def clear(self): """ Clear Screen """ widgets.StringWidget(self, ref="_w1_", text=" " * 20, x=1, y=1) widgets.StringWidget(self, ref="_w2_", text=" " * 20, x=1, y=2) widgets.StringWidget(self, ref="_w3_", text=" " * 20, x=1, y=3) widgets.StringWidget(self, ref="_w4_", text=" " * 20, x=1, y=4)
def chemical_formula(self): """the chemical formula of the molecule""" counts = {} for number in self.numbers: counts[number] = counts.get(number, 0)+1 items = [] for number, count in sorted(counts.items(), reverse=True): if count == 1: items.append(periodic[number].symbol) else: items.append("%s%i" % (periodic[number].symbol, count)) return "".join(items)
def follow_user(self, user, delegate): """Follow the given user. Returns the user info back to the given delegate """ parser = txml.Users(delegate) return self.__postPage('/friendships/create/%s.xml' % (user), parser)
def set_numeric_score_increment(self, increment): """Sets the numeric score increment. arg: increment (decimal): the numeric score increment raise: InvalidArgument - ``increment`` is invalid raise: NoAccess - ``increment`` cannot be modified *compliance: mandatory -- This method must be implemented.* """ # Implemented from template for osid.grading.GradeSystemForm.set_lowest_numeric_score if self.get_numeric_score_increment_metadata().is_read_only(): raise errors.NoAccess() try: increment = float(increment) except ValueError: raise errors.InvalidArgument() if not self._is_valid_decimal(increment, self.get_numeric_score_increment_metadata()): raise errors.InvalidArgument() self._my_map['numericScoreIncrement'] = increment
def get_next_interval_histogram(self, range_start_time_sec=0.0, range_end_time_sec=sys.maxsize, absolute=False): '''Read the next interval histogram from the log, if interval falls within an absolute or relative time range. Timestamps are assumed to appear in order in the log file, and as such this method will return a null upon encountering a timestamp larger than range_end_time_sec. Relative time range: the range is assumed to be in seconds relative to the actual timestamp value found in each interval line in the log Absolute time range: Absolute timestamps are calculated by adding the timestamp found with the recorded interval to the [latest, optional] start time found in the log. The start time is indicated in the log with a "#[StartTime: " followed by the start time in seconds. Params: range_start_time_sec The absolute or relative start of the expected time range, in seconds. range_start_time_sec The absolute or relative end of the expected time range, in seconds. absolute Defines if the passed range is absolute or relative Return: Returns an histogram object if an interval line was found with an associated start timestamp value that falls between start_time_sec and end_time_sec, or null if no such interval line is found. Upon encountering any unexpected format errors in reading the next interval from the file, this method will return None. The histogram returned will have it's timestamp set to the absolute timestamp calculated from adding the interval's indicated timestamp value to the latest [optional] start time found in the log. Exceptions: ValueError if there is a syntax error in one of the float fields ''' return self._decode_next_interval_histogram(None, range_start_time_sec, range_end_time_sec, absolute)
def inverse_transform(self, X, copy=None): """ Scale back the data to the original representation. :param X: Scaled data matrix. :type X: numpy.ndarray, shape [n_samples, n_features] :param bool copy: Copy the X data matrix. :return: X data matrix with the scaling operation reverted. :rtype: numpy.ndarray, shape [n_samples, n_features] """ check_is_fitted(self, 'scale_') copy = copy if copy is not None else self.copy if sparse.issparse(X): if self.with_mean: raise ValueError( "Cannot uncenter sparse matrices: pass `with_mean=False` " "instead See docstring for motivation and alternatives.") if not sparse.isspmatrix_csr(X): X = X.tocsr() copy = False if copy: X = X.copy() if self.scale_ is not None: inplace_column_scale(X, self.scale_) else: X = numpy.asarray(X) if copy: X = X.copy() if self.with_std: X *= self.scale_ if self.with_mean: X += self.mean_ return X
def resource_qualifier(resource): """ Split a resource in (filename, directory) tuple with taking care of external resources :param resource: A file path or a URI :return: (Filename, Directory) for files, (URI, None) for URI """ if resource.startswith("//") or resource.startswith("http"): return resource, None else: return reversed(op.split(resource))
def get_params_parser(): """Parse command line arguments""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parser.add_argument('-g', '--debug', dest='debug', action='store_true', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument("--arthur", action='store_true', dest='arthur', help="Enable arthur to collect raw data") parser.add_argument("--raw", action='store_true', dest='raw', help="Activate raw task") parser.add_argument("--enrich", action='store_true', dest='enrich', help="Activate enrich task") parser.add_argument("--identities", action='store_true', dest='identities', help="Activate merge identities task") parser.add_argument("--panels", action='store_true', dest='panels', help="Activate panels task") parser.add_argument("--cfg", dest='cfg_path', help="Configuration file path") parser.add_argument("--backends", dest='backend_sections', default=[], nargs='*', help="Backend sections to execute") if len(sys.argv) == 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) return parser
def df_filter_col_sum(df, threshold, take_abs=True): ''' filter columns in matrix at some threshold and remove rows that have all zero values ''' from copy import deepcopy from .__init__ import Network net = Network() if take_abs is True: df_copy = deepcopy(df['mat'].abs()) else: df_copy = deepcopy(df['mat']) df_copy = df_copy.transpose() df_copy = df_copy[df_copy.sum(axis=1) > threshold] df_copy = df_copy.transpose() df_copy = df_copy[df_copy.sum(axis=1) > 0] if take_abs is True: inst_rows = df_copy.index.tolist() inst_cols = df_copy.columns.tolist() df['mat'] = grab_df_subset(df['mat'], inst_rows, inst_cols) if 'mat_up' in df: df['mat_up'] = grab_df_subset(df['mat_up'], inst_rows, inst_cols) df['mat_dn'] = grab_df_subset(df['mat_dn'], inst_rows, inst_cols) if 'mat_orig' in df: df['mat_orig'] = grab_df_subset(df['mat_orig'], inst_rows, inst_cols) else: df['mat'] = df_copy return df
def set_logger(self): """ Prepare the logger, using self.logger_name and self.logger_level """ self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.logger_name) self.logger.setLevel(self.logger_level)
def eta_hms(seconds, always_show_hours=False, always_show_minutes=False, hours_leading_zero=False): """Converts seconds remaining into a human readable timestamp (e.g. hh:mm:ss, h:mm:ss, mm:ss, or ss). Positional arguments: seconds -- integer/float indicating seconds remaining. Keyword arguments: always_show_hours -- don't hide the 0 hours. always_show_minutes -- don't hide the 0 minutes. hours_leading_zero -- show 01:00:00 instead of 1:00:00. Returns: Human readable string. """ # Convert seconds to other units. final_hours, final_minutes, final_seconds = 0, 0, seconds if final_seconds >= 3600: final_hours = int(final_seconds / 3600.0) final_seconds -= final_hours * 3600 if final_seconds >= 60: final_minutes = int(final_seconds / 60.0) final_seconds -= final_minutes * 60 final_seconds = int(ceil(final_seconds)) # Determine which string template to use. if final_hours or always_show_hours: if hours_leading_zero: template = '{hour:02.0f}:{minute:02.0f}:{second:02.0f}' else: template = '{hour}:{minute:02.0f}:{second:02.0f}' elif final_minutes or always_show_minutes: template = '{minute:02.0f}:{second:02.0f}' else: template = '{second:02.0f}' return template.format(hour=final_hours, minute=final_minutes, second=final_seconds)
def discover_files(base_path, sub_path='', ext='', trim_base_path=False): """Discovers all files with certain extension in given paths.""" file_list = [] for root, dirs, files in walk(path.join(base_path, sub_path)): if trim_base_path: root = path.relpath(root, base_path) file_list.extend([path.join(root, file_name) for file_name in files if file_name.endswith(ext)]) return sorted(file_list)
def on_message(self, client_conn, msg): """Handle message. Returns ------- ready : Future A future that will resolve once we're ready, else None. Notes ----- *on_message* should not be called again until *ready* has resolved. """ MAX_QUEUE_SIZE = 30 if len(self._msg_queue) >= MAX_QUEUE_SIZE: # This should never happen if callers to handle_message wait # for its futures to resolve before sending another message. # NM 2014-10-06: Except when there are multiple clients. Oops. raise RuntimeError('MessageHandlerThread unhandled ' 'message queue full, not handling message') ready_future = Future() self._msg_queue.append((ready_future, client_conn, msg)) self._wake.set() return ready_future
def remove_dbs(self, double): """Remove double item from list """ one = [] for dup in double: if dup not in one: one.append(dup) return one
def display(self, stats, cs_status=None): """Display stats on the screen. stats: Stats database to display cs_status: "None": standalone or server mode "Connected": Client is connected to a Glances server "SNMP": Client is connected to a SNMP server "Disconnected": Client is disconnected from the server Return: True if the stats have been displayed False if the help have been displayed """ # Init the internal line/column for Glances Curses self.init_line_column() # Update the stats messages ########################### # Get all the plugins but quicklook and proceslist self.args.cs_status = cs_status __stat_display = self.__get_stat_display(stats, layer=cs_status) # Adapt number of processes to the available space max_processes_displayed = ( self.screen.getmaxyx()[0] - 11 - (0 if 'docker' not in __stat_display else self.get_stats_display_height(__stat_display["docker"])) - (0 if 'processcount' not in __stat_display else self.get_stats_display_height(__stat_display["processcount"])) - (0 if 'amps' not in __stat_display else self.get_stats_display_height(__stat_display["amps"])) - (0 if 'alert' not in __stat_display else self.get_stats_display_height(__stat_display["alert"]))) try: if self.args.enable_process_extended: max_processes_displayed -= 4 except AttributeError: pass if max_processes_displayed < 0: max_processes_displayed = 0 if (glances_processes.max_processes is None or glances_processes.max_processes != max_processes_displayed): logger.debug("Set number of displayed processes to {}".format(max_processes_displayed)) glances_processes.max_processes = max_processes_displayed # Get the processlist __stat_display["processlist"] = stats.get_plugin( 'processlist').get_stats_display(args=self.args) # Display the stats on the curses interface ########################################### # Help screen (on top of the other stats) if self.args.help_tag: # Display the stats... self.display_plugin( stats.get_plugin('help').get_stats_display(args=self.args)) # ... and exit return False # ===================================== # Display first line (system+ip+uptime) # Optionnaly: Cloud on second line # ===================================== self.__display_header(__stat_display) # ============================================================== # Display second line (<SUMMARY>+CPU|PERCPU+<GPU>+LOAD+MEM+SWAP) # ============================================================== self.__display_top(__stat_display, stats) # ================================================================== # Display left sidebar (NETWORK+PORTS+DISKIO+FS+SENSORS+Current time) # ================================================================== self.__display_left(__stat_display) # ==================================== # Display right stats (process and co) # ==================================== self.__display_right(__stat_display) # ===================== # Others popup messages # ===================== # Display edit filter popup # Only in standalone mode (cs_status is None) if self.edit_filter and cs_status is None: new_filter = self.display_popup( 'Process filter pattern: \n\n' + 'Examples:\n' + '- python\n' + '- .*python.*\n' + '- /usr/lib.*\n' + '- name:.*nautilus.*\n' + '- cmdline:.*glances.*\n' + '- username:nicolargo\n' + '- username:^root ', is_input=True, input_value=glances_processes.process_filter_input) glances_processes.process_filter = new_filter elif self.edit_filter and cs_status is not None: self.display_popup('Process filter only available in standalone mode') self.edit_filter = False # Display graph generation popup if self.args.generate_graph: self.display_popup('Generate graph in {}'.format(self.args.export_graph_path)) return True
def _setup_model_loss(self, lr): """ Setup loss and optimizer for PyTorch model. """ # Setup loss if not hasattr(self, "loss"): self.loss = SoftCrossEntropyLoss() # Setup optimizer if not hasattr(self, "optimizer"): self.optimizer = optim.Adam(self.parameters(), lr=lr)
def _apply_scales(array, scales, dtype): """Apply scales to the array. """ new_array = np.empty(array.shape, dtype) for i in array.dtype.names: try: new_array[i] = array[i] * scales[i] except TypeError: if np.all(scales[i] == 1): new_array[i] = array[i] else: raise return new_array
def does_not_contain(self, element): """ Ensures :attr:`subject` does not contain *element*. """ self._run(unittest_case.assertNotIn, (element, self._subject)) return ChainInspector(self._subject)
def get_profane_words(self): """Returns all profane words currently in use.""" profane_words = [] if self._custom_censor_list: profane_words = [w for w in self._custom_censor_list] # Previous versions of Python don't have list.copy() else: profane_words = [w for w in self._censor_list] profane_words.extend(self._extra_censor_list) profane_words.extend([inflection.pluralize(word) for word in profane_words]) profane_words = list(set(profane_words)) # We sort the list based on decreasing word length so that words like # 'fu' aren't substituted before 'fuck' if no_word_boundaries = true profane_words.sort(key=len) profane_words.reverse() return profane_words
def runSearchReferenceSets(self, request): """ Runs the specified SearchReferenceSetsRequest. """ return self.runSearchRequest( request, protocol.SearchReferenceSetsRequest, protocol.SearchReferenceSetsResponse, self.referenceSetsGenerator)
def to_feather(self, fname): """ Write out the binary feather-format for DataFrames. .. versionadded:: 0.20.0 Parameters ---------- fname : str string file path """ from pandas.io.feather_format import to_feather to_feather(self, fname)
def process_commmon(self): ''' Some data processing common for all services. No need to override this. ''' data = self.data data_content = data['content'][0] ## Paste the output of a command # This is deprecated after piping support if data['command']: try: call = subprocess.Popen(data_content.split(), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE) out, err = call.communicate() content = out except OSError: logging.exception('Cannot execute the command') content = '' if not data['title']: data['title'] = 'Output of command: `%s`' %(data_content) ## Paste the output of a file # This is deprecated after piping support elif data['file']: try: f = file(data_content) content = f.read() f.close() except IOError: logging.exception('File not present or unreadable') content = '' if not data['title']: data['title'] = 'File: `%s`' %(data_content) else: content = data_content self.data['content'] = content self.data['syntax'] = self.SYNTAX_DICT.get(self.data['syntax'], '') # Excluded data not useful in paste information for key in ['func', 'verbose', 'service', 'extra', 'command', 'file']: del self.data[key]
def _readMultiple(self, start, end, db): """ Returns a list of hashes with serial numbers between start and end, both inclusive. """ self._validatePos(start, end) # Converting any bytearray to bytes return [bytes(db.get(str(pos))) for pos in range(start, end + 1)]
def info_factory(name, libnames, headers, frameworks=None, section=None, classname=None): """Create a system_info class. Parameters ---------- name : str name of the library libnames : seq list of libraries to look for headers : seq list of headers to look for classname : str name of the returned class section : str section name in the site.cfg Returns ------- a system_info-derived class with the given meta-parameters """ if not classname: classname = '%s_info' % name if not section: section = name if not frameworks: framesworks = [] class _ret(system_info): def __init__(self): system_info.__init__(self) def library_extensions(self): return system_info.library_extensions(self) def calc_info(self): """ Compute the informations of the library """ if libnames: libs = self.get_libs('libraries', '') if not libs: libs = libnames # Look for the shared library lib_dirs = self.get_lib_dirs() tmp = None for d in lib_dirs: tmp = self.check_libs(d, libs) if tmp is not None: info = tmp break if tmp is None: return # Look for the header file include_dirs = self.get_include_dirs() inc_dir = None for d in include_dirs: p = self.combine_paths(d, headers) if p: inc_dir = os.path.dirname(p[0]) dict_append(info, include_dirs=[d]) break if inc_dir is None: log.info(' %s not found' % name) return self.set_info(**info) else: # Look for frameworks if frameworks: fargs = [] for f in frameworks: p = "/System/Library/Frameworks/%s.framework" % f if os.path.exists(p): fargs.append("-framework") fargs.append(f) if fargs: self.set_info(extra_link_args=fargs) return _ret.__name__ = classname _ret.section = section return _ret
def refresh_console(self, console: tcod.console.Console) -> None: """Update an Image created with :any:`tcod.image_from_console`. The console used with this function should have the same width and height as the Console given to :any:`tcod.image_from_console`. The font width and height must also be the same as when :any:`tcod.image_from_console` was called. Args: console (Console): A Console with a pixel width and height matching this Image. """ lib.TCOD_image_refresh_console(self.image_c, _console(console))
def ProcessHuntClientCrash(flow_obj, client_crash_info): """Processes client crash triggerted by a given hunt-induced flow.""" if not hunt.IsLegacyHunt(flow_obj.parent_hunt_id): hunt.StopHuntIfCrashLimitExceeded(flow_obj.parent_hunt_id) return hunt_urn = rdfvalue.RDFURN("hunts").Add(flow_obj.parent_hunt_id) with aff4.FACTORY.Open(hunt_urn, mode="rw") as fd: # Legacy AFF4 code expects token to be set. fd.token = access_control.ACLToken(username=fd.creator) fd.RegisterCrash(client_crash_info)
def call_plugins(self, step): ''' For each plugins, check if a "step" method exist on it, and call it Args: step (str): The method to search and call on each plugin ''' for plugin in self.plugins: try: getattr(plugin, step)() except AttributeError: self.logger.debug("{} doesn't exist on plugin {}".format(step, plugin)) except TypeError: self.logger.debug("{} on plugin {} is not callable".format(step, plugin))
def extend(dict_, *dicts, **kwargs): """Extend a dictionary with keys and values from other dictionaries. :param dict_: Dictionary to extend Optional keyword arguments allow to control the exact way in which ``dict_`` will be extended. :param overwrite: Whether repeated keys should have their values overwritten, retaining the last value, as per given order of dictionaries. This is the default behavior (equivalent to ``overwrite=True``). If ``overwrite=False``, repeated keys are simply ignored. Example:: >> foo = {'a': 1} >> extend(foo, {'a': 10, 'b': 2}, overwrite=True) {'a': 10, 'b': 2} >> foo = {'a': 1} >> extend(foo, {'a': 10, 'b': 2}, overwrite=False) {'a': 1, 'b': 2} :param deep: Whether extending should proceed recursively, and cause corresponding subdictionaries to be merged into each other. By default, this does not happen (equivalent to ``deep=False``). Example:: >> foo = {'a': {'b': 1}} >> extend(foo, {'a': {'c': 2}}, deep=False) {'a': {'c': 2}} >> foo = {'a': {'b': 1}} >> extend(foo, {'a': {'c': 2}}, deep=True) {'a': {'b': 1, 'c': 2}} :return: Extended ``dict_`` .. versionadded:: 0.0.2 """ ensure_mapping(dict_) dicts = list(imap(ensure_mapping, dicts)) ensure_keyword_args(kwargs, optional=('deep', 'overwrite')) return _nary_dict_update([dict_] + dicts, copy=False, deep=kwargs.get('deep', False), overwrite=kwargs.get('overwrite', True))
def cmd_iter( self, tgt, fun, arg=(), timeout=None, tgt_type='glob', ret='', kwarg=None, **kwargs): ''' Execute a single command via the salt-ssh subsystem and return a generator .. versionadded:: 2015.5.0 ''' ssh = self._prep_ssh( tgt, fun, arg, timeout, tgt_type, kwarg, **kwargs) for ret in ssh.run_iter(jid=kwargs.get('jid', None)): yield ret
def get_parser(cfg_file=cfg_file): """ Returns a ConfigParser.ConfigParser() object for our cfg_file """ if not os.path.exists(cfg_file): generate_configfile(cfg_file=cfg_file, defaults=defaults) config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.read(cfg_file) return config
def load(cls, cache_file, backend=None): """Instantiate AsyncResult from dumped `cache_file`. This is the inverse of :meth:`dump`. Parameters ---------- cache_file: str Name of file from which the run should be read. backend: clusterjob.backends.ClusterjobBackend or None The backend instance for the job. If None, the backend will be determined by the *name* of the dumped job's backend. """ with open(cache_file, 'rb') as pickle_fh: (remote, backend_name, max_sleep_interval, job_id, status, epilogue, ssh, scp) = pickle.load(pickle_fh) if backend is None: backend = JobScript._backends[backend_name] ar = cls(backend) (ar.remote, ar.max_sleep_interval, ar.job_id, ar._status, ar.epilogue, ar.ssh, ar.scp) \ = (remote, max_sleep_interval, job_id, status, epilogue, ssh, scp) ar.cache_file = cache_file return ar
def least_upper_bound(*intervals_to_join): """ Pseudo least upper bound. Join the given set of intervals into a big interval. The resulting strided interval is the one which in all the possible joins of the presented SI, presented the least number of values. The number of joins to compute is linear with the number of intervals to join. Draft of proof: Considering three generic SI (a,b, and c) ordered from their lower bounds, such that a.lower_bund <= b.lower_bound <= c.lower_bound, where <= is the lexicographic less or equal. The only joins which have sense to compute are: * a U b U c * b U c U a * c U a U b All the other combinations fall in either one of these cases. For example: b U a U c does not make make sense to be calculated. In fact, if one draws this union, the result is exactly either (b U c U a) or (a U b U c) or (c U a U b). :param intervals_to_join: Intervals to join :return: Interval that contains all intervals """ assert len(intervals_to_join) > 0, "No intervals to join" # Check if all intervals are of same width all_same = all(x.bits == intervals_to_join[0].bits for x in intervals_to_join) assert all_same, "All intervals to join should be same" # Optimization: If we have only one interval, then return that interval as result if len(intervals_to_join) == 1: return intervals_to_join[0].copy() # Optimization: If we have only two intervals, the pseudo-join is fine and more precise if len(intervals_to_join) == 2: return StridedInterval.pseudo_join(intervals_to_join[0], intervals_to_join[1]) # sort the intervals in increasing left bound sorted_intervals = sorted(intervals_to_join, key=lambda x: x.lower_bound) # Fig 3 of the paper ret = None # we try all possible joins (linear with the number of SI to join) # and we return the one with the least number of values. for i in xrange(len(sorted_intervals)): # let's join all of them si = reduce(lambda x, y: StridedInterval.pseudo_join(x, y, False), sorted_intervals[i:] + sorted_intervals[0:i]) if ret is None or ret.n_values > si.n_values: ret = si if any([x for x in intervals_to_join if x.uninitialized]): ret.uninitialized = True return ret
def pull(self, repository, tag=None, **kwargs): """ Pull an image of the given name and return it. Similar to the ``docker pull`` command. If no tag is specified, all tags from that repository will be pulled. If you want to get the raw pull output, use the :py:meth:`~docker.api.image.ImageApiMixin.pull` method in the low-level API. Args: repository (str): The repository to pull tag (str): The tag to pull auth_config (dict): Override the credentials that are found in the config for this request. ``auth_config`` should contain the ``username`` and ``password`` keys to be valid. platform (str): Platform in the format ``os[/arch[/variant]]`` Returns: (:py:class:`Image` or list): The image that has been pulled. If no ``tag`` was specified, the method will return a list of :py:class:`Image` objects belonging to this repository. Raises: :py:class:`docker.errors.APIError` If the server returns an error. Example: >>> # Pull the image tagged `latest` in the busybox repo >>> image = client.images.pull('busybox:latest') >>> # Pull all tags in the busybox repo >>> images = client.images.pull('busybox') """ if not tag: repository, tag = parse_repository_tag(repository) if 'stream' in kwargs: warnings.warn( '`stream` is not a valid parameter for this method' ' and will be overridden' ) del kwargs['stream'] pull_log = self.client.api.pull( repository, tag=tag, stream=True, **kwargs ) for _ in pull_log: # We don't do anything with the logs, but we need # to keep the connection alive and wait for the image # to be pulled. pass if tag: return self.get('{0}{2}{1}'.format( repository, tag, '@' if tag.startswith('sha256:') else ':' )) return self.list(repository)
def export(self, top=True): """Exports object to its string representation. Args: top (bool): if True appends `internal_name` before values. All non list objects should be exported with value top=True, all list objects, that are embedded in as fields inlist objects should be exported with `top`=False Returns: str: The objects string representation """ out = [] if top: out.append(self._internal_name) out.append(self._to_str(self.typical_or_extreme_period_name)) out.append(self._to_str(self.typical_or_extreme_period_type)) out.append(self._to_str(self.period_start_day)) out.append(self._to_str(self.period_end_day)) return ",".join(out)
def _registerInterface(self, iName, intf, isPrivate=False): """ Register interface object on interface level object """ nameAvailabilityCheck(self, iName, intf) assert intf._parent is None intf._parent = self intf._name = iName intf._ctx = self._ctx if isPrivate: self._private_interfaces.append(intf) intf._isExtern = False else: self._interfaces.append(intf) intf._isExtern = True
def _K_computations(self, X, X2=None): """Pre-computations for the covariance function (used both when computing the covariance and its gradients). Here self._dK_dvar and self._K_dist2 are updated.""" self._lengthscales=self.mapping.f(X) self._lengthscales2=np.square(self._lengthscales) if X2==None: self._lengthscales_two = self._lengthscales self._lengthscales_two2 = self._lengthscales2 Xsquare = np.square(X).sum(1) self._K_dist2 = -2.*tdot(X) + Xsquare[:, None] + Xsquare[None, :] else: self._lengthscales_two = self.mapping.f(X2) self._lengthscales_two2 = np.square(self._lengthscales_two) self._K_dist2 = -2.*np.dot(X, X2.T) + np.square(X).sum(1)[:, None] + np.square(X2).sum(1)[None, :] self._w2 = self._lengthscales2 + self._lengthscales_two2.T prod_length = self._lengthscales*self._lengthscales_two.T self._K_exponential = np.exp(-self._K_dist2/self._w2) self._K_dvar = np.sign(prod_length)*(2*np.abs(prod_length)/self._w2)**(self.input_dim/2.)*np.exp(-self._K_dist2/self._w2)
def get_experiments(base, load=False): ''' get_experiments will return loaded json for all valid experiments from an experiment folder :param base: full path to the base folder with experiments inside :param load: if True, returns a list of loaded config.json objects. If False (default) returns the paths to the experiments ''' experiments = find_directories(base) valid_experiments = [e for e in experiments if validate(e,cleanup=False)] bot.info("Found %s valid experiments" %(len(valid_experiments))) if load is True: valid_experiments = load_experiments(valid_experiments) #TODO at some point in this workflow we would want to grab instructions from help # and variables from labels, environment, etc. return valid_experiments
def is_super_admin(self, req): """Returns True if the admin specified in the request represents the .super_admin. :param req: The swob.Request to check. :param returns: True if .super_admin. """ return req.headers.get('x-auth-admin-user') == '.super_admin' and \ self.super_admin_key and \ req.headers.get('x-auth-admin-key') == self.super_admin_key
def isoformat(self, strict=False): '''Return date in isoformat (same as __str__ but without qualifier). WARNING: does not replace '?' in dates unless strict=True. ''' out = self.year # what do we do when no year ... for val in [self.month, self.day]: if not val: break out += u'-' + val if strict: out = out.replace('?', '0') if self.hour: out += u' ' out += self.hour for val in [self.minute, self.second]: if not val: break out += u':' + val if self.microsecond: out += u'.' + self.microsecond return out
def replicator_eigenmaps(adjacency_matrix, k): """ Performs spectral graph embedding on the centrality reweighted adjacency matrix Inputs: - A in R^(nxn): Adjacency matrix of an undirected network represented as a scipy.sparse.coo_matrix - k: The number of social dimensions/eigenvectors to extract - max_iter: The maximum number of iterations for the iterative eigensolution method Outputs: - S in R^(nxk): The social dimensions represented as a numpy.array matrix """ number_of_nodes = adjacency_matrix.shape[0] max_eigenvalue = spla.eigsh(adjacency_matrix, k=1, which='LM', return_eigenvectors=False) # Calculate Replicator matrix eye_matrix = sparse.eye(number_of_nodes, number_of_nodes, dtype=np.float64) eye_matrix = eye_matrix.tocsr() eye_matrix.data = eye_matrix.data*max_eigenvalue replicator = eye_matrix - adjacency_matrix # Calculate bottom k+1 eigenvalues and eigenvectors of normalised Laplacian try: eigenvalues, eigenvectors = spla.eigsh(replicator, k=k+1, which='SM', return_eigenvectors=True) except spla.ArpackNoConvergence as e: print("ARPACK has not converged.") eigenvalue = e.eigenvalues eigenvectors = e.eigenvectors eigenvectors = eigenvectors[:, 1:] return eigenvectors
def get_commit_tree(profile, sha): """Get the SHA of a commit's tree. Args: profile A profile generated from ``simplygithub.authentication.profile``. Such profiles tell this module (i) the ``repo`` to connect to, and (ii) the ``token`` to connect with. sha The SHA of a commit. Returns: The SHA of the commit's tree. """ data = commits.get_commit(profile, sha) tree = data.get("tree") sha = tree.get("sha") return sha
def naccess_available(): """True if naccess is available on the path.""" available = False try: subprocess.check_output(['naccess'], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: available = True except FileNotFoundError: print("naccess has not been found on your path. If you have already " "installed naccess but are unsure how to add it to your path, " "check out this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/14638025") return available
def get_workspace_activities(brain, limit=1): """ Return the workspace activities sorted by reverse chronological order Regarding the time value: - the datetime value contains the time in international format (machine readable) - the title value contains the absolute date and time of the post """ mb = queryUtility(IMicroblogTool) items = mb.context_values(brain.getObject(), limit=limit) return [ { 'subject': item.creator, 'verb': 'published', 'object': item.text, 'time': { 'datetime': item.date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'title': item.date.strftime('%d %B %Y, %H:%M'), } } for item in items ]
def http_get_provider(provider, request_url, params, token_secret, token_cookie = None): '''Handle HTTP GET requests on an authentication endpoint. Authentication flow begins when ``params`` has a ``login`` key with a value of ``start``. For instance, ``/auth/twitter?login=start``. :param str provider: An provider to obtain a user ID from. :param str request_url: The authentication endpoint/callback. :param dict params: GET parameters from the query string. :param str token_secret: An app secret to encode/decode JSON web tokens. :param str token_cookie: The current JSON web token, if available. :return: A dict containing any of the following possible keys: ``status``: an HTTP status code the server should sent ``redirect``: where the client should be directed to continue the flow ``set_token_cookie``: contains a JSON web token and should be stored by the client and passed in the next call. ``provider_user_id``: the user ID from the login provider ``provider_user_name``: the user name from the login provider ''' if not validate_provider(provider): raise InvalidUsage('Provider not supported') klass = getattr(socialauth.providers, provider.capitalize()) provider = klass(request_url, params, token_secret, token_cookie) if provider.status == 302: ret = dict(status = 302, redirect = provider.redirect) tc = getattr(provider, 'set_token_cookie', None) if tc is not None: ret['set_token_cookie'] = tc return ret if provider.status == 200 and provider.user_id is not None: ret = dict(status = 200, provider_user_id = provider.user_id) if provider.user_name is not None: ret['provider_user_name'] = provider.user_name return ret raise InvalidUsage('Invalid request')
def commit_deposit(self, deposit_id, **params): """https://developers.coinbase.com/api/v2#commit-a-deposit""" return self.api_client.commit_deposit(self.id, deposit_id, **params)
def local_dt(dt): """Return an aware datetime in system timezone, from a naive or aware datetime. Naive datetime are assumed to be in UTC TZ. """ if not dt.tzinfo: dt = pytz.utc.localize(dt) return LOCALTZ.normalize(dt.astimezone(LOCALTZ))
def end_time(self): """ Return the end time of the current valid segment of data """ return float(self.strain.start_time + (len(self.strain) - self.total_corruption) / self.sample_rate)
def _check_psutil(self, instance): """ Gather metrics about connections states and interfaces counters using psutil facilities """ custom_tags = instance.get('tags', []) if self._collect_cx_state: self._cx_state_psutil(tags=custom_tags) self._cx_counters_psutil(tags=custom_tags)
def _GetFileByPath(self, key_path_upper): """Retrieves a Windows Registry file for a specific path. Args: key_path_upper (str): Windows Registry key path, in upper case with a resolved root key alias. Returns: tuple: consists: str: upper case key path prefix WinRegistryFile: corresponding Windows Registry file or None if not available. """ # TODO: handle HKEY_USERS in both 9X and NT. key_path_prefix, registry_file = self._GetCachedFileByPath(key_path_upper) if not registry_file: for mapping in self._GetFileMappingsByPath(key_path_upper): try: registry_file = self._OpenFile(mapping.windows_path) except IOError: registry_file = None if not registry_file: continue if not key_path_prefix: key_path_prefix = mapping.key_path_prefix self.MapFile(key_path_prefix, registry_file) key_path_prefix = key_path_prefix.upper() break return key_path_prefix, registry_file
def check_config(self, config): """ Check the config file for required fields and validity. @param config: The config dict. @return: True if valid, error string if invalid paramaters where encountered. """ validation = "" required = ["name", "currency", "IBAN", "BIC"] for config_item in required: if config_item not in config: validation += config_item.upper() + "_MISSING " if not validation: return True else: raise Exception("Config file did not validate. " + validation)
def evaluation_metrics(predicted, actual, bow=True): """ Input: predicted, actual = lists of the predicted and actual tokens bow: if true use bag of words assumption Returns: precision, recall, F1, Levenshtein distance """ if bow: p = set(predicted) a = set(actual) true_positive = 0 for token in p: if token in a: true_positive += 1 else: # shove actual into a hash, count up the unique occurances of each token # iterate through predicted, check which occur in actual from collections import defaultdict act = defaultdict(lambda: 0) for token in actual: act[token] += 1 true_positive = 0 for token in predicted: if act[token] > 0: true_positive += 1 act[token] -= 1 # for shared logic below p = predicted a = actual try: precision = true_positive / len(p) except ZeroDivisionError: precision = 0.0 try: recall = true_positive / len(a) except ZeroDivisionError: recall = 0.0 try: f1 = 2.0 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall) except ZeroDivisionError: f1 = 0.0 # return (precision, recall, f1, dameraulevenshtein(predicted, actual)) return (precision, recall, f1)
def _upgrade(self): """ Upgrade the serialized object if necessary. Raises: FutureVersionError: file was written by a future version of the software. """ logging.debug("[FeedbackResultsSeries]._upgrade()") version = Version.fromstring(self.version) logging.debug('[FeedbackResultsSeries] version=%s, class_version=%s', str(version), self.class_version) if version > Version.fromstring(self.class_version): logging.debug('[FeedbackResultsSeries] version>class_version') raise FutureVersionError(Version.fromstring(self.class_version), version) elif version < Version.fromstring(self.class_version): if version < Version(0, 1): self.time = [None]*len(self.data) self.version = str(Version(0, 1))
def add_proxy(self, proxy): """Add a valid proxy into pool You must call `add_proxy` method to add a proxy into pool instead of directly operate the `proxies` variable. """ protocol = proxy.protocol addr = proxy.addr if addr in self.proxies: self.proxies[protocol][addr].last_checked = proxy.last_checked else: self.proxies[protocol][addr] = proxy self.addr_list[protocol].append(addr)
def makebunches_alter(data, commdct, theidf): """make bunches with data""" bunchdt = {} dt, dtls = data.dt, data.dtls for obj_i, key in enumerate(dtls): key = key.upper() objs = dt[key] list1 = [] for obj in objs: bobj = makeabunch(commdct, obj, obj_i) list1.append(bobj) bunchdt[key] = Idf_MSequence(list1, objs, theidf) return bunchdt
def get_window(): """Get IDA's top level window.""" tform = idaapi.get_current_tform() # Required sometimes when closing IDBs and not IDA. if not tform: tform = idaapi.find_tform("Output window") widget = form_to_widget(tform) window = widget.window() return window
def POST_query(self, req_hook, req_args): ''' Generic POST query method ''' # HTTP POST queries require keyManagerTokens and sessionTokens headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'sessionToken': self.__session__, 'keyManagerToken': self.__keymngr__} # HTTP POST query to keymanager authenticate API try: if req_args is None: response = requests.post(self.__url__ + req_hook, headers=headers, verify=True) else: response = requests.post(self.__url__ + req_hook, headers=headers, data=req_args, verify=True) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err: self.logger.error(err) return '500', 'Internal Error in RESTful.POST_query()' # return the token return response.status_code, response.text
def chain(self, other_task): """ Add a chain listener to the execution of this task. Whenever an item has been processed by the task, the registered listener task will be queued to be executed with the output of this task. Can also be written as:: pipeline = task1 > task2 """ other_task._source = self self._listeners.append(ChainListener(other_task)) return other_task
def simulate(self, nsites, transition_matrix, tree, ncat=1, alpha=1): """ Return sequences simulated under the transition matrix's model """ sim = SequenceSimulator(transition_matrix, tree, ncat, alpha) return list(sim.simulate(nsites).items())
def menu_item(self, sub_assistant, path): """ The function creates a menu item and assigns signal like select and button-press-event for manipulation with menu_item. sub_assistant and path """ if not sub_assistant[0].icon_path: menu_item = self.create_menu_item(sub_assistant[0].fullname) else: menu_item = self.create_image_menu_item( sub_assistant[0].fullname, sub_assistant[0].icon_path ) if sub_assistant[0].description: menu_item.set_has_tooltip(True) menu_item.connect("query-tooltip", self.parent.tooltip_queries, self.get_formatted_description(sub_assistant[0].description), ) menu_item.connect("select", self.parent.sub_menu_select, path) menu_item.connect("button-press-event", self.parent.sub_menu_pressed) menu_item.show() return menu_item
def free_slave(**connection_args): ''' Frees a slave from its master. This is a WIP, do not use. CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' mysql.free_slave ''' slave_db = _connect(**connection_args) if slave_db is None: return '' slave_cur = slave_db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) slave_cur.execute('show slave status') slave_status = slave_cur.fetchone() master = {'host': slave_status['Master_Host']} try: # Try to connect to the master and flush logs before promoting to # master. This may fail if the master is no longer available. # I am also assuming that the admin password is the same on both # servers here, and only overriding the host option in the connect # function. master_db = _connect(**master) if master_db is None: return '' master_cur = master_db.cursor() master_cur.execute('flush logs') master_db.close() except MySQLdb.OperationalError: pass slave_cur.execute('stop slave') slave_cur.execute('reset master') slave_cur.execute('change master to MASTER_HOST=''') slave_cur.execute('show slave status') results = slave_cur.fetchone() if results is None: return 'promoted' else: return 'failed'
def unique_field_data_types(self): """ Checks if all variants have different data types. If so, the selected variant can be determined just by the data type of the value without needing a field name / tag. In some languages, this lets us make a shortcut """ data_type_names = set() for field in self.fields: if not is_void_type(field.data_type): if field.data_type.name in data_type_names: return False else: data_type_names.add(field.data_type.name) else: return True
def clean_content(content): """\ Removes paragraph numbers, section delimiters, xxxx etc. from the content. This function can be used to clean-up the cable's content before it is processed by NLP tools or to create a search engine index. `content` The content of the cable. """ for pattern, subst in _CLEAN_PATTERNS: content = pattern.sub(subst, content) return content
def ensure_index(index_like, copy=False): """ Ensure that we have an index from some index-like object. Parameters ---------- index : sequence An Index or other sequence copy : bool Returns ------- index : Index or MultiIndex Examples -------- >>> ensure_index(['a', 'b']) Index(['a', 'b'], dtype='object') >>> ensure_index([('a', 'a'), ('b', 'c')]) Index([('a', 'a'), ('b', 'c')], dtype='object') >>> ensure_index([['a', 'a'], ['b', 'c']]) MultiIndex(levels=[['a'], ['b', 'c']], codes=[[0, 0], [0, 1]]) See Also -------- ensure_index_from_sequences """ if isinstance(index_like, Index): if copy: index_like = index_like.copy() return index_like if hasattr(index_like, 'name'): return Index(index_like, name=index_like.name, copy=copy) if is_iterator(index_like): index_like = list(index_like) # must check for exactly list here because of strict type # check in clean_index_list if isinstance(index_like, list): if type(index_like) != list: index_like = list(index_like) converted, all_arrays = lib.clean_index_list(index_like) if len(converted) > 0 and all_arrays: from .multi import MultiIndex return MultiIndex.from_arrays(converted) else: index_like = converted else: # clean_index_list does the equivalent of copying # so only need to do this if not list instance if copy: from copy import copy index_like = copy(index_like) return Index(index_like)
def set_daemon_name(self, daemon_name): """Set the daemon name of the daemon which this manager is attached to and propagate this daemon name to our managed modules :param daemon_name: :return: """ self.daemon_name = daemon_name for instance in self.instances: instance.set_loaded_into(daemon_name)
def ordereddict_push_front(dct, key, value): """Set a value at the front of an OrderedDict The original dict isn't modified, instead a copy is returned """ d = OrderedDict() d[key] = value d.update(dct) return d
def wait_for_plug_update(self, plug_name, remote_state, timeout_s): """Wait for a change in the state of a frontend-aware plug. Args: plug_name: Plug name, e.g. 'openhtf.plugs.user_input.UserInput'. remote_state: The last observed state. timeout_s: Number of seconds to wait for an update. Returns: An updated state, or None if the timeout runs out. Raises: InvalidPlugError: The plug can't be waited on either because it's not in use or it's not a frontend-aware plug. """ plug = self._plugs_by_name.get(plug_name) if plug is None: raise InvalidPlugError('Cannot wait on unknown plug "%s".' % plug_name) if not isinstance(plug, FrontendAwareBasePlug): raise InvalidPlugError('Cannot wait on a plug %s that is not an subclass ' 'of FrontendAwareBasePlug.' % plug_name) state, update_event = plug.asdict_with_event() if state != remote_state: return state if update_event.wait(timeout_s): return plug._asdict()
def exception(self, timeout=None): """Return the exception raised by the call that the future represents. Args: timeout: The number of seconds to wait for the exception if the future isn't done. If None, then there is no limit on the wait time. Returns: The exception raised by the call that the future represents or None if the call completed without raising. Raises: TimeoutError: If the future didn't finish executing before the given timeout. """ if self._state == self.RUNNING: self._context.wait_all_futures([self], timeout) return self._exception
def shadowRegisterDeltaCallback(self, srcCallback): """ **Description** Listen on delta topics for this device shadow by subscribing to delta topics. Whenever there is a difference between the desired and reported state, the registered callback will be called and the delta payload will be available in the callback. **Syntax** .. code:: python # Listen on delta topics for BotShadow BotShadow.shadowRegisterDeltaCallback(customCallback) **Parameters** *srcCallback* - Function to be called when the response for this shadow request comes back. Should be in form :code:`customCallback(payload, responseStatus, token)`, where :code:`payload` is the JSON document returned, :code:`responseStatus` indicates whether the request has been accepted, rejected or is a delta message, :code:`token` is the token used for tracing in this request. **Returns** None """ with self._dataStructureLock: # Update callback data structure self._shadowSubscribeCallbackTable["delta"] = srcCallback # One subscription self._shadowManagerHandler.basicShadowSubscribe(self._shadowName, "delta", self.generalCallback) self._logger.info("Subscribed to delta topic for deviceShadow: " + self._shadowName)
def outline(dataset, generate_faces=False): """Produces an outline of the full extent for the input dataset. Parameters ---------- generate_faces : bool, optional Generate solid faces for the box. This is off by default """ alg = vtk.vtkOutlineFilter() alg.SetInputDataObject(dataset) alg.SetGenerateFaces(generate_faces) alg.Update() return wrap(alg.GetOutputDataObject(0))
def custom_classfunc_rule(self, opname, token, customize, next_token): """ call ::= expr {expr}^n CALL_FUNCTION_n call ::= expr {expr}^n CALL_FUNCTION_VAR_n call ::= expr {expr}^n CALL_FUNCTION_VAR_KW_n call ::= expr {expr}^n CALL_FUNCTION_KW_n classdefdeco2 ::= LOAD_BUILD_CLASS mkfunc {expr}^n-1 CALL_FUNCTION_n """ args_pos, args_kw = self.get_pos_kw(token) # Additional exprs for * and ** args: # 0 if neither # 1 for CALL_FUNCTION_VAR or CALL_FUNCTION_KW # 2 for * and ** args (CALL_FUNCTION_VAR_KW). # Yes, this computation based on instruction name is a little bit hoaky. nak = ( len(opname)-len('CALL_FUNCTION') ) // 3 token.kind = self.call_fn_name(token) uniq_param = args_kw + args_pos # Note: 3.5+ have subclassed this method; so we don't handle # 'CALL_FUNCTION_VAR' or 'CALL_FUNCTION_EX' here. rule = ('call ::= expr ' + ('pos_arg ' * args_pos) + ('kwarg ' * args_kw) + 'expr ' * nak + token.kind) self.add_unique_rule(rule, token.kind, uniq_param, customize) if 'LOAD_BUILD_CLASS' in self.seen_ops: if (next_token == 'CALL_FUNCTION' and next_token.attr == 1 and args_pos > 1): rule = ('classdefdeco2 ::= LOAD_BUILD_CLASS mkfunc %s%s_%d' % (('expr ' * (args_pos-1)), opname, args_pos)) self.add_unique_rule(rule, token.kind, uniq_param, customize)
def element_if_exists(self, using, value): """Check if an element in the current context. Support: Android iOS Web(WebView) Args: using(str): The element location strategy. value(str): The value of the location strategy. Returns: Return True if the element does exists and return False otherwise. Raises: WebDriverException. """ try: self._execute(Command.FIND_ELEMENT, { 'using': using, 'value': value }) return True except: return False
def get_band(cls, b, **kwargs): """Defines what a "shortcut" band name refers to. Returns phot_system, band """ phot = None # Default to SDSS for these if b in ['u','g','r','i','z']: phot = 'SDSS' band = 'SDSS_{}'.format(b) elif b in ['U','B','V','R','I']: phot = 'UBVRIplus' band = 'Bessell_{}'.format(b) elif b in ['J','H','Ks']: phot = 'UBVRIplus' band = '2MASS_{}'.format(b) elif b=='K': phot = 'UBVRIplus' band = '2MASS_Ks' elif b in ['kep','Kepler','Kp']: phot = 'UBVRIplus' band = 'Kepler_Kp' elif b=='TESS': phot = 'UBVRIplus' band = 'TESS' elif b in ['W1','W2','W3','W4']: phot = 'WISE' band = 'WISE_{}'.format(b) elif b in ('G', 'BP', 'RP'): phot = 'UBVRIplus' band = 'Gaia_{}'.format(b) if 'version' in kwargs: if kwargs['version']=='1.1': band += '_DR2Rev' else: m = re.match('([a-zA-Z]+)_([a-zA-Z_]+)',b) if m: if m.group(1) in cls.phot_systems: phot = m.group(1) if phot=='PanSTARRS': band = 'PS_{}'.format(m.group(2)) else: band = m.group(0) elif m.group(1) in ['UK','UKIRT']: phot = 'UKIDSS' band = 'UKIDSS_{}'.format(m.group(2)) if phot is None: for system, bands in cls.phot_bands.items(): if b in bands: phot = system band = b break if phot is None: raise ValueError('MIST grids cannot resolve band {}!'.format(b)) return phot, band
def get_incomings_per_page(self, per_page=1000, page=1, params=None): """ Get incomings per page :param per_page: How many objects per page. Default: 1000 :param page: Which page. Default: 1 :param params: Search parameters. Default: {} :return: list """ return self._get_resource_per_page(resource=INCOMINGS, per_page=per_page, page=page, params=params)
def title(self): """Extract title from a release.""" if self.event: if self.release['name']: return u'{0}: {1}'.format( self.repository['full_name'], self.release['name'] ) return u'{0} {1}'.format(self.repo_model.name, self.model.tag)
def register(self, username, password, attr_map=None): """ Register the user. Other base attributes from AWS Cognito User Pools are address, birthdate, email, family_name (last name), gender, given_name (first name), locale, middle_name, name, nickname, phone_number, picture, preferred_username, profile, zoneinfo, updated at, website :param username: User Pool username :param password: User Pool password :param attr_map: Attribute map to Cognito's attributes :return response: Response from Cognito Example response:: { 'UserConfirmed': True|False, 'CodeDeliveryDetails': { 'Destination': 'string', # This value will be obfuscated 'DeliveryMedium': 'SMS'|'EMAIL', 'AttributeName': 'string' } } """ attributes = self.base_attributes.copy() if self.custom_attributes: attributes.update(self.custom_attributes) cognito_attributes = dict_to_cognito(attributes, attr_map) params = { 'ClientId': self.client_id, 'Username': username, 'Password': password, 'UserAttributes': cognito_attributes } self._add_secret_hash(params, 'SecretHash') response = self.client.sign_up(**params) attributes.update(username=username, password=password) self._set_attributes(response, attributes) response.pop('ResponseMetadata') return response
def get_args(): """ get args from command line """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("FashionMNIST") parser.add_argument("--batch_size", type=int, default=128, help="batch size") parser.add_argument("--optimizer", type=str, default="SGD", help="optimizer") parser.add_argument("--epochs", type=int, default=200, help="epoch limit") parser.add_argument( "--learning_rate", type=float, default=0.001, help="learning rate" ) parser.add_argument("--cutout", action="store_true", default=False, help="use cutout") parser.add_argument("--cutout_length", type=int, default=8, help="cutout length") parser.add_argument( "--model_path", type=str, default="./", help="Path to save the destination model" ) return parser.parse_args()
def set_level(name, level): """ Set level for given logger :param name: Name of logger to set the level for :param level: The new level, see possible levels from python logging library """ if name is None or name == "" or name == "bench": logging.getLogger("bench").setLevel(level) loggername = "bench." + name logging.getLogger(loggername).setLevel(level)
def dump_values(self, with_defaults=True, dict_cls=dict, flat=False): """ Export values of all items contained in this section to a dictionary. Items with no values set (and no defaults set if ``with_defaults=True``) will be excluded. Returns: dict: A dictionary of key-value pairs, where for sections values are dictionaries of their contents. """ values = dict_cls() if flat: for str_path, item in self.iter_items(recursive=True, key='str_path'): if item.has_value: if with_defaults or not item.is_default: values[str_path] = item.value else: for item_name, item in self._tree.items(): if is_config_section(item): section_values = item.dump_values(with_defaults=with_defaults, dict_cls=dict_cls) if section_values: values[item_name] = section_values else: if item.has_value: if with_defaults or not item.is_default: values[item.name] = item.value return values
def move_page(self, direction, n_windows): """ Move the page down (positive direction) or up (negative direction). Paging down: The post on the bottom of the page becomes the post at the top of the page and the cursor is moved to the top. Paging up: The post at the top of the page becomes the post at the bottom of the page and the cursor is moved to the bottom. """ assert direction in (-1, 1) assert n_windows >= 0 # top of subreddit/submission page or only one # submission/reply on the screen: act as normal move if (self.absolute_index < 0) | (n_windows == 0): valid, redraw = self.move(direction, n_windows) else: # first page if self.absolute_index < n_windows and direction < 0: self.page_index = -1 self.cursor_index = 0 self.inverted = False # not submission mode: starting index is 0 if not self._is_valid(self.absolute_index): self.page_index = 0 valid = True else: # flip to the direction of movement if ((direction > 0) & (self.inverted is True)) \ | ((direction < 0) & (self.inverted is False)): self.page_index += (self.step * (n_windows - 1)) self.inverted = not self.inverted self.cursor_index \ = (n_windows - (direction < 0)) - self.cursor_index valid = False adj = 0 # check if reached the bottom while not valid: n_move = n_windows - adj if n_move == 0: break self.page_index += n_move * direction valid = self._is_valid(self.absolute_index) if not valid: self.page_index -= n_move * direction adj += 1 redraw = True return valid, redraw
def command_canonize(string, vargs): """ Print the canonical representation of the given string. It will replace non-canonical compound characters with their canonical synonym. :param str string: the string to act upon :param dict vargs: the command line arguments """ try: ipa_string = IPAString( unicode_string=string, ignore=vargs["ignore"], single_char_parsing=vargs["single_char_parsing"] ) print(vargs["separator"].join([(u"%s" % c) for c in ipa_string])) except ValueError as exc: print_error(str(exc))
def check_data_port_connection(self, check_data_port): """Checks the connection validity of a data port The method is called by a child state to check the validity of a data port in case it is connected with data flows. The data port does not belong to 'self', but to one of self.states. If the data port is connected to a data flow, the method checks, whether these connect consistent data types of ports. :param rafcon.core.data_port.DataPort check_data_port: The port to check :return: valid, message """ for data_flow in self.data_flows.values(): # Check whether the data flow connects the given port from_port = self.get_data_port(data_flow.from_state, data_flow.from_key) to_port = self.get_data_port(data_flow.to_state, data_flow.to_key) if check_data_port is from_port or check_data_port is to_port: # check if one of the data_types if type 'object'; in this case the data flow is always valid if not (from_port.data_type is object or to_port.data_type is object): if not type_inherits_of_type(from_port.data_type, to_port.data_type): return False, "Connection of two non-compatible data types" return True, "valid"
def dump_to_response(request, app_label=None, exclude=None, filename_prefix=None): """Utility function that dumps the given app/model to an HttpResponse. """ app_label = app_label or [] exclude = exclude try: filename = '%s.%s' % (datetime.now().isoformat(), settings.SMUGGLER_FORMAT) if filename_prefix: filename = '%s_%s' % (filename_prefix, filename) if not isinstance(app_label, list): app_label = [app_label] response = serialize_to_response(app_label, exclude) response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s' % filename return response except CommandError as e: messages.error( request, _('An exception occurred while dumping data: %s') % force_text(e)) return HttpResponseRedirect(request.build_absolute_uri().split('dump')[0])
def segment_kmeans(self, rgb_weight, num_clusters, hue_weight=0.0): """ Segment a color image using KMeans based on spatial and color distances. Black pixels will automatically be assigned to their own 'background' cluster. Parameters ---------- rgb_weight : float weighting of RGB distance relative to spatial and hue distance num_clusters : int number of clusters to use hue_weight : float weighting of hue from hsv relative to spatial and RGB distance Returns ------- :obj:`SegmentationImage` image containing the segment labels """ # form features array label_offset = 1 nonzero_px = np.where(self.data != 0.0) nonzero_px = np.c_[nonzero_px[0], nonzero_px[1]] # get hsv data if specified color_vals = rgb_weight * \ self._data[nonzero_px[:, 0], nonzero_px[:, 1], :] if hue_weight > 0.0: hsv_data = cv2.cvtColor(self.data, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) color_vals = np.c_[color_vals, hue_weight * hsv_data[nonzero_px[:, 0], nonzero_px[:, 1], :1]] features = np.c_[nonzero_px, color_vals.astype(np.float32)] # perform KMeans clustering kmeans = sc.KMeans(n_clusters=num_clusters) labels = kmeans.fit_predict(features) # create output label array label_im = np.zeros([self.height, self.width]).astype(np.uint8) label_im[nonzero_px[:, 0], nonzero_px[:, 1]] = labels + label_offset return SegmentationImage(label_im, frame=self.frame)
def _fast_kde_2d(x, y, gridsize=(128, 128), circular=False): """ 2D fft-based Gaussian kernel density estimate (KDE). The code was adapted from https://github.com/mfouesneau/faststats Parameters ---------- x : Numpy array or list y : Numpy array or list gridsize : tuple Number of points used to discretize data. Use powers of 2 for fft optimization circular: bool If True, use circular boundaries. Defaults to False Returns ------- grid: A gridded 2D KDE of the input points (x, y) xmin: minimum value of x xmax: maximum value of x ymin: minimum value of y ymax: maximum value of y """ x = np.asarray(x, dtype=float) x = x[np.isfinite(x)] y = np.asarray(y, dtype=float) y = y[np.isfinite(y)] xmin, xmax = x.min(), x.max() ymin, ymax = y.min(), y.max() len_x = len(x) weights = np.ones(len_x) n_x, n_y = gridsize d_x = (xmax - xmin) / (n_x - 1) d_y = (ymax - ymin) / (n_y - 1) xyi = np.vstack((x, y)).T xyi -= [xmin, ymin] xyi /= [d_x, d_y] xyi = np.floor(xyi, xyi).T scotts_factor = len_x ** (-1 / 6) cov = np.cov(xyi) std_devs = np.diag(cov ** 0.5) kern_nx, kern_ny = np.round(scotts_factor * 2 * np.pi * std_devs) inv_cov = np.linalg.inv(cov * scotts_factor ** 2) x_x = np.arange(kern_nx) - kern_nx / 2 y_y = np.arange(kern_ny) - kern_ny / 2 x_x, y_y = np.meshgrid(x_x, y_y) kernel = np.vstack((x_x.flatten(), y_y.flatten())) kernel = np.dot(inv_cov, kernel) * kernel kernel = np.exp(-kernel.sum(axis=0) / 2) kernel = kernel.reshape((int(kern_ny), int(kern_nx))) boundary = "wrap" if circular else "symm" grid = coo_matrix((weights, xyi), shape=(n_x, n_y)).toarray() grid = convolve2d(grid, kernel, mode="same", boundary=boundary) norm_factor = np.linalg.det(2 * np.pi * cov * scotts_factor ** 2) norm_factor = len_x * d_x * d_y * norm_factor ** 0.5 grid /= norm_factor return grid, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
def link(self, source, target): 'creates a hard link `target -> source` (e.g. ln source target)' return self.operations('link', target.decode(self.encoding), source.decode(self.encoding))
def zip_pack(filepath, options): """ Creates a zip archive containing the script at *filepath* along with all imported modules that are local to *filepath* as a self-extracting python script. A shebang will be appended to the beginning of the resulting zip archive which will allow it to If being run inside Python 3 and the `lzma` module is available the resulting 'pyz' file will use ZIP_LZMA compression to maximize compression. *options* is expected to be the the same options parsed from pyminifier.py on the command line. .. note:: * The file resulting from this method cannot be imported as a module into another python program (command line execution only). * Any required local (implied path) modules will be automatically included (well, it does its best). * The result will be saved as a .pyz file (which is an extension I invented for this format). """ import zipfile # Hopefully some day we'll be able to use ZIP_LZMA too as the compression # format to save even more space... compression_format = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED cumulative_size = 0 # For tracking size reduction stats # Record the filesize for later comparison cumulative_size += os.path.getsize(filepath) dest = options.pyz z = zipfile.ZipFile(dest, "w", compression_format) # Take care of minifying our primary script first: source = open(filepath).read() primary_tokens = token_utils.listified_tokenizer(source) # Preserve shebangs (don't care about encodings for this) shebang = analyze.get_shebang(primary_tokens) if not shebang: # We *must* have a shebang for this to work so make a conservative default: shebang = "#!/usr/bin/env python" if py3: if shebang.rstrip().endswith('python'): # Make it python3 (to be safe) shebang = shebang.rstrip() shebang += '3\n' #!/usr/bin/env python3 if not options.nominify: # Minify as long as we don't have this option set source = minification.minify(primary_tokens, options) # Write out to a temporary file to add to our zip temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w') temp.write(source) temp.flush() # Need the path where the script lives for the next steps: path = os.path.split(filepath)[0] if not path: path = os.getcwd() main_py = path + '/__main__.py' if os.path.exists(main_py): # There's an existing __main__.py, use it z.write(main_py, '__main__.py') z.write(temp.name, os.path.split(filepath)[1]) else: # No __main__.py so we rename our main script to be the __main__.py # This is so it will still execute as a zip z.write(filepath, '__main__.py') temp.close() # Now write any required modules into the zip as well local_modules = analyze.enumerate_local_modules(primary_tokens, path) name_generator = None # So we can tell if we need to obfuscate if options.obfuscate or options.obf_classes \ or options.obf_functions or options.obf_variables \ or options.obf_builtins or options.obf_import_methods: # Put together that will be used for all obfuscation functions: identifier_length = int(options.replacement_length) if options.use_nonlatin: if sys.version_info[0] == 3: name_generator = obfuscate.obfuscation_machine( use_unicode=True, identifier_length=identifier_length ) else: print( "ERROR: You can't use nonlatin characters without Python 3") sys.exit(2) else: name_generator = obfuscate.obfuscation_machine( identifier_length=identifier_length) table =[{}] included_modules = [] for module in local_modules: module = module.replace('.', '/') module = "%s.py" % module # Add the filesize to our total cumulative_size += os.path.getsize(module) # Also record that we've added it to the archive included_modules.append(module) # Minify these files too source = open(os.path.join(path, module)).read() tokens = token_utils.listified_tokenizer(source) maybe_more_modules = analyze.enumerate_local_modules(tokens, path) for mod in maybe_more_modules: if mod not in local_modules: local_modules.append(mod) # Extend the current loop, love it =) if not options.nominify: # Perform minification (this also handles obfuscation) source = minification.minify(tokens, options) # Have to re-tokenize for obfucation (it's quick): tokens = token_utils.listified_tokenizer(source) # Perform obfuscation if any of the related options were set if name_generator: obfuscate.obfuscate( module, tokens, options, name_generator=name_generator, table=table ) # Convert back to text result = token_utils.untokenize(tokens) result += ( "# Created by pyminifier " "(https://github.com/liftoff/pyminifier)\n") # Write out to a temporary file to add to our zip temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w') temp.write(source) temp.flush() z.write(temp.name, module) temp.close() z.close() # Finish up by writing the shebang to the beginning of the zip prepend(shebang, dest) os.chmod(dest, 0o755) # Make it executable (since we added the shebang) pyz_filesize = os.path.getsize(dest) percent_saved = round(float(pyz_filesize) / float(cumulative_size) * 100, 2) print('%s saved as compressed executable zip: %s' % (filepath, dest)) print('The following modules were automatically included (as automagic ' 'dependencies):\n') for module in included_modules: print('\t%s' % module) print('\nOverall size reduction: %s%% of original size' % percent_saved)
def generate_valid_keys(): """ create a list of valid keys """ valid_keys = [] for minimum, maximum in RANGES: for i in range(ord(minimum), ord(maximum) + 1): valid_keys.append(chr(i)) return valid_keys
def _print_general_vs_table(self, idset1, idset2): """ :param idset1: :param idset2: """ ref1name = '' set1_hasref = isinstance(idset1, idset_with_reference) if set1_hasref: ref1arr = np.array(idset1.reflst) ref1name = idset1.refname ref2name = ref1name set2_hasref = isinstance(idset2, idset_with_reference) if set2_hasref: ref2arr = np.array(idset2.reflst) ref2name = idset2.refname else: ref2name = ref1name #First show a general table hdr11 = '{0} > {1}'.format(idset1.name, idset2.name) hdr12 = '{0} > {1} {2}'.format(idset1.name, idset2.name, ref2name) hdr13 = '{0} < {1}'.format(idset1.name, idset2.name) hdr14 = '{0} < {1} {2}'.format(idset1.name, idset2.name, ref1name) table = [[hdr11, hdr12, hdr13, hdr14]] set1 = set(idset1) set2 = set(idset2) row11 = list(set1 - set2) if set1_hasref: row12 = [ref1arr[np.where(idset1 == nom)][0] for nom in row11] else: row12 = ['Not found' for _ in row11] row13 = list(set2 - set1) if set2_hasref: row14 = [ref2arr[np.where(idset2 == nom)][0] for nom in row13] else: row14 = ['Not found' for _ in row13] tablst = self._tabulate_4_lists(row11, row12, row13, row14) table.extend(tablst) if len(table) > 1: print(tabulate(table, headers='firstrow')) print('\n')
def main(**options): """Slurp up linter output and send it to a GitHub PR review.""" configure_logging(log_all=options.get('log')) stdin_stream = click.get_text_stream('stdin') stdin_text = stdin_stream.read() click.echo(stdin_text) ci = find_ci_provider() config = Config(options, ci=ci) build = LintlyBuild(config, stdin_text) try: build.execute() except NotPullRequestException: logger.info('Not a PR. Lintly is exiting.') sys.exit(0) # Exit with the number of files that have violations sys.exit(len(build.violations))
def depends(self, *nodes): """ Adds nodes as relatives to this one, and updates the relatives with self as children. :param nodes: GraphNode(s) """ for node in nodes: self.add_relative(node) node.add_children(self)
def present(name, pattern, definition, priority=0, vhost='/', runas=None, apply_to=None): ''' Ensure the RabbitMQ policy exists. Reference: http://www.rabbitmq.com/ha.html name Policy name pattern A regex of queues to apply the policy to definition A json dict describing the policy priority Priority (defaults to 0) vhost Virtual host to apply to (defaults to '/') runas Name of the user to run the command as apply_to Apply policy to 'queues', 'exchanges' or 'all' (default to 'all') ''' ret = {'name': name, 'result': True, 'comment': '', 'changes': {}} result = {} policies = __salt__['rabbitmq.list_policies'](vhost=vhost, runas=runas) policy = policies.get(vhost, {}).get(name) updates = [] if policy: if policy.get('pattern') != pattern: updates.append('Pattern') current_definition = policy.get('definition') current_definition = json.loads(current_definition) if current_definition else '' new_definition = json.loads(definition) if definition else '' if current_definition != new_definition: updates.append('Definition') if apply_to and (policy.get('apply-to') != apply_to): updates.append('Applyto') if int(policy.get('priority')) != priority: updates.append('Priority') if policy and not updates: ret['comment'] = 'Policy {0} {1} is already present'.format(vhost, name) return ret if not policy: ret['changes'].update({'old': {}, 'new': name}) if __opts__['test']: ret['comment'] = 'Policy {0} {1} is set to be created'.format(vhost, name) else: log.debug('Policy doesn\'t exist - Creating') result = __salt__['rabbitmq.set_policy'](vhost, name, pattern, definition, priority=priority, runas=runas, apply_to=apply_to) elif updates: ret['changes'].update({'old': policy, 'new': updates}) if __opts__['test']: ret['comment'] = 'Policy {0} {1} is set to be updated'.format(vhost, name) else: log.debug('Policy exists but needs updating') result = __salt__['rabbitmq.set_policy'](vhost, name, pattern, definition, priority=priority, runas=runas, apply_to=apply_to) if 'Error' in result: ret['result'] = False ret['comment'] = result['Error'] elif ret['changes'] == {}: ret['comment'] = '\'{0}\' is already in the desired state.'.format(name) elif __opts__['test']: ret['result'] = None elif 'Set' in result: ret['comment'] = result['Set'] return ret
def file_hash(path, hash_type="md5", block_size=65536, hex_digest=True): """ Hash a given file with md5, or any other and return the hex digest. You can run `hashlib.algorithms_available` to see which are available on your system unless you have an archaic python version, you poor soul). This function is designed to be non memory intensive. .. code:: python reusables.file_hash(test_structure.zip") # '61e387de305201a2c915a4f4277d6663' :param path: location of the file to hash :param hash_type: string name of the hash to use :param block_size: amount of bytes to add to hasher at a time :param hex_digest: returned as hexdigest, false will return digest :return: file's hash """ hashed = hashlib.new(hash_type) with open(path, "rb") as infile: buf = infile.read(block_size) while len(buf) > 0: hashed.update(buf) buf = infile.read(block_size) return hashed.hexdigest() if hex_digest else hashed.digest()
def cartopy_globe(self): """Initialize a `cartopy.crs.Globe` from the metadata.""" if 'earth_radius' in self._attrs: kwargs = {'ellipse': 'sphere', 'semimajor_axis': self._attrs['earth_radius'], 'semiminor_axis': self._attrs['earth_radius']} else: attr_mapping = [('semimajor_axis', 'semi_major_axis'), ('semiminor_axis', 'semi_minor_axis'), ('inverse_flattening', 'inverse_flattening')] kwargs = self._map_arg_names(self._attrs, attr_mapping) # WGS84 with semi_major==semi_minor is NOT the same as spherical Earth # Also need to handle the case where we're not given any spheroid kwargs['ellipse'] = None if kwargs else 'sphere' return ccrs.Globe(**kwargs)
def contents_of(f, encoding='utf-8'): """Helper to read the contents of the given file or path into a string with the given encoding. Encoding defaults to 'utf-8', other useful encodings are 'ascii' and 'latin-1'.""" try: contents = f.read() except AttributeError: try: with open(f, 'r') as fp: contents = fp.read() except TypeError: raise ValueError('val must be file or path, but was type <%s>' % type(f).__name__) except OSError: if not isinstance(f, str_types): raise ValueError('val must be file or path, but was type <%s>' % type(f).__name__) raise if sys.version_info[0] == 3 and type(contents) is bytes: # in PY3 force decoding of bytes to target encoding return contents.decode(encoding, 'replace') elif sys.version_info[0] == 2 and encoding == 'ascii': # in PY2 force encoding back to ascii return contents.encode('ascii', 'replace') else: # in all other cases, try to decode to target encoding try: return contents.decode(encoding, 'replace') except AttributeError: pass # if all else fails, just return the contents "as is" return contents
def get_last_doc(self): """Searches through the doc dict to find the document that was modified or deleted most recently.""" return max(self.doc_dict.values(), key=lambda x: x.ts).meta_dict
def _try_to_compute_deterministic_class_id(cls, depth=5): """Attempt to produce a deterministic class ID for a given class. The goal here is for the class ID to be the same when this is run on different worker processes. Pickling, loading, and pickling again seems to produce more consistent results than simply pickling. This is a bit crazy and could cause problems, in which case we should revert it and figure out something better. Args: cls: The class to produce an ID for. depth: The number of times to repeatedly try to load and dump the string while trying to reach a fixed point. Returns: A class ID for this class. We attempt to make the class ID the same when this function is run on different workers, but that is not guaranteed. Raises: Exception: This could raise an exception if cloudpickle raises an exception. """ # Pickling, loading, and pickling again seems to produce more consistent # results than simply pickling. This is a bit class_id = pickle.dumps(cls) for _ in range(depth): new_class_id = pickle.dumps(pickle.loads(class_id)) if new_class_id == class_id: # We appear to have reached a fix point, so use this as the ID. return hashlib.sha1(new_class_id).digest() class_id = new_class_id # We have not reached a fixed point, so we may end up with a different # class ID for this custom class on each worker, which could lead to the # same class definition being exported many many times. logger.warning( "WARNING: Could not produce a deterministic class ID for class " "{}".format(cls)) return hashlib.sha1(new_class_id).digest()
def _finaliseRequest(self, request, status, content, mimetype='text/plain'): """ Finalises the request. @param request: The HTTP Request. @type request: C{http.Request} @param status: The HTTP status code. @type status: C{int} @param content: The content of the response. @type content: C{str} @param mimetype: The MIME type of the request. @type mimetype: C{str} """ request.setResponseCode(status) request.setHeader("Content-Type", mimetype) request.setHeader("Content-Length", str(len(content))) request.setHeader("Server", gateway.SERVER_NAME) request.write(content) request.finish()
def filter(self, func): """ Filter array along an axis. Applies a function which should evaluate to boolean, along a single axis or multiple axes. Array will be aligned so that the desired set of axes are in the keys, which may require a transpose/reshape. Parameters ---------- func : function Function to apply, should return boolean """ if self.mode == 'local': reshaped = self._align(self.baseaxes) filtered = asarray(list(filter(func, reshaped))) if self.labels is not None: mask = asarray(list(map(func, reshaped))) if self.mode == 'spark': sort = False if self.labels is None else True filtered = self.values.filter(func, axis=self.baseaxes, sort=sort) if self.labels is not None: keys, vals = zip(*self.values.map(func, axis=self.baseaxes, value_shape=(1,)).tordd().collect()) perm = sorted(range(len(keys)), key=keys.__getitem__) mask = asarray(vals)[perm] if self.labels is not None: s1 = prod(self.baseshape) newlabels = self.labels.reshape(s1, 1)[mask].squeeze() else: newlabels = None return self._constructor(filtered, labels=newlabels).__finalize__(self, noprop=('labels',))
def _write_mtlist_ins(ins_filename,df,prefix): """ write an instruction file for a MODFLOW list file Parameters ---------- ins_filename : str name of the instruction file to write df : pandas.DataFrame the dataframe of list file entries prefix : str the prefix to add to the column names to form obseravtions names """ try: dt_str = df.index.map(lambda x: x.strftime("%Y%m%d")) except: dt_str = df.index.map(lambda x: "{0:08.1f}".format(x).strip()) if prefix == '': name_len = 11 else: name_len = 11 - (len(prefix)+1) with open(ins_filename,'w') as f: f.write('pif ~\nl1\n') for dt in dt_str: f.write("l1 ") for col in df.columns: col = col.replace("(",'').replace(")",'') raw = col.split('_') name = ''.join([r[:2] for r in raw[:-2]])[:6] + raw[-2] + raw[-1][0] #raw[0] = raw[0][:6] #name = ''.join(raw) if prefix == '': obsnme = "{1}_{2}".format(prefix,name[:name_len],dt) else: obsnme = "{0}_{1}_{2}".format(prefix, name[:name_len], dt) f.write(" w !{0}!".format(obsnme)) f.write("\n")
def apply_mapping(raw_row, mapping): ''' Override this to hand craft conversion of row. ''' row = {target: mapping_func(raw_row[source_key]) for target, (mapping_func, source_key) in mapping.fget().items()} return row