[ { "text": "Hello, I'd like to bring three packages of firewood because I'll be making tons of BBQ for the camping trip.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Can I get 3 packages of food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "What do you need it for?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I would like some extra food in case I get hungry.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Okay that sounds ok, I can do without the food. I also need two packages of water because it will be very hot out.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I can give you 2 packages of water. I think there is plenty of water, so I do not need extra water.🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "What are you going to use your water for? And thank you.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "In case I do no feel like going to other places to get water. It would be nice to have extra water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I see, and do you have a way to bring the water with you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'll probably just put the water in one of my bags.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "2", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "1", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I need more water because it is going to be very hot.", "Medium": "I need more food because I am going to be feeding animals", "High": "I need more firewood because I am making BBQ a lot." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 29, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 3.5, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 5, "openness-to-experiences": 3.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "There is water available, so I don't really need extra water.", "Medium": "It would be nice to start a fire and enjoy some warmth during the night,", "High": "During this camping trip, there is a chance that I might get hungry and want some extra food." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 42, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } } }
[ [ "Hello, I'd like to bring three packages of firewood because I'll be making tons of BBQ for the camping trip.", "self-need" ], [ "Can I get 3 packages of food?", "non-strategic" ], [ "What do you need it for?", "elicit-pref" ], [ "I would like some extra food in case I get hungry.", "self-need" ], [ "Okay that sounds ok, I can do without the food. I also need two packages of water because it will be very hot out.", "self-need" ], [ "I can give you 2 packages of water. I think there is plenty of water, so I do not need extra water.🙂", "no-need" ], [ "What are you going to use your water for? And thank you.", "elicit-pref" ], [ "In case I do no feel like going to other places to get water. It would be nice to have extra water.", "self-need" ], [ "I see, and do you have a way to bring the water with you?", "uv-part" ], [ "I'll probably just put the water in one of my bags.", "non-strategic" ] ]
[ { "text": "Looking forward to this camping trip! I am hoping we can find something amicable with these additional resources.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'm excited too 🙂. Things have been stressful lately. What are some things that you value most?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "It's supposed to be chilly where we are heading and I could really use some extra firewood. 🙂 What about you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I really need food and firewood. Could you do 3 firewood and 3 food packages? My son has a problem with poor sugar levels which cause him to convulse when cold and doesn't eat enough food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Unfortunately, we have some dietary restrictions of our own with my youngest and her Type 2 diabetes. The firewood is pretty crucial to our plans, though I might have some wiggle room on the food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I might need to walk away.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That seems like a pretty extreme move. Supply and demand is always an issue. What do you plan to offer by way of a compromise?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "If you give me 3 firewood, I'll give you 2 firewood and we can split the water. That's about where I'm at. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I don't think we can split three firewood into five unless it was a typo? I could give you 1 firewood, 2 food since I know how crucial this is for your family, and 2 water. That leaves me with 2 firewood, 1 food, and 1 water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That's a deal.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I was able to snag some waters. However, I don't think it will last over the weekend. I have trouble with my blood sugar so I frequently need water or will grow ill.", "Medium": "Since I don't have much money, I wen't to the park and tried to bundled sticks together. It won't keep my son and I warm for long. He has a central nervous syndrome that causes him to convulse when his body temperature gets too low.", "High": "I share custody of my son. I promised to take him on a camping trip over the weekend, but because I pay child support, it has nearly bankrupted me. I can only pay for a small amount of money for food." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 29, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We are really close to the local creek and have been satisfied with the quality of that water.", "Medium": "We know that we plan on hiking a lot and need the sustenance, but we can offset that with fish at the creek close by.", "High": "We know the weather is indicating a cold spell during the time of the trip." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Undecided" }, "demographics": { "age": 45, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6.5 } } } }
[ [ "Looking forward to this camping trip! I am hoping we can find something amicable with these additional resources.", "small-talk,promote-coordination" ], [ "I'm excited too 🙂. Things have been stressful lately. What are some things that you value most?", "small-talk,elicit-pref" ], [ "It's supposed to be chilly where we are heading and I could really use some extra firewood. 🙂 What about you?", "self-need,other-need,elicit-pref" ], [ "I really need food and firewood. Could you do 3 firewood and 3 food packages? My son has a problem with poor sugar levels which cause him to convulse when cold and doesn't eat enough food.", "other-need" ], [ "Unfortunately, we have some dietary restrictions of our own with my youngest and her Type 2 diabetes. The firewood is pretty crucial to our plans, though I might have some wiggle room on the food.", "other-need,promote-coordination" ], [ "I might need to walk away.", "non-strategic" ], [ "That seems like a pretty extreme move. Supply and demand is always an issue. What do you plan to offer by way of a compromise?", "small-talk,promote-coordination" ], [ "If you give me 3 firewood, I'll give you 2 firewood and we can split the water. That's about where I'm at. ", "promote-coordination" ], [ "I don't think we can split three firewood into five unless it was a typo? I could give you 1 firewood, 2 food since I know how crucial this is for your family, and 2 water. That leaves me with 2 firewood, 1 food, and 1 water.", "promote-coordination" ], [ "That's a deal.", "non-strategic" ] ]
[ { "text": "Hi! Are you excited to go camping?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "absolutely! the kids are absolutely looking forward to it. It's their first time", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yeah! we are going hiking after we unpack. We need a lot of water...", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "So do we. My kids are on meds so they need a lot of water and food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Which one do you prefer most?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "They sort of need more water for their meds", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'm sorry to hear that! But can you spare 1 for me since you probably don't need all the water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Sure that sounds fair. Thank you. Besides water what do you need for your trip?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "great. Then can you give 2 food instead? We eat a lot and need more to go through the night...", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ok I understand. Since you're willing to give me 2 water I can give you 2 food. Would it be ok then if I ask for 2 firewood? The kids were talking about making s-mores", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I can give you one firewood. I need more to boil the water from the river since you will get more water. How about that?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We don't care about cold weather and we have enough supply for making camp fire and to cook our fish. ", "Medium": "We are not that hungry and we like fishing so we might do it later. It will be fun!", "High": "We are going hiking today so we will need a lot of water. " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 40, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 3 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "My kids want to make s'mores.", "Medium": "My kids are active and need to eat a lot of food.", "High": "My kids are on medications and need a lot of water." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Undecided", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 46, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1.5, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } } }
[ [ "Hi! Are you excited to go camping?", "small-talk" ], [ "absolutely! the kids are absolutely looking forward to it. It's their first time", "small-talk" ], [ "Yeah! we are going hiking after we unpack. We need a lot of water...", "self-need,other-need" ], [ "So do we. My kids are on meds so they need a lot of water and food", "other-need" ], [ "Which one do you prefer most?", "elicit-pref" ], [ "They sort of need more water for their meds", "other-need" ], [ "I'm sorry to hear that! But can you spare 1 for me since you probably don't need all the water.", "showing-empathy,uv-part" ], [ "Sure that sounds fair. Thank you. Besides water what do you need for your trip?", "vouch-fair,elicit-pref" ], [ "great. Then can you give 2 food instead? We eat a lot and need more to go through the night...", "self-need,other-need" ], [ "Ok I understand. Since you're willing to give me 2 water I can give you 2 food. Would it be ok then if I ask for 2 firewood? The kids were talking about making s-mores", "promote-coordination,other-need" ], [ "I can give you one firewood. I need more to boil the water from the river since you will get more water. How about that?", "self-need" ] ]
[ { "text": "hi are you getting ready for your camping trip too?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I am! I am looking forward to it so much since I haven't been able to go on any vacation due to Covid. I'm going camping with my husband and kids. Where do you plan to be camping?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "we are going up to the mountain near the lake and it just me and my boyfriend glad to get out as well", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That's awesome! My son is in Boy Scouts and he's looking forward to practicing his campfire making skills during this trip. My husband agrees it would be awesome to have him practice his skills so we're planning to cook our meals over a campfire.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "that sounds great I want to cook a romantic camping meal for me and my boyfriend, hope it will work as i have planned", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I also want to do a lot of hiking while we are camping since the kids have been cooped up in the house for so long. They are so restless now since they don't have their usual things like PE classes, soccer, and hockey. My end goal is to tire them out lol. Besides a nice meal, what other things do you plan to be doing while camping?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "we want to explore the animals in the area birds and just enjoy all the nice views.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Cool, that sounds very nice and relaxing 🙂. It kinda sounds like my husband, he likes to do things like these with no concrete plan and just decides on the spot what he wants to do. The only problem with it is that he dumps all the planning on me so I have to make sure I have extra of ANY possible idea he has.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes we always get stuck making the plans so can I have 2 firewood and you get 2 food and 2 water? Please respond a little faster with your messages that would be very nice", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Unfortunately, I need the firewood to make campfires. Since you are planning to cook a romantic camping meal, don't you need food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "well then give me 1 firewood 2 food and 2 water?, then you have 2 firewood so your boy can practice", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "3", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "0", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Reject-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "reject_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Reject-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "reject_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "What I don't understand is that you requested I respond quicker to your messages, yet you do not respond with much detail or discussion.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "i want my share as well I give you 2 wood 2 water and one food ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "But why should I share with you? You requested that I respond quicker to you yet all I know is that you will be camping with only 1 other person :(. All you plan to be doing is leisurely looking at bird-watching. Will you be really using all of the items? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes I would and i am willing to share and give you enough wood for your kid, but it gets cold and I would like to stay warm at night i bring some of my food but the lake is most likely not that clean to drink water from. you want to practice fire making once it burns it burns. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "2", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "1", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We will be camping near a water source and plan to be fishing for much of the trip, so food is not necessary.", "Medium": "Since we will be doing a \"survival\" style of camping and we will be doing all of our cooking on campfires, we may need more water to stay hydrated and for cooking. We will be staying by a fresh water source but we are unsure if the water is safe for drinking.", "High": "My family and I will be doing a camping experience where we will be cooking our meals. We will also be very remote from any stores." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 23, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 27, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2.5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "if the berries and mushrrom are already harvested slim chance of it", "Medium": "there is a lake near by but not sure about the water quality", "High": "so i can cook my food" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 13, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 55, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, associate's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ [ "hi are you getting ready for your camping trip too?", "small-talk" ], [ "I am! I am looking forward to it so much since I haven't been able to go on any vacation due to Covid. I'm going camping with my husband and kids. Where do you plan to be camping?", "small-talk" ], [ "we are going up to the mountain near the lake and it just me and my boyfriend glad to get out as well", "small-talk" ], [ "That's awesome! My son is in Boy Scouts and he's looking forward to practicing his campfire making skills during this trip. My husband agrees it would be awesome to have him practice his skills so we're planning to cook our meals over a campfire.", "small-talk" ], [ "that sounds great I want to cook a romantic camping meal for me and my boyfriend, hope it will work as i have planned", "small-talk" ], [ "I also want to do a lot of hiking while we are camping since the kids have been cooped up in the house for so long. They are so restless now since they don't have their usual things like PE classes, soccer, and hockey. My end goal is to tire them out lol. Besides a nice meal, what other things do you plan to be doing while camping?", "small-talk" ], [ "we want to explore the animals in the area birds and just enjoy all the nice views.", "small-talk" ], [ "Cool, that sounds very nice and relaxing 🙂. It kinda sounds like my husband, he likes to do things like these with no concrete plan and just decides on the spot what he wants to do. The only problem with it is that he dumps all the planning on me so I have to make sure I have extra of ANY possible idea he has.", "small-talk" ], [ "Yes we always get stuck making the plans so can I have 2 firewood and you get 2 food and 2 water? Please respond a little faster with your messages that would be very nice", "small-talk" ], [ "Unfortunately, I need the firewood to make campfires. Since you are planning to cook a romantic camping meal, don't you need food?", "self-need,uv-part" ], [ "well then give me 1 firewood 2 food and 2 water?, then you have 2 firewood so your boy can practice", "non-strategic" ], [ "What I don't understand is that you requested I respond quicker to your messages, yet you do not respond with much detail or discussion.", "small-talk" ], [ "i want my share as well I give you 2 wood 2 water and one food ", "promote-coordination" ], [ "But why should I share with you? You requested that I respond quicker to you yet all I know is that you will be camping with only 1 other person :(. All you plan to be doing is leisurely looking at bird-watching. Will you be really using all of the items? ", "promote-coordination,uv-part" ], [ "Yes I would and i am willing to share and give you enough wood for your kid, but it gets cold and I would like to stay warm at night i bring some of my food but the lake is most likely not that clean to drink water from. you want to practice fire making once it burns it burns. ", "promote-coordination,self-need,uv-part" ] ]
[ { "text": "Hi", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hi! 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "So what are you thinking about how we should split this? i really want firewood, as i am anemic and have a hard time in the cold weather during the nights here", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Well, I need to keep some firewood for myself too, since it'd be cold outside. But I'm willing to trade more of it for food, since I'm iron-defcient and have family to feed!🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "fair enough, how do you want to split the water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'm willing to trade off water if you need more of it! I'm really looking for food and firewood, but I'll take food over wood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "sounds good, how about i take 2 firewood, and 2 waters, and one food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hmm if I give you two firewood, how much food will I get back? I'm only willing to do two for two.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "i would be willing to give you two foods", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "okay two firewood, two food sounds good. Can I get one firewood back for two waters? I'll give you the one food for free", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "sure that works", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Okay, so I give you technically one firewood, two waters, and a food, right?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hold on, i thought the two waters was in addition to my one i asked for previously. So i would take 1 firewood, 1 food, and 3 waters. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": ">-< okay I just got confused. 1 firewood, 1 food, and 3 waters makes sense now that I reread it.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "i can get my own water", "Medium": "i like to eat a lot", "High": "i like the comfort and safety fire provides" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Undecided", "opponent_likeness": "Undecided" }, "demographics": { "age": 24, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I have enough water for everyone to drink.", "Medium": "It's cold outside, so I really need more firewood for everyone.", "High": "I need the food since I brought my family along! I need more of it to feed them." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Undecided", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 25, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1.5, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ [ "Hi", "non-strategic" ], [ "Hi! 🙂", "non-strategic" ], [ "So what are you thinking about how we should split this? i really want firewood, as i am anemic and have a hard time in the cold weather during the nights here", "promote-coordination,self-need" ], [ "Well, I need to keep some firewood for myself too, since it'd be cold outside. But I'm willing to trade more of it for food, since I'm iron-defcient and have family to feed!🙂", "self-need,promote-coordination,other-need" ], [ "fair enough, how do you want to split the water", "vouch-fair,promote-coordination" ], [ "I'm willing to trade off water if you need more of it! I'm really looking for food and firewood, but I'll take food over wood.", "promote-coordination" ], [ "sounds good, how about i take 2 firewood, and 2 waters, and one food", "non-strategic" ], [ "Hmm if I give you two firewood, how much food will I get back? I'm only willing to do two for two.", "promote-coordination" ], [ "i would be willing to give you two foods", "promote-coordination" ], [ "okay two firewood, two food sounds good. Can I get one firewood back for two waters? I'll give you the one food for free", "promote-coordination" ], [ "sure that works", "non-strategic" ], [ "Okay, so I give you technically one firewood, two waters, and a food, right?", "non-strategic" ], [ "Hold on, i thought the two waters was in addition to my one i asked for previously. So i would take 1 firewood, 1 food, and 3 waters. ", "non-strategic" ], [ ">-< okay I just got confused. 1 firewood, 1 food, and 3 waters makes sense now that I reread it.", "non-strategic" ] ]
[ { "text": "Hi there, and sincerely wish you can exchange some needed items with me.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hello! I'm heading out on a camping trip myself, and also need some provisions. I will be enjoying the fresh air in a cold climate away from any bodies of water. Also, I will be working with a refugee camp while I'm there, providing solace and counsel to poor souls in need. So you see how critical it is that my trip is successful. I believe we can work out a deal though. I recommend that I have 3 water, 2 firewood and 2 food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "From my side, our family of 7 are out on a first time adventure and just discovered unfortunately we were inadequately prepared. Thus, all items are quite needed especially the food and water as we have exhausted all the initial basics.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I see, but can you reschedule your camping trip for later? I have great needs for the water. You recall I will be camping away from all large bodies of water and will need to pack it all in. I might be able to negotiate on the food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Unfortunately it is impossible as we are already on site compared to you about to head out. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I see. You are a victim of poor planning. Whereas the refugees I attend to are the victims of greed, malice and human suffering. What are you proposing?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "How about I take 2 packs of water, 2 packs of food and 1 firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Impossible. I will need to cancel the trip altogether.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "How about I take 2 packs of water while retain your initial request for food and firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I cannot allow any water. As I mentioned we will be camping away from all bodies of water and cannot negotiate on that item. I need 3 water, or else I will need to cancel the trip. We might be able to negotiate on the food though.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I need to have at least a pack of water. How about 1 water, 3 firewood and 1 food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Okay. I fear some of us may die of thirst, but I will give you 1 water. I can't agree to those terms though. I can give you 1 water 1 firewood and 2 food. That is my final offer though.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I am sorry, these terms are not favorable for me.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Walk-Away", "task_data": { "data": "walk_away", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "To ensure the family is well fed during the trip", "Medium": "To keep warm as the weather becomes cooler", "High": "To keep the family hydrated as well as the pets" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 5, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 33, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I'm on a diet. I have enough food for my needs.", "Medium": "It will be cold, and I'll need firewood to keep warm.", "High": "Water is a critical resource, and there is no water where I'll be camping." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 5, "satisfaction": "Extremely dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 41, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3, "agreeableness": 3.5, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 3.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ [ "Hi there, and sincerely wish you can exchange some needed items with me.", "promote-coordination" ], [ "Hello! I'm heading out on a camping trip myself, and also need some provisions. I will be enjoying the fresh air in a cold climate away from any bodies of water. Also, I will be working with a refugee camp while I'm there, providing solace and counsel to poor souls in need. So you see how critical it is that my trip is successful. I believe we can work out a deal though. I recommend that I have 3 water, 2 firewood and 2 food.", "small-talk" ], [ "From my side, our family of 7 are out on a first time adventure and just discovered unfortunately we were inadequately prepared. Thus, all items are quite needed especially the food and water as we have exhausted all the initial basics.", "small-talk" ], [ "I see, but can you reschedule your camping trip for later? I have great needs for the water. You recall I will be camping away from all large bodies of water and will need to pack it all in. I might be able to negotiate on the food.", "uv-part,promote-coordination" ], [ "Unfortunately it is impossible as we are already on site compared to you about to head out. ", "small-talk" ], [ "I see. You are a victim of poor planning. Whereas the refugees I attend to are the victims of greed, malice and human suffering. What are you proposing?", "small-talk" ], [ "How about I take 2 packs of water, 2 packs of food and 1 firewood", "non-strategic" ], [ "Impossible. I will need to cancel the trip altogether.", "vouch-fair" ], [ "How about I take 2 packs of water while retain your initial request for food and firewood?", "promote-coordination" ], [ "I cannot allow any water. As I mentioned we will be camping away from all bodies of water and cannot negotiate on that item. I need 3 water, or else I will need to cancel the trip. We might be able to negotiate on the food though.", "vouch-fair,promote-coordination" ], [ "I need to have at least a pack of water. How about 1 water, 3 firewood and 1 food?", "non-strategic" ], [ "Okay. I fear some of us may die of thirst, but I will give you 1 water. I can't agree to those terms though. I can give you 1 water 1 firewood and 2 food. That is my final offer though.", "vouch-fair" ], [ "I am sorry, these terms are not favorable for me.", "vouch-fair" ] ]
[ { "text": "hello ,how are you", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "hi, i'm doing good! i really need food quite a bit because my kids are with me on this camping trip", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "okk i will give please explain how many pack you need ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "that's so kind of you! could I please have 3? which item do you really need, I can give you 3 of it", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "okk i want 3 pack of firewood , 1 pack of food and 1 pack of water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "could i have 1 firewood, if you'd like 1 pack food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "ok i will give ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "sounds great, i'm glad we negotiated", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "i am also", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "thanks for being so clear", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "accepted deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "we can just get this from the river", "Medium": "more firewood would help us to make fire", "High": "to feed my kids food will be a prioirty" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 25, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "it is required for life", "Medium": "it is important required for health", "High": "it is most required for cooking food" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 35, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4.5, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 4.5, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ [ "hello ,how are you", "small-talk" ], [ "hi, i'm doing good! i really need food quite a bit because my kids are with me on this camping trip", "other-need" ], [ "okk i will give please explain how many pack you need ", "non-strategic" ], [ "that's so kind of you! could I please have 3? which item do you really need, I can give you 3 of it", "elicit-pref" ], [ "okk i want 3 pack of firewood , 1 pack of food and 1 pack of water", "non-strategic" ], [ "could i have 1 firewood, if you'd like 1 pack food?", "promote-coordination" ], [ "ok i will give ", "non-strategic" ], [ "sounds great, i'm glad we negotiated", "small-talk" ], [ "i am also", "small-talk" ], [ "thanks for being so clear", "small-talk" ], [ "accepted deal", "non-strategic" ] ]
[ { "text": "Hello I need a lot of water to survive", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I have a lot of water around me I can use. So I can give you a lot of extra.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Ok nice I will give you 3 food if you give me 3 water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "OK, that works for me. But I would like a lot of firewood. I like to hunt and cook what I kill.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Ok I will give you 2 firewood ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "So I get 3 food and 2 firewood? And you get all of the water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "yes does that sound good to you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes, I am happy with that arrangement. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Alright so let us finalize", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Great, I hope your camping trip goes well!🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "3", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "0", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "You packed a lot of food and you don't need that much anymore but you still need to get food ", "Medium": "You need to make a fire and you have been and you are running low on wood to use now ", "High": "You need water to survive and it is the most important aspect you cannot go long without it " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 27, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "hispanic or latino", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "unclassified", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4.5, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 3.5, "emotional-stability": 3.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "There are freshwater springs in my area.", "Medium": "I may not hunt as successfully as I hope.", "High": "I have raw food that I am going to hunt and cook." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 22, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 40, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1.5, "agreeableness": 3.5, "conscientiousness": 4.5, "emotional-stability": 1.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } } }
[ [ "Hello I need a lot of water to survive", "self-need" ], [ "I have a lot of water around me I can use. So I can give you a lot of extra.", "no-need" ], [ "Ok nice I will give you 3 food if you give me 3 water", "promote-coordination" ], [ "OK, that works for me. But I would like a lot of firewood. I like to hunt and cook what I kill.", "self-need" ], [ "Ok I will give you 2 firewood ", "non-strategic" ], [ "So I get 3 food and 2 firewood? And you get all of the water?", "non-strategic" ], [ "yes does that sound good to you?", "non-strategic" ], [ "Yes, I am happy with that arrangement. ", "non-strategic" ], [ "Alright so let us finalize", "non-strategic" ], [ "Great, I hope your camping trip goes well!🙂", "small-talk" ] ]
[ { "text": "Hello how are you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'm great thank you! How are you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Good thanks. I'm a bodybuilder so I need a lot of food and water if that's ok with you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Oh that's cool! I will be camping with my 4 children so having a little extra would be great for me too.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ok great! Do you need firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I could use a little to cook with, But food is my main concern. Is it hot where you will be? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ya so I could use a lot of water! Would you be willing for me to take one food two water and two firewood? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Since we will have so much food to cook we could probably use the extra firewood too,would you be ok with me taking 2 food and 1 water and 2 firewood?🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "No I'm giving you two of your top items I think it's only fair I get more items. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "ok, that does make sense. I would agree to that. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We don't have any other source to cook food with, so we need lots of firewood to cook our meals.", "Medium": "It is very hot where we are camping and we will get dehydrated easily in the sun, therefor we will need some extra water.", "High": "I have 4 kids camping with me so we will need more food." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 35, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, associate's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6.5, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 3.5, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I brought a flamethrower so no need. ", "Medium": "I try to drink a gallon a day so I need this. ", "High": "I am bulking and trying to gain weight. " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 18, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "high school graduate / ged" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2.5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } } }
[ [ "Hello how are you?", "small-talk" ], [ "I'm great thank you! How are you?", "small-talk" ], [ "Good thanks. I'm a bodybuilder so I need a lot of food and water if that's ok with you?", "self-need" ], [ "Oh that's cool! I will be camping with my 4 children so having a little extra would be great for me too.", "small-talk" ], [ "Ok great! Do you need firewood?", "elicit-pref" ], [ "I could use a little to cook with, But food is my main concern. Is it hot where you will be? ", "self-need,small-talk" ], [ "Ya so I could use a lot of water! Would you be willing for me to take one food two water and two firewood? ", "self-need,promote-coordination" ], [ "Since we will have so much food to cook we could probably use the extra firewood too,would you be ok with me taking 2 food and 1 water and 2 firewood?🙂", "non-strategic" ], [ "No I'm giving you two of your top items I think it's only fair I get more items. ", "vouch-fair" ], [ "ok, that does make sense. I would agree to that. 🙂", "non-strategic" ] ]
[ { "text": "I will need 2 firewood, 2 water and 1 food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "How about you take all the firewood because I have the skills necessary to chop down more. I also will need three packages of food because I will be climbing a very tall mountain.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "well i do need alot of firewood since i need it to start a fire", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Okay, so you can take all the firewood and I take all the food. I will also need at least two waters because I had a limited supply at home.🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "no, i will need 2 water because i need to drink it and there not much water around me", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Please work with me. I will need plenty water to make it to the top of the mountain.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "i am already giving you all 3 food which i also need to eat", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Would you be willing to trade a piece of firewood for an extra water bottle? That will save me some time from chopping down extra wood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "no, best i can offer is i get 3 firewood, 2 water and 1 food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "No thanks.☹️", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "ok, last deal, i get 3 firewood, 1 water and 1 food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That sound fair to me since I will need plenty food and water for my climb.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "i can hunt for food", "Medium": "I can gather water but still need alot", "High": "Need it to start a fire and keep warm" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 22, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 31, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I am able to chop down firewood on the campground.", "Medium": "I only bought a couple a water bottles from home.", "High": "I will be climbing the side of mountain and I need to replenish my energy along the way." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 32, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "hispanic or latino", "education": "high school graduate / ged" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 7, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } } }
[ [ "I will need 2 firewood, 2 water and 1 food", "non-strategic" ], [ "How about you take all the firewood because I have the skills necessary to chop down more. I also will need three packages of food because I will be climbing a very tall mountain.", "no-need,self-need" ], [ "well i do need alot of firewood since i need it to start a fire", "self-need" ], [ "Okay, so you can take all the firewood and I take all the food. I will also need at least two waters because I had a limited supply at home.🙂", "self-need" ], [ "no, i will need 2 water because i need to drink it and there not much water around me", "self-need" ], [ "Please work with me. I will need plenty water to make it to the top of the mountain.", "promote-coordination,self-need" ], [ "i am already giving you all 3 food which i also need to eat", "vouch-fair" ], [ "Would you be willing to trade a piece of firewood for an extra water bottle? That will save me some time from chopping down extra wood.", "promote-coordination" ], [ "no, best i can offer is i get 3 firewood, 2 water and 1 food", "vouch-fair" ], [ "No thanks.☹️", "vouch-fair" ], [ "ok, last deal, i get 3 firewood, 1 water and 1 food", "non-strategic" ], [ "That sound fair to me since I will need plenty food and water for my climb.", "vouch-fair" ] ]
[ { "text": "hi there 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": " Hallo, how are you doing?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "i'm well! how are you doing?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Good, but in shortage of some stuff.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "likewise! what do you need?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I would be ok if you gave me 3 water, 2 food and i will give you all the firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "that doesn't work for me. I, too, am in need of water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "😮OK. Will it be ok then if you gave me 2 water and 2 food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I would do that if you gave me everything else.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That's OK with me ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "To keep warm in the evening.", "Medium": "My team is big and so need more.", "High": "I came with family to the camp." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 32, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I can go without food for a while.", "Medium": "I have low body fat and need to keep warm.", "High": "I get thirsty easily so I need more water." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Undecided" }, "demographics": { "age": 29, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 3.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ [ "hi there 🙂", "non-strategic" ], [ " Hallo, how are you doing?", "small-talk" ], [ "i'm well! how are you doing?", "small-talk" ], [ "Good, but in shortage of some stuff.", "small-talk" ], [ "likewise! what do you need?", "elicit-pref" ], [ "I would be ok if you gave me 3 water, 2 food and i will give you all the firewood.", "promote-coordination" ], [ "that doesn't work for me. I, too, am in need of water", "vouch-fair" ], [ "😮OK. Will it be ok then if you gave me 2 water and 2 food?", "non-strategic" ], [ "I would do that if you gave me everything else.", "promote-coordination" ], [ "That's OK with me ", "non-strategic" ] ]
[ { "text": "hello", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hello how are you, I was wondering if its okay with you, If i can get 3 waters, 2 firewoods, and 1 food? what are your thoughts?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "i cant afford to give you all 3 waters because i would need some for myself", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I completely understand, I have a large family coming along, I really need the extra supplies, as for the food and firewood are you okay with the amount? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "i am an avid water drinker. i can afford to give you 2 water for three firewood though", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I have alot of children, and those little rascals can chug water like there is no tomorrow, will you allow me to get the 3 waters and you can have 2 firewood and and 3 foods, what do you think?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "i need the firewood because i tend to catch a cold easily and also scared of the dark. i can give you 2 water and 2 food for 3 firewood and i food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "will you allow me to get 3 waters and you can have the 3 firewood and 2 foods? 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "yes i can agree to that, thats a good compromise", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "yay, thank you so much! to very I am getting 3 waters, 0 firewood, and 1 food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "i will be getting 3 firewood, 0 water and 2 food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "perfect! submitting deal, thank you so much for understanding", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "i am glad we were able to reach an agreement", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "since we are camping, in a dire need I am sure we will be able to hunt and get food. most of the food taken will be can good so the likelihood of food spoiling is extremely low. ", "Medium": "firewood is important as it will allow to cook, keep the camp warm, and most importantly keep the bugs away. ", "High": "With camping there are many uncertainties where our water supply can become contaminated, by having the extra supplies it allows for certainty that I will safeguard myself and my family " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 31, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "hispanic or latino", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4.5, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "for extra energy and not suffer starvation", "Medium": "so i wont suffer from dehydration", "High": "for heat and to drive away wild animals" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 57, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } } }
[ [ "hello", "non-strategic" ], [ "Hello how are you, I was wondering if its okay with you, If i can get 3 waters, 2 firewoods, and 1 food? what are your thoughts?", "non-strategic" ], [ "i cant afford to give you all 3 waters because i would need some for myself", "vouch-fair" ], [ "I completely understand, I have a large family coming along, I really need the extra supplies, as for the food and firewood are you okay with the amount? ", "small-talk" ], [ "i am an avid water drinker. i can afford to give you 2 water for three firewood though", "self-need,promote-coordination" ], [ "I have alot of children, and those little rascals can chug water like there is no tomorrow, will you allow me to get the 3 waters and you can have 2 firewood and and 3 foods, what do you think?", "other-need" ], [ "i need the firewood because i tend to catch a cold easily and also scared of the dark. i can give you 2 water and 2 food for 3 firewood and i food", "self-need" ], [ "will you allow me to get 3 waters and you can have the 3 firewood and 2 foods? 🙂", "non-strategic" ], [ "yes i can agree to that, thats a good compromise", "promote-coordination" ], [ "yay, thank you so much! to very I am getting 3 waters, 0 firewood, and 1 food?", "non-strategic" ], [ "i will be getting 3 firewood, 0 water and 2 food", "non-strategic" ], [ "perfect! submitting deal, thank you so much for understanding", "small-talk" ], [ "i am glad we were able to reach an agreement", "small-talk" ] ]
[ { "text": "hi there! 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hello.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'm excited for camping! We have these extra items. What do you need most of?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I could use 1 pack of water, food and firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "You need a pack of each?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes, at least 1 of firewood, one of water and one of food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Okay, that would work for me. I'm sure you have good reasons.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Do you have a small group, like I do?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "No, I have a pretty large group, unfortunately, so we need some extra supplies as well.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Well, I can spot you 2 packs of food, 2 packs of water and 2 packs of firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Firewood can help to cook the food if needed.", "Medium": "Water is essential for staying hydrated and having easy access to water.", "High": "Campers need to eat and share with the others." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 12, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 43, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 4.5, "emotional-stability": 3, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I can filter water wherever I find it.", "Medium": "I have low body fat and get cold.", "High": "I have a high metabolism." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 24, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 29, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 3.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ [ "hi there! 🙂", "non-strategic" ], [ "Hello.", "non-strategic" ], [ "I'm excited for camping! We have these extra items. What do you need most of?", "small-talk,elicit-pref" ], [ "I could use 1 pack of water, food and firewood.", "non-strategic" ], [ "You need a pack of each?", "non-strategic" ], [ "Yes, at least 1 of firewood, one of water and one of food.", "non-strategic" ], [ "Okay, that would work for me. I'm sure you have good reasons.", "non-strategic" ], [ "Do you have a small group, like I do?", "small-talk" ], [ "No, I have a pretty large group, unfortunately, so we need some extra supplies as well.", "small-talk" ], [ "Well, I can spot you 2 packs of food, 2 packs of water and 2 packs of firewood.", "non-strategic" ] ]
[ { "text": "HI, I will have all of the packages of food and 2 waters and 2 firewood and you can have the rest. Unless none is needed for you then I will take them all.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "i will need 3 firewood packets. I have a terrible disease that prevents my circulation from working properly.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That does sound bad. I am going camping and my kids might want to stay up late so I will need extra firewood for this to keep light and more warmth. I will take all 3 extra of the food and the water but I need 2 firewood also.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "no that won't work. I will give you 3 food and 1 water. I will take 3 wood and 2 waters.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I did not know you wanted water. Ok, that's great so I will take all 3 extra packages of food.As for the water I would like 2 waters because my dog is coming along with us for our trip and extra water for him will be needed.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "i think i should have 2 waters because i will need to put the fire out to protect the forest.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Well, if we can't settle on an agreement i'm going to walk away. We agreed I will get all 3 extra packages of the food but I still wish for the 2 extra wood and 2 extra waters", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "no we agree that you would get 3 food, i would get 3 waters", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "It's agreed, I will get 3 extra packs of food, you will get 3 waters but the extra wood for my kids is needed how about I get 2 extra firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "i made a mistake i would like 3 wood and 1 water. you can have the food and 2 waters", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That is fine. I will get 3 food, 2 waters and 1 extra wood. Agreed?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "ok", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "3" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "0" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I want to be sure that we will be able to keep our fire going in case we want to stay up late so I need 3 extra firewood", "Medium": "Our dog is coming along with us camping so I want extra water for him to have so I need 3 waters", "High": "I left my kids in charge of packing our food and they forgot to pack extra so I need all 3 packages of the food" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 26, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 30, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "hispanic or latino", "education": "some 2 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "i can find water in the wild", "Medium": "so that i don't starve", "High": "to stay warm in the cold" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 13, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 41, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 7, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } } }
[ [ "HI, I will have all of the packages of food and 2 waters and 2 firewood and you can have the rest. Unless none is needed for you then I will take them all.", "non-strategic" ], [ "i will need 3 firewood packets. I have a terrible disease that prevents my circulation from working properly.", "self-need" ], [ "That does sound bad. I am going camping and my kids might want to stay up late so I will need extra firewood for this to keep light and more warmth. I will take all 3 extra of the food and the water but I need 2 firewood also.", "showing-empathy,other-need" ], [ "no that won't work. I will give you 3 food and 1 water. I will take 3 wood and 2 waters.", "vouch-fair" ], [ "I did not know you wanted water. Ok, that's great so I will take all 3 extra packages of food.As for the water I would like 2 waters because my dog is coming along with us for our trip and extra water for him will be needed.", "other-need" ], [ "i think i should have 2 waters because i will need to put the fire out to protect the forest.", "self-need" ], [ "Well, if we can't settle on an agreement i'm going to walk away. We agreed I will get all 3 extra packages of the food but I still wish for the 2 extra wood and 2 extra waters", "non-strategic" ], [ "no we agree that you would get 3 food, i would get 3 waters", "non-strategic" ], [ "It's agreed, I will get 3 extra packs of food, you will get 3 waters but the extra wood for my kids is needed how about I get 2 extra firewood?", "other-need" ], [ "i made a mistake i would like 3 wood and 1 water. you can have the food and 2 waters", "non-strategic" ], [ "That is fine. I will get 3 food, 2 waters and 1 extra wood. Agreed?", "non-strategic" ], [ "ok", "non-strategic" ] ]
[ { "text": "Hi, how are you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I am doing very well. Have you planned your camping trip?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "A bit and you? I'm looking forward to figuring out a deal that helps us both!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That's great. 🙂 We are planning to prepare food over a fire.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Nice! What are your highest priority items?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "We need a moderate amount of everything and I think we can work something out successfully.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "got it, OK I'll start then. I'd like at least 2 firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Okay. we brought some of our own food so I don't need much of that either.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "do you want more water then? perhaps 2?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes 🙂 ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "ok great. I think I can do that, I'd like to have 2 food then if you're OK with that", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We have brought food with us already", "Medium": "To enjoy a night time fire and make a meal", "High": "We need water to douse the fire and use over the fire." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 31, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, associate's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I can go days without a ton of food and still be OK", "Medium": "Water is essential to me for hydration and staying alive", "High": "Firewood is critical to staying warm and not freezing during the cold nights or when wet!" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 29, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "multi-racial", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2.5, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ [ "Hi, how are you?", "small-talk" ], [ "I am doing very well. Have you planned your camping trip?", "small-talk" ], [ "A bit and you? I'm looking forward to figuring out a deal that helps us both!", "small-talk" ], [ "That's great. 🙂 We are planning to prepare food over a fire.", "self-need,other-need" ], [ "Nice! What are your highest priority items?", "elicit-pref" ], [ "We need a moderate amount of everything and I think we can work something out successfully.", "promote-coordination" ], [ "got it, OK I'll start then. I'd like at least 2 firewood", "non-strategic" ], [ "Okay. we brought some of our own food so I don't need much of that either.", "no-need" ], [ "do you want more water then? perhaps 2?", "elicit-pref" ], [ "Yes 🙂 ", "non-strategic" ], [ "ok great. I think I can do that, I'd like to have 2 food then if you're OK with that", "non-strategic" ] ]
[ { "text": "I would like to ask for 2 additional packages of firewood and 1 package water to compensate for the additional cooking I will be doing for invited guests. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I need 3 additional packages of water .it is needed to boost my energy level", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I understand, how about I receive one package of water to alleviate thirst and help with cooking and you receive 2 packages of water to boost your energy level?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ok fine🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Thank you. Would you support my two additional packages of firewood to help with cooking to feed my unexpected guests?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "ok i will", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "What are your thoughts on the packages of food? I brought excess food, but would like 1 additional package in reserve in case more guests show up. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "no,i need food for my safety purpose", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I understand. Would you be willing to trade one package of food for one of my packages of firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "ok ,that will be a good idea", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I already have a good quantity of food, but additional rations would help if more is eaten or if additional people show up", "Medium": "I will need additional water to compensate for the water lost on the long hikes I will take and in the food preparation", "High": "I would need additional packages due to the extra cooking I will be performing for the camping group" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 12, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 51, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "unclassified", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2.5, "agreeableness": 3, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 2.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "try to maintain diet .", "Medium": "it is already in stock", "High": "because of maintaining diet, need water in huge packages.this is the major reason" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 24, "satisfaction": "Undecided", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 28, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi there. How are you enjoying the camp site?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "hey, we are dong great, we just ran out of water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Wow. Already? You must be working up a sweat. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "It was pretty hot during the day. can I have the water, please🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I need to make sure I will have enough supplies for the rest of my trip. Not sure if I will have enough food. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I will let you have the food if you give me the water. we have enough food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Interesting. How about two foods and one firewood? I will definitely be needing these supplies. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "so I get 3 water, 1 wood and one food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yep. I think that will cover you and will be more than enough for me. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I think it sounds fair. we have a deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "How does that sound buddy?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "have a large group of people so we need to feed them ", "Medium": "if its cold and we need to make fire to keep warm", "High": "It is very hot where we are camping. we need lots of water to remain hydrated" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 22, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 30, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6.5, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Need for warmth and to cook meals. ", "Medium": "Food is needed for calories and energy. ", "High": "Water is necessary in order to stay hydrated. " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 14, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 45, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5.5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hey, Good day! Nice getting to interact with you!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Same here. I hope I would be able to exchange some needed items from you for my family of 7", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes, let's make a deal that benefits both families. I will need extra packages of food as my kids tend to get hungry often.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I have 4 teen juniors behind me typically sprouting everyday. Thus, an equal need for food and water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I get it, but I guess we will have to compromise on either of it 2-1 and 1-2..and we can share firewood accordingly.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Sounds good. I would like the option of 2 packs of food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "ok, In that case I'' take additional firewood and water as I", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "sounds fair", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Sorry entered without completing the sentence. I'll need 2 packages of firewood and water each.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "sounds fair", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "To keep warm during the cooler nights", "Medium": "To keep hydrated during the trip", "High": "We are a huge numbered family with growing teens" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 33, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I can manage with the available quantity of water.", "Medium": "I need extra firewood to cook some of the food items.", "High": "I'll need extra food as my kids tend to get hungry." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 40, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi. I am fostering some children and need all the food I can get", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "You can have the food if I can have the firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "ok that sounds good. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I also need at least 2 water, it gets to 110 degrees fahrenheit ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I also need 2 waters, as my children are parched and our water supply has been contaminated", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "If you only have children, I think you can make it off the basic water supplies", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "but the water is contaminated. They will get sick if they drink it!!!☹️☹️☹️", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Just boil the water that will get rid of the contamination", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "would you drink water contaminated with sewage? 😡", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I am just going to walk away then", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "2", "Food": "3" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "1", "Food": "0" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Reject-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "reject_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "2", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "1", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "It has been a cold season", "Medium": "My water supply has been contaminated", "High": "I am fostering children and need additional food" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 40, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "It gets very hot during the day and we do a lot of hiking", "Medium": "We have a lot of people camping in are group", "High": "It gets very cold at night" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 31, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "high school graduate / ged" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1.5, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hey friend. More people have come than I expected so I am running low on food. Can I take all the food please? I can exchange it with one of the rest.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I would like 3 food and 2 firewood you can have 2 firewood and 3 water 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I need a lot of food too", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'm also low and food and I have low blood sugar. What if I take 2 food 1 firewood and 1 water. You can have 1 food 2 firewood and two water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Your condition can be understood. I couldn't want you to go fainting in the woods.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Do you think thats a fair deal or would you like to continue negotiations?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I could have wanted to continue negotiating but I think that isthe best I can get. deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That's wonderful thank you for understanding my condition I really appriciate it.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Thanks too", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "It was wonderful working with you.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I am worrried about dehydration.", "Medium": "I need to keep th fire going all night so I don't freeze.", "High": "I have low blood sugar, I need it for my health." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 27, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "high school graduate / ged" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5.5, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 4.5, "emotional-stability": 3.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "To wash and clean after cooking.", "Medium": "To help cook the food that I have", "High": "Ineed more food as more people came for camping than I expected." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 30, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello there. How are you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'm doing well. How are you? 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Good to hear! I am well too 🙂. I will just start out by saying I am placing the highest priority on Firewood. It is cold where I am camping and feel like I am going to need the heat. What about you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I really need firewood as well. I recently injured my shoulder and won't be able to cut any down. The only way I could possible get by with less firewood is if I get 1 firewood, 3 waters, and 1 food. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That sounds rough! Sorry to hear about your shoulder ☹️. I can agree to that. Or we could go the other way and you I could take 1 firewood, 3 waters, and 1 food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Thanks, I'm still hoping to make the best of the trip. I'm good with sticking to the original plan! ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ok that sounds good. We are some pretty quick negotiators! What would you say is your lowest priority item then?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Food. I bought lots of extra just in case.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Same for me. I'm not much of an eater anyway and I figured I could catch some fish or something if I needed to.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes, exactly. I always figure I can get by with a little less food. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I'm planning on catching fish in the river. ", "Medium": "I'm very worried about my parents getting dehydrated. ", "High": "I injured my shoulder and won't be able to cut any of my own. " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 26, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I do not eat a great deal of food and will be fine with the basic minimum.", "Medium": "I will be very active during my camping trip and will need to stay hydrated.", "High": "I may catch a lot of fish and need the firewood to cook everything." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 16, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 43, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "hi", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hello there, How are you? 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'm good thanks", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Good to hear, Well i might as well say it now. I have a medical conditon leading me to need a lot of water to stay hydrated. I would ask for all of the water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I also need a high amount of water, I can offer you some firewood in exchange", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I can give you one of the extra waters", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "what about firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Well you can have 2 firewood if i can have 2 food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I am good with that", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "So to recap i get 2 water 1 firewood 2 food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "yes that is correct", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "great", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "you an enter it in the bos", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "can find berries and other items for food", "Medium": "can find around the campsite", "High": "I need it to live" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 16, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 36, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "In case it gets spoiled", "Medium": "We have a large family and its hard to stay warm", "High": "I have a medical condition where i need more water" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 33, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "hispanic or latino", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 7, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi, we are going to be camping neighbors it seems like. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hi! It does seem that way. Do you have any kids?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes actually, 2 of them. A boy and girl.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Nice, Maybe ours can play together some. I know mine seem to fight less when they have other people to play with", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I think having extra kids around always helps keep them out of trouble.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "It looks like we have some extra packages that need to be divvied up. Is there anything you prefer? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I was just going to ask you the same question. I would prefer more firewood considering there isn't much to source at the camp site and all our sleeping bags are for lighter weather. I'd like to keep the kids warm. Other than that water would be nice too. They always dump it out thinking they are watering plants.. :(☹️", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "We brought plenty of water and a filtration system because I am anal about hydration. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That's always a good thing. I had one but the kids left it in the sand... 😡 What packages do you feel you need most?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "My kids eat all the time so I can take the food and you can take the water and that will leave the firewood. I wish they had 4 packages so we could divide it evenly. We cook mostly on the fire and always sit around the fire at night. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That would be nice, it would make things abit more fair. I really need a little fire wood for keeping the kids more warm though. I can bring a propane stove so I think 1 extra bundle would work for us. I wouldn't mind giving up 2 food for you and the kids, I can manage with what I have on hand and I can take 2 waters. Does that seem fair?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Sounds good. I will take 2 food, 2 firewood and 1 water leaving you with the rest. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I think that's fair and works for me. I don't mind a little challenge stretching things with the kids.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I brought plenty of water with me and have a filtration system if I need it. ", "Medium": "Firewood is needed to cook and help keep the bugs away, It's also nice to sit around and drink at night. ", "High": "I have my child with me and he eats a lot. " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 39, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2.5, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 4.5, "emotional-stability": 5, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "The children regularly dump out thier water we give them thinking they are watering the plants, it's always been an issue and I'm trying to break it but still, it never hurts to have extra water on hand.", "Medium": "I am bringing my children on this trip, therefore I feel as I may need more than my partner.", "High": "The camping area doesn't have much wood to source and I have a very light sleeping bag." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 15, "satisfaction": "Undecided", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 31, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "alaska native or native american", "education": "some 2 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 3.5, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello. I am so looking forward to this campout. I am so excited my friends Dan and Joe just called. They are bringing tons of hotdogs to cook out over the fire.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yum! Hot dogs are the best while camping! Since you have food covered, can I have your extra food? I don't have any and need some!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yea you sure can maybe you can help me out with firewood. I was not expecting them so I didn't bring any firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "No problem! I am happy to give you all of the firewood if I can have all of the food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Awesome. That works out great!🙂 🙂 I am so excited for this camp out. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Me too!!! Since I am giving up all of the firewood which I was in most need of, can I have 2 of the water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I can give you 2 waters not a problem.🙂🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Great! Now I am even more excited to camp since I have all my much needed supplies!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Me too. We are going to have the best time. You can even come over tonight if you want and roast marshmallows with us.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Sounds great! Thanks! 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "1", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "2", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I expect rain, so we can source it naturally.", "Medium": "I expect rain so firewood will be wet.", "High": "I have a huge appetite." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 39, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 7, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 3, "openness-to-experiences": 1 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "They are bring hotdogs and Marshmallows.", "Medium": "They are not brining any water and I wasn't thinking on them coming by.", "High": "My friends Dan and Joe just called and are coming to camp tonight. they want to have a big fire and roast Hot dogs and marshmallows." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 35, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 7, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi I really need the additional wood and food for health reasons. I have a long term issue with maintaining body temperature and have to keep my blood sugar levels up.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That sounds rough. I'd be willing to work with you on a deal and making sure your blood sugar and body temperature don't get to dangerous levels.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "🙂 I appreciate that. How about I get one less food and an additional water. I really don't like the cold.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I don't mind the cold too much. I'd really be appreciative if I could get extra water. I have a hard time in the mountains if I'm not hydrated fully. I'm from the flat plains and the elevation makes me sick if I'm not careful.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I can handle less water but I really need the food and wood. I am willing to give you two waters but I don't think it would be a good idea to go without water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I wouldn't feel right sending you out without any water even though I would love all 3. l can make do with 1 food and make sure you have enough to take care of your blood sugar. Could you spare 1 wood possibly? I'm rarely cold but if I run out of water I'll try boiling some to get by and building a fire without good wood won't be easy if I'm already getting dehydrated while camping. I hope you understand.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Would it work if I had two wood, two food, and one water? I don't drink a lot.🙂🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I think I can make that work for me. Since this is important and we both have health worries make sure and think about it before we make an agreement. Your priorities were food then wood, right? I'd hate for us to make a hasty decision and regret it once were actually out there camping.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I completely understand. It's not fun being out there in the wilderness and coming up short. Our health is also of the utmost importance. Nobody will have fun if we get sick.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "You needed wood and food most. I need water the most and the other two just to make sure I stay healthy. After double checking I think that that agreement works out perfectly. That would mean two waters, one food, and one wood for me then. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Thank you so much for understanding my health challenges. I will submit the deal.🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "No worries. I appreciate you working with me on my needs as well.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Additional water would be needed to be able to take medications and keep hydrated in the heat.", "Medium": "I would need additional food to keep my blood sugar up.", "High": "I would need more fire as I am not a fan of being cold at all." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 56, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 2 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 2.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I don't get cold very easily and could scavenge sticks and wood easily to make a fire if needed much easier than the other two.", "Medium": "I need the energy to get along on the trip. It's difficult to hike without a high amount of protein and energy.", "High": "I get dehydrated easily and have trouble hiking when I'm not fully hydrated. I'm from the plains as well so mountain areas affect my body and make hydration extra important for me. I would be unlikely to make it very far without a good amount of water available in the mountains." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 25, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, associate's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4.5, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 3, "emotional-stability": 2, "openness-to-experiences": 6.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi, I'd like to take all of the firewood and food. you can have water 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hi! I’d like one of those firewood’s and 2 of the food. You are free to take water ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I feel too cold and hungry. I'd like to take all of the firewood and 2 of the food. you can have 1 food and water. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I’m going to need at least one firewood. I’m in a bikini so I’m freezing and I really wanna make some pancakes!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "ok.. then I'd like to take 2 of the firewood , 2 foods and 2 packages of water. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "How about I take I firewood, 2 water. I don’t need the food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I like that.You have a deal. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Cool. How are you enjoying camping?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes. What about you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Loving it! I always see a TURK-ey 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I feel thirsty. Can you give me one more water package 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I have the ability to hunt.", "Medium": "I am a mile walk from the nearest water source", "High": "Because I am I’ll and need to keep my temperature up" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 16, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 54, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, associate's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I feel thirsty. I want water. ", "Medium": "I feel hungry. so I want food. ", "High": "I feel cold. I want to make a camp fire. " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 29, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hey! Nice getting to interact with you and let's have a nice and enjoyable camping trip!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hi nice to meet you. We should have an enjoyable camping trip.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I would need additional packages of water as I get dehydrated quickly. Let me know your requirements.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I need additional Firewood because I am so cold at night. I also get dehydrated and get leg cramps in the middle of the night if I don't drink enough water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Ok, get it as you are need of additional firewood, we can possibly have a fair deal of water and firewood then, 2-1 of former and 1-2 of latter.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Are you saying I could get 2 additional firewood and 1 additional water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "What about the food? How should we share it? Can I have 2 and you have 1?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "hmm, that needs a bit of thought", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I have my grandkids with and they are always hungry.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I have to give in for that, you can have 2 of it.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I can manage with the current quantity of firewood for now.", "Medium": "I might need in case I run out of it and for emergency purpose.", "High": "Water is a basic need, additional packages of it will be very helpful." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 40, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I am trying to loose weight so I do not need additional food.", "Medium": "I am always so thirty and I get cramps in my legs in the middle of the night if I don't drink enough water.", "High": "We stay up very late and I am usually so cold I would like to get all three of the Firewood." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 59, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "high school graduate / ged" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4.5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi there, how are you doing today?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Great! How about YOu?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'm doing well! I'm excited about this camping trip, and hope we can figure out a great way to split the extra supplies.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Okay, my main concern is mosquitoes, so the longer the fire burns the better", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That's totally true, mosquitoes are the worst. ☹️ I'm worried that all of the firewood around the camp is wet from recent rain though, I'd like to keep at least one package of it.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Also, I would like at least one additional water so i don't overheat in the weather.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Cool, that makes sense. I'm pregnant, so eating for two right now! It's exciting but makes me extra hungry. I'd like to prioritize getting food packages to keep us full and comfortable while camping.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "No problem. How about you take all food items, one firewood, and I'll take all the water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That sounds really close to even, but as it turns out, my husband only packed soda and beer in our cooler. If I could keep one water, then I'd have something to drink while camping. Does that sound okay?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes, I will take that offer.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Fantastic, so it looks like we've decided you get 2 firewood, I get 1. I'll take all 3 food, and you get 2 water, I'll take one. Sounds good?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Agreed. Congrats on the baby, by the way!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Thanks so much! Great working out our camping supplies together! Have a great summer! 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "My husband only packed soda in our cooler. Too much sugar will definitely dehydrate me, so it would be great to have some extra water.", "Medium": "I'm pregnant and am eating for two! A little bit of extra food would help me and the baby to be more comfortable and satisfied to have a bit more food.", "High": "It's been rainy in the camp area, and all possible firewood around the camp is too wet to use. " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 36, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 5, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I plan to do alot of hiking and need all the energy that i can get.", "Medium": "I prefer to have more firewood to keep the fire going all night whilst i sleep and keep predators away.", "High": "I have anxiety attacks when my body gets overheated,so additional decreases the risk of overheat whilst outdoors." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 35, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "high school graduate / ged" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi! So the forecast is showing much hotter temperatures than I expected, so I'll need some extra water. I'm hoping you could give me at least 2? 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I was actually hoping to ask for all of the water in exchange for all of the firewood and all of the food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "So are you saying that I would get 3 firewood and 3 food, but no water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Th", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'm sorry, what?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Sorry about that! I meant to say, that was my plan. I have a history of kidney stones and I need to drink more water than the average person, especially if I'm sweating a lot. ☹️", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "No problem! I think that should be okay, but are you sure you don't need anything else?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I should be OK if I have at least 2 bottles of water. I'm a small guy with a thrifty metabolism, so I don't anticipate needing extra food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Okay! Thanks for being so easy 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Thank you too! So, are we agreed that I will take two bottles of water and give you one, and give you all 3 food packs and all 3 firewood stacks?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "1", "Food": "3" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "2", "Food": "0" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I already packed plenty of food.", "Medium": "I have a lot of food that needs to be cooked.", "High": "It's hotter out than I thought, so I need extra water." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 26, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 34, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Most people pack more food than they need because they're afraid of feeling hungry. However, lack of food takes a LONG time to kill.", "Medium": "It might get colder than I expect, but my sleeping bag and tent are pretty warm.", "High": "People need more water than they think they do, especially during physical activity. You'll die of thirst a lot faster than you'll die of hunger." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 10, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 52, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1.5, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 4.5, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } } }
[ { "text": "hi", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hi , I was wondering about splitting the resources.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "good,I like to moment in the happy", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "How about I get all the water and you take the firewood and we split the food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "A good solution in the better thinking for the food and water to collect.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "what do you need most?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "What else?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "food and firewood is very important.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "If you are wasting my time , we can just leave now. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ok, I want fill conforming to the submit.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I packed enough layers and don't get cold easy. ", "Medium": "I eat throughout the day and burn many calories", "High": "I am very active and need to stay hydrated" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Undecided", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 49, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "A better thinking in the not panic in the collected for good mind.", "Medium": "The additional food packages to good for thinking.", "High": "The most collected is good for not bad." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 15, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 30, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "unclassified", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4.5, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 3.5, "emotional-stability": 3.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi! How are you? I'm very pumped for this camping trip! 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "hey, I'm good too, i hope we have fun on this trip. how are you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'm good, a little nervous. I'm planning to surprise my husband with a little Anniversary party while on this trip.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "oh, that's so cute. I'm afraid we did not get enough food, or water for that matter.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I can spare water, but we are very short on food as well. I invited both sets of our parents to the party.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "i hope we can figure something out, we have enough firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "If you want all of the water, I could take all of the wood, if that works for you. Then we can figure out the food situation. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "yes, I think that will work, i would like to have 2 food if possible. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I was also hoping for two of the foods. My husband's mom is very critical of me, and I can just imagine what she will say if we are short on food ☹️", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "can you spare 1 firewood for 2 food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "nights are cold we need to warm up", "Medium": "our bottle broke, we need more water.", "High": "we did not take enough food with us. we are hungry." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 37, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 2, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We brought a lot with us.", "Medium": "I want to make some smores.", "High": "I am having an anniversary party." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 39, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 2.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello how are you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I am doing fantastic. How are you doing today?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I am worried because I need to get extra water for my trip so how about I get 2 Waters 1 food and 2 firewoods?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I can definitely sympathize with your plight. Why is it that you are in need of extra water, if I may ask? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I will need as much water as I can get because I will be hiking a lot.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I hear that. I'm in need of extra water myself, as I happen to suffer from Hyperosmolality, and I am also diabetic. So I was thinking maybe we cold split the packages up like 2 waters & 2 foods for me, and you can have all 3 firewoods and 1 food and 1 water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That sounds like a good deal for you but I lost my arms in a hiking accident so I will need all the water and food firewood, you probably don't need it that much.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I don't think I would call that a good deal for myself. Hyperosmolality causes me to have excessive thirst and my doctors are concerned with the possibility of renal failure. And being diabetic puts me at extra risk, and it requires me to consume snacks throughout the day so I don't slip into a coma. I do not, however, have an arm that was amputated. How does that affect your water intake needs?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I understand that you could use the extra supplies but they kidnapped my wife and they will trade her for 3 water, 3 food and 3 firewood so I need tto hurry and save my wife.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "😮Oh how awful for you! How would you carry all of that in addition to the supplies you ALREADY have with only 1 arm? I can make sure you have al of the firewood you need, as I would love to have a campfire but am also allergic to most trees (wood), as well as smoke", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "How about I get 1 water and all the wood and 1 firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I would be agreeable to that. I surely hope that your wife is safe and sound when you get to her.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I will need to stay warm.", "Medium": "I will need to keep my strength up.", "High": "I will need more water because I am a bigger person." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Undecided" }, "demographics": { "age": 44, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "high school graduate / ged" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 2.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I am allergic to smoke and have asthma", "Medium": "As a diabetic, I require snacks at random and set times throughout the day to avoid diabetic coma.", "High": "I suffer from HYPEROSMOLALITY, which is an excess of osmoles (electrolytes) in the cellular and extracellular fluid (ECF) compartments" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 28, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4.5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello, wha is it that you need the most on your camping trip. I would like to get more firewood if possible", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I think that's okay with me since I live by the forest and can get some. You can have all the firewood if I can get all the food. Im bringing my teenage boys and they get SOOO hungry. Hope you can understand that!🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "i would like at least 1 food package i could give you 1 of the firewood so i would even it self out. We are bring more people than we planned an i would like to make sure everyone has enough food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes I can understand that. I will take 2 food and you can have the other yes.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "okay thank you for understanding. I know hoe teenage boys can eat so i don't mean giving you more for your trip.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "What do you want to do about the water? I'm thinking I'll take 2 and I'll give you the other package of water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "just wondering why do you need more water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Well with everything going on with COVID, the stores that I went to didn't have a lot of water left. So, with my three boys and I, we're running pretty low and the trip would go much smoother with more water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "okay since we are going to be by water and will have plenty i can give you the 2 waters. so can you tell me our deal so i can make sure we all the same page and have a deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes. I have 2 food, 2 water, and 1 firewood. You have 2 firewood, 1 food, and 1 water. Thank you!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We need a liitle more so no gets to hot in the heat", "Medium": "We have more people than we planned ", "High": "We are going to be where it gets super cold " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 34, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 2 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I live by a forest so I'm able to bring a lot of extra firewood. ", "Medium": "I need some water because with COVID, it was out of stock.", "High": "I'm bringing my triplet teenage boys on the trip and they need lots of food. " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 19, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello, how are you? I was wondering if I can get all 3 Firewood? I am taking over 20 members with me, lots of bonfires happening, plus its the summer, bugs will be ready to attack lol, If thats okay with you? what do you think?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I am good, thanks for asking🙂 I also need firewood, as we will be tent camping and have cool evenings in the desert. My greatest need is water, however. I could part with two firewood packages if you can give me all the water and 2 food packages.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Sounds like a fun trip! would you compromise? we are staying by a river, We can purify our water, would you be okay If I get all 3 Firewoods and you'll get all 3 waters? Will that be okay with you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I could do that if you can give me all the food. Without the extra firewood, we will have to use all we have now for warmth in the evening, and will not have enough to cook with. Thus, we would need to bring more prepared food and food that does not need to be cooked. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I completely understand your concerns. I do believe its an unfair trade, i will only have 3 firewoods and 0 foods, and 0 waters. I have a large group, I need to have at least one food. What do you think, I do appreciate you working with me. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I see what you mean . . . I can settle for 2 foods packages instead of 3.🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Thank you! taking alot of kiddos with me, they are little rascals, they eat everything onsite. On my end I will be getting 3 firewoods, 1 food, and 0 waters. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "You are welcome . . . It sounds like we are ready to finalize?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes, we are, I do believe we need to have 10 conversations before we can submit? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That is correct. Just to confirm, we have agreed that you will take three firewood and and 1 food--I will take three water and 2 food.🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes, submitting deal on my end! Hope we get to work in the future again, have a wonderful day. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "3", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "0", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Since we are camping, I am sure there will water supplies that we can purified to have. water is not as important. ", "Medium": "Food is a necessity in case something happens to the food we have. plus we dont know the amount of consumption will happen once we are camping.", "High": "Firewood is a necessity, specially if the firewood I have becomes compromised, either by wild life, or " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 31, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "hispanic or latino", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4.5, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "have a good stock of food, medium size group", "Medium": "cool evenings, tent camping, not in camper, need to cook food", "High": "desert conditions, hot, primitive camping, not much potable water around" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 42, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi, I am looking to get some extra supplies for my camping trip. Would you consider giving me the xtra packs of food for my trip?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hi, I don't mind but I'm like a water buffalo when it comes to downing water. I think we can arrange something. Nice to meet you by the way.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Nice to meet you too. I am happy to hear that you are willing to giv eme extra food for my trip. I really dislike camping and I hope the extra food will give me some comfort on this miserable trip.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Speaking of miserable, my last camping trip was miserable because we decided to go camping in February. It was 40 degrees out! 😮. Can I get two of the firewood as well? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I hope it is not that cold this trip. I would be happy to give you 2 wood and I will take 1. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ok, so are you ok with me getting 3 waters, and 2 firewood. You can take the rest. you get 3 food and 1 firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I would be ok with that. I am just happy to havee extra food to keep me happy this trip. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "🙂I like food too but I love water. I always bring a huge container with me everywhere I go.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That is good for me. I will take all the food and 1 firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Awesome - camping is really fun. You should give it an open mind when you all go. I didn't enjoy initially, but it has grown on me other than the 40 degree trip.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "0", "Food": "3" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "3", "Food": "0" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "i can get water at the creek. ", "Medium": "I need extra fiewood to cook all my comfort food.", "High": "I dont like camping and food brings me comfort. I need more food." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 36, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1.5, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I eat nearly every two hours so I'll run out of food quicker than your average bear.", "Medium": "I'm from the South and can't enjoy camping freezing my Southern body off.", "High": "My spouse calls me a water buffalo as I drink water like it's going out of style." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 23, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 38, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1.5, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 1.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Can't wait to go on this trip. Taking the whole family and my hyper active kids will probably need more water and food than what's provided. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I see that you prefer the water and food. We are heading out to Joshua Tree for some hiking. We really need the extra water, and, there is no firewood to collect out there, so extra firewood would be very helpful for the cold, windy nights.🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Water is my main concern. Keeping the little ones hydrated is a full time job. I'm kind of concerned with how cold it might get at night. Some extra firewood might be helpful.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "We have a good size group; we are expecting 12-15, and some of those are teenagers, so the water, food, and firewood will all be helpful for us too. I would like to take the waters and firewood. Perhaps there are places for you to pick up some extra water, perhaps natural water sources? Out in the desert, we have no natural water sources to filter water or anything like that.🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'm going to need 2 waters and at least 1 firewood. Some food also.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "😮 I see. I actually need at least two of the waters also. I can leave you two food, one firewood, and one water. I have a larger group than you, and I think my need is greater given that we are in desert conditions. Given the need, I submit that this is a fair offer.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Group size isn't a concern since the basic supplies were enough for your trip. If you want 2 waters, I'm going to have to get 2 firewoods and 2 foods along with a water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "☹️ Group size is an issue. The 'enough' is only an estimate. A package of extra water will go much less further with 4 people than with 15. Your offer will not work for me. I ask you to reconsider my last offer. I am ready to finalize, but if we cannot come to agree, then we will both suffer. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "It's a give and take. We both want water the most. I gave in on that and agreed you could have 2. Now you'll have to compromise a bit and let me have 2 firewoods and 2 foods. It's only fair we both give in some. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "You might consider that fairness is not just about distribution, but about need. You haven't really convinced me that your need is as great as mine so that you should get the the greater of extra supplies. My final offer is twofold: to take 2 water and 2 firewood and one food, or, two firewood and three water. If neither of those will work for you, or unless you have a better offer, then I will have to walk away.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Walk-Away", "task_data": { "data": "walk_away", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "a medium sized group, extra food would help to make sure, lots of exercise need fuel", "Medium": "nights cold in desert, lack of firewood to collect", "High": "desert conditions, hiking with few if any natural sources, " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 5, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 42, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "My energetic kids burn a lot of energy and could use some extra food.", "Medium": "Keeping my family warm and comfortable is very important to me.", "High": "My kids are very active and get thirsty fast." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 5, "satisfaction": "Extremely dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 57, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "high school graduate / ged" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi! I hope we can work together on an offer that is fair to both of us.🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hello. Are you ready to go camping?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Of course I do, I love camping. Could you tell me which item is the one you need the most?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "food the most", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I need food the most too since I'm a little tired of carrying so much water. What do you need the least?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "probably firewood. I can give you 1 food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I understand, what I least need is water since I brought enough. What do you think about this offer:You have 2 food, 1 wood and 1 water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I think that works out well. It seems fair enough.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Perfect, I'm glad we can come to an agreement. Thank you.🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Me too. You can enter it into the right side.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Can easily find in lakes and streams.", "Medium": "Need something to cook food on.", "High": "I need calories to burn to live" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 36, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I don't need a lot of water because I brought enough", "Medium": "I need more food since I'm a little tired of carrying so much water", "High": "I need more food because I'm a little tired of carrying so much water" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 25, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "hispanic or latino", "education": "some 2 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5.5, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 3.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello there", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hello 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "So I am going camping and I am assuming you are as well. What would be your main focus?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "My main need is water first and food second. What about you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Well I plan on going on a long hike, so water is of the utmost importance. 2nd for me would be firewood to keep the bears away while I rest.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Water is my first priority too. How about this. I'll give you 2 waters and you give me one. I'll give you two 2 firewood if you give me 3 food packages. How does that sound?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I was thinking I would sacrifice water, so you get all 3. I would then get all firewood and 2 food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I am willing to accept that.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Alright then, we both get what needs to be done, done.🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes absolutely. It was a pleasure negotiating with you. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I was able to collect some bundles of kindling from a local park. It will last some time but not throughout the entire weekend.", "Medium": "Due to low blood sugar and an inability to buy additional food for the camping trip as a result of being furloughed, I am going to need more food so as to not suffer from a seizure.", "High": "I have to take medication that causes severe dry mouth. I have some water but not enough to last me during the weekend." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Undecided" }, "demographics": { "age": 29, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Food will provide energy to finish my long hike but I can afford to ration.", "Medium": "When I settle down to rest, I would rather not be attacked by bears and other wild animals.", "High": "If I plan to go on my usual hike, I will need lots of water in this heat." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 38, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1.5, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Will you give me 2 packages of water for 1 package of firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I can give two packages of food in exchange for your firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "What about you take all the firewood and i take all the water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I can do that.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That was cool. And will you give me 2 packages of food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That sounds like a fair deal. I can do that.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Seems like we have a deal.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Okay. Just so we're clear, I take 3 firewood and 1 food. You take 3 water and 2 food. Correct?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yea, this is a fair deal.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Very good. Let's submit the deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "3", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "0", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "To keep me warm at night", "Medium": "I have two more people coming with me", "High": "I need more water to drink and to clean." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 23, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 32, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I need water and warmth more.", "Medium": "One needs to stay hydrated.", "High": "I need it to stay cold because I'm more exposed to the cold elements than most." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 20, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, associate's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5.5, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } } }
[ { "text": "hello I need to bring 3 packages with me of firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Oh no! I need fire wood too! If I give you all of the firewood, can I have all of the water and 2 of the food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "What do you need all the water for?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I get really thirsty from singing around the camp fire 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I see", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "So I assume it is okay if I take all of the water and 2 of the food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "You can take all of the water, but I really need all of the food because I am bringing my whole extended family.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That leaves me without firewood or food though...How about you can have 2 of the food and I will have 1?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That sounds good, you can also have 1 firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Okay! We have a deal! Nice meeting you! 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I need more because I am bringing my whole family.", "Medium": "I need more because I have a disability wherein I need to constantly drink water.", "High": "I need more because I have a cold sensitivity and will need to burn a bunch of wood." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 16, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 29, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 3.5, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 5, "openness-to-experiences": 3.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I am on a diet and won't be eating.", "Medium": "I will get thristy after all of that singing.", "High": "I want to sit by the fire and sing songs." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 47, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi! I hope we can come to an arrangement that works well for both of us! Here is my proposal. I'm excited about this camping trip. How about you?🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I can't wait to go camping! Being indoors for a few months has been tough! What is your proposal?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'm going to need a lot of firewood, because I'm doing all of my cooking on the fire and brought supplies especially to make s'mores, so I'm asking for 3 firewood bundles. Also, I need extra food, because I had to work overtime and didn't get to shop, so 2 of the food would be great. I'm pretty OK on water; you could have 2 of those.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I need as much water as I can get, so I will gladly give you all of the food if you will give me the water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'm willing to do that, if I can have all the firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Can I have at least one of the firewood? I am worried about getting cold! ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Sure, I can do that! We don't want you freezing out there! 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Great! I appreciate it! Smore's sounds like a great idea! Have an extra one for me!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I wish I could send you one, LOL!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I haven't had smores in probably 30 years. I might need to go pick up some supplies to have at home!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "0", "Food": "3" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "3", "Food": "0" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I will eat plenty before the trip, so won't need to eat.", "Medium": "It may get cold when the sun goes down.", "High": "I am sure to get very thristy and don't want to run out of water." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 47, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Because of my allergies, I'm taking a medication that requires extra hydration.", "Medium": "I had to work overtime and didn't have time to shop for food at the last minute.", "High": "I'm going to be doing all of my cooking over the fire and I brought ingredients especially to make s'mores." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 22, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 66, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6.5, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 4.5, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hi! I would like to propose that I receive 3 waters, 1 firewood, and 2 foods. What do you think?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hmm...that's a pretty big ask. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ok, what are some of your priorities? I would really prefer 3 water because I am afraid of germs and want the extra water for cleaning and washing.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'm thinking I really need food because I am pregnant, so I would like : 3 food and 2 fire wood ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Wow, you are brave to go camping when you are pregnant!! What are your thoughts on water? Would you take 1 firewood and 2 foods?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "🙂 I know! Kind of scary but should be fun. I am willing to take 2 food, 1 water and 1 firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ok, that sounds pretty fair to me. Thank you for the 2 water, it really puts my mind at ease 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I totally understand. Water is a necessary item for camping. I think I can get by with what I have plus the one extra !", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ok, and you will need the extra food for you and the baby, you will be using up a lot of energy hiking and camping.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "so it's safe to say we've agreed...", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "yes I think so🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I have more than enough wood to last my entire camping trip.", "Medium": "Water is important because it is hot out and i want to be hydrated.", "High": "I will need extra food because I get hungry easily." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 40, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4.5, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "It would reassure me to have extra food in case I get lost or some of the food is spoiled.", "Medium": "I would want more firewood to keep the mosquitos away.", "High": "I am afraid of being dehydrated. Also, i would want extra water to clean and cook." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 39, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 3, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 3, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hey there. How are you today? ) Looks like we have some extra necessities to distribute for our camping trips.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'm good, I hope you're well too. Yes I see that as well. Is there anything you need as a priority?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'm good, thanks. Well, there's a few of us so food would be great for us. We're going hiking and will probably go through what we have fast. Water is also good, for that reason. What about you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "My group is planning on doing quite a bit of hiking while we're camping and will need extra water and some extra food given the physical exertion we're planning. We don't need much firewood as we have brought some extra from home. If we can have 2 of the 3 waters we'd be happy to take only 1 of the food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That sounds good to me. Do you want some of the firewood at all?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Perhaps we could use just 1 wood. That would be 2 water, 1 food and 1 wood for us and the rest for you? How would that do for your group?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That sounds like a plan. That would be great.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Do you camp often?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I was just about to ask you that! Yeah, not as much as I use to, but it's fun when I can make it out. How about you? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Same for me. I went camping more often as a child and wish I could go more now.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Water is plentiful out in the wild, but it would be nice to have it so we would not have to boil and prepare any extra water we may need.", "Medium": "We plan to keep the fire going non-stop and need it to cook the food.", "High": "There are 3 of us and we are planning on going on a hike, more food would be good for us." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 32, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4.5, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 6.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I don't need much firewood because I had some at my house that I am bringing along with me.", "Medium": "Along with water for the hiking is a need to eat extra calories.", "High": "I plan to hike a lot during this camping trip and therefore will need more hydration." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 34, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi, I am going on a camping trip this weekend with my family and I was wondering if you could spare 3 waters and 3 food items? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I am okay giving up the food items, but I need water for my family to hike and camp with. I would also like the 3 firewood since we will be using it for fires to cook our food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I hear you, but I heard it is going to be really hot were we are going and I can't afford to give up any water. I have small kids and really need some extra water to use. Also, we like to have a fire at night so I can't give you all my wood. What do you like to do on your camping trips", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I also have small kids with me who go through water like crazy. We love to venture out and go on hikes. We also enjoy spending time by the campfire at night to cook our dinner and make smores. That is where we really have the best family time. I will need the firewood for that. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Well I will give you 2 firewoods and 2 waters for 3 foods and 1 firewood. Sounds like we both have similar interests when we go camping.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That sounds perfect. It sounds like you have a lot of little mouths to feed. What do you do camping>", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "We also like to hike and have a fire each night. How long are you camping for?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "We will be camping for a long weekend, so 4 nights. How about you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "we are going for a week so the more food we can get the better.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Sounds good. Enjoy your trip!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "thanks you to! thanks for the food and one piece of fire wood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "3", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "0", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Reject-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "reject_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "3" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "0" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I have 4 kids and they want to eat snacks all the time. It would be nice to have extra food for them.", "Medium": "The food that I brought will require a campfire. We are bringing foil packet dinners, hotdogs and smores and these all require a nice big campfire to make them.", "High": "I have a big family, 4 kids, and 2 adults, and we use a lot of water. We want to take a long hike on our trip and there will be no option of getting other water." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 34, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I would like to get some additional firewood for my camping trip because I would like to sit by the fire each night with my family and enjoy some quiet time. We love telling ghost stories and eating smores by the fire.", "Medium": "I am bringing my kids on the camping trip with me and I need to get some more food for them because they are huge snackers.", "High": "I know it will be hot on my camping trip and I need to get more water so that I can have something to drink. The heat will cause me to go through my water much more than normal." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Undecided" }, "demographics": { "age": 42, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 3.5, "openness-to-experiences": 3 } } } }
[ { "text": "🙂Hello, how are you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hi!🙂 I'm ok, thank you. Hope you are well. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I am well, getting ready for my trip but I need three extra firewood. I can give you two waters and one more food for you to have.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I am content to give you three firewood, but I will need more food. Do you prefer campfires?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I need it in case I get cold because I just had the flu, also so I can see at night. My night vision is not good. Is there a reason you need more food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "😮 Oh, yes I can understand that. I have a medical condition that requires I maintain a stable blood sugar, so I would need the most food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I think I could give you an extra water but don't think I can part with the food. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I can offer three firewood if you are willing to offer three food. I am content with one water. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ok, so will you agree to three food and one water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes, I can agree to that. You will take three firewood, two water, and no extra food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ok, I will submit the deal. Thank you🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "1", "Food": "3" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "2", "Food": "0" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I could use this to cook food", "Medium": "I would need this to help hydrate", "High": "I have medical condition that requires I eat regularly" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 35, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5.5, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 5, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "additional packages needed if i need to wash my hands", "Medium": "additional packages needed to keep energy up", "High": "additional packages needed to see at night and keep warm" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 50, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello, how are you today? your ready to try to talk this out", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hey, I'm doing good, thank you 🙂 Yes, ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "What are you in need of more?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Water, as that's something I need/use a lot and want to store it in case of Emergency.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I can do that, how much water do you think you need?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "2 packages", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Two packages of water for 2 firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes, I'm fine with that. What is your requirement on food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I can do just one, because I can always find more food, fishing or in the wild", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That's a good idea. Though it was my second priority thinking I can manage with water, I'll do with the remaining.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Are we all done with out trade? your sure about everything? your fine with food,water, wood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes, Water and Food -2, Firewood -1", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Thank you... it was good doing business with you", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Food is not as important, I can always find more food in the wild. just in case little extra won't hurt", "Medium": "Your body needs water , the energy that I'm burning I need to put back in my body", "High": "To stay warm at night and to keep the bugs away and to cook food that I have" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 29, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "hispanic or latino", "education": "some 2 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "This is as per my need and how long have I planned my camping trip", "Medium": "I can survive with water in case of emergencies.", "High": "I would never know when there is an emergency situation." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 40, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi there! 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hello! I'm very excited for this upcoming camping trip!! 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I am as well! I see we have some extra supplies. What are you most in need of?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I really could use the extra water. I have two big dogs that are coming along on the trip. How about you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Water would be nice, but I would feel bad taking water from dogs. I guess I could use firewood and food if you need the water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Okay, thanks! How much food would you like? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Well, I could use a combination of firewood and food to make up for missing water. Maybe all the firewood and two food and you get all water and one food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I would be fine with giving you all of the firewood if I get all of the water. I was really hoping to get two of the foods because I wanted to have a small birthday celebration for my husband. :) ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "If you get all the water, you would be at an advantage with all the higher valued items. I would ask that I'm compensated for giving the higher value items by getting more items overall.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Okay, I guess that's fair. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I can filter water wherever I find it.", "Medium": "I have a high metabolism and need more food.", "High": "I have low body fat and need to keep warm." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 23, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 29, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 3.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We brought some from home.", "Medium": "I am celebrating my child's birthday.", "High": "I am bringing along my dog." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 39, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 2.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi, there. How are you doing? I would like your help with a camping trip.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hello! I'd like to help you with yours as well.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Great! What items do you need the most?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Extra firewood would be really helpful for me. I'm allergic to mosquitoes so I have to keep a fire going. What about you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hmm....I also really need firewood because it's very cold where I am camping. I don't really need water through. Do you need that?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I don't really need water either. But i'll trade 3 of my waters for 3 of yours 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I don't understand. Do you mean that you want to give me three waters?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "No, I mean we can swap waters. I like your packaging better.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Okay...I guess that's fine. Since you really need firewood, I am willing to give you two firewoods and I get one. But I will need to get 3 foods to pay for this deal.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That sounds good. Would you still like to swap water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I am not sure if that is how this works. I am only able to give 3, 2, or 1 waters to you. I cannot swap them. Is it okay if I give you one water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Oh, I had the wrong idea. Yes, so two firewood and 1 water for 3 food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes. I will submit the deal.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Great! Thanks alot", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "3" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "0" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "i'm recently recovering from water toxicity.", "Medium": "My dog is big and eats alot.", "High": "I'm highly allergic to mosquitoes, so I need to keep a fire going." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 16, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 22, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 3, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I don't get thirty, so I don't really need this. ", "Medium": "I am very hungry and will eat a lot.", "High": "It will be cold where I am camping." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 35, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "doctorate degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1.5, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 1.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello, hope you are doing well 🙂 I would like to take 3 packages of food, 2 packages of firewood, and 2 packages of water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "No thank you i have a medical condition and a large family, i will take 3 packages of water 2 and 2 firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I am sorry to hear about your medical condition ☹️ I could give you the waters but I have a young kid and just recently went through a divorce. This is our bonding time and she really wants to make s'mores. I need extra firewood and food to be able to do that.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "You only have one kid i have 6 i can spare all the firewood and 1 food🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That is fair! Would it be possible for you to spare one water as well just in case of emergency we don't die due to lack of water? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "You wont believe me. You already have the basics! just be safe!🙂 If i dont get a certain amount of water into my system each day i can die on a normal day", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I can concede to that. Would you like to finalize the deal where we stand then? I feel we have come to pretty fair negotiations for both of us! 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes i agree, We may need to talk a bit more", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I agree too. So the final agreement so we are clear in communication is you get all the water, I get all the firewood and we split the food 2/1 for me?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "No 2 food me 1 you😮", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "To my understanding, in your original offer you stated you wanted 2 food and then offered to give me a food that would equal 2 for me and 1 for you. I will be willing to concede on this if you give me one water and I will give you one firewood. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "3", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "0", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Reject-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "reject_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Reject-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "reject_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "3", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "0", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Reject-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "reject_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Reject-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "reject_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "THat is not what we agreed on", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I was negotiating under the belief that I was getting 2 foods as stated in your original offer. I apologize for the confusion but this is how it came across. What concessions could we agree upon with this now cleared up on my end. I would really like that one water ration.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "No i said 1 for you. I have 6 kids you have 1. You dont even need extra", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Could you please clear up your original counter offer for me? \"No thank you i have a medical condition and a large family, i will take 3 packages of water 2 and 2 firewood\" I think there was possibly a word left out somewhere.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Extra warmth on a cold night", "Medium": "I have a large family who eats more", "High": "I have a medical condition and large family, we need more water" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 33, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "hispanic or latino", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 7, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We can find other sources to obtain water. ", "Medium": "My kid really wants to make s'mores and I think a campfire would really make her happy.", "High": "I have a young kid who I need to be able to provide extra food for." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 16, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 21, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "unclassified", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 3, "emotional-stability": 2, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi there. I'd like 3 packages of food, and 2 packages of firewood. You can have 1 package of firewood and then all of the water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hi there! Hm. I was actually thinking that the food and firewood would be more useful to me than the water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I see. Can you please explain why?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "The group I'm camping with is having a fireside gathering in the evening, and I wanted to bring some food to share (doesn't food always taste best outside? 🙂) and also some firewood to contribute. Is there a particular reason you also wanted the food and firewood more?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That's understandable. I'm camping with a group of eight people for a whole week so I want to ensure that we have enough food for everyone. If we have enough firewood, we can cook enough meals to keep everyone fed 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "🙂 Great minds think alike! Here's a thought: my group is also doing some hiking during the day, and of course, since it's summer, we want to make sure we have enough water. So I could definitely see splitting this in a \"some of each\" way for all three items.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes, that sounds great to me. How about we each take two packages of food, firewood, and water to start. Then, you can either take an extra package of food and I will take the extra firewood and water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "You say \"each take two\" of each of the three items ... I think you must have meant \"each take one\"? (There's a total of three of each item.) If so, for the extra, I think \"food + wood\" goes together better. How about one of us takes the extra water, and the other takes the extra food & wood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes, my mistake. I mean you take 1 food package, 1 firewood package, and 1 water package, and then I will do the same. Then, you can take the food and wood and I will take the extra package of water! ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That works beautifully! I hope you'll have a wonderful camping trip. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Another thing for the group activity! What's a camping trip without a campfire? I want to make sure we have plenty of firewood for a nice long chat, maybe with ghost stories. :-)", "Medium": "I have an activity planned with my group in the evening, after the hike. I want to bring some extra food to share around the campfire. A shared dinner is so friendly and will be a great way to end a day of hiking!", "High": "I'm going on a hike, and because it will be a hot day, I'd like to make sure I have enough water to drink on the hike, to be comfortable and stay hydrated." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 48, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6.5, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 3.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We are going to a desolate part of the forest and I don't want to run into a situation where my group gets stranded without water because that would become very dangerous.", "Medium": "Because we have so many people, we need the fire to last longer so that we can cook enough meals for the amount of people coming on the trip.", "High": "I have eight people joining me on this camping trip so it's important that we have a large amount of food." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 15, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 27, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } } }
[ { "text": "Good afternoon! Do you have a preference or priority on your supplies? I have some for mine.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hi! I actually do have a preference. For this trip my family and I plan to do a lot of hiking. For this reason, I would like additional water. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "It seems like we have the same priority for priority number one. I'm going on a back-country trip and always find I run out of water before I run out of food. I think we should split it as equitably as possible. My second and third priorities are food, then firewood last. Are yours the same?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes, my priorities are the same as yours. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Well, maybe we should meet in the middle. I'm more flexible on water and firewood than I would be on food. Do you feel you'll need extra firewood or food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I would prefer the extra food, versus the additional firewood as I typically do not find myself needing any more than the basics. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'm also going as a single person, so I feel I can do more without than you. I can probably find a better use for the extra firewood. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "What if I take 2 water, 1 food and 1 firewood? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I think that would be fair, but I also think I could give you 1 water, 2 food, and 1 firewood. Or perhaps for you to get 2 water, 2 food, and 1 firewood. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I am ok with my offer of 2-1-1 but would be ok with your suggested offer of 2-2-1 as well. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I have other heating sources and do not need as much! ", "Medium": "The camping trip is a large gathering of people in my family, which requires extra food. ", "High": "I plan to do a lot of hiking on this trip and will need the water for me and my family. " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 27, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 5, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "It's the warm season, and it's something you can easily do without on a camping trip. I think when it comes to survival priority, water, then food, then firewood. Especially in the summer.", "Medium": "Food I think is the second most important. I can do without a fire, especially during the warm season. While I would prioritize water over food, it's more needed than firewood.", "High": "Water is the highest priority for camping and survival. I always find that I run out of water before I run out of food. I'd prefer to have at least one additional package of this." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 29, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi there! Are you excited for the camping trip?!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I am. I can't wait. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Me too! I am hopeful that you have food and water to spare?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I really need the food. I have a couple of teenagers who like to eat. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I understand that! Any chance you might be able to spare just one food and all three waters?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I can spare one food. I need the waters though. How about 1 food and 1 water and 2 firewood for you? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Can I have all three firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I think that will work 1 food, 1 water and 3 firewood? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That would be great - thanks! 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Great, glad we worked it out. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I tend to be hot so don't need much firewood.", "Medium": "I get very thirsty after eating so much food.", "High": "I am a huge eater and hate being hungry." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 39, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 7, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 3, "openness-to-experiences": 1 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "It might get cold but we have blankets", "Medium": "my kids and dogs need it", "High": "I have kids to feed " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Undecided", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 33, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1.5, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 3.5, "emotional-stability": 1.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hi, how are you doing?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'm doing well, thank you. I need you to make an important deal with me 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That's great, and I'm happy to do that. I'm really wanting some extra food for this trip, because I'm a pretty big guy and I get intense snack cravings", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Oh no, that will not do at all. ☹️ We need all the food we could get, as two of our other camping members are type 2 diabetic and they may die! Could you give us food instead? We need it more than you!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I would prefer to have at least one food, and I would be okay giving up two if you can give up water. Would that work? 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes, that will be OK. 🙂 ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Awesome. I would like 2 of the firewood if that's cool. My group wants to tell ghost stories at night around a campfire. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I don't think that's possible, as our group is going to have a massive bonfire party! 🙂 Would your group like to join us? Simply merge all of your resources with ours and we will have a blast! We also have some hot girls coming over to camp on the beach with us.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "We don't really care about the hot girls, and we're looking to have a private outing. How about if you take 2 food and 2 firewood, and I take i food, 3 water. and 1 firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That's acceptable.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That works for me too. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "It would be nice to have a warm fire at night and to tell ghost stories around for fun.", "Medium": "I sweat a lot and am active, so I need to stay hydrated.", "High": "I'm a big guy, and I often get snack cravings late at night." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 53, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I need water to increase the longevity of my trip.", "Medium": "I need firewood to cook the food.", "High": "Food is worth a lot of money, I will also need food to survive." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 25, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 4.5, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 3.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi. I'm really excited about this upcoming camping trip.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'm glad to hear that. 🙂 I'm excited too but I am a bit worried I didn't bring enough supplies.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'm set for firewood if you need the extra. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Thanks, I could use a bit of firewood but I'm actually more worried about water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "The thing I'm most worried about is food. I'm 8 months pregnant, so I have a lot of cravings. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "First off, Congrats on the baby. That must be very exciting. And I think I can some food for a mother to be.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Thank you! If you are cool with it, you can have all of the water, and I'll take all the food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Actually with a baby on the way, you might need some extra water to go with that food. Drinking and eating for 2 and all.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Okay, so what were you thinking?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Why don't you take all 3 of the food and a water while I can use the 2 waters and the firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "1", "Food": "3" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "2", "Food": "0" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We picked some up on the way here.", "Medium": "My dogs are coming along.", "High": "I am pregnant, so I'm always hungry." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 39, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 2.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Humans can survive without food for a few days.", "Medium": "Firewood can very important if it gets too cold at night.", "High": "People get very sick or outright die without water." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 22, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 30, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "high school graduate / ged" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 2.5, "emotional-stability": 2, "openness-to-experiences": 2.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "hello", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "hello", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "what is your priority?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I would like to get extras of everything to be honest. I have always felt you cannot be too prepared. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Thats true! I would really like to get 3 food packages since i am going on a very long hike", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I would be okay with you getting 2 and me getting one package for food. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "ok, sounds good🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I would like to get 3 firewood packs. My left shoulder isn't the best, so chopping up falled branches would be difficult for me.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I really need the firewood too. I was hoping for 3 packs too. The Weather is supposed to be bad, really cold.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Well there is only three packs total and we can't both get three. how about I get 2 and you get one? You can always bring an exra blanket. That would be much better for cold than a fire. I ened the fire to keep the anumas and bugs away", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "If i agree to that, then can i have 3 packs of water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "You would be getting all the water then. you are already getting two food. how about i get one water, one food and two wood. you get 1 wood two food and two water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "well, i think that would be fair🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "okay so its a deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "washing pots and pans, bathing ", "Medium": "I do not want to go hungry if we get stranded", "High": "I do not have an axe to cut down more wood" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 37, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4.5, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 2.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I really would like to make some soup over the open fire", "Medium": "the weather cast is bad, promising to get really cold", "High": "i will have a longer hike than usual" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 47, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ { "text": "I would like all 3 of the waters because we are planning a long hike and I'm worried my children won't have enough water in this heat. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "okay awesome. what are you willing to trade", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I don't need much food so you can take the food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "oh nice okay ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Do you have any preferences of what you need?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "i would prefer food and firewood is last on my list ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Great what if you take all the food and we figure out how to split the firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "yeah of course. that works for me. ill give you plenty of water ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Great - how many firewood do you need?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "1 is fine. id love 2 to three packages of food ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "So what if I get all 3 waters, and 2 firewood - you take 1 of the firewood and all 3 of the food? Does that sound good to you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "yeah that is something i can most definetely get down with. i like that arrangement ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "3", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "0", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "its not very necessary and i think its not a commodity ", "Medium": "there is a way to get good food all the time ", "High": "because this is a necessity for survival" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 15, "satisfaction": "Extremely dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 25, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "unclassified", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5, "agreeableness": 3.5, "conscientiousness": 3.5, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 2 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We have some food and the heat and exhaution from hiking will cause me to not be as hungry as I normally am. ", "Medium": "I'm very cold natured and will need firewood for additional heat for me to be able to sleep comfortably at night. ", "High": "We are planning a long hike and I'm worried my children won't have enough water in this heat. " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 23, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 34, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5.5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 5, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello. Due to my medical needs, I need high amounts of food, water, and firewood. I need all the water and I am offering you one each of firewood and food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I need more food due to an extra person coming along with me, is there any way I can get 2 in exchange for 1. You can have 2 water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I am willing to give you two food, but I still need all the extra water. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "ok you can have all the water. Can I also have all of the firewood? I tend to get anxious and worry about emergencies a lot. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I don't think I can give up all the firewood. What kind of emergencies would be helped with more wood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I could get stranded out there for longer than I intended. While that may not happen, my severe anxiety would be at ease knowing I will be ok, if it does happen. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "So what is your total offer right now?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I am offering all of the water, but wanting all of the firewood in exchange. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "And how much food would you keep/allow me to have?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "you can have 1 package of food. I am not greedy, but an extra person will be with me, and I want to make sure we will both have sufficient food. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I think we have a deal! 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Awesome! Have a great camping trip ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I have to have food to take my medicine with multiple times a day, or I become violently ill.", "Medium": "I cannot risk getting cold. My body cannot properly regulate heat in a cold environment.", "High": "I have medical needs requiring medication causing heavy dehydration, so I have to consume extra water." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 36, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 3.5, "emotional-stability": 1.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I have an emergency filtering straw, and there are lakes around. ", "Medium": "An extra person may be joining me on the trip. ", "High": "Firewood is essential, and we may need backup in case of any emergencies. " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 23, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 27, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "high school graduate / ged" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 1, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi. Good Morning. I believe that we are talking over the supplies. I was wondering if I could get 3 waters and 2 foods. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I need some water and food too. Would you be willing to give me more?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Sure. I was wondering how much food and water your looking for so we can split accordingly ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Well, would you be able to part with with one water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Sure! That sounds good and If you what you can have 2 foods but I was wondering about the firewood. I did not buy much, so I need as much as I can get ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "How much firewood do you need?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I was think 2 so you can get one too", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "So I would get 2 food/1 water/1 firewood and you would get 1 food/2 water/2 firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yup thats what I was thinking if you agree to it ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I agree. Would you submit the deal?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I did not buy enough", "Medium": "I brought the wrong brand", "High": "I did not buy any" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Undecided", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 25, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 3.5, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 3.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "It could get colder and I may need extra firewood.", "Medium": "I get hot easily and need water to cool down.", "High": "I have a larger appetite." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 29, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "native hawaiian or other specific islander", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello, how are you doing", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Great, excited to go camping!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Me to. I have a unsually high metabolism. I need the extra food. Is it alright if I take all three of those in exchange for some of the others?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I would like at least one package of food, but I can cook fish I catch of I can take all three of the waters and two of the firewood. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I think that sounds fair to me. So I would get 3 Food, and 1 firewood? I can search for lake water and boil it for clean water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes, and I will take 3 water and 2 firewood. Are you sure? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I think that is fare to me. Any medical issues that make you need so much water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I get dehydrated easily and have problems with fainting. I also need it to wash my clothes. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I guess I will wash in the lake or pond, lol", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Well, it sounds like we have a deal. Thanks for the negotiation! ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "0", "Food": "3" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "3", "Food": "0" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "i AM COLD NATURED SO NEED MORE HEAT.", "Medium": "I SWEAT A LOT SO NEED MORE FLUIDS.", "High": "i HAVE A HIGH METABOLISM AND NEED MORE CALORIES" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 42, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 7, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 3 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I would like to start a campfire. ", "Medium": "I want extra snacks for my friends. ", "High": "I don't want to get dehydrated or get sick. " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 22, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "hispanic or latino", "education": "some 2 year college, associate's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6.5, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 5, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello how are you doing? Did you forget anything for the trip?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "not really but we could use some more water, we forgot how hot it was here", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "It is the middle of summer and I am hot as well 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "we packed all this food but not extra water, I really hate carrying this", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Humm, I totally forgot my axe and I really need some firewood, I could get by with 1 water if 2 would do enough for you 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "we really don't have much extra firewood but i guess i could spare 1, i was hoping to reade some of this food, my back is killing me from lugging it around🙂🙂🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "My ideal split of the extras would have been 2 firewood, 2 water and 1 food but I think we can come to an agreement. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "i could see myself trading a firewood and a food for 2 waters, everyone knows water is cheaper then food🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "How about you get 1 firewood, 3 waters and I get the rest? Sound good to you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "You know i should ask for more, but i don't want to come across as greedy, so OK🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "THat works for me if it works for you🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "3", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "0", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We already have more food then we need", "Medium": "It's a moonless night and like to keep the fire lit so we can see", "High": "It's hot and we forgot to bring extra" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 56, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2.5, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I have food but I would like something different to eat ", "Medium": "I had a gallon of water but it sprung a leak near the middle of the bottle", "High": "I forgot my axe, so I can't get firewood" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 58, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 3.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello! I'm Adam. How are you today", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hello, I\"m Josia, day was good.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Good! So I primarily need food, as our freezer stopped working so most of our food went bad. What do you need?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I had too some kind of problems, I need food and water and firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes I also need firewood...How about I take 2 of the food and 2 of the firewood, and you take all the water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Sounds good, ok I take the water but I need some food and firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes you can have 1 of the food and 1 of the firewood, and I'll take 2?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ok thank you very much then what we need.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Okay so we agree, you'll take 1 of the food and 1 of the firewood, and all 3 of the water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Okay I agree and took that's all.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "okay thank you!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We've got a water purifier so we are good on water.", "Medium": "The firewood we brought is water-logged and does not start fires well anymore.", "High": "Our icebox isn't working right so all our food expired." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 27, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 3.5, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 3.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "The lowest priority is firewood", "Medium": "The medium priority item is food is need packages", "High": "The highest priority item is water is need packages." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 22, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 58, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "high school graduate / ged" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 4.5, "emotional-stability": 3, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi there, I am willing to give you my food packages for firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hi! 🙂 Thanks. That's really nice of you. However, I will be staying up late playing music with my companion. We will need our firewood. How often do you go camping?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Ah that sounds like a nice way to spend the evening. I definitely need some firewood, because I have kids, and they really want to make smores. It's a part of the experience.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That sounds fun. Sadly I am unable to give you much of my firewood as it is the primary reason for our trip. ☹️. However, i could offer some extra food for the kids. Is there anything else you need aside from wood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "We will definitely need water, as the kids will be running around. I'd be willing to give you a bundle of firewood, in exchange for water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ok cool. I think I can give you some extra water. Do you need any extra food for the kids?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "They are rather hungry, especially after running around outside, I would take some food and water in exchange for a bundle of wood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That's reasonable. However if I'm going to give both food and water I will need 3 bundles of wood in order to justify sacrifcing our limited water and food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Ah unfortunately, we do need some firewood for our campfire. I wouldn", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "☹️ Oh no! this is terrible. I'm so sorry. I was hoping we would be able to find a middle ground where we both could be happy. I could offer 1 bundle of food, 1 package of water and TWO packages of food. Does that sound appealing at all?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Sorry, I am unsure that I understood your last message, as food is listed twice. I think I would need another bundle of water in order to give up two bundles of wood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Reject-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "reject_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I am sorry I am going to need a better deal. I wouldn't want to have to walk away completely. I would have to have another water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I will be able to scout for food the easiest of the three items.", "Medium": "I need water, because you will need water, before you need food when out camping. I can search for food, but water is harder.", "High": "I need firewood the most because I need to keep myself warm, and I need to be able to heat food." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 29, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 3.5, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We need food for warmth and energy", "Medium": "I will need extra water for my companion", "High": "staying up late, playing music" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 42, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, associate's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 5, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hey there! How are you today? Ready to go camping?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yeah, I'm very excited! Been looking forward to this for a while now. How about yourself?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Good. Excited. I was wondering what your looking for, since we have limited supply and there is two of us", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I was hoping to get some additional firewood along with some water. I heard it's supposed to get really cold tonight so I would like to be well-prepared.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That sounds good but it seems like we have the same idea.... Tell you what if you give me 2 firewood ill give you 2 waters and 2 foods. Or do you have a another plan ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I think that sounds like an agreeable plan 🙂 I think we can work that out then", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Only, if that is the case maybe I can trade my last food for that last fire wood. Its just a question. If not, its okay", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I don't think I can agree with that one. I will need some firewood tonight. I can work with giving two firewood to you and one for me. Along with the 2 waters and food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Okay, sounds like a plan. Ill submitt the deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Okay 🙂 I'm glad that we are able to come to an agreement.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I brought enough from home", "Medium": "I need water for my family", "High": "I need the fire wood because its snowing" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Undecided", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 25, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 3.5, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 3.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We don't have any way to get fresh water from the stream.", "Medium": "My kids are with me during this trip and I need to make sure there's enough for all of us to eat.", "High": "An overnight rainstorm is coming through with cold temperatures so I need the extra firewood to keep warm for the night." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 24, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "alaska native or native american", "education": "some 2 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4.5, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 4.5, "emotional-stability": 2, "openness-to-experiences": 6.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello, I think that I should take all the firewood,water and you can take 2 of the food items. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hello, I do not think that is a fair deal, I think that I should get 2 of the water, 2 of the firewood and 1 of the food items.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "What about I take all of the firewood because it is hard for me to get any and you take 1 water and 1 food.🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "It is also hard for me to get firewood, so I think that I should get 2 firewood so that I can boil more water for myself, I will take only 1 water and 2 food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ok, I will take 3 waters and 3 firewood and you can have all the food. I can get my own food. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I think that since you can get your own food you could probably get your own water and firewood too, so I should get 2 food 2 firewood and 2 water since I have less abilities to survive outdoors on my own. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Pal,I am not is the health to get my own firewood. I am willing to give you all the food and two waters.🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I agree on me getting 2 waters, I think that I should get two food since you can get your own, and I should get at least one firewood since it will be hard for me to get my own firewood too.🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "🙂 Ok, in all fairness I let you get 3 foods, 1 water, and no firewood. I think that this deal will work.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I will agree on getting all of the water and food, and no firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "0", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "3", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I need additional packages of food because I am not a strong hunter or fisher, so the extra food will help to sustain me throughout the trip.", "Medium": "Firewood will come in handy to ward off mosquitoes at night and to keep dangerous wildlife away.", "High": "I need more water packages because I feel like I would need more throughout the trip to ensure that I remain hydrated, and I also forgot to pack extra before leaving home." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 24, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 28, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 2 year college, associate's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 3, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "You can take most of the food. I already have enough that will suffice my needs.", "Medium": "I need the water because I did not bring any along with me. ", "High": "I really need the Firewood because I can get it anywhere else. " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 15, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 31, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 2 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi there. I'm excited to go camping.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes, Me too... Any plan for your side of camp?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes we have a big group coming with us. I know they'll be really hungry and thirsty", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "How many times have you gone camping?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "A few, how about you? What are your plans?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Depending on how long you're planning on camping, you may not need to leave the campground. However, if you're planning a week-long vacation, you are most likley going to venture out. What does your family enjoy most? Look for a location that will meet those needs.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "We'll set down at one spot but go hiking a lot. I think we'll need some more extra food and water to make that happen. Would you be willing to give me 3 food and 2 water? You can have the other water and all of the firewood. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Sorry dude, I have minimum 1 food package. Because, food is most important one of the human body.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "OK, so how about I'll do 2 Food, 2 water and You can do 1 food, 1 water, and 3 firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "If you don't mind i'll do 2 food, 2 water and 1 firewood. Because, I have poly urea problem so water is must be need for me.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Sorry I really need more food than that. I'll do 2 food, 1 water, and 2 firewood if water is important for you.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I don't need of firewood otherwise we came for final decision. I need 1 food and 3 water a", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "okay so 2 food, 0 water, 3 firewood for me. 1 food, 3 water, 0 firewood for you. sounds good to me", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Okay, Thank you for your valuable time with me", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Walk-Away", "task_data": { "data": "walk_away", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "It's hot where we're going", "Medium": "They'll be thirsty from hiking", "High": "We have a large, hungry group" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 5, "satisfaction": "Extremely dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 36, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 5, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "This one for energetic for our human body", "Medium": "This is not using all the time but we can using some cooking purpose ", "High": "I need a daily life for surviving" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 5, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 33, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi! Are you excited to go on this trip!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hi! I am, but I really need firewood for my health. I get really cold and can slip into hypothermia. Would you mind if I took 2?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "You can have 2 firewoods if I can have 2 of the food packages. I am a vegan so it is hard to find options in the woods!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That is fine with me because I am on a diet, so it works out. I also have a baby who needs formula and I need water to make her bottles", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "okay how many waters do you need?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "was hoping for 2... what do you think?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "okay that works for me!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Ok then have we agreed that I get 2 firewood, 1 food and 2 waters? You would get 1 firewood, 2 food and 1 water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "is there any way i can get another food? i can give you the other water if need be", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Sure that is fine", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "okay so we agree i get 3 foods and 1 firewood and you get 2 firewood and 3 waters?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "3", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "0", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "gargling when toothbrushing, cleaning hands", "Medium": "current food could run out or go bad", "High": "warmth, cooking, seeing at night" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 39, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5.5, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "To have already purified water and not have to get it from a lake.", "Medium": "To build fires to stay warm.", "High": "to make it easier to eat instead of hunting" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 22, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 3.5, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 3.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello, I think I have a deal to split up the supplies, if I take 3 of the water and 2 of the firewood, would you accept all of the food and the rest of the firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hi there! 🙂 That actually sounds like a pretty great deal.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Okay sure! I am mostly interested in the water, I had to give some of my water away earlier to a family that needed some, and now i'm afraid of running out! 😮 Is there any item that you prefer?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Food is my main priority. I am set on water, so I don't mind if you take all three. One firewood would be okay, but if I could take two, it would be ideal.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Okay, I think we have that part settled. I can take all the water and you can take the food. We just need to figure out how to split the wood! My family didn't bring as much as we thought we needed from home, so a couple more would be useful for us.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I am in the same boat. I don't have as much as I need to stay as long as I had planned. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Why do you need more food anyway? Did something happen?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I shared some food with some folks I met on the trail. I thought I had enough to last, but I'm getting low. I haven't hiked this much in a while and I am hungrier than I though I'd be! I'm afraid of running too low since I am camping on my own. You said you are camping with your family? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yeah, we lost some of our food because I think some animals got into it. I guess we didn't store it right, too easy for them to get into it. But we brought a lot, so I think we are good on food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Well it works out that you are good on food and I am good on water! We just need to figure out the firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yeah, we thought we might be able to collect firewood out here so we didn't bring as much. But park rangers told us that we're not supposed to do that ☹️", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "0", "Food": "3" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "3", "Food": "0" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Some animals, I think raccoons, got into our food supply. They didn't take much, so I think we will have enough.", "Medium": "We didn't bring as much firewood as we thought we needed, we thought we could get some more while we were out here. But then we learned that park rangers don't want us collecting fire wood from the trees out here.", "High": "We gave most of our water to another family earlier who were running low, and now we need to replenish." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 23, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 28, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 3.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "There are no clean water sources where I intend to camp.", "Medium": "I'm afraid I do not have enough to last my entire trip.", "High": "I like to do extreme hiking and keeping my body fueled up is super important." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 44, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 5, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hey, nice getting to interact with you. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hi there! its really nice to meet you. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "So, let's get to discuss on our camping trip. I prefer having additional packages of food. your thoughts?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I would also prefer the additional packages of food. I have diabetes and if my blood sugar drops to low it will cause me to have a wide variety of health issues we would need to deal with. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I understand, in that case I can substitute with water. So, can I have 1 and 2 packages of food and water each.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes, I agree to that deal. How about firewood? I can I have one of your packages of firewood as I will have additional food to cook?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes, that would do, you can have 2 of it as you have additional food. I would do with 1 of food, 1 of firewood and 2 of water. Let me know if you have any concerns.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That works for me! Thanks! ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Thanks, it was really nice talking to you. Take care", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Have a great rest of your day! See you out in the wild 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "It is always good to have them in stock.", "Medium": "And, Firewoods, owing to the weather and emergency situations if any.", "High": "In case of emergency situations, I might need more of it." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 15, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 40, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Eating warm food would be beneficial", "Medium": "Drinking more water helps keep my sugar level stable", "High": "I have diabetes and need to keep my sugar levels up" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 39, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 3, "openness-to-experiences": 3.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi! Thank you so much for chatting with me. How long have you been camping?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "hello, i been camping for a while now. what do you think its important to you", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I just love the opportunity to get away. Something about food cooked over the open fire makes me happy. So food I think is most important to me. What's most importnat to you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "i think food is important to me also. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Is it more importnat than having firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "i belive so whats your second important maybe we can compromise", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Water is second most important", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "oh man so is mine ahaha ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "What if...I gave you all the water and 2 firewood, in exchange for all the food and 1 firewood. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "are you sure you want to do that?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Do you have a counter offer? Or do those terms work for you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "you sure you dont want one water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes, I'd love to have a water. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "you can get one water so ill get 2 water, 2 food and 1 firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Whoa, in my original offer, I was getting 3 food. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "ha sorry. i didnt read it right. then can i have one food? if not ill take all water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "You can have 1 food. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "okay so ill get 2 waters, 1 food and 1 firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Correct. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I need more wood because the kindling here is damp.", "Medium": "I'm a novice camper and did not pack enough.", "High": "One of my companions is hypoglycemic." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 35, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2.5, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 3, "emotional-stability": 3, "openness-to-experiences": 3 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "so you can go ahead and make the food or not to be cold", "Medium": "so you are not hungry and need to eat ", "High": "so you are thirsty and in case you need to shower " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 29, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "unclassified", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello. I am so excited to be campming. My borthers Jim and Bob just called and they will be joining me. I was planing on them coming but it will be fun.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "yeah me too. camping is soo fun these days ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yea It sure is. My bothers Jim and Bob are bring a chainsaw so if you need firewood we have plenty of it.🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "oh nice. i would love to buy some from you.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Maybe we can trade. I really need some food snice I was not planning on them coming. 3 packs of firewood for 3 food?🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "yeah that works with me .", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Awesome We have some extra water as well So we can spare a few.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "nice nice. how many can you spare?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I can spare 2. I want you to have some for today and tommorrow🙂🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "ok sounds like a plan.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "1", "Food": "3" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "2", "Food": "0" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "They are bringing a chainsaw so we can cut our own wood. ", "Medium": "I have some water but not a lot I bought some before coming.", "High": "I need more food because my brothers Bob and Jim are coming" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 35, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 7, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "not needed because there is heat and air conditioning. ", "Medium": "its necessary to eat in order to live. ", "High": "emergencies are very prevalent these days " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Undecided", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 25, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "unclassified", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5, "agreeableness": 3.5, "conscientiousness": 3.5, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 2 } } } }
[ { "text": "hi i was thinking i don need that much food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "hai how many pack you want", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I would like to have only 1 pack and give you 2.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "okay actually i need 3 pack of water ,2 pack of firewood and 1 pack of food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Can i get at least 1 pack of everything to be fair.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "okay i will manage ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Thank you for being reasonable i apperciate it.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "okay done, it is a great deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Sounds great to me glad we could come to a deal.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "thank you ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "it is a required to health", "Medium": "firewood was important cooking food", "High": "it is most important to health" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 24, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 35, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4.5, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 4.5, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Beside heat and to cook firewood is not really much needed.", "Medium": "I mean who does not need water it is essntial item.", "High": "I would need food to keep my nutrion level up." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 12, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 33, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi, my friend. My 6 children and I need more food, water and firewood tonight. I hope you understand and would let us have it. Thanks a lot.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hello, I need some items as well for our trip.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Do you have any priority what you would like the most?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Well I was hoping to get mostly some extra food for the trip. What are you looking to get?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "We are really hungry because we don't have food for a while so food is the most priority for us as well.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "okay, well what else were you hopping to get? I'm interested in some extra firewood as well, I've got plenty of water though", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Well, we could share you two of firewood and one of food. Is it alright?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That could work, If I take 2 Food and 2 Firewood, you can have all the water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Alright, we will share you two food and two firewood, we will have one food, one firewood and three water. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Sounds like a deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We would need additional firewood to keep us warm.", "Medium": "As I have 6 children, we need some more water to share together.", "High": "I am a mother of 6 children so I hope you understand I need additional food for my kids." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 38, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "The lake is freshwater so we don't need extra.", "Medium": "We want to have a big fire for tonight", "High": "I'm bringing my whole family on the trip" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 31, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi, I'm elderly and I feel I need to have all 3 packages of the firewood, I can't sleep at night if I'm too cold 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hello there. I understand you need that much firewood, but why not wear warm clothing if it is that extreme?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Well, the clothes that I brought with me are not that thick and I feel I'm really going to need the firewood to stay safe and warm.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Ok, I understand. I am wondering if I can have all of the food packages due t othe fact that I am pregnant, so extra food will be helpful. I am eating for 2.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Sorry, but I'm diabetic, so I'll have to ask for at least one of those food packages in case I get hypoglycemic. Congrats, by the way!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Thank you. But if I can't have all of the food, then I am going to ask for 1 of the firewood. Since I will be needing fire to cook things I find in case I run out of food ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Ok, so 2 firewoods for me, one for you and two food packages for you and one for me. Does that sound ok? What about the water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes that sounds good. Are there any reasons why you may need all of the water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Well, I do have to take many medications and my vitamin pills are HUGE, maybe one water for me? Two for you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That sounds good also. You're diabetic and elderly, I would feel slightly guilty if you ran out of water, though. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "While a necessity, we can always use our portable filters with the lake water nearby. ", "Medium": "In case someone extra joins along.", "High": "Having backup is always nice." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 27, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "high school graduate / ged" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 1, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I think I have all the water I need, right now.", "Medium": "I'm a diabetic and it's a given that emergencies pop up and I'll need to have more food to treat a hypoglycemic episode.", "High": "I'm elderly and I need to be warm at night or I can't sleep, at all." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 49, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, associate's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello friend....", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "hey there 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I am going to camping. I want some additional items.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "okay. I also want some items. in particular, I need firewood because I have poor blood circulation and could get frostbite otherwise", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "No friend. I also need the same. Because of my eye problem. I need some more firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "that stinks ☹️ it sounds like we both have serious issues. you can have 2 firewood if I can get 2 water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I will give you some extra water package. But please give me the firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "how much are we talkin' here?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Can you help me to share your firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "how about 1 wood, 2 water, 2 food for me?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Reject-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "reject_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "that's an unfair deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "ok then you send me the deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Atlast water is the third priority item.", "Medium": "After that food is the second priority item.", "High": "Firewood is the safety material. So it is first priority item." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 52, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5.5, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I am on a diet and do not need that much", "Medium": "I need extra water to prevent blood clots due to a medication condition", "High": "I need firewood to warm up my body, I have poor circulation" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 16, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 35, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "doctorate degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hey! Are you going camping anytime soon?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes, I plan to go within the next few weeks.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "So am I. I know a guy that has some supplies we may need. He has 3 bundles of firewood, 3 packs of water, and 3 boxes of food. How do you think we should split them up?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Well, I have my basic supplies, but would like some firewood to cook some food and make some s'mores. 🙂 I also just discovered a new hiking trial nearby my campsite, so I would like some more water. Food is my lowest priority, but it is always good to have a few more snacks.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "We are camping by a creek, so we have plenty of water. Our plan is to have a big banquet on the last day, we we will need a bit of firewood and a lot of food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Okay. I think you need the food the most, then.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes, and you'll probably need more water for those long hikes.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Definitely, I tend to drink a lot of water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Now for the firewood. I think I would need two bundles. We are planning a big cookout, and will need to sanitize our water from the creek. I think 2 bundles for me, and one for you would be acceptable.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I think that is good on the firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "0", "Food": "3" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "3", "Food": "0" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Additional food will be required for our end of the camp banquet.", "Medium": "Water will be needed for making coffee in the morning.", "High": "We are planning to have a fire to tell ghost stories. Also, as it is getting later in the year, we will need fire for light and warmth." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 34, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5.5, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I have some basic food, but it is always good to have some more snacks.", "Medium": "I would really like some extra water to prevent dehydration, especially while hiking and out in the sun.", "High": "I would like to cook food, have s'mores, and stay warm at night." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 35, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello! How are you today? Food is usually a pretty valuable resource, but I'm willing to let you have all of the food if I can have the wood and water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hi there, I'm doing ok. I accidentally spilled my water on my firewood. ☹️ I'm in a world of hurt right now. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Whoops! That's never good. At least the wood can dry out a bit! With as hot as it is lately, it should be dry in no time.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Good point, but its really humid where I am. How about we split each category.. You can have 2 of the food, 1 water and 1 firewood, leaving me with 2 firewood, 2 water and just 1 food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I have plenty of food, plus we brought our hunting equipment. I do agree that we should find a good way to split it, but since the site I'm camping at does not have a clean water source, I really need the water. How about I take two water and two firewood, then you can have all the food, one water, and one firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That really won't help me as I have plenty of food and no water or dry firewood. How about I take 3 of the hardwood and just 1 water and you can have all of the food and 2 of water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I think we can reach an agreement on this :-) We both need water and firewood, and we both have plenty of food. I do not want you to go without, but I really don't want to cut myself short on supplies either. I think I can make do with just two waters. I'm hesitant about the firewood, though. Is there anywhere nearby that you might can collect some wood so I can possibly have one?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'm not sure, but I will agree to giving you 1 firewood, 2 waters and 2 of the food. This way, we are splitting all of it, leaving me with 2 firewood, 1 water and 1 food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I think I can live with that deal. I accept your offer! ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Thank you for the wonderful chat and I hope you have a fun time camping!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I hope you have a great time on your trip as well! ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We brought lots of food from home, plus we know how to hunt. ", "Medium": "We have a decent supply of wood, but not enough to keep the fire going all night.", "High": "We are not camping near a clean water source, so we would have to boil any water we collect before consuming it." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 32, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, associate's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I have plenty of food, but could always use more.", "Medium": "Most of my water spilled onto my firewood. Now I'm really in a pickle. :(", "High": "I spilled water on my firewood and now I won't be able to light it." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 50, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 3.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello I need water to survive", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I need water as well, my kid is sick so i need it in order to give them meds", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I can give you 2 food for 2 water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "i think i would need more water myself, sorry", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Alright I will take 3 food and give you 3 water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I can do that, thank you so much", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Alright then I will take 2 food because I need some", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "so i can take 3 water, you can take 2 food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I will take 2 food and 2 wood and give you 3 water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "okay, let's do that deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "i would really want to make sure everyone is well fed", "Medium": "i want to make sure my kid is warm at night", "High": "i want to be able to give my child medicine with water" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 22, "satisfaction": "Undecided", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 25, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I have plenty and I don't think I need any more ", "Medium": "I have enough but just to make sure I should get a little more", "High": "I am running low and water is the most important " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 14, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 27, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "hispanic or latino", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "unclassified", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4.5, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 3.5, "emotional-stability": 3.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi, how are you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hey I'm going great, how are you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Pretty good. I'm camping in an RV. We don't have any hunting tools so food and water is the most important to us. How about you? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'm on a camping trip with my five children, ages 4 months, 1, 3, 4, and 14. They eat so much, I really need extra food for them and some water to make bottles for my four month old baby.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Then how about you get 1 food, 2 waters, and 1 firewoods", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I was thinking 1 food, 3 waters and I don't care about the firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "OK, that works for me. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "ok! then let's do it.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "🙂 Pleasure doing business with you", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "🙂 same to you, hope you have a nice rest of your trip", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We can snuggle together for warmth so we don't need much wood.", "Medium": "I need water to make bottles for my young baby. ", "High": "I need food to feed my five children who are with me. " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 39, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 2.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We live in an RV so it will not be cold. The RV also has cooking supplies. ", "Medium": "We are nowhere near any rivers or streams. ", "High": "We do not have any hunting materials so food is our only means to survive. " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Undecided", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 31, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } } }
[ { "text": "How about I take 2 water and food and you can have two firewood. I really like water and thats about only think I drink . I don't drink sodas or coffee.🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I pretty much only drink water too. But I need water to make tea. I have a hard time sleeping so I need to brew tea so that I can start to fall asleep.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I understand 🙂 its hard to fall asleep without nice cup of tea to relax you. However, I only drink water and am intolerant to caffeine . I need to have water. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "You should already have drinking water for the trip, is there a reason you need that much additional water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I love to cook on the fire and that requires a lot of water. What is your preference on food and the firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I will need to make small fires throughout the day to brew my tea. Because I brew another tea during the day for energy to counteract the sleepy tea.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I understand so it seems you would prefer water and firewood over food. Is that correct?🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes but I do need some food because If I drink the tea on an empty stomach then it gets upset.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I understand and would like to make a compromise than because I believe in sharing and equality. 🙂 How about I get one water two food and two firewood and you get 2 water 1 food and 1 firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That is almost what I was going to suggest. I can agree to that, sounds good.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I need the firewood to make a small controlled fire for the tea.", "Medium": "The tea I brew during the day has to be taken with food or else it will upset my stomach. So I need additional food to snack on throughout the day with the tea.", "High": "I have insomnia and drink tea to help me calm down and go to sleep. And during the day I brew another tea for energy to counteract the night tea. So I need the additional water to make all of that." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 36, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "multi-racial", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I need to be able to make a campfire to cook with. ", "Medium": "I need food to be able to survive and cook food. I also don't know if I would encounter any problems and need additional food to make it longer if stranded.", "High": "I need water to cook with and to drink and wash my hands. " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 46, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 1, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 3 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello! I am excited about my upcoming camping trip. Let's chat about what resources we both need. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Me too! So being honest, i have a metabolism issue, which makes me burn through calories significantly faster than normal. so i would like more food if possible", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Perhaps we can come to a deal, because my highest priority is firewood. I want to have a roaring fire to cook over and also use it to dry out my simming clothes. Plus, I have a child who is deathly afraid of the dark, so an ongoing fire is really important to me.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "thats more than fine", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I would be willing to give all 3 extra food packages to you, if you will give me the 3 firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Sure! that would be great! i need the extra food. How about splitting the water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "As for the water, I would love to get 2 packages if you don't need the extra, because the weather is expected to be very hot where I'm going, and I am prone to dehydration :( ☹️☹️", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I guess that is fine, There is a nearby stream where I am going. The water is very clean and I can drink from there.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Oh, I really appreciate that! So you are ok with 3 food and 1 water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes, I will take that deal. It sounds fair to me.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "2", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "1", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "If needed, I can fish, hunt or gather berries, so extra food is not as important as the other items.", "Medium": "It will be summer and very humid. I need extra water to stay hydrated.", "High": "I will need a large fire so that I can cook and also dry out my swimming clothes." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 23, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 53, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 2 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I can get water from the nearby stream.", "Medium": "i have a blood condition, that makes it hard to generate heat naturally.", "High": "I have a metabolism issue, which makes me require more food than a normal person." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 24, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "I need the additional food and water for the camping as I would find it useful during the camping activities. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hey there. Well I would really love the extra food as I don't think I brought enough from home. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I will offer you 2 extra package of water alongside the firewood in order to allow me take 2 extra package of food ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "So I would get 2 water, 1 food, and 3 firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Nope. That won't be beneficial to both of us. You will get 1 food, 2 water and 1 firewood. Remember how important water is to our brain. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Ok well I really could use extra firewood too - I have no idea how to start fires well and am afraid of the dark. If you need more food, would you be willing to take all 3 if I can have 2 firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Sure. It would be a nice deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Ok, so the final deal I have is 2 water, 2 firewood for me and 3 food, 1 water, 1 firewood for you. I am good with this if you are.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yeah. I'm would be nice. You get 2 firewood and 2 water while I get the rest. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Ok deal! Thanks so much! 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Thanks a lot. Deal. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "didn't bring enough from home, worried might run out", "Medium": "doing a lot of hiking", "High": "not very good at starting fires" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Undecided" }, "demographics": { "age": 38, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "high school graduate / ged" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 2.5, "openness-to-experiences": 3 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I would prefer some additional firewood to keep warm in cold moments. It would also ensure I'm aware of my environment. ", "Medium": "Water carries nutrients to all cells in our body and oxygen to our brain and this keeps the brain dehydrated. It would be important to have additional packages for the camping exercise. ", "High": "I need the additional food in order to accumulate more nutrient that provides energy for the camping activities. " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 22, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 30, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5.5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi there🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "How are you hope you are excited. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes cant wait for the trip", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "So I was wonder what you need distributed well see if we can work somethign out", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Well due to a medical condition i need to eat more just for my body to be normal. It also leaves my body temperature colder which could lead me going into shock. I do need All the food and firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Thats allot and wouldn't be good for me and my daughter I am willing to spare you the firewood and but will be needing 2 food and all of the water. I will give you all of the firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I need to eat more due to my condition 3 wood 2 food me 1 food 3 water you", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I understand that I hope you will be able to make he trip. 3 extra wood for one person you must have a serious condtion. It is a bit high given there are are more of us; I would be willing to distribute 3 food if I get all of the others ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Here how but this, 2 food me 2 firewood and 1 water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I still dont see how that can be justfied given you are one person? maybe you shouldn't take the trip. As a distributor I like to hear all sides and reasons but I am concerned that its so one sided ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Oh you think its just me? I have a family of 6", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "you have stated it was just you using verbs like me and I.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "You know what if you want to get caught up in pendantics we can just have no one get anything", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That wouldn't help any of us since you need the extra help. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "True but not liking your attitude, so either we walk from this or we can do it this way 2 foods 2 firewoods 1 water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hmm you seem very absolute and I apologize if you perceive any attitude and I am for New York we are know for our sassiness. It does seem to be about what you need and not hearing the other side I will have to give you a firm no unless you are willing to rework some of you're numbers. Anything you are willing to budge on?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Reject-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "reject_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "3", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "0", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Reject-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "reject_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Take the next one or were done and we get nothing extra", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Reject-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "reject_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Reject-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "reject_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "3", "Food": "3" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "0", "Food": "0" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Walk-Away", "task_data": { "data": "walk_away", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I get dehydrated and would need extra.", "Medium": "I am not used to needing firewood.", "High": "I have people coming with me." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 5, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 28, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "multi-racial", "education": "some 2 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 2, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Incase we spill ours or it gets ruined", "Medium": "It also leaves my body temperature low and need more heat", "High": "I need to eat more due to a medical condition" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 5, "satisfaction": "Extremely dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 33, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "hispanic or latino", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 7, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello, how are you doing today?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I am doing great, how are you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'm doing pretty good. I plan on going camping this weekend and was just double checking to see what extra supplies I needed to bring", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I am going camping aswell, is there anything specifically that you really need?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Well, I am going with my kids and I am not really good at fishing and don't like to hunt. So I am looking to get some extra food for the trip", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Thats a bummer since food is really important for me aswell, i have low blood sugar. How about water and firewood, how important are those for you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I don't need too much firewood, but some extra water could help", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Since we both need food the most, how about the one that gets two foods gets one water and one firewood, and the one that gets one food gets two waters and firewoods?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That sounds good to me. I am more than happy to give you 2 food in exchange for 2 water and 2 firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Sounds fair, ill get two foods and one water and one firewood, deal?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I can always cut some more firewood in the forest if i have to.", "Medium": "It is important for me to hydrate since i take alot of medicine.", "High": "I get low blood sugar really easily so food is very important." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 34, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "high school graduate / ged" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4.5, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Firewood is important to keep bugs and animals away, but it isn't needed to survive.", "Medium": "Water is needed to survive. And if there isn't a lake or river around, then extra water would be important to have.", "High": "I am not that good at hunting and fishing, and I am bringing my kids so food would be most important to have something to eat." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 33, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 2.5, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 3.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello, I was hoping I could take some water and firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hi, I willing to offer food and fire for more water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Would you be willing to let me have all the firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "how about this, 3 firewood and 2 food, for me. 3 Water and 1 food for you? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'm okay with that offer.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Sounds good then, what did you need the water for if you dont mind me asking", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I have a pet dog that will join me on the trip. So i definitely could use all the water i can get.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Cool makes sense. So we have a deal then", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yep! I get three water and one food item.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "There's not a lot of us so we have plenty of food.", "Medium": "Its hot today and we need to stay hydrated", "High": "We want to have a big Fire" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 31, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Food is needed for my pet dog.", "Medium": "Firewood is need to keep the bugs away all night.", "High": "Water is needed as i will bring my pet dog with me on the trip." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 35, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "high school graduate / ged" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi, I'd like to trade 3 firewood for 3 waters", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hmm, I really need at least some water. I forgot to being extra for my dog T_T ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "me as well.. that's okay. what do you suggest?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Well, I'm on a diet, so extra food would just be a temptation, lol. You can have the food, if I can have a water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "my son is diabetic so he has to have some food on hand. how much do you suggest?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "No problem. It seems like you really want food right? So you can have it all. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Would it be a fair trade for 1 water and 2 firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "well, I really want at least 4 packages - for weight if nothing else. Working on losing weight remember 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Oh that's smart I can't even lie haha. Okay 1 water 3 firewood for 3 food sound good?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yeah, I think I could do that. It gets me a decent amount of what I need. Does it get you what you need?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes, perfect.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "1", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "2", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "i have a heat allergy", "Medium": "my son is diabetic so he needs to be eating", "High": "i have a dog that needs to stay hydrated" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 22, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 22, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 5.5, "emotional-stability": 3, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I'm on a diet anyway, so sticking to the basic supplies will help me not overeat.", "Medium": "I brought my summer sleeping bag because it is hot at home, but apparently it gets really cold here at night.", "High": "I brought my dog, thinking he could drink lake water, but they say it has parasites. So I will need extra for him." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 44, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1.5, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello. How are you? I'm so glad I could get to camp out. I have been looking forward to this.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hi! Me too! I have a feeling this camping trip will be the best ever! 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yea It will be awesome. Some friends of mine just called me and said they will be joining me for this evening. They will be bringing food so I can give you some if you need it. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That is the best news! My two teenage sons are coming, so I need all the food that I can get. How are you on firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Thats awesome 🙂. I am sure this will be a great time. Im ok on firewood. I do need some water I don't have very much at all. I left the package on the underside of the cart at the supermarket.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Oh no! We have some water, but not a bunch. If I could keep maybe one, you could have the other two.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Thanks🙂. I can give you two foods if you want. If you can spare some firewood?🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "If water is your number one priority, I will give you all of it if I can have all the food. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That sounds good to me its going to help a lot snice I forget. Also snice my friends are bringing food I can give you all of it. I do need a small fire for the smore they want to cook. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Awesome! 🙂 Would you be okay with one of the firewoods? I forgot to bring a sweater, so I don't want to get too chilly. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Sure that sounds great.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "0", "Food": "3" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "3", "Food": "0" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Extra firewood would be good to make smores, but it's not necessary.", "Medium": "I am bringing my dog, so extra water would be helpful.", "High": "My two teenage sons are coming, and they eat constantly!" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 21, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 39, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 2.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "My friends said they will be bringing food.", "Medium": "We want to cook smores but i didn't bring enough for a big fire.", "High": "I have some friends just called and said they will be here in a few." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 35, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 7, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi, how are you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hi! I am great!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'd like to get 3 of the firewood and 2 food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Okay. I would like three firewood too. We need to negotiate. Maybe one of us can have one and the other person can have the other", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I think I'm really going to be stuck on the 3 firewood. I don't know if I can budge there. What about the food and water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Okay. If you want the three firewood, I can take all the food and water. Would that work?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I can let you have all the water. How about either 3 firewood and 1 food for me or 2 firewood and 2 food for me?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "2 firewoods and 2 foods is okay", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "ok, I'll send that as the deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "okay so I will take 1 firewood 1 food and three waters", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "sounds like a plan", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I'd like to brush my teeth in the morning and there isn't enough water for me to do that.", "Medium": "A bear ate all my food, so now I need to find some more.", "High": "I forgot to bring a jacket and I don't want to be cold tonight" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Undecided", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 46, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 6.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I forgot to pack a cooler for the trip!", "Medium": "I hike and exercise alot so my fresh supply of water is low.", "High": "I need firewood because it is freezing and I forgot to bring a blanket form home." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 31, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1.5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 4.5, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "hello", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hi there.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "How are you doing?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Good, going out camping soon.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That sounds nice, can you tell me about your preference", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I really could use a lot of firewood, there is not a lot of plants at the campsite.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That is okay with me, What about the water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I don't really need water that badly. Lots of freshwater around I can drink.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "What about the food", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I could use some extra food, but I'm mostly concerned with getting wood to cook some of my food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Reject-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "reject_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Sorry, I don;t know what your offer is.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Reject-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "reject_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I need to know what you", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "you would get 3 firewood, 2 food and 0 water, what do you think of that?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I am OK with that. Thanks for the offer and I accept that.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I wouls submit the deal now", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I stocked up on bottles and there is fresh water nearby.", "Medium": "I have perishable items and no hunting gear.", "High": "The weather is cold and there are few trees to use as firewood." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 23, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 40, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1.5, "agreeableness": 3.5, "conscientiousness": 4.5, "emotional-stability": 1.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "So I can be healthy and stronger", "Medium": "So I can save for rainy days", "High": "So I can earn more money" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 13, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 39, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 3.5, "emotional-stability": 3.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello, how are you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hi, I'm well thanks for asking. I'm just trying to get this camping situation sorted out. How are you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'm good. Yeah, me too. I have a big group heading out and we could use some extra supplies.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Same here. It looks like a nice place with great facilities. I'm just worried about having enough food because I am diabetic and have low blood sugar. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I'm sorry to hear that ☹️. Well I'm sure we could work out some kind of deal that leaves us both happy.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I was hoping you'd be open to some ideas. I have great camping equipment so I'm not too concerned with building bonfires. The only thing I can't really prepare for is my blood sugar intake as it varies especially at high elevations. I'm interested in having food on hand, but would love to lend you some firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "OK, how about I take 2 water, 2 firewood, and 1, and you take 1 water, 1 firewood, and 2 food? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I really appreciate your kindness on understanding my problem. But because of my diabetes I get thirsty a lot. What about I get 2 food, 2 water, and 1 firewood? Would that work for you? You seem confident and don't really have any stressors regarding your trip.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "We have a pretty big group and it's looks like its going to be hot during the day and pretty chilly at night so I could definitely use the extra firewood. Maybe I could take one water, 3 firewood, and 1 food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Oh the weather looks really hot during the day. I'm excited to fish and we have all the gear for the cold night. The chilly night wont be a problem for us so I am happy to share all the firewood you need. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "1", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "2", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I can build a fire, but I am equipped with warm camping gear so while it would be nice its not a priority. ", "Medium": "I am constantly thirsty because of my condition, I will need more water than the average person.", "High": "I am a diabetic and have low blood sugar, food is most important otherwise I will not enjoy the trip." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 34, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5.5, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 5, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We already have a lot of food but we could always use some more", "Medium": "We need a way to cook our food so we need firewood to provide the fuel", "High": "It's very hot out and we need a lot of water for drinking and for cooking food" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 38, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2.5, "agreeableness": 3.5, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 3, "openness-to-experiences": 3.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello, how are you? Getting ready for the big trip?🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hello, I am good and what about you? and your arangements for the trip", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'm good thanks. Yup, just getting ready. I was thinking since I have a larger group of people, additional food would be great. We also love campfires so extra firewood would also let us have more fun!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": " I too have a diabetic problem so can you offer me some additional food and for that I'll offer you some firewoods", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Ok, I could take all the firewood and you could have all the food if you want. We could split the water.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "yes sure I am happy with this deal ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Ok, it will likely be hot where i'm going, would you mind if I had two waters?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "no I don't have any issues in that", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Ok, so i'll take the firewood, you get all the food. I'll get two waters and you get the other one, sound good?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "yes,it's sound good and then let we can have a great trip", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "great, sounds like we will, thanks!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "thank you", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "2", "Food": "0" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "1", "Food": "3" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Walk-Away", "task_data": { "data": "walk_away", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Will be hot outside, extra water would be needed.", "Medium": "Large group of people, will need food.", "High": "To have a longer campfire, which would mean more fun." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 5, "satisfaction": "Extremely dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 37, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4.5, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "IF MY FIREWOODS ARE NOT SO GOOD.", "Medium": "I OFFEN GET DEHYDRATED AND STARTS FAINTING.", "High": "I HAVE AN DIABETIC PROBLEM AND WHAT I HAVE IS NOT UPTO MY NEED." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 5, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 28, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 3.5, "conscientiousness": 3.5, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi! Hope you are having a good time camping.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yes we are! How is your' day going? You enjoying yourself?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yes, absolutely. It is always fun camping with the kids. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Totally. So what I need most urgently is water. Our water purifier stopped working unfortunately ☹️.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Oh am sorry about that but unfortunately the kids spilled some of our supply and we do need some water to survive our trip it seems ☹️ ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Okay. How about I take 2 water and you take 1?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Well, let me think it over. Meanwhile, how are you doing on firewood and food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Food I am good on, but firewood has been rough as the axe our cabin provided broke. Thankfully no one was hurt though!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Oh am glad everyone is okay. we had to extend our trip and since the weather has suddenly changed, we will need some firewood too. So let me know what you think", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "How about this. I take 2 water, you take 2 firewood and 2 of the food? That should be enough for us I think", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Yeah but that would not work for us. We do need the water and firewood too. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "What do you suggest?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I would like to fair and want both of us to enjoy our trip. I suggest we take 2 water, 1 firewood and 1 food and you take 1 water, 2 firewood and 2 food. What do you think?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That works for me", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We packed enough food but then you never know with kids. ", "Medium": "We had to extend our trip so we may run out of firewood. The weather has suddenly cooled.", "High": "The kids spilled some water by accident and now we are running low. Could not find a gas station nearby" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 36, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We brought plenty of food.", "Medium": "Our firewood ended up being water logged.", "High": "Our water purifier stopped working out of the blue." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Undecided", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 27, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1, "agreeableness": 5.5, "conscientiousness": 3.5, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 3.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi, I hope you are doing great! I would like to take all the water packages, 2 firewood and a food package", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I am also looking for water so unfortunately i wouldn't be able to give you all three. Would you take 1 water, 1 food and 3 firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "No I'm not okay with this, I need 3 water 2 firewood and 1 food, I sure need them during the camp, what about 0 water 1 firewood and 2 food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I really need water for my family so I can't give all three. I am offering you 5 items while you are offering 3 so I don't think that is a very good deal ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Even I'm bring my family for the camp, so I need all three, you can take two food for your family and 1 firewood, i think you can accept this deal?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I can not accept that deal. I will do 1 water, 1 food and all three firewood. I could also do 1 water 2 food and 1 firewood ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Since you are coming down I would like to go with this deal hope you will be okay, 2 water ,1 food and 2 firewood for me and 1 water 2 food and 1 firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "sure that is fie", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Lastly can you give me three water ? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "no", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "you can still consider the water which is very necessary for me can you please? I would be so happy for that", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Foods will keep us full and our body becomes tired, so light food is fine.", "Medium": "Campfire is necessary cause during the trip I would stay in a camp during night so this is very necessary to have firewoods", "High": "Water is essential, during camping we would need water for thirst" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 32, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 6, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 2.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I have firewood, but I like to be prepared incase an emergency happens ", "Medium": "I want to make sure my family is able to have enough food to enjoy the camping trip without going hungry", "High": "I need the water to cook our food, clean the supplies as well as making sure we have enough water to stay hydrated. " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely dislike" }, "demographics": { "age": 29, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2.5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } } }
[ { "text": "hello my friend i will like to ask for 3 food 1 firewood and 1 that okay for you and which do you prefer?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I would really like to take some extra food myself. I need to bring my family, and my kids eat so much these days. I'm willing to give some extra firewood for it.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "can i take 2 food while you take 1 ?because i have a lot of people to feed here as well.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "If we do that, could I have 3 water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "yes you can have all the water we have a large lake near us here.we have all the water we need.we would not be needing the water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Excellent. So it looks like I would take 1 food and 3 water. Should we split the firewood so we each have enough?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "yes that is correct can i take 2 firewood while you take 1?I have a lot of people to keep warm", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "ok, that works for me.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Okay so we have a deal i take 2 food 2 firewood while you take 1 food 1 firewood and 3 water.I think we made a good deal what do you think?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "yes, that is what we have agreed to.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "okay thats great am so glad we could come to a conclusion", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "i will be needing some water to quench my thirst", "Medium": "i will need firewood as well so i dont get too cold", "High": "i will need food so i dont starve while camping" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 18, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 39, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 6.5, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "So we don't damage the environment.", "Medium": "In case the water filtration system breaks.", "High": "I am bringing my family with me and need extra." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Slightly dissatisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 35, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 3, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "hello how are you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hi- I am doing great. I am really excited about my upcoming camping trip and appreciate your willingness to split some packages!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Me too! I checked the weather and it is going to cold. I'm looking for some more firewood and food. What are you looking for?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I plan on doing a lot of hiking and outdoor activities so my priority is the water and food. Would you be interested if I took 3 packages of water, 2 food and 1 firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Well, considering there at 9 items, I'd like to make a trade that is 5 and 4. How about we trade Me: 3 fire wood, 2 food and 0 water and you: 0 firewood, 1 food and 3 water? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Sounds like a reasonable offer. What activities are you planning during your camping trip and how will each of your items be used?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "My family is coming with me and we like to stay up late and talk, so I need enough firewood to last us long into the night. We are also making some special foods for a celebration. What will you be doing? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "We plan on doing a lot of hiking/visiting local landmarks. I definitely need water to stay hydrated while we are out and about, but we could definitely get food in town or if needed. We plan on going to bed early and waking up early and not spending a lot of time around the campfire in the evening. Based on our plans, I will accept your offer of 3 water and 1 food. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "sounds like a great idea. I'm glad we could come to an agreement", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Great! Glad we could work it out! 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We get up early and go to bed early. We do not spend a lot of time around the fire since we are active and out and about for the day. ", "Medium": "It is important for us to stay not only hydrated but have food to have when we go out and about. We never know where we may end up for how far we may be away from camp so I need enough food for option. ", "High": "We plan on doing a lot of hiking and outdoor activities. We need the water to stay hydrated and be able to stay active." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 28, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 3.5, "openness-to-experiences": 6.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I want water as an extra emergency rations", "Medium": "I want to be able to make special meals so I need more food. ", "High": "It is going to be cold and my family likes to stay up late playing games. I need a lot of firewood to keep us safe and having fun." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 23, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 29, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2.5, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 5, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi I need 2 packages of food and water and 1 of wood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Hey, I could really use the extra water package, is there a specific reason you need extra food and water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I have kids with me that's the reason I need extra water and its summer", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I can give you all three waters if I can have 2 foods & all 3 firewood.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "It will be really hard to survive if I give you all 3 waters since all the packages are essential. 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Do you have another deal you'd be willing to make?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "It would be really hard for me . please consider my deal ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Would you take 2 waters, 1 food and 2 firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "My preference is 2 waters, 2 food and 1 fire wood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'm sorry but I just won't be able to do that. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "as you know it won't be beneficial if we break the deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I understand, as well as you do I'm sure.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I will take 2 food 1 water and 2 firewood", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Sounds great. I'm glad we come to a deal.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Great🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I'm easily cold and need the extra wood for additional fires.", "Medium": "I would love to do some, extra open fire cooking.", "High": "I am a very active person and easily dehydrated." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Undecided" }, "demographics": { "age": 24, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2.5, "agreeableness": 4.5, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 5.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "1 extra for safer side", "Medium": "2 it's summer so I need more", "High": "2 because I have kids with me." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 39, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4.5, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } } }
[ { "text": "I am looking to make a tasty meal for my camp. I will need lots of firewood and food if that's ok with you. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "A tasty meal is exciting! I will gladly support your desire for good food. I am most in need of water, as I am concerned about getting dehydrated in the heat.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Ok I will be willing to give you water if I can get my goods. ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That is fair! How many of the food and water do you need?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "You can have all the water if I can get all the firewood and two foods. Is that ok?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That works for me! Where are you going camping?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'm going to Yosemite it is a beautiful place. What about you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I have never been there! Sounds amazing. We are staying local because of corona virus. It is sure to be here so that is why I need the water so much!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "That is very smart. I hope you have a great trip and stay hydrated!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I will think of you on my trip and appreciate your water generosity! Best of luck with your tasty meal!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I already have plenty of water. ", "Medium": "I need food for the meal I'm cooking. ", "High": "I want to make a tasty meal which I need a fire for. " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 23, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 51, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 6, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 6, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "It might rain and wet the existing firewood.", "Medium": "We might get hungry after using calories setting up camp.", "High": "We might get dehydrated and don't want to risk running out of water." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 39, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 7, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 3, "openness-to-experiences": 1 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello. How are things?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "hello, I'm fine how are you?🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Things are okay. I got my ribs broken the other day. But I'm looking forward to a camping trip with my boy 🙂.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Oh... Well what do you need for the trip. Maybe we can share something.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I really am looking for 3 firewood and 3 water. What are you looking for?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "In that case, I would like 3 firewood, 3 water and 3 food.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Of course, I cannot do that☹️. What do you need most and what do you need less of?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I need firewood the most.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Same. What do you need second most?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Same. I'll give you two firewood, if you give me one. And you give me two water and you take the rest. The food we can split.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "so I'll be 2 firewood, 1 water, 2 food?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I could live with that.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "We have some food, but I have low blood sugar. After having to go to the hospital for my ribs, I was left with a huge bill. I can't afford more food to keep my blood sugar regulated over the weekend.", "Medium": "I had purchased a small amount of water to bring on my son and I's camping trip. However, he cramps up when he doesn't get enough water. ", "High": "I was beaten up on my way back from working late at night. Antifa members broke my ribs and sent me to the hospital. I was supposed to go camping this weekend with my boy. I had some kindling I gathered from the local park but I don't have enough wood for us to keep us warm during the weekend." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 16, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 29, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3, "agreeableness": 5, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 6 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I already brought a lot of food from home so I don't need it as much.", "Medium": "I'm going to be hiking a lot so I need more water.", "High": "I prefer to sit by the campfire so I need more firewood" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 20, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 34, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "prosocial", "big-five": { "extraversion": 4, "agreeableness": 3, "conscientiousness": 6, "emotional-stability": 3.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello! I'm really excited to be heading out on a camping trip this weekend. Do you have any big plans coming up?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "yes me and my family are going camping also. super excited; I was thinking i would get 3 waters and i will give you 3 foods. What do you think?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I don't mind giving up the 3 waters. But, would you want to trade the 3 waters for 3 packages of firewood instead? I'm heading up to the mountains and it's bitter cold at night.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I would at least want to have 1 of the firewood. I would like to make sure my family don't get cold night", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "We can do that I guess. So you want to do the 3 food packages for 3 waters then? would get one firewood?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "yes i would yes i would get 3 water and you get 0. I would get 0 foods and you get 3 and i get 1 firewood and you get two", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "It sounds like we have a deal. I'm so excited to be going camping this weekend. I haven't done anything all summer because everything has been cancelled. Has everything been cancelled by you too?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "yes almost everything has been cancelled my way also. and this well be our first time out doing something so we are super excited to relax and have some fun. I hope your trip is super fun for you guys", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "It looks like we're both going to have a super fun weekend then! I think the next turn we can submit our deal!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "glad we can come to a agree an deal. We both got what we want ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "0", "Food": "3" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "3", "Food": "0" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Food", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Water" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "i need more food to feed everyone", "Medium": "I need more firewood to keep warm", "High": "I would like more water because i have more people that need to drink" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 34, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 2 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Food", "High": "Firewood" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I will be doing a lot of hiking so water will be essential to quench my thirst.", "Medium": "There is a long hike to get to the camping spot, so I'll burn a lot of energy and will need to refuel my body.", "High": "It is very cold at night where I'll be camping." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 22, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 28, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 5.5, "agreeableness": 7, "conscientiousness": 7, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 7 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hi, how are you today?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Good! How are you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'm great! excited about camping :D", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I am too! Sadly I am not good at packing so im lacking some stuff", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Oh, what did you need the most? I personally don't like hunting or fishing, so I need food the most.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Oh, haha. I m diabetic so I also need food the most, but if you are willing you can have most of the other stuff to trade off", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Alright, I'm willing to work with you. I don't want you going into shock and dying when camping. That'd be awful!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Yea, I had that happened once. It was not fun. What else do you need so I can get a general idea of what you want", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I don't need firewood at all. I can find that anywhere. The water is my mid point. Go ahead and make an offer tho.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Oh okay, how about this. ill get 2 foods and 3 firewood and none of the water. sounds good? ", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Okay, that sounds fine to me!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "3", "Water": "0", "Food": "2" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "0", "Water": "3", "Food": "1" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Firewood", "Medium": "Water", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I can find firewood anywhere", "Medium": "I need water because water is scarce", "High": "I need food because I can't hunt or fish" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 33, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "some 2 year college, associate's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 6.5, "emotional-stability": 7, "openness-to-experiences": 3.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I brought water already so I do not need it", "Medium": "I not good at starting a fire ", "High": "I am diabetic need the food" }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 22, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 25, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "asian american", "education": "some 4 year college, bachelor's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 3.5, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 3.5, "emotional-stability": 4, "openness-to-experiences": 3.5 } } } }
[ { "text": "Hello there.", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Hi there 🙂", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "How goes it?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Everything is pretty great with me. And you?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I'm doing pretty well, but found out that some of the food I had packed for my camping trip was expired, so I'm wondering if perhaps we can make a deal?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Oh no ☹️. What type of deal would you like to make?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Well I was wondering if you might be in the market for water?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "I seem to have quite a bit of water, but I am in need of some firewood. Would you be willing to trade for that?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "I have some spare firewood sure, I'm a little more hesitant to part with it but I can make it work!", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That's great. What did you have in mind?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "If you're willing to give me 3 food, I figure I can give you 3 firewood and 1 water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "It seems I misunderstood your problem. I thought you were getting rid of food. I don't have much food to spare, but I'd be willing to give you one package for 2 firewood and 1 water", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Ah, well, if that's case and we're both short on food, I suppose I can let you have the 2 food then, although would it be possible to let me have the 2 of each of the other items then?", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "That sounds resonable to me", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" }, { "text": "Submit-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "2", "Water": "2", "Food": "1" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "1", "Water": "1", "Food": "2" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_1" }, { "text": "Accept-Deal", "task_data": { "data": "accept_deal", "issue2youget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" }, "issue2theyget": { "Firewood": "", "Water": "", "Food": "" } }, "id": "mturk_agent_2" } ]
{ "mturk_agent_1": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "I have water filters and the like, but more water right from the start would be more convenient.", "Medium": "I expect to be able to find fuel on the trip, but it's always good to be careful.", "High": "Some of the food I had for the trip turned out to be expired, so I need replacement food." }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 19, "satisfaction": "Slightly satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Slightly like" }, "demographics": { "age": 27, "gender": "male", "ethnicity": "white american", "education": "master's degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 2, "agreeableness": 2, "conscientiousness": 3.5, "emotional-stability": 3, "openness-to-experiences": 5.5 } } }, "mturk_agent_2": { "value2issue": { "Low": "Water", "Medium": "Firewood", "High": "Food" }, "value2reason": { "Low": "Water packages might be heavier than food. The medicines I take can cause fatigue. I would prefer to have more food than extra water. ", "Medium": "Diabetes make my extremities really sensitive to colder temperatures. It is important that I keep warm as much as possible, or I might get injured hiking. ", "High": "I'm a diabetic. My medication requires me to eat specific foods often. I need more food packages to insure I have the types of food I need in the quantity I require. " }, "outcomes": { "points_scored": 17, "satisfaction": "Extremely satisfied", "opponent_likeness": "Extremely like" }, "demographics": { "age": 30, "gender": "female", "ethnicity": "black or african american", "education": "some 4 year college, no degree" }, "personality": { "svo": "proself", "big-five": { "extraversion": 1.5, "agreeableness": 4, "conscientiousness": 4, "emotional-stability": 4.5, "openness-to-experiences": 4 } } } }