And the things that Heini has been doing qualify as deposit business, from the time onward that this business reached a certain volume.
But now it has reached a certain size and so it qualifies as deposit business.
But we're gonna need a little time
And he does not have a valid licence for that.
Their perception was that we, we had a desperate shortage of staff
An Indian florican.
A nightingale in an English woodland in spring.
The act of coupling lasts only a few seconds, so the males have to be ready to seize the chance.
But because this may be her only breeding season, she's also in a great hurry to mate again.
But hamster mating is quite a long business.
The fact is that this male, although he looks very like the female, is a different species.
With such clear declarations of identity emblazoned on their bodies, no one is likely to court an unsuitable partner.
There are half a dozen species of them.
But this is a blue-footed booby, and when a male starts to court a female, he leaves her in no doubt about that.
Bluefoots don't make a proper nest, just a scrape, but a relic of this nest-making urge remains in their courtship.
How better to indicate your willingness to mate than with a little token nest material deposited on your partner's attractive blue feet?
During the winter they, like their females, were a plain brown.
A male merganser.
I see this as a positive element because here for once the client's gonna have to sit down and produce a specification
This image becomes imprinted in the brain of the ducklings, and for the next few weeks they will follow it unwaveringly.
He's a young golden-eye.
His displays are directed to a female like his foster mother, a female mallard, and she, alas, finds his signals totally incomprehensible.
An individual male may have to have some extra attraction to offer.
This tree stump, here in the forests of Central America, contains a pool of water, and that's just what a female damselfly needs, because she can only lay her eggs in water.
A female approaches.
Had this been a small fly or a beetle, she wouldn't have stayed, but she approves of this large, juicy one and, as she feasts on it, she allows the male to mate.
be a good exercise for us t to take advantage over this er
Transferring sperm for a hanging fly is a lengthy business, and it may take him 20 minutes to complete it.
Even a second-hand meal may attract another female.
He gives an exhibition of slow-speed flying, with legs lowered, over a likely nest site.
The female alone will construct the nest, but he will collect a great deal of the building material, and he demonstrates his ability to do so.
She wants a male with a territory rich in termites, where her young can get a good start in life.
The male has a special way of encouraging females to mate with him.
When a female returns at dawn, he stretches out his wing to expose a perfumed gland on his elbow.
A male epauletted bat.
Their relationship with a male will be no more than a visit of a few seconds during which they mate, but which male is it to be?
Choosing which he is to be demands a close inspection of the candidates.
He's a superb mimic.
An experienced male can sing the songs of nearly all the other birds in his territory.
- I poked him half an our ago, he didn't get up.
The lyre bird is unusual in having both an elaborate song and magnificent plumes.
He only reveals the full beauty of the wattles on his throat when a female approaches.
But that is a considerable waste.
A rival and more dominant male appears.
He paints its walls with a blue paste made from mashed berries.
A female having a critical look.
The male sneaks onto a neighbouring bower while the owner is away.
Each male has industriously cleared for himself a little dancing court.
What's more, they're all so obsessed with dancing that they don't just do so for a few weeks in the year but for nine whole months, and, what is more, for 90% of daylight hours within those months.
They perch together amiably enough above their courts, but when a female appears, their mood changes.
It seems as if they are flying backwards, because they manage to make a mid-air turn just before they land.
This is a double act.
Within a few yards of these central courts stands a less successful male.
0nly by competing do they stand a chance of eventually graduating to a premier position.
a bad scene that it's only gonna be on certain jobs.
They put in th er a cheap price.
Why can't you spend some time with her for a few days?
Now, Lassie, this time I want you to get a variable-speed Makita band saw... with a carbide-tipped blade and sawdust bag.
Wish I took a better look yesterday when she came to the shop.
She had a pretty face.
and they've got a whole market to go
She's a pretty girl, mashallah.
Let me check my mails for a few minute.
It's a clean please, with plenty of nice furniture.
To tell you the truth, Grace, you're startin' to scare me a little.
And I shall get a spare pants.
I'll knit you a new one.
Perhaps i i it'll encourage us to look for a shorter route through to the, the, the solution.
From a male point of view.
We got a new sponsor.
They bent over backwards to show us a good time.
Have a good working day.
Be a good boy at school, okay?
You know, I found it to be quite an open society... where "mens" are free to explore the feminine side of their nature.
- I don't know, there's a huge traffic here.
once he starts to specify in a contract document, what we are pricing for, then we've got an immediate, okay, we've done this for you and this is
because a all consultants are gonna do that.
a risky situation.
There's a big difference between us and consultants isn't there?
staff salaries have gone down over the last eighteen months
Have a nice day.
One and a half tops.
put a bid in at a certain price.
That's a real mouthful, but I can't hear myself anyway.
Mr. Gerard, we need to ask you a few questions.
What a terrible experience, terrible people.
going to miss us a great opportunity to learn how to do it right
it's a great opportunity.
Whale-Skate Island is a submerged island in the French Frigate Shoals.
The islands are also an important seabird colony.
Why do I sense that this isn't a negotiable position?
I have put together a fascinating dossier on you, my dear, and your late husband-- Andrew's little boat that went boom.
Because if anything unfortunate were to happen to me, it wouId lead authorities to a certain safety deposit box in a bank in another city, inside of which there is enough evidence to lock you away for three lifetimes.
is what you're raising a lot more issues here the undertow is unbelievable.
It has a brown eye mask and a rufous wing patch, and the bill is yellow.
It is a noisy bird, with harsh "swee-swee" and "dreee-too" calls.
This is a conspicuous and gregarious bird and a cooperative breeder, always seen in groups, often lined up on telephone wires.
Only one female in a group breeds at a given time, with other members providing protection and food.
well, what the hell, we sort of wanted to give you a little party.
Because you're a special guy, Leo.