classes containing enums are failing to compile and display the error error cloverexception unexpected token or error cloverexception unexpected token enum have attached example failing code with company name and details stripped out ive marked this as a blocker as i cant get the plugin to work at all i thought it may have been clashing with the scala plugin but i have disabled that and there are still problems
here is the error we started receiving when trying to manually create backups the automated backups are also error couldnt backup database datajavalangnullpointerexception at at at at at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at
users are missing avatars after the accounts being migrated to atlassian account avatars can be added or changed from the user settings in idatlassiancom how to replicate enable atlassian account from user management ask users to go through the migration steps that will create and link an atlassian account navigate through issues were that user has activity expected avatars still appear on the site for all users after the migration actual avatars are not displayed for all users some of them show and some do not missing avatars now show the default avatar notes avatars are not missing they are simply not showing theyll start showing again after some time workaround logout and login again to force a user sync sometimes fixes the problem for the user latest update developers have investigated the problem and detected the cause a fix will be developed and released in upcoming releases
steps to launch login with user id vbhararaseems the problem is specific to my go to find issue tab and search for issues on based of some click save link to save the it take the user back to login screen
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panelid forgotten my password so i reset it this was successful and when i logged in again it told me to verify using a captcha i did but it gave me the following error you are required to validate your login by entering the word below i tried again repeatedly typing in lots of different captchas and even resetting my password again but it kept kicking me back to the same screen i cannot log in
issue summary when starting bamboo after upgrading the atlassian troubleshooting and support tools plugin to the current latest version the comatlassianstashpluginsstashremoteeventbamboospi plugin fails to start breaking all bitbucket repositories integration like repositories configuration checkouts creating new repository configuration steps to reproduce install a fresh instance of bamboo go to cogoverviewmanage apps hit update on atlassian troubleshooting and support tools v restart bamboo expected results bamboo starts normally actual results the below error is thrown in the atlassianbamboolog file noformat error unable to start the plugin container for plugin comatlassianstashpluginsstashremoteeventbamboospi orgspringframeworkbeansfactoryparsingbeandefinitionparsingexception configuration problem unable to locate spring namespacehandler for xml schema namespace offending resource url at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at javautilconcurrentthreadpoolexecutorrunworkerunknown source at javautilconcurrentthreadpoolexecutorworkerrununknown source at javalangthreadrununknown sourcenoformat and the bitbucket bundled plugin is not able to start workaround stop bamboo go to and delete all the content inside these folders noformat caches temp noformat navigate to shared and delete all the content inside the folders below noformat jmsstore index noformat delete the file start bamboo
when using the simple search tool selecting one of the special fix version options unreleased versions released versions causes the simple search to be too complex this is causing existing searches in to be considered complex jql queries after an upgrade
note this bug report is for jira service desk cloud using jira service desk server see the corresponding bug report panelwe implement the service desk in a project to run in parallel with the vertygo sla and found a possible bug that causes a malfunction in the sla service desk to use at the same time with the sla vertigo since when the issue is completed the sla service desk is automatically opened again and if we close the issue jira service sla starts againthe rules in vertygo sla is the same of jira service desk so if vertygo sla is closed jsd necessarily must be closed too but its not happenedin attachments we can see the jsd sla triagem cssp is concluded but sla cssp from vertygo sla is runningimage and vertygo sla is different from jira service desk slaimage jira service desk works fine without vertygo slaits necessary to use both addons because our client need to compare the functionalities and rastreability there is conflict using jira service desk and vertygo sla in the same issue
note this bug report is for jira cloud using jira server see the corresponding bug report panelalert emails does not show the exact time
note this bug report is for jira server using jira cloud see the corresponding bug report panelhi all in our jira we met an interesting problem at problem issue type we cannot format description field ie we cant use wiki markup in the same project but different issue type we can use wiki have you got any suggestions best regards rumi
when i select some lines in the uncommitted changes view and then click discard lines sourcetree sometimes crashes looks like youre trying to create a dictionary from a nil object code process sourcetree path applicationssourcetreeappcontentsmacossourcetree identifier comtorusknotsourcetreenotmas version code type native parent process responsible sourcetree user id datetime os version mac os x report version anonymous uuid sleepwake uuid time awake since boot seconds time since wake seconds system integrity protection enabled crashed thread dispatch queue comapplemainthread exception type excbadinstruction sigill exception codes exception note exccorpsenotify application specific information crashing on exception attempt to insert nil object from objects application specific backtrace corefoundation exceptionpreprocess libobjcadylib objcexceptionthrow corefoundation corefoundation sourcetree sourcetree sourcetree sourcetree libsystemtracedylib osactivityinitiate appkit appkit appkit libsystemtracedylib osactivityinitiate appkit libsystemtracedylib osactivityinitiate appkit appkit appkit appkit appkit appkit appkit appkit appkit nsapplicationmain libdylddylib start code
i have lost today trying to figure this out including installing a local mail server in case there was something wrong with gmail turns out there is a glitch in the mail settings form that ignores or overwrites the password when testing email steps to reproduce follow exactly go to administration mail server type in hostname smtpgmailcom port username testusergmailcom password mypassword use tls email from testusergmailcom click at this point the page refreshes you notice that the number of in the password field is shorter than your password but nevertheless continue as follows type a recipient friendgmailcom click test email fails due to authentication failure workaround start over go to administration mail server type in hostname smtpgmailcom port username testusergmailcom password mypassword use tls email from testusergmailcom click at this point the page refreshes you notice that the number of in the password field is shorter than your password but continue as follows type again the password password mypassword type a recipient friendgmailcom click test email succeeds
we have a subversion repository containing several hundred software projects i have configured a build plan in bamboo for each software project from subversion the repository url is in the format i wanted to create a single linked repository that can be used by all the plans i didnt see the plan name listed a variable in the documentation so i created a variable in each plan named svnproject that could be used in the repository url string this is working correctly for my regular source code checkout tasks from trunk but bamboo doesnt seem to be replacing the variable with its value when detecting branches i see the following error in the logs error failed to run task detecting branches subversion after attempts task was not executed error exception being rethrown error an unexpected error has occurred while detecting branches pgcpgclibs javalangruntimeexception comatlassianbamboorepositoryrepositoryexception path does not exist please check configuration of svn repository in this job at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at caused by comatlassianbamboorepositoryrepositoryexception path does not exist please check configuration of svn repository in this job at at at at at more i am using the latest version of bamboo
note that this problem is slightly hard to explain here because this instance currently suffers this bug but it may not suffer the bug in the future i will use a m p to represent the ampersand escape sequence but in reality i mean the sequence without spaces if i type an ampersand character in jira in a field with wiki style renderer then this is escaped out correctly in the html that is created and the user will see however if i type a m p then no escaping is done and the user will only see however they should see all four characters note that the default style renderer does actually work as expected
summary share a page with a group does not generate workbox notification for users included in the group only notification email is sent steps to reproduce create a group with any names and include some users in the group in any page click the share button on the top right corner type in the group name and select it from the search result list click the share button to share the page to the group expected results every user in the group will receive notification in the confluence workbox notification as well as an email regarding someone shares them a page actual results every user in the group only receives email notification no workbox notification is received notes sharing the page to individual user by typing their names in the field will allow the users to receive both email and workbox notification only sharing with groups are not working as expected workaround type in the users name one by one in the share field
create an issue in project jiraeg create a sprint which include the start the sprint move the issue from project jira to another project eg jiraclone the key of the issue became to create another agile board based on project jiraclone result we found out that the still belongs to the sprint in project jira when the issue is moved from one project to another project if the issue belongs to an active sprint can we have a alert or warning to let the user remove the issue from the current sprint first
jira should be enhanced with global permission of managing filters the owner of this permission gets use and manage access to all filters defined in jira by default this could be assigned to jira system admins currently filter access introduces severeal problem in environment of big and diverse userbase with many changed happening every day
steps to reproduce go to agile planning board create two new contexts named and try to select between the contexts and it always go back to the default context paneltitleatlassian status as at may borderstylesolid bordercolorccc this has been fixed in please upgrade panel we intend on fixing this problem imminently an immediate workaround that may work for some affected users in chrome is to bring up the console with ctrlshiftj or cmdoptj on mac and enter boardssetctxx replace the x with the name of the context
this if i view pull requestand this if we are going to
taken from the user forums there seems to be an important bug in sun one ds connector im using crowd i want to authenticate and provision my jira users on an ldap directory i have done all the integration between jira and crowd and it works very well when using openldap as the repository for jira users both ldap authentication and single signon it does not work on sun one directory server because the connector always uses the password of the technical account that is configured in the console instead of using the password that is provided by the user for instance lets say you have configured the connector with cndirectory manager and adminpassword as the password for this user if a user like cnbruno dcmycompany owns a password different than adminpassword he wont be able to log in if you dont indicate any technical account in the configuration panel the connector always performs an anonymous bind when you try to login it should first perform an anonymous bind to search the dn of the user trying to log in and then bind with this very dn and the provided password
the log work bunch of fields isnt clearing the content before it correctly the border appears below icons see screenshot
the configurationactiondosetcardcolor method is vulnerable to persistent xss when saving an unsanitized cardcolor parameter the vulnerability is triggered in several velocity templates during rendering alllayoutsvm cardlayoutvm issuecreatevm issuegadgetcardviewvm issueprintvm issuevm listcompactlayoutvm listlayoutvm mainvm rankingpagevm summarylayoutvm taskoptionsvm file greenhoppersrcmainjavacompyxisgreenhopperjiraactionsconfigurationactionjava codetitleconfigurationactionjavaborderstylesolid package compyxisgreenhopperjiraactions import javautilarraylist import javautilarrays suppresswarningsserial public abstract class configurationaction extends boardaction private string cardcolor requiresxsrfcheck public string dosetcardcolor ifgetcaneditconfig getconfigurationsetcardcolortypeid cardcolor getconfigurationsave return dosuccess public void setcardcolorstring cardcolor thiscardcolor cardcolor code cardcolorpng
in all branches mode branches displayed as detached state as if they are dedicated branch but in the current branch mode its ok
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report panelpages are not able to be added edited or deleted if there is a watcher of a page or space which has been deleted this also includes the addition of customer can fix this themselves by going to or flush all
for various reasons contentperm table may contain permission settings for the same content having different usernames this is usually caused by having the username changed in an external user directory this causes no problems during normal operation only upon xml backup restore or for the newly introduced lowercaseusernamereferencesupgradetask that seemingly converts all usernames in the contentperm table to lowercase in such scenarios this will cause the upgrade task to fail on unique constraint violation steps to reproduce synchronize an external user directory with confluence with uppercase username make sure to add a restriction on a page change the username in the external directory to all lowercase add the same restriction on the same page again upgrade the instance to workaround identify the duplicate row by matching the lowercase values of the unique constraint on the contentperm table and delete the record that has the uppercase usernamegroupname sample error message in oracle noformat info doupgrade no duplicate logininfo rows found no action necessary info doupgrade finding rows with mixed case username references in links table info doupgrade finding rows with mixed case username references in trackbacklinks table info doupgrade finding rows with mixed case username references in followconnections table info doupgrade finding rows with mixed case username references in label table info doupgrade finding rows with mixed case username references in spaces table info doupgrade finding rows with mixed case username references in notifications table info doupgrade finding rows with mixed case username references in contentperm table error contextinitialized upgrade failed application will not start upgrade task failed during the schemaupgrade phase due to preparedstatementcallback sql unique constraint violated nested exception is javasqlsqlexception unique constraint violated comatlassianconfluenceupgradeupgradeexception upgrade task failed during the schemaupgrade phase due to preparedstatementcallback sql unique constraint violated nested exception is javasqlsqlexception unique constraint violated at at at at at at at at at at at at at at method at sunreflectnativemethodaccessorimplinvokeunknown source at sunreflectdelegatingmethodaccessorimplinvokeunknown source at javalangreflectmethodinvokeunknown source at at caused by orgspringframeworkdaodataintegrityviolationexception preparedstatementcallback sql unique constraint violated nested exception is javasqlsqlexception unique constraint violated at at at at at at at at method at sunreflectnativemethodaccessorimplinvokeunknown source at sunreflectdelegatingmethodaccessorimplinvokeunknown source at javalangreflectmethodinvokeunknown source at at at at at at at source at at more caused by javasqlsqlexception unique constraint violated at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at more error contextinitialized errors were encountered during upgrade error contextinitialized preparedstatementcallback sql unique constraint violated nested exception is javasqlsqlexception unique constraint violatednoformat
when trying to run sourcetree from windows version build it does not start for about two seconds i get a loading mouse cursor then nothing heres a message from the log file quoteerror finish ensuresquirrelexecutionstubiscopied error failed to start systemnullreferenceexception object reference not set to an instance of an object at sourcetreenotificationsnotificationsmanagersetownernotificationdialogwindow notificationwindow at sourcetreenotificationsnotificationsmanagershownotificationdialognotificationdialogwindow notificationwindow customaction vistataskdialogicon icon at sourcetreenotificationsnotificationsmanagershownotificationdialogstring title string message customaction string cancellabel string suppressionsetting suppressionchangedaction object contentcontrol string contentcommandlabel action contentaction at sourcetreenotificationsnotificationsmanagershownotificationdialogwithyesconfirmationstring title string message string details at sourcetreeconfigurationwpfspellcheckerpreflightcheckrun at sourcetreeapprootrunpreflightchecks at sourcetreeapprootonstartupstartupeventargs e at sourcetreeapponstartupstartupeventargs equote
to reproduce create a dummy jira admin account access the user management check the application access results system administrator should not be included in the application access results system administrator is counted in the application access if the system administrator fills up the last application access slot this will prevent the customer from creating new users as well no workaround to fix the bug but if user is having difficulties creating new users due to the bug and application access limit sysadmins can create the new users on their behalf it seems the the extra count contributed by the system administrator is mostly visual it doesnt actually add to the application access meaning it doesnt actually upgrade the billing tier even though it might look like the quantity is breached seems like this bug actually consumes the license count but it doesnt trigger billing tier upgrade if customer has maximum users of and due to the bug they are seeing out of users they will not be able to create new users due to insufficient application access however if the system administrator sees out of users not affected by the bug they can add the new user in
impersonated user requests to confluence are getting from the rest api when using oauth jwt bearer token addon has actasuser scope the message in the response is below codejava message client must be authenticated to access this resource statuscode code this is causing any connect addon with oauth based user impersonation to fail if they call asapauth annotated rest resources
first time launch of sourcetree went well including signing up for a new atlasssian account via the welcome wizard subsequent launches of the app never get beyond a broken welcome wizard — and when quitting the app leads to a crash ive ranked it as a blocker as the bug fully prevents use of the application
summary if a service desk projects email requests are enabled and the issue type linked to the request type is removed from the projects issue type scheme an error will be thrown upon visiting the email requests page and attempting to turn on email requests this error will only be thrown if there is another request type availabe that is suitable for email requests environment jsd jira steps to reproduce create a service desk project navigate to the issue types page within the projects administration remove the issue type associated with the email requests request type navigate to the email requests page click turn on email requests observe error expected results service desk should gracefully choose the next available request type suitable for email or if none provide an alert to create one actual results the below error is thrown in a modal window noformat error when turning on email this email address is not used by this service desk any more noformat and a error is returned from code errors errormessage this email address is not used by this service desk any more reasonkey comatlassianservicedeskinternalfeatureemailchannelemailchannelnotfound reasoncode code notes this error doesnt occur when email requests are turned off prior to removing the issue type this error doesnt occur if there is no other request type suitable for email requests add the previously removed issue type back into the service desk projects issue type scheme on the email requests page choose a different request type associated with a different issue type that is intended to be kept for the project remove the issue type again if no longer needed alternatively turn off email requests prior to removing any issue types from the project
on the administrators page email addresses are shown mailtouserdomaincom instead of userdomaincom see screenshot
note this bug report is for jira service desk cloud using jira service desk server see the corresponding bug report panel jira errorpngthumbnail can you help says back end server is at capacity thanksravi
it appears that on some flavours of linux when the automated jira linux installer is executed with rootlevel privileges the jira user account is not created heres some more information from a customers comment on our relevant documentation quote i found the binsetupusersh script and ran it separately output is below which revealed that the script is using a useradd option thats not supported in my version of linux which is suse linux enterprise server version patchlevel optatlassianjirabinsetupusersh d varatlassianapplicationdatajira i optatlassianjira useradd invalid option k try useradd help or useradd usage for more information chown invalid user jira chown invalid user jira chown invalid user jira chown invalid user jira this command will fix the script sed ie s k optatlassianjirabinsetupusersh quote
building images seem to make use of any kind of cache am i able to configure this in anyway so that the same image is not pulled for each build
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report panel results in a
note this bug report is for jira cloud using jira server see the corresponding bug report steps to reproduce start with jira create a custom issue status which is created with an id of upgrade to jira try to create another issue status and youll receive a stack tracecodecomatlassianjiraexceptiondataaccessexception orgofbizcoreentitygenericentityexception while inserting sql exception while executing the followinginsert into publicissuestatus id sequence pname description iconurl statuscategory values error duplicate key value violates unique constraint pkissuestatus at at at at at at at at at method at at at at to create it a second time and itll work fine as the new status is then created with an id of the more custom issue statuses already exist in an instance the more times you have to click add in order to get past the latest workaroundif on ondemand contact support support will shutdown jira backup the database identify the current maximum value of the issuestatus idnoformatselect idinteger from issuestatus order by id desc limit update the sequencevalueitem table to define the status sequence id as higher than the value identified in the previous stepnoformatupdate sequencevalueitem set seqid where seqname statusnoformat start jira back up
in this version the shortcut to show the repository browser changed is not cmdb anymore according to the window show browser repository menu item it should now be cmdo but this shortcut is already assigned to file open and therefore does not work this is the one shortcut i use in sourcetree so it is very annoying this shortcut doesnt work anymore
click on the planning board and get the following erroran error occurred whilst rendering this message please contact the administrators and inform them of this bug details comopensymphonymodulepropertysetpropertyimplementationexception while updating sql exception while executing the followingupdate jmanpropertytext set propertyvalue where id can bind a long value only for insert into a long column at at at at at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at
cards view in task board dont get properly formatted if the colums are more than the cards will be extended to next columncheck screenshot
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panel summary edit files using atlassian companion may not work on specific terminal server environments when using multiple desktops concurrently each desktop session on the server must have a separate virtual network interface for the atlassian companion to work steps to reproduce the first user tries to edit the document and receives a prompt to download and install the atlassian companion app which then gets installed into their user profile and they can open the document correctly the second user logged on to the same terminal server tries to open a different document using atlassian companion the second user will not be prompted to install the atlassian companion – instead the document will open on the first user’s desktop if the first user shuts down the atlassian companion by clicking quit in its tray menu the second user will now be prompted to download and install the companion app and the second user able to open documents on their second user desktop if another user tries to edit a document using atlassian companion it will open on the second user’s desktop environment operating system windows server expected result editing a file using atlassian companion will show on the same desktop session actual result editing a file using atlassian companion will show on the previous desktop session that has atlassian companion running workaround if the user already done using the atlassian companion to close the atlassian companion
summary if the resolution field is set as hidden in the field configuration it will cause unresolved issues to not be displayed in the assigned to me gadget steps to reproduce assign an issue to yourself make sure that the issue has no value for the resolution field make the resolution field hidden in the field configuration expected results since the issue has no value for resolution the issue should be displayed in the gadget systemdashboardjirapngthumbnail actual results issues are not displayed in the assign to me gadget alter the field configuration to show the resolution field
issue summary when an ssh task is running on a local agent if theres a network event which causes the ssh connection to fail hanging the build bamboo fails to properly close the connection leaving the build in an unknown state steps to reproduce configure plan using local agent to ssh into a remote server run build while build is running force network disconnect between bamboo server and target server expected results bamboo closes the ssh session actual results log entries included below workaround stop and restart the bamboo application to reset the local agent status
steps user can search for a user by their full name using quotes in a jql search reporter veenu bhar will give me right results in dropdown try same with fixversion was by veenu bhar result whenever user is using by clause the autocomplete searching is only getting done on last part user will see list with sorting done on bhar
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report oops an error has occurred system error a system error has occurred — our apologies for immediate troubleshooting consult our knowledge base for a solution if you would like to receive support from atlassians support team ask your confluence administrator to create a support issue on atlassians support system with the following information a description of your problem and what you were doing at the time it occurred a copy of the error and system information found below a copy of the application logs if possible your confluence administrator can use the support request form to create a support ticket which will include this information we will respond as promptly as possible thank you return to site homepage… cause javalangnullpointerexception at stack trace javalangnullpointerexception at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at
i cannot create a new page pressing add on the editor page causes the following this was after i pressed add page from the home page for a space last night i added a page successfully but now neither i nor another person can do this thanks system error a system error has occurred our apologies please create a support issue on our support system at the following information a description of your problem and what you were doing at the time it cut paste the error and system information found below attach the application server log file if possible we will respond as promptly as possiblethank you causebucketsearchluceneluceneexception cannot update index stack trace bucketsearchluceneluceneexception cannot update index at at at at at at at source at sunreflectdelegatingmethodaccessorimplinvokedelegatingmethodaccessorimpljavacompiled code at javalangreflectmethodinvokemethodjavacompiled code at orgspringframeworkaopframeworkaopproxyutilsinvokejoinpointusingreflectionaopproxyutilsjavainlined compiled code at orgspringframeworkaopframeworkreflectivemethodinvocationinvokejoinpointreflectivemethodinvocationjavainlined compiled code at orgspringframeworkaopframeworkreflectivemethodinvocationproceedreflectivemethodinvocationjavacompiled code at at orgspringframeworkaopframeworkreflectivemethodinvocationproceedreflectivemethodinvocationjavacompiled code at at orgspringframeworkaopframeworkreflectivemethodinvocationproceedreflectivemethodinvocationjavacompiled code at orgspringframeworkaopframeworkjdkdynamicaopproxyinvokejdkdynamicaopproxyjavacompiled code at source at at at source at sunreflectdelegatingmethodaccessorimplinvokedelegatingmethodaccessorimpljavacompiled code at javalangreflectmethodinvokemethodjavacompiled code at comopensymphonyxworkdefaultactioninvocationinvokeactiondefaultactioninvocationjavacompiled code at comopensymphonyxworkdefaultactioninvocationinvokedefaultactioninvocationjavacompiled code at 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orgapachecatalinacorecontainerbaseinvokecontainerbasejavacompiled code at at orgapachecatalinacorestandardpipelinestandardpipelinevalvecontextinvokenextstandardpipelinejavacompiled code at orgapachecatalinacorestandardpipelineinvokestandardpipelinejavacompiled code at orgapachecatalinacorecontainerbaseinvokecontainerbasejavacompiled code at at at at at at by javaioioexception lock obtain timed out at at at at at morereferer url build informationuptime hours minutes secondsversion number informationapplication server apache version dialect bucketdialectmysqldialectmemory informationtotal memory mbfree memory mbused memory mbsystem informationsystem date wednesday oct time favourite colour jet blackjava version vendor ibm corporationjvm version vendor sun microsystems incjvm implementation version runtime javatm runtime environment standard editionjava vm classic vmuser name rootuser timezone uscentraloperating system linux architecture scheme http server jira port uri context path confluence servlet path path info null query string nullattributes javaxservleterrorservletname action comatlassianconfluencesetupspringsessioninviewfiltersessionfactory true webworkvaluestack javaxservleterrorexception javalangillegalstateexception clobstringtype requires active transaction synchronization javaxservleterrormessage ossecurityfilteralreadyfiltered true comatlassianjohnsonfiltersjohnsonfilteralreadyfiltered true loginfilteralreadyfiltered true atlassiancoreseraphoriginalurl pagesdocreatepageaction javaxservleterrorrequesturi confluencepagesdocreatepageaction javaxservletjspjspexception bucketsearchluceneluceneexception cannot update index javaxservleterrorstatuscode sitemeshfilterapplied trueparameters linkcreation false selectedtext title test confirm add content test spacekey experiment parentpagetitle log statements generated by this request
summary some users have reported that after upgrading from version to of sourcetree the pull requests they create from sourcetree generate an invalid link this has been reported so far with bitbucket cloud repositories in those cases if you go to a repositorys settings select the remote and then edit the host root url field has the url of the repository instead of steps to reproduce unable to reproduce so far workaround locate the file sourcetreeconfig in the repositorys git folder find the following part in this file codejava code in case the baseurl is something other than edit it and replace it with like above restart sourcetree
application crush when exists especial chars like á in the filename
this is something that we first noticed in the stream plugin and first raised as after doing some investigation it turns out that its more of a problem with jac returning the filename from the database for an attachment containing funny characters somewhat wrong has an attachment with the name nickskitchterminal—java— for some reason the long dashes seem to get garbled when that filename is read from the database and the file cant be found on disk i couldnt reproduce this problem on my local instance running the latest branch it could be database related jacs running postgres whereas i was running
drag drop issuescards in greenhopper taskboard is broken the process keeps spinning with jira paneltitleatlassian status as at july borderstylesolid bordercolorccc we are actively working on this issue and expect to have a fix for the next release to ondemand which is due to happen this weekend ie by monday of july workarounds several workarounds are available pick the one that suits you best submit a support request and and an engineer will upgrade greenhopper on your ondemand instance to a fixed version perform the transition manually using the jira view use keyboard shortcuts as described in the comments panel
i am on a windows box with jira evaluation license when i run a very very simply jelly script configured via the jellyservice i always always get the following error in the output file configuration input file cdevjellyscriptjelly output file cdevjellyscriptoutputjelly error could not parse jelly script contents of devjellyscriptjelly this is a showstopper for us as we evaluate jira
after changing character encodeing to shiftjis in option all history disappeared it occurs only shiftjis in bitbucketorg i can check correct history and commit messages
dark theme in windows does not make sourcetree dark as documented online that it should i would prefer the ability to set my own theme colors to match my own dev environ but just the windows dark theme alone would help my eyes look at gitkraken for a good example
hello there are no email messages from jira from all our users complain on this problem its very important problem for us please help asap
when we install service desk jeditor on jira issues becomes disabled cannot use rich text editor and attach files etc
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panelthe mentions dropdown is triggered but no search results are ever returned from the server to populate it the problem seems to be that the search rest resource is returning no content eg
when pushing to a repository with the subrepo listed below a error blocks the push from happeningexample hg pushpushing to sshhglindenlabcomkellyfireenginepushing subrepo subrepocertifiedhttptrunk to abort http error internal server errorsounds like something on your side i can access just fine otherwise
hi therei have laravel project on bitbucket i have all folders integrated with bitbucket except auto generated folders like vendor folder and i am trying to run unit test with bitbucketpipelinesyml but it is showing error pdoexception sqlstate no such file or directory on vendor files likeoptatlassianpipelinesagentbuildvendorlaravelframeworksrcilluminatedatabaseconnectorsconnectorphp as i have vendor folder on bitbucketis there any way to run phpunit without vendor folderi have also tries composer update command befor phpunit in yml filethanks
issue summary there will be an error shown on the screen when adding an attachment to issue but the attachment is added successfully steps to reproduce create issue using more under the main issue type task in the description add an attachment and click create the screen will show there is error in this form expected results there should not have this warning error as the attachment is attached successfully actual results this error is being throw to the screen which is misleading to customer workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior a workaround will be added here when available
for some reason in our grails test environment clover is stuck in what seems to be an infinite loop recording the data for all the files instrumented during the run this occurs at the end of a run started with grails testapp cloveron which runs both unit and integration tests our project is fairly reasonable in size code name files loc controllers domain classes services tag libraries groovy helpers java helpers unit tests integration tests scripts totals code during the run clover generates an amazing number of files in the clover directory about files s files at the end of the run we get code completed integration tests failed in tests passed view reports in clover tests ended clover generating report using default cloverreport task code ive attached a chunk of the log file looping on the report generation the full log file is before i stopped it also ive attached a stack trace taken while it is seemingly looping its weird we are evaluating clover and it works fine on our other project module but not this one the configuration is the same code clover excludes initstring clovercommondb code
crash on importing an existing git repository i select clonenew and after i selected the path on my hd of an existing repo st crashed when i restarted st however i can see the repo as imported the version reported is
we have a proiblem with jira connected to open ldap which set correct ldap user to inactive how we can to fix problem with those users ldap user is ok and active but jira decided to inactive it thanks olga
this page on cac is frequently receiving duplicate comments basically the page is now so slow that when you post a comment it takes too long and the ui gives a timeout error message people then try again resulting in a duplicate comment there are a few things we should consider here increase the timeout setting for comment posting for a quick reduction in the impact investigate why commenting on a page with a large number of comments is so slow is this a general product problem probably or a cac specific environment issue can we generally protect against duplicate comments eg hash checking or something along those lines
when trying to setup a issues macro pointing to a jira instance eacj i was seeing the following message code error formatting macro jiraissues javalangruntimeexception field labels does not exist code here is the wiki markup code jiraissuesurl code here is the xml returned by eacj andreas assertion is that the issue macro is trying to parse the xml and does not expect the new labels element this element was added when labels moved from a custom field to a system field code rss generated by jira at wed jul cdt it is possible to restrict the fields that are returned in this document by specifying the field parameter in your request for example to request only the issue key and summary add fieldkeyfieldsummary to the url of your request for example if you wish to do custom clientside styling of rss uncomment this atlassian jira extranet special projects an xml representation of a search request enuk enterprise purchase a couch for the open area on level kent st invoice approval ltpgtandreas is selling this sweet couch and we need one in the open area on level purchase a couch for the open area on level kent st type iconurl priority iconurl status iconurl unresolved nanako brophy paul slade jirakentst wed jul wed jul ltpgtcan you please let me know how i am suppose to give cc detailsltpgt ltpgtiaposll need a tax invoice as well ltimg classquotemoticonquot srcquot alignquotabsmiddlequot altquotquot ltpgthi alyce ltbrgt i believe this will be a payment to andreas via ap or expense claimltbrgt iaposm waiting on jbs to confirm what documentation is required for auditorsltbrgt iaposll email cathy should be andrea for monday but not email for her yet and ask her for a responseltbrgt either way weaposll process it via ap or expense claim not ccardltbrgt sorry about the confusion i donapost know why i made you watcher but iaposll make sophie watcherltpgt ltpgtin case it helps joanneaposs my girlfriend mum has a credit card facility and can issue invoices she owns a shopltpgt ltpgtthe couch should be picked up at ltpgt ltpgtunit gerard st cremorneltpgt ltpgtsophie will organise the pickup andreas can be available at home in the mornings sophie should organise a particular morning directly with andreas the couch should be delivered to the eastern end of the floorltpgt ltpgtcan we please get the following details before we decide to purchase it or notltpgt ltpgtoriginal purchase priceltbrgt description and dimensionsltbrgt photoltpgt ltpgtonce this has been given we can arrange pick updeliveryltpgt ltpgtpoof x mltbrgt couch pieces long wide tall at the backltpgt ltpgtlta hrefquot ltpgtoriginal price cost priceltbrgt age yrsltbrgt asking price condition goodltpgt ltpgthello jbs you requested more information is this enough for you ltpgt ltpgtnanako it looks like we will not be purchasing andreasapos couch i will leave this po open and update it when we get the couch from freedom or something equivalent sorry for the confusionltpgt department epictheme expenditure type justification andreas is selling this sweet couch and we need one in the open area on level this is a pretty good deal given the age of the couch office payment status product purchase order amount supplier name andreas knecht white boards andor white board paint for kent st office administration ltpgtfrom paul slade ampltpsladeatlassiancomampgtltbrgt to john brucesmith ampltjbsatlassiancomampgtltbrgt cc alyce tinyow ampltalyceatlassiancomampgtltbrgt sophie divliaev ampltsdivliaevatlassiancomampgtltbrgt date july subject re idea paintltpgt ltpgtafter a quick chat with the guys we would like the whiteboard paint in the following locationsltpgt wall between side entrance and kitchen door the one near oswaldo floor to ceilingltbrgt the corner that jt is sitting in this includes the west facing wall where the printer is and the north facing portion of the wall up to the quotcrackquot in the wall approx along the wall floor to ceilingltbrgt on the new wall in the open area we want to go from the aircon thermostate on the western end east towards the tv this is floor to ceiling tooltpgt ltpgtthanksltpgt ltpgtpaulltpgt white boards andor white board paint for kent st type iconurl priority iconurl unresolved sophie divliaev paul slade jirakentst mon jul wed jul ltpgtwhiteboard paint ltpgt ltpgtlta hrefquot ltpgtadditionally penny has asked for a mini whiteboard for qa to the left of the wallboard screenltpgt epictheme coat racks for kent st office administration ltpgtit would be nice to have some coat racks on level kent stltpgt coat racks for kent st type iconurl priority iconurl unresolved sophie divliaev luis miranda jirakentst wed jul wed jul sydney epictheme kent st wall mounted build monitors for jira team sysadmin ltpgtas you can see around the office we have several monitors showing info that is important for the team this includes burndown charts build status bug counts etcltpgt ltpgtcurrently the monitors are too small and too low i would like to see bigger wall mounted monitors in terms of what i think we needltpgt ltpgtfor the wall behind meltpgt ltul classquotalternatequot typequotsquarequotgt x inch full hd lcd with hdmi inputltligt x vesa bracket for the wall mountingltligt x dvi to hdmi cable similar to what we have in the neo boardroomltligt x cabinetcredenza to sit the machines that drive the build monitors on ltligt ltulgt ltpgtfor the wall behind jc ie the greenhopper teamltpgt ltul classquotalternatequot typequotsquarequotgt x inch full hd lcd with hdmi inputltligt x vesa bracket for the wall mountingltligt x dvi to hdmi cable similar to what we have in the neo boardroomltligt x cabinetcredenza to sit the machines that drive the build monitors onltligt ltulgt ltpgtfor the quotcolumnquot next to brad and behind penny we needltpgt ltul classquotalternatequot typequotsquarequotgt x inch full hd lcd with hdmi inputltligt x vesa bracket for the wall mountingltligt x dvi to hdmi cable similar to what we have in the neo boardroomltligt x cabinetcredenza to sit the machines that drive the build monitors on ltligt ltulgt ltulgt inch is too big for the column we would mount the monitor onltligt ltulgt ltulgt ltligt ltulgt ltligtcurrently we are using the big filing cabinets from jtb but that are too big and bulky if end up wall mounting the monitorsltligt ltulgt ltligt ltulgt ltpgti think there may be some challenges mounting the monitor on the column behind penny so you should get jet master in to quote on the jobltpgt kent st wall mounted build monitors for jira team type iconurl priority iconurl unresolved unassigned paul slade jirakentst wed jul wed jul epictheme handset phones for kent st meeting rooms sysadmin ltpgtpeople have asked about where they can make private calls the speaker phones in the meeting rooms donapost really help with private calls so can we please get some handset phones in at least trinityltpgt handset phones for kent st meeting rooms type iconurl priority iconurl unresolved unassigned paul slade jirakentst wed jul wed jul epictheme kent st remove pillar from open area sysadmin ltpgtremoval of pillar from planned couch area at kent street ltpgt ltpgtltdelgtpower ampamp data to be relocated to the wall separating jtb from our subleaseltdelgtltpgt ltpgtmatt to quoteltpgt kent st remove pillar from open area type iconurl priority iconurl unresolved jim severino paul slade jirakentst wed jul wed jul ltpgti upped the priority because we are going couch shopping and the pillar is where the couch will beltpgt ltpgti aslo struckout the stuff about recabling because for the meantime the cables will just be rolled up into the roofltpgt epictheme code
steps to go to jiraatlassiancom dont browse any the if you were logged in you would be able to see more operations link points to this breaks easeofusage of jira and should be fixed before final imo
if your dashboard is in configure mode and you have multiple dashboard pages defined open a different dashboard page in a second browser windowtab but same browser and then in the original browser window click one of the portlet move icons eg move up move down the page crashes this is because the current dashboard page is stored in the session and the portlet move operation gets the portal page from that session
i find the throbber a little bit annoying at the moment in the frother control i think it shows up too quickly and thus the right hand side of the control flickrs a lot when youre typingwe should increase the timeout to
note this bug report is for jira cloud using jira server see the corresponding bug report panelwas talking to someone and they werent even aware the preview feature existed in the description field im pretty sure it used to have a tooltip onhover you dont even know what this button does quick win
this has been closed as a duplicarte of fixed issue but the issue is clearly still there version clicking on browse to the location of mercurial on your system in optionsmercurial tab does not trigger any browse dialogue using check again will not find mercucial hence i cannot use mercurial i do not want to use embbeded version with source tree mercurial is installed on via via tortoisehg in folder cprogram filesmercurial
external directory remote crowd directory is not supported please change the active attribute to or open a support ticket for more help i am trying to export to our ondemand domain to test if we prefer it to our local solution tryinhg to import both jira and soon confluence our domain is workingmachinesatlassiannet have uploaded jira xml backup and attachments to our webdav dir when i try to import from this upload i receive this error external directory remote crowd directory is not supported please change the active attribute to or open a support ticket for more help i found this and thought it might help but there is no entitiesxml file in our export perhaps you can help import thanks ben lukas our jira system info attached as system infodocx
when i try to commit one or more files i get an oops popup
when pulling from bitbucket repository i am being prompted for my password which sourcetree thinks is incorrect i have tried this on two machines with and one with using the same login process this prompt continues even when i have a private ssh key set from what i can tell the issue is with sourcetree and not bitbucket though this is based solely on the previous version working properly with the same settings on my other machine tested on windows and none seem to resolve passwords
summary image properties button isnt displayed for users without add comments permissions environment confluenceonly sites steps to reproduce on a confluence instance create a space remove the add comments permissions from groupsusers create a page upload an image to it publish the page click on edit hover the image expected results you should see the properties button right next to the link button actual results the button doesnt appear workarounds refreshing the page will make the button appear grant add comments permissions to the users that are facing the issue
whatever i do or select on working copy changes it does not create a patch file with error message box title no files selected please select at least one file after some actions i have a mess up in my staged and upstaged files
the following bad characters replicate on save ã‚â¬ãƒæã†â€ãƒâ€ ã¢â‚¬â„¢ãƒæã‚â¢ãƒâ¢ã¢â‚¬å¡ã‚â¬ãƒâ€¦ã‚â¡ãƒæã†â€ãƒâ¢ã¢â€šâ
issue summary when moving an issue with a subtask the update fields for target project screen renders the field value dropdown for fix versions and affected versions with overlapping down arrows steps to reproduce create a source and target software projects create versions in both source and target projects create an issue in source with values in fix versions andor affected versions fields move the issue to target project on step of update fields for target project page review the drop down option box for target versions expected results all drop down boxes for target versions to display initial option unknown with down arrow to right side of window actual results display shows unknown with overlapping down arrows the options can still be selected but the display is corrupted example version renderpngthumbnail note confirmed across different browsers and os workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior a workaround will be added here when available
we have a bunch of tickets assigned to sprint of video service team agile board but they do not show up on the board anymore
tried to set up a service for my repositoryradical meanmachines to connect to my jenkins installation viaboth jenkins and post integration failed dramatically without anydebug or error informationand got nothing for both i see no hit from any outside world to my apache proxy and removingadding the service brings no results as well last time checked i got some post service response withing seconds after doing git push but no action at all on jenkins
exporting a page to html dies with the following exceptioncomatlassianconfluenceimportexportimportexportexception javaioioexception stream closed at at at at at atwhich has a nested exception ofjavaioioexception stream closed at at at at more
summary the development panel is not showing in some cases for issues that actually have commits pullrequests etc also an error is returned while trying to select configure automatic access option in dvcs accounts steps to reproduce open an issue that is supposed to have some information in the development panel try to select configure automatic access option in dvcs accounts expected results the issue has the development related information showing in the development panel you are able to select configure automatic access option in dvcs accounts actual results the development panel is not showing the configure automatic access window that opens show no text is surrounded by a red frame and keeps on loading in the developer tools i can see that the endpoint is returning error noformat message error retrieving list of groups for please check jira logs for details statuscode noformat in both cases the below exception is thrown in the logs noformat error comatlassianjirawebcomponentmodulewebcomponentimpl an exception occured while rendering the web panel comatlassianjirapluginsjiradevelopmentintegrationpluginviewissuedevstatuspanel null multiple entries with same key isassigneefalse and isassigneefalse javalangillegalargumentexception multiple entries with same key isassigneefalse and isassigneefalse at at at at at at at noformat workaround none at the moment
this is ie only afaictthere is a bugproblem in backbonejs that means it cant work properly with underscorejs greenhopper started using underscore added a resource into the viewissue context that pulls in ghs underscore is no situation where gh should be including underscore on viewissue or issuenav pages
steps to reproduce create an issue in jira softwareex create an email with the followings to jirainstanceatlassiannet or any other mail handler configured to create a new issue or add a comment to an existing issue title test expected results a comment will be added to actual results a new issue will be created with summary test スクリーンショット avoid using tabs in the title
this is holding up testing
firefox windows u windows nt enus edit box not displaying correctly a small portion displays and is editable however the tabs cannot be selected to change views
email addresses are displayed when you search for users in the edit page restrictions page even if confluece is set up to display emails only to admins user has to have restrict create permission to be able to access the user lookup how to reproduce log in as a regular user without admin privileges go to a page click edit scroll down to restrictions click on choose users and enter some string result users are listed with their email addresses displayed expected result list of users with emails hidden
summary deletion of a filter that is associated with a rapidboard causes the rapidboard to disappear from the agile menu as well as the manage steps to reproduce create a rapid board delete the filter associated with the board from jira the board disappears from the agile menu and manage boards expected results the board should be still be present in manage boards and when gh detects that it is not having the associated filter it should request the owner of the board to reassociate it with a filter or with actual results the board disappears from the agile menu and manage boards notesat the same time the board related data is still available in the workaroundpaneltitleworkaroundrefer the article panel
when uploading a large file position the cursor over the x icon and you get a tooltip this is pretty useless it should either explain what clicking the icon does or shouldnt be there at all
issue summary upon inserting resolution time macro and other jira macros eg wallboard etc parameter screen does not load saving the macro causes gadget macro to be added and upon editing the macro has switched to activity stream steps to reproduce create a page using the new editor type resolution time to insert the macro you are presented with this screen cleanshot at there is no way to enter any parameters click save a gadget macro appears in the page click it to open the parameter screen again the macro is now called the activity stream macro expected results the resolution time macro would normally present you with some parameters screen to insert the data you wish to use cleanshot at actual results the below exception is thrown in the developer console noformat uncaught error undefined missing confluenceapinavigatorcontext noformat workaround no workaround while using the new editor
i have several issues with the phrase kidvantage in the description performing a search on kidvantage or kidvantage finds issues however searching on kvantage find no issues likewise kidvantage finds no issues again kivantage finds no matches the help on query syntax says can be used as a wildcard if not in the start position you can also use the wildcard searches in the middle of a term for example to search for or you can use the search it would seem wildcards arent working
summary when using the share links blueprint mail notifications are not sent and neither workbox notifications steps to reproduce set a confluence set a mail server use the share links blueprint to share a link expected results user will get a mail notification actual results no mail is sent notes this was also tested on confluence cloud with the same result
duplicate ids in the dom one from gh and one from jira idcreateissuedialog
summary jira agile gadget macros in confluence are showing the load bar but never load the same behaviour occurs while editing the macro environment confluence cloud jira agile steps to reproduce create a new page in confluence insert macro jira agile wallboard gadget expected results gadget should load wallboard results from agile actual results instead the macro tries to load infinitely with no result thumbnail of result screen shot at notes no logs generated in jira or confluence there is no current workaround
i shut down jira to add the dheadless option to its command line after restarting jira it is now failing on all operations the following are logs during the failure standardwrappervalve allocate exception for servlet actionjavaxservletservletexception servletinit for servlet action threw exception at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at root cause comopensymphonymodulepropertysetpropertyimplementationexception unable to esablish a connection with the database cannot create poolableconnectionfactory at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at standardwrappervalve servletservice for servlet jsp threw exceptioncomopensymphonymodulepropertysetpropertyimplementationexception unable to esablish a connection with the database cannot create poolableconnectionfactory at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at causeunknown please check your system logsreferer urlnullsystem informationsystem date thursday mar time version vendor sun microsystems incjvm version vendor sun microsystems incjvm implementation version runtime javatm runtime environment standard editionjava vm java hotspottm client vmuser name jirauser timezone americalosangelesoperating system linux architecture server containertotal memory mbfree memory mbused memory mbuptime naedition professionalversion number
after performing an upgrade test on unicorn from the june to the july release the issues admin menu does not renderplease note i dont know if this is a problem with the code itself or the unicorn deployment processrepro cd to the stable mvn punicorn populate some data into the instance once its cd to the jiraintegration mvn clean install pskiptests if you dont do a manual cleaninstall first before going to the unicorn commandline you get mixed versions of dependencies it doesnt clear up mvn punicorn try to navigate to the issues admin menuyou get a malformed view of the general permissions page and the general admin menu remains on the leftissuesmenuafterupgradepngive attached the html source of the page issuesmenuhtm
using our oauth integration to pull a private repo from our account and we keep getting forbidden errors as of yesterday nothing has changed on our end the client key and secret that using matches what i see in the oauth integrationthis is the affected account the error is breaking our cicd pipeline and blocking some further bitbucket development doing
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panelthanks in advanced i am new for prestashop migrate site to other server its backend work but frontend have erroas the page isnt redirecting properly search many blog but not solve my problem
steps to reproduce change notification scheme of project to remove all recipients from issue updated event make sure you get notified for issue commented event add a comment on an issue individually make sure you get notification for issue commented bulk edit some issues from this project and add comment to issues no notification is sent out this is because when we add comments to issues in bulk it uses issue updated event instead of issue issue commented event this is confusing for the users
on the left site there is in document view template mode a treeview panel also called sidebar this treeview is not visible after i rebooted the confluence server i tried and but that did not solved the problem
after installation sourcetree works on one computer on several others not on these the attached log is created
if user have browse users permission then can see all users in watchers suggestion list instead of only users from this particular project adding user apart from project is not possible message user doesnt have permission to this project is displayed but usernames are visible this is problem for us because we wouldnt like to show customers other customer names ive created another issue which in our company scenario are related to each other
note this bug report is for jira portfolio cloud using jira portfolio server see the corresponding bug report summarysearching for team via jql doesnt surface subtasks in the steps to reproduce set team on subtask search for team via expected resultsshow all issues that are related to the actual resultsshows all issues related to team except for subtasks