LUPIN: Immobulus!
HERMIONE: And Snape's coming.
HARRY: And now we wait.
HERMIONE: And now we wait.
HERMIONE: At least someone's enjoying himself.
HARRY: Yeah.
HARRY: Hermione?
HARRY: Before, down by the lake, when I was with Sirius I did see someone.
HARRY: That someone made the dementors go away.
HERMIONE: With a Patronus.
HERMIONE: I heard Snape telling Dumbledore.
HERMIONE: According to him only a really powerful wizard could have conjured it.
HARRY: It was my dad.
HARRY: It was my dad conjured the Patronus.
HERMIONE: Harry, but your dad's...
HARRY: Dead. I know.
HARRY: I'm just telling you what I saw.
HERMIONE: Here we come.
HARRY: You see Sirius talking to me there?
HARRY: He's asking me to come live with him.
HERMIONE: That's great.
HARRY: When we free him, I'll never have to go back to the Dursleys'.
HARRY: It'll just be me and him.
HARRY: We could live in the country someplace you can see the sky.
HARRY: He'll like that after all those years in Azkaban.
SIRIUS: Run! Run!
HARRY: Let's go.
HARRY: What are you doing?
HERMIONE: Saving your life.
HARRY: Thanks.
HARRY: Great. Now he's coming for us.
HERMIONE: Yeah, I didn't think about that. Run!
HERMIONE: That was so scary.
HARRY: Poor Professor Lupin's having a really tough night.
HARRY: Sirius. Come on!
HERMIONE: This is horrible.
HARRY: Don't worry.
HARRY: My dad will come.
HARRY: He'll conjure the Patronus.
HARRY: Any minute now.
HARRY: Right there. You'll see.
HERMIONE: Harry, listen to me.
HERMIONE: No one's coming.
HARRY: Don't worry, he will.
HARRY: He will come.
HARRY: Sirius.
HERMIONE: You're dying both of you.
HARRY: Expecto Patronum!
HARRY: You were right, Hermione.
HARRY: It wasn't my dad I saw earlier. It was me!
HARRY: I saw myself conjuring the Patronus before.
HARRY: I knew I could do it this time because well, I had already done it.
HARRY: Does that make sense?
HERMIONE: No. But I don't like flying...!
HERMIONE: Bombarda!
SIRIUS: I'll be forever grateful for this to both of you.
HARRY: I want to go with you.
SIRIUS: One day, perhaps.
SIRIUS: For some time, my life will be too unpredictable.
SIRIUS: And besides you're meant to be here.
HARRY: But you're innocent.
SIRIUS: And you know it.
SIRIUS: And for now, that will do.
SIRIUS: I expect you're tired of hearing this but you look so like your father.
SIRIUS: Except your eyes. You have...
HARRY: My mother's eyes.
SIRIUS: It's cruel that I spent so much time with James and Lily, and you so little.
SIRIUS: But know this: The ones that love us never really leave us.
SIRIUS: And you can always find them in here.
SIRIUS: You really are the brightest witch of your age.
HERMIONE: We have to go.
HARRY: He's free. We did it.
DUMBLEDORE: Good night.
RON: How did you get there?
RON: I was talking to you there.
RON: And now you're there.
HERMIONE: What's he talking about, Harry?
HARRY: I don't know.
HARRY: Honestly, Ron. How can somebody be in two places at once?
LUPIN: Hello, Harry.
LUPIN: I saw you coming.
LUPIN: I've looked worse, believe me.
HARRY: You've been sacked.
LUPIN: No. No. I resigned, actually.
HARRY: Resigned? Why?
LUPIN: Well, it seems that somebody let slip the nature of my condition.
LUPIN: This time tomorrow, the owls will start arriving and parents will not want well, someone like me teaching their children.
HARRY: But Dumbledore...
LUPIN: Dumbledore has already risked enough on my behalf.
LUPIN: Besides, people like me are...
LUPIN: Well, let's just say that I'm used to it by now.
LUPIN: Why do you look so miserable, Harry?
HARRY: None of it made any difference.
HARRY: Pettigrew escaped.
LUPIN: Didn't make any difference?