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When was HMS Glowworm (H92), a G-class destroyer launched?
Glowworm, was briefly the name of a coastal destroyer launched on 12 December 1906 and renamed HMS TB7. It was sold in May 1921. HMS Glowworm (1916), an Insect-class gunboat, launched on 5 February 1916 and sold in 1928. HMS Glowworm (H92), a G-class destroyer launched on 22 July 1935, sunk on 8 April 1940 by the German heavy cruiser Admiral Hipper off Norway. Glowworm was allocated to a G-class destroyer under construction at the William Denny shipyard at Dumbarton in 1945. The vessel was originally called HMS Guinevere but was renamed in September 1945 to HMS Glowworm, and renamed again in October to HMS Gift. Construction was cancelled on 1 December 1945 before completion.
The HMS Glowworm (H92), a G-class was launched in July 22nd, 1935.
What is stream processing ?
Stream processing refers to techniques used to process a continuous stream of data. In batch processing, the amount of data is known up front when the processing starts. However, in stream processing, the computation (or query) runs ‘forever’ and as new data continues to get added to the input the computation updates its response. To handle an infinite stream of data without needing to maintain infinite history stream processing queries often include the idea of windows which limits how much history is needed to be kept.
Which state is the city of Springfield from in the Simpsons?
The popular and long running show The Simpsons have intentionally left out from which state the home town of Springfield is with the intention of relating to everyone's Springfield. There have been several references to possible states to keep fans guessing and has become part of the playful nature of the show. Alas, in 2012, the show's creator revealed that it is based on Springfield, Oregon.
Where was Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu founded?
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu originated in Japan and was brought to Brazil by Mitsuo Maeda in 1914. Maeda trained Carlos and Helio Gracie, who tested and refined Jiu-Jitsu to be what it is today. Jiu-Jitsu continued to evolve over the years, eventually incorporating aspects of wrestling and other grappling arts into the curriculum. Rorion Gracie, Helios' son, brought Jiu-Jitsu to the United States in the 1970's.
What geographic area do Sephardic Jews originate from?
Sephardic Judaism is rooted in the Iberian peninsula
What is the Capitol
The United States Capitol, often called The Capitol or the Capitol Building, is the seat of the United States Congress, the legislative branch of the federal government. It is located on Capitol Hill at the eastern end of the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Though no longer at the geographic center of the federal district, the Capitol forms the origin point for the street-numbering system of the district as well as its four quadrants. Central sections of the present building were completed in 1800. These were partly destroyed in the 1814 Burning of Washington, then were fully restored within five years. The building was enlarged in the 1850s by extending the wings for the chambers for the bicameral legislature, the House of Representatives in the south wing and the Senate in the north wing. The massive dome was completed around 1866 just after the American Civil War. Like the principal buildings of the executive and judicial branches, the Capitol is built in a neoclassical style and has a white exterior. Both its east and west elevations are formally referred to as fronts, though only the east front was intended for the reception of visitors and dignitaries.
What is the main cause of lightning?
Lightning happens when the negative charges (electrons) in the bottom of the cloud are attracted to the positive charges (protons) in the ground.
What is Asperger syndrome?
Asperger syndrome (AS), or Asperger's, is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests. The syndrome is no longer recognized as a diagnosis, having been merged with other conditions into autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It was considered to differ from other diagnoses that were incorporated into ASD by relatively unimpaired spoken language and intelligence. The syndrome was named after the Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger, who, in 1944, described children in his care who struggled to form friendships, did not understand others’ gestures or feelings, engaged in one-sided conversations about their favorite interests, and were clumsy. In 1994, the diagnosis of Asperger's was included in the fourth edition (DSM-IV) of the American Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; however, with the publication of DSM-5 in 2013, the syndrome was removed, and the symptoms are now included within autism spectrum disorder along with classic autism and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS). It was similarly merged into autism spectrum disorder in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) as of 2021. The exact cause of Asperger's is poorly understood. While it has high heritability, the underlying genetics have not been determined conclusively. Environmental factors are also believed to play a role. Brain imaging has not identified a common underlying condition. There is no single treatment, and the UK's National Health Service (NHS) guidelines suggest that ’treatment’ of any form of autism should not be a goal since autism is not an 'a disease that can be removed or cured’. According to the Royal College of Psychiatrists, while co-occurring conditions might require treatment, ’management of autism itself is chiefly about providing the education, training and social support/care required to improve the person's ability to function in the everyday world’. Only limited data support the effectiveness of particular interventions for autism. Interventions may include social skills training, cognitive behavioral therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, parent training, and medications for associated problems, such as mood or anxiety. Autistic characteristics tend to become less evident in adulthood , but social and communication difficulties usually persist.
What is intelligence?
The term intelligence is an open term and is often open to interpretation and relativity. Some people claim you can test for intelligence using an intelligence quotient (IQ) test. This is up for debate. Knowledge alone does not equal intelligence. The proper use of knowledge can be referred to as intelligence. A definition of intelligence is: the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. According to this, nearly every has the ability of intelligence.
What plant do cats like to chew or sniff, which may give them a "high"?
Many cats enjoy chewing or sniffing fresh and dried catnip.
Please explain the Primacy of the Spains
The Primacy of the Spains (Portuguese: Primaz das Espanhas; Spanish: Primado de las Españas, Catalan: Primat de les Espanyes) is the primacy of the Iberian Peninsula, historically known as Hispania or in the plural as the Spains. The Archbishop of Braga, in Portugal, has claimed this primacy over the whole Iberian Peninsula since the middle ages, however today his primacy is only recognized in Portugal. The Archbishop of Toledo in Spain has claimed the Primacy of Spain, as the primate above all other episcopal sees in Spain. In addition, the Archbishop of Tarragona in Catalonia also make use of the title. The Archbishops in Braga, Toledo and Tarragona, if raised to the rank of cardinal, are known as Cardinal-Primates.
The Primacy of the Spains (Portuguese: Primaz das Espanhas; Spanish: Primado de las Españas, Catalan: Primat de les Espanyes) is the primacy of the Iberian Peninsula, historically known as Hispania or in the plural as the Spains. The Archbishop of Braga, in Portugal, has claimed this primacy over the whole Iberian Peninsula since the middle ages, however today his primacy is only recognized in Portugal. The Archbishop of Toledo in Spain has claimed the Primacy of Spain, as the primate above all other episcopal sees in Spain. In addition, the Archbishop of Tarragona in Catalonia also make use of the title. The Archbishops in Braga, Toledo and Tarragona, if raised to the rank of cardinal, are known as Cardinal-Primates.
Where did Bermuda grass come from?
Cynodon dactylon, commonly known as Bermuda grass, is a grass found worldwide. It is native to Europe, Africa, Australia and much of Asia. It has been introduced to the Americas. Contrary to its common name, it is not native to Bermuda and is in fact an abundant invasive species there. In Bermuda it has been known as "crab grass" (also a name for Digitaria sanguinalis). Other names are Dhoob, dūrvā grass, ethana grass, dubo, dog grass, dog's tooth grass, Bahama grass, crab grass, devil's grass, couch grass, Indian doab, arugampul, grama, wiregrass and scutch grass.
Cynodon dactylon, commonly known as Bermuda grass, is a grass found worldwide. It is native to Europe, Africa, Australia and much of Asia.
What is a verb?
A verb is a word that in syntax generally conveys an action, an occurrence, or a state of being. In the usual description of English, the basic form, with or without the particle to, is the infinitive. In many languages, verbs are inflected to encode tense, aspect, mood, and voice
What is a community structure in the study of complex networks?
In the study of complex networks, a network is said to have community structure if the nodes of the network can be easily grouped into (potentially overlapping) sets of nodes such that each set of nodes is densely connected internally. In the particular case of non-overlapping community finding, this implies that the network divides naturally into groups of nodes with dense connections internally and sparser connections between groups. But overlapping communities are also allowed. The more general definition is based on the principle that pairs of nodes are more likely to be connected if they are both members of the same community(ies), and less likely to be connected if they do not share communities. A related but different problem is community search, where the goal is to find a community that a certain vertex belongs to.
In the study of complex networks, a network is said to have community structure if the nodes of the network can be easily grouped into (potentially overlapping) sets of nodes such that each set of nodes is densely connected internally.
Who won the March Madness Mens Basketball Tournament in 2022?
The University Kansas Jayhawks
How long is an Ironman triathlon?
An Ironman triathlon is 140.6 miles long. This is considered an endurance event, and frequently takes competitors over 10 hours to complete. The triathlon consists of 3 events: swimming, biking, and running. The swim portion is 2.4 miles long; the bike segment is 112 miles long; and the run segment is 26.2 miles long.
Where are good places for a family to visit in Portland Oregon?
1. The Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) is a science and technology museum in Portland Oregon. The museum has many interactive exhibits, a theatre and a decommissioned naval submarine. 2. The Springwater Corridor is a pedestrian and bicycle pathway between Portland and Gresham Oregon. There are nature walks, bridges and scenic areas throughout the Portland Metro area. 3. The Oregon Zoo is home to Elephants, Lions, Polar Bears as well as Pacific Northwest Native species of mammals and birds. The Oregon Zoo is located in Washington Park. The zoo is the oldest zoo west of the Mississippi river.
What do I use a pressure washer for?
A pressure washer forces water out at high speeds which allows you to remove grime or dirt from large surfaces, often of a home or building.
What is the largest city in Oregon?
What is topography?
Topography is the study of the forms and features of land surfaces. The topography of an area may refer to the land forms and features themselves, or a description or depiction in maps. Topography is a field of geoscience and planetary science and is concerned with local detail in general, including not only relief, but also natural, artificial, and cultural features such as roads, land boundaries, and buildings. In the United States, topography often means specifically relief, even though the USGS topographic maps record not just elevation contours, but also roads, populated places, structures, land boundaries, and so on. Topography in a narrow sense involves the recording of relief or terrain, the three-dimensional quality of the surface, and the identification of specific landforms; this is also known as geomorphometry. In modern usage, this involves generation of elevation data in digital form (DEM). It is often considered to include the graphic representation of the landform on a map by a variety of cartographic relief depiction techniques, including contour lines, hypsometric tints, and relief shading.
Why has the percentage of CEOs of Indian descent gone up in the last decade ?
In the last decade there is a growing trend of corporations being led by CEOs of Indian descent. Many factors have contributed to this trend including but not limited to: 1) Immigration laws that attract best of talent from across the world to western nations 2) Strong education system in India 3) English as the primary/secondary language in most educational institutions across India 4) Cultural diversity of India that fosters empathy and adaptability 6) Immigrant's drive to succeed in a foreign nation given limited safety net 7) Acceptance of cultural and social diversity in large enterprises
Given the reference text about the science fiction novel Neuromancer, tell me the novel's author and the name of the main protagonist.
Neuromancer is a 1984 science fiction novel by American-Canadian writer William Gibson. Considered one of the earliest and best-known works in the cyberpunk genre, it is the only novel to win the Nebula Award, the Philip K. Dick Award, and the Hugo Award. It was Gibson's debut novel and the beginning of the Sprawl trilogy. Set in the future, the novel follows Henry Case, a washed-up hacker hired for one last job, which brings him in contact with a powerful artificial intelligence.
Neuromancer was written by William Gibson and its main protagonist is Henry Case.
What is tertiary analysis?
Tertiary analysis is a type of analysis that looks at a company's financial statements to evaluate the financial performance of the company. It focuses on the company's profitability, cash flow, and debt level.
How do I get to Juneau, Alaska?
There are no roads that lead directly to Juneau, Alaska. That leaves two options, by boat or by plane. Remote Alaskan villages and cities like Juneau are one of the reasons bush pilots are so prevalent in the state.
How did Kdramas become so popular?
Korean dramas or Kdramas have been popular for over 2 decades now. However, the rise in popularity shot up during the pandemic. Kdramas were initially watched by people in Southeast Asian countries and in some places in South Asia. When the pandemic hit, a lot of Kdramas were available on Netflix making it easier for people to watch them. With word of mouth, this soon spread and more and more users were watching Kdramas. Netflix took advantage of this viewership and started making dramas of their own or buying rights for dramas to be streaming exclusively on Netflix. This soon led to Disney and other platforms making dramas of their own. Kpop has also helped in attracting viewers. Whether it's the captivating story plot, the acting, actors or action, the Hallyu wave has spread throughout the world.
How many players are on a hockey team?
An NHL hockey team can max a maximum of 20 players in 1 game. Typically, teams will have 12 forwards, 6 defensemen and 2 goalies, however, some teams will choose to play 11 forwards and 7 defensemen. Teams will typically have 3 forwards, 2 defensemen and a goalie on the ice at one time. Teams that commit a foul or penalty are penalized by temporarily sending one of their players to a penalty box, thus giving their opponents a man advantage, called a power play.
Name a famous American author who wrote stories about the American South during the early 20th century.
Erskine Caldwell is a celebrated American author who wrote short stories on the rural deep south in the United States of America. Most of his work was published in the 1930’s through the 1950’s with a few being Tobacco Road, Georgia Boy, and God’s Little acre.
What was the public reaction to the draft during the Vietnam War?
The Vietnam War Draft was met with widespread protests and draft dodging in order to avoid conscription, which eventually led to public opinion during against the war
How many letters there are in the Japanese language?
here are 46 basic characters in the Japanese alphabet and additional characters/sounds that can be made from the basic 46. Each of the alphabet symbols forms one syllable made of the 21 romaji, which is phonetic and always read the same way.
The following is an Abstract of a paper on Autism Spectrum Disorder. Based on this abstract would it be a good idea to enroll a child with ASD into group sports? "Given the characteristics of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder, it is evident the difficulties they show in the development of social skills. The scarce participation of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder in group sports can be taken as a reference. The aim of this study was to analyse the impact of football on the development of social skills in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. In order to measure the sporting impact, it was necessary to implement a football training programme with the intention of evaluating different social skills. Thirteen children participated in the programme, all of them with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder and with a severity level of 1. The study was based on a pre-experimental, pre-test/post-test design. Non-parametric tests were used for the statistical analysis, applying the Wilcoxon test. Two specific tools on social skills were used for data collection. The results showed a generalised improvement in the dimensions linked to the social skills assessed. This highlights the possibility of considering group sport as an alternative to be taken into account to work on and enhance social skills in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder"
In this study, the authors assess 13 children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD-Level 1) on their social skills, before and after being enrolled in a football training program. The authors claim that the results showed an overall improvement in participant's social skills. This suggests that participating in group sports maybe considered as a method to improve children with ASD's social and communication skills.
Given these paragraphs about Asperger Multiomics, what is the goal in combining all the "omes"?
Multiomics, multi-omics, integrative omics, "panomics" or "pan-omics" is a biological analysis approach in which the data sets are multiple "omes", such as the genome, proteome, transcriptome, epigenome, metabolome, and microbiome (i.e., a meta-genome and/or meta-transcriptome, depending upon how it is sequenced); in other words, the use of multiple omics technologies to study life in a concerted way. By combining these "omes", scientists can analyze complex biological big data to find novel associations between biological entities, pinpoint relevant biomarkers and build elaborate markers of disease and physiology. In doing so, multiomics integrates diverse omics data to find a coherently matching geno-pheno-envirotype relationship or association. The OmicTools service lists more than 99 softwares related to multiomic data analysis, as well as more than 99 databases on the topic. Systems biology approaches are often based upon the use of panomic analysis data. The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) defines panomics as referring to "the interaction of all biological functions within a cell and with other body functions, combining data collected by targeted tests ... and global assays (such as genome sequencing) with other patient-specific information." Single-cell multiomics A branch of the field of multiomics is the analysis of multilevel single-cell data, called single-cell multiomics. This approach gives us an unprecedent resolution to look at multilevel transitions in health and disease at the single cell level. An advantage in relation to bulk analysis is to mitigate confounding factors derived from cell to cell variation, allowing the uncovering of heterogeneous tissue architectures. Methods for parallel single-cell genomic and transcriptomic analysis can be based on simultaneous amplification or physical separation of RNA and genomic DNA. They allow insights that cannot be gathered solely from transcriptomic analysis, as RNA data do not contain non-coding genomic regions and information regarding copy-number variation, for example. An extension of this methodology is the integration of single-cell transcriptomes to single-cell methylomes, combining single-cell bisulfite sequencing to single cell RNA-Seq. Other techniques to query the epigenome, as single-cell ATAC-Seq and single-cell Hi-C also exist. A different, but related, challenge is the integration of proteomic and transcriptomic data. One approach to perform such measurement is to physically separate single-cell lysates in two, processing half for RNA, and half for proteins. The protein content of lysates can be measured by proximity extension assays (PEA), for example, which use DNA-barcoded antibodies. A different approach uses a combination of heavy-metal RNA probes and protein antibodies to adapt mass cytometry for multiomic analysis. Multiomics and machine learning In parallel to the advances in highthroughput biology, machine learning applications to biomedical data analysis are flourishing. The integration of multi-omics data analysis and machine learning has led to the discovery of new biomarkers. For example, one of the methods of the mixOmics project implements a method based on sparse Partial Least Squares regression for selection of features (putative biomarkers).
By combining these "omes", scientists can analyze complex biological big data to find novel associations between biological entities, pinpoint relevant biomarkers and build elaborate markers of disease and physiology. In doing so, multiomics integrates diverse omics data to find a coherently matching geno-pheno-envirotype relationship or association.
What are the best months to visit Alaska?
Spring through summer are the best months to visit Alaska owing to warmer temperatures that fluctuate between 60F - 67F and the long days make it ideal for tourists to explore the state.
What is Solidarity Tax?
The IMF has proposed a Solidarity Tax on the Companies those prospered in Covid crises should pay additional tax to show solidarity with those who were hit hardest by pandemic
In this reference text summarizing plot of the book The High King, how did the sword Dyrnwyn lose its power?
The story begins only days after the conclusion of Taran Wanderer. With winter approaching, Taran and his companion Gurgi return from their wanderings to Caer Dallben after getting news from Kaw the crow that Princess Eilonwy has returned from the Isle of Mona. Indeed, they find her at home, along with her escort King Rhun of Mona and the former giant Glew, who had been magically restored to human size by a potion from Dallben. Before Taran can propose to Eilonwy, the bard-king Fflewddur Fflam and his mount Llyan arrive with a gravely injured Gwydion, Prince of Don. Servants of Arawn had assaulted them and seized the magical black sword Dyrnwyn. Fflewddur also states that Taran was involved in the ambush, baffling everyone. With Achren's help, the truth is determined: Arawn himself has come from Annuvin to the verge of Caer Dallben in the guise of Taran, in order to lure Gwydion into the ambush. Because Dyrnwyn may be pivotal as a threat to Arawn, Dallben consults the oracular pig Hen Wen to determine how it may be regained. During the reading, the ash rods used to communicate shatter and the two thirds of Hen Wen's answer are discouraging and vague. When Gwydion heals sufficiently, he sets out with Taran and others to meet with King Smoit. Gwydion insists that he alone should enter Annuvin to seek the sword, but Smoit's Cantrev Cadiffor is on the way. The small party divides, as Rhun and Eilonwy intend to visit the ships of Mona en route. When Gwydion, Taran, and others reach Caer Cadarn, they are imprisoned by Magg, the treacherous former Chief Steward of Mona, who has entered service with Arawn and taken over the fortress. When Eilonwy approaches with the other party, she detects something amiss and they cautiously send Fflewddur Fflam to the fortress as a bard. After entertaining the soldiers for a night, he returns with the bad news. Then the companions encounter Gwystyl of the Fair Folk outside the stronghold, en route home after closing the waypost near Annuvin, personally bearing final observations to King Eiddileg about preparations for war by Arawn's forces. With Gwystyl's assistance and store of magical smokes, fires, and concealments, the companions break in and free the prisoners. The plan goes awry, however; King Smoit and his men are finally able to regain control only by Rhun's intervention, which costs his life. Learning from Gwystyl of the activities in Annuvin, Gwydion turns from the quest for Dyrnwyn to planning for battle at Caer Dathyl. Gwystyl, Fflewddur, and Taran leave to gather support, respectively from the Fair Folk, the northern realms, and the Free Commots. Kaw, sent out by Taran to reconnoiter the enemy, is attacked by Gwythaints while spying near Annuvin, but manages to reach Medwyn, who asks all the creatures of air and land to oppose the forces of Arawn. Taran, Coll, Eilonwy, and Gurgi muster the Commots, who rally to their friendship with Taran, and sends them marching in groups to Caer Dathyl while the smiths and weavers rallied by Hevydd and Dwyvach work day and night to equip them. Soon after Taran and the last Commots reach Caer Dathyl, King Pryderi arrives from the western realms. In council he announces his new allegiance to Arawn, for the good of all, because "Arawn will do what the Sons of Don have failed to do: Make an end of endless wars among the cantrevs, and bring peace where there was none before." He is rejected utterly but permitted to return unharmed to his army, and at the next day the battle begins. Although the Sons of Don and allies initially have the best of it, the Cauldron-Born arrive en masse before evening, overwhelming the allies and razing Caer Dathyl to the ground. With High King Math killed, Gwydion is proclaimed the new High King. With the bulk of the Cauldron-Born deployed outside of Annuvin, Gwydion determines that the best chance is to attack while it is guarded by mortal men alone. He will lead the Sons of Don to waiting ships on the north coast and attack by sea, while Taran leads the Commots to delay the Cauldron-Born's return march, as their power wanes with time and distance from Annuvin. Taran and his army are able to hold the tired Cauldron-Born warriors beyond arm's length by brute force, and turn the march from a straight and easy route into the rugged hills, although Coll dies in battle. Thanks to a company of Fair Folk, and to the animals sent by Medwyn, they destroy most of the Huntsmen who accompany and lead the undead. At last the Cauldron-Born break free of the hills and return to the lowland route. Regaining strength as they near Annuvin, it would be futile for the exhausted allies to meet them head-on again, so inevitably they take the long, easy route to Arawn's stronghold. Taran and the remainder of his army finally reach Annuvin by a combination of the direct route, a mountain path of Doli's, and a secret pass over Mount Dragon shown to them by Achren. Taran sees that victory is nearly in Gwydion's hands, but also that the Cauldron-Born are about to reach Annuvin. In his alarm, Taran nearly falls off Mount Dragon, but is saved by the now-grown Gwythaint he had rescued so many years ago (The Book of Three). In a desperate attempt to fight off a group of Cauldron-Born who have discovered him on the mountain, he rolls a rock at them, and discovers Dyrnwyn in the hollow the stone occupied. Wielding Dyrnwyn, Taran slays the undead warrior who approaches to slay him, and at that instant all of the Cauldron-Born die as one. Taran's group enters the fray, and the battle continues through the halls of Annuvin. Taran is almost deceived by Arawn - who has taken the guise of Gwydion - into giving up the sword. After the chaotic defeat of Arawn's forces, the companions gather before the Great Hall. Achren identifies Arawn in the form of a nearby serpent preparing to strike Taran and grabs him. He strikes her fatally, but Taran kills him with Dyrnwyn. With the death of Arawn, the stronghold of Annuvin bursts in flame and falls in ruins, destroying all of the magical implements inside; only Gurgi manages to save several scrolls containing knowledge of farming, smithing, and other crafts. The sword Dyrnwyn begins to fade, losing its magic. The allies travel to Caer Dallben, where Gwydion tells them that in victory the Sons of Don, with all kinsmen and kinswomen, must return to the Summer Country. Indeed, all those who still have magic will depart, and the Fair Folk and Medwyn have closed their realms to outsiders. Dallben and Eilonwy must also go, and others who have served well, Taran among them, are given the chance to accompany them. Taran proposes to Eilonwy at last, and she accepts. The Sons of Don plan to leave the next day. However, Taran becomes uncomfortable about his decision overnight. The witches Orddu, Orwen and Orgoch appear before him and reveal that they too are departing, and leave him with an unfinished tapestry depicting his life. He realizes there is much work to be done to rebuild Prydain, and he has made many promises; so he determines to remain behind. Eilonwy is able to willingly give up her magical nature in order to remain with him, and the two are married. Dallben reveals that with this last quest, Taran has completed a path prophesied in the Book of Three whereby an orphan of "no station in life" would succeed the Sons of Don as High King. Dallben had traveled to seek such a one and try to hasten the day of Arawn's defeat; on this journey, he found a baby, hidden in the trees beside a battlefield and without any token of parentage, and took it in under the name Taran. Taran receives many gifts, including The Book of Three itself, although its powers, like all magic in Prydain, have also faded away with Arawn's demise, leaving it only as a mere chronicle of Taran's life. With Eilonwy by his side, Taran accepts his new responsibility and is hailed by his friends and battle companions as the new High King.
When Taran killed Arawn with Dyrnwyn in the stronghold of Annuvin, all magical implements inside were destroyed - Dyrnwyn also lost its magic.
What is a good approach to grocery shopping?
Grocery shopping can be a difficult task because grocery stores are often crowded. A good approach to grocery shopping is to go during hours when not a lot of people are grocery shopping. An example would be during a lunch break instead of going at night when most people are off of work or going during the work week instead of going on the weekend. Avoid Sundays at all costs! Sundays are the busiest day for grocery shopping. Once you've selected your day and before you've gone to the store, make a list. A list will make you more efficient once you get to the grocery store. Organize your list by aisles. An example of this is organizing your list by produce, meats, household supplies, snacks, and drinks. This way you can go aisle-to-aisle skipping aisles that don't have what you are shopping for.
How do I open a pomegranate without exploding?
The trick is to open the pomegranate in a bowl of water. This way, the water will contain any bursts of juice from the pomegranate seeds.
Given a reference text about Apple, what tactics did Steve Jobs use to help the company recover?
Apple was founded as Apple Computer Company on April 1, 1976, by Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs and Ronald Wayne to develop and sell Wozniak's Apple I personal computer. It was incorporated by Jobs and Wozniak as Apple Computer, Inc. in 1977. The company's second computer, the Apple II, became a best seller and one of the first mass-produced microcomputers. Apple went public in 1980 to instant financial success. The company developed computers featuring innovative graphical user interfaces, including the 1984 original Macintosh, announced that year in a critically acclaimed advertisement. By 1985, the high cost of its products, and power struggles between executives, caused problems. Wozniak stepped back from Apple amicably and pursued other ventures, while Jobs resigned bitterly and founded NeXT, taking some Apple employees with him. As the market for personal computers expanded and evolved throughout the 1990s, Apple lost considerable market share to the lower-priced duopoly of the Microsoft Windows operating system on Intel-powered PC clones (also known as "Wintel"). In 1997, weeks away from bankruptcy, the company bought NeXT to resolve Apple's unsuccessful operating system strategy and entice Jobs back to the company. Over the next decade, Jobs guided Apple back to profitability through a number of tactics including introducing the iMac, iPod, iPhone and iPad to critical acclaim, launching the "Think different" campaign and other memorable advertising campaigns, opening the Apple Store retail chain, and acquiring numerous companies to broaden the company's product portfolio. When Jobs resigned in 2011 for health reasons, and died two months later, he was succeeded as CEO by Tim Cook.
Steve Jobs launched multiple products such as the iPod and iPhone, opened the Apple Store retail chain, and performed numerous acquisitions to bring Apple back to profitability.
Who are the longest running cast members on Saturday Night Live?
The longest running cast member on Saturday Night Live is Kenan Thompson. Kenan Thompson has starred in 20 seasons. Next, Darrel Hammon starred in 14 seasons. Seth Meyers appeared in 13 seasons.
Why do oceans have salt water but rivers have fresh water?
The water in rivers comes from rain. Rainwater does not have any salt in it. The river picks up a small amount of salt from the ground as it travels downhill. The salt enters the ocean at the river's mouth. The saltwater mixture becomes saltier as water evaporates.
Are there any benefits of fasting?
Fasting is the method by which one can bring a conscious process to ingestion. It is not simply denying food and water to the system. Rather, it is a process of reducing the need for food. Fasting provides the digestive and assimilation process a break so that the rest of the body begins to excrete on the cellular level. This helps to remove all the toxic impurities that had accumulated in the cells over a long period of time. Hence intermittent fasting is extremely beneficial to the body.
What is the best food place in Bangalore?
You can always try out Kritunga Briyani if you love eating spicy food, else you are looking for a bear place try Iron Hill or Toit.
What are your recommendations to achieve a healthy lifestyle?
A healthy lifestyle consists of a healthy diet, regular exercise, quality sleep and a limited intake of alcohol and coffee. It’s recommend to eat a balanced and healthy diet. This generally consists of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds, nuts and foods that contain proteins, such as beans, peas, meat or fish. Healthy foods usually contain relatively low amounts of sugar, salt and trans fats. Moreover, it’s important to exercise. This could be achieved by doing sports, but basically every form of exercise helps, for instance by walking or gardening. Furthermore, quality sleep is recommended for seven or eight hours per day. In addition, it’s best to don’t drink alcohol and limit your coffee intake to maximal three cups a day.
What is recency bias?
Recency bias is the overweighting the result of more recent events when predicting what will happen in the future. For example, if I recently experienced a pandemic that dramatically affected my quality of life, I may tend to overestimate the likelihood of another pandemic in the near future.
What should you do if you see a brown bear approach you while you are hiking?
If you see a brown bear while hiking and it does not see you, slowly move away. If the bear does see you and starts approaching, lie on the ground and play dead.
King Charles III is 73 years old and his full name is?
Charles Philip Arthur George
Who was John Dawkins better known as
Artful Dodger
What are the most common types of pizzas?
There are lots of different pizzas, but the most common are cheese and pepperoni. There are also different types of pizza such as thin crust, New York style pizza, and Chicago style pizza.
When did the first World war start?
July 28, 1914
According to this paragraph about UVA, what happens to a student who commits an offense from the honor system?
The nation's first codified honor system was instituted by UVA law professor Henry St. George Tucker, Sr. in 1842, after a fellow professor was shot to death on The Lawn. There are three tenets to the system: students simply must not lie, cheat, or steal. For its first 180 years it was a "single sanction system", meaning that committing any of these three offenses would result in expulsion from the university. In the spring of 2022, following decades of criticism and waning support for the system, a proposal to replace the penalty of expulsion with a two semester suspension passed a student referendum with over 80% of the vote and took effect immediately.
As of spring 2022, students who commit an offense of the Honor System at UVA face a two semester suspension.
What are the best books of Dostoyevsky?
1. 'Crime and Punishment' 2. 'The Brothers Karamazov' 3. 'The Idiot' 4. 'Demons' 5. ‘Notes from the Underground’
What are some basic spirits you should have at your bar
Often times socializing with friends and neighbors includes spirits or alcohol. Some of the important spirts to have at your house to capture the wide variety of taste include Beer Red Wine White Wine Bourbon (preferably Basil Hayden) Whiskey Vodka Rum Tequila Triple Sec Mixers such as Cola, club soda, tonic water, juices, and ice
Which female Canadian director has directed episodes of Better Call Saul, The X-Files, and Game of Thrones?
Michelle MacLaren
What was the The Treaty of Tordesillas?
In 1383, John I of Castile, husband of Beatrice of Portugal and son-in-law of Ferdinand I of Portugal, claimed the throne of Portugal. A faction of petty noblemen and commoners, led by John of Aviz (later King John I of Portugal) and commanded by General Nuno Álvares Pereira defeated the Castilians in the Battle of Aljubarrota. With this battle, the House of Aviz became the ruling house of Portugal. The new ruling dynasty would proceed to push Portugal to the limelight of European politics and culture, creating and sponsoring works of literature, like the Crónicas d'el Rei D. João I by Fernão Lopes, the first riding and hunting manual Livro da ensinança de bem cavalgar toda sela and O Leal Conselheiro both by King Edward of Portugal and the Portuguese translations of Cicero's De Oficiis and Seneca's De Beneficiis by the well traveled Prince Peter of Coimbra, as well as his magnum opus Tratado da Vertuosa Benfeytoria. In an effort of solidification and centralization of royal power the monarchs of this dynasty also ordered the compilation, organization and publication of the first three compilations of laws in Portugal: the Ordenações d'el Rei D. Duarte, which was never enforced; the Ordenações Afonsinas, whose application and enforcement was not uniform across the realm; and the Ordenações Manuelinas, which took advantage of the printing press to reach every corner of the kingdom. The Avis Dynasty also sponsored works of architecture like the Mosteiro da Batalha (literally, the Monastery of the Battle) and led to the creation of the manueline style of architecture in the 16th century. Portugal also spearheaded European exploration of the world and the Age of Discovery. Prince Henry the Navigator, son of King John I of Portugal, became the main sponsor and patron of this endeavour. During this period, Portugal explored the Atlantic Ocean, discovering the Atlantic archipelagos the Azores, Madeira, and Cape Verde; explored the African coast; colonized selected areas of Africa; discovered an eastern route to India via the Cape of Good Hope; discovered Brazil, explored the Indian Ocean, established trading routes throughout most of southern Asia; and sent the first direct European maritime trade and diplomatic missions to China and Japan. In 1415, Portugal acquired the first of its overseas colonies by conquering Ceuta, the first prosperous Islamic trade centre in North Africa. There followed the first discoveries in the Atlantic: Madeira and the Azores, which led to the first colonization movements. In 1422, by decree of King John I, Portugal officially abandoned the previous dating system, the Era of Caesar, and adopted the Anno Domini system, therefore becoming the last catholic realm to do so. Throughout the 15th century, Portuguese explorers sailed the coast of Africa, establishing trading posts for several common types of tradable commodities at the time, ranging from gold to slaves, as they looked for a route to India and its spices, which were coveted in Europe. The Treaty of Tordesillas, intended to resolve the dispute that had been created following the return of Christopher Columbus, was made by Pope Alexander VI, the mediator between Portugal and Spain. It was signed on 7 June 1494, and divided the newly discovered lands outside Europe between the two countries along a meridian 370 leagues west of the Cape Verde islands (off the west coast of Africa). In 1498, Vasco da Gama accomplished what Columbus set out to do and became the first European to reach India by sea, bringing economic prosperity to Portugal and its population of 1.7 million residents, and helping to start the Portuguese Renaissance. In 1500, the Portuguese explorer Gaspar Corte-Real reached what is now Canada and founded the town of Portugal Cove-St. Philip's, Newfoundland and Labrador, long before the French and English in the 17th century, and being just one of many Portuguese colonizations of the Americas. In 1500, Pedro Álvares Cabral discovered Brazil and claimed it for Portugal. Ten years later, Afonso de Albuquerque conquered Goa in India, Muscat and Ormuz in the Persian Strait, and Malacca, now a state in Malaysia. Thus, the Portuguese empire held dominion over commerce in the Indian Ocean and South Atlantic. Portuguese sailors set out to reach Eastern Asia by sailing eastward from Europe, landing in such places as Taiwan, Japan, the island of Timor, and in the Moluccas. Although for a long period it was believed the Dutch were the first Europeans to arrive in Australia, there is also some evidence that the Portuguese may have discovered Australia in 1521. From 1519 to 1522, Ferdinand Magellan (Fernão de Magalhães) organized a Spanish expedition to the East Indies which resulted in the first circumnavigation of the globe. Magellan never made it back to Europe as he was killed by natives in the Philippines in 1521. The Treaty of Zaragoza, signed on 22 April 1529 between Portugal and Spain, specified the anti-meridian to the line of demarcation specified in the Treaty of Tordesillas. All these factors made Portugal one of the world's major economic, military, and political powers from the 15th century until the late 16th century.
After Christopher Columbus returned, a dispute arose between Portugal and Spain, which Pope Alexander VI mediated for the Treaty of Tordesillas. According to this joint treaty, the newly discovered lands beyond Europe are divided between the two countries along a meridian located 370 leagues west of the Cape Verde islands.
What is an archipelago
An archipelago (/ˌɑːrkəˈpɛləˌɡoʊ/ (listen) AR-kə-PEL-ə-goh), sometimes called an island group or island chain, is a chain, cluster, or collection of islands, or sometimes a sea containing a small number of scattered islands. Examples of archipelagos include: the Indonesian Archipelago, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, the Lakshadweep Islands, the Galápagos Islands, the Japanese archipelago, the Philippine Archipelago, the Maldives, the Balearic Islands, The Bahamas, the Aegean Islands, the Hawaiian Islands, the Canary Islands, Malta, the Azores, the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, the British Isles, the islands of the Archipelago Sea, and Shetland. They are sometimes defined by political boundaries. For example, the Gulf archipelago off the northeastern Pacific coast forms part of a larger archipelago that geographically includes Washington state's San Juan Islands; while the Gulf archipelago and San Juan Islands are geographically related, they are not technically included in the same archipelago due to manmade geopolitical borders.
An archipelago is a grouping, or clustering, of islands.
What is goal line technology in a soccer game?
The goal line technology is the use of electronic aid to determine if a goal has been scored or not. In detail, it is a method used to determine when the ball has completely crossed the goal line in between the goal-posts and underneath the crossbar with the assistance of electronic devices and at the same time assisting the referee in awarding a goal or not.
in which country could you spend a Kwanza
is security a great career
What is the distance from the Earth to its moon?
The average distance to the moon is 382,500 kilometers. The distance varies because the moon travels around Earth in a elliptical orbit. At perigee, the point at which the moon is closest to Earth, the distance is approximately 360,000 kilometers.
Should I take extra fuel when traveling to Alaska?
There are limited roads in Alaska, as well as northern Canada. While there are some gas stops along the way, options are limited and you might run out of gas in the wilderness. As Alaska is an extremely large state, being stranded in the middle of nowhere is potentially very harmful. It’s a very good idea to take extra fuel when taking a road trip to or through Alaska. Make sure you buy a proper gas can that will not dissolve when in contact with gasoline or diesel.
Why do we need robots?
Robots can be programmed to do complex work that are hard for humans to tackle or work in high risk or extreme conditions such as the rovers on Mars. Since robots are driven by electrical and mechanical energy, they are just like machines that accomplish complex tasks efficiently.
At what temperature does water boil?
While some say a "watched pot never boils," water reaches its boiling point at 100 degrees celsius or 212 degrees fahrenheit.
Given a reference text about Valery Moiseevich Leibin, tell me where he is a member of an editorial board and when he died.
Valery Moiseevich Leibin (born 8 March 1942 in the village of Khmelyovka in Zuevskiy district of Kirov region in Russia) is a Russian psychoanalyst, Ph.D., head of the department of history and theory of psychoanalysis in Institute of Psychoanalysis, Professor of Moscow State Medical Stomatological University, an honorary Doctor of East European Institute of Psychoanalysis, an honorary member of the interregional public organization Russian Psychoanalytical Society, a member of the Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences, a chief scientist of Institute for Systems Analysis of Russian Academy of Sciences, a member of the editorial boards of the "Russian Psychoanalytic Bulletin" (since 1991), the philosophic psychoanalytic journal "Archetype" (since 1996), "Psychoanalytic Review" (since 1997) and "Review of Psychoanalysis" (since 2005). According to the rating given by "Psychological newspaper" Valery Leibin is in the top ten most prominent psychoanalysts in Russia.
Valery Moiseevich Leibin is still alive. He is a member of the following editorial boards: - "Russian Psychoanalytic Bulletin" - "Archetype" - "Psychoanalytic Review" - "Review of Psychoanalysis"
Name three landlocked countries in Africa
Three landlocked countries in Africa are Chad, Zambia, and Botswana.
Who has been named as Kid of the year by Time Magazine?
Gitanjali Rao(Indian American)
Why do people move/sway during music?
Scientists believe we are born with a sense of rhythm and our bodies naturally react and behave to the sound of music in different ways.
Which are the main reasons for doing a PhD?
After completing the Master's degree, some students are really interested in contributing to specific field of Science. Curiosity, challenges, and the feeling that they are able to contribute their ideas and knowledge to a much broader ecosystem, are the main reasons that motivate students towards the PhD journey.
Why is cricket the most viewed sport in India?
The history of cricket spans many years. Despite the fact that it is not a local sport, it was somehow passed down by British colonialists who conquered India. From Kashmir to Kanyakumari, it is a sport that all Indians are passionate about and it will be hard to spot someone who never played the game here. In the world cup finals, Mahendra Singh Dhoni hit a six off the very last ball, which cricket fans will never forget. India currently has won two World Cups and has previously qualified for many pre-final entries. It's also important to note that women's cricket is becoming more and more popular.
Given the reference text about the American Rescue Plan Act, tell me how much money was authorized to be spent.
The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, also called the COVID-19 Stimulus Package or American Rescue Plan, is a US$1.9 trillion economic stimulus bill passed by the 117th United States Congress and signed into law by President Joe Biden on March 11, 2021, to speed up the country's recovery from the economic and health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing recession. First proposed on January 14, 2021, the package builds upon many of the measures in the CARES Act from March 2020 and in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, from December. Beginning on February 2, 2021, Democrats in the United States Senate started to open debates on a budget resolution that would allow them to pass the stimulus package through the process of reconciliation which would not require support from Republicans. The House of Representatives voted 218–212 to approve its version of the budget resolution. A so-called vote-a-rama session started two days later after the resolution was approved, and the Senate introduced amendments in the relief package. The day after, Vice President Kamala Harris cast her first tie-breaking vote as vice president in order to give the Senate's approval to start the reconciliation process, with the House following suit by voting 219–209 to agree to the Senate version of the resolution. On February 8, 2021, the Financial Services and Education and Labor committees released a draft of $1.9 trillion stimulus legislation. A portion of the relief package was approved by the House Ways and Means on February 11, setting it up for a vote in the House. The legislation was also approved by the Transportation and Infrastructure, Small Business, and House Veterans Affairs committees. On February 22, the House Budget Committee voted 19–16 to advance the bill to the House for a floor vote. The bill passed the House by a vote of 219–212 on February 27. All but two Democrats voted for the bill and all Republicans voted against the bill. A modified version passed the Senate on March 6 by a vote of 50–49. The final amended bill was passed by the House on March 10 by a vote of 220–211 with one Democrat voting against it with all Republicans. The bill was signed into law by President Biden on March 11, 2021, which was the first anniversary of COVID-19 being declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization.
The American Rescue Plan authorized $1.9T of economic stimulus to be spent.
Why is Dunkin' Donuts so popular?
Dunkin Donuts is a coffee and donut franchise with particularly high concentration in the Northeast United States, which is colloquially referred to as New England. Although the quality of the coffee is mediocre and the donuts tend to taste like plastic, Dunkin' Donuts (now re-branded as Dunkin') carries a special place in the heart of many New Englanders. Perhaps it's the the fact that you are rarely more than 10 miles away from a Dunkin' franchise at any given time, or perhaps it is their blatant obsession with New England professional sports teams. Either way, Dunkin' has established itself as a household name and weekday staple for many coffee drinkers in the frigid Northeast.
Given this paragraph about magnesium, what is the boiling point of magnesium in celsius?
Elemental magnesium is a gray-white lightweight metal, two-thirds the density of aluminium. Magnesium has the lowest melting (923 K (650 °C)) and the lowest boiling point 1,363 K (1,090 °C) of all the alkaline earth metals.
The boiling point of magnesium is 1,090 °C.
Linus Torwalds invented and wrote what
Linux computer operating system
What is the nature of god, from a logical perspective?
Assuming god exists, one can think of the nature of god in two dimensions: is god active or passive, and is god benevolent or indifferent? Therefore, god is either active and benevolent, active and indifferent, passive and benevolent, or passive and indifferent. If god is active and benevolent, then all the bad things that happen would not happen, so this combination is unlikely. If god is active, god would likely be benevolent, so an indifferent active god seems a low probability. If god is benevolent, one would think they would be active, so a benevolent passive god seems a remote possibility. That leaves as the likeliest scenario a god that is passive and indifferent.
What does zan zendegi azadi mean?
Zan zendegi azadi translates from Farsi to woman, life, freedom.
Where do we find Asiatic lions in India?
Gujarat is the only state in India with a Lion population and Ghir national forest is home to many of the Asiatic lions. Lions were protected in India after Governments started establishing National reserve forests across the country.
Why do people think that cricket is a boring sport?
People think that cricket is a boring sport because they fundamentally do not understand how the various forms of the game work and what their respective laws are. They are blind to its beauty. There are three main forms of cricket, T20 (lasting approximately three to four hrs), One Day (lasting a playing day) and First Class/Test Matches (lasting four to five playing days). Each form of the game includes specific laws but fundamentally the objective is to score more runs than your opponents whilst giving away fewer wickets. It is a game of real skill and strategy, requiring physical fitness, agility, strength and stamina as well as mental rigour, concentration, resilience and also stamina. In the longest form of the game, it is indeed a possible outcome that two teams can play each other for five days and a DRAW is still possible. It is the hardest sport in the world to win if you can play for five days and still not win! How can anyone say that's boring...?
Who created Tetris?
Tetris was created by soviet software engineer Alexey Pajitnov in 1984. It was later bought by Nintendo and became one of the most popular games ever, selling over 35 million copies.
Name some of the bravolebrities from The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills
Crystal Kung Minkoff, Dorit Kemsley, Erika Jayne, Lisa Rinna, Garcelle Beauvais, Kyle Richards, Sutton Stracke and Kathy Hilton
How object-oriented programming is different from functional programming?
Functional programming focuses on functions, whereas object-oriented programming focuses on classes and respective objects.
What is the last step before a star collapses into a black hole?
Stars that have a higher mass than about 2.2 solar masses (the mass of our Sun) will typically collapse into black holes at the end of their life cycle when fusion has stopped and no longer pushes out against the inward pull of gravity. For stars of this mass, their inward pull of gravity is too strong to be resisted by other forces, thus their fate is to become black holes. However, stars under this limit and above the Chandrasekhar limit of 1.4 solar masses will end their lifecycles as neutron stars. Neutron stars are also the remnants of dead stars but since they have a smaller mass, their gravity is not enough for them to cross into becoming black holes. As the dead star compresses and becomes more and more dense, regular matter is turned into neutrons and the last force to resist the pull of gravity is called degenerate neutron pressure, which is a quantum effect that dictates that no two neutrons may be in the same quantum state. This creates an outward pressure that resists the pull of gravity and settles the star into a neutron star. If more mass is added later, from a star companion or other sources, once the star's mass crosses the limit of around 2.2 solar masses even degenerate neutron pressure isn't enough to balance gravity and the star will collapse into a black hole.
Does Belgrandia varica live in the ocean?
Belgrandia varica is a species of minute freshwater snail with an operculum, an aquatic gastropod mollusc or micromollusc in the family Hydrobiidae.
No, Belgrandia varica lives in freshwater.
Test from Mike
Answer from Mike
What is a persona?
A persona is a fictional character that embodies the characteristics and traits of a particular group. Personas can be leveraged to efficiently identify and target a stakeholder's unique needs, common tasks they perform, and challenges they face.
How do you keep you dog happy?
Keeping you dog happy can consist of many things. Firstly, it’s important that they are getting enough nutrients in their food. Alongside diet, frequent exercise will keep them entertained and exposed to the wider world, including socialising with other dogs. Dogs also love it when they get attention. Ensure that you give your dog a lot of love, plenty of cuddles, and of course, the occasional treat.
What kind of species is the Olivella rehderi
Olivella rehderi is a species of small sea snail, marine gastropod mollusk in the subfamily Olivellinae, in the family Olividae, the olives. Species in the genus Olivella are commonly called dwarf olives.
How many people were present in West Berlin when US President JFK delivered his infamous "Ich bin ein Berliner" speech?
Approximately one million people were in attendance on June 26, 1963.
Who is called Napoleon of Iran?
Nadir Shah
What year did the Star Wars Trilogy premier in theaters?
The three films that consist of the original Star Wars Trilogy were released between 1977 and 1983. The films are below, listed in chronological order with their respective release dates: - Star Wars (1977) - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) - Return of the Jedi (1983) Following the original trilogy, another three films referred to as the prequel trilogy was released from 1999-2005: - The Phantom Menace (1999) - Attack of the Clones (2002) - Revenge of the Sith (2005) The most recent, sequel trilogy was released between 2015 and 2019: - The Force Awakens (2015) - The Last Jedi (2017) - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
What does a lawyer do?
A lawyer helps to interpret laws and rules for business, and individuals. If needed they will help their clients execute a lawsuit in court on their behalf by presenting facts verbally and written. If they are not going to court they can also help with legal issues and documentation, contracts, wills, and appeals. An example of a lawyer is a patent or divorce lawyer. Another name for a lawyer is an attorney.
What type of model is the Citroen C4 Cactus?
The Citroën C4 Cactus is a subcompact crossover SUV, produced by French automaker Citroën in Spain between April 2014 and December 2017, with production of the second generation commencing in October 2017 (until May 2020 in Villaverde), with the final months of production being disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The C4 Cactus is considered a compact SUV, although it is based on the PSA PF1 platform that underpins the smaller Citroën C3 and DS3. A distinctive design feature is the "AirBump" panels on the car's sides, designed to protect the vehicle from damage in car parks. The Citroën Cactus Concept, presented at the 2013 Frankfurt Motor Show, previewed the production version. The C4 Cactus was presented at the 2014 Geneva Motor Show.
The Citroen C4 Cactus is a subcompact crossover SUV produced by Citroen, a French automaker.
What was the name of the last team Pele played professionally?
Edson Arantes do Nascimento (Brazilian Portuguese: [ˈɛdsõ aˈɾɐ̃tʃiz du nasiˈmẽtu]; 23 October 1940 – 29 December 2022), better known by his nickname Pelé (Portuguese pronunciation: [peˈlɛ]), was a Brazilian professional footballer who played as a forward. Widely regarded as one of the greatest players of all time, he was among the most successful and popular sports figures of the 20th century. In 1999, he was named Athlete of the Century by the International Olympic Committee and was included in the Time list of the 100 most important people of the 20th century. In 2000, Pelé was voted World Player of the Century by the International Federation of Football History & Statistics (IFFHS) and was one of the two joint winners of the FIFA Player of the Century. His 1,279 goals in 1,363 games, which includes friendlies, is recognised as a Guinness World Record. Pelé began playing for Santos at age 15 and the Brazil national team at 16. During his international career, he won three FIFA World Cups: 1958, 1962 and 1970, the only player to do so and the youngest player to win a World Cup (17). He was nicknamed O Rei (The King) following the 1958 tournament. Pelé is the joint-top goalscorer for Brazil with 77 goals in 92 games. At the club level, he was Santos's all-time top goalscorer with 643 goals in 659 games. In a golden era for Santos, he led the club to the 1962 and 1963 Copa Libertadores, and to the 1962 and 1963 Intercontinental Cup. Credited with connecting the phrase "The Beautiful Game" with football, Pelé's "electrifying play and penchant for spectacular goals" made him a star around the world, and his teams toured internationally to take full advantage of his popularity. During his playing days, Pelé was for a period the best-paid athlete in the world. After retiring in 1977, Pelé was a worldwide ambassador for football and made many acting and commercial ventures. In 2010, he was named the honorary president of the New York Cosmos. Averaging almost a goal per game throughout his career, Pelé was adept at striking the ball with either foot in addition to anticipating his opponents' movements on the field. While predominantly a striker, he could also drop deep and take on a playmaking role, providing assists with his vision and passing ability, and he would also use his dribbling skills to go past opponents. In Brazil, he was hailed as a national hero for his accomplishments in football and for his outspoken support of policies that improve the social conditions of the poor. His emergence at the 1958 World Cup, where he became a black global sporting star, was a source of inspiration. Throughout his career and in his retirement, Pelé received numerous individual and team awards for his performance on the field, his record-breaking achievements, and his legacy in the sport. Early years Born in Três Corações in Minas Gerais state in Brazil in 1940, Pelé has a street named after him in the city – Rua Edson Arantes do Nascimento. A statue of Pelé is also prominently placed in a plaza near the city's downtown. Pelé was born Edson Arantes do Nascimento on 23 October 1940 in Três Corações, Minas Gerais, the son of Fluminense footballer Dondinho (born João Ramos do Nascimento) and Celeste Arantes. He was the elder of two siblings, with brother Zoca also playing for Santos, albeit not as successfully. He was named after the American inventor Thomas Edison. His parents decided to remove the "i" and call him "Edson", but there was a typo on his birth certificate, leading many documents to show his name as "Edison", not "Edson", as he was called. He was originally nicknamed "Dico" by his family. He received the nickname "Pelé" during his school days, when, it is claimed, he was given it because of his pronunciation of the name of his favourite player, local Vasco da Gama goalkeeper Bilé, which he misspoke, but the more he complained the more it stuck. In his autobiography released in 2006, Pelé stated he had no idea what the name means, nor did his old friends. Apart from the assertion that the name is derived from that of "Bilé", the word has no meaning in Portuguese.[note 2] Pelé grew up in poverty in Bauru in the state of São Paulo. He earned extra money by working in tea shops as a servant. Taught to play by his father, he could not afford a proper football and usually played with either a sock stuffed with newspaper and tied with string or a grapefruit. He played for several amateur teams in his youth, including Sete de Setembro, Canto do Rio, São Paulinho, and Ameriquinha. Pelé led Bauru Atlético Clube juniors (coached by Waldemar de Brito) to two São Paulo state youth championships. In his mid-teens, he played for an indoor football team called Radium. Indoor football had just become popular in Bauru when Pelé began playing it. He was part of the first futsal (indoor football) competition in the region. Pelé and his team won the first championship and several others. According to Pelé, futsal (indoor football) presented difficult challenges: he said it was a lot quicker than football on the grass, and that players were required to think faster because everyone is close to each other in the pitch. Pelé credits futsal for helping him think better on the spot. In addition, futsal allowed him to play with adults when he was about 14 years old. In one of the tournaments he participated in, he was initially considered too young to play, but eventually went on to end up top scorer with 14 or 15 goals. "That gave me a lot of confidence", Pelé said, "I knew then not to be afraid of whatever might come". Club career Santos Main article: Os Santásticos 1956–1962: Early years with Santos and declared a national treasure Pelé in 1962, by then rated the best player in the world In 1956, de Brito took Pelé to Santos, an industrial and port city located near São Paulo, to try out for professional club Santos FC, telling the club's directors that the 15-year-old would be "the greatest football player in the world." Pelé impressed Santos coach Lula during his trial at the Estádio Vila Belmiro, and he signed a professional contract with the club in June 1956. Pelé was highly promoted in the local media as a future superstar. He made his senior team debut on 7 September 1956 at the age of 15 against Corinthians de Santo André and had an impressive performance in a 7–1 victory, scoring the first goal in his prolific career during the match. When the 1957 season started, Pelé was given a starting place in the first team and, at the age of 16, became the top scorer in the league. Ten months after signing professionally, the teenager was called up to the Brazil national team. After the 1958 and the 1962 World Cup, wealthy European clubs, such as Real Madrid, Juventus and Manchester United, tried to sign him in vain. In 1958, Inter Milan even managed to get him a regular contract, but Angelo Moratti was forced to tear the contract up at the request of Santos's chairman following a revolt by Santos's Brazilian fans. Valencia CF also arranged an agreement that would have brought Pelé to the club after the 1958 World Cup, however after his performances at the tournament Santos declined to let the player leave. In 1961 the government of Brazil under President Jânio Quadros declared Pelé an "official national treasure" to prevent him from being transferred out of the country. Pelé won his first major title with Santos in 1958 as the team won the Campeonato Paulista; he would finish the tournament as the top scorer, with 58 goals, a record that still stands today. A year later, he would help the team earn their first victory in the Torneio Rio-São Paulo with a 3–0 over Vasco da Gama. However, Santos was unable to retain the Paulista title. In 1960, Pelé scored 33 goals to help his team regain the Campeonato Paulista trophy but lost out on the Rio-São Paulo tournament after finishing in 8th place. In the 1960 season, Pelé scored 47 goals and helped Santos regain the Campeonato Paulista. The club went on to win the Taça Brasil that same year, beating Bahia in the finals; Pelé finished as the top scorer of the tournament with nine goals. The victory allowed Santos to participate in the Copa Libertadores, the most prestigious club tournament in the Western hemisphere. 1962–1965: Copa Libertadores success "I arrived hoping to stop a great man, but I went away convinced I had been undone by someone who was not born on the same planet as the rest of us." —Benfica goalkeeper Costa Pereira following the loss to Santos in 1962. Santos's most successful Copa Libertadores season started in 1962; the team was seeded in Group One alongside Cerro Porteño and Deportivo Municipal Bolivia, winning every match of their group but one (a 1–1 away tie versus Cerro). Santos defeated Universidad Católica in the semi-finals and met defending champions Peñarol in the finals. Pelé scored twice in the playoff match to secure the first title for a Brazilian club. Pelé finished as the second top scorer of the competition with four goals. That same year, Santos would successfully defend the Campeonato Paulista (with 37 goals from Pelé) and the Taça Brasil (Pelé scoring four goals in the final series against Botafogo). Santos would also win the 1962 Intercontinental Cup against Benfica. Wearing his number 10 shirt, Pelé produced one of the best performances of his career, scoring a hat-trick in Lisbon as Santos won 5–2. Pelé with Santos in the Netherlands, October 1962 Pelé states that his most memorable goal was scored at the Estádio Rua Javari on a Campeonato Paulista match against São Paulo rival Clube Atlético Juventus on 2 August 1959. As there is no video footage of this match, Pelé asked that a computer animation be made of this specific goal. In March 1961, Pelé scored the gol de placa (goal worthy of a plaque), against Fluminense at the Maracanã. Pelé received the ball on the edge of his own penalty area, and ran the length of the field, eluding opposition players with feints, before striking the ball beyond the goalkeeper. A plaque was commissioned with a dedication to "the most beautiful goal in the history of the Maracanã". Pelé before facing Boca Juniors in the second leg of the 1963 Copa Libertadores Finals at La Bombonera. As the defending champions, Santos qualified automatically to the semi-final stage of the 1963 Copa Libertadores. The balé branco (white ballet), the nickname given to Santos at the time, managed to retain the title after victories over Botafogo and Boca Juniors. Pelé helped Santos overcome a Botafogo team that featured Brazilian greats such as Garrincha and Jairzinho with a last-minute goal in the first leg of the semi-finals which made it 1–1. In the second leg, Pelé scored a hat-trick in the Estádio do Maracanã as Santos won, 0–4, in the second leg. Santos started the final series by winning, 3–2, in the first leg and defeating Boca Juniors 1–2, in La Bombonera. It was a rare feat in official competitions, with another goal from Pelé. Santos became the first Brazilian team to lift the Copa Libertadores in Argentine soil. Pelé finished the tournament with five goals. Santos lost the Campeonato Paulista after finishing in third place but went on to win the Rio-São Paulo tournament after a 0–3 win over Flamengo in the final, with Pelé scoring one goal. Pelé would also help Santos retain the Intercontinental Cup and the Taça Brasil against AC Milan and Bahia respectively. In the 1964 Copa Libertadores, Santos was beaten in both legs of the semi-finals by Independiente. The club won the Campeonato Paulista, with Pelé netting 34 goals. Santos also shared the Rio-São Paulo title with Botafogo and won the Taça Brasil for the fourth consecutive year. In the 1965 Copa Libertadores, Santos reached the semi-finals and met Peñarol in a rematch of the 1962 final. After two matches, a playoff was needed to break the tie. Unlike 1962, Peñarol came out on top and eliminated Santos 2–1. Pelé would, however, finish as the top scorer of the tournament with eight goals. 1966–1974: O Milésimo and final years with Santos In 1966, Santos failed to retain the Taça Brasil as Pelé's goals were not enough to prevent a 9–4 defeat by Cruzeiro (led by Tostão) in the final series. The club did, however, win the Campeonato Paulista in 1967, 1968, and 1969. On 19 November 1969, Pelé scored his 1,000th goal in all competitions, in what was a highly anticipated moment in Brazil. The goal dubbed O Milésimo (The Thousandth), occurred in a match against Vasco da Gama, when Pelé scored from a penalty kick, at the Maracanã Stadium. In 1969, the two factions involved in the Nigerian Civil War agreed to a 48-hour ceasefire so they could watch Pelé play an exhibition game in Lagos. Santos ended up playing to a 2–2 draw with Lagos side Stationary Stores FC and Pelé scored his team's goals. The civil war went on for one more year after this game. During his time at Santos, Pelé played alongside many gifted players, including Zito, Pepe, and Coutinho; the latter partnered him in numerous one-two plays, attacks, and goals. After Pelé's 19th season with Santos, he left Brazilian football. Pelé's 643 goals for Santos were the most goals scored for a single club until it was surpassed by Lionel Messi of Barcelona in December 2020. New York Cosmos Pelé signing a football for US president Richard Nixon at the White House in 1973, two years before joining the New York Cosmos After the 1974 season (his 19th with Santos), Pelé retired from Brazilian club football although he continued to occasionally play for Santos in official competitive matches. A year later, he came out of semi-retirement to sign with the New York Cosmos of the North American Soccer League (NASL) for the 1975 season. At a chaotic press conference at New York's 21 Club, the Cosmos unveiled Pelé. John O'Reilly, the club's media spokesman, stated, "We had superstars in the United States but nothing at the level of Pelé. Everyone wanted to touch him, shake his hand, get a photo with him." Though well past his prime at this point, Pelé was credited with significantly increasing public awareness and interest of the sport in the US. During his first public appearance in Boston, he was injured by a crowd of fans who had surrounded him and was evacuated on a stretcher. Pelé entering the field to play his first game with the Cosmos, 15 June 1975 Pelé made his debut for the Cosmos on 15 June 1975 against the Dallas Tornado at Downing Stadium, scoring one goal in a 2–2 draw. Pelé opened the door for many other stars to play in North America. Giorgio Chinaglia followed him to the Cosmos, then Franz Beckenbauer and his former Santos teammate Carlos Alberto. Over the next few years other players came to the league, including Johan Cruyff, Eusébio, Bobby Moore, George Best and Gordon Banks. In 1975, one week before the Lebanese Civil War, Pelé played a friendly game for the Lebanese club Nejmeh against a team of Lebanese Premier League stars, scoring two goals which were not included in his official tally. On the day of the game, 40,000 spectators were at the stadium from early morning to watch the match. Pelé led the Cosmos to the 1977 Soccer Bowl, in his third and final season with the club. In June 1977, the Cosmos attracted an NASL record 62,394 fans to Giants Stadium for a 3–0 victory past the Tampa Bay Rowdies with a 37-year-old Pelé scoring a hat-trick. In the first leg of the quarter-finals, they attracted a US record crowd of 77,891 for what turned into an 8–3 rout of the Fort Lauderdale Strikers at Giants Stadium. In the second leg of the semi-finals against the Rochester Lancers, the Cosmos won 4–1. Pelé finished his official playing career on 28 August 1977, by leading the New York Cosmos to their second Soccer Bowl title with a 2–1 win over the Seattle Sounders at the Civic Stadium in Portland, Oregon. On 1 October 1977, Pelé closed out his career in an exhibition match between the Cosmos and Santos. The match was played in front of a sold-out crowd at Giants Stadium and was televised in the US on ABC's Wide World of Sports as well as throughout the world. Pelé's father and wife both attended the match, as well as Muhammad Ali and Bobby Moore. Delivering a message to the audience before the start of the game—"Love is more important than what we can take in life"—Pelé played the first half with the Cosmos, the second with Santos. The game ended with the Cosmos winning 2–1, with Pelé scoring with a 30-yard free-kick for the Cosmos in what was the final goal of his career. During the second half, it started to rain, prompting a Brazilian newspaper to come out with the headline the following day: "Even The Sky Was Crying."
Pele's last football club was New York Cosmos of the North American Soccer League, for which he played during 3 seasons, ending his professional career in 1977.
What was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter
Tutankamen tomb
Explain Ionizing radiation as a twelve years old kid.
Ionizing radiation is caused when a very heavy atom emits a particle at the speed of light called ionizing radiation. On contact with a material, either the atom absorbs the ionizing particle or The ionizing particle breaks the atom in two and forms two ionizing particles which can create a chain reaction. There are three kinds of ionizing particles: alpha, beta and gamma Alpha particles react a lot with matter but travel a very short distance. Beta particles react less than alpha particles with matter but travel a very short distance. Alpha particles react less than alpha particles with matter but travel a longer distance than alpha particles. Gamma particles react less with matter than beta particles but travel a longer distance than beta particles.
where do you stay ?
As I am an artificial intelligence language model, I suppose i stay in the software part of the internet and i do exist as a program. However, i would like to stay in your heart and answer all your heart desired queries :)
The only known monotremes in the animal kingdom are the echidna and which other creature?
The platypus.
What is the Monty Hall problem?
The Monty Hall problem is a probability brain teaser that many consider to be counterintuitive. The problem is stated as follows: Imagine you are a contestant on a game show and the host shows you 3 doors. Behind one of the doors is a car and behind the other two are goats. The prizes have been randomly assigned to the doors and you want to win the car. The host allows you to pick one of the doors as a first selection. Then, the host opens one of the remaining doors and reveals a goat is behind it. The host now allows you to decide if you want to switch from your selected door to the remaining unopened door. Should you switch, to maximize your probability of winning the car? Most people believe switching does not improve your probability of winning the car. However switching does increase your probability of winning the car from 1/3 to 2/3. An intuitive way to understand this problem is by first considering the initial state. At your first selection the probability that you have selected the right door is 1/3 and the probability that the car remains behind one of the two unselected doors is 2/3. Then the host reveals more information. The host reveals that one of the unselected doors does not have the car behind it. The probability that the originally unselected doors must have the car behind one of them is still 2/3, but you now know one of them specifically which does not have the car. Therefore, the remaining unopened unselected door must have a probability of 2/3 to contain the car, and your originally selected door must have a probability of 1/3. When offered the chance, you should switch to maximize your chances of winning the car.
What is the list of football clubs in England by competitive honours won?
This article lists English association football clubs whose men's sides have won competitive honours run by official governing bodies. Friendly competitions and matches organized between clubs are not included. The football associations FIFA and UEFA run international and European competitions; while The Football Association, and its mostly self-governing subsidiary bodies the English Football League and Premier League, run national competitions. The European governing body UEFA was founded in 1954, and created their first and most prestigious competition, the European Cup, the next year. It was expanded and renamed in 1992 as the UEFA Champions League. Liverpool hold the English record, with six wins. Parallel to UEFA, various officials created the Inter-Cities Fairs Cup in 1955, but this competition was disbanded when UEFA created the replacement tournament, UEFA Cup, in 1971 (renamed the UEFA Europa League in 2009) The English record number of Europa League wins is three, also held by Liverpool. Another competition absorbed into the UEFA Cup, in 1999, was the UEFA Cup Winners' Cup, which was created in 1960 and featured the winners of national knockout competitions The winners of this competition played the European Cup winners in the UEFA Super Cup, starting in 1972 (recognised by UEFA in 1973), which now features the winners of the Champions League and Europa League.Liverpool also hold the English record, with four wins, in the UEFA Super Cup. The International Football Cup, also known as the UEFA Intertoto Cup, was a competition for clubs not participating in the European Cup, UEFA Cup or Cup Winners' Cup. The tournament commenced in 1961, but UEFA officially recognised it only in 1995, and discontinued in 2008, with the Europa League expanded to accommodate Intertoto Cup clubs. UEFA and CONMEBOL also created an intercontinental competition in 1960, the Intercontinental Cup, featuring continental champions from both associations. In 2000, the international governing body FIFA created the FIFA Club World Cup and in 2004 the Intercontinental Cup was merged into it. Manchester United are the only English club to have won the Intercontinental Cup, while United, Chelsea and Liverpool are the only English teams to have lifted the Club World Cup. England's first competition organised by a national body, the FA Cup, began in the 1871–72 season, making it one of the oldest football competitions in the world.Arsenal hold the record number of wins, with 14. League football began in the next decade with the founding of The Football League in 1888–89. The name First Division was adopted in 1892, when The Football League gained a second division. The First Division remained the highest division of the English league system until 1992, when the Premier League was founded. Manchester United have won the most top division titles, 20. The English equivalent of the super cup began in 1898 with the inauguration of the Sheriff of London Charity Shield, pitting the best professional and amateur sides of the year against each other. The trophy would develop into the FA Charity Shield in 1908, which was later renamed the FA Community Shield in 2002. Manchester United also hold the record here, with 21 wins. The Football League created its own knockout competition in 1960, the League Cup. Its current record is nine wins, held by Liverpool. The Anglo-Italian League Cup was created in 1969 to match English cup winners against the winners of the Coppa Italia, and was permanently disbanded in 1976. In 1985, the Full Members' Cup and Football League Super Cup were created as substitutes for UEFA competitions after UEFA responded to the Heysel Stadium disaster by banning English clubs. They finished in 1992 and 1986, respectively. The Football League Centenary Trophy marked The Football League's 100th birthday, in the 1988–89 season Lower down in the hierarchy of English football are many other competitions, not included in the tables on this page. These include competitions run by the above national governing bodies, but organised for clubs ineligible for higher competitions. For example, the Texaco Cup and EFL Trophy. Regional competitions are organised by County Football Associations. In the years when league football was unavailable or only available to northern and midlands clubs, the county competitions coexisted with the FA Cup as the main tournaments for clubs. Nowadays, county cups are contested by lower or regional division teams and those that still participate generally field youth or reserve sides.
What is kindergarten?
Kindergarten is the first year of public school education, for children who are 5 or 6 years old. The curriculum helps children learn their colors, shapes, numbers, letters, and letter sounds with the goal of helping children to read independently by the end of the school year.
What are some of the languages spoken in Spain?
Most languages spoken in Spain belong to the Romance language family, of which Spanish is the only language which has the "official" status for the whole country. There are other languages that have recognized status in specific territories such as: Basque in the Basque Country, Catalan spoken in Catalonia, Valencian in the Valencian community and Gallician the adjancent western parts of the principality of Asturias.
What is a 4x4?
A 4x4 is a type of vehicle with four wheel drive. It is also know as a SUV, a sports utility vehicle. They are typically higher off the ground than standard cars, with more room inside the cabin. 4x4s typically are heavier with poorer handling, but have the capacity to drive off-road and cope with poor weather conditions much better.
What is the capital of Norway and when was it founded?
Oslo is the capital of Norway. It was founded as a city at the end of the Viking Age in 1040 and was given the name Ánslo in 1048 by Harald Hardrada. Haakon V of Norway declared Oslo the capital around 1300. The city was destroyed by a fire in 1624 and then rebuilt.