def _get_req_rem_geo(self, ds_info): """Find out which geolocation files are needed.""" if ds_info['dataset_groups'][0].startswith('GM'): if self.use_tc is False: req_geo = 'GMODO' rem_geo = 'GMTCO' else: req_geo = 'GMTCO' rem_geo = 'GMODO' elif ds_info['dataset_groups'][0].startswith('GI'): if self.use_tc is False: req_geo = 'GIMGO' rem_geo = 'GITCO' else: req_geo = 'GITCO' rem_geo = 'GIMGO' else: raise ValueError('Unknown dataset group %s' % ds_info['dataset_groups'][0]) return req_geo, rem_geo
def get_asset_admin_session_for_repository(self, repository_id=None, proxy=None): """Gets an asset administration session for the given repository. arg: repository_id (osid.id.Id): the ``Id`` of the repository arg: proxy (osid.proxy.Proxy): a proxy return: (osid.repository.AssetAdminSession) - an ``AssetAdminSession`` raise: NotFound - ``repository_id`` not found raise: NullArgument - ``repository_id`` or ``proxy`` is ``null`` raise: OperationFailed - unable to complete request raise: Unimplemented - ``supports_asset_admin()`` or ``supports_visible_federation()`` is ``false`` *compliance: optional -- This method must be implemented if ``supports_asset_admin()`` and ``supports_visible_federation()`` are ``true``.* """ asset_lookup_session = self._provider_manager.get_asset_lookup_session_for_repository( repository_id, proxy) return AssetAdminSession( self._provider_manager.get_asset_admin_session_for_repository(repository_id, proxy), self._config_map, asset_lookup_session)
def available(software=True, drivers=True, summary=False, skip_installed=True, skip_hidden=True, skip_mandatory=False, skip_reboot=False, categories=None, severities=None,): ''' .. versionadded:: 2017.7.0 List updates that match the passed criteria. This allows for more filter options than :func:`list`. Good for finding a specific GUID or KB. Args: software (bool): Include software updates in the results (default is True) drivers (bool): Include driver updates in the results (default is True) summary (bool): - True: Return a summary of updates available for each category. - False (default): Return a detailed list of available updates. skip_installed (bool): Skip updates that are already installed. Default is False. skip_hidden (bool): Skip updates that have been hidden. Default is True. skip_mandatory (bool): Skip mandatory updates. Default is False. skip_reboot (bool): Skip updates that require a reboot. Default is False. categories (list): Specify the categories to list. Must be passed as a list. All categories returned by default. Categories include the following: * Critical Updates * Definition Updates * Drivers (make sure you set drivers=True) * Feature Packs * Security Updates * Update Rollups * Updates * Update Rollups * Windows 7 * Windows 8.1 * Windows 8.1 drivers * Windows 8.1 and later drivers * Windows Defender severities (list): Specify the severities to include. Must be passed as a list. All severities returned by default. Severities include the following: * Critical * Important Returns: dict: Returns a dict containing either a summary or a list of updates: .. code-block:: cfg List of Updates: {'<GUID>': {'Title': <title>, 'KB': <KB>, 'GUID': <the globally unique identifier for the update> 'Description': <description>, 'Downloaded': <has the update been downloaded>, 'Installed': <has the update been installed>, 'Mandatory': <is the update mandatory>, 'UserInput': <is user input required>, 'EULAAccepted': <has the EULA been accepted>, 'Severity': <update severity>, 'NeedsReboot': <is the update installed and awaiting reboot>, 'RebootBehavior': <will the update require a reboot>, 'Categories': [ '<category 1>', '<category 2>', ...] } } Summary of Updates: {'Total': <total number of updates returned>, 'Available': <updates that are not downloaded or installed>, 'Downloaded': <updates that are downloaded but not installed>, 'Installed': <updates installed (usually 0 unless installed=True)>, 'Categories': { <category 1>: <total for that category>, <category 2>: <total for category 2>, ... } } CLI Examples: .. code-block:: bash # Normal Usage (list all software updates) salt '*' win_wua.available # List all updates with categories of Critical Updates and Drivers salt '*' win_wua.available categories=["Critical Updates","Drivers"] # List all Critical Security Updates salt '*' win_wua.available categories=["Security Updates"] severities=["Critical"] # List all updates with a severity of Critical salt '*' win_wua.available severities=["Critical"] # A summary of all available updates salt '*' win_wua.available summary=True # A summary of all Feature Packs and Windows 8.1 Updates salt '*' win_wua.available categories=["Feature Packs","Windows 8.1"] summary=True ''' # Create a Windows Update Agent instance wua = salt.utils.win_update.WindowsUpdateAgent() # Look for available updates = wua.available( skip_hidden=skip_hidden, skip_installed=skip_installed, skip_mandatory=skip_mandatory, skip_reboot=skip_reboot, software=software, drivers=drivers, categories=categories, severities=severities) # Return results as Summary or Details return updates.summary() if summary else updates.list()
def embed(inp, n_inputs, n_features, initializer=None, fix_parameters=False, apply_w=None): """ Embed. Embed slices a matrix/tensor with indexing array/tensor. Weights are initialized with :obj:`nnabla.initializer.UniformInitializer` within the range of :math:`-\\sqrt{3}` and :math:`\\sqrt{3}`. Args: x(~nnabla.Variable): [Integer] Indices with shape :math:`(I_0, ..., I_N)` n_inputs : number of possible inputs, words or vocabraries n_features : number of embedding features fix_parameters (bool): When set to `True`, the embedding weight matrix will not be updated. apply_w (function): Lambda, function, or callable object applied to the weights. Returns: ~nnabla.Variable: Output with shape :math:`(I_0, ..., I_N, W_1, ..., W_M)` """ if not initializer: initializer = UniformInitializer((-np.sqrt(3.), np.sqrt(3))) w = get_parameter_or_create("W", [n_inputs, n_features], initializer, True, not fix_parameters) if apply_w is not None: w = apply_w(w) return F.embed(inp, w)
def __bayesian_information_criterion(self, clusters, centers): """! @brief Calculates splitting criterion for input clusters using bayesian information criterion. @param[in] clusters (list): Clusters for which splitting criterion should be calculated. @param[in] centers (list): Centers of the clusters. @return (double) Splitting criterion in line with bayesian information criterion. High value of splitting criterion means that current structure is much better. @see __minimum_noiseless_description_length(clusters, centers) """ scores = [float('inf')] * len(clusters) # splitting criterion dimension = len(self.__pointer_data[0]) # estimation of the noise variance in the data set sigma_sqrt = 0.0 K = len(clusters) N = 0.0 for index_cluster in range(0, len(clusters), 1): for index_object in clusters[index_cluster]: sigma_sqrt += euclidean_distance_square(self.__pointer_data[index_object], centers[index_cluster]); N += len(clusters[index_cluster]) if N - K > 0: sigma_sqrt /= (N - K) p = (K - 1) + dimension * K + 1 # in case of the same points, sigma_sqrt can be zero (issue: #407) sigma_multiplier = 0.0 if sigma_sqrt <= 0.0: sigma_multiplier = float('-inf') else: sigma_multiplier = dimension * 0.5 * log(sigma_sqrt) # splitting criterion for index_cluster in range(0, len(clusters), 1): n = len(clusters[index_cluster]) L = n * log(n) - n * log(N) - n * 0.5 * log(2.0 * numpy.pi) - n * sigma_multiplier - (n - K) * 0.5 # BIC calculation scores[index_cluster] = L - p * 0.5 * log(N) return sum(scores)
def diagnostics(self, **kwds): """ Endpoint: /system/diagnostics.json Runs a set of diagnostic tests on the server. Returns a dictionary containing the results. """ # Don't process the result automatically, since this raises an exception # on failure, which doesn't provide the cause of the failure self._client.get("/system/diagnostics.json", process_response=False, **kwds) return self._client.last_response.json()["result"]
def skills_name_show(self, name, **kwargs): "https://developer.zendesk.com/rest_api/docs/chat/skills#get-skill-by-name" api_path = "/api/v2/skills/name/{name}" api_path = api_path.format(name=name) return self.call(api_path, **kwargs)
def silhouette_score(self, data, metric='euclidean', sample_size=None, random_state=None, **kwds): """ Computes the mean Silhouette Coefficient of all samples (implicit evaluation) :param data: The data that the clusters are generated from :param metric: the pairwise distance metric :param sample_size: the size of the sample to use computing the Silhouette Coefficient :param random_state: If an integer is given then it fixes its seed otherwise random. :param kwds: any further parameters that are passed to the distance function :return: the mean Silhouette Coefficient of all samples """ return silhouette_score(data, self.get_labels(self), metric, sample_size, random_state, **kwds)
def orient(args): """ %prog orient in.gff3 features.fasta > out.gff3 Change the feature orientations based on translation. This script is often needed in fixing the strand information after mapping RNA-seq transcripts. You can generate the features.fasta similar to this command: $ %prog load --parents=EST_match --children=match_part clc.JCVIv4a.gff JCVI.Medtr.v4.fasta -o features.fasta """ from jcvi.formats.fasta import longestorf p = OptionParser(orient.__doc__) opts, args = p.parse_args(args) if len(args) != 2: sys.exit(not p.print_help()) ingff3, fastafile = args idsfile = fastafile.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".orf.ids" if need_update(fastafile, idsfile): longestorf([fastafile, "--ids"]) orientations = DictFile(idsfile) gff = Gff(ingff3) flipped = 0 for g in gff: id = None for tag in ("ID", "Parent"): if tag in g.attributes: id, = g.attributes[tag] break assert id orientation = orientations.get(id, "+") if orientation == '-': g.strand = {"+": "-", "-": "+"}[g.strand] flipped += 1 print(g) logging.debug("A total of {0} features flipped.".format(flipped))
def install_script(self, dist, script_name, script_text, dev_path=None): """Generate a legacy script wrapper and install it""" spec = str(dist.as_requirement()) is_script = is_python_script(script_text, script_name) if is_script: script_text = (ScriptWriter.get_header(script_text) + self._load_template(dev_path) % locals()) self.write_script(script_name, _to_ascii(script_text), 'b')
def init_from_acceptor(self, acceptor): """ Adds a sink state Args: alphabet (list): The input alphabet Returns: None """ self.states = copy.deepcopy(acceptor.states) self.alphabet = copy.deepcopy(acceptor.alphabet) self.osyms = copy.deepcopy(acceptor.osyms) self.isyms = copy.deepcopy(acceptor.isyms)
def get_object(self): """ If a single object has been requested, will set `self.object` and return the object. """ queryset = None slug = self.kwargs.get(self.slug_url_kwarg, None) if slug is not None: queryset = self.get_queryset() slug_field = self.slug_field queryset = queryset.filter(**{slug_field: slug}) try: self.object = queryset.get() except ObjectDoesNotExist: raise http.Http404 return self.object
def _ns_query(self, session): """ Return a SQLAlchemy query that is already namespaced by the app and namespace given to this backend during initialization. Returns: a SQLAlchemy query object """ return session.query(ORMJob).filter(ORMJob.app == self.app, ORMJob.namespace == self.namespace)
def release_job(self, job_id, pri=65536, delay=0): """Put a job back on the queue to be processed (indicating that you've aborted it) You can only release a job which you have reserved using :func:`reserve_job()` or :func:`reserve_iter()`. :param job_id: Job ID to return :param pri: New priority (if not passed, will use old priority) :type pri: int :param delay: New delay for job (if not passed, will use 0) :type delay: int """ if hasattr(job_id, 'job_id'): job_id = job_id.job_id with self._sock_ctx() as socket: self._send_message('release {0} {1} {2}\r\n'.format(job_id, pri, delay), socket) return self._receive_word(socket, b'RELEASED', b'BURIED')
def applyIndex(self, lst, right): """Apply a list to something else.""" if len(right) != 1: raise exceptions.EvaluationError('%r can only be applied to one argument, got %r' % (self.left, self.right)) right = right[0] if isinstance(right, int): return lst[right] raise exceptions.EvaluationError("Can't apply %r to argument (%r): integer expected, got %r" % (self.left, self.right, right))
def add_file(self, f): """Add a partition identity as a child of a dataset identity.""" if not self.files: self.files = set() self.files.add(f) self.locations.set(f.type_)
def gen_goal(self, y_des): """Generate the goal for path imitation. For rhythmic DMPs the goal is the average of the desired trajectory. y_des np.array: the desired trajectory to follow """ goal = np.zeros(self.dmps) for n in range(self.dmps): num_idx = ~np.isnan(y_des[n]) # ignore nan's when calculating goal goal[n] = .5 * (y_des[n,num_idx].min() + \ y_des[n,num_idx].max()) return goal
def new(arg_name, annotated_with=None): """Creates a BindingKey. Args: arg_name: the name of the bound arg annotation: an Annotation, or None to create an unannotated binding key Returns: a new BindingKey """ if annotated_with is not None: annotation = annotations.Annotation(annotated_with) else: annotation = annotations.NO_ANNOTATION return BindingKey(arg_name, annotation)
def __get_switch_arr(work_sheet, row_num): ''' if valud of the column of the row is `1`, it will be added to the array. ''' u_dic = [] for col_idx in FILTER_COLUMNS: cell_val = work_sheet['{0}{1}'.format(col_idx, row_num)].value if cell_val in [1, '1']: # Appending the slug name of the switcher. u_dic.append(work_sheet['{0}1'.format(col_idx)].value.strip().split(',')[0]) return u_dic
def get_or_connect(cls, **kwargs): """ Try to retrieve an object in db, and create it if it does not exist. """ try: inst = cls.get(**kwargs) created = False except DoesNotExist: inst = cls(**kwargs) created = True except Exception: raise return inst, created
def get_collections(self, username="", calculate_size=False, ext_preload=False, offset=0, limit=10): """Fetch collection folders :param username: The user to list folders for, if omitted the authenticated user is used :param calculate_size: The option to include the content count per each collection folder :param ext_preload: Include first 5 deviations from the folder :param offset: the pagination offset :param limit: the pagination limit """ if not username and self.standard_grant_type == "authorization_code": response = self._req('/collections/folders', { "calculate_size":calculate_size, "ext_preload":ext_preload, "offset":offset, "limit":limit }) else: if not username: raise DeviantartError("No username defined.") else: response = self._req('/collections/folders', { "username":username, "calculate_size":calculate_size, "ext_preload":ext_preload, "offset":offset, "limit":limit }) folders = [] for item in response['results']: f = {} f['folderid'] = item['folderid'] f['name'] = item['name'] if "size" in item: f['size'] = item['size'] if "deviations" in item: f['deviations'] = [] for deviation_item in item['deviations']: d = Deviation() d.from_dict(deviation_item) f['deviations'].append(d) folders.append(f) return { "results" : folders, "has_more" : response['has_more'], "next_offset" : response['next_offset'] }
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): ''' Adds a 'base_template' attribute to context for the page_detail to extend from ''' context = super(PageList, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) page_base_template = "nupages/base.html" # if MultiTenantMiddleware is used, use a base template specific to # the tenants SITE_ID if hasattr(self.request, 'site_id'): page_base_template = select_template( ["nupages/tenants/{}/base.html".format(self.request.site_id), page_base_template]) context['base_template'] = page_base_template print page_base_template return context
def Network_getCertificate(self, origin): """ Function path: Network.getCertificate Domain: Network Method name: getCertificate WARNING: This function is marked 'Experimental'! Parameters: Required arguments: 'origin' (type: string) -> Origin to get certificate for. Returns: 'tableNames' (type: array) -> No description Description: Returns the DER-encoded certificate. """ assert isinstance(origin, (str,) ), "Argument 'origin' must be of type '['str']'. Received type: '%s'" % type( origin) subdom_funcs = self.synchronous_command('Network.getCertificate', origin= origin) return subdom_funcs
def get_input_location(location): """ Similar to :meth:`get_input_peer`, but for input messages. Note that this returns a tuple ``(dc_id, location)``, the ``dc_id`` being present if known. """ try: if location.SUBCLASS_OF_ID == 0x1523d462: return None, location # crc32(b'InputFileLocation'): except AttributeError: _raise_cast_fail(location, 'InputFileLocation') if isinstance(location, types.Message): location = location.media if isinstance(location, types.MessageMediaDocument): location = location.document elif isinstance(location, types.MessageMediaPhoto): location = location.photo if isinstance(location, types.Document): return (location.dc_id, types.InputDocumentFileLocation( id=location.id, access_hash=location.access_hash, file_reference=location.file_reference, thumb_size='' # Presumably to download one of its thumbnails )) elif isinstance(location, types.Photo): return (location.dc_id, types.InputPhotoFileLocation( id=location.id, access_hash=location.access_hash, file_reference=location.file_reference, thumb_size=location.sizes[-1].type )) if isinstance(location, types.FileLocationToBeDeprecated): raise TypeError('Unavailable location cannot be used as input') _raise_cast_fail(location, 'InputFileLocation')
def _gh(self, x): """ Evaluates the constraint function values. """ Pgen = x[self._Pg.i1:self._Pg.iN + 1] # Active generation in p.u. Qgen = x[self._Qg.i1:self._Qg.iN + 1] # Reactive generation in p.u. for i, gen in enumerate(self._gn): gen.p = Pgen[i] * self._base_mva # active generation in MW gen.q = Qgen[i] * self._base_mva # reactive generation in MVAr # Rebuild the net complex bus power injection vector in p.u. Sbus = self.om.case.getSbus(self._bs) Vang = x[self._Va.i1:self._Va.iN + 1] Vmag = x[self._Vm.i1:self._Vm.iN + 1] V = Vmag * exp(1j * Vang) # Evaluate the power flow equations. mis = V * conj(self._Ybus * V) - Sbus # Equality constraints (power flow). g = r_[mis.real, # active power mismatch for all buses mis.imag] # reactive power mismatch for all buses # Inequality constraints (branch flow limits). # (line constraint is actually on square of limit) flow_max = array([(l.rate_a / self._base_mva)**2 for l in self._ln]) # FIXME: There must be a more elegant method for this. for i, v in enumerate(flow_max): if v == 0.0: flow_max[i] = Inf if self.flow_lim == IFLOW: If = self._Yf * V It = self._Yt * V # Branch current limits. h = r_[(If * conj(If)) - flow_max, (It * conj(It)) - flow_max] else: i_fbus = [e.from_bus._i for e in self._ln] i_tbus = [e.to_bus._i for e in self._ln] # Complex power injected at "from" bus (p.u.). Sf = V[i_fbus] * conj(self._Yf * V) # Complex power injected at "to" bus (p.u.). St = V[i_tbus] * conj(self._Yt * V) if self.flow_lim == PFLOW: # active power limit, P (Pan Wei) # Branch real power limits. h = r_[Sf.real()**2 - flow_max, St.real()**2 - flow_max] elif self.flow_lim == SFLOW: # apparent power limit, |S| # Branch apparent power limits. h = r_[(Sf * conj(Sf)) - flow_max, (St * conj(St)) - flow_max].real else: raise ValueError return h, g
def listener(self, acceptor, wrapper): """ Listens for new connections to the manager's endpoint. Once a new connection is received, a TCPTendril object is generated for it and it is passed to the acceptor, which must initialize the state of the connection. If no acceptor is given, no new connections can be initialized. :param acceptor: If given, specifies a callable that will be called with each newly received TCPTendril; that callable is responsible for initial acceptance of the connection and for setting up the initial state of the connection. If not given, no new connections will be accepted by the TCPTendrilManager. :param wrapper: A callable taking, as its first argument, a socket.socket object. The callable must return a valid proxy for the socket.socket object, which will subsequently be used to communicate on the connection. """ # If we have no acceptor, there's nothing for us to do here if not acceptor: # Not listening on anything self.local_addr = None # Just sleep in a loop while True: gevent.sleep(600) return # Pragma: nocover # OK, set up the socket sock = socket.socket(self.addr_family, socket.SOCK_STREAM) with utils.SocketCloser(sock): # Set up SO_REUSEADDR sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) # Bind to our endpoint sock.bind(self.endpoint) # Get the assigned port number self.local_addr = sock.getsockname() # Call any wrappers if wrapper: sock = wrapper(sock) # Initiate listening sock.listen(self.backlog) # OK, now go into an accept loop with an error threshold of 10 closer = utils.SocketCloser(sock, 10, ignore=[application.RejectConnection]) while True: with closer: cli, addr = sock.accept() # OK, the connection has been accepted; construct a # Tendril for it tend = TCPTendril(self, cli, addr) # Set up the application with utils.SocketCloser(cli): tend.application = acceptor(tend) # Make sure we track the new tendril, but only if # the acceptor doesn't throw any exceptions self._track_tendril(tend) # Start the tendril tend._start()
def getCol(self, x): """return the x-th column, starting at 0""" return [self.getCell(x, i) for i in self.__size_range]
def addAction(self, action): """ Adds the inputed action to this toolbar. :param action | <QAction> """ super(XDockToolbar, self).addAction(action) label = XDockActionLabel(action, self.minimumPixmapSize(), self) label.setPosition(self.position()) layout = self.layout() layout.insertWidget(layout.count() - 1, label)
def evict(cls, urls): """Remove items from cache matching URLs. Return the number of items removed. """ if isinstance(urls, text_type): urls = [urls] urls = set(normalize_url(url) for url in urls) retval = 0 with cls.ca_lock: for key in list(cls.cache): if key[0] in urls: retval += 1 del cls.cache[key] del cls.timeouts[key] return retval
def set_guest_access(self, allow_guests): """Set whether guests can join the room and return True if successful.""" guest_access = "can_join" if allow_guests else "forbidden" try: self.client.api.set_guest_access(self.room_id, guest_access) self.guest_access = allow_guests return True except MatrixRequestError: return False
def add_handler(self, handler): ''' Add an additional handler Args: handler: A dictionary of handler configuration for the handler that should be added. See :func:`__init__` for details on valid parameters. ''' handler['logger'] = self._get_logger(handler) handler['reads'] = 0 handler['data_read'] = 0 self.capture_handlers.append(handler)
def _apply_conv(self, inputs, w): """Apply a `separable_conv2d` operation on `inputs` using `w`. Args: inputs: A Tensor of shape `data_format` and of type `tf.float16`, `tf.bfloat16` or `tf.float32`. w: A tuple of weight matrices of the same type as `inputs`, the first being the depthwise weight matrix, and the second being the pointwise weight matrix. Returns: outputs: The result of the convolution operation on `inputs`. """ w_dw, w_pw = w outputs = tf.nn.separable_conv2d(inputs, w_dw, w_pw, rate=self._rate, strides=self.stride, padding=self._conv_op_padding, data_format=self._data_format) return outputs
def parse_only_extr_license(self, extr_lic): """ Return an ExtractedLicense object to represent a license object. But does not add it to the SPDXDocument model. Return None if failed. """ # Grab all possible values ident = self.get_extr_license_ident(extr_lic) text = self.get_extr_license_text(extr_lic) comment = self.get_extr_lics_comment(extr_lic) xrefs = self.get_extr_lics_xref(extr_lic) name = self.get_extr_lic_name(extr_lic) if not ident: # Must have identifier return # Set fields # FIXME: the constructor of the license should alwas accept a name lic = document.ExtractedLicense(ident) if text is not None: lic.text = text if name is not None: lic.full_name = name if comment is not None: lic.comment = comment lic.cross_ref = map(lambda x: six.text_type(x), xrefs) return lic
def fingerprint(self, word, n_bits=16, most_common=MOST_COMMON_LETTERS_CG): """Return the occurrence halved fingerprint. Based on the occurrence halved fingerprint from :cite:`Cislak:2017`. Parameters ---------- word : str The word to fingerprint n_bits : int Number of bits in the fingerprint returned most_common : list The most common tokens in the target language, ordered by frequency Returns ------- int The occurrence halved fingerprint Examples -------- >>> ohf = OccurrenceHalved() >>> bin(ohf.fingerprint('hat')) '0b1010000000010' >>> bin(ohf.fingerprint('niall')) '0b10010100000' >>> bin(ohf.fingerprint('colin')) '0b1001010000' >>> bin(ohf.fingerprint('atcg')) '0b10100000000000' >>> bin(ohf.fingerprint('entreatment')) '0b1111010000110000' """ if n_bits % 2: n_bits += 1 w_len = len(word) // 2 w_1 = set(word[:w_len]) w_2 = set(word[w_len:]) fingerprint = 0 for letter in most_common: if n_bits: fingerprint <<= 1 if letter in w_1: fingerprint += 1 fingerprint <<= 1 if letter in w_2: fingerprint += 1 n_bits -= 2 else: break if n_bits > 0: fingerprint <<= n_bits return fingerprint
def is_compliant(self, path): """Checks if the directory is compliant. Used to determine if the path specified and all of its children directories are in compliance with the check itself. :param path: the directory path to check :returns: True if the directory tree is compliant, otherwise False. """ if not os.path.isdir(path): log('Path specified %s is not a directory.' % path, level=ERROR) raise ValueError("%s is not a directory." % path) if not self.recursive: return super(DirectoryPermissionAudit, self).is_compliant(path) compliant = True for root, dirs, _ in os.walk(path): if len(dirs) > 0: continue if not super(DirectoryPermissionAudit, self).is_compliant(root): compliant = False continue return compliant
def store_api_url(self): """Returns the API url for storing events.""" return "%s://%s%sapi/%s/store/" % ( self.scheme, self.host, self.path, self.project_id, )
def lookup_field_help(self, field, default=None): """ Looks up the help text for the passed in field. """ help = None # is there a label specified for this field if field in self.field_config and 'help' in self.field_config[field]: help = self.field_config[field]['help'] # if we were given a default, use that elif default: help = default # try to see if there is a description on our model elif hasattr(self, 'model'): for model_field in self.model._meta.fields: if model_field.name == field: help = model_field.help_text break return help
def set_save_directory(base, source): """Sets the root save directory for saving screenshots. Screenshots will be saved in subdirectories under this directory by browser window size. """ root = os.path.join(base, source) if not os.path.isdir(root): os.makedirs(root) world.screenshot_root = root
def indices_outside_segments(times, segment_files, ifo=None, segment_name=None): """ Return the list of indices that are outside the segments in the list of segment files. Parameters ---------- times: numpy.ndarray of integer type Array of gps start times segment_files: string or list of strings A string or list of strings that contain the path to xml files that contain a segment table ifo: string, optional The ifo to retrieve segments for from the segment files segment_name: str, optional name of segment Returns -------- indices: numpy.ndarray The array of index values outside the segments segmentlist: The segment list corresponding to the selected time. """ exclude, segs = indices_within_segments(times, segment_files, ifo=ifo, segment_name=segment_name) indices = numpy.arange(0, len(times)) return numpy.delete(indices, exclude), segs
def displayResponse(request, openid_response): """ Display an OpenID response. Errors will be displayed directly to the user; successful responses and other protocol-level messages will be sent using the proper mechanism (i.e., direct response, redirection, etc.). """ s = getServer(request) # Encode the response into something that is renderable. try: webresponse = s.encodeResponse(openid_response) except EncodingError as why: # If it couldn't be encoded, display an error. text = why.response.encodeToKVForm() return render_to_response( 'server/endpoint.html', {'error': cgi.escape(text)}, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) # Construct the appropriate django framework response. r = http.HttpResponse(webresponse.body) r.status_code = webresponse.code for header, value in webresponse.headers.items(): r[header] = value return r
def query_tag_values(self, metric_type=None, **tags): """ Query for possible tag values. :param metric_type: A MetricType to be queried. If left to None, matches all the MetricTypes :param tags: A dict of tag key/value pairs. Uses Hawkular-Metrics tag query language for syntax """ tagql = self._transform_tags(**tags) return self._get(self._get_metrics_tags_url(self._get_url(metric_type)) + '/{}'.format(tagql))
def sync(self, sync_set, force=0, site=None, role=None): """ Uploads media to an Amazon S3 bucket using s3sync. Requires s3cmd. Install with: pip install s3cmd """ from burlap.dj import dj force = int(force) r = self.local_renderer r.env.sync_force_flag = ' --force ' if force else '' _settings = dj.get_settings(site=site, role=role) assert _settings, 'Unable to import settings.' for k in _settings.__dict__.iterkeys(): if k.startswith('AWS_'): r.genv[k] = _settings.__dict__[k] site_data = r.genv.sites[r.genv.SITE] r.env.update(site_data) r.env.virtualenv_bin_dir = os.path.split(sys.executable)[0] rets = [] for paths in r.env.sync_sets[sync_set]: is_local = paths.get('is_local', True) local_path = paths['local_path'] % r.genv remote_path = paths['remote_path'] remote_path = remote_path.replace(':/', '/') if not remote_path.startswith('s3://'): remote_path = 's3://' + remote_path local_path = local_path % r.genv if is_local: #local_or_dryrun('which s3sync')#, capture=True) r.env.local_path = os.path.abspath(local_path) else: #run('which s3sync') r.env.local_path = local_path if local_path.endswith('/') and not r.env.local_path.endswith('/'): r.env.local_path = r.env.local_path + '/' r.env.remote_path = remote_path % r.genv print('Syncing %s to %s...' % (r.env.local_path, r.env.remote_path)) # Superior Python version. if force: r.env.sync_cmd = 'put' else: r.env.sync_cmd = 'sync' r.local( 'export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID={aws_access_key_id}; '\ 'export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY={aws_secret_access_key}; '\ '{s3cmd_path} {sync_cmd} --progress --acl-public --guess-mime-type --no-mime-magic '\ '--delete-removed --cf-invalidate --recursive {sync_force_flag} '\ '{local_path} {remote_path}')
def enums(): """ Return the dictionary of H₂O enums, retrieved from data in schemas(). For each entry in the dictionary its key is the name of the enum, and the value is the set of all enum values. """ enumset = defaultdict(set) for schema in schemas(): for field in schema["fields"]: if field["type"] == "enum": enumset[field["schema_name"]].update(field["values"]) return enumset
def _connect(self): """ Retrieve token from USMA API and create an authenticated session :returns OAuth2Session: authenticated client session """ oauth_client = BackendApplicationClient(client_id=self.client_id) oauth_session = OAuth2Session(client=oauth_client) token = oauth_session.fetch_token(token_url=self.url + "oauth/token", client_id=self.client_id, client_secret=self.client_secret) #verify=False) return OAuth2Session(client_id=self.client_id, token=token)
def tree(path, depth=2, topdown=True, followlinks=False, showhidden=False): """A generator return a tuple with three elements (root, dirs, files).""" rt = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path, topdown=topdown, followlinks=followlinks): if not showhidden and File.is_hidden(root): continue current_depth = len(os.path.relpath(root, path).split(os.sep)) if current_depth > depth: continue if showhidden: _tuple = ( root, [File(os.path.join(root, _dir)) for _dir in dirs], [File(os.path.join(root, _file)) for _file in files] ) else: _tuple = ( root, [File(os.path.join(root, _dir)) for _dir in dirs if _dir[0] != '.'], [File(os.path.join(root, _file)) for _file in files if _file[0] != '.'] ) rt.append(_tuple) return rt
def search(self, q, field=None, page=None, per_page=None): """Search across all (without field) or in specific field (valid fields at http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/mods-outline.html)""" def picker(results): if type(results['result']) == list: return results['result'] else: return [results['result']] return self._get(('search',), picker, q=q, field=field, page=page, per_page=per_page)
def get_framebuffer_size(window): """ Retrieves the size of the framebuffer of the specified window. Wrapper for: void glfwGetFramebufferSize(GLFWwindow* window, int* width, int* height); """ width_value = ctypes.c_int(0) width = ctypes.pointer(width_value) height_value = ctypes.c_int(0) height = ctypes.pointer(height_value) _glfw.glfwGetFramebufferSize(window, width, height) return width_value.value, height_value.value
def set_flat(self, new_weights): """Sets the weights to new_weights, converting from a flat array. Note: You can only set all weights in the network using this function, i.e., the length of the array must match get_flat_size. Args: new_weights (np.ndarray): Flat array containing weights. """ self._check_sess() shapes = [v.get_shape().as_list() for v in self.variables.values()] arrays = unflatten(new_weights, shapes) placeholders = [ self.placeholders[k] for k, v in self.variables.items() ] self.sess.run( list(self.assignment_nodes.values()), feed_dict=dict(zip(placeholders, arrays)))
def _ordered_struct_start_handler(handler, ctx): """Handles the special case of ordered structs, specified by the type ID 0xD1. This coroutine's only purpose is to ensure that the struct in question declares at least one field name/value pair, as required by the spec. """ _, self = yield self_handler = _create_delegate_handler(self) (length, _), _ = yield ctx.immediate_transition( _var_uint_field_handler(self_handler, ctx) ) if length < 2: # A valid field name/value pair is at least two octets: one for the field name SID and one for the value. raise IonException('Ordered structs (type ID 0xD1) must have at least one field name/value pair.') yield ctx.immediate_transition(handler(length, ctx))
def Cpu(): """ Get number of available CPUs """ cpu = 'Unknown' try: cpu = str(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover logger.error("Can't access CPU count' " + str(e)) return cpu
def asbaseline(self, pos): """Convert a position measure into a baseline measure. No actual baseline is calculated, since operations can be done on positions, with subtractions to obtain baselines at a later stage. :param pos: a position measure :returns: a baseline measure """ if not is_measure(pos) or pos['type'] not in ['position', 'baseline']: raise TypeError('Argument is not a position/baseline measure') if pos['type'] == 'position': loc = self.measure(pos, 'itrf') loc['type'] = 'baseline' return self.measure(loc, 'j2000') return pos
def kernel_integrity(attrs=None, where=None): ''' Return kernel_integrity information from osquery CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' osquery.kernel_integrity ''' if __grains__['os_family'] in ['RedHat', 'Debian']: return _osquery_cmd(table='kernel_integrity', attrs=attrs, where=where) return {'result': False, 'comment': 'Only available on Red Hat or Debian based systems.'}
def container_present(name, profile): ''' Ensures a container is present. :param name: Container name :type name: ``str`` :param profile: The profile key :type profile: ``str`` ''' containers = __salt__['libcloud_storage.list_containers'](profile) match = [z for z in containers if z['name'] == name] if match: return state_result(True, "Container already exists", name, {}) else: result = __salt__['libcloud_storage.create_container'](name, profile) return state_result(True, "Created new container", name, result)
def mark_day(self, day, month=None, year=None): """Marks the specified month day with a visual marker (typically by making the number bold). If only day is specified and the calendar month and year are changed, the marked day remain marked. You can be more specific setting month and year parameters. """ self._remark_date(day, month, year, highlight=True)
def get_field_reduced_index(self, index): """ reduced index: modulo of extensible has been applied """ # return index if not extensible if self.extensible_info is None: return index # manage extensible cycle_start, cycle_len, _ = self.extensible_info # base field if index < cycle_start: return index # extensible field return cycle_start + ((index - cycle_start) % cycle_len)
def read(self, **keys): """ read data from this HDU By default, all data are read. send columns= and rows= to select subsets of the data. Table data are read into a recarray; use read_column() to get a single column as an ordinary array. You can alternatively use slice notation fits=fitsio.FITS(filename) fits[ext][:] fits[ext][2:5] fits[ext][200:235:2] fits[ext][rows] fits[ext][cols][rows] parameters ---------- columns: optional An optional set of columns to read from table HDUs. Default is to read all. Can be string or number. If a sequence, a recarray is always returned. If a scalar, an ordinary array is returned. rows: optional An optional list of rows to read from table HDUS. Default is to read all. vstorage: string, optional Over-ride the default method to store variable length columns. Can be 'fixed' or 'object'. See docs on fitsio.FITS for details. """ columns = keys.get('columns', None) rows = keys.get('rows', None) if columns is not None: if 'columns' in keys: del keys['columns'] data = self.read_columns(columns, **keys) elif rows is not None: if 'rows' in keys: del keys['rows'] data = self.read_rows(rows, **keys) else: data = self._read_all(**keys) return data
def get_device_by_ain(self, ain): """Returns a device specified by the AIN.""" devices = self.get_devices() for device in devices: if device.ain == ain: return device
def kalman_filter(kalman_state, old_indices, coordinates, q, r): '''Return the kalman filter for the features in the new frame kalman_state - state from last frame old_indices - the index per feature in the last frame or -1 for new coordinates - Coordinates of the features in the new frame. q - the process error covariance - see equ 1.3 and 1.10 from Welch r - measurement error covariance of features - see eqn 1.7 and 1.8 from welch. returns a new KalmanState containing the kalman filter of the last state by the given coordinates. Refer to kalmanGainLinearMotion.m and http://www.cs.unc.edu/~welch/media/pdf/kalman_intro.pdf for info on the algorithm. ''' assert isinstance(kalman_state, KalmanState) old_indices = np.array(old_indices) if len(old_indices) == 0: return KalmanState(kalman_state.observation_matrix, kalman_state.translation_matrix) # # Cull missing features in old state and collect only matching coords # matching = old_indices != -1 new_indices = np.arange(len(old_indices))[~matching] retained_indices = np.arange(len(old_indices))[matching] new_coords = coordinates[new_indices] observation_matrix_t = kalman_state.observation_matrix.transpose() if len(retained_indices) > 0: kalman_state = kalman_state.deep_copy() coordinates = coordinates[retained_indices] kalman_state.map_frames(old_indices[retained_indices]) # # Time update equations # # From eqn 1.9 of Welch # state_vec = kalman_state.predicted_state_vec # # From eqn 1.10 of Welch # state_cov = dot_n( dot_n(kalman_state.translation_matrix, kalman_state.state_cov), kalman_state.translation_matrix.transpose()) + q[matching] # # From eqn 1.11 of welch # kalman_gain_numerator = dot_n(state_cov, observation_matrix_t) kalman_gain_denominator = dot_n( dot_n(kalman_state.observation_matrix, state_cov), observation_matrix_t) + r[matching] kalman_gain_denominator = inv_n(kalman_gain_denominator) kalman_gain = dot_n(kalman_gain_numerator, kalman_gain_denominator) # # Eqn 1.12 of Welch # difference = coordinates - dot_n(kalman_state.observation_matrix, state_vec[:,:,np.newaxis])[:,:,0] state_noise = dot_n(kalman_gain, difference[:,:,np.newaxis])[:,:,0] state_vec = state_vec + state_noise # # Eqn 1.13 of Welch (factored from (I - KH)P to P - KHP) # state_cov = (state_cov - dot_n(dot_n(kalman_gain, kalman_state.observation_matrix), state_cov)) # # Collect all of the state noise in one array. We produce an I and J # variance. Notes in kalmanGainLinearMotion indicate that you # might want a single variance, combining I & J. An alternate # might be R and theta, a variance of angular consistency and one # of absolute velocity. # # Add an index to the state noise in the rightmost column # idx = np.arange(len(state_noise)) # # Stack the rows with the old ones # all_state_noise = np.vstack((kalman_state.state_noise, state_noise)) all_state_noise_idx = np.hstack((kalman_state.state_noise_idx, idx)) noise_var = np.zeros((len(idx), all_state_noise.shape[1])) for i in range(all_state_noise.shape[1]): noise_var[:, i] = fix(scind.variance(all_state_noise[:, i], all_state_noise_idx, idx)) obs_vec = dot_n(kalman_state.observation_matrix, state_vec[:,:,np.newaxis])[:,:,0] kalman_state = KalmanState(kalman_state.observation_matrix, kalman_state.translation_matrix, state_vec, state_cov, noise_var, all_state_noise, all_state_noise_idx) else: # Erase all previous features kalman_state = KalmanState(kalman_state.observation_matrix, kalman_state.translation_matrix) if len(new_coords) > 0: # # Fill in the initial states: # state_vec = dot_n(observation_matrix_t, new_coords[:,:,np.newaxis])[:,:,0] # # The COV for the hidden, undetermined features should be large # and the COV for others should be small # nstates = kalman_state.state_len nnew_features = len(new_indices) cov_vec = SMALL_KALMAN_COV / np.dot(observation_matrix_t, np.ones(kalman_state.obs_len)) cov_vec[~ np.isfinite(cov_vec)] = LARGE_KALMAN_COV cov_matrix = np.diag(cov_vec) state_cov = cov_matrix[np.newaxis,:,:][np.zeros(nnew_features,int)] # # The noise variance is all ones in Jaqman # noise_var = np.ones((len(new_indices), kalman_state.state_len)) # # Map the retained indices to their new slots and new ones to empty # slots (=-1) # kalman_state.add_features(retained_indices, new_indices, state_vec, state_cov, noise_var) return kalman_state
def perturbed_contents(self): """Perturb the given animal.""" animal = json.loads(self.contents) for prop, prop_range in self.properties.items(): range = prop_range[1] - prop_range[0] jittered = animal[prop] + random.gauss(0, 0.1 * range) animal[prop] = max(min(jittered, prop_range[1]), prop_range[0]) return json.dumps(animal)
def get_instance(self, payload): """ Build an instance of InviteInstance :param dict payload: Payload response from the API :returns: twilio.rest.chat.v2.service.channel.invite.InviteInstance :rtype: twilio.rest.chat.v2.service.channel.invite.InviteInstance """ return InviteInstance( self._version, payload, service_sid=self._solution['service_sid'], channel_sid=self._solution['channel_sid'], )
def create(cls, train_ds, valid_ds, test_ds=None, path:PathOrStr='.', no_check:bool=False, bs=64, val_bs:int=None, num_workers:int=0, device:torch.device=None, collate_fn:Callable=data_collate, dl_tfms:Optional[Collection[Callable]]=None, bptt:int=70, backwards:bool=False, **dl_kwargs) -> DataBunch: "Create a `TextDataBunch` in `path` from the `datasets` for language modelling. Passes `**dl_kwargs` on to `DataLoader()`" datasets = cls._init_ds(train_ds, valid_ds, test_ds) val_bs = ifnone(val_bs, bs) datasets = [LanguageModelPreLoader(ds, shuffle=(i==0), bs=(bs if i==0 else val_bs), bptt=bptt, backwards=backwards) for i,ds in enumerate(datasets)] val_bs = bs dls = [DataLoader(d, b, shuffle=False, **dl_kwargs) for d,b in zip(datasets, (bs,val_bs,val_bs,val_bs)) if d is not None] return cls(*dls, path=path, device=device, dl_tfms=dl_tfms, collate_fn=collate_fn, no_check=no_check)
def t_less_variable(self, t): r'@@?[\w-]+|@\{[^@\}]+\}' v = t.value.lower() if v in reserved.tokens: t.type = reserved.tokens[v] if t.type == "css_media": t.lexer.push_state("mediaquery") elif t.type == "css_import": t.lexer.push_state("import") return t
def files(self, entity_id, manifest=None, filename=None, read_file=False, channel=None): ''' Get the files or file contents of a file for an entity. If all files are requested, a dictionary of filenames and urls for the files in the archive are returned. If filename is provided, the url of just that file is returned, if it exists. If filename is provided and read_file is true, the *contents* of the file are returned, if the file exists. @param entity_id The id of the entity to get files for @param manifest The manifest of files for the entity. Providing this reduces queries; if not provided, the manifest is looked up in the charmstore. @param filename The name of the file in the archive to get. @param read_file Whether to get the url for the file or the file contents. @param channel Optional channel name. ''' if manifest is None: manifest_url = '{}/{}/meta/manifest'.format(self.url, _get_path(entity_id)) manifest_url = _add_channel(manifest_url, channel) manifest = self._get(manifest_url) manifest = manifest.json() files = {} for f in manifest: manifest_name = f['Name'] file_url = self.file_url(_get_path(entity_id), manifest_name, channel=channel) files[manifest_name] = file_url if filename: file_url = files.get(filename, None) if file_url is None: raise EntityNotFound(entity_id, filename) if read_file: data = self._get(file_url) return data.text else: return file_url else: return files
def get_mailbox(value): """ mailbox = name-addr / addr-spec """ # The only way to figure out if we are dealing with a name-addr or an # addr-spec is to try parsing each one. mailbox = Mailbox() try: token, value = get_name_addr(value) except errors.HeaderParseError: try: token, value = get_addr_spec(value) except errors.HeaderParseError: raise errors.HeaderParseError( "expected mailbox but found '{}'".format(value)) if any(isinstance(x, errors.InvalidHeaderDefect) for x in token.all_defects): mailbox.token_type = 'invalid-mailbox' mailbox.append(token) return mailbox, value
def onLiveLocation( self, mid=None, location=None, author_id=None, thread_id=None, thread_type=None, ts=None, msg=None, ): """ Called when the client is listening and somebody sends live location info :param mid: The action ID :param location: Sent location info :param author_id: The ID of the person who sent location info :param thread_id: Thread ID that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` :param thread_type: Type of thread that the action was sent to. See :ref:`intro_threads` :param ts: A timestamp of the action :param msg: A full set of the data recieved :type location: models.LiveLocationAttachment :type thread_type: models.ThreadType """ log.info( "{} sent live location info in {} ({}) with latitude {} and longitude {}".format( author_id, thread_id, thread_type, location.latitude, location.longitude ) )
def set_special(index, color, iterm_name="h", alpha=100): """Convert a hex color to a special sequence.""" if OS == "Darwin" and iterm_name: return "\033]P%s%s\033\\" % (iterm_name, color.strip("#")) if index in [11, 708] and alpha != "100": return "\033]%s;[%s]%s\033\\" % (index, alpha, color) return "\033]%s;%s\033\\" % (index, color)
def kpoints(self): """ Generate gamma center k-points mesh grid for GW calc, which is requested by GW calculation. """ return Kpoints.automatic_density_by_vol(self.structure, self.reciprocal_density, force_gamma=True)
def process_topojson(self, name, layer, input_path): """ Process layer using topojson. """ output_path = os.path.join(TEMP_DIRECTORY, '%s.topojson' % name) # Use local topojson binary topojson_binary = 'node_modules/bin/topojson' if not os.path.exists(topojson_binary): # try with global topojson binary topojson_binary = 'topojson' topo_cmd = [ topojson_binary, '-o', output_path ] if 'id-property' in layer: topo_cmd.extend([ '--id-property', layer['id-property'] ]) if layer.get('all-properties', False): topo_cmd.append('-p') elif 'properties' in layer: topo_cmd.extend([ '-p', ','.join(layer['properties']) ]) topo_cmd.extend([ '--', input_path ]) sys.stdout.write('* Running TopoJSON\n') if self.args.verbose: sys.stdout.write(' %s\n' % ' '.join(topo_cmd)) r = envoy.run(' '.join(topo_cmd)) if r.status_code != 0: sys.stderr.write(r.std_err) return output_path
def _snapshot_to_data(snapshot): ''' Returns snapshot data from a D-Bus response. A snapshot D-Bus response is a dbus.Struct containing the information related to a snapshot: [id, type, pre_snapshot, timestamp, user, description, cleanup_algorithm, userdata] id: dbus.UInt32 type: dbus.UInt16 pre_snapshot: dbus.UInt32 timestamp: dbus.Int64 user: dbus.UInt32 description: dbus.String cleaup_algorithm: dbus.String userdata: dbus.Dictionary ''' data = {} data['id'] = snapshot[0] data['type'] = ['single', 'pre', 'post'][snapshot[1]] if data['type'] == 'post': data['pre'] = snapshot[2] if snapshot[3] != -1: data['timestamp'] = snapshot[3] else: data['timestamp'] = int(time.time()) data['user'] = getpwuid(snapshot[4])[0] data['description'] = snapshot[5] data['cleanup'] = snapshot[6] data['userdata'] = {} for key, value in snapshot[7].items(): data['userdata'][key] = value return data
def make_embedded_push(value): """Returns a closure that pushed the given value onto a Machine's stack. We use this to embed stack pushes in the VM code, so that the interpreter can assume that all instructions are callable Python functions. This makes dispatching much faster than checking if an instruction is a constant (number, string, etc) or a Python function. """ push = lambda vm: vm.push(value) push.tag = EMBEDDED_PUSH_TAG return push
def cli(ctx, board, scons, project_dir, sayyes): """Manage apio projects.""" if scons: Project().create_sconstruct(project_dir, sayyes) elif board: Project().create_ini(board, project_dir, sayyes) else: click.secho(ctx.get_help())
def get_user(self, username, *, mode=OsuMode.osu, event_days=31): """Get a user profile. Parameters ---------- username : str or int A `str` representing the user's username, or an `int` representing the user's id. mode : :class:`osuapi.enums.OsuMode` The osu! game mode for which to look up. Defaults to osu!standard. event_days : int The number of days in the past to look for events. Defaults to 31 (the maximum). """ return self._make_req(endpoints.USER, dict( k=self.key, u=username, type=_username_type(username), m=mode.value, event_days=event_days ), JsonList(User))
def _to_dict(self): """Return a json dictionary representing this model.""" _dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'from_') and self.from_ is not None: _dict['from'] = self.from_ if hasattr(self, 'to') and self.to is not None: _dict['to'] = self.to if hasattr(self, 'speaker') and self.speaker is not None: _dict['speaker'] = self.speaker if hasattr(self, 'confidence') and self.confidence is not None: _dict['confidence'] = self.confidence if hasattr(self, 'final_results') and self.final_results is not None: _dict['final'] = self.final_results return _dict
def security_iter(nodearr): """ provide a security data iterator by returning a tuple of (Element, SecurityError) which are mutually exclusive """ assert nodearr.Name == 'securityData' and nodearr.IsArray for i in range(nodearr.NumValues): node = nodearr.GetValue(i) err = XmlHelper.get_security_error(node) result = (None, err) if err else (node, None) yield result
def get_randomness_stream(self, decision_point: str, for_initialization: bool=False) -> RandomnessStream: """Provides a new source of random numbers for the given decision point. Parameters ---------- decision_point : A unique identifier for a stream of random numbers. Typically represents a decision that needs to be made each time step like 'moves_left' or 'gets_disease'. for_initialization : A flag indicating whether this stream is used to generate key initialization information that will be used to identify simulants in the Common Random Number framework. These streams cannot be copied and should only be used to generate the state table columns specified in ``builder.configuration.randomness.key_columns``. Raises ------ RandomnessError : If another location in the simulation has already created a randomness stream with the same identifier. """ if decision_point in self._decision_points: raise RandomnessError(f"Two separate places are attempting to create " f"the same randomness stream for {decision_point}") stream = RandomnessStream(key=decision_point, clock=self._clock, seed=self._seed, index_map=self._key_mapping, manager=self, for_initialization=for_initialization) self._decision_points[decision_point] = stream return stream
def sync(self): """Keep the repository in sync. This method will synchronize the repository with its 'origin', fetching newest objects and updating references. It uses low level commands which allow to keep track of which things have changed in the repository. The method also returns a list of hashes related to the new commits fetched during the process. :returns: list of new commits :raises RepositoryError: when an error occurs synchronizing the repository """ pack_name, refs = self._fetch_pack() if pack_name: commits = self._read_commits_from_pack(pack_name) else: commits = [] logger.debug("Git repository %s (%s) does not have any new object", self.uri, self.dirpath) self._update_references(refs) logger.debug("Git repository %s (%s) is synced", self.uri, self.dirpath) return commits
def init_widget(self): """ Initialize the widget with the source. """ d = self.declaration if d.source: self.set_source(d.source) else: super(RawComponent, self).init_widget()
def create(cls, settings): """Create a :class:`BluetoothConnection`: .. sourcecode:: python from escpos import BluetoothConnection from escpos.impl.epson import GenericESCPOS conn = BluetoothConnection.create('00:01:02:03:04:05') printer = GenericESCPOS(conn) printer.init() printer.text('Hello World!') :param str settings: Bluetooth settings. You must specify bluetooth address as six hexadecimal octets, like ``00:01:02:03:04:05``. You can also specify a port number after address using a forward slash, like ``00:01:02:03:04:05/2``. If there is no port number, this method will use SPD (*Service Discovery Protocol*) to find a suitable port number for the given address at RFCOMM protocol. :raises BluetoothPortDiscoveryError: If port is not specified and the algorithm cannot find a RFCOMM port for the given address. """ fields = settings.rsplit('/', 1) address = fields[0] if len(fields) == 1: port = find_rfcomm_port(address) else: try: port = int(fields[1]) except ValueError: raise BluetoothConnectionError('Invalid settings: {!r}'.format(settings)) return cls(address, port=port)
def union(self, other, left_name="LEFT", right_name="RIGHT"): """ *Wrapper of* ``UNION`` The UNION operation is used to integrate homogeneous or heterogeneous samples of two datasets within a single dataset; for each sample of either one of the input datasets, a sample is created in the result as follows: * its metadata are the same as in the original sample; * its schema is the schema of the first (left) input dataset; new identifiers are assigned to each output sample; * its regions are the same (in coordinates and attribute values) as in the original sample. Region attributes which are missing in an input dataset sample (w.r.t. the merged schema) are set to null. :param other: a GMQLDataset :param left_name: name that you want to assign to the left dataset :param right_name: name tha t you want to assign to the right dataset :return: a new GMQLDataset Example of usage:: import gmql as gl d1 = gl.get_example_dataset("Example_Dataset_1") d2 = gl.get_example_dataset("Example_Dataset_2") result = d1.union(other=d2, left_name="D1", right_name="D2") """ if not isinstance(left_name, str) or \ not isinstance(right_name, str): raise TypeError("left_name and right_name must be strings. " "{} - {} was provided".format(type(left_name), type(right_name))) if isinstance(other, GMQLDataset): other_idx = other.__index else: raise TypeError("other must be a GMQLDataset. " "{} was provided".format(type(other))) if len(left_name) == 0 or len(right_name) == 0: raise ValueError("left_name and right_name must not be empty") new_index = self.opmng.union(self.__index, other_idx, left_name, right_name) new_local_sources, new_remote_sources = self.__combine_sources(self, other) new_location = self.__combine_locations(self, other) return GMQLDataset(index=new_index, location=new_location, local_sources=new_local_sources, remote_sources=new_remote_sources, meta_profile=self.meta_profile)
def print_headers(head, outfile=None, silent=False): """ Print the vcf headers. If a result file is provided headers will be printed here, otherwise they are printed to stdout. Args: head (HeaderParser): A vcf header object outfile (FileHandle): A file handle silent (Bool): If nothing should be printed. """ for header_line in head.print_header(): if outfile: outfile.write(header_line+'\n') else: if not silent: print(header_line) return
def sendToLogbook(self, fileName, logType, location=None): '''Process log information and push to selected logbooks.''' import subprocess success = True if logType == "MCC": fileString = "" if not self.imagePixmap.isNull(): fileString = fileName + "." + self.imageType logcmd = "xml2elog " + fileName + ".xml " + fileString process = subprocess.Popen(logcmd, shell=True) process.wait() if process.returncode != 0: success = False else: from shutil import copy path = "/u1/" + location.lower() + "/physics/logbook/data/" # Prod path # path = "/home/softegr/alverson/log_test/" # Dev path try: if not self.imagePixmap.isNull(): copy(fileName + ".png", path) if self.imageType == "png": copy(fileName + ".ps", path) else: copy(fileName + "." + self.imageType, path) # Copy .xml file last to ensure images will be picked up by cron job # print("Copying file " + fileName + " to path " + path) copy(fileName + ".xml", path) except IOError as error: print(error) success = False return success
def get_as_list(self, tag_name): """ Return the value of a tag, making sure that it's a list. Absent tags are returned as an empty-list; single tags are returned as a one-element list. The returned list is a copy, and modifications do not affect the original object. """ val = self.get(tag_name, []) if isinstance(val, list): return val[:] else: return [val]
def count_consonants(text): """Count number of occurrences of consonants in a given string""" count = 0 for i in text: if i.lower() in config.AVRO_CONSONANTS: count += 1 return count
def addNoise(self, nlf_coeff, date=None, info='', error=None): ''' Args: nlf_coeff (list) error (float): absolute info (str): additional information date (str): "DD Mon YY" e.g. "30 Nov 16" ''' date = _toDate(date) d = self.coeffs['noise'] d.insert(_insertDateIndex(date, d), [date, info, nlf_coeff, error])
def steppify(x, y): """ Steppify a curve (x, y). This is useful for filling histograms manually. """ dx = 0.5 * (x[1:] + x[:-1]) xx = numpy.zeros(2 * len(dx), dtype=float) yy = numpy.zeros(2 * len(y), dtype=float) xx[0::2], xx[1::2] = dx, dx yy[0::2], yy[1::2] = y, y xx = numpy.concatenate(( [x[0] - (dx[0] - x[0])], xx, [x[-1] + (x[-1] - dx[-1])] )) return xx, yy
def run_blast_commands(ncbicommandline_method, **keywords): """Runs blastplus/tblastn search, collects result and pass as a xml temporary file. """ # temporary files for output blast_out_tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+",delete=False) keywords['out'] = blast_out_tmp.name # unpack query temp file object query_file_object_tmp = keywords['query'] keywords['query'] = query_file_object_tmp.name stderr = '' error_string = '' try: # formating blastplus command blastplusx_cline = ncbicommandline_method(**keywords) stdout, stderr = blastplusx_cline() except ApplicationError as e: error_string = "Runtime error: " + stderr + "\n" + e.cmd # remove query temp file os.unlink(query_file_object_tmp.name) # os.remove(query_file_object_tmp.name) return blast_out_tmp, error_string
def get_hash(fName, readSize, dire=pDir()): """ creates the required hash """ if not fileExists(fName, dire): return -1 readSize = readSize * 1024 # bytes to be read fName = os.path.join(dire, fName) # name coupled with path with open(fName, 'rb') as f: size = os.path.getsize(fName) if size < readSize * 2: return -1 data = f.read(readSize) f.seek(-readSize, os.SEEK_END) data += f.read(readSize) return md5(data).hexdigest()
def get_instance_id(): """Gets the instance ID of this EC2 instance :return: String instance ID or None """ log = logging.getLogger(mod_logger + '.get_instance_id') # Exit if not running on AWS if not is_aws(): log.info('This machine is not running in AWS, exiting...') return instance_id_url = metadata_url + 'instance-id' try: response = urllib.urlopen(instance_id_url) except(IOError, OSError) as ex: msg = 'Unable to query URL to get instance ID: {u}\n{e}'. \ format(u=instance_id_url, e=ex) log.error(msg) return # Check the code if response.getcode() != 200: msg = 'There was a problem querying url: {u}, returned code: {c}, unable to get the instance-id'.format( u=instance_id_url, c=response.getcode()) log.error(msg) return instance_id = response.read() return instance_id
def stats(self, date=None): '''Return the current statistics for a given queue on a given date. The results are returned are a JSON blob:: { 'total' : ..., 'mean' : ..., 'variance' : ..., 'histogram': [ ... ] } The histogram's data points are at the second resolution for the first minute, the minute resolution for the first hour, the 15-minute resolution for the first day, the hour resolution for the first 3 days, and then at the day resolution from there on out. The `histogram` key is a list of those values.''' return json.loads( self.client('stats', self.name, date or repr(time.time())))
def connectionLost(self, reason): """ Tells the box receiver to stop receiving boxes. """ self._remote.boxReceiver.stopReceivingBoxes(reason) return basic.NetstringReceiver.connectionLost(self, reason)
def describe_events(ApplicationName=None, VersionLabel=None, TemplateName=None, EnvironmentId=None, EnvironmentName=None, PlatformArn=None, RequestId=None, Severity=None, StartTime=None, EndTime=None, MaxRecords=None, NextToken=None): """ Returns list of event descriptions matching criteria up to the last 6 weeks. See also: AWS API Documentation Examples The following operation retrieves events for an environment named my-env: Expected Output: :example: response = client.describe_events( ApplicationName='string', VersionLabel='string', TemplateName='string', EnvironmentId='string', EnvironmentName='string', PlatformArn='string', RequestId='string', Severity='TRACE'|'DEBUG'|'INFO'|'WARN'|'ERROR'|'FATAL', StartTime=datetime(2015, 1, 1), EndTime=datetime(2015, 1, 1), MaxRecords=123, NextToken='string' ) :type ApplicationName: string :param ApplicationName: If specified, AWS Elastic Beanstalk restricts the returned descriptions to include only those associated with this application. :type VersionLabel: string :param VersionLabel: If specified, AWS Elastic Beanstalk restricts the returned descriptions to those associated with this application version. :type TemplateName: string :param TemplateName: If specified, AWS Elastic Beanstalk restricts the returned descriptions to those that are associated with this environment configuration. :type EnvironmentId: string :param EnvironmentId: If specified, AWS Elastic Beanstalk restricts the returned descriptions to those associated with this environment. :type EnvironmentName: string :param EnvironmentName: If specified, AWS Elastic Beanstalk restricts the returned descriptions to those associated with this environment. :type PlatformArn: string :param PlatformArn: The ARN of the version of the custom platform. :type RequestId: string :param RequestId: If specified, AWS Elastic Beanstalk restricts the described events to include only those associated with this request ID. :type Severity: string :param Severity: If specified, limits the events returned from this call to include only those with the specified severity or higher. :type StartTime: datetime :param StartTime: If specified, AWS Elastic Beanstalk restricts the returned descriptions to those that occur on or after this time. :type EndTime: datetime :param EndTime: If specified, AWS Elastic Beanstalk restricts the returned descriptions to those that occur up to, but not including, the EndTime . :type MaxRecords: integer :param MaxRecords: Specifies the maximum number of events that can be returned, beginning with the most recent event. :type NextToken: string :param NextToken: Pagination token. If specified, the events return the next batch of results. :rtype: dict :return: { 'Events': [ { 'EventDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'Message': 'string', 'ApplicationName': 'string', 'VersionLabel': 'string', 'TemplateName': 'string', 'EnvironmentName': 'string', 'PlatformArn': 'string', 'RequestId': 'string', 'Severity': 'TRACE'|'DEBUG'|'INFO'|'WARN'|'ERROR'|'FATAL' }, ], 'NextToken': 'string' } """ pass
def _assert(self, expression: Bool): """Auxiliary method to send an assert""" assert isinstance(expression, Bool) smtlib = translate_to_smtlib(expression) self._send('(assert %s)' % smtlib)
def link_bus(self, bus_idx): """ Return the indices of elements linking the given buses :param bus_idx: :return: """ ret = [] if not self._config['is_series']: self.log( 'link_bus function is not valid for non-series model <{}>'. format(self.name)) return [] if isinstance(bus_idx, (int, float, str)): bus_idx = [bus_idx] fkey = list(self._ac.keys()) if 'bus' in fkey: fkey.remove('bus') nfkey = len(fkey) fkey_val = [self.__dict__[i] for i in fkey] for item in bus_idx: idx = [] key = [] for i in range(self.n): for j in range(nfkey): if fkey_val[j][i] == item: idx.append(self.idx[i]) key.append(fkey[j]) # <= 1 terminal should connect to the same bus break if len(idx) == 0: idx = None if len(key) == 0: key = None ret.append((idx, key)) return ret
def _validate(cls, message): """Confirm the validitiy of a given dict as an OpenXC message. Returns: ``True`` if the message contains at least a ``name`` and ``value``. """ valid = False if(('name' in message and 'value' in message) or ('id' in message and 'data' in message)): valid = True return valid
def listpid(toggle='basic'): # Add method to exclude elements from list '''list pids''' proc=psutil.process_iter()# evalute if its better to keep one instance of this or generate here? if toggle=='basic': host=gethostname() host2=os.getenv('HOME').split(sep='/' )[-1] for row in proc: #~ DPRINT([row.ppid(),row.name(),host],'username,row.name,host') if row.username() in host or row.username() in host2: #new psutil using grabing timeyyy and not alfa for username so host 2 is getting the timeyyy on UBUNTU yield row.name(), row.ppid() elif toggle=='all': for row in proc: yield row.name(), row.ppid() elif toggle =='windows-basic': for row in proc: try: pname = psutil.Process(row.pid).name() pname = pname[:-4]#removiing .exe from end yield pname, row.pid except: pass
def upload_create(self, tags, rating, file_=None, source=None, parent_id=None): """Function to create a new upload (Requires login). Parameters: tags (str): rating (str): Can be: `s`, `q`, or `e`. Alternatively, you can specify `rating:safe`, `rating:questionable`, or `rating:explicit` in the tag string. file_ (file_path): The file data encoded as a multipart form. source (str): The source URL. parent_id (int): The parent post id. Raises: PybooruAPIError: When file_ or source are empty. """ if file_ or source is not None: params = { 'upload[source]': source, 'upload[rating]': rating, 'upload[parent_id]': parent_id, 'upload[tag_string]': tags } file_ = {'upload[file]': open(file_, 'rb')} return self._get('uploads.json', params, 'POST', auth=True, file_=file_) else: raise PybooruAPIError("'file_' or 'source' is required.")
def convert_to_id(s, id_set): """ Some parts of .wxs need an Id attribute (for example: The File and Directory directives. The charset is limited to A-Z, a-z, digits, underscores, periods. Each Id must begin with a letter or with a underscore. Google for "CNDL0015" for information about this. Requirements: * the string created must only contain chars from the target charset. * the string created must have a minimal editing distance from the original string. * the string created must be unique for the whole .wxs file. Observation: * There are 62 chars in the charset. Idea: * filter out forbidden characters. Check for a collision with the help of the id_set. Add the number of the number of the collision at the end of the created string. Furthermore care for a correct start of the string. """ charset = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_.' if s[0] in '0123456789.': s += '_'+s id = [c for c in s if c in charset] # did we already generate an id for this file? try: return id_set[id][s] except KeyError: # no we did not, so initialize with the id if id not in id_set: id_set[id] = { s : id } # there is a collision, generate an id which is unique by appending # the collision number else: id_set[id][s] = id + str(len(id_set[id])) return id_set[id][s]
def contract_from_file(fname): """ Loads a Barrister IDL JSON from the given file and returns a Contract class :Parameters: fname Filename containing Barrister IDL JSON to load """ f = open(fname) j = f.read() f.close() return Contract(json.loads(j))
def OSIncludes(self): """ Microsoft Windows SDK Include """ include = os.path.join(self.si.WindowsSdkDir, 'include') if self.vc_ver <= 10.0: return [include, os.path.join(include, 'gl')] else: if self.vc_ver >= 14.0: sdkver = self._sdk_subdir else: sdkver = '' return [os.path.join(include, '%sshared' % sdkver), os.path.join(include, '%sum' % sdkver), os.path.join(include, '%swinrt' % sdkver)]
def list_roles(self, mount_point=DEFAULT_MOUNT_POINT): """List all the roles that are registered with the plugin. Supported methods: LIST: /auth/{mount_point}/roles. Produces: 200 application/json :param mount_point: The "path" the azure auth method was mounted on. :type mount_point: str | unicode :return: The "data" key from the JSON response of the request. :rtype: dict """ api_path = '/v1/auth/{mount_point}/roles'.format(mount_point=mount_point) response = self._adapter.list( url=api_path ) return response.json().get('data')