No respect for God No respect for our Constitution And no respect for America What a sickening bunch of heathens Because the Democrats leftist ideology trumps God every time In case you missed it, here s what it looked like when the Democrats voted to remove God from the party platform at the 2012 DNC:
In January of 2016, the U.S. economy added 151,000 jobs, and the unemployment rate dropped to 4.9%, the lowest it has been since February of 2008 as America dealt with the repercussions of the job-killing Bush Recession.Revisions also showed that 2015 was even better for jobs than initial reports had indicated.In terms of the revisions, today s report is the once-a-year report that revises every month from the previous calendar year. On this front, the news is also good: we previously believed the U.S. economy created 2.65 million jobs in 2015, but the new, final tally is 2.74 million.January was the 64th consecutive month of positive job growth the best stretch since 1939 and the 71st consecutive month in which we ve seen private-sector job growth, which is the longest on record.President Obama took the opportunity of the successful jobs report to make an appearance before reporters today, and noted that We should feel good about the progress we ve made and that the U.S. economy is the strongest in the world, while at the same time Americans were working and getting bigger paychecks. He also dinged Republicans, who have opposed the economic reforms proposed during his administration, and in fact have tried their best to slow down the recovery. Obama noted that the positive figures are Inconvenient for Republican stump speeches as their doom and despair tour plays in New Hampshire. I guess you cannot please everybody. He also pointed out that the right has not offered anything beyond rhetoric. Those who are running down the economy and adding to the anxiety don t seem to have any plausible, coherent recipe other than cut taxes for those who have been doing the very best in this economy and somehow magically, that s gonna make other folks feel good, Obama said. Or, alternatively they argue the reason you re feeling insecure is because immigrants, or poor people are taking more and more of your paycheck and that is just not true. The facts don t bear that out. MSNBC s Steve Benen released a chart showing the comparison between Obama s record on jobs and the situation he encountered when taking over for Bush. It gives an excellent picture of how far the economy has come, and a warning about what could be lost.US Unemployment: Bush vs ObamaFeatured image via YouTube
Candice Swanepoel says she is proud of her post-baby figure in Clap back against critics
Republicans keep saying they’ll be ready to act if the Supreme Court upholds the big legal challenge to Obamacare, thereby wiping out financial assistance for millions of people in two-thirds of the states. With the clock ticking down to a ruling, it’s gotten awfully hard to take the GOP’s vows seriously. Most experts expect the court to rule on King v. Burwell, as the case is known, on or around June 29, which is the last official day of its term. A victory for the plaintiffs would cut off tax credits that residents in Florida, Texas and 32 other states now use to pay for health insurance they obtain through Healthcare.gov, the federally operated marketplace. The ranks of the uninsured would swell by more than 8 million, according to an estimate by the Urban Institute. The loss of so many customers would likely force insurance companies to raise premiums and withdraw altogether from some markets, affecting even those customers buying directly from insurers rather than through Obamacare's marketplaces. Under Supreme Court rules, an order would typically take effect within 25 days of its announcement from the bench. In theory, the court could issue a stay delaying its impact. In practice, legal experts consider such a move both unlikely and of questionable significance, given the tight deadlines that insurers and state regulators face for setting next year's premiums. Infographic by Alissa Scheller for The Huffington Post. Leaders of the Republican Party have cheered on the lawsuit, in some cases filing formal friend-of-the-court briefs in support of it. They have also promised -- in op-eds, speeches and interviews -- to craft a “transitional” plan, or some kind of “off-ramp,” if the lawsuit is successful. The goals of such plans, Republican leaders have said, would be to minimize disruption for the people who now depend upon Affordable Care Act tax credits for their insurance, while crafting a long-term replacement scheme that would serve the public better than President Barack Obama’s health care law has. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) was among those who made that promise back in early February, shortly after he took over as chairman of the Ways and Means Committee. “We have to have a contingency plan,” Ryan said. “We think we need to have an option, a plan, for these states that might find themselves in this difficult position.” Ryan’s committee, arguably the most powerful in the House, has direct jurisdiction over health care financing. So how many hearings has it held about these contingency plans? Zero. Over in the Senate, Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) has introduced actual legislation and it has nearly 30 co-sponsors, including Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who is the majority leader. But the bill is at best a first draft at legislation and, so far, neither the Finance Committee (which has the most power over health legislation) nor the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee (which also has some jurisdiction) has sought testimony or scheduled a hearing -- about either the Johnson bill specifically or, more generally, what to do if the Supreme Court stops the tax credits in those 34 states. No, in the six months since the Supreme Court announced it would hear King v. Burwell, Republicans in Congress have held exactly one formal hearing that focused on the subject. It took place last week, before the Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee. But the Small Business Committee is among the least powerful in Congress and it has virtually no jurisdiction over health care financing issues. That may explain why it attracted very little interest -- even from committee members, only a handful of whom bothered to show up. A generous takeaway from that hearing -- and lack of others -- is that Republicans are thinking about and working on health care plans much more intensely behind the scenes. Brendan Buck, Ryan’s spokesman, pointed out to The Huffington Post that Republican leaders have convened a working group to craft a post-King contingency plan -- with Ryan among its leaders. That group is now meeting three times a week, Buck said: “They’re informal, but it’s an active group.” In addition, several high-profile conservative intellectuals have been talking and writing actively about how Republicans ought to react if the court takes their side -- and what kind of health care plan Republicans should be proposing as an alternative to the Affordable Care Act, regardless of how the justices rule. Avik Roy, the Manhattan Institute scholar and Forbes columnist now working with former Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s political action committee, has been outspoken on the need for an alternative. Philip Klein, longtime writer on health care and now managing editor of the Washington Examiner, has written a whole book on the subject. But there's a reason that congressional Democrats spent literally years holding hearings on health care reform and then, in 2009, focusing intensely on legislation for several months. The hearings were sometimes acrimonious and, for reform advocates, the media coverage that testimony and questions generated was a source of never-ending grief. At the same time, these hearings, before the committees that actually had jurisdiction on the issues, were necessary to craft a solution that could accomplish the reform’s main goals and then rally enough support to make it through Congress. The kinds of plans Republicans seem to have in mind would require making equally difficult trade-offs and uniting even more fractious groups. Johnson’s bill, for example, would limit enrollment in plans only to those who already have them, and it would eliminate the individual mandate -- the requirement that people get coverage or pay a fine -- in all of the states. That would force insurers to raise premiums or maybe exit markets altogether. Other Republicans have discussed altering the Affordable Care Act's regulation on premiums, so that insurers could charge less to younger people. But reducing premiums for the young means raising them for the old, which might be hard for Republicans to pull off given that older voters are now their political base. Johnson's bill has gone to the Congressional Budget Office for a formal estimate on its impact, a Johnson spokesperson confirmed. That's meaningful -- and more than can be said of most proposals that Republicans have floated on op-ed pages recently. But if Republicans were serious about crafting a proposal that's capable of avoiding disruption and passing Congress, they would have started hashing out these arguments months ago. Of course, the absence of a public effort to match the public rhetoric matters only if Republicans are actually serious about passing a plan. They may not be. Their real goals may be purely cosmetic -- to insulate the party from a political backlash should millions of people suddenly lose health insurance and, more immediately, to ease the anxiety of Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy, either of whom might hesitate to issue a ruling with such potentially devastating consequences to so many people. The lack of hearings obviously doesn’t prove that Republican leaders have such ulterior, cynical motives. But it makes that theory a lot more plausible.
@INCIRCLEPROMO @Dilios_Spartans why is it that you as a black man take issue with accepting the consequences of your actions?
@rgowlikar @Redneck4Christ_ @WayneDupreeShow I think we're about to find out that this case is not as it 1st appeared. I'd bet $$ on that
Wednesday morning, not long after a struggling Alex Rodriguez had made the final out in a loss to the Mets, Hal Steinbrenner, the Yankees’ managing general partner, sent him a text message: It was time, he said, for them to speak face to face. Later that day, they did, in a room off the clubhouse in Yankee Stadium. And it was there that Steinbrenner told Rodriguez, 41, that there would be no more for him as a Yankee, not this season or the next one, either, when he would be in the last year of his enormous $275 million contract. It was no secret, Steinbrenner told Rodriguez, that the Yankees had made a significant change of course and were now looking to the future. A fading slugger hitting . 204 this season simply did not fit in. Later that day, Steinbrenner and Rodriguez met again. On Thursday morning, there was a third session. And by then, Steinbrenner also had a proposal for Rodriguez to consider: Instead of sitting on the bench for the rest of the season, doing nothing, Rodriguez would be given his release by the Yankees and then appointed a special adviser and instructor for the club. He would get the $27 million still owed him for this season and for 2017, but he would no longer be playing. For Steinbrenner, the proposal was a way to get something positive out of the money the Yankees still owed Rodriguez and to keep things on good terms with a player with whom the team had had far too many recriminations in the past. The other course of action — simply not playing him again in 2016 and then unceremoniously cutting him loose — had the potential to anger Rodriguez and lead to more unhappy headlines. Later that day, Rodriguez told Steinbrenner he needed a couple of days to mull it over, and on Saturday he accepted the offer. Then, on Sunday, in a tearful news conference at Yankee Stadium to announce his decision, Rodriguez said he had taken it to mean that his remarkable playing career would end this Friday, when the Yankees play at home against Tampa Bay. “The last four weeks have not been fun,” Rodriguez said. “It’s been very painful and embarrassing to sit on the bench. It’s been awkward. So, from that sense, I’m very happy that we found a solution. ” Although it is always possible that some other team, at some point, may ask Rodriguez if he would like one more shot at playing, the game on Friday appears set to be his final one after 22 seasons, a number of which he spent as, perhaps, the best player in the game. He won three American League Most Valuable Player Awards over the course of his career and has more than 3, 000 hits and nearly 700 home runs. However, he also left himself with a legacy as one of the game’s most notorious users of drugs. As with almost everything involving Rodriguez’s dozen seasons in New York, his departure will be a little complicated. Had he simply announced that he was retiring, no strings attached, the Yankees would not have had to pay him the money still owed him under his contract. By instead giving him his unconditional release, they will have to do so. After his release, Rodriguez will then sign a new contract for his adviser role that will pay him a small amount in addition to the $27 million he was already owed. That contract will run through December 2017, when his current deal with the team would have ended anyway. Financially, at least, Rodriguez is coming out ahead. “He can negotiate the heck out of it,” General Manager Brian Cashman said of Rodriguez’s discussions with Steinbrenner in recent days. “He negotiated probably the greatest sports contract in the history of sports, so he has a lot of gifts. He doesn’t just play baseball. ” For Rodriguez, who will head home to Miami after Friday’s game and take up his new responsibilities in spring training, the choice was clear: Hang on stubbornly through the rest of this season, be released and then try to catch on with another club for 2017, or accept the Yankees’ offer and remain in the good graces of a team he loves being associated with. Given those two options, Rodriguez chose to stay put. “I was incredibly humbled and flattered that he wanted me to spend time with the next generation of Yankees,” Rodriguez said of Steinbrenner. “That’s a role I’ve enjoyed my entire career. ’’ Cashman has long regarded Rodriguez as someone who can be a good mentor to other players and a skilled evaluator. He noted that Rodriguez had once told him about a promising high school player named Manny Machado, now an with the Baltimore Orioles, and had come away from a minor league rehabilitation assignment raving over Greg Bird, the Yankees’ top hitting prospect. “He loves that aspect of the game,” Cashman said. “I think he wants to be an owner one day, but anything below that in a field uniform, he’s already plug ’n’ play. He’s exceptional on the baseball end in terms of the teaching and evaluating side. He always has been. ” Cashman said that Rodriguez would remain free to do broadcast work and that, should a team at some point seek his services as a player, the Yankees would not stand in the way. But Cashman seemed skeptical as to whether that might happen. Meanwhile, Rodriguez sounded like a man who had accepted that his final game was less than a week away. “This is a tough day,” he said in words he acknowledged had been prepared the night before. “I love this game, and I love this team, and today I am saying goodbye to both. ” Rodriguez spent 13 years with the Yankees, who acquired him in a blockbuster deal in February 2004 that sent Alfonso Soriano to the Texas Rangers in exchange. He went on to win two of his three M. V. P. Awards in pinstripes, but few days went by without Rodriguez creating distractions with some type of malfeasance, whether it was his strained relationship with his teammate Derek Jeter, the revelations of Rodriguez’s drug use or his notable failures in numerous Yankee postseasons. Still, the Yankees and Rodriguez now think that his flaws, along with his accomplishments, can be turned into assets in his work with young players. “A guy like me who has been to hell and back and made every mistake in the book, I think they can learn equally from all the mistakes that I’ve made and hopefully not make them,” he said. Three years ago, the notion that the Yankees would even consider Rodriguez for the role they are now giving him would have been ridiculed. At the time, he was at war with the organization and with Major League Baseball over his alleged links to the Biogenesis doping scandal. Rodriguez filed several lawsuits and at first battled the record suspension that was levied against him in August 2013 by Commissioner Bud Selig, but he ultimately relented. He accepted a ban for all of 2014 made peace with baseball’s incoming commissioner, Rob Manfred and returned to the Yankees in 2015 as a contrite and dedicated teammate. To considerable surprise, he also slugged 33 home runs last season and drove in 86 runs. But this season, his numbers dwindled sharply. Through Sunday, he was batting just . 204 with nine home runs and 29 R. B. I. He also has 696 career homers, which means that by departing now, he will almost certainly fall short of 700 — a figure only Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron and Barry Bonds have surpassed. Still, Rodriguez said he was at peace with his decision, and with his place in baseball history. “I do want to be remembered as someone who was madly in love with the game of baseball,” he said, and then added, “I also will hopefully be remembered as someone who tripped and fell a lot, but kept getting up. ”
@AntonioFrench How beautiful heartbreaking loving and angering at the same time. #JusticeForMikeBrown GOD bless her
Handmaid's Tale Renewed for Season 3
Gwyneth Paltrow Is Reportedly Signing a Prenup to Protect Her Kids
The German government reopens its airspace and excludes all Arab countries from the procedure, except for Tunisia.
Jimmy Carter s Democrat pollster Pat Caddell is predicting a Trump Tsunami, reminiscent of the Carter-Reagan election. Carter was ahead in all of the polls leading up to the election and Reagan shocked the world when he crushed him in a landslide Watch:
in: Faith , US News On October 31st, most people will simply ignore the dark side of Halloween. The vast majority of the population will dress up in costumes, go to parties and eat candy without ever even considering where the holiday came from or what certain people are doing behind closed doors. But the truth is that Halloween night is one of the biggest nights of the year for witches, occultists and Satanists. All over America, those that are deep into the dark arts will be contacting the dead, casting spells and conducting blood sacrifices. As you will see below, there is a reason why animal shelters across the country ban the adoption of black cats this time of the year. But even our “innocent” Halloween traditions such as dressing up in costumes, “trick or treating” and carving jack-o’-lanterns all have their roots in ancient pagan practices . And every year the costumes for our young girls become even more sexually suggestive, the horror movies become even more demonic, and the public’s fascination with the occult just continues to grow. It truly is a festival of death, but most people don’t seem to care. In fact, experts are telling us that Halloween has now become America’s second biggest holiday. According to the National Retail Federation , nearly 70 percent of all Americans plan to celebrate Halloween this year, and spending is expected to shatter the all-time record… According to the National Retail Federation’s annual survey conducted by Prosper Insights & Analytics, total spending for Halloween is expected to reach $8.4 billion, an all-time high in the survey’s 11-year history. U.S. consumers are expected to spend an average of $82.93, up from last year’s $74.34, with more than 171 million Americans planning to partake in Halloween festivities this year. To give you some context, total Halloween spending for 2009 came in at just 4.7 billion dollars. So to say that the celebration of Halloween is growing would be a tremendous understatement. Sadly, most people have no idea where this holiday originally came from. The truth is that a long time ago Catholicism attempted to “Christianize” an ancient pagan holiday known as Samhain … The origins of Halloween are Celtic in tradition and have to do with observing the end of summer sacrifices to gods in Druidic tradition. In what is now Britain and France, it was the beginning of the Celtic year, and they believed Samhain, the lord of death, sent evil spirits abroad to attack humans, who could escape only by assuming disguises and looking like evil spirits themselves. The waning of the sun and the approach of dark winter made the evil spirits rejoice and play nasty tricks. Believe it or not, most of our Halloween practices can be traced back to these old pagan rites and superstitions . On the Wiccan calendar, Samhain is one of the most important points on “the wheel of the year”. Wiccans believe that it is the day when “the god dies”, and subsequently they celebrate his rebirth at Yule. It is also a time when they believe that the veil between the living and the dead is the thinnest, and so it is an opportune time for them to contact the dead. The following is much more on what Wiccans believe about Samhain from wicca.com … Samhain, (pronounced SOW-in, SAH-vin, or SAM-hayne) means “End of Summer”, and is the third and final Harvest. The dark winter half of the year commences on this Sabbat. It is generally celebrated on October 31st, but some traditions prefer November 1st. It is one of the two “spirit-nights” each year, the other being Beltane. It is a magical interval when the mundane laws of time and space are temporarily suspended, and the Thin Veil between the worlds is lifted. Communicating with ancestors and departed loved ones is easy at this time, for they journey through this world on their way to the Summerlands. It is a time to study the Dark Mysteries and honor the Dark Mother and the Dark Father, symbolized by the Crone and her aged Consort. Originally the “Feast of the Dead” was celebrated in Celtic countries by leaving food offerings on altars and doorsteps for the “wandering dead”. Today a lot of practitioners still carry out that tradition. Single candles were lit and left in a window to help guide the spirits of ancestors and loved ones home. Extra chairs were set to the table and around the hearth for the unseen guest. Apples were buried along roadsides and paths for spirits who were lost or had no descendants to provide for them. Turnips were hollowed out and carved to look like protective spirits, for this was a night of magic and chaos. The Wee Folke became very active, pulling pranks on unsuspecting humans. Traveling after dark was was not advised. People dressed in white (like ghosts), wore disguises made of straw, or dressed as the opposite gender in order to fool the Nature spirits. The ancient practices described in those paragraphs sound very similar to what we do today in many ways, but without a doubt some of the traditions have evolved. For example, instead of carving turnips, those that celebrate Halloween carve pumpkins today. You may not realize this, but Wicca is actually one of the fastest growing religions in America. And on October 31st, Wiccans all over the nation will get together to conduct rituals and cast spells. Here is a blurb from Wikipedia about the Wiccan belief in “magic”… During ritual practices, which are often staged in a sacred circle , Wiccans cast spells or “workings” intended to bring about real changes in the physical world. Common Wiccan spells include those used for healing , for protection, fertility, or to banish negative influences. [63] Many early Wiccans, such as Alex Sanders , Sybil Leek and Alex Winfield , referred to their own magic as “ white magic “, which contrasted with “ black magic “, which they associated with evil and Satanism . Sanders also used the similar terminology of “ left hand path ” to describe malevolent magic, and “ right hand path ” to describe magic performed with good intentions; [64] terminology that had originated with the occultist Helena Blavatsky in the 19th century. Some modern Wiccans however have stopped using the white-black magic and left-right hand path dichotomies, arguing for instance that the colour black should not necessarily have any associations with evil. [65] If you are not familiar with these things, you may scoff at such practices. But the cold, hard reality of the matter is that they are very real. The dark side has power too, and those that have come out of witchcraft can tell you some stories that will stand your hair on end. Wiccans think of themselves as “good”, and so they tend to reject blood sacrifices and things of that nature. But for those that are deeper into the occult, blood sacrifice is an essential part of Halloween. As I mentioned above, many animal shelters all over the nation ban the adoption of black cats this time of the year … It’s the week of Halloween, and maybe you don’t know this, but if you suddenly wanted to adopt a black cat, you would probably have a hard time. That’s because thanks to their association with witchcraft, accepted wisdom holds that Halloween is a time when people ritualistically mutilate black cats. To test if this really was still accepted wisdom, I contacted some animal shelters near to our Los Angeles office, and they all told me they wouldn’t let me adopt a black cat. One, The Lange Foundation—the type of animal rescue that takes in cats from city shelters before they can be euthanized—was willing to talk to me on the phone and explain: If someone were to call and ask specifically for a black cat, that would trigger the policy. “I would say ‘not today!’” said one of the foundation’s board members, Diana Nelson. You may not want to believe it, but animals will be killed and little children will be abused on Halloween night. The following is what one ex-witch has shared regarding her experiences… My parents told me before we went around the neighborhood we were going to go by the church (Mormon Church) to get some candy there. The church was very close to my grandmother’s house, and I knew so from going often. We went to the church and what happened next made my blood curdle. I was given candy, but that was just a preclude to the sexual abuse that would happen in a satanic ritual. On Halloween Satanists use young children, such as myself, as sexual idols to worship. Other children receive a far worse fate. Death. I know for some this is more than you can even think to believe, but it is true. I can barely write these words because the pain of the truth is almost more than I can bear. If it wasn’t for the grace and love of Jesus Christ, I would not even be here writing this at all. You may say “it doesn’t mean that to me”, but you are just fooling yourself. Could you take a Satanic Black Mass and turn it into a celebration of Jesus? Of course not. And yet so many Christians fully embrace Halloween and pretend that there is nothing wrong with it. For the record, Satanists absolutely love Halloween. The following comes from the official Church of Satan website … Satanists embrace what this holiday has become, and do not feel the need to be tied to ancient practices. This night, we smile at the amateur explorers of their own inner darkness, for we know that they enjoy their brief dip into the pool of the “shadow world.” We encourage their tenebrous fantasies, the candied indulgence, and the wide-ranging evocation of our aesthetics (while tolerating some of the chintzy versions), even if it is but once a year. For the rest of the time, when those not of our meta-tribe shake their heads in wonder at us, we can point out that they may find some understanding by examining their own All Hallows Eve doings, but we generally find it simpler to just say: “Think of the Addams Family and you’ll begin to see what we’re about.” Satanists consider Halloween to be one of the most important “holidays” of the year. On page 96 of the Satanic Bible, Anton LaVey wrote the following… “After one’s own birthday, the two major Satanic holidays are Walpurgisnacht (May 1st) and Halloween.” Isn’t that lovely? Despite all of this, most Christians in America will happily celebrate Halloween on October 31st. In fact, one recent survey found that just 8 percent of all Christian pastors want their congregations to skip the holiday altogether. Instead, most of them want their members to invite people to a “Christian version of Halloween” at their churches. The following comes from Charisma … Two-thirds (67 percent) encourage church members to invite friends and neighbors to a fall festival, trunk-or-treat or judgment house. Pastors at bigger churches (those with 250 or more in attendance) are most likely to ask church members to invite their neighbors (86 percent) to an event at the church. Those from small churches (50 or less in attendance) are least likely (48 percent). If the gospel is preached, I am all for people going to church on October 31st. But all too often these “alternative celebrations” are nothing more than repackaged versions of the same Satanic holiday that the world is celebrating. I like how Pastor Jamie Morgan described what our approach to this day should be… Setting aside a day to celebrate evil, darkness, witchcraft, fear, death and the demonic brings disdain to God. Period. A Christian celebrating Halloween would be like a Satan worshiper putting up a nativity scene at Christmas while singing, “Happy Birthday, Jesus!” The two just don’t go together. Jesus has nothing in common with Satan (2 Cor. 6:14), and neither should we. And the truth is that God has wanted us to have nothing to do with occult practices from the very beginning. The following is what Deuteronomy 18:9-13 says in the Modern English version … 9 When you enter into the land which the Lord your God gives you, you must not learn to practice the abominations of those nations . 10 There must not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or who uses divination , or uses witchcraft , or an interpreter of omens, or a sorcerer , 11 or one who casts spells , or a spiritualist , or an occultist , or a necromancer . 12 For all that do these things are an abomination to the Lord , and because of these abominations the Lord your God will drive them out from before you. 13 You must be blameless before the Lord your God. There will be many people that will read this article and will continue to celebrate Halloween just as they normally do. If that is you, then you need to understand that engaging in dark practices can open up doors to spiritual darkness for yourself and your entire family. If you do that, then that is your choice, but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord. Submit your review
Laura Loomer of Rebel Media rushed the stage at the controversial NYC Shakespeare in the Park performance that takes a modern twist on Julius Caesar by playing out an assassination of a President Trump look-alike. Loomer yelled stop leftist violence before she was escorted off stage.We re huge fans and hope more people will follow her lead. Can you imagine if the tables were turned and they performed the same play using Obama as the one to be assassinated? The double standard here is unbelievable! You have the blood of Steve Scalise on your hands! The interesting irony is that the liberal crowd screamed and yelled at her. The left loves civil disobedience -except when it spoils their enjoyment of highbrow assassination porn. Do they advocate for violence against our president?They literally have Antifa chants during Julius Caesar before Trump gets assassinated pic.twitter.com/6AbHOChSnC Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) June 17, 2017Ms. Loomer was arrested by the the NYPD and was released within hours. Laura s press conference: Jack Posobiec also got up and bravely yelled at the crowd. He yelled You re all Goebbels In case you don t know:GOEBBELS WAS THE NAZI PROPAGANDA MINISTER:German Nazi Party member Joseph Goebbels became Adolf Hitler s propaganda minister in 1933, which gave him power over all German radio, press, cinema, and theater.In 1925 Goebbels met the party leader Adolf Hitler. In 1926 he was made Gauleiter, or party leader, for the region of Berlin, and in 1927 he founded and became editor of the official National Socialist periodical Der Angriff (The Attack). He was elected to the Reichstag, the German parliament, in 1928. By exploiting mob emotions and by employing all modern methods of propaganda Goebbels helped Hitler into power. His work as a propagandist materially aided Hitler s rise to power in 1933. When Hitler seized power in 1933, Goebbels was appointed Reichsminister for propaganda and national enlightenment. From then until his death, Goebbels used all media of education and communications to further Nazi propagandistic aims, instilling in the Germans the concept of their leader as a veritable god and of their destiny as the rulers of the world. In 1938 he became a member of the Hitler cabinet council. Late in World War II, in 1944, Hitler placed him in charge of total mobilization. As Reichsminister for Propaganda and National Enlightenment, Goebbels was given complete control over radio, press, cinema, and theater; later he also regimented all German culture. Goebbels placed his undeniable intelligence and his brilliant insight into mass psychology entirely at the service of his party. His most virulent propaganda was against the Jews. As a hypnotic orator he was second only to Hitler, and in his staging of mass meetings and parades he was unsurpassed. Utterly cynical, he seems to have believed only in the self-justification of power. He remained loyal to Hitler until the end. On May 1, 1945, as Soviet troops were storming Berlin, Goebbels committed suicide.Via: whale
The Mexican government on Thursday said it had declared the North Korean ambassador to Mexico persona non grata in protest at the country s nuclear tests, an unusually firm step that moved it closely into line with Washington. In a statement, the government said it had given Kim Hyong Gil 72 hours to leave Mexico in order to express its absolute rejection of North Korea s recent nuclear activity, describing it as a grave threat to the region and the world. Mexico has traditionally sought to steer clear of diplomatic ructions, but in the past few months it has adopted robust language to condemn the governments of Venezuela and North Korea as they descended into increasing international isolation. Facing a rocky relationship with U.S. President Donald Trump due to his threats to tear up the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Mexico has backed him diplomatically on issues that imply no great political cost for the government. North Korea s nuclear activity is a serious risk for international peace and security and represents a growing threat to nations in the region, including fundamental allies of Mexico like Japan and South Korea, the Mexican government said. Mexico s step follows a tide of international condemnation of North Korea for repeated missile launches in recent weeks that intensified again following a nuclear test on Sunday. An official at the Mexican foreign ministry noted, however, that President Enrique Pena Nieto s government was not breaking diplomatic ties with North Korea.
On Tuesday, Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein of California blasted President Trump for saying he would move the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Feinstein claimed it would be a terrible decision even though she previously voted for the embassy to be moved. The hypocrisy of the left doesn t stop there Today, President Donald Trump announced that America formally recognizes Jerusalem as Israel s capital city, changing decades of U.S. policy in a brief afternoon speech and casting the move as a bid to preserve, not derail, aspirations for regional peace.The critics of Donald Trump attacked his decision. Meanwhile, the truth is, that for decades, some of the most beloved Democrats have used the promise of recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel as a way to get votes.In 1999, while campaigning for New York s US Senate seat, first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton said in a letter, that she considered Jerusalem to be the eternal and indivisible capital of Israel and will be an active advocate if elected to New York s Senate seat to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem.In a letter that became public Thursday, Mrs. Clinton wrote: If I am chosen by New Yorkers to be their senator, or in whatever position I find myself in the years to come, you can be sure that I will be an active, committed advocate for a strong and secure Israel, able to live in peace with its neighbors, with the United States Embassy located in its capital, Jerusalem. Hillary s not the only one to promise, that if elected, they would move heaven and earth to make Jerusalem the rightful capital of Israel. As it turns out, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama (twice) also made the same promise. The only problem is, none of them had the courage to do it.Watch:When President @realDonaldTrump announced that it is time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, he fulfilled another campaign promise, in addition to those that go back 25 years . pic.twitter.com/P7M2dEx2qT Dan Scavino Jr. (@DanScavino) December 7, 2017Here s why our courageous president, Donald Trump was right to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel:Matthew Continetti of the Washington Free Beacon wrote the best article on Trump s bold decision to move the US embassy to Jerusalem that we have seen to date.Not only is President Trump s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and begin the process of moving the U.S. embassy there one of the boldest moves of his presidency. It is one of the boldest moves any U.S. president has made since the beginning of the Oslo peace process in 1993. That process collapsed at Camp David in 2000 when Yasir Arafat rejected President Clinton s offer of a Palestinian state. And the process has been moribund ever since, despite multiple attempts to restart it.That is why the warnings from Trump critics that his decision may wreck the peace process ring hollow. There is no peace process to wreck. The conflict is frozen. And the largest barriers to the resumption of negotiations are found not in U.S. or Israeli policy but in Palestinian autocracy, corruption, and incitement. Have the former Obama administration officials decrying Trump s announcement read a newspaper lately? From listening to them, you d think it would be all roses and ponies in the Middle East but for Trump. In fact, the region is engulfed in war, terrorism, poverty, and despotism; Israel faces threats in the north and south; its sworn enemy, Iran, is growing in influence and reach; and the delegitimization of the Jewish State proceeds apace in international organizations and on college campuses. I forget how the Obama administration advanced the cause of peace by pressuring Israel while rewarding the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world. Maybe someone will remind me.One of the reasons the Middle East persists in its decrepit condition is that it has been, for decades, a playground of magical thinking. Whether it is believing that poverty is the cause of terrorism or that the Ayatollah Khamenei is a good-faith partner, whether it is imagining that Assad will go just because we tell him to or that ISIS is akin to a terrorist JV team, liberal internationalists have all too eagerly accepted an alternative picture of the Middle East that is much more flattering than the actuality. A similar form of doublethink is present in our discussions over Jerusalem. Every Israeli knows Jerusalem was, is, and will remain his capital. Every recent president has agreed with him. And the U.S. consensus has been bipartisan. The last four Democratic platforms have said the obvious: that Jerusalem is Israel s capital. The Senate voted 90-0 only six months ago urging the embassy be moved to the ancient city. Were we to take seriously neither these platforms nor that vote? Was it all virtue-signaling, a bunch of empty gestures in the kabuki theater of U.S. diplomacy?It is a sign of the disingenuousness of American foreign policy that it required someone from outside this system to behave as if words have meaning. President Trump has no background in or admiration for the routines, manners, and norms of the U.S. foreign service, especially that part of it which specializes in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This has enabled him to state unequivocally the fact others would prefer to avoid: Jerusalem is Israel s capital, full stop. His transactional nature also brought him to this fateful recognition. In March 2016, at the AIPAC policy conference, he pledged that We will move the American embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem. His remarks today make clear his intention to fulfill that promise and to cement his support within the pro-Israel community.I wonder about the journalists and flacks and politicians criticizing this literal reading of U.S. law as disruptive. Have they not paid attention to this man? Donald Trump s purpose in office is to disrupt if not overturn the patterns of governance and ideological consensus that have dominated the U.S. capital for decades. In this sense, his Jerusalem policy is his presidency in microcosm. He is acting on a common sense appraisal of the world and satisfying the wishes of his supporters without regard to global or domestic elite opinion. What Trump knows more than the art of the deal is the art of the bluff and how to call one. By keeping his campaign promise today, he has called the bluff of everyone who thought the United States could have its cake and eat it too on the question of Israel s capital. And by moving our embassy to Jerusalem, the United States will acknowledge Israel s right to determine its own capital city. That is not something to condemn or fear. It is something to be proud of.
In a shocking interview with Joel Gilbert, producer of Dreams From My Real Father, Malik talks about having to come through the back door at the White House or being asked to come at night so no one sees him. He talks about everything that Barack s Aunt Zetouni did for him when he needed her, and how he wouldn t contribute a penny for her funeral. He left it up to the poor villagers in Kenya to figure out how to get her body back to her home country. He also reveals how Barack has never contributed a dime to help a family member in Kenya. Ever since President Barack Obama was elected president, many have wondered who Obama really is and what he stands for. Undisclosed and unreported to the mainstream media, Joel Gilbert, who produced the film, Dreams From My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception, has released an interview with Obama s brother Malik Obama, the Freedom Post reported on Friday. Gilbert conducted the 12-minute interview with Malik Obama on April 10, 2015 and was published on April 22, 2015.The interview shows clips of President Obama speaking of how his father grew up and herded goats and then Gilbert told Malik that Obama had deceived Americans when Obama stated that he would cut the deficit, support Israel, and that Obamacare is not a tax and how he felt about it. Malik responded to Gilbert and said, Well, the way that he s turned and become a different person with the family is the same way that I see him behaving politically. He says one thing and then he does another. He s not been an honest man, as far as I m concerned, in who he is and what he says and how he treats people. Gilbert then asked Malik on how he felt about being the oldest brother in the family, Malik responded with disappointment and said, Disappointed disappointed, used, used and also betrayed. In the beginning, I didn t think that he was a schemer. His real character, his real personality, the real him, is coming out now. Malik also spoke on how he and Obama s family back in Kenya feel no respect from Obama and was hurt and crushed that Obama would act that way to them. I don t understand how somebody who claims to be a relative or a brother can behave the way that he s behaving, be so cold and ruthless, and just turn his back on the people, Malik said. He said were his family. WATCH INTERVIEW HERE:Joel Gilbert came to the front lines of Obama really is when his book and film was released. The film and book chronicles the life of President Obama, based in part on two years of research, interviews, newly unearthed footage and photos, and the writings of alleged real father of President Obama, Frank Marshall Davis as well as Obama himself. The film and book also chronicles Barack Obama s life journey in Socialism and Marxism, from the day he was born through his election to the Presidency.Via: The Examiner
I m David Duke and this is a quick unscripted response to the CNN interview today with Donald Trump. The inaccurate reporting by the media that I had endorsed Donald Trump I am not endorsing Donald Trump.
Because books written by authors like Ernest Hemingway, William Shakespeare, Mark Twain and John Steinbeck are so-o-o-o overrated and so culturally irrelevant Chicago area schools are replacing white male authors on student reading lists with minority and women authors who delve into themes like power, justice, humanity and social responsibility. I think yes, book lists in schools are sexist, but I don t think it s the school s fault, senior Sarah Eiden told the Gapers Block Book Club blog. I think it s because we still think good literature is only written by white males, which simply isn t true. I do see though that teachers are trying to change that. New Trier High School English teacher Scott Campbell is among them. When we think about summer reading books or adding a new book to a course, we re often looking for woman or people of color, he told the site.It s some teachers way of countering the prevalence of white male authors who penned classics like The Great Gatsby, Lord of the Flies, The Catcher in the Rye and Of Mice and Men, Campbell said. Women a hundred or so years ago were not encouraged or expected that they might write, so we re left with literature that seems unbalanced and institutionalized, almost in the way we talk about racism, he said. Women haven t been championed as writers generally, Campbell said. This is just one of the after-effects of male domination. John Hancock College Prep English teacher and curriculum coordinator Natalie Garfield seems to share Campbell s perspective.She hunts out books that are more culturally relevant to students at the school than classic books written by white male authors. At the end of their high school career, a kid can pick up any new book and potentially have been exposed to anything like it based on the wide spectrum of texts we offer here, Garfield told Gapers Block. (You) make changes and reflect the times and kids in front of you. Those changes include books like The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, which is actually a fictionalized story about a 14-year-old Native American teen that attends a mostly white high school with themes of alcoholism, sexuality, violence and bullying, according to the blog.Other titles like Always Running: La Vida Loca, Gang Days in L.A. focuses on gang life, unemployment, drug addiction, incarceration and suicide. But in the end, it s a positive, uplifting story of a man who realizes his potential as a Chicano activist and artist and manages to turn his life around, Gapers Block reports. This book gives readers a raw look at what it meant to be Latino in Los Angeles during the 80s and how community involvement can truly impact marginalized groups. Some student told the site they appreciate that teachers are catering reading lists to their culture by replacing books written by white male authors with minority-penned prose.Hancock senior Lisseth Perez said books on Hispanics offered in the past are from a white person s perspective. We come from a Hispanic culture, but enven when they give us Hispanic books, it s more like, just Hispanic people trying to fit into a white community, Perez said. It s the same book over and over: Hispanic kid wants to go into the white community and not get looked down upon. It s the same story with women, Hancock junior Sandra Rodriquez told Gapers Block. These books just talk about men and men and men. And they never actually show women actually doing something, she griped. You have to read something you feel good about. Via: EAG News
After being held in civil contempt for failing to follow a judge s order not to racially profile, Sherriff Joe Arpaio and others held in the contempt of court may now be facing criminal prosecution.Judge G. Murray Snow, who presided over the civil contempt case after finding evidence that Arpaio and other deputies intentionally violated order, referred the case to the criminal court system: The purpose of Tuesday s hearing was to discuss remedies for the civil contempt violations and the possibility of referring Arpaio and others to the U.S. Attorney s Office for Arizona for criminal contempt charges, which could carry prison sentences. The other individuals who may face criminal charges are Captain Steve Bailey, the former head of the MCSO s internal affairs; attorney for the Maricopa County Sherriff s Office Michele Iafrate; Chief Deputy Jerry Sheridan.According to the Phoenix New Times:Bailey and Iafrate allegedly misled the court s monitor about the existence of more than 1,400 IDs improperly seized by the MCSO from individuals stopped or arrested, many of them Latinos. Misleading the monitor is potentially a federal offense, punishable by five years in prison. Snow directly addressed the attorney at one point, saying, Ms. Iafrate, I think you should obtain counsel though he said he may refer the matter concerning her to State Bar of Arizona for possible disciplinary proceedings.A crooked Sheriff with a crooked attorney. When Snow made his original findings, the ACLU requested that all parties involved on MCSO s side be referred to the U.S. Attorney, and be charged with perjury, obstruction of justice, lying to the monitor and other crimes. Snow agreed, saying, If the DOJ wants to pursue charges based on my findings, they can. He also agreed with the ACLU s request that Arpaio be fined more than $300,000 for his offenses.Charges for Arpaio, if found guilty in criminal court of committing perjury, could carry up to five years in prison. The perjury charges stem from the civil trial, when Judge Snow asked if Arpaio s office had improperly investigated Snow and tied him to an anti-Eric Holder conspiracy. Arpaio repeatedly said no. That was found to have been a lie.Arpaio s criminal attorney pleaded with the judge to go lenient on the Sheriff, saying a criminal probe would be devastating to the Sheriff s office and the sheriff himself, and said that Arpaio has a broken heart and contrite spirit. He also complained that the fine of $100,000 Arpaio already has to pay is harsh enough, considering it s one year s worth of salary.Cry me a river. Thankfully, Judge Snow shot him down real quick.Let s hope Sheriff Joe finally goes to jail for his years of racial profiling, abuse of power, and wasting taxpayer money.Featured image via Ethan Miller/Getty Images
@Mike_T_Lopez I'm offended when those "white" cops keep killing innocent "Black" people...why don't u try to stop that?
Deep in the Haitian countryside, peanut farmer Wismith Moricette epitomizes the success of Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton’s charitable work: Through an innovative program backed by the Clintons, the 23-year-old has doubled the yield from his one-acre plot. Along with all those peanuts, Moricette said, have come visions of a brighter future for his wife and young son. Fifty miles away on Haiti’s north coast, Anelle Germinal exemplifies another reality of the Clintons’ work here: disappointment. The 33-year-old mother of four has been standing in the baking sun every day for months waiting for work in the struggling Caracol Industrial Park, which the Clintons have touted as a model that would change the economy of this impoverished country. “They said we would have work,” Germinal said, “but I have nothing.” Moricette and Germinal are two faces of the Clintons’ increasingly complicated relationship with Haiti, where their high-profile development efforts after a devastating earthquake in 2010 have produced both success and disillusionment. As Hillary Clinton moves toward a second run for the White House, her family’s global charitable work, mostly through the Clinton Foundation, has come under intense scrutiny. The foundation has accepted large donations from corporations and foreign countries, raising concerns that the Clintons are creating conflicts of interest by blurring the lines between their political, business and charitable interests. The Washington Post reported last month that the foundation’s donors include seven foreign governments that contributed millions during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state. Among those donations was a $500,000 contribution from the Algerian government for earthquake relief in Haiti that the foundation has acknowledged violated the terms of an ethics agreement with the Obama administration. The Clintons’ defenders have dismissed concerns about the donations as political sniping, saying the test of the foundation is not where it gets its money but how it spends it. They said their work has created economic opportunity, improved lives for women and girls, raised health standards and fought the effects of climate change across the developing world. The work has been especially visible in Haiti, where the Clintons first traveled as young newlyweds in 1975 and where many people credit them with drawing the world’s attention immediately after the earthquake, which killed more than 200,000 people. With former president Clinton assigned by the United Nations to head up the emergency recovery effort and Hillary Clinton guiding official U.S. assistance as secretary of state, the couple helped a relief effort that has included some of the world’s richest people, biggest celebrities and most successful businesses. The Clintons also helped mobilize an effort in which international donors pledged $10.4 billion, including $3.9 billion from the United States. Greg Milne, director of the Clinton Foundation’s Haiti Program, said projects include efforts that have helped more than 2,000 small farmers, an artisan-goods company that employs more than 300 people, a fish-farming operation, a cholera treatment center and improvements to schools in some of Haiti’s poorest slums. Clinton supporters also point out that their successes have come amid Haiti’s chaotic political situation — parliament is not functioning and President Michel Martelly, dogged by scandal, is ruling with virtually no checks on his power — which is marked by endemic corruption, weak institutions, poverty, poor public education, terrible roads and other factors that have historically made it extremely difficult for development efforts to succeed. The country has long had a fraught relationship with foreigners who come to invest and provide aid. Haitians often regard them with gratitude for desperately needed resources and, at the same time, with suspicion that their motives are more to make a profit in Haiti than to help it. Nevertheless, the Clintons are facing a growing backlash that too little has been accomplished in the past five years and that some of the most high-profile projects they have backed — including a just-opened Marriott, another luxury hotel and the industrial park — have helped foreign investors and Haiti’s wealthy elites more than its poor. “Bill Clinton is a good guy and well-intentioned, but the people here don’t think so — they think he’s here making money,” said Leslie Voltaire, a former government official who worked with Clinton on post-earthquake reconstruction. “There is a lot of resentment about Clinton here. People have not seen results. . . . They say that Clinton used Haiti.” In January, Haitian expatriates picketed the Clinton Foundation’s New York headquarters, demanding to know why more progress has not been made with the billions in international aid pledged after the quake. Said Raymond Joseph, a former Haitian ambassador to the United States: “People are asking, ‘What has Bill Clinton done for us?’ ” The Clintons’ long influence in Haiti is hard to overstate. As president in 1994, Bill Clinton deployed about 20,000 U.S. troops to Haiti to restore President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, who had been ousted in a coup in 1991. Clinton’s trade policies as president, which he later called a “mistake,” were devastating to Haiti’s rice production and made it harder for the country to feed itself. In 2009, Clinton was named U.N. special envoy for Haiti, and he has visited the country 37 times since then. After the earthquake, Clinton united with former president George W. Bush to create the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund, which distributed $54.4 million in the two years after the earthquake. Separately, the Clinton Foundation has spent more than $30 million in Haiti and led efforts through the Clinton Global Initiative to persuade private companies to spend vastly more. “What I think most people don’t know, even if they’ve been on the ground there, is these people are immensely talented,” Bill Clinton said in a 2010 interview with NPR. “They have suffered from 200 years of outside and inside abuses and neglect and misgovernment. And a lot of the people who’ve gone there even to help them in the best of faith have done so in a way that would never have allowed them to support themselves and to lift themselves up. And now there is a true consensus for and determination for a sustainable, comprehensive, long-term, modern society in Haiti. And they can do it.” But as the initial emergency response has evolved into efforts to ensure Haiti’s long-term development, Haitians increasingly complain that the Clintons’ most ambitious plans are disconnected from the realities of most people in the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. For instance, the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund invested more than $2 million in the Royal Oasis ­hotel, where a sleek suite with hardwood floors costs more than $200 a night and the shops sell $150 designer purses and $120 men’s dress shirts. One recent afternoon, the hotel appeared largely empty, and with tourism hardly booming five years after the quake, locals fear it may be failing. A spokeswoman for Occidental Hotels, the chain that runs the hotel, said that ­occupancy is up this year and that the project will “mature in the long run.” Bill Clinton also introduced Marriott officials to Denis O’Brien, an Irish telecom billionaire who has contributed millions to the Clinton Foundation. The result is a $45 million Marriott hotel that opened this month in central Port-au-Prince. O’Brien said no Clinton money was invested in the project. The ultra-modern hotel is adjacent to the headquarters of Digicel, a communications giant owned by O’Brien. When The Post visited recently, many, if not most, guests seemed to be foreign businessmen connected to Digicel. Clinton defenders argue that hotels that cater to well-heeled foreign guests can still buy local products and provide local jobs, and those guests are often involved in business investments or aid projects that benefit the neediest Haitians. O’Brien said his hotel employs 200 Haitians, is filled with locally purchased art and serves food from Haiti. O’Brien leads the Haiti Action Network, a collection of private businesses that have committed through the Clinton Global Initiative to spend $500 million on projects in Haiti. He and his company just built 150 schools and rebuilt Port-au-Prince’s historic Iron Market. “I don’t know any modern leader that has spent more time helping a country and being so effective,” O’Brien said of Bill Clinton. “He works like a demon in the developing world. Nobody is doing that. Is Tony Blair doing that?” Other Clinton-backed projects have not delivered on lofty promises: A 2011 housing expo that cost more than $2 million, including $500,000 from the Clinton Foundation, was supposed to be a model for thousands of new units but instead has resulted in little more than a few dozen abandoned model homes occupied by squatters. Controversy surrounding the Clintons only deepened with the recent revelation, contained in an upcoming book by Peter Schweizer, that Tony Rodham — Hillary Clinton’s younger brother — serves on the advisory board of a U.S.-based company that in 2012 won one of Haiti’s first two gold-mining permits in 50 years. After objection from the Haitian Senate, the permits have been placed on hold. “Neither Bill Clinton nor the brother of Hillary Clinton are individuals who share the interests of the Haitian people,” said Samuel Nesner, an anti-mining activist who thinks mining poses great environmental risks and will mainly benefit foreign investors. “They are part of the elite class who are operating to exploit the Haitian people.” Clinton Foundation officials said Bill Clinton had been unaware of Rodham’s involvement in the mine project. A spokesman for Hillary Clinton said she does not know the chief executive of the mine. “I strongly believe the Clintons came to Haiti in good faith and they wanted to have an impact,” said Jean-Max Bellerive, who was Haiti’s prime minister at the time of the earthquake and served as co-chairman with Bill Clinton on the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission. (Bellerive is also on the mining company’s advisory board.) But, Bellerive said, the former president was hampered by a “weak” staff of American aides who were “more interested in supporting Clinton than helping Haiti.” Echoing a common sentiment in Haiti, Bellerive also said Clinton should have listened more carefully to the opinions and needs of ordinary Haitians: “How do you want a guy coming from Davos or Dubai to get the real feeling for what’s happening downstairs?” Milne, of the Clinton Foundation, said the criticism is wrong and unsurprising. “President Clinton is one of the most dedicated and highest-profile advocates for Haiti, and he is still engaged while others have moved on,” he said. “So it’s not surprising that, for some, he is an easy target for natural frustration that the change we all want isn’t happening faster.” Milne said the country has experienced strong economic growth in recent years, with more Haitians employed and more children in school. “Is Haiti building back better?” Milne said, using a phrase that the Clintons frequently quote. “In many ways, yes, though challenges remain.” Paul Farmer, a doctor whose Partners in Health has helped provide medical care in rural Haiti since the 1980s and whose health network has received more than $1.8 million from the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund for a medical residency program, also praised the Clintons’ work. He said he forged partnerships at CGI meetings with private businesses and other charities for a variety of projects he said would not have taken place without the Clinton connection. He said that by any objective measure, Haiti has been improving, in part because of the Clintons’ efforts. “Is the whole country built back better? I doubt it,” Farmer said. “Water insecurity and food insecurity are very pressing problems. But if you look at the health statistics for Haiti . . . infant mortality, child mortality — they’re all improving.” Still, even some who have benefited from Clinton-backed programs have grown disillusioned. “I read that Bill Clinton is the most popular politician in America, but he couldn’t get elected mayor in Haiti today,” said Jacky Lumarque, rector of Quisqueya University, a private school that was damaged in the earthquake and received $914,000 from the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund to create an entrepreneurship center. Lumarque said the program has helped hundreds of Haitians turn their informal street businesses into formal entities that keep records, pay taxes and have potential for growth. He said it has been a huge success — but stands apart from the usual strategy of foreign groups, including the Clintons, who tend to favor projects imposed by well-meaning foreigners that are more “about Haiti” than “for Haiti.” The entrepreneurship center, Lumarque said, “is an example of what Clinton can do, in spite of himself.” When Bill Clinton came here late last month to help inaugurate the new Marriott, he made a side trip by helicopter to Haiti’s central plateau to have a look at a Clinton-backed program that is revolutionizing the peanut-farming industry. The Acceso Peanut Enterprise Corp. was started with a $1.25 million grant from the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership, which is headed by Bill Clinton and Canadian mining executive and philanthropist Frank Giustra, as well as the charitable foundation of Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim. Acceso buys feed, fertilizer and fungicide at bulk rates, then sells them to farmers for far less than normal prices. Acceso also hires tractors for farmers who otherwise would be using an ox and plow. Robert Johnson, an American who runs the program, said the improvements are vastly increasing yields, quality and farmers’ profits. He said Acceso worked with about 1,000 farmers last year and bought about 120 metric tons of peanuts. This year, it expects to triple the number of farmers and buy almost five times as much peanut tonnage. At least half of Acceso’s sales have gone to two large Haitian factories that produce a peanut-based paste that is given to malnourished children. Most of the rest goes to local peanut-butter producers, he said. The program’s success, Johnson said, comes from its market-driven approach: It’s not a charity, it’s a business with a charitable purpose. “We’re building something that is going to be sustainable,” he said. “We talk to the farmers. We’re not going to just bring in something that someone thought up in ­Davos.” The program is branching out into lime-growing, and Clinton visited a site last month where thousands of seedlings are being cultivated by dozens of workers. Benel Auguste, 32, is one of the small landowners who rented his plot, about a third of an acre, to Acceso to plant limes. “It’s a good idea; it’s going to work,” he said. “We know limes and we need them. We can do this.” The Clintons also were enthusiastic backers of the Caracol Industrial Park, which was built on 600 acres of farmland just east of ­the port city Cap-Haitien. They agreed with economists, particularly Oxford University development specialist Paul Collier, who concluded that Haiti is an ideal place to create mass jobs in garment factories because of its proximity to the United States, favorable trade agreements and cheap labor. The Clintons helped Haitian officials identify Sae-A Trading Co., which operates factories across the developing world and sews garments for giants such as Target, Gap and Wal-Mart, as a potential major investor. As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, along with top aide ­Cheryl Mills, lobbied for the project with South Korean officials and hosted Sae-A executives in Washington to press the plan. Bill Clinton attended the Sae-A contract-signing ceremony in Port-au-Prince on Jan. 11, 2011 — a day before the first anniversary of the earthquake. He later laid the first stone of the park’s construction. And then in October 2012, the Clintons, Martelly and other officials attended the ribbon-cutting. Speaking to a group of investors at the ceremony, officials and celebrities that included actors Sean Penn and Ben Stiller, as well as business moguls Donna Karan and Richard Branson, Hillary Clinton said it represented “a new day for Haiti and a new model for how the international community practices development.” “Haiti is truly open for business, and we want your help,” she said. “We see this partnership between governments like our own and the private sector as absolutely essential in promoting and supporting long-term prosperity in Haiti. We know very well that long-term prosperity cannot come from just the provision of aid. There must be trade and investment like we have seen here today.” Today, Sae-A employs about 4,500 people. Company spokesman Lon Garwood said the operation has been steadily growing and will open a new facility next month. Henri-Claude Müller-Poitevien, a Haitian government official who works in the apparel industry, said the Caracol project is on schedule and continues to expand. A power plant was built, but plans for a new port at the industrial park to carry finished goods to the United States have been shelved. Residents of the plant’s housing project say their land floods when it rains, and few said they think the plant will ever create the number of jobs originally promised. “I believe that the momentum to attract people there in a massive way is past,” said Bellerive, the former prime minister. “You can do interesting things with Caracol, but you have to reinvent the concept. Today, it has failed.” Each morning, crowds line up outside the park’s big front gate, which is guarded by four men in crisp khaki uniforms carrying shotguns. They wait in a sliver of shade next to a cinder-block wall, many holding résumés in envelopes. Most said they have been coming every day for months, waiting for jobs that pay about $5 a day. From his envelope, Jean Mito Palvetus, 27, pulled out a diploma attesting that he had completed 200 hours of training with the U.S. Agency for International Development on an industrial sewing machine. “I have three kids and a wife, and I can’t support them,” he said, sweating in the hot morning sun. “I have a diploma, but I still can’t get a job here. I still have nothing.” Tom Hamburger in Washington contributed to this report.
.@commentisfree @simonjenkins4 by reprinting the "offending" articles?
On the Friday edition of Breitbart News Daily, broadcast live on SiriusXM Patriot Channel 125 from 6AM to 9AM Eastern, Breitbart London Raheem Kassam will continue our discussion of Donald Trump’s policy agenda and the confirmation hearings for his nominees. [Retired Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin will discuss Gen. James Mattis’ confirmation hearing and David Shulkin’s nomination for VA Secretary. Jenny Beth Martin of the Tea Party Patriots will discuss Speaker Paul Ryan’s CNN town hall. Former RNC Chair and Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele will discuss President Obama’s legacy. Former lobbyist Jack Abramoff will discuss Trump’s efforts to separate himself from his business interests and his promise to “drain the swamp” in D. C. Mercedes and Matt Schlapp, the Chairman of the American Conservative Union, will preview this year’s CPAC conference. Live from London, Rome, and Jerusalem, Breitbart correspondents will provide updates on the latest international news. Breitbart News Daily is the first live, conservative radio enterprise to air seven days a week. SiriusXM Vice President for news and talk Dave Gorab called the show “the conservative news show of record. ” Follow Breitbart News on Twitter for live updates during the show. Listeners may call into the show at: .
Federal prosecutors in Manhattan have evidence that Sheldon Silver, the former speaker of the New York Assembly, engaged in extramarital relationships with two women connected to his position in Albany, according to newly unsealed court documents. The women were not identified in the papers, which were released on Friday, but one of them lobbied Mr. Silver “on a regular basis on behalf of clients who had business before the state,” the government said in a memorandum to a judge. In the case of the other woman, prosecutors said, Mr. Silver “used his official position” to help her get a state job, “over which he exercised a particularly high level of control. ” The government said it wanted to use evidence of the affairs at Mr. Silver’s sentencing, most likely to counter testimonials from the defense that he was a man of good character, strong ethics and integrity. The alleged relationships also lent credence to the notion that the former speaker had long engaged in questionable behavior, using his influence to dole out preferential treatment in return for favors. The court papers added a new and unexpected dimension to Mr. Silver, a Democrat from the Lower East Side of Manhattan who became one of the most feared and powerful politicians in New York State. With one of the two women, for example, he kept a separate cellphone to talk primarily to her it was not in his name and bills were not sent to him, the memo said. The allegations were in sealed court papers that federal prosecutors in Manhattan first presented to a judge last fall, in hopes of being allowed to use the material in Mr. Silver’s trial on federal corruption charges. The judge, Valerie E. Caproni of Federal District Court, did not unseal the materials at the time, but the issue arose again after the trial ended, when the office of Preet Bharara, the United States attorney for the Southern District of New York, asked to be allowed to use the materials at Mr. Silver’s sentencing, which is scheduled for May 3. “I view this as of a piece with the crimes for which Mr. Silver stands convicted,” Judge Caproni said on Thursday in court, where she said she would unseal the materials. “Not exactly the same no one is suggesting a quid pro quo, but of a piece of a misuse of his public office, and that’s why I think it’s relevant. ” The judge’s decision to make the documents public, with some redactions, followed a vigorous and ultimately unsuccessful legal fight by lawyers for Mr. Silver and the two women to block the release of the materials. The government had continued to press for the unsealing, as did The New York Times and NBCUniversal, which cited the First Amendment right of access to the courts. Steven F. Molo and Joel Cohen, lawyers for Mr. Silver, said on Friday morning after the release, “These are simply unproven and salacious allegations that have no place in this case or public discussion. ” Manuel Ortega, a lawyer for one of the women, denied the government’s assertion that his client had had an affair with Mr. Silver. He said the government’s “attempt at smearing the defendant with baseless allegations is not an attempt to seek justice, which is the prosecutor’s obligation, but a way to publicly embarrass innocent families and innocent people. ” A lawyer for the other woman, the lobbyist, declined to comment through a spokesman. Mr. Silver, 72, was convicted on Nov. 30 of all seven counts against him, including honest services fraud, extortion and money laundering. The evidence at trial showed that he had obtained nearly $4 million in illicit fees in return for official actions that benefited a cancer specialist at Columbia University and two real estate developers in New York. Mr. Silver, the Assembly speaker for more than two decades, automatically forfeited his seat in the Legislature with his conviction, and faces up to 20 years in prison on six of the seven counts. In seeking to introduce the information last fall, prosecutors noted that after Mr. Silver was charged in January 2015, they had obtained “numerous recordings” on which he could be heard. In one case, Mr. Silver is heard discussing state and private business with a woman, apparently the lobbyist, according to the memo, which is heavily redacted, making it at times difficult to determine which woman he is talking to. In the conversation, Mr. Silver and the woman discussed “their desire to conceal the truth about their relationship from reporters inquiring about extramarital relationships,” and how they should handle such inquiries, the government said. The woman told Mr. Silver that she had been trying to see him urgently because a reporter was calling state legislators, asking whether certain other legislators were having affairs, the memo said. Mr. Silver is heard responding, “I don’t think he caught us,” but he also said that reporters had requested his travel and campaign finance records. He then expressed concern that those materials and telephone records “could reveal their relationship,” prosecutors said. The memo says Mr. Silver said “it was ‘not safe’ for them to be seen together, and that he did not see the press inquiries ‘dissipating for a long time,’” the memo says. In one ruling also unsealed on Friday, Judge Caproni acknowledged that disclosure of the alleged relationships risked greater harm to the women than to Mr. Silver, given that they had not been connected to or named in the prosecution. But the judge ruled that the women were not “entirely ‘innocent’ third parties. ” She added, “Each allegedly had an extramarital affair with a public official and then exploited her relationship with the public official for personal gain. ” Judge Caproni, in ordering the documents released, said on Thursday that the public had an interest “in understanding the whole scenario,” and in what she would be looking at to determine an appropriate sentence for Mr. Silver, who has been married to his wife, Rosa, for roughly 50 years. The allegations, she added, were “not one of his better moments. ”
Audio message warns of the arrival of COVID-19 at Suba hospital in Columbia.
Says Ralph Hall is "the oldest member in Congress ever."
Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert (R-IL) was a sexual predator who attacked at least one child, a fact he covered up while leading the House of Representatives, two heartbeats away from the presidency of the United States.Court documents filed on Friday stated the disgusting details in cold, black and white text.Dennis Hastert agreed to pay $3.5 million to a person the former House speaker sexually abused when the victim was 14 years old and Hastert worked as a high-school teacher and wrestling coach outside Chicago, prosecutors said in a court filing Friday.The court filing is the first time prosecutors have confirmed Hastert paid hush-money to conceal sex abuse of a 14-year-old.Hastert kept the behavior under wraps even as he worked his way up the political ladder, from the Illinois Legislature through Congress and into the Speaker s office.In October of 2015, Hastert plead guilty to breaking banking laws while trying to secure hush money to keep his abuse quiet. He is currently trying to avoid jail time, with his lawyers having the nerve to claim that his declining health and the public scorn he has received since the abuse came to light is punishment enough.Hastert was part of the Republican-orchestrated impeachment of Bill Clinton in 1998 that failed to remove him from office for an extramarital affair.Hastert became Speaker of the House in 1999, after Newt Gingrich stepped down due to Republicans losing seats in the 1999 election and the next in line for the office, Bob Livingston, also exposed for having an extramarital affair.It was widely believed that Hastert took his orders from then-Republican Majority Leader Tom DeLay, and the two soon worked together to smash existing House rules in order to get Republican advantages during his time at the top.His tenure lasted until 2007, by which time Democrats had taken over the House in large part due to a scandal involving Rep. Mark Foley (R-FL). making advances towards teenage pages which was not acted upon quickly by Hastert, as well as the Iraq War.Under Hastert, the House operated under what was often described as a culture of corruption in which access and votes were traded for favors, sometimes outright bribes as in the case of Rep. Duke Cunningham (R-CA).But few were aware of just how corrupt the man who presided over it all, Dennis Hastert, really was.Featured image via Flickr
Says "22 to 24 people" came into the United States due to family connection with suspect in the October 2017 New York City terror attack.
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Senior Russian lawmakers said on Tuesday the resignation of U.S. President Donald Trump’s national security adviser showed that efforts were being made to undermine Russian-U.S. relations, but the Kremlin declined to comment. Michael Flynn resigned late on Monday after revelations he had discussed U.S. sanctions on Russia with the Russian ambassador to the United States before Trump took office and misled Vice President Mike Pence about the conversations. “It’s obvious that Flynn was forced to write the letter of resignation under a certain amount of pressure,” Leonid Slutsky, head of the lower house of parliament’s foreign affairs committee, was quoted as saying by the RIA news agency. Flynn was a strong advocate for the need for softer foreign policy toward Russia and his departure could slow Trump’s pledge to improve relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin. “The target was Russia-U.S. relations, undermining confidence in the new U.S. administration,” Slutsky said, without specifying who he thought was responsible. Fellow lawmaker Konstantin Kosachev, who leads the upper house of parliament’s international affairs committee, said the resignation could be a sign of growing anti-Russian feeling in the White House. “Either Trump has not gained the requisite independence and he is gradually being (not unsuccessfully) backed into a corner, or Russophobia has already infected the new administration also from top to bottom,” Kosachev said on social media. The Kremlin has denied that Flynn discussed lifting sanctions with the Russian envoy and on Tuesday it declined further comment, saying the resignation was an internal matter for the United States. “We’ve said everything we want to say,” spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on a conference call. U.S.-Russia relations deteriorated to their worst level since the Cold War under the Obama administration, which slapped economic sanctions on Russia for its annexation of Crimea in 2014 and its involvement in Ukraine’s separatist conflict.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate voted Monday to approve a senior Transportation Department nominee and advance another nomination, after Republicans accused Democrats of blocking some nominees to push for funding of a New York area infrastructure project. Derek Kan, who was previously an official at San Francisco-based ride services company Lyft Inc, won confirmation to be undersecretary of transportation for policy on a 90-7 vote. Senate Republicans have said their Democratic rivals were stalling a number of nominees over a dispute over funding for the $24 billion “Gateway Program,” which includes building a new tunnel underneath New York’s Hudson River. At least eight other Transportation Department nominations are pending and other jobs vacant, including a top auto safety regulator. In addition to confirming Kan, the Senate voted 50-47 on Monday to advance the nomination of Steven Bradbury, a Washington lawyer, to be general counsel at the Transportation Department. During the administration of President George W. Bush, Bradbury was one of the principal authors of the legal justifications for “enhanced interrogation techniques” called the “torture memos” by critics. Senator Tammy Duckworth, an Illinois Democrat, said in June that Bradbury “lacked the judgment to stand up against (the Bush) administration’s use of torture.” Bradbury defended his work in June, saying the “questions we addressed raised difficult issues about which reasonable people could disagree.” In September, President Donald Trump met with top elected officials from New York and New Jersey over the fate of the Gateway Program deemed critical to northeast U.S. transportation, but Trump made no commitments to finance the project. Republican Senator John Thune accused Democrats of holding nominations “hostage” while awaiting “assurances that the Trump administration will approve and fund” the Gateway project. “While no one questions the importance of this corridor, there are many other important projects that also are awaiting approval and funding at the Department. No project should get to cut the line based on the machinations of a handful of our” colleagues, Thune said. Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said on Monday he opposed Kan because of administration roadblocks to the project. “Time is running out and we must quickly build new tunnels,” Schumer said. A Senate Democratic aide confirmed, separately, that Democrats were holding up some nominations “because they want assurances from the Transportation Department the Gateway Project will quickly move forward after it’s funded.” The Transportation Department regulates the nation’s vehicles, airplanes, railroads, pipelines, ports and highways.
Says an amendment specifying when military members may use deadly force does nothing to change existing rules of engagement for American service members.
Khloe Kardashian Eager To Get Married To Tristan Thompson? — Why She’s ‘Not Pushing’ For It
November 2: Daily Contrarian Reads By David Stockman. My daily contrarian reads for Wednesday, November 2nd, 2016.
Only Hillary would go to Flint, MI to use the water crisis in a city run by Democrats to prop up her campaign. Americans should have known that with the extensive list of scandals in Hillary s past, there had to be a water pollution scandal. Well, as it turns out there is and it s a whopper! Hillary Clinton has turned the drinking water crisis in Flint, Michigan, into a central issue for her campaign and will look to capitalize on that focus when she faces Bernie Sanders at Saturday s Democratic debate in the troubled city, but in the 1992 Democratic primary, it was Bill Clinton who was on defense for standing by as Arkansas water was polluted.Former senator Tom Harkin (D., Iowa) went after Clinton during a candidate forum that year for putting himself forward as an environmentalist even though Arkansas was an environmental disaster during his tenure as governor. Mr. Clinton, that was a very nice, flowery little speech, but we have to start reading the records and not the lips, said Harkin, who went on to point out that Arkansas was rated last in environmental policy during his governorship.Here s video of the interaction:Harkin also said that Clinton s Environmental Protection Agency was a joke and that it was loaded with representatives of the biggest polluter in Arkansas. That polluter was Tyson Foods, a powerful political backer of Clinton that contaminated the drinking water supply of more than 300,000 people with roughly 500,000 tons of chicken waste that was dumped into streams. The presence of fecal bacteria in the water caused entire towns near Tyson plants to be plagued by chronic dysentery and salmonella.In one case, it took Clinton 17 months after being notified by health inspectors that a Tyson plant was leaking 1 million gallons of sewage into a town s water supply to take any action.This turned into a major issue in the 1992 campaign, and not just for Clinton s opponents.After Clinton won his party s nomination, CNN sent a reporter to Arkansas to examine just how bad the environmental situation was.Here s video of the lengthy report:The report found that state agencies were aware that 3,700 miles of Arkansas waterways were at risk of being destroyed by agricultural source pollution and that it took Clinton until 1990 to create a task force to address the problem.One scientist who focused on the quality of Arkansas water expressed his belief to CNN that the only reason Clinton formed the task force was because of his presidential aspirations. I think there is a direct connection between the current emphasis on animal waste and runoff and his bid for the presidency, said hydrologist Skip Halterman.Clinton is also criticized by CNN for giving a third of the seats on the task force to members of the poultry industry that was a major source of political contributions for Clinton. Via: WFB
Comments Kim Davis, the infamous marriage-denying county clerk from Kentucky, could be facing more than $225,000 in legal fees. Davis, who claimed she was acting “under God’s authority” and quickly became a hero for many religious conservatives, has been hit with an appeal seeking to have her pay her opponents’ legal fees, which total $233,058. Davis’ legal troubles began soon after her stunt last summer when four couples (two same-sex and two straight) sued her for her refusal to carry out national law. The case gained national attention after Davis was briefly imprisoned for contempt of court and made a martyr of herself. The suit itself was ultimately resolved earlier this year after Kentucky’s governor changed state law to the effect that county clerks no longer authorize marriage licenses. Davis has not been responsible for her own legal fees, as the anti-LGBT non-profit Liberty Counsel has offered her pro bono services. Now, however, she may finally be forced to pay up as the ACLU, on behalf of the four plaintiff couples, is appealing to US District Judge David Bunning seeking an order allowing them to recoup their legal expenses. Rowan County, which Davis serves as county clerk, has already stated that it will not pay the costs, arguing that Davis was acting on her own behalf rather than the county’s. It remains to be seen how the appeal will play out. According to William Sharp, the ACLU of Kentucky’s legal director, “ Courts recognize that when successful civil rights plaintiffs obtain a direct benefit from a court-ordered victory, such as in this case, they can be entitled to their legal expenses to deter future civil rights violations by government officials. By filing today’s motion, we hope to achieve that very objective — to send a message to government officials that willful violations of individuals’ rights will be costly” Liberty Counsel, however, is contesting the appeal on the grounds that Davis did not technically lose the case since it was resolved by a change in state law.
@bouckap We must protect our satirists; they speak truth when others cower in fear. This is a war against absolutism and zero tolerance.
The uproar at the University of Notre Dame over Vice President Mike Pence’s upcoming commencement address has escalated, as students are now claiming that his presence on campus will make them feel “unsafe. ”[Seniors Imanne Mondane and Jourdyhn Williams have started a whiteboard message campaign to express their concern over the selection of Mike Pence as the university’s commencement speaker. Over the past week, Mondane and Williams have taken photographs of students with quotations from Pence that the two seniors feel are “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic. ” “For me personally, [Pence] represents the larger Trump administration,” Senior Immane Mondane told The Observer, the newspaper of the University of Notre Dame and the nearby St. Mary’s College. “His administration represents something, and for many people on our campus, it makes them feel unsafe to have someone who openly is offensive but also demeaning of their humanity and of their life and of their identity. ” “I know that during his time as governor of Indiana and also during his campaign trail, along with Trump, he has made offensive statements towards minority groups that affect me, like women and ” Williams claimed. Williams argues that the selection of Pence as the university’s commencement speaker contradicts with the school’s Catholic mission. “I feel that is offensive to such a large population here at Notre Dame, and I also believe it goes against certain Catholic Social Teaching, which is something the University likes to broadcast that it stands behind, but it picks and chooses when it wants to stand behind them,” Williams complained. Encouragingly, Mondane has organized a discussion on her concerns and has invited students of all political persuasions to attend and voice their opinions. “We’re going to have a discussion in the weeks to come,” Mondane said. “Everyone is welcome to the discussion, and we’re going to have an event and advertise, but we really want to get the voices there who may not agree with us and who may take issue with what we’re doing. We both have an equal platform, and we’re on an equal playing field where one narrative isn’t totally dominant of the other. ” Tom Ciccotta is a libertarian who writes about economics and higher education for Breitbart News. You can follow him on Twitter @tciccotta or email him at tciccotta@breitbart. com
Belgium has given a cool welcome to Catalonia s ousted leader and may not offer the safe haven from Spanish justice that it once extended as it grapples with separatist troubles of its own. Carles Puigdemont was not invited by the Belgian government, Prime Minister Charles Michel said in a curt statement, a day after he arrived unannounced following his dismissal by Madrid on charges of rebellion over Catalonia s independence bid. He will be treated like any other European citizen, Michel said, noting Puigdemont was entitled to move freely within the EU. He has the same rights and duties ... no more, no less. Deputy premier Kris Peeters was even brusquer, saying: When you declare independence, it s better to stay with your people. Puigdemont himself told a news conference in Brussels that he was there to engage with the European Union which has shunned his pleas and not to exploit Belgium s reputation as a place of political asylum for citizens of other EU states. Nonetheless, he traveled to a small town in western Flanders on Monday to hire a human rights lawyer with a successful track record of fighting extradition to Spain on behalf of Basque separatist sympathizers. The lawyer, Paul Bekaert warned, however, that EU rules have made it harder. He told Reuters that the European Arrest Warrant system had removed exceptions previously made for extraditions to face political charges like sedition in other EU states. Politics, too, may play a part. Eighteen months before the next Belgian federal election, there have already been tensions over Catalonia within the coalition, where Flemish nationalists sympathetic to the Catalans are a major force and Michel, a French-speaking liberal, has lately tried to mollify Madrid. On Tuesday, Spain s High Court called Puigdemont and 13 members of his sacked administration to testify on Thursday. It also said it had started processing rebellion and sedition charges against Puigdemont and other Catalan leaders. Bekaert said Puigdemont, who faces up to 30 years in jail if Spanish prosecutors follow through on plans to charge him with sedition and misuse of public funds, saw no hurry to file for asylum, a simple procedure that would halt any extradition. However, asylum requests from EU citizens are rarely accepted nowadays and are often rejected within days. As an EU citizen, Puigdemont has to demonstrate that there is a clear risk of prosecution against him, that the sentence he could face could be disproportionate, that he doesn t have a fair trial in Spain, said Dirk Vanheule, a law professor at Antwerp University and president of Belgium s Refugee Council. If he fails to demonstrate that from the beginning, the asylum proceeding can be terminated within five days. Koen Lemmens, a human rights lawyer and professor at Leuven University, said the Belgian asylum agency would not take into account potential diplomatic embarrassment. But it would be up to Puigdemont to prove he would not get a fair trial. The Belgian government looks unwilling to back him up. Michel annoyed Spain by speaking out against police violence as people voted in the Oct. 1 independence referendum. But he also slapped down his Flemish nationalist immigration minister for suggesting at the weekend that Belgium might grant asylum. That did not stop the French-speaking Socialist opposition from accusing Michel of damaging Belgium s credibility abroad. The issue may not fade quickly. Any EU citizen can stay for up to three months without permission. And despite support for Madrid from the Belgian government, judges refused in 1996 and again, under new EU rules, in 2004 to extradite Luis Moreno and Raquel Garcia, whom it accused of aiding Basque militants. The N-VA has soft-pedaled demands for splitting the richer, Dutch-speaking half of Belgium off but with elections looming it must be wary of the small, anti-immigration Vlaams Belang, whose leader attended Puigdemont s Brussels news conference. VB leader Tom Van Grieken called on N-VA ministers to break with Michel s refusal to recognize Catalan independence. Mark Demesmaeker, an N-VA member of the European Parliament, told Reuters he met Puigdemont in Barcelona a month ago and said he did have a case for asylum as the EU looks the other way . The fact he is coming here already says plenty enough about the situation in Spain and Catalonia, Demesmaeker told Reuters. He has no faith in the Spanish judiciary.
"In 1916, the U.S. government predicted that by the 1940s all paper would come from hemp and that no more trees would need to be cut down."
Selena Gomez Is All Of Us While Freaking Out Over This New Eyeshadow Palette
@kharyp @lauriedtmann Those Bundy people should be on watch by the US govt. They are criminals of the highest caliber!! How is that allowed?
“@AntonioFrench: Police blocking cars from entering #Ferguson right now http://t.co/eCm3q1dyg5” How is this possibly constitutional?
WASHINGTON — A senior American general told Congress on Wednesday that Russia has deployed a prohibited cruise missile, the first public confirmation by the United States that the Kremlin had fielded the weapon in violation of a landmark arms control agreement. The missile is believed to have been moved in December from a test site in southern Russia to an undisclosed operational base. “We believe that the Russians have deployed a cruise missile that violates the spirit and intent of the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty,” Gen. Paul Selva, the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the House Armed Services Committee. “The system itself presents a risk to most of our facilities in Europe,” he added. “And we believe that the Russians have deliberately deployed it in order to pose a threat to NATO and to facilities within the NATO area of responsibility. ” The New York Times reported last month that Russia had deployed a battalion of the prohibited missiles. A typical battalion has four launchers, each of which is equipped with six missiles. While senior Trump administration officials have not said where the new unit is based, there has been speculation in media reports that a missile system with similar characteristics is deployed in central Russia. The Times also noted that a second battalion was staged at a missile test range at Kapustin Yar, in southern Russia near Volgograd. Russia’s foreign ministry criticized the article as an example of “fake news. ” The treaty Russia is accused of violating bans the testing, production and possession of American and Russian missiles based on land. Commonly called the I. N. F. treaty, it was signed in 1987 by President Ronald Reagan and Mikhail S. Gorbachev, the Soviet leader, and is regarded as one of the cornerstones of arms control. General Selva appeared skeptical during his congressional testimony about the prospects of persuading the Russians to remedy the violation. “I don’t have enough information on their intent to conclude, other than that they do not intend to return to compliance,” he told the lawmakers. General Selva added that the Pentagon was considering steps the United States and its allies could take to pressure the Russians to comply, but had not yet determined what “leverage points” might be effective. “I don’t know what those points are at this point in time,” he said. The Obama administration, starting in 2013, sought to persuade the Russians to correct the violation while the missile was still in the test phase. But the Russians have denied they have violated the treaty and responded with their own allegations, which the Americans have dismissed as specious. American lawmakers say it is very unlikely that the Senate would ratify a new agreement requiring deeper cuts in nuclear arms unless the dispute over Russian compliance with the I. N. F. treaty is resolved. In a February interview with Reuters, President Trump said he was concerned about the alleged violation and planned to take it up with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia. “To me it’s a big deal,” said Mr. Trump, who added that he would raise the matter with Mr. Putin “if and when we meet. ” If the Russians agreed to eliminate the new cruise missile, verifying that the missile was no longer deployed could require intrusive inspections. The mobile launcher for the cruise missile is very similar to the mobile launcher used for the Iskander, a system that is permitted under arms control treaties. Having failed to persuade the Russians to fix the alleged violation, some military experts say the United States could increase the pressure by announcing plans to expand missile defenses in Europe or deploying or nuclear missiles. But many say that the United States should seek to avoid a heated debate within the alliance by proposing the deployment of a new generation of missiles in Europe. The Russian cruise missile is also a concern for the United States’ Asian allies. Since the system is mobile, it could easily be moved across Russia, depending on its potential target.
By INDRA WARNES In a truly shocking twist the Suptreme Court decided the grown Iraqi man may not have realised the 10-year-old did not want to be sexually abused by him. Amir A, 20, was visiting the Theresienbad pool in the Austrian capital of Vienna last December as part of a trip to encourage integration. When the youngster went to the showers, Amir A. allegedly followed him, pushed him into a toilet cubicle, and violently sexually assaulted him. Following the attack, the accused rapist returned to the pool and was practising on the diving board when police arrived, after the 10-year-old raised the alarm with the lifeguard. The child suffered severe anal injuries which had to be treated at a local children’s hospital, and is still plagued by serious post-traumatic stress disorder. In a police interview, Amir A. confessed to the crime; telling officers the incident had been “a sexual emergency”, as his wife had remained in Iraq and he “had not had sex in four months”. A court found Amir guilty of serious sexual assault and rape of a minor, and sentenced him to six years in jail. However, in
What will Lester Holt do when Donald Trump says that he opposed the Iraq war from the beginning? Holt, 57, the most-watched daily news broadcaster in the country, has been tapped to moderate the first presidential debate Monday between Trump and Hillary Clinton. To say there is a lot riding on the night is not quite to capture it. A record 100m Americans are expected to watch the showdown, probably making it one of the biggest television broadcasts ever. The political stakes are higher: many partisans on both sides think the fate of the republic, all 330m strong, is on the line. Although under intense pressure from the Democratic side to play fact-checker as a bulwark against Trump’s baloney, and under equal pressure from the Republican side to stay out of it, Holt has not talked about how he sees his role. But he has shown persistence, in exclusive interviews with both candidates in recent months, in pinning the candidates down where they would rather speak unaccountably. Hillary Clinton supporters hope that means that Holt might intervene, unlike his network colleague Matt Lauer at a forum earlier this month, should Trump repeat his lie about having opposed the Iraq invasion from the beginning, or should Trump roll out any of the other 48 “pants-on-fire” lies that the nonpartisan group Politifact has counted him telling. Trump supporters may hope that a different Holt shows up, one closer to the amiable broadcaster who co-hosted a weekend morning show for 12 years. They want the man who announced the Westminster Kennel Club dog show for three consecutive years in the aughts, not a fact-checker of the nightly news. After 35 years as a newscaster, Holt currently hosts the top-rated nightly news program in America, NBC Nightly News, attracting 7 to 8 million viewers on an average weeknight. Any doubts about the calibre of his talent that accompanied his unusual arrival in the role – amid the career implosion of his predecessor, Brian Williams – quickly dissipated. Holt drove the ratings still higher. A native Californian who has written that he “grew up on air force bases”, Holt has reported from zones of armed conflict and natural disaster while charismatically serving up lighter stories as weekend anchor of NBC’s morning news and variety show, Today. He also plays upright bass. Holt will encounter an unprecedented challenge, however, on Monday night, when he will mediate between two hungry candidates now tantalizingly close to claiming the most powerful post on Earth. He has interviewed both candidates in recent months, and brought a healthy journalistic antagonism to the job. In June, Holt sat three feet away from Trump on gaudy Louis XVI chairs in Trump Tower, nearly knee-to-knee, and demanded that the candidate show evidence for a recent claim that Clinton’s private email server had been hacked. Anyone who doubts Holt’s ability to fact-check Trump should watch the exchange, in which he reduces Trump to the lame assurance, “I will report back to you.” Two weeks later, Holt pressed Clinton on the opposite side of the email issue, confronting her with a finding by FBI director James Comey that she had been “extremely careless” in handling classified information. She ended up squirming, too. Trump has expressed displeasure with Holt. “Lester is a Democrat,” Trump flatly told Fox News a week ago. But whether Holt checks that “fact” at the debate or not, it is false. Holt is a registered Republican.
@PhysicsHenry I feel offended, my religion forbid rectangle !
Zimbabwe s new president, Emmerson Mnangagwa, on Tuesday announced a three-month amnesty window for the return of public funds illegally stashed abroad by individuals and companies. Upon the expiry of the amnesty at end of February next year, the government will arrest and prosecute those who have failed to comply, Mnangagwa said in a statement. Mnangagwa was sworn-in as president on Friday and promised to tackle corruption, which had become endemic under former president Robert Mugabe s 37-year rule. Those affected are thus encouraged to take advantage of the three-month moratorium to return the illegally externalized funds and assets in order to avoid the pain and ignominy of being visited by the long arm of the law, Mnangagwa said. Zimbabwe s new president is under pressure to deliver, especially on the economy, which is in the grip of severe foreign currency shortages that have seen banks failing to give cash to customers. Mnangagwa told heads of government ministries on Tuesday that he was putting together a leaner government, which would see the merging of some departments to enhance efficiency. Critics say Zimbabwe has a bloated civil service, which chews more than 90 percent of the national budget. Mnangagwa, however, said only workers of retirement age would be laid off. He promised to rebuild the economy and improve the livelihoods of Zimbabweans. My government will have no tolerance for bureaucratic slothfulness, which is quick to brandish procedures as an excuse for stalling service delivery to citizens, investors and other stakeholders, Mnangagwa said in a statement read to the government officials. After recovering under a unity government between the ruling ZANU-PF and the opposition between 2009 and 2012, the southern African nation s economy has unraveled with the unemployment rate above 90 percent. Mnangagwa is expected to announce a cabinet this week, with all eyes on whether he breaks with the past and names a broad-based government or selects old guard figures from Mugabe s era. An official at parliament said Mnangagwa had asked for curriculum vitaes of ZANU-PF legislators on Tuesday as he moves to put the new cabinet in place. Meanwhile, deputy parliament speaker Mabel Chinomona told the house that she had been informed by ZANU-PF that the party had recalled five legislators from parliament, indicating the five had been dismissed as ZANU-PF lawmakers. The members, all linked to the G40 group that supported Mugabe s wife Grace, include former ministers Savior Kasukuwere, Jonathan Moyo and Ignatius Chombo, who is facing corruption charges in court.
Did Selena Gomez Just Make Flip-Flops Chic?
The #Ferguson chief, the County chief, County prosecutor, and @CharlieADooley need to reach out to the family and promise justice TONIGHT.
Canadian actor and filmmaker Seth Rogen believes it is important that resistance to Donald Trump’s presidency and his policy agenda be “normalized. ”[“I don’t want to look back in ten years and think, ‘I just didn’t say anything during that time,’ because it seems like a time where it’s very important to normalize dissent,” Rogen told the Daily Beast in an interview at the SXSW festival, where his latest film, The Disaster Artist, premiered this week. The Sausage Party star says he’s “been very conscious not to insult people who voted for Donald Trump,” but believes it also important for him to normalize “the idea that a lot of people do not think that he is a good president, and do not think that he is bringing the country in a good direction, and not making it seem like some fringe, thing that only really aggressive people who have whipped themselves into some sort of frenzy are expressing. ” Rogen added that “as a white dude,” he realizes that he’s “not the one who’s in real trouble right now. ” “I find myself not even aligned with the left wing of American politics often, because in Canada, even that is pretty far right in many lines of thinking,” he said. “I’m not used to being thrilled with American politics in general. But I do think it’s a lot better than most places better than a lot of other places I’ve been. I’m allowed to say and do things here that I couldn’t in other places. ” Rogen has stepped up his criticism of the president in recent months. In February, he tweeted a message to Donald Trump Jr. asking his dad to resign from office before he “destroys the planet. ” Let’s see if this works! pic. twitter. — Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) February 16, 2017, On Twitter, the actor has also taken aim at the GOP effort to repeal and replace Obamacare, and has criticized Trump’s recent executive order on immigration. But Rogen says as someone who “mostly just tries to observe a little bit,” he can empathize with people who are both for and against Trump. “I agree with the people who are very angry,” Rogen said, “and I also agree with the people who are like, ‘We have to look for ways to not create more division, and to come together,’ and I sympathize with the people who are like, ‘F*ck that! This is ridiculous,’ and I sympathize with the people who are like, ‘F*ck that! That’s never going to solve anything. ’” However, the says he won’t be surprised “if one day we’re sitting at home watching a tape of Donald Trump jerking off while women piss on each other, if that’s where all this ends, then that’s just fantastic. ” Follow Jerome Hudson on Twitter: @JeromeEHudson
@guardian Sad start to 2015 and a sad day for humanity. #CharlieHebdo
‘Solar Winds’ Spur Geomagnetic Storm That May Affect Power 25 October 2016 , by Brian K Sullivan (Bloomberg) http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-10-25/-solar-winds-spur-geomagnetic-storm-that-may-affect-power-lines - Geomagnetic storms can cause voltage corrections, false alarms - Space weather center lowered alert to “moderate” level storm Also see: Preparing for Power Grid Collapse, Obama Signs Executive Order On EMP, Space Weather Events https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2016/10/13/executive-order-coordinating-efforts-prepare-nation-space-weather-events
Christina Aguilera Brought a Met Gala-Worthy Train to Billboard Music Awards – L.A. STYLE Magazine
If ever there was a reminder that Sen. Ted Cruz is NOT the Republican Party s reasonable alternative to Donald Trump, it s in his response to the Brussels terror attacks. Losing badly to Trump, Cruz is clearly feeling the pressure to capitalize on the tragedy to win some crucial votes so he s gone all in on xenophobia, totalitarianism, and religious persecution. A hate cocktail sure to fire up his base.In a statement he released on Facebook, Cruz calls for the establishment of ghettos where America s Muslims can be contained and watched over by a specialized law enforcement group meant to police them. If that sounds a little to Nazi-esque for you, Cruz preemptively accused his critics of just being too politically correct to agree with him.Here s Cruz s terrifying vision for his presidency:We need to immediately halt the flow of refugees from countries with a significant al Qaida or ISIS presence.We need to empower law enforcement to patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized.We need to secure the southern border to prevent terrorist infiltration.And we need to execute a coherent campaign to utterly destroy ISIS.In other words, Cruz is plagiarizing Trump s ban all Muslims position, but adding that the Muslims already in the country should be secured in specific neighborhoods before they become radicalized. He doesn t bother clarifying how he would hope to accomplish this. Nor does he mention how he could legally target Muslims who had done nothing wrong just because his prejudice tells him they might some day.Being Lying Ted Cruz, he also couldn t help but spread a little misinformation about President Obama as well. Using the president s historic trip to Cuba as a strawman, Cruz bashed him for being on a diplomatic trip while Brussels was attacked, adding that Obama never visited Paris after the terror attacks there. It was an egregious lie, so shameless that a simple picture could debunk it.#COP21 Paying respect : President Obama & French President Hollande lay flowers at Bataclan concert hall in Paris. pic.twitter.com/YEMy7ZUDvk Catherine Field (@CatherineField) November 30, 2015Needless to say, Muslim activist groups, who have watched in horror as hate crimes directed at Muslim Americans has steadily grown thanks to people like Cruz, were not amused by this latest call to trounce the Constitution based on hate and fear. It s really beyond belief that you have one of the leading presidential candidates calling for law enforcement to target religious communities totally based on the fact that they are of a particular faith, CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper said by phone. In normal times, this would be the sort of thing that would disqualify someone from running for dogcatcher, much less president of the United States. We call on voters to reject this.Undoubtedly, terrorism is a serious problem. But the solutions to it need to be much more mature than the Republicans seem to want to believe. Totalitarianism doesn t work and never has. Discriminating against innocent Muslims because of a twisted death cult based in the Middle East is not only doomed to fail, but could backfire in ways that Cruz and Trump can t fathom from their build a wall childish ideology.Between Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, it s hard to say who the bigger xenophobic bigot is. Both are consumed by a hatred towards scapegoated groups they hope to exploit in order to ensure people vote for them. At this point in the race, the two Republican frontrunners aren t just mirroring each other s disgusting policies, but actually driving one another to make them more abhorrent. A nuclear arms race of bigotry in a crucial moment in America s history.Featured image via screenshot
Gov. Lincoln Chafee has imposed a mandatory abortion fee on all Rhode Islanders who buy health insurance through the states Obamacare exchange.
RAMALLAH/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Palestinian officials expressed surprise on Saturday at a U.S. decision to close the Palestine Liberation Organization office in Washington unless the group enters peace negotiations with Israel, and said they would not surrender to blackmail. A U.S. State Department official said that under legislation passed by Congress, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson could not renew a certification that expired this month for the PLO office, given certain statements made by the Palestinian leaders about the International Criminal Court. The law says the PLO, the main Palestinian umbrella political body, cannot operate a Washington office if it urges the ICC to prosecute Israelis for alleged crimes against Palestinians. In an address to the United Nations General Assembly in September, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said the Palestinian Authority called on the ICC to open an investigation and to prosecute Israeli officials for their involvement in settlement activities and aggressions against our people. The State Department official added that restrictions on the PLO in the United States, including the operation of its Washington office, could be waived after 90 days if U.S. President Donald Trump determines the Palestinians have entered into direct, meaningful negotiations with Israel. We are hopeful that this closure will be short-lived, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. According to the official Palestinian news agency WAFA, the Palestinian presidency expressed surprise at the U.S. move, which was first reported by the Associated Press. WAFA quoted Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad Al-Maliki as saying that Palestinian leaders would not give in to blackmail or pressure regarding the operation of the PLO office or negotiations on an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement. The agency quoted a spokesman for Abbas, Nabil Abu Rdainah, expressing surprise, given that meetings between Abbas and Trump had been characterized by full understanding of the steps needed to create a climate for resumption of the peace process. A Palestinian official who spoke on condition of anonymity told Reuters the State Department had informed the Palestinians of the decision on Wednesday. It was not immediately clear what effect the State Department s move might have on the Trump administration s efforts to revive peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians, which are led by Jared Kushner, the U.S. president s son-in-law and senior adviser. Abbas spokesman called the U.S. move an unprecedented step in U.S.-Palestinian relations that would have serious consequences for the peace process and U.S.-Arab relations, according to WAFA. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a statement on Saturday: This is a matter of U.S. law. We respect the decision and look forward to continuing to work with the U.S. to advance peace and security in the region. The State Department official said the U.S. move did not amount to cutting off relations with the PLO or signal an intention to stop working with the Palestinian Authority. We remain focused on a comprehensive peace agreement between the Israelis and the Palestinians that will resolve core issues between the parties, the official said.
@NegiJew Troll
The US-led coalition is often accused of supporting terrorist groups in Syria, including organizing safe passage and extraction from encirclements and hot zones. Videos have appeared on YouTube and Facebook allegedly showing the process of transportation of the terrorists. The source from the town of al-Hasakah (north-east part of Syria) has told Sputnik on the condition of anonymity that local people have witnessed US helicopters landing multiple times on the territory of the local prison, controlled by Kurds, and then leaving. According to the source, they were taking away some of the Daesh (banned in Russia) terrorists, detained in that prison.
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May wants to agree the broad outline of a transition deal with the European Union for after Brexit in the next few months, her spokesman said on Monday. We would hope we could reach an agreement on the broad outline of what an implementation period looks like within the next few months, the spokesman told reporters.
We would encourage biker groups to stand down. There s been enough bloodshed. Waco Police Sergeant W. Patrick SwantonPolice in Texas are on alert after two biker gangs involved in a deadly shootout in Waco over the weekend allegedly issued orders to shoot and kill uniformed law enforcement officers.State and federal authorities distributed memos to local police warning that the Cossacks and Bandidos motorcycle gangs had been told to arm themselves and head to North Texas in the wake of last weekend s bloody shootout. Nine people were killed and 18 injured in the gun fight, which erupted at a Twin Peaks restaurant in Waco on Sunday.Police made more than 170 arrests and confiscated guns and other weapons after the fight, which is believed to have involved up to five different biker gangs.https://youtu.be/4VV7gdwoJk8Sunday s bloody chaos consumed the Twin Peaks restaurant and spilled into its parking lot where bikers turned their weapons on police. Police returned fire, killing four bikers, CNN reported.The Bandidos are one of the largest motorcycle gangs in the world. Only the Hells Angels are bigger These outlaws ride Harley s, traffic drugs, carry weapons and run prostitution rings. 2,500 strong, the Bandidos rule the roads in the US and stretch across the globe from Europe to Asia and Australia. San Antonio, TX is the hub of the gangs activity:Law enforcement officers across Texas received memos Monday warning of possible retaliation. A bulletin posted by the Del Rio Sector Border Patrol said members of the Cossacks and Bandidos biker gangs had been instructed to shoot and kill law uniformed law enforcement officers, according to a CBS affiliate that covers the Dallas-Fort Worth area.Other law enforcement memos obtained by the station warned of escalating violence and said that members of the rival gangs, both of which originated in Texas in the 1960s, had been ordered to arm themselves and head to North Texas.A warning distributed by the Texas Department of Public Safety said the bikers were told to ignore orders from police they encountered on the way.Waco police told CNN that they had known the Twin Peaks restaurant was a hotspot for bikers, and that uniformed officers regularly patrolled the area closely in the months leading up to the deadly melee. But police presence wasn t enough to dissuade the bikers from violence. We wanted our presence to be known, Waco Police Sergeant W. Patrick Swanton told CNN Wednesday. They knew we were seconds away and going to respond. That mattered not to them We would encourage biker groups to stand down. There s been enough bloodshed. In a news briefing Tuesday, Swanton noted that gangs toned down their threats for reprisal, although they remain a worry for law enforcement, according to Reuters.According to The New York Times, the biker meet-up over the weekend was originally intended to discuss bikers rights and how to work on issues of mutual concern, but instead collapsed into violence, with a long-standing feud between the Bandidos and the Cossacks as the backdrop.If convicted, the gang members accused in the shooting could face the death penalty. Via: The Huffington PostHere is an ariel view of the police investigation following the gangs shooting spree:https://youtu.be/rDIDr8MJTbc
Or they'll discredit a witness because he or she doesn't speak "proper" English @PlatoBasquiat
Next Swipe left/right In this short Peppa Pig clip it sounds very VERY much like it’s swearing. Naughty Mr Rabbit! People are saying that in this clip you can hear Peppa Pig say, “That’s right, she played guitar with the fucking gazelles.” Blimey!
Blake Shelton Sweetly Puts His Arm Around Gwen Stefani & Carries Apollo On Mother’s Day
Hello Everyone, I know many of you like to keep in touch with our website via Facebook. I’ve had several reports from people over the past week that Facebook has been censoring some of our posts again. Unfortunately, there isn’t much I can do about that but I wanted you to know that I’m aware of it and keeping an eye on the situation. Many of you may not know that Facebook changed their algorithm this past June to favor “friends and family”. What this means is that Facebook now shows you more posts specifically from your friends and family, which is great! But, you may not be seeing as many posts from news outlets or small businesses that you follow and want to keep in touch with. You can read more about Facebook’s algorithm change here . There is a way to fix this! If you go to our Facebook page and click the triangle next to the ‘Liked’ button, you can click See First, and this will ensure that our posts make it onto your news feed. Facebook does not show all posts to people who follow pages. The new algorithm changes the way posts show up in your feed based on how many likes and shares a post accumulates within a short timeframe after it is published. This means that you may not have the opportunity to view information you might be interested in. If you want to ensure you see more from The Event Chronicle, you can follow us on Twitter , or sign up for our newly redesigned newsletter. Subscribe to Our Newsletter → Don’t want to miss a thing? Our RSS feed will show you every single article published on our website. Need a news reader? We recommend Feedly . Feedly is available on the web in your browser , or on many popular smartphones and tablets; iPhone , iPad , Android , and Kindle . On a Personal Note It’s been a bit of a struggle to get the news out this week as my computer is getting old and the hard drive is beginning to fail. This is not something that’s fixable and it’s time to get a new computer. I’ve been crossing my fingers and saying a little prayer each morning when I wake my computer from sleep hoping it will turn on for another day. So far so good, but the day is quickly coming that it will no longer turn on. If you enjoy reading our website, please see this page for more information about the computer problem and ways you can help. Even small donations of $5 or $10 add up and your help would be greatly appreciated. Have a great weekend! I have a handful of posts scheduled in the queue to go out throughout the weekend. I’ll pop in here and there on social media to make sure I don’t miss anything important, but my focus this weekend will be on finishing up Volume 2 of The Event Handbook ! …as well as doing a bunch of vacuuming and laundry because it seems Miss Ellie has brought home a flea or two. I think I’ve caught it in time so it shouldn’t be too much of a hassle. Does anyone know of any good natural remedies that are safe for cats? Please let me know in the comments. Thanks! You wanna see some pictures of my cat? Of course you do! Miss Ellie Thanks Everyone. I love you ALL!
@y_dohak @cnnbrk everyday people say and do things we don't like- you walk around killing people!!
We Are Change The Democratic National Committee has filed a lawsuit against the Donald Trump campaign, state Republican parties, and Roger Stone’s “Stop the Steal” group — asking the court to bar “citizen journalists” from the polls. A Bernie Sanders delegate at the DNC in July. “The campaign of Donald J. Trump, Trump’s close advisor Roger J. Stone, Jr., Stone’s organization Stop the Steal Inc., the Ohio Republican Party (‘ORP’), and others are conspiring to threaten, intimidate, and thereby prevent minority voters in urban neighborhoods from voting in the 2016 election,” the lawsuit claims. In reality, Stop the Steal is simply planning to have volunteers conduct their own exit polls outside of polling stations. Despite their never having mentioned targeting minorities, or intimidating anyone, multiple outlets picked up the Democrat’s version story after Stop the Steal announced their effort. “The Clintons had to cheat and rig the system to steal the Democratic nomination from Bernie Sanders. Why wouldn’t they try to steal the election from Donald Trump?” Stop the Steal’s website states. They are calling for “targeted EXIT-POLLING in targeted states and targeted localities that we believe the Democrats could manipulate based on their local control, to determine if the results of the vote have been skewed by manipulation.” Democratic outlets such as the Huffington Post and Media Matters have posted breathless articles claiming that exit-polling, which is conducted by every major media outlet, is somehow intimidation if done by an organization that favors the Republican candidate. “Trump and Stone appear to be of like minds when it comes to deploying citizens to the polls on Election Day to watch other citizens vote. Trump regularly encourages his mostly white supporters to stand guard on Election Day at polling stations in areas where the population is largely made up of minorities and ‘watch’ the polls,” the Huffington Post wrote. The article the quoted Trump himself, where he makes absolutely no mention of targeting minority voters. “You’ve got to go out, and you’ve got to get your friends, and you’ve got to get everyone you know,” they quoted Trump saying at a rally in Pennsylvania, “and you’ve got to watch your polling booths. I hear too many bad stories, and we can’t lose an election because of, you know what I’m talking about.” We Are Change spoke to Jack Posobiec of Stop the Steal to learn more about their efforts, and the lawsuit. “Our exit polling plan is very simple, we are going to dress in neutral, non-partisan clothing and request voters take the survey after they are finished voting. We are using the same types of questions that the AP uses regarding how someone voted, their top election issues, and asking their demographic info. The only difference is we are going to focus on one party rule precincts that have been reported to have irregularities in the past, such as in inner city Philadelphia,” Posobiec explained. When asked to clarify whether or not they intend to campaign, or harass, voters before they enter the polls, Posobiec stated that is not their intention. “We are only talking to people after they have completed voting, and will be dressed in neutral clothing. We also requested our volunteers to not wear Red, as there is a large movement of Trump supporters to wear red on election day, and we want to remain neutral,” he explained. Posobiec then referenced the infamous case of the New Black Panther Party actually intimidating voters , with weapons, in 2008. Many believed that the case was mishandled before being dropped. “I was involved in filming the Black Panthers dressed in black military clothing swinging billy clubs at white voters in Philadelphia in 2008, so I am very surprised our neutral exit polling plan would be seen as ‘intimidation’ by the Democrats,” he continued. Justice officials who served in the Bush administration argued that the department had enough evidence to pursue the case, and that it was dropped for political reasons. “Holder’s officials argued that the Voting Rights Act of 1965 did not apply to white people, only for minorities,” Posobiec stated. “In retrospect, this was the first sign that Obama would politicize the DOJ. Explains why they blocked the FBI from investigating the Clinton Foundation, or sending 100 FBI agents to Ferguson.” When asked if they would be fighting the lawsuit, Posobiec stated that they absolutely will be. “We absolutely are. These tactics were used against Citizens for Trump to shut down our rally in Cleveland in July, and we received the aid of the ACLU and won in court,” he said. In the lawsuit, the DNC asks the court to “declare that defendants’ ‘exit polling’ and ‘citizen journalist’ initiatives are contrary to law,” and bar them from encouraging anyone to do so, or from doing it themselves. “They are fighting scrutiny from independent citizens, but our elections are the fundamental cornerstone of American democracy, and should be held to the highest standard possible,” Posobiec stated. “Given the depth of collusion we have seen between mainstream media and establishment partisan political operatives this election through Wikileaks, we need citizen journalists and independent exit polls more than ever now.” During the primaries, there were unprecedented discrepancies between the exit polling and actual counted votes — always in Clinton’s favor. “They cheated the debates, they cheated Bernie, so its perfectly reasonable to be concerned they would cheat in November,” he concluded. Posobiec also stated that they are in no way coordinating with the Republican National Committee or the Trump campaign. The post DNC Files Lawsuit to Bar Citizen Journalists From the Polls appeared first on We Are Change .
Says that you cant destroy the guns purchased in a (gun) buyback program as the city (of Memphis) wants to do.
By Justin Gardner Establishment figures on the left and right, such as Marco Rubio , are beginning to publicly fret about Wikileaks and what it could do to them. For now, the attention is on Hillary Clinton, whose corruption and true positions have been exposed on a number of issues . Clinton’s long career in the highest levels of government has given Wikileaks plenty of material to publish, while Donald Trump’s character as an arrogant woman-groper is being revealed from his time in the entertainment business. Julian Assange said he does have some information about Trump, but there is a strange reality there: “I mean, it’s from a point of view of an investigative journalist organization like WikiLeaks, the problem with the Trump campaign is it’s actually hard for us to publish much more controversial material than what comes out of Donald Trump’s mouth every second day,” Assange said. The horrible prospect of Trump or Clinton – both highly disliked by the populace – becoming president is the result of a system that is indeed rigged into a two-party dictatorship with the illusion of choice. Ben Swann explains some of it here . One of the more worrying revelations – or should we say, “confirmations” – from the Podesta Emails is Clinton’s allegiance to the Israeli lobby . Her top foreign policy aide reminded her not to say anything publicly to offend “Bibi,” and she wrote a letter against the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) against Israel on behalf of her mega-donor, Haim Saban. This allegiance to the Israeli lobby means that Clinton’s position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will largely echo that of Israel’s government, including its settlements on Palestinian lands and its treatment of Gaza as a giant prison camp. For decades, various presidents have claimed to be working on “peace accords” with the Israelis and Palestinians, while the U.S. military-industrial complex reaps billions from Israel’s militarism and use of U.S.-made weapons in repeated Gaza massacres. Why wage peace when war is so profitable, in the monetary sense and in the enablement of absolute State power? In one email, we see the kind of deceit presidents will engage in to maintain the narrative of “pursuing peace.” From MondoWeiss : “ Here’s the context. In a March 2015 email, right after Netanyahu’s victory in the Israeli election, Clinton foreign policy aide Jake Sullivan passed along a Times article in which Netanyahu offered a mild apology for his racist election-eve warning to Jewish voters that Palestinians were coming out to the polls “in droves,” and in which he flipflopped on his promise that no Palestinian state would be established on his watch. Per the Times: The two-state solution “remains our goal today, because it is the only way to secure Israel’s future as a Jewish and democratic state,” [Netanyahu] added. Sullivan comments [from hacked Podesta emails]: Unsurprisingly, Pragmatic Bibi makes an appearance. Clinton steps right in: This is an opening that should be exploited. A Potemkin process is better than nothing. ” For those who many not be familiar with the word, “Potemkin” or Potemkin village means constructing something to deceive others into thinking a situation is better than it really is. Merriam-Webster says, “especially one presented for the purpose or propaganda.” As Weiss points out, we’ve had a Potemkin process for 20 years already, so Clinton would merely continue using events to perpetuate the false hope of a “peace accord.” Michael Omer-Man, former news desk manager for the Jerusalem Post, had strong words for Clinton : “It’s hard to imagine a more troubling statement about Israel/Palestine from a politician who will in all likelihood be the next president of the United States, even if it represents only part of her thinking on the region… when American politicians like Hillary Clinton say that the façade of a peace process is better than no process, they mean it is better for the United States and Israel, not for Palestinians. A Potemkin peace process expressly means maintaining the status quo of occupation and oppression while neutralizing any consequences Israel might face for its actions.” For establishment figures like Hillary Clinton, the illusion of a peace process is more important than actually pursuing peace. Maintaining the narrative while profiting from conflict is the modus operandi of the two-party dictatorship. Source: The Free Thought Project
EU institutions are merely tools used by Paris and Berlin to impose Franco-German hegemony over Europe.
Also the woman in question didn't speak "lazy English." English was her third language. She's still learning it @gritslady
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will have “substantive, hard” talks with U.S. partners in Asia on next steps in dealing with North Korea, but his visit this week is not likely to produce an immediate specific response, the State Department said on Wednesday. “I wouldn’t predict that there’s going to be concrete action out of his trip,” State Department spokesman Mark Toner told a briefing on Wednesday when asked if Tillerson expected firm commitments on moving forward against North Korea. “I think this is a chance for him to have a lot of substantive, hard discussions with our allies and partners in the region about possible next steps, again recognizing that the threat of North Korea, frankly, is only growing stronger,” Toner said. Tillerson is visiting South Korea, Japan and China on his Asia trip. Asked what Tillerson would tell Asian trading partners following President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the multilateral Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal negotiated by his predecessor, Toner said the secretary’s message would be that trade is a vital U.S. stimulus. “We want to pursue trade, we believe in trade,” Toner said. “Trade is good for American workers, it’s good for American companies, but we want to do that on a bilateral basis and ... we want to ensure a level playing field for U.S. workers and U.S. companies.”
WASHINGTON — has agreed to pay a $12 million civil fine and stop selling illegal aftermarket devices that cause its motorcycles to emit too much pollution, the Justice Department said on Thursday. The settlement resolves government accusations that Harley sold roughly 340, 000 “super tuners,” enabling motorcycles since 2008 to pollute the air at levels greater than what the company certified to the Environmental Protection Agency. Harley did not admit liability, and said in a statement that it disagreed with the government’s position, arguing that the devices were designed and sold to be used in “competition only. ” The company said the settlement represented “a compromise with the E. P. A. on areas of law we interpret differently, particularly E. P. A. ’s assertion that it is illegal for anyone to modify a certified vehicle even if it will be used solely for competition. ” According to the government, the sale of such defeat devices violated the federal Clean Air Act. Harley was also accused of selling more than 12, 600 motorcycles that were not covered by an E. P. A. certification governing clean air compliance. The announcement comes at a time of greater scrutiny on emissions and defeat devices by regulators in Washington after Volkswagen admitted using illegal software to evade emissions standards in nearly 600, 000 vehicles in the United States. The settlement calls for to stop selling the super tuners by Tuesday, and to buy back and destroy all such tuners in stock at its dealerships. The E. P. A. said the modified settings increased power and performance, but also increased the motorcycles’ emissions of hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides. Harley, based in Milwaukee, will also spend $3 million on an unrelated project to reduce air pollution, the Justice Department said.
Oil prices continued their fall Tuesday, as traders worried about a deal with Iran, which could increase supplies. In the meantime, U.S. oil production in 2014 was the highest since records began in 1900, according to the Energy Information Administration. West Texas light, sweet crude dropped 2.24% to $47.61 a barrel, says FactSet. Cablevision has bid $1 to buy the New York Daily News, archrival New York Post gleefully reports. Stymied by the Federal Aviation Authority, Amazon is testing drone delivery at a secret site in Canada, according to The Guardian. China will start deposit insurance on May 1, another step toward scrapping government controls on interest rates. The term “bubble” gets tossed around a lot, often improperly. In China, though, there may really be a stock bubble. Jay Z announced a streaming music company that will be owned by artists, who seem to feel they should be paid for their work. Do mutual fund managers who invest heavily in their own funds outperform? Why, yes. Losing a job is always terrible. For workers over 50, it’s worse. More than a third of Americans have no emergency savings.
WASHINGTON, DC — Some of the Democratic Party’s biggest names convened on Tuesday at the Four Seasons Hotel in Georgetown to speak at the Center for American Progress’s (CAP) 2017 Ideas Conference, where they called for even greater resistance against President Donald Trump and his White House. [House Minority Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Elizabeth Warren ( ) Sen. Kamala Harris ( ) DNC Deputy Chairman Keith Ellison, and Gold Star father Khizr Khan were among major Democrat players present who devoted their time on stage to attacking President Trump and showing no signs or efforts to work with the other side. The event evoked a stirring response from the Republican National Committee. RNC spokesman Michael Ahrens responded to the Democratic lawmakers’ rhetoric and said they were out of touch with millions of everyday Americans who are tired of seeing and hearing divisive politics. “As they plot their strategy of resistance, Democrats continue to ostracize the millions of Americans who want their representatives to work together, not sit around and come up with ways to say no,” Ahrens said. “Their allegiance to CAP’s extreme, policies shows how out of touch Democrats are with Americans all across the country. ” “It is time to resist. It is time to fight back,” Sen. Warren said from her pulpit at the Four Seasons, where she called for greater campaign finance reform. Rep. Maxine Waters ( ) called, once again, for Trump to be impeached. “Maxine Water was right. You’ve got to impeach him. ” Booker, who is seen as a rising star in the Democratic Party, gave a rousing and passionate speech about the struggle Americans in disadvantaged parts of the nation face. He delivered the conference’s closing remarks. However, he also made a push for bigger government and welfare, citing people in his own community in New Jersey who live at or beneath the poverty line and who rely on handouts to afford their next meal. Of the Democrats who spoke, Booker seemed to be the most willing to work with Republicans. He asked the Democrats to focus their attention on their constituents and back away from their incessant attacks on President Trump. “I want to dedicate myself, but we cannot just be a party of resistance. We’ve go to be a party that’s reaffirming the American Dream,” Booker said. “We can’t just be a party that’s focused on the person in the White House. We’ve got to be focused on those folks in inner cities, in factory towns, in the grassroots of our country. ” Khizr Khan told the crowd that had gathered, “My offer to Donald Trump to read the Constitution remains standing,” referring back to the time he held up a version of the Constitution at the DNC in July 2016. “One more time he has proven that he is unfamiliar with the basic tenants of our democracy,” he claimed. After apologizing in advance for possibly raising his voice, Khan said, “Maybe this voice will reach 1600 Pennsylvania even now. ” He added, “l am from Charlottesville, Virginia. Charlottesville, Virginia, was declared several months ago by my courageous mayor, Mike Signer, to be the capital of resistance of the United States. ” DNC Vice Chair Keith Ellison said, “If there is one blood bath that we have been suffering in elections, it is secretaries of state. ” Ellison then questionably suggested, “Democratic secretaries of state don’t actually try to favor a party. They just try to make sure there’s a fair election. Republican secretaries of state … they absolutely tilt the tables in terms of their side. ” Meanwhile, outside of Tuesday’s conference, the divided Democratic Party splintered further as rhetoric from within its own ranks exposed how truly out of touch its leaders are. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel slammed the Democrats in a Politico article, saying they come off as a “party disdainful of [the middle class]. … We don’t talk about and fight for the middle class like we are. We believe we’re for them, but they don’t — if they don’t hear we’re for them, then we got a problem,” Emanuel reportedly said. He added that the Democrats are so on the narrative surrounding President Donald Trump that they are blinded to what’s actually going on inside their own party. “Talking to ourselves and persuading ourselves,” Emanuel said, “is not going to be the way you get to a majority. ” Democrats lashed out at Sen. Bernie Sanders ( ) saying he “made a mockery” of the unity process and blamed him for dividing the party more than before. “The fact that Tom Perez has given Sanders a platform without Sanders genuinely agreeing to work toward ‘unity’ has made a mockery of the whole process and literally divided the party more than it was before the tour began,” Markos Moulitsas, the founder of the liberal Daily Kos site, told Politico. “It has been a disaster. ” He added, “Yes, Perez and company are clearly afraid of Sanders and his followers, but letting Sanders make a mockery of the party doesn’t exactly help it build in the long haul. ” Follow Adelle Nazarian on Facebook and Twitter.
Ariel Winter Levi Meaden Derailed
The drip drip drip of communism Leftists are stealing our rights and freedom while Americans can t be bothered with politics because they re too busy watching the Kardashians The Florida High School Athletics Association recently denied a request by two Christian schools to broadcast a prayer before a championship game at Orlando s Citrus Bowl Stadium.Cambridge Christian School in Tampa and the University Christian School out of Jacksonville are playing in the District 2-A high school football championships today and coaches from both teams submitted a request to ensure a 30-second prayer over the loudspeaker before kickoff, Bay News 9 reports.But Roger Dearing, director of the Florida High School Athletics Association, denied the request for two main reasons. The facility is a public facility, predominantly paid for with public tax dollars, makes the facility off limits under federal guidelines and precedent court cases, Dearing wrote in an emailed response to the teams. In Florida Statutes, the FHSAA (host and coordinator of the event) is legally a State Actor, we cannot legally permit or grant permission for such an activity. Cambridge head of school Tim Euler doesn t agree with Dearing s ruling. We ve played 13 football games this year, he told Bay News 9 We ve prayed before every one of them. Here s the problem, Euler told WTSP. The Florida Legislature is opened up with prayer in a building that is paid by tax dollars. What is the difference? If they can pray there, we can pray here, and I want them to be able to pray there and I want us to be able to pray here, he added. So I think (Dearing s) reasoning is flawed at the core of it. Euler said Friday morning, hours before the game s 1 p.m. start time, that it s unlikely the teams would be able to reverse the decision, but believes it s important to highlight the problem, nonetheless. What we really want to do is raise awareness, he told Bay News 9. All we re asking for is an opportunity for two Christian schools to pray. WTSP attempted to contact the Florida High School Athletic Association about the ruling, but the agency ignored its request.WTSP reporter Mike Deeson posted about the controversy on Facebook. I was disappointed the Florida High School Athletic Association didn t return our calls, he wrote. I wanted to know how the legislature opens with a prayer in a taxpayer owned building with state employees, yet FHSAA maintains a prayer couldn t be said in a taxpayer funding facility the Citrus Bow that was sanctioned by state employees, members of FHSAA. Something doesn t make sense when you compare the two but they NEVER returned our calls, Deeson posted. In my opinion that was a BAD PR MOVE! Readers, of course, were enraged by the FHSAA s decision. I think it s absolutely ridiculous that they will not let two Christian schools pray before their game, Mary Salvatore posted to Facebook. And you wonder why we have so many mass shootings across the country! So PC and so tolerant that you become intolerant, Robert Rosengarten added. Let them pray, who gives a f. If they want to pray to Jesus, Allah, the flying spaghetti monster, let them, who cares. Who s to stop them? Daniel Suarez questioned. What if both teams come together before the game and pray? What if all in the stands begin to pray? Who would it hurt? Via: EAG News
From the beginning, the Chainsmokers knew dance music was a joke. The festivals, the groupthink, the sounds — these were the hallmarks of a scene designed for ecstatic release, but also one that was easily parodied. And so rather than make serious music that others might dismiss, they embodied parody themselves. They made songs about selfies and Kanye West (in so much as they were about anything) and saw their stars rise. They seemed to understand, in a particularly disquieting way, how easy it was to game the system, turning growing American interest in and tolerance of dance music into a platform for ambition. That made the Chainsmokers both disorientingly effective and easily loathed. So maybe it’s humility, or maybe it’s strategy, but pointedly, over the last couple of years, the duo of Andrew Taggart and Alex Pall have been engaged in a very public process of dismantling mainstream dance music from within. By this point, they are essentially a pop duo — Mr. Taggart sings and writes, and both men produce. Instead of club music though, they’ve come to specialize in a style that approximates a skinned and deboned version of those sounds, maintaining a handful of its key gestures and flourishes while administering a benzodiazepine to the tempo and volume. In 2015 and 2016, three Chainsmokers songs reached the Top 10 of the Billboard singles chart, as have two songs that appear on their new album, “Memories … Do Not Open,” “Paris” and the Coldplay collaboration “Something Just Like This. ” Each hit has been more denuded than the one that preceded it. This is the logical endpoint of the American explosion of the last decade, which was almost certainly never going to end in a nightclub. It was a long con in retraining pop ears to accept some of that world’s sonic ideas. By that measurement, “Memories … Do Not Open” — the first Chainsmokers album — is a savvy success that cannily toys with expectations. Most songs hover between 95 and 105 beats per minute, something more than a slog but less than a gallop. Often, when a song arrives at the drop — the place where an explosion usually lands — it instead veers into something like a sun shower, or a crowd applauding in the distance, rarely the usual gut punch. But these strategic victories don’t overshadow the Chainsmokers’ myriad weaknesses. In the ecosystem in which the Chainsmokers have thrived — dance music and the pop that derives from its distillation — the album is a meaningless concept, and the album format underscores both this duo’s weaknesses and strengths. Mr. Taggart is a capable but unexciting singer. And he has shockingly few lyrical ideas, less of a concern for performers more adept with melody. Most songs here moan about brittle young relationships over the musical equivalent of bringing an amiable golden retriever along for an unhurried jog. (The songs written with the Emily Warren, like “Don’t Say” and the excellent “My Type,” are among the best here, with an emotional texture the others grasp for futilely.) Two songs, the impressive “Honest” and “Wake Up Alone,” parse the weight that fame exacts on emotional relationships — they’re among the most credible on the album. While the Chainsmokers often appear to have decided what sort of music they’re not making, their affirmative choices are lacking. “The One” ends up somewhere near chillwave, “Break Up Every Night” is toothless and “Last Day Alive,” a collaboration with the duo Florida Georgia Line, is 100 percent pure pablum, a collection of dim anthemic sayings in search of a stadium, a twinkle with no diamond. All of this makes for songs in search of remixes, skeletons notable as much for what’s missing as what’s there. That’s a curious position for an act moving from the world of festivals, where the scene is the star more than the performer, to the world of pop, where personality counts, a shift that may well be the Chainsmokers’ undoing, even if their music remains effective. That’s because onstage, on the duo’s handful of televised performances, they’re almost brutally awkward. On “Saturday Night Live” — where they performed “Paris” and “Break Up Every Night” last weekend — they were listless and limp. Of course they were. Mr. Taggart is not an aggressively trained pop star (and for what it’s worth, not a disruptive punk either). He was uncomfortable in the same way a young indie rock or folk singer might be, unsure of how to use his body as effectively as his voice. The Chainsmokers might have gamed their way into pop, but pop is hard work — inside jokes melt under the klieg lights.
New Zealand Green Party leader James Shaw said on Thursday he was confident of reaching an agreement with Labour and New Zealand First to provide support for the formation of a coalition government. Shaw said a final decision would be made on Thursday evening and he was very confident of a change in government after nearly a decade of center-right National governments. The incoming Labour-New Zealand First coalition needs the Greens to commit to a confidence and supply agreement in parliament to ensure they have a majority.
A trades union representing American construction workers says a plan to expand the foreign guest worker visa is “directly counter” to President Donald Trump’s “Buy American, Hire American” agenda. [The budget, promoted by House Speaker Paul Ryan, will allow Department of Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly to expand the number of foreign workers who come to the U. S. for jobs by at least 20, 000. The visa brings foreign nationals to the U. S. for nonagricultural jobs. The visa impacts and poor Americans most, as jobs in the hotel industry, theme parks, retail, and restaurants can insource jobs to foreign workers under the program. visa workers filled more than half a million jobs in the U. S. in the past five years. The North America’s Building Trades Unions (NABTU) is denouncing the plan, saying it will further undercut American workers and the security of their jobs. “This maneuver runs directly counter to President’s Trump’s recent executive actions to ‘buy American and hire American,’ and which were specifically crafted to instruct the Departments of Labor, Justice, Homeland Security, and State to take prompt action to crack down on fraud and abuse in our immigration system in order to protect workers in the United States and their economic conditions,” NABTU officials said in a statement. “The visa was conceived as a guest worker program that is meant to be used by employers to fill seasonal and temporary jobs, but which has now been all too often used by unscrupulous employers in the construction industry as a means to exploit guest workers and drive down community wage and benefit standards,” the organization continued. “The many horrific abuses within the program have long been documented, and NABTU has repeatedly sought reforms to address the shortcomings in the law that have enabled these abuses to continue unabated. ” NABTU argues that the language in the omnibus spending bill, passed by the House, does not “address” or “reform” the problems within the visa system, saying “it doubles down on bad policy which will have the effect of further jeopardizing the jobs, wages and benefits of American construction workers, while ensuring that guest workers remain vulnerable to abuse. ” The expansion slipped into the spending bill came as a treat to the big business and open borders lobbies, who through the Workforce Coalition organization, successfully lobbied Congress to expand the number of foreign workers who can enter the U. S. every year, as Breitbart Texas reported. Breitbart Texas reported how American wages are struggled to increase in professions covered by the visa. For instance, for landscaping and jobs given to foreign workers, wages decreased by 3. 4 percent between 2004 and 2014. For jobs in the amusement and recreation industry, which also employs a multitude of foreign workers, wages between 2004 and 2014 fell by 1. 3 percent. Overall, in the top 15 industries that employ foreign workers, wages increased in the last decade by 1. 8 percent. John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart Texas. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.
link This guy didn't even win re-election but he think's he's got a mandate of some sort to take up arms if the candidate he supports doesn't win in November? Link to Tweet : Wreckless, self-serving, self-aggrandizing, illiberal, undemocratic, moronic and contrary to the very rule of law his candidate purports to stand for when he's not ginning up cancerous fantasies among the froathy-mouthed sheep who fancy themselves as revolutionaries akin to the American colonists (muskets? lol. Okay Alex Jones). No Joe. You're just an asshole blathering about civil war if your pick of leader doesn't win the day. There's nothing laudable about that. Unbelievable how carelessly people like Walsh are yapping about something that could result in millions of dead people and the end to America as we know it. Make Trump President Or Else? " edit on 2016-10-26 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)
NTEB Ads Privacy Policy NOT OVER: FBI To Conduct New Investigation Of Emails From Clinton’s Private Illegal Server In a letter to congressional leaders, Comey said that the FBI had, in connection with an “unrelated case,” recently “learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the Clinton investigation.” by Geoffrey Grider October 28, 2016 The FBI will investigate whether additional classified material is contained in emails sent using Hillary Clinton’s private email server while she was secretary of state, FBI Director James Comey informed congressional leaders Friday. EDITOR’S NOTE: It’s a sad, sad, day in America when the first and only woman from one of our two political parties to run for president is being investigated by the FBI for leaking classified information through her private and illegal email server. Crooked Hillary has bragged about “making history” and she’s right, this is truly an historic event, albeit one that belongs in the Hall of Shame. The announcement appears to restart the FBI’s probe of Clinton’s server, less than two weeks before the presidential election, an explosive development that could shape the campaign’s final days. MSNBC: FBI re-opening investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server Donald Trump announces FBI reopening Hillary Clinton case: In a letter to congressional leaders , Comey said that the FBI had, in connection with an “unrelated case,” recently “learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the Clinton investigation.” Breaking news: FBI reopening Hillary email case Comey indicated that he had been briefed on the new material yesterday. “I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation,” he wrote. CNN: Clinton team ‘stunned’ by FBI re-opening email investigation, didn’t know until plane landed T he FBI had previously closed its investigation in July with no charges, though Comey had concluded there had been classified content exchanged on the server and that Clinton had been “extremely careless.” source SHARE THIS ARTICLE Geoffrey Grider NTEB is run by end times author and editor-in-chief Geoffrey Grider. Geoffrey runs a successful web design company, and is a full-time minister of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. In addition to running NOW THE END BEGINS, he has a dynamic street preaching outreach and tract ministry team in Saint Augustine, FL. NTEB #TRENDING
@CNN A little late after #Anon already released it.
Posted by Lindsay Hayward | Nov 4, 2016 | Breaking News Hillary Clinton says Trump is “unstable” to be president and will start a nuclear war. Former president, Bill Clinton, allowed rangers to die in Somalia because he wouldn’t send air support. There were actually 4,417 military deaths from 1993-1996 alone under the reign of Clinton. He obviously rubbed off on his wife for not having any respect at all for our brave men and women in uniform. How to turn $12,000 in retirement savings into $1.3 Millon over the next 5 years.... Read More Hillary also denied air support to soldiers in Benghazi who died horrific deaths while she was Secretary of State. Ambassador Chris Stevens was brutally beaten to death and murdered in Benghazi, his lifeless body dragged throughout streets of full-fledged violence, terrorists cheering and applauding. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton and President Obama did nothing . Except for blame the tragedy on a video at the victims’ military funeral ceremony as their coffins crossed in front of the stage, where Hillary Clinton stood. It was a terrorist attack- the attack came in two separate waves, including suicide bombers. WikiLeaks confirms that Hillary told her daughter that she knew it was not because of ‘some video’. So, how else does Bill influence Hillary? Does he encourage her to lie because it’s what he personally does? Or does lying simply come naturally for her? Over the past month, WikiLeaks has poured out incriminating evidence proving corruption within our liberal government. They’ve also released countless emails exposing the fraudulent activities tied to the Clinton Foundation, which is currently being investigated by the FBI. What other shocking lies have been revealed about the Clintons by WikiLeaks? “Instead of dark and divisive, it’s hopeful and inclusive. It’s big-hearted, not small-minded. It is about lifting people up, not putting them down,” Hillary Clinton stated in front of a “massive” crowd in Ohio, unveiled to be photo-shopped to include more people than were actually present by duplicating the ones that were already there. Hillary Clinton crowd in Ohio, photoshopping to make her rally look bigger “It’s a vision that says, and I believe this with all my heart, we are stronger together.” Concludes former Secretary of State. Words like “hopeful,””big-hearted,” and “lifting people up” are the same cliches she fed the people of Haiti. They bought what she was selling- Americans should not make this grave mistake. This will actually bring about the civil war she speaks of- instead of Haitian immigrants protesting in front of the Clinton Foundation office in NY, all Americans will be protesting in front of the White House in D.C.. Clinton warned that Trump could bring the nation to war “because of his unstable character,” which is hilarious. According to Breitbart , “Clinton specifically referred to the Civil War, suggesting that the country faced a similar threat of divisiveness from Donald Trump.” Breitbart continues, “Clinton warned that it would only take a few minutes of instability from Trump launching the United States into a full scale nuclear war.” How can she make a leader of another nation so distrusting of her after she sells them 20% of American uranium, aiding them in building the very nuclear technology she claims they will use? Putin hates her and she’s not even president! Hillary Clinton also said, “Abraham Lincoln understood a house divided against itself cannot stand, and that was over the greatest of challenges – the challenge posed by slavery – and we fought a civil war.” Crooked Hillary Clinton doesn’t reserve the right to quote the great Abraham Lincoln. She is the one with the track record of inflicting people to slavery backed by her actions in Haiti. She is full of hypocrisy, her lack of character is exhausting from what’s been provided by WikiLeaks via her own email correspondence. But her own words are what incriminate her the most. “It was called Hillarycare before Obamacare!” Then she claims she never supported Obamacare. “Chelsea was jogging at the twin towers when they were hit.” No, Hillary, Chelsea was just at home, in bed, cited by you after people called you out for lying. Hillary Clinton is a pathological liar. She lies about everything, it’s in her nature. Hillary Clinton is a sociopath that lies for no apparent reason. Speaking of lies, WikiLeaks also proved that the women suddenly accusing Donald Trump of sexual misconduct were paid by the Clintons. It doesn’t take the support of deleted emails to show that women suddenly coming forward (against the only other candidate) with just weeks left until a huge election are obviously meant to shift attention away from the real issues of Hillary’s email server. Trump has overcome lies and scandals perpetrated by Hillary Clinton, spewed by the mainstream media as well as our very own president and guess what? He has kept his cool. Donald J. Trump, American strength and integrity. Donald Trump has overcome adversity throughout this presidential campaign and shown incredible strength in his character. He’s had to humbly address obvious lies and falsely organized scandals, media slander, biased-coverage, rape-allegations by women he met once and the list just keeps going. Not once did President Donald Trump, I mean, republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, get enraged and act like a looney. With everything thrown at him over the past few weeks, he has handled these vicious attacks swimmingly well. “Imagine him in the Oval Office facing a real crisis,” she told her supporters. “Imagine him plunging us into a war because somebody got under his very thin skin.” We need a strong leader, one that is going to bring about change. We need someone who can remain calm when dealing with a crisis, not act petty or prioritize covering up corruption to saving lives. America needs Donald Trump as president. Hillary Clinton encourages our own people to fight with one another instead of come together. Vote for Donald Trump, let’s truly stand together as one, against the corruption Americans currently face. It’s time American citizens stopped sitting back, accepting another apology from Hillary Clinton for lying. We need to break up with her, not appoint her as leader of our nation. Let’s truly make America great again.
Last time I checked, the Constitution still says declaring war is Congress job.As a former lawyer and judge, one would think Jeanine Pirro would know what the Constitution says, but during an appearance on Fox & Friends on Friday morning, she demonstrated why she should never have been allowed to be in the legal profession.In response to the devastating terrorist attack in Nice, France in which 84 people have been confirmed dead and 2020 injured, Pirro trotted out the Republican talking-point of blaming President Obama for the attack and claimed that he apologizes for America and persecutes Christians. If this President would stop apologizing for what we do and what we are and stop saying you Christians, it s your turn as he did at a prayer breakfast then maybe American would be united in a way that we understand that they re coming. They re here. I gotta tell ya. I m as aggravated as everyone who has sat in this chair today. We ve got a problem at the top of this country, Pirro continued before summing President Obama s legacy as weak. One word: Weak, she said. He just doesn t have a plan. He doesn t have a policy. He should be in academia. We ve got to declare war on them. We ve got to start having a conversation about surveillance on mosques they just want to kill us! Here s the video via YouTube:President Obama has never apologized for America. Nowhere is this clearer than when he visited Hiroshima, Japan and refused to apologize for the United States dropping the atomic bomb during World War II. President Obama is also not persecuting Christians. His policies include all Americans and do not target a specific religious sect.Furthermore, President Obama has done the best he can to fight ISIS with the authority and resources he has available and that has resulted in 26,000 ISIS fighters and half of their commanders being killed by United States and coalition forces.And if Pirro really wants to blame someone for being weak against ISIS, she should point her finger at Republicans in Congress who refuse to exercise their power to declare war on ISIS, which would give President Obama the full power to wage war against ISIS. But Republicans don t want to do that because they would rather put all the responsibility on President Obama so they can continue blaming him for each and every terrorist attack that occurs around the world for cheap political points.Just so Pirro and every other conservative out there understands what the separation of powers means, here s the part of the Constitution you are blatantly ignoring. Because it s either that or you ve never actually read the document you claim to love so much.Article I, Section 8: To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water.Seriously, Republicans need to grow a pair and do their jobs if they really believe ISIS is a major threat to our country. If not, they should shut the hell up and stop attacking the only man in our government who is doing something.Featured Image: Screenshot
Kasichs budget raised taxes by billions, hitting businesses hard and the middle class even harder.
GCHQ director Robert Hannigan is stepping down after only two years as chief of the cyber spy agency for personal reasons, the intelligence service has announced. Recall also that Judge Napolitano said three sources told him the British spy agency had something to do with the witch hunt on Trump: JUDGE NAPOLITANO was on FOX & Friends discussing the Obama administration s efforts to spy on Donald Trump. Three intel sources have disclosed to the network that Obama went to British intelligence to get the goods on Trump, but we may never be able to prove it JUDGE NAPOLITANO: Three intelligence sources have informed FOX News that President Obama went outside the chain of command. He didn t use the NSA, he didn t use the CIA, he didn t use the FBI and he didn t use the Department of Justice He used *GCHQ. *GCHQ is a British intel agency.@Judgenap: Three intel sources have disclosed that Pres. Obama turned to British spies to get surveillance on Trump pic.twitter.com/IghCFm7qhO FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) March 14, 2017 Grassley began his investigation after the Washington Post reported on February 28 that the FBI, a few weeks before the election, agreed to pay former British spy Christopher Steele to investigate Trump.Prior to that, supporters of the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign had paid Steele to gather intelligence on Clinton s Republican rival. In the end, the FBI did not pay Steele, the Post reported, after the dossier became the subject of news stories, congressional inquiries and presidential denials. It is not clear whether Steele worked under agreement with the FBI for any period of time before the payment deal fell through. The idea that the FBI and associates of the Clinton campaign would pay Mr. Steele to investigate the Republican nominee for president in the run-up to the election raises further questions about the FBI s independence from politics, as well as the Obama administration s use of law enforcement and intelligence agencies for political ends, Grassley wrote in a letter to Comey dated March 28.MCCABE HAS BEEN ON THE HOT SEAT BEFORE:BREAKING: CROOKED VA GOVERNOR, Close Hillary Friend Gave Wife Of FBI Official Overseeing Hillary Email Investigation $467,500The political organization of Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, an influential Democrat with longstanding ties to Bill and Hillary Clinton, gave nearly $500,000 to the election campaign of the wife of an official at the Federal Bureau of Investigation who later helped oversee the investigation into Mrs. Clinton s email use.Campaign finance records show Mr. McAuliffe s political-action committee donated $467,500 to the 2015 state Senate campaign of Dr. Jill McCabe, who is married to Andrew McCabe, now the deputy director of the FBI.The Virginia Democratic Party, over which Mr. McAuliffe exerts considerable control, donated an additional $207,788 worth of support to Dr. McCabe s campaign in the form of mailers, according to the records. That adds up to slightly more than $675,000 to her candidacy from entities either directly under Mr. McAuliffe s control or strongly influenced by him. The figure represents more than a third of all the campaign funds Dr. McCabe raised in the effort.Mr. McAuliffe and other state party leaders recruited Dr. McCabe to run, according to party officials. She lost the election to incumbent Republican Dick Black.A spokesman for the governor said he supported Jill McCabe because he believed she would be a good state senator. This is a customary practice for Virginia governors Any insinuation that his support was tied to anything other than his desire to elect candidates who would help pass his agenda is ridiculous. Among political candidates that year, Dr. McCabe was the third-largest recipient of funds from Common Good VA, the governor s PAC, according to campaign finance records. Dan Gecker received $781,500 from the PAC and $214,456 from the state party for a campaign that raised $2.9 million, according to records; and Jeremy McPike received $803,500 from the PAC and $535,162 from the state party, raising more $3.8 million that year for his candidacy.The governor could recall only one meeting with Mr. McCabe when he and other state Democrats met with the couple on March 7, 2015, to urge Dr. McCabe to run, according to the spokesman. Via: Washington Examiner
NEWARK, N.J. (Reuters) - Two former allies of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie deliberately closed access lanes to the George Washington Bridge in a “vicious” and unlawful political revenge scheme, a federal prosecutor said on Friday at the close of their criminal trial. Bridget Kelly, the governor’s former deputy chief of staff, and Bill Baroni, the former deputy executive director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, abused their power to create a massive traffic jam in order to punish a local mayor for failing to back Christie’s re-election campaign, Assistant U.S. Attorney Lee Cortes told jurors in Newark, New Jersey. “As cruel and callous as that scheme was, what makes it unlawful was that they misused government resources to carry it out,” Cortes said in closing arguments at federal court in Newark, New Jersey. Baroni’s lawyer is expected to deliver his closing argument later on Friday. The Port Authority operates the George Washington Bridge, said by the agency to be the world’s busiest. Kelly and Baroni are charged with fraud, conspiracy and depriving residents of Fort Lee, New Jersey, of their civil rights. Former Port Authority executive David Wildstein has pleaded guilty and appeared as the government’s star witness. Christie has not been charged and has steadfastly denied any advance knowledge of the plan. But Wildstein, Baroni and Kelly all testified that they told the governor some details about the lane closures either beforehand or while they were occurring. The so-called “Bridgegate” scandal tarnished Christie’s national reputation, damaging his unsuccessful bid for the Republican presidential nomination. The trial has cast an unflattering light on Christie as a temperamental bully whose administration used the Port Authority to hand out favors, and penalties, to local officials. Kelly and Baroni, both of whom testified in their own defense, said they were duped by Wildstein and his claim that the lane closures were part of a legitimate traffic study. But Cortes warned jurors not to be fooled by that “preposterous” assertion, pointing to Kelly’s now-infamous email to Wildstein in which she wrote, “Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee,” as evidence of her guilt. During his closing argument, Cortes showed jurors numerous messages sent among Kelly, Wildstein and Baroni suggesting they deliberately ignored Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich’s desperate pleas for help as the gridlock became untenable, delaying first responders and stranding school buses for hours. At one point, Wildstein told Baroni that his response to Sokolich should be “radio silence.”
Photos Credits: Social Media The so called “ opposition health authorities ” said in a statement posted online in Arabic: “Primary investigations point to a limited security breach by vandals likely connected to the regime, which has been attempting to target the medical sector in Free Syria in order to spread chaos.” The statement also added: “The Syrian interim government’s health ministry has instructed a halt to the second round of the measles vaccination campaign, which began Monday September 15th … following several fatalities and injuries among children in vaccination centers in the Idlib countryside.” Adnan Hazouri, the health minister in the Syrian opposition who held a conference (in the Arabic Language) said that he will resign if an investigation upheld allegations of negligence, as blood samples have been sent to Turkey for analysis. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights , which is based in London, also confirmed: “At least five children have died and 50 others are suffering from poisoning or allergic reactions after measles vaccinations in Jirjanaz, in the Idlib province.” The following video shows affected children in Saraqeb hospital in Idlib, Syria: Monther Khalil, the head of the Idlib medical department said this during an interview with Radio Hawa Smart -an opposition related station established on Gaziantep, Turkey: “The department assures all parents who have had their children vaccinated that the vaccine is completely fine and there is no risk to children who have already been injected. We have already vaccinated 60,000 children against measles and there has been no previous problem. The same crews also previously carried out a polio campaign, where they vaccinated 252,000 children across seven rounds, and there were no abnormal complications.” More than 190,000 Syrians have been killed during the foreign-backed war since 2011, which has also created more than 3 million refugees outside Syria. Sources:
Planet Nine’s days of lurking unseen in the dark depths of the outer solar system may be numbered. By Mike Wall The hypothetical giant planet, which is thought to be about 10 times more massive than Earth, will be discovered within 16 months or so, astronomer Mike Brown predicted. “I’m pretty sure, I think, that by the end of next winter — not this winter, next winter — I think that there’ll be enough people looking for it that … somebody’s actually going to track this down,” Brown said during a news conference Wednesday (Oct. 19) at a joint meeting of the American Astronomical Society’s Division for Planetary Sciences (DPS) and the European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC) in Pasadena, California. Brown said that eight to 10 groups are currently looking for the planet. At the “next one of these [DPS-EPSC meetings], we’ll be talking about finding Planet Nine instead of just looking for it,” added Brown, who’s based at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena. That would be a pretty quick path from hypothetical planet to confirmed world. The existence of Planet Nine was seriously proposed for the first time just in 2014, by astronomers Scott Sheppard and Chadwick Trujillo, of the Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington, D.C., and the Gemini Observatory in Hawaii, respectively. Sheppard and Trujillo noted that the dwarf planet Sedna, the newfound object 2012 VP113 and several other bodies far beyond Pluto share certain odd orbital characteristics, a coincidence that would make sense if their paths through space had been shaped by an unseen, giant “perturber” in the region. Researchers say an anomaly in the orbits of distant Kuiper Belt objects points to the existence of an unknown planet orbiting the sun. Here’s what we know of this potential “Planet Nine.” Credit: by Karl Tate, Infographics artist The researchers suggested that this putative planet is perhaps two to 15 times more massive than Earth and lies hundreds of astronomical units (AU) from the sun. (One AU is the Earth-sun distance, about 93 million miles, or 150 million kilometers.) This interpretation was bolstered in January of this year by Brown and fellow Caltech astronomer Konstantin Batygin, who found evidence of a perturber’s influence in the orbits of a handful of additional distant objects. This “Planet Nine,” as Batygin and Brown dubbed the putative world, likely contains about 10 Earth masses and orbits on a highly elliptical path whose aphelion (farthest distance from the sun) is about 1,000 AU, the researchers said. (For perspective, Pluto gets just 49.3 AU from the sun at aphelion.) The evidence for Planet Nine’s existence has continued to grow over the past nine months, as several different research teams have determined that the orbits of other small, distant objects appear to have been sculpted as well. One team, led by Renu Malhotra of the University of Arizona, discussed four such objects at the DPS/EPSC meeting Wednesday. And Brown’s team, led by Elizabeth Bailey of Caltech, announced at the meeting on Tuesday (Oct. 18) that Planet Nine appears to have tilted the orbits of all eight “official” planets by 6 degrees relative to the sun. The ongoing Planet Nine research also includes efforts to pin down where the world might be in the sky these days. This is a key part of the discovery effort, since a blind search for an object so far away, and with such a huge and elliptical orbit, has little chance of success in the near term, Brown has said. It’s likely that Planet Nine is currently at or near aphelion, located perhaps 1,000 AU from the sun, in a patch of sky measuring about 400 square degrees, Brown said. (For comparison, the full moon viewed from Earth covers about 0.5 degrees of sky.) Astronomers have said Planet Nine is perhaps four times wider than Earth, and such an object would be easily visible with professional-grade equipment if it were relatively close to Earth, Brown explained. In addition, planets on highly elliptical orbits spend most of their time near aphelion, since they’re traveling most slowly on this part of their path, he said. An object four times bigger than Earth that’s located at 1,000 AU would have a magnitude of about +25 on astronomers’ brightness scale, Brown added. “This is well within reach of the giant telescopes,” he said. “The Subaru telescope, I think, on Mauna Kea, [in Hawaii]— the Japanese national telescope — is the prime instrument for doing the search. But there are a lot of other people who have clever ideas on how to find it, too, that are trying with their own telescopes.” So which research team will ultimately find Planet Nine? Brown said he isn’t sure, and he stressed that getting credit for the historic discovery should be a secondary concern for astronomers. “There are a lot of people looking, and we are trying as hard as we can to tell people where to look,” he said. “We want it to be found.” Follow Mike Wall on Twitter @michaeldwall and Google+ . Follow us @Spacedotcom , Facebook or Google+ . Originally published on Space.com . Source: Space.com
@stevesilberman @FoxNews WTB soc media in arabic? Check that first.
A lot of people, especially millennials, are concerned at Hillary’s war rhetoric, and especially the stuff she made up about tying Wikileaks to Russia at the last debate. Now an ominous new mock ad campaign about registering for the draft for Hillary on Twitter complete with hashtags, #ImWithHer, #EnlistforHer, #FightforHer, and #DieforHer is making the rounds, reminding us all how close America currently is to World War III and which candidate would definitely without a doubt be all about going to war against Russia. At first glance, it is scary how real these look. #Enlistforher #FightForHer #ImWithHer #KillForHer #DieForHer #BeEvisceratedForHer #NuclearWarForHer pic.twitter.com/SyJhs92hij — Rich Corey (@RichCore9007) October 27, 2016 Pre-register for the draft today, nuclear war is coming #ImWithHer #FightForHer #EnlistForHer pic.twitter.com/iPi6IjUU9d — MicroSpookyLeaks™ (@WDFx2EU7) October 27, 2016 #EnlistForHer pic.twitter.com/YpCb5A484M — Place De La Bastille (@PlacedeBastille) October 27, 2016 #FightForHer #EnlistForHer pic.twitter.com/XDjI3Ma8rc — Susan Smith (@Smith85Susan) October 28, 2016 @NBA @chicagobulls VOTE Hillary Clinton & register to become one of 100,000 young men & women to fight in Syria #FightForHer #EnlistForHer pic.twitter.com/s9DmKSZIZt — #EnlistForHer (@DonTrumpMAGA) October 27, 2016 #EnlistForHer #ImWithHer enroll your children today, it’s just a click away, and nuclear war could just be around the corner via @RobbyMook pic.twitter.com/PvNYqI2dOD — MicroSpookyLeaks™ (@WDFx2EU7) October 27, 2016 Scary, huh? This election is so disgusting, it’ll be good when the damn thing is over. Delivered by The Daily Sheeple We encourage you to share and republish our reports, analyses, breaking news and videos ( Click for details ). Contributed by The Daily Sheeple of www.TheDailySheeple.com . This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in digital form with full attribution to the author and a link to www.TheDailySheeple.com.
The United States has failed to uphold a promise that NATO would not expand into Eastern Europe, a deal made during the 1990 negotiations between the West and the Soviet Union over German unification: in February 1990 then-Secretary of State James Baker suggested that in exchange for cooperation on Germany, US could make iron-clad guarantees for Russia that NATO would not expand one inch eastward.
The capital city of New Mexico doubled down on its sanctuary city status despite knowing it is risking losing federal funds. The Santa Fe City Council unanimously approved a resolution reaffirming its policy. [Responding to a threat from Donald Trump to defund sanctuary cities, the council moved forward with plans to refuse access to city property by immigration agents and keep the immigration status of any person confidential. “This is doubling down,” City Council Member Joseph Maestas, the Albuquerque Journal reported. “We’re thumbing our nose at this incoming administration. ” In reference to the possible loss of federal funding, former Santa Fe Mayor David Cross told the council, “If that’s all we’re worried about, shame on us. That’s not what Santa Fe is about. ” The State of New Mexico has gone back and forth on its position on cooperating with immigration officials. In 1986, Toney Anaya declared the state to be a sanctuary state, according to SanctuaryCities. info, a website that tracks such jurisdictions. That decision was reversed in 2011 by Governor Susana Martinez, a former prosecutor. “I did an executive order within minutes after I was sworn into office in 2011,” Gov. Susana Martinez said during a visit to Ruidoso, New Mexico in July 2015, the Ruidoso News reported. “I said there will not be any sanctuary city. Our police officers will ask where someone is from, especially if they are being arrested and put in jail for crimes, because that needs to be considered by a judge. Are you a flight risk or a danger to the community and would you return to court for proceedings to determine whether you are culpable for some offense you are accused of?” The City of Santa Fe had previously passed a sanctuary city resolution in 1999. Knowing the City is at risk of losing federal funding, it is attempting to strengthen its position. “This resolution puts us in a more defensible (legal) position than current sanctuary policies,” said retired attorney Jim Harrington. Harrington has done volunteer work for Somos un Pueblo Unido, the Albuquerque newspaper reported. Harrington told the reporter the U. S. Supreme Court has restricted how the federal government can use funding cuts to enforce policy. Under existing law, the Department of Justice (DOJ) can already move quickly to not only cut off future law enforcement grants to the city — it can recoup past grants for any period of time the municipality was not 100 percent compliant with federal immigration law, according to U. S. Representative John Culberson ( ). Culberson spent most of 2016 working with DOJ officials to enforce 8 U. S. C. § 1373, a law that passed in 1996 to require local and state jurisdictions to cooperate with immigration officials or risk losing federal funding, Breitbart Texas previously reported. “The law requires cooperation with immigration officials 100 percent of the time,” Culberson said in an exclusive interview with Breitbart Texas in November. The DOJ Office of Inspector General certified the top 10 sanctuary jurisdictions last year and notified that they would not be eligible to apply for DOJ law enforcement grants for the coming year unless they change their policies. The current list of sanctuary jurisdictions to be defunded includes: the entire states of California and Connecticut Orleans Parish in Louisiana New York City Philadelphia Cook County, Illinois County, Florida Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Clark County, Nevada. The grant process begins this month. “I had to stand on their ‘air hose,’” Culberson explained referring to Congress’ power to cut a federal agencies’ funds. “For those on the list, it is done. ” The actions of the defiant Santa Fe City Council could move New Mexico’s capital city onto that list as well. Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior political news contributor for Breitbart Texas. He is a founding member of the Breitbart Texas team. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX.
@coreshift Truth doesn't seem to matter much these days! @LawSelfDefense @Harvard_Law @HarvardBLSA
Gay man finds it in himself to tolerate religious person 01-11-16 A GAY man has met a Christian who appears civilised and could even be described as nice. Tom Booker met church-goer Wayne Hayes when he started working in his office, and has expressed his surprise that he ‘really couldn’t tell’. Booker said: “We often end up in the kitchen at the same time to make a cup of tea, so we started exchanging pleasantries and worked up to longer conversations. “He was always nice enough and talked about his family and allotment and stuff, so I presumed he was just a normal person. However, a few weeks later he mentioned something about believing in God. “I was really shocked, but he seemed very cool about it. I asked if he thought it was just a phase and he said no, he’d been feeling this way since he was about nine. “I wanted to ask him what Christians actually do in church, but I got worried that he might think I’m secretly into it and try to recruit me. He hasn’t mentioned it since. “It’s almost as if it’s a perfectly acceptable way to live your life, which has really given me pause for thought. “Just because you expect someone to be a massively judgemental dickhead, it doesn’t mean they will be.” Share:
President Obama made history yet again by making the rate for Americans without health insurance reach another historic low. However, you wouldn t know about it because virtually none of the mainstream media have talked about it on any level.Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index was updated on April 7th with new data for the first quarter of 2016. The statistics have now been released, and it shows that the uninsured rate for American adults dropped to 11 percent, which is the lowest ever recorded in the poll s history.This unmitigated success has followed a trend since the third quarter of 2013, which is the last one before the Affordable Care Act s mandate for health insurance took effect.The graph below shows the virtual bottoming out of the uninsured rate. Considering where we were as a nation only three years ago, coupled with the stubborn resistance of many in complying with the new requirements, the results are simply amazing.Not only are the results on the uninsured rate historic overall, but the largest benefits are among African-Americans, Hispanics, adults under 34 years of age, and adults making less than $36,000 per year. If Republicans really want to repeal every word of Obamacare as they promise to do, it would literally make their party go extinct. Young and minority voters will be lost to Republicans for a generation or more, and doom them extinction.The Republican plan during the 2016 election has been more of the same. Repeal, repeal, repeal with no plan to replace as usual. However, there has been a lot less talk of repeal as of late. Even Ted Cruz, who could have I will repeal every word of Obamacare chiseled on his tombstone, has been strangely silent on the issue. Votes to repeal have seemed to be drying up, and you hear hardly a peep coming from Senate Republicans on the matter these days.Perhaps the GOP has finally reached the last stage of grief acceptance.Featured image via Getty
@MJibranNasir Did you ever criticize the hate speech of CH???Did u personally complain to French govt about CH racist satire?
The White House said on Sunday it was unfortunate that Palestinians were declining to meet with Vice President Mike Pence during an upcoming trip to the region in the aftermath of President Donald Trump s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel s capital. It s unfortunate that the Palestinian Authority is walking away again from an opportunity to discuss the future of the region, but the administration remains undeterred in its efforts to help achieve peace between Israelis and Palestinians and our peace team remains hard at work putting together a plan, said Jarrod Agen, a deputy chief of staff and spokesman for Pence.
Like a spoiled child on a spending spree with no parental guidance, Greece is forced to sell some of the most beautiful real estate in the world on the cheap Wealthy foreign investors are expected to buy up Greek islands in coming months as Monday s bailout will likely force hard-hit rich Greek moguls to dump their piece of paradise. This fire sale of private Greek islands to bargain hunters is expected to take place over the next few years, according to property agent Knight Frank.Greece imposed the first-ever real estate tax last year to raise cash for creditors, making property ownership prohibitively expensive, according to Knight Frank s Island Report.Foreign investors are taking advantage of the falling property prices, which have plunged by 30 percent over the last five years thanks to Greece s debt crisis. Here are some island hunters who hoped to profit from Greece s woes:Russian billionaire s daughter buys Skorpios for ~$150 million Ekaterina Rybolovleva, the daughter of Russian billionaire and former owner of Russia s largest potassium fertilizer producer Dmitry Rybolovlev, reportedly bought the island for $150 million in 2013. Skorpios was owned since 1962 by shipping tycoon Aristotle Onassis and served as the location of his wedding to Jackie Kennedy. His daughter eventually sold it to Rybolovleva, although it was reported that Madonna and Bill Gates had expressed interest in scooping it up.Qatari Emir buys six Greek islands for $9.4 million If you can t afford Skorpios, buy a half a dozen other islands. That s what Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani did in 2013 when Rybolovleva reportedly wouldn t lower her asking price for Skorpios. Al Thani planned to use the islands exclusively for his 24 children and three wives, The Guardian reported.Brangelina looking at $4.7 million island Gaia Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie wanted their six children to run around in peace without the paparazzi, news outlets reported in June. The 43-acre island secured planning permission for six villas back in June, The Washington Post reported.Chinese construction magnate buys island for $770,000 In a bidding war of 48 Chinese investors in March, a Greek island up for auction on Taobao (China s eBay) was nabbed by a construction tycoon from China s Yunnan province, International Business Times reported. The same man also reportedly bought a Canadian island for 1.7 million yuan, or $273,985.Dozens of other Greek islands are listed on Private Islands Online, with more expected to crop up as once-wealthy owners are forced to liquidate their assets. A 54-acre Stroggilo Island, with a perfect 110 meters beach that can easily transform to a heaven on earth place for vacations, is available for the paltry sum of $4.5 million.Via: VocativGreece could exist outside the euroAdmittedly, it would mean yet more hardship and austerity, but maybe one day they would be able to use the freedom having their own currency would give them to rebuild a more competitive economy. It worked for Britain. That said, their euro currency debt would immediately rise in real-terms value against any New Drachma, and would make the debt burden even worse. Default would be inevitable; as it may be anyway.Even if they got their debts entirely written off, it would all start over again before longThis is the fundamental point. Greece was living beyond her means after the euro was introduced; taking advantage of the cheap interest rates on the euro bestowed by its status as a strong currency backed by Germany. They had a great big party, buying all those nice German cars and the consumer digital wonders of the noughties; and now the hangover is still taking time to work through. There is no reason to believe that such reforms as there have been in Greece will be enough to enable Greeks to live comfortably within their means. The debts will pile up and the crisis will return. Syriza has no policies to make Greece competitive with say the Slovaks or Poles, let alone Korea and China. Via: The Independent UK