HERMIONE: Dumbledore obviously wanted us to return to this moment.
HERMIONE: Clearly, something happened he wants us to change.
HARRY: Good punch.
HERMIONE: Malfoy's coming.
DRACO: Not a word to anyone, understood?
DRACO: I'm gonna get that jumped-up mudblood! Mark my words.
HERMIONE: That felt good.
RON: Not good, brilliant.
HARRY: Come on. We should be at Hagrid's.
HARRY: Look. Buckbeak's still alive.
HERMIONE: Of course.
HERMIONE: Remember what Dumbledore said?
HERMIONE: If we succeed, more than one innocent life could be spared.
HERMIONE: Let's go.
HARRY: Here they come. I'd better hurry.
HERMIONE: Fudge has to see Buckbeak before we steal him.
HERMIONE: Otherwise, he'll think Hagrid set him free.
RON: Scabbers, you're alive!
HAGRID: Keep a closer eye on your pet.
HARRY: That's Pettigrew.
HERMIONE: Harry, you can't.
HARRY: Hermione that's the he betrayed my parents.
HARRY: You don't expect me to sit here.
HERMIONE: Yes, and you must!
HERMIONE: Harry, you're in Hagrid's hut now.
HERMIONE: If you go bursting in, you'll think you've gone mad.
HERMIONE: Awful things happen to wizards who meddle with time Harry.
HERMIONE: We can't be seen.
HERMIONE: Fudge is coming.
HERMIONE: And we aren't leaving?
HERMIONE: Why aren't we leaving?
HARRY: Are you mad?
HARRY: That hurt.
HERMIONE: We're coming out the back door. Go!
HERMIONE: Is that really what my hair looks like from the back?
HARRY: What?
HERMIONE: I thought I just saw… Never mind.
RON: Let's go.
HERMIONE: Okay, go, Harry. Go!
HARRY: Get away. Get off.
DUMBLEDORE: Minister, I really think I should sign as well.
FUDGE: Yes, very well. Perhaps it would be...
HARRY: Okay, Buckbeak. Come quickly.
HARRY: Come with us now. Come on.
HERMIONE: Keep trying. Come on. Quickly.
HARRY: Buckbeak. Okay?
HARRY: Quickly. Hurry up. Okay?
FUDGE: Your name only.
DUMBLEDORE: It's such a very long name...
HARRY: Hurry up now, Buckbeak, okay?
HERMIONE: Come on. Come on, Buckbeak.
HERMIONE: Come and get the nice dead ferret.
HERMIONE: Come on. It's here. Come on, Beaky.
DUMBLEDORE: Here we are, minister. Follow me.
DUMBLEDORE: Now, look there.
FUDGE: Where?
DUMBLEDORE: Look beyond the rocks.
FUDGE: What am I supposed to see?
DUMBLEDORE: Professor Dippet had that ling planted when he was headmaster.
FUDGE: Oh, yes. Indeed, indeed.
DUMBLEDORE: And all the strawberries.
HERMIONE: Come on, Buckbeak. Come on.
FUDGE: I see no strawberries.
DUMBLEDORE: Over there.
FUDGE: Where?
DUMBLEDORE: Over there.
HARRY: This way.
FUDGE: Let's get this over, please.
DUMBLEDORE: All right.
FUDGE: But where is it?
FUDGE: I saw the beast, just now.
FUDGE: Not a moment ago!
DUMBLEDORE: How extraordinary.
HAGRID: Buckbeak.
FUDGE: Come now, Dumbledore.
FUDGE: Someone's obviously released him.
FUDGE: Hagrid?
HERMIONE: Buckbeak.
DUMBLEDORE: I don't think the minister's suggesting you had anything to do with this.
DUMBLEDORE: Afterall, How could you?
DUMBLEDORE: You've been with us all the time.
HAGRID: Right.
FUDGE: Well, well.
FUDGE: We must search the grounds.
DUMBLEDORE: Well, search the skies, if you must, minister.
DUMBLEDORE: Meanwhile, I'd like a nice cup of tea or a large brandy.
DUMBLEDORE: Oh, executioner, your services are no longer required.
DUMBLEDORE: Thank you.
HAGRID: You'll find no small glasses in this house, professor.
HERMIONE: Come on.
HARRY: This way.
HARRY: This way, now.
HARRY: Now what?
HERMIONE: We save Sirius.
HERMIONE: No idea.
HERMIONE: Look. It's Lupin.