1 value
What is the method of use for morphine?
Healthcare / Medicine
Request for a list of resources where one can find more information| Request for opinion on a topic
Oncology Pharmacist
What is the most expensive chemo drug used in the UK?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer| Summarization of information on a topic| Request for a list of resources where one can find more information
Oncology Pharmacist
When telling patients that their last round of chemo is falling and would advise them to stop chemo, what is the best way to approach my patient when they hoped this last round would work?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Oncology Pharmacist
Giving a patient intrathecal methotrexate when they have asked for more morphine and you need to tell them they're on patient-controlled and they are refusing to believe the pain relief is working. How do you go about this?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Oncology Pharmacist
What's the treatment suggested for a four year old with head trauma?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer| Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous
Is it suggested to conduct a head CT scan for every head trauma case?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer| Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous
Suppose there is a 3 years old patient with asthma crisis management, history of severe asthma crisis. Is it recomended for them to be hospitalized?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Suppose there is a 12 year old with suicide attempted, is it recommendable to do a psychiatrist intervention?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
What are the risks of inserting a nasogastric tube during a night shift?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous| Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Patient Safety
What are the risks from a brucella culture within pathology lab?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer
Patient Safety
What are the differential diagnosis for a patient who presents with fever, respiratory distress and high blood pressure?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous| Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Patient Safety
A patient who is nil by mouth has snuck food in, what are the risk associated if they are due to have an operation in 1 hour?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Patient Safety
What restrictions are there in fostering?
Healthcare / Medicine
Summarization of information on a topic
Care worker
What should I do in the event I am attacked by a young person in care?
Healthcare / Medicine
Advice or suggestions on how to approach a problem
Care worker
Is metamizol superior than other medications in treating osteoarthicular pain?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous
Family Medicine
I'm a 60 year old patient, with hypertension and obesity. How low should my LDL be?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Family Medicine
What's the best treatment for fibromyalgia?
Healthcare / Medicine
Summarization of information on a topic| Advice or suggestions on how to approach a problem| Request for a list of resources where one can find more information
Family Medicine
I'm a 50 year old female, in menopause. I feel pain in my right breast. Should I be concerned?
Healthcare / Medicine
Advice or suggestions on how to approach a problem| Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Family Medicine
I'm a 67 year old man, with hypertension and I'm a heavy smoker. What exams should my doctor perform and what are some recommendations regarding prevention?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Family Medicine
What is the prozone error and how does it affect the blood test?
Healthcare / Medicine
Summarization of information on a topic
Biomedical Science
What is the diagnosis? A patient was presented with the rush and their blood was grossly haemolysed.
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Biomedical Science
What is your opinion on euthanasia?
Healthcare / Medicine
Request for opinion on a topic
Biomedical Science
You have two analysers. One breaks and you have to do some maintenance on the other one. How do you do it if you still have to test the urgent blood samples?
Healthcare / Medicine
Advice or suggestions on how to approach a problem
Biomedical Science
Do you need a specialist portfolio to become BMS band 6 if you have master’s degree in Biomedical Science?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer| Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Biomedical Science
What is the right procedure to correct an error on a protocol according to the GxP?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer
Computer system validation in pharmaceutical industry
What is the difference between the migraine CGRP antagonists?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer
Why do some patients respond to one CGRP antagonist well but not another from the same medication class?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous
If I have a patient who has chronic migraine and has failed all the available prophylactics' medications, what do I do?
Healthcare / Medicine
Advice or suggestions on how to approach a problem
If Patient A is diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in Africa and they move to Canada, would their disease be worse or better?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
If Patient A takes a CGRP antagonist and a Gepant, would they benefit more than just having one medication?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Which component of EMDR therapy has the biggest evidence for its efficacy?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer
Pharmaceutical industry
How the 3rd generation therapies in psychology an improvement compared to the previous ones?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous
Pharmaceutical industry
How can Rasch analysis inform the analysis of Patient Reported Outcome instruments?
Healthcare / Medicine
Summarization of information on a topic
Pharmaceutical industry
Imagine we have a Patient Reported Outcome questionnaire that measures quality of life and has 3 different dimensions. What would be the best approach to analyzing the item adequacy of this instrument?
Healthcare / Medicine
Advice or suggestions on how to approach a problem
Pharmaceutical industry
Imagine we have a patient with a diagnosis of severe depression. What would be the best combination of treatments that could improve his mental health status?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Pharmaceutical industry
What is the mechanism of action of the drug warfarin and how does it interact with other medications?
Healthcare / Medicine
Summarization of information on a topic
What is the difference between a drug's pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer
What is the best way to store my medication to ensure its potency and safety?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Which options for therapy are there for ADHD in children?
Healthcare / Medicine
Summarization of information on a topic| Advice or suggestions on how to approach a problem
Which books are the best for child and youth psychiatry?
Healthcare / Medicine
Request for a list of resources where one can find more information
How can I motivate anorexic patients to start eating again?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous| Advice or suggestions on how to approach a problem
A nine year old girl with severe ADHD has already tried all drugs that are allowed for children. None of them was sucessful. There was no benefit from the drugs, but many negative side effects from on just a little dose. What else can I try, if an ADHD patient isn't responding to any drug?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
What is the reliability of ABR testing for testing toxicity?
Healthcare / Medicine
Summarization of information on a topic
Biomedical engineering. Main area of work is developing primary health care equipment.
Compare behavioral testing to OAE or tympanometry in children.
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous
Biomedical engineering. Main area of work is developing primary health care equipment.
What are some early detection methods for Glomus tympanum?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer
Biomedical engineering. Main area of work is developing primary health care equipment.
How can I perform lung function testing without putting strain or discomfort on the patient?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Biomedical engineering. Main area of work is developing primary health care equipment.
Compare AI interpretation of test results accuracy to a health professional following the same standards for evaluation.
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Biomedical engineering. Main area of work is developing primary health care equipment.
To what extent should there be regulations of medical devices?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous
Medical devices
What type of health supplies require approbation?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer
Medical devices
What are the symptoms of a myocardial infarction?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer
Critical care
What are the symptoms of sepsis?
Healthcare / Medicine
Summarization of information on a topic
Critical care
What are the symptoms of an abdominal aortic aneurysm?
Healthcare / Medicine
Summarization of information on a topic
Critical care
A male presents with severe abdominal back and abdominal pain that is resistant to pain relief. What is the likely cause?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Critical care
A male presents with jaw pain, central chest pain and a fear of doom. What is the likely diagnosis?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Critical care
What is the best biological agent for treatment of hidradenitis suppurativa having failed adalimumab?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous
How do you manage a desmoplastic blue naevus?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous
In the context of immune related blistering skin disorders, what are the potential causes for a false positive skin antibody on a blood test?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous
Suppose I have a 30 year old lady of child bearing potential and has severe scarring acne vulgaris. She merits treatment for isotretinoin but refuses to have contraception. Is this acceptable?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Suppose I have a 45 year old gentleman who has severe atopic eczema and has failed numerous systemic agents like ciclosporin and methotrexate. He is also currently planning on fathering children. Is it reasonable to start him on dupilumab injections?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
56 year old, male patient, rushed to the ER for presenting symptoms such as: tachycardia, diaphoresis, dyspnea, and a strong pain on his chest that irradiates to his chin and left arm. What is the most likely diagnosis and what tests are essential for this patient?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
How can we determine which artery is blocked in an AMI using an EKG?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer
Which drug for cardiac insufficiency is contraindicated in a patient that has kidney failure?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer
67 year old male, refers to present chest pain and dyspnea that appears when he walks 2 or 3 blocks, he has had this symptoms for 3 weeks so far, he has diabetes type 2 that was diagnosed 15 years ago and uses insulin to treat it, but does not follow his schedule and takes it whenever he remembers to, also had AIM 3 years ago. What is the diagnosis for this patient and mention 3 differential diagnosis?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
A case presented, 45 year old female, presents only some mild dyspnea, 4 hour evolution. She has a chest X-ray that was taken yesterday and you identify cardiomegaly. How do you measure the grades for cardiomegaly?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
What legislation underpins assessment of children with disabilities for social care support?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer
social worker
Why would a child be removed from their parents care?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous
social worker
How should I engage with a non-verbal child to gather their views?
Healthcare / Medicine
Advice or suggestions on how to approach a problem
social worker
I am working with a family and I am not sure why the parents aren't doing what I have asked them to do. Can you give me some ideas on how to approach this please?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
social worker
There is another team who I am working alongside but they don't agree with the course of action I have recommended, how do I get them involved?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
social worker
What is the recommended medication to prescribe for a first episode of psychosis?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer
Psychiatric Healthcare
A patient has presented with low mood, insomnia and anhedonia. Upon assessment they disclose other periods of heightened mood, impulsivity and reduced inhibitions.What are the possible diagnoses?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous| Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Psychiatric Healthcare
Can you please provide a list of appropriate resources showing best practice in treatment of anxiety?
Healthcare / Medicine
Request for a list of resources where one can find more information
Psychiatric Healthcare
A 33 year old male has presented with suicidal thoughts, self harm and a risk of violence towards others. Does he meet the criteria for sectioning under the mental health act?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Psychiatric Healthcare
A 16 year old girl presents with typical symptoms of emotionally unstable personality disorder. What are these symptoms and is she eligible for diagnosis of this disorder?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Psychiatric Healthcare
Why would a 26 year old female have chronically low cortisol despite already having a cortisol infusion running?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous| Advice or suggestions on how to approach a problem
Internal medicine
In the case of active pyoderma gangrenosum and associated active myeloma with pancytopenia, what approaches could you take when treating? Would there be any benefit in treating one before the other?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous| Advice or suggestions on how to approach a problem| Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Internal medicine
What are the lessons we could learn from the different ways hospitals globally mitigated the inpatient spread of Covid 19? Could you summarise the available literature?
Healthcare / Medicine
Summarization of information on a topic| Advice or suggestions on how to approach a problem| Request for a list of resources where one can find more information
Internal medicine
82 year old female with a history of type two diabetes, hypertension and a stroke 10 years ago presents with a 3 day history of new confusion, incontinence and reduced oral intake. Urine culture sent the day before by the GP is positive for E. coli and she is started on appropriate antibiotics. Despite appropriate treatment and inflammatory markers normalising, the confusion, incontinence and reduced appetites persists. How would you manage this and what are the differential diagnoses?
Healthcare / Medicine
Advice or suggestions on how to approach a problem| Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Internal medicine
A 52 year old male is seen as an outpatient with skin lesions that are suspicious of cutaneous T cell lymphoma. Biopsies are not diagnostic and he is instead kept under surveillance. At what point would you consider initiating treatment if further biopsies are equivocal? What parameters would be taken into consideration?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Internal medicine
Can we give paracetamol to a cat?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer| Summarization of information on a topic
What should be the first response to an epilectic seizure?
Healthcare / Medicine
Advice or suggestions on how to approach a problem
Can a diabetic person take medical products with any kind of sucrose?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer
An 8 year old kid comes to the pharmacy with a severe rash on the torso. The medical record shows that he already had contact with the varicela-zoster virus. What should be the first approach?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
A 70 years old lady come to the pharmacy to take prescription medication, and doesn't know when to take the pills. Where can I guide her to find out that information?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario| Request for a list of resources where one can find more information
What is the best most varied option for elective placement?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous| Request for opinion on a topic
What is the most efficient way to handle local falls pathways?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous| Request for opinion on a topic
How can I support caring for those experiencing malnutrition in the community?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous| Request for opinion on a topic
You are stood down from a bit breathing job due to a caller stating a DNAR is in place but around 30 minutes later it comes out that the patient choked, with the DNAR excluding reversible causes. With the patient not breathing for over 30 minutes, the family not wanting resuscitation, what is the best action course?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
A patient who has sustained an opioid arrest has now received narcan and is refusing hospital treatment or to leave the ambulance - is it correct to call police?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Should buyers of antibiotics also be recommended protective drugs containing bacterial cultures?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer| Summarization of information on a topic
Should expectorant or antitussive syrup be recommended for a wet cough?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer
What can severe pain in the right side of the belly button indicate?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
How can we treat infection caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer
Clinical Laboratory
Sickle cells are characteristic from which kind of disease?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer
Clinical Laboratory
Could excessive alcohol consumption cause Anaemia?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous| Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Clinical Laboratory
Patient with high level of glucose in fasting conditions but after the screening test does not show increased level of it, could they be considered diabetic?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Clinical Laboratory
Patient with high level of White Blood cells, high level of CRP, pain in the abdominal zone. Could they be facing a possible case of appendicitis?
Healthcare / Medicine
Question that describes a hypothetical scenario and asks a question based on this scenario
Clinical Laboratory
Do orthotropics work?
Healthcare / Medicine
Summarization of information on a topic
How does the Carriere appliance work?
Healthcare / Medicine
Directed question that has a single unambiguous answer
When are TADs required?
Healthcare / Medicine
Open-ended question that is potentially ambiguous