I saw a little Border collie padding off down there towards a fire.
So what, is 'e in a bad way?
You must be a great fuckin' shag.
Why don't you 'ave a little wander round and go look for the wee lassie, an' I'll wait 'ere?
Yeah, well, I know I've not 'ad bath for a good few seasons, but there's no need to 'urt my feelin's.
He had a huge one on 'is shoulder.
He's a wonderful exponent of the old Socratic debate.
Why don't you 'ave a little wander round, see if you can find the wee lad, an' I wait 'ere.
Well, I've got a few bob on me.
D'you not get like a sense of, like, a whole other world underneath all this?
What, a little nudist homunculus with a pink quiff?
What d'you wear a good-luck charm for, then?
Have you ever seen a dead body?
Yeah, I've got an infinite number of fuckin' places to go.
It's a funny smell in 'ere.
You could sleep a thousand flea-bitten tramps in 'ere.
You know, they say it's a fuckin' jungle out there?
They'll come after you with a big butterfly net.
A Dadaist nun?
Well, could they not train a tall chimpanzee to do that?
Or, a small chimpanzee with a bigger gizmo?
It is a boring job!
So you see, it's not a boring job.
It's a constant process of comin' into bein' and passin' away, comin' into bein' and passin' away.
I wouldn't even mind, but you don't even 'ave a fuckin' future.
What can such a specific prophecy mean?
Wormwood will poison a third part of all the waters, and a third part of all the land, and many, many, many, people will die."
Another fuckin' fact!
- What you mean like in a past life?
If you take the whole of time represented by one year, we're only in the first few moments of the 1st of January.
There's a long way to go.
No, not like a fuckin' ghost, you big girl's blouse!
Into a universal consciousness,
The thing is, Brian that God is a hateful God.
But if God is a nasty bastard, then you can say, why is there good in the world?
You see, what I'm saying, basically, is you can't make an omelette without crackin' a few eggs, and humanity is just a cracked egg.
You're a lovely mover.
I know it's a big cheeky but I'm a cheeky young monkey!
You've 'ad a few, an't you, love?
What's that, a damp patch?
Take a deep breath.
Take a real deep breath.
What a little bit of makeup can do.
Let's just say I've got a vested interest in the property
A little burnt, but edible, i think.
In a quirky sort of way.
But I've had a bit of a rough week, and I just don't think I can go through with this
I had a fabulous time.
You had a fabulous time.
Well, i had a fabulous time, too.
Oh, I've read quite a few
You must be a big baseball fan.
It was a right bloody racket - woke me up.
This is a nice set of wheels.
'Cos it's like a fuckin' Eskimo's grave out there.
Well, don't know if I want to get married, but I wouldn't say no to a proper relationship
What is a proper relationship?
So is this your job, or a nice little hobby you've got for yourself?
You're a lovely mover!
In the last 2 days, i-I've been mugged,
It's a wonderful career opportunity for me - you know what I mean?
Sorry about that pal, it's just I've 'ad a lot of bad experience with walls, you know, what with talking to them and climbing them, and me dad's driven me up a good few of them in 'is time, you know what I mean?
And that's it, that's the key to enlightenment, which is, it's like that's why, it's like such a potent motif of civilization - it's the wall.
You wanna watch that, mate - I've got a dicky sacrum 'ere
I never had a good feeling
Not just to approve a new ad campaign,
You could use a little fun.
It's a divine right that you and i
What a nice surprise!
I'd forgotten what a beautiful bottom you've got, Sandra
My wife thinks i'm a single-Minded,
Well, you are a single-Minded,
It was a great catch.
Will you give me a straight answer, please?
But i can't escape out of a damn ball park.
I'm not a social worker!
Can you leave us a few fags for cancer research?
Sophie just turned that to the wall, she's got this kind of an irritating proclivity for negation -
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- you'll find that they're the first three chords you learn
A red lotus.
Now, we have a professional mediator here
And fromt their bankruptcy assets, we wanted to to buy a large warehouse.
I wrote a short notice that we wanted to buy this warehouse, and that there is "GEA Savings Association".
She is doing a special prayer
Anyway can we after, they, they wanted a few predictions.
Many think we are a save haven.
That debbie's a talented girl.
Yeah, she--She's a nice lady.
Have a good trip.
We built a new wood chip heating.
My mom gave me a big kiss.
a hundred projects that will disappear in three months.
There, another wonderful thing happened.
2500 customers gave us EUR 900.000 to buid a solar power station.
She is a legal expert.
You make a good team.
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