3 values
What are the Regulations of Football?
The Fédération Internationale de Football Association rules football. Their headquarters were first founded in 1904 in Switzerland. They currently have over 200 members around the world. FIFA governs all the rules and regulations of football as played in the English Premier League, United Kingdom.
When was the Hundred Years War and who fought in it?
The English and French fought from the mid-14th century well into the 15th century. The English king reigned over not only the British islands but in Normandy, France. (Read up on William the Conqueror for the story of how that came to be.) The result of this continental foothold meant that the English fought mostly in France, from Brittany to the south of France, and east towards Flanders. Fighting in this time was particularly brutal. "Men at Arms" were knights, wearing full suits of armor. Supporting these Men at Arms were crossbowman (on the French side) and archers, using the English War Bow, on the English side. The War Bow was an extremely powerful weapon.
What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is a natural system of medicine that originated in India more than 3,000 years ago. The term Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or knowledge). Thus, Ayurveda translates to knowledge of life. Based on the idea that disease is due to an imbalance or stress in a person's consciousness, Ayurveda encourages certain lifestyle interventions and natural therapies to regain a balance between the body, mind, spirit, and the environment.
What is skydiving?
Skydiving is considering a thrill seeking opportunity. It can be classified as a risky sport because every safety check and setup has to be 100% perfect in order to execute the skydiving perfectly each time. If something does go wrong or you miss a safety check injury or death can occur. That is why its important to triple check all your gear and equipment before skydiving or have an expert who has 1000's of jumps check your gear for you. Skydiving is considered fun for some and scare for others. If you are risk-averse you can consider this sport as a new opportunity for fun and enjoyment
What do I need to learn how to knit?
To learn to knit you will need a few basic knitting supplies. First, you will need some yarn, knitting needles, and if you’d like, a pattern. Knitting needles come in many sizes so if you plan to make a specific pattern follow the pattern instructions. You begin knitting by casting on a certain amount of stitches, then follow the pattern for specific knit or purl stitches.
What is the best kind of shade tree for a backyard in growing region 6?
There are many great trees homeowners in growing region 6 may want to consider for their backyard depending on their priorities. First, the two main types of trees are deciduous, trees that lose their leaves each winter, and evergreen, which retain their foliage year round. Many of the most popular shade trees are deciduous trees, however there are some great evergreen options as well. Starting with deciduous trees, there are flowering trees and traditional shade trees. Of the traditional shade trees, you may want to consider maples and oaks, of which there are many varieties. Red maples grow a bit slower than silver maples, but have hardier bark, beautiful red leaves in the fall, and a more pleasing traditional branching habit that many prefer vs, Silver maples. Sugar maples growth slower still, but are beautiful, prized trees that turn glowing orange in the fall and produce the sap used in maple syrup come spring. These trees can be 40-70 feet tall at maturity. Oaks are incredibly beautiful trees that are typically a little slower growing than maples, but have strong bark, enabling them to survive harsher conditions and have a long lifespan. They can handle being used as street trees as they do fine with moderate pollution levels and salt from de-icing. You really can't go wrong with maples or oaks as a summer shade tree, with their tall canopies providing wonderful shade once their leaves fill in during the spring. Some popular flowering options that provide ample shade include cherry and magnolia trees, both of which have beautiful showy spring flowers and reach a height of 20-60 feet at maturity depending on which of the many variants you choose (be careful with this as some are best suited to warmer climates and don't tolerate the cold as well). For evergreens, the options are a bit more limited as many of these trees have low canopies that extend all the way to the ground. Many species of spruce and fir tree can have their canopies raised as they mature, creating space underneath for shade. Some pine trees have ample canopy under them, however their thin needle density can limit the amount of shade they provide. Whichever you ultimately choose, Shade trees add a ton of value to a home and are a great investment. Consider working with an arborist to make the decision based on your lighting and soil conditions. Enlisting a professional's help with planting will ensure your new tree is set up to grow healthy and strong.
What's the best country in the world?
There is no single answer. The United States of America has the largest economy of any country, but Qatar has the highest GDP per capita. Finland, on the other hand, is the happiest country in the world. Russia is the largest country by landmass. Many consider New Zealand to be the most beautiful country. Which country is best depends on what you are looking for.
What is the oldest known civilization?
Scholars generally acknowledge six cradles of civilization. Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Indus Valley, and Ancient China are believed to be the earliest in the Old World. Cradles of civilization in the New World are the Caral-Supe civilization of coastal Peru and the Olmec civilization of Mexico. All of the cradles of civilization depended upon agriculture for sustenance (except possibly Caral-Supe which may have depended initially on marine resources). All depended upon farmers producing an agricultural surplus to support the centralized government, political leaders, priests, and public works of the urban centers of the civilization. Less formally, the term "cradle of civilization" is often used to refer to other historic ancient civilizations, such as Greece or Rome, which have both been called the "cradle of Western civilization".
The oldest known human civilizations are known to exist in Mesopotamia (Modern day Iraq), Indus Valley (a region located in modern-day Pakistan), Ancient Egypt and Ancient China.
What was the first commercial relational database product launched in the market?
Oracle Database (commonly referred to as Oracle DBMS, Oracle Autonomous Database, or simply as Oracle) is a multi-model database management system produced and marketed by Oracle Corporation. It was the first RDBMS product commercially available in the market in the year 1979.
Given this article on Donkey Kong Country 2, who is the villain of the plot and where does the story take place?
Some time after Donkey Kong Country, Donkey Kong is relaxing on the beach, until he is ambushed by the Kremlings. He gets kidnapped and brought to Kaptain K. Rool, King K. Rool's moniker in this game, who then demands the Banana Hoard he unsuccessfully tried to steal in the previous game for a ransom from the Kongs. Instead of complying, Diddy Kong and his friend Dixie resolve to go to the Kremling's home island, Crocodile Isle, to rescue Donkey Kong. Together, they travel through Crocodile Isle and are helped on their way by an assortment of animals to defeat Kaptain K. Rool. Diddy and Dixie eventually battle and defeat K. Rool, releasing Donkey Kong in the process. K. Rool manages to escape though, and shortly after, Diddy and Dixie confront him in the Lost World, a secret area powered by a geyser at the heart of Crocodile Isle. They once again defeat K. Rool, who is hurled into the geyser, causing it to clog up and explode. The explosion causes all of Crocodile Isle to sink, as the Kongs watch K. Rool escape on a small sailboat.
Kaptain K. Rool is the villain and kidnaps Donkey Kong. The story takes places on the Kremling's home island, Crocodile Isle.
Who is Linda Hargreaves
Linda Hargreaves is a British actress who has appeared on both stage and screen. She made her television debut in the BBC soap opera Doctors and has since returned to the soap on three separate occasions in different roles, most recently in the recurring role of Constance Buchanan. She has also appeared in various television series including Containment and Call the Midwife.
Home many storage options does Azure Synapse provide?
Azure Synapse can store or persist data in five different technologies or locations: 1. Azure Data Lake Store, 2. Dedicated SQL Pools (DW), and 3. Cosmos DB, 4. Azure Data Share, and 5. Power BI (with its Dataset Cache features)
Why is November 14 celebrated as world diabetes day?
Sir Frederick Banting who discovered Insulin in 1922 was born on November 14 which is why November 14 is celebrated as world diabetes day
What is the difference between the Debt Snowball and Debt Avalanche methods of paying off debt?
The Debt Snowball and Debt Avalanche are two widely known methods of paying off debt. One is a mathematically faster way to pay off the debt; whereas, the alternative is slightly slower but is more psychologically motivating. This motivation is what helps the person reach their debt pay off goals. The following set of debts will be used as the basis for explaining each method: Debt A has a balance of $10,000 at a 4% interest rate. Debt B has a balance of $5,000 at a 10% interest rate. Debt C has a balance of $8,000 at a 24% interest rate. The Debt Avalanche is typically the fastest and most cost effective way to pay off debt. The person makes minimum payments on all their debts and any extra goes towards the account with highest interest rate (Debt C in example above). Once that first balance is paid off, the person takes the payments from that and puts it all towards the second highest interest rate (Debt B). Repeat until all debts are paid. The Debt Snowball is a method popularized by a personal finance expert, Dave Ramsey, in Step 2 of his 7 Baby Steps to building wealth. This method uses psychology by paying off the smallest balance first (Debt B above). The theory is that the feeling of quickly paying off a debt balance provides the motivation to stick with the program. Similar to the Debt Avalanche, the person takes the payments from Debt B and puts it towards the next smallest balance (Debt C). Repeat until all debts are paid.
What is the JDK?
The JDK is a development environment for building applications using the Java programming language. The JDK includes tools useful for developing and testing programs written in the Java programming language and running on the Java platform.
Whats the name of the person who wrote the US declaration of independence?
Thomas Jefferson
What are different tools and channels used in organizations for communication and training?
There are many different tools and channels used by organizations for communication and training. These range from short and informal, such as a direct message or text, to long and formal, such as a blog article, webinar, or a training class. Widely use short and informal tools include Slack, Microsoft Team, Skype, WhatsApp, and many more. These tools can incorporate text, audio file, video files, and links to files. They're usually used for one to one, one to many (small group), or one to many (large group). Email can be used both for short and informal and longer, more formal communications. In fact, emails have fully supplanted the "interoffice memo" used for decades in the corporate world. Presentations are a widely used tool in enterprises today. These typically include both a live presenter and prepared slides for the audience to see, and usually, take away. Tools for creating these slide show, also referred to as "decks," include Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides. Webinars are virtual presentations, nearly always using slides. An interesting evolution in corporate communication has been the advent of the "slideument." Coined by Nancy Duarte in her book, slide:ology, a slideument is "the worst of both worlds." Each slides features a great deal of text, which may or may not be the presenter's script. However, being slides, there is often little heed given to the principles of good writing. Directness, transitions, conciseness, clarity. A workshop or training event is another method of corporate communication. The key difference between this and other tools is that a workshop is usually for skill building of some type and incorporates (hopefully) a great deal of audience interaction (with the presenter and with other participants. Slides are often used, but other tools can be brought into play, such as flip charts, small group discussions, and assignments for individuals and groups.
How do I find my Tesla charging station?
Access charge settings by touching Controls > Charging when Tesla is in Park. You can also touch the battery icon on the touchscreen to access charge settings.
How can a balance be drawn between capitalism and economic equality?
Capitalism, an economic system that promotes the private generation and ownership of wealth and resources, helps promote innovations and economic growth. However, when left unchecked, it can also be a factor in economic inequality, as people are generally unequal in terms of ideas, drive/grit to push through, and access to capital resources. These provide some dis-proportional advantages of the economic wealth and resources to a few. In an ideal world, most players are expected to be considerate and mindful of equitability and balanced economic development. However, this is seldom the case, hence an approach for drawing a balance is by having government policies and laws, that protect the interest of the general citizenry and prevent bad players from taking advantage of the system. This is a very difficult problem, and a lot of countries are still struggling with this dilemma of striking a balance.
How many albums has Taylor Swift released?
10 albums.
Have any Defensive players won the Heisman Trophy?
Charles Woodson is the only Heisman Trophy Winner who was primarily a defensive player.
Given a reference text about Pultenaea empetrifolia, tell me the colors of its flowers.
Pultenaea empetrifolia is a species of flowering plant in the family Fabaceae and is endemic to the south-west of Western Australia. It is a spindly, prostrate or spreading shrub with down-curved, cylindrical, grooved leaves and yellow to orange and red flowers. Description Pultenaea empetrifolia is a spindly, prostrate or spreading shrub that typically grows to a height of up to 40 cm (16 in) and has glabrous stems. The leaves are cylindrical and curved strongly downwards with one or two grooves along the lower surface, 3–4.5 mm (0.12–0.18 in) long and 0.6–1.0 mm (0.024–0.039 in) wide with stipules at the base. The flowers are yellow to orange and red, and sessile or on a pedicel about up to 0.5 mm (0.020 in) long. The sepals are hairy and 4.0–4.6 mm (0.16–0.18 in) long with hairy bracteoles 1.5–3 mm (0.059–0.118 in) long at the base. The standard petal is 8.0–8.5 mm (0.31–0.33 in) long, the wings 7–8 mm (0.28–0.31 in) long and the keel 6.2–7.0 mm (0.24–0.28 in) long. Flowering occurs from September to October and the fruit is a pod.
The Pultenaea empetrifolia has yellow to orange and red flowers.
Who won the 2022 Masters golf tournament?
Scotty Scheffler
What is the appeal to baby led weaning?
Baby led weaning, or BLW, is the practice of weaning a baby from breast feeding naturally by allowing the child to begin eating solid food freely by their own choice. For example, while the care takers are eating a meal, allowing the child (at any age) to pick food from the care taker's plate. There is the thought is that the human body will self regulate what it needs instinctively. The notion of self regulation applies to nutrients found in the food as well as the amount of food that the body need. The mainstream alternative (especially in first world countries) is pureed foods prepared especially for babies. Those that subscribe to BLW believe that the downside of feeding babies baby specific food is that the practice teaches babies to ignore natural instincts because someone else is in control of what type and how much food to eat. Some reasons people choose not to follow BLW are: the misconception that babies cannot eat solid food, the convenience of prepared commercial baby food, generally accepted mainstream guidance on baby rearing, or the lack of awareness of BLW. BLW can also be quite messy as some of the food babies will handle are a function of exploration rather than for consumption and therefore end up on the floor.
What sport is Ruud Gullit known for
Ruud Gullit is best known for his career in professional football, most notably for his time with Dutch club Ajax.
Name some books that Jane Austen is best known for.
Jane Austen’s novels were not popular during her lifetime. Today, her most popular novels are ‘Pride and Prejudice’ (1813) and ‘Sense and Sensibility’ (1811). ‘Pride and Prejudice’ follows the relationship between Elizabeth Bennet, a country woman who makes hasty judgements, and Fitzwilliam Darcy, a proud aristocrat, as they overcome their differences and fall in love. ‘Sense and Sensibility’ follows the three Dashwood sisters who are uprooted from their home and must strike a balance between pragmatism and romance to find love and happiness.
What is net worth?
Net worth is the value of the assets a person or corporation owns, minus the liabilities they owe. It is an important metric to gauge a person's health, providing a useful snapshot of its current financial position. Tracking your net worth over time is a helpful indicator of your financial stability. Looking at net worth can help you understand where your money has gone in the past vs. where you want it to go in the future.
What are the primary causes of inflation?
Inflation is caused by imbalance of supply and demand.
Malibamat'so River
The Malibamat'so River is a river in northern Lesotho. Its origin is near to the South African border, where it drains the eastern slopes of the Maloti Range. It flows southwards past the village of Lejone, and eventually joins the Senqu River 5 kilometres (3.1 mi) northeast of Mohlanapeng. The Malibamat'so forms the northern arm of the Katse Dam reservoir, a part of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project. Katse is Africa's highest elevation dam at 1,993 metres (6,539 ft) above sea level. Here the river is joined by the Bokong/Bokung River. Downstream the Malibamat'so's left bank tributaries are the Matsoku and Semenanyane Rivers, before it forms a right bank tributary of the Senqu/Orange River.
Malibamat'so River is a river in northern Lesotho. Its origin is near to the South African border, where it drains the eastern slopes of the Maloti Range. It flows southwards past the village of Lejone, and eventually joins the Senqu River 5 kilometres (3.1 mi) northeast of Mohlanapeng. The Malibamat'so forms the northern arm of the Katse Dam reservoir, a part of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project. Katse is Africa's highest elevation dam at 1,993 metres (6,539 ft) above sea level. Here the river is joined by the Bokong/Bokung River.
What is deep dish pizza?
Deep dish pizza is a variant of traditional pizza where the dough ends are rolled and pushed to the ends of a deep pan similar to a dessert pie crust. The crust is then filled with cheese and other toppings and spread with chunky tomato sauce. This type of pizza is also referred to as Chicago-style pizza.
Given this paragraph about Wabuska, Nevada, when was a post office first opened in the town?
Wabuska is an unincorporated community in Lyon County, Nevada, United States. The zip code is 89447, which it shares with nearby Yerington. Wabuska (Washo language, White Grass) was established in the early 1870s. A post office was opened on September 18, 1874. In 1881, the town served as the principal Mason Valley supply center on the newly constructed Carson and Colorado Railroad of a line that went from Hazen to Mina. When copper was discovered in Mason Valley, the town became the northern terminus of the new Nevada Copper Belt Railroad, built 1909–1911. Wabuska waned with declining mining activity in the 1920s. Several buildings from Wabuska, most notably the Wabuska Railroad Station, were relocated to Carson City and incorporated as the Nevada State Railroad Museum.
September 18, 1874
What is cholesterol and bad cholesterol and why would I want to reduce my levels?
Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance found in the cells in your body. Your liver makes cholesterol and it is also found in some foods like meat and dairy products. Your body needs certain levels of cholesterol to function, but too much raises the risk of cardiovascular disease. LDL, low-density lipoprotein, is also known as bad cholesterol. It gets it's "bad" name because too high of levels of LDL can lead to a build up of cholesterol in you arteries. The extra amount of LDL forms plaque and the build up of this plaque in your arteries leads to a condition called, artherosclerosis. Coronary artery disease happens when the plaque buildup is in the arteries of your heart. It causes the arteries to become hardened and narrowed , which slows down or blocks the blood flow to your heart. Because your blood carries oxygen to your heart, this means that your heart may not be able to get enough oxygen. This can cause angina or chest pains and may lead to a heat attack if blood flow is completely blocked.
Which is the mighty river that begins at Lake Itasca in Northern Minnesota
The Mississippi River
What is Football?
Football can be used to refer multiple team sports, in most common use case, it's the team sport played between two teams of eleven players, with primary goal to use their feet to kick ball and score goals. It's considered as most popular sports in the world. However in United States, the sport is called soccer, and instead football, or American Football is used to refer to a different sports.
What are the typical items used to create a Haft-sin?
Garlic, apples, coins, wheat sprouts, barley sprouts, lentil sprouts, sweet pudding made from wheat germ, dried oleaster fruit, sumac, vinegar.
What is the top floor of the King's Building based on this article? What floor is found below that?
The King's Building is a Grade I listed building that forms part of the Strand Campus of King's College London in the United Kingdom. Originally named the College Building, the King's Building was designed by Sir Robert Smirke in the course of the College's foundation in 1829. As the founding building, it was built between 1829 and 1831 on land granted to King's College by the Government to complete the riverside frontage of Somerset House. There are today a total of eight floors in the King's Building: Basement level, Ground level, Levels 1 to 4, Level 4U and Level 6. The King's Building houses a number of administrative departments (Estates & Facilities Offices, Admissions Office, Accommodation and Cashiers' Office), lecture theatres (most notably the Edmond J. Safra Lecture Theatre and Anatomy Lecture Theatre), the College Chapel, the Great Hall, various function rooms (Old Council Room, Committee Room, River Room, Somerset Room, St David's Room), study rooms and a catering outlet.
The top floor is Level 6, and below that is level 4U.
What is the weather like in San Francisco?
The weather is typically mild in San Francisco. It is usually 50 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit in the both the winters and summers. San Francisco is known for having microclimates, which means that different neighborhoods might have different weather at the same time. The Mission District is known for being sunny whereas the Sunset is often foggy. San Francisco is often windy and typically gets cool at night. It's always smart to bring a jacket in San Francisco.
What is an open platform?
A platform is open if it provides you options for how you experience your data platform: open frameworks, multiple languages, common libraries, CI/CD tooling, APIs, IDEs, internal or external orchestration. You can customize your experience. Separating storage and compute on top of an open file format allows for even more flexibility using a host of connectors to read your data without paying unnecessary compute costs. And, it minimizes -- but doesn't eliminate -- the barriers of migration if you want to change your architecture and integrate new tooling. The big data and cloud space is moving fast and future proofing your architecture is a key concern for most Enterprise Data Platform owners.
What are the primary colors?
Red, Blue and Yellow
Which countries are part of the five eyes alliance and what is its purpose?
The Five Eyes is an intelligence alliance between the countries of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom and the United States.The goal is to share intelligence between one another in one of the worlds most unilateral agreement
What is the stock market?
The stock market is the aggregation of buyers and sellers of stocks. Stock markets could include stocks on both public and private exchanges.
Which episode does Jon Snow lead a battle where he is outnumbered by Ramsey Bolton?
"Battle of the Bastards" is the ninth episode of the sixth season of Game of Thrones which had the massive battle between Jon Snow and Ramsey Bolton. Ramsey Bolton ultimately lost, thanks to Lord Baelish bringing fighters from the Vale to support Jon Snow.
What is the difference between a goose and a geese?
A goose and a geese refer to the same type of bird. These bird(s) are of the Anatidae biological family of water birds. Anatidate includes ducks, geese, seabirds, storks, and waterfowls. Goose refers to a single bird where geese refers to multiple birds.
Given this reference text about the Hawaiian scale, how tall is a wave that is six foot Hawaiian?
Hawaiian scale is an expression of the height of a wind wave affecting water. It is the expression conventionally used by surfers in Hawaii and is also used in Australia and parts of South Africa. The expression, always given in feet, is a scaled figure corresponding to roughly half the actual measured or estimated height of a wave's face (trough to crest height). Thus, a "3-foot" wave is roughly six feet high (in actuality a height of ~1.8 m), i.e., head-high to a 6-foot (~180 cm) person; a "2-foot" wave is roughly four feet high (height of ~1.2 m), i.e., chest-high to such a person; and a "6- to 8-foot" wave would be 2 to approaching 3 times head-high to such a person (height of ~3.5 to 5 m). As wave height increases, however, so does the difficulty of judging that height, and as wave height approaches 20 feet (40 ft faces or 12 m height), the range of absolute wave heights corresponding to a given scaled expression tends to widen.
A wave that is six foot Hawaiian would be twelve feet tall from crest to trough
which country that has the most pyramids in the world?
Sudan has more pyramids than any country in the world
India’s overall food grain production (based on 4th Advance estimates) is estimated to have touched how much?
315.72 million tonnes in 2021-22 crop year ( last year it was 310.74mt)
Which is the most sparsely populates nation?
Mongolia (/mɒŋˈɡoʊliə/ (listen)) is a landlocked country in East Asia, bordered by Russia to the north and China to the south. It covers an area of 1,564,116 square kilometres (603,909 square miles), with a population of just 3.3 million, making it the world's most sparsely populated sovereign nation. Mongolia is the world's largest landlocked country that does not border a closed sea, and much of its area is covered by grassy steppe, with mountains to the north and west and the Gobi Desert to the south. Ulaanbaatar, the capital and largest city, is home to roughly half of the country's population.
What is a homonym?
Homonyms are words that are pronounced the same but have different meanings. Although the words sound the same when pronounced, they are not spelled the same. An example is the word deer, also spelled dear. These words have very different meanings in the english language. Homonyms can be found in all languages around the world.
Which was the first satellite launched by China?
Dongfanghong-1 was the first satellite launched by China
Why do people like golf?
Golf is an enjoyable and social sport that one can play for their entire life. People like it because it gives them a chance to be outdoors and enjoy the fresh air. Some golf courses also provide picturesque views of the ocean or the mountains, depending upon their location. This is why one sees lots of golf vacations. Golf can be technically challenging and requires a mix of both physical and mental skills to play the game, which is what makes it an exciting game to enjoy with friends, family and competitors.
Who was the US president during the 9/11 attacks?
President George W. Bush
Give me a title of one of the "Harry Potter" novels.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Where was the 2017 European Judo Championships held
The men's 90 kg competition at the 2017 European Judo Championships in Warsaw was held on 22 April at the Torwar Hall.
Given this paragraph about a Tesla Model 3, tell me what the EPA-rated ranges are for the various models.
The Tesla Model 3 is an electric car produced by American marque Tesla. It is a battery-powered four-door sedan that is considered a mid-size car in the US and a large family car in Europe, and is marketed in the compact-executive segment. Limited production of the Model 3 began in mid-2017, with the first production vehicle rolling off the assembly line on July 7, 2017. The official launch and delivery of the first 30 cars took place on July 28. The base Model 3 delivers an EPA-rated all-electric range of 272 miles (438 km) and the Long Range version delivers 358 miles (576 km). According to Tesla, the Model 3 carries full self-driving hardware, with periodic software updates adding functionality. The Model 3 was marketed as being more affordable to more people than previous models by Tesla. Since early 2020, the Model 3 is the bestselling electric car in world history, and, in June 2021, became the first electric car to pass the 1 million global sales milestone. The Model 3 has been the world's top selling plug-in electric car (PEV) for three years running, from 2018 to 2020. It has also been the bestselling PEV in the United States for three consecutive years, 2018 to 2020, the top selling PEV in Europe in 2019, and the bestselling PEV in China in 2020.
The Tesla Model 3 comes in a base model with a range of 272 miles (438 km) and also comes in a Long Range version that delivers 358 miles (576 km).
Are cats or dogs better?
The debate on if cats or dogs are better has been talked about for ages, there is no clear winner. Humans love being binary and needing to choose between one or the other. Each person is different, and can benefit from cats AND dogs in their life. You can like both cats and dogs, and like them equally as well.
What is the difference between archaeology and paleontology?
Archaeology is the study of human culture, while paleontology is the study of dinosaurs.
Which player scored the Premier League winning goal for Manchester City vs. QPR in 2012?
Manchester City F.C. 3–2 Queens Park Rangers F.C was the final match of the 2011–12 Premier League season, contested at the Etihad Stadium between Manchester City and Queens Park Rangers on 13 May 2012. This match is considered the greatest Premier League moment in history. City entered the match in first place on goal difference, being level on points with local rivals Manchester United, and needed to match United's result to win the league. Meanwhile, QPR entered the match one spot above the relegation zone, knowing that a draw would secure safety at the expense of Bolton Wanderers. City won the match in dramatic fashion, reversing a 2–1 deficit by scoring two goals in stoppage time, with the winner being scored by Sergio Agüero, to clinch their first league title since the 1967–68 season. The win began a period of dominance in English football for City, with the club winning five more Premier League titles over the subsequent 10 years. The match, and more specifically the final goal of the match, has repeatedly been described as the greatest moment in Premier League history. The terms "93:20" and "Agueroooooo" have entered Manchester City folklore as a result, the former describing the exact second of the match at which point the final goal was scored, while the latter was commentator Martin Tyler's live response to the goal.
Sergio Aguero, in his first season for the club following a £30+ million move from Athletico Madrid ended the season as the club's leading goal scorer. Ten plus years later, he ended as the club's all-time leading goal scorer and holds the record for number of Premier League Hat-tricks. In 2012, Manchester City and local rivals, Manchester United were leading a two horse race to win the Premier League. Manchester United had previously won the league title 19 times where as this would be Manchester City's first title in over 40 years. It was Manchester City's to lose as they hosted relegation-bounded QPR at the Etihad Stadium and all was going to plan going into the first half following Zabaleta's goal to make it 1-0 (an unlikely goal scorer to say the least). However, following a mistake from centre back, Joleon Lescott, a dramatic red card for former Manchester City player, Joey Barton and a surprise second goal from QPR to make it 2-1, Manchester City looked as though they'd let the title slip through their hands. Manchester United had won their away game at Sunderland 1-0 so it was all down the blue half of Manchester's result. Just after the 90th minute, they were in stoppage time which was extended due to the commotions with Joey Barton lashing out at Carlos Tevez and Sergio Aguero. Striker, Edin Dzeko, scored a header from a David Silva cross to make it 2-2, but to many, this felt as too little, too late. Late drama unfolded as Mario Balotelli registered his one and only assist in almost 4 years at the club as he laid it off to Aguero who scored the winning goal with the last kick of the game to make it 3-2. Manchester City went on to win the league and QPR avoided relegation despite the loss due to results elsewhere.
How is beer made?
Most of the beer we all drink is made from the same four ingredients; barley, water, hops and yeast.The basic idea is to extract the sugars from grains (usually barley) so that the yeast can turn it into alcohol and CO2, creating beer. In order for barley to be made into beer, it must first be malted. The malting process renders the grain usable to the brewer. It's basically taking a live seed, steeping it in water and tricking it into thinking it's time to grow." The grain starts to ready itself to grow into a plant but the germination is then stopped by drying the barley. Malting helps to create the enzymes necessary to convert the starches present in the seeds into sugars. Without malting, the beer would not have enough sugar content to properly ferment. The malted barley is crushed or milled and then soaked in warm water in order to create a sugar solution known as wort. Any other grains used in the brewing process are also added at this point. Soaking the grains in warm water helps to further convert the starches into the sugars necessary for fermentation. The wort is then moved to a copper pot and boiled. During boiling, some of the water in the wort evaporates, leaving behind a higher concentration of sugars. Boiling also helps to sterilize the mixture in preparation for fermentation. After boiling, the solid hops and grain are removed, and the mixture is cooled. The brewers then add yeast to this mixture. Fermenting with yeast is what makes beer alcoholic. The time it takes to ferment a beer varies based on type of yeast and style of fermentation, but most beers take about a week to ferment. Different strains of yeast and different fermentation techniques determine what kind of beer is being made and how it will taste. For example, when making a lager, the yeast ferments at the bottom of the wort at a cooler temperature. Ales are made with a different strain of yeast, and top fermented at warmer temperatures. After fermentation, the beer is then cooled again before bottling or canning.
Why is sailing so much fun?
Sailing is a wonderful sport. It's a great way to learn about the wind, physics and environment while being out in the fresh air and sun. There are many enjoyable things you can learn while sailing: how to navigate, how to tie ropes, how to read the wind and how to change the sails. Sailing is often a team sport and is a great way to work together outside. There is nothing like feeling the wind in your face and salt in your hair.
Hello, my family and I recently went to the zoo and saw a number of animals. Please identify the animals in this summary and organize them in order of size. My son's favorite animal is an elephant, and he saw an elephant in the grassland. My wife caught a parakeet trying to eat our popcorn. My daughter was scared by lion that she saw on the prairie. I missed all of these animals and only saw a boa constrictor in an a cage.
The animals in your summary by size are an elephant, a lion, a boa constrictor, and a parakeet. This sounds like a fun trip to the zoo!
What is functional genomics?
Functional genomics is a field of molecular biology that attempts to describe gene (and protein) functions and interactions. Functional genomics make use of the vast data generated by genomic and transcriptomic projects (such as genome sequencing projects and RNA sequencing). Functional genomics focuses on the dynamic aspects such as gene transcription, translation, regulation of gene expression and protein–protein interactions, as opposed to the static aspects of the genomic information such as DNA sequence or structures. A key characteristic of functional genomics studies is their genome-wide approach to these questions, generally involving high-throughput methods rather than a more traditional "candidate-gene" approach.
Who is Robert Kiyosaki?
Robert Kiyosaki is an American entrepreneur and author who became famous primarily due to his book Rich Dad Poor Dad, a book which many refer to as "the bible of financial literacy". He has acquired much of his wealth through investing in real estate successfully and teaching others financial skills that are not taught in typical school systems.
Why 2 is greater than 3?
This is a trick question. 2 is not greater than 3. As a matter of fact, 3 is greater than 2. That being said, you could potentially define a mathematical space in which 2 is greater than 3. However, in real life we refer to real number domain in which 3 is greater than 2.
What is a grocery store?
A grocery store is a place that offers food and beverages to people for purchase. You can purchase raw ingredients for cooking, drinks for hydration, meat for barbecuing, raw fruits and vegetables, and pre-packaged foods like pizza, candy and ice cream. The food purchased at a grocery store is used to keep people alive, sustained, and healthy. Grocery stores may also be referred to as a supermarkets.
What was Tyson Fury's fight record as an amateur?
As an amateur, Fury represented both England and Ireland. Fury represented Ireland three times at international level. He was based out of the Holy Family Boxing Club in Belfast, Northern Ireland, and later switched to the Smithboro Club in County Monaghan, Ireland. In a double international match against an experienced Polish team in 2007, the Irish team lost 12–6 overall; Fury, however, was victorious in both his fights in Rzeszów and Białystok. In another Irish match against the US, Fury won his bout by knockout. He won bronze at the AIBA Youth World Boxing Championships in 2006. In England, while representing Jimmy Egan's Boxing Academy in Wythenshawe, Manchester, he participated in the senior national championships in 2006 but was beaten by David Price 22–8. In May 2007, he won the EU Junior Championship, defeating Istvan Bernath in the final. In July 2007 he won silver at the European Junior Championship, losing to Maxim Babanin in the final. As a junior, Fury was ranked number three in the world behind the Russians Maxim Babanin and Andrey Volkov, but did not get the chance to represent Great Britain at the 2008 Olympics because each country is restricted to one boxer per weight division and David Price was selected. Price came up through the amateur Olympic programme. Fury also unsuccessfully tried to qualify for Ireland. Speaking in 2011, Fury said "I should have gone to the Olympic games in 2008 and won a gold medal for Ireland, but I was denied the chance to go and do it" He was also forced to withdraw from the Irish national championships after officials from the Holy Trinity Boxing Club in West Belfast, the club of the then Irish amateur heavyweight champion, submitted a protest regarding his eligibility as he was not born in Ireland. Fury won the ABA super-heavyweight title in 2008 by defeating Damien Campbell 19:1. He turned professional later that year. Feeling disillusioned with amateur boxing, he decided not to wait for the 2012 Olympics. He finished with an amateur record of 31–4 (26 KOs).
He finished with an amateur record of 31–4 (26 KOs
What makes the platypus such an interesting animal?
The platypus is a mammal who lays eggs and has an incubation period approximately 10 days. They hunt by detecting minute electric fields of prey with sensitive bill and adult males have venomous spurs. They also have thick fur which provides insulation against cold water. While they are difficult to keep and breed in managed care settings, there are a few platypuses in zoos. Currently, two reside at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park and all others in Australian collections.
What is a trumpet?
A trumpet is horned instrument that is made out of brass. It is used in classical music and it is also very prevalent in jazz. You have trumpets like the piccolo that have a very high sound and a bass trumpet which has a very low sound. Trumpets can be played in a solo or in a group with other instruments.
What is a rocking chair?
A rocking chair has two long curved legs rather than four straight legs so that it rocks forward and backward.
How can I decide what bike I should get?
When it comes to bicycles for adults, there are different kinds available in the market. Select a bike based on how you'd like to use it. Bikes can be categorized as follows: 1. Road bikes - These bikes have super thin tires and are often used for biking on roads. These help you attain high speeds relatively quickly. 2. Mountain bikes - These bikes are made to sustain the rough terrain that you could come across while biking. The tires are much thicker and made to protect you and give you the support you need. 3. Hybrid/Commuter bikes - These bikes fall into the middle of the above 2 categories. If you think you might do a bit of road biking and mountain biking, then this might be your best option. You can also go to a store that specializes in selling and repairing bikes to get more information.
What is an adjacency list?
In graph theory and computer science, an adjacency list is a collection of unordered lists used to represent a finite graph. Each unordered list within an adjacency list describes the set of neighbors of a particular vertex in the graph. This is one of several commonly used representations of graphs for use in computer programs.
In graph theory and computer science, an adjacency list is a collection of unordered lists used to represent a finite graph.
What is accessibility?
Accessibility refers to the design of products, devices, services, or environments that makes them usable by people with disabilities. This means ensuring that people with disabilities are able to access and use the same information and resources as everyone else.
What are the main football teams in the city of Madrid?
There are two world-class football/soccer teams in the city of Madrid, Spain: Real Madrid and Atletico de Madrid.
In which country is Jean Marie Ralph Féthière a politician?
Jean Marie Ralph Féthière is a Haitian politician. He is a Senator from the north and a member of the ruling PHTK party. On September 23, 2019, while trying to leave Parliament amid a crowd as the government was voting to confirm a new prime minister, Féthière drew a handgun and fired toward the crowd. Chery Dieu-Nalio, a photographer for the Associated Press, suffered injuries to his face from bullet fragments, while a security guard named Leon Leblanc was also injured.
What kind of dog should I get?
There are many dog breeds to choose from. Choosing a dog breed is a personal choice. Consider what kind of lifestyle you live and pick a dog that fits your lifestyle. For example, if you are allergic to dogs you may consider a poodle, or poodle mix as they tend to be hypoallergenic.
What is the best bidding system in duplicate bridge?
Bidding systems in bridge allow the partnership to communicate the strength and various characteristics of their hand to arrive at an appropriate contract. A good bidding system should be descriptive, accommodate many different hand types, and account for interference from the opponents. There is no clear best bidding system as they all have advantages and disadvantages but 2/1 (two-over-one) is accepted to be the standard that people use. The reason is that it can describe many hand types efficiently through natural bidding, it is easy to learn and understand, and handle interference from opponents.
Who are the Wagner group
The Wagner Group (Russian: Группа Вагнера, tr. Gruppa Vagnera), also known as PMC Wagner (Russian: ЧВК «Вагнер», tr. ChVK «Vagner»; lit. 'Wagner Private Military Company'), is a Russian paramilitary organization. It is variously described as a private military company (PMC), a network of mercenaries, or a de facto private army of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The group operates beyond the law in Russia, where private military contractors are officially forbidden
They are a private military organization that is endorsed by Russian President Vladimir Putin and is being used in the ongoing war against Ukraine.
Who wrote Beloved?
Beloved is a book written by Toni Morrison
Who let the dogs out?
According to the hit 2000 song "Who Let the Dogs Out" by the Baha Men, it is undetermined who exactly is responsible for letting the dogs out. The lyrics indicate that the dogs may have been uninvited to the party and let themselves out so they could crash the party, much to the dismay of the other guests in attendance.
What is the smallest state in the United States?
Rhode Island is the smallest state with 1,545 square miles. By comparison, the largest state is Alaska at 665,400 square miles. You could fit 430 Rhode Islands into one Alaska.
Is it acceptable to sign a cappella (without musical accompaniment) at a community musical theater audition?
No, this is usually not considered acceptable. Auditioners for local, community musical theater are usually expected to provide sheet music -- clearly marked with their specific cut of the material -- for the audition accompanist. This may be a physical, printed copy of the music, or an electronic version provided on a tablet computer such as an iPad. In some cases, the company holding the auditions may also allow you to play recorded accompaniment at the audition. However, this should also be avoided unless the audition instructions specifically state that this is acceptable.
What to do when you are bored?
If you are bored, you can use this as an opportunity to read a book, go outside for a walk, learn something new, paint, color, draw, call a friend that you haven't spoken to in a while, make a to-do list of items that you've been putting off and get to work on those, yard work, spend time volunteering to help a friend or non-profit. Look at being bored as an opportunity versus a burden, I think that will help!
What factors are identified as contributing to growth and development in early childhood?
Many factors are identified as contributing to growth and development in early childhood, such as nutrition, parents’ behaviors, parenting, social and cultural practices, and environment. Nutrition is important for young children because a child's body needs the right amount of nutrients to build and repair itself. A balanced diet is rich in vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, and facts to support young children's brain and body development. Child abuse and neglect have long-term consequences. It can negatively affect a child's brain and cause psychological problems. Exposure to violence can harm a child's emotional, psychological, and even physical development. As a child care provider, I want to share this knowledge with parents through different means such as newsletters, posters, and flyers, and by sharing with them some of the recognized online resources.
What is the meaning of life?
Some say it's love and family, others say it's 42. I say you should probably figure this one out for yourself.
What are the titles to the six volumes of Sir Winston Churchill's "The Second World War"?
The six volumes of Sir Winston Churchill's "The Second World War" were published between 1948 and 1953. They are: 1. The Gathering Storm 2. Their Finest Hour 3. The Grand Alliance 4. The Hinge of Fate 5. Closing the Ring 6. Triumph and Tragedy
Based on this paragraph, please summarize Cormac McCarthy's use of punctuation.
McCarthy uses punctuation sparsely, even replacing most commas with "and" to create polysyndetons; it has been called "the most important word in McCarthy's lexicon". He told Oprah Winfrey that he prefers "simple declarative sentences" and that he uses capital letters, periods, an occasional comma, or a colon for setting off a list, but never semicolons, which he has labelled as "idiocy". He does not use quotation marks for dialogue and believes there is no reason to "blot the page up with weird little marks". Erik Hage notes that McCarthy's dialogue often lacks attribution, but that "Somehow ... the reader remains oriented as to who is speaking." His attitude to punctuation dates to some editing work he did for a professor of English while enrolled at the University of Tennessee, when he stripped out much of the punctuation in the book being edited, which pleased the professor. McCarthy edited fellow Santa Fe Institute Fellow W. Brian Arthur's influential article "Increasing Returns and the New World of Business", published in the Harvard Business Review in 1996, removing commas from the text. He has also done copy-editing work for physicists Lawrence M. Krauss and Lisa Randall.
Cormac McCarthy is known for his preference to avoid punctuation in situations when it is commonly used. Two typical examples of replacing commas with the word "and" and avoiding quotation marks when characters in his novels are speaking.
How does the German voting system work?
Each voter has two votes. The first vote is for a direct constituency candidate. The candidate with the relative majority receives a guaranteed seat in parliament. The second vote is for a party's list of candidates, which applies at the state level. The second vote determines the overall proportional party representation in the parliament. Overhang seats might be added to satisfy the direct mandates from the first vote.
Who was given Stockholm Water Prize 2022 ?
Prof.Wilfried Brutsaert
In the series A Song of Ice and Fire, who is the founder of House Tarly?
House Tarly's ancestry can be linked to Harlon the Hunter, who built the Horn Hill castle with his twin brother Herndon of the Horn.
What was unique about Scrubs?
Scrubs focuses on the unique point of view of its main character and narrator, Dr. John Michael "J.D." Dorian (Zach Braff) for the first eight seasons, with season nine being narrated by the new main character Lucy Bennett (Kerry Bishé). Most episodes feature multiple story lines thematically linked by voice-overs done by Braff, as well as the comical daydreams of J.D. According to Bill Lawrence, "What we decided was, rather than have it be a monotone narration, if it's going to be Zach's voice, we're going to do everything through J.D.'s eyes. It opened up a visual medium that those of us as comedy writers were not used to." Actors were given the chance to improvise their lines on set with encouragement by series creator Bill Lawrence, with Neil Flynn and Zach Braff being the main improvisors.
Most episodes featured voice-overs done by Zach Braff (who stars as the main character, J.D.), as well as the comical daydreams of J.D. This opened up a unique visual medium that the comedy writers were not used to. Also, actors were given the chance to improvise their lines on set.
How many octaves does a harpsichord have?
5 octaves
Is GitHub Actions are free?
GitHub Actions usage is free for standard GitHub-hosted runners in public repositories, and for self-hosted runners. For private repositories, each GitHub account receives a certain amount of free minutes and storage for use with GitHub-hosted runners, depending on the product used with the account.
What is the purpose of using Terraform modules ?
In order to easily maintain, manage and scale their infrastructure, DevOps teams design their infrastructure using modular and reusable components called Terraform modules. Terraform modules allow you to easily share and reuse the same components across multiple use cases and environments. It also helps enforce a standardised approach of defining resources and adopting best practices across your organisation. Not only does consistency ensure best practices are followed, it also helps to enforce compliant deployment, avoid accidental misconfigurations which could lead to costly errors.
What are some examples of movies that won best picture in the 1990s?
Some of the movies that won an Oscar for best picture in the 1990s include: Titanic, The English Patient, Forrest Gump, and Dances with Wolves.
When is the best time to visit Chicago?
The best time to visit Chicago is during the Summer months - also known as "Summertime Chi." There are activities and events to check out including: art shows, running and aquatic events, and several outdoor music festivals. Chicago offers a robust shopping and dining scene as well. It's popular to visit in the Summer based on weather conditions; the "Windy City" can be uncomfortably cold during the Winter months.
Why do people watch the English Premier League more than any other soccer league in the world?
The English Premier League, which I've been watching for the past 20 years, is one of the fastest and most entertaining leagues in international football. The Premier League provides us with a full dose of excitement and the most physical league in the world. The rules for fouls aren't as strict as they are in other leagues, which leads to more physicality and allows for more tackles, rougher games, and a huge variation in footballing styles amongst the teams. Compare this with other leagues in Europe, and you'll see that the teams are far more technical and tactical. Any Premier League match you watch, you'll have some kind of action. Another advantage of watching the Premier League is that unlike, say, La Liga or the Bundesliga, there aren't just two teams dominating the whole league, there are at least 6 teams in the EPL vying for 4 Champions League spots, which is a lot of competition. Games tend to be more brutal for this reason.
Write a review of Neil Gaiman's book American Gods.
What a phenomenal book. I can see how people would call this a "more mature Percy Jackson", but to me American Gods was much more than just mythology fanfiction. Overall, the imaginative story, noir setting, mysterious plot, witty dialogue, and incredible characters made this one of the best books I've read this year. Starting with the setting and premise - gods in the modern world has become a setting of it's own. Most notably, this story reminds me of a western version of Noragami, where a god's strength stems from their worshipers. It's hilarious to see deities of old living mundane lives, frankly quite charming. Our characters navigate through a spooky setting, but it's never overbearing nor depressing. But what really makes this book special are the characters and dialogue. Shadow and Wednesday are an amazing duo; between Shadows quiet reflections and Wednesday's blunt terrorizing, the pair travel across rural America, running through a plethora of interesting icons and people.
What does SRO mean for concert tickets?
SRO refers to Standing Room Only and describes tickets for a section with no seating. These tickets are sometimes sold at a discount at concerts or broadway shows. People may prefer standing sections as they are often closer to the stage and give a more energetic experience.
Should I buy a Shinkansen Rail Pass if I visit Japan?
Shinkansen Rail Pass is quite expensive. The cost is slightly cheaper comparing with Shinkansen round trip between Tokyo and Osaka. If you are planning to have a round trip between these 2 cities, then you should definitely consider to get a Shinkansen Rail Pass. If your Shinkansen trip is shorter than that, you probably better estimate the railway cost before get the Shinkansen Rail Pass.
When and where was Lyubomir Nikolov Vladikin born?
Vladikin was born on September 3, 1891 in the village of Golyamo Belovo, Pazardzhik area. His mother, Maria Morfova, sister of the opera singer Hristina Morfova and the composer Aleksandar Morfov, studied French Philology in Geneva. His father, Nikola Yonkov Vladikin, was a well-known journalist, scholar, writer, publicist, historian and political activist. Over the period from 1890 to 1912 he was an MP for three consecutive terms. He was a nephew of the Bishop of South Bulgaria (from Ohrid to Edirne), known under the church name Evstatiy Pelagoniyski.
Vladikin was born on September 3, 1891 in the village of Golyamo Belovo, Pazardzhik
Which U.S president had a home called The Hermitage?
Andrew Jackson