[ { "text": "Hi", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "How are you doing?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'm great. Are you ready to go camping?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes I am ready. But I am low on some item and I don't mind trading with you. Do you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "No that sounds good. What are your preferences?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I am so low on Food and I have two kids with me. The highest amount of item I have is Firewood. Do you mind taking some in exchange for Food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That matches up well with my needs. How about you take all the food and I'll take all the firewood. or we can go 2 & 1 if that better suits your needs", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Thanks for making this easy for me. I don't want you also to run low on supplies so soon. I will give you two firewood while I take 1 and half food. How about that?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That would be great but I don't think they let us break bundles in half. How does this sound... You get 2 food, 1 water and 1 firewood. I get 1 food, 2 water and 2 firewood. Sound ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "You should understand that water is also essential for the kids. Likewise firewood to keep them warm. What about 2 foods for me, 2 firewood for you. And we all are happy and enjoy our camping?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "here's what I propose to get a deal, you get, 2 food, 2 water, and one firewood. I get 1 food, one water and two firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I think that is okay by me. I don't want to stress the conversation. You have been helpful enough.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "protein is critical to keep strong during the heat", "Medium": "because it is so hot water is vital to not get dehydrated", "High": "during this heat food and water are vital. Fire will enable us to boil water and cook food" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Undecided" }, "demographics": { "age": 65, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1.5, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I need more food to keep healthy and agile so that I will be able to work.", "Medium": "I think I have about just the amount of water I need.", "High": "I definitely have more than enough firewood to cook and to keep me warm." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 15, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 45, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 6.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hey, how's it going?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Pretty well thanks. How about for you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Same, just finalizing everything for the camping trip. What item do you need the most?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "For me it's food, with the extreme heat and my medical condition, having extra food is vital. How about you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "We all agreed that we want extra firewood, because we are going to higher altitudes and it's colder", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That works because where I'm going it's really warm so ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I would like at least one food if it can be spared. What about water, are you good taking all of that?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Sure . How does this sound, You get all the firewood and one food. I'll take two foods and three waters", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That sounds good, only thing is actually on second thought maybe I could get one water, too?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Sure", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "with the extreme heat I don't really need a fire other than to cook , boil water and keep bugs away", "Medium": "the heat is oppressive and having water is a good thing for heat exhaustion", "High": "It is so hot that energy gets sapped. Extra food is important for our well being" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 65, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1.5, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "My friend was taking care of the water, not me.", "Medium": "Ran out one time and don't want that to happen again.", "High": "To keep warm at night." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 22, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 28, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 3.5, "emotional-stability": 2.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi what's most important for you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hello. Well listen, I was laid off recently, so I really need water and firewood. Food I can live without but I have low blood sugar, so it couldn't hurt.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "food is my top priority", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I see. Water is probably mine. Can you do 3 water and 3 firewood for 3 food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "i will take 3 food and give you 3 waters. i would like 2 woods", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I wish I could help you ☹️. The virus really messed up my finances. If you can do 3 water and 2 woods, I will give you 3 food. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "ok that will work for me", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Okay. That helps me as well.🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "yes i feel good about helping you. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Same here. It was a pleasure to work it out. Hope you enjoy your trip!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "0", "Food": "3" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "3", "Food": "0" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "i can find water in the woods", "Medium": "i can find more in the woods", "High": "so that i don't starve" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 41, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 7, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I have a package of food. It will last for a short time; however, I also suffer from low blood sugar. If I don't get enough food, I will likely become sick and may suffer seizures without more food.", "Medium": "I was able to gather a bundle of sticks. However, it wouldn't last long. I need more wood to stay warm at night as I have a neurological condition that causes my body temperature to drop and can easily lead to hypothermia. ", "High": "I was laid off due to the virus so I can't afford water. I need to get away from the city I live in and go visit the woods but its so hot. I won't be able to survive the weekend." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 23, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 29, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi.. hello, I need 3 pckage of firewoods wil this okay for you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Sure, i am not very attached to receiving much firewood, However, i am in need of water, and would like 3 of that if possible. I would also like 2 foods, as i need to feed my child who is coming along with me", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Thanks for your understanding. I understand your children situation. Even, I'm also a married person and I have children. I need 1 pack of water at lesat for my children. can you share with me?. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "In that case, i would need one firewood as well.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Okay. I'll share with you 1 pack of firewood. may i know how many members in your family?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I will be going with ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "My family has 2 children and one old person . Can you help me with 2 pack of food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I am sorry, but i would like to keep the food, i will be with my partner, child, and special needs sibling. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Okay..fine. I'll manage by 1 pack of food. you take 2 pack of food.🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "thats great. thank you so much for understanding. so i will be getting, 2 waters, 1 firewood, and 2 food? are you ok with that?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "okay.. Nice to talk with you.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "The area is near a stream with a lot of edible fish that are easy yo catch", "Medium": "I am afraid of the animals in the area, and the fire provides protection", "High": "i have a condition where i sweat a lot, so i go through water quickly" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 24, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "i can manage water by using some existing.", "Medium": "without food I can'do any work. I need energy", "High": "fire wood helps me to keep warm" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 24, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6.5, "agreeableness": 3.5, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi there! I was hoping to get 3 extra packages of water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hello, I was hoping to get some extra water, too, because one of my friends decided to come at the last minute and we didn't pack enough!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Ugh, I'm sorry to hear that ☹️ My friends and I plan on hiking a lot and I definitely don't want us to get dehydrated. Maybe I could take 2 waters, and I'd give you 3 firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "We actually have tons of firewood, more than enough really. I might be able to let you take 2 waters if we could have 3 foods? 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hmm, which is more important for you? If the food is more important, I would be happy to give you three food, and I'd take 3 waters instead!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That is tempting, but I think I need to keep at least 1 water, since we have another person coming.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Ah I see. How about you take 1 water and 2 food then?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hmmm, I think I could do that, if I can also have 2 packages of firewood, since I will need it to cook the food! 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Alright, so you'll take 1 water, 2 food, and 2 firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes, sounds like a deal to me", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "It will be cold at night and I don't want to get sick.", "Medium": "I won't be near any stores and will be with a lot of people.", "High": "I will be hiking and it will be hot and I will get dehydrated." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 27, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 3, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "There is plenty of firewood we can pick up in the woods nearby.", "Medium": "Some of the food we packed ended up being expired, so we need to get some more.", "High": "One of my friends decided to meet us at the camp at the last minute, and we didn't pack enough water in advance." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 37, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } } }
[ { "text": "hello?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hi! How are you today", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "i'm pretty good, how are you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Great! I was wondering if you would mind sharing your top preferences on our three items? What do you feel is your highest priority supply?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I suppose my highest priority is water, what do you think about maybe trying to split these up in an even way as possible?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Sounds great to me. Excited for this camping trip. My highest priority right now is food; I am bringing along a huge family and need to feed all of them, and they'll get super hungry without more packets!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Ok that sounds good. So, I suppose that we can agree that we'll both receive at least 1 of each of the three different items.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Sure. how about I could get 2 food packages since that is my highest priority, and you could get 2 water packages?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That sounds reasonable to me.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Awesome. And actually I would either be willing to have 1 water package and 2 firewood packages. Would that be okay by you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "In that scenario, you'd be getting 1 extra item than me, but I'm not too worried about it because I'm sure if I needed to get extra firewood, I could find some in the wilderness.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "because compared to the other items, firewood is probably more available easier in the wild compared to food and water", "Medium": "because food is essential to survival in camping and gives added comfort", "High": "because water is essential to survival in camping" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 38, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 3, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I am thirsty right now.", "Medium": "Since it will be cold.", "High": "Since I have family with me" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 24, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi, have you camped here before🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "No I have not, but I go camping frequently.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "It's a great camp ground, did you bring every thing you need??", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I have the basic supplies needed, but there are definitely some things I could use more of.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "We are in the same boat. We have lots of water but sure could use some more food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes, I definitely need some more food since I have several small children to feed.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "This is going to be tough if we both need food. I can trade you water for anything you don't need", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I need the firewood the most, it is supposed to be very cold and I don't want the little ones to get frostbite or anything.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I can give you 3 firewoods for 3 foods", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I can only spare 2 food. Is that okay?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I can do 3 firewoods for 3 foods and i'll even be nice and give you 2 waters and i'll only take 1", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ok thank you very much!🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "1", "Food": "3" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "2", "Food": "0" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "There's a clean fresh water stream near by", "Medium": "We want to keep a fire lit all night", "High": "we have young growing boys that are hungry" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 56, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2.5, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "There is no safe drinking water around.", "Medium": "I may get hungry and need more to satisfy me.", "High": "It will be cold and I need to stay warm." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Undecided" }, "demographics": { "age": 28, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5.5, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 2.5, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } } }
[ { "text": "hi ow are you we are getting ready for a complete new adventure in hiking are you going away too?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Of course! Hi buddy, how you doing? 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I am fine, did I tell you that we will hike towards the dessert and a little into it, i never seen it so thats our goal this time how about you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "WHAT!!?? You're joking right? I hate the heat! 😡", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I love the heat and no no joke so I guess you guys are going in the opposite direction..LOL", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Then I shall call you sweaty from here out. Which item are you look for? 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That will be a fun call, how about I get 2 water 2 firewood and 1 food?🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "No problem, we will definitely work something that benefits us both.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "that sounds great I knew you and i would get along and figure this out", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Actually I make it easy, 3,2,0 in your favor. Which item is your highest? 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "water the wood then food so 32 o in that order works how about you", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "0", "Food": "3" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "3", "Food": "0" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I packed plenty of food", "Medium": "its warm but gets kinda cold in the dessert ", "High": "hiking to the dessert need plenty of water" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 23, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 55, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, associate's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I don't mind the cold. I could just wear an extra layer of clothing.", "Medium": "Water is essential for survival. Must need.", "High": "I am a foodie person. I want to eat, usually 4-5 meals a day." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 29, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi. What is the most important package for you? Mine is Firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hey! Excited for this camping trip. For me I care the most about Water since I have a whole family with me and we didn't pack enough water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I see. How about I give you the most package of water and you could give me the most for firewood? Then we could compromise and split the food evenly.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That sounds pretty good to me from the get go. I'd even be willing to do all 3 water packages for myself and all 3 firewood packages for you", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Sounds fair to me, too. Although it looks like we can't evenly do a food swap. I'd be okay with giving you 2 packages and keeping one. That okay with you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Absolutely, thanks for being so understanding. Two food packets can help feed my hungry family here 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Great! I'm in agreement, too. So I'll send over 3 waters. I'll keep all the firewood and send 2 food packages.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Perfect. that sounds absolutely good to me.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "OK. I'm going to get the numbers to match what I said.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yup, this should do it", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "0", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "3", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I already brought food so I don't need more.", "Medium": "It is cold outside so I will need fire.", "High": "I am thirsty and brought my family camping." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 24, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I'm not really thirsty, but I could die if I didn't drink every now and then.", "Medium": "I am overweight, but still could be malnourished if not kept fed.", "High": "I live in a cold environment and will need to burn wood in order to stay warm." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 36, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "I would like to have 2 food packages so that i can give them to my friends.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I can agree to 2 food packages if I can have all three waters and 2 of the firewood. I want to have extra water for my dog.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "You can have 1 water and 1 firewood because i need atleast one water for myself and 1 firewood for me. Do you agree for this deal?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I do not. What do you have planned for the weekend?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Please agree for the deal. I will be going out with my friends this weekend.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Thats really cool. I'm afraid I can't agree to the deal. ☹️ I really need as much extra water and firewood as I can get because I forgot enough water for my dog and he really needs it. I can agree to 2 waters,1 food, and 2 firewood for me.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I think this deal sounds alright to me.😮. But i have to think some more time whether this deal is ok. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Alright 🙂 What did you have planned for your firewood? Mine will be to keep my feet toasty. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I have planned to use my firewood for cooking vegetables.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That is a good use. So can we agree on 2 waters, 1 food, 2 firewood to me?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Ok i think i agree to your deal. Thanks for the cooperation.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I brought coke with me so i want only less water.", "Medium": "I cook only less food so i want to give medium priority to Firewood.", "High": "I need additional pacakages of food because i will give food to my friends." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 60, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "other (please specify)", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I don't like my feet being cold. But I can gather more easily. ", "Medium": "My dog likes table scraps. But he has plenty of food so not the biggest deal.", "High": "I have a dog that needs water as well." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 23, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2.5, "agreeableness": 2.5, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 2.5, "openness-to-experiences": 2.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello. I hope you are looking forward to a wonderful time camping. I know this is going to awesome. My friend joe is coming up and I am looking forward to spending some time in the great outdoors.🙂🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That sounds like fun. I am bringing my young son and want to make sure he is well taken care of so I want to make sure I have enough supplies to make sure he is warm and safe. How about if I take 2 waters, 2 food and 1 firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Joe is bringing pleany of steaks so I can give all 3 he did forget the water through so maybe we can trade food for the water. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Well, I really don't feel comfortable with less than 2 waters, but since you will need the firewood to cook the steaks, I would be willing to give up the firewood if you want to let me keep all 3 food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ok that sounds good to me. So I get 1 water and 3 firewood. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Are you sure that all you want is steaks to eat. You might need some other food to keep you going.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'm sure. We will be alright we are manly men LOL. 🙂🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That's good to know, but now that I am thinking about it, we might need some firewood if it gets cold at night, and you all being manly men won't need the heat as much as we do. How about I give you take 2 waters and 2 firewood and I will take 3 food, 1 water and 1 firewood?🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Umm. We are going to need all that fire wood we didn't Bing any sleeping bags.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That's too bad, but I can't risk not having any firewood to keep my young son warm at night. Maybe you and Joe can collect some fallen branches to add to your 2 firewoods to make them last longer.😮", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "This doesn't seem very fair to me at all.😡 You said you were willing to give up all the firewood if I would give up all the food. now you want more thing.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I am just trading you 1 water for 1 firewood. That seems very fair.😮", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "You get 3 foods, 1 firewood, and 1 water, I get 2 waters, 2 firewood and 0 food, That does not see fair. How about this I give you 3 food, 2 firewood, and I get 3 waters and 1 firewood.🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "No, I can't be without any water. If you insist on taking all the water, I will have to walk away.☹️", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Im trying to be really fair. 100% down the middle and you get more things than I do so my offer is more than fair. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "There are nine items so someone will get 4 and someone will get 5. If getting more is important to you then you can have 1 food, 2 water and 2 firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I need extra firewood because my I do not have a sleeping bag and I will get very cold at night.", "Medium": "I need extra food because I need to expend extra energy setting up my camp.", "High": "I need extra water because it gets very hot at my campsite." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 16, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 56, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "He brought extra food that I was not expecting.", "Medium": "We need a little for a camp fire to roast some marshmellows.", "High": "My friend Joe came and he forgot to pick up water at the store on his way up to the camp site." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 35, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 7, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello! I'm camping, and I've been told I have plenty of supplies, but I've been camping many times in the past and no \"enough\" is never sufficient. I'd like to strike a deal with you, and candidly I need as much as possible. I'm proposing that I have 3 water, 2 food, and 2 firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "okay fine but i need 2 pack of food and 2 pack of firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I see. Well, that would give me less than I want, but perhaps we can work something out. Which is most important to you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "food is my high priority", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "How important to you is firewood? It's hot here, but I always nervous that I won't have enough firewood to cook my food. Would you be willing to give me 2 firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "i don't have any back up for firewood. so i need at least 2 pack of firewood. instead i can give all my water pack to you", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Well, I will definitely need all the water. I certainly can't give you 2 food and 2 firewood, and then water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "if you okay to give 1 pack of food to me.instead 2 food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I believe that we can make this deal work. So that would be 3 water for me, 2 food for me, 1 firewood for me. Is that correct?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "yeah", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "3", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "0", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "it is important for day to day lifw", "Medium": "it is required for cooking foods", "High": "it is most required for health" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 13, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 52, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "It's hot during the summer. We don't need a fire for warmth.", "Medium": "Food is a critical resource. Last time I ran out of food.", "High": "The lake is unclean, and we have no water filters." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 26, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Undecided" }, "demographics": { "age": 41, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3, "agreeableness": 3.5, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 3.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello 🙂 Which item do you need the most?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hello 🙂 I needed more food. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Unfortunately, I need more food too because all the food I brought has spoiled. I will be starving without more food. How about I take 2 food and you can have all 3 water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I really needed to have more packages of food as I have a condition where I can't let my blood sugar get too low and having more food would greatly help me with this. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I will be willing to let you have 2 food if you let me have all 3 firewood, 2 water, and 1 food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "The food deal sounds good but I also am in need of firewood. I need at least one firewood in the case of emergency I wouldn't want to be stuck freezing. ☹️ ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Well, you can't have everything you want. I already conceded by letting you have more food. I think the deal I offered is fair since we both need food the most but I am letting you have more.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Maybe we can compromise on the water, if I give you 1 food and all 3 firewood you can give 3 waters to me. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Then you will need to give me 2 food. So I take 2 food 3 firewood, and you can have the rest.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I needed food the most. If I take 2 food, 1 firewood, and 1 water and give you the rest. I think that's fair. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I brought a filtration kit so I can make my own drinking water from the nearby creek.", "Medium": "My dog doesn't sleep much at night so I need extra firewood to keep her warm.", "High": "The food I brought has spoiled because the air conditioning in my car broke." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 23, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Undecided" }, "demographics": { "age": 34, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 2.5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 5, "openness-to-experiences": 3.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I would be okay with less water if I ran out I could make it with what I had before I went home.", "Medium": "I need more firewood in case of an emergency.", "High": "I need more food because I can't let my blood sugar get too low." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 13, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 30, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "high school graduate / ged" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2.5, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 3, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello, how are you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I am great, thank you for asking, how about you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Good, getting ready to spend a few days camping.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Me too, do you have any priority items that you really need?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'm worried I did not bring enough water and there are no lakes or rivers around my site.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I know what you mean, water is really important for me aswell. How about firewood or food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "It's warm and I have packaged food so firewood is not a priority at all. I wouldn't mind some extra food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "so how about you get 3 foods and i get 3 firewood? That way we can get those off the table?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I mean I really would like to get a lot of water and I am willing to give up all the wood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "ok how about you get two waters and all the food, i get one water and all the firewood? That way you get one more item.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yeah that works well for me.I drink a lot and its summertime LOL.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "1", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "2", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I am pretty small so i really do not eat that much", "Medium": "I like to keep warm at nights", "High": "I get thirsty really quickly so water is important" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 34, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "high school graduate / ged" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4.5, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "It is warm outside and I have non-perishable supplies.", "Medium": "I can ration my food and hunt for other foods.", "High": "I am in a dry region and did not bring a large supply." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 22, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 40, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1.5, "agreeableness": 3.5, "conscientiousness": 4.5, "emotional-stability": 1.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } } }
[ { "text": "I'm starving, can you spare an extra food package?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I want somewhat more food package for my camping.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I need more food also, can I give you some firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I am also starving, because of my health issue.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I also have a health issue, suspect a bladder infection. Would you consider 2 packages of firewood for an extra bottle of water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "No, i would consider you for the extra package of firewood and water. But i need extra food package.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "All of your firewood and water for one extra package of food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "No.. It is not a good deal. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "What would you need for all of your water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I will give you some water and firewood. But not all the extra package.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Would you give me one bottle of water and one firewood in exchange for one package of food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "3" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "0" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Firewood was the least priority item for camping.", "Medium": "The second priority item for camping was water.", "High": "Because Food was the first priority item for camping." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 26, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 52, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5.5, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I have frostbite on my feet.", "Medium": "I have an infection in my bladder that needs to be flushed out.", "High": "I haven't eaten in 3 days." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 10, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 44, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1.5, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 2.5, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi! The weather is going to be a lot colder than I expected, would you be able to spare some firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hello! I can definitely give up some fire wood but I need some to make S’mores🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Of course! Would it be okay if I got 2 packages and you got 1? I can give you extra of some other supplies.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I would be ok with that if I got 2 food and you got 1", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I can do that! I packed plenty of food 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Sounds like a good plan so far!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "If you don't mind, I could really use some water as well. I'm a diabetic, so it's very important that I always stay hydrated.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I understand as my dad was diabetic. I can do 2 waters for you and 1 for me.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Thank you for being so understanding! 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Thank you for being reasonable🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Everyone needs water to survive.", "Medium": "I am fluffy and I like to eat.", "High": "I would want to be warm" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 16, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 42, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 2.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I already packed plenty of food.", "Medium": "I have diabetes, so I need extra water.", "High": "The weather is colder than I expected." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 34, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "hello, can I have all the wood, I am prone to cold and I could love to stay warm", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hello, how are you? If you want all the wood, what's the split on the rest of the supplies?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "you can have all the water and some of the food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ok, I need atleast 1 or 2 of the food. I have extra people coming on short notice, so food is very crucial to me", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "You can have one food, how does that sound?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "How about 2 food, 2 water, and you keep the firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "so 3 firewood, one food and 1 water for me?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yeah, that works for me", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "its a deal then", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ok, deal. it was nice negotiating with you", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "to stay hydrated so I have to drink enough water", "Medium": "strict dietary requirements. I need to eat many small meals ", "High": "need to stay warm at night" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 22, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Undecided" }, "demographics": { "age": 30, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6.5, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Gets very cold at night, so extra firewood is welcome", "Medium": "Our camping location is very remote, so water is very crucial for the trip", "High": "Because we have additional people coming, so food is a big must" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 27, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "hispanic or latino", "education": "high school graduate / ged" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4.5, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello, how are you doing🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'm great, how are you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I have been feeling sick, but glad to be here", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'm sorry you've been sick! So which item is most important to you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I would like the firewood to help me stay warm", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I can see how that would be helpful. No one likes to be cold. I would really like the water, I have a baby to feed and need it for his bottles.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "How old is your baby :", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "4 months old", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That is a fun age and must be fulfilling to you 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "yes for sure! 🙂 he's my fifth baby. What if we exchange the water and the firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That sounds good to me. How about 3 firewood and 2 food for me and 3 water and 1 food for you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Okay I am happy with that deal! You need more food to nourish yourself back to good health, after all.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I already have enough firewood and will use it sparingly", "Medium": "I would like to have extra food on hand to eat in case I get hungry.", "High": "I want to stay hydrated and need to drink a lot of water. " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 39, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 2.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "My throat is very sore and water would feel good in it", "Medium": "I haven't eaten much because of being sick and need some food now", "High": "I have a cold and feel chilled and cold" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 23, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 59, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "multi-racial", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello! I'm excited to go camping. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Same here, Its the first time our family of 7 are embarking on this adventure!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Holy cow family of 7! I can barely keep up with our family of 3 haha.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes, that's the normal reaction I get BUT I seriously love this family. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Well that's great! I imagine you'll need extra supplies then. What would be most beneficial?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "You can easily guess, its food!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Haha yeah I figured. Shoots well I do need extra food as well. My son is 15 and seems to go through 15000 calories a day.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I have 4 teenager younger boys sprouting everyday.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "You must work four jobs. Okay you certainly have a legit reason so how's this... You take 2 of the foods, let me have all the water, and you can take all the firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Can I exchange a pack of water for firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'll give you a pack of water for 2 firewoods then.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "It's supposed to warm out so we won't need a fire.", "Medium": "We plan to do quite a bit of hiking.", "High": "I have a teenage son and he's always hungry." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 49, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6.5, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "To keep warm as the weather becomes cooler", "Medium": "To hydrate ourselves and pets", "High": "Having a high number of family members depletes resources faster." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 33, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello. I want to know if we could trade some things. I really need it for my family!🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I also am open for trading. I really need water for my trip. What do you need the most?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I really need water too🙂. How about I give an extra food pack for the water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I don't really need food that much, I am already stocked up on it ☹️. How much do you need firewood? I can give you some of my food for it. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": " I really need the extra water for my kid. I have four kids and they really get thirsty🙂. I can give you a bundle of firewood for the water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "How about this: If I give you 2 waters you give me the 3 packs of firewood. The location is really cold and I think I can make 1 pack of water work with my family. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I would need at least 1 firewood. I cant let my kids freeze. I am totally open to giving you 2 firewood bundles though🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I can give you the two waters for 2 firewoods and 3 food packs. Would that work for your family?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "What would we eat?😮 I will take the deal minus 1 pack of food. How about that? So we can both enjoy our trip🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That sounds good 🙂. So I give you 2 waters and you give me the 2 firewoods and 2 food packs? Good for both families 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Reject-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "reject_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Lots of mouths to feed", "Medium": "I tend to get cold", "High": "I have 4 kids. One has diabetes" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 40, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 2 year college, associate's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 2.5, "emotional-stability": 2, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I already packed a decent amount of food, but more won't hurt.", "Medium": "The location is cold and I need firewood to keep me warm.", "High": "The camping trip is long and I don't have enought water." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 23, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } } }
[ { "text": "I can't wait to get out of house this weekend.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I know the feeling will you be traveling alone? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes, this time it will just be me.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I am hiking with my kids/", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Sounds good, I'll be taking some long hikes myself. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes we will be out there three days. Going the easy trail with kids that is why I would like to make sure I have enough food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Long hikes make my hungry too. I like to have extra firewood to cook with.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "How is your water supply?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I am pretty good with my water supply. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I am also. We are taking the longer trail but we do have the river.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I can give you 2 food, 1 firewood, and 1 water.🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I really need the extra food for the kids, I could go 3 Food 1 firewood and And one water. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "How about 3 food and one water. But no firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "3 food 2 waters would be a little more fair.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "OK, I can do that.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "We have a deal then.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "1", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "2", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I get thirsty on my long hikes.", "Medium": "I like to do a good amount of cooking over an open fire.", "High": "I get hungry on my long hikes." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 15, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 55, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We prefer not to have to go off trail for water.", "Medium": "We will be out in the elements longer than the rest of since we will be slower and are taking the long round.", "High": "I have children with me and need the food we are taking the long way around to to avoid the dangerous mountain climb with the children/" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Undecided", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 51, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 1.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello! How is it going? I would like to take 2 water, 2 firewood and 2 food. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hi to you too! I am happy to give you 3 food units and 2 waters, but I really need three extra firewood. Can you do that?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I would be willing to do 2 food units and 2 waters and 1 firewood. I would like the idea of being able to sit by a fire and use it for other purposes as well. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Oh I agree about the fire! I need it because I have too high of a metabolism and do not retain body heat. Would you consider receiving 1 firewood, 1 water and 2 food?🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Sorry to hear about body heat issues. I drink a lot of water so would be willing to do 1 firewood, 2 water and 1 food. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Sounds great! So where have you camped in the past?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Just some local campgrounds. Nothing to huge. How about you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I go locally too. This way if I get too cold or wet, I don't have to travel to far to get home. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That is a good way to look at it. 🙂 Are you able to catch food and cook on fire?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yup, sometimes! Maybe I will see you out there sometime. Nice negotiating with you.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Food is a great resource for you body and will keep you fueled. ", "Medium": "You can use the firewood to keep warm, make food and boil water.", "High": "You need to keep hydrated while camping outside." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 44, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 3, "emotional-stability": 3, "openness-to-experiences": 3.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Extra is always smart but I usually pack enough.", "Medium": "I get dehydrated quickly and need water.", "High": "I have a high metabolism and find it difficult to retain heat." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 63, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "I am so pumped up about this camping trip. Considering my party and our plans, we are going to need a lot of food and firewood!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hey there. I am going camping as well. I am excited but also worried. I want to make sure I have enough supplies..😮", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I hear you! How many people are in your party?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I have maximum permitted people per camping spot = 5 🙂 Do you have less or also maximum permitted?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "We have 8 in our party. While we have big plans, unfortunately, we have one member of the party that is severely allergic to lots of food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I get the whole food thing - this is what worries me the most - food. Because I myself suffer from condition to where I have to eat or snack multiple times a day and sometimes even night! I need to make sure I have enough food. But that is terrible for one member of yours because that means he/she might not even be able to eat the food provided?? 😮", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "It's going to be a real challenge for sure. It sounds like food is high on our lists. I may have a little wiggle room, but that means getting all the firewood as he is ok with most fish. Means a little more work though! 😮", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "The whole entire firewood😮. I think it depends where we stand on water? How much wiggle room on food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Fortunately, we have an excellent source of fresh water near our camping site! I would be happy to give you all of the water, while I take all of the firewood. As for the food, how about I take 2 and you take 1?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Food is the most of my worry.. As I said - I constantly need to eat.. Wouldn't you party member, who is allergic, bring additional food since food provided is limited type? I would like to have 2 foods, please? Otherwise I can live with the rest of the deal even though I get cold very easy and would be sacrificing comfort if I give all firewood? But I would be willing if you give me all the food. My boyfriend is coming with me and he will need to keep me warm🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "You are definitely testing me a bit here. Food is also so very crucial. I would be willing to make that exchange for one water just in case we change sites. So, I get 3 firewood, 1 water, and 1 food? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I was thinking for me either 2 food and 3 water and no firewood or 3 food and 2 water and no firewood or other wise I would take 2 food, 2 water and 1 firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I get cold easy and am scared of dark.", "Medium": "I dehydrate faster that other people because I sweat a lot and need to keep drinking lots of water.", "High": "I need food because I need to eat many times throughout a day and cannot function due to strong immediate urge to eat." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Undecided" }, "demographics": { "age": 38, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5.5, "agreeableness": 3.5, "conscientiousness": 4.5, "emotional-stability": 2.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We are very close to the biggest lake in the area!", "Medium": "We plan to fish a lot and will need it both for our food and to help with the chilly nights", "High": "We have a large party and one that has rather severe food allergies." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 16, "satisfaction": "Undecided", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 45, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi, have you been camping before? From prior experience, I know it's vital to have extra supplies for this trip. what are your thoughts?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hello! I have camped before and am looking forward to our trip! 🙂 I really enjoy a good, hot cup of coffee and would like to be confident that we'll be able to have a roaring campfire with as much firewood as we can. What do you think we should be able to take with us?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I too love a hot cocoa or tea, so we'll definitely need water, firewood is next up, and food is obvious 🙂 I think we can take as much as we are allowed. If you wanted, I could take all the food, we could split the water, and you could take all or most of the firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I must admit that I prefer coffee over tea, but agree we need a lot of firewood to heat it up. I'm not sure we would be able to find enough dry material to burn, so would appreciate all of the firewood. Thank you! As for water - I would agree with splitting it if I could have 2 please? 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Am I to understand you want all of the firewood, and most of the water? That doesn't quite work for me, I would agree to all of the food, 1 of the waters if I could get one of the firewood? I will live without the extra cups of tea 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "You are correct. I do propose that I take 3 firewood and 2 water. I you initially asked to take all of the food which I would be agreeable to, but because I would have to solely eat off of what I find. Therefore I think I need extra water to cook/boil what I find. How am I supposed to stay hydrated while foraging, since I wouldn't have any food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I think it would be pointless to have food and nothing to drink. We should try and reach an amicable agreement tho, and based on our preferences being so similar, a rational split would seem most fair and favorable for the both of us. How about I take 2 food, 1 water, and 1 firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I think we are close to an agreement. Thank you for discussing this so openly! Is your main objective to get at least 1 of each type of item?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes it is, as I know one can't work without the other, especially out in the wilderness!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I agree that they are all important. To help us both - what if you take 1 of each item and I carry the heavier weight of 2 of each? That way you reach your goal of 1 of each item and don't have so much to lug around! That would allow you to enjoy your camping trip so much better.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "As generous as that sounds, I don't feel that deal is fair at all. My goal isn't one of each, but being a frequent camper, I know what I personally need to be out in the woods. I can also carry a good amount of weight, I'm a strong girl 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I think we can agree on wood: you get 1, I get 2. I think we can agree on food: you get 1, I get 2. Let's call those items as agreed upon. We're down to negotiating on water I believe. I'd hate for us to lose a great deal over 1 bottle of water. :( I really need 2 bottles of water please.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'd hate to leave the deal too, the best I can go for is 2 of the food, 1 of the water, and 1 of the firewood if you really need the water. I can't do anything on 1 of each, I want you to have your coffee, but I have to think about me too ☹️ I can do 2 food, 1 water, 1 firewood. I believe that covered your preference of more water and firewood in your first request? I thought you'd be happy with that compromise ☹️", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "To confirm - you'll take 1 wood, 1 water, and 2 food? I can agree to that.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes, and thank you for being so kind, a real gentleman 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "In case it rains, or we have to abandon campsite in an emergency, backup is always useful.", "Medium": "You can never have enough water, from washing wounds, to extreme heat, to cleansing and drinking, you can never have enough water.", "High": "Emergency rations are of the most necessary components for a trip. If food is lost, damaged or stolen, if you are stuck out longer than expected, extra food is a must." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 38, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "multi-racial", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We can forage for food and find what we need from the land. We can survive for weeks without food.", "Medium": "Water is crucial for survival and would keep us hydrated.", "High": "Heat for cooking would help us have hot food, and light would let us see at night." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 41, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6.5, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hey! I'm excited to go camping. 🙂🙂🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "hello, me too I believe it should be fun I am just worried about having enough water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I know, I am worrying about the same exact thing!! ☹️😮", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I was a boy scout in my teens and that would be the most important thing, firewood is easy to find and you can fish to get food usually.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes, and I hike a whole lot so I need to keep hydrated.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I love camping in the spring before the bugs come out, or in the fall when it is starting to get cool. What season do you think is best?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "It's hard to decided. I do like camping in the spring, but the fall is generally just my favorite season.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That is a very good time to go. Winter isn't bad but you have to keep warm and cooking can be harder.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I completely agree with you. I would probably have to choose the fall. The leaves are so beautiful and the climate is perfect.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Now I want to go camping. Do you want to deal with something more balanced? I am fine with a little more food for less water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Sure, water is so important to me, so I will be willing to meet you in the middle. Can I take 2 waters, 1 food, and 2 firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That sounds very reasonable to me.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "There is wood all around when camping.", "Medium": "Because we need food to live.", "High": "In case it is hot and we are hiking" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 16, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 38, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 3.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I can cut down wood on my own.", "Medium": "I need to stay healthy, and I need food for energy.", "High": "I need to keep hydrated, boil water for food, and to brush my teeth." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 34, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6.5, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } } }
[ { "text": "Could you give me one of each?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes let's try that for now", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I need firewood because it might get cold. Do you think giving me a third of the supplies is acceptable?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I have a feeling you may get too cold if you don't have enough firewood ☹️ does this help?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That helps. Thank you. I might get hungry after exerting myself setting stuff up and hiking during the trip. Do you mind giving me a third of the food supplies?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I can give you a third of the food supplies, and in exchange, I'll take the extra water supply. It's important to stay hydrated! 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Do you mind if I get one third of the water supplies? I might feel thirsty after hiking.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Good point. Let me give you a third of the water, and in exchange, I'll take one extra firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Do you agree to get two thirds of each of the individual supplies then?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes, I will keep two thirds of each supply, and you will receive one third of each supply", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I might need to drink water if I sweat a lot after exerting myself.", "Medium": "I might feel hungry after exerting myself.", "High": "I might need more of this because it could get colder than expected." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 12, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 29, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 3, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 2, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "It's more important to remain hydrated and warm than to have additional food", "Medium": "It's important to be able to keep warm at night", "High": "Humans can only survive about 3 days without water" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 24, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 26, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 2 } } } }
[ { "text": "I'm excited about this camping trip. I love to stay up all night look up at the sky and watching the fire burn.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "HELLO", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hello. Are you excited about this camping trip?🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "yes, really excited to go trip", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "What is your favorite part about camping?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "camp fire", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I love camp fires as well. I love sitting around the fire telling ghost stories.🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "yeah it is very interesting to hear about ghost stories", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "So if its alright with you can I have 2 firewood, 1 water, and 2 food. That would give you 1 firewood, 2 water, and 1 food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "i don't have any backup for firewood and food. can you give one more firewood and food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I can give you 1 more food, which will give you 2 food, 2 water, and 1 firewood. But i really do love staying up all night and watching the campfire so i could really use the 2 firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "oka fine", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Awesome and thanks.🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "thank you for your time", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I'm diabetic and i'm worried about my blood sugar dropping to low.", "Medium": "I get kidney stones really easily if i don't drink enough water.", "High": "I'm a night owl. I like to stay up all night long and watch the fire." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 32, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2.5, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 2.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "IT IS MOST REQUIRED ONE FOR DAY TO DAY LIFE", "Medium": "IT IS MOST REQUIRED ONE FOR DAY TO DAY LIFE", "High": "IT IS MOST REQUIRED ONE FOR DAY TO DAY LIFE" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 52, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi I would like to let you know that I could really use some extra firewood and food. I was wondering if we could split it up with me receiving 3 firewood and 3 food and you get 3 water?🙂🙂🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hello, that deal would not work for me. I am in need firewood too. 🙂 How about 2 waters for me, 2 firewood and 1 food for me?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Firewood is really my most needed item as I need it for several reasons. Could we do 3 firewood for me, 3 water for you and then 2 food for me and 1 food for you? This would really help me out.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I see, firewood is your most needed item. I thought food would have been because we all need nutrients. I have a need for firewood too.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes it is highest priority as I need it to scare off animals as well as cooking food and using to purify water. If you feel food is most important how about 3 Firewood, 1 food and 2 water for me and 2 food 1 water for you?🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I really need at least 1 firewood. How abour 2 firewood, 2 food and 0 water for you? I need to cook for my family and of course warm the bottle for my toddler.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I can understand why you would need 1 firewood. I think i would need a water though, you don't want to let a fire just go in the wild. So i think what about 2 firewood, 2 food, and 1 water for me and 1 firewood 1 food and 2 water for you and your family. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I think that could work. I understand the need for the water especially around fire 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ok it sounds like we have an agreement. For me I would get 2 firewood, 2 food and 1 water. You would receive 1 firewood, 1 food and and 2 water. This sounds like a good deal for both of us.🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes, we have deal and we are walking away feeling good about what we agreed upon. The camping trip should be a great success. 🙂🙂🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "2 we cook every meal and snacks in between ", "Medium": "1 a little extra never hurts.", "High": "3 I need to fill my hiking canteens." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 44, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "hispanic or latino", "education": "some 2 year college, associate's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 3, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I am able to gather water that is potable and could do with this least.", "Medium": "I plan on this outing being a few days, as well as high energy activities will make me hungrier and I will need more food.", "High": "I will need more fire to keep any suspicious animals away as well as cooking any food and can be used to make water drinkable. " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 37, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "doctorate degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4.5, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } } }
[ { "text": "I am willing to take 1 food for 2 waters in return. I also find 2 firewoods acceptable. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Unfortunately, I really need the water to take my medication. I would give 3 food in return for 3 water and 1 firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I do not want to get dehydrated, so I want at least 1 water. I can take 3 food and give you 3 firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That works for me", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Perfect, let me know if you want to make changes to the deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Could I have one food so I do not starve", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes in exchange for 1 firewood for myself so that I can either use it for warmth or make a hunting tool.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I think I would rather have the firewood than the food though", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Your, getting 2 firewood, 2 waters, and 1 food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I would rather have the previous deal with 3 firewood, 2 water, 0 food for me", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That works for me. You can use the wood to capture animals, so you wont starve.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Great idea. I love capturing animals and eating them", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "1", "Food": "3" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "2", "Food": "0" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I have low blood sugar and need extra food to remain in good spirits.", "Medium": "I easily get hypothermic and can pass out", "High": "I need to take medications" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 22, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 24, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "doctorate degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2.5, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "To eat, to catch animals for food", "Medium": "To drink, to cook with, to wash myself, wash any utensils", "High": "For light, warmth, make it into a weapon, build a shelter" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 13, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 21, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 3, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 3.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "HI! Are you excited for this trip?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes i am, gonna get away from all this city hustle and bustle for a bit.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Im excited because im bringing my baby so its gonna be his first time!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Me too! i am bringing my two children", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Aww! how nice! ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I was thinking we can split it 4/5,where i take 3 foods, and one of either firewood or water, you choice. And you can have 5 items then", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "i was hoping to get at least 1 food bag and 3 waters and 1 firewood if possible?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Well, i figure if you are getting 5 items, i should be able to take 3 of my highest value items. which is food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "then can i take 1 food and 3 waters?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Sure, then i can have 3 firewoods, and 2 foods. that is more than acceptable to me", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "i am camping near a potable stream", "Medium": "The misquitos are bad at night, and the fires keep them away", "High": "I am camping with two kids, and wolud like them to be well fed" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 22, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 24, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "hypothermic and need to stay warm ", "Medium": "have a baby coming and need the water for formula", "High": "vegan and need options to eat" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Undecided" }, "demographics": { "age": 22, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 3.5, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 3.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "hi how are you! i heard you are going camping this weekend like me!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hai friend, i am went a trip and i need some help form you. can you help me?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "sure, lets negotiate! i am bringing my children and was wondering if i could have all of the food to make sure i can feed them enough", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I have a kids and old age sicked peoples so i need some extra package for the trip.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "oh i understand that!maybe we can come to an agreement. how much food do you need", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "i need 3 pack of food and 2 pack of fire wood and 2 pack of water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "i am sorry but that does not leave me enough ☹️", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "i am in some trouble friend so i need it please help me. old age peoples are take medicine so they need water and we go some snow fall place so we need fire wood and i have a kids so i need food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "i understand that but i have all these extra kids so maybe we can come to a conclusion. can i have two food 3 wood and 2 water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "its not enough to me friend please consider my situation. i need the package with i told quantities. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "1", "Food": "3" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "2", "Food": "0" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Reject-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "reject_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "its not good friend. i need 3 food and 2 fire wood and 2 water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "i will walk away if you do not accept my deal, then we leave with ZERO 😡", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "hey its not good. we must talk about the deal. okay i want 2 food 2 fire wood and 1 water its okay???", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Reject-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "reject_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "wait wait first we talk about it then process the deal man. i some what down the deal but you don't down. talk to me", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "i understand but we have to get to a deal and i am growing impatient", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "okay. i want 2 food 1 firewood and 1 water this deal okay for you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Reject-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "reject_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "in the beginning i ask you 3 food 2 firewood and 2 water but now i just need 2 food 1 fire wood and 1 water. why you don't accept the deal. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Reject-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "reject_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "with out water what we do?? i have sicked peoples. please act like human. accept my deal please.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Reject-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "reject_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Reject-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "reject_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Reject-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "reject_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "i need 2 food must and 1 fire wood and 1 water its not big. why you don't accept it", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Reject-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "reject_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Are you mad. with out water what we do. Do you have a sense. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "my dogs are joining me and they need the extra water", "Medium": "i broke my leg and will not be able to gather additional firewood alone", "High": "i bought some of my kids friends and need extra food or we will run out" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Extremely dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 28, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6.5, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 4.5, "emotional-stability": 5, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "its not need then other 2 so its lowest ", "Medium": "its values is huge in the trip so its second priority", "High": "food is very essentical so its high priority" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 28, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 3, "conscientiousness": 3.5, "emotional-stability": 3, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello, I hope we can both find a deal we are happy with today.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Me too! I am great need of water and food. How about you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Unfortunately, I am also in looking for water and food the most. ☹️", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Which is your top priority?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I will be camping in the desert so water is my most needed item. Which item is your top priority?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I need water most also. How about you can have all of the water if I can have all of the food and 2 of the firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes, I am willing to make that deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Okay! Great! So where are you heading out to camp?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Out in Joshua Tree area. It's going to be so hot! Where will you be camping at?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Oh, that sounds fun!! I will be in the wilderness of Florida! It's really hot here too.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes, and humid! I'm glad we have come to an agreement and made a deal today", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "0", "Food": "3" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "3", "Food": "0" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "It will be quite hot outside.", "Medium": "I get hungry from camping and exerting effort.", "High": "I get very thirsty outdoors." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 39, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 7, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 3, "openness-to-experiences": 1 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I will only be using firewood to cook and to stay warm at night.", "Medium": "There won't be many resources to find food at my camping location.", "High": "I am going camping in the desert" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 42, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, associate's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "sup. excited to go camping with my bros", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yeah, me too! It's gonna be super cold where we are so I need lots of firewood. I hope you will take that into consideration. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "aw come on, we need firewood too 😡 ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "damn, well lets see if we can work out a deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "sure, make an offer, I'll try to work with you", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "2 firewood, 2 food, 0 water for me? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Sure, why not. You seem like you need it more than us", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Awesome, thank you so much!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yeah, we're cool :D", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I can hunt and fish", "Medium": "I need to have water to be clean", "High": "I need to be warm" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 33, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, associate's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 3.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Water is not an issue.", "Medium": "We are a bit more than expected on this trip", "High": "It will be super cold the night we go." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 36, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, associate's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 1, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } } }
[ { "text": "I would like to give you more food and firewood so that I can have more of the water. I am someone who gets very thirsty very quickly. I'm also a bit bigger than a lot of people and I sweat more as a result. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "that is unfortunate, its quite hot here especially during the day, so I need all the water I can get", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I understand that and sympathize. It's very humid and hot here as well. Does it get cold at night there? If so, the firewood would be very beneficial to you. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "its very cold at night, I can have all the wood and give you the food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I would be okay with giving you two firewood but I need at least a little firewood for cooking and boiling water. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I will take two wood, and two water, how is that?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "No, I'm not interested in that because I really need the water. The food I'm okay with parting with more than the water. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I really need the water too. its also my most valued item", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "It's mine as well. Since you need more firewood than I do I would be willing to give you two firewood, one water and two food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "in that case I can take three wood and one water to be fair", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I think if you're getting two firewood and two food that you are still making out better on this deal even if you only get one water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I have given up two of my most valuable items, you should be willing to sacrifice a little too, so its either I get three wood or two waters, and two foods", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I won't be cold at night like you will though so the firewood is more important to you than it is to me. I still need at least one firewood to cook with but I'm willing to give that up. I will give you three firewood, one water and two foods. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "sounds fair", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I am on diet so I will need some food", "Medium": "I need wood to keep warm and cook food", "High": " need a loot of water because its hot where we are camping" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 23, "satisfaction": "Undecided", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 30, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6.5, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I can live without food longer than I can live without water or warmth. However, without food I will not have the energy I need to accomplish the things I want to accomplish while on my camping trip. ", "Medium": "Being able to boil water is essential for treating wounds if I sustain an injury. Also, cooking my food properly is very important as is keeping warm at night. ", "High": "I need additional water more than anything else because I can get firewood for myself from the forest. I can also survive longer without food than I can without water if an emergency should arise. " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 13, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 40, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi there! Are you ready for your camping trip?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I am, but I am really worried that I don't have enough supplies. If I could get some extra supplies, my worry would turn into excitement! 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Me too! It's going to be cold this weekend so I'm worried about having enough wood to make fires.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I have the same worries ☹️ I wouldn't worry so much if it was just myself, but I have two small children, aged 5 and 7, plus elderly grandparents along with us. I even have 3 dogs that are coming with us. I'm afraid I'm going to run out of firewood and people will get cold.😮", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Wow, that's a lot of people. Are you worried about food too? That's a lot of mouths to feed. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'm mostly worried about firewood and water, I can fish for extra food, but I really need the firewood and water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Well what if I let you have the firewood but I take all the food and water then?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "How about if you let me have all the firewood, plus one extra water and then you take all the food and leave me one water?d ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Well then if you had water I would want at least 1 firewood for smores you know?🙂🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "You always have to have smores, but now you made me want smores so I want an extra food too? How about I take 2 of the three firewood, one water and one food. That gives you one firewood, 2 water and 2 food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Sounds like a deal!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "ok! Let's do it! have fun camping!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I can refill water jugs if I don't bring enough", "Medium": "I might have guests camp with us one night.", "High": "It will be cold and I need to have a fire going all the time." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 59, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, associate's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5.5, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 5, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I have several people to feed and am worried because the children eat a lot and I would be very grateful if you could give me some extra food for the kids on the camping trip.", "Medium": "I have 3 kids, 3 dogs and 2 elderly people with me and we will be camping in the desert so I would greatly appreciate the extra water.", "High": "I have several children, dogs, and 2 elderly people on the camping trip and will need to keep many people warm." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 43, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2.5, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 4.5, "emotional-stability": 1.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi. What items are most important to you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hello. My friend Dale just called and said Him and Jimmy are coming up for the night. I was expecting them at all. They are brining plenty of water but we are short on food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I see. That is great that your friends can come. I would love to help.🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That's awesome maybe we could trade 3 waters for 3 food.🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Actually, I did not bring enough warm clothes and blankets and we need the extra firewood to keep us warm.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I can spare some fire wood not a lot but some.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "oh no, but I really need all that I can get. I am willing to give all the water you need in exchange", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I do not need water at all we have plenty.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I see. I don't need any water either as I have a stream at my camp", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "O ok", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "2", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "1", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Reject-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "reject_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "0", "Food": "3" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "3", "Food": "0" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Reject-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "reject_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "1", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "2", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Dale just picked up a case of water for us.", "Medium": "Dale and Jimmy want to have a bonfire so we need more wood for that.", "High": "My friend Dale just called me and said that him and jimmy are on there way. " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 35, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 7, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I need more water because the water we have is contaminated.", "Medium": "I need extra food to feed to the local community experiencing food shortage.", "High": "I need more firewood because it is unusually cold." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 40, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ { "text": "hello there!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hello friends. I need all the water I can get. the activities we are going to engage in need frequent showering.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "ohh thats tough , i am going on a charity even with kids from the make a wish foundation. We could deffinatly use some water so the kids do not get dehydrated. they are already going through a lot , the least we can do is keep them hydrated ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "then i think we will need to split the water. I take 2 you take 1 for the kids.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "ill take 2 for the kids since their lives are more important then shower water. but i can spare the food and firewood , so i could take 2 water 1 food and 1 firewood , that will leave you plenty,, what is all the showering for?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I have a condition. I sweat a lot. But you are right. Life is more important.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "if it wasnt for a special charity event i could defiantly spare more water, but some of these kids need access to medication at all times so having water on hand to help with that is always a plus. sorry to hear about your condition. so 1 water 2 food and 2 firewood ok with you then? ill take 2 water 1 food and 1 firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Fair enough", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "ok, sounds good, glad we can make a deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Good", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We need to keep warm", "Medium": "We need a lot of energy for the activities hence more food", "High": "We need more water to shower as there are many high energy activities." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 30, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "need to have campfires for the trip", "Medium": "need food for the make a wish trip", "High": "going on a charity event with a make a wish kid" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 3, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "high school graduate / ged" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hey! Are you excited to camp?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Most definitely!🙂 I haven't been camping in so long!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Me either! Would you mind sharing your top priority item so that we can come up with a fair way to distribute the extra goods? 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "My top priority item is food. What is your top need here?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Oh unfortunately my top priority item is food too, followed by firewood and then water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Ok, well that is a bit of an issue.. What I would be willing to do is to split the goods with all 3 firewoods for you, along with 1 food and 1water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Sure I think I am willing to do that as well. Sounds like we will each get close to what we want, and compromise is never perfect 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Excellent! 🙂 I'm so relieved to have such a cooperative partner here! And I couldn't agree more with your comment on compromise, and we do definitely get close to it though!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "For sure! Happy to have a cooperative partner too, I know we both just want to enjoy the camping trip, feed and give water to our companions, and have some nice campfires 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Cheers to a happy camping trip, and to making sure we keep the gremlins we bring along fed and watered, so they don't get whiny and ornery!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I would love to make a campfire, however I am allergic to smoke and most trees, so I cannot have the wood near me without possible serious repercussions.", "Medium": "I have Hyperosmolality, which is a medical condition which requires me to have access to an exceptionally large quantity of water.", "High": "I just rescue an orphan from the streets who is malnourished and I desperately need the extra food to nurse this child back to health and help him enjoy the camping trip, as he is still quite weak." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 28, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4.5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I am bringing a big family and they will be thirsty", "Medium": "It will be very cold tonight", "High": "I am bringing a big family and they will be hungry" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Undecided", "opponent_likeness": "Undecided" }, "demographics": { "age": 24, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi! I am pretty excited to go camping this weekend, what about you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'm excited, too! I think it's going to be fun. But I see we have these items. What do you need most of?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes we do. I am going camping desert adjacent, so I need water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Oh, that makes sense! I could give you all the water if you're willing to give me more of the other items. I could use food and firewood to help me stay nourished and warm.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That sounds fine, if i can have 3 waters, i will just take one of either food or firewood. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Would you do 3 waters and 1 firewood and I get 3 food and 2 firewood? I feel like that's pretty fair.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes, that is fine by me, i am going by myself, so the food is not very important anyway. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'm glad we could come to a deal. You were easy to negotiate with! We'll both have enough for our camping trip.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Me too! Hope the weather holds up.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Likewise! We could use it!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "3", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "0", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I am going solo, so i do not need much food.", "Medium": "There are many nocturnal animals nearby, and they are warded off by fire.", "High": "I will be near a desert, so water will be very valuable" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 24, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I can filter water elsewhere.", "Medium": "I have low body fat, so need to stay warm.", "High": "I have a high metabolism, so I'll need more food." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 23, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 29, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 3.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello! How are you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Doing good, how about yourself", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Doing well, just getting ready to go camping this weekend", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Same here. I was hopping to get some extra water for the trip", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I have some water! I am looking for food ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "There's plenty of Food, and I don't really need extra, I'm on a diet. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Oh that is great. I was wondering if you'd like to make a deal? I can trade 3 waters for 3 food? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That could work, What do we do for firewood however? I was hopping to have a big fire tonight", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I could give you 2 firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That would be wonderful", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "0", "Food": "3" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "3", "Food": "0" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I'm on a diet so i don't need more food.", "Medium": "we want to have a big fire for tonight", "High": "Its a hot day and I sweat too much" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 23, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 31, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I want to have enough water in case of an emergency", "Medium": "I like to have the fire last into the night so that we can see and spend more time together ", "High": "I want to provide enough food for my family and make sure we are set for our entire trp" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 29, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2.5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi! I'm really looking forward to this camping trip! 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hello! I am also looking forward to this trip. What items would you like the most?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "It's my husband's birthday, and I invited a few of his friends for a surprise party. I could really use the extra food!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That actually might work out perfectly. I wanted to go on a hike but it's supposed to be really hot outside and I could use the extra water to stay hydrated. What do you think about me taking all of the extra water and you taking all of the extra food then we can disuss firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That may work, depending on how you want to split the firewood. I would probably need at least 2 firewoods because we are doing smores instead of birthday cake.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I think I might be able to do that. Any chance of you giving me one food in exchange for the second firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I can't, I really need all of the food, especially if you are taking all of the water. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That is fair and I do appreciate you giving me all of the water as it is most important to me. So are you okay with me taking three waters and one firewood and you taking two firewood and three foods?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That will work out perfectly! If you are camping near us, feel free to stop by for the party!! 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Thank you, I appreciate that and that way we can share. :-)", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "0", "Food": "3" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "3", "Food": "0" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We cut down a dead tree at home, so we have plenty of wood.", "Medium": "One of my friends is pregnant, and she's coming.", "High": "It's my husband's birthday, and I'm inviting a few of his friends as a surprise." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 39, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 2.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I am a cannabis user and get the munchies.", "Medium": "I want to stay up late and look at stars, so I need to keep the fire going.", "High": "It is supposed to be hot outside and I wanted to hike, so I need to hydrate." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 33, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "alaska native or native american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "HI ARE YOU READY TO GO CAMPING? ARE YOU GOING ALONE WE ARE TAKING THE BABY", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Actually, we're a group. The husband and I have our two and my sister's two, quite the PARTY 🙂 How old is your baby?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "SHE IS JUST ABOUT A YEAR OLD HOW OLD ARE YOURS?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "A twelve year old girl, two ten year old boys and a five year old boy. You can imagine what it's going to take to feed this crew.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "god bless you LOL if you give me water i can give you some food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Totally fair, another concern is Bonnie, the twelve year old, her sleeping bag is NOT GOOD and I'm afraid we don't have enough firewood to make it through the night. Quite frankly, she's ALREADY complaining.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "so i am porposing you give me 3 water 0 food 1 wood ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "You are a God Send!! I think that will work perfect! Is your daughter walking yet?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "yes she is a little not very safe but getting there", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "It's wonderful you're taking her out to enjoy camping. I hope she doesn't keep you up, sleeping in a new place and all.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "3", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "0", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I want to make coffee in the morning.", "Medium": "It might get cold tonight and our sleeping bags are not well rated.", "High": "We were in a hurry to arrive and didn't stop for lunch." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 23, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 49, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "high school graduate / ged" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6.5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 4.5, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "ITS SUMMER WARM SUMMER NIGHTS", "Medium": "BABY NEEDS TO EAT SO EXTRA FOOD IS ALWAYS GOOD", "High": "TRAVELING WITH BABAY NEED EXTRA WATER FOR FORMULA" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 55, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, associate's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi, I think I should take two firewood, one food, and one water. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hi, I hope we can work together to find an offer that benefits both of us. Do you agree?🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I agree!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Ok, could you tell me which item is the most valuable to you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "The firewood is most valuable to me because I get very cold at nighttime. Which is most valuable to you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "My most valuable item is Firewood too since my knee is injured and I won't be able to pick it up at camp. And the least valuable?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Water is least valuable to be because I can find my own water while camping. How about you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "My least valuable item is food because I'm thin🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ok, I will need at least 1 firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "What do you think of this offer: I give you 2 firewood and 1 food and what is left for me.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I would need 1 water just in case I can't find any drinking water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Remember that we already have the basic supplements for the camp, these are only extra items. And you have 2 of the most valuable, water is nothing for you.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "There are a total of nine items, giving me 2 firewood, 1 food, and 1 water would still leave you with a majority of the items. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "What really matters is not the quantity but the value of each item. Please collaborate.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I think what I am asking is fair in value. Let's pretend it's dollars. Firewood=3$. Food=2$. Water=1$. My 2 firewood, 1 food, 1 water would be 9$. Your 1 firewood, 2 water, and 2 food would also be 9$.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "We cannot pretend that because that is not how it works. I think you don't understand. Now i want 2 firewoods and 2 waters.1 food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "You can have 2 firewoods and 1 food, but only 1 water. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Im assuming we gonna walk away without getting a deal.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Not if you work with me here. I am offering you what I was asking of you. 50/50 split of goods. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I don't need a lot of water because I'm thin", "Medium": "I need water to not get dehydrated", "High": "I need firewood since my knee is injured and I won't be able to pick it up at camp." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Undecided" }, "demographics": { "age": 25, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "hispanic or latino", "education": "some 2 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5.5, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 3.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I need water in case it is hot and I get thirsty", "Medium": "I need food to feed myself and not get hungry", "High": "I need firewood to keep me warm" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 27, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2.5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi, how are you doing today?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I am fine. Thank you. How are you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'm doing well. I am going camping this weekend and just making a list of extra supplies that i need to bring", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Wonderful! I am going camping this weekend too. This time Zen, Ken and Ben, my little kids, will join me.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Oh, that sounds like fun. I am going with some friends. What supplies do you plan on bringing?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "We do need water the most and some food would be nice. We would use some firewood but it is not our priority. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Oh, I would like to bring extra water too. Where I am going camping there isn't much fresh water around.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "what is your least priority?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I don't need much firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Do you think we could have 2 of water, 2 of food and you can have 1 water, 1 food and 3 firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Sure, that sounds fair.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Firewood is good for keeping the animals and insects away and for staying warm. But it is not needed to survive.", "Medium": "I am not that good at hunting or fishing. So extra food is good in case I get hungry.", "High": "Water is needed to survive. If there isn't a lake or river nearby, extra water would be vital." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 33, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 2.5, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 3.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We do need some firewood for cooking.", "Medium": "My kids and I do need some food to share as the basic package will not be enough for all of us.", "High": "My doctor told me to have my kids drink more water because they go dehydrate easier than normal so that I do need more water the most for my kids." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 38, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi, how are you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hi, I'm good! Looking to get a bunch of food and firewood for this trip 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Nice! I'll give you all the food if I can have the firewood and water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I can part with the water, but I'd at least like some extra firewood to cook my food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "OK, how about we split each of them? I'm thinking you could get 2 food, 1 firewood and 1 water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'd rather get the entirety of the food and 2 firewood if possible.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I can't do that unfortunately. Seems like we both have those 2 as our top priorities! I can give you all the food but I'd need all the firewood and 2 waters", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Which do you need more, firewood or water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Okay, so you will get 3 firewood 2 water. I will get 3 food 1 water. is that fine?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "yep that works!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "1", "Food": "3" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "2", "Food": "0" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "The food I have and want has plenty of liquids in them already.", "Medium": "I need more firewood to cook all my food.", "High": "I need extra food because I am going on a large hike and need as much energy as possible." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 24, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 4.5, "emotional-stability": 3.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I think I should be able to gather some water from a nearby stream or through rainfall.", "Medium": "I am not comfortable hunting / gathering so food is 2nd.", "High": "The key for me is warmth. I need to ensure I can survive outside for a long time." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 29, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "multi-racial", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2.5, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ { "text": "🙂 Hi, how would you best describe your party needs?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hi! I could really use some water. I'm very concerned about my kids getting dehydrated. One of my kiddos really struggles with it. I could really use 3 extra waters. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I cannot spare a single water. I need all three waters because we have our grandparents who struggle with rheumatoid arthritis; they could die if they have no water. Could you give us all 3 of your waters?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Wow, that's asking a lot. For me to give you all 3 would be risky for me. The only way I would consider it is if you could give me all of the firewood and food. At least if I had extra firewood I could boil water out in the wild to help make up for the water I'm missing. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Agreed to the firewood. We are at an impasse on the food situation. Our party also has a large number of folks, so we will need at least 2 foods. If we are giving you all our firewood, then we will need 3 foods because we will be unable to cook. I believe your children should be alright as long as your food satisfies their dietary needs.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I don't know that I could give you all the food. What about I get 1 water, 3 firewoods, and 1 food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "You will need to give us all of your water for this amount of firewood and food. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I will give you 3 waters, if you give me 3 firewoods and 2 foods. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I will give you 3 firewoods and 1 food if you give me 3 waters.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Okay, I can make that work. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "3", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "0", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Firewood is not needed because we cut trees.", "Medium": "I need food to survive.", "High": "I need water so I can clean myself after sexual activities." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 23, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 25, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 4.5, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 3.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "One of my kid's friends decided to join us last second. I'm worried we won't have enough food and he won't have fun.", "Medium": "It's supposed to get very cold at night. I need to make sure I keep my family warm. ", "High": "I'm very concerned about the kids getting dehydrated due to being outside playing all day. " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 15, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 26, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello. I really would like two packages of extra food, one water, and one firewood. How does this sound to you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hello. I would like 3 packages of water, 2 firewood, and 1 food. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I would really like one of the waters. Could we come to a deal with you getting 2 waters, 2 firewood and 1 food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I am agreeable to that. I can compromise by giving you a water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Thanks. I thought extra food was the most important when camping", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Well in my case I wanted water most because I bring more food. And I like the firewood for cooking and I love campfires 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Campfires are great, I only need a small one though.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Good. Then it seems we can help each other out for mutual benefit", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Exactly, it is so nice when negotiations go smoothly.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I agree. Thank you for being reasonable. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Thank you! Have a great camping trip 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I already brought plenty of food so you can have all of it", "Medium": "I need an extra pack of firewood because most of the food I brought needs to be cooked", "High": "I need an extra water package for my kids" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 32, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "A little firewood can go a long way", "Medium": "Drinking water is a necessity.", "High": "Eating is the best part of camping." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 40, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 4.5, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 3.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi, I'm so excited for my camping trip.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Me too! I'm a bit nervous about having enough supplies. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Me too, but we can figure this out together. what do you need?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'm happy to hear that. I do have a medical condition that requires me to drink a lot of water, so that if most important to me.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "oh ok, that makes a lot of sense, I can give you most or all of my water, no worries.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Great. What do you need?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I really need a lot of firewood because i'm camping in a damp and cold region and need a source of heat at all times.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Okay. Why don't you take 2 fire wood, 1 water, and 1 food. Does that work for you?🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes, sounds good for me! ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Okay. Great!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I'd like to b protected against food spoiling, and extra food would help with that. ", "Medium": "Most of my food requires cooking, so I need to make sure I have enough firewood to cook it. ", "High": "I've got a medical condition that requires me to drink a lot of water. " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 57, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, associate's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I am staying near a river so I can just disinfect that.", "Medium": "I didn't bring enough and I'm hiking so I'm worried about my supplies.", "High": "I need firewood because it's the fall and it's getting cold." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 24, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "multi-racial", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4.5, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 6.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi there! So, we're going camping!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "At least we're going somewhere 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "haha! yes!!! So, what are you interested in?!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I definitely have enough food but forgot to bring any water. Water is most important for me. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Okay- that's good to know! Food is most important for me. I'm bringing a lot of my family, so the more food, the better", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Can I have all the water and you take all the food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I still would like some water to have. I actually have a baby so need the water for bottles, too. I'm happy to share all the firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That sounds fair. Can I have 2 of the waters?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I think that sounds fair. You can have all the firewood and two of the waters. And, I'll have all of the food and 1 of the water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That sounds perfect! Have a great trip!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Thanks, you too! 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "2", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "1", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I have plenty of food that I already brought from home. I don't want to carry more.", "Medium": "It's supposed to get cold tonight, but not unbearably so", "High": "It's very hot and I forgot to bring water with me" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 22, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 55, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2.5, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 2, "openness-to-experiences": 1 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I need more firewood so I can heat up my baby's bottles", "Medium": "I brought my baby who needs the water for her bottles.", "High": "I brought my family and need more food" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 33, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6.5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hey, how ya doin' pardna? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hello, I would like to make a good deal with you", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes, we do have to come to a mutually beneficial arrangement I suppose... What are you most interested in today?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I need all the firewood possible, due to a cold crisis that we are going through in my home", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Oh really! ALL of it. I've heard that if you dig a deep enough hole you can get geothermal heat. Also, the excercise you get digging can certainly warm you up. Surely you don't need ALL of the firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I have already looked for all the possible options, including your proposal, however, The problem is that my abula lives with us and she suffers from arthritis and I urgently need firewood to prevent her from continuing to suffer from cold.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "The cold sounds like the least of her problems, but at least you won't need water because it would all freeze if it's as cold in your house as you say it?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "What are your needs, what do you urgently need?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I don't know what campground you're at, but it's like a desert over here. I'll literally DIE from dehydration if I don't get as much water as possible. ☹️", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Actually my main objective is Firewood, so much so that I am able to offer you the product you need in exchange for all the firewood you can offer me. Ok, I offer you all the water you need, what do you think?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "What do I think? I think that water doesn't replenish electrolytes so I'", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "You are right, excuse me, but what I need is urgent, we will reach an agreement first. If you give me all the firewood, I will give you all the water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "3", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "0", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I'm trying to build a fort with the firewood as shelter", "Medium": "Food is also a good way to replenish lost electrolytes", "High": "I have a low heat tolerance and could die of dehydration without extra water." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 23, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 23, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 3.5, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I am currently in a very serious financial situation, I have lost my job and the water service in my house has been interrupted. Therefore, I need additional amounts of water, since I do not have money to buy it.", "Medium": "I am currently in a very serious financial situation, I have lost my job, it has been difficult for me to buy the necessary food for my family, however, with the little money I have obtained, I have bought some essential foods. For the above reason, I need additional amounts of food to supplement my family's diet.", "High": "I am currently in a very serious financial situation, I have lost my job and the gas service in my house has also been interrupted. Therefore, I need additional amounts of firewood to be able to cook at home." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 38, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hello! 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I was thinking, we could split everything up evenly. I would take 2 firewoods, 2 waters and one food, you could take the rest. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That's very kind of you. Would it be alright to give you three waters so I could have 2 bundles of firewood? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'd be happy to give you more waters, but I really do need two bundles of firewood. We alwas have late nights when camping and I need to be able to keep my fire going. How about If I take 2 firewoods 0 waters and 2 foods, and you can take 1 firwood anll 3 waters and 1 food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I appreciate your offer, however I will be needing food for me and my friends so it would be nice to have the 2 food packages. You can have the two firewood so you won't run out of light. Would you take 1 water to put the fire out? I hope you wouldn't mind if I could have 2 food, 2 water and 1 firewood and you can have the rest? 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That sounds reasonable to me, I think we have a deal 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Wonderful! Deal it is! Thank you so much. Maybe next time you go camping we can all go and have fun? 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I think I would enjoy that very much!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Great! Thank you again and have a wonderful trip!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Water would be nice to hydrate and clean ourselves up.", "Medium": "Since I will be feeding my friends I will need firewood to cook our food.", "High": "I will be bringing a few friends along and would like to offer them food during our trip." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 35, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I already have enough food for the trip, so extra would be nice, but not necessary", "Medium": "To keep myself better hydrated", "High": "So I can keep my campfire going longer at night." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 40, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, associate's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 3 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello! Nice to meet you. I am interested in proposing a split among the extra items to take on the camping trip. I would like to take 3 food, 2 firewood, and one water. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hello nice to meet you as well. That deal works fine for me? What do you need the firewood for?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I am prone to attract insects and I have found that the smoke from fire keeps them at bay, so I want the fire going as much as possible. Yes, I take frequent showers ;)🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "🙂Thats good to know, I didnt know that fires keep insects away.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "What are you going to do with the 2 waters in this deal, why are they more important to you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "The waters are important because i like to make sure my kids are hydrated.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Very good, a family camping trip! Maybe I could give you all 3 waters and you could give me 3 firewood instead?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yeah i hope it is fun. Thanks but i like the first agreement we had .", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Very well, I can live with that but thought I'd ask. You can change your mind if you wish. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "🙂Thank you for asking but ill just stick to the first agreement we had. So you get 3 food , 1 water, and 2 firewoods.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "3" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "0" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I would not need more firewood because beside cooking i see no need for it.", "Medium": "I would like more water because it is an essitial iteam in life.", "High": "I would like more food to ensure my kids get a meal." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 11, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 33, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I am bringing my dog and would like some additional water in case she is overly thirsty. ", "Medium": "I tend to attract insects and I want the smoke from the fire to deter them, and have the fire going as much of the time as possible. ", "High": "The weather is looking to turn bad toward the end of my trip and I want to make sure I have enough food to hold me over in case I get stuck " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 26, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 44, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello! I was wondering if you needed any of the spare packages? I would love everything extra that we can get for our camping trip. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Sure, i am sure we can come to an agreement in how to split these things.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Sounds wonderful! To start off, I would love 3 extra packages of water in case anything happens. 2 of the food, and 1 firewood. Does that sound good to you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Wow, that would mean you get 6 items, while i get only 3. That doesnt seem very fair. I would propose that if you are getting 3 waters, which i assume is your highest priority, i should get 3 Firewods and 2 foods", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Well what is it that you absolutely need for your trip? I am absolutely willing to negotiate! What you offered works for me.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Although, i would like water, as it is important in the hot climante where i am camping. I would be more than fine with the proposal i set out without any water. i think", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I wouldn't mind giving you a water, if that means I could also have 2 firewoods and 1 foods. 🙂 But my top priority is definitely the water, I am always worried about a fire getting out of control, or getting lost. ☹️", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Sounds good, i think we should just stay with my proposal then. i get 3 firewoods, and 2 foods", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Perfect, sounds good to me! Hope you guys have an awesome trip 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Sounds Good, i will await your submission. have a good trip as well.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Just in case we forget something to cut wood with ourselves or aren't camping in an area with available wood to cut for a fire.", "Medium": "If we got lost, food is important!", "High": "If a fire gets out of control, extra water would be wonderful!" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 29, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "high school graduate / ged" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 5, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I am goign solo, so i do not need extra.", "Medium": "There are a lot of misquitos at night, and night campfires will greatly reduce them", "High": "I am camping in a Hot climate, so water is very important" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 24, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi, I'm thinking that I'd like all the water and the firewood. I'd feel pretty secure if I had those supplies.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hello I would also like all of the water and the firewood. Water is important to me because I need it to live and I will also need firewood to stay warm on the trip.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I get dehydated really quickly and then I'm just totally useless. ☹️ How important is the extra food to you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Food is not as important to me as water and firewood. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Okay, well that's the same for me. 😮 I feel like firewood can be used to secure potable water, and also helps with food, so it's extremely valuable. What do you think about me getting two water, one firewood, and all of the food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I would like 2 water, 2 firewoods, and 1 food if possible. If I have firewood I wouldn't need as much food. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I don't think that distribution makes any sense. We're both looking for water and then firewood. In that scenario, it only makes sense that whoever gets more water than the other gets more of the other two. What do you think of that? You take 2 waters, but then I get 2 firewood and 2 food, the least desirable thing.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That sounds good to me. Want to go with that? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes, I think that's fair. Just to confirm (since I had a typo previously), you'd get 2 water, 1 firewood, and 1 food. I'd get the balance, obviously.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes, that is correct. I'll submit the deal now since I think we've reached 10 messages. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Sounds good. Go ahead and submit the deal and I'll agree to it. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I already have enough food on the trip.", "Medium": "I may need to start a campfire to cook food and keep warm.", "High": "Water is the most important item to me because it is the most important human need." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 31, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 2.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Food is what I can go the longest without, and there is food available from other sources if I absolutely need it, like fishing or finding berries, etc.", "Medium": "Firewood is helpful for food and water, so it's a good all-around useful thing to have. Plus it takes a lot of energy to get more.", "High": "Water is the fastest way to die and dehydration will prevent me from being functional, so water is key." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Undecided" }, "demographics": { "age": 42, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1.5, "agreeableness": 2, "conscientiousness": 2.5, "emotional-stability": 1, "openness-to-experiences": 2 } } } }
[ { "text": "hi i need firewood as my first priority ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hello, I can understand your need. I'm able to share 2 fire woods with you. 🙂. Because we started our trip. In the night time, we planned for a fire camp.So, I'm also need firewood.In this case, you take, 2 fire wood. My first priority is water. can you share with me?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "yes sure i will give u water 2", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Thanks for your understanding 🙂. In my side i have more than 6 members. we don't have that food. Can you share 2 pack of food with me?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "k, i will ready but then u have to give 3 firewood for me", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "oh,I'm sorry..As I mentioned, we planed for a fire camp night. So, i need firewood. Kindly consider my need.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "then give only one water , k with deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Sorry, can you please summarize your needs?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "2 firewood two food, one water,if u ok wiith this deal we can go ahead", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "so I'll get 2 water , 1 food and 1 firewood. Totally four items. But you will get 5 items.☹️.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "yes,but i will give ur priority item", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'm accepting your deal.🙂 Thank you so much for your kindness.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We have enough food, So I can manage with ! pack of food.", "Medium": "we need 2 pack of firewood used for making fire camp at night.", "High": "I need 3 pack of water to feed my family members." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 24, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6.5, "agreeableness": 3.5, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "its very cold place water is enough", "Medium": "i already have basic foods", "High": "i think firewood will not get that cold place " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Undecided" }, "demographics": { "age": 29, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5.5, "agreeableness": 2.5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "So I suggest that I get 3 food, 1 firewood and 2 water. Does that work for you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "No it does not. I'd like to do a proper negotiation.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Well I am a diabetic so I need lots of food to keep my sugar levels up, everything else we can negotiate on.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I can do 2 packages of food. I would want 3 packages of Firewood. We can negotiate the water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'll need firewood as well since being a diabetic makes me pretty cold at times. So how about I get 2 food, 1 firewood and 1 water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "No how about 2 packages of food, 1 package of Firewood and 2 packages of water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Is that suggestions for you or me?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "For you. I'd give YOU 2 packages of food, 1 package of Firewood, and 2 packages of water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ok great, you got a deal!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Ok sounds good.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "There is a fresh water stream near by.", "Medium": "I have multiple people coming with me.", "High": "I don't have insulated sleeping bags." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 35, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I need something to wash my medicine down with", "Medium": "Since I am a diabetic I get cold rather easy so extra firewood would help keep warm", "High": "I am a diabetic and need to keep my sugar levels up" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 38, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 2 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5.5, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 6.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hello, there.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "would you be willing to trade some firewood for some water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I would prefer to acquire more firewood, as the night are very cold. I would be willing to trade water for firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "how much water would you give me for firewood>", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I would be will to give up 3 waters for 2 firewoods. Also, I would give up 1 food along with the waters.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "how about 3 waters and 2 foods for 2 firewoods?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That's quite a lot. Is there a reason you need more food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "i get really hungry 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I can well understand that. I get hungry also. I would give up 4 waters and 1 food, but I cannot give up 2 foods.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "ok, i will give you 2 firewoods for 4 waters and 1 food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Do you have any activities planned for during your camping trip?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "nope. do we have a deal? i give you 2 firewoods and you give me 4 waters and 1 food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes we do. I will submit it.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "thank you!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "The days are cool, so hydration will not be as critical", "Medium": "I plan a hike along a ridge, and the extra food will keep up my energy leve.", "High": "The nights are getting very cold, and a fire is necessary all night long." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 13, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 72, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 5, "openness-to-experiences": 3 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "i need to stay hydrated", "Medium": "i need to fight off the hunger.", "High": "i need to keep warm at night." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 23, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 33, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 3.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello there 🙂. How are you today?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I am good, how are you? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'm doing great thanks! My first priority is to get some extra water. I stay very active and really try my hardest to drink a lot of water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I need lots of water too. We're camped at an RV and there are no streams or available water sources. Though we do have plenty of canned food in the RV ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Sounds like perhaps we are placing the same value on things. I do not need much extra food either. I am not a big eater. I would like some extra firewood as well however. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Then yes, we are in the same situation. I also place high importance on firewood and less so on food. What's your proposal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "If I give you 2 water packages would you be willing to give me 2 firewood and 2 food packages?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "ok that works 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ok great thank you for working with me 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "It's been a pleasure and have a great rest of your day", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "There is plenty of canned food in the RV so no need for food.", "Medium": "It is cold in the night time here and we forgot our fuel.", "High": "We are camping in an area with little to no access to rivers/streams." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Undecided" }, "demographics": { "age": 31, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I do not weigh very much and would not need a great deal of extra food.", "Medium": "I get very cold and would need extra firewood in order to stay warm as well as to cook.", "High": "I try to drink a lot of water everyday for my health. I feel like it would be important for me to get some extra water." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 39, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4.5, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello I was wondering if you might accept me taking 2 Food, 2 Water, and 1 Firewood. I had an especially active day and really need the extra subsistence", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hi, I can understand that but I am in the same position and I am really in need of water so what would you think if I keep 2 Water, 2 Firewood and 1 Food. I get dehydrated very fast ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "As hot out as it is it's too bad we can't split the water 50/50. I don't get too cold at night would you like all the fire wood and I get all the food and just one water? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "50/50 on the water would be great 🙂 You offer sound fair but I would not need all that Firewood, it is very hot here in the desert ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Since you feel dehydated and most in need you should have the 2 waters then but I really could use the extra food my blood sugar feels low.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "What about I take 3 waters, 1 firewood and you can have all the food and 2 Firewood 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I can't agree to that going without water completely is a health hazard☹️", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Well we do have the starter kit, but ok then you can have 1 water, 2 firewood and all the food. I feel generous today🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Okay that is generous I agree", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "It was a pleasure negotiating with you and I am so happy we agree and hopefully we will both have an awesome time ;)", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "🙂 Yes, please enjoy your outing also. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "My friend may come and visit and I am not sure she will bring any extra with her", "Medium": "I am always thirsty and also need water to rehydrate the powdered food", "High": "Nights are really cold here and I get sick easily." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 13, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 53, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1.5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "It gets cold here at tonight due to the high elevation so having additional firewood is essential", "Medium": "It's especially hot today so I'm in need of extra water", "High": "I need extra food because I exerted alot of extra energy getting to and preparing the campsite which has me hungry and tired" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 25, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 52, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello fellow camper! 🙂 How are you today?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'm doing okay! Kind of a slow day on MTurk, how are you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I am doing quite well actually. What supplies do you need?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Firewood would be great! ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I agree that it would be great. I didn't bring an axe though. So it is hard for me to get anymore.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ah I see, do you have food then?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I do have food. What exactly are you thinking?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Well, what is it that you're looking for?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I need extra firewood and a little food. Since I didn't bring my axe, as I mentioned earlier, it is hard for me to get extra wood. I would like some food because I have an extra guest.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Okay, since firewood is a higher value item than food, I could trade you 2 firewood for 3 food in return?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "If you get all the food I would need all the water to barter with someone else.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "How about one food and two water then, in exchange for 2 firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I need water the least because I brought plenty, but could use more for cooking", "Medium": "I need food to feed my family during the trip.", "High": "I need more firewood because I have none to cook my food." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 16, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Undecided" }, "demographics": { "age": 33, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "high school graduate / ged" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "You need water to survive, and you can also use it to cook food.", "Medium": "Food can give you energy to do activities.", "High": "It offers heat and a way to cook food." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 24, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 3.5, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 3.5, "openness-to-experiences": 3.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi, I'm excited about the camping trip and I hope to make it better with this deal. I'd like to get 2 firewood packages, 1 water package and 2 food packages.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hi! Lol nice to meet you too... I'm going camping too, but I'm taking the whole family, and teenage kids mean we need a lot of food 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ok, I'm willing to give up one of my food packages because you are taking a large family. I'd like to have an extra water package to stay hydrated since I'm an active person who likes to run.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I would prefer to have all of the extra food packages. You can have 2 of the water, and I'll throw in all three of the firewood if you're down for that", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I think that is a fair deal but I'm not ready to give up one of the food packages just yet. I will need the extra food because of a high metabolism. Would you be willing to trade a firewood package for it? You might need it to cook some of your extra food. :) Do you camp often? Would you be able to enjoy camping in extreme climates?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I have, as a matter of fact, enough times to know that there's not a lot firewood can do that a portable generator and a space heater can't. I've got those, and I'm fine eating cold food, because I'm camping out in the desert. How about you? Are you sure you don't want that extra wood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I think you make a good argument and I am reluctantly willing to give away the 3 food packages. 😡 The rest of the deal seems fair as well. 🙂 I've always had good experiences camping and I could use the extra firewood for heat since I enjoy camping in cold weather climates.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "So aside from me getting the 3 food? How would you like to split up the rest? I'd like to get at least 1 water if I could.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ok, I'd like to get the other 2 packages of water in the deal we made earlier. I don't know what the weather will be like and could use all the water I can get since I will perspire most of it. 🙂😮", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Ok. Then let me propose that I get 3 food and 1 water, and you get 2 water and 3 firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That sounds great! I will submit the deal. Hope you have a nice day and best of luck on your camping trip! 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "3" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "0" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Honestly, I'm fine with cold food and water.", "Medium": "Since I'm camping with more people, I need more water.", "High": "I'm traveling with teenagers, and they eat a ton." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 25, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 21, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2.5, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 3, "openness-to-experiences": 3.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I have a high metabolism so I will need more food for the trip.", "Medium": "I will need as much water as possible for not only hydration but cleanliness.", "High": "I am a night owl so I will need the wood for not only cooking but also light." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 13, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 28, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 4.5, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ { "text": "I will give you all the food and 1 water for the firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Oh, I am not comfortable with that. The weather is colder than expected and having a family of 7 leads to higher consumption of firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That is my main concern also. What is your biggest need? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "High need for firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "hmm, that is also what I need. What kind of compromise were you thinking? 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I can offer 1 package of firewood, 1 package of water and 2 food going by family's consumption volume", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "How about 1 firewood and 2 water and 1 food? That gives you more of what you need most but at least I can keep my kid and dogs hydrated well. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "ok", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Great, I am glad we came to an agreement", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Nice negotiating with you", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I can find food around the campsite ifI must. ", "Medium": "In additio to me, my child and dogs will need water", "High": "I have a young child, I need to make sure she stays warm." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 16, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Undecided" }, "demographics": { "age": 33, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1.5, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 3.5, "emotional-stability": 1.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "The junior ones behind me are eating slightly more than planned", "Medium": "There is the need to keep clean and hydrated for all 7 family members", "High": "The weather is colder than expected leading to higher consumption" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 33, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi! I hope you are doing good. I would like to ask few packages for the tripping?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Sure. I would like to have 2 of each item.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'm not okay with that I will be needing 3 water, 2 food and 1 firewood, and 0 water 1 food and 2 firewood it is ok?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "No, I'll accept all the firewood and 2 food though.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I can go for 2 water, 2 food and 1 fire wood and the rest you can have, As a big crew is coming along.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'd like to get as much firewood as possible since the weather report says it's going to be cold. 2 firewood, 2 food and 1 water for me, rest to you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "that would be hard deal, for me food is essential for all can you please share one more, so I will have 3 water, 2 food and 1 firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I shouldn't have a problem with water, since we'll be camping near a spring but would like one just in case. 3 firewood, 1 food, 1 water for me?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I can accept but you can give 1 firewood, which will save us from cold? will you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I have to have 2 firewood minimum.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I can accept if you can give me just 1 firewood? and 2 water 2 food for me and rest for you? so that both us will be beneficial", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "You camped near a spring that has fresh water to drink.", "Medium": "You can most likely scavange for edible plants somewhere.", "High": "It is winter and very cold outside. You may also need to heat up the food." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Undecided" }, "demographics": { "age": 44, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 3, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 3, "openness-to-experiences": 3.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "a set of firewood is completely enough not more is need.", "Medium": "food is need for us to get the energy back, else we will be carving", "High": "The most useful think for camping is keep us hydrated so water is very necessary" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 32, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 2.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ { "text": "I would like to offer you all of the water and one additional package of food. I will take the firewood and 2 pckages of food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hello. Thank you for your offer, however that will not be a good deal for me or you as water is important to have on a camping trip. Have you been camping before?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes. If rain is in the forcast, I can collect rainwater. What is your counter offer?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I understand, but if it does not rain you will have to think about that. I offer that I can take 2 firewood, 2 food, and 1 water. Therfore, you can have 1 firewood, 1 food, and 2 water. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That's kind of you, but I have small children and need to make sure they stay warm at night. How about you take 2 water, 2 food, and 1 firewood? I will take 2 firewood, 1 water and 1 food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "In the case, wouldn't it be better if you take more food and water, since children can get more hungry and they tend to go to bed earlier, so you wont need as much firewood. What is your priority for the trip of items to have? I generally like to stay away very late in the evening to watch the stars, which is why I am leaning more towards more firewood than water. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That's interesting. Looking at the stars is very entertaining. However, children can get hypothermia rather quickly. Also fire keeps predators away. Therefore, I would prefer more firewood in order to keep my children warm and safe. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I can understand that, but that is why its important to bring more blankets to protect them. In that case, what if I take 1 firewood, 3 food and 2 waters and then you can have 2 firewood and 1 water since firewood seems to be that much more important for you. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Sadly, blankets don't protect against most predators. I am again offering you 2 water, 2 food, and 1 firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "It seems that we both prefer to have firewood the most, so I think if that is the case and you take more firewood, then I think that I should have more of something else as I've stated above. Dont you agree?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes, I do agree. There are 9 items available; I am offering you 5 and I get 4. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That is fine by me. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Great. I am glad we can agree 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Everyone needs water; but I can collect rain water, if necessary.", "Medium": "I often have low blood sugar; I need to eat often to maintain my blood sugar.", "High": "I have small children and need to make sure they stay warm at night." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Undecided" }, "demographics": { "age": 47, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Water is always an important item to have, especially depending on the time of the year that I will be camping. I think that a campsite can never have enough water. ", "Medium": "On camping trips, it never hurts to have enough food and sometimes more because you are out in the middle of nowhere and there are no stores around. I would like to have additiaonl food so that I wont have to run into town and if by chance some of the food goes bad, I have enough to cover me. ", "High": "On camping trips, I generally like to stay up later in the evening as to enjoy the stars and to make smores so I would think it would be really beneficial to have more firewood. " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 33, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello, how are you today?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'm doing well. How about you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'm good, excited to get this camping trip underway! 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'm excited as well! I'm hoping to be able to pick up a few last minute items for the trip. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Me too! What kind of items are you looking for?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I would like to get extra food, firewood, and water. I had a few things change last second, so I'm worried I won't have enough for the trip.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Sorry to hear that! I am looking for some items too, maybe we can help each other out.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes, that sounds like a great plan. I think working together is our best option. I'm hoping to get some extra food. I had an extra person decide to join last second, and I'm worried I won't have enough. My friend has never been camping before, so I want to give them the full experience. I'm worried they will hate it if we don't have enough food. ☹️☹️", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That is always a big worry. I am feeling exactly the same about water. Would you be willing to trade food for some water? I'd be happy to give 3 food for 3 water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "What about firewood? I injured my shoulder yesterday, and now I won't be able to cut my own once I get to my campsite. ☹️ Do you think you could throw 2 firewoods in?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I think I could do that. 2 Firewoods and 3 water for 3 Food and 1 Firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes, that's a deal. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "3", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "0", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I can go a few days without food or forage for what I need.", "Medium": "Fire will help to keep me warm overnigt.", "High": "Water is important for human survival and to have a responsible fire." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 37, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I just read an article about people becoming dehydrated while camping and how dangerous it is. I only bought the same amount of water I would drink on a normal day. I didn't think about how much more I would need after being outside all day. ", "Medium": "I injured my shoulder packing the rest of my items. I was planning on being able to cut my own firewood once we got there, but that's no longer an option. ", "High": "We had an extra person decide to join us last second. I'm worried that we won't have enough food now. I would hate for anyone to go hungry and the trip to be ruined." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 23, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 26, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello, I could really use some firewood and water. Would you mind if I take all of the firewood and some water. You can have the rest.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "No thanks. I'll give you all the Food because I am skinny. I need all the water and firewood for myself to make a tasty stew. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I have plenty of food stocked up, but I am really running low on firewood and water. We will need to make compromise on the firewood and water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'll give you two firewood and 1 water and 1 food. That way you get more of your top item. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That is a much better deal. I agree to these terms.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ok sounds good. We need to talk a bit longer to submit the deal though. How are you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'm doing pretty well. Just surviving in the wild and stuff. You?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "just doing nature things. Going on hikes and swimming. What was your negotiation strategy like?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I just wanted to negotiate a deal that was agreeable for both parties. You just happened to make a deal that was good enough for me.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ya I just wanted to get a fair bonus for both of us. Great negotiating. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "As a growing man, I could use some more sustenance.", "Medium": "It is important to stay properly hydrated, so I could use some more water..", "High": "I need firewood to stay warm at night and cook my food." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 29, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I already brought extra food and don't eat a lot so I don't need food. ", "Medium": "I am going on a long hike so I need more water. ", "High": "I didn't bring any fire starting materials from home and need to cook a large meal. " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 18, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "high school graduate / ged" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2.5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } } }
[ { "text": "hello", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hi", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "ready for the camping trip?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes, I am excited 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "i am too, it is going to be really nice", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Sure is. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "though i do think i am going to need some more firewood, you think you can help me with that?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I can give you firewood in exchange for a bulk of the water since I am trying to go on a water fast diet.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "ya it can be very cold at night and the extra firewood can help with that. i do have some extra water for you", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Great. That is a fair compromise. How much did you have in mind to exchange? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "3 for 3?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Sounds good. So I give you 3 firewood and you give me 3 water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "correct", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I can work with that. Now how would we divide the food? 😮", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "i feel food should be kept the same, we both need it", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I don't think we can divide the 3 packages of food equally right?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "ya, we don't have to trade food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I think we may have to trade it. We still have to decide how much each both of us gets. Cause if you put 0 then that will give me all 3 food packages I think.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "oh you are right", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yep. If you don't care too much of food do you mind if I keep 2 packages and you get 1 because I feel kind of hungry now. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "i feel i can just walk away if that's the case, i am trying to set up the deal here and could use the extra 1 food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Walking away would be worse off for both our cases wouldn't it? Even if you got what you desired of 3 firewood and 1 food wouldn't it still be better than walking away?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "sometimes i can be stubborn like that, especially with food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ok I guess I will give in and you can have 2 food then. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I get extra thirsty sometimes", "Medium": "I like to snack between meals", "High": "I would like to keep warm through the whole night" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 23, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 30, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "hispanic or latino", "education": "some 2 year college, associate's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I don't need as much food because I am going on a water diet in my camping trip to experiment.", "Medium": "I need some firewood to keep warm, but since I don't cook as much food I will need some and not too much.", "High": "I have water deprived related trauma where my parents withheld clean bottled drinking water from me in my childhood and I need to have a good number of water packages by my side or else I will be anxious." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 23, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "some 2 year college, associate's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1.5, "agreeableness": 2.5, "conscientiousness": 1.5, "emotional-stability": 1.5, "openness-to-experiences": 1 } } } }
[ { "text": "I forgot to bring any water, can I take two of them? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "What will you be using for? Would I be able to have two packages of food and 1 package of firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I get heat stroke and faint easily, so I need to stay hydrated. You can have two packages of food, I have enough already. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Great. Sounds like a deal. What about the firewood so I can make a fire. I can boil my water from river to use to cook and clean.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "You can take one package of firewood to make the water and I can take two so I can cook the food I brought? 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Thank you. That will be very helpful to be able to cook. I think we are all set. I will give you the 2 packages of water, you get 2 of the firewood and you get 1 package of food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That sounds like a deal! ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Great. Are you good to submit the deal?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes everything looks good. Thanks for being understanding. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Great..thank you for helping.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Depending how many days I am camping I will need additional food to survive or may need if I get stuck. I may have a vehicle breakdown, getting hurt and if my path or road is obstructed.", "Medium": "Water will be needed to cook, drink and clean yourself. ", "High": "I would need additional firewood to start a fire and cook food on. It also can be used for heat." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 15, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 43, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4.5, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I brought enough with me but I might need some extra for snacks", "Medium": "I need visibility at night ", "High": "It is worth the most and I didn't bring any with me" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 22, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "hispanic or latino", "education": "some 2 year college, associate's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6.5, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 5, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello, I would like to have 3 packages of firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I would be willing to give you 2 packages of firewood, if you give me three packages of food and two packages of water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I can give you three packages of food, however I would want three packages of firewood and 2 packages of water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "How about I give you three packages of firewood and one package of water instead", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "What would you need two packages of water for?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I am on medication that tends to make me very thirsty and extra water would help", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That seems important for camping, I can take that into consideration", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "why would you need two packages of water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I would need two packages of water because I am going on an extended camping trip, and the extra water would help keep me hydrated for the entirety of the trip", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "It looks like we both have valid reasons for wanting the extra water 🙂. But we need to come to an agreement. How about I give you the two packets of water in exchange for one packet of firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "How about you give me 3 packets of firewood, and one packet of water as I think you deserve to have the extra water!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "and I still get three packages of food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Okay, you have a deal. Thank you so much!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "1", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "2", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "More food would be necessary to not starve during the trip and feed my dog accompanying me on the camping trip.", "Medium": "More water is necessary to stay hydrated, stay clean, and useful for cooking", "High": "More firewood is necessary to be able to cook my outdoor meals, stay warm, and sit around during a bonfire for that camping experience" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 19, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "high school graduate / ged" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Water is something everyone needs, as my medication tends to make me thirsty, I may need extra.", "Medium": "Because I am older and have some physical problems, it would be much harder for me to collect more wood myself. ", "High": "I have low blood sugar and if I go too long without eating something I get very dizzy and can even have fainting spells. " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 62, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "other (please specify)", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 3, "emotional-stability": 1, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi, how's it going?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hello, it's going well. Let's discuss how to split up the items, shall we?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Sure, sounds good. What items are most important for you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I was hoping to get a fair amount of the firewood and the food, what about you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That sounds fine to me. I would like to get as much water and firewood as you think is fair.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Okay, maybe I could get two firewood and you could get one? I was hoping to make a campfire with them. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "If you want two firewood then I would like to request 3 water and 2 food then. This is my kid's first camping trip and they are looking foward to making s'mores and it's going to be tough with only 1 firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I don't mind giving you all 3 waters, but would it be possible for me to get 2 food? I was planning on hiking and I need the extra fuel for my body. ☹️", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "My kids are going to be disappointed, especially since we won't have that much firewood. You sure you can't spare 2 food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Oh gosh, I don't want your little ones to go hungry. I guess it's only fair that you get 2 food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "hey that's great, I really appreciate it. I'll send over a proposal.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "0", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "3", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "My children want to make sure we have enough food to last through the weekend.", "Medium": "My children wants to make s'mores and read stories by the campfire since this is the first time we are going out camping as a family.", "High": "My son is diabetic and needs to drink a lot ot help flush out his system after he takes his medications." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 25, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 46, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1.5, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I don't sweat very much because I have a shaved head so I won't need the additional water and I already brought some from home.", "Medium": "I'm going to be hiking around the campsite so I will need additional fuel for my body.", "High": "I want to make a campfire so we can make S'mores and tell stories while camping." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 14, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 26, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 3.5, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 5, "openness-to-experiences": 1 } } } }
[ { "text": "Nice to meet you! Are you getting excited to go camping?!?!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I sure am!! 🙂 I am most excited to eat smores at the camp fire. Do you happen to have any extra firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That sounds really fun! I would love to help you with those smores. I can give you all my firewood if you can give me all of your water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That is really generous of you - Thanks! That works for me. How should we split the food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I was just going to mention food...I don't have any and would really appreciate as much food as is available.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I understand that. Since I have smores to eat, I am happy to give you two of the food. Is that okay? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes, that works! That is fair! 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Well, I hope you have fun camping! 🙂 It was nice meeting you!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Enjoy those smores! 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I sure will! Have a nice day!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "3", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "0", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I plan to eat smores and don't need additional food.", "Medium": "The smores are sure to make me thirsty.", "High": "I can't wait to make smores and need firewood for that." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 47, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I tend to be hot and don't need firewood.", "Medium": "I love snacking while camping.", "High": "It will be hot and I will need to hydrate." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 23, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 39, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 7, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 3, "openness-to-experiences": 1 } } } }
[ { "text": "Howdy Howdy partner. I sure do love me some camping, dont you?🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I love camping, im super excited", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "So do I! I am looking to gather some more supplies for my super duper exciting camping trip. I see you are as well. What sort of items are you looking for the most?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I get scared at night so i was really hoping for some extra firewood, how about you, what is important to you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ahh, I am an excellent chef! And to cook I will also need fire to make some delicious meals to keep me cozy and warm. Extra firewood and food is important to have for me. What do you feel about additional food and water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I dont really need water, it seems like we both need the same things, so how about one gets onew firewood and two foods and the other one gets two firewoods and one food? then we can decide on the water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That does sound quite reasonable. Because you are scared at night, I think having additional light and warmth from fire will be good for you. What do you think?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That is very generous of you, so how about i get two firewoods and one food and one water, and you get the rest? That way you will get 5 items since you are helping me out with my fire.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Because I am such an inspired chef, I think it would be beneficial if I took 3 additional food packages. That way I can make sure I have enough supplies to practice making some really complex outdoor meals. Would such a deal be possible? 😮", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I am ok with that if i get two waters, just incase i have to put out the fire 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That sounds good. So you will get two firewoods and two waters. That sounds excellent to me 🙂 you seem like a great person, my friend", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I can always boil the water from the stream if i have to", "Medium": "I get low blood sugar easily so i will need some extra food", "High": "I am afraid of the dark so i will keep a fire burning all night" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 16, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 34, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "high school graduate / ged" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4.5, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Water is good to have in abundance, and can help with my cooking. ", "Medium": "Food is good to cook over the fire, I can make a better variety of food if I have additional food.", "High": "I love sitting by the fire and cooking over fire, additionally I tend to get cold easily." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 20, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "hispanic or latino", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1.5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 2, "openness-to-experiences": 3 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi, how's it going?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Good!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "It's brutally hot here. I'm so looking to go camping this weekend where there's a lot of tree cover lol.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Oof, I get that. I'm trying to go camping too actually. I definitely need some extra water before I go, though.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "yeah I need water as well. but the kids are really looking forward to making s'mores and reading ghost stories by the campfire", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Is there anything you feel like you need? It sounds like you could use some extra firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "If you want 3 water then I can take 3 firewood. They kids are active so maybe I can take 2 food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Honestly that sounds like a fair deal to me 🙂 I'm camping just with my partner so we probably won't need quite as much food as you.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Ok cool that sounds good to me. I'll send over a proposal for 3 firewood, 2 food and 0 water. That's ok?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That means I'll get 3 water and 1 food, yes? I will agree to that.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "My kids are active and get hungry ", "Medium": "My kids are active and get thirsty quickly", "High": "My kids want to make s'mores and read ghost stories." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 46, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1.5, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I am fine eating cold food.", "Medium": "My medical condition also means I have to eat slightly more to get a full days' worth of nutrients.", "High": "I have a medical condition that requires me to drink more water than the average person." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 21, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2.5, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 3, "openness-to-experiences": 3.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi 🙂. What are you preferences regarding the items?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I am going to be going to the desert. I am going to be needing the water, since there is very little there", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Oh I understand. I have a medical problem that causes me to perspire a lot and am a bit overweight so I was hoping to get some additional bottles.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I can understand the having the issue with perspiring since I will be in such a hot climate. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "How much food do you think you'll need? I'd like to get some additional food again due to medical issues (diabetes). ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": " Yes. You will need food with that condition. You would not want your sugar to drop to low. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Definitely. What about firewood? I don't think you would need a large amount being in the desert? I'm going camping but it rained recently so the wood would be pretty much useless for fire.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I will need the firewood for the desert, since it is so hard to find there. I would think 2 food and 2 water for you, would be a nice amount. That way you have your water and food. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Thanks that's very generous of you. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Would you like to go with two water and two food for you. I will take one water, one food, and the 3 firewood. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "can go without for certain about of time ", "Medium": "To be able to protect ", "High": "To be able to survive." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 43, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "high school graduate / ged" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 4.5, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 3.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I'd prefer more of this just in case it gets cold at night.", "Medium": "I don't need as many of this item due to being overweight but would like a little additional for just in case scenarios.", "High": "I need this item the most because I have a perspiration problem and am overweight." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 35, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 3, "openness-to-experiences": 3.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hey, I would like to have some extra supplies. I am really a coldy cat and could use the extra firewood. How about...I take the extra firewood and 1 extra package of food and water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hi! It looks like we're interested in the same supplies. I get really cold being anemic. Would you consider taking one extra firewood, 2 packages of food, and one water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I am sorry to hear you are anemic. I guess I could make camp with 1 extra bundle of firewood.I am ok with the 2 packages of food but I would like 1 extra water than . I have a weak stomach and need to cook everything in potable water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I appreciate your willingness to part with the firewood. Why don't we agree to switch the water and food, so that you end up with 1 firewood, 1 food, and 2 water packages?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I really could use the 2 food packages though. I am having a friend coming over to visit. I did not count on him.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "If you had to choose only one, would you prefer to have more food packages or water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Well...since my friend has a healthy appetite 🙂 and has a iron clad stomach, I would prefer the food packages .", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "OK, I need a few minutes to consider how important these packages are to me. I appreciate how patience and courteous you are being. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ok. Take your time. No problem at all.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Alright, if you'd agree to me taking all the firewood, you can have all of the food packages and all of the water ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "3", "Food": "3" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "0", "Food": "0" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I have already brought more than enough water ", "Medium": "I have specific dietary restrictions ", "High": "I get cold very easily " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 15, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 32, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2.5, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 1.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I could use some extra water. Just to have to little bit extra for cooking.", "Medium": "I really could use the extra firewood. I very easily get cold and I really want to keep the fire going for as long as possible.", "High": "I could use an extra package of food. A friend is coming over and I did not expect him to drop by." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 24, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 53, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, associate's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } } }
[ { "text": "hello my friend i will like to suggest to you if i can get 2 food 1 firewood and 1 water.let me know what you think", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hello 🙂 We are camping in the desert near Joshua Tree NP. While your offer is fair, I am hoping to take three waters. I could give you another food package in return.🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "okay but i will be needing water too i you give me 2 water 2 food and 1 firewood ?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Sorry that won't work. 🙂 I prefer your first offer to that one. My greatest need is water and firewood. I can offer to give you the three food and 1 firewood. That is better than your first offer, as far as I can tell. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "okay so i take 3 food 1 firewood 1 water while you take 3 water 2 firewood and 2 water.please is this okay by you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes you can take three food and one firewood. I need the water and firewood. We will be doing a lot of hiking with a large group and it will be in the 90's with full sun. We also need the firewood to keep warm as the desert gets cold at night.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "okay can you spare 1 water for me as well while you take 2?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "No, I can't spare it. It is dangerous to hike in the anza-borrego desert without ample water. There are no convenience stores or natural water sources to rely on either. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "okay that is fine so i take 3 food 1 firewood while you take 2 firewood and 3 water .i hope we have come to a conclusion?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes, I am ready to finalize. You?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "yes i am gals we could negotiate .i have agreed to the offer", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "3", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "0", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "i will need water so that i will mot be dehydrated", "Medium": "i need firewood to enjoy my camping experience", "High": "i need food to give mr energy" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 39, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "medium group with some young people, lots of activity requires much fuel", "Medium": "cold nights, need to cook some food, no wood to be found in desert", "High": "desert, hot conditions, no natural sources, much hiking" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 23, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Undecided" }, "demographics": { "age": 42, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } } }
[ { "text": "Which do you need the most? Food, Firewood, or the water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "i need Water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Okay. What is I take the 3 foods, and you can have 2 firewood, 2 water? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Atleast i need 1 food ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Okay. Do you already have some food? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes, Totally i want 2 water and 1 food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "What are you thinking about as far as the firewood? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "i already have so i don't need additionally", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Okay, so let me get this straight. You take 2 water, and 1 food, and I'll take 2 food, 3 firewood, and 1 water? Is that right?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "okay, fine.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Most camping areas also have some kind of running waters, and streams, so I'd hope I could get water that way if I ran out", "Medium": "Firewood is important, but not as important as food. I can also find firewood in the woods if I ran out.", "High": "Food is the highest priority when camping. You're usually hiking a lot, and need plenty of food to keep up the energy." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 25, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Undecided" }, "demographics": { "age": 35, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 3, "openness-to-experiences": 6.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I don't need at all times", "Medium": "Sometime i have stomach problems", "High": "Most Important one for living" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 14, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 27, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello, I hope you are well. I have a metabolic issue that requires me to eat a lot of food. So I would like all 3 of the food items. What is your preference?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hi, I'm well. That sounds like a serious issue, I would be willing to give up all of the food for all of the water and then some firewood to make up for the food I won't have. I'll be camping in the desert with little water and extremely cold at night. Thoughts?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "So lets see, i need a little water. How about I get 1 water and 1 firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Could I have all of the firewood then and then you can have one the waters along with the food? I need to make sure I have enough to stay warm at night.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Can I have one firewood? I have to stay warm?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I guess I can give up one firewood in exchange for one food. There's really no resources where I'm camping and if I don't have enough I'm out of luck.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I would rather keep the food and give up the firewood. So how about I get 3 water, 1 food, and no firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Sorry water is absolutely my priority. How about this, 3 water for me and 1 firewood, and then 2 firewood for you and 3 food. That way you have more resources overall to address to your metabolic issue. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "How about 2 Food for me, 1 water, and 1 firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I need water over food. If you're going to take what I need most I need more resources overall to make up for it.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ok, I will accept your deal of 3 food for, 2 firewood, and no water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "3", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "0", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Not much food/vegetation growing so need to bring extra", "Medium": "Cold at night in the desert", "High": "Camping in the desert with no water source" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 19, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 2.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I am very cold in nature so need the wire to not freeze", "Medium": "I have a very high metabolisum that makes me need more food.", "High": "I sweat a lot and need more fluid than the average person" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 42, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 7, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 3 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello there. I'm thinking about how to split these extra resources we have lying around. How about I take 3 food and 2 water, and you can have the rest?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hello. I am worried about that because I was hoping to get 3 food, as I get very hungry and need to eat or snack multiple times per day and even night. 😮 That worries me . I was hoping to get 3 food but I would be willing to do 2..", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Well, that puts us in a bit of a pickle. Personally, I like to bring along a bit more food because serving sizes can be a bit misleading, but I totally get where you're coming from. However, I'm also hoping to get at least 2. Wouldn't you be interesting in water and firewood instead?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I could take 2 food and give you all the water? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Oh no, I couldn't take all the water myself. I'll be fine with just 1 or 2 water. Would you be fine with 1 food, 2 water, and 2 firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I would the best be fine with 3 food and 2 firewood and 1 water. But I could do 2 food and 2 firewood and 1 water. Or 2 food 1 firewood and 2 water. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'm glad that we're on the same page regarding firewood and water, but I really don't think I can be flexible with food. I'd really like to get at least 2 food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Then I would take all the firewood? And all the water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "You can have all the firewood and water as long as I get all 3 food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I would still need food. I spoke of mine condition. I am useless at camping site if I do not get to snack/eat something every few minutes.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "In that case, I'll take 2 food and 1 water. You can have all the firewood, 2 water, and 1 food. Sound good?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ok", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Fires are hard to get started, and even harder to keep going. A few extra branches would do wonders.", "Medium": "Water is useful for everything. Cooking, cleaning, you name it.", "High": "I purposefully skip breakfast on the day I go camping because I prefer the taste of food in nature. Plus, serving sizes can be a bit deceiving." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 14, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 22, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "high school graduate / ged" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 3.5, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 2.5, "openness-to-experiences": 3.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Need to stay hydrated at all times.", "Medium": "Afraid of dark - would need to burn firewood all night long.", "High": "Get hungry more that other people, need to eat multiple times a day." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 23, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 44, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3, "agreeableness": 3, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 3.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello. I am so looking forward to this camp out. My friends Jill and Jim are coming up and I was not expecting them but It will be a good time for sure. .", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I am also very excited about the camp out with my friends/family", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That's awesome. Jill just called and said she was able to bring some extra water. So I have plenty if you need some. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I don't need water, just food and firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "O no that's not good. I don't have much to spare of either☹️☹️", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "We have a group of 10 people so we need all the food and firewood we can get", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "O wow we are 3 so we can spare some. How abut 2 foods 1 firewood and 1 water for you? I think that is really fair and will help you out alot.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "fair??? You have 3 people and I have 10😡😮☹️", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I still need 1 food for us 3. You are getting 2 foods.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I need firewood badly, it gets below freezing at night!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Well I need it too? So I can give you 2 firewood as well if I can get all the water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Awesome I'm glad this works out for the both of us. 🙂🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We do a lot of hiking and gets very hot in the day", "Medium": "It gets very cold at night", "High": "We have a big group of people camping" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 31, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "high school graduate / ged" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1.5, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Jill and Jim bought extra water so we are good on it. ", "Medium": "I brought a saw and don't need much wood.", "High": "My friends Jill and Jim are coming and I was not planning on them being able to come." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 35, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 7, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello, fello camper.🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hi there! Are you having fun camping yet? 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes. However, I could really use some more water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'm in the same boat, unfortunately. I have a medical condition that requires me to stay really hydrated. Why do you need extra water right now?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I had hoped to do some hiking, and I tend to get dehydrated really easily.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "What else do you need a little more of on this trip? Maybe we can find a way to get this shared as equitably as possible. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'd like some firewood. I really don't need any extra food, as long as I have plenty of water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Okay, I'm happy to give you ALL of the firewood, and I'll take the food, if that works for you. Will you let me have two of the waters?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I had hoped for more water, but you said that you have a medical condition. Hopefully, the weather will be cool for hiking. At least there are lots of trees, and lots of shade.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Great! I love to hike and I'm hoping to do a few hundred miles of the Appalachian Trail next year. Do you have a favorite hiking spot?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "No, I don't really have a favorite hiking spot. Nothing too steep, though.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "2", "Food": "3" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "1", "Food": "0" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "It would be nice, but I can hopefully find more while camping in the woods.", "Medium": "My blood sugar gets low and I might need a little extra food.", "High": "I have a medical condition that requires I stay well hydrated" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 22, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 38, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 1.5, "emotional-stability": 3.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I'm not a very big eater.", "Medium": "I want to cook steaks over the fire.", "High": "I tend to get dehydrated easily. I need to have plenty of water." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Undecided" }, "demographics": { "age": 56, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 3 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi 🙂 My friends and I are going to go camping and we'd like to invite you to come with us for a bonfire.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I appreciate the invitation but I am going camping on my own with my friend at that time. And we will be in a different location. ☹️", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "OK, we understand. We'll have our grandpa with us and he needs all 3 waters for his rheumatoid arthritis, and since his bones get cold we'll need all 3 firewood. Is this OK?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "No, that is not okay. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "You will receive all three foods. We will take no less than 2 firewood and three waters.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I don't need food. I have canned goods. I need firewood and water too. We will be in a tundra and will freeze to death without fire. And all the water in the area is frozen. I will take all the firewood and 1 water. You can have all the food and 2 waters. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "No. We will take 1 firewood. All the food. 2 waters.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "There are 9 items. That means one person gets 4 things and one person gets 5 things. Not six and three. Because you are being greedy, you can take 1 fire and all the food. I'll take 2 firewoods and all the water. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Walk-Away", "task_data": { "data": "walk_away", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Food is least important because most people are bringing their own food.", "Medium": "Firewood is needed because we are having a bonfire", "High": "Water is important to stay alive." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 5, "satisfaction": "Extremely dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 25, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 4.5, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 3.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I have enough dehydrated and canned items to last me. ", "Medium": "All the water nearby will be frozen. ", "High": "I will be in a very cold area and won't be able to survive without it. " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 5, "satisfaction": "Extremely dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 38, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 3.5, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 1.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello, I hope you are ready for your upcoming camping trip. I am prepared but really dislike camping ☹️. I was hoping you could help me get some supplies that will make my trip a little better. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hello, I am ready and I love campaign. But I have some requirements. Hope you help me to get the supplies.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I hope I can help you too 🙂. Personally I tend to get cold very easily and would like to have all the extra wood to keep me comfy cozy during my trip. What items would you like to take on your trip?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I love to help you. But need more woods as I have Nyctophobia (fear of dark). I experience it more during darkness. Hope you understand it.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I understand that you are afraid of the dark. I would be happy to share the wood with you for sure. I will only take one of the wood and give you the rest, if you would be willing to give me an extra share of food. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That's kind of you. I will provide 1 wood and 1 food. Hope you will be satisfied. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Could you provide me with 2 food since I was willing to give you a larger share of the wood? I would also be willing ot give you all of the water in this deal. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Sorry. Try to understand please.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I am willing to give you the larger share of wood because of your fear of the dark. I will also concede and give you 2 food, but then I must ask for all the water. Since I gave so much in this deal can you at least give me this?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "If you accept I can provide you with 2 water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I have the necessities, more water is not necessary", "Medium": "It will be nice to not be hungry", "High": "I get cold easy and need the wood to stay comfortable on my trip" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 15, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 36, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1.5, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I should maintain by blood sugar level.", "Medium": "I feel thirsty more as I have low pressure problem.", "High": "I need more firewood because I fear of darkness." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 29, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "unclassified", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello, are you looking forward to the camping trip?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes, It is one of my favorite things to do.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I think it will be fun for the whole group. What do you like about camping?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I like being out in nature. And doing some hiking.🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "How far do you think you can hike in a day?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "20 miles if I get an early start.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Do you like to hike alone or with friends on a camping trip?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I usually hike with my wife.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Will you check the weather before you go camping?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes, but you never know what might happen with the weather.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "How would you like to divide the packages?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I get hungry when hiking, so food and water are most important to me.🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Reject-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "reject_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I like to do some cooking over an open fire, I might need a good amount of wood to do this.", "Medium": "During my hikes, I might not have access to water sources.", "High": "I'll be doing a good amount of hiking and will be extra hungry." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 14, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 55, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "The firewood would help us build a fire easily.", "Medium": "Food would keep us filled and give us important nutrition.", "High": "We need water to stay hydrated out in the field." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 23, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 33, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hi there!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Our camping trip is coming up. I could like to get two packages of food and 1 of firewood and 1 of water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I think that is fair. Do you have a preference between firewood and water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I prefer the firewood. I always get cold very easily and then I can't sleep. If that happens, my trip will be ruined☹️", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I understand and can imagine what you are feeling. I am usually thirsty when I go on camping trips and am worried of hydration.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I totally understand that. How do you feel about the food packages?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I think water and food are important to me. I am warmblooded and don't need much to stay warm.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "So what do you think is a fair deal?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "What do you think about me getting 3 water, 1 food, and 0 firewood? Does that work for you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "yes that works!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Ok deal! To clarify, you would get 0 water, 2 food, and 3 firewood. Is that correct?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I am usually cold at night and need warmth.", "Medium": "I usually eat a lot of food as well. It gives me comfort when things are rough.", "High": "My family and I drink lots of water. I rather go hungry than thirsty." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 32, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 2.5, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Water is always necessary and the most necessary items if something goes wrong.", "Medium": "I get cold very easily and I will not be able to sleep if I am cold. If that happens it will ruin my trip.", "High": "I will have children with me and I need to make sure that if something happens they can be fed." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 22, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 33, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4.5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello, how are you?! I am requesting the following supplies, to be submitted. I'd like to submit to you that I am a larger person so need extra supplies, not a selfish person! 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That's great to hear! I'm also not a selfish person so hopefully we can come to an agreement. While I'm not a larger person, I do get hypoglycemia and low blood sugar so I'd like to request getting the 3 extra food supplies and offering you the 3 extra water supplies. Are you interested in that kind of deal?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'd hate for you to have any issues on your camping trip! I'm not interested in walking away with no extra food but am willing to talk. Are you interested at all in the firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Ok, I am open to discussions. Yes, I'm interested in the firewood. Are you at all interest in the water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes, I could do 3 water, you get 2 food, and I take 2 firewood since I'm really a little paranoid about wild animals and want extra to keep fire going all night. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Two food sounds good, but if you are getting 3 water I would want to take 2 firewood. I would be worried about not having enough supplies if I took any less.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I can live with the food and water we have here. But I'd really like to take 2 firewood. Since you will have 2 food, you can save me from, at least, the worry about myself turning into food. We can finish this up if you could settle for just one firewood. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I can't be happy with you getting 3 water, 2 firewood and 1 food for a total of 6 supplies while I only get 2 food and 1 firewood for a total of 3 supplies. I will walk away before agreeing to that. I'm willing to take 3 food and 1 firewood or I can also agree to 2 food and 2 firewood. Either way you are still leaving with more supplies than I am. If neither of these are good, maybe we should renegotiate using the waters. Let me know what you think?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ok, that is a reasonable answer, I don't want us both to end up empty handed. Let me ask, what type of place are you camping in? In other words, what is the terrain that you are planning on setting up camp?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'm going to be camping in desert terrain. There won't be trees for cover or resources nearby so it's important I bring everything that I need.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I think I can live with that then. You get 2 food, 0 water, and 2 firewood. I get 1 Food, 3 water, and 1 firewood. Are you in agreement with this?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes I can agree to that! 2 food, 2 firewood and 0 water for me. 1 food, 3 water and 1 firewood for you. I have already made water arrangements for my trip so I'm not very concerned about the water. I think we have finally come to an agreement!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Having extra water will be nice in case I get thirsty and can't find a water source.", "Medium": "It's suppose to be very cold at night and the firewood will help keep me warm.", "High": "I get low blood sugar and hypoglycemia so I don't want to run out of food." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 42, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, associate's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I would want extra firewood to keep fire going to keep any wild animals away while I sleep. ", "Medium": "I would need additional water because I am a heavy sweater, and I need to replace the fluids that my body loses. ", "High": "My camping trip isn't close to a river or lake so it would be very hard to replenish this resource if an emergency arose. " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 44, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "I think the weather for me is going to be pretty cold. can I have all of the firewood, and I'll give you some of the food and water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "The only way I could possible make that work is if I got all of the water and 2 of the foods. If I don't have the firewood, I'm going to need to bring more food and water because I won't be able to cook/boil as much ☹️", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "would one firewood help?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "So I would get 1 firewood, 3 waters, and 1 food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Could we do it where you get 1 firewood, 2 waters and 1 food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "No I don't feel like thats going to be enough water for me with only 1 firewood. I can't risk not having enough water. My dad just had heart surgery and I have to make sure he doesn't get dehydrated. It could be very dangerous without it. ☹️", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "i can't really go without water either. I have a baby and I need to make her formula.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "If I get 2 firewoods, 2 waters, and 1 food, I can probably make it work. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "could I give you 1 firewood, 1 water and 2 food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I feel like this deal just keeps getting worse for me. I won't take less than 2 waters. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "My last offer did have two waters.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "So how about I get 1 firewood, 2 waters, and 1 food. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That sounds good!!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "the food has water, so water on it's own isn't as important.", "Medium": "food gives you energy, which is necessary to work around camp.", "High": "it's cold out, so a fire needs to be kept going at all times." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 51, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4.5, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 5, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I'm hoping to catch fish to cook on the fire. ", "Medium": "I'm worried about my dad who just had heart surgery getting dehydrated. ", "High": "I'm planning on cooking all my food over the fire, and it's supposed to get very cold at night!" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 16, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 26, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "good afternoon", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Good afternoon as well🙂😡", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "what is your top preference", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Water as i'm diabetic and extra fresh water is important for my health", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I have health conditions as well, so i really need enough food to stay well.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That's fair, I have no problem with you taking most if not all of the extra food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Me too, I am more than happy to let you take most of the water. I hope we can make a fair deal to help each other out🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Same here, what's your thoughts on dividing the firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "let's do this quickly, i don't mind taking 1 and you take 2.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "OK, no argument here. How is my taking 2 waters and you 1?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "how about you take all 3 water, and i take all 3 food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That's more than fair, 3 waters me, 3 food you, 2 firewood me, 1 firewood you, deal?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "0", "Food": "3" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "3", "Food": "0" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "It would be nice to keep enough firewood for fire camp.", "Medium": "I always get dehydrated, I really need enough water.", "High": "I have health conditions, so I need to have enough food to stay well." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 38, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "i'M NOT THE STRONGEST AT CHOPPING WOOD SO HAVING SOME ALREADY TO MAKE A FIRE WOULD BE AWESOME", "Medium": "i HAVENT CAMPED IN A WHILE AND I BELIEVE I DIDNT BRING ENOUGH FOOD", "High": "i AM DIABETIC SO CLEAN WATER IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR MY HEALTH" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 59, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "some 2 year college, associate's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 5, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello there! Let's work out a good deal!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hello! Let's do it! 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'm looking to cook a meal for everyone during the trip so I'm looking to make sure I have enough firewood to keep the fire going. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That's fair! If you'd like, you can have all of the firewood! I'm looking to avoid passing out during this trip - keeping hydrated helps! What if I have the water and you get the firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That works with me. I would like to get some extra food as well. Are you cool with me getting 2 packages of food and you taking 1?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Perhaps! How many people are you cooking for?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Probably 10 of us", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Okay, that sounds fair to me, then. I will only have 5 people.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Ok. So I take firewood, you take water, and then 2 food for me and 1 for you.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That sounds perfect! Thank you for coming to a great agreement with me!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I want water because we're not close to a good water source.", "Medium": "I want to cook a meal for everyone.", "High": "I need firewood to cook over the fire." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 23, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 30, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 3.5, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I wouldn't mind having one last fire before I leave.", "Medium": "I plan to share food with my family.", "High": "I get very lightheaded if I don't drink enough water, and with the heat, would hate to pass out!" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 28, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 3, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello! what is your highest priority?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hi, I really want food, as I have Diabetes, and need extra food so I can maintain my insulin levels.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "ok i am willing to help you out and give you 3 food. I am interested in water. I will take 3 water and give you 1 wood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hmmmm that sounds reasonable, is wood your lowest priority?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "yes that's correct. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I think this is a fair deal. i do like how upfront this went.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "it looks good to me as well", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That works for me, i will let you finalize the details. That you for being honest and upfront.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "we will both need to enter the same deal after we have 10 interactions", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Ah i see. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "3", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "0", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "The stream nearby is very clean, so i can drink water from there", "Medium": "I like to be protected from the wild animals, and they are scared of fire.", "High": "I have a metabolism issue, which makes me need more food than normal" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 24, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "i can find wood in the forest", "Medium": "so that i don't starve", "High": "so that i don't get dehydrated" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 41, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 7, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "hello!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hello, how are you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Am fine what about you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'm doing well.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "wow great", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "There is one thing, I am thinking that I might need some extra firewood, because it is supposed to get colder than I expected. Would you be interested in trading me some, for something else?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "yeah i can give you 1 firewood and 3 waters in exchange for 3 foods and 2 firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hmm, I don't think I could give up 2 firewoods and 3 foods. I don't really need water much. If I give you 2 firewoods, I would need 3 foods.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "you cant have it all.Is either you give 3 and gain 3.I will give yo 3 food and you give 2 firewood and all water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'm not trying to take everything 🙂 How about I give you 2 firewood and 2 water, and I get 1 firewood, 3 food and just 1 water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "i need water for survival", "Medium": "i need food for nourishment", "High": "i need firewood for fire" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 16, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 30, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 3.5, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 3.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I could use some extra water, because if I build a bigger fire I will need more water to put it out.", "Medium": "My brother said that he might stop by, so I want some additional packages of food, just in case he is hungry.", "High": "The weather changed at the last moment and it will be colder than expected, so I need some extra firewood." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 37, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi! I am good at gathering/ catching food, so if i get the firewood, it will help me to cook what I catch", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I see. I in particular require lots of water for subsistence.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "hm. well, I also want some water to cook with. food i don't really need.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I want a rolls royce. That doesn't mean I should get a Rolls Royce and a BMW.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "haha, that's true. but still, I'm wondering, if i give you all the food and two waters, would you let me have one water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That seems like a decent starting point, I would be willing to share one water because I am not a monster. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Ah! thank you, yes! 🙂 out of curiousity is the food of any value to you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "A little bit, but I would be willing to give you all the firewood, I can keep warm enough.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Ok, perfect! so it sounds like we have a deal, huh?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "So you get 1 water, 0 food and 3 firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes! thats it!🙂 Sounds good to me.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "2", "Food": "3" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "1", "Food": "0" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I can catch food myself!", "Medium": "I need water to cook things with my fire!", "High": "I am good at camp craft and can cook food I catch" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 35, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2.5, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "If it is too cold I can bring things to bundle up.", "Medium": "I do need to eat even it is a little bit, I will require energy to enjoy myself and food provides that.", "High": "Water is the basic nutrient to survive. Also I need something to wash down food." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 22, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 38, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1.5, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi, how are you, I'm really excited about my trip, how about you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I am excited as well 🙂! I can't wait to finally get some fresh air!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Me too! Speaking of which, I'd really like to be able to have as long of a fire as possible, sing songs and stuff. I'd like all the extra firewood, I'd be okay with only one extra food and water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Oh, ironically I was going to ask the same. The site I camp at is very cold at night, not to mention all the food I brought requires cooking ☹️. Maybe since we both are in need of wood we can keep it, but I may require an extra water. I'd be willing to lend an extra ration of food for it however. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "So I would get 3 firewood, no water and 2 food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "My bad, I misspoke. I'm still getting over my cold so please forgive me. I am proposing this-I would get 2 firewood, 1 water and 1 food. You would get 1 firewood, 2 water and 2 food. How does that sound? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Sure, I am good with that deal.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I am happy about that! I hope your trip goes great and you get much needed relaxation! ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "same to you", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I am sure I will have a great camping trip!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Might want to snack more.", "Medium": "Hydration is very important, it will be hot out.", "High": "Want to sit outside, keep warm longer." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Undecided" }, "demographics": { "age": 37, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4.5, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I have food but I am not sure that I brought enough to last the entire time sadly. ", "Medium": "I recently just got over a cold and want to make sure to stay hydrated. ", "High": "The part I am camping at gets particularly cold at night and most of my food is things that require cooking. " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 44, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } } }
[ { "text": "I can trade 2 packages of food, 1 package of water, and 1 package of firewood. How does that sound to you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I sleep kind of cold at night so I'd really like to get as much of the firewood as possible. Staying warm is a high priority for me.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Would you be able to trade a bit more water for more firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I could give you the water if I could get the firewood. I drank a lot of water before I came here so I think what we get as basics would be fine. I also don't mind just washing up from a river.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That will work well for me I do a lot of hiking and I build up a large thirst. I don't get terribly cold at night and I can find other resources to build a fire.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Sounds great. So we're discussing you getting three bottles of water, 1 food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I prefer two bottles of water and 2 for food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I think that sounds agreeable to me. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ok and you can have two of my firewood. I can get an insulated sleeping bag and I'll be sleeping in a decent tent.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'd really prefer to get all the firewood if possible.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I think we have a deal 2 firewoods for you and 2 foods and 2 waters for me. Is that a deal?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I was hoping for 3 firewood for me, 3 water for you, and I'll take 2 food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I would need at least one firewood in case the temps drop. You'd still be getting the majority of my firewood. I can have 1 food, 2 waters, and 2 firewoods.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Not sure I can make that work. I'd be willing to take 3 firewood and 1 food if that makes things easier for you, leaving you with 3 water, 2 food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I think you would need water more than food just in case you can't drink the water. My final offer to you is 2 firewoods and I would have one remaining.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "So you want me to get just 2 firewood and 1 food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "No you would have 2 firewoods, 1 water, and one food. I would have 2 foods, 2 waters, and 1 firewood. Or I can just have one of each.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "You can have two water, 1 food, 1 firewood if you must do it that way.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That works just fine for me do we have a deal? 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I can make that deal work.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I drank a lot of water before I came to the campsite.", "Medium": "I get low blood sugar easily so a little extra food is nice to have.", "High": "I get cold easily at night and like to sleep warm." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Undecided" }, "demographics": { "age": 37, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "multi-racial", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2.5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "The temperature so quickly at night and gets very cold. Can I trade firewood with you?", "Medium": "It gets very hot during the day and I will be doing quite a bit of hiking and will need additional water", "High": "I will be going on a week camping trip and will need additional food. I can give you additional firewood. How does that sound?" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 16, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 35, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } } }
[ { "text": "hi there🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hi🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I think that we should distribute the packages equitably and evenly to the extent that we can", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I really need food because my family loves to eat", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Okay, well I really need water because I get whoozy if I do not get enough. I also sweat a lot", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "You can have all the water, if I can have all the wood and food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "How about 2 water, 1 food, and 1 firewood for me?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "How about 2 water, 1 firewood, and 0 food, I really need that food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That sure is a lot of food. We are bound to need a boost as well. How about 3 water, 2 firewood🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "You can have 3 water, 1 firewood, zero food🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "3", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "0", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We are planning to do a lot of hiking while camping, we could also need some extra water", "Medium": "It gets very cold this time of year camping, I could really use some extra fire wood.", "High": "I have a couple of friends that love to eat, if possible I would love all the food products" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 23, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 31, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "high school graduate / ged" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1.5, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Being cold is not fun, but one can always put on blankets or bundle up. ", "Medium": "Having plenty of food keeps one energetic and motivated, but not as critical to health as water.", "High": "People need more water than food to survive." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 35, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "doctorate degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi! So it's time to go camping! It's gonna be a hot day here, how about you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hello, I'm actually going to be camping up in the mountains, so really cold here! ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I would love that but you get what you get haha. I really want to make sure I have tons of water. Can I have all 3?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "You can have all 3 water if I get to have all 3 firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yeah I'll totally do that! ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ok that's perfect, now with food I'm of course fine with a more even split. Well as evenly as you can split 3 haha", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yeah I wish we could do halves. Tell you what, take two foods. It's hard to eat a lot when its super hot out.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Thank you, thats true! The cold is definitely gonna make me want to eat plenty of warm food ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I hope we both have good weather! Enjoy your trip and be safe.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "You too!! 🙂 ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We already have most of what we need.", "Medium": "We plan to cook our dinner on the fire.", "High": "It will be a very hot day." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 46, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, associate's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 5, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "So I don't have to scavenge for much ", "Medium": "I will be hiking a lot so I will need to stay hydrated", "High": "I'm going to be camping in the cold mountains so I need more firewood" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 22, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1.5, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 2.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi! It's nice to meet you.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hello! Nice to meet you to! What are you thinking about the camping trip coming up?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'm excited 🙂 And I see we have some items that we need to split up.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "What do you need the most for your trip?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Food and water would be ideal. I tend to go through food quickly and I need to stay hydrated. What about you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Food is my number one priority. I'm not certain if I will be able to hunt where I'm going and/or I also don't know about the natural food available (berries, mushrooms, etc). Water would be a close second for me too.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I would be willing to give you more food if you give me more overall. Something like you get 2 food, 1 firewood and 1 water and I get 1 food, 2 water, and 2 firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Could I do all three food in exchange for all water to you and 1 firewood to me, 2 to you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "If you want all three food I would need everything else back. Food is my highest value item and I'm giving up a lot to give it to you.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "How about this: 2 food to me, 2 firewood to me, 1 water to me. Rest to you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I can't do that. That is giving you more food and more overall.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Reject-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "reject_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I don't really need firewood because there should be plenty of material to start fires with.", "Medium": "I need water because I'm not sure if the area I'm going has potable water sources.", "High": "I need food because I'm going to a very remote area and don't know if I will be able to obtain any on my own." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 16, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 31, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 2.5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 3.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I have a high body heat naturally and a lot of coats.", "Medium": "I need to stay hydrated.", "High": "I have a high metabolism and a medical disorder." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Undecided", "opponent_likeness": "Undecided" }, "demographics": { "age": 29, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 3.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello there! I am looking for extra supplies!🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hello. I am also hoping to get extra supplies. I am anemic and have low blood sugar so I really need extra food. I am willing to give you all of the extra water in exchange for all of the food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I need food too unfortunately. So, how about I get one food while you get two?🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I think that is fair but then I will need 1 water and you can have 2.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Okay, that is fine with me! 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Now lets talk about the extra firewood. Because I have a low immune system is it possible I could have 2 firewood and you can have 1.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Okay, I am fine with that too! I can bring a jacket! 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Oh good. I hope we both have a fun camping trip. I know I am looking forward to it. I hope you stay warm!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Okay, thanks! 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "You are welcome. Have fun camping!🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I will get thirsty on hikes and will need some water to drink.", "Medium": "I have a low immune system if I do not stay warm I could get sick easily.", "High": "I am anemic and have low blood sugar and I have to eat or I will pass out." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 31, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "high school graduate / ged" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1.5, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 3.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I am not a very thirsty man.", "Medium": "I am really cold at times.", "High": "I am a hungry man." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 15, "satisfaction": "Extremely dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 26, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 2 year college, associate's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } } }
[ { "text": "hello", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "hi", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "which items are you most interested in?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I really need food and water for my trip deep into forest.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "i'll need food also, but you could have 2 of the waters.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Thats a generous offer but given the location of the research facility I have to hike to and my current condition that is i am in need of constant hydration due to some medication, do you think if I give you all the firewood and 1 of the food items, you could let me take all the water and 2 of the food items? It would really help me out.🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "i will need at least 1 water. here's my offer: you get 2 food and 2 water, then i'll get the remaining items.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Again, you are being very considerate. I am mostly worried that my hike may take longer or I may get lost. My food rations should be enough but my water inventory worries would you do with 2 food, all the firewood, and allow me to take the 3 waters. It would remove a heavy worry for me if you could help me on this..truly. Is this something you could accept?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "ok. that's a reasonable offer. i'm still concerned about not getting any of the water, but i will accept your offer.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "So 3 firewood, 2 food for you and 3 water, 1 food only for me.....correct?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "yes, correct. this sounds like a great deal for both of us. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Thank you and safe hiking. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Fire wood is essntial to cook with but too much on a long trip can takes its toll on yyou.", "Medium": "While I have some food at cabin, the trip is long and takes much energy.", "High": "I am hiking deep into forest to a research facility and need as much water as possible for the trip." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 54, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Water may be available at the camping site", "Medium": "This is needed to create a fire and cook the food.", "High": "We will be camping for a few days and this is a necessity." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 22, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 49, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 5, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "hi can i have all the firewood, food and water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "You are not getting everything, thats just selfish", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "sorry for making you feel so", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I will need 3x food as I need it for my trip, no food nearby. in return I can let you have all the firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "what of the water, i also need some food, am really in need", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I can give you 1 water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "and the food, i need one", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "in that case then you will only get 2 firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "two waters then", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "ok, so I will get 3 food, 1 water and 0 firewood, you will get 0 food, 2 water and 3 firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "2", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "1", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Firewood is lowest priority as I can gather from forest", "Medium": "I can collect water but still need it", "High": "so I don't starve as food is needed to survive" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 31, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "It is a necessary for survival ", "Medium": "To save for future use.", "High": "To make firewood for cold season." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Undecided", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 26, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5, "agreeableness": 3, "conscientiousness": 3.5, "emotional-stability": 3.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } } }