3 values
What are the ingredients in panch phuran?
Panch phoron, panch phodan or pancha phutana is a whole spice blend, originating from the eastern part of the Indian subcontinent and used especially in the cuisine of Eastern India and Northeastern India, especially in the cuisine of Bhojpur, Mithila, Odisha, Bengal and Nepal. The name literally means "five spices". All of the spices in panch phoron are seeds. Typically, panch phoron consists of fenugreek seed, nigella seed, cumin seed, black mustard seed and fennel seed in equal parts. Some cooks prefer to use a smaller proportion of fenugreek seeds, because of their mildly bitter taste.
Panch phuran, also known as panch phoron, comprises of the following spices in equal parts: cumin seeds, fenugreek seeds, black mustard seeds, fennel seeds and nigella seeds.
In Digital Marketing, what is the difference between SEO and SEM?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and it focuses on the creation and enhancement of webpages to improve their rankings in organic search results. SEM stands for Search Engine Marketing and it focuses on the use of paid advertisements to rank at the top of Search Engine Results Page.
What is the difference between the Masters and the U.S. Open in golf?
The Masters is one of the four majors that is played every year in golf and is the only major that is played at the same course each year. Every year the Masters is played in April at Augusta National golf course and it is the first major of the year. The U.S. Open is another one of the golf majors and is played at a different course every year, although some courses are repeated once every 8-10 years. The tournament is normally played in the summer and gives the opportunity for amateur golfers all over the U.S. to qualify and play with the professionals.
How are Social Security and Medicare in the USA funded?
Social Security and Medicare in the USA are funded through payroll taxes on income. Both employees and employers are required to pay payroll taxes.
What is the name of the gruff and tough female Viper pilot on the 2003 reboot of "Battlestar Galactica"?
Kara "Starbuck" Thrace
What's the best way to potty train a puppy?
You just adopted a puppy, congratulations! There are many methods to successfully house-train or potty-train puppies. First, it's important to remain patient and diligent around maintaining a strict schedule for feeding, rest, play and potty times. This should start the moment your puppy arrives as this is going to set them and you up for success. Second, when accidents happen, which will occur for the first few weeks, remember to be patient and kind to your puppy. This will develop a deep sense of trust in you as the authority figure in the home. Generally, puppies need to be let outside to go potty outside within a secure area after waking, playtime and after every meal. It's important not to confuse potty time with playtime and that your puppy is placed safely in a crate or gated area if they aren't being watched closely. How do you know when your puppy needs to go potty? Most puppies will begin sniffing the ground when they need to go potty so if you witness this happening indoors, quickly usher your puppy outside or to a training pad. It's important to provide your puppy a lot of praise for a job well done. For some puppies, verbal praise from their family member while providing them with a small treat will help your puppy make the connection that going potty in the appropriate area is a very good thing for them and for you.
Where does the word plumbing originate from?
"Plumbing" originates from the original name for Lead (Pb), Plumbum, which is what most pipes were made from at the time.
What is a Romance language?
A romance language refers to the language family of languages which are derived from Latin, which are spoken in many areas that were a part of the Ancient Roman empire.
what type of economy is China?
mixed economy: the socialist market economy (SME) is the economic system and model of economic development employed in the People's Republic of China
Why is aluminum wiring in a home dangerous?
When current is passed through a 10ft aluminum wire in a home, the wire can expand up to 3 inches. When the current ends, the wire can shrink up to 3 inches. This can cause wires to pull from electrical boxes and connections, as well as wear through their protective coating when touching parts of the house. Wires are typically hidden within walls and ceilings, and if connections are broken or wires become exposed, the electrical current can start fires.
I need to plan a wedding and I have no idea where to start. Will you help me brainstorm a few things I should do?
Your wedding a celebration of you and partners love. Here are a couple ideas of where to start. 1. Sit down with your partner and each share you respective vision, hopes and dreams for your wedding. Listen intently and take notes to what your partner says. 2. Make a list of the people you would want at your wedding. Tier each potential invite as Tier 1,2 and 3 and who's side they represent (you, your partner, or both). 3. Identify a preliminary budget based on what you can afford to spend. 4. Make a list of the most important things to you and your partner, in priority order (venue, band, flowers, dress, etc.) 5. Evaluate hiring a wedding planner to assist you in your planning efforts. Good luck as you begin this exciting process!
I have 3 apples, Jack has 4 pears and Jill has 5 books. After I ate two of Jack's pears, how many fruits we have in total now?
Apples and Pears are fruits, while books are not fruits. So before I ate two pears, we have 3+4=7 fruits in total. After I ate two pears, we have 7-2 = 5 fruits in total.
Who founded the city of Price, Quebec?
It was the arrival of the Price Brothers and Company (of William Evan Price) that the village of Price was founded at the end of the 19th century. It was a suburb of Saint-Octave-de-Métis, which constituted a community of workers, who were employed at the saw mill.
The Price Brothers and Company
Based on the reference text, why was the eastern section of the bridge rebuilt?
The San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge, known locally as the Bay Bridge, is a complex of bridges spanning San Francisco Bay in California. As part of Interstate 80 and the direct road between San Francisco and Oakland, it carries about 260,000 vehicles a day on its two decks. It has one of the longest spans in the United States. The toll bridge was conceived as early as the California Gold Rush days, with "Emperor" Joshua Norton famously advocating for it, but construction did not begin until 1933. Designed by Charles H. Purcell, and built by American Bridge Company, it opened on Thursday, November 12, 1936, six months before the Golden Gate Bridge. It originally carried automobile traffic on its upper deck, with trucks, cars, buses and commuter trains on the lower, but after the Key System abandoned rail service on April 20, 1958, the lower deck was converted to all-road traffic as well. On October 12, 1963, traffic was reconfigured to one way traffic on each deck, westbound on the upper deck, and eastbound on the lower deck, with trucks and buses allowed on the upper deck. In 1986, the bridge was unofficially dedicated to former California Governor James Rolph. The bridge has two sections of roughly equal length; the older western section, officially known as the Willie L. Brown Jr. Bridge (after former San Francisco Mayor and California State Assembly Speaker Willie L. Brown Jr.), connects downtown San Francisco to Yerba Buena Island, and the newer unnamed eastern section connects the island to Oakland. The western section is a double suspension bridge with two decks, westbound traffic being carried on the upper deck while eastbound is carried on the lower one. The largest span of the original eastern section was a cantilever bridge. During the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, a portion of the eastern section's upper deck collapsed onto the lower deck and the bridge was closed for a month. Reconstruction of the eastern section of the bridge as a causeway connected to a self-anchored suspension bridge began in 2002; the new eastern section opened September 2, 2013, at a reported cost of over $6.5 billion; the original estimate of $250 million was for a seismic retrofit of the existing span. Unlike the western section and the original eastern section of the bridge, the new eastern section is a single deck carrying all eastbound and westbound lanes. Demolition of the old east span was completed on September 8, 2018.
The eastern section of the bridge was rebuilt because a portion of its upper deck collapsed onto the lower deck during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake.
What are all the different types of alpaca breeds?
The alpaca comes in two breeds, Suri and Huacaya, based on their fibers rather than scientific or European classifications. Huacaya alpacas are the most commonly found, constituting about 90% of the population. The Huacaya alpaca is thought to have originated in post-colonial Peru. This is due to their thicker fleece which makes them more suited to survive in the higher altitudes of the Andes after being pushed into the highlands of Peru with the arrival of the Spanish. Suri alpacas represent a smaller portion of the total alpaca population, around 10%. They are thought to have been more prevalent in pre-Columbian Peru since they could be kept at a lower altitude where a thicker fleece was not needed for harsh weather conditions.
From this summary of how Bilbo found the Ring in The Hobbit, how did Bilbo beat Gollum at the Riddle game?
As told in The Hobbit, Bilbo found the Ring while lost in the tunnels near Gollum's lair. In the first edition, Gollum offers to surrender the Ring to Bilbo as a reward for winning the Riddle Game. When Tolkien was writing The Lord of the Rings, he realized that the Ring's grip on Gollum would never permit him to give it up willingly. He therefore revised The Hobbit: in the second edition, after losing the Riddle Game to Bilbo, Gollum went to get his "Precious" to help him kill and eat Bilbo, but found the Ring missing. Deducing from Bilbo's last question—"What have I got in my pocket?"—that Bilbo had found the Ring, Gollum chased him through the caves, not realizing that Bilbo had discovered the Ring's power of invisibility and was following him to the cave's mouth. Bilbo escaped Gollum and the goblins by remaining invisible, but he chose not to tell Gandalf and the dwarves that the Ring had made him invisible. Instead he told them a story that followed the first edition: that Gollum had given him the Ring and shown him the way out. Gandalf was immediately suspicious of the Ring, and later forced the real story from Bilbo.
Gollum was unable to answer Bilbo's last question, "What have I got in my pocket?".
When was the first Academy Awards?
The first Academy Awards was Thursday, May 16, 1929
Did Ghana lose by 100 against India in a soccer game?
This game actually didn't happen but Ghanaians and the entire nation some believe it did and tell stories about it. Our parents describe the game as very intriguing filled with mythical black magic and powers. It is believe that the soccer ball turned in the course of the game turned into different sorts of objects every time Ghana had possession. This however aided the Indian team to put up 100 goals whereas Ghana only scored 1. Lastly, legend has it that the Ghanaian player that scored the only goal for Ghana died afterwards
How do you brew beer?
The steps to make beer is as following: 1. Mashing 2. Separation 3. Boiling 4. Fermentation. The ingredients are brought together through these 4 steps. You can create many beer styles with this process.
What are some of the most popular undergraduate majors at UC Berkeley?
UC Berkeley has over 150 undergraduate major and minors for students to choose from. Some of the most popular include Molecular and Cell Biology, Computer Science, Economics, and Data Science.
What gear do you need to go on a backpacking trip?
To go on a backpacking trip, you'll need a few categories of items: shelter, cooking and clothing. Start with a trekking pole tent like the X-Mid Pro. Don't forget 2 trekking poles. You'll need a sleeping pad like a Klymit Static-V and a sleeping bag or quilt such as the Kelty Cosmic 0. In order to cook and boil water, you'll need a stove such as a Jetboil and the corresponding fuel to power it. As far as clothing goes, several layers of wool/synthetic fabric with a light shell will work great at keeping you warm and dry. All of this needs to go in a backpack that's of the right capacity and sized to your frame.
Who are the top Presidents of USA
Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and George Washington are most often listed as the three highest-rated presidents among historians. More recent presidents such as Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton are often rated among the greatest in public opinion polls, but generally do not rank as highly among presidential scholars and historians. Because William Henry Harrison and James A. Garfield both died within their first year in office, they are often omitted from presidential rankings. Zachary Taylor died after serving as president for only 16 months, but he is usually included. In the case of these three presidents, it is not clear whether they received low rankings due to their actions as president or because each was in office for such a limited time that they did not accomplish much.
What are the characteristics of chihuahuas?
Chihuahuas are among the smallest of the dog breeds. Small in size but confident and big-dog natured. They originated from Mexico with lineage going back to ancient kingdoms of pre-Columbian times. Chihuahuas are extremely loyal, known for having close attachments with their owners. Their distinct features include oversized, pointy ears and expressive eyes. Coats come in many colors ranging from white to brown to black with many different pattern variations, and will be either short or long. Short hair chihuahuas are known for shivering and needing sweaters in cold weather. They are ideal city dogs given their small size.
Who are some famous Greek philosophers?
Plato, Aristotle and Socrates are all famous Greek philosophers
Why do people have children?
There are many reasons people have children. A common reason is simply tradition and expectations. Some people have grown up expecting to have children, their parents expect them to have children, and all of their friends have children, so they have children. Another reason is economic. In agricultural societies children can be an economic benefit, providing labor to help the family manage the farm. Another common reason is that children can provide support when the parents become elderly. Finally, the parents may simply be looking for the meaning, affection, and love that children bring to their lives.
What is the difference between American Football and Futbol?
In America, football refers to the NFL style of football. This involves heavily padded players, scripted plays and a game where the goal is to get the ball into an endzone with a mix of pass and run plays. International Futbol refers to the game that is played primarily with a players feet, passing the ball and shooting with only their feet of head. Players in Futbol are not allowed to use their hands unless they are the goalie defending the goal. The goal of Futbol is to get the ball into the opposing team's net.
What are the words of House Bolton?
"Our Blades are Sharp"
what bicycle should I buy?
Buying the right bicycle depends on how much money you want to spend and what you want to use the bicycle for. So first decide on a budget, then go to a local bike shop and talk to them about what kinds of bicycles they sell for the needs that you have.
Best Actor award in 27th Screen Actors Guild(SAG) Awards was given posthumously to whom?
Chadwick Boseman for Black Bottom
Given this reference paragraph, who coined the term dead man zone?
The term dead man zone was coined by members of the CSIRO research team in Australia who were investigating the spread of bushfires (Project Vesta). The dead man zone is approximately 8 kilometres (5.0 mi) around the fire that is likely to burn. This dead man zone can be a safety net for firefighters if the fire is moving at a high speed. The dead man zone can also be prepared in a way that slows down the fire. Firefighters can get outside the dead man zone safely without seeing what the fire is going to do and develop a plan of attack or defense upon the fire's next move. If the dead man zone is not used, wind change can sneak up on the firefighters and resulting in potentially unsafe distances where they are not able to defend themselves. This can be a life or death situation if not approached properly, and there have been examples of firefighters that became trapped and ultimately killed in Australia. Project Vesta, headed by scientist Phil Cheney, found that when the wind changes direction, the line of fire will move out at its maximum rate of spread almost immediately, and that the spread speed was nearly three times what was previously thought. Project Vesta's research into bushfire behavior makes up the majority of what is known about bushfires today.
The team was created by the Australian CSIRO research team
Who is John D. Rockefeller?
John Davison Rockefeller Sr. (July 8, 1839 – May 23, 1937) was an American business magnate and philanthropist. He has been widely considered the wealthiest American of all time and the richest person in modern history. Rockefeller was born into a large family in Upstate New York that moved several times before eventually settling in Cleveland. He became an assistant bookkeeper at age 16 and went into several business partnerships beginning at age 20, concentrating his business on oil refining. Rockefeller founded the Standard Oil Company in 1870. He ran it until 1897 and remained its largest shareholder. Rockefeller's wealth soared as kerosene and gasoline grew in importance, and he became the richest person in the country, controlling 90% of all oil in the United States at his peak. Oil was used throughout the country as a light source until the introduction of electricity, and as a fuel after the invention of the automobile. Furthermore, Rockefeller gained enormous influence over the railroad industry which transported his oil around the country. Standard Oil was the first great business trust in the United States. Rockefeller revolutionized the petroleum industry and, through corporate and technological innovations, was instrumental in both widely disseminating and drastically reducing the production cost of oil. His company and business practices came under criticism, particularly in the writings of author Ida Tarbell.
In what year did George Washington die and how old was he?
Washington's death came more swiftly than expected. On his deathbed, out of fear of being entombed alive, he instructed his private secretary Tobias Lear to wait three days before his burial. According to Lear, Washington died between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m. on December 14, 1799, with Martha seated at the foot of his bed. His last words were "'Tis well", from his conversation with Lear about his burial. He was 67.
George Washington died in the year 1799 at the age of 67.
Why is the sky blue?
When the sunlight reaches Earth's atmosphere, the gases and particules in the air will scattered it in all directions. Because of its shorter wave length, blue light is scattered more than the other colors, which make it more visible in the sky, most of the time.
Why is pickleball so popular?
Pickleball combines elements of both tennis and ping pong. Tennis can take up to 2 years to learn the skills in order to play a proper tennis match while pickleball can be learned very quickly. The motor skills involved with the fast play of ping pong are necessary with pickleball however there is more exercise involved with pickleball. When you combine the easy to learn nature of pickleball with the fun exercise involved this is why pickleball is becoming the fastest growing sport in the United States.
How do you change a bicycle tire?
Start by taking off the wheel. For this, open the quick release for the brakes or detach the brake cable. Then, unscrew the axle to take off the wheel. Following, you have to deflate the tire and be able to pull out the tube from underneath the tire. Pry the tire off the rim with tire levers. Once the tire comes off, you can replace the tube and work it back underneath the tire. Remember only to inflate the tube completely once both tube and tire are fitted on the rim. To mount the wheel again, follow the above-described steps in reverse order.
What are common executive roles at large companies?
Large companies contain different sets of executives. Most companies have a chief executive officer who runs the company. Another common executive title is the Chief Financial Officer, the person responsible for accounting, financial planning and reporting. Chief Technology Officers are generally responsible for building and maintaining technology infrastructure, the code base and driving innovation within the organization. The Chief Marketing Officer is generally responsible for marketing, brand awareness and demand generation within the organization. A Chief People Officer is often responsible for human resources, recruitment and talent management. A Chief Security Officer protects the safety and security of the organization.
What is Orchesis - either professional or amateur
Art of Dancing
Why do people sleep?
Sleep gives your body an opportunity to heal and regenerate. It also gives your brain a chance to reprocess new information and explore possibilities in the form of dreams.
What is the largest state in the United States?
Alaska is the largest state in the United States, trailed by Texas in second place. Alaska has 665,400 square miles of land whereas Texas has 268,597 square miles of land. If Alaska were to be cut in half, Texas would be the third largest state.
What is tollywood?
Telugu cinema, also known as Tollywood, is the segment of Indian cinema dedicated to the production of motion pictures in the Telugu language, widely spoken in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Telugu cinema is based in Film Nagar, Hyderabad. As of 2021, Telugu cinema is the largest film industry in India in terms of box-office. Telugu films sold 23.3 crore (233 million) tickets in 2022, the highest among various film industries in India.
Tollywood is a nickname for movies made by Telugu cinema in India.
What is the best season to re-seed your lawn on north east region of USA?
The best season to plant grass seeds is early fall before the soil temperature drops below zero degrees. It will take a few weeks for the new seeds to take root before winter comes. Then when spring comes, the grass will resume growth and become strong enough to sustain the high temperature in the summer. Spring time is actually not a good season to plant, because the grass will not have enough time to grow before harsh summer comes along.
Did Gary Collins played in the NHL
Ranleigh Gary Collins (September 27, 1935 – June 17, 2022) was a Canadian ice hockey player who played two playoff games in the National Hockey League for the Toronto Maple Leafs during the 1958–59 season. The rest of his career, which lasted from 1956 to 1968, was spent in the minor leagues.. Collins died in June 2022 at the age of 86.
Why do people live in homes?
People live in homes because its a way to protect you from the elements of nature like storms, heavy rain, lightning, heat and humidity. Its a place that offers comfort with air conditioning, offers a comfortable place to sleep, and offers a comfortable place to cook and eat and have entertaining activities like television, and spending time with your family.
In what year was the evidence of an exoplanet first confirmed?
An exoplanet or extrasolar planet is a planet outside the Solar System. The first possible evidence of an exoplanet was noted in 1917 but was not recognized as such. The first confirmation of detection occurred in 1992. A different planet, initially detected in 1988, was confirmed in 2003. As of 1 April 2023, there are 5,346 confirmed exoplanets in 3,943 planetary systems, with 855 systems having more than one planet. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is expected to discover more exoplanets, and also much more about exoplanets, including composition, environmental conditions and potential for life.
The detection of an exoplanet was first confirmed in 1992
What was the world’s first high level programming language 1957
What are the Pros and Cons of social media?
Social media are interactive technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, interests, and other forms of expression through virtual communities and networks. Social media are great tools for making new friends or connect with old ones, can bring people together that are interested in the same topic and allow reaching a wide audience in a matter of seconds. However, the nature of social media bring in a range of potential issues. Too much time spent on social media can lead to social anxiety, depression and exposure to content that is not appropriate for the age of the user. Another potential issue is about cyberbullying, a form of bullying or harassment using electronic means which has become increasingly common, especially among teenagers, as the digital sphere has expanded.
Write a brief summary of Nezami Ganjavi's Layli and Majnun.
Layli and Majnun is a Persian poem written by Nezami Ganjavi about star-crossed lovers in the Middle East. Layli is a beautiful woman from one tribe and she falls in love with Qays, the prince of a different Arab tribe. Qays, later called Majnun (insane) by his family, is smitten with Layli, but his behavior seems juvenile to Layli's tribe, so her parents reject Majnun's marriage offer and are intent on marrying her to another man. Majnun goes crazy and wanders the desert writing love songs about Layli. A war erupts between Majnun and Layli's family. Eventually, driven entirely insane, Majnun dies calling out Layli's name, and Layli separately passes away of heartbreak, thinking of Majnun.
What are the Grand Slams of tennis?
In tennis there are four major tennis tournaments each year which are each called a Grand Slam tournament. The first each year is the Australian open, which is played on hard courts. The second is the French Open, which is played on clay courts. The third is Wimbledon, which takes place in London on grass courts and the final tournament is the US Open, which takes place in New York City.
What is Arsenal FC?
Arsenal Football Club is an English professional football club based in Islington, London. Arsenal plays in the Premier League, the top flight of English football. The club has won 13 league titles (including one unbeaten title), a record 14 FA Cups, two League Cups, 16 FA Community Shields, one European Cup Winners' Cup, and one Inter-Cities Fairs Cup. In terms of trophies won, it is the third-most successful club in English football. Arsenal was the first club from the South of England to join the Football League in 1893, and they reached the First Division in 1904. Relegated only once, in 1913, they continue the longest streak in the top division, and have won the second-most top-flight matches in English football history. In the 1930s, Arsenal won five League Championships and two FA Cups, and another FA Cup and two Championships after the war. In 1970–71, they won their first League and FA Cup Double. Between 1989 and 2005, they won five League titles and five FA Cups, including two more Doubles. They completed the 20th century with the highest average league position. Between 1998 and 2017, Arsenal qualified for the UEFA Champions League for nineteen consecutive seasons. Herbert Chapman, who changed the fortunes of Arsenal forever, won the club its first silverware, and his legacy led the club to dominate the 1930s decade; Chapman, however, died of pneumonia in 1934, aged 55. He helped introduce the WM formation, floodlights, and shirt numbers; he also added the white sleeves and brighter red to the club's jersey. Arsène Wenger is the longest-serving manager and won the most trophies. He won a record seven FA Cups, and his title-winning team set an English record for the longest top-flight unbeaten league run at 49 games between 2003 and 2004, receiving the nickname The Invincibles. In 1886, munitions workers at the Royal Arsenal in Woolwich founded the club as Dial Square. In 1913 the club crossed the city to Arsenal Stadium in Highbury, becoming close neighbours of Tottenham Hotspur, and creating the North London derby. In 2006, they moved to the nearby Emirates Stadium. With an annual revenue of £340.3m in the 2019–20 season, Arsenal was estimated to be worth US$2.68 billion by Forbes, making it the world's eighth most valuable club, while it is one of the most followed on social media.The motto of the club has long been Victoria Concordia Crescit, Latin for "Victory Through Harmony".
What was the The second capital of Chandragupta II
The second capital of Chandragupta II was Pataliputra.
What are the names of Daenerys Targaryen's three dragons?
Drogon, Viserion, and Rhaegal
Best film in Motion Picture 27th Screen Actors Guild(SAG) Awards was given to which film?
Chicago 7
Who is Ali G?
Ali G is a fictional character created and performed by Sacha Baron Cohen. In fiction, he grew up in Staines, and was part of a group called "Da West Staines Massiv" He is depicted as a British stereotype of suburban chav acting in a way that they think is typical of black people. Ali G first appeared in a TV series called The 11 O'Clock Show where he would interview famous people who do not realise they are being set up. Due to his popularity, a standalone TV series called Da Ali G Show and a film Ali G Indahouse were also created.
Why are peanuts not kosher for Passover.
Peanuts are a type of legume. Legumes are banned as they are often mixed with wheat (and Jews typically only eat unleavened bread during Passover).
Why did the US join WW2?
The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, ended the debate over American intervention in both the Pacific and European theaters of World War II. The day after the attack, Congress declared war on Imperial Japan with only a single dissenting vote. Germany and Italy— Japan’s allies—responded by declaring war against the United States. Faced with these realities and incensed by the attack on Pearl Harbor, everyday Americans enthusiastically supported the war effort. Isolation was no longer an option.
Wadi Al Banat's name means ?
Wadi Al Banat's name means "valley of the girls" in Arabic, and was thought to have been named that because it was a popular play area for young girls
valley of the girls
What are five popular songs by Jack Harlow?
Five popular songs by Jack Harlow are First Class, WHATS POPPIN, Dua Lipa, Tyler Herro, and Churchill Downs.
Given this paragraph about Outlander, who stars in Outlander?
Outlander is a historical drama television series based on the Outlander novel series by Diana Gabaldon. Developed by Ronald D. Moore, the show premiered on August 9, 2014, on Starz. It stars Caitríona Balfe as Claire Randall, a former Second World War military nurse in Scotland who, in 1945, finds herself transported back in time to 1743. There she encounters, falls in love with and marries a dashing Highland warrior named Jamie Fraser (Sam Heughan), a tacksman of Gabaldon's fictionalized version of Clan Fraser of Lovat. Here, Claire becomes embroiled in the Jacobite rising.
Outlander stars Caitriona Balfe (as Claire Randall). Her co-start is Sam Heughan (as Jamie Fraser). It is a Starz TV Series portraying star crossed lovers who meet across time. Claire travels from 1945, back in time to 1743 and encounters: adventure, mystery, and political intrigue of the Jacobite uprising; all the time growing closer and closer to her true love Jamie Fraser. The 2014 (to present) show is based on the Outlander book series written by Diana Gabaldon, originally published in the 1990's.
What kind of dog breed do you get when you mate a poodle with an old english sheep dog?
How did Andy Warhol create the "piss paintings"?
Andy Warhol invited staffers who worked with him to help him paint by urinating on canvases that were covered by Warhol in copper paint. The urine reacted with the copper paint chemically to create different colours. The urine also created physical impacts on the copper paint on the canvas.
Is it better to live in the city or the suburbs?
I enjoyed living in the city when I was younger and spent a lot of time with friends; it was very convenient to be close to everyone. As I got older and had kids, it was important to have more space in my home - I was spending more time inside my home than outside it. When I retire, I may want to go back in to the city.
Which country is alphabetically last
What are the words of House Fowler?
"Let Me Soar"
Given the following paragraph on cell structure, what is an example of membrane proteins?
Every cell is enclosed within a cell membrane that separates its cytoplasm from the extracellular space. A cell membrane consists of a lipid bilayer, including cholesterols that sit between phospholipids to maintain their fluidity at various temperatures. Cell membranes are semipermeable, allowing small molecules such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water to pass through while restricting the movement of larger molecules and charged particles such as ions. Cell membranes also contains membrane proteins, including integral membrane proteins that go across the membrane serving as membrane transporters, and peripheral proteins that loosely attach to the outer side of the cell membrane, acting as enzymes shaping the cell. Cell membranes are involved in various cellular processes such as cell adhesion, storing electrical energy, and cell signalling and serve as the attachment surface for several extracellular structures such as a cell wall, glycocalyx, and cytoskeleton.
One example of membrane proteins are integral membrane proteins which go across the membrane and serve as membrane transporters.
What is GitHub Actions?
GitHub Actions is a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform that allows you to automate your build, test, and deployment pipeline. You can create workflows that build and test every pull request to your repository, or deploy merged pull requests to production.
How many maharatna companies are there in India?
11(eleven), the 11th is Power Finance Corporation
Who is the all time leading goal scorer in the NHL?
The all time leading goal scorer in the NHL is Wayne Gretzky with 894 goals., Gretzky played in the NHL for 21 seasons, spending most of his time with the Edmonton Oilers and the Los Angeles Kings, but he also played for the New York Rangers and briefly, for the St Louis Blues.
How can I avoid sunburn?
Monitor the UV Index of your local area, and follow the advise to apply sunscreen when the index is high, and reapply according to the label of your sunscreen. SPF 30 should be sufficient for most areas.
How do you make brisket on a pellet smoker?
First you need to prepare your pellet smoker by adding pellets and setting the temperature to 200 degrees Fahrenheit. It is common to use oak, mesquite, hickory and pecan pellets. Next you will need to trim and season your brisket. It is common to use mustard as a binder for your seasoning but is not required. Common seasonings for brisket are salt, pepper and garlic. It is recommend to season the brisket for at least 30 minutes before cooking but for best results allow the seasoned brisket to rest overnight in your refrigerator. Once the brisket is properly seasoned, place the brisket on your pellet grill. It is common in Texas to place the brisket fat side up. In other areas of the country, it is more common to place the brisket fat side down. Allow your brisket to smoke until it reaches an internal temperature of 175 degrees. Depending on the size of the brisket this could take in excess of 12 hours. Once the brisket reaches an internal temperature of 175 degrees, wrap the brisket with butcher paper to build better bark. Alternatively you can wrap the brisket in foil which will finish the cooking faster but build less bark. Place the wrapped brisket back in your pellet smoker and increase the temperature to 275 degrees Fahrenheit. Once the brisket reaches a temperature of 205 degrees Fahrenheit remove the brisket from our pellet smoker and allow it to rest in a cooler or oven until the brisket reaches an internal temperature of 140 degrees. Depending on the size of the brisket this could take between 2 and 3 hours. Slice your brisket and serve.
What are the rivers in Rajkot area?
Rajkot is located at 22.3°N 70.78°E. It has an average elevation of 128 metres (420 ft). The city is located on the bank of Aji River and Nyari River which remains dry except the monsoon months of July to September. The city is spread in the area of 170.00 km2.
There are two rivers - Aaji and Nyari - in the vicinity of Rajkot.
How can one get better at tennis?
People can improve their tennis skills by playing and practicing alot just like any other sports. Taking lessons or getting coaches is often considered the most efficient way to get better. For tennis, usually it is hard to practice without a hitting partner, but people still can practice by themselves by hitting the balls against the walls. Also tennis serving is one skill that can be practiced alone without a partner
What is the state capitol of Nevada?
The state capitol of Nevada is Carson City which was founded in 1858 and is named after Kit Carson.
Why are lemons sometimes considered Alkaline?
Lemons are acidic, having a pH of around two. However, alkaline byproducts are created when lemon juice is digested. These alkaline byproducts make the blood and urine more alkaline.
How does a tack work in windsurfing?
There are two basic turn maneuvers in windsurfing, the tack and the jibe. The tack turns upwind and takes the nose of the board through the wind. To start tacking, steer the board upwind by moving the sail to the back of the board. When the nose of the boards points right into the wind, step around the front of the sail to the other side. Then, move the rig forward to continue turning the board downwind.
Why do people use a mobile phone?
People use a mobile phones for different reasons. For example, they can use it to connect with friends and family by text messages or phone calls. Also, they can install other social apps such as Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp that help them connect. Some might also use it for work, to communicate with colleagues and access work-related apps and email from anywhere. Also, mobile phones provide access to unlimited information through the Internet so that you can stay connected anytime from anywhere.
What does #956 mean?
#956 refers to the Rio Grande Valley, an area in South Texas.The number 956 is the area code. It includes the city of McAllen, Pharr, Brownsville, and the popular beach destination: South Padre Island, just to name a few. People also say "Puro 956" to express pride for the area. The area shares the border with Mexico which explains why the majority of the population has Mexican heritage and the #1 language is Spanish. The 956 area is known for its rich culture and delicious Mexican food.
What is the difference between a banana and a plantain?
While bananas and plantains share a lot of similar physical attributes, their uses are quite different. For example, bananas are typically used in sweeter dishes as they are considered to be a fruit and contain higher sugar amounts than plantains. Plantains are more starchy which is why they are not typically eaten raw and are often used in more savory dishes. Plantains are also typically larger in size than bananas. Bananas contain high levels of potassium which are excellent for our health and can help reduce the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. Plantains also have health benefits but the benefits greatly depend on how they are prepared.
What are the pros and cons of working from home rather than going into an office downtown?
There are both advantages and disadvantages from working from home, and they apply differently to different people depending on the person's personality, family situation, location, and job description. Some key advantages are the ability to develop closer personal relationships with team members, have the opportunity for more spontaneous casual conversations, and experience more productive meetings because of the ability to read people's body language and to see presentation materials more clearly. Many people will experience better mental health by going into the office and establishing a sense of greater connection with team members. In addition, certain employees will take advantage of remote work to use work time to engage in personal activities rather than real work, to the detriment of the employer. Some disadvantages of going into the office include the time inefficiency from commuting, the cost of commuting, the time inefficiency that occurs from experiencing all the social chatting that occurs in the office, and the hassle of having to schedule conference rooms. Commuting also contributes to global warming through the greater use of fossil fuels. On balance, whether remote work makes sense is a complex question, and the answer will be unique for every employee and employer depending on the circumstances.
What kind of Toys should be prepare for a new puppy
• Puppy’s teeth can be strong, and they can easily destroy soft toys. They can also accidentally swallow part of the toys. Do monitor the puppy when they are playing with toys to prevent accidental choking. • As the puppy is teething, they will need bite toys to chew on. So prepare the toy for the puppy base on the above consideration.
What is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu?
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, or BJJ, is a grappling martial art that takes focuses on dominant position and submissions on the ground. Jiu Jitsu was introduced to Brazil in the early 1900s by a Japanese Judoka. It was then further developed by the Gracie family in Brazil. It is now one of the most popular self-defense martial arts in the world.
How many island does Hawaii have?
Hawaii has 8 islands in total,
What Constitutes a Foul in Football?
As a rule, a football foul would be an unfair act committed by a player which interferes with active play. A match referee would decide on the foul while officiating the game's laws. There are different outcomes that punish soccer fouls. The referee can award either a direct or an indirect free-kick (depending on the offence). In some cases, a foul in football results in a penalty spot kick awarded to the opposing team.
What is the population in Suwon?
Suwon (Korean: 수원; Hanja: 水原; lit. Waterfield, Korean pronunciation: [sʰu.wʌn]) is the capital and largest city of Gyeonggi-do, South Korea's most populous province which surrounds Seoul, the national capital. Suwon lies about 30 km (19 mi) south of Seoul. It is traditionally known as "The City of Filial Piety". With a population close to 1.3 million, it is larger than Ulsan, although it is not governed as a metropolitan city.
The population in Suwon is close to 1.3 million.
what is the difference between ARM and x86 chipsets?
ARM uses Reduced Instruction Set Computing Architecture (RISC) whereas x86 uses Complex Instruction Set Computing Architecture (CISC). ARM executes single instruction per cycle whereas x86 executes complex instructions in multiple cycles. This allows softwares to be optimized for performance against ARM chipset as opposed to an 86 hardware approach to optimize. It would also be interesting to mention that ARM uses higher memory and less registers compared to x86.
What is Sauvignon blanc?
Sauvignon blanc is a green-skinned grape variety that originates from the city of Bordeaux in France. The grape most likely gets its name from the French words sauvage ("wild") and blanc ("white") due to its early origins as an indigenous grape in South West France. It is possibly a descendant of Savagnin. Sauvignon blanc is planted in many of the world's wine regions, producing a crisp, dry, and refreshing white varietal wine. The grape is also a component of the famous dessert wines from Sauternes and Barsac. Sauvignon blanc is widely cultivated in France, Chile, Romania, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Bulgaria, the states of Oregon, Washington, and California in the US. Some New World Sauvignon blancs, particularly from California, may also be called "Fumé Blanc", a marketing term coined by Robert Mondavi in reference to Pouilly-Fumé. Depending on the climate, the flavor can range from aggressively grassy to sweetly tropical. In cooler climates, the grape has a tendency to produce wines with noticeable acidity and "green flavors" of grass, green bell peppers and nettles with some tropical fruit (such as passion fruit) and floral (such as elderflower) notes. In warmer climates, it can develop more tropical fruit notes but risks losing much aroma from over-ripeness, leaving only slight grapefruit and tree fruit (such as peach) notes.
Sauvignon blanc is a green-skinned grape variety that originates from the city of Bordeaux in France. Sauvignon blanc is planted in many of the world's wine regions, producing a crisp, dry, and refreshing white varietal wine.
Why do many of the flags of African countries have similar colors?
Ethiopia was the only sub-Saharan African country not to be colonized. Since the 19th century its flag has the colors green, yellow, and red. When Ghana became independent, it was inspired by Ethiopia’s resistance to colonization, and took those colors for its own flag. Subsequent African countries used the same colors, as a sign of unity with the other African countries.
Which NFL teams have gone to the Super Bowl only once and won?
New Orleans Saints and New York Jets
Q: What is an emergency use authorization and how is it being used to respond to COVID-19?
A: An emergency use authorization (EUA) is a mechanism to facilitate the availability and use of medical countermeasures, including vaccines, tests, and medicines, during public health emergencies, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic. Under an EUA, the FDA may allow the use of unapproved medical products, or unapproved uses of approved medical products in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions when certain statutory criteria have been met, including that there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives. Taking into consideration input from the FDA, manufacturers decide whether and when to submit an EUA request to the FDA. Learn more about EUAs in this videoExternal Link Disclaimer Read more about COVID-19 tests Find a community-based testing site
What is ChatGPT?
ChatGPT is a large language model (LLM) built by a company names OpenAI. It has the ability to answer in a human like way to any question that you ask it. It can generate code from text, write stories, answer questions, make hashtags, help summarize notes, etc. It was launched on November 30, 2022 and it gained millions of users in the first week it was available for free use by the public. ChatGPT models can also be customized for industry specific use cases using smaller training datasets.
How many cents do I have if I have 3 dollars and a dime?
If you have 3 dollars and a dime, you have 310 cents in total.
What are some novice running tips?
Running is an excellent way to improve cardiovascular health. Building a running practice takes time and should be approached incrementally. If you are new to running, you should start with shorter runs or walks to ensure you don't put too much strain on your body. Once you have a sense of how far you can run, increase the distance you run or run the same distance but at a faster pace. Over time your body will increase it's capacity to withstand more strenuous running sessions. Eating well, stretching before and after running as well as getting quality sleep will help you improve as a runner.
What are popular young adult books?
Young adult novels typically tell a coming to age story with a main character in their teens or early adulthood. From 2000-2015, common books for young adults are Harry Potter, Divergent, and The Hunger Games. Since them, young adult novels are more often showing themes of diversity, inclusion, and overcoming adversity and less focused on action-based storytelling. A popular graphic novel series, Heartstopper, is a good example of a popular book focused on DEI. This eventually turned into a high-profile television show on Netflix.
Given this article about the NSA's ANT Catalog, which hacking tools can be used to monitor a target's key strokes?
The ANT catalog (or TAO catalog) is a classified product catalog by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) of which the version written in 2008–2009 was published by German news magazine Der Spiegel in December 2013. Forty-nine catalog pages with pictures, diagrams and descriptions of espionage devices and spying software were published. The items are available to the Tailored Access Operations unit and are mostly targeted at products from US companies such as Apple, Cisco and Dell. The source is believed to be someone different than Edward Snowden, who is largely responsible for the global surveillance disclosures since 2013. Companies whose products could be compromised have denied any collaboration with the NSA in developing these capabilities. In 2014, a project was started to implement the capabilities from the ANT catalog as open-source hardware and software. Background The Tailored Access Operations unit has existed since the late 90s. Its mission is to collect intelligence on foreign targets of the United States by hacking into computers and telecommunication networks. In 2012, Edward Snowden organized a CryptoParty together with Runa Sandvik, a former colleague of Jacob Appelbaum at The Tor Project. In June 2013, Snowden took internal NSA documents which he shared with Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras, resulting in the global surveillance disclosures. It has been speculated for years before that capabilities like those in the ANT catalog existed. Publication Jacob Appelbaum co-authored the English publication in Der Spiegel with Christian Stöcker and Judith Horchert, which was publicized on 29 December 2013. The related English publication on the same day about the TAO by Der Spiegel was also authored by the same people, and including Laura Poitras, Marcel Rosenbach, Jörg Schindler and Holger Stark. On December 30, Appelbaum gave a lecture about "the militarization of the Internet" at the 30th Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg, Germany. At the end of his talk, he encouraged NSA employees to leak more documents. Apple denied the allegations that it collaborated on the development of DROPOUTJEEP in a statement to journalist Arik Hesseldahl from All Things Digital (part of the Wall Street Journal's Digital Network). The Verge questioned how the program developed in later years, since the document was composed in the early period of the iPhone and smartphones in general. Dell denied collaborating with any government in general, including the US government. John Stewart, senior vice president and chief security officer of Cisco stated that they were "deeply concerned and will continue to pursue all avenues to determine if we need to address any new issues." Juniper stated that they were working actively to address any possible exploit paths. Huawei stated they would take appropriate audits to determine if any compromise had taken place and would communicate if that had taken place. NSA declined to comment on the publication by Der Spiegel. Source The source who leaked the ANT catalog to the press is unknown as of 2023. Author James Bamford, who is specialized in the United States intelligence agencies, noted in a commentary article published by Reuters that Appelbaum has not identified the source who leaked the ANT catalog to him, which led people to mistakenly assume it was Edward Snowden. Bamford got unrestricted access to the documents cache from Edward Snowden and could not find any references to the ANT catalog using automated search tools, thereby concluding that the documents were not leaked by him. Security expert Bruce Schneier has stated on his blog that he also believes the ANT catalog did not come from Snowden, but from a second leaker. Officials at the NSA did not believe that the web crawler used by Snowden touched the ANT catalog and started looking for other people who could have leaked the catalog. Content The published catalog pages were written between 2008 and 2009. The price of the items ranged from free up to $250,000. Capabilities in the ANT catalog Page Code name Description Unit price in US$ NSA CANDYGRAM.jpg CANDYGRAM Tripwire device that emulates a GSM cellphone tower. 40,000 NSA COTTONMOUTH-I.jpg COTTONMOUTH-I Family of modified USB and Ethernet connectors that can be used to install Trojan horse software and work as wireless bridges, providing covert remote access to the target machine. COTTONMOUTH-I is a USB plug that uses TRINITY as digital core and HOWLERMONKEY as RF transceiver. 20,300 NSA COTTONMOUTH-II.jpg COTTONMOUTH-II Can be deployed in a USB socket (rather than plug), and, but requires further integration in the target machine to turn into a deployed system. 4,000 NSA COTTONMOUTH-III.jpg COTTONMOUTH-III Stacked Ethernet and USB plug 24,960 NSA CROSSBEAM.jpg CROSSBEAM GSM communications module capable of collecting and compressing voice data 4,000 NSA CTX4000.jpg CTX4000 Continuous wave radar device that can "illuminate" a target system for recovery of "off net" information. N/A NSA CYCLONE Hx9.jpg CYCLONE-HX9 GSM Base Station Router as a Network-In-a-Box 70,000 NSA DEITYBOUNCE.jpg DEITYBOUNCE Technology that installs a backdoor software implant on Dell PowerEdge servers via the motherboard BIOS and RAID controller(s). 0 NSA DROPOUTJEEP.jpg DROPOUTJEEP "A software implant for the Apple iPhone that utilizes modular mission applications to provide specific SIGINT functionality. This functionality includes the ability to remotely push/pull files from the device. SMS retrieval, contact list retrieval, voicemail, geolocation, hot mic, camera capture, cell tower location, etc. Command, control and data exfiltration can occur over SMS messaging or a GPRS data connection. All communications with the implant will be covert and encrypted." 0 NSA EBSR.jpg EBSR Tri-band active GSM base station with internal 802.11/GPS/handset capability 40,000 NSA ENTOURAGE.jpg ENTOURAGE Direction finding application for GSM, UMTS, CDMA2000 and FRS signals 70,000 NSA FEEDTROUGH.jpg FEEDTROUGH Software that can penetrate Juniper Networks firewalls allowing other NSA-deployed software to be installed on mainframe computers. N/A NSA FIREWALK.jpg FIREWALK Device that looks identical to a standard RJ45 socket that allows data to be injected, or monitored and transmitted via radio technology. using the HOWLERMONKEY RF transceiver. It can for instance create a VPN to the target computer. 10,740 NSA GENESIS.jpg GENESIS GSM handset with added software-defined radio features to record the radio frequency spectrum 15,000 NSA GODSURGE.jpg GODSURGE Software implant for a JTAG bus device named FLUXBABBITT which is added to Dell PowerEdge servers during interdiction. GODSURGE installs an implant upon system boot-up using the FLUXBABBITT JTAG interface to the Xeon series CPU. 500 NSA GINSU.jpg GINSU Technology that uses a PCI bus device in a computer, and can reinstall itself upon system boot-up. 0 NSA GOPHERSET.jpg GOPHERSET GSM software that uses a phone's SIM card's API (SIM Toolkit or STK) to control the phone through remotely sent commands. 0 NSA GOURMETTROUGH.jpg GOURMETTROUGH User-configurable persistence implant for certain Juniper Networks firewalls. 0 NSA HALLUXWATER.jpg HALLUXWATER Back door exploit for Huawei Eudemon firewalls. N/A NSA HEADWATER.jpg HEADWATER Persistent backdoor technology that can install spyware using a quantum insert capable of infecting spyware at a packet level on Huawei routers. N/A NSA HOWLERMONKEY.jpg HOWLERMONKEY A RF transceiver that makes it possible (in conjunction with digital processors and various implanting methods) to extract data from systems or allow them to be controlled remotely. 750 NSA IRATEMONK.jpg IRATEMONK Technology that can infiltrate the firmware of hard drives manufactured by Maxtor, Samsung, Seagate, and Western Digital. 0 NSA IRONCHEF.jpg IRONCHEF Technology that can "infect" networks by installing itself in a computer I/O BIOS. IRONCHEF includes also "Straitbizarre" and "Unitedrake" which have been linked to the spy software REGIN. 0 NSA JUNIORMINT.jpg JUNIORMINT Implant based on an ARM9 core and an FPGA. N/A NSA JETPLOW.jpg JETPLOW Firmware that can be implanted to create a permanent backdoor in a Cisco PIX series and ASA firewalls. 0 NSA LOUDAUTO.jpg LOUDAUTO Audio-based RF retro-reflector listening device. 30 NSA MAESTRO-II.jpg MAESTRO-II Multi-chip module approximately the size of a dime that serves as the hardware core of several other products. The module contains a 66 MHz ARM7 processor, 4 MB of flash, 8 MB of RAM, and a FPGA with 500,000 gates. It replaces the previous generation modules which were based on the HC12 microcontroller. 3,000 NSA MONKEYCALENDAR.jpg MONKEYCALENDAR Software that transmits a mobile phone's location by hidden text message. 0 NSA NEBULA.jpg NEBULA Multi-protocol network-in-a-box system. 250,000 NSA NIGHTSTAND.jpg NIGHTSTAND Portable system that installs Microsoft Windows exploits from a distance of up to eight miles over a wireless connection. N/A NSA NIGHTWATCH.jpg NIGHTWATCH Portable computer used to reconstruct and display video data from VAGRANT signals; used in conjunction with a radar source like the CTX4000 to illuminate the target in order to receive data from it. N/A NSA PICASSO.jpg PICASSO Software that can collect mobile phone location data, call metadata, access the phone's microphone to eavesdrop on nearby conversations. 2,000 NSA PHOTOANGLO.jpg PHOTOANGLO A joint NSA/GCHQ project to develop a radar system to replace CTX4000. 40,000 NSA RAGEMASTER.jpg RAGEMASTER A concealed device that taps the video signal from a target's computer's VGA signal output so the NSA can see what is on a targeted desktop monitor. It is powered by a remote radar and responds by modulating the VGA red signal (which is also sent out most DVI ports) into the RF signal it re-radiates; this method of transmission is codenamed VAGRANT. RAGEMASTER is usually installed/concealed in the ferrite choke of the target cable. The original documents are dated 2008-07-24. Several receiver/demodulating devices are available, e.g. NIGHTWATCH. 30 NSA SCHOOLMONTANA.jpg SCHOOLMONTANA Software that makes DNT implants persistent on JUNOS-based (FreeBSD-variant) J-series routers/firewalls. N/A NSA SIERRAMONTANA.jpg SIERRAMONTANA Software that makes DNT implants persistent on JUNOS-based M-series routers/firewalls. N/A NSA STUCCOMONTANA.jpg STUCCOMONTANA Software that makes DNT implants persistent on JUNOS-based T-series routers/firewalls. N/A NSA SOMBERKNAVE.jpg SOMBERKNAVE Software that can be implanted on a Windows XP system allowing it to be remotely controlled from NSA headquarters. 50,000 NSA SOUFFLETROUGH.jpg SOUFFLETROUGH BIOS injection software that can compromise Juniper Networks SSG300 and SSG500 series firewalls. 0 NSA SPARROW II.jpg SPARROW II A small computer intended to be used for WLAN collection, including from UAVs. Hardware: IBM Power PC 405GPR processor, 64 MB SDRAM, 16 MB of built-inflash, 4 mini PCI slots, CompactFlash slot, and 802.11 B/G hardware. Running Linux 2.4 and the BLINDDATE software suite. Unit price (2008): $6K. 6,000 NSA SURLYSPAWN.jpg SURLYSPAWN Keystroke monitor technology that can be used on remote computers that are not internet connected. 30 NSA SWAP.jpg SWAP Technology that can reflash the BIOS of multiprocessor systems that run FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris, or Windows. 0 NSA TAWDRYYARD.jpg TAWDRYYARD Radio frequency retroreflector to provide location information. 30 NSA TOTECHASER.jpg TOTECHASER Windows CE implant for extracting call logs, contact lists and other information. N/A NSA TOTEGHOSTLY.jpg TOTEGHOSTLY Software that can be implanted on a Windows mobile phone allowing full remote control. 0 NSA TRINITY.jpg TRINITY Multi-chip module using a 180 MHz ARM9 processor, 4 MB of flash, 96 MB of SDRAM, and a FPGA with 1 million gates. Smaller than a penny. 6,250 NSA TYPHON HX.jpg TYPHON HX Network-in-a-box for a GSM network with signaling and call control. N/A NSA WATERWITCH.jpg WATERWITCH A portable "finishing tool" that allows the operator to find the precise location of a nearby mobile phone. N/A NSA WISTFULTOLL.jpg WISTFULTOLL Plugin for collecting information from targets using Windows Management Instrumentation 0 Follow-up developments Security expert Matt Suiche noted that the software exploits leaked by the Shadow Brokers could be seen as genuine because it matched with names from the ANT catalog. John Bumgarner has stated to IEEE Spectrum that US government suspicion of Huawei is based on its own ability to add backdoors as shown in the ANT catalog. NSA Playset The NSA Playset is an open-source project inspired by the NSA ANT catalog to create more accessible and easy to use tools for security researchers. Most of the surveillance tools can be recreated with off-the-shelf or open-source hardware and software. Thus far, the NSA Playset consists of fourteen items, for which the code and instructions can be found online on the project's homepage. After the initial leak, Michael Ossman, the founder of Great Scott Gadgets, gave a shout out to other security researchers to start working on the tools mentioned in the catalog and to recreate them. The name NSA Playset came originally from Dean Pierce, who is also a contributor (TWILIGHTVEGETABLE(GSM)) to the NSA Playset. Anyone is invited to join and contribute their own device. The requisites for an addition to the NSA Playset is a similar or already existing NSA ANT project, ease of use and a silly name (based on the original tool's name if possible). The silly name requisite is a rule that Michael Ossman himself came up with and an example is given on the project's website: "For example, if your project is similar to FOXACID, maybe you could call it COYOTEMETH." The ease of use part stems also from the NSA Playset's motto: "If a 10 year old can't do it, it doesn't count!" Name Description TWILIGHTVEGETABLE a boot image for GSM communication monitoring. LEVITICUS a hand held GSM frequency analyzer disguised as a Motorola phone; named after GENESIS. DRIZZLECHAIR a hard drive with all the needed tools to crack A5/1 including the rainbow tables. PORCUPINEMASQUERADE a passive Wi-Fi reconnaissance drone. KEYSWEEPER a keylogger in form of a USB wall charger, that wirelessly and passively sniffs, decrypts, logs and reports back (over GSM). SLOTSCREAMER a PCI hardware implant, which can access memory and IO. ADAPTERNOODLE a USB exploitation device. CHUKWAGON uses a pin on a computer's VGA port to attack via the I²C bus accessing the computer's operating system. TURNIPSCHOOL a hardware implant concealed in a USB cable which provides short range radio frequency communication capability to software running on the host computer. BLINKERCOUGH a hardware implant that is embedded in a VGA cable which allows data exfiltration. SAVIORBURST a hardware implant exploiting the JTAG interface for software application persistence; named after GODSURGE. FLUXBABBIT is replaced by SOLDERPEEK. CACTUSTUTU Portable system that enables wireless installation of Microsoft Windows exploits; covers NIGHTSTAND. TINYALAMO software that targets BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) and allows keystroke surveillance (keylogger) and injection. CONGAFLOCK Radio frequency retroreflector intended for experimentation. Intended use would be the implantation into a cable and data exfiltration based on radio reflectivity of the device.(FLAMENCOFLOCK (PS/2), TANGOFLOCK (USB), SALSAFLOCK (VGA) are retroreflectors with specific interfaces to test data exfiltration.) See also Cyberwarfare in the United States Equation Group MiniPanzer and MegaPanzer Stuxnet WARRIOR PRIDE Explanatory notes Whether ANT stands for Advanced Network Technology or Access Network Technology is not known. The article from Der Spiegel notes that it is a "50-page document" and that "nearly 50 pages" are published. The gallery contains 49 pages. Der Spiegel also noted that the document is likely far from complete. If the price is listed in bulk, a calculation is made to get the unit price For two months Including installation costs When ordering 25 units, the price per item is US$1000 Up to 4,000 Varies from platform to platform Data Network Technologies, a division of the Tailored Access Operations 100 units for 625,000
SURLYSPAWN, KEYSWEEPER, and TINYALAMO are monitoring technologies that can be used to monitor target's key strokes. SURLYSPAWN is a keystroke monitor technology that can be used on remote computers that are not internet connected. KEYSWEEPER is a keylogger in form of a USB wall charger, that wirelessly and passively sniffs, decrypts, logs and reports back (over GSM). TINYALAMO is software that targets BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) and allows keystroke surveillance (keylogger) and injection.
What is the highest score possible in ten pin bowling?
The highest possible score in ten pin bowling is 300.
How many miles per year does the average person drive?
Does Alaska have any professional sports teams?
There are no professional sports teams in Alaska. There are some semi-professional and minor league organizations, such as Division I collegiate sports, junior hockey teams, and college summer baseball teams.
Are there still grizzly bears in California?
No, although the grizzly bear is a symbol of California, grizzly bears are extinct in California
How many judges did President Trump apoint?
Trump ordered a travel ban on citizens from several Muslim-majority countries, diverted military funding towards building a wall on the U.S.–Mexico border, and implemented a policy of family separations for apprehended migrants. He rolled back more than 100 environmental policies and regulations in an aggressive attempt to weaken environmental protections. Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, which cut taxes for individuals and businesses and rescinded the individual health insurance mandate penalty of the Affordable Care Act. He appointed 54 federal appellate judges and three U.S. Supreme Court justices. Trump initiated a trade war with China and withdrew the U.S. from the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, the Paris Agreement on climate change, and the Iran nuclear deal. Trump met with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un three times, but made no progress on denuclearization. He reacted slowly to the COVID-19 pandemic, ignored or contradicted many recommendations from health officials in his messaging, and promoted misinformation about unproven treatments and the need for testing.
He appointed 57 judges, 54 federal appellate judges and three U.S. Supreme Court justices.
Who was the first human to walk on the moon?
Neil Armstrong was the first human to set foot on the moon.
My friend recommended a TV show about kids fighting monsters. It is set in the 80s and one of the kids has magical powers. Do you know what it is called?
Your friend might have been talking about Stranger Things, a TV show on Netflix set in the fictional town of Hawkins during the 1980s. The story focuses on four childhood friends who meet a girl with magical powers named Eleven, who might be the key to stopping the monsters that are terrorizing their town.