not found steps to reproduce create a blank page add the livesearch macro and save the page run the following sql in the database to simulate the page having an alreadyexisting search box macro since it cant be added afresh now codesql update bodycontent set body replacebody acnamelivesearch acnamesearchbox where contentid code refresh the page expected results the page displays with at least an unknown macro message actual results confluence says the page cant be found notes the following error appears in the logs codenone error log servletservice for servlet in context with path threw exception with root cause javalangnoclassdeffounderror comatlassiangzipfilterorgapachecommonslangbooleanutils at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at at at source at at method at at at code going directly to the edit page url just results in a blank page fix run the following sql codesql update bodycontent set body replacebody acnamesearchbox acnamelivesearch where contentid code
when trying to create a fifth collaborator on a five collaborator license i got an error stating the user was created as a developer since collaborator users had reached limit should have been allowed to create collaborator
summary the content api endpoint is available to retrieve content from a confluence instance while most users pass arguments that help to filter down to specific pieces of content it is possible to hit the generic endpoint which fetches the entire contents of a given confluence instance when this happens the threads that are tasked to run the operation can run longer than expected especially with larger confluence instances in addition this is especially true for calls to this endpoint that are made anonymously as the endpoint contains the anonymousallowed designation and a confluence instance is not set up for anonymous access when this occurs the operation can still run for a longer than expected time and may ultimately return an empty set to the user environment confluence steps to reproduce fill a confluence with several hundred thousand million pages run the following command curl x get python mjsontool expected results the operation will run and will not impact performance on the instance actual results the operation can be expensive and cause performance to degrade prevent calls to the base end point via networkingproxy rules
environment internet explorer steps to reproduce create a filter on the top of the screen click on issues manage filters find the filter youve just created click on the gog edit and share it with any group of your choice anyone but administrators and save once again click on cog edit expected results the filter keeps all groups you have shared it with actual results the edit filter dialog says filter not shared while its actually being shared and the ui is wrong additionally its not possible to remove group subscriptions anymore use google chrome or firefox to workaround that
the login gadget never successfully logs in under the current version of safari to login you have to use the login link at the top of the page to activate the legacy login code
filtersubscriptionprefixmonthday contents are passed unfiltered to the resulting page found by scanning and verified manually
click cache statistics then click advanced some local caches are duplicated but with different values we have seen this in and
see attached screenshot
viewing my code from the branch i click edit top right corner the screen refreshes and the editor loadsthis loads the source file with a different branch in my case this is not the default branch of my repo under settings nor is it the one i selected when browsing the codei expected the editor to use the branch i selected while browsing so i can work at the file i just viewedthis has a huge impact when not paying attention to the branch when the editor loads my developers were sure they viewed the right branch and start editing but end up editing the wrong one because of this strange editor behaviorbrowser chome also seen under edge both windows
note this bug report is for jira cloud using jira server see the corresponding bug report panelwhen creating an issue inside rapidview if you omit a required value for a radio button custom field it will not display a value required warning after you submit like other fields do
warn messages printed in logs noformat warn processcookies invalid cookie header setcookie expiresthu may gmt path invalid expires attribute thu may gmt url brikitpagesdoeditpageblockaction page traceid referer action doeditpageblock warn failed synchrony external changes api call returned typeunauthorizedaccessmessagenot authorized to access this resource contentid rev ancestor null merges generaterev null generatereset null noformat this may prevent some requests from getting the correct cookie which may break session affinity root cause may be which is also found in some other java projects eg gradle a fix is found in which we can probably learn from we have applied the fix for our synchronyinterop addon in or salapi library in
summary rest api calls that uses email in basic authentication to the jira cloud endpoint fails with error on instances that have been upgraded to atlassian account steps to reproduce make sure the user can login fine to jira cloud and can make rest requests to other endpoints access via a rest api call using the same basic authentication with emailpassword expected results the rest api call should authenticate and the session information will be retrieved actual results the rest api call will fail with error codejava unauthorized var contextpath var deferscripts deferstate disabled code workaround you can call this resource using your jira username and atlassian account password like this post codejavascript username admin password atlassianaccountpassword code if you do not know if your instance has been upgraded to atlassian account or you dont know your atlassian account password you can verify this and reset your password from your jira cloud profile page other related problems several customers are having problems with basic authentication for other endpoints there is currently no confirmed bug on these endpoints however some potential fixes have been listed on this comment
we would like to manage eucjp encoding files on sourcetree the sourcetree default character code set was so i changed it to eucjp after that diff line written in japanese was displayed correctly on the diff pane the right below pane but on the commit list pane the central pane sourcetree failed to show the commit message the part of commit message wrtten in japanese was broken sourcetree is enable to show japanese on each commit contents pane the central below pane just commit list pane does not work correctly its strange i checked all the unresolved issues and i found some related issues and but these tickets are still open for several years please fix this bug quickly
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report panelgetting a new license trial or commercial for confluence questions on ondemand doesnt invalidate the get license free trial or disable enable plugin
blocked jbac upgrade code info updated requirements for removed added error comgooglecommoncollectcomputationexception javalangnullpointerexception comgooglecommoncollectcomputationexception javalangnullpointerexception at at at at caused by javalangnullpointerexception at at at at method at at at at at at orgspr code
issue summary from jira forward sync on login feature from a delegated ldap directory isnt working properly when having nested groups it works perfectly on previous versions on jira there was an important upgrade for the embedded crowd from version to adding a lot of new features and fixing bugs as per the release notes notice this behaviour is observed on nonnested user groups as well steps to reproduce have a delegated ldap directory with nested groups enabled and configured jira will be filtering for a group and within that group other groups where users will be this group will have sync on login enabled as well so users membership is update upon their login on version remove from and add another recently created to his account expected results the user will login and his membership will be updated accordingly messages in the logs will be as below code info anonymous deleted user imported membership of remote group to directory delegated authentication directory info anonymous imported remote group to directory delegated authentication directory info anonymous imported user membership of remote group to directory delegated authentication directory code actual results the below exception is thrown in the atlassianjiralog file code error anonymous loginjsp could not update remote group imported memberships of user in directory delegated authentication directory javalangillegalargumentexception class type interface comatlassiancrowdmodelgroupinternaldirectorygroup for return values is not string user or group at code the above happens for every existing user account membership update upon login and the membership is not updated properly causing critical issues to customers who relies on this configuration for newly created accounts the error above appears in the logs still but followed by a successful message afterwards and the membership is updated correctly the exact same setup ad configuration works on previous versions as or for example workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior
i created a new account and then log inbut i got this messageyour account has been deactivated please contact bitbucket support for assistancemy username is help
note this bug report is for jira software cloud using jira software server see the corresponding bug report summaryjira returns a internal server error when a user tries to create an issue with an epic link via rest api the problem happens on jira software and while it does not on steps to reproduce install fresh jira software create a new scrum software development project create an epic try to create a new issue with an epic link which result in getting a internal server expected resultsa new issue with an epic link is successfully actual resultscannot create a new issue with an epic link but get result in getting a internal server error this is the sample rest api request and responsecode curl d u x post data fields project key summary summary description desc issuetype name bug h contenttype applicationjson internal server errorserver pathxxxxx httponlyxseraphloginreason oksetcookie pathxxxxxxasessionid cachecontrol nocache nostore notransformxcontenttypeoptions nosniffcontenttype chunkeddate tue mar gmtconnection closeerrormessageserrorscodeand the following error is logged in error admin returning internal server error in responsejavalangreflectinvocationtargetexception at method at at at at filtered at filtered at filtered at filtered at filtered at filtered at filtered at at at at by javalangnullpointerexception at at at at at at at at the epic link field after the ticket has been created this can be done via rest api
hiin our team we are having the following error message when we try to go to our board on jiracodejavaan error occurred whilst rendering this message please contact the administrators and inform them of this bug details orgapachevelocityexceptionmethodinvocationexception invocation of method getsidebarhtml in class comatlassiangreenhopperwebrapidrapidboardaction threw exception orgeclipsegeminiblueprintserviceserviceunavailableexception service matching filter unavailable at compyxisgreenhopperjiragreenhopperwebactionstemplatesgreenhopperwebboardrapidrapidboardvm at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at codeattached is an image and you can check how it lookshope someone could help us best regardsálvaro j
we work in a agency where we create a project for every client campaign combo which means lots of new projects we like the jira workflow and we have setup some custom workflow schemes and screens that we apply to this workflow we are on od i think please turn this feature back on as it is preventing us from creating new projects see attachment for the diagram of the workflow we want back please
one pipeline has started for more than a hour we need to stop or delete this onethanks a lot
to reproduce try to share a page and add some notes with german characters to the share notification as you can see in the screenshot below add the mentioned notification to personal task as shown in the screenshot below open the personal task as screenshot below results german characters will change to entity name of the iso characters instead of showing the character itself
the code currently catches exceptions but does not catch errors these should be caught as well to ensure we dont go down when another plugin has issues
issue summary if a user has a character in their atlassian account id eg xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx they wont be able to create a caldav synchronization i in order to identify your own account id you may open the following url in the browser replacing codenone steps to reproduce login with a user that has an aaid in this format xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx follow the steps listed here to try to synchronize the calendar using caldav expected results the user should be able to create the integration actual results the user will receive a bad request status response screen shot at pmpngthumbnail the following errors are registered in the backend logs codenonemessage unable to retrieve a calendar path is invalidcode codenonemessage unable to retrieve a calendar path is invalidcode workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior a workaround will be added here when available
i encounter this error on opening a branchbased worktree git worktree add git status failed with code not a git repository note that does not happen on the latest sourcetree for windows
issue summary knowledge base articles are not showing up as results of the widget search engine even if the allow search for knowledge base articles is enabled steps to reproduce create a loginfree portal and link it to a confluence space set the knowledge base viewing access is set to anyone provide anonymous access with the view permission in the linked confluence space enable the widget in your project turning on the option allow search for knowledge base articles embed the widget in any site search for an articles title expected results the article will show in the search results actual results the search wont find any article showing only request types appear in the results printpngthumbnail workaround no workaround available at this moment
issue summary if the marketplace is unreachable upm causes confluence to hang for per ui click environment upm in confluence marketplaceatlassiancom nonresponsive this needs to be a timeout not a straight connection refusal by a firewall steps to reproduce add entry in etchosts to simulate marketplace being unreachable codejava marketplaceatlassiancom code click anything in confluence and get ready to wait and wait expected results the confluence ui should remain responsive even if marketplace is unreachable actual results the result of each click in the ui eg clicking on spaces or trying to load the confluence admin screen takes approximately seconds giving the impression that confluence performance is very poor notes if the ip that marketplaceatlassiancom resolves to refuses or accepts the connection immediately there is no problem its only when the resolved ip fails to connect and eventually times out confluence thread dump on a hanging thread codejava at javanetplainsocketimplsocketconnectnative method at locked a javanetsockssocketimpl at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at stuck thread catalinaout may report stuck threads that are related to the marketplace connection code at at at at at at code workaround in confluence disable connectivity to marketplace navigate to the cog icon general configuration manage apps click on settings at the bottom of the page uncheck connect to atlassian marketplace and click apply workaround via rest api if confluence is completely inaccessible we can use the following rest api to disable connectivity to marketplace code curl u usernamepassword x put h contenttype applicationvndatlpluginsjson databinary settings code this ticket is also tracked under
if you try to put an include or excerptinclude macro within an excerpt macro the wiki markup in the inclusion will not render for example create a page named myinclusion with the following content noformat this is text that needs to be rendered bold underscore a linkhttp noformat then create another page example page that has myinclusion within an excerpt macro ie noformat excerpt my inclusion goes here includemyinclusion excerpt noformat when you save example page all of the content included from myinclusion will not be rendered the wiki markup will be shown instead
cannot find the actual indexlock file to delete sometimes retry does it sometimes even restarting sourcetree and killing the git process dont help very frustrating
a user who is not enabled for crucible is still shown create review and create snippet links
i downloaded userspace tools version and followed the instructions everything went well but skype and amsn recognize that i have a camera results from loadersudo firmware loader for devicefound camera reports negative microcode statesending microcode to cameraenabled microcodecamera reports microcode version successfully uploaded firmware to device device id linux foundation root hubbus device id linux foundation root hubbus device id linux foundation root hubbus device id ricoh co ltdbus device id linux foundation root hubbus device id linux foundation root hubbus device id sgs thomson microelectronics fingerprint readerbus device id linux foundation root hubbus device id microsoft corp wireless laser mouse recieverbus device id linux foundation root hubuname help me get this workingdustin
internal server errorinvocation of method ishomepage in class comatlassianconfluencepagespage threw exception class netsfhibernatelazyinitializationexception exception initializing proxy
summary when upgrading to jira or later internal with ldap auth delegated ldap directories that were configured to copy user on login have the update user attributes on login setting checked automatically in the directory configuration summary this is indicated as noformatcrowddelegateddirectoryautoupdateuser true noformat however in spite of this being true users from that directory still allow for editing from the users page in administration user management environment start with jira version prior to with a delegated ldap directory configured with copy user on first login enabled for easier verification below also have a user setup in the delegated ldap directory steps to reproduce upgrade jira to or later navigate to administration user management user directories and review the directory configuration summary verify that crowddelegateddirectoryautoupdateuser is true navigate to administration user management users and edit a user from the delegated ldap directory to mark it inactive expected results the edit link shouldnt even be displayed in the first place per the text displayed when editing the directory settings bq users attributes are updated from your ldap server into jira when they authenticate selecting this means users can no longer be modified in jira see also documentation enhancement update user attributes on login for delegated ldap directories actual results you are able to mark a user from the delegated ldap directory as inactive in jira notes may also relate to user did not get updated to activeinactive with delegated ldap edit the delegated directory and immediately save without making any changes this will correctly trigger the change and make users uneditable in jira
when going to administration agents choosing any of the agentslocalremote and trying to add a custom capability it is impossible to editdelete that custom capability if it has a form like firstsecond pressing delete asks to confirm the deletion by popping up a window but after pressing ok nothing happensthe custom capability stays in its place pressing edit return error message like this code internal server error go to site homepage a system error has occurred our apologies please create a problem report on our support system at with the following information a description of your problem and what you were doing at the time it occurred cut paste the error and system information found below attach the atlassianbamboolog log file found in your application home we will respond as promptly as possible thank you version build build date nov request information request url scheme http server localhost port uri adminagenteditcapabilityaction context path servlet path adminagenteditcapabilityaction path info query string stack trace javalangnullpointerexception at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at code
note this bug report is for jira cloud using jira server see the corresponding bug report summarywhen migrating the latest server version the import is interrupted around saying that jira is already setup if the user continues to jira they will see a error and will not be able to continue any steps to reproduce download the latest backup from cloud import into jira expected resultsthe data should import correctly and allow the user to actual resultsaccessing jira after the import results in a error with the following stack tracenoformatjavalangruntimeexception javaxservletservletexception javalangruntimeexception javaxservletservletexception comatlassiancachecacheexception javalangillegalargumentexception no enum constant comatlassiancrowdembeddedapidirectorytypeidpjavalangruntimeexception javaxservletservletexception javalangruntimeexception javaxservletservletexception comatlassiancachecacheexception javalangillegalargumentexception no enum constant comatlassiancrowdembeddedapidirectorytypeidp at at at at at caused by comatlassiancachecacheexception javalangillegalargumentexception no enum constant backup contains two user directories the internal and the idp codeborderstylesolid code
we are still plagued by the bug that will not die creating a comment sometimes leaves ghost draft comments in a review the are not visible in the ui everything seems okay create comment post only one appears refreshing the review will not show the draft comment completing the review will show a warning you have draft comments viewing the draft comments will show the frx where the draft lives but it does not show posting the draft comments will result in duplicated comments when reloading the review since we have the originally saved comment and the draft which has now been posted this has also been reported by a customer
the following directory in our repository is not longer accessibletrying to access the page returns a something went wrong page the page lists a debugging code all recent commits in this directory are still visible through the commits list atthe data is evidently still there but the web interface seems to be brokenplease can you look into this so we can continue to work on the files in that directory thanks
i am getting an internal server error http doing any pushpull command on any of my repos under the usernames and
clicking on edit button along review summary fields shows the content html encoded each time i edit and save the html entities get encoded again see attachment
calls using greenhopper are throwing an illegalstateexception steps to reproduce do any greenhopper call using curl for example code curl d x get h authorization basic h contenttype applicationjson code expected results a json is returned with the requested data actual results an error html page is returned with the following stack trace code javalangillegalstateexception cannot create a session after the response has been committedjavalangillegalstateexception cannot create a session after the response has been committed at at at at at at at at at at code notes using the same url in the browser while logged in works fine using calls work fine always without greenhopper
quote main error upgrade failed by zero javalangarithmeticexception by zero at at at at method at at at at quote
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report panelhii think my accounts to log in are confusedi believe i have a login account to manage the licenses and credit card payments and i have a login to access my projects in jira and confluence today i added the bitbucket user license but now i cannot log into jira for prysminc it doesnt show any of my projects
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panelnever could verify my account so i cant access webdav everything else seems to work within jiraconcluence including charging my credit card
summary story points option is disabled while updating the planning unit environment steps to reproduce create a plan and set a project or filter as its source open the plan settings and youll see the option story points is disabled under planning unit section on the plan settings remove the source and add a scrum board open the plan settings and youll see the option story points is disabled under planning unit section expected results story points option is disabled when the source of the plan is not a scrum board however it should be available if you change the source actual results story points is not available even if the source of the plan is a scrum board notes workaround create a new plan and set the board as the source
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report panelhelloafter login to confluence open and recievecausejavalangruntimeexception error rendering template for decorator root at by javalangruntimeexception error rendering template for decorator page at by javalangruntimeexception error rendering template for decorator root at by javalangruntimeexception error rendering template for decorator comments at by orgapachevelocityexceptionmethodinvocationexception invocation of method getdisplayablelabel in class comatlassianconfluenceplugindescriptorwebmodelconfluenceweblabel threw exception comatlassiancoreexceptioninfrastructureexception error occurred rendering template content at decoratorscomponentscommentsvmd at by comatlassiancoreexceptioninfrastructureexception error occurred rendering template content at by orgapachevelocityexceptionmethodinvocationexception invocation of method format in class comatlassianconfluencecoredatetimefriendlydateformatterhelper threw exception orgjodatimeillegalfieldvalueexception value for hourofday is not supported illegal instant due to time zone offset transition daylight savings time gap asiabeirut at getrenderedcontent at by orgjodatimeillegalfieldvalueexception value for hourofday is not supported illegal instant due to time zone offset transition daylight savings time gap asiabeirut at by orgjodatimeillegalinstantexception illegal instant due to time zone offset transition daylight savings time gap asiabeirut at tracejavalangruntimeexception error rendering template for decorator root at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at by javalangruntimeexception error rendering template for decorator page at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at morecaused by javalangruntimeexception error rendering template for decorator root at at at at at at at at at at at morecaused by javalangruntimeexception error rendering template for decorator comments at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at morecaused by orgapachevelocityexceptionmethodinvocationexception invocation of method getdisplayablelabel in class comatlassianconfluenceplugindescriptorwebmodelconfluenceweblabel threw exception comatlassiancoreexceptioninfrastructureexception error occurred rendering template content at decoratorscomponentscommentsvmd at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at morecaused by comatlassiancoreexceptioninfrastructureexception error occurred rendering template content at at at at at at at at at source at at at at at at at morecaused by orgapachevelocityexceptionmethodinvocationexception invocation of method format in class comatlassianconfluencecoredatetimefriendlydateformatterhelper threw exception orgjodatimeillegalfieldvalueexception value for hourofday is not supported illegal instant due to time zone offset transition daylight savings time gap asiabeirut at getrenderedcontent at at at at at at at at at at morecaused by orgjodatimeillegalfieldvalueexception value for hourofday is not supported illegal instant due to time zone offset transition daylight savings time gap asiabeirut at at at at at at at source at at at at at at morecaused by orgjodatimeillegalinstantexception illegal instant due to time zone offset transition daylight savings time gap asiabeirut at more
in upgrading from by exporting and importing my estimates have been erroneously shortened for example a task which had an estimate of days in now has an estimate of day hours in believe this stems from the fact that in jira i have set weeks to be days and days to be hours it looks like the import has ignored that fact and used hour days to convert seconds to hours and then to day hours rather than converting it to daysif i check administration time tracking my installation is correctly set to hour daysone other thing that may be relevant is that i am exporting from a jira that is using sql server and importing into a jira that is using hsqldbive raised this as a blocker as it is preventing us upgrading to but ill understand if the atlassian folks downgrade it somewhat especially if they can provide me with a workaround
when opening a file with the office excel viewer or other webdav macros the expected behavior should be that the first user to open the file is given readwrite permission while all subsequent users should be notified that the file is locked for editing and can either open it readonly or be notified when the file is ready for editing unlocked from the first user the actual behavior we have seen is that multiple users can open and edit excel files via the webdav plugin and overwrite eachothers changes versions are tracked in confluence however if the first user saves and then the second user saves the file the first users changes are not reflected in the second users saved version
used to see diff for all files in pull requests however it has stopped showing that and we do any code reviews please fix asappressing individual files from the file list on the right does not trigger diff either
currently when using chrome i tried to attach a png file to an existing issue however chrome spits back the messageaccess to the webpage was denied
summary invalid label on content report table macro will trigger an error when used on a space homepage steps to reproduce edit a space homepage insert a content report table macro on the macros label field insert an invalid macro ie a b save and publish the page expected results the page should be normally displayed actual results the page doesnt load and a somethings gone wrong try again later error is triggered
after changing the encoding to produces an error launching the application
typing the trigger characters or the shortcuts keys for autocomplete in safari does not work correctly the dropdown is not being loaded
fisheye and crucible did not check that the name of a file in a mercurial repository contained argument parameters an attacker who has permission to add a repository or commit to a mercurial repository tracked by fisheye or crucible can execute code of their choice on systems that run a vulnerable version of fisheye or crucible all versions of fisheye and crucible before the fixed version for and from before the fixed version for are affected by this vulnerability affected versions all versions of fisheye and crucible before the fixed version for and from before the fixed version for are affected by this vulnerability fix fisheye version is available to download from crucible version is available to download from fisheye version is available to download from crucible version is available to download from acknowledgements atlassian would like to credit zhang tianqi tophant for reporting this issue to us for additional details see the full advisory
i have a rsa ssh key with bit generated with putygen without usernamepassword i added it to bitbucket i try to fetch my repository using pageant i get this error message noformat git c diffmnemonicprefixfalse c corequotepathfalse fetch prune origin server refused our key fatal error disconnected no supported authentication methods available server sent publickey fatal could not read from remote repository please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists server refused our key fatal error disconnected no supported authentication methods available server sent publickey fatal could not read from remote repository please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists server refused our key fatal error disconnected no supported authentication methods available server sent publickey fatal could not read from remote repository please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists mit fehlern abgeschlossen siehe oben noformat i also tried it with an other key that works on other pc i cannot check out my repository so i cannot do my work where is the problem
issue summary the delete key removes characters or more while editing text in the mac jira app steps to reproduce access the jira mac app go to a search field or text field and type a text use the delete key to remove characters screen recording at expected results it removes only one character at the time actual results it removes two or more characters at the time workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior a workaround will be added here when available
i was assuming you would have something like this github not seeing it but maybe looking in the wrong place for example can i add a second ssh key to my account and assign it readonly access
symptoms in version of the plugin jira macros the control buttons are not available the only remaining option return to version attached the screens in order to workaround this issue please hit enter to submit the macro and esc to cancel alternatively you can remove the affected version of jira macros go to admin manage addons and uninstall jira macros then download version from the marketplace here upload that through manage addons upload addon resolution upgrade jira issues macro to version
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report panelin the blog posts macro if the content type to display is set to excerpt a mention of a user gets rendered as the uesrname not the display namesee comments on
a very very minor bug i have noticed about the administrative console dashboard is that a few links are not highlighted in the ui when they represent the current page the links affected in order from top to bottom of page are atlassian support tools thanks
when a component in plugin implements lifecycleaware interface the onstartonstop methods are supposed to be called when the plugin is startedstopped however the onstop is not triggered when the plugin is uninstalled the confluence implementation of lifecyclemanager comatlassiansalconfluencelifecycletenantawarelifecyclemanager does not seem to do it correctly steps to replicate it create a class implementing lifecycleaware in a plugin codejava public class testcomponent implements lifecycleaware public expiredsessionremover override public void onstart systemoutprintlntestcomponent started override public void onstop systemoutprintlntestcomponent stopped code register it in pluginxml codejava comatlassiansalapilifecyclelifecycleaware code deploy the plugin uninstall the plugin you will see the testcomponent started is printed in console while testcomponent stopped is not printed
summary unable to use the manage addons page if the user is using the dutch language nederlands nederland in jira user language setting screenshot at pmpngthumbnail steps to reproduce simply change your user preferred language to nederlands nederland access the page at administration addons manage addons expected results expect it to load normally and we can manage the addons actual results screenshot at pmpngthumbnail notes this is also affecting the jira system language but the user language setting will override the system language the problem itself lies in the jira core language pack located at jirainstall where there is a file in the jar is having a wrong close bracket type at line codenone upmpluginactionlicenseroledialogupgrademogelijk moet je je upgraden voordat je je kunt upgraden zorg ervoor dat je licentie voor voldoende gebruikers ondersteunt om deze app te code wrong bracket should be kunt upgraden codenone kunt upgraden code the following stack trace is also observed in the logs codenone error anonymous error rendering mogelijk moet je je upgraden voordat je je kunt upgraden zorg ervoor dat je licentie voor voldoende gebruikers ondersteunt om deze app te licentiëren unmatched braces in the pattern javalangillegalargumentexception unmatched braces in the pattern at at at at at at filtered at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at source at filtered at at at at at at at at at at at at at at filtered at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at filtered at filtered at filtered at filtered at filtered at filtered at filtered at filtered at at filtered at filtered at at at at at at at filtered at filtered at filtered at filtered at filtered at at at at warn anonymous error in contentwriteto for comatlassianupmatlassianuniversalpluginmanagerpluginupmcommonlicensingtemplatestemplateslicensingcommonrolebasedpricingdialogtemplatejs comatlassiantemplaterendererrenderingexception orgapachevelocityexceptionmethodinvocationexception invocation of method in class comatlassianupmtransformerstemplateunderscoretemplaterendererjavascripthelper threw exception javalangillegalargumentexception unmatched braces in the pattern at renderfragment at at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at filtered at filtered at filtered at filtered at filtered at filtered at filtered at filtered at at filtered at filtered at at at at at at at filtered at filtered at filtered at filtered at filtered at at at at caused by orgapachevelocityexceptionmethodinvocationexception invocation of method in class comatlassianupmtransformerstemplateunderscoretemplaterendererjavascripthelper threw exception javalangillegalargumentexception unmatched braces in the pattern at renderfragment at at at at at at at at at more caused by javalangillegalargumentexception unmatched braces in the pattern at at at at at filtered at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at source at filtered at at at at at at more code we did tried to modify the bracket replace it back to jira and restarted it the above stack trace is gone but the issue persists we observe this error instead in the browser console screenshot at pmpngthumbnail workaround change to other languages at your user setting preferences language such as english uk or english us will enable you to use the page again
codejava faulting application name sourcetreeexe version time stamp faulting module name sourcetreeexe version time stamp exception code fault offset faulting process id faulting application start time faulting application path cusershenrichappdatalocalsourcetreesourcetreeexe faulting module path cusershenrichappdatalocalsourcetreesourcetreeexe report id faulting package full name faulting packagerelative application id code
summary users seeing the following error when uploading attachment codejava error connecting to server or error getting file from media service with id reason transporterrorcode
during installation wizzard i needed to sign up a myatlassian account after verifying my email address and using that new account in the installation wizzard a success message in a broken layout appears whitespace between als and is is missing see screenshot attached
issue summary email notifications are being delivered however the sender is displayed as failed to retrieve user in the from field environment cloud steps to reproduce generate an email notification event expected results the sender is displayed as the user who created the change and triggered the notification event actual results the sender is displayed as failed to retrieve user the below exception is thrown in the xxxxxxxlog file noformat sending email with messageid atlassianjira to subjectxxxxxxx fromnull fromnamefailed to retrieve user jira envelopefromnull ccnull bccnull replytonull inreplyto mimetypetexthtml messageidatlassianjira excludesubjectprefixfalse noformat notes this is a graphical issues and the functionality is not impacted workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior a workaround will be added here when available
steps to reproduce create space with at least pages problem will be easier to observe with more pages add a page with the index macro save expected behavior page renders quickly with the macro indicating that page index cannot be displayed due to space containing more than pages actual behavior the page takes a long time to render it will eventually show the expected message above or it will show a second macro timeout given enough pages which occurred at pages in my testing analysis through sql logging we can see that confluence does indeed issue a query to count pages in the space and the results are correctly received the below is pulled from a test confluence instance where the space has pages codejava debug logstatement select castcount as as from content cross join spaces where and and and is null and trace bind binding parameter as code codejava trace extract extracted value code however it continues to fetch all the pages anyway in the next query codejava debug logstatement select as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as from content left outer join contentpermset on where and and is null and code codejavatitleexample thread dump daemon tid nid runnable javalangthreadstate runnable at javalangsystemidentityhashcodenative method at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at code
steps load plan mode with no epic filter filter on an epic inline edit that epic unselect that epicissues are not restored
in some cases customers may want to create a backup of production and restore on a test server if they are using an external db in their production server and do not specify a new db when restoring they will drop their production database and recreate this using the backup this means they will lose the data between the time the backup was restored till the current time not to mention the unknown impact it will have on production server we should have a big warning during production saying you will delete the database at location blah are you sure you absolutely want to do that please ensure you have a backup of that database if you are not sure we should provide this warning even if they override their db settings just in case better yet we should force users to specify a database as it is too easy to override
duplicate ids in the dom one from gh and one from jiraidcreateissuedialog
summary csv and txt files attached to jira issues cannot be downloaded when clicked they are rendered by the browser instead environment jira cloud version steps to reproduce attach a csv file to a jira issue once the files is attached refresh the page click the attached csv file expected results the browser offers to download the file actual results the browser renders the file and displays its content in the same window notes this behaviour is currently happening with txt files as well instead of downloading the file they are rendered by the browser right click the csv file and select the option to save link as
note this bug report is for jira cloud using jira server see the corresponding bug report panelfor examplei create two issues in test project in summary test summaryorder test i want to search result just return our search condition is in query fieldbut all this two issue are return
the component hierarchy is suddenly lost without the cause of an restart upgrade all parent fields in the agile component view are emptychecked this with multiple browsers chrome ff data was still present in the database but did not show in the web
when i try to create a new build plan through the web interface i get this error for us it is important to use the ajp protocol as we use it for all other atlassian products we use ajp authentication for fisheye and rely on setting the remoteuser property for all other products customize get failed javaioioexception full at at at at at at at failed javaioioexception full at at at at at at at
when i go to resolve files a lock file is then created after that it doesnt allow me to continue and gives me a message saying another file is creating a lock on my files which means it wont resolve my files i have no other git applications running only sourcetree
if we add an issue type the configuration is not finding the template of the new issue type making greenhopper to crashan error occurred whilst rendering this message please contact the administrators and inform them of this bug details javalangnullpointerexception at at at source at sunreflectdelegatingmethodaccessorimplinvokeunknown source at javalangreflectmethodinvokeunknown source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at javalangthreadrununknown source
summary when a reindexing node goes down terminated abruptly or crashed all the other nodes are not able to tell that reindexing is no longer in progress there is no impact for normal jira functionality this is ui problem and you will be not able to run reindex i please note that there is another similar problem related to project reindex see environment jira data center apache load balancer steps to reproduce setup a jira data center with atleast nodes start reindexing from one node access the reindexing administration page from the other nodes to see the reindexing progress summary abruptly terminate the jira process on the reindexing node access reindexing administration again on the node that is still online expected results this should show that the reindexing process has been terminated and should allow you to restart reindexing if needed actual results the online nodes are not able to detect that the reindexing started in the other node has been terminated you will see the error in ui lock jira and rebuild index option is unavailable while other indexing operations are in progress indexingnotavailablejpgthumbnail notes when user starts fullreindexing jira schedules the job at specific node and add noncancellable task into global cache this cache is synced with each node when node dies value still present in the cache and all nodes see it and believes that index is still running whole cluster shutdown is needed to flush the cache looking into the database from our test we can see that there is an entry in the replicatedindexoperation table such as the following for each reindex triggered codesql mysql select from replicatedindexoperation id indextime nodeid affectedindex entitytype affectedids operation filename all none fullreindexstart all none fullreindexend rows in set sec code there is another entry when this reindex ends for the killed reindexing node there is a start with no end entry problem mitigation to partially address the problem and mitigate some of the possible scenarios we implemented new features remove the stale indexing job associated with the current node on startup as an jira datacenter administrator i want to delete the reindexing task from offline node please check them for more details workarounds shut down all nodes in the cluster this is needed since jira keeps cluster reindex status in memory see notes section leaving one available and restarting all others will keep the inmemory cache start nodes
issue summary exporting jsm projects fail with a sql exception that exception is due to the field ‘systemdecided’ used in a query and that field does not exist in “” table turns out that this field was introduced in this table in jsd as per this link but on jsd the error is raised jcma minimum version only refers to jira core version or later but no minimum jsd version so there is a possible gap where customers can install jcma due to their jira core version but cannot use jcma due to an old jsdjsm version steps to reproduce install jcma on a server instance with minimum version to jira core or later and jsm or earlier try to migrate a jsm project expected results the migration is successful actual results the migration fails with a sql exception the below exception is thrown in the jcma reports noformat error projectexport we couldnt export servicedesk reason javalangnosuchmethoderror comatlassianservicedeskapiqueuequeuequerybuilderservicedeskidilcomatlassianservicedeskapiqueuequeuequerybuilder error projectexport we couldnt export issue reason comquerydslcorequeryexception caught sqlserverexception for select from where noformat on atlassianjiralog you can see the full stack noformat comquerydslcorequeryexception caught sqlserverexception for select from where caused by commicrosoftsqlserverjdbcsqlserverexception invalid column name systemdecided at noformat the root cause is that field systemdecided does not exist in the table workaround use jcma for usersgroupsagents and site import for data
opening user settings from the masthead doesnt close the drop down and it sits under the blanket
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panelwhen trying to use i cant use the navigation when i click on the browse button i get the following behavior in firefox none ff doesnt even show the arrow next to the browse button it displays in the address bar but the page isnt loaded if i copy the link and paste it in a new ff window it just directs me to the same behavior can be seen by clicking on my profile or anything else in the answers menu bar ask a question opens the new question dialog but without the wysiwyg editor toolbar preview doesnt work i cant previewcommit comments too in ie using the menu bar just takes a few seconds to load if i click on browse it takes two or three seconds before it opens same for the other buttons i cant preview my comments either and when i commit oneit reloads the page and my comment is gone safari seems to behave like ff in chrome everything works perfectly
the page source is oauthproblemtokenexpired
a support case is getting toolong primary keys because that table is using nvarchar columns as its keys thats terrible this table should be normalized username column should be a user id but i do remember valid reasons for this mostly because we didnt have time to fix our fe vs cru user management discrepancies item type column should be a recentlyvisiteditemtypeid foreign keyed if you like to a recentlyvisiteditemtype table not an entityid should be an actual id not an this problem will affect every user trying to migrate to sql server however its just a warning it isnt causing the migration to fail as i originally thought
the confluence wiki does contain a xss possibility in the exception error page the user input string is not output encoded at following lines a query string urlalertdocumentcookie b javaxservletforwardquerystring urlalertdocumentcookie c atlassiancoreseraphoriginalurl rpctrackbackurlalertdocumentcookie please find below a link showing the vulnerability please be aware this url is only an example for the vulnerability the error is in the missing output encoding in the exception error page noformat generated html source information url scheme http server port uri context path servlet path path info null query string urlalertdocumentcookie attributes javaxservleterrorexception javalangnullpointerexception javaxservletforwardservletpath rpctrackback ossecurityfilteralreadyfiltered true cauchoforward true comatlassiancorefiltersgzipgzipfilteralreadyfiltered true javaxservletjspjspexception javalangnullpointerexception javaxservleterrorexceptiontype class javalangnullpointerexception javaxservletforwardrequesturi rpctrackback javaxservleterrorstatuscode javaxservletforwardquerystring urlalertdocumentcookie javaxservleterrorrequesturi rpctrackback atlassiancoreseraphoriginalurl rpctrackbackurlalertdocumentcookie loginfilteralreadyfiltered true javaxservletforwardcontextpath noformat
when displaying a diff in a changeset overview a tag in html for example when a is added or removed is rendered displaying a small button instead of showing the html
hi guysi know that preparedstatement will be closed automatically but may be is better to close every statement and result set whicn may cause increase import speed also during import of issues for each issue you create preparedstatement and used it only i dont think that some benefits will be there maybe is better to create preparedstatement only time and pass as argument or instead of using preparedstatement use statement
issue summary collaborative editing cannot be enabled on confluence when confluence server is running on microsoft windows environment reproducible on microsoft windows microsoft windows server steps to reproduce install confluence on microsoft windows install as service or run as a batch check confluence administration » general configuration » collaborative editing its disabled out of the box x try to enable collaborative editing and it will fail x expected results collaborative editing should work actual results collaborative editing fails to enable the below exception is thrown in the atlassianconfluencelog file code info contextinitialized starting confluence synchrony version warn onstart an exception occurred while waiting for synchrony to start javalangunsatisfiedlinkerror cant find dependent libraries code code info startup starting synchrony and enabling collaborative editing info issynchronyproxyenabled proxy port present true info execute removed stale shared drafts error run long running task enabletask failed to run url restsynchronyinteropenable referer traceid username atlassian javalangnoclassdeffounderror could not initialize class at at at at at at at at at at at at at code root cause an update to the bundled in confluence has resulted in a library dependency issue resulting in the synchrony process failing to start resolution an urgent release has been made to address this issue please upgrade to confluence if you are on the enterprise release please upgrade to confluence if you are on the release workaround downgrade the bundled java adoptopenjdk from to previously bundled jvm ie resolves the issue on substitute cprogram filesatlassianconfluence below if you have confluence installed in a nondefault location download adoptopenjdk from shutdown confluence rename cprogram filesatlassianconfluencejre to cprogram extract to cprogram filesatlassianconfluence it will extract with a subdirectory called  rename the new cprogram filesatlassianconfluence to cprogram filesatlassianconfluencejre start confluence and collaborative editing should now start
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panelwhen commenting on an answer to a question the jira issues macro does not link the issue to the answer the jira issues macro is available when asking a question or supplying an answer just not in comment on an answer i have attached a screenshot of the behavior of where it can be added and where the macro does not work as hoped use case from the customer quote i think this is a valid use case … a question from the field comes in regarding a customer issue someone confirms that it is a new product issue and give a quick answer which will be the “selected” answer then heshe does some more research and creates reproduction steps and files a jira issue and updates hisher answer with the jira issue number by adding a comment to hisher answer for reference quote
codepythonssh vt openssl jan reading configuration data homemacedosshconfig line applying options for reading configuration data etcsshsshconfig line applying options for connecting to bitbucketorg port connection identity file homemacedosshidrsa type identity file homemacedosshidrsacert type enabling compatibility mode for protocol local version string remote protocol version remote software version match pat compat kex serverclient kex clientserver expecting closed by
the problem suppose that in confluence or prior user a and user b are both editing version of a given page user a creates a draft based on version and user b actually saves the page bumping the page up to version if this instance were to be upgraded to confluence or higher these drafts will throw stacktraces when the user tries to use the resume conflicted option to resume editing steps to reproduce on confluence or earlier create a blank test page with one line of text using user a edit the page change the text but dont save it this will create a draft user user a using user b edit the page change the text and save the page this will create a conflict between user as draft page and the updated page since the draft was based off of an older version upgrade to confluence or higher view user as drafts and click the resume conflicted expected behavior the draft page will be compared with the current version of the page showing the content that will be overwritten if the draft were saved actual behavior confluence throws the following error code warn lookupmethod velocity template accessing deprecated method comatlassianconfluencepagesdefaultdraftmanagergetmergedcontent usersviewmydraftsvm referer url usersviewmydraftsaction username usera action viewmydrafts warn mergecontent error merging latest version of page with draft draft id type page title test page pageid referer url usersviewmydraftsaction username usera action viewmydrafts javalangunsupportedoperationexception the body of this contententityobject test page was bodytypewiki but was expected to be bodytypexhtml at at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at source at method at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at code its worth noting that despite the error above both the old draft and the current page version have been converted to xhtml the bodytypeid of the bodycontent table shows a value of denoting xhtml storage format for both the draft and current page workaround if possible resolve these conflicts prior to the upgrade the following sql query will help you identify all drafts based on outdated page versions the tricky part about this query is in line you must cast the draftpageid column into data type to match the data type of contentid column exactly how to do this casting will depend on what database you are using the below example is for postgres where the draftpageid data type is normally but has been cast into bigint to match contentid codesql select sspacekey from content join content on as bigint join spaces s on sspaceid where draft and code if you have already upgraded to confluence you will need to discard these drafts profile drafts discard
summary when inspecting the json payload that is by jira when a webhook is fired the name of the status category is being registered incorrectly strangely when making a call to the endpoint the name of the status category will be shown correctly status category returned by get code self id key new colorname bluegray name to do code status category returned on a webhook payload code statuscategory self id key new colorname bluegray name new code steps to reproduce register a new webhook on a test instance perform a procedure that will fire the webhook in question inspect the json payload that will be sent when the webhook is fired expected results the statusstatuscategoryname field should present the following values code public static string undefined undefined public static string todo to do public static string inprogress indeterminate public static string complete complete code actual results the statusstatuscategoryname will show incorrect values from a preliminary analysis it seems that this is occurring because the interface statuscategoryjava is referencing the following values code public static string undefined undefined public static string todo new public static string inprogress indeterminate public static string complete done code as these values are passed on code categories immutablelistof new undefined no category immutablelistof mediumgray new todo new immutablelistofto do bluegray new inprogress in progress immutablelistof yellow new complete complete immutablelistofdone green code
we have identified and fixed a crosssite scripting xss vulnerability in fisheye charts affected versions are fisheye to inclusive xss vulnerabilities potentially allow an attacker to embed their own javascript into a fisheyecrucible page you can read more about xss attacks at various places on the web including these cgisecuritycom the web application security consortium this issue is reported in our security advisory on these pages
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panelhi dennis and jeremy ive spoken to each of you independently over the course of the past few weeks to discuss changes needed in aac as part of the brand amplification effort led by ken olofsen id like to connect to make sure we have the right level of attention on the changes being made in aac apologies if its overkill on july greenhopper and bonfire will effectively be renamed to jira agile planner and jira agile tester to amplify the jira brand this decision was made by ken and the executive team some time ago ken is relying on the asset owners of various different systems to make the changes that reflect the decisions made around brand amplification to ensure that all of the details of this change are covered ive created a list of detailed tasks in servicedog these tasks include for every question that is already tagged as greenhopper add a new tag jiraagile for every question that is already tagged as bonfire add a new tag jiracapture rename greenhopper to jira agile on the ask a question tag wizard rename bonfire to jira capture on the ask a question tag wizard remove jira agile from the toplevel ask a question tag row and move to the second level x rename bonfire to jira capture on the answers leaderboard bonfire has been replaced with stash on the leaderboard x rename greenhopper to jira agile on the answers leaderboard greenhopper has been replaced with crowd on the leaderboard rename greenhopper product badges to jira agile remove greenhopper logo on product badges add jira logo please take a look at the above tasks and identify any potential dependencies or complications with those stated above that might hinder us from hitting the july golive date i have a status tracker for the brand amplification project listed here you can use the status tracker to identify any blockers andor articulate your status thanks alex
to reproduce click on the knowledgebase item in the project sidebar search for an article in the search bar cmdctrl click on any search result expected the article is opened in a new tab actual a new tab is opened with a note this happens to all article links in the agent view not just the project sidebar item
issue summary when an issue is transitioned with automation the board is not refreshing automatically like when you do the transition directly steps to reproduce create an automation rule that transitions the issue in the board click on any issue to see it in the popup view and trigger the rule if you click back in the board the issue remains in the same column until you refresh manually the page video with the behavior expected results the board should refresh automatically like it is refreshed when you transition the issue directly actual results a manual refresh is needed workaround refresh the page manually
if the filename of an attachment contains umlauts the viewfile macro will not render the attachment endless spinning wheel this is what ive done attach file loremipsumppt use viewfileloremipsumppt works edit attachment rename it to äloremipsumppt use viewfileäloremipsumppt does not work
cannot create ticket with character ≤quotecomatlassianjiraexceptiondataaccessexception orgofbizcoreentitygenericentityexception while inserting sql exception while executing the followinginsert into jiraaction id issueid author actiontype actionlevel rolelevel actionbody created updateauthor updated actionnum values incorrect string value for column actionbody at row
not able to do any git pull from linux system
msomething else
the comment viewedit section of the blog post view isnt there any more
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report panelhi teamthere is a bug that can be annoying some customerswhen we add images on confluence and want to display those images using a gallery macro filtering them by their labels the system is behaving differently than to what is stated in the documentation gallery macrothe parameter include images with these labels only is using or instead of andex image labelsatlassianconfluence image labelsconfluence gallery image labelsgallerymacroif we create a gallery specifying the labels to include as confluencegallery we will get image and as opposed to only getting image
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panelupgrading to results in team calendars being completely broken rolling back to previous version allows team calendars to be used again support indicates it is related to a ao tables with incorrect column types that were not resolved during past upgrades of confluence only workaround provided is for customer to manually edit db table definitions this seems very risky to have the customer do looking for this to be corrected by an atlassian provided upgrade script