One day I wanted to cook a nice dinner for my family.
I decided to cook spaghetti.
I boiled the noodles and put the sauce in a pot on the stove.
I turned the stove on too high.
The sauce burned and stuck to the bottom of the pan.
It took forever for the sauce to heat up.
Nick was challenged to a volleyball match.
His girlfriend bet him five dollars she could beat him.
Nick did not intend to let her win!
He played hard and mercilessly.
Nick beat his girlfriend and she gave him the five dollars.
Nick gave up because he didn't care if his girlfriend won.
Some friends and I made a Counter-Strike team.
We practiced a lot for an upcoming tournament.
We got to the tournament and went over strategies.
We played a tough 6 games.
We felt pleased with our performance.
We felt we had performed badly.
Michelle found a fat tuxedo cat outside her house.
She put up posters all over her neighborhood.
After three weeks, no one had called Michelle about the cat.
Michelle decided to keep the cat for herself.
Michelle gave the cat to her neighbor.
Michelle named the cat, "Socks."
Neil was visiting Ireland.
His train had just arrived in Derry.
As he disembarked, he caught his breath.
It was as gorgeous as a fairy tale!
Neil decided never to return to Ireland.
Neil enjoyed Ireland.
Mary went to the park.
She wanted to show off her new dress.
A bird flew over Mary and pooped.
Her dress became covered in bird poop.
Mary was happy to be showing off her dress.
Mary was upset that her dress was ruined.
Scott knew someone was stealing packages from his porch.
He set up a surveillance camera near his door.
He felt that he would at least have a video of the thief.
One day, Scott saw footage of the perpetrator.
Scott gave him a high five.
Scott apprehended the perpetrator.
Last Tuesday I took my first spin class at the gym.
It was the hardest exercise class I ever took.
I worked through it for an hour and my legs went numb.
When I got home my legs started to hurt and I couldn't walk.
I felt like I could run a marathon.
I went to bed and then rested until morning.
Colin was invited to the bar by his friends.
He loves beer but thinks it's too expensive at the bars.
He decided to go anyway.
He gave himself a budget.
Colin stuck to his budget and only drank 2 beers.
Colin drinks beer at the bar all night.
Sally forgot to each breakfast before she left the house yesterday.
She debated whether to go back and get something to eat.
She decided to pick up a meal on the way to work.
She realized that she had no money in her wallet to buy breakfast.
Sally was forced to go hungry.
Sally then bought a large breakfast.
Jordan was planning on moving to Mexico.
Jordan decided that he should learn Spanish.
He ended up purchasing a language learning program from Amazon.
Everyday he worked on the program for at least 2 hours.
Jordan knew some conversational Spanish by the time he moved.
Jordan didn't like fish tacos at all.
Ann and Tim loved astrology.
In fact, the met while they were both in astronomy class in college!
When they married and became pregnant, they had a dilemma.
They couldn't decide on a meaningful name for their baby daughter.
Tim and Anna decided they would ask their veterinarian.
After a lot of searching, Tim and Anna found the perfect name.
Fred is brand new to exercising and just joined a gym.
He was amazing at how expensive a personal trainer was.
He wanted to get into shape but couldn't afford the rates.
He found personal trainer routines online for free.
He never worked out again.
He was happy with his decision.
It was the second match of the volleyball season.
Amy was hopeful she would get a chance to play.
After the first game they were ahead.
Her coach put her in the game.
She finally got her chance to play in the match.
She asked the coach to find someone else.
Ellen had had four miscarriages in a row.
Her husband Tim despaired of ever becoming a dad.
Then the doctor called him at work.
He told him that there was great news about Ellen.
The doctor told Tim that Emily went for a run.
The doctor told Tim that Ellen was finally pregnant.
David asked his mother if he could pour his own drink.
His mother agreed, but warned him to be careful.
David accidentally knocked over his glass which shattered everywhere.
His mother cheerfully forgave David.
David ate a cheeseburger.
David promised to be more careful in the future.
Neil wanted to play hockey.
He borrowed some gear from his friends.
Then he geared up and headed to the rink.
He practiced for days.
Neil played baseball.
Neil played in the competition.
I kept my baby blanket in good shape.
I had it for 30 Years.
I moved away from my home.
My baby blanket disappeared.
I still miss my baby blanket.
I sleep with my baby blanket every night.
My friend Cam was an Amazon bookseller.
He had 4,000 books stored in a garage.
He made enough money to live simply.
His house caught on fire one day and he lost his collection.
Cam has since decided to insure his belongings.
Afterwards, Cam was able to sell more books than he ever had.
Rosie's teacher's birthday was coming up in 5 days.
Rosie did not have money to buy a present.
She asked her grandmother to teach her how to draw sunflowers.
Rosie drew a big sunflower and painted it with watercolor.
Rosie's teacher loved the gift.
Rosie's teacher gave her detention.
Jon's fridge was broken.
He called a service company to repair it.
They told him they could come the next day at noon.
Jon met them at the door when they arrived, and let them in.
The company fixed his television.
The company fixed his fridge.
A man ordered an antique clock on eBay.
He received a box containing six blown fuses and a jar of pickles.
He filed a complaint with eBay.
EBay refused to process a refund.
The man is furious.
Ebay is a very reputable company.
Tom and Dick loved their trucks.
They would go out in the desert every week.
They would kick up dirt and play around.
Then Tom's truck broke down.
It cost a lot of money, but he got it repaired.
Tom knew it would be expensive to repair his boat.
Harry went to the theme park with his family.
His dad and brother rode on a big roller coaster with him.
He then rode on some smaller rides with his mom.
The family ate at a restaurant at the park.
Harry didn't like theme parks.
Harry had a great time at the park.
I had a presentation in art.
My teacher failed me although I did everything right.
He allowed me to repeat my presentation and failed me again.
I believed that I did the presentation correct and stood up for it.
My teacher suggested I pursue art school.
The teacher agreed to discuss it with me.
Leah had a hockey game.
All of her family came to cheer her on.
But when she got there she realized they were short handed.
Only a handful of girls showed up to play.
Leah was very happy to hear the news.
The game was canceled.
Ava started to notice wrinkles by her eyes.
She bought an expensive wrinkle cream.
She applied it every night.
After a month she checked her eyes out carefully.
She decided to buy more toothpaste.
She was happy to see her wrinkles were gone.
Harry shopped a lot online and was looking to buy a new camera.
He researched different cameras online and decided to buy one.
He made the purchase and the camera arrived in the mail the next week.
When Harry opened the package, he found that the camera was damaged.
Annoyed, he contacted the retailer to complain about the damage.
Harry spent the evening happily taking pictures.
Jasper has been avoiding getting a real job for months.
He has hated all the previous office jobs that he had.
One day he sees a job opening at his local butcher.
He applies successfully for the job at the butcher.
Jasper quits his job the next day.
Jasper enjoys cutting dead animals.
After gathering all of the items for our party, I invited our friends.
Most of the were excited to come over for food!
It took about an hour but they all arrived on time.
After the arrived we began eating and enjoying ourselves.
I couldn't wait for my friends to leave.
I loved throwing parties.
Tom fond that he was no longer happy in his job.
Tom decided that it was time to find a new job.
Tom looked through the want ads and put in applications.
Tom went on job interviews and talked to a lot of people.
He finally received a job offer.
Tom was sad about leaving his miserable job.
Linda had been invited to a British classmate's home for tea.
She decided to bring something to show her appreciation.
She found an online recipe for lemon scones, and she baked them.
The scones were tasty and she was proud to hand them to her hostess.
They had a great tea party.
Linda's classmate wanted her to leave.
Ashley got back her tax return.
So she decided to go to the mall.
Ashley and her roommate drove to the mall.
They went from store to store trying things on.
Ashley couldn't buy anything because she was broke.
They bought lots of clothes.
Paul graduated from high school.
He did not get accepted into college.
His mom advised him to get a job.
Paul agreed.
Paul was furious with his mom.
Paul got a job.
Harvey's roommates teased him about being so thin.
They were egotistical football players.
They challenged Harvey to a ping pong game, expecting him to lose.
But they did not know that Harvey was a nationally ranked player.
Harvey choked, and lost every match he played.
They all sat with their mouths open as Harvey beat them all.
I think yesterday was when I realized I shouldn't be a mathematician.
I was at the grocery store, restocking for next week.
I had bought around twenty items, and thought I was under my budget.
When I went to check out, I was ten dollars over!
I then realized that I was not good at math.
Then I knew that I was great at math!
My family's red car broke down last year.
Our family needed a 2 door car that had good gas mileage.
We visited a few people who were selling cars.
My parents searched multiple dealerships.
They bought another red car.
My parents bought matching mopeds.
Gina's phone died as they drove on the highway.
She plugged it in the front seat, but she was in the backseat.
She was bored without her phone so she tried to reach it.
She was on the end and it was too far.
She acted like a brat and threw a tantrum.
Gina doesn't care about electronics.
I was just sitting on the porch enjoying my day.
When out of the blue, a loud bang disturbed my peace.
I jumped up in surprise.
The door had slammed open.
I realized I needed noise to sleep.
I realized it had only been the wind.
Gina's local library had no books on dolphins.
She needed to find another library.
The closest one was downtown.
Her mother refused to take her.
Gina and her mother went immediately.
Gina decided to walk instead.
Alan got a gun for his 18th birthday.
His dad took him to the range to practice shooting.
Alan was a terrible shot!
But he persevered and practiced a lot.
He then went to sleep.
He now loves to go hunting.
Jay was finishing up lunch at McDonald's, throwing away his trash.
As soon as he threw it away, he realized there was a promo happening.
There were some game pieces on his fry box so he fished it out.
He peeled off the game piece and couldn't believe it.
Jay thought Burger King was awesome.
He'd dug in the trash for nothing.
There once was a man named John.
He worked in a factory.
The factory fired him for poor work.
As a result, he had to find other work.
John was a troubled worker.
John was an outstanding worker.
Kim saw a mother unloading her shopping cart in a parking lot.
The mother's little toddler was sitting in the cart's child seat.
Suddenly, while the mother was turned, the cart started rolling away!
Kim, realizing the child was in great danger, lunged toward the cart.
KIm breathlessly saved the child.
Kim saved the cart but let the child go.
Kev's dad asked to take him hunting.
Kev said he'd consider it.
Then he decided he didn't like hunting.
He thought it was cruelty to animals.
Kev was excited to try out his new gun.
Kev decided not to come hunting.
When Emily was young she got to go to her first concert.
She was nervous because of all of the people at the concert.
Emily was very excited to see her favorite artist on the stage.
The concert ticket was a gift for Emily for her birthday.
Emily decided she didn't want the concert ticket.
This was the best birthday gift Emily had ever had.
Lina wanted to fry donuts.
She got an application for the donut shop.
To her delight, she had been hired!
She started to go to work frying donuts.
Lina hated donuts.
Lina loved her new job.
My class went to the Everglades for our field trip.
We did some sightseeing in several of the forests.
We also got the opportunity to travel in water.
The bus ride home was long and boring.
I was invigorated when I got home.
I was tired when I got home.
A group of workers from Mechanical Turk joined a forum.
They formed a clique and demanded more and more power.
Andy, the forum owner, had enough, and told them as much.
They haughtily stomped off to make a forum of only themselves.
The new forum was theirs to rule.
They returned to the forum later because they liked it so much.
Donna's toddler son, Ty, didn't like having his nails clipped.
The child's nails had grown longer than she was comfortable with.
Donna decided to wait until he was asleep.
Once Ty was napping, Donna quietly clipped each nail.
Donna had a much easier time because Ty was asleep.
Donna wished I would wake up.
Gina didn't want to sit at her desk near her old friends.
She could feel the tension between them.
She decided to ask to go to the library.
Her teacher agreed to allow her to go for an hour.
Gina was angry that she went to the library.
Gina felt more calm once she arrived in the library.
Vivienne wanted to move from France to America.
Part of the immigration process was an interview about her intentions.
Vivienne did not have any goals or career aspirations.
The interview did not go well.
Vivienne soon received her visa in the mail.
Vivienne was not granted a visa.
Frank filled up dozens of water balloons to throw at this sister.
Little did he know she was ready for him.
When he started the attack, she pulled out a huge water gun.
It was much more effective than his balloons.
Frank enrolled in a marine biology class.
Frank bought a water gun the next day.
Matt was out for a walk with his mom.
Suddenly he saw something shiny on the ground.
He bent to pick it up.
It was a gold ring!
Matt was excited to be so lucky.
Matt was frustrated about what he found.
Gina's dad pulled into the 24 hour Walgreen's parking lot.
It was nearly 4 AM but everyone went inside.
They needed toothbrushes before they went to grandma's house.
It was Gina's job to pack them before they left.
Gina's family was glad that their toothbrushes weren't packed.
Gina felt guilty about forgetting everyone's toothbrushes.
John was excited to have a job interview.
He went to the interview very prepared and nicely dressed.
During the interview he was very talkative and likable.
The manager of the company was really impressed by John's comments.
John commented on how badly run he thought the place was.
The manager decided to offer John the job.
Ben wanted a glass of orange juice.
There was none in the house.
However, there was a bag of oranges.
He halved a few of them and got out the juicer.
Ben made freshly squeezed orange juice from the oranges.
Ben sipped his apple juice contently.
Reg was hoping for a snow day.
There was a bad storm overnight.
He got his wish and school was canceled!
He spent the whole day playing in the snow making snowmen.
Reg hoped it would never snow again.
Reg hoped he would get another snow day soon.
Caroline never drinks carbonated beverages.
Her friends pick on her because of it.
One day they challenged her to drink a soda.
Caroline wanted to win the challenge.
Caroline refused to open the soda.
Caroline opened the soda and drank it all in one gulp!
Tom and Cindy were eating marshmallows.
But Tom began to get tired of it.
Cindy suggested roasting the marshmallows.
And Tom agreed with her suggestion.
Tom got up and went for a swim.
Tom enjoyed the roasted marshmallows.
The man at the deli wrapped a sandwich for a customer.
He took out a brown bag and set it on the counter.
The deli man took the sandwich and tossed it into the bag.
The bag fell over when the sandwich hit it.
The man at the deli said the sandwich would cost more now.
The man at the deli apologized.
Bob was at the grocery store.
At check out, he realized he forgot his credit card.
The woman behind him offered to buy his groceries.
Bob was so appreciative.
He promised to pay her back.
Bob ran away in terror.
John bought a new gun.
He loved all the safety features.
He was showing it off to his friend.
It accidentally went off.
John did not have a gun.
John was surprised.
Neil was visiting the city of Luxor.
He took a tour to learn about Egyptian history.
They learned a lot of facts.
Then they had a picnic lunch on the banks of the Nile.
Neil was not interested in Egyptian history.
Neil had an amazing educational and cultural experience.
John wasn't adventurous about trying new food.
His mom always made him try 2 bites of something new.
If he didn't like it, he didn't have to eat any more.
One day she gave him a slimy looking food called papaya.
John knew his papaya farm needed new capital investment.
John ate, but told his mom that he never wanted to eat it again.
I have a favorite pair of socks.
Last week I was doing laundry.
One of the two was lost.
I looked everywhere and couldn't find it.
All my socks were accounted for.
Eventually it turned up.
Alex ran across town to get to a friends house.
He didn't know his shoe was untied.
He had ran for three block when it happened.
He tripped on that shoelace of his.
Alex next ran for a seat on the school board.
Alex resolved to always check his shoelaces before leaving.
Nina wanted to skateboard.
But she knew no other girls to teach her!
So she bought her own skateboard.
She began to skate on her own, slowly.
Before long Nina was the best basketball player in the state.
Over time she became really good.
Sal liked magic.
He always tried to pulled tricks for his family.
He tried to pull a rabbit out of his hat on day.
But the hat ripped and the rabbit fell through.
The people watching him congratulated him.
And thus Sal gave up on magic.
Lisa wanted to make a cake.
First she had to decide what kind of cake she wanted to bake.
After she had to go buy the ingredients.
She decided to make a chocolate cake.
Lisa loved to bake.
Lisa hated baking.
Javier always noticed the kids playing handball near his house.
He wanted to join them but he was intimidated.
One day he summoned the courage to play handball with them.
He found that they were actually very nice.
Javier went to the convenience store after school.
Javier began playing handball with them regularly.
Gordon bought his son a remote control car for Christmas.
But he realized that it needed AA batteries.
Gordon could not find any.
So the next day, he went to the toy store where he bought the car.
He bought a big package of AA batteries.
He bought another remote control car for himself.
Mim was driving down the highway in a bad snow storm.
There was so much snow, Mim pulled her car over.
She noticed other people were doing the same.
She got an emergency blanket from the backseat, and ate a snack.
Mim pulled back onto the road and drove faster to make up time.
Eventually it stopped snowing.
Yesterday, my mother in law called, and wanted to go out to some store.
She picked me up at 4:30, and we headed out.
We went to one store after the other looking for good deals.
Absolutely none of the stores had anything good to buy.
We brought home six bags of items.
We went home without buying anything.
Betsy ran everywhere she went.
She was running to school when it happened.
She tripped and flew several feet.
She broke her arm in several places.
Betsy had to be taken to the hospital to be fitted with a cast.
Betsy played tennis afterward.
Sarah was horrified of swings growing up.
She would cry every time she would go to the playground.
Last week she finally attempted to swing for the first time in Years.
She loved it so much that she swung for an hour.
The swing was pulled around violently in the wind.
Her fear melted away as she swung.
The Malamute always sniffed at the slide during his walk.
His owner walked him up to the platform one day.
He was scared to slide down.
They continued to do this every day on their walk.
The Malamute's owner never took him to the slide again.
The Malamute eventually tried to slide down the slide.
Today was Tim's birthday party.
Since he was sick, he couldn't go out.
However, the family decided to come to his out.
We brought him a cake and take-out food.
Tim was very happy to be remembered.
Tim was annoyed by the attention.
Frankie was in love with a distant, aloof man.
The man she loved was not very nice to her.
He cheated on her with other people in town.
Frankie left him.
Frankie went to see a movie.
Frankie found another man.
Nancy was sitting near the science building.
Ian tried to sneak close to her.
She didn't notice until she looked around.
Ian threw a pie directly in her face.
Nancy caught the pie and began to eat it.
Nancy began to cry and felt humiliated.
George had an internship.
He really wanted to get a full time job with the company.
George worked hard and proved to be smart.
A position opened up that George wanted.
He eagerly applied for it and was ultimately hired.
So he decided to go home early that day and quit his internship.
All Kevin wanted in life was to buy his fiance a house.
He became near obsessed, saving every penny.
He worked multiple jobs and lived as a miser.
After a year, Kevin had enough money for a down payment.
Kevin bought a house.
Kevin used the money that he had saved to buy a sports car.
Joe had an accountant.
He never paid attention to his accountant.
Until one day he realized he had no money.
Joe furiously stormed into the accountant's office.
Joe went for a run on the beach.
Joe asked the accountant what happened.
Sven was very poor.
Sven's brother told him there was lots of money on the train.
So Sven and his brother started a gang.
They robbed the train!
Sven was caught and jailed shortly after.
Sven donated the money to charity.
John was diagnosed with bone cancer.
He was sad and felt defeated.
But, he decided to enroll in chemotherapy and fight the disease.
He struggled for two years to overcome cancer.
John eventually beat the cancer.
John hoped he would not get well.
Everyone told Matt he ate too much red meat.
He ignored all their warnings about red meat and health problems.
One day after a juicy burger, Matt had a heart attack.
Matt became a vegetarian after he left the hospital.
He stayed heart attack free for the rest of his life.
Matt celebrated leaving the hospital with a large steak.
My daughter brought her dog over to play with my dog.
Her dog is big and full of energy.
My dog is small, quiet and older.
They are completely opposite.
The cats made a mess out of the house!
Both dogs enjoyed playing together, anyway.
I decided to rent a movie when friends came over last night.
After looking through selections we decided on horror.
We picked a great movie and sat down with popcorn.
It was really scarey!
I had a hard time falling asleep that night.
Overall I was dissatisfied with the night.
Sandy is Louie's mother.
Louie is a puppy.
A nice family adopted Sandy.
They decided to adopt Louie too.
Louie walked across the sandy beach, lonely.
The dogs seemed happy to stay together.
Lia was trying to lose weight.
She cut out junk food and fatty foods.
But she still struggled to lose weight.
Then she began running every day on her treadmill.
She started losing weight.
She gained 50 pounds.
I cleaned my wedding ring.
I first set it in the cleaner to soak.
I then wiped it with the brush to make sure I got everything off.
Then I put it back in the cleaner for a bit.
I decided to throw the ring away.
It came out sparkling.
Gina liked to volunteer at a homeless shelter.
She had spent Years going there for many hours a week.
The staff decided to do something to show their appreciation.
They chipped in and got Gina a gift.
Gina stopped volunteering because she felt unappreciated.
Gina was so touched she cried when they gave it to her.
Tom and Susan have been married for eight Year's.
For the last week Susan has been nauseated every morning.
This morning she took a pregnancy test which was positive.
Susan planned a fancy dinner with candles to tell Tom the good news.
Tom was happy to have a kid.
She never told Tom.
Gina was in the middle of the backseat surrounded by siblings.
They were driving out of town in heavy traffic.
Gina looked out the window.
In the next car a child was showing his mouth of chewed food.
Gina continued to stare.
Gina was disgusted.
Greg was playing ball by himself.
He was bored.
He wanted his friends.
His friends came over.
Greg was more bored than ever.
They played ball for the rest of the afternoon.
Pamela purchased an antique urn at a garage sale.
She thinks it would look nice with the decor in her home.
When she got home she noticed that someone's ashes were in there.
Pamela returned the urn.
Pamela received a full refund and a free urn for her troubles.
Pamela was happy about her purchase.
Jane was excited to go home early for once.
She worked cleaning offices at night.
She was ahead of her normal schedule.
When she got to the final office she noticed a huge mess.
Jane was happy she had to stay and clean the office.
Jane was disappointed she had to stay and clean the office.
Kate wanted to start a new viral campaign.
Kate wanted to find a way for everyday citizens to do something kind.
Kate decided to create a video about her campaign.
After posting her video, Kate got a overwhelming response.
Kate was disappointed.
Kate was pleased!
My husband and I rented a car on vacation.
The car we got was horrible.
The wipers didn't work, and a headlight was out.
It smelled awful and was very dirty.
We will never rent from that car company again.
We look forward to renting from that same car company again.
Fred receives a specialty coffee maker for Christmas.
He finally opens it after leaving it in its box for a few weeks.
Fred decides to make himself a cappuccino.
To his surprise, it tastes just as good as the ones he buys outside.
Frank will save about $25 a week making coffee himself.
Frank switched to tea and donated the coffee maker.