3 values
Why should I read books?
Books can be our best friends. We can carry them anywhere with us and get immersed in them. Books are also a great source of knowledge and developing perspective. One can learn about new technologies, historical events, places to visit and more. Finally books also help us focus our mind on something specific for a long duration instead of jumping around to various things when browsing the internet.
How many states are part of New England?
New England is composed of six states.
Name famous French singers (all time).
Johnny Hallyday, Michel Sardou, Orelsan, Kendji, Lara Fabian, Jennifer, Charles Aznavour, Edith Piaf.
What two continents is Russia a part of?
Russia is a part of Europe and Asia
Name some of the major battles in the US Civil War.
Major battles in the US Civil War include: Gettysburg, Fort Sumpter, Vicksburg, and Shiloh.
What are some examples of popular sitcoms on television in the 1980s?
Popular sitcoms that were on television in the 1980s include Cheers, Family Ties, the Cosby Show, Diff'rent Strokes, and the Facts of Life.
What year did the hindenburg disaster occur?
The Hindenburg disaster occurred on May 6, 1937, when the Hindenburg airship caught fire and was destroyed during its attempt to dock with its mooring mast at Naval Air Station Lakehurst.
Who created pilates?
Pilates was developed by Joseph Pilates.
What is ABAP?
A programming language for developing applications for the SAP
Name some of the bravolebrities from The Real Housewives of Potomac
Ashley Darby, Gizelle Bryant, Karen Huger, Mia Thornton, Robyn Dixon, Wendy Osefo and Candiace Dillard Bassett
What is lucid dream and how can someone learn to do it?
Lucid dreaming is the ability to be consciously awake in your dreams. This allows you to make active decisions in your dreams and even shape the dream world. It is very useful for not just entertainment (e.g. who doesn't like to fly like a bird?) but also for self-help (e.g. practice facing your fears like public speaking) and discovery. To best way to get better at lucid dreaming is to keep a dream journal (writing down your dreams very morning). I also suggest you buy the original book "Lucid Dreaming" by Stephen LaBerge.
Given the following text, what is special about Prime Numbers?
A prime number (or a prime) is a natural number greater than 1 that is not a product of two smaller natural numbers. A natural number greater than 1 that is not prime is called a composite number. For example, 5 is prime because the only ways of writing it as a product, 1 × 5 or 5 × 1, involve 5 itself. However, 4 is composite because it is a product (2 × 2) in which both numbers are smaller than 4. Primes are central in number theory because of the fundamental theorem of arithmetic: every natural number greater than 1 is either a prime itself or can be factorized as a product of primes that is unique up to their order. The property of being prime is called primality. A simple but slow method of checking the primality of a given number � n, called trial division, tests whether � n is a multiple of any integer between 2 and � {\sqrt {n}}. Faster algorithms include the Miller–Rabin primality test, which is fast but has a small chance of error, and the AKS primality test, which always produces the correct answer in polynomial time but is too slow to be practical. Particularly fast methods are available for numbers of special forms, such as Mersenne numbers. As of December 2018 the largest known prime number is a Mersenne prime with 24,862,048 decimal digits. There are infinitely many primes, as demonstrated by Euclid around 300 BC. No known simple formula separates prime numbers from composite numbers. However, the distribution of primes within the natural numbers in the large can be statistically modelled. The first result in that direction is the prime number theorem, proven at the end of the 19th century, which says that the probability of a randomly chosen large number being prime is inversely proportional to its number of digits, that is, to its logarithm. Several historical questions regarding prime numbers are still unsolved. These include Goldbach's conjecture, that every even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two primes, and the twin prime conjecture, that there are infinitely many pairs of primes having just one even number between them. Such questions spurred the development of various branches of number theory, focusing on analytic or algebraic aspects of numbers. Primes are used in several routines in information technology, such as public-key cryptography, which relies on the difficulty of factoring large numbers into their prime factors. In abstract algebra, objects that behave in a generalized way like prime numbers include prime elements and prime ideals.
A prime number is a natural number great than one that is only divisible by itself and one. e.g. 5 is a prime number as it is only divisible by 5 and 1, but 4 is not as 4 is divisible by 4,2 and 1
What is Microsoft Teams?
Microsoft Teams is communication platform that has functionality for email, video conferencing, peer chatting, file sharing, conversation and file search, and integration with Sharepoint and Onenote to name a few. Their closest competitor is Slack owned by SalesForce. All of these platforms mentioned above operate in real-time as well.
How do I get good at magic tricks?
You can get good at magic through hours and hours of practice. Getting a deck of cards and learning how to hold them and do flourishes is a great way to start because magic takes extreme dexterity that is built through muscle memory in the hands. This takes hours and hours of repetition to get good at. Other factors that play into how good you get at magic are your interest in it. If you are aren't interested in it then you won't get good at magic. You can also join a club and practice magic tricks with other people that are interested in it too. One of the best organizations to join is the Society of American Magicians (SAM).
What is an anemone?
Anemone can be a small plant on land with pink, blue or white flowers or a soft sea creature living on the rocks under the water and resembling a flower.
What are the machine learning model lifecycle phases?
Data access, Data cleansing, feature engineering, model training, model comparison, model registering, model deployment, model monitoring, then retraining if needed be
What is MapReduce?
MapReduce is a programming model and an associated implementation for processing and generating big data sets with a parallel, distributed algorithm on a cluster. A MapReduce program is composed of a map procedure, which performs filtering and sorting, and a reduce method, which performs a summary operation.
How do we get rainbows?
The electromagnetic spectrum is made of light with many different wavelengths consisting of a band of colors that include red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. White light is how our eyes perceive all the colors of the rainbow mixed together. Sunlight appears white. When sunlight hits a rain droplet, some of the light is reflected. They are reflected at a different angles separating the spectrum and producing a rainbow.
Where do Macarons originate from?
According to popular belief, the macaron has been introduced in France by the Italian chef of queen Catherine de Medici during the Renaissance but this appears to be a legend as the macaron is already mentioned in France in the 8th century in the Cormery Abbey.
The Macaron originates from France and is generally thought to have been created by an Italian chef of Catherine de Medici when she was the Queen of France during the 16th century. However the time period and original creator maybe a legend as there are documents referring to the Macaron in the 8th century from Cormery Abbey in France.
Who set the first Guinness World Record for swimming under ice?
Swimming under ice. On 16 March 2000, Hof set the Guinness World Record for farthest swim under ice on his second attempt, with a distance of 57.5 metres (188.6 feet). Hof's first attempt the day before failed when he began his swim without goggles and his corneas froze solid and blinded him. A rescue diver pulled him to the surface after he passed out. The record has been broken several times since and is 265 feet (81 m) as of 2022."
On 16 March 2000, Wim Hof set the Guinness World Record for thre farthest swim under ice, with a distance of 57.5 metres (188.6 feet).
What are 3 popular movies with Adam Sandler?
The following are 3 popular movies with Adam Sandler: 1. Big Daddy 2. Billy Madison 3. The Waterboy
How should I go about planning an agenda for the upcoming leadership meeting I am hosting?
In order to determine what a good agenda would look like, it's important to first decide what you want to accomplish during your leadership meeting. Common leadership meeting goals are reviewing team performance for the last period, aligning on the priorities and objectives you will focus on for the upcoming year, tackling problems that can best be worked on while you are all in the same room, and building personal and professional relationships through teaming exercises and having common experiences. Next, you should prioritize which of these goals is most important to you. If you could only accomplish one of them, which would it be? Continue to identify the next most important goal until you have fully prioritized your list of goals. The next step is to determine how much time you have to dedicate to each topic in order to ensure you can accomplish your goals fully. Finally, identify how many breaks you will need to build into your meeting time to ensure team members do not become too mentally taxed. One best practice is to take a 15-30 minute break every 90 minutes, and to take a one hour break every 4 hours. Once you have identified all of these parameters, you can build your leadership meeting agenda.
What countries are regarded as Nordic?
Nordic countries can be found in Northern Europe. It includes Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland.
What *isn't* the meaning of life?
There are many philosophies around what the meaning of life is, and isn't. There is no right or wrong answer, and the answers that exist will vary widely across people and cultures. That said, it's often said that life isn't about becoming famous or amassing wealth.
Who was the first lead guitarist of Metallica?
Dave Mustaine
Do I need Hadoop to run Spark?
No, but if you run on a cluster, you will need some form of shared file system (for example, NFS mounted at the same path on each node). If you have this type of filesystem, you can just deploy Spark in standalone mode.
Given this paragraph about battles under Alexander the Great what battle occurred prior to the battle of Issus
The Battle of Issus (also Issos) occurred in southern Anatolia, on 5 November 333 BC between the Hellenic League led by Alexander the Great and the Achaemenid Empire, led by Darius III. It was the second great battle of Alexander's conquest of Asia, and the first encounter between Darius III and Alexander the Great. The battle resulted in the Macedonian troops defeating the Persian forces. After the Hellenic League soundly defeated the Persian satraps of Asia Minor (led by Greek mercenary Memnon of Rhodes) at the Battle of the Granicus, Darius took personal command of his army. He gathered reinforcements and proceeded to lead his men in a surprise march behind the Hellenic advance, in order to cut off their line of supply. Alexander was forced to countermarch, and the stage was set for the battle near the mouth of the Pinarus River and the town of Issus.
the Battle of the Granicus
What is the most effective way to clean your floors?
Using the O-Cedar EasyWring Microfiber Spin Mop and Bucket Cleaning System, fill the bucket with hot water and 1 TSP of powdered tide. It will leave your floors super clean and smelling good. For deeper cleans, you can add a bit of distilled white vinegar.
Who is the best basketball team in the NBA?
The Los Angeles Lakers are undoubtedly the best basketball team in the history of the NBA.
What is Houston, Texas, known for?
Houston, Texas, is the 4th largest city in the United States. It is also one of the most diverse cities in America, with a minority majority and large population of immigrants. It is a culinary capital in the south. Houston, Texas, has a distinct art scene and food culture. Beyonce Knowles and Travis Scott are two very well-known artists from Houston. Viet-cajun cuisine is one of Houston's landmark cuisines.
Who wrote the poker mindset
The Poker Mindset was written by Ian Taylor and Matthew Hilger
given the plot of 1985 hit Back to the future, how could Marty McFly have avoided having to reconcile his mother and father in order to save his life?
In 1985, teenager Marty McFly lives in Hill Valley, California, with his depressed alcoholic mother, Lorraine; his older siblings, who are professional and social failures; and his meek father, George, who is bullied by his supervisor, Biff Tannen. After Marty's band fails a music audition, he confides in his girlfriend, Jennifer Parker, that he fears becoming like his parents despite his ambitions. That night, Marty meets his eccentric scientist friend, Emmett "Doc" Brown, in the Twin Pines mall parking lot. Doc unveils a time machine built from a modified DeLorean, powered by plutonium he swindled from Libyan terrorists. After Doc inputs a destination time of November 5, 1955 (the day he first conceived his time travel invention), the terrorists arrive unexpectedly and gun him down. Marty flees in the DeLorean, inadvertently activating time travel when he reaches 88 miles per hour (142 kilometers per hour). Arriving in 1955, Marty discovers he has no plutonium to return. While exploring a burgeoning Hill Valley, Marty encounters his teenage father and discovers Biff was bullying George even then. George falls into the path of an oncoming car while spying on the teenage Lorraine changing clothes, and Marty is knocked unconscious while saving him. He wakes to find himself tended to by Lorraine, who becomes infatuated with him. Marty tracks down and convinces a younger Doc that he is from the future, but Doc explains the only source available in 1955 capable of generating the power required for time travel is a lightning bolt. Marty shows Doc a flyer from the future that documents an upcoming lightning strike at the town's courthouse. As Marty's siblings begin to fade from a photo he is carrying with him, Doc realizes Marty's actions are altering the future and jeopardizing his existence; Lorraine was supposed to tend to George instead of Marty after the car accident. Early attempts to get his parents acquainted fail, and Lorraine's infatuation with Marty deepens. Lorraine asks Marty to the school dance, and he plots to feign inappropriate advances on her, allowing George to intervene and rescue her, but the plan goes awry when Biff's gang locks Marty in the trunk of the performing band's car, while Biff forces himself onto Lorraine. George arrives expecting to find Marty but is assaulted by Biff. After Biff hurts Lorraine, an enraged George knocks him unconscious and escorts the grateful Lorraine to the dance. The band frees Marty from their car, but the lead guitarist injures his hand in the process, so Marty takes his place, performing while George and Lorraine share their first kiss. With his future no longer in jeopardy, Marty heads to the courthouse to meet Doc. Doc discovers a letter from Marty warning him about his future and rips it, worried about the consequences. To save Doc, Marty recalibrates the DeLorean to return ten minutes before he left the future. The lightning strikes, sending Marty back to 1985, but the DeLorean breaks down, forcing Marty to run back to the mall. He arrives as Doc is being shot. While Marty grieves at his side, Doc sits up, revealing he pieced Marty's note back together and wore a bulletproof vest. He takes Marty home and departs to 2015 in the DeLorean. Marty wakes the next morning to discover his father is now a confident and successful science fiction author, his mother is fit and happy, his siblings are successful, and Biff is a servile valet in George's employ. As Marty reunites with Jennifer, Doc suddenly reappears in the DeLorean, insisting they return with him to the future to save their children from terrible fates.
He could have not push his father out of the way when he fell into the path of an oncoming car.
What is the greenhouse effect?
The greenhouse effect is the process by which the sun's energy gets trapped in a planet's atmosphere and heat's the planet's surface. The energy gets trapped due to the planet's atmosphere having a higher transparency to visible radiation from the sun than it does to infrared radiation that gets emitted after bouncing off of the planet's surface.
When was the US flag created?
On June 14, 1777, the Continental Congress passed an act establishing an official flag. Today, the flag has 13 horizontal stripes that represent the colonies and 50 stars that represent the states.
Paul McCartney credits which artist with teaching him everything he knows?
Little Richard.
How do cryptic crosswords work?
Normal crosswords simply give a clue that defines their answer. For example, "Feline - 3 letters" would be answered by "cat". Cryptic crosswords clues have various forms but generally they have part of the clue that is a definition and the rest of the clue that hints at the same definition through coded methods like wordplay or anagrams. For example "Smallest half of the alphabet - 4 letters" is solvable as "atom" where "atom" is theoretically the smallest possible particle of an element, and "A to M" is half of the alphabet.
What is the legal difference between laches and waiver?
In legal parlance, laches is a defense which when raised implies the plaintiff caused inordinate delay, was part of the act of which it complains or caused prejudice to a defendant due to any delay. The Statute of Limitations is a common example of laches where a plaintiff is precluded from bringing an action due to inordinate delay. A defense of waiver claims that the plaintiff knowingly and intentionally signed away, relinquished or otherwise abandoned the right which it claims was violated by the defendant. A common example of a waiver is when one engages in a dangerous act for pleasure such as sky diving or rock climbing. The instructor or facility would have the purchaser sign a waiver for bodily harm suffered from engaging in the dangerous act. Both defenses are affirmative defenses and must be raised for them to take effect. It is important to note that affirmative defenses can themselves fall to laches and waiver.
Name some television shows that were popular on Nickelodeon in the 1990s.
Rugrats, Clarissa Explains it All, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Aaahh!!! Real Monsters, Hey Dude, The Wild Thornberries, Rocko's Modern Life
What does quantitative easing mean?
Quantitative Easing, or QE is a policy action taken by the central bank to increase the amount of money in circulation with the goal of stimulating economic activity. The central bank achieves this by purchasing a predetermined amount of purchasing government bonds. Money is 'created' through this process.
Where is the city of Nasimerice
Našiměřice (German: Aschmeritz) is a municipality and village in Znojmo District in the South Moravian Region of the Czech Republic. It has about 200 inhabitants. Našiměřice lies approximately 28 kilometres (17 mi) north-east of Znojmo, 32 km (20 mi) south-west of Brno, and 189 km (117 mi) south-east of Prague.
Nasimerice (German: Aschmeritz) is a municipality and village in Znojmo District in the South Moravian Region of the Czech Republic. It has about 200 inhabitants. Nasimerice lies approximately 28 kilometres (17 mi) north-east of Znojmo, 32 km (20 mi) south-west of Brno, and 189 km (117 mi) south-east of Prague.
Why do people enjoy wearing Patagonia jackets?
Patagonia branded jackets provide warmth to the wearer as well as act as fashionable styling in today's culture. The coats are lightweight and easy to pack in bags or suitcases, making them amenable for use when traveling or camping. The Patagonia corporation also donates profits heavily to charity which appeals to many consumers on the market today.
Who is Gordon Lightfoot?
Gordon Lightfoot is a Canadian musician. He is well-known for his relaxing acoustic music. Gordon achieved peak popularity in the 1970's and 80's as a star in the folk music scene. His contemporaries were Jim Croce, John Denver, and Bob Dylan. Three of Gordon's most popular hits are: "Sundown", "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald", and "If You Could Read my Mind".
What's the difference between facts and truth?
Facts are pieces of information that are verifiable and based on empirical evidence whereas truth, although a related concept is related to a subjective perception or belief of what is a fact and does not always require evidence. An example would be a question about whether aliens exists. Many have a personal belief that aliens do exists, but since no empirical evidence exists upon which society can reach a consensus that they do truly exist. Someone may say that they are speaking truth when they say that aliens exists, however this is more likely just based on their belief which is unsupported by evidence (assuming in this example that the person making this statement has no empirical evidence). In this example someone who says they believe aliens do exist, believes they are speaking the truth but that does not make it a fact.
What's a good time of year to visit Seattle?
The best time of year to visit Seattle is in the summer. The weather is nicest from June to September, and there are many outdoor activities to enjoy. However, there is lots to do all year. For example, in spring many visitors come to the University of Washington campus to see cherry blossoms. The nearby tulip festival in the Skagit Valley is another popular spring attraction.
What is freedom?
Freedom is what you make out of it. The dictionary could provide you with one definition but at a personal level freedom for me means to be able to walk in to a coffee shop at a time I would like, express my thoughts and have the money to pay for that coffee.
Name the planets in the solar system, in the order of distance from the sun
The planets in the solar system in order of distance from the sun are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus.
Which episode of season two of Game of Thrones did Alik Sakharov direct?
Alik Sakharov directed the third episode of season 2 of Game of Thrones called "What is Dead May Never Die."
I'm thinking about joining the military to help pay for college. What are my options, and what do you recommend?
The military can help pay for college in a few different ways. If you are already planning to go to a specific school, you can check to see if they have a Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) unit at the school and apply for an ROTC scholarship. An ROTC scholarship can help pay for most of your college degree, and you will have the option to join an active or reserve unit after college is complete. You will likely owe about 4 years of service as an officer in return for the scholarship. Another option is to go to a military academy. Military academies provide full tuition in exchange for 5 years of service as an officer after graduation. Finally, you could enlist in the military, serve 3-4 years as an enlisted soldier, and then use the G.I. Bill to attend college afterward. The best choice for you depends on your college preferences, your financial situation, and the timeline on which you want to earn your college degree.
Which weighs more: a shipping container, a couch or a espresso machine?
A shipping container weighs the most
What is a proper noun?
A proper noun is a noun that identifies an entity and is used to reference that entity. For example, India is a proper noun.
What is the difference between a hazard and out of bounds on a golf course?
On a golf course, out of bounds areas are marked with white stakes that denote the property boundary of the course. Hazards are marked with red stakes that denote a penalty area within the property of the course (e.g., water, marsh). When a ball is hit out of bounds, the golfer is penalized one shot and is required to hit the ball again from the same spot. When a ball it hit in a hazard, the golfer is also penalized one shot, but has the option to hit the next shot from the same spot or from the point where the ball crossed the hazard boundary.
Given the paragraph above paragraph, what is the PMP and who established the exam.
Project Management Professional (PMP) is an internationally recognized professional designation offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI). As of 31 July 2020, there are 1,036,368 active PMP-certified individuals and 314 chartered chapters across 214 countries and territories worldwide. The exam is one of eight credentials offered by PMI and is based on the ECO PMP Examination Content Outline. Most of the questions reference the Exam Content Outline PMP Examination Content Outline (also known as the E.C.O ).
PMP stands for Project Management Professional, and it was established by the Project Management Institute (PMI). The PMP is a professional certification for project managers that is recognized internationally. The PMP is based on the ECO PMP Examination Content Outline.
What is Brownism?
In British politics, Brownism is the political ideology of the former Prime Minister and leader of the Labour Party Gordon Brown and those that follow him. Proponents of Brownism are referred to as Brownites. Brownites tend to be less enthusiastic about market driven reforms such as tuition fees and foundation hospitals and more keen on the role of the state, less critical of Labour's links to the unions and critical of media management techniques such as the use of spin doctors. Will Hutton opined: "Like Tony Blair [Gordon Brown] is a believer in a pluralist and fair society, social mobility, and marrying economic efficiency with social justice".
In British politics, Brownism is the political ideology of the former Prime Minister and leader of the Labour Party Gordon Brown and those that follow him. Brownites tend to be less enthusiastic about market driven reforms such as tuition fees and foundation hospitals and more keen on the role of the state, less critical of Labour's links to the unions and critical of media management techniques such as the use of spin doctors
Why do humans like cats?
Cats are very popular pets. People like cats for different reasons, but cats are known to be very affectionate to their owners and help to relieve stress. Cats are natural hunters particularly of birds. Bird populations are often endangered in areas where there are stray or outdoor domestic cats. Despite their popularity, not everyone enjoys the company of cats. Some people are allergic to most cats.
Can I unilaterally change terms of a contract?
The general rule is no. If a party were allowed to unilaterally change the term of a contract, there may be no value in having a contract in the first place as an obvious change would be to change what a party has promised in the contract to little or nothing at all. This would erode any value of having a contract in the first place. However, there are contracts that allow a party to unilaterally change certain terms of the contract but they should not take away the substantial benefit of the contract from the other party or parties. If a party has agreed to allow the other to vary any of the terms of the contract, this is not ideal and the implications would depend on the extent and nature of the variations made. It is therefore prudent for both parties to avoid provisions to allow unilateral changes to the contract or at the very least, expressly limit the scope of unilateral changes.
Is my children's school information available to anyone on the Internet?
Although the website is accessible over the internet, access to your student’s information is secured by a username and password. Parents can view information about their children only. They cannot access the records of other students. The application is hosted within your children's school district infrastructure – no third-party vendor is hosting this.
Given this paragraph about video game consoles, what was the first console?
The history of video game consoles, both home and handheld, had their origins in the 1970s. The concept of home consoles used to play games on a television set was founded by the 1972 Magnavox Odyssey, first conceived by Ralph H. Baer in 1966. Handheld consoles bore out from electro-mechanical games that had used mechanical controls and light-emitting diodes (LED) as visual indicators. Handheld electronic games had replaced the mechanical controls with electronic and digital components, and with the introduction of Liquid-crystal display (LCD) to create video-like screens with programmable pixels, systems like the Microvision and the Game & Watch became the first handheld video game consoles, and fully realized by the Game Boy system.
The Magnavox Odyssey in 1972
How can one loose weight
There are several ways to shed some pounds which include having a balanced diet which is low in fats and carbohydrates, regular workouts or sports activities like running, brisk walking, swimming and hitting the gym etc. Yoga is also a good alternative to attain a healthy lifestyle and keep your weight in check. Some people use mobile applications to record their daily calorie intake and try to eat little less than the daily recommended calories.
Why is the 1980 gold medal match in hockey called the 'Miracle on Ice'?
The US Olympic hockey team was a heavy underdog against the Soviets in 1980, and their victory over the Soviets was a surprise to nearly everyone. As the game concluded, Al Michaels, the play-by-play announcer for the game, exclaimed "Do you believe in miracles? Yes!', and because many people around the world watched the game on television, the game became known as the 'Miracle on Ice'.
In Abrahamic religions, how many major commandants did Moses receive at Mt Sinai?
Moses received ten major commandments
Why are there so many different types of cheeses in France?
Cheese production has a long history in France. It is believed that cheese was first introduced into France during Roman times. After the fall of the Roman empire, monasteries continued the production of cheese. Experimentation within the monasteries, regional isolation and differences in climate and vegetation across France lead to the creation of regional varieties of cheese (some of which still exist today). From about the 13th century onwards, cheese production started to develop on French farms. Over time, the recipes for making cheese were handed down from generation to generation (and tweaked and improved by each generation), further increasing the number of varieties. As a result, today it is commonly considered that there are between 350 and 400 different types of French cheese – although there are actually almost 1,000 varieties! These cheeses are made from cows, sheep, goats or buffalo milk. Charles de Gaulle, a famous French president, once asked - "How can you govern a country which has 246 varieties of cheese?" It would be interesting to hear what his thoughts would be today now that there are almost 1000 different varieties.
Which are the earliest ancestors of Native Americans?
Paleo- Indian
In the series A Song of Ice and Fire, who is the founder of House Tyrell?
Ser Alester Tyrell
What city is the capital of Alberta Canada?
The capital city of the province of Alberta in Canada is Edmonton.
What sport does Arshdeep play?
Arshdeep Singh (born 7 May 1994) is an Indian professional footballer who plays as a forward for Minerva Punjab F.C. in the I-League.
What makes a good password?
Good passwords consist of a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. Good passwords should be long, easy for the user to remember, but hard to guess. Most attempts to steal passwords use brute force, so the length of the password is more important in terms of the compute needed to discover it using brute force methods than would be special characters. Special characters used in short passwords also prove ineffective because there are many well know leet dictionaries that provide common special character insertions.
What is the largest lake in the united states?
Lake Superior
What is Rhaeboceras
Rhaeboceras is an extinct genus of ammonite belonging to the subfamily Scaphitinae. Species belonging to the genus lived during the Cretaceous and have been found in the Pierre Shale of North America.
What does it mean for something to be compostable?
An item that is compostable will "decompose" over a short duration of time, back into natural materials such as compost. This is in contrast to materials like plastic or aluminum that require thousands or even millions of years to degrade and transform into something found naturally. The benefit of compostable materials is that they do not generate any trash to take up space in landfills, and use more naturally-derived inputs in production processes (in contrast to fossil fuels).
What coloring of cat is usually almost always female?
Tortoiseshell cats are frequently female.
How do learn how to ride a bicycle?
It takes small steps to learn how to ride a bicycle the first one is getting on your bike without losing to get down the balance. Next ride your bike in small distances in a soft area. Last go for longer and longer distances until you have a hang of it.
When did India gain independence?
India gained independence from British rule on August 15th, 1947.
Are the racial depictions of Eugène Delacroix artworks facts?
Racial categories have historically been used as a way to enable an oppressive figure or group to discriminate against other groups or individuals which were seen as different from that of the oppressor. In nineteenth and early twentieth century Europe, artwork was a common form of racialization which targeted countries in the Middle East and Asia. The artwork, predominantly paintings, were portrayed in order to instill prejudice in the Western populations through sexualizing and manipulating images. One of the most prominent examples of Orientalist work in art is a piece by Eugène Delacroix titled Women of Algiers in their Apartment. Dating back to 1834, it portrays three women resting in a harem in exotic clothing while an African woman is dressed in plain clothing, depicting her role as a servant. Fine textiles, hookahs, and other paraphernalia adorn the room, which represents a European fantasy of an exotic scene. Attempts to portray these cultures as strange, foreign and exotic through Orientalism led to intolerance towards the Arab and Asian communities in Europe and the United States. Others argue that Delacroix, who travelled in North Africa sketching extensively, was depicting a realistic scene of the era based on his first-hand knowledge and experience. In such an interpretation the clothing, for example, is consistent with the times, as Arab North Africans dressed differently from Europeans, and kept black slaves who would not have been treated as equals.
There are arguments that some of the depictions of the artworks are factual represents of Delacroix's first-hand experience while traveling in North Africa.
What causes rain?
Rain is the byproduct of the natural cycle of evaporation and condensation that happens all over the world. Moisture evaporates into the atmosphere from bodies of water and soil. Once this moisture is aloft in the atmosphere, certain conditions cause it to precipitate in the form of rain. These conditions include changes in atmospheric pressure, orographic lift cause by hilly terrain, and changes in temperature. Once the moisture starts to condense into larger and larger droplets, they eventually become heavy enough to fall from the cloud in the form of rain drops. This cycle then continues on with the newly fallen rain beginning to evaporate into the atmosphere.
What black sweet is particularly popular in the Netherlands
In the Netherlands, black sweet is particularly popular. It is a type of cake made from a light and fluffy sponge cake, filled with a dark chocolate ganache and topped with dark chocolate shavings.
Is a manned mission to Mars worth the cost ?
Since the beginning of the Space race in 1957, we have had an exponential growth in innovative technology that benefited the space program and had commercial usage. They range from medical imaging techniques, healthcare monitoring equipment, artificial limbs, water filtration systems, solar panels and baby formula. The challenges of traveling to Mars and maintaining a sustainable living environment will also foster rapid innovation in sustainable technologies that can help to solve our current challenges on Earth. This could be renewable fuels, rapidly deployable habitats, Carbon sequestration and advances in AI.
What is measured on the Gay-Lussac scale
Alcohol strength
What are the core ingredients of a bechamel sauce?
A bechamel (or béchamel) is a creamy white sauce used in dishes like lasagna, mac and cheese, soufflés, gratins, moussaka and casseroles... The core ingredients consist of butter, flour and milk.
Why are there speed limits on public roads?
Governments create and enforce speed limits for humans driving vehicles on public roads in the interest of public safety. The speed limits generally depend on the type of road, including whether it is in a residential area or a freeway. Police officers enforce posted limits by patrolling the roads and checking the speeds of vehicles around them using radar technology. By preventing vehicles from traveling at excessive speeds, speed limits help keep roadways safer for everyone.
What country is to the north of the United States?
Canada is America's northern neighbor
Is there a relation between wavelength and frequency?
Wavelength is inversely proportional to frequency. Wavelength is the distance between crests of waves whereas Frequency is number of waves occur in given time. Higher the frequency , lower the wavelength and vice-versa
Given this paragraph about Jordan, tell me where it is located and which countries it borders?
Jordan (Arabic: الأردن, tr. Al-ʾUrdunn [al.ʔur.dunː]), officially the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, is a country in Western Asia. It is situated at the crossroads of Asia, Africa, and Europe, within the Levant region, on the East Bank of the Jordan River. Jordan is bordered by Saudi Arabia to the south and east, Iraq to the northeast, Syria to the north, and the Palestinian West Bank, Israel, and the Dead Sea to the west. It has a 26 km (16 mi) coastline in its southwest on the Gulf of Aqaba's Red Sea, which separates Jordan from Egypt. Amman is Jordan's capital and largest city, as well as its economic, political, and cultural centre.
Jordan is a country in Western Asia and it is border by Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, and Israel.
How does FTX collapse?
FTX was reported to move a significant portion of its assets to its partner firm Alameda Research in an article published by CoinDesk in November 2022. After this, FTX rival Binance's CEO Changpeng Zhao announced that Binance would sell its holdings of FTX tokens, which was quickly followed by a spike in customer withdrawals from FTX. FTX was unable to meet the demand for such customer withdrawals. On December 12, 2022, founder Sam Bankman-Fried was arrested by the Bahamian authorities for financial offences, at the request of the US government.
In the following initial summary of the plot of the series My Hero Academia, what is the secret that Izuku must keep and from whom?
Izuku Midoriya is a young man who dreams of becoming a Hero despite being bullied by his violent childhood friend Katsuki Bakugo for lacking a Quirk. After having a few encounters with his idol, All Might, who is Japan's greatest hero, Izuku is chosen by All Might to inherit his Quirk "One For All" (which gives him the ability to endlessly stockpile his raw power) and become his successor, as All Might was severely injured by his arch-nemesis All For One (whose Quirk allows him to steal other Quirks for his use and pass them over to others at his will) and does not have much time left to live. Izuku begins attending the U.A. High School for heroes in training alongside Bakugo and his friends from Class 1-A while keeping his connection with All Might a secret. During the course of the school year, Izuku and his friends work hard to improve themselves and have a few encounters with the League of Villains led by All For One's apprentice Tomura Shigaraki, who desires to kill All Might as part of their plan to take over the world. During one of these encounters, All Might and All For One have one last fight, which ends with All For One defeated and imprisoned, and All Might, having exhausted the last of One For All's power in himself, forced to retire.
Izuku keeps his secret that All Might had chosen Izuku to inherit All Might's Quirk "One For All" from Bakugo and Izuku's friends from Class 1-A.
What is the best TV series for Kids?
I loved to see Small Wonder.
What's a good way to make a baked potato?
Preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Poke some holes in the potato with a fork. Spread olive oil all over the potato, and sprinkle kosher salt on it. Place it directly on the oven rack and let it bake for about an hour. It will be ready when a knife can slide into it easily.
What are the benefits of building a large language model specific to your organization rather than using a third party vendor's model?
Building your own large language model (LLM) reduces security risks from data leakage, which could allow others to access your proprietary information. Building an in-house LLM also creates value internal to your organization rather than delivering that value (in the form of your data) to a third party. The answers from a custom LLM will also be more valid and specific to your organization. Finally, building your own LLM can be more cost effective than paying for each API request to a third party solution.
Can you tell me about different types of hot water kettles?
I'd be happy to tell you about hot water kettles. Hot water kettles are used to heat up water for beverages like tea or coffee. There are a few different kinds: - Stove-top kettles, which are placed on a stove and make a sound when the water is boiling. - Electric water kettles, which heat up using electricity rather than a stove. These can have many controls and contain thermostats to control the target water heat. - Gooseneck kettles, which can be electric or stovetop but feature a thin spout which is useful for making pour-over coffee.
Help me pick a Lego set for my friends.
Lego has different sets for people in different ages. Each set usually has age guidance on the box. For small kids below 3 years old, I would recommend Duplo, because Duplo bricks have bigger size, and won't be swallowed by accident. For kids above 3 years old, but less than 10 years old, I would recommend Lego Classic. For those sets, people can use their imagination to create whatever things they like. For kids above 10 and adults, Lego Technic and Icons are super cool and good for display. For people interested in specific themes, like Star War, Harry Potter, etc, lego also has sets in those themes for you to choose from.
What is the capital of the united kingdom?
London is the capital of the united kingdom.
What is glass made of
Glass has become so commonplace today that it’s easy to see right through it without a second thought. It’s in our windows, on our screens, in our cabinets, and in many of the devices we interact with every day. Even though glass can be found everywhere, you may live your whole life not knowing much about how it’s made or what it’s composed of. Even if you think you know the basics, you’ve only skimmed the surface. At a high level, glass is sand that’s been melted down and chemically transformed. If you’ve ever been to the beach, you know exactly how hot sand can get while remaining in its solid form. The kind of heat necessary to transform sand into a liquid state (eventually becoming glass) is much hotter than any sunny day. To make sand melt, you need to heat it to roughly 1700°C (3090°F), which is approximately the same temperature a space shuttle reaches as it re-enters earth’s atmosphere. The sand commonly used to make glass is comprised of small grains of quartz crystals, made up of molecules of silicon dioxide, which is also known as silica. When those molecules are heated to high enough temperatures, the sand melts and loses its crystalline structure, and as it cools it gains an entirely different structure. That structure, on a molecular level, is somewhere in between a liquid and a solid. This in-between state is known as an amorphous solid, which means it has some of the crystalline structure of a solid coupled with the molecular randomness of a liquid. Glass Melting Depending on the sand mixture, glass can have a variety of properties. Certain elements or chemicals mixed with sand can change glass’s color, for example. Glass’s properties can also change based on how it’s manufactured and the processes by which it’s shaped afterward. To strengthen glass, manufacturers can use thermal tempering to heat and cool it rapidly. Glass can also be strengthened chemically through an ion exchange process that makes the surface of the glass tougher. The glass most people are familiar with is soda-lime glass, which is a combination of soda (also known as soda ash or washing soda), limestone, and sand. Although you can make glass simply by heating and then rapidly cooling silica, the manufacturing of soda-lime glass is a little more complex. By adding soda (sodium carbonate), the melting point of the sand is reduced so it can be transformed into glass at lower temperatures and save energy during manufacturing. However, adding soda to the mixture reduces its chemical durability, making it prone to dissolve when in contact with liquids. For most applications, that’s not desirable, so limestone (calcium carbonate) is also added to the mixture, which acts as a stabilizer. Once the mixture of silica, soda, and limestone is heated, it can be cooled and molded for a variety of applications. At Corning, we know glass. We know how to strengthen it through chemical processes like ion exchange, and we know how to bend it to make optical fiber that can stretch over vast distances. Our knowledge of glass goes back more than a century, allowing us to remain on the cutting edge of research and development. From simple soda-lime to complex glass structures that enable augmented reality, glass is an adaptable, wide-ranging material. That’s why, after more than 165 years, we’re still making new discoveries.
What is a cat?
A cat is a cute, cuddly animal with whiskers, pointed ears, four legs and paws, and a tail. Cats are companion animals to humans. Cats can come in many different varieties, such as hairless, short-haired, medium-haired, and very fluffy; they also come in many colors, such as black, white, grey, brown, orange, and a combination of multiple colors.
Why does a boat float on water whereas some other objects sink?
Objects with less buoyant force will sink. Buoyancy is a force acting on an object that causes it to rise or move higher in the liquid. If the object is denser than the water then it sinks and if the object is less dense than the water then it floats.
What types of political organizations did pre-colonial Africa have?
Pre-colonial Africa possessed perhaps as many as 10,000 different states and polities characterized by many different sorts of political organization and rule. These included small family groups of hunter-gatherers such as the San people of southern Africa; larger, more structured groups such as the family clan groupings of the Bantu-speaking peoples of central, southern, and eastern Africa; heavily structured clan groups in the Horn of Africa; the large Sahelian kingdoms; and autonomous city-states and kingdoms such as those of the Akan; Edo, Yoruba, and Igbo people in West Africa; and the Swahili coastal trading towns of Southeast Africa.
Pre-colonial Africa had many political organizations including: small family groups, larger family clan groupings, heavily structured clan groups, and autonomous city-states and kingdoms.
Where do we go when we die?
In some religions, it is believed we go to heaven after die. There are passages that talk about the pearly gates and being greeted by St. Peter who will check you into heaven and allow to pass through the gates once vetted. The ancient egyptians believed in three afterlife ideologies; the underworld, eternal life and the rebirth of the soul. However, for the average person today who does not partake in mummification and ancient egyptians, it is widely believed that once the body dies, the soul leaves and goes to a place of peace. In a perfect world, we would be reunited with our loved ones, both human and pet, where we would no longer be in pain and can run free with those we care about most. Alternatively, the more literal answer to this question would be that the physical body either goes into a coffin or some type of container or it is cremated into ashes after death.
Given a reference text about Qamus, when was it attacked and defeated?
Qamus (القموص) was one of the fortresses of the Jewish poet Al-Rabi ibn Abu al-Huqayq, and his Jewish tribe called Banu Nadir. The fortress was situated near Khaybar in what is now Saudi Arabia. The fortress was attacked by Muslim forces and defeated circa 629/30 CE. It was after this event that Muhammad married Safiyyah bint Huyayy. The Jewish presence in the region has been attested to the late seventh century who pioneered the cultivation in the area. It has traditionally been identified with the remains of the Husn al-Qamus (Qamus Fortress) in the old Khaybar oasis, though there's no direct archaeological evidence for this.
Qamus was attacked and defeated by Muslim forced near the year 630 CE
What is the name of the curvy street in San Francisco?
Lombard Street in San Francisco is often referred to as the "crookedest" or most curvy street in the world.
What Breaking Bad actor guest starred on Season 6, Episode 2 "Drive" of The X-Files?
Bryan Cranston guest starred as Patrick Crump.
Given a reference text about the Anglo-Spanish War, tell me what treaty marked the end of the war.
The Anglo-Spanish War (1585–1604) was an intermittent conflict between the Habsburg Kingdom of Spain and the Kingdom of England. It was never formally declared. The war included much English privateering against Spanish ships, and several widely separated battles. It began with England's military expedition in 1585 to what was then the Spanish Netherlands under the command of the Earl of Leicester, in support of the Dutch rebellion against Spanish Habsburg rule. The English enjoyed a victory at Cádiz in 1587, and repelled the Spanish Armada in 1588, but then suffered heavy setbacks: the English Armada (1589), the Drake–Hawkins expedition (1595), and the Essex–Raleigh expedition (1597). Three further Spanish armadas were sent against England and Ireland in 1596, 1597, and 1601, but these likewise ended in failure for Spain, mainly because of adverse weather. The war became deadlocked around the turn of the 17th century during campaigns in the Netherlands, France, and Ireland. It was brought to an end with the Treaty of London (1604), negotiated between Philip III of Spain and the new king of England, James I. In the treaty, England and Spain agreed to cease their military interventions in the Spanish Netherlands and Ireland, respectively, and the English ended their high seas privateering.
The Treaty of London marked the end of the Anglo-Spanish War.
Who are the Dawoodi Bohras?
The Dawoodi Bohras are a modern religious group within the Ismaili Shia Sect of Shia Islam. They originate from Egypt tracing their lineage to The Fatimid Empire. Dawoodi Bohras are usually known for their trading policies, business acumen & entrepreneurship & believe in becoming Self-reliant. The word "Bohra" in Gujarati means "to trade" hence most of them prefers to do businesses & are quite involved in Software, Iron or Metal trading majorly. From a religious perspective, They usually follow seven pillars of Islam (Walayah, Taharah, Salat, Zakah, Sawm, Hajj & Jihad) instead of Five. They're also quite active in Muharram-al-Haram performing the Mourning of Husayn ibn Ali & Ahl-al-Bayt and the day of the Ashura. They have an annual event of "Ashara Mubaraka" where they gather from across the world at a chosen place to perform the Mourning & doing community services. They're also very active in Ramadan & other months to celebrate Eid-al-Fitr, Eid-al-Adha, Eid-al-Ghadir etc. At present their current leader & Dai-al-Mutlaq is His Holiness Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin who resides in Saifee Mahal, Mumbai, India. To know more about this community, I would suggest to read "Mullahs on the Mainframe: Islam and Modernity among the Daudi Bohras" by Jonah Blank published first in 2001.