@YourAnonNews is that a .50 caliber being pointed at them
On June 15, 2016, President Trump warned Americans that we were witnessing the single greatest WITCH HUNT in American political history-led by some very bad and conflicted people! You are witnessing the single greatest WITCH HUNT in American political history led by some very bad and conflicted people! #MAGA Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 15, 2017Boy, was Trump ever correct!GP Robert Mueller continued with his now widely reported corrupt and criminal activities last night by leaking information sealed by the courts to CNN. This is just another corrupt and criminal act in Mueller s corrupt and criminal career.Last night we found out from information leaked to CNN that the Mueller investigation has filed charges in the ongoing superfluous investigation into President Trump and the far out possibility that he colluded with Russia in the 2016 election. CNN reported that:A federal grand jury in Washington, DC, on Friday approved the first charges in the investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller, according to sources briefed on the matter. The charges are still sealed under orders from a federal judge.In typical bad cop form, former FBI Head and current Special Counsel Mueller proved again that he is as dirty as it gets.Trump came out today after the crooked deep-state with these series of tweets:Never seen such Republican ANGER & UNITY as I have concerning the lack of investigation on Clinton made Fake Dossier (now $12,000,000?), . Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 29, 2017 the Uranium to Russia deal, the 33,000 plus deleted Emails, the Comey fix and so much more. Instead they look at phony Trump/Russia, . Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 29, 2017 "collusion," which doesn't exist. The Dems are using this terrible (and bad for our country) Witch Hunt for evil politics, but the R's Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 29, 2017 are now fighting back like never before. There is so much GUILT by Democrats/Clinton, and now the facts are pouring out. DO SOMETHING! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 29, 2017Finally, President Trump insinuates that this phony Russian collusion talk is coming out as a distraction, when the Republicans are making their big push for historic Tax Cuts and Reform. Is this coincidental? NOT! All of this "Russia" talk right when the Republicans are making their big push for historic Tax Cuts & Reform. Is this coincidental? NOT! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 29, 2017Mueller s career is littered with numerous investigations of major scandals and likely crimes that he did not meaningfully investigate as FBI Director resulting in no arrests and no consequences. All of these resulted in the Clintons and/or Obama Administration getting away with criminal activities:IRS Targeting (2010-2013): the IRS intentionally selected and then delayed or denied tax-exempt 501(c)(3) applications from conservative groups to prevent them from participating in the 2012 election, followed by IRS agent Lois Lerner invoking her Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination. (No charges have been filed of any wrong doing by any government officials in this case.)Fast and Furious (2010): this ATF program, which seems to have served no rational purpose, allowed over 2,000 guns to be purchased illegally inside the United States and then walked into Mexico for use by criminals, one of which was later used in the 2010 murder of Border Agent Brian Terry by the member of a Mexican cartelAssociated Press Spying (2012): the Department of Justice illegally seized the communications of AP reporters made during April and May 2012, allowing the DOJ to unmask journalists confidential sourcesClinton Foundation Pay-for-Play (2009-2013): during the period in which Hillary Clinton held the office of Secretary of State, the Clinton Foundation and Bill Clinton received millions of dollars in paid speaking fees and a million dollar gift from countries involved in matters with the State Department, many of which had ties to terrorism and human rights abuses; some of these funds were apparently diverted from charitable causes to personal expenses, such as Chelsea Clinton s 2010 wedding.Russian Uranium Deal (2009-2013): Hillary Clinton s State Department approved a deal allowing a Russian company to control 20% of the uranium mining production capacity inside the United States, which was followed by millions of dollars in donations to the Clinton Foundation from people associated with the transaction. This past week information was reported that prior to the Obama administration approving the very controversial deal in 2010 giving Russia 20% of America s Uranium through the approved sale of Uranium One, the FBI had evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were involved in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering in order to benefit Vladimir Putin, says a report by The Hill. Mueller was the head of the FBI at this time! He was even hand picked by Hillary Clinton to hand over uranium to Russia on an airport tarmac at this time.Clinton Private Email Server (2009-2013): during her entire tenure as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton dodged Freedom of Information Act requirements by using a private email server to conduct official government business, as well as sent and received classified information that was Top Secret over an unsecured system an extremely reckless (and obviously illegal) act. Mueller s acceptance of the lead role in the investigation into Russia is another obvious example of his corrupt and criminal tendencies. Based on numerous accounts he has obvious conflicts of interest and even liberal publications like the USA Today have called for Mueller to step down as special prosecutor because of his conflicts of interest with the investigation he is carrying on. Now we know he took over the investigation in spite of his criminal activities in covering up the FBI investigation into Uranium One. A person of integrity would easily have seen his conflicts of interest and would recuse himself.Independent UK Donald Trump s former campaign Paul Manafort has said he has not been informed of any possible criminal charges against him, after it was reported the first indictments had been filed by the team investigating Russia s alleged meddling in the 2016 election.Reports said a grand jury working with Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, had approved the first charges to result from the ongoing probe that is looking at possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. The reports, which have not specified what the charges are or who they were filed against, said a suspect could be taken into custody as soon as Monday.CNN, which broke the news, said the charges were filed on Friday and placed under a seal by a federal judge. Yet, that has not stopped a flurry of speculation as to who may be the focus of Mr Mueller s charges and the nature of them.
Ukrainian army's 156th Anti-Aircraft Regiment, located in Zolotonosha, shot down MH-17 on 17 July 2014 - says Yuriy Baturin, a former major of Ukrainian army escaped now to Russia. The Buk was transported after the tragedy as a part of Ukrainian military convoy.  
Marvel Comics was forced to issue an apology following the discovery of alleged and references in a recent issue of by artist Ardian Syaf. [Indonesian artist Ardian Syaf allegedly inserted political and religious references in relation to the recent Indonesian election into the first issue of the new comic series Gold. Syaf’s work on the comic reportedly featured a reference to the Koran verse Al Maidah 5:51 which urges Muslims not to take Christians and Jews as allies. The verse translates, “O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are, in fact, allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you — then indeed, he is one of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people. ” The verse can be seen on the shirt of character Colossus. Hundreds of thousands of Muslims marched against the Christian governor of Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, after he criticized his political opponent’s reference to the verse. As a result, many Muslims saw this as an act of blasphemy and called for the prosecution of Purnama. The comic also referenced the number 212 which is a direct reference to the protests held against Purnama on the December 2 last year. The same panel that features the number 212 also features the Jewish character Kitty Pryde standing in the foreground. Marvel Comics was quick to respond to concerns raised by those that noticed Syaf’s messages within the issue, releasing a statement on the matter to Bleeding Cool. “The mentioned artwork in Gold #1 was inserted without knowledge behind its reported meanings,” stated Marvel Comics. “These implied references do not reflect the views of the writer, editors or anyone else at Marvel and are in direct opposition of the inclusiveness of Marvel Comics and what the have stood for since their creation. This artwork will be removed from subsequent printings, digital versions, and trade paperbacks and disciplinary action is being taken. ” Syaf declined to comment on the matter when questioned by Bleeding Cool but did reply to one fan who messaged him on Facebook. In the ensuing conversation, Syaf did confirm that the numbers included within the comic were references to the current Indonesian political situation. G. Willow Wilson, a Muslim comic book writer and creator of Ms. Marvel character Kamala Khan, tweeted her opinion on Syaf: Yeah pardon my French but f**k this guy. Kiss your career goodbye. https: . — G. Willow Wilson (@GWillowWilson) April 9, 2017, Wilson later posted a further reflection on Syaf and his work in a longer Tumblr post: Here is What Quran 5:51 Actually Says — This has been a banner week for comics, my friends. A banner week … . https: . — G. Willow Wilson (@GWillowWilson) April 9, 2017, Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan_ or email him at lnolan@breitbart. com
21st Century Wire says Organized efforts are underway by Democratic Party affiliated NGO s to try and somehow delegitimize the results of this week s US Presidential Election. On the eve of the US Election before voters went to the polls, 21WIRE political affairs analyst Patrick Henningsen accurately predicted this week s unrest when he said: If Trump wins, expect the likes of Soros and MoveOn.org to unleash wave after wave of flash mobs, who will protest, riot, smash and burn their way on to CNN s 24 hour news rotation. Expect Occupy 2.0, and #BlackLivesMatter to rage. On Friday, Henningsen talked to RT International about the post-elections protests that were coordinated in part by Democratic Party community organizing online platform MoveOn.org. Watch: SEE ALSO: (VIDEO) Female College Students Protesting Because Trump is a Rapist 21WIRE Associate Editor Shawn Helton recently revealed more details about how the near exact same methods used in CIA and Soros-funded color revolutions overseas are now being deployed on US domestic shores by similar NGO front organizations: has been the driving force behind nationwide protests against the election of Donald Trump. Overseas, Washington tends to use the same cast of NGO fronts to build-up pro-US political opposition groups, as well as plan and generate civil unrest. They include the Albert Einstein Institute (AEI), National Endowment for Democracy (NED), International Republican Institute (IRI), National Democratic Institute (NDI), Freedom House and later the International Center for Non-Violent Conflict (ICNC), and the US Agency for International Development (USAID), the financial and contractor arm of the Department of State. Inside the US, deep state actors in Washington generally work through Democratic Party affiliated organizations like MoveOn.org, as well as through labor union organizations like AFL-CIO, and UNITE HERE. These, along with many other similar organizations have been involved in organizing this week s protests, says Helton. Helton also raised the question as to why President Obama has stayed silent in the face of street protests, opting instead to lead from behind. He explains: Certainly, judging by President Obama and Hillary Clinton s total silence over their own party s role in fomenting this week s unrest one can only conclude that both party leaders approve of the protests and riots. The political motivation is undeniable to help delegitimize a new Trump presidency. Stay tuned for more updates here at 21WIRE.READ MORE ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
Romania s Defence Minister Adrian Tutuianu said he had resigned on Tuesday after his ministry said it was unable to pay military and defense staff wages in full, only to be contradicted within hours by the finance ministry. The defense ministry said in a statement that it had run out of funds to cover salaries for its staff and would pay them in stages pending a consolidated budget revision planned for September. The finance ministry later contradicted the statement, saying no ministry was facing wage funds shortages. I have handed in my resignation for the lack of communication, Tutuianu told private television station Antena3. Prime Minister Mihai Tudose will send the resignation to the president later on Tuesday. The defense minister position carries a lot of responsibility as NATO member Romania has committed to spend 2 percent of its gross domestic product on defense every year for the next nine years, a military procurement plan for 2017-2026 showed. Romania, a country of 20 million people, hosts a U.S. ballistic missile defense station and has sent troops to Iraq and Afghanistan.
Paris Hilton Is Keeping Her $2 Million Engagement Ring: ‘Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend’
Ted Cruz is fast approaching Donald Trump as the most hated man in America. As GOP insiders and long-time public figures denounce Cruz as someone nobody in congress would work with, he continues to take his campaign in directions that guarantee that Democrats and Independents will despise him even more. Apparently, Cruz thinks he can get elected with the votes of the extreme-right only, which is where his platform is and will always be directed.In what may be the worst case of discrimination and idiocy ever by a presidential campaign, Ted Cruz 2016 donated an undisclosed amount of bottled water to residents of Flint, restricting their generosity to people with the right frame of mind. Cruz s campaign staff took to the streets to get much-needed water to those working and visiting the fraudulent pregnancy crisis centers that dupe women into believing they re going to receive medical advice and treatment but are instead cornered and fed anti-abortion rhetoric and religious indoctrination.Cruz s Michigan state campaign director, Wendy Lynn Day, announced in a Facebook post begging for donations that the campaign had worked with anti-abortion group Flint Right to Life to coordinate this absolutely idiotic and ridiculously ignorant plan. The water is for expecting moms and moms of little ones. Cruz state director @WendyLynnDay: Donating water to #Flint babies both supports the city and shows "the pro-life values of Senator Cruz." Chad Livengood (@ChadLivengood) January 20, 2016The pro-life values of Senator Cruz apparently include denying children who have already been exposed to massive amounts of lead from Republican incompetence water they so desperately need because their parents aren t currently seeking anti-choice counseling from a place where zealots wear lab coats to make people think they re physicians.The malfunctioning moral platitudes of these people are astounding. While most of the GOP field feigns ignorance to an issue they want nothing to do with, Cruz 2016 has taken a proactive role in alienating an entire city in the middle of a crisis unless they conform to the beliefs of Ted Cruz. Pro-life Ted Cruz, who thinks carpet bombing whole villages full of innocent people is OK as long as you kill some terrorists along the way, hasn t personally commented on the issue, but his campaign works directly on his behalf.Certainly the several people who work at these madhouses are appreciative of the clean water donations while tens of thousands of others line up to receive actual charity from people who care about the already born.Featured image via tedcruz.org, altered
The Children's Defense Fund rated McCain as the worst senator in Congress for children.
The Dutch-led Joint Investigation Team presents the same old accusations. The campaign is on-going, Russia and the Donetsk Peoples' Republic were found guilty by mainstream media and Western diplomats a long time ago and the JIT is currently attempting to construct the narrative surrounding the guilty, rather than prove it. Also, is it really a coincidence that the JIT’s briefing took place on the day before Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Direct Line?
November 4, 2016 GOP senators warn negotiators: US climate goals might not last A group of Republican senators on Thursday advised American negotiators to warn their international counterparts that President Obama’s climate goals might not survive the next administration. In a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry, the senators, led by Environment and Public Works Committee Chairman James Inhofe (R-Okla.), noted that American commitments to the international Paris climate deal aren’t binding and could be undone by an unfriendly Congress or Republican presidential administration. “Joining international agreements using ‘sole executive agreement authority’ leaves the door open for any future administration to alter its course,” the senators wrote. “Understanding this is especially important in the context of climate change policies, because Congress’s unwillingness to support the president’s international efforts is not the result of gridlock — it is the result of explicit opposition.”
So words deemed offensive are only offensive if you re white? Isn t that racist? Shouldn t the same punishment be given to people no matter the color of their skin? We d love to know your thoughts on this.A high school baseball player lost his scholarship to Cal State for being overheard using the term nigger. Meanwhile, a college basketball player kept his scholarship after being overheard using the word on live television.One was white, one was black.The leftist explanation that it s acceptable for blacks to call each other socially unacceptable epithets makes little sense. It makes about as much sense as the #BlackLivesMatter meme being created only after a handful of black deaths at the hands of white people, meanwhile thousands of black on black deaths garnered no similar sloganeering.White progressives declaring it okay for blacks to use epithets on each other is most likely their way of having the epithet used for them by proxy. It keeps blacks psychologically under-classed, but their hands are ostensibly clean. Read more: iotw
@ajplus Dolore immenso...
WASHINGTON — President Obama angrily denounced Donald J. Trump on Tuesday for his remarks in the aftermath of the shooting massacre in Orlando, Fla. warning that Mr. Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, was peddling a “dangerous” that recalled the darkest and most shameful periods in American history. “We hear language that singles out immigrants and suggests entire religious communities are complicit in violence,” Mr. Obama said at the Treasury Department, without mentioning Mr. Trump by name. His statement, an extraordinary condemnation by a sitting president of a man who is to be the opposing party’s nominee for the White House, came after Mr. Obama met with his national security team on the status of the American effort against the Islamic State, a meeting that the president said had been dominated by discussion of the Orlando rampage. “Where does this stop?” Mr. Obama said of Mr. Trump’s approach, noting that Mr. Trump had proposed a ban on admitting Muslims into the United States, and that the Orlando assailant, like perpetrators of previous domestic terrorist attacks in San Bernardino, Calif. and Fort Hood, Tex. was an American citizen. “Are we going to start treating all differently? Are we going to start subjecting them to special surveillance? Are we going to start discriminating against them because of their faith?” Mr. Obama asked, his voice rising with frustration. “Do Republican officials actually agree with this? Because that’s not the America we want — it doesn’t reflect our democratic ideals. It won’t make us more safe. It will make us less safe. ” Appearing in Pittsburgh as Mr. Obama spoke, Hillary Clinton gave a blistering denunciation of her own. She echoed many of the president’s points and even some of his language, assailing Mr. Trump’s temperament, ridiculing his proposals and arguing forcefully that he had failed to meet the gravity of the moment. “History will remember what we do in this moment,” she told hundreds of supporters inside a union hall, asking “responsible Republican leaders” to join her in condemning Mr. Trump. “What Donald Trump is saying is shameful. ” Her speech was a rebuttal to Mr. Trump’s remarks a day earlier, when he issued a searing broadside implying that all Muslim immigrants posed a threat to American security. The nearly simultaneous condemnations of Mr. Trump from the president and the presumptive Democratic nominee to succeed him had the feel of a coordinated assault, although the White House insisted there had been no preplanning. Mr. Trump, unbowed by the criticism, said Mr. Obama was coddling terrorists. “President Obama claims to know our enemy, and yet he continues to prioritize our enemy over our allies and, for that matter, the American people,” he said in a statement on Tuesday. “When I am president, it will always be America first. ” Members of Mr. Trump’s party were themselves critical of his rhetoric and proposals. Speaker Paul D. Ryan, the nation’s elected Republican, said at a news conference Tuesday that Mr. Trump’s proposed ban on Muslim immigrants was not in the country’s interests, nor did it reflect the principles of his party. “There’s a really important distinction that every American needs to keep in mind: This is a war with radical Islam. It’s not a war with Islam,” Mr. Ryan said. “The vast, vast majority of Muslims in this country and around the world are moderate, they’re peaceful, they’re tolerant, and so they’re among our best allies, among our best resources in this fight against radical Islamic terrorism. ” Senator Jeff Flake, the Arizona Republican who has been among the most outspoken in his party about withholding his endorsement of Mr. Trump, said in a Twitter post that he was “appreciative” that Mr. Ryan had spoken out. Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, flatly refused to talk about his party’s presidential nominee on Tuesday, an indication of the precarious position in which Mr. Trump has placed Republican elected officials. Mr. Obama bitterly rejected criticism from Mr. Trump and other Republicans about his steadfast refusal to use the term “radical Islam” to describe the Islamic State, which is also known as ISIS or ISIL. “If there’s anyone out there who thinks we’re confused about who our enemies are, that would come as a surprise to the thousands of terrorists who we’ve taken off the battlefield,” Mr. Obama said at the Treasury. “There’s no magic to the phrase ‘radical Islam.’ It’s a political talking point. It’s not a strategy. ” Mrs. Clinton echoed the idea, asking pointedly in her speech: “Is Donald Trump suggesting that there are magic words that once uttered will stop terrorists from coming after us?” The president said he would not use the wording because he was unwilling to give the Islamic State the victory of acceptance of its vision that it is the leader of a holy war between Islam and the West. “If we fall into the trap of painting all Muslims with a broad brush and imply that we are at war with an entire religion, then we are doing the terrorists’ work for them,” Mr. Obama said. Mr. Obama is scheduled to travel to Orlando on Thursday to visit with the surviving victims and the families of those killed in the rampage on Sunday morning. He was to have traveled to Wisconsin on Wednesday for his first campaign appearance with Mrs. Clinton since endorsing her last week, but the event was canceled in light of the shooting. Still, Tuesday’s punch left little doubt that Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton plan to savage Mr. Trump on the campaign trail. The president was careful not to cast his criticism in political terms and never mentioned Mr. Trump’s name even as he clearly targeted him — at one point referring derisively to “politicians who tweet” — and his policy proposals. Instead, Mr. Obama spoke ominously of the stakes for the nation’s security, and its very identity, if the ideas espoused by Mr. Trump and many in the Republican Party are widely accepted. “We’ve gone through moments in our history before where we acted out of fear, and we came to regret it,” Mr. Obama said. “We’ve seen our government mistreat our fellow citizens, and it has been a shameful part of our history. ” Mrs. Clinton, in a striking departure from her speech on Monday, when she refrained from saying Mr. Trump’s name and said it was “not a day for politics,” took direct aim on Tuesday at his penchant for conspiracy theory. She reminded the crowd that he was “a leader of the birther movement” questioning Mr. Obama’s birthplace. After the Orlando attack, she noted, Mr. Trump suggested on television that Mr. Obama sympathized with Islamic terrorists. “Just think about that for a second,” Mrs. Clinton said. “Even in a time of divided politics, this is way beyond anything that should be said by someone running for president of the United States. ” “We don’t need conspiracy theories and pathological ” she added. “We need leadership, common sense and concrete plans. ” Mr. Obama staunchly defended his administration’s approach to countering terrorism, listing gains that the United States has made against the Islamic State in Iraq, Syria and Libya: killing the group’s top leaders, capturing more of its territory and whittling away at its financial resources. He also called on Congress to enact gun restrictions that it has so far resisted, including the resurrection of a ban on assault weapons and a measure that would bar people on “ ” lists because of suspected terrorist ties from buying a gun. “Enough talking about being tough on terrorism,” Mr. Obama said. “Actually be tough on terrorism and stop making it as easy as possible for terrorists to buy assault weapons. ” The last time a president so aggressively injected himself into the race to succeed him was in 2000. But Bill Clinton’s criticism of George W. Bush, the governor of Texas and the Republican nominee that year, illustrates just how jarringly different this race is from a normal White House campaign. “How bad can I be?” Mr. Clinton said at a that summer, mimicking the voice of Mr. Bush. “I’ve been governor of Texas. My daddy was president. I own a baseball team. They like me down there. ” ”Everything is rocking along ” he added. “Their fraternity had it for eight years, give it to ours for eight years. ” The ridicule, while tame by today’s standards, infuriated Mr. Bush’s father, former President George Bush, who warned that if Mr. Clinton “continues that, then I’m going to tell the nation what I think about him as a human being and a person. ’’
Riverdale star Lili Reinhart responds to critics of mental health tweets: 'I'm not going to keep my mouth shut'
الجيش اليمني يهاجم قوات الحوثيين في محافظة مأرب تاريخ النشر: 26.10.2016 | 17:52 GMT | قوات موالية للرئيس هادي يهاجمون مواقع للحوثيين في محافظة مأرب - أرشيف A+ الحكومة اليمنية تتحفظ على مبادرة ولد الشيخ أحمد وذكرت رويترز أن القتال في المحافظة اندلع غداة تسليم مبعوث الأمم المتحدة اقتراحا لإحلال السلام إلى الجماعات المسلحة التي تسيطر على العاصمة اليمنية. وانهار هذا الأسبوع اتفاق لوقف إطلاق النار مدته 3 أيام يهدف إلى تمهيد الطريق أمام تسوية سياسية لأزمة اليمن تزامنا مع تجدد القتال، ما يهدد جهود الأمم المتحدة لإنهاء حرب مستمرة منذ 19 شهرا أدت إلى وصول الملايين في البلد الأفقر في شبه الجزيرة العربية إلى حافة المجاعة. وذكرت وكالة الأنباء السعودية الرسمية أن القوات اليمنية قصفت بالمدفعية مواقع الحوثيين وطردتهم من بلدات في محافظة مأرب شرقي صنعاء يوم الأربعاء. Reuters Mohamed Al-Sayaghi مسلحون حوثيون في صنعاء وقال الحوثيون الذين يسيطرون على معظم العاصمة صنعاء منذ انقلابهم على حكومة عبد ربه هادي عام 2015 إن الطائرات السعودية ضربت مصنعا للثلج على مقربة من مدينة المخاء اليمنية المطلة على البحر الأحمر فضلا عن منازل ومزارع في منطقة صرواح في محافظة مأرب ليل الثلاثاء. ولم يتسن الحصول على تعليق من المتحدث باسم التحالف العربي بقيادة السعودية. وتنقسم ولاءات سكان محافظة مأرب وهم في معظمهم من القبائل الجيدة التسليح والذين باتوا حلفاء لدول الخليج وبين أصدقاء للحوثيين وموالين للرئيس السابق علي عبدالله صالح. وأعلنت الأمم المتحدة، الثلاثاء، أن إسماعيل ولد الشيخ المبعوث الخاص للأمم المتحدة إلى اليمن زار صنعاء وسلم الحوثيين وحلفاءهم من مؤيدي صالح خارطة طريق تتطرق إلى "الأمن والخطوات السياسية" ودعا طرفي النزاع إلى تمديد الهدنة والسماح بدخول المساعدات الإغاثية إلى البلاد. وقال الحوثيون إنهم سيدرسون الاقتراحات. Reuters Khaled Abdullah Ali Al Mahdi المبعوث الدولي إلى اليمن إسماعيل ولد الشيخ وأشار راجح بادي، المتحدث باسم حكومة هادي، في حديث لرويترز، إلى أن أي اقتراح للسلام يجب أن يتوافق مع الخطط السابقة لتأمين مستقبل اليمن أي المبادرة الخليجية التي تخلى بموجبها صالح عن الحكم ومقررات مؤتمر الحوار العام بين الأحزاب السياسية عام 2014 وقرار مجلس الأمن الدولي عام 2015 الذي يدعو الحوثيين إلى تسليم سلاحهم والانسحاب من المدن الكبرى. وقال بادي إن أي "رؤية" يجب أن تتطابق مع المراجع الثلاث مشيرا إلى أن الحكومة لم تتلق بعد أي خطة من مبعوث الأمم المتحدة أو من المنظمة نفسها بعد. المصدر: رويترز تعليمات استخدام خدمة التعليقات على صفحات موقع قناة "RT Arabic" (اضغط هنا) العناوين
0 Add Comment SOME people fail to plan their purchase and use of fireworks to such an extent that they don’t have the most basic knowledge on how to blow their hand or the hand of a friend, family member or stranger off. Luckily WWN has compiled a handy guide on the matter, leaving no one in doubt as to how to make counting to 10 on your hands that much harder. Where to buy If you want to guarantee your hand will be blown off, any lad selling fireworks out of the back of a van should do the trick. Not only are the prices low, but he will enforce a strict ‘if you lose a finger, I’ll be fucked if it’s my fault’ policy. Name brands Make sure to buy cheap name brands with the fake CE quality mark. The less it looks like the really trustworthy brand’s logo the better. And if your local firework merchant has the latest ‘massive yoke and that makes a huge bang and that’ from China, be sure to purchase 10 and strap them together. Don’t go up the North The drive up can be a hassle, there’s a lad we know, who knows the lad selling them out the back of his van, you’d be mad to buy them in an actual shop. Cut the fuse shorter to add a bit of danger into your life The fuses on fireworks and bangers are notoriously long, the wait for the bang and fizz can be agonising. Why not add the threat of a life changing injury into proceedings and reduce that fuse. Still don’t feel the buzz of the danger? You could always glue that firework to your hand before lighting it.
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Prosecutors and tax authorities on Tuesday raided the offices of several senior officials of Volkswagen (VOWG_p.DE), the German car-maker said. Investigators searched the offices of supervisory board chairman Hans Dieter Poetsch, finance chief Frank Witter, and human resources head Karlheinz Blessing, a Volkswagen spokesman said. Files and computers were seized. The raid was related to suspicions of overpayments for works council chief Bernd Osterloh, the spokesman said. Osterloh s office was also searched. Neither the works council nor the prosecutor in Braunschweig were immediately available for comment. A person with knowledge of the matter said the tax authorities were acting on suspicion of tax evasion. That is because over-remuneration could result in overly high operating expenses and the payment of too little tax. It was revealed earlier that German prosecutors were investigating current and former executives at Volkswagen on suspicion that they paid works council chief Bernd Osterloh an excessive salary. In Germany, wasting corporate funds is legally a breach of fiduciary duty.
Portia de Rossi Opens Up to Ellen About Why She Quit Acting: "I Decided to Start a Business"
@amnestypress @_anapastor_
Disgraced commentator Donna Brazile took to Twitter earlier this week and asked her followers if Snowstorm Stella’s disastrous effect on Americans could potentially damage Donald Trump’s presidency. [She used the analogy of Hurricane Katrina and the hurt it caused President George W. Bush, and how Hurricane Sandy marred former President Barack Obama. “#43 twisted with Katrina, #44 soaked in Sandy. Will #DonaldDumpStella? Can 40 million ppl find #Stella sobering under #45 leadership?” Brazile tweeted. #43 twisted with Katrina, #44 soaked in Sandy. Will #DonaldDumpStella? Can 40 million ppl find #Stella sobering under #45 leadership? — Donna Brazile (@donnabrazile) March 13, 2017, The Democratic strategist further politicized potential tragedy by posting another tweet with the hashtag “#StellaGotGroove. ” #StellaGotGroove #WinterStormStella https: . — Donna Brazile (@donnabrazile) March 13, 2017, By Monday afternoon, Brazile was still pushing politics and posting photos of the storm’s advancement. Here comes #Stella! pic. twitter. — Donna Brazile (@donnabrazile) March 13, 2017, Hurricane Katrina took 1, 836 lives in 2005. Hurricane Sandy killed another 106 people in 2012. Brazile’s tweets sparked outrage on social media, with many Twitter users asking why the former Chair of the Democratic National Committee thought it wise to politicize a potentially deadly snow storm. Brazile resigned from CNN last year after she was caught secretly sharing information about official CNN events with Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, Follow Jerome Hudson on Twitter: @JeromeEHudson
In a video released by Project Veritas, James O’Keefe exposes what everyone except Democrats have known to be true. There is a lot of voter fraud. In the video, NYC Democratic Commissioner of the Board of Elections Alan Schulkin is caught on hidden camera at a United Federation of Teachers holiday party admitting that there is widespread voter fraud in New York City. “Yeah, they should ask for your ID. I think there is a lot of voter fraud,” said Schulkin, who elaborated on the types of voter fraud that are taking place in New York. Voter fraud has been labeled as a right-wing myth by the left, but Schulkin, a Democrat, confirmed everyone’s worst fears, going against the grain of his own party. “You know, I don’t think it’s too much to ask somebody to show some kind of an ID‌Like I say, people don’t realize, certain neighborhoods in particular they bus people around to vote,” said Schulkin. When asked about which type of neighborhoods the busing of voters takes place in, Schulkin confirmed that it was minority neighborhoods, adding, “they get busses and they move people around.” Schulkin expressed concern over voter fraud and suggested that Mayor Bill de Blasio was to blame for a lot of the voter fraud taking place in New York City. “He gave out ID cards. De Blasio. That’s in lieu of a driver’s license, but you can use it for anything. But, they didn’t vet people to see who they really are. Anybody can go in there and say I am Joe Smith, I want an ID card. It’s absurd. There’s a lot of fraud. Not just voter fraud, all kinds of fraud.” Despite having disapproval with de Blasio’s faulty ID program and widespread voter fraud, Schulkin also expressed concerns over safety in the polling locations as well as the potential for voter fraud, specifically with regards to Muslims wearing burkas. “They detonate bombs in the public schools, which we are using. That could disrupt the whole election‌Your vote doesn’t even count, because they can go in there with a burka and you don’t know if they are a voter.” It is clear after listening to a New York City Democratic Election Commissioner that the Democrats are in denial of the fraud that surrounds them. Schulkin confirms that voter ID laws are something that New York City desperately needs as a way to curb voter fraud. Source
FLORIDA: Designated Terrorist Group CAIR demands ‘hate crime’ investigation of anti-Islam graffiti on mosque, blames Trump The entrance sign at the Al Amin Islamic Center in Boynton Beach was spray-painted with graffiti containing anti-Islamic and anti- Islamic terrorist messages. ABC News The Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office said deputies responded to a report of vandalism this morning, and that it occurred sometime after midnight and was captured on surveillance video. CAIR officials said the video shows a car pulling up to the mosque about 12:40 a.m. Someone got out of the car, approached the entrance sign and wrote “Fuck Islam” and “Fuck ISIS” with spray paint. “Our community continues to suffer from an increase in hate crimes and hate incidents. We still have fresh in our memories the recent hate crime committed at the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce that was attacked by an arsonist,” CAIR-Florida spokesman Wilfredo Amr Ruiz said in a statement. Muslim Brotherhood-linked Islamic group CAIR, has been designated a terrorist group by the United Arab Emirates. “The hate speech and rhetoric that has come along this presidential campaign is fueling these type of crimes that endanger not only the Muslim community but the Florida community in general.” (Nah, the Florida community is not the least bit endangered. Speak for yourself)
The FBI, the DHS’s Customs and Border Protection, the Secret Service, and the Israelis are in cahoots ‹ › Jonas E. Alexis graduated from Avon Park High School, studied mathematics and philosophy as an undergraduate at Palm Beach Atlantic University, and has a master's degree in education from Grand Canyon University. Some of his main interests include the history of Christianity, U.S. foreign policy, the history of the Israel/Palestine conflict, and the history of ideas. He is the author of the new book , Christianity & Rabbinic Judaism: A History of Conflict Between Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism from the first Century to the Twenty-first Century. He is currently teaching mathematics in South Korea. He plays soccer and basketball in his spare time. He is also a cyclist. He is currently writing a book tentatively titled Zionism and the West. Alexis welcomes comments, letters, and queries in order to advance, explain, and expound rational and logical discussion on issues such as the Israel/Palestine conflict, the history of Christianity, and the history of ideas. In the interest of maintaining a civil forum, Alexis asks that all queries be appropriately respectful and maintain a level of civility. As the saying goes, “iron sharpens iron,” and the best way to sharpen one’s mind is through constructive criticism, good and bad. However, Alexis has no patience with name-calling and ad hominem attack. He has deliberately ignored many queries and irrational individuals in the past for this specific reason—and he will continue to abide by this policy. By Jonas E. Alexis on November 4, 2016 "Over the last decade, the NSA has significantly increased the surveillance assistance it provides to its Israeli counterpart, the Israeli SIGINT National Unit (ISNU; also known as Unit 8200), including data used to monitor and target Palestinians." …by Jonas E. Alexis My dear friend Mark Dankof has recently sent me an article which documents that a 17-year-old Israeli firm named Cellebrite Mobile Synchronization has been working with the FBI, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Secret Service, and DHS’s Customs and Border Protection since 2009. There is more: “U.S. state and local law enforcement agencies use Cellebrite’s researchers and tools as well, as does the U.S. military, to extract data from phones seized from suspected terrorists and others in battle zones. “In July, months after the unknown third party provided the FBI with a method for getting into the San Bernardino phone — an iPhone 5C running iOS 9 — Cellebrite announced that it had developed its own technique for bypassing the phone’s password/encryption lock. And the company is confident that it will be able to deal successfully with future security changes Apple may make to its phones in the wake of the San Bernardino case… “Data extracted from phones has eclipsed data extracted from desktop and laptop computers in recent years, since the former can yield not only detailed logs about a user’s activities, interests, and communications, but also, in many cases, map the user’s whereabouts over weeks and months to produce a pattern of life.” [1] Bloomberg itself confirmed that Cellebrite Mobile Synchronization has indeed been working with the FBI. [2] CNN calls Cellebrite “the mysterious ‘outside party’…” [3] This shouldn’t be a surprise at all, for we know that the NSA and the Israelis are almost two sides of the same coin. The New York Times itself agrees with the prevailing view that “the N.S.A. was routinely passing along the private communications of Americans to a large and very secretive Israeli military organization known as Unit 8200.” [4] One can reasonably say that Israel has a way in which the NSA is loused up: “Over the last decade, the NSA has significantly increased the surveillance assistance it provides to its Israeli counterpart, the Israeli SIGINT National Unit (ISNU; also known as Unit 8200), including data used to monitor and target Palestinians. In many cases, the NSA and ISNU work cooperatively with the British and Canadian spy agencies, the GCHQ and CSEC. The relationship has, on at least one occasion, entailed the covert payment of a large amount of cash to Israeli operatives.” [5] Solomon Ehrmann, a Viennese Jew, would have been pleased with what Israel has been doing. In a speech delivered at the B’nai B’rith in 1902, Ehrmann envisioned a future in which “all of mankind will have been jewified and joined in union with the B’nai B’rith.” When that happens, “not only the B’nai B’rith but all of Judaism will have fulfilled its task.” [6] Baruch Levy, one of Karl Marx’s correspondents, would have agreed. He declared: “The Jewish people taken collectively shall be its own Messias…In this new organization of humanity, the sons of Israel now scattered over the whole surface of the globe…shall everywhere become the ruling element without opposition…. “The governments of the nations forming the Universal or World-Republic shall all thus pass, without any effort, into Jewish hands thanks to the victory of the proletariat…Thus shall the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, that, when the Messianic epoch shall have arrived, the Jews will control the wealth of all the nations of the earth.” [7] Well, Judaism is seeking to fulfill “its task” through the state of Israel, which we all know by now is based on the Talmud. [8] But Solomon, Levy, and others could not understand that no force is strong enough to impede the triumph of Logos in history. Julian the Apostate tried but failed miserably. Voltaire, Helvitius, d’Holbach, D’Alembert, Lametrie, Diderot, and nearly all the leading lights of the French Revolution tried. Not a single one of them succeeded because they were essentially fighting against the moral and political order, which is based on reason. If Hegel is right, that reason will triumph in the end, then Solomon, Levy and their minions cannot win. Their evil work is actually drawing them closer and closer to destruction. These people will continue to fail because they are blind to higher realities. They cannot not see that ultimate reason is the beginning and end of human history. They should have at least read Hegel’s position on the philosophy of history. World history, Hegel tells us, “is governed by an ultimate design…whose rationality is not that of a particular subject, but a divine and absolute reason,” [9] and sometimes this divine and absolute reason has a cunning way of working itself out in history, irrespective of what evil men intend to do. This “divine and absolute reason,” says Hegel will “realize its end” in due time. [10] The carnal man simply cannot understand this “cunning of reason” because he is again blind to higher metaphysics. Higher realities goes back to Heraclitus, Plato and Aristotle and was refined by people like Aquinas. It states that there is a mathematical, philosophical, moral, and political order in the universe and it is bigger than human beings. Heraclitus wrote: “Listening not to me but to the Logos…” [11] According to scholar Eva Brann, Heraclitus “directs us not to intellectual self-reliance, not to seek some truth, but to comprehend and follow this truth: that said b the Logos.” [12] This Logos, according to Heraclitus, is both “a maxim and Wisdom Inarnate.” According to Brann’s interpretation of Heraclitus, “This great Logos has a wisdom, or rather it is the Wise thing, and this Wise Thing has a maxim, or rather it is that practical principle which guides everything through everything, relates all things to all things…” [13] What Heraclitus and others of that era were trying to establish is that there is an order in this universe, which is undeniable. There is a mathematical, philosophical, esthetic, political and moral order. Any deviation from that order has serious consequences, including intellectual death. And anyone who studies the universe from a rational and truthful standpoint can recognize that order. Even physicists and mathematicians like P. C. W. Davis, Sir Fred Hoyle, John D. Barrow, Frank J. Tipler, Sir Martin Rees, among others, have come to realized that the mathematical order in the universe demands an explanation. [14] That explanation cannot be attributed to chance at all. [15] Rees himself argues that there are basically six numbers that sustain the physical properties of the entire universe. If you change any one of those six numbers (such as the strong nuclear force, gravitational force, etc.) “even to the tiniest degree, there would be no stars, no complex elements, no life.” Rees adds, “Had these numbers not been ‘well tuned,’ the gradual unfolding of layer upon layer of complexity would have been quenched.” [16] Well, these numbers are “well tuned” because they were based on what the Greeks and St. John call the Logos, which the carnal mind ultimately rejects. This “absolute reason,” says Hegel, will bring about the end of history. But looking at all the evil and chaos in this world, obviously the carnal man would think that there cannot be an “infinite power, which realizes its ends.” But Hegel would respond by saying that this is why this “infinite power” is “cunning” and is more powerful than human beings. This “infinite power,” according to scholar Robert C. Tucker’s interpretation of Hegel, “fulfill its ulterior rational designs in an indirect and sly manner. It does so by calling into play the irrational element in human nature, the passions.” [17] The carnal mind simply lacks vision and insight to understand all this because he limits himself only to the primitive idea that the material universe, as Karl Sagan hubristically propounded, “is all that is or was or ever will be.” [18] The carnal mind cannot see that the materialist position lacks intellectual rigor to explain simple things like love, hate, justice, truth, hatred, etc. The best that the carnal mind can offer here is to posit that those things are simply illusions. As Nobel Laureate Francis Crick put it years ago in his book The Astonishing Hypothesis : “The Astonishing Hypothesis is that ‘You,’ your joys and your sorrows, your memories and your ambitions, your sense of personal identity and free will, are in fact no more than the behavior of a vast assembly of nerve cells and their associated molecules.” [19] Richard Dawkins makes the same assumption when he argues that the universe is “just electrons and selfish genes,” therefore “meaningless tragedies…are exactly what we should expect, along with equally meaningless good fortune.” [20] The word “meaningless” itself implicitly assumes something called “meaningful.” And both words again assume that there is a “law” by which to differentiate what is “meaningful” and “meaningless.” And a law assumes a “lawgiver.” That’s what the carnal mind like Dawkins is promiscuously trying to deny! Perhaps people like Dawkins need to think goodness that they have never met people like Kant. [1] Kim Zetter, “When the FBI Has a Phone It Can’t Crack, It Calls These Israeli Crackers,” The Intercept , November 1, 2016. [2] Yaacov Benmeleh, “FBI Worked With Israel’s Cellebrite to Crack iPhone,” Bloomberg , March 30, 2016. [3] Jose Pagliery, “Cellebrite is the FBI’s go-to phone hacker,” CNN , April 1, 2016. [4] See James Bamford, “Israel’s N.S.A. Scandal,” NY Times , September 16, 2014. [5] Glenn Greenwald, “Cash, Weapons, and Surveillance: The U.S. Is a Key Party to Every Israeli Attack,” The Intercept , August 4, 2014. [6] Quoted in Albert S. Lindemann, Esau’s Tears: Anti-Semitism and the Rise of the Jews (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997), 331. [7] Quoted in E. Michael Jones, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History (South Bend: Fidelity Press, 2008), 1066. [8] Marissa Newman, “Netanyahu reported to say legal system based on Talmud,” Times of Israel , May 8, 2014. [9] George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Lectures on the Philosophy of World History (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975), 28. [10] Ibid., 35. [11] Quoted in Eva Brann, The Logos of Heraclitus: the First Philosopher of the West on Its Most Interesting Term (Philadelphia: Paul Dry Books, 2011), 15. [13] Ibid., 21. [14] See for example John D. Barrow and Frank J. Tipler, The Anthropic Cosmological Principle (New York: Oxford University Press, 1988); Martin Rees, Just Six Numbers: The Deep Forces That Shape The Universe (New York: Basic Books, 2000); Paul Davis, The Goldilocks Enigma: Why Is the Universe Just Right for Life? (New York: Mariner Books, 2006); Fred Hoyle, Evolution from Space (New York: Touchtone, 1984); Fred Hoyle, The Intelligent Universe (New York: Rinehart, 1988). [15] See Dean L. Overman, A Case Against Accident and Self-Organization (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 1997). [16] Martin Rees, Just Six Numbers: The Deep Forces That Shape The Universe (New York: Basic Books, 2000), 161. [17] Robert C. Tucker, “The Cunning of Reason in Hegel and Marx,” The Review of Politics , Vol. 18, NO 3, July 1956: 269-295. [18] Carl Sagan, Cosmos (New York: Ballantine Book, 1980 and 1013), xxii. [19] Francis Crick, The Astonishing Hypothesis: The Scientific Search for the Soul (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994), 3. [20] Richard Dawkins, River Out of Eden: A Darwinian View of Life (New York: Basic Books, 1995), 132. Related Posts:
Waking Times The political system we have today is not the democratic republic it pretends to be. National elections are orchestrated public relations events, engineered to serve the complex interests of the plutocracy and shadow government . The perception of differences between major party candidates is limited to within a narrow spectrum of mainstream ideology, and voting has become a tool used by the oligarchy to routinely refresh the illusions of choice and consent. Indoctrinated to believe this system is mandatory for human prosperity and security, consideration of alternatives is practically unthinkable to the citizenry. Most have their entire lives and fortunes invested in this game, and as such, a truth this heavy is simply too much to process and too painful to accept. Obedience and compliance to state and culture have their sleepy, comfortable perks, but the natural inclination of the human spirit is to gravitate towards truth and freedom. When this is ignored or denied, inner peace is impossible, and outer chaos inevitable. For this, the free-thinker will always emerge as the winner in a contest against the statist, for, it is the soul who needs no illusions and carries no attachments which can look upon the ashes of ruin and give them credit for being the first signs of new bloom. Now that the unbelievable spectacle of election 2016 is complete, here are some critical things that free-thinkers can take away from this rather insane and revelatory experience. 1.) The mainstream, corporate media is unashamedly here to convince and distract you, not to inform or empower you. Most media outlets, including many alternative outlets, have fully exposed themselves as partisan organizations with no commitment to objectivity or logic. We are at last free from the chokehold of this organized form of propaganda and ideological occupation. 2.) People still do not yet understand the true nature of government as an organization which derives its power and authority from the superior application of violence. They don’t yet fully understand that in order for government to offer a solution to a problem, it must first create that very problem. Many are still unready to admit that we are ruled by a plutocratic, oligarchical, corporate state that does not take orders from elected politicians. Because of this, there are now plenty of opportunities to inspire and awaken people with serious information. 3.) Social chaos and mindless incivility has been properly revealed as a reflection of inner chaos, fear and disharmony. It’s clear now that many have been trained to choose team loyalty over personal independence. To choose destructiveness instead of creativity, to build echo chambers instead of round tables, to relish conflict over curiosity, and to seek the comfort of group-think over the uncertainty of individuality. These programs are socially engineered diseases and their chief symptoms are violence in word and deed. This is out in the open now, for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. “We have met the enemy, and he is us.” ~ Pogo 4.) There is no place on planet earth where free-thinking people can enjoy voluntary community and peaceful coexistence without interference by the state and its sympathizers. Sad, but true. The entire world is colonized by statist ideology and there is no where to run or hide from this mindset. Yet, there is sufficient living freedom in this revelation alone, because from anywhere now, we can openly engage in any one of a million simple acts of revolution and independence , and they will be witnessed and absorbed by those most in need. 5.) At long last, some of the darkest, ugliest and most difficult to look at issues are bubbling up into mainstream consciousness. The long and well-documented history of occultism , pedophilia, human-trafficking, human sacrifice, Satan worship and dark ritual among the world’s ruling elite can finally be openly discussed without instant mindless backlash. The proverbial black cat is out of the bag now, and there has never been a better time to participate in the work of waking people up to the high crimes of the elite. Final Thoughts In 2016 your personal awakening counts more than your vote , for the only thing that can turn the tide on endless war, unstoppable surveillance, the strategy of tension, weaponized stress , environmental ruin, and unchecked debt-slavery, is a large enough and spiritied enough class of fearless, righteous individuals. Until free humanity emerges victorious from the mental slavery of the state, we will get the president that we deserve. Enjoy this excellent elucidation of this point by Carey Wedler: Read more articles by Dylan Charles . About the Author Dylan Charles is a student and teacher of Shaolin Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Qi Gong, a practitioner of Yoga and Taoist arts, and an activist and idealist passionately engaged in the struggle for a more sustainable and just world for future generations. He is the editor of WakingTimes.com , the proprietor of OffgridOutpost.com , a grateful father and a man who seeks to enlighten others with the power of inspiring information and action. He may be contacted at . This article ( 5 Key Revelations for Free Thinkers to Consider After Election 2016 ) was originally created and published by Waking Times and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Dylan Charles and WakingTimes.com . It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement. ~~ Help Waking Times to raise the vibration by sharing this article with friends and family…
Say what?The Iranian parliament has rejected the formal, legal text of President Barack Obama s nuclear deal, negotiated in July by the U.S., U.K., France, Germany, Russia, China and the Tehran regime.Instead, the majilis approved their own version of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), creating a situation where the Iranian government simply hasn t signed on to the accord that Obama and Democratic Senators obligated the United States to uphold.Western media incorrectly reported that the majilis approved the actual text of the JCPOA, according to experts.New York Post columnist Amir Taheri has explained in a series of social media posts that Iran s version of the deal calls for the cancellation of sanctions against the regime in Tehran.He also noted that Iran s version of the nuke deal calls for the dismantling of Israel s nuclear weapons program, citing Iranian parliamentarian Kazem Jalali.The Middle East Media Research Center (MEMRI), a regional watchdog organization, has confirmed that Iran did not pass the deal agreed upon in July. They instead voted to pass the amended version by a vote of 161-59.Iranian lawmakers tried to unilaterally amend the deal to strip the United States ability to snapback sanctions should the Tehran regime cheat the agreement. They also replaced the language to ensure that the deal will cancel sanctions forever, instead of suspending them, MEMRI reported.The Middle East monitoring group added that the decision to amend the deal unilaterally came at the behest of Iran s dictator, Ali Khamenei, who on September 3 promised not to honor the agreement with Obama.Moreover, the American Enterprise Institute s Iran Tracker site noted that Iran considered its unilateral amendments to the deal as four minor changes. Separately, as Iranian regime parliamentarians were voting on their own version of the nuke deal, its military was testing a precision-guided ballistic missile in direct violation of United Nations Security Resolution 1929.The Iranian government has ramped up its regional aggression in the past few months, as Iran is set to soon receive tens of billions of dollars in unfrozen assets.Tehran s military is now deeply involved in the ongoing civil war in Syria, with some estimates stating that there are 7,000 soldiers in Syria attempting to prop up Bashar al-Assad s dictatorial rule. Iran has also continued to provide aid and arms to terror groups Hamas and Hezbollah, and has assisted the Houthi insurgents in Yemen. Multiple Gulf states have also accused the regime of backing terrorist movements that seek to overthrow their governments. Via: Breitbart News
Under President Barack Obama, "We’ve got the lowest labor force participation in over three decades, since 1978."
By Common Dreams After a national election season that many called “interminable” and where the trending phrase to describe the contest between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump became...
@1boring_ym @noahmittman @moody @knowtheory @7im by doing your best, you provide incremental bits that others can use to verify, investigate
Turkey Repeatedly Demanded US Not Allow Kurds to Participate by Jason Ditz, October 27, 2016 Share This US officials are making clear that they intend to invade Raqqa really soon, with the ISIS capital scheduled to be attacks in the middle of the ongoing offensive against the city of Mosul. But while the Mosul invasion has a coalition of at least sort of friendly factions participating. No such coalition exists for Raqqa. Indeed, the US has insisted that the Kurdish YPG will be the overwhelming majority of the force, because they’re the only force available in the area with enough fighters to realistically attack the city. Yet Turkey has been outright livid over this, and has repeatedly demanded that the Kurds not be allowed anywhere near Raqqa. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan insists his country will be invading Raqqa, along with the YPG-held city of Manbij, very soon, and while they’ll doubtless also do some fighting against ISIS on the way, it’s pretty clear this is going to include some heavy fighting with the Kurds . That’s likely to complicate, and potentially outright derail, the invasion of Raqqa, as the Kurdish YPG can’t fight ISIS and Turkey at the same time, and the US seems wholly incapable of keeping Turkey from launching attacks on the Kurds in the middle of anti-ISIS operations. Last 5 posts by Jason Ditz
Benjamin A. Gilman, a New York congressman for 30 years and a leading Republican critic of the Clinton administration’s foreign policy initiatives, died on Saturday in Wappingers Falls, N. Y. He was 94. His death, at a Department of Veterans Affairs hospital, was confirmed by his wife, Georgia Gilman, who said he had been hospitalized for more than three years after hip surgery. First elected to the House of Representatives in 1972, Mr. Gilman was a moderate Republican who focused on foreign affairs throughout most of his years in Washington. From 1995 to 2000, he was chairman of the International Relations Committee, as the House Foreign Affairs Committee was then known. He was named to lead the panel after the Republicans won control of the House in 1994. Mr. Gilman accused President Bill Clinton of favoring Russia over other former Soviet republics, and said the president was indecisive on issues involving Bosnia, Haiti and Somalia. “Instead of a strong, steady signal on foreign policy coming from the nation’s capital, regrettably the world has heard a series of wavering notes sounded by an uncertain trumpet, leaving our allies concerned and our adversaries confused,” he said in one assessment. Believing that Mr. Clinton was not shaping a sufficiently tough policy on North Korea’s development of nuclear weapons, Mr. Gilman introduced legislation to prevent the president from lifting economic sanctions against that country until it made major concessions on freezing its nuclear weapons program and halting missile tests. He also contended that the Clinton administration had a “lethargic approach” toward helping Iraqis who wanted to overthrow President Saddam Hussein. A staunch supporter of Israel, Mr. Gilman accused the administration of bullying Israel into accepting unfavorable terms in talks with the Palestinians. A week after making that accusation, in May 1998, Mr. Gilman spoke to the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, at a luncheon at the Capitol. “We want you to know that you’re not only among friends, but among mishpocheh,” said Mr. Gilman, who was Jewish, using the Yiddish word for family. Although reflecting conservative Republican positions on many foreign policy issues, Mr. Gilman eschewed the firebrand tones of some of his party colleagues. He also departed from most congressional conservatives on issues like abortion rights and the environment, and was seen by many as a moderate in the tradition of Nelson A. Rockefeller. The Westchester Coalition for Legal Abortion endorsed both him and his unsuccessful 1996 Democratic challenger, Yash P. Aggarwal, citing their equally strong abortion rights positions. The League of Conservation Voters listed Mr. Gilman among House members who supported measures to protect the environment. Mr. Gilman also focused on legislation to combat illegal drugs. In 1986, he and a colleague introduced a measure to provide $230 million for state and local police departments to set up divisions. Mr. Gilman expressed anger when the Reagan administration released budget plans that sharply cut funding for such efforts. Earlier in his congressional career, Mr. Gilman helped to negotiate the releases of several Americans imprisoned abroad. As a result of one such negotiation, an American who had tried to smuggle some East Germans out of their country was released in 1978 by East Germany, and an Israeli was freed by Mozambique, which was then a Soviet ally, in exchange for the release of a convicted Soviet spy imprisoned in the United States. Mr. Gilman and the Israelis involved in the trade used code names while communicating by cable Mr. Gilman was called “Uncle Ben. ” In 1980, Mr. Gilman led an informal House committee that successfully negotiated with a Cuban diplomat for the release of 30 Americans imprisoned in Cuba. He left Congress in 2002 after the redistricting that followed the 2000 census consolidated his district and that of a fellow Republican, Sue W. Kelly. Mr. Gilman was seen as the underdog in a primary race between them, and he decided not to run again. He had won all of his previous elections. His district in the 1970s included Rockland and Orange Counties and some of Ulster County, and his later districts comprised Rockland and parts of Orange, Sullivan and Westchester Counties. Benjamin Arthur Gilman was born in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. on Dec. 6, 1922. He served in the Army Air Corps in World War II, flying 35 missions over Japan and earning a Distinguished Flying Cross. After the war, he graduated from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and from New York Law School. He was an assistant New York State attorney general in the 1950s, then a lawyer in private practice. He was a New York assemblyman from 1966 to 1972. In addition to his wife, he is survived by two sons, Jonathan and Harrison a daughter, Susan a stepdaughter, Nicole Pappas a stepson, Peter Tingus and 11 grandchildren. A son, David, and a daughter, Ellen, died before him. Two previous marriages ended in divorce. After leaving Congress, Mr. Gilman founded the Gilman Group, a lobbying and consulting business in Washington specializing in international matters. In 2003 and 2004, he was the United States representative to the 58th session of the United Nations General Assembly.
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Wow @MickiMaynard: Stunning. The @AFP staff at their HQ in Paris. #CharlieHebdo #JeSuisCharlie http://t.co/RerLtVVswm via @AFPphoto”
"Like every budget passed by the Senate since I have been lieutenant governor, Senate Bill 1 is within the spending limit set by the Texas Constitution."
The hypocrisy of the Hollywood elites who would hide the truth about a sexual predator is beyond the pale If I had a bucket list, I d say raising my four girls to be strong, good women would be number one. -Matt Damon, 2010 interviewReally Matt? What about the chance that you allegedly had in 2004 to save untold numbers of women from being victims of the disgusting Hollywood kingpin and billionaire Harvey Weinstein?Though the New York Times has been widely celebrated for its article exposing decades of sexual-harassment accusations against Harvey Weinstein, one journalist claims the paper sat on an earlier article detailing the producer s misconduct. Sharon Waxman, founder of the Wrap, writes that her own investigate reporting, which took her on an international trip to uncover rumors of Weinstein s sexual misconduct, was cut from the Times in 2004 under pressure from several Hollywood elites. Waxman alleges in the Wrap that Matt Damon and Russell Crowe called her directly to dispel the reports she was following about Miramax s Italian head Fabrizio Lombardo, who was allegedly hired to take care of Weinstein s women needs. She says that because of their influence, and interference from Weinstein, whose company was a big advertiser in the Times, the article was edited to remove the more salacious details. Damon and Crowe had previously worked with Weinstein on pictures like Good Will Hunting, Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, and Cinderella Man.Waxman claims that the gutted story could have exposed Weinstein much earlier. I had people on the record telling me Lombardo knew nothing about film, and others citing evenings he organized with Russian escorts, Waxman said. She also alleges that she tracked down an intern in London who had been paid off in a settlement with Weinstein. I was devastated after traveling to two countries and overcoming immense challenges to confirm at least part of the story that wound up running last week, more than a decade later, she writes. Vulture
Here is a guide to understanding Britain’’s vote to leave the European Union, a decision known as “Brexit” that will have global consequences for years to come. Complete news coverage is here. More than 17. 4 million Britons voted June 23 to sever ties with the European Union, whose seat of power lies in Brussels, compared with 16. 1 million who voted to remain. The stunning vote, 52 percent to 48 percent, plunged world financial markets into turmoil, the political consequences for the prime minister of Britain were swift, and people around the globe reacted with shock and confusion. It would be the first time any country has left the bloc. Fear of being overrun by immigrants was a driving concern for “Leave” voters, who appeared to dominate the conversation on social media. Globalization concerns and a desire to wrest Britain from under Brussels’ thumb were also factors. The referendum came about as a result of a promise made in 2013 by Prime Minister David Cameron to appease an increasingly vocal Union wing of his Conservative Party. ■ The prime minister said he would step down. Mr. Cameron, who led the “Remain” campaign, announced on Friday that he had no ”precise timetable” but that he believed his successor — who will manage the process of leaving the union — should be in place by October. Boris Johnson, the former mayor of London who backed leaving the E. U. was considered a to succeed Mr. Cameron. But on June 30, Mr. Johnson announced he would not run for the position of party leader (and therefore prime minister). ■ Global markets plunged. The British pound plummeted to its lowest level since 1985. Investors fled to the American dollar and the yen. ■ The U. S. market was down more than 3 percent at the close on June 24, with the Dow shedding over 600 points, after overnight in Japan and Hong Kong. The financial damage was more severe on the Continent than in Britain and the United States. ■ The United Kingdom lost its last remaining AAA credit rating on June 27, when the credit rating agency Standard Poor’s downgraded the nation to AA, Reuters reported. ■ The referendum is not legally binding, though it is difficult to imagine that the British government would ignore the will of the voters. The process of leaving begins only after the British government invokes a provision of the European Union’s governing treaty known as Article 50 — an action Mr. Cameron said he would leave to his successor. Once Article 50 is invoked, though, Britain could not change its mind and stay in the union unless the 27 other members all agreed. ■ Britain would leave the world’s largest common market, with 508 million residents, including 65 million Britons. That would free them from the bloc’s commitment to the free movement of labor, capital, goods and services. But it would also bring complications, with some businesses already planning to relocate. ■ Little will change for at least two years, but the vote sets off a series of negotiations as the country separates from the union’s remaining 27 members. Britain, which has the bloc’s economy after Germany, would have to come up with new trading agreements. Almost half its exports are sold on Europe’s common market. ■ London’s role as a financial center could be imperiled, particularly if the trade in securities moves to rival cities like Paris and Frankfurt. ■ The immediate effect on travel will be limited, especially as Britain was not a member of the Schengen zone, which came under heavy pressure last year from the refugee crisis. Americans will find bargains in travel to Britain, because of more favorable exchange rates. ■ Britain’s security will be largely unaffected: It remains a nuclear power, a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and a leader of NATO. ■ Scotland and Northern Ireland could go their own way. Both voted overwhelmingly to stay in the E. U. But prominent political leaders in Scotland and Northern Ireland called on Friday for new moves toward separating from Britain. Scotland, which voted in 2014 to remain in the United Kingdom, may revisit that referendum. Northern Ireland has an open border with the Republic of Ireland, a member of the bloc. Border crossings could now be tightened, and pressure could increase for unification, prompting instability in both places. ■ Calls for similar action have spread throughout Europe. “We must now have the same referendum,” French National Front party leader Marine Le Pen tweeted. Politicians made similar appeals in Denmark and the Netherlands. In Italy, one politician called for a referendum on whether to keep the euro currency. ■ President Obama said in a statement: “The people of the United Kingdom have spoken, and we respect their decision. ” He pledged that the U. K. and the E. U. would remain “indispensable partners of the United States” and that Britain’s “special relationship” with the United States would endure. ■ Hillary Clinton: “We respect the choice the people of the United Kingdom have made. Our first task has to be to make sure that the economic uncertainty created by these events does not hurt working families here in America. ” ■ Donald J. Trump: “I said this was going to happen, and I think that it’s a great thing. ” The British people “have declared their independence from the European Union, and have voted to reassert control over their own politics, borders and economy,” Mr. Trump said. “A Trump administration pledges to strengthen our ties with a free and independent Britain. ” ■ Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany expressed disappointment with the vote and called for European unity. “Our goal should be to create a future relationship between Great Britain and the European Union that is close and . ” ■ Moscow maintained its stance that the British referendum was of little direct concern. President Vladimir V. Putin said, “This will certainly have consequences for Britain, for Europe and for us. The consequences will be global, they are inevitable they will be both positive and negative. ”
CNN s Don Lemon gave an OSCAR-worthy performance on air when he teared up after reading his open letter to President Trump in response to Trump s tweet attempting to respond to charges from the widow of a fallen soldier who was killed in Niger earlier this month. Lemon is further politicizing the phone call from President Trump to the widow. Shame on him.Myeshia Johnson, the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, said on Good Morning America that Trump s condolence call made her cry even worse. She added that Trump couldn t remember my husband s name. President Trump responded to Myeshia Johnson s account on Twitter, writing, I had a very respectful conversation with the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, and spoke his name from beginning, without hesitation! Johnson s interview and Trump s subsequent tweet led Lemon to write Trump an open letter, which read in part:Your tweet this morning essentially called her a liar.Mr. Trump, please stop it. Please stop!Think of what Sgt. Johnson would want. You are putting his widow in the terrible position of having to fight for her dignity when she should be concentrating on taking care of herself, her health, her two children, and the one on the way.I know you have children and two daughters.Can you imagine Ivanka or Tiffany in Myeshia s shoes?Having a fight with the commander in chief while they are pregnant and grieving?If Myeshia Johnson is mad at you, take it.Just as President Bush and others did.Take it.It s part of what YOU signed up for when you decided to descend that escalator and throw your hat in the ring for president.You re commander in chief, the president of the United States of America, the greatest country on Earth.Act like it.Act like you know that you re big enough not to have to win every fight or respond to every criticism.Act like you know where the high road is.Confident and secure people ask for help, and for forgiveness.Insecure people think they know everything and need no help.Lemon went on to call La David Johnson a hero and said that he is a role model to him as an awesome soldier, a great man, and a great American. After Lemon read his open letter, he introduced a CNN panel but had to stop for a few seconds to compose himself after he appeared to be crying. Sorry, I m sorry, Lemon said.
MH17 was shot down by two UA fighters
"No one mentions that illegals are free to leave detention centers anytime to go back to Mexico. They aren't our prisoners."
It s starting to get old but Trump was right again Iranian state-run media in Tehran did indeed videotape the arrival of a January 17 flight carrying $400 million in cash from the United States and the money itself judging from a documentary that aired the following month in the Islamic republic. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has been in a firestorm of controversy since first claiming on Wednesday to have seen secret footage of money being offloaded from an aircraft.He admitted Friday morning on Twitter what his campaign had said more than a day earlier, that he had seen ordinary archival footage of a different plane, carrying American hostages freed from Iran arriving in Geneva Switzerland after the money changed hands. But it turns out he may have been right without knowing it.The Iranian video was aired February 15 on the state-run Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting television network, as part of a documentary called Rules of the Game. A narrator, speaking in Persian, describes a money-for-hostages transaction over video clips of a plane on an airport tarmac in the dead of night and a photo of a giant shipping pallet stacked with what appear to be banknotes.The federal government shipped what many are calling a ransom payment in Euros and other non-U.S. currencies.The copy of the documentary footage DailyMail.com obtained is not of high enough quality to determine which nation s banknotes are depicted.None of the footage is stamped with a date or time, making it impossible to know when it was shot.And the broadcaster blurred out one portion of the screen, covering up something resting on top of the mountain of money.But the documentary begins with a narration saying: In the early morning hours of January 17, 2016 at Mehrabad Airport, $400 million in cash was transported to Iran on an airplane. The film describes the Obama administration s prisoner swap and Iran s cash windfall from Tehran s point of view as a win-lose deal that benefits the Islamic Republic of Iran and hurts the United States, according to two English-language translations DailyMail.com obtained. Via: Daily Mail
Says Stephen F. Austin and James Bowie promoted slavery.
Republican leaders are taking presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump to task for his attacks on a Latino judge presiding over a lawsuit against Trump University. Trump is refusing to back down from his contention that U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel could not preside over a fair trial in a fraud case against Trump University because Curiel's parents were born in Mexico. "He's member of a club or society very strongly pro-Mexican, which is all fine. But I say he's got bias," Trump said of Curiel on CBS' "Face The Nation." "I want to build a wall. I'm going to build a wall." And Trump went further when pressed on whether he thinks a Muslim judge would also be biased against him. "It's possible, yes. Yes. That would be possible, absolutely," the billionaire said. CBS' John Dickerson  then asked Trump, "Isn't there sort of a tradition though in America that we don't judge people by who their parents were and where they came from?" "I'm not talking about tradition," Trump replied. "I'm talking about common sense, okay?" Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a Trump supporter and widely considered a possible running mate, severely criticized his remarks. "This is one of the worst mistakes Trump has made," said Gingrich. "I think it's inexcusable. This judge was born in Indiana. He is an American, period."   But Gingrich added that that he considers Trump a remarkable leader who learns very quickly. Meanwhile, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton grabbed the chance to aim her fire at Trump. "What Trump is doing is trying to divert attention from the very serious fraud charges against Trump University," she said on ABC's "This Week." And on NBC's "Meet the Press," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell also criticized Trump, but would not say if he thought what Trump said was racist. "I couldn't disagree more with a statement like that," McConnell told NBC's Chuck Todd. "But is it a racist statement?" Todd pressed. "I couldn't disagree more with what he said," McConnell reiterated. In the meantime, Republican leaders are urging Trump to start unifying the party and start acting like "a potential leader of the United States."
BNI Store Nov 7 2016 HERE THEY GO AGAIN! Muslims trying to claim that the Hebrew-language Dead Sea Scrolls are Arab Muslim in origin So, let me get this straight. The Dead Sea Scrolls are demonstrably written in Hebrew. But the Palestinians are now saying these ancient documents are, like Jerusalem’s Temple Mount , the holiest site in Judaism, Arab Muslim in origin.That is how ridiculous the campaign to delegitimize Israel has become. Israel Today Carmel Shama-Hacohen – Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) – said the Palestinians raised the matter informally during a recent meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee for Promoting the Return of Cultural Property to its Countries of Origin. JERUSALEM POST The dead Sea Scrolls are about 900 documents and Biblical texts, discovered in one of the greatest archaeological finds of the 20th century in the 1940’s and 50’s in caves in and around Qumran on the northwest shore of the Dead Sea. The texts include some of the only known surviving copies of Biblical documents made before 100 B.C.E., and preserve evidence of Jewish life during the Second Temple period. According to the ambassador and to representatives of the Israel Antiquities Authority who were present at the meeting, the Palestinians intend to make a formal claim to the Dead Sea Scrolls when the committee next convenes in 2017. “This is another provocative and audacious attempt by the Palestinians to rewrite history and to erase our connection to our land,” Shama-Hacohen told The Jerusalem Post . “The Dead Sea Scrolls are factual and weighty archeological evidence of the presence of the Jewish people in the Land of Israel.” “[The accusation is] part of an ongoing effort to deny the continuous Jewish presence in Israel. The Dead Sea Scrolls provide incontrovertible proof of the historical facts that underpin the legitimacy of Israel as a Jewish state,” David Koschitzky, chairman of the UJA Federation in Toronto. “As such, they pose a threat to the ongoing attempts to obscure the unique relationship of the Jewish people with the land of Israel.
Is North Korea irrational? Or does it just pretend to be? North Korea has given the world ample reason to ask: threats of war, occasional attacks against South Korea, eccentric leaders and propaganda. As its nuclear and missile programs have grown, this past week with a fifth nuclear test, that concern has grown more urgent. But political scientists have repeatedly investigated this question and, time and again, emerged with the same answer: North Korea’s behavior, far from crazy, is all too rational. Its belligerence, they conclude, appears calculated to maintain a weak, isolated government that would otherwise succumb to the forces of history. Its provocations introduce tremendous danger, but stave off what Pyongyang sees as the even greater threats of invasion or collapse. Denny Roy, a political scientist, wrote in a 1994 journal article that the country’s “reputation as a ‘crazy state’” and for “reckless violence” had “worked to North Korea’s advantage,” keeping more powerful enemies at bay. But this image, he concluded, was “largely a product of misunderstanding and propaganda. ” In some ways, this is more dangerous than irrationality. While the country does not want war, its calculus leads it to cultivate a permanent risk of one — and prepare to stave off defeat, should war happen, potentially with nuclear weapons. That is a subtler danger, but a grave one. When political scientists call a state rational, they are not saying its leaders always make the best or most moral choices, or that those leaders are paragons of mental fitness. Rather, they are saying the state behaves according to its perceived first of which is . When a state is rational, it will not always succeed in acting in its best interests, or in balancing against gains, but it will try. This lets the world shape a state’s incentives, steering it in the desired direction. States are irrational when they do not follow . In the “strong” form of irrationality, leaders are so deranged that they are incapable of judging their own interests. In the “soft” version, domestic factors — like ideological zeal or internal power struggles — distort incentives, making states behave in ways that are counterproductive but at least predictable. North Korea’s actions, while abhorrent, appear well within its rational according to a 2003 study by David C. Kang, a political scientist now at the University of Southern California. At home and abroad, he found, North Korean leaders shrewdly determined their interests and acted on them. (In an email, he said his conclusions still applied.) “All the evidence points to their ability to make sophisticated decisions and to manage palace, domestic and international politics with extreme precision,” Mr. Kang wrote. “It is not possible to argue these were irrational leaders, unable to make calculations. ” Victor Cha, a Georgetown University professor who served as the Asian affairs director on George W. Bush’s National Security Council, has repeatedly argued that North Korea’s leadership is rational. Savage cruelty and cold calculation are not mutually exclusive, after all — and often go hand in hand. States are rarely irrational for the simple reason that irrational states can’t survive for long. The international system is too competitive and the drive for too powerful. While the North Korean state really is unlike any other on earth, the behaviors that make it appear irrational are perhaps its most rational. North Korea’s seemingly unhinged behavior begins with the country’s attempt to solve two problems that it took on with the end of the Cold War and that it should have been unable to survive. One was military. The Korean Peninsula, still in a formal state of war, had gone from a deadlock to an overwhelming tilt in the South’s favor. The North was exposed, protected only by a China that was more focused on improving ties with the West. The other problem was political. Both Koreas claimed to represent all Koreans, and for decades had enjoyed similar development levels. By the 1990s, the South was exponentially freer and more prosperous. The Pyongyang government had little reason to exist. The leadership solved both problems with something called the Songun, or “” policy. It put the country on a permanent war footing, justifying the state’s poverty as necessary to maintain its massive military, justifying its oppression as rooting out internal traitors and propping up its legitimacy with the nationalism that often comes during wartime. Of course, there was no war. Foreign powers believed the government would, like other Soviet puppets, fall on its own, and barring that wanted peace. So North Korea created the appearance of permanently imminent war, issuing flamboyant threats, staging provocations and, sometimes, deadly attacks. Its nuclear and missile tests, though erratic and often failed, stirred up one crisis after another. This militarization kept the North Korean leadership internally stable. It also kept the country’s enemies at bay. North Korea may be weaker, but it is willing to tolerate far more risk. By keeping the peninsula on the edge of conflict, Pyongyang put the onus on South Korea and the United States to pull things back. From afar, North Korea’s actions look crazy. Its domestic propaganda describes a reality that does not exist, and it appears bent on almost provoking a war it would certainly lose. But from within North Korea, these actions make perfect sense. And over time, the government’s reputation for irrationality has become an asset as well. Scholars ascribe this behavior to the “madman theory” — a strategy, coined by no less a proponent than Richard M. Nixon, in which leaders cultivate an image of belligerence and unpredictability to force adversaries to tread more carefully. Dr. Roy, in an interview, said North Korea “intentionally employs a posture of seemingly acceptance and willingness to go to war as a means of trying to intimidate its adversaries. ” But this strategy works only because, even if the belligerence is for show, the danger it creates is very real. In this way, it is North Korea’s rationality that makes it so dangerous. Because it believes it can survive only by keeping the Korean Peninsula near war, it creates a risk of sparking just that, perhaps through some accident or miscalculation. North Korea is aware of this risk but seems to believe it has no choice. For this reason, and perhaps because of the United invasion of Iraq and the NATO intervention in Libya against Col. Muammar it appears to earnestly fear an American invasion. And this is rational: Weak states that face more powerful enemies must either make peace — which North Korea cannot do without sacrificing its political legitimacy — or find a way to make any conflict survivable. North Korea’s nuclear program, some analysts believe, is designed to halt an American invasion by first striking nearby United States military bases and South Korean ports, then by threatening a missile launch against the American mainland. While North Korea does not yet have this ability, analysts believe it will within the next decade. This is the culmination of North Korea’s rationality, in something known as desperation theory. Under this theory, when states face two terrible choices, they will pick the least bad option — even if that choice would, under normal conditions, be too costly to consider. In North Korea’s case, that means creating the conditions for a war it would most likely lose. And it could mean preparing a effort to survive that war by launching multiple nuclear strikes, chancing a nuclear retaliation for the slim chance to survive. North Korea’s leaders tolerate this danger because, in their calculus, they have no other choice. The rest of us share in that risk — vanishingly small, but nonzero — whether we want to or not.
Donald Trump appeared on Fox News on Monday night, only to be embarrassingly stumped by Bill O Reilly.O Reilly wanted to know if Trump plans on taking military action against Iran if he becomes president, and Trump totally demonstrated his lack of foreign policy knowledge by dodging the question and ranting about things he really doesn t understand. If you re elected president are you going to take military action against Iran? O Reilly asked. Are you going to do something to that country? Well, I would want to help Saudi Arabia, Trump replied with what seems to be a reference to Iranians attacking the Saudi Arabian embassy in retaliation against a mass execution the Saudis recently committed on New Year s Day in which 47 were killed, including a Shiite cleric. I would want to protect Saudi Arabia, Trump claimed. But Saudi Arabia is going to have to help us economically Trump suggested that he might attack Iran if Saudi Arabia offered the right price but remained largely unwilling to say one way or another whether he would get America involved in yet another costly and bloody war in the Middle East.O Reilly continued to press Trump for an answer, calling him out for dodging the question.Trump then went on a tirade against the Iran nuclear deal, calling it a disastrous deal that Iran has already supposedly broken before claiming that Iran will have a nuclear weapon very soon. Clearly, Trump is not aware of the fact that Iran recently surrendered their entire stockpile of enriched uranium to the Russians, which is definitive proof that the Iran nuclear deal is a success because it is doing exactly what it was designed to do.The Iran nuclear deal stands as one of President Obama s greatest achievements, and should not be abandoned in favor of war when diplomacy is working. Furthermore, Saudi Arabia is nothing more than ISIS posing as a legitimate nation. They use Sharia law and behead so many people every year that ISIS leaders must be envious. The only reason our government has failed to call the Saudis out for their horrible human rights record is because they control the second largest oil reserves in the world.This is why it is not only important for the United States to reject military action in the Middle East, we need to become energy independent so that we no longer have to rely on Saudi Arabia for our energy needs. Frankly, the United States government should grow a pair and strongly condemn Saudi Arabia right now for behaving like a terrorist organization.The bottom line, however, is that Donald Trump is unfit to be commander-in-chief. He not only wants to send American troops to die needlessly in Iran, he wants to make Saudi Arabia pay for it. Basically, Trump would turn America into a puppet for the Saudis. But more likely, he would damage relations with both nations and put America squarely in the middle of a potential conflict that could easily turn into World War III.America does not need more war. We need peace. And as O Reilly pointed out, voters have the right to know what Trump plans to do, even if Trump thinks they have no right to know at all.Here s the video via YouTube.Featured image via video screen capture
@Bossip Nice!
This is yet another example of just how crazy it has become under Obama s divisive administration. It seems like every day is a protest. Patriotism needs to make a comeback with the next president After a couple spotted a man holding a sign that read Death to America on a curb in Middleburg, Florida, they decided to take matters into their own hands by physically beating up the man and snatching the sign away from him in a Tuesday encounter that was caught on camera.The man and woman were driving past the curb in a gray Nissan when they saw Charles Brownett standing there with his sign, which read Death to America according to WJAX-TV. The woman in the car allegedly shouted at Brownett, Why don t you leave America? to which he responded, Give me some money, the Clay County Sheriff s Office report stated.
. We Are Aliens Because Our Souls Are Extra-Terrestrial We are in this physical world, but we are not from this world. It is important to understand that ... http://humansarefree.com/2016/11/we-are-aliens-because-our-souls-are.html We are in this physical world, but we are not from this world. It is important to understand that there is an evolution of Souls going on through the earthly experience, but also a development for every individual Soul. This is how the passage into higher and higher dimensions can be explained in simple terms. There are many immature Souls on planet Earth, and also many misguided Souls. Other Souls do not possess the best intentions, or are simply controlled by beings without a body , whose intentions and evolutionary process are not commendable. Many dope addicts and alcoholics have this unfavorable trait as do many selfish and greedy people.Few humans, because of their inclinations or because of their immaturity allow unknowingly those beings to manipulate them from time to time. The beings I am referring to, are not yet developed as Souls, nor do they possess a Higher Self or higher conscious awareness — only the mortal and limited intellect. This is by no way a reproach towards them, since most Souls are going through a similar process of evolution on Earth, where beings are not born consciously aware, unlike on some other planets. Humans on Earth, because of heredity, do need conscious spiritual work on themselves in order to set themselves free from their genetic compromised DNA (and intelligence), and clear their karma in order to ascend to Higher Dimensions and levels of existence. In other words, perhaps it would help to compare a developing Soul on Earth to that of one of Earth’s children. When the child grows, he develops certain physical attributes, but also awareness, his feelings and understanding, his brain and endocrine system are in formation. Souls undergoes a similar development; they need various experiences to mature, and develop consciousness. The Universe is in perpetual growth — creation never stops. Life comes under various forms, obeys various rules, and there are as many possibilities as universes. Your planet has a heavy history of genetic manipulation and experimentation. Your kind, the pure physical human kind, was developed around a Soul, in order to experience a 3D dimension level of density, so Souls had in effect to descend down the octave of creation in order to experience duality. This occurred because of the Atlantean Fall of your civilization: The Anunnaki, Mankind's Enslavement and the Afterlife Deception However, many of you have previously lived in much higher densities, but because of the fall, you had to learn to adapt to this 3D dimensional density, which was never meant to be your natural home. Other Souls have also volunteered to experience life in lower densities, or were sent here from higher densities in order to further their understanding of your world or of their own world or simply in order to help our Prime Creator on your world. These beings come from a higher plane of existence, which is their natural habitat. None of you, who are reading these messages or have a deep spiritual need, have been created in the 3D dimension, and you long to return home, where you have been created, to a higher dimension. The physical born beings will, in time, mature and become conscious enough to evolve into higher dimensions. These are the ones who are not aware of their Higher Self, but are given the experience here in order to make them aware of their potential. This is a natural process for all Souls, as all Souls will eventually make their journey back home towards our Prime Creator. It is important for you to comprehend also that although all humans look alike, their inner abilities vary greatly . Have you also considered the fact that some civilizations are so old and advanced that they can create soulless beings? Such beings are called ‘clones’ or ‘things’ on your world. This technology is already available to your scientists, and they can create or copy a human body, such as one would grow a plant. However, these beings do not possess a Soul , because they were not created by our Common Creator, but are the results of mechanical genetic engineering. This is another reason why some humans would not have a Higher Self. While their external appearance is in no way different to that of ordinary humans, the Spark of divine Life force and Consciousness is not inside of them. Those beings have mixed their mechanical genetic material with humans having a Soul, which has led to much DNA damage. There are many animals which are in human form, but not all animals are beasts, nor are all beasts animals. The Earth’s population is comprised of many Souls, with many different contracts, coming from various densities of consciousness. What man mistakes for thinking is but an intellectual awareness of things sensed and recorded within the cells of his brain for repetitive usage through what is termed "memories." Memories have no more relation to knowledge of Universal Mind which is in man, than a computer records are related to the source of their recordings. What he thinks of as his living body is but an obedient and motivated mechanical construct which simulates life through motion extended to it from its Soul, which alone lives and wills the body to move. Your physical (Clay) body is terrestrial, but that is not you. Your Soul, that Consciousness which you are, is that which has a temporary physical experience for its own development. The mechanical clay body you use has a Conscious experience. But you are that Consciousness. The physical world and anything in it cannot and never has created Conscious awareness. Intelligence, as found in snakes or spiders, yes, but not Conscious awareness. Some people think that the human body — which is flesh evolved at conscious awareness — is Soul, by some totally unexplained and totally unproven method. Think of that for a minute, Pilgrim. Common sense tells us that it is not reasonable that the human sex act can create a Soul in the Prime Creator’s image, since if it was so, we would not be creations of the Prime Creator, but of our physical parents’ mortal mechanical primate bodies. The human body, which your physical parents gave you, is the vehicle you use. But You are the Soul , created in the Prime Creator’s image, using the human flesh body your parents made ready for you to use. And if a Soul is pre-existent, which it is, and can enter into a body at some time in the baby’s development stage and leave the body when it dies, then logic and reason tells us that the Soul can also enter many more times. All the physical effects in your life are only the effects of the thoughts of your Conscious mind. The so-called sins and evil are not in the action of what your mechanical body does, but in the thoughts that come from what you think. Your Soul is accountable and will reap its own harvest. All the actions and words of your body are the effects of your thoughts. Countless religious and cultural teachings, as well as many different Philosophies, commands us to do good, but sadly, goodness is still veiled like in a thick mist. Many Souls have been stumbling in darkness, scraping their knees; but worry not, for eventually they all learn to walk! Soon after this dark period we live in, there will be so much light that you will have to wear shades. New information and better comprehension periodically transforms mankind into more conscious beings and a new awareness cycle — which will last for many thousands of years to come — is now commencing. The Prime Creators’ omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence are centered in the consciousness of each and every man; but there are only few who know of the Oneness of their Soul with the Creator. Man requires millennia to become aware of that. Each cycle brings him nearer to the awareness of his Oneness with the Source. Mankind lives in a bewildering complex world of Effects and doesn’t know the original Cause . Because of its seemingly infinite multiplicity and complexity, mankind fails to see or visualize the simple underlying principle of all things. He complicates truths and half-truths until its many angles, sides and facets have lost balance with each other and with him. All knowledge exists and is available. All knowledge will come to mankind in its own season, as needed. Enlightened Souls and messengers, periodically come and give such Universal knowledge, but only when man is able to comprehend it and only that he can bear at the moment, for man is just beginning to comprehend the wholeness. When we will master Enlightenment, we will know no limitations — but man must know the Light within oneself, the ever present Universal Consciousness . And man must want to know and to experience it oneself and then no one can tell otherwise, for Light knows Light intuitively. Mankind is aware of some of these illusions, but we are not aware of the fact that all effects are not what they seem to be. Thus we are misled into forming conclusions which have no relation to Nature and reality whatsoever. An intelligent person has mostly knowledge of the effect, but all real knowledge and understanding lies in the cause. New fundamental laws and principles must be based upon knowledge of the Cause . What little knowledge man has acquired during these last few thousand years, has been given to us by the very few geniuses, prophets, mystics and other messengers of the Light who have come to re-inspire mankind with their insight and knowledge. From these rare few, the beginnings of our culture have sprung. Without them there would be no understanding of beauty in this materialistic world. Without grasp of beauty man would still be living in caves. Through beauty alone will man gradually become consciously aware of his oneness with the Light? When man knows the Light he will know all things. Today, that Light is so dim in all men that no one, perhaps only a few, have fathomed the secret of Light, life, Love, growth, reincarnation and about the third wave of Souls entering now . The great unanswered questions of man have simple answers. The Silent Voice within every man is ceaselessly whispering it to his awakening consciousness. Every desire written upon the heart of man is carried to the Source of the original cause, and its answer will come, but only few ask from their heart and there are fewer still who listen. Many are the ages of preparation for worthiness, for man's consciousness is insulated from his Source by the sensations of his per-conditioned intellect and his selfish personal Self which he wrongly thinks of as being his Mind. What man calls his objective human mind/ intellect is mortal and the seat of both right and wrong information absorption and a multitude of vibrating sensations of his mortal body. What he calls his subjective mind is his sub-consciousness, his spiritual storehouse of memory of all-knowledge, all power, and all-presence. That consciousness is his individual Self, his ETERNAL Self through which his omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence are expressed as he slowly becomes aware of their presence within him. The electrically vibrating nerve-wires which operate his bodily mechanism act almost entirely through automatic reflexes and instinctive control, and to a very little extent through mental decisions. Each cell and organ of his body has an electrical awareness of its purpose and each fulfills that purpose without any mental action whatsoever upon the part of the Intelligence which occupies that body. The heartbeat, for example, is purely automatic. The white corpuscles of the blood rush to repair an injury to the body as automatically as a bell rings when a button is pushed. In this body and its electric recording brain, man thinks that he thinks and lives, loves and dies. He thinks himself conscious while awake and unconscious when sleeping — unaware that in all Nature there is no such condition as unconsciousness when sensation ceases in sleep. Man does not say that his tooth is unconscious when it is put to sleep by short-circuiting the electric current in the nerve-wire which gives sensed electrical awareness to his tooth. He knows that his tooth cannot be conscious, but he does not know that his mechanical body cannot be Conscious. Nor does he yet know that consciousness never sleeps, and never changes, for consciousness in man is his immortality. Man is still new. He is barely out of the dark of his jungle of ignorance. For the million or more years of his unfolding he has relied upon sensation for his actions and the evidence of his senses for his knowing. Few have been aware of the Spirit (Life force, Conscious awareness) in them. In this beginning of his new awareness he is confused, not knowing which is Mind in him, which is consciousness in him and which is sensation. He has not yet learned that bodies are but Self-created Mechanisms which manifest their centering Self, and that Self manifests the Prime Creator as One with it. Dolores Cannon: “ We Are Living in the Most Important Time in the History of the Universe ” Likewise, he has not yet learned that bodies neither live nor die, but repeat themselves continuously (“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.”) and forever as all idea of Mind likewise repeats itself. Free will is a gift to everybody from our Creator, by following orthodox religions, scriptures, man-made systems, having blind faith, or admiring individual orators blindly without pondering and wondering if the information you get is real, truthful, or not, many have abdicated their own God given free will to the will of others by being followers and joiners. They became the effects of other people instead of making their own cause by being creative, just like the Prime Creator. (Like being loving co-creators). Think, make up your own mind about what is real and good and what is not! There is so much good in all of us, so use it lavishly and unselfishly toward everybody, but don’t be naïve or gullible. If something doesn’t make sense, it is non-sense. If you don’t search, you won’t find. Light will not come from others, it comes from within your own consciousness — it is already there waiting to escape. There is no dead, ever. The body was never alive; it is a created machine that gets the life force and instructions from the Soul consciousness that uses it — but only temporarily. Yes, we are Aliens — Extra-terrestrials. Humbly compiled in love,I am Rene’ Descartes, HumansAreFree.com I am still conscious, therefore I am. Rene’ can be contacted on
Notre Dame students are freaking out over Vice President Pence s planned commencement speech. Once again, the college snowflakes are trying to shut down free speech. How will these students ever survive in the real world?The college is breaking with a 60-year tradition by not inviting the sitting president to speak. Instead, the University President announced Pence s scheduled visit noting he s a native son : It is fitting that in the 175th year of our founding on Indiana soil that Notre Dame recognize a native son who served our state and now the nation with quiet earnestness, moral conviction and a dedication to the common good characteristic of true statesmen, said Notre Dame President Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C. With his own brand of reserved dignity, Mike Pence instilled confidence on the state level then, and on the world stage now. We are proud to welcome him to represent the new administration. Notre Dame students protesting VP Pence as this year s commencement speaker because it makes them feel unsafe pic.twitter.com/W7mJoFp6dV FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) April 12, 2017 University of Notre Dame students have begun a #NotMyCommencementSpeaker white board campaign to protest the invitation of Vice President Mike Pence to speak at Commencement.Last week, seniors Immane Mondane and Jourdyhn Williams invited students to take photos holding white boards with direct quotes from Pence that are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, offensive, or ostracizing to members of our community, along with the hashtag #NotMyCommencementSpeaker. Alternatively, students could also write about why they feel unsafe with the presence of Mike Pence on our campus, with daily opportunities to have photos taken with their whiteboards through the week.Once all the photos have been compiled, the organizers plan to share them on social media in hopes of starting a discussion about Pence s invitation. For me personally, Pence represents the larger Trump administration, Mondane told The Observer. His administration represents something, and for many people on our campus, it makes them feel unsafe to have someone who openly is offensive but also demeaning of their humanity and of their life and of their identity. While the photos do not appear to have been posted yet, Mondane provided The Observer with several examples of the complaints that students shared.One student used a quote from Pence favoring traditional marriage, writing on their board, Congress should oppose any effort to put gay and lesbian relationships on an equal status with heterosexual marriage -Pence #NotMyCommencementSpeaker. Another read, Because I am the daughter of Immigrants Family of LGBTQ folks. Read more: Campus Reform
Is Heather Locklear Joining RHOBH?!
Kristen Wiig Might Play the Villain in Wonder Woman 2
LUANDA (Reuters) - Angola s new President Jo o Louren o is making swift moves to wrest power from his predecessor Jose Eduardo dos Santos, pushing out some of his key allies and vowing to combat monopolies controlled by a family that has run Angola for four decades. Dos Santos, 75, handpicked Louren o, 63, to succeed him when he stepped down last month after 38 years in power, prompting critics to suggest the little-known newcomer would be a puppet of the dominant dos Santos family. But analysts, diplomats and politicians have been surprised by the speed at which Louren o has tried to take on some of the entrenched vested interests that control sub-Saharan Africa s third largest economy and second biggest oil exporter. Heavyweights from the previous administration, such as Vice President Manuel Vicente and Minister of State Manuel Kopelipa H lder Vieira Dias Jr, have found themselves out of a job. Dos Santos still retains significant power as the head of the ruling MPLA party, and key posts such as the finance minister and central bank governor have not yet been touched. But in the vital oil sector, responsible for 75 percent of government revenue, Louren o curbed the control of dos Santos daughter, Isabel, who runs national oil company Sonangol. This month Louren o appointed Carlos Saturnino, who was sacked by Isabel dos Santos last year, as Secretary of State for Oil, a technically more senior role than that of his old boss. It was unexpected at this early stage, said Marcolino Moco, a former Angolan prime minister and critic of Jose Eduardo dos Santos. It s very early still, but Louren o is sending a sign that the excesses of the dos Santos era will not continue. Isabel dos Santos, Africa s richest woman, denied any tension with Louren o, telling Reuters last week that their views were in full alignment . In his state of the nation address on October 16, Louren o vowed to break up monopolies in the economy, directly mentioning the cement industry in which Isabel and her husband have large holdings. He also abolished government communications department GRECIMA, with which a company co-owned by another dos Santos daughter, Welwitschia, had lucrative contracts. The company, Semba Comunica o, could not be reached for comment. Breaking the monopolies enjoyed by the dos Santos family would be going for the jugular, said Ricardo Soares de Oliveira, an author and expert on Angola who teaches at Oxford University. But there is a danger of confusing a vendetta against dos Santos with a true reform agenda, Oliveira said. Major reform is desperately needed. Although an oil boom has made Angola one of Africa s richest countries per capita, it is also one of the world s most unequal, with the vast majority of the population sharing little of its wealth. Angola s economy fell into recession last year and unemployment is at least 25 percent. A lack of foreign currency has forced companies, such as airlines and oil services, to pull back operations. A dollar fetches three times the official rate on the black market. Ratings agency Moody s downgraded Angola s credit rating last week, saying the economy remained constrained by foreign currency shortages, high inflation, low public spending and a weak banking system. There are early indications Louren o may be placing capable technocrats into roles to fix some of these problems. Ricardo Viegas de Abreu, a banking executive and former deputy governor of the central bank, was appointed last week Presidential Secretary for Economic Affairs. Jos Massano, a former central bank governor popular with international investors, could return to his old job, local media reported Wednesday. A spokesperson for the central bank declined to comment. For Louren o s opponents the jury is still out. We re still in the phase of promises action hasn t brought us anything yet, Adalberto Costa J nior, parliamentary head of main opposition party Unita, told Reuters.
U.S. President Trump spoke by phone on Thursday with Russian President Vladimir Putin and a statement about their conversation will be released later in the day, White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said. President Trump spoke with Putin earlier today and a read out will be sent later tonight, she said in an emailed statement.
Honey Boo Boo Says Her Dad Body-Shamed Her as Mama June Runs Down Sugar Bear's Shocking Behavior
A general appointed at the weekend to run Venezuela s energy sector will name more military officers to senior management posts at state oil company PDVSA as part of a shakeup the government says is aimed at fighting corruption, two company sources told Reuters on Monday. In a surprise move, unpopular leftist President Nicolas Maduro on Sunday tapped Major General Manuel Quevedo to lead PDVSA [PDVSA.UL] and the Oil Ministry, giving the already powerful military control of the OPEC nation s dominant industry. Besides the corruption scandals, Quevedo will have to tackle an attempted debt restructuring, within the context of a deep recession and debilitating U.S. sanctions. Sources in the sector said Quevedo s appointment could quicken a white-collar exodus from PDVSA and worsen operational problems at a time when production has already tumbled to near 30-year lows of under 2 million barrels per day. About 50 officials at state oil company PDVSA have been arrested since August in what the state prosecutor says is a crusade against corruption. Sources within PDVSA and the oil industry said Maduro s administration was using corruption allegations to sideline rivals and deepen its control of the industry, which accounts for over 90 percent of export revenue. The order given is to militarize PDVSA in key areas, said a PDVSA employee, asking to remain anonymous because he was not authorized to speak to the media. A second source said he was told military officials would take over key production divisions in Venezuela s east and west. Venezuela s president, a former bus driver and union leader whose popularity has plummeted during the economic crisis, has gradually handed the military more power in his cabinet and in key sectors such as mining. Unlike his popular predecessor Hugo Chavez, Maduro does not hail from the military. The opposition says he has been forced to buy the loyalty of the army, historically a power broker in Venezuela, giving them top posts and juicy business contracts while turning a blind eye to corruption. PDVSA did not immediately respond to a request for comment, but an internal company message seen by Reuters called on workers to come to Caracas on Tuesday for Quevedo s swearing in. Let s all go to Caracas to consolidate the deepening of socialism and the total, absolute transformation of PDVSA, the message read. Quevedo, a former housing minister with no known energy experience, is not a heavyweight in Venezuela s political scene, although two sources close to the military told Reuters he was a Maduro ally. Opposition lawmaker Angel Alvarado predicted the appointment would worsen PDVSA s operations. They re getting rid of the old executives, who although socialist and working under catastrophic management, at least knew about oil, he said. Now we re going to have totally inexperienced hands. Although military appointees had been on the rise within the oil industry too, Quevedo s appointment is the first time in a decade and a half that a military official has taken the helm of the oil industry. PDVSA so far had been led by chemist Nelson Martinez and the Oil Ministry by engineer Eulogio Del Pino, both of whom rose in the ranks under previous PDVSA president and Oil Minister Rafael Ramirez. Later demoted to become Venezuela s representative at the United Nations in New York, Ramirez recently criticized Maduro for not reforming Venezuela s flailing economy, in what insiders say is a power struggle between the two rivals. The opposition has also accused Quevedo of violating human rights during the National Guard s handling of anti-Maduro protests, in which stone-throwing hooded youths regularly clashed with tear gas-firing soldiers. U.S. Senator Marco Rubio included Quevedo on a 2014 list of Venezuelan officials whom he said should be named in U.S. sanctions, although Quevedo does not appear in the list released by the U.S. Treasury Department. Venezuela s government denies abuses, saying protesters were in fact part of a U.S.-promoted armed insurrection designed to sabotage socialism in Latin America. Quevedo s appointment has worried foreign oil companies in Venezuela, including U.S. major Chevron and Russian state oil giant Rosneft, according to industry sources. Venezuela is also trying to pull off a complex restructuring of foreign debt, including $60 billion in bonds, about half of which have been issued by PDVSA. Bondholders were invited to Caracas for a meeting with the government two weeks ago, but market sources say there has been no concrete progress or proposals since. PDVSA said on Friday it was making last-minute payments on two bonds close to default, including one backed by shares in U.S.-based Citgo, a Venezuelan-owned refiner and marketer of oil and petrochemical products, due on Monday, and called for trust as it seeks to maintain debt service amid the crisis. Quevedo s position on the debt issue is not publicly known.
Share This This fall, the U.S. agreed to provide $38 billion in military aid to Israel over the next ten years, ensuring America’s continued role in funding the occupation of Palestine. Meanwhile, my friends and colleagues here in Gaza live in fear of another significant Israeli attack in the near future. They have every reason to fear another major escalation – violence is a daily reality in Gaza. In two recent incidents, a rocket was fired from Gaza into Israel without causing damage or injuries, and in both instances Israel responded by bombing targets throughout Gaza. In August alone, Israel bombed more than 50 locations in the small territory . The simple story told about these events focuses on action and reaction: Palestinians attacked Israel with a rocket and Israel responded. We hear this logic after nearly every event of this sort, but it’s woefully incomplete. In both instances, the rockets fired weren’t fired by Hamas, but rather by small radical armed groups at odds with Hamas, which governs Gaza. These groups seek to incite Israeli attacks on Hamas with the goal of destabilizing its control over Gaza, because they see Hamas as too comfortable with the status quo. Since seizing power in 2007, Hamas has worked to control and limit violence from the territory. Outside of periods of defined military escalation – which tend to be precipitated by Israeli attacks – they have effectively stopped attacks against Israel from Gaza. This explains why, as noted by the Israeli press, there were only 14 rockets fired from Gaza towards Israel between January and August this year. None were fired by Hamas, so Israel’s decision to target Hamas as a response makes no sense. Of course, 14 rockets fired from Gaza is 14 too many for those of us committed to ending all violence, and none of this should be taken as an apology for other violence perpetrated by Hamas. But, as the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the occupied Palestinian territories reports , there were also 45 Israeli military incursions into Gaza this year, resulting in 7 Palestinian deaths and, on average, injuring five Palestinians in Gaza every week. This is the part of the story that isn’t told. Gaza also remains under an Israeli-imposed blockade that severely limits travel, trade, and life for Gazans. Despite assurances that restrictions would be lifted in the 2014 Hamas-Israel ceasefire agreement, the blockade remains in effect. Israel, with support from the US government, claims this decades-long blockade is in place to pressure the people of Gaza to rise up against Hamas and provide security for Israelis. If those are Israel’s raisons d’etre, then it’s a complete failure. It hasn’t stopped violence, it hasn’t weakened Hamas, and it hasn’t brought Israelis or Palestinians security. While the blockade hasn’t succeeded in achieving the changes Israel claims to be seeking, its impact on the civilian population of Gaza has been immense. Over two years after the end of the last large military operation there, much of Gaza remains in ruins. Of the 100,000 Palestinians in Gaza who were displaced during the 2014 Israeli bombardment, over 65,000 remain homeless, as 70 percent of the homes seriously damaged or destroyed haven’t been rebuilt. This is largely because reconstruction materials remain blocked from entering Gaza. This important context is too often missing as US pundits and politicians consider the situation in Gaza. Given the blockade and regular military incursions imposed by Israel, the firing of less than 2 rockets per month by Palestinians cannot be seen as the core reason for violence. If the US is serious about promoting peace between Israelis and Palestinians, preventing future violence in Gaza, and guaranteeing security, then it must recognize the violence inherent in the Israeli occupation and end the blockade. The next attack on Gaza, feared by my friends who live there, is an inevitable reality if nothing changes. Mike Merryman-Lotze has worked with the American Friends Service Committee as the Palestine-Israel Program Director since 2010. Distributed by OtherWords.org .
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump appears close to naming U.S. Representative Tom Price as his choice for secretary of health and human services, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported on Monday, citing a dozen Republican sources with knowledge of the plan. Trump could make the announcement on Tuesday, the paper said.
Blow wrote in his article today for the New York Times that he has no desire to work with Trump voters. He clearly stated that there is no room for compromise with anyone who doesn t agree with him:
Hundreds of Universities across the nation are encouraging students to report other students or even professors who use what they deem to be offensive or even impolite verbiage. The investigations are being done by Bias Response Team ROBERT SHIBLEY ON WHAT S GOING ON AT ALL THESE COLLEGES;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_lpVv-fShg&feature=youtu.beVia Washington Examiner: Over the past year, I surveyed more than 230 such reporting systems for the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education and asked dozens of schools for records about their Bias Response Teams. What I found is detailed in a new report describing how universities broadly define bias to include virtually any speech, protected or not, that subjectively offends anyone. On many campuses, administrators are called upon to referee whether speech is polite. The threat to free speech is a real and present issue in America today as some Americans are putting a higher premium on political correctness than the right to freedom of speech.The threat to expressive rights isn t confined to speech from the Left or the Right. Bias reporting systems are being used to report all kinds of speech.At Appalachian State University, students have reported on one another for messages that were pro-Trump as well as calling Trump a RACIST. The former were reported by students as hate speech, the latter politically biased slander that was unlawful. While students at Ohio State University reported each other for comparing Hillary Clinton to Hitler, students at Texas Tech were telling administrators that the Black Student Union s tweets in support of the Black Lives Matter movement offended them. Meanwhile, the University of Oregon thought it define community expectations to students who complained about the oppression.Source: Washington Examiner
Video shows health professionals turning their backs on the mayor of the city of São Paulo.
Scumbag Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) lays bare how Democrats handle anyone who opposes them in his arrogant, threatening letter to FBI Director James Comey. Funny, I don t remember Comey getting a public admonishment from Harry Reid when he essentially let Hillary off the hook. Hillary should ve been taken away in handcuffs, but she walked right back onto the campaign trail without missing a beat. Where was Harry s outrage then? Why wasn t he reminding Comey who put him in his powerful position several months ago? The crooked Democrats house of cards is falling and its almost funny (almost) how they re blaming the Russians, Donald J. Trump and now James Comey for their inability to keep their crookedness hidden from the public. The top Democrat in the Senate on Sunday accused FBI director James Comey of violating federal law by showing favoritism to one political party over another by publicly stating that he had been made aware of new evidence in the Clinton email investigation. I am writing to inform you that my office has determined that these actions may violate the Hatch Act, Senator Minority Leader Harry Reid s (D-Nevada) letter to Comey reads. Through your partisan actions, you may have broken the law, Reid said.The Democrat also accuses Comey of suppressing negative information related to the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. In my communications with you and other top officials in the national security community, it has become clear that you possess explosive information about close ties and coordination between Donald Trump, his top advisors, and the Russian government, the letter reads. The public has a right to know this information And yet, you continue to resist calls to inform the public of this critical information, he said, referring to the explosive ties he accuses Trump having with Russia.Reid goes on to accuse Comey of tarring Secretary Clinton with thin innuendo by writing his letter to Congress informing the lawmakers of new evidence in the Clinton investigation. You rushed to take this step eleven days before a presidential election, despite the fact that for all you know, the information you possess could be entirely duplicative of the information you already examined which exonerated Secretary Clinton, he wrote.- NYPHere is the last paragraph of Reid s letter to Comey. In a typical Chicago-like thug tactic, Harry Reid reminds Comey how he got to be the director of the FBI and how he owed Reid more for sticking his wretched old neck out for him:Here is Reid s letter in its entirety to James Comey:
5-Year-Old Gets Wedding Wish Ahead of Heart Surgery
In the initial interview with the owner of this BBQ restaurant it was clear that this guy had good intentions. His intent was that we re all Americans and that we have special months and days for others but not one thing for whites. Could be that people might think he s doing this for the publicity but if that s the case, he got more than he bargained for DENVER The Hispanic restaurant owners who ignited an uproar over their plans to hold White Appreciation Day next month were forced to evacuate their barbecue joint late Friday after a bomb scare.Co-owner Edgar Antillon said Rubbin Buttz BBQ in Milliken, Colorado, was shut down for several hours during the dinner rush after a bomb threat in posts on social media, but he later said that the eatery plans to reopen Saturday.Shortly before the evacuation, Mr. Antillon told the Washington Times that he has received numerous threats and criticism over the restaurant s plan to hold White Appreciation Day on June 11. Mr. Antillon and Miguel Jiminez bought the restaurant last month. It s been phone calls, it s been emails, it s been on social media, said Mr. Antillon. Some are just, Hey, you re an idiot, and others have been legit threats. The former owners of this establishment are receiving threats even though they have nothing to do with this thing. It s unfortunate. He announced Thursday on Twitter that white customers would receive 10 percent off their tab on White Appreciation Day, but he emphasized Friday that the discount would apply to all patrons, regardless of their race. It s like we ve said many times before, if a black person comes in here and says, Hey, what about my discount, they re going to get a discount, Mr. Antillon said. If a Mexican comes in here and says, I want a discount, they re going to get a discount. Nobody s going to be turned down for anything. Read more: WT
France’s foreign ministry on Wednesday said new U.S. sanctions against Iran, Russia and North Korea appeared at odds with international law due to their extra-territorial reach. The U.S. House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday for these sanctions, which could affect European firms. The foreign ministry said in a statement that French and European laws would need to be adjusted in response and added that discussions would be necessary at European Union level because of the potential impact on European citizens and firms.
Nicole Kidman on Trump: ‘We as a country need to support whoever’s the president’
It’s over. Donald Trump, a man utterly unfit for the position by temperament, values and policy preferences, will be the Republican nominee for president. He will run against Hillary Clinton, who is easily the lesser evil but is trailed by clouds of scandal and misconduct and whose party’s left wing poses its own threats to liberties of speech, religion, enterprise and association. It is time for a third candidate, and probably for a third party. Some people will dismiss this notion as absurd. However, only those prescient enough to have forecast Trump’s success have the standing to certify impossibilities. If the Trump candidacy has blown up every other aspect of political conventional wisdom, why not this one? Even if a third candidacy still yielded a Clinton victory, it would be worthwhile. It would, first, deny the Clinton campaign the illusion of a mandate from American voters who would have, en masse, turned out to reject Trump. If nothing else, a strong third-candidate vote would send her a message to govern from the center, rather than in deference to her party’s increasingly powerful left wing. A third candidate could lay the groundwork for a new political party. The Republican Party may right itself after this moral disaster, led by men and women of the caliber of House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (Wis.). But the sad truth is that although the speaker has the qualities of a statesman, two of his Republican predecessors have indicated that they would vote for Trump without qualms, while a third is too preoccupied with his upcoming jail term to say much of anything. The Republican presidential defeat that likely impends will reflect an entirely appropriate national revulsion at the GOP candidate, whose personal record of chicanery and wild rhetoric of bigotry, misogyny and misplaced belligerence are without parallel in the modern history of either major party. It is entirely conceivable that the damage done will be permanent. And in any case, the party of Lincoln is sick. The influence on it of ranting reality-television players, talk-show hucksters and monomaniacs of various stripes may not recede. The temper that led a supposedly responsible party of governance to repeatedly attempt to shut down the government may, in turn, shut it out of executive power for a long time. A new, center-right party may be necessary — we cannot yet tell. If it is, the outlines of its platform are easy to anticipate: reverence for the Constitution; serious grappling with the domestic problems associated with economic opportunity for all, education and affordable health care; and commitment to the internationalist tradition of the post-World War II consensus. It would advocate a federal government that can energetically do the things it should, but would limit the role of unaccountable regulators and bureaucrats and push to states and local governments every function that is not clearly a duty of the federal government. Above all, it would be committed to liberty in every sphere of personal and public life. A third candidate — and if it comes to that, a third party — must be led by a politician. The Great Republic does not require a man on horseback to rescue it, despite the arguments that some have made for drafting a retired general. Senior military officers usually make dreadful politicians, and besides, politics is an art — a respectable art, despite what too many Americans think — with unique skills and aptitudes. People with such skills exist, including Mitt Romney. The question is whether one of them will step forward. One of them should, for this final reason: to keep conservative consciences clean. To vote for Clinton is to sacrifice standards and endorse policies and conduct no conservative should; not to vote at all is an escape, not a civic deed. Admittedly, this may be a losing cause. But a losing cause is not necessarily a futile one. John Quincy Adams fighting slavery in the 1830s and 1840s and Wendell Willkie running on an internationalist platform in 1940 proved that. A Trump candidacy is a disgrace and has indeed already damaged us at home and abroad, but the longer-term question is larger than one demagogue, dangerous though he is. It is whether the cause of free, limited and constitutional government will have someone to speak for it and to represent it now and for decades to come. The hour is late, the task is urgent, and the cause is great. Let us hope that some politicians will summon the courage that their country requires, and act.
Republicans need to get a backbone, says former Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) when asked about the testimony of Jared Kushner before the Senate Intelligence Committee. Every time the Democrats say they need to call up Jared Kushner or Donald Trump Jr., then call up Chelsea Clinton, call up the Clintons. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Md3pmA-IZ_EChaffetz was on fire: There we have an Inspector General who issues a report stating an actual crime. You have Bill Clinton, the former President, taking millions and millions of dollars from countries that Hillary Clinton was then going into and doing business. So every time a Democrat says, I gotta talk to Donald Trump Jr., then go up and bring Chelsea Clinton in there. Because she was involved in the Benghazi situation, she was involved with the Foundation. I mean, when I tried as the chairman of the Oversight Committee, to bring in Ben Rhodes to talk about the Iran situation, nobody knows what the deal with Iran was, they claimed executive privilege. Chaffetz says they would never do this to the Clintons and he s right on the money: They would never, ever, ever do this to the Clintons. And that is what is fundamentally wrong with this. They could have easily, out of all the people in the world they could have easily claimed executive privilege on this one, proximity to the President, it s his son-in-law, he s his closest adviser, he could have easily pulled that off. But there he is, he s gonna go in there as an open book and they should get a lot of credit for it. Read more: Rick Wells
FCA US today confirmed the next phase of its industrialization plan by announcing a total $1 billion investment in plants in Michigan and Ohio, and the addition of 2,000 new American jobs. Consistent and combined with previously announced investments, FCA US is further demonstrating its commitment to strengthening its U.S. manufacturing base, and aligning U.S. capacity to extend the Jeep product lineup. In total, FCA US has committed investments of more than $9.6 billion in its U.S. manufacturing facilities and created 25,000 new jobs to date since 2009.Today s announcement is the second phase of an industrialization plan announced in January 2016. The plan called for the realignment of the Company s U.S. manufacturing operations to fully utilize available capacity to respond to a shift in market demand for trucks and SUVs, and to further expand the Jeep and Ram brands.With the $1 billion investment, FCA US will retool and modernize the Warren Truck Assembly Plant (Mich.) to produce the all-new Jeep Wagoneer and Grand Wagoneer, and the south plant of the Toledo Assembly Complex (Ohio) to build an all-new Jeep pickup truck. These actions are planned to be completed by 2020. More than 2,000 jobs also will be added to support production of these models. The added benefit of the investment in Warren is that it will enable the plant to produce the Ram heavy duty truck, which is currently produced in Mexico. Yahoo
Eva Longoria Using Victoria Beckham As Trainer Nutritionist To Pregnancy Weight
Leave a reply Diane Canfield – Since there is only love – there is a separation with some that have not been loved and do not know what love is. This behavior when to the extreme can play out as what is termed sociopathic behavior. What is really- lack of love and separation from Source. One of the attributes of a sociopath is to accuse others of what they themselves are doing. This accomplishes two things for them, it takes the attention off of them and puts the victim in a defensive mode. The victim then has to try to explain themselves when it is actually the sociopath that should be doing the explaining. This is a common mechanism that is used by someone with no conscious and no connection to Source. They also feel they are above everyone else and untouchable. They may also be charming and likable by many. Yet few know the hidden secrets they carry and the way they manipulate others. They do not operate on the same code of ethics that most of us do. They operate on service to self, while making it look like they are service to others. Empaths are especially vulnerable to this because we have a tendency to “care too much”. We are the ultimate nurturers and support for others. This is the opposite of a sociopath that looks to use others for their own gain. Energetically they feel chaotic and not peaceful. They may seem to always be on edge waiting for someone to find them out. We can see this in all walks of life, in business, family and all places where there are high profile people. The answer to this is to love ourselves enough to be able to spot this immediately when we see it. We can not “care enough” to fix this person. They have to at some point learn to love themselves enough to work on themselves and learn how to genuinely care for others without expecting anything in return. The answer in the higher states is to have healing centers where they are shown what love is and how to love others – just for the sake of love. SF Source How To Exit The Matrix
October 31, 2016 At a conference on the evolution of early humans, it has been announced that everyone still sniggers, many audibly, when they see “Homo Erectus” in books or, in particular, when projected during a presentation. A leading evolutionary anthropologist explained that; “Ever since Dubois discovered Homo Erectus fossils in the late 19th century, scientists have been trying to suppress laughter. When a paper entitled ‘Genital variation in Homo Erectus’ was presented by Doctor Seymour Cox of the University of Cockfosters the room just…I’m sorry, can you give me a couple of minutes?” 31st, 2016 by apepper apepper News In Brief 0
Says Jeb Bush "oversaw (an) average in-state tuition increase of 48.2 percent during his tenure."
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - With Cambodia s opposition warning of the imminent death of its democracy, the historic rival who once beat Prime Minister Hun Sen in an election said there was no option but to work with the strongman. Seventy three year-old Prince Norodom Ranariddh, Hun Sen s opponent in U.N.-supervised elections in 1993, has horrified Cambodia s main opposition party with a call for it to be dissolved after its leader was charged with treason. Ranariddh s career exemplifies not only the swings in Cambodian politics, but also the way Hun Sen, 65, has used force and cunning to neutralize enemies since defecting from the genocidal Khmer Rouge in the 1970s to help drive it from power. Samdech Hun Sen, you want or you don t want, you like him or you don t like him, he brings about this national unity, Ranariddh said, using the prime minister s formal title. According to the law you are not allowed to harm national unity, the white haired Ranariddh told Reuters on Saturday. Beside him, four aides nodded and pressed together their palms in deferential emphasis. Ranariddh s royalist Funcinpec party won no parliamentary seats in 2013 elections, but would be allocated most of those held by the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) if it is dissolved after the arrest of leader Kem Sokha last month. Alongside the government, Funcinpec has sought a ban on the CNRP because of the arrest. Kem Sokha and his party dismiss the charges against him as bogus and an attempt to extend Hun Sen s 32-year rule at the head of the Cambodian People s Party (CPP) amid the biggest crackdown on critics of the prime minister in years. The prince failed his people when he had the mandate to bring real peace, said Mu Sochua, a deputy to Kem Sokha who recently fled to exile in fear of arrest. Now, he is robbing his people of their right to choose the leader of their choice by collaborating with the CPP in the dissolution of the CNRP. Ranariddh was summoned to politics from his post as a French law lecturer by his wily father, the late King Norodom Sihanouk. With royalist sentiment strong, Ranariddh beat Hun Sen in the 1993 election organized by the United Nations. But when Hun Sen threatened a return to war, Sihanouk did a deal that sidelined his son as a co-prime minister. Ranariddh was driven into exile in 1997 after his forces were defeated by those of Hun Sen in bloody clashes in Phnom Penh. After international pressure, Ranariddh was allowed to contest elections a year after, but never again came close to winning and entered on and off alliances with Hun Sen. Splits in the party followed and after a spell overseas following accusations of financial scandal, Ranariddh returned in 2015. As he speaks, he switches between English and Khmer with a peppering of French. We are not puppets, Ranariddh said beside a huge portrait of his father. We are definitely not an opposition party but we don t always, always, always say yes, yes, yes, yes, yes . We can say no . Although the United States and other Western countries helped secure Ranariddh s return to Cambodia in the 1990s, he dismissed their criticism of Kem Sokha s arrest and calls on the government to stop moves to ban the CNRP. I, Norodom Ranariddh, would like them to leave us free to decide, he said.
@4bola @piersmorgan And it's poisonous mindsets that create this "dog eat dog" world we find ourselves in. M. Brown had 1 of those mindset
During a press conference on Wednesday, Donald Trump refused to take a question from CNN Senior White House Correspondent Jim Acosta and told him “You are fake news. ” After Trump criticized CNN for its recent report on Russia and him, Acosta asked if, since Trump was attacking them, CNN could ask a question. Trump stated, “Your organization is terrible. … Don’t be rude. No, I’m not going to give you a question. … You are fake news. ” Acosta replied that this wasn’t appropriate. Later in the press conference, Trump did take a question from CNN reporter Jeremy Diamond. Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett
"Fox News accidentally puts up a poll graphic that shows how they are the least trusted network."
Paul Joseph Watson is the bomb! He makes the greatest videos and cuts through the bull to get to the truth. Here s a great example of why America is the best:
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday that a major military operation was underway in the Syria s northwest province of Idlib, which Free Syrian Army rebel groups earlier said they were preparing to enter with Turkish backing. There is a serious operation in Syria s Idlib today, and this will continue, Erdogan told members of his AK Party in a speech. Much of Idlib is currently controlled by an jihadist-led alliance of fighters. We will never allow a terror corridor along our borders in Syria, Erdogan said. We will continue to take other initiatives after the Idlib operation.
A Brazilian Supreme Court judge on Tuesday authorized an investigation of President Michel Temer for suspected corruption involving a decree regulating ports, adding to graft allegations the president has so far parried with backing from Congress. The new investigation is based on a wiretapped conversation of a former Temer aide, Rodrigo Rocha Loures, who, according to court documents, discussed shaping the decree in return for bribes channeled from a port operator to the president. In his ruling, Justice Luis Roberto Barroso said the new probe was warranted because Brazil s top prosecutor, Rodrigo Janot, had found strong indications of crimes, given that the decree signed by Temer answered part of the demands made by logistics firm Rodrimar SA. Temer s lawyer said in a statement sent to the Supreme Court that the allegations against the president are contaminated by untruths and malicious distortions. The decree was publicly debated and benefited all port operators and not just Rodrimar, it said. Rodrimar also denied that it had received any special treatment from the government. The company said the decree in question partially addressed widespread demands from Brazil s port operators. Temer has denied any role in the corruption scandals that have come to light during a sprawling three-year investigation of political bribery in Brazil. His lawyers have also challenge the plea bargain deal that yielded the wiretap of Rocha Loures, arguing that the billionaire beef tycoon who arranged the recordings was unfairly favored by a close aide to Janot. Last month, Temer s allies in Congress easily blocked a corruption charge leveled by Janot. He is also expected to beat additional charges that Janot could level this week before leaving office. The latest investigation approved by the court adds more allegations to the mix. Brazil s currency, the real, posted its biggest daily drop in nearly a month, slipping 0.8 percent against the U.S. dollar as the investigation and a separate police probe into Temer s allies kept pressure on the president. Temer s success in beating back accusations had bolstered bets that he would be able to return focus to his market-friendly proposals to overhaul Brazil s tax and social security policies, tackling a record deficit.
Politicians and their corporate lobbyists are trying to take away my right to spend my paycheck how I want.
IAN JACKSON: People have been slightly concerned about the trail and as your last guest pointed out it s very decentralized.ED HENRYY: Uh-huh. When you say slightly concerned, that doesn t sound to me like there s widespread allegations or more importantly evidence of some sort of fraud. So is this giving Jill Stein supporters some sort of false hope?JACKSON: Well, I [pause] there s we re [pause] trying to find what the count is and [pause] I m not sure it s false hope. It s trying to find the truth behind the numbers. There has been these allegations by computer scientists but as your last guest pointed out, it was using different systems and using that, being engineers, um, I m a software engineer and we like our little [pause] models, but unless you actually count and check it, you don t know whether it s just a thoughy well, they used something different or if there s something to it.And you mentioned your show is all about finding truth.HENRY: Let s find that truth. My next question is, our last guest, who you cited several times, Craig Gilbert, also said, accurately, that in 2000 and 2004 the margin was even closer in the presidential race and there was no recount. So what s your case tonight?JACKSON: [pause] Well, the case [pause] tonight, you can see that there that was [pause] a real contentious election [pause], and, based on that there are people that have expressed concerns. So, it s best to find the truth and go through the process. And obviously people have been willing to put up millions of dollars [pause] to find out and count the ballots again.HENRY: Okay, so final question: if you really want to get at the truth can we get at another truth which is that it appears that Jill Stein has raised about $5 million for a recount that may or may not happen for fraud that may or may not have happened. If there s nothing found here and if there s not even a recount will you pledge tonight that you and others in the Green Party believe that that money should be refunded, so this is not just money being raised on false hope?JACKSON: Well, we re exploring that I m only treasurer for the Green-Rainbow party. We re certainly going if it doesn t get used, we re certainly going to discuss with our donors what their desire is for that money.
Wilbur Ross spoke with WaPo about true tax reform He did a great job explaining his position on simplifying and cutting taxes. He said the W2 should be a one pager . He believes it takes entirely too long for the average employee to do taxes We say Amen to that!If Congress doesn t get in the way, tax cuts and simplification are a possibility. Ross is such a great pick for President Trump. he s another one who doesn t need this job at all but is doing it for America. Pretty awesome!MORE ON WILBUR ROSS:WILBUR ROSS ON NEIL CAVUTO: Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross is one smart man when it comes to making an economic argument against the Paris Accord. He appeared on Neil Cavuto right before President Trump spoke and brilliantly discussed why we need to get out of this boondoggle that will drain America of trillions of dollars. We re so lucky he s our Commerce Secretary! He s apolitical and strictly looking at what s best for America financially.WILBUR ROSS TAKES ON MATT LAUER: Wilbur Ross, Secretary of Commerce, tells that President Trump s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accord does not mean that the U.S. will do nothing to combat climate change. He says that President Trump is an environmentalist and that the decision will do nothing to damage America s national security. Yes, you can be an environmentalist and care about the planet BUT not be for this boondoggle!
.@MSharqawii @nixiberry being offended doesn't give backward cretins the right to slaughter people. FFS.
British police released a new image on Wednesday in a fresh bid to trace a male jogger who appeared to push a woman into the path of an oncoming bus on a busy London street four months ago. Video footage of the apparently callous incident on Putney Bridge, southwest London, has been repeatedly screened on British television but the runner has yet to be found. Footage shows him jog past one man on the bridge on May 5 before knocking into the 33-year-old victim. She tumbled head-first into the path of an oncoming bus, which managed to swerve out of her way, missing her by inches. The new CCTV still was taken from the bus, and shows a white man in a gray top and dark shorts. Police said he came back the other way across the bridge 15 minutes later but did not acknowledge the victim when she tried to speak to him. Images of this alarming incident have been circulated widely and we continue to work through the information received to identify the man responsible, said Detective Sergeant Chris Griffith. Two men arrested last month in connection with the incident have both been released without charge.
"We’ve doubled the production of clean energy."
Can't 'spin' a racist, you already took the lead. Enjoy Oblivion. Looks comfy @thedaybo @laser_hawk @wagner_darren
North Korea has begun preparing festivities for the “Day of the Sun,” a holiday celebrating communist leader Kim . Satellite images suggest that among those festivities may be the nation’s sixth nuclear test, which would arrive at a particularly tempestuous time in the relationship between Pyongyang and its largest benefactor, China. [The satellite images in question appeared on the website 38 North this week, dedicated to monitoring North Korean nuclear sites for unusual activity. The outlet warned that the Nuclear Test Site appeared “primed and ready” for such a nuclear test due to the amount of water and heat apparently coming out of the facility. NBC News notes that the day before the 38 North report, Pyongyang “warned it would strike the U. S. mainland with nuclear weapons at any sign of aggression from Washington. ” This, however, is not an unusual occurrence last month, for example, North Korea threatened a nuclear strike on Manhattan. The South Korean newswire service Yonhap reports that their sources within the South Korean military disagreed with the conclusions in the report, saying there had been “no unusual” activity at the site, or any other such nuclear site in the country to their knowledge. “Another defense official here did not rule out the possibility that the unpredictable North will carry out a nuclear test without special indications spotted, given its past provocation,” the report added. Another report at Voice of America suggested that evidence exists that a “nuclear device” is prepared to launch for Saturday, the “Day of the Sun. ” North Korean nuclear officials have “apparently placed a nuclear device in a tunnel and it could be detonated Saturday AM Korea time. ” An official at the American National Security Council told Voice of America that the NSC “will be watching closely,” but did not elaborate. North Korea has conducted five nuclear tests, the latest and largest in September. Pyongyang claimed that this test was of a hydrogen bomb — an “ of Justice” — but nuclear experts disagreed, noting that the blast caused by the bomb was too small to have come from a pure fusion explosion. Experts contended the bomb was likely a hybrid. North Korea has also revealed the major event for which they corralled the nation’s media last night, and contrary to international suspicions, it was not a nuclear test, but the opening of a new residential area in Pyongyang. According to Yonhap, Kim personally attended the unveiling of a new neighborhood in Pyongyang, billed as a “big and important event” to international media present.
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor on November 2, 2016 By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor and Ian Greenhalgh, Managing Editor Sources within the FBI have informed VT that a cabal tied to right wing extremists, in particular General Paul Vallely’s Stand Up America (advocating the violent overthrow of the American government) and the Federalist Society along with groups like St. Hubertus and Bilderberg, now run the rank and file of the FBI. The FBI is now a key component of the secret societies that John F. Kennedy warned about. When top DC insiders meet with oil and defense contractors, be it a “prayer breakfast” or “hunting society” or to dance around a fire somewhere wearing horned headgear, the FBI is there. Calls for a special prosecutor to investigate possible FBI involvement in attempts to rig this years presidential election have more to them than meet the eye. A culture of corruption has infected the FBI to the point where they have become a danger to national security. Let’s be clear, the majority of FBI agents are not only competent and honest, they are fine people. However, this is a deeply political group, strongly right wing, with a very secretive hierarchy that has not only taken sides in the election, but has been involved in covering up terrorist acts and organized crime for years. Recently, CNN called for a special prosecutor to investigate the FBI. There is a reason for this, which we will get into, not at some small risk. CNN also reported on “fake news” and the threat it entails. What if I told you that the majority of FBI agents, including highest level officials, were not only “birthers,” a belief even Trump now has backed away from, but openly talk about murders they believe Hillary Clinton has committed or continue to insist that President Obama is a Muslim? Worse still, many actually insist that Barack Obama is the anti-Christ. Not only are those who run America’s most powerful law enforcement organization rooted in conspiracy theories and delusions, they are continually hoaxed by fake news stories. Worse still, the FBI has, for years, covered for financial criminals, the payday loan scams, the mortgage “robo-signers” and more. When America’s savings and loans were crashed by fraud during the Reagan administration, costing $1.4 trillion, few went to jail. This may have been the beginning. When, in 2007, America’s investment banking system collapsed, the price of that nearing $10 trillion, all of which involved criminal fraud on an unimaginable scale, all that could be done was a “bail out,” but no prosecutions though nearly half the equity value of the entire nation had been redirected overseas by an international criminal cabal. This is the same FBI, under the guidance of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, that got behind torture, kidnapping and illegal surveillance. Where we are now is this, organized crime at the highest levels is free to operate in the US with impunity while the FBI runs political witch hunts under the direction of right wing extremist groups. We are told that the FBI helped squash the 9/11 investigations, including releasing certain suspects tied to foreign intelligence services along with a series of investigations tied to voter intimidation, voting machine hacking and the death of Michael Connell , which would have brought down the Bush presidency. Read today’s New York Times about Donald Trump’s income taxes, where the term “improper” is used when describing Trump’s taking huge tax deductions for losses by others. Even the Times is afraid of using the term “criminal.” It isn’t Trump they are afraid of. Gambling boss Sheldon Adelson just gave Trump $25m today, dirty money to bolster a flagging campaign, donated after the FBI attempt to down Clinton with a phony email scandal failed miserably due to VT investigative reporting . VT’s allegations have now all been supported, and sources are coming forward about much more serious problems within the FBI and real threats to national security. The Federalists There is both a public and private version of the Federalist Society. They organize high school debates, the recruit “like minded conservatives” to go to law school or in law schools, they push “right minded” lawyers into key positions in politics, in the courts and in the FBI. There’s the rub. There is a dark side to the federalists as well, agenda drive and very “anti-government,” as much as any militia, in fact “out neoconning” the neocons hands down. The Federalist Society is powerful, embedded everywhere and operating with a grand plan, one that involves something beyond tyranny as we know it, the full unabridged version of the corporate state where superior man is allowed his way and others, well, they learn to lie down and take it. This is conservatism, or “neo-conservatism” as it exists, not on the news but in real life, elitism at the hands of self proclaimed elites “in their own minds,” empowered mama’s boys, ass kissers and the kids that hung around the teacher’s skirts during recess so they wouldn’t get their tiny little asses handed to them by regular children. The Plot What if congress were controlled by the Federalists? What if the Federalists controlled, until Scalia was killed anyway, the Supreme Court as well? What if the Federalists organized congress to block judicial appointments, in order to run the courts and control key cases around the country for paying clients, some drug cartels, defense companies but more often big polluters, drug companies and banks, the kind of banks that robo-sign mortgages and bilk customers out of their savings. The Federalists run the FBI, having taken over after pushing aside the Mormon contingent, still alive and well but less powerful, that was put in place by Hoover. Here’s the rub, we have seen congress do little during the Obama presidency but run investigations, some of them like Benghazi, built on “fake news” and internet conspiracies. We also mentioned that the FBI, rather than being a collection of elitist lawyers and big IQ guys, is now Fox News conspiracy junkies who, after 9/11, ate the entire donut cart of fantasy fed to the general public and have, for more than a decade, chased shadows and fought a war on terror against organization that never existed. Where this applies now is in what we have seen over the past few days. We have established the “crying liberal goodguy” credentials of James Comey, FBI Director. We know he hates torture, fought against, for awhile at least, the surveillance state and certainly convinced President Obama that he was going to be able to clean up the FBI after its long descent into disrepute during the Bush/Gonzales period. For years, every time Alex Jones or some other podcaster or blogger, a “fake news” generator came up with a tale about Hillary Clinton, Congress put millions on the table and began the witch hunt. The version of Benghazi that congress chases around and the one the intelligence agencies know is real are so unrelated as to share almost no facts at all. Everything about Libya was secret, including the shotgun wedding between Gaddaffi and Bush/Blair, a sick threesome involving not just arms dealing but a covert nuclear weapons program, germ warfare labs and surrogate terrorism to be blamed on others, like Syria. Where it gets dangerous is here, we have congress controlled by the GOP, a mix of Tea Party true believers, with the wild eyed look worn down a bit and the “I am for sale, name a price” written on their fat pink little pig faces. Mix in the usual suspects, the “Washington types,” running when told, where told, fully at the services of the lobby, Israel, big Pharma, the drug cartels who top off their Bain Capital/Cayman Islands bank accounts… Add to that, the endless obstructionism, the endless investigations and, wait for it, an FBI now controlled by the Federalist Society, the name group that runs the congressional investigations and manages the payoffs as well. Then Obama throws Comey into the mix. Here is what we are told; Comey killed the expected prosecution of Hillary not because the investigation showed she didn’t commit crimes but because the investigation showed very much that she had committed many crimes, but for one minor problem. The investigation itself was corrupt, fabricating evidence, intimidating witnesses and falsifying everything it touched. The Federalists expected Comey to bend over as he had so many times in the past. Instead, he simply threw it all out. The leaders of the FBI cabal met at a contractors ranch in Montana to discuss how to get not only Hillary but Comey as well. The deal was this, take a batch of emails that were “out there,” and there were hundreds of thousands unaccounted for. Seed classified information into them, for “security’s sake” like had been done before, something Comey caught onto when he killed the FBI’s case against Hillary. Then to do two things, crash the election and get rid of Comey. With Trump coming in, if things work out, Comey will be replaced with a puppet of choice and the Federalist run FBI will be unleashed to blackmail, torture and fabricate evidence until caught and there will be nobody left to speak up. Working hand in hand with them will be congress and pouring money in, the drug cartels, the Israel/Saudi/Turkish lobby, big oil and maybe even the Russians as well, who knows. The sky is the limit. This is just like the good old days with Nixon. Setting up Comey was easy. Get the emails, put them on Weiner’s computer and fail to legally gain access to them by not applying for a search warrant. Then go to Comey telling him they were just found. With his weak constitution and the abuse he got from Trump’s people, combined with the “line agent insurrection” (yes, this is the term used) for standing up against them once, Comey would fold. Comey folded, he took the bait and ran to congress with the weeks old illegally obtained probably seeded and falsified evidence that has burned down his career. With calls for FBI Director James Comey to step down and accusations of FBI corruption from both the Trump and Clinton campaigns, sources have begun to come forward. What we are hearing, primarily from inside the FBI but from Washington insiders of both parties, will shake the very foundations of the republic. We begin: What We Know James Comey has a history as a reformer and advocate of constitutional rights. In 2004, he was brought into the Bush Department of Justice but soon found much amiss and became a critic of torture, rendition and “cooked” terror cases. President Obama believed he was pulling a fast one by moving Comey, a Republican, into the slot as FBI director. Comey was tasked with reforming the Bureau, which had begun “cowboying” cases and making up the rules, widely abusing even its broadened powers under anti-terror legislation that many legal experts cite as being unconstitutional. To many in the FBI, the Patriot Acts and FISA weren’t tyrannical enough. The FBI is overrun with factions and some of them are closely tied to extremist groups that advocate the overthrow of the United States government. Let’s be clear, most FBI agents are lawyers, many are experienced law enforcement officers and, typically, the majority are frighteningly honest, a bit dull and very right wing. Most FBI agents are “birthers,” and still believe that President Obama is a Muslim and was born in Kenya, though there is no evidence, whatsoever, to imply that either assertion has merit. Still they believe this. In discussions with FBI agents and ranking FBI officials, invariably they are horribly uninformed on international affairs and seem as though they get their ideas about terror threats from TV shows. Most are not rooted in reality, not by standards of an intelligence agency or military command. The FBI has developed a closed culture, almost cult-like, where influences are often extremist, sometimes religious and were the organs of oversight and control have broken down. The FBI can’t be trusted. The public knows that Director Comey wrote a letter to congress where he expressed an obligation to inform congress of evidence he had just received that indicated that not all emails between former Secretary of State Clinton and others, sent through a private server, had been evaluated for potential criminal elements. The letter went no further. Comey had been warned not to send the letter, advised may be a better term, by Attorney General Loretta Lynch and other officials, making their case that he is not authorized to released such information and that the timing of this was highly suspect and this act would damage the reputation of the FBI. Lynch was unaware that the emails had, in fact, been around for a up to a month. She was alway unaware that they had been illegally downloaded or “synced” into Anthony Weiner’s computer. She was further unaware that existing search warrants made viewing or evaluating these emails, in any way, no matter how they had been accessed, was illegal. Thus, when Comey commented in his letter about the basic nature of the emails, information only available through a process that violated law, he moved into the area of gross misconduct, perhaps criminal misconduct and left himself open for accusations of Hatch Act violation. The basis Comey applied for rationalizing his act was predicated on these points: A valid search warrant that covered these emails was in place. It was not. These emails had been, in fact, already in the hard drive and were not placed there, “planted” or “synced” by the FBI. If Comey were told this or failed to ask or make certain, the standard for conspiracy and obstruction charges exist within his office and the case management team at the FBI. Comey based his letter on what he claimed was his belief that these emails had just been discovered. In fact they had been around for as long as five weeks, a fact that raises more questions: Why did Comey wait until just prior to an election? Who did he talk to? What transpired during this period? Why did Comey not as for a search warrant to review the emails, though we know the process, or at least a cursory and quite illegal process had already begun, until after he wrote his letter and was bombarded with criticism? A powerful group of FBI agents, opposed to Hillary Clinton, a group that includes extremists tied to the are the force behind the bizarre letter Director James Comey wrote to Congress last Friday, which have led to calls for his resignation and even arrest. The FBI claims it knew of the Weiner/Abedin emails as early as September 22, 2016 and had certainly accessed them, without a warrant, by October 3 or 4. Director Comey’s letter to Congress makes reference to knowledge that could only be obtained by reviewing minimally header material but also limited text in the emails, which he makes note of, though there is no legal basis for him having any information at all, as no warrant was issued until yesterday. Yesterday, Comey announced that the emails had been held for some time. If this is true, it was done without his knowledge, a serious breach of national security. If he did know, it is for Comey to show how he dealt with that knowledge for the past 30 days, with whom he conferred and why he waited. This is where Senator Reid finds basis for citing Comey as in criminal violation of the Hatch Act and sees likely intent on Comey’s part to rig an election. Things in Washington are coming apart as a pattern of “cowboying,” up to and including criminal acts, planting evidence, Hatch Act violations, perjury and obstruction may well have infected the FBI. Sources indicate that “line agents” within the FBI who either support the Trump candidacy or strongly oppose Hillary Clinton, are using the Bureau to try to rig this year’s presidential election, an assertion now echoing around Washington. The Hillary email issues, cited by Senator Harry Reid (D) Utah as a violation of the Hatch Act, Federal employees involved in rigging an election, is only the tip of the iceberg. Yesterday, FBI Director James Comey admitted that he didn’t know agents had withheld emails by Clinton aide, Huma Abedin, that he mistakenly reported to congress as a recent discovery. In fact, not only had the agents held these emails for weeks, as early as September 22, 2016, they had failed to ask for a warrant to even view them. Moreover, the acquisition of the emails itself was, according to numerous sources, an abuse of a warrant. Worse still, as the emails weren’t actually even on the computer but were loaded to it, and then misrepresented as being “found” on the computer’s hard drive. Practices like this were commonplace during the second Bush administration and it was James Comey that was brought in to institute reforms and end the procedural abuses that had become rampant inside the Bureau. After 9/11 sweeping changes in surveillance legislation and broadly expanded powers instilled in many agents, according to sources in the Department of Justice, a broad disrespect for constitutional guarantees. “They went a bit nuts there, and by the time Ashcroft (Attorney General) tried to rein them in, it was too late. Ashcroft was sick and was eventually pushed out by even stronger advocates of enhanced interrogation and the rule of the day, “rounding up the usual suspects,” guilty or not, in order to make the papers and sell more terror legislation.”
@sugreev (3) Before Israeli, Jews and Muslims lived peacefully in many parts of the world
Steve Poizner "increased his department's budget nearly 14 percent."
@AntonioFrench ok so bc YOU don't own it who cares then right? Prob the business owners and homeowners that DO have to pay the consequences
(Want to get this briefing by email? Here’s the .) Good evening. Here’s the latest. 1. Floodwaters saturated southern Louisiana, forcing more desperate rescues and evacuations. The death toll rose to 11, and tens of thousands of people have been displaced. Some areas have received as much as 31 inches of rain (yes, 31) in the last week — a phenomenon that some experts say foretells the disasters of climate change. _____ 2. At the Olympics, the spectacular American gymnast Simone Biles scooped up her fourth gold medal, soaring past the competition in the floor exercise. More of today’s highlights are here. Fans of the U. S. runner Allyson Felix raged over a dive across the finish line by the Bahamian Shaunae Miller to win the women’s 400 meters. And an Irish boxer, Michael Conlon, raged against judges after they ruled he lost to a Russian, Vladimir Nikitin, in a bout many observers believed he had won. Our full coverage of the Games is here, including the battle for the 2024 Olympics and a meditation on the sometimes mystifying theatrics in synchronized swimming. _____ 3. Donald Trump spoke at a rally in a suburb of Milwaukee, steering clear of the area where unrest flared after a fatal police shooting. He accused Hillary Clinton of pushing an “narrative” and said, “Law and order must be restored. ” His campaign focus has shifted to the theme of fighting terrorism, with a special focus on protecting women. He’s also portraying Hillary Clinton as weak and tired. _____ 4. Four sources told our political reporters that Roger Ailes, the Fox News chairman ousted last month over accusations of sexual harassment, is advising Donald Trump as he prepares for the coming presidential debates. A Trump spokeswoman issued a denial, saying the two are friends and “speak occasionally, which isn’t news. ” _____ 5. Hillary Clinton traveled to Philadelphia for a drive, bolstered by new polls showing her lead strengthening in Florida. Her campaign is spending heavily to influence early voting, which is allowed in 35 states and the District of Columbia. The first, Minnesota, begins on Sept. 23. Almost of voters cast early ballots in 2012. The F. B. I. under pressure from House Republicans, gave Congress classified documents related to its investigation of Mrs. Clinton’s private email server. _____ 6. Russia launched air attacks in Syria from an air base in Iran, becoming the first foreign military to operate from Iranian territory since at least World War II. The move could alter the political and military equation in the Middle East. The Russian military said its bombers destroyed ammunition dumps and other targets linked to the Islamic State and other groups. _____ 7. Turns out older people are pretty good life hackers. A professor of industrial design has been collecting examples: using the moldable putty Sugru to buffer furniture edges that can bruise or tear elderly skin, and snapping rubber bands around cups to increase grip. A woman who put a lazy susan in her refrigerator to ease access said, “Designers think they can put themselves in the shoes of the aging, but you don’t really know until you’ve lived with the realities. ” _____ 8. Gawker will be getting a new owner. Univision’s bid of $135 million secured the muckraking gossip site at auction, according to two people with direct knowledge of the deal. Gawker declared bankruptcy after being hit with a $140 million judgment for publishing a sex tape involving the former professional wrestler Hulk Hogan. Above, Nick Denton, who founded Gawker in 2002. _____ 9. Google released Duo, a app that can place video calls between Android and iPhone users. In a jab at Apple, whose FaceTime operates only with iOS, Google’s statement said users shouldn’t have to worry “if your friend is using the same type of device as you are. ” _____ 10. Wen Hair Care, created by a Los Angeles stylist to the stars, has drawn more than 21, 000 complaints, including hair loss in women and children. Its distributor is part of a trade association bitterly fighting proposed legislation that would empower the Food and Drug Administration to test and recall cosmetics. But the proposal has the backing of the bigger players in the beauty industry, who want to regain public trust. _____ 11. Finally, this Native American chef, Sean Sherman, is unearthing and revitalizing indigenous cooking traditions that have been lost or forgotten. An Oglala Lakota, he favors chokecherries, corn silk and even chaga, the fungus that blooms on birch trees, joking about his “ . ” He plans to open a restaurant in Minneapolis next year. _____ Your Evening Briefing is posted at 6 p. m. Eastern. And don’t miss Your Morning Briefing, posted weekdays at 6 a. m. Eastern, and Your Weekend Briefing, posted at 6 a. m. Sundays. Want to look back? Here’s last night’s briefing. What did you like? What do you want to see here? Let us know at briefing@nytimes. com.
Saturday, MSNBC “AM Joy” host Joy Reid suggested Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be participating in the “trolling of people of color” when he met with Police Sgt. Edward Mullins to accept an award on behalf of his New York City police union. Partial transcript as follows: He either is just indulging his obsessions or maybe some private prison interest maybe have an interest in him and he’s going to enrich them, or this is about a kind of trolling of people of color that is common in your party. Jefferson Sessions, amid the turmoil he’s facing now on Russiagate and other things, took the time out to be honored by a police union boss here in New York, a guy named Edward Mullens — an incredibly controversial guy. He’s been called “Crazy Eddie” by the former NYPD commissioner Bill Bratton. This is a guy who objected to the Eric Garner settlement, who said it was a travesty, who walked out when police had to admit that they beat, I think, a man and they had to settle, he walked out and called that a travesty. He objected to Beyonce’s performance at the Super Bowl. This is an extremist and Jeff Sessions proudly stands next to him. Is this cultural trolling and Jeff Sessions is a member of a troll army? Follow Trent Baker on Twitter @MagnifiTrent
The Czech Republic is not prepared to accept any more than the 12 migrants it has already taken under the quota scheme set up by the European Union (EU) even if that means facing sanctions, the nation’s interior minister has said. [“Ongoing security checks show that the country can no longer accept anyone else” said Milan Chovanec, noting that the Czech Republic has so far received 12 of the 1, 600 migrants it has been ordered to take in under the terms of the EU quota deal. Vetting refugees is “complicated” the minister explained, adding that migrants “have not even been willing to remain in place [in Greek and Italian camps, while security checks take place”. “We check thoroughly and in detail during the process, which takes between several weeks and more than two months. “But these people [that the Czech Republic have been told to take in as refugees] were not prepared to remain in place while being vetted. Because of that, we haven’t given them security clearance. ” Confirming that the country “has no further plans to adopt more migrants” Mr Chovanec raised the issue of repeated threats from Brussels to punish states which are refusing to go along with the EU’s agenda to push migrants from the third world on unwilling countries. “The Czech Republic does not plan to adopt more migrants” he said, acknowledging that this stance is likely to result in Brussels imposing sanctions against the country, “perhaps in the range of several million Euros”. “It is then up to the government to assess if it’s worth paying the penalty or not. In my opinion — yes. You cannot let people here without running all the checks. ” The Czech minister’s position is likely to come as a blow to Brussels, as last week the EU told Hungary and Poland they face legal action if their populist governments continue to resist orders to take in migrants from the third world. Warsaw and Budapest have strongly opposed the scheme, which seeks to move 160, 000 people from Italy and Greece into other EU nations. Fewer than 20, 000 people have been resettled so far even though the programme is due to end in September this year. “If Member States do not increase their relocations soon, the Commission will not hesitate to make use of its powers … for those which have not complied,” the bloc’s executive arm said in a statement. Italy, along with Germany, Sweden, Austria, and France have been vocal in demanding the EU cut subsidies to Hungary and Poland for their refusal to welcome migrants. But Reuters reported that, worried about rising Euroskepticism, officials in Brussels are split on whether to open legal proceedings against Hungary and Poland.
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Friday on ABC’s “The View,” senior for Breitbart News Joel Pollak took on Joy Behar over claims Breitbart News is a white supremacist and site. Partial transcript as follows: BEHAR: Breitbart — the website has been described as a platform for the or some say white supremacists. How would you describe it? POLLAK: Breitbart News is a conservative website and we have a very diverse group of editors and writers. I’m the orthodox Jewish former senior . So not exactly an accurate description. We call that fake news, a fake news description. But we are — BEHAR: What’s fake news, what I said? POLLAK: Yes. BILA: That it is white supremacists. BEHAR: No no no. That is not fake news. POLLAK: It’s absolutely — BEHAR: How do you explain this headline, ‘Bill Kristol: Republican Spoiler, Renegade Jew,’ You’re Jewish. POLLAK: It was written by David Horowitz, who is one of the most prominent Jewish conservatives. He was criticizing Bill Kristol for not being Jewish enough, so it was the opposite of what people described. And we have more than a dozen Jewish people working at Breitbart including the CEO, COO. We have Black writers, Hispanic, Asian, whatever, gay, whatever you can imagine. BEHAR: What do you think is the rise of about in this country? POLLAK: I’m really glad the media finally woke up to this phenomena. It started quite a long time ago, long before Donald Trump ran for president, particularly in California where I live, on college campuses, there’s been a rising tide of linked to far criticism of Israel. It’s very tough to be a Jewish student on some of these campuses nowadays. BEHAR: Mostly, it seems to me that there’s a flurry of them since Trump is in. POLLAK: I think the media just woke up and noticed that this is a problem. BEHAR Really? POLLAK: And I think that I feel very proud that Donald Trump not only is one of the most presidents that we’ve ever had, but his daughter Ivanka tonight will light the Sabbath candles just like my wife will, and bring in the Sabbath. To me, that is something extraordinary in America history. BEHAR: But you know that phrase, one of my best friends is Jewish, it’s meaningless really. You can still be an and have Jewish relatives. POLLAK: I agree with you. When people say my friends are Jewish, it doesn’t cut it. HOSTIN: Or I have a black friend. POLLAK: But when your are Jewish, you have a little more credibility. HOSTIN: Let me ask you about Steve Bannon. Whoopi calls him President Bannon. He’s the White House chief strategist, former executive chair of Breitbart, people have called him everything from a Nazi to a racist. He’s made bigoted statements. They’ve called him a white supremacist sympathizer. What’s your response? How do you work for someone who has that reputation? POLLAK: None of that is true. That’s more fake news and even people who — HOSTIN: So everyone is lying? POLLAK: Yes. Steve is a fantastic guy. I worked with him for six years and he can be very tough in an argument. We used to argue all the time over any kind of policy issues. Jedediah will back me up here. You bring data and facts to the table — BILA: A very tough guy. POLLAK: Absolutely a person. HOSTIN: So we can’t believe when he makes these bigoted statements, is he just being provocative? POLLAK: What statements are you talking about? HOSTIN: There’s a laundry list. I can get you a card. BEHAR: Here’s a headline from Breitbart. ‘Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive and Crazy.’ Do I look crazy to you? POLLAK: You see how you’ve shifted the goal post now. So, it’s gone from Steve Bannon says things to, “Oh, there was a headline. ” Steve Bannon has not said bigoted things. BEHAR: But he’s behind these though. What are you talking about? BILA: I submitted content a long time ago to Breitbart and I know Steve and I’ve often argued that you can disagree with him, and it’s tough to disagree with him because he’s a strong headed guy, but I don’t believe him to be an or racist. He’s tough though, so if you go into battle you better be prepared. I have a question about Steve, which is that Steve is from what I know of him, he is kind of a boss. He does like to take control. He does like to be kind of in charge, and I see a lot of what’s coming out from the Trump campaign now. A lot of the focus seems to be about going against the media establishment. That is Steve’s main focal point. Is it safe to assume that Steve is kind of running the show? POLLAK: Well, I don’t think Donald Trump takes orders from anybody, so I think Donald Trump is very much in charge. I think that Steve Bannon and Reince Priebus do get along. Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN
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@gretawire Once a fleeing-felon surrenders u can not kill him/her so however you slice it, its still Murder! all it shows is Prob Cause.
@RandaHabib @mollycrabapple @raif_badawi Pragmatic hypocrisy.
The Gingrich Tragedy